Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT

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Chinese dictionary for Windows 10

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17 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
Susan (name)
  *珊* | 珊* | *珊
  *瑚* | 瑚* | *瑚
used in 珊瑚
coming to an end / waning
coral reef
Sarcandra glabra (botany)
Susan Boyle (1961-), competitor in UK reality TV competition
Cassandra (given name) / Cassandra (character in Greek mythology)
late at night
Lee Lai-Shan (1970-), former windsurfing world champion from Hong Kong
Sandra (name)
coral lake
red coral / precious coral (Corallium rubrum and several related species of marine coral)
Sassanid Empire of Persia (c. 2nd-7th century AD)
precious coral / red coral (Corallium rubrum and several related species of marine coral)
Michelle Kwan (1980-), former American figure skater, Olympic medalist

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