[0263a24] |
舉 | | | to lift / to hold up / to cite / to enumerate / to act / to raise / to choose / to elect / act / move / deed | HSK 2 |
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嚴 | | | surname Yan | |
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| | | tight (closely sealed) / stern / strict / rigorous / severe / father | HSK 4 |
陽 | | | positive (electric.) / sun / male principle (Taoism) / Yang, opposite: 陰|阴 | |
尊者 | | | honored sir (a person of higher status or seniority, or a Buddhist monk) | |
問 | | | to ask; to inquire | HSK 1 |
趙 | | | surname Zhao / one of the seven states during the Warring States period (476-220 BC) / the Former Zhao 前趙|前赵 (304-329) and Later Zhao 後趙|后赵 (319-350), states of the Sixteen Kingdoms | |
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| | | to surpass (old) | |
州 | | | prefecture / (old) province / (old) administrative division / state (e.g. of US) / oblast (Russia) / canton (Switzerland) | |
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一 | | | one / single / a (article) / as soon as / entire; whole; all; throughout / "one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1) / also pr. [yao1] for greater clarity when spelling out numbers digit by digit | HSK 1 |
物 | | | (bound form) thing / (literary) the outside world as distinct from oneself; people other than oneself | |
不 | | | no; not so / (bound form) not; un- | HSK 1 |
將來 | | | in the future / future / the future / CL: 個|个 | HSK 3 |
時 | | | surname Shi | |
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| | | o'clock / time / when / hour / season / period | HSK 3 |
如何 | | | how / what way / what | HSK 3 |
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猶 | | | as if / (just) like / just as / still / yet | |
是 | | | to be (followed by substantives only) / correct; right; true / (respectful acknowledgement of a command) very well / (adverb for emphatic assertion) | HSK 1 |
分外 | | | exceptionally / not one's responsibility or job | HSK 7-9 |
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州 | | | prefecture / (old) province / (old) administrative division / state (e.g. of US) / oblast (Russia) / canton (Switzerland) | |
云 | | | (classical) to say | HSK 2 |
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放下 | | | to lay down; to put down / to let go of; to relinquish; to set aside / to lower (the blinds etc) | HSK 2 |
著 | | | a move in chess (Taiwan pr. [zhuo2]) / trick; tactic / (dialect) okay; all right / (dialect) to put in; to add | |
| |
| | | to touch / to come in contact with / to feel / to be affected by / to catch fire / to burn / (coll.) to fall asleep / (after a verb) hitting the mark / succeeding in | HSK 4 |
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| | | aspect particle indicating action in progress or ongoing state | HSK 1 |
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| | | to wear (clothes) / to contact / to use / to apply | |
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| | | to make known / to show / to prove / to write / book / outstanding | |
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貼 | | | to stick / to paste / to post (e.g. on a blog) / to keep close to / to fit snugly / to subsidize / allowance (e.g. money for food or housing) / sticker / classifier for sticking plaster: strip | HSK 4 |
体 | | | used in 體己|体己 / Taiwan pr. [ti3] | |
| |
| | | body / form / style / system / substance / to experience / aspect (linguistics) | |
衣衫 | | | clothing / unlined garment | |
會 | | | can; to have the skill; to know how to / to be likely to; to be sure to / to meet; to get together / meeting; gathering / (suffix) union; group; association / (bound form) a moment (Taiwan pr. [hui3]) | HSK 1 |
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| | | (bound form) to reckon accounts | |
須 | | | must / to have to / to wait | HSK 7-9 |
脫 | | | to shed / to take off / to escape / to get away from | HSK 4 |
却 | | | | HSK 4 |
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| | | but / yet / however / while / to go back / to decline / to retreat / nevertheless / even though | HSK 4 |
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嚴 | | | surname Yan | |
| |
| | | tight (closely sealed) / stern / strict / rigorous / severe / father | HSK 4 |
云 | | | (classical) to say | HSK 2 |
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一 | | | one / single / a (article) / as soon as / entire; whole; all; throughout / "one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1) / also pr. [yao1] for greater clarity when spelling out numbers digit by digit | HSK 1 |
物 | | | (bound form) thing / (literary) the outside world as distinct from oneself; people other than oneself | |
不 | | | no; not so / (bound form) not; un- | HSK 1 |
將來 | | | in the future / future / the future / CL: 個|个 | HSK 3 |
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放下 | | | to lay down; to put down / to let go of; to relinquish; to set aside / to lower (the blinds etc) | HSK 2 |
箇 | | | | HSK 1 |
甚 | | | | |
| |
| | | excessive; undue / to exceed; to be more than / very; extremely / (dialect) what; whatever (Taiwan pr. [shen2]) | |
麼 | | | exclamatory final particle | |
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| | | interrogative final particle | |
| |
| | | suffix, used to form interrogative 什麼|什么, what?, indefinite 這麼|这么 thus, etc | |
| |
| | | tiny / insignificant | |
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人 | | | | HSK 1 |
不 | | | no; not so / (bound form) not; un- | HSK 1 |
知己 | | | to know oneself / to be intimate or close / intimate friend | HSK 7-9 |
過 | | | surname Guo | |
| |
| | | to cross / to go over / to pass (time) / to celebrate (a holiday) / to live / to get along / excessively / too- | HSK 1 |
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| | | (experienced action marker) | HSK 2 |
牛 | | | surname Niu | |
| |
| | | ox / cow / bull / CL: 條|条, 頭|头 / newton (abbr. for 牛頓|牛顿) / (slang) awesome | HSK 3 |
不知 | | | not to know / unaware / unknowingly / fig. not to admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness etc) | HSK 7-9 |
力 | | | surname Li | |
| |
| | | power / force / strength / ability / strenuously | HSK 3 |
大 | | | big; large; great / older (than another person) / eldest (as in 大姐) / greatly; freely; fully / (dialect) father / (dialect) uncle (father's brother) | HSK 1 |
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州 | | | prefecture / (old) province / (old) administrative division / state (e.g. of US) / oblast (Russia) / canton (Switzerland) | |
云 | | | (classical) to say | HSK 2 |
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恁麼 | | | (old) this way / what? | |
則 | | | (literary) (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but; then / (bound form) standard; norm / (bound form) principle / (literary) to imitate; to follow / classifier for written items | HSK 7-9 |
擔 | | | to undertake / to carry / to shoulder / to take responsibility | HSK 7-9 |
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| | | picul (100 catties, 50 kg) / two buckets full / carrying pole and its load / classifier for loads carried on a shoulder pole | HSK 7-9 |
取 | | | to take / to get / to choose / to fetch | HSK 2 |
去 | | | to go / to go to (a place) / (of a time etc) last / just passed / to send / to remove / to get rid of / to reduce / to be apart from in space or time / to die (euphemism) / to play (a part) / (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth / (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker) / (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation) | HSK 1 |
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喚 | | | to call | |
不 | | | no; not so / (bound form) not; un- | HSK 1 |
回頭 | | | to turn round; to turn one's head / later; by and by | HSK 5 |
爭 | | | to strive for / to vie for / to argue or debate / deficient or lacking (dialect) / how or what (literary) | HSK 3 |
奈何 | | | to do something to sb / to deal with / to cope / how? / to no avail | |
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