Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT

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26 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *占* | 占* | *占
variant of
to capture; to seize; to occupy by force
to have / to own / to hold / to occupy / to possess / to account for (a high proportion etc)
to occupy; to hold
to occupy
HSK 7-9
to invade and occupy (territory)
HSK 7-9
to occupy by force
HSK 7-9
to occupy by force / to seize / to dominate
HSK 7-9
to seize (the strategic high ground)
to monopolize / to control / to dominate
busy (telephone line)
to tie up (funds or resources etc that could otherwise be used)
to take precedence
taking or eating more than one's due (idiom); greedy and selfish
enemy occupied territory
advantageous / favorable / to benefit at others' expense / to take unfair advantage
market share
to appropriate to oneself (what rightfully belongs to others)
to take the lead / to gain the upper hand
to take up (one's time etc) / to occupy (one's attention etc) / to account for (a proportion of sth)
Occupy Central, Hong Kong civil disobedience movement (September 2014 -)
to predominate / to occupy a dominant position
to be at a disadvantage
market share / abbr. for 市場佔有率|市场占有率
Soviet-occupied area (of Eastern Europe etc)

Tip: The character dictionary gives detailed information about separate Chinese characters; the word dictionary contains words consisting of 1 or more Chinese characters.
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