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58 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
nerve / mental state / (coll.) unhinged / nutjob
neural network
jumpy / nervous / oversensitive
mental disorder / neuropathy / (derog.) mental case
nervous system
(particle used to exaggerate certain adjectives, in particular 神經兮兮|神经兮兮, 髒兮兮|脏兮兮, 可憐兮兮|可怜兮兮, and 慘兮兮|惨兮兮)
nerve cell / neuron
vagus nerve
sciatic nerve
neuralgia (medicine)
solar plexus chakra
nervous exhaustion; neurasthenia; mental breakdown (often used to describe what is now understood to be clinical depression)
trigeminal nerve
afferent nerve (transmitting in to the brain) / afferent neuron
(coll.) to go crazy / to lose it / demented / unhinged
glial cell (provide support to neuron) / neuroglia
autonomic nervous system
neural tube (embryology)
(anatomy) ganglion
optic disk (terminal of the optic nerve on the retina)
central nervous system, CNS
sympathetic nervous system
efferent nerve (transmitting out from the brain) / efferent neuron / motor nerve
peripheral nerve
transverse commissure
neural network
neuron / also written 神經元|神经元
thick-skinned / insensitive
mental aberration / nervous abnormality
neural / mental / neurological
nerve agent / nerve gas
neuraminidase (the N of virus such as bird flu H5N1)
neurology department
nerve process
nerve cord
neural net
neural network (artificial or biological)
glial cell / neuroglia
nervous / on edge / excitable / neurotic
cranial nerves
autonomic nervous system
(slang) (pun on 神經病|神经病) crazy person / nutjob
optic nerve
optic disk (terminal of the optic nerve on the retina)
cognitive neuropsychology

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