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25 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
investigation / inquiry / to investigate / to survey / survey / (opinion) poll / CL: 項|项, 個|个
geological survey, abbr. for 地質調查|地质调查
results (of an investigation, poll)
due diligence (law)
epidemiological survey (abbr. for 流行病學調查|流行病学调查)
investigating team
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
China Geological Survey (CGS)
exit poll
market research
background investigation
(Tw) public prosecutors, the police, and the Investigation Bureau (abbr. for 檢察官警察調查局|检察官警察调查局)
opinion poll
background check
background check (abbr. for 背景調查|背景调查) / to conduct a background check
to investigate / investigation
questionnaire / inventory list / CL: 張|张,
to do a background check on sb
opinion poll
follow-up study / investigative follow-up

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