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bustling with activity (idiom)
HSK 7-9
  *攘* | 攘* | *攘
(literary) to push up one's sleeves / (literary) to reject; to resist / (literary) to seize; to steal / (literary) to perturb / Taiwan pr. [rang2]
to seize
to resist foreign aggression
disorderly / confused / chaotic
a place buzzing with activity (idiom)
bustling / to create trouble / to disturb
to get rid of / to weed out / to reject
to bare one's arms (in agitation)
to repel the barbarians
to claim credit due to others; to appropriate others' credit or honor
to wriggle about / to move around
to usurp / to steal
to ward off calamities / to avoid disaster
to rise to action with a determined shake of the arms
to spread harvested grain over an area
to stand off / to make way
to roll up the sleeves
tumultuous / disorderly
to clear oneself of dishonor
to take home sb else's stray sheep
arms and confusion (idiom); turmoil of war
to disturb (dialect)
to rob and steal
to resist foreign aggression and pacify the interior of the country (idiom)
variant of 熙攘
variant of 熙熙攘攘
to create an uproar

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