Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT

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27 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
(of a person) to remain in (a place) (due to circumstances that prevent one leaving); to be stranded / (of sth that would typically dissipate, e.g. floodwater, pollutants) to remain; to linger
HSK 7-9
to lag behind
HSK 7-9
  *滞* | 滞* | *滞
to clog up / silted up
overdue (payment) / in arrears
delay / procrastination
stuck and not moving forward (idiom); stagnant / in a rut / at a standstill
dull / lifeless / sluggish
stagflation (i.e. simultaneous inflation and stagnation)
to stagnate / to congeal / (fig.) to stop still / to freeze
stagnation of 氣|气 (TCM)
to sell poorly / unmarketable / slow-moving (product, inventory etc)
stagnation / at a standstill / bogged down
stiff / dull
(in Chinese medicine) stasis (of blood or other fluids)
high-sounding and impractical
silted up / obstructed by silt / variant of 瘀滯|瘀滞
to obstruct
to have a lifeless look in one's eyes (idiom)
overdue fine / late fine
dull (complexion)
demurrage charge (shipping) (currency)
stationary front (meteorology)
awkward / ominous / unfavorable

Tip: The Chinese character flashcards can help you learn new Chinese characters.
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