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to sacrifice one's life / to sacrifice (sth valued) / beast slaughtered as a sacrifice
  *牢* | 牢* | *牢
firm / sturdy / fold (for animals) / sacrifice / prison
fatal / mortal / deadly / to sacrifice one's life
HSK 7-9
to consecrate / to enshrine and worship / an offering (to one's ancestors) / a sacrifice (to a god)
HSK 7-9
to offer sacrifices to the gods or ancestors
HSK 7-9
  *祭* | 祭* | *祭
to offer a sacrifice to (gods or ancestors) / memorial ceremony / (in classical novels) to recite an incantation to activate a magic weapon / (lit. and fig.) to wield
HSK 7-9
  *豁* | 豁* | *豁
opening / stake all / sacrifice / crack / slit
HSK 7-9
to offer sacrifices (to one's ancestors) / to hold or attend a memorial service
HSK 7-9
  *明* | 明* | *明
bright / opposite: dark / (of meaning) clear / to understand / next / public or open / wise / generic term for a sacrifice to the gods
  *薦* | 薦* | *薦
to recommend / to offer sacrifice (arch.) / grass / straw mat
  *醮* | 醮* | *醮
to perform sacrifice
lit. torn body and crushed bones (idiom) / fig. to die horribly; to sacrifice one's life
  *礿* | 礿* | *礿
spring imperial ancestral sacrifice
to be willing to sacrifice everything one has (idiom)
  *禫* | 禫* | *禫
sacrifice at the end of mourning
  *籩* | 籩* | *籩
bamboo tazza used in ancient times to hold dry food for sacrifices or at banquets
  *祛* | 祛* | *祛
sacrifice to drive away calamity / to dispel / to drive away / to remove
  *臘* | 臘* | *臘
ancient practice of offering sacrifices to the gods in the 12th lunar month / the 12th lunar month / (bound form) (of meat, fish etc) cured in winter, esp. in the 12th lunar month
  *禜* | 禜* | *禜
Eid al-Adha or Festival of the Sacrifice (Qurban), celebrated on the 10th day of the 12th month of the Islamic calendar
I beg you to partake of this sacrifice (used at the end of an elegiac address)
to offer sacrifices to one's ancestors
to commit one's energy to / to devote oneself to / to sacrifice one's life for / (coll.) (of a woman) to give one's virginity to
  *玥* | 玥* | *玥
pearl used in sacrifice
  *祠* | 祠* | *祠
shrine / to offer a sacrifice
sacrifice oneself for one's country / martyr
  *墠* | 墠* | *墠
level spot for sacrifices
to be willing to / to be ready to / to be content with / accepting (of restriction, sacrifice, risk etc)
spirit of loyalty and self-sacrifice / code of brotherhood / also pr. [yi4 qi5]
person willing to sacrifice his life (for a good cause)
to sell cheaply / sacrifice / low price / discount sale
(coll.) the night before lunisolar New Year's Eve / (Tw) the night before New Year's Eve (either lunisolar or Gregorian) / (old) Little New Year's Eve (the 23rd or 24th of the 12th lunisolar month, when people offer sacrifices to the kitchen god)
lit. knifes piercing both sides (idiom) / fig. to attach a great importance to friendship, up to the point of being able to sacrifice oneself for it
to sacrifice one's life
to abandon self for others (idiom, from Analects); to sacrifice one's own interest for other people / altruism
to offer sacrifices to the gods
(religion) to sacrifice / sacrifice / animal offered as sacrifice
sacrifice hit (in sport, e.g. baseball)
to offer one's life in sacrifice
to give up life for righteousness (idiom, from Mencius) / to choose honor over life; would rather sacrifice one's life than one's principles
blood sacrifice / animal sacrifice (to a God or ancestral spirit)
to sacrifice one's wealth to save the state (idiom)
  *祀* | 祀* | *祀
to sacrifice / to offer libation to
to host a banquet / feast / banquet / ceremony of sacrifice
  *佾* | 佾* | *佾
row of dancers at sacrifices
to sacrifice one's life by loyalty (to one's prince, one's husband etc)
to sacrifice one's life
  *膰* | 膰* | *膰
cooked meat used in sacrifice
a true gentleman will sacrifice his life for a friend who understands him, as a woman makes herself beautiful for her sweetheart
heroically sacrificing one's life (idiom); to sacrifice oneself fervently to the cause
  *簝* | 簝* | *簝
bamboo receptacle used to hold meat for temple sacrifices in ancient times
  *瘞* | 瘞* | *瘞
bury / sacrifice
to die together in the name of love / to sacrifice oneself for love
to feed the starving ghosts (i.e. offer sacrifice to protect the departed spirit)
  *餋* | 餋* | *餋
to offer sacrifices
to work tirelessly; to give one's all; to slave away / to throw away one's life; to sacrifice oneself (usu. for an unworthy cause)
  *釁* | 釁* | *釁
quarrel / dispute / a blood sacrifice (arch.)
  *軷* | 軷* | *軷
  *禴* | 禴* | *禴
spring imperial ancestral sacrifice
  *餕* | 餕* | *餕
remains of a sacrifice or a meal
  *祫* | 祫* | *祫
triennial sacrifice to ancestors
  *俎* | 俎* | *俎
a stand for food at sacrifice
  *雩* | 雩* | *雩
summer sacrifice for rain
  *犧* | 犧* | *犧
to sacrifice oneself in a just cause / a victim of a disaster
  *禘* | 禘* | *禘
imperial ancestral sacrifice
  *飣* | 飣* | *飣
display food for show only / sacrifice
  *梡* | 梡* | *梡
(tree) / stand for sacrifice
  *禖* | 禖* | *禖
heir-requesting sacrifice
to offer one's life in sacrifice
  *焄* | 焄* | *焄
fumes from sacrifice
  *燔* | 燔* | *燔
burn / to roast meat for sacrifice
to abandon self for others (idiom); to sacrifice oneself to help the people / altruism
to sacrifice one's life in a crisis
  *禋* | 禋* | *禋
a worship ceremony for the dead / to offer sacrifice (to ancestors) / a libation
to offer / to give (as tribute) / to devote (one's life) / to sacrifice (oneself)
  *畤* | 畤* | *畤
ancient sacrifice
to offer sacrifice
  *餟* | 餟* | *餟
circle shrines and make sacrifices
  *垗* | 垗* | *垗
to offer sacrifices to Confucius
to smear one's lips with the blood of a sacrifice as a means of pledging allegiance (old)
to offer sacrifices to the kitchen god
(idiom) the dignity of authority is above life; one must be willing to sacrifice one's life rather than disobey a military order
human ladder (formed to help sb climb a wall etc); (fig.) person who sacrifices himself for others' success
  *舋* | 舋* | *舋
variant of 釁|衅 / quarrel / dispute / a blood sacrifice (arch.)
sacrificing one's life generously (idiom); to sacrifice oneself fervently to the cause
history written in blood / epic period of struggle and sacrifice
to offer sacrifices (to gods or ancestors) whilst abstaining from meat, wine etc
to be buried alive as sacrifice (together with husband or superior)
  *禳* | 禳* | *禳
sacrifice for avoiding calamity
to wail at a funeral / formal wailing while offering sacrifice to the departed
pouring of wine on ground for sacrifice
selfless / self-sacrifice (to help others) / self-renunciation / altruism
to offer sacrifice (to one's ancestors)
sb who sacrifices himself / sacrificial victim / sb who is expendable
rook sacrifice to save the king (in Chinese chess); fig. to protect a senior figure by blaming an underling / to pass the buck
to die without regrets (idiom); to sacrifice oneself without hesitation

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