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means / method / way (of doing sth) / CL: 條|条, 個|个
  *办* | 办* | *办
to do / to manage / to handle / to go about / to run / to set up / to deal with
office / business premises / bureau / CL: 間|间
what's to be done
to handle; to transact; to conduct
to conduct / to hold
to handle (affairs) / to work
to organize / to host (a conference or sports event)
to undertake / to accept a contract
to handle official business / to work (esp. in an office)
to establish; to found
to run a school
office / agency
run by the local people / privately operated
HSK 7-9
to open / to start (a business etc) / to set up
HSK 7-9
to apply for / to bid for
HSK 7-9
to arrange; to make preparations
HSK 7-9
to follow the rules / to do as instructed / to play by the book / to comply with a request
HSK 7-9
impossible / can't be done / no can do / unable to accomplish
HSK 7-9
to do sth after the time it should have been done / to do sth to make up for not having done it before / to reapply for (a lost document, card etc)
to act for sb else / to act on sb's behalf / an agent / a diplomatic representative / a chargé d'affaires
to accomplish / to get sth done
to begin / to set in motion
to handle a case
government-run; state-run
to cooperate / to do business together
to dress cold food with sauce / (slang) there's not much you can do about it (wordplay using instead of its homophone 辦|办)
to assign (a task to sb)
to assist / to help sb do sth / to cooperate in doing sth
to investigate and handle (a criminal case)
to arrange matters
to handle; to deal with
to purchase / to buy
assist in managing / deputy
to undertake to do everything by oneself / to run the whole show
to investigate (a crime) and prosecute
to buy on a considerable scale / to purchase / to procure / to stock up
to oversee / to supervise / superintendent
easy to do; easy to manage
foreign affairs office
to run a newspaper / to publish a newspaper
to take care of a matter all by oneself / to run the whole show
to do things in a strictly businesslike manner (idiom)
to punish severely
to do everything oneself (idiom); not to allow others in on the act
to punish (someone) / to take disciplinary action against (someone)
to try sth out / trial / pilot scheme
to provide (items for an event) / to cater / to make preparations
to purchase goods (for a company etc)
to bring to justice / to punish according to the law
to take care of (a matter); to get (a task) done; to handle (a project) expeditiously
to investigate and deal with
to do as one thinks fit / to handle by taking circumstances into consideration
to postpone / to delay
to arrest for punishment
(Tw) to hold a banquet / to provide catering / catering / banquet / roadside banquet (Taiwanese-style banquet, typically held under large tents in the street, to celebrate special occasions)
abbr. for 國家漢辦|国家汉办, Office of Chinese Language Council International
to handle / to undertake / to run (a business) / to administer
to plan / to administer
General Office of the Central Committee of the CCP, responsible for technical and logistical matters relating to the Central Committee / abbr. to 中辦|中办
office hours
to punish
office building / CL: , 棟|栋
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (abbr. for 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室|中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室) or the equivalent office in Macao
to consult and act upon / privately run / commercial
to-do list
subdistrict office / neighborhood official / an official who works with local residents to report to higher government authorities
to manage communes diligently and thriftily
Oval office (in the White House)
paperless office
office building
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
General Office of the Central Committee of the CCP (abbr. for 中共中央辦公廳|中共中央办公厅)
host country
the right to host (an international meeting)
You figure it out for yourself. / Do as you please.
to shut down / to terminate / to cancel / to go out of business
to bring to justice; to hand over to the law (abbr. for 函送法辦|函送法办)
(idiom) to bring to justice; to hand over to the law
founder (of an institution etc)
founder; creator
to run an enterprise diligently and thriftily
to run a school diligently and thriftily
forced marriage / arranged marriage (without the consent of the individuals)
a youth without facial hair cannot be relied upon (proverb)
Taiwan Affairs Office
State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China
Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council
Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC)
Office of Chinese Language Council International (known colloquially as "Hanban"), an organ of the PRC government which develops Chinese language and culture teaching resources worldwide, and has established Confucius Institutes 孔子學院|孔子学院 internationally / abbr. to 漢辦|汉办
State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China, abbr. for 國務院新聞辦公室|国务院新闻办公室
Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council (abbr. for 國務院台灣事務辦公室|国务院台湾事务办公室)
to loaf about / lazy / to hang around (and cause trouble to everyone)
garage kit / action figure / model figure
to approve and carry out / to issue approval
don't know what to do with you (used to express mild exasperation)

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