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  *和* | 和* | *和
(joining two nouns) and; together with; with (Taiwan pr. [han4]) / (math.) sum / to make peace / (sports) to draw; to tie / (bound form) harmonious / (bound form) Japan; Japanese
safe and sound / well / without mishap / quiet and safe / at peace
peace / peaceful
firmly-based / steady / steadfast / to have peace of mind / free from anxiety / Taiwan pr. [ta4 shi2]
peace and security
HSK 7-9
moderately affluent / well-off / a period of peace and prosperity
HSK 7-9
Marshall (name) / George Catlett Marshall (1880-1959), US general in WWII and Secretary of State 1947-1949, author of the postwar Marshall plan for Europe and Nobel peace laureate
to sue for peace / to look for a draw (chess) / summation (math.)
peace and happiness (old) / healthy and happy / recreation
at peace / healthy and secure
peace and happiness
to negotiate peace
the country prospers, the people at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
to bring peace and stability to a country, region etc
Gore (name) / Al Gore (1948-), US vice-president 1993-2001 under Bill Clinton, subsequently environmental campaigner and Nobel Peace laureate
judicial officer / justice of the peace (old)
to make peace / to copulate
Michel or Mitchell (name) / George Mitchell (1933-), US Democratic party politician and diplomat, influential in brokering Northern Ireland peace deal in 1990s, US Middle East special envoy from 2009
lit. light breeze and clear moon (idiom) / period of peace and prosperity / noble and benevolent character
to rest; to go to sleep / to rest in peace
  *憺* | 憺* | *憺
long-term peace and stability (of governments)
to surpass / to transcend / to perform religious ceremonies to help the soul find peace
peace treaty
peace and happiness / feasting / making merry
peace and prosperity
to live in peace and work happily (idiom)
peace talks
to keep the peace; to patch up a quarrel (idiom)
(successive periods of) peace and prosperity / peaceful
to mediate / to reconcile / to make peace / to intervene
to make peace / to reconcile
to be at peace with oneself
to root out the strong and give people peace (idiom); to rob the rich and give to the poor
dove of peace
the full light of day (idiom) / fig. peace and prosperity / in broad daylight
to mediate / to urge peace
peace conference
the whole world at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
peace and prosperity (idiom)
lit. to celebrate peace with songs and dance (idiom) / fig. to make a show of happiness and prosperity
efficient government, people at peace (idiom); all is well with the state and the people
to bring peace and stability to the country
the Yellow River is clear and the sea is calm / the world is at peace (idiom)
Tolstoy (name) / Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828-1910), great Russian novelist, author of War and Peace 戰爭與和平|战争与和平
Mohamed ElBaradei (1942-), Director of International Atomic Energy Agency 1997-2009 and Nobel Peace Prize laureate
(neologism) (slang) person who likes to pretend that everything is fine in their society (derived from 歲月靜好|岁月静好, "it is a time of peace and harmony")
dove faction (opposite: 鷹派|鹰派, hawks) / peace party / the faction seeking peace
peace all year round (old letter closing)
to leave peace for the future generations
Heping or Peace district (of many towns) / Heping district of Tianjin municipality 天津市 / Heping district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning
Shimon Peres (1923-2016), Israel politician, prime minister in 1977, 1984-1986 and 1995-1996, president 2007-2014, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize 1994
at peace / relaxed / serene
Aung San Suu Kyi (1945-), Myanmar opposition leader and 1991 Nobel Peace laureate / also written 昂山素姬
to uphold peace
Justice of the Peace (JP)
world peace
War and Peace by Tolstoy 托爾斯泰|托尔斯泰
the Peach Blossom Spring, a hidden land of peace and prosperity / utopia
Liu Xiaobo (1955-2017), Beijing writer and human rights activist, organizer of petition Charter 2008 零八憲章|零八宪章, Nobel Peace Prize laureate in 2010
peace talks / peace discussions
to make the country rich and the people at peace
lit. the trees long for peace but the wind will never cease (idiom) / fig. the world changes, whether you want it or not
olive branch / symbol of peace
territory belonging to a third party (as a neutral location for peace negotiations or as a transit point for indirect travel or trade etc)
neither war nor peace
the peace faction / doves
to sue for peace
peace keeping group
lit. peace when you come or go / peace wherever you go
good people are at peace with themselves, (but) there is no rest for the wicked
peace treaty
peace envoy
peace settlement / peaceful solution
peace negotiations
(U.S.) Peace Corps
(idiom) the whole world is at peace
international peace foundation
lit. cannot rest or eat in peace (idiom) / fig. extremely worried and troubled
free of worldly concerns / above the fray / at peace with the world
to live at peace as brothers
to assume one's post with the aspiration of bringing about peace and order to the nation (idiom)
teach in peace (polite phrase to end a letter to a teacher)
May you have peace year after year (New Year's greeting)
lasting peace / enduring peace
(in such circumstances) there will be no peace / one can never breathe easy
Nobel Peace Prize
Kim Dae-jung (1926-2009), South Korea politician, president 1998-2003, Nobel peace prize laureate 2000
Martti Ahtisaari (1937-), Finnish diplomat and politician, veteran peace negotiator and 2008 Nobel peace laureate
Holbrook (name) / Richard C.A. Holbrooke (1941-2010), US diplomat, influential in brokering 1995 Dayton Bosnian peace deal, US special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan from 2009

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