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cow's milk / CL: ,
  *牛* | 牛* | *牛
ox / cow / bull / CL: 條|条, 頭|头 / newton (abbr. for 牛頓|牛顿) / (slang) awesome
jeans / CL: 條|条
milk cow / dairy cow
to talk big / to shoot off one's mouth / to chat (dialect)
HSK 7-9
  *牛* | 牛* | *牛
surname Niu
cowhide / leather / fig. flexible and tough / boasting / big talk
variant of 牛屄
Taurus (star sign) / Jinniu district of Chengdu city 成都市, Sichuan
snail / Taiwan pr. [gua1 niu2]
University of Oxford
cow horn
Newton (name) / Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), British mathematician and physicist
newton (SI unit of force)
calf / (coll.) lower-priced model of Lamborghini
water buffalo
bullheadedness / stubborn
Taurus (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
Oxford (city in England)
Ox-Head, one of the two guardians of the underworld in Chinese mythology
ox head / ox-head shaped wine vessel
butter / beef tallow
ox; cattle / scalper of tickets etc / (dialect) to fail to show up / (dialect) to break a promise
cowshed / makeshift detention center set up by Red Guards in the Cultural Revolution / (baseball) bullpen
kraft paper
brisket (esp. Cantonese) / belly beef / spongy meat from cow's underside and neighboring ribs / erroneously translated as sirloin
Cowherd of the folk tale Cowherd and Weaving maid 牛郎織女|牛郎织女 / Altair (star)
cowherd boy / (slang) male prostitute
(loanword) nougat
matador / toreador / bullfighter
bull market
dairy cattle
takin (type of goat-antelope)
(coll.) haughty / overbearing / (economics) bullish
lit. to penetrate into a bull's horn (idiom); fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem / to bash one's head against a brick wall / a wild goose chase / a blind alley / to split hairs
white-edged morning glory
lit. newborn calves do not fear tigers (idiom) / fig. the young are fearless
toffee; chewy caramel candy
cattle pen
tremendous strength (idiom)
lit. to work like an ox, to work like a horse; fig. to work extremely hard
fig. people who cannot afford to buy their own house
Cowherd and Weaving maid (characters in folk story) / separated lovers / Altair and Vega (stars)
to boast / to talk big
mulishness / obstinacy
sb who sells one's blood for a living
lit. to play the lute to a cow (idiom) / fig. offering a treat to an unappreciative audience / to cast pearls before swine / caviar to the general / to preach to deaf ears / to talk over sb's head
to give a small demonstration of one's impressive skills (idiom)
to be the acknowledged leader (from the custom of a prince holding a plate on which lay the severed ears of a sacrificial bull at an alliance ceremony)
class of underachievers / dunces' class (Tw)
mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
Jinniu district of Chengdu city 成都市, Sichuan
Pyrenees mountains
Japanese ardisia (Ardisia japonica)
to be completely unrelated to one another (idiom) / irrelevant
(dialect) penis
oxen and horses; beasts of burden / (fig.) drudge; laborer
Altair (star) / Cowherd of the folk tale Cowherd and Weaving maid 牛郎織女|牛郎织女
morning glory (Pharbitis nil)
Altair (star) / Cowherd of the folk tale Cowherd and Weaving maid 牛郎織女|牛郎织女
cow's milk
Ongniud banner or Ongnuud khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰, Inner Mongolia
lit. enough books to make a pack-ox sweat or to fill a house to the rafters (idiom); fig. many books
(coll.) leading light / true expert / badass
porcino (Boletus edulis)
burdock (Arctium lappa)
to see the ox already cut up into joints (idiom); extremely skilled / able to see through the problem at one glance
lit. to hang one's books on cow horns (idiom) / fig. to be diligent in one's studies
evil monsters / (fig.) bad characters / (political) bad elements
lit. one hair from nine oxen (idiom) / fig. a drop in the ocean
clay ox / mound of earth on a dike (ready for emergency repairs)
(coll.) bullheaded / obstinate
to breathe heavily like an ox (idiom) / to huff and puff
to resort to bragging and flattering
couple living in destitute misery (idiom)
don't use a sledgehammer on a nut / aquila non capit muscam
ox hair (used as a metaphor for sth very numerous or sth fine and delicate)
lit. why use a pole-ax to slaughter a chicken? (idiom) / fig. to waste effort on a trifling matter / also written 殺雞焉用牛刀|杀鸡焉用牛刀
(bird species of China) eastern cattle egret (Bubulcus coromandus)
lit. to try to make an ox drink by forcing its head down to the water (idiom) / fig. to try to impose one's will on sb
(idiom) extremely angry; infuriated
ox tongue
Pyrenees mountains
cow's piss, horse's ulcer (idiom); worthless nonsense / insignificant

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