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70 results on this page.

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each / respective / apiece
everybody / all (guests, colleagues etc) / all of you
in all parts of (a country) / various regions
every kind of; all kinds of; various
  *各* | 各* | *各
each / every
every / various / separately, one by one
(of) all kinds and sorts / various
HSK 7-9
each goes his own way (idiom); each person has his own life to lead
HSK 7-9
all categories
Jacob (name) / James (name)
all walks of life; all social circles
every trade; all professions; all walks of life
every place
each country / every country / various countries
each does his utmost (idiom) / from each according to his means
each one; everyone
various kinds / all sorts
all different / each unto his own
all walks of life
Puerto Rico, self-governing unincorporated territory of the United States
lit. the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his own special talent (idiom) / fig. (of each individual in a group) to give full play to one's unique capabilities
lit. to give each one a flogging of fifty strokes (idiom) / fig. to punish the guilty and the innocent alike / to put the blame on both parties
many different types
Longsheng Various Nationalities Autonomous County in Guilin 桂林, Guangxi
to go separate ways (idiom) / to part ways with sb / Taiwan pr. [ge4 ben1 dong1 xi1]
each sticks to his own version (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf
Calcutta (India)
each sticks to his own opinion (idiom); chacun son gout
(idiom) diverse; various; all kinds of
each sticks to his own view (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf
Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic
everyone gives their own view
everything has a rightful owner (idiom)
Longlin Various Nationalities Autonomous County in Baise 百色, Guangxi
everyone has their likes and dislikes (idiom)
all kinds / of every description
each has its own merits (idiom)
each sticks to his own view
to do things each in one's own way
each takes what he needs (idiom)
distinct; different / separately; individually / unusual; novel / (pejorative) eccentric; bizarre
Lagos (Nigerian city)
(of relatives or friends) to live far apart from each other
each one does what he thinks is right (idiom) / each goes his own way
(of the people in a group) to get into position (idiom) / (athletics) On your mark!
(idiom) each in the correct place; each is provided for
all parties (in a dispute etc) / all sides / all directions
all levels
Scott (name) / Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832), Scottish romantic novelist
sweep the snow from your own door step, don't worry about the frost on your neighbor's roof (idiom)
logos (loanword)
every part of the country
to be quite varied; each one is different
everyone has their likes and dislikes / there is no accounting for taste / chacun son goût
Epistle of St James (in New Testament)
all over the world / everywhere / in all parts of the world
Mount Geladaindong or Geladandong in Qinghai (6621 m), the main peak of the Tanggula mountain range 唐古拉山脈|唐古拉山脉
Mount Geladaindong or Geladandong in Qinghai (6621 m), the main peak of the Tanggula mountain range 唐古拉山脈|唐古拉山脉
people of all ethnic groups; the peoples (of a nation)
each displays their own strengths (idiom)
parties to a contract (law)
all parties involved
James Legge (1815-1897), Scottish Protestant missionary in Qing China and translator of the Chinese classics into English
(saying) one man's meat is another man's poison; to each his own
Fangcheng Various Nationalities Autonomous County in Guangxi (temporary name during 1950s for Fangcheng district 防城區|防城区 of Fangchenggang city)
Jacob (name) / Saint James
Jacobin club, French revolutionary party that played a leading role in the reign of terror 1791-1794

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