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  *請* | 請* | *請
to ask / to invite / please (do sth) / to treat (to a meal etc) / to request
please, have a seat
"please come in"
as one wishes / as one pleases / at random / negligent / casual / wanton
solely engrossed in one thing / just (one thing, no need to worry about the rest) / simply / by all means / please feel free / do not hesitate (to ask for sth)
to request sb to do sth / please!
HSK 7-9
please (do sth) (deferential form)
HSK 7-9
(idiom) to follow one's heart's desires; to do as one pleases
HSK 7-9
precious / extremely valuable / (honorific) Please take good care of yourself!
HSK 7-9
  *恣* | 恣* | *恣
to abandon restraint / to do as one pleases / comfortable (dialect)
please forgive me
to try to please
  *甮* | 甮* | *甮
contraction of 勿用 / (dialect) need not / please don't
sensationalism / vulgar claptrap to please the crowds / playing to the gallery / demagogy
(polite) please amend my writing
(courteous) would you please ...
please find sb better qualified than me (idiom)
please (formal)
to spend effort / to take trouble / May I trouble you to...? (as part of polite request) / Please would you mind...?
please help achieve something (formal)
to consult for reference / see also; please refer to
  *嫵* | 嫵* | *嫵
flatter / to please
(idiom) to do whatever one pleases
you must not / Please don't... / be sure not to / on no account (do it)
lit. start off leniently (idiom); please do not be too strict with me / Do not judge me too harshly. / Look favorably on my humble efforts.
don't mention it / no formalities, please
lit. please Sir, get into the boiling pot (idiom) / fig. to give sb a taste of his own medicine
to write freely / to express oneself as one pleases
to allow (sb to do as he pleases)
please forgive me
please excuse me for not complying / to politely decline
Please do not be too severe on me!
it's difficult to please everyone (idiom)
whatever you like / to do as one pleases
please take off your coat (honorific) / loose-fitting garment
please forgive me
please return (an item sent in the mail)
doing as one pleases (idiom); foot-loose and fancy free
Please do as you wish! / You are welcome to do whatever you like! / Please make yourself at home.
correct (literary) / upright / (hon.) Please point out my shortcomings. / I await your esteemed corrections.
to do as one pleases; to not inconvenience oneself
to comply in order to please others / to accommodate sb else's taste / to make fun of
(literary) please kindly accept
please answer (epistolary style)
to let oneself go / to do as much as one pleases
to show disrespect; I'm awfully sorry – please forgive me
excuse me (i.e. let me through, please)
(formal) (used in a submitted document) please review; for your kind consideration
  *覅* | 覅* | *覅
contraction of 勿要 / must not / please don't
excuse me (i.e. let me through, please) / reflected glory / to benefit from sb else's prestige
(idiom) (courteous) please give me your frank opinion; your criticism will be most valuable
to go well together / to be compatible / to cater to / to please
(Internet slang) if this is an infringement of copyright, please notify me and I will remove it
please don't take offense; don't take it personally
please see ... / vide
You figure it out for yourself. / Do as you please.
lit. no excessive politeness / Don't mention it! / You're welcome! / Please don't stand on ceremony.
as one pleases (idiom)
to pardon / please excuse (me) / to take responsibility
Please note: / tip / hint
  *甭* | 甭* | *甭
(contraction of 不用) need not; please don't
let (one) have his way / as (one) pleases / at (one's) will
my meager sensibilities / blushing face / please do it for my sake (i.e. to save my face)(humble)
please don't be upset / no hard feelings / absit iniuria verbis / let injury by words be absent
No smoking / Please do not smoke
please do not disturb
please treat me kindly (conventional greeting on first meeting)
casual / laid-back / doing as one pleases
(coll.) hard to please; high-maintenance
Please do not be too severe on me!
(Tw) heibaiqie, side dish of ingredients selected from a range on display, sliced up and served together on a plate (from Taiwanese 烏白切, Tai-lo pr. [oo-pe̍h-tshiat], where 烏白 means "as one pleases")

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