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35 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *杯* | 杯* | *杯
cup / trophy cup / classifier for certain containers of liquids: glass, cup
cup / glass / CL: 個|个, 隻|只
  *杯* | 杯* | *杯
variant of / trophy cup / classifier for certain containers of liquids: glass, cup
glass / CL: 張|张, 塊|块 / (slang) male homosexual
  *玻* | 玻* | *玻
colored glass / ceramic glaze
teacup / tea-glass / cup / mug / CL: 隻|只
cupping glass / fire cupping (acupressure technique of Chinese medicine, with fired vacuum cup applied to the skin) / ventouse (vacuum method used in obstetrics)
  *璃* | 璃* | *璃
colored glaze / glass
  *碴* | 碴* | *碴
fault / glass fragment / quarrel
to scrub with an abrasive / to sand / frosted (e.g. glass)
glassware / colored glass household vessel
cover of lamp / lampshade / glass cover of oil lamp
glass slide for medical sample
fiberglass; glass fiber (abbr. for 玻璃纖維|玻璃纤维)
lava, magma or other molten material (metal, glass etc)
artificial eye / glass eye
magnifying glass
fiberglass; glass fiber
frosted glass
frosted glass
beat the drum, pass the flower (game in which players sit in a circle passing a flower around while a drum is beaten – when the drumbeat stops, the player holding the flower must sing a song, answer a question, or drink a glass of wine etc)
glass-reinforced plastic / fiberglass
(Tw) betel nut beauty: a skimpily-dressed, attractive girl who sells betel nut from a glass-walled roadside booth
glass cover; bell glass
(dialect) glass bottle
drinking glass
watch glass / crystal
shatterproof or safety glass
(theater) hand prop (wine glass, pistol etc)
drawing (manufacturing process in which hot metal or glass is stretched)
glass tube
to fill up (a wine glass) to the brim
reinforced glass
highball glass

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