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  *进* | 进* | *进
to go forward / to advance / to go in / to enter / to put in / to submit / to take in / to admit / (math.) base of a number system / classifier for sections in a building or residential compound
  *沉* | 沉* | *沉
to submerge / to immerse / to sink / to keep down / to lower / to drop / deep / profound / heavy
to submit (a report etc) / to refer (a problem) to sb
to submit an expense account / to apply for reimbursement / to write off / to wipe out
HSK 7-9
obedient / to comply / to submit / to defer
HSK 7-9
  *淹* | 淹* | *淹
to flood / to submerge / to drown / to irritate the skin (of liquids) / to delay
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
to submit articles for publication / to contribute (writing)
HSK 7-9
B-mode ultrasonography / prenatal ultrasound scan / abbr. for B型超聲|B型超声
person in charge of a train station 車站|车站 (stationmaster), website 網站|网站 (webmaster), volunteer center 志工站 (center manager), etc
  *潜* | 潜* | *潜
hidden / secret / latent / to hide / to conceal / to submerge / to dive
piece of writing submitted for publication; manuscript; article
to submerge / to infiltrate / to steal into
to fill in and submit (a form)
under the water / submarine
to bind oneself / submission
  *伏* | 伏* | *伏
to lean over / to fall (go down) / to hide (in ambush) / to conceal oneself / to lie low / hottest days of summer / to submit / to concede defeat / to overcome / to subdue / volt
(of trains) up (i.e. towards the capital) / (of river boats) to go against the current / to submit (a document) to higher authorities
essay on current affairs submitted to the emperor as policy advice (old)
BMW (car company)
to submerge / to drown / to flood / to drown out (also fig.)
forum moderator / webmaster
official written ruling in response to a submission / official approval in writing
to fall into enemy hands / to be occupied / to degenerate / to submerge
bid or tender submission or delivery / bid or tender document
to report for criticism / to submit for approval to higher authority
to write comments on a report submitted by a subordinate / written comments from a superior
to report expenses / to submit accounts
to let (sth happen) / to allow (sb to do sth) / to submit to / to yield
to overawe / to be scared into submission
to subdue / to force to capitulate / to reduce to submission / to soothe
to (submit a) report
to bend at the waist; to bow / (fig.) to bow to; to submit
to submit; to yield; to bow to sb's will
Deep Blue, chess-playing computer, first to defeat reigning world champion, developed by IBM (1985-1997)
to bury / to submerge / to pass into oblivion / to obliterate / to annihilate (physics)
(idiom) to submit to the will of heaven; to resign oneself to fate; to trust to luck
to submit to humiliation (idiom); to suffer in silence / to swallow one's anger / to grin and bear it
lit. to submit to having one's hands tied and being taken prisoner (idiom) / fig. to surrender without a fight
to submit / to give in
can bow and submit, or can stand tall (idiom, from Book of Changes); ready to give and take / flexible
  *BM* | BM* | *BM
Brandy Melville, fashion brand known for clothes targeted at very slim young women / (generic usage) fashions for petite young women
to cup one's hands in obeisance or greeting / (fig.) submissive
to present / to submit
submissive / docile / obedient
anti-submarine / antisubmarine
network management / webmaster
to realign one's allegiance (to another religion, ruler etc) / to submit
rather die than submit (idiom)
to resign oneself to adversity (idiom); to grin and bear it / to submit meekly to insults, maltreatment, humiliation etc
to submit (to superiors)
submerged reef (rock)
to submit cheerfully / to accept willingly (idiom)
to compel sb to obey; to force into submission; to subjugate
to submit a report to the king / to talk to the king
to render an account; to submit an expense account; to apply for reimbursement
totally submissive (idiom)
not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence
not to submit to force
to bow down to everything sb says or does / to act submissively in order to ingratiate oneself
a submarine
submerged sandbank / submerged coral islet
petition (submitted to a superior)
to swim with head submerged
to submit to
to deign / to condescend / to yield to (entreaties) / to submit to (sb) / (polite) to deign to accept (a post)
to go to press / to submit for printing
to be fawningly submissive (idiom)
to withdraw a submission; to retract a submission (to a newspaper, magazine, journal etc)
to report for judgment / to submit for approval
to prostrate oneself / to kneel and bow the head (in submission, supplication, worship etc)
petition (submitted to a superior)
(of a bird) to fledge / (fig.) (of a person) to outgrow the need to be submissive to one's parents, mentor etc; to break away from the people who have supported one up to now
standard gold bar / deposit when submitting a tender
(formal) (used in a submitted document) please review; for your kind consideration
compliant / submissive
anti-submarine (warfare)
(formal and deferential) to present / to submit
to submerge / to subduct (of tectonic plates)
to present (a document) / to submit (a petition)
Uzi (submachine gun)
body mass index (BMI)
to submit to the law; to obey the law / administration method (of medicine)
to present (a document) / to submit (a petition)
brown marmorated stinkbug (BMSB)
nuclear-powered missile submarine
BMX (bike) / cycling BMX (sport)
anti-submarine vessel
not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence
docile; submissive
A leader can submit or can stand tall as required. / ready to give and take / flexible
(computing) submenu
nuclear-powered attack submarine
can bow and submit, or can stand tall (idiom, from Book of Changes); ready to give and take / flexible
submandibular salivary gland
(formal) to inform by letter / to submit in writing
fig. with the connivance of both sides / fig. by mutual consent / cf Wu patriot Huang Gai submits to mock beating at the hands of General Zhou Yu to deceive Cao Cao 曹操 before the 208 battle of Redcliff 赤壁之戰|赤壁之战
to bring tribute as sign of submission (idiom); to submit
State Bureau of Military Products Trade (SBMPT)

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