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34 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
forever / eternal
  *长* | 长* | *长
length / long / forever / always / constantly
everlasting / perpetual / lasting / forever / permanent
HSK 7-9
continuous / unbroken / uninterrupted / extending forever into the distance (of mountain range, river etc)
HSK 7-9
remain fresh / last forever / eternal
HSK 7-9
  *永* | 永* | *永
forever / always / perpetual
to last for a long time; to endure / to exist forever
everlasting / to endure forever
to live forever / eternal life / all one's life
(idiom) to live forever and never grow old
lit. thin streams flow forever / fig. economy will get you a long way / to work steadily at something little by little
gone forever (idiom)
eternal / forever
far in the indefinite future (idiom); so far away it seems forever
to part forever / eternal parting (i.e. death)
a good thing doesn't last forever (idiom)
lit. until the seas dry up and stones go soft (idiom) / fig. forever; until the end of time
gone forever
to die / to depart from the world forever
to part forever / eternal parting (i.e. death)
to be gone forever (idiom) / to disappear without a trace
gone forever / to die
to last forever; eternal; enduring
to be forever filial (idiom)
gone forever
(idiom) no secret can be kept forever
to disappear like a stone dropped into the sea / to vanish forever without trace
to remain forever new (idiom)
lit. you may go undetected during the new moon, but at full moon you'll be found out (idiom) / fig. you can't put it off forever / sooner or later you'll have to deal with it
lit. the ugly daughter-in-law must sooner or later meet her parents-in-law (idiom) / fig. it's not something you can avoid forever
(idiom) to live forever and never grow old
to stay young forever

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