| | | HSK 6 |
| | party / association / club / society / CL: 個|个 | HSK 6 |
| | party leadership group | |
| | socialist party | |
| | Nazi Party / Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) (1919-1945) | |
| | Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT) / Nationalist Party | |
| | party congress (of the Communist Party of China) | |
| | Ku Klux Klan / KKK | |
| | surname Dang | |
| | DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan) / abbr. for 民主進步黨|民主进步党 | |
| | Communist Party | |
| | party membership | |
| | political party / faction | |
| | party member | |
| | within the party (esp. Chinese communist party) | |
| | Central Party School, China's highest institution specifically for training Party cadres, founded in 1933 | |
| | Communist Party of China | |
| | party caucus | |
| | Party committee | |
| | Central Committee of the CCP | |
| | Party and government administration | |
| | ruling party / the party in power | |
| | mafia | |
| | Communist Party member | |
| | party affairs / work within the Communist party | |
| | party boss | |
| | to join a political party (esp. the Communist Party) | |
| | worldwide green parties | |
| | opposition party | |
| | poor man's ginseng (Codonopsis pilosula) / codonopsis root (used in TCM) | |
| | history of the Party | |
| | party-founding | |
| | opposition (political) party | |
| | Liberal Democratic Party (Japanese political party) | |
| | henchmen | |
| | (political) party platform / party program | |
| | the spirit or character of a political party | |
| | worker's party / labor party | |
| | (politics) whip | |
| | party constitution | |
| | party standing / age of service to the Party | |
| | to form a clique | |
| | party membership / membership card | |
| | royalists | |
| | to betray one's party / to defect (from the communist party) / renegade faction | |
| | remnants (of a defeated clique) / rump | |
| | (idiom) to form a clique for self-serving purposes | |
| | party membership dues | |
| | non-party members | |
| | princelings, descendants of senior communist officials (PRC) | |
| | to purge a political party of undesirable elements | |
| | clique member / henchman / gang member / crony | |
| | the rebel party | |
| | a clique of traitors | |
| | to leave a political party; to give up party membership | |
| | to withdraw from a political party | |
| | to be narrowly partisan / to unite with those of the same views but alienate those with different views | |
| | to belong to the same party or organization / member of the same party or organization; (derog.) confederate; accomplice | |
| | multiparty system | |
| | best friends / inseparable sidekick / diehard followers | |
| | Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, abbr. to 中共中央 | |
| | racketeers / con artists | |
| | clique | |
| | a skulk of foxes, a pack of dogs (idiom) / a gang of rogues | |
| | Whig Party | |
| | two-party system | |
| | mother's kinfolk | |
| | anti-Qing secret societies | |
| | band of accomplice | |
| | drab, stereotypical Communist Party writing style | |
| | Liberal Party | |
| | to usurp the leadership of the party | |
| | DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan) / abbr. to 民進黨|民进党 | |
| | politically unaffiliated / independent (candidate) | |
| | Democratic Party | |
| | New Party (Republic of China) | |
| | "sensational headline writers", people who write misleading titles in order to generate clicks from Internet users / clickbait | |
| | Indian Congress party | |
| | Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), the ruling party of North Korea | |
| | to expel from the Party | |
| | Communist Party (abbr. for 共產黨|共产党) | |
| | People's party (of various countries) | |
| | skinheads | |
| | Indian Congress party | |
| | one-party (state) | |
| | Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China | |
| | People's Action Party (ruling party in Singapore) | |
| | Manifesto of the Communist Party / "Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei" by Marx and Engels (1848) | |
| | Workers' Party (Singapore opposition party) | |
| | Baath Party | |
| | Justicialist Party | |
| | People First Party, Taiwan | |
| | political party emblem | |
| | Tangut branch of the Qiang 羌 ethnic group / ancient ethnic group who made up the Xixia dynasty 西夏 1038-1227 | |
| | one party dictatorship | |
| | Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang | |
| | New Democracy Party of China, a short-lived party founded in 2007 by human rights activist Guo Quan, who was jailed in 2009 | |
| | (PRC) China Zhi Gong Party, one of the eight legally recognized minor political parties following the direction of the CCP | |
| | fifty cents party (person supposed to relay government propaganda on Internet sites) | |
| | People's alliance party / Bengali Awami league | |