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  *紅* | 紅* | *紅
red / popular / revolutionary / bonus
red (color) / revolutionary
black tea / CL: , 壺|壶
red wine
money wrapped in red as a gift / bonus payment / kickback / bribe
very red / red through and through / to blush (deep red)
red light
HSK 7-9
dividend / to award a bonus
HSK 7-9
to become infuriated / to see red / envious / jealous / covetous / pink eye (conjunctivitis) / red-eye (flight)(photography) red eye
HSK 7-9
ruddy / rosy / florid
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
to covet / envious / jealous / green with envy / infuriated / furious
HSK 7-9
flushed with anger (or excitement)
HSK 7-9
red / rosy / flushed
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
sweet potato
HSK 7-9
red autumnal leaves
  *紅* | 紅* | *紅
surname Hong
  *紅* | 紅* | *紅
Red Sea
(neologism) highly competitive market (contrasted with 藍海|蓝海)
a favorite of sb in power / a celebrity / American Indian
red star / five pointed star as symbol or communism or proletariat / hot film star
an expensive type of oolong tea
to become suddenly popular / suddenly all the rage
azuki bean; red bean
infrared ray
(idiom) to see through the illusions of the material world (often a precursor to becoming a Buddhist monk or nun); to become disillusioned with human society
beautiful women suffer unhappy fates (idiom)
Indian azalea (Rhododendron simsii)
Hongshan District of Chifeng City 赤峰市, Inner Mongolia
bonus; dividend
to be popular / to be in luck / to have good luck / to develop smoothly
A Dream of Red Mansions (first completed edition 1791) by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹, one of the four great novels
red line
the world of mortals (Buddhism) / human society / worldly affairs
mercurochrome (antiseptic solution)
safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)
to braise in soy sauce until reddish-brown
carrot / red radish
fiery / blazing
red lotus
pink / silvery red / pale rose color
heart ♥ (in card games) / red, heart-shaped symbol / bullseye
Hung Hom, a locality in Kowloon, Hong Kong
to blush / to redden (with shame, indignation etc)
red card (sports)
scarlet / bright red
erythrocyte / red blood cell
(medicine) lupus erythematosus
(medicine) erythema
a beautiful woman / young beauties / youths / rosy cheeks
mangrove forest or swamp
red wood / mahogany / rosewood / padauk
jujube / red date
to blush / to redden / flushed
Hongqi district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市, Henan
red flag / CL:
to turn red / to blush / to flush
traffic light / traffic signal
rouge (cosmetics)
erythrocyte / red blood cell
crimson / scarlet
inflamed / red and swollen
poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
brown sugar
merbromin / mercurochrome
splendid gay female clothing
red yeast (so called, although it's actually a mold, not a yeast), a fermentation product created by culturing rice with the mold Monascus purpureus, producing red pigments and bioactive compounds, used in food for its color, as a flavor enhancer, and for its health benefits
chili oil
bright red
to turn red (in the face) / to flush (with embarrassment or anger)
not distinguishing red-green or black-white (idiom) / not to distinguish between right and wrong
to blush / to flush red
infrared (ray)
red soil / laterite
Red Square (in Moscow)
(coll.) to bleed (esp. vaginal bleeding) / to suffer a financial loss
dark red
not distinguishing red-green or black-white (idiom) / not to distinguish between right and wrong
to blush
to run a red light / failing to stop at a red traffic light / (slang) to have sex with a girl while she is menstruating
Red Army (1928-1937), predecessor of the PLA / (Soviet) Red Army (1917-1946)
a good beginning
bright red
to blush / to turn red
(of a store) to open for business for the first time in the New Year / (of a business) to be profitable / (of a stock market) to rise / (sport) to win one's first match of a competition
deep red / crimson / scarlet

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