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  *朝* | 朝* | *朝
imperial or royal court / government / dynasty / reign of a sovereign or emperor / court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor / to make a pilgrimage to / facing / towards
dynasty / reign (of a king)
HSK 7-9
full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous / energetic / a bright spark
HSK 7-9
to spend all one's time together (idiom)
HSK 7-9
one day / sometime in the future
HSK 7-9
lit. say three in the morning but four in the evening (idiom); to change sth that is already settled upon / indecisive / to blow hot and cold
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
Chaotian district of Guangyuan city 廣元市|广元市, Sichuan
to have an audience with the Emperor / to be presented at court / to look skyward / to look up
Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
from dawn to dusk / all the time
  *朝* | 朝* | *朝
abbr. for 朝鮮|朝鲜 Korea
  *朝* | 朝* | *朝
Asahi Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)
to make a pilgrimage
Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
tomorrow morning / the following morning
toward / to face / to open onto / to turn towards / orientation / exposure / Qibla (Islam)
(literary) tomorrow (morning)
Northern and Southern dynasties (420-589)
to be exposed to the sun / in a position facing the sun
the morning sun
Chaotian district of Guangyuan city 廣元市|广元市, Sichuan
North Korea / Korea as geographic term / Taiwan pr. [Chao2 xian1]
Northern Dynasties (386-581)
court / imperial household / dynasty
the imperial court / the government in imperial times
Tang dynasty (618-907)
in full swing (idiom) / (in a) frenzy / buzzing with activity
to transition to a new dynasty or regime
Korean Peninsula
MINAMOTO no Yoritomo (1147-1199), Japanese warlord and founder of the Kamakura shogunate 鐮倉幕府|镰仓幕府
(idiom) to seize every minute; to make the best use of one's time
Celestial Empire, tributary title conferred on imperial China / Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
Zhou Dynasty / Western Zhou 西周 (1046-771 BC) and Eastern Zhou 東周|东周 (770-221 BC)
Resist US, help North Korea (1950s slogan)
every day (archaic)
Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), founded by the Jurchen 女真 people of North China, a precursor of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty
laws and discipline of imperial court
the Xin dynasty (8-23 AD) of Wang Mang 王莽, forming the interregnum between the former and later Han
Chaoyang, an inner district of Beijing / Chaoyang, a district of Changchun City 長春市|长春市, Jilin / Chaoyang, a district of Shantou City 汕頭市|汕头市, Guangdong
the current dynasty
People's Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea)
Korean written language
court beads (derived from Buddhist prayer beads)
Korean ethnic group in China (mainly in northeast China) / the Koreans (major ethnic group on the Korean Peninsula)
to live in the moment (idiom) / to live every day as if it were one's last / to enjoy while one can
lit. to present oneself confidently to the emperor, without makeup (as did the sister of Yang Guifei 楊貴妃|杨贵妃) (idiom) / fig. (of a woman) to show one's natural features, without makeup / to present oneself just as one is, without artifice
Maurya Dynasty of India (322-185 BC)
all levels of society / the imperial court and the ordinary people
Chaoyang, prefecture-level city in Liaoning Province 遼寧省|辽宁省
the current imperial dynasty / one's own court
to give audience (of emperor) / retainers' duty to pay respect to sovereign / hajj (Islam)
the current dynasty
new emperor, new officials (idiom) / a new chief brings in new aides
Chaoyang, a county in Chaoyang City 朝陽市|朝阳市, Liaoning
to hold a court audience / to govern from the imperial throne (applies esp. to Empress Dowager or Regent)
Birthday of the Flowers, spring festival on lunar 12th or 15th February
Southern Dynasties (420-589)
Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
Asahi (Japanese place name, company name etc)
morning sun
Korean language
Song Dynasty (960-1279) / also Song of Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (420-479)
four legs facing the sky (idiom); flat on one's back
Changbai Korean autonomous county in Baishan 白山, Jilin
the previous dynasty
(dialect) today / (literary) the present; this age
South Korea
to worship / to make customary deferences to / a pilgrimage
sitting (currently serving, e.g. board members)
lit. born in the morning and dying at dusk (idiom) / fig. ephemeral / transient
Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC)
morning dew / fig. precarious brevity of human life / ephemeral
Six Dynasties (220-589)
reception room for officials (in former times)
Wei, Jin and North-South dynasties / generic term for historic period 220-589 between Han and Sui
vitality / dynamism
to present tribute (to the emperor)
lit. one morning and one evening (idiom) / fig. in a short period of time / overnight
Jin Dynasty (265-420)
Sino-Korean / China and North Korea
court councilor
floating clouds, morning dew (idiom); fig. ephemeral nature of human existence
lit. not to have breakfast until the enemy is destroyed / anxious to do battle (idiom)
Sui dynasty (581-617)
to go on a pilgrimage and offer incense (idiom)
at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening (idiom); precarious state / imminent crisis / living from hand to mouth
Korea Strait / Tsushima Strait (between Japan and Korea)
Xia Dynasty (2070-1600 BC)
human life as the morning dew (idiom); fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence
to yearn for sth day and night (idiom)
Umayyad Empire (661-750, in Iberia -1031), successor of the Rashidun caliphate
early morning sunlight
Zhaoge, capital of the Shang dynasty 商朝 / Zhaoge town in Qi county 淇縣|淇县, Hebi 鶴壁|鹤壁, Henan
Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)
Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC)
to make frequent or unpredictable changes in policy (idiom)

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