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some / a few / a little / (following an adjective) slightly ...er
  *就* | 就* | *就
(after a suppositional clause) in that case; then / (after a clause of action) as soon as; immediately after / (same as 就是) merely; nothing else but; simply; just; precisely; exactly / only; as little as / as much as; as many as / to approach; to move towards / to undertake; to engage in / (often followed by 著|着) taking advantage of / (of food) to go with / with regard to; concerning / (pattern: ... ...) even if ... still ... / (pattern: ... ...) if not ... then must be ...
a little bit
slightly / a little / somewhat
quiet; making little or no noise / surreptitious; stealthy / anxious; worried / Taiwan pr. [qiao3qiao3]
a little bit
  *稍* | 稍* | *稍
somewhat / a little
to get out of a predicament / to stick out / to take the initiative / remaining odd fraction after a division / a little more than
HSK 7-9
slowly / unhurriedly / little by little
HSK 7-9
a smidgen / a little bit / a few
HSK 7-9
a little bit; slightly
HSK 7-9
to bid farewell / to part (usually with little hope of meeting again)
HSK 7-9
in a little while / in a moment / later on
HSK 7-9
somewhat / a little / slightly
HSK 7-9
to be a little bit careless; to have a moment of inattentiveness; accidentally
HSK 7-9
  *差* | 差* | *差
difference; discrepancy / (math.) difference (amount remaining after a subtraction) / (literary) a little; somewhat; slightly
(coll.) lass / (dialect) little girl
galley proof (printing) / unimpressive / (coll.) little guy (mild insult also used as an affectionate term)
little bell / CL: 隻|只
(idiom) many little things add up to sth great; many little drops make an ocean
one or two; a few / a little; just a bit
to save a little only to lose a lot (idiom)
little finger / pinkie
a drip / a little bit / intravenous drip (used to administer drugs)
little demon (term of endearment for a child) / mischievous child / imp
little sister / girl / (Tw) young female employee working in a low-level role dealing with the public (assistant, waitress, attendant etc)
little brother / I, your little brother (humble)
twice / for a little while
inferior brand; little-known brand
  *顷* | 顷* | *顷
unit of area equal to 100 畝|亩 or 6.67 hectares / a short while / a little while ago / circa. (for approximate dates)
a few; a little; a bit
a little; a few
  *尕* | 尕* | *尕
little (dialect)
step by step / little by little
(slang) cockroach ("Little Qiang" was originally the name given to a dead cockroach that had supposedly been a pet of the lead character in the 1993 Hong Kong comedy movie "Flirting Scholar". Subsequently, it came to be used as a name for any cockroach, and also for characters in film and television who are seemingly indestructible or repeatedly resurrected.)
chicken ribs / sth of little value or interest / sth of dubious worth that one is reluctant to give up / to be physically weak
lit. a thousand mile journey begins with the first step / fig. big accomplishments come from an accumulation of little achievements made one by one
lit. thin streams flow forever / fig. economy will get you a long way / to work steadily at something little by little
bit by bit / every little bit
little imagined / scarcely realized
(bird species of China) little gull (Hydrocoloeus minutus)
a tiny bit / very little / next to nothing (idiom)
Personal Handy-phone System (PHS), mobile network system operating in China 1998-2013, branded "Little Smart"
pediatrics / pediatric (department) / sth of little importance / trifle / a child's play / (slang) childish / petty / stingy
(bird species of China) little egret (Egretta garzetta)
to have high standards but little ability / to be fastidious but incompetent (idiom)
to emerge / to crop up / a little more than
A just cause attracts much support, an unjust one finds little (idiom, from Mencius)
carrying very little luggage (idiom) / honest and incorruptible (government officials)
lit. like a little bird relying on people (idiom) / fig. cute and helpless-looking
gradually / little by little / in the course of time
small capital, huge profit (idiom); to put in a little and get a lot out
a little / a bit
an unjust cause finds little support (idiom, from Mencius) / cf 得道多助 a just cause attracts much support
monkey (dialect) / little monkey (affectionate term for children, subordinates)
little finger
little devil
a little dirt never killed anybody (proverb) / a couple of germs won't do you any harm
a little bit
little darling / baby
(idiom) to know just a little; to have a rough idea
  *臾* | 臾* | *臾
a moment / little while
gradually / one after another / little by little
  *厣* | 厣* | *厣
operculum (Latin: little lid) / a covering flap (in various branches of anatomy)
(idiom) a short time; a little while
worthy little brother
(idiom) what lowly people think counts for little
if you lift the headrope the meshes spread open (idiom) / take care of the big things and the little things will take care of themselves / (of a piece of writing) well-structured and ordered
  *鲔* | 鲔* | *鲔
little tuna / Euthynnus alletteratus
  *啲* | 啲* | *啲
some / few / a little (Cantonese)
lit. a person who has seen little of the world will be be astonished by certain things (idiom) / fig. to be taken aback by sth because of one's lack of sophistication; naive; unworldy
to do sb a favor at little cost
(of an official) to travel with little luggage and just a small escort / to travel without ostentation
(of a small business) to have very little capital and very modest profits
honorable little brother
a short time / a little while
  *羍* | 羍* | *羍
little lamb
to get things done relying on others (idiom); with a little help from his friends
little virtue and meager abilities (idiom); I'm a humble person and not much use at anything (Song writer Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修)
a short time / a little while
corn flour mixed with a little soybean flour
having little knowledge / not well-read
very little / very few
honey (endearment in addressing a little girl)
very little / hardly any
massage / snapped-off branch / sprig / to snap a twig (i.e. sth that requires very little effort)
bit by bit / dribs and drabs / the little details / every aspect
lit. a girl changes eighteen times between childhood and womanhood (idiom) / fig. a young woman is very different from the little girl she once was
little girl who is older than another young child (e.g. her playmate) / (neologism c. 2017) (slang) young lady (amiable form of address for a young woman of about one's own age or a little older)
water in a distant place is of little use in putting out a fire right here / (fig.) a slow remedy does not address the current emergency
mermaid / the Little Mermaid
a little
(coll.) little kid
lit. much thunder but little rain; fig. a lot of talk but little action / his bark is worse than his bite
towering buildings are built up from the ground (idiom) / great oaks from little acorns grow
lit. little princess / fig. spoiled girl / female version of 小皇帝
(coll.) the night before lunisolar New Year's Eve / (Tw) the night before New Year's Eve (either lunisolar or Gregorian) / (old) Little New Year's Eve (the 23rd or 24th of the 12th lunisolar month, when people offer sacrifices to the kitchen god)
little mistake / minor offense / slightly too much
(category defined by the Communist Party) poor and lower-middle peasants: farmers who, before land reform, possessed little or no land (poor peasants) and those who were barely able to support themselves with their own land (lower-middle peasants)
little green men from Mars

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