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  *对* | 对* | *对
right; correct / towards; at; for / concerning; regarding / to treat (sb a certain way) / to face / (bound form) opposite; facing; matching / to match together; to adjust / to fit; to suit / to answer; to reply / to add; to pour in (a fluid) / to check; to compare / classifier: couple; pair
  *是* | 是* | *是
to be (followed by substantives only) / correct; right; true / (respectful acknowledgement of a command) very well / (adverb for emphatic assertion)
  *正* | 正* | *正
straight / upright / proper / main / principal / to correct / to rectify / exactly / just (at that time) / right (in that place) / (math.) positive
correct; sound; right; proper
  *改* | 改* | *改
to change / to alter / to transform / to correct
correct / right / not bad / pretty good
standard; norm; criterion / (adjective) standard / good; correct; conforming to a standard
to correct / to amend / to put right / correction / CL: 個|个
to correct / to make right
upright / regular / proper / correct
HSK 7-9
to correct / to rectify (e.g. a physical defect such as hearing or vision) / to cure / rectification / correction / to straighten
HSK 7-9
not to accept as correct (idiom); to object / to disapprove / to take exception to
HSK 7-9
to correct an error
  *然* | 然* | *然
correct / right / so / thus / like this / -ly
to correct / to make a correction
  *纠* | 纠* | *纠
to gather together / to investigate / to entangle / to correct
  *矫* | 矫* | *矫
to correct / to rectify / to redress / strong / brave / to pretend / to feign / affectation
the correct path / the right way (Buddhism)
correct / normal / to be on good terms with / on the right track / right
to correct one's errors; to mend one's ways
to pocket a lost article / (fig.) to correct others' errors / to remedy omissions (in a text etc)
wording (of a proposal) / formulation / viewpoint (on an issue) / (one of eight methods of bonesetting in TCM) restoring the part displaced by a fracture to its correct position by lifting
correct diagnosis / to prescribe the right cure for an illness / to suit the medicine to the illness
to give the correct time
transliteration (rendering phonetic value, e.g. of English words in Chinese characters) / characters giving phonetic value of Chinese word or name (when the correct characters may be unknown) / transcription (linguistics) / to transcribe phonetic symbols
true or false? / correct or incorrect / to correct errors (in a document)
to correct an erroneously written character / regular script (calligraphy) / standard form (of a character or spelling)
to guess correctly / to figure out the right answer
to alter (text) / to change by painting over / to correct (with correction fluid)
real intention / true meaning / correct interpretation
to correct (e.g. sight or hearing) / to rectify / to cure
(lit. and fig.) the right way; the correct path; the proper course
efficacious / effective / (of a prediction) accurate / correct
to correct an error
to correct an error
  *喔* | 喔* | *喔
(Tw) (sentence-final particle) (used to convey a friendly tone when giving an admonition or correcting sb etc)
to mark (homework, exam scripts etc) / to correct and criticize (an article) / to check / to correct / a correction (to a piece of writing)
standard pronunciation / to correct sb's pronunciation
upright / honest / proper / correct
not to glance sideways (idiom) / to gaze fixedly / to be fully concentrated / to preserve a correct attitude
one word says it all (idiom) / to hit the nail on the head / to be pithy and correct
correct (literary) / upright / (hon.) Please point out my shortcomings. / I await your esteemed corrections.
to correct printing errors
diction; enunciation / (opera) to pronounce the words correctly
to correct / to amend / to redress (evils)
correct any mistakes you made, but maintain your good record if you did not make them (idiom)
(idiom) each in the correct place; each is provided for
to correct (a bad habit etc)
completely correcting one's former misdeeds (idiom); to repent past mistakes and turn over a new leaf / a reformed character
  *韪* | 韪* | *韪
correct / right
to check and correct
to remedy omissions and correct errors (idiom)
(idiom) to rely on a single authority to determine what is correct / to regard a source (or entity or individual) as the ultimate authority
one who can correct a misread or misspelt character and thus be your master
to remedy defects and correct errors (idiom); to rectify past mistakes
to proofread and correct
  *枻* | 枻* | *枻
oar / stand for correcting a bow
Correct! / Oh, that's right, ... (when one suddenly remembers sth one wanted to mention) / Oh, by the way, ...
to hit the nail on the head / to predict correctly
  *啱* | 啱* | *啱
correct / suitable / to suit sb / just now (Cantonese)
lit. heard in the morning and changed by the evening / to correct an error very quickly (idiom)
correct mindfulness (Buddhism)
  *挢* | 挢* | *挢
to raise / to lift / to pretend / counterfeit / unyielding / variant of 矯|矫 / to correct
to do things right / to use the correct method
(Tw) to guide sb in the right direction / to correct (behavior etc)
to guess correctly
correct usage
to refute and correct
to correct (in writing) sb's errors or misconceptions
to adjust to the right value / to tune / to focus (a camera etc) / to set (the date, the time) to the correct value
to proofread and correct / to edit and rectify / to correct / to calibrate
to correct oneself / to renege / to break one's word
to set right / to correct
to correct (improve) a translation
to explain truly (esp. of classic or religious text) / true commentary / correct exegesis
old friend / correct interpretation
not always; not entirely / not necessarily so; not entirely correct
to deviate from the correct course / (fig.) to go astray
to let correct ideology guide practical work (idiom)
to proofread and correct
correcting lens
nonstandard / incorrect / (of one's speech) poor; woeful (not in keeping with correct pronunciation or usage)
to correct printing errors
bed of straw and pillow of clay (idiom) / the correct etiquette for a filial son during the mourning period
to correct student papers / to grade exam papers
political correctness / politically correct
to suppose correctly
to correct in the evening a fault of the morning (idiom) / to quickly amend one's ways
correct line (i.e. the party line)
to acknowledge one's faults and correct them (idiom)

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