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59 results on this page.

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  *粒* | 粒* | *粒
grain; granule; pellet; particle / classifier for small round objects (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains etc) / (Tw) classifier for larger round objects (watermelon etc)
HSK 7-9
kernel / granule / granulated (sugar, chemical product)
speck / particle
(elementary) particle / grain
grain (of rice) / granule
to thresh
elementary particle (particle physics)
sty (eyelid swelling)
grain of rice / granule
threshing machine
grain (of cereal)
antiparticle (physics)
particle physics
Siem Reap, Cambodia
beta particle (electron, esp. high speed electron emitted by radioactive nucleus)
fine grain / fine-grained
particle accelerator
telomere, a protective DNA cap on a chromosome
corn kernel
(textiles) polar fleece
particulates / particulate matter
grain of sand
electrically charged particles
particulate matter (PM)
beam of elementary particles
Minute Maid (brand)
silt particle
peppercorn / seeds of pepper
lit. one pellet of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of congee (idiom) / fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch
neutrophil (the most common type of white blood cell)
wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics
particle physics
grain size
alpha particle (helium nucleus)
secretory granule
eosinophil (type of white blood cell)
basophil granulocytes (rarest type of white blood cell)
many-particle (physics)
many particle systems (physics)
Higgs particle (particle physics)
bead of sweat
chondrite (type of meteorite)
stream of particles / particle flow
white granulocyte (blood cell)
fine particle (PM 2.5) / fine particulate matter (air pollution etc)
colloid / colloidal particles
virtual particle
to gather all the harvested grain into the granary; to harvest every single grain
not a single grain was reaped (as in a bad harvest year)
high energy particle

Tip: Pinyin can be entered with or without tone numbers, e.g. 'nihao' or 'ni3hao3'.
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