| | surely / certainly / necessarily / fixed / a certain (extent etc) / given / particular / must | HSK 2 |
| | not necessarily / maybe | HSK 2 |
| | definite / certain / fixed / to fix (on sth) / to determine / to be sure / to ensure / to make certain / to ascertain / to clinch / to recognize / to confirm / OK (on computer dialog box) | HSK 3 |
| | to decide (to do something) / to resolve / decision / CL: 個|个, 項|项 / certainly | HSK 3 |
| | to stipulate; to specify; to prescribe; to fix (a price); to set (a quota) / regulations; rules; provisions; stipulations | HSK 3 |
| | at set dates / at regular intervals / periodic / limited to a fixed period of time / fixed term | HSK 3 |
| | to negate / to deny / to reject / negative (answer) / negation | HSK 3 |
| | to draw up; to formulate | HSK 3 |
| | to fix; to set; to make definite / to subscribe to (a newspaper etc); to book (tickets etc); to order (goods etc) / to congeal; to coagulate / (literary) definitely | HSK 4 |
| | steady / stable / stability / to stabilize / to pacify | HSK 4 |
| | can't say for sure / maybe | HSK 4 |
| | to fix / to fasten / to set rigidly in place / fixed / set / regular | HSK 4 |
| | to be certain; to be positive / assuredly; definitely / to give recognition; to affirm / affirmative (answer) | HSK 5 |
| | firm / steady / staunch / resolute | HSK 5 |
| | to maintain (that sth is true) / to determine (a fact) / determination (of an amount) / of the firm opinion / to believe firmly / to set one's mind on / to identify with | HSK 5 |
| | special; specific; designated; particular | HSK 5 |
| | to set a price / to fix a price | HSK 6 |
| | to agree on sth (after discussion) / to conclude a bargain / to arrange / to promise / to stipulate / to make an appointment / stipulated (time, amount, quality etc) / an arrangement / a deal / appointment / undertaking / commitment / understanding / engagement / stipulation | HSK 6 |
| | to fix a time / fixed time / timed (of explosive etc) | HSK 6 |
| | to appoint / to assign / to indicate clearly and with certainty / designated | HSK 6 |
| | to orientate / to position / to categorize (as) / to characterize (as) / positioning / position / niche | HSK 6 |
| | to determine (by measuring or surveying) | HSK 6 |
| | to appraise / to identify / to evaluate | HSK 6 |
| | definition / to define | HSK 7-9 |
| | to set / to set up / to install / setting / preferences | HSK 7-9 |
| | ruling | HSK 7-9 |
| | to be bound to / to be sure to | HSK 7-9 |
| | to lock (a door) / to close with a latch / to lock into place / a lock / a latch / to lock a computer file (to prevent it being overwritten) / to lock (denying access to a computer system or device or files, e.g. by password-protection) / to focus attention on / to target | HSK 7-9 |
| | to draw up / to draft / to formulate | HSK 7-9 |
| | down payment / advance payment | HSK 7-9 |
| | to schedule in advance | HSK 7-9 |
| | to restrict to / to limit | HSK 7-9 |
| | stable; calm; settled / to stabilize / Valium; diazepam | HSK 7-9 |
| | to judge / to decide / judgment / determination | HSK 7-9 |
| | calm / unperturbed / cool | HSK 7-9 |
| | to foreordain / to be bound to; to be destined to; to be doomed to; inevitably | HSK 7-9 |
| | agreement / accord / to reach an agreement | HSK 7-9 |
| | to settle (in some city, country etc); to take up residence | HSK 7-9 |
| | to examine sth and make a decision / to screen / to evaluate / to approve | HSK 7-9 |
| | to establish / to fix / to settle | HSK 7-9 |
| | to conclude / to determine / to come to a judgment | HSK 7-9 |
| | to orientate / directional / directed / orienteering | HSK 7-9 |
| | final conclusion / accepted argument | HSK 7-9 |
| | established by popular usage (idiom); common usage agreement / customary convention | HSK 7-9 |
| | to assume / to suppose / supposed / so-called / assumption / hypothesis | HSK 7-9 |
| | to evaluate / to make one's judgment | HSK 7-9 |
| | tranquilizer / sth that sets one's mind at ease | HSK 7-9 |
| | definition / to delimit | HSK 7-9 |
| | indefinite / indeterminate / (botany) adventitious | HSK 7-9 |
| | to have something made to order | HSK 7-9 |
| | originally planned / originally determined | |
| | temporary arrangement / provisional / tentative | |
| | to select sb for a position without announcing the decision until later / to decide behind closed doors / all cut and dried | |
| | Ding'an county, Hainan | |
| | a test / determination / to check up on / to examine / to assay | |
| | to audit and determine / to check and ratify / to appraise and decide / determination / on a deemed basis (taxation) / to deem | |
| | to set / to designate / to stipulate / to provide / to draw up / to formulate (rules etc) / stipulation | |
| | DNA test; DNA testing | |
| | | |
| | theorem | |
| | Dingyuan, a county in Chuzhou 滁州, Anhui | |
| | to finalize (a design etc) / stereotype / permanent wave or perm (hairdressing) | |
| | Dingyuan, a county in Chuzhou 滁州, Anhui | |
| | fixed amount / quota | |
| | statutory; law-based; legal | |
| | Luding county (Tibetan: lcags zam rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet) | |
| | stability | |
| | to determine a location / designated / appointed / specific / fixed (time) / fixed point (geometry) / fixed-point (number) | |
| | fixed deposit / time deposit / certificate of deposit (banking) | |
| | fixed assets | |
| | specified (capacity, output etc) / rated (capacity, output etc) | |
| | determinacy | |
| | to infer; to consider and come to a judgment / to elect | |
| | to demarcate / to survey and determine | |
| | morning and evening visits to parents / cf 昏定晨省 | |
| | communications protocol | |
| | national holiday | |
| | to make a firm resolution | |
| | Pingding county in Yangquan 陽泉|阳泉, Shanxi | |
| | to pacify | |
| | Baoding, prefecture-level city in Hebei Province 河北省 | |
| | certain / confident (of some outcome) / calm and unhurried | |
| | the zero point indicator marked on a steelyard / fixed opinion / solid idea / decisive plan | |
| | to select / to choose / to settle on | |
| | to schedule | |
| | degree of stability | |
| | Wuding County in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture 楚雄彝族自治州, Yunnan | |
| | unswerving / unflinching | |
| | scientific law (e.g. law of conservation of energy) / (in human affairs) a generalization based on observation (e.g. "power corrupts") | |
| | to set (the tone, a target etc) / to lay down (the beat) | |
| | | |
| | certainly / of course | |
| | "Red Poppies", novel by 阿來|阿来 | |
| | lit. the dust has settled (idiom) / fig. to get sorted out / to be finalized | |
| | undecided; indeterminate; still in doubt | |
| | to agree / to decide after consultation / to come to a compromise | |
| | already fixed / set / established | |
| | decisive / conclusive | |
| | Chris Patten (1944-), last British Governor of Hong Kong 1992-1997 | |
| | protocol / treaty | |