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on the body / at hand / among
the body / one's health
  *背* | 背* | *背
the back of a body or object / to turn one's back / to hide something from / to learn by heart / to recite from memory / unlucky (slang) / hard of hearing
  *挺* | 挺* | *挺
straight / erect / to stick out (a part of the body) / to (physically) straighten up / to support / to withstand / outstanding / (coll.) quite / very / classifier for machine guns
the whole body / (typography) em
  *光* | 光* | *光
light; ray (CL:) / bright; shiny / only; merely / used up; finished / to leave (a part of the body) uncovered
whole entity / entire body / synthesis / as a whole (situation, construction, team etc) / global / macrocosm / integral / holistic / whole
  *官* | 官* | *官
government official / governmental / official / public / organ of the body / CL: 個|个
body weight
(of celestial bodies etc) to move along one's course / (fig.) to function; to be in operation / (of a train service etc) to operate; to run / (of a computer) to run
main part / bulk / body / subject / agent
(zoology) segment (of the body of a worm, centipede etc) / (fig.) a part of an integrated whole: aspect (of a project), element (of a policy), sector (of the economy), stage (of a process) etc
part (esp. of the body, but also of a vegetable, e.g. the root, or a garment, e.g. the sleeve, etc)
  *欠* | 欠* | *欠
to owe / to lack / (literary) to be deficient in / (bound form) yawn / to raise slightly (a part of one's body)
whole body / from head to toe / single person / a suit of clothes
mechanism; gear / machine-operated / office; agency; organ; organization; establishment; institution; body / stratagem; scheme; intrigue; plot; trick / CL: 個|个
pain / (of a body part) to be painful; to be sore; to hurt / (of a person) to be in pain
human body
HSK 7-9
(body) temperature
HSK 7-9
face (body part)
HSK 7-9
even / well-distributed / homogeneous / well-proportioned (figure, body etc)
HSK 7-9
corpse; dead body
HSK 7-9
person / personal / human body
HSK 7-9
object; body; substance
HSK 7-9
fat (in the body, in a plant, or in food)
HSK 7-9
group / a large body of / production brigade / military group
HSK 7-9
  *窝* | 窝* | *窝
nest / pit or hollow on the human body / lair / den / place / to harbor or shelter / to hold in check / to bend / classifier for litters and broods
HSK 7-9
limb / limbs and trunk / body
HSK 7-9
stand-in / substitute / body double / stuntman / scapegoat / fall guy / to stand in for sb else
HSK 7-9
  *魂* | 魂* | *魂
soul; spirit; immortal soul (that can be detached from the body)
HSK 7-9
member (of a legislative body) / representative
HSK 7-9
vast body of water / CL:
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
waters / body of water
HSK 7-9
body / pregnancy / health
HSK 7-9
  *趴* | 趴* | *趴
to lie on one's stomach / to lean forward, resting one's upper body (on a desktop etc) / (Tw) percent
HSK 7-9
rich / strong / heavy (fragrance) / dense / full-bodied / intense
HSK 7-9
body and mind / mental and physical
HSK 7-9
  *泓* | 泓* | *泓
clear / vast and deep / classifier for a body of clear water
  *身* | 身* | *身
body / life / oneself / personally / one's morality and conduct / the main part of a structure or body / pregnant / classifier for sets of clothes: suit, twinset / Kangxi radical 158
  *窍* | 窍* | *窍
hole / opening / orifice (of the human body) / (fig.) key (to the solution of a problem)
  *体* | 体* | *体
body / form / style / system / substance / to experience / aspect (linguistics)
  *具* | 具* | *具
tool / device / utensil / equipment / instrument / talent / ability / to possess / to have / to provide / to furnish / to state / classifier for devices, coffins, dead bodies
within the body / in vivo (vs in vitro) / internal to
upper part of the body
celestial body (e.g. planet, satellite etc); heavenly body
  *星* | 星* | *星
star / heavenly body / satellite / small amount
body of a vehicle or machine / fuselage of a plane
  *络* | 络* | *络
net-like object / to hold sth in place with a net / to wind / to twist / (TCM) channels in the human body
dismembered body
the bottom of a body of water
outside the body / in vitro
the body of a vehicle; (bicycle) frame
body of water
swimming ability / characteristics of a body of water (depth, currents etc) / aqueous / water-based (paint etc)
(TCM) middle burner, the part of the body within the abdominal cavity (between the diaphragm and the navel, including the spleen and stomach)
(of a celestial body) to rotate on its own axis
sheet metal working / auto body repair work / panel beating
  *魄* | 魄* | *魄
(literary) soul; mortal soul (i.e. attached to the body)
to calm (soothe) the nerves / to relieve uneasiness of body and mind
external regulation (e.g. by means of a regulatory body, as opposed to self-regulation 自律) / (ethics) heteronomy
to bubble / to foam / to blister / to sprout boils (on one's body) / sparkling (wine etc)
to cultivate one's moral character / (fashion) slim-fit / body-hugging
people's congress, a legislative body within the PRC's system of government at any of various levels – national, provincial, municipal, county or township (abbr. for 人民代表大會|人民代表大会)
  *涉* | 涉* | *涉
(literary) to wade across a body of water / (bound form) to experience / to undergo / to be involved / to concern
main text (as opposed to footnotes) / main body (of a book)
armor / body armor and helmet
(of one who has supernatural powers) to replicate oneself so as to appear in two or more places at the same time / a derivative version of sb (or sth) (e.g. avatar, proxy, clone, sockpuppet) / to spare some time for a separate task / to cut a corpse into pieces / to pull a body apart by the four limbs / parturition
a stretch (of one's body)
North Sea (in Europe) / historical name for several bodies of water, including Lake Baikal 貝加爾湖|贝加尔湖, Russia
equator (of the earth or a celestial body) / celestial equator
build / body type
to become cancerous / transformation to malignancy (of body cells)
surface of the body / periphery of the body / body thermometer / (literary) a person's appearance
thick / heavy / thickset (body) / massive / generous / extravagant / profound / dignified
(of an animal) soft-bodied / (Tw) software
body weary, strength exhausted (idiom); extremely tired / spent
lit. defeated, the ground blanketed with bodies (idiom) / fig. to suffer a crushing defeat
rigid body
level of heat / (fig.) zeal / fervor / (coll.) a temperature (i.e. abnormally high body heat)
Guozijian, the highest educational administrative body in imperial China, in some dynasties also functioning as the highest institution of academic research and learning (Imperial College, aka Imperial Academy)
lower body / euphemism for genitals / root and stem of plants
this text / article / the main body of a book
skull (of a dead body)
the Emperor's body / Jesus' body / communion wafer (in Christian mass)
physical body
mythical animal that brings luck and wards off evil, having head of a dragon and lion's body, often with hoofs, wings and tail / also written 辟邪 / fig. valiant soldier
rarity / rare delicacy / foreign matter / alien body / the dead / ghost / monstrosity / alien life-form
pipa, Chinese lute, with 4 strings, a large pear-shaped body and a fretted fingerboard
opposite bank (of a body of water)
to roll over / to turn over (one's body)
caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) (The fungus grows within the body of a caterpillar, culminating in the emergence of a stalked fruiting body from the caterpillar's head, and is a much-prized and expensive ingredient used as a tonic in traditional Chinese medicine.)
the real body (of Buddha or a God) / true effigy
aspect of the celestial bodies (used for navigation and astrology)
to purify one's body (i.e. to get castrated)
(of sb or sth) whole or entire body
to wander about / to roam / to move back and forth between (government and academia, two or more countries etc) / to flow through (a circuit, a network, the body) / to skirt (the border of legality) / (of a singer's voice) to move within its range / (of a stock price) to fluctuate within (a range)
living body / live specimen
body odor / bromhidrosis
cold air / a chill one feels in the body (when exposed to cold air)

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