| | bed; couch (furniture that one can lie down on) (CL: 張|张) / bed; bottom (of rivers, oceans, gardens etc) / frame; chassis / classifier for blankets, quilts etc | HSK 1 |
| | to catch and hold on / to continue / to go on to do sth / to follow / to carry on / then / after that / subsequently / to proceed / to ensue / in turn / in one's turn | HSK 2 |
| | to hear (sth said) / one hears (that) / hearsay / listening and speaking | HSK 2 |
| | that level or higher; that amount or more / the above-mentioned / (used to indicate that one has completed one's remarks) That is all. | HSK 2 |
| | to think (i.e. to take it to be true that ...) (Usually there is an implication that the notion is mistaken – except when expressing one's own current opinion.) | HSK 2 |
| | impression (sth that stays in one's mind) / a memory | HSK 3 |
| | only have ... / there is only ... / (used in combination with 才) it is only if one ... (that one can ...) (Example: 只有通過治療才能痊愈|只有通过治疗才能痊愈 "the only way to cure it is with therapy") / it is only ... (who ...) (Example: 只有男性才有此需要 "only men would have such a requirement") / (used to indicate that one has no alternative) one can only (do a certain thing) (Example: 只有屈服 "the only thing you can do is give in") | HSK 3 |
| | unexpectedly / to one's surprise / in spite of everything / in that crazy way / actually / to go as far as to | HSK 4 |
| | to doubt (sth); to be skeptical of / to have one's doubts; to harbor suspicions; to suspect that | HSK 4 |
| | identity / aspect of one's identity (i.e. sth that one is – mayor, father, permanent resident etc) / role / capacity (as in "in his capacity as a ..." 以… 的身份) / status (social, legal etc) / position / rank | HSK 4 |
| | to call out to / to greet / to say hello to / to inform / to take care of / to take care that one does not | HSK 4 |
| | to maintain (that sth is true) / to determine (a fact) / determination (of an amount) / of the firm opinion / to believe firmly / to set one's mind on / to identify with | HSK 5 |
| | morning and evening / (in reference to sth that is bound to happen) sooner or later; one of these days / (coll.) (this, or that) point of time / (dialect) at some time in the future | HSK 6 |
| | (indicating that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would wish) unfortunately; as it happened / (indicating that sth is the opposite of what would be normal or reasonable) stubbornly; contrarily; against reason / (indicating that sb or a group is singled out) precisely; only; of all people | HSK 7-9 |
| | oh (interjection indicating that one has just learned sth) | HSK 7-9 |
| | (of a person) to remain in (a place) (due to circumstances that prevent one leaving); to be stranded / (of sth that would typically dissipate, e.g. floodwater, pollutants) to remain; to linger | HSK 7-9 |
| | to act shamelessly / to refuse to acknowledge that one has lost the game, or made a promise etc / to act dumb / to act as if sth never happened | HSK 7-9 |
| | to rely on / to depend on / by means of / thanks to / sth that one relies on | HSK 7-9 |
| | to belong to / to be affiliated to / to fall under the jurisdiction of / a place where one feels that one belongs / one's final destination (where one need look no further) | HSK 7-9 |
| | to say everything (that is on one's mind) | HSK 7-9 |
| | to consider everyone else beneath one (idiom); so arrogant that no-one else matters / condescending / to go about with one's nose in the air | HSK 7-9 |
| | everything that should be here is here (idiom); all one can think of is on hand / to have all one needs | HSK 7-9 |
| | tranquilizer / sth that sets one's mind at ease | HSK 7-9 |
| | (idiom) to like sth so much that one is reluctant to put it down; to find sth utterly irresistible | HSK 7-9 |
| | combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters) / Chinese character that combines the meanings of existing elements / also known as joint ideogram or associative compound / to comprehend without being told explicitly / to cotton on / knowing (smile, glance etc) | HSK 7-9 |
| | that one / that thing / that (as opposed to this) / (used before a verb or adjective for emphasis) / (used to humorously or indirectly refer to sth embarrassing, funny etc, or when one can't think of the right word) / (used in speech as a filler, similar to "umm", "you know" etc) / (euph.) menstruation / sex / also pr. [nei4 ge5] | |
| | sentence-final particle that conveys informality, warmth, friendliness or intimacy / may also indicate that one is stating a fact that the other person is not aware of | |
| | to push a button / button (one that can be pressed to trigger an action) | |
| | to take medicine orally / oral (contraceptive etc) / to say that one is convinced | |
| | that / those / (one) another | |
| | what one thinks / person or thing that is on one's mind | |
| | gold star / stars (that one sees from blow to the head etc) | |
| | Chinese catalpa (Catalpa ovata), a tree that serves as a symbol of one's hometown and whose wood is used to make various items / (bound form) printing blocks | |
| | lit. fox's tail (idiom); visible sign of evil intentions / to reveal one's evil nature / evidence that reveals the villain | |
| | (literary) that person (usually female) / she / one's intended | |
| | lit. use others' strengths to make up for one's weak points (idiom from Mencius) / to use this in place of that / what you lose on the swings, you win on the roundabouts | |
| | desirable number (for one's telephone, license plate etc) (i.e. one that includes memorable or auspicious combinations of digits) | |
| | to replace the current name or title of sth with a new one that reflects its true nature / rectification of names (a tenet of Confucian philosophy) | |
| | chicken ribs / sth of little value or interest / sth of dubious worth that one is reluctant to give up / to be physically weak | |
| | to scratch / to mess about with / to quarrel / to scramble to do / sb or sth that one can rely on | |
| | two trees that grow together as one / fig. conjugal union | |
| | vehicle that gives one a free ride / (fig.) (ride on sb's) coattails; (take advantage of) an opportunity | |
| | one's employment / business / matter that needs to be settled / (northern dialect) (of a person) demanding / trying / troublesome / erhua variant of 事 / CL: 件, 樁|桩 | |
| | lit. so horrible that one cannot bear to look (idiom) / fig. miserable; horrendous; atrocious | |
| | to imagine that one's love is reciprocated; to shower affection on an uninterested party | |
| | secure in the knowledge that one has backing | |
| | it goes to show that / one can see | |
| | to waste all one's previous efforts (idiom) / all that has been achieved goes down the drain | |
| | a promise worth one thousand in gold (idiom); a promise that must be kept | |
| | a matter that gnaws at one's mind; preoccupation; sore point; rancor | |
| | to bite the hand that feeds one (idiom) | |
| | to compose (a piece of music) / (fig.) to create, by one's actions, a narrative (generally one that can be recounted with pride) | |
| | to act in a way that defeats one's purpose (idiom) | |
| | heel (part of a foot) / heel (of a sock) / counter (the part of a shoe that cups the back of one's heel) / followed by (used in describing a format, such as "filename followed by file extension") | |
| | to say one and mean just that (idiom); to keep one's word | |
| | lit. an easy drive on a familiar path (idiom); fig. experience makes progress easy / a task that is so familiar one can do it with one's hand tied behind one's back | |
| | avoiding doing something that one is clumsy at to save face | |
| | medicinal dietary supplement that helps build up one's health | |
| | to have an opportunity that one can exploit (idiom) | |
| | to propose the future marriage of two unborn babies on condition that one turns out to be a boy, and the other, a girl (idiom) | |
| | lit. drinking poison in the hope of quenching one's thirst (idiom) / fig. a supposed remedy that only makes matters worse | |
| | passing thought / an idea that comes into one's head / recollection | |
| | either this or that / one or the other | |
| | beneficial bird (esp. one that preys on insect pests or mice) | |
| | to work against the interests of sb one derives support from / to double-cross one's employer / to bite the hand that feeds you | |
| | lit. so numerous that one could just bend down and pick them up (idiom) / fig. extremely common; easily available | |
| | a kite that is lost after its string breaks (metaphor for sb one never hears from anymore) | |
| | to hide one's treasure away so that no-one knows about it (idiom); fig. modest about one's talents / to hide one's light under a bushel | |
| | (one's) original intention, aspiration etc / (Buddhism) "beginner's mind" (i.e. having an attitude of openness when studying a subject just as a beginner in that subject would) | |
| | (idiom) (usu. after 就) (having done such-and-such) everything is now fine; that's the end of the matter; (one is) all set | |
| | pest bird (esp. one that feeds on farm crops or newly hatched fish) | |
| | lifeblood / the thing that one cherishes most in life / (coll.) family jewels (male genitals) | |
| | Correct! / Oh, that's right, ... (when one suddenly remembers sth one wanted to mention) / Oh, by the way, ... | |
| | an imagined romantic relationship between two characters in fiction (or in real life) that one wishes for or fantasizes about (abbr. of "coupling") | |
| | a promise worth one thousand in gold (idiom); a promise that must be kept | |
| | to rely on / to depend on / by means of / thanks to / sth that one relies on / also written 憑借|凭借 | |
| | sacrificed piece (in chess or Go) / abandoned child / (fig.) sth that has been abandoned or sacrificed (an ally, a product, employees etc) / (in expressions such as 拋家棄子|抛家弃子) to abandon one's child(ren) | |
| | (of a course of action) within one's area of responsibility; expected of one; obligatory (for a person in that role) | |
| | to be frugal so that one can pay for one's education | |
| | (idiom based on Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法) to deploy one's troops in such a way that there is no possibility of retreat, so that they will fight for their lives and win the battle; to fight desperately when confronted with mortal danger; to find a way to emerge from a dire situation | |
| | lit. when a man stands straight, he doesn't worry that his shadow is slanting (idiom) / fig. as long as one conducts oneself honorably, one need not worry about what people think; a clean hand wants no washing | |
| | to love Hong Kong (usually implying that one also supports the PRC government) | |
| | evidence (that one can rely on) / grounds (for believing sth) | |
| | lit. that person / fig. the person you have been looking for / Mr Right / the girl of one's dreams | |
| | one that has achieved the way / emperor | |
| | sth small that one can find pleasure in (e.g. a cold beer after a hard day or a serendipitous find in a second-hand store) | |
| | to get one's father involved in a difficult situation / (vulgar) (of sth that makes one feel misled or let down etc) to be a big disappointment | |
| | initiative (as in "seize the initiative") / advantageous position that allows one to call the shots | |
| | the three imperishables, three ways to distinguish oneself that aren't forgotten by history: through one's virtue 立德, one's service 立功 and one's writings 立言 (from the Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传) | |
| | (neologism c. 2024) to stubbornly endure hardships that need not be endured; to go out of one's way to make things difficult for oneself | |
| | 1992 Consensus, statement issued after 1992 talks between PRC and Taiwan representatives, asserting that there is only one China | |
| | (used to stress that sth did not turn out as one might have expected) did not actually ...; has not actually ... | |
| | lit. disappointed that iron does not turn into steel (idiom) / fig. frustrated with sb who has failed to meet one's expectations | |
| | (lit.) so exhausted (by difficulties in a relationship) that one feels one could never fall in love again (Internet slang) / disenchanted with sth | |
| | heard from time to time / one keeps hearing that... | |
| | lit. one's accomplishments overshadow the authority of the sovereign (idiom) / fig. to be so influential that one rivals one's leader | |
| | (sports, esp. soccer) newly promoted team (one that has advanced from a lower league to a higher league) | |
| | lit. the mouth that has been fed by others is soft, the hand that has received doesn't reach (idiom) / fig. one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted | |
| | "zombie fans", fake followers that can be bought to boost one's popularity on Weibo, Baidu etc | |
| | lit. water that is too clean holds no fish (idiom) / fig. one who is too severe has no friends | |