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28 results on this page.

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nickname of Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo
Ronaldo (name) / Cristiano Ronaldo (1985-), Portuguese soccer player
  *葡* | 葡* | *葡
Portugal / Portuguese / abbr. for 葡萄牙
  *鮨* | 鮨* | *鮨
sushi / grouper (Portuguese: garoupa) / Epinephelus septemfasciatus
grouper (Portuguese: garoupa) / also called / Epinephelinae (subfamily of Serranidae, fish family including grouper)
Magellan (1480-1521), Portuguese explorer
Lisbon, capital of Portugal
the Algarve (southern region of Portugal)
Portuguese (Ming era loanword)
Socrates (469-399 BC), Greek philosopher / José Sócrates (1957-), prime minister of Portugal (2005-2011)
José Manuel Durão Barroso (1956-), Portuguese politician, prime minister of Portugal 2002-04, president of EU Commission from 2004-2014
Portuguese (language)
Formosa (from Ilha Formosa, "Beautiful Isle", the name given to Taiwan Island by passing Portuguese mariners in 1544)
Portuguese-style egg tart (pastel de nata)
(economics) (derog.) PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain) / PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain)
António Guterres (1949-), secretary-general of the United Nations (2017-), prime minister of Portugal (1995-2002)
(zoology) Portuguese man o' war (Physalia physalis)
Portuguese (language)
escudo (Spanish and Portuguese: shield), former currency of Portugal and other countries
Historical name for Portugal during the Qing dynasty
Sampaio (name) / Jorge Sampaio (1939-), Portuguese lawyer and politician, president of Portugal 1996-2006 / Sampaio, town in Brazil
Santarém (Portugal) / Santarém (Brazil)
Portuguese (language)
Portuguese (person)
Portuguese (language)
Portuguese (language)

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