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25 results on this page.

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  *瓊* | 瓊* | *瓊
abbr. for Hainan Province 海南
  *瓊* | 瓊* | *瓊
jasper / fine jade / beautiful / exquisite (e.g. wine, food) / abbr. for Hainan province
Bujumbura, capital of Burundi
Qiongzhong Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan
Chiung Yao (1938-), Taiwanese writer
bejeweled jade palace (idiom); sumptuous dwelling
Qiongzhou Strait (between Hainan Island and mainland China)
Qionghai City, Hainan
bejeweled nectar (idiom); ambrosia of the immortals / superb liquor / top quality wine
Qiongshan district of Haikou city 海口市, Hainan
Qiongzhong Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan
Qionghai City, Hainan
jade-like stone
banquet / elaborate feast
jeweled palace in the fairy mountain
Qiongya, historic name for Hainan Island 海南島|海南岛
Qiongzhou, historic name for Hainan Island 海南島|海南岛
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Qiongzhong Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan
Qiongshan district of Haikou city 海口市, Hainan
Jones (name)
Johnston (name)
Dow Jones (stock market index)
Dow Jones (stock market index)

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