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  *别* | 别* | *别
to leave; to part (from) / (literary) to differentiate; to distinguish / (dialect) to turn away; to turn aside; to avert (one's face, gaze etc) / (bound form) other; another; different / don't ...! / to fasten with a pin or clip / to stick in; to insert (in order to hinder movement) / (noun suffix) category (as in 性別|性别, 派別|派别)
  *挺* | 挺* | *挺
straight / erect / to stick out (a part of the body) / to (physically) straighten up / to support / to withstand / outstanding / (coll.) quite / very / classifier for machine guns
  *香* | 香* | *香
fragrant / sweet smelling / aromatic / savory or appetizing / (to eat) with relish / (of sleep) sound / perfume or spice / joss or incense stick / CL:
  *贴* | 贴* | *贴
to stick / to paste / to post (e.g. on a blog) / to keep close to / to fit snugly / to subsidize / allowance (e.g. money for food or housing) / sticker / classifier for sticking plaster: strip
  *棒* | 棒* | *棒
stick / club / cudgel / smart / capable / strong / wonderful / classifier for legs of a relay race
  *插* | 插* | *插
to insert / stick in / pierce / to take part in / to interfere / to interpose
  *签* | 签* | *签
inscribed bamboo stick (used in divination, gambling, drawing lots etc) / small wood sliver / label / tag
  *签* | 签* | *签
to sign one's name / to write brief comments on a document / inscribed bamboo stick (variant of 籤|签) / visa
  *杆* | 杆* | *杆
stick / pole / lever / classifier for long objects such as guns
  *扎* | 扎* | *扎
to prick / to run or stick (a needle etc) into / mug or jug used for serving beer (loanword from "jar")
  *拐* | 拐* | *拐
cane / walking stick / crutch / old man's staff
  *粘* | 粘* | *粘
to glue; to paste / to adhere; to stick to
HSK 7-9
crutches / crutch / walking stick
HSK 7-9
  *拨* | 拨* | *拨
to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc / to dial / to allocate / to set aside (money) / to poke (the fire) / to pluck (a string instrument) / to turn round / classifier: group, batch
HSK 7-9
  *墨* | 墨* | *墨
ink stick / China ink / CL: 塊|块 / corporal punishment consisting of tattooing characters on the victim's forehead
HSK 7-9
to hold fast to / to stick to
HSK 7-9
  *黏* | 黏* | *黏
sticky; glutinous / (Tw) to adhere; to stick on; to glue
HSK 7-9
  *棍* | 棍* | *棍
stick; rod; truncheon / scoundrel; villain
HSK 7-9
  *翘* | 翘* | *翘
to stick up / to rise on one end / to tilt
HSK 7-9
  *枚* | 枚* | *枚
classifier for small objects: coins, badges, rings, carved seals, chess pieces, eggs, fingerprints etc (more formal than 個|个) / classifier for bombs, missiles, satellites etc / (on product packaging) classifier for flat items (from Japanese "mai") / (old) stick used as a gag to prevent soldiers from talking while sneaking up on the enemy
HSK 7-9
  *凸* | 凸* | *凸
to stick out; protruding; convex; male (connector etc) / Taiwan pr. [tu2]
HSK 7-9
stick; rod
HSK 7-9
  *捶* | 捶* | *捶
to beat (with a stick or one's fist); to thump; to pound
HSK 7-9
hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese medicine) / crux of an issue / main point in an argument / sticking point / deadlock in negotiations
HSK 7-9
to get out of a predicament / to stick out / to take the initiative / remaining odd fraction after a division / a little more than
HSK 7-9
one head / a head full of sth / one end (of a stick) / one side / headlong / directly / rapidly / simultaneously
HSK 7-9
  *叮* | 叮* | *叮
to sting or bite (of mosquito, bee etc) / to say repeatedly / to urge insistently / to ask repeatedly / to stick to a point / (onom.) tinkling or jingling sound
  *巴* | 巴* | *巴
to long for / to wish / to cling to / to stick to / sth that sticks / close to / next to / spread open / informal abbr. for bus 巴士 / bar (unit of pressure) / nominalizing suffix on certain nouns, such as 尾巴, tail
wooden stick
both ends (of a stick etc) / two extremes
(Tw) band-aid; sticking plaster
to adhere; to stick together; to bond; to agglutinate
to adhere / to stick to
to insert; to stick in; to plug in
band-aid; sticking plaster
to stick / to affix / to adhere / to paste (as in "copy and paste") / Taiwan pr. [nian2 tie1] / also written 黏貼|黏贴
  *坨* | 坨* | *坨
mound; heap; lump / classifier for small mounds (e.g. animal scat deposits) / (of noodles, jiaozi 餃子|饺子 etc) to stick together; to form a clump
bamboo stick used as a toy horse
to protrude / to stick out
  *折* | 折* | *折
to snap / to break (a stick, a bone etc) / (bound form) to sustain a loss (in business)
to stick close to / to press up against
  *撅* | 撅* | *撅
to protrude / to stick out / to pout (also written ) / to embarrass (people)
to erect (a tent etc) / to prick up (one's ears) / to raise (one's eyebrows) / to stick up (one's thumb) / to turn up (one's collar) / (of a bird) to puff up (one's feathers)
  *症* | 症* | *症
abdominal tumor / bowel obstruction / (fig.) sticking point
to appear suddenly / projection / bit sticking out
  *杖* | 杖* | *杖
a staff / a rod / cane / walking stick / to flog with a stick (old)
big stick (policy etc)
  *扦* | 扦* | *扦
short slender pointed piece of metal, bamboo etc / skewer / prod used to extract samples from sacks of grain etc / (dialect) to stick in / to bolt (a door) / to arrange (flowers in a vase) / to graft (tree) / to pedicure / to peel (an apple etc)
lit. in the same boat under wind and rain (idiom); fig. to stick together in hard times
stick / club / cudgel / maize (corn) / ear of maize / corncob / (derog.) Korean
lit. to see a gap and stick in a needle (idiom); fig. to make use of every second and every inch
  *铉* | 铉* | *铉
stick-like implement inserted into the handles of a tripod cauldron in ancient times in order to lift the cauldron / commonly used in Korean names, transcribed as "hyun"
sticking unmoving to the original (idiom); not an iota changed / untouched
club; staff; stick
to move to and fro (with hand, foot, stick etc) / to fiddle with / to stir up
the rules and discipline that apply within a family / stick used for punishing children or servants / traditions of an artistic or academic school of thought, passed on from master to pupil
to come to prominence / to appear clearly / to stick out
  *搢* | 搢* | *搢
shake / stick into / strike
  *喁* | 喁* | *喁
(literary) (of a fish) to stick its mouth out of the water
not stick to one pattern
to stick onto / stalemate / gridlock / to agglutinate
to adhere / to stick together
adhesion / to adhere / to cohere / to stick
(baseball or cricket) bat / hockey stick
to uphold justice / to be loyal (to one's friends) / to stick by
to stick one's head out and look around (idiom)
to arbitrarily assert / to allege / to stick to one's statement / to cling to one's view
club (ancient stick-like weapon with a melon-shaped enlargement at the tip) / (flower) bud
cane / walking stick
to pout / to stick out one's lips
  *摽* | 摽* | *摽
to bind tightly / to link (arms) / to hang around with; to stick close to (sb) / to compete / (literary) to hit; to beat
  *撽* | 撽* | *撽
to beat with a stick / to hit from the side
incense stick
  *龅* | 龅* | *龅
(of a bucktooth) to protrude; to stick out
to start but not finish (idiom); to fail to carry things through / lack of sticking power / short attention span
joss stick and candle
to stick up for a wrongdoer
to band together / to gang up / to stick together
  *柷* | 柷* | *柷
percussion instrument, a tapering wooden box struck on the inside with a wooden stick
to stick up / to point sth up
  *棁* | 棁* | *棁
(wooden) stick / roof beam
practice in which a novice monk is shouted at or hit with a stick with the purpose of bringing about instant awakening (Buddhism) / to rebuke sternly
one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius); fig. to work for a bit then skimp / sporadic effort / lack of sticking power / short attention span
to measure roughly (with the hand, a stick, string etc)
to start on virtue but give up (idiom); to fail to carry things through / lack of sticking power / short attention span
to insert / to stick in / to plug in (an electronic device)
not to stick to the old conventions
to stick to sth without change (idiom); to persevere
uneven / in disorder / everything sticking out
to start on virtue but give up (idiom); to fail to carry things through / lack of sticking power / short attention span
to stick closely to (a topic or theme etc)
to stick sth up (on the wall) / to post (on a noticeboard or website)
to plug into / to insert / to stick in
glue stick
to glue to; to paste onto; to stick on
slimy (of rotten food) / viscous / (mechanics) stick-slip
to be afraid to stick out
the first stick of incense placed in the censer (believed to bring good luck esp. during festivities) / (slang) (Tw) the first reply to a blog post etc
to persist / to continue upholding / to persevere / to stick to sth / stubborn
pole / stick / club / gang of bandits

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