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28 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Simplified
  *兜* | 兜* | *兜
pocket / bag / to wrap up or hold in a bag / to move in a circle / to canvas or solicit / to take responsibility for / to disclose in detail / combat armor (old)
HSK 7-9
to hawk; to peddle
HSK 7-9
erhua variant of
HSK 7-9
  *兠* | 兠* | *兠
old variant of
HSK 7-9
pants pocket
undergarment covering the chest and abdomen
to catch the wind / to go for a spin in the fresh air
an undergarment covering chest and abdomen
lit. if you can't eat it all, you'll have to take it home (idiom) / fig. you'll have to take the consequences
full in the face
to encircle / to go around / to circle / to beat about the bush
aristolochic acid
to round up (fugitives) / to corner and arrest
to canvas (for customers) / to solicit / to advertise / to drum up / sales pitch / to take on (a task)
undergarment covering the chest and abdomen
to provide a safety net / (coll.) to reveal; to expose (sth disreputable)
to expose / to turn over
to close in from the rear and flanks; to surround and attack; to mop up (remnant enemy troops)
helmet (archaic)
satchel / backpack
(lit. and fig.) to go around and around; to wander around
to peddle / to hawk (pirate goods)
erhua variant of 挎兜
helmet / chain mail hung from head to protect neck
Aristolochiaceae (birthwort family of flowering plants, including ginger)

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