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  *輪* | 輪* | *輪
wheel; disk; ring / steamship / to take turns; to rotate / classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn
wheel / (derog.) Falun Gong practitioner / CL: 個|个
steamship; steamer; steamboat / CL:
tire; pneumatic tire
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
outline; silhouette
HSK 7-9
to alternate; to take turns
HSK 7-9
to rotate; to take turns
HSK 7-9
freighter / cargo ship / CL:
fishing vessel
ocean liner / cruise liner
(machine) gear / pinion (gear wheel)
Ferris wheel / observation wheel
first round (of a competition etc)
the Eternal Wheel of life in Buddhism
front wheel
first round or stage (of a match, election, talks, planned policy etc)
rear wheel
block and tackle
to reincarnate / reincarnation (Buddhism) / (of the seasons etc) to follow each other cyclically / cycle / CL: 個|个
shift working
to gang rape
roller / rotating dial / (computer mouse) scroll wheel / (road roller) drum
flywheel / freewheel; cassette (of a bicycle) / fast-moving bike
in turn / one after another
roulette / wheel
ferry boat
to take turns on duty
Rotary Club
to take turns; to follow a rotating schedule
wheel hub
turbine (abbr. for 渦輪機|涡轮机) / engine (of a ship)
rotating disk / wheel / rotor / cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism
second round (of a match or election)
(martial arts) wind-and-fire wheel, weapon used in hand-to-hand fighting / (Daoism) a magical pair of wheels on which one can stand to ride at great speed, used by Nezha 哪吒 / (fig.) never-ending treadmill
to rotate
turbine wheel
grinding wheel / emery wheel
oden, Japanese dish made with boiled eggs, processed fish cakes, daikon radish, tofu etc in a kelp-based broth
(idiom) (of houses, scenery etc) magnificent
Bügür nahiyisi or Luntai county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang
wheel and axle (mechanism) / axle
in turn / by turns / lap / turn / round / classifier for laps, turns, rounds
large ship / large wheel
tactic of several persons or groups taking turns to fight one opponent; tag-team attack
tanker (ship) / CL:
pneumatic tire / rubber tire
(computing) to poll
guide pulley / foreword / preface
gas turbine
BMX (bike) / cycling BMX (sport)
balance (of a watch or clock) / balance wheel
Chakravarti raja (Sanskrit: King of Kings) / emperor in Hindu mythology
passenger ship
regular passenger or cargo ship / regular steamship service
steam turbine
the moon
circular finger movement (in playing plucked instrument) / strumming
tooth of cog wheel / gear tooth
(sports) bye; to get a bye / (of an employee) to be not scheduled at work for a period of time (when working shifts)
steamboat (old)
revolver (handgun)
tread (the distance between the two front – or two rear – wheels of a vehicle)
rotation of crops (to preserve fertility of soil)
full moon
annual ring / growth ring
Bügür nahiyisi or Luntai county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang
wheel spoke
steam turbine electric generator
to take holidays in rotation / to stagger employees' days off / (agriculture) to lie fallow in rotation
training in rotation
rotation of crops
wheelbarrow / unicycle
the sun
rotation grazing
river steamer
round (music) / canon
caster (attached to the bottom of furniture, trolleys etc)
waterwheel / millwheel
differential gear
viśuddha or visuddha, the throat chakra 查克拉, residing in the neck
anāhata or anahata, the heart chakra 查克拉, residing in the chest
(idiom) flustered / confused
second round (of match, or election)
pinion gear
pedicab / tricycle
foot chakra
fortunes rise and fall; times change

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