Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT

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23 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Simplified
  *併* | 併* | *併
to combine / to amalgamate
to merge / to annex
merger and acquisition (M and A) / acquisition / to take over
HSK 7-9
to swallow up / to annex / to merge
to lump together; to treat along with all the others
to merge into / to incorporate in
to put together / to add / to merge
complications (undesired side-effect of medical procedure)
to happen simultaneously / (medicine) (of one disease) to be complicated by (another); (of another disease) to erupt simultaneously / (computing) concurrent
to consolidate / to merge
to draw together / to place side by side (e.g. one's fingers, two halves of a torn sheet of paper etc)
to annex / to take over / to acquire
(of rival gangs or armed factions etc) to engage in internecine violence; to have an open fight; to clash on the streets; to have a shootout
to annex
union (symbol ∪) (set theory)
complication (medicine)
one after the other / in succession (idiom)
Chinese-Western fusion
occurring simultaneously
ribbon lap machine
doubling (combining two or more lengths of yarn into a single thread)
to merge; to consolidate / consolidation

Tip: The character dictionary has hand writing instructions for many Chinese characters, a brush icon is shown in front of the character when these instructions are available, try clicking it.
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