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31 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
working hand; member of a work team; participant / the boss (short form of 第一把手)
HSK 7-9
front line / forefront
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
first under heaven / number one in the country
First Lady (wife of US president)
first / number one / primary
First World
in the first moments (of sth happening) / immediately (after an event) / first thing
step one / first step
first quarter (of financial year)
the person in charge / the head of the leadership group
First international, organized by Karl Marx in Geneva in 1866
ranked number one in the world / the world's first
world's first
Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1 (official name of the phonetic system of writing Chinese used in Taiwan) / Bopomofo / abbr. to 注音一式
Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1 / Bopomofo / abbr. for 國語注音符號第一式|国语注音符号第一式
science and technology is the number one productive force (from a 1978 speech by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平 introducing the Four Modernizations 四個現代化|四个现代化)
first case / first instance / first time (sth is done)
Type 1 diabetes
(math.) first fundamental form
the first pot of gold / the initial profits from an economic endeavour
the first time / first / number one
World War One
(fig.) opening shot
primary sector of industry
at first glance / at first sight
first level
first tone in Mandarin / high, level tone
first quadrant (of the coordinate plane, where both x and y are positive)
first round (of match, or election)

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