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  *吗* | 吗* | *吗
(question particle for "yes-no" questions)
where? / somewhere / anywhere / wherever / nowhere (negative answer to question) / humble expression denying compliment / also written 哪裡|哪里
where? / somewhere / anywhere / wherever / nowhere (negative answer to question) / humble expression denying compliment
  *呢* | 呢* | *呢
particle indicating that a previously asked question is to be applied to the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?") / particle for inquiring about location ("Where is ...?") / particle signaling a pause, to emphasize the preceding words and allow the listener time to take them on board ("ok?", "are you with me?") / (at the end of a declarative sentence) particle indicating continuation of a state or action / particle indicating strong affirmation
  *用* | 用* | *用
to use; to make use of; to employ / (coverb) with; using / to need; to have to (usu. used in the negative or in questions) / usefulness; utility / (bound form) expense; outlay / (courteous) to eat; to drink / (literary) hence; therefore
where? / wherever; anywhere; somewhere / (used in rhetorical questions) how can ...?; how could ...?
question / problem / issue / topic / CL: 個|个
  *题* | 题* | *题
topic / problem for discussion / exam question / subject / to inscribe / to mention / CL: 個|个,
  *道* | 道* | *道
road; path (CL:條|条,) / (bound form) way; reason; principle / (bound form) a skill; an art; a specialization / (Daoism) the Way; the Dao / to say (introducing a direct quotation, as in a novel) / (bound form) to express; to extend (polite words) / classifier for long thin things (rivers, cracks etc), barriers (walls, doors etc), questions (in an exam etc), commands, courses in a meal, steps in a process / (old) circuit (administrative division)
won't do / be out of the question / be no good / not work / not be capable
subject; title; topic (CL:個|个) / exercise or exam question (CL:)
exam question / test topic
to question; to quiz; to grill
question / interrogation / doubt
exam question
to be able to use; useable; to have a use for / (in a question) to be necessary to
to ask (a question) in reply / to answer a question with a question / rhetorical question
won't do / unable to / (at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be?
to question closely / to investigate in detail / to examine minutely / to get to the heart of the matter
HSK 7-9
to call into question / to question (truth or validity)
HSK 7-9
to question / to ask questions / to inquire / to bring to account / to interrogate
HSK 7-9
to be out of the question
HSK 7-9
to reflect upon oneself / to examine one's conscience / to question oneself / to search one's soul
HSK 7-9
to raise a tough question
HSK 7-9
  *质* | 质* | *质
character / nature / quality / plain / to pawn / pledge / hostage / to question / Taiwan pr. [zhi2]
questions from previous years' exams
  *讯* | 讯* | *讯
(bound form) to ask; to inquire / (bound form) to interrogate; to question / (bound form) news; information
what is / (old) what for / (in a rhetorical question) it's no use
(emphatically, in rhetorical questions) possible
(posing a question: whether sb, something) can or cannot? / is able to or not
question mark (punct.) / unknown factor / unsolved problem / interrogation
(schoolwork) exercise / problem / question
to answer questions (as teacher or consultant) / to clarify doubts
problem or question solved for illustrative purposes in the classroom; practice question (used in preparation for an exam); sample question
  *岂* | 岂* | *岂
how? (emphatic question)
question and answer
to rise in revolt / to raise difficult questions
to question / to enquire / interrogatory
  *咩* | 咩* | *咩
the bleating of sheep / final particle which transforms statements into questions that indicate doubt or surprise (Cantonese)
to compete to be the first to answer a question (as on a quiz show)
  *诘* | 诘* | *诘
(bound form) to question closely; to interrogate
to ask sb a question / question
to question via torture
  *乎* | 乎* | *乎
(classical particle similar to 於|于) in / at / from / because / than / (classical final particle similar to 嗎|吗, , , expressing question, doubt or astonishment)
to interrogate / to question (at a roadblock)
to question / to ask / to raise a question
to interrogate / to examine / to question
  *啻* | 啻* | *啻
only (classical, usually follows negative or question words) / (not) just
proper; appropriate (mostly used in the negative or in a rhetorical question)
unresolved question / unresolved case
not to hear, not to question (idiom) / to show no interest in sth / uncritical / not in the least concerned
(rhetorical question) when? / how? / it's not that...
to leave a question open / to hold doubts; to be skeptical
(usually used in the negative) to answer or reply to sb's question
to have the nerve / what a cheek! / to feel no shame / to overcome the shame / (is it) proper? (rhetorical question)
where in the order of seniority among siblings? / (sometimes used in rhetorical questions to express disparagement)
(idiom) to sidestep the question / to answer evasively
(coll.) (emphasizing a rhetorical question) what / what kind / why on earth
to go off-topic; to stray from the topic / obscure question; trick exam question; catch question (CL:)
to question intensely / to interrogate / to demand information
  *鞫* | 鞫* | *鞫
to interrogate / to question / Taiwan pr. [ju2]
to ask questions / to interrogate
(literary) to inquire / to ask / question
  *呣* | 呣* | *呣
interjection expressing a question
(idiom) what is there against it? (rhetorical question indicating an eagerness or willingness to do sth)
to ask (a question) in reply / to answer a question with a question / rhetorical question
worthwhile (often in rhetorical questions, implying not worthwhile)
out of the question; pointless to discuss it
numerical answer (to a question in math.) / (Tw) (of troops) to shout numbers or phrases in unison (to keep in step or maintain morale)
worthwhile (often in rhetorical questions, implying not worthwhile) / also written 犯得上
to question closely / to make a detailed inquiry / to probe / to ask repeatedly
question bank (for examiners creating an exam, or students preparing for an exam)
Tianwen, or Questions to Heaven, a long poem by Chu Yuan 屈原 / Tianwen, a series of interplanetary missions developed by the China National Space Administration starting in 2016, named after the poem
a form of automatic writing in which two or more participants hold a single pen over a sheet of paper and invite a spirit to write answers to their questions / a spirit so invited
to stump sb with a question
to compose a preface (or introductory remarks, etc) / question (or section) order (on an exam paper) / question (or section) number
to compete to answer questions (in class)
lit. to reply "don't know" whatever the question (idiom) / fig. absolutely no idea of what's going on / complete ignorance
pattern matching (puzzle game) / matching (type of test question in which presented items are to be paired up)
what is there against it? (rhetorical question indicating an eagerness or willingness to do sth)
beat the drum, pass the flower (game in which players sit in a circle passing a flower around while a drum is beaten – when the drumbeat stops, the player holding the flower must sing a song, answer a question, or drink a glass of wine etc)
to choose officials by divination (archaic) / to practice divination without a definite question
to give an interview / to be interviewed / to respond to (questions, a survey etc)
frequently asked questions / FAQ
agnosticism, the philosophical doctrine that some questions about the universe are in principle unanswerable
to cut a long story short / a brief treatment of a complicated subject / fig. to treat an important question as a minor matter
basic issue / fundamental question
circular argument / logical error consisting of begging the question / Latin: petitio principii
false proposition / fundamentally flawed notion / (in popular usage, can also refer to anything based on a flawed notion, such as a false dichotomy or a question that starts with a false premise)
fill-in-the-blank question
multiple-choice question
questions from previous years' exams (Tw)
retort with challenging questions / debate
to do a lot of practice questions (to prepare for an exam)
rhetorical question
tone of one's voice when asking a rhetorical question
to call sb to account / to question angrily
(literary) to inquire / to ask / question
to detain and question
(idiom) to ask a question, already knowing the answer

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