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to appear / to arise / to emerge / to show up
to unfold before one's eyes; to emerge; to reveal; to display
(of markets, industries, infectious diseases etc) rising / emerging / in the ascendant
to appear / to emerge / to present (a certain appearance) / to demonstrate
HSK 7-9
new / newborn / emerging / nascent / rebirth / regeneration / new life / new student
HSK 7-9
to emerge in large numbers / to spring up / to emerge prominently
HSK 7-9
(of a thought or image) to come to mind / (of a smile etc) to appear (on sb's face) / (of a problem etc) to emerge
HSK 7-9
to rise abruptly (to a towering position) / to tower over / to spring up / to emerge suddenly / the emergence (e.g. of a power)
HSK 7-9
more and more emerge / innumerable succession / breeding like flies (idiom)
HSK 7-9
to revamp / a face-lift / to retread (a tire) / to refurbish (old clothes) / newly emerging
ups and downs (of life etc) / to drift along / to sink and emerge
to emerge to meet a historic destiny (idiom) / to arise at an opportune time / able to take advantage of an opportunity / to rise to the occasion
to emerge and grow / to develop
levitation (of Daoist immortal) / to become as light as a feather and ascend to heaven / (in Daoism) to become immortal / to die / of winged insects, to emerge from the cocoon in adult form / eclosion
to sprout / (fig.) to emerge
to emerge victorious in every battle / to be ever-victorious
to emerge as a new force to be reckoned with (idiom)
lit. after rain, the spring bamboo (idiom); fig. rapid new growth / many new things emerge in rapid succession
(military) to leave one's place in the ranks / to fall out / (fig.) to emerge / to become prominent
the Taliban, Islamist organization that emerged in the mid-1990s in Afghanistan
(of food) to be taken out of the steamer / (fig.) (often used with 紛紛|纷纷) (of products, information etc) to appear / to emerge / to come out / (fig.) to dump / to inundate the market
to emerge / to crop up / a little more than
to emerge and perish on its own; to run its course (idiom)
lit. at whose hand will the deer die (idiom) / fig. who will emerge victorious
lit. to first show one's horns (idiom); fig. a first show of emerging talent / first sign of emerging talent / budding genius
to be on the verge of eruption (idiom) / (of the sun) to emerge in all its brilliance
to appear / to emerge / to surface
to emerge
(idiom based on Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法) to deploy one's troops in such a way that there is no possibility of retreat, so that they will fight for their lives and win the battle; to fight desperately when confronted with mortal danger; to find a way to emerge from a dire situation
silly talk or "mo lei tau" (Cantonese), genre of humor emerging from Hong Kong late in the 20th century
lit. to break through a cocoon and turn into a butterfly (idiom) / fig. to emerge strong after a period of struggle / to get to a better place after going through difficult period
coleoptile, protective sheath covering an emerging shoot (botany)
emerging industry
to emerge; to pop up; to spring forth; to appear from nowhere
to emerge from a pupa (of a butterfly etc)
die-hard otaku (sb who hardly ever emerges from their home, where they play games, watch movies etc)
spring sunshine emerges to bring the world alive (idiom) / to give a glimpse of sth intimate (e.g. one's underwear)
to float / to emerge
to emerge (from a comparison) / to come out as / to be competent or equal to
to emerge
(idiom) to come to the fore in spectacular fashion; to emerge from obscurity to achieve great success
to crop up / to pop up / to emerge abruptly

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