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11 results on this page.

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element (key component of sth) / (chemistry) element / (math.) element (member of a set)
actinoids (rare earth series), namely: actinium Ac89 錒|锕, thorium Th90 釷|钍, protoactinium Pa91 鏷|镤, uranium U92 鈾|铀, neptunium Ne93 鎿|镎, plutonium Pu94 鈈|钚, americium Am95 鎇|镅, curium Cm96 鋦|锔, berkelium Bk97 錇|锫, californium Cf98 鐦|锎, einsteinium Es99 鎄|锿, fermium Fm100 鐨|镄, mendelevium Md101 鍆|钔, nobelium No102 鍩|锘, lawrencium Lr103 鐒|铹
periodic table (chemistry) / abbr. of 元素週期表|元素周期表, periodic table of the elements
heavy element (such as uranium)
trace element (chemistry)
periodic table of the elements (chemistry)
chemical element
rare earth element (chemistry)
trace element (nutrition)
light element (such as hydrogen)
lanthanoid (rare earth series), namely: lanthanum La57 鑭|镧, cerium Ce58 鈰|铈, praseodymium Pr59 鐠|镨, neodymium Nd60 釹|钕, promethium Pm61 鉕|钷, samarium Sm62 釤|钐, europium Eu63 銪|铕, gadolinium Gd64 釓|钆, terbium Tb65 鋱|铽, dysprosium Dy66 鏑|镝, holmium Ho67 鈥|钬, erbium Er68 鉺|铒, thulium Tm69 銩|铥, ytterbium Yb70 鐿|镱, lutetium Lu71 鑥|镥

Tip: In the character dictionary, entering multiple pinyin syllables will result in multiple searches on one result page.
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