ime="mand_eng_simp"; imeName="Mandarin Pinyin - Simplified (with English definitions)"; imeSimpTrad=0; imeMaxLength=67; imeData="a A|(slang) (Tw) to steal a 阿|abbr. for country names that begin wi... a 阿|prefix used before monosyllabic names... a 啊|interjection of surprise/Ah!/Oh! a 啊|interjection expressing doubt or requ... a 啊|interjection of surprise or doubt/Eh?... a 啊|interjection or grunt of agreement/uh... a 啊|modal particle ending sentence, showi... a 吖|(used in transliterating chemical names) a 嗄|variant of 啊[a2] a 呵|variant of 啊[a1] a 锕|actinium (chemistry) aa-zhi AA制|to split the bill; to go Dutch aba 阿坝|Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Pr... aba 阿爸|Abba (Aramaic word father)/by ext. Go... aba 阿爸|(dialect) father aba 阿巴|Aba, southeast Nigerian city/Aba, the... abafu 阿爸父|Abba (Aramaic word father)/by ext. Go... abagaqi 阿巴嘎旗|Abag banner or Avga khoshuu in Xiling... abalaqiya 阿巴拉契亚|Appalachian Mountains in North America abasi 阿巴斯|Abbas (name)/Mahmoud Abbas (1935-), a... abasiwangchao 阿拔斯王朝|Abbasid Empire (750-1258), successor ... abaxian 阿坝县|Ngawa County in Ngawa Tibetan and Qia... abazangzuqiangzuzizhizhou 阿坝藏族羌族自治州|Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Pr... abazhou 阿坝州|Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous pr... abeier 阿贝尔|Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829), Norweg... abi 阿鼻|Ceaseless pain (Sanskrit: Avici), one... abi 阿比|Abby or Abi (name, sometimes short fo... abian 阿扁|A-bian, nickname of Chen Shui-bian 陳水... abidiyu 阿鼻地狱|(Buddhism) the Avici Hell, the last a... abingge 阿兵哥|(coll.) soldier boy abirang 阿比让|Abidjan (city in Ivory Coast) abixiniya 阿比西尼亚|Abyssinia, historical name of Ethiopia abixiniyaguanhua 阿比西尼亚官话|Amharic (language) abixiniyaren 阿比西尼亚人|Abyssinian (person) abiya 阿彼雅|Abijah (biblical name) aboding 阿伯丁|Aberdeen (city on east coast of Scotl... aboluo 阿波罗|Apollo (loanword) aboluojihua 阿波罗计划|the Apollo project (1961-1975), the N... abudabi 阿布达比|Abu Dhabi, capital of United Arab Emi... abudula 阿卜杜拉|Abdullah (name) abuhazi 阿布哈兹|Abkhazia, region in Georgia abujia 阿布贾|Abuja, capital of Nigeria abulaitiabudurexiti 阿不来提·阿不都热西提|Abdulahat Abdurixit (1942-), PRC engi... abushayefu 阿布沙耶夫|Abu Sayyaf, militant Islamist separat... abushuchun 阿布叔醇|albuterol, chemical used in treating ... abuzhabi 阿布扎比|Abu Dhabi, capital of United Arab Emi... abzhi AB制|to split the bill (where the male cou... acai A菜|(Tw) A-choy, or Taiwanese lettuce (La... acg ACG|acronym for \"anime, comics and games\" achang 阿昌|Achang also called Ngac\'ang or Maingt... acheng 阿城|Acheng district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1... achengqu 阿城区|Acheng district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1... achufo 阿閦佛|Aksobhya, the imperturbable ruler of ... achufo 阿初佛|erroneous variant of 阿閦佛, Aksobhya, t... acihaimozheng 阿茨海默症|Alzheimer\'s disease adabier 阿达比尔|Ardabil in Azerbaijan region of Iran adan 阿丹|Adam (name)/Aden, capital of Yemen adaosihexuli 阿道司·赫胥黎|Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), British no... adela 阿得拉|Adderall (stimulant drug) adelaer 阿得拉尔|Adderall (stimulant drug) adelaide 阿德莱德|Adelaide, capital of South Australia adelaide 阿得莱德|Adelaide, capital of South Australia adeleide 阿德雷德|Adelaide, capital of South Australia/... adi 阿弟|younger brother adidasi 阿迪达斯|Adidas (sportswear company) adie 阿爹|dad/father/(paternal) grandfather/old... ading 吖啶|acridine (antiseptic and disinfectant) adingding 吖丁啶|azetidine (chemistry) (loanword) adiping 阿的平|atabrine or quinacrine, used as antim... adisenshibing 阿狄森氏病|Addison\'s disease adisiabeiba 阿迪斯阿贝巴|Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia (Tw) adou 阿斗|A-dou, nickname of Liu Shan 劉禪|刘禅[Liu... aduonisi 阿多尼斯|Adonis, figure in Greek mythology aduonuo 阿多诺|surname Adorno/Theodor Ludwig Wieseng... aerbaniya 阿尔巴尼亚|Albania aerbaniyaren 阿尔巴尼亚人|Albanian (person) aerbeisi 阿尔卑斯|alps (mountain range) aerbota 阿尔伯塔|Alberta province of Canada, capital E... aerbote 阿尔伯特|Albert (name) aercihaimo 阿尔茨海默|Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), German p... aercihaimobing 阿尔茨海默病|Alzheimer\'s disease/senile dementia aercihaimoshibing 阿尔茨海默氏病|Alzheimer\'s disease/senile dementia aercihaimoshibing 阿耳茨海默氏病|Alzheimer\'s disease aercihaimoshizheng 阿尔茨海默氏症|Alzheimer\'s disease/senile dementia aercihaimozheng 阿尔茨海默症|Alzheimer\'s disease/senile dementia aerdousai 阿尔都塞|surname Althusser/Louis Pierre Althus... aerfa 阿尔法|alpha (Greek letter Αα) aerfalizi 阿尔法粒子|alpha particle (helium nucleus) aerfaluomiou 阿尔法·罗密欧|Alfa Romeo aergaida 阿尔盖达|al-Qaeda aergesi 阿耳戈斯|Argus/in Greek mythology, a monster w... aergunqin 阿尔衮琴|Algonquin (North American people) aerhangeersikezhou 阿尔汉格尔斯克州|Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia aerjiawei 阿尔加维|the Algarve (southern region of Portu... aerjier 阿尔及尔|Algiers, capital of Algeria aerjiliya 阿尔及利亚|Algeria aerjiliyaren 阿尔及利亚人|Algerian aerkantala 阿尔坎塔拉|Alcántara, municipality in the provin... aerkate 阿尔卡特|Alcatel, old company name aermeiliya 阿尔梅里亚|Almería aersasi 阿尔萨斯|Alsace, French department aershan 阿尔山|Arxan, county-level city, Mongolian R... aershanshi 阿尔山市|Arxan, county-level city, Mongolian R... aersitonggongsi 阿尔斯通公司|Alstom (company name) aertai 阿尔泰|Altai republic in Russian central Asi... aertaishan 阿尔泰山|Altai mountain range in Xinjiang and ... aertaishanmai 阿尔泰山脉|Altai mountain chain on the border of... aertaixueji 阿尔泰雪鸡|(bird species of China) Altai snowcoc... aertaiyu 阿尔泰语|Altaic language aertaiziwan 阿尔泰紫菀|(botany) Aster altaicus aertemisi 阿耳忒弥斯|Artemis (Greek goddess of the moon) aerwasete 阿尔瓦塞特|Albacete, Spain afaer 阿法尔|Afar region of northeast Ethiopia/Afa... afaershamo 阿法尔沙漠|Afar Desert, Southern Ethiopia afaluomiou 阿法罗密欧|Alfa Romeo afanda 阿凡达|Avatar (movie) afanda 阿梵达|avatar (loanword) afanti 阿凡提|the Effendi (Nasreddin), the hero of ... afei 阿飞|hoodlum/hooligan/young rowdy afeilijia 阿非利加|Africa afeilijiazhou 阿非利加洲|Africa (abbr. to 非洲[Fei1 zhou1]) afuhan 阿富汗|Afghanistan afuhanyu 阿富汗语|Afghan (language)/Pashto language afujiadeluo 阿伏伽德罗|Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856), Italian ... afujiadeluochangshu 阿伏伽德罗常数|Avogadro\'s number (chemistry) afuleerhao 阿芙乐尔号|Russian cruiser Aurora, firing the sh... afuluodite 阿芙罗狄忒|see 阿佛洛狄忒[A1 fu2 luo4 di2 te4] afuluodite 阿佛洛狄忒|Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love/Venus afuluodite 阿弗洛狄忒|see 阿佛洛狄忒[A1 fu2 luo4 di2 te4] afurong 阿芙蓉|opium agaida 阿盖达|al-Qaeda aganzhengzhuan 阿甘正传|Forrest Gump age 阿哥|(familiar) elder brother agenidi 阿格尼迪|Agnus Dei (section of Catholic mass) agenting 阿根廷|Argentina agong 阿公|(old) grandfather/polite address for ... agu 阿家|husband\'s mother ahedisali 阿赫蒂萨里|Martti Ahtisaari (1937-), Finnish dip... aheiyan 阿黑颜|(ACG) ahegao (loanword from Japanese ... aheiyan 阿嘿颜|variant of 阿黑顏|阿黑颜[a1hei1yan2] aheng 阿亨|Aachen, city in Nordrhein-Westfalen, ... ahenggongyedaxue 阿亨工业大学|RWTH Aachen University ahengkejidaxue 阿亨科技大学|RWTH Aachen University aheqi 阿合奇|Aqchi Nahiyisi or Aheqi County in Kiz... aheqixian 阿合奇县|Aqchi Nahiyisi or Aheqi County in Kiz... ahong 阿訇|(loanword from Persian) imam/ahung ahuatian 阿华田|Ovaltine (brand) ahun 阿混|(dialect) idler/loafer ahuo A货|good-quality fake ai 爱|to love; to be fond of; to like/affec... ai 哎|hey!/(interjection used to attract at... ai 癌|cancer/carcinoma/also pr. [yan2] ai 埃|abbr. for Egypt 埃及[Ai1 ji2] ai 埃|dust/dirt/angstrom/phonetic ai or e ai 挨|in order; in sequence/close to; adjac... ai 挨|to suffer; to endure/to pull through ... ai 隘|(bound form) narrow/(bound form) a de... ai 艾|surname Ai ai 艾|Chinese mugwort or wormwood/moxa/to s... ai 皑|(literary) white as snow ai 碍|to hinder/to obstruct/to block ai 霭|mist/haze/cloudy sky ai 哀|Ai (c. 2000 BC), sixth of legendary F... ai 哀|sorrow; grief; pity/to grieve for; to... ai 唉|interjection or grunt of agreement or... ai 唉|alas/oh dear ai 瑷|fine quality jade ai 暧|(of daylight) dim/obscure/clandestine... ai 矮|(of a person) short/(of a wall etc) l... ai 娭|see 娭姐[ai1 jie3], father\'s mother/gra... ai 蔼|friendly ai 毐|see historical character Lao Ai 嫪毐/by... ai 嫒|used in 令嬡|令嫒[ling4ai4] ai 叆|misty/cloudy sky/dark/obscure ai 锿|einsteinium (chemistry) ai 欸|(indicating response)/(sadly sighing)... ai 欸|(Tw) (literary) to rebuke loudly/(Tw)... ai 捱|variant of 挨[ai2] ai 嗳|to belch/(interj. of disapproval) ai 嗳|(interj. of regret) ai 壒|dust/mud ai 敳|able (in administrating)/to govern fo... ai 嗌|(literary) to choke; to have a blocka... ai 薆|to cover/to hide/to conceal ai 砹|astatine (chemistry) ai 㤅|old variant of 愛|爱[ai4] ai 硙|used in 磑磑|硙硙[ai2 ai2] ai 騃|stupid/idiotic ai 銰|character used in Korea in former tim... ai 瞹|variant of 曖|暧[ai4] ai 啀|to growl (of dog)/to bare fangs ai 僾|indistinct/hazy/misty/to seem/to appear ai 㝵|variant of 礙|碍[ai4] ai 鑀|einsteinium (chemistry) (Tw)/ionium (... ai 餲|(literary) (of food) spoiled; sour; g... aiai 皑皑|(literary) white as snow; pure white aiai 霭霭|luxuriant (growth)/numerous/cloudy/mi... aiai 唉唉|(onom.) sighing voice/crying sound aiai 蔼蔼|luxuriant (vegetation) aiai 爱爱|(coll.) to make love aiai 硙硙|(literary) lofty; towering/(literary)... aiai 叆叆|misty aiaohua 爱奥华|Iowa, US state aiaohuazhou 爱奥华州|Iowa, US state aiaoluosi 埃奥罗斯|Aeolus, Greek God of winds aiaoniyahai 爱奥尼亚海|Ionian Sea between Italy and Greece aiaowa 艾奥瓦|Iowa, US state aiaowazhou 艾奥瓦州|Iowa, US state aibanjie 矮半截|to be inferior to/to be of a lower gr... aibanzi 挨板子|to suffer beating/fig. to be severely... aibian 癌变|to become cancerous/transformation to... aibian 挨边|to keep close to the edge/near the ma... aibianr 挨边儿|erhua variant of 挨邊|挨边[ai1 bian1] aibieliku 爱别离苦|(Buddhism) the pain of parting with w... aibihu 艾比湖|Aibi Lake (Ebinur) in Xinjiang aibingbisheng 哀兵必胜|an army burning with righteous indign... aibiying 爱彼迎|Airbnb aibola 埃博拉|Ebola (virus) aibolabingdu 埃博拉病毒|Ebola virus aibota 艾伯塔|Alberta province of Canada, capital E... aibuluo 埃布罗|Ebro river (in northeast Spain) aibuluohe 埃布罗河|Ebro River (in northeast Spain) aiburenshi 爱不忍释|to love sth too much to part with it ... aibushang 挨不上|to be irrelevant/to be superfluous aibushishou 爱不释手|(idiom) to like sth so much that one ... aica 挨擦|to press against/to nuzzle up to aicai 爱才|to value talent; to cherish talented ... aicai 爱财|avaricious aicairuming 爱财如命|lit. to love money as much as one\'s o... aicairuoke 爱才若渴|(idiom) to be eager to surround onese... aicao 艾草|Asian mugwort or wormwood (genus Arte... aichao 爱巢|love nest aicheng 爱称|term of endearment/pet name/diminutive aichou 哀愁|sorrow; sadness/distressed; sorrowful aichouqiong 矮丑穷|(Internet slang) (of a man) unmarriag... aici 挨次|in sequence/in the proper order/one b... aici 哀辞|dirge/lament aici 哀词|variant of 哀辭|哀辞[ai1 ci2] aiciba 爱词霸|iCIBA, online dictionary by Kingsoft ... aicir 挨呲儿|to suffer a rebuke/criticized aicuo 矮矬|short (in stature) aida 挨打|to take a beating/to get thrashed/to ... aidahe 爱达荷|Idaho, US state aidahezhou 爱达荷州|Idaho, US state aidai 爱戴|to love and respect/love and respect aidai 叆叇|(literary) heavy (clouds)/(literary) ... aidaibing 矮呆病|cretinism aidao 哀悼|to grieve over sb\'s death/to lament s... aidashouma 挨打受骂|to suffer beatings and receive abuse ... aidashouqi 挨打受气|to suffer bullying and beating (idiom) aide 爱德|Aide (brand) aide 埃德|Ed (name - Eduard) aidehua 爱德华|Edward/Édouard (name) aidehuadaladi 爱德华·达拉第|Édouard Daladier (1884-1970), French ... aidehuadao 爱德华岛|Prince Edward Island, province of Canada aidehuawangzidao 爱德华王子岛|Prince Edward Island (province of Can... aidehuazi 爱德华兹|Edwards (name) aidejia 埃德加|Edgar (name) aidejiaailunpo 埃德加·爱伦·坡|Edgar Allen Poe (1809-1849), American... aidejiasinuo 埃德加·斯诺|Edgar Snow (1905-1972), American jour... aideleide 艾德蕾德|variant of 阿德萊德|阿德莱德, Adelaide, capit... aideling 爱德玲|Adeline (name) aidemeng 埃德蒙|(name) Edmund; Edmond aidemeng 爱德蒙|(name) Edmund; Edmond aidemengboke 埃德蒙·伯克|Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Irish philo... aidemengdun 埃德蒙顿|Edmonton, capital of Alberta, Canada aidemengdun 艾德蒙顿|Edmonton, capital of Alberta, Canada/... aidemilibande 埃德·米利班德|Ed Milliband, UK labor politician, op... aideng 矮凳|low stool aidengbao 艾登堡|Attenborough (name)/David Attenboroug... aidesiquhuolai 爱得死去活来|to be madly in love aidesiwoer 爱德斯沃尔|Eidsvoll (city in Norway) aidi 艾迪|Eddie (name) aidi 霭滴|mist droplet aidicha 矮地茶|(loanword) Japanese ardisia (Ardisia ... aidikala 埃迪卡拉|Ediacaran (c. 635-542 million years a... aidikala 艾迪卡拉|Ediacaran (c. 635-542 million years a... aidikalaji 埃迪卡拉纪|Ediacaran period (c. 635-542 million ... aidimeidunshu 哀的美敦书|ultimatum (loanword) aidingbao 爱丁堡|Edinburgh, capital of Scotland aidinghu 艾丁湖|Ayding Lake (Aydingkol) in Xinjiang aidisheng 爱迪生|Edison (name)/Thomas Alva Edison (184... aidisheng 艾迪生|Addison (name)/Addison, city in Unite... aidong-shoue 挨冻受饿|see 挨餓受凍|挨饿受冻[ai2e4-shou4dong4] aidonghua 艾冬花|coltsfoot flower (used in TCM)/Flos F... aidou 挨斗|to suffer censure/denounced aidou 爱豆|(loanword) (coll.) idol aidundun 矮墩墩|pudgy/dumpy/stumpy aie 挨饿|to go hungry/to endure starvation/fam... aie-shoudong 挨饿受冻|(idiom) to go cold and hungry aierbota 艾尔伯塔|Alberta province of Canada, capital E... aierbushang 哀而不伤|deeply felt but not mawkish (idiom) aierduoan 埃尔多安|Erdogan (name)/Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (... aierfute 埃尔福特|Erfurt (German city) aierjin 埃尔金|James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin (1811-... aierjindalishi 埃尔金大理石|the Elgin Marbles, the Parthenon marb... aierlan 爱尔兰|Ireland aierlanggen 埃尔朗根|Erlangen (town in Bavaria) aierlanggengangling 埃尔朗根纲领|Felix Klein\'s Erlangen program (1872)... aierlangongheguo 爱尔兰共和国|Republic of Ireland aierlangonghejun 爱尔兰共和军|Irish Republican Army aierlanhai 爱尔兰海|Irish Sea between Ireland and north E... aierlanren 爱尔兰人|Irish person aierlanyu 爱尔兰语|Irish language aiermitaji 艾尔米塔奇|Ermitazh or Hermitage museum in St Pe... aiermitashi 艾尔米塔什|Ermitazh or Hermitage museum in St Pe... aiernandesi 埃尔南德斯|Hernández (name) aierpasuo 埃尔帕索|El Paso (Texas) aierri 爱耳日|Ear Care Day (March 3) aierweisipuleisili 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利|Elvis Presley (1935-1977), US pop sin... aifa 挨罚|to be punished/to be fined aifeiertieta 艾菲尔铁塔|Eiffel Tower aifeiertieta 埃菲尔铁塔|Eiffel Tower aifeng 爱疯|iPhone (slang) aifu 爱抚|to caress/to fondle/to look after (te... aifu 嗳腐|putrid belching (medical term) aifuboli 埃夫伯里|Avebury (stone circle near Stonehenge) aifudun 埃弗顿|Everton (town in northwest England)/E... aifutunsuan 嗳腐吞酸|putrid belching with regurgitation of... aigang 爱港|to love Hong Kong (usually implying t... aigangjingye 爱岗敬业|devoted to one\'s work aiganpinzhong 矮杆品种|short-stalked variety/short straw var... aigao 哀告|to beg piteously/to supplicate aigaobinfu 哀告宾服|to bring tribute as sign of submissio... aige 挨个|one by one/in turn aige 哀歌|mournful song/dirge/elegy aigeersong 埃格尔松|Egersund (city in Norway) aigenisishimotelai 艾格尼丝·史沫特莱|Agnes Smedley (1892-1950), US journal... aiger 挨个儿|erhua variant of 挨個|挨个[ai1 ge4] aiger 矮个儿|a person of short stature/a short person aigu 隘谷|ravine aigua 矮瓜|eggplant (Cantonese) aiguo 爱国|to love one\'s country/patriotic aiguorujia 爱国如家|to love one\'s country as one\'s own fa... aiguoweishengyundongweiyuanhui 爱国卫生运动委员会|Patriotic Health Committee aiguozhe 爱国者|MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile aiguozhe 爱国者|patriot aiguozhuyi 爱国主义|patriotism aihamaidabade 艾哈迈达巴德|Ahmedabad, largest city in west India... aihamaide 艾哈迈德|Ahmed (name) aihamaidineijiade 艾哈迈迪内贾德|Ahmadinejad or Ahmadinezhad (Persian ... aihao 爱好|to like; to be fond of; to take pleas... aihao 哀号|to cry piteously/anguished wailing/sa... aihao 哀嚎|to howl in grief/anguished wailing/sa... aihao 艾蒿|mugwort (Artemisia) aihaozhe 爱好者|lover (of art, sports etc); amateur; ... aihe 爱河|the river of love/a stumbling block o... aihehua 爱荷华|Iowa, US state (Tw) aiheiren 矮黑人|black dwarf (pejorative term for non-... aihenjiaojia 爱恨交加|to feel a mixture of love and hate aihenjiaozhi 爱恨交织|mixture of love and hate aihongbianye 哀鸿遍野|lit. plaintive whine of geese (idiom)... aihu 爱护|to cherish/to treasure/to take care o... aihu 挨户|from house to house, one by one aihu 艾虎|see 艾鼬[ai4 you4] aihua 矮化|(plant pathology) to become stunted/(... aihuaijia 挨户挨家|see 挨家挨戶|挨家挨户[ai1 jia1 ai1 hu4] aihui 爱辉|Aihui district of Heihe city 黑河[Hei1 ... aihuiguli 哀毁骨立|(idiom) (literary) to become emaciate... aihuijili 哀毁瘠立|see 哀毀骨立|哀毁骨立[ai1 hui3 gu3 li4] aihuiqu 爱辉区|Aihui district of Heihe city 黑河[Hei1 ... aihuntiaoyue 瑷珲条约|Treaty of Aigun, 1858 unequal treaty ... aiji 埃及|Egypt aiji 挨挤|to crowd together/to jostle/squeezed aijia 挨家|from house to house, one by one aijia 哀家|I, me (self-referring by a widowed em... aijiaaihu 挨家挨户|to go from house to house aijiadiqundao 埃加迪群岛|Aegadian Islands near Sicily, Italy aijiancabei 挨肩擦背|(idiom) to be crowded together aijiang 爱将|trusted lieutenant aijiangnanfu 哀江南赋|Lament for the South, long poem in Fu... aijianr 挨肩儿|in rapid succession (of children, clo... aijiaobaihuashelicao 矮脚白花蛇利草|see 白花蛇舌草[bai2 hua1 she2 she2 cao3] aijiaokuhao 矮脚苦蒿|see 熊膽草|熊胆草[xiong2 dan3 cao3] aijiaoluosan 矮脚罗伞|Ardisia villosa aijidie 挨饥抵饿|to suffer from hunger aijidou 埃及豆|chickpea aijie 娭姐|father\'s mother/granny (dialect)/resp... aijie 唉姐|granny (dialect) aijiguwuxue 埃及古物学|Egyptology aijiguwuxuezhe 埃及古物学者|Egyptologist aijin 挨近|to approach/to get close to/to sneak ... aijin 哀矜|to take pity on/to feel sorry for aijing 爱经|Kama Sutra aijingzhushagen 矮茎朱砂根|short-stem Ardisia (Ardisia brevicaulis) aijiu 艾酒|wine flavored with Chinese mugwort aijiu 艾灸|moxibustion (TCM) aijiyeying 埃及夜鹰|(bird species of China) Egyptian nigh... aiju 埃居|écu (French coin, discontinued by the... aijuan 艾卷|moxa cigar/moxa roll (TCM) aikei 挨剋|to be rebuked/to suffer blows aikesiguang 爱克斯光|X-ray (loanword)/Röntgen or Roentgen ray aikesishexian 爱克斯射线|X-ray radiation aiketuo 埃克托|Hector (name) aiketuoboliaozi 埃克托·柏辽兹|Hector Berlioz (1803-1869), French ro... aikou 隘口|mountain pass aikou 碍口|to shy to speak out/tongue-tied/to he... aikoushixiu 碍口识羞|tongue-tied for fear of embarrassment... aiku 哀哭|to weep in sorrow aikugui 爱哭鬼|crybaby ailao 艾老|(literary) person aged over fifty/eld... ailate 埃拉特|Eilat, Israeli port and resort on the... ailatuosenisi 埃拉托塞尼斯|Eratosthenes of Cyrene (c. 276-c. 195... ailei 埃蕾|centaury herb with flowers (TCM)/Herb... ailian 爱恋|in love with/to feel deeply attached to ailian 爱怜|to show tenderness/to coo over/affection ailian 哀怜|to feel compassion for; to pity ailibuli 爱理不理|(idiom) standoffish; indifferent ailin 矮林|coppice/brushwood ailinna 埃琳娜|Elena (name) ailishegong 爱丽舍宫|Elysée Palace, the residence of the p... ailisi 爱丽丝|Alice (name) ailisi 爱莉丝|Iris (name) ailisidao 埃利斯岛|Ellis Island ailisimanyouqijingji 爱丽丝漫游奇境记|Alice in Wonderland ailisiquan 爱丽斯泉|Alice Springs, town in central Austra... ailisiquan 爱丽丝泉|Alice Springs, town in central Australia ailiugenna 爱留根纳|Eriugena, John Scottus (c. 810-880) I... ailiwen 埃里温|Yerevan, capital of Armenia 亞美尼亞|亚美尼亚... ailixin 爱立信|Ericsson (Swedish telecommunications ... ailongmasike 埃隆·马斯克|Elon Musk (1971-), founder and CEO of... ailu 隘路|defile; narrow passage ailu 矮鹿|Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) ailuoxianke 爱罗先珂|Vasili Eroshenko (1890-1952), Russian... ailv 爱侣|lovers ailvete 艾略特|(name) Elliott; Eliot aima 挨骂|to receive a scolding aima 爱玛|Emma (name) aimaniuaier 艾玛纽埃尔|Emmanuel or Emmanuelle (name) aimanta 埃曼塔|Emmentaler (cheese) aimanta 艾曼塔|Emmentaler (cheese) aimashi 爱马仕|Hermès (brand) aimawotesen 爱玛·沃特森|Emma Watson (1990-), British actress aimei 暧昧|vague/ambiguous/equivocal/dubious aimei 爱美|to pay attention to one\'s appearance;... aimeiguanxi 暧昧关系|shady relationship/affair/adulterous ... aimeijiang 艾美奖|Emmy Award aimeizhixin,renjieyouzhi 爱美之心,人皆有之|everyone loves beauty (idiom) aimen 挨门|from door to door, one by one aimenaihu 挨门挨户|see 挨家挨戶|挨家挨户[ai1 jia1 ai1 hu4] aimianzi 爱面子|to like to look good in the eyes of o... aimianzi 碍面子|(not do sth) for fear of offending sb aimier 埃米尔|Emir (Muslim ruler)/Amir aimier 艾弥尔|Emile (name) aimin 爱民|Aimin district of Mudanjiang city 牡丹江... aimin 哀悯|to take pity on/to feel sorry for aiming 哀鸣|(of animals, the wind etc) to make a ... aiminqu 爱民区|Aimin district of Mudanjiang city 牡丹江... aiminruzi 爱民如子|(idiom) to love the common people as ... aimodayuxinsi 哀莫大于心死|nothing sadder than a withered heart ... aimoliweier 爱莫利维尔|Emeryville, city on San Fransico Bay,... aimonengzhu 爱莫能助|unable to help however much one would... aimosheng 爱默生|Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), Amer... aimu 爱慕|to adore/to admire aimuxurong 爱慕虚荣|vain ainai 欸乃|(onom.) (literary) the creaking of a ... ainan 碍难|inconvenient/difficult for some reaso... ainancongming 碍难从命|difficult to obey orders (idiom); muc... ainaxiang 艾纳香|sambong (Blumea balsamifera) aini 爱昵|intimate/loving ainieasi 埃涅阿斯|Aeneas, hero of Virgil\'s Aeneid ainieasiji 埃涅阿斯纪|Virgil\'s Aeneid (epic about the found... ainu 爱奴|see 阿伊努[A1 yi1 nu3] aipang 矮胖|short and stout/dumpy/roly-poly aipi 挨批|to be criticized/to suffer blame aipian 艾片|preparation obtained from sambong lea... aipiaoliang 爱漂亮|to like looking attractive (usually o... aiping 哀平|joint name for the Han dynasty empero... aipusheng 爱普生|Epson, Japanese electronics company aipuxilong 艾扑西龙|epsilon (Greek letter Εε) aiqi 嗳气|to belch aiqi 哀泣|to wail aiqi 哀戚|sorrow/grief aiqi 哀启|obituary (archaic term) aiqi-tunsuan 嗳气吞酸|(TCM) belching and acid reflux aiqianqi 癌前期|precancerous stage aiqifuchou 嗳气腐臭|putrid belching (medical term) aiqin 爱琴|Aegean (sea between Greece and Turkey) aiqing 爱情|romance; love (romantic)/CL:份[fen4] aiqing 艾青|Ai Qing (1910-1996), Chinese poet aiqingpian 爱情片|romance film aiqingxiju 爱情喜剧|romantic comedy aiqinhai 爱琴海|Aegean Sea aiqiouni 嗳气呕逆|belching and retching counterflow (me... aiqisuanfu 嗳气酸腐|belching of sour putrid gas (medical ... aiqiu 哀求|to entreat/to implore/to plead aiqixun 艾奇逊|Atchison or Acheson (name)/Atchison c... aiqiyi 爱奇艺|iQiyi, online video platform based in... aiquan 爱犬|beloved pet dog aiquan 哀劝|to persuade by all possible means; to... airan 蔼然|amicable/amiable airen 爱人|spouse (PRC)/lover (non-PRC)/CL:個|个[ge4] airen 矮人|dwarf airenruji 爱人如己|love others as self airong 艾绒|moxa floss airong 哀荣|(literary) reverence accorded to sb w... airuibadi 艾瑞巴蒂|(Internet slang) everybody (loanword) aisaiebiya 埃塞俄比亚|Ethiopia aisaiebiyajie 埃塞俄比亚界|Ethiopian Zone, aka Afrotropical realm aisaiebiyayu 埃塞俄比亚语|Ethiopic (language) aisaikesi 艾赛克斯|Essex (English county) aisake 艾萨克|Isaac (name) aisakeniudun 艾萨克·牛顿|Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), British... aisen 埃森|Essen, city in the Ruhr 魯爾區|鲁尔区[Lu3 e... aisenhaoweier 艾森豪威尔|Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), US ... aisennahe 埃森纳赫|Eisenach (German city) aisenzhe 埃森哲|Accenture (company) aishang 爱上|to fall in love with/to be in love with aishang 哀伤|grief; distress; bereavement/grieved;... aishaniya 爱沙尼亚|Estonia aisheishei 爱谁谁|(coll.) whatever/who cares aishen 爱神|god of love aishengtanqi 唉声叹气|sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom)... aishi 碍事|to be in the way; to be a hindrance/(... aishi 哀失|bereavement aishi 艾实|(TCM) fruit of Chinese mugwort (Artem... aishijian 挨时间|to stall/to play for time aishou-aijiao 碍手碍脚|(idiom) to be in the way; to be a hin... aishu 矮树|short tree/bush/shrub aishuo 挨说|to get scolded aisi 哀思|grief-stricken thoughts/mourning aisibing 爱死病|AIDS (loanword) aisijimo 爱斯基摩|Eskimo aisikuduo 埃斯库多|escudo (Spanish and Portuguese: shiel... aisikuluosi 埃斯库罗斯|Aeschylus (c. 524 BC -c. 455 BC), Gre... aisitehaqi 埃斯特哈齐|Esterhazy (name) aisitelang 埃斯特朗|Anders Jonas Angstrom or Ångström (18... aisuan 嗳酸|sour belching (medical term) aita 艾塔|eta (Greek letter Ηη) aita 埃塔|ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna or Basque ... aitan 哀叹|to sigh/to lament/to bewail aitan 艾炭|carbonized mugwort leaf (TCM)/Folium ... aite 艾特|at symbol, @ aitenahuoshan 埃特纳火山|Mt Etna, volcano in Italy aiti 挨踢|information technology (IT) (loanword) aitiao 艾条|moxa stick, moxa roll (TCM) aitiaojiu 艾条灸|stick moxibustion/poling (TCM) aitiaoquezhuojiu 艾条雀啄灸|\"sparrow pecking\" moxibustion techniq... aitiaowenhejiu 艾条温和灸|gentle stick moxibustion (TCM) aitong 哀痛|to grieve; to mourn/deep sorrow; grief aitong 哀恸|to be deeply grieved aitouzi 挨头子|to be criticized/to suffer blame aiwan 哀婉|(esp. of poetry, music) melancholy; s... aiwanting 爱晚亭|Aiwan Pavilion, on Mt Yuelu 岳麓山 in Hu... aiweihui 爱卫会|Patriotic Health Committee (abbr. for... aiweikou 碍胃口|to impair the appetite aiweiwei 艾未未|Ai Weiwei (1957-), Chinese artist act... aiweiyang 爱维养|Evian, mineral water company (Tw) aiwen 爱问|, the search engine of Sina 新浪 aiwen 埃文|Evan/Avon/Ivan aiwenhepansitelatefu 埃文河畔斯特拉特福|Stratford-upon-Avon aiwensi 埃文斯|Evans/Ivins/Ivens aiwowo 艾窝窝|glutinous rice cake with a sweet filling aiwowo 爱窝窝|glutinous rice cake with a sweet fill... aiwujiniao 爱屋及鸟|see 愛屋及烏|爱屋及乌[ai4 wu1 ji2 wu1] aiwujiwu 爱屋及乌|lit. love the house and its crow (idi... aixi 爱惜|to cherish/to treasure/to use sparingly aixi-yumao 爱惜羽毛|(idiom) to cherish one\'s reputation aixian 爱现|(coll.) to enjoy showing off aixiao 矮小|short and small/low and small/undersized aixiaojinghan 矮小精悍|short but intrepid (idiom) aixibao 癌细胞|cancer cell aixin 爱心|compassion/kindness/care for others/l... aixing 矮星|dwarf star aixingxing 矮行星|dwarf planet aixinjueluo 爱新觉罗|Aisin Gioro, family name of the Manch... aixinsan 爱心伞|courtesy umbrella (one made available... aixu 埃叙|Egypt-Syria aiya 哎呀|interjection of wonder, shock or admi... aiyan 碍眼|to be an irksome presence (i.e. sth o... aiyan 哀艳|plaintive and beautiful/melancholy bu... aiyan 挨延|to delay; to procrastinate; to play f... aiyangmei 矮杨梅|dwarf bayberry (Myrica nana) aiye 艾叶|mugwort leaf (TCM)/Folium Artemisiae ... aiyetan 艾叶炭|carbonized mugwort leaf (used in TCM)... aiyeyou 艾叶油|mugwort leaf oil (TCM)/also called wo... aiyi 爱意|love aiyinhuowen 埃因霍温|Eindhoven (city in the Netherlands) aiyinsitan 爱因斯坦|Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German-b... aiyo 哎哟|hey/ow/ouch/interjection of pain or s... aiyo 哎唷|interjection of pain or surprise/also... aiyou 哎呦|(interjection of surprise, pain, anno... aiyou 矮油|(slang) alternative for 哎呦[ai1 you1] ... aiyou 艾鼬|steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanii) aiyouteng 爱优腾|abbr. for iQiyi 愛奇藝|爱奇艺[Ai4 Qi2 yi4] ... aiyu 爱玉|see 愛玉子|爱玉子[ai4 yu4 zi3] aiyu 碍于|to be constrained by; due to (a const... aiyuan 哀怨|grief/resentment/aggrieved/plaintive aiyubing 爱玉冰|jelly snack made by kneading jelly fi... aiyudong 爱玉冻|see 愛玉冰|爱玉冰[ai4 yu4 bing1] aiyue 爱乐|music-loving/philharmonic aiyue 哀乐|funeral music/plaint/dirge aiyueyuetuan 爱乐乐团|philharmonic orchestra aiyuzi 爱玉子|jelly fig seed (Ficus pumila var. awk... aizai 挨宰|to get ripped off aizeng 爱憎|love and hate aizengfenming 爱憎分明|to make a clear difference between wh... aizhe 挨着|near aizheng 癌症|cancer aizheng 挨整|to be the target of an attack aizhi 爱知|Aichi (prefecture in Japan) aizhiruming 爱之如命|to love sb (or sth) as one loves life... aizhixian 爱知县|Aichi prefecture, central Japan aizhu 艾炷|moxa cone aizhuangsu 矮壮素|chlormequat chloride/cycocel aizhujiu 艾炷灸|cone moxibustion (TCM) aizi 艾滋|AIDS (loanword) aizi 哀子|son orphaned of his mother aizi 爱子|beloved son aizi 爱滋|AIDS (loanword)/see also 愛滋病|爱滋病[ai4 ... aizi 矮子|short person/dwarf aizibing 爱滋病|variant of 艾滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4] aizibing 艾滋病|AIDS (loanword) aizibing 艾兹病|AIDS (loanword)/also written 愛滋病|爱滋病 aizibingbingdu 艾滋病病毒|HIV aizibingdu 艾滋病毒|human immune deficiency virus (HIV)/t... aizibingdu 爱滋病毒|HIV/the AIDS virus aizilibajiangjun 矮子里拔将军|lit. choose a general from among the ... aizou 挨揍|to be beaten/to take a drubbing/buffe... ajiadier 阿加迪尔|Agadir, city in southwest Morocco ajiashakelisidi 阿加莎·克里斯蒂|Agatha Christie ajiawei 阿加维|see 阿爾加維|阿尔加维[A1 er3 jia1 wei2] ajimide 阿基米德|Archimedes (c. 287-212 BC) ajinkuer 阿金库尔|Agincourt (near Arras in north France... aka A咖|class \"A\"; top grade aka 阿卡|Acre, city in Israel, also known as Akko akabeila 阿卡贝拉|a cappella (loanword) akadi 阿卡提|Arcadia (Greek prefecture on the Pelo... akadiya 阿卡迪亚|Arcadia (loanword) akadiyadaxue 阿卡迪亚大学|Acadia University (Canada) akaliusi 阿喀琉斯|Achilles (or Akhilleus or Achilleus),... akapuerke 阿卡普尔科|Acapulco, city in Mexico akela 阿克拉|Accra, capital of Ghana akelun 阿克伦|Acheron River in Epirus, northwest Gr... akelunhe 阿克伦河|Acheron River in Epirus, northwest Gr... akense 阿肯色|Arkansas, US state akensedaxue 阿肯色大学|University of Arkansas akensezhou 阿肯色州|Arkansas, US state akesaihasakezuzizhixian 阿克塞哈萨克族自治县|Aksai Kazakh autonomous county in Jiu... akesaiqin 阿克赛钦|Aksai Chin, a disputed region in the ... akesaixian 阿克塞县|Aksai Kazakh autonomous county in Jiu... akesu 阿克苏|Aqsu wilayiti or Aksu prefecture in X... akesudiqu 阿克苏地区|Aqsu Wilayiti or Aksu prefecture in X... akesuhe 阿克苏河|Aksu River in Xinjiang akesushi 阿克苏市|Aqsu shehiri or Aksu city in Aksu pre... aketao 阿克陶|Aketedu county in Xinjiang (on the bo... aketaoxian 阿克陶县|Aketedu county in Xinjiang (on the bo... akongjiagua 阿空加瓜|Cerro Aconcagua, mountain in the Amer... akongjiaguashan 阿空加瓜山|Mount Aconcagua, Argentina, the highe... akuina 阿奎纳|surname Aquinas/Thomas Aquinas 托馬斯·阿奎... ala 阿拉|Allah (Arabic name of God) ala 阿拉|(Wu dialect) I; me; my; we; us; our alabama 阿拉巴马|Alabama, US state alabamazhou 阿拉巴马州|Alabama, US state alabo 阿拉伯|Arabian/Arabic/Arab alabobandao 阿拉伯半岛|Arabian Peninsula alabodianxinlianmeng 阿拉伯电信联盟|Arab Telecommunication Union alabogongtongshichang 阿拉伯共同市场|Arab Common Market alaboguojialianmeng 阿拉伯国家联盟|Arab League, regional organization of... alabohai 阿拉伯海|Arabian Sea alabohuixiang 阿拉伯茴香|see 孜然[zi1 ran2], cumin alabojiao 阿拉伯胶|gum arabic/acacia gum alabolianhedagongguo 阿拉伯联合大公国|United Arab Emirates (Tw) alabolianheqiuzhangguo 阿拉伯联合酋长国|United Arab Emirates (UAE) alaboren 阿拉伯人|Arab/Arabian/Arabian people alaboshuzi 阿拉伯数字|Arabic numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... alabotang 阿拉伯糖|arabinose (type of sugar) alabowen 阿拉伯文|Arabic (language & writing) alaboyu 阿拉伯语|Arabic (language) alading 阿拉丁|Aladdin, character in one of the tale... alaer 阿拉尔|Aral shehiri (Aral city) or Ālā\'ěr su... alaershi 阿拉尔市|Aral shehiri (Aral city) or Ālā\'ěr su... alafate 阿拉法特|Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Ara... alafulahai 阿拉弗拉海|Arafura Sea alaganshanmai 阿拉干山脉|Arakan Mountains (aka Rakhine Mountai... alai 阿来|Alai (1959-), ethnic Tibetan Chinese ... alaiman 阿莱曼|El Alamein, town in Egypt alaiqibingchuan 阿莱奇冰川|Aletsch glacier, Switzerland alamiyu 阿拉米语|Aramaic (language) alamo 阿拉摩|Alamo, city in United States alamutu 阿拉木图|Almaty, previous capital of Kazakhstan alan 阿兰|Alan, Allen, Allan, Alain etc (name)/... alanre 阿兰若|Buddhist temple (transliteration of S... alanwen 阿兰文|Aramaic alashan 阿拉善|see 阿拉善盟[A1la1shan4 Meng2] alashanmeng 阿拉善盟|Alxa, league of Inner Mongolia Autono... alashanyouqi 阿拉善右旗|Alxa Right Banner, Mongolian Alshaa B... alashanzuoqi 阿拉善左旗|Alxa Left Banner, Mongolian Alshaa Zü... alasi 阿拉斯|Arras, town in northern France alasijia 阿拉斯加|Alaska, US state alasijiadaxue 阿拉斯加大学|University of Alaska alasijiaxueqiaoquan 阿拉斯加雪橇犬|Alaskan malamute alasijiazhou 阿拉斯加州|Alaska, US state alatasi 阿拉塔斯|surname Alatas/Ali Alatas (1932-2008)... alawa 阿拉瓦|Araba or Álava aletai 阿勒泰|Altay prefecture-level city in Xinjiang aletaidiqu 阿勒泰地区|Altay prefecture in Xinjiang aletaishi 阿勒泰市|Altay prefecture-level city in Xinjiang ali 阿里|Ali (name)/Ali (c. 600-661), the four... alian 阿莲|Alian District, a rural district in K... alianqiu 阿联酋|United Arab Emirates (abbr. for 阿拉伯聯合... alianqiuhangkong 阿联酋航空|Emirates (airline) alianqiuzhangguo 阿联酋长国|United Arab Emirates (abbr. for 阿拉伯聯合... alianqu 阿莲区|Alian District, a rural district in K... alibaba 阿里巴巴|Ali Baba, character from The Arabian ... alibaba 阿里巴巴|Alibaba, PRC e-commerce company alidiqu 阿里地区|Ngari prefecture in Tibet, Tibetan: M... aliefu 阿列夫|aleph (first letter א of Hebrew alpha... aliekexisi 阿列克西斯|Alexis (name) alikante 阿利坎特|Alicante alilang 阿里郎|Arirang, famous Korean song of love a... alingdunguojiagongmu 阿灵顿国家公墓|Arlington National Cemetery in Washin... alishan 阿里山|Alishan mountain range in the central... alishanxiang 阿里山乡|Alishan Township in Chiayi County 嘉義縣... alisituofen 阿里斯托芬|Aristophanes (c. 448-380 BC), Greek c... aliteng 阿利藤|Alyxia root and herb (used in TCM) aliushenqundao 阿留申群岛|Aleutian Islands (trailing 2250 km so... aliyana 阿丽亚娜|Ariane (name)/Ariane European space l... aluba 阿鲁巴|Aruba, island in the Caribbean, a sel... aluba 阿鲁巴|(Tw) (slang) a prank, prevalent in Ch... aluba 阿卢巴|Aruba, variant of 阿魯巴|阿鲁巴[A1 lu3 ba1] alukeerqin 阿鲁科尔沁|Ar Horqin banner or Aru Khorchin khos... alukeerqinqi 阿鲁科尔沁旗|Ar Horqin banner or Aru Khorchin khos... alun 阿伦|Aalen, town in Germany alunaqiaerbang 阿鲁纳恰尔邦|Arunachal Pradesh, a state of India i... alundaer 阿伦达尔|Arendal (city in Agder, Norway) aluofei 阿洛菲|Alofi, capital of Niue aluohan 阿罗汉|arhat (Sanskrit)/a holy man who has l... aluoyue 阿罗约|surname Arroyo ama 阿妈|grandma (paternal) (Tw)/(dialect) mot... ama 阿嬷|(Tw) grandma (also used to refer to o... aman 阿曼|Oman amangna 阿芒拿|(chemistry) ammonal (loanword) amani 阿玛尼|Armani (fashion designer) amanwan 阿曼湾|Gulf of Oman amao-agou 阿猫阿狗|(idiom) (coll.) any Tom, Dick or Harr... amaxun 阿马逊|Amazon/also written 亞馬遜|亚马逊[Ya4 ma3 x... amei 阿妹|younger sister ameiensi 阿美恩斯|Amiens (French town) ameiniya 阿美尼亚|variant of 亞美尼亞|亚美尼亚[Ya4 mei3 ni2 ya4... ameizu 阿美族|Amis or Pangcah, one of the indigenou... amen 阿门|amen (loanword) amen 阿们|amen (loanword) ameng 阿盟|Alxa League, a prefecture-level subdi... ameng 阿蒙|Amun, deity in Egyptian mythology, al... amiba 阿米巴|amoeba (loanword) amibabing 阿米巴病|amebiasis/amebic dysentery amibaliji 阿米巴痢疾|amebic dysentery amibayuanchong 阿米巴原虫|amoeba/ameba aminadabu 阿米纳达布|Amminadab (name) aming 阿明|Al-Amin amoniya 阿摩尼亚|ammonia (loanword) amoniyashui 阿摩尼亚水|ammonia solution amosishu 阿摩司书|Book of Amos, one of the books of the... amoxilin 阿莫西林|amoxicillin (loanword) amuerhe 阿穆尔河|Amur River (the border between northe... amuerzhou 阿穆尔州|Amur Oblast, in far eastern Russia amuhala 阿姆哈拉|Amhara (province, language and ethnic... amuhe 阿姆河|Amu Darya, the biggest river of Centr... amulin 阿木林|dullard/stupid person amusitedan 阿姆斯特丹|Amsterdam, capital of Netherlands amusitelang 阿姆斯特朗|surname Armstrong an 按|to press/to push/to leave aside or sh... an 案|(legal) case/incident/record/file/table an 暗|variant of 暗[an4] an 暗|dark/to turn dark/secret; hidden/(lit... an 暗|(literary) to close (a door)/to eclip... an 安|surname An an 安|(bound form) calm; peaceful/to calm; ... an 岸|variant of 岸[an4] an 岸|bank; shore; beach; coast an 铵|ammonium an 鞍|variant of 鞍[an1] an 鞍|(bound form) saddle an 鶕|old variant of 鵪|鹌[an1] an 氨|ammonia an 胺|amine/Taiwan pr. [an1] an 桉|Eucalyptus globulus/Taiwan pr. [an4] an 谙|to be versed in/to know well an 黯|(bound form) dark; dull (color); dim;... an 唵|(interjection) oh!/(dialect) to stuff... an 垵|(used in place names)/variant of 埯[an3] an 俺|I (northern dialects) an 啽|to speak (Cantonese) an 埯|hole in the ground to plant seeds in/... an 盦|container an 犴|used in 狴犴[bi4an4] an 萻|small Buddhist temple an 鹌|quail an 媕|used in 媕婀[an1e1] an 庵|hut/small temple/nunnery an 庵|variant of 庵[an1] an 鞌|An, a place in the area of present-da... an 豻|jail an 揞|to apply (medicinal powder to a wound... an 𩽾|used in 鮟鱇|𩽾𩾌[an1 kang1]/Taiwan pr. [... anading 氨吖啶|aminoacridine or aminacrine (antisept... anai 阿奶|granny anan 暗暗|secretly/inwardly anan 安安|(Tw) (Internet slang) Greetings! (use... anan 阿囡|honey (endearment in addressing a lit... anban 案板|kneading or chopping board anbang 安邦|to bring peace and stability to a cou... anbangdingguo 安邦定国|to bring peace and stability to the c... anbao 安保|security anbao 暗堡|bunker anbei 安倍|Abe (Japanese surname) anbeijinsan 安倍晋三|Abe Shinzo (1954-2022), Japanese LDP ... anbeiyuyan 暗背雨燕|(bird species of China) dark-rumped s... anbian 岸边|shore anbianqingmeisu 氨苄青霉素|ampicillin (medicine) anbiao 岸标|lighthouse/shore beacon anbingbudong 按兵不动|to hold back one\'s troops without mov... anbingshujia 案兵束甲|to rest weapons and loosen armor (idi... anbu 安瓿|ampoule (loanword) anbudangche 安步当车|to go on foot (idiom)/to do things at... anbujiuban 按部就班|(idiom) to follow the prescribed orde... anbujiuban 按步就班|variant of 按部就班[an4 bu4 jiu4 ban1] anbuping 安瓿瓶|ampoule (loanword) ancang 暗藏|to hide/to conceal ancha 安插|to place in a certain position/to ass... ancha 按察|to investigate (old) anchamingfang 暗察明访|open enquiries and secret search (idi... anchan 鞍韂|a saddle with a saddle blanket anchang 暗娼|unlicensed (unregistered) prostitute anchao 暗潮|undercurrent ancheng 案秤|counter scale; bench scale ancheng 案称|counter scale anchu 暗处|secret place anchuang 暗疮|acne anchun 鹌鹑|quail anchunguduor 鹌鹑馉饳儿|a type of wonton made in a shape simi... anci 安次|Anci district of Langfang city 廊坊市[La... anciqu 安次区|Anci district of Langfang city 廊坊市[La... anda 安达|Anda, county-level city in Suihua 綏化|... anda 安打|base hit (baseball) andai 暗袋|camera bag (for changing film) andalvehu 安大略湖|Lake Ontario, one of the Great Lakes ... andalvesheng 安大略省|Ontario province, Canada andamandao 安达曼岛|Andaman islands/variant of 安達曼群島|安达曼群... andamanhai 安达曼海|Andaman Sea andamanqundao 安达曼群岛|Andaman Islands andan 黯淡|variant of 暗淡[an4 dan4] andan 暗淡|dark; dim (light); dull (color); drab... andao 暗道|secret passage; secret tunnel andaoer 安道尔|Andorra andaoercheng 安道尔城|Andorra la Vella, capital of Andorra andaoergongheguo 安道尔共和国|Republic of Andorra andashi 安达市|Anda, county-level city in Suihua 綏化|... andashi 安达仕|Andaz (hotel brand) andehai 安德海|An Dehai (-1869), the Qing equivalent... andelabang 安得拉邦|Andhra Pradesh or Andhra State in sou... andelei 安德肋|Andrew (Catholic transliteration) andelie 安德烈|Andre (person name) andelu 安德鲁|Andrew (name) andi 案底|criminal record andi 暗地|secretly; inwardly; on the sly andi 安抵|to arrive safely andian 鞍点|saddle point (math.), a critical poin... andikajibabuda 安地卡及巴布达|Antigua and Barbuda (Tw) andili 暗地里|secretly; inwardly; on the sly anding 安定|stable; calm; settled/to stabilize/Va... anding 暗疔|axillary furuncle/armpit boil andinghua 安定化|stabilization andingmen 安定门|Andingmen neighborhood of Beijing andingqi 安定器|(Tw) electrical ballast andingqu 安定区|Anding district of Dingxi city 定西市[Di... andingshijian 安定时间|(control theory) settling time andisi 安地斯|the Andes mountains andisi 安第斯|the Andes mountain chain andisishan 安第斯山|the Andes mountain range andisishanmai 安第斯山脉|Andes mountain chain of South America andongni 安东尼|Anthony (name) andongniyukeliaopeitela 安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉|Anthony and Cleopatra, 1606 tragedy b... andu 案牍|official documents or correspondence anduan 暗煅|sealed pot calcination (TCM) anduchencang 暗渡陈仓|lit. secretly crossing the Wei River ... andun 安顿|to find a place for/to help settle do... anduofen 安多芬|endorphin (loanword) ane 媕婀|(literary) hesitant; indecisive anfa 案发|(of a crime) to occur/(old) (of a cri... anfang 安放|to lay/to place/to put in a certain p... anfang 暗访|to make secret inquiries/to investiga... anfaxianchang 案发现场|crime scene anfeitaming 安非他明|amphetamine (loanword) anfeitaming 安非他命|amphetamine (medical) (loanword) anfen 安分|content with one\'s lot/knowing one\'s ... anfenshouji 安分守己|to be content with one\'s lot (idiom)/... anfu 安福|Anfu county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi anfu 安抚|to placate/to pacify/to appease anfunaizui 安抚奶嘴|(baby\'s) pacifier anfuxian 安福县|Anfu county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi anfuxueji 暗腹雪鸡|(bird species of China) Himalayan sno... anfuxupin 安富恤贫|to give sympathy to the rich and reli... anfuxuqiong 安富恤穷|to give sympathy to the rich and reli... anfuzunrong 安富尊荣|well-off and respected (idiom)/to be ... ang 昂|to lift/to raise/to raise one\'s head/... ang 盎|(literary) ancient earthenware contai... ang 肮|dirty/filthy ang 卬|surname Ang ang 卬|I (regional colloquial)/me/variant of... ang 枊|(literary) post for tethering a horse ang 昻|variant of 昂[ang2] ang-sa 盎撒|Anglo-Saxon ang-sa 昂撒|Anglo-Saxon angang 昂昂|high-spirited/brave-looking angangxi 昂昂溪|Ang\'angxi district of Qiqihar city 齊齊... angangxiqu 昂昂溪区|Ang\'angxi district of Qiqihar city 齊齊... angcang 昂藏|tall and strongly built/stalwart/cour... angchuanzhou 昂船洲|Stonecutters Island angeer 安格尔|Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780-1... angela 安哥拉|Angola angesi 安格斯|Angus, a traditional county of Scotla... angesiniu 安格斯牛|Angus, Scottish breed of beef cattle angfen 昂奋|buoyant/high-spirited/vigorous anggelu 盎格鲁|Anglo- anggelusakexun 盎格鲁撒克逊|Anglo-Saxon (people) anggelusakexun 盎格鲁萨克逊|Anglo-Saxon anggui 昂贵|expensive/costly angli 昂利|Henri (name) angnake 昂纳克|Honecker (name)/Erich Honecker (1912-... angongniao 暗公鸟|black-crowned night heron (Tw) angou 暗沟|sewer; underground drainage channel angran 昂然|upright and unafraid angran 盎然|abundant; plentiful; overflowing; exu... angren 昂仁|Ngamring county, Tibetan: Ngam ring r... angrenxian 昂仁县|Ngamring county, Tibetan: Ngam ring r... angshan 昂山|Aung San (1915-1947), Burmese general... angshansuji 昂山素姬|see 昂山素季[Ang2 Shan1 Su4 Ji4] angshansuji 昂山素季|Aung San Suu Kyi (1945-), Myanmar opp... angshou 昂首|head high/in high spirits/to raise on... angshou-tianwai 昂首天外|(idiom) to raise one\'s head and look ... angshoukuobu 昂首阔步|striding forward with head high (idio... angshoutingxiong 昂首挺胸|head high, chest out (idiom); to keep... angsi 盎司|ounce (British imperial system) (loan... angsi 盎斯|variant of 盎司[ang4 si1] anguangniao 暗光鸟|black-crowned night heron (Tw) anguiding 按规定|according to regulation anguila 安圭拉|Anguilla anguo 安国|Anguo, county-level city in Baoding 保... anguoshi 安国市|Anguo, county-level city in Baoding 保... angyang 昂扬|elated/high-spirited/uplifting (music) angyu-xiangji 盎盂相击|(idiom) to quarrel angyuxiangqiao 盎盂相敲|(idiom) to quarrel angzang 肮脏|dirty/filthy anhai 暗害|to kill secretly/to stab in the back anhan 暗含|to imply; to suggest; to connote/impl... anhao 暗号|secret signal (sign)/countersign/pass... anhao 安好|safe and sound/well anhaoxin 安好心|to have good intentions anhe 暗盒|magazine/cassette anhe 暗河|underground river anhe 暗合|to agree implicitly/of one mind/views... anhei 暗黑|dark; dim anheipohuaishen 暗黑破坏神|Diablo (video game series) anhua 安化|Anhua county in Yiyang 益陽|益阳[Yi4 yang... anhuar 暗花儿|veiled design incised in porcelain or... anhuaxian 安化县|Anhua county in Yiyang 益陽|益阳[Yi4 yang... anhui 安徽|see 安徽省[An1hui1 Sheng3] anhuidaxue 安徽大学|Anhui University anhuijuanju 暗灰鹃鵙|(bird species of China) black-winged ... anhuisheng 安徽省|Anhui Province, capital Hefei 合肥[He2f... anhunmisa 安魂弥撒|Requiem Mass (Catholic) anilin 阿尼林|(chemistry) aniline (loanword) anji 氨基|amino/amino group anji 暗疾|unmentionable disease/a disease one i... anji 暗记|to commit to memory/secret mark anji 安吉|Anji county in Huzhou 湖州[Hu2 zhou1], ... anji 按季|according to season/quarterly anjia 安家|to settle down/to set up a home anjialiye 安家立业|stable household, established profess... anjialuohu 安家落户|to make one\'s home in a place/to settle anjian 案件|case/instance/CL:宗[zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1... anjian 暗箭|attack by a hidden enemy; a stab in t... anjian 安检|security check (abbr. for 安全檢查|安全检查[a... anjian 鞍鞯|(literary) a saddle with a saddle bla... anjian 按键|button or key (on a device)/keystroke... anjianr 暗间儿|inner room anjianyin 按键音|keypad tone/key tone anjiao 暗礁|submerged reef (rock) anjiaxiubing 案甲休兵|to put down weapon and let soldiers r... anjibensuan 氨基苯酸|aminobenzoic acid anjibilin 氨基比林|aminopyrine (loanword) anjie 按揭|a mortgage (loanword via Cantonese)/t... anjielunkeji 安捷伦科技|Agilent Technologies (research and ma... anjier 安吉尔|angel (loanword) anjijiasuanzhileihuahewu 氨基甲酸酯类化合物|carbamate anjing 安静|quiet/peaceful/calm anjing 暗井|blind shaft/winze anjing 暗经|latent menstruation (TCM) anjiputang 氨基葡糖|glucosamine (abbr. for 氨基葡萄糖[an1 ji1 ... anjiputaotang 氨基葡萄糖|glucosamine (C6H13NO5) anjir 暗记儿|secret mark anjisuan 氨基酸|amino acid anjisuan 胺基酸|amino acid/also written 氨基酸 anjixian 安吉县|Anji county in Huzhou 湖州[Hu2 zhou1], ... anjixing 安吉星|OnStar, communications system for mot... anju 安居|Anju district of Suining city 遂寧市|遂宁市... anju 安居|to settle down/to live peacefully anjuan 案卷|records/files/archives anjugongcheng 安居工程|housing project for low-income urban ... anjuleye 安居乐业|to live in peace and work happily (id... anjuqu 安居区|Anju district of Suining city 遂寧市|遂宁市... ankala 安卡拉|Ankara, capital of Turkey ankang 安康|see 安康市[An1kang1 Shi4] ankang 安康|good health ankang 𩽾𩾌|anglerfish ankangshi 安康市|Ankang, prefecture-level city in Shaa... anke 安可|encore (loanword) ankelazhi 安克拉治|Anchorage (Alaska) ankeleiqi 安克雷奇|Anchorage (city in Alaska) ankou 暗扣|hidden snap fastener (concealed behin... ankou 按扣|snap fastener ankui 暗亏|hidden loss (finance) anla 安拉|Allah (Arabic name of God) anlaofenpei 按劳分配|distribution according to work anlaoyuan 安老院|(dialect) old people\'s home; nursing ... anle 安乐|Anle District of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1... anle 安乐|peace and happiness anlequ 安乐区|Anle District of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1... anlesi 安乐死|euthanasia anlewo 安乐窝|comfortable niche anli 案例|case (of fraud, hepatitis, internatio... anli 安利|Amway (brand) anli 安利|to recommend (a product etc); to promote anli 暗里|privately; secretly; behind closed doors anli 按理|according to reason; in the ordinary ... anli 按立|ordination anlian 暗恋|to be secretly in love with anlian 安联|Allianz, German financial service com... anlian 谙练|conversant/skilled/proficient anlifa 案例法|case law anlihui 安理会|(United Nations) Security Council anlishuo 按理说|it is reasonable to say that... anliu 暗流|undercurrent anlong 安龙|Anlong county in Qianxinan Buyei and ... anlongxian 安龙县|Anlong county in Qianxinan Buyei and ... anlu 安陆|Anlu, county-level city in Xiaogan 孝感... anlu 暗鹭|black-crowned night heron (Tw) anlun 氨纶|spandex/elastane anlushan 安禄山|An Lushan (703-757), Tang general, le... anlushi 安陆市|Anlu, county-level city in Xiaogan 孝感... anlvbeiluci 暗绿背鸬鹚|(bird species of China) Japanese corm... anlvliuying 暗绿柳莺|(bird species of China) greenish warb... anlvxiuyanniao 暗绿绣眼鸟|(bird species of China) Swinhoe\'s whi... anma 鞍马|pommel horse (gymnastics) anma 暗骂|to curse under one\'s breath/to grumbl... anmai 按脉|to feel (take) the pulse anmalaodun 鞍马劳顿|travel-worn anman 安曼|Amman, capital of Jordan anmanibamihong 唵嘛呢叭咪吽|om mani padme hum (Buddhist mantra) anmei 暗昧|obscure/remaining unenlightened anmi 安谧|tranquil/peaceful anmian 安眠|to sleep peacefully anmianjiaoying 暗冕鹪莺|(bird species of China) rufescent pri... anmiantong 安眠酮|methaqualone/hyminal anmianyao 安眠药|sleeping pill/CL:粒[li4] anmingaoshi 安民告示|a notice to reassure the public/advan... anmo 按摩|massage/to massage anmobang 按摩棒|vibrator; dildo anmole 庵摩勒|see 餘甘子|余甘子[yu2 gan1 zi3] anmoluojiaguo 庵摩落迦果|see 餘甘子|余甘子[yu2 gan1 zi3] anmoshi 按摩师|masseur; massage therapist anmoyugang 按摩浴缸|jacuzzi; whirlpool tub anna 安娜|Anna (name) anna 按捺|to restrain/to control anna 按纳|variant of 按捺[an4 na4] annabolisi 安纳波利斯|Annapolis (place name) annabuzhu 按捺不住|to be unable to hold back annaijin 安乃近|analgin (loanword) annakalienina 安娜·卡列尼娜|Anna Karenina, novel by Leo Tolstoy 列... annan 安南|Annam (Tang Dynasty protectorate loca... annan 安难|(classical) (of soldiers etc) resolut... annanqu 安南区|Annan district of Tainan City 臺南市|台南市... annanshanmai 安南山脉|Annamite Range, aka Annamese Cordille... annanzi 安南子|see 胖大海[pang4 da4 hai3] annatuoliya 安纳托利亚|Anatolia/Asia Minor annengliang 暗能量|(astronomy) dark energy anni 安妮|Annie (name) anning 安宁|Anning District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰... anning 安宁|peaceful/tranquil/calm/composed/free ... anningbingfang 安宁病房|hospice anningpian 安宁片|meprobamate anningqu 安宁区|Anning District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰... anningshi 安宁市|Anning, county-level city in Kunming ... anniu 按钮|push button anpai 安排|to arrange/to plan/to set up/arrangem... anpei 安培|ampere (loanword) anpeibiao 安培表|ammeter anpeiji 安培计|ammeter (loanword from \"ampere meter\") anpeixiaoshi 安培小时|ampere-hour (Ah) anping 安平|Anping county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 sh... anping 安瓶|ampoule (loanword) anpingqu 安平区|Anping district of Tainan City 臺南市|台南... anpingxian 安平县|Anping county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 sh... anpinledao 安贫乐道|to be content with poverty and strive... anqi 氨气|ammonia (gas) anqi 按期|on schedule/on time anqi 暗器|concealed weapon anqianmahou 鞍前马后|to follow everywhere/to always be the... anqiao 按跷|(old) massage anqier 安琪儿|angel (loanword) anqin 安寝|to sleep peacefully anqinban 安亲班|after-school program (Tw) anqing 安庆|see 安慶市|安庆市[An1qing4 Shi4] anqing 案情|details of a case/case anqingshi 安庆市|Anqing, prefecture-level city in Anhu... anqiu 安丘|Anqiu, county-level city in Weifang 濰... anqiushi 安丘市|Anqiu, county-level city in Weifang 濰... anqu 暗渠|underground water channel/covered dit... anquan 安全|safe; secure/safety; security anquanche 安全掣|emergency stop anquanci 安全词|(BDSM) safe word anquancuoshi 安全措施|safety feature/security measure anquandai 安全带|seat belt/safety belt anquandao 安全岛|traffic island; pedestrian refuge anquandeng 安全灯|safety lamp/safelight anquanfa 安全阀|safety valve anquangan 安全感|sense of security anquangang 安全港|safe harbor; safe haven anquanju 安全局|security bureau anquankaolv 安全考虑|security concerns; safety considerations anquanke 安全壳|containment vessel anquanku 安全裤|safety shorts (worn under a skirt or ... anquanlishihui 安全理事会|(United Nations) Security Council anquanmao 安全帽|safety helmet/CL:隻|只[zhi1],頂|顶[ding3] anquanqi 安全期|safe period/safe days of a woman\'s me... anquanqinang 安全气囊|safety airbag (auto.) anquantao 安全套|condom/CL:隻|只[zhi1] anquanwang 安全网|safety net anquanwenti 安全问题|safety issue/security issue anquanwushi 安全无事|safe and sound anquanwuyang 安全无恙|see 安然無恙|安然无恙[an1 ran2 wu2 yang4] anquanwuyu 安全无虞|safe and secure anquanxing 安全性|security/safety anquanyanzhao 安全眼罩|safety goggles anran 安然|calmly/without qualms/free from worry... anran 黯然|dim/sad anran 岸然|solemn/serious anran-shenshang 黯然神伤|(idiom) depressed; dispirited anranshise 黯然失色|to lose one\'s splendor/to lose luster... anranwuyang 安然无恙|safe and sound (idiom)/to come out un... anranxiaohun 黯然销魂|overwhelming sadness (idiom); sorrow ... anren 安仁|Anren county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zho... anren 安人|to pacify the people/landlady (old)/w... anrenxian 安仁县|Anren county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zho... anri 按日|daily (law)/per diem anrupanshi 安如磐石|as solid as rock (idiom); as sure as ... anrutaishan 安如泰山|as secure as Mount Taishan/as solid a... ansaimi 安赛蜜|acesulfame potassium anseyaque 暗色鸦雀|(bird species of China) grey-hooded p... ansha 暗杀|to assassinate ansha 暗沙|submerged sandbank/submerged coral islet anshan 鞍山|see 鞍山市[An1shan1 Shi4] anshang 暗伤|internal injury/invisible damage anshang 岸上|ashore/on the riverbank anshanshi 鞍山市|Anshan, prefecture-level city in Liao... anshanyan 安山岩|andesite (geology) anshao 暗哨|hidden sentry post anshaor 暗哨儿|whistle given as a secret signal anshe 安设|to install/to set up anshen 安神|to calm (soothe) the nerves/to reliev... anshen 安身|to make one\'s home/to take shelter ansheng 安生|peaceful/restful/quiet/still anshenliming 安身立命|(idiom) to settle down and pursue one... anshi 暗示|to hint; to suggest/hint; suggestion anshi 按时|on time/before deadline/on schedule anshi 安适|quiet and comfortable anshi 暗室|darkroom anshi 谙事|(often used in the negative in descri... anshijianxianhou 按时间先后|chronological anshiliu 安石榴|pomegranate anshiying 暗适应|(visual physiology) dark adaptation anshizhiluan 安史之乱|An-Shi Rebellion (755-763) of 安祿山|安禄山... anshou 案首|candidate who ranked 1st in imperial ... anshouli 按手礼|ordination anshu 桉树|eucalyptus anshu 谙熟|to be proficient in anshu 安舒|at peace/relaxed/serene anshuang 暗爽|to be secretly delighted anshui 氨水|ammonia solution anshun 安顺|see 安順市|安顺市[An1shun4 Shi4] anshunshi 安顺市|Anshun, prefecture-level city in Guiz... anshuo 按说|in the ordinary course of events; ord... ansongqiubo 暗送秋波|to cast flirtatious glances at sb (id... ansuan 暗算|to plot against ansuo 暗锁|built-in lock antai 安泰|at peace/healthy and secure antaisui 安太岁|to propitiate the god of the current ... antan 暗探|secret agent/detective antan 暗滩|hidden shoal antananalifo 安塔那那利佛|Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar (Tw) antang 庵堂|Buddhist nunnery anteng 安藤|Andō (Japanese surname) anteweipu 安特卫普|Antwerp (city in Belgium) antian 按天|daily (law)/per diem antibilin 安替比林|antipyrine (loanword) antifa 安提法|antifa (loanword) antiguadao 安提瓜岛|Antigua antiguahebabuda 安提瓜和巴布达|Antigua and Barbuda antou 案头|on one\'s desk antu 安图|Antu County in Yanbian Korean Autonom... antusheng 安徒生|Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) antusuoji 按图索骥|lit. looking for a fine horse using o... antuxian 安图县|Antu County in Yanbian Korean Autonom... antuzhongqian 安土重迁|to hate to leave a place where one ha... anuo 阿诺|Arnold (name)/refers to Arnold Schwar... anuodeshiwaxinge 阿诺德·施瓦辛格|Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), US act... anuoshiwaxinge 阿诺·施瓦辛格|Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), US act... anwaer 安瓦尔|Anwar (name)/Anwar bin Ibrahim (1947-... anwang 暗网|(computing) Dark Web anwei 安慰|to comfort/to console/CL:個|个[ge4] anwei 安危|safety and danger/safety anweiji 安慰剂|placebo anweijiang 安慰奖|consolation prize anwen 安稳|steady; stable; sedate; calm; (of sle... anwen 按蚊|anopheles/malarial mosquito anwen 案文|text anwutianri 暗无天日|all black, no daylight (idiom); a wor... anwuzhi 暗物质|(physics) dark matter anxi 安溪|Anxi, a county in Quanzhou City 泉州市[Q... anxi 安西|Anxi county, former name of Guazhou c... anxi 安息|Parthia (ancient country in central A... anxi 安息|to rest; to go to sleep/to rest in peace anxi 暗喜|hidden smile/smirk/to rejoice covertl... anxia 按下|to press down/to press a button anxiahulufuqipiao 按下葫芦浮起瓢|solve one problem only to find anothe... anxian 安闲|at one\'s ease/carefree anxian 安闲|peaceful and carefree/leisurely anxiang 暗箱|camera bellows/camera obscura anxiang 安详|serene anxiang 暗香|subtle fragrance anxiang 暗想|think to oneself anxiang 安乡|Anxiang county in Changde 常德[Chang2 d... anxiang 安祥|serene/composed/unruffled anxiangcaozuo 暗箱操作|covert activities (election rigging e... anxiangshuying 暗香疏影|(poetic depiction of plum blossom) anxianguangpu 暗线光谱|dark-line spectrum anxiangxian 安乡县|Anxiang county in Changde 常德[Chang2 d... anxianshushi 安闲舒适|leisurely and free (idiom)/carefree a... anxiansuiyi 安闲随意|leisurely and free (idiom); carefree ... anxianzide 安闲自得|feeling comfortably at ease (idiom) anxianzizai 安闲自在|leisurely and free (idiom); carefree ... anxiao 暗笑|laugh in (up) one\'s sleeve/snigger/sn... anxiaosu 氨哮素|clenbuterol anxie 安歇|to go to bed/to retire for the night anxiguo 安息国|Parthia anxihuixiang 安息茴香|see 孜然[zi1 ran2], cumin anxin 安心|at ease/to feel relieved/to set one\'s... anxin 安新|Anxin county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4... anxingyun 暗星云|(astronomy) dark nebula; absorption n... anxinxian 安新县|Anxin county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4... anxiongzhuque 暗胸朱雀|(bird species of China) dark-breasted... anxiri 安息日|Sabbath anxixian 安溪县|Anxi, a county in Quanzhou City 泉州市[Q... anxixian 安西县|Anxi county, former name of Guazhou c... anxixiang 安息香|Styrax officinalis or Styrax benzoin/... anxixiangke 安息香科|Styracaceae, tree family including si... anxixiangshu 安息香属|Styrax (tree genus)/snowdrop/benzoin anxixiangzhi 安息香脂|benzoinum/benzoin resin (used in TCM) anxu 按需|on demand; according to demand anxuchuban 按需出版|publishing on demand anxufenpei 按需分配|distribution according to need anya 按压|to press/to push (a button) anyan 案验|(old) to investigate the evidence of ... anyang 安阳|see 安陽市|安阳市[An1yang2 Shi4] anyang 安养|to foster/to provide care (esp. for t... anyangshi 安阳市|Anyang, prefecture-level city in Hena... anyangxian 安阳县|Anyang county in Anyang 安陽|安阳[An1 yan... anyangyuan 安养院|(Tw) nursing home; hospice anyeyou 桉叶油|eucalyptus oil anyi 安逸|easy and comfortable/easy anyi 安义|Anyi county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi anying 暗影|shadow; umbra anying 安营|to pitch camp/to camp anyingzhazhai 安营扎寨|to set up camp/Taiwan pr. [an1 ying2 ... anyixian 安义县|Anyi, a county in Nanchang 南昌[Nan2cha... anyou 案由|main points of a case/brief/summary anyu 暗语|code word anyu 安于|to be content with; to be accustomed to anyu 暗喻|metaphor anyu 按语|note/comment anyu 案语|variant of 按語|按语[an4 yu3] anyuan 安源|Anyuan district of Pingxiang city 萍鄉市... anyuan 安远|Anyuan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 z... anyuanqu 安源区|Anyuan district of Pingxiang city 萍鄉市... anyuanxian 安远县|Anyuan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 z... anyue 按月|monthly/per mensem anyue 安岳|Anyue county in Ziyang 資陽|资阳[Zi1 yang... anyuexian 安岳县|Anyue county in Ziyang 資陽|资阳[Zi1 yang... anyuxianzhuang 安于现状|to take things as they are (idiom)/to... anza 安匝|ampere-turn (unit of magnetomotive fo... anzan 按赞|to give sb a thumbs-up (on social media) anzang 安葬|to bury (the dead) anze 安泽|Anze county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2... anzexian 安泽县|Anze county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2... anzhao 按照|according to/in accordance with/in th... anzhaofalv 按照法律|according to the law anzhaojihua 按照计划|according to (the) plan ... anzhen 安贞|Antei (Japanese reign name, 1227-1229) anzhen 安枕|to sleep soundly/(fig.) to rest easy/... anzhen 按诊|palpation (as a method of examination) anzhi 安置|to find a place for/to help settle do... anzhi 暗指|to hint at/to imply/sth hidden anzhi 暗滞|dull (complexion) anzhidingjia 按质定价|to fix a price based on quality (idiom) anzhiruosu 安之若素|bear hardship with equanimity/regard ... anzhong 暗中|in the dark/in secret/on the sly/surr... anzhonggen 安重根|An Jung-geun or Ahn Joong-keun (1879-... anzhongjianshi 暗中监视|to monitor secretly/to spy on anzhuan 暗转|(theater) blackout (e.g. at the end o... anzhuang 安装|to install/to erect/to fix/to mount/i... anzhuang 暗桩|submerged piles installed to prevent ... anzhuangbao 安装包|(computing) installation package anzhuo 安卓|Android (operating system for mobile ... anzi 案子|long table; counter/(coll.) case (cri... anzi 暗自|inwardly/to oneself/secretly anzi 鞍子|saddle anzuhua 安祖花|flamingo lily (Anthurium andraeanum) ao 鿫|oganesson (chemistry) ao 奥|Austria (abbr. for 奧地利|奥地利[Ao4 di4 li... ao 奥|obscure/mysterious ao 澳|Macao (abbr. for 澳門|澳门[Ao4men2])/Aust... ao 澳|deep bay; cove; harbor ao 傲|proud/arrogant/to despise/unyielding/... ao 凹|concave; depressed; sunken; indented;... ao 熬|to boil; to simmer ao 熬|to cook on a slow fire; to extract by... ao 圫|variant of 墺[ao4] ao 敖|surname Ao ao 敖|variant of 遨[ao2] ao 鳌|mythological sea turtle ao 鳌|variant of 鰲|鳌[ao2] ao 坳|variant of 坳[ao4] ao 坳|depression; cavity; hollow/Taiwan pr.... ao 岙|plain in the middle of the mountains/... ao 遨|to make an excursion; to ramble; to t... ao 獒|(bound form) mastiff ao 骜|a noble steed (literary)/(of a horse)... ao 奡|haughty/vigorous ao 翱|see 翱翔[ao2 xiang2] ao 翱|variant of 翱[ao2] ao 螯|nippers/claw (of crab)/chela/pincers/... ao 廒|granary ao 垇|(used in place names)/variant of 坳[ao4] ao 鏊|griddle/tava ao 袄|coat/jacket/short and lined coat or robe ao 嶅|hill strewn with stones/(used in plac... ao 媪|old woman ao 嗷|loud clamor/the sound of wailing ao 鏖|violent fighting ao 摮|(literary) to hit; to strike; to smite ao 懊|to regret ao 聱|difficult to pronounce ao 墺|building-plot ao 璈|(mus. instr.) ao 爊|variant of 熬[ao1] ao 隞|Ao, Shang Dynasty capital (northeast ... ao 謷|greatness/slander/sound of weeping ao 𬸩|used in 鶆䴈|𱉵𬸩[lai2ao3] ao 拗|variant of 拗[ao4] ao 拗|(dialect) to twist; to bend (in order... ao 拗|(bound form) intractable; contrary; d... ao-xinjuntuan 澳新军团|Australian and New Zealand Army Corps... aoan 傲岸|proud/haughty aoan 凹岸|concave bank aoaodaibu 嗷嗷待哺|cry piteously for food aobama 奥巴马|Barack Obama (1961-), US Democrat pol... aoban 凹版|intaglio printing plate (or a print m... aoban 凹板|variant of 凹版[ao1 ban3] aobao 敖包|(loanword from Mongolian) road or bou... aobao 澳宝|opal (abbr. for 澳洲寶石|澳洲宝石[Ao4 zhou1 b... aobeide 敖贝得|Obed (name) aobeifushan 鳌背负山|debt as heavy as a mountain on a turt... aobi 澳币|Australian dollar aobian 鳌抃|(literary) elated and excited; overjoyed aobolai 奥波莱|Opole, city in Poland aobu 奥步|see 漚步|沤步[ou4bu4] aobuli 奥布里|Aubrey (name) aocao 凹槽|recess/notch/groove/fillister aochutou 熬出头|to break clear of all the troubles an... aodaili 奥黛丽|Audrey aodaili 奥黛莉|Audrey/variant of 奧黛麗|奥黛丽[Ao4 dai4 li4] aodaliya 澳大利亚|Australia aodaliyaguolidaxue 澳大利亚国立大学|Australian National University (ANU),... aodaliyalianbang 澳大利亚联邦|Commonwealth of Australia aodaliyashoudutequ 澳大利亚首都特区|Australian Capital Territory aodaliyazhou 澳大利亚洲|Australia (abbr. to 澳洲[Ao4 zhou1]) aodesa 敖德萨|Odessa (city in Ukraine) aodesai 奥德赛|Homer\'s Odyssey aodexiusi 奥德修斯|Odysseus aodi 奥迪|Audi aodiao 凹雕|to engrave/to carve into aodili 奥地利|Austria aoding 奥丁|Odin (god in Norse mythology) aodingxiezhenqi 奥丁谐振器|Oudin coil/Oudin resonator aodixiusi 奥迪修斯|Odysseus, hero of Homer\'s Odyssey aodong 凹洞|cavity/pit aodu 凹度|concavity aoduan 拗断|(dialect) to break (by twisting, bend... aoerbani 奥尔巴尼|Albany, New York aoerbulaite 奥尔布赖特|Madeleine Albright (1937-), former US... aoerdenidao 奥尔德尼岛|Alderney (Channel Islands) aoerliang 奥尔良|Orléans aofu 熬稃|puffed grain/popped wheat/popcorn aogao 熬膏|to simmer to a paste aogengshouye 熬更守夜|to stay up through the night (idiom) aogu 傲骨|lofty and unyielding character aoguang 敖广|Ao Guang, Dragon King of the East Sea... aoguo 奥国|Austria aogusidu 奥古斯都|Augustus (name) aogusita 奥古斯塔|Augusta (place name: capital of Maine... aohan 敖汉|Aohan banner or Aokhan khoshuu in Chi... aohanqi 敖汉旗|Aohan banner or Aokhan khoshuu in Chi... aohen 凹痕|dent/indentation/notch/pitting aohui 懊悔|to feel remorse/to repent/to regret aohui 奥会|Olympic Games (abbr. for 奧林匹克運動會|奥林匹克... aohusi 奥胡斯|Aarhus, city in Denmark aoji 澳际|Aoji, education agent aoji 奥迹|Holy mystery/Holy sacrament (of Ortho... aojian 熬煎|suffering/torture aojiao 傲娇|(coll.) presenting as unfriendly and ... aojin 凹进|concave/recessed/dented aojing 凹镜|concave mirror aokamutidao 奥卡姆剃刀|Occam\'s razor aokangna 奥康纳|O\'Connor (name)/Thomas Power O\'Connor... aokangneier 奥康内尔|O\'Connell (name)/Daniel O\'Connell (17... aoke 奥客|(coll.) (Tw) troublesome customer; ob... aokelahema 奥克拉荷马|Oklahoma, US state (Tw) aokelahemazhou 奥克拉荷马州|Oklahoma, US state (Tw) aokelan 奥克兰|Auckland (New Zealand city)/Oakland (... aokeng 凹坑|concave depression/crater aokesinade 奥克斯纳德|Oxnard, California aokesusihe 奥克苏斯河|Oxus River/alternative name for Amu D... aokou 拗口|hard to pronounce; awkward-sounding aokouling 拗口令|tongue twister aolaien 奥赖恩|Orion (NASA spacecraft) aolanduo 奥兰多|Orlando aolangde 奥朗德|François Hollande (1954-), French Soc... aolaniesitade 奥腊涅斯塔德|Oranjestad, capital of Aruba aolanqundao 奥兰群岛|Åland Islands, Finland aoli 傲立|to stand proudly aolian 奥利安|Orion (constellation, loan word)/also... aoliao 奥利奥|Oreo cookies aoligei 奥利给|(neologism c. 2020) come on, you can ... aoliliya 奥里里亚|Aurelia, a hypothetical planet aolinbasi 奥林巴斯|Olympus, Japanese manufacturer of cam... aolinpike 奥林匹克|Olympic aolinpiketiyuchang 奥林匹克体育场|Olympic Stadium aolinpikeyundonghui 奥林匹克运动会|Olympic Games; the Olympics aolinpikeyundonghuizuzhiweiyuanhui 奥林匹克运动会组织委员会|Olympic Organizing Committee (abbr. t... aolinpiya 奥林匹亚|Olympia (Greece) aolisabang 奥里萨邦|Odisha (formerly Orissa), eastern Ind... aoliweiya 奥利维亚|Olivia (name) aolu 奥卢|Oulu (city in Finland) aomaer 奥马尔|Omar (Arabic name) aomaha 奥马哈|Omaha aoman 傲慢|arrogant/haughty aoman-buxun 傲慢不逊|see 傲慢無禮|傲慢无礼[ao4man4-wu2li3] aoman-shaoli 傲慢少礼|see 傲慢無禮|傲慢无礼[ao4man4-wu2li3] aoman-wuli 傲慢无礼|(idiom) arrogant; disrespectful aomanyupianjian 傲慢与偏见|Pride and Prejudice, novel by Jane Au... aomen 澳门|Macao or Macau, special administrativ... aomenguojijichang 澳门国际机场|Macau International Airport aomenlifahui 澳门立法会|Legislative Council of Macao aomenshi 澳门市|Municipality of Macau aomi 奥秘|secret/mystery aomianjing 凹面镜|concave mirror aomiao 奥妙|marvelous/mysterious/profound/marvel/... aomiga 奥米伽|omega (Greek letter Ωω) aomikerong 奥密克戎|omicron (Greek letter) aomikerong 奥米可戎|omicron (Greek letter Οο) aomomo 奥陌陌|ʻOumuamua (interstellar object) aomuzhenlijiao 奥姆真理教|Aum Shinrikyo (or Supreme Truth), the... aonanshazhui 澳南沙锥|(bird species of China) Latham\'s snip... aonao 懊恼|annoyed/vexed/upset aonao 懊𢙐|anxious/brooding aonaxisi 奥纳西斯|Onassis (name)/Aristotle Onassis (190... aoni 傲睨|to look down upon aoniu 澳纽|Australia and New Zealand aopopi 凹朴皮|bark of tulip tree (TCM)/Cortex Lirio... aoqi 傲气|air of arrogance/haughtiness aoqienuosi 奥切诺斯|Oceanus, a Titan in Greek mythology aoquan 獒犬|mastiff (dog breed) aoran 傲然|loftily/proudly/unyieldingly aoren 傲人|worthy of pride/impressive/enviable aoru 凹入|recessed/concave aorun 敖闰|Dragon King of the West Sea, Ao Run, ... aosailuo 奥赛罗|Othello (play by Shakespeare) aosailuo 奥塞罗|Othello, 1604 tragedy by William Shak... aosang 懊丧|dejected/despondent/depressed aoseti 奥塞梯|Ossetia (a Caucasian republic) aoshi 傲视|to turn up one\'s nose/to show disdain... aoshi 奥什|Osh (city in Kyrgyzstan) aoshi 澳式|Australian-style/Macanese-style aoshiganlanqiu 澳式橄榄球|Australian rules football; Aussie rules aoshiqunlun 傲视群伦|outstanding talent (idiom)/incomparab... aoshiti 奥氏体|(metallurgy) austenite; austenitic aoshu 奥数|International Mathematical Olympiad (... aoshu 奥数|olympiad mathematics/competition math aoshuang-douxue 傲霜斗雪|see 欺霜傲雪[qi1shuang1-ao4xue3] aoshuang-lingxue 傲霜凌雪|see 欺霜傲雪[qi1shuang1-ao4xue3] aoshun 敖顺|Ao Shun, Dragon King of the North Sea... aosiding 奥斯丁|Austin or Austen (name)/Austin, Texas... aosika 奥斯卡|(film industry) Oscar (Academy Award)... aosikajinxiangjiang 奥斯卡金像奖|an Academy Award; an Oscar aosilu 奥斯陆|Oslo, capital of Norway aosiman 奥斯曼|Ottoman (empire) aosimandiguo 奥斯曼帝国|the Ottoman Empire aositeluofusiji 奥斯特洛夫斯基|Nikolai Ostrovsky (1904-1936), Soviet... aositing 奥斯汀|Austin or Austen (name)/Austin, Texas aosiwaerde 奥斯瓦尔德|Oswald aosiweixin 奥斯威辛|Auschwitz (concentration camp) aosiweixin 奥斯维辛|Auschwitz (concentration camp) aosiweixinjizhongying 奥斯威辛集中营|Auschwitz concentration camp aotaoji 奥陶纪|Ordovician (geological period 495-440... aotaoxi 奥陶系|Ordovician system (geology) aotelaisi 奥特莱斯|outlets (loanword)/retail outlet (e.g... aotelangtuo 奥特朗托|Otranto city on the southeast heel of... aotelangtuohaixia 奥特朗托海峡|Strait of Otranto between the heel of... aoteman 奥特曼|Ultraman, Japanese science fiction su... aotoujing 凹透镜|concave lens aotour 熬头儿|(coll.) the reward of one\'s efforts/t... aotu 凹凸|concave or convex/bumps and holes/une... aotu-buping 凹凸不平|(idiom) uneven (surface); bumpy (road) aotuo 奥托|Otto aotuxing 凹凸形|crenelated; corrugated aotuxing 凹凸性|(math.) concavity aotuyahua 凹凸轧花|embossing aotuyinshua 凹凸印刷|embossing/die stamping aotuyouzhi 凹凸有致|curvaceous aowang 澳网|Australian Open (tennis tournament) aoweier 奥威尔|Orwell (name)/George Orwell (1903-195... aoweihui 奥委会|Olympic committee aoweiyeduo 奥维耶多|Oviedo (Asturian: Uviéu), capital of ... aowen 凹纹|die (printing, metalwork etc) aoxia 螯虾|crayfish aoxian 凹陷|to cave in; hollow; sunken; depressed aoxian 坳陷|(geology) depression/low-lying area aoxian 凹线|groove aoxiang 翱翔|to soar; to wheel about in the sky aoxiang 遨翔|variant of 翱翔[ao2 xiang2] aoxinjie 澳新界|Australasian realm aoxinjuntuanri 澳新军团日|Anzac Day aoxinuosi 奥西娜斯|Oceanus, a Titan in Greek mythology aoxiongdiguo 奥匈帝国|Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867-1918 aoxue-lingshuang 傲雪凌霜|see 欺霜傲雪[qi1shuang1-ao4xue3] aoxue-qishuang 傲雪欺霜|see 欺霜傲雪[qi1shuang1-ao4xue3] aoyao 熬药|to decoct medicinal herbs aoye 熬夜|to stay up late or all night aoyou 遨游|to travel; to go on a tour; to roam aoyuan 澳元|Australian dollar aoyuan 奥援|hidden ally/powerful support/support/... aoyun 奥运|Olympic Games; the Olympics (abbr. fo... aoyuncun 奥运村|Olympic Village aoyunhui 奥运会|Olympic Games; the Olympics (abbr. fo... aoyunsai 奥运赛|Olympic Games aozaoxing 凹造型|(coll.) to strike a pose aozhan 鏖战|bitter fighting/a violent battle aozhi 螯肢|chelicera aozhou 澳洲|Australia (abbr. for 澳大利亞洲|澳大利亚洲[Ao4d... aozhouguangbodiantai 澳洲广播电台|Australian Broadcasting Corporation (... aozhoujianguo 澳洲坚果|macadamia nut aozhoumanli 澳洲鳗鲡|short-finned eel (Anguilla australis) aozhouxiaoyingwu 澳洲小鹦鹉|lorikeet aozhouyequan 澳洲野犬|dingo (Canis dingo) aozi 鏊子|griddle aozi 袄子|coat/jacket/short and lined coat or robe aozuwei 奥组委|Olympic Organizing Committee (abbr. f... apian 阿片|opium (loanword) apian A片|adult movie; pornography apiao 阿飘|(coll.) ghost (Tw) apiya 阿皮亚|Apia, capital of the Independent Stat... apo 阿婆|granny/mother-in-law apuerdun 阿普尔顿|Appleton (name)/Sir Edward Appleton (... aputulong 阿普吐龙|apatosaurus/former name: brontosaurus... aq 阿Q|Ah Q, antihero of Lu Xun\'s influentia... aqilisi 阿奇里斯|Achilles (or Akhilleus or Achilleus),... aqimeinidewangchao 阿契美尼德王朝|Achaemenid Dynasty, (559-330 BC), anc... aqimeisu 阿奇霉素|azithromycin (antibiotic medication) aqin 吖嗪|-azine/heterocyclic compound containi... aquanr A圈儿|at symbol, @ aqzhengzhuan 阿Q正传|The True Story of Ah Q, influential 1... arongqi 阿荣旗|Arun banner or Arongqi county in Hulu... aruisi 阿瑞斯|Ares, Greek god of war/Mars asade 阿萨德|Assad (Arabic name) asaibaijiang 阿塞拜疆|Azerbaijan asaibaijiangren 阿塞拜疆人|Azerbaijan (person) asamu 阿萨姆|Assam, India asan 阿三|(derog.) an Indian ase 阿瑟|Arthur (name) asen 阿森|Assen, city in the Netherlands asenna 阿森纳|Arsenal Football Club asensi 阿森斯|Athens, Ohio asensongdao 阿森松岛|Ascension Island asexian 阿瑟县|Arthur County, Nebraska asezhen 阿瑟镇|Arthur\'s Town, Cat Island, The Bahamas ashali 阿沙力|variant of 阿莎力[a1 sha1 li4] ashali 阿莎力|(coll.) straightforward/unreserved/op... asheli 阿阇梨|Buddhist teacher (Sanskrit transliter... asheli 阿阇黎|Buddhist teacher (Sanskrit transliter... ashenhabade 阿什哈巴德|Ashgabat, capital of Turkmenistan ashenlawei 阿什拉维|surname Ashrawi/Hanan Daoud Khalil As... ashihabate 阿什哈巴特|Ashgabat, capital of Turkmenistan (Tw) ashinaguduolu 阿史那骨咄禄|Ashina Qutlugh, personal name of 頡跌利施... ashixue 阿是穴|(TCM) ashi point: a tender spot that ... ashui 阿谁|who asibate 阿斯巴特|aspartame C14H18N2O (artificial sweet... asibatian 阿斯巴甜|aspartame (loanword) asiboge 阿斯伯格|see 阿斯佩爾格爾|阿斯佩尔格尔[A1 si1 pei4 er3 ge2... asidunmading 阿斯顿·马丁|Aston Martin asilan 阿斯兰|Aslan (from the Narnia chronicles) asilikang 阿斯利康|AstraZeneca (British-Swedish pharmace... asimala 阿斯马拉|Asmara, capital of Eritrea asipeiergeer 阿斯佩尔格尔|Hans Asperger (1906-1980), Austrian p... asipilin 阿斯匹林|aspirin (loanword) (variant of 阿司匹林[a... asipilin 阿司匹林|aspirin (loanword) asipiling 阿斯匹灵|(Tw) (loanword) aspirin asitana 阿斯塔纳|Astana, capital of Kazakhstan asituliyasi 阿斯图里亚斯|Asturias, northwest Spanish autonomou... asiwang 阿斯旺|Aswan (town in south Egypt) asiwanggaoba 阿斯旺高坝|the Aswan dam in south Egypt asongsendao 阿松森岛|Ascension Island asushan 阿苏山|Mount Aso, active volcano in Kyushu, ... atejinsi 阿特金斯|Atkins (name) atelandisi 阿特兰蒂斯|Atlantis atelasi 阿特拉斯|Atlas (Titan in Greek mythology)/Atla... ati 阿嚏|(onom.) a-choo (sound of a sneeze) atila 阿提拉|Attila (406-453), Hun emperor, known ... atu 阿土|country bumpkin/redneck (derog) atuopin 阿托品|atropine C17H23NO3, alkaloid drug der... atuopinhua 阿拖品化|atropinization atushi 阿图什|Atush or Artux city and county in Qiz... atushishi 阿图什市|Atush or Artux city in Qizilsu Kyrgyz... awa 阿佤|Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanma... awalide 阿瓦里德|Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal al-Saud of ... awalua 阿瓦鲁阿|Avarua, capital of the Cook Islands awangqupei 阿旺曲培|Ngawang Choephel (1966-), Tibetan mus... awangqupei 阿旺曲沛|Ngawang Choepel (Tibetan, Fulbright s... awati 阿瓦提|Avat nahiyisi (Awat county) in Aksu 阿... awatixian 阿瓦提县|Avat nahiyisi (Awat county) in Aksu 阿... awei 阿魏|Ferula resin (used in TCM)/Resina Fer... aweila 阿维拉|Avila, Spain awur 阿物儿|thing/(you) useless thing axiang 阿乡|(coll.) country folk/rustic/see also ... axianyao 阿仙药|gambier extract (from Uncaria gambir)... axiba 阿西吧|aw, fuck! (loanword from Korean 아! 씨발!) axiluowei 阿昔洛韦|aciclovir (also spelled acyclovir), a... aximofu 阿西莫夫|Isaac Asimov (1920-1992), American au... aximu 阿希姆|Askim (city in Østfold, Norway) axiong 阿兄|elder brother axiuluo 阿修罗|Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian m... axiyuansu 锕系元素|actinoids (rare earth series), namely... aya 啊呀|interjection of surprise/Oh my! ayatula 阿亚图拉|ayatollah (religious leader in Shia I... ayi 阿姨|maternal aunt/step-mother/childcare w... ayinu 阿伊努|Ainu (ethnic group of Japan\'s north a... ayinu 阿衣奴|see 阿伊努[A1 yi1 nu3] ayisha 阿依莎|Ayshe, Aise or Ayesha (name)/Aishah b... ayisha 阿伊莎|Ayshe, Aise or Ayesha (name)/Aishah b... ayo 啊哟|interjection of surprise or pain/Oh/O... ayuehunzi 阿月浑子|pistachio ayuehunzishu 阿月浑子树|pistachio tree ayufeituo 阿育吠陀|Ayurveda (ancient Indian system and h... ayuwang 阿育王|Ashoka (304-232 BC), Indian emperor o... ayuweishi 阿育魏实|seed of ajwain/Semen Trachyspermi cop... aza 腌臜|dirty/filthy/awkward/disgusting/nause... azhai 阿宅|homebody; geek; nerd; otaku azhitekeren 阿芝特克人|Aztec (person) azhitekeyu 阿芝特克语|Aztec language (Nahuatl) azihaimozheng 阿兹海默症|Alzheimer\'s disease (Tw) aziteke 阿兹特克|Aztec ba 把|to hold; to grasp/to hold a baby in p... ba 把|handle ba 八|eight; 8 ba 菝|used in 菝葜[ba2qia1] ba 伯|variant of 霸[ba4] ba 扒|to peel/to skin/to tear/to pull down/... ba 拔|to pull up/to pull out/to draw out by... ba 吧|bar (loanword) (serving drinks, or pr... ba 吧|(modal particle indicating suggestion... ba 巴|Ba state during Zhou dynasty (in east... ba 巴|to long for/to wish/to cling to/to st... ba 靶|target/mark ba 爸|father/dad/pa/papa ba 杷|handle or shaft (of an axe etc)/hoe/t... ba 仈|surname Ba ba 霸|variant of 霸[ba4] ba 霸|hegemon/tyrant/lord/feudal chief/to r... ba 罢|to stop/to cease/to dismiss/to suspen... ba 罢|(final particle, same as 吧) ba 钯|palladium (chemistry)/Taiwan pr. [ba1] ba 耙|a hoe/to harrow ba 跋|postscript/to trek across mountains ba 粑|a round flat cake (dialect) ba 〨|numeral 8 in the Suzhou numeral syste... ba 魃|drought demon ba 叭|denote a sound or sharp noise (gunfir... ba 灞|name of a river ba 捌|eight (banker\'s anti-fraud numeral)/s... ba 朳|tree ba 岜|stony hill/rocky mountain/(used in pl... ba 芭|an unidentified fragrant plant mentio... ba 鲅|(bound form) Spanish mackerel ba 笆|an article made of bamboo strips/fence ba 丷|\"eight\" component in Chinese characte... ba 峇|(used in transliteration) ba 妭|(literary) beautiful woman/old varian... ba 弝|the part of a bow grasped when shooting ba 疤|scar/scab ba 鲃|used in 䰾魚|鲃鱼[ba1 yu2] ba 茇|betel ba 豝|corned beef/female pig/sow ba 犮|old variant of 拔[ba2] ba 蚆|a kind of shell ba 軷|sacrifice ba 欛|variant of 杷[ba4]/variant of 把[ba4] ba 猈|dog with short shinbone ba 䥯|plow ba 抜|Japanese variant of 拔[ba2] ba 坝|dam/dike; embankment/CL:條|条[tiao2] ba 㞎|(dialect) poo/(dialect) to shit baa 巴阿|Pakistan-Afghan baba 爸爸|(coll.) father; dad/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] baba 88|(Internet slang) bye-bye (alternative... baba 巴巴|(suffix) very/extremely baba 㞎㞎|(baby talk) poop baba 把拔|daddy babaduosi 巴巴多斯|Barbados babaiban 八佰伴|Yaohan retail group babaizhijiao 八拜之交|sworn brotherhood/intimate friendship babajiejie 巴巴结结|to manage with difficulty/only just g... babala 芭芭拉|Barbara or Barbra (name) babala 巴巴拉|Barbara (name) babaliu 八八六|Bye bye! (in chat room and text messa... babaniangre 峇峇娘惹|Peranakan Chinese (Baba-Nyonya), an e... babantoufeng 八般头风|(TCM) eight kinds of \"head wind\" (hea... babaodan 八宝丹|eight-jewel elixir (TCM) babaofan 八宝饭|Eight Treasures Rice, Chinese rice pu... babaoli 巴宝莉|Burberry (brand) babaoshan 八宝山|Mt Babao in Haidian district of Beijing babaoshangeminggongmu 八宝山革命公墓|Mt Babao Revolutionary Cemetery in Ha... babaoyanyao 八宝眼药|eight-jewel eye ointment (TCM) babaozhou 八宝粥|rice congee made with red beans, lotu... babeichongbing 巴贝虫病|(medicine) babesiosis babeiduo 巴贝多|Barbados, Caribbean island (Tw) babeishichongbing 巴贝氏虫症|(medicine) babesiosis babeiti 八倍体|octoploid babeizi 八辈子|(fig.) a long time babi 芭比|Barbie babi 爸比|(loanword) daddy babi 巴闭|(Cantonese, Jyutping: baa1 bai3)/to a... babianxing 八边形|octagon babieta 巴别塔|Tower of Babel, in Genesis 11:5-foll. babilun 巴比伦|Babylon babing 把柄|handle/(fig.) information that can be... babiq 巴比Q|(slang) BBQ babituo 巴比妥|barbitone/barbital babu 八步|Babu district of Hezhou city 賀州市|贺州市[... babude 巴不得|(coll.) to be eager for/to long for/t... babudilun 巴布·狄伦|Bob Dylan, American folk singer (1941-) babuer 巴布尔|Zaheeruddin Babur (1483-1530), first ... babulazu 巴布拉族|Papora or Papura, one of the indigeno... babunenggou 巴不能够|avid/eager for/longing for/to look fo... babuqu 八步区|Babu district of Hezhou city 賀州市|贺州市[... babuyaniujineiya 巴布亚纽几内亚|(Tw) Papua New Guinea babuyanqundao 巴布延群岛|Babuyan Archipelago in Luzon Strait n... babuyaxinjineiya 巴布亚新几内亚|Papua New Guinea bachang 靶场|shooting range/range bache 扒车|to pull oneself up onto a moving vehicle bacheng 八成|eighty percent/most probably/most likely bachi 把持|to control/to dominate/to monopolize bachibuding 把持不定|indecisive (idiom) bachong 八冲|eight surges (a group of eight acupoi... bachongzou 八重奏|octet (musical ensemble) bachu 拔除|to pull out/to remove bachu 巴楚|Maralbeshi nahiyisi (Maralbexi county... bachu 罢黜|to dismiss from office/to ban/to reject bachuan 靶船|target ship bachubaijia,duzunrushu 罢黜百家,独尊儒术|Dismiss the hundred schools, revere o... bachuluobodaichuni 拔出萝卜带出泥|lit. when you pull a radish out of th... bachuxian 巴楚县|Maralbeshi nahiyisi (Maralbexi county... bacui 拔萃|to distinguish oneself; to be of outs... bada 吧嗒|(onom.) patter, splatter, click/to sm... badacaixi 八大菜系|the eight major cuisines of China, na... badagongyeguozuzhi 八大工业国组织|G8 (group of eight major industrializ... badaiyu 八带鱼|octopus badaling 八达岭|Badaling, a particular section of the... badamu 巴达木|almond (loanword) badan 八疸|eight (types of) jaundices (TCM) badanmu 巴旦木|almond (loanword) badanshenmianhuang 八疸身面黄|eight types of jaundice with yellowin... badanxing 巴旦杏|almond (loanword) badao 霸道|the Way of the Hegemon/abbr. for 霸王之道... badaoxiangzhu 拔刀相助|see 路見不平,拔刀相助|路见不平,拔刀相助[lu4 jian4 bu4... badaozongcai 霸道总裁|handsome high-powered businessman (a ... badatong 八达通|Octopus (Hong Kong smart card system ... badatongka 八达通卡|Octopus card (Hong Kong smart card fo... badaya 芭达雅|variant of 帕塔亞|帕塔亚[Pa4 ta3 ya4]/Patta... badayuanlao 八大元老|\"the Eight Great Eminent Officials\" o... badeer 巴德尔|Baldr or Baldur, god in Norse mytholo... badeng 巴登|Baden (region in Germany) badengfutengbaozhou 巴登·符腾堡州|Baden-Württemberg, southwest German s... badi 耙地|to harrow/to break the ground with a hoe badi 拔地|to rise steeply from level ground badiandang 八点档|8:00 p.m. time slot (on television)/(... badiao 拔掉|to pluck/to pull off/to pull out/to u... bading 扒钉|cramp bading 拔顶|topping (mining) badingchui 拔钉锤|claw hammer badong 巴东|Badong County in Enshi Tujia and Miao... badongxian 巴东县|Badong County in Enshi Tujia and Miao... badou 巴豆|croton (Croton tiglium), evergreen bu... badou 笆斗|round-bottomed basket badou 巴斗|round-bottomed wicker basket badouke 巴豆壳|bark of Croton tiglium used as purgative badoushu 巴豆属|Croton, genus of evergreen bush of Eu... badoushu 巴豆树|croton bush (Croton tiglium), evergre... badouzhicai 八斗之才|see 才高八斗[cai2gao1-ba1dou3] badu 拔毒|draw out pus by applying a plaster to... badu 八度|octave baduanjin 八段锦|eight-section brocade, a traditional ... baduo 把舵|to hold the rudder/to hold (to take, ... baerdan 八二丹|eight-to-two powder (TCM) baerdimo 巴尔的摩|Baltimore (place name, surname etc) baerduolumao 巴尔多禄茂|Bartholomew baergan 巴尔干|Balkan baerganbandao 巴尔干半岛|Balkan Peninsula baerkashihu 巴尔喀什湖|Lake Balkhash in southeast Kazakhstan baerkenende 巴尔克嫩德|Jan Pieter Balkenende (1956-), prime ... baersanpaozhan 八二三炮战|bombardment of Kinmen by PRC forces t... baershefusiji 巴尔舍夫斯基|(Charlene) Barshefsky, US trade negot... baerzhake 巴尔扎克|Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850), French ... bafa 八法|eight methods of treatment (TCM) bafaliya 巴伐利亚|Bavaria bafang 八方|the eight points of the compass/all d... bafangbiandangsuibian 把方便当随便|to act unappreciatively in response t... bafaquan 八法拳|Ba Fa Quan \"Eight Methods\" - Martial Art bafei 芭菲|parfait (loanword) bafeng 把风|to keep watch (during a clandestine a... bafeng 八风|see 八風穴|八风穴[ba1 feng1 xue2] bafengxue 八风穴|\"eight wind points\", name of a set of... bafenyinfu 八分音符|quaver/eighth note bafenzhiyi 八分之一|one eighth bafuluofu 巴甫洛夫|Pavlov (name)/Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (... bagang 八纲|(TCM) the eight principal syndromes (... bagangbianzheng 八纲辨证|pattern-syndrome identification based... baganzidabuzhao 八竿子打不着|(coll.) unrelated; lacking any connec... baganzidabuzhao 八杆子打不着|variant of 八竿子打不著|八竿子打不着[ba1 gan1zi5 ... bagao 拔高|to raise (one\'s voice)/to overrate/to... bagaowangshang 巴高望上|to wish for higher status (idiom); to... bage 八哥|(bird species of China) crested myna ... bage 巴哥|pug (breed of dog) bageda 巴格达|Baghdad, capital of Iraq bagegou 八哥狗|pug (breed of dog) bagelan 巴格兰|Baghlan province of north Afghanistan bagelansheng 巴格兰省|Baghlan province of north Afghanistan bagen 拔根|(lit. and fig.) to uproot bagenhanmaobiyaocu 拔根汗毛比腰粗|lit. a hair plucked from (person A) w... bagequan 巴哥犬|pug (breed of dog) bager 八哥儿|erhua variant of 八哥[ba1 ge1] bagong 罢工|a strike/to go on strike bagongshan 八公山|Bagongshan, a district of Huainan Cit... bagongshanqu 八公山区|Bagongshan, a district of Huainan Cit... bagu 八股|an essay in eight parts/stereotyped w... bagua 八卦|the eight divinatory trigrams of the ... baguan 把关|to guard a pass/to check on sth baguan 拔罐|cupping glass/fire cupping (acupressu... baguan 罢官|to dismiss from office/to resign from... baguanfa 拔罐法|fire cupping (acupressure technique o... baguanzi 拔罐子|cupping technique used in TCM baguaquan 八卦拳|baguazhang (a form of Chinese boxing) baguashan 八卦山|Bagua Mountain, Taiwan baguazhang 八卦掌|baguazhang (a form of Chinese boxing) baguazhen 八卦阵|eight-trigram battle array/(fig.) mys... baguojituan 八国集团|G8 (group of eight major industrializ... baguolianjun 八国联军|Eight-Nation Alliance, involved in a ... baguwen 八股文|eight-part essay one had to master to... baha 巴哈|Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Ge... bahai 拔海|elevation (above sea level) bahama 巴哈马|The Bahamas bahangshu 八行书|formal recommendation letter in eight... bahayi 巴哈伊|Baha\'i (religion) bahe 巴赫|Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Ge... bahe 拔河|tug-of-war/to take part in a tug-of-war bahen 疤痕|scar bahu 跋扈|domineering/bossy bahu-zhiwei 跋胡疐尾|(idiom, from Book of Songs) unable to... bahuixue 八会穴|the eight influential points (acupunc... bahuoguan 拔火罐|(TCM) to cup; to give a cupping treat... bahuoguanr 拔火罐儿|erhua variant of 拔火罐[ba2 huo3 guan4] bai 百|surname Bai bai 百|hundred/numerous/all kinds of bai 白|surname Bai bai 白|white/snowy/pure/bright/empty/blank/p... bai 败|to defeat/to damage/to lose (to an op... bai 伯|one hundred (old) bai 拜|to bow to; to pay one\'s respects/(bou... bai 柏|surname Bai/Taiwan pr. [Bo2] bai 柏|cedar/cypress/Taiwan pr. [bo2] bai 柏|variant of 柏[bai3] bai 呗|(bound form) to chant (from Sanskrit ... bai 掰|to break off or break open sth with o... bai 佰|hundred (banker\'s anti-fraud numeral) bai 稗|barnyard millet (Echinochloa crus-gal... bai 稗|polished rice/old variant of 稗[bai4] bai 捭|to spread out/to open bai 摆|to arrange/to exhibit/to move to and ... bai 竡|hectoliter (old) bai 韛|bellows (for blowing air into a fire) bai 䙓|hem at the bottom of garment bai 拝|Japanese variant of 拜[bai4] baiaixing 白矮星|white dwarf baibai 白白|in vain/to no purpose/for nothing/white baibai 拜拜|(loanword) bye-bye/also pr. [bai1 bai... baibai 拜拜|to pay one\'s respects by bowing with ... baibai 掰掰|bye-bye (loanword) (Tw) baiban 百般|in hundred and one ways/in every poss... baiban 白班|day shift baiban 白板|whiteboard/tabula rasa/blank slate baibanbajie 百般巴结|to flatter someone in a hundred diffe... baibanbi 白板笔|whiteboard marker/dry-erase marker baibanbing 白斑病|vitiligo baibanchixueque 白斑翅雪雀|(bird species of China) white-winged ... baibandiaonan 百般刁难|(idiom) to put up innumerable obstacl... baibanfengcheng 百般奉承|to fawn upon sb in every possible way baibanheishiji 白斑黑石䳭|(bird species of China) pied bush cha... baibanjunjianniao 白斑军舰鸟|(bird species of China) lesser frigat... baibanr 白班儿|day shift baibanweiliuying 白斑尾柳莺|(bird species of China) Kloss\'s leaf ... baibanzheng 白斑症|vitiligo baibaoxiang 百宝箱|treasure chest baibaozhi 白报纸|newsprint baibazi 拜把子|to become sworn brothers baibei 百倍|a hundredfold; (fig.) markedly/to inc... baibei 败北|(literary) to be routed (in a war)/to... baibei 白碑|stone tablet without inscription/blan... baibeijidong 白背矶鸫|(bird species of China) common rock t... baibeiwujiu 白背兀鹫|(bird species of China) white-rumped ... baibeizhuomuniao 白背啄木鸟|(bird species of China) white-backed ... baibi 败笔|a faulty stroke in calligraphy or pai... baibian 百变|ever-changing baibicongsheng 百弊丛生|All the ill effects appear. (idiom) baibie 拜别|(formal) to take leave of sb; to bid ... baibing 百病|every illness baibingbing 白冰冰|Pai Ping-ping (well-known Taiwan perf... baibiweixia 白璧微瑕|a slight blemish baibiwuxia 白璧无瑕|impeccable moral integrity baibixin 白鼻心|palm civet (Paguma larvata) baibizi 白鼻子|cunning or sly person baibu 白布|plain white cloth/calico baibu 摆布|to arrange/to order about/to manipulate baibuchengjun 败不成军|The army is completely routed. (idiom) baibuchuanyang 百步穿杨|to shoot with great precision (idiom) baibuza 百不咋|of no consequence (idiom) baibuza 百不杂|variant of 百不咋[bai3 bu4 za5] baicai 白菜|Chinese cabbage/pak choi/CL:棵[ke1], 個... baicaidou 白菜豆|white kidney beans baicaijia 白菜价|lit. cabbage price/low price baicao 百草|all kinds of grass/all kinds of flora baicaoku 百草枯|paraquat baichan 拜忏|to hold a daytime Buddhist mass; (of ... baiche 掰扯|to debate/to dispute/to wrangle (dial... baiche 白车|ambulance (slang) (Cantonese) baichedan 白扯淡|(coll.) to talk rubbish baichedan 白扯蛋|variant of 白扯淡[bai2 che3 dan4] baicheng 白城|see 白城市[Bai2cheng2 Shi4] baicheng 拜城|Bay nahiyisi (Baicheng county) in Aks... baichengshi 白城市|Baicheng, prefecture-level city in Ji... baichengxian 拜城县|Bay nahiyisi (Baicheng county) in Aks... baichi 白吃|to eat without paying/to eat for free baichi 白炽|white heat/incandescence baichi 白痴|idiocy/idiot baichibaihe 白吃白喝|to freeload baichibailing 白翅百灵|(bird species of China) white-winged ... baichideng 白炽灯|incandescent light baichifuou 白翅浮鸥|(bird species of China) white-winged ... baichigantou 百尺竿头|to be at the highest level of enlight... baichigantou,gengjinyibu 百尺竿头,更进一步|lit. after climbing a hundred feet up... baichijiaozuique 白翅交嘴雀|(bird species of China) two-barred cr... baichilanque 白翅蓝鹊|(bird species of China) white-winged ... baichinilazuique 白翅拟蜡嘴雀|(bird species of China) white-winged ... baichizhuomuniao 白翅啄木鸟|(bird species of China) white-winged ... baichongxi 白崇禧|Bai Chongxi (1893-1966), a leader of ... baichu 百出|(following a noun) full of .../abound... baichu 摆出|to assume/to adopt (a look, pose, man... baichuan 百川|rivers baichuanguihai 百川归海|all things tend in one direction (idiom) baichunlu 白唇鹿|Cervus albirostris (white-lipped deer) baici 白瓷|blanc de chine (porcelain) baicu 白醋|white vinegar/plain vinegar baida 白搭|no use/no good baidai 白带|leukorrhea baidaiyu 白带鱼|largehead hairtail/beltfish/Trichiuru... baidanbai 白蛋白|albumin baidang 摆荡|to swing/to sway baidao 白道|lunar orbit/legitimate/righteous/see ... baidao 拜倒|to prostrate oneself/to fall on one\'s... baidayigaoxueya 白大衣高血压|white coat hypertension/white coat sy... baide 败德|evil conduct baideng 拜登|Biden (name)/Joe Biden (1942-), US pr... baidian 白电|white goods (abbr. for 白色家電|白色家电[bai2... baidianfeng 白癜风|vitiligo baidianzaomei 白点噪鹛|(bird species of China) white-speckle... baidicheng 白帝城|Baidi town in Chongqing 重慶|重庆, north ... baidingji 白顶䳭|(bird species of China) pied wheatear... baidingwu 白顶鹀|(bird species of China) white-capped ... baidingxiqu 白顶溪鸲|(bird species of China) white-capped ... baidingxuanou 白顶玄鸥|(bird species of China) brown noddy (... baiditan 摆地摊|to run a street stall baidong 摆动|to sway/to swing/to move back and for... baidong 白洞|white hole (cosmology) baidoukou 白豆蔻|cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) baidu 摆渡|ferry baidu 拜读|(polite) to read (sth) baidu 败毒|(TCM) to relieve inflamation and inte... baidu 白读|colloquial (rather than literary) pro... baidu 百度|Baidu, Internet portal and search eng... baiduandaiju 百端待举|a thousand things remain to be done (... baidubaike 百度百科|Baidu online encyclopedia baidubi 百度币|virtual currency created by Baidu baidubuyan 百读不厌|to be worth reading a hundred times (... baiduche 摆渡车|shuttle bus/feeder bus baiduzhidao 百度知道|Baidu Knows, online Q & A forum, zhid... baie 白垩|chalk baie 白俄|Belarus/abbr. for 白俄羅斯|白俄罗斯[Bai2 e2 l... baiehu 白额鹱|(bird species of China) streaked shea... baieji 白垩纪|Cretaceous (geological period 140-65m... baieluosi 白俄罗斯|Belarus baieluosiren 白俄罗斯人|Byelorussian (person) baierbashi 百儿八十|about a hundred/a hundred or so baierqimei 白耳奇鹛|(bird species of China) white-eared s... baieshi 白垩世|Cretaceous (geological period 140-65m... baieyan 白额雁|(bird species of China) greater white... baieyanou 白额燕鸥|(bird species of China) little tern (... baieyuanweihu 白额圆尾鹱|(bird species of China) bonin petrel ... baifa 白发|white or gray hair/CL:根[gen1] baifabaizhong 百发百中|lit. one hundred shots, one hundred h... baifacangcang 白发苍苍|old and gray-haired baifan 白饭|plain cooked rice/rice with nothing t... baifan 白矾|alum baifang 摆放|to set up; to arrange; to lay out baifang 拜访|to pay a visit; to call on baifarensongheifaren 白发人送黑发人|to see one\'s child die before oneself baifei 白费|to waste (one\'s energy etc) baifei 白匪|white bandit (i.e. Nationalist soldier) baifeichunshe 白费唇舌|to whistle down the wind/to waste one... baifeidaiju 百废待举|many things waiting to be done (idiom... baifeidaixing 百废待兴|many things waiting to be done (idiom... baifeijuxing 百废俱兴|all neglected tasks are being underta... baifeijuxing 百废具兴|variant of 百廢俱興|百废俱兴[bai3 fei4 ju4 xi... baifen 白粉|face powder/chalk powder/heroin baifen 百分|percent/percentage baifenbai 百分百|one hundred percent/totally (effective) baifenbi 百分比|percentage baifenbing 白粉病|powdery mildew baifendian 百分点|percentage point baifenhao 百分号|percent sign % (punct.) baifenlv 百分率|percentage/percent baifenshu 百分数|percentage baifenweishu 百分位数|percentile (statistics) baifenzhi 百分之|percent baifenzhi 百分制|hundred mark system baifenzhibai 百分之百|a hundred percent/out and out/absolutely baifenzhiyibai 百分之一百|one hundred percent/totally (effective) baifo 拜佛|to worship Buddha baifu 白附|white aconite baifudong 白腹鸫|(bird species of China) pale thrush (... baifuduanchiqu 白腹短翅鸲|(bird species of China) white-bellied... baifufengmei 白腹凤鹛|(bird species of China) white-bellied... baifuhaidiao 白腹海雕|(bird species of China) white-bellied... baifuheizhuomuniao 白腹黑啄木鸟|(bird species of China) white-bellied... baifujinji 白腹锦鸡|(bird species of China) Lady Amherst\'... baifujiweng 白腹姬鹟|(bird species of China) blue-and-whit... baifujunjianniao 白腹军舰鸟|(bird species of China) Christmas fri... baifulu 白腹鹭|(bird species of China) white-bellied... baifumaojiaoyan 白腹毛脚燕|(bird species of China) Siberian hous... baifumei 白富美|\"Ms Perfect\" (i.e. fair-skinned, rich... baifupian 白附片|sliced white aconite (used in TCM) baifusundiao 白腹隼雕|(bird species of China) Bonelli\'s eag... baifuyao 白腹鹞|(bird species of China) eastern marsh... baifuyoumei 白腹幽鹛|(bird species of China) spot-throated... baigang 白钢|steel baiganjiaoji 百感交集|all sorts of feelings well up in one\'... baiganr 白干儿|alcoholic spirit/strong white rice wine baigong 白宫|White House baigongqunying 白宫群英|The West Wing (US TV series) baigu 白骨|bones of the dead baigu 百谷|all the grains/every kind of cereal crop baiguan 白鹳|(bird species of China) white stork (... baiguan 稗官|(old) petty official charged with rep... baiguanchangweizhi 白冠长尾雉|(bird species of China) Reeves\'s phea... baiguang 败光|to squander one\'s fortune/to dissipat... baiguanpanque 白冠攀雀|(bird species of China) white-crowned... baiguanyanwei 白冠燕尾|(bird species of China) white-crowned... baiguanzaomei 白冠噪鹛|(bird species of China) white-crested... baiguding 白骨顶|coot baigui 白鬼|\"white ghost\", derogatory term for ca... baiguibi 白鬼笔|(botany) common stinkhorn (Phallus im... baigujing 白骨精|White Bone Spirit (in the novel Journ... baiguo 白果|ginkgo baiguo 百果|all kinds of fruits baihai 白海|White Sea baihe 百合|lily baihe 白鹤|(bird species of China) Siberian cran... baihe 白河|Baihe County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1],... baihehua 百合花|lily/fig. pure and spotless person/vi... baihehuashi 百合花饰|fleur-de-lis (armorial symbol) baiheke 百合科|Liliaceae/the lily family baiheliang 白鹤梁|White Crane Ridge at Fuling, Sichuan ... baihequan 白鹤拳|Baihequan (Fujian White Crane) martia... baihetan 白鹤滩|Baihetan, the name of a hydroelectric... baihexian 白河县|Baihe County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1],... baihezi 百合子|Yuriko, Japanese female given name baihou 白喉|diphtheria baihoubanyangji 白喉斑秧鸡|(bird species of China) slaty-legged ... baihouduanchidong 白喉短翅鸫|(bird species of China) lesser shortw... baihoudusu 白喉毒素|diphtheria toxin baihouganjun 白喉杆菌|Klebs-Loeddler bacillus (the diphther... baihouguanbei 白喉冠鹎|(bird species of China) puff-throated... baihouhongtunbei 白喉红臀鹎|(bird species of China) sooty-headed ... baihouhongweiqu 白喉红尾鸲|(bird species of China) white-throate... baihoujidong 白喉矶鸫|(bird species of China) white-throate... baihoujiweng 白喉姬鹟|(bird species of China) white-gorgete... baihoulinweng 白喉林鹟|(bird species of China) brown-chested... baihoulinying 白喉林莺|(bird species of China) lesser whitet... baihoushanweiweng 白喉扇尾鹟|(bird species of China) white-throate... baihoushiji 白喉石䳭|(bird species of China) white-throate... baihouxiniao 白喉犀鸟|(bird species of China) Austen\'s brow... baihouzaomei 白喉噪鹛|(bird species of China) white-throate... baihouzhenweiyuyan 白喉针尾雨燕|(bird species of China) white-throate... baihu 白虎|White Tiger (the seven mansions of th... baihu 白狐|arctic fox baihu 白鹄|(white) swan baihua 白话|spoken language/vernacular baihuabing 白化病|albinism baihuahua 白花花|shining white baihuai 败坏|to ruin/to corrupt/to undermine baihuajiang 百花奖|Hundred Flowers Awards, film prize aw... baihuajiazi 摆花架子|lit. to arrange a shelf of flowers/su... baihuang 摆晃|to swing/to sway baihuaqifang 百花齐放|a hundred flowers bloom (idiom); let ... baihuaqifang,baijiazhengming 百花齐放,百家争鸣|a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred sc... baihuashe 白花蛇|long-nosed pit viper (agkistrodon acu... baihuasheshecao 白花蛇舌草|Hedyotis diffusa baihuashi 白话诗|free verse in the vernacular baihuawen 白话文|writings in the vernacular baihuayuan 百花园|Garden of Many Flowers (name)/Baihua ... baihuayundong 百花运动|Hundred Flowers Campaign (PRC, 1956-5... baihuazheng 白化症|albinism baihuguan 白虎观|White Tiger Hall, a Han dynasty palac... baihui 拜会|(often used in the context of diploma... baihui 百汇|parfait (loanword) baihuiqianpa 百卉千葩|myriad plants and flowers (idiom); ri... baihujiao 白胡椒|white peppercorn baihuo 百货|general merchandise baihuo 败火|relieve inflammation or internal heat baihuo 白活|to waste one\'s life; to fail to make ... baihuodalou 百货大楼|department store baihuodian 百货店|bazaar/department store/general store baihuogongsi 百货公司|department store baihuojiao 拜火教|sun worship/Zoroastrianism/see also 祆... baihuoshangdian 百货商店|department store baiji 败绩|to be utterly defeated/to be routed baiji 拜祭|to worship/to observe religious rites... baiji 百几|more than a hundred baiji 百济|Paekche or Baekje (18 BC-660 AD), one... baijia 败家|to squander a family fortune baijia 百家|many schools of thought/many people o... baijiabei 白颊鹎|(bird species of China) Himalayan bul... baijiaheiyan 白颊黑雁|(bird species of China) barnacle goos... baijiale 百家乐|baccarat (loanword) baijian 拜见|to pay a formal visit/to call to pay ... baijian 白拣|a cheap choice/to choose sth that cos... baijiandiao 白肩雕|(bird species of China) eastern imper... baijiangcan 白僵蚕|the larva of silkworm with batrytis baijianheihuan 白肩黑鹮|(bird species of China) white-shoulde... baijiantan 白碱滩|Baijiantan District of Karamay City 克... baijiantanqu 白碱滩区|Baijiantan District of Karamay City 克... baijiao 百脚|centipede baijiashanzhegu 白颊山鹧鸪|(bird species of China) white-cheeked... baijiaxing 百家姓|The Book of Family Names, anonymous S... baijiazaomei 白颊噪鹛|(bird species of China) white-browed ... baijiazhengming 百家争鸣|a hundred schools of thought contend ... baijiazi 摆架子|to put on airs/to assume great airs baijiazi 败家子|spendthrift; wastrel; prodigal baijie 拜节|to pay respects during a festival baijiesongcao 柏节松操|chaste widowhood baijiling 白鹡鸰|(bird species of China) white wagtail... baijin 拜金|to worship money/to be mad about money baijin 白金|platinum/silver/(slang) handcuffs baijing 白鲸|Moby Dick, novel by Herman Melville 赫... baijing 白鲸|beluga whale baijing 白净|(of skin) fair and clear baijingchangweizhi 白颈长尾雉|(bird species of China) Elliot\'s phea... baijingdong 白颈鸫|(bird species of China) white-collare... baijingguan 白颈鹳|(bird species of China) Asian woolly-... baijingya 白颈鸦|(bird species of China) collared crow... baijingzaomei 白颈噪鹛|(bird species of China) white-necked ... baijinhangong 白金汉宫|Buckingham Palace baijinhanjun 白金汉郡|Buckinghamshire (English county) baijinhua 百金花|Centaurium pulchellum var. altaicum baijinnv 拜金女|materialistic woman/(slang) gold-digger baijinzhuyi 拜金主义|money worship baijiqianfang 百计千方|to exhaust every means to achieve sth... baijitun 白𬶨豚|Chinese river dolphin (Lipotes vexill... baijiu 白酒|baijiu, a spirit usually distilled fr... baiju 败局|lost game/losing battle baijuan 白卷|blank exam paper baijuguoxi 白驹过隙|a white steed flits past a crack (idi... baijun 白军|White Guard or White Movement, anti-c... baijuyi 白居易|Bai Juyi (772-846), Tang dynasty poet baijuzhizhan 柏举之战|Battle of Baiju (506 BC), in which Wu... baikai 掰开|to pull apart/to pry open with the hands baikairousui 掰开揉碎|lit. to pull apart and knead to a pul... baikaishui 白开水|plain boiled water baike 百科|universal/encyclopedic/abbr. for 百科全書... baike 兡|hectogram (old) (single-character equ... baikecidian 百科词典|encyclopedic dictionary baikelai 柏克莱|Berkeley (name)/George Berkeley (1685... baikenuer 拜科努尔|Baikonur (Russian space launch site i... baikenuerhangtianfashejidi 拜科努尔航天发射基地|Baikonur Cosmodrome baikequanshu 百科全书|encyclopedia/CL:本[ben3],集[ji2] baikeshidian 百科事典|encyclopedia baikongqianchuang 百孔千疮|heavily damaged/(fig.) full of holes/... baikou-mobian 百口莫辩|(idiom) (of sb unfairly accused) to h... baikoutie 白口铁|white iron baikuangbanchimei 白眶斑翅鹛|(bird species of China) spectacled ba... baikuangquemei 白眶雀鹛|(bird species of China) Nepal fulvett... baikuangwengying 白眶鹟莺|(bird species of China) white-spectac... baikuangyaque 白眶鸦雀|(bird species of China) spectacled pa... baikuo 摆阔|to parade one\'s wealth/to be ostentat... baila 白蜡|white wax from Chinese white wax bug ... baila 白镴|pewter/solder bailachong 白蜡虫|Chinese white wax bug (Ericerus pela) bailan 摆烂|(neologism c. 2014) (slang) to stop s... bailan 白烂|(slang) stupid; ridiculous bailandi 白兰地|brandy (loanword) bailang 白朗|Bainang county, Tibetan: Pa snam rdzo... bailangua 白兰瓜|honeydew melon bailangxian 白朗县|Bainang county, Tibetan: Pa snam rdzo... bailaohui 百老汇|Broadway (New York City) bailashu 白蜡树|Chinese ash (Fraxinus chinensis), who... bailecan 百乐餐|potluck meal bailei 败类|scum of a community/degenerate baileyidao 摆了一道|to play tricks on/to make a fool of baili 百里|two-character surname Baili baili 白痢|dysentery characterized by white muco... bailian 白脸|white face/face painting in Beijing o... bailian 白莲|white lotus (flower)/White Lotus soci... bailian 白蔹|Ampelopsis japonica (creeper with roo... bailianchenggang 百炼成钢|to be tempered into a steel bailiangang 百炼钢|high-grade well-tempered steel bailianjiao 白莲教|White Lotus society bailianlu 白脸鹭|(bird species of China) white-faced h... bailianshi 白脸䴓|(bird species of China) Przevalski\'s ... bailin 白磷|white phosphorus bailing 百灵|lark (bird of family Alaudidae) bailing 白领|white-collar/white-collar worker bailingbage 白领八哥|(bird species of China) collared myna... bailingdao 白翎岛|Baengnyeong Island of South Korea, ne... bailingfeicui 白领翡翠|(bird species of China) collared king... bailingfengmei 白领凤鹛|(bird species of China) white-collare... bailinghai 白令海|Bering Sea bailinghaixia 白令海峡|the Bering Strait (between Siberia an... bailingmian 白翎面|Baengnyeong township (South Korea)/se... bailingniao 百灵鸟|skylark bailingre 白蛉热|sandfly fever bailitian 百利甜|Baileys Irish Cream (brand of alcohol... bailitianjiu 百利甜酒|Baileys Irish Cream (brand of alcohol... bailitiaoyi 百里挑一|one in a hundred/cream of the crop bailiucanhua 败柳残花|broken flower, withered willow (idiom... bailiushi 白榴石|leucite bailixiang 百里香|thyme (Thymus vulgaris) bailongmenzhen 摆龙门阵|(dialect) to chat; to gossip; to spin... bailu 败露|(of a plot etc) to fall through and s... bailu 白露|Bailu or White Dew, 15th of the 24 so... bailu 白鹭|(bird species of China) little egret ... bailun 摆轮|balance (of a watch or clock)/balance... bailun 拜伦|George Byron (1788-1824), English poet bailuo 败落|(of status or wealth) to decline/(of ... bailuobo 白萝卜|white radish/daikon/Raphanus sativus ... bailuosi 白罗斯|Belarus bailuwanshidigongyuan 白鹭湾湿地公园|Bailuwan Wetland Park, Chengdu baima-wangzi 白马王子|a Prince Charming; the man of one\'s d... baimagu 白马股|gilt-edged securities baimai 摆卖|hawking/street vending baimaji 白马鸡|(bird species of China) white eared p... baiman 摆满|to spread over an area baimang 百忙|busy schedule baimangmang 白茫茫|(of mist, snow, floodwater etc) a vas... baimao 白茅|cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica), us... baimao 白毛|white hair (of animals)/see also 白髮|白... baimaohuangyue 白旄黄钺|white banner and yellow battle-ax (id... baimaonv 白毛女|The White Haired Girl (1950), one of ... baimasi 白马寺|the Baima or White Horse Temple in Lu... baimaxueshan 白马雪山|Baima Snow Mountains, up to 5430 m., ... baimazi 白麻子|pockmark baimei 白煤|anthracite/hard coal/white coal/water... baimei-qianjiao 百媚千娇|see 千嬌百媚|千娇百媚[qian1jiao1-bai3mei4] baimeichiyan 白眉赤眼|for no reason (idiom) baimeididong 白眉地鸫|(bird species of China) Siberian thru... baimeidong 白眉鸫|(bird species of China) eyebrowed thr... baimeigedong 白眉歌鸫|(bird species of China) redwing (Turd... baimeijiweng 白眉姬鹟|(bird species of China) yellow-rumped... baimeilanjiweng 白眉蓝姬鹟|(bird species of China) ultramarine f... baimeilinqu 白眉林鸲|(bird species of China) white-browed ... baimeiquan 白眉拳|Pak Mei or Bak Mei - \"White Eyebrow\" ... baimeiquemei 白眉雀鹛|(bird species of China) white-browed ... baimeishanque 白眉山雀|(bird species of China) white-browed ... baimeishanweiweng 白眉扇尾鹟|(bird species of China) white-browed ... baimeishanzhegu 白眉山鹧鸪|(bird species of China) white-necklac... baimeiwu 白眉鹀|(bird species of China) Tristram\'s bu... baimeiya 白眉鸭|(bird species of China) garganey (Spa... baimeiyangji 白眉秧鸡|(bird species of China) white-browed ... baimeizongzhuomuniao 白眉棕啄木鸟|(bird species of China) white-browed ... baimenmian 摆门面|to keep up appearances/to put up a front baimi 白米|(polished) rice baimi 粨|hectometer (old)/single-character equ... baimian 白面|wheat flour/flour/heroin baimianr 白面儿|heroin baimianshusheng 白面书生|lit. pale-faced scholar (idiom); youn... baimianzhi 白棉纸|stencil tissue paper baimiao 白描|line drawing in traditional ink-and-b... baiming 摆明|to show clearly baimingdan 白名单|whitelist baimisaipao 百米赛跑|100-meter dash baimo 白沫|froth/foam (coming from the mouth) baimo 拜魔|to worship the devil baimu 白目|(slang) stupid/moron baimuda 百慕大|Bermuda baimuda 百慕达|Bermuda (Tw) baimudasanjiao 百慕大三角|Bermuda Triangle baimuer 白木耳|white fungus (Tremella fuciformis)/sn... baineizhang 白内障|cataract (ophthalmology) bainen 白嫩|(of skin etc) fair/delicate bainian 拜年|to pay a New Year call/to wish sb a H... bainian 百年|hundred years/century/lifetime bainianbuyu 百年不遇|only met with once every hundred year... bainiandaji 百年大计|a project of vital and lasting import... bainianhaohe 百年好合|may you live a long and happy life to... bainianshuren 百年树人|(idiom) it takes many years to raise ... bainisuoci 拜你所赐|(derog.) this is all thanks to you!; ... bainong 摆弄|to move back and forth/to fiddle with bainu 白奴|white-collar slave (office worker who... baipa 百帕|hectopascal (hPa), unit of atmospheri... baipai 摆拍|to take a staged photograph baipai 白牌|(of a product) unbranded baipan 摆盘|to arrange food on a plate/to plate u... baipaoyitang 白跑一趟|to go on an errand for nothing/to go ... baipi 白砒|white arsenic/arsenic trioxide baipiao 白票|blank vote/abstention baipiao 拜票|to canvass for votes (Tw) baipiao 白嫖|to visit a prostitute without paying/... baipilu 白琵鹭|(bird species of China) Eurasian spoo... baiping 摆平|to be fair/to be impartial/to settle ... baipishanchun 白皮杉醇|piceatannol C14H12O4 baipishu 白皮书|white paper (e.g. containing proposal... baipisong 白皮松|lacebark pine baipizhu 白皮猪|(derog.) white person; white pig baipu 摆谱|to put on airs/to be ostentatious baipu 白朴|Bai Pu (1226-1306), Yuan dynasty dram... baipur 摆谱儿|erhua variant of 擺譜|摆谱[bai3 pu3] baiqi 白旗|white flag baiqi 白起|Bai Qi (-258 BC), famous general of Q... baiqi 柏崎|Kashiwazaki (Japanese surname)/Kashiw... baiqiang 百强|top 100 (e.g. top 100 towns) baiqieji 白切鸡|Cantonese poached chicken, known as \"... baiqishi 柏崎市|Kashiwazaki city, Japan baiqitun 白鳍豚|see 白鱀豚|白𬶨豚[bai2 ji4 tun2] baiqiuen 白求恩|Norman Bethune (1890-1939), Canadian ... baiqiushaya 白秋沙鸭|(bird species of China) smew (Mergell... baiqiyiyu 柏崎刈羽|Kashiwasaki Kariwa, site of Japanese ... baiqu 白区|White area (area controlled by the KM... baiquan 拜泉|Baiquan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Q... baiquanxian 拜泉县|Baiquan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Q... baiqucai 白屈菜|greater celandine bairao 白饶|to give sth extra free of charge/(col... baire 白热|white heat/incandescence bairehua 白热化|to turn white-hot/to intensify/to rea... bairen 白人|white man or woman; Caucasian bairen 拜认|to formally accept sb as (one\'s adopt... bairen 白刃|naked sword bairenweishi 拜人为师|to acknowledge as one\'s teacher bairenzhan 白刃战|hand-to-hand fighting bairi 白日|daytime/sun/time bairiju 百日菊|(botany) zinnia bairike 百日咳|whooping cough/pertussis bairimeng 白日梦|daydream/reverie bairiweixin 百日维新|Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed at... bairizuomeng 白日做梦|to daydream/to indulge in wishful thi... bairou 白肉|plain boiled pork/white meat (fish, p... bairujiao 白乳胶|white glue baisanxi 白三烯|leukotriene (biochemistry) baise 白色|white/fig. reactionary/anti-communist baise 百色|Baise prefecture-level city in Guangx... baisejiadian 白色家电|white goods (such as refrigerators an... baisekongbu 白色恐怖|White Terror baiseqingrenjie 白色情人节|White Day baiserenzhong 白色人种|the white race baiseshi 百色市|Baise prefecture-level city in Guangx... baiseti 白色体|leucoplast baisezhanji 白色战剂|Agent White baisha 白沙|Baisha (common place name)/Baisha Liz... baishagongnongqu 白沙工农区|Baisha Gongnong area in Dazhou 達州|达州[... baishalizuzizhixian 白沙黎族自治县|Baisha Lizu autonomous county, Hainan baishan 白山|see 白山市[Bai2shan1 Shi4] baishanpai 白山派|Sufi sect of Islam in central Asia baishanshi 白山市|Baishan, prefecture-level city in Jil... baishanxiaoweixian 百善孝为先|of all virtues filial piety is most i... baishanzong 白山宗|Sufi sect of Islam in central Asia baishao 白芍|root of herbaceous peony (Paeonia lac... baishatang 白砂糖|white granulated sugar baishawa 白沙瓦|Peshawar, city in north Pakistan baishaxian 白沙县|Baisha Lizu autonomous county, Hainan baishaxiang 白沙乡|Baisha or Paisha township in Penghu c... baishe 摆设|to set out/to display/to furnish (a r... baishe 摆设|ornament/decorative item/(fig.) sth t... baisheng 百胜|BaiSheng, common name for Chinese com... baishengcanyin 百胜餐饮|Tricon Global Restaurants (incl. Pizz... baishengcanyinjituan 百胜餐饮集团|Yum! Brands, Inc., American fast food... baishengnanlvdi,sanzhenailiangyi 百胜难虑敌,三折乃良医|(a line from a poem by the Tang poet ... baisher 摆设儿|decorative items/ornaments baishezhuan 白蛇传|Tale of the White Snake/Madame White ... baishi 拜师|to formally become an apprentice to a... baishi 百十|a hundred or so baishi 白事|funeral/to explain (literary) baishi 摆饰|knickknack/ornament/decorative item baishijufei 百事俱废|to go to pot (idiom) baishikele 百事可乐|Pepsi baishilazi 白石砬子|national nature reserve at Kuandian 寬... baishiqingyi 百事轻怡|Diet Pepsi/Pepsi Light baishishijiangdaoli 摆事实讲道理|present the facts and reason things out baishitong 百事通|knowledgeable person/know all baishiwucheng 百事无成|to have accomplished nothing (idiom) baishizheng 白蚀症|vitiligo baishou 摆手|to wave one\'s hand/to gesture with on... baishou 百兽|all creatures/every kind of animal baishou 拜寿|congratulate an elderly person on his... baishouqijia 白手起家|(idiom) to build up from nothing; to ... baishouqimei 白首齐眉|(of a couple) to grow old together in... baishoutao 白手套|white glove/(fig.) (slang) intermedia... baishouwan 掰手腕|arm wrestling baishu 柏树|cypress tree/Taiwan pr. [bo2 shu4] baishu 白薯|sweet potato baishuang 白霜|hoar frost baishui 白水|Baishui county in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2... baishui 白水|plain water baishuijiangziranbaohuqu 白水江自然保护区|Baishuijiang Nature Reserve, Gansu baishuijing 白水晶|rock crystal (mineral) baishuini 白水泥|white cement baishuixian 白水县|Baishui County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2... baisibudeqijie 百思不得其解|see 百思不解[bai3 si1 bu4 jie3] baisibujie 百思不解|to remain puzzled after pondering ove... baisimai 百思买|Best Buy (retailer) baisimojie 百思莫解|see 百思不解[bai3 si1 bu4 jie3] baisu 败诉|to lose a lawsuit baisu 白苏|common perilla baisuilaoren 百岁老人|centenarian baisuzhen 白素贞|(name of a person) Bai Suzhen, from M... baitan 摆摊|to set up a vendor\'s stall in the street baitang 白糖|(refined) white sugar baitang 白汤|clear soup/white broth, also called 奶... baitang 拜堂|ritual kneeling to heaven and earth b... baitanzi 摆摊子|to set up a stall/(fig.) to maintain ... baitao 白陶|white pottery (of Shang Dynastry 16-1... baitaqu 白塔区|Baita district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽... baitasi 白塔寺|Baita temple in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 zh... baiti 白体|lean type baitian 白天|daytime/during the day/day/CL:個|个[ge4] baitiandi 拜天地|to worship heaven and earth/ritual kn... baitiao 白条|IOU/informal document acknowledging a... baitie 白铁|galvanized iron baitihu 白鹈鹕|(bird species of China) great white p... baiting 白厅|Whitehall baitingbuyan 百听不厌|worth hearing a hundred times baitong 白铜|copper-nickel alloy baitou 白头|hoary head/old age baitoubei 白头鹎|(bird species of China) light-vented ... baitoudaolao 白头到老|(to live together until the) white ha... baitouhaidiao 白头海雕|bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)... baitouhe 白头鹤|(bird species of China) hooded crane ... baitoujumei 白头鵙鹛|(bird species of China) white-hooded ... baitoushan 白头山|Baekdu or Changbai mountains 長白山|长白山,... baitouweng 白头翁|root of Chinese pulsatilla/Chinese bu... baitouwu 白头鹀|(bird species of China) pine bunting ... baitouxielao 白头偕老|(to live together until the) white ha... baitouyao 白头鹞|(bird species of China) western marsh... baitouying 白头鹰|bald eagle baitouyingweiya 白头硬尾鸭|(bird species of China) white-headed ... baituandazhan 百团大战|Hundred Regiments offensive of August... baitui 败退|to retreat in defeat baituixiaosun 白腿小隼|(bird species of China) pied falconet... baituo 摆脱|to break away from/to cast off (old i... baituo 拜托|to request sb to do sth/please! baituo 白脱|butter (loanword) baituo 白托|day care for the elderly (abbr. of 白天... baituoweiji 摆脱危机|to break out of a crisis baiwa 瓸|hectowatt (old)/single-character equi... baiwan 百万|million baiwan 掰弯|to bend/(slang) to turn a straight pe... baiwandun 百万吨|megaton/million tons baiwanfuweng 百万富翁|millionaire baiwang 败亡|to be defeated and dispersed baiwang 拜望|to call to pay one\'s respect/to call on baiwanhezi 百万赫兹|megahertz (physics, electronics) baiwanwei 百万位|the millions place (or column) in the... baiwanzi 掰腕子|arm wrestling baiwei 百威|Budweiser (beer) baiwei 败胃|spoil one\'s appetite baiwei 百位|the hundreds place (or column) in the... baiweidiya 白尾地鸦|(bird species of China) Xinjiang grou... baiweihaidiao 白尾海雕|(bird species of China) white-tailed ... baiweilandiqu 白尾蓝地鸲|(bird species of China) white-tailed ... baiweilanxianweng 白尾蓝仙鹟|(bird species of China) white-tailed ... baiweimeng 白尾鹲|(bird species of China) white-tailed ... baiweipijiu 百威啤酒|Budweiser beer baiweishaohongzhi 白尾梢虹雉|(bird species of China) Sclater\'s mon... baiweishi 白尾䴓|(bird species of China) white-tailed ... baiweiyao 白尾鹞|(bird species of China) hen harrier (... baiwen 白文|the text of an annotated book/an unan... baiwenburuyijian 百闻不如一见|seeing once is better than hearing a ... baiwu 百物|all things baiwujiao 拜物教|fetishism baiwujinji 百无禁忌|all taboos are off (idiom); anything ... baiwujiu 白兀鹫|(bird species of China) Egyptian vult... baiwukuang 白钨矿|scheelite baiwuliaolai 百无聊赖|(idiom) bored to death; bored stiff; ... baiwulong 摆乌龙|to mess sth up/to screw up baiwuyishi 百无一失|no danger of anything going wrong/no ... baixi 白皙|(of complexion or skin) fair and clear baixian 白鹇|(bird species of China) silver pheasa... baixian 摆线|cycloid baixian 白线|white line (road markings) baixian 白苋|white amaranth (Amaranthus albus)/spr... baixianbanwen 白线斑蚊|Aedes albopictus (species of mosquito) baixiang 柏乡|Baixiang county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 t... baixiang 百香|passion fruit baixiangcipu 白香词谱|Anthology of ci poems tunes (1795), e... baixiangfengmei 白项凤鹛|(bird species of China) white-naped y... baixiangguo 百香果|passion fruit baixiangren 白相人|(dialect) rogue/hoodlum baixiangxian 柏乡县|Baixiang county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 t... baixianyong 白先勇|Bai Xianyong (1937-), Chinese-Taiwane... baixianziqie 白苋紫茄|white amaranth, purple eggplant (idio... baixiaoyan 白晓燕|Pai Hsiao-yen (daughter of Pai Ping-p... baixibao 白细胞|white blood cell/leukocyte baixing 百姓|common people baixing 败兴|disappointed baixingjian 白行简|Bai Xingjian (c. 776-826), younger br... baixiong 白熊|polar bear/white bear baixiongfeicui 白胸翡翠|(bird species of China) white-throate... baixiongkueniao 白胸苦恶鸟|(bird species of China) white-breaste... baixiongyaque 白胸鸦雀|(bird species of China) white-breaste... baixu 败絮|ruined/broken down/shabby baixuanou 白玄鸥|(bird species of China) white tern (G... baixue 白雪|snow baixueaiai 白雪皑皑|brilliant white snow cover (esp. of d... baixuebing 白血病|leukemia baixuegongzhu 白雪公主|Snow White baixueqiu 白血球|white blood cell/leukocyte baixuezheng 败血症|septicaemia baiyan 白眼|to give sb a dirty look; to cast a su... baiyang 白羊|Aries (star sign) baiyang 白杨|poplar/CL:棵[ke1] baiyangchao 白羊朝|Ak Koyunlu or Aq Qoyunlu Turkoman con... baiyangdian 白洋淀|Baiyang Lake in Hebei baiyangshu 白杨树|white poplar (Populus bonatii) baiyangzi 摆样子|to do sth for show/to keep up appeara... baiyangzuo 白羊座|Aries (constellation and sign of the ... baiyanheyan 白眼河燕|(bird species of China) white-eyed ri... baiyanjuren 百眼巨人|hundred-eyed monster baiyankuangying 白眼𫛭鹰|(bird species of China) white-eyed bu... baiyanlang 白眼狼|thankless wretch; an ingrate baiyanzhu 白眼珠|white of the eye baiyanzhur 白眼珠儿|erhua variant of 白眼珠[bai2 yan3 zhu1] baiyaobinyu 白腰滨鹬|(bird species of China) white-rumped ... baiyaocaoyu 白腰草鹬|(bird species of China) green sandpip... baiyaochaweihaiyan 白腰叉尾海燕|(bird species of China) Leach\'s storm... baiyaoquequ 白腰鹊鸲|(bird species of China) white-rumped ... baiyaoshaoyu 白腰杓鹬|(bird species of China) Eurasian curl... baiyaowenniao 白腰文鸟|(bird species of China) white-rumped ... baiyaoxueque 白腰雪雀|(bird species of China) white-rumped ... baiyaoyanou 白腰燕鸥|(bird species of China) Aleutian tern... baiyaozhudingque 白腰朱顶雀|(bird species of China) common redpol... baiye 白夜|white night baiye 百叶|tripe (stomach lining of cattle etc u... baiye 拜谒|to pay a formal visit/to call to pay ... baiyechuang 百叶窗|shutter/blind baiyechuang 百页窗|variant of 百葉窗|百叶窗[bai3 ye4 chuang1] baiyexiang 百叶箱|Stevenson screen (white box with vent... baiyi 白蚁|termite/white ant baiyi 白翳|opacity of the cornea (in TCM)/cataract baiyibaishun 百依百顺|docile and obedient/all obedience baiyicanggou 白衣苍狗|lit. (cloud shapes) changing from a w... baiyin 白银|see 白銀市|白银市[Bai2yin2 Shi4] baiyin 白银|silver baiyinqu 白银区|Baiyin district of Baiyin city 白銀市|白银... baiyinshi 白银市|Baiyin, prefecture-level city in Gans... baiyinshu 白银书|valuable book decorated with silver, ... baiyitianshi 白衣天使|\"angel in white\" (laudatory term for ... baiyizhanshi 白衣战士|warrior in white/medical worker baiyou 柏油|asphalt/tar/pitch baiyoulu 柏油路|tarred road/asphalt road baiyoumalu 柏油马路|tarred road/asphalt road baiyu 白玉|Baiyü county (Tibetan: dpal yul rdzon... baiyu 白玉|white jade/tofu (by analogy) baiyu 百余|a hundred or more baiyu 白鱼|whitefish baiyue 百越|Baiyue, generic term for southern eth... baiyue 百粤|Baiyue, generic term for southern eth... baiyueguang 白月光|(slang) the one that got away baiyun 白云|Baiyun District of Guiyang City 貴陽市|贵... baiyun 白云|white cloud baiyuncanggou 白云苍狗|lit. a white cloud transforms into wh... baiyunjichang 白云机场|Baiyun Airport (Guangzhou) baiyunkuangqu 白云矿区|Baiyukuang district of Baotou city 包頭... baiyunmu 白云母|muscovite; white mica baiyunqu 白云区|Baiyun District of Guiyang City 貴陽市|贵... baiyunshi 白云石|dolomite baiyunyan 白云岩|dolomite (geology) baiyuxian 白玉县|Baiyü county (Tibetan: dpal yul rdzon... baizaoxing 摆造型|to pose (for a picture) baize 白泽|Bai Ze or White Marsh, legendary crea... baizhan 败战|to lose a war/fig. the loser (in a co... baizhanbaisheng 百战百胜|to emerge victorious in every battle/... baizhanbudai 百战不殆|to come unscathed through a hundred b... baizhang 败仗|lost battle/defeat baizhanji 白斩鸡|Cantonese poached chicken, known as \"... baizhanting 拜占庭|Byzantium/Byzantine or Eastern Roman ... baizhao 百兆|(computer networking) 100 megabits pe... baizhebuhui 百折不回|see 百折不撓|百折不挠[bai3 zhe2 bu4 nao2] baizhebunao 百折不挠|to keep on fighting in spite of all s... baizhen 败阵|to be defeated on the battlefield/to ... baizhenhe 白枕鹤|(bird species of China) white-naped c... baizhequn 百褶裙|pleated skirt baizhi 白芷|Dahurian angelica (Angelica dahurica)... baizhi 掰直|to straighten/(slang) to turn a gay p... baizhiheizi 白纸黑字|(written) in black and white baizhong 白种|the white race baizhong 摆钟|pendulum clock baizhou 白昼|daytime baizhou 白粥|plain rice congee baizhu 白术|the rhizome of large-headed atractylo... baizhu 白住|to live (somewhere) for free baizhuo 白浊|gonorrhea (TCM term)/more commonly kn... baizhuo 白灼|to blanch (thin slices of vegetables,... baizi 白字|wrongly written or mispronounced char... baizi 白子|white Go chess piece/bee pupa/albino baizi 摆子|malaria baizi 败子|see 敗家子|败家子[bai4 jia1 zi3] baizihuitou 败子回头|return of the prodigal son baiziqiantai 百姿千态|in different poses and with different... baizong 百总|see 把總|把总[ba3 zong3] baizou 败走|to run away (in defeat) baizu 白族|Bai (ethnic group) baizu 百足|centipede/millipede baizuchong 百足虫|centipede baizuiduanfengtouyanou 白嘴端凤头燕鸥|(bird species of China) sandwich tern... baizuo 白左|naive, self-righteous Western liberal... baizuzhichongsierbujiang 百足之虫死而不僵|a centipede dies but never falls down... baji 吧唧|(onom.) squishing sound baji 吧唧|to smack one\'s lips baji 靶机|target drone baji 霸机|(of passengers) to stage a sit-in aft... baji 巴戟|morinda root (Morinda officinalis), p... baji 巴唧|variant of 吧唧[ba1 ji5] bajiajiang 八家将|Ba Jia Jiang, the eight generals that... bajian 拔尖|top-notch (colloquial)/to push onesel... bajianr 拔尖儿|erhua variant of 拔尖[ba2 jian1] bajiao 芭蕉|Japanese banana (Musa basjoo) bajiao 八角|anise/star anise/aniseed/octagonal/Fr... bajiao 罢教|teacher\'s strike bajiaochuang 八角床|traditional-style canopy bed bajiaofeng 八角枫|alangium bajiaohuixiang 八角茴香|Chinese anise/star anise/Fructus Anis... bajiaojie 八角街|Barkhor street, central business area... bajiaoshan 芭蕉扇|palm-leaf fan bajiaoxing 八角形|octagon bajibaji 吧唧吧唧|(onom.) smacking the lips bajibaji 巴唧巴唧|variant of 吧唧吧唧[ba1 ji5 ba1 ji5] bajie 八戒|see 豬八戒|猪八戒[Zhu1 Ba1jie4] bajie 八戒|the eight precepts (Buddhism) bajie 巴结|to fawn on/to curry favor with/to mak... bajie 拔节|jointing (agriculture) bajie 巴解|Palestine Liberation Organization (PL... bajieqi 拔节期|elongation stage/jointing stage (agri... bajiezuzhi 巴解组织|Palestine Liberation Organization (PL... bajifeng 八级风|force 8 wind/fresh gale bajigong 八级工|grade 8 worker (highest on the eight ... bajigongzizhi 八级工资制|eight grade wage scale (system) bajin 巴金|Ba Jin (1904-2005), novelist, author ... bajinsenshizheng 巴金森氏症|Parkinson\'s disease bajinzhi 八进制|octal bajiquan 八极拳|Ba Ji Quan \"Eight Extremes Fist\" - Ma... bajisitan 巴基斯坦|Pakistan bajiu 把酒|to raise one\'s wine cup bajiubulishi 八九不离十|pretty close/very near/about right bajiuyanhuan 把酒言欢|to drink and chat merrily (idiom) bakai 扒开|to pry open or apart; to spread (sth)... bakai 八开|octavo bakalawa 巴卡拉瓦|(loanword) baklava bake 罢课|student strike/to boycott classes bakekesi 巴克科斯|Bacchus, Greek god of wine bakelai 巴克莱|Barclay or Berkeley (name) bakelaiyinhang 巴克莱银行|Barclays Bank bakelawa 巴克拉瓦|(loanword) baklava bakesi 巴克斯|Bacchus, Greek god of wine baketeliya 巴克特里亚|Bactria, an ancient country of Centra... bakexiazhu 巴克夏猪|Berkshire pig/Berkshire swine bakong 把控|to control; to be in charge of bakongkeshimier 巴控克什米尔|Pakistan administered Kashmir baku 八苦|the eight distresses - birth, age, si... baku 巴库|Baku, capital of Azerbaijan bakuaifuji 八块腹肌|six pack (abdominal muscles) bakuningzhuyi 巴枯宁主义|Bakuninism, the political and social ... bakuo 八廓|Barkhor, pilgrim circuit around Jokha... bakuojie 八廓街|Barkhor street, central business area... bala 扒拉|(coll.) to push lightly/to flick to o... bala 芭拉|guava (loanword from Taiwanese) balabala 吧啦吧啦|(loanword) blah blah blah balabala 芭拉芭拉|para para, a Eurobeat dance originati... balabasi 巴拉巴斯|Barabbas (in the Biblical passion story) baladi 巴拉迪|Mohamed ElBaradei (1942-), Director o... balagou 叭啦狗|bulldog balagui 巴拉圭|Paraguay balajian 峇拉煎|(loanword) belachan (South-East Asian... balajiliefu 巴拉基列夫|M.A. Balakirev, Russian composer balake 巴拉克|Barack, Barak, Ballack (name) balamalibo 巴拉马利波|Paramaribo, capital of Suriname (Tw) balao 八老|\"the Eight Great Eminent Officials\" o... bale 罢了|a modal particle indicating (that\'s a... bale 芭乐|guava (loanword from Taiwanese) balege 芭乐歌|(Tw) ballad (loanword)/mainstream song balei 芭蕾|ballet (loanword) baleiwu 芭蕾舞|ballet (loanword) balemo 巴勒莫|Palermo, Italy balepiao 芭乐票|(Tw) bounced check; bad check balesitan 巴勒斯坦|Palestine balesitanjiefangzuzhi 巴勒斯坦解放组织|Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) balesitanminzuquanlijigou 巴勒斯坦民族权力机构|Palestinian National Authority bali 巴黎|Paris, capital of France bali 巴里|Bari (Puglia, Italy) bali 巴利|Pali, language of Theravad Pali canon... bali 峇厘|Bali (island province of Indonesia) (... bali 峇里|Bali (island province of Indonesia) (Tw) bali 巴厘|Bali (island province of Indonesia) bali 巴力|Baal, god worshipped in many ancient ... bali 八里|Bali or Pali township in New Taipei C... bali 把立|stem (bicycle component) baliangbaliang 拔凉拔凉|(dialect) very cold/chilled baliao 罢了|a modal particle indicating (don\'t mi... balidao 巴厘岛|Bali (island in Indonesia) balidao 巴里岛|island of Bali balidaxue 巴黎大学|University of Paris baligongshe 巴黎公社|Paris Commune 1871, an unsuccessful p... balikun 巴里坤|Barkol Kazakh Autonomous County in Ha... balikuncaoyuan 巴里坤草原|Barkol grasslands near Hami in Xinjiang balikunhasakezizhixian 巴里坤哈萨克自治县|Barkol Kazakh Autonomous County in Ha... balikunxian 巴里坤县|Barkol Kazakh Autonomous County in Ha... balilv 巴黎绿|Paris green/copper(II) acetoarsenite ... balimen 巴力门|parliament (loanword) (old) balin 巴林|Bahrain baling 霸凌|bullying (loanword) balinyou 巴林右|Bairin Right banner or Baarin Baruun ... balinyouqi 巴林右旗|Bairin Right banner or Baarin Baruun ... balinzuo 巴林左|Bairin Left banner of Baarin Züün kho... balinzuoqi 巴林左旗|Bairin Left banner of Baarin Züün kho... balishengmuyuan 巴黎圣母院|Notre-Dame Cathedral (Paris, France) baliwen 巴利文|Pali, language of Theravad Pali canon balixiang 八里乡|Bali or Pali township in New Taipei C... balizi 笆篱子|(dialect) prison balu 巴录|Baruch (name)/Baruch, disciple of Jer... balujun 八路军|Eighth Route Army, the larger of the ... balun 罢论|abandoned idea balunxiya 巴伦西亚|Valencia, Spain balunzhihai 巴伦支海|Barents Sea baluoke 巴洛克|baroque (loanword) baluoke 巴罗克|baroque (period in Western art histor... baluozuo 巴罗佐|José Manuel Durão Barroso (1956-), Po... bama 爸妈|dad and mom bamaganlao 巴马干酪|Parmesan cheese bamai 把脉|to feel the pulse/to take sb\'s pulse bamake 巴马科|Bamako, capital of Mali bamao 拔锚|to weigh anchor bamao 拔毛|to pull out hair/to pluck/epilation bamaolianru 拔茅连茹|lit. pull up a plant and the roots fo... bamaolianru 拔毛连茹|lit. pull up a plant and the roots fo... bamaoru 拔茅茹|lit. pull up a plant and the roots fo... bamazi 把马子|to pick up a girl; to get a girl bamei 把妹|to pick up a girl/to get a girl bamei 八美|Bamay in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县[Dao4 fu2... bamei 把袂|to have an intimate friendship bamen 把门|to stand as a goalkeeper/to keep guar... bamian 罢免|to remove sb from their post/to dismiss bamianlinglong 八面玲珑|be smooth and slick (in establishing ... bamianti 八面体|octahedron bamiaozhuzhang 拔苗助长|to spoil things through excessive ent... bamo 巴莫|Ba Maw bamuman 八目鳗|lamprey (jawless proto-fish of family... ban 版|a register/block of printing/edition/... ban 板|board/plank/plate/shutter/table tenni... ban 板|see 老闆|老板, boss ban 般|sort/kind/class/way/manner ban 搬|to move (i.e. relocate oneself)/to mo... ban 办|to do/to manage/to handle/to go about... ban 半|half/semi-/incomplete/(after a number... ban 班|surname Ban ban 班|team; class; grade/(military) squad/w... ban 瓣|petal/segment/clove (of garlic)/piece... ban 坂|variant of 阪[ban3] ban 伴|partner; companion; comrade; associat... ban 颁|to promulgate/to send out/to issue/to... ban 粄|(Hakka cuisine) snacks made from glut... ban 斑|spot/colored patch/stripe/spotted/str... ban 扳|to pull/to turn (sth) around/to turn ... ban 扮|to disguise oneself as/to dress up/to... ban 拌|to mix/to mix in/to toss (a salad) ban 钣|metal plate/sheet of metal ban 绊|to trip/to stumble/to hinder ban 湴|mud/slush/ooze ban 癍|abnormal pigment deposit on the skin ban 舨|sampan ban 昄|great/expansive ban 攽|variant of 頒|颁[ban1] ban 瘢|mark/scar on the skin ban 秚|old variant of 拌[ban4] ban 阪|slope/hillside ban 姅|menstruation ban 斒|variegated/striped/marbled banafen 巴拿芬|paraffin/variant of 石蠟|石蜡[shi2 la4] banama 巴拿马|Panama banamacheng 巴拿马城|Panama City banamayunhe 巴拿马运河|Panama Canal banan 办案|to handle a case banan 巴南|Banan, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆[... bananqu 巴南区|Banan, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆[... banbai 半百|fifty (usually referring to sb\'s age) banbai 斑白|grizzled/graying banbai 半白|fifty (years of age) banbai 颁白|variant of 斑白[ban1 bai2] banbai 班白|variant of 斑白[ban1 bai2] banban 斑斑|full of stains or spots banban 板板|solemn banbanlala 半半拉拉|incomplete/unfinished banbanliushisi 板板六十四|unaccommodating/rigid banbao 板报|see 黑板報|黑板报[hei1 ban3 bao4] banbao 办报|to run a newspaper/to publish a newsp... banbaoliufuzhi 半保留复制|semiconservative replication banbei 班辈|seniority in the family/pecking order banbeidaweiying 斑背大尾莺|(bird species of China) marsh grassbi... banbeiqianya 斑背潜鸭|(bird species of China) greater scaup... banbeir 班辈儿|seniority in the family/pecking order banbeiyanwei 斑背燕尾|(bird species of China) spotted forkt... banbeizaomei 斑背噪鹛|(bird species of China) barred laughi... banbeizi 半辈子|half of a lifetime banben 版本|version/edition/release banben 坂本|Sakamoto (Japanese surname) banben 扳本|to recoup losses (in gambling) banbenr 扳本儿|to recoup losses (in gambling) banbi 板壁|wooden partition banbian 半边|half of sth/one side of sth banbiantian 半边天|half the sky/women of the new society... banbiaobanli 半表半里|half outside, half inside/half interi... banbie 斑鳖|Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle (Rafe... banbiheshan 半壁河山|see 半壁江山[ban4 bi4 jiang1 shan1] banbijiangshan 半壁江山|half of the country (esp. when half t... banbing 搬兵|to call for reinforcements/to bring i... banbo 斑驳|mottled/motley banbo 斑剥|mottled and peeling off in places banbo 班驳|variant of 斑駁|斑驳[ban1 bo2] banboli 班伯利|Bunbury, coastal city in Western Aust... banboli 班伯里|Bunbury, coastal city in Western Aust... banboluli 斑驳陆离|variegated banbu 颁布|to issue/to proclaim/to enact (laws, ... banbudao 办不到|impossible/can\'t be done/no can do/un... banbudaor 扳不倒儿|(dialect) roly-poly toy banca 板擦|blackboard or whiteboard eraser bancao 班草|the most handsome boy in the class bancar 板擦儿|blackboard or whiteboard eraser banchan 班禅|Panchen (Lama)/abbr. for 班禪額爾德尼|班禅额尔德... banchaneerdeni 班禅额尔德尼|Panchen Erdeni or Panchen Lama/abbr. ... banchang 半场|half of a game or contest/half-court banchang 伴唱|vocal accompaniment/to accompany a si... banchang 搬场|to move (house)/to relocate/removal banchangzhou 半长轴|semiaxis/radius banchanlama 班禅喇嘛|Panchen Lama banchao 班超|Ban Chao (33-102), noted Han diplomat... banchao 拌炒|to stir-fry banche 板车|handcart; flatbed cart; flatbed tricycle banche 班车|regular bus (service) banchengpin 半成品|semi-manufactured goods/semifinished ... banchifengtoujuan 斑翅凤头鹃|(bird species of China) Jacobin cucko... banchiliangniao 斑翅椋鸟|(bird species of China) spot-winged s... banchiliaomei 斑翅鹩鹛|(bird species of China) bar-winged wr... banchimu 半翅目|Hemiptera (suborder of order Homopter... banchinilazuique 斑翅拟蜡嘴雀|(bird species of China) spot-winged g... banchishanchun 斑翅山鹑|(bird species of China) Daurian partr... banchizhuque 斑翅朱雀|(bird species of China) three-banded ... banchundishe 搬唇递舌|to pass on stories (idiom); to sow di... banchuqu 搬出去|to move out (vacate)/to shift sth out banci 版次|edition (of a book etc)/edition number banci 班次|grade/class number (in school)/flight... banci 颁赐|to award (a medal etc) bancun 板寸|buzz cut (hairstyle) banda 半大|medium-sized banda 半打|half a dozen banda-buxiao 半大不小|teenage; in one\'s teens; adolescent bandahai 班达海|Banda Sea, in the East Indian Archipe... bandai 班代|(Tw) class representative/class presi... bandao 办到|to accomplish/to get sth done bandao 半岛|peninsula bandao 绊倒|to trip/to stumble bandao 班导|(Tw) teacher in charge of a class/hom... bandao 扳道|railroad switch bandaocha 扳道岔|railroad switch bandaoci 半导瓷|semiconducting ceramic (electronics) bandaodianshitai 半岛电视台|Al Jazeera (Arabic news network) bandaoguojixuexiao 半岛国际学校|International School of the Penninsula bandaoshi 班导师|(Tw) teacher in charge of a class/hom... bandaoti 半导体|semiconductor bandaotitanceqi 半导体探测器|semiconductor detector bandaoyuan 扳道员|pointsman/switchman bandaxiaozi 半大小子|teenage boy; adolescent boy bandayaqi 班达亚齐|Banda Aceh, capital of Aceh province ... bandeng 板凳|wooden bench or stool/CL:張|张[zhang1],... bandi 班底|ordinary members of theatrical troupe bandian 半点|the least bit bandian 斑点|spot/stain/speckle bandiangou 斑点狗|Dalmatian (dog breed) bandiaozi 半吊子|dabbler/smatterer/tactless and impuls... bandong 搬动|to move (sth) around/to move house bandong 扳动|to pull out/to pull a lever bandong 斑鸫|(bird species of China) dusky thrush ... bandongbudong 半懂不懂|to not fully understand/to only partl... bandun 半蹲|half squat banfa 颁发|to issue/to promulgate/to award banfa 办法|means/method/way (of doing sth)/CL:條|... banfan 拌饭|bibimbap (Korean cuisine) banfang 板房|temporary housing built with wooden p... banfang 班房|jail banfen 半分|a little bit banfengjian 半封建|semifeudal banfengjianbanzhimindi 半封建半殖民地|semifeudal and semicolonial (the offi... banfenr 半分儿|erhua variant of 半分[ban4 fen1] banfu 板斧|broad axe banfusai 半复赛|eighth finals bang 棒|stick/club/cudgel/smart/capable/stron... bang 帮|old variant of 幫|帮[bang1] bang 帮|to help/to assist/to support/for sb (... bang 邦|(bound form) country; nation; state bang 梆|watchman\'s rattle bang 磅|scale (instrument for weighing)/to we... bang 榜|notice or announcement/list of names/... bang 榜|variant of 榜[bang3] bang 绑|to tie/bind or fasten together/to kidnap bang 浜|stream/creek bang 傍|near/approaching/to depend on/(slang)... bang 蚌|mussel/clam bang 镑|pound (sterling) (loanword) bang 艕|two boats fastened side by side bang 塝|the edge/border of a field bang 谤|to slander/to defame/to speak ill of bang 搒|to row/oar/Taiwan pr. [beng4] bang 玤|(gem) bang 蒡|Arctium lappa/great burdock bang 蜯|variant of 蚌[bang4] bang 膀|upper arm/wing bang 膀|used in 吊膀子[diao4 bang4 zi5] bang 膀|old variant of 膀[bang3] bang 𠳐|(onom.) bang (door slamming shut etc)... banganbuga 半间不界|shallow/not thorough/superficial bangban 帮办|assist in managing/deputy bangbangda 棒棒哒|(Internet slang) awesome/amazing bangbangji 棒棒机|bar phone (cell phone shaped like a b... bangbangmang 帮帮忙|to help/to do a favor/(Shanghainese) ... bangbangtang 棒棒糖|lollipop/sucker/CL:根[gen1] bangbangtui 棒棒腿|chicken drumstick (Tw) bangbaoshi 帮宝适|(brand) Pampers bangbi 膀臂|upper arm/arm/reliable helper/right-h... bangbian 傍边|near/beside bangbiao 绑标|bid rigging/collusive tendering bangbing 棒冰|popsicle bangcai 棒材|bar/rod bangchen 帮衬|to help/to assist financially bangcheng 磅秤|scale/platform balance bangchi 榜笞|to beat; to flog; to whip bangchu 帮厨|help in the mess kitchen bangchui 棒槌|wooden club (used to beat clothes in ... bangdai 绑带|bandage/puttee bangdakuan 傍大款|to live off a rich man bangdan 榜单|list of successful applicants for col... bangdangao 磅蛋糕|pound cake bangdaomang 帮倒忙|to be more of a hindrance than a help bangdayaoyuan 膀大腰圆|tall and strong/burly/beefy bangde 邦德|Bond (name) bangdi 邦迪|Bondi (name)/Band-Aid (loanword) bangding 绑定|(loanword) binding; to bind (e.g. an ... bange 半个|half of sth bangei 颁给|to award/to confer on (sb) bangeren 半个人|(not) a single person/(no) one bangfei 绑匪|kidnapper bangfu 帮扶|to provide assistance to; to support bangfu 绑缚|to tie up/to bind/to tether/bondage (... bangfushicao 绑赴市曹|to bind up and take to the market (id... banggela 榜葛剌|old Chinese name for Bengal, now writ... banggong 帮工|to help with farm work/casual laborer bangguo 邦国|country/state bangguo 棒国|(derog.) Korea banghe 棒喝|practice in which a novice monk is sh... banghei 傍黑|dusk banghuerli 傍户而立|to stand close to the door banghui 帮会|secret society/underworld gang bangjia 绑架|to kidnap/to abduct/to hijack/a kidna... bangjiao 帮教|to mentor bangjiao 邦交|relations between two countries/diplo... bangjiar 傍家儿|lover/partner bangjile 棒极了|super/excellent bangjin 傍近|to be close to bangke 蚌壳|clamshell banglian 邦联|confederation bangliang 傍亮|dawn/daybreak bangliusuihua 傍柳随花|prostitute bangmang 帮忙|to help/to lend a hand/to do a favor/... bangmoji 棒磨机|rod mill bangong 办公|to handle official business/to work (... bangong 半拱|semiarch/half arch bangongbandu 半工半读|part work, part study/work-study program bangongdalou 办公大楼|office building bangongdizhi 办公地址|business address bangongkai 半公开|semiovert/more or less open bangonglou 办公楼|office building/CL:座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4] bangongshi 办公室|office/business premises/bureau/CL:間|... bangongshijian 办公时间|office hours bangongting 办公厅|general office bangongzhuolunyong 办公桌轮用|hot-desking bangongzidonghua 办公自动化|office automation bangou 板沟|chalkboard ledge/whiteboard ledge/cha... bangpai 帮派|gang/faction bangpiao 绑票|to kidnap (for ransom) bangpu 帮浦|pump (loanword) bangqiang 帮腔|vocal accompaniment in some tradition... bangqiu 棒球|baseball/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] bangqiumi 棒球迷|baseball fan bangrenlibi 傍人篱壁|to depend on others bangrenmenhu 傍人门户|to be dependent upon sb bangsai 棒赛|(Tw) to defecate; to take a crap (fro... bangsha 棒杀|to bludgeon to death/(fig.) to defeat... bangshou 帮手|helper; assistant bangshou 榜首|top of the list bangshua 磅刷|largest-size housepainter\'s brush bangtan 棒坛|baseball circles/baseball world bangtang 棒糖|sucker/lollipop/CL:根[gen1] bangtong 帮同|to help (sb do sth)/to assist (sb in ... bangtui 绑腿|leg wrappings/puttee/gaiters/leggings bangu 板鼓|small drum for marking time bangu 班固|Ban Gu (32-92), Eastern Han dynasty h... banguanfang 半官方|semiofficial banguangansuan 半胱氨酸|cysteine (Cys), an amino acid/mercapt... bangui 板规|plate gauge banguiguan 半规管|(anatomy) semicircular canal banguize 半规则|quasi-regular bangwan 傍晚|in the evening/when night falls/towar... bangwu 傍午|towards noon; just before midday bangxian 帮闲|to hang on to and serve the rich and ... bangxiong 帮凶|variant of 幫凶|帮凶[bang1 xiong1] bangxiong 帮凶|accomplice/accessory bangxuanxingxi 棒旋星系|barred spiral galaxy bangyan 榜眼|candidate who came second in the Han-... bangyang 榜样|example/model/CL:個|个[ge4] bangye 膀爷|topless guy (man who, in a public pla... bangying 邦硬|very hard or stiff bangyong 帮佣|servant/domestic help bangyuehan 棒约翰|Papa John\'s (pizza chain) bangza 绑扎|to bind/to wrap up/(computing) binding bangzhu 帮助|assistance; aid/to help; to assist bangzhu 绑住|to fasten/to bind bangzhuang 绑桩|(Tw) to buy off influential people (i... bangzi 膀子|upper arm/arm/wing bangzi 梆子|watchman\'s clapper/wooden clappers wi... bangzi 帮子|outer (of cabbage etc)/upper (of a sh... bangzi 棒子|stick/club/cudgel/maize (corn)/ear of... bangziguo 棒子国|(derog.) Korea, esp. South Korea bangzimian 棒子面|maize cornflour/corn mush/polenta bangzimianr 棒子面儿|erhua variant of 棒子麵|棒子面[bang4 zi5 mi... bangziqiang 梆子腔|a general term for local operas in Sh... bangzou 绑走|to abduct/to kidnap banhaibao 斑海豹|spotted seal (Phoca largha) banhao 办好|to take care of (a matter); to get (a... banhen 瘢痕|scar banhouximei 斑喉希鹛|(bird species of China) bar-throated ... banhu 板胡|a bowed stringed instrument with a th... banhua 版画|printmaking/a print banhua 班花|the prettiest girl in the class banhui 班会|class meeting (in schools) banhui 扳回|to pull back/to regain (one\'s dignity... banhuiyicheng 扳回一城|to recover some lost ground (in a com... banhuo 拌和|to mix and stir/to blend banhuo 办货|to purchase goods (for a company etc) baniao 把尿|to support a child (or invalid etc) w... baniu 巴纽|(Tw) Papua New Guinea (abbr. for 巴布亞紐... baniyaluka 巴尼亚卢卡|Banja Luka (city in Bosnia) banji 班级|class (group of students)/grade (in s... banji 班机|airliner/(regular) flight (CL:趟[tang4... banji 扳机|(gun) trigger banji 班基|Bangui, capital of Central African Re... banji 班吉|Bangui, capital of Central African Re... banji 斑鱾|Girella punctata (species of fish) banjia 搬家|to move house; to relocate/to remove ... banjia 半价|half price banjia 扳价|to demand a high price banjiajiajiu 扮家家酒|to play house (Tw) banjialuoer 班加罗尔|Bangalore, capital of southwest India... banjiang 颁奖|to confer an award banjianji 半腱肌|semitendinosus, one of the hamstring ... banjiao 绊脚|to stumble over sth banjiao 绊跤|to trip/to stumble banjiaoshi 绊脚石|stumbling block/obstacle/someone who ... banjiazuo 半跏坐|sitting with one leg crossed (usu. of... banjie 半截|half (of sth)/halfway through banjie 板结|soil crusting banjieshan 半截衫|upper jacket banjin 钣金|sheet metal working/auto body repair ... banjinbaliang 半斤八两|not much to choose between the two/tw... banjing 半径|radius banjing 坂井|Sakai (Japanese surname and place name) banjingsuimei 斑颈穗鹛|(bird species of China) spot-necked b... banjingxiangdui 班荆相对|to treat sb with courtesy (idiom) banjiu 斑鸠|turtledove banjiuxi 办酒席|to prepare a feast banjiweng 斑姬鹟|(bird species of China) European pied... banjizhuomuniao 斑姬啄木鸟|(bird species of China) speckled picu... banjuesai 半决赛|semifinals banjunrubanhu 伴君如伴虎|being close to the sovereign can be a... banjuzhen 伴矩阵|adjoint matrix (math.) bankaibanguan 半开半关|half-open, half closed bankaihua 半开化|semicivilized bankaimen 半开门|half-open door/fig. prostitute bankaimenr 半开门儿|erhua variant of 半開門|半开门[ban4 kai1 men2] banke 版刻|carving/engraving bankesi 班克斯|Banks (surname)/Banksy (UK artist) bankexi 班克西|Banksy (British street artist) bankong 半空|midair bankongzhong 半空中|in midair/in the air bankou 搬口|to pass on stories (idiom); to sow di... banku 扮酷|to act cool bankuai 板块|slab/(geology) tectonic plate/(fig.) ... bankuai 版块|printing block/section (of a newspape... bankuai 斑块|patch/spot/(medicine) plaque bankuaigouzao 板块构造|plate tectonics bankuaililun 板块理论|plate tectonics banla 半拉|(coll.) half banlan 斑斓|gorgeous; brightly colored; multicolored banlang 伴郎|best man banlangen 板蓝根|indigo woad root/root of Isatis tinct... banlaodongli 半劳动力|one able to do light manual labor onl... banlaoxuniang 半老徐娘|middle-aged but still attractive woma... banli 办理|to handle; to transact; to conduct banli 板栗|Chinese chestnut banli 斑鳢|snakehead mullet/Channa maculata banlian 板脸|to put on a straight, stern or blank ... banliangniao 斑椋鸟|(bird species of China) Indian pied m... banliangqiao 板梁桥|plate girder bridge banlianhaifanya 斑脸海番鸭|(bird species of China) Stejneger\'s s... banling 斑羚|Nemorhaedus goral, a species of antel... banliushi 半流食|(medicine) semi-liquid food banliuti 半流体|semifluid banlongfufeng 扳龙附凤|hitching a ride to the sky on the dra... banlou 板楼|slab type building banlu 半路|halfway/midway/on the way banlu 斑鹭|(bird species of China) pied heron (E... banlu-chujia 半路出家|lit. to enter monastic life at a matu... banlun 班轮|regular passenger or cargo ship/regul... banluo 半裸|half-naked banluoti 半裸体|half-naked banlushachudechengyaojin 半路杀出的程咬金|see 半路殺出個程咬金|半路杀出个程咬金[ban4 lu4 sha1 c... banlushachugechengyaojin 半路杀出个程咬金|lit. Cheng Yaojin ambushes the enemy ... banlv 伴侣|companion/mate/partner banlvdaiche 半履带车|half-track (vehicle with wheels at th... banlvhao 伴侣号|HMS Consort, Royal Navy destroyer inv... banma 斑马|zebra/CL:匹[pi3] banma 班玛|Baima or Banma county (Tibetan: pad m... banma 半马|half-marathon (abbr. for 半程馬拉松|半程马拉松[... banmaxian 斑马线|crosswalk/zebra crossing banmaxian 班玛县|Baima or Banma county (Tibetan: pad m... banmayu 斑马鱼|zebrafish banmazui 半麻醉|local anesthetic/anesthesia to half t... banmendian 板门店|Panmunjeom, the Joint Security Area i... banmendiantingzhancun 板门店停战村|Panmunjom village on the DMZ between ... banmengbanxing 半梦半醒|half-awake/half-asleep banmennongfu 班门弄斧|to display one\'s slight skill before ... banmian 版面|page of a publication (e.g. newspaper... banmian 板面|pan mee, aka banmian, a Hakka noodle ... banmian 拌面|noodles served with soy sauce, sesame... banmianfei 版面费|publishing fee; page charge banmingbumie 半明不灭|dull (lamplight) banmo 瓣膜|valve (biological) banmoji 半膜肌|semimembranosus (anatomy) bannian 半年|half a year banniang 伴娘|bridesmaid/maid of honor/matron of honor bannianhuo 办年货|to shop in preparation for Chinese Ne... bannong 搬弄|to fiddle with/to play and move sth a... bannongshifei 搬弄是非|to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow d... banong 把弄|to play with; to fiddle with banpaichuqi 半排出期|half-life banpei 般配|to be well matched/to suit banpi 板皮|slab banpiao 半票|half-price ticket/half fare banping 扳平|to equalize/to level the score/to pul... banpingcu 半瓶醋|dabbler/dilettante who speaks as thou... banpingshuixiangdingdang 半瓶水响叮当|lit. if you tap a half-empty bottle i... banpingzicu 半瓶子醋|see 半瓶醋[ban4 ping2 cu4] banpo 半坡|Banpo neolithic Yangshao culture arch... banpocun 半坡村|archaeological site near Xi\'an banpoyizhi 半坡遗址|Banpo neolithic Yangshao culture arch... banpu 搬铺|to arrange (for the dying) banpuyu 半蹼鹬|(bird species of China) Asian dowitch... banqi 半旗|half-mast/half-staff banqi 班期|schedule (for flights, voyages etc) banqian 搬迁|to move/to relocate/removal banqian 扳钳|wrench/spanner banqianhu 搬迁户|person or household that has to be re... banqiao 板桥|Banqiao or Panchiao city in Taiwan banqiao 半桥|half bridge (electronics) banqiaoshi 板桥市|Banqiao or Panchiao city in New Taipe... banqing 搬请|to request/to call for banqishitouzazijidejiao 搬起石头砸自己的脚|to crush one\'s own foot while trying ... banqiu 板球|cricket (ball game) banqiu 半球|hemisphere banquan 版权|copyright banquansuoyou 版权所有|all rights reserved (copyright statem... banquebiladuo 般雀比拉多|Pontius Pilate (in the Biblical passi... banre 伴热|electric heat tracing; steam tracing ... banrenma 半人马|centaur (mythology) banrenmazuo 半人马座|Centaurus (constellation) banrigongzuo 半日工作|part-time work in which one works eac... banrizhixuexiao 半日制学校|half-day (or double-shift) school banrutang 半乳糖|galactose (CH2O)6/brain sugar banrutangxuezheng 半乳糖血症|galactosemia banrye 板儿爷|(coll.) pedicab driver bansaigang 瓣鳃纲|Lamellibranchia/class of bivalves banshang 半晌|half of the day/a long time/quite a w... banshang 颁赏|to bestow a prize or reward/an award banshang 班上|(in the) class banshangdingding 板上钉钉|that clinches it/that\'s final/no two ... banshanqu 半山区|mid-levels (in Hong Kong) banshen 半神|demigod banshenbusui 半身不遂|paralysis of one side of the body/hem... bansheng 半生|half a lifetime banshengbushou 半生不熟|underripe/half-cooked/(fig.) not mast... banshengqi 伴生气|associated gas (petrochemical enginee... banshenxiang 半身像|half-length photo or portrait/bust banshi 办事|to handle (affairs)/to work banshi 版式|format banshi 班师|to withdraw troops from the front/to ... banshi 颁示|to make public/to display banshi 班什|Binche (Belgian city) banshichu 办事处|office/agency banshita 板式塔|distillation tower/bubble tower/plate... banshitouzazijidejiao 搬石头砸自己的脚|to move a stone and stub one\'s toe/to... banshiye 半失业|semi-employed/partly employed/underem... banshiye 半视野|half visual field banshou 扳手|spanner/wrench/lever (on a machine) banshou 颁授|to confer (e.g. a diploma); to award banshou 伴手|see 伴手禮|伴手礼[ban4 shou3 li3] banshouli 伴手礼|gift given when visiting sb (esp. a l... banshu 板书|to write on the blackboard/writing on... banshu 半数|half the number; half banshu 半熟|half-cooked; (of vegetables) parboile... banshua 板刷|scrubbing brush banshuaiqi 半衰期|half-life banshudan 半熟蛋|soft-boiled egg banshui 版税|royalty (on books) banshulian 半熟练|semiskilled banshuyishang 半数以上|more than half bansi 半死|half dead (of torment, hunger, tiredn... bansuan 拌蒜|to stagger (walk unsteadily) bansui 伴随|to accompany/to follow/to occur toget... bansuixiaoying 伴随效应|contingent effects bansuo 搬唆|to stir up trouble bantai 班台|office desk bantangfuqi 半糖夫妻|weekend spouse/relationship involving... bantian 半天|half of the day/a long time/quite a w... bantiao 板条|lath bantiaoming 半条命|half a life/only half alive/barely al... bantiaoxiang 板条箱|crate bantong 伴同|to accompany bantongbutong 半通不通|to not fully understand (idiom) bantongshui 半桶水|(coll.) (of one\'s skills, knowledge e... bantoudacuiniao 斑头大翠鸟|(bird species of China) Blyth\'s kingf... bantoulvnizhuomuniao 斑头绿拟啄木鸟|(bird species of China) lineated barb... bantouming 半透明|translucent/semitransparent bantouxiuliu 斑头鸺鹠|(bird species of China) Asian barred ... bantouyan 斑头雁|(bird species of China) bar-headed go... bantu 版图|domain/territory bantu 斑秃|spot baldness (alopecia areata) bantu 半途|halfway/midway bantuerfei 半途而废|to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth... bantuibanjiu 半推半就|half willing and half unwilling (idio... bantuo 半托|day care bantuo 办妥|to arrange/to settle/to complete/to c... bantuochan 半脱产|partly released from productive labor... bantusitan 班图斯坦|Bantustan banv 吧女|barmaid banwei 瓣胃|omasum (third compartment of a rumina... banweichengyu 斑尾塍鹬|(bird species of China) bar-tailed go... banweijuanjiu 斑尾鹃鸠|(bird species of China) barred cuckoo... banweilinge 斑尾林鸽|(bird species of China) common wood p... banweizhenji 斑尾榛鸡|(bird species of China) Chinese grous... banwen 斑纹|stripe/streak banweng 斑鹟|(bird species of China) spotted flyca... banwenmang 半文盲|semiliterate banwenniao 斑文鸟|(bird species of China) scaly-breaste... banwu 伴舞|to be a dancing partner to sb/to perf... banwuhui 班务会|a routine meeting of a squad/team or ... banwuxian 半无限|semi-infinite banxia 半夏|Pinellia ternata banxian 班线|route (of a bus etc) banxiang 半响|half the day/a long time/quite a while banxiang 扮相|stage costume banxiaoshi 半小时|half hour banxiejimei 斑胁姬鹛|(bird species of China) Himalayan cut... banxietianji 斑胁田鸡|(bird species of China) band-bellied ... banxin-banyi 半信半疑|(idiom) half believing, half doubting... banxing 颁行|issue for enforcement banxing 伴星|companion (star) banxiongbinyu 斑胸滨鹬|(bird species of China) pectoral sand... banxiongduanchiying 斑胸短翅莺|(bird species of China) spotted bush ... banxionggouzuimei 斑胸钩嘴鹛|(bird species of China) black-streake... banxiongtianji 斑胸田鸡|(bird species of China) spotted crake... banxiongzaomei 斑胸噪鹛|(bird species of China) spot-breasted... banxuantou 搬楦头|lit. to move the shoes on the shoe tr... banxue 办学|to run a school banya 板牙|incisor/molar/screw die/threading die banya 板鸭|pressed (dried) salted duck banyaming 班雅明|Benjamin (name) banyan 扮演|to play the role of/to act banyan 板岩|slate banyan 斑岩|porphyry (geology) banyan 板烟|plug (of tobacco) banyan 板眼|measure in traditional Chinese music/... banyao 半腰|middle/halfway banyaoyan 斑腰燕|(bird species of China) striated swal... banye 半夜|midnight/in the middle of the night banye-sangeng 半夜三更|see 三更半夜[san1geng1-ban4ye4] banyi 搬移|to move (house)/to relocate/removals banyin 半音|semitone banyincheng 半音程|semitone banyong 搬用|to apply mechanically/to copy and use banyou 伴有|to be accompanied by banyou 板油|leaf fat/leaf lard banyuan 半圆|semicircle banyuanxing 半圆形|semicircular banyuanyi 半圆仪|protractor banyue 半月|half-moon/fortnight banyueban 半月板|meniscus (anatomy) banyueban 半月瓣|semilunar valve (anatomy) banyuekan 半月刊|fortnightly/twice a month banyugou 斑鱼狗|(bird species of China) pied kingfish... banyun 搬运|freight/transport/portage/to transpor... banyungong 搬运工|porter banyuqiu 板羽球|battledore and shuttlecock/shuttlecock banzai 半载|half a year banzai 半载|half load banzeng 扳罾|to lift the fishnet banzha 板扎|(dialect) awesome/excellent banzhang 班长|class monitor/squad leader/team leade... banzhenbanjia 半真半假|(idiom) half true and half false banzhenre 斑疹热|spotted fever banzhenshanghan 斑疹伤寒|typhus banzhi 板滞|stiff/dull banzhi 扳指|ornamental thumb ring (originally a r... banzhi 搬指|variant of 扳指[ban1 zhi3] banzhi 半职|part-time work banzhi 板纸|paperboard/board banzhimindi 半殖民地|semicolonial banzhir 扳指儿|erhua variant of 扳指[ban1 zhi3] banzhong 拌种|seed dressing banzhongyao 半中腰|middle/halfway banzhou 半轴|semiaxis/half axle banzhu 斑竹|mottled bamboo banzhu 版主|forum moderator/webmaster banzhu 班主|leader of a theatrical troupe banzhu 绊住|to entangle/to hinder/to impede movement banzhu 班竹|Banjul, capital of Gambia (Tw) banzhu 板主|variant of 版主[ban3 zhu3] banzhu 板筑|variant of 版築|版筑[ban3 zhu4] banzhu 版筑|to construct a rammed-earth wall banzhuan 板砖|(dialect) wall brick banzhuan 搬砖|to do hard physical labor (as a job)/... banzhuang 扮装|to dress up and make up (like an actor) banzhuang 板状|board-shaped banzhuang 板桩|sheet pile banzhuanghuanghou 扮装皇后|drag queen; female impersonator banzhuanzajiao 搬砖砸脚|to hurt oneself by one\'s own doing/to... banzhuchilaohu 扮猪吃老虎|to play the wolf in sheep\'s clothing;... banzhuer 班珠尔|Banjul, capital of Gambia banzhuo 办桌|(Tw) to hold a banquet/to provide cat... banzhuoqin 班卓琴|banjo (loanword) banzhuren 班主任|teacher in charge of a class banzi 班子|organized group/theatrical troupe banzi 板子|board/plank/bamboo or birch for corpo... banzi 扳子|spanner/wrench/CL:把[ba3] banzidong 半自动|semiautomatic banzigengnong 半自耕农|semi-tenant peasant/semi-owner peasant banzou 伴奏|to accompany (musically) banzou 搬走|to carry banzu 班组|group or team (in factories etc) banzui 拌嘴|to bicker/to squabble/to quarrel banzui 办罪|to punish banzuidoushe 拌嘴斗舌|to quarrel banzuitihu 斑嘴鹈鹕|(bird species of China) spot-billed p... banzuiya 斑嘴鸭|(bird species of China) eastern spot-... bao 爆|to explode or burst/to quick fry or q... bao 抱|to hold/to carry (in one\'s arms)/to h... bao 报|to announce/to inform/report/newspape... bao 饱|to eat till full/satisfied bao 保|Bulgaria (abbr. for 保加利亞|保加利亚[Bao3jia... bao 保|to defend; to protect; to keep/to gua... bao 薄|thin/cold in manner/indifferent/weak/... bao 瀑|shower (rain) bao 豹|leopard/panther bao 炮|to sauté/to fry/to dry by heating bao 包|surname Bao bao 包|to cover/to wrap/to hold/to include/t... bao 宝|variant of 寶|宝[bao3] bao 宝|jewel/gem/treasure/precious bao 堡|(bound form) fortress; stronghold/(of... bao 刨|carpenter\'s plane/to plane (woodwork)... bao 刨|variant of 刨[bao4] bao 胞|placenta/womb/born of the same parents bao 鲍|surname Bao bao 鲍|abalone bao 暴|surname Bao bao 暴|sudden/violent/cruel/to show or expos... bao 剥|to peel/to skin/to shell/to shuck bao 煲|to cook slowly over a low flame/pot/s... bao 褒|to praise/to commend/to honor/(of clo... bao 褒|variant of 褒[bao1] bao 苞|bud/flower calyx/luxuriant/profuse bao 曝|used in 曝光[bao4guang1]/Taiwan pr. [pu4] bao 雹|hail bao 鸨|Chinese bustard/procuress bao 孢|spore bao 勹|old variant of 包[bao1] bao 闁|old variant of 褒[bao1]/to praise bao 葆|dense foliage/to cover bao 媬|governess/nurse bao 蕔|a kind of grass (old) bao 龅|projecting teeth bao 趵|jump/leap bao 虣|cruel/violent bao 褓|variant of 褓[bao3] bao 褓|cloth for carrying baby on back bao 铇|variant of 刨[bao4] bao 菢|hatch bao 儤|on night duty bao 曓|old variant of 暴[bao4] baoan 保安|to ensure public security/to ensure s... baoan 报案|to report a case to the authorities baoan 宝安|Bao\'an district of Shenzhen City 深圳市,... baoanbudui 保安部队|security forces baoanjujuzhang 保安局局长|Secretary for Security (Hong Kong) baoanqu 宝安区|Bao\'an district of Shenzhen City 深圳市,... baoanrenyuan 保安人员|security personnel/member of police f... baoantuan 保安团|peace keeping group baoanzu 保安族|Bao\'an, also called Bonan (ethnic group) baoba 宝爸|a dad (father of a young child) baoba 爆吧|spam flooding baoba 保八|to maintain an 8% annual growth rate ... baoban 薄板|thin plate/sheet/lamina/Taiwan pr. [b... baoban 包办|to undertake to do everything by ones... baoban 报班|to sign up for a class baobandaiti 包办代替|to do everything oneself (idiom); not... baobanhunyin 包办婚姻|forced marriage/arranged marriage (wi... baobao 宝宝|darling; baby baobao 包包|bag or purse etc/small bump or pimple... baobao 抱抱|to hug; to give a cuddle baobao 雹暴|hailstorm baobaotuan 抱抱团|Free Hugs Campaign baobaozhuang 抱抱装|\"hug shirt\" worn by members of the Fr... baobei 宝贝|treasured object/treasure/darling/bab... baobei 报备|to report a proposed activity to an a... baobei 包被|peridium (envelope or coat of fungi, ... baobeigeda 宝贝疙瘩|(of a child) apple of one\'s eye baobeir 宝贝儿|erhua variant of 寶貝|宝贝[bao3 bei4] baoben 保本|to break even baobenfanshi 报本反始|ensure that you pay debts of gratitud... baobi 暴毙|to die suddenly baobi 包庇|to shield/to harbor/to cover up baobi 抱臂|to cross one\'s arms baobian 褒贬|to appraise/to pass judgment on/to sp... baobiao 报表|forms for reporting statistics/report... baobiao 保镖|bodyguard baobiao 保镳|variant of 保鏢|保镖[bao3 biao1] baobiao 爆表|off the charts/extreme/beyond the nor... baobidao 刨笔刀|pencil sharpener baobing 薄饼|thin flat cake/pancake/pizza baobing 刨冰|shaved or crushed ice dessert or beve... baobing 暴病|sudden attack of a serious illness baobing 抱病|to be ill; to be in poor health baobo 胞波|brethren on the other side of the bor... baobomali 鲍勃·马利|Bob Marley (1945-1981), Jamaican regg... baobowudewode 鲍勃·伍德沃德|Bob Woodward (Washington Post journal... baobuding 保不定|more likely than not/quite possible/o... baobuping 抱不平|to be outraged by an injustice (done ... baobuqi 保不齐|more likely than not/quite possible/o... baobuzhu 保不住|cannot maintain (sth)/unable to keep/... baocai 包菜|cabbage baocan 饱餐|to eat one\'s fill baocang 保藏|to keep in store/to preserve baocang 包藏|to contain/to harbor/to conceal baocang 爆舱|to run out of cargo space (on a ship ... baocang-huoxin 包藏祸心|(idiom) to harbor evil intentions; to... baocang-huoxin 苞藏祸心|variant of 包藏禍心|包藏祸心[bao1cang2-huo4xin1] baocanshouque 抱残守缺|to cherish the outmoded and preserve ... baocanshouque 保残守缺|conservative/to preserve the outmoded baocanyidun 饱餐一顿|to eat one\'s fill/to be full baocanzhanfan 饱餐战饭|to fill one\'s belly before the battle... baoceng 包层|cladding/covering (on a fiber) baoceng 薄层|thin layer/thin slice/film/lamina/lam... baochan 包产|to make a production contract baochandaohu 包产到户|fixing of farm output quotas for each... baochandaohuzhi 包产到户制|system of quotas for farm output per ... baochang 包场|to reserve all the seats (or a large ... baochang 饱尝|to enjoy fully/to experience to the f... baochang 报偿|to repay; to recompense baochang 保长|(math.) distance-preserving/isometric baochang 包长|packet size (computing) baochangduiying 保长对应|(math.) distance-preserving correspon... baochanshan 褒禅山|Mt Baochan in Anhui/formerly known as... baochao 爆炒|to stir-fry rapidly using a high flam... baochao 包抄|to outflank/to envelop baoche 包车|hired car/chartered car baocheng 保呈|document guaranteeing the words or ac... baocheng 刨程|planing length baocheng 包乘|to charter (a car, ship, plane) baochengtielu 宝成铁路|Baoji-Chengdu Railway baochengyituan 抱成一团|to band together/to gang up/to stick ... baochengzhi 包乘制|chartering system baochengzhi 包承制|responsible crew system baochengzu 包乘组|chartering charge baochengzu 包承组|(responsible) crew baochi 抱持|to hold (expectations, hopes etc)/to ... baochi 保持|to keep/to maintain/to hold/to preserve baochi 刨齿|gear-shaping baochibaozhu 包吃包住|to provide full board baochikezhi 保持克制|to exercise restraint baochiyuanmao 保持原貌|to preserve the original form baochou 报酬|reward/remuneration baochou 报仇|to take revenge/to avenge baochou 薄绸|light silk/silk chiffon baochouxuechi 报仇雪耻|to take revenge and erase humiliation... baochouxuehen 报仇雪恨|to take revenge and wipe out a grudge... baochu 爆出|to burst out/to appear unexpectedly/t... baochuan 宝船|Chinese treasure ship, a type of larg... baochuan 包船|to charter a ship baochuang 刨床|planer/planing machine baochunhua 报春花|primrose (Primula malacoides) baocu 爆粗|to say offensive words; to swear baocui 薄脆|crispy/thin and brittle/a crispy frie... baocun 保存|to conserve/to preserve/to keep/to sa... baocuo 报错|to report an error/to give wrong info... baocutui 抱粗腿|to latch on to the rich and powerful baoda 报答|to repay/to requite baoda 暴打|to beat viciously baodabuping 抱打不平|see 打抱不平[da3bao4bu4ping2] baodai 包袋|bag baodaizhi 包待制|Bao Daizhi, \"Edict Attendant Bao\", fi... baodan 保单|guarantee slip baodan 报单|a tax declaration form/a tax return baodan 爆弹|bomb/explosion baodao 报到|to report for duty/to check in/to reg... baodao 报道|to report (news)/report/CL:篇[pian1],份... baodao 宝岛|Formosa baodao 报导|to report (in the media)/(news) report baodao 刨刀|planing tool baodaobulao 宝刀不老|lit. a good sword always remains shar... baodaosheyingshi 报道摄影师|photojournalist baodaoweilao 宝刀未老|treasure knife does not age (idiom); ... baodatianxia 包打天下|to run everything (idiom); to monopol... baodatui 抱大腿|(coll.) to cling to sb influential or... baode 保德|Baode county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1... baode 报德|to repay debts of gratitude/to repay ... baodeliya 鲍德里亚|Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007), French ... baodexian 保德县|Baode county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1... baodi 保底|to break even/to guarantee a minimum ... baodi 宝地|blessed land; a place rich in beauty ... baodi 宝坻|Baodi rural district in Tianjin 天津[Ti... baodiai 鲍狄埃|Eugène Edine Pottier (1816-1887), Fre... baodian 宝殿|king\'s palace/throne hall baodian 宝典|canonical text/treasury (i.e. book of... baodianhuazhou 煲电话粥|to talk endlessly on the phone baodie 暴跌|(economics) to slump/steep fall (in v... baoding 保定|see 保定市[Bao3ding4 Shi4] baoding 抱定|to hold on firmly/to cling (to a beli... baodingshi 保定市|Baoding, prefecture-level city in Heb... baodiqu 宝坻区|Baodi rural district in Tianjin 天津[Ti... baodong 暴动|insurrection/rebellion baodou 爆痘|to break out with acne baodu 爆肚|deep fried tripe baodu 饱读|to read intensively baoduan 报端|in the newspaper(s) baodugu 抱犊崮|Mt Baodugu in Lanling County 蘭陵縣|兰陵县[... baodur 爆肚儿|erhua variant of 爆肚[bao4 du3] baoen 报恩|to pay a debt of gratitude/to repay a... baoer 保尔|Paul (name) baoer 包尔|Borr (Norse deity) baoernai 包二奶|to cohabit with and financially suppo... baoersen 保尔森|Paulson or Powellson (name)/Henry (Ha... baofa 爆发|to break out/to erupt/to explode/to b... baofa 暴发|to break out (of disease etc)/to sudd... baofahu 暴发户|newly rich/parvenu/upstart baofan 包饭|to get or supply meals for a monthly ... baofang 包房|compartment (of train, ship etc)/priv... baofaxing 爆发性|explosive power/explosive baofei 报废|to scrap; to dispose of (sth worn-out... baofei 保费|insurance premium baofen 报分|call the score baofeng 宝丰|Baofeng county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶... baofeng 暴风|windstorm/(meteorology) storm (force ... baofeng 包封|to seal/to close up a package with a ... baofengquan 暴风圈|(meteorology) storm area (area expose... baofengxian 宝丰县|Baofeng county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶... baofengxue 暴风雪|snowstorm/blizzard/CL:場|场[chang2] baofengyu 暴风雨|rainstorm/storm/tempest baofengzhouyu 暴风骤雨|violent wind and rainstorm/hurricane/... baofojiao 抱佛脚|lit. to clasp the Buddha\'s feet (with... baofu 报复|to make reprisals; to retaliate/reven... baofu 抱负|aspiration/ambition baofu 暴富|to get rich quick baofu 包袱|wrapping cloth/a bundle wrapped in cl... baofudir 包袱底儿|family heirloom/most precious family ... baofupir 包袱皮儿|wrapping cloth baofuxin 报复心|vindictiveness baofuxing 报复性|retaliatory baogai 宝盖|name of the \"roof\" radical 宀[mian2] (... baogaicao 宝盖草|henbit deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule) baogan 包干|to have the full responsibility of a ... baogang 宝钢|Baosteel, Chinese steel maker formed ... baoganr 包干儿|erhua variant of 包乾|包干[bao1 gan1] baoganzhi 包干制|a system of payment partly in kind an... baogao 报告|to inform/to report/to make known/rep... baogaohui 报告会|public lecture (with guest speakers etc) baogaoshu 报告书|written report baogaowenxue 报告文学|reportage baogaoyuan 报告员|spokesperson/announcer baoger 饱嗝儿|to belch (on a full stomach) baogong 包公|Lord Bao or Judge Bao, fictional nick... baogong 包工|to undertake to perform work within a... baogong 报功|to report a heroic deed/to mention sb... baogong 刨工|planing/planing machine operator/planer baogong 胞宫|uterus; womb baogongtou 包工头|chief labor contractor baogu 包谷|(dialect) corn; maize baogu 苞谷|variant of 包穀|包谷[bao1gu3] baogu 保固|to undertake to rectify any deficienc... baoguan 保管|to hold in safekeeping; to have in on... baoguan 报关|to declare at customs baoguan 包管|to assure; to guarantee baoguan 报官|to report a case to the authorities (... baoguan 报馆|newspaper office baoguan 爆管|cartridge igniter/squib baoguang 曝光|to expose (photography)/(fig.) to exp... baoguang 暴光|exposure baoguang 爆光|photographic exposure/public exposure baoguangbiao 曝光表|light meter/exposure meter baoguanyuan 保管员|custodian/storeroom clerk baogui 宝贵|valuable/precious/to value/to treasur... baoguo 包裹|to wrap up/to bind up/bundle/parcel/p... baoguo 报国|to dedicate oneself to the service of... baohan 包含|to contain/to embody/to include baohan 包涵|to excuse; to forgive; to bear with; ... baohan 饱含|to be full of (emotion); to brim with... baohanbuzhiehanji 饱汉不知饿汉饥|The well-fed cannot know how the star... baohaosi 包豪斯|Bauhaus (German school of modern arch... baohe 饱和|saturated; filled to capacity baohe 包河|Baohe, a district of Hefei City 合肥市[H... baohen 抱恨|to have a gnawing regret baohen-huangquan 抱恨黄泉|(idiom) to harbor regrets into the af... baohen-zhongtian 抱恨终天|(idiom) to harbor regrets for a lifetime baohequ 包河区|Baohe, a district of Hefei City 合肥市[H... baohezhifang 饱和脂肪|saturated fat baohezhifangsuan 饱和脂肪酸|saturated fatty acid (SFA) baohong 暴洪|a sudden, violent flood/flash flood baohong 爆红|to be a big hit/to be hugely popular baohu 保护|to protect/to defend/to safeguard/pro... baohu 保户|insurance policy holder baohua 刨花|wood shavings baohua 爆花|see 爆米花[bao4 mi3 hua1] baohuaban 刨花板|particle board/chipboard baohuaji 报话机|walkie-talkie/portable radio transmitter baohuan 包换|to guarantee replacement (of faulty g... baohuang 包荒|to be tolerant/to be forgiving/to con... baohuangdang 保皇党|royalists baohuguo 保护国|protectorate baohuishi 保惠师|(Christianity) Paraclete baohuji 保护剂|protective agent baohukou 报户口|to apply for residence/to register a ... baohulu 宝葫芦|magic gourd, granting your every wish baohuludemimi 宝葫芦的秘密|Secret of the Magic Gourd (1958), pri... baohumoshi 保护模式|protected mode baohuo 包伙|see 包飯|包饭[bao1 fan4] baohuo 包活|job paid according to the amount of w... baohuo 宝货|precious object/treasure baohupinghe 暴虎冯河|lit. fight tigers with one\'s bare han... baohuqu 保护区|conservation district/CL:個|个[ge4],片[p... baohuren 保护人|guardian/carer/patron baohusan 保护伞|protective umbrella/fig. person affor... baohuse 保护色|protective coloration/camouflage baohushen 保护神|patron saint/guardian angel baohuxing 保护性|protective baohuzhe 保护者|protector baohuzhuyi 保护主义|protectionism baoji 包机|chartered plane/to charter a plane baoji 宝鸡|see 寶雞市|宝鸡市[Bao3ji1 Shi4] baoji 暴击|critical hit (gaming) baoji 爆击|variant of 暴擊|暴击[bao4 ji1] baojia 报价|to quote a price/quoted price/quote baojia 保驾|(in former times) to escort the emper... baojia 保甲|historical communal administrative an... baojia 包价|package; all-inclusive deal baojia 包夹|to surround; to hem in/(sports) doubl... baojiadan 报价单|quotation/price list/written estimate... baojiahuhang 保驾护航|(idiom) to safeguard (sth)/to protect... baojiakangdi 宝嘉康蒂|Pocahontas (c. 1595-1617), native Ame... baojialiya 保加利亚|Bulgaria baojialvyou 包价旅游|package holiday baojian 保健|health protection/health care/to main... baojian 宝剑|(double-edged) sword/CL:把[ba3],方[fang1] baojian 包间|private room (in a restaurant, or for... baojian 报检|quarantine inspection baojiancao 保健操|health exercises baojianchui 包剪锤|rock-paper-scissors (game) baojiang 包浆|patina (sheen on the surface of an an... baojiang 胞浆|cytoplasm baojianhui 保监会|China Insurance Regulatory Commission... baojiao 堡礁|barrier reef baojiao 保角|(math.) angle-preserving/conformal baojiao 包剿|to surround and annihilate (bandits) baojiaoduiying 保角对应|(math.) distance-preserving correspon... baojiaozi 包饺子|to wrap jiaozi (dumplings or potstick... baojiaweiguo 保家卫国|guard home, defend the country (idiom... baojie 保洁|sanitation baojie 宝洁|Procter & Gamble (consumer goods comp... baojie 报捷|report a success/announce a victory baojie 报界|the press/journalistic circles/the jo... baojiegongsi 宝洁公司|Procter & Gamble baojiexiang 保洁箱|litter-bin baojin 包金|to gild/(old) wages paid to a perform... baojin 报禁|restrictions on the publication of ne... baojin 包巾|headscarf/turban baojinbi 爆金币|(gaming) (of a monster etc) to drop g... baojing 报警|to sound an alarm/to report sth to th... baojing 包茎|phimosis (medicine) baojing 保靖|Baojing County in Xiangxi Tujia and M... baojingcangsang 饱经沧桑|having lived through many changes baojingfengshuang 饱经风霜|weather-beaten/having experienced the... baojingqi 报警器|alarm (e.g. burglar or fire alarm)/wa... baojingxian 保靖县|Baojing County in Xiangxi Tujia and M... baojingyouhuan 饱经忧患|having experienced much suffering baojishi 宝鸡市|Baoji, prefecture-level city in Shaan... baoju 包举|to summarize/to swallow up/to annex/t... baojuhua 爆菊花|(slang) to stick sth up the anus/to h... baojun 暴君|tyrant/despot baokan 报刊|newspapers and periodicals/the press baokang 保康|Baokang county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 ... baokangxian 保康县|Baokang county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 ... baokantan 报刊摊|newsstand baokao 报考|to enter oneself for an examination baokemeng 宝可梦|Pokémon baokong 暴恐|(attributive) terrorist baokou 暴扣|slam dunk (basketball) baoku 宝库|treasure-house/treasury/treasure-trov... baokuai 雹块|hailstone baokuan 爆款|(retail) hot item baokui 抱愧|feel ashamed baokuo 包括|to comprise/to include/to involve/to ... baolaiwu 宝莱坞|Bollywood (film industry based in Mum... baolan 包揽|to monopolize/to take on responsibili... baolan 宝蓝|sapphire blue baolan 饱览|to look intensively/to feast one\'s ey... baolancisong 包揽词讼|to canvas for lawsuits (idiom); to pr... baolei 堡垒|fort baolei 爆雷|(of a P2P lending platform) to collap... baolei 暴雷|thunderclap/(of a P2P lending platfor... baoleiji 堡垒机|(computing) bastion host; jump server baoleng 爆冷|an upset (esp. in sports)/unexpected ... baolengmen 爆冷门|an upset (esp. in sports)/unexpected ... baolengmenr 爆冷门儿|erhua variant of 爆冷門|爆冷门[bao4 leng3 m... baoli 暴力|violence/force/violent baoli 暴戾|ruthless baoli 暴利|sudden huge profits baoli-zisui 暴戾恣睢|(idiom) cruel; ruthless; tyrannical baolian 暴敛|to overtax/to extort baoliao 爆料|to make explosive allegations baoliao 报料|to provide information to a news orga... baoliaoren 报料人|informant; news source baolie 爆裂|to rupture/to burst/to explode baolie 暴烈|violent/fierce baoliewu 爆裂物|explosives baolifa 暴力法|violent method/brute force baolifanzui 暴力犯罪|violent crime baolifenjian 暴力分拣|rough handling of parcels during mail... baolijin 宝丽金|PolyGram (record label) baolikejiyouxiangongsi 保利科技有限公司|Poly Technologies (defense manufactur... baolilai 宝丽来|Polaroid baolilong 保力龙|polystyrene baolilong 保丽龙|styrofoam baolin 宝林|Po Lam (area in Hong Kong) baolingqiu 保龄球|ten-pin bowling (loanword)/bowling ball baolishui 暴利税|windfall profit tax baolisi 包里斯|Boris (name) baoliu 保留|to keep/to retain/to have reservation... baoliujia 保留价|reserve price (in an auction)/(econom... baoliujumu 保留剧目|repertory/repertoire/repertory item baoliuqu 保留区|reservation (for an ethnic minority) baolong 暴龙|Tyrannosaurus spp./esp. T. rex baolongke 暴龙科|Tyrannosauridae, the dinosaur family ... baolongshu 暴龙属|genus Tyrannosaurus baolongtu 包龙图|Bao Longtu, ”Bao of the Dragon Image”... baolu 暴露|to expose/to reveal/to lay bare/also ... baolu 报录|entry pass for imperial examination baoluan 暴乱|riot/rebellion/revolt baolukuang 暴露狂|exhibitionist baolun 暴论|wild remark; outrageous statement (or... baoluo 保罗|Paul baoluo 包罗|to include/to cover/to embrace baoluoding 鲍罗丁|Borodin (name)/Alexander Borodin (183... baoluoting 鲍罗廷|Borodin (name)/Alexander Porfirevich ... baoluowanxiang 包罗万象|all-embracing/all-inclusive baolupi 暴露癖|exhibitionism baoluren 报录人|bearer of good news (esp. announcing ... baoluwuyi 暴露无遗|to lay bare/to come to light baoma 宝马|BMW (car company) baoma 宝马|precious horse baoma 宝妈|a mom (mother of a young child) baomai 包埋|to embed baoman 饱满|full/plump baoman 暴漫|rage comic baoman 爆满|filled to capacity (of theater, stadi... baomao 豹猫|leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) baomao 包茅|bundled thatch baomaxiangche 宝马香车|precious horses and magnificent carri... baomei 保媒|to act as go-between (between prospec... baomi 保密|to keep sth confidential/to maintain ... baomi 苞米|(dialect) corn; maize baomi 包米|variant of 苞米[bao1mi3] baomiao 保苗|to protect young plants, ensuring tha... baomiding 胞嘧啶|cytosine nucleotide (C, pairs with gu... baomihua 爆米花|puffed rice/popcorn baomin 暴民|a mob of people baoming 报名|to sign up/to enter one\'s name/to app... baoming 保命|to preserve one\'s life; to ensure one... baoming 爆鸣|sound of an explosion baomingbiao 报名表|application form/registration form/CL... baomingfei 报名费|registration fee baomixieyi 保密协议|non-disclosure agreement/confidential... baomixing 保密性|secrecy baomu 保姆|nanny; babysitter/housekeeper baomu 报幕|announce the items on a (theatrical) ... baomu 鸨母|female brothel keeper/a bawd baomu 褓姆|variant of 保姆[bao3 mu3] baomu 保母|variant of 保姆[bao3 mu3] baomu 褓母|variant of 保姆[bao3 mu3] baonang 包囊|bundle/bag baonu 暴怒|to fly into a rage/to rage violently baonuan 保暖|to keep warm baonuanneiyi 保暖内衣|thermal underwear baonuansiyinyu,jihanqidaoxin 饱暖思淫欲,饥寒起盗心|lechery springs from warmth and nouri... baonve 暴虐|brutal/tyrannical baonve-wudao 暴虐无道|(idiom) tyrannical; oppressive; lawless baopan 报盘|offer/to make an offer (commerce) baopang 暴胖|to gain weight dramatically baopei 包赔|guarantee to pay compensations baopeng 爆棚|full to bursting baopi 包皮|wrapping/wrapper/foreskin baopi 报批|to report for criticism/to submit for... baopi 剥皮|to skin; to flay; to peel/(fig.) (col... baopian 薄片|thin slice/thin section/flake/Taiwan ... baopian 苞片|bract (botany) baopiao 包票|guarantee certificate baopihuanqie 包皮环切|circumcision baopihuanqieshu 包皮环切术|circumcision baoping 宝瓶|Aquarius (star sign) baopingzuo 宝瓶座|Aquarius (constellation and sign of t... baopiqian 剥皮钳|wire stripper baopo 爆破|to blow up/to demolish (using explosi... baoposhou 爆破手|dynamiter baopuzi 抱朴子|Baopuzi, collection of essays by Ge H... baoqian 抱歉|to be sorry/to feel apologetic/sorry! baoqing 宝清|Baoqing county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭... baoqing 报请|to report, requesting approval/writte... baoqingtian 包青天|Bao Qingtian, fictional nickname of B... baoqingxian 宝清县|Baoqing county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭... baoqu 抱屈|feel wronged baoquan 保全|to save from damage/to preserve/to ma... baoquan 抱拳|to cup one\'s fist in the other hand (... baoquan 豹拳|Bao Quan - \"Leopard Fist\" - Martial Art baoquanyuan 保全员|(Tw) security guard baoran 爆燃|to deflagrate baore 暴热|to trend/to get popular quickly/sudde... baoren 保人|guarantor; person paying bail baoren 报人|newsman/journalist (archaic) baorenbuzhierenji 饱人不知饿人饥|The well-fed cannot know how the star... baorong 包容|to pardon/to forgive/to show toleranc... baorongxin 包容心|tolerance; acceptance; inclusivity baoroushiluoxuanti 包柔氏螺旋体|Borrelia, genus of Spirochaete bacteria baoru 爆乳|large breasts (slang) baosang 报丧|to announce sb\'s demise baosha 薄纱|gauze (cloth) baoshai 暴晒|(of the sun) to scorch/to expose to a... baoshan 宝山|Baoshang District of Shanghai/Baoshan... baoshan 保山|see 保山市[Bao3shan1 Shi4] baoshang 保墒|preservation of soil moisture baoshang 报上|in the newspaper baoshang 包商|(Tw) contractor baoshanqu 宝山区|Baoshang district of Shanghai/Baoshan... baoshanshi 保山市|Baoshan, prefecture-level city in Yun... baoshanxiang 宝山乡|Baoshan or Paoshan township in Hsinch... baoshe 报社|newspaper (i.e. a company)/CL:家[jia1] baoshen 报审|to report for judgment/to submit for ... baosheng 爆声|explosion/bang/sonic boom/engine knock baoshengfo 宝生佛|Ratnasambhava Buddha baoshengong 包身工|indentured laborer baoshi 保湿|to moisturize/moisturizing baoshi 宝石|precious stone; gem/CL:枚[mei2],顆|颗[ke1] baoshi 暴食|to eat too much/to binge baoshi 报时|to give the correct time baoshi 保释|to release on bail/to bail baoshi 报失|report the loss to the authorities co... baoshi 抱石|(sports) bouldering baoshijie 保时捷|Porsche (car company) baoshiluoxuanti 包氏螺旋体|Borrelia, genus of Spirochaete bacteria baoshizheng 暴食症|bulimia baoshizhongri 饱食终日|to spend the whole day eating (i.e. n... baoshizhongri,wusuoyongxin 饱食终日,无所用心|to eat three square meals a day and d... baoshou 保守|conservative/to guard/to keep baoshou 饱受|to endure/to suffer/to be subjected to baoshou 报收|(of a stock on the stock market) to c... baoshou 暴瘦|to lose weight dramatically baoshoudang 保守党|conservative political parties baoshoupai 保守派|conservative faction baoshouzhuyi 保守主义|conservatism baoshu 报数|number off! (command in military dril... baoshu 宝书|treasured book baoshuai 抱摔|body slam (wrestling move) baoshui 报税|to file an income tax return/to decla... baoshui 保税|bonded (goods, factory etc) baoshui 抱睡|to hold a baby or child while they sl... baoshuibiao 报税表|a tax return/a tax declaration form baoshuidan 报税单|to declare to customs or to the taxman baoshuiqu 保税区|duty-free district/tariff-free zone/b... baoshupi 包书皮|book cover baosi 褒姒|Baosi, concubine of King You of Zhou ... baosi 暴死|to die suddenly baosinang 饱私囊|to stuff one\'s pockets/to enrich ones... baosiqi 刨丝器|grater/shredder baosong 保送|to recommend (for admission to school) baosu 苞粟|variant of 包粟[bao1su4] baosu 包粟|(dialect) corn; maize baota 宝塔|pagoda baotacai 宝塔菜|Chinese artichoke (Stachys affinis), ... baotai 爆胎|flat tire/burst tire/blowout baotai 褒呔|bow tie (loanword) (Cantonese) baotan 报摊|newsstand baotan 包探|detective (in former times) baotang 煲汤|to simmer/soup made by simmering for ... baotaqu 宝塔区|Baota or Pagoda district of Yan\'an ci... baoteping 保特瓶|variant of 寶特瓶|宝特瓶[bao3 te4 ping2] baoteping 宝特瓶|plastic bottle baotiantianwu 暴殄天物|to waste natural resources recklessly... baotiao 报条|report of success from a candidate to... baotiaorulei 暴跳如雷|to stamp with fury; to fly into a rage baotie 报帖|to announce good news in red letters baotie 宝贴|Blu-tack (brand) baoting 保亭|Baoting Li and Miao autonomous county... baoting 报亭|kiosk/newsstand baotinglizumiaozuzizhixian 保亭黎族苗族自治县|Baoting Li and Miao autonomous county... baotingxian 保亭县|Baoting Li and Miao autonomous county... baotong 报童|paperboy baotou 包头|Baotou prefecture-level city in Inner... baotou 包头|turban/headband baotou 报头|masthead (of a newspaper etc)/nameplate baotou 抱头|to put one\'s hands behind one\'s head,... baotou 爆头|(neologism) (slang) (often used in vi... baotoujing 薄透镜|thin lens (optics) baotoushi 包头市|Baotou prefecture-level city in Inner... baotoushucuan 抱头鼠窜|to cover one\'s head and sneak away li... baotoushucuan 抱头鼠蹿|to cover one\'s head and sneak away li... baotoutongku 抱头痛哭|to weep disconsolately/to cry on each... baotu 暴徒|bandit/thug/ruffian baotuan 抱团|to band together; to team up baotui 包退|to guarantee refund (for faulty or un... baotuihuan 包退换|to guarantee refund or replacement (o... baowaijiuyi 保外就医|to release for medical treatment (of ... baowei 保卫|to defend/to safeguard baowei 包围|to surround/to encircle/to hem in baoweier 鲍威尔|Powell (name) baoweizuguo 保卫祖国|to defend one\'s country baowen 保温|to keep hot/heat preservation baowen 豹纹|leopard pattern; leopard print baowenbei 保温杯|thermal insulation cup (or bottle) baowenping 保温瓶|thermos baowo 抱窝|(coll.) to incubate/to brood baowo 报窝|to brood/to hatch baowu 宝物|treasure/CL:件[jian4] baowugangtie 宝武钢铁|Baowu, the world\'s largest steel make... baowuyuan 报务员|telegraph operator/radio operator baoxi 报喜|to announce good news/to report success baoxi 报系|newspaper chain/syndicate baoxian 保鲜|to keep fresh baoxian 保险|insurance/to insure/safe/secure/be su... baoxiandan 保险单|insurance policy (document) baoxiandeng 保险灯|kerosene lamp baoxianfei 保险费|insurance fee baoxiang 包厢|box (in a theater or concert hall)/pr... baoxiangang 保险杠|car bumper baoxiangui 保险柜|a safe/strongbox baoxianhe 保险盒|fuse box baoxianmo 保鲜膜|plastic wrap/preservative film/cling ... baoxianqi 保鲜期|shelf life/freshness date baoxiansi 保险丝|fuse wire/(electrical) fuse baoxiantao 保险套|condom/CL:隻|只[zhi1] baoxianxiang 保险箱|safe deposit box/a safe baoxianzhi 保鲜纸|plastic wrap/cling wrap/cling film baoxiao 报销|to submit an expense account/to apply... baoxiao 爆笑|to burst out laughing/hilarious/burst... baoxiao 报效|render service to repay kindness baoxiao 报晓|to herald the break of day baoxiao 包销|to have exclusive selling rights/to b... baoxibubaoyou 报喜不报忧|to report only the good news, not the... baoxin 报信|to notify/to inform baoxincai 包心菜|cabbage baoxing 宝兴|Baoxing County in Ya\'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], ... baoxing 暴行|savage act/outrage/atrocity baoxinggedong 宝兴歌鸫|(bird species of China) Chinese thrus... baoxingmeique 宝兴鹛雀|(bird species of China) rufous-tailed... baoxingxian 宝兴县|Baoxing County in Ya\'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], ... baoxinjiuhuo 抱薪救火|lit. to carry firewood to put out a f... baoxiu 保修|to promise to keep sth in good repair... baoxiuqi 保修期|guarantee period/warranty period baoxue 饱学|learned/erudite/scholarly baoxue 宝血|(Christianity) Precious Blood (of Jes... baoxuehu 暴雪鹱|(bird species of China) northern fulm... baoya 龅牙|buck tooth/projecting tooth baoya 暴牙|buck teeth baoyan 保研|to recommend sb for postgraduate stud... baoyanfu 饱眼福|to feast one\'s eyes on (idiom) baoyang 保养|to take good care of (or conserve) on... baoyang 包养|to keep (a mistress) baoyang 褒扬|to praise baoyang 抱养|to adopt (a child) baoyangpin 保养品|(Tw) beauty product; skincare product baoye 报业|newspaper industry baoye 鲍耶|János Bolyai (1802-1860), one of the ... baoye 包夜|to buy an all-night package/(esp.) to... baoyi 褒义|commendatory sense/positive connotation baoyi 包衣|capsule (containing medicine)/husk (o... baoyi 胞衣|afterbirth baoyi 报以|to give in return baoyilaoquan 饱以老拳|to thump repeatedly with one\'s fist baoyin 爆音|sonic boom baoyin 包银|contracted payment (esp. actors\' sala... baoyinbaoshi 暴饮暴食|to eat and drink unreasonably baoying 宝应|Baoying County in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang... baoying 报应|(Buddhism) divine retribution; karma baoyingbushuang 报应不爽|divine retribution is unfailing (idio... baoyingxian 宝应县|Baoying County in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang... baoyizhongzi 包衣种子|seed enclosed in artificial capsule baoyou 保佑|to bless and protect/blessing baoyou 报忧|to report bad news/to announce failur... baoyou 包邮|shipping included baoyou 抱有|to have (aspirations, suspicions etc) baoyou 保有|to keep/to retain baoyou 保祐|to bless and protect/blessing/also wr... baoyu 暴雨|torrential rain/rainstorm/CL:場|场[chan... baoyu 宝玉|precious jade/treasures baoyu 鲍鱼|abalone baoyu 保育|childcare/conservation (of the enviro... baoyu 保语|Bulgarian language baoyuan 抱怨|to complain/to grumble/to harbor a co... baoyuan 报怨|to pay back a score/to get revenge/to... baoyuanr 包圆儿|to buy the whole lot/to take everythi... baoyue 包月|to make monthly payments/monthly payment baoyumihua 爆玉米花|to make popcorn/popcorn baoyuxiang 保育箱|incubator (for newborns) baoyuyuan 保育院|orphanage/nursery baoza 包扎|variant of 包紮|包扎[bao1 za1] baoza 包扎|to wrap up/to pack/to bind up (a wound) baozai 雹灾|disaster caused by hail baozai 报载|newspaper report baozaiwoshenshang 包在我身上|leave it to me (idiom)/I\'ll take care... baozang 宝藏|precious mineral deposits/hidden trea... baozao 暴躁|irascible; irritable baozao 暴燥|variant of 暴躁[bao4 zao4] baozao 胞藻|algae baozha 爆炸|explosion/to explode/to blow up/to de... baozhai 报摘|news digest baozhai 堡寨|fort/fortress/CL:座[zuo4] baozhali 爆炸力|explosive force/strength of an explosion baozhan 饱绽|to swell to bursting (after having ea... baozhang 保障|to ensure/to guarantee/to safeguard baozhang 暴涨|to increase sharply/to rise dramatically baozhang 报账|to report expenses/to submit accounts baozhang 保长|head of a bao 保[bao3] in the baojia 保... baozhang 报帐|to render an account; to submit an ex... baozhang 报章|newspapers baozhang 爆仗|(coll.) firecracker baozhangjiandu 保障监督|safeguards baozhao 爆照|(Internet slang) to post a photo of o... baozhatou 爆炸头|afro (hairstyle) baozhawu 爆炸物|explosive (material) baozhaxing 爆炸性|explosive/fig. shocking baozhen 抱枕|bolster/a long pillow or cushion baozhen 爆震|knocking (fault in internal combustio... baozhendu 保真度|fidelity baozheng 保证|guarantee/to guarantee/to ensure/to s... baozheng 暴政|tyranny/despotic rule baozheng 包拯|Bao Zheng (999-1062), Northern Song o... baozhengjin 保证金|earnest money/cash deposit/bail/margi... baozhengren 保证人|guarantor/bailor baozhi 报纸|newspaper/newsprint/CL:份[fen4],期[qi1]... baozhi 薄纸|thin paper (tissue paper, onionskin etc) baozhi 宝志|Baozhi, or Pao-chih, Chinese monk (41... baozhibaibing 包治百病|guaranteed to cure all diseases baozhibaodao 报纸报导|newspaper report baozhiqi 保质期|shelf life/expiration date baozhong 保重|to take care of oneself baozhong 褒忠|Baozhong or Paochung township in Yunl... baozhongxiang 褒忠乡|Baozhong or Paochung township in Yunl... baozhu 爆竹|firecracker baozhu 保住|to preserve/to save baozhu 包住|to envelop/to wrap/to enclose baozhuang 包装|to pack/to package/to wrap/packaging baozhuangwu 包装物|packaging baozhuangzhi 包装纸|wrapping paper baozhun 保准|to guarantee/reliable/for sure baozhun 保准|variant of 保准[bao3 zhun3] baozi 孢子|spore baozi 豹子|leopard/CL:頭|头[tou2] baozi 包子|baozi; bao (steamed stuffed bun)/CL:個... baozi 刨子|plane baozi 雹子|hail/hailstone baozi 胞子|variant of 孢子[bao1 zi3] baozi 报子|bearer of good news (esp. announcing ... baoziyouroubuzaizheshang 包子有肉不在褶上|a book is not judged by its cover (id... baozou 暴走|out of control/berserk/to go for a lo... baozoumanhua 暴走漫画|rage comic baozouxie 暴走鞋|Heelys (roller shoes with wheels prot... baozouzu 暴走族|people who go on walks for exercise/(... baozu 包租|to rent/to charter/to rent land or a ... baozu 暴卒|to die of sudden illness; to die sudd... baozu 饱足|to be full (after eating) baozuo 宝座|throne bapi 扒皮|to flay/to skin/(fig.) to exploit/to ... bapo 八婆|meddling woman/nosy parker (Cantonese) baqi 霸气|imperious; aggressive; assertive/dict... baqi 八旗|Eight Banners, military organization ... baqi 霸妻|to use one\'s power and influence to t... baqia 菝葜|chinaroot (Smilax china) baqian-zhihou 跋前踬后|see 跋胡疐尾[ba2hu2-zhi4wei3] baqian-zhihou 跋前疐后|see 跋胡疐尾[ba2hu2-zhi4wei3] baqiang 八强|(sports) top eight/quarterfinals baqiangsai 八强赛|quarterfinals baqiansuanhou 巴前算后|thinking and pondering (idiom); to tu... baqiao 灞桥|Baqiao District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1 ... baqiaoqu 灞桥区|Baqiao District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1 ... baqidashe 八岐大蛇|Yamata no Orochi, serpent with eight ... baqing 巴青|Baqên, a county in Nagchu City, Tibet baqingxian 巴青县|Baqên, a county in Nagchu City, Tibet baqizhidu 八旗制度|Eight Banners system, the military an... baqizidi 八旗子弟|child of a Manchu bannerman family (n... baqu 拔取|to pick out/to select and recruit/to ... baquan 霸权|hegemony/supremacy baquanzhuyi 霸权主义|hegemonism baqun 拔群|outstanding/exceptionally good bar 把儿|a handle baran 拔染|discharge bargou 巴儿狗|see 哈巴狗[ha3 ba1 gou3] barongbachi 八荣八耻|Eight Honors and Eight Shames, PRC of... basa 巴萨|Barca (nickname for FC Barcelona)/Baz... basaier 巴塞尔|Basel, Switzerland basailongna 巴塞隆纳|Barcelona (Tw) basailuona 巴塞罗那|Barcelona basanlansi 巴三览四|to talk about this and that (idiom); ... basha 巴刹|bazaar (loanword)/Taiwan pr. [ba1 cha4] bashan 巴山|Mt Ba in eastern Sichuan bashansheshui 跋山涉水|to travel over land and water (idiom) bashanshushui 巴山蜀水|mountains and rivers of Sichuan (idiom) bashanyeyu 巴山夜雨|rain on Mt Ba (idiom); lonely in a st... bashanyueling 巴山越岭|to climb hills and pass over mountain... bashayu 巴沙鱼|(loanword) basa (Pangasius bocourti) bashe 跋涉|to trudge/to trek basheng 巴生|Klang (city in Malaysia) bashengdujuan 八声杜鹃|(bird species of China) plaintive cuc... bashi 八十|eighty/80 bashi 巴士|bus (loanword)/motor coach bashi 巴氏|Pasteur bashi 把式|person skilled in a trade/skill bashi 罢市|protest strike by merchants bashi 把屎|to support a child (or invalid etc) w... bashiba 拔示巴|Bathsheba, wife of Uriah the Hittite ... bashidi 巴士底|the Bastille (Paris) bashihaixia 巴士海峡|Bashi Channel in the northern part of... bashila 巴士拉|Basra (city in Iraq) bashishajun 巴氏杀菌|pasteurization bashishiyan 巴氏试验|Pap test (medicine) bashitianhuanyoudiqiu 八十天环游地球|Around the World in Eighty Days by Ju... bashizhan 巴士站|bus stop bashou 把手|to shake hands bashou 把手|handle/grip/knob bashou 把守|to guard bashou 罢手|to give up bashu 巴蜀|Sichuan/originally two provinces of Q... basi 拔丝|wire drawing/candied floss (cooking)/... basi 巴斯|Bath city in southwest England baside 巴斯德|Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French che... basidiya 巴斯蒂亚|Bastia (French town on Corsica island) basike 巴斯克|Basque/the Basque Country basikeyu 巴斯克语|Basque (language) basiteer 巴斯特尔|Basseterre, capital of Saint Kitts an... basong 巴松|(loanword) bassoon basongguan 巴松管|(loanword) bassoon basongguan 巴颂管|(Tw) (loanword) bassoon batai 吧台|counter of a bar (pub) bataidajiao 八抬大轿|palanquin with eight carriers/(fig.) ... batang 巴塘|Batang county (Tibetan: \'ba\' thang rd... batangxian 巴塘县|Batang county (Tibetan: \'ba\' thang rd... batanqundao 巴坦群岛|Batan Islands in Bashi Channel betwee... bate 巴特|Barth or Barthes (name)/Roland Barthe... batena 巴特纳|Batna, town in eastern Algeria batewazu 巴特瓦族|see 特瓦族[Te4 wa3 zu2] batie 巴铁|Transit Elevated Bus (TEB)/(coll.) Pa... batiya 芭提雅|Pattaya, Thailand batou 把头|labor contractor/gangmaster batour 扒头儿|handhold (to pull oneself up) batoutannao 巴头探脑|to poke one\'s head in and pry (idiom)... batui 拔腿|to break into a run batunluri 巴吞鲁日|Baton Rouge, capital of Louisiana batuo 吧托|scam girl/woman who lures men to an e... batuonv 吧托女|scam girl/woman who lures men to an e... bawan 把玩|to turn around in one\'s hands/to play... bawandazangjing 八万大藏经|Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scripture... bawang 霸王|hegemon/overlord/despot bawang 巴望|to look forward to bawangbian 霸王鞭|a rattle stick used in folk dancing/r... bawangbieji 霸王别姬|The Conqueror Bids Farewell to His Fa... bawanglong 霸王龙|Tyrannosaurus rex bawangshu 霸王树|Madagascar palm (Pachypodium lamerei) bawangtiaokuan 霸王条款|(law) unfair clause/unequal clause bawangyingshanggong 霸王硬上弓|to force oneself upon sb (idiom)/to rape bawangzhidao 霸王之道|the Way of the Hegemon/despotic rule/... baweiyuan 八位元|8-bit (computing) bawen 把稳|trustworthy/dependable bawo 把握|to grasp (also fig.)/to seize/to hold... bawu 巴乌|bawu, a free reed wind instrument sha... bawu 吧务|forum manager bawuqianniu 扒屋牵牛|to sack the home and lead off the cat... baxi 巴西|Brazil baxi 把戏|acrobatics; jugglery/trick; ploy baxi 把细|(dialect) see 仔細|仔细[zi3xi4] baxian 八仙|the Eight Immortals (Daoist mythology) baxian 霸县|Ba county in Tianjin baxian 巴先|percent (loanword) baxian 巴仙|percent (loanword) baxian 巴县|Ba county in Chongqing 重慶市|重庆市, Sichuan baxiangchengdao 八相成道|the eight stages of the Buddha\'s life... baxianguohai,gexianqineng 八仙过海,各显其能|see 八仙過海,各顯神通|八仙过海,各显神通[Ba1 xian1 guo... baxianguohai,gexianshentong 八仙过海,各显神通|lit. the Eight Immortals cross the se... baxianhu 八仙湖|see 草海[Cao3 hai3] baxianzhuo 八仙桌|old-fashioned square table to seat ei... baxiaoshigongzuozhi 八小时工作制|eight-hour working day baxier 巴希尔|Bashir (name)/Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Ba... baxiliya 巴西利亚|Brasilia, capital of Brazil baxin 靶心|center of target/bull\'s eye baxin 巴新|Papua New Guinea (abbr. for 巴布亞新幾內亞|巴... baxinbagan 巴心巴肝|with all one\'s heart (dialect) baxinfangzaiduzili 把心放在肚子里|(coll.) to be completely at ease baxiongdi 把兄弟|sworn brothers baxiroushu 巴西柔术|Brazilian jiu-jitsu baxiu 罢休|to give up/to abandon (a goal etc)/to... baxizhanwu 巴西战舞|capoeira baya 拔牙|to extract a tooth bayan 巴彦|Bayan county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er... bayan 伯颜|Bayan (name)/Bayan of the Baarin (123... bayang 拔秧|to pull up seedlings (for transplanting) bayanhaote 巴彦浩特|Bayanhot, capital of Alxa League 阿拉善盟... bayanhaotezhen 巴彦浩特镇|Bayanhot Town, capital of Alxa League... bayankala 巴颜喀拉|Bayankala mountain range in Qinghai-T... bayannaoer 巴彦淖尔|Bayan Nur prefecture-level city in In... bayannaoershi 巴彦淖尔市|Bayan Nur prefecture-level city in In... bayanxian 巴彦县|Bayan county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er... baye 霸业|the task of establishing and maintain... bayeliba 巴耶利巴|Paya Lebar, a place in Singapore bayi 巴以|Palestinian-Israeli (relations) bayijianjunjie 八一建军节|see 建軍節|建军节[Jian4 jun1 jie2] bayilandaxue 巴伊兰大学|Bar-Ilan University, in Israel bayin 八音|ancient classification system for mus... bayinbukecaoyuan 巴音布克草原|Bayanbulak grasslands in Uldus basin ... baying 拔营|to strike camp bayinguolengmengguzizhizhou 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州|Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefectu... bayinguolengzhou 巴音郭楞州|abbr. for Bayingolin Mongol Autonomou... bayinhe 八音盒|musical box bayinmanduhu 巴音满都呼|Bayan Mandahu, village in Bayan Nur 巴... bayiwu 八一五|15th August (the date of Japan\'s surr... bayu 鲅鱼|Japanese Spanish mackerel (Scomberomo... bayu 鲃鱼|barbel (fish) bayu 跋语|short comment or critical appraisal a... bayue 八月|August/eighth month (of the lunar year) bayuefen 八月份|August bayuezhiguang 八月之光|Light in August (novel by William Fau... bayuquan 鲅鱼圈|Bayuquan District of Yingkou City 營口市... bayuquanqu 鲅鱼圈区|Bayuquan district of Yingkou City 營口市... bazaizu 巴宰族|Pazeh, one of the indigenous peoples ... bazha 巴扎|bazaar (loanword) bazhan 霸占|to occupy by force/to seize/to dominate bazhang 巴掌|palm of the hand/classifier: slap bazhengdao 八正道|the Eight-fold Noble Way (Buddhism) bazhentang 八珍汤|eight-treasure decoction, tonic formu... bazhi 靶纸|target sheet bazhong 巴中|see 巴中市[Ba1zhong1 Shi4] bazhongshi 巴中市|Bazhong, prefecture-level city in Sic... bazhou 霸州|Bazhou, county-level city in Langfang... bazhou 巴州|East Sichuan and Chongqing/also abbr.... bazhoushi 霸州市|Bazhou, county-level city in Langfang... bazhu 霸主|a powerful chief of the princes of th... bazhu 吧主|message board moderator or administrator bazhuayu 八爪鱼|octopus bazhuo 拔擢|select the best people for promotion bazi 八字|the character 8 or 八/birthdate charac... bazi 靶子|target bazi 把子|handle bazibu 八字步|step with feet splayed outwards bazifangzhen 八字方针|a policy expressed as an eight-charac... bazihaimeiyipie 八字还没一撇|lit. not even the first stroke of the... bazihaimeiyipier 八字还没一撇儿|lit. there is not even the first stro... bazihu 八字胡|mustache shaped like character 八 bazihuxu 八字胡须|mustache shaped like character 八 bazijiao 八字脚|splayfoot bazimei 八字眉|sloping eyebrows, formed like charact... bazimeiyipie 八字没一撇|lit. there is not even the first stro... bazimingli 八字命理|divination based on the eight charact... bazixing 八字形|shape resembling the character 八 or 8... bazong 霸总|handsome high-powered businessman (ab... bazong 把总|low-level officer of the army from th... bazuka 巴祖卡|bazooka (loanword) bazuo 霸座|to willfully occupy sb else\'s seat bchao B超|B-mode ultrasonography/prenatal ultra... bei 被|quilt/to cover (with)/(literary) to s... bei 北|north/(classical) to be defeated bei 杯|cup/trophy cup/classifier for certain... bei 杯|variant of 杯[bei1] bei 杯|variant of 杯[bei1]/trophy cup/classif... bei 背|variant of 背[bei1] bei 背|to be burdened/to carry on the back o... bei 背|the back of a body or object/to turn ... bei 贝|surname Bei bei 贝|cowrie/shellfish/currency (archaic) bei 倍|(two, three etc) -fold/times (multipl... bei 备|variant of 備|备[bei4] bei 备|(bound form) to prepare; to equip/(li... bei 碑|a monument/an upright stone tablet/st... bei 呗|modal particle indicating lack of ent... bei 辈|lifetime/generation/group of people/c... bei 鹎|the Pycnonotidae or bulbul family of ... bei 蓓|(flower) bud bei 钡|barium (chemistry) bei 卑|low/base/vulgar/inferior/humble bei 陂|pool/pond/bank of a pond/mountain slo... bei 焙|to dry over a fire/to bake bei 悖|to go against/to be contrary to/perve... bei 悖|old variant of 悖[bei4] bei 悲|sad/sadness/sorrow/grief bei 孛|comet bei 邶|name of a feudal state bei 碚|(used in place names) bei 狈|a legendary wolf/distressed/wretched bei 惫|exhausted bei 鞴|to saddle a horse bei 鐾|to sharpen (a knife) on a stone or a ... bei 琲|necklace bei 椑|Fagus sylvatica bei 僃|old variant of 備|备[bei4] bei 糒|food for a journey/cakes bei 褙|paper or cloth pasted together bei 鞁|horse tack (articles of harness such ... bei 鉳|berkelium (chemistry) (Tw) bei 偝|to disobey/to stand back-to-back bei 㮎|variant of 杯[bei1] beiai 悲哀|grieved/sorrowful beiai 北爱|abbr. for 北愛爾蘭|北爱尔兰[Bei3 Ai4 er3 lan2... beiaierlan 北爱尔兰|Northern Ireland beian 备案|to put on record/to file beian 北安|Bei\'an, county-level city in Heihe 黑河... beianpudun 北安普敦|Northampton, town in central England,... beianshi 北安市|Bei\'an, county-level city in Heihe 黑河... beiban 背板|panel/back panel beiban 备办|to provide (items for an event)/to ca... beibang 背榜|to score last in an examination beibanqiu 北半球|Northern Hemisphere beibao 背包|knapsack/rucksack/infantry pack/field... beibao 贝宝|PayPal (Internet payment and money tr... beibao 悲报|sad news; bad news beibaofu 背包袱|to have a weight on one\'s mind/to tak... beibaoke 背包客|backpacker beibaoren 被保人|insured person/insurance policyholder beibaoyou 背包游|backpacking beibaozhe 被爆者|survivor of the atomic bombings of Hi... beibei 北碚|Beibei, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆... beibeibuzudao 卑卑不足道|to be too petty or insignificant to m... beibeiqu 北碚区|Beibei, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆... beibi 卑鄙|base/mean/contemptible/despicable beibi 北鼻|baby (loanword) beibi-wuchi 卑鄙无耻|(idiom) shameless; despicable; devoid... beibian 北边|north/north side/northern part/to the... beibianr 北边儿|erhua variant of 北邊|北边[bei3 bian1] beibingyang 北冰洋|Arctic ocean beibiwochuo 卑鄙龌龊|sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile... beiboxuezhe 被剥削者|person suffering exploitation/the wor... beibu 背部|back (of a human or other vertebrate,... beibu 北部|northern part beibu 被捕|to be arrested/under arrest beibulabante 北布拉班特|Noord Brabant, Netherlands beibutuo 贝·布托|Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007), Pakistani... beibuwan 北部湾|Gulf of Tonkin beibuzisheng 悲不自胜|unable to control one\'s grief (idiom)... beibuzudao 卑不足道|not worth mentioning beican 悲惨|miserable/tragic beicangqu 北仓区|erroneous variant of 北侖區|北仑区[Bei3 lun... beicanshijie 悲惨世界|Les Misérables (1862) by Victor Hugo ... beice 北侧|north side/north face beice 悲恻|grieved/sorrowful beice 背侧|back/back side beicha 备查|for future reference beichaihu 北柴胡|honewort/Cryptotaenia japonica beichang-jianku 备尝艰苦|see 備嘗辛苦|备尝辛苦[bei4chang2-xin1ku3] beichang-xinku 备尝辛苦|(idiom) to have suffered all kinds of... beichangweishanque 北长尾山雀|(bird species of China) long-tailed t... beichao 北朝|Northern Dynasties (386-581) beichaoxian 北朝鲜|North Korea beiche 北车|(coll.) Taipei Railway Station (abbr.... beichen 北辰|Polaris/North Star beicheng 背称|term used to refer to a person who is... beichengjieyi 背城借一|to make a last-ditch stand before the... beichengshu 被乘数|multiplicand beichenqu 北辰区|Beichen suburban district of Tianjin ... beichi 贝齿|pearly white teeth/cowry beichou 悲愁|melancholy beichu 辈出|to come forth in large numbers beichu 悲楚|sorrowful/grieved beichuan 北川|Beichuan, county-level city in Mianya... beichuang 悲怆|sorrow/tragic beichuanqiangzuzizhixian 北川羌族自治县|Beichuan Qiang autonomous county in M... beichuanxian 北川县|Beichuan Qiang autonomous county in M... beichushu 被除数|dividend (math.) beici 背刺|to backstab beicihoubi 卑辞厚币|humble expression for generous donation beicihouli 卑辞厚礼|humble expression for generous gift beicui 悲摧|grieved/miserable beicui 悲催|(Internet slang) miserable/pathetic/t... beida 北大|Peking University (abbr. for 北京大學|北京大学) beidahuang 北大荒|the Great Northern Wilderness (in Nor... beidai 背带|braces/suspenders/sling (for a rifle)... beidaihe 北戴河|Beidaihe district of Qinhuangdao city... beidaihequ 北戴河区|Beidaihe district of Qinhuangdao city... beidaiku 背带裤|overalls/dungarees beidaketa 北达科他|North Dakota, US state beidaketazhou 北达科他州|North Dakota, US state beidan 被单|(bed) sheet/envelope for a padded cov... beidao 悲悼|to mourn/to grieve over sb\'s death beidao 北岛|Bei Dao (1949-), Chinese poet beidaoerchi 背道而驰|to run in the opposite direction (idi... beidaxiyang 北大西洋|North Atlantic beidaxiyanggongyuezuzhi 北大西洋公约组织|North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO beide 背德|immoral; unethical beidi 背地|secretly/in private/behind someone\'s ... beidi 备抵|an allowance/to allow for (a drop in ... beidian 杯垫|(beverage) coaster beidiao 贝雕|shell carving beidiao 背调|background check (abbr. for 背景調查|背景调查... beidili 背地里|behind sb\'s back; secretly beidong 被动|passive beidongmianyi 被动免疫|passive immunity beidongxiyan 被动吸烟|second-hand smoking/passive smoking beidou 北斗|Great Bear/Big Dipper/Beidou or Peito... beidouqixing 北斗七星|(astronomy) Big Dipper beidouweixingdaohangxitong 北斗卫星导航系统|BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (B... beidouxing 北斗星|the Big Dipper/the Plow beidouzhen 北斗镇|Beidou or Peitou Town in Changhua Cou... beiduan 北端|northern extremity beiduanchiying 北短翅莺|(bird species of China) Baikal bush w... beidui 背对|to have one\'s back towards beiduibei 背对背|back to back beiduo 贝多|pattra palm tree (loan from Sanskrit,... beiduofen 贝多芬|Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Ger... beiduoluoshu 贝多罗树|Talipot palm (Corypha umbraculifera),... beie 碑额|the top part of a tablet beier 贝尔|Bell (person name) beierbuyong 备而不用|have sth ready just in case/keep sth ... beierfasite 贝尔法斯特|Belfast, capital of Northern Ireland beiergelaide 贝尔格莱德|Belgrade, capital of Serbia beiergele 贝尔格勒|Belgrade, capital of Serbia (Tw) beiergen 卑尔根|Bergen beierhu 贝尔湖|Buir Lake of Inner Mongolia beiermobang 贝尔墨邦|Belmopan, capital of Belize (Tw) beiermopan 贝尔莫潘|Belmopan, capital of Belize beiershiyanshi 贝尔实验室|Bell Labs beierwai 北二外|abbr. for 北京第二外國語學院|北京第二外国语学院[Bei3 ji... beifa 北伐|the Northern Expedition, the National... beifajun 北伐军|the Northern Expeditionary Army beifang 北方|north/the northern part a country/Chi... beifangbang 北方邦|Uttar Pradesh (state in India) beifanggongye 北方工业|Norinco, PRC state-run conglomerate beifanglao 北方佬|northerner/guy from the north/Yankee beifangminzudaxue 北方民族大学|Northern Nationalities University NNU... beifangzhe 被访者|respondent (in a survey, questionnair... beifangzhongdujuan 北方中杜鹃|(bird species of China) oriental cuck... beifei 北非|North Africa beifen 备份|backup beifen 辈分|seniority in the family or clan; posi... beifen 悲愤|grief and indignation beifen 焙粉|baking powder beifu 被服|bedding and clothing beifu 背负|to bear/to carry on one\'s back/to sho... beigan 倍感|to feel even more (lonely etc); to be... beigan 焙干|to dry over a fire/to roast beigan 北竿|Peikan Island, one of the Matsu Islan... beigang 北港|Beigang or Peikang town in Yunlin cou... beigangzhen 北港镇|Beigang or Peikang town in Yunlin cou... beiganxiang 北竿乡|Peikan township in Lienchiang county ... beigao 被告|defendant beigaoren 被告人|defendant (in legal case) beige 悲歌|to sing with solemn fervor/sad, stirr... beige 杯葛|to boycott (loanword) beigedangku 悲歌当哭|to sing instead of weep (idiom) beigeng 备耕|to make preparations for plowing and ... beigeng 悲哽|to choke with grief beigongqujie 卑躬屈节|to bow and scrape/to act servilely beigongquxi 卑躬屈膝|to bow and bend the knee (idiom); faw... beigongsheying 杯弓蛇影|lit. to see a bow reflected in a cup ... beigu 背骨|spine beiguan 悲观|pessimistic beiguan 北关|Beiguan district of Anyang city 安陽市|安... beiguang 背光|to be in a poor light/to do sth with ... beiguanqu 北关区|Beiguan district of Anyang city 安陽市|安... beiguo 北国|the northern part of the country/the ... beiguo 贝果|bagel (loanword) beiguo 焙果|variant of 貝果|贝果[bei4 guo3] beiguo 培果|variant of 貝果|贝果[bei4 guo3] beiguo 背锅|(slang) (neologism derived from 背黑鍋|背... beihai 北海|Beihai, park in Beijing to the northw... beihaidao 北海道|Hokkaidō, Japan beihaijiandui 北海舰队|North Sea Fleet beihairen 被害人|victim beihaishi 北海市|Beihai prefecture-level city and seap... beihaizhe 被害者|victim (of a wounding or murder) beihan 北韩|(Tw, HK) North Korea beihan 北汉|Han of the Five dynasties (951-979), ... beihandai 北寒带|the north frigid zone beiheiguo 背黑锅|to be made a scapegoat; to be unjustl... beihelan 北荷兰|North Holland beihexie 被和谐|to be \"harmonized\" i.e. censored beihongweiqu 北红尾鸲|(bird species of China) Daurian redst... beihou 背后|behind/at the back/in the rear/behind... beihuang 备荒|to prepare against natural disasters beihuangying 北蝗莺|(bird species of China) Middendorff\'s... beihuanlihe 悲欢离合|joys and sorrows/partings and reunion... beihui 悖晦|(coll.) muddleheaded beihuiguixian 北回归线|Tropic of Cancer beihuqu 北湖区|North lake district/Beihu district of... beiji 北极|the North Pole; the Arctic Pole/the n... beiji 背脊|the back of the human body beiji 碑记|a record of events inscribed on a tablet beijiadianchi 背夹电池|battery case (for a phone) beijiaerhu 贝加尔湖|Lake Baikal beijialai 贝加莱|B&R Industrial Automation Internation... beijian 备件|spare parts beijian 卑贱|lowly/mean and low beijian 焙煎|to dry and roast over a low fire (tea... beijiang 北疆|northern Xinjiang (north of the Tian ... beijiang 北疆|northern frontier beijiang 北江|Beijiang River beijiang 备降|(aviation) to land at an alternate ai... beijianshu 被减数|(math.) minuend beijiao 北角|North Point district of Hong Kong beijiao 杯筊|see 杯珓[bei1 jiao4] beijiao 碑珓|variant of 杯珓[bei1jiao4] beijiao 杯珓|pair of mussel-shaped objects thrown ... beijiashu 被加数|augend; addend beijie 碑碣|stone tablet (with inscription) beijiguang 北极光|northern lights/aurora borealis beijihu 北极狐|arctic fox beijing 北京|Beijing municipality, capital of the ... beijing 背景|background; backdrop; context/(fig.) ... beijingchanquanjiaoyisuo 北京产权交易所|China Beijing Equity Exchange (CBEX) beijingchenbao 北京晨报|Beijing Morning Post, newspaper publi... beijingdaxingguojijichang 北京大兴国际机场|Beijing Daxing International Airport ... beijingdaxue 北京大学|Peking University beijingdianyingxueyuan 北京电影学院|Beijing Film Academy beijingdiaocha 背景调查|background check beijingdierwaiguoyuxueyuan 北京第二外国语学院|Beijing International Studies Univers... beijinggongrentiyuchang 北京工人体育场|Workers Stadium beijinggongyedaxue 北京工业大学|Beijing University of Technology beijingguangboxueyuan 北京广播学院|Beijing Broadcasting Institute, forme... beijingguojiatiyuchang 北京国家体育场|Beijing National Stadium beijingguojiayouyongzhongxin 北京国家游泳中心|Beijing National Aquatics Center, swi... beijinghangkonghangtiandaxue 北京航空航天大学|Beijing University of Aeronautics and... beijinghewuqiyanjiusuo 北京核武器研究所|Nuclear Weapon Institute in Beijing beijinghua 北京话|Beijing dialect beijinghuanqiujinrongzhongxin 北京环球金融中心|Beijing World Financial Center, skysc... beijingjiaoyuxueyuan 北京教育学院|Beijing Institute of Education beijingkaoya 北京烤鸭|Peking Duck beijingke 北京咳|\"Beijing cough\", respiratory problems... beijingkejidaxue 北京科技大学|University of Science and Technology ... beijingligongdaxue 北京理工大学|Beijing Institute of Technology beijinglinyedaxue 北京林业大学|Beijing Forestry University beijinglixiang 背井离乡|to leave one\'s native place, esp. aga... beijingnanyuanjichang 北京南苑机场|Beijing Nanyuan Airport, military air... beijingqichezhizaochangyouxiangongsi 北京汽车制造厂有限公司|Beijing Automobile Works (BAW) beijingqingnianbao 北京青年报|Beijing Youth Daily, newspaper founde... beijingren 北京人|Beijing resident/Peking ape-man, Homo... beijingribao 北京日报|Beijing Daily (newspaper), beijingshi 北京市|Beijing municipality, capital of the ... beijingshifandaxue 北京师范大学|Beijing Normal University beijingshijian 北京时间|Beijing Time (BJT); China Standard Ti... beijingtan 北京瘫|\"Beijing slouch\", sitting posture sai... beijingwaiguoyudaxue 北京外国语大学|Beijing Foreign Studies University (B... beijingwanbao 北京晚报|Beijing Evening News beijingwudaoxueyuan 北京舞蹈学院|Beijing Dance Academy beijingwuzixueyuan 北京物资学院|Beijing Materials University beijingxuhua 背景虚化|background blurring (photography) beijingyin 北京音|Beijing pronunciation beijingyinyue 背景音乐|background music (BGM)/soundtrack/mus... beijingyuanren 北京猿人|Peking ape-man/Homo erectus pekinensi... beijingyuyandaxue 北京语言大学|Beijing Language and Culture Universi... beijingyuyanxueyuan 北京语言学院|Beijing Language Institute/former nam... beijingzhongyiyaodaxue 北京中医药大学|Beijing University of Chinese Medicine beijingzhoubao 北京周报|Beijing Review/also written 北京週報|北京周报 beijingzhoubao 北京周报|Beijing Review beijiou 北极鸥|(bird species of China) glaucous gull... beijiquan 北极圈|Arctic Circle beijiu 贝九|Beethoven\'s Ninth beijiujieyuan 杯酒解怨|a wine cup dissolves complaints (idio... beijiushibingquan 杯酒释兵权|to dismiss military hierarchy using w... beijiuyanhuan 杯酒言欢|a few drinks and a nice conversation ... beijixing 北极星|North Star/Polaris beijixiong 北极熊|polar bear beiju 悲剧|tragedy/CL:齣|出[chu1] beiju 杯具|cup/(slang) (pun on 悲劇|悲剧[bei1 ju4], ... beijuan 惫倦|tired and sleepy/tipsy beijuquexian 悲剧缺陷|tragic flaw (Aristotle\'s hamartia) beijuxing 悲剧性|tragic beikagudi 贝卡谷地|Bekaa Valley between Lebanon and Syria beikaluolaina 北卡罗来纳|North Carolina, US state beikaluolainazhou 北卡罗来纳州|North Carolina, US state beikao 备考|to prepare for an exam/(of an appendi... beikao 焙烤|to bake/to roast/to kiln beikaobei 背靠背|back to back beike 备课|(of a teacher) to prepare lessons beike 贝克|Baker or Becker (name) beike 贝克|becquerel (unit of radioactivity, sym... beike 贝壳|shell (of a mollusk) beike 碑刻|inscription on stone tablet beikeer 贝克尔|Baker or Becker (name) beikehanmu 贝克汉姆|Beckenham or Beckham (name)/David Bec... beikeleer 贝克勒尔|becquerel (unit of radioactivity, sym... beiker 贝壳儿|erhua variant of 貝殼|贝壳[bei4 ke2] beikong 被控|the accused (in a trial) beiku 悲苦|forlorn; miserable beikun 被困|to be trapped; to be stranded beikuoji 背阔肌|latissimus dorsi muscle (back of the ... beila 贝拉|Beira, Mozambique beilai 惫赖|naughty/cheeky beilaiyinweisitefalunzhou 北莱茵·威斯特法伦州|Nordrhein-Westfalen, state of Germany beilami 贝拉米|Bellamy beilan 惫懒|naughty/mischievous person beilao 北佬|northerner, person from Northern Chin... beilei 蓓蕾|flower bud/young flower still tightly... beilei 贝类|shellfish/mollusks beileimao 贝雷帽|beret (loanword) beili 背离|to depart from/to deviate from/deviation beiliang 悲凉|sorrowful/dismal beiliang 北凉|Northern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdom... beiliangniao 北椋鸟|(bird species of China) Daurian starl... beiliao 备料|to get the materials ready/to prepare... beilie 卑劣|base/mean/despicable beilikadeng 贝利卡登|Ballycotton (Irish: Baile Choitín), v... beilin 碑林|Forest of Steles (museum in Xi\'an)/Be... beilin 北林|Beilin District of Suihua City 綏化市|绥化... beilingdi 北领地|Northern Territory, sparsely populate... beilingjiaoxiao 北领角鸮|(bird species of China) Japanese scop... beilinqu 北林区|Beilin District of Suihua City 綏化市|绥化... beilinqu 碑林区|Beilin District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1 ... beilisi 贝里斯|Belize (Tw) beiliu 北流|Beiliu, county-level city in Yulin 玉林... beiliu 北鹨|(bird species of China) Pechora pipit... beiliushi 北流市|Beiliu, county-level city in Yulin 玉林... beilou 背篓|a basket carried on the back beilou 卑陋|humble/petty/crude beilouwochuo 卑陋龌龊|sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile... beiluan 悖乱|to rebel/sedition/to delude/confused beilun 悖论|paradox (logic) beilun 北仑|Beilun district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波... beilunqu 北仑区|Beilun district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波... beilusikeni 贝卢斯科尼|Silvio Berlusconi (1936-), Italian me... beilute 贝鲁特|Beirut, capital of Lebanon beilv 倍率|(optics) magnifying power beilvyou 被旅游|(coll.) (of a dissident) to be taken ... beimaliyana 北马里亚纳|Northern Mariana Islands beimaliyanaqundao 北马里亚纳群岛|Northern Mariana Islands beimang 北邙|Mt Mang at Luoyang in Henan, with man... beimao 被毛|coat (of an animal) beimei 北美|North America beimeizhou 北美洲|North America beimian 背面|the back/the reverse side/the wrong side beimian 北面|northern side/north beimian 被面|quilt beimian 杯面|cup noodles beimianzuo 北冕座|Corona Borealis (constellation) beimin 悲悯|to take pity on sb/compassionate beiming 悲鸣|to utter a mournful cry/wail; groan beiming 碑铭|inscription on stone tablet beimiu 悖谬|absurd/irrational beimiu 悖缪|variant of 悖謬|悖谬[bei4 miu4] beimiu 背谬|variant of 悖謬|悖谬[bei4 miu4] beimu 贝母|the bulb of the fritillary (Fritillar... beinan 贝南|Benin (Tw) beinan 卑南|Beinan or Peinan township in Taitung ... beinang 背囊|backpack/knapsack/rucksack beinanxiang 卑南乡|Beinan or Peinan township in Taitung ... beinanzu 卑南族|puyuma, one of the indigenous peoples... beinaqierbutuo 贝娜齐尔·布托|Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007), Pakistani... beinatong 贝纳通|Benetton, clothes company beineite 贝内特|Bennett (surname) beini 悖逆|contrary beini 背逆|to violate; to go against beining 贝宁|Benin beinuli 贝努力|Bernoulli (Swiss mathematical family,... beiou 北欧|north Europe/Scandinavia beiouhangkonggongsi 北欧航空公司|Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) beipaitanglangquan 北派螳螂拳|Beipai Tanglang Quan - \"Northern Pray... beipan 背叛|to betray beipanlangji 杯盘狼藉|cups and dishes in complete disorder ... beipanzhe 背叛者|traitor beipi 备皮|to prep a patient\'s skin prior to sur... beipiao 北票|Beipiao, county-level city in Chaoyan... beipiao 北漂|to migrate to Beijing in search of be... beipiaoshi 北票市|Beipiao, county-level city in Chaoyan... beipin 备品|machine parts or tools kept in reserv... beiping 北平|Peiping or Beiping (name of Beijing a... beipinqi 倍频器|frequency multiplier beipo 被迫|to be compelled/to be forced beipo 北坡|north slope beipu 北埔|Beipu or Peipu Township in Hsinchu Co... beipuxiang 北埔乡|Beipu or Peipu Township in Hsinchu Co... beiqi 北汽|Beijing Automobile Works (BAW)/abbr. ... beiqi 悲戚|mournful beiqi 背弃|to abandon/to desert/to renounce beiqi 背鳍|dorsal fin beiqi 悲凄|pitiable/sorrowful beiqi 背气|to stop breathing (as a medical condi... beiqi 悲泣|to weep with grief beiqi 北圻|Tonkin, northern Vietnam during the F... beiqi 北齐|Qi of the Northern Dynasties (550-557) beiqiang 被墙|(slang) (of a website) to get blocked beiqie 卑怯|mean and cowardly/abject beiqie 悲切|mournful beiqishu 北齐书|History of Qi of the Northern Dynasti... beiqiu 贝丘|shell mound beiqu 备取|to be on the waiting list (for admiss... beir 辈儿|generation beir 倍儿|(coll.) very; really beirbang 倍儿棒|(dialect) awesome/excellent beiru 被褥|bedding/bedclothes beisao 贝嫂|nickname for Victoria Beckham beisha 背杀|(slang) (usu. of a woman) sb who look... beishan 北山|northern mountain/refers to Mt Mang 邙... beishan 背山|with back to the mountain (favored lo... beishang 悲伤|sad; sorrowful beishang 北上|to go up north beishangguang 北上广|Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou/abbr.... beishangguangshen 北上广深|Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shen... beishangsuren 被上诉人|appellee (side that won in trial cour... beishanlinshui 背山临水|with back to the mountain and facing ... beishanyang 北山羊|ibex beishao 焙烧|to roast/to bake (e.g. mineral ore) beishengzaidao 悲声载道|lamentations fill the roads (idiom); ... beishi 碑石|stele/vertical stone tablet for carve... beishi 背时|outdated/out of luck beishi 北史|History of the Northern Dynasties, fi... beishi 卑诗|British Columbia, province of Canada ... beishida 北师大|Beijing Normal University/abbr. for 北... beishiti 贝氏体|(metallurgy) bainite; bainitic beishou 备受|to fully experience (good or bad) beishu 倍数|multiple/multiplier/factor beishu 背书|to recite (a text) from memory; to le... beishuichexin 杯水车薪|lit. a cup of water on a burning cart... beishuiyizhan 背水一战|lit. fight with one\'s back to the riv... beisi 贝斯|Bes, a minor god of ancient Egypt beisi 贝斯|bass (loanword)/bass guitar beisi 贝司|bass (loanword) beisijita 贝斯吉他|bass guitar beisong 北宋|the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) beisong 背诵|to recite/to repeat from memory beisongsidabushu 北宋四大部书|Four great compilations of Northern S... beisoushima 北叟失马|lit. the old man lost his horse, but ... beisuan 悲酸|bitter and sad beita 北塔|North tower/Beita district of Shaoyan... beita 贝塔|beta (Greek letter Ββ) beita 倍塔|beta (loanword) beitai 备胎|spare tire/(slang) fallback guy (or g... beitai 被胎|duvet inner; duvet insert (i.e. a duv... beitan 悲叹|to bewail/to sigh mournfully/to lament beitang 陂塘|pool/pond beitao 被套|(finance) to be stuck with an asset t... beitao 被套|duvet cover; quilt cover beitaqu 北塔区|Beita District of Shaoyang City 邵陽市|邵... beitasiman 贝塔斯曼|Bertelsmann, German media company beiti 悲啼|to wail with grief/plaintive cry beitianminren 悲天悯人|to bemoan the state of the universe a... beitie 碑帖|a rubbing from a stone inscription beiting 碑亭|pavilion housing a stele beitong 悲痛|grieved/sorrowful beitong 悲恸|mournful beitou 背头|swept-back hairstyle beitou 北投|Beitou or Peitou District of Taipei C... beitouqu 北投区|Beitou or Peitou District of Taipei C... beitun 北屯|Beitun, city in Altay Prefecture 阿勒泰地... beitunqu 北屯区|Beitun District of Taichung, Taiwan beitunshi 北屯市|Beitun, city in Altay Prefecture 阿勒泰地... beituo 备妥|to get sth ready beituo 杯托|a saucer beiwai 北外|abbr. for 北京外國語大學|北京外国语大学[Bei3 jing1 ... beiwanglu 备忘录|memorandum/aide-memoire/memorandum book beiwei 北纬|north latitude beiwei 北魏|Wei of the Northern Dynasties (386-53... beiwei 卑微|lowly/humble beiweizhou 北威州|North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany beiwen 碑文|inscription on a tablet beiwendai 北温带|the north temperate zone beiwo 被窝|(traditional bedding) quilt wrapped a... beiwo 被卧|quilt/cover beiwor 被窝儿|erhua variant of 被窩|被窝[bei4 wo1] beiwu 卑污|despicable and filthy/foul beiwuhua 被物化|objectified beixi 备细|details/particulars beixi 备悉|to know all about/to be informed of a... beixia 备下|to prepare/to arrange (sth to be offe... beixia 卑下|base/low beixie 背斜|anticline (geology) beixijiaoji 悲喜交集|mixed feelings of grief and joy beixiju 悲喜剧|tragicomedy beixin 背心|sleeveless garment (vest, waistcoat, ... beixin 背信|to break faith beixing 孛星|comet (arch.) beixinqiyi 背信弃义|breaking faith and abandoning right (... beixuan 备选|alternative (plan, arrangement, strat... beixuanjuquan 被选举权|the right to be elected/the right to ... beiya 北亚|North Asia beiyan 北燕|Northern Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms ... beiyang 北洋|the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal... beiyangjun 北洋军|north China army, a modernizing Weste... beiyangjunfa 北洋军阀|the Northern Warlords (1912-1927) beiyanglujun 北洋陆军|north China army (esp. during the war... beiyangshuishi 北洋水师|north China navy (esp. the ill-fated ... beiyangxi 北洋系|Beiyang faction of Northern Warlords beiyangzhengfu 北洋政府|the Warlord government of Northern Ch... beiyatelikesi 贝娅特丽克丝|Beatrix (name) beiye 贝叶|pattra palm tree (Corypha umbraculife... beiyejing 贝叶经|sutra written on leaves of pattra pal... beiyesi 贝叶斯|Bayes (name)/Thomas Bayes (1702-1761)... beiyezong 贝叶棕|pattra palm tree (Corypha umbraculife... beiyi 背倚|to have one\'s back against/to lean ag... beiyi 被译|translated beiyin 背阴|in the shade/shady beiyinduyu 北印度语|Hindi/a north Indian language beiying 背影|rear view/figure seen from behind/vie... beiyingjuan 北鹰鹃|(bird species of China) rufous hawk-c... beiyingr 背影儿|erhua variant of 背影[bei4 ying3] beiyingshashou 背影杀手|(slang) (usu. of a woman) sb who look... beiyizhe 被疑者|suspect (in criminal investigation) beiyizimu 卑以自牧|(idiom) to conduct oneself humbly; mo... beiyong 备用|reserve/spare/alternate/backup beiyongerjitouhuxiqi 备用二级头呼吸器|(scuba diving) backup regulator; octopus beiyonghuan 备用环|backup ring beiyouhuadiao 被优化掉|to be made redundant beiyuan 北苑|Beiyuan neighborhood of Beijing beiyuan 备援|backup (Tw) beiyue 北约|NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organizat... beiyue 北岳|Mt Heng 恆山|恒山[Heng2 Shan1] in Shanxi,... beiyue 北越|North Vietnam/North Vietnamese beiyue 背约|to break an agreement/to go back on o... beiyuming 贝聿铭|Pei Ieoh Ming or I.M. Pei (1917-2019)... beiyun 背运|bad luck/unlucky beiyun 备孕|to be trying to get pregnant beizaoya 北噪鸦|(bird species of China) Siberian jay ... beizeng 倍增|to double/to redouble/to increase man... beizengqi 倍增器|multiplier beizhai 背债|to be in debt/to be saddled with debts beizhan 备战|prepared against war/to prepare for w... beizhe 背着|carrying on one\'s back beizhe 背着|turning one\'s back to (sth or sb)/kee... beizhebaozheyibanzhong 背着抱着一般重|lit. whether one carries it on one\'s ... beizhen 北镇|Beizhen, county-level city in Jinzhou... beizheng 北征|punitive expedition to the north beizhenshi 北镇市|Beizhen, county-level city in Jinzhou... beizheshou 背着手|with one\'s hands clasped behind one\'s... beizhi 备至|to the utmost/in every possible way beizhi 碑志|historical record inscribed on tablet beizhi 被指|to be accused of; to be alleged to beizhi,wushengaolun 卑之,毋甚高论|my opinion, nothing very involved (id... beizhi,wushengaolun 卑之,无甚高论|my opinion, nothing very involved (id... beizhixingren 被执行人|(law) person required to fulfill obli... beizhongwu 杯中物|the contents of the cup/(fig.) liquor... beizhou 北周|the Northern Zhou Dynasty (557-581)/o... beizhu 备注|remarks column (abbr. for 備註欄|备注栏[bei... beizhu 贝柱|the cylindrical adductor muscle of bi... beizhuan 背转|to turn away/to turn one\'s back to/(g... beizhuang 悲壮|solemn and stirring/moving and tragic beizhulan 备注栏|remarks column beizhuque 北朱雀|(bird species of China) Pallas\'s rose... beizi 辈子|all one\'s life/lifetime beizi 杯子|cup/glass/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] beizi 被子|blanket; quilt/CL:条[tiao2],床[chuang2] beizi 背字|bad luck beizisha 被自杀|a death claimed to be a suicide by th... beizizhiwu 被子植物|angiosperm (flowering plants with see... beizizhiwumen 被子植物门|angiospermae (phylum of flowering pla... beizugang 倍足纲|Diplopoda (zoology) beizulei 倍足类|Diplopoda (arthropod class with a pai... beizuo 碑座|pedestal for stone tablet beizuor 碑座儿|erhua variant of 碑座[bei1 zuo4] ben 本|(bound form) root; stem/(bound form) ... ben 锛|adz/adze ben 犇|surname Ben ben 苯|benzene/benzol (chemistry) ben 坌|variant of 坋[ben4]/old variant of 笨[b... ben 笨|stupid/foolish/silly/slow-witted/clumsy ben 奔|to hurry/to rush/to run quickly/to elope ben 奔|to go to/to head for/towards/Taiwan p... ben 奔|variant of 奔[ben1] ben 奔|variant of 奔[ben4] ben 奔|variant of 奔[ben1]/variant of 奔[ben4] ben 夯|variant of 笨[ben4] ben 贲|surname Ben ben 贲|energetic ben 楍|old variant of 本[ben3] ben 畚|a basket or pan used for earth, manur... ben 坋|dust/to dust/a bank of earth/to bring... benan 苯胺|aniline C6H5NH2/aminobenzene benbangcai 本帮菜|Shanghainese food benbao 本报|this newspaper benben 本本|notebook computer (diminutive)/laptop benbenfenfen 本本分分|decorous/respectable benbenzhuyi 本本主义|book worship/bookishness benbenzu 奔奔族|lit. Rushing Clan, generation born be... benbi 本币|local currency/our own currency/abbr.... benbingan 苯丙胺|amphetamine (medical) benbingansuan 苯丙氨酸|phenylalanine (Phe), an essential ami... benbingsaifen 苯并噻吩|benzothiophene C8H9, a heterocyclic c... benbingtongniaozheng 苯丙酮尿症|(medicine) phenylketonuria benbo 奔波|to rush about/to be constantly on the... benbo 笨伯|fool/dolt/clumsy oaf benbu 本部|headquarters/head office benbu 本埠|this city/this town bencao 本草|a book on Chinese (herbal) medicine/C... bencaogangmu 本草纲目|Compendium of Medical Herbs 1596, com... benchao 本朝|the current dynasty benchi 奔驰|Benz (name)/Mercedes-Benz, German car... benchi 奔驰|to run quickly/to speed/to gallop benchu 本处|here/this place benchuziwuxian 本初子午线|the first meridian/the prime meridian benci 本茨|Benz (name)/Karl Benz (1844-1929), mo... bencuan 奔窜|(of people or animals) to flee helter... bendan 笨蛋|fool/idiot bendao 本岛|main island bendaojiale 笨到家了|extremely stupid bendi 本地|local/this locality bendi 本底|background bendidiaocha 本底调查|background investigation bendifushe 本底辐射|background radiation bendiguanlijiemian 本地管理界面|LMI/local management interface (telec... bendihua 本地化|localization/adaptation (to foreign e... bendijishu 本底计数|background count bendiren 本地人|native person (of a country) bendou 畚斗|dustpan benduhui 本笃会|the Benedictines bendushiliushi 本笃十六世|Pope Benedict XVI, original name Jose... benerdanzhuo 苯二氮䓬|(organic chemistry, pharmacology) ben... benfang 奔放|bold and unrestrained/untrammeled benfen 本分|(to play) one\'s part/one\'s role/one\'s... benfen 苯酚|phenol C6H5OH benfeng 本俸|basic salary benfu 奔赴|to rush to/to hurry to beng 绷|variant of 繃|绷[beng1]/variant of 繃|绷[... beng 绷|to draw tight; to stretch taut/to tac... beng 绷|to have a taut face beng 崩|to collapse/to fall into ruins/death ... beng 泵|pump (loanword) beng 蚌|abbr. for Bengbu prefecture-level Cit... beng 蹦|to jump; to bounce; to hop beng 迸|to burst forth/to spurt/to crack/split beng 甭|(contraction of 不用[bu4yong4]) need no... beng 甭|(dialect) very beng 嘣|(onom.) thump/boom/bang beng 镚|small coin/dime beng 琫|gem ornament of scabbard beng 埲|used in 塕埲[weng3beng3]/(Cantonese) cl... beng 甏|a squat jar for holding wine, sauces etc beng 祊|side altar inside ancestral temple beng 菶|expand/thick weeds beng 埄|variant of 埲[beng3] beng 甮|old variant of 甭[beng2]/need not beng 伻|to cause bengbadiaokao 绷巴吊拷|variant of 繃扒吊拷|绷扒吊拷[beng1 ba1 diao4 ... bengbadiaokao 绷扒吊拷|to strip, tie up, hang and beat sb, a... bengbengrche 蹦蹦儿车|motor tricycle (onom. bang-bang car) bengbengtiaotiao 蹦蹦跳跳|bouncing and vivacious bengbing 泵柄|pump handle bengbu 蚌埠|see 蚌埠市[Beng4bu4 Shi4] bengbushi 蚌埠市|Bengbu, prefecture-level city in Anhu... bengbuzhu 绷不住|(Internet slang) can\'t contain onesel... bengchuang 蹦床|trampoline bengchuang 绷床|trampoline bengchulai 蹦出来|to crop up/to pop up/to emerge abruptly bengcu 崩殂|(of an emperor) to die bengcui 崩摧|to collapse/to shatter bengda 蹦跶|(coll.) to jump about; to be active; ... bengda 蹦达|variant of 蹦躂|蹦跶[beng4da5] bengdai 绷带|bandage (loanword) bengdao 崩倒|to collapse/to crash down/to fall dow... bengdawan 崩大碗|gotu kola (Centella asiatica), herbac... bengdeng 泵灯|lamp/turn signal bengdi 蹦迪|disco dancing/to dance at a disco bengfa 迸发|to burst forth bengfachu 迸发出|to burst forth/to burst out benggao 蹦高|to jump benggaor 蹦高儿|erhua variant of 蹦高[beng4 gao1] bengguan 甭管|(coll.) regardless of; no matter (whe... benghuai 崩坏|crash/breakdown (of social values etc... benghuaizuoyong 崩坏作用|mass wasting (geology)/slope movement benghuang 绷簧|spring benghui 崩毁|to collapse; to cave in bengji 蹦极|bungee jumping (loanword) bengjin 绷紧|to stretch taut bengjue 崩决|to burst (of dam)/to be breached/to c... bengkui 崩溃|to collapse; to crumble; to fall apart benglie 迸裂|to split/to crack/to burst (open) benglie 崩裂|to rupture/to burst open/to break up bengliu 迸流|to gush/to spurt benglongzu 崩龙族|the Benglong (Penglung) ethnic group ... benglou 崩漏|uterine bleeding bengluo 崩落|talus slide/to crumble (of scree slop... bengpan 崩盘|(finance) to crash/to collapse/crash bengpu 泵浦|pump (loanword) bengr 蹦儿|erhua variant of 蹦[beng4] bengshan 蚌山|Bengshan, a district of Bengbu City 蚌... bengshanqu 蚌山区|Bengshan, a district of Bengbu City 蚌... bengta 崩塌|talus slide/to crumble (of scree slop... bengtan 崩坍|landslide/collapse (of mountain side)... bengtiao 蹦跳|to hop; to jump bengua 笨瓜|fool/blockhead benguo 本国|one\'s own country benguoren 本国人|natives of one\'s own country benguzhirong 本固枝荣|when the root is firm, the branches f... bengxian 崩陷|to fall in/to cave in bengzhan 泵站|pumping station bengzhelian 绷着脸|to have a taut face/to pull a long fa... bengzheng 崩症|metrorrhagia (vaginal bleeding outsid... bengzi 绷子|embroidery frame/hoop/tambour benhang 本行|one\'s line/one\'s own profession benhuan 苯环|benzene ring (chemistry) benhuanliding 苯环利定|phencyclidine (PCP) benhuo 笨货|idiot benji 苯基|phenyl group benji 本纪|biographic sketch of an emperor benji 畚箕|a bamboo or wicker scoop/dustpan benji 笨鸡|free-range chicken benjia 本家|a member of the same clan/a distant r... benjiaquan 苯甲醛|benzaldehyde C6H5CHO, the simplest ar... benjiasuan 苯甲酸|benzoic acid C6H5COOH benjiasuanna 苯甲酸钠|sodium benzoate, E211 (a food preserv... benjiaxianlv 苯甲酰氯|benzoil chloride C6H5COCl benjie 本届|current/this year benjieming 本杰明|Benjamin (person name) benjiemingfulankelin 本杰明·富兰克林|Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Americ... benjin 本金|capital/principal benjing 本经|classic book/sutra benjiu 本就|by nature/fundamentally/inherently benke 本科|undergraduate course/undergraduate (a... benkesheng 本科生|undergraduate student benkexi 本科系|(university education) major benkouzhuoshe 笨口拙舌|awkward in speech benladeng 本·拉登|Osama bin Laden (1957-2011), leader o... benladeng 本拉登|(Osama) bin Laden (1957-2011), leader... benlai 本来|original/originally/at first/it goes ... benlai-mianmu 本来面目|(idiom) true colors; true features; o... benlei 本垒|(baseball) home base; home plate benleida 本垒打|home run (baseball) benli 本利|principal and interest/capital and pr... benli 坋粒|silt particle benling 本领|skill/ability/capability/CL:項|项[xiang... benliu 奔流|to flow at great speed/to pour/racing... benma 奔马|(literary) (swift like a) speeding horse benmang 奔忙|to be busy rushing about/to bustle about benmen 贲门|cardia (anatomy) benming 本名|original name; real name/(of foreigne... benming 奔命|to rush about on errands/to be kept o... benmingnian 本命年|year of one\'s birth sign, according t... benmo 本末|the whole course of an event from beg... benmodaozhi 本末倒置|lit. to invert root and branch (idiom... bennabi 本那比|see 本那比市[Ben3 na4 bi3 shi4] bennabishi 本那比市|Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada bennaxin 苯那辛|benactyzine benneite 本内特|Bennett (surname) benneng 本能|instinct benniandu 本年度|this year/the current year benniaoxianfei 笨鸟先飞|lit. the clumsy bird flies early (idi... bennidi 本尼迪|Benedictus benpao 奔跑|to run benpiao 本票|cashier\'s check/promissory note benqi 本期|the current period/this term (usually... benqian 本钱|capital/(fig.) asset; advantage; the ... benren 本人|I; me; myself/oneself; yourself; hims... benren 笨人|fool/stupid person benri 本日|today bensan 奔三|Pentium III microprocessor (abbr. for... bensan 奔三|to be pushing 30 bensang 奔丧|to hasten home for the funeral of a p... bense 本色|inherent qualities/natural qualities/... benshai 本色|natural color benshen 本身|itself/in itself/per se benshengdeng 本生灯|Bunsen burner benshengren 本省人|people of this province/(in Taiwan) H... benshi 本事|source material/original story benshi 本事|ability/skill benshi 本士|(loanword) pence/penny benshi 本市|this city/our city benshoubenjiao 笨手笨脚|clumsy/all thumbs bensi 奔四|to be pushing 40 bentai 本台|this radio station bentao 奔逃|to flee/to run away benteng 奔腾|Pentium (microprocessor by Intel) benteng 奔腾|(of waves) to surge forward/to roll o... benti 本体|main part/torso/the thing in itself/n... benti 本题|the subject under discussion/the poin... bentian 本田|Honda (Japanese name) bentilun 本体论|ontology bentongniaozheng 苯酮尿症|phenylketonuria (PKU) bentou 奔头|sth to strive for/prospect bentou-bennao 笨头笨脑|(idiom) stupid; muddle-headed bentour 奔头儿|erhua variant of 奔頭|奔头[ben4 tou5] bentu 本土|one\'s native country/native/local/met... bentu 坋土|(geology) silt bentuhua 本土化|to localize/localization bentupai 本土派|local faction/pro-localization factio... benwei 本位|standard/one\'s own department or unit benweihao 本位号|(music notation) natural sign, ♮ benweihuobi 本位货币|local currency/our own currency/abbr.... benweiyin 本位音|(music) natural note benweizhi 本位制|monetary standard benweizhuyi 本位主义|selfish departmentalism/departmental ... benwen 本文|this text/article/the main body of a ... benwo 本我|id/the self benxi 本溪|see 本溪市[Ben3xi1 Shi4] benxi 本息|principal and interest (on a loan) benxi 奔袭|to carry out a long-range raid benxian 奔现|(neologism) to meet sb in real life a... benxiang 本乡|home village/one\'s native place benxiang 本相|original form benxiaoliwei 本小利微|(of a small business) to have very li... benxie 奔泻|(of torrents) to rush down/to pour down benximanzuzizhixian 本溪满族自治县|Benxi Manchu Autonomous County in Ben... benxing 本性|natural instincts/nature/inherent qua... benxingnanyi 本性难移|It is hard to change one\'s essential ... benxingqi 本星期|this week benxishi 本溪市|Benxi, prefecture-level city in Liaon... benyangji 苯氧基|phenoxy (chemistry) benye 本业|business in which a company has tradi... benyi 本意|original idea/real intention/etymon benyi 本义|original meaning/literal sense benyibi 本益比|P⁄E ratio (price-to-earnings ratio) benyinfang 本因坊|Honinbo, major school of Go in Japan ... benyinfangxiuce 本因坊秀策|Honinbo Shusaku (1829-1862), Japanese... benying 本影|umbra benying 本应|should have; ought to have benyixi 苯乙烯|Styrene benyuan 本源|origin/source benyue 本月|this month/the current month benyue 奔月|to fly to the moon benzhe 本着|based on.../in conformance with../tak... benzhengxiangliang 本征向量|eigenvector (math.)/also written 特徵向量... benzhengzhi 本征值|eigenvalue (math.)/also written 特徵值|特征值 benzhi 本职|one\'s job benzhi 本质|essence/nature/innate character/intri... benzhishang 本质上|essentially/inherent benzhong 笨重|heavy; cumbersome; unwieldy/laborious... benzhou 本州|Honshū, the main island of Japan benzhuo 笨拙|clumsy/awkward/stupid benzi 本子|book/notebook/Japanese-style self-pub... benzi 本字|original form of a Chinese character benzou 奔走|to run/to rush about/to be on the go benzouxianggao 奔走相告|to spread the news (idiom) benzui 本罪|actual sin (Christian notion, as oppo... benzuibenshe 笨嘴笨舌|clumsy in speaking/awkward/inarticulate benzuizhuosai 笨嘴拙腮|see 笨嘴拙舌[ben4 zui3 zhuo1 she2] benzuizhuoshe 笨嘴拙舌|clumsy in speech/poor speaker benzun 本尊|(Buddhism) yidam (one\'s chosen medita... benzuyu 本族语|native language/mother tongue bi 鼻|nose bi B|euphemistic variant of 屄[bi1] bi 必|certainly/must/will/necessarily bi 比|Belgium/Belgian/abbr. for 比利時|比利时[Bi3... bi 比|euphemistic variant of 屄[bi1] bi 比|to compare/(followed by a noun and ad... bi 壁|wall/rampart bi 币|money/coins/currency/silk bi 哔|(phonetic) bi 毕|surname Bi bi 毕|the whole of/to finish/to complete/co... bi 痹|paralysis/numbness bi 碧|green jade/bluish green/blue/jade bi 臂|arm bi 秘|see 秘魯|秘鲁[Bi4 lu3] bi 避|to avoid/to shun/to flee/to escape/to... bi 笔|pen/pencil/writing brush/to write or ... bi 逼|variant of 逼[bi1]/to compel/to pressure bi 逼|to force (sb to do sth)/to compel/to ... bi 荜|bean/pulse bi 彼|that/those/(one) another bi 駜|strong horse bi 弊|detriment/fraud/harm/defeat bi 吡|used as phonetic bi- or pi- bi 拂|old variant of 弼[bi4] bi 匕|dagger/ladle/ancient type of spoon bi 璧|jade annulus bi 泌|used in 泌陽|泌阳[Bi4yang2] bi 秕|grain not fully grown/husks/withered ... bi 秕|variant of 秕[bi3] bi 愊|melancholy/sincere bi 铋|bismuth (chemistry) bi 畁|variant of 畀[bi4] bi 辟|(literary) king; monarch/(literary) (... bi 蔽|to cover/to shield/to screen/to conceal bi 蓖|the castor-oil plant bi 薜|Ficus pumila bi 裨|to benefit/to aid/advantageous/profit... bi 庇|to protect/cover/shelter/hide or harbor bi 闭|to close/to stop up/to shut/to obstruct bi 鄙|rustic/low/base/mean/to despise/to scorn bi 敝|my (polite)/poor/ruined/shabby/worn o... bi 屄|cunt (vulgar) bi 毙|to die/to shoot dead/to reject/to fal... bi 毙|to collapse/variant of 斃|毙[bi4]/varia... bi 贲|bright bi 婢|slave girl/maid servant bi 俾|to cause/to enable/phonetic bi/Taiwan... bi 陛|the steps to the throne bi 篦|fine-toothed comb/to comb bi 濞|used in place names/see 漾濞[Yang4 bi4] bi 愎|perverse/obstinate/willful bi 庳|low-built house bi 夶|old variant of 比[bi3] bi 髀|buttocks/thigh bi 坒|to compare/to match/to equal bi 箅|(bound form) bamboo grid for steaming... bi 奰|anger bi 苾|(phonetic)/fragrant bi 萆|castor seed bi 咇|fragrant bi 妣|deceased mother bi 毖|careful/to prevent bi 皕|two-hundred (rarely used)/200 bi 筚|wicker bi 弼|to assist bi 跸|to clear streets when emperor tours bi 赑|used in 贔屭|赑屃[bi4xi4] bi 畀|to confer on/to give to bi 滗|to pour off (the liquid); to decant; ... bi 襞|creases/folds or pleats in a garment bi 閟|hidden/hide bi 狴|used in 狴犴[bi4an4] bi 柲|weapon handle of bamboo strips bi 诐|unfair/to flatter bi 邲|surname Bi/ancient place name bi 舭|bilge bi 荸|used in 荸薺|荸荠[bi2qi2] bi 觱|fever/tartar horn bi 沘|name of a river bi 珌|gem on scabbard bi 嬖|(treat as a) favorite bi 獙|used in 獙獙[bi4 bi4] bi 毴|old variant of 屄[bi1] bi 皀|one grain bi 鲾|the ponyfishes, aka slipmouths (Leiog... bi 湢|public bathhouse bi 豍|pea (Pisum sativum) bi 鷩|phasianus pictus bi 躄|both feet crippled/lame bi 飶|fragrance of food bi 煏|(dialect) to dry by a fire bi 疕|facial skin disease/mange bi 馝|fragrance bi 驆|used in transliterating Buddhist books bi 躃|variant of 躄[bi4] bi 鎞|plowshare/barb, lancet bi 楅|ox yoke placed on the horns bi 閇|old variant of 閉|闭[bi4] bi 怭|frivolous/rude bi 梐|stockade bi 䟆|old variant of 蹕|跸[bi4] bi 𱉝|used in 鵖鴔|𱉝𫛡[bi1fu2] bia 吧|(onom.) smack! biai 壁癌|persistent mold on the wall/effloresc... biaizibabo 比埃兹巴伯|Beelzebub bian 遍|variant of 遍[bian4] bian 遍|everywhere/all over/classifier for ac... bian 变|to change/to become different/to tran... bian 编|to weave/to plait/to organize/to grou... bian 辨|to distinguish/to recognize bian 匾|horizontal rectangular inscribed tabl... bian 边|side/edge/margin/border/boundary/CL:個... bian 边|suffix of a noun of locality bian 辩|to dispute/to debate/to argue/to discuss bian 褊|narrow/urgent bian 彼岸|the other shore/(Buddhism) paramita bian 鞭|whip or lash/to flog/to whip/conducto... bian 煸|to stir-fry before broiling or stewing bian 卞|surname Bian bian 卞|hurried bian 苄|benzyl (chemistry) bian 汳|name of an ancient river in Henan bian 汴|name of a river in Henan/Henan bian 箯|bamboo sedan chair bian 扁|flat/(coll.) to beat (sb) up/old vari... bian 邉|old variant of 邊|边[bian1] bian 釆|old variant of 辨[bian4] bian 贬|to diminish/to demote/to reduce or de... bian 砭|ancient stone acupuncture needle/to c... bian 変|Japanese variant of 變|变[bian4] bian 蝙|used in 蝙蝠[bian1 fu2] bian 辺|Japanese variant of 邊|边[bian1] bian 弁|(old) cap (garment)/military officer ... bian 鳊|bream bian 便|plain/informal/suitable/convenient/op... bian 辫|a braid or queue/to plait bian 笾|bamboo tazza used in ancient times to... bian 狴犴|(literary) mythical creature resembli... bian 抃|to applaud bian 碥|dangerous rocks jutting out over rapids bian 窆|to put a coffin in the grave bian 萹|see 萹蓄[bian1 xu4]/Taiwan pr. [pian1] bian 萹|see 萹豆[bian3 dou4] bian 缏|braid bian 艑|skiff bian 藊|see 藊豆[bian3 dou4] bian 忭|delighted/pleased bian 稨|see 稨豆[bian3 dou4] bian 猵|a kind of otter bian 㺍|old variant of 猵[bian1] bian 比安|Bienne, Switzerland bian 弊案|scandal bian 昪|(literary) (of sunlight) bright/(lite... bianan 变暗|to darken bianan 苄胺|benzylamine C7H9N bianbai 辩白|to offer an explanation/to plead inno... bianban 编班|to group students into classes/to div... bianbankaoshi 编班考试|placement test bianbaxi 变把戏|to perform magic/to do magic tricks/p... bianbenjiali 变本加厉|lit. change to more severe (idiom); t... bianbi 边鄙|remote/border area bianbi 边币|Border Region currency, issued by the... bianbi 便闭|see 便秘[bian4 mi4] bianbian 便便|to poo poo (kiddie or feminine term)/... bianbie 辨别|to distinguish; to differentiate; to ... bianbie 辩别|variant of 辨別|辨别[bian4 bie2] bianbieli 辨别力|discrimination/power of discrimination bianbing 变兵|rebel soldier bianbo 辩驳|to dispute/to refute bianbu 遍布|to cover the whole (area)/to be found... bianbuzou 便步走|march at ease/route step biancai 辩才|eloquence biancai 边材|sapwood (between vascular cambium and... biancaitian 辩才天|Saraswati (the Hindu goddess of wisdo... biance 鞭策|to spur on/to urge on/to encourage sb... bianchan 变产|to sell one\'s estate bianchang 边长|(geometry) side length bianchangmoji 鞭长莫及|lit. the whip cannot reach (idiom); b... bianchao 煸炒|to stir-fry in a small quantity of oil bianche 便车|to hitchhike bianchelvxingzhe 便车旅行者|hitch-hiker biancheng 变成|to change into/to turn into/to become biancheng 编程|(computing) to program/programming biancheng 编成|to organize/to put together/to edit biancheng 边城|border town/remote town biancheng 辩称|to argue (that)/to allege/to dispute/... biancheng 贬称|derogatory term/to refer to disparagi... bianchi 便池|urinal bianchi 鞭笞|to flog/to lash/to whip/to urge or go... bianchi 贬斥|to demote/to denounce bianchong 鞭虫|whipworm bianchong 扁虫|flatworm bianchuang 边窗|side window bianchui 边陲|border area/frontier bianci 辩词|an excuse bianci 编次|to arrange things in sequence/sequenc... bianci 贬词|derogatory term/expression of censure bianci 辩辞|an excuse bianda 鞭打|to whip/to lash/to flog/to thrash bianda 辩答|a reply (in debate) biandan 扁担|carrying pole/shoulder pole/CL:根[gen1] biandang 便当|convenient/handy/easy/bento (a meal i... biandanxing 扁担星|Altair and its two adjacent stars biandao 编导|to write and direct (a play, film etc... biandao 便道|pavement/sidewalk/shortcut/makeshift ... biandao 变道|to change lanes biande 变得|to become biandi 遍地|everywhere/all over biandi 贬低|to belittle/to disparage/to play down... biandi 边地|border district/borderland biandian 变电|power transformation biandianzhan 变电站|(transformer) substation biandiao 变调|tone sandhi/modified tone/(music) to ... biandiaojia 变调夹|capo biandikaihua 遍地开花|(idiom) to blossom everywhere; to spr... biandong 变动|to change/to fluctuate/change/fluctua... biandou 扁豆|hyacinth bean/haricot biandou 稨豆|variant of 扁豆[bian3 dou4] biandou 藊豆|variant of 扁豆[bian3 dou4] biandou 萹豆|variant of 扁豆[bian3 dou4] biandui 编队|to form into columns/to organize into... bianduoyubao 贬多于褒|to get more criticism than praise biane 匾额|a horizontal inscribed board biane 扁额|variant of 匾額|匾额[bian3 e2] bianfa 变法|to change the laws/political reform/u... bianfan 便饭|an ordinary meal/simple home cooking bianfang 边防|frontier defense bianfang 辩方|(law) the defense bianfangjingcha 边防警察|border police bianfangjun 边防军|border guard/frontier army bianfangzhan 边防站|border station/frontier post bianfar 变法儿|to try by all available methods bianfen 变分|variation (calculus)/deformation bianfenfa 变分法|calculus of variations bianfeng 边锋|wing/wing forward bianfenxue 变分学|calculus of variations (math.) bianfenyuanli 变分原理|variational principle (physics) bianfu 蝙蝠|(zoology) bat bianfu 便服|everyday clothes; informal dress; civ... bianfu 边幅|fringes of cloth/(fig.) one\'s dress; ... bianfuxia 蝙蝠侠|Batman, comic book superhero biang □|(Tw) (coll.) cool/awesome/(etymologic... biang 𰻝|used in 𰻞𰻞麵|𰻝𰻝面[biang2biang2mian4] biangbiangmian 𰻝𰻝面|broad, belt-shaped noodles, popular i... biange 变革|to transform/to change biange 变格|case change (in grammar) biangeguanli 变革管理|change management (business) biangeng 变更|to change/to alter/to modify biangong 变工|to exchange labor/labor exchange (sys... biangsi 碧昂丝|Beyoncé (1981-), American pop singer biangu 变故|an unforeseen event/accident/misfortune biangu 砭骨|to be extremely cold or painful biangu 扁骨|flat bone biangua 变卦|to change one\'s mind/to go back on on... bianguan 边关|border station/strategic defensive po... bianguan 贬官|to demote an official/a demoted official bianhan 便函|an informal letter sent by an organiz... bianhao 编号|to number/numbering/serial number bianhei 变黑|to darken bianhen 鞭痕|welt/whip scar/lash mark bianhong 变红|to redden bianhou 变厚|to thicken bianhu 辩护|to speak in defense of/to argue in fa... bianhu 便壶|bed urinal/chamber pot bianhua 变化|(intransitive) to change; to vary/cha... bianhua 彼岸花|red spider lily (Lycoris radiata)/clu... bianhuaduoduan 变化多端|changeable/changing/varied/full of ch... bianhuai 变坏|to get worse/to degenerate bianhuamoce 变化莫测|unpredictable/changeable bianhuan 变换|to transform/to convert/to vary/to al... bianhuan 变幻|to change irregularly/to fluctuate bianhuan 边患|foreign invasion/disaster on border d... bianhuanmoce 变幻莫测|to change unpredictably/unpredictable... bianhuanqun 变换群|(math.) transformation group bianhuanshebei 变换设备|converter/conversion device bianhuaqiu 变化球|(baseball) breaking ball/(fig.) curve... bianhuawuchang 变化无常|(idiom) changeable; fickle bianhuayin 变化音|(music) accidental (a note foreign to... bianhui 变回|to revert/to change back into bianhuo 变活|to come to life (by magic) bianhuren 辩护人|defender/defending counsel bianhushi 辩护士|defender/apologist bianji 编辑|to edit/to compile/editor/compiler bianji 边际|limit/bound/boundary/(economics) marg... bianji 遍及|to extend (everywhere) bianji 辩机|Bianji (c. 620-648), Tang dynasty bud... bianji 便急|to need the toilet/urinary or defecat... bianjia 变价|to appraise at the current rate bianjian 便笺|a note; a memo/notepaper; memo pad bianjian 边检|border inspection/immigration inspection bianjiang 边疆|border area/borderland/frontier/front... bianjiang 贬降|to demote bianjiangqu 边疆区|krai (Russian administrative territory) bianjiao 变焦|(photography) zoom/(optics) to adjust... bianjiaoanli 边角案例|(engineering) corner case bianjiaohuan 变焦环|(photography) focus ring bianjiaojujingtou 变焦距镜头|zoom lens bianjiaoke 边角科|leftover bits and pieces (of industri... bianjiaoliao 边角料|scrap/bits and pieces left over bianjibaochou 边际报酬|marginal returns bianjichengben 边际成本|marginal cost bianjie 边界|boundary/border bianjie 便捷|convenient and fast bianjie 编结|to weave/to plait bianjie 变节|betrayal/defection/turncoat/to change... bianjie 辩解|to explain/to justify/to defend (a po... bianjie 鞭节|flagellum bianjieceng 边界层|boundary layer bianjiehua 便捷化|to facilitate/to streamline/to make c... bianjiexian 边界线|boundary line/border line bianjieye 编结业|weaving industry bianjijia 编辑家|editor/compiler bianjing 边境|frontier; border bianjing 汴京|Bianjing, Northern Song capital, now ... bianjingchongtu 边境冲突|border clash bianjingdiqu 边境地区|border area bianjiqi 编辑器|editor (software) bianjishi 编辑室|editorial office bianjiu 砭灸|see 砭灸術|砭灸术[bian1 jiu3 shu4] bianjiushu 砭灸术|acupuncture and moxibustion (Chinese ... bianju 编剧|to write a play/scenario/dramatist/sc... bianju 变局|changing circumstances/turbulent situ... bianju 贬居|(period of) banishment or exile (old) bianjuqi 变矩器|(automobile) torque converter biankong 边控|border control (abbr. for 邊境控制|边境控制[b... biankuang 边框|frame; rim bianlan 便览|brief guide bianlao 变老|to grow old/to age/aging bianli 遍历|to traverse/to travel throughout/(mat... bianli 便利|convenient/easy/to facilitate bianlian 变脸|to turn hostile suddenly/face changin... bianliang 变量|variable (math.) bianliang 汴梁|old name of Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 feng1] bianlidian 便利店|convenience store bianlie 编列|to arrange in order/to compile/to pre... bianlishangdian 便利商店|convenience store (Tw) bianlitie 便利贴|sticky note bianliuqi 变流器|converter bianlixing 便利性|convenience bianlu 边路|sidewalk/side road/shoulder (of a roa... bianlu 编录|to select and edict/to edit extracts bianluan 变乱|turmoil/social upheaval bianlun 辩论|debate/argument/to argue over/CL:場|场[... bianma 编码|to code/to encode/code bianmai 变卖|to sell off (one\'s property) bianmao 鞭毛|flagellum bianmao 便帽|cap bianmaogang 鞭毛纲|flagellate bianmaqi 编码器|encoder bianmaxitong 编码系统|coding system bianmazifuji 编码字符集|coded character set bianmen 边门|side door/wicket door bianmen 便门|side door/wicket door bianmi 便秘|constipation/Taiwan pr. [bian4bi4] bianmin 便民|user-friendly; convenient (for custom... bianmin 边民|people living on the frontiers/inhabi... bianming 辨明|to clarify/to distinguish/to elucidate bianming 辩明|to explain clearly/to elucidate bianminlimin 便民利民|for the convenience and benefit of th... bianmoshu 变魔术|to perform magical tricks bianmu 编目|to make a catalogue/catalogue/list bianmu 边牧|border collie (dog breed) biannan 辩难|to debate/to retort/to refute biannan 便难|retort with challenging questions/debate biannianshi 编年史|annals/chronicle biannianti 编年体|in the style of annals/chronological ... bianniao 便溺|to urinate or defecate/urine and feces biannuan 变暖|to become warm bianpai 编排|to arrange/to lay out bianpao 鞭炮|firecrackers/string of small firecrac... bianpen 便盆|bed pan bianpi 扁坯|slab bianpin 变频|frequency conversion bianping 扁平|flat/planar bianpingzu 扁平足|flat feet bianpiruli 鞭辟入里|penetrated/trenchant/incisive bianqi 便器|toilet/urinal bianqia 边卡|border checkpoint bianqian 变迁|changes/vicissitudes bianqian 编遣|to reorganize (troops etc) and discha... bianqian 便签|note/memo/CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4] bianqiao 便桥|temporary bridge bianqiaoxingchong 扁锹形虫|giant stag beetle (Dorcus titanus) bianqin 边沁|Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), English p... bianqing 编磬|musical instrument consisting of a se... bianqu 编曲|to compose (music)/arrangement bianqu 边区|border area bianque 扁鹊|秦越人[Qin2 Yue4 ren2] (407-310 BC), War... bianr 边儿|side/edge/margin/border/boundary/prox... bianren 辨认|to recognize/to identify bianren 便人|sb who happens to be on hand for an e... bianru 编入|to include (in a list etc)/to assign ... bianruan 变软|to soften biansai 边塞|frontier fortress bianse 变色|to change color/to discolor/to change... bianselong 变色龙|(lit. and fig.) chameleon bianseyirong 变色易容|to change color and alter one\'s expre... bianshen 变身|to undergo a transformation; to morph... bianshen 编审|to copy-edit/copy editor bianshen 遍身|over the whole body biansheng 变声|voice change (at puberty)/to alter on... biansheng 边声|outlandish sounds (wind blowing on fr... bianshengqi 变声器|voice changer (device or software) bianshengzhouye 变生肘腋|lit. calamity in one\'s armpit (idiom)... bianshi 便是|(emphasizes that sth is precisely or ... bianshi 辨识|identification/to identify/to recognize bianshi 便士|(loanword) pence/penny bianshi 辩士|eloquent person/person with rhetoric ... bianshi 砭石|stone needle used in acupuncture bianshi 扁虱|tick (zoology) bianshi 扁食|(dialect) Chinese-style dumpling (suc... bianshi 辨士|(loanword) pence; penny bianshidu 辨识度|distinctiveness; identifiability; rec... bianshu 变数|variable factor; uncertainties/(math.... bianshuo 辩说|to debate; to argue biansu 变速|to change speed/to shift gear/variabl... biansuchuandong 变速传动|to change gear biansugan 变速杆|gear lever/stick shift biansun 贬损|to mock; to disparage; to belittle biansuo 便所|(dialect) toilet/privy biansuqi 变速器|gearbox/speed changer/gear biansuxiang 变速箱|gearbox/transmission bianta 鞭挞|to lash; (fig.) to castigate biantai 变态|to metamorphose (biology)/abnormal/pe... biantaifanying 变态反应|allergic response/allergy biantaila 变态辣|(coll.) insanely spicy biantao 扁桃|almond tree/almond/flat peach biantaoti 扁桃体|tonsil biantaotiyan 扁桃体炎|tonsillitis biantaoxian 扁桃腺|tonsil biantaoxianyan 扁桃腺炎|tonsillitis bianti 变体|variant bianti 遍体|all over the body bianti-linshang 遍体鳞伤|(idiom) covered all over with cuts an... biantian 变天|to have a change of weather (esp. for... biantiao 便条|(informal) note/CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4] biantiaozhi 便条纸|scrap paper bianting 边庭|bodies governing a border area biantong 变通|pragmatic/flexible/to act differently... biantong 便桶|chamber pot biantou 边头|the end/border/just before the end bianwei 变为|to change into bianwen 变文|a popular form of narrative literatur... bianwenceng 变温层|troposphere/lower atmosphere bianwendongwu 变温动物|poikilothermal (cold-blooded) animal bianwu 编舞|choreography/choreographer bianwu 抃舞|(literary) to clap and dance in joy bianwu 忭舞|variant of 抃舞[bian4wu3] bianwu 辩诬|to debate/to refute bianwu 编务|editing bianxi 辨析|to differentiate and analyze/to discr... bianxia 褊狭|narrow/small-minded bianxian 边线|sideline/foul line bianxian 变现|to realize (an asset); to liquidate; ... bianxiang 变相|in disguised form/covert bianxiang 边厢|side/side-room/room in the wings bianxiannengli 变现能力|liquidity; marketability bianxie 便携|portable/easy to carry bianxie 编写|to compile bianxie 便血|having blood in one\'s stool bianxie 便鞋|cloth shoes/slippers bianxieshi 便携式|portable bianxifa 变戏法|to perform conjuring tricks/to conjur... bianxin 变心|to cease to feel a sense of loyalty (... bianxin 边衅|clash on the frontier/border conflict bianxing 变形|to become deformed; to change shape; ... bianxing 变性|to denature/denaturation/to have a se... bianxing 鞭刑|caning (corporal punishment) bianxing 变星|variable star bianxingchong 变形虫|amoeba bianxingdongwu 扁形动物|flatworm; phylum of Platyhelminthes bianxingjingang 变形金刚|Transformers (franchise) bianxingqingmeisu 苄星青霉素|benzathine benzylpenicillin (aka benz... bianxingtu 变性土|vertisol (soil taxonomy) bianxiu 编修|to compile and edit bianxiu 变修|to become revisionist bianxu 萹蓄|knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare) bianxuan 编选|to select and edit/to compile bianxue 扁穴|tonsil/now written 扁桃體|扁桃体[bian3 tao2... bianyan 边沿|edge/fringe bianyan 便宴|informal dinner bianyang 变样|to change (appearance)/to change shape bianyangr 变样儿|erhua variant of 變樣|变样[bian4 yang4] bianyaqi 变压器|transformer bianyi 编译|to translate and edit/translator-edit... bianyi 变异|variation bianyi 贬义|derogatory sense/negative connotation bianyi 便宜|convenient bianyi 便衣|civilian clothes; plain clothes/plain... bianyi 贬抑|to belittle/to disparage/to demean bianyi 便意|an urge to defecate bianyi 边裔|remote area/distant marches bianyijia 编译家|translator and editor bianyijingcha 便衣警察|plain-clothed policeman bianyin 编印|to compile and print/to publish bianyin 边音|lateral consonant (phonetics) bianying 变硬|to stiffen bianyinjihao 变音记号|(music) accidental (symbol such as a ... bianyiqi 编译器|compiler bianyixingkeyashizheng 变异型克雅氏症|variant Creutzfeldt-Jacobs disease, vCJD bianyixingshi 便宜行事|act at one\'s discretion/act as one se... bianyizhu 变异株|variant/variant strain (of virus) bianyu 鳊鱼|white Amur bream (Parabramis pekinensis) bianyu 便于|easy to; convenient for bianyuan 边缘|edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery... bianyuan 边远|far from the center/remote/outlying bianyuan 扁圆|oblate bianyuan 变元|(math.) argument/variable bianyuandiqu 边缘地区|border area bianyuanhua 边缘化|to marginalize/marginalization bianyuanren 边缘人|marginalized people (not part of main... bianyuanxingrengezhangai 边缘性人格障碍|borderline personality disorder (BPD) bianyuanxitong 边缘系统|limbic system bianyue 抃悦|to clap one\'s hands in joy bianzao 编造|to compile/to draw up/to fabricate/to... bianzao 变造|to alter/to modify/to mutilate (of do... bianzaobi 变造币|illegally modified or altered currency bianzhai 边寨|frontier stockade bianzhang 抃掌|to clap/to applaud bianzhe 编者|editor; compiler bianzhe 贬谪|to banish from the court; to relegate bianzhean 编者按|editor\'s commentary bianzhean 编者案|variant of 編者按|编者按[bian1 zhe3 an4] bianzhen 砭针|remonstrance/admonition bianzheng 辩证|to investigate/dialectical bianzheng 辨证|to investigate bianzheng 辩争|to argue/to dispute bianzhengfa 辩证法|dialectics/dialectic or Socratic meth... bianzhenglunzhi 辨证论治|holistic diagnosis and treatment (TCM) bianzhengshizhi 辨证施治|diagnosis and treatment based on an o... bianzhengweiwuzhuyi 辩证唯物主义|dialectical materialism bianzhi 变质|to degenerate; to deteriorate/(of foo... bianzhi 编制|to establish (a unit or department)/s... bianzhi 编制|to weave/to plait/to compile/to put t... bianzhi 贬值|to become devaluated/to devaluate/to ... bianzhi 编织|to weave; to knit; to plait; to braid... bianzhi 贬职|to demote bianzhipin 编织品|woven fabric bianzhiyan 变质岩|metamorphic rock (geology) bianzhizhisheng 变徵之声|modified fifth note of the pentatonic... bianzhizuoyong 变质作用|metamorphism (geology) bianzhong 变种|(biology) a mutation; a variety/a var... bianzhong 编钟|set of bells (old Chinese music instr... bianzhong 便中|at one\'s convenience/when it\'s conven... bianzhou 汴州|old name of Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 feng1] bianzhu 编著|to compile/to write bianzhu 编注|editor\'s note bianzhuan 编撰|to compile/to edit bianzhuan 变砖|(of an electronic device) to brick; t... bianzhuang 变装|to change clothes/to dress up; to put... bianzhuang 便装|casual dress bianzhuanghuanghou 变装皇后|drag queen bianzhuangxiu 变装秀|drag show; cross-dressing show bianzhuangzhe 变装者|cross-dresser bianzhuo 便酌|informal dinner bianzi 辫子|plait/braid/pigtail/a mistake or shor... bianzi 鞭子|whip/CL:根[gen1] bianzou 变奏|variation bianzouqu 变奏曲|variation (music) bianzu 编组|to organize into groups/marshalling bianzuan 编纂|to compile (an encyclopedia etc) bianzuihaique 扁嘴海雀|(bird species of China) ancient murre... bianzuo 变作|to change into/to turn into/to become bianzuo 变做|to turn into bianzuqi 变阻器|rheostat (variable resistor) biao 表|exterior surface/family relationship ... biao 表|watch (timepiece)/meter; gauge biao 标|mark/sign/label/to mark with a symbol... biao 骉|a horde of horses biao 彪|(literary) tiger stripes; (by extensi... biao 飙|whirlwind/violent wind biao 镖|dart-like throwing weapon/goods sent ... biao 麃|to weed biao 婊|prostitute biao 飚|variant of 飆|飙[biao1] biao 裱|to hang (paper)/to mount (painting) biao 脿|old variant of 膘[biao1] biao 杓|(literary) handle of a spoon or ladle... biao 摽|(literary) to wave away; to discard biao 摽|to bind tightly/to link (arms)/to han... biao 嫑|(dialect) don\'t/must not/(contraction... biao 膘|fat of a stock animal biao 膘|variant of 膘[biao1] biao 髟|hair/shaggy biao 镳|bit (of a bridle)/variant of 鏢|镖[biao1] biao 熛|blaze/flame flaring biao 猋|whirlwind biao 藨|used in 藨草[biao1cao3] biao 瘭|whitlow biao 滮|flowing of water biao 瀌|copious (of rain or snow) biao 褾|cuff/border or edge (of clothing)/old... biao 鳔|swim bladder/air bladder of fish biao 飑|whirlwind biao 儦|walking to and fro biao 膔|variant of 膘[biao1] biao 俵|to distribute/Taiwan pr. [biao3] biao 穮|to weed biaobai 表白|to explain oneself/to express/to reve... biaobang 标榜|to flaunt/to advertise/to parade/boos... biaobao 表报|statistical tables and reports biaobei 裱褙|to mount a picture biaobei 裱背|to mount a picture/also written 裱褙[bi... biaoben 标本|specimen; sample/the root cause and s... biaobenchong 标本虫|spider beetle biaobing 标兵|parade guards (usually spaced out alo... biaobing 彪炳|(literary) (of deeds, accomplishments... biaobingqiangu 彪炳千古|to shine through the ages (idiom) biaocao 藨草|Schoenoplectus triqueter biaoce 表册|statistical form/book of tables or forms biaoceng 表层|surface layer biaoche 飙车|street racing (motorbikes or cars) biaocheng 标称|nominal (voltage, horsepower etc) biaochi 标尺|surveyor\'s rod/staff/staff gauge/rear... biaochi 表尺|rear sight (of a gun) biaoda 表达|to express; to convey biaodai 表带|watchband; watch strap biaodan 表单|form (document) biaodashi 表达式|expression (math.) biaode 标得|to win (sth) in a bid biaodeng 标灯|beacon light/beacon biaodi 表弟|younger male cousin via female line biaodi 标底|base number (of a tender)/starting pr... biaodi 标的|target/aim/objective/what one hopes t... biaodi 标地|plot of land biaodian 标点|punctuation/a punctuation mark/to pun... biaodianfuhao 标点符号|punctuation/a punctuation mark biaodimei 表弟妹|wife of younger male cousin via femal... biaoding 标定|to stake out (the boundaries of a pro... biaodixi 表弟媳|wife of younger male cousin via femal... biaodu 标度|scale biaofei 膘肥|(of a stock animal) well-fed/fat biaofeitizhuang 膘肥体壮|(of a livestock animal) plump and str... biaofeng 飙风|whirlwind biaogan 标杆|surveyor\'s pole/post (used for a land... biaogan 标竿|benchmark/pole serving as mark or sym... biaogao 标高|elevation/level biaoge 表格|form; table/CL:張|张[zhang1],份[fen4] biaoge 表哥|older male cousin via female line biaoge 标格|style/character biaogezi 彪个子|tall and strong physique biaogong 表功|to show off one\'s accomplishments (of... biaogu 表姑|father\'s female cousin via female line biaoguan 表观|apparent biaoguan 表冠|watch crown; winding crown biaoguanyichuanxue 表观遗传学|epigenetics biaohan 彪悍|tough as nails/formidable/kick-ass/pl... biaohan 飙汗|to sweat profusely biaohao 标号|grade biaohu 裱糊|to wallpaper biaohuadai 裱花袋|pastry bag biaohuan 彪焕|brilliant and shining/outstanding and... biaohui 标会|private loan association where money ... biaohui 标绘|to plot (on a chart)/to mark biaoji 标记|sign/mark/symbol/to mark up/(computin... biaoji 表记|sth given as a token/souvenir biaojia 标价|to mark the price/marked price biaojia 标架|a coordinate frame biaojian 标间|abbr. for 標準間|标准间[biao1 zhun3 jian1],... biaojiao 鳔胶|isinglass/fish glue biaojie 表姐|older female cousin via female line biaojie 标界|to demarcate a boundary/dividing line biaojiefu 表姐夫|husband of older female cousin via fe... biaojiemei 表姐妹|female cousins via female line biaojin 标金|standard gold bar/deposit when submit... biaoju 镖局|(old) escort agency that provides pro... biaojue 表决|to decide by vote/to vote biaojuequan 表决权|right to vote/vote biaoke 镖客|armed escort (of travelers or merchan... biaokoushui 飙口水|gossip/idle chat biaoli 表里|the outside and the inside/one\'s outw... biaoliang 标量|scalar quantity biaolibuyi 表里不一|outside appearance and inner reality ... biaoliruyi 表里如一|external appearance and inner thought... biaolu 表露|to show/to reveal (one\'s feelings etc) biaoluwuyi 表露无遗|to show in full light/to be revealed ... biaoma 彪马|Puma (brand) biaomai 标卖|to sell at marked price/to sell by te... biaomei 表妹|younger female cousin via female line biaomeifu 表妹夫|husband of younger female cousin via ... biaomeng 彪蒙|to develop the mind biaomengzi 表蒙子|watch glass/crystal biaomian 表面|surface/face/outside/appearance biaomianhua 表面化|to come to the surface/to become appa... biaomianhuohuaji 表面活化剂|surfactant biaomianhuoxingji 表面活性剂|surfactant biaomianshang 表面上|outwardly; superficially; on the face... biaomianwaimo 表面外膜|surface coat biaomianwenzhang 表面文章|superficial show/going through the mo... biaomianzhangli 表面张力|surface tension biaoming 表明|to make clear/to make known/to state ... biaoming 标明|to mark/to indicate biaopai 标牌|label; tag; sign; (brass etc) inscrib... biaopan 表盘|meter dial/watch face biaopan 表盘|variant of 表盤|表盘[biao3 pan2]/watch face biaopei 标配|to provide as a standard feature/stan... biaopi 表皮|epidermis/cuticle biaopibotuosu 表皮剥脱素|exotoxin biaopu 标普|Standard and Poor (share index)/abbr.... biaoqian 标签|label/tag/(computing) tab (GUI element) biaoqiang 标枪|javelin biaoqiang 镖枪|variant of 標槍|标枪[biao1 qiang1] biaoqianye 标签页|tab (of a browser window) biaoqin 表亲|cousin (via female line) biaoqing 表情|(facial) expression/to express one\'s ... biaoqing 标清|standard definition (TV or video imag... biaoqingbao 表情包|image macro/visual meme/sticker packa... biaosao 表嫂|wife of older male cousin via female ... biaosheng 飙升|to rise rapidly/to soar biaoshi 表示|(of sb) to express; to state; to show... biaoshi 标示|to indicate biaoshiceng 表示层|presentation layer biaoshishi 表示式|expression (math.) biaoshou 标售|to sell by tender biaoshu 表述|to express; to articulate; to formulate biaoshu 标书|bid or tender submission or delivery/... biaoshu 表叔|son of grandfather\'s sister/son of gr... biaoshuai 表率|example/model biaotai 表态|to declare one\'s position/to say wher... biaoti 标题|title/heading/headline/caption/subject biaotidang 标题党|\"sensational headline writers\", peopl... biaotilan 标题栏|title bar (of a window) (computing) biaotixinwen 标题新闻|headline news/title story biaotiyu 标题语|title word/entry (in dictionary) biaotu 表土|surface soil/topsoil biaotu 标图|mark on map or chart biaowei 表位|epitope (in immunology)/antigenic det... biaowen 表温|surface temperature biaoxian 表现|to show/to show off/to display/to man... biaoxian 标线|marking line (painted on a road to gu... biaoxiang 表象|outward appearance/superficial/(philo... biaoxianli 表现力|expressive power biaoxianxing 表现型|phenotype biaoxing 彪形|husky/burly biaoxing-dahan 彪形大汉|(idiom) burly chap; husky fellow biaoxinjingyi 标新竞异|to start on sth new and different (id... biaoxinlingyi 标新领异|to bring in the new (idiom); new dire... biaoxinliyi 标新立异|to make a show of being original or u... biaoxinquyi 标新取异|to start on sth new and different (id... biaoxiong 表兄|older male cousin via female line biaoxiongdi 表兄弟|male cousins via female line biaoxiu 彪休|angry/wrathful biaoyan 表演|play/show/performance/exhibition/to p... biaoyang 表扬|to praise/to commend biaoyanguohuo 表演过火|to overact/to overdo one\'s part biaoyansai 表演赛|exhibition match biaoyi 表意|to express meaning/ideographic biaoyin 表音|phonetic/phonological/transliteration biaoyinfa 标音法|phonetic transcription/system of repr... biaoyiwenzi 表意文字|ideograph/ideographical writing system biaoyu 标语|written slogan/placard/CL:幅[fu2],張|张[... biaoyu 表语|predicative biaoyupai 标语牌|placard biaozhang 表彰|to honor/to commend/to cite (in dispa... biaozhang 飙涨|soaring inflation/rocketing prices biaozhang 表章|memorial to the Emperor biaozhen 表针|hand of a clock biaozheng 表征|symbol; indicator; representation biaozheng 表证|superficial syndrome/illness that has... biaozhi 标识|variant of 標誌|标志[biao1zhi4] biaozhi 标志|sign; mark; symbol; logo/to symbolize... biaozhi 标致|Peugeot biaozhi 标致|(of a woman) beautiful; pretty biaozhi 表侄|son of a male cousin via female line biaozhi 标帜|banner; standard/variant of 標誌|标志[bia... biaozhinv 表侄女|daughter of a male cousin via female ... biaozhixing 标志性|iconic biaozhu 标注|to mark out/to tag/to put a sign on s... biaozhu 标柱|distance marker/pole marking distance... biaozhuan 标砖|marker brick (in building)/keystone biaozhuang 标桩|(marking) stake biaozhuang 彪壮|tall and husky/hefty biaozhun 标准|standard; norm; criterion/(adjective)... biaozhuncha 标准差|(statistics) standard deviation biaozhunchicun 标准尺寸|gauge biaozhungan 标准杆|par (golf) biaozhunguige 标准规格|standard/norm biaozhunhua 标准化|standardization biaozhunjian 标准间|standard (hotel) room/two-person room... biaozhunmoxing 标准模型|Standard Model (of particle physics) biaozhunpuer 标准普尔|Standard and Poor\'s (S&P), company sp... biaozhunshi 标准时|standard time biaozhunxiang 标准像|official portrait biaozhunyin 标准音|standard pronunciation/standard tone ... biaozhunyu 标准语|standard language biaozhunzhuangkuang 标准状况|standard conditions for temperature a... biaozhunzhuangtai 标准状态|standard conditions for temperature a... biaozhunzuzhi 标准组织|standards organization/standards body biaozi 婊子|prostitute/whore biaozi 表字|literary name (an alternative name of... biaozi 彪子|a frolicsome creature biaozimei 表姊妹|father\'s sister\'s daughters/maternal ... bibang 臂膀|arm bibao 壁报|wall newspaper bibao 闭包|closure (math.) bibei 必备|essential bibi 逼逼|(vulgar) to rattle on/to talk drivel bibi 獙獙|mythological beast resembling a fox w... bibi 屄屄|(vulgar) to rattle on/to talk drivel bibibobo 毕毕剥剥|(onom.) sound of knocking or bursting bibie 币别|specific currency bibijieshi 比比皆是|can be found everywhere bibing 弊病|malady/evil/malpractice/drawback/disa... bibingdu 鼻病毒|rhinovirus (common cold virus) bibipapa 哔哔啪啪|(onom.) flopping sound bibo 鄙薄|to despise/to scorn bibo 臂膊|arm bibu 裨补|to remedy/to make up for/benefit bibu 比捕|(old) to set a time limit for the arr... bibujianmian 避不见面|to refuse to meet sb/to avoid sb bibukeque 必不可缺|see 必不可少[bi4 bu4 ke3 shao3] bibukeshao 必不可少|absolutely necessary/indispensable/es... bibuliao 比不了|cannot compare to/to be no match for bibushang 比不上|can\'t compare with bicai 比才|Georges Bizet (1838-1875), French com... bicaoruyin 碧草如茵|green grass like cushion (idiom); gre... bichangcihe 彼倡此和|to chorus sb else\'s lead (idiom); to ... bichangcihe 彼唱此和|to chorus sb else\'s lead (idiom); to ... bicheng 鄙称|derogatory term bichi 碧池|bitch (loanword) (Internet slang)/cle... bichi 鄙斥|(literary) to censure/to rebuke bichong 比冲|(rocketry) specific impulse bichu 笔触|brush stroke in Chinese painting and ... bichu 壁橱|a built-in wardrobe or cupboard/closet bichungou 鼻唇沟|nasolabial fold/smile lines/laugh lines bichuxue 鼻出血|nosebleed bici 彼此|each other; one another bicibici 彼此彼此|you and me both; that makes two of us bidagelasi 毕达哥拉斯|Pythagoras bidankeng 避弹坑|foxhole bide 彼得|Peter (name) bidebao 彼得堡|Petersburg (place name)/Saint Petersb... bidegele 彼得格勒|Petrograd (former name of Saint Peter... bidehoushu 彼得后书|Second Epistle of Peter (in New Testa... bidei 必得|must/have to bideluoweiqi 彼得罗维奇|Petrovich (name) bideng 壁灯|wall lamp/bracket light/CL:盞|盏[zhan3] bidengtianhainan 比登天还难|lit. even harder than reaching the sk... bidepan 彼得潘|Peter Pan, the novel character bideqianshu 彼得前书|First Epistle of Peter (in New Testam... bidian 笔电|notebook (computer)/CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4] bidian 毕典|graduation ceremony (abbr. for 畢業典禮|毕... bidiao 笔调|(of writing) tone/style biding 吡啶|pyridine C5H5N (loanword) biding 必定|to be bound to/to be sure to biding 鼻钉|nose stud; nose piercing bidixia 笔底下|ability to write bidong 壁咚|(slang) to kabedon; to corner (sb in ... bidou 鼻窦|paranasal sinus bidouyan 鼻窦炎|sinusitis biduan 弊端|systemic problem (sometimes refers sp... bidui 比对|comparison/to verify by comparing bie 憋|to choke/to stifle/to restrain/to hol... bie 别|surname Bie bie 别|to leave; to part (from)/(literary) t... bie 别|to make sb change their ways, opinion... bie 鳖|softshell turtle bie 鳖|variant of 鱉|鳖[bie1] bie 瘪|variant of 癟|瘪[bie3] bie 瘪|deflated/shriveled/sunken/empty bie 蹩|to limp/to sprain (an ankle or wrist)... bie 避恶|to avoid evil biebian 鳖边|(dialect) the edible gelatinous fring... biebuzhu 憋不住|to be unable to repress sth/to be una... biecheng 别称|another name/alternative name biechu 别处|elsewhere biechuxincai 别出心裁|to hit on sth new (idiom); to display... biede 别的|else/other biedongdui 别动队|special detachment/commando/an armed ... bieguan 别管|no matter (who, what etc) biehao 别号|alias biehejieliefu 别赫捷列夫|Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857... biejia 鳖甲|turtle shell biejiao 蹩脚|inferior/shoddy/lousy/lame bieju 别具|see 獨具|独具[du2 ju4] biejujiangxin 别具匠心|to show ingenuity/(of a design) cleve... biejuyige 别具一格|having a unique or distinctive style biejuzhiyan 别具只眼|see 獨具隻眼|独具只眼[du2 ju4 zhi1 yan3] biekaishengmian 别开生面|to start sth new or original (idiom);... biekan 别看|don\'t be fooled by the fact that bieke 别克|Buick biekeqi 别客气|don\'t mention it/no formalities, please bielaiwuyang 别来无恙|(literary) I trust you have been well... bieli 别离|to take leave of/to leave/separation bieli 别理|don\'t get involved/ignore it!/don\'t h... bielian 别脸|to turn one\'s face away bielun 别论|a different matter/another story/(old... bieluosha 瘪螺痧|cholera (with dehydration) biemen 憋闷|to feel oppressed/to be depressed/to ... biemiaotou 别苗头|(dialect) to compete with/to pit ones... bieming 别名|alias/alternative name bieniao 憋尿|to hold in one\'s pee; to hold back fr... bieniu 别扭|awkward/difficult/uncomfortable/not a... bieqi 憋气|to hold one\'s breath/to feel suffocat... biequ 憋屈|sullen biequn 鳖裙|the edible gelatinous fringe of a sof... bier 比尔|Bill (name) bierbae 毕尔巴鄂|Bilbao (city in Spain) bierbo 比尔博|Bilbo Baggins, hero of Tolkien\'s The ... bierbu 避而不|to avoid (doing sth) bieren 别人|other people; others; other person bierenqianlvnibajuezi 别人牵驴你拔橛子|lit. someone else stole the donkey; y... biergaici 比尔·盖茨|Bill Gates (1955-), co-founder of Mic... biermu 彼尔姆|Perm, Russian city in the Urals biesan 瘪三|(Wu dialect) bum/wretched-looking tra... bieshu 别墅|villa/CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4] bieshuo 别说|to say nothing of; not to mention; le... bieshuyiqi 别树一旗|lit. to fly one\'s banner on a solitar... bieshuyizhi 别树一帜|lit. to fly one\'s banner on a solitar... bietaikeqi 别太客气|lit. no excessive politeness/Don\'t me... bietile 别提了|say no more/don\'t bring it up/drop th... biewu 别无|to have no other... (used in fixed ex... biewu-erzhi 别无二致|(idiom) without the slightest difference biewuchangwu 别无长物|to possess nothing except bare necess... biewutafa 别无他法|there is no alternative biewutawu 别无他物|nothing else biewutayong 别无他用|to have no other use or purpose (idiom) biewuxuanze 别无选择|to have no other choice biexian 瘪陷|deflated biexiao 憋笑|to stifle a guffaw biexu 别绪|emotions at time of parting bieyan 别筵|farewell banquet bieyang 别样|different kind of/another sort of/spe... bieyou 别有|to have other.../to have a special ... bieyoudongtian 别有洞天|place of charm and beauty/scenery of ... bieyoutiandi 别有天地|enchanting scenery/beautiful surround... bieyouyongxin 别有用心|to have an ulterior motive (idiom) bieyouyunwei 别有韵味|to have quite a lasting charm biezhen 别针|pin/safety pin/clip/brooch/CL:枚[mei2] biezhi 别致|unusual; unique biezhi 别致|variant of 別緻|别致[bie2 zhi4] biezhuan 别传|supplementary biography biezhuang 别庄|villa biezi 别字|mispronounced or wrongly written char... biezi 别子|hasp/pendant biezui 别嘴|mouthful (awkward speech)/tongue-twister bifa 笔法|technique of writing, calligraphy or ... bifang 比方|analogy/instance/for instance bifangshuo 比方说|for example; for instance bifei 蔽芾|luxuriant/lush/young (plants) bifen 比分|score (of a game or competition) bifeng 避风|to take shelter from the wind/to lie ... bifeng 笔锋|the tip of a writing brush/vigor of s... bifengchu 避风处|lee/windstop bifenggang 避风港|haven; refuge; harbor/CL:座[zuo4],個|个[... bifengtang 避风塘|typhoon shelter (a cove where boats s... bifengtou 避风头|to lie low (until the fuss dies down) bifolishan 比佛利山|Beverly Hills bifu 比附|to draw a parallel bifu 𱉝𫛡|(archaic) hoopoe bigan 笔杆|the shaft of a pen or writing brush/p... bigan 比干|Bi Gan (Chinese god of wealth) bigansai 比杆赛|stroke play (golf) biganzi 笔杆子|pen/an effective writer bige B格|variant of 逼格[bi1 ge2] bige 逼格|(slang) pretentious style bigemi 俾格米|Pygmy bigeng 笔耕|to make a living by writing/to write ... bigenguo 碧根果|(loanword) pecan bigong 逼供|to extort a confession bigong 逼宫|to force the king or emperor to abdicate bigong 笔供|written evidence, as opposed to oral ... bigongbijing 毕恭毕敬|reverent and respectful/extremely def... bigongbijing 必恭必敬|variant of 畢恭畢敬|毕恭毕敬[bi4 gong1 bi4 ji... bigongxin 逼供信|to obtain confessions by compulsion/c... bigou 鼻垢|dried nasal mucus/booger bigu 辟谷|(Taoism) to abstain from eating cerea... bigu 鼻骨|nasal bone bigu 庇古|Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877-1959), Briti... bigu 秕谷|grain not fully grown bigua 壁挂|wall hanging biguan 闭关|to close the passes/to seal off the c... biguan 闭馆|(of libraries, museums etc) to be closed biguanmian 笔管面|penne pasta biguansuoguo 闭关锁国|to close the passes and seal off the ... biguanzhengce 闭关政策|closed-door policy biguanzishou 闭关自守|close the country to international in... bihaerbang 比哈尔邦|Bihar, state in eastern India bihaiqingtian 碧海青天|green sea, blue sky (idiom); sea and ... bihan 避寒|to escape the cold by going on a wint... bihe 闭合|to close by coming together (like the... bihe 逼和|to force a draw (in chess, competitio... bihu 庇护|to shelter; to protect; to provide re... bihu 壁虎|gecko; house lizard bihua 笔画|strokes of a Chinese character bihua 壁画|mural (painting)/fresco bihua 比划|to gesture/to gesticulate/to practice... bihua 笔划|variant of 筆畫|笔画[bi3 hua4] bihua 比画|variant of 比劃|比划[bi3 hua5] bihuajianzibiao 笔划检字表|lookup table for Chinese character ba... bihuan 闭环|closed loop bihuan 璧还|return (a borrowed object) with thank... bihuan 鼻环|nose ring bihuashu 笔画数|stroke count (number of brushstrokes ... bihui 避讳|to avoid a taboo (usu. on the given n... bihui 避讳|to avoid a taboo word or topic/to ref... bihui 笔会|PEN (association of writers) bihui 闭会|close a meeting bihuiqidao 闭会祈祷|benediction bihun 毕婚|to get married right after graduation bihuobituo 必和必拓|BHP Billiton (Anglo-Australian mining... biji 笔记|to take down (in writing)/notes/a typ... biji 笔迹|handwriting biji 比及|(literary) when/by the time/Taiwan pr... biji 哔叽|serge (loanword) biji 避忌|to avoid as taboo biji 闭集|closed set (math.) bijia 比价|to compare prices; to compare offers/... bijia 笔架|pen rack/pen-holder bijia 壁架|ledge bijiagu 鼻甲骨|turbinate/nasal concha bijian 笔尖|nib/pen point/the tip of a writing br... bijian 鼻尖|tip of the nose bijian 比肩|to be shoulder to shoulder/(fig.) to ... bijian 逼奸|to rape bijian 鄙贱|lowly/despicable/to despise bijian 鄙见|(my) humble opinion/humble idea bijiang 必将|inevitably bijiang 逼将|to checkmate (in chess) bijiao 比较|to compare/to contrast/comparatively/... bijiaoeryan 比较而言|comparatively speaking bijiaofenxi 比较分析|comparative analysis bijiaoji 比较级|comparative degree bijiaowenxue 比较文学|comparative literature bijiasuo 毕加索|Picasso bijiben 笔记本|notebook (stationery)/CL:本[ben3]/note... bijibendiannao 笔记本电脑|laptop/notebook (computer)/CL:臺|台[tai... bijibenjisuanji 笔记本计算机|laptop/notebook (computer) bijie 毕节|see 畢節市|毕节市[Bi4jie2 Shi4] bijieshi 毕节市|Bijie, prefecture-level city in Guizh... bijin 逼近|to press on towards/to close in on/to... bijing 毕竟|after all/all in all/when all is said... bijing 闭经|amenorrhoea bijing 必经|unavoidable/the only (road, entrance ... bijingzhilu 必经之路|(idiom) the road one must follow; the... bijini 比基尼|bikini (loanword) bijinidao 比基尼岛|Bikini atoll, French nuclear test sit... bijixingdiannao 笔记型电脑|notebook (computer) biju 鼻疽|glanders bijuankaoshi 闭卷考试|closed-book examination bikai 避开|to avoid/to evade/to keep away from bikan 壁龛|niche (in a wall) bikang 秕糠|chaff/worthless stuff bikasuo 毕卡索|Picasso (Tw) bikeji 闭壳肌|adductor muscle (of a bivalve mollusk) bikengluojing 避坑落井|to dodge a pit only to fall into a we... bikong 鼻孔|nostril/CL:隻|只[zhi1] bikong 碧空|the blue sky bikong-chaotian 鼻孔朝天|lit. to have one\'s nose in the air (i... bikoubutan 闭口不谈|to refuse to say anything about (idio... bikoubuyan 闭口不言|to keep silent (idiom) biladuo 彼拉多|Pilate (Pontius Pilate in the Biblica... bilai 比来|lately/recently bilan 比烂|to compare two unsatisfactory things/... bilan 碧蓝|dark blue bilatisi 彼拉提斯|Pilates (physical fitness system) (Tw) bilaxitan 吡拉西坦|piracetam (loanword)/see 乙酰胺吡咯烷酮[yi3 ... bile 吡叻|Perak (state of Malaysia) bilefeierde 比勒费尔德|Bielefeld (city in Germany) bilei 壁垒|rampart/barrier bileiqi 避雷器|lightning arrester bileisenyan 壁垒森严|closely guarded/strongly fortified/sh... bileiyixin 壁垒一新|to have one\'s defenses in good order ... bileizhen 避雷针|lightning rod biletuoliya 比勒陀利亚|Pretoria, capital of South Africa bili 比例|proportion/scale bili 臂力|arm strength bili 鄙俚|vulgar/philistine bili 壁立|(of cliffs etc) stand like a wall/ris... bili 觱篥|ancient bamboo reed instrument/Chines... bili 比利|Pelé (1940-), Edson Arantes Do Nascim... bili 俾利|to facilitate/thus making easier bili 笔力|vigor of strokes in calligraphy or dr... bili 觱栗|ancient bamboo reed instrument/Chines... bili-qianren 壁立千仞|(idiom) (of a cliff, mountain etc) st... biliang 鼻梁|bridge of the nose biliang 比量|to measure roughly (with the hand, a ... biliangweichang 逼良为娼|to force an honest girl into prostitu... bilibang 臂力棒|power twister (fitness equipment) bilibili 哔哩哔哩|Bilibili, Chinese video-sharing websi... bilichi 比例尺|scale/architect\'s scale/engineer\'s scale bilie 鄙劣|base/mean/despicable bilin 比邻|(literary) next-door neighbor/near; n... bilin 贲临|(of a distinguished guest) honor my h... bilin 鄙吝|vulgar/stingy; miserly; mean biliniusi 比利牛斯|Pyrenees mountains biliniusishan 比利牛斯山|Pyrenees mountains bilishi 比利时|Belgium bilou 鄙陋|superficial/shallow bilu 笔录|to put down in writing/to take down n... bilu 秘鲁|Peru bilu 壁炉|fireplace biludianshi 闭路电视|closed-circuit television bilukuzhi 秘鲁苦蘵|Peruvian ground-cherry/cape gooseberr... bilulanlv 筚路蓝缕|the hardships of beginning an underta... biluo 吡咯|pyrrole (C4H5N) (loanword) biluochun 碧螺春|biluochun or pi lo chun, a type of gr... biluzhi 俾路支|Balochi (ethnic group of Iran, Pakist... biluzhisheng 俾路支省|Balochistan (Pakistan) bilv 比率|ratio; rate; proportion bilv 碧绿|dark green bima 蓖麻|castor-oil plant bimadudanbai 蓖麻毒蛋白|ricin (biochemistry) bimadusu 蓖麻毒素|ricin (biochemistry) bimai 闭麦|to switch one\'s microphone to \"mute\"/... bimao 笔帽|the cap of a pen, pencil, or writing ... bimao 鼻毛|nose hair bimazi 蓖麻籽|castor beans bimen 闭门|to close a door bimengeng 闭门羹|see 吃閉門羹|吃闭门羹[chi1 bi4 men2 geng1] bimenguidou 筚门闺窦|wicker door, hole window (idiom); fig... bimenguidou 荜门圭窦|wicker door, hole window (idiom); fig... bimenhuiyi 闭门会议|closed-door meeting bimenmiju 闭门觅句|lit. lock the door and search for the... bimensedou 闭门塞窦|to close doors and block openings (id... bimensiguo 闭门思过|shut oneself up and ponder over one\'s... bimenzaoche 闭门造车|lit. to shut oneself away and build a... bimian 避免|to avert/to prevent/to avoid/to refra... biming 笔名|pen name/pseudonym biming 毙命|to meet violent death/to get killed biming 毕命|to die (in an accident etc)/to have o... bimo 笔墨|pen and ink/words/writing bimo 毕摩|shaman among the Yi ethnic group bimu 闭幕|the curtain falls/lower the curtain/t... bimuseting 闭目塞听|to shut one\'s eyes and stop one\'s ear... bimushi 闭幕式|closing ceremony bimuyangshen 闭目养神|to relax with one\'s eyes closed bimuyu 比目鱼|flatfish/flounder bin 宾|visitor/guest/object (in grammar) bin 彬|urbane; well-bred; cultivated bin 镔|fine steel bin 鬓|temples/hair on the temples bin 浜|Japanese variant of 濱|滨[bin1]/used in... bin 斌|variant of 彬[bin1] bin 濒|to approach/to border on/near bin 滨|(bound form) water\'s edge; bank; shor... bin 膑|variant of 髕|髌[bin4] bin 玢|(literary) a kind of jade bin 摈|to reject/to expel/to discard/to excl... bin 殡|a funeral/to encoffin a corpse/to car... bin 髌|kneecapping/to cut or smash the kneec... bin 缤|used in 繽紛|缤纷[bin1fen1] bin 豳|name of an ancient county in Shaanxi/... bin 傧|best man/to entertain bin 璸|(pearl) bin 邠|variant of 豳[Bin1] bin 邠|variant of 彬[bin1] bin 髩|old variant of 鬢|鬓[bin4] bin 𧏖|pearl-oyster binan 避难|to take refuge; to seek asylum binan 吡喃|pyran (chemistry) (loanword) binansuo 避难所|a refuge; a haven; a sanctuary binbin 彬彬|refined, gentle, and elegant binbinjunzi 彬彬君子|refined gentleman binbinyouli 彬彬有礼|refined and courteous/urbane binche 殡车|hearse bincheng 滨城|Bincheng district of Binzhou city 濱州市... binchengqu 滨城区|Bincheng district of Binzhou city 濱州市... binchi 摈斥|to reject/to dismiss binchu 摈除|to discard/to get rid of/to dispense ... binchuan 宾川|Binchuan county in Dali Bai autonomou... binchuanxian 宾川县|Binchuan county in Dali Bai autonomou... binci 宾词|predicate binde 宾得|Pentax, Japanese optics company binfa 鬓发|hair on the temples binfen 缤纷|vast and various/rich and diverse bing 并|and/furthermore/also/together with/(n... bing 并|to combine/to amalgamate bing 并|short name for Taiyuan 太原[Tai4yuan2] bing 并|variant of 並|并[bing4] bing 兵|soldiers/a force/an army/weapons/arms... bing 病|illness/CL:場|场[chang2]/disease/to fal... bing 屏|see 屏營|屏营[bing1 ying2] bing 屏|to get rid of/to put aside/to reject/... bing 丙|third of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[s... bing 柄|handle or shaft (of an axe etc)/(of a... bing 炳|bright/brilliant/luminous bing 冰|ice/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/to chill sth/(of an... bing 冰|variant of 冰[bing1] bing 秉|surname Bing bing 秉|to grasp/to hold/to maintain bing 饼|round flat cake/cookie/cake/pastry/CL... bing 鉼|plate bing 梹|variant of 檳|槟[bing1] bing 槟|betel palm (Areca catechu); betel nut... bing 昺|bright/glorious bing 幷|variant of 並|并[bing4]/variant of 併|并[... bing 冫|\"ice\" radical in Chinese characters (... bing 禀|to make a report (to a superior)/to g... bing 摒|to discard/to get rid of bing 掤|arrow-quiver cover bing 寎|nightmare/start in sleep bing 怲|sad/mournful bing 抦|old variant of 秉[bing3]/variant of 柄[... bing 邴|surname Bing bing 邴|ancient city name/happy bing 苪|bright/shining, splendid bing 栟|Trachycarpus excelsa bing 靐|thunder bing 仌|old variant of 冰[bing1] bing 倂|variant of 併|并[bing4] bing 鞞|scabbard bing 昞|variant of 炳[bing3] bing 餠|variant of 餅|饼[bing3] bing 絣|Ikat, a type of woven silk/Kasuri bingan 病案|medical record bingansuan 丙氨酸|alanine (Ala), an amino acid bingba 冰坝|freezing blockage/dam of ice on river bingbairushandao 兵败如山倒|troops in defeat like a landslide (id... bingbang 冰棒|popsicle/ice pop/CL:根[gen1] bingbao 禀报|to report (to one\'s superior) bingbao 冰雹|hail/hailstone/CL:場|场[chang2],粒[li4] bingbaor 病包儿|a person who is always falling ill/ch... bingbi 秉笔|to hold the pen/to do the actual writing bingbian 病变|pathological changes/lesion/diseased ... bingbian 兵变|mutiny/(Tw) to be dumped by one\'s gir... bingbingwaiwai 病病歪歪|sick and weak/feeble and listless bingbingyangyang 病病殃殃|seriously ill/in fragile health bingbizhishu 秉笔直书|to record faithfully bingbu 并不|not at all; by no means bingbu 兵部|Ministry of War (in imperial China) bingbuxueren 兵不血刃|lit. no blood on the men\'s swords (id... bingbuyanzha 兵不厌诈|there can never be too much deception... bingbuzaihu 并不在乎|really does not care bingcai 冰菜|ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystalli... bingcan 病残|sick or disabled/invalid/disability bingcha 冰碴|ice shards bingchai 兵差|labor conscripted to support the mili... bingchang 冰场|skating or ice rink/ice stadium/ice a... bingchen 丙辰|fifty-third year C5 of the 60 year cy... bingchen 柄臣|powerful official/big shot bingcheng 槟城|Penang (Malaysian state) bingcheng 病程|course of disease bingcheng 秉承|to take orders/to receive commands/to... bingcheng 饼铛|baking pan bingcheng 禀承|variant of 秉承[bing3 cheng2] bingcheng 并称|joint name/combined name bingchi 秉持|to uphold/to hold fast to bingchigan 病耻感|stigma attached to a disease bingchong 病虫|plant diseases and insect pests bingchonghai 病虫害|plant diseases and insect pests bingchonghailvsefangkong 病虫害绿色防控|green pest prevention and control; en... bingchu 摒除|to get rid of/to dismiss bingchu 屏除|to get rid of/to dismiss/to brush aside bingchu 并处|to impose an additional penalty bingchuan 冰川|glacier bingchuan 冰船|ice breaker (ship) bingchuan 兵船|man-of-war/naval vessel/warship bingchuang 病床|hospital bed/sickbed bingchuanqi 冰川期|ice age bingchun 丙醇|propanol/propyl alcohol C3H7OH bingcongkouru 病从口入|Illness enters by the mouth (idiom). ... bingcongkouru,huocongkouchu 病从口入,祸从口出|Illness enters by the mouth, trouble ... bingcuan 冰镩|ice spud (aka ice chisel) with a poin... bingcun 并存|to exist at the same time/to coexist bingcusuan 冰醋酸|glacial acetic acid bingdai 冰袋|ice bag bingdan 冰蛋|frozen eggs bingdang 摒挡|(literary) to put in order; to arrang... bingdao 冰岛|Iceland bingdao 病倒|to fall ill/to be stricken with an il... bingdao 冰刀|ice skates/ice skate blades bingdeng 冰灯|ice lantern bingdeng 丙等|third rank/third category/third grade... bingdian 冰点|freezing point bingdian 冰店|dessert parlor serving mainly cold sw... bingdiao 冰雕|ice sculpture bingdiao 冰钓|ice fishing bingdilian 并蒂莲|lit. twin lotus flowers on one stalk/... bingdong 冰冻|to freeze bingdong 冰洞|hole in ice/crevasse bingdongsanchi,feiyirizhihan 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒|three feet of ice does not form in a ... bingdou 冰斗|(geology) cirque bingdu 病毒|virus bingdu 冰毒|methamphetamine bingdu 病笃|critically ill; on one\'s deathbed bingduganran 病毒感染|viral infection bingdui 兵队|troops bingduke 病毒科|virus family bingdundun 冰墩墩|Bing Dwen Dwen (mascot of the Beijing... bingdushiyingxiao 病毒式营销|viral marketing/see also 病毒營銷|病毒营销[bi... bingduxing 病毒性|viral bingduxingganyan 病毒性肝炎|viral hepatitis bingduxingyingxiao 病毒性营销|viral marketing/see also 病毒營銷|病毒营销[bi... bingduxue 病毒学|virology (study of viruses) bingduxuejia 病毒学家|virologist (person who studies viruses) bingduxuezheng 病毒血症|viremia bingduyingxiao 病毒营销|viral marketing binge 宾格|accusative case (grammar) binger 饼饵|cakes/pastry bingerchun 丙二醇|propylene glycol/propane-1,2-diol C3H... bingfa 兵法|art of war/military strategy and tactics bingfa 并发|to happen simultaneously bingfa 并发|to happen simultaneously/(medicine) (... bingfajisuan 并发计算|concurrent computing bingfang 病房|ward (of a hospital)/sickroom/CL:間|间[... bingfazheng 并发症|complications (undesired side-effect ... bingfei 并非|really isn\'t bingfei 饼肥|cake fertilizer bingfeng 冰封|to freeze over/to ice over/icebound/t... bingfengbao 冰风暴|icy storm/hailstorm bingfu 禀赋|natural endowment; gift; talent bingfu 兵符|see 虎符[hu3 fu2] bingfu 病夫|sick man bingfu 秉赋|variant of 稟賦|禀赋[bing3fu4] bingfu 禀复|to report back (to a superior) binggai 冰盖|ice sheet binggan 饼干|biscuit; cracker; cookie/CL:片[pian4],... binggao 冰糕|ice-cream/popsicle/ice-lolly/sorbet binggao 禀告|to report (to one\'s superior) binggao 冰镐|ice pick bingge 兵戈|weapons/arms/fighting/war binggen 病根|an incompletely cured illness/an old ... binggeraorang 兵戈扰攘|arms and confusion (idiom); turmoil o... binggong 秉公|justly/impartially binggongbanli 秉公办理|conducting business impartially (idio... binggongchang 兵工厂|munitions factory binggou 并购|merger and acquisition (M and A)/acqu... binggou 冰沟|crevasse binggu 病故|to die of an illness bingguan 冰棺|coffin-shaped freezer used to store a... binggui 冰柜|freezer bingguishensu 兵贵神速|lit. speed is a crucial asset in war ... binggun 冰棍|popsicle/ice lolly/CL:根[gen1] binggunr 冰棍儿|ice lolly/popsicle bingguo 柄国|to hold state power/to rule bingguoyangmin 病国殃民|to damage the country and cause suffe... binghai 病害|plant disease binghao 病号|sick personnel/person on the sick lis... binghe 冰河|glacier binghe 冰壑|ice gully bingheqi 冰河期|ice age bingheshidai 冰河时代|ice age bingheshiqi 冰河时期|ice age binghu 冰湖|frozen lake binghu 冰壶|jade pot for cold water/curling (spor... binghua 冰花|ice crystal/frost (on windows) binghuan 炳焕|bright and brilliant binghuan 病患|illness/disease/patient/sufferer binghuangmaluan 兵荒马乱|soldiers munity and troops rebel (idi... binghuanzuo 丙环唑|propiconazole (antifungal agent) binghuo 冰火|fire and ice/combination of sharply c... binghuqiuyue 冰壶秋月|jade ice jug and autumn moon (idiom, ... bingji 丙基|propyl group (chemistry) bingji 并激|parallel excitation/shunt excitation/... bingji 并集|union (symbol ∪) (set theory) bingji 病机|interpretation of the cause/onset and... bingjia 病假|sick leave bingjia 兵家|the School of the Military, one of th... bingjia 兵家|military strategist in ancient China/... bingjia 病家|a patient and his family bingjia-qiqu 并驾齐驱|(idiom) to run neck and neck; to keep... bingjiachangshi 兵家常事|commonplace in military operations (i... bingjian 并肩|alongside/shoulder to shoulder/side b... bingjian 兵舰|warship bingjiao 冰窖|icehouse bingjiatiao 病假条|sick note/medical certificate for sic... bingjiling 冰激凌|ice cream bingjiluantouyi 病急乱投医|lit. to turn to any doctor one can fi... bingjin 并进|to advance together bingjing 冰晶|ice crystals bingjingliangzu 兵精粮足|elite soldiers, ample provisions (idi... bingjingshi 冰晶石|cryolite bingjiwu 冰积物|glacial sediment bingju 并举|to develop simultaneously/to undertak... bingju 病句|defective sentence/error (of grammar ... bingjuanji 并卷机|ribbon lap machine bingjun 病菌|harmful bacteria/pathogenic bacteria/... bingkafei 冰咖啡|iced coffee bingkou 并口|parallel port (computing) bingku 兵库|Hyōgo prefecture in the midwest of Ja... bingku 病苦|pains (of illness)/sufferings (esp. i... bingkuai 冰块|ice cube/ice chunk bingkuaihe 冰块盒|ice cube tray bingkuang 病况|state of an illness/patient\'s condition bingkuxian 兵库县|Hyōgo prefecture in the midwest of Ja... binglaijiangdang,shuilaituyan 兵来将挡,水来土掩|counter soldiers with arms, water wit... binglaijiangdi,shuilaituyan 兵来将敌,水来土堰|counter soldiers with arms, water wit... binglairushandao,bingquruchousi 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝|sickness comes like a landslide, but ... binglang 槟榔|betel palm (Areca catechu); betel nut binglangxishi 槟榔西施|(Tw) betel nut beauty: a skimpily-dre... binglangyu 槟榔屿|(old name) Penang Island, Malaysia bingleng 冰冷|ice-cold bingli 病理|pathology bingli 兵力|military strength/armed forces/troops bingli 病例|(medical) case/occurrence of illness bingli 并立|to exist side by side/to exist simult... bingli 病历|medical record/case history binglian 并联|parallel connection bingliang 冰凉|ice-cold binglianhuojie 兵连祸结|ravaged by successive wars/war-torn/w... binglie 并列|to stand side by side/to be juxtaposed binglinchengxia 兵临城下|soldiers at the city walls (idiom); f... bingling 冰凌|icicle bingliu 冰溜|icicle binglixue 病理学|pathology binglixuejia 病理学家|pathologist binglong 并拢|to draw together/to place side by sid... bingluan 兵乱|confusion of war/turmoil of war binglun 丙纶|polypropylene fiber binglun 冰轮|the moon bingma 兵马|troops and horses/military forces bingmai 病脉|abnormal pulse bingmao 冰帽|icecap bingmaweidong,liangcaoxianxing 兵马未动,粮草先行|before the troops move, fodder and pr... bingmayong 兵马俑|figurines of warriors and horses buri... bingmei 病媒|(epidemiology) vector bingmi 丙醚|n-propyl ether bingminguguo 病民蛊国|to damage the people and harm the cou... bingminhaiguo 病民害国|to damage the people and harm the cou... bingmo 病魔|serious illness bingningqi 冰凝器|cryophorus bingpai 并排|side by side/abreast bingpai 冰排|ice raft; ice floe bingpi 兵痞|army riffraff/army ruffian/soldier of... bingpian 冰片|borneol bingpin 冰品|frozen dessert bingpiyuebing 冰皮月饼|snow skin mooncake (with a soft casin... bingqi 摒弃|to abandon/to discard/to spurn/to for... bingqi 兵器|weaponry/weapons/arms bingqi 冰期|glacial epoch; ice age bingqi 屏气|to hold one\'s breath bingqi 冰碛|moraine/rock debris from glacier bingqiangmazhuang 兵强马壮|lit. strong soldiers and sturdy horse... bingqiao 冰橇|sled/sledge/sleigh bingqiao 冰桥|ice arch bingqie 并且|and; besides; moreover; furthermore; ... bingqilin 冰淇淋|ice cream bingqing 病情|state of an illness/patient\'s condition bingqingyujie 冰清玉洁|clear as ice and clean as jade (idiom... bingqishu 兵器术|martial arts involving weapons bingqituiyan 兵棋推演|war-gaming; simulation of a military ... bingqiu 冰球|ice hockey/puck bingqiuchang 冰球场|ice hockey rink bingquan 兵权|military leadership/military power bingquan 柄权|to hold power bingquan 丙醛|propionaldehyde/propanal CH3CH2CHO bingran 炳然|to be manifest for everyone to see bingranranliao 冰染染料|azoic dyes bingren 兵刃|(bladed) weapons bingren 病人|sick person/patient/invalid/CL:個|个[ge4] bingrong 兵戎|arms/weapons bingrong 病容|sickly look bingrongxiangjian 兵戎相见|to meet on the battlefield (idiom) bingru 并入|to merge into/to incorporate in bingrugaohuang 病入膏肓|lit. the disease has attacked the vit... bingruo 病弱|sick and weak/sickly/invalid bingsai 冰塞|ice blockage/freezing of waterway bingsanchun 丙三醇|glycerine/same as 甘油 bingsha 冰沙|slushie/smoothie/crushed ice drink/fr... bingsha 并纱|doubling (combining two or more lengt... bingshan 冰山|iceberg/ice-covered mountain/(fig.) a... bingshangyundong 冰上运动|ice-sports bingshanyijiao 冰山一角|tip of the iceberg bingshen 丙申|thirty-third year C9 of the 60 year c... bingshi 病史|medical history bingshi 病逝|to die of illness bingshi 兵士|ordinary soldier bingshi 冰释|to dispel (enmity, misunderstandings ... bingshi 病室|infirmary/ward/sickroom/CL:間|间[jian1] bingshi 病势|degree of seriousness of an illness/p... bingshi 冰蚀|glaciated/eroded by ice bingshiqianxian 冰释前嫌|to forget previous differences; to bu... bingshu 兵书|a book on the art of war bingshuang 冰霜|(literary) ice formed in freezing wea... bingshui 冰水|iced water bingsi 病死|to fall ill and die/to die of illness bingsuanfutikasong 丙酸氟替卡松|fluticasone propionate bingta 病榻|sickbed bingta 冰塔|serac bingtai 病态|morbid or abnormal state bingtaifeipang 病态肥胖|morbidly obese (medicine) bingtalin 冰塔林|serac band bingtanbuxiangrong 冰炭不相容|as incompatible or irreconcilable as ... bingtanbuyan,lengreziming 冰炭不言,冷热自明|ice or coals, whether hot or cold goe... bingtang 冰糖|crystal sugar/rock candy bingtang 丙糖|triose (CH2O)3, monosaccharide with t... bingtanghulu 冰糖葫芦|sugar-coated Chinese hawthorn or othe... bingtianxuedi 冰天雪地|a world of ice and snow bingtiao 并条|drawing (textile industry) bingtong 丙酮|acetone CH3COCH bingtong 病痛|slight illness/indisposition/ailment bingtong 冰桶|ice bucket bingtongsuan 丙酮酸|pyruvic acid CH3COCOOH bingtongsuantuoqingmei 丙酮酸脱氢酶|pyruvate dehydrogenase bingtu 饼图|pie chart bingtuan 兵团|large military unit/formation/corps/army bingtui 屏退|to send away/to dismiss (servants etc... bingtun 并吞|to swallow up/to annex/to merge bingtuozi 冰坨子|(coll.) chunks of ice bingu 髌骨|kneecap/patella binguan 宾馆|guesthouse/lodge/hotel/CL:個|个[ge4],家[... binguo 宾果|bingo (loanword) bingwan 丙烷|propane bingwei 病危|to be critically ill/to be terminally... bingwei 炳蔚|splendid (of writing style) bingwen 炳文|luminous style bingwu 丙午|forty-third year C7 of the 60 year cy... bingwu 饼屋|bakery bingxi 丙烯|propylene C3H6 bingxi 屏息|hold one\'s breath bingxi 冰隙|crevasse bingxiang 冰箱|refrigerator/(old) icebox bingxiang 兵饷|pay and provisions for soldiers bingxiang 病象|symptom (of a disease) bingxiaowajie 冰消瓦解|to melt like ice and break like tiles... bingxie 病邪|pathogeny (cause of disease) in TCM/a... bingxie 冰鞋|skating boots/skates bingxijing 丙烯腈|acrylo-nitrile bingxin 冰心|Bing Xin (1900-1999), female poet and... bingxing 并行|to proceed in parallel/side by side (... bingxing 禀性|natural disposition bingxing 秉性|innate character/natural disposition/... bingxing 丙型|type C/type III/gamma- bingxingbubei 并行不悖|to run in parallel without hindrance/... bingxingchengxu 并行程序|parallel program bingxingganyan 丙型肝炎|hepatitis C bingxingjisuan 并行计算|parallel computing/(Tw) concurrent co... bingxingkou 并行口|parallel port (computing) bingxingtu 饼型图|pie chart/pie diagram bingxiquan 丙烯醛|acrolein CH2CHCHO bingxiqun 并系群|paraphyletic group bingxiqun 并系群|variant of 並系群|并系群[bing4 xi4 qun2] bingxisuan 丙烯酸|acrylic acid C3H4O2 bingxisuanzhi 丙烯酸酯|acrylic ester bingxiu 病休|to be on sick leave bingxu 丙戌|twenty-third year C11 of the 60 year ... bingxue 冰雪|ice and snow bingxue-congming 冰雪聪明|(idiom) exceptionally intelligent bingxuehuanghou 冰雪皇后|Dairy Queen (brand) bingyangzi 病秧子|(dialect) sickly person bingyanyan 病恹恹|looking or feeling sickly; weak and d... bingyanyan 病厌厌|sickly-looking bingyao 炳耀|bright and luminous bingyerizhonghua 冰叶日中花|ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystalli... bingyi 兵役|military service bingyi 兵蚁|soldier ant/dinergate bingyin 病因|cause of disease/pathogen bingyin 丙寅|third year C3 of the 60 year cycle, e... bingyin 冰饮|iced drink bingying 兵营|military camp/barracks bingying 冰硬|frozen solid bingying 屏营|with fear and trepidation bingyinxue 病因学|pathological science (TCM) bingyou 病友|a friend made in hospital or people w... bingyu 病愈|to recover (from an illness) bingyuan 病原|cause of disease/pathogen bingyuan 病源|cause of disease bingyuan 兵员|soldiers/troops bingyuan 病员|sick personnel/person on the sick lis... bingyuan 病院|specialized hospital bingyuan 兵源|manpower resources (for military serv... bingyuanjun 病原菌|a pathogen/a bacterial pathogen bingyuanti 病原体|(med.) pathogen bingzao 病灶|focus of infection/lesion/nidus bingzhan 兵站|army service station/military depot bingzhe 病者|sick person; patient bingzhen 冰镇|iced bingzhen 并臻|to arrive simultaneously bingzheng 病症|disease/illness bingzheng 病征|symptom (of a disease) bingzheng 柄政|to rule/to be in power bingzhi 兵制|military system bingzhong 兵种|(military) branch of the armed forces bingzhong 并重|to lay equal stress on/to pay equal a... bingzhong 病重|seriously ill bingzhongshexian 丙种射线|gamma ray bingzhou 槟州|Penang (Malaysian state) bingzhoushi 冰洲石|Iceland spar bingzhu 冰柱|icicle bingzhu 秉烛|variant of 炳燭|炳烛[bing3 zhu2] bingzhu 炳著|eminent; renowned bingzhu 炳烛|by bright candlelight bingzhu 病株|diseased or infected plant bingzhua 冰爪|crampon bingzhuan 冰砖|ice-cream brick/brick of ice bingzhuang 病状|symptom (of a disease) bingzhuangtu 饼状图|pie chart bingzhui 冰锥|icicle bingzi 丙子|thirteenth year C1 of the 60 year cyc... bingzi 饼子|maize or millet pancake bingzihuluan 丙子胡乱|second Manchu invasion of Korea (1636) bingzizhanzheng 丙子战争|second Manchu invasion of Korea (1636) bingzu 兵卒|soldiers/troops bingzuan 冰钻|ice auger bingzuo 并坐|to sit together binhai 滨海|Binhai (place name)/Binhai New Distri... binhai 滨海|coastal/bordering the sea binhai 濒海|coastal/bordering the sea binhaibianjiangqu 滨海边疆区|Primorsky Krai (Russian territory who... binhaixian 滨海县|Binhai county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 ... binhaixinqu 滨海新区|Binhai New District, subprovincial di... binhe 濒河|bordering a river/riparian binhu 滨湖|Binhu district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[W... binhuqu 滨湖区|Binhu district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[W... bini 比拟|to compare/to draw a parallel/to matc... bini 俾倪|parapet/to look askance binian 比年|(literary) every year; year after yea... binianmo 鼻黏膜|nasal mucous membrane biniaofu 毕尼奥夫|Hugo Benioff (1899-1968), Caltech sei... biniaofudai 毕尼奥夫带|Benioff zone (geology)/also called Wa... biniur 鼻牛儿|hardened mucus in nostrils binjiang 滨江|along the bank of a river; riverside binjiangqu 滨江区|Binjiang district of Hangzhou city 杭州... binjiao 鬓角|sideburns/temples/hair on the temples binjiao 鬓脚|variant of 鬢角|鬓角[bin4 jiao3] binjin 濒近|on the brink binke 宾客|guests/visitors binkeyingmen 宾客盈门|guests filled the hall (idiom); a hou... binli 宾利|Bentley binlian 殡殓|to bury sb binlin 濒临|on the edge of/(fig.) on the verge of... binmana 彬马那|Pyinmana, town in central Myanmar binmao 鬓毛|hair on the temples binmie 濒灭|on the brink of extinction binpeng 宾朋|guests/invited friends binpengmanzuo 宾朋满座|guests filled all the seats (idiom); ... binpengyingmen 宾朋盈门|guests filled the hall (idiom); a hou... binqi 摈弃|to abandon/to discard/to cast away binshi 宾士|Taiwan equivalent of 奔馳|奔驰[Ben1 chi2] binsi 濒死|nearing death/on the point of demise/... binsong 滨松|Hamamatsu, city in Shizuoka prefectur... binsongshi 滨松市|Hamamatsu, city in Shizuoka prefectur... bintian 滨田|Hamada (name) bintianjingyi 滨田靖一|HAMADA Yasukazu (1955-), Japanese def... binv 婢女|slave girl/servant girl binwei 濒危|endangered (species)/in imminent dang... binwei 彬蔚|erudite and refined binweiwuzhong 濒危物种|endangered species binweiyeshengdongzhiwuzhongguojimaoyigongyue 濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约|Convention on International Trade in ... binxian 宾县|Bin County in Harbin, Heilongjiang binxiang 傧相|attendant of the bride or bridegroom ... binxifaniya 宾夕法尼亚|Pennsylvania binxifaniya 宾西法尼亚|Pennsylvania/also written 賓夕法尼亞|宾夕法尼亚 binxifaniyadaxue 宾夕法尼亚大学|University of Pennsylvania binxifaniyazhou 宾夕法尼亚州|Pennsylvania binxing 膑刑|removal of the kneecaps (punishment) binyang 宾阳|Binyang county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ... binyangxian 宾阳县|Binyang county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ... binyiguan 殡仪馆|the undertaker\'s/funeral parlor binyiyuan 殡仪员|undertaker/funeral arranger binyu 濒于|near to/approaching (collapse) binyu 宾语|object (grammar) binzang 殡葬|funeral and interment binzhi 宾治|punch (loanword) binzhi 槟椥|Ben Tre, province and city in Vietnam binzhi 槟知|Ben Tre, province and city in Vietnam binzhirugui 宾至如归|guests feel at home (in a hotel, gues... binzhou 宾州|Pennsylvania/abbr. for 賓夕法尼亞州|宾夕法尼亚州 binzhou 滨州|see 濱州市|滨州市[Bin1zhou1 Shi4] binzhoushi 滨州市|Binzhou, prefecture-level city in Sha... binzhu 宾主|guest and host binzhujinhuan 宾主尽欢|both the guests and the hosts thoroug... binzi 槟子|binzi/a species of apple which is sli... biouquan 碧欧泉|Biotherm (brand name) bipan 比拚|(Tw) to compete/contest bipangdou 鼻旁窦|paranasal sinus bipin 比拼|to compete fiercely/contest bipo 逼迫|to force/to compel/to coerce biqi 荸荠|Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis du... biqi 鄙弃|to disdain/to loathe biqi 闭起|to shut biqi 比起|compared with biqiang 鼻腔|nasal cavity biqigongyuyiyi 毕其功于一役|to accomplish the whole task at one s... biqin 吡嗪|pyrazine (chemistry) (loanword) biqinglianzhong 鼻青脸肿|a bloody nose and a swollen face/badl... biqingyanzhong 鼻青眼肿|a black eye (idiom); serious injury t... biqiruiqi,jiqiduogui 避其锐气,击其惰归|avoid the enemy when he is fresh and ... biqiu 壁球|squash (sport) biqiu 比丘|Buddhist monk (loanword from Sanskrit... biqiuni 比丘尼|Buddhist nun (loanword from Sanskrit ... biqujian 闭区间|closed interval (in calculus) bir 鼻儿|eye/a hole in an implement or utensil... biran 必然|inevitable/certain/necessity birang 避让|to avoid/to yield (in traffic)/to get... biranjieguo 必然结果|inevitable outcome/inescapable conseq... biranwangguo 必然王国|realm of necessity (philosophy) bire 比热|specific heat biren 鄙人|your humble servant/I biren 逼人|pressing/threatening birentaishen 逼人太甚|to push sb too far/to go too far (in ... birong 比容|specific volume biru 比如|for example/for instance/such as birushuo 比如说|for example bisa 比萨|Pisa, town in Toscana, Italy bisa 比萨|pizza (loanword) bisabing 比萨饼|pizza (loanword)/CL:張|张[zhang1] bisai 比赛|competition (sports etc)/match/CL:場|场... bisai 壁塞|wall plug/screw anchor bisaichang 比赛场|stadium/playing field for a competition bisaixiangmu 比赛项目|sporting event/item on program of spo... bisaxieta 比萨斜塔|Leaning Tower of Pisa bise 鼻塞|a blocked nose bise 闭塞|to stop up/to close up/hard to get to... bisefenxi 比色分析|colorimetric analysis biseyanjingzhuomaque 闭塞眼睛捉麻雀|lit. to catch sparrows blindfolded (i... bisha 臂纱|armband bishaji 必杀技|(gaming or wrestling) finishing move;... bishan 璧山|Bishan, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆... bishang 闭上|to close/to shut up bishang-buzu,bixia-youyu 比上不足,比下有余|neither the best nor the worst; not t... bishangliangshan 逼上梁山|driven to join the Liangshan Mountain... bishangzuiba 闭上嘴巴|Shut up! bishanqu 璧山区|Bishan, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆... bishao 比绍|Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau bishe 毕设|graduation project bishenchu 蔽身处|shelter bisheng 必胜|to be certain of victory/to be bound ... bisheng 毕生|all one\'s life/lifetime bisheng 毕昇|Bi Sheng (990-1051), inventor of mova... bishengke 必胜客|Pizza Hut bishi 笔试|written examination/paper test (for a... bishi 逼视|to look at from close up/to watch int... bishi 比试|to have a competition/to measure with... bishi 鄙视|to despise/to disdain/to look down upon bishi 避世|to shun the world bishi 鼻屎|booger; dried nasal mucus bishi 拂士|attendant to the emperor/wise counselor bishi 俾使|in order that/so that/so as to/to cau... bishi 壁虱|tick/bedbug bishi 彼时|at that time bishi 比湿|specific humidity bishijiuxu 避实就虚|(idiom) stay clear of the enemy\'s mai... bishijuesu 避世绝俗|to withdraw from society and live lik... bishikaike 比什凯克|Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan bishilian 鄙视链|a ranking of items in a particular ca... bishiwengying 比氏鹟莺|(bird species of China) Bianchi\'s war... bishou 匕首|dagger bishouhuajiao 比手划脚|to gesticulate/to make lively gesture... bishouhuajiao 比手画脚|to gesticulate/to make lively gesture... bishu 避暑|to be away for the summer holidays/to... bishu 比数|score (of a game or competition) bishu 避署|to go on summer vacation bishui 避税|to avoid taxation/tax avoidance bishui 鼻水|nasal mucus/snivel bishuigang 避税港|tax haven bishuitiantang 避税天堂|tax haven bishun 笔顺|stroke order (when writing Chinese ch... bishushanzhuang 避暑山庄|mountain resort/Qing imperial summer ... bisi 逼死|to hound sb to death bisi 鼻饲|nasal feeding bisifa 鼻饲法|nasal feeding bisikaiwan 比斯开湾|Bay of Biscay bisimai 俾斯麦|Bismarck (name)/Otto von Bismarck (18... bisiwuyi 必死无疑|will die for sure; to be a goner bisizhizheng 必死之症|terminal illness/incurable condition ... bisu 鄙俗|vulgar/philistine bisuan 笔算|to do a sum in writing/written calcul... bisuan 鼻酸|to have a tingling sensation in one\'s... bisuo 比索|(Tw) Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau bisuo 比索|(loanword) peso (monetary unit) bisuo 闭锁|to lock bisuoqi 闭锁期|lock-up period (on stock options) bitan 笔谈|to communicate by means of written no... bitan 壁毯|tapestry (used as a wall hanging) bitan 碧潭|Bitan or Green Pool on Xindian Creek ... bitan 碧潭|green pool bitao 笔套|the cap of a pen, pencil or writing b... bite 比特|bit (binary digit) (loanword) bitebi 比特币|Bitcoin (cryptocurrency) bitena 比特纳|(surname) Bittner or Büttner bitequan 比特犬|pit bull (loanword) biti 鼻涕|nasal mucus; snivel; snot biti 笔替|(poorly paid) ghostwriter or substitu... bitichong 鼻涕虫|a slug/sb with a runny nose biting 笔挺|(standing) very straight/straight as ... bitong 笔筒|pen container; brush pot bitou 鼻头|tip of the nose/(dialect) nose bitou 笔头|ability to write/writing skill/writte... bitou 篦头|to comb one\'s hair bitu 碧土|Putog, former county 1983-1999 in Zog... bituxian 碧土县|Putog, former county 1983-1999 in Zog... biu □|(onom.) pew! (sound of a bullet fired... biwa 碧瓦|green/glazed tile biwan 臂弯|crook of the arm biwangqiu 壁网球|jai alai (sports) biwanli 比腕力|arm wrestling (Tw) biwei 比为|to liken to/to compare to biweili 比威力|yield-to-weight ratio (of a nuclear w... biwen 逼问|to question intensely/to interrogate/... biwenan 避蚊胺|DEET (insect repellent) biwu 比武|martial arts competition/tournament/t... biwu 笔误|a slip of a pen/CL:處|处[chu4] bixi 碧玺|tourmaline bixi 鼻息|breath bixi 敝屣|worn-out shoes/a worthless thing bixi 赑屃|(literary) (Chinese mythology) creatu... bixia 陛下|Your Majesty/His or Her Majesty bixia 笔下|the wording and purport of what one w... bixian 避嫌|to avoid arousing suspicion bixian 避险|to flee from danger/to avoid danger/t... bixian 笔仙|a form of automatic writing in which ... bixiang 壁厢|lateral/side/to the side/beside bixiao 毕肖|to resemble closely/to be the very im... bixiao 逼肖|to bear a close resemblance to/to be ... bixiao 鼻箫|nose flute bixiaoying 壁效应|wall effect bixiaqu 比下去|to defeat; to be superior to bixiashenghua 笔下生花|to write elegantly bixie 辟邪|to ward off evil spirits/mythical lio... bixie 避邪|to avoid evil spirits bixie 璧谢|decline (a gift) with thanks bixie 鄙亵|vulgar/disrespectful bixin 笔芯|pencil lead; pen refill bixin 笔心|pencil lead/refill (for a ball-point ... bixin 比心|(Internet slang) to form a hand heart... bixirou 鼻息肉|nasal polyp bixitelatu 庇西特拉图|Pisistratus (-528 BC), tyrant (ruler)... bixiu 必修|(of an academic course) required/comp... bixiuke 必修课|required course; compulsory course bixiuwu 毕宿五|Aldebaran or Alpha Tauri bixizunrong 敝屣尊荣|to care nothing for worldly fame and ... bixu 必须|to have to/must/compulsory/necessarily bixu 必需|to need/to require/essential/indispen... bixue 碧血|blood shed in a just cause bixupin 必需品|necessity/essential (thing) biya 比亚|Bia, daughter of Pallas and Styx in G... biyadi 比亚迪|BYD Company (company name) biyadiqiche 比亚迪汽车|BYD Auto, PRC car company biyan 鼻炎|rhinitis biyan 碧眼|blue eyes biyan 鼻烟|snuff biyan 笔砚|writing brush and ink stone biyan 鼻咽|nose and throat biyanai 鼻咽癌|cancers of the nose and throat/nasoph... biyang 泌阳|Biyang county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zh... biyangr 屄样儿|(vulgar, offensive) a person\'s repuls... biyangxian 泌阳县|Biyang county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zh... biyanhe 鼻烟盒|snuffbox biyanhu 鼻烟壶|snuff bottle biyao 必要|necessary/essential/indispensable/req... biyaotiaojian 必要条件|requirement/necessary condition (math) biyaoxing 必要性|necessity biyaweisituoke 比亚韦斯托克|Białystok, city in Poland biye 毕业|graduation/to graduate/to finish school biye 比耶|to make a V sign (esp. when posing fo... biyedianli 毕业典礼|graduation ceremony; commencement exe... biyesheng 毕业生|graduate biyezhengshu 毕业证书|(PRC) (since 1985) graduation certifi... biyezuozhou 俾夜作昼|lit. to make night as day (idiom); fi... biyi 笔译|written translation biyi 鼻翼|the wing of the nose/ala nasi biyi 比翼|(flying) wing to wing biyi 裨益|benefit/advantage/profit/to be a bene... biyi 鄙夷|to despise; to look down on; to feel ... biyi 避役|chameleon biyibi 比一比|to make a comparison/to engage in a c... biyin 鼻音|nasal sound biyin 庇荫|to give shade (of a tree etc)/to shield biying 必应|Bing (search engine) biyinjie 闭音节|closed syllable biyiqifei 比翼齐飞|to fly wing to wing (idiom)/two heart... biyishiciyishi 彼一时此一时|that was one thing, and this is anoth... biyishuangfei 比翼双飞|lit. a pair of birds flying close tog... biyong 辟雍|central of the five Zhou dynasty roya... biyou 庇佑|to bless/to protect/protection (esp. ... biyou 笔友|pen pal biyou 庇祐|to bless/to protect/protection (esp. ... biyouzhilu 必由之路|see 必經之路|必经之路[bi4 jing1 zhi1 lu4] biyouzhongxie 必有重谢|(we) will be very grateful (if ...) biyu 碧玉|jasper biyu 比喻|to compare/to liken to/metaphor/analo... biyu 闭域|closed domain/algebraically closed fi... biyu 璧玉|jade disk with a hole in the center biyuan 闭源|(computing) closed-source biyuan 鼻渊|nasosinusitis biyuanyin 闭元音|close vowel biyuexiuhua 闭月羞花|lit. hiding the moon, shaming the flo... biyun 避孕|contraception biyunhuan 避孕环|coil/contraceptive coil/intrauterine ... biyunmu 鼻韵母|(of Chinese pronunciation) a vowel fo... biyuntao 避孕套|condom/CL:隻|只[zhi1] biyunwan 避孕丸|contraceptive pill biyunyao 避孕药|oral contraceptive biyuyi 比喻义|figurative meaning (of a word) bizan 比赞|to give a thumbs-up bize 逼仄|narrow/cramped bizhai 逼债|to press for payment of debts/to dun bizhan 笔战|written polemics bizhan 臂展|arm span bizhang 臂章|armband/armlet/shoulder emblem bizhao 比照|according to/in the light of/contrast bizhe 笔者|the author; the writer (usu. refers t... bizhe 闭着|closed bizhen 逼真|lifelike/true to life/distinctly/clearly bizheng 痹证|localized pain disorder (in Chinese m... bizhenliaofa 鼻针疗法|nose-acupuncture therapy bizhenxie 避震鞋|cushioning shoes (Tw) bizhi 比值|ratio bizhi 笔直|perfectly straight/straight as a ramr... bizhi 币值|value of a currency bizhi 币制|currency system bizhi 壁纸|wallpaper bizhong 币种|currency bizhong 比重|proportion/specific gravity bizhongge 鼻中隔|nasal septum bizhongjiuqing 避重就轻|to avoid the important and dwell on t... bizhongzhi 比中指|to give the middle finger bizhouqianjin 敝帚千金|lit. my worn-out broom, a thousand in... bizhouzizhen 敝帚自珍|to value the broom as one\'s own (idio... bizhouzuoye 俾昼作夜|to make day as night (idiom, from Boo... bizhu 壁助|help/assistant bizi 鼻子|nose/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] bizi 篦子|double-edged fine-toothed comb/grate bizi 箅子|bamboo grid for steaming food/grate; ... bizi 毕兹|QNB (quinuclidinyl benzilate) bizi 秕子|blighted grain biziji 闭子集|closed subset (math.) bizu 鼻祖|the earliest ancestor/originator (of ... bizui 闭嘴|Shut up!/same as 閉上嘴巴|闭上嘴巴 bizuo 比作|to liken to/to compare to bizuo 吡唑|pyrazole (chemistry) (loanword) bizuo 比做|to liken to/to compare to bm BM|Brandy Melville, fashion brand known ... bo 波|(bound form) Poland (abbr. for 波蘭|波兰[... bo 波|wave/ripple/storm/surge bo 薄|surname Bo bo 薄|meager/slight/weak/ungenerous or unki... bo 薄|see 薄荷[bo4 he5] bo 般|used in 般若[bo1re3] bo 伯|father\'s elder brother/senior/paterna... bo 播|to sow/to scatter/to spread/to broadc... bo 啵|(onom.) to bubble bo 啵|grammatical particle equivalent to 吧 bo 柏|(used for transcribing names) bo 柏|used in 黃柏|黄柏[huang2bo4]/Taiwan pr. [... bo 博|extensive/ample/rich/obtain/aim/to wi... bo 博|old variant of 博[bo2] bo 拨|to push aside with the hand, foot, a ... bo 泊|to anchor/touch at/to moor bo 铂|platinum (chemistry) bo 箔|plaited matting (of rushes, bamboo et... bo 钹|cymbals bo 卜|used in 蘿蔔|萝卜[luo2 bo5] bo 亳|name of district in Anhui/capital of Yin bo 玻|glass bo 僰|name of an ethnic group bo 渤|same as 渤海[Bo2 Hai3], Bohai Sea betwe... bo 剥|to peel/to skin/to flay/to shuck bo 捭|variant of 擘[bo4]/to separate/to split bo 驳|variegated/heterogeneous/to refute/to... bo 驳|variant of 駁|驳[bo2] bo 钵|small earthenware plate or basin/a mo... bo 钵|variant of 缽|钵[bo1] bo 壆|(dialect) mounded row of soil (in whi... bo 舶|ship bo 搏|to fight/to combat/to seize/(of heart... bo 蕃|see 吐蕃[Tu3 bo1] bo 擘|thumb/to break/to tear/to pierce/to s... bo 馎|used in 餺飥|馎饦[bo2tuo1] bo 嚗|(onom.) sound of sth splitting or bre... bo 菠|spinach bo 檗|used in 黃檗|黄檗[huang2bo4] bo 跛|to limp/lame/crippled bo 脖|neck bo 膊|shoulder/upper arm bo 簸|to winnow; to toss up and down bo 簸|used in 簸箕[bo4 ji1] bo 嶓|name of a mountain bo 帛|silk bo 砵|alms bowl bo 踣|corpse/prostrate bo 譒|to promulgate/to spread bo 鲌|culter, a generic term for cyprinid f... bo 浡|full/gushing (of fountain) bo 镈|ancient musical intrument shaped as a... bo 礴|to fill/to extend bo 饽|cake/biscuit bo 鹁|woodpidgeon bo 癶|Kangxi radical 105, known as 登字頭|登字头[... bo 袯|used in 襏襫|袯襫[bo2shi4] bo 髆|shoulder blade bo 欂|rafter bo 襮|embroidered collar/expose bo 哱|used in 呼哱哱[hu1 bo1 bo1] bo 桲|flail bo 盋|obscure variant of 缽|钵[bo1] bo 鋍|old term for beryllium, now written 鈹... bo 葧|Heleocharis plantaginea bo 䬪|variant of 餺|馎[bo2] bo 勃|flourishing/prosperous/suddenly/abruptly bo 𬭛|bohrium (chemistry) boaci 波阿次|Boaz (name) boai 博爱|Bo\'ai county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4... boai 博爱|universal fraternity (or brotherhood)... boaixian 博爱县|Bo\'ai county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4... boaizuo 博爱座|priority seat (on a bus etc) (Tw) boan 驳岸|a low stone wall built along the wate... boan 薄暗|at dusk/evening boang 波昂|Bonn, city in Germany (Tw) boao 博鳌|see 博鰲鎮|博鳌镇[Bo2 ao2 zhen4] boaoyazhouluntan 博鳌亚洲论坛|Bo\'ao Forum for Asia (since 2001) boaozhen 博鳌镇|Bo\'ao seaside resort, Hainan boasi 波阿斯|Boaz (son of Salmon and Rahab) boba 波霸|(slang) (loanword) big boobs/big-brea... bobai 博白|Bobai county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], G... bobaixian 博白县|Bobai county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], G... bobanaicha 波霸奶茶|bubble milk tea (Tw)/Boba milk tea/ta... bobanbao 波斑鸨|(bird species of China) MacQueen\'s bu... bobao 播报|to announce/to read (the news) bobaoyuan 播报员|announcer bobi 波比|burpee (loanword) bobi 搏髀|to beat time by slapping one\'s thighs bobitiao 波比跳|burpee (loanword) bobiyundong 波比运动|burpee (loanword) bobo 饽饽|pastry/steamed bun/cake bobo 勃勃|thriving/vigorous/exuberant bobo 伯伯|father\'s elder brother/uncle bobo 啵啵|(onom.) bubbling noise boboer 柏柏尔|Berber people of North Africa bobomi 卜卜米|Rice Krispies bobotou 波波头|bob (hairstyle) bocai 菠菜|spinach (CL:棵[ke1])/(slang) lottery (... bocai 博彩|lottery bocaibi 剥采比|stripping-to-ore ratio/stripping ratio bochan 薄产|meager estate/small means bochang 波长|wavelength boche 泊车|to park (a vehicle) (loanword)/parkin... bochi 驳斥|to refute/to debunk/to deny/to denounce bochou 薄酬|small reward (for work)/meager remune... bochu 播出|to broadcast/to air (a TV program etc) bochu 拨出|to pull out/to allocate (funds)/to dial bochuan 驳船|barge; lighter boci 驳辞|refutation/incoherent speech boci 驳词|to refute bocitan 波茨坦|Potsdam, near Berlin, Germany bocitangonggao 波茨坦公告|Potsdam Declaration bocitanhuiyi 波茨坦会议|Potsdam conference, July-August 1945,... bociwana 博茨瓦纳|Botswana bociwana 博茨瓦那|Botswana boda 拨打|to call/to dial boda 博大|enormous/broad/extensive bodai 薄待|mean treatment/indifference/meager ho... bodaipian 波带片|zone plate bodajingshen 博大精深|wide-ranging and profound/broad and deep bodang 波荡|heave/surge bodang 簸荡|to be tossed around (like a boat on a... bodao 博导|Ph.D. advisor bodao 波导|waveguide (electronics) bodao 驳倒|to refute/to demolish (an argument, t... bode 博得|to win/to gain bode 博德|Bodø (city in Norway) bode 波德|Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826), German... bodegelicha 波德戈里察|Podgorica, capital of Montenegro bodelicha 波德里查|Podgorica, capital of Montenegro (Tw) bodelitushuguan 博德利图书馆|Bodleian Library (Oxford) bodenghu 博登湖|Lake Constance (between Germany, Aust... bodeshen 波德申|Port Dickson (holiday destination in ... bodi 薄地|barren land/poor soil bodi 博蒂|birdie (one stroke under par in golf) bodian 波点|polka dot (abbr. for 波爾卡圓點|波尔卡圆点[bo1 ... bodiao 剥掉|to peel off/to strip off bodiqieli 柏蒂切利|Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) Italian... bodong 波动|to undulate/to fluctuate/wave motion/... bodong 拨动|to stir/to prod/to poke/to move sidew... bodong 搏动|to beat rhythmically/to throb/to pulsate bodonglixue 波动力学|wave mechanics (physics) bodongxing 波动性|fluctuation bodou 搏斗|to wrestle; to fight; to struggle bodou 伯都|(archaic) (dialect) tiger bodou 博斗|to fight or argue on a blogging site ... boduan 波段|wave band boduo 剥夺|to deprive/to expropriate/to strip (s... boduolige 波多黎各|Puerto Rico, self-governing unincorpo... boduolu 伯多禄|Peter (Catholic transliteration) boduomakehe 波多马克河|see 波托馬克河|波托马克河[Bo1 tuo1 ma3 ke4 He2] boen 波恩|Bonn, a small town on the Rhine, Cold... boen 伯恩|Bern or Berne, capital of Switzerland... boendaxue 波恩大学|University of Bonn boenmaosi 伯恩茅斯|Bournemouth, UK boensi 伯恩斯|Burns (name)/Nicholas Burns (1956-), ... boerbujing 博而不精|extensive but not refined (idiom); to... boerbute 波尔布特|Pol Pot (1925-1998), Cambodian commun... boerde 博尔德|Boulder, Colorado boerdun 博尔顿|Bolton (name) boerduo 波尔多|Bordeaux boerduoye 波尔多液|Bordeaux mixture boerhesi 博尔赫斯|Jorge Luis Borges boerka 波尔卡|polka (dance) (loanword) boerni 伯尔尼|Bern, capital of Switzerland boertalamengguzizhizhou 博尔塔拉蒙古自治州|Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture ... boerziman 玻尔兹曼|Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), Austria... bofa 勃发|to sprout up; to flourish; (of war et... bofa 播发|to broadcast bofang 播放|to broadcast; to transmit (by radio o... bofangcheng 波方程|wave equation (math. physics) bofangji 播放机|player (e.g. CD player) bofangliebiao 播放列表|playlist bofeng 波峰|wave crest bofu 伯父|father\'s elder brother/term of respec... bofu 拨付|appropriate sum of money bofu 波幅|amplitude bofu 驳复|to refute bofusi 博福斯|Bofors, Swedish arms company involved... bofutehai 波弗特海|Beaufort Sea (off Alaska, Yukon and N... boganqing 搏感情|(Tw) to build up a rapport; to cultiv... boge 鹁鸽|pigeon boge 博格|Borg (name)/Bjorn Borg (1956-), Swedi... bogeda 波哥大|Bogota, capital of Colombia bogedafeng 博格达峰|Mt Bogda (5,445 m) in eastern Tianshan bogedashanmai 博格达山脉|Bogda Shan mountain range in the Tian... bogeduo 博格多|Bogdo, last Khan of Mongolia bogeduohangong 博格多汗宫|the Palace of the Bogdo Khan in Ulan ... bogendi 勃艮第|Burgundy (Bourgogne), kingdom during ... bogengr 脖颈儿|back of the neck; nape bogu 博古|Bo Gu (1907-1946), Soviet-trained Chi... bogu 勃固|Pegu city in south Myanmar (Burma) bogu 鹁鸪|turtle dove or similar bird/oriental ... bogu 波谷|trough bogu 簸谷|to winnow grain boguang 波光|gleaming reflection of waves in sunlight boguhe 勃固河|Pegu River of south central Myanmar (... bogushanmai 勃固山脉|Pegu Yoma (mountain range) of south c... bogutongjin 博古通今|conversant with things past and prese... bohai 渤海|Bohai Sea, or Bo Hai, between Liaonin... bohai 勃海|Han dynasty province around the Bohai... bohai 薄海|vast area/all the way to the sea bohaiwan 渤海湾|Bohai Bay bohanshu 波函数|wave function (in quantum mechanics) bohao 拨号|to dial a telephone number bohaolianjie 拨号连接|dial-up connection/dial-up networking bohaopan 拨号盘|telephone dial bohaoyin 拨号音|dial tone bohe 薄荷|mint (plant)/Taiwan pr. [bo4he2] bohe 波河|Po River, longest river in Italy bohe 波赫|(Tw) abbr. for 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納|波士尼亚与赫塞哥维纳[... bohechun 薄荷醇|(chemistry) menthol bohei 波黑|abbr. for 波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那|波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那[Bo1 s... bohetang 薄荷糖|mint (confectionery) bohetong 薄荷酮|menthone (chemistry) boheyou 薄荷油|peppermint oil bohong 波鸿|Bochum (city in Germany) bohou 博后|postdoc; postdoctoral fellow bohou 薄厚|meanness and generosity/intimacy and ... bohu 博湖|Bohu county, Baghrash nahiyisi or Boh... bohua 擘画|variant of 擘劃|擘划[bo4 hua4] bohua 帛画|painting on silk bohua 擘划|to plan/to arrange bohui 驳回|to reject/to turn down/to overrule bohuogun 拨火棍|poker bohuxian 博湖县|Bohu county, Baghrash nahiyisi or Boh... boji 搏击|to fight, esp. with hands/wrestling (... boji 波及|to spread to/to involve/to affect boji 簸箕|wicker or bamboo winnowing basket/dus... boji 波季|Poti, strategic seaport in Abkhazia, ... boji 薄技|meager skill/my poor talents (humble) bojiang 播讲|to broadcast a lecture, a book readin... bojiangzuo 波江座|Eridanus (constellation) bojiao 跛脚|to limp/lame person bojiaqiu 薄伽丘|Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), Itali... bojie 拨接|dial-up (Internet connection) bojie 伯杰|(name) Berger/Samuel Berger, former U... bojin 帛金|traditional money gift at a funeral bojiu 薄酒|(my inferior) wine (humble term used ... bojiu 鹁鸠|turtle dove or similar bird; (esp.) o... bojue 伯爵|earl/count/earldom or countship (old) boka 波卡|burqa (loanword) bokai 拨开|to push aside/to part/to brush away bokai 擘开|to break open bokaobing 薄烤饼|pancake boke 播客|podcast (loanword) boke 博客|blog (loanword)/weblog/blogger bokehuaju 博客话剧|blog drama (netspeak) bokejun 柏克郡|Berkshire (English county) bokeli 伯克利|Berkeley bokeqiang 驳壳枪|Mauser pistol bokequan 博客圈|blogosphere bokeshengdi 博科圣地|Boko Haram, Islamic insurgent group i... bokexieshou 博客写手|blogger/blog writer bokong 拨空|to make time bokuan 拨款|to allocate funds/appropriation bolaboladao 博拉博拉岛|Bora Bora, island of the Society Isla... bolaboladao 波拉波拉岛|Bora Bora, island of the Society Isla... boladisilawa 伯拉第斯拉瓦|Bratislava, capital of Slovakia bolaigu 波来古|Pleiku, Vietnam bolailuo 波莱罗|bolero (dance) (loanword) bolaipin 舶来品|(old) imported goods/foreign goods bolamusi 勃拉姆斯|Brahms (name)/Johannes Brahms (1833-1... bolan 博览|to read extensively bolan 波兰|Poland bolan 波澜|billows/great waves (fig. of a story ... bolandengbao 勃兰登堡|Brandenburg bolang 波浪|wave bolangfeng 勃朗峰|Mont Blanc (between Italy and France) bolanggu 拨浪鼓|rattle drum; pellet drum – a hand dru... bolanggu 波浪鼓|variant of 撥浪鼓|拨浪鼓[bo1lang5gu3] bolanghao 波浪号|tilde ( ~ ) bolangning 勃朗宁|Browning, US firearm brand bolanhui 博览会|exposition/international fair bolanlaocheng 波澜老成|splendid and powerful (of story)/maje... bolanqifu 波澜起伏|one climax follows another (of thrill... bolansiji 波兰斯基|Polanski (name) bolanyu 波兰语|Polish (language) bolanzhuangkuo 波澜壮阔|surging forward with great momentum/u... bolao 伯劳|shrike bolaoniao 伯劳鸟|shrike (family Laniidae) bolatu 柏拉图|Plato (c. 427-c. 347 BC), Greek philo... bolatuzhexue 柏拉图哲学|Platonism bole 伯乐|Bole (a man who lived during Spring a... bole 博乐|Börtala Shehiri, county-level city in... boleshi 博乐市|Börtala Shehiri of Bole City, county-... boli 玻璃|glass/CL:張|张[zhang1],塊|块[kuai4]/(slan... boli 剥离|to peel/to strip/to peel off/to come ... boli 薄礼|my meager gift (humble) boli 薄利|small profits boli 勃利|Boli, a county in Qitaihe 七臺河市|七台河市[Q... boli 箔篱|(dialect) partition or screen made of... boliaozi 柏辽兹|Hector Berlioz (1803-1869), French ro... bolibei 玻璃杯|drinking glass boliduoxiao 薄利多销|small profit but rapid turnover bolieriniefu 勃列日涅夫|Leonid Brezhnev (1906-1982), Soviet s... bolierxiangxing 波粒二象性|wave-particle duality in quantum mech... boligang 玻璃钢|glass-reinforced plastic/fiberglass boliguan 玻璃管|glass tube boliheng 伯利恒|Bethlehem (in the biblical nativity s... bolihua 玻璃化|vitrification bolikeli 伯里克利|Pericles (c. 495-429 BC), Athenian st... bolin 柏林|Berlin, capital of Germany boling 脖领|shirt collar bolingongyedaxue 柏林工业大学|Technical University of Berlin, Germa... bolinixiya 玻利尼西亚|Polynesia bolinixiya 波利尼西亚|Polynesia bolinixiya 玻里尼西亚|Polynesia (Tw) bolinqiang 柏林墙|Berlin Wall bolinweiqiang 柏林围墙|Berlin Wall boliqiu 玻璃球|marbles bolisha 玻璃砂|siliceous sand (geology) bolishi 波丽士|police (loanword) (Tw) bolishi 玻璃市|Perlis, state of Malaysia adjacent to... boliti 玻璃体|vitreous humor boliu 帛琉|(Tw) Palau boliweiya 玻利维亚|Bolivia bolixian 勃利县|Boli, a county in Qitaihe 七臺河市|七台河市[Q... bolixianwei 玻璃纤维|fiberglass; glass fiber bolixin 玻璃心|(slang) overly sensitive/butthurt bolizhao 玻璃罩|glass cover; bell glass bolizhi 玻璃纸|cellophane bolizi 伯利兹|Belize bolongna 波隆那|Bologna, city in Northern Italy boluanfanzheng 拨乱反正|bring order out of chaos/set to right... boluo 菠萝|pineapple boluo 博罗|Boluo county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1... boluo 剥落|to peel off boluo 波罗|Polo (car made by Volkswagen)/surname... boluo 驳落|to peel off/mottled/to fail an exam/t... boluobao 菠萝包|pineapple bun, a sweet bun popular es... boluobennisa 伯罗奔尼撒|Peloponnese (peninsula in southern Gr... boluodi 波罗的|Baltic boluodihai 波罗的海|Baltic Sea boluomi 波罗蜜|jackfruit/breadfruit/Artocarpus heter... boluomi 菠萝蜜|jackfruit boluoniesi 波洛涅斯|Polonius (name)/Shakespearean charact... boluoniya 博洛尼亚|Bologna boluoxian 博罗县|Boluo county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1... boluoyou 菠萝油|pineapple bun 菠蘿包|菠萝包[bo1luo2bao1] wi... bomeibizhongji 波美比重计|Baume hydrometer bomeidu 波美度|Baume degrees bomeilaniya 波美拉尼亚|Pomerania, a historical region on the... bomeiquan 博美犬|Pomeranian (dog breed) bomengte 博蒙特|Beaumont bomian 薄面|my meager sensibilities/blushing face... bomian 波面|wave front bomianzi 驳面子|to hurt sb\'s feelings by rebuffing th... boming 薄命|to be born under an unlucky star (usu... boming 薄明|dim light/early dawn boming 搏命|to fight with all one has bominghan 伯明翰|Birmingham bomo 薄膜|membrane/film/CL:層|层[ceng2] bomu 薄暮|dusk/twilight bomu 伯母|wife of father\'s elder brother/aunt/(... bonaba 波拿巴|Bonaparte (name)/Napoleon Bonaparte (... bonanke 伯南克|Bernanke (name)/Ben Shalom Bernanke (... bonasili 伯纳斯·李|Sir Tim Berners-Lee (1955-), British ... boniaosuan 玻尿酸|hyaluronic acid/hyaluronan bonong 拨弄|to move to and fro (with hand, foot, ... bonong 播弄|to order people about/to stir up/to s... bopaer 博帕尔|Bhopal, capital of central Indian sta... bopang 波旁|Bourbon bopian 玻片|glass slide for medical sample bopian 拨片|plectrum bopiqi 剥皮器|peeler (e.g. for vegetables) bopu 波谱|spectrum bopuyishu 波普艺术|pop art (loanword) boqi 勃起|erection/to have an erection boqigongnengzhangai 勃起功能障碍|erectile dysfunction (ED) boqing 薄情|inconstant in love/fickle boqingge 柏青哥|pachinko (loanword) (Tw) boqu 博取|to win (favors, confidence etc) boran 勃然|suddenly/abruptly/agitatedly/excitedl... boranbianse 勃然变色|to suddenly change color showing disp... borandanu 勃然大怒|to fly into a rage/to see red bore 般若|(Buddhism) wisdom; insight into the t... boreboluomi 般若波罗密|prajña paramita (Sanskrit: supreme wi... boreboluomiduoxinjing 般若波罗密多心经|the Heart Sutra borong 拨冗|to find time to do sth in the midst o... boruiguang 薄瑞光|Raymond Burghard (1945-), US diplomat... boruo 薄弱|weak; frail boruohuanjie 薄弱环节|weak link/loophole bosa 播撒|to sow (seeds)/to scatter bosaida 伯赛大|Bethsaida, settlement on the shore of... bosaidong 波塞冬|Poseidon, God of the sea in Greek myt... bose 百色|Bose or Baise prefecture-level city i... bosenmei 波森莓|boysenberry (hybrid of raspberry and ... bosezi 玻色子|boson (particle physics) bosha 搏杀|to fight and kill; to engage in fierc... bosha 伯莎|Bertha (name) bosha 波霎|(astronomy) pulsar boshan 博山|Boshan district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 ... boshanqu 博山区|Boshan district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 ... boshengelun 波什格伦|Porsgrunn (city in Telemark, Norway) boshi 博士|doctor (as an academic degree)/(old) ... boshi 博世|Bosch (surname)/Bosch, German technol... boshi 博识|knowledgeable/erudite/erudition/profi... boshi 剥蚀|to corrode/to expose by corrosion (ge... boshi 袯襫|woven rush raincoat boshi-mailv 博士买驴|(idiom) to act like the scholar who w... boshicha 博士茶|rooibos tea boshidaoshi 博士导师|doctoral advisor; PhD supervisor boshidun 波士顿|Boston, capital of Massachusetts boshidundaxue 波士顿大学|Boston University boshidunhongwa 波士顿红袜|Boston Red Sox (baseball) team boshiduotong 博识多通|knowledgeable and perspicacious (idiom) boshihou 博士后|postdoc; postdoctoral fellow boshiniya 波士尼亚|Bosnia (Tw) boshiniyayuhesegeweina 波士尼亚与赫塞哥维纳|Bosnia and Herzegovina (Tw) boshiqiawen 博识洽闻|knowledgeable/erudite (idiom) boshishan 博士山|Box Hill, a suburb of Melbourne, Aust... boshisheng 博士生|PhD student; doctoral candidate boshixuewei 博士学位|doctoral degree/PhD/same as Doctor of... boshu 波束|beam boshu 伯叔|father\'s brother (uncle)/husband\'s br... boshu 波数|wave number (reciprocal of frequency) boshuzufu 伯叔祖父|father\'s father\'s brother/great uncle boshuzumu 伯叔祖母|father\'s father\'s brother\'s wife/grea... bosi 波斯|Persia bosijiao 波斯教|Zoroastrianism bosimao 波斯猫|Persian (cat) bosiniya 波斯尼亚|Bosnia bosiniyaheheisaigeweina 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那|Bosnia and Herzegovina bosiniyaheheisaigeweinagongheguo 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国|Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1... bosiniyayu 波斯尼亚语|Bosnian (language) bosipulusi 博斯普鲁斯|Bosphorus bosipulusi 波斯普鲁斯|Bosphorus bosipulusihaixia 波斯普鲁斯海峡|the Bosphorus (strait) bositenghu 博斯腾湖|Bosten Lake in Xinjiang bosiwan 波斯湾|Persian Gulf bosiwosi 博斯沃思|Bosworth (name)/Stephen Bosworth (193... bosiyu 波斯语|Persian (language)/Farsi bosong 播送|to broadcast/to transmit/to beam bosong 泊松|S.D. Poisson (1781-1840), French math... bosongfenbu 泊松分布|Poisson distribution (in statistics) bosu 波速|wave velocity botaiciqi 薄胎瓷器|eggshell china botao 波涛|great waves/billows botaolinlin 波涛磷磷|variant of 波濤粼粼|波涛粼粼[bo1 tao1 lin2 lin2] botaolinlin 波涛粼粼|crystalline waves (idiom) botaoxiongyong 波涛汹涌|waves surging forth/roaring sea bote 波特|Potter or Porter (surname) bote 波特|(loanword) baud (computing)/porter (b... botejiu 波特酒|Port wine botelan 伯特兰|Bertrand (name) botelande 伯特兰德|Bertrand (name) botelanshi 波特兰市|Portland (city) botelv 波特率|baud botian 薄田|barren field/poor land botifa 波提乏|Potiphar, the captain of the pharaoh\'... botong 拨通|to get through to sb on the phone botou 钵头|earthen bowl (Shanghainese) botoushi 泊头市|Botou, county-level city in Cangzhou ... botu 博徒|gambler botui 波推|see 胸推[xiong1 tui1] botuo 馎饦|a type of short and wide noodle botuomakehe 波托马克河|Potomac River bowan 菠烷|bornane/camphane C10H18 bowang 博望|Bowang District, a district of Ma\'ans... bowangqu 博望区|Bowang District, a district of Ma\'ans... bowei 泊位|berth bowen 波纹|ripple/corrugation bowen 博文|blog article/to write a blog article ... bowenduoshi 博闻多识|learned and erudite/knowledgeable and... bowenqiangji 博闻强记|have wide learning and a retentive me... bowenqiangzhi 博闻强识|erudite/widely read and knowledgeable bowenyueli 博文约礼|vigorously pursuing knowledge, while ... bowu 博物|natural science bowu 薄雾|mist/haze bowuduowen 博物多闻|wide and knowledgeable/well-informed ... bowuguan 博物馆|museum bowuqiawen 博物洽闻|to have a wide knowledge of many subj... bowuyuan 博物院|museum boxian 玻纤|fiberglass; glass fiber (abbr. for 玻璃... boxianyueqi 拨弦乐器|plucked string or stringed instrument... boxiao 薄晓|at dawn boxiesangtian 渤澥桑田|lit. blue seas where once was mulberr... boxilai 薄熙来|Bo Xilai (1949-), PRC politician, app... boximiya 波西米亚|Bohemia, historical country of centra... boximiya 波西米亚|bohemian (i.e. artistic and unconvent... boximiya 波希米亚|Bohemia, historical country of centra... boxing 波形|wave form boxing 勃兴|to rise suddenly/to grow vigorously boxing 薄幸|fickle/inconstant person boxing 博兴|Boxing county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 z... boxingxian 博兴县|Boxing county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 z... boxue 剥削|to exploit/exploitation boxue 博学|learned; erudite boxueduocai 博学多才|erudite and multitalented (idiom); ve... boxuejieji 剥削阶级|exploiting class (in Marxist theory) boxuezhe 剥削者|exploiter (of labor) boxun 博讯|abbr. for 博訊新聞網|博讯新闻网[Bo2 xun4 Xin1 w... boya 博雅|learned boyang 波阳|Boyang county, former name of Poyang ... boyang 簸扬|to winnow boyanghouzang 薄养厚葬|to neglect one\'s parents but give the... boyangxian 波阳县|Boyang county, former name of Poyang ... boyanqiu 博眼球|to attract attention; to catch attention boye 博野|Boye county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4]... boyexian 博野县|Boye county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4]... boyi 博弈|games (such as chess, dice etc)/gambl... boyi 驳议|to correct (in writing) sb\'s errors o... boyibo 薄一波|Bo Yibo (1908-2007), ranking PRC poli... boyier 波义耳|Boyle (name)/Robert Boyle (1627-91), ... boyier 玻意耳|Robert Boyle (1627-1691), English che... boyikao 伯邑考|Bo Yikao, eldest son of King Wen of Z... boyilun 博弈论|game theory boyin 波音|Boeing (aerospace company) boyin 波音|mordent (music) boyin 播音|to transmit/to broadcast boying 播映|to broadcast a film/to televise boyinyuan 播音员|announcer/broadcaster boyixi 博伊西|Boise, Idaho boyong 拨用|appropriation boyou 博友|lit. blog friend boyouceng 薄油层|oil sheet boyu 钵盂|alms bowl boyu 波语|Polish language boyue 柏悦|Park Hyatt (hotel brand) boyun 驳运|transport by lighter/lighter boyunjianri 拨云见日|lit. to dispel the clouds and see the... boza 驳杂|heterogeneous bozhan 搏战|to fight/to struggle/to wage war bozhana 波札那|Botswana (Tw) bozhe 波折|twists and turns bozheng 驳正|to refute and correct bozheng 拨正|to set right/to correct bozhong 播种|to sow seeds bozhong 播种|to grow (maize etc) from seed/to plan... bozhongshuji 伯仲叔季|eldest/second/third and youngest of b... bozhongzhijian 伯仲之间|almost on a par bozhou 亳州|see 亳州市[Bo2zhou1 Shi4] bozhoushi 亳州市|Bozhou, prefecture-level city in Anhu... bozhu 博主|blogger bozhuan 拨转|to turn/to turn around/to transfer (f... bozhuang 波状|wave-shaped bozhuangre 波状热|undulant fever/brucellosis bozhuangxiaoguang 波状消光|(geology) undulose extinction bozhuangyun 波状云|undulatus bozhuo 剥啄|(onom.) tap (on a door or window) bozi 脖子|neck/CL:個|个[ge4] bozi 跛子|lame person/cripple bozi 拨子|plectrum bozi 驳子|to tow (a barge) bozikelikeqianfodong 柏孜克里克千佛洞|the Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves, i... boziman 波兹曼|Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), Austria... bozinan 波兹南|Poznan (city in Poland) bozitan 波兹坦|Potsdam, Germany bozou 拨奏|pizzicato bozu 跛足|lame bozui 驳嘴|(dialect) to argue/to quarrel bpji BP机|(loanword) beeper; pager bu 不|no; not so/(bound form) not; un- bu 部|ministry/department/section/part/divi... bu 布|variant of 布[bu4]/to announce/to spread bu 布|cloth/to declare/to announce/to sprea... bu 步|surname Bu bu 步|a step/a pace/walk/march/stages in a ... bu 哺|to feed bu 哺|to eat/evening meal bu 捕|to catch; to seize; to capture bu 堡|village (used in place names) bu 卜|surname Bu bu 卜|(bound form) to divine bu 簿|a book/a register/account-book bu 卟|used in the transliteration of the na... bu 埔|used in place names bu 蔀|(literary) to cover; to shelter/(lite... bu 歨|old variant of 步[bu4] bu 醭|mold on liquids bu 埠|wharf/port/pier bu 逋|to flee/to abscond/to owe bu 钸|metal plate bu 钸|plutonium (chemistry) (Tw) bu 吥|used for transcription in 嗊吥|唝吥[Gong4... bu 怖|terror/terrified/afraid/frightened bu 钚|plutonium (chemistry) bu 歩|old variant of 步[bu4] bu 埗|wharf/dock/jetty/trading center/port/... bu 悑|old variant of 怖[bu4] bu 晡|3-5 p.m. bu 篰|sieve-like utensil bu 㘵|(used in place names) bu 瓿|a kind of vase (old)/see 安瓿[an1 bu4] bu 捗|to make progress bu 补|to repair/to patch/to mend/to make up... bu 𫗦|used in 餔子|𫗦子[bu4zi5] bu 𬷕|used in 地鵏|地𬷕[di4bu3] buan 不安|unpeaceful/unstable/uneasy/disturbed/... buanfen 不安分|restless/unsettled buanhaoxin 不安好心|to have bad intentions buanqishi 不安其室|(idiom) (of a married woman) to be un... buanshigu 不谙世故|unworldly/unsophisticated buanshuixing 不谙水性|to not know how to swim; to not be a ... bubai 补白|to fill a gap (e.g. a gap in knowledg... bubaizhidi 不败之地|(idiom) invincible position bubaizhiyuan 不白之冤|unrighted wrong/unredressed injustice buban 补办|to do sth after the time it should ha... bubao 补报|to make a report after the event/to m... bubaohe 不饱和|unsaturated bubaohezhifangsuan 不饱和脂肪酸|unsaturated fatty acid bubei 不备|unprepared; off guard bubeibukang 不卑不亢|neither servile nor overbearing (idio... bubi 不必|need not/does not have to/not necessa... bubi 不比|unlike bubian 不便|inconvenient/inappropriate/unsuitable... bubian 不变|constant/unvarying/(math.) invariant bubianjiage 不变价格|fixed price/constant price bubianliang 不变量|invariant quantity/invariant (math.) bubianshumai 不辨菽麦|lit. cannot tell beans from wheat (id... bubianxian 不便险|travel insurance covering flight dela... bubianziben 不变资本|constant capital bubiaozhun 不标准|nonstandard/incorrect/(of one\'s speec... bubifuyue 不避斧钺|not trying to avoid the battle-ax (id... bubijianxian 不避艰险|shrink or flinch from no difficulty o... bubing 步兵|infantry/foot/infantryman/foot soldier bubiyao 不必要|needless; unnecessary bubo 布帛|cloth and silk/cotton and silk textiles buboshusu 布帛菽粟|cloth, silk, beans and grain/food and... bubu 步步|step by step/at every step bubugaosheng 步步高升|to climb step by step/to rise steadil... bubuweiying 步步为营|to advance gradually and entrench one... bucai 不才|untalented/I/me (humble) bucai 不材|untalented/I/me (humble)/also written... bucao 步操|foot drill (military, physical exerci... buce 簿册|a register/land register/account book... buce 步测|pacing buce 不测|unexpected/measureless/unexpected cir... buceng 不曾|hasn\'t yet; hasn\'t ever bucha 不差|to not lack bucha 不差|not bad/OK buchadian 不插电|unplugged (of rock musicians performi... buchang 补偿|to compensate/to make up buchangfei 补偿费|compensation bucheng 不成|won\'t do/unable to/(at the end of a r... bucheng 布城|Putrajaya, federal administrative ter... buchengcai 不成材|worthless/good-for-nothing buchenggongbianchengren 不成功便成仁|to succeed or die trying (idiom) buchenghua 不成话|see 不像話|不像话[bu4 xiang4 hua4] buchengrenzhuyi 不承认主义|policy of non-recognition buchengtitong 不成体统|not according with decorum (idiom); s... buchengwen 不成文|unwritten (rule) buchengwenfa 不成文法|unwritten law buchengyangzi 不成样子|shapeless/deformed/ruined/beyond reco... buchengzhitu 不逞之徒|desperado buchi 不齿|to despise/to hold in contempt buchi 不啻|just as/no less than/like (sth moment... buchitianyuan 不啻天渊|no less than from heaven to the abyss... buchixiawen 不耻下问|not feel ashamed to ask and learn fro... buchong 补充|to replenish/to supplement/to complem... buchongliang 补充量|complement/complementary quantity buchongpin 补充品|complementary item buchongye 捕虫叶|insect-catching leaf buchongyiliao 补充医疗|complementary medicine buchou-bucai 不瞅不睬|(idiom) to ignore completely; to pay ... buchuaimaomei 不揣冒昧|to venture to/to presume to/to take t... buchumu 不触目|unobtrusive buchuo 不辍|incessant/relentless buchusuoliao 不出所料|as expected buci 卜辞|oracle inscriptions of the Shang Dyna... bucierbie 不辞而别|to leave without saying good-bye bucilaoku 不辞劳苦|to spare no effort bucixinku 不辞辛苦|to make nothing of hardships bucouqiao 不凑巧|unluckily bucuo 不错|correct/right/not bad/pretty good buda 不大|not very/not too/not often budabuchengcai 不打不成才|spare the rod and spoil the child (id... budabuchengqi 不打不成器|spare the rod and spoil the child (id... budabuchengxiangshi 不打不成相识|don\'t fight, won\'t make friends (idio... budabuxiangshi 不打不相识|lit. don\'t fight, won\'t make friends ... budai 布袋|Budai (the Laughing Buddha)/Budai or ... budai 布袋|pouch/sack/bag budai 不带|not to have/without/un- budai 不怠|unremitting in one\'s efforts budaibutequan 不逮捕特权|the right of immunity from arrest aff... budaidan 布袋弹|bean bag round budaidian 不带电|uncharged; electrically neutral budaishuo 不待说|needless to say; it goes without saying budaixi 布袋戏|glove puppetry budaixiou 布袋戏偶|glove puppet (Tw) budaizhen 布袋镇|Budai or Putai Town in Chiayi County ... budajin 不打紧|unimportant/not serious/it doesn\'t ma... budalagong 布达拉宫|Potala, winter palace of Dalai Lamas ... budalashan 布达拉山|Mt Potala in Lhasa, with Potala Palac... budali 不搭理|variant of 不答理[bu4 da1 li3] budali 不大离|pretty close/just about right/not bad... budali 不答理|to pay no heed to budalir 不大离儿|erhua variant of 不大離|不大离[bu4 da4 li2] budan 不但|not only (... but also ...) budan 不丹|Bhutan budan 不惮|(literary) unafraid budan 不单|not the only/not merely/not simply budang 不当|unsuitable; improper; inappropriate budangdeli 不当得利|unjust enrichment budangjiabuzhichaimigui 不当家不知柴米贵|a person who doesn\'t manage a househo... budangjin 不当紧|not important/of no consequence budangshi 不当事|useless/regard as useless budangyihuishi 不当一回事|not regard as a matter (of any import... budao 布道|sermon/to sermonize/to preach/to evan... budao 布道|to preach (the Christian gospel) budao 补刀|(gaming) to finish off a wounded comb... budao 步道|walking path/pathway budao 不到|not to arrive/not reaching/insufficie... budaochangchengfeihaohan 不到长城非好汉|lit. until you reach the Great Wall, ... budaode 不道德|immoral budaohuanghexinbusi 不到黄河心不死|lit. not to stop until one reaches th... budaohuohoubujieguo 不到火候不揭锅|don\'t act until the time is ripe (idiom) budaoweng 不倒翁|roly-poly toy budapeisi 布达佩斯|Budapest, capital of Hungary budazizhao 不打自招|to confess without being pressed/to m... bude 不得|must not/may not/not to be allowed/ca... budebu 不得不|have no choice or option but to/canno... budeerzhi 不得而知|unknown/unable to find out budejin 不得劲|awkward/unhandy/be indisposed/not fee... budeliao 不得了|desperately serious/disastrous/extrem... budeng 不等|unequal/varied budeng 补登|record entry (e.g. into a bank passbook) budengbiansanjiaoxing 不等边三角形|scalene triangle budengdayazhitang 不登大雅之堂|lit. not fit for elegant hall (of art... budenghao 不等号|inequality sign (≠, < , ≤, >, ≥) budengji 补登机|passbook entry machine budengjiajiaohuan 不等价交换|exchange of unequal values budengshi 不等式|inequality (math.) budeqimenerru 不得其门而入|to be unable to get into (a house, an... buderenxin 不得人心|not to enjoy popular support/to be un... budeyaoling 不得要领|to fail to grasp the main points budeyi 不得已|to act against one\'s will/to have no ... budeyierweizhi 不得已而为之|to have no other choice/to be the las... budi 不敌|no match for/cannot beat budi 不第|to fail the civil service examination... budian 补电|to charge (a battery) budiao 步调|gait/marching order/step/pace budiaoyizhi 步调一致|to be united in action budie 不迭|cannot cope/find it too much/incessantly budikangzhuyi 不抵抗主义|policy of nonresistance buding 补丁|patch (for mending clothes, tires etc... buding 不定|indefinite/indeterminate/(botany) adv... buding 布丁|pudding (loanword) buding 补钉|variant of 補丁|补丁[bu3 ding5] buding 补靪|variant of 補丁|补丁[bu3 ding5] budingci 不定词|infinitive budingfangcheng 不定方程|(math.) indeterminate equation budingguanci 不定冠词|indefinite article (e.g. English a, an) budingjifen 不定积分|indefinite integral (math.) budingqi 不定期|non-scheduled/irregularly budingshi 不定式|infinitive (grammar) budingxing 不定形|indeterminate form budingyuan 不定元|indeterminate element (math.), often ... budiya 布迪亚|Baudrillard (name) budong 不动|motionless budongchan 不动产|real estate/immovable property/immova... budongdian 不动点|fixed point (of a map) (math.) budongdiandingli 不动点定理|fixed point theorem (math.) budonggang 不冻港|ice-free port/open port budonggangkou 不冻港口|ice-free port (refers to Vladivostok) budongshengse 不动声色|not a word or movement (idiom); remai... budongyao 不动摇|unmoved budongzhuangdong 不懂装懂|to pretend to understand when you don\'t budoutagang 步斗踏罡|to worship the astral deities (idiom,... budu 不独|not only buduan 不断|unceasing/uninterrupted/continuous/co... buduan 不端|improper/dishonorable budui 不对|incorrect/wrong/amiss/abnormal/queer budui 部队|army/armed forces/troops/force/unit/C... buduichar 不对碴儿|not proper/not fit for the occasion buduichen 不对称|unsymmetrical/asymmetric buduiguo 部队锅|budae jjigae, a type of Korean stew buduijin 不对劲|not in good condition/wrong/fishy buduijinr 不对劲儿|erhua variant of 不對勁|不对劲[bu4 dui4 jin4] buduipan 不对盘|(of a person) objectionable/(of two p... buduitou 不对头|fishy/not right/amiss buduo 补裰|to mend clothes buer 不二|the only (choice, way etc)/undivided ... buer 布尔|Boole (surname)/(math.) Boolean buerdaishu 布尔代数|Boolean algebra buerfamen 不二法门|the one and only way/the only proper ... buerjia 不二价|one price for all/fixed price buerjin 布尔津|Burqin county or Burchin nahiyisi in ... buerjinxian 布尔津县|Burqin county or Burchin nahiyisi in ... buernuo 布尔诺|Brno, city in Czech Republic buerqiaoya 布尔乔亚|(loanword) bourgeois; bourgeoisie buershiweike 布尔什维克|Bolshevik bufa 步伐|pace/(measured) step/march bufa 补发|to supply again (sth lost)/to reissue... bufa 不乏|there is no lack of bufa 步法|footwork bufa 不法|lawless/illegal/unlawful bufa 补法|treatment involving the use of tonics... bufafenzi 不法分子|lawbreaker; outlaw bufaluo 布法罗|Buffalo, New York state bufan 不凡|out of the ordinary/out of the common... bufang 布防|to lay out a defense bufang 不妨|there is no harm in; might as well bufangbian 不方便|inconvenience/inconvenient bufangyingzhan 布防迎战|to prepare to meet the enemy head-on bufei 不菲|considerable (cost etc)/bountiful (cr... bufei 布斐|(loanword) buffet bufeibufa 不悱不发|a student should not be guided until ... bufeichuihuizhili 不费吹灰之力|as easy as blowing off dust/effortles... bufeishi 不费事|not troublesome bufen 部分|part; portion; piece/Taiwan pr. [bu4f... bufen 不忿|unsatisfied/unconvinced/indignant bufen 卟吩|porphin C20H14N4 (loanword) bufen 不分|not to distinguish; to make no distin... bufenbici 不分彼此|to make no distinction between what\'s... bufenbozhong 不分伯仲|lit. unable to distinguish eldest bro... bufenbuqi 不愤不启|a student shall not be enlightened un... bufengaoxia 不分高下|equally matched/not much to distingui... bufengongshi 部分工时|part-time work bufengzhuoying 捕风捉影|lit. chasing the wind and clutching a... bufenqinghongzaobai 不分青红皂白|not distinguishing red-green or black... bufenqingyou 不分情由|indiscriminate bufenshangxia 不分上下|not to know one\'s place bufenshengbai 不分胜败|to not be able to distinguish who\'s w... bufenshengfu 不分胜负|unable to determine victory or defeat... bufenxuanzhi 不分轩轾|well-matched/equally matched bufenzaobai 不分皂白|not distinguishing black or white (id... bufenzhouye 不分昼夜|day and night/round-the-clock bufu 不服|not to accept sth/to want to have sth... bufu 不复|no longer; not again bufu 不负|to live up to bufu 不符|inconsistent/not in agreement with/no... bufu 捕俘|to capture enemy personnel (for intel... bufuqi 不服气|unwilling to concede/defiant/indignan... bufushuitu 不服水土|(of a stranger) not accustomed to the... bufuzhongwang 不负众望|to live up to expectations (idiom) bufuzhongwang 不孚众望|not living up to expectations (idiom)... bufuzui 不服罪|to deny a crime/to plead not guilty bugai 不该|should not/to owe nothing bugan 不甘|unreconciled to/not resigned to/unwil... bugan-shiruo 不甘示弱|(idiom) not to be outdone buganbujing 不干不净|unclean/filthy/foul-mouthed buganbujing,chilemeibing 不干不净,吃了没病|a little dirt never killed anybody (p... bugandang 不敢当|lit. I dare not (accept the honor); f... bugangaopan 不敢高攀|lit. not dare to pull oneself up high... bugangongwei 不敢恭维|to be underwhelmed/to be less than im... bugangoutong 不敢苟同|to beg to differ (idiom) bugangtadou 步罡踏斗|to worship the astral deities (idiom,... buganhouren 不甘后人|(idiom) not want to be outdone/not co... buganjimo 不甘寂寞|unwilling to remain lonely or idle/un... buganrenhou 不甘人后|(idiom) not want to be outdone/not co... buganshe 不干涉|noninterference/nonintervention buganweier 布干维尔|Bougainville, Papua New Guinea buganweierdao 布干维尔岛|Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea buganxin 不甘心|not reconciled to/not resigned to buganyu 不甘于|unwilling to accept/not content with ... buganyueleichiyibu 不敢越雷池一步|dare not go one step beyond the presc... buganzizhuan 不敢自专|not daring to act for oneself (idiom) bugao 布告|posting on a bulletin board/notice/bu... bugaolan 布告栏|bulletin board bugeili 不给力|lame (unimpressive)/a huge letdown/no... bugemai 布格麦|bulgur (loanword) bugong 不公|unjust/unfair bugong 不恭|disrespectful bugong-daitian 不共戴天|(idiom) (of enemies) cannot live unde... bugongzipo 不攻自破|(of a rumor etc) to collapse (in the ... bugou 不够|not enough/insufficient/inadequate bugou 不苟|not lax/not casual/careful/conscientious bugu 不顾|in spite of; regardless of bugu 布谷|cuckoo bugu 卜骨|oracle bone bugua 卜卦|to divine using the eight trigrams buguan 不管|not to be concerned/regardless of/no ... buguan-bugu 不管不顾|(idiom) to pay scant regard to (sth)/... buguanbaimaoheimao,zhuozhulaoshujiushihaomao 不管白猫黑猫,捉住老鼠就是好猫|it doesn\'t matter whether a cat is wh... buguang 不光|not the only one/not only buguangcai 不光彩|disgraceful/dishonorable buguansanqiershiyi 不管三七二十一|regardless of the consequences/reckle... buguantongyang 不关痛痒|unimportant/of no consequence buguanzenyang 不管怎样|in any case; no matter what bugudaju 不顾大局|to give no consideration to the bigge... bugui 不轨|errant buguifan 不规范|not standard/abnormal/irregular buguilu 不归路|road to ruin; course of action from w... buguize 不规则|irregular buguizesanjiaoxing 不规则三角形|scalene triangle (math.) buguizesibianxing 不规则四边形|irregular quadrilateral/trapezium buguniao 布谷鸟|cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp.)/same as 杜鵑鳥... buguo 补过|to make up for an earlier mistake/to ... buguo 不过|only/merely/no more than/but/however/... buguo-ruci 不过如此|(idiom) nothing more than this; that\'... buguoerer 不过尔尔|not more than so-so (idiom); mediocre... buguoyi 不过意|to be sorry; to feel apologetic buguqianhou 不顾前后|regardless of what\'s before or after ... buguyiqie 不顾一切|(idiom) to disregard all negative con... buhala 布哈拉|Bokhara or Bukhara city in Uzbekistan buhalin 布哈林|Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin (1888-1938... buhanerli 不寒而栗|lit. not cold, yet shivering (idiom)/... buhanhu 不含糊|unambiguous/unequivocal/explicit/prud... buhao 不好|no good buhaore 不好惹|not to be trifled with/not to be push... buhaoshou 不好受|unpleasant/hard to take buhaoshuo 不好说|hard to say; can\'t be sure/difficult ... buhaoyisi 不好意思|to feel embarrassed/to find it embarr... buhe 不合|to not conform to/to be unsuited to/t... buhe 不和|not to get along well/to be on bad te... buhefa 不合法|illegal buheli 不合理|unreasonable buhen 不很|not very buhenwaerde 布痕瓦尔德|Buchenwald buheshiyi 不合时宜|out of step with current thinking/out... buhetitong 不合体统|not according with decorum/scandalous... buhezuo 不合作|noncooperation buhua 补花|applique buhuai-haoyi 不怀好意|(idiom) to harbor evil designs; to ha... buhuaji 步话机|walkie-talkie buhuanersan 不欢而散|to part on bad terms/(of a meeting et... buhuang 不遑|to have no time to (do sth) buhuang-bumang 不慌不忙|(idiom) calm; unhurried; composed buhuangduorang 不遑多让|lit. to have no time for civilities (... buhuanguaerhuanbujun 不患寡而患不均|do not worry about scarcity, but rath... buhuasuan 不划算|it isn\'t worth it/not cost-effective/... buhui 不会|improbable/unlikely/will not (act, ha... buhui 不讳|without concealing anything/to pass a... buhui 补回|to make up for/to compensate buhuo 捕获|to catch; to capture; to seize buhuo 补货|to restock (an item); to replenish in... buhuo 不惑|without doubt/with full self-confiden... buji 不羁|unruly/uninhibited buji 不济|(coll.) no good; of no use buji 不及|to fall short of/not as good as/too late buji 补给|supply/replenishment/to replenish buji 簿记|bookkeeping buji 簿籍|account books/registers/records buji 补剂|tonic; supplement buji 不吉|unlucky/inauspicious/ominous buji 补集|complement of a set buji 不计|to disregard/to take no account of bujia 不加|without/not/un- bujia 不佳|not good bujia 卜甲|oracle tortoise shell bujia-sisuo 不假思索|(idiom) to act without taking time to... bujiadi 布加迪|Bugatti (name)/Bugatti Automobiles S.... bujiajushu 不加拘束|unrestricted bujialesite 布加勒斯特|Bucharest, capital of Romania bujialicai 不加理睬|without giving due consideration/to i... bujian 部件|part; component bujian 不见|not to see/not to meet/to have disapp... bujian 布建|to progressively extend (service deli... bujianbusan 不见不散|lit. Even if we don\'t see each other,... bujiandan 不简单|not simple; rather complicated/remark... bujiandangnian 不减当年|(of one\'s skills, appearance etc) not... bujiande 不见得|not necessarily/not likely bujianguancaibuluolei 不见棺材不落泪|lit. not to shed a tear until one see... bujianjingzhuan 不见经传|not found in the classics (idiom); un... bujianle 不见了|to have disappeared/to be missing/now... bujianrongxing 不兼容性|incompatibility bujiantianri 不见天日|all black, no daylight (idiom); a wor... bujiantuzibusaying 不见兔子不撒鹰|you don\'t release the hawk until you\'... bujianyidianzongying 不见一点踪影|no trace to be seen bujiao 补角|supplementary angle bujiao 补交|to hand in after the deadline; to pay... bujiao 补觉|to make up for lost sleep bujiaqubie 不加区别|indiscriminate bujiasisuo 不加思索|see 不假思索[bu4 jia3 si1 suo3] bujiaxiushi 不加修饰|undecorated/unvarnished/no frills bujiaxuanze 不加选择|indiscriminate bujiayanshi 不加掩饰|undisguised bujiazonghezheng 布加综合征|Budd-Chiari syndrome bujibuli 不即不离|to be neither too familiar nor too di... bujibuxu 不疾不徐|neither too fast nor too slow (idiom) bujichuan 补给船|supply ship bujie 不解|to not understand/to be puzzled by/in... bujiefengqing 不解风情|unromantic/insensitive bujiemeng 不结盟|nonalignment bujiemengyundong 不结盟运动|Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) bujige 不及格|to fail/to flunk bujihe 布吉河|Buji River, tributary of Shenzhen or ... bujijian 补给舰|supply ship bujili 不吉利|ominous bujiming 不记名|see 無記名|无记名[wu2 ji4 ming2] bujimingtoupiao 不记名投票|secret ballot bujin 不尽|not completely/endlessly bujin 布巾|a cloth bujin 不禁|can\'t help (doing sth)/can\'t refrain ... bujin 不仅|not just; not limited to/(as a correl... bujin-renqing 不近人情|(idiom) not amenable to reason; unrea... bujinafasuo 布基纳法索|Burkina Faso bujinafasuo 布吉纳法索|Burkina Faso (Tw) bujinbuman 不紧不慢|(idiom) to take one\'s time; unhurried... bujing 布景|(stage) set bujing 捕鲸|whaling bujing 不敬|disrespect/irreverent/rude/insufficie... bujingchuan 捕鲸船|whaler/whale catcher bujingen 不尽根|surd (math.) bujingerzou 不胫而走|to get round fast/to spread like wild... bujingqi 不景气|slack/in a slump bujingyi 不经意|not paying attention; carelessly; by ... bujingyijian 不经意间|without paying attention/without noti... bujingyishi,buzhangyizhi 不经一事,不长一智|lit. you can\'t gain knowledge without... bujingzhitan 不经之谈|absurd statement/cock-and-bull story bujinjin 不仅仅|not only; not just bujinmada 步进马达|stepper motor bujinran 不尽然|not always; not entirely/not necessar... bujinruci 不仅如此|not only that, but ... bujinzhi 步进制|step by step system bujipin 补给品|supplies bujiqishu 不计其数|lit. their number cannot be counted (... bujiu 补救|to remedy bujiu 不久|not long (after)/before too long/soon... bujiujiwang 不咎既往|not censure sb for his past misdeeds/... bujiuqian 不久前|not long ago bujiwudongci 不及物动词|intransitive verb bujizhan 补给站|depot/supply station/supply point/sta... bujizhiwu 不急之务|a matter of no great urgency buju 布局|arrangement/composition/layout/openin... buju 卜居|to choose a home buju 不拘|not stick to/not confine oneself to/w... buju 不举|erectile dysfunction/impotence bujuan 不倦|tireless/untiring/indefatigable bujue 不觉|unconsciously bujue 不绝|unending/uninterrupted bujuerulv 不绝如缕|hanging by a thread/very precarious/a... bujueyuer 不绝于耳|(of sound) to never stop/to fall ince... bujueyutu 不绝于途|to come and go in an incessant stream bujun 不均|uneven/distributed unevenly bujutoushou 布局投手|(baseball) setup man/setup pitcher bujuxian 不局限|not confined bujuxiaojie 不拘小节|to not bother about trifles (idiom) bujuyige 不拘一格|not stick to one pattern buka 补卡|to replace a lost or damaged SIM card... bukaiqiao 不开窍|unable to understand/can\'t get the point bukan 不堪|cannot bear/cannot stand/utterly/extr... bukan-yiji 不堪一击|(idiom) unable to withstand a single ... bukangbubei 不亢不卑|neither haughty nor humble/neither ov... bukannan 布坎南|Buchanan (surname) bukanrenshou 不堪忍受|unbearable bukanrumu 不堪入目|unbearable to look at/an eyesore bukansengmiankanfomian 不看僧面看佛面|lit. not for the monk\'s sake but for ... bukanshexiang 不堪设想|too horrible to contemplate/unthinkab... bukanzhilun 不刊之论|indisputable statement/unalterable truth bukao 补考|to sit for a makeup exam/to resit an ... buke 补课|to make up missed lesson/to reschedul... buke 不可|cannot; should not; must not buke 不克|cannot/to not be able (to)/to be unab... buke 卜课|to divine by tossing coins buke-siyi 不可思议|(idiom) inconceivable; unimaginable; ... bukebi 不可避|unavoidable bukebimian 不可避免|unavoidably bukechexiaoxinyongzheng 不可撤销信用证|irrevocable letter of credit bukedao 不可导|not differentiable (function in calcu... bukeduanni 不可端倪|impossible to get even an outline (id... bukeduode 不可多得|hard to come by/rare bukefenge 不可分割|inalienable/unalienable/inseparable/i... bukefenli 不可分离|inseparable bukegaoren 不可告人|to be kept secret; not to be divulged bukeguliang 不可估量|inestimable/incalculable/beyond measure bukehuoque 不可或缺|necessary/must have bukejie 不可解|insoluble (i.e. impossible to solve) bukejiuyao 不可救药|incurable/incorrigible/beyond cure/ho... bukekaijiao 不可开交|to be awfully (busy etc) bukekangju 不可抗拒|act of God/force majeure (law)/irresi... bukekangli 不可抗力|force majeure; act of God bukekao 不可靠|unreliable bukeliyu 不可理喻|(idiom) impervious to reason; unreaso... bukemeiju 不可枚举|innumerable (idiom) bukemingzhuang 不可名状|indescribable/beyond description bukemomie 不可磨灭|indelible bukeneng 不可能|impossible/cannot/not able bukeni 不可逆|irreversible bukenizhuan 不可逆转|irreversible bukeqi 不客气|you\'re welcome/don\'t mention it/impol... bukeqinfan 不可侵犯|inviolable/inviolability bukeqinfanquan 不可侵犯权|inviolability bukequeshao 不可缺少|indispensable bukeshao 不可少|indispensable; essential bukeshengshu 不可胜数|countless/innumerable bukeshengyan 不可胜言|inexpressible (idiom)/beyond description bukeshoushi 不可收拾|irremediable; unmanageable; out of ha... bukeshu 不可数|uncountable bukeshumingci 不可数名词|uncountable noun (in grammar of Europ... bukeshuoji 不可数集|uncountable set (math.) buketongrieryu 不可同日而语|lit. mustn\'t speak of two things on t... buketongyue 不可通约|having no common measure/incommensura... bukewanhui 不可挽回|irreversible bukeyanyu 不可言喻|inexpressible (idiom) bukeyi 不可以|may not bukeyishi 不可一世|(idiom) to consider oneself unexcelle... bukeyuyue 不可逾越|impassable/insurmountable/insuperable bukezaishengziyuan 不可再生资源|nonrenewable resource bukezhilun 不可知论|agnosticism, the philosophical doctri... bukezhixin 不可置信|unbelievable; incredible bukezhongri 不可终日|to be unable to carry on even for a s... bukong 布控|to deploy surveillance/to put under s... bukongchengjiufo 不空成就佛|Amoghasiddhi Buddha bukuai 捕快|bailiff responsible for catching crim... bukuai 不快|unhappy/in low spirits/(of a knife) n... bukui 不愧|to be worthy of/to deserve to be call... bukui 不匮|(literary) to never have a deficiency... bukuibuzuo 不愧不怍|no shame, no subterfuge (idiom); just... bukuixiaxue 不愧下学|not ashamed to learn from subordinate... bukuosanhewuqitiaoyue 不扩散核武器条约|Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nu... bulachaiweier 布拉柴维尔|Brazzaville, capital of Congo buladebite 布拉德·彼特|William Bradley \"Brad\" Pitt (1963-), ... buladefude 布拉德福德|Bradford, city in West Yorkshire, Eng... buladisilafa 布拉迪斯拉发|Bratislava bulage 布拉格|Prague, capital of Czech Republic bulageweishensike 布拉戈维申斯克|Blagoveshchensk, Russian city on the ... bulai 不赖|(coll.) not bad/good/fine bulaidehu 布莱德湖|Lake Bled, glacial lake amid the Juli... bulaidun 布莱顿|Brighton, town in England bulaien 布莱恩|Brian (name) bulaier 布莱尔|Blair (name) bulaikeben 布莱克本|Blackburn bulaikeshimisi 布莱克史密斯|Blacksmith (name) bulaimei 不莱梅|Bremen (city in Germany) bulaimei 不来梅|Bremen (city) bulaimeigang 不来梅港|Bremerhaven, German port bulaini 布莱尼|Bryne (City in Rogaland, Norway) bulaishiliu 布莱氏鹨|(Tw) (bird species of China) Blyth\'s ... bulaiye 布莱叶|Braille (name)/Louis Braille (1809-18... bulaji 不拉叽|(nasty, stupid etc) as can be bulaji 不拉几|(dialect) extremely bulaji 布拉吉|woman\'s dress (loanword from Russian)... bulang 布朗|Brown (name)/Gordon Brown (1951-), UK... bulangbuyou 不稂不莠|useless/worthless/good-for-nothing bulangdaxue 布朗大学|Brown University, Providence, Rhode I... bulangkeshi 布朗克士|The Bronx, borough of New York City bulangkesi 布朗克斯|The Bronx, borough of New York City/B... bulangni 布朗尼|brownie (pastry) (loanword) bulangshi 布朗士|The Bronx, borough of New York City/B... bulangyundong 布朗运动|Brownian motion bulangzu 布朗族|Blang people, one of the 56 ethnic gr... bulannisipiersi 布兰妮·斯皮尔斯|Britney Spears (1981-), US pop singer bulansen 布兰森|(name) Branson or Brandsen/Sir Richar... bulao 捕捞|to fish for (aquatic animals and plan... bulaoen 布劳恩|Browne (person name) bulaoerhuo 不劳而获|(idiom) to reap without sowing; to ge... bulasashi 布拉萨市|Brazzaville, capital of Congo (Tw) bulasuofu 布拉索夫|Braşov, Romania bulatisilawa 布拉提斯拉瓦|Bratislava, capital of Slovakia (Tw) bule 不了|no thanks (used to politely but infor... bulei 布雷|to lay mines bulei 部类|category/division buleidunsenlin 布雷顿森林|Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA, lo... buleijian 布雷舰|minelayer (ship) buleisite 布雷斯特|Brest, westernmost town in France buli 不利|unfavorable/disadvantageous/harmful/d... buli 步犁|walking plow buli 不理|to refuse to acknowledge/to pay no at... buli 不力|not to do one\'s best/not to exert one... buliang 不良|bad/harmful/unhealthy buliangqingxiang 不良倾向|harmful trend buliangren 不良人|(Tang dynasty) official responsible f... bulianxu 不连续|discontinuous; discrete bulianxumian 不连续面|surface of discontinuity buliao 不了|(as a resultative verb suffix) unable... buliao 布料|fabric; cloth; material (for making c... buliao 不料|unexpectedly/to one\'s surprise buliaoliaozhi 不了了之|to settle a matter by leaving it unse... bulibucai 不理不睬|to completely ignore (idiom)/to pay n... bulibuqi 不离不弃|to stand by (sb) (idiom)/steadfast lo... bulie 捕猎|to catch (wild animals); to hunt buliedian 不列颠|Britain/British/Great Britain buliedianbaoweizhan 不列颠保卫战|see 不列顛戰役|不列颠战役[Bu4 lie4 dian1 Zhan4 ... buliediangelunbiya 不列颠哥伦比亚|British Columbia, Pacific province of... buliediangelunbiyasheng 不列颠哥伦比亚省|British Columbia, Pacific province of... buliedianzhanyi 不列颠战役|Battle of Britain (Jul-Oct 1940) buliedianzhudao 不列颠诸岛|British Isles buliesite 布列斯特|Brest, town in Belarus bulietani 布列塔尼|Brittany, area in the north-west of F... bulin 卟啉|porphyrin (organic chemical essential... bulin 布林|Boolean (math.) (Tw) bulin 布林|plum (loanword) bulin 不吝|not to stint; to be generous (with pr... bulin-zhuyu 不吝珠玉|(idiom) (courteous) please give me yo... bulincijiao 不吝赐教|to be so kind as to enlighten me bulindixi 布林迪西|Brindisi, port city on southeast heel... buling 不灵|not work/be ineffective buliqidun 布里奇顿|Bridgetown, capital of Barbados bulir 不离儿|not bad/pretty good/pretty close bulisiban 布里斯班|Brisbane, capital of Queensland, Aust... bulisituo 布里斯托|Bristol bulisituoer 布里斯托尔|Bristol port city in southwest England bulisituoerhaixia 布里斯托尔海峡|Bristol Channel in southwest England bulitanni 布里坦尼|Brittany (France)/Bretagne buliteni 布里特妮|Britney, Brittney or Brittany (name) bulongboge 布隆伯格|Blumberg or Bloomberg (name) bulongdi 布隆迪|Burundi bulongfangdan 布隆方丹|Bloemfontein bulu 补炉|fettling buluke 布鲁克|Brook (name)/Peter Brook (1925), Brit... bulukehaiwenguojiashiyanshi 布鲁克海文国家实验室|Brookhaven National Laboratory bulukehaiwenshiyanshi 布鲁克海文实验室|Brookhaven National Laboratory bulukelin 布鲁克林|Brooklyn, borough of New York City bulukelindaqiao 布鲁克林大桥|Brooklyn Bridge bulumusiboli 布鲁姆斯伯里|Bloomsbury, London district bulun 不论|whatever/no matter what (who, how etc... bulun 不伦|(of a relationship) improper (adulter... bulunbulei 不伦不类|out of place/inappropriate/incongruous bulunni 布伦尼|Brønnøysund (city in Nordland, Norway) bulunqingjiqiang 布伦轻机枪|Bren gun, British light machine gun f... buluo 部落|tribe buluofen 布洛芬|Ibuprofen or Nurofen/also called 異丁苯丙... buluoge 部落格|blog (loanword) (Tw) buluohenji 不落痕迹|to leave no trace/seamless/professional buluoke 部落客|blogger (Tw) buluokejiu 不落窠臼|not follow the beaten track/have an o... buluosutao 不落俗套|to conform to no conventional pattern... buluotuo 布洛陀|creator god of the Zhuang minority 壯族... buluri 布鲁日|Bruges (Dutch Brugge), medieval town ... bulusaier 布鲁塞尔|Brussels, capital of Belgium bulushengse 不露声色|not show one\'s feeling or intentions bulushijunbing 布鲁氏菌病|Brucella (infectious disease) bulusi 布鲁斯|blues (music) (loanword) bulutesi 布鲁特斯|Brutus (name)/Marcus Junius Brutus (8... bulutusi 布鲁图斯|Brutus (name) buluyan 捕虏岩|xenolith (geology) bulv 步履|gait/to walk bulv-panshan 步履蹒跚|(idiom) to walk unsteadily; to hobble... bulvweijian 步履维艰|to have difficulty walking (idiom)/to... bulvwenluan 步履紊乱|to be in complete disorder buma 补码|complementary code/binary code with 0... buman 布满|to be covered with/to be filled with buman 补满|to make up for what is lacking/to fil... buman 不满|resentful/discontented/dissatisfied bumang 不忙|there\'s no hurry/take one\'s time bumanyi 不满意|dissatisfied bumao 不毛|barren bumaozhidi 不毛之地|barren land/desert bumen 部门|department/branch/section/division/CL... bumian 补眠|to catch up on sleep bumian 不免|inevitably bumianbuxiu 不眠不休|without stopping to sleep or have a r... bumianyisi 不免一死|cannot avoid being killed/cannot esca... bumiao 补苗|to fill gaps with seedlings bumiao 不妙|(of a turn of events) not too encoura... buming 不明|not clear/unknown/to fail to understand bumingbubai 不明不白|(idiom) obscure; dubious; shady bumingfeixingwu 不明飞行物|unidentified flying object (UFO) bumingjiuli 不明就里|not to understand the situation/unawa... bumingjueli 不明觉厉|although I don\'t understand it, it se... bumingque 不明确|indefinite/unclear bumingshili 不明事理|not understanding things (idiom); dev... bumingshu 不名数|abstract number bumingyiqian 不名一钱|to be penniless bumingyiwen 不名一文|without a penny to one\'s name/pennile... bumingyu 不名誉|disreputable/disgraceful bumotou 不摸头|not acquainted with the situation/not... bumouerhe 不谋而合|to agree without prior consultation/t... bumu 不睦|to not get along well/to be at odds bumu 布幕|screen (movie theater etc) bumuru 哺母乳|breastfeeding buna 捕拿|to arrest; to capture; to catch bunaifan 不耐烦|impatient/to lose patience bunaishou 不耐受|intolerance (for lactose, gluten or o... bunang 布囊|cloth bag bunangqikou 布囊其口|lit. to cover sb\'s mouth with cloth/t... buneng 不能|cannot/must not/should not bunengbu 不能不|have to/cannot but bunengziyi 不能自已|unable to control oneself/to be besid... bunian 步辇|(literary) palanquin; sedan chair/(li... bunianjiue 不念旧恶|do not recall old grievances (idiom, ... buniaozhu 捕鸟蛛|tarantula buning 不佞|without eloquence/untalented/I, me (h... buniyabingdu 布尼亚病毒|Bunyavirus/virus of the family Bunyav... bunizhanzheng 布匿战争|the three Punic Wars (264-146 BC) bet... bunongzu 布农族|Bunun, one of the indigenous peoples ... bunuerwei 不怒而威|(idiom) to have an aura of authority;... buou 布偶|stuffed toy; rag doll buoumao 布偶猫|ragdoll (cat breed) buouzhuang 布偶装|mascot costume bupa 不怕|fearless/not worried (by setbacks or ... bupabushihuo,jiupahuobihuo 不怕不识货,就怕货比货|lit. don\'t worry about not knowing go... bupabushihuo,zhipahuobihuo 不怕不识货,只怕货比货|lit. don\'t worry about not knowing go... bupaguan,zhipaguan 不怕官,只怕管|lit. it is not an official to be fear... bupaman,jiupazhan 不怕慢,就怕站|it\'s better to make slow progress tha... bupashenyiyangdeduishou,jiupazhuyiyangdeduiyou 不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友|(idiom) a boneheaded teammate can do ... bupayiwan,jiupawanyi 不怕一万,就怕万一|better to be safe than sorry (proverb... bupazeitoujiupazeidianji 不怕贼偷就怕贼惦记|much worse than having something stol... bupi 布匹|cloth (by the yard) bupian-buyi 不偏不倚|(idiom) even-handed; impartial; unbiased bupianjiubi 补偏救弊|to remedy defects and correct errors ... bupianxie 不偏斜|not leaning to one side/impartial/eve... bupiao 补票|to buy or upgrade a ticket after boar... bupiaochu 补票处|additional ticket desk/stand-by counter bupin 补品|tonic buping 不平|uneven/injustice/unfairness/wrong/gri... bupingchang 不平常|remarkable/remarkably/unusual bupingdeng 不平等|inequality/unfairness bupingdengtiaoyue 不平等条约|(term coined c. 1920s) unequal treaty... bupingfan 不平凡|marvelous/marvelously bupingheng 不平衡|disequilibrium bupingzeming 不平则鸣|where there is injustice, there will ... bupobuli 不破不立|without destruction there can be no c... buqi 不期|unexpectedly/to one\'s surprise buqiang 步枪|rifle/CL:把[ba3],枝[zhi1] buqiang 补强|(engineering) to reinforce (a structu... buqiao 不巧|too bad/unfortunately/as luck would h... buqieheshiji 不切合实际|impractical/not conforming to reality buqieryu 不期而遇|meet by chance/have a chance encounter buqierzhi 不期而至|to arrive unexpectably/unexpected buqieshiji 不切实际|unrealistic/impractical buqing 不清|unclear buqingchu 不清楚|unclear/not understood/currently unknown buqingrao 不轻饶|not to forgive easily/not to let off/... buqingyuan 不情愿|unwilling buqingzhiqing 不情之请|(humble expression) my presumptuous r... buqingzilai 不请自来|to turn up without being invited/unso... buqinren 捕禽人|birdcatcher; fowler buqiong 不穷|endless/boundless/inexhaustible buqiongbula 布琼布拉|Bujumbura, capital of Burundi buqiranerran 不期然而然|happen unexpectedly/turn out contrary... buqiuren 不求人|backscratcher (made from bamboo etc) buqiushenjie 不求甚解|lit. not requiring a detailed underst... buqiushouhuo 不求收获|not expecting any reward/not asking f... buqiuyougong,danqiuwuguo 不求有功,但求无过|lit. not aiming to achieve the best p... buqiyan 不起眼|unremarkable/nothing out of the ordinary buqiyanr 不起眼儿|erhua variant of 不起眼[bu4 qi3 yan3] buqu 不屈|unyielding/unbending buqubunao 不屈不挠|unyielding/indomitable buque 补缺|to fill a vacancy/to make up for a sh... buque 补阙|old variant of 補缺|补缺[bu3 que1] buquedingxingyuanli 不确定性原理|Heisenberg\'s uncertainty principle (1... buqueshi 不确实|untrue buqueshiyi 补缺拾遗|see 拾遺補缺|拾遗补缺[shi2 yi2 bu3 que1] buqufendaxiaoxie 不区分大小写|case insensitive/not distinguishing c... buquli 不去理|not to pay attention to/to leave sth ... bur 不儿|(coll.) no (contracted form of 不是[bu4... buran 不然|not so/no/or else/otherwise/if not/Ho... burangxumei 不让须眉|(idiom) to compare favorably with men... burdao 不儿道|(dialect) contracted form of 不知道[bu4 ... burejinsiji 布热津斯基|Brzezinski (name)/Zbigniew Brzezinski... buren 不仁|not benevolent/heartless/numb buren 不忍|cannot bear to burendao 不人道|inhuman burenhouchen 步人后尘|to follow in other people\'s footsteps burenxin 不忍心|can\'t bear to (do sth emotionally pai... buri 不日|within the next few days/in a few day... burong 不溶|insoluble burong 不容|must not/cannot/to not allow/cannot t... burongzhibian 不容置辩|peremptory/not to be denied/not brook... burongzhiyi 不容置疑|unquestionable buru 步入|to step into/to enter buru 哺乳|breastfeeding/to suckle/to nurse buru 不如|not equal to; not as good as; inferio... burudongwu 哺乳动物|mammal burugang 哺乳纲|Mammalia, the class of mammals buruhuxue,yandehuzi 不入虎穴,焉得虎子|How do you catch the tiger cub withou... burulei 哺乳类|mammals/also written 哺乳動物|哺乳动物 buruleidongwu 哺乳类动物|mammals buruo 不若|not as good as/not equal to/inferior buruqi 哺乳期|breastfeeding period/lactation period... bururenyi 不如人意|leaving much to be desired/unsatisfac... burushiyi 不入时宜|out of step with current thinking/out... busanbusi 不三不四|(idiom) dubious; shady; neither one t... busaqi 布洒器|disperser buse 补色|complementary color busha 捕杀|to hunt and kill (an animal or fish) bushan 不善|bad/ill/not good at/not to be pooh-po... bushangpiwei 不伤脾胃|lit. doesn\'t hurt the spleen or the s... bushao 步哨|sentry/sentinel bushao 不少|many/a lot/not few bushe 不舍|reluctant to part with (sth or sb); u... bushen 不慎|incautious/inattentive busheng 不胜|cannot bear or stand/be unequal to/ve... bushengbuxiang 不声不响|wordless and silent (idiom); without ... bushengjiuli 不胜酒力|to become intoxicated after having on... bushengmeiju 不胜枚举|too numerous to mention individually ... bushengqifan 不胜其烦|to be pestered beyond endurance bushengqiku 不胜其苦|unable to bear the pain (idiom) bushengqirao 不胜其扰|unable to put up with (sth) any longer bushi 卜筮|divination bushi 布什|Bush (name)/George H.W. Bush (1924-20... bushi 捕食|to prey on/to catch and feed on/to hu... bushi 补时|(sports) to extend the duration of a ... bushi 不实|untruthful; untrue bushi 不是|no/is not/not bushi 不是|fault; blame bushi 布施|Dana (Buddhist practice of giving) bushi 不适|unwell/indisposed/out of sorts bushi 不时|from time to time/now and then/occasi... bushichisude 不是吃素的|not to be trifled with/to be reckoned... bushidang 不适当|inadequate/unfit bushidati 不识大体|to fail to see the larger issue (idio... bushidongxi 不是东西|(derog.) to be a good-for-nothing/wor... bushier 布什尔|Bushehr Province of southern Iran, bo... bushifeiji 布氏非鲫|zebra tilapia/Tilapia buttikoferi (zo... bushiganjunbing 布氏杆菌病|brucellosis (undulant fever or Medite... bushigaodi 不识高低|can\'t recognize tall or short (idiom)... bushihaodai 不识好歹|unable to tell good from bad (idiom)/... bushihua 不是话|see 不像話|不像话[bu4 xiang4 hua4] bushijunmiao 布氏菌苗|Brucella vaccine bushiliu 布氏鹨|(bird species of China) Blyth\'s pipit... bushilushanzhenmianmu 不识庐山真面目|lit. not to know the true face of Lus... bushima 不是吗|isn\'t that so? bushirenjianyanhuo 不食人间烟火|lit. not eating the food of common mo... bushishengchan 不事生产|not to do anything productive/to idle... bushishibian 不识时变|to show no understanding of the times... bushishiji 不失时机|to seize the opportune moment/to lose... bushishiwu 不识时务|to show no understanding of the times... bushitaiju 不识抬举|fail to appreciate sb\'s kindness/not ... bushitaishan 不识泰山|can\'t recognize Mt Taishan (idiom); f... bushiwei 不失为|can still be considered (to be...)/ma... bushiweir 不是味儿|not the right flavor/not quite right/... bushiweiying 布氏苇莺|(bird species of China) Blyth\'s reed ... bushiyiding 不识一丁|total illiterate/unable to read the s... bushiyijiarenbujinyijiamen 不是一家人不进一家门|people who don\'t belong together, don... bushiyuanjiabujutou 不是冤家不聚头|destiny will make enemies meet (idiom... bushiyusijiushiwangpo 不是鱼死就是网破|lit. either the fish dies or the net ... bushizhangyang 不事张扬|quietly/without ostentation bushizhe 捕食者|predator bushizhixu 不时之需|a possible period of want or need bushizi 不识字|illiterate bushiziwei 不是滋味|to be upset/to feel disgusted bushou 部首|radical of a Chinese character bushou 捕手|catcher bushoubianpaifa 部首编排法|dictionary arrangement of Chinese cha... bushouhuanying 不受欢迎|unwelcome bushouxianshiyong 不首先使用|no first use (policy for nuclear weap... bushu 部署|to dispose/to deploy/deployment bushu 部属|troops under one\'s command/subordinat... bushu 布署|variant of 部署[bu4 shu3] bushu 补数|complementary number bushuai 不衰|unfailing/never weakening/enduring/un... bushuang 不爽|not well/out of sorts/in a bad mood/w... bushufu 不舒服|unwell/feeling ill/to feel uncomforta... bushui 补税|to pay a tax one has evaded/to pay an... bushun 不顺|unfavorable/adverse bushuoziming 不说自明|goes without saying; obvious; self-ev... bushuqi 捕鼠器|mousetrap bushushi 不舒适|uncomfortable busibuxiu 不死不休|to fight to one\'s last gasp busixin 不死心|unwilling to give up/unresigned busiyao 不死药|elixir of life busong 不送|don\'t bother to see me out busongbula 布松布拉|Bujumbura, capital of Burundi (Tw) busongqi 不送气|unaspirated busu 不俗|impressive/out of the ordinary busu 不速|uninvited (guest)/unexpected (appeara... busuan 不算|to not calculate/to not count/to not ... busuerzhi 不速而至|to arrive without invitation/unexpect... busui 不遂|to fail/to fail to materialize/not to... busuiboli 不碎玻璃|shatterproof or safety glass busuidaliu 不随大流|not following the crowd/to go against... busuiyi 不随意|unconscious/involuntary busuiyiji 不随意肌|involuntary muscle busuzhike 不速之客|(idiom) uninvited or unexpected guest butai 步态|gait/tread butai 补胎|to repair a tire butaihao 不太好|not so good/not too well butaipanshan 步态蹒跚|to walk unsteadily butaipian 补胎片|tire patch (for puncture repair) butaosou 逋逃薮|refuge for fugitives bute 不特|not only buti 补体|complement (in blood serum) buti 不题|we will not elaborate on that (used a... butian-yuri 补天浴日|lit. Nüwa mends the Heavens and Xihe ... butiaohe 不调和|discord butie 补贴|to subsidize/subsidy/allowance/to sup... butimian 不体面|to not appear to be decent or respect... buting 不停|incessant butinglaorenyan,chikuizaiyanqian 不听老人言,吃亏在眼前|(idiom) ignore your elders at your peril butingming 不听命|to disobey butiyeba 不提也罢|best not to mention it/drop it/never ... butong 不通|to be obstructed/to be blocked up/to ... butong 不同|different/distinct/not the same/not a... butongbuyang 不痛不痒|lit. doesn\'t hurt, doesn\'t tickle (id... butongfanxiang 不同凡响|lit. not a common chord (idiom); outs... butongxunchang 不同寻常|out of the ordinary/unusual butou 捕头|constable butou 埠头|wharf/pier butou 部头|length of a book butoubuqiang 不偷不抢|to be law-abiding (idiom) butouming 不透明|opaque butouqi 不透气|airtight butoushui 不透水|waterproof/watertight/impermeable butu 不图|not to seek (sth)/to have no expectat... butubukuai 不吐不快|to have to pour out what\'s on one\'s m... butuo 布拖|Butuo county in Liangshan Yi autonomo... butuo 布托|Bhutto (name)/Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (19... butuo 不妥|not proper/inappropriate butuoxian 布拖县|Butuo county in Liangshan Yi autonomo... butuoxie 不妥协|uncompromising butuqi 不吐气|unaspirated buwai 不外|not beyond the scope of/nothing more ... buwaihu 不外乎|nothing else but buwailu 不外露|not exposed/concealed from view buwang 不枉|not in vain buwanquanguinatuili 不完全归纳推理|inference by incomplete induction buwanquanye 不完全叶|(botany) an incomplete leaf – one tha... buwanshan 不完善|imperfect buwawa 布娃娃|rag doll buwei 部位|part (esp. of the body, but also of a... buwei 部委|ministries and commissions buwei 不畏|unafraid/to defy buwei 不韪|fault/error buwei 不谓|cannot be deemed/unexpectedly buwei 不惟|not only buweiguo 不为过|not an exaggeration/not excessive/not... buweijiukun 不为酒困|not a slave to the bottle/able to enj... buweinongshi 不违农时|not miss the farming season/do farm w... buweiqiangbao 不畏强暴|not to submit to force (idiom); to de... buweiqiangquan 不畏强权|not to submit to force (idiom); to de... buweirenzhi 不为人知|not known to anyone/secret/unknown buweisuodong 不为所动|to remain unmoved buweiyishen 不为已甚|refrain from going to extremes in met... buweizuoyoutan 不为左右袒|to remain neutral in a quarrel (idiom) buwen 不稳|unstable/unsteady buwen 不问|to pay no attention to/to disregard/t... buwen 卜问|to predict by divining; to consult th... buwenbuhuo 不温不火|(of sales, TV show ratings etc) lukew... buwenbuwen 不闻不问|not to hear, not to question (idiom)/... buwending 不稳定|unstable buwenhaodai 不问好歹|no matter what may happen (idiom) buwenpingheng 不稳平衡|unstable equilibrium buwenqinghongzaobai 不问青红皂白|not distinguishing red-green or black... buwenxing 不稳性|instability buwu 步武|to walk in someone\'s steps/to follow ... buwu 不无|not without buwu 不误|used in expressions of the form 照V不誤|... buwu 布伍|to deploy troops buwuxiaobu 不无小补|not be without some advantage/be of s... buwuzhengye 不务正业|not to engage in honest work/to ignor... buxi 补习|to take extra lessons in a cram schoo... buxi 不惜|not stint/not spare/not hesitate (to ... buxi 不息|continually/without a break/ceaselessly buxi 布希|Taiwan equivalent of 布什[Bu4 shi2] buxia 部下|troops under one\'s command/subordinate buxia 不暇|to have no time (for sth)/to be too b... buxia 不下|to be not less than (a certain quanti... buxia 布下|to arrange/to lay out buxian 布线|wiring buxiang 不祥|ominous/inauspicious buxiang 不想|unexpectedly buxiang 不详|not in detail/not quite clear buxiangfu 不相符|not in harmony buxianggan 不相干|to be irrelevant/to have nothing to d... buxianghua 不像话|unreasonable/shocking/outrageous buxianghua 不象话|unreasonable/shocking; outrageous buxiangma 不香吗|(slang) would be better (abbr. for 這錢... buxiangrong 不相容|incompatible buxiangrongyuanli 不相容原理|(Pauli) exclusion principle (physics) buxiangshangxia 不相上下|equally matched/about the same buxiangyang 不像样|in no shape to be seen/unpresentable/... buxiangzhizhao 不祥之兆|bad omen buxianshanbulushui 不显山不露水|lit. to not show the mountain and to ... buxiao 不肖|(literary) unlike one\'s parents/degen... buxiao 不孝|unfilial buxiao 不消|to not need/needless (to say) buxiaoyousan,wuhouweida 不孝有三,无后为大|There are three ways to be unfilial; ... buxiayu 不下于|as many as; no less than/not inferior... buxiban 补习班|cram class/cram school/evening classes buxie 布鞋|cloth shoes/CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] buxie 补泻|reinforcing and reducing methods (in ... buxie 不谢|don\'t mention it; not at all buxie 不懈|untiring/unremitting/indefatigable buxie 不屑|to disdain to do sth/to think sth not... buxiedai 不懈怠|untiring/without slacking buxietiao 不协调|uncoordinated/disharmony buxieyigu 不屑一顾|to disdain as beneath contempt (idiom) buxing 步行|to go on foot/to walk buxing 不行|won\'t do/be out of the question/be no... buxing 不幸|misfortune/adversity/unfortunate/sad/... buxing 不兴|out of fashion/outmoded/impermissible... buxingchong 步行虫|ground beetle buxingjie 步行街|car-free zone/pedestrian street buxingle 不行了|(coll.) on the point of death/dying buxingqu 步行区|pedestrian area buxingrenshi 不省人事|to lose consciousness/unconscious/in ... buxingyanzhong 不幸言中|to turn out just as one predicted or ... buxingzhe 步行者|pedestrian buxingzhishi 不幸之事|mishap buxingzhixing 不幸之幸|a fortune in misfortune/a positive in... buxinrenan 不信任案|no-confidence motion buxinrendongyi 不信任动议|motion of no confidence (against the ... buxinrentoupiao 不信任投票|vote of no-confidence buxiu 补休|to take deferred time off (to make up... buxiu 不朽|to last forever; eternal; enduring buxiu 不休|endlessly/ceaselessly buxiubianfu 不修边幅|not care about one\'s appearance (idio... buxiugang 不锈钢|stainless steel buxiutie 不锈铁|stainless iron buxiweike 布希威克|Bushwick, a neighborhood in Brooklyn,... buxixie 布希鞋|Crocs (sandals) (Tw) buxixueben 不惜血本|to spare no effort/to devote all one\'... buxiyizhan 不惜一战|to be ready to go to war buxu 不恤|not to worry/not to show concern buxu 不许|not to allow/must not/can\'t buxu-cixing 不虚此行|(idiom) it\'s been a worthwhile trip buxuan 补选|by-election buxuanerzhan 不宣而战|open hostilities without declaring wa... buxue 补血|to enrich the blood buxuewushu 不学无术|without learning or skills (idiom); i... buxumanren 布须曼人|bushman (African ethnic group) buxun 不逊|rude/impertinent buxurenyan 不恤人言|not to worry about the gossip (idiom)... buya 补牙|to fill a tooth (cavity)/to have a to... buya 不雅|graceless/vulgar/indecent buya 不亚|no less than/not inferior to buyaguan 不雅观|offensive to the eye/unbecoming/unsig... buyan 不厌|not to tire of/not to object to buyanbuyu 不言不语|to not say a word (idiom)/to keep silent buyaneryu 不言而喻|it goes without saying; it is self-ev... buyang 补养|to take a tonic or nourishing food to... buyang 哺养|feed/rear buyanqifan 不厌其烦|not to mind taking all the trouble (i... buyanziming 不言自明|self-evident; needing no explanation ... buyao 不要|don\'t!; must not buyao 补药|tonic buyao 步摇|dangling ornament worn by women buyaojin 不要紧|unimportant/not serious/it doesn\'t ma... buyaolian 不要脸|to have no sense of shame; shameless buyaozaiyikeshushangdiaosi 不要在一棵树上吊死|don\'t insist on only taking one road ... buyayu 不亚于|no less than/not inferior to buye 补液|fluid infusion buyi 不一|to vary/to differ buyi 布衣|plain cotton clothing/(literary) the ... buyi 布依|Buyei ethnic group buyi 补遗|addendum buyi 补益|benefit/help buyi 不意|unexpectedly/unawareness/unpreparedness buyi 不易|not easy to do sth/difficult/unchanging buyi 不依|not to comply/not to go along with/no... buyi 不已|(used after a verb) endlessly; incess... buyi 不义|injustice buyi 不宜|not suitable/inadvisable/inappropriate buyi 不移|steadfast/inalienable buyiburao 不依不饶|not to overlook, nor spare (idiom); u... buyicihaizhi 不以词害志|don\'t let rhetoric spoil the message ... buyicihaizhi 不以辞害志|don\'t let rhetoric spoil the message ... buyiding 不一定|not necessarily/maybe buyierfei 不翼而飞|to disappear without trace/to vanish ... buyierzu 不一而足|by no means an isolated case/numerous buyiguiju,bunengchengfangyuan 不以规矩,不能成方圆|without rules, nothing can be done (i... buyihui 不一会|soon buyilehu 不亦乐乎|lit. isn\'t that a joy? (quote from Co... buyingcao 捕蝇草|Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) buyingqi 不应期|refractory period (physiology) buyinuosiailisi 布宜诺斯艾利斯|Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina buyirenfeiyan 不以人废言|not to reject a word because of the s... buyiweidai 布衣韦带|in hemp cloth and with a leather belt... buyiweiran 不以为然|not to accept as correct (idiom); to ... buyiweiyi 不以为意|not to mind/unconcerned buyiwuxi,buyijibei 不以物喜,不以己悲|not to become attached to material th... buyiyang 不一样|different/distinctive/unlike buyiyuli 不遗余力|to spare no pains or effort (idiom); ... buyizhicai 不义之财|ill-gotten wealth or gains buyizhilun 不易之论|perfectly sound proposition/unalterab... buyizhizi 不一致字|(orthography) inconsistent words (e.g... buyong 不用|need not buyongkeqi 不用客气|you\'re welcome/don\'t mention it/no ne... buyongshuo 不用说|needless to say; it goes without saying buyongxie 不用谢|You\'re welcome/Don\'t mention it buyongzhao 不用找|\"keep the change\" (restaurant express... buyou 不由|can\'t help (doing sth) buyoude 不由得|can\'t help/cannot but buyoufenshuo 不由分说|to allow no explanation buyouzizhu 不由自主|can\'t help; involuntarily (idiom) buyu 捕鱼|to catch fish; to fish buyu 哺育|to feed/(fig.) to nurture; to foster buyu 补语|complement (grammar) buyu 不育|to be infertile/to have no offspring buyu 不豫|(literary) unhappy; displeased buyu 不渝|constant/unchanging/abiding/faithful buyu 不虞|unexpected/eventuality/contingency/no... buyu 不语|(literary) not to speak buyu-kuifa 不虞匮乏|(idiom) to have ample supplies (or mo... buyuan 不愿|unwilling buyuanqianli 不远千里|make light of traveling a thousand li... buyuantong 不圆通|inflexible/unaccommodating buyue 步月|to stroll beneath the moon buyue 不悦|displeased/annoyed buyue 不月|amenorrhoea/irregular menstruation buyueertong 不约而同|(idiom) (of two or more people) to ta... buyueleichi 不越雷池|not overstepping the prescribed limit... buyukuai 不愉快|disagreeable/unpleasant buyulihui 不予理会|to ignore/to brush off/to dismiss/to ... buyun 步韵|to write a poem using another poem\'s ... buyun 不孕|infertile/unable to conceive a child/... buyunbuhuo 不愠不火|calm/unruffled buyunzheng 不孕症|female infertility buyupinglun 不予评论|No comment! buyuxing 不育性|sterility buyuzheng 不育症|sterility/barrenness buyuzhiping 不予置评|to make no comment/\"no comment\" buzade 不咋地|(dialect) not that great/not up to mu... buzade 不咋的|(dialect) not that great/not up to mu... buzai 不在|not to be present/to be out/(euphemis... buzai 不再|no more; no longer buzaihu 不在乎|not to care buzaihuaxia 不在话下|to be nothing difficult/to be a cinch buzaile 不在了|to be dead/to have passed away buzaiqiweibumouqizheng 不在其位不谋其政|don\'t meddle in affairs that are not ... buzaiyi 不在意|to pay no attention to/not to mind buzaizhuangtai 不在状态|to be out of form/not to be oneself buzancheng 不赞成|disapproval/to disapprove buzanyici 不赞一词|to keep silent/to make no comment buzenme 不怎么|not very/not particularly buzenmeyang 不怎么样|not up to much/very indifferent/nothi... buzeshouduan 不择手段|by fair means or foul/by hook or by c... buzhai 卜宅|to choose a capital by divination/to ... buzhan 布展|to set up an exhibit buzhan 卜占|to divine; to prophesy; to foretell t... buzhanbuhe 不战不和|neither war nor peace buzhang 部长|head of a (government etc) department... buzhanghui 部长会|minister level conference buzhanghuiyi 部长会议|minister level conference buzhangji 部长级|ministerial level (e.g. negotiations) buzhangjihuiyi 部长级会议|minister level conference buzhangjin 不长进|not improving; backward; below par buzhanguo 不粘锅|non-stick pan buzhanguo 不沾锅|non-stick pan (Tw) buzhangyanjing 不长眼睛|see 沒長眼睛|没长眼睛[mei2 zhang3 yan3 jing5] buzhao 不着|no need/need not buzhebukou 不折不扣|a hundred percent/to the letter/out-a... buzhen 不振|lacking in vitality/depressed (market... buzheng 不争|widely known/incontestable/undeniable... buzheng 卜征|to ask oracle for war forecast buzhengchang 不正常|abnormal buzhengdang 不正当|dishonest/unfair/improper buzhengdangguanxi 不正当关系|improper relationship; illicit relati... buzhengdangjingzheng 不正当竞争|unfair competition/illicit competition buzhengmantouzhengkouqi 不蒸馒头争口气|not to be crushed (idiom)/to be deter... buzhengqi 不争气|to be disappointing/to fail to live u... buzhengque 不正确|incorrect/erroneous buzhengzhifeng 不正之风|unhealthy tendency buzhi 布置|to put in order/to arrange/to decorat... buzhi 不止|incessantly/without end/more than/not... buzhi 不知|not to know/unaware/unknowingly/fig. ... buzhi 不治|to die of illness or injury despite r... buzhi 不智|unwise buzhi 不只|not only/not merely buzhi 不值|not worth buzhi 不支|to be unable to endure buzhi 不致|not in such a way as to; not likely to buzhi-suoyi 不知所以|(idiom) to not know the reason/(idiom... buzhibujue 不知不觉|unconsciously/unwittingly buzhibuqiu 不忮不求|(idiom) to be free of jealousy or gre... buzhide 不值得|unworthy buzhidingdong 不知丁董|forgetting the fate of Ding and Dong ... buzhieryu 不治而愈|to recover spontaneously (from an ill... buzhifanji 不知凡几|one can\'t tell how many/numerous simi... buzhihaodai 不知好歹|unable to differentiate good from bad... buzhihegu 不知何故|somehow buzhijintui 不知进退|not knowing when to come or leave (id... buzhijiuli 不知就里|unaware of the inner workings/naive/u... buzhikefou 不置可否|decline to comment/not express an opi... buzhilihai 不知利害|see 不知好歹[bu4 zhi1 hao3 dai3] buzhipijuan 不知疲倦|untiring/not recognizing tiredness buzhiqian 不值钱|of little value buzhiqingzhong 不知轻重|lit. not knowing what\'s important (id... buzhiquxiang 不知去向|whereabouts unknown/gone missing buzhisihuo 不知死活|to act recklessly (idiom) buzhisuocuo 不知所措|not knowing what to do (idiom); at on... buzhisuowei 不知所谓|nonsense/nonsensical/incomprehensible... buzhisuoyun 不知所云|to not know what sb is driving at/to ... buzhisuozhi 不知所之|whereabouts unknown buzhitiangaodihou 不知天高地厚|not to know the immensity of heaven a... buzhitongyang 不知痛痒|numb/unfeeling/indifferent/inconseque... buzhixiuchi 不知羞耻|to have no sense of shame/brazen buzhiyibo 不值一驳|(of an argument) not even worthy of a... buzhiyici 不止一次|many times/on more than one occasion buzhiyiwen 不值一文|worthless (idiom)/no use whatsoever buzhiyixiao 不值一笑|of no value/worthless buzhiyu 不至于|unlikely to go so far as to; not as b... buzhizhebuzui 不知者不罪|One who does not know is not guilty/I... buzhizhizheng 不治之症|incurable disease buzhong 补种|to reseed/to resow/to replant buzhong 部众|troops buzhongtiannian 不终天年|to die before one\'s allotted lifespan... buzhongyi 不中意|not to one\'s liking buzhongyong 不中用|unfit for anything/no good/useless/(o... buzhou 步骤|procedure/step buzhou 不周|not satisfactory/thoughtless/inconsid... buzhoubuye 卜昼卜夜|day and night (to toil, to abandon on... buzhoushan 不周山|Buzhou Mountain, a mountain from Chin... buzhouyan 不周延|undistributed buzhu 补助|to subsidize/subsidy/allowance buzhu 不住|(verb complement) unable to firmly or... buzhuangnanqiangbuhuitou 不撞南墙不回头|to stubbornly insist on one\'s own ide... buzhuguchang 不主故常|not to stick to the old conventions buzhui 补缀|to mend (clothes)/to patch buzhun 不准|not to allow/to forbid/to prohibit buzhunque 不准确|imprecise buzhunxu 不准许|forbidden/not allowed buzhuo 捕捉|to catch; to seize; to capture buzhuobianji 不着边际|not to the point/wide of the mark/nei... buzhuohenji 不着痕迹|to leave no trace/seamlessly/unobtrus... buzhuolufeixing 不着陆飞行|nonstop flight buzhuyi 不注意|thoughtless/not pay attention to buzi 步子|step/pace buzi 堡子|village or town surrounded by earthen... buzi 簿子|notebook/book buzi 不赀|immeasurable/incalculable buzi 𫗦子|baby food buzijue 不自觉|unaware/unconscious of sth buziliang 不自量|not take a proper measure of oneself/... buziliangli 不自量力|(idiom) to overestimate one\'s capabil... buziran 不自然|unnatural; artificial buzitaida,rongyichezhedan 步子太大,容易扯着蛋|if you take too big a stride, you cou... buziyou,wuningsi 不自由,毋宁死|give me liberty or give me death buzizai 不自在|uneasy/ill at ease buzu 部族|tribe; clan buzu 补足|to bring up to full strength/to make ... buzu 不足|insufficient/lacking/deficiency/not e... buzu 步足|ambulatory leg (of a crab, lobster, s... buzuchishu 不足齿数|not worth mentioning/not worth consid... buzudao 不足道|inconsiderable/of no consequence/not ... buzue 补足额|complement/complementary sum buzuguachi 不足挂齿|not worth mentioning (idiom) buzuibugui 不醉不归|lit. to not go home until drunk (idio... buzuokuixinshi,bupaguiqiaomen 不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门|he who never wrongs others does not f... buzuosheng 不做声|keep silent/not say a word buzuosijiubuhuisi 不作死就不会死|serves you right for doing sth so stu... buzuowei 不作为|nonfeasance/omission (law) buzuweidao 不足为道|to be not worth mentioning buzuweiguai 不足为怪|not at all surprising (idiom) buzuweilv 不足为虑|to give no cause for anxiety; nothing... buzuweiqi 不足为奇|not at all surprising (idiom) buzuweiwairendao 不足为外人道|(idiom) no need to tell others; let\'s... buzuweixun 不足为训|not to be taken as an example/not an ... buzuyincheng 补足音程|complementary interval/addition music... buzuyue 不足月|premature (birth, child) bxingchaosheng B型超声|type-B ultrasound bzhan B站|(coll.) Bilibili, Chinese video-shari... ca 擦|to rub; to scratch/to wipe; to polish... ca 嚓|(onom.) scraping sound/ripping of fab... ca 礤|shredder/grater (kitchen implement fo... cabangqiu 擦棒球|foul tip cabian 擦边|to make light contact with the edge o... cabianqiu 擦边球|(table tennis) edge ball/(fig.) actio... caca 嚓嚓|(onom.) scraping sound/ripping of fab... cacabi 擦擦笔|erasable pen cachu 擦除|to erase cachuang 礤床|vegetable shredder/grater cachuangr 礤床儿|shredder/grater (kitchen implement fo... cadiao 擦掉|to wipe cadingzhi 擦腚纸|toilet paper cagan 擦干|to wipe dry caheir 擦黑儿|(dialect) dusk cai 财|money/wealth/riches/property/valuables cai 采|to pick/to pluck/to collect/to select... cai 采|color/complexion/looks/variant of 彩[c... cai 采|used in 采邑[cai4yi4] and 采地[cai4di4] cai 菜|vegetable; greens (CL:棵[ke1])/dish (o... cai 彩|(bright) color/variety/applause/appla... cai 踩|variant of 踩[cai3] cai 踩|to step on/to tread/to stamp/to press... cai 材|material/timber/ability/aptitude/a ca... cai 才|ability; talent/sb of a certain type/... cai 才|(variant of 才[cai2]) just now/(varian... cai 猜|to guess cai 蔡|surname Cai cai 偲|(literary) learned; erudite/(literary... cai 裁|to cut out (as a dress)/to cut/to tri... cai 寀|feudal estate cai 埰|old variant of 采[cai4] cai 睬|variant of 睬[cai3] cai 睬|to pay attention/to take notice of/to... cai 䌽|variant of 彩[cai3] cai 縩|see 綷縩[cui4 cai4] caiban 菜板|chopping board/cutting board/CL:張|张[z... caiban 采办|to buy on a considerable scale/to pur... caibang 彩蚌|painted shell/painting on shell caibao 财报|financial report caibao 财宝|money and valuables caibaozi 菜包子|steamed bun stuffed with vegetables/(... caibing 裁兵|to reduce troop numbers/disarmament caibing 裁并|cut down and merge caibo 财帛|wealth/money caibu 才不|by no means/definitely not/as if!/yea... caibutou 猜不透|to be unable to guess or make out caice 猜测|to guess/to conjecture/to surmise caicha 踩镲|hi-hat caichan 财产|property/assets/estate/CL:筆|笔[bi3] caichang 菜场|food market caichang 采场|slope caichangongzheng 财产公证|property notarization caichanjiazhi 财产价值|property value caichanquan 财产权|property rights caichao 彩超|color Doppler imaging (CDI) (medicine) caiche 裁撤|to dissolve (a department etc); to el... caiche 彩车|float (in a parade) caichu 裁处|to handle caichu 采出|to extract/to mine caida 裁答|to reply (to a letter) caidai 彩带|colored ribbon/streamer/CL:條|条[tiao2] caidan 菜单|menu/CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1] caidan 彩蛋|painted eggshell/Easter egg/(media) E... caidan 彩弹|paintball caidanlan 菜单栏|menu bar (computing) caidantiao 菜单条|menu bar (of a computer application) caidao 踩道|to scout/to reconnoiter caidao 菜刀|vegetable knife/kitchen knife/cleaver... caidaqicu 财大气粗|rich and imposing/rich and overbearing caide 才德|talent and virtue caidetou 猜得透|to have sufficient insight to perceiv... caidi 菜地|vegetable field caidi 采地|fief caidian 蔡甸|Caidian district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉... caidian 彩电|color TV caidian 踩点|to reconnoiter; to case the joint/to ... caidianqu 蔡甸区|Caidian district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉... caiding 裁定|ruling caidong 财东|shop owner/moneybags caidong 踩动|to operate by means of a pedal caidongfan 蔡东藩|Cai Dongfan (1877-1945), historian an... caidou 菜豆|kidney bean caiduan 裁断|to consider and decide caidunzi 菜墩子|chopping board caiduo 裁夺|to consider and decide caiduo 猜度|to surmise/to conjecture caiduo 裁度|(formal) to make a judgement call; to... caie 蔡锷|Cai E (1882-1916), military leader wh... caier 采耳|to remove earwax with an ear pick caifa 财阀|tycoon; magnate; powerful corporation... caifa 采伐|to fell/to cut caifang 采访|to interview/to gather news/to hunt f... caifangjizhe 采访记者|investigative reporter caifen 才分|ability/talent/gift caifeng 采风|to collect local cultural material (r... caifeng 裁缝|to make an item of clothing/to tailor caifeng 裁缝|tailor/dressmaker caifengdian 裁缝店|tailor\'s shop caifengshi 裁缝师|tailor caifu 财富|wealth/riches caifu 财赋|government revenue/tributary goods an... caifu 菜脯|dried, pickled white radish caigan 才干|ability/competence caigao-badou 才高八斗|(idiom) of great talent caigaoqiao 踩高跷|to walk on stilts caige 裁革|to dismiss/to lay off caigou 采购|to procure (for an enterprise etc)/to... caigoushang 采购商|buyer caigouyuan 采购员|buyer/purchasing agent caigua 菜瓜|snake melon/loofah caiguai 才怪|it\'d be a wonder if... (following a v... caiguan 菜馆|(dialect) restaurant caiguan 彩鹳|(bird species of China) painted stork... caiguang 采光|to get natural light (e.g. through a ... caiguo 采果|fruit picking caiguoqiang 蔡国强|Cai Guoqiang (1957-), contemporary Ch... caihong 彩虹|rainbow/CL:道[dao4] caihongfenghu 彩虹蜂虎|(bird species of China) rainbow bee-e... caihongpi 彩虹屁|(neologism c. 2017) (slang) over-the-... caihongqi 彩虹旗|rainbow flag, aka LGBT pride flag caihongximiyingwu 彩虹吸蜜鹦鹉|(bird species of China) rainbow lorik... caihongxingdong 彩虹行动|the two mass scuttling operations car... caihongyingwu 彩虹鹦鹉|(bird species of China) coconut lorik... caihongzuqun 彩虹族群|the LGBT+ community caihua 才华|talent/CL:份[fen4] caihua 采花|to pick flowers/to enter houses at ni... caihua 菜花|cauliflower/gonorrhea caihua 彩画|color painting caihuachuzhong 才华出众|outstanding talent (idiom); incompara... caihuadadao 采花大盗|lit. flower thief/fig. rapist caihuagaishi 才华盖世|peerless talent (idiom); incomparable... caihuahengyi 才华横溢|brimming over with talent (esp. liter... caihuan 彩鹮|(bird species of China) glossy ibis (... caihuazei 采花贼|lit. flower thief/fig. rapist caihui 彩绘|painted/colored painted-on designs caiji 采集|to gather/to collect/to harvest caiji 猜忌|to be suspicious and jealous of caiji 财季|fiscal quarter; financial quarter caiji 菜鸡|(slang) total noob caiji 材积|volume (of timber) caijian 裁剪|to cut out caijian 裁减|to reduce/to lessen/to cut down caijianjunbei 裁减军备|arms reduction caijianwenwu 才兼文武|talent in both military and civil fie... caijing 财经|finance and economics caijing 采景|to choose a location/to frame a shot ... caijuan 彩卷|color film/abbr. for 彩色膠卷|彩色胶卷/lotter... caijue 采掘|to excavate/to extract (ore) caijue 裁决|ruling/adjudication caijun 裁军|disarmament caikong 踩空|to miss one\'s step caikuai 财会|finance and accounting caikuang 采矿|mining caikuangchang 采矿场|mining area caikuangye 采矿业|mining caikuo 彩扩|to enlarge color photos/color film pr... cailanzengshao 采兰赠芍|lit. pick orchids and present peonies... cailanzi 菜篮子|vegetable or food basket/(fig.) food ... cailei 踩雷|to step on a mine/(fig.) to inadverte... caili 财力|financial resources caili 彩礼|betrothal gift/bride price caili 财礼|betrothal gift/bride price caili 财利|wealth and profit/riches cailian 彩练|colored ribbon cailiao 材料|(raw) material/data/(fig.) person who... cailiaokexue 材料科学|materials science cailiaoxue 材料学|materials science cailifo 蔡李佛|Choy Li Fut (Chinese martial art) cailing 彩铃|(telephony) ringback tone cailu 财路|livelihood cailu 采录|collect and record cailun 蔡伦|Cai Lun (-121), the inventor of the p... cailve 才略|ability and sagacity caimai 采买|to purchase; to buy/to do one\'s shopp... caimao 财贸|finance and trade caimaoshuangquan 才貌双全|talented and good-looking (idiom) caimei 采煤|coal mining/coal extraction/coal cutting caimei 猜枚|drinking game where one has to guess ... caimeigongzuomian 采煤工作面|(mining) coalface caimi 猜谜|to answer a riddle/to guess (i.e. for... caimi 财迷|money grubber/miser caimianji 采棉机|cotton picker caimin 彩民|lottery player caimir 猜谜儿|to answer a riddle/to guess (i.e. for... caimixinqiao 财迷心窍|mad about money (idiom) caina 采纳|to accept/to adopt caineng 才能|talent/ability/capacity caini 彩泥|playdough cainian 财年|fiscal year; financial year cainiao 菜鸟|(coll.) sb new to a particular subjec... cainiu 菜牛|beef cattle (grown for meat) cainong 菜农|vegetable farmer cainuan 采暖|heating cainv 才女|talented girl caipai 彩排|dress rehearsal/to have a dress rehea... caipan 裁判|(law) to judge; to adjudicate; verdic... caipanguan 裁判官|judge caipansuo 裁判所|place of judgment/law court caipanyuan 裁判员|referee caipiao 彩票|lottery ticket caipin 菜品|culinary dish caipu 菜谱|menu (in restaurant)/recipe/cookbook caipu 菜圃|vegetable field/vegetable bed caiqi 彩旗|colored flag caiqi 才气|talent (usually literary or artistic) caiqi 菜畦|vegetable field/vegetable bed caiqie 裁切|to crop/to trim caiqiguoren 才气过人|an outstanding talent (idiom)/surpass... caiqu 采取|to adopt or carry out (measures, poli... caiquan 彩券|lottery ticket caiquan 猜拳|finger-guessing game/rock-paper-sciss... caiquan 财权|property ownership or right/financial... caiqucuoshi 采取措施|to adopt measures/to take steps caiquxingdong 采取行动|to take action/to adopt policies/to m... cairan 才然|just recently/just a moment ago/just now cairen 裁人|to cut staff; to lay off employees cairu 菜茹|greens/green vegetables caise 彩色|color/multicolored caise 菜色|dish/lean and hungry look (resulting ... caisebi 彩色笔|colored pencil (or crayon or marker e... caishachang 采砂场|sandpit/sand quarry caishache 踩刹车|to step on the brake/to brake (when d... caishen 财神|god of wealth caisheng 彩声|applause; cheering caisheng 采声|applause; cheering caishenye 财神爷|god of wealth/very wealthy man caishi 菜市|food market caishi 才识|ability and insight caishi 财势|wealth and influence caishi 采食|to forage/to gather for eating/to pic... caishi 菜式|dish (food prepared according to a sp... caishichang 菜市场|food market caishichang 采石场|stone pit/quarry caishichangming 菜市场名|(Tw) popular given name (one that wil... caishiguoren 才识过人|an outstanding talent (idiom)/surpass... caishijiao 踩失脚|to lose one\'s footing caishiziming 菜市仔名|(Tw) popular given name (one that wil... caishoulv 采收率|recovery ratio caishu 菜蔬|greens/vegetables/vegetable side dish caishui 财税|finance and taxation caishui 踩水|to tread water/to paddle or tramp in ... caishuiting 财税厅|(provincial) department of finance caishuxueqian 才疏学浅|(humble expr.) of humble talent and s... caisi 才思|imaginative power/creativeness caisigongsi 蔡司公司|Zeiss Company (Carl Zeiss AG, optical... caisu 彩塑|painted clay figure caita 踩踏|to trample on caitai 裁汰|to cut back caitou 彩头|good omen/good luck (in business etc)... caitou 菜头|(Tw) radish, esp. white radish 白蘿蔔|白萝... caitouguo 菜头粿|stir-fried radish cake; chai tow kway caituan 财团|financial group caiwu 财务|financial affairs caiwu 财物|property/belongings caiwudachen 财务大臣|finance minister caiwumishu 财务秘书|treasurer caiwuruanjian 财务软件|financial software/accounting software caiwuzaibaoxian 财务再保险|financial reinsurance (aka \"fin re\") caixi 菜系|(regional) cuisine caixia 彩霞|clouds tinged with sunset hues caixian 踩线|to scout for a tour operator/to recon... caixiang 猜想|to guess; to conjecture; to suppose/(... caixiang 蔡襄|Cai Xiang (1012-1067), Song calligrapher caixiang 财相|minister of finance caixiantuan 踩线团|group on a tour to get acquainted wit... caixin 彩信|multimedia messaging service (MMS) (t... caixin 菜心|choy sum/Chinese flowering cabbage/st... caixing 采行|to adopt (a system, policy, strategy ... caixue 才学|talent and learning/scholarship caiyan 菜燕|agar-agar caiyang 采样|sampling caiyanglv 采样率|sampling rate caiyao 菜肴|vegetable and meat dishes; dish caiyi 采邑|fief caiyi 才艺|talent caiyi 猜疑|to suspect/to have misgivings/suspici... caiyi 彩衣|colored clothes/motley attire caiyijineng 才艺技能|talent caiyilin 蔡依林|Jolin Tsai (1980-), Taiwanese singer caiyin 彩印|color printing/abbr. for 彩色印刷[cai3 se... caiyingwen 蔡英文|Tsai Ing-wen (1956-), Taiwanese DPP p... caiyixiu 才艺秀|talent show caiyong 采用|to adopt/to employ/to use caiyou 采油|oil extraction/oil recovery caiyou 菜油|rapeseed oil/canola oil caiyu 彩鹬|(bird species of China) greater paint... caiyuan 裁员|to cut staff/to lay off employees caiyuan 菜园|vegetable garden caiyuan 财源|financial resources/source of revenue caiyuan 才媛|(literary) talented and accomplished ... caiyuangungun 财源滚滚|profits pouring in from all sides (id... caiyuanpei 蔡元培|Cai Yuanpei (1868-1940), educationist... caiyun 彩云|rosy clouds/CL:朵[duo3] caize 采择|to choose and use/to adopt (a decision) caizhai 采摘|to pluck/to pick caizhang 财长|treasurer/head of finances/minister o... caizhao 猜着|to guess correctly caizheng 财政|finances (public)/financial caizheng 采证|to collect evidence caizhengbu 财政部|Ministry of Finance caizhengbuzhang 财政部长|minister of finance caizhengdachen 财政大臣|finance minister/UK chancellor of exc... caizhengniandu 财政年度|financial year/fiscal year (e.g. from... caizhi 材质|texture of timber/quality of material... caizhi 才智|ability and wisdom caizhi 采制|to gather and process (herbs etc)/(of... caizhi 采脂|tree tapping caizhi 裁制|to tailor/to make clothes caizhiji 裁纸机|trimmer/paper cutter caizhizhong 蔡志忠|Tsai Chih Chung (1948-), famous Taiwa... caizhong 猜中|to guess correctly/to figure out the ... caizhong 采种|seed collecting caizhu 财主|rich man/moneybags caizhu 采珠|to dive for pearls caizhuang 彩妆|makeup/cosmetics caizi 才子|gifted scholar caizi 菜籽|vegetable seeds/rapeseed caizijiaren 才子佳人|lit. gifted scholar, beautiful lady (... cajianerguo 擦肩而过|to brush past; to pass by (sb)/(fig.)... caliang 擦亮|to polish caliangyanjing 擦亮眼睛|to keep one\'s eyes open (idiom)/to be... calve 擦掠|to brush against/to graze/to scratch camo 擦抹|to wipe can 参|variant of 參|参[can1] can 参|to take part in/to participate/to joi... can 参|old variant of 參|参[can1] can 惨|miserable/wretched/cruel/inhuman/disa... can 残|to destroy/to spoil/to ruin/to injure... can 灿|glorious/bright/brilliant/lustrous/re... can 蚕|silkworm can 璨|gem/luster of gem can 餐|meal/to eat/classifier for meals can 喰|old variant of 餐[can1] can 粲|beautiful/bright/splendid/smilingly can 惭|variant of 慚|惭[can2] can 惭|ashamed can 孱|used in 孱頭|孱头[can4tou5] can 歺|second-round simplified character for... can 憯|already/sorrowful can 骖|outside horses of a team of 4 can 飡|variant of 餐[can1] can 黪|dark/dim/gloomy/bleak can 湌|variant of 餐[can1] can 朁|if, supposing, nevertheless canan 惨案|massacre/tragedy/CL:起[qi3] canao 残奥|Paralympics/same as Paralympic Games ... canaohui 残奥会|Paralympic Games canbai 惨白|deathly pale canbai 参拜|to formally call on/to worship (a God... canbai 惨败|to suffer a crushing defeat canbai 残败|dilapidated/in ruins canban 参半|half/half and half/both ... and .../j... canbao 残暴|brutal; vicious; ruthless canbaobao 蚕宝宝|silkworm canben 残本|extant fragment (of book) canbian 惨变|calamitous turn of events/(of one\'s c... canbingbaijiang 残兵败将|ruined army, defeated general (idiom)... canbo 蚕箔|bamboo tray for raising silkworms canbo 蚕薄|variant of 蠶箔|蚕箔[can2 bo2] canbu 残部|defeated remnants/scattered survivors canburendu 惨不忍睹|lit. so horrible that one cannot bear... canburenwen 惨不忍闻|(idiom) dreadful to hear cancai 蚕菜|Malabar spinach (Basella alba) cancan 璨璨|very bright canchan 参禅|to practice Chan Buddhist meditation/... canchashengfan 残茶剩饭|spoilt tea, leftover food (idiom); re... canche 餐车|dining car/diner canchuan 残喘|remaining breath/last gasp cancipin 残次品|defective goods cancong 蚕丛|Can Cong, legendary creator of silk a... cancu 蚕蔟|small bundle of straw etc provided fo... cancun 残存|to survive/remnant canda 惨怛|grieved/distressed candan 惨淡|dark/gloomy/dismal/by painstaking effort candan 惨澹|variant of 慘淡|惨淡[can3 dan4] candanjingying 惨淡经营|to manage by painstaking effort (idiom) candao 餐刀|table knife/dinner knife candi 残敌|remnant enemy troops candian 餐点|food/dish/meal candonglayue 残冬腊月|final days of the lunar year candou 蚕豆|broad bean (Vicia faba); fava bean candouzheng 蚕豆症|G6PD deficiency (glucose-6-phosphate ... candu 残毒|cruelty candu 惨毒|cruel/vicious cane 蚕蛾|Chinese silkworm moth (Bombyx mori) canfangtuan 参访团|delegation canfei 残废|deformity/handicapped cang 藏|to conceal/to hide away/to harbor/to ... cang 仓|barn/granary/storehouse/cabin/hold (i... cang 苍|surname Cang cang 苍|dark blue/deep green/ash-gray cang 舱|cabin/the hold of a ship or airplane cang 沧|blue-green or azure (of water)/vast (... cang 螥|Japanese variant of 蒼|苍 house-fly cang 蔵|Japanese variant of 藏 cang 伧|low fellow/rustic/rude/rough cang 鸧|used in 鶬鶊|鸧鹒[cang1geng1] cang 鑶|(onom.) (sound of a bell) cang 凔|cold cangbai 苍白|pale/wan cangbaise 苍白色|pale/wan/sickly white cangbaiwuli 苍白无力|pale and feeble/powerless cangbaoxiang 藏宝箱|treasure chest cangbeishanque 苍背山雀|(bird species of China) cinereous tit... cangcang 苍苍|ash gray/vast and hazy/flourishing cangcangyeye 藏藏掖掖|to conceal cangchu 仓储|to store in a warehouse cangcu 仓促|all of a sudden/hurriedly cangcu 仓猝|variant of 倉促|仓促[cang1 cu4] cangcu 仓卒|variant of 倉促|仓促[cang1 cu4] cangcui 苍翠|verdant cangduo 藏躲|to hide/to conceal cangeng 残羹|leftovers from a meal cangengshengfan 残羹剩饭|leftovers from a meal/fig. remnants h... canger 苍耳|Siberian cocklebur (botany) cangfang 舱房|cabin (of an airplane or ship) cangfu 仓敷|Kurashiki, city in Okayama Prefecture... canggeng 鸧鹒|variant of 倉庚|仓庚[cang1geng1] canggeng 仓庚|black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis) canggou 苍狗|(fig.) the unpredictable changeabilit... canggounawu 藏垢纳污|to hide dirt, to conceal corruption (... canghaisangtian 沧海桑田|lit. the blue sea turned into mulberr... canghaiyisu 沧海一粟|a drop in the ocean (idiom) canghaiyizhu 沧海遗珠|undiscovered talent (idiom) canghuang 苍黄|greenish yellow/sallow (pale or yello... canghuang 仓皇|in a panic/flurried canghuang 仓惶|variant of 倉皇|仓皇[cang1 huang2] canghuang 仓黄|variant of 倉皇|仓皇[cang1 huang2] canghuang 苍惶|variant of 倉皇|仓皇[cang1 huang2] canghuangchutao 仓皇出逃|to run off in a great panic (idiom) canghuangshicuo 仓皇失措|flustered/ruffled/disconcerted cangjian 藏奸|to harbor evil intentions cangjie 仓颉|Cang Jie, legendary scribe of the Yel... cangjing 苍劲|(of a tree) old and strong/(of callig... cangjingren 藏镜人|man behind the mirror/puppet master/s... cangku 仓库|depot/storehouse/warehouse canglangting 沧浪亭|The Surging Waves Pavillion in Suzhou... canglao 苍老|old/aged/(of calligraphy or painting)... cangliang 苍凉|desolate/bleak canglin 仓廪|(literary) granary canglong 苍龙|Blue Dragon, other name of the Azure ... canglong 沧龙|mosasaur canglongke 沧龙科|family Mosasauridae canglongwohu 藏龙卧虎|lit. hidden dragon, crouching tiger (... canglu 苍鹭|(bird species of China) grey heron (A... cangmang 苍茫|boundless/vast/hazy (distant horizon) cangmang 苍莽|boundless cangmaomao 藏猫猫|hide and seek/peek-a-boo cangmaor 藏猫儿|hide and seek cangmaoxingjibing 藏毛性疾病|pilonidal disease cangmeihuangying 苍眉蝗莺|(bird species of China) Gray\'s grassh... cangnan 苍南|Cangnan county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 ... cangnanxian 苍南县|Cangnan county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 ... cangni 藏匿|to cover up/to conceal/to go into hiding cangpin 藏品|museum piece/collector\'s item/preciou... cangqidaishi 藏器待时|to conceal one\'s abilities and wait (... cangqiong 苍穹|the blue dome of heaven cangsang 沧桑|great changes/ups and downs/vicissitu... cangsanggan 沧桑感|a sense of having been through good t... cangshan 仓山|Cangshan, a district of Fuzhou City 福... cangshanqu 仓山区|Cangshan, a district of Fuzhou City 福... cangshen 藏身|to hide/to go into hiding/to take refuge cangshenchu 藏身处|hiding place/hideout/shelter cangsheng 苍生|(area where) vegetation grows/the com... cangshengtutan 苍生涂炭|the common people in a miserable state cangshenzhichu 藏身之处|hiding place/hideout cangshu 仓鼠|hamster cangshu 藏书|to collect books/library collection cangshupiao 藏书票|bookplate cangsongcuibai 苍松翠柏|evergreen pine and cypress (idiom); s... cangtian 苍天|firmament cangtouluwei 藏头露尾|to hide the head and show the tail (i... cangtouyanque 苍头燕雀|(bird species of China) Eurasian chaf... cangu 参股|equity participation (finance) canguan 参观|to look around/to tour/to visit canguan 餐馆|restaurant/CL:家[jia1] cangwaihuodong 舱外活动|extravehicular activity (outside spac... cangwei 舱位|shipping space/cabin berth/cabin seat cangwei 仓位|(logistics) storage location/place to... cangwu 苍梧|Cangwu county in Wuzhou 梧州[Wu2 zhou1]... cangwunagou 藏污纳垢|to hide dirt, to conceal corruption (... cangwuxian 苍梧县|Cangwu county in Wuzhou 梧州[Wu2 zhou1]... cangxi 苍溪|Cangxi county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[Guan... cangxian 沧县|Cang county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 z... cangxixian 苍溪县|Cangxi county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[Guan... cangye 藏掖|to try to cover up/hiding place cangying 苍鹰|(bird species of China) Eurasian gosh... cangying 苍蝇|housefly/CL:隻|只[zhi1] cangyingbudingwufengdan 苍蝇不叮无缝蛋|lit. flies do not attack an intact eg... cangyinglaohu 苍蝇老虎|(coll.) jumping spider (which pounces... cangyingpai 苍蝇拍|flyswatter cangyingzuo 苍蝇座|Musca (constellation) cangyu 苍郁|verdant and luxuriant cangyuanwazuzizhixian 沧源佤族自治县|Cangyuan Va Autonomous County in Linc... cangyuanxian 沧源县|Cangyuan Va autonomous county in Linc... cangzhou 沧州|see 滄州市|沧州市[Cang1zhou1 Shi4] cangzhoushi 沧州市|Cangzhou, prefecture-level city in He... cangzhu 苍术|black atractylodes rhizome (dried rhi... cangzhuo 藏拙|avoiding doing something that one is ... cangzong 藏踪|to hide canhai 残骸|remains/wreckage canhai 残害|to injure/to devastate/to slaughter canhe 参劾|to accuse/to impeach/(in imperial Chi... canhong 惨红|dark red canhoujiu 餐后酒|digestif canhuabailiu 残花败柳|broken flower, withered willow (idiom... canhui 餐会|dinner party/luncheon canhuo 惨祸|terrible tragedy/grave mishap canji 残疾|disabled/handicapped/deformity on a p... canjia 参加|to participate/to take part/to join canjian 参见|to refer to/see also/compare (cf.)/to... canjian 蚕茧|silkworm cocoon canjianzhi 蚕茧纸|paper made from silkworm cocoons canjiao 惨叫|to scream/blood-curdling screech/mise... canjiao 参校|to proofread/to revise one or more ed... canjiazhe 参加者|participant canjier 残疾儿|a child with a birth defect/a deforme... canjin 餐巾|napkin/CL:張|张[zhang1] canjing 惨境|wretched situation canjing 惨景|wretched sight canjing 残茎|stubble (the stems of plants after ha... canjinzhi 餐巾纸|paper napkin/serviette canjiren 残疾人|disabled person canju 惨剧|tragedy/calamity/atrocity canju 餐具|tableware; dinner service canju 残局|endgame (in chess)/desperate situatio... canjuan 残卷|surviving section of a classic work/r... canjuerenhuan 惨绝人寰|extremely tragic (idiom); with unprec... canjun 参军|to join the army/(official title in i... cankaer 参卡尔|Ivan Cankar (1876-1918), Slovenian mo... cankan 参看|to consult for reference/see also; pl... cankao 参考|consultation/reference/to consult/to ... cankaocailiao 参考材料|reference material/source documents cankaoshu 参考书|reference book cankaotuoqiuti 参考椭球体|reference ellipsoid (geodesy) cankaowenxian 参考文献|cited material/reference (to the lite... cankaoxi 参考系|frame of reference cankaoxiaoxi 参考消息|Reference News (PRC limited-distribut... cankaoziliao 参考资料|reference material/bibliography canku 残酷|cruel/cruelty canku 惨酷|(literary) cruel; savage; merciless cankuake 粲夸克|charm quark (particle physics) cankuang 惨况|tragic situation; dreadful state cankui 惭愧|ashamed cankuwuqing 残酷无情|cruel and unfeeling (idiom) canlan 灿烂|to glitter/brilliant/splendid canlanduocai 灿烂多彩|multicolored splendor (of fireworks, ... canliang 参量|parameter (math)/quantity used as a p... canliangkongjian 参量空间|moduli space (math.)/parameter space canlie 惨烈|bitter/desperate canliu 残留|to remain; to be left over/residual; ... canliuwu 残留物|remnant/residue/material left over canlu 惨戮|(literary) to massacre; to slaughter;... canmei 璨美|resplendent canmian 蚕眠|a silkworm\'s period of inactivity pri... canminhaiwu 残民害物|to harm people and damage property (i... canmo 残膜|leftover agricultural plastic (as was... canmotianjiu 餐末甜酒|dessert wine canmou 参谋|staff officer/to give advice canmouzhang 参谋长|chief of staff canmouzongzhang 参谋总长|army Chief of Staff cannian 残念|(coll.) to regret/what a pity! (loanw... cannianduanjing 残年短景|at the end of the year (idiom) cannong 蚕农|sericulturist cannve 残虐|cruel/to treat cruelly canpai 餐牌|menu canpin 残品|defective goods canpo 残破|broken/dilapidated canqianjiu 餐前酒|aperitif canque 残缺|badly damaged/shattered canran 粲然|clear and bright/with a big smile canran 惨然|grieved/distressed canren 残忍|cruel/mean/merciless/ruthless canruofanxing 灿若繁星|bright as a multitude of stars (idiom... cansai 参赛|to compete/to take part in a competition cansaizhe 参赛者|competitor/CL:名[ming2] cansha 蚕沙|silkworm guano (excrement) cansha 残杀|to massacre/to slaughter cansha 惨杀|to slaughter/to kill mercilessly canshan 蚕山|see 蠶蔟|蚕蔟[can2cu4] canshazhe 残杀者|killer/butcher/slaughterer cansheng 残生|remaining years of one\'s life canshi 蚕食|(lit. and fig.) to nibble away at canshi 餐食|food/meal canshi 惨事|disaster canshi 餐室|dining room canshijingtun 蚕食鲸吞|lit. to nibble like a silkworm or swa... canshu 参数|parameter cansi 蚕丝|natural silk (secreted by silkworm) cansi 惨死|to die tragically/to meet with a viol... cansun 参孙|Samson (name)/biblical hero around 11... cantian 参天|(of a tree etc) to reach up to the sky canting 餐厅|dining hall/dining room/restaurant/CL... cantong 惨痛|bitter/painful/deeply distressed cantou 参透|to fully grasp/to penetrate cantou 孱头|(dialect) weakling; coward canwu 参悟|to comprehend (the nature of things e... canwurendao 惨无人道|inhuman (idiom)/brutal and unfeeling canxiang 残香|lingering fragrance canxiang 参详|to collate and examine critically (te... canxiao 惨笑|bitter smile canxiao 灿笑|to smile brightly canxuan 参选|to be a candidate in an election or o... canxuanlv 参选率|voter turnout canxuanren 参选人|election participant/candidate canyan 参演|to take part in a performance; to app... canyan 餐宴|banquet canye 参谒|to visit/to pay one\'s respects to (a ... canyi 参议|consultant/adviser canyi 蚕蚁|newly hatched silkworm canyin 餐饮|food and beverage/catering/repast canyindian 餐饮店|dining room/restaurant canyiyuan 参议院|senate/upper chamber (of legislative ... canyiyuan 参议员|senator canyong 蚕蛹|silkworm chrysalis; silkworm pupa canyu 参与|to participate (in sth) canyu 残余|remnant/relic/residue/vestige/surplus... canyu 璨玉|lustrous jade canyu 参预|variant of 參與|参与[can1 yu4] canyuan 参院|abbr. for 參議院|参议院[can1 yi4 yuan4], se... canyuan 残垣|(literary) ruined walls/ruins canyuanbaibi 残垣败壁|lit. walls reduced to rubble (idiom)/... canyuanduanbi 残垣断壁|lit. walls reduced to rubble (idiom)/... canyue 参阅|to consult/to refer to/to read (instr... canyue 残月|waning moon canyuwu 残余物|litter/trash canyuzhanran 残余沾染|residual contamination canyuzhe 参与者|participant canza 参杂|to mix canzan 参赞|to serve as an adviser/(diplomatic ra... canzao 惨遭|to suffer (defeat, death etc) canzaobuxing 惨遭不幸|to meet with disaster/to die tragically canzha 残渣|remainder/filtered out residue/sedime... canzhan 参展|to exhibit at or take part in a trade... canzhan 参战|to go to war/to engage in war canzhang 残障|handicapped canzhao 参照|to consult a reference/to refer to (a... canzhaoxi 参照系|frame of reference/coordinate frame (... canzhayunie 残渣余孽|evil elements who have escaped eradic... canzheng 参政|to be involved in politics/participat... canzhengquan 参政权|suffrage/voting rights canzhi 残值|residual value canzhi 残肢|stump (of a limb)/severed limb canzhi 蚕纸|paper on which silkworm lays its eggs canzhong 惨重|disastrous canzhong 蚕种|silkworm eggs canzhu 残株|stubble canzhuang 惨状|devastation/miserable condition canzhuo 餐桌|dining table; dinner table/CL:張|张[zha... canzhuo 参酌|to consider (a matter)/to deliberate canzhuoyan 餐桌盐|table salt canzhuozhuanpan 餐桌转盘|revolving tray on a dining table/lazy... canzi 蚕子|silkworm eggs cao 草|variant of 草[cao3] cao 草|grass/straw/manuscript/draft (of a do... cao 草|variant of 肏[cao4] cao 操|old variant of 操[cao1] cao 操|to grasp/to hold/to operate/to manage... cao 操|variant of 肏[cao4] cao 槽|trough/manger/groove/channel/(Tw) (co... cao 肏|to fuck (vulgar) cao 糙|rough/coarse (in texture) cao 漕|to transport (esp. grain) by water/(l... cao 嘈|bustling/tumultuous/noisy cao 艹|grass radical 草字頭兒|草字头儿[cao3 zi4 tou2... cao 懆|anxious/sad cao 艚|seagoing junk cao 螬|used in 蠐螬|蛴螬[qi2cao2] cao 蓸|(a kind of herb) cao 鄵|ancient place name (between present-d... cao 曹|surname Cao/Zhou Dynasty vassal state cao 曹|class or grade/generation/plaintiff a... caoan 草案|draft (legislation, proposal etc) caobaiyu 曹白鱼|Chinese herring (Ilisha elongata)/whi... caoban 操办|to arrange matters caobao 草包|bag made of woven straw/bag filled wi... caoben 草本|grass/herb caobenzhiwu 草本植物|herbaceous plant caobi 肏屄|to fuck (a woman) (vulgar) caobi 肏逼|variant of 肏屄[cao4 bi1] caobi 操逼|variant of 肏屄[cao4 bi1] caobi 操屄|variant of 肏屄[cao4 bi1] caobian 草编|straw weaving caobiao 草标|(old) sign made of woven weeds, place... caobuxing 曹不兴|Cao Buxing or Ts\'ao Pu-hsing (active ... caocan 曹参|Cao Can (-190 BC), second chancellor ... caocao 草草|carelessly/hastily caocao 曹操|Cao Cao (155-220), famous statesman a... caocaoliaoshi 草草了事|to rush through the work/to get throu... caocaoshoubing 草草收兵|to work vaguely then retreat (idiom);... caocaoshouchang 草草收场|to rush to conclude a matter/to end u... caochang 操场|playground/sports field/drill ground/... caochang 草场|pastureland caoche 槽车|tanker (truck) caochi 操持|to manage/to handle caochilei 槽齿类|thecodont (type of reptile that exist... caochimu 槽齿目|Thecodontia (obsolete taxonomic group... caochong 曹冲|Cao Chong (196-208), son of Cao Cao 曹... caochuang 草创|to be in the early stages of establis... caochuanjiejian 草船借箭|lit. using straw boats to borrow arro... caocong 草丛|underbrush caodan 肏蛋|lousy/rotten caodan 操蛋|lousy/rotten caodao 操刀|to hold a knife/(fig.) (of a surgeon)... caodaoshou 操刀手|person charged with decisive action/h... caodaqing 草大青|Isatis tinctoria (indigo woad plant) caodi 草地|lawn/meadow/sod/turf/CL:片[pian4] caodian 草甸|meadow caodian 操典|drill book caodian 槽点|(slang) an aspect that invites ridicu... caodian 草垫|straw mattress caodianzi 草垫子|straw mattress; palliasse caodiliu 草地鹨|(bird species of China) meadow pipit ... caoduo 操舵|to steer (a vessel)/to hold the rudde... caoduoshi 操舵室|pilothouse caofa 操法|drill rules caofang 槽坊|brewery/papermaking craft shop (in fo... caofufake 操斧伐柯|(cf Book of Songs) How to fashion an ... caogan 草秆|straw/grain stalks caogang 槽钢|steel groove/V-shaped steel bar caogangchuan 曹刚川|Cao Gangchuan (1935-), former artille... caogao 草稿|draft/outline/sketch caogen 草根|grass roots (lit. and fig.) caogenwangmin 草根网民|grassroots netizens caogu 草菇|straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea)... caogu 操觚|to write/to compose caoguo 草果|black cardamom/(dialect) strawberry caohai 草海|Caohai Lake, Guizhou caohang 操航|to take the helm/to steer (a ship) caohe 漕河|waterway used for the transportation ... caoji 草鸡|free-range chicken/(dialect) hen/cowa... caojian 草荐|straw mattress/palliasse caojianrenming 草菅人命|to have disregard for human life (idiom) caojierenming 草芥人命|see 草菅人命[cao3 jian1 ren2 ming4] caojinghua 曹靖华|Cao Jinghua (1897-1987), translator f... caoke 操课|military drill caokong 操控|to control/to manipulate caokong 槽孔|slot/groove/slotted hole caokou 草寇|bandits caokun 曹锟|Cao Kun (1862-1938), one of the North... caolao 操劳|to work hard/to look after caolian 操练|drill/practice caoliang 漕粮|grain transported by water (in ancien... caoliao 草料|fodder caolu 草鹭|(bird species of China) purple heron ... caolvliying 草绿篱莺|(bird species of China) eastern oliva... caoma 草码|the ten numerals 〡,〢,〣,〤,〥,〦,〧,〨,〩,十 ... caomang 草莽|a rank growth of grass/uncultivated l... caomanlingyu 草满囹圄|lit. jails overgrown with grass (idio... caomao 草帽|straw hat caomei 草莓|strawberry/CL:顆|颗[ke1]/(Tw) hickey/lo... caomeizu 草莓族|pampered young people unaccustomed to... caomeng 草蜢|grasshopper caomi 糙米|brown rice caomianneizhiwang 糙面内质网|rough endoplasmic reticulum caomin 草民|the grass roots/the hoi polloi caomu 草木|vegetation/plants caomuhui 草木灰|plant ash caomujiebing 草木皆兵|lit. every tree or bush an enemy sold... caomuniaoshou 草木鸟兽|flora and fauna caoni 草拟|first draft/to draw up (a first version) caonima 草泥马|grass mud horse/used as a substitute ... caonima 操你妈|see 肏你媽|肏你妈[cao4 ni3 ma1] caonima 肏你妈|fuck your mother (vulgar) caonong 操弄|to manipulate/manipulation caopa 草耙|a rake caopan 操盘|(finance) (of a fund manager, high-we... caopanshou 操盘手|heavyweight operator in a market caopazi 草爬子|tick (zoology) caopi 曹丕|Cao Pi (187-226), second son of Cao C... caopi 草皮|turf/sward/sod caopibing 糙皮病|pellagra (medicine) caoping 草坪|lawn caoping 操坪|drill ground caopingji 草坪机|lawn mower caoqie 操切|rash/hasty caoqingling 草蜻蛉|green lacewing caoshan 草山|Grassy Hill (hill in Hong Kong) caoshanhu 草珊瑚|Sarcandra glabra (botany) caoshen 操神|to worry about/to look after/to take ... caoshi 草食|herbivorous caoshican 草石蚕|Chinese artichoke/Stachys sieboldii caoshidongwu 草食动物|herbivore/herbivorous animal caoshou 操守|personal integrity caoshu 草书|grass script; cursive script (Chinese... caoshuai 草率|careless/negligent/sloppy/not serious caoshuaishoubing 草率收兵|to work vaguely then retreat (idiom);... caosuan 草酸|oxalic acid C2H2O4 caotaibanzi 草台班子|small, poorly-equipped theatrical tro... caoti 草体|see 草書|草书[cao3 shu1] caotou 槽头|feeding trough in stable caotu 草图|a sketch/rough drawing caotun 草屯|Caotun Township in Nantou County 南投縣|... caotunzhen 草屯镇|Caotun Township in Nantou County 南投縣|... caowei 曹魏|Cao Wei, the most powerful of the Thr... caowei 槽位|slot caowu 草屋|thatched hut caoxian 曹县|Cao county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Sh... caoxiao 草鸮|(bird species of China) eastern grass... caoxie 草鞋|straw sandals caoxin 操心|to worry about caoxing 操行|(student\'s) behavior caoxueqin 曹雪芹|Cao Xueqin (c. 1715-c. 1764), accepte... caoya 槽牙|molar tooth caoyan 操演|drill/exercise/demonstration/to demon... caoyao 草药|herbal medicine caoyu 草鱼|grass carp caoyu 曹禺|Cao Yu (1910-1997), PRC dramatist caoyuan 草原|grassland/prairie/CL:片[pian4] caoyuanbailing 草原百灵|(bird species of China) calandra lark... caoyuandiao 草原雕|(bird species of China) steppe eagle ... caoyuanhuibolao 草原灰伯劳|(bird species of China) steppe grey s... caoyuanjuxi 草原巨蜥|Savannah monitor (Varanus exanthemati... caoyuanyao 草原鹞|(bird species of China) pallid harrie... caoyun 漕运|(old) to transport by water/to ship g... caoyuzhang 曹余章|Cao Yuzhang (1924-1996), modern write... caoza 嘈杂|noisy/clamorous caozasheng 嘈杂声|noise/din caozhi 草纸|rough straw paper/toilet paper/brown ... caozhi 曹植|Cao Zhi (192-232), son of Cao Cao 曹操,... caozhiguoji 操之过急|to act with undue haste (idiom); eage... caozhou 操舟|to steer a boat caozitour 草字头儿|grass radical 艹 caozong 操纵|to operate/to control/to rig/to manip... caozonggan 操纵杆|joystick/control lever caozongziru 操纵自如|to operate (a machine etc) with ease caozuo 操作|to work/to operate/to manipulate caozuofu 操作符|operator (computing) caozuoguicheng 操作规程|operating rules/work regulations caozuohuanjing 操作环境|operating environment caozuoshu 操作数|operand (computing) caozuotai 操作台|operating desk/control panel/console caozuoxitong 操作系统|operating system caozuoyuan 操作员|operator caozuozhe 操作者|operator capigu 擦屁股|to wipe one’s ass/(fig.) (coll.) to c... caqiangzouhuo 擦枪走火|to shoot accidentally while polishing... cashang 擦伤|to abrade; to scrape; to chafe; to gr... cashenerguo 擦身而过|to brush past cashi 擦拭|to wipe clean casi 擦丝|to grate (cheese, carrots etc); to shred cawanbu 擦碗布|dish cloth/tea towel cawangqiu 擦网球|net ball/let (tennis etc) caxi 擦洗|to clean (with water or alcohol)/to w... caxie 擦写|to erase caxiedian 擦鞋垫|doormat cayin 擦音|fricative cayou 擦油|to oil/to anoint cazao 擦澡|to rub down with a wet towel; to give... cazhuang 擦撞|to sideswipe (a car etc)/to generate ... cazi 擦子|eraser/(kitchen) grater/shredder ce 测|to survey/to measure/to conjecture ce 策|surname Ce ce 策|policy/plan/scheme/bamboo slip for wr... ce 策|variant of 策[ce4] ce 册|book/booklet/classifier for books ce 畟|sharp ce 厕|variant of 廁|厕[ce4] ce 厕|(bound form) restroom; toilet; lavato... ce 恻|sorrowful ce 荝|plant genus Aconitum, aka monkshood o... ce 䇲|variant of 筴|策[ce4] ce 茦|pointed grass blade/to prick ce 侧|the side/to incline towards/to lean/i... cebao 测报|to estimate and report; to assess cebi 侧壁|side wall cebianlan 侧边栏|(computing) sidebar cechui 测锤|bob of plumb line cedaopang 侧刀旁|name of the lateral \"knife\" radical 刂... cedazhixin 恻怛之心|see 惻隱之心|恻隐之心[ce4 yin3 zhi1 xin1] ceding 测定|to determine (by measuring or surveying) cediqulv 测地曲率|geodesic curvature cedixian 测地线|geodesic/a geodesic (curve) cedixianqulv 测地线曲率|geodesic curvature cedong 策动|to conspire/to plot (a rebellion, cri... cedu 测度|measure (math.) ceduo 测度|to estimate/to conjecture ceer 侧耳|to bend an ear (to)/to listen cefan 策反|to instigate (rebellion etc)/inciteme... cefan 侧翻|(of a vehicle) to roll over; (of a bo... cefeng 册封|to confer a title upon sb/to dub/to c... cefeng 侧锋|oblique attack (brush movement in pai... cefuyuangui 册府元龟|Prime tortoise of the record bureau, ... cegen 侧根|lateral root (botany) ceheng 册亨|Ceheng county in Qianxinan Buyei and ... cehengxian 册亨县|Ceheng county in Qianxinan Buyei and ... cehua 策划|to plot/to scheme/to bring about/to e... cehua 策画|variant of 策劃|策划[ce4 hua4] cehuangqi 测谎器|lie detector; polygraph cehuangyi 测谎仪|lie detector; polygraph cehuaren 策划人|sponsor/plotter/schemer cehui 测绘|to survey and draw/to map cejingqi 测径器|calipers ceju 厕具|toilet fittings cejuyi 测距仪|distance measuring equipment cekong 测控|measurement and control cekongfan 侧空翻|aerial cartwheel/side somersault cele 策勒|Chira County in Hotan Prefecture 和田地區... celexian 策勒县|Chira County in Hotan Prefecture 和田地區... celi 册立|to confer a title on (an empress or a... celi 策励|to encourage/to urge/to impel/to spur... celi 册历|diary celian 侧链|side chain (used in classifying amino... celiang 测量|survey/to measure/to gauge/to determine celiangchuan 测量船|survey vessel celianggongju 测量工具|gauge/measuring tool celu 侧录|to capture data/to record illicitly/d... celun 策论|essay on current affairs submitted to... celve 策略|strategy; tactics/crafty; adroit cema 策马|to urge on a horse using a whip or spurs cemen 侧门|side door cemian 侧面|lateral side/side/aspect/profile cemou 策谋|stratagem (political or military)/trick cemu 侧目|to raise eyebrows/to cast sidelong gl... cen 参|used in 參差|参差[cen1 ci1] cen 㟥|uneven/not uniform cen 岑|surname Cen cen 岑|small hill cen 涔|overflow/rainwater/tearful cenci 参差|uneven; jagged; snaggletooth; ragged;... cencibuqi 参差不齐|(idiom) variable/uneven/irregular cencicuoluo 参差错落|uneven and jumbled (idiom); irregular... ceng 曾|once/already/ever (in the past)/forme... ceng 蹭|to rub against/to walk slowly/(coll.)... ceng 层|to pile on top of one another/layer; ... ceng 噌|to scold/whoosh! ceng 嶒|lofty/precipitous ceng 曽|Japanese variant of 曾[ceng2] cengbao 层报|to report to higher authorities throu... cengceng 层层|layer upon layer cengcengchuanda 层层传达|to send down the line cengcengjiama 层层加码|to increase bit by bit/repeated incre... cengche 蹭车|(coll.) to ride in sb else\'s car to s... cengchi 蹭吃|to freeload for food cengchicenghe 蹭吃蹭喝|to cadge a meal cengchubuqiong 层出不穷|more and more emerge/innumerable succ... cengci 层次|layer/level/gradation/arrangement of ... cengcifenming 层次分明|layered; structured; made up of disti... cengdeng 蹭蹬|(literary) to encounter setbacks; to ... cengdie 层叠|layer upon layer/tiered cengfan 蹭饭|(coll.) to mooch a meal cengji 层级|level/hierarchy cengjiheshi 曾几何时|just a while before/not so long ago/e... cengjing 曾经|once/already/former/previously/ever/(... cengjingcanghai 曾经沧海|lit. having crossed the vast ocean (i... cengjingcanghainanweishui,chuquewushanbushiyun 曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云|there are no rivers to one who has cr... cengjiyun 层积云|stratocumulus cloud cengke 蹭课|(coll.) to sit in on a class cengli 层理|stratification cengliu 层流|laminar flow cenglou 层楼|multistoried building/tower/pagoda cengluan 层峦|range upon range of mountains cengluandiezhang 层峦叠嶂|range upon range of mountains (idiom) cengmian 层面|aspect; facet/level (political, psych... cengong 岑巩|Cengong county in Qiandongnan Miao an... cengongxian 岑巩县|Cengong county in Qiandongnan Miao an... cengredu 蹭热度|(coll.) (often derog.) to piggyback o... cengwang 蹭网|(coll.) to use sb else\'s Internet con... cengxian-diechu 层见叠出|(idiom) to occur frequently; to occur... cengxian-diechu 层见迭出|variant of 層見疊出|层见叠出[ceng2xian4-die2c... cengya 层压|lamination cengyan 层岩|stratified rock/flagstone cengyashituixiao 层压式推销|pyramid scheme cengyun 层云|stratus (cloud) cengzhuang 层状|stratified/bedded (geology) cengzi 层子|stratum cenpeng 岑彭|Cen Peng (died 35 AD), Chinese general cenxi 岑溪|Cenxi, county-level city in Wuzhou 梧州... cenxishi 岑溪市|Cenxi, county-level city in Wuzhou 梧州... ceping 测评|to test and evaluate ceshen 侧身|(to stand or move) sideways ceshen 厕身|(humble expression) to participate (i... ceshen 测深|to sound (sea depth) ceshengdongwu 侧生动物|parazoan (animal of the subkingdom Pa... ceshi 测试|to test (machinery etc)/to test (a pe... ceshi 侧室|sideroom/concubine ceshi 策士|strategist/counsellor on military str... ceshi 策试|imperial exam involving writing essay... ceshiqi 测试器|testing apparatus/monitoring device/c... ceshoufan 侧手翻|(gymnastics) cartwheel; to do a cartw... cesuan 测算|to take measurements and calculate cesuo 厕所|toilet; lavatory/CL:間|间[jian1],處|处[chu4] cetang 侧躺|to lie down (on one\'s side) cetian 测天|to make astronomical observation cewen 测温|to measure temperature cewen 策问|essay on policy in question and answe... cewenqiang 测温枪|temperature gun cewo 侧卧|to lie on one\'s side cexie 侧写|to profile/profile/(offender) profiling cexinshu 测心术|mind reading cexu 测序|(DNA etc) sequencing ceya 侧芽|axillary bud ceyan 测验|test/to test/CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4] ceyin 恻隐|compassion/empathetic ceying 侧影|profile/silhouette ceying 策应|to support by coordinated action ceyinzhixin 恻隐之心|compassion ceyuandi 策源地|place of origin/source (of a war or a... ceyun 测孕|pregnancy testing cezai 侧载|to sideload (an app etc) cezhan 策展|to curate cezhanren 策展人|curator cezhi 厕纸|toilet paper cezhi 测知|to detect/to sense cezhong 侧重|to place particular emphasis on cezhongdian 侧重点|main point/emphasis cezi 册子|a book/a volume cha 查|to research/to check/to investigate/t... cha 差|difference; discrepancy/(math.) diffe... cha 差|different/wrong; mistaken/to fall sho... cha 插|to insert/stick in/pierce/to take par... cha 插|old variant of 插[cha1] cha 茶|tea/tea plant/CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2] cha 叉|fork/pitchfork/prong/pick/cross/inter... cha 叉|to cross/be stuck cha 叉|to diverge/to open (as legs) cha 馇|to cook and stir (animal feed)/(coll.... cha 察|short name for Chahar Province 察哈爾|察哈... cha 察|to examine/to inquire/to observe/to i... cha 察|variant of 察[cha2] cha 査|Japanese variant of 查 cha 刹|Buddhist monastery, temple or shrine ... cha 岔|fork in road/bifurcation/branch in ro... cha 茬|stubble (crop residue)/stubble (hair ... cha 槎|a raft made of bamboo or wood/to fell... cha 汊|branching stream cha 碴|fault/glass fragment/quarrel cha 嚓|(onom.) used in 喀嚓[ka1cha1] and 啪嚓[pa... cha 侘|boast/despondent cha 嵖|see 嵖岈山[Cha2 ya2 Shan1] cha 檫|Chinese sassafras/Sassafras tzumu cha 杈|fork of a tree/pitchfork cha 杈|branches of a tree/fork of a tree cha 猹|Badger-like wild animal cha 诧|to be surprised/to be astonished cha 姹|(literary) beautiful cha 垞|mound/small hill/(used in place names) cha 挿|Japanese variant of 插[cha1] cha 衩|open seam of a garment/shorts/panties cha 衩|slit on either side of robe cha 楂|fell trees/raft/to hew cha 扠|to fork cha 镲|small cymbals cha 锸|spade/shovel cha 喳|used in 喳喳[cha1cha5] cha 蹅|(coll.) to trudge (in mud, snow etc) cha 艖|raft/boat cha 臿|to separate the grain from the husk cha 搽|to apply (ointment, powder)/to smear/... cha 𥻗|(bound form) coarsely ground maize chaansuan 茶胺酸|(biochemistry) theanine chaban 插班|to join a class partway through the c... chaban 查办|to investigate and handle (a criminal... chabao 茶包|tea bag/(slang) trouble (loanword) chabei 茶杯|teacup/tea-glass/cup/mug/CL:隻|只[zhi1] chabie 差别|difference; distinction; disparity chabo 插播|to interrupt (a radio or TV program) ... chaboguanggao 插播广告|slot advertisement/interstitial ad/sp... chabu 插补|interpolation (math.) chabuchaer 察布查尔|Qapqal Xibe Autonomous County in Ili ... chabuchaerxian 察布查尔县|Qapqal Xibe Autonomous County in Ili ... chabuchaerxibozizhixian 察布查尔锡伯自治县|Qapqal Xibe Autonomous County in Ili ... chabuduo 差不多|almost/nearly/more or less/about the ... chabuduode 差不多的|the great majority chabuli 差不离|not much different/similar/ordinary/n... chabulir 差不离儿|erhua variant of 差不離|差不离[cha4 bu4 li2] chabushangshou 插不上手|to be unable to intervene chacao 插槽|slot chacha 喳喳|whisper/to whisper chacha 察察|clean/spotless chachao 查抄|to take inventory of and confiscate a... chachaweiming 察察为明|keenly observant of trivial details chache 叉车|forklift truck/pallet jack chacheng 叉乘|(math.) cross product (of two vectors) chachi 差池|mistake/error/mishap chachi 茶匙|teaspoon chachi 差迟|variant of 差池[cha1 chi2] chachinanfei 插翅难飞|lit. even given wings, you couldn\'t f... chachu 查出|to find out/to discover chachu 查处|to investigate and handle (a criminal... chacuo 差错|mistake; slip-up; fault; error/accide... chadai 茶袋|tea bag chadao 茶道|Japanese tea ceremony/sado chadao 岔道|side road/byway chade 查德|Chad (Tw) chadeduo 差得多|fall short by a large amount chadi 茬地|stubble land after crop has been taken chadian 差点|almost/nearly chadian 茶点|tea and cake/refreshments/tea and dim... chadian 查点|to check/to tally/to inventory chadianmei 差点没|almost/nearly/(i.e. same as 差點|差点[cha... chadianr 差点儿|erhua variant of 差點|差点[cha4 dian3] chadiao 查调|to obtain (information) from a databa... chadiao 岔调|(of a voice) husky/hoarse/affected/(m... chadongchilun 差动齿轮|differential gear chadui 插队|to cut in line/to jump a queue/to liv... chadui 查对|to scrutinize/to examine/to check chae 差额|balance (financial)/discrepancy (in a... chae 差讹|error/mistake chaerhanyanhu 察尔汗盐湖|Qarhan Salt Lake in west Qinghai chaersi 查尔斯|Charles chaersidigengsi 查尔斯·狄更斯|Charles Dickens (1812-1870), great En... chaersidun 查尔斯顿|Charleston chaersigelei 查尔斯·格雷|Charles Grey (1764-1845), prime minis... chaexuanju 差额选举|competitive election (i.e. with more ... chafanbusi 茶饭不思|no thought for tea or rice (idiom); m... chafang 查房|to inspect a room/to do the rounds (m... chafang 茶坊|teahouse chafang 查访|to investigate chafang 察访|to make an investigative visit/to go ... chafang 茶房|waiter/steward/porter/teahouse chafanwuxin 茶饭无心|no heart for tea or rice (idiom); mel... chafen 差分|(math.) increment/difference/(enginee... chafenfangcheng 差分方程|difference equation (math.) chafeng 查封|to sequester/to seize (assets)/to sea... chagang 茶缸|mug chagang 查岗|to check the guard posts/(coll.) to c... chagangzi 茶缸子|mug/tea mug chagesiqundao 查戈斯群岛|Chagos Archipelago, coral archipelago... chagetai 察合台|Chagatai (died 1241), a son of Genghi... chagou 茶垢|tea stain (on the inside of a tea pot... chaguan 茶馆|teahouse/CL:家[jia1] chaguan 插管|(medicine) to intubate/intubation/(en... chaguanr 茶馆儿|a teashop chahaer 察哈尔|Chahar Province (former province in N... chahaeryouyihouqi 察哈尔右翼后旗|Chahar Right Rear banner or Caxar Bar... chahaeryouyiqianqi 察哈尔右翼前旗|Chahar Right Front banner or Caxar Ba... chahaeryouyizhongqi 察哈尔右翼中旗|Chahar Right Center banner or Caxar B... chahe 查核|to check chahese 茶褐色|dark brown/tawny chahou 插喉|(coll.) to intubate chahu 茶壶|teapot/CL:把[ba3] chahua 插画|illustration chahua 插花|flower arranging/ikebana chahua 茶花|camellia chahua 插话|to interrupt (sb speaking)/interrupti... chahuahui 茶话会|tea party chahuang 叉簧|switch hook (button or cradle of a te... chahui 茶会|tea party chahuo 查获|to track down and seize (a criminal s... chai 差|to send (on an errand)/(archaic) pers... chai 拆|to tear open/to tear down/to tear apa... chai 柴|surname Chai chai 柴|firewood/lean (of meat)/thin (of a pe... chai 豺|dog-like animal/ravenous beast/dhole ... chai 钗|hairpin chai 侪|a class/a company/companion chai 虿|(scorpion)/an insect chai 囆|(used in an ancient given name) chai 瘥|to recover from disease chai 茝|aromatic plant, possibly Dahurian ang... chaicao 柴草|firewood chaiche 柴车|simple and crude cart (or chariot) chaichu 拆除|to tear down/to demolish/to dismantle... chaichuan 拆穿|to expose/to unmask/to see through (a... chaidamu 柴达木|Tsaidam or Qaidam basin (Mongolian: s... chaidamupendi 柴达木盆地|Tsaidam or Qaidam basin (Mongolian: s... chaidianjiche 柴电机车|diesel-electric locomotive chaidongbuxi 拆东补西|lit. pull down the east wall to repai... chaidongqiangbuxiqiang 拆东墙补西墙|lit. to tear down the east wall to re... chaifangkuan 拆放款|funds on call/invested sum that can b... chaifen 拆分|to break up into parts chaifeng 拆封|to open (sth that has been sealed) chaihe 柴禾|plant material used as fuel (firewood... chaiheniu 柴禾妞|(dialect) country girl; unsophisticat... chaihu 柴胡|Chinese thorowax (Bupleurum chinense)... chaihui 拆毁|to demolish; to tear down chaihuo 柴火|plant material used as fuel (firewood... chaiji 柴鸡|a variety of free-range chicken, smal... chaiji 拆机|to dismantle a machine/to terminate a... chaijia 拆家|(slang) low-level drug dealer/(slang)... chaijie 拆解|to disassemble chaijie 拆借|to make (or take out) a short-term loan chaikai 拆开|to dismantle/to disassemble/to open u... chaikefusiji 柴可夫斯基|Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), Russian comp... chaikefusiji 柴科夫斯基|Piotr Ilyich Tchaikowsky (1840-1893),... chailang 豺狼|jackal and wolf/ravenous wolf/fig. ev... chailangdangdao 豺狼当道|ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom)... chailangdanglu 豺狼当路|ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom)... chailangdangtu 豺狼当涂|ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom)... chailanghubao 豺狼虎豹|lit. jackals, wolves, tigers and pant... chailangsailu 豺狼塞路|ravenous wolves block the road (idiom... chailangzuo 豺狼座|Lupus (constellation) chailv 差旅|to travel on business; to go on a bus... chailvfei 差旅费|business travel expenses chaimen 柴门|lit. woodcutter\'s family/humble backg... chaimenxiaohu 柴门小户|woodcutter\'s cottage (idiom); poor pe... chaimiyouyan 柴米油盐|lit. firewood, rice, oil and salt/fig... chaimiyouyanjiangcucha 柴米油盐酱醋茶|lit. firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy, ... chaipai 差派|to dispatch chaiqian 拆迁|to demolish a building and relocate t... chaiqian 差遣|to send (on errand) chaiquan 柴犬|shiba inu (Japanese dog breed) chaisan 拆散|to break up (a marriage, family etc) chaishi 差事|errand/assignment/job/commission/CL:件... chaishi 差使|to send/to assign/to appoint/servants... chaishi 差使|official post/billet/commission/CL:件[... chaitai 拆台|(theater) to dismantle the stage/(fig... chaitian 柴田|Shibata (Japanese surname and place n... chaixi 拆洗|to unpick and wash (e.g. padded garment) chaixi 拆息|daily interest on a loan chaixia 拆下|to dismantle/to take apart chaixian 拆线|to remove stitches (from a wound) chaixie 拆卸|to dismantle; to take apart chaixin 柴薪|firewood chaiyi 差役|forced labor of feudal tenant (corvée... chaiyong 拆用|to tear down and reuse/to cannibalize chaiyou 柴油|diesel fuel chaiyoufadongji 柴油发动机|diesel engine chaiyouji 柴油机|diesel engine chaiyugeng 拆鱼羹|hand-shredded fish soup, a speciality... chaiyupian 柴鱼片|katsuobushi or dried bonito flakes (p... chaizhang 拆账|to work in an enterprise for a share ... chaizi 拆字|fortune telling by unpicking Chinese ... chaji 茶几|small side table/coffee table/teapoy ... chaji 查缉|to search for and seize (criminals, s... chaji 叉积|cross product (of vectors) chajia 差价|difference in price chajia 叉架|trestle/X-shaped frame chajian 插件|plug-in (software or hardware)/to plu... chajian 茶碱|Theophylline chajian 查检|to check/to consult/to look up chajiao 插脚|to shove in/to edge in/fig. to poke o... chajiasibing 查加斯病|Chagas disease/American trypanosomiasis chajin 差劲|bad/no good/below average/disappointing chajin 查禁|to prohibit/to ban/to suppress chajin 插进|to insert/to stick in/to plug in (an ... chajing 茶晶|yellow quartz/topaz chajing 茶经|the Classic of Tea, first monograph e... chajiu 查究|to follow up a study/to investigate chaju 差距|disparity/gap chaju 茶具|tea set/tea service chaju 茶聚|informal gathering with refreshments ... chajue 察觉|to sense/to perceive/to become aware ... chakai 岔开|to diverge/to branch off the road/to ... chakan 查看|to look over/to examine/to check up/t... chakan 察看|to watch/to look carefully at chakan 查勘|to investigate chakao 查考|to examine; to investigate; to try to... chakashi 插卡式|(of a device, e.g. public telephone, ... chakedahun 插科打诨|to include impromptu comic material i... chakela 查克拉|chakra (loanword) chakenuolisi 查克·诺里斯|Chuck Norris (1940-), American martia... chakerui 查克瑞|chakra chakong 插孔|jack/socket chakou 插口|socket (for an electric plug)/to inte... chakou 岔口|junction/fork in road chakou 查扣|to seize/to confiscate chakou 茬口|harvested land left for rotation/an o... chalidadi 查理大帝|Charlemagne (c. 747-c. 814), King of ... chaling 茶陵|Chaling County in Zhuzhou 株洲[Zhu1 zho... chalingxian 茶陵县|Chaling County in Zhuzhou 株洲[Zhu1 zho... chaliu 岔流|branch stream chalizhoukan 查理周刊|Charlie Hebdo (French magazine) chalou 茶楼|teahouse (usu. of two stories) chalu 岔路|fork in the road chamagudao 茶马古道|old tea-horse road or southern Silk R... chamahushi 茶马互市|old tea-horse market between Tibet, C... chaming 查明|to investigate and find out/to ascertain chamiu 差谬|error chamo 查没|to confiscate chan 单|used in 單于|单于[chan2yu2] chan 产|to give birth/to reproduce/to produce... chan 缠|to wind around/to wrap round/to coil/... chan 蟾|toad (\"chán\" represents the sound of ... chan 铲|to scrape the ground with a spade (to... chan 铲|to scrape the ground with a spade (to... chan 禅|dhyana (Sanskrit)/Zen/meditation (Bud... chan 旵|(literary) (of sunlight) to beam down... chan 韂|(bound form) saddle blanket chan 掺|to mix (variant of 攙|搀[chan1]) chan 儳|irregular/mixed chan 浐|name of a river in Shaanxi province/s... chan 谗|to slander/to defame/to misrepresent/... chan 丳|skewer chan 廛|market place chan 纒|old variant of 纏|缠[chan2] chan 阐|to express/to disclose/to enlighten/t... chan 蝉|cicada chan 瀍|Chanshui river in Henan chan 辿|used in names, e.g. 龍王辿|龙王辿[Long2 wan... chan 崭|variant of 嶄|崭[chan2] chan 崭|(literary) precipitous (variant of 巉[... chan 冁|smilingly chan 幨|curtain in carriage/screen chan 刬|variant of 鏟|铲[chan3] chan 啴|used in 嘽嘽|啴啴[chan3chan3] and 嘽緩|啴缓[c... chan 劖|bore/cut/polish chan 馋|gluttonous/greedy/to have a craving chan 澶|still (as of water)/still water chan 巉|(literary) steep; rugged; jagged; pre... chan 忏|(bound form) to feel remorse/(bound f... chan 潺|flow/trickle (of water) chan 孱|(bound form) weak; feeble chan 婵|used in 嬋娟|婵娟[chan2juan1] and 嬋媛|婵媛[c... chan 搀|to take by the arm and assist/to mix;... chan 産|Japanese variant of 產|产 chan 谄|to flatter/to cajole chan 嚵|(variant of 饞|馋[chan2]) gluttonous/gr... chan 嚵|(literary) animal\'s mouth or beak chan 瀺|sound of water chan 蒇|to complete/to prepare chan 羼|to mix/to blend/to dilute/to adulterate chan 躔|(literary) animal tracks/the course o... chan 骣|(literary) to ride a horse without a ... chan 镵|sharp instrument for digging chan 觇|to observe/to spy on/Taiwan pr. [zhan1] chan 欃|sandalwood (Santalum album), a Nepale... chan 襜|the front of clothes chan 梴|length (of a tree or beam)/long chan 僝|to revile; to abuse chan 儃|indecisive/irresolute chan 讇|to talk in one\'s sleep/old variant of... chan 毚|cunning/artful chan 艬|large ship chan 閳|old variant of 闡|阐[chan3] chan 磛|cliff/peak chan 𡶴|winding mountain path chan 𬊤|to make a fire chan 颤|to tremble/to shiver/to shake/to vibr... chana 刹那|an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split s... chana 察纳|to investigate and accept chanbiao 觇标|surveyor\'s beacon chanchan 潺潺|murmur/babble (sound of water) chanchan 谗谄|to defame one person while flattering... chanchan 啴啴|relaxed and leisurely chanche 铲车|front loader (vehicle)/CL:臺|台[tai2] chancheng 禅城|see 禪城區|禅城区[Chan2 cheng2 qu1] chancheng 产程|the process of childbirth chanchengqu 禅城区|Chancheng district, Foshan city, Guan... chanchu 产出|to produce (graduates, breast milk, t... chanchu 铲除|to root out; to eradicate; to sweep a... chanchu 蟾蜍|toad chandao 产道|birth canal (in obstetrics) chandi 产地|source (of a product)/place of origin... chandizheng 产地证|certificate of origin (CO or CoO) (co... chandong 颤动|to vibrate/to quiver chandou 颤抖|to shudder/to shiver/to shake/to tremble chandoubuyi 颤抖不已|to shake like a leaf (idiom) chandui 搀兑|to mix (different substances together... chaner 产儿|newborn baby/fig. brand-new object chanfa 阐发|to elucidate/to expound/to study and ... chanfang 产房|delivery room (in hospital)/labor ward chanfang 禅房|a room in a Buddhist monastery/a temple chanfu 产妇|woman recuperating after childbirth/w... chanfu 搀扶|to lend an arm to support sb chang 场|threshing floor/classifier for events... chang 场|large place used for a specific purpo... chang 场|variant of 場|场[chang2] chang 场|variant of 場|场[chang3] chang 厂|factory/yard/depot/workhouse/works/(i... chang 唱|to sing/to call loudly/to chant chang 常|surname Chang chang 常|always/ever/often/frequently/common/g... chang 尝|to taste; to try (food)/to experience... chang 尝|to taste; to experience (variant of 嘗... chang 尝|old variant of 嘗|尝[chang2] chang 畅|free/unimpeded/smooth/at ease/free fr... chang 肠|intestines chang 肠|old variant of 腸|肠[chang2] chang 偿|to repay/to compensate for/to recompe... chang 昶|(of the day) long/old variant of 暢|畅[... chang 鲿|Bagridae (catfish family) chang 阊|gate of heaven/gate of palace chang 猖|ferocious chang 昌|surname Chang chang 昌|(bound form) prosperous; flourishing chang 鬯|a kind of sacrificial wine used in an... chang 裳|lower garment/skirts/petticoats/garments chang 敞|open to the view of all/spacious/to o... chang 倡|to initiate/to instigate/to introduce... chang 娼|prostitute chang 嫦|used in 嫦娥[Chang2e2]/used in female g... chang 菖|see 菖蒲[chang1 pu2] chang 倘|used in 倘佯[chang2yang2] chang 怅|regretful; upset; despairing; depressed chang 苌|surname Chang chang 苌|plant mentioned in Book of Songs, unc... chang 誯|old variant of 唱[chang4] chang 徜|sit cross-legged/walk back and forth chang 鲳|see 鯧魚|鲳鱼[chang1 yu2] chang 氅|overcoat chang 伥|(bound form) ghost of sb devoured by ... chang 惝|disappointed/listless/frightened/also... chang 锠|metal utensil/mounting/fitting chang 厰|variant of 廠|厂[chang3] chang 鼚|sound of drum chang 镸|\"long\" or \"to grow\" radical in Chines... chang 韔|bow bag chang 䠀|to squat; to sit chang 㦂|old variant of 常[chang2] chang 𬬮|sharp/a keen edge/sharp point chang 长|length/long/forever/always/constantly changan 长安|Chang\'an (ancient name of Xi\'an 西安[Xi... changan 长按|to long press (a button) changandaxue 长安大学|Chang\'an University changanqu 长安区|Chang\'an District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an... changbai 长白|Changbai Korean autonomous county in ... changbaichaoxianzuzizhixian 长白朝鲜族自治县|Changbai Korean autonomous county in ... changbailian 唱白脸|to play the role of the villain (idiom) changbaishan 长白山|Changbai or Baekdu mountains 白頭山|白头山,... changbaishantianchi 长白山天池|Changbaishan Tianchi, volcanic crater... changbaixian 长白县|Changbai Korean autonomous county in ... changbaizhen 长白镇|Changbai township, capital of Changba... changban 长班|(old) footman/servant changbanpoqijinqichu 长坂坡七进七出|famous scene in Romance of the Three ... changben 唱本|opera libretto changbi 肠壁|wall of intestine/lining of gut changbi 唱臂|tone-arm (tracking arm of gramophone) changbihou 长鼻猴|proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus), ... changbimu 长鼻目|order Proboscidea (elephants and mamm... changbin 长滨|Changbin or Changpin township in Tait... changbing 长柄|long handle/stem changbingdaliandao 长柄大镰刀|scythe changbingdu 肠病毒|enterovirus changbingliandao 长柄镰刀|scythe changbingshaozi 长柄勺子|ladle changbinxiang 长滨乡|Changbin or Changpin township in Tait... changbiyuan 长臂猿|gibbon/Hylobatidae (gibbon and lesser... changbo 长波|longwave (radio) changcang 长仓|long position (finance) changcaoqu 长草区|the rough (golf) changchang 常常|frequently; often changchangkuangkuang 猖猖狂狂|wild/hurried and confused/hell-for-le... changchangran 怅怅然|disappointed changche 敞车|open wagon/(railway) flatcar changcheng 长城|the Great Wall changchengfandian 长城饭店|Great Wall Hotel (Beijing Sheraton 喜來... changchong 长虫|(coll.) snake changchu 长处|good aspects/strong points changchu 苌楚|plant mentioned in Book of Songs, unc... changchun 长春|see 長春市|长春市[Chang2chun1 Shi4] changchunshi 长春市|Changchun, sub-provincial city and ca... changchunteng 常春藤|ivy changchuntengxuefu 常春藤学府|Ivy League school changci 唱词|libretto; lyrics changci 场次|the number of showings of a movie, pl... changcun 长存|to last for a long time; to endure/to... changda 畅达|free-flowing/smooth changda 长达|to extend as long as/to lengthen out to changdao 肠道|intestines/gut changdao 倡导|to advocate/to initiate/to propose/to... changdao 常道|normal and proper practice/convention... changdaobingcha 长岛冰茶|Long Island Iced Tea changdaozhe 倡导者|proponent/advocate/pioneer changde 常德|see 常德市[Chang2de2 Shi4] changde 长德|Chotoku changdeng 长凳|pew/bench/CL:張|张[zhang1] changdeshi 常德市|Changde, prefecture-level city in Hun... changdesixian 常德丝弦|Changde sixian, theatrical folk music... changdi 长笛|(Western) concert flute changdi 场地|space/site/place/sports pitch changdie 唱碟|gramophone record; LP changdijiaer 昌迪加尔|Chandighar, capital of Punjab state o... changding 长钉|spike changdizixingche 场地自行车|track bike/track cycling changdu 长度|length changdu 昌都|Chamdo, a prefecture-level city in Tibet changduan 长短|length/accident; mishap/right and wro... changduan 唱段|aria (in opera) changdudanwei 长度单位|unit of length changdui 长队|line (i.e. of people waiting)/queue changduitaixi 唱对台戏|to put on a rival show (idiom); to se... changduo 长多|good prospects in the long term (fina... changdushi 昌都市|Chamdo, a prefecture-level city in Tibet changdusu 肠毒素|enterotoxins change 嫦娥|Chang\'e, the lady in the moon (Chines... changerxiao 长耳鸮|(bird species of China) long-eared ow... changfa 长发|long hair changfa 唱法|singing style/singing method changfa 常法|convention/normal practice/convention... changfan 常犯|to commit (an error) often/common (mi... changfandiao 唱反调|to express a different view/to take a... changfang 厂房|a building used as a factory; factory... changfangti 长方体|cuboid changfangxing 长方形|rectangle changfen 肠粉|rice noodle roll, a roll made from sh... changfen 尝粪|to taste a patient\'s excrement (a for... changfeng 长丰|Changfeng, a county in Hefei 合肥[He2fe... changfeng 常俸|fixed salary of an official changfengpolang 长风破浪|lit. to ride the wind and crest the w... changfengxian 长丰县|Changfeng, a county in Hefei 合肥[He2fe... changfu 偿付|to pay back changfu 娼妇|prostitute changgaodiao 唱高调|to sing the high part/to speak fine s... changgaodiaor 唱高调儿|erhua variant of 唱高調|唱高调[chang4 gao1 ... changge 唱歌|to sing a song changge 长葛|Changge, county-level city in Shangqi... changgeng 长庚|Classical Chinese name for planet Ven... changgeshi 长葛市|Changge, county-level city in Shangqi... changgong 唱功|singing skill changgong 长弓|longbow changgong 厂工|factory/factory worker changguan 场馆|sporting venue/arena changguan 肠管|intestine/gut changguchuan 长谷川|Hasegawa (Japanese surname) changgui 常规|code of conduct; conventions; common ... changgui 长跪|to kneel as in prayer (without sittin... changgui 厂规|factory regulations changgui 常轨|normal practice changgui 伥鬼|ghost of sb devoured by a tiger who h... changguiwuqi 常规武器|conventional weapon changgun 长棍|baguette changhai 长海|Changhai county in Dalian 大連|大连[Da4 l... changhaixian 长海县|Changhai county in Dalian 大連|大连[Da4 l... changhao 长号|trombone changhe 场合|situation/occasion/context/setting/lo... changhe 唱和|antiphon (i.e. solo voice answered by... changheilian 唱黑脸|to play the role of the strict parent... changhengzhi 常衡制|Avoirdupois Weight, a system of weigh... changhong 长虹|Changhong (brand) changhonglian 唱红脸|to play the role of the hero (idiom)/... changhuaduanshuo 长话短说|to make a long story short (idiom) changhuan 偿还|to repay/to reimburse changhuang 惝恍|(literary) despondent; upset/(literar... changhuozhongxin 畅货中心|outlet store (Tw) changji 昌吉|Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回... changji 娼妓|prostitute changji 唱机|gramophone changji 长技|special skill changjia 厂家|factory; manufacturer/(coll.) a facto... changjia 长假|long vacation changjia 娼家|brothel changjian 常见|commonly seen/common/to see sth frequ... changjiang 昌江|Chang River, Jiangxi changjiang 昌江|Changjiang district of Jingdezhen Cit... changjiang 长江|Yangtze River, or Chang Jiang changjianghoulangcuiqianlang 长江后浪催前浪|see 長江後浪推前浪|长江后浪推前浪[Chang2 Jiang1 hou... changjianghoulangtuiqianlang 长江后浪推前浪|lit. the rear waves of the Yangtze Ri... changjiangjingjidai 长江经济带|Yangtze River Economic Belt changjiangliuyu 长江流域|Changjiang or Yangtze river basin changjianglizuzizhixian 昌江黎族自治县|Changjiang Lizu autonomous county, Ha... changjiangqu 昌江区|Changjiang district of Jingdezhen Cit... changjiangsanjiaozhou 长江三角洲|Yangtze River Delta changjiangsanjiaozhoujingjiqu 长江三角洲经济区|Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone (ec... changjiangsanxia 长江三峡|Three Gorges or Yangtze Gorges, namel... changjiangxian 昌江县|Changjiang Lizu autonomous county, Ha... changjianwenti 常见问题|common problems/FAQ changjiaoyang 长角羊|Tibetan long horned antelope changjiaoyangji 长脚秧鸡|(bird species of China) corn crake (C... changjiban 场记板|clapper board changjihuizuzizhizhou 昌吉回族自治州|Sanji or Changji Hui autonomous prefe... changjing 场景|scene; scenario; situation; setting changjing 肠镜|colonoscope/colonoscopy (abbr. for 腸鏡... changjinglong 长颈龙|tanystropheus, long-necked reptile fr... changjinglu 长颈鹿|giraffe/CL:隻|只[zhi1] changjingping 长颈瓶|flask changjinxinsuan 尝尽心酸|to experience one\'s full share of sor... changjishi 昌吉市|Changji, county-level city in Changji... changjiu 长久|long-time; long-term/lasting; endurin... changjiuyilai 长久以来|for a long time now; long since changjizhou 昌吉州|Sanji or Changji Hui autonomous prefe... changjue 猖獗|to be rampant/to run wild changjuli 长距离|long distance changk 唱K|(slang) to sing karaoke changkai 敞开|to open wide/unrestrictedly changkair 敞开儿|unrestrictedly changke 常客|frequent visitor/fig. sth that crops ... changkong 长空|(literary) the vast sky/(finance) eve... changkongchengji 唱空城计|lit. to sing \"The Empty City Stratage... changkou 敞口|open-mouthed (jar etc)/(of speech) fr... changku 长裤|trousers changkuai 畅快|carefree changkuang 猖狂|savage/furious changkuang 厂矿|factories and mines changkuang 倡狂|variant of 猖狂[chang1 kuang2] changlaichangwang 常来常往|to visit frequently/to have frequent ... changlang 长廊|promenade/long hallway/Long Corridor ... changle 昌乐|Changle county in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wei2 ... changle 长乐|Changle, a district of Fuzhou City 福州... changlegongzhu 长乐公主|Princess Changle of Western Wei of th... changleweiyang 长乐未央|endless happiness (idiom) changlexian 昌乐县|Changle county in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wei2 ... changli 昌黎|Changli county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛... changli 常理|common sense/conventional reasoning a... changli 猖厉|mad and violent changliang 常量|a constant (physics, math.) changliang 敞亮|bright and spacious changlibai 厂礼拜|day off (work) changling 长岭|Changling County in Songyuan 松原[Song1... changlingxian 长岭县|Changling County in Songyuan 松原[Song1... changliushui,buduanxian 长流水,不断线|continuous and patient effort (idiom) changlixian 昌黎县|Changli county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛... changlong 长龙|long queue/long line (of cars, people... changluan 猖乱|wild and disorderly changlun 场论|field theory (physics) changlv 常绿|evergreen changlvshu 常绿树|evergreen tree changlvzhiwu 常绿植物|evergreen plant changmao 长毛|(derog.) the Longhairs (Taiping rebel... changmao 长毛|long-wool (sheep etc)/long-haired (do... changmao 长矛|pike/lance/CL:把[ba3],柄[bing3] changmaorong 长毛绒|(textiles) plush changmaoxiang 长毛象|woolly mammoth changmian 场面|scene/spectacle/occasion/situation changmian 长眠|to rest eternally; to lie buried in (... changming 偿命|to pay with one\'s life changming 唱名|solfege changming 昌明|flourishing; thriving changmingdeng 长明灯|altar lamp burning day and night changmingfugui 长命富贵|We wish you long life and riches! (id... changmo 常模|norm (typically observed pattern) changnian 常年|all year round/for years on end/avera... changnian 长年|all the year round changnian 唱念|(of a waiter) to call out (a customer... changnianleiyue 长年累月|year in, year out (idiom)/(over) many... changnianleiyue 常年累月|variant of 長年累月|长年累月[chang2 nian2 lei... changning 长宁|Changning County in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 b... changning 常宁|Changning, county-level city in Hengy... changning 昌宁|Changning county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 s... changningqu 长宁区|Changning district, central Shanghai changningshi 常宁市|Changning, county-level city in Hengy... changningxian 昌宁县|Changning county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 s... changningxian 长宁县|Changning county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 b... changnuo 唱喏|to answer respectfully \"yes\" changnv 娼女|prostitute changongzhegui 蟾宫折桂|lit. plucking a branch of osmanthus f... changpai 厂牌|brand (of a product) changpan 唱盘|turntable/gramophone record changpao 长跑|long-distance running changpao 长袍|chang pao (traditional Chinese men\'s ... changpaoyundongyuan 长跑运动员|long distance runner changpeiyuanyu 长辔远驭|to control from a distance (idiom) changpengche 敞篷车|a convertible; open-top car changpengqiche 敞篷汽车|convertible (car) changpi 猖披|dishevelled/wild/unrestrained changpi 昌披|variant of 猖披[chang1 pi1] changpian 唱片|gramophone record/LP/music CD/musical... changpian 长篇|lengthy (report or speech) changpian 长片|feature-length film changpianleidu 长篇累牍|(of a text) very lengthy (idiom) changpianxiaoshuo 长篇小说|novel changpiao 唱票|to read ballot slips out loud changpiao 长漂|rafting on the Yangtze River (abbr. f... changping 昌平|Changping, a district of Beijing changping 长平|Changping, place name in Gaoping Coun... changpingqu 昌平区|Changping, a district of Beijing changpingzhizhan 长平之战|Battle of Changping of 260 BC, at whi... changpu 菖蒲|Acorus calamus/sweet sedge or sweet flag changqi 长期|long term/long time/long range (of a ... changqi 长崎|Nagasaki, Japan changqiang 唱腔|vocal music (in opera)/aria changqiang 长枪|pike/CL:支[zhi1] changqiangduanpao 长枪短炮|camera (jocular) changqifanpiao 长期饭票|(fig.) guarantee of financial support... changqigongcun 长期共存|long-term coexistence changqing 长清|Changqing district of Jinan city 濟南市|... changqing 常情|common sense; the way people usually ... changqing 常青|evergreen changqing 长情|to have an enduring and faithful love... changqing 偿清|to repay; to pay off a debt changqingqu 长清区|Changqing district of Jinan city 濟南市|... changqingteng 常青藤|ivy changqingtengbaxiao 常青藤八校|Ivy League changqixing 长期性|long-term changqiyilai 长期以来|for a long time changqu 场区|(sports) section of a court or playin... changqu 唱曲|to sing a song changquan 长拳|Changquan - Northern Shaolin (北少林) - ... changqun 长裙|cheong sam (long skirt) changquyingji 场区应急|site area emergency (nuclear facility... changquzhiru 长驱直入|to march straight in unchallenged (mi... changr 场儿|see 場子|场子[chang3 zi5] changran 怅然|disappointed and frustrated changran 畅然|happily; in high spirits changranseti 常染色体|autosomal chromosome/autosome/autosomal changre 唱喏|(old) to bow and utter polite phrases... changren 常任|permanent changren 常人|ordinary person changrenlishiguo 常任理事国|permanent member state (of the UN Sec... changrong 长荣|Evergreen (Group), Taiwan-based shipp... changronghaiyun 长荣海运|Evergreen Marine Corp. (Taiwan shippi... changronghangkong 长荣航空|EVA Air, Taiwanese international airline changrudong 肠蠕动|peristalsis (wave movement of gut wall) changsan 长三|(old) high-class prostitute changsanjiao 长三角|Yangtze River Delta (abbr. for 長江三角洲|... changsanjiaojingjiqu 长三角经济区|Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone (ec... changsha 长沙|see 長沙市|长沙市[Chang2sha1 Shi4] changshan 常山|Changshan county in Quzhou 衢州[Qu2 zho... changshan 长衫|long gown/cheongsam/traditional Asian... changshang 厂商|manufacturer/producer changshang 唱商|one\'s ability to give a convincing pe... changshanshanmai 长山山脉|Annamite Range, aka Annamese Cordille... changshanxian 常山县|Changshan county in Quzhou 衢州[Qu2 zho... changshashi 长沙市|Changsha, prefecture-level city and c... changshawan 长沙湾|Cheung Sha Wan (poultry market in Hon... changshaxian 长沙县|Changsha county in Changsha 長沙|长沙[Cha... changshe 常设|(of an organization etc) standing or ... changshe 长舌|loquacious/to have a loose tongue changshefu 长舌妇|female gossip/busybody changsheng 长生|long life changsheng 昌盛|prosperous changsheng-bulao 长生不老|(idiom) to live forever and never gro... changsheng-jiushi 长生久视|(idiom) to live forever and never gro... changshengbusi 长生不死|immortality changshengguo 长生果|(dialect) peanut changshengjun 常胜军|Ever Victorious Army (1860-1864), Qin... changshengluwei 长生禄位|tablet in honor of a person who is st... changshezhen 长蛇阵|single-line formation (army)/fig. lon... changshezuo 长蛇座|Hydra (constellation) changshi 尝试|to try; to attempt/CL:次[ci4] changshi 常识|common sense/general knowledge/CL:門|门... changshi 长石|(mineralogy) feldspar changshi 长诗|long poem changshi 长逝|to depart this life/to be no more changshi 厂史|factory history changshi 倡始|to initiate changshi 常时|frequently/often/usually/regularly changshiban 唱诗班|choir changshicuowu 尝试错误|to proceed by trial and error; to lea... changshou 长寿|Changshou, a district of Chongqing 重慶... changshou 长寿|longevity/long-lived changshouqu 长寿区|Changshou, a district of Chongqing 重慶... changshu 常数|a constant (math.) changshu 常熟|Changshu, county-level city in Suzhou... changshuai 唱衰|to express pessimistic views about (sth) changshuanghuang 唱双簧|lit. to sing a duet/fig. to collabora... changshun 长顺|Changshun county in Qiannan Buyei and... changshun 畅顺|smooth/unimpeded changshunxian 长顺县|Changshun county in Qiannan Buyei and... changshushi 常熟市|Changshu, county-level city in Suzhou... changsi 厂丝|filature silk changsuo 场所|location/place changsuoyuyan 畅所欲言|lit. fluently saying all one wants (i... changtai 常态|normal state changtaibianban 常态编班|see 常態分班|常态分班[chang2 tai4 fen1 ban1] changtaifenban 常态分班|(Tw) grouping of students into classe... changtaifenbu 常态分布|normal distribution (in statistics) changtaihua 常态化|(statistics) normalized/to normalize ... changtan 畅谈|to talk freely/to discuss without inh... changtan 长谈|a long talk changtan 长叹|long sigh/deep sigh changtanhuaka 畅谈话卡|long-term calling card (telephone) changtaodie 肠套叠|intussusception (medicine) changtiao 长条|strip changting 长汀|Changting, county-level city in Longy... changtingxian 长汀县|Changting county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fu... changtong 畅通|unimpeded/free-flowing/straight path/... changtongburuduantong 长痛不如短痛|better to just get the pain over with... changtongwa 长统袜|stockings changtongwa 长筒袜|stockings; thigh-highs/CL:雙|双[shuang1] changtongxue 长筒靴|tall boots changtongxue 长统靴|variant of 長筒靴|长筒靴[chang2 tong3 xue1] changtou 唱头|pickup (carrying gramophone needle) changtu 长途|long distance changtu 昌图|Changtu county in Tieling 鐵嶺|铁岭[Tie3 ... changtubashe 长途跋涉|long and difficult trek changtuche 长途车|long-distance bus/coach changtudianhua 长途电话|long-distance call changtuhuafei 长途话费|long distance call charge changtuqiche 长途汽车|long-distance coach changtuwanglu 长途网路|long distance network changtuxian 昌图县|Changtu county in Tieling 鐵嶺|铁岭[Tie3 ... changui 馋鬼|glutton; greedy pig changwa 长袜|hose/stocking changwaiyingji 场外应急|general emergency (or \"off-site emerg... changwang 怅惘|distracted/listless/in low spirits changwang 畅旺|flourishing/brisk (sales, trading) changwei 肠胃|stomach and intestine; digestive system changwei 常委|standing committee (abbr. for 常務委員會|常... changwei 长尾|long tail changweidao 肠胃道|digestive tract changweididong 长尾地鸫|(bird species of China) long-tailed t... changweifenfangcheng 常微分方程|ordinary differential equation (ODE) changweifengyeying 长尾缝叶莺|(bird species of China) common tailor... changweihui 常委会|standing committee changweikuozuiniao 长尾阔嘴鸟|(bird species of China) long-tailed b... changweiliaomei 长尾鹩鹛|(bird species of China) grey-bellied ... changweilinxiao 长尾林鸮|(bird species of China) Ural owl (Str... changweiqimei 长尾奇鹛|(bird species of China) long-tailed s... changweishanjiaoniao 长尾山椒鸟|(bird species of China) long-tailed m... changweiya 长尾鸭|(bird species of China) long-tailed d... changweiyan 肠胃炎|gastroenteritis changweiyeying 长尾夜鹰|(bird species of China) large-tailed ... changweiyingwu 长尾鹦鹉|(bird species of China) long-tailed p... changweizeiou 长尾贼鸥|(bird species of China) long-tailed j... changweizhuque 长尾朱雀|(bird species of China) long-tailed r... changwen 常温|room temperature/ordinary temperatures changwenwenti 常问问题|frequently asked questions/FAQ changwu 常务|routine/everyday business/daily opera... changwu 长武|Changwu County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian... changwu 长物|(literary) things other than the bare... changwulishi 常务理事|permanent member of council changwuweiyuanhui 常务委员会|standing committee (e.g. of National ... changwuxian 长武县|Changwu County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian... changxi 唱戏|to perform in opera changxian 长线|long term changxian 尝鲜|to taste (fresh food or a delicacy)/(... changxian 长籼|long-grained rice (Indian rice, as op... changxiang 畅想|to think freely/unfettered imagination changxiang 常项|constant term (in a math expression) changxiangsi 长相思|Sauvignon blanc (grape type) changxiao 长效|to be effective over an extended period changxiao 畅销|to sell well/bestselling; chart-topping changxiaoshu 畅销书|best-seller/best-selling book/blockbu... changxing 长兴|Changxing county in Huzhou 湖州[Hu2 zho... changxinguan 长新冠|long COVID changxingxian 长兴县|Changxing county in Huzhou 湖州[Hu2 zho... changxiu 长袖|long sleeves/long-sleeved shirt changxiushanwu 长袖善舞|long sleeves help one dance beautiful... changxuduantan 长吁短叹|long moan and short gasp (idiom); con... changxue 长靴|boot changya 长牙|tusk changyan 肠炎|enteritis changyan 常言|common saying changyan 倡言|to propose/to put forward (an idea)/t... changyan 长烟|endless mist changyang 徜徉|to wander about unhurriedly; to linge... changyang 倘佯|variant of 徜徉[chang2 yang2] changyangtujiazuzizhixian 长阳土家族自治县|Changyang Tujia Autonomous County in ... changyangxian 长阳县|Changyang Tujia Autonomous County in ... changyanshuodehao 常言说得好|as the saying goes; as they say... changyanzhe 倡言者|proposer changye 长夜|long dark night/fig. long period of m... changye 长野|Nagano (name)/Nagano city and prefect... changyemanman 长夜漫漫|endless night (idiom); fig. long suff... changyenanming 长夜难明|lit. many nights under a harsh moon/l... changyexian 长野县|Nagano prefecture, Japan changyi 倡议|to suggest/to initiate/proposal/initi... changyi 昌邑|Changyi, county-level city in Weifang... changyi 长椅|bench changyi 肠衣|sausage casing changyi 长揖|to bow deeply, starting upright with ... changyijizonghezheng 肠易激综合征|irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) changyin 畅饮|to have a few drinks/to drink to one\'... changyinyu 长印鱼|shark sucker (Echeneis naucrates) changyiqu 昌邑区|Changyi district of Jilin city 吉林市, J... changyishi 昌邑市|Changyi, county-level city in Weifang... changyishu 倡议书|written proposal; document outlining ... changyong 常用|in common usage changyongpin 常用品|everyday implement/object of everyday... changyongzi 常用字|everyday words changyu 长于|to be adept in/to excel at changyu 鲳鱼|silvery pomfret/butterfish changyuan 长远|long-term/long-range changyuan 场院|threshing floor changyuan 昌原|Changwon City, capital of South Gyeon... changyuanshi 昌原市|Changwon City, capital of South Gyeon... changzaihebianzou,nayoubushixie 常在河边走,哪有不湿鞋|a person who regularly walks by the r... changzhai 偿债|to repay a debt changzhang 厂长|factory director changzhangyixianlong 长掌义县龙|Yixianosaurus longimanus, theropod di... changzhao 长照|(Tw) (social welfare) long-term care ... changzhen 唱针|stylus (gramophone needle) changzheng 长征|Long March (retreat of the Red Army 1... changzheng 长征|expedition/long journey changzhi 长治|see 長治市|长治市[Chang2zhi4 Shi4]/see 長治鄉|... changzhi 厂址|factory site/location changzhi 长至|the summer solstice changzhi 肠支|cecum changzhibinyu 长趾滨鹬|(bird species of China) long-toed sti... changzhijiuan 长治久安|long-term peace and stability (of gov... changzhishi 长治市|Changzhi, prefecture-level city in Sh... changzhixiang 长治乡|Changzhi township in Pingtung County ... changzhou 常州|see 常州市[Chang2zhou1 Shi4] changzhouqu 长洲区|Changzhou district of Wuzhou city 梧州市... changzhoushi 常州市|Changzhou, prefecture-level city in J... changzhu 常住|long-term resident/permanent residenc... changzhu 常驻|resident/permanent (representative) changzhu 厂主|factory owner changzhulun 常住论|eternalism (permanence of soul, Sansk... changzi 肠子|intestines changzi 场子|(coll.) gathering place/public venue changzi 厂子|(coll.) factory/mill/yard/depot changzi 肠仔|sausage changzipang 厂字旁|name of \"cliff\" 厂 radical in simplifi... changzu 长足|remarkable (progress, improvement, ex... changzuibailing 长嘴百灵|(bird species of China) Tibetan lark ... changzuibanhaique 长嘴斑海雀|(bird species of China) long-billed m... changzuibuzhuniao 长嘴捕蛛鸟|(bird species of China) little spider... changzuididong 长嘴地鸫|(bird species of China) dark-sided th... changzuigouzuimei 长嘴钩嘴鹛|(bird species of China) large scimita... changzuijianheng 长嘴剑鸻|(bird species of China) long-billed p... changzuiliaomei 长嘴鹩鹛|(bird species of China) long-billed w... changzuiyu 长嘴鹬|(bird species of China) long-billed d... changzujinbu 长足进步|rapid progress chanhai 谗害|to slander/to defame and persecute chanhe 瀍河|Chan River in Henan province 河南[He2 n... chanhe 浐河|Chan River (in Shaanxi province) chanhe 搀合|to mix together/mixture/blend chanhehuizuqu 瀍河回族区|Chanhe Hui autonomous district of Luo... chanhou 产后|postnatal chanhuan 啴缓|relaxed/unhurried chanhui 忏悔|to repent/(religion) to confess chanhuo 掺和|to mix; to put together/to interfere ... chanhuo 搀和|to mix/to mingle/to interfere/to meddle chanji 禅机|Buddhist allegorical word or gesture;... chanjia 产假|maternity leave chanjia 掺假|to mix in fake material/to adulterate chanjia 缠夹|to annoy/to bother/to harass chanjia 搀假|to dilute/to debase (by mixing with f... chanjiabuqing 缠夹不清|to muddle things together (idiom)/to ... chanjiaerxiansheng 缠夹二先生|annoying muddle-headed person who gab... chanjian 产检|prenatal checkup (abbr. for 產前檢查|产前检查... chanjie 缠结|to coil around/knot/to entangle chanjingxinwen 产经新闻|Business News/Sankei Shimbun (Tokyo d... chanjuan 婵娟|(literary) beautiful woman/(literary)... chanke 产科|maternity department/maternity ward/o... chanke 蝉科|Cicadidae, homopterous insect family ... chanlao 馋痨|gluttony chanlian 蝉联|to continue in a post/(to hold a post... chanliang 产量|output chanliang 产粮|to grow crops/food growing chanliangdasheng 产粮大省|major agricultural province chanliangqu 产粮区|food growing area chanlin 禅林|a Buddhist temple chanluan 产卵|to lay eggs chanluo 缠络|to wind around/to twist and turn (of ... chanmei 谄媚|to flatter chanmeizhe 谄媚者|flatterer chanmenwuzong 禅门五宗|the five schools of Chan Buddhism chanmian 缠绵|touching (emotions)/lingering (illness) chanmianbuyi 缠绵不已|to cling without letting go/to pester... chanmianfeice 缠绵悱恻|(of a person) sad beyond words (idiom... chanming 阐明|to elucidate/to explain clearly/to ex... chanming 蝉鸣|song of cicadas/chirping of insects channeng 产能|production capacity channing 谗佞|to defame one person while flattering... chanong 茶农|tea grower chanpin 产品|goods/merchandise/product/CL:個|个[ge4] chanping 铲平|to level the ground (with a hoe, shov... chanpinjiegou 产品结构|product mix chanpinjingli 产品经理|product manager chanpo 产婆|midwife chanqi 产期|time of birth/period of labor/lying-in chanqi 骣骑|to ride bareback chanqian 产前|prenatal/antenatal chanqian 产钳|obstetric forceps chanqianjiancha 产前检查|prenatal checkup; antenatal examination chanqiu 铲球|(soccer) to do a sliding tackle chanqu 产区|place of production/manufacturing loc... chanquan 产权|property right chanrao 缠绕|twisting/to twine/to wind/to pester/t... chanrao 缠扰|to harass/to disturb chanraojing 缠绕茎|vine/twining stem chanren 馋人|to make one\'s mouth water/appetizing/... chanruo 孱弱|delicate; frail; impotent; weak chanruqi 产褥期|postnatal period/puerperium (period o... chanrure 产褥热|postnatal fever/puerperal fever/child... chanshazi 掺沙子|to mix in some sand (e.g. when making... chanshen 缠身|(of an illness, debt etc) to plague o... chansheng 产生|to arise; to come into being; to come... chansheng 颤声|trill (of voice)/see also 顫聲|颤声[zhan4... chanshi 阐释|to explain/to expound/to interpret/el... chanshi 禅师|honorific title for a Buddhist monk chanshi 阐示|to demonstrate chanshiguan 铲屎官|(neologism) (coll.) pet owner (lit. \"... chanshou 缠手|troublesome/hard to deal with chanshu 阐述|to expound (a position)/to elaborate ... chanshui 掺水|to dilute/to water down/watered down chanshui 瀍水|the Chanshui river in Henan chanshui 羼水|to mix with water (wine)/to adulterate chansimanao 缠丝玛瑙|sardonyx (gemstone of brown-white str... chantang 禅堂|meditation room (in Buddhist monastery) chantang 铲蹚|to hoe; to weed (between crop rows) chantou 缠头|embroidered headband used as decorati... chantui 蝉蜕|cicada slough/fig. to free oneself/to... chantuji 铲土机|bulldozer; wheel loader chanv 姹女|beautiful girl/mercury chanwei 颤巍|see 顫巍巍|颤巍巍[chan4 wei1 wei1] chanweiwei 颤巍巍|trembling/swaying/flickering/totterin... chanwu 产物|product/result (of) chanxia 产下|to bear (give birth) chanxian 产线|production line chanxianyuchui 馋涎欲垂|see 饞涎欲滴|馋涎欲滴[chan2 xian2 yu4 di1] chanxianyudi 馋涎欲滴|lit. to drool with desire (idiom)/fig... chanxiao 产销|production and sales; production and ... chanxie 谗邪|lies and slander/malicious calumny chanxiu 禅修|to practice Zen (esp. meditation) chanxueche 铲雪车|snowplow chanyan 谗言|slander/slanderous report/calumny/fal... chanyang 阐扬|to expound/to propagate chanye 产业|industry/estate/property/industrial chanyegongren 产业工人|industrial worker chanyehua 产业化|to industrialize/industrialization chanyejiqun 产业集群|industrial cluster chanyelian 产业链|industry value chain chanyi 蝉翼|cicada\'s wing/fig. diaphanous/delicat... chanyi 蝉衣|cicada slough (used in TCM) chanyin 颤音|vibrato (of stringed instrument)/tril... chanyouguo 产油国|oil-producing countries chanyu 单于|king of the Xiongnu 匈奴[Xiong1nu2] chanyuan 产院|maternity hospital chanyuan 婵媛|(literary) (of a woman) graceful/(lit... chanyuan 禅院|Buddhist hall chanyunche 铲运车|front loader (vehicle) chanyunji 铲运机|carry-scraper chanza 搀杂|to mix/to blend/to dilute chanza 羼杂|to mix/to blend/to dilute/to adultera... chanzhang 禅杖|the staff of a Buddhist monk chanzhi 产值|value of output/output value chanzhi 产制|production/manufacture chanzi 铲子|shovel; spade; trowel; spatula (kitch... chanzi 产仔|to give birth (animals)/to bear a litter chanzong 禅宗|Zen Buddhism chanzu 缠足|foot-binding chanzui 馋嘴|gluttonous/glutton chanzuiwa 馋嘴蛙|sautéed bullfrog with chili sauce chao 超|to exceed/to overtake/to surpass/to t... chao 朝|abbr. for 朝鮮|朝鲜[Chao2 xian3] Korea chao 朝|imperial or royal court/government/dy... chao 炒|to sauté; to stir-fry/to speculate (i... chao 吵|to quarrel/to make a noise/noisy/to d... chao 潮|tide/damp; moist; humid/fashionable; ... chao 巢|surname Chao chao 巢|nest chao 钞|money/paper money/variant of 抄[chao1] chao 晁|surname Chao chao 焯|to blanch; to parboil chao 绰|to grab; to snatch up/variant of 焯[ch... chao 嘲|to ridicule/to mock chao 弨|unbent bow chao 鼂|surname Chao chao 鼂|sea turtle chao 耖|harrow-like implement for pulverizing... chao 巣|Japanese variant of 巢 chao 怊|(literary) sad; sorrowful; disappoint... chao 訬|clamor/uproar/annoyance chao 剿|to plagiarize chao 剿|variant of 剿[chao1] chao 抄|to make a copy/to plagiarize/to searc... chaoba 超拔|outstanding/to fast-track/to elevate/... chaobai 朝拜|to worship/to make customary deferenc... chaobaishengshan 朝拜圣山|a pilgrimage to a holy mountain chaobazi 抄靶子|(dialect) to do a body search/to frisk chaoben 抄本|handwritten copy chaobiao 超标|to cross the limit/to be over the acc... chaoboshi 超博士|(Tw) postdoc; postdoctoral fellow chaocai 炒菜|to stir-fry/to do the cooking/stir-fr... chaocha 抄查|to search and confiscate chaochan 超产|to exceed a production goal chaochang 超常|exceptional; well above average/super... chaochangfahui 超常发挥|to outdo oneself; to perform exceptio... chaochao 吵吵|to make a racket/to quarrel chaochaorangrang 吵吵嚷嚷|to make an (unnecessary) racket (idiom) chaoche 超车|to overtake (another car) chaochen 朝臣|court councilor chaochong 潮虫|woodlouse (suborder Oniscidea within ... chaochu 超出|to exceed/to overstep/to go too far/t... chaochui 潮吹|female ejaculation chaodai 朝代|dynasty/reign (of a king) chaodan 炒蛋|scrambled eggs chaodao 超导|(physics) superconduction; supercondu... chaodao 抄道|to take a shortcut chaodaodianti 超导电体|(physics) superconductor chaodaodianxing 超导电性|(physics) superconductivity chaodaoti 超导体|(physics) superconductor chaodeng 超等|superior grade chaodi 抄底|(finance) to snap up undervalued stoc... chaodipi 炒地皮|to speculate in building land chaodu 超度|to surpass/to transcend/to perform re... chaodu 超渡|variant of 超度[chao1 du4] chaoduanbo 超短波|ultra short wave (radio)/UHF chaoduanqun 超短裙|miniskirt chaoduichen 超对称|supersymmetry chaoe 超额|above quota chaoedinggou 超额订购|to overbook chaoelirun 超额利润|superprofit/excess profit chaoepeiguquan 超额配股权|an oversubscribed share chaoerengou 超额认购|(a share issue is) oversubscribed chaofan 超凡|out of the ordinary/exceedingly (good) chaofan 炒饭|fried rice/(Tw) (slang) to have sex chaofang 炒房|to speculate in real estate chaofang 朝房|reception room for officials (in form... chaofanshenlun 超泛神论|panentheism, theological theory of Go... chaofeng 嘲讽|to sneer at/to ridicule/to taunt chaofu 朝服|court dress in former times chaofuhe 超负荷|excess load/an overload/overloaded chaogang 朝纲|laws and discipline of imperial court chaogang 超纲|beyond the scope of the syllabus chaogaosu 超高速|ultra high speed chaogeng 炒更|to moonlight chaogong 朝贡|to present tribute (to the emperor) chaogu 炒股|(coll.) to speculate in stocks chaoguo 超过|to surpass/to exceed/to outstrip chaoguo 炒锅|wok/frying pan chaoguoxiandu 超过限度|to exceed/to go beyond/to overstep th... chaogupiao 炒股票|to speculate in stocks chaohan 朝韩|North and South Korea chaohewenti 朝核问题|Korean nuclear problem chaohong 潮红|flush chaohou 朝后|backwards/facing back chaohoulu 抄后路|to outflank and attack from the rear chaohu 巢湖|Chao Lake in Hefei 合肥[He2fei2], Anhui chaohu 巢湖|Chaohu, a county-level city in Hefei ... chaohui 炒汇|to speculate in foreign currency chaohuo 炒货|roasted snacks (peanuts, chestnuts etc) chaohuo 抄获|to search and seize chaohushi 巢湖市|Chaohu, a county-level city in Hefei ... chaohuxunchang 超乎寻常|out of the ordinary/exceptional chaoji 超级|super-/ultra-/hyper- chaojia 吵架|to quarrel/to have a row/quarrel/CL:頓... chaojia 抄家|to search a house and confiscate poss... chaojia 炒家|speculator chaojian 朝见|to have an audience (with the Emperor) chaojian 抄件|duplicate (copy) chaojiandai 潮间带|intertidal zone chaojibei 超级杯|Super Cup (various sports)/Super Bowl... chaojichuanbozhe 超级传播者|super spreader (epidemiology) chaojidaguo 超级大国|superpower chaojidan 炒鸡蛋|scrambled eggs chaojidiannao 超级电脑|(Tw) supercomputer chaojie 潮解|to deliquesce/deliquescence (chemistry) chaojie 超界|superkingdom (taxonomy) chaojiexing 潮解性|deliquescent chaojijisuan 超级计算|supercomputing chaojijisuanji 超级计算机|supercomputer chaojilianjie 超级链接|hyperlink (in HTML) chaojimingmo 超级名模|supermodel chaojin 朝觐|to give audience (of emperor)/retaine... chaojin 抄近|to take a shortcut chaojingshi 抄经士|copyist/scribe chaojingyan 超经验|extra-empirical/outside one\'s experience chaojinlu 抄近路|to take a shortcut chaojinr 抄近儿|erhua variant of 抄近[chao1 jin4] chaojipaoche 超级跑车|supercar/abbr. to 超跑|超跑[chao1 pao3] chaojiqiangguo 超级强国|superpower chaojishichang 超级市场|supermarket chaojiwan 超级碗|Super Bowl (American football champio... chaojixingyan 超基性岩|ultrabasic rock (geology, rock contai... chaojiyingxiong 超级英雄|superhero chaojue 超绝|surpassing/excelling/preeminent/unique chaojuzuoyong 超距作用|action at a distance (e.g. gravitatio... chaolaodongdang 朝劳动党|Workers\' Party of Korea (WPK), the ru... chaolengfan 炒冷饭|to stir-fry leftover rice/fig. to reh... chaolian 超联|(sports) superleague chaolianjie 超连结|(Tw) hyperlink chaolianjie 超链接|hyperlink chaolianjie 超链结|(Tw) hyperlink chaoling 超龄|too old; overage/(of a young person\'s... chaolinjie 超临界|supercritical chaoliu 潮流|tide/current/trend chaolu 抄录|to make a copy of chaoma 超马|ultramarathon/abbr. for 超級馬拉松|超级马拉松[c... chaomai 超卖|to overbook (e.g. airline seats)/to o... chaomeiti 超媒体|hypermedia chaomen 朝门|entrance portal (to a palace)/propylaeum chaomi 炒米|fried rice/millet stir-fried in butter chaomian 炒面|stir-fried noodles/\"chow mein\" chaominfanying 超敏反应|hypersensitivity chaomo 超模|supermodel chaonan 潮南|Chaonan District of Shantou City 汕頭市|... chaonan 潮男|metrosexual chaonanqu 潮南区|Chaonan District of Shantou City 汕頭市|... chaonao 吵闹|noisy/raucous/to shout and scream chaonaosheng 吵闹声|noise chaonengli 超能力|superpower; superhuman power chaonengli 钞能力|(coll.) wealth; financial clout (pun ... chaonong 嘲弄|to tease/to poke fun at/to make fun of chaopao 超跑|supercar/abbr. for 超級跑車|超级跑车[chao1 ji... chaopiao 钞票|paper money/a bill (e.g. 100 yuan)/CL... chaopin 超频|overclocking chaopingmian 超平面|hyperplane (math.) chaoqi 潮气|humidity/moisture chaoqian 超前|to be ahead of one\'s time/to surpass ... chaoqian 超迁|(literary) to be promoted more than o... chaoqian 朝前|facing forwards chaoqianmiaozhun 超前瞄准|to aim in front of a moving target chaoqianxiaofei 超前消费|excessive consumption; spending beyon... chaoqianyishi 超前意识|foresight chaoqifen 炒气氛|to liven up the atmosphere chaoqun 超群|surpassing/preeminent/outstanding chaoqunjuelun 超群绝伦|outstanding (idiom); incomparable chaoran 超然|aloof; detached; disinterested; impar... chaorang 吵嚷|to make a racket/clamour/uproar chaoranshishi 超然世事|to consider oneself above worldly mat... chaore 炒热|to raise prices by speculation/to hype chaore 潮热|hot flush chaoren 超人|Superman, comic book superhero chaoren 超人|superhuman/exceptional chaoren 潮人|trendsetter chaoreqifen 炒热气氛|to liven up the atmosphere chaoshan 潮汕|Chaoshan, region in the east of Guang... chaoshang 超商|convenience store; mini-mart chaoshanhua 潮汕话|Chaoshan or Teo-Swa, a Southern Min l... chaoshanjinxiang 朝山进香|to go on a pilgrimage and offer incen... chaoshao 炒勺|wok with a long handle/wok spatula/ladle chaoshen 抄身|to search (a person)/to frisk chaosheng 超声|ultrasonic/ultrasound chaosheng 朝圣|to make a pilgrimage chaosheng 超生|to exceed the stipulated limit of a b... chaosheng 超升|exaltation chaoshengbo 超声波|ultrasound (scan) chaoshengbojiancha 超声波检查|echography/ultrasound scan chaoshengsaomiao 超声扫描|ultrasonic scan chaoshengzhe 朝圣者|pilgrim chaoshi 超市|supermarket (abbr. for 超級市場|超级市场[chao... chaoshi 超时|to exceed the time limit/(to work) ov... chaoshi 潮湿|damp/moist chaoshou 抄手|to fold one\'s arms/copyist/(dialect) ... chaoshou 超售|overbooking chaoshui 潮水|tide chaoshui 焯水|to blanch; to parboil chaoshuo 剿说|to plagiarize chaosong 抄送|to make a copy (and send it to someon... chaosu 超速|to exceed the speed limit/to speed/hi... chaosuan 超算|supercomputing (abbr. for 超級計算|超级计算[c... chaotian 朝天|Chaotian district of Guangyuan city 廣... chaotian 朝天|to have an audience with the Emperor/... chaotianjiao 朝天椒|chili pepper (Capsicum frutescens var) chaotianqu 朝天区|Chaotian district of Guangyuan city 廣... chaoting 朝廷|court/imperial household/dynasty chaoting 朝庭|variant of 朝廷[chao2 ting2] chaotuo 超脱|to stand aloof/to be detached from/to... chaowang 抄网|dip net chaowei 潮位|tide level chaoweikongjian 超维空间|hyperspace/superspace/higher dimensio... chaowenben 超文本|hypertext chaowenbenbiaojiyuyan 超文本标记语言|hypertext markup language/HTML chaowenbenchuanshuxieding 超文本传输协定|hypertext transfer protocol/HTTP chaowenbenchuansongxieyi 超文本传送协议|hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) chaowenjian 超文件|hypertext chaowenjianchuanshuxieding 超文件传输协定|hypertext transfer protocol/HTTP chaowo 超我|superego chaowuli 超物理|surpassing the physical world/metaphy... chaoxi 抄袭|to plagiarize/to copy/to attack the f... chaoxi 潮汐|tide chaoxi 剿袭|variant of 抄襲|抄袭[chao1 xi2] chaoxian 朝鲜|North Korea/Korea as geographic term/... chaoxian 超弦|superstring (physics) chaoxianbadao 朝鲜八道|the eight provinces of Yi dynasty Korea chaoxianbandao 朝鲜半岛|Korean Peninsula chaoxiang 朝向|toward/to face/to open onto/to turn t... chaoxianhaixia 朝鲜海峡|Korea Strait/Tsushima Strait (between... chaoxianhetan 朝鲜核谈|talks on North Korea\'s nuclear program chaoxianlaodongdang 朝鲜劳动党|Workers\' Party of Korea (WPK), the ru... chaoxianminzhuzhuyirenmingongheguo 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国|People\'s Democratic Republic of Korea... chaoxianren 朝鲜人|North Korean (person) chaoxianribao 朝鲜日报|Chosun Ilbo, a South Korean newspaper chaoxianshi 超现实|surreal; surrealistic chaoxianshizhuyi 超现实主义|surrealism chaoxiantaizong 朝鲜太宗|King Taejong of Joseon Korea (1367-14... chaoxianwen 朝鲜文|Korean written language chaoxianyu 朝鲜语|Korean language chaoxianzhan 超限战|unrestricted warfare (originally the ... chaoxianzhanzheng 朝鲜战争|Korean War (1950-1953) chaoxianzheng 朝鲜筝|gayageum (Korean 12-stringed zither) chaoxianzhongyangtongxunshe 朝鲜中央通讯社|North Korean Central News Agency (KCN... chaoxianzimu 朝鲜字母|hangul, Korean phonetic alphabet/Kore... chaoxianzongdufu 朝鲜总督府|Japanese colonial administration of K... chaoxianzu 朝鲜族|Korean ethnic group in China (mainly ... chaoxiao 嘲笑|to jeer at/to deride/to ridicule/mock... chaoxiaolu 抄小路|to take the back roads; to take the s... chaoxidianzhan 潮汐电站|tidal power station chaoxie 抄写|to copy/to transcribe chaoxin 炒信|(of a business operator) to inflate o... chaoxineng 潮汐能|tidal power/tidal energy chaoxing 吵醒|to wake sb up with a noise chaoxinxing 超新星|supernova chaoxue 巢穴|lair/nest/den/hideout chaoxue 嘲谑|to mock and ridicule chaoxun 潮汛|spring tide chaoyang 潮阳|Chaoyang District of Shantou City 汕頭市... chaoyang 朝阳|see 朝陽市|朝阳市[Chao2yang2 Shi4]/see 朝陽縣|... chaoyang 朝阳|to be exposed to the sun/in a positio... chaoyangmen 朝阳门|Chaoyangmen neighborhood of Beijing chaoyangqu 潮阳区|Chaoyang District, Shantou City 汕頭市|汕... chaoyangqu 朝阳区|Chaoyang, an inner district of Beijin... chaoyangshi 朝阳市|Chaoyang, prefecture-level city in Li... chaoyangxian 朝阳县|Chaoyang, a county in Chaoyang City 朝... chaoyanzhuyi 超验主义|transcendentalism chaoye 朝野|all levels of society/the imperial co... chaoyi 超译|a translation that takes liberties wi... chaoyinbo 超音波|ultrasound/ultrasonic wave chaoying 超英|superhero (abbr. for 超級英雄|超级英雄[chao1j... chaoyinsu 超音速|supersonic chaoyong 潮涌|to surge like the tide chaoyongzhenyilang 朝永振一郎|TOMONAGA Shin\'ichirō (1906-1979), Jap... chaoyouyiguanxi 超友谊关系|relationship that is more than friend... chaoyouyu 炒鱿鱼|(coll.) to fire sb/to sack sb chaoyu 潮语|fashionable word or phrase/abbr. for ... chaoyuan 超员|overcrowded with people/overstaffed chaoyue 超越|to surpass; to exceed; to transcend chaoyueshu 超越数|transcendental number (math.) chaoyuezhuyi 超越主义|transcendentalism chaoza 吵杂|noisy chaozai 超载|to overload chaozhan 朝战|abbr. for 朝鮮戰爭|朝鲜战争[Chao2 xian3 Zhan4... chaozhe 朝着|towards chaozhi 超值|to be well worth the money one pays (... chaozhi 超支|to overspend chaozhong 超重|overweight (baggage, freight) chaozhong 朝中|North Korea-China chaozhongqing 超重氢|(chemistry) tritium chaozhongshe 朝中社|abbr. for 朝鮮中央通訊社|朝鲜中央通讯社[Chao2 xian3... chaozhou 潮州|see 潮州市[Chao2zhou1 Shi4]/see 潮州鎮|潮州镇[... chaozhoushi 潮州市|Chaozhou, prefecture-level city in Gu... chaozhouzhen 潮州镇|Chaozhou, township in Pingtung County... chaozhu 朝珠|court beads (derived from Buddhist pr... chaoziran 超自然|supernatural chaozu 朝族|Korean ethnic group of Jilin province... chaozui 吵嘴|to quarrel chaozuo 炒作|to hype/to promote (in the media) chapai 插排|power strip chapaozi 茶藨子|currant; gooseberry chapiaoyuan 查票员|ticket inspector chaping 差评|poor evaluation/adverse criticism chapu 查铺|to conduct a bed check chapuman 查普曼|Chapman (name) chaqian 茶钱|payment for tea/(old) tip; gratuity chaqiangrenyi 差强人意|(idiom) just passable/barely satisfac... chaqing 查清|to find out/to ascertain/to get to th... chaqu 插曲|music played during a movie, play etc... chaquan 查拳|Cha Quan - \"Cha Fist\" - Martial Art chaquan 叉圈|XO (\"extra old\"), grade of cognac qua... charu 插入|to insert; to stick in; to plug in charuyinzi 插入因子|(genetics) insertion element charuyu 插入语|interjection chase 茶色|dark brown/tawny chashang 插上|to plug into/to insert/to stick in chashang 差商|(math.) difference quotient/(math.) d... chashao 叉烧|char siu/barbecued pork chashao 查哨|to check the sentries chashao 叉勺|spork chashaobao 叉烧包|steamed bun stuffed with skewer-roast... chasheng 差生|weak student chashi 差事|poor/not up to standard chashi 刹时|in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye chashi 差失|mistake/slip-up chashou 插手|to get involved in/to meddle/interfer... chashu 差数|difference (the result of subtraction) chashu 茶树|tea tree/Camellia sinensis chashui 茶水|tea prepared in large quantity using ... chashuibiao 查水表|(Internet slang) (of the police) to a... chasun 茶隼|kestrel/common Eurasian falcon (Falco... chasuo 插锁|mortise lock chasuqi 差速器|differential (gear) chatan 查探|to check/to investigate/to probe (into) chatou 插头|plug chatou 叉头|prong of a fork chatu 插图|illustration chawan 茶碗|teacup chawanzheng 茶碗蒸|chawanmushi, Japanese savory egg cust... chaweiou 叉尾鸥|(bird species of China) Sabine\'s gull... chaweisi 查韦斯|Chavez, Spanish name chaweitaiyangniao 叉尾太阳鸟|(bird species of China) fork-tailed s... chawen 查问|to inquire about chawu 差误|mistake chaxianban 插线板|power strip/powerboard (with multiple... chaxiao 插销|bolt (for locking a window, cabinet e... chaxing 叉形|forked chaxiongbanzhuomuniao 茶胸斑啄木鸟|(bird species of China) fulvous-breas... chaxiu 茶锈|tea stain (on the inside of a tea pot... chaxu 茶叙|to take tea and chat/a small-scale in... chaxun 查询|to check/to inquire/to consult (a doc... chayan 插眼|to poke in the eye/(gaming) to place ... chayan 察验|to examine chayan 查验|inspection/to examine chayang 插秧|to transplant rice seedlings chayanguanse 察言观色|to weigh up sb\'s words and observe th... chayao 叉腰|to put one\'s hands on one\'s hips chayao 插腰|variant of 叉腰[cha1yao1] chayashan 嵖岈山|Chaya Mountain in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Z... chaye 茶叶|tea/tea leaves/CL:盒[he2],罐[guan4],包[b... chaye 查夜|night patrol/to make nightly rounds chayedan 茶叶蛋|tea egg (egg boiled with flavorings w... chayemor 茶叶末儿|tea leaves powder chayi 差异|difference; discrepancy chayi 茶艺|the art of tea chayi 诧异|flabbergasted/astonished chayidian 差一点|see 差點|差点[cha4 dian3] chayidianr 差一点儿|erhua variant of 差一點|差一点[cha4 yi1 dian3] chayin 茶饮|tea drink; tea-based beverage chayixing 差异性|difference chayuan 差远|inferior/not up to par/to fall far sh... chayue 查阅|to consult/to refer to/to look sth up... chayufanbao 茶余饭饱|see 茶餘飯後|茶余饭后[cha2 yu2 fan4 hou4] chayufanhou 茶余饭后|leisure time (over a cup of tea, afte... chayujiuhou 茶余酒后|see 茶餘飯後|茶余饭后[cha2 yu2 fan4 hou4] chazhang 查帐|to audit accounts/to inspect accounti... chazhao 查找|to search for/to look up chazheng 查证|to check/to verify chazhi 插值|interpolation (math.) chazhihaoli,miuyiqianli 差之毫厘,谬以千里|the slightest difference leads to a h... chazhihaoli,shizhiqianli 差之毫厘,失之千里|the slightest difference leads to a h... chazhou 𥻗粥|gruel made from ground maize/corn gri... chazhuan 茶砖|tea brick chazhuang 茶庄|tea shop chazi 岔子|branch road/setback/accident/hiccup chazi 叉子|fork/CL:把[ba3] chazi 茬子|stubble chazi 𥻗子|(dialect) coarsely ground maize/corn ... chazifa 查字法|look-up method for Chinese characters chaziyanhong 姹紫嫣红|lit. beautiful purples and brilliant ... chazu 插足|to squeeze in/to step in/to take part... chazui 插嘴|to interrupt (sb talking)/to butt in/... chazuo 茶座|teahouse/tea-stall with seats/tea-gar... chazuo 插座|socket/outlet chazuoban 插座板|power strip che 车|surname Che che 车|car/vehicle/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/machine/to... che 撤|to remove; to take away che 彻|thorough/penetrating/to pervade/to pa... che 扯|to pull/to tear/(of cloth, thread etc... che 扯|variant of 扯[che3]/to pull/to tear che 尺|one of the characters used to represe... che 澈|clear (water)/thorough che 掣|to pull/to draw/to pull back/to withd... che 坼|to crack/to split/to break/to chap che 屮|plants sprouting che 呫|used in 呫嚅[che4 ru2] che 砗|used in 硨磲|砗磲[che1 qu2] cheba 车把|handlebar (of a bicycle); shaft (of a... chebashi 车把式|expert cart-driver/charioteer chebing 撤兵|to withdraw troops/to retreat chebing 撤并|to consolidate/to merge checha 彻查|to investigate thoroughly checha 澈查|variant of 徹查|彻查[che4 cha2] chechang 车厂|(bus, train etc) depot/car factory or... chechen 车臣|Chechnya, a republic in southwestern ... checheng 车城|Checheng township in Pingtung County ... checheng 车程|travel time/expected time for a car j... chechengxiang 车城乡|Checheng township in Pingtung County ... chechu 撤除|to remove/to dismantle chechu 撤出|to withdraw/to leave/to retreat/to pu... chechuang 车床|lathe chechuang 车窗|car window; window of a vehicle (bus,... checi 车次|train or coach service (\"service\" as ... chedai 车带|(vehicle) tire chedai 车贷|car loan (abbr. for 汽車貸款|汽车贷款[qi4 che... chedan 扯淡|to talk nonsense chedan 扯蛋|variant of 扯淡[che3 dan4] chedao 车道|traffic lane/driveway chedaoshanqianbiyoulu 车到山前必有路|lit. when we get to the mountain, the... chedaoshanqianbiyoulu,chuandaoqiaotouziranzhi 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直|(idiom) everything will turn out all ... chedaoshanqianziyoulu 车到山前自有路|see 車到山前必有路|车到山前必有路[che1 dao4 shan1 q... chedeng 车灯|vehicle light (headlight, turn indica... chedi 彻底|thorough/thoroughly/complete chedi 澈底|variant of 徹底|彻底[che4 di3] chedian 掣电|to flash/a flash (literary) chediao 撤掉|to cut/to throw out/to depose (from o... cheding 车顶|car roof chedingjia 车顶架|roof rack chedou 车斗|open-topped container (mounted on a t... chedui 车队|motorcade/fleet/CL:列[lie4] cheduzi 扯犊子|(dialect) to talk nonsense/to chat idly cheernixuefusiji 车尔尼雪夫斯基|Nikolai Chernyshevsky chefang 车房|garage/carport/(old) rickshaw room chefei 车费|passenger fare chefen 车份|vehicle rental fee paid by cab and ri... chefenr 车份儿|erhua variant of 車份|车份[che1 fen4] chefu 车夫|cart driver/coachman chegao 撤稿|to withdraw a submission; to retract ... chegong 车工|lathe work/lathe operator chegu 彻骨|to the bone/to the marrow/fig. to a v... chehang 车行|car-related business/car dealership/t... chehao 车号|vehicle number (license plate number,... chehoutui 扯后腿|to be a drag or hindrance on sb chehouxiang 车后箱|car boot, trunk chehuan 撤换|to dismiss and replace (sb)/to replac... chehuang 扯谎|to tell a lie chehui 撤回|to recall/to revoke/to retract chehuo 车祸|traffic accident/car crash/CL:場|场[cha... cheji 车技|driving skills cheji 车机|(automotive) head unit; infotainment ... cheji 车籍|a vehicle\'s registration information ... chejia 车架|cart/barrow/frame/chassis chejiachang 扯家常|to engage in small talk/to chit chat chejian 车间|workshop/CL:個|个[ge4] chejibadan 扯鸡巴蛋|to talk shit/to drivel/bullshit chejun 撤军|to withdraw troops/to retreat cheku 车库|garage chekuan 撤款|to withdraw money cheli 撤离|to withdraw from/to evacuate cheliang 车辆|vehicle chelie 车裂|to tear off sb\'s four limbs and head ... chelie 扯裂|rip cheling 车铃|bicycle bell cheling 扯铃|diabolo/Chinese yo-yo cheliu 车流|traffic/rate of traffic flow cheliyabinsike 车里雅宾斯克|Chelyabinsk town on the eastern flank... chelizi 车厘子|(American) cherry (loanword) chelong 车龙|long queue of slow-moving traffic/tram chelun 车轮|wheel chelunbing 车轮饼|imagawayaki (sweet snack made of batt... chelunzhan 车轮战|tactic of several persons or groups t... chelunzi 车轮子|wheel chema 车马|vehicles and horses chemen 车门|car door/door of bus, railway carriag... chemo 车模|model car/auto show model chen 称|to fit; to match; to suit/(coll.) to ... chen 尘|dust/dirt/earth chen 陈|surname Chen/Chen (c. 1045 - 479 BC),... chen 陈|to lay out; to exhibit; to display/to... chen 宸|imperial apartments chen 沈|variant of 沉[chen2] chen 臣|surname Chen chen 臣|state official or subject in dynastic... chen 谶|(literary) prophecy; omen chen 衬|(of garments) against the skin/to lin... chen 琛|precious stone/gem chen 辰|5th earthly branch: 7-9 a.m., 3rd sol... chen 郴|name of a district in Hunan chen 晨|morning/dawn/daybreak chen 沉|to submerge/to immerse/to sink/to kee... chen 谌|surname Chen chen 谌|faithful/sincere chen 忱|sincerity/honesty chen 蔯|a variety of artemisia chen 趁|to avail oneself of/to take advantage of chen 趁|old variant of 趁[chen4] chen 抻|to pull/to stretch/to draw sth out chen 疢|(disease) chen 嗔|to be angry at/to be displeased and a... chen 榇|Sterculia plantanifolia/coffin chen 搷|to beat/to winnow chen 碜|gritty (of food)/unsightly chen 梣|Chinese ash (Fraxinus chinensis) chen 瞋|(literary) to stare angrily; to glare chen 龀|to replace the milk teeth chen 煁|brazier chen 儭|to assist/to give alms chen 茞|fragrant plant/angelica chen 賝|(gem) chen 爯|old variant of 稱|称[chen4] chen 𬘭|(literary) to stop/kindhearted chenai 尘埃|dust chenailuoding 尘埃落定|\"Red Poppies\", novel by 阿來|阿来[A1 lai2] chenailuoding 尘埃落定|lit. the dust has settled (idiom)/fig... chenbaerhuqi 陈巴尔虎旗|Old Barag banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦... chenbao 晨报|morning newspaper/(in a newspaper\'s n... chenbao 尘暴|dust devil chenbian 趁便|to take the opportunity/in passing chenbing 陈兵|to deploy troops/to mass troops chenbo 晨勃|morning erection chenboda 陈伯达|Chen Boda (1904-1989), communist part... chenbuzhuqi 沉不住气|to lose one\'s cool/to get impatient/u... chencang 陈仓|ancient name of Baoji City 寶雞市|宝鸡市[Ba... chencangqu 陈仓区|Chencang District of Baoji City 寶雞市|宝... chenchen 沉沉|deeply/heavily chenchen 陈忱|Chen Chen (1613-1670), novelist and p... chenchenxiangyin 陈陈相因|to follow a set routine chenchi 嗔斥|to rebuke/to scold chenchong 陈冲|Joan Chen (1961-), Chinese born Ameri... chenchuan 沉船|shipwreck/sunken boat/sinking ship chenchuanshigu 沉船事故|a shipwreck/a sinking chenci 陈词|to state one\'s views/speech/statement... chencilandiao 陈词滥调|cliché/commonplace/truism/stereotype chencu 陈醋|mature vinegar chendao 晨祷|(Anglican) matins/(Catholic) lauds chendeliang 陈德良|Tran Duc Luong (1937-), former presid... chendezhuqi 沉得住气|to stay calm/to keep one\'s composure chendian 沉淀|(chemistry) to settle; to precipitate... chendian 衬垫|pad chendiandian 沉甸甸|heavy chendianwu 沉淀物|precipitate; sediment chenduo 称多|Chindu County (Tibetan: khri \'du rdzo... chenduoxian 称多县|Chindu County (Tibetan: khri \'du rdzo... chenduxiu 陈独秀|Chen Duxiu (1879-1942), co-founder of... chenfang 陈放|to display chenfangansheng 陈方安生|Anson Chan (1940-), chief secretary f... chenfei 尘肺|pneumoconiosis chenfeng 尘封|covered in dust/dusty/lying unused fo... chenfu 沉浮|lit. sinking and floating/to bob up a... chenfu 臣服|to acknowledge allegiance to (some re... chenfu 陈腐|trite/clichéd/empty and trite/banalit... cheng 称|to weigh/to state/to name/name/appell... cheng 称|old variant of 秤[cheng4] cheng 城|city walls/city/town/CL:座[zuo4],道[dao... cheng 盛|to hold/to contain/to ladle/to pick u... cheng 乘|surname Cheng cheng 乘|to ride/to mount/to make use of/to av... cheng 乘|old variant of 乘[cheng2] cheng 橙|orange tree/orange (color) cheng 诚|(bound form) sincere; authentic/(lite... cheng 成|surname Cheng cheng 成|to succeed/to finish/to complete/to a... cheng 承|surname Cheng/Cheng (c. 2000 BC), thi... cheng 承|to bear/to carry/to hold/to continue/... cheng 呈|to present to a superior/memorial/pet... cheng 晟|surname Cheng cheng 撑|to support/to prop up/to push or move... cheng 澄|variant of 澄[cheng2] cheng 澄|surname Cheng cheng 澄|clear/limpid/to clarify/to purify cheng 丞|deputy cheng 頳|old variant of 赬|赪[cheng1] cheng 铖|(used in people\'s names) cheng 骋|to hasten/to run/to open up/to gallop cheng 罉|(dialect) cooking pot/variant of 鐺|铛[... cheng 塍|variant of 塍[cheng2] cheng 塍|raised path between fields cheng 噌|sound of bells etc cheng 逞|to show off/to flaunt/to carry out or... cheng 秤|to weigh (variant of 稱|称[cheng1]) cheng 秤|steelyard balance; Roman balance/CL:臺... cheng 郕|surname Cheng/Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 ... cheng 埕|earthen jar cheng 樘|a pillar cheng 珵|fine jade/jade ornament cheng 琤|tinkling of gems cheng 蛏|mussel/razor clam/Solecurtus constricta cheng 宬|(literary) archive room; library (esp... cheng 悜|obscure cheng 枨|door post cheng 柽|tamarisk cheng 庱|surname Cheng/ancient area of modern-... cheng 酲|(literary) inebriated/hungover cheng 珹|a kind of jade/a kind of pearl cheng 赪|deep red cheng 惩|to punish/to reprimand/to warn cheng 偁|variant of 稱|称[cheng1] cheng 乗|Japanese variant of 乘[cheng2] cheng 铛|frying pan/griddle cheng 瞠|stare at sth beyond reach cheng 晿|(used in names) cheng 裎|to take off one\'s clothes/naked cheng 裎|an ancient type of clothing cheng 橕|a prop/a shore cheng 爯|old variant of 稱|称[cheng1] cheng 牚|variant of 撐|撑[cheng1] cheng 䞓|old variant of 赬|赪[cheng1] cheng 程|surname Cheng cheng 程|rule/order/regulations/formula/journe... cheng 𱅒|variant of 騁|骋[cheng3] cheng-da 成大|National Cheng Kung University (abbr.... chengan 成安|Chang\'an county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 ... chenganxian 成安县|Chang\'an county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 ... chengba 称霸|lit. to proclaim oneself hegemon/to t... chengbai 成败|success or failure chengbaideshi 成败得失|lit. success and failure, the gains a... chengbailidun 成败利钝|succeed or fail, sharp or blunt (idio... chengbailunren 成败论人|to judge people based on their succes... chengbaishangqian 成百上千|hundreds/a large number/lit. by the h... chengbaizaiciyiju 成败在此一举|win or lose, it all ends here/this is... chengban 承办|to undertake/to accept a contract chengban 惩办|to punish (someone)/to take disciplin... chengbanchiliuying 橙斑翅柳莺|(bird species of China) buff-barred w... chengbang 城邦|a city state (Greek polis) chengbao 承包|to contract/to undertake (a job) chengbao 城堡|castle/rook (chess piece) chengbao 呈报|to (submit a) report chengbao 成报|Sing Pao Daily News chengbaoren 承包人|contractor chengbaoshang 承包商|contractor chengbei 成倍|twofold/manyfold/exponentially chengbeiqu 城北区|north city district/Chengbei district... chengben 成本|(manufacturing, production etc) costs chengbian 乘便|at your convenience chengbu 城步|Chengbu Miao autonomous county in Sha... chengbuliaoqihou 成不了气候|won\'t get far; unlikely to be successful chengbumiaozuzizhixian 城步苗族自治县|Chengbu Miao Autonomous County in Sha... chengbushi 程不识|Cheng Bushi, Han dynasty general chengbuxian 城步县|Chengbu Miao autonomous county in Sha... chengcai 成才|to make sth of oneself/to become a pe... chengcai 成材|to make sth of oneself/to become a pe... chengceng 成层|layered/stratified chengchangmian 撑场面|to keep up appearances; to put up a f... chengche 乘车|to ride (in a car or carriage)/to dri... chengche 澄澈|limpid/crystal clear chengche 澄彻|variant of 澄澈[cheng2 che4] chengcheng 澄城|Chengcheng County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 n... chengchengxian 澄城县|Chengcheng County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 n... chengchi 城池|city chengchi 撑持|(fig.) to sustain/to shore up chengchizaomei 橙翅噪鹛|(bird species of China) Elliot\'s laug... chengchong 成虫|imago (adult, sexually mature insect,... chengchu 乘除|to multiply and divide chengchu 惩处|to punish/to administer justice chengchuan 乘船|to embark/to travel by ship/to ferry chengchuan 撑船|to punt/to pole a boat chengchuan 成串|to be lined up (like a chain of islan... chengchui 秤锤|steelyard weights chengcong 琤𪻐|(literary) (onom.) tinkling of jade p... chengcuo 程错|(computing) glitch/bug chengda 乘搭|to ride as a passenger (in a car, boa... chengdan 承担|to undertake/to assume (responsibilit... chengdang 承当|to bear (responsibility)/to take on/t... chengdao 称道|to commend/to praise chengdao 成道|to reach illumination (Buddhism) chengde 承德|see 承德市[Cheng2de2 Shi4]/see 承德縣|承德县[C... chengdeshang 称得上|can be counted as chengdeshi 承德市|Chengde, prefecture-level city in Heb... chengdexian 承德县|Chengde county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 d... chengdi 呈递|to present/to submit chengdi 称帝|to declare oneself emperor/to win the... chengding 成丁|(of a male) to come of age/an adult male chengdongqu 城东区|east city district/Chengdong district... chengdu 程度|degree; level; extent chengdu 成都|see 成都市[Cheng2du1 Shi4] chengdu 诚笃|honest/sincere and serious chengdui 承兑|(commerce) to accept (i.e. acknowledg... chengdui 成对|to form a pair chengdushi 成都市|Chengdu, sub-provincial city and capi... chengdutiyudaxue 成都体育大学|Chengdu Sports University chenge 晨歌|morning chorus (birdsong) chengequanshan 惩恶劝善|see 懲惡揚善|惩恶扬善[cheng2 e4 yang2 shan4] chengeyangshan 惩恶扬善|to uphold virtue and condemn evil (id... chengfa 惩罚|penalty/punishment/to punish chengfa 乘法|multiplication chengfa 承乏|to accept a position on a provisional... chengfabiao 乘法表|multiplication table chengfan 盛饭|to fill a bowl with rice chengfanbi 成反比|to vary inversely/inversely proportio... chengfang 城防|city defense chengfang 乘方|(math.) to exponentiate; to raise (a ... chengfangr 成方儿|set prescription (i.e. medicine speci... chengfani 乘法逆|multiplicative inverse (math.) chengfaxing 惩罚性|punitive chengfen 成分|composition; ingredient; element; com... chengfen 成份|composition/make-up/ingredient/elemen... chengfen 澄粉|wheat starch chengfeng 乘风|to ride the wind/to use a fair wind/t... chengfeng 成风|to become a common practice; to becom... chengfengpolang 乘风破浪|to brave the wind and the billows (id... chengfengu 成份股|share included in composite index chengfo 成佛|to become a Buddha/to attain enlighte... chengfu 城府|subtle/shrewd/sophisticated chengfu 承付|to promise to pay chengfu 诚服|to be completely convinced/to fully a... chengfuyebei 橙腹叶鹎|(bird species of China) orange-bellie... chenggan 撑杆|a pole/a prop chenggan 秤杆|the beam of a steelyard/a balance arm chenggantiao 撑杆跳|pole-vaulting chenggantiao 撑竿跳|pole-vaulting/also written 撐桿跳|撑杆跳 chenggantiaogao 撑杆跳高|pole-vaulting chenggantiaogao 撑竿跳高|pole vault/also written 撐桿跳高|撑杆跳高 chenggei 呈给|to give/to hand chenggen 城根|sections of a city close to the city ... chenggong 成功|Chenggong or Chengkung town in Taitun... chenggong 成功|to succeed/success/successful; fruitful chenggongdaxue 成功大学|National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)... chenggonggan 成功感|sense of accomplishment chenggongzhen 成功镇|Chenggong or Chengkung town in Taitun... chenggou 秤钩|steelyard hook chenggu 城固|Chenggu County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4... chenggu 成骨|bone formation/osteogenesis chengguan 城关|area outside a city gate chengguan 城管|local government bylaw enforcement of... chengguanqu 城关区|Chengguan District of Lhasa City 拉薩市|... chengguanzhen 城关镇|Chengguan town (common place name) chenggubuquanzheng 成骨不全症|osteogenesis imperfecta (OI); brittle... chenggui 成规|established rules/the beaten track chengguo 成果|result/achievement/gain/profit/CL:個|个... chengguo 城郭|a city wall chengguxian 城固县|Chenggu County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4... chenghai 澄海|Sea of Serenity (Mare Serenitatis, on... chenghai 澄海|Chenghai District of Shantou city 汕頭市... chenghaihu 程海湖|Chenghai Lake in Lijiang 麗江市|丽江市, Hunan chenghaiqu 澄海区|Chenghai District of Shantou city 汕頭市... chenghan 成汉|Cheng Han of the Sixteen Kingdoms (30... chenghao 称号|name/term of address/title chenghao 乘号|multiplication sign (math.) chenghao 程颢|Cheng Hao (1032-1085), Song neo-Confu... chenghe 成核|nucleation chenghe 乘鹤|to fly on a crane/to die chenghetitong 成何体统|What a scandal!/Whatever next? chenghongse 橙红色|red-orange color/dark orange chenghu 称呼|to call; to address as/form of addres... chenghua 成华|Chenghua district of Chengdu city 成都市... chenghua 成化|Chenghua, reign title of the eighth M... chenghua 成话|to make sense chenghuan 承欢|to cater to sb to make them happy (es... chenghuang 橙黄|orange yellow/tangerine yellow/chrome... chenghuang 城隍|Shing Wong (deity in Chinese mythology) chenghuangchengkong 诚惶诚恐|in fear and trepidation (idiom); in r... chenghuaqu 成华区|Chenghua district of Chengdu city 成都市... chenghun 成婚|to get married chenghuo 成活|to survive chenghuodajie 乘火打劫|to take advantage of sb\'s misfortune/... chenghuolv 成活率|survival rate/rate of success chengji 乘积|product (result of multiplication) chengji 承继|adoption (e.g. of a nephew as a son)/... chengji 乘机|to take the opportunity/to take a plane chengji 成绩|achievement/performance records/grade... chengji 承籍|to inherit a rank (from a predecessor) chengji 橙剂|Agent Orange (herbicide) chengjia 成家|to settle down and get married (of a ... chengjialishi 成家立室|to get married (idiom) chengjialiye 成家立业|to get married and start a career (id... chengjian 承建|to construct under contract chengjian 成见|preconceived idea/bias/prejudice chengjiancefei 乘坚策肥|to live in luxury/lit. to ride a soli... chengjiao 成交|to complete a contract/to reach a deal chengjiao 城郊|suburbs/outskirts of a city chengjiao 成教|adult education (abbr. for 成人教育[cheng... chengjiao 呈交|(formal and deferential) to present/t... chengjiaojia 成交价|sale price; negotiated price; price r... chengjidan 成绩单|school report or transcript chengjie 承接|to receive/to accept/to carry on chengjie 惩戒|to discipline/reprimand chengjing 乘警|police on trains/train marshal chengjing 成精|(of an animal or tree etc) to become ... chengjisihan 成吉思汗|Genghis Khan (1162-1227), founder and... chengjiu 成就|accomplishment/success/achievement/CL... chengjiugan 成就感|sense of achievement chengjizhuoran 成绩卓然|to achieve astounding results (idiom) chengju 撑拒|to resist/to struggle/to sustain chengjun 成军|lit. to form an army/to set up (team,... chengjunguan 成均馆|Koryo Seonggyungwan, university datin... chengkai 撑开|to stretch taut/to open (an umbrella)... chengke 乘客|passenger chengken 诚恳|sincere/honest/cordial chengkong 程控|programmed/under automatic control chengkongdianhua 程控电话|automatic telephone exchange chengkongjiaohuanji 程控交换机|electronic switching system (telecom.... chengkou 城口|Chengkou, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆... chengkouxian 城口县|Chengkou, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆... chenglan 承揽|to contract for an entire project chengle 成了|to be done/to be ready/that\'s enough!... chengli 成立|to establish/to set up/to be tenable/... chengli 成例|an established precedent/a convention chengliang 称量|to weigh chengliang 乘凉|to cool off in the shade chenglong 乘龙|to ride the dragon/to die (of emperor... chenglong 成龙|Jackie Chan (1954-), kungfu film and ... chenglong 成龙|to succeed in life/to become somebody chenglongkuaixu 乘龙快婿|ideal son-in-law chenglou 城楼|city gate tower chengmai 澄迈|Chengmai County, Hainan chengmaixian 澄迈县|Chengmai County, Hainan chengmen 城门|city gate chengmeng 承蒙|to be indebted (to sb) chengmengguanzhao 承蒙关照|to be indebted to sb for care/thank y... chengmenlixue 程门立雪|lit. the snow piles up at Cheng Yi\'s ... chengmenmian 撑门面|to keep up appearances/to put up a front chengmenshihuo,yangjichiyu 城门失火,殃及池鱼|a fire in the city gates is also a ca... chengmi 乘幂|(math.) to exponentiate; to raise (a ... chengmiao 程邈|Cheng Miao, a jailer-turned-prisoner ... chengming 成名|to make one\'s name; to become famous chengmingzuo 成名作|seminal work that propels a writer (o... chengmu 瞠目|to stare chengmujieshe 瞠目结舌|stupefied/flabbergasted chengmuyidui 瞠目以对|to return only a blank stare/to stare... chengneng 逞能|to show off one\'s ability/to boast on... chengnian 成年|to grow to adulthood/fully grown; adu... chengnianleiyue 成年累月|year in, year out (idiom) chengnianren 成年人|adult person chengnianzhe 成年者|adult chengnuo 承诺|to promise/to undertake to do somethi... chengongyin 陈恭尹|Chen Gongyin (1631-1700), early Qing ... chengou 嗔诟|to berate/to curse in rage chengpan 秤盘|the tray or pan of a steelyard balance chengpi 成批|in batches/in bulk chengpi 橙皮|orange peel chengpian 成片|(of a large number of things) to form... chengpiguojiang 橙皮果酱|(orange) marmalade chengpin 成品|finished goods/a finished product chengpin 诚聘|to seek to recruit/to invite job appl... chengping 承平|(successive periods of) peace and pro... chengpinyou 成品油|refined oil chengpo 撑破|to burst chengpu 诚朴|simple and sincere chengqi 成器|to make sth of oneself/to become a pe... chengqi 盛器|vessel/receptacle chengqian 成千|thousands chengqian-shangwan 成千上万|lit. by the thousands and tens of tho... chengqianbihou 惩前毖后|lit. to punish those before to preven... chengqianchengwan 成千成万|lit. by the thousands and tens of tho... chengqiang 城墙|city wall chengqiang 逞强|to show off/to try to be brave chengqianleiwan 成千累万|lit. by the thousands and tens of tho... chengqianqihou 承前启后|to follow the past and herald the fut... chengqikoushe 逞其口舌|to boast of one\'s quarrels to others ... chengqin 成亲|to get married chengqing 澄清|clear (of liquid)/limpid/to clarify/t... chengqing 呈请|to submit (to superiors) chengqu 城区|city district/urban area chengquan 成全|to help sb accomplish his aim/to help... chengquan 成圈|to form a circle, ring or loop chengque 城阙|watchtower on either side of a city g... chengqun 成群|in groups/large numbers of/grouping chengqunjiedui 成群结队|making up a group, forming a troupe (... chengran 诚然|indeed/true! (I agree with you) chengrang 承让|you let me win (said politely after w... chengrangren 承让人|grantee (law) chengren 成人|to reach adulthood/an adult chengren 承认|to admit/to concede/to recognize/reco... chengren 成仁|to die for a good cause chengrenbubei 乘人不备|to take advantage of sb in an unguard... chengrenkongzui 承认控罪|guilty plea (law) chengrenli 成人礼|coming of age ceremony chengrenxiang 成人向|suitable for adults chengrenzhiwei 乘人之危|to take advantage of sb\'s precarious ... chengri 成日|all day long/the whole day/the whole ... chengru 诚如|it is exactly as chengsan 撑伞|to hold up an umbrella chengse 橙色|orange (color) chengse 成色|relative purity of silver or gold/pur... chengseji 橙色剂|Agent Orange (herbicide) chengsezhanji 橙色战剂|Agent Orange (herbicide) chengshangqixia 承上起下|to follow the past and herald the fut... chengshenfaguan 承审法官|trial judge chengsheng 乘胜|to follow up a victory/to pursue retr... chengsheng 成圣|(Christianity) to be sanctified; to b... chengshengzhuiji 乘胜追击|to follow up a victory and press home... chengshi 城市|city; town/CL:座[zuo4] chengshi 程式|form/pattern/formula/(Tw) (computing)... chengshi 乘势|to seize the opportunity/to strike wh... chengshi 诚实|honest chengshi 成事|to accomplish the objective/to succeed chengshibuzu,baishiyouyu 成事不足,败事有余|unable to accomplish anything but lia... chengshiguanlixingzhengzhifaju 城市管理行政执法局|City Urban Administrative and Law Enf... chengshiguihua 城市规划|town planning chengshihua 城市化|urbanization chengshima 程式码|source code (computing) (Tw) chengshishi 程式师|(Tw) programmer chengshiyilaizheng 城市依赖症|\"urban dependence disease\" (sufferers... chengshiyuan 程式员|(Tw) programmer chengshiyundonghui 城市运动会|National Intercity Games, Chinese ath... chengshiyuyan 程式语言|programming language (Tw) chengshizong 成实宗|Satyasiddhi school of Buddhism chengshou 承受|to bear/to support/to inherit chengshouli 承受力|tolerance/capability of adapting oneself chengshu 成熟|mature; ripe/to mature; to ripen/Taiw... chengshu 乘数|multiplier chengshu 成书|to finish (writing a book); to appear... chengshuangchengdui 成双成对|to form pairs/to be in couples chengshuangzuodui 成双作对|see 成雙成對|成双成对[cheng2 shuang1 cheng2 d... chengshufenlie 成熟分裂|meiosis (in sexual reproduction) chengshun 承顺|to comply with/to submit to chengshuo 成说|accepted theory or formulation chengshuo 称说|to declare; to state/to call; to name chengsi 撑死|full to the point of bursting/(coll.)... chengsidandade,esidanxiaode 撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的|fullness for the bold, famine for the... chengsong 呈送|to present/to render chengsong 称颂|to praise chengtao 成套|forming a complete set/complementing ... chengti 成体|adult/fully formed/developed chengtian 成天|(coll.) all day long/all the time chengtian 成田|Narita (Japanese surname and place name) chengtianjichang 成田机场|Narita Airport (Tokyo) chengtie 城铁|rapid transit system/urban railway chengtou 承头|to take responsibility chengtoudidong 橙头地鸫|(bird species of China) orange-headed... chengtuo 承托|to support/to bear (a weight)/to prop up chengtuo 秤砣|steelyard weight/standard weight chengtuo 秤坨|variant of 秤砣[cheng4 tuo2] chengtuosuixiaoyaqianjin 秤砣虽小压千斤|although small, a steelyard weight ma... chengu 沉痼|chronic illness/fig. deeply entrenche... chenguai 嗔怪|to blame/to rebuke chenguang 辰光|sunlight/(Wu dialect) time of the day... chenguanxi 陈冠希|Edison Chen (1980-), Hong Kong singer... chengui 陈规|outmoded conventions/old-fashioned ways chenguijiuxi 陈规旧习|old rules and customs chenguilouxi 陈规陋习|outmoded conventions; old-fashioned ways chenguzilanzhima 陈谷子烂芝麻|lit. stale grain, overcooked sesame (... chengwai 城外|outside of a city chengwang 承望|to expect (often in negative combinat... chengwangbaikou 成王败寇|see 成則為王,敗則為寇|成则为王,败则为寇[cheng2 ze2 we... chengwei 成为|to become; to turn into chengwei 称为|to be called; to be known as; to call... chengwei 称谓|title; appellation; form of address chengwen 成文|written/statutory chengwen 呈文|petition (submitted to a superior) chengwenfa 成文法|statute chengwenti 成问题|to be a problem/problematic/questionable chengwu 乘务|service (on a train, a plane etc) chengwu 成武|Chengwu county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2]... chengwuxian 成武县|Chengwu county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2]... chengwuyuan 乘务员|attendant on an airplane, train, boat... chengxi 承袭|to inherit/to follow/to adopt chengxi 乘隙|to seize an opportunity/to exploit (a... chengxian 呈现|to appear/to emerge/to present (a cer... chengxian 呈献|to present respectfully chengxian 成县|Cheng county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 n... chengxian 成仙|(Taoism) to become an immortal chengxiang 城厢|Chengxiang, a district of Putian City... chengxiang 城乡|city and countryside chengxiang 丞相|the most senior minister of many king... chengxiang 成像|to form an image/imaging chengxiang 成象|to form an image/to call to mind chengxiangqu 城厢区|Chengxiang, a district of Putian City... chengxianqihou 承先启后|see 承前啟後|承前启后[cheng2 qian2 qi3 hou4] chengxiao 成效|effect/result chengxiao 承销|to underwrite (i.e. guarantee financi... chengxiaodian 承销店|dealership chengxiaohuowu 承销货物|goods on consignment chengxiaojiacha 承销价差|underwriting spread chengxiaolicha 承销利差|underwriting spread chengxiaopin 承销品|goods on consignment chengxiaoren 承销人|sales agent/salesman/consignee/underw... chengxiaoshang 承销商|underwriting company/dealership/sales... chengxiaotuan 承销团|underwriting group chengxie 称谢|to express thanks chengxin 诚信|honesty; trustworthiness; good faith chengxin 诚心|sincerity chengxin 成心|intentionally; deliberately; on purpose chengxinchengyi 诚心诚意|earnestly and sincerely (idiom); with... chengxing 成型|to become shaped/to become formed chengxing 成行|to embark on a journey chengxing 成形|to take shape/shaping/forming chengxing 成性|to become second nature/by nature chengxing 乘兴|while in high spirits/feeling upbeat/... chengxinshiyi 诚心实意|earnestly and sincerely (idiom)/with ... chengxinsuoyuan 诚心所愿|so be it/amen chengxinzhengyi 诚心正意|see 誠心誠意|诚心诚意[cheng2 xin1 cheng2 yi4] chengxiongjiweng 橙胸姬鹟|(bird species of China) rufous-gorget... chengxionglvjiu 橙胸绿鸠|(bird species of China) orange-breast... chengxiongyaojuan 橙胸咬鹃|(bird species of China) orange-breast... chengxiqu 城西区|west city district/Chengxi district o... chengxu 程序|procedures/sequence/order/computer pr... chengxu 乘虚|to take advantage of weakness chengxu 称许|to praise/to commend chengxuerru 乘虚而入|to enter by exploiting a weak spot (i... chengxufa 程序法|procedural law chengxuku 程序库|program library (computing) chengxuma 程序码|source code (computing) chengxusheji 程序设计|computer programming chengxuxing 程序性|program chengxuyuan 程序员|programmer chengxuyuan 程序猿|(Internet slang) code monkey chengyang 城阳|Chengyang district of Qingdao city 青島... chengyang 成样|seemly/presentable chengyang 称扬|to praise/to compliment chengyangqu 城阳区|Chengyang district of Qingdao city 青島... chengyangxing 呈阳性|to test positive chengyangzi 成样子|seemly/presentable chengyanqiu 程砚秋|Cheng Yanqiu (1904-1958), famous Beij... chengyao 撑腰|to support/to brace chengyao 诚邀|we warmly invite (you to participate,... chengyao 成药|patent medicine/medicine already made up chengyaojin 程咬金|Cheng Yaojin (589-665), aka 程知節|程知节[C... chengye 成夜|all night long chengyexiaohe,baiyexiaohe 成也萧何,败也萧何|lit. raised up by Xiao He, cast down ... chengyi 诚意|sincerity; good faith chengyi 城邑|(literary) towns/cities chengyi 程颐|Cheng Yi (1033-1107), Song neo-Confuc... chengyi 成衣|ready-made clothes chengyi 乘以|(math.) multiplied with chengyijingbai 惩一儆百|lit. punish one to warn one hundred (... chengyijingbai 惩一警百|lit. punish one, warn one hundred (id... chengyin 成因|cause/factor/cause of formation chengyin 成瘾|to be addicted/addiction chengying 承应|to agree/to promise chengyinxing 成瘾性|addictiveness chengyinxing 呈阴性|to test negative chengyong 成蛹|to pupate/to become a chrysalis chengyongche 乘用车|passenger vehicle chengyu 成语|Chinese set expression, typically of ... chengyu 成渝|Chengdu 成都 and Chongqing 重慶|重庆 chengyu 称誉|to acclaim/to sing the praises of chengyu 程昱|Cheng Yu (141-220), advisor to Genera... chengyuan 成员|member chengyuan 城垣|city wall chengyuan 澄渊|clear, deep water chengyuanguo 成员国|member country chengyudiangu 成语典故|historical or literary anecdote that ... chengyujielong 成语接龙|game where the last word of one idiom... chengyun 承运|to provide transport/to accept the Ma... chengyunhui 城运会|abbr. for 城市運動會|城市运动会[Cheng2 shi4 Yun... chengyunren 承运人|carrier (of goods etc) chengyuwang 城域网|metropolitan area network chengzai 承载|to bear the weight/to sustain chengzai 成灾|disastrous/to turn into a disaster chengzaili 承载力|carrying capacity chengzailiang 承载量|carrying capacity chengzan 称赞|to praise/to acclaim/to commend/to co... chengzeweiwang,baizeweikou 成则为王,败则为寇|lit. called a king if successful, cal... chengzhang 成长|to mature/to grow/growth chengzhang 成章|to form a coherent composition chengzhanglv 成长率|growth rate chengzhangxingsiwei 成长型思维|growth mindset chengzhen 城镇|town/cities and towns chengzhen 成真|to come true chengzhenhua 城镇化|urbanization chengzhenhuashuiping 城镇化水平|urbanization level (of a city or town) chengzheweiwang,baizheweikou 成者为王,败者为寇|see 成則為王,敗則為寇|成则为王,败则为寇[cheng2 ze2 we... chengzhi 城址|townsite chengzhi 诚挚|sincere/cordial chengzhi 惩治|to punish chengzhi 橙汁|orange juice/CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1],罐[gu... chengzhiwei 称之为|to call it.../known as... chengzhong 承重|(usu. of a structural component of a ... chengzhong 称重|to weigh chengzhongcun 城中村|village within a city/shantytown/ghetto chengzhongqu 城中区|city central district/Chengzhong dist... chengzhongsun 承重孙|eldest grandson (to sustain upper sto... chengzhu-zaixiong 成竹在胸|see 胸有成竹[xiong1you3-cheng2zhu2] chengzhuan 承转|to transmit a document (up or down a ... chengzhuang 盛装|(of a receptacle etc) to contain chengzi 橙子|orange chengzi 程子|(Beijing dialect) see 陣子|阵子[zhen4 zi5] chengzihe 城子河|Chengzihe district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西... chengzihequ 城子河区|Chengzihe district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西... chengzu 承租|to rent/to lease chengzu 乘组|crew (on board a spacecraft) chengzu 成组|to make up (out of components) chengzufang 承租方|borrower/leaser/the hiring side of a ... chengzuo 乘坐|to ride (in a vehicle) chengzuo 称作|to be called; to be known as chengzuo 称做|to be called/to be known as chengzuo 承做|to undertake/to take on (i.e. to acce... chengzuren 承租人|leaser/tenant chenhe 嗔喝|to yell at sb in rage chenhou 陈厚|Peter Chen Ho (1931-1970), Chinese actor chenhua 陈化|to age/to mature (wine, timber etc) chenhuan 沉缓|unhurried/deliberate chenhun 晨昏|morning and twilight/day and night chenhundingxing 晨昏定省|morning and evening visits to parents... chenhuo 陈货|shop-worn goods/remnants chenhuo-dajie 趁火打劫|lit. to loot a burning house (idiom)/... chenji 沉积|sediment/deposit/sedimentation (geology) chenji 沉寂|silence/stillness chenji 趁机|to seize an opportunity chenji 陈迹|past events/relics from a former age/... chenjian 晨间|(of the) morning chenjiang 沉降|to subside/to cave in/subsidence chenjianren 陈建仁|Chen Chien-jen (1951-), Taiwanese pol... chenjiao 陈娇|Chen Jiao, first wife of emperor 漢武帝|... chenjidai 沉积带|sedimentary belt (geology) chenjin 沉浸|to soak/to permeate/to immerse chenjing 沉静|peaceful/quiet/calm/gentle chenjing 沉井|open caisson chenjingguayan 沉静寡言|see 沉默寡言[chen2 mo4 gua3 yan2] chenjingrun 陈景润|Chen Jingrun (1933-1996) Chinese numb... chenjinshi 沉浸式|immersive chenjiongming 陈炯明|Chen Jiongming (1878-1933), a leading... chenjiu 陈旧|old-fashioned chenjiu 陈酒|old wine chenjiwu 沉积物|sediment chenjiyan 沉积岩|sedimentary rock (geology) chenjizuoyong 沉积作用|sedimentation (geology) chenkaige 陈凯歌|Chen Kaige (1952-), Chinese movie dir... chenke 沉疴|grave disease chenkexiong 陈可雄|Chen Kexiong (1950-), novelist chenku 衬裤|underpants chenkuang 嗔狂|to be deranged chenlei 沉雷|deep growling thunder chenli 衬里|lining chenlian 晨练|morning exercise chenliao 臣僚|court official (in former times) chenlie 陈列|to display; to exhibit chenlieshi 陈列室|display room chenlietai 陈列台|stall chenlong 辰龙|Year 5, year of the Dragon (e.g. 2000) chenlu 晨露|morning dew chenlu 陈露|Lu Chen (1976-), PRC figure skater, 1... chenlu 臣虏|slave chenluantaotuo 趁乱逃脱|to run away in the confusion/to take ... chenlun 沉沦|to sink into (vice, depravity etc)/to... chenluo 沉落|to sink/to fall chenman 尘螨|dust mite chenmei 陈美|Vanessa-Mae (1978-), Singaporean-born... chenmen 沉闷|oppressive (of weather)/heavy/depress... chenmi 沉迷|to be engrossed/to be absorbed with/t... chenmi 陈米|old rice/rice kept for many years chenmian 沉湎|deeply immersed/fig. wallowing in/dee... chenmian 抻面|to make noodles by pulling out dough/... chenmianjiuse 沉湎酒色|to wallow in alcohol and sex (idiom);... chenmin 臣民|subject (of a kingdom, ruler etc) chenmo 沉默|taciturn/uncommunicative/silent chenmo 沉没|to sink chenmochengben 沉没成本|sunk cost (economics) chenmoguayan 沉默寡言|habitually silent (idiom)/reticent/un... chenmoshijin 沉默是金|silence is golden (idiom) chenmu 嗔目|glare/angry look/to open one\'s eyes w... chenmu 瞋目|variant of 嗔目[chen1 mu4] chenmusheng 陈木胜|Benny Chan (Hong Kong film director) chennade 陈纳德|(Claire) Chennault, commander of Flyi... chenni 沉溺|to indulge in/to wallow/absorbed in/d... chenni 嗔睨|to look askance at sb in anger chennian 陈年|(of wine) aged/(of debts etc) old; lo... chenning 沉凝|stagnant/congealed/fig. grave in mann... chennu 嗔怒|to get angry chenpi 陈皮|dried tangerine peel (used in cuisine... chenpu 臣仆|servant chenqian 沉潜|to lurk under water/to immerse onesel... chenqian 趁钱|variant of 稱錢|称钱[chen4 qian2] chenqian 称钱|(coll.) rich/well-heeled chenqiaobingbian 陈桥兵变|the military revolt of 960 that led Z... chenqie 臣妾|(literary) I, your servant (self-appe... chenqimai 陈其迈|Chen Chi-mai (1964-), Taiwanese DPP p... chenqing 陈情|to give a full account chenqingyan 陈庆炎|Tony Tan (1940-), president of Singap... chenqun 衬裙|petticoat chenredatie 趁热打铁|to strike while the iron is hot chenrenxi 陈仁锡|Chen Renxi (1581-1636), late Ming sch... chenrenzhiwei 趁人之危|to take advantage of sb\'s difficultie... chense 嗔色|angry or sullen look chensha 辰砂|cinnabar chenshan 衬衫|shirt/blouse/CL:件[jian4] chenshao 陈绍|old Shaoxing wine chenshe 陈设|to display/to set out/furnishings chensheng 陈胜|Chen Sheng (died 208 BC), Qin dynasty... chenshengwuguangqiyi 陈胜吴广起义|Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising (209 BC)... chenshi 尘世|(religion) this mortal life; the mund... chenshi 辰时|7-9 am (in the system of two-hour sub... chenshi 趁势|to take advantage of a favorable situ... chenshi 嗔视|to look angrily at chenshi 陈尸|to lay out the corpse chenshou 陈寿|Chen Shou (233-297), Western Jin dyna... chenshou 趁手|conveniently; without extra trouble/c... chenshu 陈述|an assertion/to declare/to state chenshu 臣属|official in feudal court/subject chenshu 梣树|Chinese ash (Fraxinus chinensis) chenshu 陈书|History of Chen of the Southern Dynas... chenshui 沉睡|to be fast asleep/(fig.) to lie dorma... chenshuibian 陈水扁|Chen Shui-Bian (1950-), Taiwanese DPP... chenshuju 陈述句|declarative sentence chenshuo 陈说|to state; to assert chenshushu 陈述书|representation letter (law)/a brief/w... chensi 沉思|to contemplate/to ponder/contemplatio... chensu 陈诉|to state/to assert chensu 尘俗|mundane world chensui 沉邃|deep and profound chentan 沉潭|to sink sb to the bottom of a pond (a... chentao 陈套|set pattern/old habit chentianhua 陈天华|Chen Tianhua (1875-1905), anti-Qing r... chentong 沉痛|grief/remorse/deep in sorrow/bitter (... chentu 尘土|dust chentuan 陈抟|Chen Tuan (871-989), a legendary Daoi... chentuo 衬托|to serve to highlight; to serve as a ... chenu 车奴|car slave, sb forced to sacrifice qua... chenwei 谶纬|divination combined with mystical Con... chenwen 沉稳|steady/calm/unflustered chenwu 尘雾|cloud of dust/smog chenxi 辰溪|Chenxi county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 ... chenxi 晨曦|first rays of morning sun/first glimm... chenxia 臣下|official in feudal court/subject chenxian 沉陷|to sink; to cave in; (of a building e... chenxian 衬线|serif (typography) chenxiang 沉香|Chinese eaglewood; agarwood tree; lig... chenxiang 沉箱|caisson/sink box chenxiangmei 陈香梅|Chen Xiangmei (1925-2018), a.k.a. Ann... chenxiao 尘嚣|hubbub/hustle and bustle chenxin 称心|satisfactory/agreeable chenxin 趁心|variant of 稱心|称心[chen4 xin1] chenxing 晨星|morning stars chenxing 辰星|Mercury in traditional Chinese astron... chenxingshen 陈省身|Shiing-Shen Chern (1911-2004), Chines... chenxinruyi 称心如意|(idiom) after one\'s own heart; gratif... chenxitong 陈希同|Chen Xitong (1930-), mayor of Beijing... chenxixian 辰溪县|Chenxi county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 ... chenye 衬页|endpaper chenyi 衬衣|shirt/CL:件[jian4] chenyi 称意|to be satisfactory chenyi 陈毅|Chen Yi (1901-1972), communist genera... chenyin 沉吟|to mutter to oneself irresolutely chenyixun 陈奕迅|Eason Chan (1974-), Hong Kong pop sin... chenyizhuer 臣一主二|One has the right to choose the ruler... chenyu 沉郁|melancholy; gloomy chenyu 谶语|prophecy; prophetic remark chenyuan 嗔怨|to complain; to reproach chenyuan 趁愿|variant of 稱願|称愿[chen4yuan4] chenyuan 称愿|to feel gratified (esp. at the misfor... chenyuanguang 陈元光|Chen Yuanguang (657-711), Tang dynast... chenyuluoyan 沉鱼落雁|lit. fish sink, goose alights (idiom,... chenyuluoyan 沈鱼落雁|variant of 沉魚落雁|沉鱼落雁[chen2 yu2 luo4 y... chenyun 陈云|Chen Yun (1905-1995), communist leade... chenyun 尘云|dust cloud chenyunlin 陈云林|Chen Yunlin (1941-), chairman of PRC ... chenzaidao 陈再道|Chen Zaidao (1909-1993), general in t... chenzao 趁早|as soon as possible/at the first oppo... chenzaor 趁早儿|erhua variant of 趁早[chen4 zao3] chenzhang 陈账|old debt chenzhe 嗔着|(coll.) to blame sb for sth chenzhi 称职|well qualified/competent/to be equal ... chenzhong 沉重|heavy/hard/serious/critical chenzhongdaji 沉重打击|to hit hard chenzhonglin 陈仲琳|Chen Zhonglin, aka Xu Zhonglin 許仲琳|许仲... chenzhongmugu 晨钟暮鼓|lit. morning bell, evening drum, symb... chenzhou 郴州|see 郴州市[Chen1zhou1 Shi4] chenzhoushi 郴州市|Chenzhou, prefecture-level city in Hu... chenzhuo 沉着|steady/calm and collected/not nervous chenzhuoyingzhan 沉着应战|to remain calm in the face of adversi... chenzhuqi 沉住气|to keep cool; to stay calm chenzi 臣子|official in feudal court/subject chenziang 陈子昂|Chen Zi\'ang (c. 661-702), Tang dynast... chenzou 陈奏|to present a memorial (to the Emperor) chenzui 沉醉|to become intoxicated chepai 车牌|license plate chepi 扯皮|to wrangle/wrangling chepi 车皮|wagon/freight car chepiao 车票|ticket (for a bus or train) cheping 扯平|to make even/to balance/(fig.) to be ... chepitiao 扯皮条|see 拉皮條|拉皮条[la1 pi2 tiao2] chepo 扯破|tear apart cheqian 车钱|fare/transport costs cheqiancao 车前草|plantain herb (Plantago asiatica) cheqiao 撤侨|to evacuate (e.g. foreign civilians f... chequ 砗磲|giant clam (subfamily Tridacninae) cheru 呫嚅|to whisper chesangzi 扯嗓子|to raise one\'s voice/to speak at the ... cheshen 车身|the body of a vehicle; (bicycle) frame cheshou 车手|racing driver (in a car race); rider ... cheshuimalong 车水马龙|endless stream of horse and carriages... chesu 撤诉|to drop a lawsuit chesu 车速|vehicle speed chetai 车胎|tire chetan 扯谈|to talk nonsense (dialect) chetiao 车条|spoke (of wheel) chetie 车贴|car allowance chetouchewei 彻头彻尾|lit. from head to tail (idiom); thoro... chetoudeng 车头灯|(vehicle) headlight chetouxiang 车头相|photo attached to the front of a hear... chetui 撤退|to retreat chewei 车位|parking spot/unloading point/garage p... chewu 彻悟|fully aware/to recognize fully chexi 彻西|Chelsea, suburb of London/Chelsea foo... chexia 撤下|to withdraw/to remove (from a place)/... chexian 车险|auto insurance chexiang 车厢|carriage/CL:節|节[jie2] chexiang 车箱|variant of 車廂|车厢[che1 xiang1] chexiao 撤销|to repeal/to revoke/(computing) to undo chexiao 撤消|variant of 撤銷|撤销[che4 xiao1] chexing 车型|vehicle model (i.e. particular versio... chexing 车行|to drive; to travel by car chexingdao 车行道|roadway/carriageway chexingtongdao 车行通道|traffic passage cheye 彻夜|the whole night cheyebumian 彻夜不眠|to be sleepless all night cheying 撤营|to withdraw troops cheyuan 车辕|shaft (pulling a cart) cheyuan 扯远|to digress/to get sidetracked/to go o... chezai 车载|carried within a vehicle; onboard chezaidouliang 车载斗量|lit. measured in cartloads and gallon... chezha 车闸|brake (of a car, bicycle etc) chezhan 车站|rail station/bus stop/CL:處|处[chu4],個|... chezhan 车展|motor show chezhao 车照|vehicle license chezhe 车辙|wheel rut; vehicle track chezhen 车震|to have car sex chezhi 撤职|to eliminate/to sack/to remove from o... chezhi 扯直|to straighten (by pulling or stretchi... chezhou 掣肘|to hold sb back by the elbow; to impe... chezhou 车轴|axle/CL:根[gen1] chezhoucao 车轴草|honewort/Cryptotaenia japonica chezhu 车主|vehicle owner chezhu 扯住|to grasp firmly chezi 车子|car or other vehicle (bicycle, truck ... chezou 撤走|to retire/to remove/to withdraw/to ev... chi 持|to hold/to grasp/to support/to mainta... chi 吃|to eat; to consume/to eat at (a cafet... chi 吃|variant of 吃[chi1] chi 池|surname Chi chi 池|pond/reservoir/moat chi 赤|red/scarlet/bare/naked chi 离|mythical beast (archaic) chi 齿|tooth/CL:顆|颗[ke1] chi 迟|surname Chi chi 迟|late/delayed/slow chi 翅|variant of 翅[chi4] chi 翅|(bound form) wing (of a bird or insect) chi 驰|to run fast/to speed/to gallop/to dis... chi 叱|to scold/shout at/to hoot at chi 炽|to burn/to blaze/splendid/illustrious chi 耻|(bound form) shame; humiliation; disg... chi 哧|(onom.) giggling/breathing/tearing of... chi 尺|a Chinese foot/one-third of a meter/a... chi 魑|used in 魑魅[chi1mei4] chi 敕|variant of 敕[chi4] chi 敕|imperial orders chi 蚩|surname Chi chi 蚩|ignorant/worm chi 墀|courtyard chi 斥|to blame/to reprove/to reprimand/to e... chi 螭|dragon with horns not yet grown (in m... chi 匙|spoon chi 痴|imbecile/sentimental/stupid/foolish/s... chi 痴|variant of 痴[chi1] chi 郗|surname Chi/name of an ancient city chi 饎|food/to cook chi 啻|only (classical, usually follows nega... chi 扡|drag along chi 侈|extravagant/wasteful/exaggerating chi 彳|step with the left foot (Kangxi radic... chi 坻|islet/rock in river chi 豉|salted fermented beans chi 奓|old variant of 侈[chi3] chi 饬|(bound form) to put in order/to arran... chi 竾|variant of 篪[chi2] chi 弛|to unstring a bow/to slacken/to relax... chi 媸|ugly woman chi 呎|foot (unit of length equal to 0.3048 ... chi 欼|drink chi 鸱|scops owl chi 笞|to whip with bamboo strips chi 嗤|laugh at/jeer/scoff at/sneer at chi 彽|go to and fro chi 抶|beat/flog chi 篪|bamboo flute with 7 or 8 holes chi 遟|variant of 遲|迟[chi2] chi 眵|(bound form) sleep (dried mucus in th... chi 箎|bamboo flute with 8 holes chi 踟|used in 踟躕|踟蹰[chi2chu2] chi 踅|walk with one leg chi 黐|birdlime chi 傺|to detain/to hinder chi 歯|Japanese variant of 齒|齿 chi 褫|to strip/to deprive of/to discharge/t... chi 摛|to spread (fame)/wield (pen) chi 茌|name of a district in Shandong chi 粚|old variant of 黐[chi1] chi 瓻|large wine jar chi 誃|to separate chi 蚳|ant eggs chi 樆|manjack or cordia (genus Cordia) chi 痓|(TCM) wind-related disease characteri... chi 彨|variant of 螭[chi1] chi 跮|hasty walking chi 瘛|used in 瘛瘲|瘛疭[chi4zong4]/Taiwan pr. [... chi 遅|Japanese variant of 遲|迟 chi 敇|Imperial command or edict chi 𫄨|fine fibers of hemp/linen chi 𫛶|used in 鸂鶒|㶉𫛶[xi1chi4] chiai 痴騃|stupid/foolish chian 吃案|(Tw) (of the police) to bury a crime ... chiba 尺八|shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute) chibaifan 吃白饭|to eat plain rice/(fig.) to eat and n... chibaishi 吃白食|to eat without paying/to freeload chibang 翅膀|wing/CL:個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4] chibangya 赤膀鸭|(bird species of China) gadwall (Mare... chibangying 翅膀硬|(of a bird) to fledge/(fig.) (of a pe... chibao 吃饱|to eat one\'s fill chibaochengzhe 吃饱撑着|having nothing better to do chibaolefanchengde 吃饱了饭撑的|having nothing better to do/see 吃飽撐著|... chibawangcan 吃霸王餐|to dine and dash/to leave without paying chibei 笞背|to flog or whip the back chibi 赤壁|Chibi, county-level city in Xianning ... chibi 嗤鼻|see 嗤之以鼻[chi1 zhi1 yi3 bi2] chibie 吃瘪|(coll.) to suffer a humiliation chibierenjiaoguodemobuxiang 吃别人嚼过的馍不香|lit. bread previously chewed by someo... chibimengeng 吃闭门羹|to be refused entrance (idiom)/to fin... chibishi 赤壁市|Chibi, county-level city in Xianning ... chibixian 赤壁县|Chibi county in Xianning 咸寧市|咸宁市[Xian... chibizhizhan 赤壁之战|Battle of Redcliff of 208 at Chibi in... chibo 赤膊|bare to the waist chibo 吃播|mukbang, genre of online broadcast co... chiboshangzhen 赤膊上阵|lit. to go into battle bare-breasted ... chibu 吃布|to catch on cloth (e.g. of a zip fast... chibudaoputaoshuoputaosuan 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸|sour grapes (set expr. based on Aesop... chibufu 吃不服|not be accustomed to eating sth/not b... chibukai 吃不开|be unpopular/won\'t work chibulai 吃不来|to be unaccustomed to certain food; t... chibuliaodouzhezou 吃不了兜着走|lit. if you can\'t eat it all, you\'ll ... chibushang 吃不上|unable to get anything to eat/to miss... chibutongzhengjian 持不同政见|(politically) dissenting/dissident chibutongzhengjianzhe 持不同政见者|(political) dissident chibuxia 吃不下|not feel like eating/be unable to eat... chibuxiao 吃不消|to be unable to tolerate or endure/to... chibuzhu 吃不住|to be unable to bear or support chibuzhun 吃不准|to be unsure about a matter/to be unc... chicang 持仓|to hold a portfolio of shares chicangliang 持仓量|position (finance) chicao 吃草|to graze; to eat grass chichao 赤潮|algal bloom chicheng 赤城|Chicheng county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家... chicheng 赤诚|utterly sincere/wholly devoted chicheng 驰骋|to gallop/to rush headlong chichengxian 赤城县|Chicheng county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家... chichengxiangdai 赤诚相待|to treat utterly sincerely/open and a... chichengxiangjian 赤诚相见|candidly sharing confidences chichi 痴痴|foolish/stupid/lost in thought/in a daze chichi 迟迟|late (with a task etc)/slow chichi 吃吃|(onom.) sound of muffled laughter (ch... chichishaque 赤翅沙雀|(bird species of China) Eurasian crim... chichu 踟蹰|to waver; to hesitate chichu 彳亍|(literary) to walk slowly chichu 踟躇|variant of 踟躕|踟蹰[chi2 chu2] chichuan 吃穿|food and clothing chichubuqian 踟蹰不前|hesitant to take action chichui 笞棰|to beat with a bamboo whip chichunyin 齿唇音|see 唇齒音|唇齿音[chun2 chi3 yin1] chicu 吃醋|to feel jealous chicun 尺寸|size; dimensions; measurements (esp. ... chicunguoda 尺寸过大|oversize (baggage, cargo etc) chicuoyao 吃错药|(lit.) to have taken the wrong medici... chidaguofan 吃大锅饭|lit. to eat from the common pot (idio... chidahu 吃大户|to plunder the homes of the wealthy f... chidai 痴呆|imbecility/dementia chidaizheng 痴呆症|dementia chidakui 吃大亏|to cost one dearly/to end disastrousl... chidanzhongxin 赤胆忠心|lit. red-bellied devotion (idiom); wh... chidao 赤道|equator (of the earth or a celestial ... chidao 迟到|to arrive late chidao 驰道|(old) highway for the emperor/highway chidao 吃刀|penetration of a cutting tool chidao 持刀|to hold a knife/knife-wielding chidaobao 吃到饱|(Tw) all-you-can-eat (food)/(fig.) un... chidaojineiya 赤道几内亚|Equatorial Guinea chidaoniliu 赤道逆流|equatorial counter current chidaoyi 赤道仪|equatorial mount (for a telescope) chidaoyulin 赤道雨林|equatorial rain forest chide 吃的|(coll.) food chidekai 吃得开|to be popular/to be getting on well/m... chidekuzhongku,fangweirenshangren 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人|one cannot achieve glory and wealth w... chidexiao 吃得消|to be able to endure (exertion, fatig... chidezhu 吃得住|to be able to bear/to be able to support chidiao 吃掉|to eat up/to consume chidou 赤豆|see 紅豆|红豆[hong2 dou4] chidoudou 吃豆豆|see 吃豆人[chi1 dou4 ren2] chidoufu 吃豆腐|to take liberties with (a woman)/to t... chidouren 吃豆人|Pac-Man (computer game) chidu 尺度|scale/yardstick chidu 尺牍|(literary) a one-foot-long strip of w... chidu 齿蠹|tooth decay chiduancunchang 尺短寸长|abbr. for 尺有所短,寸有所長|尺有所短,寸有所长[chi3 yo... chidun 迟钝|slow in one\'s reactions/sluggish (in ... chidun 迟顿|inactive/obtuse chiduo 褫夺|to deprive/to strip of chiduo 叱咄|to reprimand; to berate chiejiaozhengxue 齿颚矫正学|orthodontics chifa 吃法|way of eating/how something is eaten/... chifan 吃饭|to have a meal/to eat/to make a living chifang 持方|side (in a formal debate) chifanhuangdida 吃饭皇帝大|eating comes first, then comes everyt... chifaxingsunshang 迟发性损伤|delayed lesion chifei 赤匪|red bandit (i.e. PLA soldier (during ... chifeicui 赤翡翠|(bird species of China) ruddy kingfis... chifeng 赤峰|Chifeng prefecture-level city in Inne... chifeng 敕封|to appoint sb to a post or confer a t... chifengshi 赤峰市|Chifeng prefecture-level city in Inne... chifenzhe 持份者|stakeholder chifuying 赤腹鹰|(bird species of China) Chinese sparr... chiganfan 吃干饭|(coll.) to be incompetent/useless/goo... chigen 齿根|root of tooth chigeng 齿更|dental transition (from milk teeth to... chigongliang 吃公粮|to be on the government payroll chigu 持股|to hold shares chigu 尺骨|ulna (anatomy)/bone of the forearm chigu 耻骨|pubis/pubic bone chigua 吃瓜|(neologism c. 2016) (slang) to watch ... chiguan 齿冠|crown of tooth chiguansi 吃官司|to face legal action; to get sued chiguanzi 吃馆子|to eat out/to eat at a restaurant chiguaqunzhong 吃瓜群众|peanut gallery (esp. in online forums... chigui 尺规|ruler and compass (in geometric const... chiguizuotu 尺规作图|ruler and compass construction (geome... chiguotian 持国天|Dhritarashtra (one of the Four Heaven... chihan 痴汉|molester (loanword from Japanese \"chi... chihaotian 迟浩田|Chi Haotian (1929-), Chinese Minister... chihe 叱喝|to shout at/to berate chihe 叱呵|to shout angrily/to yell chihe 吃喝|to eat and drink/food and drink chihelasashui 吃喝拉撒睡|to eat, drink, shit, piss, and sleep/... chihepiaodu 吃喝嫖赌|to go dining, wining, whoring and gam... chihese 赤褐色|russet/reddish brown chihewanle 吃喝玩乐|to eat, drink and be merry (idiom)/to... chihongshanjiaoniao 赤红山椒鸟|(bird species of China) scarlet miniv... chihou 斥候|to reconnoiter/to scout/scout chihouhuiyao 吃后悔药|(fig.) to regret (doing sth) chihu 赤狐|red fox (Vulpes vulpes) chihuai 吃坏|to upset (one\'s stomach) by eating ba... chihuan 弛缓|to relax/to slacken/relaxation (in nu... chihuan 迟缓|slow/sluggish chihuangliang 吃皇粮|lit. to eat from government coffers/t... chihui 吃灰|(neologism c. 2019) (coll.) to gather... chihuikou 吃回扣|to receive a kickback; to draw a comm... chihuo 尺蠖|looper caterpillar, larva of moth in ... chihuo 吃货|chowhound/foodie/a good-for-nothing chihuoe 尺蠖蛾|moth in family Geometridae chiji 齿及|to mention/referring to chiji 吃鸡|(video games) PlayerUnknown\'s Battleg... chiji 笞击|to cudgel chijia 持家|to housekeep; to run one\'s household chijiao 赤脚|barefoot chijiao 迟交|to delay handing over (payment, homew... chijiao 黐胶|birdlime chijiaolvshi 赤脚律师|barefoot lawyer/grassroots lawyer chijiaoyisheng 赤脚医生|barefoot doctor/farmer with paramedic... chijiaozilaohu 吃角子老虎|slot machine chijiashengxiang 齿颊生香|lit. to feel the taste in one\'s mouth... chijin 赤金|pure gold chijin 吃紧|in short supply/dire/tense/critical/h... chijing 吃惊|to be startled/to be shocked/to be am... chijing 齿鲸|toothed whales/Odontoceti chijingdong 赤颈鸫|(bird species of China) red-throated ... chijinghe 赤颈鹤|(bird species of China) sarus crane (... chijingpiti 赤颈䴙䴘|(bird species of China) red-necked gr... chijingya 赤颈鸭|(bird species of China) Eurasian wige... chijingyu 赤睛鱼|rudd chijiu 持久|lasting/enduring/persistent/permanent... chijiuxingduji 持久性毒剂|persistent agent chijiuzhan 持久战|prolonged war/war of attrition chikan 赤坎|Chikan District of Zhanjiang City 湛江市... chikanlou 赤崁楼|Chihkan Tower (formerly Fort Provinti... chikanlou 赤嵌楼|Chihkan Tower (formerly Fort Provinti... chikanqu 赤坎区|Chikan District of Zhanjiang City 湛江市... chikaren 持卡人|cardholder chikong 齿孔|perforations (on a postage stamp) chikonge 吃空额|to embezzle by adding to the payroll ... chikongxiang 吃空饷|to embezzle by adding to the payroll ... chikouri 赤口日|third day of the lunar year (inauspic... chiku 吃苦|to bear hardships chikui 吃亏|to suffer losses/to come to grief/to ... chikuishangdang 吃亏上当|to be taken advantage of chikunailao 吃苦耐劳|hardworking and enduring hardships (i... chikutou 吃苦头|to suffer/to suffer for one\'s actions... chilao 赤佬|(dialect) scoundrel/rascal chilao 赤老|variant of 赤佬[chi4 lao3] chilaofan 吃牢饭|to do prison time (Tw) chile 迟了|late chiledingxinwan 吃了定心丸|to feel reassured chileng 齿冷|to sneer chili 吃力|to entail strenuous effort/to toil at... chili 斥力|repulsion (in electrostatics)/repulsi... chiliangbuguanshi 吃粮不管事|to eat without working (idiom)/to tak... chilibutaohao 吃力不讨好|arduous and thankless task (idiom); s... chilie 炽烈|burning fiercely/flaming/blazing chiliejiaozheng 齿列矫正|orthodontic treatment/orthodontics chiliejiaozhengqi 齿列矫正器|see 牙齒矯正器|牙齿矫正器[ya2 chi3 jiao3 zheng4... chiling 敕令|Imperial order or edict (old) chilipawai 吃里爬外|to work against the interests of sb o... chiliu 哧溜|(onom.) slithering/sliding/slipping chiliuliu 哧溜溜|see 哧溜[chi1 liu1] chilongke 驰龙科|Dromaeosauridae (dinosaur family incl... chilu 斥卤|saline marsh/salt chilu 池鹭|(bird species of China) Chinese pond ... chilun 齿轮|(machine) gear/pinion (gear wheel) chilun-chitiao 齿轮齿条|(mechanical engineering) rack and pinion chilunchuandong 齿轮传动|gear drive chilunxiang 齿轮箱|gearbox chiluo 赤裸|naked/bare chiluoluo 赤裸裸|bare/naked/(fig.) plain/undisguised/u... chiluosi 吃螺丝|(of an actor, announcer etc) to stumb... chilve 笞掠|to flog chima 尺码|size/fitting (of apparel) chima 叱骂|to curse/to berate angrily chima 斥骂|to scold chima 耻骂|to abuse/to mock chima 笞骂|to whip and revile chiman 迟慢|slow/late chimao 耻毛|pubic hair chimaya 赤麻鸭|(bird species of China) ruddy shelduc... chimei 魑魅|spirits and devils (usually harmful);... chimei 赤眉|Red Eyebrows, rebel group involved in... chimei-wangliang 魑魅魍魉|(idiom) all kinds of malevolent or mi... chimeng 鸱甍|a kind of ornament on the roof ridge chimi 痴迷|infatuated/obsessed chimi 侈靡|wasteful/extravagant chimi 侈糜|variant of 侈靡[chi3 mi2] chiming 驰名|famous chimu 迟暮|past one\'s prime chimuhu 眵目糊|(dialect) sleep (dried mucus in the c... chinai 吃奶|to suck the breast (for milk) chinaideliqi 吃奶的力气|all one\'s strength chinaideqili 吃奶的气力|utmost effort chinaizhili 吃奶之力|all one\'s strength chinaqiayao 吃拿卡要|dinner invitations, grabbing, obstruc... chini 吃腻|to be sick of eating (sth); to be tir... chiou 吃藕|(slang) unattractive; ugly (derived f... chipin 赤贫|poverty-stricken chiping 持平|to stay level (of exchange rate, mark... chipingzhilun 持平之论|fair argument/unbiased view chipinruxi 赤贫如洗|without two nickels to rub together (... chiqiang 持枪|to carry a gun chiqiangqiangjie 持枪抢劫|armed robbery chiqiangyao 吃枪药|(lit.) to have swallowed gunpowder/(f... chiqing 痴情|infatuation chiqing 吃请|to be a guest at a dinner party/to be... chiqingchunfan 吃青春饭|to make the most of one\'s youthfulnes... chiqu 齿龋|tooth decay/caries chire 炽热|red-hot/glowing/blazing/(fig.) passio... chirehuoshanyun 炽热火山云|nuée ardente/hot cloud of volcanic ash chiren 吃人|exploitative/oppressive chirenbutugutou 吃人不吐骨头|ruthless/vicious and greedy chirenchifu 痴人痴福|a fool suffers foolish fortune (idiom) chirenjiadezuiruan,narenjiadeshouduan 吃人家的嘴软,拿人家的手短|lit. the mouth that has been fed by o... chirenshuomeng 痴人说梦|lunatic ravings; nonsense chirenxuemantou 吃人血馒头|to take advantage of others\' misfortu... chiru 耻辱|disgrace/shame/humiliation chiru 笞辱|to whip and insult chiruanbuchiying 吃软不吃硬|lit. eats soft food, but refuses hard... chiruanfan 吃软饭|to live off a woman chisha 痴傻|stupid/foolish chishang 池上|Chihshang or Chihshang township in Ta... chishangxiang 池上乡|Chishang or Chihshang township in Tai... chishen 赤身|naked chisheng 炽盛|ablaze (fire)/intense (anger, desire ... chishenluti 赤身露体|completely naked chishi 吃食|to eat (of bird or animal)/to feed chishi 吃食|food/edibles chishidouganbushangrehude 吃屎都赶不上热乎的|lit. if you were eating warm shit, it... chishou 赤手|with bare hands chishou 螭首|hornless dragon head (used as ornamen... chishou 持守|to maintain/to adhere to/to observe (... chishou-kongquan 赤手空拳|(idiom) with one\'s bare hands (unarme... chishui 吃水|drinking water/to obtain water (for d... chishui 赤水|Chishui, county-level city in Zunyi 遵... chishuibuwangjuejingren 吃水不忘掘井人|Drinking the water of a well, one sho... chishuibuwangwajingren 吃水不忘挖井人|see 吃水不忘掘井人[chi1 shui3 bu4 wang4 jue2... chishuihe 赤水河|Chishui River, tributary of Wei in Sh... chishuishi 赤水市|Chishui, county-level city in Zunyi 遵... chisu 吃素|to be a vegetarian chisu 尺素|(literary) a one-foot-long piece of w... chita 笞挞|to flog; to whip chitan 侈谈|to prate chitang 池塘|pool/pond chitang 池汤|large pool in a bathhouse chitang 翅汤|shark-fin soup chitao 赤陶|terracotta/terra cotta chitian 池田|Ikeda (Japanese surname) chitiao 齿条|rack (and pinion) chitiaoqianjinding 齿条千斤顶|rack and pinion jack chitiaotiao 赤条条|stark naked chitiekuang 赤铁矿|hematite (red iron ore)/ferric oxide ... chitu 赤兔|Red Hare, famous horse of the warlord... chitu 吃土|(neologism c. 2015) (slang) (used jok... chitui 斥退|to dismiss (from a post)/to expel fro... chitun 笞臀|to whip the buttocks chituozanbi 持橐簪笔|to serve as a counselor (idiom) chiwan 吃完|to finish eating chiwei 吃味|to be jealous chiweidui 赤卫队|Red Guards chiweijun 赤卫军|Red Guards chiweizaomei 赤尾噪鹛|(bird species of China) red-tailed la... chiwen 叱问|to call sb to account/to question ang... chiwu 迟误|to delay/to procrastinate chiwu 驰骛|to move swiftly/to speed/to run after... chiwu 驰鹜|variant of 馳騖|驰骛[chi2 wu4] chixi 吃席|to attend a banquet (funeral, wedding... chixian 黐线|crazy/insane (Cantonese) chixianchun 赤藓醇|erythritol, a sugar alcohol chixianfan 吃闲饭|to lead an idle life; to be a loafer chixiang 吃香|popular/in demand/well regarded chixiang 痴想|to daydream/wishful thinking/pipe dream chixiang 吃相|table manners chixianghela 吃香喝辣|lit. to eat delicious food and drink ... chixiantangchun 赤藓糖醇|erythritol, a sugar alcohol chixiao 耻笑|to sneer at sb/to ridicule chixiao 嗤笑|to sneer at chixiao 鸱枭|variant of 鴟鴞|鸱鸮[chi1 xiao1] chixiao 痴笑|to giggle foolishly/to titter chixiao 鸱鸮|owl chixiaodou 赤小豆|see 紅豆|红豆[hong2 dou4] chixiaozao 吃小灶|to be given special treatment/to be t... chixiazhu 赤霞珠|Cabernet Sauvignon (grape type) chixie 持械|armed (robbery etc) chixin 痴心|infatuation chixing 笞刑|whipping with bamboo strips (as corpo... chixinwangxiang 痴心妄想|to be carried away by one\'s wishful t... chixiongdong 赤胸鸫|(bird species of China) brown-headed ... chixiongnizhuomuniao 赤胸拟啄木鸟|(bird species of China) coppersmith b... chixiongxinbaozidan 吃熊心豹子胆|to eat bear heart and leopard gall (i... chixiongzhudingque 赤胸朱顶雀|(bird species of China) common linnet... chixiongzhuomuniao 赤胸啄木鸟|(bird species of China) crimson-naped... chixu 持续|to continue/to persist/to last/sustai... chixushijian 持续时间|duration chixuxingzhiwurenzhuangtai 持续性植物人状态|persistent vegetative state chixuxingzhiwuzhuangtai 持续性植物状态|persistent vegetative state (medicine) chiyabakui 吃哑巴亏|to be forced to suffer in silence/una... chiyadan 吃鸭蛋|(fig.) to score 0 (on a test, in comp... chiyan 迟延|to delay chiyan 池盐|salt from a salt lake chiyang 赤杨|alder tree (genus Alnus) chiyao 吃药|to take medicine chiyi 迟疑|to hesitate chiyin 齿龈|gum/gingiva chiyin 齿音|dental consonant chiyingbuchiruan 吃硬不吃软|susceptible to force but not persuasion chiyinyan 齿龈炎|gingivitis chiyinyin 齿龈音|alveolar, apical, or supradental soun... chiyiqian,zhangyizhi 吃一堑,长一智|Fall into the moat and you\'ll be wise... chiyong 持用|to have in one\'s possession and use w... chiyou 持有|to hold (passport, views etc) chiyou 豉油|soy sauce (chiefly in Cantonese and H... chiyou 蚩尤|Chiyou, legendary tribal leader who w... chiyou 吃油|(of food) to absorb oil/(of a vehicle... chiyouren 持有人|holder chiyousuoduan,cunyousuochang 尺有所短,寸有所长|lit. for some things a foot may be to... chiyu 驰誉|famous/acclaimed chiyuan 驰援|to rush to the rescue chizao 迟早|sooner or later chize 斥责|to lash out/to reprimand chize 叱责|to upbraid chize 笞责|to flog with a bamboo stick chizha 叱咤|to rebuke angrily chizha 叱吒|variant of 叱咤[chi4 zha4] chizhafengyun 叱咤风云|lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idio... chizhai 吃斋|to abstain from eating meat/to be a v... chizhan 翅展|wingspan chizhang 笞杖|a cudgel/CL:根[gen1] chizhang 痴长|to not be wiser despite being older/(... chizhangre 弛张热|remittent fever chizhao 池沼|pool/pond chizhewanli,kanzheguoli 吃着碗里,看着锅里|lit. eyeing what\'s in the pot as one ... chizhewanli,qiaozheguoli 吃着碗里,瞧着锅里|see 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡|吃着碗里,看着锅里[chi1 zhe5 wan... chizhi 迟滞|delay/procrastination chizhixianxiang 迟滞现象|hysteresis chizhiyibi 嗤之以鼻|to snort disdainfully/to scoff at/to ... chizhiyiheng 持之以恒|to pursue unremittingly (idiom); to p... chizhong 吃重|(of a role) arduous/important/(a vehi... chizhong 持重|prudent; cautious/to be in charge of ... chizhongwu 池中物|person of no particular talent chizhou 池州|see 池州市[Chi2zhou1 Shi4] chizhoushi 池州市|Chizhou, prefecture-level city in Anh... chizhu 吃住|food and lodging/to stay (at some pla... chizhuque 赤朱雀|(bird species of China) Blanford\'s ro... chizi 池子|pond/bathhouse pool/dance floor of a ... chizi 尺子|ruler (measuring instrument)/CL:把[ba3] chizi 赤子|newborn baby/the people (of a country) chizi 斥资|to spend/to allocate funds chizi 赤字|(financial) deficit/red letter chizi 翅子|shark\'s fin/wing/CL:隻|只[zhi1] chizileilei 赤字累累|debt-ridden/heavily laden with debt chizizhixin 赤子之心|pure and innocent like the heart of a... chizong 瘛疭|(TCM) clonic convulsion chizu 赤足|barefoot/barefooted chizui 痴醉|to be fascinated; to be spellbound chizuiqianya 赤嘴潜鸭|(bird species of China) red-crested p... chong 重|to repeat/repetition/again/re-/classi... chong 充|sufficient; full/to fill/to serve as;... chong 冲|(of water) to dash against/to mix wit... chong 冲|thoroughfare/to go straight ahead/to ... chong 冲|powerful/vigorous/pungent/towards/in ... chong 虫|variant of 蟲|虫[chong2] chong 虫|lower form of animal life, including ... chong 崇|surname Chong chong 崇|high/sublime/lofty/to esteem/to worship chong 涌|(used in place names) chong 翀|soar chong 铳|ancient firearm/gun chong 舂|to pound (grain)/beat chong 忡|grieved/distressed/sad/uneasy chong 憃|foolish; stupid; dull; silly chong 揰|poke out/punch/push into chong 摏|variant of 舂[chong1] chong 艟|see 艨艟, ancient leatherclad warship chong 㳘|(literary) (of a mountain stream) to ... chong 憧|used in 憧憬[chong1jing3]/used in 憧憧[ch... chong 宠|to love/to pamper/to spoil/to favor chongai 宠爱|to dote on sb chongbai 崇拜|to worship/adoration chongbaila 虫白蜡|white wax from Chinese white wax bug ... chongbaiyishi 崇拜仪式|worship service chongbaizhe 崇拜者|worshipper chongban 重版|to republish chongban 重瓣|(botany) double-flowered chongbian 重编|(of a dictionary etc) revised edition chongbo 重播|to replay/to rerun/(agriculture) to r... chongcao 虫草|see 冬蟲夏草|冬虫夏草[dong1chong2-xia4cao3] chongcaojiuye 重操旧业|to resume one\'s old trade (idiom) chongcha 重插|to replug/to disconnect and reconnect... chongcha 重查|to reinvestigate; to check again chongchang 充畅|abundant and fluent/affluent and smooth chongchen 宠臣|favored minister chongcheng 冲程|stroke (of a piston) chongchi 充斥|to be full of/to flood/to congest chongchong 重重|layer upon layer/one after another chongchong 冲冲|excitedly chongchong 憧憧|(of light, shadows) swaying; moving a... chongchu 冲出|to rush out chongchuan 崇川|Chongchuan district of Nantong city 南... chongchuang 冲床|stamping press (metalworking) chongchuanqu 崇川区|Chongchuan district of Nantong city 南... chongchujianghu 重出江湖|(of a person) to return to the fray a... chongci 冲刺|(sports) to sprint; to spurt; to dash... chongda 冲打|(of waves, rain etc) to dash against/... chongdan 冲淡|to dilute chongdang 充当|to serve as/to act as/to play the rol... chongdao 重蹈|(fig.) to follow (a path that has pro... chongdaofuzhe 重蹈覆辙|lit. to follow in the tracks of an ov... chongdi 充抵|see 抵充[di3 chong1] chongdian 重点|to recount (e.g. results of election)... chongdian 充电|to recharge (a battery)/(fig.) to rec... chongdianbao 充电宝|portable charger/mobile power pack chongdianqi 充电器|battery charger chongdiao 冲掉|to wash out/to leach chongdie 重叠|to overlap/to superimpose/to telescop... chongdie 重迭|variant of 重疊|重叠[chong2 die2] chongdingxiang 重定向|to redirect chongdong 冲动|to have an urge/to be impetuous/impul... chongdong 虫洞|(physics) wormhole chongduanceng 冲断层|thrust fault (geology)/compression fault chongdutianri 重睹天日|to see the light again (idiom); deliv... chonger 宠儿|pet/favorite/darling chongerbuwen 充耳不闻|to block one\'s ears and not listen (i... chongfa 充发|to banish to penal servitude chongfan 重返|to return to chongfang 重访|to revisit chongfen 充分|ample/sufficient/adequate/full/fully/... chongfeng 冲锋|to charge/to assault/assault chongfeng 崇奉|to believe in (a deity or other super... chongfeng 重逢|to meet again/to be reunited/reunion chongfengqiang 冲锋枪|submachine gun chongfengxianzhen 冲锋陷阵|to charge and break through enemy lines chongfenjiuye 充分就业|full employment chongfenkaolv 充分考虑|to give sufficient consideration to chongfu 重复|to repeat/to duplicate/CL:個|个[ge4] chongfu 重复|variant of 重複|重复[chong2 fu4] chongfu 冲服|to take medicine in solution/infusion chongfufa 重复法|repetition/duplication/reduplication/... chongfuji 冲服剂|dose of medicine to be taken in solut... chongfushilishanghai 重复使力伤害|repetitive strain injury (RSI) chongfuxing 重复性|repetitive chongfuxinglaosun 重复性劳损|repetitive strain injury (RSI) chonggao 崇高|majestic/sublime chonggong 充公|to confiscate chonggou 重构|to reconstruct/reconstruction/(comput... chonggu 重估|to re-evaluate chongguang 重光|to recover one\'s sight/(fig.) to reco... chonghai 虫害|insect pest/damage from insects chonghao 充好|to substitute shoddy goods chonghe 重合|to match up/to coincide chonghuai 宠坏|to spoil (a child etc) chonghui 重回|to return chonghun 重婚|bigamy chonghun 重混|remix (music) chonghuntounao 冲昏头脑|lit. to be muddled in the brain (idio... chonghunzui 重婚罪|bigamy chonghuo 重获|recovery/to recover chongji 冲击|variant of 衝擊|冲击[chong1 ji1] chongji 冲击|to attack/to batter/(of waves) to pou... chongji 冲剂|medicine to be taken after being mixe... chongji 充饥|to allay one\'s hunger chongji 冲积|to alluviate/alluviation/alluvial chongji 宠姬|favorite concubine chongjian 重建|to rebuild/to reestablish/reconstruct... chongjian 重趼|thick callus chongjian 重茧|thick callus/(literary) thick silkwas... chongjiantianri 重见天日|to see the light again (idiom); deliv... chongjiao 虫胶|shellac chongjibo 冲击波|shock wave/blast wave chongjiceng 冲积层|alluvial deposit/alluvium chongjiejing 重结晶|to recrystallize chongjili 冲击力|force of impact or thrust chongjin 冲劲|dynamism/drive chongjin 冲进|to rush in; to charge in chongjing 崇敬|to revere/to venerate/high esteem chongjing 憧憬|to long for; to look forward to chongjipingyuan 冲积平原|alluvial plain chongjiu 重九|the Double Ninth Festival (9th day of... chongjizhike 充饥止渴|to allay one\'s hunger and slake one\'s... chongjizuan 冲击钻|impact drill/hammer drill chongju 重聚|to meet again chongjue 冲决|to burst (e.g. a dam) chongjun 充军|to banish (to an army post, as a puni... chongkai 重开|to reopen chongkouerchu 冲口而出|to blurt out without thinking (idiom) chongkua 冲垮|to burst/to break through/to topple chongla 虫蜡|white wax from Chinese white wax bug ... chonglai 重来|to start over/to do sth all over again chonglang 冲浪|to surf/surfing chonglangban 冲浪板|surfboard/paddleboard chonglangzhe 冲浪者|surfer chonglei 虫类|insects chongli 冲力|momentum (the force exhibited by a mo... chongli 重黎|Chongli, another name for Zhurong 祝融[... chonglian 重联|(physics) magnetic reconnection/(rail... chonglian 重连|to reconnect/reconnection chongliang 冲量|(physics) impulse chongliang 冲凉|(dialect) to take a shower chonglijiuyou 重历旧游|to revisit/to return to a previously ... chongling 冲龄|childhood (typically used in referenc... chonglinyu 冲淋浴|to take a shower chonglou 重楼|multistory building chongluandiezhang 重峦叠嶂|range upon range of mountains (idiom) chongma 重码|repeated code/coincident code (i.e. t... chongman 充满|full of/brimming with/very full/perme... chongmanyangguang 充满阳光|sun-drenched chongmeibingdu 虫媒病毒|arbovirus chongming 重名|to have the same name chongmingdao 崇明岛|Chongming Island chongmingming 重命名|(computing) to rename chongni 宠溺|to spoil; to indulge chongniaojiaosheng 虫鸟叫声|chirp chongpai 重排|to rearrange/to retypeset chongpao 冲泡|to add water (or other liquid) to (an... chongpei 充沛|abundant; plentiful chongping 重评|to reevaluate/to reassess chongpizhanpao 重披战袍|(fig.) to re-enter the fray; to retur... chongpo 冲破|breakthrough/to overcome an obstacle ... chongqi 重启|to restart (a machine etc); to reacti... chongqi 充气|to pump air (into sth); to inflate chongqichuan 充气船|inflatable boat chongqie 宠妾|favored concubine chongqiemieqi 宠妾灭妻|favor the concubine and do away with ... chongqiliang 充其量|at most; at best chongqiluzao 重起炉灶|to start over from scratch (idiom) chongqing 重庆|Chongqing municipality (abbr. to 渝[Yu2]) chongqing 崇庆|variant of 重慶|重庆[Chong2 qing4] chongqingdaxue 重庆大学|Chongqing University chongqingshi 重庆市|Chongqing municipality (abbr. to 渝[Yu2]) chongr 虫儿|see 蟲子|虫子[chong2 zi5] chongren 崇仁|Chongren county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi chongren 充任|to fill a post of; to act as chongrenxian 崇仁县|Chongren county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi chongru 冲入|to rush into/to break into chongse 充塞|congestion/to block/to congest/to cro... chongsha 冲杀|to charge chongshang 崇尚|to hold up (as an model)/to hold in e... chongshanjunling 崇山峻岭|towering mountains and precipitous ri... chongshanzhuanfang 宠擅专房|an especially favored concubine (idiom) chongshe 重设|to reset chongshen 重申|to reaffirm/to reiterate chongshen 重审|to reinvestigate/to investigate and r... chongsheng 重生|to be reborn/rebirth chongsheng 冲绳|Okinawa, Japan chongshengdao 冲绳岛|Okinawa Island chongshengqundao 冲绳群岛|the Okinawa archipelago chongshengxian 冲绳县|Okinawa prefecture, Japan chongshi 重试|to retry/to try again chongshi 充实|rich/full/substantial/to enrich/to au... chongshi 冲蚀|to erode/erosion chongshi 重拾|to pick up (a theme etc)/to regain (c... chongshu 充数|to make up the number (i.e. to fill p... chongshu 重述|to repeat/to restate/to recapitulate chongshua 冲刷|to cleanse/to scrub/to scour/to wash ... chongsu 重塑|to reconstruct (an art object)/to rem... chongsuan 重算|to recalculate/to reckon again chongsun 重孙|great-grandson chongsunnv 重孙女|great-granddaughter chongsunzi 重孙子|great-grandson chongta 重沓|redundant/to pile up chongta 冲塌|to cause (a dam) to collapse chongtansuangai 重碳酸钙|calcium bicarbonate Ca(HCO3)2 chongtansuanyan 重碳酸盐|bicarbonate chongti 重提|to raise the same topic chongtian 冲天|to soar/to rocket chongtian 充填|to fill (gap, hole, area, blank)/to p... chongtianwu 充填物|filling material/stuffing/lining/filling chongtianyinshu 充填因数|complementary factor chongtiao 冲调|to reconstitute (a powdered beverage)... chongtijiushi 重提旧事|to raise the same old topic again/to ... chongtou 重头|anew/from the beginning/(in poetry an... chongtu 冲突|conflict/to conflict/clash of opposin... chongwan 重玩|to replay (a video game) chongwei 重围|to redouble a siege chongwen 重温|to learn sth over again/to review/to ... chongwen 重文|repetitious passage/multiple variants... chongwenjiumeng 重温旧梦|to revive old dreams (idiom); to reli... chongwenjiuye 重温旧业|to resume one\'s old trade (idiom) chongwenmen 崇文门|Chongwenmen gate in Beijing chongwu 宠物|house pet chongwu 重屋|lit. multiple roof/building of severa... chongwu 重午|Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of 5th ... chongwu 重五|Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of 5th ... chongwumen 宠物门|pet door; pet flap chongxi 冲洗|to rinse/to wash/to develop (photogra... chongxian 重现|to reappear chongxiang 冲向|to charge into chongxianjianghu 重现江湖|see 重出江湖[chong2 chu1 jiang1 hu2] chongxiao 冲销|(accounting) to charge against/to wri... chongxiao 重霄|ninth heaven/Highest Heaven chongxin 重新|again; once more; re- chongxin 宠信|to dote on and trust chongxin 崇信|Chongxin county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Pi... chongxing 宠幸|(old) (esp. of the Emperor) to show s... chongxinkaiji 重新开机|to restart; to reboot chongxinkaishi 重新开始|to resume; to restart; to start afresh chongxinqidong 重新启动|to reboot; to restart chongxintongyi 重新统一|reunification chongxinxian 崇信县|Chongxin county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Pi... chongxinzaolin 重新造林|reforestation chongxinzhuangxiu 重新装修|refurbishment; renovation chongxinzuoren 重新做人|to start a new life; to make a fresh ... chongxiu 重修|to reconstruct/to repair/to revamp/to... chongxiujiuhao 重修旧好|to make friends again/to renew old co... chongxue 充血|hyperemia (increase in blood flow)/bl... chongya 冲压|to stamp/to press (sheet metal)/Taiwa... chongya 虫牙|tooth decay; dental caries/decayed to... chongyan 重演|to recur (of events, esp. adverse one... chongyang 重阳|Double Ninth or Yang Festival/9th day... chongyang 崇阳|Chongyang county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xi... chongyang 重洋|seas and oceans chongyang 崇洋|to idolize foreign things chongyang 重样|same/similar/same type chongyang 充氧|to oxygenate/to provide oxygen comple... chongyangjie 重阳节|Double Ninth or Yang Festival/9th day... chongyangmeiwai 崇洋媚外|to revere everything foreign and pand... chongyangxian 崇阳县|Chongyang county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xi... chongyanpi 重眼皮|double eyelid/epicanthal fold of uppe... chongyanpir 重眼皮儿|double eyelid/epicanthal fold of uppe... chongyaotiaojian 充要条件|necessary and sufficient condition chongyaqi 冲牙器|water pick/oral irrigator chongyi 崇义|Chongyi county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 ... chongyi 充溢|to overflow (with riches)/replete chongyi 重译|to translate again (i.e. to redo the ... chongyi 冲挹|to defer to/to be submissive chongyin 冲印|to develop and print (photographic film) chongyin 重印|to reprint chongying 充盈|abundant/plentiful chongying 重影|overlapping images/double exposure of... chongying 重映|to reshow (a movie) chongyixian 崇义县|Chongyi county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 ... chongyou 重又|once again chongyu 充裕|abundant/ample/plenty/abundance chongzai 虫灾|insect damage/destruction of crops by... chongzao 冲澡|to take a shower chongzao 重造|to reconstruct chongzhang 冲账|(accounting) to strike a balance/to r... chongzhen 重振|to revitalize; to restore (prestige, ... chongzhen 崇祯|Chongzhen, reign name of last Ming em... chongzheng 重整|to restructure/to reorganize/to revamp chongzhenghua 重正化|to renormalize/renormalization chongzhengqigu 重整旗鼓|lit. to reorganize flags and drums (i... chongzhi 充值|to recharge (money onto a card) chongzhi 虫豸|insect or insect-like small creature ... chongzhi 重置|to reset/reset/replacement chongzhi 重制|to make a copy/to reproduce/to remake... chongzhika 充值卡|rechargeable card/to recharge a card chongzhou 崇州|Chongzhou, county-level city in Cheng... chongzhoushi 崇州市|Chongzhou, county-level city in Cheng... chongzhu 虫蛀|damaged by moths or worms chongzhuang 重装|(computing) to reinstall chongzhuang 冲撞|to collide/jerking motion/to impinge/... chongzi 虫子|insect/bug/worm/CL:條|条[tiao2],隻|只[zhi1] chongziya 虫子牙|see 蟲牙|虫牙[chong2 ya2] chongzou 重奏|musical ensemble of several instrumen... chongzou 冲走|to flush away chongzu 重组|to reorganize; to recombine; to restr... chongzu 充足|adequate/sufficient/abundant chongzuerli 重足而立|rooted to the spot (idiom); too terri... chongzuliyoulv 充足理由律|sufficient grounds (law) chongzuo 崇左|Chongzuo prefecture-level city in Gua... chongzuo 重做|to redo chongzuo 充作|to serve as/to be a substitute for chongzuoshi 崇左市|Chongzuo prefecture-level city in Gua... chou 丑|surname Chou chou 丑|clown/2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m., 1... chou 丑|shameful/ugly/disgraceful chou 臭|stench/smelly/to smell (bad)/repulsiv... chou 稠|dense/crowded/thick/many chou 酬|old variant of 酬[chou2] chou 酬|variant of 酬[chou2] chou 酬|to entertain/to repay/to return/to re... chou 筹|chip (in gambling); token (for counti... chou 仇|hatred/animosity/enmity/foe/enemy/to ... chou 仇|variant of 仇[chou2] chou 抽|to draw out/to pull out from in betwe... chou 燽|salience/prominent/notable chou 畴|arable fields/cultivated field/class/... chou 绸|(light) silk/CL:匹[pi3] chou 愁|to worry about chou 惆|forlorn/vexed/disappointed chou 瞅|(dialect) to look at chou 瞅|old variant of 瞅[chou3] chou 俦|comrades/friends/companions chou 丒|variant of 醜|丑[chou3] chou 搊|pluck (stringed instrument) chou 吜|(onom.) chou 雠|to collate/to proofread chou 嬦|(archaic) used in ladies\' names chou 踌|used in 躊躇|踌躇[chou2chu2] chou 瘳|to convalesce/to recover/to heal chou 䌷|silk chou 犫|old variant of 犨[chou1] chou 讐|variant of 讎|雠[chou2] chou 杻|handcuffs chou 帱|canopy/curtain chou 侴|surname Chou chou 裯|bed curtain/coverlet chou 鯈|Leuciscus macropus chou 犨|panting of cow/grunting of ox chou 偢|to stare at chou 殠|variant of 臭[chou4] chou 椆|species of tree resistant to cold wea... chou 杽|a kind of wooden handcuffs chou 㤽|used in 懤懤|㤽㤽[chou2 chou2] chou 㐜|variant of 仇[chou2] chou 𥬠|basket for straining/to strain choubaguai 丑八怪|ugly person chouban 筹办|to arrange; to make preparations choubao 酬报|to repay/to reward choubei 筹备|preparations/to get ready for sth choubin 酬宾|bargain sale/discount choubukewen 臭不可闻|to stink to high heaven/(fig.) disgra... choucai 瞅睬|to pay attention to choucha 抽查|random inspection/to do a spot check choucha 抽插|to slide in and out/thrusting chouchang 惆怅|melancholy/depression chouchang 愁肠|anxiety/worries chouchang 酬偿|reward chouchangbaijie 愁肠百结|hundred knots of worry in one\'s intes... chouchangruoshi 惆怅若失|to feel despondent (idiom) chouchong 臭虫|bedbug (Cimex lectularius)/tick chouchou 臭臭|(baby talk) poop; poo chouchou 仇雠|(literary) enemy/foe chouchou 㤽㤽|anxious/depressed chouchouguo 臭臭锅|hot pot containing stinky tofu and ot... chouchouyeye 抽抽噎噎|to sob and sniffle chouchu 抽出|to take out/to extract chouchu 踌躇|to hesitate/(literary) to pace back a... chouchu 抽搐|to twitch chouchu 筹出|to plan out; to prepare chouchu 踌蹰|variant of 躊躇|踌躇[chou2 chu2] chouchubujue 踌躇不决|to hesitate/indecisive chouchubuqian 踌躇不前|to hesitate to move forward/to hesita... chouchumanzhi 踌躇满志|enormously proud of one\'s success (id... choucuo 筹措|to raise (money) chouda 抽打|to whip/to flog/to thrash chouda 酬答|to thank with a gift chouda 抽搭|to sob choudai 抽贷|to call in a loan choudan 臭弹|dead bomb (i.e. not exploding on impact) choudi 仇敌|enemy choudi 丑诋|to slander choudiao 抽调|to transfer (personnel or material) choudong 抽动|to twitch/to throb/a spasm/to divert ... choudongzheng 抽动症|Tourette syndrome choudou 抽斗|drawer choudoufu 臭豆腐|stinky tofu/strong-smelling preserved... chouduan 绸缎|satin/silk fabric choudui 酬对|(literary) to reply/to answer choue 丑恶|ugly/repulsive choufen 臭粉|baking ammonia (ammonium bicarbonate) choufeng 抽风|to ventilate/to induce a draft/spasm/... choufengji 抽风机|exhaust fan choufu 仇富|to hate the rich chougai 臭盖|to drivel (Tw) chouguai 丑怪|grotesque chouguo 丑国|(slang) United States; USA; US chouhao 抽号|to randomly select (as for a lottery)... chouhe 酬和|to respond to a poem with a poem chouhen 仇恨|to hate/hatred/enmity/hostility chouhenzui 仇恨罪|hate crime chouhenzuixing 仇恨罪行|hate crime chouhonghong 臭烘烘|stinking chouhua 筹划|to plan and prepare chouhua 丑话|ugly talk/vulgarity/obscenity chouhua 丑化|to defame/to libel/to defile/to smear... chouhua 筹画|variant of 籌劃|筹划[chou2 hua4] chouhuashuozaiqiantou 丑话说在前头|let\'s talk about the unpleasant thing... chouhuo 臭货|low-quality goods/scumbag/bitch chouji 筹集|to collect money; to raise funds chouji 臭迹|scent (smell of person or animal used... choujia 仇家|enemy/foe choujian 抽检|sampling/spot check/random test choujian 筹建|to prepare to build sth choujian 瞅见|to see choujiang 抽奖|to draw a prize/a lottery/a raffle choujiazi 臭架子|stinking pretension/to give oneself a... choujin 酬金|monetary reward/remuneration choujin 抽筋|cramp/charley horse/to pull a tendon chouju 丑剧|absurd drama/farce/disgraceful show choujue 丑角|clown role in opera/clown/buffoon choukong 抽空|to find the time to do sth chouku 愁苦|anxiety/distress choukuan 筹款|fundraising choulao 酬劳|reward choulaojiu 臭老九|stinking intellectual (contemptuous t... choulei 丑类|villain/evil person choulengzi 抽冷子|(coll.) unexpectedly chouli 抽离|to remove/to step back from involveme... choulian 臭脸|sour face/scowling face/CL:張|张[zhang1... choulou 丑陋|ugly choulve 筹略|astute; resourceful chouma 臭骂|tongue-lashing/to chew out/CL:頓|顿[dun4] chouma 筹马|variant of 籌碼|筹码[chou2 ma3] chouma 筹码|bargaining chip; gaming chip; casino ... choumei 臭美|to show off one\'s good looks shamelessly choumeibuzhan 愁眉不展|with a worried frown choumeikulian 愁眉苦脸|to look anxious (idiom)/to look miser... choumen 愁闷|depressed/gloomy choumi 稠密|dense choumingyuanyang 臭名远扬|stinking reputation/notorious far and... choumingzhaozhang 臭名昭彰|notorious for his misdeeds (idiom)/in... choumingzhaozhu 臭名昭著|notorious/infamous/egregious (bandits) choumou 绸缪|to be sentimentally attached to sb or... choumou 筹谋|to work out a strategy; to come up wi... choumu 筹募|to raise funds; to collect money chouniu 丑牛|Year 2, year of the Bull or Ox (e.g. ... choupai 筹拍|to prepare to film; to plan a shoot choupi 臭屁|(coll.) self-important/puffed up choupichong 臭屁虫|stinkbug choupinang 臭皮囊|this mortal flesh chouqi 臭气|stench chouqi 抽泣|to sob spasmodically chouqi 抽气|to draw air out chouqi 臭棋|blunder (in chess) chouqian 抽签|to perform divination with sticks/to ... chouqian 筹钱|to raise money chouqian 臭钱|dirty money chouqichongtian 臭气冲天|(idiom) to stink to high heaven chouqijindijiazhongbao 丑妻近地家中宝|an ugly wife is a treasure at home (i... chouqixuntian 臭气熏天|overwhelming stench (idiom) chouqu 抽取|to extract/to remove/to draw (a sales... chouren 仇人|foe/one\'s personal enemy chourenduozuoguai 丑人多作怪|ugly people will do all kinds of weir... chourenka 抽认卡|flashcard chourenxiangjian,fenwaiyanhong 仇人相见,分外眼红|when the enemies come face to face, t... chousha 仇杀|to kill in revenge choushang 筹商|to discuss (a plan); to negotiate (an... choushang 酬赏|reward choushen 抽身|to get away from/to withdraw/to free ... choushen 酬神|to offer thanks to the gods choushi 仇视|to view sb as an enemy; to be hateful... choushi 丑事|scandal choushi 丑时|1-3 am (in the system of two-hour sub... choushijian 抽时间|to (try to) find the time to choushui 抽水|to pump water/(coll.) to shrink in th... choushui 抽税|to tax/to levy a tax choushui 椆水|old name of an unidentified river in ... choushuibeng 抽水泵|water pump choushuiji 抽水机|water pump choushuimatong 抽水马桶|flush toilet choushuizhan 抽水站|water pumping station chousi 抽丝|to spin silk chousi 筹思|to ponder a solution; to consider (th... chousibojian 抽丝剥茧|lit. to unwind the silk thread from t... chousuan 筹算|to calculate (using bamboo tokens on ... choutai 丑态|shameful performance/disgraceful situ... chouti 抽屉|drawer choutong 抽痛|to throb with pain/throbbing pain/twa... choutou 抽头|to take a percentage of the winnings ... chouwai 仇外|to feel animosity toward foreigners o... chouwaixinli 仇外心理|xenophobia chouwei 臭味|bad smell; foul odor chouweihui 筹委会|organizing committee chouweixiangtou 臭味相投|to share vile habits/partners in noto... chouwen 丑闻|scandal chouxi 仇隙|feud/bitter quarrel chouxiang 抽象|abstract/abstraction/CL:種|种[zhong3] chouxiang 丑相|ugly expression/unsightly manners chouxiangci 抽象词|abstract word chouxiangdaishu 抽象代数|abstract algebra chouxiangsiwei 抽象思维|abstract thought/logical thinking chouxiangyu 抽象域|abstract field (math.) chouxiaoya 丑小鸭|\"The Ugly Duckling\" by Hans Christian... chouxiaoya 丑小鸭|ugly duckling chouxie 酬谢|to thank with a gift chouxifuzaowanyedeijiangongpo 丑媳妇早晚也得见公婆|lit. the ugly daughter-in-law must so... chouxing 丑行|scandal chouxu 愁绪|melancholy chouxue 抽血|to take blood/to draw blood (e.g. for... chouxunxun 臭熏熏|stinking chouya 丑鸭|(bird species of China) harlequin duc... chouyan 抽烟|to smoke (tobacco) (variant of 抽菸|抽烟[... chouyan 抽烟|to smoke (tobacco) chouyan 抽验|to test a random sample; to spot-check chouyang 臭氧|ozone (O₃) chouyang 抽样|sample; sampling chouyangceng 臭氧层|ozone layer chouye 抽噎|to sob chouye 抽咽|to sob chouyi 筹议|to discuss (a plan) chouying 酬应|social interaction chouyou 臭鼬|skunk chouyouyanji 抽油烟机|range hood/kitchen exhaust hood chouyuan 仇怨|hatred and desire for revenge chouzai 酬载|payload chouzhi 抽脂|liposuction chouzhi 抽纸|paper tissue (in a box) chouzhong 抽中|to win (a prize in a lottery) chouzhuo 稠浊|numerous and confused/forming a confu... chouzi 筹资|to raise resources chouzi 绸子|silk fabric/silk/CL:匹[pi3] chouzi 筹子|chip; counter chouzir 臭子儿|dead bullet (one that does not fire)/... chouzuiba 抽嘴巴|to slap chouzuo 酬酢|to exchange toasts chu 出|to go out; to come out/to arise; to o... chu 出|variant of 出[chu1] (classifier for pl... chu 初|at first/(at the) beginning/first/jun... chu 处|to reside/to live/to dwell/to be in/t... chu 处|place/location/spot/point/office/depa... chu 除|to get rid of/to remove/to exclude/to... chu 触|to touch/to make contact with sth/to ... chu 濋|name of an ancient river (in present-... chu 畜|livestock/domesticated animal/domesti... chu 雏|(bound form) chick; young bird chu 褚|surname Chu chu 储|surname Chu/Taiwan pr. [Chu2] chu 储|(bound form) to store up; to keep in ... chu 矗|lofty/upright chu 儊|rough and rugged chu 厨|old variant of 廚|厨[chu2] chu 厨|kitchen chu 楚|surname Chu/abbr. for Hubei 湖北省[Hu2be... chu 楚|distinct/clear/orderly/pain/suffering... chu 亍|to step with the right foot (used in ... chu 础|foundation/base chu 橱|wardrobe/closet/cabinet chu 樗|simaroubaceae chu 杵|pestle/to poke chu 滁|name of a river in Anhui chu 岀|old variant of 出[chu1] chu 黜|to dismiss from office/to expel chu 刍|to mow or cut grass/hay/straw/fodder chu 怵|fearful/timid/to fear chu 搐|to twitch; to have a spasm chu 鉏|hoe chu 锄|a hoe/to hoe or dig/to weed/to get ri... chu 楮|Broussonetia kasinoki chu 幮|a kind of mosquito net/bed curtain chu 禇|erroneous form of 褚 chu 俶|to begin chu 処|old variant of 處|处[chu3] chu 绌|crimson silk/deficiency/to stitch chu 躇|used in 躊躇|踌躇[chou2chu2] chu 鄐|surname Chu chu 憷|to be afraid chu 蹰|used in 踟躕|踟蹰[chi2chu2] chu 蒭|old variant of 芻|刍[chu2] chu 蒢|hedysarum chu 蜍|Bufo vulgaris/toad chu 篨|crude bamboo mat chu 閦|crowd/transliteration of Sanskrit \'ks... chu 豖|a shackled pig chu 䢺|(used in place names) chu 耡|hoe chu 鶵|variant of 雛|雏[chu2] chu 㛀|pregnant woman (archaic) chu 䝙|(archaic) animal resembling a tiger chu 歜|(person)/angry chu-rujing 出入境|to leave or enter a country chua 欻|(onom.) crashing sound chuai 揣|to put into (one\'s pockets, clothes)/... chuai 揣|to estimate/to guess/to figure/to sur... chuai 膗|(dialect) grossly overweight; obese chuai 踹|to kick/to trample/to tread on chuai 嘬|(literary) to gnaw/to eat ravenously chuai 膪|used in 囊膪[nang1 chuai4] chuai 搋|to knead/to rub/to clear a drain with... chuaice 揣测|to guess/to conjecture chuaiduo 揣度|to estimate/to surmise/to appraise chuaigong 踹共|(Tw) (neologism c. 2010) to speak one... chuaijiji 出埃及记|Book of Exodus/Second Book of Moses chuaimian 搋面|to knead dough chuaimo 揣摩|to analyze/to try to figure out/to tr... chuaixiang 揣想|to conjecture chuaizaihuaili 揣在怀里|to tuck into one\'s bosom chuaizaihuaili 搋在怀里|to tuck into one\'s bosom/also written... chuaizhemingbaizhuanghutu 揣着明白装糊涂|to pretend to not know/to play dumb chuaizi 搋子|plunger (for clearing drains) chuan 川|abbr. for Sichuan Province 四川[Si4 chu... chuan 川|(bound form) river/creek/plain/an are... chuan 船|variant of 船[chuan2] chuan 船|boat/vessel/ship/CL:條|条[tiao2],艘[sou1... chuan 传|to pass on/to spread/to transmit/to i... chuan 穿|to wear/to put on/to dress/to bore th... chuan 串|to string together/to skewer/to conne... chuan 钏|surname Chuan chuan 钏|armlet/bracelet chuan 氚|(chemistry) tritium chuan 喘|to gasp/to pant/asthma chuan 荈|Thea sinensis chuan 椽|beam/rafter/classifier for rooms chuan 舛|mistaken/erroneous/contradictory chuan 伝|Japanese variant of 傳|传 chuan 巛|old variant of 川[chuan1] chuan 玔|jade ring chuan 遄|to hurry/to go to and fro chuan 瑏|(jade) chuanbang 穿帮|(TV or movie) blooper/continuity erro... chuanbang 船帮|side of boat or ship/gunwale chuanbangdai 传帮带|to pass on experience (to the next ge... chuanbao 传报|notification/memorial chuanbei 川贝|Sichuan fritillary bulb (Bulbus friti... chuanben 传本|edition (of a book) currently in circ... chuanbian 传遍|to spread widely chuanbo 船舶|shipping/boats chuanbo 传播|to disseminate; to propagate; to spread chuanbosifang 传播四方|to disseminate in every direction (id... chuanbu 船埠|wharf/quay chuanbu 传布|to spread; to propagate; to disseminate chuanbuguo 喘不过|to be unable to breathe easily chuanbuguoqilai 喘不过气来|to be unable to breathe chuancai 川菜|Sichuan or Szechuan cuisine chuancan 传参|to pass an argument (computing) (abbr... chuancang 船舱|hold of ship chuancha 穿插|to insert/to take turns, alternate/to... chuanchang 船厂|shipyard/shipbuilder\'s yard chuanchang 传唱|to pass on a song chuanchao 传抄|to copy (a text) from person to perso... chuancheng 传承|to pass on (to future generations)/pa... chuanchu 传出|to transmit outwards/to disseminate/e... chuanchuli 串处理|string processing (computing) chuanchushenjing 传出神经|efferent nerve (transmitting out from... chuanci 穿刺|(medicine) to puncture; to do a needl... chuancuqi 喘粗气|to pant heavily chuanda 传达|to pass on/to convey/to relay/to tran... chuanda 穿搭|(Tw) to mix and match; outfit coordin... chuandai 穿戴|to dress; to be dressed/clothing; app... chuandai 传代|to pass to the next generation chuandan 传单|leaflet; flier; pamphlet chuandang 川党|Sichuan codonopsis (Codonopsis pilosu... chuandangshen 川党参|Sichuan codonopsis (Codonopsis pilosu... chuandao 传导|to conduct (heat, electricity etc) chuandao 传道|to lecture on doctrine/to expound the... chuandaobu 传道部|mission chuandaojiangxin,bulouchi 船到江心,补漏迟|It\'s too late to plug the leak once s... chuandaomatou,chedaozhan 船到码头,车到站|The ship has docked, the carriage has... chuandaoqiaomenzihuizhi 船到桥门自会直|lit. when the ship arrives at the bri... chuandaoqiaotouziranzhi 船到桥头自然直|lit. when the boat reaches the bridge... chuandaoshouye 传道受业|to teach (idiom); lit. to give moral ... chuandaoshu 传道书|Ecclesiastes (biblical book of sermons) chuandaozhe 传道者|missionary/preacher chuandashi 传达室|reception office/janitor\'s office chuandayuan 传达员|usher/receptionist chuandeng 传灯|to pass on the light of Buddha chuandi 传递|to transmit; to pass on to sb else/(m... chuandianzang 川滇藏|Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet chuandizhe 传递者|messenger; transmitter (of information) chuandizuo 船底座|Carina (constellation) chuandong 传动|drive (transmission in an engine) chuandong 船东|ship owner chuandong 穿洞|pierce chuandongbi 传动比|transmission ratio/gear ratio chuandongdai 传动带|transmission belt chuandongjigou 传动机构|transmission mechanism chuandongqi 传动器|drive (engine) chuandongxitong 传动系统|transmission system/power drive chuandongzhou 传动轴|drive shaft chuandongzhuangzhi 传动装置|(automobile) transmission chuanduankangcheng 川端康成|Kawabata Yasunari, Japanese literatur... chuandui 船队|fleet (of ships) chuanduo 船舵|rudder/helm of a ship chuanfa 传发|to order sb to start on a journey chuanfa 传法|to pass on doctrines from master to d... chuanfan 船帆|sail chuanfan 穿反|to wear inside out (clothes) chuanfang 船方|ship (commerce) chuanfanzuo 船帆座|Vela (constellation) chuanfen 传粉|pollination/to pollinate chuanfu 船夫|boatman chuang 窗|old variant of 窗[chuang1] chuang 窗|variant of 窗[chuang1] chuang 窗|window/CL:扇[shan4] chuang 床|bed; couch (furniture that one can li... chuang 床|variant of 床[chuang2] chuang 创|variant of 創|创[chuang4] chuang 创|(bound form) a wound; to wound chuang 创|to initiate; to create; to achieve (s... chuang 怆|mournful/sad/grieved/sorry chuang 幢|banner; pennant (in ancient China) chuang 疮|sore/skin ulcer chuang 囱|variant of 窗[chuang1] chuang 噇|(dialect) to eat or drink extravagantly chuang 刱|variant of 創|创[chuang1] chuang 刱|variant of 創|创[chuang4] chuang 闯|to rush/to charge/to dash/to break th... chuangan 传感|sensing (electronics)/telepathy chuangang 串岗|to leave one\'s post while on duty chuanganqi 传感器|sensor; transducer chuangao 传告|to pass on (a message); to relay (the... chuangba 疮疤|scar chuangban 创办|to establish; to found chuangbanren 创办人|founder (of an institution etc) chuangbanzhe 创办者|founder; creator chuangbian 床边|bedside chuangboli 窗玻璃|window pane chuangce 床侧|bedside chuangchuang 幢幢|(literary) (of light, shadows) flicke... chuangchumingtang 闯出名堂|to make a name for oneself chuangdan 床单|bed sheet/CL:條|条[tiao2],件[jian4],張|张[... chuangdang 闯荡|to leave home to make one\'s way in th... chuangdangjianghu 闯荡江湖|to travel around the country chuangdian 床垫|mattress/CL:張|张[zhang1] chuangei 传给|to pass on to; to transfer to; to han... chuanggou 窗钩|window hook/window latch chuangguan 闯关|to crash through a barrier chuangguanzhe 闯关者|person who crashes through a barrier/... chuangguo 闯过|to crash one\'s way through chuanghen 创痕|scar (physical or psychological) chuanghen 疮痕|scar/scarred skin chuanghongdeng 闯红灯|to run a red light/failing to stop at... chuanghu 窗户|window/CL:個|个[ge4],扇[shan4] chuanghua 窗花|paper cutting chuanghui 创汇|to earn foreign exchange chuanghuling 窗户棂|window lattice chuanghuo 闯祸|to cause an accident; to make trouble... chuangji 床技|skills in bed/sexual prowess chuangjia 疮痂|scab chuangjian 创建|to found; to establish chuangjian 创见|an original idea chuangjianxing 创见性|original (idea, discovery etc) chuangjianzhe 创建者|founder; creator chuangjiaxuehui 创价学会|Soka Gakkai International chuangjilu 创记录|to set a record chuangjin 闯进|to burst in chuangju 创举|pioneering work chuangjutongshen 创巨痛深|(idiom) deeply distressed chuangkan 创刊|to start publishing; to found a journal chuangkanhao 创刊号|first issue chuangketie 创可贴|band-aid; sticking plaster chuangkongmen 闯空门|to break into a house when nobody is ... chuangkou 窗口|window/opening providing restricted a... chuangkou 创口|wound; cut chuangkou 疮口|wound/open sore chuangkouqi 窗口期|window (interval of time)/(epidemiolo... chuangkoutie 创口贴|band-aid chuangkuang 窗框|window frame chuangli 创立|to establish; to set up; to found chuangli 创利|to make a profit chuangli 床笠|fitted bed sheet chuanglian 窗帘|window curtains chuanglian 创练|to form and train (a military unit)/t... chuangling 窗棂|window lattice chuangling 床铃|baby mobile/crib mobile chuanglingzi 窗棂子|window lattice chuangliren 创立人|founder chuanglizhe 创立者|founder chuangman 窗幔|curtain chuangmingjijing 窗明几净|lit. clear window and clean table (id... chuangong 船工|boatman/boat builder chuangong 串供|to collude to fabricate a story chuangpaizi 创牌子|(of a company) to establish a brand name chuangpu 床铺|bed chuangru 闯入|to intrude/to charge in/to gate-crash chuangshan 窗扇|window/the opening panel of a window chuangshang 创伤|wound; injury; trauma chuangshanghou 创伤后|post-traumatic chuangshanghouxinliyalijinzhangzonghezheng 创伤后心理压力紧张综合症|post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) chuangshanghouyali 创伤后压力|post-traumatic stress chuangshanghouyaliwenluan 创伤后压力紊乱|post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD chuangshangxi 床上戏|sex scene (in a movie etc) chuangshe 创设|to establish; to set up/to create (su... chuangshi 创始|to initiate; to found chuangshi 窗饰|window decoration chuangshi 创世|the creation of the world chuangshiji 创世纪|Genesis (first book of the Bible)/the... chuangshiji 创世纪|creation myth chuangshiji 创世记|Genesis (first book of the Bible) chuangshilun 创世论|creationism chuangshiren 创始人|creator; founder; initiator chuangshizhe 创始者|creator; initiator chuangshou 创收|to generate revenue; to create extra ... chuangtai 窗台|windowsill; window ledge chuangti 窗体|form (used in programming languages s... chuangtong 创痛|pain from a wound chuangtou 床头|bedhead/bedside/headboard chuangtougui 床头柜|bedside cabinet chuangtoujijin 创投基金|venture capital fund chuangu 川谷|same as 薏苡[yi4 yi3] chuanguan 传观|to pass sth around (for others to loo... chuanguo 穿过|to pass through chuangwang 闯王|Chuangwang or Roaming King, adopted n... chuangwangling 闯王陵|mausoleum to the late-Ming peasant re... chuangwei 床位|bed (in hospital, hotel, train etc)/b... chuangwei 窗帷|curtain chuangxi 床戏|sex scene (in a movie etc) chuangxia 创下|to establish; to set (a new record) chuangxiagaopiaofang 创下高票房|to set a box office record chuangxin 创新|to bring forth new ideas; to blaze ne... chuangxinjingshen 创新精神|creativity chuangyan 床沿|bedside chuangyang 疮疡|sore; skin ulcer chuangye 创业|to begin an undertaking; to start an ... chuangyejingshen 创业精神|enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit chuangyetouzi 创业投资|venture capital chuangyezhe 创业者|entrepreneur chuangyi 创意|creative/creativity chuangyi 疮痍|wound/skin ulcer/(fig.) the desolatio... chuangyi 创译|transcreation (adaptation of a creati... chuangyi 创议|to propose/proposal chuangyimanmu 疮痍满目|a scene of devastation meets the eye ... chuangyou 创优|to strive for excellence chuangyou 床友|(slang) friend with benefits/casual s... chuangzao 创造|to create/to bring about/to produce/t... chuangzaoli 创造力|ingenuity/creativity chuangzaolun 创造论|creationism (religion) chuangzaoxing 创造性|creativeness/creativity chuangzaozhe 创造者|creator chuangzaozhu 创造主|Creator (Christianity) chuangzhang 床帐|bed curtain/mosquito net chuangzhao 床罩|bedspread chuangzhi 创制|to formulate; to institute; to create chuangzi 窗子|window chuangzi 床笫|bed and bamboo sleeping mat/(fig.) be... chuangzizhishi 床笫之事|bedroom matters/sexual intercourse chuangzizhisi 床笫之私|intimate matters chuangzuo 创作|to create; to produce; to write/a cre... chuangzuoli 创作力|originality chuangzuozhe 创作者|creator; author chuanhang 串行|to miss a line/to confuse two lines chuanhao 串号|identification number/IMEI chuanhetoushanque 川褐头山雀|(bird species of China) Sichuan tit (... chuanhu 传呼|to notify sb of a call/to call sb to ... chuanhu 船户|boatman/boat dweller chuanhua 传话|to pass on a story/to communicate a m... chuanhuan 传唤|a summons (to the police)/subpoena chuanhuan 串换|to exchange/to change/to swap chuanhuaren 传话人|messenger/communicator/relay chuanhudianhua 传呼电话|neighborhood telephone, with sb in ch... chuanhui 川汇|Chuanhui district of Zhoukou city 周口市... chuanhui 传回|to send back chuanhui 穿回|to put on (clothes)/to put (clothes) ... chuanhuiqu 川汇区|Chuanhui district of Zhoukou city 周口市... chuanhuji 传呼机|pager; beeper chuanhuo 船货|cargo chuanji 船籍|ship\'s registry chuanji 传寄|to send (message to sb)/to communicat... chuanjia 传家|to pass on through the generations chuanjia 船家|person who lives and makes a living o... chuanjiabao 传家宝|family heirloom chuanjian 船舰|navy vessel/(coast guard) patrol boat chuanjian 传见|to summon for an interview chuanjiang 船桨|oar chuanjiang 传讲|to preach chuanjianguo 川建国|nickname for US President Trump 川普[Ch... chuanjiao 传教|to preach/missionary/to evangelize chuanjiaoshi 传教士|missionary chuanjiaotuan 传教团|a mission (group of missionaries) chuanjie 传戒|(Buddhism) to initiate sb for monkhoo... chuanjigang 船籍港|ship\'s port of registry chuanjindaiyin 穿金戴银|richly bedecked/dripping with gold an... chuanjing 传经|to pass on scripture/to teach Confuci... chuanju 川剧|Sichuan opera chuankai 传开|(of news) to spread/to get around chuanke 船壳|hull (of a ship) chuankong 穿孔|to punch a hole; to perforate/(medici... chuankou 串口|serial port (computing) chuanlai 传来|(of a sound) to come through/to be he... chuanlan 船缆|ship\'s hawser/rigging chuanlaoda 船老大|coxswain/steersman/boatswain (bo\'sun) chuanlian 串联|to establish ties; to contact/(electr... chuanling 传令|to transmit an order chuanlingbing 传令兵|(military) messenger/orderly chuanliu 传流|to spread/to hand down/to circulate chuanliu 串流|to stream (online) chuanliubuxi 川流不息|the stream flows without stopping (id... chuanluyuesuzheminxianghui 川鲁粤苏浙闽湘徽|the cuisines of Sichuan, Shandong, Gu... chuanmalu 穿马路|to cross (a street) chuanmei 传媒|media chuanmen 串门|to call on sb/to drop in/to visit sb\'... chuanmenr 串门儿|erhua variant of 串門|串门[chuan4 men2] chuanmenzi 串门子|see 串門|串门[chuan4 men2] chuanmin 船民|people who live and make a living on ... chuanming 传名|to spread one\'s reputation chuanmou 串谋|to conspire chuanmuxiang 川木香|root of Vladimiria souliei (used in T... chuanpeng 船篷|ship\'s sail chuanpiao 传票|summons/subpoena/voucher chuanpiao 船票|ship ticket chuanpo 穿破|to wear out (clothes)/to pierce (a me... chuanpu 川普|Sichuanese pidgin (the mix of Standar... chuanqi 传奇|legendary/fantasy saga/romance/short ... chuanqi 喘气|to breathe deeply; to pant; to gasp/t... chuanqi 川崎|Kawasaki (name) chuanqinfangyou 串亲访友|to call on friends and relations (idiom) chuanqing 传情|to pass on amorous feelings/to send o... chuanqirenwu 传奇人物|legendary person/legend (i.e. person) chuanqiu 传球|(sports) to pass the ball chuanran 传染|to infect/contagious chuanranbing 传染病|infectious disease; contagious diseas... chuanranbingxue 传染病学|epidemiology chuanranxing 传染性|infectious; contagious/infectiousness... chuanranyuan 传染源|source of an infection chuanre 传热|to transmit heat chuanren 传人|to teach/to impart/a disciple/descendant chuanru 传入|to import/transmitted inwards/afferent chuanrushenjing 传入神经|afferent nerve (transmitting in to th... chuansanguosi 传三过四|to spread rumors/to gossip chuansha 川沙|Chuansha, name of street and park in ... chuanshan 船山|Chuanshan district of Suining city 遂寧... chuanshang 穿上|to put on (clothes etc) chuanshangjiaohuo 船上交货|Free On Board (FOB) (transportation) chuanshanjia 穿山甲|pangolin (Manis pentadactylata)/scaly... chuanshanqu 船山区|Chuanshan district of Suining city 遂寧... chuanshao 串烧|to cook on a skewer/barbecued food on... chuanshao 船艄|stern of boat chuanshen 船身|hull/body of a ship chuanshen 传神|vivid/lifelike chuansheng 传声|to transmit sound chuanshengqi 传声器|microphone chuanshengtong 传声筒|loudhailer/megaphone/one who parrots ... chuanshi 传世|handed down from ancient times/family... chuanshou 传授|to impart; to pass on; to teach chuanshou 船首|ship\'s bow chuanshu 传输|to transmit/transmission chuanshu 传述|to relay/to retell chuanshuceng 传输层|transport layer chuanshufuwu 传输服务|transport service chuanshuge 传书鸽|carrier pigeon (used for mail) chuanshujishu 传输技术|transmission technology chuanshujuli 传输距离|transmission distance chuanshukongzhi 传输控制|transmission control chuanshukongzhixieding 传输控制协定|transmission control protocol/TCP chuanshulv 传输率|transmission rate chuanshumeiti 传输媒体|transmission medium chuanshumeizhi 传输媒质|transmission medium chuanshumoshi 传输模式|transfer mode/transmission method chuanshuo 传说|legend; folk tale/to repeat from mout... chuanshushebei 传输设备|transmission facility/transmission eq... chuanshusulv 传输速率|transmission rate; transmission speed chuanshutongdao 传输通道|transport channel chuanshuxian 传输线|transmission line chuanshuxieding 传输协定|transfer protocol/transportation prot... chuansong 传送|to convey; to deliver; to transmit chuansong 传颂|to eulogize/to pass on praise chuansong 传诵|widely known/on everyone\'s lips chuansongdai 传送带|conveyor belt/transmission belt chuansongfuwu 传送服务|delivery service chuansuo 穿梭|to travel back and forth/to shuttle chuantangfeng 穿堂风|draft chuanti 船体|hull/body of a ship chuanti 船梯|ship\'s ladder chuantong 传统|tradition/traditional/convention/conv... chuantong 串通|to collude/to collaborate/to gang up chuantongyiqi 串通一气|to act in collusion (idiom) chuantongyiyao 传统医药|Chinese traditional medicine chuantongzhongguoyiyao 传统中国医药|Chinese traditional medicine chuantou 穿透|to penetrate chuantou 船头|the bow or prow of a ship chuantoufushe 穿透辐射|penetrating radiation chuanwa 船袜|ankle socks/invisible socks chuanwai 川外|abbr. for 四川外國語大學|四川外国语大学[Si4 chuan1 ... chuanwei 船尾|back end of a ship/aft chuanwei 船位|ship\'s position chuanwei 串味|to become tainted with the smell of s... chuanweizuo 船尾座|Puppis (constellation) chuanwen 传闻|rumor chuanwenzhengju 传闻证据|hearsay (law) chuanwu 船坞|dock; shipyard chuanwu 舛误|error; mistake chuanxi 传习|teaching and learning/to study and im... chuanxi 川西|Western Sichuan chuanxi 喘息|to gasp for breath/to take a breather chuanxi 传檄|to circulate (a protest or call to ar... chuanxi 串戏|to act in a play/(of an amateur) to p... chuanxian 船舷|the sides of a ship/(fig.) the dividi... chuanxian 串线|to get the lines crossed chuanxiang 串乡|to go from village to village (like a... chuanxiao 传销|multi-level marketing chuanxiaoxie 穿小鞋|lit. to make sb wear tight shoes (idi... chuanxie 传写|to copy/to pass on a copy chuanxing 串行|series/serial (computer) chuanxing 穿行|to go through; to pass through; to th... chuanxingkou 串行口|serial port (computing) chuanxinshu 传心术|telepathy chuanxiong 川芎|chuanxiong rhizome (rhizome of Ligust... chuanxun 传讯|to summon (a witness)/to subpoena chuanxuxu 喘吁吁|to puff and blow chuanxuxu 喘嘘嘘|variant of 喘吁吁[chuan3 xu1 xu1] chuanyan 传言|rumor/hearsay chuanyang 传扬|to spread (by word of mouth) chuanyao 传谣|to spread rumors chuanyi 传艺|to impart skills/to pass on one\'s art chuanyi 穿衣|to put on clothes; to get dressed chuanyi 传译|to translate/to interpret chuanyijing 穿衣镜|full-length mirror chuanyin 串音|crosstalk/to overhear chuanying 船营|Chuanying district of Jilin city 吉林市,... chuanyingqu 船营区|Chuanying district of Jilin city 吉林市,... chuanyitiaokuzi 穿一条裤子|(of male friends) to have been throug... chuanyu 传语|to pass on (information) chuanyuan 船员|sailor/crew member chuanyue 穿越|to pass through/to traverse/to cross chuanyue 传阅|to read and pass on/to pass on for pe... chuanyueju 穿越剧|time travel series (on TV) chuanyueshikong 穿越时空|to travel through time chuanyun 船运|sea freight/shipping chuanyunye 船运业|shipping chuanzai 传载|to reprint; to repost; to transmit (i... chuanzang 川藏|Sichuan and Tibet chuanzao 穿凿|to bore a hole/to give a forced inter... chuanzaofuhui 穿凿附会|(idiom) to make far-fetched claims; t... chuanze 川泽|marshes/swamps chuanzha 船闸|a canal lock chuanzhang 船长|captain (of a boat)/skipper chuanzhen 传真|to fax/a fax/(literary) to portray vi... chuanzhen 穿针|to thread a needle chuanzhen 喘振|(of turbomachinery) to surge; to pulsate chuanzhen 川震|Sichuan great earthquake, the magnitu... chuanzhendianbao 传真电报|phototelegram chuanzheng 遄征|to hurry forward on an expedition/to ... chuanzhengdachen 船政大臣|Minister of Navy during Qing times chuanzhengxuetang 船政学堂|Fuzhou Naval College, a.k.a. Foochow ... chuanzhenhaoma 传真号码|fax number chuanzhenji 传真机|fax machine chuanzhenyinxian 穿针引线|lit. to thread a needle (idiom); fig.... chuanzhenzouxian 穿针走线|to thread a needle chuanzhi 船只|ship/boat/vessel chuanzhi 传旨|issue a decree chuanzhi 传质|(chemistry) mass transfer (as observe... chuanzhong 传种|to reproduce/to propagate chuanzhu 船主|ship\'s captain/owner of ship chuanzhuo 穿着|attire; clothes; dress chuanzhuodaban 穿着打扮|style of dress/one\'s appearance chuanzhuojiangjiu 穿着讲究|smart clothes/particular about one\'s ... chuanzi 椽子|beam/rafter chuanzi 川资|travel expenses chuanzongjiedai 传宗接代|to carry on one\'s ancestral line chuban 出版|to publish chubang 出榜|to publish class list of successful e... chubanshang 出版商|publisher chubanshe 出版社|publishing house chubanwu 出版物|publications chubanzhe 出版者|publisher chubao 出包|to contract out/to run into problems chubao 除暴|to eliminate outlaws chubaoanliang 除暴安良|to root out the strong and give peopl... chubei 储备|to store up/reserves chubeihuobi 储备货币|reserve currency chubeijin 储备金|reserves (bank) chubeiliang 储备粮|grain reserves chuben 出奔|to flee/to escape into exile chubi 储币|to deposit money chubianbujing 处变不惊|to remain calm in the face of events ... chubin 出殡|to accompany a deceased person to his... chubing 出兵|to send troops chubing 除冰|to defrost/to get rid of ice chubu 初步|initial/preliminary/tentative chubujin 除不尽|indivisible (math) chubushexiang 初步设想|tentative idea chucai 出彩|to perform outstandingly/outstanding;... chucai 出菜|(at a restaurant) to bring a dish to ... chucaixiu 出菜秀|dinner show/dinner and floor show chucan 出餐|(of a restaurant etc) to serve the me... chucang 储藏|to store/deposit/(oil, mineral etc) d... chucangshi 储藏室|storeroom/CL:間|间[jian1] chucao 除草|to weed chucao 锄草|to hoe/to weed chucao 出操|to drill/to exercise/to go outdoors f... chucao 出草|(of Taiwan aborigines) to go on a hea... chucaoji 除草剂|weed killer/herbicide chuchai 出差|to go on an official or business trip chuchan 出产|to produce (by natural growth, or by ... chuchan 除颤|to defibrillate/defibrillation chuchang 出场|(of a performer) to come onto the sta... chuchang 出厂|to leave the factory (of finished goods) chuchang 憷场|to get stage fright chuchangfei 出场费|appearance fee chuchangjia 出厂价|factory price chuchangshezhi 出厂设置|(computing) factory settings chuchao 出超|trade surplus/favorable balance of trade chuchao 初潮|menarche chuchazi 出岔子|to go wrong/to take a wrong turning chuche 出车|to dispatch a vehicle/(of a vehicle o... chuchen 除尘|to eliminate dust (i.e. filter out su... chuchenji 除尘机|dusting machine/dust filter chuchou 除臭|to deodorize chuchou 出丑|to make a fool of oneself chuchouji 除臭剂|deodorant chuchouzir 出臭子儿|to make a bad move (in a game of chess) chuchu 出处|source (esp. of quotation or literary... chuchu 处处|everywhere/in all respects chuchu 楚楚|neat/lovely chuchu 触处|everywhere chuchu-kelian 楚楚可怜|(idiom) pitiable; sweet, innocent and... chuchuang 初创|startup (company, phase etc); newly e... chuchuang 橱窗|display window chuchuanggongsi 初创公司|startup company chuchumaolu 初出茅庐|venturing from one\'s thatched hut for... chuci 初次|for the first time/first (meeting, at... chuci 楚辞|Songs of Chu, an anthology of poetic ... chucizhiwai 除此之外|apart from this/in addition to this chucun 储存|stockpile/to store/to stockpile/storage chucuo 出错|to make a mistake/error chucuoxinxi 出错信息|error message (computing) chudachai 出大差|lit. to go on a long trip/fig. to be ... chudao 出道|to start one\'s career/(of an entertai... chudeng 初等|elementary (i.e. easy) chudengdaishu 初等代数|elementary algebra chudengjiaoyu 初等教育|primary education/junior school educa... chudi 锄地|to hoe/to weed the soil chudian 触电|to get an electric shock/to be electr... chudianzi 出点子|to express an opinion/to offer advice chudiao 除掉|to eliminate chudidefen 触地得分|to score a try (sports)/to score a to... chudong 出动|to start out on a trip/to dispatch tr... chudong 触动|to touch/to stir up (trouble or emoti... chudong 初冬|early winter chudoumanzheng 触斗蛮争|constant bickering and fighting (idio... chuer 初二|2nd year in junior middle school/2nd ... chuer 雏儿|newly hatched bird/fig. inexperienced... chuerfaner 出尔反尔|old: to reap the consequences of one\'... chuewujin 除恶务尽|to eradicate evil completely (idiom);... chufa 处罚|to penalize/to punish chufa 出发|to set off/to start (on a journey) chufa 触发|to trigger/to spark chufa 除法|division (math.) chufa 触法|to break the law chufadian 出发点|starting point/(fig.) basis/motive chufan 触犯|to violate/to offend chufan 初犯|first offender/first offense chufan 出饭|(coll.) (of rice) to rise well (with ... chufang 厨房|kitchen/CL:間|间[jian1] chufang 处方|medical prescription/to write out a p... chufang 出访|to go and visit in an official capaci... chufangyao 处方药|prescription drug chufaqi 触发器|flip-flop (electronics) chufaqingdan 触发清单|trigger list chufayinxin 触发引信|an impact detonator chufei 除非|only if (..., or otherwise, ...)/only... chufei 畜肥|animal manure chufen 处分|to discipline sb/to punish/disciplina... chufeng 雏凤|lit. phoenix in embryo/fig. young tal... chufengkou 出风口|air vent; air outlet chufengtou 出风头|to push oneself forward/to seek fame/... chufengtou 出锋头|to push oneself forward/to seek fame/... chufenzi 出份子|to club together (to offer a gift)/to... chufu 初伏|the first of the three annual periods... chufu 出伏|to come to the end of the hottest per... chugan 触感|tactile sensation/touch/feel chugang 出港|to leave harbor/departure (at airport) chugangdating 出港大厅|departure lounge chugao 初稿|first draft (of writing) chugaozenger 蒭藁增二|same as 米拉, Mira (red giant star, Omi... chuge 出阁|(of a girl) to marry (literary) chuge 处格|locative case chuge 雏鸽|squab/nestling pigeon chuge 出格|to overstep the bounds of what is pro... chugen 除根|to root out/to eliminate the roots/to... chugeng 初更|first of the five night watch periods... chugong 出恭|to defecate (euphemism)/to go to the ... chugong 厨工|kitchen helper; assistant cook chugouji 除垢剂|detergent chugu 出菇|(mycology) to fruit chugu 初估|to make a preliminary estimate chuguan 出官|to leave the capital for an official ... chugui 出轨|to be derailed; to go off the rails/(... chugui 橱柜|cupboard/cupboard that can also be us... chugui 出柜|to come out of the closet/to reveal o... chuguo 出国|to go abroad; to leave the country chuguo 楚国|the state of Chu, one of the most imp... chuguo 除过|(dialect) except/besides chuhai 出海|to go out to sea/(neologism) to expan... chuhan 出汗|to perspire/to sweat chuhang 出航|to set out (on a trip) chuhanxiangzheng 楚汉相争|see 楚漢戰爭|楚汉战争[Chu3 Han4 Zhan4 zheng1] chuhanzhanzheng 楚汉战争|Chu-Han Contention (206-202 BC), powe... chuhao 出号|large-sized (of clothes, shoes)/(old)... chuhao 除号|division sign (math.) chuhehanjie 楚河汉界|lit. the river that divides Chu and H... chuhu 储户|(bank) depositor chuhu 出乎|due to/to stem from/to go beyond (als... chuhuaiwang 楚怀王|King Huai of Chu (reigned 328-299 BC)... chuhuan 刍豢|livestock/farm animals chuhun 初婚|to marry for the first time/to be new... chuhuo 出货|to take money or valuables out of sto... chuhuo 出活|to finish a job on time/to produce th... chuhuyiliao 出乎意料|beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected chuhuyiwai 出乎意外|beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected chuhuyuliao 出乎预料|beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected chui 锤|hammer/to hammer into shape/weight (e... chui 锤|variant of 錘|锤[chui2] chui 吹|to blow/to play a wind instrument/to ... chui 垂|to hang (down)/droop/dangle/bend down... chui 槌|mallet/pestle/beetle (for wedging or ... chui 捶|to beat (with a stick or one\'s fist);... chui 捶|variant of 捶[chui2] chui 炊|to cook food chui 腄|callus on the hand or foot/upper leg ... chui 棰|to flog/whip chui 棰|variant of 棰[chui2] chui 圌|name of a mountain chui 椎|hammer; mallet (variant of 槌[chui2])/... chui 埀|old variant of 垂[chui2] chui 陲|frontier chui 龡|to blow (a flute)/archaic version of 吹 chuibei 捶背|to massage sb\'s back by pounding it l... chuichui 垂垂|gradually/to drop chuichuipaipai 吹吹拍拍|to boast and flatter chuicuan 炊爨|to light a fire and cook a meal chuida 捶打|to beat; to pound; to thump chuidengbala 吹灯拔蜡|lit. to blow out the lamp and put out... chuidiao 垂钓|angling chuidizhe 吹笛者|piper chuifengji 吹风机|hair dryer chuifu 吹拂|to brush/to caress (of breeze)/to praise chuigan 吹干|to blow-dry chuigan 垂感|drape effect (fashion) chuigu 锤骨|malleus or hammer bone of middle ear chuigua 垂挂|to hang down/suspended chuiguan 吹管|blowpipe chuiguanyue 吹管乐|woodwind music chuigubing 锤骨柄|manubrium of malleus (handle of hamme... chuigushou 吹鼓手|(old) musicians at a wedding cortege ... chuihao 吹号|to blow a brass instrument chuihui 吹灰|to blow away dust chuihuizhili 吹灰之力|a slight effort chuihuzidengyan 吹胡子瞪眼|to get angry; to fume chuiji 捶击|to beat; to thump chuiju 炊具|cooking utensils/cookware/cooker chuikangjianmi 吹糠见米|instant results/lit. blow the husk an... chuikong 吹孔|(of a musical instrument) blow hole chuikoushao 吹口哨|to whistle chuilaba 吹喇叭|(lit.) blowing the trumpet/(fig.) to ... chuilao 垂老|approaching old age chuile 吹了|failed; busted; to have not succeeded... chuilei 垂泪|to shed tears chuilei 吹擂|to talk big/to boast chuilengfeng 吹冷风|to blow cold/damping expectations by ... chuiliantingzheng 垂帘听政|lit. to govern from behind the curtai... chuiliu 垂柳|weeping willow (Salix babylonica) chuimaoqiuci 吹毛求疵|lit. to blow apart the hairs upon a f... chuimie 吹灭|to blow out (a flame) chuimu 垂幕|canopy chuimuzhinian 垂暮之年|old age chuinian 垂念|(courteous) to be so kind as to think... chuiniu 吹牛|to talk big/to shoot off one\'s mouth/... chuiniupaima 吹牛拍马|to resort to bragging and flattering chuiniupi 吹牛皮|to boast/to talk big chuipai 吹拍|to resort to bragging and flattering/... chuipeng 吹捧|to flatter/to laud sb\'s accomplishmen... chuiqi 垂泣|to shed tears chuiqi 吹气|to blow air (into) chuiqi 炊器|cooking vessels (archaeology) chuiqing 垂青|to show appreciation for sb/to look u... chuiqiu 槌球|croquet chuiqiuji 吹球机|lottery machine chuisan 吹散|to disperse chuishao 吹哨|to blow a whistle/to whistle chuishaoren 吹哨人|whistleblower chuishi 炊事|cooking chuishiyuan 炊事员|cook/kitchen worker chuisi 垂死|dying chuisizhengzha 垂死挣扎|deathbed struggle/final struggle (idiom) chuitai 吹台|(coll.) to fall through/to result in ... chuiti 垂体|pituitary gland chuitiao 垂髫|hair hanging down (child\'s hairstyle)... chuitousangqi 垂头丧气|hanging one\'s head dispiritedly (idio... chuitousha 锤头鲨|a hammerhead shark chuiwei 垂危|close to death/life-threatening (illn... chuixi 吹熄|to blow out (a flame) chuixi 吹袭|(of wind) to blow fiercely; (of a sto... chuixia 垂下|to hang down chuixian 垂线|(math.) perpendicular line/vertical line chuixian 垂涎|to water at the mouth/to drool chuixiansanchi 垂涎三尺|to drool (over) (idiom)/to yearn for/... chuixianyudi 垂涎欲滴|to drool with desire (idiom); to envy... chuixiao 吹箫|to play the xiao 簫|箫[xiao1] (mouth or... chuixiaoqishi 吹箫乞食|to beg while playing the xiao 簫|箫[xia... chuixiong 捶胸|to beat one\'s chest chuixiongdunzu 捶胸顿足|(idiom) to beat one\'s chest and stamp... chuixu 吹嘘|to brag chuixuanfenci 垂悬分词|dangling participle (grammar) chuixuanjiegou 垂悬结构|dangling element (grammar) chuiyan 炊烟|smoke from kitchen chimneys chuiyangliu 垂杨柳|weeping willow chuiyeji 吹叶机|leaf blower (machine) chuiyushou 吹竽手|player of the yu 竽[yu2] (free reed wi... chuizhang 吹胀|to blow up/to inflate chuizhenbianfeng 吹枕边风|to sway (sb) through pillow talk chuizhi 垂直|perpendicular; vertical chuizhiheduanjuqiluofeiji 垂直和短距起落飞机|vertical or short takeoff and landing... chuizhiqiluofeiji 垂直起落飞机|vertical takeoff and landing aircraft chuizhiweiyi 垂直尾翼|(aviation) tailfin; vertical stabilizer chuizhixian 垂直线|vertical line chuizhizhou 垂直轴|vertical shaft/(math.) vertical axis chuizhou 炊帚|pot-scrubbing brush, made from bamboo... chuizi 锤子|hammer/CL:把[ba3] chuizi 捶子|drum stick; bass drum mallet/CL:把[ba3] chuizou 吹奏|to play (wind instruments) chuji 初级|junior/primary chuji 出击|to sally/to attack chuji 触及|to touch (physically, one\'s feelings ... chuji 处级|(administrative) department-level chuji 雏鸡|chick/newly hatched chicken chuji 出继|to become adopted as heir chuji 雏妓|underage prostitute chuji 出辑|to release an album (of a musician) chuji 触击|to touch/to tap/to contact/(baseball)... chujia 出价|to bid chujia 出嫁|to get married (of woman) chujia 出家|to enter monastic life; to become a m... chujian 锄奸|to weed out the traitors chujian 出尖|out of the ordinary/outstanding/egreg... chujianr 出尖儿|erhua variant of 出尖[chu1 jian1] chujiao 触角|antenna/feeler chujiao 触礁|(of a ship) to strike a reef/(fig.) t... chujiaren 出家人|monk; nun (Buddhist or Daoist) chujie 出借|to lend/to put out a loan chujie 出界|to cross a border/(sport) to go out o... chujing 出境|to leave a country or region/outbound... chujing 处境|situation (of a person) chujing 出镜|to appear on camera/to play a role in... chujing 出警|to dispatch police to the scene of cr... chujing 处警|(of police etc) to deal with an emerg... chujing 出惊|see 吃驚|吃惊[chi1 jing1] chujing 除净|to remove completely; to eliminate; t... chujingnang 储精囊|seminal vesicle chujingshangqing 触景伤情|circumstances that evoke mixed feelin... chujingshengqing 触景生情|scene which recalls past memories (id... chujiqu 触技曲|toccata chujiubuxin 除旧布新|to get rid of the old to bring in the... chujiugengxin 除旧更新|to replace the old with new (idiom) chujixiaoxue 初级小学|lower elementary school (abbr. to 初小[... chujizhongxue 初级中学|junior high school/junior middle school chuju 厨具|kitchen implements chuju 雏菊|daisy chuju 出具|to issue (document, certificate etc)/... chuju 出局|(of a batter) to be put out (in baseb... chuju 怵惧|fear/dread/panic chujuan 出圈|to remove manure from a cowshed or pi... chujue 处决|to execute (a condemned criminal) chujue 触觉|sense of touch; tactile sensation chujuhuahuan 雏菊花环|daisy chain/chain sinnet chujun 储君|heir apparent to a throne chukai 除开|besides/except/to get rid of (sb)/(ma... chukepaianjingqi 初刻拍案惊奇|Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part... chukongban 触控板|touchpad chukongbi 触控笔|stylus pen chukongdian 触控点|pointing stick (for notebook computer) chukongping 触控屏|touchscreen chukongpingmu 触控屏幕|touchscreen chukongshiyingmu 触控式萤幕|touchscreen chukongyingmu 触控萤幕|touchscreen/touch panel chukou 出口|an exit/CL:個|个[ge4]/to speak/to expor... chukouchengzhang 出口成章|(idiom) (of one\'s speech) eloquent/ar... chukoudiaocha 出口调查|exit poll chukoue 出口额|export amount chukouhuo 出口货|exports/goods for export chukouqi 出口气|to take one\'s revenge/to score off sb chukoushang 出口商|exporter/export business chukoushangpin 出口商品|export product/export goods chulai 出来|to come out/to appear/to arise chulai 出来|(after a verb, indicates coming out, ... chulaihunchizaoyaohuande 出来混迟早要还的|if you live a life of crime, sooner o... chulaizhadao 初来乍到|to be a newcomer/just off the boat chulan 畜栏|pen for livestock chulaoqian 出老千|to cheat (in gambling) chule 除了|besides/apart from (... also...)/in a... chulei 畜类|domestic animal chuleibacui 出类拔萃|to excel the common (idiom); surpassi... chuleipangtong 触类旁通|to comprehend (new things) by analogy chuleshi 出了事|sth bad happened chuli 处理|to handle; to deal with/to punish/to ... chuli 矗立|to tower/standing tall and upright (o... chuli 畜力|animal power/animal-drawn (plow etc) chuli 出力|to exert oneself chuli 锄犁|plow chulian 初恋|first love chuliang 储量|remaining quantity/reserves (of natur... chuliang 刍粮|army provisions chuliang 出粮|(dialect) to pay salary chulianganjue 初恋感觉|feelings of first love chulie 出列|(military) to leave one\'s place in th... chulie 出猎|to go out hunting chulinengli 处理能力|processing capability/throughput chuling 除灵|to expel spirits/(old) to end the per... chulingyouyueding 除另有约定|unless otherwise agreed chuliqi 处理器|processor chuliu 出溜|to slip/to slide chuliupi 出溜屁|silent fart chulizhe 处理者|handler (computing) chulong 出笼|(of food) to be taken out of the stea... chulouzi 出漏子|to take a wrong turn/to go wrong chulouzi 出喽子|variant of 出婁子|出娄子[chu1 lou2 zi5] chulouzi 出娄子|to run into difficulties/to cause tro... chulouzi 出楼子|variant of 出婁子|出娄子[chu1 lou2 zi5] chulu 出路|a way out (lit. and fig.)/opportunity... chulu 出炉|to take out of the furnace/fresh out ... chulu 初露|first sign (of budding talent) chulu 出露|to emerge chuluanzi 出乱子|to go wrong/to get into trouble chulucaihua 初露才华|first sign of budding talent/to displ... chulufengmang 初露锋芒|first sign of budding talent/to displ... chuluo 出落|to grow (prettier etc)/to mature into... chulutoujiao 初露头角|lit. to first show one\'s horns (idiom... chuma 出马|to set out (on a campaign)/to stand f... chumai 出卖|to offer for sale; to sell/to sell ou... chumanqin,ganmandian 出满勤,干满点|to be assiduous and work full hours chumao 除毛|to remove hair; to depilate chumao 触毛|tactile hair; vibrissa; whisker chumaobing 出毛病|a problem appears/to break down chumei 触媒|catalyst chumei 触酶|catalase (enzyme) chumeitou 触楣头|variant of 觸霉頭|触霉头[chu4 mei2 tou2] chumeitou 触霉头|to cause sth unfortunate to happen (t... chumeizuoyong 触媒作用|catalysis chumen 出门|to go out/to leave home/to go on a jo... chumian 出面|to appear personally/to step in/to st... chumiao 出苗|to sprout/to come out (of seedling)/t... chuming 出名|well-known for sth/to become well kno... chuming 除名|to strike off (the rolls)/to remove f... chumo 触摸|to touch chumo 出没|to come and go/to roam about (mostly ... chumo 刍秣|hay/fodder chumoban 触摸板|touchpad/trackpad chumoping 触摸屏|touchscreen chumopingmu 触摸屏幕|touchscreen chumouhuace 出谋划策|to put forward plans and ideas (also ... chumowuchang 出没无常|to appear and disappear unpredictably chumu 触目|to meet the eye/eye-catching; conspic... chumujingxin 触目惊心|lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the h... chumujingxin 怵目惊心|lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the h... chumushangxin 触目伤心|distressing sight (idiom) chun 春|old variant of 春[chun1] chun 春|surname Chun chun 春|spring (season)/gay/joyful/youthful/l... chun 醇|alcohol/wine with high alcohol conten... chun 醇|old variant of 醇[chun2] chun 纯|pure/simple/unmixed/genuine chun 蠢|variant of 蠢[chun3]/stupid chun 蠢|stupid/sluggish/clumsy/to wiggle (of ... chun 唇|lip chun 唇|variant of 唇[chun2] chun 鹑|quail chun 莼|variant of 蓴|莼[chun2] chun 莼|used in 蓴菜|莼菜[chun2cai4] chun 蝽|bedbug chun 椿|Chinese toon (Toona sinensis)/tree of... chun 淳|genuine/pure/honest chun 淳|old variant of 淳[chun2] chun 漘|shore chun 杶|(tree) chun 萅|old variant of 春[chun1] chun 瑃|(a kind of jade) chun 鯙|Scomberomorus sinensis chun 輴|hearse chun 㝄|old variant of 純|纯[chun2] chun 㝇|old variant of 鶉|鹑[chun2] chun 㵮|clear water chun 䲠|see 鰆魚|䲠鱼[chun1 yu2] chun 𬭚|copper drum chuna 出纳|cashier/to receive and hand over paym... chunai 纯爱|pure love/BL, aka boys\' love (genre o... chunan 处男|virgin (male) chunan 淳安|Chun\'an county in Hangzhou 杭州[Hang2 z... chunanti 出难题|to raise a tough question chunanxian 淳安县|Chun\'an county in Hangzhou 杭州[Hang2 z... chunayuan 出纳员|cashier/teller/treasurer chunbai 纯白|pure white chunben 蠢笨|stupid chunbing 春饼|spring pancake, a Chinese flatbread wrap chunbo 春播|(agriculture) to sow in spring chuncai 唇彩|lip gloss chuncai 莼菜|water shield (Brasenia schreberi), an... chuncai 蠢材|idiot chuncai 蠢才|variant of 蠢材[chun3 cai2] chuncan 春蚕|Silkworms in Spring (1933), Chinese s... chuncen 春岑|Hill of Spring (derivation of Tel Avi... chuncha 春茶|tea leaves gathered at springtime or ... chunchi 唇齿|(fig.) close partners; interdependent chunchixiangyi 唇齿相依|lit. as close as lips and teeth (idio... chunchiyin 唇齿音|labiodental (e.g. the consonant f in ... chunchuanshi 春川市|Chuncheon city, capital of Gangwon pr... chunchunyudong 蠢蠢欲动|to begin to stir (idiom)/to get restl... chuncui 纯粹|pure/unadulterated/purely/completely chuncuishuxue 纯粹数学|pure mathematics chundamai 春大麦|spring barley chundan 蠢蛋|fool/dolt chundeng 春凳|(old) wooden bench chundengmi 春灯谜|Spring lantern riddles (guessing game... chundian 唇典|argot/codeword chundong 蠢动|to wriggle/(fig.) to stir up trouble/... chundu 纯度|purity chundu 唇读|to lip-read/lipreading chunelie 唇颚裂|cleft lip and palate chunfen 春分|Chunfen or Spring Equinox, 4th of the... chunfendian 春分点|the spring equinox chunfengdeyi 春风得意|flushed with success/proud of one\'s s... chunfengheqi 春风和气|(idiom) amiable as a spring breeze chunfenghuayu 春风化雨|lit. spring wind and rain (idiom); fi... chunfengmanmian 春风满面|pleasantly smiling/radiant with happi... chunfengshenzuidewanshang 春风深醉的晚上|Intoxicating Spring Nights, 1924 shor... chunfengyidu 春风一度|to have sexual intercourse (once) chunfu 春妇|prostitute chungao 唇膏|lip balm/lipstick chungeng 春耕|to plow a field in the spring chungeng-lukuai 莼羹鲈脍|(idiom) the dishes from one\'s hometow... chungong 春宫|Crown Prince\'s chambers/by extension,... chungu 春菇|spring mushroom chunguan 春灌|spring irrigation chunguang 春光|scenes of springtime/the radiance of ... chunguangmingmei 春光明媚|lovely spring sunshine chunguangzhaxie 春光乍泄|spring sunshine emerges to bring the ... chunhan 蠢汉|fool/ignoramus/dullard chunhehu 纯褐鹱|(bird species of China) Bulwer\'s petr... chunhou 醇厚|mellow and rich/simple and kind chunhou 淳厚|pure and honest/simple and kind chunhua 纯化|to purify chunhua 春画|erotic print/pornographic picture chunhua 蠢话|foolish talk; nonsense chunhua 春化|(agriculture) vernalization chunhua 淳化|Chunhua County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian... chunhuangju 春黄菊|yellow chrysanthemum/chamomile (Anthe... chunhuangjushu 春黄菊属|Anthemis, genus of flowers in Composi... chunhuaxian 淳化县|Chunhua County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian... chunhui 春晖|lit. spring sunshine/fig. parental (o... chunhuo 蠢货|blockhead/idiot/dunce/moron/fool chunian 初年|early years chuniang 厨娘|female cook chunji 春季|springtime chunjia 春假|spring break chunjian 纯碱|sodium carbonate; soda ash; Na2CO3 chunjianghuayueye 春江花月夜|River on a spring night, long yuefu p... chunjiangshuinuanyaxianzhi 春江水暖鸭先知|lit. the duck is the first to know if... chunjiao 唇角|corner of the mouth/labial angle chunjie 春节|Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) chunjie 纯洁|pure/clean and honest/to purify chunjielianhuanwanhui 春节联欢晚会|CCTV New Year\'s Gala, Chinese New Yea... chunjin 纯金|pure gold chunjing 纯净|pure/clean/unmixed chunjing 春景|spring scenery chunjingshui 纯净水|purified water chunjiu 春酒|banquet to celebrate the Spring Festi... chunjuan 春卷|egg roll/spring roll chunkun 春困|spring fatigue/spring fever chunlanxianweng 纯蓝仙鹟|(bird species of China) pale blue fly... chunli 纯利|net profit chunlian 春联|Spring Festival couplet (the first li... chunliang 纯良|pure and kindhearted chunlie 唇裂|cleft lip chunlin 春霖|spring rains chunling 春令|spring/springtime/spring weather chunliu 春柳|Spring Willow Society, pioneering Chi... chunliujuchang 春柳剧场|Spring Willow Society, pioneering Chi... chunliushe 春柳社|Spring Willow Society, pioneering Chi... chunliyi 纯利益|net profit chunluzhisi 莼鲈之思|(idiom) homesickness chunlv 蠢驴|silly ass chunmei 醇美|mellow/rich/superb chunmeng 春梦|spring dream/short-lived illusion/ero... chunmi 唇蜜|lip gloss chunmian 纯棉|pure cotton/100% cotton chunniunai 纯牛奶|pure milk chunpin 纯品|sterling chunpu 淳朴|simple and honest/unsophisticated/gui... chunpu 纯朴|variant of 淳樸|淳朴[chun2 pu3] chunqiangshejian 唇枪舌剑|(idiom) to cross verbal swords; to ha... chunqiangshezhan 唇枪舌战|see 唇槍舌劍|唇枪舌剑[chun2 qiang1 she2 jian4] chunqing 纯情|pure and innocent/a pure heart chunqing 春情|amorous feelings chunqiu 春秋|Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC)... chunqiu 春秋|spring and autumn/four seasons/year/a... chunqiudameng 春秋大梦|grand dreams/unrealistic ideas (idiom) chunqiudingsheng 春秋鼎盛|the prime of one\'s life chunqiufanlu 春秋繁露|Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autum... chunqiusanzhuan 春秋三传|Three Commentaries on the Spring and ... chunqiushidai 春秋时代|Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) chunqiuwuba 春秋五霸|the Five Hegemons of the Spring and A... chunqiuzhanguo 春秋战国|the Spring and Autumn (770-476 BC) an... chunqiuzhanguoshidai 春秋战国时代|the Spring and Autumn (770-476 BC) an... chunqiuzuoshizhuan 春秋左氏传|Mr Zuo\'s Spring and Autumn Annals, at... chunren 蠢人|fool/imbecile chunri 春日|Chunri or Chunjih township in Pingtun... chunribu 春日部|Kasukabe, city in Saitama Prefecture,... chunrixiang 春日乡|Chunri or Chunjih township in Pingtun... chunse 春色|colors of spring/spring scenery chunseyanyan 纯色岩燕|(bird species of China) dusky crag ma... chunsezaomei 纯色噪鹛|(bird species of China) scaly laughin... chunsezhuohuaniao 纯色啄花鸟|(bird species of China) plain flowerp... chunshe 唇舌|argument/words/lips and tongue chunsheng,xiazhang,qiushou,dongcang 春生,夏长,秋收,冬藏|sow in spring, develop in summer, har... chunshi 蠢事|folly chunshi 春试|metropolitan civil service examinatio... chunshu 纯熟|skillful/proficient chunshu 纯属|to be purely/pure and simple/sheer/ou... chunsu 纯素|plain; ordinary/vegan; vegetarian chunsuan 醇酸|alkyd/alcohol acid/hydroxyacid chunsuanshuzhi 醇酸树脂|alkyd resin chunsun 春笋|springtime bamboo shoots/fig. (of wom... chunsushi 纯素食|vegan/vegan food chunsushizhe 纯素食者|a vegan/person following a vegan diet chunsushizhuyi 纯素食主义|veganism, a diet consisting solely of... chunsuyan 纯素颜|see 素顏|素颜[su4 yan2] chuntian 春天|spring (season)/CL:個|个[ge4] chuntie 春贴|see 春聯|春联[chun1 lian2] chunu 触怒|to anger sb/to enrage chunv 处女|virgin; maiden/maiden (voyage etc); v... chunvhang 处女航|maiden voyage chunvmo 处女膜|hymen chunvzuo 处女作|first publication; maiden work chunvzuo 处女座|Virgo (constellation and sign of the ... chunwan 春晚|abbr. for 春節聯歡晚會|春节联欢晚会[Chun1 jie2 Li... chunwangchihan 唇亡齿寒|lit. without the lips, the teeth feel... chunwei 春闱|metropolitan civil service examinatio... chunwenben 纯文本|plain text (computing) chunwenzi 纯文字|text only (webpage) chunwenziye 纯文字页|text-only webpage chunwulifu 春武里府|Chonburi province of east Thailand chunxiang 椿象|stinkbug chunxiaqiudong 春夏秋冬|the four seasons/spring, summer, autu... chunxin 春心|amorous feelings/stirrings of love chunxing 春兴|carnal desire chunxingke 唇形科|Labiatae, the taxonomic family includ... chunxue 纯血|pure-blooded chunxuetong 纯血统|pure-blood; full-blood chunxun 春汛|spring flood chunyao 春药|aphrodisiac chunyi 春意|beginning of spring/thoughts of love chunyin 纯音|pure tone chunyin 唇音|labial consonant chunyin 唇印|lips-mark/hickey chunyou 春游|spring outing/spring excursion chunyu 春雨|spring rain/gift from above chunyu 淳于|two-character surname Chunyu chunyu 䲠鱼|Japanese Spanish mackerel (Scomberomo... chunyun 春运|(increased) passenger transportation ... chunzhen 纯真|innocent and unaffected/pure and unad... chunzheng 纯正|pure/unadulterated/(of motives etc) h... chunzhentianran 纯真天然|natural; authentic chunzhenwugou 纯真无垢|pure of heart chunzhong 纯种|purebred chunzhu 蠢猪|stupid swine/idiot chuo 戳|to jab/to poke/to stab/(coll.) to spr... chuo 辍|to stop (before completion)/to cease/... chuo 缀|variant of 輟|辍[chuo4] chuo 踔|to get ahead/to stride/to excel/Taiwa... chuo 婼|recalcitrant chuo 绰|(bound form) ample; spacious/(literar... chuo 啜|(literary) to drink/to sip/to sob chuo 逴|apparent/distant/highly chuo 磭|big lip chuo 辶|to walk (side part of split character) chuo 擉|to pierce/to break through chuo 龊|used in 齷齪|龌龊[wo4 chuo4] chuo 惙|mournful/uncertain chuo 歠|(literary) to drink/to sip/gruel/soup chuo 辵|to walk (side part of split character) chuo 醊|pour libation on ground chuo 婥|weak/delicate chuo 㲋|ancient name for an animal similar to... chuo 畷|raised path between fields chuobi 辍笔|to stop writing or painting/to leave ... chuobijiao 戳壁脚|to criticize behind sb\'s back/back-bi... chuobuzhu 戳不住|not up to it; cannot stand the test chuochao 辍朝|to suspend business at the imperial c... chuochuan 戳穿|to puncture/to lay bear or expose (li... chuochuanshiyan 戳穿试验|puncture test chuochuo-youyu 绰绰有余|(idiom) more than enough chuocigan 戳刺感|pins and needles (in muscle)/paresthesia chuoda 戳搭|to knock/to jab chuodezhu 戳得住|up to it/can stand the test chuofenr 戳份儿|to flaunt chuogeng 辍耕|to stop plowing/to give up a life in ... chuoger 戳个儿|physique chuogong 辍工|to stop work chuogu 戳咕|to stir up behind sb\'s back/to incite... chuohao 绰号|nickname chuohuo 戳祸|to stir up trouble chuoji 戳记|stamp/seal chuojiliang 戳脊梁|to criticize behind sb\'s back/back-bi... chuojilianggu 戳脊梁骨|to criticize behind sb\'s back/back-bi... chuoming 绰名|nickname chuopo 戳破|to puncture/to pierce/(fig.) to destr... chuoqi 啜泣|to sob chuor 戳儿|stamp/seal chuoshitubu 辍食吐哺|to stop eating and spit out chuotongdian 戳痛点|to touch a nerve chuoxin-guansui 戳心灌髓|(idiom) to strike at one\'s core; to d... chuoxue 辍学|to drop out of school/to leave off st... chuoyan 辍演|to stop performing a play/to interrup... chuoye 辍业|to give up work/to give up one\'s prof... chuoyin 啜饮|to sip chuoyue 绰约|(literary) graceful; charming chuozhi 辍止|to stop/to leave off chuozi 戳子|stamp/seal chupan 出盘|to sell up/to wind up a business chupeng 触碰|to touch/(fig.) to touch on (a matter) chupin 出品|to produce an item/output/items that ... chuping 触屏|touchscreen chupinren 出品人|producer (film) chupu 樗蒱|a kind of ancient game played with a ... chuqi 出奇|extraordinary/exceptional/unusual chuqi 出气|to vent one\'s anger/to breathe out; t... chuqi 初期|initial stage/beginning period chuqi 储气|gas storage chuqian 出钱|to pay chuqian 出千|see 出老千[chu1 lao3 qian1] chuqiangfuruo 锄强扶弱|to root out the strong and support th... chuqiao 出鞘|(of a sword etc) to unsheath chuqibuyi 出其不意|to do sth when least expected (idiom)... chuqibuyi,gongqibubei 出其不意,攻其不备|to catch an enemy off guard with a su... chuqiguan 储气罐|gas tank (for gas, not gasoline) chuqikou 出气口|gas or air outlet/emotional outlet chuqin 出勤|to go to work/to be present (at work,... chuqing 出清|to clear out accumulated items/(retai... chuqitong 出气筒|(metaphorical) punching bag; undeserv... chuqiu 初秋|early autumn/7th month of the lunar c... chuqiu 出糗|(coll.) to have sth embarrassing happen chuqizhisheng 出奇制胜|to win by a surprise move chuqu 出去|to go out chuqu 除去|to eliminate/to remove/except for/apa... chuquan 出圈|to gain popularity beyond the origina... chuquan 出拳|to throw a punch chuquanr 出圈儿|to overstep the bounds/to go too far chuque 出缺|to fall vacant/a job opening at a hig... churan 怵然|fearful churang 出让|to transfer (one\'s property or rights... churao 刍荛|to mow grass and cut firewood/grass m... churen 出任|to take up a post; to start in a new job churenhuo 褚人获|Chu Renhuo (1635-1682), author of his... churenming 出人命|fatal/resulting in sb\'s death churentoudi 出人头地|to stand out among one\'s peers (idiom... churenyibiao 出人意表|to exceed all expectations/to come as... churenyiliao 出人意料|unexpected (idiom)/surprising churenyiwai 出人意外|turned out other than expected (idiom... churu 出入|to go out and come in/entrance and ex... churujingguanliju 出入境管理局|Exit and Entry Administration Bureau ... churujingjianyanjianyiju 出入境检验检疫局|entry-exit inspection and quarantine ... churukou 出入口|gateway churumen 出入门|entrance and exit door churupingan 出入平安|lit. peace when you come or go/peace ... chusai 初赛|preliminary contest/initial heats of ... chusai 出赛|to compete/to take part (in a sports ... chusan 初三|third year in junior middle school chusang 出丧|to hold a funeral procession chuse 出色|remarkable; outstanding chushan 出山|to leave the mountain (of a hermit)/t... chushe 初设|first founded chushen 初审|preliminary trial chushen 出神|spellbound/entranced/lost in thought chushen 出身|to be born of/to come from/family bac... chusheng 出生|to be born chusheng 初生|newborn/nascent/primary (biology) chusheng 畜牲|variant of 畜生[chu4 sheng5] chusheng 畜生|domestic animal/brute/bastard chusheng 初声|the initial consonant (or doubled con... chusheng 出声|to make a sound/to speak/to cry out chusheng 初升|rising (sun, moon etc) chushengdi 出生地|birthplace chushengdidian 出生地点|place of birth chushenglv 出生率|birthrate chushengniudubupahu 初生牛犊不怕虎|lit. newborn calves do not fear tiger... chushengquexian 出生缺陷|birth defect chushengriqi 出生日期|date of birth chushengrusi 出生入死|from the cradle to the grave (idiom);... chushengzheng 出生证|birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1] chushengzhengming 出生证明|birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1] chushengzhengmingshu 出生证明书|birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1] chushengzhidubupahu 初生之犊不怕虎|see 初生之犢不畏虎|初生之犊不畏虎[chu1 sheng1 zhi1 ... chushengzhidubuweihu 初生之犊不畏虎|lit. a new-born calf has no fear of t... chushenruhua 出神入化|to reach perfection (idiom); a superb... chushenyinyue 出神音乐|trance (music genre) chushi 初始|initial/starting (point) chushi 出使|to go abroad as ambassador/to be sent... chushi 初试|preliminary exam/qualifying exam/firs... chushi 厨师|cook/chef chushi 出事|to have an accident/to meet with a mi... chushi 出示|to show/to take out and show to other... chushi 出师|to finish apprenticeship/to graduate/... chushi 处事|to handle affairs; to deal with matters chushi 处世|to conduct oneself in society chushi 出仕|to take up an official post chushi 出世|to be born/to come into being/to with... chushihua 初始化|(computing) to initialize/initialization chushiji 除湿机|dehumidifier chushiqi 除湿器|dehumidifier chushishenshou 初试身手|to have a try/to try one\'s hand/initi... chushiweijieshenxiansi 出师未捷身先死|\"he failed to complete his quest befo... chushiyuanze 处世原则|a maxim/one\'s principles chushiyuanze 处事原则|a maxim/one\'s principles chushizhang 厨师长|executive chef/head chef chushizhidao 处世之道|way of life/attitude/modus operandi chushou 出售|to sell/to offer for sale/to put on t... chushou 出手|to dispose of/to spend (money)/to und... chushou 触手|tentacle chushoukede 触手可得|within reach chushoukeji 触手可及|within reach chushu 除数|divisor (math.) chushu 处暑|Chushu or End of Heat, 14th of the 24... chushu 出书|to publish books chushuang 除霜|to defrost/defrosting chushui 出水|to discharge water/to appear out of t... chushui 储水|to store water chushuifurong 出水芙蓉|as a lotus flower breaking the surfac... chushuiguan 储水管|standpipe (firefighting water storage... chushuikou 出水口|water outlet/drainage outlet chushuixiang 储水箱|water-storage tank chusi 处死|an execution/to put sb to death chusi 厨司|(dialect) cook; chef chusui 除祟|to drive out devils and spirits exorcism chusuiliang 褚遂良|Chu Suiliang (596-659), one of Four G... chusuo 处所|place chutai 出台|to officially launch (a policy, progr... chutan 初探|to conduct an exploratory foray into ... chutangsijie 初唐四杰|the Four Great Poets of the Early Tan... chutangyanque 处堂燕雀|lit. a caged bird in a pavilion (idio... chutao 出逃|to run away/to flee (the country) chuti 出题|to draw up the theme (for discussion) chuti 怵惕|to be alarmed/to be apprehensive chuting 出庭|to appear in court chutou 锄头|hoe/CL:把[ba3] chutou 出头|to get out of a predicament/to stick ... chutou 憷头|to be afraid to stick out chutoudechuanzixianlan 出头的椽子先烂|lit. rafters that jut out rot first (... chutouniao 出头鸟|to stand out (among a group)/distingu... chutu 出土|to dig up/to appear in an excavation/... chutui 黜退|to demote/to dismiss chutuo 出脱|to manage to sell/to dispose of sth (... chuwai 出外|to go out/to leave for another place chuwai 除外|to exclude/not including sth (when co... chuwan 触腕|cephalopod tentacle chuwang 出亡|to go into exile chuwei 厨卫|kitchens and bathrooms chuwen 初文|archaic (and simpler) form of a Chine... chuwenti 出问题|to have sth go wrong/to have a proble... chuwu 储物|to store things; to stow items chuwugui 储物柜|locker; cabinet chuxi 除夕|lunar New Year\'s Eve chuxi 出息|to yield interest, profit etc/to exha... chuxi 出息|future prospects/profit/to mature/to ... chuxi 出戏|(of an actor) to disengage from the p... chuxi 出席|to attend/to participate/present chuxia 初夏|early summer chuxian 出现|to appear/to arise/to emerge/to show up chuxian 出线|(sports) to go out of bounds/to go ov... chuxian 出险|to get out of trouble/to escape from ... chuxian 触线|to cross the line/to overdo something... chuxiao 初小|lower elementary school (abbr. for 初級... chuxibiaojuebili 出席表决比例|proportion of those present and voting chuxie 除邪|to guard against evil/to exorcise chuxin 初心|(one\'s) original intention, aspiratio... chuxin 出新|to make new advances/to move forwards chuxing 出行|to go out somewhere (relatively short... chuxing 雏形|embryonic form/miniature model chuxing 处刑|to sentence/to condemn chuxing 雏型|model chuxingchanpin 雏形产品|prototype chuxingtu 雏形土|cambisol (soil taxonomy) chuxinjilv 处心积虑|to plot actively (idiom)/scheming/cal... chuxiong 楚雄|Chuxiong, county-level city, capital ... chuxiongshi 楚雄市|Chuxiong, county-level city, capital ... chuxiongyizuzizhizhou 楚雄彝族自治州|Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture in ... chuxiongzhou 楚雄州|abbr. for Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Pref... chuxizhe 出席者|attendee chuxu 储蓄|to save money (in a bank)/savings chuxu 触须|tentacles/feelers/antennae chuxuan 初选|primary election chuxue 出血|to bleed; bleeding/(fig.) to spend mo... chuxuere 出血热|hemorrhagic fever chuxuexing 出血性|hemorrhagic chuxuexingdenggere 出血性登革热|dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) chuxuezhe 初学者|beginning student chuxuka 储蓄卡|debit card chuxulv 储蓄率|savings rate chuxun 出巡|to go on an inspection tour chuxuzhanghu 储蓄帐户|savings account (in bank) chuyan 出演|to appear (in a show etc)/an appearan... chuyan 出言|to speak/words chuyan 雏燕|swallow chick chuyanbuxun 出言不逊|to speak rudely chuyang 出洋|to go abroad (old) chuyangxiang 出洋相|to make a fool of oneself chuye 初夜|early evening/wedding night/(fig.) fi... chuye 初叶|early part (of a decade, century etc)... chuyi 厨艺|cooking skills/culinary talent chuyi 初一|first day of lunar month/New Year\'s D... chuyi 除以|(math.) divided by chuyi 刍议|lit. grass-cutter\'s comment (humble);... chuying 出迎|to greet/to go out to meet chuyou 出游|to go on a tour/to have an outing chuyu 处于|to be in (some state, position, or co... chuyu 出于|due to/to stem from chuyu 出狱|to be released from prison chuyu 厨余|kitchen waste/food waste (recycling) chuyuan 出院|to leave hospital/to be discharged fr... chuyue 出月|next month/after this month chuyuezi 出月子|to complete the month of confinement ... chuyunierburan 出淤泥而不染|lit. to grow out of the mud unsullied... chuzai 处在|to be situated at/to find oneself at chuzhan 出战|(military) to go off to war/(sports) ... chuzhang 处长|department head/section chief chuzhanran 除沾染|decontamination chuzhao 出招|to make a move (in martial arts or fi... chuzhen 出诊|to visit a patient at home (of a doct... chuzhen 触诊|body palpation (diagnostic method in ... chuzheng 出征|to go into battle/to campaign (military) chuzhi 处置|to handle/to take care of/to punish chuzhi 处治|to punish/to handle/to deal with (lit... chuzhi 储值|(Tw) to put money into (a stored-valu... chuzhi 出汁|dashi (soup stock used in Japanese cu... chuzhi 触肢|pedipalp chuzhi 楮纸|kozogami chuzhika 储值卡|stored-value card; prepaid card (tele... chuzhitairan 处之泰然|see 泰然處之|泰然处之[tai4 ran2 chu3 zhi1] chuzhong 出众|to stand out/outstanding chuzhong 初中|junior high school (abbr. for 初級中學|初级... chuzhong 初衷|original intention chuzhong 出钟|(of a prostitute) to do an outcall/to... chuzhongsheng 初中生|junior high student chuzhou 滁州|see 滁州市[Chu2zhou1 Shi4] chuzhoushi 滁州市|Chuzhou, prefecture-level city in Anh... chuzhuangwang 楚庄王|King Zhuang of Chu (reigned 613-591 B... chuzhuyi 出主意|to come up with ideas/to make suggest... chuzi 出自|to come from chuzi 出资|to fund/to put money into sth/to invest chuzi 处子|(literary) virgin/maiden chuzi 厨子|cook chuzi 橱子|wardrobe/closet/cabinet chuzi 除子|divisor (math.) chuzifeifu 出自肺腑|from the bottom of one\'s heart (idiom) chuzixiu 处子秀|debut (by a male performer or sports ... chuzou 出走|to leave home/to go off/to run away chuzu 出租|to rent chuzuche 出租车|taxi/(Tw) rental car chuzui 除罪|to pardon chuzui 出罪|(law) to exempt from punishment chuzuihua 除罪化|to decriminalize chuzuqiche 出租汽车|taxi/cab (PRC)/hire car (Tw)/CL:輛|辆[l... chuzusiji 出租司机|taxi driver ci 词|old variant of 詞|词[ci2] ci 词|word/statement; speech; lyrics/a form... ci 次|next in sequence/second/the second (d... ci 此|this; these ci 差|used in 參差|参差[cen1ci1] ci 磁|magnetic/magnetism/porcelain ci 兹|used in 龜茲|龟兹[Qiu1ci2] ci 刺|(onom.) whoosh ci 刺|thorn/sting/thrust/to prick/to pierce... ci 祠|shrine/to offer a sacrifice ci 糍|sticky rice cake ci 赐|(bound form) to confer; to bestow; to... ci 雌|female/Taiwan pr. [ci1] ci 餈|fried rice cake ci 慈|compassionate/gentle/merciful/kind/hu... ci 疵|blemish/flaw/defect ci 瓷|chinaware/porcelain/china ci 伺|used in 伺候[ci4hou5] ci 呲|(coll.) to scold/to rebuke ci 茨|Caltrop or puncture vine (Tribulus te... ci 辞|old variant of 辭|辞[ci2] ci 辞|to resign/to dismiss/to decline/(lite... ci 鹚|used in 鸕鶿|鸬鹚[lu2ci2] ci 鹚|variant of 鶿|鹚[ci2] ci 刾|old variant of 刺[ci4] ci 玼|clear (as in a gem) ci 泚|clear/bright and brilliant ci 佽|surname Ci ci 佽|nimble/to help ci 骴|a putrid carcass ci 朿|stab ci 茈|used in 鳧茈|凫茈[fu2ci2] ci 蛓|(literary) caterpillar ci 莿|Urtica thunbergiana ci 絘|ancient tax in the form of bales of c... ci 偨|uneven ci 佌|petty/wretched ci 跐|to trample/to step/to walk on the bal... ci 𪉈|(a kind of waterbird) ciai 慈爱|love/devotion (to children)/affection... ciai 慈霭|kindly and amiable ciantaihou 慈安太后|Empress Dowager Ci\'an (1837-1881) of ... ciba 糍粑|sticky rice cake cibai 刺柏|Chinese juniper cibao 刺胞|cnidocyte/nettle cell of medusa cibaodongwu 刺胞动物|Cnidaria (animal phylum including jel... cibei 慈悲|mercy cibeiweiben 慈悲为本|mercy as the guiding principle (idiom... cibi 刺鼻|to assail the nostrils/acrid/pungent cibie 辞别|to bid farewell (to); to say goodbye ... cibu 絘布|ancient tax in the form of bales of c... cibudayi 词不达意|words do not convey the meaning/poorl... ciceng 磁层|magnetosphere/magnetic layer cichang 磁场|magnetic field cichangxiaoying 词长效应|word length effect cicheng 辞呈|(written) resignation cicheng 茨城|Ibaraki prefecture in northeast Japan cichengxian 茨城县|Ibaraki prefecture in northeast Japan cichonglian 磁重联|(physics) magnetic reconnection cichu 此处|this place/here (literary) cichuan 刺穿|to skewer/to impale/to pierce through cichuo 刺戳|to stab; to pierce cici 此次|this time cicibuxiu 刺刺不休|to talk incessantly/to chatter on and on cidai 磁带|magnetic tape/CL:盤|盘[pan2],盒[he2] cidai 次贷|subprime lending/abbr. for 次級貸款|次级贷款[... cidaiji 磁带机|tape drive cidaiweiji 次贷危机|subprime mortgage crisis/abbr. for 次級... cidalu 次大陆|subcontinent (e.g. the Indian subcont... cidanjizi 磁单极子|magnetic monopole cidao 刺刀|bayonet cidao 此道|such matters/things like this/this li... cideng 次等|second-class; second-rate cidi 此地|here/this place cidi 次第|order/sequence/one after another cidian 词典|dictionary/also written 辭典|辞典[ci2 dia... cidian 辞典|dictionary (variant of 詞典|词典[ci2dian3... cidianxue 词典学|lexicography cidiao 辞掉|to quit (one\'s job)/to dismiss (an em... cidie 磁碟|(magnetic) computer disk (hard disk o... cidieji 磁碟机|disk drive (computing)/drive (computing) ciding 磁钉|button magnet (to use on whiteboards,... cidiwuyinsanbailiang 此地无银三百两|lit. 300 silver taels not hidden here... cidongshi 磁动势|magnetomotive force cienzong 慈恩宗|see 法相宗[Fa3 xiang4 zong1] cier 刺耳|ear-piercing cifa 词法|morphology (linguistics)/word formati... cifang 次方|(raised to the) nth power cifangyan 次方言|subdialect cifu 磁浮|maglev (type of train)/magnetic levit... cifu 赐福|to bless cifubiqi 此伏彼起|see 此起彼伏[ci3 qi3 bi3 fu2] cifuxingdong 慈福行动|Operation Blessing (charitable relief... cigan 词干|word stem (in linguistics) cigang 茨冈|(loanword) tzigane/gypsy cigangsi 刺钢丝|barbed wire ciganxian 磁感线|line of magnetic flux ciganying 磁感应|magnetic induction ciganyingqiangdu 磁感应强度|magnetic field density cige 辞格|figure of speech cigei 赐给|to bestow; to give cigen 词根|(linguistics) root cigenyu 词根语|(linguistics) analytic language cigongzhen 磁共振|magnetic resonance cigongzhenchengxiang 磁共振成像|magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cigu 刺骨|piercing/cutting/bone-chilling/penetr... cigu 茨菰|arrowhead (Sagittaria subulata, a wat... cigu 慈姑|arrowhead (Sagittaria subulata, a wat... cigu 赐顾|to honor (sb) by one\'s visit; to patr... ciguan 辞官|to resign a government post ciguan 次官|undersecretary/secondary official ciguipao 磁轨炮|railgun cihai 辞海|Cihai, encyclopedic dictionary of Chi... cihan 词翰|book/written composition/(literary) p... cihe 慈和|kindly/amiable cihou 此后|after this/afterwards/hereafter cihou 次后|afterwards/then cihou 伺候|to serve; to wait upon cihua 磁化|to magnetize cihua 词话|form of writing novels that comprise ... cihua 刺花|to tattoo/tattoo cihuai 刺槐|false acacia/Robinia pseudoacacia cihuang 雌黄|orpiment/arsenic trisulfide As2S3/mak... cihuawen 刺花纹|to tattoo cihuazenjiang 此话怎讲|How do you mean?/How could that be th... cihui 词汇|variant of 詞彙|词汇[ci2 hui4] cihui 词汇|vocabulary/list of words (e.g. for la... cihuixue 词汇学|lexicology (linguistics) cihuo 次货|inferior goods/substandard products ciji 刺激|to provoke; to irritate; to upset; to... ciji 慈济|Tzu Chi Foundation, an international ... ciji 次级|secondary ciji 磁极|magnetic pole ciji 此际|then/as a result ciji 刺戟|see 刺激[ci4 ji1] cijian 此间|here/this place cijian 赐鉴|(formal) (used in a submitted documen... cijiangdao 慈江道|Chagang province, in the north of Nor... cijiao 赐教|(honorific) to impart one\'s wisdom; t... cijidaikuan 次级贷款|subprime lending/abbr. to 次貸|次贷[ci4 d... cijidiyadaikuan 次级抵押贷款|subprime mortgage cijifangwuxindaiweiji 次级房屋信贷危机|subprime mortgage crisis cijiji 刺激剂|irritant agent cijing 雌竞|(slang) negative, toxic competition b... cijing 次经|non-canonical text/dubious classic te... cijisu 刺激素|growth hormone cijisu 雌激素|estrogen cijiwu 刺激物|stimulus cijixing 刺激性|thrilling/exciting/stimulating/irrita... ciju 词句|words and sentences ciju 磁矩|magnetic moment cika 磁卡|magnetic card/IC Card (telephone) cike 刺客|assassin cike 此刻|this moment/now/at present cikongguan 磁控管|cavity magnetron (used to produce mic... ciku 词库|word stock/lexicon cilei 词类|(linguistics) part of speech/word cla... cilei 此类|this kind/these kinds/such cileng 刺棱|(onom.) sound of quick movement/Taiwa... cili 磁力|magnetic force/magnetic cili 慈利|Cili county in Zhangjiajie 張家界|张家界[Zh... cilian 磁链|(computing) magnet link/(electromagne... cililianjie 磁力链接|(computing) magnet link ciling 辞令|polite speech; diplomatic language; r... ciling 词令|variant of 辭令|辞令[ci2ling4] cilisuo 磁力锁|magnetic lock cilixian 磁力线|line of magnetic flux cilixian 慈利县|Cili county in Zhangjiajie 張家界|张家界[Zh... cilu 雌鹿|doe cilubutong 此路不通|this road is blocked/fig. This method... cilvsuan 次氯酸|hypochlorous acid HOCl (bleach) cimei-shanmu 慈眉善目|lit. kind brows, pleasant eyes (idiom... cimei-shanyan 慈眉善眼|see 慈眉善目[ci2mei2-shan4mu4] cimiao 祠庙|ancestral hall/temple to one\'s forebears cimu 慈母|warm, caring mother cimu 刺目|gaudy/glaring/unpleasant to the eyes cimu 词目|headword (in a dictionary) cimu 祠墓|memorial hall and tomb cinv 次女|second daughter cipai 词牌|names of the tunes to which 詞|词[ci2] ... cipan 磁盘|(computer) disk cipanqudongqi 磁盘驱动器|disk drive cipian 磁片|magnetic disk cipin 次品|substandard products/defective/seconds cipin 词频|word frequency cipin 次贫|extremely poor but not destitute ciping 瓷瓶|porcelain bottle cipinxiaoying 词频效应|word frequency effect (psych.) cipo 刺破|to puncture/to pierce ciqi 瓷器|chinaware/porcelain ciqi 磁器|variant of 瓷器[ci2 qi4] ciqian 此前|before this/before then/previously ciqibifu 此起彼伏|up here, down there (idiom); to rise ... ciqibiluo 此起彼落|to rise and fall in succession (idiom... ciqing 刺青|to tattoo/a tattoo ciqingu 刺芹菇|king trumpet mushroom (Pleurotus eryn... ciqiong 词穷|to not know what to say; to be lost f... ciqiquan 磁气圈|magnetosphere ciqu 辞去|to resign/to quit cir 刺儿|a thorn/fig. to ridicule sb/fig. sth ... ciren 词人|writer of 詞|词[ci2] (a kind of Classic... ciren 辞任|to resign (a position) cirenmoke 词人墨客|(idiom) writer; wordsmith cirhua 刺儿话|biting words/stinging words ciri 次日|next day/the morrow cirli 刺儿李|gooseberry cirtou 刺儿头|an awkward person/a difficult person ... cirui 雌蕊|pistil cisanchun 雌三醇|estriol cisha 刺杀|to assassinate/(military) to fight wi... cishan 慈善|benevolent/charitable cishanchoujiang 慈善抽奖|a raffle (for charity) cishang 刺伤|to stab cishanjia 慈善家|philanthropist/humanitarian/charity d... cishanjigou 慈善机构|charity cishanzuzhi 慈善组织|charity organization cishen 刺身|sashimi cisheng 次生|derivative/secondary/sub- cishengbo 次声波|infrasonic wave cishenglin 次生林|secondary growth of forest cishengzaihai 次生灾害|secondary disaster (e.g. epidemic fol... cishi 此时|now/this moment cishi 刺史|provincial governor (old) cishi 磁石|magnet cishi 辞世|to die/to depart this life (euphemism... cishi 瓷实|(dialect) firm/robust cishi 慈石|magnetite Fe3O4 cishi 此事|this matter cishi 雌狮|lioness cishicidi 此时此地|here and now/as things stand cishicike 此时此刻|at this very moment cishitida 此事体大|see 茲事體大|兹事体大[zi1 shi4 ti3 da4] cishu 次数|number of times/frequency/order numbe... cishu 辞书|dictionary/encyclopedia cishuxue 辞书学|lexicography cisi 刺死|to stab to death cisi 赐死|(of a ruler) to order sb to commit su... cisibao 刺丝胞|cnidocyte/nettle cell of medusa or an... cisibaodongwu 刺丝胞动物|Cnidaria (animal phylum including jel... cisinang 刺丝囊|nematocyst/capsule of nettle cells of... cisong 词讼|lawsuit/legal case cisongfei 词讼费|legal fees/costs (of a lawsuit) cisu 词素|morpheme citan 刺探|to pry into/to spy on/to probe into citang 祠堂|ancestral hall/memorial hall citi 磁体|magnet/magnetic body citi 雌体|female of a species citiao 词条|entry (in a dictionary) citiao 磁条|magnetic stripe citie 磁铁|magnet citiekuang 磁铁矿|magnetite Fe3O4 citong 刺痛|to tingle; to sting; to have a sudden... citong 莿桐|Citong or Tzutung township in Yunlin ... citong 刺桐|Indian coral tree/sunshine tree/tiger... citongliang 磁通量|magnetic flux citongmen 磁通门|fluxgate (electrical engineering) citongxiang 莿桐乡|Citong or Tzutung township in Yunlin ... citou 磁头|magnetic head (of a tape recorder etc) citou 词头|prefix/headword (in a dictionary) citui 辞退|to dismiss/to discharge/to fire ciwai 此外|besides; in addition; moreover; furth... ciwan 瓷碗|porcelain bowl ciwanjilayi 茨万吉拉伊|Morgan Tsvangirai (1952-2018), Zimbab... ciwei 刺猬|hedgehog ciwei 词尾|suffix ciwei 词位|lexeme ciwenhua 次文化|subculture ciwujia 刺五加|manyprickle (Acanthopanax senticosus)... cixi 慈禧|Empress Dowager Cixi or Ts\'u Hsi (rei... cixi 慈溪|Cixi, county-level city in Ningbo 寧波|... cixi 磁吸|(of a magnet) to attract metallic obj... cixian 磁县|Ci county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1],... cixian 刺苋|prickly amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus) cixiang 慈祥|kindly/benevolent (often of older per... cixiangluoji 词项逻辑|categorical logic cixiaobizhang 此消彼长|(idiom) one declines while the other ... cixie 辞谢|to decline gratefully cixing 词性|part of speech (noun, verb, adjective... cixing 雌性|female cixing 词形|form of words (e.g. inflection, conju... cixing 磁性|magnetic/magnetism cixing 辞行|to say goodbye/leave-taking/farewells cixing 赐姓|(of an emperor) to bestow a surname cixingbiaozhu 词性标注|part-of-speech tagging cixingjiekou 雌性接口|female connector cixingjisu 雌性激素|estrogen cixinwali 茨欣瓦利|Tskhinvali, capital of South Osetia cixiong 雌雄|male and female cixiongtongti 雌雄同体|hermaphrodite cixiongtongtiren 雌雄同体人|a hermaphrodite cixiongtongtixing 雌雄同体性|hermaphroditism cixiongyise 雌雄异色|sexual coloration cixishi 慈溪市|Cixi, county-level city in Ningbo 寧波|... cixitaihou 慈禧太后|Empress Dowager Cixi or Ts\'u Hsi (183... cixiu 刺绣|to embroider/embroidery cixiupin 刺绣品|embroidery cixiusuan 次溴酸|hypobromous acid HOBr cixixiaoying 磁吸效应|\"magnetic\" force that attracts invest... cixu 次序|sequence; order cixu 词序|word order cixuanfu 磁悬浮|magnetic levitation (train)/maglev ciyaliusuanna 次亚硫酸钠|sodium hyposulfide Na2S2O3 (hypo) ciyan 词眼|key word ciyan 刺眼|to dazzle/to offend the eyes/dazzling... ciyan 慈颜|one\'s mother\'s loving face ciyan-feixu 此言非虚|that is true ciyanbuxu 此言不虚|see 此言非虛|此言非虚[ci3 yan2 fei1 xu1] ciyao 次要|secondary ciyi 词义|meaning of a word ciyi 词意|meaning of word/sense ciyichang 磁异常|magnetic anomaly (geology) ciyige 次一个|next one (in order) ciyou 瓷釉|porcelain glaze ciyouxiaoying 词优效应|word superiority effect ciyu 词语|word (general term including monosyll... ciyu 赐予|to grant; to bestow ciyu 赐与|variant of 賜予|赐予[ci4 yu3] ciyu 次于|second after/second only to ciyuan 次元|dimension (loanword, from Japanese) ciyuan 词源|etymology/origin of a word ciyuezhiming 词约指明|concise but unambiguous (idiom) ciyun 次韵|reply to a poem in the same rhyme cizao 辞藻|rhetoric cizao 词藻|rhetoric/flowery language cizao 辞灶|see 送灶[song4 Zao4] cizhang 次长|deputy chief cizhang 辞章|poetry and prose/rhetoric cizhaosi 慈照寺|Jishōji in northeast Kyōto 京都, Japan,... cizhengzhuang 次正装|smart casual attire cizhi 辞职|to resign cizhi 次之|to rank second (in terms of some attr... cizhi 此致|(used at the end of a letter to intro... cizhijingli 此致敬礼|respectfully yours (at the end of a l... cizhong 刺中|to hit with a piercing blow cizhongliangji 次重量级|middle heavyweight (boxing etc) cizhuan 瓷砖|ceramic tile cizhui 词缀|prefix or suffix of a compound word/a... cizi 次子|second son cizi 刺字|to tattoo cizu 词组|phrase (grammar) cizu 磁阻|magnetic reluctance cizu 词族|word family (cognate words within a g... cjb CJB|(Internet slang) doesn\'t live up to t... cluo C罗|nickname of Portuguese soccer player ... cong 从|variant of 從|从[cong2] cong 从|surname Cong cong 从|from; through; via/(bound form) to fo... cong 聡|old variant of 聰|聪[cong1] cong 丛|cluster/collection/collection of book... cong 葱|scallion/green onion cong 骢|buckskin horse cong 聪|(literary) acute (of hearing)/(bound ... cong 淙|noise of water cong 枞|fir tree cong 聦|variant of 聰|聪[cong1] cong 囱|(bound form) chimney cong 璁|stone similar to jade cong 匆|hurried/hasty cong 匆|variant of 匆[cong1] cong 鍐|a headstall, ornament on a bridle cong 琮|surname Cong cong 琮|jade tube with round hole and rectang... cong 賨|tribute paid by Han dynasty tribes cong 騘|old variant of 驄|骢[cong1] cong 熜|chimney (old) cong 従|old variant of 從|从[cong2] cong 潀|gather/flow into (water)/sound of wat... cong 漎|a place where small streams flow into... cong 悰|joy cong 鏦|spear/to plunge (with spear) cong 𪻐|used in 瑽瑢|𪻐瑢[cong1rong2] and 琤瑽|琤𪻐[c... cong 苁|Boschniakia glabra congbai 葱白|the white part of a green onion or sc... congbu 从不|never congchangjiyi 从长计议|(idiom) to take one\'s time making a d... congci 从此|from now on/since then/henceforth congciwanghou 从此往后|from here on congcong 葱葱|verdant and thick (foliage, grass etc) congcong 匆匆|hurriedly congcongrongrong 从从容容|unhurried/all in good time congcu 匆促|hastily/in a hurry congcu 匆猝|hurried; hasty; abrupt congcu 匆卒|old variant of 匆猝[cong1 cu4] congcui 葱翠|fresh green congdong 从动|-driven (of mechanism, driven by a co... conger 从而|thus/thereby congfan 从犯|accessory to a crime/accomplice congfu 从父|paternal uncle conghe 从何|whence?/where from? conghua 葱花|chopped green onions conghuan 从缓|not to hurry/to procrastinate/to post... conghuang 葱黄|yellow green conghui 聪慧|bright; intelligent congji 丛集|to crowd together; to pile up; to clu... congjian 从俭|economical; modest congjiang 从江|Congjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao ... congjiangxian 从江县|Congjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao ... congjianruliu 从谏如流|to follow admonition as natural flow ... congjiao 从教|to work as a teacher congjingjiuren 从井救人|to jump into a well to rescue sb else... congjinyihou 从今以后|from now on/henceforward congju 从句|clause congju 匆遽|hurried/impetuous/rash congjun 从军|to enlist/to serve in the army congkuan 从宽|lenient; leniently conglai 从来|always/at all times/never (if used in... conglaibu 从来不|never conglaimei 从来没|have never/has never conglaimeiyou 从来没有|there has never been; has never had/(... congli 从吏|minor official/to be an official congliang 从良|(of a slave or servant) to be given o... conglidaowai 从里到外|from the inside to the outside/throug... conglin 丛林|jungle/thicket/forest/Buddhist monastery conglinfaze 丛林法则|the law of the jungle congling 葱岭|old name for the Pamirs 帕米爾高原|帕米尔高原[P... conglingkaishi 从零开始|to start from scratch conglong 葱茏|verdant and lush conglv 葱绿|verdant conglve 从略|to omit (less important details etc) congmang 匆忙|hasty/hurried congmei 从没|never (in the past)/never did congmin 聪敏|bright; sharp; quick-witted congming 聪明|intelligent; clever; bright/acute (of... congming 从命|to obey an order/to comply/to do sb\'s... congming-lingli 聪明伶俐|(idiom) bright; clever; quick-witted congmingcaizhi 聪明才智|intelligence and ability congmingfanbeicongmingwu 聪明反被聪明误|(idiom) a clever person may become th... congmingguotou 聪明过头|too clever by half; excessive ingenuity congmingjueding 聪明绝顶|highly intelligent; brilliant congmingyishi,hutuyishi 聪明一世,糊涂一时|(idiom) even the wisest can have a mo... congmingyishi,mengdongyishi 聪明一世,懵懂一时|see 聰明一世,糊塗一時|聪明一世,糊涂一时[cong1 ming5 y... congmu 从母|maternal aunt congnancongyan 从难从严|demanding and strict (idiom)/exacting congqian 从前|previously/formerly/once upon a time congqing 从轻|to be lenient (in sentencing) congrong 从容|to go easy/unhurried/calm/Taiwan pr. ... congrong 从戎|to enlist/to be in the army congrong 𪻐瑢|(literary) (onom.) tinkling of jade p... congrongbupo 从容不迫|calm/unruffled congshanrudeng,congerubeng 从善如登,从恶如崩|doing good is like a hard climb, doin... congshanruliu 从善如流|readily following good advice (idiom)... congsheng 丛生|growing as a thicket/overgrown/breaki... congshi 从事|to go for/to engage in/to undertake/t... congshiyanjiu 从事研究|to do research/to carry out research congshizhaolai 从实招来|to own up to the facts congshu 丛书|a series of books/a collection of books congshu 从属|subordinate congshu 枞树|fir congshu 葱属|genus Allium congsu 从速|(to do sth) with dispatch/as soon as ... congtai 丛台|Congtai district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯... congtaiqu 丛台区|Congtai district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯... congtan 丛谈|discussion/forum congtianerjiang 从天而降|lit. to drop from the sky (idiom)/fig... congtou 葱头|onion congtou 从头|anew/from the start congtoudaojiao 从头到脚|from head to foot congtoudaowei 从头到尾|from start to finish/from head to tai... congwei 从未|never congxian 从先|(dialect) before/in the past/previously congxiao 从小|from childhood; from a young age congxinsuoyu 从心所欲|whatever you like/to do as one pleases congxiong 从兄|older male second cousin congyan 从严|strict; rigorous; severely congyanchengchu 从严惩处|to deal with sb severely (idiom) congye 从业|to practice (a trade) congyerenyuan 从业人员|employee/person employed in a trade o... congyezhe 从业者|people in the (aforementioned) indust... congyi 从医|to work as a doctor congyi 从艺|to work as an artist congyierzhong 从一而终|faithful unto death (i.e. Confucian b... congying 聪颖|smart; intelligent congying 从影|to make movies/to be a movie actor (o... congyou 从优|preferential treatment/most favored t... congyoubing 葱油饼|scallion pancake congyu 葱郁|verdant/lush green and full of life congzaodaowan 从早到晚|from morning till night/from dawn to ... congzhe 从者|(literary) follower; attendant congzheng 从政|to be engaged in politics (esp. as a ... congzhong 从中|from within/therefrom congzhong 丛冢|mass grave/cluster of graves congzhong 从众|to follow the crowd/to conform congzhuabing 葱抓饼|flaky scallion pancake (made with dou... congzi 从子|paternal uncle\'s son; nephew cos cos|(Internet slang) cosplay/to cosplay/t... coser coser|cosplayer cou 凑|to gather together, pool or collect/t... cou 腠|the tissue between the skin and the f... cou 辏|to converge/hub of wheel coucheng 凑成|to put together/to make up (a set)/to... coufenzi 凑份子|to pool resources (for a gift, projec... coufu 凑付|to put together hastily/to make do with couhe 凑合|to bring together/to make do in a bad... coujin 凑近|to approach/to lean close to couqi 凑齐|to collect all the bits to make a whole couqian 凑钱|to raise enough money to do sth/to po... couqiao 凑巧|fortuitously/luckily/as chance has it couqu 凑趣|to comply in order to please others/t... courenao 凑热闹|to join in the fun/to get in on the a... coushou 凑手|at hand/within easy reach/convenient/... coushu 凑数|to serve as a stopgap/to make up a sh... couzu 凑足|to scrape together enough (people, mo... cp CP|an imagined romantic relationship bet... cpan C盘|C drive or default startup drive (com... cpzhi CP值|(Tw) value for money; bang for your buck cu 粗|(of sth long) wide; thick/(of sth gra... cu 粗|variant of 粗[cu1] cu 粗|remote; distant/variant of 粗[cu1] cu 促|(bound form) of short duration; hasty... cu 醋|vinegar/jealousy (in love rivalry) cu 卒|variant of 猝[cu4] cu 簇|crowded/framework for silkworms/gathe... cu 蹴|carefully/to kick/to tread on/to stamp cu 蹴|variant of 蹴[cu4] cu 徂|to go/to reach cu 蹙|to knit (one\'s brows)/wrinkled (of br... cu 猝|abruptly; suddenly; unexpectedly cu 酢|variant of 醋[cu4] cu 殂|to die cu 蔟|collect/frame for silk worm/nest cu 瘯|(skin disease) cu 麁|variant of 麤|粗[cu1] cu 麄|variant of 粗[cu1] cu 踤|to butt against cu 皻|chapped skin cu 踧|carefully/level/smooth cu 䠞|variant of 蹙[cu4] cuan 篡|to seize/to usurp cuan 篡|old variant of 篡[cuan4] cuan 窜|to flee/to scuttle/to exile or banish... cuan 攒|to bring together cuan 撺|rush/stir up/throw/fling/hurry/rage cuan 爨|surname Cuan cuan 爨|cooking-stove/to cook cuan 汆|quick-boil/to boil for a short time cuan 蹿|to leap up/(coll.) to gush out; to sp... cuan 鋑|to engrave or carve, as a block for p... cuan 镩|ice spud (aka ice chisel) with a poin... cuan 窾|to conceal/to hide cuanbeng 蹿蹦|to jump up; to leap cuancu 攒簇|to gather closely together cuandang 篡党|to usurp the leadership of the party cuanduo 撺掇|to urge sb on cuanduo 篡夺|to usurp/to seize cuanfan 窜犯|to raid/an intrusion (of the enemy, o... cuanfang 窜访|(derog.) (of a prominent figure) to v... cuanfangyueji 蹿房越脊|lit. to leap the house and cross the ... cuangai 篡改|to tamper with/to falsify cuangai 窜改|to alter/to modify/to change/to tamper cuanhong 窜红|to become suddenly popular/suddenly a... cuanhong 蹿红|to become suddenly popular cuanhuo 蹿货|product in great demand/hot property cuanji 攒集|to gather/to assemble cuanju 攒聚|to gather/to assemble cuanju 窜踞|to flee in disorder and encamp somewhere cuanjun 篡军|to usurp the military cuanli 篡立|to become an unlawful ruler cuanni 篡逆|to rebel/to revolt cuanqie 篡窃|to usurp/to seize cuanquan 篡权|to usurp power cuanrao 窜扰|to invade and harass cuansheng 窜升|to rise rapidly/to shoot up cuansheng 蹿升|to rise rapidly/to shoot up cuanshi 篡弑|to commit regicide cuantao 窜逃|to flee in disorder/to scurry off cuanteng 蹿腾|to jump about wildly (coll.) cuantiao 蹿跳|to bound forward/to bound along cuanwei 篡位|to seize the throne cuanxi 窜稀|(coll.) to have diarrhea cuanxi 蹿稀|(coll.) to have diarrhea cuanzei 篡贼|usurper cuanzheng 篡政|to usurp political power cuanzi 镩子|ice spud (aka ice chisel) with a poin... cubao 粗暴|crude; crass; rude; rough; harsh cuben 粗笨|awkward/clumsy/unwieldy/heavy-handed cubi 粗鄙|vulgar/coarse/uncouth cubujifang 猝不及防|to be caught off guard/without warning cucao 粗糙|crude/gruff/rough/coarse cuchadanfan 粗茶淡饭|plain tea and simple food/(fig.) brea... cucheng 促成|to facilitate; to help bring about cuda 粗大|thick/bulky/loud cudong 促动|to motivate cufa 猝发|to occur unexpectedly cufan 粗饭|an unappealing and unsatisfying meal cufang 粗放|extensive/expansive/large-scale cufei 粗榧|Chinese plum-yew/Cephalotaxus sinensi... cufen 粗分|broad classification/(when followed b... cugu 粗估|rough estimate cuguang 粗犷|rough/rude/boorish/straightforward/un... cuguanmian 粗管面|rigatoni cuhaishengbo 醋海生波|lit. waves on a sea of vinegar/troubl... cuhao 粗豪|straightforward/forthright cuhua 粗话|vulgar language; coarse language cuhuo 粗活|unskilled labor/heavy manual work cui 崔|surname Cui cui 崔|(literary) (of mountains) lofty cui 脆|old variant of 脆[cui4] cui 脆|brittle/fragile/crisp/crunchy/clear a... cui 衰|variant of 縗|缞[cui1] cui 萃|collect/collection/dense/grassy/thick... cui 啐|to spit/(onom.) pshaw!/(old) to sip cui 淬|dip into water/to temper cui 粹|pure/unmixed/essence cui 摧|to break/to destroy/to devastate/to r... cui 翠|bluish-green/green jade cui 悴|haggard/sad/downcast/distressed cui 悴|variant of 悴[cui4] cui 催|to urge/to press/to prompt/to rush sb... cui 璀|luster of gems cui 崒|to come together; to bunch up; to con... cui 毳|crisp/brittle/fine animal hair cui 瘁|care-worn/distressed/tired/overworked... cui 倅|auxiliary/spare/deputy/second/sub- cui 膬|old variant of 脆[cui4] cui 獕|used in 猥獕[wei3 cui1] cui 榱|rafter (classical) cui 綷|five-color silk/see 綷縩[cui4 cai4] cui 漼|having the appearance of depth cui 焠|to temper (as steel) cui 磪|a high mountain/precipitous cui 趡|place name cui 竁|dig a hole cui 伜|variant of 倅[cui4] cui 缞|mourning garments of coarse hemp cui 粋|Japanese variant of 粹 cui 膵|pancreas cuibi 催逼|to press (for a payment) cuibiao 催膘|to feed livestock with highly nutriti... cuicai 綷縩|(onom.) sound of friction of fabric cuican 璀璨|bright/resplendent cuican 摧残|to ravage/to ruin cuicanduomu 璀璨夺目|dazzling (idiom) cuichan 催产|to induce labor/to expedite childbirth cuicu 催促|to urge cuicui 璀璀|bright and clear cuicui 脆脆|crispy cuicuo 璀错|many and varied cuifei 催肥|to fatten (animal before slaughter) cuifeiji 催肥剂|(animal) fattening preparation cuigeng 催更|(slang) (of a follower) to urge (a bl... cuigu 催谷|to boost/to propel cuiguanyu 翠冠玉|peyote (Lophophora williamsii) cuiguixia 崔圭夏|Choe Gyuha (1919-2006), South Korean ... cuigule 脆谷乐|Cheerios (breakfast cereal) cuihao 崔颢|Cui Hao (-754), Tang dynasty poet and... cuihong 崔鸿|Cui Hong, historian at the end of Wei... cuihua 催化|catalysis/to catalyze (a reaction) cuihuaji 催化剂|catalyst cuihuazuoyong 催化作用|catalysis cuihui 摧毁|to destroy; to wreck cuihun 催婚|to urge sb (typically, one\'s adult ch... cuihuo 淬火|to quench/to temper/to harden by quen... cuijian 崔健|Cui Jian (1961-), father of Chinese r... cuijinjuan 翠金鹃|(bird species of China) Asian emerald... cuilei 催泪|to move to tears (of a story)/tear-pr... cuileidan 催泪弹|tear bomb/tear-gas grenade cuileidapian 催泪大片|tear-jerker (movie) cuileiji 催泪剂|lachrymator cuileiwasi 催泪瓦斯|tear gas cuilv 翠绿|greenish-blue/emerald green cuimian 催眠|hypnosis cuimianqu 催眠曲|lullaby cuimianshu 催眠术|hypnotism/hypnotherapy/mesmerism cuimianyao 催眠药|soporific drug cuimianzhuangtai 催眠状态|hypnosis cuiming 催命|to press sb to death/fig. to pressuri... cuiminghui 崔明慧|Christine Choy (1964-), Chinese-Ameri... cuinai 催奶|to promote lactation/to stimulate lac... cuiniao 翠鸟|kingfisher cuipi 脆皮|crispy skin (of food) cuipian 脆片|chip cuipingqu 翠屏区|Cuiping district of Yibin city 宜賓市|宜宾... cuiqi 崔琦|Daniel C. Tsui (1939-), Chinese-born ... cuiqing 催情|to promote estrus/to bring an animal ... cuiqingshe 翠青蛇|Entechinus major (kind of snake) cuiqu 萃取|(chemistry) liquid-liquid extraction ... cuiru 催乳|to promote lactation/to stimulate lac... cuirujisu 催乳激素|prolactin cuiruo 脆弱|weak/frail cuisheng 催生|to pressure a younger relative to hur... cuishengpo 催生婆|midwife who induces labor cuishengsu 催生素|oxytocin cuishengzhe 催生者|driving force behind sth cuishou 催收|to urge sb to provide sth/(esp.) to p... cuishu 催熟|to promote ripening of fruit cuishuang 脆爽|(of food) crispy and tasty/(of a voic... cuitao 催讨|to demand repayment of debt cuitu 催吐|to induce vomiting cuituji 催吐剂|an emetic cuiwei 崔嵬|Cui Wei (1912-1979), actor, dramatist... cuiwei 崔嵬|stony mound/rocky mountain/lofty/towe... cuiwei 崔巍|tall/towering cuiya 催芽|to promote germination cuiying 崔萤|Choi Yeong (1316-1388), general of Ko... cuiyongyuan 崔永元|Cui Yongyuan (1963-), TV presenter cuizheng 催证|to call for the issue of a letter of ... cujian 粗剪|(cinema) rough cut cujiangcao 酢浆草|creeping oxalis/edelweiss cujin 促进|to promote (an idea or cause); to adv... cujin 醋劲|jealousy (in love) cujingshizhu 簇茎石竹|boreal carnation or northern pink/Dia... cujinr 醋劲儿|erhua variant of 醋勁|醋劲[cu4 jin4] cuju 蹴鞠|cuju, ancient Chinese football (soccer) cuju 蹴踘|variant of 蹴鞠[cu4 ju1] cukou 粗口|swear words/obscene language/foul lan... culi 醋栗|gooseberry culi 粗厉|abrasive/husky (voice) culi 粗粝|coarse rice/coarse (of food) culiang 粗粮|coarse grains (maize, sorghum etc) culie 粗劣|coarse culiezuopin 粗劣作品|kitsch/vulgar art/art in bad taste culou 粗陋|crude/coarse/unsophisticated/shallow culu 粗鲁|coarse/crude (in one\'s manner)/boorish culu 粗卤|variant of 粗魯|粗鲁[cu1 lu3] culubuwen 粗鲁不文|crude and ill-educated (idiom) culve 粗略|rough (not precise or accurate)/cursory cumang 粗莽|brusque; rough; boorish; crude cumei 蹙眉|to frown cun 村|village/(dialect) to scold/rustic; bo... cun 村|variant of 村[cun1] cun 存|to exist/to deposit/to store/to keep/... cun 忖|to ponder/to speculate/to consider/to... cun 蹲|(dialect) to sprain one\'s foot or leg... cun 皴|chapped/cracked cun 吋|inch (English) cun 壿|old variant of 蹲[cun2] cun 邨|surname Cun cun 刌|(literary) to cut off; to sever cun 寸|a unit of length/inch/thumb cunbu 存簿|savings book/bank account passbook cunbubuli 寸步不离|to follow sb closely (idiom)/to keep ... cunbuburang 寸步不让|(idiom) not to yield an inch cunbunanxing 寸步难行|unable to move a single step (idiom)/... cunbunanyi 寸步难移|see 寸步難行|寸步难行[cun4 bu4 nan2 xing2] cuncaobusheng 寸草不生|lit. not even a blade of grass grows ... cunchechang 存车场|bike park cunchechu 存车处|parking lot (for bicycles) cunchu 存储|to store up/to stockpile/(computer) t... cunchuka 存储卡|memory card cunchuqi 存储器|memory (computing) cundai 存贷|bank deposits and loans cundaikuan 存贷款|savings deposits and loans cundang 存档|to archive; to place on file/saved da... cunduo 忖度|to speculate/to surmise/to wonder whe... cunfang 存放|to deposit/to store/to leave in sb\'s ... cungen 存根|stub cungu 村姑|village girl/country bumpkin cungui 寸晷|see 寸陰|寸阴[cun4 yin1] cunhu 存户|depositor (in bank or shares) cunhuo 存活|to survive (a serious accident)/survival cunhuo 存货|stock/inventory (of material) cunhuolv 存活率|(med.) survival rate/(med.) recovery ... cunjinnanmaicunguangyin 寸金难买寸光阴|An ounce of gold can\'t buy you an int... cunkou 寸口|location on wrist over the radial art... cunkoumai 寸口脉|pulse taken at the wrist (TCM) cunkuan 存款|to deposit money (in a bank etc)/bank... cunkuandan 存款单|certificate of deposit cunkuanzhe 存款者|saver/investor/account holder cunkuanzheng 存款证|certificate of deposit cunkuanzhunbeijin 存款准备金|reserve requirement (finance) cunkuanzhunbeijinlv 存款准备金率|deposit-reserve ratio cunli 村里|village/hamlet cunliang 存量|reserves cunliang 忖量|to turn things over in one\'s mind/to ... cunlie 皴裂|(of lips, skin etc) to chap cunliu 存留|remaining/extant cunluo 村落|village cunmai 寸脉|pulse taken at the wrist (TCM) cunmin 村民|villager cunqian 存钱|to deposit money/to save money cunqianguan 存钱罐|piggy bank/coin bank/money box cunqu 存取|to store and retrieve (money, belongi... cunru 存入|to deposit (e.g. in a bank account) cunshanfushi 村山富市|Tomiichi Murayama (1924-), former pri... cunshang 村上|Murakami (Japanese surname) cunshangchunshu 村上春树|MURAKAMI Haruki (1949-), Japanese nov... cunshanglong 村上隆|Murakami Takashi (1963-), Japanese ar... cunshe 村舍|cottage cunshi 存食|(of food) to retain in stomach due to... cunshu 村塾|(old) village school/rural school cunshuiwan 存水弯|trap (plumbing)/U-bend cunsi 忖思|to reckon/to consider/to ponder/to es... cuntian 村田|Murata (Japanese surname) cuntou 寸头|(male hair style) crew cut/butch cut cuntucunjin 寸土寸金|land is extremely expensive (in that ... cuntuopingzheng 存托凭证|depository share/depository receipt (DR) cunwang 存亡|to live or die/to exist or perish cunwangyouguan 存亡攸关|a make-or-break matter/a matter of li... cunweihui 村委会|village committee cunxin 存心|deliberately cunxu 存续|to continue to exist cunxue 村学|see 村塾[cun1 shu2] cunyi 存疑|to leave a question open/to hold doub... cunyin 寸阴|a very brief period of time (lit. the... cunyou 存有|to hold in storage/to retain/to harbo... cunzai 存在|to exist/to be/existence cunzaigan 存在感|sense of presence; sense of existence cunzaizhuyi 存在主义|existentialism cunzhai 村寨|(stockaded) village cunzhang 村长|village chief/village head cunzhe 存折|passbook/bankbook cunzhen 村镇|hamlet (place) cunzhengfang 村证房|\"village-certificated house\", residen... cunzhuang 村庄|village/hamlet/CL:座[zuo4] cunzi 村子|village cuo 错|surname Cuo cuo 错|mistake/wrong/bad/interlocking/comple... cuo 措|to handle/to manage/to put in order/t... cuo 搓|to rub or roll between the hands or f... cuo 矬|short/dwarfish cuo 锉|(literary) to fracture (a bone)/(lite... cuo 锉|file (tool used for smoothing)/rasp/t... cuo 脞|chopped meat/trifles cuo 磋|deliberate/to polish cuo 厝|to lay in place/to put/to place a cof... cuo 嵯|lofty (as of mountain) cuo 挫|obstructed/to fail/to oppress/to repr... cuo 蹉|to error/to slip/to miss/to err cuo 瑳|luster of gems cuo 剒|to cut/to carve cuo 鹾|brine/salt cuo 痤|acne cuo 醝|liquor/spirit cuo 莝|to chop straw fine for animals cuo 蓌|to squat (in salutation) cuo 撮|to pick up (a powder etc) with the fi... cuo 棤|rough tree bark cuo 瘥|disease cuoai 错爱|misplaced kindness/humble term: I do ... cuoan 错案|a misjudged legal case/a miscarriage ... cuobai 挫败|to thwart; to foil (sb\'s plans)/a set... cuoban 搓板|washboard/(slang) flat-chested (woman) cuoban 措办|to plan/to administer cuobiezi 错别字|incorrectly written or mispronounced ... cuobing 锉冰|shaved ice dessert (Tw) cuoceng 错层|split-level (home) cuoche 错车|to give right of way to another vehic... cuochu 错处|fault cuochuang 痤疮|acne cuochuang 挫疮|acne/pustule cuoci 措辞|wording/way of expressing something/t... cuoci 措词|wording/way of expressing something/t... cuociqiangying 措辞强硬|strongly-worded cuoda 措大|worthless scholar/useless wretch cuodao 锉刀|file (metalworking and woodworking tool) cuodong 错动|to move relative to one another cuodu 错读|to mispronounce cuoe 错愕|astonished; startled cuofeng 错峰|to stagger usage to ameliorate peak load cuoguai 错怪|to blame sb wrongly cuoguo 错过|to miss (train, opportunity etc) cuohe 撮合|to play matchmaker/to act as a middleman cuohuojixin 厝火积薪|lit. to put a fire under a pile of fi... cuojiao 错角|(math.) alternate angles cuojie 错解|misinterpretation/mistaken explanation cuoju 措举|move/measure/step (to some end) cuojue 错觉|misconception/illusion/misperception cuojuejiehe 错觉结合|illusory conjunction cuokai 错开|to stagger (times) cuolou 错漏|error and negligence cuoluan 错乱|in disorder/deranged (mentally) cuoluo 错落|strewn at random/disorderly/untidy/ir... cuoluobuqi 错落不齐|disorderly and uneven (idiom); irregu... cuoluoyouzhi 错落有致|in picturesque disorder (idiom); irre... cuomajiang 搓麻将|to play mahjong cuopei 错配|to be mismatched cuopiao 错票|error note (i.e. misprinted banknote) cuoqin 措勤|Coqen county in Ngari prefecture, Tib... cuoqinxian 措勤县|Coqen county in Ngari prefecture, Tib... cuorou 搓揉|to knead; to rub cuoshang 磋商|to consult/to discuss seriously/to ne... cuoshi 措施|measure/step/CL:個|个[ge4] cuoshi 错失|fault/mistake/to miss (a chance) cuoshi 错时|to stagger (holidays, working hours etc) cuoshi 错视|optical illusion/trick of the eye/par... cuoshi 锉尸|to cut the corpse of a criminal into ... cuoshou 措手|to deal with/to manage/to proceed cuoshoubuji 措手不及|no time to deal with it (idiom); caug... cuotuo 蹉跎|(literary) to slip/(of looks etc) to ... cuowei 错位|to be wrongly positioned; to be dislo... cuowu 错误|mistaken; false; wrong/error; mistake... cuoxi 搓洗|to rub clean (garments)/to scrub cuoyi 措意|to pay attention to cuoyiban 搓衣板|washboard cuoyitubian 错义突变|missense mutation cuoyong 错用|to misuse/to misapply cuoyu 错语|(TCM) paraphasia cuoza 错杂|mixed; jumbled cuozhe 挫折|setback/reverse/check/defeat/frustrat... cuozhegan 挫折感|frustration cuozhi 措置|to handle/to arrange cuozhiyuru 措置裕如|to handle easily (idiom); effortless cuozi 错字|incorrect character/typo (in Chinese ... cuozilibajiangjun 矬子里拔将军|lit. to choose a general among the dw... cuozong 错综|intricate/complicated/tangled/involve... cuozongfuza 错综复杂|tangled and complicated (idiom) cuqian 粗浅|shallow/superficial cuqing 促请|to urge cuqiu 促求|to urge curan 猝然|suddenly; abruptly cusha 粗砂|grit cushe 簇射|shower (radiation, particle, etc) cusheng 促声|entering tone (synonym of 入聲|入声[ru4sh... cushi 促使|to prompt; to induce; to spur cushi 猝逝|to die suddenly cushu 粗疏|coarse/rough/careless cushuai 粗率|rough/coarse/crude/without due care/i... cushuizheng 猝睡症|narcolepsy cusi 猝死|to die suddenly cusu 粗俗|vulgar cusuan 醋酸|acetic acid (CH3COOH)/acetate cusuanxianwei 醋酸纤维|cellulose acetate (used for film and ... cusuanyizhi 醋酸乙酯|ethyl acetate/acetidin cutanzi 醋坛子|vinegar jar/(fig.) person of a jealou... cuti 粗体|bold (typeface) cutizi 粗体字|bold letter cutui 促退|to hinder progress cuxi 粗细|thick and thin/coarse and fine/thickn... cuxi 促膝|to sit knee to knee cuxia 促狭|(coll.) teasing; mischievous/(coll.) ... cuxiagui 促狭鬼|mischievous fellow; rascal cuxian 促弦|to tighten the strings (of a musical ... cuxiao 促销|to promote sales cuxin 粗心|careless/thoughtless cuxin 簇新|brand-new/spanking new cuxindayi 粗心大意|negligent/careless/inadvertent cuxitanxin 促膝谈心|(idiom) to sit side-by-side and have ... cuya 粗哑|husky/hoarse/raucous cuyan 粗盐|coarse salt/rock salt cuye 粗野|insolent/boorish/rough (in actions) cuyi 醋意|jealousy (in love rivalry) cuyong 簇拥|to crowd around/to escort cuyu 粗语|rude words/dirty talk cuzhi 促织|cricket (insect) cuzhidaye 粗枝大叶|thick stems and broad leaves (idiom)/... cuzhilanzao 粗制滥造|to churn out large quantities without... cuzhong 卒中|stroke/cerebral hemorrhage cuzhuang 粗壮|thick and solid cwei C位|(neologism, c. 2015) (coll.) most pro... da 打|(loanword) dozen/Taiwan pr. [da3] da 打|to beat/to strike/to hit/to break/to ... da 达|surname Da da 达|to attain/to reach/to amount to/to co... da 哒|(phonetic)/command to a horse/clatter... da 大|big; large; great/older (than another... da 答|bound form having the same meaning as... da 答|to answer/to reply/to respond da 跶|to stumble/to slip/variant of 達|达[da2] da 繨|a knot (of a rope) da 搭|to put up/to build (scaffolding)/to h... da 妲|female personal name (archaic) da 嗒|(onom.) used in words that describe m... da 沓|classifier for sheets of papers etc: ... da 逹|arrive at/reach/intelligent/variant o... da 咑|da! (sound used to move animals along) da 笪|surname Da da 笪|rough bamboo mat da 靼|(phonetic)/dressed leather da 怛|distressed/alarmed/shocked/grieved da 鞑|Tartar/a tribe in China da 龘|old variant of 龖[da2] da 瘩|sore/boil/scab da 瘩|used in 疙瘩[ge1da5] da 垯|used in 圪墶|圪垯[ge1da5] da 耷|(literary) big ears/(bound form) to d... da 炟|(used in transliterating foreign word... da 疸|used in 疙疸[ge1da5] da 汏|to wash (dialect) da 荙|plantago major da 荅|variant of 答[da1] da 荅|variant of 答[da2] da 龖|a vista of a dragon in flight da 迏|old variant of 達|达[da2] da 剳|hook/sickle da 褡|pouch/sleeveless jacket da 羍|little lamb da 𫟼|darmstadtium (chemistry) daai 大碍|(usually used in the negative) major ... daan 答案|answer/solution/CL:個|个[ge4] daan 大安|Da\'an or Ta\'an District of Taipei Cit... daandiliesi 大安的列斯|Greater Antilles, Caribbean archipelago daandiliesiqundao 大安的列斯群岛|Greater Antilles, Caribbean archipelago daanqu 大安区|Da\'an or Ta\'an District of Taipei Cit... daanshi 大安市|Da\'an, county-level city in Baicheng ... daayi 大阿姨|auntie, eldest of sisters in mother\'s... daba 打靶|target shooting daba 大坝|dam daba 大巴|(coll.) large bus/coach/(abbr. for 大型巴士) dabai 大白|to be revealed/to come out (of the tr... dabai 打败|to defeat/to overpower/to beat/to be ... dabai 大败|to defeat/to inflict a defeat on sb dabai 搭白|to answer dabai 答拜|to return a visit dabai 答白|to answer dabaicai 大白菜|bok choy/Chinese cabbage/Brassica pek... dabaihua 大白话|colloquial speech dabailu 大白鹭|(bird species of China) great egret (... dabaisha 大白鲨|great white shark (Carcharodon carcha... dabaitian 大白天|broad daylight dabaitiao 打白条|to write an IOU or promissory note dabaixiongquan 大白熊犬|Great Pyrenees (dog breed) dabaizi 大伯子|(coll.) husband\'s elder brother daban 打扮|to decorate/to dress/to make up/to ad... daban 大班|tai-pan/business executive/foreign bu... daban 大阪|Osaka, city in Japan daban 大半|more than half/greater part/most/prob... daban 大坂|Japanese surname Osaka/old variant of... daban 搭伴|travel with another/accompany another dabancheng 达坂城|Dabancheng district of Urumqi city 烏魯... dabanchengqu 达坂城区|Dabancheng district of Urumqi city 烏魯... dabanfu 大阪府|Osaka Prefecture, Japan dabang 大棒|big stick (policy etc) dabang 搭帮|to travel together/thanks to dabanjiling 大斑鹡鸰|(bird species of China) white-browed ... dabanniepanjing 大般涅盘经|Nirvana sutra dabanshao 大阪烧|okonomiyaki (Japanese savory pancake)... dabanye 大半夜|the middle of the night dabanzhuomuniao 大斑啄木鸟|(bird species of China) great spotted... dabao 打包|to wrap; to pack/to put leftovers in ... dabao 打爆|to blow out/to blow off/(computer gam... dabao 大宝|Taiho (a Japanese era) dabao 大宝|(archaic) throne dabao 大鸨|(bird species of China) great bustard... dabaobuping 打抱不平|(idiom) to aid sb suffering an injust... dabaodalan 大包大揽|to take complete charge (idiom) dabaojiandao 打薄剪刀|thinning scissors dabaojiao 大堡礁|Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Austr... dabaokoufu 大饱口福|to eat one\'s fill/to have a good meal dabaopiao 打包票|to vouch for/to guarantee dabaopiao 打保票|to vouch for/to guarantee dabaoyanfu 大饱眼福|to feast one\'s eyes dabaozha 大爆炸|Big Bang (cosmology) dabashi 打把势|drill (in sword play)/to thrash aroun... dabashi 打把式|variant of 打把勢|打把势[da3 ba3 shi5] dabashou 搭把手|to help out dabashour 搭把手儿|erhua variant of 搭把手[da1 ba3 shou3] dabei 搭背|harness pad (on draft animal) dabeizhou 大悲咒|the Great Compassion Mantra dabenniepanjing 大本涅盘经|the great Nirvana sutra: every living... dabenxiang 大笨象|(slang) elephant dabenying 大本营|headquarters/base camp dabenzhong 大本钟|Big Ben dabi 大笔|(formal, honorific) your writing; you... dabian 答辩|to reply (to an accusation)/to defend... dabian 大便|to defecate/excrement; feces dabian 搭便|at one\'s convenience/in passing dabian 大变|huge changes dabianche 搭便车|to hitch a ride dabianganzao 大便干燥|constipated dabiangu 打边鼓|to echo what sb said/to back sb up fr... dabianlu 打边炉|(Cantonese) to eat hot pot/hot pot dabianmijie 大便秘结|constipation dabiao 达标|to reach a set standard dabiao 打表|to run the meter (in a taxi) dabieshan 大别山|Dabie mountain range on the borders o... dabimuyu 大比目鱼|halibut dabing 大兵|soldier/large army/powerful army/(old... dabing 大饼|large flat bread dabing 大病|serious illness dabingqi 大冰期|ice age dabinyu 大滨鹬|(bird species of China) great knot (C... dabo 大伯|husband\'s older brother/brother-in-law dabo 打啵|(dialect) to kiss dabo 搭膊|shoulder bag dabosiju 大波斯菊|cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus), flowering... dabu 大埔|Dabu County in Meizhou 梅州[Mei2 zhou1]... dabu 大步|large strides dabu 搭补|to subsidize/to make up (deficit) dabu 大部|the greater part; the majority; most dabudao 达不到|cannot achieve/cannot reach dabufen 大部分|the greater part; the majority; most/... dabuguo 打不过|to be unable to defeat; to be no matc... dabuliao 大不了|at worst; if worst comes to worst/(us... dabuliedian 大不列颠|Great Britain dabuliedie 大不列蹀|(dialect) full of oneself; too big fo... dabulishi 大不里士|Tabriz city in northwest Iran, capita... dabuliuxing 大步流星|at a stride/taking large steps (while... dabutie 大补帖|tonic/healthy concoction/(fig.) just ... dabutong 打不通|cannot get through (on phone) dabutou 大捕头|head constable dabuwei 大不韪|great error/heinous crime dabuxian 大埔县|Dabu county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong dabuxiangtong 大不相同|not at all the same/substantially dif... dabuzhi 大部制|super-ministry system (reform aimed a... dacabianqiu 打擦边球|to bend the rules/to skirt around the... dacaixiaoyong 大材小用|using a talented person in an insigni... dacaixiaoyong 大才小用|lit. making little use of great talen... dacall 打call|(slang) to cheer sb on/to show one\'s ... dacan 大餐|sumptuous meal; banquet dacao 打草|to mow grass/haymaking/to write a rou... dacaojingshe 打草惊蛇|lit. beat the grass to scare the snak... dacaomei 大草鹛|(bird species of China) giant babax (... dacaoying 大草莺|(bird species of China) Chinese grass... dacaoyuan 大草原|prairie/savanna dacengci 打层次|to get one\'s hair layered dacha 搭茬|to respond to what sb has just said dacha 打镲|(dialect) to joke/to make fun of (sb) dacha 打岔|interruption/to interrupt (esp. talk)... dacha 打杈|to prune (branches) dachabucha 大差不差|roughly the same dachai 打柴|to chop firewood/to gather firewood dachaidan 大柴旦|Da Qaidam county level subdivision of... dachaidanxingzhengqu 大柴旦行政区|Da Qaidam county level subdivision of... dachaidanxingzhengweiyuanhui 大柴旦行政委员会|Da Qaidam county level subdivision of... dachaidanzhen 大柴旦镇|Da Qaidam town in Haixi Mongol and Ti... dachan 打禅|to meditate (of Buddhist) dachang 大厂|Dachang Hui autonomous county in Lang... dachang 大厂|large manufacturer dachang 大肠|the large intestine dachang 大氅|overcoat/cloak/cape/CL:件[jian4] dachang 打场|to thresh grain (on the floor) dachangbaoxiaochang 大肠包小肠|small sausage in large sausage (pork ... dachangdong 大场鸫|OHBA Tsugumi (pen-name), author of cu... dachangganjun 大肠杆菌|Escherichia coli (E. coli) dachanggong 打长工|to work as long-term hired hand dachanghuizuzizhixian 大厂回族自治县|Dachang Hui autonomous county in Lang... dachangjin 大长今|Dae Jang Geum, a 2003 Korean historic... dachangjizaozheng 大肠激躁症|irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) dachangtu 打长途|to make a long distance call dachangtui 大长腿|(coll.) (a person\'s) long legs dachangxian 大厂县|Dachang Hui autonomous county in Lang... dachangzuididong 大长嘴地鸫|(bird species of China) long-billed t... dachao 大潮|spring tide/(fig.) momentous social c... dachaodanao 大吵大闹|to shout and scream (idiom); to kick ... dachar 搭茬儿|erhua variant of 搭茬[da1cha2] dachazi 大𥻗子|gruel made from coarsely ground maize dache 打车|to take a taxi (in town)/to hitch a lift dache 搭车|to ride (in a vehicle)/to get a lift/... dachedawu 大彻大悟|to achieve supreme enlightenment or n... dachen 大臣|chancellor (of a monarchy)/cabinet mi... dacheng 达成|to reach (an agreement)/to accomplish dacheng 搭乘|to ride as a passenger/to travel by (... dacheng 大城|Dacheng County in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 f... dacheng-yipian 打成一片|(idiom) to become as one (with a part... dachengpingshou 打成平手|to draw (a competition)/to fight to a... dachengshi 大城市|major city/metropolis dachengxian 大城县|Dacheng county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 f... dachengxiang 大城乡|Dacheng or Tacheng Township in Changh... dachengxieyi 达成协议|to reach agreement dachi 大吃|to gorge oneself/to pig out dachibo 打赤膊|to bare one\'s chest/bare-chested dachidahe 大吃大喝|to eat and drink as much as one likes... dachierhe 大吃二喝|to eat and drink extravagantly/to binge dachijiao 打赤脚|to bare the feet dachitechi 大吃特吃|to gorge oneself with food dachiyijing 大吃一惊|to have a surprise (idiom); shocked o... dachong 大虫|tiger dachong 打虫|to swat an insect/to get rid of intes... dachongfeng 打冲锋|to lead the charge dachu 打怵|to fear/to feel terrified dachu 打憷|variant of 打怵[da3 chu4] dachuang 大疮|syphilis/syphilitic ulcer dachuangfang 大床房|hotel room with one double (or queen ... dachuangjian 大床间|see 大床房[da4 chuang2 fang2] dachui 大锤|sledgehammer dachuidalei 大吹大擂|to make an exhibition of oneself/oste... dachun 打春|see 立春[Li4 chun1] dachunxiaoci 大醇小疵|great despite minor blemishes/a rough... dachuqihan 大出其汗|to sweat buckets (idiom) dachushou 打出手|to fling back weapons hurled at one b... dachuxue 大出血|to hemorrhage/(fig.) to make a huge l... dachuzhuoyan,xiaochuzhuoshou 大处着眼,小处着手|think of the big picture, start with ... daci 答词|reply/thank-you speech daciensi 大慈恩寺|Daci\'en Buddhist temple in Xi\'an dacong 大葱|leek/Chinese onion dacong 打从|from/(ever) since dacun 大村|Dacun Township in Changhua County 彰化縣... dacunxiang 大村乡|Dacun Township in Changhua County 彰化縣... dacuo 大错|blunder dacuo 打错|to err/to dial a wrong number/to make... dacuotecuo 大错特错|to be gravely mistaken (idiom) dada 大大|greatly/enormously/(dialect) dad/uncle dada 鞑靼|Tartar (various northern tribes in an... dada-lielie 大大咧咧|(idiom) carefree; offhand; casual dadachushou 大打出手|to come to blows/to start a fight/(de... dadafangfang 大大方方|confident/calm/natural/poised dadahaixia 鞑靼海峡|Strait of Tartary between Sakhalin an... dadan 大胆|brazen/audacious/outrageous/bold/dari... dadang 搭档|to cooperate/partner dadang 搭挡|variant of 搭檔|搭档[da1 dang4] dadang 搭当|variant of 搭檔|搭档[da1 dang4] dadang 打档|(Tw) to change gears dadangche 打档车|(Tw) manual transmission motorcycle (... dadanierhaixia 达达尼尔海峡|Dardanelles Strait/Turkish: Çanakkale... dadanqi 打蛋器|egg beater dadanquan 大丹犬|Great Dane (dog breed) dadanyifan 大啖一番|to have a square meal dadao 大道|main street/avenue dadao 达到|to reach; to achieve; to attain dadao 大刀|broadsword/large knife/machete dadao 大盗|thief; bandit (esp. one who has gaine... dadao 打倒|to overthrow/to knock down/Down with ... dadaohui 大刀会|Great Sword Society, an offshoot of t... dadaohuifu 打道回府|to go home (in a ceremonial processio... dadaoju 大道具|(theater) set prop (desk, chairs etc) dadaokuofu 大刀阔斧|bold and decisive dadaoli 大道理|major principle/general truth/sermon ... dadaren 鞑靼人|Tatar (person) dadaxiaoxiao 大大小小|large and small; of all sizes dadehuore 打得火热|(idiom) to be on very good terms with... dadeli 达德利|Dudley (name) dadeng 大灯|headlight dadi 大地|earth/mother earth dadi 打底|to lay a foundation (also fig.)/to ma... dadi 大抵|generally speaking/by and large/for t... dadi 大帝|heavenly emperor/\"the Great\" (title) dadi 打的|(coll.) to take a taxi/to go by taxi dadian 打点|to bribe/to get (luggage) ready/to pu... dadian 大典|ceremony/collection of classical writ... dadian 大殿|main hall of a Buddhist temple dadiandi 打点滴|to put sb on an intravenous drip dadianhua 打电话|to make a telephone call dadiao 大调|major key (in music) dadiao 打掉|to tear down/to destroy/to dismantle ... dadiao 搭调|to match/in tune/reasonable dadiaomenya,wangduziliyan 打掉门牙,往肚子里咽|lit. to swallow one\'s knocked-out tee... dadiaoping 打吊瓶|to put sb on an intravenous drip dadiaozhen 打吊针|to put sb on an intravenous drip dadiceliangxue 大地测量学|geodesy dadidangqian 大敌当前|(idiom) to be faced with a formidable... dadidong 大地洞|cavern dadie 大跌|large fall dadieshi 大跌市|great market fall/market crash dadieyanjing 大跌眼镜|(fig.) to be astounded dadieyu 大鲽鱼|turbot fish dadiku 打底裤|leggings dadingzhuyi 打定主意|to make up one\'s mind dadipu 打地铺|to make one\'s bed on the floor dadishuizhunmian 大地水准面|geoid dadixian 大地线|a geodesic (curve) dadizhige 大地之歌|Das Lied von der Erde (Song of the Ea... dadizhu 大地主|a large landowner dadizi 打底子|to sketch/to draft/to lay the foundation dadong 打动|to move (to pity)/arousing (sympathy)... dadong 大东|Dadong district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|... dadong 打洞|to punch a hole/to drill a hole/to di... dadonggange 大动干戈|lit. to go to war (idiom)/fig. to mak... dadongmai 大动脉|main artery (blood vessel)/fig. main ... dadongqu 大东区|Dadong district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|... dadongyagongrongquan 大东亚共荣圈|Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere,... dadou 大豆|soybean dadou 大都|for the most part/on the whole/also p... dadou 打斗|to fight dadu 大都|Dadu, capital of China during the Yua... dadu 大都|for the most part/on the whole/metrop... dadu 大度|magnanimous/generous (in spirit) dadu 打赌|to bet/to make a bet/a wager daduan 打断|to interrupt/to break off/to break (a... daduanr 打短儿|casual labor/to work for a bit daduanzhibailing 大短趾百灵|(bird species of China) greater short... dadubaorong 大度包容|generous and forgiving daduhe 大渡河|Dadu River in Sichuan daduhui 大都会|major city/metropolis/metropolitan dadui 大队|group/a large body of/production brig... dadui 答对|(usually used in the negative) to ans... dadui 大憝|archenemy/chief enemy dadui 打兑|to arrange (colloquial)/to transfer c... daduitai 打对台|to compete/to rival daduizhang 打对仗|to compete dadujuan 大杜鹃|(bird species of China) common cuckoo... dadukou 大渡口|Dadukou, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重... dadukouqu 大渡口区|Dadukou, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重... dadun 打盹|to doze off dadun 打顿|to pause dadunr 打盹儿|erhua variant of 打盹[da3 dun3] dadunr 打趸儿|to buy wholesale dadunr 打顿儿|erhua variant of 打頓|打顿[da3 dun4] daduo 大多|for the most part/many/most/the great... daduoshou 大舵手|the Great Helmsman (Mao Zedong) daduoshu 大多数|(great) majority daduosuo 打哆嗦|to tremble/to shiver (of cold)/to shu... dadushi 大都市|metropolis/large city/megacity daduzi 大肚子|pregnant/potbelly/big eater daduzijingji 大肚子经济|\"Pregnancy-oriented Economy\", new mar... dae 大鳄|lit. big crocodile/fig. major figure/... dae 打呃|to hiccup daenbuyanxie 大恩不言谢|(maxim) a mere \"thank you\" is an insu... daer 大二|second-year university student daerfuer 达尔富尔|Darfur, region of west Sudan daerfuer 达尔福尔|Darfur (western province of Sudan) daerguang 打耳光|to slap on the face/to box sb\'s ears daerhanmaominganlianheqi 达尔罕茂明安联合旗|Darhan Muming\'an united banner in Bao... daerhuazhi 大而化之|careless/sloppy daerlong 大耳窿|loan shark/usurer daermatiya 达尔马提亚|Dalmatia, Croatian region on the east... daerwen 达尔文|Charles Darwin (1809-1882), British b... daerwengang 达尔文港|Port Darwin (the port of Darwin, the ... daerwenxueshuo 达尔文学说|Darwinism daerwenzhuyi 达尔文主义|Darwinism daerwudang 大而无当|grandiose but impractical (idiom)/lar... dafa 大发|Daihatsu, Japanese car company dafa 打发|to dispatch sb to do sth/to make sb l... dafa 打法|to play (a card)/to make a move in a ... dafaguan 大法官|grand justice/high court justice/supr... dafaleiting 大发雷霆|to be furious/to fly into a terrible ... dafan 打翻|to overturn/to overthrow/to strike do... dafan 大凡|generally/in general dafan 打饭|to get food at a canteen dafang 大方|expert/scholar/mother earth/a type of... dafang 大方|generous/magnanimous/stylish/in good ... dafang 答访|to return a visit dafangbeisheng 大放悲声|to wail loudly and mournfully (idiom) dafangguangfohuayanjing 大方广佛华严经|Avatamsaka sutra of the Huayan school... dafangguangming 大放光明|to shine brightly/(fig.) to show prom... dafangjueci 大放厥词|to prattle on self-importantly (idiom) dafangyicai 大放异彩|to shine (of talents, skills, accompl... dafangzhijia 大方之家|learned person/expert in a certain fi... dafanshenzhang 打翻身仗|to work hard towards a turnaround/to ... dafanwei 大范围|large-scale dafashijian 打发时间|to pass the time dafei 达菲|oseltamivir/Tamiflu dafeiji 打飞机|(slang) (of a male) to masturbate; to... dafeisuowen 答非所问|(idiom) to sidestep the question/to a... dafeizhouzhang 大费周章|to take great pains/to go to a lot of... dafen 打分|to grade/to give a mark dafen 大粪|human excrement/night soil (human man... dafeng 大风|gale/CL:場|场[chang2] dafeng 搭缝|overlaid seam dafengtouyanou 大凤头燕鸥|(bird species of China) greater crest... dafenjieling 大分界岭|Great Dividing Range, mountain range ... dafenqi 达·芬奇|Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italia... dafenshu 打分数|to grade (a student\'s work); to rate ... dafenxi 达芬西|see 達·芬奇|达·芬奇[Da2 · Fen1 qi2] dafenxian 大分县|Ōita prefecture, Japan dafenzi 大分子|macromolecule (chemistry) dafu 答复|variant of 答覆|答复[da2 fu4] dafu 答复|to answer/to reply/Reply to: (in emai... dafu 大夫|senior official (in imperial China) dafu 大幅|a big margin/substantially dafu 大副|first mate/first officer (of a ship) dafu 大福|a great blessing/daifuku, a tradition... dafu 大釜|cauldron dafudagui 大富大贵|very rich/millionaire dafudu 大幅度|by a wide margin/substantial dafujipin 打富济贫|to rob the rich to help the poor (idiom) dafupi 大腹皮|husk of betel nut 檳榔|槟榔[bing1 lang5] dafupianpian 大腹便便|big-bellied (idiom)/paunchy dafuweng 大富翁|Monopoly (game)/known as 地產大亨|地产大亨[Di... dagai 大概|roughly/probably/rough/approximate/ab... dagai 搭盖|to build (esp. with simple materials)... dagaimao 大盖帽|peaked cap/service cap/visor cap dagan 大干|to go all out/to work energetically dagang 大纲|synopsis/outline/program/leading prin... dagang 大港|Dagang former district of Tianjin, no... dagangqin 大钢琴|grand piano dagangqu 大港区|Dagang former district of Tianjin, no... dagaoerfu 打高尔夫|to play golf dagaoerfuqiu 打高尔夫球|to play golf dagaozi 打稿子|to produce a draft manuscript dage 大哥|eldest brother/big brother (polite ad... dage 打嗝|to hiccup/to belch/to burp dageda 大哥大|cell phone (bulky, early-model one); ... dageng 打更|to sound the night watches (on clappe... dagenlan 大根兰|Cymbidium macrorrhizum Lindl. dagentou 打跟头|to turn a somersault/to turn head ove... dager 大个儿|tall person dager 打嗝儿|erhua variant of 打嗝[da3 ge2] dagezi 打格子|to draw a rectangular grid (e.g. of f... dagong 打工|to work a temporary or casual job/(of... dagong 大功|great merit/great service dagong 大公|grand duke/impartial dagong 大恭|(literary) excrement; feces dagong 打拱|to bow with clasped hands dagongbao 大公报|Dagong Bao, popular newspaper name/Ta... dagonggaocheng 大功告成|successfully accomplished (project or... dagongguo 大公国|grand duchy dagongguoji 大公国际|Dagong Global Credit Rating, credit r... dagongmei 打工妹|young female worker dagongren 打工人|worker dagongsi 大公司|large company/corporation dagongwusi 大公无私|selfless/impartial dagongzai 打工仔|young worker/employee/young male worker dagongzuoyi 打躬作揖|to bow respectfully with clasped hand... dagongzuoyi 打拱作揖|to bow respectfully with clasped hand... dagou 搭钩|a hook/to make contact with sb dagou 打钩|to tick/to check/tick mark/check mark dagou 打狗|Takow, Takao or Takau, old name for K... dagou 打勾|to check; to tick/(old) to buy dagougou 打勾勾|see 拉鉤|拉钩[la1 gou1] dagouhaideikanzhuren 打狗还得看主人|lit. when one beats a dog, one must a... dagouqizhu 打狗欺主|to beat a dog and bully its owner/fig... dagu 打鼓|to beat a drum/to play a drum/(fig.) ... dagu 大鼓|bass drum dagu 大姑|father\'s oldest sister/husband\'s olde... dagu 搭咕|to connect/to discuss dagu 打谷|to thresh dagu 打箍|to hoop/to put a hoop around sth dagua 打卦|to tell sb\'s fortune using divinatory... dagua 打瓜|a smaller variety of watermelon, with... daguai 大拐|to turn left (Shanghainese) daguan 大关|strategic pass/barrier or mark (i.e. ... daguan 达官|high-ranking official daguan 大观|Daguan, a district of Anqing City 安慶市... daguan 达观|to take things philosophically daguan 大管|bassoon daguanggun 打光棍|to live as a bachelor daguanguiren 达官贵人|high official and noble persons (idio... daguanhua 打官话|to talk officiously/to assume the air... daguanqiang 打官腔|to talk officiously/to assume the air... daguanqu 大观区|Daguan, a district of Anqing City 安慶市... daguansi 打官司|to file a lawsuit/to sue/to dispute daguanxian 大关县|Daguan county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 to... daguanyuan 大观园|Prospect Garden/Grand View Garden, a ... daguchang 打谷场|threshing floor dagudong 大股东|large stockholder; majority shareholder daguimo 大规模|large scale/extensive/wide scale/broa... daguimoshashangxingwuqi 大规模杀伤性武器|weapon of mass destruction daguji 打谷机|threshing machine dagukoupaotai 大沽口炮台|Taku Forts, maritime defense works in... dagun 打滚|to roll about dagunzi 打棍子|to bludgeon/to hit with a big stick daguo 大国|a power (i.e. a dominant country) daguo 大锅|a big wok/cauldron daguo 大过|serious mistake/major demerit daguofan 大锅饭|meal cooked in a large pot/communal m... daguojiadang 大国家党|South Korean Grand national party daguonian 大过年|Chinese New Year dagupaotai 大沽炮台|Taku Forts, maritime defense works in... dahaha 打哈哈|to joke/to laugh insincerely/to make ... dahahar 打哈哈儿|erhua variant of 打哈哈[da3 ha1 ha5] dahai 大海|sea/ocean dahaigou 大海沟|marine trench dahailaozhen 大海捞针|lit. to fish a needle from the sea/to... dahan 大汉|Han Dynasty dahan 大汉|burly fellow dahan 大寒|Great Cold, 24th of the 24 solar term... dahan 打鼾|to snore dahan 大汗|supreme khan dahan 大汗|profuse perspiration dahan 大喊|to shout dahandajiao 大喊大叫|shouting and screaming (idiom); to sc... dahandiguo 大韩帝国|Korean Empire, from fall of Joseon dy... dahang 打夯|to ram/to tamp dahanhangkong 大韩航空|Korean Air, South Korea\'s main airline dahanlinli 大汗淋漓|dripping with sweat dahanminguo 大韩民国|Republic of Korea (South Korea) dahanwangni 大旱望霓|see 大旱望雲霓|大旱望云霓[da4 han4 wang4 yun2 ni2] dahanwangyunni 大旱望云霓|lit. looking for rain clouds in times... dahanzhiwangyunni 大旱之望云霓|see 大旱望雲霓|大旱望云霓[da4 han4 wang4 yun2 ni2] dahanzuzhuyi 大汉族主义|Greater Han nationalism dahao 大号|tuba/large size (clothes, print etc)/... dahaqian 打哈欠|to yawn dahe 大河|large river (esp the Yellow River) dahe 大和|Yamato, an ancient Japanese province,... dahechang 大合唱|cantata/chorus dahei 打黑|to crack down on illegal activities; ... daheng 大亨|big shot/top gun/superstar/VIP dahengpao 打横炮|to butt in/to interfere/to make thing... daheqian 打呵欠|to yawn dahong 大红|crimson dahong 打哄|to fool around/to kid around dahongbizi 大红鼻子|rhinophyma (red nose, often related t... dahongdalv 大红大绿|bright-colored/garish dahongdazi 大红大紫|to hit the big time dahongdenglonggaogaogua 大红灯笼高高挂|Raise the Red Lantern (1991), movie b... dahongguan 大红鹳|(bird species of China) greater flami... dahonglu 大鸿胪|Grand Herald in imperial China, one o... dahongpao 大红袍|an expensive type of oolong tea dahounian 大后年|three years from now/year after year ... dahoutian 大后天|three days from now/day after day aft... dahu 大户|great family/rich family/large landlo... dahu 大湖|Dahu or Tahu township in Miaoli count... dahu 打呼|to snore dahua 打滑|to skid/to slip/to slide dahua 搭话|to talk/to get into conversation with... dahua 答话|to reply/to answer dahuaidan 大坏蛋|scoundrel/bastard dahuan 大环|Tai Wan, a locality in Kowloon, Hong ... dahuang 大黄|rhubarb (botany) dahuangfeng 大黄蜂|bumblebee dahuangguanzhuomuniao 大黄冠啄木鸟|(bird species of China) greater yello... dahuangyu 大黄鱼|Croceine croaker (Pseudosciaena croce... dahuanjing 大环境|the environment (from a macro perspec... dahuatou 大话骰|liar\'s dice (dice game) dahui 大会|general assembly/general meeting/conv... dahuibaogaoqicaoren 大会报告起草人|rapporteur dahuilang 大灰狼|big bad wolf dahuixiang 大茴香|Chinese anise/star anise dahuixiangzi 大茴香子|aniseed dahuizhuomuniao 大灰啄木鸟|(bird species of China) great slaty w... dahulaer 大呼拉尔|State Great Khural or Great State Ass... dahulu 打呼噜|to snore dahun 打诨|to intersperse comic remarks (in a pe... dahun 大婚|to have a grand wedding; to get marri... dahun 打混|to muddle things up/to goof off/to ha... dahuo 大伙|everybody/everyone/we all dahuo 大祸|disaster/calamity dahuo 大火|conflagration; large fire/CL:場|场[chang2] dahuo 搭伙|to join up with sb/to become partner/... dahuo 大夥|variant of 大伙[da4 huo3] dahuobujie 大惑不解|to be at a loss (idiom) dahuoji 打火机|lighter/cigarette lighter dahuolintou 大祸临头|facing imminent catastrophe/calamity ... dahuoquansheng 大获全胜|to seize total victory (idiom); an ov... dahuor 大伙儿|erhua variant of 大伙[da4 huo3] dahuoshi 打火石|flint dahutoufeng 大虎头蜂|Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia) dahuxiang 大湖乡|Dahu or Tahu township in Miaoli count... dahuxiaojiao 大呼小叫|to shout and quarrel/to make a big fuss dai 戴|surname Dai dai 戴|to put on or wear (glasses, hat, glov... dai 带|band/belt/girdle/ribbon/tire/area/zon... dai 大|see 大夫[dai4 fu5] dai 黛|umber-black dye for painting the eyebrow dai 代|to be a substitute for; to act on beh... dai 岱|Mt Tai in Shandong/same as 泰山 dai 逮|(coll.) to catch; to seize; to capture dai 逮|(literary) to reach/used in 逮捕[dai4bu... dai 贷|to lend on interest/to borrow/a loan/... dai 绐|to cheat/to pretend/to deceive dai 待|to stay; to remain dai 待|to wait/to treat/to deal with/to need... dai 埭|dam dai 怠|idle/lazy/negligent/careless dai 呆|foolish; stupid/expressionless; blank... dai 呆|stupid (variant of 呆[dai1])/blank (va... dai 殆|(literary) dangerous; perilous/(liter... dai 呔|(interjection) hey!/Taiwan pr. [tai5] dai 歹|bad/wicked/evil/Kangxi radical 78 dai 傣|Dai (ethnic group) dai 甙|old term for 糖苷[tang2 gan1], glycoside dai 玳|tortoise shell/turtle dai 玳|variant of 玳[dai4] dai 襶|untidy (in dress) dai 槑|(Internet slang) emphatic variant of ... dai 叇|see 靉靆|叆叇[ai4 dai4] dai 歺|old variant of 歹[dai3] dai 迨|until/while dai 帯|Japanese variant of 帶|带 dai 垈|used in place names/Japanese -nuta/Ko... dai 蝳|see 蝳蝐[dai4 mao4] dai 黱|old variant of 黛[dai4] dai 侢|old variant of 戴[dai4] dai 軚|(Cantonese) steering wheel/(Cantonese... dai 艜|a long narrow vessel with two masts dai 袋|pouch/bag/sack/pocket dai 𠯪|(dialect) to eat daianna 戴安娜|Diana (name) daianna 黛安娜|Diana (goddess in Roman mythology) daiannawangfei 戴安娜王妃|Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997) daiaoxin 戴奥辛|dioxin, carcinogenic heterocyclic hyd... daiban 代办|to act for sb else/to act on sb\'s beh... daiban 呆板|stiff/inflexible/also pr. [ai2 ban3] daiban 代班|(Tw) to take over sb\'s job; to substi... daibanshixiangliebiao 待办事项列表|to-do list daibanshou 呆扳手|open spanner/open end spanner/flat sp... daiben 呆笨|dimwitted daibi 代币|token (used instead of money for slot... daibi 代笔|to write on behalf of sb/to ghostwrite daibi 待毙|to await death/to be a sitting duck daibiao 代表|representative/delegate/CL:位[wei4],個|... daibiao 戴表|to wear a watch/homophone for 代表[dai4... daibiaochu 代表处|representative office daibiaodui 代表队|delegation daibiaorenwu 代表人物|representative individual (of a schoo... daibiaotuan 代表团|delegation/CL:個|个[ge4] daibiaoxing 代表性|representativeness/representative; ty... daibiaozuo 代表作|representative work (of an author or ... daibing 带病|to be suffering from an illness (ofte... daibing 带兵|to lead troops daibingguo 戴秉国|Dai Bingguo (1941-), a Chinese politi... daibu 代步|to get around using a conveyance (car... daibu 逮捕|to arrest; to apprehend; to take into... daibuche 代步车|vehicle/(esp.) mobility vehicle (mobi... daican 代餐|meal replacement daichan 待产|(of an expectant mother) to be in labor daichang 代偿|(medical) compensation/to repay a deb... daicheng 代称|alternative name/to refer to sth by a... daici 带刺|thorny/(fig.) barbed; sarcastic daici 代词|pronoun daidai 代代|from generation to generation/generat... daidaixiangchuan 代代相传|passed on from generation to generati... daidao 代祷|to pray on behalf of sb daidian 带电|to be electrified; to be charged; to ... daidianlizi 带电粒子|electrically charged particles daidiao 带调|to have a tone mark daiding 待定|to await a decision/to be pending daidong 带动|to spur; to provide impetus; to drive daidu 歹毒|vicious/ruthless/malevolent daidui 带队|to lead a team/to lead a group/group ... daidun 代顿|Dayton (city in Ohio) daiduo 怠惰|idleness daier 戴尔|Dell daierfute 代尔夫特|Delft, Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands daifang 贷方|credit side (of a balance sheet)/cred... daifenshu 带分数|mixed fraction/mixed number (i.e. wit... daifu 大夫|doctor/physician daifu 待复|to be advised/awaiting an answer daigan 带感|(neologism) (of movies, songs etc) af... daigang 待岗|to wait for a job assignment; to be l... daigaole 戴高乐|Charles De Gaulle (1890-1970), French... daigaomaozi 戴高帽子|(coll.) to be the object of flattery/... daigei 带给|to give to/to provide to/to bring to/... daigen 呆根|(literary) idiot daigong 代工|OEM (original equipment manufacturer) daigong 怠工|to slacken off in one\'s work/to go sl... daigou 代购|to buy (on behalf of sb) daigou 代沟|generation gap daigua 呆瓜|idiot/fool daiguan 代管|to administer/to manage/to hold in tr... daiguo 带过|to give sth only cursory attention/to... daihaizi 带孩子|to look after a baby; to take care of... daihao 代号|code name daihongse 带红色|reddish daihu 怠忽|to neglect daihuai 带坏|to lead astray daihuan 代换|to substitute/to replace daihui 带回|to bring back daihui 待会|wait a minute/stop a while daihuir 呆会儿|variant of 待會兒|待会儿[dai1hui4r5] daihuir 待会儿|in a moment/later/also pr. [dai1 hui3... daihuo 带货|(coll.) to smuggle daiji 待机|to wait for an opportunity/(electroni... daiji 贷记|to credit daiji 代际|intergenerational/generational daijia 代价|price/cost/consideration (in share de... daijia 代驾|to drive a vehicle for its owner (oft... daijiaergu 待价而沽|to sell only for a good price (idiom)... daijian 待见|(coll.) to like daijie 待解|unresolved/awaiting solution daijin 殆尽|almost exhausted; nearly depleted; pr... daijin 带劲|energetic; exciting; of interest daijinquan 代金券|voucher; coupon daiju 戴菊|(bird species of China) goldcrest (Re... daijuniao 戴菊鸟|kinglet/bird of Regulus genus daijunzhe 带菌者|asymptomatic carrier daikao 待考|under investigation/currently unknown daikao 代考|to take a test or exam for sb daike 代课|to teach as substitute for absent tea... daikeboche 代客泊车|valet parking daikelixian 戴克里先|Diocletian (c. 245-311), Roman emperor daikou 代扣|to withhold tax (from employee\'s salary) daikou 带扣|buckle daikuan 贷款|a loan/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/to provide a loan ... daikuan 带宽|bandwidth daikuanlv 贷款率|lending interest rate daikuanren 贷款人|the lender dailai 带来|to bring/(fig.) to bring about; to pr... dailang 袋狼|thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) dailao 代劳|to do sth in place of sb else dailei 带累|to get sb involved in one\'s trouble/T... daili 代理|to act on behalf of sb in a responsib... dailing 带领|to guide/to lead dailiren 代理人|agent dailishang 代理商|agent dailisi 代利斯|Dallys, Algerian seaport and naval base dailiyunmu 代理孕母|(Tw) surrogacy/surrogate pregnancy/su... dailu 带路|to lead the way; to guide; to show th... dailu 带露|dewy dailuren 带路人|a guide/fig. instructor dailvmaozi 戴绿帽子|to have been cheated on by one\'s part... dailvtoujin 戴绿头巾|see 戴綠帽子|戴绿帽子[dai4 lu:4 mao4 zi5] daima 代码|code daimaduan 代码段|code segment daiman 怠慢|to slight/to neglect daimao 玳瑁|hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbric... daimao 蝳蝐|variant of 玳瑁[dai4 mao4]/hawksbill tu... daimaoke 玳瑁壳|tortoise shell daimaoyanjing 玳瑁眼镜|hawksbill shell-rimmed eyeglasses/CL:... daimaozi 戴帽子|to wear a hat/(fig.) to stigmatize/to... daimaye 代码页|code page daimei 带霉|musty/moldy daimeng 呆萌|endearingly silly daimiao 岱庙|Dai Temple, a temple in Shandong for ... daiming 待命|to be on call/to be on standby daiming 歹命|(Tw) to have been dealt a hard lot in... daimingci 代名词|pronoun/synonym/byword daimingshi 戴名世|Dai Mingshi (1653-1713), early Qing w... daimu 代母|godmother/surrogate mother dainamaite 代拿买特|dynamite (loanword) dainiupeidu 带牛佩犊|to abandon armed struggle and return ... daipenwangtian 戴盆望天|lit. viewing the sky with a basin on ... daiqi 带气|carbonated (drink)/sparkling (mineral... daiqili 黛绮莉|(loanword) daiquiri daiqu 带去|to take along with one dair 带儿|erhua variant of 帶|带[dai4] dairen 待人|to treat people (politely, harshly etc) dairen 歹人|bad person/evildoer/robber dairen-jiewu 待人接物|(idiom) to interact with people dairenshouguo 代人受过|to take the blame for sb else/to be m... dairu 代入|to substitute into dairuomuji 呆若木鸡|lit. dumb as a wooden chicken (idiom)... daisai 带赛|(slang) (Tw) to bring bad luck daisha 呆傻|stupid/foolish/dull-witted daishan 岱山|Daishan county in Zhoushan 舟山[Zhou1 s... daishang 戴上|to put on (hat etc) daishang 带上|to take along with one daishangmen 带上门|to close the door (when going through... daishanxian 岱山县|Daishan county in Zhoushan 舟山[Zhou1 s... daisheng 戴胜|(bird species of China) Eurasian hoop... daishi 歹势|(Tw) excuse me; to be sorry (from Tai... daishou 代收|to receive sth on another\'s behalf daishouhuokuan 代收货款|collect on delivery (COD) daishu 袋鼠|kangaroo daishu 代数|algebra daishu 代书|to write on sb\'s behalf/a scrivener (... daishucu 代数簇|algebraic variety (math.) daishufangcheng 代数方程|algebraic equation daishuguo 袋鼠国|(slang) Australia daishuhanshu 代数函数|(math.) algebraic function daishuhanshulun 代数函数论|algebraic function theory (math.) daishuhe 代数和|algebraic sum daishujibendingli 代数基本定理|fundamental theorem of algebra daishujiegou 代数结构|algebraic structure daishujihe 代数几何|algebraic geometry daishujihexue 代数几何学|algebraic geometry daishuliang 代数量|algebraic quantity daishuqumian 代数曲面|algebraic surface daishuqun 代数群|algebraic group (math.) daishuquxian 代数曲线|algebraic curve daishushi 代数式|(math.) algebraic expression daishushuyu 代数数域|algebraic number field (math.) daishutuopu 代数拓扑|(math.) algebraic topology daishuxue 代数学|algebra (as branch of math.) daishuxuejibendingli 代数学基本定理|fundamental theorem of algebra (every... daitang 代糖|sugar substitute daitao 戴套|to wear a condom daiti 代替|to replace; to take the place of daitian 代填|to fill in a form for sb else daitifumu 代替父母|in place of sb\'s parents/in loco pare... daitizhe 代替者|substitute daitou 带头|to take the lead; to be the first; to... daitoudainao 呆头呆脑|oafish; dull-witted daitouren 带头人|leader daitu 歹徒|evildoer/malefactor/gangster/hoodlum daiwa 带娃|to look after a baby; to take care of... daiwang 大王|robber baron (in opera, old stories)/... daiwei 代为|to do sth on behalf of sb else daiwei 戴维|Davy/Davey/Davie/David daiweisi 戴维斯|Davis or Davies (name) daiweisibei 戴维斯杯|Davis Cup (international tennis team ... daiweiying 戴维营|Camp David daixian 代县|Dai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1],... daixiao 代销|to sell as agent/to sell on commissio... daixiao 戴孝|to wear mourning garb/to be in mourning daixiao 带孝|variant of 戴孝[dai4 xiao4] daixiaocao 待宵草|evening primrose daixiaodian 代销店|outlet/commission shop/agency daixie 代谢|replacement/substitution/metabolism (... daixie 代写|to write as substitute for sb/a ghost... daixin 带薪|to receive one\'s regular salary (whil... daixing 代行|to act as a substitute; to act on sb\'... daixinxiujia 带薪休假|paid leave daixiong 袋熊|wombat (Australian marsupial) daixu 待续|to be continued daixuejin 贷学金|student loan daiyan 代言|to be a spokesperson/to be an ambassa... daiyanren 代言人|spokesperson daiyao 待要|to be about to daiye 待业|to await job assignment (term used on... daiyi 歹意|evil intent/malice daiyituo 待乙妥|DEET (insect repellent) (loanword) daiyongcan 待用餐|suspended meal (Tw) daiyou 带有|to have as a feature or characteristi... daiyouseyanjing 戴有色眼镜|to wear colored glasses/to have a pre... daiyu 带鱼|ribbonfish/hairtail/beltfish/cutlassf... daiyu 待遇|treatment/pay/salary/status/rank daiyuanzhe 带原者|(disease) carrier daiyuepixing 戴月披星|see 披星戴月[pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4] daiyuequ 岱岳区|Daiyue district of Tai\'an city 泰安市[Ta... daiyun 代孕|to serve as a surrogate mother/surrogacy daiyunmuqin 代孕母亲|surrogate mother daizhan 呆站|to stand idly daizhang 呆账|bad debt daizhang 呆帐|bad debt daizhao 待诏|expert in a specialized field such as... daizhi 呆滞|dull/lifeless/sluggish daizhi 代指|to mean/to signify daizhi 代志|(Tw) (coll.) matter; thing (from Taiw... daizhiyi 代之以|(has been) replaced with/(its) place ... daizhong 带种|(coll.) to have character/to have gut... daizhu 呆住|to be dumbfounded/to be astonished daizhuangdianlan 带状电缆|ribbon cable daizhuangpaozhen 带状疱疹|shingles/herpes zoster (medicine) daizi 袋子|bag daizi 带子|belt; band; ribbon; strap; girdle/(co... daizi 呆子|fool/sucker daizi 代字|abbreviated name of an entity (e.g. 皖... daizi 待字|(literary) (of a young lady) to be aw... daizihao 代字号|swung dash/tilde (~) daizong 岱宗|another name for Mt Tai 泰山 in Shandon... daizong 代宗|Daizong, temple name of seventh Ming ... daizou 带走|to carry; to take away daizui 代罪|to act as a scapegoat; to take the bl... daizuigaoyang 代罪羔羊|scapegoat daji 打击|to hit/to strike/to attack/to crack d... daji 妲己|Daji (c. 11th century BC), concubine ... daji 大吉|very auspicious/extremely lucky daji 大计|large scale program of lasting import... daji-baofu 打击报复|(idiom) to retaliate dajia 大家|everyone/influential family/great expert dajia 打假|to fight counterfeiting/to expose as ... dajia 打架|to fight/to scuffle/to come to blows/... dajia 大驾|imperial chariot; (fig.) emperor/(pol... dajia 大加|(before a two-syllable verb) consider... dajiaguanglin 大驾光临|we are honored by your presence dajiaguixiu 大家闺秀|girl from a wealthy family/unmarried ... dajiajieshe 打家劫舍|to break into a house for robbery (id... dajian 搭建|to build (esp. with simple materials)... dajian 大件|large/bulky/big-ticket item dajian 大建|lunar month of 30 days/same as 大盡|大尽[... dajian 打尖|to stop for a snack while traveling dajian 搭肩|to help lift up onto one\'s shoulders/... dajianalidao 大加那利岛|Gran Canaria (in the Canary Islands) dajiandao 大剪刀|shears/large scissors/secateurs dajiang 大将|a general or admiral dajiang 大奖|prize/award dajiang 大疆|DJI, Chinese technology company dajiang 大匠|master craftsman/Han dynasty official... dajiangjiansanlang 大江健三郎|Oe Kenzaburo (1935-) Japanese novelis... dajiangjun 大将军|important general/generalissimo dajiangnanbei 大江南北|north and south sides of the Yangtze ... dajiangsai 大奖赛|grand prix dajiangyou 打酱油|to buy soy sauce/it\'s none of my busi... dajianmai 大贱卖|to sell at a big discount dajianqin 大键琴|a harpsichord dajiansizhong 大奸似忠|the most treacherous person appears t... dajiao 大脚|naturally-formed feet (as opposed to ... dajiao 打搅|to disturb; to trouble; to bother dajiaodao 打交道|to come into contact with/to have dea... dajiaoguai 大脚怪|bigfoot dajiaoqiang 打胶枪|sealant gun/glue gun dajiaotang 大教堂|cathedral dajiaoxing 大角星|Arcturus (brightest star in the const... dajiaqiu 打假球|game-fixing/to fix games dajiating 大家庭|extended family/big family/harmonious... dajiazi 搭架子|to put up scaffolding/to build a fram... dajidali 大吉大利|great luck, great profit (idiom); eve... dajie 大街|street/main street/CL:條|条[tiao2] dajie 打结|to tie a knot/to tie dajie 大姐|big sister/elder sister/older sister ... dajie 大节|major festival/important matter/major... dajie 搭界|an interface/to relate with/to affiliate dajie 打劫|to loot/to rob/to plunder/to ransack dajie 大解|to defecate/to empty one\'s bowels dajie 搭接|to join/to connect up dajieda 大姐大|female gang leader/the top woman in h... dajiefang 搭街坊|to become neighbors dajiepian 搭接片|buckle/connector/overlapping joint dajietou 大姐头|(Tw) female gang leader/female boss/b... dajiexiaoxiang 大街小巷|great streets and small alleys (idiom... dajike 大戟科|Euphorbiaceae (plant family including... dajiling 大吉岭|Darjeeling, town in India dajilv 打击率|batting average (baseball etc) dajin 打紧|important dajin 大尽|lunar month of 30 days/same as 大建[da4... dajin 打进|to breach/to invade dajinbeizhuomuniao 大金背啄木鸟|(bird species of China) buff-spotted ... dajindachu 大进大出|large-scale import and export dajing 打井|to dig a well dajing 大惊|with great alarm dajingshise 大惊失色|to turn pale with fright (idiom) dajingxiaoguai 大惊小怪|to make a fuss about nothing (idiom) dajisi 大祭司|High Priest dajiu 搭救|to rescue dajiu 打酒|to buy liquor dajiubao 大久保|Japanese surname and place name Ōkubo dajiubaolitong 大久保利通|Oukubo Toshimichi (1830-1878), Japane... dajiuzi 大舅子|(coll.) wife\'s older brother dajixue 打鸡血|lit. to inject chicken blood/(coll.) ... dajiyuan 大纪元|Epoch Times, US newspaper dajiyuanshibao 大纪元时报|Epoch Times, US newspaper dajiyueqi 打击乐器|percussion instrument daju 大局|overall situation/the big picture daju 大举|(do sth) on a large scale dajuan 答卷|completed examination paper/answer sh... dajuanju 大鹃鵙|(bird species of China) large cuckoos... dajuemie 大绝灭|mass extinction dajun 大军|army/main forces dajunqu 大军区|PLA military region daka 打卡|(of an employee) to clock on (or off)... daka 大卡|kilocalorie daka 达卡|Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh/(Tw) Dak... daka 大咖|influential person/major player/big shot dakaer 达喀尔|Dakar, capital of Senegal dakai 打开|to open/to show (a ticket)/to turn on... dakai 大开|to open wide dakai-dahe 大开大合|(idiom) epic in scope; wide-ranging dakai-yanjie 大开眼界|(idiom) to broaden one\'s horizons gre... dakaihuaxiazi 打开话匣子|to start talking dakaitianchuangshuolianghua 打开天窗说亮话|(let\'s) not mince words; (let\'s) not ... dakaizhai 大开斋|see 開齋節|开斋节[Kai1zhai1jie2] dakao 大考|final exam/to take an end-of-term exa... dake 搭客|to take on passengers/passenger dakebubi 大可不必|need not/unnecessary dakeche 大客车|coach dakelong 达克龙|Dacron (brand) dakeng 大坑|Tai Hang District, Hong Kong/Dakeng, ... dakeshui 打瞌睡|to doze off daketafenni 达科塔·芬妮|Dakota Fanning, American actress dakewazi 达克瓦兹|(loanword) dacquoise (a French dessert) dakong 打孔|to punch a hole dakongka 打孔卡|(computing) punch card dakongqi 打孔器|hole puncher dakongzuan 打孔钻|auger/drill dakou 大口|big mouthful (of food, drink, smoke e... dakou 搭扣|a buckle or fastener for clothing tha... dakou 打口|(of CDs, videos etc) surplus (or \"cut... dakoujing 大口径|large caliber daku 大哭|to cry loudly dakua 打垮|to defeat/to strike down/to destroy dakuai-duoyi 大快朵颐|(idiom) to eat with great relish; to ... dakuairenxin 大快人心|to the satisfaction of everyone dakuaitou 大块头|heavy man/fat man/lunkhead/lummox/lug dakuan 大款|very wealthy person dakuang 大夼|Dakuang township in Laiyang 萊陽|莱阳[Lai... dakuang 大𫛭|(bird species of China) upland buzzar... dakuangzhen 大夼镇|Dakuang township in Laiyang 萊陽|莱阳[Lai... dakuohao 大括号|braces; curly brackets { } dakuohu 大括弧|braces; curly brackets { } dala 耷拉|to droop; to hang down; to dangle dala 打蜡|to wax (a car, floor etc) dala 搭拉|variant of 耷拉[da1la5] dalai 达赖|the Dalai Lama/abbr. of 達賴喇嘛|达赖喇嘛[Da2... dalai 打赖|to deny/to disclaim/to disavow dalaihui 打来回|to make a round trip/a return journey dalailama 达赖喇嘛|Dalai Lama dalala 大剌剌|pompous/with a swagger/casual dalan 打兰|dram (1⁄16 ounce) (loanword) dalang 大浪|billow/surge dalangbeier 达朗贝尔|D\'Alembert (1717-1783), French mathem... dalansala 达兰萨拉|Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh, north... dalao 大佬|big shot (leading some field or group... dalao 打捞|to salvage/to dredge/to fish out (per... dalao 大牢|prison dalaocu 大老粗|uncouth fellow/rustic dalaopo 大老婆|primary wife dalaoyuan 大老远|very far away dalasi 达拉斯|Dallas dalate 达拉特|Dalad banner in Ordos 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er... dalateqi 达拉特旗|Dalad banner in Ordos 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er... dalei 打雷|to rumble with thunder/clap of thunder dalei 大雷|(slang) large breasts dalei 大类|main type/main class/main category daleisisalamu 达累斯萨拉姆|Dar es Salaam (former capital of Tanz... daleitai 打擂台|(old) to fight on the leitai/(fig.) t... dalengzhan 打冷战|to shiver/to shudder dali 大荔|Dali County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2], ... dali 大力|energetically; vigorously dali 大理|Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治... dali 大理|judicial officer/justice of the peace... dali 打理|to take care of/to sort out/to manage... dali 搭理|variant of 答理[da1 li5] dali 答礼|to return a courtesy/return gift dali 答理|to acknowledge/to respond/to answer/t... dalian 大连|see 大連市|大连市[Da4lian2 Shi4] dalian 褡裢|cloth pouch open in the middle, formi... dalian 搭连|to bridge over/(linguistics) colligation dalian 搭连|variant of 褡褳|褡裢[da1 lian5] dalian 打脸|to put on theatrical makeup/(neologis... dalian 搭裢|variant of 褡褳|褡裢[da1 lian5] daliandao 大镰刀|scythe daliang 大量|great amount/large quantity/bulk/nume... daliang 大梁|capital of Wei 魏 during Warring state... daliang 打量|to size sb up/to look sb up and down/... daliangshengchan 大量生产|to manufacture in bulk/mass production dalianligongdaxue 大连理工大学|Dalian University of Technology dalianshi 大连市|Dalian, sub-provincial city in Liaoni... dalianwaiguoyudaxue 大连外国语大学|Dalian University of Foreign Languages daliao 大料|Chinese anise/star anise dalibaizuzizhizhou 大理白族自治州|Dali Bai autonomous prefecture in Yunnan dalidu 大李杜|Li Bai 李白[Li3 Bai2] and Du Fu 杜甫[Du4 ... dalie 打猎|to go hunting dalieba 大列巴|big Russian-style bread (loanword fro... dalieqie 打趔趄|to trip/to miss a step/to slip dalihua 大丽花|dahlia (loanword) dalihua 大理花|dahlia (loanword) dalila 大利拉|Delilah (person name) dalimao 大礼帽|top hat dalin 大林|Dalin or Talin Town in Chiayi County ... dalindamahayu 大鳞大马哈鱼|see 大鱗大麻哈魚|大鳞大麻哈鱼[da4 lin2 da2 ma2 ha... dalindamahayu 大鳞大麻哈鱼|king salmon/Chinook salmon daling 大龄|older (than average in a group, at sc... daling 达令|Darling (name) daling 打铃|to ring a bell dalingping 大菱鲆|turbot dalingqingnian 大龄青年|young people in their late 20s or old... dalinzhen 大林镇|Dalin or Talin Town in Chiayi County ... daliqian 大力钳|locking pliers; mole grips dalishen 大力神|Heracles (Greek mythology)/Hercules (... dalishenbei 大力神杯|FIFA World Cup trophy dalishi 大理石|marble dalishi 大力士|strong man/Hercules dalishi 大理市|Dali city, capital of Dali Bai autono... dalishuishou 大力水手|Popeye (the Sailor) dalisi 大理寺|Imperial Court of Judicial Review dalisiqing 大理寺卿|Chief Justice of the Imperial Court o... daliuxing 大流行|major epidemic/pandemic dalixian 大荔县|Dali County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2], ... daliyan 大理岩|marble dalizhou 大理州|abbr. for 大理白族自治州, Dali Bai autonomou... dalou 大楼|building (a relatively large, multist... dalu 大陆|mainland China (reference to the PRC) dalu 大陆|continent; mainland/CL:個|个[ge4],塊|块[k... dalu 大路|avenue/CL:條|条[tiao2] dalu 大鹿|moose dalu 鞑虏|Tartar (derogatory)/also used as an i... dalugaqi 达噜噶齐|Mongolian daruqachi, local commander ... daluhuachi 达鲁花赤|Mongolian daruqachi, local commander ... daluhuo 大路货|staple goods daluji 答录机|answering machine dalujia 大陆架|continental shelf daluke 大陆客|(Tw) tourist from mainland China/ille... dalukuai 大陆块|continental plates (geology) dalumei 大陆妹|(in Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macao) girl ... dalundundiqu 大伦敦地区|Greater London/London region, England daluobo 大萝卜|see 白蘿蔔|白萝卜[bai2 luo2 bo5] daluopitu 达罗毗荼|Dravidian (general term for South Ind... daluoshuigou 打落水狗|lit. to beat a drowning dog (idiom)/f... daluosizhizhan 怛罗斯之战|Battle of Talas (751), military engag... dalupiaoyi 大陆漂移|continental drift dalupo 大陆坡|continental slope (boundary of contin... daluxing 大陆性|continental daluxingqihou 大陆性气候|continental climate dalve 大略|a broad outline/the general idea/roughly dalvquebei 大绿雀鹎|(bird species of China) great iora (A... dama 大妈|father\'s elder brother\'s wife/aunt (a... dama 大马|Malaysia dama 大麻|hemp (Cannabis sativa)/cannabis/marij... dama 大骂|to rain curses (on sb)/to let sb have... dama 打骂|to beat and scold dama 打码|to pixelate an image/to key in captch... damaerfen 大麻二酚|cannabidiol (CBD) damahayu 大马哈鱼|chum salmon damahayu 大麻哈鱼|see 大馬哈魚|大马哈鱼[da4 ma3 ha3 yu2] damahuyan 打马虎眼|to play dumb/to slack off (idiom) damai 大麦|barley damaichang 大卖场|hypermarket/large warehouse-like self... damaidi 大麦地|place name in Ningxia with rock carvi... damaifu 打埋伏|to lie in wait/to ambush/to conceal sth damaike 大麦克|Big Mac (McDonald\'s hamburger) (Tw) damaikezhishu 大麦克指数|see 巨無霸漢堡包指數|巨无霸汉堡包指数[Ju4 wu2 ba4 han... damaiting 大麦町|Dalmatian (dog breed) damali 大麻里|Damali or Tamali township in Taitung ... damalixiang 大麻里乡|Damali or Tamali township in Taitung ... damangren 大忙人|busy bee/very busy person damanguan 大满贯|grand slam damaoqi 达茂旗|Darhan Muming\'an united banner in Bao... damaqueyundong 打麻雀运动|the Great Sparrow Campaign or the Fou... damasaike 打马赛克|to censor an image/to pixelate damashige 大马士革|Damascus, capital of Syria damashigeli 大马士革李|damson (fruit) damayan 大麻鳽|(bird species of China) Eurasian bitt... damei 大媒|matchmaker dameigongheciquyu 大湄公河次区域|Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), area ... dameigongheciquyuhezuo 大湄公河次区域合作|Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), econo... dameihangkong 达美航空|Delta Air Lines, Inc., airline headqu... dameiren 大美人|gorgeous-looking woman damen 大门|the Doors, US rock band damen 大门|entrance/door/gate/large and influent... damen 打门|to knock on the door/to take a shot o... damenlei 打闷雷|(coll.) to wonder secretly/to make wi... dami 大米|(husked) rice damianji 大面积|large area/(fig.) (of a problem) (occ... damiejue 大灭绝|mass extinction daming 大名|Daming county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 da... daming 大名|famous name/your distinguished name/o... daming-dafang 大鸣大放|(idiom) to freely air one\'s views; to... damingdafangyundong 大鸣大放运动|see 百花運動|百花运动[Bai3 hua1 Yun4 dong4] damingdingding 大名鼎鼎|grand reputation/renowned/famous daminghu 大明湖|Daming Lake in Jinan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan2],... damingli 大明历|the 5th century Chinese calendar esta... damingxia 大明虾|king prawn damingxian 大名县|Daming county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 da... damo 打磨|to polish; to burnish; to shine damo 大漠|desert damo 达摩|Dharma, the teaching of Buddha/Bodhid... damudan 达姆弹|dumdum bullet (loanword)/expanding bu... damudayang 大模大样|boldly; ostentatiously/poised; self-a... damudi 大墓地|necropolis damuge 大拇哥|thumb/big toe/USB flash drive damuzhi 大拇指|Tom Thumb (small person in folk tales) damuzhi 大拇指|thumb dan 但|but; yet; however; still/merely; only... dan 单|bill/list/form/single/only/sole/odd n... dan 丹|red/pellet/powder/cinnabar dan 蛋|variant of 蜑[Dan4] dan 蛋|egg/CL:個|个[ge4],打[da2]/oval-shaped thing dan 石|dry measure for grain equal to ten do... dan 淡|insipid/diluted/weak/mild/light in co... dan 膻|used in 膻中[dan4zhong1] dan 胆|gall bladder/courage/guts/gall/inner ... dan 旦|(literary) dawn; daybreak/dan, female... dan 担|to undertake/to carry/to shoulder/to ... dan 担|picul (100 catties, 50 kg)/two bucket... dan 惮|dread/fear/dislike dan 诞|birth/birthday/brag/boast/to increase dan 耽|to indulge in/to delay dan 耽|variant of 耽[dan1] dan 襌|garment without a lining dan 氮|nitrogen (chemistry) dan 儋|carry dan 聃|ears without rim dan 蜑|Tanka people dan 掸|to brush away/to dust off/brush/duste... dan 撢|to dust dan 啖|to eat/to taste/to entice (using bait) dan 啖|variant of 啖[dan4] dan 疍|variant of 蜑[Dan4] dan 箪|round basket for cooked rice dan 郸|name of a district in Hebei dan 髧|long hair dan 澹|tranquil/placid/quiet dan 亶|surname Dan dan 亶|sincere dan 単|Japanese variant of 單|单 dan 弾|Japanese variant of 彈|弹 dan 媅|content/happy dan 眈|gaze intently dan 疸|jaundice dan 妉|old variant of 媅[dan1] dan 萏|lotus dan 赕|(old barbarian dialects) to pay a fin... dan 鴠|a kind of nightingale dan 窞|pit/cave dan 勯|exhausted dan 霮|denseness of clouds dan 砃|white stone dan 耼|variant of 聃[dan1] dan 瘅|(disease) dan 瘅|to hate dan 柦|a kind of wooden desk without legs dan 酖|addicted to liquor dan 憺|peace dan 甔|big jar dan 𫢸|great/severe dan 弹|crossball/bullet/shot/shell/ball dan 殚|entirely/to exhaust dan 𬘘|silk fringe of a coronet dana 大拿|(coll.) man in power/boss/authority/e... danai 打奶|lit. to beat milk/to churn (to make b... danan 大难|great catastrophe dananbusi 大难不死|to just escape from calamity dananbusi,biyouhoufu 大难不死,必有后福|one is bound for good fortune after s... dananlintou 大难临头|to be facing imminent calamity (idiom... dananren 大男人|very masculine guy/a real man/(used i... dananrenzhuyi 大男人主义|male chauvinism danansuan 蛋氨酸|methionine (Met), an essential amino ... dananzizhuyi 大男子主义|male chauvinism dananzizhuyizhe 大男子主义者|male chauvinist danao 大脑|brain/cerebrum danao 打闹|to quarrel; to squabble/to be rowdy; ... danao 大闹|to cause havoc/to run amok danaosiwang 大脑死亡|brain death danaotiangong 大闹天宫|Monkey Wreaks Havoc in Heaven, story ... danba 丹巴|Danba county (Tibetan: rong brag rdzo... danbagu 淡巴菰|tobacco (loanword) (old) danbai 蛋白|egg white/protein/albumen danbai 单摆|simple pendulum (physics) danbaidong 蛋白胨|peptone (biochemistry) danbaiguang 蛋白光|opalescence danbaishi 蛋白石|opal danbaisu 蛋白素|albumin danbaizhi 蛋白质|protein danban 单瓣|single petal/single valve danbanhuaxue 单板滑雪|to snowboard danbanji 单板机|single-board computer danbanke 单班课|individual lesson/one-on-one class danbao 担保|to guarantee/to vouch for danbao 蛋包|omelet danbaofan 蛋包饭|omurice, Japanese dish consisting of ... danbaozao 单胞藻|single-celled algae danbaxian 丹巴县|Danba county (Tibetan: rong brag rdzo... danbei 丹贝|see 天貝|天贝[tian1 bei4] danbeiti 单倍体|haploid (single chromosome) danbeng 氮泵|pre-workout (supplement) danbi 蛋逼|(dialect) to talk nonsense/to chat idly danbian 单边|unilateral danbianzhuyi 单边主义|unilateralism danbing 单兵|individual soldier/(literary) isolate... danbing 蛋饼|egg pancake (thin pancake rolled up w... danbo 淡泊|living a simple life danbo 单薄|weak/frail/thin/flimsy danbo 淡薄|thin/light/flagging/faint danbo 澹泊|variant of 淡泊[dan4 bo2] danboguawei 淡泊寡味|insipid and tasteless (idiom) danbomingli 淡泊名利|not caring about fame and fortune (id... danbomingzhi 淡泊明志|living a simple life as one\'s ideal (... danbulang 丹布朗|Dan Brown (American novelist) dancai 丹彩|vermilion/rhetorical language dancan 殚残|to destroy dance 单侧|one-sided/unilateral danceng 单层|single layer/single story/single deck... dancengta 单层塔|single-storied pagoda danchan 单产|yield per unit area danchanxinjing 胆颤心惊|panic-stricken danchaofan 蛋炒饭|egg fried rice (made by stir-frying c... danche 单车|(coll.) bike; bicycle (esp. bike-shar... danchen 诞辰|birthday dancheng 单程|one-way (ticket) dancheng 郸城|Dancheng county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 k... dancheng 担承|to undertake/to assume (responsibilit... danchengxian 郸城县|Dancheng county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 k... danchezu 单车族|cyclist danchu 淡出|to fade out (cinema)/to withdraw from... danchuan 单传|to have only one heir in a generation... danchun 单纯|simple/pure/unsophisticated/merely/pu... danchunci 单纯词|(linguistics) single-morpheme word/si... danchunpaozhen 单纯疱疹|herpes simplex (med.) danchunpaozhenbingdu 单纯疱疹病毒|herpes simplex virus (HSV, med.) danci 单词|word/CL:個|个[ge4] dancong 单丛|Dancong, type of oolong tea danda 单打|singles (in sports)/CL:場|场[chang3] danda 胆大|daring/bold/audacious dandabaotian 胆大包天|reckless/extremely daring dandadudou 单打独斗|to fight alone (idiom) dandai 担待|to pardon/please excuse (me)/to take ... dandan 淡淡|faint/dim/dull/insipid/unenthusiastic... dandan 单单|only/merely/just dandan 蛋蛋|(coll.) balls (testicles) dandang 担当|to take upon oneself/to assume dandanmian 担担面|Sichuan noodles with a spicy and numb... dandao 弹道|trajectory (of a projectile); ballist... dandao 胆道|bile duct dandao-zhiru 单刀直入|(idiom) to get straight to the point dandaodaodan 弹道导弹|ballistic missile dandaofuhui 单刀赴会|lit. to go among enemies with only on... dandawangwei 胆大妄为|daring/presumptuous/daredevil dandian 单点|to order à la carte/single point (of ... dandiandenglu 单点登录|single sign-on (SSO) dandianguzhang 单点故障|single point of failure dandiao 单调|monotonous dandiaofawei 单调乏味|monotonous/dull/tedious (idiom) danding 淡定|calm and collected/unperturbed danding 但丁|Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), Italian ... dandinghe 丹顶鹤|(bird species of China) red-crowned c... dandong 丹东|see 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1dong1 Shi4] dandongshi 丹东市|Dandong, prefecture-level city in Lia... dandu 单独|alone/by oneself/on one\'s own dandu 丹毒|erysipelas (medicine) danduan 单端|(electronics) single-ended danei 大内|Danei, a district in Tainan 台南|台南[Tai... daneng 大能|almighty danfan 但凡|every single/as long as danfang 单方|unilateral/one-sided/home remedy/folk... danfang 丹方|folk remedy danfangcha 单房差|single supplement (for a hotel room) danfangguoshipengzhuang 单方过失碰撞|collision in which only one party is ... danfangji 单放机|tape player/video player/(media) play... danfangjueding 单方决定|to decide without reference to other ... danfangmian 单方面|unilateral danfangxiang 单方向|unidirectional/single-aspect danfangxuangao 单方宣告|unilateral declaration danfangzhiji 单方制剂|prescribed preparation danfanji 单反机|see 單反相機|单反相机[dan1 fan3 xiang4 ji1] danfanxiangji 单反相机|single-lens reflex camera (SLR) danfei 单飞|to fly solo/(fig.) (of a band member)... danfei 单非|a couple in which one of the spouses ... danfei 胆肥|(coll.) bold/brazen/to have a lot of ... danfeng 丹凤|Danfeng County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 ... danfeng 丹凤|red phoenix danfengtuo 单峰驼|dromedary danfengxian 丹凤县|Danfeng County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 ... danfengyan 丹凤眼|red phoenix eyes (eyes whose outer co... danfo 赕佛|(Dai language) to make offerings to B... danfo 丹佛|Denver, Colorado danfu 担负|to shoulder/to bear/to undertake danfudianchizhuque 淡腹点翅朱雀|(bird species of China) Sharpe\'s rose... dang 当|(onom.) dong/ding dong (bell) dang 当|to be/to act as/manage/withstand/when... dang 当|at or in the very same.../suitable/ad... dang 党|surname Dang dang 党|party/association/club/society/CL:個|个... dang 档|(Tw) gear (variant of 擋|挡[dang3]) dang 档|(bound form) shelves (for files); pig... dang 挡|to resist/to obstruct/to hinder/to ke... dang 挡|to arrange/to put in order dang 挡|variant of 擋|挡[dang3] dang 荡|variant of 蕩|荡[dang4] dang 荡|to wash/to squander/to sweep away/to ... dang 宕|dissipated/put off dang 菪|henbane dang 裆|crotch/seat of a pair of trousers dang 垱|(dialect) earthen dyke in a river or ... dang 珰|(literary) pendant ornament/earring/e... dang 砀|stone with color veins dang 氹|variant of 凼[dang4] dang 凼|pool/pit/ditch/cesspit dang 筜|used in 篔簹|筼筜[yun2dang1] dang 谠|honest/straightforward dang 愓|profligate dang 铛|clank/clang/sound of metal dang 簜|(bamboo) dang 譡|old variant of 讜|谠[dang3] dang 儅|stop dang 逿|to fall/to sway/to cross dang 蟷|mantis dangan 档案|file; record; archive dangan 单干|to work on one\'s own/to work single-h... dangan 胆敢|to dare (negative connotation)/to hav... danganchuanshuxieding 档案传输协定|File Transfer Protocol (FTP) dangandai 档案袋|archive envelope; portfolio dangang 单杠|bar/bold line/horizontal bar (gymnast... dangang 担纲|to play the leading role danganguan 档案馆|archive library danganhe 档案盒|archive box danganjia 档案夹|file folder; portfolio danganzongguan 档案总管|(computing) file manager dangao 蛋糕|cake/CL:塊|块[kuai4],個|个[ge4] dangaoqun 蛋糕裙|lit. cake skirt/tiered skirt dangbagu 党八股|drab, stereotypical Communist Party w... dangban 当班|to work one\'s shift dangbian 党鞭|(politics) whip dangbing 当兵|to serve in the army/to be a soldier dangbu 裆部|crotch dangchai 挡拆|pick and roll (basketball)/screen and... dangchang 当场|at the scene; on the spot dangchang 宕昌|Dangchang county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Lon... dangchangxian 宕昌县|Dangchang county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Lon... dangche 档车|see 打檔車|打档车[da3 dang3 che1] dangcheng 当成|to consider as; to take to be dangchu 当初|at that time/originally dangci 档次|grade/class/quality/level dangdai 当代|the present age/the contemporary era dangdaihui 党代会|party congress (of the Communist Part... dangdaishi 当代史|contemporary history dangdaixinrujia 当代新儒家|Contemporary New Confucianism/see 新儒家... dangdang 当当|(onom.) ding dong dangdang 当当|Dangdang (online retailer) dangdang 当当|to pawn dangdang 铛铛|(onom.) clang/clank of metal/sound of... dangdang 荡荡|fluttering dangdangche 铛铛车|(coll.) tram, especially Beijing tram... dangdangche 当当车|(coll.) tram, especially Beijing tram... dangdao 当道|in the middle of the road/to be in th... dangdi 荡涤|to clean up dangdi 当地|local dangdiao 当掉|to fail (a student)/to pawn/(of a com... dangdijumin 当地居民|a local person/the local population dangdishijian 当地时间|local time dangduanbuduan 当断不断|(idiom) to waver when decisiveness is... dangduanjiduan 当断即断|not to delay making a decision when a... dangduanzeduan 当断则断|to make a decision when it\'s time to ... dange 单个|single/alone/individually/an odd one dange 耽搁|to tarry/to delay/to stop over dange 单铬|monochrome dange 担搁|variant of 耽擱|耽搁[dan1 ge5] dangendumiao 单根独苗|an only child danger 单个儿|erhua variant of 單個|单个[dan1 ge5] dangerbianfeng 当耳边风|lit. to treat (what sb says) as wind ... dangerpangfeng 当耳旁风|lit. to treat (what sb says) as wind ... dangfei 党费|party membership dues dangfei 凼肥|manure dangfengboli 挡风玻璃|windshield/wind screen dangfengqiang 挡风墙|lit. windbreak/fig. protector dangfu 荡妇|slut; floozy; prostitute dangfuxiuru 荡妇羞辱|to slut-shame danggang 党纲|(political) party platform/party program dangguanbuweiminzuozhuburuhuijiamaihongshu 当官不为民做主不如回家卖红薯|if an official does not put the peopl... danggui 当归|Angelica sinensis danghangchuse 当行出色|to excel in one\'s field danghong 当红|currently popular (of movie stars, si... danghui 党徽|political party emblem danghuishi 当回事|to take seriously (often with negativ... danghuishir 当回事儿|erhua variant of 當回事|当回事[dang4 hui2 s... dangji 当即|at once/on the spot dangji 党籍|party membership dangji 宕机|(of a computer, server etc) to crash dangji 当季|this season; the current season dangji 当机|to crash (of a computer)/to stop work... dangjia 当家|to manage the household/to be the one... dangjia 挡驾|to decline to receive a visitor/to tu... dangjia 当驾|imperial driver dangjianpai 挡箭牌|shield/(fig.) excuse dangjiazuozhu 当家作主|to be in charge in one\'s own house (i... dangjie 当街|in the middle of the street/facing th... dangjiliduan 当机立断|to make prompt decisions (idiom) dangjin 当今|the present time/(old) (in reference ... dangju 当局|authorities dangjuzhemi,pangguanzheqing 当局者迷,旁观者清|(idiom) an outsider can see things mo... dangkong 当空|overhead/up in the sky dangkou 当口|at that moment/just then dangkou 档口|stall/booth dangkui 党魁|party boss danglang 当啷|(onom.) metallic sound; clanging danglang 挡郎|(slang) to ask for money/to lend money danglang 挡锒|(slang) to ask for money/to lend money danglang 挡琅|(slang) to ask for money/to lend money dangliang 当量|equivalent/yield dangliangjiliang 当量剂量|equivalent dose dangling 党龄|party standing/age of service to the ... dangling 当令|to be in season/seasonal danglu 挡路|to be in the way; to block the path dangmian 当面|to sb\'s face/in sb\'s presence dangmianluo,duimiangu 当面锣,对面鼓|lit. gong facing gong, drum opposite ... dangnei 党内|within the party (esp. Chinese commun... dangnian 当年|in those days; back then; in those ye... dangnian 当年|that very same year dangniban 挡泥板|(car, bicycle etc) fender; mudguard; ... dangniuzuoma 当牛作马|to work like a horse and toil like an... dangong 弹弓|catapult/slingshot dangpai 党派|political party/faction dangpaijihui 党派集会|party meeting dangpiao 党票|party membership/membership card dangpu 当铺|pawnshop/CL:家[jia1],間|间[jian1] dangqi 档期|slot within a schedule/timeslot (for ... dangqian 当前|the present time/to be faced with dangqiangshi 当枪使|to use (sb) as a tool dangqiejindang 当且仅当|if and only if dangqihuichang 荡气回肠|heart-rending (drama, music, poem etc... dangqiuqian 荡秋千|to swing (on a swing) dangquan 当权|to hold power dangquanpai 当权派|persons or faction in authority dangquanzhe 当权者|ruler/those in power/the authorities dangr 当儿|the very moment/just then/during (tha... dangran 当然|only natural/as it should be/certainl... dangran 荡然|variant of 蕩然|荡然[dang4 ran2] dangran 荡然|vanished from the face of the earth/a... dangranwucun 荡然无存|to obliterate completely/to vanish fr... dangren 党人|party member/partisan dangrenburang 当仁不让|to be unwilling to pass on one\'s resp... dangri 当日|on that day dangri 当日|that very day/the same day dangshan 砀山|Dangshan, a county in Suzhou 宿州[Su4zh... dangshang 当上|to take up duty as/to assume a positi... dangshanxian 砀山县|Dangshan, a county in Suzhou 宿州[Su4zh... dangshen 党参|poor man\'s ginseng (Codonopsis pilosu... dangshi 党史|history of the Party dangshi 当时|then/at that time/while dangshi 当时|at once/right away dangshi 当事|to be in charge/to be confronted (wit... dangshi 当事|to consider as a matter of importance... dangshi 当世|the present age/in office/the current... dangshiguan 当世冠|the foremost person of his age/unequa... dangshiguo 当事国|the countries involved dangshiren 当事人|persons involved or implicated; party... dangshiwushuang 当世无双|unequalled in his time dangshizhe 当事者|the person involved/the people holdin... dangshizhiguan 当世之冠|the foremost person of his age/unequa... dangtian 当天|on that day dangtian 当天|the same day dangtianshidangtianbi 当天事当天毕|never put off until tomorrow what you... dangtongfayi 党同伐异|to be narrowly partisan/to unite with... dangtou 当头|coming right into one\'s face/imminent... dangtou 当头|(coll.) pledge; surety dangtu 当涂|Dangtu, a county in Ma\'anshan 馬鞍山|马鞍山... dangtu 党徒|clique member/henchman/gang member/crony dangtuan 党团|party caucus dangtuxian 当涂县|Dangtu, a county in Ma\'anshan 馬鞍山|马鞍山... dangu 石鼓|Dangu district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|衡... danguan 胆管|bile duct danguang 淡光|shimmer danguchun 胆固醇|cholesterol dangui 单轨|monorail dangui 丹桂|orange osmanthus danguo 单过|to live independently/to live on one\'... danguqu 石鼓区|Dangu district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|衡... dangwairenshi 党外人士|non-party members dangwan 当晚|on that evening dangwan 当晚|the same evening dangwei 党委|Party committee dangwei 挡位|(in a manual car) gear (i.e. reverse,... dangwu 党务|party affairs/work within the Communi... dangwuzhiji 当务之急|(idiom) top priority job; matter of v... dangxia 当下|immediately/at once/at that moment/at... dangxiang 党项|Tangut branch of the Qiang 羌 ethnic g... dangxiangzu 党项族|Tangut branch of the Qiang 羌 ethnic g... dangxiao 党校|(political) party school dangxin 当心|to take care/to look out dangxing 党性|the spirit or character of a politica... dangxiong 当雄|Damxung county, Tibetan: \'Dam gzhung ... dangxiongxian 当雄县|Damxung county, Tibetan: \'Dam gzhung ... dangxuan 当选|to be elected; to be selected dangyang 当阳|Dangyang, county-level city in Yichan... dangyang 荡漾|to ripple/to undulate/also written 蕩漾... dangyang 荡漾|to ripple/to undulate dangyangshi 当阳市|Dangyang, county-level city in Yichan... dangye 当夜|on that night dangye 当夜|that very night/the same night dangyitianheshangzhuangyitianzhong 当一天和尚撞一天钟|see 做一天和尚撞一天鐘|做一天和尚撞一天钟[zuo4 yi1 tian... dangyu 党羽|henchmen dangyu 挡雨|to protect from the rain dangyuan 党员|party member dangyue 当月|on that month dangyue 当月|the same month dangzai 氹仔|Taipa, an island of Macau dangze 当责|accountability dangzhang 党章|party constitution dangzhe 当着|in front of/in the presence of dangzhen 当真|to take seriously/serious/No joking, ... dangzheng 党政|Party and government administration dangzheng 当政|to come to power/to hold power/in office dangzhengjiguan 党政机关|(Communist) Party and government orga... dangzhengzhe 当政者|power holder/current political ruler dangzhi 当值|to be on duty dangzhiwukui 当之无愧|fully deserving, without any reservat... dangzhiyoukui 当之有愧|to feel undeserving of the praise or ... dangzhong 当中|among/in the middle/in the center dangzhong 当众|in public/in front of everybody dangzhongyang 党中央|Central Committee of the CCP dangzhou 荡舟|to row a boat dangzhou 当轴|person in power/important official dangzhu 挡住|to obstruct dangzhuxi 党主席|party chief dangzi 档子|classifier for affairs, events etc dangzi 凼子|pool/pit/ditch/cesspit dangzu 党组|party leadership group dangzuo 当作|to treat as/to regard as dangzuo 当做|to treat as/to regard as/to look upon as danhan 胆寒|to fear/to be terrified danhao 单号|odd number (on a ticket, house etc) danhe 担荷|to shoulder a burden danhen 弹痕|bullet hole/shell hole danhenleilei 弹痕累累|bullet-riddled danhexibao 单核细胞|monocyte/mononuclear cell danhexibaozengduozheng 单核细胞增多症|mononucleosis danhongsu 胆红素|bilirubin danhouliaomei 淡喉鹩鹛|(bird species of China) pale-throated... danhu 蜑户|see 蜑家[Dan4 jia1] danhua 淡化|to water down/to play down/to trivial... danhuajia 氮化镓|gallium nitride (GaN) danhuang 淡黄|light yellow danhuang 蛋黄|egg yolk danhuangguan 单簧管|clarinet danhuangjiang 蛋黄酱|mayonnaise danhuangsu 蛋黄素|lecithin (phospholipid found in egg y... danhuangyaoliuying 淡黄腰柳莺|(bird species of China) lemon-rumped ... danhuatang 蛋花汤|clear soup containing beaten egg and ... danhuimeiyanwu 淡灰眉岩鹀|(bird species of China) rock bunting ... dani 大鲵|giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) daniang 大娘|(coll.) father\'s older brother\'s wife... daniansanshi 大年三十|last day of the lunar year/Chinese Ne... daniao 打鸟|to shoot a bird (with a gun, slingsho... danibudao 大逆不道|disgraceful (of behavior that is unfi... daning 大宁|Daning county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fe... daningxian 大宁县|Daning county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fe... daniu 大牛|(coll.) leading light/superstar/badas... daniya 达尼亚|Dania, Tania etc danizhuomuniao 大拟啄木鸟|(bird species of China) great barbet ... danji 单击|(computing) to single-click; to click danji 淡季|off season/slow business season/see a... danji 单极|unipolar/monopole (physics) danji 蛋鸡|laying hen danjia 单价|unit price danjia 担架|stretcher/litter/bier danjia 弹夹|ammunition clip/cartridge clip/magazi... danjia 蜑家|Tanka, boat-dwelling people of Guangd... danjiabing 担架兵|stretcher bearer (military) danjiachuang 担架床|stretcher danjian 胆碱|choline (amine related to vitamin B c... danjian 单键|single bond (chemistry) danjianbao 单肩包|shoulder bag danjiancha 单间差|single supplement (for a hotel room) danjiangkou 丹江口|Danjiangkou, county-level city in Shi... danjiangkoushi 丹江口市|Danjiangkou, county-level city in Shi... danjianzhimei 胆碱酯酶|choline esterase (ChE), hydrolyzing e... danjiaohuaxingche 单脚滑行车|scooter danjiaoshuying 淡脚树莺|(bird species of China) pale-footed b... danjiaotiao 单脚跳|to hop/to jump on one leg danjiatai 担架抬|stretcher (for the injured) danjie 殚竭|to use up/to exhaust danjieqi 氮芥气|nitrogen mustard danjieshi 胆结石|gallstone danjing 单晶|monocrystalline danjing-shoupa 担惊受怕|(idiom) apprehensive; alarmed; anxious danjingfanguangxiangji 单镜反光相机|single-lens reflex camera (SLR) danjingjielv 殚精竭虑|to exhaust one\'s thoughts and ingenui... danjingjilv 殚精极虑|to exhaust one\'s thoughts and ingenui... danjingxinchan 胆惊心颤|see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战[xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4] danjinliangjue 弹尽粮绝|out of ammunition and no food left (i... danjinyuanjue 弹尽援绝|out of ammunition and no hope of rein... danjiu 蛋酒|eggnog danju 单据|receipts/invoices/transaction records danju 单句|simple sentence (grammar) danjuan 蛋卷|egg roll danjuanr 蛋卷儿|erhua variant of 蛋卷[dan4 juan3] danjue 旦角|dan, female roles in Chinese opera (t... danke 弹壳|ammunition case danke 蛋壳|eggshell dankelongkangti 单克隆抗体|monoclonal antibody dankeng 弹坑|bomb crater dankexianweng 淡颏仙鹟|(bird species of China) pale-chinned ... dankong 弹孔|bullet hole dankouxiangsheng 单口相声|comic monologue/one-person comic sketch danku 单裤|unlined trousers/summer trousers danlanse 淡蓝色|light blue danleng 丹棱|Danleng County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 sh... danlengxian 丹棱县|Danleng County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 sh... danli 胆力|courage/bravery danli 殚力|to strive/endeavor danlian 单恋|unrequited love/one-sided love danlian 单链|single chain/refers to RNA as opposed... danliang 胆量|courage/boldness/guts danlianjiezhan 单连接站|single attachment station (telecommun... danling 单另|separately and exclusively/specially danlunche 单轮车|unicycle danlve 胆略|courage and resource danlvjumei 淡绿鵙鹛|(bird species of China) green shrike-... danlvsu 胆绿素|biliverdin danmai 丹麦|Denmark danmaibao 丹麦包|Danish pastry danmang 单盲|single-blind (scientific experiment) danmei 耽美|(slang) boys\' love, aka BL (genre of ... danmeiliuying 淡眉柳莺|(bird species of China) Hume\'s leaf w... danmen 殚闷|to faint/to swoon/to lose consciousness danmin 蜑民|see 蜑家[Dan4 jia1] danmo 淡漠|apathetic/indifferent/unsympathetic danmo 单模|single mode danmoguangxian 单模光纤|single-mode optical fiber danmu 弹幕|barrage (military)/\"bullet screen\", f... dannaisu 蛋奶酥|soufflé dannaisu 蛋奶素|ovo-lacto vegetarian dannang 胆囊|gallbladder danni 丹尼|Danny (name) danni 耽溺|to indulge in/to wallow in dannier 丹尼尔|Daniel (name) danning 丹宁|(loanword) denim/tannin danningsuan 单宁酸|tannic acid (loanword) dannisheng 但尼生|Tennyson (name)/Alfred Tennyson, 1st ... dannisi 丹尼斯|Dennis (name) dannisuowaren 丹尼索瓦人|Denisovan, an extinct species of human danongchang 大农场|ranch danpi 丹皮|the root bark of the peony tree danpi 淡啤|light beer danpian 弹片|shrapnel; shell fragment danpianji 单片机|microcontroller/one-chip computer danpin 蛋品|egg products/egg-based products danpo 胆魄|boldness; daring danpo 丹魄|amber danpo 胆破|to be frightened to death danqi 氮气|nitrogen danqi 胆气|courageous/bold danqiang-pima 单枪匹马|lit. single spear and horse (idiom)/f... danqie 胆怯|timidity/timid/cowardly danqin 单亲|single parent danqing 蛋清|(coll.) egg white danqing 丹青|painting danqinjiating 单亲家庭|single parent family danqu 单曲|single (recording industry) danr 胆儿|see 膽子|胆子[dan3 zi5] danran 淡然|tranquil and calm/indifferent danran 澹然|variant of 淡然[dan4 ran2] danren 担任|to hold a governmental office or post... danren 单人|one person/single (room, bed etc) danren 蜑人|see 蜑家[Dan4 jia1] danrenchuang 单人床|single bed/CL:張|张[zhang1] danrenjian 单人间|single room (hotel) danrenpima 单人匹马|single-handedly (idiom) danrenshafa 单人沙发|(upholstered) armchair danri 单日|on a single day danru 淡入|to fade in (cinema) danrui 丹瑞|General Than Shwe (1933-), Myanmar ar... danruidajiang 丹瑞大将|Than Shwe (1933-), Myanmar general an... danse 单色|monochrome/monochromatic/black and white dansehua 单色画|monochrome picture/black and white pi... dansesu 胆色素|bilirubin danseyashayan 淡色崖沙燕|(bird species of China) pale martin (... dansezhaopian 单色照片|monochrome photo/black and white picture dansha 丹砂|cinnabar dansha 丹沙|cinnabar (used in TCM) danshe 单射|(math.) one-to-one function; injectiv... danshen 单身|unmarried; single/alone danshen 丹参|(botany) red sage (Salvia miltiorrhiza) dansheng 诞生|to be born danshengou 单身狗|(Internet slang) person who is neithe... danshenguizu 单身贵族|fig. unmarried person/single person (... danshenhan 单身汉|bachelor; single man danshenwang 单身汪|(Internet slang) person who is neithe... danshi 但是|but; however danshi 胆识|courage and insight danshi 胆石|gallstone danshihujiang 箪食壶浆|to receive troops with food and drink... danshijiaotong 胆石绞痛|gallstone colic danshizheng 胆石症|gallstone danshou 单手|one hand/single-handed danshu 单数|positive odd number (also written 奇數|... danshu 但书|proviso/qualifying clause danshui 淡水|Tamsui or Danshui, district of New Ta... danshui 淡水|potable water (water with low salt co... danshuihu 淡水湖|freshwater lake danshuiqu 淡水区|Tamsui or Danshui District, New Taipe... danshuiyu 淡水鱼|freshwater fish danshuowufang 但说无妨|there is no harm in saying what one t... dansi 箪笥|bamboo box/vessels for holding food dansibuchengxian,dumubuchenglin 单丝不成线,独木不成林|(idiom) one strand does not make a th... dansuche 单速车|single-speed bicycle; fixed-gear bicycle danta 蛋塔|egg tart danta 蛋挞|egg tart (colloquial pr. [dan4ta3]) dantang 单糖|monosaccharide dantang 单趟|single trip dantao 单套|single set danteng 蛋疼|(slang) ball-breaking/pain in the ass danti 单体|monomer (chemistry) dantian 丹田|pubic region/point two inches below t... dantiao 单挑|to pick/to choose/to fight a duel/Tai... dantou 弹头|warhead dantu 丹徒|Dantu district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江市|... dantuan 单团|ad hoc group (tour group with a custo... dantuqu 丹徒区|Dantu district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江市|... danu 大怒|to become furious; to explode in anger danwan 弹丸|pellet danwang 淡忘|to gradually forget as time passes; t... danwanzhidi 弹丸之地|(idiom) tiny speck of land; small area danwei 单位|unit (of measure)/unit (group of peop... danweifanzui 单位犯罪|crime committed by an organization danweigen 单位根|(math.) root of unity danweiqiexiangliang 单位切向量|(math.) unit tangent vector danweiwengying 淡尾鹟莺|(bird species of China) Alström\'s war... danweixiangliang 单位向量|(math.) unit vector danweixintuo 单位信托|unit trust (finance) danweiyao 单味药|medicine made from a single herb/drug... danweiyuan 单位元|identity element (math.) danwen 单稳|monostable/single-side stable (relays) danwu 耽误|to delay/to hold up/to waste time/to ... danwu 担误|variant of 耽誤|耽误[dan1 wu5] danxi 氮烯|nitrene (chemistry) danxia 丹霞|Mt Danxia in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 gua... danxia 弹匣|magazine (for ammunition) danxiadimao 丹霞地貌|Danxia landform (red conglomerate and... danxian 儋县|Dan county, Hainan danxiang 单向|unidirectional danxiang 单项|single-item danxiang 单相|single phase (elec.) danxiangdianliu 单向电流|(elec.) unidirectional current/DC/als... danxiangsi 单相思|one-sided lovesickness; unrequited lo... danxiao 胆小|cowardice/timid danxiaogui 胆小鬼|coward danxiaorushu 胆小如鼠|(idiom) chicken-hearted; gutless danxiashan 丹霞山|Mt Danxia in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 gua... danxibao 单细胞|(of an organism) single-celled; unice... danxibaoshengwu 单细胞生物|single-celled organism danxie 单鞋|unpadded shoes danxin 担心|anxious/worried/uneasy/to worry/to be... danxin 丹心|loyal heart/loyalty danxin 殚心|to devote one\'s entire mind danxin 耽心|variant of 擔心|担心[dan1 xin1] danxing 单行|to come individually/to treat separat... danxingben 单行本|single volume edition/offprint danxingdao 单行道|one-way street danxingxian 单行线|one-way road danya 淡雅|simple and elegant danyan 单眼|ommatidium (single component of insec... danyang 丹阳|see 丹陽市|丹阳市[Dan1yang2 Shi4] danyanghuawu 氮氧化物|nitrogen oxide danyangshi 丹阳市|Danyang, county-level city in Zhenjia... danyanpi 单眼皮|single eyelid danyanxiangji 单眼相机|single-lens reflex camera (Tw) danyao 弹药|ammunition danyaobujizhan 弹药补给站|ammunition depot danyaoku 弹药库|ammunition dump danyeshuangqumian 单叶双曲面|hyperboloid of one sheet (math.) danyi 单一|single/only/sole danyi 单衣|unlined garment danyi 单意|unambiguous/having only one meaning danyidengru 单一登入|(Tw) single sign-on (SSO) danyifeiji 单翼飞机|monoplane danyihuobi 单一货币|single currency danyilishu 但以理书|Book of Daniel danyima 单一码|Unicode/also written 統一碼|统一码 danyinci 单音词|monosyllabic word danyinhao 单引号|single quotes danyinjie 单音节|monosyllabic/a monosyllable danyong 单用|to use (sth) on its own danyou 担忧|to worry/to be concerned danyou 耽忧|variant of 擔憂|担忧[dan1 you1] danyou 担懮|worry/anxiety danyu 弹雨|hail of bullets danyu 诞育|to give birth to/to give rise to danyu 单语|monolingual danyuan 单元|unit (forming an entity)/element/(in ... danyuan 但愿|if only (sth were possible)/I wish (t... danyuanduobeiti 单源多倍体|autopolyploid (polyploid with chromos... danyuanfang 单元房|apartment danyuange 单元格|(spreadsheet) cell danyuanlun 单源论|theory of single origin (of mankind) danyuanruci 但愿如此|if only it were so/I hope so (idiom) danyuanzhi 单院制|unicameralism/single-house system danyue 单月|monthly/in a single month danyunmu 单韵母|simple finals danzaimian 担仔面|ta-a noodles or danzai noodles, popul... danzhai 丹寨|Danzhai county in Qiandongnan Miao an... danzhaixian 丹寨县|Danzhai county in Qiandongnan Miao an... danzhan 胆战|to tremble with fear danzhang 单张|flyer/leaflet/single-sheet (map etc) danzhanghuipiao 单张汇票|sola bill of exchange (international ... danzhanxinjing 胆战心惊|to tremble with fear (idiom)/scared w... danzheng 单证|(international trade) documentation (... danzhi 单质|simple substance (consisting purely o... danzhi 胆汁|gall/bile danzhong 膻中|(TCM) acupuncture point CV-17, locate... danzhong 丹衷|real sincerity danzhou 儋州|see 儋州市[Dan1zhou1 Shi4] danzhoushi 儋州市|Danzhou, prefecture-level city in Hai... danzhu 弹珠|marbles danzhuang 淡妆|light makeup danzhuangnongmo 淡妆浓抹|in light or heavy makeup (idiom) danzhutai 弹珠台|pinball danzi 单子|the only son of a family/(functional ... danzi 单子|list of items/bill/form/bedsheet danzi 胆子|courage/nerve/guts danzi 担子|carrying pole and the loads on it/bur... danzi 单字|single Chinese character/(Tw) word (o... danzi 掸子|duster/CL:把[ba3] danzi 弹子|slingshot pellet/playing marbles/bill... danzishi 淡紫䴓|(bird species of China) yellow-billed... danzisuo 弹子锁|pin tumbler lock/spring lock danziye 单子叶|monocotyledon (plant family distingui... dao 到|to reach; to arrive/to leave for; to ... dao 导|to transmit/to lead/to guide/to condu... dao 岛|variant of 島|岛[dao3] dao 岛|island/CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4] dao 倒|to fall; to collapse; to lie horizont... dao 倒|to invert; to place upside down or fr... dao 盗|to steal/to rob/to plunder/thief/band... dao 道|road; path (CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3])/(bo... dao 嶋|variant of 島|岛[dao3], island/used as ... dao 刀|surname Dao dao 刀|knife/blade/single-edged sword/cutlas... dao 稻|paddy/rice (Oryza sativa) dao 氘|deuterium 2H/heavy hydrogen, isotope ... dao 悼|to mourn/to lament dao 焘|cover over/to envelope dao 嶌|variant of 島|岛[dao3], island/used in ... dao 捣|to pound/to beat/to hull/to attack/to... dao 蹈|to tread on/to trample/to stamp/to fu... dao 衟|old variant of 道[dao4] dao 祷|prayer/pray/supplication dao 翿|feather banner or fan dao 叨|garrulous dao 忉|grieved dao 纛|big banner/feather banner or fan dao 壔|column/cylinder dao 捯|(coll.) to reel in (string, yarn etc)... dao 稲|variant of 稻[dao4] dao 刂|Kangxi radical 18 (刀[dao1]) as a vert... dao 帱|canopy dao 擣|stir/to pound dao 舠|kayak dao 禂|to pray/prayer dao 鱽|Coilia ectenes daoan 到案|to make an appearance in court daoanjia 到岸价|cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) (t... daoba 刀疤|scar from a knife wound daoba 倒把|to play the market/to speculate (on f... daobai 道白|spoken lines in opera daobai 倒败|to collapse (of building) daoban 盗版|pirated/illegal/see also 正版[zheng4 ban3] daoban 倒班|to change shifts/to work in turns daobandang 盗版党|Pirate Party, political movement whos... daobanzhe 盗版者|software pirate daobao 导报|guide (used in newspaper names) daobei 刀背|back of the knife daobeiruliu 倒背如流|to know by heart (so well that you ca... daobeishou 倒背手|with one\'s hands behind one\'s back daobeishour 倒背手儿|erhua variant of 倒背手[dao4 bei4 shou3] daobi 倒闭|to go bankrupt/to close down daobi 倒毙|to fall dead daobi 倒逼|(neologism c. 2006) (of circumstances... daobi 刀笔|writing up of official or judicial do... daobian 倒扁|Taiwan political movement aimed at fo... daobie 道别|to say goodbye; to bid farewell/to pa... daobo 导播|to direct a television or radio broad... daobumoyaoshengxiu,renbuxueyaoluohou 刀不磨要生锈,人不学要落后|(idiom) a blade will get rusty if it ... daobushiyi 道不拾遗|lit. no one picks up lost articles in... daobutongbuxiangweimou 道不同不相为谋|lit. persons who walk different paths... daobuxing 到不行|extremely/incredibly daocai 倒彩|adverse audience reaction: boos and j... daocai 盗采|to mine (or harvest, log, trap animal... daocai 倒采|variant of 倒彩[dao4 cai3] daocaisheng 倒彩声|jeering/booing/catcalls daocang 倒仓|to transfer grain from a store (e.g. ... daocao 稻草|rice straw daocao 倒槽|to die out (of livestock) daocaoren 稻草人|scarecrow daocha 道岔|railroad switch daocha 刀叉|knife and fork/CL:副[fu4] daocha 道碴|(railway) ballast daocha 倒茬|rotation of crops daochamen 倒插门|to marry and live with the bride\'s fa... daochang 道场|Taoist or Buddhist rite/abbr. for 菩提道... daochang 到场|to show up/present (at the scene) daochangxigu 蹈常袭故|follow the same old path (idiom); stu... daoche 倒车|to change buses, trains etc daoche 倒车|to reverse (a vehicle)/to drive backw... daochedang 倒车挡|reverse gear daocheng 稻城|Daocheng county (Tibetan: \'dab pa rdz... daochengxian 稻城县|Daocheng county (Tibetan: \'dab pa rdz... daochi 捯饬|(coll.) to doll up/to spruce up/to zh... daochi-taie 倒持太阿|variant of 倒持泰阿[dao4chi2-Tai4e1] daochi-taie 倒持泰阿|lit. to present the handle of a sword... daochouyikouqi 倒抽一口气|to gasp (in surprise, dismay, fright ... daochu 导出|to derive/derived/derivation/to entai... daochu 到处|everywhere daochu 道出|to speak/to tell/to voice daochukejian 到处可见|ubiquitous/commonplace/found everywhere daochunhan 倒春寒|cold snap during the spring daochuzhi 导出值|value deduced by calculation/derived ... daoci 悼词|memorial speech/eulogy daoci 倒刺|barb/barbed tip (e.g. of fishhook) daoci 悼辞|variant of 悼詞|悼词[dao4 ci2] daoci 到此|hereto/hereunto daoci 祷词|litany (text of a prayer) daociweizhi 到此为止|to stop at this point/to end here/to ... daociyiyou 到此一游|(used in graffiti) \"... was here\" daoda 到达|to reach; to arrive daodadating 到达大厅|arrival hall daodai 倒带|rewind (media player) daodan 导弹|(guided) missile/CL:枚[mei2] daodan 捣蛋|to cause trouble/to stir up trouble daodan 倒蛋|mischief/to make trouble daodangui 捣蛋鬼|troublemaker daodanheqianting 导弹核潜艇|nuclear-powered missile submarine daodanqianting 导弹潜艇|(guided) missile submarine daodao 叨叨|to chatter/to hog the conversation daodayipa 倒打一耙|lit. to strike with a muckrake (idiom... daode 道德|virtue/morality/ethics/CL:種|种[zhong3] daode 到得|to arrive at (some place or time) daodebaihuai 道德败坏|vice/immorality/moral turpitude daodegaodi 道德高地|moral high ground daodeguan 道德观|one\'s perspective on morality daodejia 道德家|Daoist daodejing 道德经|the Book of Dao by Laozi or Lao-Tze, ... daodekunjing 道德困境|ethical dilemma daodelunsang 道德沦丧|moral bankruptcy/moral degeneracy daoderenshi 道德认识|moral cognition/ethical awareness daodi 到底|finally/in the end/when all is said a... daodi 道地|authentic/original daodi 倒地|to fall to the ground daodian 到点|it\'s time (to do sth)/the time has come daodian 导电|to conduct electricity daodianxing 导电性|conductivity (elec.) daodiaolazhu 倒吊蜡烛|Wrightia tinctoria (flowering plant i... daodong 岛鸫|(bird species of China) island thrush... daodu 导读|guide (e.g. book or other printed mat... daoerdun 道尔顿|Dalton (name)/John Dalton (1766-1844)... daofa 盗伐|to unlawfully fell trees daofan 倒反|instead/on the contrary/contrary (to ... daofang 到访|to pay a visit daofang 倒放|to place upside down/to play (a video... daofantiangang 倒反天纲|to violate the natural order; to defy... daofei 盗匪|bandit daofen 倒粪|to turn over manure/fig. to offend ot... daofeng 刀锋|cutting edge or point of a knife, swo... daofu 倒伏|(of cereal crops) to collapse and lie... daofu 道孚|Dawu county (Tibetan: rta \'u rdzong) ... daofu 到付|collect on delivery (COD) daofushou 刀斧手|lictor daofuxian 道孚县|Dawu county (Tibetan: rta \'u rdzong) ... daogaibu 岛盖部|pars perculairs daogao 祷告|to pray/prayer daogaoyian,shigaoyiwei 道高益安,势高益危|More moral strength increases one\'s s... daogaoyichi,mogaoyizhang 道高一尺,魔高一丈|(idiom) as one climbs higher on the p... daoge 倒戈|to change sides in a war/turncoat daogelasi 道格拉斯|Douglas (name) daogelasimaikease 道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟|General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964)... daogenghuozhong 刀耕火种|slash and burn (agriculture) daogexiejia 倒戈卸甲|to lay down arms daogong 刀工|knife work (food preparation) daogou 导购|shopper\'s guide/shop assistant/sales ... daogou 倒钩|barb/(football) bicycle kick; overhea... daogu 捣鼓|to fiddle with sth/to trade with sth daogu 道姑|Daoist nun daogu 稻谷|unhusked rice/paddy daogua 倒挂|lit. to hang upside down/fig. topsy-t... daoguan 导管|duct; pipe; conduit/(botany) vessel/(... daoguan 倒灌|to flow backwards (of water, because ... daoguan 道观|Daoist temple daoguan 道馆|martial arts studio; dojo daoguang 道光|reign name of Qing emperor (1821-1850) daoguangdi 道光帝|Daoguang Emperor daoguangjianying 刀光剑影|lit. flash of knives and swords (idio... daoguangxueying 刀光血影|massacre daoguanzuzhi 导管组织|vascular tissue daogui 导轨|(mechanics) guide rail; slideway daogui 捣鬼|to play tricks; to cause mischief daoguo 岛国|island nation (sometimes refers speci... daoguodongzuopian 岛国动作片|euphemism for Japanese porn movie daoguor 倒过儿|the wrong way round (back to front, i... daoguoweiyin 倒果为因|to reverse cause and effect/to put th... daohaifanjiang 倒海翻江|see 翻江倒海[fan1 jiang1 dao3 hai3] daohan 盗汗|night sweats daohang 导航|(lit. and fig.) to navigate daohangyuan 导航员|navigator (on a plane or boat) daohanshu 导函数|derived function/derivative f\' of a f... daohao 盗号|to steal an online account daohe 道贺|to congratulate daohe 氘核|deuteron daoheng 道行|skills acquired through religious pra... daoheshousi 稻荷寿司|inarizushi (pouch of fried tofu typic... daohu 岛弧|(geology) island arc daohuan 倒换|to take turns/to rotate (responsibility) daohui 捣毁|to destroy/to smash/sabotage daohuo 到货|(of packages or shipments) to arrive daohuosuo 导火索|fuse (for explosive) daohuoxian 导火线|fuse (for explosives)/(fig.) proximat... daojia 到家|perfect/excellent/brought to the utmo... daojia 道家|Daoist School of the Warring States P... daojian 刀剑|sword daojiao 道教|Taoism/Daoism (Chinese system of beli... daojiao 倒角|chamfer; bevel daojiao 倒噍|to ruminate (of cows) daojiao 倒嚼|(of cows) to ruminate daojiaotu 道教徒|a Daoist/a follower of Daoism daojie 倒睫|trichiasis (ingrown eyelashes) daojishi 倒计时|to count down/countdown daoju 刀具|cutting tool daoju 道具|(theater) prop/paraphernalia/(gaming)... daojudinghuo 刀锯鼎镬|knife, saw and cauldron/ancient instr... daojufu 道具服|costume daojufuyue 刀锯斧钺|knife, saw, ax and hatchet (idiom); f... daokai 倒开|to reverse a vehicle/to drive backwards daokang 稻糠|rice husk daokasizu 道卡斯族|Taokas, one of the indigenous peoples... daoke 稻壳|rice husk daoke 刀客|swordsman/swordswoman daokong 倒空|to empty (a bag)/to turn inside out/t... daokou 刀口|the edge of a knife/cut/incision daoku 刀库|tool magazine (computer-aided manufac... daokushui 倒苦水|to pour out one\'s grievances daolai 到来|to arrive/arrival; advent daolajilifeng 道拉吉里峰|Dhaulagiri, mountain massif in the Hi... daolan 导览|(visitor, tour, audio etc) guide/guid... daolan 捣烂|to mash/to beat to a pulp daolang 刀郎|Dolan, a people of the Tarim Basin, X... daolang 刀螂|(dialect) mantis daolao 叨唠|to be chattersome/to talk on and on w... daole 导乐|(loanword) doula daolei 刀类|knives/cutlery daolei 盗垒|(baseball) to steal a base/stolen bas... daoli 道理|reason/argument/sense/principle/basis... daoli 道里|Daoli, a district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[H... daoli 倒立|a handstand/to turn upside down/to st... daoliao 到了|at last/finally/in the end daolie 盗猎|to poach (illegally hunt game) daoliqu 道里区|Daoli, a district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[H... daoliu 倒流|to flow backwards/reverse flow daoliuban 导流板|spoiler (automotive) daolixiang 倒立像|inverted image/reversed image (e.g. u... daolong 盗龙|Rapator ornitholestoides (dinosaur) daolu 道路|road/path/way/CL:條|条[tiao2] daolu 盗录|to pirate (an audio recording, movie ... daoluan 捣乱|to disturb/to look for trouble/to sti... daolugongcheng 道路工程|road construction daolun 导论|introduction daolun 导轮|guide pulley/foreword/preface daomadan 刀马旦|female warrior role in Chinese opera daomai 倒卖|to resell at a profit/to speculate daomai 盗卖|to steal sth and sell it daomai 捣卖|to resell at a profit daomaidaomai 倒买倒卖|to buy and sell at a profit/to speculate daomangdao 导盲道|(Tw) path for the visually impaired (... daomangquan 导盲犬|guide dog (for the blind)/Seeing Eye dog daomangzhuan 导盲砖|(Tw) tactile paving tile daomaoanran 道貌岸然|sanctimonious/dignified daomei 倒霉|to have bad luck/to be out of luck daomei 倒楣|variant of 倒霉[dao3 mei2] daomeidan 倒霉蛋|(coll.) poor devil/unfortunate man daomeidanr 倒霉蛋儿|erhua variant of 倒霉蛋[dao3 mei2 dan4] daomi 稻米|rice (crop) daomiao 稻苗|rice seedling daomin 岛民|islander daomu 盗墓|to rob a tomb daomu 倒木|fallen tree daomuqianweizhi 到目前为止|until now; so far daonageshihou 到那个时候|until this moment daonian 悼念|to grieve daonian 祷念|to pray/to say one\'s prayers daonian 叨念|see 念叨[nian4 dao5] daoniao 导尿|to insert a urinary catheter daoniaoguan 导尿管|urinary catheter daonong 倒弄|to move (things around)/to buy and se... daonong 捣弄|to move back and forward/to trade daopao 道袍|Taoist robe/traditional men\'s gown daopei 倒赔|to sustain loss in trade daopian 刀片|blade/razor blade/tool bit daopian 倒片|(cinema) to rewind (a reel)/(photogra... daopianciwang 刀片刺网|razor wire daopiantiesiwang 刀片铁丝网|razor wire daopo 道破|to expose/to reveal daoqi 到期|to fall due (loan etc)/to expire (vis... daoqi 道奇|Dodge, US automobile brand, division ... daoqi 到齐|to be all present daoqian 道歉|to apologize daoqiang 刀枪|sword and spear/weapons daoqiangburu 刀枪不入|lit. impervious to sword or spear (id... daoqiao 刀鞘|scabbard daoqie 盗窃|to steal daoqiong 道琼|Dow Jones (stock market index) daoqiongsi 道琼斯|Dow Jones (stock market index) daoqiongsizhishu 道琼斯指数|Dow Jones Industrial Average daoqiri 到期日|due date; expiry date; maturity date daoqishouyilv 到期收益率|(finance) yield to maturity (YTM) daoqu 盗取|to steal (including identity theft, c... daoregao 导热膏|thermal grease daoren 道人|Taoist devotee (honorific) daoren 到任|to take office; to assume a post daoren 刀刃|knife blade/crucial point daorexing 导热性|heat conduction daoru 导入|to introduce into/to channel/to lead/... daoruqi 导入期|introductory phase or period daosang 倒嗓|(of a singer) to lose one\'s voice/(ma... daoshanhuohai 刀山火海|lit. mountains of daggers and seas of... daoshanxuehai 道山学海|mountain of Dao, sea of learning (idi... daoshen 刀身|blade (of a knife or sword) daoshenmeshanshang,changshenmege 到什么山上,唱什么歌|lit. whatever mountain one is on, one... daoshi 导师|tutor/teacher/academic advisor daoshi 倒是|contrary to what one might expect/act... daoshi 道士|Daoist priest daoshi 到时|at that (future) time daoshi 捣实|to ram (earth)/to compact earth by ra... daoshicha 倒时差|to adjust to a different time zone daoshihou 到时候|when the moment comes/at that time daoshou 到手|to take possession of/to get hold of daoshou 倒手|to shift from one hand to the other/t... daoshouruan 到手软|(do a manual task) until one\'s hands ... daoshu 倒数|to count backwards (from 10 down to 0... daoshu 倒数|inverse number/reciprocal (math.) daoshu 导数|derivative (math.) daoshua 盗刷|to fraudulently draw on (sb\'s credit ... daosou 盗薮|bandits\' den daosui 稻穗|rice ear daosui 捣碎|to pound into pieces/to mash daosuo 倒锁|locked in (with the door locked from ... daota 倒塌|to collapse (of building)/to topple over daota 刀塔|Defense of the Ancients (DotA), video... daotai 倒台|to fall from power; to collapse/downfall daotai 道台|(Ming and Qing dynasties) daotai (tit... daotan 倒坍|to collapse (of building) daoteng 倒腾|to move/to shift/to exchange/to buy a... daoteng 捣腾|to buy and sell/peddling daoteng 捣腾|to turn over sth repeatedly daoti 导体|conductor (of electricity or heat) daoti 倒替|to take turns (responsibility)/to rep... daotian 稻田|paddy field/rice paddy daotianliu 稻田鹨|(bird species of China) paddyfield pi... daotianweiying 稻田苇莺|(bird species of China) paddyfield wa... daotie 倒贴|to lose money instead of being paid (... daotingtushuo 道听途说|gossip; hearsay; rumor daotong 道统|Confucian orthodoxy daotou 到头|to the end (of)/at the end of/in the ... daotou 倒头|to lie down/to die daotoulai 到头来|in the end/finally/as a result daotu 盗图|to use an image without permission daotui 倒退|to fall back/to go in reverse daowai 道外|Daowai district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1... daowaiqu 道外区|Daowai district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1... daowei 到位|to get to the intended location/to be... daowei 倒位|inversion daoweikou 倒胃口|to spoil one\'s appetite/fig. to get f... daowen 祷文|litany (text of a prayer) daowo 倒卧|to lie down/to drop dead daoxi 道喜|to congratulate daoxi 导戏|to direct a movie or play daoxi 道系|(slang, coined c. 2017, contrasted wi... daoxia 倒下|to collapse/to topple over daoxian 导线|electrical lead daoxian 道县|Dao county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1... daoxiang 导向|to be oriented towards/orientation daoxiang 倒像|(optics) inverted image daoxiang 倒相|phase reversal/phase inversion daoxiangwang 悼襄王|King Daoxiang of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned ... daoxianzai 到现在|up until now/to date daoxiaomian 刀削面|knife-shaved noodles (pared or shaved... daoxie 道谢|to express thanks daoxie 倒写|mirror writing/upside down writing daoxingnishi 倒行逆施|to go against the tide (idiom); to do... daoxiu 倒休|to shift holidays, taking a weekday off daoxiyikouliangqi 倒吸一口凉气|to gasp (with amazement or shock etc)... daoxu 倒序|reverse order/inverted order daoxu 倒叙|to start a narrative at the end (or m... daoxuan 倒悬|lit. to hang upside down/fig. in dire... daoxuanzhiji 倒悬之急|lit. the crisis of being hanged upsid... daoxuanzhiku 倒悬之苦|lit. the pain of being hanged upside ... daoxuanzhiwei 倒悬之危|lit. the crisis of being hanged upsid... daoxue 道学|Confucian study of ethics/study of Da... daoxuemei 倒血霉|to have rotten luck (stronger version... daoya 道牙|curb daoyan 导演|to direct/director (film etc) daoyan 导言|introduction/preamble daoyan 倒烟|to have smoke billowing from a firepl... daoyang 倒阳|(med.) to be impotent daoye 倒爷|(coll.) a profiteer/(business) wheele... daoye 刀叶|blade daoyeguan 导液管|(medicine) catheter daoyi 道义|morality/righteousness and justice daoyi 捣衣|to launder clothes by pounding daoyin 导引|same as 引導|引导[yin3 dao3]/Dao Yin, Dao... daoying 倒映|to reflect (producing an inverted image) daoying 倒影|inverted image/reversed image (e.g. u... daoyong 盗用|to use illegitimately; to misappropri... daoyou 导游|tour guide/guidebook/to conduct a tour daoyu 岛屿|island daoyu 导语|preamble/introduction/(journalism) le... daoyu 刀鱼|tapertail anchovy (Coilia ectenes)/va... daoyuan 道院|Daoyuan (Sanctuary of the Dao) daoyun 倒运|to have bad luck daozaicong 倒栽葱|to fall headlong/(fig.) to suffer an ... daozang 道藏|Daoist scripture daozao 倒灶|to fall (from power)/in decline/unlucky daozei 盗贼|robber daozhang 倒帐|dead loan/bad debts/to refuse to pay ... daozhang 倒账|unrecoverable debt/bad debt/to evade ... daozhang 到账|(of money) to arrive in an account daozhang 道长|Taoist priest/Daoist priest daozhe 倒着|backwards; in reverse; upside down daozheng 导正|(Tw) to guide sb in the right directi... daozhengelaozumiaozuzizhixian 道真仡佬族苗族自治县|Daozhen Klau and Hmong Autonomous Cou... daozhenxian 道真县|Daozhen Klau and Hmong autonomous cou... daozhenzizhixian 道真自治县|Daozhen Klau and Hmong autonomous cou... daozhi 导致|to lead to; to create; to cause; to b... daozhi 倒置|to invert daozhi 道指|Dow Jones Industrial Average (abbr. f... daozhisuocun,shizhisuocun 道之所存,师之所存|If sb has grasped the truth before yo... daozhu 祷祝|to pray (for sth) daozhuan 倒转|to make an about-turn; to reverse one... daozhuan 倒转|(of time, or a video clip etc) to run... daozhuang 倒装|(linguistics) to invert (word order) daozhuangju 倒装句|(linguistics) inverted sentence daozi 刀子|knife/CL:把[ba3] daozi 稻子|rice (crop)/unhulled rice daozizui,doufuxin 刀子嘴,豆腐心|to have a sharp tongue but a soft hea... daozizuiba,doufuxin 刀子嘴巴,豆腐心|lit. knife mouth but heart of bean cu... daozu 刀俎|sacrificial knife and altar daozuo 稻作|rice cultivation daozuor 倒座儿|the north-facing room opposite the ma... dapai 大牌|strong card/honor card (card games)/v... dapai 打牌|to play mahjong or cards dapai 打拍|to beat time; to mark rhythm on drum ... dapaichanglong 大排长龙|to form a long queue (idiom)/(of cars... dapaidang 大排档|food stall; open-air restaurant dapaidang 大牌档|food stall; open-air restaurant (orig... dapaizi 打拍子|to beat time dapanji 大盘鸡|dapanji or \"big plate chicken\", a kin... dapanwei 大盘尾|(bird species of China) greater racke... dapanzi 大盘子|platter dapao 大炮|big gun/cannon/artillery/one who talk... dapao 打炮|to open fire with artillery/to set of... dapao 打跑|to run off rebuffed/to fend off/(to f... dapao 打抛|holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) (loan... dapaodawenzi 大炮打蚊子|cannon fire to hit a mosquito/to use ... dapaozhu 打抛猪|stir-fried pork with basil; pork phat... dapei 搭配|to pair up/to match/to arrange in pai... dapeishentuan 大陪审团|grand jury dapeng 大棚|greenhouse/polytunnel dapeng 大鹏|legendary giant bird dapeng 打棚|(dialect) to joke dapengche 大篷车|covered truck; covered wagon/bus with... dapengniao 大鹏鸟|roc (mythical bird of prey) dapenti 打喷嚏|to sneeze dapi 大批|large quantities of dapi 大辟|(literary) death sentence; decapitation dapi 大埤|Dapi or Tapi township in Yunlin count... dapi 打屁|to chat idly dapian 大片|wide expanse/large area/vast stretch/... dapigu 打屁股|to spank sb\'s bottom dapin 打拼|to work hard/to try to make a living dapitepi 大批特批|to criticize severly/to censure dapixiang 大埤乡|Dapi or Tapi township in Yunlin count... dapo 打破|to break; to smash dapodali 大破大立|to destroy the old and establish the ... daposhaguowendaodi 打破砂锅问到底|to go to the bottom of things (idiom) dapudong 大浦洞|Taepodong, North Korean rocket series dapuke 打扑克|to play cards/to play poker dapuxiang 大埔乡|Dapu or Tabu Township in Chiayi Count... daqi 大气|atmosphere (surrounding the earth)/im... daqi 打气|to inflate; to pump up/(fig.) to enco... daqi 大器|very capable person/precious object daqi 大旗|banner daqian 打钱|to collect money from sb/to give mone... daqian 大钱|large sum of money/old Chinese type o... daqian 打千|genuflection, a form of salutation in... daqiang 打枪|to fire a gun/to substitute for sb in... daqiang 搭腔|to answer/to respond/to converse daqiang 答腔|to answer/to respond/to converse daqiannian 大前年|three years ago daqianpan 大浅盘|platter daqianshijie 大千世界|great wide world/marvelously diverse ... daqianti 大前提|major premise daqiantian 大前天|three days ago daqianzhan 打前站|to set out in advance to make arrange... daqiao 大桥|Da Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, accord... daqiceng 大气层|atmosphere daqicengheshiyan 大气层核试验|atmospheric nuclear test daqidaluo 大起大落|(of market prices etc) to rapidly flu... daqihou 大气候|atmosphere daqihuanliu 大气环流|atmospheric circulation daqin 大秦|Han Dynasty term for the Roman Empire... daqin 哒嗪|pyrazine C4H4N2/diazine daqing 大清|Great Qing dynasty (1644-1911) daqing 大庆|see 大慶市|大庆市[Da4qing4 Shi4] daqingdiguo 大清帝国|Great Qing Empire (1644-1911) daqingmaqiao 打情骂俏|to banter flirtatiously (idiom) daqingshan 大箐山|Daqingshan County in Heilongjiang pro... daqingshan 大青山|Daqing Mountain in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he... daqingshi 大庆市|Daqing, prefecture-level city in Heil... daqingzao 大清早|early in the morning daqinuanhua 大气暖化|atmospheric warming daqiquan 大气圈|atmosphere daqir 大气儿|erhua variant of 大氣|大气[da4 qi4] daqitong 打气筒|bicycle pump daqiu 打球|to play ball/to play with a ball daqiu 大邱|Daegu Metropolitan City, capital of N... daqiu 大球|sports such as soccer, basketball and... daqiuguangyushi 大邱广域市|Daegu Metropolitan City, capital of N... daqiushi 大邱市|Daegu Metropolitan City, capital of N... daqiwancheng 大器晚成|lit. it takes a long time to make a b... daqiwuran 大气污染|air pollution/atmospheric pollution daqiya 大气压|atmospheric pressure daqiyali 大气压力|atmospheric pressure daqiyaqiang 大气压强|atmospheric pressure daqu 打趣|to make fun of daquan 大全|comprehensive collection daquan 大权|power/authority daquan 打拳|to do shadowboxing daquanzaiwo 大权在握|to be in a position of power daquanzuo 大犬座|Canis Major (constellation) darangang 大染缸|big dyeing vat/(fig.) corrupting envi... darao 打扰|to disturb/to bother/to trouble daraole 打扰了|sorry to interrupt you, but .../sorry... dare 大热|great heat/very popular daren 大人|adult/grownup/title of respect toward... daren 达人|(coll.) expert; connoisseur; guru; en... daren 达仁|Daren or Tajen township in Taitung Co... darenbujixiaorenguo 大人不记小人过|a person of great moral stature does ... darenxiang 达仁乡|Daren or Tajen township in Taitung Co... dari 达日|Darlag or Dari county (Tibetan: dar l... darirulai 大日如来|Vairocana, Buddha of supreme enlighte... darixian 达日县|Darlag or Dari county (Tibetan: dar l... darongliang 大容量|high capacity daronglu 大熔炉|lit. large smelting furnace/fig. the ... daronglu 大融炉|melting pot darongyuan 大蝾螈|Chinese giant salamander (Andrias dav... darou 大肉|pork daru 打入|to penetrate; to break into (a market... daru-lenggong 打入冷宫|(idiom) to snub; to consign to the tr... daruan 大阮|daruan or bass lute, like pipa 琵琶 and... darunfa 大润发|RT Mart (supermarket chain) dasai 大赛|grand contest dasan 大三|third-year university student dasan 打散|to scatter/to break sth up/to beat (a... dasan 打伞|to hold up an umbrella dasandu 大三度|major third (musical interval) dasang 大嗓|loud voice dasanhexian 大三和弦|major triad do-mi-so dasao 打扫|to clean/to sweep dasao 大嫂|older brother\'s wife/sister-in-law/el... dasha 大厦|(used in the names of grand buildings... dasha 打杀|to kill dashafengjing 大杀风景|to be a blot on the landscape/to damp... dashafengjing 大煞风景|see 大殺風景|大杀风景[da4 sha1 feng1 jing3] dashahe 大沙河|Dasha River (the name of rivers in va... dashajiangqing 大厦将倾|great mansion on the verge of collaps... dashan 大山|Dashan, stage name of Canadian Mark H... dashan 搭讪|to hit on someone/to strike up a conv... dashan 搭赸|variant of 搭訕|搭讪[da1 shan4] dashan 答讪|variant of 搭訕|搭讪[da1 shan4] dashang 打赏|to reward/to tip/to give a gratuity dashang 打伤|to injure/to wound/to damage dashangyuanqi 大伤元气|to ruin one\'s constitution dashanmao 大山猫|Lynx rufus dashanque 大山雀|(bird species of China) great tit (Pa... dashaoyu 大杓鹬|(bird species of China) Far Eastern c... dashazhui 大沙锥|(bird species of China) Swinhoe\'s sni... dashe 大赦|amnesty/general pardon dashebusi,houhuanwuqiong 打蛇不死,后患无穷|(idiom) if you beat the snake without... dasheguoji 大赦国际|Amnesty International dashen 大神|deity/(Internet slang) guru/expert/whiz dasheng 大圣|great sage/mahatma/king/emperor/outst... dasheng 大胜|to defeat decisively/to win decisivel... dasheng 大乘|Mahayana, the Great Vehicle/Buddhism ... dasheng 大声|loud voice/in a loud voice/loudly dasheng 大生|university student, abbr. for 大學生|大学生... dashenghanjiao 大声喊叫|to shout loudly dashengjihu 大声疾呼|to call loudly (idiom); to get people... dashetou 大舌头|(coll.) lisp/one who lisps dashewan 大蛇丸|Orochimaru, Japanese folktale hero/Or... dashi 大师|great master/master dashi 大事|major event/major political event (wa... dashi 大使|ambassador/envoy/CL:名[ming2],位[wei4] dashi 打食|to go in search of food (of animals)/... dashiguan 大使馆|embassy/CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4] dashiheng 大石鸻|(bird species of China) great stone-c... dashihuaxiao,xiaoshihualiao 大事化小,小事化了|to turn big problems into small ones,... dashiji 大使级|ambassadorial dashiji 大石鸡|(bird species of China) Przevalski\'s ... dashiqiao 大石桥|Dashiqiao county-level city in Yingko... dashiqiaoshi 大石桥市|Dashiqiao county-level city in Yingko... dashisuoqu 大势所趋|general trend/irresistible trend dashisuowang 大失所望|greatly disappointed dashizhipusa 大势至菩萨|Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, the Gre... dashou 大寿|(polite) birthday making the beginnin... dashou 打手|hired thug dashou 搭售|to sell an item only as part of a bun... dashoudajiao 大手大脚|extravagant (idiom); to throw away mo... dashouqiang 打手枪|to masturbate dashouyu 打手语|to use sign language dashu 大叔|eldest of father\'s younger brothers/u... dashu 大数|Tarsus, Mediterranean city in Turkey,... dashu 大数|a large number dashu 大暑|Dashu or Great Heat, 12th of the 24 s... dashu 答数|numerical answer (to a question in ma... dashu 大鼠|rat dashuai 大帅|(old) commanding general/commander-in... dashuboluo 大树菠萝|jackfruit dashudixiahaochengliang 大树底下好乘凉|lit. under a big tree the shade is pl... dashui 大水|flood dashui 打水|to draw water/to splash water dashuichonglelongwangmiao 大水冲了龙王庙|lit. surging waters flooded the Drago... dashuipiao 打水漂|to skip stones (on water)/(coll.) to ... dashuju 大数据|big data (computing) dashuying 大树莺|(bird species of China) chestnut-crow... dasi 大肆|wantonly/without restraint (of enemy ... dasi 打死|to kill/to beat to death dasi 大四|fourth-year university student dasigongji 大肆攻击|to vilify sb wantonly/unrestrained at... dasiguchui 大肆鼓吹|to advocate vociferously dasinong 大司农|Grand Minister of Agriculture in impe... dasiyuan 大寺院|abbey/large monastery dasuan 打算|to plan/to intend/to calculate/plan/i... dasuan 大蒜|garlic/CL:瓣[ban4],頭|头[tou2] dasuanpan 打算盘|to compute on the abacus/(fig.) to ca... dasui 打碎|to shatter; to smash; to break into p... databu 大踏步|in big strides/(fig.) in giant steps datai 打胎|to have an abortion dataiji 打太极|to practice tai chi/(fig.) to avoid r... datan 打探|to make discreet inquiries/to scout out datan 大谈|to harangue/to yak datang 大唐|the Tang dynasty (618-907) datang 大堂|lobby datangdigongan 大唐狄公案|Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge De... datangfurongyuan 大唐芙蓉园|Tang Paradise in Xi\'an datangxiyuji 大唐西域记|Great Tang Records on the Western Reg... datantetan 大谈特谈|to keep on talking about dataogang 大逃港|exodus to Hong Kong (from mainland Ch... datemaosi 达特茅斯|Dartmouth (place name) datemaosixueyuan 达特茅斯学院|Dartmouth College dati 大体|in general; more or less; in rough te... datian 大田|Datian, a county in Sanming City 三明市[... datiane 大天鹅|(bird species of China) whooper swan ... datianguangyushi 大田广域市|Daejeon Metropolitan City, capital of... datianshi 大田市|Daejeon Metropolitan City, capital of... datianxia 打天下|to seize power/to conquer the world/t... datianxian 大田县|Datian, a county in Sanming City 三明市[... datiao 大条|(used to modify 事情[shi4 qing5]) serio... datie 打铁|to forge ironware datie 搭铁|abbr. for 搭鐵接線|搭铁接线/chassis grounding... datiechenre 打铁趁热|strike the iron while it\'s hot (idiom) datijiepouxue 大体解剖学|(medicine) gross anatomy datilaoshi 大体老师|cadaver for dissection in training me... dating 打听|to ask about/to make some inquiries/t... dating 大厅|hall; concourse; public lounge; (hote... dating-guangzhong 大庭广众|(idiom) in public; in front of everyo... datingr 打挺儿|to arch one\'s body and fling one\'s he... datipen 打嚏喷|to sneeze datiqin 大提琴|cello (CL:把[ba3]) datiqinshou 大提琴手|cellist datishang 大体上|overall/in general terms datixiaozuo 大题小作|to cut a long story short/a brief tre... datong 大同|see 大同市[Da4tong2 Shi4]/see 大同鄉|大同乡[Da... datong 打通|to open access/to establish contact/t... datong 大通|Datong, a district of Huainan City 淮南... datong 大桶|barrel/vat datonghuizutuzuzizhixian 大通回族土族自治县|Datong Hui and Tu autonomous county i... datongqu 大通区|Datong, a district of Huainan City 淮南... datongqu 大同区|Datong or Tatung District of Taipei C... datongshi 大同市|Datong, prefecture-level city in Shan... datongxian 大通县|Datong Hui and Tu autonomous county i... datongxiang 大同乡|Datong or Tatung Township in Yilan Co... datongxiang 大同乡|person from the same province datongxiao 打通宵|to spend the whole night datongxiaoyi 大同小异|virtually the same/differing only on ... datou 大头|big head/mask in the shape of a big h... datouding 大头钉|tack/thumbtack/push pin datoumu 大头目|the boss datoutie 大头贴|photo sticker booth datouzhao 大头照|head-and-shoulders photo (esp. a form... datouzhen 打头阵|to take the lead datouzijia 大投资家|big investor datui 大腿|thigh datui 打退|to beat back/to repel/to repulse datuitanggu 打退堂鼓|lit. to beat the return drum (idiom)/... datuiwa 大腿袜|thigh highs datunhuoshanqun 大屯火山群|Tatun Volcanic Group, volcanic area t... datunshixibao 大吞噬细胞|macrophage datusha 大屠杀|massacre; mass slaughter dav 大V|influential microblogger with a verif... dawai 大外|abbr. for 大連外國語大學|大连外国语大学[Da4 lian2 W... dawaixuan 大外宣|(derog.) China\'s foreign propaganda m... dawan 大腕|(coll.) big shot; big name; bigwig; h... dawang 大王|king/magnate/person having expert ski... dawang 打网|to net sth/to catch sth with a net dawanqu 大湾区|Greater Bay Area, established in 2017... dawanr 大腕儿|erhua variant of 大腕[da4 wan4] dawei 大卫|David (name)/Jacques-Louis David (174... dawei 大为|very/greatly dawei 大伟|David (name) dawei 大尉|captain (army rank)/senior captain dawei 达味|David (name) daweiaidengbao 大卫·艾登堡|David Attenborough (1926-), British n... daweimilibande 大卫·米利班德|David Miliband (1965-), UK politician daweinier 大卫·尼尔|Alexandra David-Néel (1868-1969), Bel... daweiwang 大胃王|eating champion daweiwang 达味王|King David daweiying 大苇莺|(bird species of China) great reed wa... daweiyingheyue 大卫营和约|the Camp David agreement of 1978 brok... dawen 打问|to inquire about/to give sb the third... dawen 答问|to answer a question/question and answer dawenge 大文蛤|giant clam/geoduck (Panopea abrupta)/... dawenkouwenhua 大汶口文化|Dawenkou culture (c. 4100-2600 BC), N... dawenxi 达文西|Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italia... dawo 大我|the collective/the whole/(Buddhism) t... dawo 打窝|(angling) to throw groundbait into an... dawoer 达斡尔|Daur ethnic group of Inner Mongolia a... dawoeryu 达斡尔语|Daur language (of Daur ethnic group o... dawosi 达沃斯|Davos (Swiss ski resort)/Davos world ... dawosiluntan 达沃斯论坛|Davos world economic forum (WEF) dawu 大雾|thick fog dawu 大悟|Dawu county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3]... dawu 大武|Dawu or Tawu township in Taitung Coun... dawukou 大武口|Dawukou district of Shizuishan city 石... dawukouqu 大武口区|Dawukou district of Shizuishan city 石... dawulihanya 达乌里寒鸦|(bird species of China) Daurian jackd... dawuma 大五码|Big5 Chinese character coding (develo... dawusulidao 大乌苏里岛|Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilo... dawuwei 大无畏|utterly fearless dawuxian 大悟县|Dawu county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3]... dawuxiang 大武乡|Dawu or Tawu township in Taitung Coun... dawuya 大乌鸦|a raven dawuzhitiaoshu 大五趾跳鼠|great jerboa (Allactaga major) dawuzu 达悟族|Tao or Yami, one of the indigenous pe... daxi 大西|Ōnishi (Japanese surname) daxi 大戏|large-scale Chinese opera/Beijing ope... daxi 大喜|exultation daxi 大系|compendium daxi 打席|(baseball) plate appearance (PA) daxia 打下|to lay (a foundation)/to conquer (a c... daxia 大虾|prawn/(Internet slang) expert/whiz daxia 大侠|knight/swordsman/noble warrior/chival... daxia 大夏|Han Chinese name for an ancient Centr... daxiagu 大峡谷|great valley/Grand Canyon of Colorado... daxian 大仙|great immortal daxian 大限|the limit/maximum/one\'s allocated lif... daxiandaolai 大限到来|to die/one\'s allocated lifespan is ac... daxiang 大象|elephant/CL:頭|头[tou2] daxiang 打响|to start shooting or firing/to win an... daxiang 大祥|Daxiang district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市... daxiang 大项|main item (of program) daxiangbir 打响鼻儿|(of a horse etc) to snort daxiangjingting 大相径庭|as different as can be (idiom)/poles ... daxiangminghao 打响名号|to become well-known daxiangqu 大祥区|Daxiang district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市... daxianlintou 大限临头|facing the end (idiom); at the end of... daxianshenshou 大显身手|(idiom) fully displaying one\'s capabi... daxianshentong 大显神通|to display one\'s remarkable skill or ... daxianweng 大仙鹟|(bird species of China) large niltava... daxianzhang 大宪章|Magna Carta daxianzhishu 大先知书|the biblical books of the prophets daxiao 大小|large and small/size/adults and child... daxiao 大笑|to laugh heartily/a belly laugh daxiao 大校|senior ranking officer in Chinese arm... daxiao 打消|to dispel (doubts, misgivings etc)/to... daxiao 打小|(dialect) from childhood; from a youn... daxiaobaogao 打小报告|(coll.) to tattletale; to rat on sb daxiaobian 大小便|using the toilet/urination and defeca... daxiaojie 大小姐|eldest daughter of an affluent family... daxiaosandu 大小三度|major and minor third (musical interval) daxiaosuanpan 打小算盘|lit. to count on a narrow abacus (idi... daxiaotiao 大萧条|the Great Depression (1929-c. 1939) daxiaoxie 大小写|capitals and lowercase letters daxiaoyan 大小眼|one eye bigger than the other daxiashou 打下手|to act in a supporting role/fig. to p... daxibia 大西庇阿|Scipio Africanus (235-183 BC), Roman ... daxidi 大溪地|Tahiti, island of the Society Islands... daxidougan 大溪豆干|dried tofu made in Daxi, a district o... daxie 大写|capital letters/uppercase letters/blo... daxie 答谢|to express one\'s thanks daxiesuoding 大写锁定|caps lock daxiezimu 大写字母|capital letters/uppercase letters daxiguo 大西国|Atlantis daxiguowang 大喜过望|overjoyed at unexpected good news (id... daxin 大新|Daxin county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zu... daxin 大心|(Tw) considerate; thoughtful (from Ta... daxin 打新|(finance) to participate in an IPO (i... daxing 大型|large/large-scale daxing 大兴|Daxing, a district of Beijing daxing 大兴|to go in for something in a big way; ... daxinganling 大兴安岭|Daxing\'anling mountain range in north... daxinganlingdiqu 大兴安岭地区|Daxing\'anling prefecture in northwest... daxinganlingshanmai 大兴安岭山脉|Daxing\'anling mountain range in north... daxingjichang 大兴机场|Beijing Daxing International Airport ... daxingkongbaozhadan 大型空爆炸弹|Massive Ordinance Air Blast (MOAB), a... daxingqiangziduizhuangji 大型强子对撞机|Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, ... daxingqidao 大行其道|rampant/very popular daxingqin 大星芹|great masterwort (Astrantia major) daxingqu 大兴区|Daxing, a district of Beijing daxingtumu 大兴土木|to carry out large scale construction daxingwenzuizhishi 大兴问罪之师|to launch a punitive campaign/to cond... daxingxing 大猩猩|gorilla daxinxian 大新县|Daxin county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zu... daxinyanli 打心眼里|from the bottom of one\'s heart/hearti... daxiong 大雄|great hero/main Buddhist image (in te... daxiongbaodian 大雄宝殿|Hall of Great Strength, main hall of ... daxiongmao 大熊猫|giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) daxiongzuo 大熊座|Ursa Major, the Great Bear (constella... daxiu 大修|overhaul daxiudaoyuan 大修道院|abbey/large monastery or convent daxiudaoyuanzhang 大修道院长|abbot daxiyang 大西洋|Atlantic Ocean daxiyangguo 大西洋国|Historical name for Portugal during t... daxiyangyangzhongji 大西洋洋中脊|Atlantic mid-ocean ridge daxiyangzhongji 大西洋中脊|Atlantic mid-ocean ridge daxuan 大选|general election daxuan 打旋|to revolve daxuanr 打旋儿|erhua variant of 打旋[da3 xuan2] daxue 大学|the Great Learning, one of the Four B... daxue 大学|university/college/CL:所[suo3] daxue 大雪|Daxue or Great Snow, 21st of the 24 s... daxuebenke 大学本科|university undergraduate course daxuebu 大学部|undergraduate course of study (Tw) daxuecheng 大学城|university city daxueruxuezhidingkemukaoshi 大学入学指定科目考试|Advanced Subjects Test, university en... daxuesheng 大学生|university student/college student daxuexuekenengliceyan 大学学科能力测验|General Scholastic Ability Test (coll... daxueyuke 大学预科|university preparatory course daxuezhang 打雪仗|to have a snowball fight daya 打压|to suppress/to beat down daya 大雅|one of the three main divisions of th... dayaji 打牙祭|to have a large and sumptuous meal (t... dayami 打哑谜|to talk in riddles dayan 打眼|to drill or bore a hole/to attract at... dayan 大雁|wild goose/CL:隻|只[zhi1] dayan 大言|to exaggerate/to boast dayan 大烟|opium dayanbucan 大言不惭|to boast shamelessly/to talk big dayandengxiaoyan 大眼瞪小眼|(idiom) to look at each other, not kn... dayang 大洋|ocean/(old) silver dollar/(slang) Chi... dayang 大样|arrogant/full-page proofs (of newspap... dayang 打烊|to close shop in the evening/also pr.... dayangba 大氧吧|source of oxygen (of forests and natu... dayanglong 大洋龙|halisaurus dayangtuo 大羊驼|llama dayangxingdiqiao 大洋型地壳|oceanic crust (geology) dayangzhongji 大洋中脊|mid-ocean ridge (geology) dayangzhou 大洋洲|Oceania dayanjiao 大眼角|inner corner of the eye dayanta 大雁塔|Giant Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi\'an dayao 大姚|Dayao County in Chuxiong Yi Autonomou... dayao 大要|abstract/gist/main points dayao 搭腰|harness pad (on draft animal) dayao 大谣|high-profile rumormonger (esp. on a m... dayaodabai 大摇大摆|to strut/swaggering dayaoxian 大姚县|Dayao County in Chuxiong Yi Autonomou... dayawan 大亚湾|Daya Bay dayayu 打哑语|to use sign language daye 大野|Ōno (Japanese surname and place name) daye 大爷|arrogant idler/self-centered show-off daye 大爷|(coll.) father\'s older brother/uncle/... daye 大业|great cause/great undertaking daye 大冶|Daye, county-level city in Huangshi 黃... daye 大夜|the second half of the night; early m... dayeban 大夜班|graveyard shift; late night shift dayelang 大野狼|big bad wolf dayepao 打野炮|(slang) to have sex outdoors or in a ... dayeshi 大冶市|Daye, county-level city in Huangshi 黃... dayexingfeiyan 大叶性肺炎|lobar pneumonia dayezhan 打野战|see 打野炮[da3 ye3 pao4] dayi 大意|general idea/main idea dayi 大意|careless dayi 大一|first-year university student dayi 大义|righteousness/virtuous cause/a woman\'... dayi 答疑|to answer questions (as teacher or co... dayi 达意|to express or convey one\'s ideas dayi 大衣|overcoat/topcoat/cloak/CL:件[jian4] dayi 大姨|aunt (mother\'s eldest sister)/(respec... dayi 大邑|Dayi County in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1]... dayibalang 大尾巴狼|(coll.) person who puts on an act: fe... dayibazhang,geigetianzao 打一巴掌,给个甜枣|lit. to give sb a slap, then offer a ... dayilinran 大义凛然|devotion to righteousness that inspir... dayima 大姨妈|mother\'s eldest sister (older than on... dayimieqin 大义灭亲|to place righteousness before family ... dayin 打印|to affix a seal/to stamp/to print out... dayin 大印|stamp/official seal dayin 达因|dyne (loanword) dayinfuwuqi 打印服务器|print server daying 大英|Daying county in Suining 遂寧|遂宁[Sui4 n... daying 答应|to answer; to respond/to answer posit... daying 打赢|to win; to beat (one\'s opponent) dayingao 打印稿|printout/hard copy dayingbowuguan 大英博物馆|British Museum dayingdiguo 大英帝国|British Empire dayingguoxie 大英国协|British Commonwealth of Nations (Tw) dayinglianhewangguo 大英联合王国|United Kingdom dayingxian 大英县|Daying county in Suining 遂寧|遂宁[Sui4 n... dayinji 打印机|printer dayintou 打印头|print head dayishijingzhou 大意失荆州|lit. to lose Jingzhou due to careless... dayitong 大一统|unification (of the nation)/large sca... dayitongzhi 大一统志|Da Yuan Dayitongzhi, Yuan dynasty geo... dayixian 大邑县|Dayi County in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1]... dayixie 大一些|a bit bigger dayizi 大姨子|sister-in-law/wife\'s older sister dayong 大庸|Dayong, former name of Zhangjiajie 張家... dayong 大用|to put sb in powerful position/to emp... dayongruoqie 大勇若怯|a great hero may appear timid (idiom)... dayongruoqie,dazhiruoyu 大勇若怯,大智若愚|a great hero may appear timid, the wi... dayou 大有|there is a great deal of ... (typical... dayou 大油|lard dayou-xiwang 大有希望|to stand a good chance; to have great... dayoubiyi 大有裨益|bringing great benefits (idiom); very... dayouji 打游击|to fight as a guerilla/(fig.) to live... dayoukewei 大有可为|with great prospects for the future (... dayourenzai 大有人在|there are plenty of such people dayoushi 打油诗|humorous poem/limerick dayouwenzhang 大有文章|some deeper meaning in this/more to i... dayouzuowei 大有作为|to accomplish much/to have good prosp... dayu 大于|greater than; bigger than; more than dayu 大雨|heavy rain/CL:場|场[chang2] dayu 大宇|Daewoo (Korean conglomerate) dayu 大余|Dayu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 zho... dayu 打鱼|to fish dayu 大禹|Yu the Great (c. 21st century BC) myt... dayu 大愚|idiot/ignorant fool dayu 大狱|jail/prison dayuan 大院|courtyard; compound dayuan 大员|high official dayuan 大圆|great circle (in spherical geometry) dayuan 大宛|ancient state of central Asia dayuanchang 打圆场|to help to resolve a dispute/to smoot... dayuandayitongzhi 大元大一统志|Da Yuan Dayitongzhi, Yuan dynasty geo... dayuandizangpusa 大愿地藏菩萨|Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Bodhisat... dayuanquan 大圆圈|great circle (in spherical geometry) dayuanshuai 大元帅|generalissimo dayudarou 大鱼大肉|dishes with generous amounts of meat ... dayue 大约|approximately/probably dayue 大月|solar month of 31 days/a lunar month ... dayuejin 大跃进|Great Leap Forward (1958-1960), Mao\'s... dayuezhi 大月氏|the Greater Yuezhi, a branch of the Y... dayuezhi 大月支|variant of 大月氏[Da4 Yue4 zhi1] dayuling 大庾岭|Dayu mountain range between southwest... dayun 大运|a stroke of luck/World University Gam... dayun 大韵|rhyme group (group of characters that... dayunhe 大运河|the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing... dayuruzhu 大雨如注|pouring with rain/rain bucketing down dayushan 大屿山|Lantau Island, an island in Hong Kong dayuxian 大余县|Dayu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 zho... daza 打杂|to do odd jobs/to do unskilled work daza 打砸|to smash up; to vandalize dazahui 大杂烩|mix-up/mish-mash/potpourri dazai 搭载|(of a vehicle) to carry (a passenger ... dazai 大灾|calamity/catastrophe dazangjing 大藏经|Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scripture... dazao 打造|to create/to build/to develop/to forg... dazao 大枣|see 紅棗|红枣[hong2 zao3] dazao 大灶|large kitchen stove made from bricks ... dazao 打早|earlier/long ago/as soon as possible dazaomei 大噪鹛|(bird species of China) giant laughin... dazayuan 大杂院|compound with many families living to... dazexiangqiyi 大泽乡起义|Dazexiang Uprising, another name for ... dazhai 大斋|to fast/to abstain from food dazhai 大寨|Dazhai dazhai 打斋|to beg for (vegetarian) food dazhaijie 大斋节|great fast/Christian lent dazhaiqi 大斋期|Lent (Christian period of forty days ... dazhan 大战|war/to wage war dazhan 打颤|to shiver/to tremble dazhang 打仗|to fight a battle/to go to war dazhang-qigu 大张旗鼓|(idiom) with great fanfare; on a gran... dazhangfu 大丈夫|a manly man/a man of character dazhangfunengqunengshen 大丈夫能屈能伸|A leader can submit or can stand tall... dazhangshengshi 大张声势|to spread one\'s voice wide (idiom); w... dazhangtafa 大张挞伐|(idiom) to launch an all-out attack/t... dazhaohu 打招呼|to greet sb by word or action/to give... dazhaosi 大昭寺|Jokhang, main Buddhist temple in Lhas... dazhe 打折|to give a discount dazhe 耷着|to droop; to hang down; to dangle dazhekou 打折扣|to give a discount/to be of less valu... dazhen 打针|to give or have an injection dazhen 达阵|touchdown/try (sports) dazheng 大正|Taishō, Japanese era name, correspond... dazhengfangzhen 大政方针|major policy of the national government dazhengyizanhui 大政翼赞会|Taisei Yokusankai, Japanese fascist o... dazhi 大致|more or less; roughly; approximately dazhi 大志|high aims dazhi 达致|to attain; to achieve dazhi 大只|big dazhi 大指|thumb/big toe dazhi 打制|to make (by hammering, chipping etc)/... dazhihui 大智慧|great wisdom and knowledge (Buddhism) dazhiruoyu 大智若愚|(idiom) great intelligence may appear... dazhiruyu 大智如愚|the wise may appear stupid (idiom); a... dazhishiqi 打制石器|(archaeology) chipped stone implement dazhong 大众|Volkswagen (automobile manufacturer) dazhong 大众|the masses/the great bulk of the popu... dazhong 打中|to hit (a target) dazhong 大冢|Ōtsuka (Japanese surname) dazhongbu 大众部|Mahasanghika (branch of Buddhism) dazhongchuanbo 大众传播|mass communication dazhonghua 大众化|mass-oriented/to cater for the masses... dazhonghua 大中华|Greater China/refers to China, Taiwan... dazhongjieyun 大众捷运|mass rapid transit MRT dazhonglianchongpangzi 打肿脸充胖子|lit. to swell one\'s face up by slappi... dazhongma 大仲马|Alexandre Dumas, père (1802-1870), Fr... dazhongqiche 大众汽车|Volkswagen dazhongxuesheng 大中学生|university and high school students dazhongyunshu 大众运输|public transport (Tw) dazhou 达州|see 達州市|达州市[Da2zhou1 Shi4] dazhou 大洲|continent dazhoushi 达州市|Dazhou, prefecture-level city in Sich... dazhouxi 大轴戏|last item on a program (theater) dazhu 大竹|Dazhu county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zhou... dazhu 打住|to stop/to halt dazhuan 大专|three-year college/junior college/pro... dazhuan 打转|to spin/to rotate/to revolve dazhuan 大篆|the great seal/used narrowly for 籀文/u... dazhuan 大转|to turn left (Shanghainese) dazhuang 打桩|to drive piles into dazhuangji 打桩机|pile driver (machinery) dazhujiao 大主教|archbishop/primate (of a church)/metr... dazhuo 搭桌|charity performance (theater in forme... dazhuque 大朱雀|(bird species of China) great rosefin... dazhuxian 大竹县|Dazhu county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zhou... dazi 打字|to type dazi 搭子|(dialect) companion dazibao 大字报|big-character poster daziji 打字机|typewriter dazijingxunzhang 大紫荆勋章|Great Bauhinia Medal (GBM), Hong Kong... daziran 大自然|nature (the natural world) dazixiongyingwu 大紫胸鹦鹉|(bird species of China) Lord Derby\'s ... daziyuan 打字员|typist dazong 大宗|large amount/staple/influential famil... dazongtong 大总统|president (of a country)/same as 總統|总统 dazu 大足|Dazu, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆[C... dazu 大族|large and influential family/clan dazui 打嘴|to slap sb\'s face/to slap one\'s own f... dazui 搭嘴|to answer dazuiba 大嘴巴|bigmouth/blabbermouth dazuiba 打嘴巴|to slap dazuiniao 大嘴鸟|toucan dazuiwuya 大嘴乌鸦|(bird species of China) large-billed ... dazuo 大作|your work (book, musical composition ... dazuo 打坐|to sit in meditation/to meditate dazuo 搭坐|to travel by/to ride on dazuopo 打坐坡|(of a horse, dog etc) to sit back on ... dazuqu 大足区|Dazu, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆[C... de 的|of; ~\'s (possessive particle)/(used a... de 得|to obtain/to get/to gain/to catch (a ... de 得|structural particle: used after a ver... de 德|Germany/German/abbr. for 德國|德国[De2 guo2] de 德|virtue/goodness/morality/ethics/kindn... de 德|variant of 德[de2] de 底|(equivalent to 的 as possessive particle) de 地|-ly/structural particle: used before ... de 嘚|(onom.) for the sound of horsehoofs de 锝|technetium (chemistry) de 徳|Japanese variant of 德[de2] de 淂|(river)/old variant of 得[de2] de 㥁|variant of 德[de2] de 㝵|to obtain (old variant of 得[de2]) dean 德安|De\'an county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi deang 德昂|De\'ang (ethnic group) deanxian 德安县|De\'an county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi deban 德班|Durban (city in South Africa) debao 德保|Debao county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], G... debaoxian 德保县|Debao county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], G... debi 德比|(sports) (loanword) derby (contest be... debian 得便|at one\'s convenience/when one has time debiao 得标|to win a bid/to win a trophy in a con... debiaoxi 德彪西|Claude Debussy (1862-1918), French co... debing 得病|to fall ill/to contract a disease debo 嘚啵|(coll.) to run off at the mouth/to ja... debonengxian 德薄能鲜|little virtue and meager abilities (i... debuchangshi 得不偿失|the gains do not make up for the loss... debudao 得不到|cannot get/cannot obtain debupeiwei 德不配位|one\'s moral standards are not in keep... debupeiwei,biyouzaiyang 德不配位,必有灾殃|calamity will befall those whose mora... decai 德才|ethics and ability/virtuous and talented decai-jianbei 德才兼备|(idiom) possessing both integrity and... dechang 德昌|Dechang county in Liangshan Yi autono... dechang-suoyuan 得偿所愿|(idiom) to have one\'s wish fulfilled dechangxian 德昌县|Dechang county in Liangshan Yi autono... decheng 德城|Decheng district of Dezhou city 德州市[D... decheng 得逞|to prevail/to have one\'s way/to get a... dechengqu 德城区|Decheng district of Dezhou city 德州市[D... dechong 得宠|to be a favorite/favor dechu 得出|to obtain (a result); to arrive at (a... dechuan 德川|Tokugawa, the ruling clan of Japan fr... decunjinchi 得寸进尺|lit. win an inch, want a foot (idiom)... dedang 得当|appropriate/suitable dedao 得到|to get; to obtain; to receive dedao 得道|to achieve the Dao/to become an immortal dedaoduozhu 得道多助|a just cause enjoys abundant support ... dedaoduozhu,shidaoguazhu 得道多助,失道寡助|A just cause attracts much support, a... dedu 德都|Dejun, former county, merged into Wud... deduxian 德都县|Dejun, former county, merged into Wud... deerfushi 得而复失|to lose what one has just obtained (i... defa 得法|(doing sth) in the right way/suitable... defanianjian 德法年鉴|Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (publ... defen 得分|to score degan 德干|Deccan (India) degaowangzhong 德高望重|(idiom) a person of virtue and presti... dege 德格|Dêgê county (Tibetan: sde dge rdzong)... degexian 德格县|Dêgê county (Tibetan: sde dge rdzong)... degula 德古拉|Dracula, novel by Bram Stoker/Vlad II... deguo 德国|Germany/German deguobiaozhunhuaxuehui 德国标准化学会|Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (... deguohanshahangkonggongsi 德国汉莎航空公司|Deutsche Lufthansa AG deguomake 德国马克|German mark deguomazhen 德国麻疹|German measles/rubella deguoqieguo 得过且过|satisfied just to get through (idiom)... deguoren 德国人|German person or people deguosuancai 德国酸菜|sauerkraut deguotongyishehuidang 德国统一社会党|Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutsch... deguoxueshujiaoliuzongshu 德国学术交流总署|German Academic Exchange Service (DAA... deguozhanche 德国战车|Rammstein (German metal band) deguozhisheng 德国之声|Deutsche Welle, German publicly-opera... deguxijiaba 德古西加巴|Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras (Tw) dehang 德航|Lufthansa (German airline)/abbr. for ... deheilan 德黑兰|Tehran, capital of Iran dehen 得很|(after an adjective) very dehong 德宏|Dehong prefecture in Yunnan (Dai and ... dehongdaizujingpozuzizhizhou 德宏傣族景颇族自治州|Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous pref... dehongzhou 德宏州|abbr. for 德宏傣族景頗族自治州|德宏傣族景颇族自治州, Deho... dehua 德化|Dehua county in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zho... dehua 的话|if (coming after a conditional clause) dehuaxian 德化县|Dehua county in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zho... dehui 德惠|Dehui, county-level city in Changchun... dehuishi 德惠市|Dehui, county-level city in Changchun... dei 得|to have to/must/ought to/to need to deierta 得尔塔|delta (Greek letter Δδ) deikui 得亏|luckily/fortunately deiyao 得要|to need/must dejiang 得奖|to win a prize dejiang 德江|Dejiang, a county in Tongren 銅仁市|铜仁市[... dejiangxian 德江县|Dejiang, a county in Tongren 銅仁市|铜仁市[... dejiu 得救|to be saved dekesasi 得克萨斯|Texas, US state dekesasi 德克萨斯|Texas dekesasizhou 得克萨斯州|Texas, US state dekesasizhou 德克萨斯州|state of Texas dekeyi 得可以|(coll.) (stative verb suffix) very; a... dekong 得空|to have leisure time delaise 德莱塞|Dreiser (surname)/Theodore Dreiser (1... delaisu 得来速|drive-thru (loanword) delakeluowa 德拉克罗瓦|Delacroix (painter) delamen 德拉门|Drammen (city in Buskerud, Norway) dele 得了|all right!/that\'s enough! delebake 德勒巴克|Drøbak (city in Akershus, Norway) deleier 德雷尔|Dreyer (name)/June Teufel Dreyer, Chi... deleifusi 德雷福斯|Dreyfus (name)/Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1... deleifusianjian 德雷福斯案件|Dreyfus affair 1894-1906, notorious p... deleisidun 德累斯顿|Dresden, capital of Saxony 薩克森州|萨克森州[... deleisidun 德雷斯顿|Dresden, Germany delesideng 德勒斯登|(Tw) Dresden, capital of Saxony, Germany delezi 德勒兹|Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995), French ph... deli 得力|able/capable/competent/efficient deli 得利|to benefit (from sth) deli 德里|Delhi/New Delhi, capital of India/sam... deliao 得了|(emphatically, in rhetorical question... delida 德里达|Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), philosopher deling 得令|to follow your orders/roger!/yessir! delingha 德令哈|Delingha city in Haixi Mongol and Tib... delinghashi 德令哈市|Delingha city in Haixi Mongol and Tib... delongwangshu 得陇望蜀|lit. covet Sichuan once Gansu has bee... delunte 德伦特|Drenthe (name)/Drenthe (province in N... delvfeng 德律风|telephone (loanword) demeiyin 得梅因|Des Moines, capital of Iowa demeiyin 德梅因|(HK) Des Moines, capital of Iowa deming 得名|to get one\'s name/named (after sth) demokelaxi 德谟克拉西|democracy (loanword) (old) demu 德牧|German shepherd den 扽|to yank/to pull tight den 㩐|variant of 扽[den4] deng 灯|lamp/light/lantern/CL:盞|盏[zhan3] deng 等|to wait for; to await/by the time; wh... deng 登|to scale (a height)/to ascend/to moun... deng 邓|surname Deng deng 澄|(of liquid) to settle/to become clear deng 僜|Deng ethnic minority of Tibet deng 凳|bench/stool deng 凳|variant of 凳[deng4] deng 蹬|to step on; to tread on/to put on; to... deng 蹬|used in 蹭蹬[ceng4deng4] deng 瞪|to open (one\'s eyes) wide/to stare at... deng 嶝|path leading up a mountain deng 戥|small steelyard for weighing money deng 磴|cliff-ledge/stone step deng 镫|stirrup deng 噔|(onom.) thud; thump deng 簦|large umbrella for stalls/an ancient ... deng 豋|ceremonial vessel dengan 登岸|to go ashore/to disembark dengbao 登报|to publish in the newspapers dengbi 等比|geometric (of mathematical sequences ... dengbiansanjiaoxing 等边三角形|equilateral triangle dengbianyaxian 等变压线|isallobar (line of equal pressure gra... dengbijishu 等比级数|geometric series (such as 1+2+4+8+...) dengbishulie 等比数列|geometric progression dengbizishanglian 蹬鼻子上脸|lit. to climb all over sb/fig. to tak... dengbuji 等不及|can\'t wait dengcao 灯草|the spongy, white pulp inside the ste... dengcaorong 灯草绒|see 燈芯絨|灯芯绒[deng1 xin1 rong2] dengcha 等差|degree of disparity/equal difference dengchajishu 等差级数|arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...) dengchang 登场|to go on stage/fig. to appear on the ... dengchashulie 等差数列|arithmetic progression dengchu 登出|to log out (computer)/to publish/to b... dengchulai 登出来|to publish/to appear (in print) dengdabao 登大宝|to ascend to the throne dengdai 等待|to wait; to wait for dengdai 灯带|LED strip light dengdaishijian 等待时间|waiting time/(computing) latency dengdao 等到|to wait until/by the time when (sth i... dengdeng 等等|et cetera/and so on .../wait a minute... dengdeng 噔噔|(onom.) thump/thud dengdi 等第|level/rank/grade/rating dengdi 邓迪|Dundee, Scotland dengding 登顶|(lit. and fig.) to get to the top denge 灯蛾|moth dengebijijin 等额比基金|equality ration fund, a charitable in... dengerxiazhi 等而下之|going from there to lower grades (idiom) dengexuanju 等额选举|non-competitive election (i.e. with a... dengfen 等分|to divide into equal parts dengfeng 登封|Dengfeng, county-level city in Zhengz... dengfeng 登峰|to climb a mountain/to scale a peak/m... dengfengshi 登封市|Dengfeng, county-level city in Zhengz... dengfengzaoji 登峰造极|to reach great heights (in technical ... denggaowangyuan 登高望远|to stand tall and see far (idiom); ta... denggaoxian 等高线|contour line denggaoyihu 登高一呼|to make a clarion call/to make a publ... denggebingdu 登革病毒|dengue virus denggere 登革热|dengue fever/Singapore hemorrhagic fever denggeyimiao 登革疫苗|dengue vaccine denggu 镫骨|stapes or stirrup bone of middle ear,... dengguan 灯管|fluorescent light dengguang 灯光|(stage) lighting/light dengguanggao 登广告|to advertise denghao 等号|(math.) equals sign = denghao 灯号|flashing light/indicator light denghongjiulv 灯红酒绿|lanterns red, wine green (idiom); fea... denghou 等候|to wait/to wait for denghuaqi 等化器|equalizer (electronics, audio) (HK, Tw) denghui 灯会|carnival during the Lantern Festival,... denghuo 灯火|lights denghuotongming 灯火通明|brightly lit dengji 等级|grade/rank/status dengji 登记|to register (one\'s name) dengji 登基|to ascend the throne dengji 登机|to board a plane dengji 登极|to ascend the throne dengjia 等价|equal/equal in value/equivalent dengjia 邓加|Dunga (1963-), former Brazilian socce... dengjiaguanxi 等价关系|(math.) equivalence relation dengjiajiaohuan 等价交换|equal-value exchange dengjiao 蹬脚|to stamp one\'s foot/to kick dengjibiao 登记表|registration form dengjie 灯节|the Lantern Festival (15th of first m... dengjikou 登机口|departure gate (aviation) dengjilangqiao 登机廊桥|air bridge/aircraft boarding bridge dengjilou 登机楼|airport terminal dengjimen 登机门|boarding gate dengjiming 登记名|to register one\'s name/account name (... dengjipai 登机牌|boarding pass dengjiqiao 登机桥|boarding gate (at airport)/aircraft b... dengjirukou 登机入口|boarding gate dengjishouxu 登机手续|(airport) check-in/boarding formalities dengjishouxuguitai 登机手续柜台|check-in counter dengjiyonghu 登记用户|registered user dengjiyuan 登记员|registrar dengjizheng 登机证|boarding pass dengjizhidu 等级制度|hierarchy dengju 等距|equidistant dengkou 磴口|Dengkou county in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔... dengkouxian 磴口县|Dengkou county in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔... dengleng 登愣|ta da!/wow! denglianghong 邓亮洪|Tang Liang Hong (opposition candidate... denglijun 邓丽君|Teresa Teng (1953-1995), Taiwanese po... denglin 登临|to visit places famous for their scenery dengling 瞪羚|gazelle dengliziti 等离子体|plasma (physics) denglong 灯笼|lantern denglongguo 灯笼果|cape gooseberry/Peruvian ground-cherr... denglonghua 灯笼花|Chinese enkianthus denglongku 灯笼裤|bloomers/plus fours/knickerbockers denglongyu 灯笼鱼|lantern fish denglu 登录|to register/to log in denglu 登陆|to land/to come ashore/to make landfa... denglujian 登陆舰|landing craft denglun 登轮|to board a ship dengluyueqiu 登陆月球|to land on the moon dengmen 登门|to visit sb at home dengmi 灯谜|riddles written on lanterns (e.g. for... dengmuningshi 瞪目凝视|in a catatonic state/shocked and stun... dengpao 灯泡|light bulb/see also 電燈泡|电灯泡[dian4 den... dengqing 澄清|to settle (of liquid)/to become clear... dengru 登入|to log in (to a computer)/to enter (d... dengrui 灯蕊|lamp wick dengshan 登山|to climb a mountain/climbing/mountain... dengshanche 登山车|mountain bike (Tw) dengshang 登上|to climb over/to ascend onto/to mount dengshangxian 等熵线|(physics) isentropic curve dengshanjia 登山家|mountaineer dengshankou 登山扣|carabiner dengshanzhang 登山杖|trekking pole dengshi 登时|immediately/at once dengshi 等式|an equality/an equation dengshichang 邓世昌|Deng Shichang (1849-1894), Qing dynas... dengsi 灯丝|filament (in a lightbulb) dengta 灯塔|lighthouse/CL:座[zuo4] dengtai 灯台|lampstand dengtaibiaoyan 登台表演|to go on stage dengtangrushi 登堂入室|lit. from the main room, enter the in... dengtashi 灯塔市|Dengta, county-level city in Liaoyang... dengtashuimu 灯塔水母|immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis dohrnii) dengtiao 灯条|LED strip light dengtong 等同|to equate/equal to dengtong 邓通|Deng Tong (2nd c. BC), one of the wea... dengtongyu 等同语|(linguistics) an equivalent; a transl... dengtou 灯头|electric light socket/burner (compone... dengtui 蹬腿|to kick one\'s legs/leg press (exercis... dengtuo 邓拓|Deng Tuo (1912-1966), sociologist and... dengtuzi 登徒子|Master Dengtu, a famous historical le... dengwei 等位|(physics) equipotential dengweijiyin 等位基因|allele (one of two paired gene in dip... dengwen 等温|of equal temperature; isothermic dengxi 邓析|Deng Xi (545-501 BC), Chinese philoso... dengxia 登遐|death of an emperor dengxiahei 灯下黑|(lit.) it\'s dark right under the lamp... dengxian 等闲|ordinary/common/unimportant/idly/for ... dengxian 登仙|to become immortal/big promotion/die dengxianzhibei 等闲之辈|(in the negative) (not) to be trifled... dengxiao 等效|equivalent; equal in effect dengxiaobaiwandundangliang 等效百万吨当量|equivalent megatonnage (EMT) dengxiaoping 邓小平|Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), Chinese co... dengxiaopinglilun 邓小平理论|Deng Xiaoping Theory/Dengism/the foun... dengxieyaogun 瞪鞋摇滚|shoegaze (music genre) dengxin 灯芯|variant of 燈心|灯心[deng1xin1] dengxin 灯心|lampwick dengxincao 灯心草|rush (botany)/Juncaceae dengxincao 灯芯草|see 燈心草|灯心草[deng1 xin1 cao3] dengxinrong 灯芯绒|corduroy (textiles) dengya 等压|constant pressure/equal pressure dengyan 瞪眼|to open one\'s eyes wide/to stare/to g... dengyaosanjiaoxing 等腰三角形|isosceles triangle dengyaping 邓亚萍|Deng Yaping (1973-), table tennis pla... dengyaxian 等压线|isobar (line of equal pressure) dengyideng 等一等|wait a moment dengyihui 等一会|Wait a moment!/after a while dengyihuir 等一会儿|erhua variant of 等一會|等一会[deng3 yi1 hui4] dengyinfengci 等因奉此|officialese/official routine/(old) (c... dengyingchao 邓颖超|Deng Yingchao (1904-1992), Chinese co... dengyixia 等一下|to wait a moment/later/in awhile dengyixiar 等一下儿|erhua variant of 等一下[deng3 yi1 xia4] dengyongrencai 登庸人才|to employ talent (idiom) dengyu 等于|to equal/to be tantamount to dengyue 登月|to go (up) to the moon dengzai 登载|to publish (in newspapers or magazine... dengzhan 灯盏|lantern/uncovered oil lamp dengzhao 灯罩|cover of lamp/lampshade/glass cover o... dengzheqiao 等着瞧|wait and see (who is right) dengzhi 等值|of equal value dengzhou 邓州|Dengzhou, county-level city in Nanyan... dengzhou 等周|isoperimetric dengzhoubudengshi 等周不等式|the isoperimetric inequality dengzhoujingxi 等轴晶系|cubical system (crystallography)/crys... dengzhoushi 邓州市|Dengzhou, county-level city in Nanyan... dengzhu 灯柱|lamppost dengzi 凳子|stool/small seat dengzi 蹬子|pedal dengziqi 邓紫棋|G.E.M. (1991-), Chinese pop star depianyimaiguai 得便宜卖乖|to have benefited from sth but preten... depiao 得票|vote-getting depiaolv 得票率|percentage of votes obtained deqi 得气|\"to obtain qi\", the sensation of elec... deqin 德钦|Dechen County in Diqing Tibetan Auton... deqing 德清|Deqing county in Huzhou 湖州[Hu2 zhou1]... deqing 德庆|Deqing county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4... deqingxian 德清县|Deqing county in Huzhou 湖州[Hu2 zhou1]... deqingxian 德庆县|Deqing county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4... deqinxian 德钦县|Dechen County in Diqing Tibetan Auton... deraorenchuqieraoren 得饶人处且饶人|where it is possible to let people of... deren 德仁|Naruhito (1960-), emperor of Japan fr... derong 得荣|Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzo... derongxian 得荣县|Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzo... desan 德三|Nazi Germany/Third Reich (shorthand f... dese 嘚瑟|variant of 得瑟[de4se5] dese 得瑟|(dialect) cocky; smug/to show off dese 得色|pleased with oneself desheng 得胜|to triumph over an opponent deshengmen 德胜门|Deshengmen (Beijing) deshi 得失|gains and losses/success and failure/... deshi 德士|(Singapore, Malaysia) taxi (loanword) deshi 得势|to win power/to get authority/to beco... deshi 德式|German-style deshou 得手|to go smoothly; to come off; to succeed deshu 得数|(math.) numerical answer/solution desuoyingde 得所应得|to get what one deserves deti 得体|appropriate to the occasion/fitting detianduhou 得天独厚|blessed by heaven (idiom)/enjoying ex... deweierpan 德维尔潘|(Dominique) de Villepin (French name) dewen 德文|German (language) dewen 得文|Devon (county of southwest England) dewoxiake 德沃夏克|Antonin Dvořák (1841-1904), Bohemian ... dewu 得无|(literary) isn\'t it that...? dewupa 德乌帕|Sher Bahadur Deuba (1946-), former pr... dexi 得悉|to learn about/to be informed dexiansheng 德先生|\"Mr Democracy\", phrase used during th... dexing 德行|morality and conduct/Taiwan pr. [de2 ... dexing 德行|variant of 德性[de2 xing5] dexing 德兴|Dexing, county-level city in Shangrao... dexing 德性|moral integrity dexing 德性|(coll.) revolting behavior/CL:副[fu4] dexingshi 德兴市|Dexing, county-level city in Shangrao... dexinyingshou 得心应手|lit. what the heart wishes, the hand ... deyang 德阳|see 德陽市|德阳市[De2yang2 Shi4] deyangshi 德阳市|Deyang, prefecture-level city in Sich... deyi 得以|able to/so that sb can/enabling/in or... deyi 得意|proud of oneself/pleased with oneself... deyi 得益|to derive benefit deyi 得宜|proper/appropriate/suitable deyi-shuangxin 德艺双馨|(idiom) possessing both integrity and... deyimensheng 得意门生|favorite pupil deyiwangxing 得意忘形|so pleased as to lose one\'s sense of ... deyiyangyang 得意洋洋|joyfully satisfied/to be immensely pr... deyiyangyang 得意扬扬|variant of 得意洋洋[de2 yi4 yang2 yang2] deyiyu 得益于|to benefit from/thanks to deyizhi 德意志|Deutschland; Germany deyizhilianbanggongheguo 德意志联邦共和国|Federal Republic of Germany/former We... deyizhiminzhugongheguo 德意志民主共和国|German Democratic Republic (East Germ... deyizhixueshujiaoliuzhongxin 德意志学术交流中心|German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) deyizhiyinhang 德意志银行|Deutsche Bank deyu 德语|German (language) deyu 德育|moral education deyuwangquan 得鱼忘筌|lit. catch fish then forget the trap ... dezhao 得着|to obtain dezheng 德政|benevolent government dezheng 得证|to verify/(math.) Q.E.D. dezhi 得知|to find out/to learn of dezhi 得志|to accomplish one\'s ambition/a dream ... dezhi 德治|rule by virtue/rule by setting virtuo... dezhitimei 德智体美|the aims of education: morality, inte... dezhong 得中|moderate; appropriate; suitable dezhong 得中|(as in an imperial examination) to be... dezhou 德州|see 德州市[De2zhou1 Shi4]/abbr. for 德克薩斯... dezhoupuke 德州扑克|Texas hold \'em (poker variant) dezhoushi 德州市|Dezhou, prefecture-level city in Shan... dezhouyiqi 德州仪器|Texas Instruments dezhu 得主|recipient (of an award)/winner (in a ... dezui 得罪|to commit an offense/to violate the l... dezui 得罪|to offend sb/to make a faux pas/a fau... di 的|a taxi; a cab (abbr. for 的士[di1shi4]) di 的|really and truly di 的|(bound form) bull\'s-eye; target di 第|(prefix indicating ordinal number, as... di 低|low/beneath/to lower (one\'s head)/to ... di 底|background/bottom/base/end (of the mo... di 提|used in 提防[di1 fang5] and 提溜[di1 liu5] di 迪|to enlighten di 娣|wife of a younger brother di 缔|(archaic) to bind up inextricably/(bo... di 蒂|stem (of fruit) di 蒂|variant of 蒂[di4] di 地|earth/ground/field/place/land/CL:片[pi... di 滴|a drop/to drip di 狄|surname Di/generic name for northern ... di 狄|low ranking public official (old) di 递|to hand over; to pass on; to deliver/... di 绦|see 絛綸|绦纶[di2 lun2] di 翟|surname Di/variant of 狄[Di2], generic... di 翟|long-tail pheasant di 荻|Anaphalis yedoensis (pearly everlasti... di 敌|(bound form) enemy/(bound form) to be... di 帝|emperor di 棣|Kerria japonica di 嫡|(bound form) of or by the wife, as op... di 谛|to examine/truth (Buddhism) di 镝|dysprosium (chemistry) di 镝|arrow or arrowhead (old) di 嘀|(onom.) sound of dripping water, a ti... di 嘀|used in 嘀咕[di2gu5] di 涤|to wash/to cleanse di 邸|surname Di di 邸|(bound form) residence of a high-rank... di 碲|tellurium (chemistry) di 骶|(bound form) sacrum di 睇|to look down upon (classical)/to see/... di 弟|younger brother/junior male/I (modest... di 珶|white jade worn on belt di 踶|to kick/to tread on di 砥|baffle (pier)/whetstone di 菧|stibene di 菂|(literary) lotus seed/Taiwan pr. [di1] di 觝|to butt/resist di 坻|place name di 笛|flute di 鸐|Reeves\'s pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) di 抵|to press against/to support/to prop u... di 氐|name of an ancient tribe di 氐|foundation/on the whole di 柢|foundation/root di 诋|to defame/to slander di 哋|(Cant.) plural for pronouns di 呧|vex di 堤|dike/Taiwan pr. [ti2] di 堤|variant of 堤[di1] di 籴|to buy up (grain) di 廸|variant of 迪[di2] di 觌|face to face di 弤|carved bow di 鬄|wig/Taiwan pr. [ti4] di 鞮|surname Di di 鞮|leather shoes di 啲|some/few/a little (Cantonese) di 牴|to butt/resist di 杕|lone-standing tree di 俤|variant of 弟[di4] di 甋|a jar without ears di 禘|imperial ancestral sacrifice di 蹢|hoof di 逓|Japanese variant of 遞|递[di4] di 篴|flute di 羝|billy goat/ram di 蝃|variant of 螮|䗖[di4] di 遰|to go away/to migrate di 靮|reins/bridle di 玓|pearly di 蔋|dry/scorched di 鍉|spoon/key di 釱|fetters/to fetter di 梊|squeeze out of/extract di 髢|old variant of 鬄[di2] di 渧|to drop, as liquids/a drop di 䗖|used in 螮蝀|䗖𬟽[di4dong1] di 墬|variant of 地[di4] di 𬱖|fine/good/beautiful di-sanyanjian 第三眼睑|(zoology) nictitating membrane di-yishijie 第一世界|First World dia 嗲|coy/childish diai 低矮|short/low dian 典|canon/law/standard work of scholarshi... dian 电|lightning/electricity/electric (bound... dian 店|inn; old-style hotel (CL:家[jia1])/(bo... dian 颠|top (of the head)/apex/to fall forwar... dian 殿|palace hall dian 碘|iodine (chemistry) dian 傎|inversion/mistake dian 巅|summit dian 垫|pad/cushion/mat/to pad out/to fill a ... dian 癫|mentally deranged/crazy dian 甸|surname Dian dian 甸|suburbs or outskirts/one of the five ... dian 淀|shallow lake dian 淀|to form sediment; to precipitate dian 钿|to inlay with gold, silver etc/ancien... dian 靛|indigo pigment dian 奠|to fix/to settle/a libation to the dead dian 敁|to weigh in the hand, to estimate/to ... dian 佃|to rent farmland from a landlord dian 掂|to weigh in the hand/to estimate dian 琠|gem used as ear plug/jade earrings dian 顚|variant of 顛|颠[dian1] dian 坫|stand for goblets dian 惦|to think of/to remember/to miss dian 滇|abbr. for Yunnan Province 雲南|云南[Yun2 ... dian 堤岸|embankment/bank/levee dian 踮|to stand on tiptoe/Taiwan pr. [dian4] dian 玷|blemish/disgrace/flaw in jade dian 奌|variant of 點|点[dian3] dian 扂|door latch dian 簟|fine woven grass mat dian 攧|to fall/to stamp (one\'s foot)/to toss... dian 癜|erythema/leucoderm dian 磹|stone wedge dian 驔|black horse dian 瘨|convulsions/crazy dian 蹎|to fall forward (variant of 顛|颠[dian1]) dian 阽|dangerous/also pr. [yan2] dian 巓|same as 巔|巅[dian1]/summit/mountain pe... dian 抵岸|to come ashore dian 痁|malarial fever dian 点|point/dot/drop/speck/o\'clock/point (i... dianbai 靛白|indigo white dianbang 电棒|(coll.) flashlight/(Tw) stun baton/(T... dianbanlinge 点斑林鸽|(bird species of China) speckled wood... dianbao 电报|telegram/cable/telegraph/CL:封[feng1],... dianbaoji 电报机|telegraph dianbaoju 电报局|telegraph office dianbaotongzhi 电报通知|electronic communication (fax, email ... dianbei 垫背|to serve as a sacrificial victim/to s... dianbei 垫被|mattress dianbei 点背|(dialect) to be out of luck dianbeisi 电贝斯|electric bass (guitar) dianbiao 电表|power meter/ammeter/amperemeter/wattm... dianbing 点兵|to muster troops/(fig.) to gather forces dianbinggui 电冰柜|freezer dianbingxiang 电冰箱|refrigerator/CL:個|个[ge4] dianbo 点播|webcast/to request item for broadcast... dianbo 电波|electric wave/alternating current dianbo 颠簸|to be jolted around (car on a bumpy r... dianbo 点拨|to give instructions/to give advice dianbo 颠踣|to fall down/to fall forward dianbu 垫补|(coll.) to cover a shortfall by using... dianbu 点补|to have a snack/to have a bite diancai 点菜|to order dishes (in a restaurant) diancan 点餐|(at a restaurant) to order a meal/(of... diancang 典藏|repository of items of cultural signi... diancha 点查|to inspect dianchan 电铲|power shovel dianchang 电厂|electric power plant dianchang 电场|electric field dianchang 电唱|gramophone/record player dianchangji 电唱机|gramophone/record player dianchangpan 电唱盘|gramophone/record player dianchangtou 电唱头|pickup (of a record player) dianchanqin 电颤琴|vibraphone (music) dianche 电车|tram; streetcar/trolleybus/electric c... diancheng 点乘|(math.) dot product (of two vectors) dianchi 电池|battery/CL:節|节[jie2],組|组[zu3] dianchi 滇池|lake Dianchi in Yunnan dianchu 点出|to point out/to indicate dianchu 点触|to tap/to touch (a touchscreen) dianchuan 电传|to send information using electronic ... dianchuan 点穿|to lay bare in a few words/to expose ... dianchui 电锤|rotary hammer/hammer drill dianchuifeng 电吹风|hair dryer dianci 电磁|electromagnetic diancibo 电磁波|electromagnetic wave diancichang 电磁场|electromagnetic fields dianciganrao 电磁干扰|electromagnetic interference dianciganying 电磁感应|electromagnetic induction diancijianrongxing 电磁兼容性|electromagnetic compatibility diancili 电磁力|electromagnetic force (physics) diancililun 电磁理论|electromagnetism/electromagnetic theory diancilu 电磁炉|induction cooktop diancimaichong 电磁脉冲|electromagnetic pulse (EMP) diancitie 电磁铁|electromagnet diancixianghuzuoyong 电磁相互作用|electromagnetic interaction (between ... diancixue 电磁学|electromagnetism diancizaosheng 电磁噪声|electromagnetic noise diancizhendang 电磁振荡|electromagnetic oscillation diancuan 点窜|to reword/to edit a text dianda 点大|(of a child etc) small as a mite/minu... diandan 点单|to place an order; to order diandang 典当|to pawn/pawnshop diandang 垫档|to fill a blank space/to fill a slot ... diandao 电导|electrical conductance diandao 颠倒|to turn upside down/to reverse/back t... diandaoguolai 颠倒过来|to invert diandaoheibai 颠倒黑白|lit. to invert black and white (idiom... diandaojizhi 点到即止|to touch on sth and leave it there/to... diandaolv 电导率|electrical conductivity diandaoshifei 颠倒是非|to invert right and wrong diandaoti 电导体|conductor of electricity diandeng 点灯|to light a lamp diandeng 电灯|electric light/CL:盞|盏[zhan3] diandengpao 电灯泡|light bulb/(slang) unwanted third guest diandi 点滴|a drip/a little bit/intravenous drip ... diandi 垫底|to put sth on the bottom/to eat sth t... diandian 点点|Diandian (Chinese microblogging and s... diandian 点点|point/speck diandian 颠颠|glad and diligent diandiandidi 点点滴滴|bit by bit/dribs and drabs/the little... diandifei 垫底费|deductible (the part of an insurance ... dianding 奠定|to establish/to fix/to settle diandir 垫底儿|erhua variant of 墊底|垫底[dian4 di3] diandishiyan 点滴试验|spot check diandong 电动|electric-powered/(Tw) video game diandong 电洞|electron hole (physics) diandong 滇东|east Yunnan diandongche 电动车|electric vehicle (scooter, bicycle, c... diandonghulu 电动葫芦|electric chain pulley block diandongji 电动机|electric motor diandongshi 电动势|electromotive force diandongwanju 电动玩具|battery-powered toy/(Tw) video game/c... diandu 电镀|to electroplate diandu 奠都|to determine the position of the capi... diandu 点厾|to touch up a painting dianduanshi 点断式|designed to be torn off along a line ... dianduidian 点对点|p2p (peer-to-peer) dianduidianjiami 点对点加密|(Tw) end-to-end encryption dianfa 点发|to fire in bursts/shooting intermitte... dianfan 典范|model/example/paragon dianfanbao 电饭煲|rice cooker dianfang 电访|(Tw) to make a telephone call (genera... dianfanguo 电饭锅|electric rice cooker dianfen 淀粉|starch; amylum (C6H10O5)n dianfeng 巅峰|summit/apex/pinnacle (of one\'s career... dianfeng 颠峰|variant of 巔峰|巅峰[dian1 feng1] dianfengshan 电风扇|electric fan/CL:架[jia4],臺|台[tai2] dianfenmei 淀粉酶|amylase dianfu 颠覆|to topple (i.e. knock over)/to capsiz... dianfu 垫付|to pay sb else\'s expense with the exp... dianfufenzi 颠覆分子|wrecker; saboteur dianfuguojiazui 颠覆国家罪|crime of incitement to overthrow the ... dianfuti 电扶梯|escalator dianfuxing 电负性|electronegativity dianfuzhengfuzui 颠覆政府罪|crime of incitement to overthrow the ... dianfuzui 颠覆罪|crime of incitement to overthrow the ... diang 低昂|ups and down/rise and fall diangan 电感|inductance diangan 电杆|electric pole/telephone pole diangan 电杆|electric pole/telegraph pole diangao 电告|to inform by telegraph, telephone etc diangao 垫高|a support/to raise/to bolster/to jack up diange 点歌|to request a song to be played/to pic... diangong 电工|electrician/electrical engineering/el... diangonglv 电功率|electric power (measured in watts) diangu 典故|classical story or quote from the lit... dianguang 电光|electric light/lightning/electro-optical dianguangzhaolu 电光朝露|flash of lightning, morning dew (idio... dianguanzaomei 靛冠噪鹛|(bird species of China) blue-crowned ... dianguanzhan 电灌站|electric pumping station in irrigatio... dianguihuo 点鬼火|to stir up trouble in secret/to insti... dianguo 电锅|(Tw) electric rice cooker dianhan 点焊|spot welding dianhan 电焊|electric welding dianhao 点号|punctuation mark dianhe 电荷|electric charge dianheliang 电荷量|(electromagnetism) amount of charge dianheouhe 电荷耦合|electric charge coupling dianheouheqijian 电荷耦合器件|charge-coupled device (CCD) (electron... dianhong 滇红|Dian Hong tea dianhou 殿后|to bring up the rear dianhu 电弧|electric arc dianhu 佃户|tenant farmer dianhua 电话|telephone/CL:部[bu4]/phone call/CL:通[t... dianhua 点化|magic transformation performed by Dao... dianhua 点画|strokes of a Chinese character dianhua 靛花|indigo dianhuaben 电话本|telephone contact notebook; address book dianhuabu 电话簿|telephone directory dianhuafuwu 电话服务|telephone service dianhuahuiyi 电话会议|(telephone) conference call dianhuaji 电话机|telephone set dianhuajia 碘化钾|potassium iodide dianhuajiaoyu 电化教育|multimedia education/abbr. to 電教|电教 dianhuaka 电话卡|telephone card dianhualingsheng 电话铃声|(telephone) ring/ringing dianhuamen 电话门|\"Phone Gate\", corruption scandal unea... dianhuana 碘化钠|sodium iodide NaI dianhuang 电荒|shortage of electricity dianhuaquma 电话区码|area code/telephone dialing code dianhuating 电话亭|telephone booth dianhuawang 电话网|telephone network dianhuawanglu 电话网路|telephone network dianhuaxian 电话线|telephone line/telephone wire dianhuaxianlu 电话线路|telephone line dianhuaxinhao 电话信号|telephone signal dianhuaxue 电化学|electrochemistry dianhuayin 碘化银|silver iodide dianhuhan 电弧焊|electric arc welding dianhui 电汇|telegraphic transfer (TT) dianhuo 点火|to ignite/to light a fire/to agitate/... dianhuo 店伙|shop assistant/shop clerk dianhuo 点货|to do an inventory count dianhuohua 电火花|electric spark dianhuokaiguan 点火开关|ignition switch dianji 点击|to hit/to press/to strike (on the key... dianji 电机|electrical machinery dianji 电极|electrode dianji 奠基|to lay a foundation dianji 电击|electric shock dianji 典籍|ancient books or records dianji 惦记|to think of/to keep thinking about/to... dianji 点积|dot product (math.) dianji 奠祭|pouring of wine on ground for sacrifice dianji 淀积|(geology) to illuviate dianjia 电价|price of electricity dianjia 店家|(old) shopkeeper; innkeeper/(dialect)... dianjian 垫肩|shoulder pad dianjian 电键|electric key/switch dianjian 点检|to inspect one by one/to list individ... dianjian 点见|to check an amount dianjiang 垫江|Dianjiang, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重... dianjiang 点将|to appoint a general (in theater)/fig... dianjiang 电浆|plasma (physics) dianjiang 电匠|electrician dianjiangxian 垫江县|Dianjiang, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重... dianjiao 垫脚|litter (animal bedding) dianjiao 电教|multimedia education (abbr. for 電化教育|... dianjiao 点交|to hand over (bought goods etc) dianjiaojian 踮脚尖|to stand on tiptoe dianjiaoshi 垫脚石|stepping stone/fig. person used to ad... dianjibang 电击棒|stun baton dianjie 电解|electrolysis/electrolytic dianjieye 电解液|electrolyte solution dianjiezhi 电解质|electrolyte dianjifufeiguanggao 点击付费广告|pay-per-click advertising dianjigong 奠济宫|Dianji Temple in Keelung, Taiwan dianjihe 点集合|(math.) point set dianjijidianzixuegongchengshilianhehui 电机及电子学工程师联合会|IEEE/Institute of Electrical and Elec... dianjilv 点击率|click-through rate (CTR) (Internet) dianjin 点津|to solve a problem/to answer a questi... dianjinchengtie 点金成铁|to transform gold into base metal (id... dianjing 电竞|video gaming (as a sport)/e-sports (a... dianjing 点睛|to add the finishing touch (abbr. for... dianjinggun 电警棍|stun baton dianjingti 电晶体|(Tw) transistor dianjingzhibi 点睛之笔|the brush stroke that dots in the eye... dianjinshi 点金石|philosopher\'s stone dianjinshu 点金术|Midas touch/golden touch dianjiren 奠基人|founder/pioneer dianjishi 奠基石|foundation stone; cornerstone dianjishu 点击数|number of clicks/number of hits (on a... dianjita 电吉他|electric guitar dianjiu 奠酒|a libation dianjiwu 淀积物|(geology) illuvial material dianjizhe 奠基者|founder/pioneer dianju 电锯|electric saw (esp. electric chain saw) dianjuan 垫圈|to spread litter in a cowshed, pigsty... dianjun 点军|Dianjun district of Yichang city 宜昌市[... dianjun 殿军|runner-up dianjunqu 点军区|Dianjun district of Yichang city 宜昌市[... diankang 电抗|reactance diankangqi 电抗器|inductor/reactor (in an electrical ci... diankong 电控|electric control; electronic control diankuan 垫款|advance (of funds) diankuang 癫狂|deranged/mad/cracked/zany diankuang 颠狂|demented dianlaidaoqu 颠来倒去|to harp on/over and over/merely ring ... dianlan 电缆|(electric) cable dianlan 靛蓝|indigo (dye) dianlanjietou 电缆接头|cable gland dianlanse 靛蓝色|indigo blue dianlanta 电缆塔|a pylon (for electric power line) dianlantiaozhijietiaoqi 电缆调制解调器|cable modem dianlaohu 电老虎|electricity hog; electricity guzzler dianlaotie 电烙铁|electric iron/electric soldering iron dianli 电力|electrical power/electricity dianli 电离|ion/ionized (e.g. gas) dianli 典礼|ceremony; celebration dianlian 颠连|illogical dianliang 电量|quantity of electric charge dianliang 掂量|to weigh in the hand/to consider; to ... dianliang 点亮|to illuminate/to turn on the lights/t... dianliangbiao 电量表|charge gauge/battery indicator/power ... dianliao 电疗|electrotherapy dianliao 垫料|packing material/lagging/litter dianliceng 电离层|ionosphere dianlifushe 电离辐射|ionization radiation/nuclear radiation dianlijiche 电力机车|electric locomotive dianling 电铃|electric bell dianlishi 电离室|ionization chamber dianliu 电流|an electric current/(old) current int... dianliubiao 电流表|ammeter dianliuqiangdu 电流强度|current intensity dianlu 电路|electric circuit dianlu 电炉|electric stove/hot plate dianluandaofeng 颠鸾倒凤|to have sexual intercourse dianlvzi 电驴子|(dialect) motorcycle dianmai 点脉|to hit a pressure point (martial arts... dianman 电鳗|electric eel dianmao 点卯|morning roll call dianmen 电门|electric switch dianmian 店面|shop front dianming 点名|roll call/to mention sb by name/(to c... dianming 点明|to point out dianmingce 点名册|register of names/attendance roll book dianmingxiuru 点名羞辱|to attack publicly/to stage a denunci... dianmo 电磨|electric mill (for grinding wheat etc) dianmu 电木|bakelite (early plastic)/also written... diannao 电脑|computer/CL:臺|台[tai2] diannaobingdu 电脑病毒|computer virus diannaoduancengsaomiao 电脑断层扫描|CAT scan/CT scan diannaofuzhugongcheng 电脑辅助工程|computer-aided engineering diannaofuzhusheji 电脑辅助设计|computer-aided design diannaofuzhushejiyuhuitu 电脑辅助设计与绘图|computer-aided design and drawing diannaohuitu 电脑绘图|computer graphics diannaoruanjian 电脑软件|computer software diannaowang 电脑网|computer network/Internet diannaowanglu 电脑网路|computer network diannaoxitong 电脑系统|computer system diannaoyuyan 电脑语言|programming language; computer language dianneng 电能|electrical energy diannian 惦念|to constantly have (sb or sth) on one... dianniu 电钮|push button (electric switch) diannong 佃农|tenant farmer/sharecropper dianpei 颠沛|to fall over; to stumble/(fig.) to su... dianpeiliuli 颠沛流离|homeless and miserable (idiom); to wa... dianpian 垫片|spacer/shim dianpiao 点票|to count votes dianping 点评|to comment/a point by point commentary dianping 电瓶|accumulator; battery (for storing ele... dianping 垫平|to level (surfaces) dianpingche 电瓶车|battery-powered vehicle dianpo 点破|to lay bare in a few words/to expose ... dianpu 店铺|store/shop dianpubupo 颠扑不破|solid; unbreakable/(fig.) irrefutable... dianqi 电气|electricity/electric/electrical dianqi 电器|(electrical) appliance/device dianqian 店钱|room charge in a hotel/accommodation ... dianqiang 电枪|stun gun/Taser dianqie 颠茄|deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) dianqigongcheng 电气工程|electrical engineering dianqihua 电气化|electrification dianqing 靛青|indigo dianqishi 电气石|tourmaline dianqiu 点球|penalty kick dianquan 垫圈|washer (on bolt)/toilet seat dianr 颠儿|(Beijing dialect) to skedaddle; to ma... dianr 点儿|erhua variant of 點|点[dian3] dianran 点燃|to ignite/to set on fire/aflame dianran 点染|to touch up (a piece of writing)/to a... dianrbei 点儿背|(dialect) to be out of luck dianre 电热|electrical heating dianrehu 电热壶|electric kettle dianretan 电热毯|electric blanket dianrmian 颠儿面|to lose face dianrong 电容|capacitance dianrongqi 电容器|capacitor dianru 玷辱|to dishonor/to disgrace dianru 垫褥|cotton-padded mattress dianryazi 颠儿丫子|see 顛兒|颠儿[dian1r5] diansandaosi 颠三倒四|confused/disorderly/incoherent dianse 靛色|indigo (color) dianshan 电扇|electric fan dianshan 电闪|lightning flashes dianshang 电商|e-commerce (abbr. for 電子商務|电子商务[dian4... dianshang 垫上|to pay for sb dianshanhu 淀山湖|Dianshan Lake in Shanghai dianshe 点射|to fire in bursts/shooting intermitte... dianshi 电视|television; TV/CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4] dianshi 殿试|court examination, the top grade impe... dianshi 滇䴓|(bird species of China) Yunnan nuthat... dianshi 点视|to check (items)/to count and verify dianshibang 电视棒|TV streaming stick dianshichengjin 点石成金|to touch base matter and turn it to g... dianshiguangbo 电视广播|television broadcast/telecast/videocast dianshiji 电视机|television set/CL:臺|台[tai2] dianshijiemu 电视节目|television program dianshiju 电视剧|TV series/TV drama/CL:部[bu4] dianshita 电视塔|TV tower dianshitai 电视台|television station/CL:個|个[ge4] dianshiting 点视厅|hall where convicts are counted and v... dianshixiu 电视秀|TV show dianshou 点收|to check sth and accept it dianshu 点数|to count and check/to tally/points (c... dianshui 点水|to skim/lightly touching the water (a... dianshuibulou 点水不漏|not one drop of water leaks (idiom); ... diansi 电死|to electrocute/to die from an electri... diansuan 碘酸|iodic acid dianta 电塔|electricity pylon/transmission tower diantai 电台|transmitter-receiver/broadcasting sta... diantang 殿堂|palace/hall/temple buildings diantang 店堂|customer area of a store/showroom/din... dianti 电梯|elevator/escalator/CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4] dianti 点题|to bring out the main theme/to make t... diantiechengjin 点铁成金|to touch base matter and turn it to g... diantijing 电梯井|elevator shaft diantong 电筒|flashlight diantou 点头|to nod diantouhayao 点头哈腰|to nod one\'s head and bow (idiom); bo... diantouzazui 点头咂嘴|to approve by nodding one\'s head and ... diantouzhaohu 点头招呼|beckon diantouzhijiao 点头之交|nodding acquaintance diantunwu 电臀舞|twerking, sexually provocative dance ... dianwan 电玩|video game dianwang 电网|electricity grid; power grid/electrif... dianwei 电位|electric potential/voltage dianwei 殿卫|fullback (sports) dianweiji 电位计|potentiometer dianweiqi 电位器|potentiometer dianwenpai 电蚊拍|electric mosquito swatter dianwenxiang 电蚊香|electric mosquito repellent dianwu 玷污|to stain/to sully/to tarnish dianxia 殿下|Your Majesty (honorific)/His or Her H... dianxian 癫痫|epilepsy dianxian 电线|wire/power cord/CL:根[gen1] dianxianfazuo 癫痫发作|epileptic seizure dianxiang 电箱|circuit box dianxiangan 电线杆|electric pole/telephone pole/lamppost... dianxiaoer 店小二|(old) (in a tavern or inn etc) waiter... dianxie 扂楔|door latch dianxin 电信|telecommunications dianxin 点心|light refreshments/pastry/dim sum (in... dianxing 典型|model/typical case/archetype/typical/... dianxing 电刑|to torture sb using electricity/elect... dianxing 点醒|to point out/to draw sb\'s attention t... dianxingdenggere 典型登革热|dengue fever dianxinghua 典型化|stereotype/exemplar/typification dianxingyongtu 典型用途|typical use/typical application dianxinhao 电信号|electrical signal dianxinju 电信局|central office/telecommunications office dianxinwanglu 电信网路|telecommunications network dianxinzhapian 电信诈骗|wire fraud dianxiongyaque 点胸鸦雀|(bird species of China) spot-breasted... dianxuan 点选|to select/(computing) to click on (on... dianxue 点穴|to hit a pressure point (martial arts... dianxue 电学|electrical engineering dianxun 电讯|telecommunications/telecom dianya 电压|voltage dianya 典雅|refined; elegant dianya 典押|see 典當|典当[dian3 dang4] dianyabiao 电压表|voltmeter dianyaji 电压计|voltmeter dianyan 点烟|to light a cigarette dianyan 电眼|beautiful, expressive eyes dianyan 电唁|a telegraph condolence/to send a mess... dianyanqi 点烟器|cigarette lighter (in a car)/12-volt ... dianyi 电椅|electric chair (used to execute crimi... dianyi 奠仪|a gift of money to the family of the ... dianyi 电驿|relay (electronics) dianyin 电音|electronic music (genre) dianying 电影|movie; film/CL:部[bu4],片[pian4],幕[mu4]... dianying 点映|(film) preview screening dianyingdaoyan 电影导演|film director dianyingjiang 电影奖|film award dianyingjie 电影界|moviedom/the world of movies/film cir... dianyingjie 电影节|film festival/CL:屆|届[jie4] dianyingjuben 电影剧本|screenplay dianyingpiao 电影票|cinema ticket dianyingyanyuan 电影演员|movie actor/movie actress dianyingyuan 电影院|cinema; movie theater/CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4] dianyingzhipian 电影制片|filmmaking dianyingzhizuo 电影制作|filmmaking dianyong 电泳|electrophoresis dianyou 电邮|email/abbr. for 電子郵件|电子邮件[dian4 zi3 y... dianyou 靛油|aniline oil dianyoudizhi 电邮地址|email address dianyu 殿宇|(literary) halls (of a palace or a te... dianyuan 电源|electric power source dianyuan 店员|shop assistant/salesclerk/salesperson dianyuanchazuo 电源插座|electric socket/power point dianyuangongyingqi 电源供应器|power supply (of an appliance etc) dianyuanju 电圆锯|circular saw dianyuanxian 电源线|power cable (of an appliance etc) dianyuelv 点阅率|click-through rate (for websites or o... dianyun 电晕|corona discharge dianyuzhang 典狱长|warden dianzan 点赞|to like; to upvote (on social media) dianzang 滇藏|Yunnan and Tibet dianzangchuan 滇藏川|Yunnan, Tibet and Sichuan dianzha 电闸|electric switch/circuit breaker dianzha 电诈|wire fraud (abbr. for 電信詐騙|电信诈骗[dian4... dianzhan 电站|a power station/an electricity genera... dianzhang 店长|store manager dianzhang 典章|institution/institutional dianzhao 点着|to light (a candle, cigarette etc) dianzhaoming 电照明|electric lighting dianzhen 点阵|lattice/dot matrix/bitmap dianzhen 电震|(HK) electric shock; electroshock dianzhendayinji 点阵打印机|dot matrix printer dianzhenshidayinji 点阵式打印机|dot matrix printer dianzhenziti 点阵字体|bitmap font (computer) dianzhi 垫支|to advance funds dianzhi 典质|to mortgage/to pawn dianzhishu 电纸书|electronic book reader dianzhong 点钟|(indicating time of day) o\'clock dianzhu 店主|shop owner dianzhu 电珠|light bulb dianzhui 点缀|to decorate/to adorn/sprinkled/studde... dianzi 点子|spot/point/dot/speck/drop (of liquid)... dianzi 垫子|cushion; mat; pad dianzi 点字|braille dianzi 电子|electronic/electron (particle physics) dianziban 电子版|electronic edition/digital version dianzibei 点子背|(coll.) to have a stroke of bad luck dianzibiaoge 电子表格|(computing) spreadsheet dianziceng 电子层|electron shell (in the atom) dianzicengshu 电子层数|electron shell number (chemistry) dianzicidian 电子词典|electronic dictionary dianzifu 电子伏|electron volt (unit of energy used in... dianzifute 电子伏特|electronvolt (eV) dianzigongcheng 电子工程|electronic engineering dianzigongye 电子工业|electronics industry dianzigou 电子狗|radar detector (slang) dianziguan 电子管|valve (electronics)/vacuum tube dianzihuanbaoting 电子环保亭|\"electrical junk center\", site for re... dianzihuayingye 电子化营业|e-commerce (computing) dianzihuobi 电子货币|electronic money dianziji 点字机|braille typewriter dianzijingcha 电子警察|traffic camera/speed camera/closed-ci... dianzijingji 电子竞技|video gaming (as a sport)/e-sports (a... dianzijisuanji 电子计算机|electronic computer dianzikejidaxue 电子科技大学|University of Electronic Science and ... dianzikongjian 电子空间|cyberspace dianzipan 电子盘|USB flash drive; thumb drive dianziqijian 电子器件|electric equipment dianziqin 电子琴|electronic keyboard (music) dianziren 电子人|cyborg dianzishangwu 电子商务|e-commerce dianzishouzhang 电子手帐|electronic organizer/PDA dianzishu 电子书|electronic book/e-book/e-book reader dianzishu 电子束|beam of electrons dianzishujujiaohuan 电子数据交换|electronic exchange of data dianziwangluo 电子网络|electronic network dianziwendingchengxu 电子稳定程序|(automotive) electronic stability pro... dianziwenjian 电子文件|electronic document dianziwuqu 电子舞曲|electronic dance music dianzixianweijing 电子显微镜|electron microscope dianzixinxiang 电子信箱|e-mail inbox dianzixue 电子学|electronics dianzixuexi 电子学系|department of electronics dianziyan 电子烟|e-cigarette/vape dianziyan 电子眼|electronic eye; bionic eye/surveillan... dianziye 电子业|electronics industry dianziyoujian 电子邮件|email/CL:封[feng1],份[fen4] dianziyouxi 电子游戏|computer and video games dianziyouxiang 电子邮箱|email inbox dianziyun 电子云|electron cloud dianzizhacai 电子榨菜|(slang) entertaining content such as ... dianzizhashou 点子扎手|(coll.) one\'s adversary is very tough dianzu 电阻|(electrical) resistance dianzuan 电钻|electric drill dianzuqi 电阻器|resistor diao 掉|to fall/to drop/to lag behind/to lose... diao 调|to transfer/to move (troops or cadres... diao 貂|sable or marten (genus Martes) diao 钓|to fish with a hook and line; to angle diao 鸟|variant of 屌[diao3]/penis diao 吊|to suspend/to hang up/to hang a person diao 吊|a string of 100 cash (arch.)/to lamen... diao 铞|see 釕銱兒|钌铞儿[liao4 diao4 r5] diao 屌|penis/(slang) cool or extraordinary/(... diao 蓧|bamboo basket diao 刁|surname Diao diao 刁|artful/wicked diao 叼|to hold with one\'s mouth (as a smoker... diao 凋|withered diao 碉|rock cave (archaic) diao 雕|variant of 雕[diao1], to engrave diao 雕|to carve/to engrave/shrewd/bird of prey diao 雕|bird of prey diao 鲷|porgy/pagrus major diao 汈|(used in place names) diao 铫|pan with a long handle diao 藋|Sambucu javinica diao 伄|used in 伄儅[diao4 dang1] diao 蛁|Pomponia maculatiocollis diao 琱|to engrave gems diao 迪奥|Dior (brand name) diao 窎|(literary) distant/deep/profound diaoban 雕版|a carved printing block diaobangzi 吊膀子|(dialect) to flirt (derog.) diaobao 调包|to steal sb\'s valuable item and subst... diaobao 掉包|variant of 調包|调包[diao4bao1] diaobao 碉堡|(military) pillbox; blockhouse/humoro... diaobao 屌爆|(slang) awesome diaobi 凋敝|impoverished/destitute/hard/depressed... diaobi 雕敝|variant of 凋敝[diao1 bi4] diaobi 雕弊|variant of 凋敝[diao1 bi4] diaobiao 掉膘|to lose weight (of cattle) diaobingqianjiang 调兵遣将|to move an army and send a general (i... diaobo 调拨|to send (products)/to allocate/to com... diaocha 调查|investigation/inquiry/to investigate/... diaochabiao 调查表|questionnaire/inventory list/CL:張|张[z... diaochaheshi 调查核实|to investigate/investigation diaochajieguo 调查结果|results (of an investigation, poll) diaochan 貂蝉|Diaochan (-192), one of the four lege... diaocharenyuan 调查人员|investigator diaochatuan 调查团|investigating team diaochayuan 调查员|investigator diaochazhe 调查者|investigator diaoche 吊车|hoist/crane/elevator diaochechang 调车场|(railroad) classification yard; marsh... diaocheng 掉秤|to lose weight (of cattle) diaochewei 吊车尾|(coll.) lowest-ranking (student, part... diaochongxiaoji 雕虫小技|insignificant talent/skill of no high... diaochongzhuanke 雕虫篆刻|literary trifles/minor skill diaochuang 吊床|hammock diaochuang 吊窗|a sash window diaoda 吊打|to hang sb up and beat him/(fig.) (sl... diaodai 吊带|suspenders/garters/shoulder strap/bra... diaodaibeixin 吊带背心|camisole (women\'s garment) diaodaishan 吊带衫|halter top/spaghetti strap top/sun top diaodang 调档|to transfer a dossier/to consult a do... diaodang 伄儅|seldom/irregularly diaodangku 吊裆裤|baggy pants/sagging pants diaodeng 吊灯|hanging lamp diaodiandi 吊点滴|to put sb on an intravenous drip (Tw) diaodianr 掉点儿|drip of rain diaoding 吊顶|suspended ceiling; false ceiling/to i... diaodong 调动|to transfer/to maneuver (troops etc)/... diaodou 刁斗|soldier\'s copper saucepan, used for c... diaodou 吊斗|(a container) carried suspended or un... diaodu 调度|to dispatch (vehicles, staff etc)/to ... diaodui 掉队|to fall behind/to drop out diaoduo 狄奥多|Theodor (name) diaoduoaduonuo 狄奥多·阿多诺|Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno (19... diaofa 调发|to requisition/to dispatch diaofa 吊伐|to console the people by punishing th... diaofang 调防|to relieve a garrison diaofen 掉粉|to lose fans diaofu 调赴|to dispatch (troops to the front) diaofu 刁妇|shrew/virago diaogan 钓竿|fishing rod/CL:根[gen1] diaogan 吊杆|a boom (i.e. transverse beam for hang... diaogan 调干|to reassign a cadre/to choose a worke... diaogan 钓杆|fishing rod diaogang 调岗|to transfer an employee to another po... diaogang 吊杠|trapeze (gymnastics) diaogansheng 调干生|worker chosen to become a cadre and s... diaogou 吊钩|suspended hook/hanging hook/hanger diaogou 钓钩|fishhook diaogour 钓钩儿|erhua variant of 釣鉤|钓钩[diao4gou1] diaogu 吊古|to revisit the past/to commemorate diaogua 吊挂|to suspend/to hang diaogui 吊诡|bizarre/paradoxical/a paradox (from D... diaoguijinqi 吊诡矜奇|strange and paradoxical diaoguo 掉过|to swap places diaoguor 掉过儿|erhua variant of 掉過|掉过[diao4 guo4] diaohan 刁悍|cunning and fierce diaohao 调号|tone mark on a Chinese syllable (i.e.... diaohua 雕花|carving/decorative carved pattern/ara... diaohua 刁滑|artful/crafty diaohuan 调换|to exchange/to change places/to swap diaohuan 吊环|rings (gymnastics) diaohuan 掉换|to swap/to replace/to exchange/to change diaohulishan 调虎离山|to lure the tiger from its domain in ... diaoji 调集|to summon/to muster/to assemble diaoji 吊机|crane/hoist diaoji 吊祭|a worship ceremony for the dead/to of... diaojia 掉价|drop in price/devalued/to have one\'s ... diaojiar 掉价儿|erhua variant of 掉價|掉价[diao4 jia4] diaojing 吊颈|to hang oneself diaoju 钓具|fishing tackle diaoju 吊具|spreader (for pallet, container etc) diaoju 掉举|restlessness (Buddhism) diaojuan 雕镌|to engrave (wood or stone)/to carve diaojuan 吊卷|to consult the archives diaojuzuo 雕具座|Caelum (constellation) diaokaizi 钓凯子|(slang) (of women) to hunt for rich, ... diaoke 雕刻|to carve/to engrave/carving diaoke 钓客|angler diaoke 吊客|a visitor offering condolences diaokejia 雕刻家|sculptor diaokepin 雕刻品|sculpture diaokou 吊扣|to suspend (a license etc) diaolan 吊篮|hanging basket (for flowers)/gondola ... diaolan 吊兰|spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) diaolan 雕阑|carved railings diaolei 掉泪|to shed tears diaolianghuadong 雕梁画栋|richly ornamented (building) diaolianzi 掉链子|to have one\'s bicycle chain come off/... diaoling 凋零|withered/wilted/to wither/to fade/to ... diaoling 雕零|variant of 凋零[diao1 ling2] diaolou 吊楼|house overhanging a river, supported ... diaoluo 掉落|to fall down diaoluo 凋落|to wither (and drop off)/to wilt/to p... diaoluo 雕落|variant of 凋落[diao1 luo4] diaoman 刁蛮|crafty and unruly diaomen 调门|melody/pitch or key (music)/tone/styl... diaomen 吊门|an overhung door/a door that hinges u... diaomenr 调门儿|erhua variant of 調門|调门[diao4 men2] diaomin 刁民|(derogatory) unruly people diaominfazui 吊民伐罪|to console the people by punishing th... diaonan 刁难|to be hard on sb; to deliberately mak... diaopai 调派|to send on assignment/to deploy (troops) diaopai 吊牌|hangtag; swing tag/hanging sign diaopan 叼盘|(of a dog) to hold a frisbee in its m... diaopei 调配|to allocate/to deploy diaopi 貂皮|mink fur diaoping 吊瓶|infusion bag or bottle (for an IV) diaopingzu 吊瓶族|\"infusion clan\", patients who prefer ... diaopu 吊铺|suspended bunk diaoqi 雕漆|carved lacquerware diaoqi 吊起|to hoist diaoqi 掉期|swap (finance) diaoqi 掉漆|to peel off (paint)/(fig.) to be expo... diaoqian 调遣|to dispatch/to assign/a dispatch diaoqian 调迁|to transfer/to move/to shift diaoqiao 吊桥|drawbridge/suspension bridge diaoqiu 吊球|to perform a drop shot (tennis etc)/d... diaoqiu 掉球|(sports) to fumble the ball diaoqiuhuanjiu 貂裘换酒|lit. to trade a fur coat for wine (id... diaoqu 调取|to obtain (information from an archiv... diaoren 调任|to transfer/to move to another post diaoren 鸟人|(vulgar) damned wretch/fucker/also pr... diaorlangdang 吊儿郎当|sloppy diaoru 调入|to bring in/to call in/to transfer (a... diaosang 吊丧|to visit the bereaved to offer one\'s ... diaosangzi 吊嗓子|voice training (for Chinese opera) diaose 掉色|to lose color/to fade/also pr. [diao4... diaoshan 吊扇|a ceiling fan/a punka diaoshen 吊审|to bring to trial/to bring to court diaosheng 吊绳|sling diaosheng 调升|to promote diaoshi 调式|(musical) mode diaoshi 雕饰|to carve/to decorate/carved/decorated diaoshudai 掉书袋|lit. to wave around one\'s bookbag (id... diaosi 吊死|death by hanging/to hang oneself diaosi 屌丝|loser (Internet slang) diaosigui 吊死鬼|ghost of a person who died by hanging... diaosiwenji 吊死问疾|to grieve for the sick and the dying/... diaosu 雕塑|a statue/a Buddhist image/sculpture/t... diaosuo 吊索|sling; hoisting rope/suspension cable diaota 吊塔|a tower crane diaoti 吊梯|a rope ladder diaotiao 椆苕|species of tree (old) diaotou 掉头|to turn one\'s head/to turn round/to t... diaotou 调头|variant of 掉頭|掉头[diao4 tou2] diaotou 调头|tone (of voice)/tune diaotoujiuzou 掉头就走|to turn on one\'s heels/to walk away a... diaowadai 吊袜带|suspenders (for stockings) diaowei 吊慰|to offer condolences/to console the b... diaoweikou 吊胃口|(coll.) to keep sb in suspense/to tan... diaowen 吊文|paper prayers for the dead burnt at f... diaoxia 掉下|to drop down/to fall diaoxian 掉线|to get disconnected (from the Internet) diaoxian 吊线|plumbline diaoxiang 雕像|sculpture/(carved) statue/CL:尊[zun1] diaoxiang 掉向|to turn/to adjust one\'s direction/to ... diaoxiao 吊销|to suspend (an agreement)/to revoke diaoxiao 吊孝|a condolence visit diaoxiao 雕鸮|(bird species of China) Eurasian eagl... diaoxie 凋谢|to wither/to wilt/wizened diaoxie 雕谢|variant of 凋謝|凋谢[diao1 xie4] diaoxing 调性|(music) tonality/(of an actor, compan... diaoxiong 貂熊|wolverine (Gulo gulo) diaoyan 调研|to investigate and research/research/... diaoyan 吊唁|to offer condolences (for the decease... diaoyan 吊唁|variant of 吊唁[diao4 yan4] diaoyanshui 吊盐水|(dialect) to put sb on an intravenous... diaoyingbikan 雕楹碧槛|carved pillar, jade doorsill (idiom);... diaoyiqingxin 掉以轻心|to treat sth lightly; to lower one\'s ... diaoyong 调用|to transfer (for a specific purpose)/... diaoyu 钓鱼|to fish (with line and hook); to angl... diaoyu 鲷鱼|porgy; sea bream (family Sparidae)/(T... diaoyudao 钓鱼岛|Diaoyu Islands, claimed by China but ... diaoyue 调阅|to access (a document)/to consult diaoyugan 钓鱼竿|fishing rod diaoyugan 钓鱼杆|fishing rod/CL:根[gen1] diaoyun 吊运|to transport by crane/to convey diaoyushao 鲷鱼烧|taiyaki, Japanese-style waffle made w... diaoyushigongji 钓鱼式攻击|(computing) phishing attack diaoyutai 钓鱼台|Diaoyu Islands, located between Taiwa... diaoyuzhe 钓鱼者|angler diaoyuzhifa 钓鱼执法|(law) entrapment diaozhen 钓针|fishhook diaozhi 调值|pitch of tones diaozhi 调职|to be transferred to another post/to ... diaozhonghua 吊钟花|Chinese New Year flower (Enkianthus q... diaozhuan 调转|to reassign sb to a different job/to ... diaozhuan 掉转|to turn around diaozhuang 吊装|to construct by hoisting ready-built ... diaozhui 吊坠|a pendant (jewelry) diaozhuifu 吊坠缚|strappado bondage diaozhuo 雕琢|to sculpt/to carve (jade)/ornate artw... diaozi 调子|tune/melody/tuning/cadence/intonation... diaozuan 刁钻|crafty/tricky diba 堤坝|dam/dike diba 迪吧|disco (coll.)/diva (loanword) dibadu 低八度|an octave lower (music) dibai 迪拜|Dubai dibaichong 敌百虫|trichlorphon C4H8Cl3PO4, organic phos... diban 地板|floor diban 底版|(photography) negative/photographic p... dibang 低帮|low-top (shoes) dibanzhuan 地板砖|floor tile dibao 地堡|bunker (underground fortification) dibao 地保|(old) local constable dibao 低保|subsistence allowance/welfare (abbr. ... dibao 邸报|imperial bulletin, palace report dati... dibaozhen 低保真|low fidelity/lo-fi dibian 底边|base (of a triangle)/base line/hem li... dibiao 地表|the surface (of the earth) dibiao 地标|landmark dibiaoshui 地表水|surface water dibie 地鳖|Chinese ground beetle (Eupolyphaga si... dibilisi 第比利斯|T\'bilisi, capital of Georgia 格魯吉亞|格鲁吉... dibisi 底比斯|Thebes, place name in ancient Egypt/T... dibu 地𬷕|see 大鴇|大鸨[da4bao3] dibu 递补|to substitute/to complement in the pr... dibu 地步|stage; degree (to which a situation h... dibu 抵补|to compensate for/to make good dibu 底部|bottom diceng 底层|ground floor; first floor/lowest leve... diceng 地层|stratum (geology) diceng 低层|low level dicengxue 地层学|stratigraphy (geology) dichan 地产|real estate; landed estate; landed pr... dichan 低产|low yield dichandaheng 地产大亨|Monopoly (game)/known as 大富翁[Da4 fu4 ... dichang 抵偿|to compensate/to make good (a financi... dichanshui 地产税|property tax dichao 低潮|low tide/low ebb dichaotian 底朝天|upside down/upturned dichen 低沉|(of weather) overcast; gloomy/(of a v... dichen 涤尘|to wash off dust dichengben 低成本|low cost/inexpensive dichong 抵充|to use in payment/to compensate dichongbing 滴虫病|trichomoniasis (medicine) dichu 地处|to be located at/to be situated in dichu 抵触|to conflict/to contradict dichu 涤除|to wash away/to eliminate/to do away ... dichu 牴触|variant of 抵觸|抵触[di3 chu4] dichu 嫡出|born of the wife (i.e. not of a concu... dichuan 嫡传|handed down in a direct line from the... dichui 低垂|to droop/to hang low dicichang 地磁场|the earth\'s magnetic field dicui 滴翠|verdant/green dida 滴答|(onom.) pattering sound/drip drip (of... dida 抵达|to arrive/to reach (a destination) dida 嘀嗒|(onom.) tick tock didai 地带|zone/CL:個|个[ge4] didang 抵挡|to resist/to hold back/to stop/to war... didang 低档|low-grade/of low worth or rank/poor q... didang 涤荡|to wash off didang 敌档|rival productions (of the same opera ... didao 地道|tunnel/causeway didao 地道|authentic/genuine/proper didao 滴道|Didao district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji1... didaoqu 滴道区|Didao district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji1... didasheng 滴答声|tick (tock) didawubo 地大物博|vast territory with abundant resource... dideng 低等|inferior didengdongwu 低等动物|lower animal/primitive life-form didi 弟弟|younger brother/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] didi 滴滴|DiDi, app-based transportation compan... didi 低地|lowland didi 地底|subterranean/underground didi 敌地|enemy territory didian 地点|place/site/location/venue/CL:個|个[ge4] didian 滴点|melting point (of lubricating oil) didiao 低调|low pitch/quiet (voice)/subdued/low-k... didiao 地调|geological survey, abbr. for 地質調查|地质调... didichuxing 滴滴出行|Didi Chuxing Technology Co., aka DiDi... dididaodao 地地道道|thoroughgoing/authentic/100%/to the core didiguidao 低地轨道|see 近地軌道|近地轨道[jin4 di4 gui3 dao4] didikakahu 的的喀喀湖|Lake Titicaca diding 滴定|titration diding 底定|(literary) to quell an insurgency/(Tw... didingdalu 堤顶大路|promenade didingguan 滴定管|burette didiqieqie 低低切切|in a low voice/whispered diditi 滴滴涕|(loanword) DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrich... didiwei 敌敌畏|(loanword) DDVP, aka dichlorvos (an o... didixiuyanniao 低地绣眼鸟|(bird species of China) lowland white... didong 地动|earthquake (old term) didong 䗖𬟽|(old) rainbow didong 地洞|tunnel; cave; burrow; dugout didongshanyao 地动山摇|the earth quaked, the mountains shook... didongyi 地动仪|the world\'s first seismograph invente... didu 帝都|imperial capital didu 滴度|(chemistry, medicine) titer diduan 低端|low-end diduan 地段|section/district diduan 底端|bottom/bottom side/end part diduanrenkou 低端人口|low-paid workers in industries that o... didui 敌对|hostile/enemy (factions)/combative diduikongdaodan 地对空导弹|ground-to-air missile diduixing 敌对性|hostile/hostility die 碟|dish/plate die 蝶|variant of 蝶[die2] die 蝶|(bound form) butterfly die 谍|to spy die 叠|variant of 疊|叠[die2] die 叠|to fold/to fold over in layers/to fur... die 迭|alternately/repeatedly die 鲽|flatfish/flounder/sole die 爹|dad die 跌|to fall/to tumble/to trip/(of prices ... die 牒|(official) document/dispatch die 佚|old variant of 迭[die2] die 楪|small dish/window die 堞|battlements die 喋|old variant of 喋[die2] die 喋|flowing flood/to chatter die 眣|prominent eyes die 昳|the declining sun in the west die 殜|unwell/Taiwan pr. [ye4] die 咥|gnaw/bite die 蹀|to tread on/to stamp one\'s foot die 耋|aged/in one\'s eighties die 跕|shuffle die 瓞|(literary) small melon die 绖|hempen band worn on the head or waist... die 眰|old variant of 眣[die2] die 畳|Japanese variant of 疊|叠[die2]/Japanes... die 垤|anthill/mound die 镻|name of poisonous snake in ancient text die 帝俄|Tsarist Russia die 耊|old variant of 耋[die2] diebao 谍报|spy report/intelligence diebu 迭部|Têwo or Diebu County in Gannan Tibeta... diebuxian 迭部县|Têwo or Diebu County in Gannan Tibeta... diecai 叠彩|Diecai district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gu... diecaiqu 叠彩区|Diecai district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gu... dieceng 叠层|repeated layers/stratified/laminated/... diecengshi 叠层石|stromatolite diecengyan 叠层岩|stromatolite diedai 迭代|(computing, math.) to iterate/(litera... diedang 跌宕|uninhibited/free and unconstrained/rh... diedang 跌荡|variant of 跌宕[die1 dang4] diedangzhaozhang 跌宕昭彰|flowing (of prose)/free diedao 跌倒|to tumble/to fall/fig. to suffer a re... diedasunshang 跌打损伤|injury such as contusion, sprain or f... diedayao 跌打药|liniment diedi 爹地|daddy (loanword) diedie 爹爹|daddy/granddad diedie 喋喋|to chatter a lot diedie 殜殜|(of one\'s breathing) weak diedie 蹀蹀|to walk in a mincing gait (formal wri... diediebuxiu 喋喋不休|to chatter or jabber on and on diediepapa 跌跌爬爬|stumbling along diedieqiangqiang 跌跌跄跄|to dodder along diediezhuangzhuang 跌跌撞撞|to stagger along diedou 蝶窦|sphenoidal sinus dieduan 跌断|to fall and fracture (a leg, vertebra... diefang 叠放|to stack; to lay one on top of another diefen 跌份|(coll.) to lose face diefeng 跌风|falling prices/bear market diefu 跌幅|decline (in value)/extent of a drop diegu 蝶骨|sphenoid bone (front of the temple) diegubate 蝶古巴特|(Tw) (loanword) decoupage diehe 叠合|to overlay; to superpose; to superimp... diejia 叠加|to superimpose/to layer/to overlay/to... diejia 跌价|to fall in price diejian 鲽鹣|harmonious and affectionate couple diejiao 跌跤|to fall down/to take a fall diejiao 鲽鲛|sturgeon diejiao 跌交|variant of 跌跤[die1 jiao1] diejiaochuixiong 跌脚捶胸|lit. stamping and beating the chest (... diejin 跌进|to fall into/to dip below a certain l... dielan 蝶兰|Phalaenopsis (flower genus) dielei 蝶类|butterfly (family) dieluo 跌落|to fall/to drop dieluohan 叠罗汉|human pyramid dieniang 爹娘|(dialect) parents dienisuosi 狄俄倪索斯|Dionysus, the god of wine in Greek my... diepian 碟片|disc/CL:張|张[zhang1] diepian 鲽片|filleted plaice diepo 跌破|(of a market index etc) to fall below... diepoyanjing 跌破眼镜|(fig.) to be astounded diepu 牒谱|genealogy/family tree/same as 譜牒|谱牒 diepu 跌扑|to tumble/to stumble and fall dieqi 迭起|continuously arising/to arise repeatedly dier 第二|second/number two/next/secondary dierchanye 第二产业|secondary industry dierchun 第二春|(lit.) second spring/(fig.) falling i... dierci 第二次|the second time/second/number two diercihanzijianhuafangan 第二次汉字简化方案|Second Chinese Character Simplificati... diercishijiedazhan 第二次世界大战|World War II diergeren 第二个人|the second person/(fig.) someone else... dierjidu 第二季度|second quarter (of financial year) dierlun 第二轮|second round (of match, or election) diersheng 第二声|second tone in Mandarin/rising tone diershijie 第二世界|Second World (Cold War-era term refer... diertian 第二天|next day/the morrow dierwei 第二位|second place dierxing 第二性|The Second Sex (book by Simone de Bea... dierxingtangniaobing 第二型糖尿病|Type 2 diabetes dierzhiye 第二职业|second job dieshi 跌市|falling stock prices/bear market dieshui 跌水|drop of height in waterway/staircase ... dieting 跌停|(of a stock price) to fall to the dai... dietingban 跌停板|daily lower limit on the price of a s... diexian 碟仙|form of divination similar to the Oui... diexie 蹀躞|to walk in small steps/to pace about diexinglingdai 蝶形领带|bow tie diexinglingjie 蝶形领结|bow tie diexue 喋血|bloodbath/carnage diexue 蹀血|variant of 喋血[die2 xue4] dieyanjing 跌眼镜|to be taken aback dieyinbo 叠音钹|ride cymbal (drum kit component) dieyong 蝶泳|butterfly stroke (swimming) dieyu 鲽鱼|flounder/plaice diezhan 谍战|(movie genre) espionage thriller (typ... diezhao 谍照|spy shot; leaked photo of a yet-to-be... diezhi 跌至|to fall to diezhi 叠纸|to fold paper/origami diezhigudi 跌至谷底|to hit rock bottom (idiom) diezi 碟子|saucer/small dish/CL:盤|盘[pan2] diezu 跌足|to stamp one\'s foot (in anger) diezu 蹀足|to stamp the feet (formal writing) difa 底阀|bottom valve/foot valve difan 地返|floor monitor; foldback speaker; wedg... difang 地方|region/regional (away from the centra... difang 地方|area/place/space/room/territory/CL:處|... difang 提防|to guard against/to be vigilant/watch... difang 敌方|enemy difang 堤防|dike/embankment/levee difangfayuan 地方法院|county court/district court difangguan 地方官|local official difangshexingfeiwu 低放射性废物|low-level waste difangxi 地方戏|local Chinese opera, such as Shaoxing... difangxing 地方性|local difangxingbanzhenshanghan 地方性斑疹伤寒|murine typhus fever difangxiqu 地方戏曲|local Chinese opera, such as Shaoxing... difangzhuyi 地方主义|regionalism/favoring one\'s local region difangzizhi 地方自治|local autonomy/home rule difei 底肥|base fertilizer difeiyong 低费用|low cost difen 低分|low marks/low score difen 低粉|abbr. for 低筋麵粉|低筋面粉[di1 jin1 mian4 fen3] difu 地府|hell/the nether world/Hades difu 弟妇|younger brother\'s wife/sister-in-law difuni 蒂芙尼|Tiffany & Co. (US luxury jewelry reta... dige 的哥|male taxi driver/cabbie (slang) digei 递给|to hand it (i.e. the aforementioned i... digejiaxiyadao 迪戈·加西亚岛|Diego Garcia tropical island and US m... digelisi 底格里斯|Tigris River, Iraq digelisihe 底格里斯河|Tigris River, Iraq digengsi 狄更斯|Dickens (name)/Charles Dickens (1812-... digong 地宫|underground palace (as part of imperi... digongan 狄公案|Dee Gong An (or Judge Dee\'s) Cases, 1... digouyou 地沟油|illegally recycled waste cooking oil digu 嘀咕|to mutter/to feel apprehensive digu 低谷|valley/trough (as opposed to peaks)/f... digu 骶骨|(anatomy) sacrum digu 低估|to underestimate; to underrate digua 地瓜|sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)/yam be... diguagan 地瓜干|dried sweet potato slices diguamian 地瓜面|sweet potato or yam noodles diguan 滴灌|to drip irrigate diguan 滴管|intravenous drip tube/dropper; eyedro... diguangrenxi 地广人稀|vast, but sparsely populated digui 递归|recursion/recursive (calculation)/rec... digunqiu 地滚球|ten-pin bowling/bowling ball/(basebal... diguo 帝国|empire/imperial diguo 敌国|enemy country diguodasha 帝国大厦|Empire State Building (New York City) diguoligongxueyuan 帝国理工学院|Imperial College of Science, Technolo... diguozhuyi 帝国主义|imperialism dihai 敌害|pest/vermin/animal that is harmful to... dihan 地函|(geology) (the earth\'s) mantle (Tw) dihao 低耗|low consumption (energy, fuel etc) dihe 地核|core of the earth (geology) dihou 敌后|(military) the enemy\'s rear/behind en... dihou 帝后|empress/imperial consort dihu 地和|(mahjong) earthly hand; a hand that i... dihua 抵华|to arrive in China dihua 迪化|Dihua or Tihwa (old name of Ürümqi 烏魯... dihua 地滑|landslide dihuan 低缓|low and unhurried (voice etc)/low and... dihuang 地黄|Chinese foxglove (Rehmannia glutinosa... dihuang 地皇|Earthly Sovereign, one of the three l... dihui 诋毁|to vilify/to slander/vilification dihui 递回|see 遞歸|递归[di4 gui1] diji 地基|foundations (of a building)/base diji 地级|(administrative) prefecture-level diji 低级|low level/rudimentary/vulgar/low/infe... diji 地籍|cadaster diji 滴剂|to drip (e.g. medical drip feed) diji 敌机|enemy plane diji 地积|land area dijia 低价|low price dijia 递加|progressively increasing dijia 地岬|cape (geography)/headland dijian 递减|progressively decreasing/gradually fa... dijian 低贱|lowly; humble/cheap; inexpensive dijian 抵减|to claim a credit against/tax reduction dijiang 递降|to go down by degrees/progressively d... dijiang 敌将|the enemy general dijianshu 地检署|district prosecutor\'s office dijiao 递交|to present/to give/to hand over/to ha... dijiao 地窖|cellar/basement dijiao 地脚|(page) footer/(dialect) foundation (o... dijiaotianya 地角天涯|The ends of the earth dijidan 地积单|unit of area (e.g. 畝|亩[mu3], Chinese ... dijidu 敌基督|Antichrist dijie 缔结|to conclude (an agreement) dijie 递解|to escort a criminal under guard (in ... dijie 低阶|low level dijie 地接|local guide/tour escort dijie 底界|lower boundary dijie 的姐|female taxi driver dijieyuyan 低阶语言|low-level (computer) language dijiliangzhaoshe 低剂量照射|low dose irradiation dijiliduguan 迪吉里杜管|didgeridoo (loanword) dijin 递进|gradual progress/to go forward one st... dijing 帝京|imperial capital dijing 涤净|to cleanse/to purge dijing 地精|gnome/goblin dijing 地景|landscape/terrain dijinmianfen 低筋面粉|low-gluten flour/cake flour/pastry fl... dijishi 地级市|prefecture-level city dijiubuzhan 滴酒不沾|never to touch a drop of alcohol dijiutianchang 地久天长|enduring while the world lasts (idiom... dijiyuyan 低级语言|low-level (computer) language diju 抵拒|to resist/to stand up to dijun 敌军|enemy troops/hostile forces/CL:股[gu3] dijun 帝俊|Dijun, Shang dynasty protector God, p... dijuwu 低聚物|oligomer (chemistry) dika 涤卡|polyester khaki (abbr. for 滌綸卡其布|涤纶卡其... dikaer 笛卡尔|René Descartes (1596-1650) French phi... dikaer 笛卡儿|René Descartes (1596-1650), French ph... dikaerzuobiaozhi 笛卡儿坐标制|Cartesian coordinate system dikai 敌忾|hatred felt toward one\'s enemies dikang 抵抗|to resist/resistance dikangli 抵抗力|resistance/immunity dike 迪克|Dick (person name) dikong 低空|low altitude dikongfeiguo 低空飞过|to just scrape through with a narrow ... dikongtiaosan 低空跳伞|BASE Jumping dikou 抵扣|to deduct (money due) diku 帝喾|Di Ku or Emperor Ku, one of the Five ... dikuai 地块|parcel of land/(geology) massif dikuake 底夸克|bottom quark (particle physics) dikuan 的款|reliable funds dilai 抵赖|to refuse to admit (what one has done... dilake 狄拉克|P.A.M. Dirac (1902-1984), British phy... dilamisu 堤拉米苏|tiramisu (loanword) dilan 低栏|low hurdles (track event) dilana 地拉那|Tirana, capital of Albania dilao 地牢|prison/dungeon dilaotianhuang 地老天荒|see 天荒地老[tian1 huang1 di4 lao3] dilei 地雷|land mine (CL:顆|颗[ke1])/(fig.) sore p... dilenianhai 第勒尼安海|Tyrrhenian Sea between Sardinia and t... dili 地理|geography dili 地利|favorable location/in the right place... dili 玓𬍛|brilliance of pearls dili 砥砺|whetstone/(lit. and fig.) to hone; to... dili 滴沥|to drip (of rainwater) dili 低利|low interest dili 地力|soil fertility/land capability dili 帝力|Dili, capital of East Timor dili-dala 滴里耷拉|hanging down loosely; dangling in dis... dilian 低廉|cheap/inexpensive/low diliao 底料|base ingredient/base (cooking)/primer... diliboli 的黎波里|Tripoli, capital of Libya/Tripoli, ci... dilidaikuan 低利贷款|low interest loan dilidingwei 地理定位|geolocation dilidulu 滴里嘟噜|cumbersome dilie 低劣|inferior quality/substandard/low-grade diliji 地理极|geographic pole/north and south poles dilin 地邻|neighbor on farmland diling 低龄|(of a member of a specific cohort) lo... dilingfanzui 低龄犯罪|juvenile crime; juvenile delinquency dilinghua 低龄化|(of a certain group of people, e.g. r... dilingkou 低领口|low-cut neckline dilirenhe 地利人和|favorable geographical and social con... diliu 滴流|trickle diliu 提溜|(coll.) to carry/Taiwan pr. [ti2 liu5] diliugan 第六感|sixth sense (i.e. intuition, premonit... diliuganjue 第六感觉|sixth sense/intuition diliuliu 滴溜溜|whirling/spinning around and around/r... diliuyuan 滴溜圆|completely round diliweidu 地理纬度|geographic latitude (i.e. angle betwe... diliweizhi 地理位置|geographical location dilixue 地理学|geography dilixuejia 地理学家|geographer diliyasite 的里雅斯特|Trieste, port city in Italy dilong 地垄|lines on ridges on ploughed field dilong 地笼|cage-like fish trap dilou 地漏|drain/underground drainpipe/floor gut... dilou 滴漏|water clock; clepsydra/to drip diloujishiqi 滴漏计时器|hourglass/water clock/clepsydra dilu 地炉|fire pit dilun 涤纶|polyester fiber dilun 绦纶|variant of 滌綸|涤纶[di2 lun2] dilun 迪伦|Dylan diluo 低落|downcast; gloomy/to decline; to get w... dilv 涤虑|to free the mind from worries dimai 地脉|geographical position according to th... diman 地幔|(geology) (the earth\'s) mantle dimao 地貌|(geology) landform; geomorphology dimei 弟妹|younger sibling/younger brother\'s wife dimeishunyan 低眉顺眼|docile; submissive dimeng 第蒙|(Tw) Des Moines, capital of Iowa dimi 低迷|blurred (landscape etc)/low (spirits)... dimian 地面|floor/ground/surface dimian 涤棉|polyester-cotton blend dimian 底面|bottom/bottom side/bottom surface dimianbudui 地面部队|ground troops dimianceng 地面层|ground floor/first floor dimianguangai 地面灌溉|surface irrigation dimianhebaozha 地面核爆炸|surface nuclear explosion dimiankongzhi 地面控制|ground control (of airborne or space ... dimianlingdian 地面零点|Ground Zero (refers to the site of th... dimianlingdian 地面零点|ground zero dimianqiya 地面气压|ground pressure dimianshui 地面水|surface water diming 地名|place name/toponym dimo 笛膜|membrane which covers a hole in a flu... dimu 地亩|area of farmland dimu 嫡母|father\'s wife (term used by the child... dinaer 第纳尔|dinar (currency) (loanword) dineng 低能|incapable/incompetent/stupid/mentally... dinenger 低能儿|retarded child/moron/idiot ding 钉|nail/to follow closely/to keep at sb ... ding 钉|to join things together by fixing the... ding 丁|surname Ding ding 丁|male adult/the 4th of the 10 Heavenly... ding 定|to fix; to set; to make definite/to s... ding 鼎|ancient cooking cauldron with two loo... ding 顶|apex/crown of the head/top/roof/most/... ding 叮|to sting or bite (of mosquito, bee et... ding 订|to agree/to conclude/to draw up/to su... ding 盯|to watch attentively/to fix one\'s att... ding 仃|used in 伶仃[ling2ding1] ding 锭|(weaving) spindle/ingot/pressed cake ... ding 啶|idine (chemistry) ding 酊|tincture (loanword) ding 酊|used in 酩酊[ming3 ding3] ding 碇|variant of 碇[ding4] ding 碇|anchor ding 铤|ingot ding 玎|jingling/tinkling ding 腚|buttocks/butt ding 疔|boil/carbuncle ding 町|(used in place names) ding 萣|see 茄萣[Qie2 ding4] ding 虰|see 虰蛵[ding1 xing2] ding 帄|patch (for mending clothes) ding 饤|display food for show only/sacrifice ding 耵|used in 耵聹|耵聍[ding1ning2]/Taiwan pr. ... ding 靪|to cobble/to patch dingan 定安|Ding\'an county, Hainan dingan 定案|to reach a verdict/to conclude a judg... dinganxian 定安县|Ding\'an county, Hainan dingba 钉钯|rake dingbai 顶拜|to prostrate oneself/to kneel and bow... dingban 顶板|roof/roof plate/rock layer forming ro... dingban 顶班|to take over sb else\'s job/to substit... dingbang 顶棒|bucking bar (metal bar fixing the tai... dingbao 顶包|to serve as forced labor/to take the ... dingbian 定边|Dingbian County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2]... dingbian 定编|fixed allocation dingbianxian 定边县|Dingbian County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2]... dingbiao 定标|to calibrate (measure or apparatus)/f... dingbiaoqi 定标器|scaler dingbo 碇泊|to moor/to drop anchor dingbu 顶部|roof/topmost part/top (of tree, wall ... dingbu 顶补|to fill a vacancy/to substitute for dingcang 定舱|(of freight or cargo) to book dingceng 顶层|top floor/the top of a building dingchangbai 定场白|first soliloquy (introducing opera ch... dingchangshi 定场诗|first soliloquy text (introducing ope... dingchangtai 定常态|constant state/fixed state dingcheng 鼎城|Dingcheng district of Changde city 常德... dingchengqu 鼎城区|Dingcheng district of Changde city 常德... dingchengyushi 鼎铛玉石|lit. to use a sacred tripod as cookin... dingchongjiating 丁宠家庭|double income family who have pets ra... dingchou 丁丑|fourteenth year D2 of the 60 year cyc... dingchu 订出|to lay down (a rule, a plan of action... dingchu 定出|to determine/to fix upon/to set (a ta... dingchui 钉锤|nail hammer/claw hammer dingchun 丁醇|butanol/butyl alcohol C4H9OH dingcun 定存|certificate of deposit/time deposit/a... dingdai 顶戴|cap badge (official sign of rank in Q... dingdan 订单|(purchase) order dingdan 定单|variant of 訂單|订单[ding4 dan1] dingdang 叮当|(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/c... dingdang 顶挡|to resist/to obstruct/to bear respons... dingdang 定档|(of a film etc) to be set to be relea... dingdang 定当|necessarily dingdang 定当|settled/ready/finished dingdangsheng 叮当声|tinkle dingdangxiang 叮当响|(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/c... dingdanhao 订单号|order number dingdeng 顶灯|dome light (of a taxi etc)/ceiling li... dingdian 顶点|summit/peak/(math.) vertex dingdian 定点|to determine a location/designated/ap... dingdian 丁点|tiny bit dingdiancha 定点茶|(Tw) (euphemism) prostitute service a... dingdianchang 定点厂|factory designated by the state to ma... dingdiao 定调|to set the tone dingdiao 丁鲷|tench dingdiaozi 定调子|to set the tone dingding 丁丁|Tintin, cartoon character dingding 丁丁|(neologism) (slang) penis (丁丁 resembl... dingding 叮叮|(onom.) tinkling or jingling sound dingding 鼎鼎|great/very important dingding 定鼎|lit. to set up the sacred tripods (fo... dingding 钉钉|DingTalk, business communication plat... dingding 订定|to set/to designate/to stipulate/to p... dingdingchaomian 丁丁炒面|chopped fried noodles dingdingdaming 鼎鼎大名|famous/celebrated dingdingdangdang 叮叮当当|(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/c... dingdingmao 叮叮猫|(dialect) dragonfly dingdong 叮咚|(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/c... dingdong 丁冬|(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/c... dingduan 顶端|summit; peak dingduo 顶多|at most/at best dingduo 定夺|to make a decision/to determine dinge 定额|fixed amount/quota dingerchun 丁二醇|butyl glycol dingerxi 丁二烯|butadiene C4H6/biethylene dingezu 定额组|quorum dingfa 顶阀|top valve/head valve dingfang 订房|to reserve a room dingfei 鼎沸|a confused noise/a racket dingfei 订费|subscription (rate) dingfen 定分|predestination/one\'s lot (of good and... dingfeng 顶峰|peak/summit/fig. high point/masterpiece dingfeng 顶风|to face into the wind/against the win... dingfengtingzhi 顶风停止|to lie to (facing the wind) dingfengzhen 定风针|wind vane/anemometer/weathercock dingfu 丁夫|(in ancient times) a man old enough f... dinggai 顶盖|roof/lid dinggan 顶杆|top bar/crown bar dinggang 顶缸|to take the blame/to be a scapegoat/t... dinggang 顶岗|to replace sb on a workshift/to subst... dingge 定格|to fix/to confine to/freeze frame/sto... dingge 鼎革|change of dynasties/clear out the old... dingge 顶格|(typesetting) to not indent/to set th... dinggequan 丁格犬|dingo (Canis dingo) dinggou 订购|to place an order/to subscribe dinggou 定购|to order goods/to place an order dinggouzhe 订购者|subscriber dinggu 顶骨|parietal bone (top of the scull) dingguagua 顶呱呱|tip-top/excellent/first-rate dingguagua 顶刮刮|variant of 頂呱呱|顶呱呱[ding3 gua1 gua1] dingguanci 定冠词|definite article (grammar) dinggui 定规|to decide/to determine/established pr... dinggui 丁鱥|tench (Tinca tinca) dingguniupai 丁骨牛排|T-bone steak dinghai 丁亥|twenty-fourth year D12 of the 60 year... dinghai 定海|Dinghai district of Zhoushan city 舟山市... dinghaiqu 定海区|Dinghai district of Zhoushan city 舟山市... dinghaishenzhen 定海神针|another name for 金箍棒[jin1 gu1 bang4]/... dinghu 鼎湖|Dinghu District of Zhaoqing City 肇慶市|... dinghu 订户|subscriber (to a newspaper or periodi... dinghu 定户|variant of 訂戶|订户[ding4 hu4] dinghui 顶会|top-tier academic conference (abbr. f... dinghun 订婚|to get engaged dinghun 定婚|variant of 訂婚|订婚[ding4 hun1] dinghuo 订货|to order goods/to place an order dinghuo 定货|variant of 訂貨|订货[ding4 huo4] dinghuqu 鼎湖区|Dinghu District of Zhaoqing City 肇慶市|... dingji 顶级|top-notch; first-rate dingji 定级|to grade/to rank/to establish the lev... dingji 丁基|Ding Ji (1917-1944), real name Li Bai... dingji 丁基|butyl group (chemistry) dingji 酊剂|tincture dingjia 定价|to set a price/to fix a price dingjian 顶尖|peak/apex/world best/number one/fines... dingjian 定见|firm view/definite opinion dingjian 丁艰|(literary) to be in mourning after th... dingjianji 顶尖级|first class/top/world best dingjianr 顶尖儿|erhua variant of 頂尖|顶尖[ding3 jian1] dingjianu 丁加奴|Terengganu, northeast state of mainla... dingjiao 顶角|angle at apex/summit angle/cusp dingjiaojingtou 定焦镜头|prime lens dingjie 定结|Dinggyê county, Tibetan: Gding skyes ... dingjie 定界|demarcation/boundary/delimited/bound ... dingjiefu 定界符|delimiter (computing) dingjiexian 定结县|Dinggyê county, Tibetan: Gding skyes ... dingjin 定金|down payment/advance payment dingjin 订金|an initial payment/earnest money/deposit dingjin 盯紧|to keep an eye on dingjing 定睛|to stare at dingju 定局|foregone conclusion/to be settled con... dingju 定居|to settle (in some city, country etc)... dingjudian 定居点|settlement dingjuzhe 定居者|settler dingkan 顶刊|top-tier academic journal (abbr. for ... dingke 丁克|Dual Income, No Kids (DINK) (loanword) dingke 顶客|see 丁克[ding1 ke4] dingke 丁客|variant of 丁克[ding1ke4] dingkuake 顶夸克|top quark (particle physics) dinglao 钉牢|to clinch (a nail)/to nail down dinglao 盯牢|to gaze intently at/to scrutinize dinglei 丁磊|Ding Lei (1971-), founder and CEO of ... dingli 定理|theorem dingli 订立|to conclude (treaty, contract, agreem... dingli 鼎力|(honorific) your kind efforts/thanks ... dingli 鼎立|lit. to stand like the three legs of ... dingli 定礼|betrothal gift/bride-price dingli 定例|usual practice/routine dingli 定力|ability to concentrate/willpower; res... dingliang 定量|quantity/fixed amount/ration dingliangfenxi 定量分析|quantitative analysis dingliangzhu 顶梁柱|pillar/backbone dinglimobai 顶礼膜拜|to prostrate oneself in worship (idio... dingling 玎玲|(onom.) ding-a-ling/clink of jewels dingling 叮铃|jingle dingling 丁玲|Ding Ling (1904-1986), female novelis... dingling-danglang 丁零当啷|(onom.) sound of a bell: ding-a-ling dingliu 顶流|(slang) top-tier celebrity or influen... dinglixiangzhu 鼎力相助|We are most grateful for your valuabl... dinglou 顶楼|top floor/attic/loft/garret/penthouse... dinglun 定论|final conclusion/accepted argument dinglun 顶轮|sahasrāra or sahasrara, the crown or ... dingluo 钉螺|Oncomelania dinglv 定律|scientific law (e.g. law of conservat... dingmao 丁卯|fourth year D4 of the 60 year cycle, ... dingmao 顶冒|abbr. for 頂名冒姓|顶名冒姓[ding3 ming2 mao4 ... dingmaohuluan 丁卯胡乱|first Manchu invasion of Korea (1627) dingmaozhanzheng 丁卯战争|first Manchu invasion of Korea (1627) dingmenzhuanghu 顶门壮户|to support the family business (idiom) dingmian 顶面|top/top side/top surface dingming 定名|to name (sth) dingming 订明|to stipulate; to state expressly dingmingmaoxing 顶名冒姓|to pretend to be sb else dingmu 顶目|item/event/project dingnan 定南|Dingnan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 ... dingnanxian 定南县|Dingnan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 ... dingneizhi 丁内酯|butyrolactone dingneng 定能|to be definitely able (to do sth) dingning 叮咛|to warn/to urge/to exhort/to give ins... dingning 耵聍|earwax; cerumen dingning 丁宁|variant of 叮嚀|叮咛[ding1 ning2] dingniur 顶牛儿|to push with the forehead/to lock hor... dingpa 钉耙|rake dingpan 顶盘|to buy a struggling business and keep... dingpanxing 定盘星|the zero point indicator marked on a ... dingpei 顶配|highest level of specification (for a... dingpeng 顶棚|ceiling/awning (under ceiling) dingpiao 订票|to book tickets/to issue tickets dingpiao 定票|to reserve tickets dingqi 定期|at set dates/at regular intervals/per... dingqian 定钱|security deposit; earnest money (real... dingqichuxu 定期储蓄|fixed deposit (banking) dingqicunkuan 定期存款|fixed deposit/time deposit/certificat... dingqin 定亲|to settle a marriage/betrothal dingqin 订亲|variant of 定親|定亲[ding4 qin1] dingqing 定情|to exchange love tokens or vows/to pl... dingquan 丁醛|butyraldehyde/butanal dingran 定然|certainly/of course dingrang 顶让|(Tw) to hand over (a business etc) fo... dingri 定日|Tingri town and county, Tibetan: Ding... dingrixian 定日县|Tingri county, Tibetan: Ding ri rdzon... dingruchang 丁汝昌|Ding Ruchang (1836-1895), commander o... dingshang 顶上|on top of/at the summit dingshao 盯梢|to follow sb/to tail/to shadow dingshao 钉梢|to follow sb/to tail/to shadow/also w... dingshen 定神|to compose oneself/to concentrate one... dingsheng 鼎盛|thriving/flourishing dingshengqi 鼎盛期|golden age; heyday; period of peak pr... dingshengshiqi 鼎盛时期|flourishing period/golden age dingshi 定时|to fix a time/fixed time/timed (of ex... dingshi 定势|attitude/mindset/prejudice dingshi 顶事|useful/fitting dingshi 盯视|to stare fixedly/to look concentratedly dingshi 盯市|mark to market (accounting) dingshi 鼎食|extravagant food dingshi 定式|joseki (fixed opening pattern in go g... dingshi 定食|set meal (esp. in a Japanese restaurant) dingshiding,maoshimao 钉是钉,铆是铆|lit. a nail is a nail and a rivet is ... dingshiding,maoshimao 丁是丁,卯是卯|lit. to keep ding (the fourth heavenl... dingshiqi 定时器|timer dingshisheying 定时摄影|time-lapse photography dingshixinguan 定时信管|timed detonator dingshizhadan 定时炸弹|time bomb dingshizhong 定时钟|timer/timing clock/alarm clock dingshu 定数|constant (math.)/quota/fixed number (... dingshuding 订书钉|staple (stationery) dingshuji 订书机|stapler/stapling machine/bookbinding ... dingshuji 钉书机|stapler dingshuo 定说|to assert categorically/generally acc... dingshuzhen 订书针|staple dingshuzhen 钉书针|staple (variant of 訂書針|订书针[ding4 shu1... dingsi 丁巳|fifty-fourth year D6 of the 60 year c... dingsi 钉死|to nail securely/to execute by means ... dingsifubi 丁巳复辟|Manchu Restoration of 1917, see 張勳復辟|... dingtaifeng 鼎泰丰|Din Tai Fung, restaurant specializing... dingtang 丁糖|tetrose (CH2O)4, monosaccharide with ... dingti 顶替|to replace dingtian 顶天|to reach the upper limit dingtianlidi 顶天立地|lit. able to support both heaven and ... dingtou 顶头|to come directly towards one/top/imme... dingtou 钉头|head of nail dingtoushangsi 顶头上司|one\'s immediate superior dingwan 丁烷|butane dingwei 定位|to orientate/to position/to categoriz... dingwei 丁未|forty-fourth year D8 of the 60 year c... dingwei 订位|to reserve a seat/to book a table/res... dingweiliang 丁韪良|William A.P. Martin (1827-1916), Amer... dingwen 叮问|to question closely/to make a detaile... dingxi 丁烯|butene or butylene C4H8 dingxi 定西|see 定西市[Ding4xi1 Shi4] dingxia 定下|to set (the tone, a target etc)/to la... dingxian 定弦|tuning (stringed instrument)/(fig.) t... dingxiang 定向|to orientate/directional/directed/ori... dingxiang 丁香|lilac (Syringa spp)/clove (Syzygium a... dingxiang 定襄|Dingxiang county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 z... dingxiangpeiyu 定向培育|directed breeding dingxiangxian 定襄县|Dingxiang county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 z... dingxiangyueye 定向越野|cross-country orienteering dingxie 顶谢|to bow in thanks dingxin 鼎新|to innovate dingxing 定型|to finalize (a design etc)/stereotype... dingxing 定性|to determine the nature (of sth)/to d... dingxing 定兴|Dingxing county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 di... dingxing 虰蛵|less common word for dragonfly 蜻蜓 dingxing 定刑|to sentence (a criminal) dingxingfenxi 定性分析|qualitative inorganic analysis dingxingganyan 丁型肝炎|hepatitis D dingxinglilun 定性理论|qualitative theory dingxingshui 定型水|hairspray dingxingxian 定兴县|Dingxing county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 di... dingxinwan 定心丸|tranquilizer/sth that sets one\'s mind... dingxishi 定西市|Dingxi, prefecture-level city in Gans... dingya 顶芽|terminal bud (growing at the tip of a... dingyan 定谳|to judge a case/to render a verdict/v... dingyang 定洋|earnest money; deposit dingyao 叮咬|sting/bite (of insect) dingye 顶叶|parietal lobe dingyi 定义|definition/to define dingyin 定音|to call the tune/to make the final de... dingyin 定银|deposit/down payment dingying 定影|to fix a photographic image dingyingu 定音鼓|timpani dingyiyu 定义域|domain (math.) dingyong 顶用|to be of use dingyou 丁忧|(literary) to be in mourning after th... dingyou 丁酉|thirty-fourth year D10 of the 60 year... dingyu 定语|attributive (modifier) dingyu 定于|set at/scheduled at dingyuan 定员|fixed complement (of crew, passengers... dingyuan 定远|Dingyuan, a county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2... dingyuanxian 定远县|Dingyuan, a county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2... dingyuanying 定远营|old name of Bayanhot 巴彥浩特|巴彦浩特[Ba1 ya... dingyue 订阅|subscription/to subscribe to dingyue 定约|to conclude a treaty/to make an agree... dingyue 定阅|variant of 訂閱|订阅[ding4 yue4] dingyuyizun 定于一尊|(idiom) to rely on a single authority... dingzhaozhong 丁肇中|Samuel C. C. Ting (1936-), American p... dingzhen 顶针|thimble dingzheng 订正|to make a correction dingzhi 定制|custom-made; made-to-order/to have st... dingzhi 订制|custom-made; made-to-order/to have st... dingzhi 鼎峙|(literary) to form a tripartite confr... dingzhi 定殖|(microbiology) to colonize; colonization dingzhixian 定直线|directrix of a parabola dingzhou 定州|Dingzhou, county-level city in Baodin... dingzhoushi 定州市|Dingzhou, county-level city in Baodin... dingzhu 叮嘱|to warn repeatedly/to urge/to exhort ... dingzhu 顶住|to withstand/to stand up to dingzhu 盯住|to watch sb closely/to breathe down s... dingzhu 鼎助|(honorific) your inestimable assistan... dingzhuang 顶撞|to contradict (elders or superiors) dingzi 钉子|nail/snag/saboteur dingzi 定子|(electricity) stator dingzi 丁字|T-shaped dingzibu 丁字步|T-step (basic dance position, with th... dingzichi 丁字尺|T-square/set square (carpenter\'s tool) dingzigao 丁字镐|hammer pick dingzihu 钉子户|householder who refuses to vacate his... dingzijie 丁字街|T-junction dingziku 丁字裤|thong (underwear) dingziliang 丁字梁|T-girder dingzu 鼎足|lit. the three legs of a tripod/fig. ... dingzu 鼎族|rich patriarchal family/aristocracy dingzui 定罪|to convict (sb of a crime) dingzui 顶罪|to take the blame for sb else/to comp... dingzui 顶嘴|to talk back/to answer back dingzuo 定做|to have something made to order dingzuo 订做|to make to order/to have sth made to ... dingzuo 定作|to have sth made to order dingzuolv 定座率|occupancy (i.e. proportion of seats o... dingzuzhishi 鼎足之势|competition between three rivals/trip... dinianji 低年级|a lower grade (in a school) (e.g. 1st... diniufanshen 地牛翻身|(Tw) (coll.) earthquake (According to... dinongsuoyou 低浓缩铀|low-enriched uranium (LEU) dipai 底牌|cards in one\'s hand/(fig.) undisclose... dipaiche 地排车|handcart dipan 底盘|chassis dipan 地盘|domain/territory under one\'s control/... dipei 地陪|local guide/tour escort dipi 地痞|bully/local ruffian dipi 地皮|lot/section of land/ground dipian 底片|negative/photographic plate diping 滴瓶|(chemistry) dropping bottle dipinghuoshankou 低平火山口|maar dipingxian 地平线|horizon diqi 底气|lung capacity; lung power/boldness; c... diqi 底漆|primer diqi 地契|title deed (for land)/CL:張|张[zhang1],... diqi 地祇|earth spirit diqian 地堑|trench, rift valley diqian 地钱|liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha) diqiao 地壳|the Earth\'s crust diqiaoyundong 地壳运动|(geotectonics) crustal movement; dias... diqin 地勤|ground service (airport) diqin 嫡亲|closely related by blood diqing 敌情|the situation of the enemy positions/... diqingzangzuzizhizhou 迪庆藏族自治州|Dêqên or Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Pr... diqingzhou 迪庆州|abbr. for 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Z... diqinrenyuan 地勤人员|(airport) ground crew diqishengwu 底栖生物|benthos diqiu 地球|the earth diqiu 低丘|hilly (geography) diqiucichang 地球磁场|earth\'s magnetic field diqiucun 地球村|global village diqiuguidao 地球轨道|Earth orbit (orbit of a satellite aro... diqiuhuaxue 地球化学|geochemistry diqiukexue 地球科学|earth science diqiuwuli 地球物理|geophysics diqiuwulixue 地球物理学|geophysics diqiuyi 地球仪|globe diqiya 低气压|low pressure/depression (meteorology) diqiyoukongchong 底栖有孔虫|benthic foraminifera diqu 地区|local/regional/district (not necessar... diqu 涤去|to wash off diquchajia 地区差价|local differences in price/regional p... diquchongtu 地区冲突|local or regional confrontation dique 的确|really/indeed diqueliang 的确良|dacron (loanword) diqufayuan 地区法院|regional court diqujingji 地区经济|local economy/regional economy diquxing 地区性|regional/local dir 地儿|place/space dire 低热|a low fever (up to 38°C) dire 地热|geothermal diredianzhan 地热电站|geothermal electric power station direfadianchang 地热发电厂|geothermal electric power station diren 敌人|enemy/CL:個|个[ge4] direneng 地热能|geothermal energy direnjie 狄仁杰|Di Renjie (607-700), Tang dynasty pol... direziyuan 地热资源|geothermal resources dirong 第戎|Dijon (France) disaimisong 地塞米松|dexamethasone disanchanye 第三产业|tertiary sector of industry disandi 第三地|territory belonging to a third party ... disandiguo 第三帝国|Third Reich, Nazi regime (1933-1945) disanfang 第三方|third party disanguoji 第三国际|see 共產國際|共产国际[Gong4 chan3 Guo2 ji4] disanji 第三纪|third period/tertiary (geological era... disanjidu 第三季度|third quarter (of financial year) disanrencheng 第三人称|third person (grammar) disansheng 第三声|third tone in Mandarin/falling-rising... disanshi 第三十|thirtieth disanshijie 第三世界|Third World disanwei 第三位|third place disanxian 地三鲜|dish consisting of stir-fried potato,... disanxiasi 低三下四|servile disanzhe 第三者|sb who is romantically involved with ... disanzhuangtai 第三状态|suboptimal health status disenkelubo 蒂森克虏伯|ThyssenKrupp dishage 笛沙格|Girard Desargues (1591-1661), French ... dishan 递嬗|(literary) to go through successive c... dishang 地上|on the ground/on the floor dishao 低烧|a low fever (up to 38°C) dishasi 敌杀死|Decis (insecticide brand) disheng 低声|in a low voice/softly disheng 递升|to ascend progressively dishengxiyu 低声细语|in a whisper/in a low voice (idiom) dishi 地势|terrain/topography relief dishi 的士|taxi (loanword) dishi 敌视|hostile/malevolence/antagonism/to vie... dishi 谛视|to look carefully dishi 滴石|a dripstone (geology)/stalactites and... dishi 地史|earth history/geological history dishigao 的士高|disco (loanword)/also written 迪斯科[di2... dishini 迪士尼|Disney, American entertainment conglo... dishinileyuan 迪士尼乐园|Disneyland dishou 敌手|opponent/substantial adversary/worthy... dishouru 低收入|low income dishouxiaxin 低首下心|to be fawningly submissive (idiom) dishu 底数|radix/base (math.) dishu 地书|writing on the ground with a large br... dishui 滴水|water drop/dripping water dishui 地税|local tax (abbr. for 地方稅|地方税[di4fang1... dishuibuchan 滴水不羼|not diluted by one drop/hundred percent dishuibulou 滴水不漏|lit. not one drop of water can leak o... dishuichuanshi 滴水穿石|dripping water penetrates the stone (... dishuishichuan 滴水石穿|dripping water penetrates the stone (... dishuizuishou 滴水嘴兽|gargoyle (architecture) disi 娣姒|sisters-in-law (old)/various concubin... disiji 第四纪|fourth period/quaternary (geological ... disiji 第四季|fourth quarter disijidu 第四季度|fourth quarter (of financial year) disike 迪斯科|disco (loanword) disike 迪斯可|disco (loanword) (Tw) disikeba 迪斯科吧|discotheque disiketing 迪斯科厅|disco hall/nightclub disileili 迪斯雷利|Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), Britis... disini 迪斯尼|see 迪士尼[Di2shi4ni2] disinileyuan 迪斯尼乐园|Disneyland/also written 迪士尼樂園|迪士尼乐园[D... disisheng 第四声|fourth tone in Mandarin/falling tone disitai 第四台|fourth channel/(in Taiwan) cable TV, FTV disong 递送|to send (a message)/to deliver disu 低速|low speed disu 低俗|vulgar/poor taste disu 地速|groundspeed (of an aircraft etc) disudang 低速挡|low gear/bottom gear disuhua 低俗化|vulgarization disulv 低速率|low speed disuqu 低速区|low-velocity zone (seismology) disuzhifeng 低俗之风|vulgar style (used of items to be cen... ditai 敌台|defensive tower/lookout tower/enemy r... ditai 涤汰|to wash away/to eradicate ditai 地台|floor/platform ditan 地毯|carpet/rug ditan 地摊|roadside stall ditan 地坛|Temple of Earth (in Beijing) ditan 敌探|enemy spy ditan 低碳|(attributive) low-carbon; low-carb (d... ditang 嫡堂|having the same paternal grandfather ... ditangquan 地躺拳|Di Tang Quan - \"Ground-Prone Fist\"/\"G... ditanshihongzha 地毯式轰炸|carpet bombing ditantuoxie 地毯拖鞋|carpet slippers dite 敌特|enemy (agents)/(class) enemy ditefenzi 敌特分子|enemy agents in our midst/reds under ... ditelv 底特律|Detroit, Michigan ditiaozi 递条子|to pass a message ditie 地铁|underground railway; subway/subway train ditiezhan 地铁站|subway station diting 谛听|to listen carefully diting 迪厅|disco/night club/abbr. for 迪斯科廳|迪斯科厅 ditiwenzheng 低体温症|hypothermia ditou 低头|to bow the head/to yield/to give in ditou 地头|place/locality/edge of a field/lower ... ditoubujiantaitoujian 低头不见抬头见|see 抬頭不見低頭見|抬头不见低头见[tai2 tou2 bu4 jia... ditourenzui 低头认罪|to bow one\'s head in acknowledgment o... ditoushe 地头蛇|local bully/tyrant/regional mafia boss ditouzu 低头族|smartphone addicts ditu 地图|map/CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3] dituce 地图册|atlas ditui 递推|recursion/recursive (calculation)/rec... ditui 地推|on-the-ground promotion (abbr. for 地面... dituigongshi 递推公式|recurrence formula dituiguanxi 递推关系|recurrence relation dituji 地图集|collection of maps/atlas diu 丢|to lose/to put aside/to throw diu 铥|thulium (chemistry) diubao 丢包|(computing) packet loss/to lose a packet diuchou 丢丑|to lose face diudaojia 丢到家|to lose (face) utterly diudiao 丢掉|to lose/to throw away/to discard/to c... diufantufangcheng 丢番图方程|(math.) Diophantine equation diufanwan 丢饭碗|to lose one\'s job diuguan 丢官|(of an official) to lose one\'s job diuhun 丢魂|to be distracted diuhunluopo 丢魂落魄|see 失魂落魄[shi1 hun2 luo4 po4] diukai 丢开|to cast or put aside/to forget for a ... diulian 丢脸|to lose face/humiliation diulunchepao 丢轮扯炮|(idiom) flustered/confused diumeidiuyan 丢眉丢眼|to wink at sb diumeinongse 丢眉弄色|to wink at sb diumianzi 丢面子|to lose face diuming 丢命|to die diuqi 丢弃|to discard/to abandon diuren 丢人|to lose face diurenxianyan 丢人现眼|to make an exhibition of oneself/to b... diusanlasi 丢三落四|forgetful/empty-headed diushi 丢失|to lose; to misplace diushou 丢手|to wash one\'s hands of sth; to have n... diuwushamao 丢乌纱帽|lit. to lose one\'s black hat/to be sa... diuxia 丢下|to abandon diwa 低洼|low-lying diwang 帝王|regent/monarch diwangpu 帝王谱|list of emperors and kings/dynastic g... diwangqie 帝王企鹅|emperor penguin diwei 地委|prefectural Party committee diwei 地位|position/status/place/CL:個|个[ge4] diwei 低微|meager (wages)/humble (social status)... diwei 帝位|imperial throne diwei 低维|low-dimensional (math.) diweiqipaifang 低尾气排放|low emissions (from car exhaust) diwen 低温|low temperature diwendao 帝汶岛|Timor island diwenhai 帝汶海|Timor Sea diwo 敌我|the enemy and us diwomaodun 敌我矛盾|contradictions between ourselves and ... diwu 第五|fifth diwu 抵牾|to conflict with/to contradict/contra... diwu 牴牾|variant of 抵牾[di3 wu3] diwulei 第五类|category 5/CAT 5 (cable) diwuzongdui 第五纵队|fifth column (subversive group) dixi 底细|inside information/the ins and outs o... dixi 低息|low-interest dixi 弟媳|younger brother\'s wife; sister-in-law dixi 嫡系|direct line of descent/under one\'s pe... dixia 低下|low status/lowly/to lower (one\'s head) dixia 地下|underground/subterranean/covert dixia 底下|the location below sth/afterwards dixia 滴下|drip dixia 涤瑕|to cleanse away a stain dixiahebaozha 地下核爆炸|nuclear underground burst/underground... dixiaheshiyan 地下核试验|underground nuclear test dixiajie 地下街|underground shopping arcade; undergro... dixian 地线|earth (wire)/ground dixian 底线|bottom line; the limit of what one is... dixian 底限|lowest limit/bottom line dixian 低陷|to sink/to settle dixiao 抵销|variant of 抵消[di3 xiao1] dixiao 抵消|to counteract/to cancel out/to offset dixiao 低效|inefficient/ineffective dixiaqianzhuang 地下钱庄|underground bank/illegal private bank... dixiaqing 地下情|secret love affair dixiashi 地下室|basement/cellar dixiashui 地下水|groundwater dixiatielu 地下铁路|subway dixiatongdao 地下通道|underpass/subway/tunnel dixin 底薪|basic salary/base pay/salary floor dixin 地心|the earth\'s core/geocentric dixin 帝辛|Emperor Xin, last ruler of Shang (11t... dixing 地形|topography/terrain/landform dixingtu 地形图|topographic map dixinshuo 地心说|geocentric theory dixinweidu 地心纬度|geocentric latitude (i.e. angle betwe... dixinxili 地心吸力|gravitation dixinyinli 地心引力|earth\'s gravity dixiong 低胸|low-cut (dress)/plunging (neckline) dixiong 弟兄|brothers/comrade dixiongmen 弟兄们|brothers/comrades/men/brethren dixipan 地西泮|diazepam (loanword)/Valium dixue 地穴|pit/burrow/crypt dixuetang 低血糖|hypoglycemia (medicine) dixueya 低血压|low blood pressure diya 低压|low pressure/low voltage diya 抵押|to provide (an asset) as security for... diyadai 低压带|low-pressure zone/depression (meteoro... diyadaikuan 抵押贷款|mortgage loan diyadaikuanweiji 抵押贷款危机|mortgage crisis diyan 涤砚|to wash an ink-slab/to prepare for st... diyangchufan 羝羊触藩|lit. billy goat\'s horns caught in the... diyanse 递眼色|to give sb a meaningful look diyanye 滴眼液|eye drops diyapin 抵押品|security (property held against a loa... diyawu 抵押物|collateral (finance) diyi 敌意|enmity; hostility diyi 地衣|lichen diyi 第一|first/number one/primary diyi 帝乙|Di Yi (died 1076 BC), Shang dynasty k... diyibashou 第一把手|the person in charge/the head of the ... diyibu 第一步|step one/first step diyichanye 第一产业|primary sector of industry diyici 第一次|the first time/first/number one diyicishijiedazhan 第一次世界大战|World War One diyifuren 第一夫人|First Lady (wife of US president) diyiguoji 第一国际|First international, organized by Kar... diyiji 第一级|first level diyijibenxingshi 第一基本形式|(math.) first fundamental form diyijidu 第一季度|first quarter (of financial year) diyili 第一例|first case/first instance/first time ... diyiliu 第一流|first-class diyilun 第一轮|first round (of match, or election) diyin 低吟|to chant softly/to murmur diyin 低音|bass diyin 地窨|cellar diyindahao 低音大号|bass tuba/euphonium diyindatiqin 低音大提琴|double bass; contrabass diying 敌营|enemy camp diyinguan 低音管|bassoon diyinlaba 低音喇叭|woofer diyinpao 低音炮|subwoofer diyintiqin 低音提琴|double bass/contrabass diyinzi 地窨子|cellar diyipao 第一炮|(fig.) opening shot diyisheng 第一声|first tone in Mandarin/high, level tone diyishijian 第一时间|in the first moments (of sth happenin... diyishou 第一手|first-hand diyitongjin 第一桶金|the first pot of gold/the initial pro... diyixian 第一线|front line/forefront diyixiangxian 第一象限|first quadrant (of the coordinate pla... diyixingtangniaobing 第一型糖尿病|Type 1 diabetes diyiyan 第一眼|at first glance/at first sight diyong 抵用|to exchange for (sth of equal value o... diyongjin 抵用金|store credit (credit to be spent at a... diyongquan 抵用券|coupon/voucher diyu 抵御|to resist/to withstand diyu 低于|to be lower than diyu 地狱|hell/infernal/underworld/(Buddhism) N... diyu 低语|mutter diyu 地域|area/district/region diyuan 地缘|geographic situation/geo-(politics etc) diyuanzhanlve 地缘战略|geostrategic diyuanzhengzhi 地缘政治|geopolitics/geopolitical diyuanzhengzhixue 地缘政治学|geopolitics diyue 缔约|to conclude a treaty diyuefang 缔约方|party in a contract, treaty etc diyueguo 缔约国|signatory states/countries that are p... diyun 底蕴|inside information/concrete details dizang 地藏|Kṣitigarbha, the Bodhisattva of the G... dizangpusa 地藏菩萨|Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Bodhisat... dizangwangpusa 地藏王菩萨|Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Bodhisat... dizao 缔造|to found/to create dizaozhe 缔造者|creator (of a great work)/founder dizeng 递增|to increase by degrees/in increasing ... dizhai 抵债|to repay a debt in kind or by labor dizhairenchou 地窄人稠|small and densely populated dizhang 抵账|to repay a debt in kind or by labor dizhanqu 敌占区|enemy occupied territory dizhen 地震|earthquake dizhen 敌阵|the enemy ranks dizhenbo 地震波|seismic wave dizhendai 地震带|seismic zone/earthquake belt dizhenhuodongdai 地震活动带|seismic zone/earthquake belt dizhenju 地震局|earthquake bureau dizhenliedu 地震烈度|earthquake intensity (measure of its ... dizhenqu 地震区|seismic zone/earthquake belt dizhensubao 地震速报|real-time report of earthquake data/e... dizhenxue 地震学|seismology/science of earthquakes dizhenxuejia 地震学家|seismologist/earthquake scientist dizhenyi 地震仪|seismometer dizhi 地址|address/CL:個|个[ge4] dizhi 抵制|to resist/to boycott/to refuse (to co... dizhi 地质|geology dizhi 地支|the 12 earthly branches 子[zi3], 丑[cho... dizhi 帝制|autocratic monarchy/imperial regime dizhi 底止|(literary) end/limit dizhi 低脂|low fat dizhi 递质|neurotransmitter dizhi 踶跂|overconfident and conceited mannerisms dizhi 底汁|stock (cooking)/base (of sauce or gravy) dizhijiexixieyi 地址解析协议|address resolution protocol/ARP dizhinianbiao 地质年表|geological time scale dizhiniandaibiao 地质年代表|geological time scale dizhixue 地质学|geology dizhixuejia 地质学家|geologist dizhonghai 地中海|Mediterranean Sea dizhonghai 地中海|(coll.) bald crown; male pattern bald... dizhonghaipinxue 地中海贫血|thalassemia (medicine) dizhongwogua 敌众我寡|multitude of enemies, few friends (id... dizhou 地轴|the earth\'s axis dizhu 地主|landlord/landowner/host dizhu 抵住|to resist/to press against/to brace dizhu 滴注|to drip into/to transfuse/to percolat... dizhuan 地砖|floor tile dizhuang 迪庄|Dijon (French town) dizhudui 地主队|home team (sports) dizhujiating 地主家庭|land-owning household dizhujieji 地主阶级|land-owning classes dizi 弟子|disciple; follower dizi 笛子|bamboo flute/CL:管[guan3] dizi 嫡子|son, esp. the eldest son, of the wife... dizi 底子|base/foundation/bottom dizu 地租|land rent/land tax dizuermian 抵足而眠|lit. to live and sleep together (idio... dizuerwo 抵足而卧|lit. to live and sleep together (idio... dizui 抵罪|to be punished for a crime dizuisuo 涤罪所|purgatory (religion) dizuo 底座|base/pedestal/foundation dnajianding DNA鉴定|DNA test; DNA testing dong 动|(of sth) to move/to set in movement/t... dong 栋|classifier for houses or buildings/ri... dong 懂|to understand/to comprehend dong 洞|cave/hole/zero (unambiguous spoken fo... dong 董|surname Dong dong 董|to supervise/to direct/director dong 冻|to freeze/to feel very cold/aspic or ... dong 东|surname Dong dong 东|east/host (i.e. sitting on east side ... dong 硐|variant of 洞[dong4]/cave/pit dong 冬|winter dong 冬|surname Dong dong 冬|(onom.) beating a drum/rat-a-tat dong 咚|(onom.) boom (of a drum)/knock (on th... dong 氡|radon (chemistry) dong 垌|field/farm/used in place names dong 峒|cave/cavern dong 侗|Dong ethnic group (aka Kam people) dong 鸫|thrush (bird of genus Turdus) dong 胨|see 蛋白腖|蛋白胨[dan4 bai2 dong4] dong 恫|frighten dong 岽|place name in Guangxi province dong 崠|name of a mountain dong 丼|(Tw) bowl of steamed rice with other ... dong 胴|large intestine/torso dong 涷|rainstorm dong 湩|milk/sound of a drum dong 𬟽|used in 螮蝀|䗖𬟽[di4dong1] dongan 东安|Dongan county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zh... donganqu 东安区|Dong\'an district of Mudanjiang city 牡... donganxian 东安县|Dongan county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zh... dongaohui 冬奥会|Winter Olympics dongbanqiu 东半球|the Eastern Hemisphere/the Old World dongbao 东宝|Dongbao district of Jingmen city 荊門市|... dongbao 动保|animal protection (abbr. for 動物保護|动物保... dongbaoqu 东宝区|Dongbao district of Jingmen city 荊門市|... dongbawenhua 东巴文化|Dongba culture of the Nakhi ethnic gr... dongbei 东北|Northeast China/Manchuria dongbei 东北|northeast dongbeidaxue 东北大学|Northeastern University (in Shenyang ... dongbeifang 东北方|northeast/northeastern dongbeihu 东北虎|Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) dongbeipingyuan 东北平原|Northeast Plain, also called the Manc... dongbeiya 东北亚|Northeast Asia dongbenxipao 东奔西跑|to run this way and that (idiom); to ... dongbenxizou 东奔西走|to run this way and that (idiom); to ... dongbi 动笔|to put pen to paper; to start writing... dongbian 东边|east/east side/eastern part/to the ea... dongbianr 东边儿|erhua variant of 東邊|东边[dong1 bian5] dongbingxiazhi 冬病夏治|to treat winter diseases in the summe... dongbinshi 动宾式|verb-object construction dongbiwu 董必武|Dong Biwu (1886-1975), one of the fou... dongbu 东部|the east/eastern part dongbudong 动不动|(typically followed by 就[jiu4]) apt t... dongbudongjiushengqi 动不动就生气|to be quick to take offense; to have ... dongbula 冬不拉|Dombra or Tambura, Kazakh plucked lute dongbushijian 东部时间|Eastern Standard Time (EST) dongcai 冬菜|preserved dried cabbage or mustard gr... dongcanaohui 冬残奥会|Winter Paralympics dongcangli 东仓里|Dongchang-ni, North Korean missile la... dongcangxiao 东仓鸮|(bird species of China) eastern barn ... dongce 东侧|east side/east face dongcha 洞察|to see clearly dongchali 洞察力|insight dongchan 动产|movable property/personal property dongchang 东昌|Dongchang district of Tonghua city 通化... dongchangfu 东昌府|Dongchangfu district of Liaocheng cit... dongchangfuqu 东昌府区|Dongchangfu district of Liaocheng cit... dongchangqu 东昌区|Dongchang district of Tonghua city 通化... dongchayiqie 洞察一切|to see everything clearly dongche 动车|(PRC) (D- or C-class) high-speed trai... dongcheng 东城|Dongcheng, a district of central Beijing dongchengqu 东城区|Dongcheng, a district of central Beijing dongchong-xiacao 冬虫夏草|caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps si... dongchuan 东川|Dongchuan district of Kunming city 昆明... dongchuan 洞穿|to penetrate/to pierce/to see clearly... dongchuan 冻穿|frostbite/chilblain dongchuang 冻疮|frostbite/chilblains dongchuang 东床|son-in-law dongchuangshifa 东窗事发|(of a plot etc) to be exposed (idiom)... dongchuanqu 东川区|Dongchuan district of Kunming city 昆明... dongci 动词|verb dongcichongdie 动词重叠|verb reduplication dongcijiegou 动词结构|verbal construction (clause) dongcu 动粗|to use violence (against sb)/to stron... dongdang 动荡|variant of 動蕩|动荡[dong4 dang4] dongdang 动荡|unrest (social or political)/turmoil/... dongdao 东道|host dongdaoxiwai 东倒西歪|to lean unsteadily from side to side ... dongdaozhu 东道主|host/official host (e.g. venue for ga... dongde 东德|East Germany (1945-1990)/German Democ... dongde 懂得|to understand; to know; to comprehend dongdian 动点|moving point dongdiwen 东帝汶|East Timor (officially Democratic Rep... dongdong 咚咚|Dongdong, cheerleading mascot of 2008... dongdong 咚咚|(onom.) thud/thumping/thudding/pounding dongdong 东东|(coll.) thing/item/stuff dongdongxie 洞洞鞋|Crocs shoes (or any similar shoe) dongduoxishan 东躲西闪|to dodge about donge 东阿|Dong\'e county in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 c... dongexian 东阿县|Dong\'e county in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 c... dongfang 东方|the East; the Orient/two-character su... dongfang 东方|east dongfang 洞房|secret inner room/bridal room dongfangachufo 东方阿閦佛|Aksobhya, the imperturbable ruler of ... dongfangbaiguan 东方白鹳|(bird species of China) oriental stor... dongfangbanji 东方斑䳭|(bird species of China) variable whea... dongfangbuliangxifangliang 东方不亮西方亮|if it isn\'t bright in the east, it\'ll... dongfangdaweiying 东方大苇莺|(bird species of China) oriental reed... dongfanghangkong 东方航空|China Eastern Airlines dongfangheng 东方鸻|(bird species of China) oriental plov... dongfanghong 东方红|The East is Red, north Shaanxi folk song dongfanghuazhu 洞房花烛|bridal room and ornamented candles/we... dongfanghuazhuye 洞房花烛夜|wedding night dongfangjizaliuying 东方叽咋柳莺|(bird species of China) mountain chif... dongfangmanaoyanbingdu 东方马脑炎病毒|eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus dongfangmingzhudianshita 东方明珠电视塔|Oriental Pearl Television Tower dongfangmingzhuta 东方明珠塔|Oriental Pearl Tower dongfangpao 东方狍|Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) dongfangqinglong 东方青龙|see 青龍|青龙[Qing1 long2] dongfangribao 东方日报|Oriental Daily News dongfangsanboshi 东方三博士|the Magi/the Three Wise Kings from th... dongfangshi 东方市|Dongfang City, Hainan dongfangshoudai 东方寿带|(bird species of China) Blyth\'s parad... dongfangwenming 东方文明|Eastern civilization dongfei 东非|East Africa dongfeidadiqian 东非大地堑|Great East African rift valley dongfeidaliegu 东非大裂谷|East African Rift Valley dongfeigongtongti 东非共同体|East African Community dongfen 冬粉|(Tw) cellophane noodles; mung bean ve... dongfeng 东风|easterly wind/spring breeze/(fig.) re... dongfeng 东丰|Dongfeng county in Liaoyuan 遼源|辽源, Jilin dongfeng 董奉|Dong Feng, doctor during Three Kingdo... dongfengqu 东风区|Dongfeng district of Kiamusze or Jiam... dongfengxian 东丰县|Dongfeng county in Liaoyuan 遼源|辽源, Jilin dongfengyadaoxifeng 东风压倒西风|lit. the east wind prevails over the ... dongfu 洞府|cave dwelling/legendary abode of immo... donggan 动感|sense of movement (often in a static ... donggan 冻干|to freeze-dry/freeze-dried food (such... donggang 东港|Tungkang town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|... donggangqu 东港区|Donggang district of Rizhao city 日照市[... donggangshi 东港市|Donggang, county-level city in Dandon... donggangzhen 东港镇|Tungkang town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|... dongganhuo 动肝火|to get angry donggeng 冬耕|winter plowing donggong 动工|to start (a building project) donggong 冬宫|Winter Palace (St Petersburg)/Hermita... donggou 东沟|Donggou town in Liangzihu district 梁子... donggouzhen 东沟镇|Donggou town in Liangzihu district 梁子... donggu 冬菇|donko shiitake mushroom, a prized typ... donggua 冬瓜|wax gourd (Cucurbitaceae, Benincasa h... dongguan 东莞|see 東莞市|东莞市[Dong1guan3 Shi4] dongguang 东光|Dongguang county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Ca... dongguangxian 东光县|Dongguang county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Ca... dongguanhanji 东观汉记|Dongguan Hanji, a history of the East... dongguanshi 东莞市|Dongguan, prefecture-level city in Gu... donggui 冻柜|reefer (refrigerated shipping container) donggui 东归|lit. to return east/fig. to return to... dongguo 东郭|two-character surname Dongguo donghai 东海|East China Sea/East Sea (Chinese myth... donghai 冻害|(agriculture) freezing injury donghaian 东海岸|East Coast donghaidaqiao 东海大桥|Donghai Bridge, 32.5 km bridge betwee... donghaidaxue 东海大学|Tunghai University (in Taichung, Taiwan) donghaijiandui 东海舰队|East Sea Fleet donghaixian 东海县|Donghai county in Lianyungang 連雲港|连云港... donghan 东汉|Eastern or later Han dynasty, 25-220 donghang 懂行|to know the ropes donghaomao 动毫毛|to lay a finger on sb; to harm sb in ... donghe 东河|Donghe or Tungho township in Taitung ... donghe 恫吓|to intimidate/to threaten donghequ 东河区|Donghe district of Baotou city 包頭市|包头... donghexiang 东河乡|Donghe or Tungho township in Taitung ... donghong 冬烘|shallow/uneducated donghu 东湖|Donghu district of Nanchang city 南昌市,... donghu 东胡|Eastern barbarian/ancient ethnic grou... donghua 动画|animation/cartoon donghuapian 动画片|animated film donghuasanyuan 东华三院|Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (Hong Kong) donghuqu 东湖区|Donghu district of Nanchang city 南昌市,... dongji 冬季|winter dongji 动机|motive; motivation dongji 董鸡|(bird species of China) watercock (Ga... dongjia 东家|master (i.e. employer)/landlord/boss dongjia 东加|Tonga, South Pacific archipelago king... dongjiachangxijiaduan 东家长西家短|to gossip (idiom) dongjian 洞见|insight/to see clearly dongjian 洞鉴|to examine deeply/to inspect closely dongjiang 东江|Dongjiang River dongjiang 冻僵|frozen stiff/numb with cold dongjiang 东疆|East Xinjiang dongjianguanzhan 动见观瞻|to be watched closely (idiom) dongjianhua 董建华|Tung Chee-hwa (1937-), Hong Kong entr... dongjiao 冻胶|gel dongjiaominxiang 东交民巷|East Jiaomin Lane, a street in centra... dongjie 冻结|to freeze (water etc)/(fig.) to freez... dongjie 冬节|see 冬至[Dong1 zhi4] dongjin 东晋|Eastern Jin dynasty 317-420 dongjing 东京|Tokyo, capital of Japan/Tonkin (north... dongjing 东经|east longitude dongjing 动静|(detectable) movement; (sign of) acti... dongjingdaxue 东京大学|Tokyo University, Japan dongjingdiguodaxue 东京帝国大学|Tokyo Imperial University (renamed To... dongjingta 东京塔|Tokyo Tower dongjingwan 东京湾|Tokyo Bay/former name of 北部灣|北部湾[Bei3... dongju 懂局|to be savvy dongju 侗剧|Dong opera dongju 峒剧|variant of 侗劇|侗剧[Dong4 ju4] dongjue 动觉|kinesthesia dongjun 东君|Lord of the East, the sun God of Chin... dongkai 洞开|to be wide open dongkong 洞孔|hole dongkou 洞口|Dongkou county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao... dongkou 洞口|cave mouth/tunnel entrance dongkou 动口|to use one\'s mouth (to say sth) dongkouxian 洞口县|Dongkou county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao... dongku 洞窟|a cave dongl 动L|flowing/flexible/lively (Internet slang) donglaxiche 东拉西扯|to talk about this and that (idiom); ... dongli 动力|motive power/force/(fig.) motivation/... dongli 东丽|Dongli suburban district of Tianjin m... dongliang 动量|momentum dongliang 栋梁|ridgepole/ridgepole and beams/person ... dongliangci 动量词|verbal classifier (in Chinese grammar... dongliao 东辽|Dongliao county in Liaoyuan 遼源|辽源, Jilin dongliaoxian 东辽县|Dongliao county in Liaoyuan 遼源|辽源, Jilin donglifanyingdui 动力反应堆|power reactor dongling 冬令|winter/winter climate dongling 冻龄|to maintain a youthful appearance donglingshi 冬令时|standard time (as opposed to daylight... donglinxizhao 东鳞西爪|lit. a dragon\'s scale from the east a... dongliqu 东丽区|Dongli suburban district of Tianjin m... donglixitong 动力系统|propulsion system/(math.) dynamical s... donglixue 动力学|dynamics (math.)/kinetics dongluan 动乱|turmoil/upheaval/unrest dongluomadiguo 东罗马帝国|Eastern Roman empire or Byzantium (39... dongmai 动脉|artery dongmailiu 动脉瘤|aneurysm dongmaiyinghua 动脉硬化|hardening of the arteries/arterioscle... dongmaizhouyangyinghua 动脉粥样硬化|atherosclerosis dongman 动漫|cartoons and comics/anime and manga/c... dongmeng 东盟|ASEAN (abbr. for 東南亞國家聯盟|东南亚国家联盟[Dong... dongmenr 懂门儿|one who knows his business/profession... dongmi 东密|Japanese Esoteric Buddhism dongmian 冬眠|to hibernate/hibernation dongmian 东面|east side (of sth) dongmiangaoyuan 东缅高原|Eastern Myanmar plateau dongmidelan 东密德兰|East Midlands, English county dongming 东明|Dongming county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2... dongmingci 动名词|gerund dongmingxian 东明县|Dongming county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2... dongnan 东南|southeast dongnanbu 东南部|southeast part dongnandaxue 东南大学|Southeast University dongnanxibei 东南西北|east, south, west and north/all direc... dongnanxibeizhong 东南西北中|the five directions 五方 east, south, w... dongnanya 东南亚|Southeast Asia dongnanyaguo-xie 东南亚国协|(Tw) ASEAN (Association of Southeast ... dongnanyaguojialianmeng 东南亚国家联盟|ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian... dongnao 动脑|to use one\'s brain dongnaojin 动脑筋|to use one\'s brains/to think dongneng 动能|kinetic energy dongnengche 动能车|car with a new type of propulsion sys... dongnu 动怒|to get angry dongou 东欧|Eastern Europe dongoupingyuan 东欧平原|East European Plain dongpin 冻品|frozen goods; frozen product dongping 东平|Dongping county in Tai\'an 泰安[Tai4 an1... dongpingheng 动平衡|dynamic equilibrium/dynamic balancing dongpingxian 东平县|Dongping county in Tai\'an 泰安[Tai4 an1... dongpinxicou 东拼西凑|(idiom) to assemble from bits and pie... dongpo 东坡|Dongpo District of Meishan City 眉山市[M... dongpo 动魄|shocking; shattering dongpojingxin 动魄惊心|see 驚心動魄|惊心动魄[jing1 xin1 dong4 po4] dongpoqu 东坡区|Dongpo District of Meishan City 眉山市[M... dongporou 东坡肉|stir-fried pork, favorite of Northern... dongpozhouzi 东坡肘子|Dongpo pork shoulder, traditional dis... dongqi 动气|to get angry dongqiaoxichou 东瞧西瞅|see 東張西望|东张西望[dong1 zhang1 xi1 wang4] dongqing 动情|to get excited/passionate/aroused to ... dongqing 冬青|holly dongqingjisu 动情激素|estrogen dongqingqi 动情期|estrus/the rutting season/on heat dongqingshu 冬青树|holly dongqingsu 动情素|estrogen dongren 动人|touching/moving dongren 侗人|people of the Dong ethnic minority dongren 峒人|variant of 侗人[Dong4 ren2] dongrenxinpo 动人心魄|(idiom) breathtaking/deeply affecting dongrong 动容|to be emotionally moved dongrong 冻容|\"youth freezing\", Chinese girls begin... dongrou 冻肉|cold or frozen meat dongruoguanhuo 洞若观火|lit. to see sth as clearly as one see... dongsansheng 东三省|the three provinces of Northeast Chin... dongshan 东山|Dongshan county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang... dongshan 冬山|Dongshan or Tungshan Township in Yila... dongshang 冻伤|frostbite dongshanqu 东山区|Dongshan district (Uighur: Dungsen Ra... dongshanxian 东山县|Dongshan county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang... dongshanxiang 冬山乡|Dongshan or Tungshan Township in Yila... dongshanzaiqi 东山再起|lit. to return to office after living... dongshen 动身|to go on a journey/to leave dongsheng 东胜|Dongsheng District of Ordos City 鄂爾多斯... dongshengqu 东胜区|Dongsheng District of Ordos City 鄂爾多斯... dongshi 董事|board member dongshi 东势|Dongshi or Tungshih township in Yunli... dongshi 东石|Dongshi or Tungshih Township in Chiay... dongshi 硐室|chamber (mining) dongshi 峒室|underground mine storage room/mine pa... dongshi 懂事|to grow beyond the naivete of childho... dongshihui 董事会|board of directors dongshixiang 东势乡|Dongshi or Tungshih township in Yunli... dongshixiang 东石乡|Dongshi or Tungshih Township in Chiay... dongshixiaopin 东施效颦|lit. Dong Shi imitates Xi Shi\'s frown... dongshizhang 董事长|chairman of the board of directors dongshou 动手|to set about (a task)/to hit/to punch... dongshoudongjiao 动手动脚|to come to blows/to paw/to grope/to g... dongshoujiao 动手脚|(coll.) to tamper with/to mess around... dongshoushu 动手术|(of a surgeon) to operate (on sb)/(of... dongsi 冻死|to freeze to death/to die off in winter dongsun 冬笋|winter bamboo shoots (smaller and ten... dongtai 动态|movement/motion/development/trend/dyn... dongtai 东台|Dongtai, county-level city in Yanchen... dongtaicunchuqi 动态存储器|dynamic memory dongtaidiaosu 动态雕塑|(fine arts) a mobile dongtaigengxin 动态更新|dynamic update (Internet) dongtailianjieku 动态链接库|dynamic-link library (DLL)/shared lib... dongtaipingyang 东太平洋|east Pacific dongtaipingyanghailong 东太平洋海隆|East Pacific Rise (a mid-oceanic ridg... dongtaipingyanglongqi 东太平洋隆起|East Pacific Rise (a mid-oceanic ridg... dongtaiqingling 动态清零|zero-COVID (policy) dongtaishi 东台市|Dongtai, county-level city in Yanchen... dongtaituxing 动态图形|animated graphics/animation dongtaiwangye 动态网页|dynamic webpage dongtaiyingxiang 动态影像|video dongtaizhuci 动态助词|aspect particle, such as 著|着[zhe5], 了... dongtan 动弹|to budge dongtanbude 动弹不得|to be unable to move a single step dongtaoxizheng 东讨西征|war on all sides (idiom); fighting fr... dongti 胴体|carcass/naked body dongtian 冬天|winter/CL:個|个[ge4] dongtian 洞天|paradise/heavenly or beautiful place/... dongtiaoyingji 东条英机|Tojo Hideki (1884-1948), Japanese mil... dongting 动听|pleasant to listen to dongtinghu 洞庭湖|Dongting Lake in northeast Hunan prov... dongtoucun 东头村|Tung Tau Tseun village, Hong Kong Island dongtu 动土|to break ground (prior to building st... dongtu 冻土|frozen earth/permafrost/tundra dongtu 东突|East Turkestan Liberation Organizatio... dongtu 东土|the East/China dongtu 动图|(computing) dynamic image dongtuceng 冻土层|permafrost/tundra/layer of frozen soil dongtujuesitan 东突厥斯坦|East Turkestan/historical term for Xi... dongtujuesitanjiefangzuzhi 东突厥斯坦解放组织|East Turkestan Liberation Organizatio... dongtujuesitanyisilanyundong 东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动|East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) dongtuxiwu 东兔西乌|lit. the sun setting and the moon ris... dongtuzuzhi 东突组织|abbr. for 東突厥斯坦解放組織|东突厥斯坦解放组织[Dong1 T... dongwanggong 东王公|Mu Kung or Tung Wang Kung, God of the... dongwei 东魏|Eastern Wei of the Northern dynasties... dongwen 动问|may I ask dongwo 动卧|D-class (high-speed) sleeper train (D... dongwu 动物|animal/CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2],個|个[ge4] dongwu 东吴|Eastern Wu (222-280)/the southern sta... dongwu 动武|to use force/to come to blows dongwudaxue 东吴大学|Soochow University (Suzhou, PRC from ... dongwudianfen 动物淀粉|glycogen dongwudusu 动物毒素|zootoxin dongwufenlei 动物分类|classification of animals dongwujie 动物界|animal kingdom dongwunongchang 动物农场|Animal Farm (1945), novel and famous ... dongwuxing 动物性|animacy dongwuxingmingci 动物性名词|animate noun dongwuxingsiliao 动物性饲料|feed made of animal products dongwuxue 动物学|zoological/zoology dongwuyou 动物油|animal fat dongwuyuan 动物园|zoo/CL:個|个[ge4] dongwuzhifang 动物脂肪|animal fat dongwuzhuangyuan 动物庄园|Animal Farm (1945), novel and famous ... dongwuzhumuqinqi 东乌珠穆沁旗|East Ujimqin banner or Züün Üzemchin ... dongxi 东西|east and west dongxi 东西|thing/stuff/person/CL:個|个[ge4],件[jian4] dongxi 洞悉|to clearly understand dongxia 冬夏|winter and summer dongxian 冬闲|slack winter season (farming) dongxiang 动向|trend; tendency dongxiang 东乡|Dongxiang or East village (place name... dongxiangzuzizhixian 东乡族自治县|Dongxiang Autonomous County in Linxia... dongxibanqiu 东西半球|East and West hemispheres dongxide 东西德|East and West Germany/refers to the G... dongxie 东协|(Tw) ASEAN (abbr. for 東南亞國協|东南亚国协[Don... dongxie 洞泄|lienteric diarrhea (TCM) dongxieqi 冬歇期|winter break dongxifang 东西方|east and west/east to west dongxifangwenhua 东西方文化|Eastern and Western culture dongxihu 东西湖|Dongxihu district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武... dongxihuqu 东西湖区|Dongxihu district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武... dongxikuan 东西宽|east-west distance dongxin 动心|to be moved/to be tempted dongxinanbei 东西南北|east west south north dongxing 东兴|Dongxing district of Neijiang city 內江... dongxingqu 东兴区|Dongxing district of Neijiang city 內江... dongxingshi 东兴市|Dongxing, county-level city in Fangch... dongxizhou 东西周|Western Zhou (1045-771 BC) and Easter... dongxue 洞穴|cave/cavern dongya 东亚|East Asia dongyabingfu 东亚病夫|(derog.) the sick man of Asia (term u... dongyafenghui 东亚峰会|East Asia Summit, annual meeting of l... dongyan 懂眼|(coll.) to know the ropes/an expert dongyang 东阳|Dongyang, county-level city in Jinhua... dongyang 东洋|Japan (old)/East Asian countries dongyanggui 东洋鬼|(esp. during resistance against Japan... dongyangguizi 东洋鬼子|(esp. during resistance against Japan... dongyanghua 东洋话|Japanese (language) (old) dongyangjie 东洋界|Indomalayan realm dongyangshi 东阳市|Dongyang, county-level city in Jinhua... dongyangzi 董阳孜|Grace Tong (Tong Yangtze) (1942-), Ta... dongyanxizhe 东掩西遮|to cover up the truth on all sides (i... dongyao 动摇|to sway/to waver/to rock/to rattle/to... dongyao-xibai 东摇西摆|(idiom) to sway from side to side; un... dongyashiji 东亚石䳭|(bird species of China) Amur stonecha... dongyayinhang 东亚银行|Bank of East Asia dongyayundonghui 东亚运动会|East Asian Games dongyi 东夷|Eastern Barbarians, non-Han tribe liv... dongyi 冬衣|winter clothes dongyi 动议|motion/proposal dongyilangtouxiyibangzi 东一榔头西一棒子|banging away clumsily in all directio... dongyin 动因|motivation/moving force/underlying fo... dongyin 东引|Tungyin Island, one of the Matsu Isla... dongyindugongsi 东印度公司|East India Company dongying 东营|see 東營市|东营市[Dong1ying2 Shi4] dongying 东瀛|(literary) East China Sea/(literary) ... dongying 冻硬|to freeze solid/frozen stiff dongyingqu 东营区|Dongying district of Dongying city 東營... dongyingshi 东营市|Dongying, prefecture-level city in Sh... dongyinxiang 东引乡|Tungyin township in Lienchiang county... dongyiyun 东伊运|abbr. for 東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動|东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动[Dong1... dongyong 动用|to utilize/to put sth to use dongyu 冻雨|freezing rain dongyuan 动员|to mobilize/mobilization/CL:次[ci4] dongyuan 东源|Dongyuan county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan... dongyuan 冻原|tundra dongyuan 洞螈|olm (Proteus anguinus) dongyuanling 动员令|mobilization order dongyuanxian 东源县|Dongyuan county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan... dongyue 冬月|eleventh lunar month dongyue 东岳|Mt Tai 泰山 in Shandong, one of the Fiv... dongyunhui 冬运会|winter games dongzhang 冻涨|to freeze (prices, fees etc) (Tw) dongzhangxiwang 东张西望|to look in all directions (idiom)/to ... dongzhe 动辄|easily/readily/frequently/at every tu... dongzhe 冬蛰|hibernation dongzhedejiu 动辄得咎|faulted at every turn (idiom); can\'t ... dongzheng 东征|punitive expedition to the east dongzhenge 动真格|to get serious about sth/to pull no p... dongzhengjiao 东正教|Eastern Orthodox Church dongzhengxitao 东征西讨|war on all sides (idiom); fighting fr... dongzhengxiyuan 东征西怨|war on all sides (idiom); fighting fr... dongzhi 东至|Dongzhi, a county in Chizhou 池州[Chi2 ... dongzhi 东芝|Toshiba, Japanese electronics company dongzhi 冬至|Winter Solstice, 22nd of the 24 solar... dongzhidian 冬至点|the winter solstice dongzhimen 东直门|Dongzhimen neighborhood of Beijing dongzhiwu 动植物|plants and animals/flora and fauna dongzhixian 东至县|Dongzhi, a county in Chizhou 池州[Chi2 ... dongzhongguohai 东中国海|East China sea dongzhongshu 董仲舒|Dong Zhongshu (179-104 BC), philosoph... dongzhou 东周|Eastern Zhou (770-221 BC) dongzhou 东洲|Dongzhou district of Fushun city 撫順市|... dongzhouqu 东洲区|Dongzhou district of Fushun city 撫順市|... dongzhu 东主|owner (e.g. of a shop) dongzhuo 董卓|Dong Zhuo (-192), top general of late... dongzi 洞子|cave/pit/(coll.) greenhouse dongzitou 冬字头|name of \"walk slowly\" component 夂[zhi... dongzu 侗族|Kam people, who live mostly in southe... dongzui 动嘴|to talk dongzuipi 动嘴皮|to move one\'s lips/to wag one\'s tongue dongzuipir 动嘴皮儿|erhua variant of 動嘴皮|动嘴皮[dong4 zui3 pi2] dongzuipizi 动嘴皮子|see 動嘴皮|动嘴皮[dong4 zui3 pi2] dongzuo 动作|movement; motion; action (CL:個|个[ge4]... dongzuo 董座|(Tw) chairman (of a board of directors) dongzuopian 动作片|action movie/CL:部[bu4] dou 都|all; both; entirely/(used for emphasi... dou 读|comma/phrase marked by pause dou 抖|to tremble/to shake out/to reveal/to ... dou 斗|abbr. for the Big Dipper constellatio... dou 斗|dry measure for grain equal to ten 升[... dou 斗|to fight/to struggle/to condemn/to ce... dou 斗|variant of 鬭|斗[dou4] dou 斗|variant of 鬥|斗[dou4] dou 逗|to tease (playfully); to entice/(coll... dou 痘|pimple/pustule dou 豆|legume; pulse; bean; pea (variant of ... dou 豆|legume; pulse; bean; pea (CL:顆[ke1],粒... dou 鬬|variant of 鬥|斗[dou4] dou 闘|Japanese variant of 鬥|斗 dou 陡|steep/precipitous/abrubtly/suddenly/u... dou 兜|pocket/bag/to wrap up or hold in a ba... dou 兜|old variant of 兜[dou1] dou 蚪|used in 蝌蚪[ke1dou3] dou 窦|surname Dou dou 窦|(literary) hole; aperture/(anatomy) c... dou 饾|to set out food dou 脰|(literary) neck dou 蔸|root and lower stem of certain plants... dou 枓|square base for Chinese flagstaff dou 閗|variant of 鬥|斗[dou4] dou 篼|bamboo, rattan or wicker basket/sedan... dou 唞|to take a rest (Cantonese) douban 豆瓣|Douban, a Chinese social networking w... douban 豆瓣|cotyledon of a bean or pea (i.e. eith... douban 痘瘢|pock mark doubancai 豆瓣菜|watercress (Nasturtium officinale) doubanjiang 豆瓣酱|sticky chili bean sauce/doubanjiang doubanwang 豆瓣网|Douban, PRC social networking website doubi 陡壁|steep cliff/precipice/vertical slope doubi 豆皀|pea or bean (dialect) doubi 逗比|(slang) silly but amusing person doubi 逗逼|(slang) silly but amusing person doubian 陡变|to change precipitously doubing 斗柄|handle of the Big Dipper doubu 兜捕|to round up (fugitives)/to corner and... doubule 都卜勒|variant of 多普勒[Duo1 pu3 le4] douchao 兜抄|to close in from the rear and flanks;... douche 斗车|hopper car/wheelbarrow douchi 豆豉|black bean/black bean sauce douchijiang 豆豉酱|black bean sauce douda 斗大|huge doudaidan 豆袋弹|bean bag round doudan 斗胆|(courteous) to be so bold as to doudao 窦道|sinus (anatomy)/subterranean passage doudi 兜底|to provide a safety net/(coll.) to re... doudian 逗点|comma doudie 陡跌|precipitous drop (in price) doudizhu 斗地主|dou dizhu (\"fight the landlord\") (car... doudong 抖动|to quiver/to vibrate/to shake (sth) doudou 兜兜|an undergarment covering chest and ab... doudou 痘痘|pimple; zit; (by extension) acne doudou-zhuanzhuan 兜兜转转|(lit. and fig.) to go around and arou... doudoumao 豆豆帽|beanie doudouxie 豆豆鞋|loafers (the name comes from the rubb... doudu 兜肚|undergarment covering the chest and a... doudu 陡度|gradient doueyuan 窦娥冤|The Injustice to Dou E (popular drama... doufan 兜翻|to expose/to turn over doufeng 兜风|to catch the wind/to go for a spin in... doufu 豆腐|tofu/bean curd doufugan 豆腐干|see 豆干[dou4gan1] doufuhua 豆腐花|jellied tofu/soft bean curd doufunao 豆腐脑|jellied tofu/soft bean curd doufupi 豆腐皮|tofu skin (made by drying the skin th... doufuru 豆腐乳|fermented bean curd doufuzha 豆腐渣|okara (i.e. soy pulp, a by-product of... doufuzhagongcheng 豆腐渣工程|jerry-built building project/lit. bui... dougan 豆干|variant of 豆干[dou4gan1] dougan 豆干|pressed tofu; dried tofu (ingredient ... dougen 逗哏|funny man (lead role in comic dialogu... dougong 斗拱|interlocking wooden brackets between ... dougong 枓栱|variant of 斗拱[dou3 gong3] dougong 枓拱|variant of 斗拱[dou3 gong3] douhaha 逗哈哈|to joke/to crack a joke douhao 逗号|comma (punct.) douhen 痘痕|pockmark douhua 豆花|jellied tofu/soft bean curd douji 斗鸡|cock fighting doujia 豆荚|pod (of legumes) doujia 痘痂|pockmark/smallpox scab doujian 斗舰|fighting ship doujiang 豆浆|soy milk doujiao 豆角|string bean/snap bean/green bean doujiao 窦窖|cellar/crypt doujiaor 豆角儿|erhua variant of 豆角[dou4 jiao3] doujiuzhiji 斗酒只鸡|lit. a chicken and a bottle of wine (... doujiyan 斗鸡眼|cross-eye doujizouma 斗鸡走马|cock-fighting and horse-racing (idiom... douju 豆菊|fried tofu skin (typically used as a ... doujun 陡峻|precipitous/high and steep douke 豆科|Fabaceae/Leguminosae/legume family (b... doukezhiwu 豆科植物|legume/leguminous plant doukou 豆蔻|cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)/fig. ... doukouchi 斗口齿|to quarrel/to bicker/glib repartee doukounianhua 豆蔻年华|(of a girl) 13 or 14 years old; early... doukounianhua 豆寇年华|erroneous variant of 豆蔻年華|豆蔻年华[dou4 k... doulan 兜揽|to canvas (for customers)/to solicit/... doulasi 都拉斯|Durrës (city in Albania) doule 逗乐|to amuse oneself/to clown around/to p... doulei 豆类|bean douli 斗笠|conical bamboo hat douliu 逗留|to stay for a while; to sojourn douliu 斗六|Douliu or Touliu city in Yunlin count... douliu 逗遛|variant of 逗留[dou4liu2] douliushi 斗六市|Douliu or Touliu city in Yunlin count... doulou 抖搂|to shake out/to bring to light/to squ... douluo 抖落|to shake out doumai 兜卖|to peddle/to hawk (pirate goods) doumanjiang 豆满江|Dumangang, Korean name of Tumen river... doumao 兜帽|hood doumen 斗门|Doumen District of Zhuhai City 珠海市[Zh... doumenqu 斗门区|Doumen District of Zhuhai City 珠海市[Zh... doumenzi 逗闷子|(dialect) to joke doumiao 豆苗|pea shoots/bean seedling doumiao 痘苗|vaccine doumou 兜鍪|helmet (archaic) dounai 豆奶|soy milk dounan 斗南|Dounan or Tounan town in Yunlin count... dounanzhen 斗南镇|Dounan or Tounan town in Yunlin count... dounei 抖内|variant of 斗內|斗内[dou3nei4] dounei 斗内|(Tw) (neologism) (Internet slang) to ... douniu 斗牛|Big Dipper and Altair (astronomy) douniu 斗牛|bullfighting douniugeng 斗牛㹴|bull terrier douniushi 斗牛士|matador/toreador/bullfighter douniushizhige 斗牛士之歌|Toreador Song (Votre toast, je peux v... dounong 逗弄|to tease/to provoke/to play with (a c... douou 斗殴|to brawl; to scuffle doupao 痘疱|pimple/acne doupeng 斗篷|cloak/mantle doupi 豆皮|dried beancurd (tofu) doupigai 斗批改|struggle, criticize, and transform (C... doupo 陡坡|steep slope; steep incline douqi 斗气|to have a grudge against douqiao 陡峭|precipitous douqing 逗情|to flirt/to titillate/to provoke douqu 逗趣|to amuse/to make sb laugh/to tease douqu 豆佉|(Buddhism) suffering (from Sanskrit \"... douquan 斗拳|boxing douquanzi 兜圈子|to encircle/to go around/to circle/to... douqur 逗趣儿|to amuse/to make sb laugh/to tease douqur 斗趣儿|variant of 逗趣兒|逗趣儿[dou4 qu4 r5] dour 兜儿|erhua variant of 兜[dou1] douran 陡然|suddenly/unexpectedly/abruptly/precip... douren 逗人|amusing/funny/entertaining dourenfaxiao 逗人发笑|to make people laugh dourenxiai 逗人喜爱|cute dourong 豆蓉|sweetened bean paste dourongbao 豆蓉包|bean paste bun douru 豆乳|soybean milk/fermented bean curd douse 抖瑟|to quiver/to shiver/to tremble dousha 豆沙|sweetened bean paste doushabao 豆沙包|bean paste bun doushao 斗筲|an ancient bamboo container/narrow-mi... doushaozhicai 斗筲之材|person of limited capacity doushaozhiqi 斗筲之器|person narrow-minded and shortsighted doushaozhiren 斗筲之人|a small-minded person/a bean-counter doushenmeniandaile 都什么年代了|What decade are you living in?/That\'s... doushi 斗士|warrior/activist doushi 斗室|very small room; tiny, cramped space doushou 兜售|to hawk; to peddle doushu 豆薯|yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus), a vine... doushuang-aoxue 斗霜傲雪|see 欺霜傲雪[qi1shuang1-ao4xue3] doushushu 豆薯属|yam bean/Pachyrhizus genus dousipixiu 斗私批修|fight self-interest and repudiate rev... dousou 抖擞|to rouse/to invigorate/to enliven/to ... dousoujingshen 抖擞精神|to gather one\'s spirits/to pull onese... dousuo 抖缩|to cower/to tremble doutou 兜头|full in the face douxiao 逗笑|to amuse/to cause to smile/amusing douxiao 陡削|precipitous douxiaor 逗笑儿|erhua variant of 逗笑[dou4 xiao4] douya 豆芽|bean sprout douya 陡崖|steep cliff/precipice douyacai 豆芽菜|bean sprouts douyan 豆雁|(bird species of China) taiga bean go... douyan 斗眼|see 鬥雞眼|斗鸡眼[dou4 ji1 yan3] douyin 逗引|to make fun of douyin 抖音|Douyin, Chinese app for creating and ... douyou 豆油|soy bean oil/(dialect) soy sauce douzha 豆渣|okara (i.e. soy pulp, a by-product of... douzhanaojin 豆渣脑筋|idiot/porridge head douzheng 斗争|a struggle/fight/battle douzhengxing 斗争性|assertiveness/combative nature douzhi 斗志|will to fight/fighting spirit douzhi 斗智|battle of wits douzhi 豆汁|douzhi, fermented drink made from gro... douzhiangyang 斗志昂扬|having high fighting spirit douzhipin 豆制品|legume-based product/soybean product douzhuanxingyi 斗转星移|lit. the Big Dipper 北斗星[Bei3 dou3 xin... douzi 豆子|bean/pea/CL:顆|颗[ke1] douzui 斗嘴|to quarrel/to bicker/glib repartee douzui 逗嘴|to banter du 都|surname Du du 都|capital city/metropolis du 读|to read out; to read aloud/to read/to... du 笃|serious (illness)/sincere/true du 独|alone/independent/single/sole/only du 度|to pass/to spend (time)/measure/limit... du 渡|to cross/to pass through/to ferry du 堵|to block up (a road, pipe etc)/to sto... du 赌|to bet; to gamble du 椟|cabinet/case/casket du 嘟|toot/honk/to pout du 肚|tripe du 肚|belly du 睹|to observe/to see du 睹|old variant of 睹[du3] du 杜|surname Du du 杜|birchleaf pear (tree)/to stop/to prev... du 督|(bound form) to supervise du 芏|used in 茳芏[jiang1 du4]/Taiwan pr. [tu3] du 妒|to envy (success, talent)/jealous du 妒|variant of 妒[du4] du 镀|to plate (with gold, silver etc)/(pre... du 竺|variant of 篤|笃[du3] du 犊|calf/sacrificial victim du 髑|used in 髑髏|髑髅[du2lou2] du 蠹|insect that eats into books, clothing... du 牍|documents du 渎|disrespectful/(literary) ditch du 螙|variant of 蠹[du4] du 阇|defensive platform over gate/barbican du 黩|blacken/constantly/to insult du 喥|used in location words (Cantonese)/Ma... du 厾|to tap lightly du 韣|bow case du 蠧|variant of 蠹[du4] du 贕|still-born chick (in unhatched egg)/v... du 凟|variant of 瀆|渎[du2] du 読|Japanese variant of 讀|读[du2] du 㱩|abortion/stillborn du 匵|old variant of 櫝|椟[du2] du 毒|poison/to poison/poisonous/malicious/... du 𮙋|to murmur/to slander du 𬭊|dubnium (chemistry) duai 笃爱|to love deeply/devoted to sb duan 断|to break/to snap/to cut off/to give u... duan 段|surname Duan duan 段|paragraph/section/segment/stage (of a... duan 端|end/extremity/item/port/to hold sth l... duan 端|old variant of 端[duan1]/start/origin duan 短|short/brief/to lack/weak point/fault duan 锻|to forge/to discipline/wrought duan 毈|infertile egg duan 缎|satin duan 煅|to calcine/variant of 鍛|锻[duan4] duan 塅|large area of flat terrain (used in p... duan 椴|Chinese linden (Tilia chinensis) duan 媏|(used in female names) (old) duan 鍴|(arch.) drinking goblet duan 碫|coarse stone (used for whetstone) duan 腶|dried meat duan 簖|bamboo fish trap duanan 断案|to judge a case duanban 短板|short stave of the barrel (which allo... duanbei 断背|homosexual (a reference to Brokeback ... duanbeishan 断背山|Brokeback Mountain, 2005 English-lang... duanbicanyuan 断壁残垣|lit. walls reduced to rubble (idiom)/... duanbingxiangjie 短兵相接|lit. short-weaponed soldiery fight on... duanbituiyuan 断壁颓垣|lit. walls reduced to rubble (idiom)/... duanbo 短波|shortwave (radio) duanbochang 短波长|short wavelength duanbu 缎布|satin duancai 端菜|to serve food duancang 短仓|short position (finance) duanceng 断层|fault (geology) (CL:道[dao4])/(fig.) g... duancengchengxiang 断层成像|computed tomography duancengsaomiao 断层扫描|CT scan (computed tomography scan) duancengsheying 断层摄影|computed tomography duancengxian 断层线|geological fault line duanchang 断肠|heartbroken/to break one\'s heart duancheng 短程|short range duanchengxian 短程线|a geodesic duanchu 短处|shortcoming/defect/fault/one\'s weak p... duanchuan 短传|short pass (in ball game) duancu 短促|short in time/fleeting/brief/gasping ... duancu 短粗|stocky (short and robust) duancuowu 段错误|segmentation fault duandaban 短打扮|clothing that exposes the arms and le... duandai 断代|periodization (of history) duandai 缎带|ribbon duandang 断档|sold out/to be out of stock duandaoduan 端到端|end-to-end duandaoduanjiami 端到端加密|end-to-end encryption duandi 端的|really/after all/details/particulars duandian 断电|to experience a power outage; to have... duandian 断点|(computing) breakpoint duandian 端点|starting point or ending point (in st... duanding 断定|to conclude/to determine/to come to a... duanduanxuxu 断断续续|intermittent/off and on/discontinuous... duandun 断顿|to go without meals (due to poverty o... duanduo 短多|good prospects in the short term (fin... duanerxiao 短耳鸮|(bird species of China) short-eared o... duanfan 端饭|to serve (food) duanfang 端方|upright/honest/proper/correct duangangjuehuang 断港绝潢|to be unable to continue/to come to a... duange 短歌|ballad duangong 短工|temporary job/odd job/seasonal worker duangong 断供|to default on a mortgage/to stop supp... duanhang 断行|line break (computing) duanhu 断乎|certainly duanhunjiao 断魂椒|king cobra or ghost chili (Naga jolokia) duanhuo 断货|to run out of (stock) duanjian 短剑|dagger duanjian 短见|short-sighted/suicide duanjian 短简|brief duanjiao 断交|to end a relationship/to break off di... duanjiazi 端架子|to put on airs duanjinqueliang 短斤缺两|to give short weight duanju 短句|clause duanju 断句|to pause at appropriate points in rea... duanjue 断绝|to sever; to break off duanjuli 短距离|short distance/a stone\'s throw away duanjuqiluofeiji 短距起落飞机|short takeoff and landing aircraft duankai 断开|to break/to sever/to turn off (electr... duankong 短空|poor prospects in the short term (fin... duankou 端口|interface/port duanku 短裤|short pants/shorts duanlai 端赖|to depend ultimately on (Tw)/absolute... duanli 端粒|telomere, a protective DNA cap on a c... duanlian 锻炼|to toughen/to temper/to engage in phy... duanliang 断粮|to run out of food duanlie 断裂|fracture/rupture/to break apart duanliedai 断裂带|fault zone (geology) duanliemoshu 断裂模数|modulus rupture duanlieqiangdu 断裂强度|rupture strength/breaking strength duanlimei 端粒酶|telomerase duanliu 断流|to run dry (of river) duanlu 短路|short circuit duanlu 煅炉|forge/fig. extremely hot environment duanluo 段落|phase/time interval/paragraph/(writte... duanluqi 断路器|circuit breaker duanma 断码|(fashion retailing) available only in... duanmian 端面|end face/end surface of a cylindrical... duanmie 断灭|annihilation (of soul, Sanskrit uccheda) duanmielun 断灭论|annihilation (of soul, Sanskrit uccheda) duanming 短命|to die young/short-lived duanminggui 短命鬼|sb who dies prematurely duanmu 端木|two-character surname Duanmu duanmuci 端木赐|Duanmu Ci (520 BC-446 BC), disciple o... duannai 断奶|to wean duanni 端倪|boundary/clue/indication/to obtain cl... duanniao 端尿|to support a child (or invalid etc) w... duanpao 短跑|sprint (race) duanpian 短片|short film/video clip duanpian 断片|fragment/piece/(of a film) to break i... duanpianr 断片儿|(coll.) to suffer an alcohol-induced ... duanpianxiaoshuo 短篇小说|short story duanqi 短期|short term/short-term duanqi 断气|to stop breathing/to breathe one\'s la... duanqian 短浅|narrow and shallow duanqian 短欠|to fall short in one\'s payments/to la... duanqiao 断桥|The Broken Bridge (at West Lake in Ha... duanqirongzi 短期融资|short-term financing duanqirui 段祺瑞|Duan Qirui (1864-1936), commander of ... duanqiu 断球|(sports) to steal/to intercept the ball duanqiwanchirou,fangxiakuaizimaniang 端起碗吃肉,放下筷子骂娘|lit. to eat meat from one\'s bowl, the... duanquanfa 段荃法|Duan Quanfa (1939-2010), Chinese writer duanque 短缺|shortage duanran 断然|resolute/definitive/categorically/abs... duanran 端然|upright/finally/unexpectedly duanru 断乳|to wean; to be weaned/(TCM) to use me... duanshang 端上|to serve (food, tea etc) duanshao 煅烧|to calcine (purify by heating) duanshao 短少|to be short of the full amount duansheli 断舍离|(neologism c. 2012) decluttering; min... duansheng 断生|(of food) to be cooked just until no ... duanshi 短视|(usually fig.) shortsighted/myopic duanshi 断食|to fast/hunger strike duanshi 段氏|a branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic... duanshi 端屎|to support a child (or invalid etc) w... duanshichucun 短时储存|short-term storage/store duanshigao 煅石膏|plaster of Paris/calcined gypsum duanshijian 短时间|short term/short time duanshijinli 短视近利|to be focused on short-term gain duanshipin 短视频|short video; video clip duanshu 段数|rank/level duansong 断送|to forfeit (future profit, one\'s life... duantie 锻铁|wrought iron duantoutai 断头台|guillotine/scaffold duantui 断腿|broken leg duantuiliequan 短腿猎犬|dachshund/basset hound duanwa 短袜|sock duanwacanyuan 断瓦残垣|the tiles are broken, the walls dilap... duanwang 断网|to cut off access to the Internet; to... duanwei 段位|rank/class/(Japanese martial arts and... duanwei 断尾|(zoology) (of a lizard etc) to shed i... duanweiaidaishu 短尾矮袋鼠|quokka (Setonix brachyurus) duanweihu 短尾鹱|(bird species of China) short-tailed ... duanweijiaomei 短尾鹪鹛|(bird species of China) streaked wren... duanweiliaomei 短尾鹩鹛|(bird species of China) rufous-throat... duanweixintianweng 短尾信天翁|(bird species of China) short-tailed ... duanweiyaque 短尾鸦雀|(bird species of China) short-tailed ... duanweiying 短尾莺|(bird species of China) Asian stubtai... duanweiyingwu 短尾鹦鹉|(bird species of China) vernal hangin... duanweizeiou 短尾贼鸥|(bird species of China) parasitic jae... duanwen 短文|short piece; article; short essay duanwene 短吻鳄|alligator duanwenzhi 缎纹织|satin weave duanwu 端午|see 端午節|端午节[Duan1 wu3 jie2] duanwu 端五|variant of 端午[Duan1 wu3] duanwujie 端午节|Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the ... duanxian 断线|(of a guitar, kite etc) to have a str... duanxian 短线|short term duanxian 端线|end line/baseline (sports) duanxian 断弦|widowed/lit. broken string, cf 琴瑟[qin... duanxianfengzheng 断线风筝|a kite that is lost after its string ... duanxiang 端详|full details/full particulars duanxiang 端详|to look over carefully/to scrutinize duanxiang 断想|brief commentary duanxianqian 断线钳|bolt cutter duanxiaojinghan 短小精悍|(of a person) short but plucky (idiom... duanxin 短信|text message/SMS duanxing 断行|to carry out resolutely duanxitong 端系统|end system duanxiu 短袖|short sleeves/short-sleeved shirt duanxiu 断袖|homosexual/see 斷袖之癖|断袖之癖[duan4 xiu4 z... duanxiuzhipi 断袖之癖|lit. cut sleeve (idiom); fig. euphemi... duanxu 端绪|start and development/thread (of a st... duanxu 断续|intermittent duanxue 短靴|ankle boots duanxun 短讯|SMS/text message duanxunban 短训班|short training course duanya 断崖|steep cliff/crag/precipice duanyan 断言|to assert/assertion duanyan 端砚|high-quality ink stonemade in Duanxi ... duanyangjie 端阳节|see 端午節|端午节[Duan1 wu3 jie2] duanyashi 断崖式|(of a fall in price, temperature etc)... duanyi 短衣|short garment/short jacket duanyibang 短衣帮|lit. short jacket party/working peopl... duanyu 短语|phrase (grammar) duanyu 断狱|to pass judgment on a legal case duanyu 断语|conclusion/judgment/verdict duanyuancanbi 断垣残壁|lit. walls reduced to rubble (idiom)/... duanyucai 段玉裁|Duan Yucai (1735-1815), author of Com... duanzan 短暂|of short duration; brief; momentary duanzao 锻造|to forge (metal)/forging duanzhai 短债|short-term loan duanzhan 端站|end station duanzhang-quyi 断章取义|(idiom) to quote out of context duanzheng 端正|upright/regular/proper/correct duanzhi 缎织|satin weave duanzhi 短指|brachydactylism (genetic abnormality ... duanzhi 短至|the winter solstice duanzhidiao 短趾雕|(bird species of China) short-toed sn... duanzhongchouchang 短中抽长|to make the best of a bad job/to make... duanzhongquchang 短中取长|see 短中抽長|短中抽长[duan3 zhong1 chou1 chang2] duanzhou 端州|Duanzhou District of Zhaoqing City 肇慶... duanzhouqu 端州区|Duanzhou District of Zhaoqing City 肇慶... duanzhuang 端庄|dignified/composed duanzi 段子|item of storytelling or performed dia... duanzi 端子|terminal (electronics) duanzi 缎子|satin duanzijuesun 断子绝孙|to die without progeny/(offensive) ma... duanzuidouyan 短嘴豆雁|(bird species of China) tundra bean g... duanzuijinsiyan 短嘴金丝燕|(bird species of China) Himalayan swi... duanzuishanjiaoniao 短嘴山椒鸟|(bird species of China) short-billed ... duanzuo 端坐|to sit upright duba 独霸|to dominate (a market etc)/to monopolize dubai 独白|stage monologue/soliloquy dubai 杜拜|Dubai (Tw) duban 督办|to oversee/to supervise/superintendent dubang 杜邦|DuPont (company) dubao 读报|to read newspapers dubayifang 独霸一方|to exercise sole hegemony (idiom); to... duben 读本|reader/an instructional book dubennei 杜本内|Dubonnet (name)/Dubonnet (red vermout... dubi 杜比|Dolby (audio technology) dubi 蠹弊|malpractice/abuse/corrupt practice dubian 渡边|Watanabe (Japanese surname) dubiao 督标|army regiment at the disposal of prov... dubing 笃病|seriously ill/critical dubinquan 杜宾犬|Doberman (dog breed) dubo 赌博|to gamble dubolin 都柏林|Dublin, capital of Ireland dubolin 都伯林|Dublin, capital of Ireland/also writt... dubu 独步|lit. walking alone/prominent/unrivall... dubuluofunike 杜布罗夫尼克|Dubrovnik (city in Croatia) ducai 独裁|dictatorship ducaizhe 独裁者|dictator/autocrat duceng 镀层|the coating of sth that has been chro... ducha 督察|to supervise/to superintend/inspector... duchadadui 督察大队|censorship brigade (PRC) duchang 赌场|casino duchang 都昌|Duchang county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi duchang 独唱|(in singing) solo/to solo duchangxian 都昌县|Duchang county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi duchaxiaozu 督察小组|supervisory group duche 堵车|traffic jam/(of traffic) to get conge... ducheng 都城|capital city ducheng 赌城|casino town/nickname for Las Vegas duchong 毒虫|poisonous insect (or spider etc); ven... duchong 蠹虫|moth/harmful person/vermin duchu 独处|to live alone/to spend time alone (or... duchu 读出|to read out loud/(computing) to read ... duchuan 渡船|ferry duchuang 独创|to come up with (an innovation)/innov... duchuangshang 堵床上|(coll.) to catch an adulterous couple... duchuangxing 独创性|innovative; ingenious/originality; in... duchuxincai 独出心裁|to display originality (idiom); to do... duchuyishi 独出一时|incomparable/head and shoulders above... duci 毒刺|venomous sting duciju 独词句|one-word sentence ducu 督促|to supervise and urge completion of a... duda 毒打|to viciously beat (sb) up/CL:頓|顿[dun4] duda 独大|to dominate over all others/to wield ... dudan 独胆|individually courageous dudangyimian 独当一面|to assume personal responsibility (id... dudanyingxiong 独胆英雄|bold and courageous hero (idiom) dudao 独到|original dudao 督导|to direct/to oversee dudao 独岛|Dokdo (Japanese Takeshima 竹島|竹岛[Zhu2 ... dudie 度牒|Buddhist or Taoist ordination certifi... duding 笃定|certain/confident (of some outcome)/c... dudong 独栋|(of a building) detached dudong 读懂|to read and understand dudou 肚兜|undergarment covering the chest and a... dudou 赌斗|to fight dudu 都督|(army) commander-in-chief (archaic)/p... dudu 独独|alone duduan 独断|to decide alone without consultation/... duduanduxing 独断独行|to decide and act alone (idiom); to t... duduanzhuanxing 独断专行|to decide and act alone (idiom); to t... duduche 嘟嘟车|tuk tuk (three wheeler taxi) (loanword) duduma 杜笃玛|Dodoma, capital of Tanzania (Tw) duduniao 渡渡鸟|the dodo (extinct bird) dudunongnong 嘟嘟哝哝|to mumble in whispers/to mutter to on... duduowangchao 都铎王朝|Tudor Dynasty, ruled England 1485-1603 duduxiang 嘟嘟响|(onom.) toot/honk/beeping/tooting noise due 毒颚|forcipules (the venomous pair of pinc... duerbote 杜尔伯特|Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Da... duerbotemengguzuzizhixian 杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县|Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Da... duerbotexian 杜尔伯特县|Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Da... duerdai 独二代|second generation only child dufa 读法|pronunciation; reading (of a Chinese ... dufan 毒贩|drug dealer; drug trafficker dufang 赌坊|(archaic) gambling house dufangyicai 独放异彩|to project singular splendor or radia... dufu 独夫|sole ruler/dictator dufu 督抚|governor general 總督|总督[zong3 du1] and... dufu 杜甫|Du Fu (712-770), great Tang dynasty poet dufu 肚腹|belly (old) dufucaotang 杜甫草堂|Du Fu\'s Thatched Cottage (park and mu... dufuminzei 独夫民贼|tyrant and oppressor of the people (i... duge 独个|alone dugengan 都更案|urban development project dugong 督工|to oversee workers/overseer; foreman dugu 独孤|two-character surname Dugu dugu 度估|(Tw) to doze off (from Taiwanese 盹龜, ... dugu 度姑|(Tw) to doze off (from Taiwanese 盹龜, ... dugu 肚孤|(Tw) to doze off (from Taiwanese 盹龜, ... dugui 赌鬼|gambling addict dugui 督龟|(Tw) to doze off (from Taiwanese 盹龜, ... dugun 赌棍|hardened gambler; professional gambler duguo 度过|to pass/to spend (time)/to survive/to... duguo 渡过|to cross over/to pass through duguohaimin 蠹国害民|to rob the state and hurt the people ... duguqiubai 独孤求败|Dugu Qiubai, a fictional character ap... duha 杜哈|Doha, capital of Qatar (Tw) duhai 毒害|to harm (sb\'s health) with narcotics ... duhai 蠹害|to harm/to endanger duhe 渡河|to cross a river duheng 杜衡|Asarum forbesii (wild ginger plant) duheng 杜蘅|Asarum forbesii (wild ginger plant) duhou 笃厚|honest and generous/magnanimous duhougan 读后感|impression of a book/opinion expresse... duhu 都护|(old) highest administrative post in ... duhua 毒化|to poison (usu. figuratively); to deb... duhui 都会|city/metropolis duhuichuanqi 都会传奇|urban legend (translation of recent W... duhuimeixingnan 都会美型男|metrosexual dui 对|right; correct/towards; at; for/conce... dui 队|squadron/team/group/CL:個|个[ge4] dui 堆|to pile up/to heap up/a mass/pile/hea... dui 兑|surname Dui dui 兑|to cash/to exchange/to add (liquid)/t... dui 怼|(Internet slang) to attack verbally; ... dui 怼|dislike/hate dui 追|to sculpt/to carve/musical instrument... dui 碓|pestle/pound with a pestle dui 対|Japanese variant of 對|对[dui4] dui 憝|dislike/hate dui 垖|old variant of 堆[dui1] dui 塠|old variant of 堆[dui1] dui 譈|dislike/hate dui 㨃|variant of 懟|怼[dui3] duian 对岸|opposite bank (of a body of water) duian 对案|counterproposal duianjibenbingtong 对氨基苯丙酮|p-aminopropiophenone duianyingji 堆案盈几|lit. piles of work and papers (idiom)... duibai 对白|dialogue (in a movie or a play) duiban 对半|half-and-half/50-50/to double duibei 对杯|to raise glasses together; to toast o... duiben 对本|(a return) equal to the capital/100 p... duibenkun 对苯醌|1,4-benzoquinone (chemistry)/para-ben... duibi 对比|to contrast/contrast/ratio/CL:個|个[ge4] duibiao 对表|to set or synchronize a watch duibiao 对标|to compare a product with (a rival pr... duibidu 对比度|contrast (balance of black and white ... duibilianxiang 对比联想|(psychology) contrastive association duibise 对比色|color contrast duibiwendu 对比温度|(thermodynamics) reduced temperature ... duibu 对簿|to confront sb with accusation/writte... duibu 队部|office/headquarters duibudui 对不对|right or wrong?/Is it right?/OK, yes?... duibugongtang 对簿公堂|public courtroom accusation (idiom)/l... duibuqi 对不起|I\'m sorry; excuse me; I beg your pard... duibushang 对不上|to disagree/I can\'t agree with that. duibuzhu 对不住|to let sb down/to be unfair/I\'m sorry... duice 对策|countermeasure for dealing with a sit... duichang 对唱|in duet/answering phrase/antiphonal a... duichar 对茬儿|to agree with/of the same opinion/to ... duichen 对称|symmetry/symmetrical duichen 对衬|to serve as foil to one another duichenkongjian 对称空间|symmetric space (math.) duichenmei 对称美|symmetry (as an aesthetic quality) duichenpoque 对称破缺|symmetry breaking (physics) duichenxing 对称性|symmetry duichenzhou 对称轴|axis of symmetry/central axis (in Chi... duichong 对冲|hedging (finance) duichongjijin 对冲基金|hedge fund duici 对词|(of actors) to practice lines togethe... duici 对刺|bayonet practice in pairs duida 对打|to fight (one against one) duida 对答|to reply/to answer/response/reply duidai 对待|to treat/treatment duidaruliu 对答如流|able to reply quickly and fluently (i... duideng 对等|equal status/equal treatment/parity (... duideqi 对得起|not to let sb down/to treat sb fairly... duidi 对敌|to confront/to face the enemy duidi 对地|targeted (e.g. attacks) duidiao 对调|to swap places/to exchange roles duidie 堆叠|to pile up/to put layer upon layer/(T... duidingjiao 对顶角|angle to the vertical/angle (between ... duidizhe 对敌者|rival duidu 对赌|to place a bet (with sb)/to take a ri... duiduimao 堆堆帽|slouchy beanie duiduipeng 对对碰|concentration (a pair-matching game) duiduizi 对对子|to supply the answering phrase duifang 对方|the other person; the other side; the... duifang 堆放|to pile up; to stack duifangfufeidianhua 对方付费电话|collect call duifangfukuandianhua 对方付款电话|collect call duifei 堆肥|compost duifu 对付|to handle; to deal with; to tackle/to... duifu 兑付|to cash (a check) duifu 队服|team uniform duigaoche 堆高车|high-lift pallet truck; pallet stacker duigaoji 堆高机|forklift duige 对歌|answering phrase of duet/to sing anti... duigong 对攻|to attack (one another) duigong 对工|proper duigongr 对工儿|proper duiguo 对过|across/opposite/the other side duihao 对号|tick/check mark (✓)/number for verifi... duihaoruzuo 对号入座|to take one\'s seat according to the t... duihaozuo 对号座|reserved seat; assigned seat duihe 对合|a profit equal to the amount one inve... duihua 对话|to talk (with sb)/dialogue; conversation duihua 对华|(policy etc) towards China duihuake 对话课|conversation class duihuakuang 对话框|dialog box (computing) duihuan 兑换|to convert/to exchange duihuan 对换|to exchange/to swap duihuanlv 兑换率|currency exchange rate duihuo 对火|to use the tip of another person’s li... duiji 堆积|to pile up/to heap/accumulation duijia 对家|partner (in four person game)/family ... duijia 对价|consideration (in exchange for shares... duijiangdianhua 对讲电话|intercom duijiangji 对讲机|intercom/walkie-talkie duijiao 对焦|to focus (a camera) duijiao 对角|opposite angle duijiaoxian 对角线|(geometry) a diagonal duijie 对接|to join up/to dock/a joint (between c... duijimu 堆积木|to play with stacking blocks duijin 对劲|suitable; to one\'s liking/to get alon... duijin 对襟|buttoned Chinese jacket duijinjiyu 堆金积玉|lit. pile up gold and jade/very rich duijinr 对劲儿|erhua variant of 對勁|对劲[dui4 jin4] duijirushan 堆积如山|to pile up like a mountain (idiom)/a ... duijiudangge 对酒当歌|lit. sing to accompany wine (idiom); ... duiju 对局|opposing sides (in chess etc)/positio... duiju 对句|couplet duijue 对决|confrontation/contest/showdown duikai 对开|running in opposite direction (buses,... duikang 对抗|to withstand/to resist/to stand off/a... duikangsai 对抗赛|duel/match/competition between paired... duikangxing 对抗性|antagonistic duikangzhe 对抗者|adversary/opponent duike 对课|to give answering phrase (school exer... duikonghuoqi 对空火器|anti-aircraft gun duikongsheji 对空射击|anti-aircraft fire/to shoot at enemy ... duikou 对口|(of two performers) to speak or sing ... duikouci 对口词|dialogue (for stage performance) duikoujing 对口径|to arrange to give the same story duikouxiangsheng 对口相声|comic crosstalk/formalized comic dial... duikouxing 对口型|lip synching duile 对了|Correct!/Oh, that\'s right, ... (when ... duilei 对垒|to face off against one\'s adversary (... duilei 堆垒|to pile up/accumulative duileishulun 堆垒数论|additive number theory (math.) duili 对立|to oppose/to set sth against/to be an... duilian 对联|rhyming couplet/pair of lines of vers... duilie 队列|formation (of troops)/alignment/(comp... duilimian 对立面|opposite/antonym/the opposite side (i... duiliu 对流|convection duiliuceng 对流层|troposphere/lower atmosphere duiliucengding 对流层顶|tropopause/top of troposphere duilu 对路|suitable/to one\'s liking duima 对马|Tsushima Island, between Japan and So... duima 对骂|to hurl abuse/to trade insults/slangi... duimadao 对马岛|Tsushima Island, between Japan and So... duimahaixia 对马海峡|Tsushima Strait, between Japan and So... duiman 堆满|to pile up duimei 对美|(policy etc) towards America duimen 对门|the building or room opposite duimian 对面|(sitting) opposite/across (the street... duinei 对内|internal/national/domestic (policy) duiniutanqin 对牛弹琴|lit. to play the lute to a cow (idiom... duiou 对偶|dual/duality/antithesis/coupled phras... duiouduomianti 对偶多面体|dual polyhedron duiouxing 对偶性|(math.) duality duiqi 对齐|to align/(typography) to justify duiqi 堆砌|lit. to pile up (bricks)/to pack/fig.... duiqi 队旗|team pennant duiqiangjibenjiasuanzhi 对羟基苯甲酸酯|paraben (chemistry) duiqin 对亲|courting/meeting for purpose of marri... duiri 对日|(policy etc) towards Japan duishang 对上|to fit one into the other/to bring tw... duisheng 对生|(botany) opposite leaf arrangement/pa... duishi 对视|to look face to face duishibuduiren 对事不对人|it\'s nothing personal (idiom) duishiquan 对世权|(law) absolute rights/erga omnes rights duishou 对手|opponent/rival/competitor/(well-match... duishu 对数|logarithm duishuhanshu 对数函数|logarithmic function duitan 对谈|to talk with sb (face to face)/discus... duitou 对头|correct/normal/to be on good terms wi... duitou 对头|(longstanding) opponent/enemy/inimica... duiwai 对外|external/foreign/pertaining to extern... duiwaiguanxi 对外关系|foreign relations duiwaijingjimaoyidaxue 对外经济贸易大学|University of International Business ... duiwailianluobu 对外联络部|CCP central committee\'s external affa... duiwaimaoyi 对外贸易|foreign trade duiwaizhengce 对外政策|foreign policy duiwang 对望|to look at each other duiwei 对位|counterpoint (in music etc)/to align/... duiwei 队尾|back of the line/last one in line duiweikou 对胃口|to one\'s taste/to one\'s liking duiweir 对味儿|tasty/to one\'s liking duiwolaishuo 对我来说|as far as I\'m concerned duiwu 队伍|ranks/troops/queue/line/procession/CL... duixia 对虾|prawn/shrimp duixiake 对虾科|penaeidae (the prawn or shrimp family) duixian 兑现|(of a check etc) to cash/to honor a c... duixiang 对象|target; object/partner; boyfriend; gi... duixiao 对消|in equilibrium/to cancel out (of oppo... duixin 对心|congenial/to one\'s liking duixin 堆芯|reactor core duixing 队形|formation duixinr 对心儿|erhua variant of 對心|对心[dui4 xin1] duiyan 对眼|to squint/to one\'s liking duiyao 对幺|pair of aces (in dominoes)/double one duiyi 对弈|to play go, chess etc duiying 对应|to correspond (to); to be equivalent ... duiying 对映|to be the mirror image of sth/enantio... duiyingci 对应词|(linguistics) an equivalent; a transl... duiyingti 对映体|enantiomer (chemistry) duiyingyigou 对映异构|enantiomeric isomerism (chemistry) duiyingyigouti 对映异构体|enantiomeric isomer (chemistry) duiyixiananjifen 对乙酰氨基酚|paracetamol/acetaminophen duiyou 队友|teammate; fellow team member duiyu 对于|regarding; as far as (sth) is concern... duiyuan 队员|team member duizhan 对战|to do battle (with sb) duizhan 堆栈|stack (computing)/storehouse/warehouse duizhang 队长|captain/team leader/CL:個|个[ge4] duizhang 对仗|antithesis (two lines of poetry match... duizhang 对账|to verify accounting records/also wri... duizhang 对帐|to verify accounting records/also wri... duizhao 对照|to contrast/to compare/to place side ... duizhaobiao 对照表|comparison table duizhaozu 对照组|control group duizhe 对折|to sell at a 50% discount/to fold in two duizhegan 对着干|to adopt confrontational posture/to m... duizheheshangmazeitu 对着和尚骂贼秃|lit. in the presence of a monk, insul... duizhen 对阵|poised for battle/to square up for a ... duizheng 对症|correct diagnosis/to prescribe the ri... duizheng 对证|confrontation duizhengfayao 对症发药|lit. to prescribe the right medicine ... duizhengxiayao 对症下药|lit. to prescribe the right medicine ... duizhi 对峙|(of mountains etc) to stand facing ea... duizhi 对质|to confront (in court etc)/confrontation duizhidian 对跖点|antipode duizhuang 对撞|to collide head-on duizhuangji 对撞机|a particle collider duizhun 对准|to aim at/to target/to point at/to be... duizhuo 对酌|to sit face-to-face and drink duizi 对子|pair of antithetical phrases/antithet... duizui 对嘴|to lip-sync duizuo 对坐|to sit facing each other duji 妒忌|to be jealous of (sb\'s achievements e... duji 毒剂|a poison/a toxic agent/poison gas/a c... duji 妒嫉|to be jealous of (sb\'s achievements e... duji 堵击|to intercept and attack (military) duji 杜集|Duji, a district of Huaibei City 淮北市[... dujia 度假|to go on holidays/to spend one\'s vaca... dujia 独家|exclusive dujia 渡假|(Tw) to go on holidays; to spend one\'... dujia 毒驾|to drive under the influence of drugs dujiabanna 杜嘉班纳|Dolce & Gabbana (fashion brand) dujian 督建|to supervise and construct/constructe... dujian 蠹简|old worm-eaten books dujianfangmeng 杜渐防萌|to nip in the bud dujiangyan 都江堰|Dujiangyan in Sichuan, a famous water... dujiangyanshi 都江堰市|Dujiangyan, county-level city in Chen... dujiaojing 独角鲸|narwhal (Monodon monoceros) dujiaoshou 独角兽|unicorn dujiaotiao 独脚跳|to jump on one foot/to hop dujiaoxi 独角戏|monodrama/one-man show/comic talk dujiaoxi 独脚戏|variant of 獨角戲|独角戏[du2 jiao3 xi4] dujiaqu 度假区|(vacation) resort dujidan 毒剂弹|gas projectile dujie 堵截|to intercept; to block the passage of... dujin 镀金|to gold-plate; to gild/(fig.) to make... dujing 读经|to study the Confucian classics/to re... dujinqu 督进去|(slang) (Tw) to stick \"it\" in/to thru... dujiqu 杜集区|Duji, a district of Huaibei City 淮北市[... dujitang 毒鸡汤|(coll.) profit-motivated article cyni... duju 独具|to have unique (talent, insight etc) duju 独居|to live alone/to live a solitary exis... duju 赌局|game of chance/gambling party/gamblin... dujuan 杜鹃|cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp., also writte... dujuanhua 杜鹃花|Indian Azalea (Rhododendron simsii Pl... dujuanhuake 杜鹃花科|Ericaceae (botany), genus containing ... dujuanke 杜鹃科|Cuculidae, bird family including cuck... dujuanniao 杜鹃鸟|cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp.) dujuantixue 杜鹃啼血|lit. the cuckoo, after its tears are ... dujuanzuo 杜鹃座|Tucana (constellation) dujue 杜绝|to put an end to dujujiangxin 独具匠心|original and ingenious (idiom)/to sho... dujun 督军|provincial military governor during t... dujushi 独居石|monazite dujuzhiyan 独具只眼|to see what others fail to see (idiom... dukang 杜康|Du Kang, legendary inventor of wine dukaqi 读卡器|card reader duke 赌客|gambler dukou 渡口|ferry crossing dukou 杜口|to remain silent dukouguozu 杜口裹足|too frightened to move or speak dula 毒辣|cruel/sinister/vicious dulai-duwang 独来独往|(idiom) to be a loner; to keep to one... dulan 独揽|to monopolize dulan 赌烂|(Tw) (slang) to be ticked off by (sb ... dulan 度烂|see 賭爛|赌烂[du3 lan4] dulan 都兰|Dulan county in Haixi Mongol and Tibe... dulanshichang 独揽市场|to monopolize a market dulanxian 都兰县|Dulan county in Haixi Mongol and Tibe... duleisi 杜蕾斯|Durex, a condom brand name dulengding 杜冷丁|(medicine) dolantin (loanword)/pethidine duli 独立|independent/independence/to stand alone duli 独力|all by oneself/without exterior help duli 毒力|virulence duli 杜梨|birchleaved pear (Pyrus betulaefolia) duli 蠹吏|corrupt officials duliang 度量|measure/tolerance/breadth/magnanimity... duliangheng 度量衡|measurement dulianti 独联体|Commonwealth of Independent States (f... dulibao 独立报|The Independent duliguojialianheti 独立国家联合体|Commonwealth of Independent States (f... dulimenhu 独立门户|to live apart from parents (of marrie... duling 都灵|Torino/Turin (Italy) dulingfengsao 独领风骚|most outstanding/par excellence duliu 毒瘤|malignant tumor dulixianka 独立显卡|(computing) discrete GPU; dedicated G... dulixuanmin 独立选民|independent voter dulixuanyan 独立宣言|Declaration of Independence dulixue 毒理学|toxicology dulizhanzheng 独立战争|war of independence dulizhongwenbihui 独立中文笔会|Independent Chinese PEN center dulizizhu 独立自主|independent and autonomous (idiom); s... dulizuanshi 独立钻石|solitaire (puzzle) dulong 独龙|Drung or Dulong ethnic group of north... dulongjiang 独龙江|Dulong river in northwest Yunnan on b... dulou 髑髅|(literary) skull (of a dead person) dulu 嘟噜|bunch/cluster/classifier for bunched ... dulun 渡轮|ferry boat dulunche 独轮车|wheelbarrow/unicycle dulunchuan 渡轮船|ferry ship duma 杜马|Duma, lower chamber of Russian parlia... dumaixinwen 读卖新闻|Yomiuri Shimbun (Japanese newspaper) dumen 杜门|to close the door (lit. and fig.) dumenbuchu 杜门不出|to shut the door and remain inside/fi... dumiao 独苗|only child/sole scion dumu 杜牧|Du Mu (803-852) Tang dynasty poet dumubuchenglin 独木不成林|a lone tree does not make a forest (i... dumuqiao 独木桥|single-log bridge/(fig.) difficult path dumuzhou 独木舟|dugout/canoe/kayak dun 盾|shield/(currency) Vietnamese dong/cur... dun 顿|to stop/to pause/to arrange/to lay ou... dun 炖|to stew dun 敦|variant of 敦[dun1] dun 敦|kindhearted/place name dun 吨|ton (loanword)/Taiwan pr. [dun4] dun 囤|bin for grain dun 遁|to evade/to flee/to escape dun 遁|variant of 遁[dun4] dun 钝|blunt/stupid dun 墩|block/gate pillar/pier/classifier for... dun 墩|old variant of 墩[dun1] dun 惇|kindhearted/honest dun 蹲|to crouch/to squat/to stay (somewhere) dun 趸|wholesale dun 沌|used in 混沌[hun4dun4] dun 盹|doze/nap dun 镦|upsetting (forged pieces) dun 庉|a village/to dwell together dun 礅|stone block dun 砘|(agriculture) to compact loose soil w... dun 墫|old variant of 蹲[dun1] dun 蹾|(coll.) to put sth down heavily/to plonk dunai 毒奶|poisoned milk/contaminated milk/refer... dunaifen 毒奶粉|poisoned milk powder/refers to 2008 P... dunan 肚腩|belly dunang 嘟囔|to mumble to oneself dunbianqi 蹲便器|squat toilet dunbiao 蹲膘|to fatten cattle in a shed/to become fat dunbu 墩布|swab/mop/CL:把[ba3] dunce 蹲厕|squat toilet dunchiweiying 钝翅苇莺|(bird species of China) blunt-winged ... dunchuan 趸船|barge/pontoon/landing stage duncu 敦促|to press/to urge/to hasten duncuo 顿挫|a transition (stop and change) in spo... duncuoyiyang 顿挫抑扬|cadence/modulation dundalao 蹲大牢|to be behind bars dundian 蹲点|(of a cadre etc) to work for a period... dunenghaixian 妒能害贤|jealous of the able, envious of the c... dunfan 炖饭|risotto dunfu 蹲伏|to crouch low and bend forward (esp. ... dungongli 吨公里|ton-kilometer (unit of capacity of tr... dungouji 盾构机|tunnel boring machine dunguo 炖锅|stew pot/stew pan/saucepan dunhao 顿号|enumeration comma (、) (used to separa... dunhaokuaidi 敦豪快递|DHL dunhaokuaidigongsi 敦豪快递公司|DHL dunhe 顿河|Don River dunhou 敦厚|genuine/honest and sincere dunhua 敦化|Dunhua, county-level city in Yanbian ... dunhuang 敦煌|Dunhuang, county-level city in Jiuqua... dunhuang 炖煌|Dunhuang (city in Gansu) dunhuangshi 敦煌市|Dunhuang, county-level city in Jiuqua... dunhuangshiku 敦煌石窟|Dunhuang caves in Gansu/refers to Mog... dunhuashi 敦化市|Dunhua, county-level city in Yanbian ... duniang 度娘|alternative name for Baidu 百度[Bai3 du4] dunji 吨级|tonnage/class in tons (of a passenger... dunjiao 钝角|obtuse angle dunju 蹲踞|squat/crouch dunjue 顿觉|to feel suddenly/to realize abruptly dunkeerke 敦刻尔克|Dunkirk, port in northern France dunkeng 蹲坑|Turkish toilet/squat toilet/to vacate... dunkuyao 蹲苦窑|(slang) to be behind bars dunlao 蹲牢|see 蹲大牢[dun1 da4 lao2] dunlun 敦伦|to strengthen moral ties between peop... dunmabu 蹲马步|to do a martial-art squat dunmai 趸卖|to sell wholesale dunmu 敦睦|to promote friendly relations dunniecike 顿涅茨克|Donetsk, city in Ukraine dunniesike 顿涅斯克|Donetsk region of W. Ukraine dunong 嘟哝|to mutter/to mumble complaints/to gru... dunpai 盾牌|shield/pretext/excuse dunpaizuo 盾牌座|Scutum (constellation) dunpi 趸批|wholesale dunqi 钝器|blunt instrument (used as a weapon) dunran 顿然|suddenly/abruptly dunrou 炖肉|to stew meat/stewed meat dunrukongmen 遁入空门|to take refuge in religious life dunshi 顿时|immediately; suddenly dunshou 顿首|kowtow dunshou 趸售|to sell wholesale dunshou 蹲守|to hang around keeping a watch out fo... dunshu 吨数|tonnage dunv 独女|a daughter who is an only child dunwei 吨位|tonnage dunwu 顿悟|a flash of realization/the truth in a... dunxia 蹲下|to squat down/to crouch dunxing 遁形|to vanish/to hide/to cover one\'s traces dunzhu 炖煮|to stew dunzhu 趸柱|main supporting pillar dunzi 砘子|stone roller used to compact loose so... dunzu 顿足|stamp (one\'s feet) duo 多|many; much/too many; in excess/(after... duo 度|to estimate/Taiwan pr. [duo4] duo 驮|load carried by a pack animal duo 朵|flower/earlobe/fig. item on both side... duo 朵|variant of 朵[duo3] duo 鈬|surname Duo duo 鈬|Japanese variant of 鐸|铎, large ancien... duo 哆|used in 哆嗦[duo1suo5] duo 哚|used in 吲哚[yin3 duo3] duo 舵|helm/rudder duo 铎|surname Duo duo 铎|large ancient bell duo 垛|battlement/target duo 垛|pile duo 垛|variant of 垛[duo3] duo 躲|to hide/to dodge/to avoid duo 惰|lazy duo 跺|variant of 跺[duo4] duo 跺|to stamp one\'s feet duo 堕|to fall; to sink/(fig.) to degenerate duo 敚|old variant of 奪|夺[duo2] duo 掇|to pick up; to collect; to gather up duo 剁|to chop up (meat etc)/to chop off (sb... duo 踱|to pace; to stroll/Taiwan pr. [duo4] duo 嚉|old variant of 咄[duo1] duo 咄|(old)(interjection expressing disappr... duo 刴|variant of 剁[duo4] duo 媠|old variant of 惰[duo4] duo 嶞|mountain peak duo 埵|solid earth duo 亸|hang down duo 裰|to mend clothes duo 夺|to seize/to take away forcibly/to wre... duo 㙍|(used in place names) duo 饳|used in 餶飿|馉饳[gu3 duo4] duo 柮|wood scraps duo 剟|to prick/to cut blocks, to engrave duo 敪|to weigh/to cut/to come without being... duo 軃|variant of 嚲|亸[duo3] duoba 舵把|tiller of a boat duobaan 多巴胺|dopamine duoban 多半|most/mostly/most likely duobansuan 多瓣蒜|Chinese elephant garlic duobao 多报|to overstate duobaoxing 多胞形|polytope duobaoyu 多宝鱼|turbot/European imported turbot/same ... duobeiti 多倍体|polyploid (multiple chromosomes) duobi 躲避|to hide/to evade/to dodge/to take she... duobian 多变|fickle/(math.) multivariate duobian 多边|multilateral duobianxing 多边形|polygon duobiao 夺标|to compete for first prize duobiqiu 躲避球|dodgeball duobu 踱步|to pace; to stroll duobuqi 躲不起|can\'t avoid/can\'t hide from/unavoidable duocai 多彩|colorful/flamboyant duocai 多才|multitalented duocai 多采|variant of 多彩[duo1 cai3] duocaiduoyi 多才多艺|multitalented duocaiduozi 多彩多姿|elegant and graceful posture/splendid... duocang 躲藏|to conceal oneself/to go into hiding/... duocemian 多侧面|many-sided duoceng 多层|multilayered/multilevel/multistory duocengcai 多层材|plywood duocengdasha 多层大厦|multistory building duochan 多产|prolific/fertile/high yield duochiduozhan 多吃多占|taking or eating more than one\'s due ... duochong 多重|multi- (faceted, cultural, ethnic etc) duochongguoji 多重国籍|dual nationality duochongjieju 多重结局|alternate ending/multiple endings duochongxing 多重性|multiplicity duochouduobing 多愁多病|much sorrows and illness (idiom); mel... duochoushangan 多愁善感|melancholy and moody (idiom); depress... duochuan 多舛|full of trouble and misfortune (usu. ... duoci 多次|many times/repeatedly duociyiju 多此一举|to do more than is required (idiom); ... duoda 多大|how old?/how big?/how much?/so big/th... duoda 多达|up to; no less than; as much as duodadianshi 多大点事|trivial matter/Big deal! duodang 多党|multiparty duodangxuanju 多党选举|multiparty election duodangzhi 多党制|multiparty system duodao 掇刀|Duodao district of Jingmen city 荊門市|荆... duodaoqu 掇刀区|Duodao district of Jingmen city 荊門市|荆... duode 夺得|to take (after a struggle)/to wrest/t... duodeguochuyi,duobuguoshiwu 躲得过初一,躲不过十五|lit. you may go undetected during the... duodeshi 多得是|there\'s no shortage/there are plenty duodianchukong 多点触控|multi-touch (computing) duodongzheng 多动症|(coll.) attention deficit hyperactivi... duoduan 多端|multifarious/multifold/many and varie... duoduo 多多|many/much/a lot/lots and lots/more/ev... duoduo 咄咄|to cluck one\'s tongue/tut-tut duoduo-guaishi 咄咄怪事|(idiom) extraordinary occurrence; biz... duoduobiren 咄咄逼人|overbearing/forceful/aggressive/menac... duoduocangcang 躲躲藏藏|to be in hiding duoduochengqi 咄咄称奇|to cluck one\'s tongue in wonder duoduoma 多多马|Dodoma, capital of Tanzania duoduoshanshan 躲躲闪闪|to evade/to dodge (out of the way) duoduoshaoshao 多多少少|to some extent/more or less duoduoyishan 多多益善|the more the better duoer 多尔|Dole (name)/Bob Dole (1923-2021), US ... duoergun 多尔衮|Dorgon (1612-1651), fourteenth son of... duofabing 多发病|frequently reoccurring disease duofang 多方|in many ways/from all sides duofang 多放|add extra (of a spice etc) duofangbu 踱方步|to pace; to stroll duofangmian 多方面|many-sided/in many aspects duofangwei 多方位|many-sided/versatile/various aspects/... duofaxinggusuiliu 多发性骨髓瘤|(medicine) multiple myeloma duofaxingyinghuazheng 多发性硬化症|multiple sclerosis duofeishi 多菲什|dogfish (loanword) duofen 多芬|Dove (brand) duofeng 躲风|lit. to avoid the wind/fig. to keep l... duofo 多佛|Dover duofoer 多佛尔|Dover duoge 多哥|Togo duoge 多个|many/multiple/multi- (faceted, ethnic... duogepengyouduotiaolu 多个朋友多条路|the more friends you have, the more o... duogong 多工|to multiplex/multiple/multi- duogonghua 多工化|to multiplex duogongneng 多功能|multifunctional/multifunction duogongnengbiao 多功能表|multifunction meter (e.g. for gas and... duogongqi 多工器|multiplexer duogongyunzuo 多工运作|multithreading duogongzuoye 多工作业|multitasking duogua 多寡|number; amount duoguan 夺冠|to seize the crown/fig. to win a cham... duoguanxianshi 多管闲事|meddling in other people\'s business duoguo 多国|multinational duoguochuyi,duobuguoshiwu 躲过初一,躲不过十五|see 躲得過初一,躲不過十五|躲得过初一,躲不过十五[duo3 de5 ... duoguogongsi 多国公司|multinational corporation duoha 多哈|Doha, capital of Qatar duohahuihe 多哈回合|Doha Round (world trade talks that be... duohuali 多铧犁|multishare or multifurrow plow duohui 夺回|to take back (forcibly); to recapture... duojiao 跺脚|to stamp one\'s feet duojiaoti 多角体|polyhedron duojiaoxing 多角形|polygon/same as 多邊形|多边形 duojibi 多吉币|Dogecoin (cryptocurrency) duojihua 多极化|multipolar/multipolarization duojin 夺金|to snatch gold/to take first place in... duojin 多金|rich; wealthy duojing 多晶|polycrystalline duojinggui 多晶硅|polycrystalline silicon (used in elec... duojingpianmozu 多晶片模组|multi-chip module (MCM) duojiu 多久|(of time) how long?/(not) a long time duokai 躲开|to stay out of (hot water, trouble, a... duokanjiyan 多看几眼|to take a closer look; to look at (sb... duokong 多孔|porous duokongdongwu 多孔动物|Porifera (phylum of sponges) duokongdongwumen 多孔动物门|(zoology) phylum Porifera (sponges) duokongxing 多孔性|porous/having many holes (e.g. filter... duokou 垛口|crenel duokui 夺魁|to seize/to win duokui 多亏|thanks to/luckily duolaameng 哆啦A梦|Doraemon, Japanese manga and anime se... duolan 躲懒|to shy away from work/to get by witho... duolaoduode 多劳多得|work more and get more duolei 多累|I have troubled you duolequle 多了去了|(coll.) aplenty/millions of duoli 多礼|too polite/overcourteous duoli 多利|Dolly (1996-2003), female sheep, firs... duoliduozi 多力多滋|Doritos (brand of tortilla chips) duolizi 多粒子|many-particle (physics) duolizixitong 多粒子系统|many particle systems (physics) duolou 堕楼|to jump to one\'s death duolun 多轮|in many stages/multilayered/multipron... duolun 多伦|Duolun County in Xilingol League 錫林郭勒... duolunduo 多伦多|Toronto, capital of Ontario, Canada duolunxian 多伦县|Duolun County in Xilingol League 錫林郭勒... duoluo 堕落|to degrade/to degenerate/to become de... duoluomeiyuan 哆啰美远|Torobiawan, one of the indigenous peo... duoluomeiyuanzu 哆啰美远族|Torobiawan, one of the indigenous peo... duolvlianben 多氯联苯|polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) duomaomao 躲猫猫|hide-and-seek (game)/peekaboo (game) duome 多么|how (wonderful etc)/what (a great ide... duomeiti 多媒体|multimedia duomenerchu 夺门而出|to rush out through a door (idiom) duomianjiao 多面角|solid angle duomianshou 多面手|multitalented person; versatile perso... duomianti 多面体|polyhedron duomingnijia 多明尼加|(Tw) Dominican Republic duomingnijiagongheguo 多明尼加共和国|(Tw) Dominican Republic duominijia 多米尼加|Dominican Republic duominijiagongheguo 多米尼加共和国|Dominican Republic duominike 多米尼克|Dominica (Commonwealth of Dominica) duominikeguo 多米尼克国|Commonwealth of Dominica duominuo 多米诺|(loanword) domino duominuogupai 多米诺骨牌|dominoes duominzu 多民族|multiethnic duominzuguojia 多民族国家|multiethnic state duomo 多模|multimode duomoguangxian 多模光纤|multimode fiber duomokuai 多模块|many modules/multiblock duomou-shanduan 多谋善断|(idiom) resourceful and decisive; res... duomu 夺目|to dazzle the eyes duomudi 多目的|multipurpose duomuju 多幕剧|play in several acts/full-length drama duonan 躲难|to take refuge/to seek refuge from di... duonanxingbang 多难兴邦|much hardships may awaken a nation (i... duonao 多瑙|the Danube duonaohe 多瑙河|Danube duonatailuo 多那太罗|Donatello (c. 1386-1466)/Donato di Ni... duonazi 多拿滋|doughnut (loanword) duonian 多年|many years/for many years/longstanding duonian 躲年|to avoid going home for the Chinese N... duonianlai 多年来|for the past many years duoniansheng 多年生|perennial (of plants) duonianxifuaochengpo 多年媳妇熬成婆|see 媳婦熬成婆|媳妇熬成婆[xi2 fu4 ao4 cheng2 po2] duoou 夺偶|to contend for a mate duopang 舵旁|helm (of a ship) duopingtai 多平台|multi-platform (computing) duopuda 多普达|Dopod (company name) duopule 多普勒|Christian Johann Doppler, Austrian ph... duopulexiaoying 多普勒效应|the Doppler effect duoqianshangu 多钱善贾|much capital, good business (idiom); ... duoqing 多情|affectionate/passionate/emotional/sen... duoqingxian 躲清闲|to avoid external disturbance in orde... duoqiong 躲穷|to take refuge with a rich relative duoqizhi 多妻制|polygamy duoqu 夺取|to seize/to capture/to wrest control of duoquan 夺权|to seize power duorang 躲让|to step aside (for a passing vehicle)... duorenwuchuli 多任务处理|multitasking (computing) duorisai 多日赛|race of several days/many day competi... duorou 多肉|fleshy duorouzhiwu 多肉植物|succulent (plant) duoruniumao 多如牛毛|lit. as numerous as the hairs of an o... duoshan 躲闪|to evade/to dodge (out of the way) duoshan 多山|mountainous duoshao 多少|number; amount/somewhat duoshao 多少|how much?; how many?/(phone number, s... duoshaoyouxie 多少有些|somewhat/more or less duoshe 夺舍|to incarnate into sb else\'s body duoshen 軃神|frivolous youth (dialect) duoshenjiao 多神教|polytheistic religion; polytheism duoshenlun 多神论|polytheism duoshenlunzhe 多神论者|polytheist duoshi 多事|meddlesome/eventful duoshi 多时|long time duoshi 多士|toast (loanword) duoshizhiqiu 多事之秋|troubled times/eventful period duoshou 舵手|helmsman duoshoudang 剁手党|online shopaholic duoshouduojiao 多手多脚|to meddle/to make a nuisance of oneself duoshoujie 剁手节|(jocular) a day of frenetic online sp... duoshu 多数|majority; most duoshu 多束|multibeam (e.g. laser) duoshudang 多数党|majority party duoshuifen 多水分|juicy duoshujue 多数决|majority decision duosui 剁碎|to mince duosuo 哆嗦|to tremble; to shiver duotai 多肽|polypeptide, chain of amino acids lin... duotai 多态|polymorphism duotai 堕胎|to induce an abortion/induced abortion duotairenshen 多胎妊娠|multiple pregnancy duotang 多糖|polysaccharide duotang 多醣|polysaccharide duotemengde 多特蒙德|Dortmund, city in the Ruhr 魯爾區|鲁尔区[Lu... duotou 多头|many-headed/many-layered (authority)/... duotoushichang 多头市场|bull market duotuishaobu 多退少补|(after a sum has been paid in advance... duotunpengpi 掇臀捧屁|to hold up buttocks and praise a fart... duowei 多维|multidimensional/abbr. for 多種維生素|多种维生... duowentian 多闻天|Vaisravana (one of the Heavenly Kings) duoxiangguo 多香果|all-spice (Pimenta dioica)/Jamaican p... duoxiangshi 多项式|(math.) polynomial; multinomial duoxiangshifangcheng 多项式方程|(math.) polynomial equation duoxiangshifangchengzu 多项式方程组|(math.) system of polynomial equations duoxianranseti 多线染色体|polytene chromosome duoxibao 多细胞|multicellular duoxibaoshengwu 多细胞生物|multicellular life form duoxie 多谢|many thanks/thanks a lot duoxin 多心|oversensitive/suspicious duoxing 惰性|inert (chemistry)/apathy/inertia/lazi... duoxing 多型|(computing) polymorphism duoxing 多星|starry duoxingbuyibizibi 多行不义必自毙|persisting in evil brings about self-... duoxinghebaixibao 多形核白细胞|polymorphonuclear leukocyte duoxingqiti 惰性气体|inert gas/noble gas (chemistry) duoxuanti 多选题|multiple-choice question duoxueke 多学科|interdisciplinary duoyan 多言|wordy/talkative duoyang 多样|diverse/diversity/manifold duoyanghua 多样化|diversification/to diversify duoyangxing 多样性|variegation; diversity duoye 多叶|leafy duoyi 多疑|mistrustful; suspicious; paranoid duoyi 朵颐|(literary) to munch duoyi 多益|TOEIC (Test of English for Internatio... duoyi 多义|polysemy/polysemous/ambiguity (lingui... duoyici 多义词|polyseme/polysemous word duoyier 多伊尔|Doyle (name) duoyin 多音|polyphony duoyinduoyizi 多音多义字|character having several readings and... duoyinjieci 多音节词|polysyllabic word/Chinese word made u... duoyinzi 多音字|character with two or more readings duoyishiburushaoyishi 多一事不如少一事|it is better to avoid unnecessary tro... duoyixing 多义性|equivocality duoyong 多用|multipurpose/having several uses duoyongbiao 多用表|multimeter duoyonghu 多用户|multiuser duoyongtu 多用途|multipurpose duoyu 多余|superfluous/unnecessary/surplus duoyu 多于|more than/greater than duoyu 躲雨|to take shelter from the rain duoyu 多育|prolific/bearing many offspring duoyuan 多元|poly-/multi-/multielement/multivarian... duoyuanbubaohezhifangsuan 多元不饱和脂肪酸|polyunsaturated fatty acid duoyuanhua 多元化|diversification/pluralism/to diversify duoyuanlun 多元论|pluralism, philosophical doctrine tha... duoyuanwenhuazhuyi 多元文化主义|multiculturalism duoyuanxing 多元性|diversity duoyuanyuzhou 多元宇宙|multiverse (cosmology) duoyuanzhi 多元酯|polyester duoyun 多云|cloudy (meteorology) duoyunwuzhong 堕云雾中|lit. to become lost in a fog (idiom)/... duoyuyan 多语言|multilingual duozaiduonan 多灾多难|to be plagued with misfortunes/precar... duozaihuashaozaici 多栽花少栽刺|talk nicely and avoid disputes/give c... duozan 多咱|(dialect) when?/what time?/whenever duozaowan 多早晚|when? duozhai 躲债|to dodge a creditor duozhan 多站|multistation duozhandizhi 多站地址|multicast address/multistation address duozhi 多汁|succulent/juicy duozhi 多值|multivalued (math.) duozhihanshu 多值函数|multivalued function (math.) duozhong 多种|many kinds of; multiple; diverse; multi- duozhongduoyang 多种多样|manifold/all sorts/many and varied duozhongweishengsu 多种维生素|multivitamin duozhu 多助|receiving much help (from outside)/we... duozi 多姿|many postures duozi 驮子|pack animal\'s load duoziduocai 多姿多彩|diversity (of forms and colors) duoziduofu 多子多福|the more sons, the more happiness (id... duozijie 多字节|multibyte duozou 夺走|to snatch away duozudongwu 多足动物|myriapod/centipedes and millipedes duozui 多嘴|talkative/to speak out of turn/to bla... duozuiduoshe 多嘴多舌|to gossip and meddle/to shoot one\'s m... duozulei 多足类|centipedes and millipedes dupangling 都庞岭|Dupang mountain range between south H... dupi 肚皮|belly dupin 毒品|drugs/narcotics/poison dupiwu 肚皮舞|belly dance dupixijing 独辟蹊径|to blaze a new trail (idiom); to disp... dupo 读破|to read extensively and thoroughly/no... dupoju 读破句|incorrect break in reading Chinese, d... dupu 读谱|to read a score/to read music duqi 肚脐|navel duqi 毒气|poison gas/toxic gas/manifestation of... duqi 赌气|to act in a fit of pique/to get in a ... duqian 赌钱|to gamble duqidan 毒气弹|poison gas shell/poison gas grenade duqifeng 杜琪峰|Johnnie To (1955-), Hong Kong film di... duqiu 赌球|(ball) sports betting duqiuniangge 杜秋娘歌|song of lady Du Qiu, poem by Du Mu 杜牧 duqiyan 肚脐眼|navel; belly button duqu 读取|(of a computer etc) to read (data) dur 肚儿|erhua variant of 肚[du3] duri 度日|to pass one\'s days/to scratch out a d... durirunian 度日如年|a day drags past like a year (idiom);... dusaierduofu 杜塞尔多夫|Düsseldorf (Germany) duse 堵塞|to clog up/blockage duse 杜塞|to stop/to block dusedaofu 杜塞道夫|Düsseldorf (Germany)/also written 杜塞爾... dusefei 堵塞费|traffic congestion fee dusha 毒杀|to kill by poisoning dushafuren 杜莎夫人|Madame Tussaud (1761-1850), French wa... dushan 独山|Dushan county in Qiannan Buyei and Mi... dushang 镀上|to plate (with gold, silver etc) dushangbie 杜尚别|Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan dushangyiju 赌上一局|to engage in a game of chance/to gamb... dushanxian 独山县|Dushan county in Qiannan Buyei and Mi... dushanzi 独山子|Dushanzi District of Karamay City 克拉瑪... dushanziqu 独山子区|Dushanzi District of Karamay City 克拉瑪... dushe 毒蛇|viper dushe 毒舌|venomous tongue/sharp-tongued/harsh dushen 独身|unmarried; single/alone dushen 毒参|hemlock (Conium maculatum) dusheng 独生|only (child); without siblings/to be ... dushengnv 独生女|a daughter who is an only child dushengzi 独生子|a son who is an only child dushengzinv 独生子女|an only child dushengzinvzhengce 独生子女政策|one-child policy dushi 都市|city; metropolis dushi 笃实|loyal/sincere/sound dushibing 都市病|lifestyle diseases dushichuanqi 都市传奇|urban legend (translation of recent W... dushihua 都市化|to urbanize dushimeixingnan 都市美型男|metrosexual dushixian 杜氏腺|Dufour gland (produces female sex hor... dushixianti 杜氏腺体|Dufour gland (produces female sex hor... dushou 毒手|deadly blow/vicious attack/treacherou... dushou 笃守|to comply faithfully/sincerely abidin... dushoukongfang 独守空房|(of a married woman) to stay home alone dushu 读书|to read a book/to study/to attend school dushu 度数|number of degrees/reading (on a meter... dushu 读数|reading/data from meter dushu 独属|belonging exclusively to/exclusively ... dushuhui 读书会|study group dushuji 读书机|audio-output reading machine dushuren 读书人|scholar/intellectual dushuyige 独树一格|to have a unique style of one\'s own (... dushuyizhi 独树一帜|lit. to fly one\'s banner on a solitar... dusi 堵死|to block (a road)/to plug (a hole)/to... dusongzi 杜松子|juniper berry dusongzijiu 杜松子酒|gin dusu 毒素|toxin/(fig.) pernicious influence dutai 毒肽|phallotoxin (biochemistry) dute 独特|unique; distinctive duti 独体|autonomous body/independent system dutizi 独体字|single-component character dutong 肚痛|stomachache dutou 渡头|ferry crossing point dutou 读头|reading head (e.g. in tape deck) dutu 赌徒|gambler dutun 独吞|to hog/to keep everything for oneself duwai 度外|outside the sphere of one\'s considera... duwaliai 杜瓦利埃|Duvalier (name) duwanjuanshu,xingwanlilu 读万卷书,行万里路|lit. read ten thousand books and trav... duwasi 毒瓦斯|poisonous gas/stinking fart duwei 杜威|Du Wei (1982-), Shanghai soccer star/... duwei 都尉|military rank duwei 毒唯|fan of one particular member of a pop... duwo 赌窝|gamblers\' den/illegal casino duwu 读物|reading material duwu 毒物|poisonous substance; poison duwu 独舞|solo dance duwu 黩武|militaristic/to use military force in... duwusiren 睹物思人|(idiom) to fondly remember a person o... duxian 毒腺|poison gland duxian 独显|(computing) discrete GPU; dedicated G... duxianjineng 妒贤忌能|to envy the virtuous and talented (id... duxiao 毒枭|drug lord duxie 读写|reading and writing duxienengli 读写能力|literacy duxin 镀锌|galvanized/zinc-coated duxin 笃信|to sincerely believe duxin 读心|to read sb\'s mind duxing 毒性|toxicity duxing 独行|solitary duxing 毒刑|torture/cruel corporal punishment duxing 笃行|to carry out (obligation) conscientio... duxingqishi 独行其是|to go one\'s own way (idiom); to act i... duxingshijirouyingyangbuliangzheng 杜兴氏肌肉营养不良症|Duchenne muscular dystrophy duxingxia 独行侠|loner; lone wolf duxinhaoxue 笃信好学|sincere belief and diligent study duxiu 独秀|to surpass/to stand above the crowd duxue 督学|school inspector duxue 笃学|studious/diligent in study duxun 毒蕈|poisonous mushroom/toadstool duxunhe 杜荀鹤|Du Xunhe (846-904), Tang poet duya 渡鸦|(bird species of China) common raven ... duya 毒牙|venomous fang duyan 读研|to attend graduate school duyanjuren 独眼巨人|cyclops duyanlong 独眼龙|one-eyed person duyao 毒药|poison duye 毒液|venom; poisonous fluid duyi 独一|only/unique duyin 读音|pronunciation/literary (rather than c... duyin 镀银|silver-plated duyin 毒瘾|drug addiction duyingsan 毒蝇伞|fly Amanita or fly agaric (Amanita mu... duyisibao 杜伊斯堡|Duisburg, city in the Ruhr 魯爾區|鲁尔区[Lu... duyiwuer 独一无二|unique and unmatched (idiom); unrival... duyou 独有|to own exclusively; unique to; specif... duyouding 毒莠定|picloram duyu 杜宇|cuckoo/same as 杜鵑鳥|杜鹃鸟 duyu 蠹鱼|silverfish/CL:隻|只[zhi1] duyu 独语|solo part (in opera)/soliloquy duyuan 独院|one family courtyard duyuanr 独院儿|erhua variant of 獨院|独院[du2 yuan4] duyue 赌约|bet/wager duyuesheng 杜月笙|Du Yuesheng (1888-1951), Shanghai sec... duyun 都匀|Duyun City in Guizhou, capital of Qia... duyunshi 都匀市|Duyun City in Guizhou, capital of Qia... duyuzi 蠹鱼子|silverfish/CL:隻|只[zhi1] duzaiyixiangweiyike 独在异乡为异客|a stranger in a strange land (from a ... duze 督责|to supervise/to reprimand duzhan 独占|to monopolize/to control/to dominate duzhanaotou 独占鳌头|to come first in triennial palace exa... duzhe 读者|reader duzheng 蠹政|parasitic government duzhewenzhai 读者文摘|Reader\'s Digest duzhezui 嘟着嘴|to pout duzhi 渎职|wrongdoing/failure to do one\'s duty duzhi 笃志|steadfast/with single-minded devotion duzhi 笃挚|sincere (in friendship)/cordial duzhong 杜仲|eucommia (a kind of rubber tree) duzhongmuzhe 蠹众木折|Danger appears where many harmful fac... duzhou 赌咒|to swear to God/to cross one\'s heart duzhoufashi 赌咒发誓|to vow duzhu 赌注|stake (in a gamble)/(what is at) stake duzhu 堵住|to block up duzhu 毒株|(virus) strain duzhu 蠹蛀|to be moth-eaten/to be worm-eaten duzhua 毒爪|forcipules (the venomous pair of pinc... duzhuan 杜撰|to fabricate/to make sth up/invented duzhuan 笃专|with undivided attention duzhuo 独酌|to drink alone duzhuo 赌桌|gambling table; gaming table duzi 肚子|belly/abdomen/stomach/CL:個|个[ge4] duzi 独自|alone duzi 独子|a son who is an only child duzi 犊子|calf duzi 独资|wholly-owned (often by foreign compan... duzi 赌资|money to gamble with duzi 毒资|drug money duzitong 肚子痛|stomachache/bellyache duzou 独奏|solo duzun 独尊|to revere as sole orthodoxy/to hold s... duzunrushu 独尊儒术|dismiss the hundred schools, revere o... e 额|variant of 額|额[e2] e 额|forehead/horizontal tablet or inscrib... e 阿|(literary) to flatter; to curry favor... e 哦|to chant e 恶|used in 惡心|恶心[e3 xin1] e 恶|evil/fierce/vicious/ugly/coarse/to harm e 俄|Russia/Russian/abbr. for 俄羅斯|俄罗斯[E2 l... e 俄|suddenly/very soon e 颚|jaw/palate e 饿|hungry/to starve (sb) e 蛾|(bound form) moth e 鄂|surname E/abbr. for Hubei Province 湖北... e 呃|(exclamation)/to hiccup e 娥|good/beautiful e 涐|old name for the Dadu River 大渡河[Da4 d... e 鳄|variant of 鱷|鳄[e4] e 鳄|(bound form) alligator; crocodile e 姶|wonderful/beautiful/(used in female g... e 砈|astatine (chemistry) (Tw) e 鹅|variant of 鵝|鹅[e2] e 鹅|goose/CL:隻|只[zhi1] e 婀|variant of 婀[e1] e 婀|graceful/willowy/unstable e 讹|error/false/to extort e 讹|variant of 訛|讹[e2] e 萼|calyx of a flower e 萼|old variant of 萼[e4] e 鹗|(bird species of China) osprey (Pandi... e 峨|lofty/name of a mountain e 峨|variant of 峨[e2] e 厄|distressed e 厄|variant of 厄[e4] e 扼|to grip forcefully/to clutch at/to gu... e 扼|variant of 扼[e4] e 苊|acenaphthene (C12H10) e 愕|startled e 詻|harsh/forbidding e 腭|palate/roof of the mouth e 谔|honest speech e 莪|zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria), plant rhi... e 屙|(dialect) to excrete (urine or feces) e 軶|old variant of 軛|轭[e4] e 堨|dam/to stop/check e 咹|eh? e 妸|(used in female given names)/variant ... e 崿|cliff/precipice e 吪|move e 垩|to whitewash/to plaster e 咢|beat a drum/startle e 锷|blade edge/sharp e 呝|old variant of 呃[e4] e 嶭|elevated/lofty e 锇|osmium (chemistry) e 蚵|(Tw) oyster (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo p... e 阏|to block/to restrain/to control e 轭|yoke e 枙|tree knot e 阨|defile/pass/in distress e 頞|junction of nose and forehead e 餩|hiccup e 囮|decoy e 皒|see 皒皒[e2 e2] e 堮|a boundary/a border e 䖸|variant of 蛾[e2] e 䳗|variant of 鵝|鹅[e2] e 悪|Japanese variant of 惡|恶[e4] e 噩|startling e 𫫇|variant of 惡|恶[e4], used in names of ... e 遏|to restrain/to check/to hold back e-ren e人|(slang) extroverted person eba 恶霸|evil tyrant ebadiyashu 俄巴底亚书|Book of Obadiah ebao 恶报|retribution ebeide 俄备得|Obed (son of Boaz and Ruth) ebianxian 峨边县|Ebian Yizu autonomous county in Lesha... ebianyizuzizhixian 峨边彝族自治县|Ebian Yizu autonomous county in Lesha... ebihe 额比河|Ebinur River in Xinjiang ebingzhi 恶病质|Cachexia (physical wasting associated... ebo 鄂博|see 敖包[ao2bao1] ebu 恶补|to overdose on supplementary medicine... ebu 颚部|jaw echabailai 恶叉白赖|evil behavior (idiom); brazen villainy echeng 鄂城|Echeng district of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4 ... echengqu 鄂城区|Echeng district of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4 ... echou 恶臭|stink; stench/stinky; smelly/(fig.) d... echuan 讹传|unfounded rumor/to pass on a mistaken... echuang 恶创|malign sore (TCM) ede 恶德|wickedness/evil behavior eding 额定|specified (capacity, output etc)/rate... edingzhi 额定值|rating (for power output, flame resis... edipusi 俄底浦斯|Oedipus, legendary king of Thebes who... edipusi 俄狄浦斯|Oedipus, hero of tragedy by Athenian ... edipusiqi 俄狄浦斯期|oedipal phase (psychology) edipusiqingjie 俄底浦斯情结|Oedipus complex edou 恶斗|hard fighting/fierce battle edou 额窦|frontal sinus edu 额度|quota/(credit) limit edu 恶毒|malicious edu 阿堵|(literary) (colloquial term of the Si... eduwu 阿堵物|(literary) (euphemism) money (literal... eduzi 饿肚子|to go hungry/to starve ee 皒皒|white eer 俄而|(literary) very soon/before long eer 俄尔|see 俄而[e2 er2] eerbulushi 厄尔布鲁士|Mt Elbrus, the highest peak of the Ca... eerduosi 鄂尔多斯|Ordos, region of Inner Mongolia admin... eerduosigaoyuan 鄂尔多斯高原|Ordos Plateau, Inner Mongolia eerduosishamo 鄂尔多斯沙漠|Ordos Desert, Inner Mongolia eerduosishi 鄂尔多斯市|Ordos prefecture-level city in Inner ... eerguna 额尔古纳|Ergun, county-level city, Mongolian E... eergunahe 额尔古纳河|Argun River of Mongolia and Heilongji... eergunashi 额尔古纳市|Ergun, county-level city, Mongolian E... eergunayouqi 额尔古纳右旗|former Ergun Right banner, now in Erg... eergunazuoqi 额尔古纳左旗|former Ergun Left banner, now in Ergu... eerjin 额尔金|James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin (1811-... eerninuo 厄尔尼诺|El Niño, equatorial climate variation... eerninuoxianxiang 厄尔尼诺现象|El Niño effect, equatorial climatic v... eerqisihe 额尔齐斯河|Irtysh River, flowing from southwest ... eeshishi 恶恶实实|very fierce efeiershi 额菲尔士|Everest (name)/Colonel Sir George Eve... efeiershifeng 额菲尔士峰|Mount Everest efu 阿附|to fawn (as flatterer) efu 恶妇|vicious wife egan 鹅肝|foie gras egan 恶感|malice/ill will egao 恶搞|spoof (web-based genre in PRC, acquir... egaowenhua 恶搞文化|spoofing culture (Web-based genre in ... egaoxun 鹅膏蕈|Amanita (genus of deadly mushrooms) egaoxunsu 鹅膏蕈素|amanitin egu 额骨|frontal bone (forehead) eguaduo 厄瓜多|Ecuador (Tw) eguaduoer 厄瓜多尔|Ecuador eguanbodai 峨冠博带|official class/intellectual class (id... eguanmanying 恶贯满盈|lit. strung through and filled with e... egui 恶鬼|evil spirit/devil egui 饿鬼|sb who is always hungry/glutton/(Budd... egun 恶棍|scoundrel; rogue; bully; villain eguo 俄国|Russia eguo 恶果|evil consequence/retribution (in Budd... eguoren 俄国人|Russian (person) ehaie 俄亥俄|Ohio ehaiezhou 俄亥俄州|Ohio ehan 恶汉|overbearing fiend ehao 噩耗|news of sb\'s death; sad news ehen 恶狠|fierce and vicious ehenhen 恶狠狠|very fierce ehoufubei 扼喉抚背|lit. to strangle the front and press ... ehouling 鹅喉羚|goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) ehua 恶化|to worsen ehuocikehai 鄂霍次克海|Sea of Okhotsk ehupushi 饿虎扑食|like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey ei 欸|hey (used to draw attention) ei 欸|eh; huh (used to express surprise) ei 欸|hmm (used to express disapproval) ei 欸|yes (used to express agreement) ei 诶|variant of 欸[ei1] ei 诶|variant of 欸[ei2] ei 诶|variant of 欸[ei3] ei 诶|variant of 欸[ei4] eiluo 工口|erotic (loanword mimicking the shape ... eji 恶疾|unpleasant ailment/foul disease eji 恶迹|evil conduct eji 额吉|mother (Mongolian) ejiao 阿胶|donkey-hide gelatin (used in TCM)/Tai... ejiao 额角|forehead/temples ejina 额济纳|Ejin Banner in Alxa League 阿拉善盟[A1 la... ejinahe 额济纳河|Ejin River in Alxa League 阿拉善盟[A1 la1... ejinaqi 额济纳旗|Ejin Banner in Alxa League 阿拉善盟[A1 la... ejing 扼颈|to strangle/to throttle ejing 厄境|difficult situation ejinkongyan 扼襟控咽|to secure a stranglehold (idiom); fig... ejun 俄军|Russian army ekelahema 俄克拉何马|Oklahoma, US state ekelahemacheng 俄克拉何马城|Oklahoma City ekelahemazhou 俄克拉何马州|Oklahoma, US state ekou 恶口|bad language/foul mouth ela 恶辣|ruthless elang 恶浪|violent wave/fierce billow/fig. depra... elebulu 厄勒布鲁|Örebro (city in Sweden) elegang 俄勒冈|Oregon elegangzhou 俄勒冈州|Oregon elehaixia 厄勒海峡|Øresund/The Sound (strait between Den... elei 蛾类|moth (family) eli 鳄梨|avocado (Persea americana) elianbang 俄联邦|Russian Federation, RSFSR elichuiya 厄利垂亚|Eritrea (Tw) elie 恶劣|vile/nasty/of very poor quality elie 腭裂|cleft palate elie 颚裂|cleft palate (birth defect) elieyingxiang 恶劣影响|evil influence elijiang 鳄梨酱|guacamole eliteliya 厄立特里亚|Eritrea elong 鳄龙|Champsosaurus eluanbi 鹅銮鼻|Cape Eluanpi or Eluanbi, southernmost... eluanshi 鹅卵石|pebble/cobblestone elunchun 鄂伦春|Oroqen or Orochon (ethnic group) elunchunzizhiqi 鄂伦春自治旗|Oroqin Autonomous Banner in Hulunbuir... eluosi 俄罗斯|Russia eluosi 厄洛斯|Eros (Cupid) eluosidiguo 俄罗斯帝国|Russian empire (1546-1917) eluosifangkuai 俄罗斯方块|Tetris (video game) eluosilianbang 俄罗斯联邦|Russian Federation, RSFSR eluosilunpan 俄罗斯轮盘|Russian roulette eluosiren 俄罗斯人|Russian (person) eluosizu 俄罗斯族|Russian ethnic group (of northeast Ch... ema 恶骂|to curse fiercely emao 鹅毛|goose feather emaobi 鹅毛笔|quill pen emaodaxue 鹅毛大雪|goose feather snow (idiom)/big heavy ... emei 峨眉|(used in place names, notably 峨眉山[E2m... emei 峨嵋|variant of 峨眉[E2 mei2] emei 蛾眉|(fig.) beautiful woman emei 娥眉|variant of 蛾眉[e2 mei2] emei 鹅莓|gooseberry emeihaochi 蛾眉皓齿|beautiful eyebrow and white teeth (id... emeiliuying 峨眉柳莺|(bird species of China) Emei leaf war... emeiquan 峨嵋拳|Emeiquan/O Mei Ch\'uan (kungfu style) emeishan 峨眉山|Mount Emei in Sichuan, one of the fou... emeishan 峨嵋山|variant of 峨眉山[E2mei2 Shan1] emeishanshi 峨眉山市|Emeishan, county-level city in Leshan... emeiwengying 峨嵋鹟莺|(bird species of China) Martens\'s war... emeixiang 峨眉乡|Emei township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新... emeng 恶梦|nightmare emeng 噩梦|nightmare emin 额敏|Emin county or Dörbiljin nahiyisi in ... eming 恶名|bad name/evil reputation emingr 恶名儿|erhua variant of 惡名|恶名[e4 ming2] emingzhaozhang 恶名昭彰|infamous/notorious emingzhaozhu 恶名昭著|notorious (idiom)/infamous eminxian 额敏县|Emin county or Dörbiljin nahiyisi in ... emituofo 阿弥陀佛|Amitabha Buddha/the Buddha of the Wes... emituorulai 阿弥陀如来|Amitabha, Buddha of infinite light emiu 讹谬|error/mistake emo 恶魔|demon/fiend emocheng 恶魔城|Castlevania (video game series) emola 蛾摩拉|Gomorrah en 摁|to press (with one\'s finger or hand) en 嗯|(a groaning sound) en 嗯|(nonverbal grunt as interjection)/OK,... en 嗯|interjection indicating approval, app... en 恩|variant of 恩[en1] en 恩|favor/grace/kindness en 蒽|anthracene enai 恩爱|loving affection (in a couple)/conjug... enan 阿难|Prince Ananda, cousin of the Buddha a... enantuo 阿难陀|Prince Ananda, cousin of the Buddha a... enbitianda 恩比天大|to be as kind and benevolent as heave... enchong 恩宠|special favor from a ruler/Emperor\'s ... enchou 恩仇|debt of gratitude coupled with duty t... enci 恩赐|to bestow (favors, charity etc) enci 恩慈|bestowed kindness ende 恩德|benevolence/favor endian 恩典|favor/grace endingr 摁钉儿|thumbtack enduanyijue 恩断义绝|to split up/to break all ties enfeng 恩俸|pension granted as a favor eng 鞥|(literary) reins (for a horse) engao 恩膏|rich favor engeer 恩格尔|Engel (name)/Ernst Engel (1821-1896),... engesi 恩格斯|Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), sociali... engong 恩公|benefactor enheng 嗯哼|uh-huh enhui 恩惠|favor/grace eni 呃逆|to hiccup/to belch eniao 屙尿|to urinate enjiameina 恩贾梅纳|N\'Djamena, capital of Chad enjiangchoubao 恩将仇报|to bite the hand that feeds one (idiom) enkour 摁扣儿|snap fastener; press stud; popper enkun 蒽醌|anthraquinone (chemistry) enlikefeimi 恩里科·费米|Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), Italian bor... enmian 恩眄|kind patronage enpeiduokelei 恩培多克勒|Empedocles (490-430 BC), Greek Sicili... enping 恩平|Enping, county-level city in Jiangmen... enpingshi 恩平市|Enping, county-level city in Jiangmen... enqing 恩情|kindness/affection/grace/favor enren 恩人|a benefactor/a person who has signifi... enshi 恩施|Enshi prefecture-level city in southw... enshi 恩师|(greatly respected) teacher enshishi 恩施市|Enshi prefecture-level city in Hubei,... enshitujiazumiaozuzizhizhou 恩施土家族苗族自治州|Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefe... enshixian 恩施县|Enshi county in southwest Hubei ensihede 恩斯赫德|Enschede, city in the Netherlands entongzaizao 恩同再造|your favor amounts to being given a n... enuo 婀娜|(of a woman\'s bearing) graceful/elega... enweijianshi 恩威兼施|to employ both kindness and severity ... enyi 恩义|feelings of gratitude and loyalty enyuan 恩怨|gratitude and grudges/resentment/grud... enze 恩泽|favor from an emperor or high official enzhun 恩准|approved by His (or Her) Majesty/perm... epanggong 阿房宫|Epang Palace, palace complex in weste... epi 恶癖|bad habit epiao 饿殍|starving people epiao 饿莩|variant of 餓殍|饿殍[e4piao3] epiaobianye 饿莩遍野|starving people everywhere (idiom); a... epiaozaidao 饿殍载道|starved corpses fill the roads (idiom... epiaozaidao 饿莩载道|starved corpses fill the roads (idiom... eqi 恶气|evil smell/resentment/unpleasant manner eqi 俄期|abbr. for 俄狄浦斯期[e2 di2 pu3 si1 qi1], ... eqin 𫫇嗪|oxazine C4H5NO eqing 俄顷|in a moment/presently eqisuohao 阿其所好|to pander to sb\'s whims er 尔|variant of 爾|尔[er3] er 尔|thus/so/like that/you/thou er 儿|child/son er 二|two/2/(Beijing dialect) stupid er 而|and/as well as/and so/but (not)/yet (... er 耳|ear/handle (archaeology)/and that is ... er 鲕|caviar/fish roe er 贰|two (banker\'s anti-fraud numeral)/to ... er 饵|pastry/food/to swallow/to lure/bait/lure er 尓|variant of 爾|尔[er3] er 洱|see 洱海[Er3 hai3] er 珥|pearl or jade earring er 迩|recently/near/close er 児|Japanese variant of 兒|儿[er2] er 铒|erbium (chemistry) er 咡|space between mouth and ears er 唲|forced laughter er 佴|assistant er 〢|numeral 2 in the Suzhou numeral syste... er 弍|archaic variant of 貳|贰, banker\'s anti... er 輀|hearse er 薾|luxuriant growth of flower er 洏|to flow (as water or tears) er 轜|variant of 輀[er2] er 刵|cutting off the ears as punishment er 鸸|used in 鴯鶓|鸸鹋[er2miao2] er 耏|surname Er er 耏|beard er 駬|(horse) er 弐|Japanese variant of 貳|贰[er4] er 樲|acid variety of jujube plum er 栭|tree mushroom er 陑|place name er 衈|the blood of a sacrificial fowl which... er 胹|overcooked/soft eran 愕然|stunned/amazed erayi 二阿姨|auntie, second eldest of sisters in m... erba 二八|16/sixteen erbadao 二把刀|inexpert/a botcher erbaifangzhen 二百方针|see 雙百方針|双百方针[shuang1 bai3 fang1 zhen1] erbaiwu 二百五|idiot/stupid person/a dope erbajiaren 二八佳人|16-year-old beauty erbanbailing 二斑百灵|(bird species of China) bimaculated l... erbao 二宝|second child/second baby erbashou 二把手|deputy leader/the second-in-command erbei 耳背|to be hearing impaired erbeiti 二倍体|diploid (in cell biology) erbenlvshen 二苯氯胂|diphenylchloroarsine erbi 二屄|(slang) idiot/idiotic erbi 二逼|variant of 二屄[er4 bi1] erbian 二便|urination and defecation erbianfeng 耳边风|lit. wind past your ear/fig. sth you ... erbianku 二遍苦|second persecution erbinsimo 耳鬓厮磨|lit. to play together ear to ear and ... erbiyanhou 耳鼻咽喉|ear nose and throat/otolaryngology erbuxianmuchou,goubuxianjiapin 儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫|a son won\'t abandon his mother for be... erbuzhi 二部制|two shift system (in schools) erce 二侧|two sides erchanfu 二产妇|lady who has given birth twice erchashu 二叉树|binary tree erchasu 儿茶素|catechin (biochemistry) erchazui 二茬罪|to suffer second persecution erchen 贰臣|turncoat official erchong 二重|double/repeated twice erchongchang 二重唱|duet erchonggen 二重根|a double root of an equation erchongmuyin 二重母音|diphthong erchongxiabiao 二重下标|double subscript/doubly indexed erchongxing 二重性|dualism/two sided/double nature erchongzou 二重奏|duet (in music) erchui 耳垂|earlobe erchun 二醇|glycol erci 二次|second (i.e. number two)/second time/... ercidazhan 二次大战|World War Two erciduoxiangshi 二次多项式|(math.) quadratic polynomial ercifang 二次方|square (i.e. x times x) ercifangcheng 二次方程|(math.) quadratic equation ercigeming 二次革命|Second Revolution, campaign from 1913... ercihanshu 二次函数|quadratic function erciqu 二次曲|quadratic curve/conic section (geometry) erciqumian 二次曲面|quadric surface (geometry) erciquxian 二次曲线|quadratic curve (geometry)/conic ercishijiedazhan 二次世界大战|World War Two ercixing 二次型|quadratic form (math.) erciyuan 二次元|two-dimensional/the fictional worlds ... ercongmuming 耳聪目明|sharp ears and keen eyes (idiom)/keen... erdai 二代|secondary/twice in the year (of gener... erdao 二道|Erdao district of Changchun city 長春市|... erdao 耳道|(anatomy) ear canal erdaofanzi 二道贩子|middleman/buyer and seller erdaojiang 二道江|Erdaojiang district of Tonghua city 通... erdaojiangqu 二道江区|Erdaojiang district of Tonghua city 通... erdaoqu 二道区|Erdao district of Changchun city 長春市|... erde 尔德|Eid (Islam) erdeng 二等|second class/second-rate erdengcang 二等舱|second class cabin erdengche 二等车|second-class carriage (of a train) erdenggongmin 二等公民|second-class citizen erdi 饵敌|to lure the enemy/to trap erdieji 二叠纪|Permian (geological period 292-250m y... erdieji 二迭纪|Permian (geological period 292-250m y... erding 耳钉|stud earring erdingmi 二丁醚|dibutyl ether erdizhu 二地主|sublandlord/tenant who sublets erdong 耳洞|ear piercing hole; earring hole erdu 二度|second degree erduo 耳朵|ear/CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4]/h... erduoruan 耳朵软|credulous erduoyanr 耳朵眼儿|earhole/ear piercing hole; earring hole eren 恶人|evil person; vile creature; villain/(... eren 讹人|to blackmail/to extort erenxiangaozhuang 恶人先告状|the guilty party files the suit/the t... ereying 二𫫇英|dioxin ereying 二恶英|dioxin erfa 耳发|(men) sideburns/(women) lengths of ha... erfan 耳返|in-ear monitor (abbr. for 耳機返聽系統|耳机返听... erfang 二房|second branch of an extended family/c... erfangdong 二房东|sublandlord/tenant who sublets erfen 二分|second part/the equinox erfendian 二分点|the two equinoxes erfenlie 二分裂|binary division (in bacterial reprodu... erfenyinfu 二分音符|minim (music) erfenzhiyi 二分之一|one half erfu 二副|second officer (of ship)/second mate erfu 二伏|中伏[zhong1 fu2] erganchun 二甘醇|diethylene glycol/glycerin (used in a... erganzi 二杆子|hot-tempered/rash/hot-tempered person ergazi 二尕子|scoundrel erge 二哥|second brother erge 尔格|erg (physics) (loanword) erge 儿歌|nursery rhyme ergen 耳根|base of the ear/ear/(Buddhism) sense ... ergeng 二更|second of the five night watch period... ergenqingjing 耳根清净|lit. ears pure and peaceful (idiom)/t... ergenruan 耳根软|credulous ergenzi 耳根子|ear ergenziruan 耳根子软|credulous ergou 耳垢|earwax ergu 耳鼓|eardrum/tympanum (of the middle ear)/... erguaizi 耳掴子|slap erguang 耳光|a slap on the face/CL:記|记[ji4] erguazi 耳刮子|(coll.) a slap on one\'s face/a cuff erguizi 二鬼子|traitor/collaborator with the enemy erguo 耳郭|outer ear/auricle/pinna erguotou 二锅头|erguotou (sorghum liquor) erguoyi 二过一|(soccer) one-two/push-and-run erha 二哈|(coll.) silly but cute husky (dog) erhai 洱海|Erhai Lake erhao 二号|2nd day of the month erhaodianchi 二号电池|C size battery (Tw)/PRC equivalent: 三... erhaorenwu 二号人物|second best person/second-rate person erheyi 二合一|2-in-1/two-in-one erhou 而后|after that/then erhou 尔后|henceforth/thereafter/subsequently erhu 二胡|erhu (Chinese 2-string fiddle)/alto f... erhua 二话|objection/differing opinion erhua 儿化|(Chinese phonetics) to rhotacize a sy... erhua-bushuo 二话不说|(idiom) not saying anything further; ... erhua-meishuo 二话没说|see 二話不說|二话不说[er4hua4-bu4shuo1] erhuan 耳环|earring/CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4] erhuang 二黄|one of the two chief types of music i... erhuang 二簧|variant of 二黃|二黄[er4 huang2] erhuayin 儿化音|(Chinese phonetics) erhua (the sound ... erhuayun 儿化韵|(Chinese phonetics) syllable final wi... erhun 二婚|(coll.) (usu. of women in former time... erhuntou 二婚头|remarried lady (contemptuous term)/la... erhuo 二货|(slang) fool/dunce/foolishly cute person erhuxiangdou,biyouyishang 二虎相斗,必有一伤|lit. when two tigers fight, one is su... erji 耳机|headphones/earphones/telephone receiver erji 二级|grade 2/second class/category B erjia 二甲|2nd rank of candidates who passed the... erjia 二价|negotiable price/(chemistry) divalent... erjiaben 二甲苯|xylene erjiajishensuan 二甲基砷酸|dimethylarsenic acid (CH3)2AsO2H/caco... erjiajishensuan 二甲基胂酸|dimethylarsenic acid (CH3)2AsO2H/caco... erjian 二简|abbr. for 第二次漢字簡化方案|第二次汉字简化方案[Di4 er4... erjianban 二尖瓣|mitral valve (physiology) erjianbanxiazhai 二尖瓣狭窄|mitral stenosis (physiology) erjie 二阶|second order/quadratic (math.) erjiegun 二节棍|nunchaku (weapon with two rods joined... erjiguan 二极管|diode erjin 而今|now/at the present (time) erjin 二进|binary (math.) erjingong 二进宫|name of a famous opera/(slang) to go ... erjinzhi 二进制|binary system (math.) erjinzhibianma 二进制编码|binary code/binary encoding erjishiguan 二级士官|sergeant erjitou 二级头|second stage (diving) erjitouhuxiqi 二级头呼吸器|(scuba diving) regulator; demand valve erjuti 二聚体|dimer (chemistry) erke 儿科|pediatrics erke 耳壳|outer ear/auricle/pinna erkepaianjingqi 二刻拍案惊奇|Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part... erkuo 耳廓|outer ear; auricle; pinna erkuohu 耳廓狐|fennec/Vulpes zerda erla 耳蜡|earwax/cerumen erlai 二来|secondly, ... erlai 尔来|(literary) recently; lately; hitherto erlai 迩来|recently/until now/up to the present/... erlang 二郎|see 二郎神[Er4 lang2 shen2] erlangshen 二郎神|Erlangshen, Chinese deity erlangtui 二郎腿|one leg over the other (legs crossed) erlao 二老|mother and father/parents erlei 饵雷|baited trap/booby-trap erlengzi 二愣子|stupid person/dolt/rash (slang) erli 耳力|hearing ability erlian 二连|Erlian Basin in Inner Mongolia erlianhaote 二连浩特|Erenhot City in Xilingol League 錫林郭勒盟... erlianhaoteshi 二连浩特市|Erenhot City in Xilingol League 錫林郭勒盟... erlianjudaolong 二连巨盗龙|Gigantoraptor erlianensis (a giant bi... erlianpendi 二连盆地|Erlian Basin in Inner Mongolia erlianshifapiao 二联式发票|(Tw) duplicate uniform invoice, a typ... erlin 二林|Erlin or Erhlin Town in Changhua Coun... erlingyijiuguanzhuangbingdubing 2019冠状病毒病|COVID-19, the coronavirus disease ide... erlinsuanxiangan 二磷酸腺苷|adenosine diphosphate (ADP) erlinzhen 二林镇|Erlin or Erhlin Town in Changhua Coun... erlitou 二里头|Erlitou (Xia dynasty 夏朝[Xia4 chao2] a... erliu 二流|second-rate/second-tier erliuhuatan 二硫化碳|carbon disulfide erliujian 二硫键|disulfide (chemistry) erliujibingchun 二硫基丙醇|dimercaprol erliujibinghuangsuanna 二硫基丙磺酸钠|sodium dimercaptosulfanate erliujihuposuanna 二硫基琥珀酸钠|sodium dimercaptosuccinate erliuzi 二流子|loafer/idler/bum erlizhinian 而立之年|the age of 30 erlong 耳聋|deaf erlun 二仑|Erlun or Erhlun township in Yunlin co... erlun 二轮|second round (of a match or election) erlunpian 二轮片|second-run movie erlunxiang 二仑乡|Erlun or Erhlun township in Yunlin co... erlvan 二氯胺|dichloramine erlvbenanbenyisuanna 二氯苯胺苯乙酸钠|diclofenac sodium (non-steroidal anti... erlvjiawan 二氯甲烷|dichloromethane erlvyisanjuqingsuanna 二氯异三聚氰酸钠|sodium dichloroisocyanurate erma 儿马|stallion ermai 耳麦|headphones/earphones ermaozi 二毛子|lit. secondary foreigner/(derogatory ... ermiao 鸸鹋|emu erming 耳鸣|tinnitus ermingfa 二名法|binomial nomenclature (taxonomy) ermo 耳膜|eardrum/tympanum (of the middle ear)/... ermu 耳目|eyes and ears/sb\'s attention or notic... ermuyixin 耳目一新|a pleasant change/a breath of fresh a... ermuzhi 二拇指|index finger ernai 二奶|mistress/second wife/lover ernaizhuanjia 二奶专家|\"mercenary expert\", a person who is s... erniansheng 二年生|biennial (botany) ernv 儿女|children; sons and daughters/a young ... ernvyingxiongzhuan 儿女英雄传|The Gallant Maid, novel by Manchu-bor... erong 鹅绒|goose down erpan 耳畔|ears erpangfeng 耳旁风|lit. wind past your ear/fig. sth you ... erpian 耳片|tab (of a web browser) erqie 而且|(not only ...) but also/moreover/in a... erqiqu 二七区|Erqi District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑... errenshijie 二人世界|world with only two people (usually r... errentai 二人台|genre of song-and-dance duet popular ... errenzhuan 二人转|genre of song-and-dance duet popular ... erruan 耳软|credulous errumuran 耳濡目染|to be influenced ersai 耳塞|earplug/earphone ersheng 二声|second tone ershi 二十|twenty; 20 ershi 而是|rather ershi 儿时|childhood ershi 耳饰|ear ornament (earring, eardrop, stud ... ershi 耳屎|earwax/cerumen ershi 耳石|otolith ershi 二世|the Second (of numbered kings)/second... ershibaxiu 二十八宿|the twenty-eight constellations ershiduo 二十多|over 20 ershimianti 二十面体|icosahedron ershinianmuduzhiguaixianzhuang 二十年目睹之怪现状|The Strange State of the World Witnes... ershishiji 二十世纪|20th century ershisijieqi 二十四节气|the 24 solar terms, calculated from t... ershisishi 二十四史|the Twenty-Four Histories (25 or 26 i... ershisixiao 二十四孝|the Twenty-four Filial Exemplars, cla... ershiwushi 二十五史|twenty four dynastic histories (or 25... ershiyidian 二十一点|blackjack (card game) ershiyisantizonghezheng 21三体综合症|trisomy; Down\'s syndrome ershiyishiji 二十一世纪|21st century ershiyitiao 二十一条|the Japanese Twenty-One Demands of 1915 ershizheng 耳石症|benign paroxysmal positional vertigo;... ershou 二手|indirectly acquired/second-hand (info... ershouche 二手车|second-hand car ershoufang 二手房|second-hand house/house acquired indi... ershouhuo 二手货|second-hand goods/used goods ershouyan 二手烟|second-hand smoke ershu 耳熟|to sound familiar/familiar-sounding ershui 二水|Ershui or Erhshui Township in Changhu... ershuihuo 二水货|used goods/second hand goods ershuixiang 二水乡|Ershui or Erhshui Township in Changhu... ershunengxiang 耳熟能详|what\'s frequently heard can be repeat... ersi 饵丝|a kind of rice-flour noodles from Yun... ersun 儿孙|descendant ersunziyouersunfu 儿孙自有儿孙福|younger generations will do all right... ertai 二胎|second pregnancy ertang 二糖|disaccharide ertang 二汤|second bouillon, a light broth obtain... ertao 耳套|earmuff/CL:副[fu4] ertimianming 耳提面命|to give sincere advice (idiom)/to exh... ertingweixu,yanjianweishi 耳听为虚,眼见为实|(idiom) you cannot always trust what ... ertong 儿童|child ertong 耳痛|earache ertongjie 儿童节|Children\'s Day ertongjijinhui 儿童基金会|UNICEF (United Nations Children\'s fund) ertongleyuan 儿童乐园|children\'s play area ertongquanligongyue 儿童权利公约|Convention on the Rights of the Child... ertouji 二头肌|biceps muscle erwa 耳挖|earpick/curette erwashao 耳挖勺|(dialect) earpick/curette erwazi 耳挖子|earpick/curette erwei 二维|two-dimensional erweima 二维码|2D barcode; matrix code/(esp.) QR code erwen 耳闻|to hear of/to hear about erwenburumujian 耳闻不如目见|seeing sth for oneself is better than... erwenmudu 耳闻目睹|to witness personally erwenqiang 耳温枪|ear thermometer erwo 耳蜗|cochlea erxi 儿戏|child\'s play/trifling matter erxi 儿媳|daughter-in-law erxian 饵线|tippet (in fly-fishing) erxiangshi 二项式|two items/binomial (math.) erxiangshidingli 二项式定理|the binomial theorem (math.) erxiangshixishu 二项式系数|(math.) binomial coefficient erxiaxian 耳下腺|subauricular gland/parotid gland (sal... erxifu 儿媳妇|daughter-in-law erxifur 儿媳妇儿|erhua variant of 兒媳婦|儿媳妇[er2 xi2 fu5] erxin 二心|disloyalty/half-heartedness/duplicity erxin 贰心|variant of 二心[er4 xin1] erya 尔雅|\"Erya\" or \"The Ready Guide\", first ex... eryan 而言|(typically preceded by 就…[jiu4 xx5] o... eryanghuadan 二氧化氮|nitrogen dioxide eryanghuagui 二氧化硅|silicon dioxide (SiO2) eryanghualiu 二氧化硫|sulfur dioxide SO2 eryanghuameng 二氧化锰|manganese(iv) oxide eryanghuatai 二氧化钛|titanium dioxide eryanghuatan 二氧化碳|carbon dioxide CO2 eryanghuatangeli 二氧化碳隔离|carbon sequestration/carbon dioxide s... eryanghuawu 二氧化物|dioxide eryanghuayou 二氧化铀|brown oxidier/uranium dioxide eryangqi 二氧芑|dioxin eryangzaqi 二氧杂芑|dioxin eryi 而已|that\'s all/nothing more eryitianzuowu 二一添作五|lit. one half equals zero point five ... eryou 饵诱|to lure/to entice eryu 耳语|to whisper in sb\'s ear/a whisper eryuan 二元|duality/dual/bipolar/binary eryuan 洱源|Eryuan county in Dali Bai autonomous ... eryuanchun 二元醇|ethyl alcohol C2H5OH eryuanlun 二元论|dualism, belief that the universe is ... eryuanxian 洱源县|Eryuan county in Dali Bai autonomous ... eryuanxing 耳源性|otogenic eryuanxingxuanyun 耳源性眩晕|aural vertigo eryue 二月|February/second month (of the lunar y... eryuefen 二月份|February eryuwozha 尔虞我诈|lit. you hoodwink me and I cheat you ... erzhan 二战|World War II erzhao 耳罩|earmuffs erzhe 二者|both/both of them/neither erzhen 耳针|auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture) erzhengbingmi 二正丙醚|di-n-propyl ether erzhi 二指|index finger erzhi 二致|difference (usu. follows 無|无[wu2] as ... erzhuizi 耳坠子|eardrops (pendant jewelry)/earrings/C... erzi 儿子|son erzi 耳子|handle (on a pot) erzi 饵子|fish bait esha 扼杀|to strangle/to throttle esha 恶煞|demon/fiend eshanxian 峨山县|Eshan Yizu autonomous county in Yuxi ... eshanyizuzizhixian 峨山彝族自治县|Eshan Yizu autonomous county in Yuxi ... eshao 恶少|young thug/malicious young ruffian eshe 恶舌|vicious talk/malicious tongue eshen 恶神|malignant deity/fiend esheng 恶声|malicious abuse/lewd song/evil reputa... eshenta 厄什塔|Ørsta (city in Norway) eshi 恶事|malicious deed; misdeed/disaster; cat... eshi 恶誓|evil oath eshi 屙屎|to defecate eshichuanqianli 恶事传千里|evil deeds spread a thousand miles (i... eshili 恶势力|evil forces/criminal elements eshou 扼守|to hold a pass/to guard (a strategic ... eshui 恶水|dirty water/water that is unfit to dr... esi 饿死|to starve to death/to be very hungry esi 扼死|to strangle/to throttle/to stifle (op... esu 恶俗|bad habit/evil custom/vulgarity esui 恶岁|lean year/year of bad harvest esun 恶损|to ridicule etashe 俄塔社|Information Telegraph Agency of Russi... etou 额头|forehead etu 恶徒|hoodlum/bad guy etumandiguo 鄂图曼帝国|Ottoman Empire (Tw) etuoke 鄂托克|Otog banner or Otgiin khoshuu in Ordo... etuokeqi 鄂托克旗|Otog banner or Otgiin khoshuu in Ordo... etuokeqianqi 鄂托克前旗|Otog Front banner or Otgiin Ömnöd kho... ewa 厄娃|Eve, the first woman (transcription u... ewai 额外|extra/added/additional ewaibutie 额外补贴|to give an extra subsidy, or bonus et... ewaixing 额外性|additionality (economics) ewan 扼腕|to wring one\'s hands (literally wring... ewen 俄文|Russian language ewenkeyu 鄂温克语|Ewenke language (of Ewenke ethnic gro... ewenkezu 鄂温克族|Ewenke ethnic group of Inner Mongolia ewenkezuzizhiqi 鄂温克族自治旗|Evenk Autonomous Banner in Hulunbuir ... ewu 讹误|error in a text/text corruption ewu 俄乌|Russo-Ukrainian exi 恶习|bad habit/vice exi 鳄蜥|Chinese crocodile lizard (Shinisaurus... exiang 恶相|sinister look exin 恶心|variant of 惡心|恶心[e3 xin1] exin 恶心|nausea/to feel sick/disgust/nauseatin... exin 恶心|bad habit/vicious habit/vice exing 恶性|malignant/wicked/vicious (circle)/pro... exing 恶行|evil or wicked conduct exingliu 恶性瘤|malignant tumor exingnveyuanchong 恶性疟原虫|plasmodium falciparum (malaria parasite) exingtonghuopengzhang 恶性通货膨胀|hyperinflation exingxunhuan 恶性循环|vicious circle exingzhongliu 恶性肿瘤|malignant tumor exingzhuanyi 恶性转移|(medicine) metastasis exiongxiong 恶凶凶|fierce eyan 恶言|evil tongue/malicious talk eyanshangren 恶言伤人|to insult/to direct bad language at s... eyao 扼要|to the point/concise eye 额叶|frontal lobe eyi 恶意|malice/evil intention eyi 遏抑|to suppress/to restrain eyidaima 恶意代码|malicious code (e.g. virus)/malware eyinyin 颚龈音|prepalatal or palatal sound (linguist... eyiruanjian 恶意软件|malware (computing) eyizhongshang 恶意中伤|to slander maliciously eyouebao 恶有恶报|evil has its retribution (idiom); to ... eyu 鳄鱼|alligator; crocodile (CL:條|条[tiao2]) eyu 恶语|evil words/malicious talk eyu 俄语|Russian (language) eyu 阿谀|to flatter/to toady eyufengcheng 阿谀奉承|flattering and fawning (idiom)/sweet-... eyujia 鳄鱼夹|crocodile clip/spring clip eyun 厄运|bad luck/misfortune/adversity eyun 噩运|variant of 厄運|厄运[e4 yun4] eyun 恶运|variant of 厄運|厄运[e4 yun4] eyushangren 恶语伤人|to insult/to direct bad language at s... eyuyanlei 鳄鱼眼泪|crocodile tears eyuzhongshang 恶语中伤|to slander viciously ezai E仔|MDMA (C11H15NO2) ezha 讹诈|to extort under false pretenses/to bl... ezhan 恶战|hard fighting/fierce battle ezhang 恶仗|hard fighting/fierce battle ezhangqiu 鹅掌楸|Chinese tulip tree/Liriodendron chinense ezheng 恶整|to prank ezhi 遏制|to check/to contain/to hold back/to k... ezhi 遏止|to hold back/to check (i.e. to stop s... ezhi 扼制|to control/to restrain ezhong 俄中|Russia-China ezhongchao 俄中朝|Russia, China and North Korea ezhou 鄂州|see 鄂州市[E4zhou1 Shi4] ezhoushi 鄂州市|Ezhou, prefecture-level city in Hubei... ezhuo 恶浊|filthy/foul ezi 蛾子|moth ezi 蚵仔|oyster (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [ô... ezi 讹字|erroneous character/typographical error ezijian 蚵仔煎|(Tw) oyster omelette (from Taiwanese,... ezu 遏阻|to stop/to contain/to deter ezuoju 恶作剧|practical joke/prank/to play a practi... ezuolin 恶唑啉|oxacillin ezuolintong 恶唑啉酮|oxacillin fa 法|variant of 法[fa3] fa 法|France/French/abbr. for 法國|法国[Fa3 guo... fa 法|law/method/way/to emulate/(Buddhism) ... fa 法|old variant of 法[fa3]/law fa 发|to send out/to show (one\'s feeling)/t... fa 发|hair/Taiwan pr. [fa3] fa 阀|powerful individual, family or group/... fa 垡|to turn the soil/upturned soil/(used ... fa 酦|used in 醱酵|酦酵[fa1 jiao4]/Taiwan pr. [... fa 伐|to cut down/to fell/to dispatch an ex... fa 罚|to punish; to penalize; to fine fa 罚|variant of 罰|罚[fa2] fa 乏|short of/tired fa 珐|enamel ware/cloisonne ware fa 筏|variant of 筏[fa2] fa 筏|raft (of logs) fa 発|Japanese variant of 發|发 fa 砝|used in 砝碼|砝码[fa3 ma3] fa 鍅|francium (chemistry) (Tw) fa 沷|to remove evil/to cleanse/to wash away fa 茷|denseness of grass-foliage fa 佱|old variant of 法[fa3] fa 橃|large boat/old variant of 筏[fa2] fa 䂲|variant of 砝[fa3] fa 髪|Japanese variant of 髮|发 faan 法案|bill/proposed law faan 发案|occurrence (refers to time and place ... faan 发暗|to darken/to become tarnished fabai 发白|to turn pale/to lose color/to go white faban 法办|to bring to justice/to punish accordi... fabandun 罚半蹲|to punish a student by having him sta... fabang 发榜|to publish a roll-call of successful ... fabao 法宝|Buddha\'s teaching/Buddhist monk\'s app... fabao 发包|to put out to contract fabao 发包|bun hair extension fabao 发报|to send a message fabaoren 发报人|sender (of a message) fabi 法币|fiat currency (abbr. for 法定貨幣|法定货币[fa... fabian 发辫|braid fabiao 发表|to issue/to publish fabiao 发飙|to flip out/to act out violently fabiaohui 发表会|press conference/unveiling ceremony/(... fabiaoyanjiang 发表演讲|to give a speech fabing 发病|(of an illness) to occur/(of a person... fabing 发兵|to dispatch an army/to send troops fabinglv 发病率|incidence of a disease/disease rate fabu 发布|variant of 發布|发布[fa1bu4] fabu 发布|to release/to issue/to announce/to di... fabudangzui 罚不当罪|disproportionate punishment/the punis... fabuhui 发布会|news conference/briefing facai 发财|to get rich facai 发菜|long thread moss (Nostoc flagelliform... facaiche 发财车|(Tw) mini truck/Kei truck facaizhifu 发财致富|to become rich/enrichment fachai 发钗|hair clip fachan 发颤|to shiver fachang 法场|execution ground fache 发车|departure (of a coach or train)/to di... fachou 发臭|smelly/to smell bad fachou 发愁|to worry/to fret/to be anxious/to bec... fachu 发怵|to feel terrified/to grow apprehensive fachu 发憷|variant of 發怵|发怵[fa1 chu4] fachu 发出|to issue (an order, decree etc); to s... fachuchang 罚出场|(of a referee) to send a player off t... fachui 法槌|gavel fachun 发春|in heat fachuzhishi 发出指示|to issue instructions facui 发脆|to become brittle; to become crisp fada 发达|well-developed; flourishing/to develo... fadadiqu 发达地区|developed area fadaguo 发达国|developed nation fadaguojia 发达国家|developed nation fadai 发呆|to stare blankly/to be stunned/to be ... fadai 发带|headband fadan 罚单|violation ticket/infringement notice fadian 发电|to generate electricity/to send a tel... fadian 法典|legal code/statute fadian 发癫|to go crazy; to lose one\'s mind fadianchang 发电厂|power plant fadianji 发电机|electricity generator/dynamo fadianliang 发电量|(power station, solar panel etc) outp... fadianzhan 发电站|power station fadima 法蒂玛|Fatimah (name) fading 法定|statutory; law-based; legal fadingdaibiaoren 法定代表人|(law) legal representative of a corpo... fadinghuobi 法定货币|fiat currency fadingrenshu 法定人数|quorum fadong 发动|to start/to launch/to unleash/to mobi... fadongji 发动机|engine; motor/CL:臺|台[tai2] fadongli 发动力|motive power fadou 发抖|to tremble/to shake/to shiver fadu 法度|(a) law faduan 发端|to originate; to initiate/beginning; ... faduanxin 发短信|to text/to send SMS messages faerkashi 法尔卡什|Farkas (Hungarian name) fafang 发放|to provide/to give/to grant fafen 发奋|to make an effort/to push for sth/to ... fafen 发愤|to make a determined effort fafen 发粉|baking powder fafeng 发疯|to go mad/to go crazy/to lose one\'s mind fafeng 罚俸|to forfeit one\'s salary fafentuqiang 发奋图强|to make an effort to become strong (i... fafentuqiang 发愤图强|to be strongly determined to succeed ... fafenwangshi 发愤忘食|so dedicated as to forget one\'s meals... fafenyouwei 发奋有为|to prove one\'s worth through firm res... fafu 发福|to put on weight/to get fat (a sign o... fafu 法服|see 法衣[fa3 yi1] fagaiwei 发改委|abbr. for 國家發展和改革委員會|国家发展和改革委员会, PRC ... fagan 发绀|cyanosis (blue skin due to lack of ox... fagao 发稿|(of a publisher) to send a manuscript... fagao 发糕|fa gao, a type of steamed sponge cake... fagei 发给|to issue/to grant/to distribute fagongziri 发工资日|payday fagu 发箍|headband faguan 法官|judge (in court) faguang 发光|to emit light; to shine; to glow; to ... faguangerjiguan 发光二极管|light-emitting diode/LED faguangerjiti 发光二极体|light-emitting diode (LED) (Tw) faguangqiangdu 发光强度|luminous intensity faguanjuanwei 发冠卷尾|(bird species of China) hair-crested ... fagui 法规|legislation/statute fagui 罚跪|to punish by protracted kneeling fagun 法棍|baguette (bread) faguo 法国|France/French faguobaihe 法国百合|artichoke faguochanggun 法国长棍|baguette faguodageming 法国大革命|French Revolution (1789-1799) faguogeming 法国革命|French Revolution (1789) faguohangkong 法国航空|Air France faguohangkonggongsi 法国航空公司|Air France faguohao 法国号|French horn faguonancai 发国难财|to profiteer in a time of national ca... faguoren 法国人|Frenchman/French person faguowutong 法国梧桐|plane tree (Platanus x acerifolia) fahai 法海|Fahai, name of the evil Buddhist monk... fahan 发汗|to sweat fahang 法航|Air France fahao 法号|name in religion (of Buddhist or Daoi... fahaorenka 发好人卡|(slang) to reject sb (by labeling the... fahaoshiling 发号施令|to boss people around (idiom) fahede 法赫德|King Fahd of Saudi Arabia fahengcai 发横财|to make easy money/to make a fortune/... fahong 发红|to turn red/to blush/to flush fahouji 发喉急|to get in a rage fahuajing 法华经|The Lotus Sutra fahuan 罚锾|a fine fahuang 发慌|to become agitated/to feel nervous fahui 发挥|to display/to exhibit/to bring out im... fahui 法会|(Buddhist) religious assembly fahui 发回|to send back/to return fahun 发昏|to faint fahuo 发货|to dispatch/to send out goods fahuo 发火|to catch fire/to ignite/to detonate/t... faji 法纪|law and order/rules and discipline faji 发髻|hair worn in a bun or coil faji 发迹|to make one\'s mark/to go up in the wo... faji 发急|to fret/to get impatient/to become an... faji 发积|see 發跡|发迹[fa1 ji4] fajia 发家|to lay down a family fortune/to get r... fajia 法家|the Legalist school of political phil... fajia 发夹|hair clip fajiang 发奖|to award a prize fajianren 发件人|(mail or email) sender fajiao 发酵|to ferment/(fig.) (of trends, emotion... fajiao 发胶|hair gel fajiao 发交|to issue and deliver (to people) fajiao 发脚|a length of hair fajiao 酦酵|variant of 發酵|发酵[fa1 jiao4] fajin 罚金|fine/to forfeit fajing 法警|bailiff fajiong 发窘|to feel embarrassment/disconcerted/em... fajiu 罚酒|to drink as the result of having lost... fajiufeng 发酒疯|to get wildly drunk fajixian 发际线|(one\'s) hairline fajuan 发卷|hair roller/curl (of hair) fajue 发掘|to excavate/to explore/(fig.) to unea... fajue 发觉|to become aware/to detect/to realize/... fajun 法军|French army faka 发卡|to issue a card/(slang) to reject a g... fakan 发刊|to publish/to put out (a document) fakanci 发刊词|foreword/preface (to a publication) fake 发棵|budding fake 伐柯|(cf Book of Songs) How to fashion an ... fake 法克|fuck (loanword) faku 法库|Faku county in Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳, Liaoning fakuan 罚款|to fine/penalty/fine (monetary) fakuang 发狂|crazy/mad/madly fakun 发困|to get sleepy fakuxian 法库县|Faku county in Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳, Liaoning fala 发蜡|pomade fala 法拉|farad, SI unit of electrical capacita... faladi 法拉第|Faraday (name)/Michael Faraday (1791-... faladilong 法拉第笼|(physics) Faraday cage falali 法拉利|Ferrari falan 法兰|flange (loanword) falandesi 法兰德斯|Flanders, region (state) of Belgium 比... falang 法郎|franc/CL:個|个[ge4] falang 珐琅|enamel falang 发廊|hair salon/hairdresser\'s shop/CL:家[ji... falangzhi 珐琅质|tooth enamel falanke 法兰克|the Franks (Germanic people who arriv... falankefu 法兰克福|Frankfurt (Germany) falankefuchezhan 法兰克福车展|the Frankfurt Motor Show falankefuhuibao 法兰克福汇报|Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung falankefuxuepai 法兰克福学派|Frankfurt School falankefuzhengquanjiaoyisuo 法兰克福证券交易所|Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE) falankelin 法兰克林|Franklin (name)/Benjamin Franklin (17... falanrong 法兰绒|flannel (loanword)/Taiwan pr. [fa4 la... falansi 法兰斯|France (phonetic transliteration) falanxi 法兰西|France falanxisi 法兰西斯|Francis (name) falanxisifeidinan 法兰西斯·斐迪南|Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria... falanxisipeigen 法兰西斯·培根|Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English Re... falanxitiyuchang 法兰西体育场|Stade de France falao 法老|pharaoh (loanword) falaosao 发牢骚|to whine/to be grouchy falasheng 法拉盛|Flushing Chinatown, a predominantly C... faleng 发冷|to feel a chill (as an emotional resp... faleng 发愣|to stare blankly; to be in a daze falesi 法勒斯|Perez (son of Judah) fali 乏力|lacking in strength; weak; feeble/not... fali 法理|legal principle/jurisprudence fali 法力|magic power fali 发力|to exert oneself; to apply force/(of ... faliang 发亮|to shine/shiny faling 法令|decree; ordinance faling 发令|to issue an order falingqiang 发令枪|starting pistol falingwen 法令纹|nasolabial fold/smile lines/laugh lines falisairen 法利赛人|Pharisee faliu 发绺|tresses/dreadlocks falongsi 法隆寺|Hōryūji, complex of Buddhist temples ... falongzhenkui 发聋振聩|lit. so loud that even the deaf can h... faluke 法鲁克|Farouk of Egypt (1920-1965), king of ... falun 法轮|the Eternal Wheel of life in Buddhism falunchangzhuan 法轮常转|the Wheel turns constantly (idiom); B... falundafa 法轮大法|another name for 法輪功|法轮功[Fa3 lun2 gong1] falungong 法轮功|Falun Gong (Chinese spiritual movemen... faluo 发落|to deal with (an offender) faluoqundao 法罗群岛|Faroe Islands falv 法律|law/CL:條|条[tiao2], 套[tao4], 個|个[ge4] falvyueshuli 法律约束力|legal force (i.e. binding in law) falvzeren 法律责任|legal responsibility; liability falvzhicai 法律制裁|legal sanction/prescribed punishment/... fama 发麻|to feel numb fama 砝码|standard weight (used on a balance sc... fama 法码|variant of 砝碼|砝码[fa3 ma3] fama 法马|variant of 砝碼|砝码[fa3 ma3] famagusita 法马古斯塔|Famagusta (Ammochostos), Cyprus famang 法盲|person who has no understanding of le... famao 发毛|to rant and rave/to be scared, upset ... famei 发霉|to become moldy famen 阀门|valve (mechanical) famen 法门|gate to enlightment (Buddhism)/Buddhi... fameng 发蒙|to be confused/to be at a loss/Taiwan... fameng 发蒙|(old) to instruct the young/to teach ... fameng 发懵|to feel dizzy/to be confused/to be at... famian 发面|to leaven dough/to make bread faming 发明|to invent/an invention/CL:個|个[ge4] faming 法名|name in religion (of Buddhist or Daoi... famingchuangzao 发明创造|to invent and innovate/inventions and... famingjia 发明家|inventor famingren 发明人|inventor famingzhe 发明者|inventor famo 罚没|to impose a fine and confiscate (prop... famu 伐木|to cut wood/tree-felling/lumbering famuchang 伐木场|a logging area famugongren 伐木工人|lumberjack/tree cutter fan 反|contrary/in reverse/inside out or ups... fan 幡|banner fan 范|pattern/model/example fan 范|surname Fan fan 凡|ordinary/commonplace/mundane/temporal... fan 凡|variant of 凡[fan2] fan 钒|vanadium (chemistry) fan 饭|cooked rice/CL:碗[wan3]/meal/CL:頓|顿[du... fan 返|to return (to) fan 帆|variant of 帆[fan1] fan 帆|sail/Taiwan pr. [fan2], except 帆布[fan... fan 帆|to gallop/Taiwan pr. [fan2]/variant o... fan 樊|surname Fan fan 樊|(literary) fence fan 畈|field/farm fan 烦|to feel vexed/to bother/to trouble/su... fan 繁|old variant of 繁[fan2] fan 繁|complicated/many/in great numbers/abb... fan 番|(bound form) foreign (non-Chinese); b... fan 梵|abbr. for 梵教[Fan4 jiao4] Brahmanism/a... fan 藩|fence; hedge/(literary) screen; barri... fan 蹯|paws of animal fan 泛|variant of 泛[fan4] fan 泛|(bound form) general/non-specific/ext... fan 贩|to deal in/to buy and sell/to trade i... fan 犯|to violate/to offend/to assault/crimi... fan 蕃|variant of 番[fan1]/foreign (non-Chinese) fan 蕃|luxuriant/flourishing/to reproduce/to... fan 矾|alum fan 旛|pennant fan 籵|dm fan 忛|erroneous variant of 帆[fan1] fan 燔|burn/to roast meat for sacrifice fan 墦|a grave fan 蘩|Artemisia stellariana fan 嬎|(dialect) (of birds) to lay eggs/(arc... fan 膰|cooked meat used in sacrifice fan 蠜|cyrtophyllus sp. fan 籓|big winnow basket fan 橎|a kind of tree fan 笲|osier basket of brides fan 薠|plant similar to coco-grass 莎草[suo1 c... fan 笵|bamboo mold fan 繙|to translate fan 飰|old variant of 飯|饭[fan4] fan 魬|sole or flounder fan 払|to take/to fetch fan 璠|(gem) fan 翻|to turn over/to flip over/to overturn... fan 𫔍|vanadium fan 翻|variant of 翻[fan1] fan 𬸪|water-hen/gallinula fanan 发难|to rise in revolt/to raise difficult ... fanan 翻案|to reverse a verdict/to present diffe... fanan 犯案|to commit a crime or offense fananweiji 反安慰剂|nocebo fanbai 泛白|to be suffused with white; faded; ble... fanbai 凡百|all/everything/the whole fanbai 反白|reverse type (white on black)/reverse... fanbai 梵呗|(Buddhism) chanting of prayers fanbaiweisheng 反败为胜|to turn defeat into victory (idiom); ... fanbaiyan 翻白眼|to roll one\'s eyes fanban 翻版|to reprint/reproduction/pirate copy/(... fanban 帆板|sailboard/windsurfing fanbandie 翻版碟|copy of DVD/pirate DVD fanbang 番邦|(old) foreign land/alien nation fanbei 翻倍|to double fanbeiqianya 帆背潜鸭|(bird species of China) canvasback (A... fanben 范本|model (example worthy of being imitat... fanben 翻本|to win back one\'s money (gambling etc) fanben 繁本|detailed edition/unexpurgated version fanbi 反比|inversely proportional/inverse ratio fanbian 翻遍|to rummage through/to turn everything... fanbing 犯病|to fall ill fanbo 反驳|to retort/to refute fanbo 繁博|numerous and wide-ranging fanbu 帆布|canvas/sailcloth fanbu 反哺|to support one\'s parents in their old... fanbushang 犯不上|see 犯不著|犯不着[fan4 bu5 zhao2] fanbuxie 帆布鞋|canvas shoes fanbuzhao 犯不着|not worthwhile fancai 饭菜|food fancai 番菜|(old) Western-style food/foreign food fance 反侧|to toss and turn fancebeiye 梵册贝叶|Sanskrit on Talipot palm leaves (idio... fancha 反差|contrast; discrepancy fancha 梵刹|Buddhist temple/monastery fanchan 反铲|backhoe fanchang 翻唱|to cover (a previously recorded song)... fanchang 繁昌|Fanchang, a district in Wuhu City 蕪湖市... fanchang 反常|unusual/abnormal fanchangqu 繁昌区|Fanchang, a district in Wuhu City 蕪湖市... fanchao 返潮|(of clothing, furniture, walls etc) t... fanchao 反超|to reverse (the score)/to pull off a ... fanchao 翻炒|to stir-fry fanche 翻车|(of a vehicle) to flip over/(fig.) to... fanchen 凡尘|mundane world (in religious context)/... fanchen 翻沉|to capsize and sink fancheng 返程|return trip/to make a return trip; to... fancheng 樊城|Fancheng District of Xiangfan city 襄樊... fancheng 泛称|to refer broadly to/general term fanchengqu 樊城区|Fancheng District of Xiangfan city 襄樊... fancheyu 翻车鱼|ocean sunfish (Mola mola) fanchi 饭匙|rice paddle fanchidaoliu 反赤道流|equatorial counter current fanchong 反冲|recoil (of a gun)/to bounce back/back... fanchongli 反冲力|backlash/recoil/reactive force fanchou 范畴|category fanchou 犯愁|to worry/to be anxious fanchoulun 范畴论|category theory (math.) fanchu 反刍|to ruminate/to chew the cud fanchu 犯憷|variant of 犯怵[fan4 chu4] fanchu 犯怵|to be afraid/to feel nervous fanchuan 翻船|to capsize/(fig.) to suffer a setback... fanchuan 帆船|sailboat fanchuan 反串|(Chinese opera) to play a role outsid... fanchuansuanfa 反传算法|back propagation algorithm fanchudongwu 反刍动物|ruminant fanchunxiangji 反唇相讥|(idiom) to answer back sarcastically;... fancuo 犯错|to err/to make a mistake/to do the wr... fandaishu 泛代数|universal algebra fandalu 泛大陆|Pangea (geology) fandan 嬎蛋|(dialect) (of birds) to lay eggs fandandaodan 反弹导弹|antimissile missile fandang 反党|anti-party fandao 反倒|but on the contrary/but expectedly fandao 翻倒|to overturn/to overthrow/to capsize/t... fandao 反导|anti-missile fandao 番刀|type of machete used by Taiwan aborig... fandaodan 反导弹|anti-missile fandaodaodan 反导导弹|anti-missile missile (such as the Pat... fandaoliuying 饭岛柳莺|(bird species of China) Ijima\'s leaf ... fandaoxitong 反导系统|anti-missile system/missile defense s... fandayang 泛大洋|Panthalassis (geology) fandegelafu 范德格拉夫|Van de Graaff (name)/Robert J. Van de... fandegelafuqidianji 范德格拉夫起电机|Van de Graaff generator fandehuali 范德华力|(molecular physics) van der Waals force fandelin 泛得林|(Tw) ventolin, aka salbutamol, an ast... fandeshang 犯得上|worthwhile (often in rhetorical quest... fandewaersi 范德瓦耳斯|van der Waals/Johannes Diderik van de... fandewaersili 范德瓦耳斯力|(molecular physics) van der Waals force fandewali 凡得瓦力|(molecular physics) van der Waals force fandezhao 犯得着|worthwhile (often in rhetorical quest... fandi 反帝|to be anti-imperialist fandian 饭店|restaurant/hotel/CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4] fandian 饭点|mealtime (lunchtime, dinnertime etc) fandian 返点|sales bonus/affiliate reward/rebate/c... fandian 反坫|earthern goblet stand also known as 垿... fandianzi 反电子|positron/also called 正電子|正电子[zheng4 d... fandigang 梵蒂冈|the Vatican fandigang 梵帝冈|variant of 梵蒂岡|梵蒂冈[Fan4di4gang1] fandigang 梵谛冈|variant of 梵蒂岡|梵蒂冈[Fan4di4gang1] fandigangcheng 梵蒂冈城|Vatican City, capital of Holy See fandigu 犯嘀咕|to hesitate/to have second thoughts/t... fandingfangcheng 泛定方程|universal differential equation fandong 翻动|to flip over/to turn (a page)/to scro... fandong 反动|reaction/reactionary fandongfenzi 反动分子|reactionaries; reactionary elements fandongpai 反动派|reactionaries fandongshili 反动势力|reactionary forces (esp. in Marxist r... fandoukache 翻斗卡车|dump truck fandu 贩毒|to traffic narcotics/drugs trade/opiu... fandu 泛读|(language education) to read swiftly,... fandui 反对|to oppose; to be against; to object to fanduidang 反对党|opposition (political) party fanduipai 反对派|opposition faction fanduipiao 反对票|dissenting vote fandulinlun 反杜林论|Anti-Dühring, book by Friedrich Engel... fanduo 繁多|many and varied/of many different kinds faneling 梵婀玲|violin (loanword) faner 反而|on the contrary; instead fanerding 凡尔丁|valitin (plain wool fabric) (loanword) fanersai 凡尔赛|Versailles (near Paris)/(slang) to hu... fanersaigong 凡尔赛宫|the Palace of Versailles, France fanersaiwenxue 凡尔赛文学|(slang) social media post whose purpo... fanfa 犯法|to break the law fanfan 翻番|to double/to increase by a certain nu... fanfan 番番|time and time again fanfanertan 泛泛而谈|to speak in general terms fanfanfufu 反反复复|repeatedly/time and time again fanfang 反方|the side opposed to the proposition (... fanfanzhijiao 泛泛之交|nodding acquaintance/slight familiarity fanfeng 反讽|irony/to satirize fanfenliefa 反分裂法|anti-secession law of 2005 (whereby P... fanfu 反复|variant of 反覆|反复[fan3 fu4] fanfu 反复|repeatedly/over and over/to upend/uns... fanfu 繁复|complicated fanfu 凡夫|common person/ordinary guy/mortal man fanfu 反腐|anti-corruption fanfu 翻覆|to overturn (a vehicle); to capsize; ... fanfu 贩夫|peddler/street vendor fanfubai 反腐败|to oppose corruption/anti-graft (meas... fanfuchanglian 反腐倡廉|to fight corruption and advocate probity fanfusuzi 凡夫俗子|common people; ordinary folk fanfusuzi 贩夫俗子|peddlers and common people/lower class fanfuwuchang 反复无常|unstable/erratic/changeable/fickle fanfuzouzu 贩夫走卒|lit. peddlers and carriers/common peo... fang 房|surname Fang fang 房|house/room/CL:間|间[jian1]/branch of an... fang 放|to put/to place/to release/to free/to... fang 方|surname Fang fang 方|square/power or involution (math.)/up... fang 防|to protect/to defend/to guard against... fang 芳|fragrant fang 访|(bound form) to visit/to call on/to s... fang 仿|to imitate/to copy fang 仿|variant of 仿[fang3] fang 仿|seemingly fang 纺|to spin (cotton or hemp etc)/fine wov... fang 妨|to hinder/(in the negative or interro... fang 淓|name of a river fang 舫|2 boats lashed together/large boat fang 枋|Santalum album/square wooden pillar fang 匚|\"right open box\" radical (Kangxi radi... fang 瓬|potter/ceramicist fang 肪|animal fat fang 钫|francium (chemistry) fang 昉|dawn/to begin fang 旊|variant of 瓬[fang3] fang 邡|name of a district in Sichuan fang 蚄|used in 虸蚄[zi3 fang1] fang 髣|seemingly fang 鲂|bream/Zeus japanicus fang 坊|surname Fang fang 坊|lane (usually as part of a street nam... fang 坊|workshop/mill/Taiwan pr. [fang1] fangai 妨碍|to hinder/to obstruct fangai 翻盖|flip-top (mobile phone, handbag etc)/... fangai 防艾|protecting against AIDS fangaiqiu 妨碍球|stymie (golf) fangan 方案|plan/program (for action etc)/proposa... fangan 反感|to be disgusted with/to dislike/bad r... fangang 返岗|to resume one\'s former position (afte... fangang 返港|to return to Hong Kong fangao 梵高|Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), Dutch p... fangao 凡高|Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), Dutch p... fangaochao 反高潮|anticlimax fangbao 防暴|to suppress a riot/riot control fangbaodun 防暴盾|riot shield fangbaojingcha 防暴警察|riot police/riot squad fangbaozhu 放爆竹|to set off firecrackers fangbei 防备|to guard against fangbi 防避|protection fangbi 防弊|anti-fraud/anti-cheating/preventing w... fangbian 方便|convenient; suitable/to facilitate; t... fangbianmian 方便面|instant noodles fangbianpao 放鞭炮|to set off firecrackers fangbiantie 方便贴|Post-it note/sticky note fangbodi 防波堤|breakwater/seawall/fig. defensive buf... fangbushengfang 防不胜防|(idiom) virtually impossible to prevent fangbuxia 放不下|to have no room to put sth/to be unab... fangbuxiaxin 放不下心|cannot stop worrying fangcai 方才|just now/then fangcang 房舱|(ship\'s) cabin fangcang 方舱|portable building; demountable buildi... fangce 方策|strategy/policy/general plan/variant ... fangce 方册|ancient books and volumes/classical w... fangcha 访查|to investigate fangcha 方差|variance (statistics) fangchan 房产|real estate/the property market (e.g.... fangchan 房颤|atrial fibrillation (abbr. for 心房顫動|心... fangchangxiandiaodayu 放长线钓大鱼|use a long line to catch a big fish (... fangchanzheng 房产证|title deeds/certificate of property o... fangchanzhongjie 房产中介|real estate agent fangchao 防潮|damp proof/moisture proof/protection ... fangchao 访朝|to visit North Korea fangchaodi 防潮堤|tide embankment fangchaodian 防潮垫|groundsheet (for camping etc) fangche 纺车|spinning wheel fangche 房车|recreational vehicle fangcheng 方程|(math.) equation fangcheng 方城|Fangcheng county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan... fangcheng 方城|square castle/mahjong layout (with th... fangcheng 防城|Fangcheng district of Fangchenggang c... fangchenggang 防城港|Fangchenggang prefecture-level city i... fangchenggangshi 防城港市|Fangchenggang prefecture-level city i... fangchenggezuzizhixian 防城各族自治县|Fangcheng Various Nationalities Auton... fangchengqu 防城区|Fangcheng district of Fangchenggang c... fangchengshi 方程式|(math.) equation fangchengxian 方城县|Fangcheng county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan... fangchengxian 防城县|former Fangcheng county, now Fangchen... fangchengzu 方程组|(math.) simultaneous equations/system... fangchu 放出|to let off/to give out fangchuanzhen 防喘振|(turbomachinery design) anti-surge fangchui 纺锤|spindle fangci 防磁|antimagnetic fangcun 方寸|square cun (Chinese unit of area: 1 c... fangcundaluan 方寸大乱|(idiom) to become agitated/to get wor... fangcunyiluan 方寸已乱|(idiom) confused/troubled/bewildered fangda 放大|to enlarge/to magnify fangdabeishu 放大倍数|magnifying power/magnification fangdai 房贷|home loan fangdai 放贷|to provide loans fangdajing 放大镜|magnifying glass fangdan 防弹|bulletproof fangdan 放胆|to act boldly fangdan 放诞|untrammeled/reckless/wanton fangdanbuji 放诞不羁|wanton and unrestrained (idiom); diss... fangdanbuju 放诞不拘|wanton and unrestrained (idiom); diss... fangdang 放荡|licentious/wanton/morally unrestrained fangdangbuji 放荡不羁|wanton and unrestrained (idiom); diss... fangdanyi 防弹衣|bulletproof vest fangdao 防盗|to guard against theft/anti-theft fangdao 放倒|to knock over; to knock down; to lay ... fangdaomen 防盗门|security door fangdapao 放大炮|to talk big/to shoot one\'s mouth off fangdapian 放大片|(Tw) cosmetic contact lens/big eye co... fangdaqi 放大器|amplifier fangdazhi 放大纸|enlarging paper (photography)/bromide... fangdexia 放得下|to be able to put (sth) down; to have... fangdi 放低|to lower/to be humble fangdian 放电|electrical discharge/(coll.) to lure/... fangdiao 放刁|to act wickedly/to bully/to make life... fangdichan 房地产|real estate fangdimei 房地美|Freddie Mac, US mortgage company/form... fangding 房顶|housetop/roof fangding 方顶|square roof fangdong 房东|landlord fangdong 防冻|antifreeze fangdongji 防冻剂|antifreeze agent fangdu 防毒|to protect against poisonous substanc... fangdu 放毒|to poison/(fig.) to spread vicious ru... fangdu 防堵|to prevent/to combat/to counter fangdu 防杜|to prevent fangdudoupeng 防毒斗篷|protective cape fangdumianju 防毒面具|gas mask fangdumianzhao 防毒面罩|gas mask fangduruanjian 防毒软件|anti-virus software fangdushoutao 防毒手套|protective gloves fangdutongdao 防毒通道|protective passageway fangduweiqun 防毒围裙|protective apron fangduxuetao 防毒靴套|gas-protection boots/protective boots fangeming 反革命|counterrevolutionary fangemingxuanchuanshandongzui 反革命宣传煽动罪|the crime of instigating counterrevol... fangendou 翻跟斗|to turn a somersault fangeng 翻耕|to plow; to turn the soil fangentou 翻跟头|to turn a somersault fangfa 方法|method; way; means/CL:個|个[ge4] fangfalun 方法论|methodology/Discours de la méthode by... fangfan 防范|to be on guard/wariness/to guard agai... fangfangmianmian 方方面面|all sides; all aspects/multifaceted fangfangzhengzheng 方方正正|square-shaped fangfaxue 方法学|methodology fangfei 放飞|to allow to fly fangfei 房费|room charge fangfeiji 放飞机|(coll.) to stand sb up/to fail to hon... fangfeng 防风|to protect from wind/fangfeng (Saposh... fangfeng 放风|to allow in fresh air/to allow a pris... fangfeng 仿讽|parody fangfenggusha 防风固沙|sand break (in desert environment) fangfu 仿佛|variant of 彷彿|仿佛[fang3 fu2] fangfu 仿佛|to seem/as if/alike/similar fangfu 防腐|rotproof/antiseptic/anti-corrosion fangfu 鲂𫚒|(zoology) gurnard; sea robin fangfuji 防腐剂|preservative/antiseptic fanggang 访港|to visit Hong Kong fanggao 放告|to release a statement fangge 方格|checked pattern/square box character ... fanggen 方根|(math.) root (as in \"fourth root (∜)\"... fanggezhi 方格纸|squared paper/graph paper/grid paper ... fanggezi 放鸽子|to stand sb up/to bail on sb fanggong 放工|to knock off work for the day fanggonghaineng 妨功害能|to constrain and limit successful, ca... fanggu 仿古|pseudo-classical/modeled on antique/i... fanggu 访古|to search for ancient relics fangguo 放过|to let off/to let slip by/to let sb g... fanghai 妨害|to jeopardize/to be harmful to/to und... fanghai 防骇|anti-hacker fanghaigongwu 妨害公务|(law) obstructing government administ... fanghanfu 防寒服|overcoat/down jacket/winter wear fanghanyoumo 防焊油墨|solder mask (applied to a circuit board) fanghe 防核|nuclear defense/anti-nuclear (install... fanghong 防洪|flood control/flood prevention fanghu 防护|to defend/to protect fanghua 芳华|young years/youth fanghua 防滑|antiskid/slip resistant fanghua 放话|to give orders/to spread news or rumo... fanghuajiuyuan 防化救援|antichemical rescue fanghualian 防滑链|snow chain (for a vehicle tire) fanghuan 防患|to take preventative measures; to gua... fanghuan 放缓|to slow/to slow down (the pace of) fanghuan 放还|to release (a hostage)/to put back in... fanghuanweimeng 防患未萌|to prevent a disaster before the even... fanghuanweiran 防患未然|to prevent troubles before the event ... fanghuanyuweiran 防患于未然|see 防患未然[fang2 huan4 wei4 ran2] fanghufu 防护服|protective clothing; hazmat suit fanghuiju 访惠聚|program of visiting Muslim households... fanghuo 防火|to protect against fire fanghuo 放火|to set on fire/to commit arson/to cre... fanghuochangcheng 防火长城|Great Firewall of China (system for r... fanghuodao 防火道|firebreak fanghuoqiang 防火墙|firewall/CL:堵[du3] fanghuoti 防火梯|fire escape fanghuyanjing 防护眼镜|safety goggles fangji 方剂|prescription/recipe (Chinese medicine) fangjia 房价|house price/cost of housing fangjia 放假|to have a holiday or vacation fangjia 方家|learned person/expert in a certain fi... fangjia 防夹|antipinch (e.g. preventing catching f... fangjian 房间|room/CL:間|间[jian1],個|个[ge4] fangjian 坊间|street stalls/bookshops/in the streets fangjianchuanyan 坊间传言|rumors/the word on the street fangjieshi 方解石|calcite (CaCO3 as rock-forming mineral) fangjin 放进|to put into fangka 房卡|room card (in a hotel) fangkai 放开|to let go/to release fangkaishoujiao 放开手脚|to have free rein (idiom) fangke 房客|tenant fangke 访客|visitor; caller fangke 放克|(music) funk (loanword) fangkong 防控|to prevent and control (e.g. the spre... fangkong 放空|to relax completely/to empty one\'s mi... fangkong 防空|anti-aircraft defense fangkongbinan 防空避难|(Tw) evacuation to an air-raid shelter fangkongbinansuo 防空避难所|(Tw) air-raid shelter fangkongdang 放空挡|to coast along in neutral gear (in a ... fangkongdong 防空洞|air raid shelter; bomb shelter/(fig.)... fangkongpao 放空炮|(lit.) to fire blank shots/(fig.) to ... fangkongqian 方孔钱|round coin with a square hole in the ... fangkuai 方块|cube/block/square/rectangle/diamond ♦... fangkuaiwu 方块舞|square dance (traditional American da... fangkuaizi 方块字|Chinese characters fangkuan 放款|to lend money (as a commercial loan) fangkuan 放宽|to relax (a rule)/to ease (restrictio... fangkuangtu 方框图|flowchart/block diagram fangkuohao 方括号|square brackets [ ] fangla 方腊|Fang La fanglang 放浪|unrestrained/dissolute/dissipated/unc... fanglangbuji 放浪不羁|wanton and unrestrained (idiom); diss... fanglangpenwu 防狼喷雾|pepper spray fanglangxinghai 放浪形骸|to abandon all restraint (idiom) fanglao 房劳|deficiency of kidney essence due to s... fangliao 枋寮|Fangliao township in Pingtung County ... fangliao 芳疗|aromatherapy (abbr. for 芳香療法|芳香疗法[fan... fangliaoxiang 枋寮乡|Fangliao township in Pingtung County ... fangling 芳龄|age (of a young woman) fanglun 纺轮|spinning wheel fangmaguolai 放马过来|bring it on!/give me all you got! fangmahoupao 放马后炮|to fire after the horse has bolted (i... fangman 放慢|to reduce the pace (of movements, ste... fangmanjiaobu 放慢脚步|to ease up the pace/to slow things down fangmansudu 放慢速度|to ease up the pace/to slow things down fangmao 仿冒|to counterfeit/fake fangmao 方帽|mortarboard; square academic cap fangmaopin 仿冒品|counterfeit object/imitation/fake/pir... fangmei 防霉|to inhibit mold/mold-proof/mildew-proof fangmei 访美|to visit the USA fangmen 房门|door of a room fangmen 防门|defensive gate fangmian 方面|respect/aspect/field/side/CL:個|个[ge4] fangming 方命|against orders/to disobey/to refuse t... fangmu 放牧|to graze (livestock)/to herd (livestock) fangneng 方能|can then (and only then) fangni 方妮|Fanny (name) fangniao 放鸟|to stand someone up fangniuban 放牛班|class of underachievers/dunces\' class... fangnu 房奴|a slave to one\'s mortgage fangong 返工|to do poorly done work over again/(Gu... fangong 反攻|to counterattack/a counteroffensive fangong 反共|anti-communist fangong 翻供|to retract a confession or testimony fangongcheng 范公偁|Fan Gongcheng (12th century), Souther... fangongziwen 反躬自问|introspection/to ask oneself fangpenzhao 防喷罩|pop filter (audio engineering) fangpi 放屁|to fart/to break wind/to talk nonsens... fangpi 仿皮|imitation leather fangpichong 放屁虫|stinkbug fangping 放平|to set level/to lay flat fangpinwenku 访贫问苦|to visit the poor and ask about their... fangqi 放弃|to renounce; to abandon; to give up fangqi 房契|deed (for a house)/CL:張|张[zhang1],份[f... fangqi 放气|to release breath/to deflate/to fart fangqian 房钱|charges for a room/house rental fangqiang 放枪|to open fire/to shoot a gun fangqiankuang 方铅矿|galena fangqing 放晴|(of weather) to clear up fangqing 放情|to do sth to one\'s heart\'s content fangqingqiuhe 放情丘壑|to enjoy oneself in nature\'s embrace ... fangqinwenyou 访亲问友|to visit friends and relations (idiom) fangqiu 访求|to seek/to search for fangqu 防龋|to prevent tooth decay/anti-caries fangquan 放权|to devolve authority to lower levels fangrefanying 放热反应|exothermic reaction fangren 放任|to ignore/to let alone/to indulge fangrenzhengce 放任政策|laissez-faire policy; non-interference fangrenziliu 放任自流|to let sb do whatever they want/to in... fangrong 芳容|beautiful face (of a young lady) fangru 放入|to put in/to insert fangru 仿如|like/similar to/as if fangrui-yuanzao 方枘圆凿|lit. like a square peg in a round hol... fangsha 纺纱|to spin (cotton, wool etc)/spinning fangshai 防晒|sunburn protection fangshaishuang 防晒霜|suntan lotion/sunscreen cream fangshaiyou 防晒油|sunscreen/sunblock fangshan 房山|Fangshan, a district of Beijing fangshan 方山|Fangshan county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3... fangshan 枋山|Fangshan township in Pingtung County ... fangshan 放闪|(coll.) (of a couple) to display affe... fangshanji 放山鸡|free-range chicken fangshanqu 房山区|Fangshan, a district of Beijing fangshanxian 方山县|Fangshan county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3... fangshanxiang 枋山乡|Fangshan township in Pingtung County ... fangshao 放哨|to keep watch/to do sentry duty/to be... fangshe 放射|to radiate/radioactive fangshe 房舍|house/building fangshe 仿射|(math.) affine fangshebing 放射病|radiation sickness fangshechong 放射虫|radiolarian (single-celled animal) fangshefanghu 放射防护|radiological defense fangshekongjian 仿射空间|(math.) affine space fangsheliaofa 放射疗法|radiotherapy fangshemianyiceding 放射免疫测定|radioimmunoassay fangshen 防身|self-protection/to defend oneself fangsheng 仿生|to design an artificial system, takin... fangsheng 放生|to set free a captive animal (in some... fangsheng 放声|very loudly/at the top of one\'s voice fangsheng-daku 放声大哭|to sob loudly; to bawl fangshengxue 仿生学|bionics/bionicist fangshewu 放射物|radioactive material fangshexian 放射线|radiation/rays of radiation fangshexing 放射性|radioactive fangshexingcailiao 放射性材料|radioactive material fangshexingdian 放射性碘|radioactive iodine fangshexingfeiwu 放射性废物|radioactive waste fangshexinghesu 放射性核素|radioactive nuclide/radionuclide fangshexinghuodu 放射性活度|radioactivity fangshexingjishi 放射性计时|radiometric dating fangshexingluoxiahui 放射性落下灰|radioactive fallout fangshexingshuaibian 放射性衰变|radioactive decay fangshexingsuipian 放射性碎片|radioactive debris fangshexingtongweisu 放射性同位素|radioactive isotope/radioisotope fangshexingwuqi 放射性武器|radiological weapon fangshexingwuran 放射性污染|radioactive contamination fangshexingyanyu 放射性烟羽|radiation plume fangshexingzhanran 放射性沾染|radioactive contamination fangshexingzhanranwu 放射性沾染物|radioactive contaminant fangshexue 放射学|radiology fangsheyuan 放射源|radiation source fangshezhiliao 放射治疗|radiotherapy fangshezikongjian 仿射子空间|(math.) affine subspace fangshi 方式|way; manner; style; mode; pattern/CL:... fangshi 方士|alchemist/necromancer fangshi 房事|sexual intercourse/to make love fangshi 房室|room fangshi 房市|real estate market fangshiqiuxue 访师求学|to seek a teacher desiring to study fangshou 防守|to defend/to protect (against) fangshou 放手|to let go one\'s hold/to give up/to ha... fangshouyibo 放手一搏|to put one\'s all into the fight fangshouzhe 防守者|defender fangshu 方术|arts of healing, divination, horoscop... fangshui 防水|waterproof fangshui 放水|to turn on the water/to let water out... fangshuipi 放水屁|(coll.) to shart fangshujia 放暑假|to be on summer vacation fangshujiangwen 防暑降温|to prevent heatstroke and reduce temp... fangsi 放肆|wanton/unbridled/presumptuous/impudent fangsi 纺丝|to spin synthetic fiber/to spin silk/... fangsi 仿似|as if/to seem fangsi 彷似|variant of 仿似[fang3 si4] fangsong 放松|to relax; to slacken; to loosen fangsong 仿宋|imitation Song dynasty typeface/Fangs... fangsong 放送|to broadcast/to announce over loudspe... fangsongguanzhi 放松管制|deregulation fangsun 防损|loss prevention fangtai 访台|to visit Taiwan fangtan 访谈|to visit and discuss/to interview fangtang 方糖|sugar cube fangte 防特|to thwart espionage; counterespionage fangting 芳烃|aromatic hydrocarbon fangtou 方头|square headed fangtoujin 方头巾|headscarf fangtoukuohao 方头括号|lenticular brackets (【】 or 〖〗) fangtouluomao 方头螺帽|square headed nut fangtui 方腿|processed ham product fangu 反骨|(physiognomy) protruding bone at the ... fangu 反顾|to glance back/(fig.) to regret; to h... fangu 梵谷|Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), Dutch p... fangua 番瓜|(dialect) pumpkin fanguan 饭馆|restaurant/CL:家[jia1] fanguan 反观|by contrast/but as for this.../viewed... fanguang 反光|to reflect light fanguangdeng 泛光灯|floodlight fanguangjing 反光镜|reflector (typically concave, as in a... fanguangmian 反光面|reflecting surface fanguanr 饭馆儿|erhua variant of 飯館|饭馆[fan4 guan3] fangui 犯规|to break the rules/an illegality/a foul fangun 翻滚|to roll/to boil fanguo 藩国|feudatory/vassal state fanguo 翻过|to turn over/to transform fanguo 返国|to return to one\'s country fanguolai 反过来|conversely/in reverse order/in an opp... fanguolai 翻过来|to overturn/to turn upside down fanguolaishuo 反过来说|on the other hand fangwei 方位|direction/points of the compass/beari... fangwei 防卫|to defend/defensive/defense fangwei 防伪|to prevent counterfeiting; anti-count... fangweici 方位词|noun of locality (linguistics) fangweidachen 防卫大臣|minister of defense (esp. in Japan) fangweidujian 防微杜渐|to nip in the bud (idiom) fangweiguodang 防卫过当|excessive self-defense (self-defense ... fangweijiao 方位角|azimuth fangweiweng 方尾鹟|(bird species of China) grey-headed c... fangweiwuqi 防卫武器|defensive weapon fangweixing 放卫星|to launch a satellite/(fig.) (neologi... fangwen 访问|to visit; to call on/to interview/CL:... fangwenfangshi 访问方式|access method fangwenliang 访问量|(web counter) hits fangwenshan 方文山|Vincent Fang (1969-), Taiwanese multi... fangwenye 防蚊液|mosquito repellent fangwenzhe 访问者|interviewer fangwu 防务|(pertaining to) defense fangwu 方物|produced locally/local product (with ... fangwu 房屋|house/building/CL:所[suo3],套[tao4] fangwuzhongjie 房屋中介|housing agent/real estate agent fangxi 方𨰿|(arch.) metal horn attached as shield... fangxia 放下|to lay down; to put down/to let go of... fangxia 房下|(old) one\'s wife fangxiabaofu 放下包袱|to lay down a heavy burden fangxian 防线|defensive line or perimeter/CL:道[dao4] fangxian 房县|Fang county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4], ... fangxian 防闲|to guard fangxian 放线|(angling) to play a fish/(kite-flying... fangxiang 方向|direction; orientation/CL:個|个[ge4] fangxiang 芳香|fragrant/aromatic/fragrance/aroma fangxiangcu 芳香醋|balsamic vinegar fangxianggan 方向感|sense of direction fangxianghuan 芳香环|benzene ring (chemistry)/aromatic ring fangxiangliaofa 芳香疗法|aromatherapy fangxiangpan 方向盘|steering wheel fangxiangting 芳香烃|aromatic hydrocarbon (i.e. involving ... fangxiangxing 方向性|directionality (molecular biology) fangxiao 仿效|to copy; to imitate fangxiashenduan 放下身段|(idiom) to get off one\'s high horse; ... fangxiatudao,lidichengfo 放下屠刀,立地成佛|lay down butcher\'s knife, become a Bu... fangxie 放血|(TCM) to practice bloodletting/(medic... fangxin 放心|to feel relieved/to feel reassured/to... fangxin 芳心|the affection, or heart, of a young w... fangxing 方形|square/square-shaped fangxing 放行|to let pass fangxing 仿行|to fashion after/to imitate fangxing 房型|see 戶型|户型[hu4 xing2] fangxingweiai 方兴未艾|flourishing and still in the ascendan... fangxingweiyi 方兴未已|flourishing and still in the ascendan... fangxiu 防锈|rust prevention/anti-corrosion fangxuanling 房玄龄|Fang Xuanling (579-648), Tang dynasty... fangxue 放学|to dismiss students at the end of the... fangxuening 防血凝|anti-coagulant fangxun 防汛|flood control/anti-flood (precautions) fangxun 访寻|to enquire/to search fangya 房牙|real estate agent (old) fangyan 方言|the first Chinese dialect dictionary,... fangyan 方言|topolect/dialect fangyan 放眼|to survey/to view broadly fangyan 房檐|eaves fangyang 放养|to raise (livestock or poultry) in an... fangyang 放羊|to tend a flock of sheep/to let sheep... fangyangpizhi 仿羊皮纸|imitation parchment fangyangwa 放羊娃|shepherd/shepherd boy fangyankou 放焰口|to feed the starving ghosts (i.e. off... fangyanmudan 放烟幕弹|to spread a smokescreen fangyanwangqu 放眼望去|as far as the eye can see fangyazi 房牙子|real estate agent (old) fangyi 防疫|to prevent epidemics fangyi 方毅|Fang Yi (1916-1997), senior party app... fangyima 放一马|to let (sb) off/to let (sb) get away ... fangyin 方音|dialectal accent fangyin 放音|playback (of recorded sound) fangying 放映|to show (a movie)/to screen fangyingshi 放映室|cinema room/viewing room fangyoujianwang 防油溅网|splatter screen fangyu 防御|defense/to defend fangyuan 方圆|perimeter/range/(within) a radius of ... fangyuan 访员|field reporter/investigative journalist fangyuan 芳苑|Fangyuan Township in Changhua County ... fangyuanxiang 芳苑乡|Fangyuan Township in Changhua County ... fangyugongshi 防御工事|fortification/defensive structure fangyulv 防御率|earned run average (baseball) fangyushu 防御术|defensive art fangyuxing 防御性|defensive (weapons) fangzai 防灾|disaster prevention/to protect agains... fangzaixinshang 放在心上|to care about/to take seriously/to ta... fangzaiyanli 放在眼里|to pay attention to/to care about/to ... fangzao 仿造|to copy/to produce sth after a model/... fangzha 芳札|good letter fangzhai 放债|to lend money (for interest); to give... fangzhang 方丈|one of three fabled islands in Easter... fangzhang 方丈|square zhang (i.e. unit of area 10 fe... fangzhang 防长|abbr. for 國防部長|国防部长[guo2 fang2 bu4 zh... fangzhao 仿照|to imitate fangzhemingbaizhuanghutu 放着明白装糊涂|to pretend not to know (idiom) fangzhen 仿真|to emulate/to simulate/emulation/simu... fangzhen 方针|policy/guidelines/CL:個|个[ge4] fangzhen 方阵|square-shaped formation (military)/ph... fangzhen 防震|shockproof/to guard against earthquakes fangzhenfuwuqi 仿真服务器|emulation server fangzheng 方正|Fangzheng county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha... fangzheng 方正|clear and square/neat/square (person) fangzhengxian 方正县|Fangzheng county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha... fangzhi 防治|to prevent and cure/prevention and cure fangzhi 防止|to prevent/to guard against/to take p... fangzhi 仿制|to copy/to imitate/to make by imitati... fangzhi 纺织|spinning and weaving fangzhi 放置|to put fangzhi 防制|(Tw) to combat (bullying, money laund... fangzhi 仿纸|copying paper (with printed model cha... fangzhi 方知|to realize only then fangzhi 方志|local chronicles/district records fangzhichang 纺织厂|textile factory/cotton mill fangzhigongye 纺织工业|textile industry fangzhiniang 纺织娘|katydid/long-horned grasshopper fangzhipin 仿制品|counterfeit object/fake fangzhipin 纺织品|textile/fabrics fangzhisihaierjiezhun 放之四海而皆准|applicable anywhere (idiom) fangzhiwu 纺织物|textile material fangzhiyao 仿制药|generic drug; generic medicine fangzhizhe 纺织者|weaver fangzhong 房仲|real estate agent (Tw) fangzhongfang 房中房|room constructed within an existing r... fangzhou 方舟|ark fangzhu 放逐|to banish/to deport/to send into exil... fangzhu 房主|landlord/house owner fangzhuang 方庄|Fangzhuang neighborhood of Beijing fangzi 房子|house/building (single- or two-story)... fangzi 坊子|Fangzi district of Weifang city 濰坊市|潍... fangzi 方子|prescription (of medicine) fangziqu 坊子区|Fangzi district of Weifang city 濰坊市|潍... fangziweiai 方滋未艾|flourishing and still in the ascendan... fangzong 放纵|to indulge/to pamper/to connive at/pe... fangzou 放走|to release/to set free/to allow (a pe... fangzu 房租|rent for a room or house fanhan 泛函|a functional (math.) fanhanduiyin 梵汉对音|Sanskrit-Chinese transliteration fanhanfenxi 泛函分析|(math.) functional analysis fanhang 返航|to return to the point of departure fanhanshu 反函数|inverse function (math.) fanhao 番号|number of military unit fanhe 饭盒|lunchbox/mess tin fanhe 反核|anti-nuclear (e.g. protest) fanhong 翻红|(of a stock or index) to turn positiv... fanhong 泛红|to blush/to redden/flushed fanhonghua 番红花|saffron (Crocus sativus) fanhoubaibuzou,huodaojiushijiu 饭后百步走,活到九十九|walk a hundred steps after each meal ... fanhoufuyong 饭后服用|post cibum (pharm.)/to take (medicine... fanhouyizhiyan,saiguohuoshenxian 饭后一支烟,赛过活神仙|have a smoke after each meal and you ... fanhua 繁华|flourishing/bustling fanhua 繁花|flourishing blossom/a mass of flowers... fanhua 反话|irony/ironic remark fanhua 反华|anti-Chinese fanhuan 返还|restitution/return of something to it... fanhuanzhanyou 返还占有|repossession fanhui 返回|to return to/to come (or go) back fanhui 反悔|to renege/to go back (on a deal)/to b... fanhui 翻悔|to renege/to go back (on a deal)/to b... fanhui 犯讳|to use the tabooed name 名諱|名讳[ming2 h... fanhun 犯浑|confused; mixed up; muddled up; befud... fanian 发蔫|to wilt/to droop/to appear listless fanji 反击|to strike back; to beat back; to coun... fanji 犯忌|to violate a taboo fanji 反季|off-season; out-of-season fanjia 返家|to return home fanjian 凡间|the secular world fanjian 繁简|complicated and simple/traditional an... fanjian 反间|to feed the enemy misinformation thro... fanjian 反剪|with hands behind one\'s back/trussed fanjian 翻检|to rummage/to look through/to leaf th... fanjian 翻拣|to browse and select/to glance throug... fanjiandaodan 反舰导弹|anti-ship missile fanjiandie 反间谍|counterintelligence/protection agains... fanjiangdaohai 翻江倒海|lit. overturning seas and rivers (idi... fanjianji 反间计|stratagem of sowing dissension/CL:條|条... fanjianting 反舰艇|anti-ship fanjiao 番椒|hot pepper/chili fanjiao 反角|reflex angle fanjiao 梵教|Brahmanism fanjiao 翻搅|to stir up/to turn over fanjiayoukuangshi 钒钾铀矿石|carnotite fanjidu 反基督|the anti-Christ fanjie 犯戒|to go against the rules (of a religio... fanjie 反诘|to ask (a question) in reply/to answe... fanjie 反接|trussed/with hands tied behind the back fanjie 番界|territory occupied by aborigines in T... fanjiewen 反诘问|to cross-examine fanjijie 反季节|off-season; out-of-season fanjin 犯禁|to violate a ban fanjin 凡近|with little learning fanjin 犯劲|to become excited fanjindou 翻筋斗|to tumble/to turn a somersault fanjiuzhang 翻旧账|to turn over old accounts/fig. to rev... fanju 饭局|dinner party/banquet fanju 番剧|anime series fanjuan 翻卷|to spin/to whirl around fanjuchi 反锯齿|anti-aliasing fanjue 反角|bad guy (in a story)/villain fankai 翻开|to open up fankan 翻看|to browse/to look over (books) fankang 反抗|to resist/to rebel fankangzhe 反抗者|rebel fanke 番客|(old) foreigner; alien/(dialect) over... fankeweizhu 反客为主|lit. the guest acts as host (idiom); ... fankexue 反科学|anti-science/anti-scientific fankeyabao 梵克雅宝|Van Cleef & Arpels (French luxury jew... fankong 反恐|anti-terrorism/to fight against terro... fankongchuqi 翻空出奇|to overturn empty convention, and dis... fankongjiang 反空降|anti-aircraft defense fankongzhanzheng 反恐战争|war on terrorism fankou 反口|to correct oneself/to renege/to break... fanku 藩库|government repository/state provincia... fankui 反馈|to send back information/feedback fankun 犯困|(coll.) to get sleepy fankuxingzhemogongyue 反酷刑折磨公约|UN convention against torture and cru... fanlaifuqu 翻来覆去|to toss and turn (sleeplessly)/again ... fanlan 泛滥|to be in flood/to overflow (the banks... fanlanchengzai 泛滥成灾|lit. to flood (idiom)/fig. rampant/in... fanlao 烦劳|to put sb to trouble (of doing sth)/v... fanlaohuangli 翻老皇历|to look to the past for guidance (idiom) fanlaohuantong 返老还童|to recover one\'s youthful vigor/to fe... fanlaozhang 翻老账|to turn over old accounts/fig. to rev... fanlei 饭类|rice dishes (on menu) fanli 范蠡|Fan Li (536-488 BC), politician of Yu... fanli 反例|counterexample fanli 范例|example; model case fanli 藩篱|hedge/fence/(fig.) barrier fanli 凡例|notes on the use of a book/guide to t... fanli 樊篱|(lit.) fence; hedge/(fig.) restriction fanli 返利|dealer incentive/sales bonus/rebate fanlian 翻脸|to fall out with sb; to become hostile fanlianburenren 翻脸不认人|to fall out with sb and become hostile fanliang 饭量|amount of food one eats/portion size fanlianwuqing 反脸无情|to turn one\'s face against sb and sho... fanling 翻领|turndown collar/lapel fanlishui 凡立水|varnish (loanword) fanlizhi 番荔枝|custard apple/soursop (Annonaceae) fanlizi 反粒子|antiparticle (physics) fanlong 樊笼|bird cage/(fig.) prison/confinement fanlongduan 反垄断|antitrust fanlongduanfa 反垄断法|antitrust legislation fanlu 番路|Fanlu Township in Chiayi County 嘉義縣|嘉... fanluan 烦乱|anxious/agitated fanlubingdu 反录病毒|reverse transcription virus/retrovirus fanlun 泛论|to discuss in general terms/general e... fanluxiang 番路乡|Fanlu Township in Chiayi County 嘉義縣|嘉... fanlv 繁缕|common chickweed (Stellaria media) fanmai 贩卖|to sell/to peddle/to traffic fanmai 番麦|corn (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [hua... fanmaiji 贩卖机|vending machine fanmairenkou 贩卖人口|trafficking in human beings fanmang 繁忙|busy/bustling fanmao 繁茂|(of vegetation) lush; luxuriant fanmei 泛美|Pan American fanmei 反美|anti-American fanmeishigongzuofumeishishenghuo 反美是工作赴美是生活|being anti-American is the job, but l... fanmen 烦闷|moody; gloomy fanmi 繁密|numerous and close together/(of hair)... fanmian 反面|reverse side/backside/the other side ... fanmianjiaocai 反面教材|negative example/sth that teaches one... fanmianjiaoyuan 反面教员|(PRC) teacher by negative example/sb ... fanmianr 反面儿|erhua variant of 反面[fan3 mian4] fanmianrenwu 反面人物|negative character/bad guy (in a story) fanmimazi 反密码子|anticodon fanminzhupai 泛民主派|pan-Democratic alliance (Hong Kong) fanmu 反目|to quarrel/to fall out with sb fanmubiejian 番木鳖碱|strychnine (C21H22N2O2) fanmuchengchou 反目成仇|(idiom) to fall out with sb; to becom... fanmugua 番木瓜|papaya fannan 犯难|to feel embarrassed/to feel awkward fannao 烦恼|to be worried/to be distressed/worries fannao 繁闹|bustling fanni 烦腻|fed up fanpai 反派|villain (of a drama etc) fanpai 翻拍|to reproduce photographically/to dupl... fanpan 翻盘|to make a comeback/(of a doctor\'s ass... fanpan 反叛|to rebel/to revolt fanpanfenzi 反叛分子|insurgent; rebel fanpen 饭盆|pet food bowl/dog bowl fanpianr 翻篇儿|to turn a page/(fig.) to turn over a ... fanpiao 饭票|(lit. and fig.) meal ticket fanpin 返聘|to rehire retired personnel fanpin 犯贫|(dialect) to talk nonsense/garrulous fanpiping 反批评|countercriticism fanpu 反扑|to counterattack/to come back after a... fanpuguizhen 返璞归真|to return to one\'s true self/to regai... fanpuguizhen 反璞归真|variant of 返璞歸真|返璞归真[fan3 pu2 gui1 zh... fanqi 泛起|to appear/to emerge/to surface fanqian 反潜|anti-submarine/antisubmarine fanqiang 翻墙|lit. to climb over the wall/fig. to b... fanqidaoerxingzhi 反其道而行之|to do the very opposite/to act in a d... fanqie 番茄|tomato fanqie 蕃茄|variant of 番茄[fan1 qie2] fanqie 反切|traditional system expressing the pho... fanqiehongsu 番茄红素|Lycopene fanqiejiang 番茄酱|ketchup/tomato sauce fanqiezhi 番茄汁|tomato juice fanqigongxin 饭气攻心|food coma/postprandial somnolence fanqing 烦请|(courteous) would you please ... fanqing 返青|(of plants) to turn green again/to re... fanqing 反清|anti-Qing/refers to the revolutionary... fanqingxiao 反倾销|anti-dumping fanqiufuchu 反裘负刍|lit. to wear one\'s coat inside out an... fanqiurucao 饭糗茹草|lit. to live on dry provisions and wi... fanqiuzhuji 反求诸己|to seek the cause in oneself rather t... fanqixuan 反气旋|anticyclone fanquan 饭圈|fan community/fandom fanquanhuangniu 返券黄牛|\"shopping coupon scalper\", sb who sel... fanqugong 反曲弓|(archery) recurve bow fanr 范儿|(coll.) style; manner fanran 幡然|suddenly and completely (realize, cha... fanran 翻然|suddenly and completely (realize, cha... fanrangaitu 幡然改图|to change one\'s plan all of a sudden ... fanranhuiwu 翻然悔悟|to see the error of one\'s ways/to mak... fanrao 烦扰|to bother/to disturb/to vex fanren 凡人|ordinary person/mortal/earthling fanren 犯人|convict/prisoner/criminal fanren 烦人|to annoy/annoying/irritating/troublesome fanrendaozui 反人道罪|a crime against humanity fanrendaozuixing 反人道罪行|crime against humanity fanrenlei 反人类|inhuman fanrenleizui 反人类罪|crimes against humanity fanri 反日|anti-Japan fanrong 繁荣|prosperous; booming fanrong 烦冗|diverse and complicated (of one\'s aff... fanrong 繁冗|variant of 煩冗|烦冗[fan2 rong3] fanrongchangsheng 繁荣昌盛|glorious and flourishing (idiom); thr... fanru 繁缛|many and elaborate fansaisi 凡赛斯|Versace (fashion brand) (Tw) fansan 帆伞|parasail/parasailing fansanshe 反散射|backscatter fansha 犯傻|to be foolish/to play dumb/to gaze ab... fansha 反杀|to respond to an assault by killing o... fanshang 犯上|to offend one\'s superiors fanshangzuoluan 犯上作乱|to rebel against the emperor (idiom) fanshanyueling 翻山越岭|lit. to pass over mountain ridges (id... fanshao 饭勺|rice paddle fanshe 反射|to reflect/reflection (from a mirror ... fanshedongzuo 反射动作|reflex action fansheguang 反射光|to reflect light/reflection/reflected... fanshehu 反射弧|reflex arc fanshehui 反社会|antisocial (behavior) fanshehuixingwei 反社会行为|antisocial behavior fanshejing 反射镜|reflector fansheliaofa 反射疗法|reflexology (alternative medicine) fanshemian 反射面|reflecting surface fanshen 翻身|to turn over (when lying)/(fig.) to f... fanshen 反身|to turn around fanshendaici 反身代词|reflexive pronoun fansheng 繁盛|prosperous/thriving/(of vegetation) l... fanshengwuzhan 反生物战|biological (warfare) defense fanshengying 反圣婴|La Niña (counterpart of El Niño in me... fanshenlun 泛神论|pantheism, theological theory equatin... fanshentou 反渗透|anti-infiltration (measures taken aga... fanshentoufa 反渗透法|(Tw) Anti-infiltration Act (2020), wh... fanshequzhiliao 反射区治疗|reflexology (alternative medicine) fanshexingyun 反射星云|reflection nebula fanshezuoyong 反射作用|reflex/reflection fanshi 范式|paradigm fanshi 凡是|each and every; every; all; any fanshi 凡事|everything fanshi 繁峙|Fanshi county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou... fanshi 反噬|to backfire on; to rebound on fanshi 饭食|food fanshi 反式|trans- (isomer) (chemistry)/see also ... fanshi 反诗|verse criticizing officials/satirical... fanshi 犯事|to break the law/to commit a crime fanshilin 凡士林|vaseline (loanword) fanshiliu 番石榴|guava (fruit) fanshiqidianji 范氏起电机|Van de Graaff generator fanshishi 反时势|unconventional fanshitong 凡士通|Firestone (Tire and Rubber Company) fanshixian 繁峙县|Fanshi county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou... fanshiyu 翻石鹬|(bird species of China) ruddy turnsto... fanshizhen 反时针|counterclockwise fanshizhifang 反式脂肪|trans fat/trans-isomer fatty acid fanshizhifangsuan 反式脂肪酸|see 反式脂肪[fan3 shi4 zhi1 fang2] fanshou 反手|to turn a hand over/to put one\'s hand... fanshou 贩售|to sell fanshouweiyunfushoubianyu 翻手为云覆手变雨|lit. turning his hand palm up he gath... fanshu 番薯|(dialect) sweet potato/yam fanshu 藩属|vassal state fanshu 梵书|Brahmana, ancient Hindu texts fanshu 范数|norm (math.) fanshui 反水|to turn traitor; to defect fansi 反思|to think back over sth/to review/to r... fansi 贩私|to traffic (smuggled goods)/illegal t... fansitan 范斯坦|Dianne Feinstein (1933-), US Senator ... fansizhe 范思哲|Versace (fashion designer) fansu 反诉|counterclaim/countercharge (law) fansu 凡俗|lay (as opposed to clergy)/ordinary/c... fansuan 泛酸|pantothenic acid/vitamin B5/to surge ... fansuan 反酸|acid reflux/regurgitation fansuo 繁琐|many and complicated/mired in minor d... fansuo 反锁|locked in (with the door locked from ... fansuo 烦琐|tedious/convoluted/fiddly/pedantic fansuzhuang 反诉状|counterclaim fantai 返台|to return to Taiwan fantan 反弹|to bounce/to bounce back/to boomerang... fantan 反贪|anti-corruption (policy) fantanfu 反贪腐|anti-corruption fantang 饭堂|dining hall/canteen/cafeteria fantang 翻糖|fondant (loanword) fantanke 反坦克|anti-tank fantanwu 反贪污|anticorruption fante 反特|to thwart enemy espionage; to engage ... fanteng 翻腾|to turn over/to surge/to churn/to rum... fantexi 范特西|fantasy (loanword) fanti 繁体|traditional form of Chinese, as oppos... fanti 饭替|body double (in eating scenes) fantian 梵天|Nirvana (in Buddhist scripture)/Lord ... fantianfudi 翻天覆地|sky and the earth turning upside down... fanting 饭厅|dining room/dining hall/mess hall fantizi 繁体字|traditional Chinese character fantong 饭桶|rice tub (from which cooked rice or o... fantuan 饭团|rice ball (steamed rice formed into a... fantuo 饭托|person hired to lure customers to a r... fantuolasi 反托拉斯|antitrust (loanword) fanu 发怒|to get angry fanwan 饭碗|rice bowl/fig. livelihood/job/way of ... fanwei 范围|range/scope/limit/extent/CL:個|个[ge4] fanwei 反胃|retching/vomiting fanweijiao 反围剿|communist attack against the Guominda... fanweiqi 范玮琪|Christine Fan (1976-), American-born ... fanwen 梵文|Sanskrit fanwen 反问|to ask (a question) in reply/to answe... fanwen 繁文|convoluted/elaborate formalities fanwenju 反问句|rhetorical question fanwenpang 反文旁|(colloquial) grapheme 攵 (variant form... fanwenrujie 繁文缛节|convoluted and overelaborate (documen... fanwenyuqi 反问语气|tone of one\'s voice when asking a rhe... fanwu 繁芜|wordy/verbose/flourishing and thriving fanwu 反污|to accuse the victim (while being the... fanwu 反诬|to make a false countercharge fanwu 蕃庑|variant of 繁蕪|繁芜[fan2 wu2] fanwutuobang 反乌托邦|dystopia fanwuzhi 反物质|antimatter fanxi 反习|anti-Xi (Jinping) fanxian 范县|Fan county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang2]... fanxian 返现|(neologism c. 2009) to give a cashbac... fanxiang 反向|opposite direction/reverse fanxiang 反响|repercussions/reaction/echo fanxiang 返乡|to return to one\'s home town fanxiang 凡响|ordinary tones/everyday harmony/commo... fanxiang 反相|(a person\'s) rebellious appearance/si... fanxiangdaogui 翻箱倒柜|to overturn trunks and boxes/to make ... fanxiangdaoqie 翻箱倒箧|to overturn trunks and boxes/to make ... fanxiangqi 反相器|(electronics) inverter; NOT gate fanxiao 返校|to return to school fanxiaoliang 返销粮|grain bought by the state and resold ... fanxiegang 反斜杠|backslash (computing) fanxiexian 反斜线|backslash (computing)/reversed diagonal fanxieye 番泻叶|senna leaf (Folium sennae) fanxin 翻新|to revamp/a face-lift/to retread (a t... fanxin 烦心|annoying; vexing fanxin 凡心|reluctance to leave this world/heart ... fanxing 繁星|many stars/a vast sky full of stars fanxing 反省|to reflect upon oneself/to examine on... fanxingfenji 反兴奋剂|(sports) anti-doping fanxinglian 泛性恋|pansexuality fanxinshi 烦心事|troubles; worries; sth on one\'s mind fanxiu 翻修|to rebuild (house or road)/to overhaul fanyaling 梵哑铃|violin (loanword) fanyan 繁衍|to multiply/to reproduce/to increase ... fanyan 反演|inversion (geometry) fanyan 蕃衍|variant of 繁衍[fan2 yan3] fanyaoyikou 反咬一口|to make a false countercharge fanye 范晔|historian from Song of the Southern D... fanyi 翻译|to translate/to interpret/translator/... fanyi 犯意|criminal intent fanyi 反义|antonymous/(genetic) antisense fanyici 反义词|antonym fanyifan 翻一番|to increase by 100%; to double fanyijia 翻译家|translator (of writings) fanyin 泛音|overtone/a harmonic fanyin 翻印|to reprint (generally without authori... fanying 反应|to react/to respond/reaction/response... fanying 反映|to mirror/to reflect/mirror image/ref... fanying 贩婴|child trafficking fanying 反英|anti-English fanyingdui 反应堆|reactor fanyingduixin 反应堆芯|reactor core fanyingguo 反应锅|(chemical engineering) reaction vesse... fanyinglu 反应炉|(nuclear etc) reactor fanyinglun 反映论|theory of reflection (in dialectic ma... fanyingshi 反应时|response time fanyingshi 反应式|equation of a chemical reaction fanyingshijian 反应时间|(technology) response time fanyingxiong 反英雄|antihero fanyizhe 翻译者|translator/interpreter fanyizi 反义字|character with opposite meaning/anton... fanyong 凡庸|ordinary/mediocre fanyong 翻涌|to roll over and over (of billows or ... fanyonghuanliuqi 反用换流器|inverter, device that converts AC ele... fanyou 烦忧|to worry/to fret fanyou 反右|anti-rightist/abbr. for 反右派鬥爭|反右派斗争[F... fanyoupaidouzheng 反右派斗争|Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao\'s purge o... fanyoutaizhuyi 反犹太主义|antisemitism fanyouyundong 反右运动|Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao\'s purge o... fanyu 繁育|to breed fanyu 梵语|Sanskrit (language) fanyu 反语|irony fanyuan 烦冤|frustrated/agitated/distressed fanyuan 反袁|opposing Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯[Yuan2 Sh... fanyuandouzheng 反袁斗争|war of 1915 against Yuan Shikai and f... fanyuanyundong 反袁运动|anti-Yuan movement, opposing Yuan Shi... fanyue 翻越|to cross/to surmount/to transcend fanyue 翻阅|to thumb through/to flip through (a b... fanyun 贩运|to transport (for sale)/to traffic (i... fanyunfuyu 翻云覆雨|to produce clouds with one turn of th... fanza 繁杂|many; diverse fanza 烦杂|many and disorderly/muddled fanzao 烦躁|jittery/twitchy/fidgety fanzao 翻造|to rebuild/to renovate fanzhan 反战|anti-war fanzhang 反掌|lit. to turn over one\'s palm/fig. eve... fanzhankangyi 反战抗议|antiwar protest fanzhao 反照|reflection fanzhaolv 反照率|reflectivity/albedo fanzhen 藩镇|lit. fence town/buffer region (betwee... fanzhen 范缜|Fan Zhen (c. 450-c. 510), philosopher... fanzheng 反正|anyway/in any case/to come over from ... fanzheng 反证|disproof/rebuttal/reductio ad absurdum fanzhengboyin 繁征博引|an elaborate string of references/man... fanzhengfa 反证法|reductio ad absurdum fanzhengfu 反政府|anti-government (protest) fanzhengyiyang 反正一样|whether it\'s right or wrong doesn\'t m... fanzhi 反之|on the other hand.../conversely... fanzhi 繁殖|to breed/to reproduce/to propagate fanzhi 泛指|to make a general reference/to be use... fanzhi 反智|anti-intellectual fanzhi 反制|to take countermeasures against/to hi... fanzhilun 反智论|anti-intellectualism fanzhishi 反知识|anti-intellectual fanzhiti 繁殖体|(biology) propagule fanzhiyi 范志毅|Fan Zhiyi (1969-), soccer player fanzhiyiran 反之亦然|vice versa fanzhizhuyi 反智主义|anti-intellectualism fanzhong 繁重|heavy/burdensome/heavy-duty/arduous/o... fanzhongyan 范仲淹|Fan Zhongyan (989-1052), Song dynasty... fanzhou 泛舟|to go boating fanzhuan 反转|reversal/inversion/to reverse/to inve... fanzhuan 翻转|to roll/to turn over/to invert/to flip fanzhuang 饭庄|big restaurant fanzhuang 反撞|recoil (of a gun) fanzhuanlu 反转录|(molecular biology) reverse transcrip... fanzhuanlubingdu 反转录病毒|retrovirus fanzhujiangsanjiao 泛珠江三角|the Pan-Pearl river delta (economic z... fanzhuo 饭桌|dining table fanzhuo 翻桌|to flip a table over (in a fit of ang... fanzhuolv 翻桌率|table turnover rate (in a restaurant) fanzhusanjiao 泛珠三角|Pan-Pearl River delta/The nine provin... fanzi 贩子|trafficker; dealer; monger; peddler fanziquan 翻子拳|Fanziquan - \"Overturning Fist\" - Mart... fanziranshenlun 泛自然神论|pandeism, theological theory that God... fanzousi 反走私|to oppose smuggling/anti-contraband (... fanzui 犯罪|to commit a crime/crime; offense fanzui 反嘴|to answer back/to contradict/to reneg... fanzui 翻嘴|to withdraw a remark/to quarrel fanzuijilu 犯罪记录|criminal record fanzuijituan 犯罪集团|crime syndicate fanzuituanhuo 犯罪团伙|a criminal gang fanzuixianchang 犯罪现场|scene of the crime fanzuixingwei 犯罪行为|criminal activity fanzuixue 犯罪学|criminology fanzuiyu 反嘴鹬|(bird species of China) pied avocet (... fanzuizhe 犯罪者|criminal/perpetrator fanzuo 反坐|to sentence the accuser (and free the... fanzuo 翻作|to compose/to write words to a tune fanzuoyong 反作用|opposite reaction fanzuoyongli 反作用力|(physics) reaction force fanzuxianxiang 返祖现象|atavism (biology) fapai 发牌|to deal (cards) fapai 法拍|judicial auction; to sell by judicial... fapang 发胖|to put on weight/to get fat fapao 发泡|to produce foam/(of a beverage) fizzy... fapaoji 发泡剂|foaming agent/blowing agent fapaojiao 发泡胶|expanded polystyrene (EPS)/styrofoam fapei 发配|to send away to serve a penal sentence fapiao 发票|invoice; receipt; bill/uniform invoic... fapiao 发飘|to feel shaky; to feel wobbly fapiqi 发脾气|to lose one\'s temper; to fly into a r... faqi 发起|to originate/to initiate/to launch (a... faqi 发妻|first wife faqi 发气|to get angry faqia 发卡|hair grip/hair clip faqian 罚钱|to fine faqing 发情|(zoology) (of a female) to be in heat... faqingqi 发情期|the breeding season (zool.)/oestrus (... faqiren 发起人|proposer/initiator/founding member faqiu 发球|(tennis etc) to serve/(golf) to tee off faqiu 罚球|penalty shot/penalty kick (in sports) faqiuqu 发球区|teeing ground (golf) far 法儿|way/method/means/Taiwan pr. [fa1 r5] faranliao 乏燃料|spent fuel faranliaobang 乏燃料棒|spent fuel rods fare 发热|to have a high temperature/feverish/u... farebanxuexiaobanjianshaozonghezheng 发热伴血小板减少综合征|severe fever with thrombocytopenia sy... faren 发轫|to set (sth) afoot/to initiate/beginn... faren 法人|legal person/corporation/see also 自然人... farenshensi 发人深思|(idiom) thought-provoking/to give one... farenshenxing 发人深省|to provide food for thought (idiom)/t... farenshenxing 发人深醒|variant of 發人深省|发人深省[fa1 ren2 shen1 x... farenzhaogu 乏人照顾|(of a person) left unattended/not car... faru 发乳|hair cream faruan 发软|to weaken/to go soft (at the knees) fasan 发散|to disperse/to diverge fasang 发丧|to hold a funeral fasao 发骚|horny/lecherous fashang 法商|\"legal quotient\" (LQ), a measure of o... fashankechen 乏善可陈|(idiom) to be nothing to write home a... fashao 发烧|to have a high temperature (from illn... fashao 发梢|hair ends fashaoyou 发烧友|fan/zealot fashe 发射|to shoot (a projectile)/to fire (a ro... fashechang 发射场|launch site fasheji 发射机|transmitter fashejing 发射井|launching silo fashejiyingdaqi 发射机应答器|transponder/electronic device that re... fasheng 发生|to happen; to occur; to take place; t... fasheng 发声|to produce a sound; to vocalize/to gi... fashengfa 发声法|intonation fashengguanxi 发生关系|to have sexual relations with sb/to h... fashenglv 发生率|rate of occurrence fashengqi 发声器|sound device fashengqiguan 发声器官|vocal organs/vocal cords fashenjing 发神经|(coll.) to go crazy/to lose it/dement... fasheqi 发射器|radio transmitter fashetai 发射台|launchpad/(radio, TV) transmitter fashexingyun 发射星云|emission nebula fashezhan 发射站|launch pad (for rocket or projectile) fashi 发誓|to vow/to pledge/to swear fashi 法师|one who has mastered the sutras (Budd... fashi 法式|French-style fashi 法式|rule; method; model fashi 法事|religious ceremony/ritual fashi 发式|hairstyle/coiffure/hairdo fashiselajiang 法式色拉酱|French dressing/vinaigrette fashisuannaiyou 法式酸奶油|crème fraîche fashou 发售|to sell fashu 法术|magic fashubolinixiya 法属波利尼西亚|French Polynesia fashuguiyana 法属圭亚那|French Guiana fashui 发水|to flood fasi 发丝|hair (on the head) fasong 发送|to transmit/to dispatch/to issue (an ... fasonggonglv 发送功率|transmission power/output power fasongqi 发送器|transmitter fatahe 法塔赫|Fatah, Palestinian organization fatang 发烫|burning hot fatewa 法特瓦|fatwa (loanword) fatiao 发条|clockwork spring (used to power a wat... fatie 发帖|to post (an item on a forum) fatie 发贴|to stick sth up (on the wall)/to post... fating 法庭|court of law fatong 发痛|to ache; to be sore; to feel painful fatuokouchi 发脱口齿|diction/enunciation fawai 法外|outside the law; beyond the law; extr... fawaizhidi 法外之地|lawless area fawang 法王|Sakyamuni fawang 法网|French Open (tennis tournament) fawang 法网|the net of justice; the long arm of t... fawang 发网|hairnet fawang-huihui,shuerbulou 法网恢恢,疏而不漏|large though its mesh may be, no crim... fawangnantao 法网难逃|it is hard to escape the net of justi... fawei 乏味|tedious fawei 发尾|hair ends fawen 发文|to issue a document/document issued b... fawen 发问|to question/to ask/to raise a question fawen 法文|French language fawu 法务|legal affairs/in-house legal counsel fawu 发屋|barbershop faxian 发现|to notice; to become aware of/to disc... faxian 法线|normal line to a surface faxiang 发祥|to give rise to (sth good)/to emanate... faxiang 发想|to come up with an idea/generation of... faxiangdi 发祥地|the birthplace (of sth good)/the crad... faxiangli 法向力|normal force (physics) faxiangliang 法向量|normal vector faxiangzong 法相宗|Yogācāra school of Buddhism/Dharma-ch... faxianhao 发现号|Space Shuttle Discovery faxianwu 发现物|a find faxiao 发笑|to burst out laughing/to laugh faxiao 发小|(dialect) close childhood friend whom... faxiaor 发小儿|erhua variant of 髮小|发小[fa4 xiao3] faxie 发泄|to give vent to (one\'s feelings) faxie 罚写|to make a student write sth out many ... faxin 发信|to post a letter faxin 发薪|to pay wages or salary faxin 阀芯|valve stem faxing 发行|to publish; to issue; to release; to ... faxing 发型|hairstyle; coiffure; hairdo faxingbeiwanglu 发行备忘录|offering memorandum (for public stock... faxinge 发行额|(periodical) circulation faxinghongligu 发行红利股|a bonus issue (a form of dividend pay... faxingren 发行人|publisher/issuer faxingshang 发行商|publisher/distributor/issuer faxingshejishi 发型设计师|hairstylist faxingshi 发型师|hair stylist faxinri 发薪日|payday faxinshe 法新社|Agence France Presse/AFP news agency faxisi 法西斯|fascist (loanword) faxisizhuyi 法西斯主义|fascism faxu 发虚|to feel weak/to be diffident faxuan 发旋|hair whorl faxue 法学|law/legal studies faxueboshi 法学博士|Doctor of Laws/Legum Doctor faxuejia 法学家|jurist/member of the pre-Han legalist... faxueshi 法学士|Bachelor of Laws/Legum Baccalaureus faxueyuan 法学院|law school faxusheng 发嘘声|to hiss (as a sign of displeasure) faya 发芽|(of a seed) to germinate/(of a plant)... fayahu 法压壶|French press/press pot fayan 发言|to make a speech/statement/utterance/... fayan 发炎|to become inflamed/inflammation fayan 法眼|discerning eye fayan 法筵|the seat of the Law, on which the one... fayang 发扬|to develop/to make full use of fayang 发痒|to tickle/to itch fayangchuoli 发扬踔厉|to be full of vigor (idiom) fayangdaoli 发扬蹈厉|see 發揚踔厲|发扬踔厉[fa1 yang2 chuo1 li4] fayangguangda 发扬光大|to develop and promote/to carry forwa... fayanquan 发言权|the right of speech fayanren 发言人|spokesperson fayede 法耶德|Fayed (name)/Mohamed Al-Fayed (1929-2... fayi 法医|forensic investigator/forensic detective fayi 法衣|robe of a Buddhist priest/ceremonial ... fayi 法益|interests protected by law fayin 发音|to pronounce/pronunciation/to emit sound fayinqiguan 发音器官|vocal organs/vocal cords fayinti 发音体|sound producing object (soundboard, v... fayixue 法医学|forensics fayu 发育|to develop/to mature/growth/developme... fayu 法语|French (language) fayuan 法院|court of law/court fayuan 发愿|to vow fayuan 法源|Origin of Dharma (in Buddhism)/source... fayuan 发源|to rise/to originate/source/derivation fayuancaijue 法院裁决|court ruling fayuandi 发源地|place of origin/birthplace/source fayuansi 法源寺|Fayuan or Source of the Law temple in... fayuci 发语词|form word/in Classical Chinese, the f... fayuci 发语辞|literary auxiliary particle, comes at... fayun 发运|(of goods) to dispatch/shipment/shipping fayun 发晕|to feel dizzy fayuqi 发育期|puberty/period of development fayushengwuxue 发育生物学|developmental biology fazan 发簪|hairpin faze 法则|law/rule/code faze 罚则|penal provision; penalty fazhan 发展|development/growth/to develop/to grow... fazhan 罚站|to be made to stand still as a punish... fazhang 发胀|to swell up/swelling fazhang 法杖|magic staff fazhanshang 发展商|(real estate etc) developer fazhanyanjiuzhongxin 发展研究中心|Development Research Center (PRC Stat... fazhanzhong 发展中|developing/under development/in the p... fazhanzhongguojia 发展中国家|developing country fazheng 法政|law and government; law and politics fazheng 发怔|baffled/nonplussed fazhi 法治|rule of law/to rule by law fazhi 法制|legal system and institutions fazhi 法制|made in France fazhi 发直|to stare/to look blank/to be fixed (o... fazhibangongshi 法制办公室|Legislative Affairs Office, LAO (PRC) fazhiribao 法制日报|Legal Daily, newspaper published by P... fazhiwanbao 法制晚报|Legal Evening News, a Beijing-based l... fazhizilie 发指眦裂|hair standing up and eyes wide in ang... fazi 发自|to evolve from fazi 法子|way/method/Taiwan pr. [fa2 zi5] fazi 筏子|raft fazilula 法兹鲁拉|Maulana Fazlullah, Pakistan Taleban l... fazuo 发作|to flare up; to break out fazuoxingshishuibing 发作性嗜睡病|narcolepsy fei 飞|to fly fei 费|surname Fei fei 费|to cost/to spend/fee/wasteful/expenses fei 肺|lung/CL:個|个[ge4] fei 菲|abbr. for the Philippines 菲律賓|菲律宾[Fei... fei 菲|luxuriant (plant growth)/rich with fr... fei 菲|poor/humble/unworthy/radish (old) fei 斐|phonetic fei or fi/(literary) (bound ... fei 废|to abolish/to abandon/to abrogate/to ... fei 废|variant of 廢|废[fei4]/disabled fei 肥|fat/fertile/loose-fitting or large/to... fei 非|abbr. for 非洲[Fei1 zhou1], Africa fei 非|to not be; not/wrong; incorrect/non-;... fei 妃|imperial concubine fei 绯|dark red/purple silk fei 镄|fermium (chemistry) fei 沸|to boil fei 霏|fall of snow fei 匪|bandit/(literary) not fei 诽|slander fei 翡|green jade/kingfisher fei 榧|Torreya nucifera fei 扉|door with only one leaf fei 芾|see 蔽芾[bi4 fei4] fei 怫|anger fei 腓|calf of leg/decay/protect fei 啡|(used in loanwords for its phonetic v... fei 吠|to bark fei 胇|old variant of 肺[fei4] fei 淝|name of a river fei 悱|to want to articulate one\'s thoughts ... fei 蜚|gad-fly fei 奜|big fei 狒|hamadryad baboon fei 鲱|Pacific herring fei 屝|coarse/sandals fei 俷|(literary) to violate (a moral code) fei 朏|(literary) (of the crescent moon) to ... fei 棐|Torreya nucifera/strengthen fei 篚|round covered basket fei 砩|dam up water with rocks fei 痱|variant of 痱[fei4] fei 痱|prickly heat fei 櫠|a variety of pomelo (old) fei 厞|to hide/hideout fei 馡|fragrant fei 剕|amputation of limbs as corporal punis... fei 騑|side horse (in a team of harnessed ho... fei 䬠|old variant of 霏[fei1] fei 廃|Japanese variant of 廢|废[fei4] feiabeier 非阿贝尔|(math.) non-abelian feiai 肺癌|lung cancer feian 飞安|aviation safety (Tw) feiaoduoer 费奥多尔|Theodor of Fyodor (name) feibang 匪帮|gang of bandits/criminal gang (former... feibang 诽谤|to slander/to libel feibaoli 非暴力|nonviolent feiben 飞奔|to dash (run fast)/to rush/to dart feibianshe 费边社|Fabian Society feibiao 飞镖|darts (game)/dart (weapon shaped like... feibiaozhun 非标准|nonstandard/unconventional feibing 肺病|lung disease feibixu 非必需|inessential feibiyao 非必要|inessential/unnecessary feibo 菲薄|humble/meager/thin/to despise feibonaqi 斐波那契|Leonardo Fibonacci (c. 1170-1250), It... feicengyan 非层岩|unstratified rock feicengzhuang 非层状|unstratified feichai 废柴|(Cantonese) (coll.) good-for-nothing/... feichai 肥差|lucrative job/cushy job feichang 非常|very; really/unusual; extraordinary feichang 肥肠|pig-gut (large intestine used as food... feichang 腓肠|calf (of the leg) feichangduo 非常多|much/very many feichangganxie 非常感谢|extremely grateful; very thankful feichangji 腓肠肌|calf muscle/gastrocnemius muscle feichangshouduan 非常手段|an emergency measure feichao 匪巢|bandit stronghold feiche 飞车|fast-moving vehicle/to drive or ride ... feicheng 肥城|Feicheng, county-level city in Tai\'an... feicheng 费城|Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/abbr. for ... feichengshi 肥城市|Feicheng, county-level city in Tai\'an... feichengwurao 非诚勿扰|serious inquiries only feichi 废弛|to fall into disuse (of laws, customs... feichi 飞驰|to speed/to rush feichong 飞虫|flying insect/winged insect feichu 废除|to abolish/to abrogate/to repeal feichu 废黜|to depose (a king) feichu 飞出|to fly out feichu 非处|unmarried woman who is not a virgin feichuan 飞船|spaceship/spacecraft/dirigible/airship feichufangyao 非处方药|over-the-counter drug feichugeweilai 飞出个未来|Futurama (US TV animated series, 1999-) feichujunbei 废除军备|to disarm feichunshe 费唇舌|to argue needlessly; to waste time ex... feicijibi 非此即彼|either this or that/one or the other feicijielade 菲茨杰拉德|Fitzgerald (name) feicijixingduji 肺刺激性毒剂|lung irritant feicui 翡翠|jadeite/tree kingfisher feida 肥大|(of clothes) baggy; loose/(of a perso... feida 菲达|(loanword) feta (cheese) feidan 飞弹|(Tw) missile/stray bullet feidan 非但|not only feidang 非党|non-party feidangrenshi 非党人士|non-party member feidao 飞刀|a throwing knife/fly cutter (machine ... feidao 匪盗|bandit feidaoti 非导体|nonconductor (of electricity, heat etc) feideer 菲德尔|Fidel (name) feidei 非得|(followed by a verb phrase, then – op... feidele 费德勒|Roger Federer (1981-), Swiss tennis star feidi 飞地|administrative enclave/land of one co... feidian 沸点|boiling point feidian 非典|atypical pneumonia/Severe Acute Respi... feidianxingfeiyan 非典型肺炎|atypical pneumonia/Severe Acute Respi... feidiao 废掉|to depose (a king) feidie 飞碟|flying saucer/frisbee feidinan 斐迪南|Ferdinand (name) feiditui 非递推|nonrecursive feidong 肥东|Feidong, a county in Hefei 合肥[He2fei2... feidongmai 肺动脉|pulmonary artery feidongwuxing 非动物性|inanimacy feidongwuxingmingci 非动物性名词|inanimate noun feidongxian 肥东县|Feidong, a county in Hefei 合肥[He2fei2... feidu 非独|not only/not merely feiduanliuchang 飞短流长|to spread malicious gossip feiduanliuchang 蜚短流长|to spread malicious gossip/also writt... feiduhuijun 非都会郡|non-metropolitan county (England) feiduichen 非对称|asymmetric feiduli 非独立|dependent feidundun 肥墩墩|exceedingly obese feie 飞蛾|moth feiepuhuo 飞蛾扑火|the moth flies into the flame/fatal a... feierbaha 费尔巴哈|Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872), materia... feierganna 费尔干纳|the Ferghana Valley (in Uzbekistan, c... feiergannapendi 费尔干纳盆地|the Ferghana Valley in modern Uzbekistan feierma 费尔马|Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665), French ... feiermadadingli 费尔马大定理|Fermat\'s last theorem feierpusi 菲尔普斯|Phelps (name)/Michael Phelps (1985-),... feierte 菲尔特|Fürth (city in Germany) feierzi 菲尔兹|Fields (name) feierzijiang 菲尔兹奖|Fields Medal (prestigious internation... feietouhuo 飞蛾投火|lit. like a moth flying into the fire... feifa 非法|illegal feifan 非凡|out of the ordinary/unusually (good, ... feifanzhixian 废藩置县|to abolish the feudal Han and introdu... feifei 菲菲|very fragrant/luxurious/beautiful feifei 狒狒|baboon feifeiyangyang 沸沸扬扬|bubbling and gurgling/hubbubing/abuzz feifen 非分|improper/presumptuous/assuming/overst... feifen 非份|improper/presumptuous/assuming/overst... feifengzhi 非峰值|off-peak feifenzhinian 非分之念|improper idea feifu 肺腑|bottom of the heart (fig.) feifu 飞符|talisman in the form of a painting of... feifujigui 非富即贵|wealthy and respectable people feifushu 非负数|a nonnegative number (i.e. positive o... feifuzegui 非富则贵|see 非富即貴|非富即贵[fei1 fu4 ji2 gui4] feifuzhiyan 肺腑之言|words from the bottom of one\'s heart feigan 肥甘|fine foods feigan 肥肝|foie gras feigang 废钢|scrap metal/steel scrap feigangganhua 非杠杆化|deleveraging (i.e. paying off part of... feigaofeng 非高峰|off-peak feige 飞鸽|Flying Pigeon (famous bicycle brand, ... feigongfu 费工夫|to spend a great deal of time and eff... feigongshi 非公式|unofficial; informal feigongzoujia 飞觥走斝|to drink one\'s fill (idiom) feigu 腓骨|fibula/calf bone feiguanfang 非官方|unofficial feiguizheng 非规整|irregular; disordered feiguo 飞过|to fly over/to fly past feiguoda 非国大|African National Congress, ANC/abbr. ... feiguojiaxingweiti 非国家行为体|non-state actor feihe 非核|non-nuclear feihedidai 非核地带|nuclear-free zone feiheguojia 非核国家|non-nuclear country feihehua 非核化|denuclearization feiheijibai 非黑即白|black-or-white (e.g. good or bad, wit... feihewuqiguojia 非核武器国家|non-nuclear weapon states (NNWS) feihong 飞鸿|swan goose/(fig.) letter; message feihong 飞红|to blush feihong 绯红|crimson/scarlet feihongtaxue 飞鸿踏雪|see 雪泥鴻爪|雪泥鸿爪[xue3 ni2 hong2 zhao3] feihongxuezhao 飞鸿雪爪|see 雪泥鴻爪|雪泥鸿爪[xue3 ni2 hong2 zhao3] feihou 肥厚|plump/fleshy/fertile feihua 废话|nonsense; rubbish; superfluous words/... feihua 费话|to talk at length/to waste one\'s brea... feihua 扉画|frontpage picture feihualianpian 废话连篇|a bunch of nonsense/verbose and rambling feihuang 飞蝗|flying locusts feihuangtengda 飞黄腾达|lit. the divine steed Feihuang gallop... feihudui 飞虎队|Flying Tigers, US airmen in China dur... feihunsheng 非婚生|born out of wedlock/illegitimate feihunshengzinv 非婚生子女|an illegitimate child feihuoliang 肺活量|(medicine) vital capacity feiji 斐济|Fiji, country in the southwest Pacifi... feiji 飞机|airplane/CL:架[jia4] feiji 菲姬|Fergie (Stacy Ann Ferguson, 1975-), U... feijialuobao 费加罗报|Le Figaro feijian 飞溅|to splash; to spatter feijian 飞检|unannounced inspection (abbr. for 飛行檢... feijiangjun 飞将军|nickname of Han dynasty general Li Gu... feijiao 吠叫|to bark/to yelp feijibei 飞机杯|male masturbator (sex toy); artificia... feijican 飞机餐|in-flight meal feijicangmen 飞机舱门|airplane cabin door feijichang 飞机场|airport/(slang) flat chest/CL:處|处[chu4] feijidongche 非机动车|non-motorized vehicle feijie 费解|to be puzzled/hard to understand/unin... feijiehe 肺结核|tuberculosis/TB feijiehebing 肺结核病|tuberculosis, TB feijin 费劲|to require effort/strenuous feijinr 费劲儿|erhua variant of 費勁|费劲[fei4 jin4] feijinshu 非金属|nonmetal (chemistry) feijinxinji 费尽心机|to rack one\'s brains for schemes (idi... feijinxinsi 费尽心思|to rack one\'s brains (idiom); to take... feijipiao 飞机票|air ticket/CL:張|张[zhang1] feijishi 飞机师|pilot/aviator feijishishi 飞机失事|plane crash feijiu 废旧|worn out/old-fashioned and dilapidated feijiyaxing 非羁押性|noncustodial (sentence) feijiyun 飞机云|contrail feijunshiqu 非军事区|demilitarized zone feijunzhi 非均质|inhomogeneous feikong 非空|nonempty (set) feikoushe 费口舌|to argue needlessly; to waste time ex... feikuai 飞快|very fast/at lightning speed/(coll.) ... feila 费拉|fellah (loanword) feiladeerfeiya 费拉德尔菲亚|Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/abbr. to 費... feiladingzifu 非拉丁字符|non-Latin characters feilaifeiqu 飞来飞去|to fly about/to fly hither and thithe... feilaihenghuo 飞来横祸|sudden and unexpected disaster (idiom) feilao 肺痨|tuberculosis feilengcui 翡冷翠|Florence, city in Italy (Tw) feili 费力|to expend a great deal of effort feili 肥力|fertility (of soil) feili 非礼|impolite/impropriety/to sexually harass feili 腓力|Philip feili 菲力|fillet (loanword) feilian 蜚蠊|cockroach feilianke 蜚蠊科|Blattidae, family of about 550 specie... feiliao 肥料|fertilizer/manure feiliao 废料|waste products/refuse/garbage/good-fo... feilibi 腓立比|Philip/Philippi feilibishu 腓立比书|Epistle of St Paul to the Philippians feilibo 斐理伯|Philip feiliboshu 斐理伯书|Epistle of St Paul to the Philippians feilibutaohao 费力不讨好|arduous and thankless task (idiom); s... feilikesi 菲力克斯|Felix (name) feilikesi 费利克斯|Felix feilimenshu 腓利门书|Epistle of St Paul to Philemon feilin 菲林|(dialect) film (loanword)/roll of film feiling 非零|nonzero feiliniupai 菲力牛排|fillet steak feilipu 飞利浦|Philips (company) feilishidi 非利士地|Philistia, aka the Land of the Philis... feilishiren 非利士人|the Philistines, who settled on the s... feilong 飞龙|wyvern (type of dragon) feilujie 费卢杰|Fallujah, Iraqi city on Euphrates feilun 飞轮|flywheel/sprocket wheel feilunhai 飞轮海|Fahrenheit, Taiwan pop group, from 2005 feiluomeng 费洛蒙|pheromone feilv 费率|rate/tariff feilvbin 菲律宾|the Philippines feilvbindaxue 菲律宾大学|University of the Philippines feilvbinjuanjiu 菲律宾鹃鸠|(bird species of China) Philippine cu... feilvbinren 菲律宾人|Filipino feilvbinyu 菲律宾语|Tagalog (language) feilvfeima 非驴非马|neither fish nor fowl/resembling noth... feima 飞马|at the gallop feima 费马|variant of 費瑪|费玛[Fei4 ma3] feima 费玛|Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665), French ... feiman 费曼|Feinman or Feynman (name)/Richard Fey... feimaotui 飞毛腿|swift feet/fleet-footed runner feimaqingqiu 肥马轻裘|lit. stout horses and light furs/fig.... feimazuo 飞马座|Pegasus (constellation) feimei 肥美|fertile/luxuriant/plump/rounded feimeng 非盟|African Union (AU), abbr. for 非洲聯盟|非洲联盟 feimi 费米|Fermi (name)/Enrico Fermi (1901-1954)... feimiao 飞秒|femtosecond, fs, 10^-15 s feiming 非命|unnatural death; violent death feimizi 费米子|(physics) fermion feimo 飞沫|airborne droplet feimo 飞膜|patagium feimochuanran 飞沫传染|droplet infection (disease transmissi... feimosijian 飞沫四溅|to spray in all directions feimotai 非模态|modeless (computing) feinan 非难|reproof/blame feini 肥腻|(of foods) fatty/greasy feiniao 飞鸟|bird feiniaoshidai 飞鸟时代|Asuka Period in Japanese history (538... feinieertoujing 菲涅耳透镜|Fresnel lens feiniji 腓尼基|Phoenicia, ancient civilization along... feinikesi 菲尼克斯|Phoenix, capital of Arizona/also 鳳凰城|... feinimoshu 非你莫属|it\'s yours exclusively (idiom)/you ar... feioujihe 非欧几何|non-Euclidean geometry feioujihexue 非欧几何学|non-Euclidean geometry feipan 飞盘|frisbee feipang 肥胖|fat; obese feipangzheng 肥胖症|obesity feipao 肺泡|pulmonary alveolus feipao 飞跑|to run like the wind/to rush/to gallop feipin 废品|production rejects/seconds/scrap/disc... feipin 妃嫔|imperial concubine feipingheng 非平衡|non-equilibrium/disequilibrium/unbalance feipinghengtai 非平衡态|unbalance/disequilibrium feipinshougouzhan 废品收购站|salvage station; recycling center feipu 飞瀑|waterfall feiqi 废弃|to discard/to abandon (old ways)/to i... feiqi 废气|exhaust gas/industrial waste gas feiqin 飞禽|birds feiqin-wangshi 废寝忘食|(idiom) to skip one\'s sleep and meals... feiqin-zoushou 飞禽走兽|(idiom) birds and animals feiqinfeigu 非亲非故|lit. neither a relative nor a friend ... feiqinshi 废寝食|to neglect sleep and food feiqinwangcan 废寝忘餐|see 廢寢忘食|废寝忘食[fei4 qin3 wang4 shi2] feiqizhong 肺气肿|emphysema feique 肥缺|lucrative post feiran 斐然|(literary) of great literary talent/(... feiran 废然|depressed/dejected feire 废热|waste heat feiren 非人|inhuman/(literary) an unworthy person... feiren 废人|handicapped person/useless person feirenhua 非人化|dehumanization feirensisuo 费人思索|to think oneself to exhaustion (idiom) feirou 肥肉|fat (e.g. pork fat)/fatty meat/(fig.)... feisan 飞散|(of smoke) to disperse; to dissipate/... feisheer 菲舍尔|Fisher (name) feishen 飞身|to move quickly/to vault/flying tackle feishen 费神|to spend effort/to take trouble/May I... feishenfanteng 飞身翻腾|flying somersault feisheng 飞升|to fly upwards/(fig.) to rise; to inc... feisheng 蜚声|to make a name/to become famous feishenghaiwai 蜚声海外|famous at home and abroad feishengshijie 蜚声世界|famous throughout the world feishi 沸石|zeolite feishi 费时|to take time/time-consuming feishi 费事|troublesome/to take a lot of trouble ... feishi 飞逝|(of time) to pass quickly/to be fleeting feishi 肥实|plump (of fruit)/fat (of meat)/fertil... feishi 废时|to waste time feishou 匪首|bandit feishou 飞手|drone pilot; drone operator feishu 飞鼠|flying squirrel/(dialect) bat feishuanse 肺栓塞|pulmonary embolism (medicine) feishui 废水|waste water/drain water/effluent feishui 沸水|boiling water feishuibuliuwairentian 肥水不流外人田|lit. don\'t let one\'s own fertile wate... feishuizhong 肺水肿|pulmonary edema feishuo 肥硕|fleshy (fruit)/plump/large and firm-f... feishuzi 非数字|non-numeric feisi 非斯|Fes (third largest city of Morocco) feisibuke 非死不可|Facebook (Internet slang, pun reading... feisu 飞速|swift/rapidly feisuo 飞索|zip line feite 非特|not only feiteliesita 腓特烈斯塔|Fredrikstad (city in Østfold, Norway) feiteng 沸腾|(of a liquid) to boil/(of sentiments ... feiteng 飞腾|to fly swiftly upward/to soar feitian 飞天|flying Apsara (Buddhist art) feitian 肥田|fertile land/to fertilize the soil feitianfen 肥田粉|ammonium sulfate fertilizer feitiaojianfanshe 非条件反射|unconditioned reflex (physiology) feitie 废铁|scrap iron feiting 飞艇|airship feiting 啡厅|see 咖啡廳|咖啡厅[ka1 fei1 ting1] feitong 废统|\"abandonment of reunification\", aboli... feitongbu 非同步|asynchronous feitongbuchuanshumoshi 非同步传输模式|asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) feitongfanxiang 非同凡响|out of the ordinary feitonglantie 废铜烂铁|scrap metal/a pile of junk feitongqi 肺通气|pulmonary ventilation (medicine) feitongxiaoke 非同小可|extremely important/no small matter feitongzhihuadaibi 非同质化代币|non-fungible token (NFT) feitoudaer 肥头大耳|fat; plump; chubby feitu 匪徒|gangster/bandit feitu 废土|waste soil (excavation waste, contami... feitui 飞腿|kick feitujituan 匪徒集团|gangster feituo 吠陀|Vedas (Hindu sacred writings or legends) feiweirao 非微扰|non-perturbative (physics) feiwen 绯闻|sex scandal feiwen 飞吻|to blow a kiss feiwen 诽闻|scandal/gossip feiwenzheng 飞蚊症|eye floaters (moving spots in the eye... feiwo 肥沃|fertile feiwu 废物|rubbish; waste material/useless person feiwu 飞舞|to flutter/to dance in the breeze feiwudianxin 废物点心|(coll.) a good-for-nothing; a loser feiwuxiang 废物箱|ash-bin/litter-bin feiwuzhiwenhuayichan 非物质文化遗产|(UNESCO) Intangible Cultural Heritage feixi 肥西|Feixi, a county in Hefei 合肥[He2fei2],... feixian 费县|Feixian county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi... feixian 肥鲜|fresh and tender (of food)/delicious feixiang 飞翔|to circle in the air/to soar feixiangduilunxing 非相对论性|non-relativistic (physics) feixianxing 非线性|nonlinear (math.) feixianxingguangxue 非线性光学|nonlinear optics (physics) feixiao 肥效|effectiveness of fertilizer feixiaoshuo 非小说|non-fiction feixiaotong 费孝通|Fei Xiaotong (1910-2005), Chinese soc... feixieshi 非写实|nonrepresentational feixin 费心|to take a lot of trouble (over sb or ... feixinbing 肺心病|pulmonary heart disease (medicine) feixing 飞行|(of planes etc) to fly/flying/flight/... feixingjiaban 飞行甲板|flight deck feixingjiancha 飞行检查|unannounced inspection/(sports) out-o... feixingjilu 飞行记录|flight record feixingjiluqi 飞行记录器|flight recorder/black box feixingjiluyi 飞行记录仪|flight recorder/black box feixingmoshi 飞行模式|airplane mode (on an electronic device) feixingqi 飞行器|flying craft (airplane, drone, missil... feixingyuan 飞行员|pilot/aviator feixingyun 飞行云|contrail feixiongyingwu 绯胸鹦鹉|(bird species of China) red-breasted ... feixixian 肥西县|Feixi, a county in Hefei 合肥[He2fei2],... feixiyan 非吸烟|nonsmoking feixu 废墟|ruins feixue 飞雪|Flying Snow, a character in \"Hero\" feixue 匪穴|bandit den; rebel stronghold feiyan 肺炎|pneumonia/inflammation of the lungs feiyang 飞扬|to rise/to fly upward feiyang 肥羊|(fig.) attractive and easy mark/sourc... feiyangbahu 飞扬跋扈|bossy and domineering/throwing one\'s ... feiyankeleiboshijun 肺炎克雷伯氏菌|Klebsiella pnenmoniae feiyanmeijiangjun 肺炎霉浆菌|Mycoplasma pneumoniae feiyanshuangqiujun 肺炎双球菌|Diplococcus pneumoniae feiyanzoubi 飞檐走壁|to leap onto roofs and vault over wal... feiyao 非要|to want absolutely; to insist on (doi... feiyate 菲亚特|Fiat feiye 扉页|title page/flyleaf/end paper feiye 废液|waste liquids feiyeshide 飞也似的|lit. as if flying/very fast feiyezi 飞叶子|(slang) to smoke pot feiyi 非议|to criticize feiyi 非裔|of African descent feiyichuanduoxingxing 非遗传多型性|polyphenism feiyin 非音|(ling) unstressed (syllable) feiying 飞鹰|eagle feiyingli 非营利|nonprofit/not for profit feiyingli 非盈利|nonprofit feiyinglizuzhi 非营利组织|nonprofit organization feiyinglizuzhi 非盈利组织|nonprofit organization feiyinglizuzhi 非赢利组织|not-for-profit organization feiyingzouma 飞鹰走马|to ride out hawking (idiom); to hunt feiyirenren 非异人任|to bear one\'s own responsibilities an... feiyirizhigong 非一日之功|lit. cannot be done in one day (idiom... feiyisuosi 匪夷所思|unimaginable/outrageous/freakish feiyong 费用|cost/expenditure/expense/CL:筆|笔[bi3],... feiyong 菲佣|Filipino maid feiyongbaoxiaodan 费用报销单|expense claim form feiyu 飞鱼|Exocet (missile) feiyu 飞鱼|flying fish feiyu 鲱鱼|herring feiyu 蜚语|groundless rumor/unfounded gossip feiyue 飞跃|to leap feiyue 飞越|to fly across/to fly over/to fly past... feiyuedao 飞跃道|parkour (HK) feiyumou 非预谋|unpremeditated feiyuzu 飞鱼族|\"flying fish family\", family who sacr... feiyuzuo 飞鱼座|Volans (constellation) feizao 肥皂|soap/CL:塊|块[kuai4],條|条[tiao2] feizaoju 肥皂剧|soap opera (loanword) feizaomo 肥皂沫|soapy lather/foam feizaopao 肥皂泡|soap bubble feizaoshui 肥皂水|soapy water feizei 飞贼|cat burglar/burglar who gains entranc... feizha 废渣|industrial waste product/slag feizhang 飞涨|soaring inflation/rocketing prices feizheng 飞征|(archaic) birds and animals feizhengchang 非正常|abnormal/irregular feizhengfu 非政府|non-governmental feizhengfuzuzhi 非政府组织|non-governmental organization (NGO) feizhengshi 非正式|unofficial; informal feizhengshu 非正数|a nonpositive number (i.e. negative o... feizhenzouxian 飞针走线|flying needle and running seam (idiom... feizhi 废止|to repeal (a law)/to put an end to/ab... feizhi 废纸|waste paper feizhi 废置|to discard/to shelve as useless feizhijie 非直接|indirect feizhiming 非致命|(of a medical condition) not fatal; n... feizhou 非洲|Africa/abbr. for 阿非利加洲[A1 fei1 li4 ji... feizhou 飞舟|fast boat feizhoudaliegu 非洲大裂谷|East African Rift Valley feizhoudanyuanshuo 非洲单源说|single origin out of Africa (current ... feizhoujie 非洲界|Afrotropical realm feizhoukaifayinhang 非洲开发银行|African Development Bank feizhoulianmeng 非洲联盟|African Union feizhouren 非洲人|African (person) feizhourenguomindahui 非洲人国民大会|African National Congress, ANC feizhoutongyizuzhi 非洲统一组织|Organization of African Unity feizhouzhe 费周折|to spend (much) effort/to go through ... feizhouzhijiao 非洲之角|Horn of Africa feizhouzhuichongbing 非洲锥虫病|sleeping sickness/African trypanosomi... feizhua 飞抓|variant of 飛撾|飞挝[fei1zhua1] feizhua 飞挝|ancient weapon with a tip like a grap... feizhuan 飞转|to spin rapidly; to whirl around/(of ... feizhuang 肥壮|stout and strong feizhuliu 非主流|alternative/non-mainstream feizhuo 菲酌|(humble) the poor food I offer you; m... feizi 妃子|imperial concubine feizi 痱子|miliaria (type of skin disease)/prick... feiziran 非自然|unnatural/occult feizixiao 妃子笑|concubine\'s smile, a cultivar of lychee feizizi 肥滋滋|fat/plump feizongjiao 非宗教|secular (society)/non-religious (party) fen 分|to divide; to separate/to distribute;... fen 分|part/share/ingredient/component fen 份|classifier for gifts, newspaper, maga... fen 粉|powder/cosmetic face powder/food prep... fen 酚|phenol fen 纷|numerous/confused/disorderly fen 芬|perfume/fragrance fen 忿|anger/indignation/hatred fen 奋|to exert oneself (bound form) fen 坟|grave/tomb/CL:座[zuo4]/embankment/moun... fen 焚|to burn fen 氛|miasma/vapor fen 吩|used in 吩咐[fen1fu5]/used in translite... fen 愤|indignant/anger/resentment fen 粪|manure/dung fen 瞓|to sleep (Cantonese)/Mandarin equival... fen 玢|porphyrites fen 豮|gelded pig fen 魵|shrimp fen 汾|name of a river fen 瀵|name of a river/valley vapor fen 偾|to instigate/to ruin/to destroy fen 枌|(tree) fen 雰|misty/foggy fen 棼|beams in roof/confused fen 蕡|hemp seeds/luxurious/abundant fen 鼢|(mole) fen 坆|variant of 墳|坟[fen2]/grave/tomb fen 鲼|any ray (fish) variety of Myliobatifo... fen 棻|aromatic wood/perfume/fragrance fen 蚡|(mole) fen 鼖|large brass drum fen 轒|war chariot fen 饙|to steam rice fen 鳻|the wild pigeon fen 朆|not yet (Wu dialect) fen 羵|spirit fen 幩|ornamental tassel on bridle fen 𣸣|edge of water fenban 分班|to divide people into groups, teams, ... fenban 粉板|blackboard/painted board on which to ... fenbao 坟包|grave mound fenbao 分包|to subcontract fenbei 分贝|decibel fenbenglixi 分崩离析|to collapse and fall apart (idiom); t... fenbi 粉笔|chalk/CL:支[zhi1],段[duan4] fenbian 分辨|to distinguish; to differentiate/to r... fenbian 分辩|to explain the facts/to defend agains... fenbian 粪便|excrement/feces/night soil fenbianlv 分辨率|resolution (of images, monitors, scan... fenbie 分别|to part; to leave each other/to disti... fenbijishu 奋笔疾书|to write at a tremendous speed fenbing 粉饼|pressed cosmetic powder (formed into ... fenboduogong 分波多工|wavelength division multiplexing/WDM fenbu 分布|to scatter/to distribute/to be distri... fenbu 分部|branch/subsection/to subdivide fenbugushen 奋不顾身|to dash on bravely with no thought of... fenbukongzhi 分布控制|distributed control fenbushi 分布式|distributed fenbushihuanjing 分布式环境|distributed environment (computing) fenbushijiegou 分布式结构|distributed architecture fenbushijujuefuwu 分布式拒绝服务|distributed denial of service (DDOS) ... fenbushiwangluo 分布式网络|distributed network fenbutu 分布图|scatter diagram/distribution chart/hi... fenbuzhou 分步骤|step by step/one step at a time fencan 分餐|to eat individual meals (rather than ... fencao 粪草|compost made with animal manure and s... fence 分册|fascicle; volume (of a book) fenceng 分层|lamination/layering/stratification/de... fencha 分叉|fork/bifurcation/to divide fencha 分岔|bifurcation fenchai 分拆|to separate off/to hive off/a demerger fenchang 坟场|cemetery fenchanzhuyi 分产主义|(economics) distributism fenche 粉车|(Mary Kay Cosmetics) pink car fenchen 粉尘|dust/airborne powder/solid particulat... fencheng 分成|to divide (into)/to split a bonus/to ... fencheng 纷呈|brilliant and varied/(often in the co... fenchu 粪除|(literary) to clean up fenci 分词|participle/word segmentation fenci 粉刺|pimple/comedo/blackhead/acne fencun 分寸|propriety/appropriate behavior/proper... fenda 芬达|Fanta (soft drink brand)/Fender (guit... fendai 粉黛|face powder and eyebrow liner/cosmeti... fendan 分担|to share (a burden, a cost, a respons... fendang 粪凼|cesspool/cesspit fendang 分当|as should be/as expected fendao 粪道|coprodeum (in birds) fendaoyangbiao 分道扬镳|lit. to take different roads and urge... fendi 坟地|graveyard/cemetery fendi 粉底|foundation (cosmetics) fendi 分地|to distribute land fendian 分店|branch (of a chain store)/annex fendian 分点|point of division fendiao 分掉|to share/to divide up fendie 粉蝶|pierid (butterfly of the Pieridae fam... fendou 奋斗|to strive; to struggle fendu 分度|graduation (of a measuring instrument) fenduan 分段|to divide (sth) into sections; to seg... fendui 分队|military platoon or squad fenduojing 芬多精|phytoncide (biochemistry) fene 份额|share/portion fenerzhizhi 分而治之|to divide and rule fenfa 分发|to distribute/distribution/to assign ... fenfa 奋发|to rouse to vigorous action/energetic... fenfan 纷繁|numerous and complicated fenfang 芬芳|perfume/fragrant fenfang 分房|to sleep in separate rooms/distributi... fenfang 棻芳|perfume/fragrant fenfatuqiang 奋发图强|to work energetically for prosperity ... fenfei 纷飞|to swirl in the air (of thickly falli... fenfei 粪肥|manure/dung fenfei 奋飞|to spread wings and fly fenfen 纷纷|one after another/in succession/one b... fenfen 愤愤|extremely angry fenfen 忿忿|variant of 憤憤|愤愤[fen4 fen4] fenfenbuping 愤愤不平|to feel indignant/to feel aggrieved fenfenbuping 忿忿不平|variant of 憤憤不平|愤愤不平[fen4 fen4 bu4 pi... fenfeng 分封|to divide and confer (property on one... fenfeng 焚风|foehn wind (loanword) fenfeng 分缝|part (in one\'s hair) fenfengzhi 分封制|the feudal system/system of enfeoffment fenfenyangyang 纷纷扬扬|fluttering about (of leaves etc) fenfenzhong 分分钟|any minute now; in next to no time/at... fenfu 吩咐|to tell; to instruct; to command fenfu 分付|variant of 吩咐[fen1 fu4] feng 风|wind/news/style/custom/manner/CL:陣|阵[... feng 峰|old variant of 峰[feng1] feng 峰|(of a mountain) high and tapered peak... feng 奉|to offer (tribute)/to present respect... feng 烽|beacon fire feng 封|surname Feng feng 封|to confer/to grant/to bestow a title/... feng 蜂|variant of 蜂[feng1] feng 蜂|bee/wasp feng 蜂|old variant of 蜂[feng1] feng 缝|to sew/to stitch feng 缝|seam/crack/narrow slit/CL:道[dao4] feng 逢|to meet by chance/to come across/(of ... feng 丰|luxuriant/buxom/variant of 豐|丰[feng1]... feng 丰|surname Feng feng 丰|abundant/plentiful/fertile/plump/great feng 沣|rainy/place name in Shaanxi/Feng Rive... feng 锋|point of a spear/edge of a tool/vangu... feng 凤|surname Feng feng 凤|phoenix feng 漨|(name of an ancient river) feng 枫|maple (genus Acer) feng 疯|insane/mad/wild feng 砜|sulfone feng 俸|(bound form) salary; stipend feng 犎|zebu/indicus cattle/humped ox feng 葑|turnip feng 鳯|variant of 鳳|凤[feng4] feng 讽|to satirize/to mock/to recite/Taiwan ... feng 凮|old variant of 風|风[feng1] feng 唪|recite/chant feng 豊|variant of 豐|丰[feng1] feng 摓|wide/to sew feng 崶|name of a legendary hill feng 沨|(onom.) sound of flowing water/sound ... feng 夆|to butt (as horned animals) feng 赗|(literary) gift (of money etc) to a b... feng 鏠|old variant of 鋒|锋[feng1] feng 飌|old variant of 風|风[feng1] feng 鄷|old variant of 酆[Feng1] feng 綘|variant of 縫|缝[feng2] feng 埄|landmark used during the Song Dynasty... feng 覂|to throw a rider feng 酆|Zhou Dynasty capital/surname Feng feng 甮|contraction of 勿用/(dialect) need not/... feng 㷭|old variant of 烽[feng1] feng 浲|old variant of 漨[feng2]/(used in plac... feng 冯|surname Feng fengaojigui 焚膏继晷|to burn the midnight oil (idiom); to ... fengbao 风暴|storm/violent commotion/fig. crisis (... fengbao 封包|to package up/(computer networking) p... fengbaochao 风暴潮|storm surge fengbei 丰碑|large inscribed stele/fig. great achi... fengbi 封闭|to close; to seal off/to close down (... fengbiao 风标|wind vane/anemometer/weathercock/fig.... fengbin 丰滨|Fengbin or Fengpin township in Hualie... fengbinxiang 丰滨乡|Fengbin or Fengpin township in Hualie... fengbixing 封闭性|closed; encapsulated fengbixingkaiju 封闭性开局|Closed Game/Double Queen Pawn Opening... fengbo 风波|disturbance/crisis/disputes/restlessn... fengbobuduan 风波不断|constantly in turmoil/crisis after cr... fengbu 缝补|to darn (clothing)/to sew and mend fengcai 风采|svelte/elegant manner/graceful bearing fengcai 丰采|variant of 風采|风采[feng1 cai3] fengcanlusu 风餐露宿|lit. to eat in the open air and sleep... fengchan 丰产|high yield/bumper crop fengchang 风场|wind farm fengchangzuoxi 逢场作戏|lit. find a stage, put on a comedy (i... fengchao 蜂巢|honeycomb; beehive fengchao 风潮|tempest/wave (of popular sentiment et... fengchaowei 蜂巢胃|reticulum (second stomach of ruminant... fengche 风车|pinwheel/windmill fengchen 风尘|windblown dust/hardships of travel/vi... fengchen 封尘|to gather dust fengcheng 凤城|Fengcheng Manzu autonomous county in ... fengcheng 丰城|Fengcheng, county-level city in Yichu... fengcheng 奉承|to fawn on/to flatter/to ingratiate o... fengcheng 风城|The Windy City, nickname for Chicago ... fengcheng 封城|to lock down a city fengcheng 风成|produced by wind/eolian fengchengshi 丰城市|Fengcheng, county-level city in Yichu... fengchengshi 凤城市|Fengcheng, county-level city in Dando... fengchengtaohao 奉承讨好|to curry favor/to get the desired out... fengchengzhe 奉承者|flatterer fengchenpupu 风尘仆仆|lit. covered in dust (idiom)/fig. tra... fengchenxiuji 丰臣秀吉|TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi (1536-1598), Japan... fengchidianche 风驰电掣|fast as lightning fengchuan 风传|it is rumored that fengchuan 疯传|to spread like wildfire; to go viral fengchuang 风窗|air vent/louver/window fengchuicaodong 风吹草动|lit. grass stirring in the wind (idio... fengchuirishai 风吹日晒|(idiom) to be exposed to the elements fengchuiyuda 风吹雨打|lit. windswept and battered by rain/t... fengci 讽刺|to satirize/to mock/irony/satire/sarcasm fengcun 封存|to sequester/to seal up (for safe kee... fengdang 风挡|windshield fengdangboli 风档玻璃|windscreen (car window) fengdao 封刀|to hang up the sword fengdelaien 冯德莱恩|Ursula von der Leyen (1958-), German ... fengdeng 丰登|plentiful harvest/bumper crop fengdeying 冯德英|Feng Deying (1935-2022), author of th... fengdi 封底|the back cover of a book fengdi 封地|feudal fiefdom/land held as a vassal ... fengdi 风笛|bagpipes fengdian 疯癫|insane/crazy fengdian 风电|wind power fengdianchang 风电厂|wind farm/wind park fengdiao 风调|character (of a person, verse, object... fengdie 凤蝶|swallowtail butterfly fengdieke 凤蝶科|family Papilionidae (taxonomy) fengdili 封底里|inside back cover fengding 峰顶|summit/crest fengding 封顶|to put a roof (on a building)/to cap ... fengdingyishi 封顶仪式|ceremony of capping the roof (to mark... fengdong 风洞|wind tunnel fengdong 封冻|to freeze over (of water or land) fengdoubo 冯窦伯|Feng Doubo or Feng Wu (1672-), callig... fengdu 丰度|abundance fengdu 丰都|Fengdu, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆[C... fengdu 风度|elegance (for men)/elegant demeanor/g... fengdu 蜂毒|wasp poison fengdu 酆都|old variant of 豐都|丰都[Feng1 du1]/Fengd... fengduxian 丰都县|Fengdu, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆[C... fenge 分割|to cut up/to break up fenge 分隔|to divide/to separate/partition fengei 分给|to divide (and give to others) fengequ 分割区|partition (computing) fenger 封二|inside front cover fengfan 风帆|sail/sailing boat fengfan 风范|air/manner/model/paragon/demeanor fengfang 蜂房|honeycomb; beehive fengfengdiandian 疯疯癫癫|deranged/erratic fengfenghuohuo 风风火火|bustling/energetic fengfengkuangqu 峰峰矿区|Fengfengkuang district of Handan city... fengfenglianlian 缝缝连连|needlework/sewing and mending fengfengyuyu 风风雨雨|trials and tribulations/ups and downs fengfu 丰富|to enrich/rich/plentiful/abundant fengfuduocai 丰富多彩|richly colorful fenggai 封盖|cap/seal/cover/to cover/blocked shot ... fenggan 风干|to air-dry/to season (timber etc)/air... fenggang 凤冈|Fenggang county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 y... fenggang 锋钢|high speed steel fenggang 封港|to seal off a port fenggangxian 凤冈县|Fenggang county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 y... fenggao 蜂糕|sponge cake (light steamed flour or r... fenggao 奉告|(honorific) to inform fengge 风格|style fenggong 丰功|brilliant (exploit); meritorious (ach... fenggong 奉公|to pursue public affairs fenggongkeji 奉公克己|self-restraint and devotion to public... fenggongshoufa 奉公守法|to carry out official duties and obse... fenggongweiji 丰功伟绩|glorious achievement (idiom) fenggu 风骨|strength of character/vigorous style ... fengguang 风光|scene/view/sight/landscape/to be well... fengguang-yini 风光旖旎|(idiom) idyllic scenery; picturesque ... fengguanxuyuan 封官许愿|to offer official positions and mater... fengguo 封裹|to wrap up/to pack up fengguo 封国|vassal state fenghan 风寒|wind chill/cold weather/common cold (... fenghao 封号|(archaic) title granted to a person/t... fenghe 缝合|to sew together/suture (in surgery)/t... fenghedai 缝合带|suture zone (geology) fengheqi 封河期|freezing over of river in winter fengherili 风和日丽|moderate wind, beautiful sun (idiom);... fengherinuan 风和日暖|gentle wind and warm sunshine (idiom) fengherixuan 风和日暄|gentle wind and warm sunshine (idiom) fenghou 丰厚|generous; ample fenghou 蜂后|queen bee fenghua 风化|decency/public morals/to weather (roc... fenghua 疯话|crazy talk/ravings/nonsense fenghua 风华|magnificent fenghuajuedai 风华绝代|magnificent style unmatched in his ge... fenghuan 奉还|to return with thanks/to give back (h... fenghuang 凤凰|Fenghuang County in Xiangxi Tujia and... fenghuang 凤凰|phoenix fenghuangcheng 凤凰城|Phoenix, capital of Arizona/also 菲尼克斯... fenghuanggucheng 凤凰古城|Fenghuang Ancient Town, in Fenghuang ... fenghuanghao 凤凰号|Phoenix, NASA Mars explorer fenghuangjiang 蜂皇浆|royal jelly fenghuangnan 凤凰男|(Internet slang) guy who grew up in t... fenghuangxian 凤凰县|Fenghuang County in Xiangxi Tujia and... fenghuangzuo 凤凰座|Phoenix (constellation) fenghuaqu 风化区|see 紅燈區|红灯区[hong2 deng1 qu1] fenghuaxueyue 风花雪月|wind, flower, snow and moon, trite po... fenghuazhengmao 风华正茂|in one\'s prime fenghuazuoyong 风化作用|weathering (of rocks)/erosion (by win... fenghui 峰会|summit meeting fenghuiluzhuan 峰回路转|the mountain road twists around each ... fenghuo 烽火|fire beacon (to give alarm) fenghuo 封火|to cover a fire (to make it burn slowly) fenghuolun 风火轮|(martial arts) wind-and-fire wheel, w... fenghuosiqi 烽火四起|the fire of war in all four direction... fenghuotai 峰火台|fire beacon tower (used in frontier r... fengji 风纪|standard of behavior/moral standards/... fengji 逢集|market day fengji 风机|fan/ventilator fengji 俸给|pay/salary fengjian 封建|system of enfeoffment/feudalism/feuda... fengjian 讽谏|(literary) to remonstrate with one\'s ... fengjiang 封疆|border region/regional general acting... fengjianshehui 封建社会|feudal society fengjianshidai 封建时代|feudal times fengjiansixiang 封建思想|feudal way of thinking fengjianyouren 丰俭由人|(idiom) fancy or simple according to ... fengjianzhidu 封建制度|feudalism fengjianzhu 封建主|feudal ruler fengjianzhuyi 封建主义|feudalism fengjiao 蜂胶|propolis fengjicai 冯骥才|Feng Jicai (1942-), novelist from Tia... fengjie 奉节|Fengjie, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆[... fengjiexian 奉节县|Fengjie, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆[... fengjin 封禁|to ban (narcotics, a movie etc)/to bl... fengjing 风景|scenery; landscape fengjing 风镜|goggles (esp. against wind and sandst... fengjingxian 风景线|a strip of scenic beauty (coast, rive... fengju 蜂聚|to swarm/to congregate in masses fengjue 封爵|to confer a title/to ennoble/to knigh... fengkai 封开|Fengkai county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao... fengkaixian 封开县|Fengkai county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao... fengkong 风控|risk control (abbr. for 風險控制|风险控制[fen... fengkong 封控|to lock down fengkou 风口|air vent/drafty place/wind gap (geolo... fengkou 封口|to close up/to heal (of wound)/to kee... fengkoufei 封口费|hush money fengkoulangjian 风口浪尖|where the wind and the waves are the ... fengkuang 疯狂|crazy; frenzied; wild fengla 蜂蜡|beeswax fenglang 风浪|wind and waves; rough waters/(fig.) h... fenglangban 风浪板|(Tw) windsurfing/sailboard fengleng 风冷|to air-cool fengli 风力|wind force/wind power fengli 锋利|sharp (e.g. knife blade)/incisive/to ... fengli 凤梨|pineapple fengli 封里|inside front cover (sometimes refers ... fenglianghua 风凉话|sneering/sarcasm/cynical remarks fenglifadianchang 风力发电厂|wind farm/wind park fenglikeleda 凤梨可乐达|piña colada fenglin 凤林|Fenglin town in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲... fengling 风铃|wind chimes fenglinzhen 凤林镇|Fenglin town in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲... fenglishijia 凤梨释迦|atemoya, hybrid of the cherimoya (Ann... fenglishuiche 风力水车|wind-powered waterwheel fenglisu 凤梨酥|pineapple cake, traditional Taiwanese... fengliu 风流|distinguished and accomplished/outsta... fengliujiahua 风流佳话|romance/romantic affair fengliutitang 风流倜傥|suave; debonair; dashing fengliuyunjie 风流蕴藉|temperate and refined fengliuyunsan 风流云散|lit. dispersed by wind and scattered ... fengliuyunshi 风流韵事|poetic and passionate (idiom); romanc... fengliuzhai 风流债|lit. love debt/fig. moral obligation ... fengliyuan 凤梨园|pineapple plantation/piña colada fenglu 俸禄|official\'s salary (in feudal times) fenglu 封路|road closure/to close a road fengluan 峰峦|peaks and ridges; ragged outline of m... fengman 丰满|Fengman district of Jilin city 吉林市, J... fengman 丰满|ample/well developed/fully rounded fengmang 锋芒|tip (of pencil, spear etc)/sharp poin... fengmang 锋铓|variant of 鋒芒|锋芒[feng1 mang2] fengmangbilu 锋芒毕露|to show off one\'s ability fengmangneilian 锋芒内敛|to be talented yet self-effacing (idiom) fengmaniubuxiangji 风马牛不相及|to be completely unrelated to one ano... fengmanqu 丰满区|Fengman district of Jilin city 吉林市, J... fengmao 风貌|style/manner/ethos fengmaolinjiao 凤毛麟角|lit. as rare as phoenix feathers and ... fengmaqi 风马旗|Tibetan prayer flag fengmei 丰美|abundant and prosperous fengmenglong 冯梦龙|Feng Menglong (1574-1646), late Ming ... fengmi 蜂蜜|honey fengmi 风靡|fashionable/popular fengmian 封面|cover (of a publication) fengmian 锋面|front (meteorology) fengmijiu 蜂蜜酒|mead fengming 奉命|to receive orders/to follow orders/to... fengmingqi 蜂鸣器|buzzer fengmiyishi 风靡一时|fashionable for a while (idiom); all ... fengmo 疯魔|mad; insane/to be fascinated/to fasci... fengmo 风魔|variant of 瘋魔|疯魔[feng1mo2] fengmu 枫木|maple fengnan 丰南|Fengnan district of Tangshan city 唐山市... fengnanqu 丰南区|Fengnan district of Tangshan city 唐山市... fengneiguo 冯内果|Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1922-2007), US wr... fengneng 风能|wind power fengni 封泥|sealing clay/lute fengnian 丰年|prosperous year/year with bumper harvest fengnianguojie 逢年过节|at the Chinese New Year or other fest... fengniao 蜂鸟|hummingbird fengning 丰宁|Fengning Manchu autonomous county in ... fengningmanzuzizhixian 丰宁满族自治县|Fengning Manchu Autonomous County in ... fengningxian 丰宁县|Fengning Manchu autonomous county in ... fengniu 犎牛|bison fengniubing 疯牛病|mad cow disease (bovine spongiform en... fengong 分工|to divide up the work/division of labor fengongsi 分公司|subsidiary company/branch office fengpei 奉陪|(honorific) to accompany/to keep sb c... fengpei 丰沛|copious/plentiful (of water)/surging ... fengpi 封皮|outer skin/envelope/cover/(legal) seal fengpinglangjing 风平浪静|lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet... fengpo 风泼|crazy fengqi 蜂起|to swarm/to rise in masses fengqi 风气|general mood/atmosphere/common practice fengqian 俸钱|salary fengqichaoyong 风起潮涌|lit. wind rises, tide bubbles up/turb... fengqiebian 风切变|wind shear (meteorology) fengqin 风琴|pipe organ (musical instrument) fengqing 风情|mien/bearing/grace/amorous feelings/f... fengqing 凤庆|Fengqing, a county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[L... fengqingwanzhong 风情万种|(idiom) captivating; charming fengqingxian 凤庆县|Fengqing, a county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[L... fengqiong 缝穷|to sew and mend clothes for a pittance fengqiu 封丘|Fengqiu county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1... fengqiuxian 封丘县|Fengqiu county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1... fengqiyinzi 封妻荫子|to bestow a title on the wife of a de... fengqiyunyong 风起云涌|to surge like a gathering storm (idio... fengqu 风趣|charm/humor/wit/humorous/witty fengquan 奉劝|may I offer a bit of advice fengquan 凤泉|Fangquan, a district of Xinxiang 新鄉市|... fengquan 风圈|ring around the moon/lunar halo/solar... fengquan 疯犬|mad dog/rabid dog fengquanqu 凤泉区|Fangquan, a district of Xinxiang 新鄉市|... fengquhengsheng 风趣横生|(idiom) spiced with wit/very witty fengqun 蜂群|bee colony/swarm/CL:隊|队[dui4] fengrao 丰饶|rich and fertile fengren 缝纫|to sew/tailoring fengren 缝絍|to sew/to stitch fengrenbianjiang 逢人便讲|to tell anybody one happens to meet fengrenji 缝纫机|sewing machine/CL:架[jia4] fengrenyuan 疯人院|insane asylum; mental hospital fengru 丰乳|to enlarge one\'s breasts (e.g. by sur... fengru 蜂乳|royal jelly fengru 封入|to enclose fengrun 丰润|Fengrun district of Tangshan city 唐山市... fengrunqu 丰润区|Fengrun district of Tangshan city 唐山市... fengruoshenming 奉若神明|to honor sb as a God (idiom); to reve... fengsan 封三|inside back cover fengsao 风骚|literary excellence/flirtatious behavior fengsha 封杀|to shut out; to block; to smother fengsha 风沙|sand blown by wind/sandstorm fengshan 风扇|electric fan fengshan 封禅|(of an emperor) to pay homage to Heav... fengshang 风尚|current custom/current way of doing t... fengshang 奉上|to offer fengshanshi 凤山市|Fengshan city in Taiwan fengshanyulin 封山育林|to restrict access to a mountainous a... fengshayulin 封沙育林|to restrict access to a sandy area to... fengshenbang 封神榜|Investiture of the Gods, major Ming d... fengsheng 风声|sound of the wind/rumor/talk/news/rep... fengsheng 丰盛|rich/sumptuous fengsheng 封圣|(Catholicism) to canonize fengshengheli 风声鹤唳|lit. wind sighing and crane calling (... fengshengjin 风声紧|(fig.) the situation is tense fengshengshuiqi 风生水起|lit. a breeze springs up and creates ... fengshenhejing 奉申贺敬|polite congratulations (i.e. on a gre... fengshenyanyi 封神演义|Investiture of the Gods, major Ming d... fengshi 风蚀|wind erosion fengshi 风湿|rheumatism fengshiguanjieyan 风湿关节炎|rheumatoid arthritis fengshire 风湿热|rheumatic fever fengshixingguanjieyan 风湿性关节炎|rheumatoid arthritis fengshou 丰收|to reap a bumper harvest fengshu 枫树|maple fengshuang 风霜|wind and frost/fig. hardships fengshui 风水|feng shui/geomancy fengshui 丰水|abundant water/high water level fengshui 沣水|Feng River in Shaanxi 陝西|陕西[Shan3 xi1... fengshuilunliu 风水轮流|see 風水輪流轉|风水轮流转[feng1 shui3 lun2 liu2... fengshuilunliuzhuan 风水轮流转|fortunes rise and fall; times change fengshuixiansheng 风水先生|feng shui master/geomancer/stock figu... fengshun 丰顺|Fengshun county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong fengshunxian 丰顺县|Fengshun county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong fengshuo 丰硕|plentiful; substantial; rich (in reso... fengsi 奉祀|to worship/to pay respects to (a deit... fengsi 封四|back cover fengsong 奉送|(honorific) to give fengsu 风俗|social custom/CL:個|个[ge4] fengsu 风速|wind speed fengsui 烽燧|fire beacon tower (used in frontier r... fengsuji 风速计|anemometer fengsuo 封锁|to blockade/to seal off/to lock down fengsuoxian 封锁线|blockade line; cordon/CL:道[dao4] fengtai 丰台|Fengtai, an inner district of southwe... fengtai 凤台|Fengtai, a county in Huainan 淮南[Huai2... fengtaiqu 丰台区|Fengtai, an inner district of southwe... fengtaixian 凤台县|Fengtai, a county in Huainan 淮南[Huai2... fengtan 风瘫|to be paralyzed fengtan 疯瘫|variant of 風癱|风瘫[feng1 tan1] fengtang 枫糖|maple syrup fengtao 封套|envelope/wrapper/(book) jacket/(recor... fengti 凤体|(archaic) empress\'s body/empress\'s ph... fengtian 丰田|Toyota or Toyoda (name)/Toyota, Japan... fengtian 奉天|old name for Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳 in modern... fengtianlangjing 风恬浪静|lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet... fengtiao 封条|seal fengtiao-yushun 风调雨顺|(idiom) to have good weather for crops fengtou 风头|wind direction/the way the wind blows... fengtou 风投|venture capital investment (abbr. for... fengtoubailing 凤头百灵|(bird species of China) crested lark ... fengtoufengying 凤头蜂鹰|(bird species of China) crested honey... fengtoumaiji 凤头麦鸡|(bird species of China) northern lapw... fengtoupiti 凤头䴙䴘|(bird species of China) great crested... fengtouqianya 凤头潜鸭|(bird species of China) tufted duck (... fengtouqueying 凤头雀莺|(bird species of China) crested tit-w... fengtouquezuibei 凤头雀嘴鹎|(bird species of China) crested finch... fengtoushuyan 凤头树燕|(bird species of China) crested trees... fengtouwu 凤头鹀|(bird species of China) crested bunti... fengtouying 凤头鹰|(bird species of China) crested gosha... fengtouyingdiao 凤头鹰雕|(bird species of China) changeable ha... fengtouyingwu 凤头鹦鹉|cockatoo (zoology) fengtu 封土|to heap earth (to close a tomb)/a mou... fengtu 风土|natural conditions and social customs... fengturenqing 风土人情|local conditions and customs (idiom) fenguan 分管|to be put in charge of/to be responsi... fenguang 分光|(prefix) spectro- fenguangguangdufa 分光光度法|spectrophotometry fenguangji 分光计|spectrometer fenguo 分锅|(dialect) to set up separate househol... fengwang 封网|to intercept at the net (volleyball, ... fengwang 蜂王|queen bee fengwang 封王|to win the championship/(of an empero... fengwangjiang 蜂王浆|royal jelly fengwangjing 蜂王精|royal jelly fengwangru 蜂王乳|royal jelly fengwei 风味|distinctive flavor/distinctive style fengweiguinie 奉为圭臬|to take as a guiding principle (idiom) fengweijue 凤尾蕨|brake (fern of genus Pteris)/(esp.) s... fengweiyu 凤尾鱼|anchovy fengweizhu 凤尾竹|fernleaf bamboo (Bambusa multiplex), ... fengwen 风闻|to learn sth through hearsay; to get ... fengwo 蜂窝|honeycomb; beehive fengwomei 蜂窝煤|hexagonal household coal briquette fengwowangluo 蜂窝网络|cellular network fengwozuzhi 蜂窝组织|(physiology) areolar tissue; cellular... fengwu 风物|scenery/sights fengwu 冯武|Feng Doubo or Feng Wu (1672-), callig... fengwu 逢俉|to come across sth scary; to have a f... fengxi 缝隙|small crack/chink fengxi 丰溪|Fengxi, common place name/P\'unggye in... fengxi 奉系|Fengtian clique (of northern warlords) fengxian 风险|risk; hazard fengxian 丰县|Feng county in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], ... fengxian 奉献|to offer respectfully/to consecrate/t... fengxian 奉贤|Fengxian suburban district of Shanghai fengxian 凤县|Feng County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1],... fengxian 缝线|sewing thread/suture fengxian 峰线|mountain ridge line fengxian 奉现|offering fengxiang 风向|wind direction/the way the wind is bl... fengxiang 风箱|bellows fengxiang 蜂箱|beehive fengxiangbiao 风向标|vane/propellor blade/weather vane/win... fengxiangmu 枫香木|Chinese sweetgum (Liquidambar formosana) fengxiangshu 枫香树|Chinese sweetgum (Liquidambar formosana) fengxianguanli 风险管理|risk management fengxianguji 风险估计|risk assessment fengxianhua 凤仙花|balsam/Balsaminaceae (a flower family... fengxianjingshen 奉献精神|spirit of devotion; dedication fengxianqu 奉贤区|Fengxian suburban district of Shanghai fengxiantouzi 风险投资|venture capital investment fengxie 风邪|pathogenic influence (TCM) fengxijunfa 奉系军阀|Fengtian clique (of northern warlords) fengxili 丰溪里|P\'unggye in Kilju county, North Hamgy... fengxin 奉新|Fengxin county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi fengxinbikedang 奉辛比克党|Funcinpec (royalist Cambodian politic... fengxing 风行|to become fashionable/to catch on/to ... fengxing 奉行|to pursue (a course, a policy) fengxingyishi 风行一时|to be popular for a while; to be all ... fengxinxian 奉新县|Fengxin county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi fengxinzi 风信子|hyacinth (flower) fengxiong 丰胸|see 隆胸[long2 xiong1] fengxionghuaji 逢凶化吉|misfortune turns to blessing (idiom);... fengxu 俸恤|payment and pension fengxue 风穴|wind cave fengya 风雅|cultured/sophisticated fengyan 凤眼|elegant, almond-shaped eyes with the ... fengyan 烽烟|fire beacon (used as alarm signal ove... fengyanban 封檐板|barge board/weather board/eaves board... fengyanbiandi 烽烟遍地|fire beacons on all sides (idiom); en... fengyang 凤阳|Fengyang, a county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2... fengyang 奉养|to look after (elderly parents)/Taiwa... fengyangxian 凤阳县|Fengyang, a county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2... fengyanlan 凤眼兰|water hyacinth fengyansiqi 烽烟四起|lit. fire beacons in all four directi... fengye 枫叶|maple leaf fengyeguo 枫叶国|(slang) Canada fengyi 风衣|windbreaker/wind cheater/wind jacket/... fengyi 封一|front cover fengyi 封邑|grant of territory by an emperor or m... fengyigongren 缝衣工人|needleworker fengyijiang 缝衣匠|tailor fengyin 封印|seal (on envelopes) fengyin 俸银|official salary fengying 丰盈|well-rounded/plump fengying 逢迎|to fawn on/to ingratiate oneself/(lit... fengying 奉迎|(honorific) to greet/to fawn fengyizhen 缝衣针|sewing needle fengyizushi 丰衣足食|having ample food and clothing (idiom... fengyong 蜂拥|to swarm; to flock; to throng fengyong 蜂涌|to swarm/to flock fengyongerzhi 蜂拥而至|to arrive in huge numbers/to flock there fengyoujing 风油精|essential balm containing menthol, eu... fengyoujing 疯犹精|(slang) person who is blindly pro-Israel fengyoulan 冯友兰|Feng Youlan (1895-1990), distinguishe... fengyu 风雨|wind and rain/the elements/(fig.) tri... fengyu 丰腴|full-bodied/well-rounded/fig. fertile... fengyu 丰裕|well-off; affluent fengyu 讽喻|parable/allegory/satire fengyu 风喻|see 諷喻|讽喻[feng3 yu4] fengyu 风谕|see 諷喻|讽喻[feng3 yu4] fengyu 讽谕|variant of 諷喻|讽喻[feng3 yu4] fengyue 风月|romance/beautiful scenery/small or pe... fengyuhuiming 风雨晦冥|conditions of extreme adversity (idiom) fengyun 风云|weather/unstable situation fengyun 风韵|charm/grace/elegant bearing (usually ... fengyunbianhuan 风云变幻|changeable situation (idiom) fengyunrenwu 风云人物|the man (or woman) of the moment (idi... fengyunyoucun 风韵犹存|(of an aging woman) still attractive fengyupiaoyao 风雨飘摇|tossed about by the wind and rain (id... fengyupiaoyao 风雨漂摇|tossed about by the wind and rain (id... fengyuqiqi 风雨凄凄|wretched wind and rain fengyuruhui 风雨如晦|lit. wind and rain darken the sky (id... fengyutongzhou 风雨同舟|lit. in the same boat under wind and ... fengyuwuzu 风雨无阻|regardless of weather conditions/rain... fengyuxiang 冯玉祥|Feng Yuxiang (1882-1948), warlord dur... fengyuyulai 风雨欲来|lit. storm clouds approach/troubles l... fengzai 风灾|damaging storm/destructive typhoon fengze 丰泽|Fengze, a district of Quanzhou City 泉... fengzeng 奉赠|(honorific) to present/to give as a p... fengzequ 丰泽区|Fengze, a district of Quanzhou City 泉... fengzhai 封斋|fast (in several religions)/Ramadan (... fengzhaijie 封斋节|Lent fengzhao 凤爪|chicken feet (cuisine) fengzhao 奉召|to receive orders fengzhao 奉诏|to receive an imperial command fengzhe 蜂螫|bee sting fengzhen 丰镇|Fengzhen city in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[... fengzhen 风疹|rubella/urticaria fengzhen 缝针|to stitch fabric/(medicine) to sew up... fengzheng 风筝|kite (Etymology: Kites with bamboo wh... fengzhengchonglang 风筝冲浪|kitesurfing fengzhenji 缝针迹|seam fengzhenshi 丰镇市|Fengzhen city in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[... fengzhi 峰值|peak value fengzhi 奉旨|on imperial orders fengzhi 风致|natural charm/grace fengzhi 奉职|devotion to duty fengzhi 缝制|to sew/to make (clothes, bedding) fengzhishuchugongneng 峰值输出功能|peak power output (of an electrical d... fengzhongzhizhu 风中之烛|lit. candle in the wind (idiom)/fig. ... fengzhongzhu,washangshuang 风中烛,瓦上霜|lit. like a candle in the wind, or fr... fengzhuang 封装|to encapsulate/to enclose/to wrap/to ... fengzhuangkuai 封装块|capsule/encapsulated unit (e.g. circu... fengzhucannian 风烛残年|one\'s late days/to have one foot in t... fengzhui 缝缀|to patch together/to mend fengzi 疯子|madman/lunatic fengzi 风姿|good looks/good figure/graceful beari... fengzi 丰姿|charm/good looks fengzi 缝子|crack/chink/narrow slit/crevice fengzichenghun 奉子成婚|to marry after getting pregnant fengzichuoyue 风姿绰约|graceful; lovely fengzu 丰足|abundant/plenty fengzuan 风钻|pneumatic drill/jackhammer fengzuniqi 风阻尼器|wind damper (engineering) fenhang 分行|branch of bank or store/subsidiary bank fenhao 分号|semicolon (punct.) fenhao 分毫|fraction/slightest difference/hairsbr... fenhaozhicha 分毫之差|hairsbreadth difference fenhe 汾河|Fen River fenhe 粉盒|(cosmetics) powder box/compact fenhen 愤恨|to hate/hatred/to resent/embittered fenhen 忿恨|variant of 憤恨|愤恨[fen4 hen4] fenhong 分红|dividend/to award a bonus fenhong 粉红|pink fenhong 分洪|to separate flood/flood defense fenhongfulingque 粉红腹岭雀|(bird species of China) Asian rosy fi... fenhongliangniao 粉红椋鸟|(bird species of China) rosy starling... fenhongse 粉红色|pink fenhongshanjiaoniao 粉红山椒鸟|(bird species of China) rosy minivet ... fenhongxiongliu 粉红胸鹨|(bird species of China) rosy pipit (A... fenhongyanou 粉红燕鸥|(bird species of China) roseate tern ... fenhua 分化|to split apart/differentiation fenhua 焚化|to cremate fenhuashi 粪化石|coprolite fenhui 分会|branch fenhui 焚毁|to burn down/to destroy with fire fenhuichang 分会场|sub-venues fenji 分级|to rank/to grade/to classify/rank/gra... fenji 分机|(telephone) extension/CL:臺|台[tai2] fenji 愤激|indignant/outraged fenjia 分家|to separate and live apart/division o... fenjian 分拣|to sort (mail) fenjiao 瞓觉|to sleep (Cantonese)/Mandarin equival... fenjiaoqi 分角器|a protractor (device to divide angles) fenjiaoxian 分角线|(Tw) angle bisector fenjiawan 酚甲烷|(Tw) bisphenol A (BPA) fenjie 分解|to resolve/to decompose/to break down fenjie 分节|segmented fenjiedaixie 分解代谢|catabolism (biology)/metabolic breaki... fenjiexian 分界线|dividing line fenjiezuoyong 分解作用|decomposition fenjin 奋进|to advance bravely/to endeavor fenjing 分镜|storyboard fenjingbiao 分镜表|storyboard fenjingtou 分镜头|storyboard fenjingui 粪金龟|dung beetle fenjinguizi 粪金龟子|dung beetle fenjinhao 奋进号|Space Shuttle Endeavor fenjiu 汾酒|Fenjiu (sorghum-based Chinese liquor) fenjiubihe,hejiubifen 分久必合,合久必分|lit. that which is long divided must ... fenju 分局|branch office; sub-bureau fenju 分居|to separate (married couple)/to live ... fenju 分句|clause (grammar) fenkai 分开|to separate/to part fenkai 愤慨|to resent/resentment fenke 兝|decigram (old) (single-character equi... fenke 分克|decigram fenkeng 粪坑|latrine pit/cesspit fenlan 芬兰|Finland fenlanyu 芬兰语|Finnish (language)/suomen kieli fenlei 分类|to classify fenleihuahewu 酚类化合物|(chemistry) phenol fenleililun 分类理论|classification theory fenleixue 分类学|taxonomy/taxology/systematics fenleizhang 分类帐|a ledger/a spreadsheet fenli 分离|to separate fenli 奋力|to do everything one can/to spare no ... fenli 分立|to establish as separate entities/to ... fenli 分力|component force (physics) fenliang 分量|(vector) component fenliang 分量|(food) portion size fenliang 分量|quantity; weight; measure/(fig.) weig... fenliang 份量|see 分量[fen4liang5] fenlie 分裂|to split up/to divide/to break up/fis... fenlie 分列|to divide into rows/to identify subca... fenlieqingganxingzhangai 分裂情感性障碍|schizoaffective disorder fenlieshi 分列式|(military) march-past fenliezhuyi 分裂主义|separatism fenliezuzhi 分裂组织|separatist group/(botany) meristem fenlifenzi 分离分子|separatist fenling 粉领|pink collar/woman working in the serv... fenliu 分流|to diverge; to divert; to divide into... fenliu 分馏|fractional distillation fenliudianlu 分流电路|shunt circuit/current divider (electr... fenlizhuyi 分离主义|separatism fenlu 分录|entry (accounting) fenluan 纷乱|numerous and disorderly fenmei 奋袂|to roll up one\'s sleeves for action fenmei 分袂|to leave each other/to part company fenmen 愤懑|depressed/resentful/discontented/indi... fenmen 忿懑|indignant/furious fenmenbielei 分门别类|(idiom) to organize by categories; to... fenmi 分泌|to secrete/secretion fenmi 分米|decimeter fenmian 分娩|to give birth to a baby/(of animals) ... fenmiaobizheng 分秒必争|seize every minute and second (idiom)... fenmikeli 分泌颗粒|secretory granule fenming 分明|clear/distinct/evidently/clearly fenmiwu 分泌物|secretion fenmo 粉末|fine powder/dust fenmodengchang 粉墨登场|to make up and go on stage (idiom); t... fenmu 分母|denominator of a fraction fenmu 坟墓|grave/tomb fennei 分内|within one\'s area of responsibility fenni 芬尼|pfennig (monetary unit) (loanword) fenniao 粪尿|feces and urine/excreta/human or anim... fennie 分蘖|tiller (stem at the base of grass pla... fennu 愤怒|angry/indignant/wrath/ire fennu 忿怒|variant of 憤怒|愤怒[fen4 nu4] fenpa 粪耙|manure rake fenpai 分派|to assign (a task to different people... fenpei 分配|to distribute/to assign/to allocate/t... fenpeilv 分配律|(math.) distributive law fenpeiqi 分配器|dispenser (for consumables such as li... fenpi 分批|to do sth in batches or groups fenpi 纷披|scattered/mixed and disorganized fenpin 分频|frequency sharing/subdivision of radi... fenping 分屏|(computing) to split a screen into mu... fenpu 粉扑|powder puff (cosmetics) fenqi 分期|by stages/staggered/step by step/in i... fenqi 分歧|divergent/difference (of opinion, pos... fenqi 奋起|to rise vigorously/a spirited start fenqian 粉芡|cooking starch/pasty mixture of starc... fenqian 分钱|cent/penny fenqiang 粉墙|whitewashed wall/to whitewash a wall fenqidian 分歧点|point of disagreement fenqifukuan 分期付款|to pay in installments/payment in ins... fenqihu 奋起湖|Fenchihu, town in Chiayi County, Taiwan fenqin 吩嗪|phenazine (loanword) fenqing 分清|to distinguish (between different thi... fenqing 愤青|angry youth – highly nationalistic yo... fenqing 粪青|\"shit youth\", sarcastic homonym for 憤... fenqinzhuhe 焚琴煮鹤|lit. to burn zithers and cook cranes/... fenqiu 坟丘|a tomb fenqizhizhui 奋起直追|to catch up vigorously/to set off in ... fenqu 分区|allocated area (for housing, industry... fenqu 粪蛆|muckworm fenquan 分权|separation of powers fenquan 酚醛|phenolic aldehyde/phenolic resin (use... fenquan 粉拳|soft, ineffectual fist (usu. of a woman) fenquanjiao 酚醛胶|phenolic resin (used to manufacture b... fenquanzhiheng 分权制衡|separation of powers for checks and b... fenr 份儿|degree/extent/allotted share fenran 愤然|(literary) angry/irate fenran 粉䎃|(ornithology) powder down fenrao 纷扰|turmoil/unrest/disturbance fenrfan 份儿饭|set meal fensan 分散|to scatter/to disperse/to distribute fensanhexian 分散和弦|(music) arpeggio fensanshi 分散式|distributed fense 粉色|pink/white/erotic/beautiful woman/pow... fense 分色|color separation fensejingtou 分色镜头|process lens (working by color separa... fensha 粉砂|silt fenshan 坟山|hill cemetery/graveyard/grave/grave m... fenshao 焚烧|to burn/to set on fire fenshashi 粉砂石|siltstone fenshayan 粉砂岩|siltstone fenshe 分设|to set up separately/to establish sep... fenshe 分社|subdivision or branch of an organizat... fenshen 分神|to give some attention to; to divert ... fenshen 分身|(of one who has supernatural powers) ... fenshenfashu 分身乏术|to be up to one\'s ears in work (idiom... fensheng 分升|deciliter fenshengzuzhi 分生组织|meristem fenshensuigu 粉身碎骨|lit. torn body and crushed bones (idi... fenshi 分时|time-sharing fenshi 粉饰|to paint/to whitewash/to decorate/pla... fenshi 分尸|to dismember a corpse fenshi 焚尸|to cremate fenshi 粪石|coprolite fenshiduogong 分时多工|time division multiplexing/TDM fenshijisu 愤世嫉俗|to be cynical/to be embittered fenshilu 焚尸炉|crematorium/crematory oven fenshitaiping 粉饰太平|to pretend that everything is going well fenshou 分手|to part company/to split up/to break up fenshoudaili 分手代理|\"break-up agent\", person who acts for... fenshoupao 分手炮|(slang) breakup sex fenshu 分数|(exam) grade/mark/score/fraction fenshu 分属|classification fenshu 分述|to elaborate/detailed explanation fenshua 粉刷|to paint/to whitewash/emulsion/plaster fenshuguashuai 分数挂帅|preoccupied with school grades/overem... fenshuiling 分水岭|dividing range/drainage divide/(fig.)... fenshuixian 分水线|watershed fenshukengru 焚书坑儒|to burn the Confucian classics and bu... fenshuo 分说|to explain (the difference) fenshuxian 分数线|horizontal line (in a fraction)/minim... fensi 粉丝|bean vermicelli; mung bean starch noo... fensong 分送|to send/to distribute fensu 分诉|to narrate/to explain/to justify oneself fensui 粉碎|to crush; to smash; to shatter fensuiji 粉碎机|pulverizer/grinder fensuo 分所|branch (of a company etc) fentai 酚酞|phenolphthalein fentaini 芬太尼|fentanyl (loanword) fentan 分摊|to share (costs, responsibilities)/to... fentanni 吩坦尼|fentanyl (loanword) (Tw) fentao 分桃|homosexual fentiao 粉条|vermicelli made from mung bean starch... fentingkangli 分庭抗礼|peer competition/to function as rival... fentou 分头|separately/severally/parted hair fentou 坟头|burial mound fentou 粉头|prostitute (old)/crafty character (in... fentoulu 分头路|part (in one\'s hair) fentu 粪土|dirty soil/dung and dirt/(fig.) worth... fentu 粉土|silt; silty soil fenwa 瓰|deciwatt (old)/single-character equiv... fenwa 分瓦|deciwatt fenwai 分外|exceptionally/not one\'s responsibilit... fenwei 分为|to divide sth into (parts); to subdivide fenwei 氛围|ambience; atmosphere fenwei 雰围|variant of 氛圍|氛围[fen1wei2] fenweishu 分位数|quantile (statistics) fenwen 分文|a single penny/a single cent fenwenbuqu 分文不取|to give for free fenwuyangwei 奋武扬威|a show of strength fenxi 分析|to analyze/analysis/CL:個|个[ge4] fenxi 汾西|Fenxi county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen... fenxiang 分享|to share (let others have some of sth... fenxiang 分项|sub-item (of program) fenxiang 焚香|to burn incense fenxiang 分相|split phase (elec.) fenxiang 芬香|fragrance/fragrant fenxiangjingshen 焚香敬神|to burn incense in prayer to a God fenxiao 分校|branch of a school fenxiao 分销|distribution/retail store fenxiao 分晓|the result (becomes apparent)/now one... fenxiaodian 分销店|retail store fenxiaoshang 分销商|distributor fenxiaowangluo 分销网络|distribution network fenxichuli 分析处理|to parse/analysis processing/to analy... fenxifa 分析法|the analytic method/analytic reasoning fenxihuaxue 分析化学|analytical chemistry fenxijia 分析家|(political) analyst fenxin 分心|to divert one\'s attention; to get dis... fenxing 分形|fractal fenxingbailiang 分星掰两|punctilious/clear and detailed fenxingjihe 分形几何|fractal geometry fenxingjihexue 分形几何学|fractal geometry fenxiqi 分析器|analyzer fenxirenshi 分析人士|analyst/expert fenxishi 分析师|analyst/commentator fenxitong 分系统|subsystem fenxixian 汾西县|Fenxi county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen... fenxixinlixue 分析心理学|analytical psychology/Jungian psychology fenxixue 分析学|mathematical analysis/calculus fenxiyanjiu 分析研究|analysis/research fenxiyu 分析语|analytic language fenxiyuan 分析员|analyst (e.g. of news) fenxue 坟穴|grave fenxunbingbeidao 分巡兵备道|(Qing dynasty) provincial surveillanc... fenyan 焚砚|to destroy one\'s ink-slab (i.e. to wr... fenyan 粉艳|(of a woman, a flower etc) delicate c... fenyang 汾阳|Fenyang, county-level city in Lüliang... fenyangshi 汾阳市|Fenyang, county-level city in Lüliang... fenye 分野|dividing line between distinct realms... fenye 分页|(computing) to insert a page break/to... fenyefu 分页符|page break fenyi 分宜|Fenyi county in Xinyu 新餘|新余[Xin1 yu2]... fenyi 分异|distinction/differentiation fenyibeigeng 分一杯羹|(fig.) to have a slice of the pie/to ... fenyinfu 分音符|dieresis/umlaut/diacritical mark sepa... fenying 坟茔|grave/tomb/graveyard/cemetery/fig. on... fenyixian 分宜县|Fenyi county in Xinyu 新餘|新余[Xin1 yu2]... fenyong 奋勇|dauntless/to summon up courage and de... fenyou 分忧|to share tribulations/to help sb with... fenyuan 芬园|Fenyuan Township in Changhua County 彰... fenyuan 粉圆|tapioca ball fenyuanxiang 芬园乡|Fenyuan Township in Changhua County 彰... fenyun 纷纭|diverse and muddled/many and confused fenza 纷杂|numerous and confused/in a mess fenzang 分赃|to share the booty; to divide ill-got... fenzaochifan 分灶吃饭|\"meals prepared at separate stoves\", ... fenze 分则|specific provisions (based on general... fenzhan 奋战|to fight bravely/(fig.) to struggle/t... fenzhan 分站|substation fenzhang 分账|to share profits (or debt) fenzhen 分针|minute hand (of a clock) fenzheng 纷争|to dispute fenzheng 分争|to dispute/to struggle for mastery fenzhi 分之|(indicating a fraction) fenzhi 分支|branch (of company, river etc)/to bra... fenzhi 分枝|branch fenzhi 分治|separate government/partition fenzhidian 分至点|common word for equinox and solstice/... fenzhitalai 纷至沓来|to come thick and fast (idiom) fenzhong 分钟|minute fenzhuang 分装|to divide into portions/to package in... fenzhuangji 分装机|racking machine/filling machine fenzhuanhei 粉转黑|(Internet slang) to go from being an ... fenzi 分子|molecule/(math) numerator of a fraction fenzi 分子|members of a class or group/political... fenzi 分子|Taiwan variant of 份子[fen4 zi5] fenzi 份子|Taiwan variant of 分子[fen4 zi3] fenzi 份子|one\'s share of expenses (e.g. when bu... fenziliang 分子量|molecular mass fenziliaoli 分子料理|molecular gastronomy fenziqian 份子钱|gift money (on the occasion of a wedd... fenzishai 分子筛|molecular sieve fenzishengwuxue 分子生物学|molecular biology fenzishi 分子式|molecular formula fenziyichuanxue 分子遗传学|molecular genetics fenziyixue 分子医学|molecular medicine fenzizajiao 分子杂交|molecular hybridization fenzu 分组|to divide into groups/group (formed f... fenzu 分租|(of a landlord) to rent out one or mo... fenzujiaohuan 分组交换|packet switching fiao 覅|contraction of 勿要/must not/please don\'t fo 佛|Buddha; Buddhism (abbr. for 佛陀[Fo2tuo2]) fo 坲|(of dust) to rise in the air fo 仏|Japanese variant of 佛 fodanri 佛诞日|Buddha\'s Birthday (8th day of the 4th... fodejiao 佛得角|Cape Verde fodian 佛典|Buddhist scriptures/Buddhist classics fofa 佛法|Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha)/... fofasengmu 佛法僧目|Coraciiformes, class of birds includi... fogang 佛冈|Fogang county in Qingyuan 清遠|清远[Qing1... fogangxian 佛冈县|Fogang county in Qingyuan 清遠|清远[Qing1... fogu 佛骨|Buddha\'s bones (as a sacred relic) foguang 佛光|Buddha\'s teachings/aura (around the h... foguta 佛骨塔|stupa (Buddhist shrine) fohao 佛号|one of the many names of Buddha fojia 佛家|Buddhism/Buddhist fojiao 佛教|Buddhism fojiaotu 佛教徒|Buddhist fojiaoyu 佛教语|Buddhist term fojing 佛经|Buddhist texts; Buddhist scripture fokan 佛龛|niche for statue (esp. Buddhist, Chri... fokaxia 佛卡夏|focaccia (loanword) fokoushexin 佛口蛇心|words of a Buddha, heart of a snake (... folande 佛兰德|of or relating to Flemish people, lan... folangge 佛朗哥|Franco (name)/Generalissimo Francisco... folangji 佛朗机|Portuguese (Ming era loanword) folangjichong 佛朗机铳|Western (and so styled) cannon of the... folangjipao 佛朗机炮|Western (or Western-style) cannon of ... folangmingge 佛朗明哥|flamenco (Tw) (loanword) folanmangyu 佛兰芒语|Flemish (language) foluolidazhou 佛罗里达州|Florida foluolunsa 佛罗伦萨|Florence, city in Italy foluolunsi 佛罗伦斯|Florence, city in Italy (Tw) foluoyide 佛洛伊德|Floyd (name)/Freud (name)/Dr Sigmund ... fomen 佛门|Buddhism fomengte 佛蒙特|Vermont, US state fomengtezhou 佛蒙特州|Vermont, US state foping 佛坪|Foping County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 ... fopingxian 佛坪县|Foping County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 ... foshan 佛山|see 佛山市[Fo2shan1 Shi4] foshanshi 佛山市|Foshan, prefecture-level city in Guan... fosheli 佛舍利|ashes of cremated Buddha foshougua 佛手瓜|chayote (Sechium edule); choko; mirliton foshu 佛书|Buddhist scripture fosi 佛寺|Buddhist temple fota 佛塔|pagoda fotiaoqiang 佛跳墙|lit. Buddha jumps over the wall, name... fotuo 佛陀|Buddha (a person who has attained Bud... fou 否|to negate/to deny/not fou 紑|bright/glossy (of silk) fou 缶|pottery fouding 否定|to negate/to deny/to reject/negative ... foudingju 否定句|negative sentence foujue 否决|to veto/to overrule foujuepiao 否决票|veto foujuequan 否决权|veto power fouren 否认|to declare to be untrue/to deny fouze 否则|otherwise; if not; or (else) foxi 佛系|(neologism c. 2017) (coll.) chill abo... foxiang 佛像|Buddhist image/statue of Buddha or Bo... foxiangge 佛香阁|Tower of Buddhist Incense in the Summ... foxin 佛心|Buddha-like heart (full of compassion... foxing 佛性|Buddha nature foxue 佛学|Buddhist doctrine/Buddhist studies foya 佛牙|Buddha\'s tooth (a holy relic) foye 佛爷|Buddha (term of respect for Sakyamuni... foyu 佛语|Buddhist term foyuan 佛媛|Buddhist griftress (female Internet i... fozhu 佛珠|Buddhist prayer beads fozu 佛祖|Buddha/founder of a buddhist sect fu 氟|fluorine (chemistry) fu 付|surname Fu fu 付|to pay/to hand over to/classifier for... fu 孚|to trust/to believe in fu 夫|husband/man/manual worker/conscripted... fu 夫|(classical) this, that/he, she, they/... fu 符|surname Fu fu 符|mark/sign/talisman/to seal/to corresp... fu 负|to bear/to carry (on one\'s back)/to t... fu 附|variant of 附[fu4] fu 附|to add; to attach/to be close to; to ... fu 弗|(literary) not/used in transliteration fu 府|seat of government/government reposit... fu 赋|poetic essay/taxation/to bestow on/to... fu 父|father fu 浮|to float/superficial/floating/unstabl... fu 佛|seemingly fu 佛|(female) head ornament/variant of 彿|佛... fu 傅|surname Fu fu 傅|(bound form) instructor/(literary) to... fu 俘|to take prisoner/prisoner of war fu 肤|skin fu 赴|to go/to visit (e.g. another country)... fu 服|clothes/dress/garment/to serve (in th... fu 服|classifier for medicine: dose/Taiwan ... fu 芙|used in 芙蓉[fu2 rong2], lotus fu 扶|to support with the hand/to help sb u... fu 副|secondary/auxiliary/deputy/assistant/... fu 覆|to cover/to overflow/to overturn/to c... fu 黻|(archaic) embroidery using black and ... fu 甫|(classical) barely/just/just now fu 妇|woman fu 妇|old variant of 婦|妇[fu4] fu 斧|hatchet fu 福|surname Fu/abbr. for Fujian province ... fu 福|good fortune/happiness/luck fu 伏|surname Fu fu 伏|to lean over/to fall (go down)/to hid... fu 富|surname Fu fu 富|rich/abundant/wealthy fu 复|to go and return/to return/to resume/... fu 复|to repeat/to double/to overlap/comple... fu 复|variant of 復|复[fu4]/to reply to a letter fu 釜|kettle/cauldron fu 抚|to comfort/to console/to stroke/to ca... fu 蝠|(bound form) bat fu 拂|to flick/to brush off/(of a breeze) t... fu 阜|abundant/mound fu 輹|parts of cart holding the axle fu 腐|decay/rotten fu 俯|variant of 俯[fu3] fu 俯|to look down/to stoop fu 呋|used in transliteration, e.g. 呋喃[fu1 ... fu 辅|to assist/to complement/auxiliary fu 褔|full up/classifier for items of cloth... fu 洑|undercurrent eddy fu 涪|(name of a river) fu 凫|mallard/Anas platyrhyncha fu 凫|old variant of 鳧|凫[fu2] fu 茯|used in 茯苓[fu2 ling2] fu 赙|to contribute to funeral expenses fu 芾|luxuriance of vegetation fu 麸|variant of 麩|麸[fu1] fu 麸|bran fu 怫|anxious fu 罦|net for catching birds fu 驸|prince consort fu 馥|fragrance/scent/aroma fu 祓|to cleanse/to remove evil/ritual for ... fu 帗|object held by dancer fu 滏|name of a river in Hebei fu 腑|internal organs fu 辐|spoke of a wheel fu 蚨|(water-beetle)/money fu 缚|to bind/to tie/Taiwan pr. [fu2] fu 蚹|scales on the belly of a snake, aidin... fu 跗|instep/tarsus fu 芣|plantain herb (Plantago)/Taiwan pr. [... fu 绂|ribbon for a seal/sash fu 苻|Angelica anomala fu 桴|beam/rafter fu 咈|oppose fu 尃|to state to, to announce fu 脯|dried meat/preserved fruit fu 趺|instep; tarsus fu 袱|(bound form) a cloth used to wrap or ... fu 巿|(literary) variant of 韍|韨[fu2] fu 乀|stretch fu 袚|knee-pads/buskins fu 襆|(bound form) a kind of headscarf worn... fu 弣|handle of bow fu 嬔|(archaic) baby rabbit fu 讣|to report a bereavement/obituary fu 咐|used in 吩咐[fen1fu5] and 囑咐|嘱咐[zhu3fu5] fu 拊|pat fu 茀|luxuriant growth fu 粰|variant of 稃[fu1] fu 敷|to spread/to lay out/to apply (powder... fu 郛|suburbs fu 罘|place name fu 莩|membrane lining inside a cylindrical ... fu 黼|(archaic) motif of axes with black ha... fu 蝮|insect/poisonous snake (archaic) fu 鄜|name of a district in Shaanxi fu 呒|perplexed/astonished fu 衭|the lapel of a garment fu 綍|heavy rope/ropes of a bier fu 绋|heavy rope/rope of a bier fu 幞|used in 幞頭|幞头[fu2tou2]/variant of 袱[f... fu 伕|variant of 夫[fu1] fu 鲋|silver carp fu 枹|Quercus glandulifera fu 簠|basket used in state worship fu 祔|worship ancestors fu 刜|to chop/strike fu 蜉|(dragon fly)/(large ant)/(wasp) fu 琈|(literary) a kind of jade/(literary) ... fu 㳇|(used in place names) fu 玞|a kind of jade fu 艴|angry fu 箙|quiver fu 砩|name of a stone fu 柎|calyx of flower fu 葍|weeds fu 虙|old variant of 伏[fu2] fu 鳆|Haliotis gigantea/sea ear fu 匐|used in 匍匐[pu2 fu2] fu 襥|old variant of 襆[fu2] fu 砆|agate/inferior gem/a kind of jade fu 稃|husk/outside shell of grain fu 鬴|variant of 釜[fu3] fu 鯆|the skate or ray fu 郙|ancient place name fu 偩|to rely on/to resemble fu 韨|kneepad fu 幅|width/roll/classifier for textiles or... fu 笰|duster fu 泭|a raft fu 釡|old variant of 釜[fu3] fu 払|Japanese variant of 拂[fu2] fu 蜅|crab fu 乶|(phonetic \"pol\", used in Korean place... fu 腹|abdomen/stomach/belly fu 菔|turnip fu 孵|breeding/to incubate/to hatch fu 𫓧|(literary) fodder chopper/(chemistry)... fu 𫖯|variant of 俯[fu3] fu 𫚒|used in 魴鮄|鲂𫚒[fang2 fu2] fu 𫛡|used in 鵖鴔|𱉝𫛡[bi1fu2] fu 鵩|owl fu-mei 赴美|to go to the United States fuai 父爱|paternal love fuai 抚爱|to love tenderly/affection; loving ca... fuai 腹哀|Abdominal Lament/acupuncture point SP 16 fuai 弗爱|phi (Greek letter Φφ) fuan 福安|Fu\'an, county-level city in Ningde 寧德... fuan 伏安|volt-ampere (measure of apparent powe... fuan 伏案|to bend over one\'s desk (writing, stu... fuanshi 福安市|Fu\'an, county-level city in Ningde 寧德... fubai 腐败|corruption/to corrupt/to rot/rotten fubaizui 腐败罪|the crime of corruption fuban 符板|a charm to protect against evil spirits fubao 抚抱|caress fubao 福报|karmic reward (Buddhism) fubei 父辈|people of one\'s parents\' generation fubeishoudi 腹背受敌|(idiom) to be attacked from the front... fubeixiangqin 腹背相亲|to be on intimate terms with sb (idiom) fuben 副本|copy/duplicate/transcript/(in online ... fuben 复本|copy fubi 伏笔|foreshadowing (literary device); fore... fubi 复辟|to recover one\'s power or authority/r... fubi 辅弼|to assist a ruler in governing a coun... fubi 辅币|fractional currency (coin or note of ... fubi 附笔|postscript fubi 复比|compound ratio (i.e. the product of t... fubi 拊髀|to slap one\'s own buttocks in excitem... fubi 腹壁|abdominal wall fubian 伏辩|variant of 服辯|服辩[fu2 bian4] fubian 复变|(math.) complex variable fubian 服辩|written confession/letter of repentance fubianhanshu 复变函数|function of a complex variable (math.) fubianhanshulun 复变函数论|(math.) theory of functions of a comp... fubiao 浮标|buoy fubiaoti 副标题|subtitle (of a book etc); subheading fubing 浮冰|ice floe fubing 伏兵|hidden troops/ambush fubingyi 服兵役|to serve in the army fubo 浮薄|frivolous; superficial fubu 腹部|abdomen/belly/flank fubu 敷布|medical dressing/bandage fubuguosandai 富不过三代|wealth never survives three generatio... fubujiaotong 腹部绞痛|abdominal cramping fubulaite 富布赖特|Fulbright (scholarship) fubuqideadou 扶不起的阿斗|weak and inept person/hopeless case fubusi 福布斯|Forbes (US publisher)/Forbes magazine fubuzhang 副部长|assistant (government) minister fucai 福彩|lottery run by China Welfare Lottery,... fucai 浮财|movable property/money and belongings... fucai 副菜|side dish; side order fucha 复查|to check again; to re-examine fuchangfusui 夫唱妇随|fig. the man sings and the woman foll... fuchanke 妇产科|department of gynecology and obstetri... fuchanpin 副产品|by-product fuchanwu 副产物|by-product (lit. and fig.) fuchaowuwanluan 覆巢无完卵|lit. when the nest overturns no egg r... fuchaozhixiawuwanluan 覆巢之下无完卵|lit. when the nest is upset no egg is... fuchen 浮沉|ups and downs (of life etc)/to drift ... fuchen 浮尘|dust (floating in the air or settled ... fuchen 拂尘|horsetail whisk/duster fuchen 敷陈|to give an orderly account/a thorough... fucheng 涪城|Fucheng district of Mianyang city 綿陽市... fucheng 府城|capital of 府 prefecture (from Tang to... fucheng 阜城|Fucheng county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 s... fucheng 复称|to reweigh fucheng 复秤|to reweigh fuchengmen 阜成门|Fuchengmen neighborhood of Beijing fuchengqu 涪城区|Fucheng district of Mianyang city 綿陽市... fuchengxian 阜城县|Fucheng county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 s... fuchi 扶持|to help/to assist fuchong 俯冲|to dive down fast/to swoop down fuchou 复仇|to avenge/vengeance fuchou 腐臭|rotten (smell)/stinking/putrid fuchou 府绸|poplin (cotton cloth used for shirts) fuchu 付出|to pay; to expend; to invest (energy ... fuchu 复出|to come back out of retirement; to ge... fuchu 浮出|to emerge fuchu 祓除|to exorcize (evil spirits)/to purify ... fuchuan 符串|string (as in \"character string\") fuchuang 浮窗|(computing) floating window fuchuanxian 富川县|Fuchuan Yao autonomous county in Hezh... fuchuanyaozuzizhixian 富川瑶族自治县|Fuchuan Yao autonomous county in Hezh... fuchunjiang 富春江|Fuchun River in Zhejiang fuchushuimian 浮出水面|to float up (idiom); to become eviden... fuci 副词|adverb fuci 复词|compound word/polysyllabic word fuci 凫茈|see 荸薺|荸荠[bi2 qi2] fuci 浮词|florid but insubstantial remarks/misl... fucizixiao 父慈子孝|benevolent father, filial son (idiom)... fucong 服从|to obey (an order)/to comply/to defer fuda 复大|Fudan University, Shanghai, abbr. for... fuda 辅大|abbr. for 輔仁大學|辅仁大学[Fu3 ren2 Da4 xue2] fudai 附带|supplementary/incidentally/in parenth... fudai 福袋|fukubukuro or \"lucky bag\", Japanese N... fudai 腹带|belly band fudaisunhai 附带损害|collateral damage (both as a legal te... fudan 负担|to bear (an expense, a responsibility... fudan 复旦|Fudan University, Shanghai, abbr. for... fudan 孵蛋|to incubate fudanbuqi 负担不起|cannot afford/cannot bear the burden fudandaxue 复旦大学|Fudan University, Shanghai fudangming 副档名|(file) extension (computing) (Tw) fudanzhe 负担者|bearer fudao 辅导|to give guidance/to mentor/to counsel... fudao 福岛|Fukushima (Japanese surname and place... fudaoban 辅导班|tutorial class/remedial class/prepara... fudaojin 辅导金|grant (Tw) fudaoren 辅导人|tutor fudaorenjia 妇道人家|woman (derog.) fudaoxian 福岛县|Fukushima prefecture in north Japan fudaoyuan 辅导员|coach (teacher or trainer) fudeliuyou 富得流油|affluent/very rich fudi 福地|happy land/paradise fudi 伏地|to lie prostrate fudi 府邸|mansion house/official residence fudi 府第|mansion house/official residence fudi 腹地|hinterland/interior/outback fudi-tingshen 伏地挺身|push-up (exercise) fudian 浮点|(computing) floating point fudian 负电|negative electric charge fudian 附点|dot (music notation) fudianshu 浮点数|(computing) floating-point number; float fudianxing 浮点型|(computing) floating-point; float fudianyunsuan 浮点运算|floating point operation fudiao 浮雕|relief sculpture fudiaoqiangzhi 浮雕墙纸|anaglypta (sculptured wallpaper) fudichouxin 釜底抽薪|to take drastic measures to deal with... fudie 复叠|reduplication of words or syllables (... fudie 复迭|variant of 複疊|复叠[fu4 die2] fudie 复迭|variant of 覆疊|覆叠[fu4 die2] fudie 覆叠|to overlap/to overlay/cascaded (therm... fudijishi 副地级市|sub-prefecture-level city (county lev... fudimo 扶弟魔|(coll.) (neologism c. 2017, a play on... fudimo 伏地魔|Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter) fudinan 弗迪南|Ferdinand (name) fuding 福鼎|Fuding, county-level city in Ningde 寧... fudingshi 福鼎市|Fuding, county-level city in Ningde 寧... fudiyouyu 釜底游鱼|a fish at the bottom of the pot (idio... fudong 浮动|to float and drift/unstable fudong 拂动|(of a breeze) to make (hair, leaves, ... fudongchuangkou 浮动窗口|(computing) floating window fudongdiyu 浮动地狱|floating hell/slave ships fudu 幅度|width/extent/range/scope fudu 复读|to return to the same school and repe... fudu 复读|(of an audio device) to repeat a reco... fudu 服毒|to take poison fudujiao 伏都教|Voodoo fudusheng 复读生|student who repeats (a course, grade ... fuer 附耳|to approach sb\'s ear (to whisper) fuer 福尔|Félix Faure (1841-1899), president of... fuerdai 富二代|children of entrepreneurs who became ... fuerjiagele 伏尔加格勒|Volgograd, Russian city on the Volga ... fuerjiahe 伏尔加河|Volga River fuermalin 福尔马林|(loanword) formalin fuermosha 福尔摩沙|Formosa (Tw) fuermosi 福尔摩斯|Sherlock Holmes, 歇洛克·福爾摩斯|歇洛克·福尔摩斯[Xi... fuertai 伏尔泰|Voltaire (1694-1778), Enlightenment p... fufa 复发|to recur (of a disease)/to reappear/t... fufa 伏法|to be executed fufa 服法|to submit to the law; to obey the law... fufan 浮泛|to float about/(of a feeling) to show... fufan 复返|to come back/to return fufang 复方|compound prescription (involving seve... fufang 负方|the losing side fufang 付方|credit side (of a balance sheet), as ... fufankui 负反馈|negative feedback fufaxiangliang 副法向量|binormal vector (to a space curve) fufei 付费|to pay/to cover the costs fufei 腹诽|silent curse or disagreement/unspoken... fufeiqiang 付费墙|(computing) paywall (loanword) fufen 福分|one\'s happy lot; good fortune fufen 蝠鲼|manta ray (genus Mobula) fufen 负分|negative score/minus (in grades, such... fufen 敷粉|to sprinkle powder/a dusting fufeng 扶风|Fufeng County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1... fufengxian 扶风县|Fufeng County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1... fufenjiefanying 复分解反应|metathesis (chemistry) fufu 夫妇|a (married) couple/husband and wife/C... fufu 馥馥|(literary) highly fragrant fufu 俯伏|to lie prostrate fufu 服服|clothes (baby talk) fufutietie 服服帖帖|submissive/docile/obedient fufuyouyu 富富有余|richly provided for/having enough and... fugai 覆盖|to cover fugailv 覆盖率|coverage fugaimian 覆盖面|coverage fugaiwu 覆盖物|mulch fugang 福冈|Fukuoka, capital city of Fukuoka Pref... fugang 复岗|(of an employee) to return to one\'s j... fugangxian 福冈县|Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan fugao 讣告|obituary fugao 腹稿|mental outline fuge 富哥|rich guy fuge 副歌|chorus/refrain fugehe 伏隔核|nucleus accumbens (anatomy) fugei 付给|to deliver/to pay fugequ 赋格曲|fugue (loanword) fugesen 弗格森|Ferguson (surname) fugong 复工|to return to work (after a stoppage) fugong 福贡|Fugong county in Nujiang Lisu autonom... fugonge 复共轭|(math.) complex conjugate fugongxian 福贡县|Fugong county in Nujiang Lisu autonom... fugou 扶沟|Fugou county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3... fugou 复购|to buy again fugouxian 扶沟县|Fugou county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3... fugu 复古|to return to old ways (a Confucian as... fugu 府谷|Fugu County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Sh... fuguan 副官|aide-de-camp fuguanglveying 浮光掠影|flickering light and passing shadows ... fugubing 氟骨病|see 氟骨症[fu2 gu3 zheng4] fuguboxi 妇姑勃溪|dispute among womenfolk (idiom); fami... fugugou 腹股沟|groin (anatomy) fuguhui 复古会|anti-Qing revolutionary party set up ... fugui 富贵|riches and honor fugui 复归|to return/to come back fuguibao 富贵包|dowager\'s hump fuguibing 富贵病|rich person\'s ailment (needing expens... fuguibunengyin 富贵不能淫|not corrupted by wealth and honors fuguijiao 富贵角|Cape Fukuei, the northernmost point o... fuguishoukao 富贵寿考|rank, wealth, and long life fuguisuan 氟硅酸|fluorosilicic acid H2SiF6/fluorosilicate fuguizhu 富贵竹|lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) fuguo 富国|rich country/make the country wealthy... fuguo 敷裹|medical dressing fuguo 腐国|UK (slang term reflecting a perceptio... fuguoanmin 富国安民|to make the country rich and the peop... fuguoqiangbing 富国强兵|lit. rich country, strong army (idiom... fuguowuqing 副国务卿|undersecretary of state fuguxian 府谷县|Fugu County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Sh... fuguxiangying 桴鼓相应|lit. the hammer fits the drum (idiom)... fuguzheng 氟骨症|osteofluorosis/skeletal fluorosis fuhai 福海|Fuhai county or Burultoqay nahiyisi i... fuhaixian 福海县|Fuhai county or Burultoqay nahiyisi i... fuhan 富含|to contain in great quantities/rich in fuhao 符号|symbol; mark; sign fuhao 富豪|rich and powerful person fuhao 负号|negative value sign - (math.)/minus sign fuhao 妇好|Fu Hao (c. 1200 BC), or Lady Hao, fem... fuhaoxue 符号学|semiotics/semiology fuhe 符合|in accordance with; to agree with; to... fuhe 负荷|load/burden/charge fuhe 复核|to reconsider/to reexamine/to review ... fuhe 复合|(of people who were estranged) to be ... fuhe 复合|complex/compound/composite/hybrid/to ... fuhe 附和|to agree/to go along with/to echo (wh... fuhe 覆核|to review/to reexamine/review fuhebiaozhun 符合标准|to comply with a standard/standards-c... fuhecailiao 复合材料|composite material fuheci 复合词|compound word fuhegong 复合弓|composite bow (archery) fuhei 腹黑|(slang) outwardly kind but inwardly e... fuhemuyin 复合母音|diphthong/compound vowel fuheyuanyin 复合元音|diphthong (such as putonghua ɑi, ei etc) fuhou 跗猴|tarsier fuhu 伏虎|to subdue a tiger/fig. to prevail ove... fuhu 富户|rich family/large landlord fuhua 孵化|breeding/to incubate/innovation (esp.... fuhua 浮华|ostentatious/pretentious/showy fuhua 腐化|to rot/to decay/to become corrupt fuhua 氟化|fluoridation/fluorination fuhua 浮滑|(of language or behavior) flippant an... fuhua 赴华|to visit China fuhuachang 孵化场|incubator/hatchery (for poultry etc) fuhuai 腐坏|to rot/to spoil/(fig.) to become corr... fuhuaqi 孵化器|incubator (for eggs or startup busine... fuhuaqi 孵化期|incubation period/time for sth to dev... fuhuaqing 氟化氢|hydrofluoric acid fuhuawu 氟化物|fluoride fuhui 附会|to add parallels and interpretations ... fuhui 傅会|variant of 附會|附会[fu4 hui4] fuhui 赴会|to go to a meeting fuhui 复会|to resume a meeting fuhun 复婚|to remarry (the same person) fuhuo 复活|to revive/(lit. and fig.) to come bac... fuhuo 俘获|to capture (enemy property or personn... fuhuodejuntuan 复活的军团|the Resurrected Army (CCTV documentar... fuhuojie 复活节|Easter fuhuojiedao 复活节岛|Easter Island fuhuosai 复活赛|repechage (supplementary qualifying r... fuji 腹肌|abdominal muscle fuji 伏击|ambush/to ambush fuji 负极|negative pole/cathode fuji 负笈|(literary) to leave home to pursue st... fuji 扶乩|planchette writing/to do planchette w... fuji 扶箕|planchette writing (for taking dictat... fuji 父级|parent (computing) fuji 符记|token fuji 附寄|to enclose fujia 附加|additional/annex fujia 夫家|husband\'s family (traditionally where... fujiafanzhai 浮家泛宅|lit. to live on a boat/to drift from ... fujiafei 附加费|surcharge fujian 福建|see 福建省[Fu2jian4 Sheng3] fujian 附件|appendix (in a document)/enclosure (a... fujian 苻坚|Fu Jian (338-385), emperor of Former ... fujian 妇检|gynecological examination (abbr. for ... fujian 复健|rehabilitation/recuperate fujiang 副将|deputy general fujiansheng 福建省|Fujian Province, capital Fuzhou 福州[Fu... fujiao 复交|to reopen diplomatic relations fujiao 俯角|(math.) angle of depression fujiaoshou 副教授|associate professor (university post) fujiasai 附加赛|additional competition/play-off/decider fujiashi 副驾驶|copilot (abbr. for 副駕駛員|副驾驶员[fu4jia4s... fujiashiyuan 副驾驶员|copilot; co-driver fujiashizuo 副驾驶座|front passenger seat fujiawu 附加物|complement fujiayuanjian 附加元件|additional element/(computing) add-on... fujiazhi 附加值|added-value (accountancy) fujiazhuangxian 副甲状腺|parathyroid (Tw) fujiazhuangxiansu 副甲状腺素|parathyroid hormone (Tw) fujihuan 符记环|token ring (computing) fujin 附近|nearby; neighboring/(in the) vicinity... fujin 富锦|Fujin, county-level city in Kiamusze ... fujin 福晋|in Qing dynasty, Manchurian word for ... fujing 辅警|auxiliary police officer fujingli 副经理|deputy director/assistant manager fujingqingzui 负荆请罪|lit. to bring a bramble and ask for p... fujiniya 弗吉尼亚|variant of 弗吉尼亞州|弗吉尼亚州/Virginia, US s... fujiniya 佛吉尼亚|Virginia, US state fujiniyazhou 弗吉尼亚州|Virginia, US state fujinshi 富锦市|Fujin, county-level city in Kiamusze ... fujiu 复旧|to restore old way/to return to the past fujiu 负疚|(literary) to feel apologetic/to feel... fujiu 俯就|to deign/to condescend/to yield to (e... fujiu 腐旧|outmoded/decadent/decaying fuju 复句|compound phrase fuju 辅具|assistive device (walking frame, hear... fujun 夫君|(honorific) husband fukan 俯瞰|to look down at (from a high vantage ... fukan 副刊|supplement fukan 俯看|to look down at fukang 阜康|Fukang, county-level city in Changji ... fukangshi 阜康市|Fukang, county-level city in Changji ... fukansheying 俯瞰摄影|crane shot/boom shot (photography) fukantu 俯瞰图|bird\'s-eye view fukao 赴考|to go and sit an examination fuke 妇科|gynecology fuke 复课|to resume classes fuke 复刻|to reprint (a work that has been out ... fuke 复刻|variant of 復刻|复刻[fu4 ke4] fuke 辅课|subsidiary course fuke 傅柯|Michel Foucault (1926-1984), French p... fuke 福克|Fock or Foch (name) fuke 福柯|Michel Foucault (1926-1984), French p... fuke 福科|Michel Foucault (1926-1984), French p... fukebai 傅科摆|Foucault\'s pendulum fukediguo 富可敌国|having wealth equivalent to that of a... fukelanqundao 福克兰群岛|Falkland Islands fukena 福克纳|William Faulkner (1897-1962), America... fukesi 福克斯|Fox (media company)/Focus (car manufa... fuku 府库|government treasury fukua 浮夸|to exaggerate/to be boastful/pompous/... fukuan 付款|to pay a sum of money/payment fukuanfangshi 付款方式|terms of payment/payment method fukuang 富矿|high-grade ore fukuantiaojian 付款条件|terms of payment fukunjiwei 扶困济危|see 濟危扶困|济危扶困[ji4 wei1 fu2 kun4] fuladiwosituoke 符拉迪沃斯托克|Vladivostok (Russian port city) (Chin... fulaerji 富拉尔基|Fularji district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾... fulaerjiqu 富拉尔基区|Fularji district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾... fulaifulan 弗莱福兰|Flevoland, province in Netherlands fulaiweiesi 弗莱威厄斯|Flavius (Roman historian of 1st centu... fulajimier 弗拉基米尔|Vladimir fulamang 弗拉芒|Flemish, inhabitant of Flanders (Belg... fulamenge 弗拉门戈|flamenco (loanword) fulamingge 弗拉明戈|flamenco (Tw) (loanword) fulan 腐烂|to rot/to putrefy/(fig.) corrupt fulan 扶栏|handrail fulan 浮滥|excessive/exorbitant/excessively fulan 附栏|box (featured material enclosed in a ... fulangsuowahuolande 弗朗索瓦·霍兰德|François Hollande (1954-), French Soc... fulanke 弗兰克|Frank (name) fulankelin 富兰克林|Franklin (name)/Benjamin Franklin (17... fulanxisi 弗兰西斯|Francis (name) fulanxisipeigen 弗兰西斯·培根|Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English Re... fulanzi 弗兰兹|Franz (name) fulao 父老|elders fulao 服老|to admit to one\'s advancing years/to ... fulao 福佬|Hoklo fulaoxieyou 扶老携幼|taking everyone along, young and old/... fulei 负累|to implicate/to involve fulei 负累|burden fulei 弗雷|Freyr (god in Norse mythology) fuleidelike 弗雷德里克|Frederick (name) fuleidelikedun 弗雷德里克顿|Fredericton, capital of New Brunswick... fuleifuyin 符类福音|synoptic gospels (i.e. Matthew, Mark ... fuleizeer 佛雷泽尔|Frazer (name) fuli 福利|material benefit/benefit in kind/(soc... fuli 复利|compound interest fuli 浮力|buoyancy fuli 副理|deputy director/assistant manager fuli 富里|Fuli township in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花... fuli 扶犁|to put one\'s hand to the plow fuli 浮利|mere worldly, superficial gain, such ... fulian 妇联|women\'s league/women\'s association fulian 复联|Avengers (comics) fuliang 浮梁|Fuliang county in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇,... fuliang 氟利昂|freon (chemistry) fuliangxian 浮梁县|Fuliang county in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇,... fuliangye 富良野|Furano, Hokkaidō, Japan fuliao 辅料|auxiliary ingredients/supplementary m... fuliao 敷料|medical dressing fulidelixi 弗里德里希|Friedrich (name) fulidelixi 弗里得里希|Friedrich (name) fulidelixixile 弗里德里希·席勒|Friedrich Schiller or Johann Christop... fulidinglv 浮力定律|Archimedes\' principle (physical law o... fulidun 弗里敦|Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone fuliman 弗里曼|Freeman (surname) fulin 福林|forint (Hungarian currency) (loanword) fuling 涪陵|Fuling, a district in central Chongqi... fuling 茯苓|Wolfiporia extensa (a wood-decay fung... fulingqu 涪陵区|Fuling, a district in central Chongqi... fulipin 福利品|reconditioned or showroom item fulishi 复理石|flysch (loanword) fulishiye 福利事业|welfare services fulisilan 弗里斯兰|Friesland, province of the Netherlands fulitanghuang 富丽堂皇|(idiom) (of houses etc) sumptuous fulitiaozhengbeixin 浮力调整背心|BCD/Buoyancy Compensation Device (div... fulitiaozhengzhuangzhi 浮力调整装置|BCD/Buoyancy Compensation Device (div... fuliu 伏流|hidden stream/ground stream fulixiang 富里乡|Fuli township in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花... fuliye 傅立叶|Charles Fourier (French sociologist a... fuliye 傅里叶|Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier (French ... fuliyebianhuan 傅立叶变换|(math.) Fourier transform fuliyuan 福利院|welfare agency fulizhengce 福利政策|welfare policy fulizi 负离子|negative ion/anion (physics) fulongfengchu 伏龙凤雏|hidden genius (idiom) fuloubai 福楼拜|Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880), French ... fulu 附录|appendix fulu 俘虏|captive fulu 符箓|(Taoism) talisman in the form of a pa... fuluan 孵卵|to hatch/to brood fulubeier 福禄贝尔|surname Fröbel or Froebel/Friedrich W... fulunshe 扶轮社|Rotary Club fuluociwafu 弗罗茨瓦夫|Wroclaw, Polish city fuluoleisidao 弗洛勒斯岛|Flores, Indonesia/also written 弗洛里斯島|... fuluolida 佛罗里达|Florida fuluolida 弗罗里达|Florida, US state fuluolidazhou 弗罗里达州|Florida, US state fuluolisidao 弗洛里斯岛|Flores, Indonesia/also written 弗洛勒斯島|... fuluolundinuopeileisi 弗洛伦蒂诺·佩雷斯|Florentino Pérez (1947-), Spanish bus... fuluomu 弗洛姆|Fromm (psychoanalyst) fuluosite 佛洛斯特|Frost (surname) fuluoxiluofu 伏罗希洛夫|Kliment Voroshilov (1881-1969), Sovie... fuluoyide 弗洛伊德|Floyd (name)/Freud (name)/Dr Sigmund ... fuma 驸马|emperor\'s son-in-law fumalin 福马林|formalin (loanword) fuman 服满|to have completed the mourning period... fumao 服贸|Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement/... fumei 辅酶|coenzyme (chemistry) fumeng 复萌|to germinate again fumian 负面|negative/the negative side fumian 浮面|surface (of a liquid)/superficial fumianceng 附面层|boundary layer fumie 覆灭|destruction fumin 富民|Fumin county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2... fumin 富民|to enrich the people fuming 复明|to restore the Ming dynasty fuming 复明|to regain one\'s eyesight/(astronomy) ... fuming 复命|to report on completion of a mission/... fumingxia 伏明霞|Fu Mingxia (1978-), Chinese diving ch... fuminxian 富民县|Fumin county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2... fumishuzhang 副秘书长|vice-secretary fumo 腹膜|peritoneum (anatomy) fumo 抚摸|to gently caress and stroke/to pet/to... fumo 抚摩|to stroke/to caress fumo 覆没|annihilated/capsized fumo 浮沫|froth; foam fumo 覆膜|membrane covering sth/coating fumosa 福摩萨|Formosa fumu 府幕|government advisor fumu 父母|father and mother; parents fumuqin 父母亲|parents fumushuangwang 父母双亡|to have lost both one\'s parents funafuti 富纳富提|Funafuti, capital of Tuvalu funan 呋喃|furan (furfuran, used in making nylon... funan 阜南|Funan, a county in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fu4ya... funan 扶南|Funan, ancient state in Southeast Asi... funanxian 阜南县|Funan, a county in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fu4ya... funanxilin 呋喃西林|furacilinum (loanword) funeng 赋能|(neologism c. 2019) to empower/to ena... funengliang 负能量|negative energy/negativity funi 拂逆|to go against/to do sth contrary to (... funianyebingdu 副黏液病毒|paramyxovirus funing 富宁|Funing county in Wenshan Zhuang and M... funing 阜宁|Funing county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 ... funingxian 富宁县|Funing county in Wenshan Zhuang and M... funingxian 阜宁县|Funing county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 ... funiushan 伏牛山|Funiu mountain range in southwest Hen... funong 富农|rich peasant/social class of people f... funong 抚弄|to fondle; to caress; to stroke funv 妇女|woman funv 父女|father and daughter funv 腐女|fujoshi (woman who likes manga about ... funvjie 妇女节|International Women\'s Day (March 8) funvnengdingbanbiantian 妇女能顶半边天|Woman can hold up half the sky/fig. n... funvyundong 妇女运动|women\'s movement/feminism funvzhuren 妇女主任|director of the local committee of th... fupai 符牌|a talisman or lucky charm fupan 复盘|(after completing a game of chess) to... fupenzi 覆盆子|raspberry fupi 麸皮|bran (esp. of wheat) fupian 负片|negative (in photography) fupiao 浮漂|see 漂浮[piao1 fu2] fupimianbao 麸皮面包|whole-wheat bread fupin 副品|product of inferior quality fupin 扶贫|assistance to the poor/poverty allevi... fuping 富平|Fuping County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2]... fuping 阜平|see 阜平縣|阜平县[Fu4 ping2 xian4] fuping 浮萍|duckweed fuping 抚平|to flatten; to smooth down; to unwrin... fupingmian 复平面|complex plane fupingxian 富平县|Fuping County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2]... fupingxian 阜平县|Fuping county, Baoding, Hebei fupinjikun 扶贫济困|to help the poor/almsgiving for the n... fupo 富婆|wealthy woman fuqi 夫妻|husband and wife; married couple fuqi 服气|to be convinced/to accept fuqi 福气|good fortune/a blessing fuqi 负气|in a pique/sulky/cross fuqi 付讫|paid fuqi 腹鳍|ventral fin/pelvic fin fuqi 浮起|to float/to emerge fuqi 浮气|feeble breath/frivolity/flippancy fuqian 付钱|to pay money fuqian 肤浅|skin-deep/superficial/shallow fuqian 浮浅|skin-deep; superficial; shallow fuqian 浮潜|to snorkel; snorkeling fuqian 附签|price tag fuqiang 腹腔|abdominal cavity fuqiang 富强|rich and powerful fuqiao 浮桥|pontoon bridge fuqidian 夫妻店|family-run shop fuqifanmu 夫妻反目|man and wife fall out (idiom, from Bo... fuqifeipian 夫妻肺片|popular Sichuan cold dish made of thi... fuqilian 夫妻脸|see 夫妻相[fu1 qi1 xiang4] fuqin 父亲|father/also pr. [fu4 qin5]/CL:個|个[ge4] fuqin 抚琴|to play the zither/classical variant ... fuqing 福清|Fuqing, a county-level city in Fuzhou... fuqing 付清|to pay in full/to pay all of a bill/t... fuqingmieyang 扶清灭洋|Support the Qing, annihilate the West... fuqingshi 福清市|Fuqing, a county-level city in Fuzhou... fuqinjie 父亲节|Father\'s Day fuqixiang 夫妻相|similarity in features of an old coup... fuquan 福泉|Fuquan, county-level city in Qiannan ... fuquan 夫权|authority over the household fuquanshi 福泉市|Fuquan, county-level city in Qiannan ... fuquanzhi 父权制|patriarchy furan 怫然|angry/enraged/Taiwan pr. [fei4 ran2] furao 富饶|fertile/richly provided furedai 副热带|subtropical (zone or climate) furen 富人|rich person/the rich furen 夫人|lady/madam/Mrs./CL:位[wei4] furen 赴任|to travel to take up a new post furen 妇人|married woman furendaxue 辅仁大学|Fu Jen Catholic University of Peking ... furenzhiren 妇人之仁|excessive tendency to clemency (idiom... furong 芙蓉|Furong district of Changsha city 長沙市|... furong 芙蓉|cotton rose hibiscus (Hibiscus mutabi... furongchushui 芙蓉出水|lit. lotus rises from the water (idio... furonghua 芙蓉花|cotton rose hibiscus (Hibiscus mutabi... furongqu 芙蓉区|Furong district of Changsha city 長沙市|... furou 腐肉|rotting flesh; carrion furu 腐乳|pickled tofu furuan 服软|to admit defeat/to give in/to acknowl... furudonghai 福如东海|may your happiness be as immense as t... furui 福瑞|(loanword) furry (anthropomorphic ani... furujiezhi 妇孺皆知|understood by everyone (idiom); well ... furuoyiqiang 扶弱抑强|to support the weak and restrain the ... fusai 复赛|(sports) semifinal or quarterfinal/to... fusang 扶桑|Fusang, mythical island of ancient li... fusang 服丧|in mourning fusang 父丧|the death of one\'s father fusao 拂扫|whisk fuse 肤色|skin color fusecai 富色彩|colorful fushan 釜山|Busan Metropolitan City in South Gyeo... fushan 浮山|Fushan county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fe... fushan 福山|Fushan district of Yantai city 煙台市|烟台... fushang 附上|attached/included herewith fushang 富商|rich merchant fushang 负伤|to be wounded/to sustain an injury fushang 府上|(polite) your home/residence fushang 浮上|to float up/to rise to the surface/fi... fushangdagu 富商大贾|tycoon/magnate fushanghan 副伤寒|paratyphoid fever fushangjugu 富商巨贾|tycoon; magnate fushanguangyushi 釜山广域市|Busan Metropolitan City in South Gyeo... fushanqu 福山区|Fushan district of Yantai city 煙台市|烟台... fushanshi 釜山市|Busan Metropolitan City in South Gyeo... fushanxian 浮山县|Fushan county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fe... fushe 辐射|radiation fushe 敷设|to lay/to spread out fushe 蝮蛇|Siberian pit viper (Gloydius halys)/p... fushe 附设|annexed to/attached to/associated fushe 复社|late Ming cultural renewal movement, ... fushe 幅射|variant of 輻射|辐射[fu2 she4] fushebo 辐射波|radiation (wave)/radiated wave fushechang 辐射场|radiation field fusheduichen 辐射对称|radial symmetry fushefanghu 辐射防护|radiation protection fushefenjie 辐射分解|radiolysis fusheji 辐射计|radiometer fushejiliang 辐射剂量|radiation dose fushejilianglv 辐射剂量率|radiation dose rate fushejinggaobiaozhi 辐射警告标志|radiation warning symbol fusheminganxing 辐射敏感性|radiosensitivity fushen 复审|to re-examine; to recheck/(law) to co... fushen 俯身|to lean over/to bend over/to stoop/to... fushen 附身|to enter a body/to possess fushen 副肾|adrenal glands fusheneng 辐射能|radiation energy (e.g. solar) fusheng 复生|to be reborn/to recover/to come back ... fushengji 副省级|sub-provincial (not provincial status... fushengjichengshi 副省级城市|subprovincial city (having independen... fushenglan 腐生兰|Cymbidium macrorrhizum Lindl. fushengliuji 浮生六记|Six Records of a Floating Life, autob... fusheqiangdu 辐射强度|radiation intensity fushesanshe 辐射散射|radiation scattering fusheyi 辐射仪|radiation meter fushezhencha 辐射侦察|radiation detection fushi 服饰|apparel/clothing and personal adornment fushi 俯视|to overlook/to look down at fushi 复试|to sit for the second round of a two-... fushi 腐蚀|corrosion/to corrode (degrade chemica... fushi 浮世|(Buddhism) the world of the living fushi 赋诗|to versify/to compose poetry fushi 服侍|to attend to/to care for (patients et... fushi 富士|Fuji (Japanese company) fushi 复式|double/multiple/compound/combined/dou... fushi 浮石|pumice fushi 副食|non-staple food/CL:種|种[zhong3] fushi 拂拭|to wipe fushi 复市|(of a shop, market) to resume trading fushi 复视|double vision/diplopia fushi 氟石|fluorite CaF2/fluorspar/fluor fushi 复驶|(of a public transportation route) to... fushi 副室|concubine (old) fushi 腐尸|decomposed corpse fushi 服事|variant of 服侍[fu2 shi5] fushi 伏侍|variant of 服侍[fu2 shi5] fushi 府试|prefectural exam, the 2nd of the thre... fushi 祓饰|to refresh/to renew fushi 富时|FTSE (British provider of stock excha... fushi 服食|to take (medication, vitamins etc) fushideboshi 浮士德博士|Dr Faustus fushihui 浮世绘|ukiyo-e fushiji 腐蚀剂|a corrosive (chemical) fushijieshi 俯拾皆是|lit. so numerous that one could just ... fushijishi 俯拾即是|see 俯拾皆是[fu3 shi2 jie1 shi4] fushikang 富士康|Foxconn Technology Group/abbr. of 富士康... fushikangkejijituan 富士康科技集团|Foxconn Technology Group fushiou 弗氏鸥|(bird species of China) Franklin\'s gu... fushipin 副食品|non-staple foods/(Tw) solids (food fo... fushishan 富士山|Mt. Fuji, Japan fushitong 富士通|Fujitsu fushixing 腐蚀性|(lit. and fig.) corrosive/corrosiveness fushizhang 副市长|deputy mayor fushou 俯首|to bend one\'s head fushou 扶手|handrail/armrest fushou 福寿|happiness and longevity fushou 副手|assistant fushouchengchen 俯首称臣|to bow before (idiom)/to capitulate fushouluo 福寿螺|giant Amazon snail (Ampullaria gigas ... fushoumianchang 福寿绵长|good luck and long life fushoutieer 俯首帖耳|bowed head and ears glued (idiom); do... fushouyi 扶手椅|armchair fushu 附属|subsidiary/auxiliary/attached/affilia... fushu 负数|negative number fushu 复数|(linguistics) plural/(math.) complex ... fushu 服输|to concede/to admit defeat/to admit s... fushu 复述|to repeat (one\'s own words or sb else... fushu 复述|variant of 複述|复述[fu4 shu4] fushu 富庶|populous and affluent fushu 伏输|variant of 服輸|服输[fu2 shu1] fushu 负鼠|opossum (zoo.) fushuang 富孀|rich widow fushui 腹水|(medicine) ascites; ascitic fluid; hy... fushui 赋税|taxation fushui 凫水|to swim fushuinanshou 覆水难收|spilt water is difficult to retrieve ... fushuji 副书记|deputy secretary fushun 抚顺|see 撫順市|抚顺市[Fu3shun4 Shi4]/see 撫順縣|抚顺... fushun 富顺|Fushun county in Zigong 自貢|自贡[Zi4 gon... fushunshi 抚顺市|Fushun, prefecture-level city in Liao... fushunxian 富顺县|Fushun county in Zigong 自貢|自贡[Zi4 gon... fushunxian 抚顺县|Fushun county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning fushuo 傅说|Fu Shuo (c. 14th century BC), legenda... fushupin 附属品|accessory/affiliated material/adjunct fushupingmian 复数平面|(math.) complex plane; Argand plane fushuwu 附属物|attachment/appendage fushuxian 附属腺|subordinate gland fushuxingshi 复数形式|plural form (of a countable noun) fushuyu 复数域|field of complex numbers (math.), usu... fusi 福斯|(Tw) Volkswagen (car manufacturer)/Fo... fusi 赴死|to meet death fusiling 副司令|second in command fusipianpian 腹笥便便|a learned person (idiom) fusishenkuan 腹笥甚宽|well-read (idiom) fusitafu 福斯塔夫|Falstaff (Shakespearian character) fusite 福斯特|Foster or Forster (name)/Stephen Coll... fusong 抚松|Fusong county in Baishan 白山, Jilin fusong 附送|to include (as a free gift, when buyi... fusongxian 抚松县|Fusong county in Baishan 白山, Jilin fusu 复苏|to recover (health, economic)/to resu... fusu 复苏|variant of 復甦|复苏[fu4 su1]/to recover ... fusui 扶绥|Fusui county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zu... fusui 抚绥|to appease/to pacify fusuixian 扶绥县|Fusui county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zu... futai 富态|(euphemism) stout/portly futai 赴台|to visit Taiwan futalin 扶他林|voltaren, a trade name for diclofenac... futaling 服他灵|voltaren, a trade name for diclofenac... futangdaohuo 赴汤蹈火|lit. to jump into scalding water and ... futangyao 敷汤药|(coll.) to pay compensation for medic... fute 福特|Ford (name)/Ford, US car make fute 伏特|volt (loanword) futeji 伏特计|voltmeter futejia 伏特加|vodka (loanword) futengbao 符腾堡|Württemberg, region of southwest Germ... futeqiche 福特汽车|Ford Motor Company futi 扶梯|ladder/staircase/escalator futi 副题|see 副標題|副标题[fu4biao1ti2] futi 附体|(of a spirit or deity) to possess sb futian 福田|Futian district of Shenzhen City 深圳市,... futian 福田|field for growing happiness/domain fo... futian 伏天|see 三伏[san1 fu2] futiankangfu 福田康夫|FUKUDA Yasuo (1936-), Japanese LDP po... futianqu 福田区|Futian district of Shenzhen City 深圳市,... futiao 辐条|(wheel) spoke futie 敷贴|to smear/to apply glue or ointment to... futie 服帖|docile/obedient/appropriate/fitting/a... futie 服贴|variant of 服帖[fu2 tie1] futie 浮贴|to glue something lightly enough that... futietu 富铁土|ferrosol (soil taxonomy) futing 复听|double hearing/diplacusis futong 腹痛|bellyache/stomach pain futou 斧头|ax/hatchet/CL:柄[bing3] futou 幞头|a kind of headscarf worn by men in an... futu 浮图|variant of 浮屠[fu2 tu2]/alternative te... futu 浮屠|Buddha/Buddhist stupa (transliteratio... futu 浮土|topsoil/surface dust futuo 付托|to entrust to fuwa 福娃|Fuwa (official 2008 Olympic mascots) fuwaibuxing 负外部性|negative influence, effect that peopl... fuwang 覆亡|fall (of an empire) fuwei 抚慰|to console/to comfort/to soothe fuwei 复位|to restore sb or sth to its original ... fuwei 扶危|to help those in distress fuwei 伏惟|to lie prostrate; to prostrate onesel... fuweihui 福委会|welfare committee/abbr. for 福利委員會|福利委员会 fuweijikun 扶危济困|to help those in distress (idiom) fuweijin 抚慰金|pension or lump-sum payment for the i... fuweike 福维克|Vorwerk (brand) fuwen 符文|rune fuwen 讣闻|obituary fuwen 讣文|obituary notice fuwenben 富文本|rich text (computing) fuweng 富翁|rich person/millionaire/billionaire fuweng 负翁|debtor (jocular term, homonymous with... fuweng 凫翁|watercock (Gallicrex cinerea) fuwo 俯卧|to lie prone fuwo 伏卧|lying down/to lie prostrate/prone fuwocheng 俯卧撑|push-up; press-up (exercise) fuwu 服务|to serve/service/CL:項|项[xiang4] fuwufei 服务费|service charge/cover charge fuwuguanggaoxieyi 服务广告协议|Service Advertisement Protocol/SAP fuwuguizhang 服务规章|service regulation fuwuqi 服务器|server (computer)/CL:臺|台[tai2] fuwusheng 服务生|server (at a restaurant) fuwushuangzhi 福无双至|(idiom) blessings never come in pairs fuwutai 服务台|service desk/information desk/recepti... fuwutigongshang 服务提供商|(Internet) service provider fuwutigongzhe 服务提供者|service provider fuwuye 服务业|service industry fuwuyuan 服务员|waiter/waitress/attendant/customer se... fuwuzhiliang 服务质量|Quality of Service/QOS fuxi 复习|to review/revision/CL:次[ci4] fuxi 复习|variant of 復習|复习[fu4 xi2] fuxi 父系|paternal line/patrilineal fuxi 复吸|to resume smoking (after giving up)/t... fuxi 辅系|(Tw) (university education) minor fuxi 伏牺|variant of 伏羲[Fu2xi1] fuxi 伏羲|Fuxi, legendary Chinese emperor, trad... fuxi 祓禊|exorcistic ablutions fuxia 乶下|Polha, a place in the Joseon dynasty ... fuxian 浮现|(of a thought or image) to come to mi... fuxian 复现|to reappear/to persist (in memory) fuxian 富县|Fu county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Sha... fuxian 赋闲|to stay idle at home/to have resigned... fuxian 复线|multiple track (e.g. rail)/multilane ... fuxian 付现|to pay in cash fuxian 伏线|foreshadowing (literary device) fuxiang 福相|facial expression of good fortune/joy... fuxiang 浮想|passing thought/an idea that comes in... fuxiang 负向|negative (response, emotion etc) fuxiang 副相|deputy prime minister fuxiangguan 负相关|negative correlation fuxianglianpian 浮想联翩|to let one\'s imagination roam fuxiao 附小|affiliated elementary school (abbr. f... fuxiao 拂晓|daybreak/approach of dawn fuxiaomai 浮小麦|unripe wheat grain (used in TCM) fuxiaozhang 副校长|vice-principal fuxie 腹泻|diarrhea/to have the runs fuxie 复写|to duplicate; to carbon copy fuxiezhi 复写纸|carbon paper fuxin 阜新|see 阜新市[Fu4xin1 Shi4] fuxin 负心|ungrateful/heartless/to fail to be lo... fuxin 复信|to reply to a letter fuxing 福星|mascot/lucky star fuxing 复兴|Fuxing district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸... fuxing 复兴|to revive/to rejuvenate fuxing 服刑|to serve a prison sentence fuxing 茀星|comet (arch.) fuxing 福兴|Fuxing or Fuhsing Township in Changhu... fuxing 复姓|to revert to one\'s original surname fuxing 腐刑|castration (a form of punishment duri... fuxing 复姓|two-character surname (such as 司馬|司马[... fuxingdang 复兴党|Baath Party fuxinggaozhao 福星高照|lucky star in the ascendant (idiom); ... fuxingji 赋形剂|(pharm.) vehicle/excipient fuxingmen 复兴门|Fuxingmen neighborhood of Beijing fuxingqu 复兴区|Fuxing district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸... fuxingshidai 复兴时代|the Renaissance fuxingxiang 福兴乡|Fuxing or Fuhsing Township in Changhu... fuxinhan 负心汉|traitor to one\'s love/heartless rat fuxinmengguzuzizhixian 阜新蒙古族自治县|Fuxin Mongol autonomous county in Fux... fuxinshi 阜新市|Fuxin, prefecture-level city in Liaon... fuxiong 父兄|father and elder brother(s)/head of t... fuxipan 腹吸盘|acetabulum (part of the pelvis bone) fuxiqi 妇洗器|bidet fuxishi 伏羲氏|Fuxi or Fu Hsi, legendary Chinese emp... fuxiu 腐朽|rotten/decayed/decadent/degenerate fuxiu 复修|to restore (an ancient temple) fuxiu 辅修|(education) to minor in; minor fuxiuerqu 拂袖而去|to storm off in a huff (idiom) fuxu 抚恤|(of an organization that has a duty o... fuxu 夫婿|(literary) husband fuxu 福煦|Ferdinand Foch (1851-1929), leading F... fuxuan 浮选|flotation process fuxuankuang 复选框|check box fuxue 复学|to return to school (after an interru... fuxujin 抚恤金|compensation payment (for injury)/rel... fuxun 伏汛|summer flood fuya 负压|suction/negative pressure fuyan 敷衍|to elaborate (on a theme)/to expound ... fuyan 赴宴|to attend a banquet fuyan 复眼|compound eye fuyan 浮岩|pumice fuyan 敷演|variant of 敷衍/to elaborate (on a them... fuyan-seze 敷衍塞责|(idiom) to skimp on the job; to work ... fuyang 抚养|to foster/to bring up/to raise fuyang 阜阳|see 阜陽市|阜阳市[Fu4yang2 Shi4] fuyang 扶养|to foster/to bring up/to raise fuyang 俯仰|lowering and raising of the head/(fig... fuyang 复阳|to test positive again (for COVID-19)... fuyang 富养|to raise (a child) indulgently fuyangchengren 抚养成人|to bring up (a child) fuyangfei 抚养费|child support payment (after a divorce) fuyangquan 抚养权|custody (of a child etc) fuyangshi 阜阳市|Fuyang, prefecture-level city in Anhu... fuyangwukui 俯仰无愧|to have a clear conscience fuyangzhijian 俯仰之间|in a flash fuyanliaoshi 敷衍了事|(idiom) to do things half-heartedly; ... fuyao 服药|to take medicine fuyaoguoliang 服药过量|overdose of drugs fuyaozhishang 扶摇直上|to skyrocket/to get quick promotion i... fuye 复叶|compound leaf (botany) fuye 扶掖|to support/to help fuye 副业|sideline; side occupation fuyi 复议|to reconsider fuyi 服役|to serve in the army/in active service fuyi 附议|to second a motion fuyi 副翼|aileron (aeronautics) fuyi 夫役|corvee/laborer fuyi 辅以|supplemented by/accompanied by/with fuyi 服仪|attire and grooming fuyi 甫一|as soon as/immediately after fuyiceng 负一层|(architecture) basement level 1; floo... fuyin 福音|good news/glad tidings/gospel fuyin 复印|to photocopy/to duplicate a document fuyin 辅音|consonant fuyin 府尹|magistrate/prefect fuyin 付印|to go to press/to submit for printing fuyincao 赴阴曹|to enter hell fuyinci 复音词|disyllabic word/polysyllabic word fuying 服膺|to bear in mind fuying 服硬|to yield to force fuyingpian 复映片|second-run movie fuyinji 复印机|photocopier fuyinjian 复印件|photocopy; duplicate fuyinshu 福音书|gospel fuyinxing 复音形|diphthong/liaison fuyinzhi 复印纸|photocopier paper fuyiping 负一屏|left panel (displayed by swiping righ... fuyizhang 副议长|vice-chairman fuyong 服用|to take (medicine) fuyong 复用|to reuse fuyong 附庸|vassal/dependent/subordinate/subservi... fuyongfengya 附庸风雅|(of an uneducated person) to mingle w... fuyou 妇幼|women and children fuyou 富有|rich; wealthy; affluent/to be rich in... fuyou 浮游|to float/to drift/to wander/variant o... fuyou 蜉蝣|mayfly fuyou 负有|to be responsible for fuyouhua 负优化|to degrade the performance of a sold ... fuyoushengwu 浮游生物|plankton fuyouzeren 负有责任|at fault/blamed for/responsible (for ... fuyu 富裕|Fuyu county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 ... fuyu 富裕|prosperous; well-to-do; well-off fuyu 富于|to be full of; to be rich in fuyu 赋予|to assign/to entrust (a task)/to give... fuyu 馥郁|strongly fragrant fuyu 抚育|to nurture/to raise/to foster/to tend fuyu 扶余|Buyeo (c. 200 BC-494 AD), ancient kin... fuyu 富余|in surplus fuyu 腹语|ventriloquism fuyu 赋与|variant of 賦予|赋予[fu4 yu3] fuyu 孵育|to incubate/to rear (chicks) fuyu 夫余|Pu\'yo, Korean Buyeo (c. 200 BC-494 AD... fuyu 扶揄|to raise high/to uphold fuyu 扶馀|variant of 扶餘|扶余 Korean: Buyeo (c. 20... fuyu-wankang 负隅顽抗|(idiom) to put up fierce resistance d... fuyuan 复原|to restore (sth) to (its) former cond... fuyuan 富源|Fuyuan county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4]... fuyuan 幅员|size (i.e. area) of a country, geogra... fuyuan 复员|to demobilize/demobilization fuyuan 复元|variant of 復原|复原[fu4 yuan2] fuyuanru 复原乳|reconstituted milk fuyuansanjiaozhou 抚远三角洲|Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilo... fuyuanxian 富源县|Fuyuan county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4]... fuyuanzhang 副院长|deputy chair of board/vice-president ... fuyue 赴约|to keep an appointment fuyuetanghuo 斧钺汤镬|battle-ax and boiling cauldron (idiom... fuyuezhizhu 斧钺之诛|to die by battle-ax (idiom); to be ex... fuyun 浮云|floating clouds/fleeting/transient fuyun 富蕴|Fuyun county in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地... fuyunmu 复韵母|compound final fuyunxian 富蕴县|Fuyun county in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地... fuyunzhaolu 浮云朝露|floating clouds, morning dew (idiom);... fuyushi 腹语师|ventriloquist fuyushu 腹语术|ventriloquism fuyuxian 富裕县|Fuyu county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 ... fuyuxiangxiang 富于想像|imaginative fuza 复杂|complicated; complex fuzahua 复杂化|to complicate; to become complicated fuzai 负载|to carry/to support/load fuzaijunheng 负载均衡|(computing) load balancing fuzao 浮躁|fickle and impatient/restless/giddy/s... fuzao 浮燥|variant of 浮躁[fu2 zao4] fuzaxing 复杂性|complexity fuzaxitong 复杂系统|complex system fuze 负责|to be responsible for; to be in charg... fuze 附则|supplementary provision/bylaw/additio... fuze 福泽|good fortune fuzengzhang 负增长|negative growth/economic recession fuzeren 负责人|person in charge fuzeren 负责任|to take responsibility/to bear respon... fuzeyuji 福泽谕吉|Fukuzawa Yukichi (1835-1901), promine... fuzhai 负债|to be in debt/to incur debts/liabilit... fuzhaileilei 负债累累|deep in debt fuzhang 付账|to settle an account fuzhang 拊掌|to clap hands fuzhao 辐照|irradiation fuzhe 覆辙|the tracks of a cart that overturned/... fuzhe 浮着|afloat fuzhen 复诊|another visit to doctor/further diagn... fuzheng 扶正|to set sth upright or straight/to pro... fuzheng 斧正|(polite) please amend my writing fuzhengshu 负整数|negative integer fuzhengyaxie 扶正压邪|to uphold good and suppress evil (idiom) fuzhi 复制|to duplicate/to make a copy of/to cop... fuzhi 赋值|(computing, math.) to assign (a value... fuzhi 负值|negative value (math.) fuzhi 扶植|to foster/to support fuzhi 复职|to resume a post fuzhi 父执|(literary) father\'s friends (of the s... fuzhi 福祉|well-being/welfare fuzhi 府治|seat of prefectural government (from ... fuzhi 附肢|appendage fuzhi 浮质|aerosol fuzhi 麸质|gluten fuzhibei 父执辈|person of one\'s father\'s generation fuzhibingding 付之丙丁|to burn down (idiom) fuzhidongliu 付之东流|to commit to the waters (idiom); to l... fuzhiduwai 付之度外|to think nothing of doing sth (idiom)... fuzhiji 腹直肌|rectus abdominis muscle (aka abdomina... fuzhimu 复殖目|Order Digenea (including trematode wo... fuzhipin 复制品|replica/reproduction fuzhisuan 腐殖酸|humic acid fuzhitu 腐殖土|humus (topsoil of decayed vegetation) fuzhixichong 复殖吸虫|digenetic trematode worm (i.e. from O... fuzhixingdong 付之行动|to put into action/to transform into ... fuzhiyiju 付之一炬|to put to the torch (idiom)/to commit... fuzhiyitan 付之一叹|to dismiss with a sigh (idiom); a hop... fuzhiyixiao 付之一笑|(idiom) to dismiss sth with a laugh; ... fuzhong 负重|(lit. and fig.) to carry a heavy load... fuzhong 浮肿|(nonspecialist term for 水腫|水肿[shui3 z... fuzhong 附中|attached (or affiliated) secondary (o... fuzhong 服众|to convince the masses fuzhongbing 浮肿病|(medicine) edema; dropsy fuzhongxunlian 负重训练|weight training fuzhou 福州|see 福州市[Fu2zhou1 Shi4] fuzhou 抚州|see 撫州市|抚州市[Fu3zhou1 Shi4] fuzhou 符咒|charm/amulet (religious object confer... fuzhou 弗州|Virginia, US state/abbr. for 弗吉尼亞州|弗吉... fuzhoushi 抚州市|Fuzhou, prefecture-level city in Jian... fuzhoushi 福州市|Fuzhou, prefecture-level city and cap... fuzhouzhang 副州长|deputy governor (of a province or col... fuzhu 辅助|to assist; to aid/supplementary; auxi... fuzhu 附注|note/annotation fuzhu 付诸|to apply to/to put into (practice etc... fuzhu 腐竹|rolls of dried soymilk cream (used in... fuzhu 伏诛|to be executed fuzhu 扶助|to assist fuzhuan 复转|to demobilize/to transfer to other ta... fuzhuang 服装|dress/clothing/costume/clothes/CL:身[s... fuzhuangxiu 服装秀|fashion show fuzhudongliu 付诸东流|wasted effort fuzhuixuanyou 附赘悬疣|superfluous or useless appendages/sup... fuzhuo 附着|to adhere/attachment fuzhuo 祓濯|to cleanse/to purify fuzhuowu 附着物|fixture (law)/attachment fuzhuren 副主任|deputy director/assistant head fuzhushishi 付诸实施|to put into practice/to carry out (id... fuzhuxi 副主席|vice-chairperson fuzhuyiliao 辅助医疗|complementary medicine fuzhuyu 辅助语|auxiliary language fuzi 父子|father and son fuzi 夫子|Master (old form of address for teach... fuzi 斧子|axe/hatchet/CL:把[ba3] fuzi 付梓|(literary) to send (a manuscript) to ... fuzi 附子|monkshood (Aconitum carmichaelii) fuzizidao 夫子自道|appearing to be praising others while... fuzongcai 副总裁|vice-chairman (of an organization)/vi... fuzongli 副总理|vice-premier/vice prime minister/depu... fuzongtong 副总统|vice-president fuzu 富足|rich/plentiful fuzu 腹足|gastropod (class of mollusks includin... fuzugang 腹足纲|gastropod (class of mollusks includin... fuzui 服罪|to admit to a crime/to plead guilty fuzui 伏罪|variant of 服罪[fu2 zui4] fuzuo 辅佐|to assist (usually a ruler) fuzuo 趺坐|to sit in the lotus position fuzuoyi 傅作义|Fu Zuoyi (1895-1974), Guomindang gene... fuzuoyong 副作用|side effect ga 咖|used in 咖喱[ga1li2] ga 嘎|cackling sound ga 嘎|old variant of 嘎[ga2] ga 轧|to crush together (in a crowd)/to mak... ga 尬|(bound form) embarrassing; awkward ga 尕|little (dialect) ga 噶|phonetic ga (used in rendering Tibeta... ga 钆|gadolinium (chemistry) ga 旮|used in 旮旯[ga1 la2] ga 尜|toy formed of a spindle with two shar... ga 胳|used in 胳肢窩|胳肢窝[ga1zhi5wo1] ga 玍|bad temper/naughty ga 魀|old variant of 尬[ga4] gabeng 噶嘣|(onom.) kaboom gabulun 噶布伦|Tibetan government official gada 噶嗒|(onom.) clattering gadangpai 噶当派|Bkar-dgam-pa sect of Tibetan Buddhism gadian 尬电|(Tw) (Internet slang) (loanword) goddamn gaer 噶尔|Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet... gaerxian 噶尔县|Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet... gafei 噶霏|coffee (loanword) (old) gaga 尜尜|toy formed of a spindle with two shar... gaga 呷呷|(onom.) quack; honk gaga 噶噶|(onom.) gaga 嘎嘎|(onom.) quack/honk/(northern dialect)... gagaxiaojie 嘎嘎小姐|Lady Gaga (1986-), US pop singer gahawuzu 噶哈巫族|Kaxabu or Kahabu, one of the indigeno... gai 该|should/ought to/probably/must be/to d... gai 盖|lid/top/cover/canopy/to cover/to conc... gai 改|to change/to alter/to transform/to co... gai 概|(bound form) general; approximate/wit... gai 概|old variant of 概[gai4] gai 芥|see 芥藍|芥蓝[gai4 lan2] gai 垓|boundary gai 丐|to beg for alms/beggar gai 丐|variant of 丐[gai4] gai 溉|to irrigate gai 侅|to give/prepared for included in/embr... gai 戤|infringe upon a trade mark gai 荄|roots of plant gai 赅|surname Gai gai 赅|complete/full gai 陔|step/terrace gai 乢|ancient variant of 蓋|盖[gai4]/ancient ... gai 槪|variant of 概[gai4] gai 賌|old variant of 賅|赅[gai1] gai 㱾|a kind of metal or jade ornament worn... gai 钙|calcium (chemistry) gaiban 改版|to revise the current edition/revised... gaiban 丐版|(slang) basic version (of a product) gaibang 丐帮|beggars\' union/a group of beggars gaibian 改变|to change/to alter/to transform gaibian 改编|to adapt/to rearrange/to revise gaibo 赅博|variant of 該博|该博[gai1 bo2] gaibo 该博|erudite/broad and profound/learned gaicai 盖菜|leaf mustard gaicefa 概测法|rough-and-ready method/rule of thumb gaiceng 盖层|cap rock gaichao 改朝|to transition to a new dynasty gaichaohuandai 改朝换代|to transition to a new dynasty or regime gaicheng 改称|to change a name/to rename gaicheng 改成|to convert/to turn into (sth else)/to... gaici 盖茨|Gates (name) gaicibi 盖茨比|Gatsby gaicuo 改错|to correct an error gaidang 该当|should/to deserve gaidao 改道|to change route/to divert (a road or ... gaidi 溉涤|to wash gaidiao 改掉|to correct (a bad habit etc) gaiding 改订|to revise (text, plan etc) gaidingyilitiaoyue 改订伊犁条约|Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881 in... gaidong 改动|to alter/to modify/to revise gaidu 盖度|coverage (in botany) gaier 盖尔|Gaelic/Geier or Gayer (name) gaierbulun 概而不论|fuzzy about the details gaieryanzhi 概而言之|same as 總而言之|总而言之[zong3 er2 yan2 zhi1] gaieryu 盖尔语|Gaelic (language) gaiexiangshan 改恶向善|turn away from evil and follow virtue gaifan 盖饭|rice with meat and vegetables gaifang 盖房|to build a house gaigao 改稿|to revise a manuscript gaige 改革|reform/CL:次[ci4],種|种[zhong3],項|项[xian... gaigejia 改革家|reformer gaigejishuqi 盖革计数器|Geiger counter gaigekaifang 改革开放|to reform and open to the outside wor... gaigepai 改革派|the reformist party gaigezhe 改革者|reformer gaiguan 改观|change of appearance/to revise one\'s ... gaiguan 概观|to survey/to take stock of/overview gaiguandinglun 盖棺定论|don\'t pass judgment on a person\'s lif... gaiguanlunding 盖棺论定|don\'t pass judgment on a person\'s lif... gaiguo 改过|to correct one\'s errors; to mend one\'... gaiguozixin 改过自新|to reform and start afresh (idiom); t... gaihang 改行|to change profession gaihua 钙化|to calcify/calcification gaihua 钙华|(geology) tufa/travertine gaihuan 改换|to change (sth)/to alter (sth)/to cha... gaihuanmenlv 改换门闾|see 改換門庭|改换门庭[gai3 huan4 men2 ting2] gaihuanmenting 改换门庭|to improve one\'s family\'s social stat... gaihui 改悔|to mend one\'s ways gaihuoguo 盖火锅|to block a shot (basketball) gaijia 改嫁|to remarry (of a woman) gaijian 改建|to rebuild/to transform (a building)/... gaijiaofan 盖浇饭|rice with meat and vegetables gaijin 改进|to improve; to make better/improvemen... gaikou 改口|to change one\'s tune/to modify one\'s ... gaikoufei 改口费|a gift of money given by parents on b... gaikuan 改款|to make modifications to a product\'s ... gaikuang 概况|general situation/summary gaikuo 概括|to summarize; to generalize/briefly; ... gaikuo 赅括|see 概括[gai4 kuo4] gaikuohua 概括化|generalization gailan 概览|general overview/to skim through gailan 芥兰|variant of 芥藍|芥蓝[gai4 lan2] gailan 芥蓝|Chinese broccoli/Chinese kale/cabbage... gaili 改隶|(of an entity) to come under the admi... gailiang 改良|to improve (sth)/to reform (a system) gailiangzhuyi 改良主义|reformism (i.e. favoring gradual chan... gailou 盖楼|to construct a building/(Internet sla... gailun 概论|outline/introduction/survey/general d... gailv 概率|probability (math.) gailvlun 概率论|probability (math.) gaimao 盖帽|block (basketball) gaimaor 盖帽儿|to block a shot (basketball)/(dialect... gaimen 盖门|closing cover/door (e.g. of photocopier) gaiming 改名|to rename gainian 概念|concept/idea/CL:個|个[ge4] gainianditu 概念地图|mind map gainianhua 概念化|conceptualization gainianqudongjiagong 概念驱动加工|concept-driven processing gainianyanzheng 概念验证|proof of concept gaipai 盖牌|to fold (poker) gaipan 改判|(law) to amend a judgment; to commute... gaiqi 改期|to reschedule/to rearrange (e.g. a me... gaiqian 改签|to change one\'s reservation/to transf... gair 盖儿|cover/lid gairanxing 盖然性|probability gairi 改日|another day/some other day gaishan 改善|to make better; to improve/CL:個|个[ge4] gaishang 盖上|to cover gaishanguanxi 改善关系|to improve relations gaishantongxun 改善通讯|to improve communications gaishi 盖世|unrivalled/matchless gaishitaibao 盖世太保|Gestapo gaishu 概述|overview gaishu 概数|approximate number/imprecise indicati... gaishui 改水|to improve water quality gaisi 该死|Damn it!/damned/wretched gaitaiguanggao 盖台广告|(Tw) slot advertisement/interstitial ... gaitena 盖特纳|Geithner (name)/Timothy Geithner (196... gaitian 改天|another day/some other time/to find a... gaitou 盖头|cover/cap/topping/head covering/veil gaitouhuanmian 改头换面|to change outwardly while remaining e... gaiwa 盖瓦|tiling (of roofs, floors, walls etc) gaiwan 盖碗|lidded teacup gaiwei 改为|to change into gaixia 垓下|ancient place name, in Anhui province gaixian 盖县|Gai county in Liaoning gaixianyizhe 改弦易辙|change of string, move out of rut (id... gaixie 改写|to revise/to edit gaixieguizheng 改邪归正|to mend one\'s ways (idiom)/to turn ov... gaixin 改信|to convert (to another religion) gaixing 概型|(math.) a scheme gaixing 概形|scheme (in algebraic geometry) gaixinglilun 概型理论|scheme theory (math.) gaixuan 改选|reelection/to reelect gaixue 改学|to switch from one major or faculty t... gaiya 该亚|Gaea, the Earth Goddess and mother of... gaiyana 盖亚那|Guyana, NE of South America (Tw) gaiyang 改样|to change completely gaiyao 概要|outline gaiye 改业|to change profession or business gaiyi 改易|to change; to modify gaiyi 改译|to correct (improve) a translation gaiyin 盖印|to affix a seal/to stamp (a document) gaiyin 该隐|Cain (name)/Cain (biblical character)... gaiying 该应|should gaiyong 改用|to change over to/to switch to/to use... gaiyuan 改元|to change an emperor\'s or ruler\'s rei... gaiyun 改运|to alter one\'s fate/to improve one\'s ... gaizao 改造|to transform/to reform/to remodel/to ... gaize 改则|Gerze county in Ngari prefecture, Tib... gaizexian 改则县|Gerze county in Ngari prefecture, Tib... gaizhang 盖章|to affix a seal/to stamp (a document)... gaizheng 改正|to correct/to amend/to put right/corr... gaizhi 改制|to reorganize/to restructure gaizhi 钙质|calcium gaizhou 盖州|Gaizhou, county-level city in Yingkou... gaizhoushi 盖州市|Gaizhou, county-level city in Yingkou... gaizhuang 改装|to change one\'s costume/to repackage/... gaizhui 改锥|screwdriver/CL:把[ba3] gaizi 盖子|cover/lid/shell gaizi 盖兹|Gates (name) gaizu 改组|to reorganize/to reshuffle (posts etc) gaizui 改嘴|to deny/to go back on one\'s word gajupai 噶举派|Geju (Tibetan: transmit word of Buddh... gala 噶喇|(onom.)/same as 噶拉[ga2 la1] gala 旮旯|corner/nook/recess/out-of-the-way place gala 噶拉|(onom.)/same as 噶喇[ga2 la3] gala 嘎啦|(onom.) rumbling/rattling gala 嘎啦|to quarrel (Northeastern Mandarin) galaduojierenboqie 噶拉·多杰·仁波切|Garab Dorje Rinpoche, succession of B... galaha 嘎拉哈|(Manchu loanword) knucklebones/see 羊拐... galanglang 噶啷啷|(onom.) hum and clatter galar 旮旯儿|erhua variant of 旮旯[ga1 la2] gali 咖喱|(loanword) curry galiao 尬聊|(slang) awkward conversation; to have... galifen 咖喱粉|curry powder galong 噶隆|Tibetan government official/same as 噶... galun 噶伦|Tibetan government official gama 伽马|gamma (Greek letter Γγ) (loanword) gamalan 噶玛兰|Kavalan, one of the indigenous people... gamalanzu 噶玛兰族|Kavalan, one of the indigenous people... gamashexian 伽马射线|gamma rays gan 干|old variant of 乾|干[gan1] gan 干|surname Gan gan 干|dry/dried food/empty; hollow/taken in... gan 干|variant of 乾|干[gan1] gan 干|(bound form) to have to do with; to c... gan 干|tree trunk/main part of sth/to manage... gan 感|to feel/to move/to touch/to affect/fe... gan 杆|pole/CL:條|条[tiao2],根[gen1] gan 杆|stick/pole/lever/classifier for long ... gan 赣|variant of 贛|赣[Gan4] gan 赣|abbr. for Jiangxi Province 江西省[Jiang1... gan 敢|to dare/daring/(polite) may I venture gan 赶|to overtake; to catch up with/to hurr... gan 澉|place name/wash gan 鳡|yellowcheek (Elopichthys bambusa) gan 檊|Chinese mulberry/sandalwood gan 玕|(inferior gem) gan 肝|liver (CL:葉|叶[ye4])/(slang) to put in... gan 甘|surname Gan/abbr. for Gansu Province ... gan 甘|(bound form) sweet; pleasant (contras... gan 柑|large tangerine gan 骭|shinbone gan 酐|anhydride gan 绀|violet or purple gan 尴|used in 尷尬|尴尬[gan1ga4] gan 擀|to roll (dough etc) gan 苷|licorice/glycoside gan 秆|stalks of grain gan 橄|used in 橄欖|橄榄[gan3lan3] gan 淦|name of a river gan 矸|used in 矸石[gan1shi2] gan 坩|crucible gan 疳|rickets gan 咁|so (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 這... gan 泔|slop from rinsing rice gan 旰|sunset/evening gan 竿|pole gan 筸|used in 鎮筸|镇筸[Zhen4gan1], the former ... gan 尲|variant of 尷|尴[gan1] gan 榦|tree trunk gan 尶|old variant of 尷|尴[gan1] gan 倝|dawn (archaic) gan 虷|worm gana 戛纳|Cannes (France) ganai 肝癌|liver cancer ganan 干案|(Singapore, Malaysia) to commit an of... ganansuan 甘氨酸|glycine (Gly), an amino acid ganbaba 干巴巴|dry/parched/dull/insipid ganbaixiafeng 甘拜下风|to step down gracefully (humble expre... ganbali 甘巴里|Professor Ibrahim Gambari (1944-), Ni... ganbang 甘榜|kampong (loanword)/also pr. gānbōng, ... ganbao 干宝|Gan Bao (?-336), Chinese historian an... ganbei 干杯|to drink a toast/Cheers! (proposing a... ganbei 干贝|conpoy; dried scallop (dried adductor... ganbian 干煸|to stir-fry with oil only (no additio... ganbiandoujiao 干煸豆角|green beans in sauce, popular Beijing... ganbiansijidou 干煸四季豆|fried beans, Sichuan style ganbiantudousi 干煸土豆丝|dry-fried potato slices (Chinese dish) ganbie 干瘪|dried out/wizened/shriveled ganbing 肝病|liver disease ganbing 干冰|dry ice (i.e. frozen CO2)/CL:塊|块[kuai4] ganbiya 甘比亚|Gambia (Tw) ganbu 干部|cadre/official/officer/manager ganbucongming 敢不从命|to not dare to disobey an order (idiom) ganbuji 赶不及|not enough time (to do sth)/too late ... ganbushang 赶不上|can\'t keep up with/can\'t catch up wit... gancai 干菜|dried vegetable gancai 干才|ability/capable gancai 干材|capability/capable person gancao 甘草|licorice root gancao 干草|hay ganceqi 感测器|sensor (Tw) ganchangcunduan 肝肠寸断|lit. liver and guts cut to pieces (id... ganchao 赶超|to overtake ganchao 干潮|low tide/low water ganche 赶车|to drive a cart gancheng 杆秤|a steelyard (a type of balance) ganchu 感触|one\'s thoughts and feelings/emotional... ganchu 赶出|to drive away gancui 干脆|candid/direct and to the point/simply... gancuililuo 干脆利落|(of speech or actions) direct and eff... gancuilisuo 干脆利索|see 乾脆利落|干脆利落[gan1 cui4 li4 luo5] ganda 敢达|Gundam, Japanese animation franchise gandaganchong 敢打敢冲|courageous and daring gandai 感戴|sincerely grateful gandalei 干打垒|rammed earth/adobe house gandalei,buxiayu 干打雷,不下雨|all thunder but no rain (idiom)/a lot... gandansi 甘丹寺|Ganden monastery, Tibetan: dGa\' ldan ... gandanxiangzhao 肝胆相照|to treat one another with absolute si... gandao 赶到|to hurry (to some place) gandao 干道|arterial road/main road/main watercourse gandao 感到|to feel; to sense; to perceive gande 甘德|Gadê or Gande county (Tibetan: dga\' b... gandeji 赶得及|there is still time (to do sth)/to be... gandeng 干等|to wait in vain; to sit around waiting gandengyan 干瞪眼|to watch helplessly gandexian 甘德县|Gadê or Gande county (Tibetan: dga\' b... gandi 甘地|(Mahatma) Gandhi gandi 杆弟|caddie (golf) gandiao 干掉|to get rid of gandie 干爹|adoptive father (traditional adoption... gandong 感动|to move (sb)/to touch (sb emotionally... ganen 感恩|to be grateful ganendaide 感恩戴德|deeply grateful ganenjie 感恩节|Thanksgiving Day ganentubao 感恩图报|grateful and seeking to repay the kin... ganer 干儿|adopted son (traditional adoption, i.... ganerzi 干儿子|adopted son (traditional adoption, i.... ganfa 感发|to move and inspire ganfan 干饭|plain cooked rice (as opposed to rice... ganfan 干饭|(coll.) to have a meal ganfen 干粉|dry powder ganfen 感奋|moved and inspired/fired with enthusiasm ganfen 感愤|moved to anger/indignant ganfeng 干俸|income provided by a sinecure ganfu 赶赴|to hurry/to rush gang 鿍|hill/long and narrow highland/(used i... gang 刚|hard/firm/strong/just/barely/exactly gang 钢|steel gang 缸|jar/vat/classifier for loads of laund... gang 纲|head rope of a fishing net/guiding pr... gang 岗|variant of 岡|冈 [gang1] gang 岗|(bound form) hillock; mound/sentry po... gang 冈|ridge/mound gang 冮|surname Gang gang 港|Hong Kong (abbr. for 香港[Xiang1gang3])... gang 港|harbor/port/CL:個|个[ge4] gang 扛|to raise aloft with both hands/(of tw... gang 扛|old variant of 扛[gang1] gang 肛|used in 脫疘|脱肛[tuo1gang1] gang 肛|(bound form) anus; rectum gang 杠|flagpole/footbridge gang 杠|variant of 槓|杠[gang4] gang 杠|coffin-bearing pole (old)/thick pole;... gang 堽|mound gang 堈|earthen jug, crock, cistern gang 罡|stars of the Big Dipper that constitu... gang 戆|stupid (Wu dialect) gang 釭|hanging bowl for lamp or fish gang 舡|boat/ship gang 罁|old variant of 缸[gang1] gang 笐|bamboos placed across wooden frames o... ganga 尴尬|awkward; embarrassed gangao 港澳|Hong Kong 香港[Xiang1 gang3] and Macao ... gangaoban 港澳办|Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of... gangaodiqu 港澳地区|Hong Kong and Macao area gangaotai 港澳台|Hong Kong 香港, Macao 澳門|澳门 and Taiwan ... gangba 岗巴|Gamba county, Tibetan: Gam pa rdzong,... gangban 钢板|steel plate gangbaxian 岗巴县|Gamba county, Tibetan: Gam pa rdzong,... gangbei 港北|Gangbei district of Guigang city 貴港市|... gangbeiqu 港北区|Gangbei district of Guigang city 貴港市|... gangben 冈本|Okamoto (Japanese surname and place n... gangbeng 钢镚|small coin/dime gangbi 钢笔|fountain pen/CL:支[zhi1] gangbi 港币|Hong Kong currency/Hong Kong dollar gangbi 刚愎|headstrong/perverse gangbian 钢鞭|mace (weapon) gangbiya 冈比亚|Gambia gangbiziyong 刚愎自用|obstinate and self-opinionated (idiom) gangbu 港埠|port/wharf/sea terminal gangcai 钢材|steel (as raw material)/steel sheets,... gangcai 刚才|just now/a moment ago gangcai 刚才|just now (variant of 剛才|刚才[gang1 cai2]) gangcan 港灿|(derog.) Hong Konger gangcha 刚察|Gangcha County (Tibetan: rkang tsha r... gangcha 钢叉|pitchfork/garden fork/restraining pol... gangchang 钢厂|a steelworks gangchaxian 刚察县|Gangcha County (Tibetan: rkang tsha r... gangchuang 钢窗|metal window gangdan 钢弹|Gundam, Japanese animation franchise gangdang 杠荡|to shake/to rock gangdao 钢刀|steel knife/sword gangdao 港岛|Hong Kong Island/abbr. for 香港島|香港岛[Xi... gangdao 杠刀|to sharpen a knife (or razor etc) gangdi 岗地|non-irrigated farmland on low hills gangdiao 杠掉|to cross out gangdisishan 冈底斯山|Mt Gangdisê (6656m) in southwest Tibe... gangdisishanmai 冈底斯山脉|Gangdisê mountain range in southwest ... gangdu 刚度|stiffness gangdu 港督|governor of Hong Kong (during the per... gangdu 戆督|stupid, ignorant (Wu dialect) gangdu 港独|Hong Kong independence gangduola 刚朵拉|see 貢多拉|贡多拉[gong4 duo1 la1] gange 干戈|weapons of war/arms gangfeng 罡风|in Daoism, astral wind on which immor... gangfu 港府|Hong Kong government gangfu 杠夫|pole carrier/coffin-bearer ganggan 杠杆|lever/pry bar/crowbar/financial leverage ganggang 刚刚|just recently/just a moment ago ganggangde 杠杠的|(slang, originally northeast dialect)... gangganshougou 杠杆收购|leveraged buyout (LBO) ganggu 港股|Hong Kong shares gangguan 钢管|steel pipe/pole (in pole dancing) gangguanwu 钢管舞|pole dancing ganggui 钢轨|steel rail ganggui 杠龟|(Tw) to lose one\'s shirt (gambling); ... gangguo 刚果|Congo gangguohe 刚果河|Congo River gangguominzhugongheguo 刚果民主共和国|Democratic Republic of Congo ganggushuini 钢骨水泥|reinforced concrete ganghao 刚好|just/exactly/to happen to be ganghua 钢花|spray (or sparks) of molten steel ganghuaboli 钢化玻璃|reinforced glass gangji 纲纪|law and order gangjia 刚架|rigid frame gangjian 刚健|energetic/robust gangjian 钢箭|iron arrow gangjiao 肛交|anal intercourse gangjiaosuo 港交所|Hong Kong Stock Exchange/abbr. for 香港交易所 gangjin 钢筋|steel reinforcing bar gangjing 刚劲|bold/vigorous gangjing 杠精|(slang) (neologism c. 2018) argumenta... gangjing 港警|Hong Kong police gangjing 港警|port police gangjinhunningtu 钢筋混凝土|reinforced concrete gangjinshuini 钢筋水泥|reinforced concrete gangju 钢锯|hacksaw gangjumuzhang 纲举目张|if you lift the headrope the meshes s... gangkou 港口|port/harbor gangkouchengshi 港口城市|port city gangkouqu 港口区|Gangkou district of Fangchenggang cit... gangkui 钢盔|metal helmet/(military) helmet ganglan 钢缆|steel cable; wire cable; steel hawser gangliang 钢梁|steel beam/girder ganglie 肛裂|anal fissure ganglie 刚烈|resolute and upright in character/uny... gangling 纲领|program (i.e. plan of action)/guiding... gangling 杠铃|barbell ganglonghangkong 港龙航空|Hong Kong Dragon Airlines (operating ... ganglou 岗楼|watchtower; guard tower/police booth gangmao 刚毛|bristle gangmao 肛毛|hair around the anus gangmen 肛门|anus gangmenzhichang 肛门直肠|rectum (anatomy) gangnan 港南|Gangnan district of Guigang city 貴港市|... gangnanqu 港南区|Gangnan district of Guigang city 貴港市|... gangong 赶工|to work against the clock/to hurry wi... gangong 甘汞|calomel or mercurous chloride (Hg2Cl2) gangpi 钢坯|billet (steel industry) gangpianqin 钢片琴|celesta gangpu 港普|Hong Kong pidgin (a mix of Standard M... gangqia 岗卡|checkpoint/Taiwan pr. [gang3ka3] gangqian 钢钎|(mining) drill rod; drill steel gangqiang 刚强|firm; unyielding gangqiang 钢枪|rifle gangqiao 刚巧|by chance/by coincidence/by good luck gangqin 钢琴|piano/CL:架[jia4],臺|台[tai2] gangqinjia 钢琴家|pianist gangqinshi 钢琴师|pianist gangqinyanzou 钢琴演奏|piano performance gangqu 港区|Minato area of downtown Tokyo gangqu 港区|port area gangquan 钢圈|wheel rim/underwire (in a bra) gangquchi 钢曲尺|steel set square (tool to measure rig... gangquguoanfa 港区国安法|Hong Kong National Security Law (from... gangren 港人|Hong Kong person or people gangrenboqi 冈仁波齐|Mt Gang Rinpoche in Tibet/also called... gangrenboqi 岗仁波齐|Mt Gang Rinpoche in Tibet/also writte... gangrenboqifeng 冈仁波齐峰|Mount Gang Rinpoche or Mount Kailash ... gangroubingji 刚柔并济|to couple strength and gentleness (id... gangsai 肛塞|butt plug gangshan 冈山|Kangshan town in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣... gangshang 杠上|to get into a dispute with gangshangji 冈上肌|supraspinatus muscle gangshanqu 冈山区|Gangshan District in Kaohsiung, Taiwan gangshanxian 冈山县|Okayama prefecture in southwest of Ja... gangshao 岗哨|lookout post; sentry post/sentry gangshen 港深|abbr. for Hong Kong 香港[Xiang1 gang3] ... gangshi 港式|Hong Kong style gangsi 钢丝|steel wire/tightrope gangsiju 钢丝锯|jigsaw (saw with steel wire blade) gangsiqiu 钢丝球|stainless steel scourer gangsisheng 钢丝绳|hawser/steel rope gangtai 港台|Hong Kong and Taiwan gangti 刚体|rigid body gangtian 冈田|Okada (Japanese surname) gangtiao 钢条|steel bar gangtie 钢铁|steel gangtie 港铁|(Hong Kong) MTR (Mass Transit Railway) gangtiechang 钢铁厂|iron and steel works/steelworks gangtiegongye 钢铁工业|steel industry gangtiexia 钢铁侠|Iron Man, comic book superhero gangtiexueyuan 钢铁学院|Beijing Steel and Iron Institute (the... gangting 岗亭|sentry box; police box gangtou 杠头|(old) chief coffin bearer/(fig.) argu... gangtougangnao 戆头戆脑|stupid (Wu dialect) gangu 甘谷|Gangu county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 shu... ganguan 感官|sense/sense organ ganguang 感光|light-sensitive ganguanggu 感光鼓|toner cartridge ganguo 干果|dried fruit/dry fruits (nuts etc) ganguo 坩埚|crucible ganguo 干锅|dry pot, a type of dish in which ingr... ganguxian 甘谷县|Gangu county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 shu... gangwan 港湾|bay serving as a harbor gangwei 岗位|a post; a job gangweigongzi 岗位工资|standard salary for a specific job (c... gangweijintie 岗位津贴|post allowance; job-specific subsidy gangweipeixun 岗位培训|on-the-job training gangwuju 港务局|port authority gangxiaji 冈下肌|infraspinatus muscle gangxing 刚性|rigidity gangxu 刚需|(economics) rigid demand; inelastic d... gangyao 纲要|outline/essential points gangyi 刚毅|resolute/steadfast/stalwart gangyi 刚一|to be just about to/to have just star... gangyimune 刚毅木讷|resolute and taciturn (idiom) gangyingzhengfu 港英政府|British colonial administration of Ho... gangyu 刚玉|corundum (mineral) gangyuan 港元|Hong Kong dollar gangyuqi 肛欲期|anal stage (psychology) gangzheng 刚正|honest/upright gangzhengbue 刚正不阿|upright and plainspoken gangzhi 钢制|made of steel/steel (bar, screw, prod... gangzhi 刚直|upright and outspoken gangzhu 钢珠|steel ball/bearing ball gangzhu 钢柱|iron pillar/iron rod gangzhuao 港珠澳|Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau (abbr. fo... gangzhuaodaqiao 港珠澳大桥|Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge gangzi 岗子|mound; hillock/welt (on the skin); ri... gangzi 杠子|thick bar/solid carrying pole ganhai 赶海|(dialect) to gather seafood at the be... ganhan 干旱|drought/arid/dry ganhantu 干旱土|aridisol (soil taxonomy) ganhao 干号|to cry out loud without tears ganhao 干嚎|to cry out loud without tears ganhe 干涸|to dry up ganhua 感化|corrective influence/to reform (a cri... ganhua 干话|(Tw) (slang) remark that sounds like ... ganhuai 感怀|to recall with emotion/to feel sentim... ganhuayuan 感化院|reformatory/reform school ganhuo 干货|dried food (including dried fruits, m... ganhuo 干活|to work; to be employed ganhuo 肝火|irascibility/irritability/(TCM) infla... ganhuor 干活儿|erhua variant of 幹活|干活[gan4 huo2] ganji 赶集|to go to market/to go to a fair ganji 感激|to be grateful/to appreciate/thankful ganjia 干架|(dialect) to come to blows/to have a row ganjiang 干将|capable person ganjiang 赣江|Gan River in Jiangxi Province 江西省[Jia... ganjiang 干姜|dried ginger ganjiao 赶脚|to work as a carter or porter/to tran... ganjibujin 感激不尽|can\'t thank sb enough (idiom) ganjin 干劲|enthusiasm for doing sth ganjin 赶紧|hurriedly/without delay ganjing 干净|clean/neat ganjing 干警|police/police cadres ganjingliluo 干净利落|squeaky clean/neat and tidy/efficient ganjingliluo 干净俐落|clean and efficient/neat and tidy ganjingziqu 甘井子区|Ganjingzi district of Dalian 大連市|大连市[... ganjinshajue 赶尽杀绝|to kill to the last one (idiom)/to ex... ganjitiling 感激涕零|to shed tears of gratitude (idiom); m... ganju 甘菊|chamomile ganju 柑橘|citrus ganjue 感觉|feeling; impression; sensation/to fee... ganjuedao 感觉到|to feel/to sense/to detect/to perceiv... ganjueqi 感觉器|sense organ ganjueqiguan 感觉器官|sense organs/the five senses ganjujiang 柑橘酱|marmalade ganjun 杆菌|bacillus (any rod-shaped bacteria) gankai 感慨|to sigh with sorrow, regret etc/ruefu... gankao 赶考|to go and take an imperial examination ganke 干咳|to cough without phlegm/a dry cough ganke 干渴|parched/dry mouth ganku 干枯|withered; shriveled; dried-up ganku 甘苦|good times and hardships/joys and tri... gankuai 赶快|quickly; at once gankui 感喟|sighing with emotion gankui 感愧|to feel gratitude mixed with shame ganlai 赶来|to rush over ganlan 橄榄|Chinese olive/olive ganlan 甘蓝|cabbage/Chinese broccoli/gai larn ganlancai 甘蓝菜|cabbage ganlangtou 赶浪头|to follow the trend ganlanlv 橄榄绿|olive-green (color) ganlanqiu 橄榄球|football played with oval-shaped ball... ganlanshan 橄榄山|Mount of Olives (in the Christian pas... ganlanshi 橄榄石|olivine (rock-forming mineral magnesi... ganlanshu 橄榄树|olive tree ganlanyan 橄榄岩|peridotite (geology) ganlanyou 橄榄油|olive oil ganlanzhi 橄榄枝|olive branch/symbol of peace ganlao 干酪|cheese ganlaosu 干酪素|casein ganlian 干练|capable and experienced ganliang 干粮|rations (to take on expedition) ganliangdai 干粮袋|knapsack (for provisions)/haversack ganlie 干裂|(of dry soil etc) to crack; (of skin)... ganliu 干流|main stream (of a river) ganliu 干馏|to carbonize/dry distillation/carboni... ganlu 赶路|to hasten on with one\'s journey/to hu... ganluchun 甘露醇|mannitol C6H14O6, a sugar alcohol ganluo 甘洛|Ganluo county in Liangshan Yi autonom... ganluoxian 甘洛县|Ganluo county in Liangshan Yi autonom... ganlutangchun 甘露糖醇|mannitol C6H14O6, a sugar alcohol ganma 干吗|variant of 幹嘛|干嘛[gan4ma2] ganma 干妈|adoptive mother (traditional adoption... ganma 干嘛|what are you doing?/whatever for?/why... ganma 干么|variant of 幹嘛|干嘛[gan4ma2] ganmang 赶忙|to hurry/to hasten/to make haste ganmao 感冒|to catch cold/(common) cold/CL:場|场[ch... ganmaoyao 感冒药|medicine for colds ganmeizi 干梅子|prunes ganmian 干面|noodles mixed with a sauce and served... ganmianzhang 擀面杖|rolling pin ganmingr 赶明儿|(coll.) some day/one of these days gannadou 甘纳豆|amanattō, traditional Japanese sweets... gannaidi 甘迺迪|Kennedy (name) (Tw) gannan 甘南|Gannan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi... gannanxian 甘南县|Gannan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi... gannanzangzuzizhizhou 甘南藏族自治州|Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture ... gannanzhou 甘南州|Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture/... gannao 干挠|variant of 干擾|干扰[gan1 rao3], to inter... gannaotudi 肝脑涂地|to offer one\'s life in sacrifice gannaxu 甘纳许|ganache (loanword) gannian 感念|to recall fondly/to remember with emo... ganniang 干娘|adoptive mother (traditional adoption... gannuerbuganyan 敢怒而不敢言|angry, but not daring to speak out (i... gannver 干女儿|adopted daughter (traditional adoptio... ganou 干呕|to retch ganpao 赶跑|to drive away/to force out/to repel ganpei 感佩|to admire with gratitude ganqianbuganhou 赶前不赶后|it\'s better to hurry at the start tha... ganqing 感情|emotion; sentiment/affection; feeling... ganqing 敢情|actually/as it turns out/indeed/of co... ganqingyongshi 感情用事|to act impetuously (idiom); on an imp... ganqu 干渠|trunk canal ganquan 甘泉|Ganquan county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1]... ganquanxian 甘泉县|Ganquan county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1]... ganqun 干群|cadres and masses/party officials and... ganr 干儿|dried food ganran 感染|to infect; infection/(fig.) to influence ganranli 感染力|infectiousness (of a disease)/appeal;... ganranlv 感染率|rate of infection (usu. of a disease) ganranrenshu 感染人数|number of infected persons ganranxingfuxie 感染性腹泻|infective diarrhea ganranzhe 感染者|infected person ganrao 干扰|to disturb/to interfere/perturbation/... ganraosu 干扰素|interferon ganren 感人|touching; moving ganse 干涩|dry and rough (skin)/hoarse (voice)/d... ganshang 赶上|to keep up with/to catch up with/to o... ganshang 感伤|sad/downhearted/sentimental/pathos/me... ganshe 干涉|to interfere/to meddle/interference ganshenme 干什么|what are you doing?/what\'s he up to? gansheyi 干涉仪|interferometer (physics) ganshi 干事|administrator/executive secretary ganshi 干尸|desiccated corpse; mummified body ganshi 矸石|(mining) gangue ganshijian 赶时间|to be in a hurry ganshimao 赶时髦|to keep up with the latest fashion ganshizhang 干事长|secretary-general ganshou 感受|to sense/perception/to feel (through ... ganshou 干瘦|wizened/skinny and shriveled ganshouji 干手机|hand dryer ganshouqi 感受器|sensory receptor ganshu 甘薯|sweet potato/Ipomoea batatas ganshuang 干爽|dry and clean/clear and fresh ganshui 泔水|slop/swill gansidui 敢死队|suicide squad/kamikaze unit gansu 甘肃|see 甘肅省|甘肃省[Gan1su4 Sheng3] gansuliuying 甘肃柳莺|(bird species of China) Gansu leaf wa... gansusheng 甘肃省|Gansu Province, capital Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州... gantan 感叹|to sigh (with feeling)/to lament gantanci 感叹词|interjection (part of speech)/exclama... gantang 肝糖|glycogen gantang 肝醣|(Tw) glycogen gantangchun 甘糖醇|mannitol C6H14O6, a sugar alcohol gantanhao 感叹号|exclamation mark ! (punct.) gantanju 感叹句|exclamation/exclamatory phrase gantanyu 感叹语|exclamation/expletive gantian 甘甜|sweet gantiandongdi 感天动地|(idiom) deeply affecting gantongshenshou 感同身受|to feel as if it had happened to ones... gantou 干透|to dry out/to dry completely gantou 竿头|bamboo pole\'s uppermost tip/(fig.) acme gantuoke 甘托克|Gantok, capital of Sikkim, India ganwang 赶往|to hurry to (somewhere) ganwei 甘味|sweetness; sweet taste ganwei 敢为|to dare to do ganweiji 甘味剂|sweetener ganweiliao 甘味料|sweetener ganweirenxian 敢为人先|to dare to be first/to pioneer (idiom) ganwu 感悟|to come to realize/to appreciate (fee... ganwunv 干物女|single girl who lives a lackadaisical... ganxi 干系|responsibility ganxi 干洗|to dry clean/dry cleaning ganxian 干线|main line/trunk line ganxiang 感想|impressions/reflections/thoughts/CL:通... ganxiao 干笑|to give a hollow laugh/to force a smi... ganxiao 干校|school for cadres/May 7 Cadre School ... ganxibao 干细胞|stem cell ganxichong 肝吸虫|liver fluke ganxie 感谢|(express) thanks/gratitude/grateful/t... ganxin 甘心|to be willing to/to resign oneself to ganxing 感性|perception/perceptual/sensibility/sen... ganxinggongxue 感性工学|kansei engineering (product design th... ganxingqu 感兴趣|to be interested ganxingrenshi 感性认识|perceptual awareness ganxinqingyuan 甘心情愿|willingly and gladly (idiom) ganxiu 干休|to let matters rest ganxuan 干癣|psoriasis ganyan 肝炎|hepatitis ganyang 赶羊|to drive sheep/to herd sheep ganyanmiyu 甘言蜜语|(idiom) sweet words/sweet talk/cajolery ganyanzheng 干眼症|(medicine) xerophthalmia; dry eye syn... ganyazishangjia 赶鸭子上架|lit. to drive a duck onto a perch (id... ganye 干叶|dried leaf ganyi 干邑|Cognac/brandy 白蘭地|白兰地[bai2 lan2 di4] ... ganyi 干衣|drysuit (diving) ganying 感应|response/reaction/interaction/irritab... ganyingchaomei 赶英超美|to catch up with England and surpass ... ganyinghua 肝硬化|cirrhosis ganyingqi 感应器|inductor (elec.) ganyingxianquan 感应线圈|induction coil/solenoid ganyou 甘油|glycerine/glycerol ganyouquan 甘油醛|glyceraldehyde (CH2O)3 ganyousanzhi 甘油三脂|triglyceride ganyousanzhi 甘油三酯|triglyceride ganyoushuanji 甘油栓剂|glycerine suppository ganyu 干预|to meddle/to intervene/intervention ganyu 敢于|to have the courage to do sth/to dare... ganyu 甘于|to be willing to/to be ready to/to be... ganyu 赣语|Gan dialect, spoken in Jiangxi Province ganyu 干与|variant of 干預|干预[gan1 yu4] ganyu 感遇|gratitude for good treatment/to sigh/... ganyuan 甘愿|willingly ganyue 干哕|to dry-heave/to retch ganyushi 感遇诗|a lament (poem) ganzang 肝脏|liver ganzao 干燥|(of weather, climate, soil etc) dry; ... ganzao 赶早|as soon as possible; at the first opp... ganzaoji 干燥机|a drier ganzaoji 干燥剂|desiccant ganzhang 干仗|to quarrel (dialect) ganzhao 感召|to move and appeal/to rally to a caus... ganzhaoji 干着急|to worry helplessly ganzhaoli 感召力|appeal/attraction/charisma ganzhe 甘蔗|sugar cane/CL:節|节[jie2] ganzheng 干证|witness (in a law suit) ganzhezha 甘蔗渣|bagasse ganzhi 感知|perception (the process of perceiving... ganzhi 干支|the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1... ganzhi 感质|qualia (philosophy) ganzhili 感知力|perceptivity ganzhiruyi 甘之如饴|lit. as sweet as syrup (idiom, from B... ganzhou 赣州|see 贛州市|赣州市[Gan4zhou1 Shi4] ganzhou 甘州|Ganzhou district of Zhangye city 張掖市|... ganzhouqu 甘州区|Ganzhou district of Zhangye city 張掖市|... ganzhoushi 赣州市|Ganzhou, prefecture-level city in Jia... ganzi 甘孜|Garze or Kandze, capital of Garze Tib... ganzi 竿子|bamboo pole/CL:根[gen1],個|个[ge4] ganzi 杆子|pole ganzi 杆子|pole/stick/club/gang of bandits ganzi 矸子|see 矸石[gan1shi2] ganzixian 甘孜县|Garzê county (Tibetan: dkar mdzes rdz... ganzizangzuzizhizhou 甘孜藏族自治州|Garze or Kandze, Tibetan autonomous p... ganzizhou 甘孜州|Garze or Kandze, Tibetan autonomous p... ganzou 赶走|to drive out/to turn back ganzuogandang 敢作敢当|variant of 敢做敢當|敢做敢当[gan3 zuo4 gan3 d... ganzuogandang 敢做敢当|daring to act and courageous enough t... ganzuoganwei 敢作敢为|(idiom) to stop at nothing; to dare t... gao 高|surname Gao gao 高|high/tall/above average/loud/your (ho... gao 稿|variant of 稿[gao3] gao 稿|manuscript/draft/stalk of grain gao 藁|variant of 槁[gao3] gao 锆|zirconium (chemistry) gao 糕|cake gao 糕|variant of 糕[gao1] gao 搞|to do/to make/to go in for/to set up/... gao 櫜|weapon case gao 告|(bound form) to say; to tell/to annou... gao 皋|bank/marsh gao 皋|high riverbank/variant of 皋[gao1] gao 皋|variant of 皋[gao1] gao 镐|a pick gao 髙|variant of 高[gao1] gao 膏|ointment/paste/CL:帖[tie3] gao 膏|to moisten/to grease/to apply (cream,... gao 郜|surname Gao/name of a feudal state gao 诰|to enjoin/to grant (a title) gao 羔|lamb gao 篙|pole for punting boats gao 睾|(bound form) testicle gao 鼛|large drum gao 杲|high/sun shines brightly/to shine gao 槁|variant of 槁[gao3]/dried up gao 槁|dried up (wood)/dead tree gao 缟|plain white silk gao 暠|bright/white gao 槔|used in 桔槔[jie2gao1] gao 藳|old variant of 稿[gao3] gao 槹|variant of 槔[gao1] gaoai 高矮|height (i.e. whether short or tall) gaoaipangshou 高矮胖瘦|one\'s physique (tall or short, thin o... gaoan 高安|Gao\'an, county-level city in Yichun 宜... gaoan 高岸|in grand style/high bank gaoang 高昂|to hold (one\'s head) high/expensive/h... gaoanshengu 高岸深谷|high bank, deep valley (idiom); seclu... gaoanshi 高安市|Gao\'an, county-level city in Yichun 宜... gaoao 高傲|arrogant/haughty/proud gaoba 镐把|pickaxe handle gaobadu 高八度|an octave higher (music) gaobai 告白|to announce publicly/to explain onese... gaobang 高帮|high-top (shoes)/ankle-high shoes gaobaozhen 高保真|high fidelity/hi-fi gaobeidian 高碑店|Gaobeidian, county-level city in Baod... gaobeidianshi 高碑店市|Gaobeidian, county-level city in Baod... gaoben 稿本|manuscript (of a book etc)/sketch (of... gaoben 藁本|Ligusticum levisticum (Chinese lovage... gaobenhan 高本汉|Bernhard Karlgren (1889-1978), distin... gaobian 告便|to ask to be excused/to ask leave to ... gaobie 告别|to leave; to part from/to bid farewel... gaobieshi 告别式|parting ceremony/funeral gaobige 高逼格|(slang) high-end/classy gaobing 糕饼|cakes/pastries gaobuchengdibujiu 高不成低不就|can\'t reach the high or accept the lo... gaobucoudibujiu 高不凑低不就|can\'t reach the high or accept the lo... gaobudong 搞不懂|unable to make sense of (sth) gaobuhao 搞不好|(coll.) maybe/perhaps gaobukepan 高不可攀|too high to reach (idiom); eminent an... gaocai 高才|great talent; rare capability/person ... gaocai 高材|great talent/rare capability/person o... gaocaisheng 高材生|student of great ability gaocaisheng 高才生|student of great ability/talented stu... gaocan 高参|senior staff officer; staff officer o... gaocao 藁草|hay/dried grass gaoceng 高层|high-rise/high level; high class gaocengjianzhu 高层建筑|high-rise building/skyscraper gaocengyun 高层云|altostratus/high stratus cloud gaocengzhixingyuan 高层执行员|senior executive gaochan 高产|high yielding gaochang 高唱|to sing loudly/fig. to mouth slogans gaochang 高敞|large and spacious gaochangruyun 高唱入云|loud songs reaches the clouds (idiom)... gaochao 高潮|high tide; high water/upsurge; peak o... gaochao 高超|excellent/superlative gaochaodieqi 高潮迭起|each new high point replaced by anoth... gaochayongzhuang 高叉泳装|high leg swimsuit gaocheng 高程|altitude (e.g. above street level)/el... gaochengqu 藁城区|Gaocheng District of Shijiazhuang 石家莊... gaochengshenchi 高城深池|high walls and deep moat (idiom); imp... gaochou 稿酬|fee paid to an author for a piece of ... gaochu 高处|high place/elevation gaochu 高出|to be higher (than the stated amount)... gaochu 高矗|towering gaochubushenghan 高处不胜寒|it\'s lonely at the top (idiom) gaochui 告吹|to fizzle out/to come to nothing gaoci 告辞|to say goodbye/to take one\'s leave gaoci 高次|higher degree (e.g. equation in math.) gaocunzhengyan 高村正彦|KOMURA Masahiko (1942-), Japanese pol... gaocuo 搞错|mistake/to make a mistake/to blunder/... gaoda 高大|tall; lofty; towering gaoda 高达|Gundam, Japanese animation franchise/... gaoda 高达|to attain; to reach up to gaodang 高档|superior quality/high grade/top grade gaodangfuzhuang 高档服装|haute couture/high fashion clothing gaodao 高蹈|to travel far gaodashang 高大上|(slang) high-end, elegant, and classy... gaodena 高德纳|the Chinese name of American computer... gaodeng 高等|high-level/higher (animals, education... gaodengdaishu 高等代数|higher algebra gaodengfayuan 高等法院|High Court gaodengjiaoyu 高等教育|higher education gaodengxuexiao 高等学校|colleges and universities gaodi 高低|height; level; (music) pitch/relative... gaodi 高地|highland/upland gaodi 高迪|Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926), Catalan arc... gaodian 糕点|cakes/pastries gaodiao 高调|high-sounding speech/bombast/high-pro... gaodibujiu 高低不就|can\'t reach the high or accept the lo... gaodichao 高低潮|the tide/high and low water gaodigang 高低杠|uneven bars (gymnastics) gaoding 搞定|to fix/to settle/to wangle gaodu 高度|height/altitude/elevation/high degree... gaoduan 高端|high-end gaoduan 高段|high-level (ability)/advanced gaoe 高额|high quota/large amount gaoerchake 高尔察克|Aleksandr Kolchak (1874-1920), Russia... gaoerfu 高尔夫|golf (loanword) gaoerfuqiu 高尔夫球|golf/golf ball gaoerfuqiuchang 高尔夫球场|golf course gaoerji 高尔基|Gorkii (name)/Maxim Gorkii (1868-1936... gaoerjifuheti 高尔基复合体|Golgi complex (in cell biology) gaoerjiti 高尔机体|Golgi apparatus/also written 高爾基體|高尔基... gaoerjiti 高尔基体|Golgi apparatus gaofa 高发|(of diseases, accidents) to occur wit... gaofa 告发|to lodge an accusation/accusation (law) gaofan 高反|altitude sickness/abbr. for 高原反應|高原反应... gaofang 高仿|imitation/quality fake gaofang 膏方|medicinal concoction in paste form (TCM) gaofarenqun 高发人群|(medicine) high-risk group gaofei 稿费|author\'s remuneration/CL:筆|笔[bi3] gaofei 高飞|Goofy (friend of Mickey Mouse) gaofei 高飞|to soar gaofeiyuanzou 高飞远走|to fly high and run far (idiom); to l... gaofen 高分|high marks/high score gaofenbianlv 高分辨率|high resolution gaofendineng 高分低能|high in score but low in ability (as ... gaofeng 高峰|peak/summit/height gaofenghui 高峰会|summit meeting gaofenghuiyi 高峰会议|summit conference gaofengjunjie 高风峻节|a high-class upright character (idiom) gaofengliangjie 高风亮节|of noble character and unquestionable... gaofengqi 高峰期|peak period/rush hour gaofengxian 高风险|high risk gaofengxianqu 高风险区|high risk area gaofenzi 高分子|macromolecule/polymer gaofenzihuaxue 高分子化学|polymer chemistry gaofushuai 高富帅|\"Mr Perfect\" (i.e. tall, rich and han... gaogan 高干|high cadre/top party member gaogang 高港|Gaogang district of Taizhou city 泰州市[... gaogangqu 高港区|Gaogang district of Taizhou city 泰州市[... gaogao-zaishang 高高在上|(idiom) situated high; aloft/(idiom) ... gaogaodidi 高高低低|high and low/uneven (in height)/uneve... gaogaoshou 高高手|Please do not be too severe on me! gaogaoshour 高高手儿|Please do not be too severe on me! gaogaoxingxing 高高兴兴|cheerful and optimistic/in a good moo... gaoge 高阁|tall building/high shelf gaoge 高歌|to sing loudly/to lift one\'s voice in... gaogemengjin 高歌猛进|to advance singing loudly (idiom); tr... gaogenxie 高跟鞋|high-heeled shoes gaogezi 高个子|tall person/(of a person) tall gaogong 高工|senior engineer (abbr. for 高級工程師|高级工程... gaogongzu 高弓足|high-arched feet gaogouli 高句丽|Goguryeo (37 BC-668 AD), one of the K... gaogouli 高勾丽|variant of 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2] gaogu 高估|to overestimate/to overrate gaoguai 搞怪|to do sth wacky/wacky/wacky behavior gaoguan 高管|executive/senior management/(contract... gaoguan 高官|high official gaoguanhoulu 高官厚禄|high post and generous salary (idiom)... gaoguanxianjue 高官显爵|high ranking gaogui 高贵|grandeur/noble gaogui 搞鬼|to make mischief/to play tricks gaoguiji 高贵鸡|(Tw) (slang) snobbish, pretentious ga... gaoguotangjiang 高果糖浆|high-fructose corn syrup gaoguotangyumitangjiang 高果糖玉米糖浆|high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) gaohan 高喊|to shout loudly/to raise a cry/to yell gaohan 高寒|high and cold (mountain area) gaohao 搞好|to do well at/to do a good job gaohejin 锆合金|zircaloy gaohu 高呼|to shout loudly gaohuayang 搞花样|to play tricks/to cheat/to deceive gaohuayangr 搞花样儿|erhua variant of 搞花樣|搞花样[gao3 hua1 ya... gaohun 搞混|to confuse/to muddle/to mix up gaohuo 搞活|to enliven/to invigorate/to revitalize gaoji 高级|high level/high grade/advanced/high-r... gaoji 告急|to be in a state of emergency/to repo... gaoji 搞基|(slang) to engage in male homosexual ... gaojia 高价|high price gaojia 高架|overhead/elevated (walkway, highway e... gaojiadaolu 高架道路|elevated road gaojian 稿件|piece of writing submitted for public... gaojian 高见|wise opinion/brilliant idea (honorific) gaojiao 高教|higher education (abbr. for 高等教育[gao1... gaojiaobei 高脚杯|goblet gaojiaoyi 高脚椅|stool; high chair gaojiaqiao 高架桥|high trestle bridge/viaduct/flyover gaojiasuo 高加索|Caucasus/Caucasian gaojiasuoshanmai 高加索山脉|Caucasus Mountains gaojiaxi 高甲戏|Gaojia opera of Fujian and Taiwan gaojie 告捷|to win/to be victorious/to report a v... gaojie 告诫|to warn/to admonish gaojie 告解|(Catholicism) to confess; confession gaojie 高阶|high level gaojie 告戒|variant of 告誡|告诫[gao4 jie4] gaojie 高洁|noble and clean-living/lofty and unsu... gaojie 高街|high street (main street of a town or... gaojieli 高接梨|(Tw) high-grafted pear (a variety of ... gaojieyuyan 高阶语言|(computing) high-level language (Tw, ... gaojijunguan 高级军官|senior military officers/top brass gaojingdu 高精度|high precision gaojinmianfen 高筋面粉|bread flour/hard flour gaojishu 高技术|high technology/high tech gaojiu 高就|to move to a better job gaojixiaoxue 高级小学|advanced class of primary school gaojiyun 高积云|altocumulus/high cumulus cloud gaojiyuyan 高级语言|(computing) high-level language gaojizhiwu 高级职务|high position/senior post gaojizhiyuan 高级职员|high official/senior executive gaojizhongxue 高级中学|senior high school/abbr. to 高中[gao1 z... gaojizhuanyuan 高级专员|high commissioner gaoju 高举|to lift up/to hold high gaoju 高居|to stand above/to occupy an important... gaojun 告竣|(of a project) to be completed gaojun 高峻|high and steep gaojuwu 高聚物|polymer gaojuyuandao 高举远蹈|to leave office for a high and distan... gaokache 高卡车|go-kart (loanword) gaokan 高看|to attach importance to sth/to value gaokang 高亢|high-pitched and penetrating (musical... gaokao 高考|college entrance exam (especially as ... gaokaoyimin 高考移民|students who relocate to another regi... gaokeji 高科技|high tech; high technology gaokong 高空|high altitude gaokongbing 高空病|high altitude sickness gaokongjulebu 高空俱乐部|Mile High Club gaokongtantiao 高空弹跳|bungee jumping (Tw) gaokongzuoye 高空作业|to work high above the ground gaokuang 高旷|high and wide gaolan 皋兰|Gaolan county in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 z... gaolan 高栏|high hurdle gaolang 高朗|loud and clear/bright and clear gaolanxian 皋兰县|Gaolan county in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 z... gaoleng 高冷|reserved/aloof/(geography) (of a loca... gaoli 高丽|Korean Goryeo dynasty, 918-1392/Korea... gaoli 高利|high interest rate/usurious gaoli 膏立|to annoint gaoliang 高亮|to highlight (computing)/(of sound) l... gaoliang 高梁|Takahashi (name)/Takahashi city in Ok... gaoliang 高粱|sorghum/common sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) gaoliangchuan 高梁川|Takahashigawa, river in Okayama prefe... gaoliangjiang 高良姜|Thai ginger/lesser galangale (Kaempfe... gaoliangshi 高梁市|Takahashi city in Okayama prefecture ... gaolibangzi 高丽棒子|Korean (derog.) gaolibawandazangjing 高丽八万大藏经|Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scripture... gaolicai 高丽菜|cabbage (CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4])/Taiwan... gaolichao 高丽朝|Korean Goryeo dynasty, 918-1392 gaolidai 高利贷|high-interest loan; usury gaolidazangjing 高丽大藏经|Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scripture... gaolin 高邻|distinguished neighbor (honorific) gaoling 高龄|elderly gaolingtu 高岭土|kaolin (clay)/china clay gaolishen 高丽参|Koryo ginseng gaoliwangchao 高丽王朝|Korean Goryeo Dynasty, 918-1392 gaolou 高楼|high building/multistory building/sky... gaoloudasha 高楼大厦|tall building gaolu 高卢|Gaul gaolu 高炉|blast furnace gaoluan 搞乱|to mess up/to mismanage/to bungle/to ... gaolujie 高露洁|Colgate (brand) gaolun 高论|enlightening remarks (honorific)/bril... gaoluopei 高罗佩|Gao Luopei or R.H. van Gulik (1910-19... gaoluyu 高卢语|Gaulish or Gallic (language) gaomai 高迈|exuberant/outstanding/in advanced years gaoman 高慢|proud/overbearing gaomanao 缟玛瑙|onyx/white agate gaomao 搞毛|(dialect) what are you doing?/what th... gaomaozi 高帽子|tall conical paper hat worn as a publ... gaomengsuanjia 高锰酸钾|potassium permanganate gaomi 告密|to inform against sb gaomi 高密|Gaomi, county-level city in Weifang 濰... gaomi 高密|high density gaomian 高棉|Cambodia/Kampuchea/Khmer gaomiao 高妙|masterly/subtle and clever (or artwor... gaomidu 高密度|high density gaoming 高明|Gaoming, a district of Foshan 佛山市[Fo2... gaoming 高明|brilliant; superior; wise gaoming 高名|renown/fame gaomingqu 高明区|Gaoming, a district of Foshan 佛山市[Fo2... gaomishi 高密市|Gaomi, county-level city in Weifang 濰... gaomizhe 告密者|tell-tale/informer (esp. to police)/w... gaomu 高木|Takagi (Japanese surname) gaonan 高难|extremely difficult/hard and dangerou... gaoneng 高能|high energy gaonengliang 高能量|high energy (physics) gaonenglizi 高能粒子|high energy particle gaonian 高年|old/aged gaonianjisheng 高年级生|senior student gaonongsuoyou 高浓缩铀|highly enriched uranium (HEU) gaopai 高牌|high card (poker) gaopan 高攀|social climbing/to claim connections ... gaopanbushang 高攀不上|to be unworthy to associate with (sb ... gaopengmanzuo 高朋满座|surrounded by distinguished friends (... gaopi 羔皮|lambskin/kid leather gaopin 高频|high frequency gaoping 高平|Gaoping, city in 山西[Shan1 xi1]/Cao Ba... gaoping 高坪|Gaoping district of Nanchong city 南充市... gaopingqu 高坪区|Gaoping district of Nanchong city 南充市... gaopingshi 高平市|Gaoping, county-level city in Jinchen... gaopingxian 高平县|Gaoping County in southern Shanxi gaoqi 高起|to rise high; to spring up gaoqi 高企|(of prices etc) to stay high gaoqian 搞钱|to make money gaoqian 高迁|promotion (honorific) gaoqiang 高强|excellent/outstanding gaoqiang 高腔|gaoqiang, high-pitched opera singing ... gaoqiao 高桥|Takahashi (Japanese surname) gaoqiao 高跷|stilts/walking on stilts as component... gaoqiaoliumeizi 高桥留美子|Takahashi Rumiko, Japanese manga artist gaoqiaoyu 高跷鹬|(bird species of China) stilt sandpip... gaoqing 高清|high definition (television etc)/high... gaoqing 高青|Gaoqing county in Zibo 淄博[Zi1 bo2], S... gaoqing 告罄|to run out/to have exhausted gaoqingdianshi 高清电视|high definition television HDTV gaoqingshuzidianshi 高清数字电视|high definition digital television gaoqingxian 高青县|Gaoqing county in Zibo 淄博[Zi1 bo2], S... gaoqingxidu 高清晰度|high definition (instruments)/high re... gaoqiu 高球|(sports) high ball; lob/golf (abbr. f... gaoqiu 告求|to ask gaoqiubei 高球杯|highball gaoqiuchang 高球场|golf course/golf links gaor 告儿|(coll.) to tell gaorao 告饶|to beg for mercy gaore 高热|a fever gaorebing 高热病|fever/high fever gaoreliang 高热量|high calorie (foodstuff)/high heat co... gaoren 高人|very able person gaorenyideng 高人一等|a cut above others/superior gaoseng 高僧|a senior monk gaoshan 高山|high mountain; alpine mountain gaoshanbing 高山病|altitude sickness/acute mountain sick... gaoshanduanchiying 高山短翅莺|(bird species of China) russet bush w... gaoshang 高尚|noble/lofty/refined/exquisite gaoshanjinchique 高山金翅雀|(bird species of China) yellow-breast... gaoshanlingque 高山岭雀|(bird species of China) Brandt\'s moun... gaoshanqu 高山区|alpine district gaoshanquemei 高山雀鹛|(bird species of China) Chinese fulve... gaoshanwujiu 高山兀鹫|(bird species of China) Himalayan vul... gaoshanxuanmuque 高山旋木雀|(bird species of China) bar-tailed tr... gaoshanzheng 高山症|altitude sickness/acute mountain sick... gaoshanzu 高山族|Gaoshan aborigines (Taiwan), \"mountai... gaoshao 高烧|fever/high temperature gaoshejiqiang 高射机枪|anti-aircraft machine gun/CL:架[jia4] gaoshen 高深|profound gaosheng 高盛|Goldman Sachs gaosheng 高升|to get a promotion gaosheng 高声|aloud/loud/loudly gaoshenmoce 高深莫测|profound mystery gaoshepao 高射炮|anti-aircraft gun gaoshi 锆石|zircon (colored crystal of zirconium ... gaoshi 告示|announcement gaoshikuobu 高视阔步|to strut about gaoshipai 告示牌|notice/placard/signboard gaoshou 高手|expert/past master/dab hand gaoshou 高寿|longevity/venerable age/your venerabl... gaoshouruyun 高手如云|(idiom) teeming with experts gaoshu 高数|further math/advanced mathematics (sc... gaoshu 高树|Kaoshu township in Pingtung County 屏東... gaoshuxiang 高树乡|Kaoshu township in Pingtung County 屏東... gaosi 高斯|Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), Ger... gaosi 高斯|gauss, unit of magnetic induction gaosong 高耸|erect/towering/to stand tall gaosong 告诵|to tell/to inform gaosong 告送|(dialect) to tell/to inform gaosongruyun 高耸入云|tall and erect, reaching through the ... gaosu 高速|high speed/expressway (abbr. for 高速公路... gaosu 告诉|to press charges; to file a complaint gaosu 告诉|to tell; to inform; to let know gaosu 缟素|white silk mourning dress gaosudang 高速挡|top gear; high gear gaosugonglu 高速公路|expressway; highway; freeway gaosuhuanchongcunchuqi 高速缓冲存储器|(computing) cache gaosuhuancun 高速缓存|(computing) cache gaosulu 高速路|highway; expressway (abbr. for 高速公路[g... gaosulv 高速率|high speed gaosuwangluo 高速网络|high speed network gaota 高塔|tower/CL:座[zuo4] gaotai 高台|Gaotai county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1... gaotai 高抬|to speak highly of sb gaotaiguishou 高抬贵手|to be generous (idiom)/to be magnanim... gaotaixian 高台县|Gaotai county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1... gaotang 高汤|clear soup/soup stock gaotang 高堂|main hall/honorific for one\'s parents... gaotang 高唐|Gaotang county in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 ... gaotangxian 高唐县|Gaotang county in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 ... gaotankuolun 高谈阔论|to harangue/loud arrogant talk/to spout gaotian 高田|Takada (Japanese surname) gaotianxun 高畑勋|Isao Takahata (1935-2018), co-founder... gaotie 高铁|high speed rail gaotiexuehongdanbai 高铁血红蛋白|methemoglobin gaotipangpi 高体鳑鲏|Rhodeus ocellatus (small carp) gaotong 睾酮|testosterone (abbr. for 睾丸甾酮[gao1 wan... gaotong 搞通|to make sense of sth gaotonggongsi 高通公司|Qualcomm gaotongxue 高筒靴|tall boots gaotou 镐头|pickaxe gaotou 搞头|(coll.) likelihood of being worthwhil... gaotou 高头|higher authority/the bosses/on top of gaotu 高徒|brilliant student gaotui 告退|to petition for retirement (old)/to a... gaowan 睾丸|testicle gaowan 睪丸|Taiwan variant of 睾丸[gao1 wan2] gaowanjisu 睾丸激素|testosterone gaowanniuzhuan 睾丸扭转|(medicine) testicular torsion gaowansu 睾丸素|testosterone gaowantong 睾丸酮|testosterone gaowanzaitong 睾丸甾酮|testosterone gaowei 高位|high position/eminent status/top job/... gaowei 高危|high-risk gaowei 告慰|to comfort; to console gaowei 高维|(math.) higher dimensional gaoweidaishucu 高维代数簇|(math.) higher dimensional algebraic ... gaoweidu 高纬度|high latitude (i.e. near the poles) gaoweikongjian 高维空间|(math.) higher dimensional space gaowen 高温|high temperature gaowulong 搞乌龙|to mess sth up gaoxia 高下|relative superiority (better or worse... gaoxian 高县|Gao county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], ... gaoxiang 高翔|Gao Xiang (1688-1753), Qing dynasty p... gaoxianwei 高纤维|high fiber gaoxianzhi 高仙芝|Gao Xianzhi or Go Seonji (c. 702-756)... gaoxiao 高校|universities and colleges/abbr. for 高... gaoxiao 搞笑|to get people to laugh/funny/hilarious gaoxiao 高效|efficient/highly effective gaoxiaolv 高效率|high efficiency gaoxiaoneng 高效能|highly efficient/effectivity gaoxiaopian 搞笑片|comedy film/comedy/CL:部[bu4] gaoxin 高薪|high salary gaoxinchou 高薪酬|high salary gaoxing 高兴|happy/glad/willing (to do sth)/in a c... gaoxingjian 高行健|Gao Xingjian (1940-), Chinese novelis... gaoxingneng 高性能|high performance gaoxinhoulu 高薪厚禄|high salary, generous remuneration gaoxinjishu 高新技术|high tech/high technology gaoxinpinqing 高薪聘请|to hire at a high salary gaoxinshi 高辛氏|one of the five legendary emperors, a... gaoxinyanglian 高薪养廉|policy of high pay to discourage corr... gaoxiong 高雄|Kaohsiung, a special municipality in ... gaoxiongshi 高雄市|Kaohsiung or Gaoxiong city in south T... gaoxue 膏血|lit. fat and blood/fruit of one\'s har... gaoxueli 高学历|higher education record/record includ... gaoxuetang 高血糖|hyperglycemia/abnormally high blood s... gaoxueya 高血压|high blood pressure/hypertension gaoxuezhi 高血脂|see 高脂血症[gao1zhi1xue4zheng4] gaoya 高雅|dainty/elegance/elegant gaoya 高压|(physics) high pressure/(meteorology)... gaoyadian 高压电|high voltage gaoyaguo 高压锅|pressure cooker gaoyang 羔羊|sheep/lamb gaoyang 高阳|Gao Yang (1926-1992), Taiwanese histo... gaoyang 高阳|Gaoyang county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 din... gaoyang 高扬|held high/elevated/uplift/soaring gaoyangxian 高阳县|Gaoyang county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 din... gaoyao 膏药|herbal plaster applied to a wound gaoyao 高靿|(of boots, socks etc) long; high; tall gaoyaoqi 膏药旗|Japanese flag (derog.) gaoyaqingxiji 高压清洗机|high pressure washer gaoyashouduan 高压手段|high-handed (measures)/with a heavy hand gaoyaxian 高压线|high tension power line gaoyayang 高压氧|hyperbaric oxygen/hyperbaric oxygenat... gaoyayangliaofa 高压氧疗法|hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)/also... gaoyayangzhiliao 高压氧治疗|hyperbaric medicine/hyperbaric oxygen... gaoyi 高邑|Gaoyi county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[... gaoyiduanluo 告一段落|to come to the end of a phase (idiom) gaoyin 高音|high pitch/soprano/treble gaoyinbu 高音部|soprano part gaoyingsha 锆英砂|zircon sand (zirconium ore) gaoyinlaba 高音喇叭|tweeter gaoyixian 高邑县|Gaoyi county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[... gaoyou 高邮|Gaoyou, county-level city in Yangzhou... gaoyoushi 高邮市|Gaoyou, county-level city in Yangzhou... gaoyu 高于|greater than/to exceed gaoyu 告语|to inform; to tell gaoyu 告谕|(literary) to inform (the public)/to ... gaoyuan 高原|plateau/CL:片[pian4] gaoyuan 高远|lofty gaoyuan 高院|high court gaoyuanfanying 高原反应|altitude sickness/acute mountain sick... gaoyuanshanchun 高原山鹑|(bird species of China) Tibetan partr... gaoyuanyanliu 高原岩鹨|(bird species of China) Altai accento... gaoyun 高云|Gao Yun (died 409) emperor of Norther... gaoza 搞砸|to mess (sth) up/to foul up/to spoil gaozaitong 睾甾酮|testosterone gaozhang 高涨|to surge up/to rise/(of tensions etc)... gaozhanyuanzhu 高瞻远瞩|to stand tall and see far (idiom); ta... gaozhao 高招|wise move/masterstroke/bright ideas gaozhenwuyou 高枕无忧|to sleep peacefully (idiom)/(fig.) to... gaozhi 高职|vocational higher education instituti... gaozhi 告知|to inform gaozhi 稿纸|draft paper gaozhi 告之|to tell sb; to inform gaozhibingxing 高致病性|highly pathenogenic gaozhiliang 高质量|high quality gaozhixuezheng 高脂血症|high blood fat disease/hyperlipidemia... gaozhiyuanxiao 高职院校|professional school/higher vocational... gaozhong 高中|senior high school/abbr. for 高級中學|高级中... gaozhong 高中|to pass brilliantly (used in congratu... gaozhong 告终|to end/to reach an end gaozhongsheng 高中生|senior high school student gaozhongxuesheng 高中学生|student of a senior high school gaozhou 高州|Gaozhou, county-level city in Maoming... gaozhoushi 高州市|Gaozhou, county-level city in Maoming... gaozhuang 告状|to tell on sb; to complain (to a teac... gaozi 稿子|draft of a document/script/manuscript... gaozi 高赀|high cost gaozong 高宗|Gaozong, the temple name of various e... gaozu 高足|honorific: Your distinguished discipl... gaozufu 高祖父|great-great-grandfather gaozumu 高祖母|great-great-grandmother gar 尜儿|erhua variant of 尜[ga2] garan 嘎然|(onom.) screech of a sudden stop/sudd... gawu 尬舞|(slang) to battle each other in stree... gaxia 噶厦|government of Tibet, dissolved in 1959 gayi 尬意|(Tw) to like; to prefer gazhi 嘎吱|(onom.) creak/crunch gazhiwo 胳肢窝|armpit/also pr. [ge1 zhi5 wo1]/also w... gazhiwo 夹肢窝|armpit/also written 胳肢窩|胳肢窝[ga1 zhi5 ... gdian G点|G-spot ge 戈|surname Ge ge 戈|dagger-axe/abbr. for 戈瑞[ge1 rui4]/(Tw... ge 各|each/every ge 歌|song/CL:支[zhi1],首[shou3]/to sing ge 歌|variant of 歌[ge1] ge 格|square/frame/rule/(legal) case/style/... ge 合|100 ml/one-tenth of a peck/measure fo... ge 哥|elder brother ge 个|used in 自個兒|自个儿[zi4 ge3 r5] ge 个|(classifier used before a noun that h... ge 个|variant of 個|个[ge4] ge 盖|surname Ge ge 隔|to separate/to partition/to stand or ... ge 嗝|hiccup/belch ge 圪|(phonetic) ge 咯|(phonetic) ge 蛤|(bound form) clam/used in 蛤蚧[ge2jie4] ge 鸽|pigeon; dove ge 鿔|copernicium (chemistry) ge 阁|pavilion (usu. two-storied)/cabinet (... ge 革|animal hide/leather/to reform/to remo... ge 轕|confused/disorderly ge 葛|surname Ge ge 葛|kudzu (Pueraria lobata)/hemp cloth ge 膈|diaphragm (anatomy) ge 膈|used in 膈應|膈应[ge4ying5] ge 搁|to place/to put aside/to shelve ge 搁|to bear; to stand; to endure/Taiwan p... ge 舸|barge ge 铬|chromium (chemistry) ge 虼|used in 虼蚤[ge4zao5]/used in 虼螂[ge4lang2] ge 硌|(coll.) (of sth hard or rough) to pre... ge 饹|used in 餎餷|饹馇[ge1zha5] ge 镉|cadmium (chemistry) ge 輵|great array of spears and chariots ge 鬲|surname Ge ge 鬲|earthen pot/iron cauldron ge 搿|to hug ge 胳|variant of 胳[ge1] ge 胳|armpit ge 胳|used in 胳肢[ge2zhi5] ge 茖|allium victorialis ge 疙|pimple/wart ge 仡|used in 仡佬族[Ge1 lao3 zu2], Gelao or K... ge 嘅|possessive particle (Cantonese)/Manda... ge 纥|knot ge 擖|scrape ge 哿|excellent/happy/well-being ge 袼|gusset/cloth fitting sleeve under armpit ge 塥|dry clay lump ge 觡|horns/antlers ge 渮|place name ge 挌|fight ge 亇|variant of 個|个[ge4] ge 骼|used in 骨骼[gu3ge2] ge 割|to cut/to cut apart ge 𠮶|that (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent:... ge 𬮤|side door/variant of 閣|阁[ge2]/pavilio... geai 割爱|to part with sth cherished/to forsake gean 个案|individual case; special case geanguanhuo 隔岸观火|to watch the fires burning across the... geba 个把|one or two/a couple of gebailing 歌百灵|(bird species of China) singing bush ... gebaini 哥白尼|Mikolaj Kopernik or Nicolaus Copernic... geban 隔板|divider; partition geban 搁板|shelf gebang 蛤蚌|clam gebaopi 割包皮|to circumcise gebei 胳臂|arm/CL:條|条[tiao2],隻|只[zhi1]/also pr. ... gebei 袼褙|rags used as shoes gebeigur 胳臂箍儿|armband gebeizhour 胳臂肘儿|elbow gebendongxi 各奔东西|to go separate ways (idiom)/to part w... gebenhagen 哥本哈根|Copenhagen or København, capital of D... gebenqiancheng 各奔前程|each goes his own way (idiom); each p... gebi 隔壁|next door/neighbor gebi 搁笔|to put down the brush; to stop writin... gebi 戈壁|Gobi (desert) gebi 戈比|kopeck (unit of money, one hundredth ... gebie 个别|individually; one by one/just one or ... gebie 各别|distinct; different/separately; indiv... gebihuangtan 戈壁荒滩|barren sands of the Gobi desert gebilaowang 隔壁老王|Mr Wang from next door (term used joc... gebilinju 隔壁邻居|next-door neighbor gebishamo 戈壁沙漠|Gobi Desert gebitan 戈壁滩|Gobi desert gebiyouer 隔壁有耳|walls have ears gebo 胳膊|arm/CL:隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tiao2],雙|双[shuang1] geboningbuguodatui 胳膊拧不过大腿|(idiom) the weak cannot overcome the ... gebozhou 胳膊肘|elbow gebozhouchaowaiguai 胳膊肘朝外拐|lit. the elbow turns outward (idiom)/... gebozhouwangwaiguai 胳膊肘往外拐|see 胳膊肘朝外拐[ge1 bo5 zhou3 chao2 wai4 g... gebozhouzi 胳膊肘子|see 胳膊肘[ge1 bo5 zhou3] gebu 葛布|hemp cloth gebulin 哥布林|goblin (loanword) gebuxiangtong 各不相同|to be quite varied; each one is diffe... gecao 割草|mow grass gecaoji 割草机|lawn mower (machine) gecha 咯嚓|to break into two (onom.) gechang 歌唱|to sing gechangjia 歌唱家|singer gechangsai 歌唱赛|song contest gechijijian 各持己见|each sticks to his own opinion (idiom... gechu 各处|every place gechu 革除|to eliminate/to expel/to abolish gechu 割除|to amputate/to excise (cut out) gechu 革出|to expel/to kick out gechuan 戈船|armed vessel (of ancient times) gechujiaomen 革出教门|to excommunicate (from a church) gechushanmen 革出山门|to excommunicate (from a Buddhist mon... geci 歌词|song lyric/lyrics geda 疙瘩|swelling or lump on skin; pimple/knot... geda 疙疸|variant of 疙瘩[ge1da5] geda 圪垯|mound; knoll/swelling or lump on skin... geda 哥大|Columbia University (abbr.) gedabalu 哥打巴鲁|Kota Bharu, city in Malaysia on borde... gedan 歌单|playlist/song sheet gedang 格挡|to parry/to fend off/to block (a blow) gedansike 格但斯克|Gdansk, city on Baltic in north Poland gedatang 疙瘩汤|dough-drop soup (made by dropping sma... gedawushidaban 各打五十大板|lit. to give each one a flogging of f... gede 歌德|Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832... gede 歌德|to sing the praises of sb gedebahecaixiang 哥德巴赫猜想|the Goldbach conjecture in number theory gedebao 哥德堡|Gothenburg (city in Sweden) gedeqisuo 各得其所|(idiom) each in the correct place; ea... gedeshi 哥德式|gothic (Tw) gedesitong 戈德斯通|Goldstone (name) gedi 各地|in all parts of (a country)/various r... gediao 格调|style (of art or literature)/form/one... gedie 歌碟|disc/record (music) gedou 格斗|to wrestle gedou 隔都|ghetto (loanword) geduan 隔断|partition/to stand between/wall or fe... geduan 割断|to cut off/to sever geduanban 隔断板|partition board geenxidao 格恩西岛|Guernsey (Channel Islands) geer 戈尔|Gore (name)/Al Gore (1948-), US vice-... geerbaqiaofu 戈尔巴乔夫|Gorbachev/Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbach... geerfubote 格尔夫波特|Gulf Port (Florida or Mississippi) geermu 格尔木|Golmud or Ge\'ermu city (Tibetan: na g... geermushi 格尔木市|Golmud or Ge\'ermu city (Tibetan: na g... gefang 鸽房|dovecote/enclosure for carrier pigeons gefang 各方|all parties (in a dispute etc)/all si... gefaweng 葛法翁|Capernaum (biblical town on the Sea o... gefen 葛粉|starch of pueraria root/arrowroot flour gege 各个|every/various/separately, one by one gege 格格|princess (loanword from Manchu, used ... gege 个个|each one individually; each and every gege 哥哥|older brother/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] gege 咯咯|(onom.) gurgle gegeburu 格格不入|(idiom) inharmonious/incompatible gegen 葛根|tuber of the kudzu vine (Pueraria lob... gegexiao 咯咯笑|chuckle gegexiao 格格笑|giggle gegongsongde 歌功颂德|to sing sb\'s praises (mostly derogatory) gegu 个股|share (in a listed company) gegudingxin 革故鼎新|to discard the old and introduce the ... geguliaoqin 割股疗亲|to cut flesh from one\'s thigh to nour... geguo 各国|each country/every country/various co... gehang 隔行|to interlace/to interleave (computing) gehanggeye 各行各业|every trade; all professions; all wal... gehangrugeshan 隔行如隔山|different trades, worlds apart (idiom... gehangsaomiao 隔行扫描|interlaced scanning gehe 隔阂|misunderstanding/estrangement/(langua... gehong 葛洪|Ge Hong (283-363), Jin dynasty Daoist... gehou 歌喉|singing voice gei 假|used in 假掰[gei1 bai1] gei 给|to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to ... geibai 假掰|(Tw) affected; pretentious; to put on... geiding 给定|to state in advance/preset/given geili 给力|cool/nifty/awesome/impressive/to put ... geimianzi 给面子|to show deference or praise publicly geinidianyansekankan 给你点颜色看看|(I\'ll) teach you a lesson/put you in ... geiyi 给以|to give/to grant geji 各级|all levels geji 歌姬|female singer geji 革吉|Ge\'gyai county in Ngari prefecture, T... geji 膈肌|diaphragm (anatomy) gejian 隔间|compartment/booth/cubicle/partitioned... gejiaoban 搁脚板|footrest gejiaowu 搁脚物|footrest gejie 各界|all walks of life; all social circles gejie 蛤蚧|tokay gecko (Gekko gecko), used in TCM gejie 割接|(network) cutover/(system) migration gejierenshi 各界人士|all walks of life gejila 哥吉拉|Godzilla (Tw) gejin 葛巾|hemp headcloth gejinsuoneng 各尽所能|each does his utmost (idiom)/from eac... gejiu 个旧|Gejiu, county-level city in Yunnan, c... gejiugewei 各就各位|(of the people in a group) to get int... gejiushi 个旧市|Gejiu, county-level city in Yunnan, c... gejixian 革吉县|Ge\'gyai county in Ngari prefecture, T... gejiyanyongniudao 割鸡焉用牛刀|lit. why use a pole-ax to slaughter a... geju 格局|structure/pattern/layout geju 歌剧|Western opera/CL:場|场[chang3],齣|出[chu1] geju 割据|to set up an independent regime/to se... gejue 隔绝|to cut off; to isolate/isolated (from... gejuyuan 歌剧院|opera house gejuyuanmeiying 歌剧院魅影|The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Ll... gekai 隔开|to separate gekong 隔空|from a distance; through the air; rem... gekonghanhua 隔空喊话|to converse with sb by shouting from ... gekui 阁揆|premier/prime minister gela 格拉|Gera (city in Germany) gelaci 格拉茨|Graz (city in Austria) geladandongfeng 各拉丹冬峰|Mount Geladaindong or Geladandong in ... geladandongshan 各拉丹冬山|Mount Geladaindong or Geladandong in ... gelahanmu 格拉汉姆|Graham or Graeme (name) gelaimeijiang 格莱美奖|Grammy Award (US prize for music reco... gelaimeijiang 葛莱美奖|Grammy Award (US prize for music reco... gelanada 格拉纳达|Granada, Spain gelancai 格兰菜|see 芥藍|芥蓝[gai4 lan2] gelanfenduo 格兰芬多|Gryffindor (Harry Potter) gelang 虼螂|see 蜣螂[qiang1lang2] gelangaodi 戈兰高地|Golan Heights gelanshi 革兰氏|Mr Gram/Dr. Hans Christian Jaochim Gr... gelanshiransefa 革兰氏染色法|Gram stain (used to distinguished two... gelanshiyinxing 格兰氏阴性|Gram negative (of bacteria)/also writ... gelanshiyinxing 革兰氏阴性|Gram negative (bacteria that do not r... gelansushike 葛兰素史克|GlaxoSmithKline, British pharmaceutic... gelante 格兰特|Grant (name) gelanyang 革兰阳|Gram-positive (bacteria) gelanyangxing 革兰阳性|Gram-positive (bacteria) gelaohui 哥老会|late-Qing underground resistance move... gelaozu 仡佬族|Gelao or Klau ethnic group of Guizhou gelasige 格拉斯哥|Glasgow, Scotland gele 格勒|(onom.) laughing sound/glug-glug haha! gelei 各类|all categories gelei 格雷|Grey/Gray gelei 戈雷|gray (unit of absorbed dose of ionizi... geleibojuecha 格雷伯爵茶|Earl Grey tea geleimaosi 格雷茅斯|Greymouth, town in New Zealand/also w... geleishijiepouxue 格雷氏解剖学|Gray\'s Anatomy (medical reference book) gelenuobuer 格勒诺布尔|Grenoble (French town) geli 隔离|to separate/to isolate geli 格力|Gree (brand) geli 割礼|circumcision (male or female) geli 个例|specific example/rare instance geli 蛤蜊|clam geli 蛤蛎|clam/same as 蛤蜊[ge2 li2] geliao 阁僚|cabinet member gelie 割裂|to cut apart; to sever; to separate; ... geliegaolili 格列高利历|Gregorian calendar geligaoli 格里高利|Gregory or Grigory (name) gelimusita 格里姆斯塔|Grimstad (city in Agder, Norway) gelin 格林|Green or Greene (name) gelinduo 哥林多|Corinth gelinduo 格林多|Corinthians gelinduohoushu 哥林多后书|Second Epistle of St Paul to the Cori... gelinduoqianshu 哥林多前书|First epistle of St Paul to the Corin... gelinglan 格陵兰|Greenland gelinglandao 格陵兰岛|Greenland gelinnada 格林纳达|Grenada gelinnaierdaxue 格林奈尔大学|Grinnell College (private liberal art... gelinnizhi 格林尼治|Greenwich (former location of Greenwi... gelinnizhibenchuziwuxian 格林尼治本初子午线|the Greenwich meridian gelinnizhibiaozhunshijian 格林尼治标准时间|Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) gelinsiban 格林斯班|Alan Greenspan (1926-), US economist gelinweizhi 格林威治|Greenwich gelinweizhibiaozhunshijian 格林威治标准时间|(Tw) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) gelinweizhicun 格林威治村|Greenwich gelishuang 隔离霜|pre-makeup cream/makeup base/foundati... geliya 哥利亚|Goliath geliya 歌利亚|Goliath gelou 阁楼|garret/loft/attic gelujiya 格鲁吉亚|Georgia (country) gelujiyaren 格鲁吉亚人|Georgian (person) gelunbiya 哥伦比亚|Colombia/Columbia (District of, or Un... gelunbiyadaxue 哥伦比亚大学|Columbia University gelunbiyaguangbogongsi 哥伦比亚广播公司|Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) gelunbiyatequ 哥伦比亚特区|District of Columbia, USA gelunbu 哥伦布|Cristóbal Colón or Christopher Columb... geluofang 哥罗芳|(loanword) chloroform; trichlorometha... geluolu 葛逻禄|Qarluq or Karluk nomadic tribe, a Tur... geluonasi 格洛纳斯|GLONASS (Globalnaya Navigatsionaya Sa... geluoninggen 格罗宁根|Groningen, province and city in the N... geluosite 格洛斯特|Gloucester city in southwest England geluositejun 格洛斯特郡|Gloucestershire county in southwest E... geluoxi 歌罗西|Colossia geluoxishu 歌罗西书|Epistle of St Paul to the Colossians geluozini 格罗兹尼|Grozny, capital of Chechen Republic, ... gelupai 格鲁派|Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism gelv 格律|forms of versification/conventions re... gelv 革履|leather (shoes)/fig. Western dress gelvzi 葛缕子|caraway/Persian cumin (Carum carvi) gemen 哥们|Brothers!/brethren/dude (colloquial)/... gemenr 哥们儿|erhua variant of 哥們|哥们[ge1 men5] gemi 歌迷|fan of a singer gemianxixin 革面洗心|lit. to renew one\'s face and wash one... geming 革命|to withdraw the mandate of heaven (an... gemingjia 革命家|a revolutionary geminglieshi 革命烈士|martyr of the revolution gemingxianlie 革命先烈|martyr to the revolution gemingxing 革命性|revolutionary gemo 隔膜|diaphragm (anatomy)/distant (socially... gemo 膈膜|diaphragm (anatomy) gemo 葛摩|Comoros (Tw) gen 跟|heel/to follow closely/to go with/(of... gen 根|root/basis/classifier for long slende... gen 艮|blunt/tough/chewy gen 艮|one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4... gen 亘|extending all the way across/running ... gen 哏|funny/amusing/sth comical gen 茛|ranunculus genang 革囊|leather purse/fig. human body genban 跟班|attendant/footman (servant) genbao 跟包|to work as footman/to do odd jobs/to ... genben 根本|fundamental/basic/root/simply/absolut... genbenfa 根本法|fundamental law/body of basic laws genbushang 跟不上|not able to keep up with gencha 根插|to plant roots; to propagate from roo... gencha 根茬|stubble genchai 跟差|attendant genchu 根除|to eradicate gencong 跟从|to follow/(of a woman) to get married... gendi 根柢|root/foundation gendi 根底|foundation/grounding/background/what ... gendiu 跟丢|to lose track of gendou 跟斗|somersault/fall; tumble/(fig.) setbac... genfeng 跟风|to go with the tide/to blindly follow... geng 更|to change or replace/to experience/on... geng 更|more/even more/further/still/still more geng 梗|branch/stem/stalk/CL:根[gen1]/to block... geng 颈|used in 脖頸兒|脖颈儿[bo2geng3r5] geng 耕|variant of 耕[geng1] geng 耕|to plow/to till geng 耿|surname Geng geng 耿|(literary) bright; brilliant/honest; ... geng 庚|age/seventh of the ten Heavenly Stems... geng 羹|soup geng 赓|(literary) to continue; to carry on geng 埂|strip of high ground/low earth dyke s... geng 哽|to choke with emotion/to choke on a p... geng 绠|(literary) well rope (for drawing water) geng 郠|(place name) geng 鲠|to choke on a piece of food geng 鲠|to choke on a piece of food/(literary... geng 羮|variant of 羹[geng1] geng 鹒|used in 鶬鶊|鸧鹒[cang1geng1] geng 浭|name of a river in Hebei geng 絚|old variant of 緪[geng1] geng 緪|a rope geng 㹴|terrier/also pr. [geng3] geng 焿|variant of 羹[geng1], used in restaura... gengbing 耿饼|dried persimmon (from Geng village, H... gengbo 更博|(Internet slang) to update one\'s blog gengchen 庚辰|seventeenth year G5 of the 60 year cy... gengchu 耕畜|draft animal gengci 更次|one watch (i.e. two-hour period durin... gengdai 更代|substitution/replacing former general... gengdangwennu 耕当问奴|if it\'s plowing, ask the laborer (idi... gengdangwennu,zhidangfangbi 耕当问奴,织当访婢|if it\'s plowing ask the laborer, if i... gengdi 耕地|arable land/to plow land gengdi 更递|to change/to substitute gengdie 更迭|to alternate/to change gengdong 更动|to change/to replace/to alter gengdu 耕读|to be both a farmer and a scholar/to ... gengfan 更番|alternately/by turns gengfu 更夫|night watchman (in former times) genggai 更改|to alter genggai 梗概|broad outline; gist; summary genggaoxingneng 更高性能|high performance genggeng 耿耿|bright/devoted/having sth on one\'s mi... genggengyuhuai 耿耿于怀|to take troubles to heart (idiom); br... genggu 更鼓|drum marking night watches/night watc... genghou 哽喉|variant of 鯁喉|鲠喉[geng3hou2] genghou 鲠喉|to choke on a piece of food etc genghuan 更换|to replace (a worn-out tire etc)/to c... gengji 赓即|(formal) immediately; promptly gengjia 更加|more (than sth else)/even more gengjie 耿介|upright and outstanding genglan 更阑|deep night gengli 耕犁|plow genglihanqiu 羹藜含糗|nothing but herb soup and dry provisi... genglihanqiu 羹藜唅糗|nothing but herb soup and dry provisi... genglou 更漏|water clock used to mark night watches genglou 更楼|watch tower/drum tower marking night ... gengmadaizuwazuzizhixian 耿马傣族佤族自治县|Gengma Dai and Va autonomous county i... gengmaxian 耿马县|Gengma Dai and Va autonomous county i... gengming 更名|to rename gengnianqi 更年期|menopause/andropause gengnu 耕奴|agricultural slave/serf gengpunanshu 更仆难数|too many to count/very many/innumerable gengquan 㹴犬|terrier gengse 梗塞|to clog; to block; to obstruct gengshangyicenglou 更上一层楼|to take it up a notch/to bring it up ... gengshen 庚申|fifty-seventh year G9 of the 60 year ... gengshen 更深|deep at night gengsheng 更生|resurrection/rebirth/reinvigorated/re... gengsheng 更胜|to be even better than/to be superior to gengshengyichou 更胜一筹|superior by a notch/a cut above/even ... gengshenrenjing 更深人静|deep at night and all is quiet (idiom) gengshi 更始|to make a new start/to regenerate gengshi 更是|even more (so) gengsi 梗死|(medicine) to have an infarction gengsi 哽死|(intransitive) to choke to death gengtang 羹汤|soup gengtang 庚糖|heptose (CH2O)7, monosaccharide with ... gengti 更替|to take over (from one another)/to al... gengtian 耕田|to cultivate soil/to till fields gengtu 梗图|(Tw) image macro; visual meme gengu 亘古|throughout time/from ancient times (u... genguanzhiliao 根管治疗|root canal therapy (dentistry) gengububian 亘古不变|unchanging since times immemorial (id... gengutongjin 亘古通今|from ancient times up to now/througho... genguweiyou 亘古未有|unprecedented/never seen since ancien... gengwang 梗王|(coll.) person who makes people laugh... gengwei 更为|even more gengwu 庚午|seventh year G7 of the 60 year cycle,... gengxin 更新|to replace the old with new/to renew/... gengxinban 更新版|new edition/new version/update gengxinhuandai 更新换代|reform and renewal/generational change gengxinshi 更新世|Pleistocene (geological epoch from 2m... gengxu 赓续|(literary) to continue; to carry on gengxu 庚戌|forty-seventh year G11 of the 60 year... gengye 梗咽|variant of 哽咽[geng3ye4] gengye 哽噎|to choke on one\'s food/to be choked u... gengye 哽咽|to choke with emotion/to choke with sobs gengyi 更衣|to change clothes/to go to the toilet... gengyin 庚寅|twenty-seventh year G3 of the 60 year... gengyishi 更衣室|change room; dressing room; locker ro... gengyoushenzhe 更有甚者|furthermore (idiom) gengyun 耕耘|plowing and weeding/farm work/fig. to... gengzhang 更张|lit. to restring one\'s bow/to reform ... gengzheng 更正|to correct/to make a correction gengzheyouqitian 耕者有其田|\"land to the tiller\", post-Liberation... gengzhi 耿直|honest; frank; candid gengzhi 梗直|variant of 耿直[geng3 zhi2] gengzhi 鲠直|variant of 耿直[geng3 zhi2] gengzhong 耕种|to till/to cultivate gengzi 庚子|37th year G1 of the 60-year cycle, e.... gengzi 埂子|strip of high ground/low earth dyke s... gengziguobian 庚子国变|the crisis year of 1900 involving the... gengzu 梗阻|to obstruct; to hamper/(medicine) obs... gengzu 更卒|soldier (serving alternate watch) gengzuo 耕作|farming genhao 根号|radical sign √ (math.) genhe 根河|Genhe, county-level city, Mongolian G... genheshi 根河市|Genhe, county-level city, Mongolian G... genianhuangli 隔年皇历|lit. almanac from years back (idiom)/... geniesha 格涅沙|Ganesha (the elephant-headed God in H... genisibao 哥尼斯堡|Königsberg, Baltic port city, capital... genji 根基|foundation genjian 跟腱|heel tendon of mammals/Achilles tendon genjian 跟监|(Tw) to tail (sb) (abbr. for 跟蹤監視|跟踪监... genjiao 跟脚|to feet the feet perfectly/to follow ... genjin 跟进|to follow/to follow up genjing 根茎|stolon/runner/rhizome/rhizoma genjiu 根究|to investigate (sth) thoroughly/to ge... genju 根据|according to/based on/basis/foundatio... genjudi 根据地|base of operations genjue 根绝|to eradicate genjuguiding 根据规定|according to provisions/as stipulated... genpai 跟拍|to document on film the course of eve... genpichong 跟屁虫|lit. bum beetle/sb who tags along/sha... genpigu 跟屁股|to tag along behind/to follow sb closely genqian 跟前|the front (of)/(in) front/(in) sb\'s p... genqian 跟前|(of children, parents etc) at one\'s s... genren 跟人|to marry (of woman) genshang 跟上|to catch up with/to keep pace with genshendigu 根深蒂固|deep-rooted (problem etc) genshenyemao 根深叶茂|deep roots and vigorous foliage (idio... genshi 根式|(math.) a radical; a radical expression genshou 跟手|(coll.) while doing it; on the way th... gensui 跟随|to follow gente 根特|Ghent, city in Belgium gentou 跟头|tumble/somersault gentouchong 跟头虫|wriggler/mosquito larva genv 歌女|female singer (archaic) genxi 根系|root system genxidao 根西岛|Guernsey (Channel Islands) genxing 根性|one\'s true nature (Buddhism) genxu 根须|roots genyin 根音|root of chord genyou 根由|the whys and the wherefores/the detai... genyuan 根源|origin/root (cause) genzhe 跟着|to follow after/immediately afterwards genzhi 根治|to bring under permanent control/to e... genzhiqishui 根汁汽水|root beer genzhu 跟注|to match a bet/to call (poker) genzhuangjing 根状茎|rhizome (biol.)/root stock genzong 跟踪|to follow sb\'s tracks/to tail/to shad... genzongkuang 跟踪狂|stalker genzongsaorao 跟踪骚扰|(law) to stalk (sb) gepai 鸽派|dove faction (opposite: 鷹派|鹰派[ying1 p... gepaoduanyi 割袍断义|to rip one\'s robe as a sign of repudi... gepeier 戈培尔|Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), German N... geqi 割弃|to discard/to abandon/to give (sth) up geqian 搁浅|to be stranded (of ship)/to run agrou... geqiangyouer 隔墙有耳|the walls have ears (idiom) gequ 歌曲|song gequ 割取|to cut off gequsuoxu 各取所需|each takes what he needs (idiom) ger 哥儿|brothers/boys ger 个儿|size/height/stature ger 歌儿|song gerang 割让|to cede/cession gere 隔热|to insulate thermally/insulating (mat... gerecailiao 隔热材料|insulation geren 个人|individual/personal/oneself geren 各人|each one; everyone gerenchongbai 个人崇拜|personality cult gerenchuxu 个人储蓄|personal savings gerendiannao 个人电脑|personal computer/PC gerenfanghuzhuangbei 个人防护装备|individual protective equipment gerensai 个人赛|individual competition/individual race gerenshanghai 个人伤害|personal injury gerenshuzizhuli 个人数字助理|personal digital assistant (PDA) gerenyinsi 个人隐私|personal privacy/private matters gerenzhuyi 个人主义|individualism gerenzisaomenqianxue,moguantajiawashangshuang 各人自扫门前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜|sweep the snow from your own door ste... geri 隔日|see 隔天[ge2 tian1] gerou 割肉|to cut some meat/to cut off a piece o... gerpi 嗝儿屁|(dialect) to die/to give up the ghost gerui 戈瑞|gray (unit of absorbed dose of ionizi... geruigeer 葛瑞格尔|Gregoire (name) geruinada 格瑞那达|Grenada, island country in the Caribb... gesaer 格萨尔|King Gesar, hero of a Tibetan and Mon... gesake 哥萨克|Cossack (people) gesan-chawu 隔三岔五|variant of 隔三差五[ge2san1-cha4wu3] gesan-chawu 隔三差五|(idiom) every few days; every once in... gese 各色|all kinds/of every description gesegeyang 各色各样|(idiom) diverse; various; all kinds of geshai 格筛|grizzly (mining) geshan 格栅|grille geshan 隔山|half-sibling relationship/brothers wi... geshan 隔扇|partition/partition board geshang 割伤|to gash/to cut/gash/cut geshe 割舍|to give up/to part with gesheng 歌声|singing voice/fig. original voice of ... geshi 格式|form/specification/format geshi 隔世|separated by a generation/a lifetime ago geshidayoulun 歌诗达邮轮|Costa Cruises (brand) geshigeyang 各式各样|(of) all kinds and sorts/various geshihua 格式化|to format geshijinsiyan 戈氏金丝燕|(bird species of China) Germain\'s swi... geshita 格式塔|(loanword) gestalt geshitaliaofa 格式塔疗法|Gestalt therapy/holistic therapy geshiyanwu 戈氏岩鹀|(bird species of China) Godlewski\'s b... geshou 歌手|singer geshu 个数|number of items or individuals geshui 个税|personal income tax (abbr. for 個人所得稅|... geshujijian 各抒己见|everyone gives their own view gesidalijia 哥斯大黎加|(Tw) Costa Rica gesidalijia 哥斯达黎加|Costa Rica gesila 哥斯拉|Godzilla gesilaer 戈斯拉尔|Goslar, Germany gesong 歌颂|to sing the praises of/to extol/to eu... gesun 割损|circumcision (Bible term) getai 歌台|boisterous live show held during the ... getan 歌坛|singing stage/music business (esp. po... geteng 葛藤|tangle of vines/fig. complications geteren 哥特人|Goth (e.g. Ostrogoth or Visigoth) geteshi 哥特式|gothic geti 个体|individual getian 隔天|the next day/on alternate days getihu 个体户|self-employed/a private firm (PRC usage) getijingjixue 个体经济学|(Tw) microeconomics geting 歌厅|karaoke hall/singing hall (venue for ... getou 个头|size/height getou 个头|(coll.) (suffix) my ass!/yeah, right! getour 个头儿|size/height/stature getui 革退|to dismiss from a post gewai 格外|especially/particularly gewan 割腕|to slit one\'s wrists gewang 格网|(math.) lattice gewasi 格瓦斯|(loanword) kvass gewei 各位|everybody/all (guests, colleagues etc... gewei 个位|the units place (or column) in the de... gewei 格位|case (linguistics) gewu 歌舞|singing and dancing gewu 格物|to study the underlying principles, e... gewu-shengping 歌舞升平|lit. to celebrate peace with songs an... gewuji 歌舞伎|kabuki gewutuan 歌舞团|song and dance troupe gewuzhizhi 格物致知|to study the underlying principle to ... gexi 割席|(literary) to break off relations wit... gexia 阁下|your distinguished self/your majesty/... gexian 割线|secant line (math.) gexiansuochang 各显所长|each displays their own strengths (id... gexie 蛤蟹|clams and crabs/tokay gecko (Gekko ge... gexin 革新|to innovate/innovation gexing 个性|individuality/personality gexing 歌星|singing star/famous singer gexinghua 个性化|to personalize/to customize/customiza... gexingqishi 各行其是|each one does what he thinks is right... gexuesaoyang 隔靴搔痒|lit. to scratch the outside of the bo... geyan 格言|maxim geyan 歌筵|a feast which also has a singing perf... geyang 各样|many different types geyao 歌谣|folksong/ballad/nursery rhyme geye 隔夜|overnight/of the previous day geyi 各异|all different/each unto his own geyi 阁议|cabinet meeting geyin 隔音|soundproofing geyin 歌吟|to sing/to recite geyinfuhao 隔音符号|apostrophe, as used in pinyin orthogr... geying 膈应|(coll.) objectionable/to feel revolte... geyong 歌咏|to sing geyou 葛优|Ge You (1957-), Chinese actor geyouchi 隔油池|grease trap geyouqianqiu 各有千秋|each has its own merits (idiom) geyousuohao 各有所好|everyone has their likes and dislikes... geyoutang 葛优躺|see 北京癱|北京瘫[Bei3 jing1 tan1] gezaixi 歌仔戏|type of opera from Taiwan and Fujian gezao 虼蚤|(coll.) flea gezha 饹馇|a kind of flat cake made from bean fl... gezhan 个展|a one-person exhibition gezhi 搁置|to shelve/to set aside gezhi 格致|to study the underlying principle to ... gezhi 咯吱|(onom.) creak; groan gezhi 革职|to sack/to remove from a position/to ... gezhi 胳肢|(dialect) to tickle gezhi 膈肢|variant of 胳肢[ge2 zhi5] gezhijijian 各执己见|each sticks to his own view (idiom); ... gezhipin 革制品|leather goods gezhisuojian 各执所见|each sticks to his own view gezhiyici 各执一词|each sticks to his own version (idiom... gezhong 各种|every kind of; all kinds of; various gezhong 个中|therein/in this gezhonggeyang 各种各样|various kinds/all sorts gezhongren 个中人|a person in the know gezhouba 葛洲坝|name of a place, Gezhouba Dam on the ... gezi 鸽子|pigeon/dove/various birds of the fami... gezi 各自|each/respective/apiece gezi 歌子|song gezi 个子|height/stature/build/size gezi 格子|lattice/check (pattern of squares) gezihuani 格子花呢|tartan; plaid gezijian 格子间|cubicle gezimianbu 格子棉布|gingham gezini 格子呢|checked woolen fabric; plaid geziweizheng 各自为政|to do things each in one\'s own way gezurenmin 各族人民|people of all ethnic groups; the peop... ging □|uptight; obstinate; to awkwardly forc... gong 功|meritorious deed or service/achieveme... gong 宫|surname Gong gong 宫|palace/temple/castration (as corporal... gong 公|public/collectively owned/common/inte... gong 共|common/general/to share/together/tota... gong 工|work/worker/skill/profession/trade/cr... gong 红|used in 女紅|女红[nu:3gong1] gong 攻|to attack/to accuse/to study/(LGBT) top gong 龚|surname Gong gong 供|to provide; to supply/to be for (the ... gong 供|to lay (sacrificial offerings)/(bound... gong 拱|to cup one\'s hands in salute/to surro... gong 恭|respectful gong 巩|surname Gong gong 巩|(bound form) to fix in place; to make... gong 珙|(gem) gong 肱|upper arm/arm gong 厷|old variant of 肱[gong1] gong 匑|to bow/to salute gong 贡|surname Gong gong 贡|to offer tribute/tribute/gifts gong 汞|mercury (chemistry) gong 汞|variant of 汞[gong3] gong 觥|big/cup made of horn/horn wine container gong 唝|used for transcription in 嗊吥|唝吥[Gong4... gong 廾|hands joined gong 蚣|used in 蜈蚣[wu2gong1] gong 栱|post gong 觵|old variant of 觥[gong1] gong 匔|old variant of 匑[gong1] gong 弓|surname Gong gong 弓|a bow (weapon)/CL:張|张[zhang1]/to bend... gong 𬕂|bamboo hat gong 躬|(literary) body (of a human, esp. the... gong 躬|old variant of 躬[gong1] gong-dui-gong 公对公|B2B; business-to-business/(of a conne... gong-po 公婆|husband\'s parents; parents-in-law/(di... gongan 公安|(Ministry of) Public Security/public ... gongan 公案|judge\'s desk/complex legal case/conte... gonganbu 公安部|Ministry of Public Security gonganguanyuan 公安官员|public safety officials gonganjiguan 公安机关|public security bureau gonganju 公安局|public security bureau (government of... gonganxian 公安县|Gong\'an county in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing... gongba 拱坝|an arch dam gongbaichuicheng 功败垂成|to fail within sight of success (idio... gongban 公办|state-run gongbao 公报|announcement/bulletin/communique gongbao 拱抱|to enfold/to encircle gongbaojiding 宫保鸡丁|Kung Pao Chicken/spicy diced chicken gongbaojiding 宫爆鸡丁|gong bao chicken/spicy diced chicken gongbaorouding 宫爆肉丁|stir-fried diced pork gongbaosichou 公报私仇|to use public office to avenge privat... gongbei 弓背|to hunch over/to stoop/to arch one\'s ... gongbeishi 公倍式|common multiple expression gongbeishu 公倍数|common multiple gongben 宫本|Miyamoto (Japanese surname) gongbi 工笔|gongbi, traditional Chinese painting ... gongbi 弓臂|(archery) bow limb gongbi 拱璧|a flat round jade ornament with a hol... gongbian 攻砭|to perform acupuncture gongbing 工兵|military engineer gongbing 公秉|kiloliter gongbu 公布|to announce; to make public; to publish gongbu 贡布|Kampot, town in Cambodia, capital of ... gongbu 唝吥|old name for Kampot province and Kamp... gongbu 工部|Ministry of Works (in imperial China) gongbukemo 功不可没|one\'s contributions cannot go unnotic... gongbulan 公布栏|bulletin board gongbuyingqiu 供不应求|supply does not meet demand gongce 公厕|public toilet gongce 公测|(software development) to do beta tes... gongcha 公差|tolerance (allowed error)/common diff... gongcha 贡茶|Gong Cha, international franchise sel... gongcha 贡茶|tribute tea; fine quality tea gongchai 公差|official errand/bailiff in a yamen gongchan 共产|(adj.) communist/communism/to collect... gongchan 公产|public property gongchandang 共产党|Communist Party gongchandangxuanyan 共产党宣言|Manifesto of the Communist Party/\"Man... gongchandangyuan 共产党员|Communist Party member gongchang 工厂|factory/CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4] gongchangling 弓长岭|Gongchangling district of Liaoyang ci... gongchanglingqu 弓长岭区|Gongchangling district of Liaoyang ci... gongchanguoji 共产国际|Communist International or Comintern ... gongchanzhuyi 共产主义|communism gongchanzhuyiqingniantuan 共产主义青年团|the Communist Youth League gongche 公车|bus/abbr. for 公共汽車|公共汽车[gong1 gong4 q... gongchen 功臣|meritorious official/person who rende... gongcheng 工程|engineering/an engineering project/pr... gongcheng 攻城|to besiege (a town) gongcheng 公称|nominal gongcheng 宫城|Miyagi prefecture in the north of Jap... gongcheng 恭城|Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Gu... gongcheng 供称|to make a confession (law) gongcheng 共乘|to ride together/to carpool gongchengbuju 功成不居|not to claim personal credit for achi... gongchenglvedi 攻城略地|to take cities and seize territories ... gongchengmingjiu 功成名就|to win success and recognition (idiom) gongchengmu 攻城木|battering ram gongchengshi 工程师|engineer/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] gongchengtu 工程图|engineering graphics/technical drawing gongchengtuxue 工程图学|engineering graphics/technical drawing gongchengxian 宫城县|Miyagi prefecture in the north of Jap... gongchengxian 恭城县|Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Gu... gongchengxue 工程学|engineering gongchengyaozuzizhixian 恭城瑶族自治县|Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Gu... gongchepu 工尺谱|traditional Chinese musical notation ... gongchi 公尺|meter (unit of length) gongchong 弓虫|Toxoplasma gondii gongchoujiaocuo 觥筹交错|wine goblets and gambling chips lie i... gongchu 公出|to be away on business gongchu 共处|to coexist/to get along (with others) gongchu 公畜|stud/male animal kept to breed offspring gongci 供词|confession; statement/Taiwan pr. [gon... gongciji 共刺激|(immunology) costimulation/costimulatory gongcun 共存|to coexist gongcun 公寸|decimeter gongcunxing 共存性|compatibility/the possibility of mutu... gongcuo 公撮|milliliter gongda 攻打|to attack (the enemy) gongdan 公担|quintal (100 kg) gongdan 公石|hectoliter/quintal gongdan 工单|work order gongdang 工党|worker\'s party/labor party gongdang 共党|Communist Party (abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[Go... gongdao 公道|justice/fairness/public highway gongdao 公道|fair/equitable gongdao 拱道|archway gongdaozirancheng 功到自然成|effort will undoubtedly lead to succe... gongdayuqiu 供大于求|supply exceeds demand gongde 公德|public ethics/social morality gongde 功德|achievements and virtue gongdeng 汞灯|mercury-vapor lamp gongdewuliang 功德无量|no end of virtuous achievements (idio... gongdexin 公德心|civility; public spirit gongdeyuanman 功德圆满|virtuous achievements come to their s... gongdi 工地|construction site gongdi 公敌|public enemy gongdi 功底|training in the basic skills/knowledg... gongdi 公地|public land/land in common use gongdian 供电|to supply electricity gongdian 拱点|(astronomy) apsis; apse gongdian 宫殿|palace/CL:座[zuo4] gongdiao 宫调|modes of ancient Chinese music gongdibeiju 公地悲剧|tragedy of the commons (economics) gongdie 公爹|husband\'s father gongding 拱顶|an arched roof/a dome/a vault gongdixiu 工地秀|concert held at a real estate develop... gongdou 公斗|decaliter gongdoula 贡都拉|see 貢多拉|贡多拉[gong4 duo1 la1] gongdu 攻读|to major (in a field)/to study a spec... gongdu 工读|(of a student) to work part-time (whi... gongdu 拱度|camber gongduan 公断|arbitration (law) gongdun 公吨|ton/metric ton gongdun 拱墩|pillar of a vault gongduola 贡多拉|gondola (Venetian boat) (loanword) gongdusheng 工读生|student who also works part-time/(old... gongduxuexiao 工读学校|reformatory/reform school gonge 共轭|(math., physics, chemistry) to be con... gongebujingen 共轭不尽根|(math.) conjugate surd gongefushu 共轭复数|(math.) complex conjugate gongertouji 肱二头肌|bicipital muscle/biceps gongerwangsi 公而忘私|for the common good and forgetting pe... gongfa 公法|public law gongfa 攻伐|to attack/to raid/(of medicine) potent gongfan 共犯|accomplice gongfang 攻防|attack and defense/the midfield (in s... gongfang 公房|public housing/dormitory, esp. for un... gongfang 工坊|workshop gongfang 工房|workshop/temporary housing for worker... gongfang 功放|power amplifier (abbr. for 功率放大器[gong... gongfang 供房|to buy a house on a mortgage/house mo... gongfei 公费|at public expense gongfei 共匪|communist bandit (i.e. PLA soldier (d... gongfeiyiliao 公费医疗|medical treatment at public expense gongfen 公分|centimeter (cm)/gram (g) gongfen 工分|work point (measure of work completed... gongfen 公愤|public anger/popular indignation gongfeng 供奉|to consecrate/to enshrine and worship... gongfeng 工蜂|worker bee gongfenmu 公分母|(math.) common denominator gongfohua 供佛花|flower offering gongfu 功夫|skill/art/kung fu/labor/effort gongfu 工夫|(old) laborer gongfu 工夫|period of time (may be months, or mer... gongfu 贡赋|tribute gongfu 公府|government post in Han dynasty gongfu 共赴|joint participation/to go together gongfubingdu 功夫病毒|kung flu gongfucha 工夫茶|very concentrated type of tea consume... gongfucha 功夫茶|very concentrated type of tea drunk i... gongfuliugan 功夫流感|Chinese translation of \"kung flu\", a ... gongfuqiu 功夫球|see 鐵球|铁球[tie3 qiu2] gonggan 公干|public business/official work gonggao 公告|post/announcement gonggao 供稿|to contribute (to a magazine etc) gonggaobushang 功高不赏|high merit that one can never repay (... gonggaogaizhu 功高盖主|lit. one\'s accomplishments overshadow... gonggaowangzhong 功高望重|high merit and worthy prospects (idiom) gonggaowoman 贡高我慢|haughty and arrogant gongge 公合|deciliter gonggong 公共|public; common; communal gonggong 公公|husband\'s father; father-in-law/grand... gonggong 共工|God of Water gonggonganquanzui 公共安全罪|crime against public order gonggongcaichan 公共财产|public property gonggongchangsuo 公共场所|public place gonggongdaode 公共道德|public morality; social ethics gonggongguanxi 公共关系|public relations gonggongjiaohuandianhuawang 公共交换电话网|public switched telephone network (PSTN) gonggongjiaotong 公共交通|public transport/mass transit gonggongjiaqi 公共假期|public holiday gonggongkaizhi 公共开支|public expenditure gonggonglingdian 公共零点|common zeros (of system of equations) gonggongqiche 公共汽车|bus/CL:輛|辆[liang4],班[ban1] gonggongqichezhan 公共汽车站|bus stop/bus station gonggongsheshi 公共设施|public facilities; infrastructure gonggongshiye 公共事业|public utility/state-run enterprise/p... gonggongtuanti 公共团体|public organization gonggongweisheng 公共卫生|public health gonggongxingzheng 公共行政|public administration gonggongxiuxishi 公共休息室|shared lounge; common room gonggongzhishifenzi 公共知识分子|public intellectual (sometimes used d... gonggongzhixu 公共秩序|public order gonggu 巩固|to consolidate; to strengthen/firm; s... gonggu 肱骨|humerus gonggu 公股|government stake gongguan 公关|public relations gongguan 公馆|Gongguan or Kungkuan township in Miao... gongguan 公馆|residence (of sb rich or important)/m... gongguan 攻关|to storm a strategic pass/fig. to tac... gongguan 共管|to administer jointly gongguan 宫观|Taoist temple gongguanxiang 公馆乡|Gongguan or Kungkuan township in Miao... gongguer 龚古尔|Goncourt (name) gongguo 功过|merits and demerits/contributions and... gongguo 公国|duchy/dukedom/principality gongguo 贡国|tributary state of China (old) gongguoyuqiu 供过于求|supply exceeds demand gongha 公哈|male husky (dog) gonghai 公海|high sea/international waters gonghai 公害|environmental pollution/social scourg... gonghan 公函|official letter gonghang 工行|ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank ... gonghao 功耗|electric consumption/power wastage gonghao 公毫|centigram gonghao 工号|employee number gonghe 恭贺|to congratulate respectfully/to expre... gonghe 共和|republic/republicanism gonghedang 共和党|Republican Party gonghedangren 共和党人|a Republican party member gongheguo 共和国|republic gonghejiajie 恭贺佳节|season\'s greetings (idiom) gonghepai 共和派|Republican faction gonghexian 共和县|Gonghe county in Hainan Tibetan auton... gonghexinxi 恭贺新禧|Happy New Year gonghezhengti 共和政体|republican system of government gonghezhi 共和制|republic gonghou 恭候|to look forward to sth/to wait respec... gonghua 共话|to discuss together gonghua 供花|flower offering gonghui 工会|labor union/trade union/CL:個|个[ge4] gonghui 公会|guild gonghuo 供货|to supply goods gonghuo 拱火|(dialect) (fig.) to fan the flames; t... gonghuoshang 供货商|supplier/vendor gongji 攻击|to attack/to accuse/to charge/an atta... gongji 供给|to furnish/to provide/supply (as in s... gongji 公鸡|cock; rooster gongji 功绩|feat/contribution/merits and achievem... gongji 公祭|public memorial service gongji 共计|to sum up to/to total gongjia 公家|the public/the state/society/the publ... gongjia 公假|official leave from work (e.g. matern... gongjiajian 共价键|covalent bond (chemistry) gongjiajiguan 公家机关|civil service gongjian 弓箭|bow and arrow gongjian 工件|workpiece gongjian 攻坚|to assault a fortified position/(fig.... gongjian 拱肩|a spandrel (wall filling the shoulder... gongjianbu 弓箭步|bow-and-arrow step (dance step) gongjianfa 公检法|public security authorities, acronym ... gongjianfang 共建房|co-op owned house gongjiang 工匠|artisan/smith gongjiangchong 弓浆虫|Toxoplasma gondii gongjiankenan 攻坚克难|to tackle a thorny problem and overco... gongjianshou 弓箭手|archer gongjiao 公交|public transportation/mass transit/ab... gongjiao 共焦|confocal (math.) gongjiaoche 公交车|public transport vehicle/town bus/CL:... gongjiaoka 公交卡|IC card used for paying fares on publ... gongjiaozhan 公交站|public transport station gongjie 攻讦|to attack sb by exposing faults/to de... gongjihui 共济会|Freemasonry gongjiji 攻击机|ground attack aircraft gongjijin 公积金|official reserves/accumulated fund gongjili 攻击力|potential for attack/firepower gongjin 公斤|kilogram (kg) gongjin 恭谨|(literary) respectful; deferential gongjing 宫颈|cervix; the neck of the uterus gongjing 恭敬|deferential/respectful gongjing 贡井|Gongjing District of Zigong City 自貢市|... gongjingburucongming 恭敬不如从命|deference is no substitute for obedie... gongjingguan 宫颈管|(anatomy) cervical canal gongjingqu 贡井区|Gongjing District of Zigong City 自貢市|... gongjixian 攻击线|the front line/the attack (e.g. footb... gongjixingheqianting 攻击型核潜艇|nuclear-powered attack submarine gongju 工具|tool/instrument/utensil/means (to ach... gongju 公举|public election gongjue 公爵|duke/dukedom gongjue 公决|public decision (by ballot)/majority ... gongjuefuren 公爵夫人|duchess gongjuji 工具机|machine tool gongjulan 工具栏|toolbar (in computer software) gongjulian 工具链|(computing) toolchain gongjuren 工具人|(neologism c. 2010) (slang) a person ... gongjushu 工具书|reference book (such as dictionary, a... gongjutiao 工具条|toolbar (in computer software) gongjuxiang 工具箱|toolbox gongkai 公开|open; overt; public/to make public; t... gongkaihua 公开化|to make public; to bring into the open gongkaisai 公开赛|(sports) open championship; open (as ... gongkaitaolunhui 公开讨论会|open forum gongkaixin 公开信|open letter gongkaiyaoshi 公开钥匙|public key (in encryption) gongkaizhize 公开指责|to denounce gongke 功课|homework/assignment/task/classwork/le... gongke 工科|engineering as an academic subject gongke 攻克|to capture/to take/to overcome/to solve gongke 公克|gram gongkuai 公筷|serving chopsticks gongkuan 公款|public money gongkuang 工矿|industry and mining gongkuang 工况|working condition (of equipment) gongkuangyongdi 工矿用地|industrial and mining area gongkuiyikui 功亏一篑|lit. to ruin the enterprise for the s... gonglang 拱廊|triforium (gallery of arches above si... gonglao 功劳|contribution/meritorious service/credit gongli 公里|kilometer gongli 功利|utility gongli 公立|public (e.g. school, hospital) gongli 公历|Gregorian calendar/solar calendar gongli 功力|merit/efficacy/competence/skill/power gongli 公厘|millimeter gongli 公理|self-evident truth/(math.) axiom gongli 巩俐|Gong Li (1965-), Chinese actress gongliang 公粮|grain collected by the government as tax gongliang 公两|hectogram gongliao 贡寮|Gongliao or Kungliao township in New ... gongliao 公了|to settle in court (opposite: 私了[si1 ... gongliao 工寮|(Tw) (on-site) workers\' dormitory hut... gongliaoxiang 贡寮乡|Gongliao or Kungliao township in New ... gonglie 功烈|achievement gonglifa 公理法|the axiomatic method gongling 工龄|length of service/seniority gongling 功令|decree gongliu 巩留|Gongliu County or Toqquztara nahiyisi... gongliuxian 巩留县|Gongliu County or Toqquztara nahiyisi... gonglixuexiao 公立学校|public school gonglizhuyi 功利主义|utilitarianism gonglu 公路|highway/road/CL:條|条[tiao2] gonglu 公鹿|stag/buck gongluche 公路车|racing bicycle (abbr. for 公路自行車|公路自行车... gonglun 公论|public opinion gonglusai 公路赛|road race gongluwang 公路网|road network gongluzixingche 公路自行车|racing bicycle; road bike gonglv 功率|rate of work/power (output) gonglv 躬履|to carry out a task personally/to tak... gonglve 攻略|(literary) to storm and capture/strat... gonglvehua 功率恶化|power penalty gonglvshuchu 功率输出|power output (of an electrical device... gongma 公马|male horse/stallion/stud gongmaigongmai 公买公卖|buying and selling at fair prices gongmao 公猫|male cat/tomcat gongmen 拱门|arched door gongmian 共面|(geometry) coplanar gongmie 攻灭|to conquer/to defeat (militarily) gongmin 公民|citizen gongminbiaojue 公民表决|referendum/decided by public vote gongming 功名|scholarly honor (in imperial exams)/r... gongming 共鸣|(physics) to resonate; resonance/symp... gongminglilu 功名利禄|position and wealth (idiom); rank, fa... gongminquan 公民权|civil rights/citizenship rights gongminquanli 公民权利|civil rights gongminquanlihezhengzhiquanliguojigongyue 公民权利和政治权利国际公约|International Covenant on Civil and P... gongminshehui 公民社会|civil society gongmintoupiao 公民投票|plebiscite/referendum gongminyiwu 公民义务|civil obligation/a citizen\'s duty gongmo 巩膜|(anatomy) sclera gongmo 共模|common-mode (electronics) gongmodayan 功莫大焉|no greater contribution has been made... gongmou 共谋|to scheme together/to conspire/joint ... gongmouzhe 共谋者|conspirator gongmouzui 共谋罪|conspiracy gongmoyizhibi 共模抑制比|(electronics) common-mode rejection r... gongmu 公墓|public cemetery gongmu 公亩|are (1 are = 1⁄100 hectare, or 100 m²) gongmu 公募|public placement (investing) gongmulia 公母俩|husband and wife gongneijieyuqi 宫内节育器|intrauterine device (IUD) gongneng 功能|function; capability gongnengbiao 功能表|menu (software) gongnengci 功能词|function word gongnengcigongzhenchengxiangshu 功能磁共振成像术|functional magnetic resonance imaging... gongnengji 功能集|function library gongnengmokuai 功能模块|functional module gongnengqun 功能群|functional group gongnengtuan 功能团|functional group (chemistry) gongnengxing 功能性|functionality gongnengxingcigongzhenchengxiang 功能性磁共振成像|functional magnetic resonance imaging... gongniu 公牛|bull gongnong 工农|Gongnong district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤... gongnong 工农|workers and peasants gongnongbing 工农兵|workers, peasants, and soldiers/the p... gongnongqu 工农区|Gongnong district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤... gongnongye 工农业|industry and agriculture gongnu 弓弩|bow and crossbow gongnuan 供暖|to supply heating (in a building)/hea... gongnushou 弓弩手|crossbow shooter gongnv 宫女|palace maid/CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2],位[wei4] gongpai 公派|to send sb abroad at the government\'s... gongpan 公判|public opinion/public announcement of... gongpin 贡品|tribute gongpin 供品|offering gongpin 工频|utility frequency/power frequency/mai... gongping 公平|fair/impartial gongpingheli 公平合理|fair/equitable gongpingjiaoyi 公平交易|fair dealing gongpingjingzheng 公平竞争|fair competition gongpingmaoyi 公平贸易|fair trade gongpingshenpanquan 公平审判权|the right to a fair trial gongpo 攻破|to make a breakthrough/to break throu... gongpu 公仆|public servant/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] gongqi 工期|project duration; construction period gongqi 宫崎|Miyazaki (Japanese surname and place ... gongqi 共栖|(old) (biology) to have a commensal r... gongqi 汞齐|amalgam; mercury alloy gongqian 工钱|salary/wages gongqian 工签|work visa; work permit (abbr. for 工作簽... gongqian 公钱|decagram gongqiao 拱桥|arch bridge gongqibubei 攻其不备|see 出其不意,攻其不備|出其不意,攻其不备[chu1 qi2 bu4 ... gongqijun 宫崎骏|Miyazaki Hayao (1941-), Japanese dire... gongqin 躬亲|to attend to personally/in person gongqing 公顷|hectare gongqing 公卿|high-ranking officials in the court o... gongqing 共情|empathy gongqingtuan 共青团|the Communist Youth League, abbr. for... gongqinwang 恭亲王|Grand Prince (Qing title) gongqinwangyixin 恭亲王奕䜣|Grand Prince Yixin (1833-1898), sixth... gongqiu 供求|supply and demand (economics) gongqiwubei 攻其无备|see 出其不意,攻其不備|出其不意,攻其不备[chu1 qi2 bu4 ... gongqiwulang 宫崎吾朗|Miyazaki Gorō (1967-), Japanese film ... gongqixian 宫崎县|Miyazaki prefecture in east Kyūshū 九州... gongqu 攻取|to attack and seize gongquan 公犬|male dog gongque 宫阙|palace gongran 公然|openly/publicly/undisguised gongranbiaoshi 公然表示|to state openly gongre 供热|heating (for a building)/to supply he... gongren 工人|worker/CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2] gongren 公认|publicly known (to be)/accepted (as) gongren 宫人|imperial concubine or palace maid/imp... gongren 供认|to confess/confession gongren-buhui 供认不讳|to make a full confession; to plead g... gongrendang 工人党|Workers\' Party (Singapore opposition ... gongrenjieji 工人阶级|working class gongrenribao 工人日报|Workers\' Daily, Chinese newspaper fou... gongru 攻入|to force entrance into/to score a goa... gongsantouji 肱三头肌|triceps brachii (back of the upper arm) gongshan 贡山|Gongshan Derung and Nu autonomous cou... gongshandulongzunuzuzizhixian 贡山独龙族怒族自治县|Gongshan Derung and Nu autonomous cou... gongshang 工商|industry and commerce gongshang 工伤|industrial injury; work-related injury gongshang 共商|to jointly discuss/to discuss togethe... gongshang 公伤|work-related injury gongshangdaji 共商大计|to discuss matters of vital importance gongshangguanlishuoshi 工商管理硕士|Master of Business Administration (MBA) gongshangjia 工伤假|injury leave gongshangjie 工商界|industry/the world of business gongshangjuezhiyu 宫商角徵羽|pre-Tang names of the five notes of t... gongshangshigu 公伤事故|industrial accident/work-related injury gongshangye 工商业|business gongshangyinhang 工商银行|Industrial and Commercial Bank of China gongshanxian 贡山县|Gongshan Derung and Nu autonomous cou... gongshao 公勺|serving spoon/centiliter (i.e. 10 ml)... gongshe 公社|commune gongshe 公设|(math.) postulate/public facilities (... gongshebi 公设比|(Tw) shared-facilities ratio (express... gongshen 躬身|to bow/personally gongshen 公审|public trial (in a court of law) gongshen 弓身|to bend the body at the waist/to bow gongsheng 共生|symbiosis gongsheng 公升|liter gongsheng 贡生|candidate for the Imperial Examinatio... gongshi 公示|to make known to the public (for info... gongshi 公式|formula gongshi 共识|common understanding/consensus gongshi 共事|to work together gongshi 攻势|(military) offensive gongshi 公室|office (room)/ruling families during ... gongshi 公事|work-related matters/documents gongshi 工时|man-hour gongshi 公使|minister/diplomat performing ambassad... gongshi 工事|defensive structure/military fortific... gongshi 贡士|(old) candidate who has successfully ... gongshi 供石|scholar\'s rock (one of the naturally-... gongshi 共时|synchronic; concurrent gongshibao 公事包|(Tw) briefcase gongshifang 公事房|office (room or building) gongshigongban 公事公办|to do things in a strictly businessli... gongshiguan 公使馆|embassy (old term)/foreign mission gongshihua 公式化|to formalize/formalism in art (esp. a... gongshou 拱手|to cup one\'s hands in obeisance or gr... gongshou-rangren 拱手让人|(idiom) to surrender sth without resi... gongshou-xiangrang 拱手相让|(idiom) to surrender sth without resi... gongshoupangguan 拱手旁观|to watch from the sidelines and do no... gongshu 公署|government office gongshu 拱墅|Gongshu district of Hangzhou city 杭州市... gongshu 供述|confession gongshui 供水|to supply water gongshun 恭顺|deferential/respectful gongshuogongyouli,poshuopoyouli 公说公有理,婆说婆有理|both sides claim they\'re right (idiom) gongshuqu 拱墅区|Gongshu district of Hangzhou city 杭州市... gongsi 公司|company; firm; corporation/CL:家[jia1] gongsi 公私|public and private (interests, initia... gongsi-hanghao 公司行号|(Tw) companies; businesses gongsifa 公司法|corporations law; company law; corpor... gongsiheying 公私合营|joint public private operation gongsihuiyi 公司会议|company meeting gongsijiangu 公私兼顾|to adequately take into account both ... gongsilicai 公司理财|company finance/corporate finance gongsisanmingzhi 公司三明治|club sandwich gongsizhai 公司债|corporate bonds (finance) gongsizhili 公司治理|corporate governance gongsu 公诉|public prosecution/criminal prosecution gongsun 公孙|two-character surname Gongsun gongsunlong 公孙龙|Gongsun Long (c. 325-250 BC), leading... gongsunqi 公孙起|Gongsun Qi (-258 BC), famous general ... gongsuo 宫缩|contraction of the uterus (during chi... gongsuren 公诉人|district attorney/public prosecutor/p... gongtang 公堂|law court/hall (in castle)/CL:家[jia1] gongtang 公帑|(literary) public funds gongteng 工藤|Kudō (Japanese surname) gongti 工体|abbr. for 北京工人體育場|北京工人体育场[Bei3 jing1 ... gongti 供体|donor (chemistry, physics, medicine) gongting 宫廷|court (of king or emperor) gongtinghui 公听会|public hearing gongtong 共同|common/joint/jointly/together/collabo... gongtong 共通|universal; applicable to all (or both... gongtong 珙桐|dove tree (Davidia involucrata) gongtongdian 共同点|common ground gongtonggangling 共同纲领|common program/formal program of the ... gongtongjijin 共同基金|mutual fund gongtongliyi 共同利益|common interest/mutual benefit gongtongshe 共同社|Kyōdō, Japanese news agency gongtongti 共同体|community gongtongxing 共通性|commonality/universality gongtongzhuchiren 共同主持人|(Tw) (in a research project) co-princ... gongtou 公投|referendum (abbr. for 公民投票[gong1 min2... gongtou 工头|foreman gongtui 公推|elected by acclamation/recommended by... gongwan 贡丸|pork ball gongwang 公网|(computing) public network/wide area ... gongwanxingman 功完行满|to fully achieve one\'s ambitions (idiom) gongwei 工委|working committee gongwei 工位|workstation gongwei 恭维|to praise/to speak highly of/complime... gongwei 拱卫|to surround and protect gongwei 宫位|house (astrology) gongwei 公卫|public health (abbr. for 公共衛生|公共卫生[go... gongwei 恭惟|variant of 恭維|恭维[gong1 wei5] gongwen 公文|official document gongwenbao 公文包|briefcase/attaché case gongwu 公物|public property gongwu 公务|official business gongwu 供物|offering gongwu 贡物|tribute gongwubuke,zhanwubusheng 攻无不克,战无不胜|to triumph in every battle and win ev... gongwucang 公务舱|business class (travel class on airpl... gongwurenyuan 公务人员|government functionary gongwuyuan 公务员|civil servant; public servant gongxi 恭喜|to congratulate/(interj.) congratulat... gongxian 贡献|to contribute/to dedicate/to devote/c... gongxian 珙县|Gong county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1],... gongxian 攻陷|to capture (a fortress, city etc); to... gongxian 弓弦|bowstring gongxian 巩县|Gong county in Henan gongxian 共线|(geometry) collinear/concurrency (a s... gongxian 供献|a contribution gongxiang 共享|to share/to enjoy together gongxiangchengxuku 共享程序库|shared library (computing) gongxiangdaikuan 共享带宽|shared bandwidth gongxianghanshuku 共享函数库|shared library (computing) gongxiangjihua 共享计划|joint project/partnership gongxiangku 共享库|shared library (computing) gongxiangruanti 共享软体|shareware gongxiangshanju 共襄善举|to cooperate in a charity project gongxiangshengju 共襄盛举|to cooperate on a great undertaking o... gongxianr 弓弦儿|bowstring gongxianzhe 贡献者|contributor/benefactor gongxiao 供销|supply and marketing/distribution/sup... gongxiao 功效|efficacy gongxiao 工校|technical school/abbr. for 工業學校|工业学校[... gongxiaoshang 供销商|distribution business/supplier gongxifacai 恭喜发财|May you have a prosperous New Year! (... gongxin 攻心|to mount a psychological attack/to tr... gongxin 公心|fair-mindedness/public spirit gongxinbu 工信部|Ministry of Industry and Information ... gongxing 拱形|arch gongxing 共性|overall character gongxing 弓形|circular segment gongxing 宫刑|castration (archaic punishment) gongxing 躬行|to personally undertake or manage gongxing 共形|conformal gongxingchedao 共行车道|carpool lane gongxingchong 弓形虫|Toxoplasma gondii gongxinjieceng 工薪阶层|salaried class gongxinli 公信力|public trust/credibility gongxinzu 工薪族|salaried class gongxiu 公休|to have a public holiday; to have an ... gongxiuhong 汞溴红|merbromin/mercurochrome gongxiuri 公休日|public holiday gongxu 工序|working procedure/process gongxu 供需|supply and demand gongxue 工学|engineering/industrial science gongxue 供血|to donate blood gongxue 公学|elite fee-charging independent school... gongxueyuan 工学院|school of engineering/college of engi... gongxuezhe 供血者|blood donor gongxun 功勋|achievement/meritorious deed/contribu... gongyan 公演|to perform in public; to give a perfo... gongyan 公宴|banquet hosted by an organization to ... gongyan 公燕|banquet held for high-ranking imperia... gongyang 供养|to supply/to provide for one\'s elders... gongyang 供养|to make offerings to (gods or ancesto... gongyang 公羊|ram (male sheep) gongyangchunqiu 公羊春秋|Mr Gongyang\'s Annals or commentary on... gongyangzhuan 公羊传|Mr Gongyang\'s Annals or commentary on... gongyao 公钥|(cryptography) public key gongyao 弓腰|to bow/to bend at the waist gongye 工业|industry gongye 功业|achievement/outstanding work/glorious... gongye 宫掖|palace apartments gongye 共业|collective karma (Buddhism)/consequen... gongyedaxue 工业大学|technical university/engineering college gongyegeming 工业革命|Industrial Revolution, c. 1750-1830 gongyeguo 工业国|industrialized countries gongyehua 工业化|to industrialize/industrialization gongyehuaguojia 工业化国家|industrialized country gongyelvyou 工业旅游|industrial tourism (visiting a place ... gongyepin 工业品|manufactured goods gongyeqiguojituan 工业七国集团|G7, the group of 7 industrialized cou... gongyequ 工业区|industrial zone gongyesheji 工业设计|industrial design gongyexiandaihua 工业现代化|modernization of industry, one of Den... gongyexuexiao 工业学校|technical or industrial school/CL:個|个... gongyeyuanqu 工业园区|industrial park gongyi 工艺|arts and crafts/industrial arts gongyi 公益|public good; public welfare; public i... gongyi 巩义|Gongyi, county-level city in Zhengzho... gongyi 公议|public discussion gongyi 工蚁|worker ant gongyi 公义|righteousness gongyi 躬诣|to call (at sb\'s home) personally gongyihuodong 公益活动|charity event/public service activities gongyijin 公益金|public welfare funds/community chest gongyimeishu 工艺美术|applied art gongyin 公引|hectometer gongying 供应|to supply/to provide/to offer gongying 共赢|mutually profitable/win-win gongying 公映|public screening (of a movie) gongying 公营|public/publicly (owned, financed, ope... gongyingjingji 公营经济|the public sector of the economy gongyinglian 供应链|supply chain gongyingpin 供应品|supplies gongyingqiye 公营企业|public enterprise, as opposed to priv... gongyingshang 供应商|supplier gongyingshi 供应室|supply room gongyingzhe 供应者|supplier gongyinshi 公因式|common factor/common divisor (of a ma... gongyinzi 公因子|(math.) common factor gongyipin 工艺品|handicraft article/handiwork/CL:個|个[ge4] gongyishi 巩义市|Gongyi, county-level city in Zhengzho... gongyishiye 公益事业|service to the public/public welfare ... gongyong 功用|function gongyong 共用|to share the use of; to have joint us... gongyong 公用|public/for public use gongyongdianhua 公用电话|public phone/CL:部[bu4] gongyongjiaohuandianhuawang 公用交换电话网|(Tw) public switched telephone networ... gongyou 公有|publicly owned/communal/held in common gongyou 工友|odd-job worker (janitor, groundsman e... gongyou 共有|in total there are .../to own jointly gongyouhua 公有化|to nationalize/to take over as commun... gongyouxitong 供油系统|fuel supply system/lubricating system gongyouzhi 公有制|public ownership gongyu 公寓|apartment building; block of flats (m... gongyuan 公园|park (for public recreation)/CL:座[zuo4] gongyuan 公元|CE (Common Era)/Christian Era/AD (Ann... gongyuanqian 公元前|BCE (before the Common Era)/BC (befor... gongyudalou 公寓大楼|apartment building gongyue 公约|convention (i.e. international agreem... gongyueshu 公约数|common factor/common divisor gongyulou 公寓楼|apartment building/CL:座[zuo4] gongyun 公允|equitable; fair gongyunjiazhi 公允价值|fair value (accounting) gongyushanqishi,bixianliqiqi 工欲善其事,必先利其器|To do a good job, an artisan needs th... gongyuxinji 工于心计|scheming/calculating gongzai 公仔|doll/cuddly toy gongzaimian 公仔面|brand of Hong Kong instant noodles/al... gongzexiyi 宫泽喜一|Kiichi Miyazawa (1919-2007), former J... gongzhai 公债|government bond gongzhaiquan 公债券|public bond gongzhan 攻占|to seize control of (an enemy positio... gongzhang 公章|official seal gongzhang 公丈|decameter gongzhen 共振|resonance (physics) gongzheng 公正|just; fair; equitable gongzheng 工整|fine work/carefully and neatly done gongzheng 公证|notarization/notarized/acknowledgement gongzhengchu 公证处|notary office gongzhengren 公证人|notary/actuary gongzhi 公职|civil service/public office/governmen... gongzhi 供职|to hold an office or post gongzhi 公制|metric system gongzhi 公知|public intellectual (sometimes used d... gongzhidanwei 公制单位|metric units gongzhirenyuan 公职人员|civil servant gongzhiyushi 公之于世|(idiom) to announce to the world; to ... gongzhiyuzhong 公之于众|to make known to the masses (idiom); ... gongzhong 公众|public gongzhong 工种|kind of work in production (e.g. benc... gongzhongdianxinwanglu 公众电信网路|public telephone network gongzhonghao 公众号|official account (on a social network... gongzhongjihui 公众集会|public meeting gongzhongrenwu 公众人物|public figure/famous person gongzhongyijian 公众意见|public opinion gongzhu 公主|princess gongzhu 宫主|imperial empress/milady gongzhu 恭祝|to congratulate respectfully/to wish ... gongzhu 拱柱|pillar of a vault gongzhu 公猪|boar gongzhuan 公转|orbital revolution gongzhuang 供状|written confession gongzhuang 弓状|bowed/curved like a bow gongzhuang 拱状|arch/vault/arched gongzhuangku 工装裤|overalls (clothing)/coveralls gongzhubao 公主抱|to carry sb the way grooms carry brid... gongzhubing 公主病|(neologism c. 1997) (coll.) self-enti... gongzhuche 公主车|ladies bicycle gongzhuling 公主岭|Gongzhuling, county-level city in Sip... gongzhulingshi 公主岭市|Gongzhuling, county-level city in Sip... gongzhutonghao 公诸同好|to share pleasure in the company of o... gongzhuyiwei 公猪异味|boar taint, the taste or odor of swea... gongzhuyushi 公诸于世|to announce to the world (idiom)/to m... gongzi 工资|wages; pay/CL:份[fen4] gongzi 公子|son of an official/son of nobility/yo... gongzigang 工字钢|I-beam gongziger 公子哥儿|pampered son of a wealthy family gongzika 工资卡|debit card used to receive one\'s sala... gongziliang 工字梁|I-beam gongzizhen 龚自珍|Gong Zizhen (1792-1841), Chinese man ... gongzu 弓足|bound feet gongzufang 公租房|public housing gongzui 功罪|achievements and crimes gongzuo 工作|to work/(of a machine) to operate/job... gongzuobaogao 工作报告|working report/operating report gongzuobiao 工作表|worksheet gongzuocan 工作餐|working meal gongzuodanwei 工作单位|work unit gongzuodui 工作队|a working group; a task force gongzuofu 工作服|work clothes gongzuoguanliyuan 工作管理员|(computing) task manager (Tw) gongzuoguodu 工作过度|overwork gongzuojiyi 工作记忆|working memory gongzuokuang 工作狂|workaholic gongzuoliang 工作量|workload; volume of work gongzuolie 工作列|taskbar (computing) (Tw) gongzuoliu 工作流|workflow gongzuoliucheng 工作流程|workflow gongzuomian 工作面|(mining) face (as in coalface 採煤工作面|采... gongzuorenyuan 工作人员|staff member gongzuori 工作日|workday/working day/weekday gongzuoshi 工作室|studio/workshop gongzuoshijian 工作时间|working hours gongzuotai 工作台|workbench/work station gongzuoweiyuanhui 工作委员会|working committee gongzuozhan 工作站|(computer) workstation gongzuozhe 工作者|worker gongzuozu 工作组|work team/working group/task force gou 句|variant of 勾[gou1] gou 垢|dirt/disgrace gou 沟|ditch/gutter/groove/gully/ravine/CL:道... gou 够|enough (sufficient)/enough (too much)... gou 构|variant of 構|构[gou4]/(Tw) (coll.) var... gou 构|to construct/to form/to make up/to co... gou 苟|surname Gou gou 苟|(literary) if indeed/(bound form) car... gou 狗|dog/CL:隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tiao2] gou 购|to buy/to purchase gou 勾|surname Gou gou 勾|to attract/to arouse/to tick/to strik... gou 勾|used in 勾當|勾当[gou4dang4] gou 冓|inner rooms of palace/ten billions gou 钩|variant of 鉤|钩[gou1] gou 钩|to hook/to sew/to crochet/hook/check ... gou 枸|bent/crooked gou 枸|used in 枸骨[gou3gu3]/used in 枸杞[gou3qi3] gou 缑|surname Gou gou 缑|rope attached to a sword hilt/(archai... gou 彀|to draw a bow to the full/the range o... gou 岣|name of a hill in Hunan gou 媾|to marry/to copulate gou 觏|complete/meet unexpectedly/see gou 雊|crowing of pheasant gou 诟|disgrace/to revile gou 遘|meet unexpectedly gou 姤|copulate/good gou 笱|basket for trapping fish gou 耇|wrinkled face of the elderly gou 鞲|variant of 韝[gou1] gou 韝|archer\'s arm guard gou 耈|old variant of 耇[gou3] gou 佝|used in 佝僂|佝偻[gou1 lou2] gou 耉|old variant of 耇[gou3] gou 篝|bamboo frame for drying clothes/bambo... gouan 苟安|see 苟且偷安[gou3 qie3 tou1 an1] goubei 鞲鞴|piston (loanword from German \"Kolben\") gouben 够本|to break even/to get one\'s money\'s worth goubian 钩编|to crochet goubing 诟病|to denounce/to castigate goubuzhao 够不着|to be unable to reach goucao 沟槽|groove/furrow/trench goucheng 构成|to constitute/to form/to compose/to m... goucheyangpi 狗扯羊皮|to fuss around/to buzz about uselessl... gouchishi 狗吃屎|to fall flat on one\'s face (vulgar) gouchu 勾出|to delineate/to articulate/to evoke/t... gouci 构词|composite word goucifayishi 构词法意识|morphological awareness goucixue 构词学|morphology (linguistics) goucun 苟存|to drift through life gouda 勾搭|to gang up/to fool around with/to mak... goudai 狗带|(Internet slang) to go away/to slink ... goudailaoshu 狗逮老鼠|lit. a dog who catches mice (idiom)/f... goudanbaotian 狗胆包天|extremely daring (idiom)/foolhardy goudang 勾当|shady business goudao 沟道|groove goude 购得|to purchase/to acquire goudeshang 够得上|to be good enough to be regarded as; ... goudezhao 够得着|to reach (with one\'s hand etc)/(fig.)... goudong 狗洞|dog door goudou 狗窦|dog hole/gap caused by missing teeth/... goudoudakai 狗窦大开|dog hole wide open (idiom); fig. gap ... gouduanluoxuantibing 钩端螺旋体病|leptospirosis goudui 勾兑|to blend various types of wine (or sp... goufei 狗吠|bark/CL:聲|声[sheng1]/to bark goufeng 勾缝|to point a brick wall/to grout a tile... goufugui,wuxiangwang 苟富贵,勿相忘|don\'t forget your friends when you be... gougaibuliaochishi 狗改不了吃屎|lit. a dog can\'t stop himself from ea... gouge 够格|able to pass muster/qualified/apt/pre... gougou 狗狗|(coll.) dog; doggie gougoubi 狗狗币|Dogecoin (cryptocurrency) gougouxiu 狗狗秀|dog show gougu 沟谷|gully gougu 枸骨|Chinese holly (Ilex cornuta) gougudingli 勾股定理|Pythagorean theorem gouhao 勾号|check mark (✓) gouhe 媾和|to make peace/to copulate gouhe 沟壑|gorge/gulch/ravine/deep ditch gouhe 苟合|illicit sexual relations gouhe 媾合|to copulate gouhua 勾画|to sketch out/to delineate gouhua 勾划|to sketch; to delineate gouhua 钩花|to crochet gouhuan 狗獾|badger/CL:隻|只[zhi1] gouhuan 钩环|shackle (U-shaped link) gouhui 购汇|to purchase foreign exchange gouhuo 购货|purchase of goods gouhuo 篝火|bonfire gouhuo 苟活|to live without dignity; to barely su... gouhuohuming 篝火狐鸣|to tell fox ghost stories around a bo... gouji 钩稽|variant of 鉤稽|钩稽[gou1 ji1] gouji 钩稽|to explore/to investigate/to audit (a... goujia 构架|structure goujian 构建|to construct (sth abstract) goujian 构件|member/component/part goujian 勾践|King Gou Jian of Yue (c. 470 BC), som... goujian 沟涧|gully/ravine goujian-dabei 勾肩搭背|(idiom) arms around each other\'s shou... goujie 勾结|to collude with/to collaborate with/t... goujitiaoqiang 狗急跳墙|a cornered dog will jump over the wal... goujiu 狗鹫|royal eagle/CL:隻|只[zhi1] gouju 枸橘|trifoliate orange (Citrus trifoliata) goukou 钩扣|hook goulan 勾栏|brothel/theater/carved balustrade goulan 勾阑|variant of 勾欄|勾栏[gou1 lan2] goule 勾勒|to draw the outline of/to outline/to ... goulian 勾联|variant of 勾連|勾连[gou1 lian2] goulian 勾连|to be linked together/to be involved ... gouliang 狗粮|dog food/(Internet slang) public disp... gouliu 勾留|to stay/to stop over/to break one\'s j... goulou 佝偻|stooped/crooked gouloubing 佝偻病|rickets (medicine) gouma 诟骂|to revile/to abuse verbally goumai 购买|to purchase; to buy goumaili 购买力|purchasing power goumaizhe 购买者|purchaser goumen 狗门|dog door; dog flap gounahaozi 狗拿耗子|lit. a dog who catches mice/to be med... gounannv 狗男女|a couple engaged in an illicit love a... gounian 狗年|Year of the Dog (e.g. 2006) gouniangyangde 狗娘养的|son of a bitch goupai 狗牌|dog tag goupao 狗刨|dog paddle (swimming style) goupashi 狗爬式|dog paddle (swimming style)/doggy sty... goupengyou 够朋友|(coll.) to be a true friend goupi 狗屁|bullshit/nonsense goupi-butong 狗屁不通|(idiom) (of writing, speech etc) inco... goupigaoyao 狗皮膏药|dogskin plaster, used in TCM for trea... goupo 钩破|(of sth sharp) to snag (one\'s stockin... goupo 勾破|(of sth sharp) to snag (one\'s stockin... gouqi 枸杞|wolfberry (Lycium chinense)/genus Lycium gouqi 勾起|to evoke/to induce/to call to mind/to... gouqian 勾芡|to thicken with cornstarch gouqiang 够呛|unbearable/terrible/enough/unlikely gouqiang 够戗|variant of 夠嗆|够呛[gou4 qiang4] gouqie 苟且|perfunctory/careless/drifting along/r... gouqietouan 苟且偷安|seeking only ease and comfort (idiom)... gouqietousheng 苟且偷生|to drift and live without purpose (id... gouqizi 枸杞子|goji berry gouqu 沟渠|channel/moat/irrigation canal gouqu 苟取|(literary) to extort/to take as bribe gouquan 勾拳|hook (punch in boxing) gouquan 狗拳|Gou Quan - \"Dog Fist\" - Martial Art gour 钩儿|erhua variant of 鉤|钩[gou1] gouren 勾人|sexy/seductive gouri 狗日|lit. fucked or spawned by a dog/conte... gourou 狗肉|dog meat gousandasi 勾三搭四|to make hanky-panky/to seduce women goushi 狗屎|canine excrement/dog poo/bullshit goushiyun 狗屎运|(coll.) (other people\'s) dumb luck goushou 勾手|to collude with/to collaborate/(baske... goushoude 够受的|to be quite an ordeal; to be hard to ... goushu 构树|paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) goushuquan 购书券|book token gousi 构思|to design/to plot/to plan out/to comp... goutong 沟通|to join; to connect; to link up/to co... goutong 勾通|to collude with/to conspire goutong 苟同|to agree blindly goutougao 钩头篙|boathook goutoujunshi 狗头军师|(derog.) inept advisor/a good-for-not... goutu 构图|(art) composition goutui 狗腿|lackey; henchman goutuizi 狗腿子|dog\'s leg/fig. one who follows a vill... gouwanrde 狗玩儿的|beast (derog.) gouwei 够味|lit. just the right flavor/just right... gouweixudiao 狗尾续貂|lit. to use a dog\'s tail as a substit... gouwen 钩吻|heartbreak grass (Gelsemium elegans) gouwo 狗窝|doghouse; kennel gouwu 购物|shopping gouwu 狗屋|kennel gouwuche 购物车|shopping cart gouwudai 购物袋|shopping bag gouwudasha 购物大厦|shopping mall gouwuguangchang 购物广场|shopping mall gouwuquan 购物券|coupon gouwushoutuiche 购物手推车|shopping cart gouwuzhongxin 购物中心|shopping center gouxian 构陷|to frame/to bring false charges against gouxiang 构想|to conceive/concept gouxiangtu 构想图|notional diagram (i.e. made-up pictur... gouxiao 勾销|to write off/to cancel gouxie 狗血|melodramatic/contrived gouxiepentou 狗血喷头|torrent of abuse (idiom) gouxindoujiao 勾心斗角|to fight and scheme against each othe... gouxindoujiao 钩心斗角|variant of 勾心鬥角|勾心斗角[gou1 xin1 dou4 j... gouxing 构型|structure/(spatial) configuration/arr... gouxiong 狗熊|black bear/coward gouxuan 勾选|to select (one or more options from a... gouxuelintou 狗血淋头|lit. to pour dog\'s blood on (idiom)/f... gouyan-canchuan 苟延残喘|(idiom) to struggle on whilst at deat... gouyankanrendi 狗眼看人低|to act like a snob gouyaogou 狗咬狗|dog-eat-dog/dogfight gouyaolvdongbin,bushihaorenxin 狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心|a dog biting Lü Dongbin (idiom)/to il... gouyin 勾引|to seduce/to tempt gouyisi 够意思|wonderful/great/delightful/very kind/... gouyong 够用|adequate/sufficient/enough gouyu 勾玉|magatama (Japanese curved beads) gouzai 狗仔|paparazzi gouzaidui 狗仔队|paparazzi gouzaishi 狗仔式|dog paddle (swimming)/doggy style (sex) gouzaizi 狗崽子|(coll.) puppy/(derog.) son of a bitch gouzao 构造|structure/composition/tectonic (geolo... gouzaoyundong 构造运动|tectonic movement/movement of earth\'s... gouzasui 狗杂碎|piece of shit/scumbag gouzazhong 狗杂种|son of a bitch/damn bastard gouzei 狗贼|(insult) brigand/swindler gouzhan 狗展|dog show gouzhangrenshi 狗仗人势|a dog threatens based on master\'s pow... gouzhen 钩针|crochet hook/crochet needle gouzhi 购置|to purchase gouzhong 彀中|within the range of a bow and arrow/(... gouzhu 构筑|to build/to construct gouzhu 钩住|to hook onto/to hitch onto/to catch onto gouzi 钩子|hook gouzou 勾走|to steal (sb\'s heart) gouzuilinju 钩嘴林鵙|(bird species of China) large woodshr... gouzuilitubuchuxiangya 狗嘴里吐不出象牙|lit. no ivory comes from the mouth of... gouzuiyuanweihu 钩嘴圆尾鹱|(bird species of China) Tahiti petrel... gu 骨|bone gu 固|hard/strong/solid/sure/assuredly/undo... gu 顾|surname Gu gu 顾|to look after; to take into considera... gu 鼓|old variant of 鼓[gu3] gu 鼓|drum/CL:通[tong4],面[mian4]/to drum/to ... gu 故|happening/instance/reason/cause/inten... gu 辜|surname Gu gu 辜|crime/sin gu 嘏|good fortune/longevity gu 估|to estimate gu 估|used in 估衣[gu4yi5] gu 孤|lone/lonely gu 牯|bullock/cow gu 古|surname Gu gu 古|ancient/old/paleo- gu 崮|steep-sided flat-topped mountain/mesa... gu 菇|(bound form) mushroom gu 股|thigh/part of a whole; portion of a s... gu 馉|used in 餶飿|馉饳[gu3 duo4] gu 沽|abbr. for Tianjin 天津 (also 津沽) gu 沽|to buy/to sell gu 姑|paternal aunt/husband\'s sister/husban... gu 蛊|arch. legendary venomous insect/to po... gu 雇|variant of 雇[gu4] gu 雇|to employ/to hire/to rent gu 贾|merchant/to buy gu 锢|obstinate disease/to restrain/to stop gu 痼|obstinate disease/(of passion, hobbie... gu 咕|(onom.) for the sound of a bird, an e... gu 鹄|center or bull\'s eye of an archery ta... gu 呱|crying sound of child gu 毂|wheel gu 毂|hub of wheel gu 罟|to implicate/net for birds or fish gu 崓|variant of 崮[gu4] gu 钴|(chemistry) cobalt (Taiwan pr. [gu1])... gu 箍|hoop/to bind with hoops gu 酤|to deal in liquors gu 菰|Manchurian wild rice (Zizania latifol... gu 扢|clean/to rub gu 诂|to comment/to explain gu 蛄|see 螻蛄|蝼蛄[lou2 gu1] gu 觚|goblet/rule/law gu 瞽|blind/undiscerning gu 唂|(onom.) bird call gu 榖|paper mulberry tree gu 唃|old variant of 唂[gu1] gu 鹘|used in 鶻鵃|鹘鸼[gu3zhou1] gu 轱|wheel/to roll gu 汩|confused/extinguished/(onom.) used in... gu 堌|place name gu 鲴|Xenocypris, genus of cyprinid fish fo... gu 臌|dropsical/swollen gu 鸪|partridge/Francolinus chinensis gu 箛|(bamboo)/trumpet for chariots gu 軱|big bone gu 蓇|used in 蓇葖[gu1tu1]/Taiwan pr. [gu3] gu 梏|braces (med.)/fetters/manacles gu 牿|shed or pen for cattle gu 盬|covered pot gu 祻|variant of 禍|祸, disaster gu 罛|large fishing net gu 濲|name of a river in Hunan gu 蛌|cricket gu 羖|black ewe gu 榾|scraps of wood gu 泒|name of a river gu 凅|dried up/dry/exhausted/tired gu 瀔|river name in Henan province gu 谷|grain/corn gu 谷|surname Gu gu 谷|valley gu 𦙶|variant of 股[gu3]/(used in place names) gua 刮|to scrape/to blow/to shave/to plunder... gua 刮|to blow (of the wind) gua 挂|to hang; to suspend (from a hook etc)... gua 瓜|melon; gourd; squash/(slang) a piece ... gua 筈|arrow end gua 寡|few/scant/widowed gua 胍|guanidine gua 剐|cut off the flesh as punishment gua 卦|divinatory diagram/one of the eight d... gua 褂|(bound form) Chinese-style unlined ga... gua 栝|Juniperus chinensis/measuring-frame gua 鸹|used in 老鴰|老鸹[lao3gua5] gua 诖|to deceive/to disturb gua 絓|to hinder/to offend/to form/unique gua 罣|variant of 掛|挂[gua4] gua 袿|old variant of 褂[gua4] gua 䯄|piebald horse gua 罫|squares of a chess board guaai 挂碍|worry guabao 割包|see 刈包[gua4 bao1] guabao 刈包|popular Taiwan snack, similar to a ha... guabudizhong 寡不敌众|the few are no match for the many/hea... guaca 刮擦|to scrape guacai 瓜菜|fruit and vegetables guacai 挂彩|to decorate for festive occasions/to ... guaceng 刮蹭|to scrape one\'s car against sth/to si... guachan 刮铲|scraper guache 挂车|trailer guachi 挂齿|to mention (e.g. \"don\'t mention it\") guaci 卦辞|to interpret the divinatory trigrams guada 挂搭|variant of 掛褡|挂褡[gua4 da1] guada 挂褡|(of a monk) to take residence at a te... guadaer 瓜达尔|Gwadar, free trade port city in Pakis... guadaergang 瓜达尔港|Gwadar Port on Arabian Sea in Pakista... guadai 瓜代|a changeover of personnel/a new shift... guadakanaerdao 瓜达卡纳尔岛|Guadalcanal Island guadakanaerzhanyi 瓜达卡纳尔战役|battle of Guadalcanal of late 1942, t... guadalahala 瓜达拉哈拉|Guadalajara guadalama 瓜达拉马|Sierra de Guadarrama (mountain range ... guadalamashan 瓜达拉马山|Sierra de Guadarrama (mountain range ... guadan 挂单|see 掛褡|挂褡[gua4 da1] guadan 寡淡|insipid/bland/indifferent guadang 挂挡|to put into gear/to engage the gear/g... guadao 刮刀|spatula/scraper guadeluopu 瓜德罗普|Guadeloupe guadi 瓜蒂|pedicel and calyx of muskmelon (used ... guadiao 刮掉|to scrape off/to shave off (whiskers ... guadimala 瓜地马拉|Guatemala (Tw) guaduan 挂断|to hang up (a phone) guaershaoshuang 寡二少双|peerless/second to none (idiom) guafen 瓜分|to partition/to divide up guafeng 刮风|to be windy guafu 寡妇|widow guage 瓜葛|connection/association/involvement guagou 挂钩|to couple; to link; to hook together/... guagour 挂钩儿|erhua variant of 掛鉤|挂钩[gua4 gou1] guagua 呱呱|(onom.) sound of frogs, ducks etc guaguajiao 呱呱叫|excellent/tip-top guaguajiao 刮刮叫|variant of 呱呱叫[gua1 gua1 jiao4] guaguaka 刮刮卡|lottery scratchcard guaguale 刮刮乐|scratch-and-win lottery guaguo 瓜果|fruit (plural sense)/melons and fruit guaguo 挂果|(of a tree) to bear fruit guahao 挂号|to register (at a hospital etc)/to se... guahao 挂好|to hang up properly (telephone, pictu... guahaoxin 挂号信|registered letter guahaozheng 挂号证|register card guahua 挂花|to be wounded/(of plants) to bloom guahuai 挂怀|concerned/troubled/having sth on one\'... guahudao 刮胡刀|razor guahuzi 刮胡子|to shave guai 怪|bewildering/odd/strange/uncanny/devil... guai 怪|variant of 怪[guai4] guai 拐|to turn (a corner etc)/to kidnap/to s... guai 拐|cane/walking stick/crutch/old man\'s s... guai 拐|variant of 枴|拐[guai3] guai 掴|to slap/also pr. [guo2] guai 乖|(of a child) obedient, well-behaved/c... guai 夬|decisive guai 𤶊|(literary) serious illness/(Cantonese... guaibude 怪不得|no wonder!/so that\'s why! guaicai 怪才|eccentric genius; quirky genius guaidan 怪诞|freak/weird guaidanbujing 怪诞不经|uncanny/unbelievable/ridiculous/outra... guaidao 怪道|no wonder! guaidian 拐点|turning point/breaking point/inflexio... guaiguai 乖乖|(of a child) well-behaved/obediently/... guaiguai 乖乖|goodness gracious!/oh my lord! guaiguainv 乖乖女|well-behaved girl; good girl guaiguaipai 乖乖牌|good little boy (or girl) guaigun 拐棍|cane/walking stick guaihua 怪话|ridiculous talk/preposterous remark guaijiao 拐角|to turn a corner/corner guaijiaochu 拐角处|street corner guaijie 怪杰|monstre sacré (i.e. artist famous for... guaijue 乖觉|perceptive/alert/clever/shrewd guaika 怪咖|(slang) (Tw) loony/freak guaili 乖戾|perverse (behavior)/disagreeable (cha... guaili 乖离|to part/to separate/to deviate guaili 怪戾|see 乖戾[guai1 li4] guailiguaiqi 怪里怪气|eccentric/odd-looking/peculiar guaimai 拐卖|human trafficking/to abduct and sell/... guaimi 怪秘|strange/mystic guaimiu 乖谬|ridiculous/abnormal guaimuguaiyang 怪模怪样|outlandish/strange-looking/grotesque guainiantou 怪念头|eccentric notion/strange whim guaipi 怪癖|eccentricity/peculiarity/strange hobby guaipi 乖僻|peculiar/eccentric guaipi 怪僻|eccentric/peculiar guaipian 拐骗|swindle/abduct guaiqi 怪气|weird (temperament) guaiqiangguaidiao 怪腔怪调|strange accent; odd manner of speakin... guaiqiao 乖巧|clever (child)/smart/lovable/cute guaiquan 怪圈|vicious circle/(abnormal) phenomenon guairen 怪人|strange person/eccentric guaishengguaiqi 怪声怪气|strange voice/affected manner of spea... guaishi 怪事|strange thing/curious occurrence guaishou 怪兽|rare animal/mythical animal/monster guaishou 怪手|(Tw) excavator/backhoe guaishun 乖顺|obedient (colloquial) guaishushu 怪叔叔|queer uncle, referring to a young to ... guaishushu 怪蜀黍|see 怪叔叔[guai4 shu1 shu5] guaitai 怪胎|freak/abnormal embryo/fetus with defo... guaiwan 拐弯|to go round a curve/to turn a corner/... guaiwanchu 拐弯处|corner/bend guaiwanmojiao 拐弯抹角|lit. going round the curves and skirt... guaiwanr 拐弯儿|erhua variant of 拐彎|拐弯[guai3 wan1] guaiwei 怪味|strange odor guaiwu 怪物|monster/freak/eccentric person guaiwu 乖忤|stubborn/contrary/disobedient guaiwu 乖迕|stubborn/contrary/disobedient guaixiang 怪相|grotesque visage/grimace guaixiang 怪象|strange phenomenon guaiya 怪讶|astonished guaiyang 怪样|odd expression/funny looks/queer face... guaiyi 怪异|monstrous/strange/strange phenomenon guaizhang 拐杖|crutches/crutch/walking stick guaizhang 乖张|recalcitrant/unreasonable/peevish guaizi 拐子|crutch/(derog.) lame person/kidnapper guaizi 孤哀子|(literary) orphan guaizui 怪罪|to blame guaji 挂机|to hang up (a phone)/to leave a compu... guajizhen 挂急诊|to register as an emergency case at a... guaju 寡居|to live as a widow guakao 挂靠|to be affiliated with/to operate unde... guake 挂科|to fail (a course) guakongdang 挂空挡|see 放空擋|放空挡[fang4 kong1dang3] gualadingjianu 瓜拉丁加奴|Kuala Terengganu, capital of Terengga... gualan 挂兰|spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) guali 挂历|wall calendar gualian 刮脸|to shave one\'s face gualian 挂镰|to complete the year\'s harvest gualou 寡陋|having little knowledge/not well-read gualv 挂虑|to worry about guama 挂马|Trojan horse, to add malware to a web... guamian 挂面|pasta/noodles guaming 挂名|to attach sb\'s name to (a role); to g... guamuxiangdai 刮目相待|see 刮目相看[gua1 mu4 xiang1 kan4] guamuxiangkan 刮目相看|to have a whole new level of respect ... guan 管|variant of 管[guan3] guan 管|surname Guan guan 管|to take care (of)/to control/to manag... guan 关|surname Guan guan 关|mountain pass/to close; to shut; to t... guan 観|Japanese variant of 觀|观[guan1] guan 官|surname Guan guan 官|government official/governmental/offi... guan 関|variant of 關|关[guan1] guan 冠|surname Guan guan 冠|hat/crown/crest/cap guan 冠|to put on a hat/to be first/to dub guan 罐|can/jar/pot guan 罐|variant of 罐[guan4] guan 棺|coffin guan 观|surname Guan guan 观|to look at/to watch/to observe/to beh... guan 观|Taoist monastery/palace gate watchtow... guan 瘝|incapacitated/inefficient guan 惯|accustomed to/used to/indulge/to spoi... guan 灌|to irrigate/to pour/to install (softw... guan 贯|to pierce through/to pass through/to ... guan 固安|Gu\'an county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fan... guan 莞|Skimmia japonica guan 莞|(district) guan 盥|to wash (especially hands) guan 馆|variant of 館|馆[guan3] guan 馆|building/shop/term for certain servic... guan 掼|to fling/to fall/to wear guan 琯|mus. instr./to polish jade or gold guan 倌|keeper of domestic animals/herdsman/(... guan 祼|pour out libation guan 鹳|crane/stork guan 瓘|jade used for making goblets guan 鳏|widower guan 覌|variant of 觀|观[guan1] guan 涫|(classical) to boil guan 毌|old variant of 貫|贯[guan4] guan 筦|surname Guan guan 蒄|(herb mentioned in ancient texts) guan 卝|two bunches of hair on a child guan 矔|brilliant (of eyes) guan 丱|two tufts of hair/young/underage guan 雚|(archaic) stork/heron guan 闗|old variant of 關|关[guan1] guan 鳤|Ochetobius elongatus, species of cypr... guan 罆|variant of 罐[guan4] guan 爟|light a fire guan 痯|ill-looking guanai 关爱|to show concern and care for guanai 关隘|mountain pass guanana 瓜拿纳|guarana (Paullinia cupana) guanbai 关白|to inform/to notify guanban 官办|government-run; state-run guanbanshou 管扳手|pipe wrench guanbanxiniao 冠斑犀鸟|(bird species of China) oriental pied... guanbao 管保|to guarantee/assuredly guanbao 管胞|tracheid (botany) guanbaosichou 官报私仇|to take advantage of official post fo... guanbi 关闭|to close; to shut (a window etc)/(of ... guanbiminfan 官逼民反|a government official drives the peop... guanbin 馆宾|private teacher/preceptor guanbing 官兵|(military) officers and soldiers/offi... guanbuzhao 管不着|to have no right or ability to interf... guancai 棺材|coffin/CL:具[ju4],口[kou3] guancaiban 棺材板|wooden board used to make a coffin (a... guancairangzi 棺材瓤子|geezer with one foot in the grave (us... guancang 馆藏|to collect in a museum or library/mus... guancang 官舱|(old) cabin class; second class (on a... guance 观测|to observe/to survey/observation (sci... guancetai 观测台|observatory guanceweixing 观测卫星|observation satellite guanceyuan 观测员|observer/spotter guancezhe 观测者|observer guancha 观察|to observe; to watch; to survey guanchai 官差|official business/government workmen/... guanchajia 观察家|observer/The Observer (UK newspaper) guanchali 观察力|power of observation/perception guanchang 官场|officialdom/bureaucracy guanchang 灌肠|enema/to give an enema guanchang 灌肠|sausage with a starchy filling guanchang 惯常|usual/customary guanchang 关厂|to shut down (a factory)/to close a f... guanchangxianxingji 官场现形记|Observations on the Current State of ... guancharenshi 观察人士|observer guanchashao 观察哨|sentry post guanchayuan 观察员|observer guanchazhe 观察者|observer guanche 罐车|(road) tanker truck/(rail) tank car; ... guanche 贯彻|to implement/to put into practice/to ... guancheng 官称|title/official appellation guancheng 关城|defensive fort over border post guanchenghuizuqu 管城回族区|Guangcheng Hui District of Zhengzhou ... guanchengqu 管城区|Guangcheng Hui District of Zhengzhou ... guancheshizhong 贯彻始终|to follow through; to carry through t... guanchuan 贯穿|to run through/a connecting thread fr... guanchuan 贯串|to pierce through/to string together guanci 冠词|article (in grammar) guancong 灌丛|scrub/shrubland/undergrowth guandai 管待|to wait on/to attend/to serve guandan 掼蛋|guandan (a popular poker game that or... guandao 管道|tubing/pipeline/(fig.) channel/means guandao 关岛|Guam guandao 官倒|speculation by officials/profiteering... guandaodaxue 关岛大学|University of Guam guandaoyunshu 管道运输|pipeline transport guandeng 管灯|fluorescent light guandezhao 管得着|to concern oneself with (a matter); t... guandi 官邸|official residence guandi 馆地|school (old) guandian 观点|point of view/viewpoint/standpoint/CL... guandianxieye 关店歇业|to close up shop and cease business t... guandiao 关掉|to switch off; to shut off guandong 关东|Northeast China/Manchuria/lit. east o... guandongdizhen 关东地震|Kantō earthquake of 1923, magnitude 8... guandongguanxi 管东管西|to micromanage/to be controlling guandongjun 关东军|Japanese Kwantung army (or Kantō army... guandongzhu 关东煮|oden, Japanese dish made with boiled ... guandu 官渡|Guandu district of Kunming city 昆明市[K... guanduan 关断|to shut off guanduqu 官渡区|Guandu district of Kunming city 昆明市[K... guanduzhizhan 官渡之战|Battle of Guandu of 199 that establis... guanerdai 官二代|children of officials/word created by... guanfan 惯犯|recidivist/habitual criminal guanfan 官翻|(of electronic goods) refurbished guanfang 官方|government/official (approved or issu... guanfang 关防|security measures (esp. border securi... guanfangyuyan 官方语言|official language guanfangzhangguan 官房长官|chief cabinet secretary (Japan) guanfei 官费|government funded/paid by state stipend guanfei 官非|lawsuit (from Cantonese) guanfeng 观风|on lookout duty/to serve as lookout guanfeng 官俸|salaries of government officials guanfengqin 管风琴|organ/pipe organ guanfu 官府|authorities/feudal official guanfu 鳏夫|old wifeless man; bachelor; widower guanfuyuanzhi 官复原职|restored to one\'s official post/to se... guang 光|light; ray (CL:道[dao4])/bright; shiny... guang 广|surname Guang guang 广|wide/numerous/to spread guang 逛|to stroll/to visit guang 洸|sparkling water guang 咣|(onom.) bang/door banging shut guang 桄|used in 桄榔[guang1lang2] guang 桄|woven wood and bamboo utensil/classif... guang 胱|used in 膀胱[pang2guang1] guang 犷|rough/uncouth/boorish guang 広|Japanese variant of 廣|广 guang 珖|(jade) guang 灮|old variant of 光[guang1] guang 炗|old variant of 光[guang1] guang 銧|point of a sword guang 垙|(literary) footpath separating fields... guangai 灌溉|to irrigate guangaiqu 灌溉渠|irrigation channel guangan 广安|see 廣安市|广安市[Guang3an1 Shi4] guangan 观感|one\'s impressions/observations guanganmen 广安门|Guanganmen in Xuanwu 宣武區|宣武区 district... guanganshi 广安市|Guang\'an, prefecture-level city in Si... guangban 光斑|facula (astronomy) guangbangzi 光膀子|bare upper body/bare-chested/to bare ... guangbao 光爆|explosion of light guangbeididong 光背地鸫|(bird species of China) plain-backed ... guangbi 光笔|light pen guangbiao 光标|cursor (computing) guangbo 广播|broadcast/CL:個|个[ge4]/broadcasting/to... guangbo 广博|extensive guangbo 光波|light wave guangbochang 光波长|optical wavelength guangbodiantai 广播电台|radio station guangbodiantai 广播电台|radio station/broadcasting station/CL... guangbodizhi 广播地址|broadcast address guangboheweizhifuwuqi 广播和未知服务器|Broadcast and Unknown Server/BUS guangbojiemu 广播节目|radio program; broadcast program guangboju 广播剧|radio drama guangboshi 广播室|broadcasting room guangbowang 广播网|network guangbowanglu 广播网路|broadcast network guangboyuan 广播员|(radio) broadcaster guangcai 光彩|luster/splendor/radiance/brilliance guangcaiduomu 光彩夺目|dazzling/brilliant guangchang 广场|public square; plaza guangchang 广昌|Guangchang county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Ji... guangchangkongbuzheng 广场恐怖症|agoraphobia guangchangkongju 广场恐惧|agoraphobia guangchangkongjuzheng 广场恐惧症|agoraphobia guangchangwu 广场舞|square dancing, an exercise routine p... guangchangxian 广昌县|Guangchang county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Ji... guangchongliang 光冲量|radiant exposure guangchuan 广传|to propagate guangci 光磁|magneto-optical guangcidie 光磁碟|magneto-optical disk/floptical disk guangcidieji 光磁碟机|magneto-optical drive/floptical drive guangda 广大|(of an area) vast or extensive/large-... guangda 光大|splendid/magnificent/abbr. for 中國光大銀行... guangdang 咣当|crash/bang guangdang 逛荡|to wander around guangdao 广岛|Hiroshima, Japan guangdaoxian 广岛县|Hiroshima prefecture, Japan guangdaoxianwei 光导纤维|optical fiber guangde 广德|Guangde, a county-level city in Xuanc... guangdeshi 广德市|Guangde, a county-level city in Xuanc... guangdian 广电|radio and television/broadcasting guangdian 光电|photoelectric guangdianerjiguan 光电二极管|photodiode guangdianxiaoying 光电效应|photoelectric effect guangdianzi 光电子|photoelectron guangdianzongju 广电总局|National Radio and Television Adminis... guangdie 光碟|optical disc/compact disc/CD/CD-ROM/C... guangdingzhongju 光腚肿菊|(Internet slang) punning reference to... guangdong 广东|see 廣東省|广东省[Guang3dong1 Sheng3] guangdonghaiyangdaxue 广东海洋大学|Guangdong Ocean University guangdonghua 广东话|Cantonese language guangdongkexuejishuzhiyexueyuan 广东科学技术职业学院|Guangdong Institute of Science and Te... guangdongren 广东人|Cantonese (people) guangdongsheng 广东省|Guangdong Province, capital Guangzhou... guangdongwaiyuwaimaodaxue 广东外语外贸大学|Guangdong University of Foreign Studies guangdongzui 光动嘴|empty talk/mere rhetoric/palaver guangdu 光度|luminosity guangdu 广度|breadth guange 关格|blocked or painful urination, constip... guangergaozhi 广而告之|to publicize widely guangerjiguan 光二极管|photodiode/light-emitting diode (LED) guangfan 广泛|wide; broad; extensive; widespread guangfanxingjiaolvzheng 广泛性焦虑症|generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) guangfanyingxiang 广泛影响|wide ranging influence guangfasongqi 光发送器|optical transmitter guangfengjiyue 光风霁月|lit. light breeze and clear moon (idi... guangfu 光复|Guangfu or Kuangfu township in Hualie... guangfu 光复|to recover (territory or power)/the l... guangfu 光伏|photovoltaic (e.g. cell) guangfuhui 光复会|anti-Qing revolutionary party set up ... guangfuqijian 光伏器件|photovoltaic device (e.g. solar cell) guangfushe 光辐射|light radiation guangfuxiang 光复乡|Guangfu or Kuangfu township in Hualie... guanggan 广柑|a variety of orange grown in Guangdon... guanggansiling 光杆司令|commander without any soldiers; (fig.... guangganying 光感应|optical response/reaction to light/li... guanggao 广告|to advertise/a commercial/advertiseme... guanggaolan 广告栏|advertising column (in a newspaper)/b... guanggaolanjieqi 广告拦截器|ad-blocker guanggaopai 广告牌|billboard guanggaopian 广告片|advertising film/TV commercial guanggaoshan 广告衫|promotional T-shirt/CL:件[jian4] guanggaoshang 广告商|advertising company guanggaotiaofu 广告条幅|banner advertisement guanggaowei 广告位|ad space; ad slot guanggaoxuanchuan 广告宣传|advertising; publicity; promotion guanggaoxuanchuanche 广告宣传车|mobile billboard guanggaoxuanchuanhua 广告宣传画|placard; poster guanggaozhu 广告主|advertiser guanggeliqi 光隔离器|opto-isolator (electronics) guanggonglv 光功率|optical power guanggu 光顾|to visit (as a customer) guangguailuli 光怪陆离|monstrous and multicolored/grotesque ... guangguang 光光|bright/shiny/smooth/naked/bald/penniless guangguang 逛逛|to roam around/to have a stroll guanggun 光棍|gangster; hoodlum/bachelor; single ma... guanggunjie 光棍节|Singles\' Day (November 11), originall... guanggunr 光棍儿|bachelor; single man (erhua variant o... guanghai 光害|light pollution (Tw) guanghan 广汉|Guanghan, county-level city in Deyang... guanghanshi 广汉市|Guanghan, county-level city in Deyang... guanghe 广河|Guanghe County in Linxia Hui Autonomo... guanghe 光合|photosynthesis guanghexian 广河县|Guanghe County in Linxia Hui Autonomo... guanghezuoyong 光合作用|photosynthesis guanghua 光华|brilliance/splendor/magnificence guanghua 光滑|glossy; sleek; smooth guanghuan 光环|ring of light; halo; (fig.) glory; sp... guanghuaxingjiaohuabing 光化性角化病|(medicine) actinic keratosis, aka sol... guanghuaxue 光化学|photochemistry guanghuazuoyong 光化作用|photochemical effect/photosynthesis/p... guanghui 光辉|radiance/glory/brilliant/magnificent guanghuoxiang 广藿香|(botany) patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) guangjianceqi 光检测器|optical detector guangjiao 广角|wide-angle/panoramic/fig. wide perspe... guangjiao 光脚|bare feet guangjiaodebupachuanxiede 光脚的不怕穿鞋的|lit. the barefooted people are not af... guangjiaohui 广交会|China Export Commodities Fair also kn... guangjiaojing 广角镜|wide-angle lens guangjiaojingtou 广角镜头|wide angle camera shot guangjiburudanmo 广记不如淡墨|see 好記性不如爛筆頭|好记性不如烂笔头[hao3 ji4 xing4 ... guangjie 光洁|bright and clean guangjie 逛街|to take a walk/to window-shop/to stro... guangjieliangyuan 广结良缘|to earn people\'s praise through one\'s... guangjieshouqi 光接收器|optical receiver guangjing 光景|circumstances/scene/about/probably guangjiu 广九|Guangdong and Kowloon (e.g. railway) guangjiutielu 广九铁路|Guangdong and Kowloon railway guangkaiyanlu 广开言路|to encourage the free airing of views... guangke 光刻|photolithography guangkeji 光刻机|photolithography machine guangkejiao 光刻胶|photoresist (laser etching used in mi... guangkuo 广阔|wide/vast guanglan 光缆|optical cable guanglang 桄榔|arenga or sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) guangliang 光亮|bright guangliang 光量|quantity of light/luminosity guangliangdu 光亮度|brightness/luminosity guanglin 光临|(formal) to honor with one\'s presence... guangling 广陵|Guangling district of Yangzhou city 揚... guangling 广灵|Guangling county in Datong 大同[Da4 ton... guanglingqu 广陵区|Guangling district of Yangzhou city 揚... guanglingxian 广灵县|Guangling county in Datong 大同[Da4 ton... guangliu 光溜|smooth; slippery guangludaifu 光禄大夫|honorific title during Tang to Qing t... guanglushi 光卤石|carnallite (hydrated potassium magnes... guangluxun 光禄勋|Supervisor of Attendants in imperial ... guangmang 光芒|rays of light/brilliant rays/radiance guangmao 广袤|vast guangmao 光猫|optical network terminal (ONT); optic... guangmian 光面|plain noodles in broth guangmianneizhiwang 光面内质网|smooth endoplasmic reticulum guangmin 光敏|photosensitive guangming 光明|light/radiance/(fig.) bright (prospec... guangmingjie 光明节|Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish hol... guangmingleiluo 光明磊落|open and candid (idiom); straightforw... guangmingribao 光明日报|Guangming Daily, a Beijing newspaper guangmingxinqu 光明新区|New Guangming district of Shenzhen Ci... guangmingzhengda 光明正大|(of a person) honorable; not devious/... guangmo 广漠|vast and empty guangmutian 广目天|Virupaksa (on of the Four Heavenly Ki... guangnan 广南|Guangnan county in Wenshan Zhuang and... guangnanxian 广南县|Guangnan county in Wenshan Zhuang and... guangneng 光能|light energy (e.g. solar) guangnenghecheng 光能合成|photosynthesis guangnian 光年|light-year guangning 广宁|Guangning county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zh... guangningxian 广宁县|Guangning county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zh... guangong 关公|Lord Guan (i.e. 關羽|关羽[Guan1 Yu3]) guangong 管工|plumber/pipe-worker guangongmianqianshuadadao 关公面前耍大刀|lit. to wield the broadsword in the p... guangou 光耦|abbr. for 光耦合器[guang1 ou3 he2 qi4] guangouheqi 光耦合器|optocoupler (electronics) guangpan 光盘|compact disc (CD); DVD; CD-ROM/CL:片[p... guangpanqudongqi 光盘驱动器|CD or DVD drive/abbr. to 光驅|光驱 guangping 广平|Guangping county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2... guangpingxian 广平县|Guangping county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2... guangpu 光谱|spectrum guangpu 广谱|broad spectrum guangpu 广普|Guangdong pidgin (a mix of Standard M... guangpufenxi 光谱分析|spectral analysis guangputu 光谱图|spectrogram guangpuxue 光谱学|spectroscopy guangpuyi 光谱仪|spectrometer; spectrograph guangqi 光气|phosgene COCl2, aka carbonyl chloride... guangqi 光漆|enamel guangqianyuhou 光前裕后|to bring honor to one\'s ancestors and... guangqu 光驱|CD or DVD Drive/abbr. for 光盤驅動器|光盘驱动器 guangquan 光圈|aperture/diaphragm/halo/aureole guangrao 广饶|Guangrao County in Dongying 東營|东营[Don... guangraoxian 广饶县|Guangrao County in Dongying 東營|东营[Don... guangrong 光荣|honor and glory/glorious guangrongbang 光荣榜|honor roll guangronggeming 光荣革命|Glorious Revolution (England, 1688) guangrun 光润|glossy/lustrous/sleek guangshan 光山|Guangshan county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan guangshanxian 光山县|Guangshan county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan guangshexian 光射线|light ray guangshi 广式|Cantonese-style guangshi 光是|solely/just guangshu 光束|light beam guangshui 广水|Guangshui, county-level city in Suizh... guangshuishi 广水市|Guangshui, county-level city in Suizh... guangshuobulian 光说不练|all talk and no action (idiom)/to pre... guangshuobuzuo 光说不做|(idiom) to be all talk and no action;... guangsu 光速|the speed of light guangtianhuari 光天化日|the full light of day (idiom)/fig. pe... guangtongliang 光通量|luminous flux (physics) guangtou 光头|shaven head/bald head/to go bareheade... guangtoudang 光头党|skinheads guangtouqiang 光头强|Logger Vick (Boonie Bears character)/... guangtutu 光秃秃|bald; bare (no hair, no leaves, no ve... guanguagudu 鳏寡孤独|lit. widowers, widows, orphans and th... guanguang 观光|to tour/sightseeing/tourism guanguangke 观光客|tourist guanguangqu 观光区|tourist region/sightseeing area guanguannanguo,guanguanguo 关关难过,关关过|to meet with great difficulties but p... guanguanxianghu 官官相护|officials shield one another (idiom);... guangui 官桂|Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia)/... guanguo 棺椁|inner and outer coffins/coffin guangwai 广外|abbr. for 廣東外語外貿大學|广东外语外贸大学[Guang3 do... guangwei 广为|widely guangxi 广西|see 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区[Guang3xi1 Zhuang4... guangxian 光纤|optical fiber/fiber optics guangxian 光线|light ray/CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4]/light... guangxian 光鲜|bright and neat guangxiandianlan 光纤电缆|optical fiber/optical cable guangxianfenbushishujujiekou 光纤分布式数据接口|Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) guangxianfenbushujujiekou 光纤分布数据接口|Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) guangxianfensanshiziliaojiemian 光纤分散式资料介面|(Tw) Fiber Distributed Data Interface... guangxianjiekou 光纤接口|optical interface guangxianshuaijian 光纤衰减|optical attenuation guangxianzhuizong 光线追踪|(computing) ray tracing guangxinhao 光信号|optical signal guangxisheng 广西省|Guangxi Province, which in 1958 becam... guangxizhuangzuzizhiqu 广西壮族自治区|Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, cap... guangxu 光绪|reign name of penultimate Qing empero... guangxudi 光绪帝|Guangxu Emperor guangxue 光学|optics guangxueleida 光学雷达|lidar guangxuexianweijing 光学显微镜|optical microscope guangxueyiqi 光学仪器|optical instrument guangxuezifushibie 光学字符识别|optical character recognition (OCR) guangya 广雅|earliest extant Chinese encyclopedia ... guangyan 光艳|bright and colorful; gorgeous guangyan 广砚|Guangnan and Yanshan (in Yunnan) guangyang 广阳|Guangyang district of Langfang city 廊... guangyangqu 广阳区|Guangyang district of Langfang city 廊... guangyao 光耀|dazzling/brilliant guangyaomenmei 光耀门楣|splendor shines on the family\'s door ... guangyi 广义|broad sense/general sense guangyichuanxue 光遗传学|optogenetics guangyin 光阴|time available guangyin-renran 光阴荏苒|(idiom) How time flies! guangying 光影|light and shadow/sunlight and shade guangyingxiao 光影效|lighting effect guangyinsijian 光阴似箭|time flies like an arrow (idiom); How... guangyixiangduilun 广义相对论|general relativity/Einstein\'s theory ... guangyou 广游|to travel widely (esp. as Daoist prie... guangyuan 广元|see 廣元市|广元市[Guang3yuan2 Shi4] guangyuan 光源|light source guangyuanshi 广元市|Guangyuan, prefecture-level city in S... guangyun 光晕|halo/(photography) halation guangyun 广韵|Guangyun, Chinese rime dictionary 韻書|... guangyushi 广域市|metropolitan city, South Korean analo... guangyuwang 广域网|wide area network/WAN guangyuwanglu 广域网路|wide area network/WAN guangze 光泽|Guangze county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 pin... guangze 光泽|luster/gloss guangzexian 光泽县|Guangze county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 pin... guangzhao 光照|illumination guangzhaodu 光照度|illuminance (physics) guangzhaozhiliao 光照治疗|light therapy/phototherapy guangzhou 广州|see 廣州市|广州市[Guang3zhou1 Shi4] guangzhou 光州|Guangzhou, old name for Huangchuan 潢川... guangzhouguangyushi 光州广域市|Gwangju Metropolitan City, capital of... guangzhoumeishuxueyuan 广州美术学院|Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts guangzhouribao 广州日报|Guangzhou Daily guangzhoushi 广州市|Guangzhou, sub-provincial city and ca... guangzhoushi 光州市|Guangzhou, old name for Huangchuan 潢川... guangzhouzhongyiyaodaxue 广州中医药大学|Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine guangzhu 光柱|light beam/light pillar (atmospheric ... guangzhui 光锥|(physics) light cone guangzhui 光追|ray tracing (abbr. for 光線追蹤|光线追踪[guan... guangzi 光子|photon (particle physics) guangzi 广子|(slang) advertisement; ad guangzong 广宗|Guangzong county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 ... guangzongxian 广宗县|Guangzong county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 ... guangzongyaozu 光宗耀祖|to bring honor to one\'s ancestors guanhaique 冠海雀|(bird species of China) Japanese murr... guanhanqing 关汉卿|Guan Hanqing (c. 1235-c. 1300), Yuan ... guanhougan 观后感|impression or feeling after visiting ... guanhoujing 观后镜|mirror showing a view to one\'s rear (... guanhu 关乎|to relate to/concerning/about guanhua 官话|\"officialese\"/bureaucratic language/M... guanhuai 关怀|care/solicitude/to show care for/conc... guanhuai 惯坏|to spoil (a child) guanhuaibeizhi 关怀备至|the utmost care (idiom); to look afte... guanhuan 官宦|functionary/official guanhuanrenjia 官宦人家|family of a functionary (i.e. educate... guanhuo 观火|penetrating (vision) guanhusuo 观护所|probation office guanian 挂念|to feel anxious about; to have (sth) ... guanji 关机|to turn off (a machine or device)/to ... guanjia 管家|(old) butler; steward/manager; admini... guanjia 官家|emperor/government/official guanjia 官价|official price guanjia 惯家|(usually derog.) an old hand at sth guanjian 关键|crucial point/crux/CL:個|个[ge4]/key/cr... guanjian 管见|my limited view (lit. view through a ... guanjianci 关键词|keyword guanjiang 灌浆|grouting/(of grain) to be in the milk... guanjianjixiaozhibiao 关键绩效指标|key performance indicator (KPI) guanjiansuoji 管见所及|in my humble opinion (idiom) guanjianzi 关键字|keyword guanjiao 管教|to discipline/to teach/to guarantee guanjiaowufang 管教无方|unable to discipline a child/incapabl... guanjiapo 管家婆|housewife (jocular)/female housekeepe... guanjiazi 官架子|putting on official airs guanjie 关节|joint (physiology)/key point/critical... guanjie 官阶|official rank guanjiemian 关节面|articular facet (anatomy)/surface in ... guanjienang 关节囊|articular capsule (of joint such as k... guanjieqiang 关节腔|articular cavity/joint cavity guanjieyan 关节炎|arthritis guanjin 关紧|to close firmly/to fasten securely/to... guanjin 关金|see 關金券|关金券[guan1jin1quan4] guanjinbi 关禁闭|to put in detention (a soldier, a pupil) guanjing 管井|tube well guanjing 关境|customs border guanjingtai 观景台|lookout/viewing platform/observation ... guanjinquan 关金券|Chinese customs gold unit, currency u... guanjiu 灌酒|to force sb to drink alcohol guanju 鳏居|to live as a widower guanjue 官爵|official ranking/titles and honors guanjun 冠军|champion guanjun 官军|(old) government troops guanjunsai 冠军赛|championship guankan 观看|to watch; to view guanke 观客|audience guanke 官客|male guest at party guankong 管控|to control guankou 关口|pass/gateway/(fig.) juncture guankui 管窥|to look at sth through a bamboo tube/... guankuisuoji 管窥所及|in my humble opinion guanlan 灌篮|slam dunk guanlan 观览|to view/to look at/to look sth over guanlanhu 观澜湖|Mission Hills Group (Chinese hospital... guanlaoye 官老爷|nickname for official guanli 管理|to supervise/to manage/to administer/... guanli 惯例|convention/usual practice guanli 官吏|bureaucrat/official guanli 冠礼|the capping ceremony, a Confucian com... guanli 观礼|to attend a ritual guanlian 关联|to be related; to be connected/relati... guanlian 关连|variant of 關聯|关联[guan1 lian2] guanlian 贯连|to link up/to join together/to connect guanlianci 关联词|(grammar) a connective/a conjunction guanliang 惯量|inertia (mechanics) guanliangongsi 关联公司|related company/affiliate guanliao 官僚|bureaucrat/bureaucracy/bureaucratic guanliaoxiqi 官僚习气|(derog.) bureaucracy/red tape guanliaozhuyi 官僚主义|bureaucracy guanlicengshougou 管理层收购|management buyout (MBO) guanlifei 管理费|management fee guanlingbuyizumiaozuzizhixian 关岭布依族苗族自治县|Guanling Buyei and Hmong autonomous c... guanlingxian 关岭县|Guanling Buyei and Hmong autonomous c... guanliren 管理人|supervisor/manager/administrator guanliweiyuanhui 管理委员会|administrative committee/management c... guanlixinxiku 管理信息库|Management Information Base/MIB guanlixue 管理学|management studies guanlixueyuan 管理学院|school of management guanliyuan 管理员|manager/administrator guanlizhan 管理站|management station guanlong 罐笼|(mining) mine cage guanlu 管路|piping (for water, oil, etc)/conduit guanlu 灌录|to record (audio) guanluoyin 观落阴|a ritual whereby the living soul is b... guanmai 冠脉|coronary/coronary artery guanmaixunhuan 冠脉循环|coronary circulation guanmaozongxieding 关贸总协定|GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on T... guanmaya 冠麻鸭|(bird species of China) crested sheld... guanmei 官媒|official media/state media/(abbr. for... guanmen 关门|to close a door/to lock a door/(of a ... guanmendagou 关门打狗|lit. shut the door and beat the dog (... guanmendaji 关门大吉|to close down a business for good and... guanmendizi 关门弟子|last disciple of a master guanmenzhuozei 关门捉贼|to catch a thief by closing his escap... guanmian 冠冕|royal crown/official hat/official/lea... guanmiantanghuang 冠冕堂皇|high-sounding/dignified/pompous (idiom) guanmiao 关庙|Guanmiao, a district in Tainan 台南|台南[... guanmihuntang 灌迷魂汤|to butter sb up/to try to impress sb guanming 冠名|to name (a sports team, a competition... guanming 官名|name of job in Imperial bureaucracy/o... guanmitang 灌米汤|to flatter/to butter sb up guanmo 观摩|to observe and emulate/to study (esp.... guanmu 棺木|coffin guanmu 灌木|bush/shrub guanmucong 灌木丛|shrub/shrubbery guanmulin 灌木林|shrubbery/low wood guannaiyou 掼奶油|whipped cream guannan 灌南|Guannan county in Lianyungang 連雲港|连云港... guannanxian 灌南县|Guannan county in Lianyungang 連雲港|连云港... guanneng 官能|organic function; physical faculty; s... guannengji 官能基|functional group (chemistry) guannengtuan 官能团|functional group (chemistry) guannian 观念|notion/thought/concept/sense/views/id... guanniao 观鸟|birdwatching guannipishi 关你屁事|(coll.) None of your goddamn business... guanong 瓜农|melon farmer guanqi 贯气|(feng shui) beneficial influence, esp... guanqia 关卡|checkpoint (for taxation, security et... guanqian 灌铅|to weight sth with lead/(of a die) lo... guanqian 管钳|pipe wrench guanqie 关切|to be deeply concerned/to be troubled... guanqie 惯窃|habitual thief guanqing 管情|to guarantee guanqu 灌区|area under irrigation guanqu 灌渠|irrigation channel guanqu 管取|sure guansai 关塞|border fort, esp. defending narrow va... guansha 管纱|cop (textiles) guanshan 关山|Guanshan or Kuanshan town in Taitung ... guanshan 关山|fortresses and mountains (along the G... guanshang 观赏|to look at sth with pleasure; to watc... guanshang 关上|to close (a door)/to turn off (light,... guanshanzhen 关山镇|Guanshan or Kuanshan town in Taitung ... guanshe 关涉|to relate (to)/to concern/to involve/... guanshi 贯时|diachronic guanshiyin 观世音|Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassio... guanshiyinpusa 观世音菩萨|Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassio... guanshouguanjiao 管手管脚|to control in every detail/excessive ... guanshu 灌输|to imbue with/to inculcate/to instill... guanshu 管束|to exercise control over/restriction;... guanshu 官署|official institution/state bureau guanshui 灌水|to irrigate/to pour water into/to inj... guanshui 关税|customs duty/tariff guanshuibilei 关税壁垒|tariff wall guanshuiguojing 关税国境|customs border guanshuitongmeng 关税同盟|customs union guanshuiyumaoyizongxieding 关税与贸易总协定|GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on T... guanshuo 关说|to speak on sb\'s behalf; to intercede... guansi 官司|lawsuit/CL:場|场[chang2] guansiheying 官私合营|public and private interests working ... guansuan 谷氨酸|glutamic acid (Glu), an amino acid guansuanna 谷氨酸钠|monosodium glutamate (MSG) (E621) guanta 管他|no matter if/regardless of/don’t worr... guanta 管它|no matter if/regardless of/don’t worr... guantade 管他的|don’t worry about (it, him etc)/doesn... guantanamo 关塔那摩|Guantanamo guantanamo 关塔纳摩|Guantanamo, Cuba guantanamowan 关塔那摩湾|Guantanamo Bay (in Cuba) guantane 管他呢|don’t worry about (it, him etc)/doesn... guantang 观塘|Kwun Tong district of Kowloon, Hong Kong guantao 馆陶|Guantao county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 d... guantao 管套|pipe sleeve guantaoxian 馆陶县|Guantao county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 d... guantasanqiershiyi 管他三七二十一|who cares/no matter what/regardless o... guantian 官田|Guantian, the name of townships in va... guanting 关停|(of a power plant, refinery etc) to s... guantingshuiku 官厅水库|Guanting or Kuan-ting Reservoir in He... guantong 贯通|to link up/to thread together guantou 罐头|tin/can/CL:個|个[ge4] guantou 关头|juncture/moment guantou 惯偷|habitual thief guantouqizi 罐头起子|can opener guantouxiaosheng 罐头笑声|canned laughter; laugh track guanwai 关外|beyond the pass, i.e. the region nort... guanwang 官网|official website (abbr. for 官方網站|官方网站... guanwang 观望|to wait and see/to watch from the sid... guanwei 官位|official post guanweihui 管委会|administrative committee/management c... guanwen 关文|official document sent to an agency (... guanwenliuying 冠纹柳莺|(bird species of China) Claudia\'s lea... guanxi 关系|relation/relationship/to concern/to a... guanxi 关系|variant of 關係|关系[guan1 xi5] guanxi 关西|Kansai region, Japan/Guanxi or Kuanhs... guanxi 盥洗|to wash up; to freshen up guanxia 管辖|to administer/to have jurisdiction (o... guanxian 冠县|Guan County in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 che... guanxian 管线|pipeline/general term for pipes, cabl... guanxian 官衔|title/official rank guanxian 固安县|Gu\'an county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fan... guanxianan 谷氨酰胺|glutamine (Gln), an amino acid guanxiang 观想|to visualize (Buddhist practice) guanxiang 关饷|to receive one\'s salary/to pay sb\'s w... guanxiangtai 观象台|observatory/observation platform guanxianshi 管闲事|to meddle/to be a \"nosy Parker\"/to be... guanxianyue 管弦乐|orchestral music guanxianyuedui 管弦乐队|orchestra guanxianyuetuan 管弦乐团|orchestra guanxidaimingci 关系代名词|relative pronoun guanxidao 关系到|relates to/bears upon guanxihu 关系户|a connection (sb with whom one has de... guanxin 关心|to be concerned about; to care about guanxinbing 冠心病|coronary heart disease guanxing 惯性|(physics) inertia/(fig.) force of hab... guanxingci 冠形词|article (in grammar) guanxingtai 观星台|astronomical observatory (old) guanxingxi 惯性系|inertial system/inertial frame (mecha... guanxinsixi 观衅伺隙|lit. to look for holes, and observe g... guanxipen 盥洗盆|washbowl guanxishi 盥洗室|toilet/washroom/bathroom/lavatory/CL:... guanxishi 关系式|equation expressing a relation (math.) guanxiwang 关系网|network of people with whom one has d... guanxizhen 关西镇|Guanxi or Kuanhsi town in Hsinchu Cou... guanxuan 官宣|official announcement (neologism c. 2... guanxue 官学|school or academic institution (old) guanya 关押|to imprison/to lock up (in jail) guanyan 关严|to close (a window) completely; to sh... guanyan 官盐|legally-traded salt (with salt tax paid) guanyang 灌阳|Guanyang county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin... guanyang 惯养|to spoil/to indulge sb (usu. a child) guanyang 官样|official manner guanyangwenzhang 官样文章|officialese/red tape guanyangxian 灌阳县|Guanyang county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin... guanyi 冠以|to label/to call guanyin 观音|Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassio... guanyin 官印|official seal guanying 观影|to watch a movie guanyingshan 关颖珊|Michelle Kwan (1980-), former America... guanyinpusa 观音菩萨|Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassio... guanyong 管用|efficacious/useful guanyong 惯用|to use habitually/habitual/customary guanyongshou 惯用手|dominant hand guanyongyu 惯用语|commonly used phrase/idiom/colloquial... guanyou 惯有|customary; usual guanyu 关于|pertaining to/concerning/with regard ... guanyu 关羽|Guan Yu (-219), general of Shu and bl... guanyuan 官员|official (in an organization or gover... guanyuanxianchong 管圆线虫|\"eel worm\", a parasitic worm carrying... guanyue 管龠|flute/pipe/key/CL:把[ba3] guanyueqi 管乐器|wind instrument/woodwind guanyugou 冠鱼狗|(bird species of China) crested kingf... guanyun 灌云|Guanyun county in Lianyungang 連雲港|连云港... guanyunchang 关云长|courtesy name of 關羽|关羽[Guan1 Yu3] guanyunhengtong 官运亨通|(of a political career) everything is... guanyunxian 灌云县|Guanyun county in Lianyungang 連雲港|连云港... guanzei 惯贼|habitual thief guanzhan 观战|to watch from the sidelines guanzhan 观瞻|appearance/view/abiding impression guanzhan 关栈|bonded warehouse guanzhan 灌站|pumping station in irrigation system guanzhanfei 关栈费|bonding fee guanzhang 关张|(of a shop) to close down; to go out ... guanzhao 关照|to take care/to keep an eye on/to loo... guanzhen 官箴|rules of propriety for government off... guanzheng 关征|customs levy/customs post charging im... guanzhi 管制|to control/to restrict/(PRC law) non-... guanzhi 官职|an official position/a job in the bur... guanzhi 官制|the civil service system/the bureaucr... guanzhi 管治|governance/to govern guanzhi 观止|incomparably good guanzhilin 关之琳|Rosamund Kwan (1962-), Hong Kong actress guanzhong 观众|spectators; audience; visitors (to an... guanzhong 关中|Guanzhong Plain in Shaanxi guanzhong 管仲|Guan Zhong (-645 BC), famous politici... guanzhongdiqu 关中地区|Guanzhong Plain in Shaanxi guanzhongkuibao 管中窥豹|lit. to see a leopard through a narro... guanzhongpingyuan 关中平原|Guanzhong Plain in Shaanxi guanzhu 关注|to pay attention to; to follow sth cl... guanzhu 灌注|to pour into/perfusion (med.)/to conc... guanzhu 贯注|to concentrate on; to give full atten... guanzhu 管住|to take control of; to manage; to curb guanzhuang 冠状|coronary (i.e. relating to the corona... guanzhuang 罐装|canned (food, coffee etc) guanzhuangbingdu 冠状病毒|coronavirus guanzhuangdongmai 冠状动脉|coronary artery guanzhuangdongmaipangluyizhishoushu 冠状动脉旁路移植手术|coronary bypass operation guanzhuangdongmaipangtongshoushu 冠状动脉旁通手术|coronary bypass operation guanzhuo 灌濯|to wash/to rinse guanzhuzuimaikaitui 管住嘴迈开腿|lit. shut your mouth, move your legs ... guanzi 管子|Guanzi or Guan Zhong 管仲 (-645 BC), fa... guanzi 管子|tube/pipe/drinking straw/CL:根[gen1] guanzi 关子|climax (in a story) guanzi 罐子|jar/pitcher/pot guanzi 馆子|restaurant/theater (old) guanzi 官子|endgame (in go) guanzi 冠子|crest/crown guanzigong 管子工|plumber/pipe-fitter guanziqian 管子钳|pipe wrench/monkey wrench guanzui 灌醉|to fuddle/to befuddle/to inebriate/to... guanzuifeicui 鹳嘴翡翠|(bird species of China) stork-billed ... guanzuo 管座|to mount an electronic valve/to plug ... guao 孤傲|proud and aloof guapai 挂牌|lit. to hang up a plate/to open up fo... guapidao 刮皮刀|peeler/potato peeler guapimao 瓜皮帽|Chinese skullcap resembling the skin ... guaqi 挂起|to hang up (a picture etc)/to hoist u... guaqi 挂旗|vertical banner (for display at exhib... guaqi 瓜脐|the umbilicus of a melon guaqing 寡情|heartless/unfeeling guaren 寡人|I (first person pronoun used by royal... guasha 刮痧|gua sha (technique in TCM) guashang 刮伤|scratch (wound)/scratch (damage to an... guashao 刮勺|scraper/trowel/putty knife guasheng 挂绳|lanyard guashi 挂失|to report the loss of something guashuai 挂帅|to be in command/(fig.) to dominate o... guashudiluo 瓜熟蒂落|when the melon is ripe, it falls (idi... guashui 挂水|to put sb on an intravenous drip guasuo 挂锁|padlock guatan 挂毯|tapestry guatang 寡糖|oligosaccharide guatianbunalv,lixiabuzhengguan 瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠|lit. don\'t tie your shoelaces in a me... guatianlixia 瓜田李下|abbr. for 瓜田不納履,李下不整冠|瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠[gua... guatou 寡头|oligarch guatoulongduan 寡头垄断|oligopoly guatouzhengzhi 寡头政治|oligarchy guatu 挂图|wall chart guawazi 瓜娃子|(dialect) fool/a silly guawugunyuan,renwushiquan 瓜无滚圆,人无十全|no gourd is perfectly round, just as ... guaxian 挂线|to hang up the phone guaxin 挂心|to worry/to be on one\'s mind guaxue 挂靴|(sports) to hang up one\'s boots; to r... guayan 寡言|taciturn/reticent guayangtoumaigourou 挂羊头卖狗肉|lit. to hang a sheep\'s head while sel... guayi 卦义|interpretation of the divinatory trig... guayilouwan 挂一漏万|to mention some but omit many others ... guazai 挂载|(computing) to mount guazaizuibian 挂在嘴边|to keep saying (sth) over and over guazaizuishang 挂在嘴上|to pay lip service to/to keep mention... guazhi 挂职|temporary assignment to a Chinese gov... guazhong 挂钟|wall clock guazhou 挂轴|hanging scroll (calligraphy or painting) guazhou 瓜州|Guazhou county in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu guazhouxian 瓜州县|Guazhou county in Jiuquan 酒泉[Jiu3 qua... guazhu 挂住|to get caught (entangled)/to catch (o... guazhu 寡助|(esp. of an unjust cause) to receive ... guazhuihe 挂坠盒|locket guazi 瓜子|melon seed/seeds of pumpkin, watermel... guazi 褂子|unlined upper garment guazilian 瓜子脸|oval face guba 古巴|Cuba guba 孤拔|Amédée Courbet (1826-1885), a French ... gubabilun 古巴比伦|ancient Babylon guban 古板|outmoded/old-fashioned/inflexible guban 鼓板|clapper-board gubao 古堡|ancient castle gubao 鼓包|to bulge; to swell/a bulge; a swelling gubao 箍煲|to heal the breach (Cantonese) gubeijie 古北界|Palearctic realm guben 股本|capital stock/investment gubenhuibaolv 股本回报率|return on equity (ROE) gubi 古币|old coin gubing 骨病|osteopathy gubo 古波|Gubo (a personal name) gubude 顾不得|unable to change sth/unable to deal with gubuji 顾不及|(of sb who is preoccupied with doing ... gubushang 顾不上|cannot attend to or manage gubuzifeng 故步自封|stuck in the old ways (idiom); refusi... gucang 谷仓|barn gucao 谷草|straw guce 估测|estimate gucha 古刹|old Buddhist temple guchan 估产|to assess/to estimate (value of prope... gucheng 古城|ancient city gucheng 故城|old city gucheng 谷城|Gucheng county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 ... gucheng 故称|... hence the name (used at the end o... guchengqu 古城区|Old town district/Gucheng district of... guchengxian 谷城县|Gucheng county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 ... guchengxian 故城县|Gucheng county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 s... guchi 古驰|Gucci (brand) guchui 鼓吹|to agitate for/to enthusiastically pr... guchuizhe 鼓吹者|advocate guchun 固醇|sterol (chemistry) guci 骨刺|spur/bony outgrowth guci 骨瓷|bone china (fine white porcelain made... guci 故此|therefore gucishengzhi 孤雌生殖|parthenogenesis (biol. a female repro... gucishibi 顾此失彼|lit. to attend to one thing and lose ... gudabeisi 鼓打贝斯|drum and bass (music genre) gudai 古代|ancient times gudai 箍带|strap/CL:條|条[tiao2] gudaishi 古代史|ancient history gudan 孤单|lone/lonely/loneliness gudan 孤胆|solitary hero/maverick gudanyingxiong 孤胆英雄|solitary hero/maverick gudao 孤岛|isolated island gudao 古道|ancient road/precepts of the antiquity gudao 故道|old road/old way/old course (of a river) gudao 鼓捣|to tinker with/to incite gudaoniao 古盗鸟|Archaeoraptor (bird-like dinosaur) gudengbao 古登堡|Gutenberg (name)/Johannes Gutenberg (... gudi 谷底|valley floor/(fig.) lowest ebb/all-ti... gudi 故地|once familiar places/former haunts gudi 谷地|valley gudi 鹄的|bull\'s-eye/target/objective gudi 故第|former residence gudian 古典|classical gudian 鼓点|drum beat/rhythm gudian 故典|old classics/old customs/cause gudianpai 古典派|classicists gudianwenxue 古典文学|classical literature gudianyinyue 古典音乐|classical music gudianyue 古典乐|classical music (mainly Western) gudianyuyan 古典语言|classical language gudianzi 鼓点子|drumbeat/(Chinese opera) clapper beats gudichongyou 故地重游|to revisit old haunts (idiom); down m... gudici 古地磁|paleomagnetism gudie 姑爹|husband of father\'s sister/uncle guding 固定|to fix/to fasten/to set rigidly in pl... guding 估定|to assess/to estimate the value gudingcizu 固定词组|set phrase gudingdian 固定点|fixed point/calibration point gudingdianhua 固定电话|landline telephone/fixed-line telephone gudingji 骨顶鸡|(bird species of China) Eurasian coot... gudingshouru 固定收入|fixed income gudingxingsiwei 固定型思维|fixed mindset (as opposed to growth m... gudingzichan 固定资产|fixed assets gudong 股东|shareholder/stockholder gudong 古董|curio/antique gudong 鼓动|to urge (an activity that may be bene... gudong 咕咚|splash/(onom.) for heavy things falli... gudong 骨董|variant of 古董[gu3 dong3] gudongdahui 股东大会|general shareholders\' meeting gudongmai 股动脉|femoral artery gudongmingce 股东名册|register of shareholders gudongtan 古董滩|Gudong desert or Antiques desert at H... gudongtebiedahui 股东特别大会|special shareholders\' meeting gudoudou 骨都都|(onom.) for plopping sound gudu 古都|ancient capital gudu 孤独|lonely/solitary gudu 故都|former capital/ancient capital guduir 估堆儿|to assess an entire lot guduo 骨朵|club (ancient stick-like weapon with ... guduo 馉饳|a kind of wonton made in ancient times guduyushi 孤独于世|alone in the world (idiom) guduzheng 孤独症|autism guer 孤儿|orphan guer 故而|therefore guerbangjie 古尔邦节|Eid al-Adha or Festival of the Sacrif... guerbantongguteshamo 古尔班通古特沙漠|Gurbantunggut Desert, northern Xinjiang guertouji 股二头肌|biceps femoris (anatomy) gueryao 孤儿药|orphan drug gueryuan 孤儿院|orphanage/child asylum gufa 骨法|bone structure and physiognomy/the st... gufang 古方|ancient prescription gufangzishang 孤芳自赏|lone flower admiring itself (idiom); ... gufeihou 骨肥厚|hyperostosis (abnormal thickening of ... gufen 股份|a share (in a company)/stock gufen 骨粉|bone meal gufeng 古风|old style/old custom/a pre-Tang Dynas... gufeng 鼓风|a forced draft (of wind, for smelting... gufengji 鼓风机|bellows/ventilator/air blower gufenglu 鼓风炉|a blast furnace (in modern times)/a d... gufengongsi 股份公司|joint-stock company gufenyouxiangongsi 股份有限公司|joint-stock limited company/corporation gufenzhigongsi 股份制公司|joint-stock company gufu 辜负|to fail to live up (to expectations)/... gufu 姑夫|father\'s sister\'s husband/husband of ... gufu 孤负|variant of 辜負|辜负[gu1fu4] gufu 姑父|father\'s sister\'s husband; husband of... gugai 毂盖|hubcap gugan 骨干|diaphysis (long segment of a bone)/fi... gugan 骨感|bony; skinny guganwanglu 骨干网路|backbone network gugao 孤高|arrogant guge 谷歌|variant of 谷歌[Gu3 ge1] guge 谷歌|Google, Internet company and search e... guge 骨骼|bones/skeleton gugeji 骨骼肌|striated muscle gugeng 骨鲠|fish bone/bone stuck in the throat/st... gugengzaihou 骨鲠在喉|fish bone stuck in one\'s throat (idio... gugengzhichen 骨鲠之臣|lit. fish bone of a minister (idiom);... gugenhaimu 古根海姆|Guggenheim (name) gugenhan 古根罕|Guggenheim (name) gugenhanpenqituijinyanjiuzhongxin 古根罕喷气推进研究中心|Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at... gugong 故宫|the Forbidden City/abbr. for 故宮博物院|故宫... gugong 故宫|former imperial palace gugong 股肱|trusted aide gugongbowuyuan 故宫博物院|Palace Museum, in the Forbidden City,... gugou 股沟|buttock cleavage/butt crack gugu 呱呱|(onom.) the crying of a baby/Taiwan p... gugu 股骨|femur gugu 汩汩|(onom.) gurgling sound of flowing water gugu 鼓鼓|bulging/bursting gugu 姑姑|paternal aunt/CL:個|个[ge4] gugua 孤寡|orphans and widows/to be lonely/lonel... guguai 古怪|strange/weird/eccentric/bizarre guguai 孤拐|cheekbone/ankle guguanjieyan 骨关节炎|osteoarthritis gugujiao 咕咕叫|sound made by an empty stomach gugunangnang 鼓鼓囊囊|full and bulging (of a pocket, pouch ... guguo 古国|ancient country guguo 故国|country with an ancient history guguzhuidi 呱呱坠地|(of a baby) to be born/Taiwan pr. [wa... guhai 骨骸|bones/skeleton guhan 孤寒|alone and poor/humble/(Cantonese) mis... guhongming 辜鸿铭|Ku Hung-ming or Gu Hongming (1857-192... guhou 骨骺|(anatomy) epiphysis guhua 固化|to solidify; to harden/(fig.) to make... guhua 骨化|to ossify/ossification guhui 骨灰|bone ash/cremation ashes; cremains guhuihe 骨灰盒|box for bone ashes/funerary casket guhuikan 骨灰龛|columbarium guhun 孤魂|lonely soul guhunyegui 孤魂野鬼|wandering ghosts without living desce... guhuo 蛊惑|to entice/to lead astray guhuorenxin 蛊惑人心|to stir up public sentiment by false ... guhuozai 古惑仔|gangster/hooligan/problem youth/at-ri... gui 鬼|disembodied spirit; ghost; devil/(suf... gui 规|variant of 規|规[gui1] gui 规|compass/a rule/regulation/to admonish... gui 贵|abbr. for Guizhou Province 貴州|贵州[Gui4... gui 贵|expensive/(bound form) highly valued;... gui 归|surname Gui gui 归|to return/to go back to/to give back ... gui 硅|silicon (chemistry) gui 柜|variant of 櫃|柜[gui4] gui 柜|cupboard/cabinet/wardrobe gui 桂|surname Gui/abbr. for Guangxi Autonom... gui 桂|cassia/laurel gui 龟|tortoise; turtle/(coll.) cuckold gui 宄|traitor gui 椝|nonstandard simplified variant of 槼|规... gui 诡|(bound form) sly; crafty/(literary) w... gui 傀|grand/strange; exotic gui 巂|cuckoo/revolution of a wheel gui 圭|jade tablet, square at the base and r... gui 炔|surname Gui gui 珪|variant of 圭[gui1] gui 邽|surname Gui/ancient place name gui 匮|variant of 櫃|柜[gui4] gui 瑰|(semiprecious stone)/extraordinary gui 瑰|old variant of 瑰[gui1] gui 炅|surname Gui gui 跪|to kneel gui 闺|small arched door/boudoir; lady\'s cha... gui 桧|Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis)... gui 溎|name of a river gui 妫|surname Gui/name of a river gui 妫|variant of 媯|妫[Gui1] gui 鲑|trout/salmon gui 簋|ancient bronze food vessel with a rou... gui 筀|bamboo (archaic) gui 刿|cut/injure gui 氿|mountain spring gui 沩|name of a river in Shanxi gui 晷|sundial gui 鳜|mandarin fish/Chinese perch (Siniperc... gui 垝|(literary) dilapidated; collapsed; da... gui 癸|tenth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[s... gui 皈|to comply with/to follow gui 姽|quiet and nice gui 嶡|precipitous/mountainous gui 刽|to amputate/to cut off/also pr. [kuai4] gui 鱥|minnow gui 佹|(literary) perverse; unreasonable/(li... gui 亀|old variant of 龜|龟[gui1] gui 庋|(literary) shelf/(literary) to store;... gui 匦|small box gui 璝|variant of 瑰[gui1] gui 茥|Rubus tokkura gui 帰|Japanese variant of 歸|归 gui 攰|totally exhausted (Cantonese)/Mandari... gui 轨|(bound form) rail; track; course; path gui 槻|zelkova tree gui 樻|old variant of 櫃|柜[gui4] guian 归案|to bring to justice/to file away (a d... guibai 跪拜|to kowtow/to kneel and worship guibai 桧柏|Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis) guiban 龟板|tortoise plastron/turtle shell guibang 硅棒|silicon rod guibao 瑰宝|a treasure; a rare and valuable thing guibaxi 鬼把戏|sinister plot/dirty trick/cheap trick guibeizhu 龟背竹|split-leaf philodendron/Monstera deli... guibi 规避|to evade/to dodge guibian 诡辩|specious arguments/sophistry guibianjia 诡辩家|sophist/one who relies on specious ar... guibianshu 诡辩术|specious arguments/sophistry guibin 贵宾|honored guest/distinguished guest/VIP guibing 归并|to put together/to add/to merge guibinquan 贵宾犬|poodle guibinshi 贵宾室|VIP lounge guicai 鬼才|creative genius guicaixin 鬼才信|who would believe it!/what rubbish! guiche 鬼扯|nonsense/humbug/bunk/bullshit guicheng 规程|rules; regulations guicheng 鬼城|ghost town guicheng 归程|return trip/homeward journey guicheng 鬼秤|(coll.) rigged scale (used to deceive... guichetui 鬼扯腿|unable to restrain oneself/pulling an... guichi 贵池|Guichi, a district of Chizhou City 池州... guichiqu 贵池区|Guichi, a district of Chizhou City 池州... guichou 癸丑|fiftieth year J2 of the 60 year cycle... guichu 归除|long division/calculation on the abacus guichuan 龟船|\"turtle ship\", armored warship used b... guichuang 闺窗|a lady\'s chamber/boudoir guidang 归档|to file away/to place on file guidao 跪倒|to kneel down/to sink to one\'s knees/... guidao 轨道|track (for trains etc)/orbit (of a sa... guidao 跪祷|to kneel in prayer guidaocang 轨道舱|orbital module guidaojiaotong 轨道交通|metro/rapid transit/subway guidaokongjianzhan 轨道空间站|orbiting space station guide 贵德|Guide county in Hainan Tibetan autono... guidexian 贵德县|Guide county in Hainan Tibetan autono... guiding 规定|to stipulate; to specify; to prescrib... guiding 贵定|Guiding county in Qiannan Buyei and M... guidingxian 贵定县|Guiding county in Qiannan Buyei and M... guidiqiurao 跪地求饶|to kneel and beg forgiveness guidong 桂东|Guidong county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 z... guidongxian 桂东县|Guidong county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 z... guidui 归队|to return to one\'s unit/to go back to... guierzi 龟儿子|(coll.) bastard/son of a bitch guifan 规范|norm/standard/specification/regulatio... guifan 轨范|standard/criterion guifan 闺范|lady\'s demeanor/norms expected of wom... guifang 闺房|lady\'s chamber/boudoir/harem guifang 贵方|(in business etc) your side/you guifanhua 规范化|to standardize/standardization guifanlilun 规范理论|Standard Model (of particle physics) guifanxing 规范性|normal/standard guifei 贵妃|senior concubine/imperial consort guifeibing 硅肺病|silicosis (occupational disease of mi... guifeichuang 贵妃床|chaise longue guifeizuijiu 贵妃醉酒|The Drunken Beauty, Qing Dynasty Beij... guifu 贵妇|upper-class woman/lady (old) guifu 归附|to realign one\'s allegiance (to anoth... guifu 贵府|your home (honorific) guifu 龟趺|turtle-shaped plinth of a stele guifu 规复|to restore (deposed monarch, rule, sy... guifu 跪伏|to crouch (of animal) guifuquan 贵妇犬|poodle guifuren 贵妇人|dame guifushengong 鬼斧神工|supernaturally fine craft (idiom); th... guigan 贵干|(polite) your business/what brings you? guigang 贵港|Guigang prefecture-level city in Guangxi guigangshi 贵港市|Guigang prefecture-level city in Guangxi guige 规格|standard/norm/specification guige 闺阁|lady\'s chamber guige 桂格|Quaker (company) guigehui 贵格会|Society of Friends/the Quakers guigen 归根|to return home (after a lifetime\'s ab... guigendaodi 归根到底|after all/in the final analysis/ultim... guigeng 贵庚|your age (honorific) guigenjiedi 归根结底|in the final analysis/ultimately guigenjiedi 归根结蒂|ultimately/in the final analysis/afte... guigenjiedi 归根结柢|variant of 歸根結底|归根结底[gui1 gen1 jie2 di3] guigenjiudi 归根究底|(idiom) in the final analysis guigong 归功|to give credit/to give sb his due/att... guigong 归公|to commandeer/to take over for the state guigong 龟公|pimp guigongsi 贵公司|your company guigu 硅谷|Silicon Valley guiguai 鬼怪|hobgoblin/bogey/phantom guiguan 桂冠|laurel (as a symbol of victory or merit) guiguan 规管|to regulate guiguisuisui 鬼鬼祟祟|sneaky/secretive/furtive guigujianjin 贵古贱今|to revere the past and despise the pr... guiguo 归国|to go home (to one\'s native country)/... guiguo 贵国|your distinguished country guigushi 鬼故事|ghost story guihai 癸亥|sixtieth year J12 of the 60 year cycl... guihua 规划|to draw up a plan; to map out a progr... guihua 归化|old name for district of Hohhot city ... guihua 归化|naturalization guihua 桂花|osmanthus flowers/Osmanthus fragrans guihua 鬼话|lie/false words/nonsense/CL:篇[pian1] guihuafu 鬼画符|undecipherable handwriting/scribbling... guihuaju 规划局|planning department guihualianpian 鬼话连篇|to tell one lie after another (idiom)... guihuamu 硅化木|petrified wood (geology) guihuan 归还|to return sth/to revert guihuarenyuan 规划人员|planner guihui 规诲|to admonish/to instruct guihuishi 硅灰石|wollastonite CaSiO3 guihun 鬼魂|ghost guihun 鬼混|to hang around/to fool around/to live... guihuo 鬼火|will-o\'-the-wisp/jack-o\'-lantern guihuolv 鬼火绿|(dialect) flaming mad/furious guiji 轨迹|locus/orbit/trajectory/track guiji 诡计|trick/ruse/crafty scheme guijia 龟甲|tortoise shell guijiabaoluo 龟甲宝螺|Mauritius cowry/Mauritia mauritiana guijian 贵贱|noble and lowly/high versus low socia... guijian 规谏|to remonstrate/to warn earnestly (esp... guijiao 硅胶|silica gel/silicone rubber guijiao 鬼叫|(coll.) to holler/to squawk guijiawan 龟甲万|Kikkoman, Japanese brand of soy sauce... guijiduoduan 诡计多端|deceitful in many ways (idiom); wily ... guijiduoduan 鬼计多端|full of devilish tricks and cunning s... guijie 归结|to sum up; to conclude; to put in a n... guijie 规诫|to warn (against some course)/to admo... guijie 规戒|variant of 規誡|规诫[gui1 jie4] guijing 归经|channel tropism (TCM) guijingpian 硅晶片|silicon chip guijinshu 贵金属|precious metal guijiqiu 轨迹球|trackball (computing) guijiu 归咎|to put the blame on/to accuse guiju 规矩|lit. compass and set square/fig. esta... guiju 轨距|gauge guijue 诡谲|weird/sly/treacherous guijushengmo 规矩绳墨|compasses, set square and straight li... guijuzhunsheng 规矩准绳|compasses, set square, spirit level a... guike 龟壳|tortoise shell guikehua 龟壳花|Formosan pit viper (Protobothrops muc... guikou 归口|to return to one\'s original trade/to ... guikou 跪叩|to kowtow guikulanghao 鬼哭狼嚎|to wail like ghosts and howl like wol... guikulanghao 鬼哭狼嗥|variant of 鬼哭狼嚎[gui3 ku1 lang2 hao2] guikun 闺阃|women\'s quarters guilai 归来|to return/to come back guilao 鬼佬|foreigner (Cantonese)/Westerner guilei 归类|to classify/to categorize guili 瑰丽|elegant/magnificent/exceptionally bea... guili 规例|regulations guilian 鬼脸|wry face/to grimace/to pull a face/co... guilin 桂林|Guilin prefecture-level city in Guangxi guiling 归零|to reset to zero/(fig.) to start agai... guilingdi 归零地|Ground Zero guilinggao 龟苓膏|turtle jelly, medicine made with powd... guilinshi 桂林市|Guilin prefecture-level city in Guangxi guilinyixueyuan 桂林医学院|Guilin Medical University guilong 归拢|to gather/to rake together/to pile up guilou 鬼楼|haunted house guilu 归路|the way back/return route guilunmei 桂纶镁|Guey Lun-mei (1983-), Taiwanese actress guilv 规律|rule (e.g. of science)/law of behavio... guilv 规率|law/pattern guilvxing 规律性|regular guilvzhi 硅铝质|sial rock (containing silicon and alu... guimao 癸卯|fortieth year J4 of the 60 year cycle... guimao 龟毛|(Tw) (coll.) indecisive; fussy; nitpi... guimei 鬼魅|demon; evil spirit guimendan 闺门旦|young unmarried lady role in Chinese ... guimenguan 鬼门关|the gates of hell guimi 诡秘|secretive/furtive/surreptitious guimi 闺蜜|(coll.) (a woman\'s) close female frie... guimian 规勉|to advise and encourage guimingtang 鬼名堂|dirty trick/monkey business guimiufa 归谬法|reductio ad absurdum/arguing by contr... guimixinqiao 鬼迷心窍|to be obsessed/to be possessed guimo 规模|scale/scope/extent/CL:個|个[ge4] guimo 鬼魔|demon guimojingji 规模经济|economies of scale guimonaoke 鬼摸脑壳|(idiom) muddled; momentarily confused guimu 桧木|false cypress (genus Chamaecyparis) guimu 归牧|to return from pasture guimushu 桂木属|genus Artocarpus guina 归纳|to sum up/to summarize/to conclude fr... guinafa 归纳法|induction (method of deduction in logic) guinan 贵南|Guinan county in Hainan Tibetan auton... guinanxian 贵南县|Guinan county in Hainan Tibetan auton... guinatuili 归纳推理|inductive reasoning guining 归宁|(literary) (of a married woman) to vi... guinv 闺女|maiden; unmarried woman/(coll.) daughter guipaeren 鬼怕恶人|lit. ghosts are afraid of evil too/an... guipai 鬼牌|Joker (playing card) guipei 规培|(of a medical graduate) to undertake ... guipi 桂皮|Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamonum cassia)/... guipian 硅片|silicon chip guipian 鬼片|ghost movie guiping 桂平|Guiping, county-level city in Guigang... guipingshi 桂平市|Guiping, county-level city in Guigang... guipo 鬼婆|Caucasian woman (Cantonese) guiqi 瑰奇|magnificent/precious guiqiao 归侨|Chinese person who returns to China a... guiqing 闺情|women\'s love/passion (felt by lady) guiquan 规劝|to advise guiquanzhenluan 贵圈真乱|(slang, jocular, neologism c. 2006, u... guiren 贵人|nobility/person of high rank guiren 归仁|Gueiren, a district in Tainan 台南|台南[T... guirenduowang 贵人多忘|an eminent person has short memory (i... guirenduowangshi 贵人多忘事|see 貴人多忘|贵人多忘[gui4 ren2 duo1 wang4] guiru 归入|to assign (to a class)/to classify as... guiru 跪乳|(literary) (of a lamb) to kneel to su... guisha 硅沙|silicon sand guishanhu 贵珊瑚|precious coral/red coral (Corallium r... guishen 鬼神|supernatural beings guishi 硅石|siliceous rock guishishenchai 鬼使神差|demons and gods at work (idiom); unex... guishu 归属|to belong to/to be affiliated to/to f... guishugan 归属感|sense of belonging guishui 癸水|menstruation/woman\'s period guishun 归顺|to surrender and pay allegiance to guishuquan 归属权|right of attribution guisi 癸巳|thirtieth year J6 of the 60 year cycl... guisi 贵司|(courteous) your company guisu 龟速|as slow as a tortoise guisu 归宿|place to return to/home/final destina... guisuan 硅酸|silicic acid/silicate guisuanfulv 硅酸氟铝|aluminum fluorosilicate guisuanyan 硅酸盐|silicate guisuanyanshuini 硅酸盐水泥|Portland cement guisui 鬼祟|evil spirit/sneaky/secretive guisui 归绥|old name for Hohhot city 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2... guisunzi 龟孙子|(coll.) son of a bitch/bastard guisuo 龟缩|to withdraw/to hole up guitai 柜台|variant of 櫃檯|柜台[gui4 tai2] guitai 柜台|sales counter/front desk/bar/(of mark... guitai 鬼胎|sinister design/ulterior motive guitan 跪毯|a prayer mat/a carpet for kneeling guitian 归天|to die guitianqi 鬼天气|awful weather guitiao 规条|regulations guititou 鬼剃头|spot baldness (alopecia areata) guitong 硅酮|silicone guitou 龟头|head of a turtle/glans penis guitouguinao 鬼头鬼脑|sneaky/furtive guitu 归途|the way back/one\'s journey home guiwei 归位|to put sth back where it belongs/to r... guiwei 癸未|twentieth year J8 of the 60 year cycl... guiwei 瑰玮|ornate (style)/magnificent guiwei 瑰伟|ornate (style)/magnificent guiweishi 龟尾市|Gumi city in North Gyeongsang Provinc... guiwu 鬼屋|haunted house guixi 贵溪|Guixi, county-level city in Yingtan 鷹... guixi 归西|to die (euphemism, lit. to return Wes... guixia 跪下|to kneel down guixiang 归向|to turn toward guixiangjiao 硅橡胶|silicone rubber guixiao 贵校|(honorific) your school guixiao 诡笑|smirk/insincere smile guixiao 鬼鸮|(bird species of China) boreal owl (A... guixiaobiewuwei 龟笑鳖无尾|lit. a tortoise laughing at a soft-sh... guixijunfa 桂系军阀|Guangxi warlord faction, from 1911-1930 guixin 归心|converted to (religion) guixing 贵姓|what is your surname?/(May I ask) you... guixing 归省|to go home for a visit; to return to ... guixingjubu 规行矩步|to follow the compass and go with the... guixinsijian 归心似箭|with one\'s heart set on speeding home... guixinzhe 归心者|religious convert guixishi 贵溪市|Guixi, county-level city in Yingtan 鷹... guixiu 闺秀|well-bred young lady guiyachuang 鬼压床|(coll.) sleep paralysis guiyana 圭亚那|Guyana guiyang 贵阳|see 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4yang2 Shi4] guiyang 桂阳|Guiyang county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 z... guiyang 贵恙|(courteous) your illness guiyangshi 贵阳市|Guiyang, prefecture-level city and ca... guiyangxian 桂阳县|Guiyang county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 z... guiyashen 鬼压身|see 鬼壓床|鬼压床[gui3 ya1 chuang2] guiyi 诡异|strange/weird guiyi 皈依|to convert to (a religion) guiyi 归依|to convert to (a religion)/to rely up... guiyi 瑰异|marvelous/magnificent guiyin 归隐|to go back to one\'s native place and ... guiyin 归因|to attribute; to ascribe guiyinlilun 归因理论|attribution theory (psychology) guiyizhe 皈依者|a convert guiyou 癸酉|tenth year J10 of the 60 year cycle, ... guiyou 龟友|turtle enthusiast guiyouxinsheng 鬼由心生|devils are born in the heart (idiom)/... guiyu 鳜鱼|mandarin fish/Chinese perch (Siniperc... guiyu 鲑鱼|salmon/trout guiyu 鬼蜮|treacherous person/evil spirit guiyu 归于|to belong to/affiliated to/to result ... guiyu 轨域|(Tw) (quantum mechanics) orbital guiyu 桂鱼|mandarin fish guiyuan 桂圆|see 龍眼|龙眼[long2 yan3] guiyuan 垝垣|collapsed wall/ruined wall guiyuanji 柜员机|ATM guiyuanjianjin 贵远贱近|to revere the past and despise the pr... guiyue 规约|terms (of an agreement) guizao 硅藻|diatom (single-celled phytoplankton) guizaomen 硅藻门|Bacillariophyta, phylum of diatom sin... guize 规则|rule; regulation/regular; orderly; fixed guizehua 规则化|regularity guizexing 规则性|regularity guizexingxiaoying 规则性效应|regularity effect guizha 诡诈|sly/treacherous guizhang 规章|rule; regulation guizhangzhidu 规章制度|rules and regulations guizhen 轨枕|sleeper/tie guizhen 归真|to die (Buddhism)/to return to Allah ... guizhenfanpu 归真返璞|see 返璞歸真|返璞归真[fan3 pu2 gui1 zhen1] guizheng 规整|according to a pattern/regular/orderl... guizheng 规正|to admonish guizheng 归正|to return to the right path/to mend o... guizheyan 鬼遮眼|selective blindness caused by a ghost... guizhi 桂枝|cinnamon (Ramulus Cinnamomi) guizhi 规制|to regulate/rules and regulations/reg... guizhi 归置|(coll.) to put (things) back; to tidy... guizhi 硅质|siliceous/containing silica guizhi 硅脂|silicone grease guizhiyan 硅质岩|siliceous rock (mostly composed of si... guizhong 贵重|precious guizhou 贵胄|descendants of feudal aristocrats guizhou 贵州|see 貴州省|贵州省[Gui4zhou1 Sheng3] guizhousheng 贵州省|Guizhou Province, capital Guiyang 貴陽|... guizhu 筀竹|bamboo (archaic) guizi 柜子|cupboard/cabinet guizi 鬼子|devil (derog. term for foreign invade... guizishou 刽子手|executioner/headsman/slaughterer/fig.... guizu 贵族|lord/nobility/nobleman/noblewoman/ari... guizuhua 贵族化|gentrification/aristocratic; upper-class guizui 归罪|to blame sb guizuo 跪坐|to sit kneeling with legs folded unde... guizushehui 贵族社会|aristocracy guizushenfen 贵族身份|lordship guji 古籍|ancient text/antique books guji 估计|to estimate; to assess; to calculate/... guji 顾忌|to have misgivings/apprehension/worry... guji 古迹|places of historic interest/historica... guji 孤寂|lonesome/desolate guji 顾及|to take into consideration/to attend to guji 痼疾|chronic disease guji 咕唧|to whisper/to mutter guji 故伎|usual trick/old tactics guji 故迹|historical ruins gujia 骨架|framework/skeleton gujia 估价|to value/to appraise/to be valued at/... gujia 顾家|to take care of one\'s family gujia 故家|old and respected family/family whose... gujia 股价|stock price/share price gujiaguaren 孤家寡人|one who is cut off from others (idiom... gujian 固件|firmware gujiao 古交|Gujiao, county-level city in Taiyuan ... gujiao 故交|former acquaintance/old friend gujiao 股交|intercrural sex gujiaoshi 古交市|Gujiao, county-level city in Taiyuan ... gujiaoyuan 骨胶原|collagen (protein) gujiazidi 故家子弟|descended from an old family gujichongyan 故伎重演|to repeat an old stratagem/up to one\'... gujie 骨节|joint (of the skeleton) gujie 孤孑|lonesome; solitary gujielaer 古杰拉尔|Gujral (name)/Inder Kumar Gujral (191... gujielatebang 古杰拉特邦|Gujarat, Indian state gujier 箍节儿|short length/small section or portion gujieteli 孤孑特立|to be all alone in the world gujilate 古吉拉特|Gujarat, state in west India gujilatebang 古吉拉特邦|Gujarat, state in west India gujin 古今|then and now/ancient and modern gujin 古晋|Kuching (city in Malaysia) gujin 箍紧|to fasten tightly with a hoop gujin 骨烬|bones and ashes/remains (after Buddhi... gujing-wubo 古井无波|(idiom) calm and collected; unaffecte... gujinxiaoshuo 古今小说|Stories Old and New by Feng Menglong ... gujinyunhuijuyao 古今韵会举要|\"Summary of the Collection of Rhymes ... gujinzhongwai 古今中外|at all times and in all places (idiom) gujiu 古旧|archaic gujiu 故旧|old friends gujiubuqi 故旧不弃|do not neglect old friends gujizhuidongwuxue 古脊椎动物学|vertebrate paleontology gujizi 股集资|share issue guju 故居|former residence gujue 孤绝|isolated; solitary gujunfenzhan 孤军奋战|lit. lone army putting up a brave fig... gukaizhi 顾恺之|Gu Kaizhi or Ku K\'aichih (346-407), f... gukang 谷糠|grain chaff guke 顾客|customer; client/CL:位[wei4] guke 骨科|orthopedics/orthopedic surgery guke 古柯|(botany) coca (source of cocaine) guke 谷壳|husk (of rice etc); chaff guke 贾客|merchant (old) guke 骨刻|carving in bone gukejian 古柯碱|(loanword) cocaine gukeng 古坑|Gukeng or Kukeng township in Yunlin c... gukengxiang 古坑乡|Gukeng or Kukeng township in Yunlin c... gukeshu 古柯树|coca plant (source of cocaine) gukezhishang 顾客至上|the customer reigns supreme (idiom) gukou 谷口|Taniguchi (Japanese surname) gukulingding 孤苦伶仃|solitary and impoverished (idiom) gukulingding 孤苦零丁|variant of 孤苦伶仃[gu1 ku3 ling2 ding1] gulage 古拉格|gulag (loanword) gulai 古来|since ancient times; it has ever been... gulang 古浪|Gulang county in Wuwei 武威[Wu3 wei1], ... gulangxian 古浪县|Gulang county in Wuwei 武威[Wu3 wei1], ... gulangyu 鼓浪屿|Gulangyu, scenic island off Xiamen 廈門... gulanjing 古兰经|the Koran gulao 孤老|solitary old man or woman/regular pat... gulao 古老|ancient/old/age-old gulaolao 姑姥姥|mother\'s father\'s sister (coll.)/grea... gulaorou 古老肉|sweet and sour pork/also written 咕嚕肉|... gulaorou 咕咾肉|sweet and sour meat (pork) gulei 谷类|cereal/grain guli 孤立|to isolate/isolated/unrelated; irrele... guli 故里|home town; native place guli 鼓励|to encourage guli 股利|dividend guli 谷粒|grain (of cereal) guli 骨立|(literary) emaciated; bony guli 故吏|(literary) former subordinate guli 股栗|(literary) to tremble with fear guli 骨力|(Chinese calligraphy) vigor of brushs... guliang 估量|to estimate; to assess guliang 谷梁|two-character surname Guliang/abbr. f... guliangzhuan 谷梁传|Guliang Annals, commentary on the Spr... guliao 骨料|aggregate (sand or gravel used in con... gulie 骨裂|bone fracture/(of a bone) to fracture gulifusu 股栗肤粟|with shuddering thighs and skin like ... guliguguai 古里古怪|quaint/odd and picturesque/weird and ... gulin 古蔺|Gulin county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou... gulingjingguai 古灵精怪|weird/bizarre gulingling 孤零零|lone/isolated and without help/all al... gulinxian 古蔺县|Gulin county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou... guliu 骨瘤|osteoma (benign tumor composed of bon... guliwuyuan 孤立无援|isolated and without help gulizi 孤立子|soliton (physics) gulizibo 孤立子波|instanton (math.) gulong 古龙|Gu Long (1938-1985), Taiwanese wuxia ... gulongshui 古龙水|(loanword) cologne gulou 鼓楼|a drum tower/Drum Tower, historic att... gulou 孤陋|ignorant/ill-informed gulouguawen 孤陋寡闻|ignorant and inexperienced/ill-inform... gulouguo 锢漏锅|tinker/artisan who fixes leaky pots gulouqu 鼓楼区|Gulou, the name of districts in Nanji... gulu 轱辘|wheel/to roll/also pr. [gu1 lu5] gulu 咕噜|(onom.) to rumble (of a stomach)/to c... gulu 骨碌|to roll rapidly; to spin/Taiwan pr. [... gulu 古鲁|guru (loanword) guluannian 孤鸾年|inauspicious year for marriage gululu 骨碌碌|(onom.) rolling around; spinning/also... gululu 古鲁鲁|(onom.) the sound of a rolling object guluoma 古罗马|ancient Rome gulurou 咕噜肉|sweet and sour meat (pork) gulv 顾虑|misgivings; apprehensions/to worry ab... guma 姑妈|(coll.) father\'s married sister/pater... guma 箍麻|to become numb (from being bound too ... gumian 顾眄|to turn one\'s head and look around gumin 股民|stock investor/share trader gumingdiaoyu 沽名钓誉|to angle for fame (idiom)/to fish for... gumingsiyi 顾名思义|as the name implies gumo 估摸|to reckon/to guess gumo 鼓膜|eardrum; tympanic membrane gumo 骨膜|periosteum (membrane covering bone) gumu 钴𬭁|(literary) clothes iron gumu 古墓|old tomb (archaeology) gumu 姑母|father\'s sister/paternal aunt gumu 故墓|old tomb gumuliying 古墓丽影|Tomb Raider (computer game) gumuzangqun 古墓葬群|(archeology) burial complex gun 丨|radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi... gun 滚|to boil/to roll/to take a hike/Get lost! gun 棍|stick; rod; truncheon/scoundrel; villain gun 辊|roller gun 蔉|to bank up the roots of plants gun 衮|imperial robe gun 鲧|variant of 鯀|鲧[Gun3] gun 鲧|Gun, mythical father of Yu the Great ... gun 磙|roller/to level with a roller gun 绲|cord/embroidered sash/to sew gunainai 姑奶奶|paternal great-aunt (father\'s father\'... gunanguanv 孤男寡女|a single man and a single woman/bache... gunbang 棍棒|club; staff; stick gunbian 滚边|(of a dress etc) border, edging gunbian 绲边|(of a dress etc) border, edging guncaidan 滚彩蛋|egg rolling (rolling of decorated, ha... gunchi 滚齿|(engineering) hobbing (process used i... gunchuangdan 滚床单|(coll.) to have sex gundan 滚蛋|get out of here!/beat it! gundao 滚刀|(engineering) gear hob (cutting tool ... gundaokuai 滚刀块|chunks obtained by repeatedly cutting... gundaorou 滚刀肉|annoying person/troublemaker/pain in ... gundong 滚动|to roll/(to do sth) in a loop/to scro... gundongtiao 滚动条|scrollbar (computing) gunduzi 滚犊子|(dialect) Beat it!/Scram!/Fuck off! gunfei 滚沸|(of a liquid) to boil gungualanshu 滚瓜烂熟|lit. ripe as a melon that rolls from ... gungualiuyuan 滚瓜溜圆|(of animals) round and fat gungun 滚滚|nickname for a panda gungun 滚滚|to surge on/to roll on gunian 顾念|to care for/to worry about guniang 姑娘|girl/young woman/young lady/daughter/... guniao 孤鸟|lone bird/marginalized (country, pers... gunkai 滚开|to boil (of liquid)/boiling hot/Get o... gunlun 滚轮|roller/rotating dial/(computer mouse)... gunluo 滚落|to tumble gunong 咕哝|to murmur/to mumble/to grumble/to mutter gunongxuanxu 故弄玄虚|deliberately mystifying/to make sth u... gunqiu 滚球|lawn bowls/bocce/pétanque/bowling ball gunshi 滚石|Rock Records, Taiwanese record label/... gunshishangshan 滚石上山|lit. to roll a boulder up a hill (lik... gunshui 滚水|boiling water guntang 滚烫|boiling/scalding guntong 滚筒|roller/cylinder (machine part)/drum guntongshua 滚筒刷|paint roller gunuo 古诺|Gounod (name)/Charles Gounod (1818-18... gunwangqiu 棍网球|lacrosse gunyoujianxin 滚油煎心|to suffer mental anguish (idiom) gunyuan 滚圆|as round as a ball gunzhang 棍杖|staff; rod gunzhu 滚珠|bearing ball gunzhuzhoucheng 滚珠轴承|ball bearing gunzi 棍子|stick; rod gunzi 滚子|roller gunzizhoucheng 滚子轴承|roller bearing gunzou 滚奏|drum roll guo 过|surname Guo guo 过|to cross/to go over/to pass (time)/to... guo 过|(experienced action marker) guo 国|surname Guo guo 国|country; nation; state/(bound form) n... guo 果|fruit/result/resolute/indeed/if really guo 果|variant of 果[guo3]/fruit guo 郭|surname Guo guo 郭|outer city wall guo 裹|to wrap around/bundle; parcel; packag... guo 涡|name of a river guo 锅|pot; pan; wok; cauldron/pot-shaped th... guo 囯|variant of 國|国[guo2] guo 帼|cap worn by women/feminine guo 虢|surname Guo/Guo, a kinship group whos... guo 粿|rice cake (typically made with glutin... guo 馃|cake guo 腘|knee pit/popliteal fossa (medicine) guo 囻|old variant of 國|国[guo2] guo 椁|outer coffin guo 囶|old variant of 國|国[guo2] guo 聒|raucous/clamor/unpleasantly noisy guo 彉|variant of 彍|𭚦[guo1] guo 蝈|small green cicada or frog (meaning u... guo 啯|sound of swallowing/croak guo 呙|surname Guo guo 馘|(literary) to cut off the left ear of... guo 崞|name of a mountain guo 蜾|used in 蜾蠃[guo3luo3] guo 猓|monkey guo 輠|grease-pot under a cart guo 埚|crucible guo 聝|cut off the left ear of the slain guo 圀|old variant of 國|国[guo2] guo 惈|courageous/resolute and daring guo 𭚦|(literary) to draw one\'s bow to the f... guo-gongneizhan 国共内战|Chinese Civil War (1927-1949) guoan 国安|national security (abbr. for 國家安全|国家安... guoanbu 国安部|PRC Ministry of State Security/abbr. ... guoanju 国安局|abbr. for 國家安全局|国家安全局[Guo2 jia1 An1 q... guoaohui 国奥会|national Olympic committee/abbr. for ... guoba 锅巴|guoba (scorched rice at the bottom of... guoban 过半|over fifty percent/more than half guobang 过磅|to weigh (on a scale) guobao 国宝|national treasure guobao 裹包|to wrap up/parcel guobao 国保|abbr. for 國內安全保衛局|国内安全保卫局[Guo2 nei4 A... guobao 果报|karma/preordained fate (Buddhism) guobeishuang 果倍爽|Capri-Sun, juice drink brand guobiao 国标|national standard (abbr. for 國家標準|国家标... guobiaoma 国标码|Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC enco... guobiaowu 国标舞|international standard ballroom dancing guobie 国别|nationality/country-specific (history... guobin 国宾|state visitor/visiting head of state guobing 国柄|state power guobinguan 国宾馆|state guesthouse guobo 果播|dissemination as fruit (evolutionary ... guobuqiran 果不其然|just as expected/told you so guobuqu 过不去|to make life difficult for/to embarra... guobuxia 过不下|to be unable to continue living (in a... guocai 国菜|national food specialty guoce 国策|a national policy guocha 果茶|fruit tea guochan 国产|domestically produced guochan 锅铲|wok spatula; cooking spatula guochang 过场|interlude/to cross the stage/to do st... guochanhua 国产化|to localize (production)/localization guochao 国朝|the current dynasty guocheng 过程|course of events/process/CL:個|个[ge4] guocheng 郭城|outer city wall guochi 国耻|national humiliation, refers to Japan... guocong 过从|to have relations with/to associate with guocui 国粹|national essence/quintessence of nati... guocuo 过错|mistake/fault/responsibility (for a f... guoda 国大|abbr. for 國民大會|国民大会, National Assembl... guodadang 国大党|Indian Congress party guodang 过当|excessive guodao 国道|national highway guodao 过道|passageway/corridor/aisle guode 过得|How are you getting by?/How\'s life?/c... guodequ 过得去|lit. can pass through (an opening)/fi... guodi 过低|too low guodi 锅底|the bottom of a pot or pan/hotpot broth guodian 锅垫|trivet/pot-holder guodingjiari 国定假日|national holiday guodong 过冬|to get through the winter guodong 果冻|gelatin dessert guodongmai 腘动脉|popliteal artery (anatomy) guodu 过度|excessive/over-/excess/going too far/... guodu 过渡|to cross over (by ferry)/transition/i... guodu 国度|country; nation guodu 国都|national capital guodu 国蠹|traitor/public enemy guoduan 果断|firm/decisive guodudaikuan 过渡贷款|bridging loan guoduguanhuai 过度关怀|obsession/excessive concern guodui 国队|national team guodujinshu 过渡金属|transition metal (chemistry) guodujinzhang 过度紧张|hypertension/excessive stress guoduo 过多|too many; excessive guodushiqi 过渡时期|transition period guoduxing 过渡性|transitional/bridging guoduxingdaikuan 过渡性贷款|bridging loan guoer 聒耳|raucous/ear-splitting guoernenggai,shanmodayan 过而能改,善莫大焉|If one can change after making a mist... guofa 国法|national law guofan 过犯|previous sins guofang 过房|to adopt/to give for adoption (usuall... guofang 国防|national defense guofangbu 国防部|Defense Department/Ministry of Nation... guofangbuzhang 国防部长|Defense secretary/Defense Minister guofanggongye 国防工业|defense industry guofangkexuejishugongyeweiyuanhui 国防科学技术工业委员会|Commission for Science, Technology an... guofangliyi 国防利益|(national) defense interests guofangse 国防色|(Tw) khaki/camouflage colors (beige, ... guofangxiandaihua 国防现代化|modernization of national defense, on... guofangyusuan 国防预算|defense budget guofangyuyanxueyuan 国防语言学院|US Defense Language Institute (founde... guofen 过分|excessive; undue/unduly; overly guofen 过份|variant of 過分|过分[guo4fen4] guofen 果粉|(slang) fan of Apple products guofeng 国风|traditional Chinese style guofenjiandanhua 过份简单化|oversimplification/to oversimplify guofu 国父|father or founder of a nation/Father ... guofu 果腹|to eat one\'s fill guofu 果脯|candied fruit guofubingqiang 国富兵强|prosperous country with military might guofulun 国富论|The Wealth of Nations (1776) by Adam ... guogai 锅盖|saucepan lid/(satellite) dish guogaitou 锅盖头|bowl cut (hairstyle) guogan 果敢|courageous; resolute and daring guoganyin 过干瘾|to satisfy a craving with substitutes guogao 过高|too high guoge 国歌|national anthem guogeli 果戈里|Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852), Russian au... guogong 国共|Chinese Nationalist Party 國民黨|国民党[Guo... guogonghezuo 国共合作|United Front (either of the two allia... guogongliangdang 国共两党|Guomindang 國民黨|国民党[Guo2 min2 dang3] a... guoguan 过关|to cross a barrier/to get through (an... guoguan 过惯|to be accustomed to (a certain lifest... guoguan 国关|abbr. for 國際關係學院|国际关系学院[Guo2 ji4 Guan... guoguanzhanjiang 过关斩将|to surmount all difficulties (on the ... guoguo 蝈蝈|katydid/long-horned grasshopper guoguolong 蝈蝈笼|cage for singing cicada guoguor 蝈蝈儿|erhua variant of 蟈蟈|蝈蝈[guo1 guo5] guohang 国航|Air China (abbr. for 中國國際航空公司|中国国际航空公... guohao 国号|official name of a nation (includes d... guohe-chaiqiao 过河拆桥|lit. to destroy the bridge after cros... guohou 过后|after the event guohu 过户|to transfer ownership (of a vehicle, ... guohua 国花|national flower (emblem, e.g. peony 牡... guohua 国画|traditional Chinese painting guohuai 国槐|locust tree (Sophora japonica) guohuaishu 国槐树|locust tree (Sophora japonica) guohui 国徽|the national emblem of the PRC (a red... guohui 国徽|national emblem/national coat of arms guohui 国会|Parliament (UK)/Congress (US)/Diet (J... guohuidasha 国会大厦|capitol guohuifa 国徽法|Law on the National Emblem of the PRC... guohuishan 国会山|Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. guohuiyiyuan 国会议员|member of congress/congressman guohuiyizhang 国会议长|chair (or president, speaker etc) of ... guohuo 国货|domestically produced goods guohuo 过活|to live one\'s life/to make a living guohuo 过火|to go too far; to go overboard (in wo... guoji 国际|international guoji 过激|drastic/extreme/aggressive guoji 国籍|nationality guoji 过继|to adopt/to give for adoption (usuall... guoji 国技|national pastime/national sport guoji 腘肌|popliteus (anatomy) guojia 国家|country; nation; state/CL:個|个[ge4] guojiaanquan 国家安全|national security guojiaanquanbu 国家安全部|PRC Ministry of State Security guojiaanquanju 国家安全局|National Security Bureau (NSB) (Tw)/N... guojiabiaozhunhuaguanliweiyuanhui 国家标准化管理委员会|Standardization Administration of PRC... guojiabiaozhunma 国家标准码|Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC enco... guojiabiaozhunzhongwenjiaohuanma 国家标准中文交换码|CNS 11643, Chinese character coding a... guojiadaima 国家代码|country code guojiadianlijianguanweiyuanhui 国家电力监管委员会|State Electricity Regulatory Commissi... guojiadianwanggongsi 国家电网公司|State Grid Corporation of China guojiadizhenju 国家地震局|China Earthquake Administration (CEA)... guojiadui 国家队|national team guojiafazhangaigewei 国家发展改革委|PRC National Development and Reform C... guojiafazhanhegaigeweiyuanhui 国家发展和改革委员会|PRC National Development and Reform C... guojiafazhanjihuaweiyuanhui 国家发展计划委员会|PRC State Development and Planning Co... guojiagongyuan 国家公园|national park guojiaguangbodianshizongju 国家广播电视总局|National Radio and Television Adminis... guojiahaiyangju 国家海洋局|State Oceanic Administration (PRC) guojiahanban 国家汉办|Office of Chinese Language Council In... guojiahangkonggongsi 国家航空公司|flag carrier guojiahangtianju 国家航天局|China National Space Administration (... guojiahuanbaozongju 国家环保总局|(PRC) State Environmental Protection ... guojiahulianwangxinxibangongshi 国家互联网信息办公室|Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) guojiahuoshangongyuan 国家火山公园|Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii guojiaji 国家级|(administrative) national-level guojiajia 过家家|to play house guojiajianchaweiyuanhui 国家监察委员会|National Supervision Commission of th... guojiajianwei 国家监委|National Supervision Commission (abbr... guojiajihuaweiyuanhui 国家计划委员会|PRC State Planning Committee, set up ... guojiajiwei 国家计委|PRC State Planning Committee, abbr. f... guojiajunpinmaoyiguanliweiyuanhui 国家军品贸易管理委员会|State Administration Committee on Mil... guojiajunpinmaoyiju 国家军品贸易局|State Bureau of Military Products Tra... guojiakaifayinhang 国家开发银行|China Development Bank guojialiuxuejijinguanliweiyuanhui 国家留学基金管理委员会|China Scholarship Council (CSC) guojialvyoudujiaqu 国家旅游度假区|National Resort District (PRC) guojiang 过奖|to overpraise/to flatter guojiang 果酱|jam guojianshuai 过肩摔|(judo) shoulder throw guojiao 果胶|pectin guojiao 国脚|national football team member guojiao 国教|state religion guojiao 裹脚|foot-binding/long strip of cloth used... guojiao 过胶|(stationery) to laminate guojiaolinpikeweiyuanhui 国际奥林匹克委员会|International Olympic Committee guojiaoweihui 国际奥委会|International Olympic Committee guojiashehuizhuyi 国家社会主义|national socialism/Nazism guojiatongjiju 国家统计局|(China) National Bureau of Statistics... guojiatushuguan 国家图书馆|national library guojiawaihuiguanliju 国家外汇管理局|State Administration of Foreign Excha... guojiawenwujiandingweiyuanhui 国家文物鉴定委员会|National Commission for the Identific... guojiawenwuju 国家文物局|PRC State Administration of Cultural ... guojiawenwuweiyuanhui 国家文物委员会|National Committee of Cultural Heritage guojiaxingwang,pifuyouze 国家兴亡,匹夫有责|The rise and fall of the nation conce... guojiaxinwenchubanguangdianzongju 国家新闻出版广电总局|State Administration for Press, Publi... guojiayijibaohu 国家一级保护|Grade One State protected (species) guojiayiliaofuwutixi 国家医疗服务体系|National Health Service (UK) guojiayuanshou 国家元首|head of state guojiazhengce 国家政策|state policy guojiazhiliangjiandujianyanjianyizongju 国家质量监督检验检疫总局|AQSIQ/PRC State Administration of Qua... guojiazhongdianshiyanshi 国家重点实验室|State Key Laboratories (university la... guojiazhongdianxueke 国家重点学科|National Key Disciplines (disciplines... guojiazhuxi 国家主席|president (title of the head of state... guojiazhuyi 国家主义|nationalism/statism guojibiaozhunhuazuzhi 国际标准化组织|International Organization for Standa... guojibihui 国际笔会|International PEN guojidanwei 国际单位|international unit guojidanweizhi 国际单位制|International System of Units guojidashe 国际大赦|Amnesty International guojidianbaodianhuazixunweiyuanhui 国际电报电话咨询委员会|International Telegraph and Telephone... guojidianhua 国际电话|international call guojidianxinlianmeng 国际电信联盟|International Telecommunications Unio... guojie 国界|national boundary; border between cou... guojie 过节|to celebrate a festival/after the cel... guojielaoshu 过街老鼠|sb or sth detested by all/target of s... guojier 过节儿|(coll.) grudge; strife/(coll.) good m... guojiertongjie 国际儿童节|International Children\'s Day (June 1) guojietianqiao 过街天桥|skywalk; pedestrian bridge guojiexian 国界线|national border guojifa 国际法|international law guojifating 国际法庭|International Court of Justice in The... guojifayuan 国际法院|International Court of Justice guojifunvjie 国际妇女节|International Women\'s Day (March 8) guojige 国际歌|The Internationale guojigongchanzhuyiyundong 国际共产主义运动|Comintern/the international communist... guojigongren 国际公认|internationally recognized guojiguanxi 国际关系|international relations guojiguanxixueyuan 国际关系学院|University of International Relations... guojihaishizuzhi 国际海事组织|International Maritime Organization guojihangkonglianhehui 国际航空联合会|Fédération Aéronautique International... guojihangkongyunshuxiehui 国际航空运输协会|International Air Transport Associati... guojihepingjijinhui 国际和平基金会|international peace foundation guojihua 国际化|to internationalize/internationalization guojihulianwangluo 国际互联网络|Internet guojihuobijijin 国际货币基金|International Monetary Fund (IMF) guojihuobijijinzuzhi 国际货币基金组织|International Monetary Fund (IMF) guojihuoyundaili 国际货运代理|international transport agency guojiji 国际级|(at an) international level guojijichang 国际机场|international airport guojijinronggongsi 国际金融公司|International Finance Corporation guojilaodongjie 国际劳动节|May Day/International Labor Day (May 1) guojilaogongzuzhi 国际劳工组织|International Labor Organization guojilianmeng 国际联盟|League of Nations (1920-1946), based ... guojimaoyi 国际贸易|international trade guojimeiti 国际媒体|the international media guojimilan 国际米兰|FC Internazionale Milano (football cl... guojimilandui 国际米兰队|FC Internazionale Milano (football cl... guojimilanzuqiujulebu 国际米兰足球俱乐部|FC Internazionale Milano (football club) guojiminhangzuzhi 国际民航组织|International Civil Aviation Organiza... guojiminjianzuzhi 国际民间组织|international humanitarian organization guojing 过境|to pass through a country\'s territory... guojing 国境|national border/frontier guojingjing 郭晶晶|Guo Jingjing (1981-), Chinese female ... guojingmai 腘静脉|popliteal vein (anatomy) guojingming 郭敬明|Guo Jingming (1983-), Chinese young-a... guojingqianzheng 过境签证|transit visa guojiqilian 国际棋联|International Chess Federation guojiqingsuanyinhang 国际清算银行|Bank for International Settlements guojirenquanbiaozhun 国际人权标准|international human rights norms guojiriqibiangengxian 国际日期变更线|international date line guojishanghui 国际商会|International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) guojishangyejiqi 国际商业机器|International Business Machines/IBM guojishehui 国际社会|the international community guojishouzhi 国际收支|balance of payments guojishuxuelianmeng 国际数学联盟|International Mathematical Union guojisifa 国际私法|conflict of laws guojitaikongzhan 国际太空站|International Space Station guojiteshe 国际特赦|Amnesty International guojiteshezuzhi 国际特赦组织|Amnesty International guojitianjinglianhehui 国际田径联合会|International Association of Athletic... guojitianlian 国际田联|International Association of Athletic... guojitiaoqi 国际跳棋|checkers (Western board game) guojiticaolianhehui 国际体操联合会|Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique guojiu 果酒|fruit wine guojiwaijiao 国际外交|foreign policy guojiwangluo 国际网络|global network/Internet guojiwenchuandianxunshe 国际文传电讯社|Interfax, Russian non-governmental ne... guojiwenchuantongxunshe 国际文传通讯社|Interfax News Agency guojixiangqi 国际象棋|chess/CL:副[fu4] guojixianquluntanbao 国际先驱论坛报|International Herald Tribune guojixiehui 国际协会|international association guojixing 国际性|international/internationalism guojixingjingzuzhi 国际刑警组织|Interpol (International Criminal Poli... guojixingshijingchazuzhi 国际刑事警察组织|International Criminal Police Organiz... guojiyiliaozhongxin 国际医疗中心|International Medical Center guojiyinbiao 国际音标|international phonetic alphabet guojiyuanzinengjigou 国际原子能机构|International Atomic Energy Agency (I... guojiyumaoqiulianhehui 国际羽毛球联合会|International Badminton Federation guojizhanzhengzuifating 国际战争罪法庭|International war crimes tribunal guojizhongliuyanjiujigou 国际肿瘤研究机构|International Agency for Research on ... guojizhuyi 国际主义|internationalism guojizulian 国际足联|abbr. for 國際足球聯合會|国际足球联合会, FIFA, inte... guojizuqiulianhehui 国际足球联合会|FIFA/International Federation of Asso... guojue 果决|firm/unwavering guojujing 郭居静|Lazzaro Cattaneo (1560-1640), Italian... guojun 国君|monarch guokan 过刊|back issue (abbr. for 過期刊物|过期刊物[guo4 ... guoke 过客|passing traveler/transient guest/sojo... guokong 过孔|(electronics) via (a type of hole in ... guoku 国库|public purse/state treasury/national ... guokui 锅盔|large round baked wheat pancake guokuquan 国库券|treasury bond guolai 过来|to come over/to manage/to handle/to b... guolai 过来|see 過來|过来[guo4 lai2] guolairen 过来人|an experienced person/sb who has \"bee... guolao 过劳|overwork guolaofei 过劳肥|overweight from overwork (the supposi... guolaosi 过劳死|karoshi (loanword from Japanese), dea... guolezhecunmeizhedian 过了这村没这店|past this village, you won\'t find thi... guolezhegecunjiumeizhegedian 过了这个村就没这个店|past this village, you won\'t find thi... guoli 国立|national/state-run/public guoli 国力|a nation\'s power guolian 国联|abbr. for 國際聯盟|国际联盟[Guo2 ji4 Lian2 me... guoliang 过量|excessive guoliaor 果料儿|fruit ingredients (for cakes and dess... guoling 果岭|green (golf) (loanword) guolishouerdaxue 国立首尔大学|Seoul National University SNU guolitaibeikejidaxue 国立台北科技大学|National Taipei University of Technology guolixinanlianhedaxue 国立西南联合大学|National Southwest Combined Universit... guolu 锅炉|boiler guolufei 过路费|toll (fee for using a road) guoluo 果洛|Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture i... guoluo 蜾蠃|potter wasp guoluozangzuzizhizhou 果洛藏族自治州|Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture (... guoluozhou 果洛州|Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture (... guoluren 过路人|a passer-by guolv 过滤|to filter guolvqi 过滤器|filtering apparatus/(machine) filter guolvzuixiangyan 过滤嘴香烟|filter-tipped cigarette guoma 国骂|curse word/four-letter word/esp. the ... guomalu 过马路|to cross the street guoman 国漫|Chinese comics guomao 国贸|abbr. for 國際貿易|国际贸易[guo2 ji4 mao4 yi4] guomaoqian 郭茂倩|Guo Maoqian (11th century), Song dyna... guomei 国美|GOME, electronics chain founded in Be... guomeidianqi 国美电器|GOME Electrical Appliances (founded i... guomen 过门|to pass through a doorway/(of a woman... guomen 国门|(archaic) capital\'s gate/country\'s bo... guomin 过敏|oversensitive/allergic/allergy guomin 国民|nationals/citizens/people of a nation guomindang 国民党|Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT)/Nation... guominfanying 过敏反应|allergic reaction guoming 国名|name of country guomingemingjun 国民革命军|National Revolutionary Army guominjingji 国民经济|national economy guominjingweidui 国民警卫队|National Guard (United States) guominnianjin 国民年金|(Tw) National Pension, a social secur... guominnianjinbaoxian 国民年金保险|(Tw) National Pension Insurance, a so... guominshengchanzongzhi 国民生产总值|gross national product (GNP) guominshouru 国民收入|measures of national income and output guominxiaoxue 国民小学|elementary school (Tw) guominxing 过敏性|hypersensitive/allergic reaction/anap... guominxingfanying 过敏性反应|allergic reaction/hypersensitive reac... guominxingxiuke 过敏性休克|anaphylactic shock guominyihui 国民议会|Assemblée nationale (French lower cha... guominyuan 过敏原|allergen/anaphylactogen guominzhengfu 国民政府|Nationalist government 1920s-1949 und... guominzhongxue 国民中学|junior high school (Tw)/abbr. to 國中|国... guomoruo 郭沫若|Guo Moruo (1892-1978), writer, commun... guomu 过目|to look over guomu 果木|fruit tree guomubuwang 过目不忘|to have a highly retentive memory/to ... guonan 国难|national calamity guonei 国内|domestic/internal (to a country)/civil guoneianquanbaoweiju 国内安全保卫局|Domestic Security Protection Bureau, ... guoneishengchanzongzhi 国内生产总值|gross domestic product (GDP) guoneiwai 国内外|domestic and international/at home an... guoneixian 国内线|domestic flight/internal line (air, t... guoneizhanzheng 国内战争|civil war/internal struggle guoni 果泥|fruit puree; fruit pulp guonian 过年|to celebrate the Chinese New Year guonong 果农|fruit farmer guopan 果盘|fruit plate; fruit platter guopangbaoshizheng 过胖暴食症|binge eating disorder (BED) guopangjianji 腘旁腱肌|hamstring (anatomy)/see also 膕繩肌|腘绳肌[... guopi 果皮|(fruit) peel guopi 果啤|fruit beer guopin 果品|fruit guopojiawang 国破家亡|the country ruined and the people sta... guoputangjiang 果葡糖浆|glucose-fructose syrup guoqi 国企|state-owned enterprise/(Tw) internati... guoqi 过期|to be overdue/to exceed the time limi... guoqi 国旗|flag (of a country)/CL:面[mian4] guoqi 过气|past one\'s prime/has-been guoqi 国棋|abbr. for 國際象棋|国际象棋, chess guoqi 果期|the fruiting season guoqiaodaikuan 过桥贷款|bridge loan guoqiaomixian 过桥米线|rice noodle soup from Yunnan province guoqie 果切|fresh-cut fruit guoqing 国情|the characteristics and circumstances... guoqing 国庆|National Day guoqingjie 国庆节|PRC National Day (October 1st) guoqingri 国庆日|national day guoqingziwen 国情咨文|speech delivered by a head of state t... guoqu 过去|(in the) past; former; previous/to go... guoqu 过去|(verb suffix) guoquan 郭泉|Guo Quan, formerly Professor of Nanji... guoqufenci 过去分词|past participle (in European grammar) guoqujingyan 过去经验|past experience guoqushi 过去时|past tense (grammar) guoqushi 过去式|past tense guoran 果然|really/sure enough/as expected/if indeed guore 过热|too hot/(fig.) (economics) overheated... guoren 国人|compatriots (literary)/fellow countrymen guoren 过人|to surpass others; outstanding/(baske... guoren 果仁|fruit kernel guorenmibing 果仁密饼|baklava guorenr 果仁儿|fruit kernel guorizi 过日子|to live one\'s life/to pass one\'s days... guorou 果肉|the flesh of a fruit; pulp guoruo 果若|if guoruominqiong 国弱民穷|the country weakened and the people e... guorusuoliao 果如所料|just as expected guosetianxiang 国色天香|national grace, divine fragrance (idi... guoshanche 过山车|roller coaster guoshang 国殇|(literary) person who dies for their ... guoshao 过少|too few/insufficient guoshen 过审|to pass a review guoshen 过身|to die; to pass away guosheng 过剩|to be excessive; to be more than is r... guoshengji 腘绳肌|hamstring (anatomy) guoshi 果实|fruit (produced by a plant)/(fig.) fr... guoshi 过失|error/fault/(law) negligence/delinquency guoshi 国史|national history/dynastic history guoshi 过世|to die/to pass away guoshi 国事|affairs of the nation/politics guoshi 过时|old-fashioned/out of date/to be later... guoshi 国师|teachers of the state guoshi 国势|national strength/situation in a state guoshibu 裹尸布|shroud/cloth to wrap a corpse guoshibuhou 过时不候|being late is not acceptable (idiom) guoshifangwen 国事访问|state visit guoshileilei 果实累累|lit. prodigious abundance of fruit (i... guoshirishuai 国势日衰|national decline guoshisanbo 果实散播|fruit dispersal guoshisharen 过失杀人|see 過失致死罪|过失致死罪[guo4 shi1 zhi4 si3 zui4] guoshizhisizui 过失致死罪|(law) negligent homicide guoshou 国手|(sports) member of the national team/... guoshou 馘首|(of a headhunter) to sever a head guoshu 果树|fruit tree/CL:棵[ke1] guoshu 果蔬|fruit and vegetables guoshu 国术|martial arts guoshu 国书|credentials (of a diplomat)/documents... guoshuiju 国税局|(Tw) National Taxation Bureau, local ... guoshuimian 过水面|cooked noodles cooled with cold water guosongtao 郭嵩焘|Guo Songtao (1818-1891), Chinese stat... guosu 过塑|(stationery) to laminate guosui 果穗|ear (of corn or sorghum etc)/bunch (o... guotai 国泰|Cathay Pacific (Hong Kong airline) guotai 锅台|top of a kitchen range guotaiban 国台办|Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Co... guotaihangkong 国泰航空|Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong-based airline guotaiminan 国泰民安|the country prospers, the people at p... guotaiming 郭台铭|Guo \"Terry\" Taiming (1950-), prominen... guotang 果糖|fructose guotang 过堂|to appear in court for trial (old)/(o... guoti 国体|state system (i.e. form of government... guotie 锅贴|fried dumpling/potsticker guotinglu 过庭录|lit. Notes on Passing the Hall, histo... guotou 过头|to overdo it/to overstep the limit/ex... guotouhua 过头话|exaggeration guotu 国土|country\'s territory/national land guotuanquan 国土安全|homeland security guotuanquanbu 国土安全部|(US) Department of Homeland Security guotuanquanju 国土安全局|Department of Homeland Security (DHS) guotuoji 锅驼机|portable steam engine guotuziyuanbu 国土资源部|Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR),... guowai 国外|abroad/external (affairs)/overseas/fo... guowainei 国外内|international and domestic guowaishichang 国外市场|foreign market guowang 国王|king guowang 过往|to come and go/to have friendly relat... guowanpiaopen 锅碗瓢盆|kitchen utensils (literary) guowei 国威|national prestige guoweijiaotang 果味胶糖|jujube guowen 过问|to show an interest in/to get involve... guowo 腘窝|popliteal (anatomy)/hollow at the bac... guowonangzhong 腘窝囊肿|Baker\'s cyst or popliteal cyst (medic... guowu 国务|affairs of state guowuciqing 国务次卿|Under Secretary of State guowuguanzhanliujiang 过五关斩六将|lit. to cross five passes and slay si... guowuqing 国务卿|Secretary of State guowuweiyuan 国务委员|member of the State Council (in China) guowuyuan 国务院|State Council (PRC)/State Department ... guowuyuangangaoshiwubangongshi 国务院港澳事务办公室|Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of... guowuyuanguoyouzichanjianduguanliweiyuanhui 国务院国有资产监督管理委员会|State-owned Assets Supervision and Ad... guowuyuantaiwanshiwubangongshi 国务院台湾事务办公室|Taiwan Affairs Office guowuyuanxinwenbangongshi 国务院新闻办公室|State Council Information Office of t... guowuzhangguan 国务长官|secretary of state (esp. historical, ... guowuzongli 国务总理|minister of state (old usage) guoxi 国玺|seal of state guoxi 过细|extremely careful/meticulous/overatte... guoxianbing 果馅饼|tart guoxiao 国小|elementary school (Tw)/abbr. for 國民小學... guoxiaochuan 郭小川|Guo Xiaochuan (1919-1976), PRC commun... guoxie 裹挟|to sweep along/to coerce guoxie 裹胁|to compel/to coerce guoxinban 国新办|State Council Information Office of t... guoxing 国姓|Guoxing or Kuohsing Township in Nanto... guoxingxiang 国姓乡|Guoxing or Kuohsing Township in Nanto... guoxue 国学|Chinese national culture/studies of a... guoyan 国宴|state banquet guoyang 涡阳|Guoyang, a county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2zho... guoyang 过氧|peroxy-/peroxide (chemistry) guoyangbenjiaxian 过氧苯甲酰|benzoil peroxide guoyanghua 过氧化|peroxide guoyanghuabenjiaxian 过氧化苯甲酰|benzoil peroxide guoyanghuaqing 过氧化氢|hydrogen peroxide H2O2 guoyanghuaqingmei 过氧化氢酶|catalase (enzyme)/hydrogen peroxidase guoyanghuawu 过氧化物|peroxide guoyangwumeiti 过氧物酶体|peroxisome (type of organelle) guoyangxian 涡阳县|Guoyang, a county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2zho... guoyanyanyun 过眼烟云|ephemeral (idiom) guoyanyunyan 过眼云烟|ephemeral (idiom) guoyao 国药|Chinese herbal medicine guoye 过夜|to spend the night/overnight guoyibuqu 过意不去|to feel very apologetic guoyihuir 过一会儿|later/after a while guoyin 过瘾|to satisfy a craving/to get a kick ou... guoyin 国音|official state pronunciation guoying 过硬|to have perfect mastery of sth/to be ... guoying 果蝇|fruit fly guoying 国营|state-run (company etc)/nationalized guoyingqiye 国营企业|state-operated enterprise guoyonghuai 郭永怀|Guo Yonghuai (1909-1968), Chinese avi... guoyou 国有|nationalized/public/government owned/... guoyoubuji 过犹不及|too far is as bad as not enough (idio... guoyougongsi 国有公司|state enterprise guoyouhua 国有化|nationalization guoyouqiye 国有企业|state-owned enterprise guoyouzichanjianduguanliweiyuanhui 国有资产监督管理委员会|State-owned Assets Supervision and Ad... guoyu 过于|excessively; too guoyu 国语|Chinese language (Mandarin), emphasiz... guoyu 过誉|to praise too much/I really don\'t des... guoyuan 果园|orchard guoyue 国乐|national music/Chinese traditional music guoyuluomazi 国语罗马字|Gwoyeu Romatzyh, a romanization syste... guoyun 国运|fate of the nation guoyuzhuyinfuhaodiyishi 国语注音符号第一式|Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1 (official... guozai 过载|overload guozang 国葬|state funeral guozao 聒噪|a clamor/noisy guozao 锅灶|stove/cooking burner guozao 过早|premature; untimely/(dialect) to have... guozaoqibao 过早起爆|preinitiation guozei 国贼|traitor to the nation guozhai 国债|national debt/government debt guozhandating 过站大厅|transit lounge guozhang 过帐|posting (accounting) guozhao 过招|to fight/to exchange blows guozhen 果真|really/as expected/sure enough/if ind... guozheng 国政|national politics/archaic rank, \"Mini... guozhenju 国侦局|abbr. for 美國國家偵察局|美国国家侦察局 guozhi 果汁|fruit juice guozhi 粿汁|kway chap (Teochew noodle soup) guozhiji 果汁机|blender (device)/juicer guozhong 过重|overweight (luggage) guozhong 国中|junior high school (Tw)/abbr. for 國民中... guozhong 蝈螽|insect of the Gampsocleis genus (gras... guozhongshu 蝈螽属|Gampsocleis genus (grasshoppers and c... guozhongzhiguo 国中之国|state within a state guozi 果子|fruit/variant of 餜子|馃子[guo3zi5] guozi 锅子|pot; pan; wok; cauldron/pot-shaped th... guozi 国字|Chinese character (Hanzi)/the native ... guozi 馃子|(dialect) pastry/(dialect) youtiao; d... guozidong 果子冻|jelly guozijian 国子监|Guozijian, the highest educational ad... guozijiang 果子酱|marmalade/jellied fruit guozili 果子狸|masked palm civet (Paguma larvata) guozilian 国字脸|square face guozilu 果子露|fruit drink guoziwei 国资委|see 國務院國有資產監督管理委員會|国务院国有资产监督管理委员会[Guo... guoziyi 郭子仪|Guo Ziyi (697-781), Chinese general w... guozu 国足|national soccer team guozu 国族|people of a country/nation guozubuqian 裹足不前|to stand still without advancing (idi... guozuo 国祚|the period over which a dynasty or na... gupai 骨牌|dominoes gupaixiaoying 骨牌效应|domino effect/ripple effect gupan 顾盼|(literary) to look around/(literary) ... gupan 骨盘|pelvis (Tw) gupanzixiong 顾盼自雄|to strut about feeling complacent (id... gupen 骨盆|pelvis gupen 鼓盆|lit. to drum on a bowl/refers to Zhua... gupendi 骨盆底|pelvic floor (anatomy) gupenzhiqi 鼓盆之戚|drumming on a bowl in grief (idiom, r... gupi 孤僻|antisocial/reclusive/eccentric gupi 痼癖|addiction gupian 骨片|spicule gupiao 股票|share certificate/stock (finance) gupiaodaihao 股票代号|ticker symbol (to identify share coupon) gupiaojiaoyisuo 股票交易所|stock exchange gupiaoshichang 股票市场|stock market/stock exchange gupiaotouzi 股票投资|to invest in stock/to buy shares gupiaozhishu 股票指数|stock market index/share price index gupo 姑婆|grandfather\'s sister/sister of a woma... gupoyu 姑婆芋|night-scented lily (Alocasia odora) gupu 古朴|simple and unadorned (of art, archite... guqi 鼓起|to summon one\'s (courage, faith etc)/... guqi 骨气|unyielding character/courageous spiri... guqi 骨器|bone tool (archaeology) guqi 古奇|Gucci (brand) guqi 鼓气|to puff up/to swell up/to inflate/to ... guqiandao 古纤道|Old Towpath along the Grand Canal in ... guqie 姑且|for the time being; tentatively guqie 鼓箧|beginning-school ceremony (old usage)... guqihouxue 古气候学|paleoclimatology guqin 古琴|guqin or qin, a long zither with seve... guqiong 固穷|to endure poverty stoically guqiufeng 锢囚锋|occluded front (meteorology) guqiyongqi 鼓起勇气|to summon one\'s courage guqu 故去|to die/death guquan 股权|equity shares/stock right guquan 顾全|to give careful consideration to/to d... guquandaju 顾全大局|to take the big picture into consider... guran 固然|admittedly (it\'s true that...) gurang 咕攘|to wriggle about/to move around guren 古人|people of ancient times/the ancients/... guren 故人|old friend/the deceased gurenlei 古人类|ancient human species such as Homo er... gurenleixue 古人类学|paleoanthropology gurou 骨肉|blood relation/kin/one\'s flesh and blood gurouxiangcan 骨肉相残|close kindred slaughter one another (... gurouxianglian 骨肉相连|lit. interrelated as bones and flesh ... guruojintang 固若金汤|lit. secure as a city protected by a ... guseguxiang 古色古香|interesting and appealing (of old loc... gusha 故杀|premeditated murder gushan 孤山|Solitary Hill, located in West Lake, ... gushan 孤山|isolated peak gushan 鼓山|Gushan or Kushan district of Kaohsiun... gushanqu 鼓山区|Gushan or Kushan district of Kaohsiun... gushazhui 孤沙锥|(bird species of China) solitary snip... gushe 鼓舌|to wag one\'s tongue/to speak glibly gushe 瞽阇|blind monk/refers to famous blind his... gushen 孤身|alone/lonely gushen 谷神|harvest God gusheng 鼓声|sound of a drum/drumbeat gushengdai 古生代|Paleozoic, geological era 545-250m ye... gushengwu 古生物|paleo-organism gushengwuxue 古生物学|palaeontology gushengwuxuejia 古生物学家|paleontologist; paleobiologist gushenxing 谷神星|Ceres, dwarf planet in the asteroid b... gushenzhiying 孤身只影|lit. a lonely body with only a shadow... gushi 故事|old practice gushi 故事|narrative; story; tale gushi 古诗|old verse/Classical Chinese poem gushi 股市|stock market gushi 古时|antiquity gushi 固始|Gushi county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan gushi 鼓室|tympanic cavity (of the middle ear) gushi 故世|to die/to pass away gushi 古史|ancient history gushi 骨殖|skeletal remains/Taiwan pr. [gu3 zhi2] gushihou 古时候|in ancient times/in olden days gushipian 故事片|fictional film/feature film gushixian 故事线|storyline; plotline gushixian 固始县|Gushi county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan gushou 鼓手|drummer gushou 固守|to strongly defend one\'s position/to ... gushouruchai 骨瘦如柴|as thin as a match/emaciated (idiom) gushouruchai 骨瘦如豺|variant of 骨瘦如柴[gu3 shou4 ru2 chai2] gushu 古书|ancient book/old book gushuang 孤孀|widow gusitafuduolei 古斯塔夫·多雷|Gustave Dore (1832-1883), French arti... gusitafushiteleizeman 古斯塔夫·施特雷泽曼|Gustav Stresemann (Chancellor and For... gusitouji 股四头肌|quadriceps muscle group/thigh muscles gusuan 估算|assessment/evaluation gusui 骨髓|bone marrow gusui 谷穗|ear of grain/gerbe (used on coats of ... gusuiqiang 骨髓腔|(anatomy) medullary cavity; marrow ca... gusuiyizhi 骨髓移植|(medicine) bone marrow transplant gusuizengshengyichangzonghezheng 骨髓增生异常综合征|myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) guta 古塔|Guta district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦州市... gutai 固态|solid state (physics) gutaifumeng 故态复萌|to revert to old ways gutaiyingpan 固态硬盘|(computing) solid-state drive (SSD) gutan 骨炭|bone black/animal charcoal gutan 骨坛|urn gutaqu 古塔区|Guta district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦州市... guteleisi 古特雷斯|António Guterres (1949-), secretary-g... gutengbaojihua 古腾堡计划|Project Gutenberg guti 固体|solid gutian 古田|Gutian county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 d... gutianxian 古田县|Gutian county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 d... gutishi 古体诗|a pre-Tang Dynasty genre of poetry, r... gutishiwu 固体食物|solid foods; solids gutiwuli 固体物理|solid state physics gutong 箍桶|hooped barrel/to handmake a wooden ba... gutongdian 箍桶店|coopery gutongjiang 箍桶匠|cooper/hooper gutongrezheng 骨痛热症|Dengue fever/breakbone fever gutongse 古铜色|bronze color gutongsejuanwei 古铜色卷尾|(bird species of China) bronzed drong... gutou 骨头|bone/CL:根[gen1],塊|块[kuai4]/moral char... gutoujiazi 骨头架子|skeleton/skinny person/a mere skeleton gutoujier 骨头节儿|joint (of the skeleton) gutu 故土|native country; one\'s homeland gutu 蓇葖|(botany) follicle/flower bud guwan 古玩|antique/curio guwandian 古玩店|antique store guwangdianxin 固网电信|landline (fixed-line) telecommunications guwangjinlai 古往今来|since ancient times/since times immem... guwangyanzhi 姑妄言之|to just talk for the sake of talking guwen 顾问|adviser/consultant guwen 古文|old language/the Classics/Classical C... guwenguanzhi 古文观止|Guwen Guanzhi, an anthology of essays... guwenming 古文明|ancient civilization guwenyundong 古文运动|cultural movement aspiring to study a... guwenzixue 古文字学|paleography guwo 故我|one\'s old self/one\'s original self/wh... guwu 鼓舞|to inspire; to encourage; to hearten;... guwu 谷物|cereal/grain guwu 古物|antique guxi 姑息|excessively tolerant/to overindulge (... guxi 顾惜|to take loving care of/to value guxi 古昔|(literary) ancient times/in olden days guxi 痼习|inveterate habit guxi 古稀|seventy years old guxi 股息|dividend guxian 古县|Gu county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2],... guxiang 故乡|home/homeland/native place/CL:個|个[ge4] guxiang 鼓箱|see 箱鼓[xiang1 gu3] guxila 古希腊|ancient Greece guxilayu 古希腊语|Ancient Greek (language) guxingliang 固形量|(Tw) (on packaging) drained weight guxingwu 固形物|solid particles in liquid guxinshi 古新世|Palaeocene (geological epoch from 65m... guxintong 古新统|Palaeocene system (geology) guxiong 雇凶|to hire a hitman guxiyangjian 姑息养奸|to tolerate is to nurture an evildoer... guxiyihuan 姑息遗患|to tolerate is to abet guxuan 股癣|tinea cruris, fungal skin infection o... guxue 骨血|flesh and blood/one\'s offspring guxun 古训|old adage; ancient teaching guxun 菇蕈|mushroom guxun 故训|old teaching (e.g. religious instruct... guyadian 古雅典|ancient Athens guyan 古谚|ancient proverb/old saying guyan 古砚|antique ink slab/CL:台[tai2] guyangxian 固阳县|Guyang county in Baotou 包頭|包头[Bao1 to... guyanjing 鼓眼睛|protruding eyes guyanwu 顾炎武|Gu Yanwu (1613-1682), late Ming and e... guye 姑爷|son-in-law (used by wife\'s family)/un... guye 古冶|Guye district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Ta... guye 故业|old estate/former empire/former occup... guyequ 古冶区|Guye district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Ta... guyewang 顾野王|Gu Yewang (519-581), historian and an... guyi 故意|deliberately; on purpose guyi 估衣|secondhand clothes/cheap ready-made c... guyi 古义|ancient meaning/original or etymologi... guyin 古音|ancient (esp. pre-Qin) pronunciation ... guyingzilian 顾影自怜|lit. looking at one\'s shadow and feel... guyong 雇佣|to employ/to hire guyong 雇用|to employ/to hire guyongbing 雇佣兵|mercenary/hired gun guyou 固有|intrinsic to sth/inherent/native guyou 故友|old friend/deceased friend guyouci 固有词|native words (i.e. not derived from C... guyoumingci 固有名词|proper noun guyu 古语|ancient language/old expression guyu 谷雨|Guyu or Grain Rain, 6th of the 24 sol... guyuan 固原|Guyuan, prefecture-level city in Ningxia guyuan 故园|one\'s hometown guyuan 沽源|Guyuan county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[... guyuan 雇员|employee guyuanshi 固原市|Guyuan, prefecture-level city in Ningxia guyuanxian 沽源县|Guyuan county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[... guyun 故云|that\'s why it is called... guzai 股灾|market crash guzao 鼓噪|(in ancient times) to beat the drums ... guzao 古早|(Tw) old times/former times guzaowei 古早味|(Tw) traditional style; old-fashioned... guzhai 故宅|former home guzhai 古宅|former residence guzhang 故障|malfunction/breakdown/defect/shortcom... guzhang 古丈|Guzhang County in Xiangxi Tujia and M... guzhang 鼓胀|to swell/tympanites guzhang 鼓掌|to applaud/to clap guzhang 股长|person in charge of a 股[gu3] (section... guzhang 姑丈|husband of paternal aunt guzhang 股掌|(have sb in) the palm of one\'s hand/f... guzhang 臌胀|variant of 鼓脹|鼓胀[gu3zhang4] guzhangnanming 孤掌难鸣|It\'s hard to clap with only one hand.... guzhangpaichu 故障排除|fault resolution/trouble clearing guzhangxian 古丈县|Guzhang County in Xiangxi Tujia and M... guzhe 骨折|to suffer a fracture/(of a bone) to b... guzhe 故辙|rut (made by vehicles)/(fig.) convent... guzhen 固镇|Guzhen, a county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4bu... guzhen 骨针|spicule (in biology)/bone needle (in ... guzhenfu 辜振甫|Koo Chen-fu (1917-2005), Taiwanese bu... guzheng 古筝|guzheng (large zither with 13 to 25 s... guzheng 孤征|to act on one\'s own/to fight alone guzheng 孤证|sole evidence guzhengbuli 孤证不立|unacceptable as uncorroborated eviden... guzhenxian 固镇县|Guzhen, a county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4bu... guzhi 股指|stock market index/share price index/... guzhi 估值|valuation/estimation guzhi 固执|obstinate/stubborn/to fixate on/to cl... guzhi 故知|a close friend over many years guzhi 故址|old site/site of sth (palace, ancient... guzhidui 故纸堆|a pile of old books guzhijijian 固执己见|to persist in one\'s views guzhishusong 骨质疏松|osteoporosis guzhishusongzheng 骨质疏松症|osteoporosis guzhiwulun 姑置勿论|(idiom) to put (an issue) to one side... guzhou 鹘鸼|turtledove guzhu 雇主|employer guzhu 蛊祝|to curse sb; to place a jinx guzhuang 古装|ancient costume/period costume (in mo... guzhuangju 古装剧|costume drama guzhuyizhi 孤注一掷|to stake all on one throw guzi 谷子|millet guzi 古字|ancient character/archaic form of a C... guzi 骨子|ribs/frame guzi 孤子|orphan/fatherless son guzi 姑子|husband\'s sister/(coll.) Buddhist nun guzi 箍子|finger ring (dialect) guzili 骨子里|beneath the surface; fundamentally; a... guzui 箍嘴|to muzzle guzuo 故作|to pretend/to feign guzuoduanzhuang 故作端庄|artificial show of seriousness/to pre... guzuoshenchen 故作深沉|to play the profound thinker guzuoyoueryanta 顾左右而言他|(idiom) to digress from the topic of ... guzuozitai 故作姿态|to put on an act guzuyongqi 鼓足勇气|to summon one\'s courage gxianku G弦裤|G-string gyou G友|see 基友[ji1 you3] ha 哈|abbr. for 哈薩克斯坦|哈萨克斯坦[Ha1sa4ke4si1tan... ha 哈|(interj.) ha!/(onom. for laughter)/(s... ha 哈|a Pekinese; a pug/(dialect) to scold ha 蛤|used in 蛤蟆[ha2ma5] ha 虾|used in 蝦蟆|虾蟆[ha2ma5] ha 铪|hafnium (chemistry) habagou 哈巴狗|pekingese (dog)/(fig.) sycophant/lackey habagushu 哈巴谷书|Book of Habakkuk habahe 哈巴河|Habahe county or Qaba nahiyisi in Alt... habahexian 哈巴河县|Habahe county or Qaba nahiyisi in Alt... habaluofusike 哈巴罗夫斯克|Khabarovsk, far eastern Russian city ... habang 哈棒|(slang) (Tw) to give a blowjob habaxueshan 哈巴雪山|Mt Haba (Nakhi: golden flower), in Li... habeier 哈贝尔|Habel, Haber or Hubbell (name)/Harbel... habeimasi 哈贝马斯|Jürgen Habermas (1929-), German socia... habiren 哈比人|Hobbit/see also 霍比特人[Huo4 bi3 te4 ren2] habo 哈勃|Hubble (name)/Edwin Hubble (1889-1953... habo 哈伯|Edwin Hubble (1889-1953), US astronom... haboluonei 哈博罗内|Gaborone, capital of Botswana habomasi 哈伯玛斯|Jürgen Habermas (1929-), German socia... habotaikongwangyuanjing 哈伯太空望远镜|Hubble Space Telescope habusibao 哈布斯堡|Hapsburg (European dynasty) hada 哈达|khata (Tibetan or Mongolian ceremonia... hadesi 哈得斯|Hades hadesi 哈德斯|Hades hadexunhe 哈德逊河|Hudson River, New York State, USA hadi 哈迪|Hardy or Hardie (name) hadisi 哈迪斯|Hades haen 哈恩|Jaén, Spain haerbin 哈尔滨|see 哈爾濱市|哈尔滨市[Ha1er3bin1 Shi4] haerbingongyedaxue 哈尔滨工业大学|Harbin Institute of Technology haerbinshi 哈尔滨市|Harbin, sub-provincial city and capit... haerdeng 哈尔登|Halden (city in Norway) haersita 哈尔斯塔|Harstad (city in Norway) hafengjiao 哈丰角|Cape Ras Hafun, Somalia, the easternm... hafo 哈佛|Harvard hafodaxue 哈佛大学|Harvard University hagaishu 哈该书|Book of Haggai hagendasi 哈根达斯|Häagen-Dazs haha 哈哈|(onom.) laughing out loud hahadaxiao 哈哈大笑|to laugh heartily/to burst into loud ... hahajing 哈哈镜|distorting mirror hahaxiao 哈哈笑|to laugh out loud hai 海|surname Hai hai 海|ocean/sea/CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]/great ... hai 还|still/still in progress/still more/ye... hai 嗨|oh alas/hey!/hi! (loanword)/a high (n... hai 骸|bones of the body hai 骇|to astonish/to startle/to hack (compu... hai 害|to do harm to/to cause trouble to/har... hai 咳|sound of sighing/(interjection expres... hai 氦|helium (chemistry) hai 亥|12th earthly branch: 9-11 p.m., 10th ... hai 孩|(bound form) child hai 嗐|exclamation of regret hai 餀|tainted food hai 咍|(interj.)/happy/sound of laughter hai 醢|minced meat/pickled meat hai 胲|hydroxylamine (chemistry) haian 海岸|coastal/seacoast haianhuweidui 海岸护卫队|coast guard haianjingweidui 海岸警卫队|coastguard haianxian 海岸线|coastline/seaboard/shoreline haiba 海拔|height above sea level/elevation haibaihe 海百合|sea lily/crinoid haibao 海报|poster/playbill/notice haibao 海豹|(zoology) seal haibao 海宝|Haibao, Expo 2010 mascot haibaobudui 海豹部队|United States Navy SEALs haibaoke 海豹科|Phocidae, family within Carnivora inc... haibei 海北|Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture ... haibeizangzuzizhizhou 海北藏族自治州|Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture ... haibeizhou 海北州|Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture ... haibian 海边|coast/seaside/seashore/beach haibian 海扁|(slang) to beat sb up haibin 海滨|shore/seaside haibing 害病|to fall sick/to contract an illness haibo 海波|hypo (loanword)/sodium thiosulfate Na... haiboli 海伯利|Highbury (name) haibowan 海勃湾|Haibowan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|... haibowanqu 海勃湾区|Haibowan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|... haibujunshu 海部俊树|KAIFU Toshiki (1931-), Japanese polit... haiburu 还不如|to be better off .../might as well ... haicang 海沧|Haicang, a district of Xiamen City 廈門... haicangqu 海沧区|Haicang, a district of Xiamen City 廈門... haicao 海草|seagrass haichan 海产|marine/produced in sea haichangzi 海肠子|(coll.) marine worm resembling intest... haichao 海潮|tide haicheng 海城|Haicheng, county-level city in Anshan... haichengqu 海城区|Haicheng district of Beihai city 北海市[... haichengshi 海城市|Haicheng, county-level city in Anshan... haichong 害虫|injurious insect/pest haichu 害处|damage/harm/CL:個|个[ge4] haichuan 海船|seagoing ship haichuang 海床|seabed/seafloor/bottom of the ocean haiciqin 海刺芹|sea holly (Eryngium maritimum) haicuo 海错|seafood delicacy haidai 海带|kelp haidai 海岱|Haidai, historical region extending f... haidai 海待|student who has returned from oversea... haidan 海胆|sea urchin haidao 海盗|pirate haidao 海岛|island haidaoshi 海岛市|Municipality of the Islands (Macau)/C... haidaoxingwei 海盗行为|piracy haide 海德|Hyde (surname) haide 害得|to cause or lead to sth bad haidebao 海德堡|Heidelberg haidebao 海德保|Heidelberg (Germany) haideerbao 海德尔堡|Heidelberg haidegeer 海德格尔|Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), German ... haidegongyuan 海德公园|Hyde Park haideng 海登|Hayden or Haydn (name) haidi 海底|seabed/seafloor/bottom of the ocean haidi 海地|Haiti, the western third of Caribbean... haidi 海迪|Heidi haidi 海堤|levee/dyke/seawall haidi-laoyue 海底捞月|see 水中撈月|水中捞月[shui3zhong1-lao1yue4]/(... haidian 海淀|Haidian, a district of Beijing haidianqu 海淀区|Haidian, a district of Beijing haidiantushucheng 海淀图书城|Haidian Book City, Beijing bookstore haidiao 海钓|sea angling haididao 海地岛|Hispaniola (Caribbean Island divided ... haidikuozhang 海底扩张|seafloor spreading (geology) haidikuozhangshuo 海底扩张说|theory of seafloor spreading (geology) haidilao 海底捞|Haidilao (aka Hai Di Lao), hot pot re... haidilaozhen 海底捞针|see 大海撈針|大海捞针[da4 hai3 lao1 zhen1] haidilun 海底轮|muladhara, the root or Saturn chakra,... haidirequan 海底热泉|(marine geology) hydrothermal vent haidiye 海底椰|coco de mer or \"sea coconut\" (Lodoice... haidong 海东|see 海東市|海东市[Hai3dong1 Shi4]/(also can... haidongqing 海东青|(bird species of China) gyrfalcon (Fa... haidongshi 海东市|Haidong, prefecture-level city in Qin... haiduan 海端|Haiduan or Haituan township in Taitun... haiduanxiang 海端乡|Haiduan or Haituan township in Taitun... haidun 海顿|Haydn (name)/Franz Joseph Haydn (1732... haiduzi 害肚子|upset stomach/stomachache haier 海尔|Haier (PRC household appliance brand)... haierdelan 海尔德兰|Gelderland, province of the Netherlands haifa 海法|Haifa (city in Israel) haifang 海防|coastal defense haifeng 海风|sea breeze/sea wind (i.e. from the sea) haifeng 海丰|Haifeng county in Shanwei 汕尾, Guangdong haifengxian 海丰县|Haifeng county in Shanwei 汕尾, Guangdong haigang 海港|seaport/harbor haigangqu 海港区|harbor district/Haigang district of Q... haigou 海沟|marine trench haigou 海狗|fur seal haigu 骸骨|skeleton/skeletal remains haiguan 海关|customs (i.e. border crossing inspect... haiguanbumen 海关部门|customs section haiguanguanyuan 海关官员|customs officer haiguanzongshu 海关总署|General Administration of Customs (GAC) haiguazi 海瓜子|Tellina iridescens (a bivalve mollusk... haigui 海龟|turtle/Internet slang for 海歸|海归[hai3 ... haigui 海归|sb who has come back to China after g... haihan 海涵|(polite expression) to be magnanimous... haihang 海航|Hainan Airlines haihao 还好|not bad/tolerable/fortunately haihe 海河|Hai He (a system of five waterways ar... haihong 海虹|mussel haihuanggeng 海皇羹|Cantonese seafood soup haihunshan 海魂衫|Breton shirt/sailor\'s striped shirt haijia 海岬|headland haijianchuan 海监船|naval surveillance vessel; maritime p... haijiang 海疆|coastal border region haijiao 海角|cape/promontory haijiao 海椒|(dialect) hot pepper haijiaotianya 海角天涯|see 天涯海角[tian1 ya2 hai3 jiao3] haijihui 海基会|Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF), se... haijin 海禁|prohibition on entering or leaving by... haijing 海景|seascape/sea view haijing 海警|coast guard haijingju 海警局|China Coast Guard haijiu 海鹫|sea eagle/CL:隻|只[zhi1] haijun 海军|navy haijundaxiao 海军大校|commodore (= US Navy equivalent) haijunguan 海军官|naval officer haijunlan 海军蓝|navy blue haijunluzhandui 海军陆战队|marine corps/marines haijunshangxiao 海军上校|captain (= UK and US Navy equivalent) haijunshaoxiao 海军少校|lieutenant commander haijunzhongxiao 海军中校|commander (= UK and US Navy equivalent) haikang 海康|Haikang former county in Zhanjiang 湛江... haike 骇客|hacker (computing) (loanword) haikongjun 海空军|navy and air force haikongjunjidi 海空军基地|naval and air military base haikou 海口|see 海口市[Hai3kou3 Shi4] haikou 海口|estuary/coastal inlet/river mouth/sea... haikou 害口|see 害喜[hai4xi3] haikoushi 海口市|Haikou, prefecture-level city and cap... haiku-shilan 海枯石烂|lit. until the seas dry up and stones... haikui 海葵|sea anemone haikuotiankong 海阔天空|wide sea and sky (idiom); boundless o... haikuoyu 海蛞蝓|sea slug hailaer 海拉尔|Hailar District of Hulunbuir City 呼倫貝... hailaerqu 海拉尔区|Hailar District of Hulunbuir City 呼倫貝... hailang 海浪|sea wave hailang 骇浪|swelling or stormy seas haili 海里|nautical mile haili 海狸|beaver haili 海蛎|oyster haili 海鲤|sea bream hailiang 海量|huge volume hailin 海林|Hailin, county-level city in Mudanjia... hailing 海陵|Hailing district of Taizhou city 泰州市[... hailing 海岭|mid-ocean ridge hailingqu 海陵区|Hailing district of Taizhou city 泰州市[... hailinshi 海林市|Hailin, county-level city in Mudanjia... hailishu 海狸鼠|(zoology) coypu; nutria hailiu 海榴|pomegranate hailizi 海蛎子|oyster hailu 海陆|sea and land hailu 海鲈|sea bass hailubao 海陆煲|sea and land hotpot (Jiangsu specialty) hailuci 海鸬鹚|(bird species of China) pelagic cormo... hailujun 海陆军|navy and army/military force hailukong 海陆空|sea land air (transport, or military ... hailun 海伦|Hailun, county-level city in Suihua 綏... hailunkaile 海伦·凯勒|Helen Keller (1880-1968), famous Amer... hailunshi 海伦市|Hailun, county-level city in Suihua 綏... hailuo 海螺|sea snail/whelk/conch hailuoyin 海洛因|heroin (loanword) hailuoying 海洛英|heroin (narcotic) (loanword) haima 海马|sea horse/hippocampus (abbr. for 海馬體|... haima 害马|lit. the black horse of the herd/fig.... haimahui 海马回|hippocampus haimati 海马体|hippocampus haimi 海米|dried shrimps haimian 海面|the surface of the sea; ocean surface haimian 海绵|(zoology) sea sponge/(esp.) dried sea... haimianbaobao 海绵宝宝|SpongeBob SquarePants (US TV animated... haimianti 海绵体|erectile tissue (genital)/corpus cave... haimianzhuang 海绵状|spongy haiming 害命|to kill sb/to murder haimingwei 海明威|Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), America... hainabaichuan 海纳百川|all rivers run into the sea/use diffe... hainan 海南|Hainan Province, in the South China S... hainan 海难|perils of the sea hainandao 海南岛|Hainan Island in South China Sea hainandaxue 海南大学|Hainan University hainankongquezhi 海南孔雀雉|(bird species of China) Hainan peacoc... hainanlanxianweng 海南蓝仙鹟|(bird species of China) Hainan blue f... hainanliuying 海南柳莺|(bird species of China) Hainan leaf w... hainanqu 海南区|Hainan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海... hainanquan 海南鳈|Sarcocheilichthys hainanensis, a spec... hainanshanzhegu 海南山鹧鸪|(bird species of China) Hainan partri... hainansheng 海南省|Hainan Province, capital Haikou 海口[Ha... hainanyan 海南鳽|(bird species of China) white-eared n... hainanzangzuzizhizhou 海南藏族自治州|Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture ... hainanzhou 海南州|see 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 z... hainei 海内|the whole world/throughout the land/e... haineicunzhiji,tianyaruobilin 海内存知己,天涯若比邻|close friend in a distant land, far-f... haineiwai 海内外|domestic and international; at home a... hainiao 海鸟|seabird hainiao 害鸟|pest bird (esp. one that feeds on far... hainie 海涅|Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), German ly... hainigen 海尼根|Heineken (Dutch brewing company)/see ... haining 海宁|Haining, county-level city in Jiaxing... hainingshi 海宁市|Haining, county-level city in Jiaxing... hainiu 海牛|manatee hainu 孩奴|\"a slave to one\'s children\", hard-wor... haiou 海鸥|gull; seagull haipa 害怕|to be afraid; to be scared haipa 骇怕|to be afraid/to be frightened haipiaoxiao 海螵蛸|cuttlebone (used in TCM) haipingmian 海平面|sea level haiqiao 海鞘|Ascidiacea/sea squirt haiqingtian 海青天|popular nickname of Hai Rui 海瑞[Hai3 R... haiqunzhima 害群之马|lit. a horse that brings trouble to i... hair 孩儿|child hairan 骇然|overwhelmed with shock, horror or ama... hairen 害人|to harm sb/to inflict suffering/to vi... hairen 骇人|terrifying/shocking/dreadful hairenbuqian 害人不浅|to cause a lot of trouble/to inflict ... hairenchong 害人虫|pest/evildoer hairenjing 害人精|goblin that kills or harms people/fig... hairentingwen 骇人听闻|shocking/horrifying/atrocious/terrible hairenzhixinbukeyou,fangrenzhixinbukewu 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无|refrain from hurting others, yet guar... hairi 海日|sun over sea hairui 海瑞|Hai Rui (1514-1587), Ming politician,... hairuibaguan 海瑞罢官|Hai Rui dismissed from office, 1960 h... haisao 害臊|to be bashful/to feel ashamed haisenbao 海森堡|Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), German... haisenbo 海森伯|Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), German... haisha 海砂|sea sand (sand of the ocean floor or ... haishang 海上|maritime haishanghualiezhuan 海上花列传|The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai by Ha... haishangqishu 海上奇书|literary journal published in 1892-93... haishangyundong 海上运动|water sports (sailing, windsurfing etc) haishawu 海砂屋|house built with cheap, unreliable co... haishen 海参|sea cucumber haishen 海神|Emperor of the Sea/Neptune haishenwai 海参崴|Haishenwai, traditional Chinese name ... haishi 还是|still (as before)/had better/unexpect... haishi 海狮|sea lion haishi 亥时|9-11 pm (in the system of two-hour su... haishi 海蚀|coastal erosion/marine abrasion haishi 海市|(lit. and fig.) mirage haishi 海事|maritime affairs/accident at sea haishi-shenlou 海市蜃楼|(idiom) (lit. and fig.) mirage haishichu 海事处|Marine Department (Hong Kong) haishifayuan 海事法院|maritime court haishiju 海事局|PRC Maritime Safety Agency haishishanmeng 海誓山盟|to pledge undying love (idiom); oath ... haishou 害兽|vermin/harmful animal haishu 海曙|Haishu district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波... haishui 海水|seawater haishuibukedouliang 海水不可斗量|see 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量[ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xi... haishuidaoguan 海水倒灌|saltwater intrusion haishuiyangzhi 海水养殖|aquaculture haishuqu 海曙区|Haishu district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波... haisi 害死|to kill/to cause death/to do sb to death haisi 海斯|Hayes (Microcomputer) haisun 海损|damage to goods during shipping haita 海獭|sea otter haitai 海苔|nori haitan 海滩|beach/CL:片[pian4] haitang 海棠|Chinese flowering crab apple (Malus s... haitanghua 海棠花|Chinese flowering crab-apple (Malus s... haitangxing 海棠形|quatrefoil (usually elongated) haitao 海淘|online purchase of goods dispatched f... haiti 孩提|(literary) infant/young child haitong 孩童|child haitu 海涂|tidal marsh/shoal/shallows haitu 海兔|sea hare (Aplysia) haitun 海豚|dolphin haitunguan 海豚馆|dolphinarium haitunzuo 海豚座|Delphinus (constellation) haituweiken 海涂围垦|tideland reclamation haiwai 海外|overseas; abroad haiwaiban 海外版|foreign edition (of a newspaper) haiwaichizi 海外赤子|patriotic overseas compatriot haiwaihuaren 海外华人|overseas Chinese haiwan 海湾|(Persian) Gulf haiwan 海湾|bay/gulf haiwan 海碗|very large bowl haiwang 海王|Poseidon, Greek god of the sea/Neptun... haiwanguojia 海湾国家|nations of the Persian Gulf/Gulf states haiwangxing 海王星|Neptune (planet) haiwanzhanzheng 海湾战争|(Persian) Gulf War haiwei 海味|seafood haixi 害喜|to react to pregnancy by experiencing... haixi 海西|Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous p... haixia 海峡|strait; channel haixiajiaoliujijinhui 海峡交流基金会|Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF)/abb... haixialianganguanxixiehui 海峡两岸关系协会|PRC Association for Relations Across ... haixian 海鲜|seafood haixiang 海象|walrus haixiang 海相|marine facies (geology) haixiangchenjiwu 海相沉积物|oceanic sediment (geology) haixiangsibing 害相思病|sick with love haixianjiang 海鲜酱|hoisin sauce (barbecue sauce)/seafood... haixiao 海啸|tsunami haixiaqundao 海峡群岛|Channel Islands haixiashibao 海峡时报|The Straits Times haixiehui 海协会|Association for Relations Across the ... haiximengguzuzangzuzizhizhou 海西蒙古族藏族自治州|Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous p... haixin 海信|Hisense (brand) haixing 海星|starfish/sea star haixing 海兴|Haixing county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang... haixingjichang 海星机场|nickname of Beijing Daxing Internatio... haixingxian 海兴县|Haixing county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang... haixiu 害羞|shy/embarrassed/bashful haixizhou 海西州|Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous p... haixuan 海选|(in elections for village committees ... haixun 海巡|coast guard haiya 海牙|The Hague (seat of government of the ... haiyan 海盐|Haiyan county in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 x... haiyan 海盐|sea salt haiyan 海晏|Haiyan County in Haibei Tibetan Auton... haiyan 害眼|to have eye trouble haiyang 海洋|ocean/CL:個|个[ge4] haiyang 海阳|Haiyang, county-level city in Yantai ... haiyangshi 海阳市|Haiyang, county-level city in Yantai ... haiyangwenchafadian 海洋温差发电|ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) haiyangxing 海洋性|maritime haiyangxingpinxue 海洋性贫血|thalassemia haiyangxingqihou 海洋性气候|maritime climate haiyangxue 海洋学|oceanography haiyanxian 海晏县|Haiyan County in Haibei Tibetan Auton... haiyanxian 海盐县|Haiyan county in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 x... haiyao 嗨药|(slang) to take drugs/recreational drug haiyezi 海椰子|coco de mer or \"sea coconut\" (Lodoice... haiyinsi 海印寺|Haein Temple in South Gyeongsang prov... haiyou 还有|there still remain(s); there is (or a... haiyu 海域|sea area/territorial waters/maritime ... haiyu 海芋|giant taro (Alocasia macrorrhizos)/co... haiyu 海隅|coastal area haiyu 海嵎|variant of 海隅[hai3 yu2] haiyuan 海员|sailor; mariner haiyuan 海原|Haiyuan county in Zhongwei 中衛|中卫[Zhon... haiyuanxian 海原县|Haiyuan county in Zhongwei 中衛|中卫[Zhon... haiyuezi 害月子|morning sickness (in pregnancy) haiyugesong 海于格松|Haugesund (city in Rogaland, Norway) haiyun 海运|shipping by sea haiyunfei 海运费|shipping/sea transport haizao 海藻|seaweed/marine alga/kelp haizao 海枣|date (fruit) haizei 海贼|pirate haizeiban 海贼版|pirate version/bootleg haizeiwang 海贼王|One Piece (manga and anime) haizhan 海战|naval battle haizhe 海蜇|Rhopilema esculenta, an edible jellyfish haizhou 海州|Haizhou district of Lianyungang city ... haizhouqu 海州区|Haizhou district of Lianyungang city ... haizhu 海珠|Haizhu District of Guangzhou City 廣州市... haizhu 亥猪|Year 12, year of the Boar (e.g. 2007) haizhuqu 海珠区|Haizhu District of Guangzhou City 廣州市... haizi 孩子|child haizi 海子|(dialect) wetlands/lake haizimen 孩子们|children haiziqi 孩子气|boyish; childish/childishness haji 哈吉|haji or hadji (Islam) hajiqi 哈季奇|Goran Hadžić (1958-2016), Croatian Se... hajisi 哈吉斯|haggis (a Scottish dish) (loanword) hajiu 哈啾|(onom.) a-choo (sound of a sneeze) (Tw) hakebeilifenlixianji 哈克贝利·芬历险记|Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mar... hakou 哈扣|hardcore (loanword) hala 哈喇|rancid/to kill/to slaughter hala 哈拉|to chat idly (Tw) halaerwushi 哈拉尔五世|Harald V of Norway halaimu 哈莱姆|Harlem district of Manhattan halalei 哈拉雷|Harare, capital of Zimbabwe halazi 哈喇子|(dialect) saliva halazi 哈拉子|(dialect) saliva/also written 哈喇子[ha1... haleihuixing 哈雷彗星|Halley\'s Comet hali 哈利|Harry hali 哈里|Harry or Hari (name) halibeirui 哈莉·贝瑞|Halle Berry (1966-), US actress halibodun 哈利伯顿|Halliburton (US construction company) halibote 哈利·波特|Harry Potter, boy wizard in the novel... halidiya 哈利迪亚|Habbaniyah (Iraqi city) halifa 哈里发|(loanword) caliph/also written 哈利發|哈利... halifadiguo 哈里发帝国|Caliphate (Islamic empire formed afte... halifaguo 哈里发国|caliphate halifakesi 哈利法克斯|Halifax (name)/Halifax city, capital ... halifata 哈里发塔|Burj Khalifa, skyscraper in Dubai, 83... haliluya 哈利路亚|hallelujah (loanword) halinggen 哈灵根|Harlingen, the Netherlands halisenshimite 哈里森·施密特|Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17 astronaut) halisibao 哈里斯堡|Harrisburg, Pennsylvania halou 哈喽|hello (loanword) halunku 哈伦裤|harem pants (loanword) haluo 哈罗|hello (loanword) haluo 哈啰|hello (loanword) haluochuxing 哈啰出行|Hellobike, transportation service pla... haluode 哈罗德|Harold, Harald, Harrod (name) hama 蛤蟆|frog; toad hama 虾蟆|variant of 蛤蟆[ha2ma5] hamaer 哈马尔|Hamar (town in Norway) hamahang 蛤蟆夯|power-driven rammer or tamper hamaheiladao 哈马黑拉岛|Halmahera, an island of Indonesia hamajing 蛤蟆镜|aviator sunglasses hamasi 哈马斯|Hamas (radical Palestinian group) hameineiyi 哈梅内伊|Khamenei, Ayatollah Aly (1939-), Supr... hamengde 哈蒙德|Hammond (surname) hami 哈密|Hami, prefecture-level city in Xinjiang hami 哈迷|Harry Potter fan (slang) hamierka 哈米尔卡|Hamilcar (c. 270-228 BC), Carthaginia... hamigua 哈密瓜|Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon)/h... hamigua 哈蜜瓜|Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon)/h... hamijiduodun 哈米吉多顿|Armageddon (in Revelation 16:16) hamishi 哈密市|Hami, prefecture-level city in Xinjiang hamola 哈摩辣|Gomorrah hamuleite 哈姆雷特|Hamlet (name)/the Tragedy of Hamlet, ... han 厂|\"cliff\" radical in Chinese characters... han 汉|Han ethnic group/Chinese (language)/t... han 汉|man han 含|to keep in the mouth/to contain han 韩|Han, one of the Seven Hero States of ... han 函|envelope/case/letter han 函|variant of 函[han2] han 寒|cold/poor/to tremble han 涵|to contain/to include/culvert han 汗|see 可汗[ke4 han2], 汗國|汗国[han2 guo2] han 汗|perspiration/sweat/CL:滴[di1],頭|头[tou2... han 菡|lotus blossom han 瀚|ocean/vastness han 翰|surname Han han 翰|writing brush/writing/pen han 晗|before daybreak/dawn about to break/(... han 旱|drought han 撖|surname Han/Taiwan pr. [Gan3] han 焓|enthalpy han 悍|heroic/intrepid/valiant/dauntless/fie... han 悍|variant of 悍[han4] han 喊|to yell/to shout/to call out for (a p... han 焊|to weld/to solder han 焊|variant of 焊[han4] han 邯|name of a district in Hebei han 撼|to shake/to vibrate han 憾|regret (sense of loss or dissatisfact... han 酣|intoxicated han 顸|dawdling han 憨|silly/simple-minded/foolish/naive/stu... han 谽|a mouth or opening han 攼|old variant of 捍[han4] han 颔|chin/to nod (one\'s assent) han 邗|name of an ancient river han 鼾|snore/to snore han 唅|(literary) to put in the mouth han 蚶|small clam (Arca inflata) han 熯|to dry with fire han 暵|dry/hot han 歛|to desire/to give han 鋡|to hold/to contain han 蔊|Nasturtium montanum han 闬|gate of a village han 睅|protuberant eyes han 螒|Aulacophora femoralis han 馯|old variant of 駻[han4] han 㪋|variant of 捍[han4] han 雗|a white pheasant han 豻|(canine) han 垾|small dike han 駻|(of horse) fierce/wild han 㘎|(literary) (of a tiger) to growl; to ... han 捍|variant of 捍[han4] han 捍|to ward off (a blow)/to withstand/to ... han 琀|gems or pearls formerly put into the ... han 甝|white tiger han 罕|rare hana 哈拿|Hannah (biblical figure) hanaijing 韩爱晶|Han Aijing (1945-), notorious red gua... hanao 韩澳|South Korea and Australia hanba 旱魃|drought demon hanbaiyu 汉白玉|white marble/a type of white marble u... hanban 汗斑|common name for 花斑癬|花斑癣[hua1 ban1 xua... hanban 汉办|abbr. for 國家漢辦|国家汉办[Guo2 jia1 Han4 ba... hanban 函办|to bring to justice; to hand over to ... hanbandao 韩半岛|Korean peninsula (esp. South Korean u... hanbangqing 韩邦庆|Han Bangqing (1856-1894), writer and ... hanbangzi 韩棒子|Korean (derog.) hanbao 汉堡|Hamburg (German city) hanbao 汉堡|(loanword) hamburger hanbao 含苞|(of a plant) to be in bud hanbaobao 汉堡包|hamburger (loanword) hanbaodaifang 含苞待放|in bud/budding hanbaowang 汉堡王|Burger King (fast food restaurant) hanbeixin 汗背心|tank top/sleeveless undershirt hanbin 汉滨|Hanbin District of Ankang City 安康市[An... hanbing 旱冰|roller skating hanbinqu 汉滨区|Hanbin District of Ankang City 安康市[An... hance 旱厕|pit toilet hanchan 寒蝉|a cicada in cold weather (used as a m... hanchang 酣畅|unrestrained/cheerful lack of inhibit... hanchanglinli 酣畅淋漓|to one\'s heart\'s content (idiom) hanchanxiaoying 寒蝉效应|the chilling effect of a climate of f... hanchao 寒潮|cold wave/CL:股[gu3] hanchao 汉朝|Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) hanchao 韩朝|North and South Korea/bilateral Korea... hanchen 寒碜|ugly/shameful/to ridicule hanchen 寒伧|variant of 寒磣|寒碜[han2 chen5] hancheng 汉城|Hanseong, former name of Seoul (capit... hancheng 韩城|Hancheng, a county-level city of hist... hanchengshi 韩城市|Hancheng, a county-level city of hist... hanchengtebieshi 汉城特别市|Hanseong Special Metropolitan City, o... hanchou 汗臭|body odor hanchuan 汉川|Hanchuan, county-level city in Xiaoga... hanchuang 寒窗|a life of strenuous studies (idiom) hanchuanshi 汉川市|Hanchuan, county-level city in Xiaoga... handa 函大|correspondence university (abbr. for ... handai 汉代|the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) handai 寒带|polar climate handan 邯郸|see 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Han2dan1 Shi4] handan 涵淡|waves handanshi 邯郸市|Handan, prefecture-level city in Hebe... handanxuebu 邯郸学步|to copy the way they walk in Handan (... handao 喊道|to yell handeer 韩德尔|(Tw) Handel (name)/George Frideric Ha... handian 焊点|welding point/(electronics) solder joint handong 寒冬|cold winter handong 涵洞|culvert handong 撼动|to shake up/to deal a shock/(fig.) to... handong 函洞|variant of 涵洞[han2 dong4] handouxiansheng 憨豆先生|Mr. Bean (TV) hanfang 韩方|the Korean side hanfei 悍匪|brutal bandit; ferocious criminal hanfei 韩非|Han Fei, also known as Han Feizi 韓非子|... hanfeizi 韩非子|another name for Han Fei 韓非|韩非[Han2 F... hanfengcigu 寒风刺骨|bone chilling wind (idiom) hanfu 汉服|traditional Han Chinese dress hanfu 悍妇|violent woman/shrew hanfu 韩服|hanbok (traditional Korean dress) hanfuju 韩复榘|Han Fuju (1890-1938), Nationalist Kuo... hanfusi 汉福斯|Hønefoss, city (and soccer team) in B... hang 行|row/line/commercial firm/line of busi... hang 杭|surname Hang/abbr. for Hangzhou 杭州[Ha... hang 航|boat/ship/craft/to navigate/to sail/t... hang 夯|to ram; to tamp/a rammer; a tamper/se... hang 绗|to quilt hang 桁|cangue (stocks to punish criminals) hang 沆|a ferry/fog/flowing hang 吭|throat hang 颃|fly down hang 筕|see 筕篖[hang2 tang2] hang ㄏㄤ|(Tw) (slang) popular; hot (from Taiwa... hangai 涵盖|to cover/to comprise/to include hangai 含钙|containing calcium hangaozu 汉高祖|posthumous name of the first Han empe... hangban 航班|(scheduled) flight; (scheduled) sailing hangbanbiao 航班表|flight schedule hangbei 行辈|generation and age ranking/seniority hangbiao 航标|buoy/channel marker/signal light hangbiaodeng 航标灯|lighted buoy/channel marking light/si... hangcheng 航程|flight; voyage/distance traveled/rang... hangchuan 航船|ship (e.g. providing regular passenge... hangci 航次|air or sea voyage (seen as an individ... hangdang 行当|profession/role (acting) hangdao 航道|waterway/ship channel hangduan 航段|leg of air or sea voyage hangfeng 绗缝|to quilt hangge 夯歌|rammers\' work chant hanghai 航海|to sail the seas/maritime navigation/... hanghaijia 航海家|mariner/seafarer hanghainianbiao 航海年表|nautical ephemeris hanghaizhe 航海者|navigator hanghan 夯汉|carrier who carries heavy loads on hi... hanghangchuzhuangyuan 行行出状元|lit. in every trade, a master appears... hanghao 行号|(computing) (text file) line number; ... hanghua 行话|jargon/language of the trade hanghui 行会|guild hanghui 航徽|airline emblem/travel company seal hanghuo 行货|authorized goods/genuine goods/crudel... hangji 航迹|wake (of ship)/flight path hangjia 行家|connoisseur; expert; veteran hangjialishou 行家里手|connoisseur/expert hangjian 行间|between rows hangjian 航舰|aircraft carrier (abbr. for 航空母艦|航空母舰... hangjin 杭锦|Hanggin banner, Mongolian Xanggin kho... hangjinhouqi 杭锦后旗|Hanggin Rear banner or Xanggin Xoit k... hangjinqi 杭锦旗|Hanggin banner, Mongolian Xanggin kho... hangju 行距|row spacing hangju 夯具|rammer/tamper hangkong 航空|aviation hangkonggang 航空港|airfield/aerodrome hangkonggongsi 航空公司|airline/CL:家[jia1] hangkonghangtianju 航空航天局|air and space agency hangkongju 航空局|aviation agency hangkongmujian 航空母舰|aircraft carrier (CL:艘[sou1])/(coll.)... hangkongmujianzhandouqun 航空母舰战斗群|carrier-based vanguard group (CBVG)/n... hangkongqi 航空器|aircraft hangkongshiye 航空事业|aviation industry hangkongshu 航空术|aeronautics hangkongxian 航空线|air route/airway hangkongxin 航空信|airmail letter hangkongxue 航空学|aviation science hangkongye 航空业|aviation industry hangkongyoujian 航空邮件|airmail hangkongyoujian 航空邮简|aerogram hangkongyundan 航空运单|Air Waybill (AWB) hangkongzhan 航空站|air terminal hangkongziweidui 航空自卫队|air self-defense force hanglie 行列|formation/array/(fig.) ranks (as in \"... hanglieshi 行列式|determinant (math.) hangmo 航模|model plane or ship hangmu 航母|aircraft carrier (abbr. for 航空母艦|航空母舰... hangong 焊工|welder/solderer/CL:名[ming2]/welding hangong-juzhi 含宫咀徵|(idiom) permeated with beautiful music hangou 函购|mail order hangou-renru 含垢忍辱|(idiom) to bear shame and humiliation hangpai 航拍|aerial photography (video or still) hangqing 行情|market price/quotation of market pric... hangquan 航权|air rights hangsha 航厦|air terminal hangshang 行商|traveling salesman/itinerant trader/h... hangshi 夯实|to tamp/to ram (earth etc) hangshi 行市|quotation on market price hangsi 航司|airline (abbr. for 航空公司[hang2 kong1 g... hangsu 航速|speed (of ship or plane) hangtang 筕篖|woven bamboo mat hangtian 航天|space flight hangtianfeiji 航天飞机|space shuttle hangtianju 航天局|space agency hangtianqi 航天器|spacecraft hangtianyuan 航天员|astronaut hangtianzhongxin 航天中心|space center hangtou 行头|team leader (archaic)/shopkeeper (arc... hangtu 夯土|rammed earth hangtu 航图|chart hangtuji 夯土机|rammer/tamper hangtuo 夯砣|rammer/tamper hangu 汉沽|Hangu former district of Tianjin, now... hangua 含括|(Tw) to contain/to include/to encompass hanguan 涵管|culvert pipe hanguan 函馆|Hakodate, main port of south Hokkaidō... hanguangshanshan 寒光闪闪|to glitter like frost and snow (idiom) hanguar 汗褂儿|undershirt hanguguan 函谷关|Hangu Pass in modern day Henan Provin... hanguo 韩国|South Korea (Republic of Korea)/Han, ... hanguo 汗国|khanate (Mongol state) hanguojie 韩国街|Koreatown hanguolianhetongxunshe 韩国联合通讯社|Yonghap (South Korean news agency) hanguopaocai 韩国泡菜|kimchi hanguoren 韩国人|Korean (person) hanguoyinhang 韩国银行|Bank of Korea hanguoyu 韩国语|Korean language hanguoyu 韩国瑜|Daniel Han Kuo-yu (1957-), Taiwanese ... hanguqu 汉沽区|Hangu former district of Tianjin, now... hangxian 航线|air or shipping route hangxiang 航向|course/direction (a ship or plane is ... hangxie 沆瀣|(literary) evening mist hangxieyiqi 沆瀣一气|to act in collusion (idiom); in cahoo... hangxing 航行|to sail/to fly/to navigate hangyang 桁杨|lit. stocks and knives/fig. any punis... hangyangdaoju 桁杨刀锯|lit. stocks and knives/fig. any punis... hangye 行业|trade; profession; industry; business hangyou 航邮|air mail hangyu 行语|slang/jargon/cant/lingo/patois/argot hangyun 航运|shipping/transport hangzhan 航站|airport/(shipping) port hangzhan 航展|air show hangzhan 行栈|warehouse hangzhang 行长|bank president hangzhanlou 航站楼|airport terminal hangzhou 杭州|see 杭州市[Hang2zhou1 Shi4] hangzhoushi 杭州市|Hangzhou, sub-provincial city and cap... hangzhouwan 杭州湾|Hangzhou Bay hanhan 韩寒|Han Han (1982-), PRC blogger, singer ... hanhan 鼾鼾|to snore hanhanhuhu 含含糊糊|(of speech) obscure/unclear/(of actio... hanhen 憾恨|resentful/hateful hanhou 憨厚|simple and honest/straightforward hanhu 含糊|ambiguous/vague/careless/perfunctory hanhu 含胡|variant of 含糊[han2 hu5] hanhua 汉化|to sinicize/sinicization/(software) C... hanhua 喊话|to speak using a loud voice or megaph... hanhuaqi 喊话器|megaphone hanhubuqing 含糊不清|unclear/indistinct/ambiguous hanhun 含混|vague/unclear/ambiguous hanhuqici 含糊其词|to equivocate/to talk evasively (idiom) hani 哈尼|honey (term of endearment) (loanword) hanizu 哈尼族|Hani ethnic group hanjia 寒假|winter vacation hanjian 汉奸|traitor (to China) hanjian 函件|letters/correspondence hanjian 罕见|rare/rarely seen hanjian 汉简|bamboo slip used for record keeping d... hanjiang 汉江|Han River hanjiang 涵江|Hanjiang, a district of Putian City 莆... hanjiang 邗江|Hanjiang district of Yangzhou city 揚州... hanjiang 韩江|the Han river in Guangdong hanjiangqu 邗江区|Hanjiang district of Yangzhou city 揚州... hanjiangqu 涵江区|Hanjiang, a district of Putian City 莆... hanjiao 喊叫|to cry out/to shout hanjie 焊接|to weld/welding hanjin 寒噤|a shiver hanjin 含金|gold-bearing/(fig.) valuable hanjing 寒荆|(polite) my wife (old) hanjinjin 汗津津|sweaty hanjinlian 旱金莲|garden nasturtium/Tropaeolum majus hanjinliang 含金量|gold content/(fig.) value; worth hankong 汗孔|sweat pore hankou 汉口|Hankou, part of Wuhan 武漢|武汉 at the ju... hankuo 涵括|to encompass/to cover hanlaobaoshou 旱涝保收|to provide a stable crop, regardless ... hanlei 含泪|tearful/tearfully hanleng 寒冷|cold (climate)/frigid/very cold hanli 汗粒|bead of sweat hanlian 颔联|third and fourth lines (in an eight-l... hanliang 含量|content/quantity contained hanlianshe 韩联社|Yonhap (South Korean news agency) hanliao 焊料|solder hanlin 翰林|refers to academics employed as imper... hanlin 含磷|containing phosphate hanlingdi 汉灵帝|Emperor Ling of Han (156-189), reigne... hanlinxueshi 翰林学士|members of the Hanlin Imperial Academ... hanlinyuan 翰林院|Imperial Hanlin Academy, lasting from... hanliu 韩流|Korean Wave, aka Hallyu (the increase... hanliu 寒流|cold air current/cold ocean current/c... hanliujiabei 汗流浃背|to sweat profusely (idiom)/drenched i... hanlu 寒露|Hanlu or Cold Dew, 17th of the 24 sol... hanma 悍马|Hummer (vehicle brand) hanma 汗马|(lit.) to exert one\'s horse/(fig.) wa... hanmagonglao 汗马功劳|war exploits/(fig.) heroic contribution hanman 汗漫|vast/without boundaries/power (of a r... hanmao 寒毛|fine hair on the human body hanmao 汗毛|hair/soft hair/down hanmaokong 汗毛孔|sweat pore hanmei 韩美|South Korean-US hanmei 韩媒|South Korean media hanmen 寒门|poor and humble family/my family (hum... hanmeng 酣梦|sweet dream/sleeping soundly hanmian 酣眠|to sleep soundly; to be fast asleep hanmierdun 汉密尔顿|Hamilton (name)/Hamilton, capital of ... hanmingdi 汉明帝|Emperor Ming of Han (28-75), Western ... hanminzu 汉民族|Han ethnic group hanmoweichu 汉末魏初|late Han and early Wei (roughly, firs... hanna 汉娜|Hannah (name) hannan 汉南|Hannan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市... hannanqu 汉南区|Hannan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市... hannashan 汉拿山|Hallasan Mountain or Mount Halla, hig... hanniba 汉尼拔|Hannibal (name)/Hannibal Barca (247-1... hanniuchongdong 汗牛充栋|lit. enough books to make a pack-ox s... hannuowei 汉诺威|Hanover hanpan 焊盘|(electronics) pad; land (a connection... hanpian 含片|lozenge; cough drop hanpin 汉拼|Hanyu Pinyin (abbr. for 漢語拼音|汉语拼音[Han... hanqi 寒气|cold air/a chill one feels in the bod... hanqi 含气|containing air hanqiang 焊枪|welding torch hanqiang 汉腔|Wuhan accent hanqing 旱情|drought conditions hanqingmomo 含情脉脉|full of tender feelings (idiom); tend... hanran 悍然|outrageous/brazen/flagrant hanranbugu 悍然不顾|outrageous and unconventional (idiom)... hanren 汉人|Han Chinese person or people hanren 函人|armor maker hanren 含忍|to bear; to endure; to tolerate hanri 韩日|Korea and Japan hanruyuxia 汗如雨下|sweating like rain (idiom); to perspi... hansan 旱伞|(dialect) parasol hansatongmeng 汉萨同盟|Hanseatic League hansen 汉森|Hansen or Hanson (name) hanshaliang 含沙量|sand content/quantity of sediment (ca... hanshan 含山|Hanshan, a county in Ma\'anshan 馬鞍山|马鞍... hanshan 汗衫|vest/undershirt/shirt hanshan 邯山|Hanshan district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯... hanshang-juzhi 含商咀徵|(idiom) permeated with beautiful music hanshanqu 邯山区|Hanshan district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯... hanshanshifanxueyuan 韩山师范学院|Hanshan Normal University, Shantou, G... hanshanxian 含山县|Hanshan, a county in Ma\'anshan 馬鞍山|马鞍... hanshasheying 含沙射影|(idiom) to attack sb by innuendo; to ... hanshe 寒舍|my humble home hanshe 涵摄|to assimilate/to subsume hansheng 鼾声|sound of snoring hansheng 喊声|to yell/hubbub hanshengrulei 鼾声如雷|thunderous snoring hanshengzhu 韩昇洙|Han Seung-soo (1936-), South Korean d... hanshi 寒食|cold food (i.e. to abstain from cooke... hanshi 寒士|(old) impoverished scholar hanshi 憾事|a matter for regret/sth that is a (gr... hanshi 憨实|simple and honest hanshi 韩式|Korean-style hanshichang 韩世昌|Han Shichang (1897-1977), actor speci... hanshiku 函式库|library (partition on computer hard d... hanshipaocai 韩式泡菜|kimchi hanshou 函授|to teach by correspondence hanshou 汉寿|Hanshou county in Changde 常德[Chang2 d... hanshou 颔首|to nod one\'s head hanshoudaxue 函授大学|correspondence university hanshoukecheng 函授课程|correspondence course hanshouweixiao 颔首微笑|to nod and smile hanshouxian 汉寿县|Hanshou county in Changde 常德[Chang2 d... hanshouzhijiao 颔首之交|nodding acquaintance hanshu 函数|function (math.) hanshu 汉书|History of the Former Han Dynasty, se... hanshui 汗水|sweat/perspiration hanshui 汉水|Han River (Hanshui) hanshui 酣睡|to sleep soundly/to fall into a deep ... hanshui 含水|watery hanshui 含税|tax inclusive hanshuiceng 含水层|aquifer hanshupifu 撼树蚍蜉|lit. an ant trying to shake a tree/to... hansi 汉斯|Hans (name)/Reims (city in France) hansi 焊丝|welding wire hansijun 汉四郡|four Han commanderies in north Korea ... hansong 函送|(formal) to inform by letter/to submi... hansong-faban 函送法办|(idiom) to bring to justice; to hand ... hansuan 寒酸|wretched/poverty-stricken/unpresentab... hansuyin 韩素音|Han Suyin (1917-2012), Eurasian physi... hanta 旱獭|marmot hantabingdu 汉他病毒|(Tw) (loanword) hantavirus hantai 汉台|Hantai District of Hanzhong City 漢中市|... hantai 憨态|naive and innocent look hantaikeju 憨态可掬|(of pandas, ducklings etc) adorable/cute hantaiqu 汉台区|Hantai District of Hanzhong City 漢中市|... hantan 含碳|carbonic hantanbingdu 汉坦病毒|(loanword) hantavirus hantar 汗褟儿|undershirt (dialect) hantenggelifeng 汗腾格里峰|Khan Tengri or Mt Hantengri on the bo... hantian 寒天|chilly weather/(loanword from Japanes... hantiandongdi 撼天动地|earth-shaking hanting 寒亭|Hanting district of Weifang city 濰坊市|... hantingqu 寒亭区|Hanting district of Weifang city 濰坊市|... hanuka 哈努卡|Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish hol... hanukajie 哈努卡节|Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish hol... hanuman 哈奴曼|Hanuman, a monkey God in the Indian e... hanwangzhen 汉旺镇|Hanwang town in Mianzhu county, Deyan... hanwei 捍卫|to defend; to uphold; to safeguard hanwei 寒微|of humble origin hanweijuanyong 含味隽永|fine, lasting flavor (of literature) hanweizhe 捍卫者|proponent/supporter/upholder hanwen 汉文|Chinese written language/Chinese lite... hanwen 韩文|hangul, Korean phonetic alphabet/Kore... hanwendi 汉文帝|Emperor Wen of Han (202-157 BC), four... hanwendiliuheng 汉文帝刘恒|Liu Heng (202-157 BC), the fourth Han... hanwenzimu 韩文字母|hangul, Korean phonetic alphabet; Kor... hanwubaofa 寒武爆发|the Cambrian explosion hanwudi 汉武帝|Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty (141-87... hanwuji 寒武纪|Cambrian geological period (541-485.4... hanwujidabaofa 寒武纪大爆发|the Cambrian explosion hanwujishengmingdabaofa 寒武纪生命大爆发|the Cambrian explosion hanxi 焊锡|solder hanxia 颔下|under one\'s chin hanxian 汗腺|sweat gland hanxiandi 汉献帝|Emperor Xian of Han (181-234), the fi... hanxiang 旱象|drought hanxiao 含笑|to have a smile on one\'s face hanxiaxian 颔下腺|submaxillary glands (biology) hanxin 寒心|disillusioned/bitterly disappointed/t... hanxin 韩信|Han Xin (-196 BC), famous general of ... hanxing 汉姓|a Han family name (surname)/(esp.) a ... hanxinruku 含辛茹苦|to suffer every possible torment (idi... hanxiucao 含羞草|mimosa/sensitive plant (that closes i... hanxu 含蓄|to contain/to hold/(of a person or st... hanxu 涵蓄|variant of 含蓄[han2 xu4] hanxuan 寒暄|to exchange conventional greetings; t... hanxuandi 汉宣帝|Emperor Xuan (91-48 BC) of the Former... hanxue 汉学|sinology/Chinese studies (in foreign ... hanxuebaoma 汗血宝马|Ferghana horse hanxuejia 汉学家|sinologist/scholar of Chinese hanxuema 汗血马|(in ancient times) Ferghana horse; (l... hanxuepenren 含血喷人|to make false accusations against sb ... hanxuexi 汉学系|institute of Sinology/faculty of Sino... hanya 寒鸦|(bird species of China) western jackd... hanya 韩亚|Hanya/Hana hanyahangkong 韩亚航空|Asiana Airlines, South Korean airline hanyalong 韩亚龙|H Mart, Korean supermarket chain in U... hanyan 旱烟|tobacco (smoked in a long-stemmed pipe) hanyan 汗颜|to blush with shame (literary) hanyang 汉阳|Hanyang county in Hubei province/hist... hanyang 涵养|to cultivate (personal qualities)/(of... hanyangqu 汉阳区|Hanyang district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉... hanyanzhi 韩彦直|Han Yanzhi (1131-?), Song dynasty bot... hanyazi 旱鸭子|non-swimmer hanye 汗液|sweat hanyi 含义|meaning (implicit in a phrase)/implie... hanyi 涵义|content/meaning/connotation/implication hanyi 寒衣|winter clothing hanyi 含意|meaning hanyi 寒意|a nip in the air/chilliness hanyi 涵意|content/meaning/connotation/implicati... hanyin 汉阴|Hanyin County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1]... hanyin 酣饮|to drink one\'s fill hanying 汉英|Chinese-English hanyinghuyi 汉英互译|Chinese and English two-way translation hanyingjuhua 含英咀华|to savor fine writing (idiom) hanyinongsun 含饴弄孙|lit. to play with one\'s grandchildren... hanyinxian 汉阴县|Hanyin County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1]... hanyong 悍勇|intrepid; valiant; dauntless hanyou 含有|to contain/including hanyou 含油|containing oil/oil-bearing hanyou 罕有|to rarely have/rare hanyouyan 含油岩|oil bearing rock hanyu 韩语|Korean language (esp. in context of S... hanyu 韩愈|Han Yu (768-824), Tang dynasty essayi... hanyu 汉语|Chinese language/CL:門|门[men2] hanyuan 韩元|South Korean won (currency) hanyuan 汉源|Hanyuan county in Ya\'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], ... hanyuan 喊冤|to cry out a grievance hanyuan 含冤|wronged/to suffer false accusations hanyuan 韩圆|Korean won (unit of currency) hanyuandi 汉元帝|Yuan Emperor, reign name of Han Dynas... hanyuanxian 汉源县|Hanyuan county in Ya\'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], ... hanyudacidian 汉语大词典|Hanyu Da Cidian, the largest Chinese ... hanyudazidian 汉语大字典|Hanyu Da Zidian, one of the most comp... hanyun 含蕴|to contain/to hold/content/(of a poem... hanyupinyin 汉语拼音|Hanyu Pinyin, the romanization system... hanyushuipingkaoshi 汉语水平考试|HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) hanzai 旱灾|drought hanzangyuxi 汉藏语系|Sino-Tibetan language family hanzeibuliangli 汉贼不两立|lit. Shu Han 蜀漢|蜀汉[Shu3 Han4] and Cao... hanzhan 寒战|shiver hanzhan 酣战|to fight lustily hanzhan 韩战|Korean War (1950-1953) hanzheng 韩正|Han Zheng (1954-), senior vice premie... hanzhi 憨直|honest and straightforward hanzhong 汉中|see 漢中市|汉中市[Han4zhong1 Shi4] hanzhongshi 汉中市|Hanzhong, prefecture-level city in Sh... hanzhu 汗珠|beads of sweat hanzhu 喊住|to stop (sb) by calling out to them hanzhuzi 汗珠子|beads of sweat hanzi 汉子|man/fellow/(dialect) husband hanzi 汉字|Chinese character(s) hanzi 憨子|(dialect) simpleton/idiot/fool hanzi 蚶子|blood clam hanzi 函子|functor (math.) hanzichazifa 汉字查字法|look-up method for Chinese characters hanziziti 汉字字体|calligraphic style of Chinese charact... hanzu 汉族|Han ethnic group hanzui 酣醉|to be dead drunk hao 号|roar/cry/CL:個|个[ge4] hao 号|ordinal number/day of a month/mark/si... hao 浩|grand/vast (water) hao 好|good/appropriate; proper/all right!/(... hao 好|to be fond of; to have a tendency to;... hao 耗|to waste/to spend/to consume/to squan... hao 郝|ancient place name/surname Hao hao 昊|surname Hao hao 昊|vast and limitless/the vast sky hao 皓|variant of 皓[hao4] hao 皓|(bound form) bright; luminous; white ... hao 皓|variant of 皓[hao4]/spotlessly white hao 灏|vast (of water) hao 豪|grand/heroic hao 毫|hair/drawing brush/(in the) least/one... hao 镐|bright/place name/stove hao 颢|(literary) white and shining hao 皞|bright/brilliant hao 薅|to weed/to grip or clutch hao 薃|Cyperus amuricus hao 淏|(literary) (of water) limpid hao 嚎|howl/bawl hao 昦|variant of 昊[hao4] hao 蒿|celery wormwood (Artemisia carvifolia... hao 濠|trench hao 恏|to desire hao 壕|moat/(military) trench hao 嗥|to howl (like a wolf) hao 嗥|variant of 嗥[hao2] hao 嗥|old variant of 嗥[hao2] hao 蚝|oyster hao 嚆|sound/noise hao 澔|grand/vast (of water) hao 譹|to shout/to roar/to terrify/swiftly hao 鄗|ancient place name hao 秏|variant of 耗[hao4] hao 諕|to intimidate haoan 毫安|milliampere haoba 毫巴|millibar (mbar or mb), unit of pressu... haobai 皓白|snow-white/spotless haoban 好办|easy to do; easy to manage haobang 好棒|excellent (interjection) haobantian 好半天|most of the day haobi 好比|to be just like; can be compared to haobian 好辩|argumentative/quarrelsome haobing 号兵|bugler/trumpeter (military) haobingshuaike 好兵帅克|The Good Soldier Švejk (Schweik), sat... haobo 浩博|vast and plentiful/ample/very many haobu 好不|not at all .../how very ... haobu 毫不|hardly/not in the least/not at all haobuchiyi 毫不迟疑|without the slightest hesitation haobufeili 毫不费力|effortless/not expending the slightes... haobuhao 好不好|(coll.) all right?/OK? haobuhuaiyi 毫不怀疑|without the slightest doubt haobujieyi 毫不介意|to not mind (at all, a bit)/to not ca... haobukeqi 毫不客气|no trace of politeness/unrestrained (... haobuliuqing 毫不留情|to show no quarter/ruthless/relentless haoburongyi 好不容易|with great difficulty/very difficult haobuxunse 毫不逊色|not inferior in any respect haobuyouyu 毫不犹豫|without the slightest hesitation haocai 耗材|consumables/to consume raw materials haocheng 号称|to be known as; to be nicknamed/to be... haochi 好吃|tasty; delicious haochi 好吃|to be fond of eating; to be gluttonous haochi 皓齿|white teeth (symbol of youth and beauty) haochi 蚝豉|dried oyster meat haochilanzuo 好吃懒做|happy to partake but not prepared to ... haochimingmou 皓齿明眸|white teeth and bright eyes (idiom); ... haochizhuchun 皓齿朱唇|white teeth and vermilion lips (idiom... haochu 好处|easy to get along with haochu 好处|benefit; advantage; merit/gain; profi... haoda 浩大|vast; huge haoda 豪达|Gouda, a city in the Netherlands/Goud... haodai 好歹|good and bad/most unfortunate occurre... haodang 浩荡|vast and mighty (of river or ocean)/b... haodao 好道|don\'t tell me .../could it be that...? haodaxigong 好大喜功|to rejoice in grandiose deeds/to stri... haodi 好睇|good-looking (Cantonese) haodian 耗电|to consume electricity/power consumption haodong 好动|active/restless/energetic haodou 好斗|to be warlike/to be belligerent haoduanduan 好端端|perfectly all right/without rhyme or ... haoduo 好多|many/quite a lot/much better haofa 毫发|a hair/the slightest haofabushuang 毫发不爽|not to deviate one hair\'s breadth (id... haofan 浩繁|vast/voluminous/many and varied/numer... haofanbupawan 好饭不怕晚|the meal is remembered long after the... haofang 豪放|bold and unconstrained/powerful and free haofei 耗费|to waste/to spend/to consume/to squander haofu 豪富|rich and powerful/rich and influentia... haogan 好感|good opinion/favorable impression haogaowuyuan 好高骛远|to bite off more than one can chew (i... haogou 壕沟|trench/moat haoguo 好过|to have an easy time/(feel) well haohaidong 郝海东|Hao Haidong (1970-), former Chinese s... haohan 浩瀚|vast (of ocean)/boundless haohan 好汉|hero/strong and courageous person/CL:... haohanbuchiyanqiankui 好汉不吃眼前亏|a wise man knows better than to fight... haohanbutidangnianyong 好汉不提当年勇|a real man doesn\'t boast about his pa... haohanzuoshihaohandang 好汉做事好汉当|daring to act and courageous enough t... haohao 好好|well; carefully; nicely; properly haohao 浩浩|vast/expansive (universe)/torrential ... haohaodangdang 浩浩荡荡|grandiose; majestic haohaor 好好儿|in good condition/perfectly good/care... haohaoxiansheng 好好先生|Mr Goody-goody/yes-man (sb who agrees... haohaoxuexi,tiantianxiangshang 好好学习,天天向上|study hard and every day you will imp... haohe 好喝|tasty (drinks) haohua 豪华|luxurious haohua 好话|friendly advice/words spoken on sb\'s ... haohuai 好坏|good or bad/good and bad/standard; qu... haohuajiaoche 豪华轿车|limousine/luxury carriage haohuaxing 豪华型|deluxe model haohuodangshang 好活当赏|(coll.) bravo/nice one/lovely haoji 好几|several/quite a few haoji 好记|easy to remember haojiahuo 好家伙|my God!/oh boy!/man! haojiang 濠江|Haojiang District of Shantou city 汕頭市... haojiangqu 濠江区|Haojiang District of Shantou City 汕頭市... haojiao 号角|bugle horn haojiao 嚎叫|to howl/to yell haojiao 号叫|to howl/to yell haojiao 嗥叫|to growl/to howl haojie 豪杰|hero/towering figure haojie 浩劫|calamity/catastrophe/apocalypse haojiehaohuan,zaijiebunan 好借好还,再借不难|see 有借有還,再借不難|有借有还,再借不难[you3 jie4 you... haojin 耗尽|to exhaust/to use up/to deplete/to drain haojing 镐京|Haojing (in modern Shaanxi, northwest... haojingbuchang 好景不长|a good thing doesn\'t last forever (id... haojinian 好几年|several years haojiu 好久|quite a while haojiubujian 好久不见|long time no see haojiuchenwengdi 好酒沉瓮底|lit. the best wine is at the bottom o... haojiutanbei 好酒贪杯|fond of the bottle (idiom) haojixingburulanbitou 好记性不如烂笔头|the palest ink is better than the bes... haoju-haosan 好聚好散|(idiom) to part without hard feelings... haokan 好看|good-looking/nice-looking/good (of a ... haokang 好康|(Tw) benefit; advantage (from Taiwane... haoke 毫克|milligram haoke 好客|hospitality/to treat guests well/to e... haoke 兞|milligram (old) (single-character equ... haoku 嚎哭|to bawl/to cry/to wail/to howl/also w... haoku 号哭|to bawl/to wail/to cry haokuo 浩阔|vast haolaiwu 好莱坞|Hollywood haolechuangbawangletong 好了疮疤忘了痛|see 好了傷疤忘了疼|好了伤疤忘了疼[hao3 le5 shang1 b... haoleshangbawangleteng 好了伤疤忘了疼|to forget past pains once the wound h... haoli 耗力|to require much effort haoliao 好料|sth of good quality/good person (usu.... haolibushuang 毫厘不爽|not to deviate an iota (idiom)/to be ... haolike 好立克|Horlicks (malt-flavored powder used t... haoling 号令|an order (esp. army)/bugle call expre... haolingrushan 号令如山|lit. order like a mountain/a military... haoma 号码|number/CL:堆[dui1],個|个[ge4] haomabuchihuitoucao 好马不吃回头草|lit. a good horse doesn\'t turn around... haomai 豪迈|bold/open-minded/heroic haomai 号脉|to feel sb\'s pulse haomang 浩茫|boundless/unlimited haomao 毫毛|fine hair (on the body); down/(often ... haomapai 号码牌|number plate/car license plate/CL:條|条... haomen 豪门|rich and powerful (families)/aristocr... haomengnancheng 好梦难成|a beautiful dream is hard to realize ... haomi 毫米|millimeter haomiao 毫秒|millisecond, ms haomiao 浩渺|vast/extending into the distance haomiao 浩淼|vast/extending into the distance haomibo 毫米波|millimeter wave (radio signal) haomigongzhu 毫米汞柱|millimeter of mercury/mmHg (unit of p... haoming 好命|lucky/blessed with good fortune haomishuiyinzhu 毫米水银柱|millibar (unit of pressure) haonanbugennvdou 好男不跟女斗|a real man doesn\'t fight with womenfo... haoneng 耗能|to consume energy haoniao 好鸟|person of good character/nice person/... haopai 号牌|license plate/number plate haopao 号炮|cannon used for signaling/signaling shot haopengyou 好朋友|good friend/(slang) a visit from Aunt... haoping 好评|favorable criticism/positive evaluation haoqi 好气|(coll.) good mood (usu. used in the n... haoqi 好奇|inquisitive/curious/inquisitiveness/c... haoqi 浩气|vast spirit/nobility of spirit haoqi 豪气|heroic spirit/heroism haoqi 号旗|signaling flag haoqiang 豪强|despot/tyrant/bully haoqiang 好强|eager to be first haoqiganyun 豪气干云|lit. heroism reaching to the clouds (... haoqilai 好起来|to get better/to improve/to get well haoqingzhuangzhi 豪情壮志|lofty ideals/noble aspirations haoqishangyi 好奇尚异|to have a taste for the exotic (idiom) haoqiu 好球|(ball sports) good shot!/nice hit!/we... haoqixin 好奇心|interest in sth/curiosity/inquisitive haoqiyouhaoxiao 好气又好笑|see 又好氣又好笑|又好气又好笑[you4 hao3qi4 you4 h... haoqu 好去|bon voyage/Godspeed haoran 浩然|Hao Ran (1932-2008), journalist and p... haoran 浩然|vast/expansive/overwhelming haore 好惹|accommodating/easy to push around haoren 好人|good person/healthy person/person who... haorenhaoshi 好人好事|admirable people and exemplary deeds haorizi 好日子|auspicious day/good day/happy life haorong 貉绒|precious fur obtained from skin of ra... haorongyi 好容易|(idiomatic usage) with great difficul... haoruyanhai 浩如烟海|vast as the open sea (idiom); fig. ex... haosan 耗散|to dissipate/to squander haosang 号丧|to weep/to howl as if at a funeral haosayu 豪萨语|the Hausa language haose 好色|to want sex/given to lust/lecherous/l... haosezhitu 好色之徒|lecher/womanizer/dirty old man haoshe 豪奢|extravagant/luxurious haoshen 豪绅|local despot haosheng 好生|(dialect) very; quite; properly; well... haosheng 毫升|milliliter haosheng 好胜|eager to win/competitive/aggressive haoshi 耗时|time-consuming/to take a period of (x... haoshi 好使|easy to use/to function well/so that/... haoshi 好事|good action, deed, thing or work (als... haoshi 好事|to be meddlesome haoshi 好时|Hershey\'s (brand) haoshi 浩室|house (music genre) (loanword) haoshi 耗失|(of sth that should be retained: nutr... haoshibuchumen,eshichuanqianli 好事不出门,恶事传千里|lit. good deeds do not go beyond the ... haoshiduo 好市多|(Tw) Costco (warehouse club chain) haoshiduomo 好事多磨|the road to happiness is strewn with ... haoshihaoli 耗时耗力|requiring much time and effort haoshizhe 好事者|busybody/CL:個|个[ge4] haoshizhitu 好事之徒|busybody haoshou 号手|trumpeter/military bugler haoshou 好手|expert/professional haoshou 好受|feeling better/to be more at ease haoshou 皓首|white head of hair/fig. old person haoshoucangyan 皓首苍颜|white hair and gray sunken cheeks (id... haoshu 号数|number in a sequence/ordinal number/s... haoshuang 豪爽|outspoken and straightforward/forthri... haoshui 好睡|good night haoshuo 好说|easy to deal with; not a problem/(pol... haoshuodaishuo 好说歹说|(idiom) to try one\'s very best to per... haosi 好似|to seem/to be like haosiburulaihuozhe 好死不如赖活着|better a bad life than a good death (... haosun 耗损|to waste haotao 嚎啕|variant of 號啕|号啕[hao2 tao2] haotao 号啕|to cry/to wail loudly haotao 号咷|variant of 號啕|号啕[hao2 tao2] haotaodaku 嚎啕大哭|to wail/to bawl (idiom) haote 浩特|nomadic camp/town or village (Mongoli... haotian 昊天|clear sky haoting 好听|pleasant to hear haotong 号筒|bugle haotou 号头|number/serial number haowa 瓱|milliwatt (old)/single-character equi... haowa 毫瓦|milliwatt haowa 好哇|hurray!/hurrah!/yippee! haowai 号外|(newspaper) extra/special number (of ... haowan 好玩|amusing/fun/interesting haowan 好玩|to be playful/to be fond of one\'s fun haowangjiao 好望角|Cape of Good Hope haowanr 好玩儿|erhua variant of 好玩[hao3 wan2] haowei 毫微|(prefix) nano- haoweimi 毫微米|millimicron or one-millionth of a mil... haoweirenshi 好为人师|to like to lecture others (idiom) haowu 毫无|not in the least/to completely lack haowu 好恶|lit. likes and dislikes/preferences/t... haowu 好物|fine goods haowu-erzhi 毫无二致|(idiom) without the slightest difference haowubaoliu 毫无保留|to hold nothing back/without reservation haowuxiaoguo 毫无效果|to no avail/achieving nothing/totally... haowuxunse 毫无逊色|not in the least inferior (idiom) haowuyiwen 毫无疑问|certainty/without a doubt haoxia 豪侠|brave and chivalrous haoxian 好险|to have a close call/to have a narrow... haoxiang 好像|as if/to seem like haoxiang 好象|to seem; to be like (variant of 好像[ha... haoxiao 好笑|laughable; funny; ridiculous haoxie 好些|a good deal of/quite a lot haoxihaizaihoutou 好戏还在后头|the best part of the show is yet to c... haoxin 好心|kindness/good intentions haoxindaozuolelvganfei 好心倒做了驴肝肺|(idiom) to mistake good intentions fo... haoxinren 好心人|kindhearted person/good Samaritan haoxue 好学|easy to learn haoxue 好学|eager to study/studious/erudite haoxuejinhuzhi,lixingjinhuren,zhichijinhuyong 好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇|to love learning is akin to knowledge... haoyan 好言|kind words haoyang 好氧|aerobic haoyangde 好样的|(idiom) a good person, used to praise... haoyangmao 薅羊毛|to seek out discount vouchers, cashba... haoyanhaoyu 好言好语|sincere, well-meant, kind words haoyanzhuangyu 豪言壮语|bold, visionary words haoyi 好意|good intention/kindness haoyi 号衣|jacket worn esp. by soldiers in forme... haoyin 号音|bugle call haoyisi 好意思|to have the nerve/what a cheek!/to fe... haoyiwulao 好逸恶劳|to love ease and comfort and hate wor... haoyong 好用|useful/serviceable/effective/handy/ea... haoyou 蚝油|oyster sauce haoyou 好友|close friend/pal/(social networking w... haoyouduo 好又多|Trust-Mart (supermarket chain) haoyouliang 耗油量|fuel consumption haoyu 豪雨|violent rain (e.g. due to monsoon or ... haoyue 号曰|to be named/named haoyun 好运|good luck haoyunfu 好运符|good luck charm haozai 好在|luckily/fortunately haozhai 豪宅|grand residence/mansion haozhan 好战|warlike haozhao 号召|to call/to appeal haozhaoli 号召力|to have the power to rally supporters haozhen 毫针|acupuncture needle haozhengyixia 好整以暇|to be calm and unruffled in the midst... haozhi 号志|signal/sign (traffic control etc) haozhi 豪掷|to spend (a large amount of money) haozhu 豪猪|porcupine haozhuan 好转|to improve/to take a turn for the bet... haozhuang 豪壮|magnificent/heroic haozi 号子|work chant/prison cell/type/sort/mark... haozi 耗子|(dialect) mouse; rat haozi 耗资|to spend/expenditure/to cost haozi 貉子|raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides... haoziweizhi 好自为之|to do one\'s best; to shape up; to fen... haoziweizhi 耗子尾汁|you\'re on your own (pun on 好自為之|好自为之[... haozou 好走|bon voyage/Godspeed hapo 哈珀|Harper (name) hapuxikede 哈普西科德|harpsichord haqian 哈欠|yawn hari 哈日|Japanophile harizu 哈日族|Japanophile (refers to teenage craze ... hasake 哈萨克|Kazakh/(Tw, HK) Kazakhstan hasakeren 哈萨克人|Kazakh person/Kazakh people hasakesitan 哈萨克斯坦|Kazakhstan hasakewen 哈萨克文|Kazakh written language hasakeyu 哈萨克语|Kazakh language hasakezu 哈萨克族|Kazakh ethnic group of Xinjiang hasang 哈桑|Hassan (person name)/Hassan District hashima 哈士蟆|Chinese brown frog (Rana chensinensis... hashiqi 哈士奇|husky (sled dog) hasu 哈苏|Hasselblad (camera manufacturer) hatefude 哈特福德|Hartford hawana 哈瓦那|Havana, capital of Cuba haxi 哈希|hash (computing)/see also 散列[san3 lie4] haxina 哈西纳|Ms Sheikh Hasina (1947-), Bangladesh ... hayao 哈腰|to bend he 喝|to drink/variant of 嗬[he1] he 喝|to shout he 和|old variant of 和[he2] he 和|surname He he 和|(joining two nouns) and; together wit... he 和|to compose a poem in reply (to sb\'s p... he 和|old variant of 和[he2]/harmonious he 合|to close/to join/to fit/to be equal t... he 合|variant of 合[he2] he 核|pit/stone/nucleus/nuclear/to examine/... he 核|variant of 核[he2]/to investigate he 盒|small box/case he 赫|surname He he 赫|awe-inspiring/abbr. for 赫茲|赫兹[he4 zi1... he 吓|to scare/to intimidate/to threaten/(i... he 贺|surname He he 贺|to congratulate he 禾|cereal/grain he 饸|used in 餄餎|饸饹[he2le5] he 何|surname He he 何|what/how/why/which/carry he 龁|(literary) to gnaw; to bite he 河|river (CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4])/(bound ... he 鹤|crane he 鸖|old variant of 鶴|鹤[he4] he 褐|brown/gray or dark color/coarse hemp ... he 荷|Holland/the Netherlands/abbr. for 荷蘭|... he 荷|lotus he 荷|to carry on one\'s shoulder or back/bu... he 貉|raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides... he 颌|(bound form) jaw he 菏|He river in Shandong he 壑|gully/ravine/Taiwan pr. [huo4] he 阖|door/to close/whole he 盍|variant of 盍[he2] he 盍|why not he 呵|expel breath/my goodness he 鉌|small bell he 焃|fiery/bright he 翮|quill he 涸|to dry/to dry up he 嗬|(interjection expressing surprise) oh... he 劾|to impeach he 郃|name of a person he 垎|(literary) (of soil) dry and hard/(us... he 嗃|scold with severity he 龢|harmonious (variant of 和[he2])/(used ... he 盉|vessel similar to a kettle, but with ... he 纥|tassels he 暍|hot he 鞨|buskin/name of a tribe/turban he 猲|frightened/terrified he 翯|glistening plumage of birds he 鹖|crossbill/long-tailed pheasant he 阂|obstruct he 惒|old variant of 和[he2] he 蠚|to sting he 鲄|(archaic) blowfish he 欱|variant of 喝[he1] he 佫|surname He he 㪃|to beat; to hit he 餲|deep-fried noodle cake, also known as... he 曷|why/how/when/what/where he 诃|to scold he 𬮤|variant of 闔|阖[he2] heai 和蔼|kindly/nice/amiable heaikeqin 和蔼可亲|affable/genial hean 河岸|riverside/river bank heban 合办|to cooperate/to do business together hebang 河蚌|mussels/bivalves grown in rivers and ... hebao 荷包|embroidered pouch for carrying loose ... hebao 合抱|to wrap one\'s arm around (used to des... hebaodan 荷包蛋|poached egg/egg fried on both sides hebaozha 核爆炸|nuclear explosion hebaozhazhuangzhi 核爆炸装置|nuclear explosion device hebate 荷巴特|Hobart, capital of Tasmania, Australia hebei 河北|see 河北省[He2bei3 Sheng3] hebeibangzi 河北梆子|Hebei opera hebeidishanque 褐背地山雀|(bird species of China) ground tit (P... hebeigongyedaxue 河北工业大学|Hebei University of Technology hebeikejidaxue 河北科技大学|Hebei University of Science and Techn... hebeiqu 河北区|Hebei district of Tianjin municipalit... hebeiribao 河北日报|Hebei Daily, newspaper founded in 1949 hebeisheng 河北省|Hebei Province, capital Shijiazhuang ... hebeiwengju 褐背鹟鵙|(bird species of China) bar-winged fl... heben 赫本|Hepburn (name) hebenke 禾本科|Graminae or Poaceae, the grass family hebi 何必|there is no need/why should hebi 鹤壁|see 鶴壁市|鹤壁市[He4bi4 Shi4] hebi 合璧|to match harmoniously hebian 河边|river bank hebian 合编|to compile in collaboration with/to m... hebianxing 核变形|nuclear deformation hebin 河滨|brook/rivulet hebing 合并|variant of 合併|合并[he2 bing4] hebing 合并|to merge/to annex hebingzheng 合并症|complication (medicine) hebishi 鹤壁市|Hebi, prefecture-level city in Henan ... hebo 河伯|name or river God associated with Yel... hebo 核驳|to reject (a patent application etc) hebosiyilong 赫伯斯翼龙|Herbstosaurus (genus of pterosaur) hebote 赫伯特|Herbert (name) hebu 何不|why not?/why not do (sth)? hebukesaiermengguzizhixian 和布克赛尔蒙古自治县|Hoboksar Mongol autonomous county or ... hebukesaierxian 和布克赛尔县|Hoboksar Mongol autonomous county or ... hebukuosan 核不扩散|nuclear nonproliferation hebulai 合不来|unable to get along together/incompat... hebulongzui 合不拢嘴|unable to conceal one\'s happiness, am... hebushiroumi 何不食肉糜|lit. \"Why don\'t they eat meat?\" (said... hecai 喝彩|to acclaim/to cheer hecai 喝采|to acclaim/to cheer hecaijun 核裁军|nuclear disarmament hecao 禾草|grass hecao 河槽|river bed/channel heceng 何曾|did I ever ...? (or \"did he ever ...?... hecha 核查|to examine/to inspect hecha 喝茶|to drink tea/to get engaged/to have a... hecha 河叉|river mouth hechang 合唱|chorus/to chorus hechang 何尝|(rhetorical question) when?/how?/it\'s... hechang 禾场|threshing floor hechangtuan 合唱团|chorus/choir hechao 贺朝|He Chao (active c. 711), Tang dynasty... hechaxiaozu 核查小组|inspection team hecheng 合成|to compose/to constitute/compound/syn... hecheng 合称|common term/general term hecheng 鹤城|Hecheng district of Huaihua city 懷化市|... hechengci 合成词|compound word hechengdaixie 合成代谢|anabolism (biology)/constructive meta... hechengfa 合成法|(chemical) synthesis hechengge 合成革|synthetic leather hechengleiguchun 合成类固醇|anabolic steroids hechengqi 合成器|synthesizer hechengqu 鹤城区|Hecheng district of Huaihua city 懷化市|... hechengshiyou 合成石油|synthetic oil hechengshu 合成数|composite number (i.e. not prime, has... hechengwu 合成物|compound/composite/cocktail hechengxiangjiao 合成橡胶|synthetic rubber hechengxianwei 合成纤维|synthetic fiber hechengxidiji 合成洗涤剂|synthetic detergent hechengyuyin 合成语音|assembled phonology hechi 河池|Hechi prefecture-level city in Guangx... hechi 喝斥|see 呵斥[he1chi4] hechi 呵斥|to berate; to excoriate; to chide hechi 呵叱|variant of 呵斥[he1chi4] hechi 诃斥|variant of 呵斥[he1chi4] hechi 诃叱|variant of 呵斥[he1chi4] hechi 何啻|(literary) far more than/not limited to hechi 喝叱|see 呵斥[he1chi4] hechichaweihaiyan 褐翅叉尾海燕|(bird species of China) Tristram\'s st... hechishi 河池市|Hechi prefecture-level city in Guangx... hechixueque 褐翅雪雀|(bird species of China) black-winged ... hechiyajuan 褐翅鸦鹃|(bird species of China) greater couca... hechiyanou 褐翅燕鸥|(bird species of China) bridled tern ... hechiyaque 褐翅鸦雀|(bird species of China) brown-winged ... hechizu 合吃族|lit. joint eaters/a restaurant social... hechu 何处|whence/where hechuan 合川|Hechuan, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重... hechuan 河川|rivers hechuang 河床|riverbed hechuanqu 合川区|Hechuan, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重... hechuciyan 何出此言|where do these words stem from?/why d... hechukoukongzhi 核出口控制|nuclear export control heci 贺词|message of congratulation hecigongzhen 核磁共振|nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) hecun 河村|Kawamura (name) hedaguo 核大国|a nuclear power (country) hedai 盒带|cassette tape (abbr. for 盒式錄音磁帶|盒式录音磁... hedan 核弹|nuclear warhead hedang 合当|must/should hedangliang 核当量|nuclear yield hedantou 核弹头|nuclear reentry vehicle/nuclear warhead hedao 河道|river course/river channel hedao 喝道|to shout (i.e. to say in a loud voice... hedao 禾稻|paddy (rice) hedaocai 喝倒彩|to boo or jeer (as a sign of displeas... hedaodan 核导弹|nuclear missile hedaqingfu 和达清夫|Wadati Kiyoō (1902-1995), pioneer Jap... hede 赫德|Hart or Herd (name)/Robert Hart (1835... hedelai 合得来|to get along well/compatible/also wri... hedelai 和得来|to get along well/compatible/also wri... hedeng 何等|what kind?/how, what/somewhat hedian 核电|nuclear power hedian 贺电|congratulatory telegram hedianchang 核电厂|nuclear power plant hediancimaichong 核电磁脉冲|nuclear electro-magnetic pulse hedianheshu 核电荷数|electric charge on nucleus/atomic number hedianzhan 核电站|nuclear power plant hediao 喝掉|to drink up/to finish (a drink) hediguanglin 阖第光临|the whole family is invited (idiom) hedilei 核地雷|nuclear land mine/nuclear mine heding 核定|to audit and determine/to check and r... hedingben 合订本|bound volume/one-volume edition hedingquemei 褐顶雀鹛|(bird species of China) dusky fulvett... hedong 河东|Hedong district of Linyi city 臨沂市|临沂市... hedongli 核动力|nuclear power hedonglihangkongmujian 核动力航空母舰|nuclear-powered aircraft carrier hedongqu 河东区|Hedong district of Tianjin municipali... hedongshi 河东狮|shrew/see also 河東獅吼|河东狮吼[He2 dong1 sh... hedongshihou 河东狮吼|lit. the lioness from Hedong roars (i... hedongtian 核冬天|nuclear winter heduanpian 喝断片|to get blackout drunk (slang) hedui 核对|to check/to verify/to audit/to examine heduizhangmu 核对帐目|to verify accounting records heduizhi 核对峙|nuclear stalemate heer 赫尔|Hull (name)/Kingston upon Hull heerman 赫尔曼|Herman or Hermann (name) heermande 赫尔曼德|Helmand (name)/Helmand province of so... heermeng 荷尔蒙|hormone (loanword)/see 激素[ji1 su4] heermeng 贺尔蒙|hormone (loanword) heermosi 赫尔墨斯|Hermes (Greek god) heermosi 赫耳墨斯|Hermes, in Greek mythology, messenger... heermute 赫尔穆特|Helmut (name) heermutekeer 赫尔穆特·科尔|Helmut Kohl (1930-), German CDU polit... heerweiyi 合而为一|to merge together (idiom); to unify d... heerxinji 赫尔辛基|Helsinki (Swedish Helsingfors), capit... heerying 褐耳鹰|(bird species of China) shikra (Accip... hefa 合法|lawful/legitimate/legal hefadian 核发电|nuclear power generation hefadianchang 核发电厂|nuclear power plant hefahua 合法化|to legalize/to make legal/legalization hefan 盒饭|meal in a partitioned box hefang 何方|where? hefang 何妨|what harm is there in (doing sth) hefangyu 核防御|nuclear defense hefanji 核反击|nuclear counter strike hefanying 核反应|nuclear reaction hefanyingdui 核反应堆|nuclear reactor hefaxing 合法性|legitimacy hefei 合肥|see 合肥市[He2fei2 Shi4] hefeigongyedaxue 合肥工业大学|Hefei University of Technology hefeishi 合肥市|Hefei, prefecture-level city and capi... hefeiwu 核废物|nuclear waste hefen 河粉|rice noodles in wide strips hefendunyoubao 赫芬顿邮报|Huffington Post (US online news aggre... hefeng 鹤峰|Hefeng County in Enshi Tujia and Miao... hefeng 和风|breeze/(Tw) Japanese-style (cooking etc) hefeng 鹤俸|an official\'s emolument hefeng 合缝|(of doors, windows etc) to fit snugly... hefengxian 鹤峰县|Hefeng County in Enshi Tujia and Miao... hefenlie 核分裂|nuclear fission hefu 和服|kimono hefushe 核辐射|nuclear radiation hefutejun 赫福特郡|Hertfordshire (English county) hegai 合该|ought to/should hegan 何干|what business? hegan 核苷|nucleoside hegan 禾秆|straw hegang 鹤岗|see 鶴崗市|鹤岗市[He4gang3 Shi4] hegang 河港|river port hegangshi 鹤岗市|Hegang, prefecture-level city in Heil... hegansuan 核苷酸|nucleotide hegao 喝高|to get drunk hege 合格|to meet the standard required/qualifi... hege 和歌|waka (style of Japanese poetry) hegeshan 和歌山|Wakayama prefecture in central Japan hegeshanxian 和歌山县|Wakayama prefecture in central Japan hegezheng 合格证|certificate of conformity hegong 河工|river conservancy works (dike mainten... hegong 合共|altogether/in sum hegongcheng 核工程|nuclear engineering hegonggang 合弓纲|(zoology) Synapsida hegongye 核工业|nuclear industry hegou 河沟|brook/ditch hegou 壑沟|ditch/narrow strip of water/moat hegu 河谷|river valley hegu 何故|what for?/what\'s the reason? hegu 合股|joint stock/ply (e.g. 2-ply yarn) hegu 壑谷|low-lying humid terrain hegu 禾谷|cereal/food grain hegua 喝挂|(coll.) to get drunk/to get hammered heguang 喝光|to drink up/to finish (a drink) heguanjuansun 褐冠鹃隼|(bird species of China) Jerdon\'s baza... heguanshanque 褐冠山雀|(bird species of China) grey-crested ... heguer 河鼓二|Altair (star) hegui 合规|compliance heguojia 核国家|nuclear nations heguxian 合股线|twine hehan 贺函|letter of congratulations/greeting ca... hehao 和好|to become reconciled; on good terms w... hehaoruchu 和好如初|to bury the hatchet/to become reconciled hehe 呵呵|(onom.) gentle laughter/chuckle hehe 赫赫|brilliant/impressive/outstanding hehe 和合|harmony hehe 呵喝|to shout loudly/to bellow/to berate heheba 荷荷巴|jojoba hehecheng 核合成|nucleosynthesis heheqiqi 和和气气|polite and amiable hehewu 褐河乌|(bird species of China) brown dipper ... heheyouming 赫赫有名|illustrious/prominent/prestigious/wel... hehongzha 核轰炸|nuclear bomb hehongzhaji 核轰炸机|nuclear bomber (aircraft) hehouhua 何厚铧|He Houhua (1955-), Macau financier an... hehoushayan 褐喉沙燕|(bird species of China) grey-throated... hehoushiminiao 褐喉食蜜鸟|(bird species of China) brown-throate... hehouxuanmuque 褐喉旋木雀|(bird species of China) Sikkim treecr... hehu 呵护|to bless/to cherish/to take good care... hehu 合乎|to accord with; to conform to hehua 荷花|lotus hehuan 和缓|mild/gentle/to ease up/to relax hehuangsu 核黄素|riboflavin (vitamin B2) hehui 和会|peace conference hehuique 褐灰雀|(bird species of China) brown bullfin... hehun 合婚|casting a couple\'s fortune based on t... hehuo 合伙|to act jointly/to form a partnership hehuo 合夥|variant of 合伙[he2 huo3] hehuoren 合伙人|partner/associate hehuoren 合夥人|variant of 合伙人[he2 huo3 ren2] hehuqingli 合乎情理|reasonable; to make sense hei 黑|abbr. for Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑... hei 黑|black/dark/sinister/secret/shady/ille... hei 嘿|hey hei 黒|Japanese variant of 黑 hei 𬭶|hassium (chemistry) heiaixing 黑矮星|black dwarf star heian 黑暗|dark/darkly/darkness heianmian 黑暗面|(lit. and fig.) dark side heianshidai 黑暗时代|Dark Ages heibai 黑白|black and white/right and wrong/monoc... heibaibufen 黑白不分|can\'t tell black from white (idiom); ... heibaidianshi 黑白电视|black and white TV heibaifenming 黑白分明|lit. black and white clearly contrast... heibailing 黑百灵|(bird species of China) black lark (M... heibailinji 黑白林䳭|(bird species of China) Jerdon\'s bush... heibaiqie 黑白切|(Tw) heibaiqie, side dish of ingredie... heibaiwuchang 黑白无常|(Chinese folk religion) Heibai Wuchan... heiban 黑板|blackboard/CL:塊|块[kuai4],個|个[ge4] heiban 黑斑|dark spot or blotch on the skin heibanbao 黑板报|blackboard bulletin with short news i... heibang 黑帮|bunch of gangsters/criminal gang/orga... heibanhuangying 黑斑蝗莺|(bird species of China) common grassh... heibanwen 黑斑蚊|Aedes, a genus of mosquito heibao 黑暴|(neologism 2019) rioting by black-clo... heibei 黑贝|variant of 黑背[hei1bei4] heibei 黑背|German shepherd heibeixintianweng 黑背信天翁|(bird species of China) Laysan albatr... heibeiyanwei 黑背燕尾|(bird species of China) black-backed ... heibinuo 黑比诺|Pinot noir (grape type) heibuliuqiu 黑不溜秋|dark and swarthy heicha 黑茶|dark tea, a variety of fermented tea ... heichan 黑产|cybercrime industry heichangweizhi 黑长尾雉|(bird species of China) mikado pheasa... heichao 黑潮|Kuroshio current heichapaozi 黑茶藨子|blackcurrant; cassis heichaweihaiyan 黑叉尾海燕|(bird species of China) Swinhoe\'s sto... heiche 黑车|unlicensed or unofficial taxi/unlicen... heichenchen 黑沉沉|pitch-dark heichichangjiaoyu 黑翅长脚鹬|(bird species of China) black-winged ... heichihei 黑吃黑|(of a villain) to do the dirty on ano... heichiquebei 黑翅雀鹎|(bird species of China) common iora (... heichiyanheng 黑翅燕鸻|(bird species of China) black-winged ... heichiyuan 黑翅鸢|(bird species of China) black-winged ... heiculi 黑醋栗|blackcurrant heidao 黑道|dark road/criminal ways/the underworl... heidaojiazu 黑道家族|The Sopranos (US TV series) heideng 黑灯|dark; unlit/a blacklight; an ultravio... heidengxiahuo 黑灯瞎火|pitch dark heidengxiahuo 黑灯下火|pitch dark/also written 黑燈瞎火|黑灯瞎火[hei... heidian 黑店|lit. inn that kills and robs guests (... heidiao 黑貂|sable (Martes zibellina) heidingmaque 黑顶麻雀|(bird species of China) saxaul sparro... heidingqimei 黑顶奇鹛|(bird species of China) rufous sibia ... heidingwakouchi 黑顶蛙口鸱|(bird species of China) Hodgson\'s fro... heidingzaomei 黑顶噪鹛|(bird species of China) black-faced l... heidong 黑洞|(astronomy) black hole heidongdong 黑洞洞|pitch-dark heiduanjiaobei 黑短脚鹎|(bird species of China) black bulbul ... heiebolao 黑额伯劳|(bird species of China) lesser grey s... heiefengmei 黑额凤鹛|(bird species of China) black-chinned... heieshanzaomei 黑额山噪鹛|(bird species of China) snowy-cheeked... heieshuque 黑额树鹊|(bird species of China) collared tree... heifa 黑发|black hair heifei 黑飞|to fly illegally (of planes, drones etc) heifeibing 黑肺病|pneumoconiosis (occupational disease ... heifen 黑粉|(slang) anti-fan heifubinyu 黑腹滨鹬|(bird species of China) dunlin (Calid... heifuou 黑浮鸥|(bird species of China) black tern (C... heifushaji 黑腹沙鸡|(bird species of China) black-bellied... heifusheti 黑腹蛇鹈|(bird species of China) oriental dart... heifuyanou 黑腹燕鸥|(bird species of China) black-bellied... heigeer 黑格尔|Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1... heiguan 黑管|clarinet heiguan 黑鹳|(bird species of China) black stork (... heiguanchangbiyuan 黑冠长臂猿|black crested gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) heiguangdeng 黑光灯|a blacklight; an ultraviolet light heiguanhuangbei 黑冠黄鹎|(bird species of China) black-crested... heiguanjuansun 黑冠鹃隼|(bird species of China) black baza (A... heiguanliangniao 黑冠椋鸟|(bird species of China) Brahminy star... heiguanshanque 黑冠山雀|(bird species of China) rufous-vented... heiguanyan 黑冠鳽|(bird species of China) Malayan night... heigui 黑鬼|black devil (derogatory term for blac... heigulongdong 黑咕隆咚|pitch-black/pitch-dark heihai 黑海|Black Sea heihaifanya 黑海番鸭|(bird species of China) black scoter ... heihan 黑函|poison pen letter (Tw) heihanwangchao 黑汗王朝|Karakhan Dynasty of central Asia, 8th... heihe 黑河|see 黑河市[Hei1he2 Shi4] heihe 黑盒|black box/fig. system whose internal ... heihei 嘿嘿|(onom.) he he/mischievous laughter heiheshi 黑河市|Heihe, prefecture-level city in Heilo... heihoufengyeying 黑喉缝叶莺|(bird species of China) dark-necked t... heihougequ 黑喉歌鸲|(bird species of China) blackthroat (... heihouhongtunbei 黑喉红臀鹎|(bird species of China) red-vented bu... heihouhongweiqu 黑喉红尾鸲|(bird species of China) Hodgson\'s red... heihoumaojiaoyan 黑喉毛角燕|(bird species of China) Nepal house m... heihouqianniao 黑喉潜鸟|(bird species of China) black-throate... heihoushanjiaoying 黑喉山鹪莺|(bird species of China) hill prinia (... heihoushanque 黑喉山雀|(bird species of China) black-bibbed ... heihoushiji 黑喉石䳭|(bird species of China) Siberian ston... heihouxueque 黑喉雪雀|(bird species of China) Père David\'s ... heihouyanliu 黑喉岩鹨|(bird species of China) black-throate... heihouyaque 黑喉鸦雀|(bird species of China) black-throate... heihouzaomei 黑喉噪鹛|(bird species of China) black-throate... heihu 黑户|unregistered resident or household/un... heihua 黑话|argot/bandits\' secret jargon/maliciou... heihua 黑化|to blacken/(slang) to undergo a trans... heihuan 黑鲩|black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) heihuhu 黑乎乎|variant of 黑糊糊[hei1 hu1 hu1] heihuhu 黑呼呼|variant of 黑糊糊[hei1 hu1 hu1] heihuhu 黑忽忽|variant of 黑糊糊[hei1 hu1 hu1] heihuhu 黑糊糊|black/dark/dusky/indistinct heihujiao 黑胡椒|black pepper heihuquan 黑虎拳|Hei Hu Quan - \"Black Tiger Fist\" - Ma... heijialun 黑加仑|blackcurrant heijiao 黑胶|vinyl heijiaoxintianweng 黑脚信天翁|(bird species of China) black-footed ... heijingchangweizhi 黑颈长尾雉|(bird species of China) Mrs. Hume\'s p... heijingdong 黑颈鸫|(bird species of China) black-throate... heijinghe 黑颈鹤|(bird species of China) black-necked ... heijingluci 黑颈鸬鹚|(bird species of China) little cormor... heijingpiti 黑颈䴙䴘|(bird species of China) black-necked ... heijiyuanhun 黑籍冤魂|Black Register of Lost Souls, long no... heijuanwei 黑卷尾|(bird species of China) black drongo ... heika 黑卡|a fraudulently used credit card heike 黑客|hacker (computing) (loanword) heikediguo 黑客帝国|The Matrix (1999 movie) heikeguojiu 黑颏果鸠|(bird species of China) black-chinned... heikesong 黑客松|hackathon (loanword) heikesuimei 黑颏穗鹛|(bird species of China) black-chinned... heikewen 黑客文|hacker terminology/leetspeak heikuang 黑框|black frame (esp. around glasses or a... heikuming 黑枯茗|black cumin (Nigella sativa) heilian 黑脸|stern or displeased expression; to sh... heilianpilu 黑脸琵鹭|(bird species of China) black-faced s... heilianwengying 黑脸鹟莺|(bird species of China) black-faced w... heilianzaomei 黑脸噪鹛|(bird species of China) masked laughi... heilinge 黑林鸽|(bird species of China) black wood pi... heilingliangniao 黑领椋鸟|(bird species of China) black-collare... heilingzaomei 黑领噪鹛|(bird species of China) greater neckl... heilishi 黑历史|dark past heiliu 黑瘤|melanoma heilongjiang 黑龙江|see 黑龍江省|黑龙江省[Hei1long2jiang1 Sheng3]... heilongjianghe 黑龙江河|Heilongjiang River/Amur River (the bo... heilongjiangsheng 黑龙江省|Heilongjiang Province, capital Harbin... heilun 黑轮|oden, Japanese dish made with boiled ... heiluode 黑落德|Herod (biblical King) heima 黑马|dark horse/fig. unexpected winner heimai 黑麦|rye (Secale cereale) heiman 黑鳗|short-finned eel (Anguilla australis) heimei 黑莓|blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) heimei 黑煤|black coal heimeichangweishanque 黑眉长尾山雀|(bird species of China) black-browed ... heimeifushe 黑眉蝮蛇|Snake island viper (Gloydius shedaoen... heimeiliuying 黑眉柳莺|(bird species of China) sulphur-breas... heimeinizhuomuniao 黑眉拟啄木鸟|(bird species of China) Chinese barbe... heimeiquemei 黑眉雀鹛|(bird species of China) Huet\'s fulvet... heimeiweiying 黑眉苇莺|(bird species of China) black-browed ... heimeiyaque 黑眉鸦雀|(bird species of China) pale-billed p... heimeiyu 黑煤玉|jet heimeizi 黑莓子|blackberry heimingdan 黑名单|blacklist heiminggui 黑命贵|Black Lives Matter (social movement) heimu 黑幕|hidden details/dirty tricks/dark secrets heimuer 黑木耳|Auricularia auricula-judae, an edible... heiniaozheng 黑尿症|alkaponuria heinuyutianlu 黑奴吁天录|Uncle Tom\'s Cabin, translated and ada... heipi 黑屁|(slang) bullshit heipinuo 黑皮诺|Pinot noir (grape type) heiqian 黑钱|dirty money heiqiao 黑巧|dark chocolate heiqijun 黑旗军|Black Flag Army heiqimahua 黑漆麻花|pitch-dark; coal black heiqinji 黑琴鸡|(bird species of China) black grouse ... heiququ 黑黢黢|pitch-black/pitch-dark heiren 黑人|black person/an illegal heisaigeweina 黑塞哥维那|Herzegovina heise 黑色|black heisejinshu 黑色金属|ferrous metals (i.e. iron, chromium, ... heisenlin 黑森林|Black Forest/Schwarzwald heisenlindangao 黑森林蛋糕|Black Forest cake heisensen 黑森森|dark and forbidding heisesu 黑色素|black pigment/melanin heisha 黑纱|black armband heishan 黑山|Montenegro, former Yugoslavia/Heishan... heishanxian 黑山县|Heishan county in Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, Liao... heishao 黑哨|(soccer etc) corrupt officiating/dubi... heishehui 黑社会|criminal underworld/organized crime s... heishi 黑市|black market heishou 黑手|(fig.) malign agent who manipulates f... heishoudang 黑手党|mafia heishui 黑水|Heishui County (Tibetan: khro chu rdz... heishuicheng 黑水城|ruins of Heishui Town of Xixia 西夏[Xi1... heishuiji 黑水鸡|(bird species of China) common moorhe... heishuixian 黑水县|Heishui County (Tibetan: khro chu rdz... heisibing 黑死病|bubonic plague/Black Death heisu 黑素|melanin/black pigment heisuliu 黑素瘤|melanoma (type of skin cancer) heitan 黑炭|coal/charcoal/(of skin) darkly pigmen... heitang 黑糖|unrefined sugar/brown sugar heitao 黑桃|spade ♠ (in card games) heitao 黑陶|black eggshell pottery (of the Neolit... heite 黑特|(Internet slang) hate (loanword) heiti 黑体|bold (typeface) heitian 黑天|night; nightfall heitian-banye 黑天半夜|(idiom) in the middle of the night heitie 黑帖|poison pen letter heitifushe 黑体辐射|black body radiation (in thermodynamics) heitizi 黑体字|bold characters; bold font heitoubaihuan 黑头白鹮|(bird species of China) black-headed ... heitoubei 黑头鹎|(bird species of China) black-headed ... heitouhuangli 黑头黄鹂|(bird species of China) black-hooded ... heitoujiaozhi 黑头角雉|(bird species of China) western trago... heitoujinchique 黑头金翅雀|(bird species of China) black-headed ... heitoulazuique 黑头蜡嘴雀|(bird species of China) Japanese gros... heitouqimei 黑头奇鹛|(bird species of China) black-headed ... heitoushi 黑头䴓|(bird species of China) Chinese nutha... heitousuimei 黑头穗鹛|(bird species of China) grey-throated... heitouwu 黑头鹀|(bird species of China) black-headed ... heitouzaoya 黑头噪鸦|(bird species of China) Sichuan jay (... heiweichengyu 黑尾塍鹬|(bird species of China) black-tailed ... heiweidiya 黑尾地鸦|(bird species of China) Mongolian gro... heiweilazuique 黑尾蜡嘴雀|(bird species of China) Chinese grosb... heiweiou 黑尾鸥|(bird species of China) black-tailed ... heiwo 黑龌|unclean/filthy heiwu 黑五|Black Friday heiwujiu 黑兀鹫|(bird species of China) red-headed vu... heiwulei 黑五类|the \"five black categories\" (Cultural... heixian 黑鹇|(bird species of China) kalij pheasan... heixiang 黑箱|black box/flight recorder/opaque syst... heixiangcaozuo 黑箱操作|see 暗箱操作[an4 xiang1 cao1 zuo4] heixiangzi 黑箱子|black box (aviation), (systems theory) heixianxue 黑线鳕|haddock heixiazi 黑匣子|(airplane) black box heixiazi 黑瞎子|black bear heixiazidao 黑瞎子岛|Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilo... heixin 黑心|ruthless and lacking in conscience/vi... heixin 黑信|blackmail heixingxing 黑猩猩|common chimpanzee heixinshipin 黑心食品|contaminated food product unscrupulou... heixiong 黑熊|Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) heixiongdong 黑胸鸫|(bird species of China) black-breaste... heixionggequ 黑胸歌鸲|(bird species of China) Himalayan rub... heixiongmaque 黑胸麻雀|(bird species of China) Spanish sparr... heixiongshanjiaoying 黑胸山鹪莺|(bird species of China) black-throate... heixiongtaiyangniao 黑胸太阳鸟|(bird species of China) black-throate... heixiu 嘿咻|(coll.) to make love heixuanfeng 黑旋风|Black Whirlwind, nickname of 李逵[Li3 K... heixuxu 黑魆魆|dim; dark; murky/black heixuxu 黑魖魖|pitch-black; dark heiyan 黑雁|(bird species of China) brant (Branta... heiyan 黑鳽|(bird species of China) black bittern... heiyanquan 黑眼圈|dark circles (under one\'s eyes)/black... heiyanzhu 黑眼珠|pupil of the eye heiyaobinyu 黑腰滨鹬|(bird species of China) Baird\'s sandp... heiyaoshi 黑曜石|obsidian (mining) heiyaoyan 黑曜岩|obsidian (mining) heiyaya 黑压压|see 烏壓壓|乌压压[wu1 ya1 ya1] heiye 黑夜|night heiying 黑鹰|Black Hawk (helicoper) heiying 黑影|shadow/darkness/twilight heiyuan 黑鸢|(bird species of China) black kite (M... heizeming 黑泽明|Kurosawa Akira (1910-1998) Japanese m... heizhenhuangli 黑枕黄鹂|(bird species of China) black-naped o... heizhenwangweng 黑枕王鹟|(bird species of China) black-naped m... heizhenyanou 黑枕燕鸥|(bird species of China) black-naped t... heizhi 黑痣|mole heizhuanyao 黑砖窑|lit. black brick kiln/factories that ... heizhuomuniao 黑啄木鸟|(bird species of China) black woodpec... heizi 黑子|black piece (in Chinese chess); black... heizi 黑子|(slang) hater; detractor heizui 黑嘴|stock market manipulator heizuiduanfengtouyanou 黑嘴端凤头燕鸥|(bird species of China) Chinese crest... heizuiou 黑嘴鸥|(bird species of China) Saunders\'s gu... heizuisongji 黑嘴松鸡|(bird species of China) black-billed ... heji 合集|collection/compilation heji 合击|combined assault/to mount a joint attack heji 合计|to add up the total/to figure what st... heji 合辑|compilation/compilation album hejia 合家|whole family/entire household hejia 阖家|variant of 合家[he2 jia1] hejiahuan 合家欢|group photo of whole family hejiang 合江|Hejiang county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zh... hejiangchi 核僵持|nuclear equipoise/nuclear stalemate hejiangxian 合江县|Hejiang county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zh... hejianji 核碱基|nucleobase hejianniao 褐鲣鸟|(bird species of China) brown booby (... hejianshi 河间市|Hejian, county-level city in Cangzhou... hejiao 合脚|fitting one\'s feet (of shoes or socks) hejie 和解|to settle (a dispute out of court)/to... hejiefei 和解费|money settlement (fine or payment to ... hejiegou 核结构|nuclear structure hejihuangpu 和记黄埔|Hutchison Whampoa (former investment ... hejin 合金|alloy hejin 河津|Hejin, county-level city in Yuncheng ... hejin 合卺|to share nuptial cup/(fig.) to get ma... hejin 呵禁|to berate/to shout loudly hejing 和静|Xéjing nahiyisi or Hejing county in B... hejingxian 和静县|Xéjing nahiyisi or Hejing county in B... hejinli 贺锦丽|He Jinli, Chinese name adopted by Kam... hejinshi 河津市|Hejin, county-level city in Yuncheng ... hejishu 核技术|nuclear technology hejiu 喝酒|to drink (alcohol) hejiyushi 何济于事|of what use is it/(idiom) heju 和局|draw/tied game hejubian 核聚变|nuclear fusion hejunbei 核军备|nuclear arms hejunshi 核均势|nuclear parity hejunxiang 贺军翔|Mike He (1983-), Taiwanese actor heka 贺卡|greeting card/congratulation card hekate 赫卡忒|Hecate (goddess of Greek mythology) heke 贺客|guest (to a wedding etc) hekou 河口|estuary/the mouth of a river hekouqu 河口区|Hekou district of Dongying city 東營市|东... hekouyaozuzizhixian 河口瑶族自治县|Hekou Yaozu autonomous county in Hong... heku 何苦|why bother?/is it worth the trouble? hekuang 何况|let alone/to say nothing of/besides/w... hekuosan 核扩散|nuclear proliferation hela 赫拉|Hera (wife of Zeus) helakelite 赫拉克利特|Heraclitus (535-475 BC), pre-Socratic... helan 荷兰|Holland/the Netherlands helan 贺兰|Helan county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 c... helan 菏兰|Holland helandou 荷兰豆|snow pea helandun 荷兰盾|Dutch gulden helanhuangjiahangkong 荷兰皇家航空|KLM Royal Dutch Airlines helanqin 荷兰芹|parsley helanshan 贺兰山|Helan Mountains, lying across part of... helanshanhongweiqu 贺兰山红尾鸲|(bird species of China) Przevalski\'s ... helanshanmai 贺兰山脉|Helan Mountains, lying across part of... helanshanyanliu 贺兰山岩鹨|(bird species of China) Kozlov\'s acce... helanshipaimai 荷兰式拍卖|Dutch auction/descending-price auction helanshizhu 荷兰石竹|grenadine/carnation/clove pink/Dianth... helanwangguo 荷兰王国|Koninkrijk der Nederlanden/Kingdom of... helanxian 贺兰县|Helan county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 c... helanyu 荷兰语|Dutch (language) helanzhu 荷兰猪|guinea pig helaoren 鹤佬人|Hoklo people, southern Chinese people... helasi 贺拉斯|Horace, full Latin name Quintus Horat... helate 赫拉特|Herat (city in Afghanistan) helatesheng 赫拉特省|Herat province of Afghanistan hele 和乐|harmonious and happy hele 饸饹|\"hele\" noodles, a type of noodle made... helebuwei 何乐不为|(idiom) what is there against it? (rh... heleerbuwei 何乐而不为|what is there against it? (rhetorical... helexie 和乐蟹|Hele crab heli 合理|rational; reasonable; sensible; fair heli 合力|to join forces/concerted effort/(phys... heli 贺礼|congratulatory gift heli 河狸|beaver heliangshuidousaiya 喝凉水都塞牙|(coll.) to be out of luck helianquemei 褐脸雀鹛|(bird species of China) brown-cheeked... heliansuofanying 核连锁反应|nuclear chain reaction helibeirui 荷莉·贝瑞|Halle Berry (1966-), US actress heliebian 核裂变|atomic fission/nuclear fission/fission helihua 合理化|to rationalize/to make compatible/to ... helijiqun 鹤立鸡群|a crane in a flock of chicken (idiom)... heling 喝令|to shout an order or command helingeer 和林格尔|Horinger county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he... helingeerxian 和林格尔县|Horinger county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he... helinxiao 褐林鸮|(bird species of China) brown wood ow... heliu 河流|river/CL:條|条[tiao2] heliu 合流|to converge/to flow together/fig. to ... heliuying 褐柳莺|(bird species of China) dusky warbler... helixing 合理性|reason/rationality/rationale/reasonab... helong 合龙|to join the two sections (of a linear... helong 合拢|to close (flower, eyes, suitcase etc)... helong 和龙|Helong, county-level city in Yanbian ... helong 贺龙|He Long (1896-1969), important commun... helongshi 和龙市|Helong, county-level city in Yanbian ... helu 阖庐|King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514... heluanshi 河卵石|pebble heluoren 河洛人|Hoklo people, southern Chinese people... heluotu 赫罗图|(astronomy) Hertzsprung-Russell diagram heluxiaofu 赫鲁晓夫|Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), secret... heluxiaofu 何鲁晓夫|Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), secret... heluxuefu 赫鲁雪夫|see 赫魯曉夫|赫鲁晓夫[He4 lu3 xiao3 fu5] helv 阖闾|King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514... helvcheng 阖闾城|capital city of King Helu of Wu from ... helvchengyizhi 阖闾城遗址|ruins of capital city of King Helu of... hema 河马|hippopotamus hema 荷马|Homer hemaji 褐马鸡|(bird species of China) brown eared p... hemang 喝茫|(slang) to get drunk (Tw) hemangzheng 河盲症|river blindness/onchocerciasis hemanmaierweier 赫曼·麦尔维尔|Herman Melville (1819-1891), US novel... hemantan 河漫滩|floodplain hemei 和美|Hemei or Homei Town in Changhua Count... hemei 和美|harmonious/in perfect harmony hemei 褐煤|lignite/brown coal hemeizhen 和美镇|Hemei or Homei Town in Changhua Count... hemenjian 核门槛|nuclear threshold hemian 河面|surface of a river hemiao 禾苗|seedling (of rice or other grain)/CL:... hemou 合谋|to conspire; to plot together hemoxing 核模型|nuclear model hemu 和睦|peaceful relations/harmonious hemudu 河姆渡|Hemudu neolithic archaeological site ... hemuduyizhi 河姆渡遗址|Hemudu neolithic archaeological site ... hemuke 禾木科|gramineae (family including bamboo, c... hemuxiangchu 和睦相处|to live in harmony/to get along with ... hen 很|very; quite/(also, often used before ... hen 痕|scar/traces hen 佷|to act contrary to hen 狠|ruthless; fierce; ferocious/determine... hen 恨|to hate/to regret hen 哏|old variant of 狠[hen3]/old variant of... hen 拫|to pull/to drag/to stop henan 河南|see 河南省[He2nan2 Sheng3] henanmengguzuzizhixian 河南蒙古族自治县|Henan Mengguzu Autonomous County in Q... henansheng 河南省|Henan Province, capital Zhengzhou 鄭州|... henanxian 河南县|Henan Mengguzu Autonomous County in Q... henbaba 狠巴巴|very fierce henbude 恨不得|wishing one could do sth; to hate to ... henbuneng 恨不能|see 恨不得[hen4 bu5 de5] hendu 狠毒|vicious/malicious/savage henei 河内|Hanoi, capital of Vietnam heneng 核能|nuclear energy henengyuan 核能源|nuclear power heng 横|horizontal/across/crosswise/horizonta... heng 横|harsh and unreasonable/unexpected heng 恒|surname Heng heng 恒|permanent/constant/fixed/usual/ordina... heng 恒|variant of 恆|恒[heng2] heng 哼|to groan/to snort/to hum/to croon/humph! heng 衡|to weigh/weight/measure heng 亨|prosperous/henry (unit of inductance) heng 珩|top gem of pendant from girdle heng 蘅|Asarum blumei (wild ginger plant) heng 姮|feminine name (old) heng 桁|pole plate/purlin (cross-beam in roof... heng 胻|calf (lower leg)/(arch.) belly heng 堼|(used in place names)/also pr. [feng1] heng 揘|used in 揘畢|揘毕[heng2bi4] heng 鸻|plover heng 脝|fat/bloated heng 鑅|(onom.) for sound of bell (arch.) heng 𨱑|bell hengbanfuxiaoxiao 横斑腹小鸮|(bird species of China) spotted owlet... hengbanlinying 横斑林莺|(bird species of China) barred warble... hengbao 横暴|brutal/violent hengbi 揘毕|to stab with a spear hengbi 横笔|bristles lying down (brush movement i... hengbian 横匾|horizontal tablet (for an inscription) hengbiao 横标|banner/horizontal slogan or advertise... hengbin 横滨|Yokohama, Japan hengbinshi 横滨市|Yokohama, major port city in Kanagawa... hengbo 横波|transverse wave hengbu 横步|sidestep (in dance)/step sideways hengcai 横财|easy money/windfall/ill-gotten gains/... hengchang 哼唱|to hum/to croon hengchang 恒常|constant/constantly hengchen 横陈|to lie in disarray/to cut across/to t... hengchi 哼哧|to puff hard (e.g. after running) hengchong-zhizhuang 横冲直撞|(idiom) to barge through, jostling an... hengchuan 横穿|to cross/to traverse hengchui 横吹|military wind and percussion music pl... hengchun 恒春|Hengchun town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|... hengchunbandao 恒春半岛|Hengchun Peninsula in Pingtung County... hengchunzhen 恒春镇|Hengchun town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|... hengda 恒大|China Evergrande Group, or simply Eve... hengdaoduoai 横刀夺爱|to rob sb of sth they cherish (idiom) hengdeer 亨德尔|Handel (name)/George Frideric Handel ... hengdeng 恒等|identity ≡ (math., logic)/identical hengdengshi 恒等式|identity (math.) hengding 恒定|constant hengdingdunwudaozheng 亨丁顿舞蹈症|Huntington\'s disease hengdong 衡东|Hengdong county in Hengyang 衡陽|衡阳[Hen... hengdongxian 衡东县|Hengdong county in Hengyang 衡陽|衡阳[Hen... hengdu 横渡|to cross (a body of water) hengduan 横断|to cross (a road, an ocean etc)/to cu... hengduanbudao 横断步道|pedestrian crossing hengduanmian 横断面|horizontal section hengduanshanmai 横断山脉|Hengduan mountains, several parallel ... hengduanwu 横断物|transverse object hengdui 横队|rank; row; troops (or vehicles etc) l... henge 横额|horizontal tablet (for an inscription) henge 姮娥|see 嫦娥[Chang2 e2] hengfanjindou 横翻筋斗|to turn cartwheels hengfei 横飞|(of spittle, blood, bullets etc) to f... hengfeng 横峰|Hengfeng county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Ji... hengfengxian 横峰县|Hengfeng county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Ji... hengfu 横幅|horizontal scroll/banner/streamer hengfubiaoyu 横幅标语|slogan banner henggang 横杠|bar/horizontal bar henggang 横纲|yokozuna hengge 横膈|diaphragm hengge 横隔|tabula (horizontal floor of polyp) henggeluo 亨格洛|Hengelo, city in the Netherlands henggemo 横膈膜|diaphragm (anatomy) henggemo 横隔膜|diaphragm (anatomy) henggou 横钩|horizontal stroke with a hook at the ... henggu 横骨|pubic bone hengguan 横贯|horizontal traverse/to cut across/to ... hengguo 横过|to traverse henghe 恒河|Ganges River henghehou 恒河猴|rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)/rhesu... henghengfan 横桁帆|boom sail henghengjiji 哼哼唧唧|whining/groaning/muttering hengheshashu 恒河沙数|countless as the grains of sand in th... henghuo 横祸|unexpected calamity hengji 哼唧|whisper hengjia 桁架|truss (weight-bearing construction of... hengjia 横加|violently/flagrantly hengjiasudu 恒加速度|constant acceleration hengjiazhize 横加指责|to blame unscrupulously hengjie 横街|side street/road branching from the m... hengjie 横截|to cut across/cross-sectional/transverse hengjiechang 横结肠|transverse colon (anatomy)/second sec... hengjiemian 横截面|cross-section hengjiexian 横截线|transversal line hengjindou 横筋斗|cartwheel hengjiu 恒久|constant/persistent/long-lasting/eternal hengke 鸻科|Charadriidae (plover family) hengkong 横空|filling the atmosphere/covering the sky hengkongchushi 横空出世|(idiom) to come to the fore in specta... hengkua 横跨|to span/to stretch across/to travel a... henglengwen 横棱纹|crosswise pattern hengli 亨利|Henry (name)/henry (unit of inductance) hengli 恒力|constant force hengliang 衡量|to weigh/to examine/to consider hengliang 横梁|beam hengliang 桁梁|brace girder hengliangzhi 衡量制|system of weights and measures henglihadexun 亨利·哈德逊|Henry Hudson (?-1611?), English explo... hengliu 横流|to overflow/transverse flow/to flow o... hengliwushi 亨利五世|Henry V (1387-1422), English warrior ... henglu 横路|side street/crossroad hengman 横蛮|see 蠻橫|蛮横[man2 heng4] hengmei 横眉|to concentrate one\'s eyebrows/to frow... hengmei 横楣|lintel hengmeilengduiqianfuzhi 横眉冷对千夫指|to face a thousand pointing fingers w... hengmeilimu 横眉立目|to scowl and stare down/to defy hengmeinumu 横眉怒目|lit. furrowed brows and blazing eyes/... hengmeishuyan 横眉竖眼|to scowl fiercely/to glare hengmeizi 横楣子|lintel hengmu 横木|horizontal beam/wooden crossbar/thwart hengnan 衡南|Hengnan county in Hengyang 衡陽|衡阳[Heng... hengnanxian 衡南县|Hengnan county in Hengyang 衡陽|衡阳[Heng... hengpai 横排|horizontal setting (printing) hengpi 横批|horizontal scroll (for inscription) hengping 衡平|to govern/to administer hengpoumian 横剖面|horizontal section hengqie 横切|to cut across/a horizontal cut hengqingzhuoli 衡情酌理|to weight the matter and deliberate t... hengqishuba 横七竖八|in disorder/at sixes and sevens (idiom) hengrhar 哼儿哈儿|to hem and haw (loanword) hengrou 横肉|fierce-looking hengsanshusi 横三竖四|in disorder/in a tremendous mess hengsao 横扫|to sweep away/to sweep across hengsaoqianjun 横扫千军|total annihilation hengshan 恒山|Mt Heng in Shanxi, northern mountain ... hengshan 衡山|Mt Heng in Hunan, southern mountain o... hengshan 横山|Hengshan, the name of various places/... hengshanqu 恒山区|Hengshan District of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[... hengshanxian 衡山县|Hengshan county in Hengyang 衡陽|衡阳[Hen... hengshanxiang 横山乡|Hengshan township in Hsinchu County 新... hengsheng 恒生|Hang Seng (the name of a bank in Hong... hengsheng 横生|to grow without restraint/overflowing... hengsheng 哼声|hum hengshengyinhang 恒生银行|Hang Seng Bank, Hong Kong hengshengzhijie 横生枝节|to deliberately complicate an issue (... hengshengzhishu 恒生指数|Hang Seng Index (Hong Kong stock mark... hengshengzhongziqiyezhishu 恒生中资企业指数|Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporatio... hengshenjing 横神经|transverse commissure hengshi 亨氏|Heinz (name)/Heinz, US food processin... hengshi 横是|probably/most likely hengshibianye 横尸遍野|corpses are strewn across the field (... hengshu 横竖|anyway hengshui 衡水|see 衡水市[Heng2shui3 Shi4] hengshuishi 衡水市|Hengshui, prefecture-level city in He... hengshujinr 横竖劲儿|firmness of determination hengshuoshushuo 横说竖说|to explain sth over and over again/to... hengsi 横死|to die by violence hengsulv 恒速率|constant velocity hengtang 横躺|to lie flat hengtangshuwo 横躺竖卧|to lie down all over the place/exhaus... hengtangtuishi 蘅塘退士|assumed name of Sun Zhu 孫誅|孙诛[Sun1 Zh... hengte 亨特|Hunter (name) hengtiaobizishutiaoyan 横挑鼻子竖挑眼|to pick on sth incessantly (idiom)/to... hengtingdunwudaozheng 亨廷顿舞蹈症|Huntington\'s disease hengtong 亨通|to go smoothly/prosperous/going well hengtouhengnao 横头横脑|coarse and arrogant/always in the right henguo 恨国|to hate one\'s country hengwen 恒温|constant temperature hengwen 横纹|horizontal stripe/striation hengwenji 横纹肌|striated muscle hengwenqi 恒温器|thermostat hengwo 横卧|to recline hengwu 蘅芜|Asarum blumei (ginger plant) hengxian 横线|horizontal line/(math.) horizontal axis hengxiang 横向|horizontal/orthogonal/perpendicular/l... hengxie 横斜|oblique/slanting hengxiegou 横斜钩|⺄ stroke in Chinese characters hengxin 恒心|perseverance hengxin 横心|to steel oneself/to harden one\'s heart hengxing 横行|to go on the rampage/to riot/to run a... hengxing 恒星|(fixed) star hengxingbadao 横行霸道|to oppress/to rule as a despot/to tyr... hengxingji 恒星际|interstellar/between the fixed stars hengxingnian 恒星年|the sidereal year (astronomy)/the yea... hengxingxi 恒星系|stellar system/galaxy hengxuhe 横须贺|Yokosuka (port and navy base in the T... hengxuheshi 横须贺市|Yokosuka city and US naval base to th... hengya 恒牙|permanent tooth (as opposed to decidu... hengyaerjiguan 恒压二极管|Zener diode hengyan 横眼|from the side of the eye/askance hengyang 衡阳|see 衡陽市|衡阳市[Heng2yang2 Shi4] hengyangshi 衡阳市|Hengyang, prefecture-level city in Hu... hengyangxian 衡阳县|Hengyang county in Hengyang 衡陽|衡阳[Hen... hengyao 横摇|rolling motion (of a boat) hengyi 横溢|to overflow/brimming with hengyue 横越|to cross/to pass over/to traverse/trans- hengzhe 横折|(horizontal-starting right angle char... hengzhe 横摺|horizontal fold or tuck hengzhendong 横振动|transverse vibration hengzhengbaolian 横征暴敛|to tax by force and extort levies (id... hengzhi 横直|(colloquial) whatever/come what may hengzhuo 衡酌|to weigh and consider/to deliberate/s... hengzuo 亨祚|to prosper; to flourish hengzuobiao 横坐标|horizontal coordinate/abscissa henhainantian 恨海难填|sea of hatred is hard to fill (idiom)... henhen 狠狠|resolutely/firmly/ferociously/ruthlessly heniala 荷尼阿拉|Honiara, capital of Solomon Islands (Tw) henian 贺年|see 賀歲|贺岁[he4 sui4] henianka 贺年卡|New Year greeting card henianpian 贺年片|New Year\'s card/CL:張|张[zhang1] heniu 和牛|wagyu henji 痕迹|vestige/mark/trace henjia 恨嫁|(of a woman) to yearn to get married henjin 狠劲|to exert all one\'s force/all-out effo... henjue 狠绝|ruthless henming 狠命|exerting all one\'s strength henren 恨人|provoking/exasperating henshi 恨事|a matter for regret or resentment hentiebuchenggang 恨铁不成钢|lit. disappointed that iron does not ... hentou 恨透|to hate bitterly henuan 和暖|pleasantly warm (weather) henwu 恨恶|to despise henxin 狠心|callous; heartless/to resolve (to do ... henyi 恨意|rancor/hatred/bitterness/resentfulness henzhirugu 恨之入骨|to hate sb to the bone (idiom) hepai 合拍|in time with (i.e. same rhythm)/to ke... hepan 河畔|riverside/river plain hepantuochu 和盘托出|lit. to put everything out including ... heping 和平|Heping District of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|... heping 和平|peace/peaceful hepingbi 核屏蔽|nuclear shielding hepingdui 和平队|(U.S.) Peace Corps hepingge 和平鸽|dove of peace hepinggongchu 和平共处|peaceful coexistence of nations, soci... hepinggongchuwuxiangyuanze 和平共处五项原则|Zhou Enlai\'s Five Principles of Peace... hepinghuitan 和平会谈|peace talks/peace discussions hepingjiejue 和平解决|peace settlement/peaceful solution hepingli 和平里|Hepingli neighborhood of Beijing hepingniao 和平鸟|(bird species of China) Asian fairy-b... hepingqu 和平区|Heping or Peace district (of many tow... hepingtanpan 和平谈判|peace negotiations hepingteshi 和平特使|peace envoy hepingtiaoyue 和平条约|peace treaty hepingtongyi 和平统一|peaceful reunification hepingxian 和平县|Heping county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2]... hepingzhuyi 和平主义|pacifism hepuding 贺普丁|Chinese brand name of Lamivudine 拉米夫定... hepuxian 合浦县|Hepu county in Beihai 北海[Bei3 hai3], ... heqi 和气|friendly/polite/amiable heqi 何其|(literary) (similar to 多麼|多么[duo1 me5... heqi 和棋|drawn game (in chess or other board g... heqia 和洽|harmonious heqian 呵欠|yawn heqian 呵谴|to reprimand heqian 诃谴|variant of 呵譴|呵谴[he1 qian3] heqiangshidan 荷枪实弹|(idiom) armed/carrying a loaded firearm heqidao 合气道|aikido (Japanese martial art)/hapkido... heqing 鹤庆|Heqing county in Dali Bai autonomous ... heqinghaiyan 河清海晏|the Yellow River is clear and the sea... heqingheli 合情合理|reasonable and fair (idiom) heqingxian 鹤庆县|Heqing county in Dali Bai autonomous ... heqipaqi 赫奇帕奇|Hufflepuff (Harry Potter) heqishengcai 和气生财|(idiom) amiability makes you rich heqiu 核球|core/pellet/central bulge/caryosphere... heqizhixiang 和气致祥|(idiom) amiability leads to harmony hequ 河曲|Hequ county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1]... hequ 河曲|bend (of a river)/meander hequ 河渠|rivers and canals/waterway hequ 合取|connective/conjunction hequhecong 何去何从|what course to follow/what path to take hequn 合群|to fit in/to get on well with others/... hequxian 河曲县|Hequ county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1]... heran 赫然|with astonishment/with a shock/awe-in... heranliao 核燃料|nuclear fuel heranliaohouchuli 核燃料后处理|nuclear fuel reprocessing here 核热|nuclear heat heren 何人|who heren 核仁|nucleolus (within nucleus of cell) heri 何日|when? heru 何如|how about/what kind of hesanna 和散那|Hosanna (in Christian praise) hese 褐色|brown hesegeweina 赫塞哥维纳|Herzegovina (Tw) heshan 鹤山|Heshan district of Hebi city 鶴壁市|鹤壁市[... heshan 和善|good-natured heshan 合山|Heshan, county-level city in Laibin 來... heshan 赫山|Heshan district of Yiyang city 益陽市|益阳... heshan 合扇|(dialect) hinge heshang 和尚|Buddhist monk heshang 合上|to close (box, book, mouth etc) heshang 河殇|River Elegy, influential 1988 CCTV do... heshangdasan 和尚打伞|see 和尚打傘,無法無天|和尚打伞,无法无天[he2 shang5 da... heshangdasan,wufawutian 和尚打伞,无法无天|lit. like a monk holding an umbrella ... heshanjiaoying 褐山鹪莺|(bird species of China) brown prinia ... heshanqu 赫山区|Heshan district of Yiyang city 益陽市|益阳... heshanqu 鹤山区|Heshan district of Hebi city 鶴壁市|鹤壁市[... heshanshi 鹤山市|Heshan, county-level city in Jiangmen... heshanshi 合山市|Heshan, county-level city in Laibin 來... heshen 河神|river god heshen 合身|well-fitting (of clothes) heshen 和珅|Heshen (1746-1799), Manchu official o... hesheng 和声|harmony (music) hesheshi 核设施|nuclear facility/nuclear installation heshi 何时|when heshi 核实|to verify; to check heshi 合适|suitable; fitting; appropriate heshi 合时|in fashion/suiting the time/seasonabl... heshi 合十|to put one\'s palms together (in praye... heshi 和食|Japanese cuisine heshi 合式|conforming to a pattern; up to standa... heshi 核势|nuclear potential heshi 核试|nuclear weapons test heshibao 核试爆|a nuclear test heshijian 核事件|nuclear incident heshijueying 赫氏角鹰|see 鷹鵰|鹰雕[ying1 diao1] heshilao 和事佬|peacemaker; mediator/(derog.) fixer heshiluyincidai 盒式录音磁带|cassette tape heshiyan 核试验|nuclear test heshiyanchang 核试验场|nuclear test site heshiyandui 核试验堆|nuclear test reactor heshiyi 合时宜|in keeping with the current thinking/... heshou 合手|to put one\'s palms together (in praye... heshouwu 何首乌|Chinese knotweed (Polygonum multiflor... heshu 和数|sum (math.) heshu 合数|composite number (i.e. not prime, has... heshuandeliesi 荷属安的列斯|Netherlands Antilles heshui 河水|river water heshui 合水|Heshui county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4... heshuibufanjingshui 河水不犯井水|lit. river water does not interfere w... heshuixian 合水县|Heshui county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4... heshun 和顺|Heshun county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 ... heshun 和顺|sweet-tempered/acquiescent heshunxian 和顺县|Heshun county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 ... heshuo 和硕|Hoxud county, Xoshut nahiyisi or Hesh... heshuoxian 和硕县|Hoxud or Heshuo county or Xoshut nahi... heshushengmading 荷属圣马丁|Sint Maarten, island country in the C... hesi 核四|Fourth Nuclear Power Plant near New T... hesitiya 赫斯提亚|Hestia (goddess of Greek mythology) hesiyichegong 合四乙尺工|names of the five notes of the Chines... hesu 核素|nuclide hesuan 核酸|nucleic acid/(coll.) nucleic acid tes... hesuan 合算|worthwhile/to be a good deal/to be a ... hesuan 核算|to calculate/accounting hesui 贺岁|to extend New Year\'s greetings/to pay... hesuo 何所|where/what place hetan 和谈|peace talks hetan 河滩|river bank; river shore; strand hetang 核糖|ribose hetanghesuan 核糖核酸|ribonucleic acid (RNA) hetangqu 荷塘区|Hetang district of Zhuzhou city 株洲市, ... hetangti 核糖体|ribosome hetanpan 核谈判|nuclear negotiations hetao 核桃|walnut/CL:個|个[ge4],顆[ke1] hetao 河套|the Great Bend of the Yellow River in... hetao 河套|river bend hetaoren 核桃仁|walnut kernel hetehegongguo 赫特河公国|Principality of Hutt River (formerly ... heti 合体|to combine/combination/composite char... hetian 和田|Hotan, city and prefecture in Xinjian... hetian 和阗|old way of writing 和田[He2 tian2], Hot... hetiandiqu 和田地区|Hotan Prefecture in Xinjiang hetianhe 和田河|Hotan River in Xinjiang hetianshi 和田市|Hotan, a major oasis town in southwes... hetianxian 和田县|Hotan County in Xinjiang hetianyu 和田玉|nephrite/Hotan jade hetizi 合体字|a Chinese character formed by combini... hetong 合同|contract; agreement/CL:份[fen4] hetong 河童|kappa, a child-size humanoid water cr... hetongfa 合同法|contract law hetonggefang 合同各方|parties to a contract (law) hetongtang 核酮糖|ribulose (type of sugar) hetoudong 褐头鸫|(bird species of China) grey-sided th... hetoufengmei 褐头凤鹛|(bird species of China) Taiwan yuhina... hetoujiaoying 褐头鹪莺|(bird species of China) plain prinia ... hetoulingque 褐头岭雀|(bird species of China) Sillem\'s moun... hetouquemei 褐头雀鹛|(bird species of China) Manipur fulve... hetoushanque 褐头山雀|(bird species of China) willow tit (P... hetouwu 褐头鹀|(bird species of China) red-headed bu... hetuala 赫图阿拉|Hetu Ala (Manchu: Yellow Rock), Nurha... hetuijin 核推进|nuclear propulsion hetun 河豚|blowfish; puffer (Tetraodontidae) hetun 河鲀|variant of 河豚[he2tun2] hetundusu 河豚毒素|tetrodotoxin (TTX) hewaixingxi 河外星系|extragalactic star system/galaxy (not... hewaixingyun 河外星云|extragalactic nebula hewei 何为|what is/(old) what for/(in a rhetoric... hewei 何为|(old) why hewei 合围|to surround/to close in around (one\'s... hewei 何谓|(literary) what is?/what is the meani... hewei 合为|to combine heweishe 核威慑|nuclear deterrence heweisheliliang 核威慑力量|nuclear deterrent heweishezhengce 核威慑政策|policy of nuclear intimidation hewenti 核问题|the nuclear problem hewu 核武|nuclear weapon hewu 河乌|(bird species of China) white-throate... hewuku 核武库|nuclear arsenal hewuli 核物理|nuclear physics hewuqi 核武器|nuclear weapon hexi 河西|land west of the Yellow river/Shaanxi... hexi 贺喜|to congratulate hexian 和弦|chord (music) hexian 贺县|He county in Guangxi hexian 核显|(computing) integrated GPU (GPU built... hexian 和县|He County or Hexian, a county in Ma\'a... hexianghuzuoyong 核相互作用|nuclear interaction hexianxing 合宪性|constitutionality hexiao 核销|to audit and write off hexiaoti 核小体|nucleosome hexiashu 何西阿书|Book of Hosea hexibeifeng 喝西北风|lit. to drink the northwest wind (idi... hexie 和谐|harmonious/harmony/(euphemism) to censor hexie 河蟹|river crab/Internet censorship (pun o... hexiehao 和谐号|CRH-series high-speed trains operated... hexiequemei 褐胁雀鹛|(bird species of China) rusty-capped ... hexiexing 和谐性|compatibility/mutual harmony hexin 核心|core; nucleus hexin 合心|acting together/to one\'s liking hexin 贺信|congratulatory letter or message hexin 河心|middle of the river hexing 核型|karyotype (genetics) hexiongshanzhegu 褐胸山鹧鸪|(bird species of China) bar-backed pa... hexiongweng 褐胸鹟|(bird species of China) brown-breaste... hexiongzaomei 褐胸噪鹛|(bird species of China) grey laughing... hexipu 河西堡|Hexipu, a town in Yongchang County 永昌... hexipuzhen 河西堡镇|Hexipu, a town in Yongchang County 永昌... hexiqu 河西区|Hexi district of Tianjin municipality... hexizoulang 河西走廊|Hexi Corridor (or Gansu Corridor), a ... hexu 何须|there is no need/why should hexu 和煦|warm/genial hexu 何许|(literary) what place/what time/how hexuli 赫胥黎|Huxley (name)/Thomas Henry Huxley (18... hexuren 何许人|(literary) what kind of person heyan 合眼|to close one\'s eyes/to get to sleep heyan 合演|to act together/to put on a joint per... heyang 合阳|Heyang County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2]... heyangxian 合阳县|Heyang County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2]... heyanliu 褐岩鹨|(bird species of China) brown accento... heyanmoxiang 合眼摸象|to touch an elephant with closed eyes... heyanyuese 和颜悦色|amiable manner/pleasant countenance heyaque 褐鸦雀|(bird species of China) brown parrotb... heye 合页|hinge heye 合叶|hinge heyi 合一|to unite heyi 何以|(literary) why/how heyi 合议|to discuss together/to try to reach a... heyi 合意|to suit one\'s taste/suitable/congenia... heyi 合宜|appropriate heyierwo 和衣而卧|to lie down to sleep with one\'s cloth... heyifuci 合义复词|compound word such as 教室[jiao4 shi4] ... heyijiande 何以见得|how can one be sure? heyin 和音|harmony (pleasing combination of sounds) heyin 合音|backup vocal (music)/(phonetic) contr... heying 合营|to operate jointly/a joint venture/co... heying 合影|to take a joint photo/group photo heyingqin 何应钦|He Yingqin (1890-1987), senior Guomin... heyiting 合议庭|(law) collegiate bench/panel of judges heyong 合用|to share/to use in common/suitable/fi... heyu 合于|to tally/to accord with/to fit heyu 鹤鹬|(bird species of China) spotted redsh... heyuan 河源|see 河源市[He2yuan2 Shi4] heyuan 合院|courtyard house heyuanliao 核原料|nuclear material heyuanshi 河源市|Heyuan, prefecture-level city in Guan... heyue 合约|contract; agreement/CL:份[fen4] heyue 和悦|affable/kindly heyue 和约|peace treaty heyun 河运|river transport heyushiyi 合于时宜|in keeping with the current thinking;... heyuxiao 褐渔鸮|(bird species of China) brown fish ow... hezai 何在|where?/what place? hezang 合葬|to bury husband and wife together/joi... heze 菏泽|see 菏澤市|菏泽市[He2ze2 Shi4] heze 荷泽|Lotus marsh (used in place names)/mis... heze 呵责|to abuse/to berate hezeeryu 涸泽而渔|see 竭澤而漁|竭泽而渔[jie2 ze2 er2 yu2] hezeshi 菏泽市|Heze, prefecture-level city in Shando... hezesi 荷泽寺|Heze temple in Fuzhou, Fujian hezhan 核战|nuclear warfare hezhandoubu 核战斗部|nuclear warhead hezhang 合掌|to clasp hands/to put one\'s palms tog... hezhanggua 合掌瓜|see 佛手瓜[fo2 shou3 gua1] hezhao 合照|group photo/to take a group photo hezhe 合着|(dialect) (implying sudden realizatio... hezhe 合辙|on the same track/in agreement/rhyming hezheng 和政|Hezheng County in Linxia Hui Autonomo... hezheng 贺正|to exchange compliments on New Year\'s... hezhengxian 和政县|Hezheng County in Linxia Hui Autonomo... hezher 合辙儿|erhua variant of 合轍|合辙[he2 zhe2] hezheyu 赫哲语|Hezhen language (of Hezhen ethnic gro... hezhezhifu 涸辙之鲋|lit. a fish in a dried-out rut (idiom... hezhezu 赫哲族|Hezhen ethnic group of Heilongjiang p... hezhi 何止|far more than/not just hezhi 喝止|to shout at sb to stop hezhizhang 贺知章|He Zhizhang (659-744), Tang dynasty poet hezhong 合众|mass/involving everyone/united/lit. t... hezhong 荷重|weight load/load capacity hezhongdai 盒中袋|bag-in-box (packaging) hezhongguo 合众国|federated nation/the United States hezhongguojishe 合众国际社|United Press International (UPI) hezhongweiyi 合众为一|united as one/e pluribus unum hezhongyinhang 合众银行|Bancorp, a US bank hezhou 贺州|Hezhou prefecture-level city in Guangxi hezhoushi 贺州市|Hezhou prefecture-level city in Guangxi hezhu 合著|to write jointly/to co-author hezhu 核柱|nuclear column hezhuanbian 核转变|nuclear transformation/nuclear transm... hezhuangzhi 核装置|nuclear device hezhun 核准|to authorize/to investigate then ratify hezi 盒子|box; case/hezi – a savory turnover-li... hezi 合资|joint venture hezi 核子|nuclear/nucleus hezi 合子|zygote (biology) hezi 合子|pasty (i.e. pastry stuffed with meat ... hezi 诃子|chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) hezi 合字|(typography) ligature hezi 赫兹|Hertz (name)/Heinrich Hertz (1857-189... hezi 赫兹|hertz (Hz), unit of frequency hezilong 赫兹龙|Hezron (name) hezixuan 核自旋|nuclear spin heziyixue 核子医学|nuclear medicine hezizhen 贺子珍|He Zizhen (1910-1984), Mao Zedong\'s t... hezong 合纵|Vertical Alliance, clique of the Scho... hezonglianheng 合纵连横|Vertical and Horizontal Alliance, opp... hezou 合奏|to perform music (as an ensemble) hezu 合租|to rent jointly with other people/co-... hezui 喝醉|to get drunk hezuichu 鹤嘴锄|pickax hezuo 合作|to cooperate; to collaborate; to work... hezuofang 合作方|(business) partner hezuohua 合作化|collectivization (in Marxist theory) hezuohuoban 合作伙伴|cooperative partner hezuonongchang 合作农场|collective farm, Russian: kolkhoz hezuoshe 合作社|cooperative/workers\' or agricultural ... hezuoshi 合作市|Hezuo, county-level city in Gannan Ti... hezuozhe 合作者|co-worker/collaborator/also collabora... hm 噷|interjection expressing disagreement,... hng 哼|interjection expressing dissatisfacti... hong 鸿|eastern bean goose/great/large hong 泓|clear/vast and deep/classifier for a ... hong 宏|great/magnificent/macro (computing)/m... hong 洪|surname Hong hong 洪|flood/big/great hong 红|surname Hong hong 红|red/popular/revolutionary/bonus hong 弘|great/liberal hong 轰|explosion/bang/boom/rumble/to attack/... hong 虹|rainbow hong 纮|cord for hat/vast hong 玒|(a kind of jade)/Taiwan pr. [gong1] hong 哄|roar of laughter (onom.)/hubbub/to ro... hong 哄|to deceive/to coax/to amuse (a child) hong 哄|variant of 鬨|哄[hong4] hong 哄|tumult/uproar/commotion/disturbance hong 娂|(used in female names) hong 灴|to bake, to roast/to dry at a fire hong 烘|to bake/to heat by fire/to set off by... hong 闳|surname Hong hong 闳|big/gate hong 厷|old variant of 宏[hong2] hong 薨|death of a prince/swarming hong 竑|large/to estimate hong 吽|sound of a Buddhist incantation hong 浤|sound of water surging hong 黉|school hong 荭|used in 葒草|荭草[hong2 cao3] hong 翃|to swarm (of insects) hong 唝|used in the title of an ancient song,... hong 讧|strife/disorder/rioting/fighting/Taiw... hong 訇|surname Hong hong 訇|sound of a crash hong 澒|vast/infinite hong 蕻|used in 雪裡蕻|雪里蕻[xue3 li3 hong2]/Taiwa... hong 蕻|(literary) luxuriant; flourishing/(li... hong 妅|old variant of 娂[hong2] hong 鞃|a leaning board on carriage hong 銾|sound of a bell hong 焢|(archaic) angry appearance hong 吰|clang hong 嚝|to sigh/sound of a drum hong 𫶕|(onom.) crashing sound/same as 訇[hong1] hong 𬭎|utensil/implement hong 𫚉|ray (fish)/Taiwan pr. [hong1] hongaixing 红矮星|red dwarf star hongan 红安|Hong\'an county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Hua... honganxian 红安县|Hong\'an county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Hua... hongbaixishi 红白喜事|weddings and funerals hongban 红斑|(medicine) erythema hongbanlangchuang 红斑狼疮|(medicine) lupus erythematosus hongbanxinglangchuang 红斑性狼疮|lupus erythematosus hongbao 红包|money wrapped in red as a gift/bonus ... hongbao 红堡|Red Fort (historic building in Delhi,... hongbao 洪堡|Humboldt hongbaoshi 红宝石|ruby hongbaoshu 红宝书|the \"Little Red Book\" of selected wri... hongbei 烘焙|to cure by drying over a fire (tea, m... hongbeibolao 红背伯劳|(bird species of China) red-backed sh... hongbeidian 烘焙店|bakery hongbeihongweiqu 红背红尾鸲|(bird species of China) Eversmann\'s r... hongbeiji 烘焙鸡|homepage (loanword) (humorous) hongbeishi 烘焙师|baker hongbeizhizhu 红背蜘蛛|redback spider hongbingdu 宏病毒|macro virus (computing) hongbixi 红璧玺|topaz hongbizhang 红臂章|(southern dialects) red armband hongbopei 洪博培|Jon Huntsman, Jr. (1960-), US politic... hongbozi 红脖子|redneck hongburang 红不让|home run (loanword)/a big hit (hugely... hongcai 虹彩|iridescence/iris (of the eye) hongcaitou 红菜头|beet; beetroot/(dialect) carrot hongcao 荭草|(botany) Persicaria orientalis hongcha 红茶|black tea/CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2] hongchajun 红茶菌|kombucha (fermented tea) hongchang 红场|Red Square (in Moscow) hongchang 红肠|saveloy hongchao 红潮|to blush/flush/red tide (algal bloom)... hongchaojuxing 红超巨星|red supergiant (star) hongchen 红尘|the world of mortals (Buddhism)/human... hongchen 烘衬|to set off/to highlight by contrast hongcheng 红橙|blood orange hongchenghuanglvlandianzi 红橙黄绿蓝靛紫|red, orange, yellow, green, blue, ind... hongchifengtoujuan 红翅凤头鹃|(bird species of China) chestnut-wing... hongchijumei 红翅鵙鹛|(bird species of China) white-browed ... hongchilvjiu 红翅绿鸠|(bird species of China) white-bellied... hongchisoumei 红翅薮鹛|(bird species of China) scarlet-faced... hongchixuanbique 红翅旋壁雀|(bird species of China) wallcreeper (... hongchougu 红筹股|red chip stocks (Chinese company stoc... hongculi 红醋栗|red currant hongda 宏大|great; grand hongdan 红蛋|red-dyed egg, traditionally given to ... hongdeng 红灯|red light hongdengji 红灯记|The Legend of the Red Lantern hongdengqu 红灯区|red-light district hongdinglvjiu 红顶绿鸠|(bird species of China) whistling gre... hongdingmei 红顶鹛|(bird species of China) chestnut-capp... hongditan 红地毯|red carpet hongdong 轰动|to cause a sensation/to create a stir... hongdong 哄动|variant of 轟動|轰动[hong1 dong4] hongdong 烘动|variant of 轟動|轰动[hong1 dong4] hongdongxiaoying 轰动效应|sensational effect/wild reaction hongdongyishi 轰动一时|to cause a sensation (idiom) hongdongyishi 哄动一时|variant of 轟動一時|轰动一时[hong1 dong4 yi1 ... hongdou 红豆|azuki bean; red bean hongdou 烘豆|baked beans hongdousha 红豆沙|red bean paste hongdoushanchun 红豆杉醇|Taxol (a.k.a. Paclitaxel), mitotic in... hongdulasi 洪都拉斯|Honduras hongdulasi 宏都拉斯|Honduras (Tw) hongejinchique 红额金翅雀|(bird species of China) European gold... hongerbei 红耳鹎|(bird species of China) red-whiskered... hongesuimei 红额穗鹛|(bird species of China) rufous-fronte... hongfa 弘法|to propagate Buddhist teachings hongfen 红粉|rouge and powder/(fig.) the fair sex hongfeng 洪峰|flood peak hongfo 洪佛|Hung Fut style kung fu hongfu 洪福|good fortune/great blessing hongfu 鸿福|variant of 洪福[hong2 fu2] hongfubinyu 红腹滨鹬|(bird species of China) red knot (Cal... hongfuhongweiqu 红腹红尾鸲|(bird species of China) Güldenstädt\'s... hongfuhuique 红腹灰雀|(bird species of China) Eurasian bull... hongfujiaozhi 红腹角雉|(bird species of China) Temminck\'s tr... hongfujinji 红腹锦鸡|(bird species of China) golden pheasa... hongfuqitian 洪福齐天|flood of good fortune fills the heave... hongfushanque 红腹山雀|(bird species of China) Père David\'s ... hongfuyaojuan 红腹咬鹃|(bird species of China) Ward\'s trogon... honggan 烘干|to dry over a stove honggan 轰赶|to drive away honggang 红岗|Honggang district of Daqing city 大慶|大... honggangqu 红岗区|Honggang district of Daqing city 大慶|大... hongganji 烘干机|clothes dryer honggaoliang 红高粱|red sorghum honggong 红汞|merbromin/mercurochrome honggou 鸿沟|(fig.) gulf; chasm; wide gap/(origina... honggu 红古|Honggu District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰... honggu 红股|(economics) bonus stock or share, i.e... hongguafuniao 红寡妇鸟|(ornithology) red bishop (Euplectes o... hongguan 宏观|macro-/macroscopic/holistic hongguanjingji 宏观经济|macroeconomic hongguanjingjixue 宏观经济学|macroeconomics hongguanmucha 红灌木茶|rooibos tea hongguanshijie 宏观世界|macrocosm/the world in the large hongguantiaokong 宏观调控|macro-control honggui 红桧|Formosan cypress, aka Taiwan red ceda... hongguniang 红姑娘|Chinese lantern plant/winter cherry/s... hongguo 红果|haw fruit hongguqu 红古区|Honggu District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰... honggur 红箍儿|(northern dialects) red armband honggusui 红骨髓|red bone marrow; hematopoietic marrow honghai 红海|Red Sea honghai 红海|(neologism) highly competitive market... honghai 鸿海|Hon Hai Precision Industry Company, T... honghe 红河|Honghe county in Honghe Hani and Yi a... honghehanizuyizuzizhizhou 红河哈尼族彝族自治州|Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefect... hongheimingdan 红黑名单|whitelist and blacklist, i.e. 紅名單|红名单... honghexian 红河县|Honghe county in Honghe Hani and Yi a... honghezhou 红河州|Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefect... honghong 轰轰|booming/roaring honghonglielie 轰轰烈烈|strong/vigorous/large-scale honghougequ 红喉歌鸲|(bird species of China) Siberian ruby... honghoujiweng 红喉姬鹟|(bird species of China) taiga flycatc... honghouliu 红喉鹨|(bird species of China) red-throated ... honghouqianniao 红喉潜鸟|(bird species of China) red-throated ... honghoushanzhegu 红喉山鹧鸪|(bird species of China) rufous-throat... honghu 洪湖|Honghu, county-level city in Jingzhou... honghu 鸿鹄|swan/person with noble aspirations honghua 红花|safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) honghuagang 红花岗|Honghuagang District of Zunyi City 遵義... honghuagangqu 红花岗区|Honghuagang District of Zunyi City 遵義... honghuan 红环|Rotring (company) honghuo 红火|prosperous honghuoyi 红火蚁|fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), an int... honghushi 洪湖市|Honghu, county-level city in Jingzhou... honghuzi 红胡子|band of mounted bandits in Manchuria ... hongji 轰击|bombard hongji 宏碁|Acer, Taiwanese computer hardware com... hongji 红机|red phone, a telephone in the secure ... hongjia 洪家|the Hong family (household)/Hung Gar ... hongjialun 红加仑|redcurrant hongjian 红鲣|red mullet hongjiang 洪江|Hongjiang, county-level city in Huaih... hongjiangqu 洪江区|Hongjiang district of Huaihua city 懷化... hongjiangshi 洪江市|Hongjiang, county-level city in Huaih... hongjiaojianniao 红脚鲣鸟|(bird species of China) red-footed bo... hongjiaokueniao 红脚苦恶鸟|(bird species of China) brown crake (... hongjiaosun 红脚隼|(bird species of China) Amur falcon (... hongjiaoxiao 红角鸮|(bird species of China) oriental scop... hongjiaoyu 红脚鹬|(bird species of China) common redsha... hongjiaozuique 红交嘴雀|(bird species of China) red crossbill... hongjijituan 宏碁集团|Acer, Taiwanese PC company hongjingbanpuyu 红颈瓣蹼鹬|(bird species of China) red-necked ph... hongjingbinyu 红颈滨鹬|(bird species of China) red-necked st... hongjinglvzhuomuniao 红颈绿啄木鸟|(bird species of China) red-collared ... hongjingtian 红景天|roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) hongjingweiwu 红颈苇鹀|(bird species of China) ochre-rumped ... hongjinjun 红巾军|the Red Turbans, peasant rebellion at... hongjiu 红酒|red wine hongjiyishi 红极一时|tremendously popular for a while hongjun 红军|Red Army (1928-1937), predecessor of ... hongjuxing 红巨星|red giant (star) hongkan 红磡|Hung Hom, a locality in Kowloon, Hong... hongkao 烘烤|to roast/to bake hongke 红客|\"honker\", Chinese hacker motivated by... hongkouqu 虹口区|Hongkou district, central Shanghai honglajiao 红辣椒|hot red pepper/chili honglao 洪涝|flood/inundation/flooding hongli 红利|bonus; dividend honglian 红脸|to blush/to turn red honglian 红莲|red lotus hongliang 洪亮|loud and clear; resonant hongliang 宏亮|variant of 洪亮[hong2liang4] hongliangji 洪亮吉|Hong Liangji (1746-1809), poet and hi... honglianluci 红脸鸬鹚|(bird species of China) red-faced cor... hongligupiao 红利股票|scrip shares (issued as dividend paym... honglin 红磷|red phosphorus hongling 红领|red collar/government worker honglingchong 红铃虫|pink bollworm/Pectinophora gassypiella honglingjin 红领巾|red neckscarf/by extension, a member ... honglinglvyingwu 红领绿鹦鹉|(bird species of China) rose-ringed p... hongliu 洪流|a powerful current/a flood (often fig... honglong 轰隆|(onom.) rumbling/rolling honglong 烘笼|bamboo drying frame honglongr 烘笼儿|bamboo drying frame hongloumeng 红楼梦|A Dream of Red Mansions (first comple... honglu 烘炉|oven honglu 洪炉|great furnace (metaphor for a place w... honglun 红轮|the sun hongluobo 红萝卜|carrot/red radish honglusi 鸿胪寺|(archaic) office in charge of ceremon... honglvdeng 红绿灯|traffic light/traffic signal hongmajia 红马甲|red waistcoat/(stock market) floor tr... hongman 哄瞒|to deceive hongmanao 红玛瑙|cornelian hongmaodan 红毛丹|rambutan or rumbutan (tropical fruit)... hongmaotaidai 鸿毛泰岱|light as a goose feather, heavy as Mt... hongmaotaishan 鸿毛泰山|lit. light as a goose feather, heavy ... hongmeihuaque 红梅花雀|(bird species of China) red avadavat ... hongmeisongque 红眉松雀|(bird species of China) crimson-browe... hongmeisu 红霉素|erythromycin hongmeizhuque 红眉朱雀|(bird species of China) Chinese beaut... hongmen 洪门|see 天地會|天地会[Tian1 di4 hui4] hongmeng 鸿蒙|(literary) primordial chaos (mytholog... hongmenyan 鸿门宴|Hongmen feast/(fig.) banquet set up w... hongmiaocun 洪庙村|Hongmiao village in Mudan District 牡丹... hongming 轰鸣|boom (sound of explosion)/rumble hongmingdan 红名单|whitelist hongmo 虹膜|iris (of an eye) hongmogui 红魔鬼|Red Devils, nickname of Manchester Un... hongmu 红木|red wood/mahogany/rosewood/padauk hongnanlvnv 红男绿女|young people decked out in gorgeous c... hongniang 红娘|matchmaker hongniu 红牛|Red Bull (energy drink) hongniupicai 红牛皮菜|chard (Beta vulgaris), a foliage beet hongpa 轰趴|(loanword) party (social gathering)/(... hongpaguan 轰趴馆|party venue (available for hire) hongpai 红牌|red card (sports) hongpan 红盘|(of a stock price or market index) cu... hongpian 哄骗|to deceive/to cheat hongpupu 红扑扑|red/rosy/flushed hongqi 红旗|Hongqi district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|... hongqi 红旗|red flag/CL:面[mian4] hongqiang 哄抢|to panic buy/to loot hongqiao 红桥|Hongqiao district of Tianjin municipa... hongqiao 虹桥|Hongqiao, the name of numerous entiti... hongqiaojichang 虹桥机场|Hongqiao Airport (Shanghai) hongqiaoqu 红桥区|Hongqiao district of Tianjin municipa... hongqiqu 红旗区|Red flag city district/Hongqi distric... hongqishu 红桤树|red alder (Alnus rubra) hongqu 红曲|red food dye made from yeast hongquan 哄劝|to coax hongran 轰然|loudly/with a loud bang/a loud rumble hongran 哄然|boisterous/uproarious hongran 烘染|relief shading (in a picture)/fig. to... hongren 红人|a favorite of sb in power/a celebrity... hongri 红日|sun hongrou 红肉|red meat hongru 宏儒|learned scholar hongrun 红润|ruddy/rosy/florid hongse 红色|red (color)/revolutionary hongsegaomian 红色高棉|Khmer Rouge, Cambodian political party hongselvyou 红色旅游|red tourism, focused on sites in Chin... hongsen 洪森|Hun Sen (1952-), prime minister of Ca... hongseniangzijun 红色娘子军|Red Detachment of Women, revolutionar... hongsezhadan 红色炸弹|(jocular) wedding invitation (lit. \"r... hongshan 洪山|Hongshan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武... hongshan 红山|Hongshan District of Chifeng City 赤峰市... hongshanhu 红珊瑚|red coral/precious coral (Corallium r... hongshanqu 红山区|Hongshan District of Chifeng City 赤峰市... hongshanqu 洪山区|Hongshan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武... hongshao 红烧|to braise in soy sauce until reddish-... hongshao 红苕|(dialect) sweet potato or yam hongshaorou 红烧肉|red braised pork hongshe 黉舍|school building/school hongshizi 红十字|Red Cross hongshouji 烘手机|hand dryer hongshouqi 烘手器|hand dryer hongshu 红薯|sweet potato hongshu 红树|red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle)/CL:棵... hongshui 洪水|deluge; flood hongshuimengshou 洪水猛兽|lit. severe floods and fierce beasts ... hongshuiqi 洪水期|flood season hongshuitaotao 洪水滔滔|(idiom) to have flooding over a vast ... hongshulin 红树林|mangrove forest or swamp hongsibao 红寺堡|Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city 吳忠... hongsibaoqu 红寺堡区|Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city 吳忠... hongsibaozhen 红寺堡镇|Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city 吳忠... hongsun 红隼|(bird species of China) common kestre... hongta 红塔|Hongta district of Yuxi city 玉溪市[Yu4 ... hongtai 哄抬|to artificially inflate/to bid up (th... hongtan 红毯|red carpet hongtang 红糖|brown sugar hongtangdaxiao 哄堂大笑|the whole room roaring with laughter ... hongtao 红桃|heart ♥ (in card games) hongtaqu 红塔区|Hongta district of Yuxi city 玉溪市[Yu4 ... hongtong 红铜|copper (chemistry)/see also 銅|铜[tong2] hongtong 洪洞|Hongtong county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 ... hongtong 红通|(Interpol) red notice/abbr. for 紅色通緝令... hongtongtong 红彤彤|bright red hongtongtong 红通通|variant of 紅彤彤|红彤彤[hong2 tong1 tong1] hongtongxian 洪洞县|Hongtong county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 ... hongtoucai 红头菜|beetroot hongtouchangweishanque 红头长尾山雀|(bird species of China) black-throate... hongtouhuique 红头灰雀|(bird species of China) red-headed bu... hongtouqianya 红头潜鸭|(bird species of China) common pochar... hongtousuimei 红头穗鹛|(bird species of China) rufous-capped... hongtouwenjian 红头文件|red-letterhead document, an official ... hongtouyaojuan 红头咬鹃|(bird species of China) red-headed tr... hongtouyaque 红头鸦雀|(bird species of China) rufous-headed... hongtouzaomei 红头噪鹛|(bird species of China) chestnut-crow... hongtu 宏图|major undertaking/vast plan/grand pro... hongtu 红土|red soil/laterite hongtu 鸿图|variant of 宏圖|宏图[hong2 tu2] hongtu 弘图|variant of 宏圖|宏图[hong2 tu2] hongtudaji 鸿图大计|important large scale project hongtuibanyangji 红腿斑秧鸡|(bird species of China) red-legged cr... hongtuixiaosun 红腿小隼|(bird species of China) collared falc... hongtuo 烘托|background (of a painting)/backdrop/a... hongwai 红外|infrared (ray) hongwaiguangpu 红外光谱|infrared spectrum hongwaixian 红外线|infrared ray hongwaixiandaoyinfeidan 红外线导引飞弹|infrared guided missile hongwanji 烘碗机|dish dryer hongwei 宏伟|grand/imposing/magnificent hongweibing 红卫兵|Red Guards (Cultural Revolution, 1966... hongweibolao 红尾伯劳|(bird species of China) brown shrike ... hongweidong 红尾鸫|(bird species of China) Naumann\'s thr... hongweigequ 红尾歌鸲|(bird species of China) rufous-tailed... hongweimeng 红尾鹲|(bird species of China) red-tailed tr... hongweiqu 宏伟区|Hongwei district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市... hongweishuiqu 红尾水鸲|(bird species of China) plumbeous wat... hongwu 洪武|Hongwu Emperor, also written Hung-wu ... hongwulei 红五类|the “five red categories” (Cultural R... hongxi 虹吸|(lit. and fig.) to siphon hongxi 洪熙|Hongxi Emperor, reign name of fourth ... hongxian 红线|red line hongxiang 烘箱|oven hongxiang 轰响|loud sound, such as that of thunder o... hongxiao 哄笑|to roar with laughter/hoots of laught... hongxibao 红细胞|erythrocyte/red blood cell hongxibaochenjianglv 红细胞沉降率|erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) hongxielanweiqu 红胁蓝尾鸲|(bird species of China) red-flanked b... hongxiexiuyanniao 红胁绣眼鸟|(bird species of China) chestnut-flan... hongxiguan 虹吸管|siphon hongxin 红心|heart ♥ (in card games)/red, heart-sh... hongxing 红星|red star/five pointed star as symbol ... hongxingchuqiang 红杏出墙|lit. the red apricot tree leans over ... hongxinyue 红新月|Red Crescent hongxiongheiyan 红胸黑雁|(bird species of China) red-breasted ... hongxiongheng 红胸鸻|(bird species of China) Caspian plove... hongxiongjiaozhi 红胸角雉|(bird species of China) satyr tragopa... hongxiongjiweng 红胸姬鹟|(bird species of China) red-breasted ... hongxiongmao 红熊猫|lesser Panda/red panda/firefox hongxiongqiushaya 红胸秋沙鸭|(bird species of China) red-breasted ... hongxiongshanzhegu 红胸山鹧鸪|(bird species of China) chestnut-brea... hongxiongtianji 红胸田鸡|(bird species of China) ruddy-breaste... hongxiongzhuohuaniao 红胸啄花鸟|(bird species of China) fire-breasted... hongxiongzhuque 红胸朱雀|(bird species of China) red-fronted r... hongxiuquan 洪秀全|Hong Xiuquan or Hung Hsiu-ch\'üan (181... hongxiuzhu 洪秀柱|Hung Hsiu-chu (1948-), Taiwanese KMT ... hongxue 红学|\"Redology\", academic field devoted to... hongxueqiu 红血球|erythrocyte/red blood cell hongxueqiushengchengsu 红血球生成素|erythropoietin (EPO) hongxunqi 洪汛期|flood season hongya 洪雅|Hongya County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 sha... hongya 红牙|clappers (musical instrument used to ... hongyan 红眼|to become infuriated/to see red/envio... hongyan 鸿雁|(bird species of China) swan goose (A... hongyan 红颜|a beautiful woman/young beauties/yout... hongyanbing 红眼病|pinkeye/envy/jealousy hongyanboming 红颜薄命|beautiful women suffer unhappy fates ... hongyang 弘扬|to enhance/to promote/to enrich hongyang 宏扬|variant of 弘揚|弘扬[hong2 yang2] hongyangjie 红羊劫|national disaster (ancient astrologic... hongyanhuoshui 红颜祸水|femme fatale hongyanyan 红艳艳|brilliant red hongyanyan 红殷殷|dark red/crimson/also pr. [hong2 yin1... hongyanzhiji 红颜知己|close female friend/confidante hongyaoshui 红药水|mercurochrome (antiseptic solution) hongyaozhuque 红腰朱雀|(bird species of China) red-mantled r... hongyaxian 洪雅县|Hongya County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 sha... hongyazu 洪雅族|Hoanya, one of the indigenous peoples... hongye 红叶|red autumnal leaves hongyi 红移|red shift (astronomy) hongyingqiang 红樱枪|ancient spear-like weapon, decorated ... hongyizhujiao 红衣主教|Catholic cardinal hongyou 红油|chili oil hongyou 哄诱|to coax; to induce hongyu 𫚉鱼|skate (cartilaginous fish belonging t... hongyuan 红原|Hongyuan County (Tibetan: rka khog rd... hongyuan 宏愿|great aspiration/great ambition hongyuan 洪渊|vast and profound hongyuan 弘愿|variant of 宏願|宏愿[hong2 yuan4] hongyuanji 红原鸡|(bird species of China) red junglefow... hongyuanxian 红原县|Hongyuan County (Tibetan: rka khog rd... hongyun 鸿运|variant of 紅運|红运[hong2 yun4] hongyun 红运|good luck hongyun 红晕|to blush/to flush red hongyuntuoyue 烘云托月|lit. to shade in the clouds to offset... hongyusui 红玉髓|(mineralogy) carnelian hongzai 洪灾|flood hongzao 红枣|jujube/red date hongzehu 洪泽湖|Hongze Lake in Jiangsu province hongzha 轰炸|to bomb/to bombard/CL:陣|阵[zhen4] hongzhaji 轰炸机|bomber (aircraft) hongzhi 弘治|Hongzhi Emperor, reign name of ninth ... hongzhi 宏旨|gist/main idea hongzhi 烘制|to bake hongzhi 弘旨|variant of 宏旨[hong2 zhi3] hongzhong 红肿|inflamed/red and swollen hongzhu 红烛|red candle (used during birthdays and... hongzhuang 红妆|splendid gay female clothing hongzou 轰走|to drive away hongzuigouzuimei 红嘴钩嘴鹛|(bird species of China) black-crowned... hongzuijuou 红嘴巨鸥|(bird species of China) Caspian tern ... hongzuilanque 红嘴蓝鹊|(bird species of China) red-billed bl... hongzuiliangniao 红嘴椋鸟|(bird species of China) Burmese myna ... hongzuimeng 红嘴鹲|(bird species of China) red-billed tr... hongzuiou 红嘴鸥|(bird species of China) black-headed ... hongzuishanya 红嘴山鸦|(bird species of China) red-billed ch... hongzuixiangsiniao 红嘴相思鸟|(bird species of China) red-billed le... hongzuiyaque 红嘴鸦雀|(bird species of China) great parrotb... hongzun 虹鳟|rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hou 后|surname Hou hou 后|empress/queen/(archaic) monarch/ruler hou 后|back/behind/rear/afterwards/after/lat... hou 厚|thick/deep or profound/kind/generous/... hou 侯|surname Hou hou 侯|marquis, second of the five orders of... hou 侯|used in 閩侯|闽侯[Min3hou4] (the name of ... hou 猴|monkey/CL:隻|只[zhi1] hou 候|to wait/to inquire after/to watch/sea... hou 喉|throat/larynx hou 逅|used in 邂逅[xie4hou4] hou 鲎|horseshoe crab hou 吼|to roar/to howl/to shriek/roar or how... hou 齁|to snore/thirsty from excessively sal... hou 垕|thick hou 吽|roar or howl of an animal/bellow of rage hou 郈|surname Hou/place name hou 糇|dry provisions hou 睺|(appears as phonetic ho, especially i... hou 骺|(anatomy) epiphysis hou 瘊|wart hou 犼|mythical man-eating creature resembli... hou 堠|mounds for beacons hou 篌|used in 箜篌[kong1 hou2] hou 鲘|see 鱯|鳠[hu4] hou 鯸|blowfish hou 矦|old variant of 侯[hou2] hou 鄇|place name hou 豞|grunting of pigs hou 𬭤|metal arrowhead houai 厚爱|to show great affection and care houban 后半|latter half houbanchang 后半场|second half (of sporting competition) houbansheng 后半生|latter half of one\'s life houbanye 后半叶|latter half (of a decade, century etc) houbao 厚薄|thickness/also pr. [hou4 bo2] houbao 厚报|generous reward houbei 后备|reserve; backup houbei 后辈|younger generation houbei 后背|the back (human anatomy)/the back par... houbeijun 后备军|rearguard houbeixiang 后备箱|trunk/boot (of a car) houbi 后壁|Houbi, a district in Tainan 台南|台南[Tai... houbian 后边|the back; the rear; the last bit/behi... houbianr 后边儿|erhua variant of 後邊|后边[hou4 bian5] houbiyin 后鼻音|velar nasal/consonant ng or ŋ produce... houbo 厚薄|to favor one and discriminate against... houbogui 厚薄规|feeler gauge houbu 候补|to wait to fill a vacancy/reserve (ca... houbu 后部|back section houbu 喉部|neck/throat houbumingdan 候补名单|waiting list houcayin 喉擦音|guttural fricative houchang 候场|(of an actor, athlete etc) to prepare... houche 候车|to wait for a train or bus houche 后撤|to pull back (an army)/to retreat houchejia 后车架|luggage carrier (bicycle) houchen 后尘|lit. trailing dust/fig. sb\'s footstep... houcheng 候乘|to wait for a train or bus houcheshi 候车室|waiting room (for train, bus etc) houcheting 候车亭|bus shelter houchezhijian 后车之鉴|lit. warning to the following cart (i... houchezhou 后车轴|back axle (of car) houchi 后翅|back wing (of insect) houchong 候虫|seasonal insect (e.g. cicada) houchu 后厨|kitchen (of a restaurant or hotel etc... houci 厚赐|to reward generously/generous gift houcibobi 厚此薄彼|to favour one and discriminate agains... houdai 后代|descendant; progeny/posterity; later ... houdai 厚待|generous treatment houdangban 后挡板|backboard houdao 厚道|kind and honest/generous/sincere houdeng 后灯|taillight houdezaiwu 厚德载物|with great virtue one can take charge... houdiao 后调|(perfumery) base note houdixie 厚底鞋|platform shoes houdou 猴痘|monkeypox; mpox houdu 厚度|thickness houduan 后端|backend (computing) houduan 后段|final part/rear/back end/final segmen... houdun 后盾|support/backing houer 猴儿|little devil houfang 后方|the rear/far behind the front line houfanjindou 后翻筋斗|backward somersault houfazuo 后发座|Coma Berenices (constellation) houfei 后妃|imperial wives and concubines houfengdidongyi 候风地动仪|the world\'s first seismograph invente... houfu 后父|stepfather houfu 后付|payment made afterwards/postpaid houfu 后附|attachment/appendix/addendum hougai 后盖|back cover/shell (of crab etc) hougan 后感|afterthought/reflection after an even... houganjue 后感觉|after-sensation/after-impression hougen 后跟|heel (part of a foot)/heel (of a sock... hougentidai 后跟提带|backstrap (of a shoe) hougong 后宫|harem/chambers of imperial concubines hougou 后钩|(dialect) unfinished business/trailin... hougour 后钩儿|erhua variant of 後鉤|后钩[hou4 gou1] houguan 后冠|crown or tiara of a queen, empress or... hougubojin 厚古薄今|to revere the past and neglect the pr... houguo 后果|consequences/aftermath houguozifu 后果自负|to take responsibility for the conseq... houguzhiyou 后顾之忧|fears of trouble in the rear (idiom);... houhai 后海|Houhai, a lake and the area surroundi... houhaizi 猴孩子|little devil houhan 后汉|Later Han or Eastern Han dynasty (25-... houhanshu 后汉书|History of Eastern Han (later Han), t... houhouzu 猴猴族|Qauqaut, one of the indigenous people... houhua 后话|something to be taken up later in spe... houhuan-wuqiong 后患无穷|(idiom) there will be no end of troub... houhui 后悔|to regret; to feel remorse houhuibudie 后悔不迭|too late for regrets houhuimoji 后悔莫及|too late for regrets (idiom); It is u... houhuiwuqi 后会无期|to meet again at unspecified date/mee... houhuiyouqi 后会有期|I\'m sure we\'ll meet again some day. (... houji 猴急|impatient/to be in a rush (to do sth)... houji 后记|epilogue/afterword houji 喉急|variant of 猴急[hou2 ji2] houjia 候驾|to await (your) gracious presence houjia 后加|postposition (grammar) houjiaban 后甲板|afterdeck houjianzhiming 后见之明|hindsight houjiao 后脚|(one moment ...,) the next .../traili... houjiao 吼叫|to howl; to bellow; to yell houjibofa 厚积薄发|lit. to have accumulated knowledge an... houjie 喉结|Adam\'s apple/laryngeal prominence houjifaren 后继乏人|see 後繼無人|后继无人[hou4 ji4 wu2 ren2] houjilou 候机楼|airport terminal houjin 后进|less advanced/underdeveloped/lagging ... houjin 后劲|energy to continue after the initial ... houjin 后金|Later Jin dynasty (from 1616-)/Manchu... houjin 后晋|Later Jin of the Five Dynasties (936-... houjing 喉镜|laryngoscope houjing 后颈|nape houjingzhiluan 侯景之乱|rebellion against Liang of the Southe... houjinxianchu 后进先出|to come late and leave first/last in,... houjiting 候机厅|airport lounge houjiwuren 后继无人|to have no qualified successors to ca... houjiyouren 后继有人|(idiom) to have qualified successors ... houjue 侯爵|marquis houkongfan 后空翻|backward somersault/backflip houlai 后来|afterwards; later/newly arrived houlai-jushang 后来居上|(idiom) see 後來者居上|后来者居上[hou4lai2zhe3 ... houlaizhejushang 后来者居上|the latecomers surpass their predeces... houli 厚礼|generous gifts houliang 后梁|Later Liang of the Five Dynasties (90... houliang 后凉|Later Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (... houlianpi 厚脸皮|brazen/shameless/impudent/cheek/thick... houlong 喉咙|the throat houlong 后龙|Houlung town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县... houlongzhen 后龙镇|Houlung town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县... houlu 后路|escape route/retreat route/communicat... houlun 后轮|rear wheel houlun 喉轮|viśuddha or visuddha, the throat chak... houma 侯马|Houma, county-level city in Linfen 臨汾... houma 后妈|(coll.) stepmother houmashi 侯马市|Houma, county-level city in Linfen 臨汾... houmen 后门|back door; back gate/(fig.) back-door... houmen 侯门|noble house houmen-sihai 侯门似海|lit. the gate of a noble house is lik... houmian 后面|the back; the rear; the last bit/behi... houmianbao 猴面包|see 猴麵包樹|猴面包树[hou2 mian4 bao1 shu4] houmianbaoshu 猴面包树|boabab tree/monkey-bread tree/Adanson... houming 候命|to await orders; to be on call houming 喉鸣|throat sound such as choking, donkey\'... houmu 后母|stepmother houmulian 后母脸|(Tw) (fig.) unpredictable, unstable w... hounao 后脑|hindbrain/back of the head hounaoshao 后脑勺|back of the head hounian 后年|the year after next hounian 猴年|Year of the Monkey (e.g. 2004) houniang 后娘|stepmother (coll.) hounianmayue 猴年马月|long time off/time that will never come houniao 候鸟|migratory bird houpa 后怕|lingering fear/fear after the event/p... houpai 后排|the back row houpian 喉片|throat lozenge houpijin 猴皮筋|(coll.) rubber band houpo 厚朴|magnolia bark (bark of Magnolia offic... houqi 后期|late stage/later period houqin 后勤|logistics houqin 后秦|Later Qin of the Sixteen Kingdoms (38... houqinxue 后勤学|military logistics houqizhixiu 后起之秀|an up-and-coming youngster; new talen... houquan 猴拳|Hou Quan - \"Monkey Fist\" - Martial Art houque 候缺|waiting for a vacancy hour 猴儿|monkey hour 后儿|the day after tomorrow houren 后人|later generation houren 后任|successor/to take up a position subse... houren 候任|-elect/designate/(i.e. elected or app... houri 后日|the day after tomorrow/from hence/fro... hourjing 猴儿精|(dialect) shrewd/clever houruanguban 骺软骨板|epiphyseal plate/growth plate (bone) housaiyin 侯赛因|Husain or Hussein (name)/Hussein (c. ... houseyin 喉塞音|glottal stop housha 喉痧|scarlet fever houshao 后梢|stern (of a boat) houshe 喉舌|mouthpiece/spokesperson houshe 后设|meta- (prefix) (Tw) houshen 候审|awaiting trial housheng 吼声|roar housheng 后生|young generation/youth/young man houshengdongwu 后生动物|metazoa/the animal kingdom houshengkewei 后生可畏|the young will be redoubtable in the ... houshenglaodongsheng 厚生劳动省|Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare... houshengsheng 厚生省|Ministry of Health and Welfare (Japan... houshengxiang 厚生相|minister of health (of Japan, UK etc) housherenzhi 后设认知|metacognition (Tw) housheziliao 后设资料|metadata (Tw) houshi 后事|future events/and what happened next.... houshi 后世|later generations houshi 厚实|thick/substantial/sturdy/solid houshijing 后视镜|rearview mirror houshou 后手|defensive position (in chess)/room fo... housi 后嗣|heir/descendant/posterity housibosheng 厚死薄生|lit. to praise the dead and revile th... housong 后送|evacuation (military) housongyiyuan 后送医院|evacuation hospital (military) houtai 后台|backstage area/behind-the-scenes supp... houtaijincheng 后台进程|background process (computing) houtang 后唐|Later Tang of the Five Dynasties (923... houteng 后藤|Gotō (Japanese surname) houtian 后天|the day after tomorrow/life after bir... houtian 齁甜|(dialect) (of food) excessively sweet... houtianxing 后天性|acquired (characteristic etc) houting 后庭|backyard/imperial harem/(slang) anus houtou 后头|behind/the back/the rear/later/afterw... houtou 喉头|throat/larynx houtougu 猴头菇|Hericium erinaceus houtui 后退|to recoil; to draw back; to fall back... houwang 猴王|Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, characte... houwang 厚望|great hopes/great expectations houwei 后卫|rear guard/backfield/fullback houwei 后魏|Wei of the Northern Dynasties 386-534 houwei 后味|aftertaste houwen 后文|the pages ahead/the following pages houxi 猴戏|monkey show houxiandaizhuyi 后现代主义|postmodernism houxiao 后效|after-effect houxin 后心|middle of the back houxinhaodeng 后信号灯|car rear indicator houxiyouji 后西游记|one of three Ming dynasty sequels to ... houxu 后续|follow-up/(dialect) to remarry houxuan 候选|candidate (attributive) houxuanren 候选人|candidate/CL:名[ming2] houxue 后学|junior scholar or pupil in imperial C... houyan 厚颜|shameless houyan 喉炎|laryngitis houyan 后燕|Later Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (38... houyan 喉咽|laryngopharynx/fig. a key position houyanbi 后掩蔽|backward masking houyangailv 后验概率|posterior probability (statistics) houyangbozang 厚养薄葬|generous care but a thrifty funeral/t... houyanwuchi 厚颜无耻|shameless houyao 后腰|lower back/(sports) defensive midfielder houyao 后摇|post-rock (music genre) houyaogun 后摇滚|post-rock (music genre) houyi 后羿|Houyi, mythological Chinese archer wh... houyi 后裔|descendant houyi 厚谊|generous friendship houyin 喉音|guttural sound/(linguistics) glottal ... houying 后影|rear view/figure seen from behind/vie... houyizheng 后遗症|(medicine) sequelae/residual effects/... houyu 鲎鱼|horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus) houyuan 后院|rear court/back garden/backyard (also... houyuan 后援|reinforcement/back-up/supporting force houyuan 后缘|trailing edge (of airplane wing) houyuanhui 后援会|support group (e.g. for an election c... houyuanqihuo 后院起火|a conflict arises close to home (idiom) houyun 喉韵|pleasant aftertaste in the back of th... houzhang 后账|undisclosed account/to settle matters... houzhao 后赵|Later Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms (3... houzhaojing 后照镜|rearview mirror (Tw) houzhe 后者|the latter houzhen 候诊|waiting to see a doctor/awaiting trea... houzhen 后诊|postoperative examination houzhenshi 候诊室|waiting room (at clinic, hospital) houzhi 后置|to place after (e.g. in grammar)/post... houzhi 后肢|hind legs houzhi 后制|postproduction houzhi-houjue 后知后觉|to realize in hindsight; to realize b... houzhici 后置词|postposition/suffix/word placed after houzhimin 后殖民|postcolonial houzhixiushiyu 后置修饰语|postmodifier (grammar) houzhong 厚重|thick/heavy/thickset (body)/massive/g... houzhou 后周|Later Zhou of the Five Dynasties (951... houzhui 后缀|suffix (linguistics) houzi 猴子|monkey/CL:隻|只[zhi1] houzi 瘊子|wart houzitoutao 猴子偷桃|\"monkey steals the peach\" (martial ar... houzuilvjiu 厚嘴绿鸠|(bird species of China) thick-billed ... houzuiweiying 厚嘴苇莺|(bird species of China) thick-billed ... houzuizhuohuaniao 厚嘴啄花鸟|(bird species of China) thick-billed ... houzuo 后座|empress\'s throne/(fig.) first place i... houzuo 后座|back seat/pillion houzuo 后坐|recoil (of a gun)/backlash houzuoli 后坐力|recoil (of a gun)/backlash/reactive f... hqiao H桥|H bridge (electronics) hu 和|to complete a set in mahjong or playi... hu 沪|short name for Shanghai hu 胡|surname Hu hu 胡|non-Han people, esp. from central Asi... hu 胡|see 衚衕|胡同[hu2 tong4] hu 胡|beard/mustache/whiskers hu 护|to protect hu 忽|surname Hu hu 忽|to neglect/to overlook/to ignore/sudd... hu 湖|lake/CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4] hu 戸|variant of 戶|户[hu4] hu 虎|tiger/CL:隻|只[zhi1] hu 户|a household/door/family hu 狐|fox hu 壶|pot/classifier for bottled liquid hu 呼|to call/to cry/to shout/to breath out... hu 呼|variant of 呼[hu1]/to shout/to call out hu 糊|variant of 糊[hu2] hu 糊|muddled/paste/scorched hu 糊|paste/cream hu 糊|congee/(in 糊口[hu2kou3]) to feed oneself hu 弧|arc hu 斛|ancient measuring vessel/fifty liters... hu 滹|surname Hu/name of a river hu 觳|ancient measuring vessel (same as 斛)/... hu 互|mutual hu 葫|used in 葫蘆|葫芦[hu2lu5] hu 浒|bank of a river hu 鹄|swan hu 扈|surname Hu hu 扈|retinue hu 琥|used in 琥珀[hu3po4] hu 唬|a tiger\'s roar/to scare/to intimidate... hu 乎|(classical particle similar to 於|于[yu... hu 槲|Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata)/see a... hu 囫|used in 囫圇|囫囵[hu2lun2] hu 虖|to exhale/to call/scream of tiger hu 祜|celestial blessing hu 瑚|used in 珊瑚[shan1hu2] hu 岵|(literary) mountain covered with vege... hu 怙|to rely on/father (formal) hu 蝴|used in 蝴蝶[hu2 die2] hu 乕|old variant of 虎[hu3] hu 鶦|pelican hu 芴|(old) vaguely/suddenly hu 瓠|gourd hu 唿|to whistle (with fingers in one\'s mou... hu 虍|stripes of a tiger/\"tiger\" radical in... hu 笏|(old) ceremonial tablet (held by offi... hu 鄠|name of a district in Shaanxi hu 惚|used in 恍惚[huang3hu1] hu 嫮|old variant of 嫭[hu4] hu 鹘|falcon/migratory bird hu 媩|(used in female names) (old) hu 搰|to dig/to mix hu 煳|burnt/to char hu 幠|arrogant/rude/to cover hu 縠|fine silk gauze hu 轷|surname Hu hu 鹕|used in 鵜鶘|鹈鹕[ti2hu2] hu 楛|(tree) hu 猢|used in 猢猻|猢狲[hu2 sun1] hu 膴|big piece of meat/dried meat hu 冱|congealed/frozen hu 嫭|beautiful/a beauty hu 鹱|(bound form) bird of the Procellariid... hu 戽|water bucket for irrigation hu 醐|used in 醍醐[ti2hu2] hu 謼|to shout/to mourn/to invoke hu 頀|music hu 沍|congealed/frozen hu 昒|daybreak/dawn/dusky/dim hu 鳠|a species of freshwater catfish hu 烀|to cook in a small quantity of water hu 𬒈|(arch.) precious stone hua 花|surname Hua hua 花|flower/blossom/CL:朵[duo3],支[zhi1],束[s... hua 花|old variant of 花[hua1] hua 花|variant of 花[hua1]/flower/blossom/als... hua 华|abbr. for China hua 华|Mount Hua 華山|华山[Hua4 Shan1] in Shaanx... hua 华|old variant of 花[hua1]/flower hua 华|magnificent/splendid/flowery hua 话|dialect/language/spoken words/speech/... hua 话|old variant of 話|话[hua4] hua 画|to draw; to paint/picture; painting (... hua 滑|surname Hua hua 滑|to slip; to slide/slippery; smooth/sl... hua 化|variant of 花[hua1] hua 化|to make into/to change into/-ization/... hua 划|to row/to paddle/profitable/worth (th... hua 划|to cut/to slash/to scratch (cut into ... hua 划|to delimit/to transfer/to assign/to p... hua 桦|(botany) birch (genus Betula) hua 骅|chestnut horse hua 铧|plowshare/spade hua 哗|(onom.) bang/clang/sound of gurgling,... hua 哗|clamor/noise/(bound form) sound used ... hua 哗|variant of 嘩|哗[hua2] hua 豁|to play Chinese finger-guessing game hua 婳|tranquil hua 搳|used in 搳拳[hua2 quan2] hua 崋|flowery/illustrious/Chinese hua 嬅|beautiful/used in girls\' names hua 蕐|old variant of 華|华[hua2] hua 猾|sly hua 摦|wide/broad hua 錵|holmium (chemistry) (old) hua 砉|sound of a thing flying fast by/whoos... hua 繣|obstinate/perverse hua 畵|variant of 畫|画[hua4] hua 䔢|old variant of 華|华[hua2] huaan 华安|Hua\'an county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 ... huaanxian 华安县|Hua\'an county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 ... huabai 花白|grizzled (hair) huaban 花瓣|petal/CL:片[pian4] huaban 滑板|skateboard huaban 花斑|patches/mottling huabanche 滑板车|kick scooter; push scooter huabanxuan 花斑癣|pityriasis versicolor (aka tinea vers... huabao 画报|illustrated magazine/CL:本[ben3],份[fen... huabao 花苞|flower bud huabao 花豹|leopard/CL:隻|只[zhi1] huabashi 花把势|expert flower grower huabashi 花把式|expert flower grower huabei 华北|North China huabei 花被|perianth (common term for calyx and c... huabei 花呗|Ant Check Later, consumer credit serv... huabeilong 华北龙|Huabeisaurus (Huabeisaurus allocotus) huabeipingyuan 华北平原|North China Plain huabeishibian 华北事变|North China Incident of October-Decem... huaben 话本|Song and Yuan literary form based on ... huabi 画笔|painting brush huabi 花臂|tattoo-covered arm; tattoo sleeve huabian 花边|lace/decorative border huabian 哗变|mutiny/rebellion huabianr 花边儿|erhua variant of 花邊|花边[hua1 bian1] huabianrenwu 花边人物|person who is often the subject of go... huabianxinwen 花边新闻|media gossip/sensational news huabiao 华表|marble pillar (ornamental column in f... huabie 话别|to say a few parting words; to bid go... huabing 滑冰|to skate/skating huabing 话柄|a pretext for gossip/a matter for der... huabingchongji 画饼充饥|lit. to allay one\'s hunger using a pi... huabo 划拨|to assign/to allocate/to transfer (mo... huabu 花布|printed cloth/calico huabu 画布|canvas (artist\'s painting surface) huabu 华埠|Chinatown/also called 唐人街[Tang2 ren2 ... huabuji 滑步机|elliptical trainer huabulai 划不来|not worth it huabulengdeng 花不棱登|gaudy; having too many jumbled colors huabutouji 话不投机|(idiom) the conversation is disagreeable huabutoujibanjuduo 话不投机半句多|(idiom) when views are irreconcilable... huacai 华彩|gorgeous/resplendent or rich color huacai 花菜|cauliflower huacai 花彩|to festoon/to decorate with a row of ... huacaiqueying 花彩雀莺|(bird species of China) white-browed ... huacao 花草|flowers and plants huace 画册|picture album huacha 花茶|scented tea/CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2] huacha 话茬|tone of voice/topic/subject under dis... huachar 话茬儿|erhua variant of 話茬|话茬[hua4 cha2] huache 花车|car festooned for celebration huache 滑车|pulley block huachi 花痴|to be smitten with sb/love-struck foo... huachixian 华池县|Huachi county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4... huachizi 花池子|flower bed huachu 滑出|to slip out huachuan 划船|to row a boat/rowing; boating/small boat huachuan 桦川|Huachuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamus... huachuang 花床|flower bed huachuanji 划船机|rowing machine huachuanxian 桦川县|Huachuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamus... huacong 花丛|cluster of flowers/inflorescence/flow... huacu 花簇|bunch of flowers/bouquet huadajie 花大姐|common word for ladybug, more formall... huadan 华诞|(formal) birthday/anniversary of the ... huadan 花旦|role of vivacious young female in Chi... huadani 华达呢|(loanword) gabardine huadao 滑倒|to slip (lose one\'s footing) huadaozuibian 话到嘴边|to be on the verge of saying what is ... huadaozuibianliusanfen 话到嘴边留三分|A still tongue makes a wise head. (id... huade 化德|Huade county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[W... huadelai 划得来|worth it/it pays to huadeng 花灯|colored lantern (used at Lantern Fest... huadeng 华灯|decorated lantern; lantern light huadengchushang 华灯初上|early evening when lanterns are first... huadenghao 画等号|to equate/to consider (two things) to... huadengxi 花灯戏|opera for popular in Sichuan and Yunnan huadexian 化德县|Huade county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[W... huadian 花店|flower shop huadian 桦甸|Huadian, county-level city in Jilin p... huadianshi 桦甸市|Huadian, county-level city in Jilin p... huadianzi 花点子|trickery/scam huadiao 花雕|Shaoxing yellow wine huadiao 划掉|to cross out/to cross off huadiao 花掉|to spend (time, money)/to waste huadijiaozi 画荻教子|to write on the sand with reeds while... huadimatangqu 花地玛堂区|Parish of Our Lady of Fatima (Macau)/... huading 划定|to demarcate/to delimit huadiweilao 画地为牢|lit. to be confined within a circle d... huadiweiyou 化敌为友|to convert an enemy into a friend (id... huadiweiyu 画地为狱|see 畫地為牢|画地为牢[hua4 di4 wei2 lao2] huadizixian 画地自限|lit. to draw a line on the ground to ... huadong 华东|East China huadong 滑动|to slide/sliding movement huadong 化冻|to defrost huadongligongdaxue 华东理工大学|East China University of Science and ... huadongshida 华东师大|East China Normal University (abbr. f... huadongshifandaxue 华东师范大学|East China Normal University (ECNU) huadu 花都|Huadu District of Guangzhou City 廣州市|... huaduan 花缎|brocade/figured satin huaduo 花朵|flower huaduobutian 话多不甜|too much talk is a nuisance (idiom) huaduqu 花都区|Huadu District of Guangzhou City 廣州市|... huae 花萼|sepal huaer 花儿|style of folk song popular in Gansu, ... huaerbushi 华而不实|flower but no fruit (idiom); handsome... huaerjie 华尔街|Wall Street, New York/by extension, A... huaerjieribao 华尔街日报|Wall Street Journal huaerzi 华尔兹|waltz (dance) (loanword) huafa 华发|(literary) gray hair huafa 画法|painting technique/drawing method huafajihe 画法几何|descriptive geometry (three-dimension... huafalin 华法林|warfarin (loanword) huafang 花房|greenhouse huafang 画舫|decorated pleasure boat huafei 话费|call charge huafei 花费|expense/cost/to spend (time or money)... huafei 化肥|chemical fertilizer huafei 花肥|fertilizer for potted flowers/fertili... huafen 划分|to divide up/to partition/to differen... huafen 花粉|pollen huafenchi 化粪池|septic tank huafeng 画风|painting style huafeng 话锋|topic under discussion; direction or ... huafenguomin 花粉过敏|hay fever huafengyizhuan 话锋一转|to change the direction or tone of a ... huafenre 花粉热|hay fever huafenzheng 花粉症|hay fever/seasonal allergic rhinitis huafu 画幅|painting/picture/dimension of a painting huafu 华府|Washington, D.C./the US federal gover... huafu 华夫|waffle (loanword) huafulvzhuomuniao 花腹绿啄木鸟|(bird species of China) laced woodpec... huafuxiuweishenqi 化腐朽为神奇|lit. to change something rotten into ... huagai 华盖|imperial canopy (e.g. domed umbrella-... huagaishouji 滑盖手机|slider phone huagan 滑竿|a kind of sedan chair, usu. made of b... huagangeweiyubo 化干戈为玉帛|lit. to exchange weapons of war for g... huagangshi 花岗石|granite huagangyan 花岗岩|granite huagao 画稿|rough sketch (of a painting)/(of an o... huage 花蛤|clam/bivalve mollusk, many spp. huageng 花梗|stem of flower huagong 化工|chemical industry (abbr. for 化學工業|化学工... huagongchang 化工厂|chemical factory; chemical plant huagu 花鼓|flower drum, a type of double-skinned... huagu 华毂|decorated carriage huaguan 花冠|corolla huaguang 花光|to spend all one\'s money huaguanzhoukuixiniao 花冠皱盔犀鸟|(bird species of China) wreathed horn... huaguduo 花骨朵|(coll.) flower bud huagui 划归|to incorporate/to put under (external... huagui 华贵|sumptuous/luxurious huagui 滑跪|(of a soccer player) to knee slide af... huaguo 划过|(of a meteor etc) to streak across (t... huaguofeng 华国锋|Hua Guofeng (1921-2008), CCP Chairman... huaguoshan 花果山|Mount Huaguo in Jiangsu, featured in ... huaguxi 花鼓戏|opera form popular along Changjiang huahanbing 滑旱冰|(roller)blading/roller skating/inline... huahang 华航|China Airlines (Taiwan)/abbr. for 中華航... huahaoyueyuan 花好月圆|lit. lovely flowers, round moon (idio... huahe 化合|chemical combination huahejia 化合价|valence (chemistry) huahen 划痕|a scratch huahewu 化合物|chemical compound huahong 花红|flowers on red silk (a traditional gi... huahongliulv 花红柳绿|red flowers and green willow/all the ... huahu 花户|registered occupants of a house huahua 画画|to draw; to paint huahua 哗哗|sound of gurgling water huahua 划花|engraving (on porcelain etc) huahuachangzi 花花肠子|(slang) a cunning plot huahuadada 花花搭搭|mixed/uneven in texture huahuagongzhu 花花公主|playgirl huahuagongzi 花花公子|playboy huahualvlv 花花绿绿|brightly colored/gaudy huahuan 花环|garland/floral hoop huahuan 滑环|slip ring/collector ring (electrical ... huahuang 花黄|yellow flower (cosmetic powder used o... huahuashijie 花花世界|the teeming world/the world of sensua... huahubuchengfanleiquan 画虎不成反类犬|to try to draw a tiger but end up wit... huahui 花卉|flowers and plants huahui 花会|flower fair or festival huahuleiquan 画虎类犬|to try to draw a tiger but end up wit... huahuo 花火|firework huahuo 花活|trick/deception huai 坏|bad/spoiled/broken/to break down/(suf... huai 淮|name of a river huai 槐|Chinese scholar tree (Sophora japonic... huai 踝|ankle huai 怀|surname Huai huai 怀|bosom/heart/mind/to think of/to harbo... huai 徊|used in 徘徊[pai2huai2] huai 佪|irresolute/to move back and forth huai 耲|(agriculture) to cultivate with a harrow huai 懐|Japanese variant of 懷|怀[huai2] huai 褱|to carry in the bosom or the sleeve/t... huai 褢|to carry in the bosom or the sleeve/t... huai 壊|Japanese variant of 壞|坏[huai4] huaian 淮安|see 淮安市[Huai2an1 Shi4] huaian 怀安|Huai\'an county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口... huaianshi 淮安市|Huai\'an, prefecture-level city in Jia... huaianxian 怀安县|Huai\'an county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口... huaiba 耲耙|a kind of harrow used in north-east C... huaibao 怀抱|to hug/to cherish/within the bosom (o... huaibaor 坏包儿|rascal/rogue/little devil (term of en... huaibei 淮北|see 淮北市[Huai2bei3 Shi4] huaibeishi 淮北市|Huaibei, prefecture-level city in Anh... huaibiao 怀表|pocket watch huaibin 淮滨|Huaibin county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan huaibinxian 淮滨县|Huaibin county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan huaibiqizui 怀璧其罪|lit. treasuring a jade ring becomes a... huaicaibuyu 怀才不遇|to have talent but no opportunity (id... huaichangzi 坏肠子|evil person huaichu 坏处|harm/troubles/CL:個|个[ge4] huaichun 怀春|(of girls) to yearn for love huaidan 坏蛋|bad egg/scoundrel/bastard huaidiao 坏掉|to get broken; to get damaged; to get... huaidongxi 坏东西|bastard/scoundrel/rogue huaieming 怀俄明|Wyoming, US state huaiemingzhou 怀俄明州|Wyoming, US state huaifenzi 坏分子|bad element; bad egg; troublemaker huaigu 怀古|to recall the past/to cherish the mem... huaigu 踝骨|ankle bone/ankle huaihai 淮海|Huaihai, economic hub around Xuzhou 徐... huaihaidiqu 淮海地区|Huaihai, economic hub around Xuzhou 徐... huaihaizhanyi 淮海战役|Huaihai Campaign (Nov 1948-Jan 1949),... huaihe 淮河|Huai River, main river of east China,... huaihen 怀恨|to feel hatred/to harbor a grudge huaihenzaixin 怀恨在心|to harbor hard feelings huaihua 怀化|see 懷化市|怀化市[Huai2hua4 Shi4] huaihua 坏话|unpleasant talk/malicious words huaihuashi 怀化市|Huaihua, prefecture-level city in Hun... huaihuaxian 怀化县|Huaihua county, Hunan huaiji 怀集|Huaiji county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4... huaijiahuo 坏家伙|bad guy/scoundrel/dirty bastard huaijiu 怀旧|to feel nostalgic/nostalgia huaijiugan 怀旧感|feeling of nostalgia huaijixian 怀集县|Huaiji county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4... huaiju 坏疽|gangrene huailai 怀来|Huailai county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口... huailaixian 怀来县|Huailai county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口... huaile 坏了|shoot!/gosh!/oh, no!/(suffix) to the ... huaili 怀里|embrace/bosom huailu 怀禄|to yearn for a high official position huailu 怀炉|hand warmer (fuel based) huainan 淮南|see 淮南市[Huai2nan2 Shi4] huainanshi 淮南市|Huainan, prefecture-level city in Anh... huainanzi 淮南子|miscellany of writing from the Wester... huainian 怀念|to cherish the memory of/to think of/... huainiao 坏鸟|sinister person/unsavory character/br... huaining 怀宁|Huaining, a county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An... huainingxian 怀宁县|Huaining, a county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An... huaipiqi 坏脾气|bad temper huairen 坏人|bad person/villain huairen 怀妊|gestation/pregnancy huairentang 怀仁堂|Huairen Hall or Huairentang, a buildi... huairou 怀柔|Huairou, a district of Beijing huairou 怀柔|to conciliate/to appease huairouqu 怀柔区|Huairou, a district of Beijing huairouxian 怀柔县|former Huairou county, now Huairou ru... huaishan 淮山|Chinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya), ... huaishang 淮上|Huaishang, a district of Bengbu City ... huaishangqu 淮上区|Huaishang, a district of Bengbu City ... huaishi 坏事|bad thing; misdeed/to ruin things huaishihudong 怀氏虎鸫|(bird species of China) White\'s thrus... huaishu 槐树|locust tree (Sophora japonica) huaishui 坏水|evil tricks huaisi 坏死|necrosis huaitai 怀胎|to become pregnant/to carry a child i... huaite 怀特|White (name) huaitedao 怀特岛|Isle of Wight, island off the south c... huaitou 坏透|completely bad huaixiang 怀乡|homesick huaixiao 坏笑|to smirk/to grin wickedly/to snicker huaixuebing 坏血病|scurvy huaiyi 怀疑|to doubt (sth); to be skeptical of/to... huaiyin 淮阴|Huaiyin district of Huai\'an city 淮安市[... huaiyin 槐荫|Huaiyin district of Jinan city 濟南市|济南... huaiyinqu 槐荫区|Huaiyin district of Jinan city 濟南市|济南... huaiyinqu 淮阴区|Huaiyin district of Huai\'an city 淮安市[... huaiyipai 怀疑派|skeptical huaiyizhe 怀疑者|skeptic/suspecter huaiyou 怀有|to have in one\'s person (feelings, ta... huaiyuan 怀远|Huaiyuan, a county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4... huaiyuanxian 怀远县|Huaiyuan, a county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4... huaiyun 怀孕|pregnant/to have conceived/gestation/... huaiyun 坏运|bad luck/misfortune huaizhang 坏账|bad debt huaizhong 坏种|bad kind/scoundrel huaji 滑稽|comical; funny; amusing (old pr. [gu3... huaji 花季|youthful time/prime of youth/flowerin... huaji 花鸡|chaffinch (family Fringillidae) huajia 画家|painter/CL:個|个[ge4] huajia 划价|to price (medical prescription) huajia 画架|easel huajia 花甲|complete sexagenary cycle/a 60 year-o... huajian 花剑|foil (fencing) huajiang 花匠|gardener huajiang 划桨|to paddle huajiao 花椒|Sichuan pepper/Chinese prickly ash huajiao 花轿|bridal sedan chair huajiao 华教|Chinese language education (for peopl... huajiao 花饺|dumpling huajiazi 花架子|attractive appearance, but without su... huajie 化解|to dissolve/to resolve (contradiction... huajie 花街|red-light district huajie 花结|decorative bow of ribbon or fabric huajie-liuxiang 花街柳巷|(idiom) red-light district huajiu 花酒|drinking party with female entertainers huajiu 话旧|to reminisce huaju 话剧|stage play/modern drama/CL:臺|台[tai2],... huajuan 画卷|picture scroll huajuan 花卷|Chinese steamed twisted bread roll huaka 话卡|calling card (telephone) huakai 化开|to spread out after being diluted or ... huakuai 滑块|runner block; sliding block/slider (c... huakuang 画框|picture frame huakui 花魁|the queen of flowers (refers esp. to ... huakuohao 花括号|braces/curly brackets { } huala 划拉|to sweep/to brush away huala 哗啦|(onom.) sound of a crash/with a crash huala 哗啦|to collapse hualala 哗啦啦|(onom.) crashing sound hualang 画廊|art gallery/decorated corridor hualao 话痨|chatterer hualayisheng 哗啦一声|with a crash/with a thunderous noise hualei 花蕾|bud/flower bud huali 华丽|gorgeous huali 华里|li (Chinese unit of distance) hualian 花莲|Hualien, city and county on the east ... hualian 花鲢|see 鱅魚|鳙鱼[yong1 yu2] hualianshi 花莲市|Hualien city on the east coast of Taiwan hualianxian 花莲县|Hualien County on the east coast of T... hualianya 花脸鸭|(bird species of China) Baikal teal (... hualiao 化疗|chemotherapy hualihushao 花里胡哨|gaudy/flashy (but without substance) hualin 华林|Hualinbu, Ming dynasty theatrical tro... hualinbu 华林部|Hualinbu, Ming dynasty theatrical tro... hualishu 花栗鼠|chipmunk (genus Tamias) hualitaohua 话里套话|to use seemingly innocent conversatio... hualiu 滑溜|to sauté in sticky sauce hualiu 滑溜|smooth/slippery/sticky hualiubing 花柳病|sexually transmitted disease; venerea... hualiuliu 滑溜溜|smooth/slick/slippery/glossy hualiyouhua 话里有话|one\'s words carry an implicit meaning hualong 华龙|Hualong district of Puyang city 濮陽市|濮... hualongdianjing 画龙点睛|to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes... hualongqu 华龙区|Hualong district of Puyang city 濮陽市|濮... hualun 滑轮|block and tackle hualuo 滑落|to slide/to roll hualuogeng 华罗庚|Hua Luogeng (1910-1985), Chinese numb... hualuosheijia 花落谁家|who will be the winner? hualushui 花露水|perfumed toilet water/eau de cologne/... huamang 花蟒|python huamaopengxin 花貌蓬心|florid outside appearance, unkempt in... huamei 华美|magnificent/gorgeous/ornate huamei 画眉|to apply makeup to the eyebrows/(bird... huamei 话梅|plum candy/preserved plum huamen 滑门|sliding door huami 花蜜|nectar huami 华靡|luxurious/opulent huamian 画面|scene/tableau/picture/image/screen (d... huamikeji 华米科技|Zepp Health Corporation, Chinese comp... huaming 化名|to use an alias/assumed name/pseudonym huaming 花名|name of a person on the household reg... huamo 滑膜|synovial membrane/synovium huamu 桦木|birch huamu 花木|flowers and trees/plants/flora huamuke 桦木科|Betulaceae (broadleaf tree family inc... huamulan 花木兰|Hua Mulan, legendary woman warrior (c... huan 换|to exchange/to change (clothes etc)/t... huan 环|surname Huan huan 环|ring/hoop/loop/(chain) link/classifie... huan 睆|good-looking/cute huan 还|surname Huan huan 还|to pay back/to return huan 幻|fantasy huan 欢|variant of 歡|欢[huan1] huan 欢|joyous/happy/pleased huan 欢|hubbub/clamor/variant of 歡|欢[huan1] huan 欢|a breed of horse/variant of 歡|欢[huan1] huan 缓|slow/unhurried/sluggish/gradual/not t... huan 患|to suffer (from illness)/to contract ... huan 焕|(bound form) shining; glowing; lustrous huan 嬛|(used in names) huan 唤|to call huan 桓|surname Huan huan 桓|Chinese soapberry (Sapindus mukurossi... huan 寰|large domain/extensive region huan 洹|name of a river huan 涣|to dissipate/to dissolve huan 宦|surname Huan huan 宦|imperial official/court eunuch huan 瓛|(old) jade tablet or scepter held by ... huan 圜|circle/encircle huan 烉|old variant of 煥|焕[huan4] huan 缳|to bind/to tie/lace/noose (for suicid... huan 鹮|spoonbill/ibis/family Threskiornithidae huan 獾|variant of 獾[huan1] huan 獾|badger huan 锾|ancient unit of weight/money huan 浣|to wash/to rinse/any of three 10-day ... huan 浣|variant of 浣[huan4] huan 鬟|a knot of hair on top of head huan 奂|surname Huan huan 奂|excellent huan 擐|pass through/to get into (armor) huan 豢|to rear/to raise (animals) huan 鲩|grass carp huan 澴|to return (of waves) huan 痪|used in 癱瘓|瘫痪[tan1huan4] huan 阛|wall around a market place huan 萑|a kind of reed huan 漶|(of writing, pictures etc) indistinct... huan 轘|to tear between chariots (as punishment) huan 逭|to escape from huan 雚|variant of 萑[huan2] huan 雈|type of owl huan 镮|(ancient weight)/metal ring huan 槵|soapberry (order Sapindales) huan 貆|badger huan 荁|(vegetable)/Viola vaginata huan 歓|old variant of 歡|欢[huan1] huan 胡安|Juan (Spanish given name) huanan 华南|Southern China huanan 桦南|Huanan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi ... huananbanxionggouzuimei 华南斑胸钩嘴鹛|(bird species of China) grey-sided sc... huananguanwenliuying 华南冠纹柳莺|(bird species of China) Hartert\'s lea... huananhu 华南虎|South China Tiger huananligongdaxue 华南理工大学|South China University of Technology huananxian 桦南县|Huanan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi ... huanaxiongdi 华纳兄弟|Warner Brothers huanayinyuejituan 华纳音乐集团|Warner Music Group huanban 换班|to change shift/the next work shift/t... huanban 缓办|to postpone/to delay huanbao 环保|environmental protection/environmenta... huanbao 还报|to return a favor/to reciprocate/(lit... huanbao 环抱|to encircle/to surround/to embrace huanbaodoushi 环保斗士|an environmental activist/a fighter f... huanbaoju 环保局|environment protection office/PRC Nat... huanbaokexue 环保科学|environmental science huanbaokuai 环保筷|reusable chopsticks (Tw) huanbaoting 环保厅|(provincial) department of environmen... huanbaoxing 环保型|environmental/environmentally friendly huanbaozhuyi 环保主义|environmentalism huanbaozhuyizhe 环保主义者|environmentalist huanben 还本|to repay capital huanbengluantiao 欢蹦乱跳|glowing with health and vivacity (idiom) huanbi 环比|(statistics) period on period (i.e. \"... huanbing 患病|to fall ill huanbingzhe 患病者|person suffering (from a disease or p... huanbingzhiji 缓兵之计|delaying tactics; stalling; measures ... huanbohaiwandiqu 环渤海湾地区|Bohai Economic Rim (economic region i... huanbu 缓步|to walk slowly/to amble along/gradual... huanbujiji 缓不济急|lit. slow no aid to urgent (idiom); s... huancha 换茬|rotation of crops huanchang 欢畅|happy/cheerful/jubilant huanchen 环衬|endpaper huancheng 环城|encircling the city (of walls, ring r... huancheng 换乘|to change train (plane, bus etc)/tran... huancheng 换成|to exchange (sth) for (sth else)/to r... huanchong 缓冲|buffer/to cushion/to adjust to sharp ... huanchongqi 缓冲器|buffer (computing) huanchu 患处|afflicted part huanchuang 环创|eye-catching décor for young children... huancui 环翠|Huancui district of Weihai city 威海市, ... huancuiqu 环翠区|Huancui district of Weihai city 威海市, ... huancun 缓存|(computing) cache/buffer memory huandai 还贷|to repay a loan huandai 换代|to transition to a new dynasty or reg... huandai 环带|clitellum (worm anatomy) huandan 换单|bill of exchange (international trade) huandang 换挡|to change gear huandanggan 换挡杆|gear lever huandao 环岛|traffic circle; rotary; roundabout/to... huandao 换刀|tool change (mechanics) huandehuanshi 患得患失|to worry about personal gains and losses huandeng 幻灯|lantern slides huandengji 幻灯机|slide projector/overhead projector huandengpian 幻灯片|slide (photography, presentation soft... huandi 浣涤|to wash/to rinse huandong 缓动|sluggish huandu 欢度|to merrily spend (an occasion)/to cel... huaner 患儿|child victim of disaster or disease/a... huaneryanzhi 换而言之|in other words huanfa 焕发|to shine/to glow/to irradiate/to flash huanfa 环法|Tour de France cycle race/abbr. for 環... huanfang 换防|to relieve a garrison/to change guard... huanfanglvyou 换房旅游|house-swap vacation huanfazhongzi 缓发中子|delayed neutron huanfazixingchesai 环法自行车赛|Tour de France cycle race huang 皇|surname Huang huang 皇|emperor/old variant of 惶[huang2] huang 黄|surname Huang or Hwang huang 黄|yellow/pornographic/to fall through huang 荒|desolate/shortage/scarce/out of pract... huang 慌|to get panicky; to lose one\'s head/(c... huang 蝗|locust huang 磺|sulfur huang 晃|variant of 晃[huang3] huang 晃|to dazzle/to flash past huang 晃|to sway/to shake/to wander about huang 獚|spaniel huang 堭|a dry moat outside a city wall/a dry ... huang 璜|semicircular jade ornament huang 篁|(bamboo)/bamboo grove huang 谎|lies/to lie huang 蟥|horse-leech huang 潢|dye paper/lake/pond/mount scroll huang 偟|(literary) free time; leisure/agitate... huang 惶|(bound form) fear; dread; anxiety; tr... huang 喤|sobbing/sound of bell huang 湟|name of a river huang 滉|bright expanse of water huang 簧|reed (of a music instrument)/spring; ... huang 遑|leisure huang 煌|brilliant huang 恍|variant of 恍[huang3] huang 恍|(bound form) in a hazy state of mind/... huang 凰|phoenix huang 巟|a watery waste/to reach huang 肓|region between heart and diaphragm huang 幌|shop sign/(literary) window curtain huang 隍|dry moat/god of city huang 徨|used in 彷徨[pang2huang2] huang 塃|(dialect) newly-mined ore huang 鳇|sturgeon huang 癀|used in 癀病[huang2bing4] huang 锽|sound of drums and bells/trident huang 晄|old variant of 晃[huang3] huang 熀|bright/dazzling huang 韹|music of bell and drum huang 㿠|(literary) (of the face) pale due to ... huang 艎|fast ship/see 艅艎, large warship huang 熿|brilliant huang 炾|bright and spacious huang 皝|luminous/bright hoary, white huang 榥|screen huang 衁|blood huang 鷬|black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis) huang 爌|old variant of 晃[huang3]/bright huang 鎤|sound of a bell/small bell huang 楻|variant of 艎[huang2] huangan 磺胺|sulfa drugs/sulfanilamide (used to re... huangang 换岗|to relieve a sentry/to change the guard huangbaijiaodian 黄白交点|ecliptic line/intersection of the ecl... huangban 黄斑|macula lutea (anatomy, central area o... huangbang 皇榜|imperial notice (announcement in the ... huangbao 谎报|to lie huangbao 皇堡|Burger King Whopper huangbaoche 黄包车|rickshaw huangbing 癀病|(dialect) anthrax in livestock huangbing 黄饼|yellowcake huangbinhong 黄宾虹|Huang Binhong (1865-1955), art histor... huangbo 黄柏|variant of 黃檗|黄檗[huang2bo4] huangbo 黄檗|Amur cork tree (Phellodendron amurens... huangbuliuqiu 黄不溜秋|yellowish/dirty yellow huangcao 荒草|weeds/brush (vegetation)/wild grassland huangchangye 黄长烨|Hwang Jang-yop (1923-2010), North Kor... huangchao 皇朝|the imperial court/the government in ... huangchao 黄巢|Huang Chao (-884), leader of peasant ... huangchaoqiyi 黄巢起义|Huang Chao peasant uprising 875-884 i... huangchaozhiluan 黄巢之乱|late Tang peasant uprising 875-884 le... huangcheng 谎称|to claim; to pretend huangcheng 皇城|Imperial City, inner part of Beijing,... huangchengyituan 慌成一团|(of a group of people) to run about h... huangchise 黄赤色|golden colored/yellow red huangchong 蝗虫|locust huangchu 皇储|crown prince huangchuan 潢川|Huangchuan county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, H... huangchuanxian 潢川县|Huangchuan county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, H... huangcun 荒村|an abandoned village huangdaiyu 皇带鱼|giant oarfish (Regalecus glesne) huangdan 黄疸|jaundice huangdan 荒诞|beyond belief/incredible/preposterous... huangdanbing 黄疸病|jaundice huangdanbujing 荒诞不经|absurd/preposterous/ridiculous huangdang 晃荡|to rock/to sway/to shake huangdanwuji 荒诞无稽|ridiculous/unbelievable/absurd huangdao 黄岛|Huangdao district of Qingdao city 青島市... huangdao 黄道|(astronomy) the ecliptic huangdao 荒岛|barren or uninhabited island/CL:個|个[g... huangdaoqu 黄岛区|Huangdao district of Qingdao city 青島市... huangdaoshiergong 黄道十二宫|see 十二宮|十二宫[shi2 er4 gong1] huangdaxian 黄大仙|Wong Tai Sin district of Kowloon, Hon... huangde 慌得|hurriedly/in a frenzy huangdengdeng 黄澄澄|glistening yellow; golden huangdi 皇帝|emperor/CL:個|个[ge4] huangdi 荒地|wasteland/uncultivated land huangdi 黄帝|the Yellow Emperor, mythological empe... huangdibashiyinanjing 黄帝八十一难经|The Yellow Emperor\'s Classic of Eight... huangdibujijisitaijian 皇帝不急急死太监|see 皇帝不急太監急|皇帝不急太监急[huang2 di4 bu4 ji... huangdibujitaijianji 皇帝不急太监急|lit. the emperor is not worried, but ... huangdicai 皇帝菜|see 茼蒿[tong2 hao1] huangdidexinyi 皇帝的新衣|the Emperor\'s new clothes (i.e. naked) huangdineijing 黄帝内经|The Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Canon, ... huangdinverbuchoujia 皇帝女儿不愁嫁|lit. the emperor\'s daughter does not ... huangdizu 黄帝族|tribes under the Yellow Emperor huangdong 晃动|to sway/to rock huangdou 黄豆|soybean huangdu 黄毒|pornography/the psychological harm of... huangei 还给|to return sth to sb huangeilaoshi 还给老师|to forget (everything one has learned) huangen 皇恩|imperial kindness/benevolence from th... huanger 换个儿|to change places/to swap places huangeyaque 黄额鸦雀|(bird species of China) fulvous parro... huangfa 皇法|imperial law/same as 王法[wang2 fa3] huangfanqu 黄泛区|Huang He Inundated Area, the area flo... huangfanqu 黄泛区|red-light district huangfei 荒废|to abandon (cultivated fields)/no lon... huangfeihong 黄飞鸿|Wong Fei-hung (1847-1925), martial ar... huangfenchong 黄粉虫|mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) huangfeng 黄蜂|wasp huangfengqin 簧风琴|harmonium huangfu 皇甫|two-character surname Huangfu huangfubo 皇甫镈|Huangfu Bo (c. 800), Minister during ... huangfuguanbei 黄腹冠鹎|(bird species of China) white-throate... huangfugui 黄父鬼|Huang Fugui, ghost of legends who pro... huangfuhuaminiao 黄腹花蜜鸟|(bird species of China) garden sunbir... huangfujiaoying 黄腹鹪莺|(bird species of China) yellow-bellie... huangfujiaozhi 黄腹角雉|(bird species of China) Cabot\'s trago... huangfuliu 黄腹鹨|(bird species of China) buff-bellied ... huangfuliuying 黄腹柳莺|(bird species of China) Tickell\'s lea... huangfuping 黄富平|pen name of Deng Xiaoping during his ... huangfushanque 黄腹山雀|(bird species of China) yellow-bellie... huangfushanweiweng 黄腹扇尾鹟|(bird species of China) yellow-bellie... huangfushuying 黄腹树莺|(bird species of China) yellow-bellie... huangfusong 皇甫嵩|Huangfu Song (-195), later Han genera... huangfuwengying 黄腹鹟莺|(bird species of China) yellow-bellie... huangfuzhuohuaniao 黄腹啄花鸟|(bird species of China) yellow-bellie... huanggang 黄冈|see 黃岡市|黄冈市[Huang2gang1 Shi4] huanggangshi 黄冈市|Huanggang, prefecture-level city in H... huanggangzhuohuaniao 黄肛啄花鸟|(bird species of China) yellow-vented... huanggong 皇宫|imperial palace huanggu 皇姑|Huanggu district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市... huanggu 皇古|ancient times huanggua 黄瓜|cucumber/CL:條|条[tiao2] huangguaibujing 荒怪不经|absurd/unthinkable huangguan 皇冠|crown (headgear) huangguan 簧管|reed pipe huangguanchuban 皇冠出版|Crown publishers, Hong Kong huangguanchubanjituan 皇冠出版集团|Crown publishing group, Hong Kong huangguangyu 黄光裕|Huang Guangyu (1969-), PRC entreprene... huangguanjiarijiudian 皇冠假日酒店|Crowne Plaza (hotel chain) huangguanshangdemingzhu 皇冠上的明珠|the brightest jewel in the crown huangguanzhuomuniao 黄冠啄木鸟|(bird species of China) lesser yellow... huangguoshudapubu 黄果树大瀑布|Huangguoshu falls, Anshun 安順|安顺[An1 s... huangguoshupubu 黄果树瀑布|Huangguoshu waterfalls, Anshun 安順|安顺[... huangguqu 皇姑区|Huanggu district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市... huanggusui 黄骨髓|yellow bone marrow huanghai 黄海|Yellow Sea huanghaibeidao 黄海北道|North Hwanghae Province of west North... huanghaidao 黄海道|former Hwanghae Province of northwest... huanghainandao 黄海南道|South Hwanghae Province of west North... huanghan 荒寒|desolate and cold/frozen wastes huanghan 荒旱|drought and famine huanghanshe 黄颔蛇|adder (zoology) huanghe 黄河|Yellow River or Huang He huangheban 黄褐斑|chloasma/melasma huanghedahechang 黄河大合唱|Yellow River Cantata (1939) by Xian X... huangheliuyu 黄河流域|the Yellow River basin huanghelou 黄鹤楼|Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan City, bui... huanghese 黄褐色|tan (color)/tawny huanghou 皇后|empress/imperial consort huanghou 黄喉|aorta (ingredient of hotpot, Sichuan ... huanghoufenghu 黄喉蜂虎|(bird species of China) European bee-... huanghouqu 皇后区|Queens, one of the five boroughs of N... huanghouquemei 黄喉雀鹛|(bird species of China) yellow-throat... huanghouwu 黄喉鹀|(bird species of China) yellow-throat... huanghouzaomei 黄喉噪鹛|(bird species of China) yellow-throat... huanghouzhen 皇后镇|Queenstown, town in New Zealand huanghu 恍惚|absent-minded/distracted/dazzled/vagu... huanghu 恍忽|variant of 恍惚[huang3 hu1] huanghua 黄花|yellow flowers (of various types)/chr... huanghua 谎话|lie huanghua 黄华|Huang Hua (1913-2010), PRC foreign mi... huanghuacai 黄花菜|citron daylily (Hemerocallis citrina ... huanghuacaidouliangle 黄花菜都凉了|lit. the dishes are cold (idiom)/fig.... huanghuagang 黄花岗|Huanghuagang (Chrysanthemum Hill) in ... huanghuagangqishierlieshi 黄花岗七十二烈士|the seventy two martyrs of the Huangh... huanghuagangqiyi 黄花岗起义|Huanghuagang uprising of 23rd April 1... huanghuaguinv 黄花闺女|maiden/virgin huanghuaguniang 黄花姑娘|maiden/virgin girl huanghualimu 黄花梨木|yellow rosewood huanghuang 惶惶|alarmed/anxious huanghuang 皇皇|magnificent/variant of 惶惶[huang2 huan... huanghuang 遑遑|hurried/anxious huanghuangyouyou 晃晃悠悠|swaying/wobbling huanghuanv 黄花女|maiden/virgin huanghuanver 黄花女儿|see 黃花閨女|黄花闺女[huang2 hua1 gui1 nu:3] huanghuashi 黄骅市|Huanghua, county-level city in Cangzh... huanghuayounv 黄花幼女|maiden/virgin huanghuayu 黄花鱼|yellow croaker (fish)/corvina huanghun 黄昏|dusk/evening/nightfall huanghunlian 黄昏恋|fig. romantic relationship between an... huanghuo 惶惑|anxious and perplexed/uneasy and conf... huanghuo 黄祸|Yellow Peril, political novel by Wang... huanghuo 黄祸|yellow peril (offensive term referrin... huangji 荒瘠|desolate and poor/infertile huangjia 皇家|royal/imperial household huangjia 谎价|inflated price/exorbitant price huangjiahaijun 皇家海军|Royal Navy (UK) huangjiajialebihaiyoulungongsi 皇家加勒比海游轮公司|Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines huangjiamadeli 皇家马德里|Real Madrid (soccer team) huangjiamaiji 黄颊麦鸡|(bird species of China) sociable lapw... huangjiang 黄酱|yellow soybean paste (fermented and s... huangjiang 黄姜|turmeric huangjiannan 黄建南|John Huang (1945-), Democratic Party ... huangjiao 荒郊|desolate area outside a town huangjiao 黄教|Yellow hat or Gelugpa school of Tibet... huangjiao 黄胶|yellow gum/xanthanate gum (polysaccha... huangjiaolvjiu 黄脚绿鸠|(bird species of China) yellow-footed... huangjiaosanzhichun 黄脚三趾鹑|(bird species of China) yellow-legged... huangjiaoyinou 黄脚银鸥|(bird species of China) Caspian gull ... huangjiaqijing 皇家骑警|Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP),... huangjiashanque 黄颊山雀|(bird species of China) yellow-cheeke... huangjiaxianggangjingcha 皇家香港警察|Royal Hong Kong Police Force (1969-1997) huangjiaxuehui 皇家学会|the Royal Society (UK scientific acad... huangjiling 黄鹡鸰|(bird species of China) eastern yello... huangjin 黄金|gold/golden (opportunity)/prime (time) huangjin 黄巾|refers to the Yellow Turbans Peasant ... huangjinbao 黄金宝|Wong Kam-po (1973-), Hong Kong champi... huangjindang 黄金档|prime time huangjinfenge 黄金分割|golden ratio/golden section huangjing 荒井|Arai (Japanese surname) huangjing 黄精|King Solomon\'s seal (plant of genus P... huangjingfengmei 黄颈凤鹛|(bird species of China) whiskered yuh... huangjingnilazuique 黄颈拟蜡嘴雀|(bird species of China) collared gros... huangjingzhuomuniao 黄颈啄木鸟|(bird species of China) Darjeeling wo... huangjinhaian 黄金海岸|name of various places including Gold... huangjinhui 黄金辉|Wee Kim Wee (1915-2005), president of... huangjinjun 黄巾军|the army of Yellow Turbans, a peasant... huangjinminbian 黄巾民变|the Yellow Turbans Peasant Uprising a... huangjinqiyi 黄巾起义|Yellow Turbans Peasant Uprising at th... huangjinshidai 黄金时代|golden age huangjinshiduan 黄金时段|prime time huangjinwu 黄金屋|lit. house made of gold/fig. luxuriou... huangjinzhiluan 黄巾之乱|the Yellow Turbans Peasant Uprising a... huangjinzhou 黄金周|Golden Week, two 7-day national holid... huangjiu 黄酒|\"yellow wine\" (mulled rice wine, usua... huangju 惶遽|frightened/anxious huangju 黄菊|Huang Ju (1938-2007), Chinese politician huangju 黄菊|yellow chrysanthemum/wine huangjun 皇军|imperial army (esp. Japanese) huangkao 皇考|(archaic) (honorific) deceased father... huangke 蝗科|Acridoidea (family containing grassho... huangkeqiang 黄克强|pseudonym of Huang Xing 黃興|黄兴[Huang2 ... huangkong 惶恐|terrified huangkongbuan 惶恐不安|anxious/panicky huangla 黄蜡|beeswax huangli 黄历|Chinese divination almanac huangli 黄鹂|yellow oriole (Oriolus chinensis) huangli 皇历|variant of 黃曆|黄历[huang2 li5] huangli 黄梨|pineapple/pear huanglian 黄连|Chinese goldthread (Coptis chinensis)... huanglian 黄脸|yellow face (due to sickness etc)/yel... huangliang 荒凉|desolate huangliang 皇粮|lit. imperial funding for troops/fund... huangliangmeimeng 黄粱美梦|dream of golden millet/fig. illusions... huangliangmeng 黄粱梦|dream of golden millet/fig. illusions... huangliangyimeng 黄粱一梦|see 黃粱夢|黄粱梦[huang2 liang2 meng4] huanglianpo 黄脸婆|faded old woman huanglihuangzhang 慌里慌张|flustered; in a panic huangling 黄陵|mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor/Huang... huanglingxian 黄陵县|Huangling county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an... huangliu 黄流|see 黃流鎮|黄流镇[Huang2 liu2 zhen4] huangliushuang 黄柳霜|Anna May Wong (1905-1961), Chinese Am... huangliuzhen 黄流镇|Huangliu township, Hainan huanglong 黄龙|Huanglong county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an... huanglongbing 黄龙病|huanglongbing, citrus greening disease huanglongxian 黄龙县|Huanglong county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an... huangluan 慌乱|frenetic/hurried huanglun 遑论|let alone/not to mention huanglv 黄绿|yellow-green huanglvbei 黄绿鹎|(bird species of China) flavescent bu... huanglvse 黄绿色|yellow green huangma 皇马|Real Madrid soccer team/abbr. for 皇家馬... huangma 黄麻|jute (Corchorus capsularis Linn.)/pla... huangmang 慌忙|in a great rush/in a flurry huangmaoyatou 黄毛丫头|silly little girl huangmei 黄梅|Huangmei county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Hu... huangmei 黄酶|yellow enzyme huangmeijiweng 黄眉姬鹟|(bird species of China) narcissus fly... huangmeilinque 黄眉林雀|(bird species of China) yellow-browed... huangmeiliuying 黄眉柳莺|(bird species of China) yellow-browed... huangmeiwu 黄眉鹀|(bird species of China) yellow-browed... huangmeixi 黄梅戏|Huangmei opera (local opera of Anhui) huangmeixian 黄梅县|Huangmei county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Hu... huangmiu 荒谬|absurd/ridiculous huangmiujuelun 荒谬绝伦|absolutely ridiculous (idiom); prepos... huangmiuwuji 荒谬无稽|completely ridiculous and unfounded huangmo 荒漠|desert; desolate wilderness; barren w... huangmobolao 荒漠伯劳|(bird species of China) isabelline sh... huangmohua 荒漠化|desertification huangnan 黄南|Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefectur... huangnanzangzuzizhizhou 黄南藏族自治州|Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefectur... huangnanzhou 黄南州|Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefectur... huangnian 荒年|year of famine huangniu 黄牛|ox; cattle/scalper of tickets etc/(di... huangniupiao 黄牛票|scalped tickets huangong 换工|to change workshifts huangpai 黄牌|(sports) yellow card/(fig.) admonishment huangpaojiashen 黄袍加身|lit. to take the yellow gown (idiom)/... huangpeng 黄鹏|oriole/black-naped oriole (Oriolus ch... huangpi 黄陂|Huangpi district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉... huangpi 黄皮|wampee (Clausena lansium) huangpi 荒僻|desolate/deserted/out-of-the-way huangpian 黄片|adult movie/pornographic movie huangpian 簧片|reed (music) huangpiao 黄漂|rafting on the Yellow River (abbr. fo... huangpiaoling 黄嘌呤|xanthine huangping 黄平|Huangping county in Qiandongnan Miao ... huangpingxian 黄平县|Huangping county in Qiandongnan Miao ... huangpiqu 黄陂区|Huangpi district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉... huangpu 黄埔|Huangpu District, Guangzhou/Whampoa (... huangpu 黄浦|the main river through Shanghai/name ... huangpujiang 黄浦江|Huangpu River in Shanghai huangpujunxiao 黄埔军校|Whampoa Military Academy huangpuqu 黄埔区|Huangpu District of Guangzhou City 廣州... huangpuqu 黄浦区|Huangpu district, central Shanghai huangqi 黄芪|huangqi/milk vetch root (used in TCM)... huangqi 荒弃|to abandon/to let go to waste huangqi 黄耆|milk vetch/plant genus Astragalus/hua... huangqinguoqi 皇亲国戚|the emperor relatives (idiom); person... huangqiukui 黄秋葵|okra (Hibiscus esculentus)/lady\'s fin... huangquan 黄泉|the Yellow Springs/the underworld of ... huangquan 皇权|imperial power huangque 黄雀|(bird species of China) Eurasian sisk... huangqumei 黄曲霉|Aspergillus flavus (fungus typically ... huangqumeidusu 黄曲霉毒素|aflatoxin huangqumeijun 黄曲霉菌|Aspergillus flavus (fungus typically ... huangran 恍然|suddenly (perceive)/confused; vague; ... huangrandawu 恍然大悟|to suddenly realize; to suddenly see ... huangranxingwu 恍然醒悟|a sudden realization/to realize sth i... huangrebing 黄热病|yellow fever huangrebingdu 黄热病毒|yellow fever virus huangru 恍如|to be as if.../to be rather like... huangrugeshi 恍如隔世|like a thing of the previous generati... huangruo 恍若|as if/as though/rather like huangruogeshi 恍若隔世|see 恍如隔世[huang3 ru2 ge2 shi4] huangse 黄色|yellow/vulgar; lewd; pornographic huangseshukan 黄色书刊|pornographic books and magazines huangsezhayao 黄色炸药|trinitrotoluene (TNT), C6H2(NO2)3CH3 huangshan 黄山|see 黃山市|黄山市[Huang2shan1 Shi4] huangshan 荒山|desert mountain/barren hill huangshan 黄鳝|Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus) (C... huangshan 黄蟮|variant of 黃鱔|黄鳝[huang2 shan4] huangshang 皇上|the emperor/Your majesty the emperor/... huangshangbujijitaijian 皇上不急急太监|see 皇帝不急太監急|皇帝不急太监急[huang2 di4 bu4 ji... huangshangbujitaijianji 皇上不急太监急|see 皇帝不急太監急|皇帝不急太监急[huang2 di4 bu4 ji... huangshanqu 黄山区|Huangshan, a district of Huangshan Ci... huangshanshi 黄山市|Huangshan, prefecture-level city in A... huangshanyeling 荒山野岭|wild, mountainous country huangshe 簧舌|the lip or vibrating end of a reed in... huangshen 慌神|to get agitated/to panic huangshen 恍神|to be off in another world/to suffer ... huangshi 黄石|see 黃石市|黄石市[Huang2shi2 Shi4] huangshi 皇室|royal family/imperial household/membe... huangshigang 黄石港|Huangshigang district of Huangshi cit... huangshigangqu 黄石港区|Huangshigang district of Huangshi cit... huangshigong 黄石公|Huang Shigong, also known as Xia Huan... huangshigongsanlve 黄石公三略|\"Three Strategies of Huang Shigong\", ... huangshishi 黄石市|Huangshi, prefecture-level city in Hu... huangshu 黄书|pornographic book huangshu 荒疏|to be out of practice/rusty huangshui 湟水|Huangshui River, upper reaches of the... huangshuijing 黄水晶|citrine (orange or yellow quartz SiO2... huangshulang 黄鼠狼|see 黃鼬|黄鼬[huang2 you4] huangshulanggeijibainian 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年|Beware of suspicious folk bearing gif... huangshulanggeijibainian,meianhaoxin 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心|see 黃鼠狼給雞拜年|黄鼠狼给鸡拜年[huang2 shu3 lang2... huangtaihou 皇太后|empress dowager huangtaiji 皇太极|Hong Taiji (1592-1643), eighth son of... huangtaijiqingtaizong 皇太极清太宗|Hong Taiji (1592-1643), eighth son of... huangtaizi 皇太子|crown prince huangtang 荒唐|beyond belief/preposterous/absurd/int... huangtang 黄汤|liquor; booze/murky, muddy water huangtangwuji 荒唐无稽|preposterous huangtao 黄滔|Huang Tao (840-911), late Tang poet huangti 黄体|corpus luteum (glands in female mamma... huangtianbufukuxinren 皇天不负苦心人|Heaven will not disappoint the person... huangtianhoutu 皇天后土|heaven and earth (idiom) huangtiekuang 黄铁矿|pyrite huangtingjian 黄庭坚|Huang Tingjian (1045-1105), Song poet... huangtingjing 黄庭经|Huangting Jing, one of the primary sc... huangtiqi 黄体期|luteal phase (period in the menstrual... huangtitong 黄体酮|progesterone huangtong 黄铜|brass (alloy of copper 銅|铜[tong2] and... huangtong 黄酮|flavone huangtongleihuahewu 黄酮类化合物|flavonoid (chemistry) huangtoujiling 黄头鹡鸰|(bird species of China) citrine wagta... huangtu 黄土|loess (yellow sandy soil typical of n... huangtubulutian 黄土不露天|a slogan used in reference to a proje... huangtudimao 黄土地貌|loess landform huangtugaoyuan 黄土高原|Loess Plateau of northwest China huangtuiyuxiao 黄腿渔鸮|(bird species of China) tawny fish ow... huangtunbei 黄臀鹎|(bird species of China) brown-breaste... huangu 环顾|to look around/to survey huangu 环箍|a hoop huanguan 宦官|court eunuch huangusizhou 环顾四周|to look around huangwei 皇位|the title of Emperor huangweiyan 黄苇鳽|(bird species of China) yellow bitter... huangwennizhuomuniao 黄纹拟啄木鸟|(bird species of China) green-eared b... huangwu 荒芜|left to return to unchecked growth/ov... huangwu 黄鹀|(bird species of China) yellowhammer ... huangwurenyan 荒无人烟|desolate and uninhabited (idiom) huangxia 荒遐|remote region huangxin 黄信|Huang Xin, character in The Water Margin huangxing 黄兴|Huang Xing (1874-1916), revolutionary... huangxiongliuying 黄胸柳莺|(bird species of China) yellow-vented... huangxiongwu 黄胸鹀|(bird species of China) yellow-breast... huangxiongzhique 黄胸织雀|(bird species of China) baya weaver (... huangxuan 黄癣|favus of the scalp (skin disease) huangya 黄鸭|Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea)/s... huangyan 谎言|lie huangyan 黄岩|Huangyan district of Taizhou city 台州市... huangyan-guizhou 黄炎贵胄|see 炎黃子孫|炎黄子孙[Yan2Huang2-zi3sun1] huangyandao 黄岩岛|Huangyan Island (in the South China Sea) huangyang 黄羊|Mongolian gazelle/Procapra gutturosa huangyanmancao 荒烟蔓草|lit. abandoned by men and choked with... huangyanqu 黄岩区|Huangyan district of Taizhou city 台州市... huangyao 黄谣|sexual rumor (abbr. for 黃色謠言|黄色谣言[hua... huangyaoliuying 黄腰柳莺|(bird species of China) Pallas\'s leaf... huangyaotaiyangniao 黄腰太阳鸟|(bird species of China) crimson sunbi... huangyaoxiangmilie 黄腰响蜜䴕|(bird species of China) yellow-rumped... huangye 荒野|wilderness huangye 黄页|Yellow Pages huangyi 煌熠|bright huangyijing 黄以静|Wong Yee Ching or Flossie Wong-Staal ... huangyin 荒淫|licentious huangying 黄莺|black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis) huangyinwuchi 荒淫无耻|shameless huangyou 黄油|butter/CL:盒[he2] huangyou 晃悠|to swing/to sway/to wobble/to hang ar... huangyou 黄鼬|Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica) huangyu 黄鱼|yellow croaker (fish) huangyu 黄玉|topaz huangyu 湟鱼|naked carp/Gymnocypris przewalskii huangyuan 荒原|wasteland huangyuan 湟源|Huangyuan county in Xining 西寧|西宁[Xi1 ... huangyuanjiao 黄原胶|xanthan/xanthanate gum (polysaccharid... huangyuansuanyan 黄原酸盐|xanthate huangyuanxian 湟源县|Huangyuan county in Xining 西寧|西宁[Xi1 ... huangyuche 黄鱼车|lit. croaker car/flatbed tricycle/del... huangzai 蝗灾|plague of locusts huangzhang 慌张|flustered/agitated huangzhisoumei 黄痣薮鹛|(bird species of China) Steere\'s lioc... huangzhong 黄忠|Huang Zhong (-220), general of Shu in... huangzhong 黄种|the yellow race; the Mongoloid race huangzhonghuiqiwafuleiming 黄钟毁弃瓦釜雷鸣|lit. earthern pots make more noise th... huangzhou 黄州|Huangzhou district of Huanggang city ... huangzhouqu 黄州区|Huangzhou district of Huanggang city ... huangzhuasun 黄爪隼|(bird species of China) lesser kestre... huangzi 皇子|prince huangzi 幌子|shop sign/signboard/(fig.) pretense huangzongxi 黄宗羲|Huang Zongxi (1610-1695), scholar and... huangzu 皇族|the imperial family/royal kin huangzuibailu 黄嘴白鹭|(bird species of China) Chinese egret... huangzuiheyanou 黄嘴河燕鸥|(bird species of China) river tern (S... huangzuijiaoxiao 黄嘴角鸮|(bird species of China) mountain scop... huangzuilanque 黄嘴蓝鹊|(bird species of China) yellow-billed... huangzuilizhuomuniao 黄嘴栗啄木鸟|(bird species of China) bay woodpecke... huangzuiqianniao 黄嘴潜鸟|(bird species of China) yellow-billed... huangzuishanya 黄嘴山鸦|(bird species of China) alpine chough... huangzuizhudingque 黄嘴朱顶雀|(bird species of China) twite (Linari... huangzuneige 皇族内阁|Qing emergency cabinet set up in May ... huangzunxian 黄遵宪|Huang Zunxian (1848-1905), Qing dynas... huanhai 宦海|officialdom/bureaucracy huanhaifengbo 宦海风波|lit. raging sea of bureaucracy/offici... huanhang 换行|to wrap (text)/line feed (computing) huanhe 缓和|to ease (tension)/to alleviate/to mod... huanhu 欢呼|to cheer for/to acclaim huanhua 幻化|to be transformed/to metamorphose/tra... huanhua 环化|to cyclize/cyclization (chemistry) huanhuan 缓缓|slowly/unhurriedly/little by little huanhuan 桓桓|mighty/powerful huanhuanxiangkou 环环相扣|closely linked with one another/inter... huanhuanxixi 欢欢喜喜|happily huanhun 还魂|to return from the grave/(old) to rec... huanhunzhi 还魂纸|recycled paper huanhuqueyue 欢呼雀跃|cheering excitedly (idiom)/jubilant huani 滑腻|(of skin) satiny huani 花呢|fancy suiting huaniao 花鸟|painting of birds and flowers huaning 华宁|Huaning county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Y... huaningxian 华宁县|Huaning county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Y... huanji 还击|to hit back/to return fire huanji 缓急|priority/whether sth is urgent huanji 环肌|circular muscle huanjia 还价|to make a counteroffer when haggling/... huanjia 缓颊|to urge reconciliation/to dissuade fr... huanjiang 环江|Huanjiang Maonanzu autonomous county ... huanjiang 缓降|to decrease gradually/to descend grad... huanjiangqi 缓降器|cable reel and harness used to lower ... huanjiao 环礁|atoll huanjie 环节|(zoology) segment (of the body of a w... huanjie 缓解|to bring relief/to alleviate (a crisi... huanjie 换届|to change personnel upon expiry of a ... huanjiedongwu 环节动物|annelid (worm) huanjiedongwumen 环节动物门|Annelidan, the phylum of annelid worms huanjing 环境|environment/circumstances/surrounding... huanjing 幻境|land of fantasy/fairyland huanjing 幻景|illusion/mirage huanjingbaohu 环境保护|environmental protection huanjingchuangshe 环境创设|design of a learning environment for ... huanjingheng 环颈鸻|(bird species of China) Kentish plove... huanjingshanzhegu 环颈山鹧鸪|(bird species of China) hill partridg... huanjingsunhai 环境损害|environmental damage huanjingweisheng 环境卫生|environmental sanitation/abbr. to 環衛|... huanjingwendu 环境温度|environmental temperature huanjingwuran 环境污染|environmental pollution huanjingxingdongzhuyi 环境行动主义|environmentalism/environmental activism huanjingyingxiang 环境影响|environmental impact huanjingyingxiangpinggu 环境影响评估|environmental impact assessment EIA/a... huanjingyinsu 环境因素|environmental factor huanjiqingzhong 缓急轻重|slight or important, urgent or non-ur... huanjiwoxuan 环极涡旋|circumpolar vortex huanjixiangji 缓急相济|to help one another in difficulty/mut... huanju 欢聚|to get together socially/to celebrate... huanjue 幻觉|illusion/hallucination/figment of one... huanjueji 幻觉剂|hallucinogen huanjuhuashuo 换句话说|in other words huanjun 雚菌|a type of poisonous fungus that grows... huanjuyitang 欢聚一堂|to gather happily under one roof huankou 还口|to retort/to answer back huankuai 欢快|cheerful and lighthearted/lively huankuan 还款|repayment/to pay back money huanle 欢乐|gaiety/gladness/glee/merriment/pleasu... huanleshiguang 欢乐时光|happy time/happy hour (in bars etc) huanli 还礼|to return a politeness/to present a g... huanlie 轘裂|see 車裂|车裂[che1 lie4] huanlinxianan 环磷酰胺|cyclophosphamide (medication) huanlu 环路|ring road/closed circuit; loop huanman 缓慢|slow huanmao 换毛|to molt (of birds)/to change feathers huanmen 宦门|family of officials/family with conne... huanmeng 幻梦|fantasy/illusion/dream huanmian 环面|ring surface/annulus/torus (math.) huanmie 幻灭|(of dreams, hopes etc) to vanish; to ... huanmu 环幕|360° cinema screen huannan 患难|trials and tribulations huannanjianzhenqing 患难见真情|true sentiments are seen in hard time... huannanzhijiao 患难之交|a friend in times of tribulations (id... huannv 浣女|washerwoman huanong 化脓|to fester/to suppurate/to be infected huanong 花农|flower grower huanongxing 化脓性|purulent (containing pus)/septic huanpin 缓聘|to defer employment/to put off hiring huanping 环评|environmental impact assessment (EIA)... huanqi 换妻|wife swapping huanqi 唤起|to waken (to action)/to rouse (the ma... huanqi 换气|to take a breath (in swimming)/to ven... huanqi 缓期|to defer/to put off (until later)/to ... huanqi 缓气|to get one\'s breath back/to take a br... huanqi 宦骑|horse guard/imperial cavalry guard (o... huanqian 换钱|to change money/to sell huanqifukuan 缓期付款|to defer payment huanqing 还清|to pay back in full/to redeem a debt huanqing 欢庆|to celebrate huanqiu 环球|around the world/worldwide huanqiuchangpian 环球唱片|Universal Records huanqiudingweixitong 环球定位系统|global positioning system (GPS) huanqiuhua 环球化|globalization huanqiulvxing 环球旅行|journey around the world huanqiushibao 环球时报|Global Times (weekly digest of intern... huanqiuyinyuejituan 环球音乐集团|Universal Music Group huanqu 换取|to obtain (sth) in exchange/to exchan... huanran 涣然|as if melting huanranbingshi 涣然冰释|(idiom) to melt away; to dissipate; t... huanranyixin 焕然一新|to look completely new (idiom); brand... huanrao 环绕|to surround/to circle/to revolve around huanren 桓仁|Huanren Manchu Autonomous County in B... huanren 换人|to replace sb (personnel, sports team... huanrenmanzuzizhixian 桓仁满族自治县|Huanren Manchu Autonomous County in B... huanreqi 换热器|heat exchanger huanrong 欢容|happy/joyous huansan 涣散|to slacken/lax/slack/disorganized huansha 浣纱|to wash silk huanshaji 浣纱记|Huansahji or Washing the Silken Gauze... huanshang 患上|to come down with; to be afflicted wi... huansheng 欢声|cheers/cries of joy or approval huanshengxiaoyu 欢声笑语|cheers and laughter huanshi 环视|to look around (a room etc)/(fig.) to... huanshi 欢实|lively/full of vigor/vibrant/spirited huanshi 欢势|lively/full of vigor/vibrant/spirited huanshou 还手|to hit back/to retaliate huanshou 缳首|death by hanging huanshu 还书|return books huansong 欢送|to see off/to send off huansonghui 欢送会|farewell party huansu 还俗|to return to normal life (leaving a m... huansuan 换算|to convert/conversion/(in accounting,... huantai 桓台|Huantai county in Zibo 淄博[Zi1 bo2], S... huantaipingyang 环太平洋|Pacific Rim huantaipingyangdizhendai 环太平洋地震带|Ring of Fire (circum-Pacific seismic ... huantaipingyanghuoshandai 环太平洋火山带|Ring of Fire (circum-Pacific seismic ... huantaixian 桓台县|Huantai county in Zibo 淄博[Zi1 bo2], S... huantangbuhuanyao 换汤不换药|different broth but the same old medi... huanteng 欢腾|jubilation/great celebration/CL:片[pian4] huantianxidi 欢天喜地|delighted/with great joy/in high spirits huantie 换帖|to exchange cards containing personal... huanting 幻听|auditory hallucination huanting 环烃|cyclic hydrocarbon (i.e. involving be... huantou 唤头|percussion instrument used by street ... huanwanting 环烷烃|cycloalkane huanwei 环卫|public cleanliness/(urban) sanitation... huanwei 换位|to swap places/(logic) conversion/(ca... huanwei 环围|to form a ring around huanweigongren 环卫工人|sanitation worker huanweisikao 换位思考|to put oneself in sb else’s shoes huanwuxi 环戊烯|cyclopentene C5H8 (ring of five carbo... huanxi 欢喜|happy/joyous/delighted/to like/to be ... huanxi 还席|to offer a return banquet huanxi 浣洗|to wash (clothes) huanxian 环线|ring road/circle line (e.g. rail or s... huanxian 环县|Huan county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 y... huanxiang 幻想|to fantasize; to imagine/an illusion;... huanxiang 换向|commutation (electricity) huanxiang 幻象|illusion huanxiang 还乡|(literary) to return to one\'s native ... huanxiang 环香|incense coil huanxiangnv 还乡女|(Korean term) women who returned to K... huanxiao 欢笑|to laugh happily/a belly-laugh huanxin 欢欣|elated huanxin 欢心|favor/liking/love/jubilation/joy huanxin 焕新|to renew; to refresh huanxin 换新|to replace with sth new/to upgrade huanxing 唤醒|to wake sb/to rouse huanxing 环形|ring-shaped/(math.) annulus huanxing 缓刑|suspended sentence/probation huanxinggonglu 环形公路|ring road/beltway huanxingjiegou 环形结构|ring configuration huanxinglu 环形路|circular road/circuit huanxingshan 环形山|crater/ring-shaped mountain huanxinguwu 欢欣鼓舞|elated and excited (idiom); overjoyed huanxinqueyue 欢欣雀跃|elated/overjoyed huanxiong 浣熊|raccoon (Procyon lotor) huanxiushanzhuang 环秀山庄|Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty ... huanxiyuanjia 欢喜冤家|quarrelsome but loving couple huanxuan 桓玄|Huan Xuan (369-404), general involved... huanxue 浣雪|to cleanse oneself of false accusations huanya 换牙|to grow replacement teeth (zoology)/t... huanyan 欢宴|feast/celebration huanyang 豢养|to keep (an animal)/to look after the... huanyang 还阳|to come back to life (after death) huanyangshuzhi 环氧树脂|epoxy resin (chemistry) huanyangyiwan 环氧乙烷|ethylene oxide huanyanzhi 换言之|in other words huanyi 浣衣|to wash clothes huanying 欢迎|to welcome/welcome huanying 幻影|phantom/mirage huanyingguanglin 欢迎光临|welcome huanyishi 幻椅式|chair (yoga pose) huanyou 患有|to contract (an illness)/to be afflic... huanyou 环游|to travel around (the world, a countr... huanyu 欢愉|happy/joyous/delighted huanyu 寰宇|the whole earth/the universe huanyu 欢娱|to amuse/to divert/happy/joyful/pleas... huanyu 换羽|to molt/to change feathers huanyu 换喻|metonymy huanyu 豢圉|pen for animals/animal barn or stable huanyuan 还原|to restore to the original state/to r... huanyuan 还愿|to redeem a vow (to a deity)/to fulfi... huanyuanhao 还原号|(music notation) natural sign, ♮ huanyuanji 还原剂|reducing agent huanyuanru 还原乳|reconstituted milk (Tw) huanyuanzhenxiang 还原真相|to set the record straight/to clarify... huanyue 欢悦|happiness/joy/to be happy/to be joyous huanyuhufeng 唤雨呼风|to call the wind and summon the rain ... huanzhai 还债|to settle a debt huanzhang 还账|to settle and account huanzhe 患者|patient; sufferer huanzheng 缓征|to suspend taxes momentarily/to postp... huanzheng 换证|to renew a certificate (ID card etc)/... huanzhi 幻肢|(medicine) phantom limb huanzhi 换置|to swap/to exchange/to transpose/to r... huanzhong 寰螽|eastern shield-backed katydid (genus ... huanzhu 环住|to embrace huanzhuang 环状|annular/toroidal/loop-shaped/ring-like huanzhuanglieshi 环状列石|circular standing stones huanzhuo 浣濯|to wash/to rinse huanzi 槵子|fruit of the Sapindus trees (used for... huanzui 还嘴|to retort/to answer back huanzuiyu 鹮嘴鹬|(bird species of China) ibisbill (Ibi... huanzuo 唤作|to be called/to be known as huanzuo 唤做|to be called/to be referred to as huapao 花炮|firecracker huapen 花盆|flower pot huapi 画皮|painted skin (which transforms a mons... huaping 花瓶|flower vase/(fig.) female employee co... huaping 华坪|Huaping county in Lijiang 麗江|丽江[Li4 j... huapingxian 华坪县|Huaping county in Lijiang 麗江|丽江[Li4 j... huapo 划破|to cut open/to rip/to streak across (... huapo 滑坡|rockslide/landslip/landslide/mudslide... huapu 花圃|flowerbed/parterre huaqi 花旗|the Stars and Stripes (US flag)/by ex... huaqi 花期|the flowering season huaqian 花钱|to spend money huaqiang 花枪|short spear (arch.)/fig. trickery huaqiang 花腔|florid ornamentation in opera/coloratura huaqianshouqi 花钱受气|(idiom) to have a bad experience as a... huaqianyuexia 花前月下|see 月下花前[yue4 xia4 hua1 qian2] huaqianzhaozuishou 花钱找罪受|to spend money on sth that turns out ... huaqiao 花俏|fancy/gaudy huaqiao 花巧|fancy huaqiao 华侨|overseas Chinese/(in a restricted sen... huaqiaobao 华侨报|Va Kio Daily huaqiaodaxue 华侨大学|Huaqiao University huaqie 划切|to slice/to dice huaqiguo 花旗国|USA (land of the stars and stripes) huaqing 划清|to make a clear distinction; to diffe... huaqingsu 花青素|anthocyanidin (biochemistry) huaqishen 花旗参|American ginseng huaqiyinhang 花旗银行|Citibank/abbr. to 花旗 huaquan 花圈|wreath/garland huaquan 划拳|finger-guessing game huaquan 花拳|showy boxing of no practical use/see ... huaquan 华拳|Hua Quan - \"Flowery Fist? Magnificent... huaquan 豁拳|variant of 划拳[hua2 quan2] huaquan 搳拳|variant of 划拳[hua2 quan2] huaquanxiutui 花拳绣腿|flowery of fist with fancy footwork (... huar 花儿|erhua variant of 花[hua1] huar 画儿|picture/drawing/painting huaran 哗然|in uproar/commotion/causing a storm o... huaran 哗然|variant of 嘩然|哗然[hua2 ran2] huaren 华人|ethnic Chinese person or people huarhuar 哗儿哗儿|(dialect) sound used to call cats huari 化日|sunlight/daytime huarong 华容|Huarong district of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4... huarongdao 华容道|Huarong Road (traditional puzzle invo... huarongqu 华容区|Huarong district of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4... huarongxian 华容县|Huarong county in Yueyang 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 ... huarongyuemao 花容月貌|lit. countenance of a flower, face li... huarui 花蕊|stamen/pistil huarun 华润|China Resources, a Chinese state-owne... huarunwanjia 华润万家|CR Vanguard or China Resources Vangua... huasa 花洒|showerhead/sprinkler huase 花色|variety/design and color/suit (cards) huasesu 花色素|anthocyanidin (biochemistry) huasesugan 花色素苷|anthocyanin (biochemistry) huasha 华沙|Warsaw, capital of Poland huasha 滑沙|sandboarding huashan 华山|Mt Hua in Shaanxi, western mountain o... huashan 花山|Huashan, a district of Ma\'anshan City... huashang 划伤|to damage by scratching/to gash/to la... huashang 花商|florist huashangbao 华商报|China Business News (newspaper) huashangchenbao 华商晨报|China Business Morning Post (morning ... huashanqu 花山区|Huashan, a district of Ma\'anshan City... huashao 花哨|garish/gaudy huashen 化身|incarnation/reincarnation/embodiment ... huasheng 花生|peanut/CL:粒[li4] huashengdun 华盛顿|Washington (name)/George Washington (... huashengdunshibao 华盛顿时报|Washington Times (newspaper) huashengduntequ 华盛顿特区|Washington D.C. (US federal capital) huashengdunyoubao 华盛顿邮报|Washington Post (newspaper) huashengdunzhou 华盛顿州|Washington, US State huashengjiang 花生酱|peanut butter huashengmi 花生米|shelled peanuts huashengren 花生仁|shelled peanut; peanut kernel huashengxiu 花生秀|(loanword) fashion show huashetianzu 画蛇添足|lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom); fi... huashi 花式|fancy-style (as in 花式溜冰|花式溜冰[hua1 shi... huashi 画室|artist\'s studio/atelier huashi 画师|(art) painter huashi 化石|fossil huashi 滑石|talc huashi 华氏|Fahrenheit huashi 花饰|ornamental design huashi 华视|Chinese Television System (CTS), Taiw... huashi 花石|marble huashida 华师大|East China Normal University (abbr. f... huashidai 划时代|epoch-marking huashidu 华氏度|degrees Fahrenheit huashijian 花时间|to take up time/to spend time huashiliubing 花式溜冰|figure skating huashiqun 化石群|fossil assemblage huashiranliao 化石燃料|fossil fuel huashixia 花石峡|Huashixia town in Madoi county 瑪多縣|玛多... huashixiazhen 花石峡镇|Huashixia town in Madoi county 瑪多縣|玛多... huashiyouyong 花式游泳|synchronized swimming huashizi 划十字|variant of 畫十字|画十字[hua4 shi2 zi4] huashizi 画十字|to make the sign of the cross/to make... huashizuqiu 花式足球|freestyle soccer huashu 花束|bouquet huashu 桦树|birch huashu 滑鼠|(computer) mouse (Tw) huashu 话术|manipulative talk/(sales) patter/CL:套... huashua 画刷|paintbrush huashudian 滑鼠垫|mouse pad (Tw) huashui 滑水|water skiing/to water-ski huashuidao 滑水道|water slide huashuo 华硕|Asus (computer manufacturer) huashuo 话说|It is said that ... (at the start of ... huashuohuilai 话说回来|(but) then again; (but) on the other ... huashushe 滑鼠蛇|Oriental ratsnake (Ptyas mucosus) huashushou 滑鼠手|carpal tunnel syndrome (Tw) huasi 花丝|stalk (filament) of stamen huasuan 划算|to calculate/to weigh (pros and cons)... huasuiruci 话虽如此|be that as it may huasuo 滑索|zip line huatai 花台|flower bed/flower terrace/flower stand huatai 滑胎|drift (car racing technique)/(TCM) re... huatan 花坛|Huatan Township in Changhua County 彰化... huatan 花坛|decorative mass planting of flowers a... huatan 化痰|to transform phlegm (TCM) huatan 画坛|painting world/painting circles huatang 滑膛|smoothbore huatanxiang 花坛乡|Huatan Township in Changhua County 彰化... huate 华特|Walt (name) huati 话题|subject (of a talk or conversation)/t... huati 滑梯|(children\'s) sliding board/a slide huatianji 花田鸡|(bird species of China) Swinhoe\'s rai... huatianjiudi 花天酒地|to spend one\'s time in drinking and p... huatianxiazhidaji 滑天下之大稽|to be the most ridiculous thing in th... huatielu 滑铁卢|Waterloo (Belgium)/Battle of Waterloo... huatieluhuochezhan 滑铁卢火车站|Waterloo Station (London) huating 划艇|rowing boat/racing row-boat huating 花厅|reception pavilion (generally part of... huating 话亭|telephone booth huatong 话筒|microphone/(telephone) receiver; hand... huatong 花童|page boy/flower girl (at a wedding) huatou 滑头|crafty/slippery/slyboots huatou 话头|subject (under discussion)/thread (of... huatou 花头|trick/pattern/novel idea/knack huatouyingwu 花头鹦鹉|(bird species of China) blossom-heade... huatu 画图|to draw designs, maps etc/picture (e.... huatuanjincu 花团锦簇|brightly colored decorations (idiom)/... huatuo 华佗|Hua Tuo (?-208), famous doctor at the... huatuo 花托|receptacle (base of flower) huatuo 华陀|Hua Tuo (c. 140-208), ancient Chinese... huawai 化外|(old) outside the sphere of civilization huawaiyin 画外音|voice-over/background narration huawei 华为|Huawei (brand) huawei 华威|Warwick (name)/University of Warwick,... huawei 划位|(Tw) to divide up an area/to assign a... huawei-wuyou 化为乌有|(idiom) to go up in smoke; to vanish huaweidaxue 华威大学|University of Warwick, Coventry, UK huaweipaoying 化为泡影|(idiom) to come to nothing huaweizhenji 花尾榛鸡|(bird species of China) hazel grouse ... huawen 花纹|decorative design huawen 华文|Chinese language/Chinese script huawu 华屋|magnificent residence/splendid house huawu 化武|chemical weapon/abbr. for 化學武器|化学武器[h... huawu 花坞|sunken flower-bed huawubairihong 花无百日红|No flower can bloom for a hundred day... huawuqiuxu 华屋丘墟|magnificent building reduced to a mou... huawuyuan 话务员|phone operator huaxi 华西|West China (region in the upper reach... huaxi 花溪|Huaxi District of Guiyang City 貴陽市|贵阳... huaxia 华夏|old name for China/Cathay huaxia 划下|to underline/to mark huaxian 划线|to delineate/to draw a line/to underline huaxian 滑县|Hua county in Anyang 安陽|安阳[An1 yang2]... huaxian 化纤|man-made fiber (abbr. for 化學纖維|化学纤维[h... huaxianban 划线板|ruler (used for drawing lines) huaxiang 花香|fragrance of flowers huaxiang 滑翔|to glide huaxiang 画像|portrait/to do a portrait of sb huaxiangji 滑翔机|glider huaxiangsan 滑翔伞|paraglider; paragliding huaxiangyi 滑翔翼|hang glider/hang gliding huaxianweiyi 化险为夷|to turn peril into safety (idiom); to... huaxiao 花销|to spend (money)/expenses huaxiao 哗笑|uproarious laughter huaxiayinhang 华夏银行|Huaxia Bank huaxiazi 话匣子|phonograph or radio (old term)/chatte... huaxicun 华西村|Huaxi Village in Jiangsu Province 江蘇省... huaxin 花心|fickle in love; unfaithful/heart of a... huaxindaluobo 花心大萝卜|(coll.) womanizer/skirt-chaser huaxing 滑行|to slide/to coast/to glide/(of an air... huaxingdao 滑行道|taxiway (at airport) huaxinghui 华兴会|anti-Qing revolutionary party set up ... huaxinsi 花心思|to think through/to invest effort in ... huaxiqu 花溪区|Huaxi District of Guiyang City 貴陽市|贵阳... huaxu 花絮|bits of news/interesting sidelights huaxu 花序|inflorescence/flower cluster huaxue 化学|chemistry/chemical huaxue 滑雪|to ski/skiing huaxueban 滑雪板|ski/CL:副[fu4]/snowboard huaxuebianhua 化学变化|chemical change/chemical transformation huaxuebisefa 化学比色法|chemical colorimetry huaxuechang 滑雪场|ski slopes; ski resort huaxuechengfen 化学成分|chemical composition huaxuedanyao 化学弹药|chemical ammunition huaxuefangchengshi 化学方程式|chemical equation huaxuefanying 化学反应|chemical reaction huaxuefenxi 化学分析|chemical analysis huaxuegongcheng 化学工程|chemical engineering huaxuegongye 化学工业|chemical industry (abbr. to 化工[hua4go... huaxuejia 化学家|chemist huaxuejian 化学键|chemical bond huaxuejiguangqi 化学激光器|chemical laser huaxuejiliangji 化学剂量计|chemical dosimeter huaxueliaofa 化学疗法|chemotherapy huaxueneng 化学能|chemical energy huaxuepin 化学品|chemicals huaxuepinanquanjishushuomingshu 化学品安全技术说明书|materials safety data sheet (MSDS) huaxueshi 化学师|chemist/apothecary huaxueshi 化学式|chemical formula (e.g. water H2O) huaxueshu 滑雪术|skiing huaxuesuodao 滑雪索道|ski-lift huaxuewu 化学物|chemicals huaxuewuqi 化学武器|chemical weapon huaxuexi 化学系|department of chemistry huaxuexianwei 化学纤维|man-made fiber huaxuexing 化学性|chemical huaxuexingzhi 化学性质|chemical property huaxuexinxisu 化学信息素|semiochemical huaxuexuyangliang 化学需氧量|(environmental science) chemical oxyg... huaxueyuansu 化学元素|chemical element huaxueyundong 滑雪运动|skiing huaxuezhan 化学战|chemical warfare huaxuezhandoubu 化学战斗部|chemical warhead huaxuezhanji 化学战剂|chemical warfare agent huaxuezhiliao 化学治疗|chemotherapy huaya 画押|to sign/to make one\'s mark huaya 花押|signature (in grass-style writing)/sy... huayan 化验|chemical examination/to do a lab test huayang 花样|pattern/way of doing sth/trick/ruse/f... huayangdao 花样刀|figure skates huayanghuabing 花样滑冰|figure skating huayangnianhua 花样年华|full bloom of youth huayangyouyong 花样游泳|synchronized swimming huayanjing 华严经|Avatamsaka sutra of the Huayan school... huayanqiaoyu 花言巧语|graceful words, flowery speech (idiom... huayanzong 华严宗|Chinese Buddhist school founded on th... huayao 花药|anther (pollen sack on stamen) huayecai 花椰菜|cauliflower huayi 华裔|ethnic Chinese/non-Chinese citizen of... huayi 划一|uniform/to standardize huayi 滑移|to slip/to drift huayibuer 划一不二|fixed/unalterable huayin 华阴|Huayin, county-level city in Weinan 渭... huayin 话音|one\'s speaking voice/tone/implication huayin 滑音|glissando huaying 华蓥|Huaying, county-level city in Guang\'a... huayingshi 华蓥市|Huaying, county-level city in Guang\'a... huayinshi 华阴市|Huayin, county-level city in Weinan 渭... huayong 化用|to adapt (an idea etc) huayong 化蛹|to pupate/to turn into a chrysalis huayong 花用|to spend (money) huayouchongkairi,renwuzaishaonian 花有重开日,人无再少年|a flower may blossom again, but a per... huayouqi 化油器|carburetor huayoushuohuilai 话又说回来|(but) then again; (but) on the other ... huayu 华语|Chinese language huayu 话语|words/speech/utterance/discourse huayuan 花园|garden/CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4] huayuan 花垣|Huayuan County in Xiangxi Tujia and M... huayuan 化缘|(of a monk) to beg huayuan 画圆|to draw a circle huayuanfangshou 划圆防守|to counter (a stroke in fencing) huayuanxian 花垣县|Huayuan County in Xiangxi Tujia and M... huayuanxie 花园鞋|Crocs shoes (or any similar shoe) huayue 化约|to simplistically reduce (sth) to jus... huayuquan 话语权|ability to have one\'s say and be list... huayuwennengliceyan 华语文能力测验|TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign L... huazhai 化斋|to beg for food (of monks) huazhan 画展|art exhibition huazhan 花展|flower show huazhan 画毡|felt desk pad for calligraphy huazhang 华章|(literary) beautiful writing huazhao 花招|trick/maneuver/razzle-dazzle/(martial... huazhao 花着|variant of 花招[hua1 zhao1] huazhaojie 花朝节|Birthday of the Flowers, spring festi... huazhaoyuexi 花朝月夕|a beautiful day/cf Birthday of the Fl... huazhengweiling 化整为零|to break up the whole into pieces (id... huazhi 花枝|spray (sprig of a plant with blossoms... huazhizhaozhan 花枝招展|lit. lovely scene of blossoming plant... huazhong 华中|central China huazhongdian 划重点|to highlight or underline an importan... huazhongquchong 哗众取宠|sensationalism/vulgar claptrap to ple... huazhongyouci 话中有刺|one\'s words carry barbs/one\'s remarks... huazhongyouhua 话中有话|one\'s words carry an implicit meaning huazhou 化州|Huazhou, county-level city in Maoming... huazhou 画轴|character scroll/scroll painting huazhou 华胄|(literary) Han people/descendants of ... huazhoushi 化州市|Huazhou, county-level city in Maoming... huazhu 花柱|style (female organ of flower) huazhuang 化妆|to put on makeup huazhuang 化装|(of actors) to make up/to disguise on... huazhuangpin 化妆品|cosmetic/makeup product huazhuangshi 化妆室|dressing room/powder room/(Tw) toilets huazhuangshui 化妆水|skin toner huazhuangwuhui 化妆舞会|masquerade huazi 花子|beggar (old term) huazi 划子|rowboat; small boat/oar; paddle/thin ... huazi 化子|beggar (old term)/same as 花子 huazihuasi 华兹华斯|surname Wordsworth/William Wordsworth... huazu 华族|noble family/of Chinese ancestry huazuo 化作|to change into/to turn into/to become huazuo 画作|painting; picture hubandidong 虎斑地鸫|(bird species of China) scaly thrush ... hubandie 虎斑蝶|common tiger butterfly (Danaus genutia) hubanyingwu 虎斑鹦鹉|budgerigar (genus Psittacella, severa... hubei 湖北|see 湖北省[Hu2bei3 Sheng3] hubei 护贝|(stationery) to laminate (Tw) hubeihuaqiu 湖北花楸|Chinese Rowan tree/Sorbus hupehensis ... hubeiji 护贝机|laminating machine/laminator hubeijiaomo 护贝胶膜|(Tw) laminating film/laminating pouch hubeimo 护贝膜|see 護貝膠膜|护贝胶膜[hu4 bei4 jiao1 mo2] hubeisheng 湖北省|Hubei Province, capital Wuhan 武漢|武汉[W... hubeixiongyao 虎背熊腰|back of a tiger and waist of a bear/t... hubian 胡编|to make things up/to concoct (a story... hubian 湖边|lakeside hubianluanzao 胡编乱造|to concoct a cock-and-bull story (idi... hubilie 忽必烈|Khubilai Khan (1215-1294), grandson o... hubin 湖滨|Lakeside district/Hubin district of S... hubin 湖滨|lake front hubinqu 湖滨区|Lakeside district/Hubin district of S... hubobo 呼哱哱|(coll.) hoopoe hubu 互补|complementary/to complement each other hubu 户部|Ministry of Revenue in imperial China hubu 忽布|hops hubula 虎不拉|(dialect) shrike/Taiwan pr. [hu3 bu5 ... hubuqinfan 互不侵犯|non-aggression hubushangshu 户部尚书|Minister of Revenue (from the Han dyn... hubuwu 狐步舞|fox-trot (ballroom dance) (loanword) hubuxiangqian 互不相欠|see 兩不相欠|两不相欠[liang3 bu4 xiang1 qian4] hubuxiangrang 互不相让|neither giving way to the other hucaoxing 互操性|interoperability hucha 胡碴|beard stubble/Taiwan pr. [hu2 cha2] hucha 胡茬|beard stubble huchan 胡缠|to pester/to involve sb unreasonably huchang 弧长|arc length (the length of a curve seg... huchangcanshu 弧长参数|parametrization by arc length (of a s... huche 胡扯|to chatter/nonsense/blather huchebaliu 胡扯八溜|to talk nonsense huchedan 胡扯淡|nonsense/irresponsible patter huchenghe 护城河|moat (surrounding the city wall) huchi 互斥|mutually exclusive huchi 呼哧|(onom.) sound of panting huchihaihe 胡吃海喝|to eat and drink gluttonously/to pig out huchihaisai 胡吃海塞|to stuff oneself with food huchihuchi 呼哧呼哧|(onom.) rapid breathing huchou 狐臭|body odor/bromhidrosis huchou 胡臭|variant of 狐臭[hu2 chou4] huchu 呼出|to exhale/to breathe out huchui 胡吹|to boast wildly huchuiluanpeng 胡吹乱捧|indiscriminate admiration (idiom) hude 忽地|suddenly hudiaopan 胡叼盘|derogatory nickname given to Hu Xijin... hudie 蝴蝶|butterfly/CL:隻|只[zhi1] hudie 胡蝶|variant of 蝴蝶[hu2 die2] hudiehua 蝴蝶花|iris/Iris tectorum hudiejiao 蝴蝶铰|hinge hudiejie 蝴蝶结|bow/bowknot hudielingjie 蝴蝶领结|bow tie hudieqin 蝴蝶琴|same as yangqin 揚琴|扬琴, dulcimer hudiequan 蝴蝶犬|papillon (lapdog with butterfly-like ... hudiesu 蝴蝶酥|crispy short-crust pastry/mille-feuilles hudiexiaoying 蝴蝶效应|butterfly effect (dynamical systems t... hudong 互动|to interact/interactive hudong 槲鸫|(bird species of China) mistle thrush... hudongdianshi 互动电视|interactive TV hudou 胡豆|broad bean (Vicia faba); fava bean hudou 戽斗|bailing bucket (tool for irrigating f... hudu 弧度|radian/arc/curve/curvature huduan 护短|to defend sb (a relative, friend or o... hudubushizi 虎毒不食子|a tiger, though cruel, will not devou... hudunpao 虎蹲炮|a short-barreled mortar/an ancient ca... huduzi 护犊子|(of a woman) to be fiercely protectiv... huebuquan 怙恶不悛|to keep doing evil without a sense of... huegong 胡鄂公|Hu Egong (1884-1951), Chinese revolut... huer 忽而|suddenly/now (..., now...) hufa 护法|to keep the law/to protect Buddha\'s t... hufang 互访|exchange visits hufaru 护发乳|hair conditioner hufashen 护法神|protector deities of Buddhist law hufasu 护发素|hair conditioner hufazhanzheng 护法战争|National protection war or Campaign t... hufei 胡匪|bandit (old) hufen 互粉|to follow each other\'s accounts (on W... hufeng 胡蜂|wasp/hornet hufeng 护封|dust jacket (of a book)/protective co... hufenghuanyu 呼风唤雨|to call the wind and summon the rain ... hufo 胡佛|Hoover (name)/Herbert Hoover (1874-19... hufu 护肤|skincare hufu 虎符|tiger tally (a two-piece object made ... hufu 狐蝠|flying fox; fruit bat (genus Pteropus) hufu 胡夫|Khufu (pharaoh, reigned possibly 2590... hufuwuquanzi 虎父无犬子|lit. father a lion, son cannot be a d... hugao 胡搞|to mess around/to mess with something... hugaohudi 忽高忽低|alternately soaring and plunging hugaorenxiao 户告人晓|to make known to every household (idi... huge 呼格|vocative case (grammar) hugong 护工|nurse\'s aide/nursing assistant/care w... hugu 虎骨|tiger bone (used in TCM) hugua 胡瓜|cucumber hugua 瓠瓜|bottle gourd huguan 壶关|Huguan county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang... huguan 互关|to follow each other on a social medi... huguang 湖广|Hubei and Hunan provinces (a Ming dyn... huguang 弧光|arc light huguangdeng 弧光灯|arc lamp huguangshanse 湖光山色|scenic lakes and mountain (idiom); be... huguanxian 壶关县|Huguan county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang... huguayu 胡瓜鱼|smelt (family Osmeridae) hugui 护轨|(railway) guard rail huguishenxian 狐鬼神仙|foxes, ghosts and immortals/supernatu... huguojun 护国军|National Protection Army of 1915 (in ... huguoyundong 护国运动|Campaign to Defend the Republic (1915... huguozhanzheng 护国战争|National Protection War or Campaign t... huhan 呼喊|to shout (slogans etc) huhang 护航|a naval escort/to convoy huhangjian 护航舰|escort vessel huhao 呼号|to wail/to cry out in distress huhao 呼嚎|to roar (of animals)/to wail/to cry o... huhe 呼喝|to shout huhehaote 呼和浩特|Hohhot prefecture-level city, capital... huhehaoteshi 呼和浩特市|Hohhot prefecture-level city, capital... huhou 狐猴|lemur huhou 鹄候|to respectfully await/to look forward to huhu 糊糊|viscous/gooey/sticky/indistinct/thick... huhu 呼呼|(onom.) sound of the wind or the brea... huhu 虎虎|vigorous/formidable/strong huhu 忽忽|fleeting (of quick passage time)/in a... huhua 胡话|nonsense/ridiculous talk/hogwash huhua 胡花|to spend recklessly/to squander money huhuan 互换|to exchange huhuan 呼唤|to call out (a name etc)/to shout huhubule 忽忽不乐|disappointed and unhappy/dispirited huhui 互惠|mutual benefit/mutually beneficial/re... huhuizhong 胡慧中|Sibelle Hu (1958-), Taiwanese actress huhusheng 呼呼声|whir huhututu 糊糊涂涂|confused/muddled/stupid/dumb huhuyouyou 忽忽悠悠|indifferent to the passing of time/ca... hui 惠|surname Hui hui 惠|(bound form) act of kindness (from a ... hui 晖|sunshine/to shine upon/variant of 輝|辉... hui 回|to circle/to go back/to turn around/t... hui 回|to curve/to return/to revolve hui 回|variant of 迴|回[hui2] hui 会|can; to have the skill; to know how t... hui 辉|splendor/to shine upon hui 灰|ash/dust/lime/gray/discouraged; dejected hui 廻|variant of 迴|回[hui2] hui 绘|to draw; to paint/to depict; to portray hui 慧|intelligent hui 贿|(bound form) bribery hui 诲|to teach/to instruct/to induce hui 毁|to destroy; to ruin/to defame; to sla... hui 毁|to destroy by fire hui 毁|variant of 毀|毁[hui3]/to defame/to sla... hui 恚|rage hui 蕙|Coumarouna odorata hui 荟|to flourish/luxuriant growth hui 悔|(bound form) to regret; to repent hui 汇|to remit/to converge (of rivers)/to e... hui 汇|class/collection hui 汇|variant of 匯|汇[hui4] hui 挥|to wave/to brandish/to command/to con... hui 卉|plants hui 溃|used in 潰膿|溃脓[hui4nong2]/Taiwan pr. [... hui 鏸|three edged spear/(used in given names) hui 恢|to restore/to recover/great hui 烩|to braise/to cook (rice etc) with veg... hui 晦|(bound form) last day of a lunar mont... hui 茴|(bound form) fennel hui 徽|old variant of 徽[hui1] hui 徽|badge/emblem/insignia/crest/logo/coat... hui 讳|to avoid mentioning/taboo word/name o... hui 桧|used in 秦檜|秦桧[Qin2 Hui4]/Taiwan pr. [... hui 彗|broom hui 秽|(bound form) dirty; filthy hui 洄|eddying/whirling (of water)/to go aga... hui 絵|Japanese variant of 繪|绘 hui 喙|beak/snout/mouth/to pant hui 麾|signal flag/to signal hui 虺|sick/with no ambition hui 虺|mythical venomous snake hui 囬|variant of 回[hui2] hui 嘒|shrill sound/twinkling hui 廆|a room/the wall of a house/a man\'s name hui 隳|destroy/overthrow hui 恛|disordered/indistinct doubtful/blurred hui 煇|bright/glorious hui 翚|pheasant/golden pheasant/variegated/t... hui 哕|used in 噦噦|哕哕[hui4 hui4] hui 恵|Japanese variant of 惠[hui4] hui 袆|a queen\'s ceremonial gowns hui 蛔|old variant of 蛔[hui2] hui 蛔|variant of 蛔[hui2] hui 蛔|roundworm/Ascaris lumbricoides hui 蟪|(cicada)/Platypleura kaempferi hui 豗|clash/grunting of pigs hui 芔|a general term for plants hui 诙|whimsical/humorous hui 咴|neigh/whinny (sound made by a horse) hui 阓|gate of market hui 缋|multicolor/to draw hui 濊|vast/expansive (as of water) hui 翙|noise of bird\'s wings hui 篲|variant of 彗[hui4] hui 㧑|to split/to direct/to brandish/humble hui 囘|variant of 回[hui2] hui 餯|(of food) rotten and smelly hui 㱮|to fester; to ulcerate (old variant o... hui 槥|coffin hui 㻅|jade ornament in the seams of cap hui 𠯠|to speak falsely or wrongly/ugly huian 惠安|Hui\'an, a county in Quanzhou City 泉州市... huian 灰暗|dull gray/drab/murky huian 晦暗|dark and gloomy huian 会安|Hoi An (in Vietnam) huianxian 惠安县|Hui\'an, a county in Quanzhou City 泉州市... huibai 灰白|ash-colored huibai 回拜|to pay a return visit huibaihoulinying 灰白喉林莺|(bird species of China) common whitet... huibaise 灰白色|ash gray huibang 毁谤|slander/libel/to malign/to disparage huibanheng 灰斑鸻|(bird species of China) grey plover (... huibanjiu 灰斑鸠|(bird species of China) Eurasian coll... huibanpuyu 灰瓣蹼鹬|(bird species of China) red phalarope... huibanweng 灰斑鹟|(bird species of China) grey-streaked... huibao 汇报|to report/to give an account of/to co... huibao 汇报|to report/to give an account of/report huibao 回报|(in) return/reciprocation/payback/ret... huibeibolao 灰背伯劳|(bird species of China) grey-backed s... huibeidong 灰背鸫|(bird species of China) grey-backed t... huibeiliangniao 灰背椋鸟|(bird species of China) white-shoulde... huibeiou 灰背鸥|(bird species of China) slaty-backed ... huibeisun 灰背隼|(bird species of China) merlin (Falco... huibeiyanwei 灰背燕尾|(bird species of China) slaty-backed ... huiben 绘本|picture book huiben 回本|to recoup one\'s investment huibi 回避|variant of 迴避|回避[hui2 bi4] huibi 回避|to shun/to avoid (sb)/to skirt/to eva... huibian 汇编|to compile/collection; compilation huibian 汇编|variant of 匯編|汇编[hui4 bian1] huibianyuyan 汇编语言|assembly language huibiao 徽标|emblem; crest; logo huibie 挥别|to wave goodbye/(fig.) to say goodbye... huibing 回禀|to report back to one\'s superior huibo 回波|echo (e.g. radar)/returning wave huibo 回驳|to refute huibolao 灰伯劳|(bird species of China) northern shri... huibudangchu 悔不当初|to regret one\'s past deeds (idiom) huibuhui 会不会|(posing a question: whether sb, somet... huibulaji 灰不喇唧|dull gray/gray and loathsome huibuliudiu 灰不溜丢|gloomy and dull (idiom)/boring and gr... huibuliuqiu 灰不溜秋|see 灰不溜丟|灰不溜丢[hui1 bu5 liu1 diu1] huicai 回采|stoping (excavating ore using stepped... huicai 徽菜|Anhui cuisine huicai 灰菜|fat hen (Chenopodium album), edible a... huicha 汇差|difference in exchange rates in diffe... huichang 会场|meeting place/place where people gath... huichang 会昌|Huichang county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4... huichang 回肠|ileum (segment of small intestine bet... huichangdangqi 回肠荡气|soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artw... huichangxian 会昌县|Huichang county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4... huichangyan 辉长岩|gabbro (geology) huichao 回潮|to become moist again/to revive (usua... huiche 回车|to turn a vehicle around/(computing) ... huiche 会车|(of two vehicles traveling in opposit... huichefu 回车符|(computing) \"carriage return\" charact... huichejian 回车键|(computing) enter key; return key (on... huichen 灰尘|dust huicheng 惠城|Huicheng district of Huizhou city 惠州市... huicheng 讳称|euphemism/word used to avoid a taboo ... huicheng 回程|return trip huichengqu 惠城区|Huicheng district of Huizhou city 惠州市... huichenzuoxi 回嗔作喜|to go from anger to happiness (idiom) huichi 挥斥|to chide/to berate/energetic huichidong 灰翅鸫|(bird species of China) grey-winged b... huichifangqiu 挥斥方遒|full of vim huichiou 灰翅鸥|(bird species of China) glaucous-wing... huichiyang 灰赤杨|gray alder (Alnus incana)/speckled alder huichizaomei 灰翅噪鹛|(bird species of China) moustached la... huichong 蛔虫|roundworm; ascarid; (esp.) Ascaris lu... huichong 回冲|backwash huichong 回充|to recharge huichongbing 蛔虫病|ascariasis, infection caused by the r... huichou 回抽|to pull back; to withdraw/(finance) (... huichu 汇出|to remit (funds)/(computing) to expor... huichu 毁除|to destroy huichuan 汇川|Huichuan District of Zunyi City 遵義市|遵... huichuanqu 汇川区|Huichuan District of Zunyi City 遵義市|遵... huichuhang 汇出行|remitting bank huichun 回春|return of spring huicui 荟萃|(of distinguished people or exquisite... huicuoyi 会错意|to misunderstand/to get the wrong idea huida 回答|to reply; to answer/reply; answer huidan 回单|receipt huidang 回荡|to resound/to reverberate/to echo huidang 会党|anti-Qing secret societies huidanr 回单儿|erhua variant of 回單|回单[hui2 dan1] huidao 回到|to return to huidian 回电|to call sb back (on the phone)/a retu... huidian 汇点|confluence/a meeting point huidiao 回调|callback (computing) huidiao 毁掉|to destroy huidiao 徽调|Anhui opera huidiaohanshu 回调函数|callback function (computing) huidie 回跌|to fall back (of water level or share... huidong 惠东|Huidong county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zho... huidong 会东|Huidong county in Liangshan Yi autono... huidong 挥动|to wave sth/to brandish huidongxian 会东县|Huidong county in Liangshan Yi autono... huidongxian 惠东县|Huidong county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zho... huidu 灰度|grayscale huidu 回堵|(Tw) (of traffic) to be jammed/traffi... huiduanjiaobei 灰短脚鹎|(bird species of China) ashy bulbul (... huidui 汇兑|remittance/funds paid to a bank account huidui 回怼|(Internet slang) to retaliate verball... huierbufei 惠而不费|a kind act that costs nothing huifa 挥发|to volatilize/to vaporize/to evaporat... huifan 回返|to return/to go back/to come back huifan 烩饭|rice in gravy, typically with meat an... huifang 回放|to replay/to play back huifang 回访|(pay a) return visit huifaxing 挥发性|volatility/volatile huifaxingcunchuqi 挥发性存储器|volatile memory huifayou 挥发油|volatile oil (in general)/gasoline huifei 会费|membership dues huifei 汇费|remittance fee huifeiyanmie 灰飞烟灭|lit. scattered ashes and dispersed sm... huifeng 汇丰|Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corpor... huifeng 回奉|to return a compliment/to give a retu... huifengyinhang 汇丰银行|Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corpor... huifou 会否|can or cannot; is it possible? huifu 恢复|to reinstate/to resume/to restore/to ... huifu 回复|to reply/to recover/to return (to a p... huifu 回覆|to reply/to recover/variant of 回復|回复[... huifuchangtai 恢复常态|to return to normal huifudiying 灰腹地莺|(bird species of China) grey-bellied ... huifujiaozhi 灰腹角雉|(bird species of China) Blyth\'s trago... huifumingyu 恢复名誉|to rehabilitate/to regain one\'s good ... huifuqi 恢复期|convalescence huifuxiuyanniao 灰腹绣眼鸟|(bird species of China) Indian white-... huifuyuanzhuang 恢复原状|to restore sth to its original state huifuzaomei 灰腹噪鹛|(bird species of China) brown-cheeked... huigai 悔改|to repent/repentance huigan 挥杆|swing (golf) huigan 回甘|to have a sweet aftertaste huige 挥戈|to brandish a spear huigedang 辉格党|Whig Party huigengsi 惠更斯|Huygens (name)/Christiaan Huygens (16... huigong 会攻|to attack jointly huigou 回购|buyback/repurchase/to buy back huigu 回顾|to look back/to review huigu 惠顾|your patronage huigu 蟪蛄|Platypleura kaempferi, a kind of cicada huiguan 会馆|provincial or county guild hall huiguangfanzhao 回光返照|final radiance of setting sun/fig. dy... huiguangfanzhao 回光反照|final radiance of setting sun/fig. dy... huiguangjing 回光镜|concave reflector (e.g. in spotlight) huiguanwengying 灰冠鹟莺|(bird species of China) grey-crowned ... huiguanyaque 灰冠鸦雀|(bird species of China) Przevalski\'s ... huigubuzhichunqiu 蟪蛄不知春秋|lit. short-lived cicada does not know... huigui 回归|to return to/to retreat/regression (s... huiguinian 回归年|the solar year/the year defined as th... huiguire 回归热|recurring fever huiguixian 回归线|tropic/one of the two latitude lines,... huigulishi 回顾历史|to look back at history huigun 回滚|(computing) to roll back/rollback/(sp... huiguniang 灰姑娘|Cinderella/a sudden rags-to-riches ce... huiguo 回国|to return to one\'s home country huiguo 悔过|to repent; to be penitent huiguo 回锅|to cook again/to rewarm food huiguorou 回锅肉|twice-cooked pork huiguoshu 悔过书|written repentance huiguotoulai 回过头来|to turn one\'s head; to turn around/(f... huiguoyou 回锅油|reused cooking oil huiguozixin 悔过自新|to repent and start afresh (idiom); t... huiguzhan 回顾展|retrospective (exhibition) huihan 回函|a reply (in writing) huihan 挥汗|to sweat profusely huihan 挥翰|(literary) to wield a writing brush huihanchengyu 挥汗成雨|to drip with sweat/sweat poured off (... huihang 回航|to return to port huihanruyu 挥汗如雨|to drip with sweat/sweat poured off (... huihao 挥毫|to write or draw with a brush/to put ... huihao 徽号|title of honor/term of respect huihao 回耗|to write back/to send a reply huihaosamo 挥毫洒墨|to wield a writing brush (idiom) huihe 回合|one of a sequence of contests (or sub... huihe 会合|to meet/to rendezvous/to merge/to lin... huihe 汇合|confluence/to converge/to join/to fus... huihe 回纥|Huihe, ancient name of an ethnic grou... huihe 灰鹤|(bird species of China) common crane ... huihe 彗核|comet nucleus huihechu 会合处|joint huihen 悔恨|remorse/repentance huihenjiaojia 悔恨交加|to feel remorse and shame (idiom) huihezhi 回合制|turn-based (gaming) huihong 恢弘|variant of 恢宏[hui1 hong2] huihong 恢宏|to develop/vast/broad/generous huihouliuying 灰喉柳莺|(bird species of China) ashy-throated... huihoushanjiaoniao 灰喉山椒鸟|(bird species of China) grey-chinned ... huihouyaque 灰喉鸦雀|(bird species of China) ashy-throated... huihouzhenweiyuyan 灰喉针尾雨燕|(bird species of China) silver-backed... huihu 回护|to stick up for a wrongdoer huihu 回鹘|Huihu, ancient name of an ethnic grou... huihu 灰鹱|(bird species of China) sooty shearwa... huihua 绘画|to draw; to paint huihua 会话|(language learning) conversation/dial... huihua 回话|to reply huihua 汇划|remittance huihuai 毁坏|to damage/to devastate/to vandalize/d... huihuan 回还|to return huihuang 辉煌|splendid/glorious huihui 回回|(old) the Hui ethnic group (Chinese M... huihui 回回|time and again; every time huihui 恢恢|(literary) vast; extensive huihui 虺虺|rumbling (of thunder etc) huihui 哕哕|rhythmical sound of a bell or a birdcall huihui 汇回|to remit home huihuiqing 回回青|Mohammedan blue (a cobalt blue pigmen... huihuiyouyu 恢恢有余|lit. to have an abundance of space/ro... huihun 悔婚|to break a promise of marriage huihuo 回火|to temper (iron)/to flare back/flareb... huihuo 挥霍|to squander money/extravagant/prodiga... huihuolangfei 挥霍浪费|to spend extravagantly/to squander huihuowudu 挥霍无度|extravagance/extravagant huiji 汇集|to collect/to compile/to converge/als... huiji 汇集|to collect/to compile/to converge huiji 惠及|(literary) to be of benefit to huiji 回击|to fight back; to return fire; to cou... huiji 徽记|crest/insignia huiji 惠济|Huiji District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|... huiji 会籍|membership (of a club etc) huiji 会集|to come together/to assemble huiji 汇寄|remit huijia 回家|to return home huijia 汇价|exchange rate huijiachiziji 回家吃自己|(coll.) (Tw) to get sacked/to be fired huijian 会见|to meet with (sb who is paying a visi... huijian 回见|See you later! huijiang 灰浆|mortar (for masonry) huijianglvyou 会奖旅游|MICE tourism (acronym for \"meetings, ... huijiao 回教|Islam huijiao 回交|backcrossing (i.e. hybridization with... huijiaoliuying 灰脚柳莺|(bird species of China) pale-legged l... huijiashunan 毁家纾难|to sacrifice one\'s wealth to save the... huijiazuo 绘架座|Pictor (constellation) huijijiyi 讳疾忌医|hiding a sickness for fear of treatme... huijiling 灰鹡鸰|(bird species of China) grey wagtail ... huijin 灰烬|ashes huijin 汇金|finance huijing 回敬|to return a compliment/to give sth in... huijing 回京|to return to the capital huijingwu 灰颈鹀|(bird species of China) grey-necked b... huijinrutu 挥金如土|lit. to squander money like dirt (idi... huijiqu 惠济区|Huiji District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|... huiju 汇聚|convergence/to come together huiju 徽剧|Anhui opera huijuanwei 灰卷尾|(bird species of China) ashy drongo (... huijue 回绝|to rebuff/to refuse/to turn down huikao 会考|unified examination huike 会客|to receive a visitor huikeshi 会客室|parlor huikong 回空|to return empty (i.e. to drive back w... huikongquezhi 灰孔雀雉|(bird species of China) grey peacock-... huikou 回扣|brokerage/a commission paid to a midd... huikou 回口|to answer back huikuan 汇款|to remit money/remittance huikuan 回款|payment of money owing huikuangquemei 灰眶雀鹛|(bird species of China) David\'s fulve... huikudehaiziyounaichi 会哭的孩子有奶吃|lit. a child who cries gets to feed a... huikudehaiziyoutangchi 会哭的孩子有糖吃|lit. the child who cries gets the can... huikui 回馈|to repay a favor/to give back/feedback huilai 回来|to return; to come back huilai 惠来|Huilai county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guang... huilaixian 惠来县|Huilai county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guang... huilang 回廊|winding corridor/cloister/ambulatory ... huilanjiweng 灰蓝姬鹟|(bird species of China) slaty-blue fl... huilanque 灰蓝鹊|(bird species of China) white-winged ... huilanshanque 灰蓝山雀|(bird species of China) azure tit (Cy... huilaojia 回老家|to go back to one\'s roots/to return t... huilei 挥泪|to shed tears/to be all in tears huili 回礼|to return a greeting/to send a gift i... huiliangniao 灰椋鸟|(bird species of China) white-cheeked... huiliangyu 回良玉|Hui Liangyu (1944-) PRC Hui national ... huiliankuangying 灰脸𫛭鹰|(bird species of China) grey-faced bu... huilianwengying 灰脸鹟莺|(bird species of China) grey-cheeked ... huilibiao 回力镖|boomerang huiliequan 灰猎犬|greyhound huilin 惠临|(honorific) to visit/to call in huiling 灰领|gray collar/specialist/technical work... huilingdun 惠灵顿|Wellington, capital of New Zealand huilinge 灰林鸽|(bird species of China) ashy wood pig... huilingyin 回铃音|ringback tone huilinji 灰林䳭|(bird species of China) grey bush cha... huilinxiao 灰林鸮|(bird species of China) Himalayan owl... huiliqiu 回力球|(sports) jai alai; cesta punta/ball u... huiliu 回流|to flow back/reflux/circumfluence/ref... huiliu 汇流|(of rivers etc) to converge/convergence huiliuhuan 汇流环|slip-ring/rotary electrical interface... huiliuliu 灰溜溜|dull gray/gloomy/dejected/crestfallen... huiliuying 灰柳莺|(bird species of China) sulphur-belli... huilixian 会里县|Huili county in Sichuan huilong 回笼|to steam again/to rewarm food in a ba... huilong 汇拢|to collect/to gather huilou 会漏|leak huilu 回路|to return/circuit (e.g. electric)/loop huilu 贿赂|to bribe/a bribe huilu 回炉|to melt down/to remelt (metals)/fig. ... huilu 回禄|traditional Fire God/destruction by fire huiluan 回銮|return of the emperor huiluo 回落|to fall back/to return to low level a... huiluzhizai 回禄之灾|to have one\'s house burned down/fire ... huilv 汇率|exchange rate huilvyan 辉绿岩|diabase (geology)/dolerite huimai 贿买|to bribe/bribery huimai 灰霾|dust haze/dust storm huimaqiang 回马枪|sudden thrust (that catches the oppon... huimen 回门|first return of bride to her parental... huimen 会门|main entrance/secret society huimeng 会盟|meetings conducted by rulers in feuda... huimeng 灰獴|gray mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii) huimengmeng 灰蒙蒙|dusky/overcast (of weather) huimian 会面|to meet with/meeting huimian 烩面|braised noodles/stewed noodles huimiao 回描|flyback (of electron beam in cathode ... huimie 毁灭|to perish/to ruin/to destroy huimiexing 毁灭性|destructive/devastating huimin 回民|Hui ethnic group (Chinese muslims) huimin 惠民|Huimin county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 z... huimin 惠民|to benefit the people huiming 讳名|taboo name/name of deceased huiminqu 回民区|Huimin District of Hohhot city 呼和浩特市[... huiminxian 惠民县|Huimin county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 z... huimo 徽墨|Anhui ink (known for its quality) huimo 濊貊|Yemaek, ancient ethnic group of Manch... huimorushen 讳莫如深|important matter that must be kept se... huimou 回眸|to glance back/to look back/retrospec... huimoyin 回墨印|self-inking stamp huimu 回目|chapter title (in a novel) huimu 会幕|tabernacle (biblical word for a meeti... huinan 辉南|Huinan county in Tonghua 通化, Jilin huinantian 回南天|weather phenomenon characterized by c... huinanxian 辉南县|Huinan county in Tonghua 通化, Jilin huineng 慧能|Huineng (638-713), the Sixth Patriarc... huineng 惠能|variant of 慧能[Hui4 neng2] huini 灰泥|plaster/mortar huiniangjia 回娘家|(of a wife) to return to her parental... huining 会宁|Huining county in Baiyin 白銀|白银[Bai2 y... huiningxian 会宁县|Huining county in Baiyin 白銀|白银[Bai2 y... huinong 惠农|Huinong district of Shizuishan city 石... huinong 溃脓|(of a sore etc) to fester; to ulcerate huinongqu 惠农区|Huinong district of Shizuishan city 石... huinuan 回暖|(of the weather) to warm up again huipiao 汇票|bill of exchange/bank draft huipinuo 灰皮诺|Pinot gris (grape type)/Pinot grigio huipu 惠普|Hewlett-Packard huipugongsi 惠普公司|Hewlett-Packard/HP huiqi 晦气|bad luck/unlucky/calamitous/wretched huiqi 会期|the duration of a conference/the peri... huiqi 悔棋|to withdraw a move (chess) huiqimei 灰奇鹛|(bird species of China) grey sibia (H... huiqin 茴芹|anise (Pimpinella anisum)/aniseed/che... huiqing 回请|to return an invitation huiqu 回去|to return/to go back huirao 回绕|winding huirenbujuan 诲人不倦|instructing with tireless zeal (idiom... huirong 毁容|to disfigure/to spoil the beauty of huiru 汇入|to flow into/to converge (of river)/(... huirui 辉瑞|Pfizer, American pharmaceutical company huisa 挥洒|to sprinkle/to shed (tears, blood etc... huisanguan 毁三观|(Internet slang) (of a situation, vid... huisao 回扫|see 回描[hui2 miao2] huisaziru 挥洒自如|(idiom) to do (sth) with great aplomb huise 灰色|gray/ash gray/grizzly/pessimistic/glo... huise 晦涩|difficult to understand/cryptic huisedidai 灰色地带|gray area huishan 惠山|Huishan district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市... huishanchun 灰山鹑|(bird species of China) grey partridg... huishang 毁伤|to injure/to damage huishang 会商|to confer/to consult/to negotiate/to ... huishanjiaoniao 灰山椒鸟|(bird species of China) ashy minivet ... huishanqu 惠山区|Huishan district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市... huishe 会社|a guild/(in olden times) an associati... huishen 回神|to collect one\'s thoughts (after bein... huishen 会审|joint hearing/to review jointly (i.e.... huisheng 回声|echo huisheng 回升|to rise again after a fall/to pick up... huishengdingwei 回声定位|echolocation huishenghuise 绘声绘色|vivid and colorful (idiom); true to l... huishi 回事|(old) to report to one\'s master huishi 辉石|pyroxene (family of rock-forming mine... huishi 会师|to collaborate/to join forces/to effe... huishi 会试|metropolitan examination (imperial ci... huishi 挥师|in command of the army huishi 惠施|Hui Shi, also known as Hui-zi 惠子[Hui4... huishi 回视|regression (psychology) huishi 会士|member of religious order/penitent/fr... huishikaoshi 会士考试|agrégation (exam for teaching diploma... huishou 回收|to recycle/to reclaim/to retrieve/to ... huishou 回首|to turn around; to look back/(fig.) t... huishou 挥手|to wave (one\'s hand) huishou 会首|head of a society/sponsor of an organ... huishouzhan 回收站|recycling center; waste materials col... huishu 回数|number of times (sth happens)/number ... huishu 惠书|(formal) your letter huishui 惠水|Huishui county in Qiannan Buyei and M... huishui 会水|to be able to swim huishui 灰水|gray water huishui 秽水|dirty water; polluted water; sewage huishui 汇水|remittance fee huishuixian 惠水县|Huishui county in Qiannan Buyei and M... huishuque 灰树鹊|(bird species of China) grey treepie ... huisi 会死|mortal huisile 惠斯勒|Whistler (name) huisite 惠斯特|whist (loanword) huisu 回溯|to recall/to look back upon huisuan 汇算|to collect data and square up; to set... huisun 毁损|impair, damage huisun 㧑损|to humble huisuo 会所|office of an association/meeting plac... huitan 回弹|(of sth that has been deformed) to sp... huitan 会谈|talks/discussions/CL:次[ci4] huitang 会堂|meeting hall; assembly hall huiteman 惠特曼|Whitman (surname)/Walt Whitman (1819-... huitenixiusidun 惠特妮·休斯顿|Whitney Houston (1963-2012), American... huitian 回天|to reverse a desperate situation huitian 回填|to backfill huitian 回甜|to have a sweet aftertaste huitianfashu 回天乏术|(idiom) nothing can be done to remedy... huitianwuli 回天无力|unable to turn around a hopeless situ... huitiao 回条|receipt/note acknowledging receipt huitie 回帖|to reply to an invitation/(Internet) ... huitong 会同|Huitong county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2... huitong 会同|to handle sth jointly huitongxian 会同县|Huitong county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2... huitou 回头|to turn round; to turn one\'s head/lat... huitoubanchimei 灰头斑翅鹛|(bird species of China) streaked barw... huitoudong 灰头鸫|(bird species of China) chestnut thru... huitouhuique 灰头灰雀|(bird species of China) grey-headed b... huitoujian 回头见|See you!/Bye! huitouke 回头客|repeat customer huitouliangniao 灰头椋鸟|(bird species of China) chestnut-tail... huitouliuying 灰头柳莺|(bird species of China) grey-hooded w... huitoulu 回头路|the road back to where one came from huitoulvjiu 灰头绿鸠|(bird species of China) ashy-headed g... huitoumaiji 灰头麦鸡|(bird species of China) grey-headed l... huitouquemei 灰头雀鹛|(bird species of China) grey-hooded f... huitousoumei 灰头薮鹛|(bird species of China) red-faced lio... huitoutulian 灰头土脸|head and face filthy with grime (idio... huitouwu 灰头鹀|(bird species of China) black-faced b... huitouyaque 灰头鸦雀|(bird species of China) grey-headed p... huitouyingwu 灰头鹦鹉|(bird species of China) grey-headed p... huitouzhuomuniao 灰头啄木鸟|(bird species of China) grey-headed w... huitu 绘图|to chart; to sketch; to draft; to plot huitu 灰土|dust/(soil taxonomy) spodosol huitu 回吐|to regurgitate/(fig.) (of a stock mar... huitui 回退|to revert (computing)/to return (a pa... huiwang 回望|to return sb\'s gaze; to meet sb\'s eye... huiwei 回味|to call to mind and ponder over/after... huiweipiaoyu 灰尾漂鹬|(bird species of China) grey-tailed t... huiweiwuqiong 回味无穷|to have a rich aftertaste/(fig.) memo... huiwen 回文|palindrome huiwenzhen 回纹针|paper clip huiwenzi 绘文字|emoji huiwu 挥舞|to brandish/to wave sth huiwu 悔悟|to repent huiwu 会晤|to meet/meeting/conference huiwu 灰鹀|(bird species of China) grey bunting ... huixi 虺蜥|venomous snake/fig. vicious person huixia 麾下|troops/subordinates/(honorific appell... huixia 慧黠|intelligent/bright/sharp huixian 辉县|Huixian county-level city in Xinxiang... huixian 徽县|Hui county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan... huixiang 回响|variant of 迴響|回响[hui2 xiang3] huixiang 回响|to echo/to reverberate/to respond/ech... huixiang 回想|to recall/to recollect/to think back huixiang 茴香|fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) huixiangdou 茴香豆|star anise-flavored fava beans (snack... huixiangzi 茴香籽|cumin/fennel seed huixianshi 辉县市|Huixian county-level city in Xinxiang... huixie 诙谐|humorous/jocular/zany huixiezaomei 灰胁噪鹛|(bird species of China) grey-sided la... huixin 灰心|to lose heart/to be discouraged huixin 回信|to reply/to write back/letter written... huixin 会心|knowing (of a smile, look etc) huixindizhi 回信地址|return address huixing 彗星|comet huixing 慧星|variant of 彗星[hui4xing1] huixingzhen 回形针|paper clip huixinsangqi 灰心丧气|downhearted/downcast/in despair huixinzhuanyi 回心转意|to change one\'s mind (idiom) huixiong 灰熊|grizzly bear huixiongjiaoying 灰胸鹪莺|(bird species of China) grey-breasted... huixiongsoumei 灰胸薮鹛|(bird species of China) Emei Shan lio... huixiongzhuji 灰胸竹鸡|(bird species of China) Chinese bambo... huixique 灰喜鹊|(bird species of China) azure-winged ... huixuan 回旋|variant of 迴旋|回旋[hui2xuan2] huixuan 回旋|to circle; to wheel; to go around huixuan 贿选|to buy votes (in an election) huixuanbiao 回旋镖|boomerang huixuanchu 回旋处|traffic circle; rotary; roundabout huixuanjiasuqi 回旋加速器|cyclotron (particle accelerator) huixuanqu 回旋曲|rondo huixuanyudi 回旋余地|room to maneuver; leeway; latitude huixue 回血|(medicine) (of blood) to flow back in... huiyan 汇演|joint performance huiyan 慧眼|an all-seeing mind/mental perception/... huiyan 会厌|epiglottis huiyan 灰岩|limestone (abbr. for 石灰岩[shi2 hui1 ya... huiyan 灰雁|(bird species of China) greylag goose... huiyancanqiu 灰岩残丘|mogote (steep-sided pointed hill in k... huiyanduanjiaobei 灰眼短脚鹎|(bird species of China) grey-eyed bul... huiyang 惠阳|Huiyang district of Huizhou city 惠州市[... huiyangqu 惠阳区|Huiyang district of Huizhou city 惠州市[... huiyanheng 灰燕鸻|(bird species of China) small pratinc... huiyanjiaomei 灰岩鹪鹛|(bird species of China) Annam limesto... huiyanju 灰燕鵙|(bird species of China) ashy woodswal... huiyanliuying 灰岩柳莺|(bird species of China) limestone lea... huiyanyan 会厌炎|epiglottitis huiyao 会要|dynastic records of imperial China huiyecaijingjituan 汇业财经集团|Delta Asia Financial Group (Macau) huiyeyinhang 汇业银行|Banco Delta Asia S.A.R.L., Macau huiyi 回忆|to recall/memories/CL:個|个[ge4] huiyi 会议|meeting/conference/CL:場|场[chang3],屆|届... huiyi 会意|combined ideogram (one of the Six Met... huiyi 悔意|remorse huiyi 㧑挹|to be extremely modest and polite huiyilu 回忆录|memoir huiyin 会阴|perineum huiyin 回音|echo/reply/turn (ornament in music) huiyin 诲淫|to stir up lust/to promote sex/to enc... huiying 回应|to respond/response huiying 辉映|to reflect/to shine huiying 晖映|variant of 輝映|辉映[hui1 ying4] huiying 汇映|joint screening/consecutive screening... huiying 汇映|variant of 匯映|汇映[hui4 ying4] huiyinhuidao 诲淫诲盗|to promote sex and violence/to stir u... huiyinxing 诲淫性|licentious huiyishi 会议室|meeting room/conference room huiyiting 会议厅|conference hall huiyizhanlan 会议展览|conferences and exhibitions huiyizi 会意字|combined ideogram (one of the Six Met... huiyong 回佣|commission/sales huiyou 会友|to make friends/to meet friends/membe... huiyou 洄游|(of fish) to migrate huiyou 回游|variant of 洄游[hui2 you2] huiyouxinfeng 回邮信封|self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) huiyu 秽语|obscene language huiyu 徽语|Huizhou dialect of Gan, spoken in sou... huiyu 惠誉|Fitch, credit rating agency huiyu-canban 毁誉参半|(idiom) to receive both praise and cr... huiyuan 会员|member huiyuan 会元|provincial imperial examination gradu... huiyuanguo 会员国|member nation huiyuansi 惠远寺|Huiyuan Monastery in Dawu County 道孚縣|... huiyue 毁约|to break a promise/breach of contract huiyuyidan 毁于一旦|(idiom) ruined in a short time (esp. ... huize 会泽|Huize county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4],... huizeng 回赠|to give sb (a gift) in return huizexian 会泽县|Huize county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4],... huizhan 会展|conferences and exhibitions (abbr. fo... huizhan 会战|(military) to meet for a decisive bat... huizhang 会长|president of a club, committee etc huizhang 徽章|badge/emblem/insignia/crest/logo/coat... huizhangtuan 会长团|presidency (Mormon Church) huizhe 回折|diffraction (physics) huizhegezi 回折格子|diffraction grating (physics) huizhen 会诊|consultation (medical)/to meet for di... huizheng 汇整|to collect and organize (papers etc)/... huizhi 绘制|to draw; to draft huizhi 回执|receipt (written acknowledgement of r... huizhi 徽帜|banner huizhibuqu 挥之不去|impossible to get rid of huizhidan 回执单|receipt huizhiwuji 悔之无及|too late for regrets (idiom); It is u... huizhiyiwan 悔之已晚|too late to be sorry huizhong 会众|audience/participants/congregation (o... huizhou 惠州|see 惠州市[Hui4zhou1 Shi4] huizhou 徽州|Huizhou, a district of Huangshan City... huizhouqu 徽州区|Huizhou, a district of Huangshan City... huizhoushi 惠州市|Huizhou, prefecture-level city in Gua... huizhu 挥麈|to brandish huizhu 汇注|to flow into/to converge huizhu 汇注|annotated collection huizhuan 回转|variant of 迴轉|回转[hui2zhuan3] huizhuan 回转|to revolve; to rotate/to turn around;... huizhuanshousi 回转寿司|conveyor belt sushi (restaurant) huizi 会子|(coll.) a moment/a while huizi 惠子|Hui-zi also known as Hui Shi 惠施[Hui4 ... huizong 汇总|variant of 彙總|汇总[hui4zong3] huizong 汇总|to gather (data etc) huizongbiao 汇总表|summary table huizu 回族|Hui Islamic ethnic group living acros... huizui 悔罪|to repent; to be contrite huizui 回嘴|to answer back; to retort huizuren 回族人|Hui person/member of Hui ethnic group... huji 户籍|census register/household register huji 呼机|pager huji 糊剂|paste/glue hujia 护甲|armor/bulletproof vest hujia 胡佳|Hu Jia (1973-), PRC dissident human r... hujiahuwei 狐假虎威|lit. the fox exploits the tiger\'s mig... hujiang 沪江|alternative name for Shanghai 上海[Shan... hujiang 虎将|valiant general hujiao 呼叫|to shout/to yell/(telecommunications)... hujiao 胡椒|pepper hujiao 胡搅|to disturb/to pester hujiaobohe 胡椒薄荷|peppermint hujiaofen 胡椒粉|ground pepper (i.e. powder) hujiaoli 胡椒粒|peppercorn/seeds of pepper hujiaomanchan 胡搅蛮缠|(idiom) to pester endlessly hujiaopenwu 胡椒喷雾|pepper spray/OC spray hujiaoqi 呼叫器|pager; beeper hujiaosheng 呼叫声|whoop hujiaoshu 胡椒属|pepper genus (Piper spp.) hujiaozhongxin 呼叫中心|call center hujiaozi 胡椒子|peppercorn/seeds of pepper hujihua 胡姬花|Vanda miss joaquim (hybrid orchid), n... hujing 虎鲸|killer whale (Orcinus orca) hujing 护胫|shin pad/shin guard hujing 糊精|dextrin hujingtao 护颈套|cervical collar hujintao 胡锦涛|Hu Jintao (1942-), General Secretary ... hujisheng 槲寄生|mistletoe hujiu 呼救|to call for help huju 沪剧|Shanghai opera hujulongpan 虎踞龙蟠|lit. where tigers crouch and dragons ... hujulongpan 虎踞龙盘|lit. where tigers crouch and dragons ... hujun 弧菌|(biology) vibrio hujun 户均|household average huke 胡克|Hook or Hooke (name)/Robert Hooke (16... hukonghuan 护孔环|(Tw) grommet hukou 户口|population (counted as number of hous... hukou 糊口|to scrape a meager living/to get by w... hukou 糊口|variant of 糊口[hu2 kou3] hukou 湖口|Hukou County in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/... hukou 虎口|tiger\'s den/dangerous place/the web b... hukouben 户口本|household register/household registra... hukoubu 户口簿|household register hukoumingbu 户口名簿|(Tw) household registration certifica... hukouxian 湖口县|Hukou county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi hukouxiang 湖口乡|Hukou township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|... hukouyusheng 虎口余生|lit. to escape from the tiger\'s mouth... hukouzhi 户口制|PRC system of compulsory registration... hukouzhidu 户口制度|PRC system of compulsory registration hula 唿喇|whoosh hulai 胡来|to act arbitrarily regardless of the ... hulaihequ 呼来喝去|to call to come and shout to go (idio... hulala 呼啦啦|flapping sound hulala 唿喇喇|roar of the wind hulan 呼兰|Hulan district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 ... hulan 唬烂|(slang) (Tw) to bullshit/to fool hulan 护栏|guardrail; railing hulang 胡狼|jackal hulanqu 呼兰区|Hulan district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 ... hulaozhe 护老者|carer of elderly persons/aged care wo... hulaquan 呼拉圈|hula hoop (loanword) hulaquan 呼啦圈|hula hoop (loanword) hulenghure 忽冷忽热|now hot, now cold/(of one\'s mood, aff... huli 护理|to nurse/to tend and protect huli 狐狸|fox/fig. sly and treacherous person huli 湖里|Huli, a district of Xiamen City 廈門市|厦... huli 互利|mutually beneficial huli 槲栎|oriental white oak (Quercus aliena) hulian 互联|interconnected hulian 互连|interconnection hulianwang 互联网|Internet hulianwangluo 互联网络|network hulianwangzhan 互联网站|Internet site huliela 虎列拉|cholera (loanword) huliela 虎烈拉|cholera (loanword) hulihutu 糊里糊涂|confused/vague/indistinct/muddle-head... hulihutu 糊里糊涂|variant of 糊裡糊塗|糊里糊涂[hu2 li5 hu2 tu2] hulijing 狐狸精|fox-spirit/vixen/witch/enchantress hulin 虎林|Hulin, county-level city in Jixi 雞西|鸡... huling 壶铃|kettlebell, girya hulinshi 虎林市|Hulin, county-level city in Jixi 雞西|鸡... huliqu 湖里区|Huli, a district of Xiamen City 廈門市|厦... huliweiba 狐狸尾巴|lit. fox\'s tail (idiom); visible sign... hulixue 护理学|nursing hulizuo 狐狸座|Vulpecula (constellation) hulu 葫芦|calabash or bottle gourd (Lagenaria s... hulu 呼噜|(onom.) sound of snoring, wheezing or... huluan 胡乱|careless/reckless/casually/absent-min... huluba 葫芦巴|fenugreek huluba 胡芦巴|fenugreek huludao 葫芦岛|see 葫蘆島市|葫芦岛市[Hu2lu2dao3 Shi4] huludaoshi 葫芦岛市|Huludao, prefecture-level city in Lia... hululimaideshishenmeyao 葫芦里卖的是什么药|what has (he) got up (his) sleeve?/wh... hululu 呼噜噜|(onom.) to snore/wheezing hulumosi 忽鲁谟斯|old Chinese name for Hormuz/now calle... hulun 囫囵|whole hulun 胡抡|to act rashly hulunbeier 呼伦贝尔|Hulunbuir prefecture-level city in In... hulunbeiercaoyuan 呼伦贝尔草原|Hulunbuir grasslands of Inner Mongolia hulunbeiershi 呼伦贝尔市|Hulunbuir prefecture-level city in In... hulunhu 呼伦湖|Hulun Lake of Inner Mongolia huluntunxia 囫囵吞下|to swallow whole/(fig.) to swallow (l... huluntunzao 囫囵吞枣|to swallow in one gulp (idiom)/(fig.)... huluobo 胡萝卜|carrot huluobosu 胡萝卜素|carotene hulusi 葫芦丝|hulusi, aka cucurbit flute (a kind of... hulve 忽略|to neglect; to overlook; to ignore hulvebuji 忽略不计|to disregard (sth seen as negligible)... huma 呼玛|Huma county in Daxing\'anling prefectu... huma 胡麻|sesame/(botany) flax/linseed humaxian 呼玛县|Huma county in Daxing\'anling prefectu... humazi 胡麻籽|sesame seed humen 虎门|the Bocca Tigris, a narrow strait in ... humeng 狐獴|meerkat humenzhen 虎门镇|Humen Town, also known as Taiping 太平[... humian 互勉|to encourage each other huming 糊名|(old) to seal an examinee\'s name on t... humujing 护目镜|goggles; protective glasses hun 混|muddy; turbid (variant of 渾|浑[hun2])/... hun 混|to mix/to mingle/muddled/to drift alo... hun 魂|old variant of 魂[hun2] hun 魂|soul; spirit; immortal soul (that can... hun 荤|strong-smelling vegetable (garlic etc... hun 婚|to marry/marriage/wedding/to take a wife hun 浑|muddy; turbid/brainless; foolish/(bou... hun 圂|grain-fed animals/pigsty hun 阍|doorkeeper hun 昏|muddle-headed/twilight/to faint/to lo... hun 昏|old variant of 昏[hun1] hun 珲|(fine jade) hun 馄|used in 餛飩|馄饨[hun2 tun5] hun 掍|edging (of a dress etc)/old variant o... hun 慁|confused/dishonor hun 诨|jest/nickname hun 溷|privy/animal pen/muddy/disordered/to ... hun 睯|gloomy; depressed hun 殙|to die by taking poison hun 楎|clothes-horse hun 餫|variant of 餛|馄[hun2] hun 惛|confused/forgetful/silly hunan 湖南|see 湖南省[Hu2nan2 Sheng3] hunan 昏暗|dusky hunandaxue 湖南大学|Hunan University hunansheng 湖南省|Hunan Province, capital Changsha 長沙|长... hunao 胡闹|to act willfully and make a scene/to ... hunbian 婚变|marriage upheaval (infidelity, divorc... hunbian 混编|mixed hunbufuti 魂不附体|lit. body and soul separated (idiom);... hunbushoushe 魂不守舍|to be preoccupied (idiom)/to be inatt... huncai 荤菜|non-vegetarian dish (including meat, ... hunche 婚车|wedding car hunchen 昏沉|murky/dazed/befuddled/dizzy hunchengci 混成词|(linguistics) portmanteau hunchong 混充|to pass oneself off as sb/to palm sth... hunchumingtang 混出名堂|to make it/to be somebody hunchun 珲春|Hunchun, county-level city in Yanbian... hunchunshi 珲春市|Hunchun, county-level city in Yanbian... hunda 混搭|to mix and match (of clothing etc) hundan 混蛋|scoundrel/bastard/hoodlum/wretch hundan 浑蛋|variant of 混蛋[hun2 dan4] hundao 昏倒|to faint hundian 婚典|wedding/marriage celebration hundingchenxing 昏定晨省|seeing to bed in the evening and visi... hundun 混沌|primal chaos (original state of the u... hundun 浑沌|see 混沌[hun4dun4] hundun 馄炖|wonton/see also 餛飩|馄饨[hun2 tun5] hundunlilun 混沌理论|(math.) chaos theory hundunxue 混沌学|chaos theory (math.) hunei 户内|indoors/within the home hunfan 混饭|to work for a living hunfang 混纺|mixed fabric/blended fabric hunfeiposan 魂飞魄散|lit. the soul flies away and scatters... hungai 混改|mixed ownership reform (abbr. for 混合所... hunguoqu 昏过去|to faint hunhao 浑号|nickname hunhao 混号|nickname hunhe 混合|to mix; to blend/hybrid; composite hunhe 浑河|Hun River hunhedongliche 混合动力车|hybrid vehicle hunheduji 混合毒剂|tactical mixture of chemical agents hunhefeiliao 混合肥料|compost hunheganran 混合感染|mixed infection hunhemoxing 混合模型|hybrid model hunhesuoyouzhigaige 混合所有制改革|mixed ownership reform (strategy aime... hunheti 混合体|mixture; blend hunhewu 混合物|mixture; composite hunhexianshi 混合现实|(computing) mixed reality; MR hunhexingqiche 混合型汽车|hybrid car hunheyong 混合泳|medley (swimming) hunhou 浑厚|simple and honest/unsophisticated/(mu... hunhua 昏花|dim (eyesight)/blurred (vision) hunhua 荤话|obscene speech; crude language hunhunchenchen 昏昏沉沉|dizzy hunhunee 浑浑噩噩|muddleheaded hunhunr 混混儿|ruffian/hoodlum hunhunyushui 昏昏欲睡|drowsy/sleepy (idiom) hunhuo 混和|mixture/amalgam hunian 虎年|Year of the Tiger (e.g. 2010) huning 沪宁|Shanghai and Nanjing huningtielu 沪宁铁路|Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, a.k.a. Huni... huningxian 沪宁线|Shanghai-Nanjing line huniuhuma 呼牛呼马|to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom);... huniuzuoma 呼牛作马|to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom);... hunji 混迹|mixed in as part of a community/hidin... hunjia 婚假|marriage leave hunjia 婚嫁|marriage hunjia 浑家|wife hunjiang 混酱|mixed sauce/(Mexican cuisine) mole hunjiao 混交|mixed (growth of wood) hunjiaolin 混交林|mixed forest hunjie 婚介|matchmaking/abbr. for 婚姻介紹|婚姻介绍 hunjin 混进|to infiltrate/to sneak into hunjue 昏厥|to faint hunjun 昏君|incapable ruler hunkui 昏聩|muddle-headed hunli 婚礼|wedding ceremony/wedding/CL:場|场[chang3] hunlian 婚恋|love and marriage hunling 魂灵|soul/mind/idea hunling 婚龄|length of married life/marriageable a... hunluan 混乱|confused; chaotic; disorderly hunluan 昏乱|dazed/confused/fuddled hunmang 浑茫|the dark ages before civilization/lim... hunmang 混茫|dim/obscure hunmao 惛耄|senile/senility hunmeng 混蒙|to deceive/to mislead hunmi 昏迷|to lose consciousness/to be in a coma... hunmibuxing 昏迷不醒|to remain unconscious hunming 混名|nickname hunmingr 混名儿|erhua variant of 混名[hun4 ming2] hunningji 混凝剂|coagulant hunningtu 混凝土|concrete (building material) hunong 糊弄|to fool/to deceive/to go through the ... hunong 唬弄|to fool/to deceive hunong 呼弄|to fool/to deceive hunong 胡弄|to fool/to deceive/to go through the ... hunpei 婚配|to marry hunpo 魂魄|soul hunqi 婚期|wedding day hunqian 婚前|premarital/prenuptial hunqian-mengrao 魂牵梦绕|see 魂牽夢縈|魂牵梦萦[hun2qian1-meng4ying2] hunqian-mengying 魂牵梦萦|(idiom) to miss very much; to yearn for hunqiancaichangongzheng 婚前财产公证|prenuptial agreement/dowry contract hunqianxingxingwei 婚前性行为|premarital sex hunqin 混吣|vulgar/foul-mouthed hunqing 婚庆|wedding celebration hunqiu 浑球|variant of 混球[hun2 qiu2] hunqiu 混球|bastard/wretch/scoundrel hunqiur 混球儿|erhua variant of 混球[hun2 qiu2] hunqiur 浑球儿|variant of 混球兒|混球儿[hun2 qiu2 r5] hunran 浑然|completely/absolutely/undivided/total... hunranbujue 浑然不觉|totally unaware hunranbuzhi 浑然不知|to be totally oblivious (to sth)/to h... hunrantiancheng 浑然天成|to resemble nature itself/of the high... hunranyiti 浑然一体|to blend into one another/to blend to... hunrizi 混日子|to idle/to waste time hunru 混入|to sneak into hunru 浑如|very similar hunsha 婚纱|wedding dress/CL:身[shen1] hunshasheying 婚纱摄影|wedding photos (done in studio, kit a... hunshen 浑身|all over/from head to foot hunshenshangxia 浑身上下|all over/from head to toe hunshenxieshu 浑身解数|to give it your all/to go at it with ... hunshenxing 婚神星|Juno, an asteroid hunshi 婚事|wedding/marriage/CL:門|门[men2],樁|桩[zhu... hunshi 混事|to work half-heartedly; to get by in ... hunshimowang 混世魔王|devil incarnate (idiom)/fiend in huma... hunshou 混熟|to get familiar with hunshu 婚书|(old) marriage contract hunshui 昏睡|to sleep heavily (due to illness, fat... hunshuibing 昏睡病|sleeping sickness/African trypanosomi... hunshuimoyu 浑水摸鱼|to fish in troubled water (idiom); to... hunshuimoyu 混水摸鱼|to fish in troubled water (idiom); to... hunshuiqiang 混水墙|plastered masonry wall hunsu 婚俗|marriage custom hunsu 荤素|meat and vegetable huntianheidi 昏天黑地|lit. dark sky and black earth (idiom)... huntianshuo 浑天说|geocentric theory in ancient Chinese ... huntianyi 浑天仪|armillary sphere (astronomy) huntong 混同|to mix up/to confuse one thing with a... huntou 昏头|to lose one\'s head/to be out of one\'s... huntouhunnao 昏头昏脑|confused/dizzy/fainting huntun 馄饨|wonton; Chinese ravioli (served in so... huntuo 浑脱|leather float/inflatable raft hunv 狐女|fox lady/in folk stories, a beautiful... hunwai 婚外|extramarital hunwailian 婚外恋|see 婚外情[hun1 wai4 qing2] hunwaiqing 婚外情|extramarital affair hunweiyitan 混为一谈|to confuse one thing with another (id... hunxiao 混淆|to obscure/to confuse/to mix up/to bl... hunxiaoheibai 混淆黑白|to confuse black and white/to say tha... hunxiaohua 荤笑话|dirty jokes/jokes of a visceral nature hunxiaoshifei 混淆是非|to confuse right and wrong (idiom) hunxiaoshiting 混淆视听|to obscure the facts (idiom); to misl... hunxiaozi 浑小子|(derog.) young hooligan (sometimes sa... hunxin 荤辛|very pungent and spicy vegetable dish... hunxing 荤腥|meat and fish hunxing 混行|mixed use (e.g. pedestrians and vehic... hunxue 混血|hybrid hunxueer 混血儿|person of mixed blood/half-breed/mulatto hunyan 婚宴|wedding reception hunyan 婚筵|wedding reception hunyi 混一|to amalgamate/to mix together as one hunyin 婚姻|marriage; matrimony/CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],次... hunyin 混音|(audio) mixing hunyinfa 婚姻法|marriage law hunyinjieshaosuo 婚姻介绍所|marriage agency hunyintiaojie 婚姻调解|marriage counseling hunyizhu 浑仪注|book by Han dynasty astronomer Zhang ... hunyong 昏庸|muddleheaded hunyou 荤油|lard/animal fat hunyou 婚友|singles seeking marriage partners/in-... hunyuan 浑源|Hunyuan county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2... hunyuan 混元|time immemorial/origin of the univers... hunyuan 浑圆|perfectly round/(fig.) accommodating/... hunyuanxian 浑源县|Hunyuan county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2... hunyue 婚约|engagement/wedding contract hunza 混杂|to mix/to mingle hunzawu 混杂物|adulteration/impurities hunzhan 混战|chaotic warfare; confused fighting; m... hunzhang 混账|shameful/absolutely disgraceful! hunzhong 混种|hybrid/mixed-breed hunzhuo 浑浊|muddy/turbid hunzhuo 混浊|turbid/muddy/dirty hunzhuo 溷浊|variant of 混濁|混浊[hun4 zhuo2] hunzi 混子|hoodlum/person unfit for society hunzuo 混作|mixed cropping (i.e. growing two crop... huo 或|maybe/perhaps/might/possibly/or huo 和|to combine a powdery substance (flour... huo 和|to mix (ingredients) together/to blen... huo 惑|to confuse/to be puzzled huo 夥|many/numerous huo 霍|surname Huo huo 霍|(literary) suddenly huo 活|to live/alive/living/work/workmanship huo 佸|meet huo 火|surname Huo huo 火|fire/urgent/ammunition/fiery or flami... huo 劐|(coll.) to slit with a knife/(variant... huo 劐|(literary) variant of 穫|获[huo4] huo 货|goods/money/commodity/CL:個|个[ge4] huo 钬|holmium (chemistry) huo 豁|opening/stake all/sacrifice/crack/slit huo 豁|open; clear; liberal-minded; generous... huo 濩|cook/dashing of water huo 藿|Lophanthus rugosus/beans huo 镬|wok (dialect)/cauldron (old) huo 伙|meals (abbr. for 伙食[huo3 shi2])/varia... huo 伙|companion/partner/group/classifier fo... huo 謋|sound of flesh being separated from t... huo 祸|old variant of 禍|祸[huo4] huo 祸|disaster/misfortune/calamity huo 嚯|(onom.) expressing admiration or surp... huo 灬|\"fire\" radical in Chinese characters ... huo 擭|trap huo 臛|(literary) meat broth huo 锪|(metalwork) to ream/to countersink/to... huo 嚄|(interj.) oh! huo 嗀|to vomit huo 蠖|looper caterpillar huo 雘|red earth used for paints huo 㸌|to twinkle; to glint huo 蒦|(archaic) to measure huo 湱|dashing of waves huo 耠|a hoe/to hoe/to loosen the soil with ... huo 攉|to shovel huo 彟|see 武士彠|武士彟[Wu3 Shi4 huo4]/old varian... huo 檴|(tree) huo 㺢|used in the transcription of \"okapi\" ... huo 获|(literary) to catch; to capture/(lite... huo 获|(bound form) to reap; to harvest huoba 火把|torch/CL:把[ba3] huobajie 火把节|Torch Festival huoban 伙伴|partner/companion/comrade huoban 活版|typography/movable type huoban 活瓣|valve huoban 火伴|variant of 伙伴[huo3 ban4] huoban 夥伴|variant of 伙伴[huo3 ban4] huoban 活板|trapdoor huobanjiu 火斑鸠|(bird species of China) red collared ... huobanyinshua 活版印刷|printing with movable type/typesetting huobao 火爆|fiery (temper)/popular/flourishing/pr... huobao 活宝|buffoon/clown/ridiculous person huobao 火暴|variant of 火爆[huo3 bao4] huobao 货包|freight package; bale of goods huobao 获报|to receive a report/to receive intell... huobaoju 活报剧|political street theater (loanword fr... huobaolizhe 获暴利者|profiteer huobate 霍巴特|Hobart, capital of Tasmania (Australia) huobazi 活靶子|live target/target (of criticism etc) huobengluantiao 活蹦乱跳|to leap and frisk about (idiom); live... huobi 货币|currency/monetary/money huobian 活便|nimble/agile/convenient huobibianzhi 货币贬值|currency devaluation/to devaluate a c... huobiduihuan 货币兑换|currency exchange huobigongyingliang 货币供应量|money supply huobing 火并|(of rival gangs or armed factions etc... huobisanjia 货比三家|to shop around (idiom) huobisanjiabuchikui 货比三家不吃亏|shop around first and you won\'t get r... huobishichang 货币市场|money market huobiteren 霍比特人|The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien 托爾金|托尔金 huobiweiji 货币危机|monetary crisis huobizhuyi 货币主义|monetarism huobudanxing 祸不单行|misfortune does not come singly (idio... huobusi 霍布斯|Hobbs (name) huobuxiaqu 活不下去|impossible to make a living huobuxuanzhong 祸不旋踵|trouble is never far away (idiom) huocang 货舱|cargo hold/cargo bay (of a plane) huocang 货仓|warehouse huocha 活茬|farm work huochai 火柴|match (for lighting fire)/CL:根[gen1],... huochang 火场|the scene of a fire huoche 火车|train/CL:列[lie4],節|节[jie2],班[ban1],趟[... huoche 货车|truck/van/freight wagon huocheng 霍城|Huocheng County or Qorghas nahiyisi i... huocheng 火成|(geology) igneous; volcanic (rock) huocheng 或称|also called/also known as/a.k.a. huochengsuixie 火成碎屑|pyroclastic huochengxian 霍城县|Huocheng County or Qorghas nahiyisi i... huochengyan 火成岩|igneous rock (geology)/volcanic rock huochepiao 火车票|train ticket huochetou 火车头|train engine/locomotive huochezhan 火车站|train station huochuan 货船|cargo ship/freighter huochuqu 豁出去|to throw caution to the wind/to press... huocongkouchu 祸从口出|Trouble issues from the mouth (idiom)... huocun 活存|demand deposit (abbr. for 活期存款[huo2 q... huoda 豁达|optimistic/sanguine/generous/magnanim... huoda 火大|to get mad; to be very angry huodaofukuan 货到付款|cash on delivery (COD) huodaolao,xuedaolao 活到老,学到老|One is never too old to learn. (idiom) huode 获得|to obtain; to receive; to get huode 霍德|Ford (name) huodebunaifan 活得不耐烦|to be tired of living/(coll.) to be a... huodegan 获得感|sense of gain huodexing 获得性|acquired (i.e. not inborn) huodexingjun 火德星君|spirit of the planet Mars huodezhe 获得者|recipient huodi 霍地|suddenly; abruptly huodian 火电|thermal power huodiqundao 火地群岛|Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia huodong 活动|to exercise/to move about/to operate/... huodongbanshou 活动扳手|adjustable spanner huodongchangdi 活动场地|place for activities (playground, eve... huodongfang 活动房|prefabricated building/prefab huodongfangwu 活动房屋|prefabricated building/prefab/mobile ... huodongguatu 活动挂图|flipchart huodongjia 活动家|activist huodongkanban 活动看板|calendar of events huodongnengli 活动能力|mobility/motility huodongquchi 活动曲尺|sliding bevel (to measure angles) huodongrenshi 活动人士|activist huodongzhongxin 活动中心|activity center/CL:處|处[chu4] huodongzhuomian 活动桌面|active desktop huodu 活度|activity huodui 火堆|bonfire/to open fire huodun 霍顿|Hotton, Holden, Wharton, Houghton etc... huoduohuoshao 或多或少|more or less huoer 霍尔|Hall (name) huoerbuluke 霍尔布鲁克|Holbrook (name)/Richard C.A. Holbrook... huoermusi 霍尔姆斯|Holmes (name) huoermuzi 霍尔木兹|Hormuz, Iran, at the mouth of the Per... huoermuzidao 霍尔木兹岛|Hormuz Island, Iran, at the mouth of ... huoermuzihaixia 霍尔木兹海峡|Strait of Hormuz huoerteng 霍尔滕|Horten (city in Vestfold, Norway) huofan 活泛|flexible/adaptable huofen 活分|nimble huofo 活佛|Living Buddha/title of Mongolian Lama... huofu 祸福|disaster and happiness huofu 伙夫|mess cook (old) huofujixiong 祸福吉凶|fate/portent/luck or disasters as for... huofuman 霍夫曼|Hofmann or Hoffman (name)/August Wilh... huofuwuchang 祸福无常|disaster and happiness do not follow ... huofuyugong 祸福与共|to stick together through thick and t... huogai 活该|(coll.) serve sb right/deservedly/oug... huogen 祸根|root of the trouble/cause of the ruin huogewoci 霍格沃茨|Hogwarts (Harry Potter) huoguang 火光|flame/blaze huoguanque 火冠雀|(bird species of China) fire-capped t... huogui 货柜|counter for the display of goods/(Tw)... huoguiche 货柜车|(Tw) container truck huoguo 火锅|hotpot/(basketball) a blocked shot; a... huoguoyangmin 祸国殃民|to damage the country and cause suffe... huohai 祸害|disaster/harm/scourge/bad person/to d... huohai 火海|a sea of flames huohaidaoshan 火海刀山|see 刀山火海[dao1 shan1 huo3 hai3] huohao 活好|to live (one\'s life) well/(slang) to ... huohe 火鹤|flamingo lily (Anthurium andraeanum) huohehua 火鹤花|flamingo lily (Anthurium andraeanum) huohong 火红|fiery/blazing huohou 火候|heat control/(fig.) mastery/(fig.) cr... huohu 火狐|Firefox (web browser) huohu 火狐|red panda (Ailurus fulgens)/red fox (... huohu 火湖|burning lake/lake of burning sulfur/i... huohua 活化|activation huohua 火花|spark/sparkle huohua 火化|to cremate/to incinerate huohuade 霍华德|Howard (name) huohuade 霍华得|Howard (name) huohuafenxi 活化分析|activation analysis huohuan 祸患|disaster/calamity huohuan 火环|Ring of Fire (circum-Pacific seismic ... huohuanbu 火浣布|asbestos cloth huohuasai 火花塞|spark plug huohuashi 活化石|living fossil huohuo 霍霍|(literary) (onom.) sound of sharpenin... huohuo 活活|while still alive/simply/totally huohuo 活火|flaming fire/flames huohuoshan 活火山|active volcano huoji 火机|see 打火機|打火机[da3 huo3 ji1] huoji 伙计|partner/fellow/mate/waiter/servant/sh... huoji 货机|cargo plane huoji 火鸡|turkey huoji 活计|handicraft/needlework/work huoji 祸及|to bring disaster upon huoji 火急|extremely urgent huoji 夥计|variant of 伙計|伙计[huo3 ji5] huojia 货架|shelf for goods/shop shelf huojia 获嘉|Huojia county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 ... huojian 火箭|rocket/CL:枚[mei2] huojian 活检|biopsy/abbr. for 活體組織檢查|活体组织检查[huo2 t... huojiandan 火箭弹|rocket (artillery) huojiang 获奖|to win an award huojiang 或将|will perhaps/may (in the future) huojiangui 活见鬼|what the hell; preposterous huojiangzhe 获奖者|prizewinner huojianjun 火箭军|Rocket Force, branch of the PLA respo... huojianpao 火箭炮|rocket artillery huojiantong 火箭筒|bazooka/rocket launcher huojiantuijinliudan 火箭推进榴弹|rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) huojiapi 霍加狓|okapi (Okapia johnstoni) huojiapi 㺢㹢狓|variant of 霍加狓[huo4jia1pi2] huojiaxian 获嘉县|Huojia county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 ... huojie 活结|a slip-knot/a noose huojin 霍金|Hawkins or Hawking/Stephen Hawking (1... huojing 火警|fire alarm huojinsi 霍金斯|Hawkins (name)/also written 霍金 huojiu 获救|to be rescued; to be saved huojiujian 活久见|(neologism c. 2006) if you live long ... huoju 火炬|(flaming) torch/CL:把[ba3] huojushou 火炬手|torchbearer/athlete carrying Olympic ... huokehaimu 霍克海姆|Horkheimer (philosopher) huokeng 火坑|pit of fire/fig. living hell huokesong 霍克松|Hokksund (city in Buskerud, Norway) huokong 火控|fire control (gunnery) huokong 锪孔|an enlargement at the outer end of a ... huokou 活口|sb who witnesses a crime and is not k... huokuaizi 火筷子|fire tongs/hair curling tongs huokuan 货款|payment for goods huola 火辣|painful heat/scorching/rude and forth... huolala 火辣辣|scorching hot/(of a burn or other inj... huoleifeng 活雷锋|selfless model citizen, just like Lei... huoleng 劐弄|(dialect) to mix/to stir/to make trouble huoleng 豁楞|(dialect) (variant of 劐弄[huo1 leng5])... huoli 活力|energy/vitality/vigor/vital force huoli 获利|profit/to obtain benefits/benefits ob... huoli 火力|fire/firepower huoli 火犁|mechanical plow huoliao 火燎|to singe; to scorch huolieniao 火烈鸟|flamingo huolifadian 火力发电|thermal power generation huolifadianchang 火力发电厂|fired power plant (i.e. fired by coal... huolihuitu 获利回吐|(finance) profit-taking huolinghuoxian 活灵活现|living spirit, living image (idiom); ... huolinguole 霍林郭勒|Huolin Gol, county-level city in Tong... huolinguoleshi 霍林郭勒市|Huolin Gol, county-level city in Tong... huolisishe 活力四射|dynamic/enthusiastic/energetic huoliuxing 火流星|(astronomy) bolide/fireball huolong 火龙|a lantern or torchlight procession (r... huolongguo 火龙果|red pitaya/dragon fruit/dragon pearl ... huolonghuoxian 活龙活现|living spirit, living image (idiom); ... huolu 活路|through road/way out/way to survive/m... huolu 活路|labor/physical work huolu 火炉|stove huoluan 霍乱|cholera huoluan 祸乱|calamity and chaos/devastating disord... huoluandusu 霍乱毒素|cholera toxin huoluanhujun 霍乱弧菌|cholera bacterium (Vibrio cholerae) huoluanjunmiao 霍乱菌苗|cholera vaccine huolun 货轮|freighter/cargo ship/CL:艘[sou1] huolun 火轮|steamboat (old) huolunchuan 火轮船|steamboat huoluoweici 霍洛维茨|Horowitz (name) huoma 火麻|hemp huomai 活埋|to bury alive huomaosanzhang 火冒三丈|to get really angry huomeiji 攉煤机|coal-shovel machine huomen 活门|valve huomen 或门|OR gate (electronics) huomian 豁免|to exempt/exemption huomian 和面|to knead dough huomianquan 豁免权|immunity from prosecution huomiao 火苗|flame huoming 活命|life/to survive/to save a life/to scr... huoniyala 霍尼亚拉|Honiara, capital of Solomon Islands huonululu 火奴鲁鲁|Honolulu, capital of Hawaii/also call... huopan 货盘|pallet huopao 火炮|cannon/gun/artillery huopen 火盆|brazier/fire pan/hibachi huopeng 货棚|covered stall/shed huopi 获批|to be approved huopin 货品|goods huopin 火拼|see 火併|火并[huo3bing4] huopo 活泼|lively/vivacious/brisk/active/(chemis... huopujinsidaxue 霍普金斯大学|Johns Hopkins University huopusa 活菩萨|a living Buddha/fig. compassionate pe... huoqi 火气|anger/internal heat (TCM) huoqi 火器|firearm/CL:架[jia4] huoqi 活期|(banking) current (account)/checking ... huoqi 活气|spirited atmosphere huoqian 火钳|fire tongs huoqiang 火枪|firearms (in historical context)/flin... huoqiang 火墙|firewall huoqiangshou 火枪手|gunman/musketeer huoqicunkuan 活期存款|demand deposit huoqidaikuan 活期贷款|demand loan (i.e. loan that the borro... huoqin 活禽|live poultry huoqiu 霍邱|Huoqiu, a county in Lu\'an 六安[Lu4an1],... huoqiu 霍丘|variant of 霍邱[Huo4 qiu1]/Huoqiu count... huoqiuxian 霍邱县|Huoqiu, a county in Lu\'an 六安[Lu4an1],... huoqizhanghu 活期帐户|current account (in bank) huoqizijin 活期资金|funds on call/invested sum that can b... huoqu 获取|to gain; to get; to acquire huoque 或缺|to lack/to do without huor 活儿|work/(lots of) things to do huor 火儿|fire/fury/angry huoran 豁然|wide and open/a flash of understanding huoran 霍然|suddenly/quickly huoran 或然|probable huoraneryu 霍然而愈|to recover speedily (idiom); to get b... huorankailang 豁然开朗|suddenly opens up to a wide panorama ... huoranlv 或然率|probability (math.) huore 火热|fiery/burning/fervent/ardent/passionate huoren 活人|living person huorenrangniaobiesi 活人让尿憋死|lit. such a fool as to die from holdi... huorongcao 火绒草|edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) huosai 活塞|piston/valve huosai 霍赛|Jose (name) huose 货色|goods/(derog.) stuff/trash huose 火色|(dialect) intensity of the fire (in c... huoseshengxiang 活色生香|(of a flower) vividly colorful and fr... huoshan 火山|volcano huoshan 霍山|Huoshan, a county in Lu\'an 六安[Lu4 an1... huoshanbaofa 火山爆发|volcanic eruption huoshanbaofazhishu 火山爆发指数|volcanic explosivity index (VEI) huoshandai 火山带|volcanic belt huoshandao 火山岛|volcanic island huoshandou 火山豆|macadamia nut huoshangjiaoyou 火上浇油|to pour oil on the fire (idiom); fig.... huoshangjiayou 火上加油|to add oil to the fire (idiom); fig. ... huoshanhui 火山灰|volcanic ash huoshanhuitu 火山灰土|andosol (soil taxonomy) huoshanhuodong 火山活动|volcanic activity/volcanism huoshankou 火山口|volcanic crater huoshanli 火山砾|lapillus/lapilli huoshanmao 火山毛|(geology) Pele\'s hair huoshansuixieliu 火山碎屑流|pyroclastic flow huoshanxian 霍山县|Huoshan, a county in Lu\'an 六安[Lu4 an1... huoshanxue 火山学|volcanology huoshanyan 火山岩|volcanic rock huoshao 火烧|to set fire to/to burn down/burning h... huoshaohuoliao 火烧火燎|restless with anxiety/to feel unbeara... huoshaomeimao 火烧眉毛|lit. the fire burns one\'s eyebrows (i... huoshaoyun 火烧云|nuée ardente/hot cloud of volcanic ash huoshe 火舌|tongue of flame huoshen 火神|god of fire huosheng 获胜|victorious/to win/to triumph huoshengsheng 活生生|real (people)/living (artist)/while s... huoshengzhe 获胜者|victor huoshenxian 活神仙|a god living in our midst (sb who can... huoshi 或是|or/either one or the other huoshi 伙食|food/meals huoshi 火石|flint (stone) huoshi 火势|intensity of a fire/lively/flourishing huoshi 祸事|disaster/doom huoshi 获释|freed (from prison)/to obtain release huoshi 活尸|zombie huoshifei 伙食费|food expenses/board expenses/meals (c... huoshixuanmuque 霍氏旋木雀|(bird species of China) Hodgson\'s tre... huoshiyingjuan 霍氏鹰鹃|(bird species of China) Hodgson\'s haw... huoshou 祸首|chief offender/main culprit huoshouzui 活受罪|(coll.) to go through sheer hell huoshouzuikui 祸首罪魁|main offender, criminal ringleader (i... huoshui 祸水|source of calamity (esp. of women) huoshuyinhua 火树银花|display of fireworks and lanterns huosi 活似|see 活像[huo2 xiang4] huosu 火速|at top speed/at a tremendous lick huotan 货摊|vendor\'s stall huotan 火炭|Fo Tan (area in Hong Kong) huotan 火炭|live coal/ember/burning coals huotang 火塘|indoor fire pit huotang 火烫|burning hot/fiery/to have one\'s hair ... huotao 活套|noose/running knot huoti 活体|living body/live specimen huoti 货梯|freight elevator/goods lift huoti 或体|variant Chinese character/alternative... huotijianshi 活体检视|biopsy huotizuzhijiancha 活体组织检查|biopsy/abbr. to 活檢|活检[huo2 jian3] huotong 伙同|to collude/in collusion with huotui 火腿|ham/CL:個|个[ge4] huotuichang 火腿肠|ham sausage huotuo 活脱|remarkably alike huotuotuo 活脱脱|remarkably alike huou 互殴|to fight each other; to come to blows huowei 火卫|moon of Mars huoweier 火卫二|Deimos (moon of Mars), aka Mars II huoweilvmei 火尾绿鹛|(bird species of China) fire-tailed m... huoweitaiyangniao 火尾太阳鸟|(bird species of China) fire-tailed s... huoweiximei 火尾希鹛|(bird species of China) red-tailed mi... huoweiyi 火卫一|Phobos (moon of Mars), aka Mars I huowensanjiabuchikui 货问三家不吃亏|see 貨比三家不吃虧|货比三家不吃亏[huo4 bi3 san1 jia... huowu 货物|goods/commodity/merchandise/CL:宗[zong1] huowu 活物|living animals huowuyunshu 货物运输|freight or cargo transportation huoxi 获悉|to learn of sth/to find out/to get news huoxia 活下|to survive huoxian 火线|FireWire (IEEE 1394 data-transfer int... huoxian 火线|firing line (battle)/live electrical ... huoxian 火险|fire danger (abbr. for 火災危險|火灾危险[huo3... huoxiang 藿香|wrinkled giant hyssop/Agastache rugos... huoxiang 活像|to look exactly like/to be the spitti... huoxiaqu 活下去|to survive/to keep on living huoxing 火星|Mars (planet) huoxing 火星|spark huoxing 活性|(chemistry) activity/active/activated huoxing 火刑|execution by fire/burning at the stake huoxing 惑星|planet/also written 行星[xing2 xing1] huoxing 获刑|to be punished huoxingge 火星哥|nickname of American singer Bruno Mars huoxingji 活性剂|reagent (chemistry) huoxingkuaiche 火星快车|Mars Express, a European Space Agency... huoxingren 火星人|Martian huoxingtan 活性炭|activated carbon huoxingwen 火星文|lit. Martian language/fig. Internet s... huoxingyanglei 活性氧类|activated oxygen species (AOS) huoxingzhuangdiqiu 火星撞地球|clash that leaves both sides shattered huoxini 和稀泥|to try to smooth things over/to paper... huoxiyi 火蜥蜴|salamander huoxu 或许|perhaps; maybe huoxue 活血|to improve blood circulation (Chinese... huoxuehuoyong 活学活用|to creatively combine learning with u... huoxuezhitong 活血止痛|to invigorate blood circulation and a... huoyan 火焰|blaze/flame huoyan 火眼|pinkeye huoyanjinjing 火眼金睛|piercing eyes/discerning eyes huoyanpensheqi 火焰喷射器|flamethrower huoyanshan 火焰山|Mountain of Flames of legend/fig. ins... huoyanyanyi 火炎焱燚|hot (i.e. popular) (emphatic form of ... huoyao 火药|gunpowder huoyaori 火曜日|Tuesday (used in ancient Chinese astr... huoyaowei 火药味|smell of gunpowder/(fig.) combative t... huoyaoweishennong 火药味甚浓|strong smell of gunpowder/fig. tense ... huoyi 获益|to profit from sth/to get benefit huoyi 伙颐|variant of 夥頤|夥颐[huo3 yi2] huoyi 夥颐|(literary) very many/wow! (an exclama... huoyin 火印|branded mark/brand huoyingdong 霍英东|Henry Ying-tung Fok (1913-2006), Hong... huoyingrenzhe 火影忍者|Naruto, manga and anime series huoyizhe 获益者|beneficiary huoyong 活用|to apply (knowledge etc) creatively a... huoyou 火油|(dialect) kerosene huoyu 活鱼|fresh fish/living fish huoyuan 货源|supply of goods huoyue 活跃|active/lively/excited/to enliven/to b... huoyuefenzi 活跃分子|activist huoyun 货运|freight transport/cargo/transported g... huoyunkache 货运卡车|freight truck huoyunlieche 货运列车|goods train/freight train huozai 火灾|serious fire (in a city or a forest etc) huozai 货载|cargo huozang 火葬|to cremate huozangchang 火葬场|crematorium huozeng 获赠|to receive/to be given/to be presente... huozhai 活摘|to harvest (an organ) from a living p... huozhan 货栈|warehouse huozhan 货站|cargo terminal huozhe 或者|or/possibly; maybe; perhaps huozhe 活着|alive huozhen-jiashi 货真价实|lit. genuine goods at fair prices (id... huozhi 获知|to learn of (an event)/to hear about ... huozhi 货值|value (of goods) huozhong 火种|tinder/source of a fire/inflammable m... huozhongquli 火中取栗|lit. to pull chestnuts out of the fir... huozhou 霍州|Huozhou, county-level city in Linfen ... huozhoushi 霍州市|Huozhou, county-level city in Linfen ... huozhu 火柱|column of flame huozhu 火烛|fire and candles/household things tha... huozhun 获准|to obtain permission huozhuo 活捉|to capture alive huozi 活字|movable type huozidian 活字典|walking dictionary/well-informed person huoziyinshua 活字印刷|printing with movable type huozui 获罪|to be deemed guilty; to be convicted huozui 活罪|bitter sufferings; great hardships huozuzhijiancha 活组织检查|biopsy hupai 胡牌|variant of 和牌[hu2pai2] hupai 虎牌|Tiger Brand (beer) hupai 和牌|(mahjong) to complete a hand hupan 湖畔|lakeside hupenggouyou 狐朋狗友|a pack of rogues (idiom); a gang of s... hupengyinban 呼朋引伴|to gather one\'s friends/to band together hupengyinlei 呼朋引类|to call up all one\'s associates/rent-... hupiyingwu 虎皮鹦鹉|budgerigar hupo 琥珀|amber hupo 虎魄|variant of 琥珀[hu3 po4] hupo 湖泊|lake huqi 呼气|to breathe out huqian 虎钳|vise huqiang 糊墙|to paper a wall huqiangzhi 糊墙纸|wallpaper huqilian 虎起脸|to take a fierce look huqin 胡琴|huqin/family of Chinese two-stringed ... huqin 胡吣|to talk provokingly or nonsensically huqinr 胡琴儿|erhua variant of 胡琴[hu2 qin2] huqiu 虎丘|Huqiu district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市... huqiuqu 虎丘区|Huqiu district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市... huqu 湖区|Lake District, north England huquan 胡铨|Hu Quan (1102-1180), Song Dynasty off... huqungoudang 狐群狗党|a skulk of foxes, a pack of dogs (idi... hur 核儿|pit (stone of a fruit) huran 忽然|suddenly; all of a sudden hurang 互让|to yield to one another/mutual accomm... huren 湖人|Los Angeles Lakers/abbr. for 洛杉磯湖人|洛杉... huren 唬人|to scare people/to bluff/to deceive huren 胡人|ethnic groups in the north and west o... hureng 互扔|to throw (sth) at each other husaier 胡塞尔|Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), German ph... hushan 忽闪|to glitter/to gleam/to sparkle/to flash hushang 沪上|alternative name for Shanghai 上海[Shan... hushanghuxia 忽上忽下|to fluctuate sharply hushao 唿哨|to whistle (with fingers in one\'s mou... hushao 忽哨|to whistle (with fingers in one\'s mou... hushenfu 护身符|amulet; protective talisman; charm hushenfuzi 护身符子|amulet/protective talisman/charm husheng 互生|alternate leaf arrangement (botany) husheng 呼声|a shout/fig. opinion or demand, esp. ... husheng 护生|nursing student/(Buddhism) to preserv... husheng 胡笙|pipe wind instrument introduced from ... hushengang 沪深港|abbr. for Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3], S... hushengye 互生叶|alternate phyllotaxy (leaf pattern) hushi 忽视|to neglect; to overlook; to disregard... hushi 护士|nurse/CL:個|个[ge4] hushi 怙恃|to rely on/father and mother (classical) hushi 护食|(of a dog etc) to guard its food hushi 胡适|Hu Shi (1891-1962), original proponen... hushi-dandan 虎视眈眈|lit. to fix one\'s eyes on sth like a ... hushishou 虎狮兽|tigon or tiglon, hybrid cross between... hushoupan 护手盘|hand guard (e.g. on saber) hushoushuang 护手霜|hand cream/hand lotion hushu 槲树|Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata)/Daimy... hushubudu 户枢不蠹|lit. a door hinge never becomes worm-... hushui 戽水|to draw water for irrigation (manuall... hushuo 胡说|to talk nonsense/drivel hushuobadao 胡说八道|to talk rubbish husiluanxiang 胡思乱想|to indulge in flights of fancy (idiom... husong 护送|to escort/to accompany husu 觳觫|(literary) to tremble with fear husu 互素|(math.) coprime/relatively prime (hav... husui 胡荽|coriander husun 猢狲|macaque husuzhongchang 互诉衷肠|(idiom) to confide in each other hutao 胡桃|walnut hutaojiazi 胡桃夹子|The Nutcracker (ballet) hutian 胡天|Zoroastrianism hutianhudi 胡天胡帝|with all the majesty of an emperor (i... hutianqiangdi 呼天抢地|(idiom) to cry out to heaven and knoc... hutiaoxia 虎跳峡|Tiger Leaping Gorge on the Jinsha Riv... hutong 胡同|lane/alley/CL:條|条[tiao2] hutong 胡同|variant of 胡同[hu2 tong4] hutong 互通|to intercommunicate/to interoperate hutongr 胡同儿|erhua variant of 胡同[hu2tong4] hutongxing 互通性|interoperability (of communications e... hutongyouwu 互通有无|(idiom) mutual exchange of assistance... hutou 户头|bank account/CL:個|个[ge4] hutoufeng 虎头蜂|hornet hutouhaidiao 虎头海雕|(bird species of China) Steller\'s sea... hutoupai 虎头牌|tiger-head plaque (made of wood and m... hutoushewei 虎头蛇尾|lit. tiger\'s head, snake\'s tail (idio... hutu 糊涂|muddled/silly/confused hutu 胡涂|variant of 糊塗|糊涂[hu2 tu5] hutubi 呼图壁|Hutubi county in Changji Hui autonomo... hutubixian 呼图壁县|Hutubi county in Changji Hui autonomo... hutuchong 糊涂虫|blunderer/bungler hutuchong 胡涂虫|blunderer/bungler/also written 糊塗蟲|糊涂虫 hutuzhang 糊涂账|muddled accounts/a mess of bookkeeping hutuzu 胡图族|Hutu, an ethnic group in Rwanda and B... huwai 户外|outdoor huwei 护卫|to guard/to protect/bodyguard (for of... huwei 虎尾|Huwei town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Y... huwei 忽微|minuscule quantity/minor matter huweichunbing 虎尾春冰|lit. like stepping on a tiger\'s tail ... huweijian 护卫舰|corvette huweilan 虎尾兰|snake plant aka mother-in-law\'s tongu... huweiting 护卫艇|escort vessel/corvette huweiyinguo 互为因果|mutually related karma (idiom); fates... huweizhen 虎尾镇|Huwei town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Y... huwen 互文|paired phrases (poetic device) huwen 忽闻|to hear suddenly/to learn of sth unex... huwenbolao 虎纹伯劳|(bird species of China) tiger shrike ... huwenxinzheng 胡温新政|Hu-Wen New Administration (formed in ... huwujiu 胡兀鹫|(bird species of China) bearded vultu... huxi 呼吸|to breathe huxi 护膝|kneepad/knee brace huxi 湖西|Huhsi township in Penghu county 澎湖縣|澎... huxian 弧线|arc huxian 户限|threshold huxianchang 弧线长|arc length/length of a curve segment huxiang 互相|each other/mutually/mutual huxiang 胡想|see 胡思亂想|胡思乱想[hu2 si1 luan4 xiang3] huxiangchepi 互相扯皮|to pass the buck/to shirk responsibility huxiangjiandu 互相监督|mutual supervision huxianglianjie 互相连接|interlinked huxianglianxi 互相联系|mutually related/interconnected huxiangtuiwei 互相推诿|mutually shirking responsibilities (i... huxiangyicun 互相依存|interdependent huxianweichuan 户限为穿|to have an endless stream of visitors... huxiao 呼啸|to whistle; to scream; to whiz huxiaoerguo 呼啸而过|to whistle past/to hurtle past/to zip by huxidao 呼吸道|respiratory tract huxiguan 呼吸管|snorkel huxijin 胡锡进|Hu Xijin (1960-), editor-in-chief of ... huxin 互信|mutual trust huxing 户型|configuration of rooms in a residence... huxing 弧形|curve; arc huxiqi 呼吸器|ventilator (artificial breathing appa... huxitiaojieqi 呼吸调节器|regulator (diving) huxiu 呼咻|(onom.) whoosh huxixiang 湖西乡|Huhsi township in Penghu county 澎湖縣|澎... huxixitong 呼吸系统|respiratory system huxu 胡须|beard/CL:根[gen1],綹|绺[liu3] huya 虎牙|(coll.) eye tooth (maxillary canine t... huyan 呼延|two-character surname Huyan huyan 胡雁|Tatar goose, wild goose found in terr... huyanluanyu 胡言乱语|babbling nonsense (idiom); crazy and ... huyanni 胡燕妮|Jenny Hu (1945-), Hong Kong actress huyaobang 胡耀邦|Hu Yaobang (1915-1989), Chinese polit... huyaozhu 虎咬猪|see 刈包[gua4 bao1] huyi 互译|two-way translation huyi 狐疑|to doubt; to suspect huyi 护翼|to provide protection; to take under ... huyi 互异|differing from one another/mutually d... huying 呼应|to conform (with)/to echo/to correlat... huyinhuxian 忽隐忽现|intermittent/now you see it, now you ... huyou 忽悠|to rock/to sway/to flicker (e.g. of l... huyou 护佑|to bless and protect/to protect huyou 户牖|door and window/the home huyu 呼吁|to call on (sb to do sth)/to appeal (... huyu 沪语|Shanghainese/Shanghai dialect huyuan 胡芫|coriander huyue 胡乐|Hu music/central Asian music (e.g. as... huyue 胡越|the peoples north, west and south of ... huyue 胡越|large distance/disaster/calamity huzha 胡渣|see 鬍碴|胡碴[hu2 cha1] huzhao 湖沼|lakes and marshes huzhao 护照|passport/CL:本[ben3],個|个[ge4] huzhao 呼召|to call (to do something) huzhaoxue 湖沼学|limnology huzhe 护着|to protect/to guard/to shield huzhijilai 呼之即来|to come when called (idiom); ready an... huzhijilai,huizhijiqu 呼之即来,挥之即去|to come when called (idiom); ready an... huzhiming 胡志明|Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), former Vietn... huzhimingshi 胡志明市|Ho Chi Minh City a.k.a. Saigon, Vietnam huzhiqiang 胡志强|Jason Hu (1948-), former Taiwan forei... huzhiyuchu 呼之欲出|lit. ready to appear at the call (idi... huzhong 呼中|Huzhong district of Daxing\'anling pre... huzhongqu 呼中区|Huzhong district of Daxing\'anling pre... huzhou 湖州|see 湖州市[Hu2zhou1 Shi4] huzhou 胡诌|to invent crazy nonsense/to cook up (... huzhou 护肘|elbow pad/elbow support huzhou-luanshuo 胡诌乱说|(idiom) to talk random nonsense; to s... huzhoubache 胡诌八扯|to talk random nonsense (idiom); to s... huzhouluanbang 胡诌乱傍|to talk random nonsense (idiom); to s... huzhouluanche 胡诌乱扯|to talk nonsense (idiom); saying what... huzhouluandao 胡诌乱道|to talk nonsense (idiom); saying what... huzhoushi 湖州市|Huzhou, prefecture-level city in Zhej... huzhu 互助|to help each other huzhu 户主|head of the household huzhuapai 虎爪派|Hu Zhua Pai - \"Tiger Claw Sytem\" - Ma... huzi 胡子|beard/mustache or whiskers/facial hai... huzi 虎子|tiger cub/brave young man huzi 胡髭|beard and mustache huzitou 虎字头|name of \"tiger\" radical in Chinese ch... huziwei 胡紫微|Hu Ziwei (1970-), PRC lady TV presenter huziwei 胡紫薇|Hu Ziwei (1970-), PRC lady TV presenter huzongzhi 沪综指|Shanghai composite index (stock marke... huzui 糊嘴|to scrape a meager living/to get by w... huzuofeiwei 胡作非为|to run amok (idiom); to commit outrages i-ren i人|(slang) introverted person ins ins|Instagram ip IP|intellectual property (in China, esp.... ipju IP剧|screen adaptation (TV series or movie... ji 系|to tie/to fasten/to button up ji 计|surname Ji ji 计|to calculate/to compute/to count/to r... ji 及|and/to reach/up to/in time for ji 机|surname Ji ji 机|(bound form) machine; mechanism/(boun... ji 级|level/grade/rank/step (of stairs)/CL:... ji 集|to gather/to collect/collected works/... ji 居|(archaic) sentence-final particle exp... ji 基|(bound form) base; foundation/(bound ... ji 记|to record/to note/to memorize/to reme... ji 剂|dose (medicine) ji 即|namely/that is/i.e./prompt/at once/at... ji 奇|odd (number) ji 吉|surname Ji/abbr. for Jilin 吉林省[Ji2lin... ji 吉|lucky/giga- (meaning billion or 10^9) ji 鸡|fowl/chicken/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/(slang) pro... ji 继|to continue/to follow after/to go on ... ji 几|small table ji 几|almost ji 几|how much/how many/several/a few ji 纪|surname Ji/also pr. [Ji4] ji 纪|order/discipline/age/era/period/to ch... ji 既|already/since/both... (and...) ji 急|urgent/pressing/rapid/hurried/worried... ji 击|to hit/to strike/to break/Taiwan pr. ... ji 暨|and/to reach to/the limits ji 姬|surname Ji/family name of the royal f... ji 姬|woman/concubine/female entertainer (a... ji 寄|to send/to mail/to entrust/to depend ... ji 给|to supply/to provide ji 己|self/oneself/sixth of the ten Heavenl... ji 季|surname Ji ji 季|season/the last month of a season/fou... ji 疾|(bound form) disease; ailment/(bound ... ji 冀|short name for Hebei 河北[He2bei3]/surn... ji 冀|(literary) to hope for ji 挤|to crowd in/to cram in/to force other... ji 极|extremely/pole (geography, physics)/u... ji 际|border/edge/boundary/interval/between... ji 迹|footprint/mark/trace/vestige/sign/ind... ji 迹|variant of 跡|迹[ji4] ji 激|to arouse/to incite/to excite/to stim... ji 忌|to be jealous of/fear/dread/scruple/t... ji 戟|halberd/long-handled weapon with poin... ji 绩|to spin (hemp etc)/merit/accomplishme... ji 瀱|(literary) spring water gushing out ji 祭|to offer a sacrifice to (gods or ance... ji 辑|to gather up/to collect/to edit/to co... ji 羇|variant of 羈|羁[ji1] ji 脊|(bound form) spine; backbone/(bound f... ji 偈|Buddhist hymn/gatha/Buddhist verse ji 骑|(Tw) saddle horse/mounted soldier ji 亽|old variant of 亼[ji2] ji 缉|to seize/to arrest/Taiwan pr. [qi4] ji 济|used in place names associated with t... ji 济|used in 濟濟|济济[ji3 ji3] ji 济|to cross a river/to aid or relieve/to... ji 肌|(bound form) flesh; muscle ji 畸|lopsided/unbalanced/abnormal/irregula... ji 霁|sky clearing up ji 麂|muntjac ji 稽|surname Ji ji 稽|to inspect/to check ji 襋|coat collar ji 骥|thoroughbred horse/refined and virtuous ji 饥|(bound form) hungry ji 饥|variant of 飢|饥[ji1] ji 叽|grumble ji 箕|winnow basket ji 汲|surname Ji ji 汲|to draw (water) ji 蓟|surname Ji/ancient Chinese city state... ji 蓟|cirsium/thistle ji 伎|artistry/talent/skill/(in ancient tim... ji 剞|used in 剞劂[ji1 jue2] ji 稷|millet/God of cereals worshiped by an... ji 籍|surname Ji ji 籍|(bound form) book; record; register/(... ji 妓|prostitute ji 楫|oar (archaic) ji 楫|variant of 楫[ji2] ji 悸|to palpitate ji 笈|trunks (for books) ji 鷄|variant of 雞|鸡[ji1] ji 塈|(literary) to plaster/(literary) to p... ji 玑|irregular pearl ji 亟|urgent ji 棘|thorns ji 垍|hard earth ji 羁|bridle/halter/to restrain/to detain/t... ji 羁|variant of 羈|羁[ji1] ji 圾|used in 垃圾[la1 ji1]/Taiwan pr. [se4] ji 髻|hair rolled up in a bun, topknot ji 戢|surname Ji ji 戢|to restrain oneself/to collect/to hoa... ji 笄|15 years old/hairpin for bun ji 芨|Bletilla hyacinthina (mucilaginous)/A... ji 屐|clogs ji 旡|choke on something eaten ji 寂|silent/solitary/Taiwan pr. [ji2] ji 嵴|ridge/crest/apex ji 荠|see 薺菜|荠菜[ji4 cai4] ji 唧|(onom.) to pump (water) ji 藉|surname Ji ji 藉|(literary) to tread on; to insult/use... ji 畿|territory around the capital ji 舌|used in 喇舌[la3 ji1] to transcribe the... ji 鲫|bastard carp/sand perch ji 嵇|surname Ji/name of a mountain ji 咭|variant of 嘰|叽[ji1] ji 漈|river bank ji 佶|difficult to pronounce ji 姫|Japanese variant of 姬/princess/imperi... ji 乩|to divine ji 丌|surname Ji ji 丌|\"pedestal\" component in Chinese chara... ji 岌|lofty peak/perilous ji 掎|drag ji 嫉|jealousy/to be jealous of ji 墼|(bound form) unfired brick/(bound for... ji 癪|spasms/convulsions/hysteria ji 跻|(literary) to ascend; to climb; to mount ji 蕺|Houttuynia cordata ji 讥|to ridicule ji 惎|injure/vilify ji 芰|(archaic) water caltrop (Trapa natans) ji 赍|to present (a gift)/to harbor (a feel... ji 赍|variant of 齎|赍[ji1] ji 赍|(literary) to harbor (a feeling)/(lit... ji 檵|fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense),... ji 洎|to reach/when ji 矶|breakwater/jetty ji 堲|hate ji 齑|finely chopped meat or vegetables/pow... ji 觊|to covet/to long for ji 伋|unreal ji 禨|omen/pray ji 撃|Japanese variant of 擊|击[ji1] ji 殛|to put to death ji 鹡|used in 鶺鴒|鹡鸰[ji2ling2] ji 亼|variant of 集[ji2] ji 跂|foot ji 鲚|Coilia nasus ji 卽|variant of 即[ji2]/promptly ji 罽|(fishing net)/woolen rug ji 痵|nervous start in sleep ji 彐|pig snout (Kangxi radical 58) ji 蘻|a kind of herb (old) ji 跽|kneel ji 膌|old variant of 瘠[ji2] ji 虀|fragment/salted vegetables/spices ji 虮|nymph of louse ji 犄|ox-horns/wing of an army ji 彑|variant of 彐[ji4] ji 濈|many ji 剤|Japanese variant of 劑|剂 ji 哜|sip ji 姞|surname Ji ji 旣|variant of 既[ji4] ji 誋|variant of 忌[ji4] ji 瘈|furious/hydrophobia/madness ji 蒺|Tribulus terrestris ji 齌|used in 齌怒[ji4 nu4] ji 踦|shin ji 脨|old variant of 瘠[ji2] ji 钑|germanium (old) ji 踖|to step/walk reverently ji 耤|plow ji 潗|friendly/harmonious ji 㚻|used in 㚻姦|㚻奸[ji1 jian1] ji 䳭|wheatear (bird of genus Oenanthe) ji 蹐|walk with short steps ji 穊|dense ji 済|Japanese variant of 濟|济 ji 禝|old variant of 稷[ji4] ji 丮|to catch ji 穄|(millet) ji 萕|old variant of 薺|荠[ji4] ji 穧|stack grain stalks evenly ji 鱾|(bound form) fish of genus Girella ji 覉|variant of 羈|羁[ji1] ji 茍|urgent ji 泲|clear wine/name of a river ji 觭|odd/one horn up and one horn down ji 継|Japanese variant of 繼|继 ji 鶏|Japanese variant of 雞|鸡 ji 癠|sick/diseased ji 蔇|luxuriant growth/extreme/reach ji 𪟝|merit; accomplishment (variant of 績|绩... ji 庴|place name ji 技|skill ji 瘠|barren/lean ji 积|to amass; to accumulate; to store up/... ji 蝍|a centipede ji 𫓹|hoe ji 𬯀|to go up/to fall/rainbow/mist ji 𫚖|(fish) ji 𬶭|Konosirus punctatus ji 𬶨|see 白鱀豚|白𬶨豚[bai2 ji4 tun2] jia 佳|surname Jia jia 佳|beautiful/fine/good jia 家|used in 傢伙|家伙[jia1huo5] and 傢俱|家俱[jia... jia 家|home/family/(polite) my (sister, uncl... jia 价|price/value/(chemistry) valence jia 仮|Japanese variant of 假[jia3] jia 假|fake/false/artificial/to borrow/if/su... jia 假|vacation jia 假|variant of 假[jia3]/to borrow jia 加|Canada (abbr. for 加拿大[Jia1na2da4])/su... jia 加|to add/plus/(used after an adverb suc... jia 嘏|far/grand jia 驾|surname Jia jia 驾|to harness/to draw (a cart etc)/to dr... jia 嫁|(of a woman) to marry/to marry off a ... jia 甲|first of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[s... jia 夹|to press from either side/to place in... jia 夹|double-layered (quilt); lined (garment) jia 夹|Taiwan pr. used in 夾生|夹生[jia1 sheng1]... jia 夹|variant of 夾|夹[jia2] jia 袷|variant of 夾|夹[jia2] jia 跲|to stumble jia 珈|gamma/jewelry jia 迦|(phonetic sound for Buddhist terms) jia 嘉|surname Jia jia 嘉|excellent/auspicious/to praise/to com... jia 荚|pod (botany) jia 镓|gallium (chemistry) jia 茄|phonetic character used in loanwords ... jia 贾|surname Jia jia 唊|(old) to talk recklessly/to talk nons... jia 稼|to sow grain/(farm) crop jia 颊|cheeks jia 岬|cape (geography)/headland jia 钾|potassium (chemistry) jia 葭|reed/Phragmites communis jia 伽|traditionally used as phonetic for \"g... jia 枷|cangue (wooden collar like stocks use... jia 痂|scab jia 戛|lance/to tap/to scrape/to chirp/custom jia 戛|variant of 戛[jia2] jia 価|Japanese variant of 價|价 jia 耞|flail (for threshing grain)/old varia... jia 郏|name of a district in Henan jia 蛱|see 蛺蝶|蛱蝶[jia2 die2] jia 恝|indifferent jia 架|to support/frame/rack/framework/class... jia 浃|soaked/to wet/to drench/Taiwan pr. [j... jia 泇|the name of a river that flows throug... jia 铗|pincers for use at a fire/sword jia 笳|whistle made of reed jia 跏|to sit cross-legged jia 袈|used in 袈裟[jia1sha1] jia 宊|old variant of 家[jia1] jia 槚|Catalpa, a genus of mostly deciduous ... jia 瘕|obstruction in the intestine jia 胛|shoulder blade jia 豭|boar/male pig jia 麚|buck/stag jia 斚|variant of 斝[jia3] jia 幏|cloth (archaic), esp. of southern eth... jia 婽|good jia 猳|mythical ape/variant of 豭[jia1] jia 斝|small jade cup with ears jia 榎|(evergreen shrub)/Celtis sinensis jia 挟|old variant of 夾|夹[jia1] jia 椵|(grapefruit) jia 頬|variant of 頰|颊[jia2] jia 㹢|used in the transcription of \"okapi\" ... jia 䛟|variant of 唊[jia2] jia 𬂩|(old) chopsticks/Taiwan pr. [jia2] jiaan 假案|fabricated legal case/frame-up jiaan 甲胺|methylamine jiaanji 甲氨基|methyalamino group jiaanlin 甲胺磷|methamidophos (chemistry) jiaao 夹袄|lined jacket/double layered jacket/CL... jiaao 袷袄|variant of 夾襖|夹袄[jia2 ao3] jiabage 家八哥|(bird species of China) common myna (... jiabailie 加百列|Gabriel (name)/Archangel Gabriel of t... jiaban 加班|to work overtime jiaban 假扮|to impersonate/to act the part of sb/... jiaban 夹板|wooden boards used to press sth toget... jiaban 甲板|deck (of a boat etc) jiaban 枷板|cangue/fig. difficult situation jiabanfei 加班费|overtime pay jiabao 家暴|domestic violence/abbr. for 家庭暴力[jia1... jiabaogao 假报告|false report/forgery/fabricated decla... jiabaoguo 嘉宝果|jaboticaba; Brazilian grape tree jiabaoyu 贾宝玉|Jia Baoyu, male character in The Drea... jiabei 加倍|to double/to redouble jiaben 甲苯|toluene C6H5CH3/methylbenzene jiabeng 驾崩|(of an emperor) to pass away jiabi 假币|counterfeit money jiabie 假别|category of leave (maternity leave, s... jiabieer 加俾额尔|Gabriel (biblical name) jiabin 嘉宾|esteemed guest/honored guest/guest (o... jiabin 佳宾|variant of 嘉賓|嘉宾[jia1 bin1] jiabing 加冰|(of a drink) iced/on the rocks jiabingkuai 加冰块|on the rocks/with ice/iced jiabolongli 嘉柏隆里|Gaborone, capital of Botswana (Tw) jiabosi 贾伯斯|Jobs (name)/see also 史提夫·賈伯斯|史提夫·贾伯斯[... jiabuzhu 架不住|(coll.) unable to withstand/cannot be... jiacan 家蚕|the common silkworm (Bombyx mori) jiacan 加餐|to have an extra meal/snack jiacang 加仓|(finance) to increase one\'s position jiaceng 夹层|hollow layer between two solid layers... jiaceng 价层|valency shell (chemistry) jiacha 价差|price difference jiachan 家产|family property jiachang 家常|the daily life of a family jiachang 假唱|to lip-sync (singing) jiachang 加长|to lengthen jiachangbianfan 家常便饭|simple home-style meal/common occurre... jiachangcai 家常菜|home cooking jiachangdoufu 家常豆腐|home-style tofu jiachangjiaduan 家长家短|family goings-on jiachao 假钞|counterfeit money/forged note jiache 驾车|to drive a vehicle jiache 加车|extra bus or train jiachen 甲辰|41st year A5 of the 60 year cycle, e.... jiachen 家臣|counselor of king or feudal warlord/h... jiacheng 驾乘|to drive (a car)/to fly (an aircraft)... jiacheng 假称|to claim falsely jiacheng 假秤|rigged scale (used to deceive custome... jiachi 加持|(Buddhism) (from Sanskrit \"adhiṣṭhāna... jiachi 夹持|to clamp/tongs jiachi 迦持|the laws of the Buddhism jiachong 甲虫|beetle jiachong 假充|to pose as sb/to act a part/imposture jiachongche 甲虫车|Volkswagen Beetle jiachou 家丑|family scandal/skeleton in the closet jiachoubukewaichuan 家丑不可外传|lit. family shames must not be spread... jiachoubukewaiyang 家丑不可外扬|lit. family shames must not be spread... jiachu 家畜|domestic animal/livestock/cattle jiachuan 家传|handed down in a family/family tradit... jiachun 甲醇|methyl alcohol/methanol CH3OH/wood al... jiaci 架次|sortie/flight jiaci 家慈|(polite) my mother jiacibei 假慈悲|phony mercy/sham benevolence/crocodil... jiacu 加粗|to make text bold jiada 加大|to increase (e.g. one\'s effort) jiadai 夹带|to carry within it/to be mixed in/to ... jiadakong 假大空|empty words/bogus speech jiadali 加达里|Guattari (philosopher) jiadalidu 加大力度|to try harder/to redouble one\'s efforts jiadang 家当|familial property/belongings jiadang 夹当|crucial moment/critical time jiadangr 夹当儿|erhua variant of 夾當|夹当[jia1 dang1] jiadanuli 加大努力|to try harder/to redouble one\'s efforts jiadao 家道|family financial circumstances jiadao 夹道|a narrow street (lined with walls)/to... jiadao 假道|via/by way of jiadaofaguo 假道伐虢|to obtain safe passage to conquer the... jiadaohuanying 夹道欢迎|to line the streets in welcome jiadaozhongluo 家道中落|to come down in the world (idiom)/to ... jiadayoumen 加大油门|to accelerate/to step on the gas jiade 假的|bogus/ersatz/fake/mock/phony jiade 家的|(old) wife jiadefu 加的夫|Cardiff jiadele 佳得乐|Gatorade (brand) jiademandu 加德满都|Kathmandu, capital of Nepal jiadena 加德纳|Gardner (name) jiadeng 甲等|grade A/first-class jiadeshi 加德士|Caltex (petroleum brand name) jiadexi 加德西|Gardasil (HPV vaccine) jiadi 家底|family property/patrimony jiadi 家弟|(polite) my younger brother jiadi 甲第|residence of a noble/top candidate in... jiadian 家电|household electric appliance/abbr. fo... jiadian 加点|to work extra hours/to do overtime jiadianzi 价电子|valency electron/outer shell of elect... jiadichong 贾第虫|Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite th... jiadichongbing 贾第虫病|Giardiasis, a form of gastro-enteriti... jiadichongshu 贾第虫属|Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite th... jiadie 蛱蝶|nymphalid/butterfly jiading 假定|to assume/to suppose/supposed/so-call... jiading 嘉定|Jiading district of northwest Shangha... jiading 家丁|(old) servant hired to keep guard, ru... jiadingqu 嘉定区|Jiading district of northwest Shanghai jiadisi 加的斯|Cádiz, Spain jiadong 佳冬|Chiatung township in Pingtung County ... jiadongxiang 佳冬乡|Chiatung township in Pingtung County ... jiadongzuo 假动作|fake move or pass (sports)/feint jiaduan 夹断|to nip (i.e. cut short)/to pinch off jiaduobao 加多宝|JDB (Chinese beverage company) jiaer 假而|if jiaer 家儿|(old) child, particularly referring t... jiaerchun 甲二醇|methylene glycol jiaergeda 加尔各答|Calcutta (India) jiaerlangtui 架二郎腿|to stick one leg over the other (when... jiaerman 嘉尔曼|Carmen (name) jiaerwen 加尔文|Calvin (1509-1564), French protestant... jiafa 假发|wig jiafa 家法|the rules and discipline that apply w... jiafa 加法|addition jiafanchuan 驾帆船|sailing jiafang 甲方|party A (in a contract) (cf. 乙方[yi3fa... jiafeimao 加菲猫|Garfield (comic strip cat created by ... jiafen 加分|bonus point; extra credit/to award bo... jiafen 甲酚|cresol (chemistry) jiafeng 加封|to seal up (a door with a paper seal,... jiafeng 夹缝|crack/crevice jiafeng 加俸|to raise one\'s pay jiafengguanjie 加封官阶|to confer additional titles on a nobl... jiafenshu 假分数|improper fraction (with numerator ≥ d... jiafu 家父|(polite) my father jiafu 跏趺|to sit in the lotus position jiafu 加氟|to fluoridate (a public water supply) jiafu 家妇|wife (old) jiagai 加盖|to seal (with an official stamp)/to s... jiagan 甲肝|hepatitis A jiagaoyin 假高音|falsetto, same as 假聲|假声 jiage 价格|price/CL:個|个[ge4] jiagebiao 价格表|price list jiagebiaoqian 价格标签|price tag jiagedaqi 加格达奇|Jiagedaqi district of Daxing\'anling p... jiagedaqiqu 加格达奇区|Jiagedaqi district of Daxing\'anling p... jiagezhan 价格战|price war jiagong 加工|to process/processing/working (of mac... jiagong 夹攻|attack from two sides/pincer movement... jiagong 假拱|blind arch/false arch jiagong 家公|head of a family/(polite) my father/(... jiagongchang 加工厂|processing plant jiagongchengben 加工成本|processing cost jiagongjisi 假公济私|official authority used for private i... jiagongmaoyi 加工贸易|process trade/trade involving assembly jiagou 架构|to construct; to build/structure; fra... jiagou 加购|to buy (sth extra); to make an additi... jiagoushi 架构师|(computing) architect jiagouyan 甲沟炎|paronychia (medicine) jiagu 加固|to reinforce (a structure)/to strengthen jiagu 甲骨|tortoise shells and animal bones used... jiagu 家姑|(polite) father\'s sisters jiaguai 架拐|to use a crutch jiaguan 加官|to be promoted/additional government ... jiaguan 加冠|(in former times) coming-of-age cerem... jiaguanjinji 加官晋级|new post and promotion jiaguanjinjue 加官进爵|promotion to the nobility (idiom) jiaguanjinjue 加官晋爵|to confer a title an official position jiaguanjinlu 加官进禄|promotion in official post and salary... jiaguanjinwei 加官进位|promotion in official post and salary... jiagui 家规|family rules; family code of conduct jiagun 夹棍|leg vise (torture instrument) jiaguo 加国|Canada jiaguo 猳国|name of mythical ape jiaguo 荚果|seed pod/legume jiaguwen 甲骨文|oracle script/oracle bone inscription... jiaguwenzi 甲骨文字|oracle script/oracle bone character (... jiahai 加害|to injure jiahang 加航|Air Canada jiahao 加号|plus sign + (math.) jiahe 嘉禾|Jiahe county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zho... jiahe 加和|to calculate the total/sum; total jiahe 泇河|Jia River, originating in Shandong an... jiahechengxian 驾鹤成仙|to fly on a crane and become immortal jiahewanshixing 家和万事兴|if the family lives in harmony all af... jiahexian 嘉禾县|Jiahe county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zho... jiahexigui 驾鹤西归|see 駕鶴西去|驾鹤西去[jia4 he4 xi1 qu4] jiahexiqu 驾鹤西去|lit. to fly on a crane to the Western... jiahexiyou 驾鹤西游|see 駕鶴西去|驾鹤西去[jia4 he4 xi1 qu4] jiahu 加护|intensive care (in hospital) jiahua 佳话|story or deed that captures the imagi... jiahua 假话|a lie/untrue statement/misstatement jiahuameiyouyehuaxiang 家花没有野花香|lit. the flowers in one\'s garden cann... jiahuanglinding 甲磺磷定|pralidoxime mesylate jiahubingfang 加护病房|(Tw) intensive care unit (ICU) jiahui 嘉会|auspicious occasion/grand feast jiahuo 假货|counterfeit article/fake/dummy/simula... jiahuo 嫁祸|to impute/to shift the blame onto som... jiahuo 家伙|variant of 家伙[jia1 huo5] jiahuo 家伙|household dish, implement or furnitur... jiahuoyuren 嫁祸于人|to pass the misfortune on to sb else ... jiaji 甲基|methyl group (chemistry) jiaji 佳绩|good result; success jiaji 加急|to expedite/(of a delivery etc) exped... jiaji 甲级|first rate/top class/excellent jiaji 夹击|pincer attack/attack from two or more... jiaji 驾机|to fly an airplane jiaji 家计|family livelihood/a household\'s econo... jiaji 家姬|(old) female servants or concubines i... jiajia 加价|to increase a price jiajia 戛戛|difficult/challenging/original jiajiaduzao 戛戛独造|creative/original jiajiahuhu 家家户户|each and every family (idiom)/every h... jiajiajiu 家家酒|(Tw) house (children\'s game); playing... jiajialin 加加林|Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968), Russian cos... jiajian 价键|valence bond (chemistry) jiajianchengchu 加减乘除|addition, subtraction, multiplication... jiajianfeitaming 甲基安非他命|methamphetamine jiajiang 嘉奖|to award/commendation/citation jiajiang 夹江|Jiajiang county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 s... jiajiangxian 夹江县|Jiajiang county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 s... jiajianhao 加减号|plus-minus sign (±)/plus and minus si... jiajiao 家教|family education/upbringing/to bring ... jiajiao 岬角|cape/headland/promontory jiajiao 家轿|privately-owned car jiajiao 夹角|angle (between two intersecting lines) jiajiaotuo 夹脚拖|flip-flops jiajiaotuoxie 夹脚拖鞋|flip-flops jiajiaweide 贾夹威德|Janjaweed (armed Baggara herders used... jiajiayoubennanniandejing 家家有本难念的经|every family has its problems (idiom) jiajibenbingan 甲基苯丙胺|methamphetamine jiajie 佳节|festive day/holiday jiajie 假借|to make use of/to use sth as pretext/... jiajie 嫁接|to graft (a branch to a rootstock) jiajie 家姐|(polite) my older sister jiajieshi 佳洁士|Crest (brand) jiajieyi 假借义|the meaning of a phonetic loan charac... jiajiezi 假借字|loan character (one of the Six Method... jiajin 加劲|to increase efforts/to make extra eff... jiajin 加紧|to intensify/to speed up/to step up jiajin 夹紧|to clamp/to grip jiajin 加进|to add/to mix in/to incorporate jiajing 佳境|the most pleasant or enjoyable stage jiajing 家境|family financial situation/family cir... jiajing 家景|the family\'s financial circumstances jiajinr 加劲儿|erhua variant of 加勁|加劲[jia1 jin4] jiajirenzu 家给人足|lit. each household provided for, eno... jiajisuiji 嫁鸡随鸡|If you marry a chicken, follow the ch... jiajisuiji,jiagousuigou 嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗|if you marry a chicken follow the chi... jiajiu 家舅|(polite) my maternal uncle jiajiyu 加吉鱼|porgy (Pagrosomus major) jiajizhanfan 甲级战犯|a grade A war criminal jiaju 家具|furniture/CL:件[jian4],套[tao4] jiaju 夹具|clamp/fixture (machining) jiaju 家居|home; residence/to stay at home (unem... jiaju 家俱|variant of 家具[jia1 ju4] jiaju 加剧|to intensify jiaju 傢具|variant of 家具[jia1 ju4] jiajuan 家眷|one\'s wife and children jiajumaichang 家居卖场|furniture store/furniture mall jiakai 甲铠|armor jiakang 甲亢|hyperthyroidism/abbr. for 甲狀腺功能亢進|甲状腺... jiake 茄克|variant of 夾克|夹克[jia1 ke4] jiake 夹克|(loanword) jacket/also pr. [jia2 ke4] jiakechonglei 甲壳虫类|insects of the order Coleoptera (i.e.... jiakendingju 假肯定句|false affirmative jiakeshan 茄克衫|jacket jiakong 架空|to build (a hut etc) on stilts/to ins... jiakonglishi 架空历史|alternate history; counterfactual his... jiakongsuodao 架空索道|aerial ropeway/cable car jiakuai 加快|to accelerate/to speed up jiakuan 价款|cost jiakuan 加宽|widen jiala 加辣|to add spice; to make it spicy jialabagesi 加拉巴哥斯|Galapagos jialabagesiqundao 加拉巴哥斯群岛|Galapagos Islands jialahan 加拉罕|Leo Karakhan (1889-1937), Soviet amba... jialaihaixia 加来海峡|Strait of Calais in the English chann... jialajiasi 加拉加斯|Caracas, capital of Venezuela jialao 家老|(old) a senior in one\'s household jialapagesiqundao 加拉帕戈斯群岛|Galapagos Islands jialataishu 加拉太书|Epistle of St Paul to the Galatians jialebi 加勒比|Caribbean jialebiguojialianmeng 加勒比国家联盟|Association of Caribbean States jialebihai 加勒比海|Caribbean Sea jialefu 家乐福|Carrefour, French supermarket chain jialeiqianjin,zuobuchuitang 家累千金,坐不垂堂|lit. a wealthy person does not sit un... jialeshi 家乐氏|Kellogg\'s (US food manufacturing comp... jiali 家里|home jiali 佳丽|a beauty/beautiful jiali 加里|Gary (name) jiali 加里|potassium (loanword) jiali 假吏|acting magistrate/temporary official ... jiali 佳里|Jiali, a district in Tainan 台南|台南[Tai... jiali 加哩|curry (loanword) jialiandai 夹链袋|resealable bag; ziplock bag jialianwumei 价廉物美|inexpensive and of good quality (idiom) jialiao 加料|to feed in/to load (raw material, sup... jialiaogangqin 加料钢琴|prepared piano jialibodi 加里波第|Guiseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882), Itali... jialidun 家里蹲|recluse/hikikomori person jialifuniya 加利福尼亚|California jialifuniyadaxue 加利福尼亚大学|University of California jialifuniyadaxueluoshanjifenxiao 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校|UCLA jialifuniyaligongxueyuan 加利福尼亚理工学院|California Institute of Technology (C... jialifuniyazhou 加利福尼亚州|California jialileiya 加里肋亚|Galilee jialileiya 加利肋亚|Galilee (in biblical Palestine) jialileiyahai 加里肋亚海|Sea of Galilee jialili 加利利|Galilee (in biblical Palestine) jialilve 伽利略|Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Italian ... jialilvehao 伽利略号|Galileo, American robotic spacecraft ... jialilvejialilei 伽利略·伽利雷|Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Italian ... jialimandan 加里曼丹|Kalimantan (Indonesian part of the is... jialimandandao 加里曼丹岛|Kalimantan island (Indonesian name fo... jialin 驾临|to grace sb with one\'s presence/your ... jialing 嘉陵|Jialing district of Nanchong city 南充市... jialing 驾龄|length of experience as a driver jialing 假令|if/supposing that/acting county magis... jialingjiang 嘉陵江|Jialing River in Sichuan (a tributary... jialingqu 嘉陵区|Jialing district of Nanchong city 南充市... jialiniang 佳丽酿|Carignan (grape type) jialiniang 佳利酿|Carignan (grape type) jialininggele 加里宁格勒|Kaliningrad, town on Baltic now in Ru... jialininggelezhou 加里宁格勒州|Kaliningrad Oblast jialiu 甲流|type A influenza/abbr. for 甲型H1N1流感/r... jialiuansuan 甲硫氨酸|methionine (Met), an essential amino ... jialixiya 加利西亚|Galicia, province and former kingdom ... jialun 加仑|(loanword) gallon jialuohua 伽罗华|Évariste Galois (1811-1832), French m... jialuohualilun 伽罗华理论|Galois theory (math.) jialuolinqundao 加罗林群岛|Caroline Islands jialuowa 伽罗瓦|Évariste Galois (1811-1832), French m... jialuowalilun 伽罗瓦理论|Galois theory (math.) jiama 加码|to ratchet up/to raise (expectations ... jiama 价码|price tag jiama 家马|domestic horse jiamada 加麻大|(slang) Canada jiamafushe 伽马辐射|gamma radiation jiaman 加满|to top up/to fill to the brim jiamao 假冒|to impersonate/to pose as (someone el... jiamao 家猫|domestic cat; house cat jiamaopin 假冒品|counterfeit object/fake jiamaoweilie 假冒伪劣|cheap quality counterfeit (goods)/low... jiamaque 家麻雀|(bird species of China) house sparrow... jiamashexian 伽玛射线|gamma ray (loanword) jiamei 佳美|beautiful jiamei 假寐|to doze/to take a nap/nodding off to ... jiamen 家门|house door/family clan jiameng 加盟|to become a member of an alliance or ... jiamengdian 加盟店|franchise store jiami 加密|to encrypt/encryption/to protect with... jiami 甲醚|methyl ether CH3OCH3 jiamian 假面|mask jiamian 加冕|to crown/coronation jiamianju 假面具|mask/fig. false façade/deceptive front jiamianwuhui 假面舞会|masked ball/masquerade jiamiao 佳妙|wonderful/beautiful (calligraphy) jiamihuobi 加密货币|cryptocurrency jiaming 假名|false name/pseudonym/alias/pen name/t... jiamitaojiezixieyiceng 加密套接字协议层|Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (computing) jiamiu 加缪|Albert Camus (1913-1960), French-Alge... jiamozuzhibaojiangjun 荚膜组织胞浆菌|Histoplasma capsulatum jiamu 价目|(marked) price/tariff (in a restauran... jiamu 家母|(polite) my mother jiamusi 佳木斯|see 佳木斯市[Jia1mu4si1 Shi4] jiamusidaxue 佳木斯大学|Jiamusi University (Heilongjiang) jiamusishi 佳木斯市|Jiamusi, prefecture-level city in Hei... jian 件|item/component/classifier for events,... jian 间|between/among/within a definite time ... jian 间|gap/to separate/to thin out (seedling... jian 建|to establish/to found/to set up/to bu... jian 见|to see/to meet/to appear (to be sth)/... jian 舰|warship jian 键|key (on a piano or computer keyboard)... jian 剑|double-edged sword/CL:口[kou3],把[ba3]/... jian 剑|variant of 劍|剑[jian4] jian 减|to lower/to decrease/to reduce/to sub... jian 尖|pointed; tapering; sharp/(of a sound)... jian 检|to check/to examine/to inspect/to exe... jian 健|healthy/to invigorate/to strengthen/t... jian 剪|surname Jian jian 剪|scissors/shears/clippers/CL:把[ba3]/to... jian 浅|sound of moving water jian 捡|to pick up; to collect; to gather jian 碱|variant of 鹼|碱[jian3] jian 碱|(chemistry) base; alkali; soda jian 鉴|variant of 鑑|鉴[jian4] jian 鉴|old variant of 鑒|鉴[jian4] jian 鉴|bronze mirror (used in ancient times)... jian 坚|strong/solid/firm/unyielding/resolute jian 集安|Ji\'an, county-level city in Tonghua 通... jian 兼|double/twice/simultaneous/holding two... jian 柬|abbr. for 柬埔寨[Jian3 pu3 zhai4], Cambodia jian 柬|card/note/letter/old variant of 揀|拣[j... jian 翦|surname Jian jian 翦|variant of 剪[jian3] jian 槛|banister/balustrade/cage for animal o... jian 简|simple/uncomplicated/letter/to choose... jian 渐|to imbue jian 渐|gradual/gradually jian 瞷|to spy jian 吉安|see 吉安市[Ji2an1 Shi4]/see 吉安縣|吉安县[Ji2a... jian 贱|inexpensive/lowly/despicable/(bound f... jian 监|to supervise/to inspect/jail/prison jian 监|(bound form) supervisor; supervisory ... jian 歼|to annihilate/abbr. for 殲擊機|歼击机[jian1... jian 裥|variant of 襉|裥[jian3] jian 裥|(dialect) fold or pleat (in clothing) jian 荐|to recommend/to offer sacrifice (arch... jian 鲣|bonito jian 鑯|awl/sharp iron point jian 涧|variant of 澗|涧[jian4] jian 涧|mountain stream jian 笺|variant of 箋|笺[jian1] jian 笺|letter/note-paper jian 溅|to splash jian 拣|to choose/to pick/to sort out/to pick up jian 茧|(bound form) cocoon/(bound form) call... jian 茧|variant of 繭|茧[jian3] jian 俭|(bound form) frugal; thrifty jian 睑|eyelid jian 囝|child jian 戬|carry to the utmost/to cut jian 箭|arrow/CL:支[zhi1] jian 肩|shoulder/to shoulder (responsibilitie... jian 菅|(grass)/Themeda forsbali jian 硷|variant of 鹼|碱[jian3] jian 閒|variant of 間|间[jian1] jian 閒|variant of 間|间[jian4] jian 煎|to pan fry/to sauté jian 礀|variant of 澗|涧[jian4] jian 践|to fulfill (a promise)/to tread/to walk jian 笕|bamboo conduit/water pipe of bamboo jian 锏|ancient weapon like a long solid meta... jian 蹇|surname Jian jian 蹇|lame/cripple/unfortunate/slow/difficu... jian 豜|fully grown pig/3-year old pig jian 暕|bright (light) jian 缄|(wooden) box/cup/old variant of 緘|缄[j... jian 缄|letters/to close/to seal jian 枧|bamboo conduit/wooden peg/spout/same ... jian 奸|wicked/crafty/traitor/variant of 姦|奸[... jian 奸|to fornicate/to defile/adultery/rape jian 鐗|variant of 鐧|锏[jian3] jian 僭|(bound form) to overstep one\'s authority jian 艰|difficult/hard/hardship jian 謇|to speak out boldly jian 犍|bullock/castrated bull/to castrate li... jian 搛|to pick up with chopsticks jian 腱|tendon/sinew jian 堿|variant of 鹼|碱[jian3] jian 毽|shuttlecock jian 饯|farewell dinner/preserves jian 缣|thick waterproof silk jian 姧|variant of 姦|奸[jian1], adultery, villain jian 検|Japanese variant of 檢|检 jian 湔|to wash/to redress (a wrong)/name of ... jian 剣|Japanese variant of 劍|剑 jian 蕑|surname Jian jian 蕑|Eupatorium chinensis jian 戋|narrow/small jian 鞯|(bound form) saddle blanket jian 熸|to extinguish (of fire) jian 僣|to overstep one\'s authority/to usurp jian 鹣|mythical bird with one eye and one wi... jian 积案|long pending case jian 谫|shallow/superficial jian 栫|fence/palisade jian 楗|material (such as rocks, earth, bambo... jian 趼|(bound form) callus jian 譾|variant of 謭|谫[jian3] jian 蒹|reed jian 鑳|old variant of 鍵|键[jian4] jian 鳒|flounder/flatfish jian 鞬|a quiver on a horse/a store jian 牮|to prop up jian 踺|used in 踺子[jian4zi5] jian 洊|flowing water/successive jian 磵|variant of 澗|涧[jian4] jian 蕳|orchid (same as 蘭草|兰草)/Eupatorium (sa... jian 瀳|to arrive (of water) jian 珔|(jade) jian 鬋|to hang down (hair) jian 豣|variant of 豜[jian1] jian 篯|surname Jian jian 菺|Althaea rosea jian 鐱|old variant of 劍|剑[jian4] jian 靬|see 犂靬[Li2 jian1], Han dynasty name f... jian 倹|Japanese variant of 儉|俭[jian3] jian 俴|short/shallow/thin plate jian 諌|variant of 諫|谏[jian4] jian 鹸|Japanese variant of 鹼|碱[jian3] jian 韀|variant of 韉|鞯[jian1] jian 揃|shear jian 谏|surname Jian jian 谏|to remonstrate/to admonish jian 几案|table/long table jiana 加纳|Ghana jiana 迦纳|Ghana (Tw) jianada 加拿大|Canada/Canadian jianadahuangjia 加拿大皇家|HMCS (Her Majesty\'s Canadian Ship)/pr... jianadahuangjiahaijun 加拿大皇家海军|Royal Canadian Navy jianadataipingyangtielu 加拿大太平洋铁路|Canadian Pacific Railway jianadayan 加拿大雁|(bird species of China) cackling goos... jianai 简·爱|Jane Eyre, novel by Charlotte Brontë ... jianai 兼爱|\"universal love\", principle advocated... jianai 见爱|(literary) to be so good as to show f... jianaliqundao 加那利群岛|Canary Islands jianan 建安|reign name (196-219) at the end of th... jianan 迦南|Canaan (in Biblical Palestine) jianandela 贾南德拉|Gyanendra of Nepal jianao 煎熬|to suffer/to torture/to torment/ordea... jianbai 建白|to propose/to suggest/to state a view jianban 减半|to reduce by half jianban 碱斑|alkali spot jianbang 肩膀|shoulder jianbanuzhang 剑拔弩张|lit. with swords drawn and bows bent ... jianbao 简报|presentation/briefing/(oral or writte... jianbao 剪报|newspaper cutting/clippings jianbao 见报|to appear in the news/in the papers jianbao 健保|National Health Insurance (Tw) jianbei 兼备|have both jianbei 见背|(formal, tactful) (of an elder) to pa... jianben 简本|concise edition/abridged edition jianbi 坚壁|to cache; to hide supplies (from the ... jianbi 间壁|next door/partition wall jianbian 渐变|gradual change/(graphic design) gradient jianbian 简便|simple and convenient/handy jianbian 简编|concise edition; abridged edition; co... jianbianse 渐变色|color gradient jianbiao 简表|table (displaying data in rows and co... jianbiao 剑标|(typography) dagger (†) jianbie 鉴别|to differentiate; to distinguish jianbie 饯别|to give a farewell dinner jianbing 剑柄|sword hilt jianbing 兼并|to annex/to take over/to acquire jianbing 坚冰|ice/(fig.) frosty relationship jianbing 煎饼|jianbing, a savory Chinese crêpe/panc... jianbingjian 肩并肩|shoulder to shoulder; abreast; side b... jianbingyushougou 兼并与收购|mergers and acquisitions (M&A) jianbiqingye 坚壁清野|to fortify defenses and raze the fiel... jianbo 检波|to detect (e.g. radio waves) jianbo 俭薄|meager; poor jianbo 肩膊|shoulder jianbozan 翦伯赞|Jian Bozan (1898-1968), Chinese Marxi... jianbu 肩部|shoulder/shoulder area jianbu 箭步|sudden big stride forward jianbude 见不得|not fit to be seen by/should not be e... jianbuderen 见不得人|shameful jianbukecui 坚不可摧|(idiom) invulnerable; indestructible;... jianburongfa 间不容发|(to escape danger etc) by a hair\'s br... jianburufei 健步如飞|running as fast as flying jiancai 建材|building materials jiancai 剪裁|to tailor (clothes)/to trim (expendit... jiancai 剪彩|to cut the ribbon (at a launching or ... jiancai 剪䌽|to cut the ribbon (at an opening) jiancaiqiyi 见财起意|seeing riches provokes evil designs jiancao 键槽|(engineering) keyway; key slot jiancaochugen 剪草除根|lit. cut grass and pull out roots (id... jiancaoji 剪草机|lawnmower jiancaoping 尖草坪|Jiancaoping district of Taiyuan city ... jiancaopingqu 尖草坪区|Jiancaoping district of Taiyuan city ... jiance 检测|to detect/to test/detection/sensing jiance 监测|to monitor jiance 简册|booklet; brochure/(old) book (made of... jianceqi 检测器|detector jianceyi 检测仪|sensor/detector jiancha 检查|inspection/to examine/to inspect/CL:次... jiancha 检察|to inspect/(law) to prosecute/to inve... jiancha 监察|to supervise/to control jiancha 监查|to supervise/to audit/to monitor jianchabu 监察部|Ministry of Supervision (MOS) jianchaguan 检察官|public prosecutor; public procurator ... jianchai 兼差|to moonlight/side job jianchaju 监察局|inspection office/supervisory office jianchan 减产|to produce less/to reduce output/lowe... jianchang 见长|to excel at (typically used after the... jianchang 建昌|Jianchang county in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛, ... jianchangxian 建昌县|Jianchang county in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛, ... jianchao 煎炒|to lightly fry jiancharen 监察人|supervisor/monitor/watchdog jianchashao 检查哨|inspection post/checkpoint jianchayuan 监察院|Control Yuan, a watchdog under the co... jianchayuan 检察院|prosecutor\'s office/procuratorate jianchayuan 检查员|inspector jianchayuan 监查员|supervisor/monitor jianchazhan 检查站|checkpoint jianchazongzhang 检察总长|(Tw) Prosecutor-General jianche 槛车|cart with cage, used to escort prisoner jianchen 奸臣|a treacherous court official/a minist... jiancheng 简称|to be abbreviated to/abbreviation; sh... jiancheng 建成|to establish/to build jiancheng 坚称|to claim/to insist jiancheng 兼程|to travel at double speed/to make all... jiancheng 剪成|cut into jiancheng 僭称|to give sb or sth a title one has no ... jiancheng 键程|key travel (of a keyboard) jiancheng 贱称|contemptuous term jianchengqu 建成区|built-up area/urban area jianchi 坚持|to persevere with/to persist in/to in... jianchi 减持|(of an investor) to reduce one\'s hold... jianchi-buxie 坚持不懈|(idiom) to persevere unremittingly; t... jianchibuyu 坚持不渝|to stick to sth without change (idiom... jianchihu 剑齿虎|saber-toothed tiger jianchixiaqu 坚持下去|to press on jianchong 间充|mesenchymal (tissue, in cell biology) jianchongzhi 间充质|mesenchyme (loosely organized embryon... jianchongzhiganxibao 间充质干细胞|mesenchymal stem cell MSC (in cell bi... jianchu 减除|to reduce/to lessen (pain etc)/to ded... jianchu 剪除|to eradicate/to exterminate jianchu 检出|to detect jianchuan 剑川|Jianchuan county in Dali Bai autonomo... jianchuan 舰船|warship jianchuanxian 剑川县|Jianchuan county in Dali Bai autonomo... jianci 渐次|gradually/one by one jianci 键词|keyword jianci 鉴此|in light of this jiandai 肩带|shoulder strap; shoulder harness; sho... jiandan 简单|simple; not complicated jiandan 煎蛋|fried egg jiandandeshuo 简单地说|to put it simply; simply put jiandang 建党|party-founding jiandang 奸党|a clique of traitors jiandangjie 建党节|CCP Founding Day (July 1st) jiandanhua 简单化|simplification/to simplify jiandanjuan 煎蛋卷|omelet jiandanmingliao 简单明了|clear and simple/in simple terms jiandanwangluoguanlixieyi 简单网络管理协议|Simple Network Management Protocol/SNMP jiandao 剪刀|scissors/CL:把[ba3] jiandao 见到|to see jiandao 尖刀|dagger jiandao 剑道|kendō (sports) jiandao 舰岛|island (the superstructure of an airc... jiandaocha 剪刀差|prices scissor (caught between low in... jiandaolanlijiushicai 捡到篮里就是菜|all is grist that comes to the mill (... jiandaoshitoubu 剪刀石头布|rock-paper-scissors (game) jiandaoshou 剪刀手|V sign (hand gesture) jiande 建德|Jiande, county-level city in Hangzhou... jiande 见得|to seem/to appear/(in a negative or i... jiandeshi 建德市|Jiande, county-level city in Hangzhou... jiandi 减低|to lower/to reduce jiandi 见地|opinion/view/insight jiandi 湔涤|to wash jiandian 检点|to examine/to check/to keep a lookout... jiandiao 剪掉|to cut off/to cut away/to trim jiandiao 减掉|to subtract/to lose (weight) jiandie 鹣鲽|see 鰈鶼|鲽鹣[die2 jian1] jiandie 间谍|spy jiandiehuodong 间谍活动|espionage/spying jiandieruanjian 间谍软件|spyware jiandiewang 间谍网|spy network jiandiezui 间谍罪|crime of spying jianding 鉴定|to appraise/to identify/to evaluate jianding 检定|a test/determination/to check up on/t... jianding 坚定|firm/steady/staunch/resolute jianding 尖顶|pointed object/cusp/pinnacle/steeple jiandingbuyi 坚定不移|unswerving/unflinching jiandingweiyuanhui 鉴定委员会|evaluation committee/review board jiandingxing 坚定性|firmness/steadfastness jiandisudu 减低速度|to retard/to decelerate jiandongrenzheng 渐冻人症|amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), ... jiandongzheng 渐冻症|amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; ALS jiandu 监督|to control/to supervise/to inspect jiandu 简牍|bamboo and wooden slips (used for wri... jiandu 建都|to establish a capital jiandu 碱度|alkalinity jianduan 间断|disconnected/interrupted/suspended/a ... jianduan 简短|brief (statement, summary etc)/briefl... jianduan 尖端|sharp pointed end/the tip/the cusp/ti... jianduan 剪断|to cut/to snip jianduanjieshao 简短介绍|brief introduction jianduhe 检毒盒|detection kit jianduhuoyimiao 减毒活疫苗|attenuated live vaccine jiandui 舰队|fleet/CL:支[zhi1] jiandumu 箭毒木|antiaris, aka upas tree (Antiaris tox... jiandun 监趸|prisoner (Cantonese) jianduoshiguang 见多识广|experienced and knowledgeable (idiom) jianduren 监督人|superintendent jianduwa 箭毒蛙|poison dart frog jianduxiang 检毒箱|detection kit jianduzhe 监督者|supervisor jiane 奸恶|crafty and evil jianeng 佳能|Canon (Japanese company) jianer 健儿|top athlete/heroic warrior jianeryanzhi 简而言之|in a nutshell/to put it briefly jianeryouzhi 兼而有之|to have both (at the same time) jianfa 剑法|fencing/sword-play jianfa 减法|subtraction jianfan 简繁|simple versus traditional (Chinese ch... jianfang 见方|(measurement) (after a length) square... jianfang 检方|the prosecution/prosecutors jianfang 见访|your visit (honorific)/you honor me w... jianfanzhuanhuan 简繁转换|conversion from simple to traditional... jianfei 减肥|to lose weight jianfen 减分|to deduct points; to lose points jianfeng 尖峰|sharp peak (landform)/(fig.) peak/spike jianfeng 减俸|to lower salary/to reduce pay jianfengchazhen 见缝插针|lit. to see a gap and stick in a need... jianfengjiuzuan 见缝就钻|lit. to squeeze into every crack (idi... jianfengshiduo 见风使舵|lit. see the wind and set the helm (i... jianfengshifan 见风使帆|lit. see the wind and set your sails ... jianfengshiyu 见风是雨|lit. see the wind and assume it will ... jianfengzhuanduo 见风转舵|lit. see the wind and set the helm (i... jianfoshaoxiang 拣佛烧香|to choose which Buddha to burn incens... jianfu 减负|to alleviate a burden on sb jianfu 肩负|to shoulder (a burden)/to bear/to suf... jianfu 奸夫|male adulterer jianfu 减幅|amount of reduction; size of discount jianfu 俭腹|lacking in knowledge; ignorant jianfuyinfu 奸夫淫妇|adulterous couple jiang 将|will/shall/to use/to take/to checkmat... jiang 将|(bound form) a general/(literary) to ... jiang 强|stubborn/unyielding jiang 强|variant of 強|强[jiang4] jiang 疆|border/boundary jiang 姜|surname Jiang jiang 姜|variant of 薑|姜[jiang1] jiang 姜|ginger jiang 奖|prize; award; bonus; reward/(bound fo... jiang 匠|craftsman jiang 降|to drop/to fall/to come down/to descend jiang 酱|thick paste of fermented soybean/mari... jiang 绛|capital of the Jin State during the S... jiang 绛|purple-red jiang 蒋|surname Jiang/Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石... jiang 浆|thick liquid/to starch jiang 浆|variant of 糨[jiang4] jiang 弶|snare/to snare jiang 桨|oar; paddle/CL:隻|只[zhi1] jiang 茳|used in 茳芏[jiang1 du4] jiang 橿|Quercus glauca jiang 讲|to speak/to explain/to negotiate/to e... jiang 犟|variant of 強|强[jiang4] jiang 僵|rigid/deadlock/stiff (corpse) jiang 僵|variant of 僵[jiang1] jiang 塂|(dialect) hill jiang 激昂|impassioned/worked up jiang 夅|old variant of 降[jiang4] jiang 缰|variant of 韁|缰[jiang1] jiang 缰|bridle/reins/halter jiang 奬|variant of 獎|奖[jiang3] jiang 豇|cowpeas/black-eyed beans jiang 洚|flood jiang 耩|to plow/to sow jiang 螀|cicada (Cosmopsaltria opalifera) jiang 礓|a small stone jiang 膙|(bound form) callus jiang 畺|old variant of 疆[jiang1] jiang 匞|old variant of 匠[jiang4] jiang 奨|Japanese variant of 獎|奖[jiang3] jiang 顜|honest/upright jiang 醤|Japanese variant of 醬|酱[jiang4] jiang 糨|(of soup, paste etc) thick jiang 矼|stone bridge jiang 江|surname Jiang jiang 江|river/CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4] jiangan 江岸|Jiang\'an district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武... jiangan 江安|Jiang\'an county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bi... jiangan 箭杆|arrow shaft jianganqu 江岸区|Jiang\'an district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武... jianganxian 江安县|Jiang\'an county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bi... jiangao 见告|(literary) to inform (me) jiangbadian 江八点|Jiang Zemin\'s 江澤民|江泽民[Jiang1 Ze2min2]... jiangban 桨板|stand-up paddleboarding (SUP)/stand-u... jiangbei 江北|Jiangbei, a district of Chongqing 重慶|... jiangbei 奖杯|trophy cup jiangbeiqu 江北区|Jiangbei, a district of Chongqing 重慶|... jiangbian 江边|river bank jiangbing 姜饼|gingerbread jiangbutong 讲不通|it does not make sense jiangcai 将才|talented field commander (military) jiangchang 疆场|battlefield jiangchen 降尘|dust fall/fallout (volcanic, nuclear ... jiangcheng 奖惩|rewards and penalties jiangchenghanizuyizuzizhixian 江城哈尼族彝族自治县|Jiangcheng Hani and Yi autonomous cou... jiangchengqu 江城区|Jiangcheng district of Yangjiang city... jiangchengxian 江城县|Jiangcheng Hani and Yi autonomous cou... jiangchi 奖池|(gambling) prize pool/jackpot jiangchi 僵持|to be deadlocked jiangchou 奖酬|incentive/reward jiangci 讲辞|lectures jiangcuojiucuo 将错就错|lit. if it\'s wrong, it\'s wrong (idiom... jiangdao 讲道|to preach/a sermon jiangdao 讲到|to talk about sth jiangdi 降低|to reduce; to lower; to bring down jiangdiao 降调|falling intonation (linguistics)/to l... jiangdou 豇豆|cowpea/black-eyed bean jiangdu 茳芏|Cyperus malaccensis jiange 间隔|gap/interval/compartment/to divide/to... jiange 剑阁|Jiange county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[Guan... jiange 坚戈|tenge (Kazakhstan currency) (loanword) jiange 贱格|despicable jiangechongfu 间隔重复|spaced repetition jiangehao 间隔号|Chinese centered dot mark · (punct. u... jiangeliedao 尖阁列岛|Senkaku Islands (Japanese name for th... jiangesheying 间隔摄影|time-lapse photography jiangexian 剑阁县|Jiange county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[Guan... jiangfu 降幅|degree of reduction (in prices, numbe... jiangfu 降福|blessings from heaven jiangge 降格|to downgrade/to lower the standard/de... jianggong 蒋公|honorific title for Chiang Kai-shek 蔣... jianggongbuguo 将功补过|to make up for one\'s faults by doing ... jianggongshuzui 将功赎罪|to atone for one\'s crimes by meritori... jianggongzhezui 将功折罪|see 將功贖罪|将功赎罪[jiang1 gong1 shu2 zui4] jianggua 酱瓜|pickled cucumber jiangguan 将官|general jiangguizhanzheng 蒋桂战争|confrontation of 1929 between Chiang ... jiangguo 浆果|berry jiangguxing 僵固性|rigidity jianghai 江海|Jianghai district of Jiangmen city 江門... jianghaiqu 江海区|Jianghai district of Jiangmen city 江門... jianghaishilaodela 姜还是老的辣|ginger gets spicier as it gets older ... jianghan 江汉|Jianghan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武... jianghanqu 江汉区|Jianghan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武... jianghao 降号|(music) flat (♭) jianghe 江河|Yangtze and Yellow rivers jianghe 江河|river jianghe 讲和|to make peace/to reconcile jianghehuhai 江河湖海|rivers, lakes and oceans/bodies of water jiangherixia 江河日下|rivers pour away by the day (idiom); ... jianghu 江湖|rivers and lakes/all corners of the c... jianghu 浆糊|paste/Taiwan pr. [jiang4 hu2] jianghu 江户|Edo (old name of Tokyo) jianghu 糨糊|paste/also written 漿糊|浆糊[jiang4 hu5]/... jianghua 讲话|a speech/to speak/to talk/to address/... jianghua 僵化|to become rigid jianghuaiguanhua 江淮官话|Jianghuai Mandarin jianghuang 姜黄|turmeric jianghuangse 姜黄色|ginger (color) jianghuaxian 江华县|Jianghua Yaozu autonomous county in Y... jianghuayaozuzizhixian 江华瑶族自治县|Jianghua Yaozu autonomous county in Y... jianghui 将会|auxiliary verb introducing future act... jianghuo 降火|to decrease internal heat (Chinese me... jianghupianzi 江湖骗子|swindler/itinerant con-man jianghuyidianjue 江湖一点诀|special technique/trick of the trade/... jianghuyiren 江湖艺人|itinerant entertainer jianghuyisheng 江湖医生|quack/charlatan/itinerant doctor and ... jiangji 降级|to demote/to relegate/to degrade jiangjia 降价|to cut the price/to drive down the pr... jiangjia 讲价|to bargain (over price); to haggle jiangjie 讲解|to explain jiangjie 疆界|border/boundary jiangjie 降解|(chemistry) degradation/to degrade jiangjiechang 降结肠|descending colon (anatomy)/third sect... jiangjieshi 蒋介石|Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975), military... jiangjieyuan 讲解员|guide jiangjijiuji 将计就计|to beat sb at their own game (idiom) jiangjin 江津|Jiangjin, a district of Chongqing 重慶|... jiangjin 奖金|premium/award money/bonus jiangjin 将近|almost/nearly/close to jiangjin 犟劲|obstinacy/tenacity jiangjingguo 蒋经国|Chiang Ching-kuo (1910-1988), son of ... jiangjinlungu 将今论古|to observe the present to study the past jiangjinqu 江津区|Jiangjin, a district of Chongqing 重慶|... jiangjinr 犟劲儿|erhua variant of 犟勁|犟劲[jiang4 jin4] jiangjiu 讲究|to pay particular attention to/carefu... jiangjiu 将就|to accept (a bit reluctantly)/to put ... jiangju 僵局|impasse/deadlock jiangjun 将军|(common place name) jiangjun 将军|general/high-ranking military officer... jiangjundu 将军肚|potbelly jiangjunduzi 将军肚子|beer belly (complimentary) jiangke 讲课|teach/lecture jiangkou 江口|Jiangkou, a county in Tongren 銅仁市|铜仁市... jiangkouxian 江口县|Jiangkou, a county in Tongren 銅仁市|铜仁市... jianglai 将来|in the future/future/the future/CL:個|... jianglangcaijin 江郎才尽|Jiang Yan has exhausted his talent (i... jiangle 将乐|Jiangle, a county in Sanming City 三明市... jianglexian 将乐县|Jiangle, a county in Sanming City 三明市... jiangli 奖励|to reward/reward (as encouragement) jiangli 讲理|to argue/to reason with sb/to talk se... jiangli 江蓠|red algae/Gracilaria, several species... jiangliao 酱料|sauce jianglilvxing 奖励旅行|incentive travel jianglilvyou 奖励旅游|incentive travel jianglin 降临|to descend/to arrive/to come jiangling 将领|high-ranking military officer jiangling 江陵|Jiangling county in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Ji... jiangling 将令|(old) (military) a command/an order jianglingxian 江陵县|Jiangling county in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Ji... jianglinjie 降临节|Advent (Christian period of 4 weeks b... jiangliu 江流|river/river flow/current jianglun 江轮|river steamer jianglun 讲论|to discuss jiangluo 降落|to descend/to land jiangluodidian 降落地点|landing site jiangluopaodao 降落跑道|runway (at airport) jiangluosan 降落伞|parachute jiangmen 江门|see 江門市|江门市[Jiang1men2 Shi4] jiangmenshi 江门市|Jiangmen, prefecture-level city in Gu... jiangmi 江米|polished glutinous rice jiangmian 江面|the surface of the river jiangmijiu 江米酒|glutinous rice wine/fermented glutino... jiangming 讲明|to explain jiangmo 浆膜|serosa/serous membrane (smooth moist ... jiangnan 江南|south of Changjiang or Yangtze river/... jiangnandaxue 江南大学|Jiangnan University (Jiangsu Province) jiangnanqu 江南区|Jiangnan District of Nanning city 南寧市... jiangnansheng 江南省|name of Qing dynasty province coverin... jiangnanshuixiang 江南水乡|patchwork of waterways, esp. in Jiangsu jiangnansidacaizi 江南四大才子|Four great southern talents of the Mi... jiangning 江宁|Jiangning district of Nanjing City 南京... jiangningqu 江宁区|Jiangning district of Nanjing City 南京... jiangong 监工|workplace overseer/foreman jiangong 腱弓|tendon arch (anatomy) jiangongliye 建功立业|to achieve or accomplish goals jiangou 建构|to construct (often sth abstract, suc... jiangpai 奖牌|medal (awarded as a prize) jiangpai 将牌|trump (suit of cards) jiangpaibang 奖牌榜|medal table/tally of trophies/list of... jiangpan 江畔|riverbank jiangpin 奖品|award/prize jiangping 讲评|to criticize/to evaluate jiangping 江平|Jiang Ping (1920-), academic lawyer, ... jiangpu 江浦|Jiangpu county, old name of Pukou dis... jiangpuxian 江浦县|Jiangpu county, old name of Pukou dis... jiangqi 将棋|Japanese chess (shōgi) jiangqi 降旗|to lower a flag/to strike the colors jiangqin-buzhuo 将勤补拙|(idiom) to compensate for lack of abi... jiangqing 江青|Jiang Qing (1914-1991), Mao Zedong\'s ... jiangqiu 讲求|to stress/to emphasize/particular abo... jiangquan 奖券|raffle or lottery ticket jiangrong 姜戎|Jiang Rong (1946-), pseudonym of Lü J... jiangshan 江山|Jiangshan, county-level city in Quzho... jiangshan 江山|rivers and mountains/landscape/countr... jiangshang 奖赏|reward; prize; award jiangshanshi 江山市|Jiangshan, county-level city in Quzho... jiangshanyigai,benxingnanyi 江山易改,本性难移|it is easier to change mountains and ... jiangshanyigaibingxingnanyi 江山易改禀性难移|rivers and mountains are easy to chan... jiangsheng 缰绳|reins jiangsheng 降生|to be born/arrival of newborn/birth (... jiangshenshangxiansu 降肾上腺素|noradrenalin jiangshi 将士|officers and soldiers jiangshi 僵尸|gyonshi/jiang shi/Chinese vampire/zombie jiangshi 讲师|instructor/lecturer jiangshi 降世|lit. to descend to earth (of an immor... jiangshi 讲史|historical tales jiangshiche 僵尸车|(coll.) abandoned car jiangshifen 僵尸粉|\"zombie fans\", fake followers that ca... jiangshilaodela 姜是老的辣|see 薑還是老的辣|姜还是老的辣[jiang1 hai2 shi4 la... jiangshinian 姜石年|Jiang Shinian (c. 2000 BC), birth nam... jiangshiquan 蒋士铨|Jiang Shiquan (1725-1784), Qing poet,... jiangshiwangluo 僵尸网络|botnet/zombie network/slave network (... jiangshou 讲授|to lecture; to teach jiangshou 桨手|rower; oarsman jiangshu 讲述|to talk about; to narrate; to give an... jiangshuai 将帅|commander-in-chief, the equivalent of... jiangshui 江水|river water jiangshui 降水|rain and snow/precipitation (meteorol... jiangshuiliang 降水量|precipitation (meteorology)/measured ... jiangsi 将死|to checkmate (in chess)/to be about t... jiangsu 江苏|see 江蘇省|江苏省[Jiang1su1 Sheng3] jiangsusheng 江苏省|Jiangsu Province, capital Nanjing 南京[... jiangtai 讲台|platform; podium; rostrum/lectern/(te... jiangtaigong 姜太公|see Jiang Ziya 姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2] jiangtaigongdiaoyu,yuanzheshanggou 姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩|Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want it... jiangtan 讲坛|a platform (to speak) jiangtang 讲堂|lecture hall/CL:家[jia1],間|间[jian1] jiangti 讲题|topic of a lecture jiangtu 疆土|territory jiangtun 江豚|river dolphin jiangu 兼顾|to attend simultaneously to two or mo... jiangu 坚固|firm/firmly/hard/stable jiangu 捡骨|bone-gathering, a custom of Fujian an... jiangu 荐骨|(anatomy) sacrum jianguai 见怪|to mind/to take offense jianguaibuguai 见怪不怪|to have seen sth so often that it doe... jianguan 监管|to oversee/to take charge of/to super... jianguan 奸官|a treacherous official/a mandarin who... jianguangsi 见光死|(lit.) to wither in the light of day/... jianguanmian 尖管面|penne pasta jianguantizhi 监管体制|regulatory system/supervisory body jianguanwuli 奸官污吏|traitor minister and corrupt official... jiangui 见鬼|absurd/strange/(interj.) curse it!/to... jiangui 奸宄|evildoer; malefactor jianguo 建国|to found a country/nation-building/th... jianguo 坚果|nut jianguo 煎锅|frying pan jiangutou 贱骨头|miserable wretch/contemptible individual jianguxing 坚固性|firmness jiangweiguo 蒋纬国|Chiang Wei-kuo (1916-1997), adopted s... jiangwen 降温|to become cooler/to lower the tempera... jiangwen 姜文|Jiang Wen (1963-), sixth generation C... jiangwenfei 降温费|extra pay for hot weather jiangwenli 蒋雯丽|Jiang Wenli (1969-), award-winning PR... jiangwo 僵卧|to lie rigid and motionless jiangxi 江西|see 江西省[Jiang1xi1 Sheng3] jiangxi 讲习|to lecture/to instruct jiangxi 将息|(literary) to rest/to recuperate jiangxi 浆洗|to wash and starch jiangxi 降息|to lower interest rates jiangxia 江夏|Jiangxia district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武... jiangxia 降下|to fall/to drop jiangxian 绛县|Jiang county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 c... jiangxiang 奖项|award; prize/CL:項|项[xiang4] jiangxianhua 讲闲话|to gossip/to make unfavorable comments jiangxiaqu 江夏区|Jiangxia district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武... jiangxiban 讲习班|instructional workshop jiangxihui 讲习会|discussion forum/seminar/assembly jiangxin 匠心|ingenuity/craftsmanship jiangxin-jiangyi 将信将疑|see 半信半疑[ban4xin4-ban4yi2] jiangxinbixin 将心比心|to put oneself in sb else\'s shoes (id... jiangxinduyun 匠心独运|original and ingenious (idiom)/to sho... jiangxisheng 江西省|Jiangxi Province, capital Nanchang 南昌... jiangxu 降序|descending order jiangxue 降雪|to snow/snowfall jiangxue 讲学|to lecture (on branch of learning) jiangxuegaisu 降血钙素|calcitonin jiangxuejin 奖学金|scholarship/CL:筆|笔[bi3] jiangxueyayao 降血压药|antihypertensive drug jiangya 降压|to reduce the pressure (of a fluid)/t... jiangyan 讲演|to lecture/to speak publicly jiangyan 讲筵|the teacher\'s seat jiangyang-dadao 江洋大盗|(idiom) infamous pirate; (by extensio... jiangyangqu 江阳区|Jiangyang district of Luzhou city 瀘州市... jiangyao 将要|will/shall/to be going to jiangyaozhu 江珧柱|(seafood) adductor muscle of a scallo... jiangye 奖掖|to reward and promote jiangyi 讲义|teaching materials jiangyi 奖挹|to reward and promote jiangyin 江阴|Jiangyin, county-level city in Wuxi 無... jiangying 僵硬|stiff; rigid jiangying 浆硬|to starch/to stiffen cloth with starch jiangyinshi 江阴市|Jiangyin, county-level city in Wuxi 無... jiangyiqi 讲义气|to be loyal (to one\'s friends)/to val... jiangyong 江永|Jiangyong county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3... jiangyongxian 江永县|Jiangyong county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3... jiangyou 酱油|soy sauce jiangyou 江油|Jiangyou prefecture-level city in Mia... jiangyougao 酱油膏|thickened soy sauce jiangyoushi 江油市|Jiangyou prefecture-level city in Mia... jiangyu 降雨|precipitation/rainfall jiangyu 疆域|territory jiangyuan 江源|Jiangyuan district in Baishan city 白山... jiangyuan 江源|river source jiangyuandao 江原道|Gangwon Province of Korea during Jose... jiangyuanqu 江源区|Jiangyuan district in Baishan city 白山... jiangyuliang 降雨量|precipitation/quantity of rainfall jiangzao 降噪|noise reduction jiangzemin 江泽民|Jiang Zemin (1926-2022), politician, ... jiangzhang 奖章|medal/CL:枚[mei2] jiangzhe 江浙|abbr. for Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏[Jiang1 su1] a... jiangzhi 僵直|stiff/rigid/inflexible jiangzhi 浆纸|paper pulp jiangzhi 降职|to demote (to a lower rank) jiangzhi 降旨|to issue an imperial edict jiangzhi 将至|to be about to arrive/to be around th... jiangzhi 姜汁|ginger ale jiangzhi 降祉|to send down blessings from heaven jiangzhongzheng 蒋中正|Chiang Chung-cheng, adopted name of C... jiangzhou 江州|Jiangzhou district of Chongzuo city 崇... jiangzhouqu 江州区|Jiangzhou district of Chongzuo city 崇... jiangzhu 僵住|motionless/unable to move jiangzhu 江猪|Chinese river dolphin, Lipotes vexill... jiangzhuang 奖状|prize certificate; certificate of merit jiangzhuo 讲桌|lectern/podium jiangzhuozhixi 江酌之喜|feast at the birth of a child jiangzhuzheng 僵住症|catalepsy jiangzi 酱紫|dark reddish purple/Internet slang ab... jiangzi 江孜|Gyangzê town and county, Tibetan: Rgy... jiangzi 绛紫|dark reddish purple jiangzi 糨子|(coll.) paste jiangzi 膙子|(dialect) callus jiangzixian 江孜县|Gyangzê county, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse r... jiangziya 姜子牙|Jiang Ziya (c. 1100 BC, dates of birt... jiangzizhen 江孜镇|Gyangzê town, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse, in... jiangzui 强嘴|to talk back/to reply defiantly jiangzuo 讲座|course of lectures; lecture series/ch... jianhang 建行|China Construction Bank (abbr.) jianhao 减号|minus sign - (math.) jianhaojiushou 见好就收|(idiom) to quit while one is ahead; t... jianhe 剑河|Jianhe county in Qiandongnan Miao and... jianhe 涧壑|valley/ravine jianhe 减核|nuclear weapons reduction (abbr. for ... jianheng 剑鸻|(bird species of China) common ringed... jianhexian 剑河县|Jianhe county in Qiandongnan Miao and... jianhong 见红|(coll.) to bleed (esp. vaginal bleedi... jianhu 建湖|Jianhu county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 ... jianhu 监护|to act as a guardian jianhua 简化|to simplify jianhua 建华|Jianhua district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾... jianhua 奸猾|treacherous/crafty/deceitful jianhua 碱化|to make basic or alkaline/alkalizatio... jianhua 奸滑|variant of 奸猾[jian1 hua2] jianhualonghe 槛花笼鹤|a flower in a cage, a crane in a bask... jianhuan 减缓|to slow down/to retard jianhuang 碱荒|saline waste land jianhuang 鉴黄|to inspect videos and other media for... jianhuangshi 鉴黄师|content moderator specializing in por... jianhuaqu 建华区|Jianhua district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾... jianhuazi 简化字|simplified Chinese character jianhuo 贱货|bitch/slut jianhuo 间或|occasionally/now and then jianhuquan 监护权|custody (of a child) jianhuren 监护人|guardian jianhuxian 建湖县|Jianhu county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 ... jianiang 佳酿|excellent wine jianiang 家娘|(dialect) husband\'s mother jianianhua 嘉年华|carnival (loanword) jianji 剪辑|to edit (video images, film) jianji 歼击|to annihilate/to attack and destroy/J... jianji 奸计|evil plan/evil schemes jianji 碱基|chemical base/nucleobase jianji 减计|to write down (i.e. to decrease the e... jianji 建基|to lay foundations jianjia 肩胛|shoulder/scapular region/scapula jianjia 减价|to cut prices/to discount/to mark dow... jianjia 鉴价|to appraise/appraisal/valuation jianjia 见驾|to have an audience (with the emperor) jianjiagu 肩胛骨|scapula/shoulder blade jianjian 渐渐|gradually jianjian 尖尖|sharp/pointed jianjian 戋戋|small/tiny jianjian 剑尖|point/sharp end jianjian 鹣鹣|lit. a pair of mythical birds who dep... jianjian 健检|(Tw) medical checkup; physical examin... jianjiang 健将|(archaic) adept and valiant military ... jianjianzhuangzhuang 件件桩桩|see 樁樁件件|桩桩件件[zhuang1 zhuang1 jian4 j... jianjiao 尖叫|to screech; to shriek jianjiao 建交|to establish diplomatic relations jianjiao 尖椒|chili pepper jianjiao 见教|I have been enlightened by your teach... jianjiao 检校|to check/to verify/to proof-read jianjiao 煎饺|fried dumpling jianjiao 奸狡|devious/cunning jianjiaohezuo 建教合作|cooperative education (Tw) jianjiayiyu 蒹葭倚玉|see 蒹葭倚玉樹|蒹葭倚玉树[jian1 jia1 yi3 yu4 shu4] jianjiayiyushu 蒹葭倚玉树|lit. reeds leaning on a jade tree (id... jianjiayushu 蒹葭玉树|see 蒹葭倚玉樹|蒹葭倚玉树[jian1 jia1 yi3 yu4 shu4] jianjidui 碱基对|base pair (molecular biology) jianjie 简介|summary/brief introduction jianjie 间接|indirect jianjie 简洁|concise/succinct/pithy jianjie 见解|opinion/view/understanding jianjie 鉴戒|lesson from events of the past/warning jianjie 剪接|film-editing/montage/to cut or edit film jianjiebinyu 间接宾语|indirect object (grammar) jianjieshui 间接税|indirect tax jianjiexuanju 间接选举|indirect election jianjiezhengju 间接证据|indirect testimony/circumstantial evi... jianjihubupeidui 碱基互补配对|complementary base pairing e.g. adeni... jianjiji 歼击机|fighter plane jianjin 渐进|progress step by step/gradual progres... jianjin 监禁|to imprison/to jail/to take into custody jianjin 渐近|to approach gradually jianjing 剪径|to waylay and rob/highway robbery jianjingdiao 检警调|(Tw) public prosecutors, the police, ... jianjingshengqing 见景生情|to be touched by a scene/to adapt to ... jianjinshu 碱金属|alkali metal jianjinxian 渐近线|(math.) asymptote jianjipeidui 碱基配对|base pairing (e.g. adenine A 腺嘌呤 pair... jianjitianxia 兼济天下|to make everyone\'s lives better jianjixingshi 见机行事|see the opportunity and act (idiom); ... jianju 兼具|to combine/to have both jianju 间距|gap; spacing; distance between object... jianju 检举|to report (an offense to the authorit... jianju 艰巨|arduous/terrible (task)/very difficul... jianju 荐举|to propose (for a job)/to nominate/to... jianjue 坚决|firm; resolute; determined jianjunjie 建军节|Army Day (August 1) jianjuxing 艰巨性|arduousness/formidability/difficulty jiankai 溅开|splash jiankan 监看|to monitor/to keep an eye on jiankang 健康|health/healthy jiankang 建康|old name for Nanjing 南京, esp. during ... jiankang 肩扛|to carry on the shoulder jiankangbaoxian 健康保险|health insurance jiankangjiancha 健康检查|see 體格檢查|体格检查[ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2] jiankangshipin 健康食品|health food jiankangshousun 健康受损|health damage jiankangzhuangkuang 健康状况|health status jiankao 监考|to proctor (an exam)/to invigilate jianke 剑客|swordsman jianke 尖刻|caustic/biting/piquant/acerbic/vitrio... jianke 兼课|to teach classes in addition to other... jiankong 监控|to monitor jiankong 检控|to prosecute (criminal)/the prosecution jiankongfang 检控方|the prosecuting side (in a trial)/the... jiankongguan 检控官|prosecutor/procurator jiankoubuyan 缄口不言|see 閉口不言|闭口不言[bi4 kou3 bu4 yan2] jianku 艰苦|difficult/hard/arduous jiankuai 渐快|to speed up gradually/faster and fast... jiankufendou 艰苦奋斗|to struggle arduously jiankuo 简括|brief but comprehensive/compendious jiankuohao 尖括号|angle brackets < > jiankupusu 艰苦朴素|leading a plain, hardworking life (id... jiankuzhuojue 坚苦卓绝|persisting despite trials and tribula... jianlao 监牢|prison/jail jianlao 坚牢|strong/firm jianlezhimadiulexigua 捡了芝麻丢了西瓜|to let go of the big prize while grab... jianli 建立|to establish/to set up/to found jianli 简历|curriculum vitae (CV)/résumé/biograph... jianli 尖利|sharp/keen/cutting/shrill/piercing jianli 尖厉|shrill (voice) jianli 剪力|shear/shearing force jianlian 简练|terse/succinct jianlian 简炼|variant of 簡練|简练[jian3 lian4] jianliang 见谅|please forgive me jianliang 见亮|please forgive me jianliexinxi 见猎心喜|lit. seeing others go hunting, one is... jianling 减龄|to become more youthful jianlishijian 建立时间|(electronics) setup time/(electronics... jianlisiyi 见利思义|to see profit and remember morality (... jianlisuo 监理所|inspection and control bureau jianliu 涧流|mountain stream/stream in a valley jianliwangyi 见利忘义|lit. to see profit and forget moralit... jianlizhe 建立者|founder jianlizhengshiwaijiaoguanxi 建立正式外交关系|formally establish diplomatic relations jianlong 剑龙|stegosaurus jianlou 检漏|to check for leaks jianlou 捡漏|to repair a leaky roof/(dialect) to f... jianlou 简陋|simple and crude jianlu 检录|roll-call (e.g. at athletics event)/c... jianluo 溅落|(of a spacecraft) to splash down/(of ... jianlve 简略|simple/brief jianma 剑麻|sisal hemp jianmai 贱卖|to sell cheaply/sacrifice/low price/d... jianmakesi 见马克思|to die/lit. to visit Marx/to pass away jianman 减慢|to slow down jianman 简慢|negligent (towards guests) jianman 渐慢|to slow down gradually/slower and slo... jianmao 键帽|keycap jianmei 健美|healthy and beautiful/to do fitness e... jianmei-xingmu 剑眉星目|(idiom) straight, thick, upward-incli... jianmeicao 健美操|aerobics/aerobic dance (school P.E. a... jianmeiyundong 健美运动|body-building jianmen 监门|gatekeeper jianmian 见面|to meet; to see each other/CL:次[ci4] jianmian 减免|to reduce or waive (taxes, punishment... jianmianhui 见面会|meet and greet jianmianli 见面礼|gift given to sb when meeting them fo... jianmiao 间苗|thinning out seedlings jianmie 歼灭|to wipe out/to crush/to annihilate jianmin 贱民|social stratum below the level of ord... jianmin 奸民|a scoundrel/a villain jianming 简明|simple and clear/concise jianming 坚明|to consolidate and clarify jianmingeyao 简明扼要|brief and to the point (idiom)/succinct jianmo 缄默|to keep silent jianmu 监牧|shepherd/Tang dynasty official with r... jiannan 艰难|difficult/hard/challenging jiannanershang 见难而上|to take the bull by the horns (idiom) jiannanxianzu 艰难险阻|untold dangers and difficulties (idiom) jiannao 间脑|diencephalon jiannei 贱内|my wife (humble) jianning 建宁|Jianning, a county in Sanming City 三明... jianning 奸佞|crafty and fawning jianningxian 建宁县|Jianning, a county in Sanming City 三明... jianniu 犍牛|bullock jianniuba 煎牛扒|beef steak jiannixishu 坚尼系数|(HK) see 基尼係數|基尼系数[Ji1ni2 xi4shu4] jianong 加农|cannon (loanword) jianongpao 加农炮|cannon (loanword) jianou 建瓯|Jian\'ou, county-level city in Nanping... jianoushi 建瓯市|Jian\'ou, county-level city in Nanping... jianpai 减排|to reduce pollutant discharge; to red... jianpai 箭牌|Wrigley (chewing gum company) jianpan 键盘|keyboard jianpanxia 键盘侠|keyboard warrior jianpanyueqi 键盘乐器|keyboard instrument (piano, organ etc) jianpiao 检票|to inspect a ticket/to examine a ballot jianpiao 监票|to scrutinize balloting jianpiaojifu 见票即付|payable at sight/payable to bearer jianpiliu 间皮瘤|mesothelioma (medicine) jianpin 简拼|(computing) input method where the us... jianpin 减贫|to reduce poverty/poverty reduction jianping 建平|Jianping county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳[Cha... jianpingxian 建平县|Jianping county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳[Cha... jianpu 简谱|music notation in which the notes Do,... jianpu 简朴|simple and unadorned/plain jianpu 俭朴|thrifty and simple jianpuzhai 柬埔寨|Cambodia jianqi 拣起|to pick up jianqi 肩起|to bear/to shoulder (responsibilities... jianqiang 坚强|staunch/strong jianqiangbuqu 坚强不屈|staunch and unyielding (idiom); stead... jianqianyankai 见钱眼开|to open one\'s eyes wide at the sight ... jianqiao 剑桥|Cambridge jianqiao 腱鞘|(anatomy) tendon sheath jianqiao 舰桥|bridge (of a naval ship) jianqiaodaxue 剑桥大学|University of Cambridge jianqiaoyan 腱鞘炎|tenosynovitis (medicine) jianqie 剪切|to shear/shearing (force)/(computing)... jianqieban 剪切板|(computing) clipboard jianqieli 剪切力|shear/shearing force jianqiexingbian 剪切形变|shearing/shear deformation jianqing 减轻|to lighten/to ease/to alleviate jianqing 奸情|adultery jianqu 减去|minus/to subtract jianqu 渐趋|to become more and more/to gradually ... jianquan 鉴权|(computing) authentication jianquan 健全|robust/sound jianren 兼任|to hold several jobs at once/concurre... jianren 贱人|slut/cheap person jianren 坚忍|persevering/tenacious jianren 奸人|crafty scoundrel/villain jianren 坚韧|tough and durable/tenacious jianrenbuba 坚韧不拔|firm and indomitable (idiom); tenacio... jianrenbuba 坚忍不拔|fortitude jianrenjianzhi 见仁见智|opinions differ (idiom) jianrenshuorenhua,jianguishuoguihua 见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话|(fig.) adaptable; able to deal with v... jianrong 兼容|compatible jianrongbingbao 兼容并包|to include and monopolize many things... jianrongxing 兼容性|compatibility jianru 键入|to key in; to input; to enter (some t... jianrui 尖锐|sharp/intense/penetrating/pointed/acu... jianruihua 尖锐化|to intensify; to become acute; to com... jianruipiping 尖锐批评|sharp criticism jianruishiyou 尖锐湿疣|genital wart/condyloma acuminatum jianruo 减弱|to weaken; to diminish jianruo 渐弱|to fade out/gradually weakening/dimin... jianruopanshi 坚若磐石|rock-solid jianrupanshi 坚如磐石|solid as a boulder (idiom); absolutel... jiansa 溅洒|to spill/to splatter/to splash jiansanjiang 建三江|Jiansanjiang, large-scale agricultura... jianse 减色|to fade/(fig.) to lose luster/(of an ... jianse 蹇涩|awkward/lame/difficulty (esp. in movi... jiansewangyi 见色忘义|to forget loyalty when in love/hoes b... jiansewangyou 见色忘友|to neglect one\'s friends when smitten... jiansha 奸杀|to rape and murder jianshan 尖山|Jianshan district of Shuangyashan cit... jianshang 鉴赏|to appreciate (as a connoisseur) jianshang 奸商|profiteer; crooked merchant jianshang 建商|construction company/housebuilder jianshangjia 鉴赏家|connoisseur/appreciative person/fan jianshanqu 尖山区|Jianshan district of Shuangyashan cit... jianshao 减少|to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to... jianshazui 尖沙咀|Tsim Sha Tsui, urbanized area in Hong... jianshe 建设|to build; to construct; to establish;... jianshe 溅射|sputtering jianshedaodan 肩射导弹|shoulder-fired missile jianshen 剑身|sword blade jianshen 艰深|abstruse/complicated jianshen 健身|to exercise/to keep fit/to work out/p... jianshenfang 健身房|gym/gymnasium jiansheng 俭省|thrifty; economical; sparing jiansheng 简省|to simplify/to reduce to essentials/e... jianshengtiku 尖声啼哭|squeal jianshenguan 健身馆|gym (health center) jianshenhuise 艰深晦涩|abstruse and unfathomable (idiom) jianshenshi 健身室|gym jianshexing 建设性|constructive/constructiveness jianshi 坚实|firm and substantial/solid jianshi 监视|to monitor/to keep a close watch over... jianshi 捡拾|to pick up; to gather jianshi 简史|a brief history jianshi 见识|to gain first-hand knowledge of sth/t... jianshi 建始|Jianshi County in Enshi Tujia and Mia... jianshi 箭矢|arrow/CL:支[zhi1] jianshi 兼施|using several (methods) jianshi 鉴识|to identify/to detect jianshi 捡尸|(slang) to target an intoxicated pers... jianshi 间使|secret envoy/acupuncture point Pc-5 jianshi 尖石|Jianshi or Chienshih township in Hsin... jianshi 检尸|autopsy/necropsy/postmortem examination jianshi 奸尸|to have sex with a corpse jianshi 吉安市|Ji\'an, prefecture-level city in Jiang... jianshi 检视|to inspect/to examine jianshi 集安市|Ji\'an, county-level city in Tonghua 通... jianshifangwuzhoukan 简氏防务周刊|Jane\'s defense weekly jianshijuzhu 监视居住|(PRC law) residential surveillance/to... jianshikong 监视孔|peephole jianshimian 见世面|to see the world/to broaden one\'s hor... jianshiqi 监视器|security camera/surveillance monitor jianshiqian 见识浅|short-sighted jianshixian 建始县|Jianshi County in Enshi Tujia and Mia... jianshixiang 尖石乡|Jianshi or Chienshih township in Hsin... jianshiyan 碱式盐|alkali salt (soda, lye, calcium carbo... jianshou 坚守|to hold fast to/to stick to jianshou 监守|to have custody of jianshou 舰首|bow of a warship jianshoubingxu 兼收并蓄|incorporating diverse things (idiom)/... jianshouzidao 监守自盗|to embezzle jianshu 简述|to outline/to summarize/to sketch/sum... jianshu 建树|to make a contribution/to establish/t... jianshu 件数|item count (of a consignment etc) jianshu 减数|(math.) subtrahend jianshu 剑术|swordsmanship jianshu 检束|to regulate/to check and restrict jianshu 谏书|written admonition from an official t... jianshufenlie 减数分裂|meiosis (in sexual reproduction) jianshui 碱水|lye water; alkaline water (used in co... jianshui 减税|to reduce the tax rate jianshui 建水|Jianshui county in Honghe Hani and Yi... jianshui 涧水|mountain stream jianshuixian 建水县|Jianshui county in Honghe Hani and Yi... jianshuo 见说|to hear what was said jianshuo 健硕|well-built (physique)/strong and musc... jiansu 减速|to reduce speed; to slow down jiansu 俭素|thrifty and plain jiansu 奸宿|to fornicate/to rape jiansuan 尖酸|harsh/scathing/acid (remarks) jiansuankebo 尖酸刻薄|sharp and unkind (words) jiansudai 减速带|speed bump jiansun 减损|to impair/to degrade/to decrease/to r... jiansuo 检索|to retrieve (data)/to look up/retriev... jiansuo 简缩|abbreviation/short form jiansuqi 减速器|moderator/reducer (mechanical gearbox) jianta 践踏|to trample jianta 尖塔|spire/minaret jiantan 健谈|entertaining in conversation jiantan 减碳|to reduce carbon emissions jiantangzhen 建塘镇|Jiantang, capital of Dêqên or Diqing ... jiantao 检讨|to examine or inspect/self-criticism/... jianti 简体|simplified form of Chinese characters... jiantian 见天|(coll.) every day jiantie 简帖|a letter jiantieban 剪贴板|(computing) clipboard jiantiebu 剪贴簿|scrapbook jiantier 简帖儿|a letter jianting 舰艇|warship/naval vessel jianting 监听|to monitor; to listen in; to eavesdrop jianting 坚挺|firm and upright/strong (of currency) jiantingzeming,pianxinzean 兼听则明,偏信则暗|listen to both sides and you will be ... jiantizi 简体字|simplified Chinese character, as oppo... jiantou 尖头|pointed end/tip/(medicine) oxycephaly jiantou 箭头|arrowhead/arrow symbol jiantou 肩头|on one\'s shoulders/(dialect) shoulder jiantou 剪头|to get a haircut; to give sb a haircut jiantou 荐头|employment agent (arch.)/job broker jiantoudian 荐头店|job agency (arch.)/employment shop jiantoufa 剪头发|(to get a) haircut jiantougui 尖头鱥|Chinese minnow (Phoxinus oxycephalus) jiantoujian 箭头键|arrow key (on keyboard) jiantu 碱土|alkaline soil jiantu 奸徒|a crafty villain jiantui 减退|to ebb/to go down/to decline jiantujinshu 碱土金属|alkaline earth (i.e. beryllium Be 鈹|铍... jiantuoluo 犍陀罗|Gandhara Kingdom in northwest India, ... jianu 家奴|domestic slave/slave servant jianv 嫁女|to marry off a daughter jianwai 见外|to treat sb with the formal courtesy ... jianwaimo 腱外膜|(anatomy) epitenon jianwaizhixing 监外执行|to serve (a sentence) outside prison ... jianwang 健旺|robust/healthy/vigorous/energetic jianwang 健忘|forgetful jianwangzheng 健忘症|amnesia jianwangzhilai 鉴往知来|to observe the past to foresee the fu... jianweibinyu 尖尾滨鹬|(bird species of China) sharp-tailed ... jianweiqi 健慰器|sex toy jianweizhizhu 见微知著|one tiny clue reveals the general tre... jianwen 见闻|what one has seen and heard/knowledge... jianwen 建文|Jianwen Emperor, reign name of second... jianwendi 建文帝|reign name of second Ming emperor, re... jianwenlu 尖吻鲈|barramundi or Asian sea bass (Lates c... jianwu 建物|(Tw) building; structure jianwu 奸污|to rape/to violate jianwugewangchao 柬吴哥王朝|Ankor Dynasty of Cambodia, 802-1431 jianwuhuzhuhui 建屋互助会|building society (finance) jianxi 间隙|interval/gap/clearance jianxi 见习|to learn on the job/to be on probation jianxi 涧西|Jianxi district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛... jianxi 尖细|(of an object) tapered/(of a voice) h... jianxi 减息|to lower the interest rate jianxi 涧溪|mountain stream/stream in a valley jianxi 湔洗|to wash jianxi 渐稀|to thin out gradually/to become faint... jianxi 奸细|a spy/a crafty person jianxia 涧峡|a gorge jianxian 艰险|difficult and dangerous/hardships and... jianxian 奸险|malicious/treacherous/wicked and crafty jianxian 碱腺|alkali gland jianxian 吉安县|Ji\'an county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi jianxiang 吉安乡|Ji\'an or Chi\'an township in Hualien C... jianxiansiqi 见贤思齐|see a worthy, think to imitate (idiom... jianxianyan 睑腺炎|sty (eyelid swelling) jianxiao 减小|to reduce/to decrease/to diminish jianxiao 见效|to have the desired effect jianxiao 奸笑|evil smile/sinister smile jianxiao 见笑|to mock/to be ridiculed/to incur ridi... jianxie 间歇|to stop in the middle of sth/intermit... jianxie 简写|to write characters in simplified for... jianxie 简谐|simple harmonic (motion, oscillation ... jianxie 奸邪|crafty and evil/a treacherous villain jianxiebo 简谐波|simple harmonic wave/sine wave jianxiexunlian 间歇训练|interval training jianxieyundong 简谐运动|simple harmonic motion (in mechanics)... jianxiezhendong 简谐振动|simple harmonic oscillation/sinusoida... jianxin 艰辛|hardships/arduous/difficult jianxin 坚信|to believe firmly/without any doubt jianxin 减薪|to cut wages jianxin 尖新|fresh/new and pointed jianxing 践行|to carry out; to implement; to keep (... jianxing 碱性|alkaline jianxing 减刑|to reduce penalty/shortened or commut... jianxing 饯行|to give a farewell dinner jianxing 健行|to hike jianxingjianyuan 渐行渐远|gradually proceed, gradually get furt... jianxingjinshu 碱性金属|alkali metal jianxinglan 碱性蓝|alkali blue jianxingtu 碱性土|alkaline soil jianxinli 坚信礼|confirmation (Christian ceremony) jianxinshi 拣信室|mail sorting office jianxinshi 渐新世|Oligocene (geological epoch from 34m-... jianxintong 渐新统|Oligocene system (geology) jianxiong 奸雄|person who seeks advancement by any m... jianxiqu 涧西区|Jianxi district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛... jianxisheng 见习生|apprentice/probationer/cadet jianxiu 检修|to overhaul/to examine and fix (a mot... jianxiu 蹇修|(literary) matchmaker jianxiyisheng 见习医生|medical intern jianxiyishi 见习医师|medical intern jianxiyuan 见习员|trainee jianxu 兼蓄|to contain two things at a time/to mi... jianxuan 拣选|to select/to sort out jianxue 减削|to reduce/to cut down jianxue 俭学|to be frugal so that one can pay for ... jianxue 监学|school official responsible for super... jianxue 湔雪|to wipe away (a humiliation)/to redre... jianxuefenghoushu 见血封喉树|Antiaris toxicaria (botany) jianxun 简讯|newsletter/the news in brief/(Tw) SMS... jianya 减压|to reduce pressure/to relax jianya 监押|a jail/to imprison jianya 尖牙|canine tooth; fang; tusk jianyabiao 减压表|decompression table jianyabing 减压病|decompression sickness/the bends/also... jianyachengxu 减压程序|decompression schedule jianyan 检验|to inspect/to examine/to test jianyan 谏言|advice/to advise jianyan 建言|to make a suggestion/to state (one\'s ... jianyan 腱炎|tendonitis jianyan 荐言|to recommend (in words)/to suggest jianyang 简阳|Jianyang, county-level city in Ziyang... jianyangshi 简阳市|Jianyang, county-level city in Ziyang... jianyanwang 见阎王|(coll.) to meet one\'s maker; to kick ... jianyanyixue 检验医学|laboratory medicine jianyanzhi 简言之|in simple terms/to put things simply/... jianyao 简要|concise/brief jianyaojieshao 简要介绍|brief introduction jianyaoqi 减摇鳍|fin stabilizer (in ships)/anti-roll s... jianyashijianbiao 减压时间表|decompression schedule (diving)/also ... jianyazheng 减压症|decompression sickness/the bends/also... jianye 建邺|Jianye district of Nanjing City 南京市 i... jianye 建业|an old name for Nanjing, called Jiank... jianyequ 建邺区|Jianye district of Nanjing City 南京市 i... jianyi 建议|to propose; to suggest; to recommend/... jianyi 简易|simple and easy/simplistic/simplicity jianyi 坚毅|firm and persistent/unswerving determ... jianyi 检疫|quarantine jianyi 减益|debuff (gaming) jianyibaozhazhuangzhi 简易爆炸装置|improvised explosive device (IED) jianyikele 健怡可乐|Diet Coke/Coca-Cola Light jianyin 奸淫|illicit sex/to rape or seduce jianyin 荐引|to introduce/to recommend jianying 剪影|paper-cut silhouette/outline/sketch jianying 坚硬|hard/solid jianying 兼营|a second job/supplementary way of mak... jianyingli 剪应力|shear stress jianyinzeshi 拣饮择食|to choose one\'s food carefully/to be ... jianyipeng 简易棚|makeshift shelter/awning jianyishoujia 建议售价|recommended retail price (RRP) jianyisiqian 见异思迁|to change at once on seeing sth diffe... jianyiyanglian 俭以养廉|(idiom) frugality makes honesty jianyiyongwei 见义勇为|to see what is right and act courageo... jianyong 俭用|to economize; to be frugal jianyou 兼有|to combine/to have both jianyou 兼优|an all-rounder/good at everything jianyou 健友|fitness enthusiast; gym-goer jianyu 监狱|prison jianyu 鉴于|in view of/seeing that/considering/wh... jianyu 剑鱼|swordfish jianyu 箭鱼|variant of 劍魚|剑鱼[jian4 yu2] jianyuan 减员|to reduce the number of personnel/to ... jianyuan 菅原|Sugawara (Japanese surname) jianyue 简约|sketchy/concise/abbreviated jianyue 俭约|frugal; economical; thrifty jianyue 检阅|to inspect/to review (troops etc)/mil... jianyue 僭越|to usurp/to overstep one\'s authority jianyue 践约|to keep a promise/to honor an agreement jianyun 蹇运|misfortune; bad luck jianyunbang 检孕棒|home pregnancy test kit jianyuzuo 剑鱼座|Dorado (constellation) jianzai 减灾|to take measures to mitigate the impa... jianzai 健在|(of an elderly person) alive and in g... jianzai 舰载|shipboard (radar system etc)/ship-bas... jianzaiji 舰载机|carrier-based aircraft jianzao 建造|to construct; to build jianzao 减噪|noise reduction jianzaoshi 建造师|certified construction engineer jianze 拣择|(literary) to select/to choose jianze 简则|general rule/simple principle jianzei 奸贼|a traitor/a treacherous bandit jianzha 奸诈|treachery/devious/a rogue jianzha 尖扎|Jianzha County in Huangnan Tibetan Au... jianzha 煎炸|to fry jianzhai 尖窄|pointy/tapered jianzhang 简章|concise list of rules/brochure/pamphlet jianzhang 舰长|commander/captain (of a warship) jianzhang 肩章|epaulet/shoulder loop/shoulder mark jianzhaochaizhao 见招拆招|to counter every move/to be full of t... jianzhashipin 煎炸食品|fried food jianzhaxian 尖扎县|Jianzha County in Huangnan Tibetan Au... jianzhayou 煎炸油|frying oil jianzhen 减震|shock absorption/damping jianzhen 减振|shock absorption/vibration dampening jianzhen 坚贞|firm/unswerving/loyal to the end jianzhen 鉴真|Jianzhen or Ganjin (688-763), Tang dy... jianzhen 坚振|confirmation (Christian ceremony) jianzhen 健诊|check-up (health, car safety, environ... jianzhenbuqu 坚贞不屈|faithful and unchanging (idiom); stea... jianzhenbuyu 坚贞不渝|unyielding integrity (idiom); unwavering jianzheng 鉴证|appraisal/verification/authentication... jianzheng 谏诤|see 諍諫|诤谏[zheng4 jian4] jianzheng 键政|(slang) to discuss politics online jianzheng 谏正|see 諍諫|诤谏[zheng4 jian4] jianzheng 谏征|to send or go on a punitive expedition jianzheng 建政|to establish a government/esp. refers... jianzheng 检证|verification/inspection jianzheng 见证|to be witness to/witness/evidence jianzhengren 见证人|eyewitness (to an incident)/witness (... jianzhenheshang 鉴真和尚|Jianzhen or Ganjin (688-763), Tang Bu... jianzhenli 坚振礼|confirmation (Christian ceremony) jianzhenqi 减震器|shock-absorber jianzhenxie 减震鞋|cushioning shoe jianzhi 剪纸|papercutting (Chinese folk art)/to ma... jianzhi 兼职|to hold concurrent posts/concurrent j... jianzhi 剪枝|to prune (branches etc) jianzhi 建制|organizational structure jianzhi 减脂|to burn fat; to lose weight (through ... jianzhi 建置|to set up; to establish/facilities/(g... jianzhi 监制|to supervise the manufacture of/to su... jianzhi 简直|simply; really jianzhi 舰只|warship jianzhi 间质|mesenchyme (physiology) jianzhi 剑指|(fig.) to target; to set one\'s sights... jianzhi 坚执|to persist/to continue upholding/to p... jianzhi 坚致|robust and fine textured jianzhi 蹇滞|awkward/ominous/unfavorable jianzhiren 菅直人|KAN Naoto (1946-), Japanese Democrati... jianzhishishi 见之实施|to put into effect (idiom) jianzhizao 监织造|supervisor of textiles (official post... jianzhong 简中|Simplified Chinese (abbr. for 簡體中文|简体... jianzhouyan 肩周炎|adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) jianzhu 建筑|to construct/building/CL:個|个[ge4] jianzhu 笺注|to annotate (ancient texts)/commentaries jianzhu 箭竹|bamboo (genus Fargesia) jianzhu 僭主|tyrant/usurper jianzhuang 简装|paperback/plainly packaged/opposite: ... jianzhuang 健壮|robust/healthy/sturdy jianzhuang 见状|upon seeing this, .../in response, ... jianzhuang 减妆|makeup box (old) jianzhuba 煎猪扒|pork steak jianzhugongren 建筑工人|construction worker/builder jianzhui 荐椎|(anatomy) sacral vertebra; sacrum jianzhuo 蹇拙|clumsy (writing)/awkward/obscure jianzhuqun 建筑群|building complex jianzhushi 建筑师|architect jianzhuwu 建筑物|building/structure/edifice jianzhuxingdong 见诸行动|to translate sth into action/to put s... jianzhuxue 建筑学|architectural/architecture jianzhuye 建筑业|building industry jianzhuzhengzhi 僭主政治|tyranny/government by usurper jianzi 毽子|a kind of shuttlecock used to play ga... jianzi 剪子|clippers/scissors/shears/CL:把[ba3] jianzi 尖子|best of its kind/cream of the crop jianzi 茧子|callus (patch or hardened skin)/corns... jianzi 腱子|sinew jianzi 踺子|somersault (in gymnastics or dance); ... jianzi 趼子|callus (patch or hardened skin)/corns... jianzi 囝仔|(Tw) child; youngster (Taiwanese, Tai... jianzibiao 检字表|word index (of a dictionary) jianzifa 检字法|indexing system for Chinese character... jianzisheng 尖子生|top student jianzou 间奏|interlude (music) jianzoupianfeng 剑走偏锋|the sword moves with side stroke (mod... jianzouqingling 剑走蜻蛉|the sword moves like a dragon-fly (mo... jianzu 减租|to reduce rent jianzu 箭镞|arrowhead jianzu 趼足|feet with calluses/fig. a long and ha... jianzuimei 剑嘴鹛|(bird species of China) slender-bille... jianzuiou 剪嘴鸥|(bird species of China) Indian skimme... jianzuiyu 尖嘴鱼|Indo-Pacific wrasse (Gomphosus varius) jianzuo 间作|interplanting jiao 焦|surname Jiao jiao 焦|burnt/scorched/charred/worried/anxiou... jiao 教|surname Jiao jiao 教|to teach jiao 教|religion/teaching/to make/to cause/to... jiao 校|to check; to collate; to proofread jiao 角|angle/corner/horn/horn-shaped/unit of... jiao 脚|foot/leg (of an animal or an object)/... jiao 较|(bound form) to compare/(literary) to... jiao 蕉|banana jiao 娇|lovable/pampered/tender/delicate/frail jiao 叫|to shout/to call/to order/to ask/to b... jiao 叫|variant of 叫[jiao4] jiao 交|to hand over; to deliver; to pay (mon... jiao 缴|to hand in; to hand over; to pay/to c... jiao 浇|to pour liquid/to irrigate (using wat... jiao 轿|sedan chair/palanquin/litter jiao 璬|jade pendant/jade ornament jiao 椒|pepper jiao 敫|surname Jiao jiao 敫|bright/glittery/Taiwan pr. [jiao4] jiao 胶|to glue/glue/gum/rubber jiao 饺|dumplings with meat filling jiao 礁|reef/shoal rock jiao 挍|compare/criticize jiao 矫|surname Jiao jiao 矫|used in 矯情|矫情[jiao2qing5] jiao 矫|to correct/to rectify/to redress/stro... jiao 觉|a nap/a sleep/CL:場|场[chang2] jiao 侥|by mere luck jiao 窖|cellar/to store in a cellar jiao 嚼|to chew/also pr. [jue2] jiao 嚼|used in 倒嚼[dao3 jiao4] jiao 搅|to disturb/to annoy/to mix/to stir jiao 铰|scissors/to cut (with scissors) jiao 姣|surname Jiao jiao 姣|cunning/pretty jiao 郊|surname Jiao jiao 郊|suburbs/outskirts jiao 蛟|a legendary dragon with the ability t... jiao 滘|place name in Guangdong jiao 鲛|(bound form) shark jiao 皎|bright/white jiao 湫|marsh jiao 峤|highest peak jiao 覐|old variant of 覺|觉[jiao4] jiao 嘂|old variant of 叫[jiao4]/ancient music... jiao 酵|yeast; leaven/fermentation/Taiwan pr.... jiao 茭|Zizania aquatica jiao 骄|proud/arrogant jiao 嘦|if only/so long as/(contraction of 只 ... jiao 佼|handsome jiao 醮|to perform sacrifice jiao 皭|pure jiao 儌|by mere luck jiao 狡|crafty/cunning/sly jiao 敎|variant of 教[jiao4] jiao 跤|a tumble/a fall jiao 憍|arrogant jiao 徼|by mere luck jiao 徼|boundary/to go around jiao 噍|to chew jiao 峧|(used in place names) jiao 漖|Jiao river jiao 摷|to knock/strike jiao 藠|see 藠頭|藠头[jiao4 tou5] jiao 挢|to raise/to lift/to pretend/counterfe... jiao 燋|to cauterize/to scorch jiao 艽|see 秦艽[qin2 jiao1] jiao 噭|shout jiao 鹪|eastern wren jiao 皦|surname Jiao jiao 皦|sparkling/bright jiao 斠|(old) instrument to even out the grai... jiao 簥|large pipe jiao 釂|drain a goblet jiao 敿|tie up (laces) jiao 窌|cellar jiao 暞|old variant of 曒[jiao3] jiao 珓|pair of hemispherical objects used in... jiao 曒|old variant of 皦[jiao3] jiao 踋|old variant of 腳|脚[jiao3] jiao 煍|to color by smoke jiao 詨|kind of cicada, cosmopsaltria jiao 膲|see 三膲[san1 jiao1] jiao 蟜|surname Jiao jiao 蟜|(insect) jiao 敽|old variant of 敿[jiao3] jiao 僬|used in 僬僥|僬侥[jiao1yao2]/used in 僬僬[j... jiao 鱎|(fish) jiao 蟭|eggs of mantis jiao 筊|bamboo rope jiao 筊|variant of 珓[jiao4] jiao 䴔|a kind of aquatic bird jiao 骥骜|fine horse/thoroughbred jiao 剿|to destroy/to extirpate jiao 剿|variant of 剿[jiao3] jiao 绞|to twist (strands into a thread)/to e... jiaoan 教案|lesson plan/teaching plan/a \"missiona... jiaoan 交安|road traffic safety (abbr. for 交通安全) jiaoan 教安|teach in peace (polite phrase to end ... jiaoao 骄傲|pride/arrogance/conceited/proud of sth jiaobai 茭白|Manchurian wild rice 菰[gu1], aka wate... jiaobai 皎白|bright white jiaobai 交拜|to bow to one another/to kneel and ko... jiaobailing 角百灵|(bird species of China) horned lark (... jiaobaisun 茭白笋|edible stem of Manchurian wild rice 菰... jiaoban 搅拌|to stir/to agitate jiaoban 交办|to assign (a task to sb) jiaoban 脚板|the sole of the foot jiaoban 叫板|to signal the musicians (in Chinese o... jiaoban 交班|to hand over to the next workshift jiaobang 胶棒|glue stick jiaobanji 搅拌机|blender/food mixer jiaobanyinshua 胶版印刷|offset printing jiaobao 交保|to post bail/bail jiaobaoshifang 交保释放|to release sb on bail jiaobei 脚背|instep (upper surface of the foot) jiaobei 筊杯|see 杯珓[bei1 jiao4] jiaobeijiu 交杯酒|formal exchange of cups of wine betwe... jiaoben 脚本|script; screenplay; scenario; librett... jiaoben 教本|textbook jiaobi 较比|comparatively (colloquial)/fairly/qui... jiaobi 交臂|linking arms/arm in arm/very close jiaobian 狡辩|to deflect blame from oneself with a ... jiaobian 教鞭|teacher\'s pointer jiaobian 交变|half-period of a wave motion/alternation jiaobiandianliu 交变电流|alternating current (electricity) jiaobiao 角标|superscript jiaobing 交兵|in a state of war jiaobing 交并|occurring simultaneously jiaobingbibai 骄兵必败|lit. an arrogant army is bound to los... jiaobishizhi 交臂失之|to miss sb by a narrow chance/to miss... jiaobozi 脚脖子|(coll.) ankle jiaobu 脚步|footstep/step jiaobu 胶布|adhesive plaster/band-aid/rubber tape... jiaobudiandi 脚不点地|see 腳不沾地|脚不沾地[jiao3 bu4 zhan1 di4] jiaobuzhandi 脚不沾地|feet not touching the ground (idiom)/... jiaocai 教材|teaching material/CL:本[ben3] jiaocailiangzhichuan 脚踩两只船|see 腳踏兩隻船|脚踏两只船[jiao3 ta4 liang3 zhi1... jiaocang 窖藏|to store in a cellar jiaocha 交叉|to cross/to intersect/to overlap jiaocha 较差|range (the difference between the low... jiaocha 较差|mediocre/rather poor/not specially good jiaochabianyiqi 交叉编译器|(computing) cross-compiler jiaochadian 交叉点|junction; crossroads/(geometry) point... jiaochaganran 交叉感染|cross-infection jiaochahuoli 交叉火力|crossfire jiaochai 交差|to report back after completion of on... jiaochakou 交叉口|(road) intersection jiaochan 交缠|to intertwine/to intermingle jiaochanaiyaoxing 交叉耐药性|cross-tolerance jiaochang 较场|military drill ground/same as 校場|校场[j... jiaochang 校场|military drill ground jiaochangxieduan 较长絜短|to compare long and short/to compare ... jiaochashang 交叉熵|cross entropy (information theory) jiaochaxueke 交叉学科|interdisciplinary/interdisciplinary s... jiaochayinyingxian 交叉阴影线|hatched lines/cross-hatched graphic p... jiaochayunqiu 交叉运球|crossover dribble (basketball) jiaoche 轿车|enclosed carriage for carrying passen... jiaoche 绞车|winch/windlass jiaoche 叫车|to call a cab (by phone)/to request a... jiaochen 娇嗔|(of a girl) to feign anger coquettishly jiaocheng 教程|course of study (commonly used in boo... jiaocheng 蕉城|Jiaocheng district of Ningde city 寧德市... jiaocheng 交城|Jiaocheng county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:... jiaochengqu 蕉城区|Jiaocheng district of Ningde city 寧德市... jiaochengxian 交城县|Jiaocheng county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:... jiaochi 角尺|set square (tool to measure right ang... jiaochi 娇痴|spoilt and naive jiaochi 交驰|continuously circling one another/to ... jiaochong 娇宠|to indulge/to spoil jiaochu 交出|to hand over jiaochuan 娇喘|faint breathing jiaochuang 叫床|to cry out in ecstasy (during lovemak... jiaochun 叫春|to caterwaul/to call like an animal i... jiaocui 娇翠|tender green (shoots) jiaocuo 交错|to crisscross/to intertwine jiaoda 较大|comparatively large jiaoda 搅打|to beat; to whisk; to whip (eggs, cre... jiaoda 交大|Jiaotong University/University of Com... jiaodai 胶带|adhesive tape/magnetic tape jiaodai 交代|to transfer (duties to sb else)/to gi... jiaodai 交待|variant of 交代[jiao1 dai4] jiaodanbai 角蛋白|keratin (protein forming nails and fe... jiaodao 绞刀|reamer jiaodao 教导|to instruct/to teach/guidance/teaching jiaodao 铰刀|reamer/scissors jiaodao 叫道|to call/to shout jiaodao 礁岛|reef island jiaodeng 脚凳|footstool jiaodeng 脚蹬|pedal jiaodi 交底|to fill sb in (on the details of sth)... jiaodi 脚底|soles of the feet jiaodian 交点|meeting point/point of intersection jiaodian 焦点|(lit. and fig.) focal point; focus jiaodidi 娇滴滴|sweet/cute/delicately pretty jiaoding 校订|revision jiaoding 角钉|corner bracket (for securing the corn... jiaodong 搅动|to mix; to stir jiaodongliang 角动量|angular momentum jiaodoushi 角斗士|gladiator jiaodu 角度|angle/point of view jiaoduanxiechang 较短絜长|to compare long and short/to compare ... jiaodui 校对|proofreader/to proofread/to calibrate jiaoduo 娇惰|pampered and lazy; indolent/without e... jiaoer 焦耳|joule (loanword) jiaoer 娇儿|beloved son jiaoer 饺饵|dumpling/pot-sticker/same as 餃子|饺子 jiaofa 叫法|term; name; way of referring to sb or... jiaofa 教法|teaching method/teachings/doctrine jiaofa 角阀|angle valve jiaofei 缴费|to pay a fee jiaofei 交费|to pay a fee jiaofei 剿匪|to send armed forces to suppress jiaofenfuhao 角分符号|prime symbol (′) (math., linguistics ... jiaofeng 交锋|to cross swords/to have a confrontati... jiaofu 交付|to hand over/to deliver jiaofu 教父|godfather jiaofu 缴付|to pay/to hand over (tax payment etc) jiaofu 轿夫|porter for a palanquin jiaofu 脚夫|porter/bearer jiaogai 教改|education reform (abbr. for 教育改革[jiao... jiaogan 脚杆|(dialect) leg jiaoganshenjing 交感神经|sympathetic nervous system jiaoge 交割|delivery (commerce) jiaogei 交给|to give; to deliver; to hand over jiaogen 脚跟|heel jiaogen 脚根|variant of 腳跟|脚跟[jiao3 gen1] jiaogenjiao 脚跟脚|one closely following the other jiaogong 角弓|bow decorated with animal horns jiaogongfanzhang 角弓反张|opitoshtonous (med.), muscular spasm ... jiaogou 交媾|to have sex/to copulate jiaogu 交骨|pubic bone jiaoguan 浇灌|to water/to irrigate jiaoguan 交管|traffic control jiaoguan 教官|military instructor jiaoguan 娇惯|to pamper/to coddle/to spoil jiaoguansuo 交管所|DMV (department of motor vehicles) (a... jiaoguguai 脚孤拐|bunion/hallux valgus jiaogui 教规|canon/religious rules jiaogui 娇贵|pampered/fragile/finicky jiaogui 交规|traffic rules (abbr. for 交通規則|交通规则[ji... jiaogui 角规|angle gauge/clinograph jiaogulan 绞股蓝|jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) jiaohan 叫喊|exclamation/outcry/shout/yell jiaohao 较好|better jiaohao 交好|to be on friendly terms jiaohao 叫好|to applaud/to cheer jiaohe 胶合|to join with glue jiaohe 蛟河|Jiaohe, county-level city in Jilin pr... jiaohe 交合|to join; to meet/to copulate; sexual ... jiaoheban 胶合板|plywood jiaoheng 骄横|arrogant/overbearing jiaoheshi 蛟河市|Jiaohe, county-level city in Jilin pr... jiaohong 娇红|tender pink jiaohougen 脚后跟|heel jiaohu 交互|mutual/interactive/each other/alterna... jiaohu 礁湖|lagoon jiaohu 脚户|porter/donkey driver jiaohua 教化|to enlighten/to civilize/to indoctrin... jiaohua 焦化|to coke jiaohua 狡猾|crafty; cunning; sly jiaohua 浇花|to water the plants/to water the garden jiaohua 狡滑|variant of 狡猾[jiao3 hua2] jiaohuabing 角化病|(medicine) keratosis jiaohuai 脚踝|ankle jiaohuai 教坏|to misguide/to corrupt (sb) jiaohuan 交换|to exchange/to swap/to switch (teleco... jiaohuan 交还|to return sth/to hand back jiaohuan 叫唤|to cry out/to bark out a sound jiaohuan 交欢|to have cordial relations with each o... jiaohuandaishu 交换代数|(math.) commutative algebra jiaohuandaishuxue 交换代数学|(math.) commutative algebra jiaohuanduan 交换端|switched port jiaohuang 教皇|(Catholicism) pope; pontiff jiaohuang 焦黄|sallow/yellow and withered/sickly jiaohuang 娇黄|tender yellow jiaohuanji 交换机|switch (telecommunications) jiaohuanjiazhi 交换价值|exchange value jiaohuanjishu 交换技术|switching technology jiaohuanlv 交换律|commutative law xy = yx (math) jiaohuanma 交换码|interchange code/computer coding for ... jiaohuanqi 交换器|(telecom or network) switch jiaohuansheng 交换生|exchange student jiaohuanwanglu 交换网路|switched network jiaohuanxudianlu 交换虚电路|Switched Virtual Circuit/SVC jiaohuanyitaiwangluo 交换以太网络|switched Ethernet jiaohuazi 叫花子|beggar jiaohuazi 叫化子|variant of 叫花子[jiao4 hua1 zi5] jiaohui 交汇|to flow together/confluence (of river... jiaohui 交汇|variant of 交匯|交汇/to flow together/con... jiaohui 交会|to encounter/to rendezvous/to converg... jiaohui 教诲|(literary) to instruct; to admonish; ... jiaohui 教会|to show/to teach jiaohui 教会|Christian church jiaohui 角回|angular gyrus (convolution of the brain) jiaohuichu 交汇处|confluence (of two rivers)/junction (... jiaohun 搅混|to mix/to blend jiaohuo 交火|firefight/shooting jiaohuo 缴获|to capture/to seize jiaohuo 交货|to deliver goods jiaohuo 搅和|to mix; to blend/(fig.) to spoil; to ... jiaohuoqi 交货期|delivery time (time between ordering ... jiaohuxingyun 礁湖星云|Lagoon Nebula, M8 jiaoji 交际|communication/social intercourse jiaoji 交集|(of diverse emotions) to occur simult... jiaoji 焦急|anxiety/anxious jiaoji 叫鸡|rooster/cock/(slang) (Cantonese) to v... jiaoji 搅基|see 搞基[gao3 ji1] jiaojia 交加|(of two or more things) to occur at t... jiaojia 绞架|gallows/gibbet jiaojian 矫健|strong and healthy/vigorous jiaojian 脚尖|the extremity of the foot jiaojiang 椒江|Jiaojiang district of Taizhou city 台州... jiaojiangqu 椒江区|Jiaojiang district of Taizhou city 台州... jiaojiao 皎皎|clear and bright jiaojiao 缴交|to hand in; to hand over; to pay (a f... jiaojiao 交角|(math.) angle of intersection jiaojiao 矫矫|gallant/brave/preeminent jiaojiao 僬僬|(archaic) clear-minded/(archaic) bust... jiaojiaonv 娇娇女|pampered girl from an affluent family jiaojiaozhe 佼佼者|well-known figure/excellent (person, ... jiaojiaozheyiwu 皎皎者易污|Virtue is easily sullied. (idiom) jiaojie 交接|(of two things) to come into contact/... jiaojie 交界|common boundary/common border jiaojie 皎洁|shining clean/bright (moonlight) jiaojie 胶结|to glue/to cement/a bond jiaojie 矫捷|vigorous and nimble/athletic jiaojie 交结|to associate with/to mix with/to connect jiaojie 胶接|to splice/a glued joint/a bond jiaojie 交睫|to close one\'s eyes (i.e. sleep) jiaojieban 交接班|to change shift jiaojiezuoyong 酵解作用|zymolysis jiaojihua 交际花|(female) social butterfly; socialite/... jiaojin 较劲|to match one\'s strength with/to compe... jiaojin 骄矜|haughty/proud jiaojin 嚼劲|chewiness jiaojing 交警|traffic police (abbr. for 交通警察[jiao1t... jiaojinnaozhi 绞尽脑汁|to rack one\'s brains jiaojinr 嚼劲儿|chewiness jiaojinr 较劲儿|erhua variant of 較勁|较劲[jiao4 jin4] jiaojiu 嚼酒|alcoholic drink made by fermenting ch... jiaojiu 交九|the coldest period of the year/three ... jiaojiwu 交际舞|social dance/ballroom dance jiaoju 焦距|focal length/focal distance jiaoju 教具|teaching aids/educational materials jiaoju 搅局|to upset the apple cart/to disrupt th... jiaojuan 交卷|to hand in one\'s examination script jiaojuan 胶卷|film/roll of film/also written 膠捲|胶卷 jiaojuan 胶卷|film/roll of film jiaokan 校勘|to collate jiaoke 教课|to teach class/to lecture jiaokeshu 教科书|textbook/CL:本[ben3] jiaokeshushi 教科书式|(neologism c. 2018) worthy of being u... jiaokewenzuzhi 教科文组织|UNESCO, United Nations Educational, S... jiaokou 交口|Jiaokou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 ... jiaokouchengyu 交口称誉|voices unanimous in praise (idiom); w... jiaokouxian 交口县|Jiaokou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 ... jiaoku 叫苦|to whine about hardships/to complain ... jiaokuai 狡狯|(literary) crafty/cunning jiaokuandan 交款单|payment slip jiaokubudie 叫苦不迭|to complain without stopping (idiom);... jiaokuliantian 叫苦连天|to whine on for days (idiom)/to endle... jiaokun 交困|beset with difficulties jiaola 嚼蜡|insipid jiaolai 狡赖|to deny (through sophism) jiaolang 郊狼|coyote (Canis latrans) jiaolei 噍类|a living being (esp. human) jiaolengshui 浇冷水|to pour cold water/fig. to discourage jiaoli 胶粒|colloid/colloidal particles jiaoli 教理|doctrine (religion) jiaoli 皎厉|proud jiaolian 教练|to coach; to train/instructor; sports... jiaolian 铰链|hinge jiaolian 脚链|ankle bracelet jiaoliang 较量|to pit oneself against sb/to compete ... jiaoliangben 交粮本|to hand in one\'s ration cards/to die jiaolianji 教练机|trainer (aircraft) jiaolianyuan 教练员|sports coach/training personnel jiaoliao 鹪鹩|(bird species of China) Eurasian wren... jiaoliao 蟭蟟|cicada (old) jiaoliao 脚镣|fetters/leg-irons jiaoling 教龄|years of teaching experience; teachin... jiaoling 蕉岭|Jiaoling County in Meizhou 梅州[Mei2 zh... jiaolingxian 蕉岭县|Jiaoling County in Meizhou 梅州[Mei2 zh... jiaoliu 交流|to exchange/exchange/communication/in... jiaoliudao 交流道|(Tw) highway interchange/(fig.) chann... jiaoliudian 交流电|alternating current jiaolong 蛟龙|legendary dragon with the ability to ... jiaolong 角龙|ceratopsian jiaolou 角楼|corner (between walls) jiaolu 焦炉|coking furnace jiaoluan 搅乱|to disrupt/to throw into disorder jiaolun 脚轮|caster (attached to the bottom of fur... jiaolun 胶轮|pneumatic tire/rubber tire jiaoluo 角落|nook; corner jiaolv 焦虑|anxious/worried/apprehensive jiaolv 叫驴|(coll.) male donkey jiaolvbuan 焦虑不安|worried too much jiaolve 较略|approximately/roughly/about jiaolvzheng 焦虑症|neurosis/anxiety jiaoma 角马|gnu/wildebeest jiaoma 蕉麻|abaca/Manila hemp jiaomai 叫卖|to hawk (one\'s wares)/to peddle jiaomei 娇美|dainty jiaomei 娇媚|flirtatious/coquettish/sweet and char... jiaomen 角门|corner gate jiaomen 脚门|variant of 角門|角门[jiao3 men2] jiaomian 脚面|instep (upper surface of the foot) jiaomiaofuhao 角秒符号|double prime symbol (″) (math., lingu... jiaomie 剿灭|to eliminate (by armed force) jiaomin 教民|adherent to a religion/convert jiaomo 角膜|cornea jiaomoji 角磨机|angle grinder jiaomojiechujing 角膜接触镜|contact lens jiaomoyan 角膜炎|keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) jiaomu 酵母|yeast; saccharomycete (abbr. for 酵母菌[... jiaomu 教母|godmother jiaomu 胶木|bakelite jiaomuchun 酵母醇|zymosterol jiaomujun 酵母菌|yeast; saccharomycete jiaona 缴纳|to pay (taxes etc) jiaona 交纳|to pay (taxes or dues) jiaonang 胶囊|(pharm.) capsule jiaonangjiudian 胶囊酒店|capsule hotel jiaonanglvguan 胶囊旅馆|capsule hotel jiaonaozhi 绞脑汁|to rack one\'s brains jiaonen 娇嫩|tender and lovely/fragile/delicate jiaoni 胶泥|clay jiaonian 胶黏|sticky; adhesive jiaonianji 胶黏剂|glue; adhesive jiaoniu 绞扭|to wring jiaopai 教派|sect jiaopai 叫牌|to bid (bridge and similar card games) jiaopan 绞盘|capstan jiaopei 交配|mating/copulation (esp. of animals) jiaopengyou 交朋友|to make friends/(dialect) to start an... jiaopian 胶片|(photographic) film jiaopianpeizhang 胶片佩章|film badge jiaopiao 角票|banknote in Jiao units (Mao, one-tent... jiaopingfenxian 角平分线|angle bisector jiaopinlv 角频率|angular frequency jiaopiti 角䴙䴘|(bird species of China) horned grebe ... jiaopo 交迫|to be beleaguered jiaopu 脚蹼|flippers/fins jiaoqi 娇妻|lovely wife jiaoqi 脚气|athlete\'s foot; tinea pedis/beriberi jiaoqi 娇气|delicate/squeamish/finicky jiaoqi 骄气|arrogance jiaoqi 交契|friendship jiaoqian 交钱|to pay up/to shell out/to hand over t... jiaoqian 脚钱|payment to a porter jiaoqian-yanshen 交浅言深|(idiom) to talk intimately while bein... jiaoqiang 缴枪|to lay down one\'s arms/to surrender/t... jiaoqiangbusha 缴枪不杀|“surrender and your life will be spared” jiaoqiangxian 交强险|compulsory vehicle insurance (abbr. f... jiaoqibing 脚气病|beriberi jiaoqing 矫情|(Beijing dialect) argumentative; unre... jiaoqing 矫情|affected/unnatural/pretentious jiaoqing 交情|friendship/friendly relations jiaoqingfeiqian 交情匪浅|to be very close/to understand each o... jiaoqiu 角球|corner kick (in soccer)/free strike i... jiaoqu 郊区|Jiaoqu, a district of Tongling City 銅... jiaoqu 郊区|suburban district; outskirts; suburbs jiaoqu 教区|diocese/parish jiaoqu 叫屈|to complain of an injustice/to lament... jiaoquan 胶圈|rubber ring/gasket jiaoquan 教权|religious rule jiaoquchi 角曲尺|miter square (tool to measure angles) jiaoran 较然|clearly/evidently/markedly jiaorang 叫嚷|to shout/to bellow one\'s grievances jiaorao 搅扰|to disturb/to annoy jiaoren 骄人|worthy of pride/impressive/enviable/t... jiaoren 鲛人|fish-like person in Chinese folklore ... jiaorong 交融|to blend/to mix jiaorou 绞肉|minced meat jiaorouji 绞肉机|meat grinder jiaorouzaozuo 矫揉造作|pretension/affectation/putting on art... jiaoru 胶乳|latex jiaoruan 角朊|keratin jiaoruo 娇弱|delicate jiaosha 绞杀|to kill by strangling, hanging or gar... jiaosha 脚刹|foot brake jiaoshanshi 角闪石|hornblende (rock-forming mineral, typ... jiaoshe 交涉|to negotiate (with)/to have dealings ... jiaoshe 嚼舌|to gossip/to argue unnecessarily jiaoshegen 嚼舌根|to gossip/to argue unnecessarily jiaosheng 叫声|yelling (sound made by person)/barkin... jiaoshengguanyang 娇生惯养|pampered and spoiled since childhood jiaoshetou 嚼舌头|to gossip/to argue unnecessarily jiaosheyinyi 骄奢淫逸|extravagant and dissipated/decadent jiaosheyinyi 骄奢淫佚|variant of 驕奢淫逸|骄奢淫逸[jiao1 she1 yin2 ... jiaoshi 教师|teacher/CL:個|个[ge4] jiaoshi 礁石|reef jiaoshi 教室|classroom/CL:間|间[jian1] jiaoshi 教士|churchman/clergy jiaoshi 矫饰|to put on airs; to pretend sth is bet... jiaoshi 校释|to collate and annotate/(on book titl... jiaoshigun 搅屎棍|(derog.) shit-stirrer/troublemaker jiaoshijie 教师节|Teachers\' Day (September 10th in PRC ... jiaoshiye 教师爷|master of martial arts, in former tim... jiaoshou 教授|professor/to instruct/to lecture on/C... jiaoshou 交手|to fight hand to hand jiaoshou 交售|(of a farmer) to sell one\'s produce t... jiaoshoujia 脚手架|scaffolding jiaoshu 教书|to teach (in a school) jiaoshu 胶束|micelle (chemistry) jiaoshui 胶水|glue jiaoshui 浇水|to water (plants etc) jiaoshui 缴税|to pay tax jiaoshujiang 教书匠|hack teacher/pedagogue jiaosi 绞死|to hang (i.e. execute by hanging)/to ... jiaosi 郊祀|pair of annual sacrificial ceremonies... jiaosu 酵素|enzyme jiaosudu 角速度|angular velocity jiaosuo 教唆|to instigate/to incite/to abet jiaosuo 绞索|a noose for hanging criminals jiaota 脚踏|pedal jiaotaban 脚踏板|pedal/treadle/(motor scooter) floorboard jiaotabo 脚踏钹|hi-hat (drum kit component) jiaotache 脚踏车|(Tw) bicycle; bike/CL:輛|辆[liang4] jiaotai 娇态|charming attitude/lascivious pose jiaotaliangtiaochuan 脚踏两条船|lit. to stand with each foot in a dif... jiaotaliangzhichuan 脚踏两只船|to have a foot in both camps/to have ... jiaotan 焦炭|coke (processed coal used in blast fu... jiaotan 交谈|to discuss; to converse/chat; discussion jiaotang 焦糖|caramel jiaotang 教堂|church; chapel/CL:座[zuo4],所[suo3],間|间... jiaotangmudi 教堂墓地|churchyard jiaotangshan 教堂山|Chapel Hill, North Carolina jiaotashidi 脚踏实地|to have one\'s feet firmly planted on ... jiaoti 胶体|colloid jiaoti 交替|to replace/alternately; in turn jiaotiao 教条|doctrine/dogma/creed/dogmatic jiaotiaozhuyi 教条主义|dogmatism jiaotie 角铁|angle iron jiaoting 教廷|the Papacy; the Vatican; the Holy See jiaoting 叫停|(sports) to call a time-out/to halt; ... jiaotingdashi 教廷大使|an ambassador of the church/an Aposto... jiaotong 交通|to be connected/traffic/transportatio... jiaotong 绞痛|sharp pain/cramp/griping pain/colic/a... jiaotongbiaozhi 交通标志|traffic sign jiaotongbu 交通部|Department of Transportation; (PRC) M... jiaotongche 交通车|shuttle bus jiaotongdaxue 交通大学|abbr. for 上海交通大學|上海交通大学 Shanghai Jiao... jiaotongdeng 交通灯|traffic light jiaotongduse 交通堵塞|road congestion; traffic jam jiaotongfei 交通费|transport costs jiaotonggongju 交通工具|means of transportation/vehicle jiaotongguanliju 交通管理局|department of transport jiaotongguize 交通规则|traffic rules/rules of the road jiaotongjingcha 交通警察|traffic police jiaotongjingwei 交通警卫|road traffic policing jiaotongka 交通卡|public transportation card/prepaid tr... jiaotonglitihua 交通立体化|grade separation (civil engineering) jiaotongshuniu 交通枢纽|traffic hub jiaotongxieguanyuan 交通协管员|traffic warden jiaotongyinhang 交通银行|Bank of Communications jiaotongyiwai 交通意外|traffic accident/car crash jiaotongyongji 交通拥挤|traffic congestion jiaotongyunshubu 交通运输部|PRC Ministry of Transport (MOT) jiaotongzhaoshizui 交通肇事罪|culpable driving causing serious dama... jiaotongzhui 交通锥|traffic cone; road cone jiaotongzuse 交通阻塞|traffic jam jiaotou 教头|sporting coach/military drill master ... jiaotou 藠头|Chinese onion (Allium chinense) jiaotou 角头|gang leader/mafia boss jiaotoujieer 交头接耳|to whisper to one another\'s ear jiaotoulane 焦头烂额|lit. badly burned about the head (fro... jiaotu 教徒|disciple/follower of a religion jiaotu 焦土|scorched earth jiaotuo 交托|to entrust jiaotusanku 狡兔三窟|lit. a crafty rabbit has three burrow... jiaotusizougoupeng 狡兔死走狗烹|see 兔死狗烹[tu4 si3 gou3 peng1] jiaou 佳偶|happily married couple jiaowai 郊外|outskirts jiaowai 焦外|bokeh (photography) jiaowan 脚腕|ankle jiaowang 交往|to associate (with)/to have contact (... jiaowangguozheng 矫枉过正|to overcorrect (idiom)/to overcompensate jiaowangguozhi 矫枉过直|see 矯枉過正|矫枉过正[jiao3 wang3 guo4 zheng4] jiaowanzi 脚腕子|see 腳腕|脚腕[jiao3 wan4] jiaowei 较为|comparatively/relatively/fairly jiaowei 交尾|to copulate (of animals)/to mate jiaowei 脚位|foot position (in dance) jiaoweiji 矫味剂|corrective agent/flavoring agent jiaoweili 脚违例|foot fault (tennis etc) jiaowu 交恶|to become enemies; to become hostile ... jiaowu 教务|educational administration jiaowu 脚误|foot fault (tennis etc) jiaowushi 教务室|school administration office jiaowuzhang 教务长|provost jiaoxi 礁溪|Jiaoxi or Chiaohsi Township in Yilan ... jiaoxia 狡黠|crafty/astute jiaoxia 脚下|under the foot jiaoxiang 交响|symphony, symphonic jiaoxiang 叫响|to gain fame and success jiaoxiang 焦香|burnt aroma jiaoxiangjinshu 交响金属|symphonic metal (pop music)/heavy met... jiaoxiangqu 交响曲|symphony jiaoxiangyue 交响乐|symphony jiaoxiangyuedui 交响乐队|symphony orchestra jiaoxiangyuetuan 交响乐团|symphony orchestra jiaoxiao 娇小|petite/delicate/dainty jiaoxiao 叫嚣|to hoot jiaoxiao 缴销|to hand in for cancellation (e.g. a l... jiaoxiao 角鸮|screech owl (genus Megascops, a.k.a. ... jiaoxie 缴械|to disarm/(of an enemy) to lay down o... jiaoxie 交卸|to hand over to a successor; to relin... jiaoxin 脚心|arch of the foot jiaoxin 交心|to open one\'s heart; to have a heart-... jiaoxing 叫醒|to awaken; to wake sb up; to rouse jiaoxing 矫形|orthopedic (e.g. surgery) jiaoxing 侥幸|luckily/by a fluke jiaoxing 绞刑|to execute by hanging jiaoxing 徼幸|variant of 僥倖|侥幸[jiao3 xing4] jiaoxingfuwu 叫醒服务|morning call/wake-up call (hotel serv... jiaoxingjia 绞刑架|gibbet/hanging post jiaoxingwaike 矫形外科|orthopedic surgery jiaoxingxinli 侥幸心理|trusting to luck/wishful thinking jiaoxingyatao 矫形牙套|orthodontic brace jiaoxingyisheng 矫形医生|orthopedic doctor jiaoxiu 娇羞|bashful/shy/shyness/modesty jiaoxiuyi 角宿一|(astronomy) Spica jiaoxixiang 礁溪乡|Jiaoxi or Chiaohsi Township in Yilan ... jiaoxuan 脚癣|athlete\'s foot jiaoxue 教学|to teach (as a professor) jiaoxue 教学|teaching; instruction/CL:次[ci4] jiaoxuedagang 教学大纲|course syllabus/class curriculum jiaoxuefa 教学法|teaching method; pedagogy jiaoxuejigou 教学机构|educational organization jiaoxuelou 教学楼|school building; academic building jiaoxueruanti 教学软体|(Tw) educational software/courseware jiaoxuexiangzhang 教学相长|when you teach someone, both teacher ... jiaoxun 教训|to provide guidance; to lecture sb; t... jiaoyan 校验|to check/to examine jiaoyan 娇艳|tender and beautiful jiaoyan 教研|teaching and research (abbr. for 教學研究... jiaoyang 骄阳|blazing sun jiaoyang 校样|proofs (printing) jiaoyang 教养|to educate; to bring up; to nurture/u... jiaoyangsihuo 骄阳似火|the sun shines fiercely jiaoyanma 校验码|check digit jiaoyanshi 教研室|teaching and research office jiaoyao 僬侥|legendary dwarfs in the west of China... jiaoyazi 脚丫子|(coll.) foot jiaoyazi 脚鸭子|see 腳丫子|脚丫子[jiao3 ya1 zi5] jiaoye 郊野|open area outside the city/countryside jiaoyi 交易|to deal; to trade; to transact/transa... jiaoyi 交椅|old-style wooden folding armchair, ty... jiaoyi 教义|creed/doctrine/teachings jiaoyi 交谊|association/communion/friendship jiaoyi 教仪|ordinance jiaoyi 绞缢|to be hanged/to hang oneself jiaoyi 角椅|chair designed to fit in corner of a ... jiaoyie 交易额|sum or volume of business transaction... jiaoyiheshengyue 教义和圣约|Doctrine and Covenants jiaoyihui 交易会|trade fair jiaoyin 脚印|footprint jiaoyin 胶印|offset printing jiaoyiri 交易日|(finance) trading day jiaoyishichang 交易市场|exchange/trading floor jiaoyisuo 交易所|exchange/stock exchange jiaoyisuo-jiaoyijijin 交易所交易基金|exchange-traded fund (ETF) jiaoyiwu 交谊舞|social dance/ballroom dancing jiaoyiyuan 交易员|dealer/trader jiaoyizhe 交易者|dealer jiaoyou 交友|to make friends jiaoyou 郊游|to go for an outing/to go on an excur... jiaoyou 交游|to have friendly relationships/circle... jiaoyou 教友|church member jiaoyou 交由|to hand over (responsibility for sth)... jiaoyou 焦油|tar jiaoyoudahui 教友大会|church conference jiaoyoupai 教友派|the Society of Friends/the Quakers jiaoyu 教育|to educate/to teach/education jiaoyu 鲛鱼|(archaic) shark jiaoyu 交与|to hand over jiaoyuan 胶原|collagen (protein) jiaoyuan 教员|teacher/instructor/CL:個|个[ge4] jiaoyuandanbai 胶原蛋白|collagen jiaoyuanzhi 胶原质|collagen (protein) jiaoyubeijing 教育背景|educational background jiaoyubu 教育部|Ministry of Education jiaoyubuzhang 教育部长|Minister of Education/Director of Edu... jiaoyudianshi 教育电视|Educational Television (Hong Kong) jiaoyue 皎月|the bright moon jiaoyue 校阅|to check through (a document)/to proo... jiaoyugongzuozhe 教育工作者|educator jiaoyujia 教育家|educationalist jiaoyujie 教育界|academic world/academic circles/academia jiaoyun 交运|to meet with luck/to hand over for tr... jiaoyuweiyuanhui 教育委员会|school board jiaoyuxing 教育性|instructive/educational jiaoyuxue 教育学|pedagogy jiaozao 焦躁|fretful/impatient jiaozao 焦燥|variant of 焦躁[jiao1 zao4] jiaozao 叫早|to give sb a wake-up call (at a hotel) jiaozao 焦噪|variant of 焦躁[jiao1 zao4] jiaozha 狡诈|crafty/cunning/deceitful jiaozhan 交战|to fight/to wage war jiaozhang 脚掌|the sole of the foot jiaozhang 交帐|to settle accounts jiaozhang 教长|dean/mullah/imam (Islam)/see also 伊瑪目... jiaozhao 脚爪|paw/claw jiaozhao 矫诏|the pretense of acting on imperial order jiaozhebibai 骄者必败|pride goes before a fall (idiom) jiaozhen 较真|serious/in earnest jiaozhen 叫阵|to challenge an opponent to a fight jiaozhen 角砧|beck iron (corner of anvil) jiaozheng 矫正|to correct/to rectify (e.g. a physica... jiaozheng 校正|to proofread and correct/to edit and ... jiaozhengbupaxiewai 脚正不怕鞋歪|lit. a straight foot has no fear of a... jiaozhengtoujing 矫正透镜|correcting lens jiaozhenr 较真儿|erhua variant of 較真|较真[jiao4 zhen1] jiaozhi 脚趾|toe jiaozhi 角质|cutin/keratin jiaozhi 交织|to interweave jiaozhi 胶质|colloid/gelatinous matter jiaozhi 矫治|to correct (e.g. sight or hearing)/to... jiaozhi 交趾|former southernmost province of the C... jiaozhi 焦炙|to scorch/to burn to charcoal/sick wi... jiaozhi 矫直|to straighten/(fig.) to mend one\'s ways jiaozhi 脚指|variant of 腳趾|脚趾[jiao3 zhi3] jiaozhiceng 角质层|stratum corneum (outermost layer of t... jiaozhigong 教职工|teaching and administrative staff jiaozhiji 矫直机|(manufacturing) straightening machine... jiaozhijia 脚指甲|toenail jiaozhisu 角质素|keratin jiaozhitou 脚趾头|toe jiaozhiyuan 教职员|teaching and administrative staff jiaozhiyuangong 教职员工|teaching and administrative staff jiaozhou 胶州|Jiaozhou, county-level city in Qingda... jiaozhoushi 胶州市|Jiaozhou, county-level city in Qingda... jiaozhouwan 胶州湾|Gulf of Jiaozhou (Shandong province) jiaozhu 浇注|to cast (metal) jiaozhu 教主|founder or leader of a religion or se... jiaozhu 脚注|footnote jiaozhu 浇铸|to cast (molten metal)/to mold jiaozhu 较著|obvious/prominent/standing out jiaozhu 浇筑|to pour (concrete etc) jiaozhuang 胶状|gluey/gelatinous/colloid (chemistry) jiaozhui 角锥|pyramid jiaozhuji 搅珠机|lottery machine jiaozhun 校准|to calibrate jiaozhuo 焦灼|(literary) deeply worried jiaozhuo 胶着|to stick onto/stalemate/gridlock/to a... jiaozhuti 角柱体|prism (math.) jiaozi 饺子|dumpling/pot-sticker/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[... jiaozi 轿子|sedan chair/palanquin/litter jiaozi 教子|to educate one\'s children/godson jiaozi 嚼子|bit/mouthpiece jiaozi 胶子|gluon (particle physics) jiaozi 角子|one Jiao coin (Mao, one-tenth of yuan) jiaoziguan 饺子馆|dumpling restaurant jiaozong 教宗|pope jiaozong 骄纵|arrogant and willful jiaozong 娇纵|to indulge (a child)/to pamper/to spoil jiaozongzuojia 教宗座驾|popemobile jiaozuihaique 角嘴海雀|(bird species of China) rhinoceros au... jiaozuo 叫做|to be called; to be known as jiaozuo 焦作|see 焦作市[Jiao1zuo4 Shi4] jiaozuo 叫作|to call/to be called jiaozuoshi 焦作市|Jiaozuo, prefecture-level city in Hen... jiapai 加派|to reinforce/to dispatch troops jiapan 夹盘|chuck (for a drill etc) jiapei 驾培|driver training (abbr. for 駕駛培訓|驾驶培训[... jiapeng 加蓬|Gabon jiapeng 加彭|Gabon (Tw) jiapi 夹批|critical annotations between the lines jiapi 痂皮|scab jiapingruchao 佳评如潮|a hit/tremendous popularity jiapingwa 贾平凹|Jia Pingwa (1952-), Chinese novelist jiapinruxi 家贫如洗|extreme poverty (idiom); destitute/pe... jiapo 家婆|(dialect) mother-in-law/(house)wife jiaporenwang 家破人亡|family bankrupt and the people dead (... jiapu 家谱|genealogy/family tree jiaqi 假期|vacation jiaqi 佳期|wedding day/day of tryst jiaqi 加气|to aerate/to ventilate jiaqian 价钱|price jiaqian 夹钳|tongs jiaqian 价签|price tag jiaqian 加钱|to pay extra; to pay more jiaqiang 加强|to reinforce; to strengthen; to enhance jiaqiangguanzhi 加强管制|to tighten control (over sth) jiaqiangzhen 加强针|(vaccine) booster shot jiaqiao 甲壳|carapace/crust/outer shell/also pr. [... jiaqiao 架桥|to bridge/to put up a bridge jiaqiaochong 甲壳虫|the Beatles (1960s UK pop group) jiaqiaochong 甲壳虫|beetle jiaqiaodongwu 甲壳动物|crustacean jiaqiaolei 甲壳类|crustacean jiaqiaor 家雀儿|(coll.) sparrow jiaqiaosu 甲壳素|chitin jiaqijiaba 夹七夹八|completely mixed up/in a muddle jiaqin 家禽|poultry/domestic fowl jiaqin 家亲|older generation in one\'s household (... jiaqing 嘉庆|Jiaqing Emperor (1760-1820), seventh ... jiaqingjiushu 驾轻就熟|lit. an easy drive on a familiar path... jiaqingjuzhi 甲氰菊酯|fenpropathrin (insecticide) jiaqinglin 贾庆林|Jia Qinglin (1940-), member of the Po... jiaqingyou 加氢油|hydrogenated oil jiaqiu 假球|match-fixing jiaqiweiba 夹起尾巴|to tuck one\'s tail between one\'s legs... jiaqu 嫁娶|marriage jiaquan 加权|(math.) to weight/weighting/weighted ... jiaquan 甲醛|formaldehyde (HCHO) jiaquanpingjun 加权平均|weighted average jiaran 戛然|(literary) to stop abruptly (of a sou... jiaranerzhi 戛然而止|with a grunting sound it stops (idiom... jiare 加热|to heat jiaren 家人|family member/(old) servant jiaren 佳人|beautiful woman jiaren 嫁人|(of a woman) to get married; to take ... jiaren 嘉仁|Yoshihito, personal name of the Taish... jiaren 假人|dummy (for crash testing, displaying ... jiarencaizi 佳人才子|lit. beautiful lady, gifted scholar (... jiarenjiayi 假仁假义|hypocrisy/pretended righteousness jiarenxiang 假人像|an effigy jiarenyideng 加人一等|a cut above/top quality jiari 假日|a holiday; a day off jiaru 加入|to become a member/to join/to mix int... jiaru 假如|if jiaruo 假若|if/supposing/in case jiasai 加赛|(sports) to have an additional tie-br... jiasair 加塞儿|to push into a line out of turn; to c... jiasair 夹塞儿|to cut into a line/queue-jumping jiasang 假嗓|falsetto (in opera) jiasangzi 假嗓子|falsetto (in opera) jiasao 家嫂|(polite) my sister-in-law jiase 稼穑|(literary) sowing and reaping/farm work jiasha 袈裟|kasaya (robe of a Buddhist monk or nu... jiasha 加沙|Gaza (territory adjacent to Israel an... jiashadidai 加沙地带|Gaza Strip jiashan 嘉善|Jiashan county in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 ... jiashan 假山|rock garden/rockery jiashan 嘉山|Jiashan former county 1932-1992 in no... jiashang 加上|plus/to put in/to add/to add on/to ad... jiashanghuihua 架上绘画|easel painting jiashanguojiasenlingongyuan 夹山国家森林公园|Jiashan National Forest Park in Shime... jiashanren 假善人|false compassion/bogus charity jiashansi 夹山寺|Jiashan Temple, Buddhist temple in Sh... jiashanxian 嘉善县|Jiashan county in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 ... jiashanxian 嘉山县|Jiashan former county 1932-1992 in no... jiashe 假设|to suppose/to presume/to assume/suppo... jiashe 架设|to construct/to erect jiashen 加深|to deepen jiashen 甲申|21st year A9 of the 60 year cycle, e.... jiasheng 假声|falsetto (cf. 真聲|真声[zhen1sheng1], nat... jiasheng 夹生|half-cooked/(fig.) not completely don... jiashengfan 夹生饭|half-cooked rice/(fig.) half-finished... jiashenlijie 加深理解|to get a better grasp of sth jiashenyinxiang 加深印象|to make a deeper impression on sb jiashenzhengbian 甲申政变|unsuccessful and bloody Korean palace... jiashexing 假设性|hypothetical jiasheyuqi 假设语气|subjunctive jiashi 驾驶|to drive (vehicle); to pilot (ship, a... jiashi 家世|family background jiashi 加时|(sports) overtime/extra time/play-off jiashi 家事|family matters/domestic affairs/house... jiashi 伽师|Peyzivat nahiyisi (Peyziwat county) i... jiashi 假释|parole jiashi 加试|to add material to an exam/supplement... jiashi 家室|wife/family/(literary) residence jiashi 假使|if/in case/suppose/given ... jiashi 家什|utensils/furniture jiashi 架势|attitude/position (on an issue etc) jiashi 架式|variant of 架勢|架势[jia4 shi5] jiashibo 嘉士伯|Carlsberg jiashicang 驾驶舱|cockpit/control cabin jiashihanwei 家世寒微|to be of humble origin (idiom) jiashike 佳世客|JUSCO, Japanese chain of hypermarkets jiashiqi 加湿器|humidifier jiashiren 驾驶人|(car, van) driver jiashisai 加时赛|(sports) overtime/extra time/play-off jiashishi 驾驶室|cab (of a locomotive, truck etc); dri... jiashixi 驾驶席|driver\'s seat/pilot\'s seat jiashixian 伽师县|Peyzivat nahiyisi (Peyziwat county) i... jiashiyuan 驾驶员|pilot; driver jiashizheng 驾驶证|driver\'s license jiashizhizhao 驾驶执照|driver\'s license jiashou 假手|to get (sb else) to perform the task;... jiashoutaren 假手他人|to get one\'s own task done by sb else jiashouyuren 假手于人|(idiom) to get one\'s own task done by... jiashu 家属|family member/(family) dependent jiashu 加数|addend; summand jiashu 家叔|(polite) my uncle (father\'s younger b... jiashu 家数|the distinctive style and techniques ... jiashuai 假摔|(soccer) diving/simulation/flopping jiashuo 假说|hypothesis jiasi 家私|family property/family wealth jiasi 假死|suspended animation/feigned death/to ... jiasitingbiba 贾斯汀·比伯|Justin Bieber (1994-), Canadian singer jiasixie 贾思勰|Jia Sixie, sixth century writer and a... jiasu 加速|to speed up/to expedite jiasuan 甲酸|formylic acid (HCOOH)/formic acid/met... jiasudu 加速度|acceleration jiasuo 枷锁|stocks and chain/in fetters jiasuoer 加索尔|Gasol (name)/Pau Gasol (1980-), forme... jiasuqi 加速器|accelerator (computing)/particle acce... jiasutaban 加速踏板|accelerator pedal jiataiji 迦太基|Carthage jiatailuoniya 加泰罗尼亚|Catalonia jiatelin 加特林|Gatling (name)/Richard J. Gatling (18... jiatelinjiqiang 加特林机枪|Gatling gun jiateng 加藤|Katō (Japanese surname) jiati 𬂩提|(old) chopsticks jiati 假体|(medicine) prosthesis; implant jiatian 加添|to add; to augment; to increase jiatian 加甜|sweeten jiatiao 假条|leave of absence request (from work o... jiating 家庭|family/household/CL:戶|户[hu4],個|个[ge4] jiating 驾艇|to sail/to cruise/to pilot a ship jiatingbaoli 家庭暴力|domestic violence jiatingchengyuan 家庭成员|family member jiatingdizhi 家庭地址|home address jiatingjiaoshi 家庭教师|tutor jiatingyingyuan 家庭影院|home cinema; home theater jiatingzhufu 家庭主妇|housewife jiatingzhufu 家庭主夫|househusband jiatingzhufu 家庭煮夫|househusband jiatingzuoye 家庭作业|homework jiatong 家童|servant jiatong 家僮|servant jiatui 假腿|false leg jiatumieguo 假途灭虢|lit. a short-cut to crush Guo (idiom)... jiatuo 假托|to pretend/to use a pretext/to make s... jiatuo 假托|variant of 假托[jia3 tuo1] jiatusibi 家徒四壁|lit. with only four bare walls for a ... jiawan 甲烷|methane CH4 jiawang 贾汪|Jiawang district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[X... jiawangqu 贾汪区|Jiawang district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[X... jiawawa 夹娃娃|(coll.) to induce an abortion (Tw) jiawei 价位|price level jiawei 加委|(of a government authority) to appoin... jiaweiba 夹尾巴|to have one\'s tail between one\'s legs jiawen 加温|to heat/to add warmth/to raise temper... jiawo 颊窝|dimple/heat-sensing facial pit of a s... jiawote 加沃特|gavotte, French dance popular in 18th... jiawu 甲午|thirty-first year A7 of the 60 year c... jiawu 家务|household duties/housework jiawuhuo 家务活|household chore jiawuzhanzheng 甲午战争|First Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) jiaxi 加息|to raise interest rates jiaxian 郏县|Jia county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山[Pi... jiaxian 佳县|Jia County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Sha... jiaxian 夹馅|stuffed (of food)/with filling jiaxian 假仙|(Tw) to pretend; to put on a false fr... jiaxiang 假想|imaginary/virtual/to imagine/hypothesis jiaxiang 家乡|hometown/native place/CL:個|个[ge4] jiaxiang 假象|false appearance/facade jiaxiang 嘉祥|Jiaxiang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 n... jiaxiangcai 家乡菜|regional dish/local cuisine jiaxiangdi 假想敌|opposing force (in war games); hypoth... jiaxianghua 家乡话|native language/native dialect jiaxiangxian 嘉祥县|Jiaxiang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 n... jiaxiangya 假象牙|celluloid jiaxiao 驾校|driving school/abbr. for 駕駛學校|驾驶学校 jiaxiao 家小|wife and children/wife jiaxiao 枷销|yoke/chains/shackles/fetters jiaxiaozi 假小子|tomboy jiaxiaozuo 甲硝唑|metronidazole (antibacterial agent)/F... jiaxin 夹心|to fill with stuffing (e.g. in cookin... jiaxin 加薪|to raise salary jiaxin 家信|letter (to or from) home jiaxinbinggan 夹心饼干|sandwich cookie/(jocular) sb who is c... jiaxing 嘉兴|see 嘉興市|嘉兴市[Jia1xing1 Shi4] jiaxing 甲型|type A/type I/alpha- jiaxing 假性|pseudo- jiaxingganyan 甲型肝炎|hepatitis A jiaxingjinshi 假性近视|pseudomyopia jiaxingqiudanbai 甲型球蛋白|alpha globulin/alpha fetoprotein (AFP) jiaxingshi 嘉兴市|Jiaxing, prefecture-level city in Zhe... jiaxingxing 假惺惺|(of an expression of sympathy) insinc... jiaxinzu 夹心族|sandwich generation jiaxiong 家兄|(polite) my elder brother jiaxiya 加西亚|Garcia (person name) jiaxizhenchang 假戏真唱|fiction comes true/play-acting that t... jiaxu 嘉许|favorable/praise jiaxu 甲戌|eleventh year A11 of the 60 year cycl... jiaxun 家训|instructions to one\'s children/family... jiaya 加压|to pressurize/to pile on pressure jiaya 假牙|false teeth/dentures jiaya 家鸭|domestic duck jiaya 家鸦|(bird species of China) house crow (C... jiayafu 加压釜|pressure chamber/pressurized cauldron jiayalvtouya 家鸭绿头鸭|mallard/duck (Anas platyrhyncha) jiayan 钾盐|potassium chloride KCl jiayan 家宴|dinner party held in one\'s home/famil... jiayan 家燕|(bird species of China) barn swallow ... jiayan 家严|(polite) my father jiayan 假眼|artificial eye/glass eye jiayan 加演|to put on extra shows; to extend the ... jiayang 家养|domestic (animals)/home reared jiayang 加央|Kangar city, capital of Perlis state ... jiayangguizi 假洋鬼子|(derog.) wannabe foreigner, a Chinese... jiayangji 甲氧基|methoxy (chemistry) jiayangxilin 甲氧西林|methicillin (a semisynthetic penicill... jiayangxing 假阳性|false positive jiayao 佳肴|fine food/delicacies/delicious food jiayao 假药|fake drugs jiaye 家业|family property jiaye 伽倻|Gaya, a Korean confederacy of territo... jiaye 家爷|(old) a term servants used to refer t... jiayefo 迦叶佛|Buddha Kassapa (Pāli) or Kāśyapa (Skt... jiayeqin 伽倻琴|gayageum (Korean 12-stringed zither) jiayi 加以|in addition/moreover/(used before a d... jiayi 假意|insincerity; hypocrisy/insincerely jiayi 嘉义|Chiayi, a city and county in west Taiwan jiayi 加意|paying special care/with particular a... jiayi 甲乙|first two of the ten Heavenly Stems 十... jiayi 贾谊|Jia Yi (200-168 BC), Chinese poet and... jiayin 佳音|good news jiayin 甲寅|51st year A3 of the 60 year cycle, e.... jiayin 嘉荫|Jiayin county in Yichun 伊春市[Yi1 chun1... jiayin 假音|falsetto, same as 假聲|假声 jiaying 家蝇|house fly jiayinxian 嘉荫县|Jiayin county in Yichun 伊春市[Yi1 chun1... jiayinxing 假阴性|false negative jiayipeishi 假一赔十|lit. if one is fake, I shall compensa... jiayishi 嘉义市|Chiayi city in central Taiwan jiayixian 嘉义县|Jiayi or Chiayi County in west Taiwan jiayong 家用|home-use/domestic/family expenses/hou... jiayong 家佣|domestic helper jiayongdiannao 家用电脑|home computer jiayongdianqi 家用电器|domestic electric appliance jiayou 加油|to add oil; to top up with gas; to re... jiayougong 加油工|gas station attendant jiayouqiang 加油枪|fuel nozzle jiayoutiancu 加油添醋|to add interest (to a story)/to sex up jiayouzhan 加油站|gas station jiayu 驾驭|to urge on (of horse)/to drive/to ste... jiayu 甲鱼|softshell turtle jiayu 嘉鱼|Jiayu county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xian2 ... jiayu 驾御|variant of 駕馭|驾驭[jia4 yu4] jiayu 家语|The School Sayings of Confucius (abbr... jiayuan 家园|home/homeland jiayuan 驾辕|to pull a carriage (of draft animal) jiayuan 价原|Kagen or the Origin of Value by MIURA... jiayuanqian 假芫茜|Eryngium foetidum jiayuguan 嘉峪关|Jiayu Pass in Gansu, at the western t... jiayuguan 嘉峪关|see 嘉峪關市|嘉峪关市[Jia1yu4guan1 Shi4] jiayuguancheng 嘉峪关城|Jiayuguan fort in the Gansu corridor/... jiayuguanshi 嘉峪关市|Jiayuguan, prefecture-level city in G... jiayuhuxiao 家喻户晓|understood by everyone (idiom); well ... jiayun 驾云|to ride the clouds/fig. self-satisfie... jiayuxian 嘉鱼县|Jiayu county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xian2 ... jiaza 夹杂|to mix together (disparate substances... jiazai 加载|to load (cargo)/(computing) to load (... jiazao 假造|to forge/fake/to fabricate (a story) jiazao 家灶|hearth jiazhai 家宅|home/residence/house jiazhang 家长|head of a household/family head/patri... jiazhang 假账|fraudulent financial accounts; cooked... jiazhanghui 家长会|parent-teacher conference/parents\' as... jiazhangzhi 家长制|patriarchal system jiazhao 驾照|driver\'s license (abbr. for 駕駛執照|驾驶执照... jiazhaozi 假招子|to put on airs/to adopt a false attitude jiazheng 家政|housekeeping jiazheng 假证|false testimony jiazhengjian 假证件|false documents jiazhengjing 假正经|demure/prudish/hypocritical jiazhengxue 家政学|family and consumer science jiazhengyuan 家政员|housekeeping staff jiazhi 价值|value/worth/fig. values (ethical, cul... jiazhi 加之|moreover; in addition to that jiazhi 假肢|artificial limb; prosthetic limb jiazhi 加值|to recharge (money onto a card) (Tw) jiazhibiaozhun 价值标准|values/standards jiazhigongcheng 价值工程|value engineering jiazhiguan 价值观|system of values jiazhiliancheng 价值连城|invaluable/priceless jiazhiliang 价值量|magnitude of value/labor value (in ec... jiazhimitang,yizhipishuang 甲之蜜糖,乙之砒霜|one man\'s meat is another man\'s poiso... jiazhixingwanglu 加值型网路|value added network/VAN jiazhizengzhi 价值增殖|valorization (in Marxist theory) jiazhong 加重|to make heavier/to emphasize/(of an i... jiazhongpi 假种皮|aril (botany) jiazhongyuqi 加重语气|to give emphasis/with emphasis jiazhou 加州|California jiazhou 甲冑|variant of 甲胄[jia3 zhou4] jiazhou 甲胄|armor jiazhoudaxue 加州大学|University of California (abbr. for 加... jiazhoujishuxueyuan 加州技术学院|California Institute of Technology (C... jiazhouligongxueyuan 加州理工学院|California Institute of Technology (C... jiazhu 加注|to increase a bet; to raise (poker); ... jiazhu 家主|head of a household jiazhuan 家传|family history (as a literary genre) jiazhuang 假装|to feign/to pretend jiazhuang 嫁妆|dowry jiazhuang 嫁装|variant of 嫁妝|嫁妆[jia4 zhuang5] jiazhuangpangxian 甲状旁腺|(anatomy) parathyroid gland jiazhuangruangu 甲状软骨|(anatomy) thyroid cartilage jiazhuangxian 甲状腺|(anatomy) thyroid gland jiazhuangxiangongnengkangjin 甲状腺功能亢进|hyperthyroidism/abbr. to 甲亢[jia3 kang4] jiazhuangxiansu 甲状腺素|thyroid hormone/thyroxine (used to tr... jiazhuangxianzhong 甲状腺肿|goiter (enlargement of thyroid gland) jiazhutao 夹竹桃|oleander (Nerium indicum)/Taiwan pr. ... jiazi 架子|shelf/frame/stand/framework/airs/arro... jiazi 夹子|clip/clamp/tongs/folder/wallet jiazi 家子|household/family jiazi 甲子|first year of the sixty-year cycle (w... jiazi 假子|adopted son/stepson jiazi 铗子|tongs jiazi 家姊|my sister jiazi 嫁资|dowry/CL:份[fen4],筆|笔[bi3] jiazi 甲紫|gentian violet jiaziche 架子车|two-wheeled handcart jiazigu 架子鼓|drum kit jiazini 加兹尼|Ghazni (Afghan province) jiazinisheng 加兹尼省|Ghazni or Ghaznah province of Afghani... jiaziwanguan 家赀万贯|immensely rich jiaziyin 夹子音|(coll.) (neologism c. 2021) cutesy hi... jiazizhu 架子猪|feeder pig jiazong 加总|to aggregate; to calculate the total/... jiazou 架走|to hustle sb away jiazu 家族|family/clan jiazu 家祖|(polite) my paternal grandfather jiazumali 加足马力|to go at full throttle/(fig.) to go a... jiazuo 佳作|masterpiece/fine piece of writing jiazuo 假座|to use as a venue (e.g. use {a restau... jiazuo 假作|to feign/to pretend jiazushu 家族树|a family tree jiba 鸡巴|dick/penis (vulgar) jibai 击败|to defeat/to beat jibai 祭拜|to offer sacrifice (to one\'s ancestors) jibai 鸡掰|(Tw) (vulgar) cunt (from Taiwanese 膣屄... jibai 机掰|variant of 雞掰|鸡掰[ji1 bai1] jibaili 吉百利|Cadbury (name)/Cadbury (brand) jiban 羁绊|trammels/fetters/yoke/to restrain/to ... jiban 基板|substrate jiban 急板|(music) presto jibao 季报|quarterly report jibei 脊背|back (of a human or other vertebrate) jibei 极北|extreme north jibei 吉贝|kapok (Ceiba pentandra) jibei 几倍|several times (bigger)/double, treble... jibeiliuying 极北柳莺|(bird species of China) Arctic warble... jibeizhudingque 极北朱顶雀|(bird species of China) Arctic redpol... jiben 基本|basic/fundamental/main/elementary jibencihui 基本词汇|basic word jibendanwei 基本单位|basic unit/fundamental building block jibendian 基本点|key point; crux/(finance) basis point... jibendingli 基本定理|fundamental theorem jibenduowenzhongpingmian 基本多文种平面|basic multilingual plane (BMP) jibenfa 基本法|basic law (constitutional document) jibengainian 基本概念|basic concept jibengong 基本功|basic skills/fundamentals jibenlilv 基本利率|base rate (e.g. interest rate set by ... jibenlizi 基本粒子|elementary particle (particle physics) jibenpan 基本盘|(political party\'s) voter base/(music... jibenshang 基本上|basically/on the whole jibensi 吉本斯|Gibbons (name) jibenwancheng 基本完成|fundamentally complete/basically fini... jibenxuyao 基本需要|basic necessity/fundamental need jibenyuanli 基本原理|fundamental principle jibenyuanze 基本原则|fundamental doctrine/guiding principl... jibi 击毙|to kill/to shoot dead jibi 积弊|age-old (malpractice)/long establishe... jibian 畸变|distortion/aberration jibian 即便|even if/even though/right away/immedi... jibian 机变|improvisation/flexible/adaptable/prag... jibie 级别|(military) rank/level/grade jibing 疾病|disease; sickness; ailment jibing 积冰|ice accretion jibingkongzhizhongxin 疾病控制中心|Centers for Disease Control (CDC) jibingyufangzhongxin 疾病预防中心|Center for Disease Control (US) jibinyu 姬滨鹬|(bird species of China) least sandpip... jibiqingdaolong 棘鼻青岛龙|Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus, a 10 meter... jibo 瘠薄|(of land) infertile/barren jibo 系泊|to moor jibo 基波|fundamental (wave) jibo 激波|shock wave jibolun 纪伯伦|Khalil Gibran (1883-1931), Lebanese p... jiboteshizhenghouqun 吉伯特氏症候群|Gilbert\'s syndrome jibu 疾步|at a fast pace jibu 集部|non-canonical text/Chinese literary w... jibu 缉捕|to seize/to apprehend/an arrest jibudi 吉布地|Djibouti (Tw) jibukedai 急不可待|impatient/eager to/anxious to jibukenai 急不可耐|unable to wait jibukeshi 机不可失|No time to lose! (idiom) jibukeshi,shibuzailai 机不可失,时不再来|Opportunity knocks but once. (idiom) jibukeshi,shibuzailai 机不可失,失不再来|opportunity knocks but once (idiom) jibuligongzuoshi 吉卜力工作室|Studio Ghibli, Japanese film studio jibulishou 机不离手|to be unable to do without one\'s cell... jibuqi 计步器|pedometer jibusairen 吉卜赛人|Gypsy jibuti 吉布提|Djibouti jibuxiangneng 积不相能|(idiom) always at loggerheads; never ... jibuzeshi 饥不择食|when hungry, you can\'t pick what you ... jibuzhu 记不住|can\'t remember jibuzi 基布兹|kibbutz jicai 集采|centralized procurement (abbr. for 集中... jicai 荠菜|shepherd\'s purse (Capsella bursa-past... jicai 集材|(forestry) to log; to skid; to yard jicai 基材|substrate jicai 蕺菜|Houttuynia cordata jican 集餐|communal dining where one takes one\'s... jicang 机舱|cabin of a plane jicao 基操|(slang) the norm; typical behavior; n... jicao-tunliang 积草屯粮|(idiom) to stockpile provisions in pr... jicaowuliu 基操勿6|(Internet slang) it\'s nothing, there\'... jice 计策|stratagem jice 基测|Basic Competence Test for Junior High... jiceng 基层|basic level/grassroots unit/basement ... jicha 稽查|inspection jicha 级差|differential (between grades)/salary ... jicha 缉查|to raid/to search (for criminal) jicha 极差|range (of a set of data) (statistics) jichajiyong 即插即用|plug-and-play jichang 机场|airport; airfield/(slang) service pro... jichang-lulu 饥肠辘辘|(idiom) stomach rumbling with hunger;... jichangdasha 机场大厦|airport terminal jichao 极超|hyper-/ultra- jichaozhu 冀朝铸|Ji Chaozhu (1929-2020), Chinese diplomat jicharenyuan 稽查人员|inspector jichayuan 稽查员|inspector/ticket inspector jiche 机车|locomotive; train engine car/(Tw) sco... jichen 忌辰|anniversary of a death jichen 击沉|to attack and sink (a ship) jicheng 集成|integrated (as in integrated circuit) jicheng 继承|to inherit/to succeed to (the throne ... jicheng 蓟城|old name for Beijing 北京[Bei3 jing1] jichengche 计程车|(Tw) taxi/cab jichengdianlu 集成电路|integrated circuit/IC jichengquan 继承权|right of inheritance jichengren 继承人|heir/successor jichengshishi 既成事实|fait accompli jichengxianka 集成显卡|integrated GPU (abbr. to 集顯|集显[ji2 xi... jichengyibo 继承衣钵|to take up sb\'s mantle/to follow in s... jichengzhe 继承者|successor jichi 疾驰|to speed along jichi 急驰|to speed along jichibailian 急赤白脸|to worry oneself sick/to fret jichierguo 疾驰而过|to sweep past/to hurtle past/to swoos... jichimu 鸡翅木|wenge or wengue (type of wood) jichou 己丑|twenty-sixth year F2 of the 60 year c... jichou 记仇|to hold a grudge jichu 基础|base; foundation; basis/basic; fundam... jichu 挤出|to squeeze out/to extrude/to drain/to... jichu 寄出|to mail; to send by post jichu 棘楚|thorny problem/troublesome affair jichu 祭出|to brandish (a figurative weapon, i.e... jichuang 基床|foundation (of building)/bed (e.g. be... jichuang 机床|machine tool/a lathe/CL:張|张[zhang1] jichubing 基础病|underlying medical condition jichujiaoyu 基础教育|elementary education jichujiegou 基础结构|infrastructure jichuke 基础课|basic course/core curriculum jichun 季春|final month of spring (i.e. third mon... jichusheshi 基础设施|infrastructure jichusheshijifuwu 基础设施即服务|(computing) infrastructure as a servi... jichusulv 基础速率|basic rate (as in ISDN) jichuwenti 基础问题|basic issue/fundamental question jici 讥刺|to ridicule/to mock jici 寄辞|to send a message jici 击刺|to stab/to hack jici 剂次|instance of administering a dose of v... jici 几次|several times jicisanfan 几次三番|lit. twice then three times (idiom); ... jicongcong 急匆匆|hurried/hasty jicu 急促|urgent/hurried and brief/rushing jicui 集萃|treasury jicun 寄存|to deposit/to store/to leave sth with sb jicun 积存|to stockpile jicunchu 寄存处|warehouse/temporary store/left-luggag... jicunqi 寄存器|processor register (computing) jicuo 记错|to remember incorrectly jida 极大|maximum/enormous jida 击打|to beat/to lash jida 暨大|abbr. for Jinan University 暨南大學|暨南大学[... jida 寄达|to send sth by mail jida 吉打|Kedah, state of northwest Malaysia, c... jida 吉达|Jeddah (Saudi city, on Red Sea) jida 激打|laser printer/abbr. for 激光打印機|激光打印机[j... jidagang 吉大港|Chittagong (Bangladesh port city) jidai 亟待|to need urgently; to need doing witho... jidai 急待|variant of 亟待[ji2dai4] jidaihui 积代会|(Cultural Revolution term) conference... jidan 忌惮|to be afraid of the consequences/rest... jidan 鸡蛋|(chicken) egg/hen\'s egg/CL:個|个[ge4],打... jidanchaofan 鸡蛋炒饭|egg fried rice jidang 激荡|to rage/to dash/to surge jidang 激荡|to rage/to dash/to surge/also written... jidanguo 鸡蛋果|passion or egg fruit (Passiflora edulis) jidanker 鸡蛋壳儿|eggshell jidanlitiaogutou 鸡蛋里挑骨头|to look for bones in an egg/to find f... jidanpengshitou 鸡蛋碰石头|lit. an egg colliding with a rock (id... jidanqing 鸡蛋清|egg white jidao 击倒|to knock down/knocked down jidao 极道|yakuza jidazhi 极大值|maximum value jide 记得|to remember jide 积德|to accumulate merit/to do good/to giv... jide 既得|vested in/already obtained/vesting jideleigong 积德累功|to accumulate merit and virtue jideliyi 既得利益|vested interest jideqijian 既得期间|vesting period (in finance) jidi 基地|al-Qaeda jidi 基地|base (of operations, industrial, mili... jidi 及第|to pass an imperial examination jidi 极地|polar region jidi 寄递|delivery (of mail) jidi 继弟|younger stepbrother jidi 基底|plinth; base; substrate jidian 基点|base; centre/basis; point of departur... jidian 机电|machinery and power-generating equipm... jidian 极点|extreme point/pole/the origin (in pol... jidian 祭奠|to offer sacrifices (to one\'s ancesto... jidian 积淀|deposits accumulated over long period... jidian 祭典|sacrificial ceremony/religious festival jidian 绩点|(education) grade point jidian 基甸|Gideon (name, from Judges 6:11 onward... jidian 几点|what time?/when? jidiangan 集电杆|electric trolley pole jidiangong 集电弓|pantograph (transportation) jidianqi 继电器|relay (electronics) jidiantu 肌电图|electromyogram (EMG) jidianzifu 吉电子伏|giga electron volt GeV (unit of energ... jidiao 基调|main key (of a musical composition)/k... jidiao 祭吊|to mourn and offer prayers jididongmai 基底动脉|basilar artery (central artery of the... jidie 积叠|to pile up layer upon layer jidien 吉迪恩|Gideon (name, from Judges 6:11 onward... jidikongbuzuzhi 基地恐怖组织|Al-Qaeda/same as 基地組織|基地组织 jiding 既定|already fixed/set/established jiding 鸡丁|diced chicken meat jiding 几丁|chitin jidinghe 机顶盒|set-top box jidingzhi 几丁质|chitin jidixibaoai 基底细胞癌|basal cell carcinoma jidizuzhi 基地组织|Al-Qaeda jidong 机动|locomotive/motorized/power-driven/ada... jidong 激动|to move emotionally/to stir up (emoti... jidong 鸡东|Jidong county in Jixi 雞西|鸡西[Ji1 xi1],... jidong 悸动|to pound/to throb jidong 极东|the Far East/East Asia jidong 鸡冻|chicken jelly/(Internet slang) exciti... jidong 季冬|final month of winter (i.e. twelfth m... jidongche 机动车|motor vehicle jidongcheliang 机动车辆|motor vehicle jidongdanbai 肌动蛋白|actin jidongxian 鸡东县|Jidong county in Jixi 雞西|鸡西[Ji1 xi1],... jidongxing 机动性|flexibility jidu 基督|Christ (abbr. for 基利斯督[Ji1 li4 si1 du... jidu 嫉妒|to be jealous of; to envy jidu 忌妒|to be jealous of; to envy jidu 缉毒|to counter narcotics trafficking/drug... jidu 极度|extremely jidu 计都|concept from Vedic astronomy (Sanskri... jidu 季度|quarter of a year/season (sports) jiduan 极端|extreme jiduanfenzi 极端分子|extremist jiduanpianxiaoshuo 极短篇小说|flash fiction jiduanzhie 极端之恶|(philosophy) radical evil jiduanzhuyi 极端主义|extremism jiducheng 基督城|Christchurch (New Zealand city) jidui 挤兑|a run on a bank jidui 挤对|(coll.) to mock/to bully/to force (a ... jidujiao 基督教|Christianity/Christian jidujiaokexuepai 基督教科学派|Christian Science jidujiaominzhulianmeng 基督教民主联盟|Christian Democratic Union (German po... jidujiaopai 基督教派|Christian denomination jidujiaotu 基督教徒|a Christian jidun 寄顿|to place in safe keeping/to leave sth... jiduo 几多|(dialect) how much/how many/how (smar... jiduo 基多|Quito, capital of Ecuador jiduquan 缉毒犬|drug detector dog/sniffer dog jidushengtijie 基督圣体节|Corpus Christi (Catholic festival on ... jidutu 基督徒|Christian jiduxinjiao 基督新教|Protestantism jie 节|see 節骨眼|节骨眼[jie1 gu5 yan3] jie 节|joint; node/(bound form) section; seg... jie 届|to arrive at (place or time)/period/t... jie 价|great/good/middleman/servant jie 楷|Chinese pistachio tree (Pistacia chin... jie 介|to introduce/to lie between/between/s... jie 杰|(bound form) hero/heroic/outstanding ... jie 杰|variant of 傑|杰[jie2] jie 借|to borrow/(used in combination with 給... jie 借|variant of 借[jie4] jie 阶|variant of 階|阶[jie1] jie 阶|rank or step/stairs jie 捷|variant of 捷[jie2]/quick/nimble jie 捷|Czech/Czech Republic/abbr. for 捷克[Jie... jie 捷|victory/triumph/quick/nimble/prompt jie 嗟|sigh/also pr. [jue1] jie 解|to divide/to break up/to split/to sep... jie 解|to transport under guard jie 劫|variant of 劫[jie2] jie 劫|to rob/to plunder/to seize by force/t... jie 桔|used in 桔梗[jie2geng3]/used in 桔槔[jie2... jie 接|to receive/to answer (the phone)/to m... jie 街|street/CL:條|条[tiao2] jie 结|(of a plant) to produce (fruit or see... jie 结|knot/sturdy/bond/to tie/to bind/to ch... jie 界|(bound form) boundary; border/(bound ... jie 桀|(emperor of Xia dynasty)/cruel jie 饥饿|hunger/starvation/famine jie 偈|forceful/martial jie 揭|surname Jie jie 揭|to take the lid off/to expose/to unmask jie 孑|all alone jie 姐|older sister jie 芥|mustard jie 洁|clean jie 拮|antagonistic/laboring hard/pressed jie 竭|to exhaust jie 戒|to guard against/to exhort/to admonis... jie 截|to cut off (a length)/to stop/to inte... jie 诫|commandment/to prohibit jie 颉|to confiscate/legendary dog-like anim... jie 劼|careful/diligent/firm jie 尐|(literary) few/a couple of jie 皆|all/each and every/in all cases jie 诘|(bound form) to question closely; to ... jie 睫|eyelashes jie 婕|handsome jie 玠|jade tablet indicating rank jie 藉|(literary) cushion; mat/(literary) to... jie 椄|to graft jie 蚧|see 蛤蚧[ge2 jie4] jie 喈|harmonious (of music) jie 秸|grain stalks left after threshing jie 秸|variant of 秸[jie1] jie 羯|Jie people, a tribe of northern China... jie 羯|ram, esp. gelded/to castrate/deer\'s skin jie 疖|pimple/sore/boil/Taiwan pr. [jie2] jie 疥|scabies jie 碣|stone tablet jie 唶|sigh/groan/loud laughter jie 岊|mountain peak jie 絜|clean jie 幯|wipe jie 鲒|oyster jie 喼|box (dialect)/used to transliterate w... jie 卩|\"seal\" radical in Chinese characters ... jie 讦|to accuse/to pry jie 莭|variant of 節|节[jie2] jie 倢|handsome jie 痎|(archaic) tertian malaria jie 犗|castrated bull/bullock jie 湝|flowing (of water) jie 觧|variant of 解[jie3] jie 觧|variant of 解[jie4] jie 蜐|see 石蜐[shi2 jie2] jie 卪|old variant of 節|节[jie2] jie 袺|lift up a dress jie 褯|used in 褯子[jie4zi5] jie 緁|to join/to splice/to braid jie 㔾|\"seal\" radical in Chinese characters ... jie 蛣|beetle jie 楬|a peg/tally/score jie 㛃|variant of 潔|洁[jie2] (mostly used in ... jie 毑|mother jie 蠽|small green cicada jie 榤|a stump on which chickens roost jie 掲|Japanese variant of 揭 jie 䂶|variant of 蜐[jie2] jie 积恶|accumulated evil jie-ruchou 嫉恶如仇|(idiom) to hate evil as one hates an ... jie-ruchou 疾恶如仇|variant of 嫉惡如仇|嫉恶如仇[ji2e4-ru2chou2] jie-song 接送|to pick up and drop off; to ferry bac... jieaishunbian 节哀顺变|restrain your grief, accept fate (con... jiean 结案|to conclude a case/to wind up jiean 接案|to be informed of a case/to take a ca... jieante 捷安特|Giant Manufacturing, Taiwanese bicycl... jieaobushun 桀骜不顺|see 桀驁不馴|桀骜不驯[jie2 ao4 bu4 xun4] jieaobuxun 桀骜不驯|arrogant and obstinate (idiom)/unyiel... jieaobuxun 桀骜不逊|see 桀驁不馴|桀骜不驯[jie2 ao4 bu4 xun4] jieba 结巴|to stutter jieba 结疤|to form a scar/to form a scab jieba 节疤|gnarl; knot jiebai 洁白|spotlessly white/pure white jiebai 结拜|to become sworn brothers or sisters/s... jiebaina 解百纳|Cabernet (grape type) jieban 接班|to take over (from those working the ... jieban 结伴|to go with sb/to form companionships jiebanerxing 结伴而行|(of a group) to stay together; to kee... jiebang 解绑|to unbind (e.g. a phone number from a... jiebangren 接棒人|successor jiebanren 接班人|successor jiebao 捷豹|Jaguar (car brand) jiebao 捷报|report of success/report of a victory jiebao 解包|to unpack (computing) jiebaopinchuan 捷报频传|victory reports pour in (idiom); news... jiebei 戒备|to take precautions/to guard against ... jiebei 界碑|boundary stone/table marking border jiebeisenyan 戒备森严|heavily-guarded jieben 节本|abridged version jieben 洁本|expurgated edition jiebiao 界标|landmark jiebie 界别|to divide up into different zones/(HK... jiebing 结冰|to freeze jiebo 接驳|to access/to transfer passengers betw... jiebo 劫波|kalpa (loanword) (Hinduism) jieboche 接泊车|shuttle bus jieboche 接驳车|shuttle bus ferrying passengers betwe... jiebukaiguo 揭不开锅|to be unable to afford food jiecai 芥菜|leaf mustard (Brassica juncea)/also p... jiecai 结彩|to adorn/to festoon jiecaizi 芥菜籽|mustard seed jiecao 节操|integrity/moral principle jiecao 结草|deep gratitude up to death jiecao 洁操|unimpeachable conduct/noble behavior/... jiecaoxianhuan 结草衔环|to repay sb\'s kind acts (idiom) jieceng 阶层|social class jiecha 接茬|(coll.) to respond; to offer a commen... jiecha 接碴|variant of 接茬[jie1cha2] jiechan 解馋|to satisfy one\'s craving jiechang 结肠|colon (large intestine) jiechangbuduan 截长补短|take from the long to supplement the ... jiechangjing 结肠镜|colonoscope/colonoscopy (abbr. for 結腸... jiechangjingjiancha 结肠镜检查|colonoscopy jiechangyan 结肠炎|colitis (medicine) jiechao 解嘲|to try to cover up in an embarrassing... jieche 劫车|to carjack/carjacking jiecheng 阶乘|the factorial of a number, e.g. 5! = ... jiecheng 竭诚|wholeheartedly jiecheng 结成|to form/to forge (alliances etc) jiecheng 解酲|to sober up/to sleep off the effect o... jiechi 劫持|to kidnap/to hijack/to abduct/to hold... jiechi 界尺|ungraduated ruler/straightedge jiechizhe 劫持者|hijacker/kidnapper jiechou 结仇|to start a feud/to become enemies jiechou 解愁|to relieve melancholy jiechu 接触|to touch/to contact/access/in touch with jiechu 解除|to remove/to sack/to get rid of/to re... jiechu 杰出|outstanding/distinguished/remarkable/... jiechu 戒除|to quit/to give up (a bad habit) jiechu 结出|to bear (fruit) jiechu 借出|to lend jiechu 解出|to figure out jiechuan 揭穿|to expose/to uncover jiechuang 疥疮|scabies/welts jiechubuliang 接触不良|loose or defective contact (elec.) jiechuqi 接触器|contactor jieci 借此|using this as a pretext; thereby jieci 介词|preposition jieci 借词|loanword/pretext jiecituitang 借词推搪|to make a lot of excuses jiecun 结存|balance; cash in hand jieda 解答|to solve (a problem)/to resolve (a di... jieda 捷达|Jetta (car produced by Volkswagen) jiedahangkonghuoyun 捷达航空货运|Jett8 Airlines Cargo (based in Singap... jiedahuanxi 皆大欢喜|As You Like It, comedy by Shakespeare jiedahuanxi 皆大欢喜|to everyone\'s delight and satisfaction jiedai 接待|to receive; to entertain; to host (gu... jiedai 借贷|to borrow or lend money/debit and cre... jiedai 借代|metonymy jiedaishi 接待室|reception room jiedaiyuan 接待员|receptionist jiedan 结单|statement of account jiedan 借单|receipt for a loan/written confirmati... jiedan 接单|to take a customer\'s order/(of a taxi... jiedang 结党|to form a clique jiedangyingsi 结党营私|(idiom) to form a clique for self-ser... jiedanr 借单儿|receipt for a loan/written confirmati... jiedao 街道|street/CL:條|条[tiao2]/subdistrict/resi... jiedao 接到|to receive (letter etc) jiedao 介导|(biology) to mediate jiedao 戒刀|Buddhist monk\'s knife (not used for k... jiedao 劫道|to kidnap/to hijack jiedaobanshichu 街道办事处|subdistrict office/neighborhood offic... jiedaosharen 借刀杀人|to lend sb a knife to kill sb/to get ... jiedashou 解大手|(coll.) to defecate jiedeng 街灯|streetlight jiedi 接地|earth (electric connection)/to earth jiedi 芥蒂|an obstruction/barrier/ill-feeling/gr... jiedi 揭底|to reveal the inside story/to expose ... jiedi 阶地|terrace (geography) jiedi 揭谛|revealer (protective god) jiedi 介蒂|variant of 芥蒂[jie4 di4] jiedian 节点|node jiedian 结点|joint; node jiedian 节电|to save electricity/power saving jiedian 接点|(electrical) contact jiedianchangshu 介电常数|dielectric constant jiediao 借调|to temporarily transfer (personnel) jiedie 戒牒|Buddhist or Taoist ordination certifi... jiedilian 姐弟恋|love between an older woman and a you... jieding 界定|definition/to delimit jiediqi 接地气|in touch with the common people/down-... jiedizuzhi 结缔组织|connective tissue jiedong 解冻|to melt/to thaw/to defrost/fig. to re... jiedongfeng 借东风|lit. to use the eastern wind (idiom)/... jiedu 解读|to decipher/to decode/to interpret jiedu 解毒|to detoxify/to relieve fever (in Chin... jiedu 戒毒|to kick a drug habit/to abstain from ... jiedu 借读|to attend school on a temporary basis jieduan 阶段|stage/section/phase/period/CL:個|个[ge4] jieduan 截断|to break or cut in two/to sever/to cu... jieduan 揭短|to expose sb\'s faults or shortcomings jieduan 借端|to use as pretext jieduan 街段|block jieduan 戒断|to quit (taking drugs, alcohol etc); ... jieduanxing 阶段性|specific to a particular stage (of a ... jiedui 结队|to troop (of soldiers etc)/convoy jieduichengqun 结队成群|to form a large group (idiom) jieduizi 结对子|(of two parties, e.g. police and the ... jieduji 解毒剂|antidote jieduo 劫夺|to seize by force/to abduct jieduo 截夺|intercept jiedushi 节度使|Tang and Song dynasty provincial gove... jiedusuo 戒毒所|drug rehabilitation center jieduyao 解毒药|antidote jiee 解饿|to relieve hunger jiee 解厄|(literary) to save from a calamity jieer-liansan 接二连三|(idiom) one after another; in quick s... jieermeizi 捷尔梅兹|Termez city in southeast Uzbekistan jieerrensike 捷尔任斯克|Dzerzhinsk, Russian city jiefa 解法|solution (to a math problem)/method o... jiefa 揭发|to expose/to bring to light/to disclo... jiefa 结发|(in former times) to bind one\'s hair ... jiefa 解乏|to relieve tiredness/to freshen up jiefa 接发|hair extensions jiefang 解放|to liberate/to emancipate/liberation/... jiefang 街坊|neighborhood/neighbor jiefang 借方|borrower/debit side (of a balance sheet) jiefang 街访|street interview (abbr. for 街頭採訪|街头采访... jiefangbalesitanrenminzhenxian 解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线|Popular Front for the Liberation of P... jiefangchae 借方差额|debit balance (accountancy) jiefanghou 解放后|after liberation (i.e. after the Comm... jiefangjun 解放军|People\'s Liberation Army (PRC armed f... jiefanglinli 街坊邻里|neighbors/the whole neighborhood jiefangqu 解放区|Liberation city district/Jiefang dist... jiefangri 解放日|Liberation Day/cf Japan\'s surrender o... jiefangribao 解放日报|Liberation Daily, jiefangsilin 街坊四邻|neighbors/the whole neighborhood jiefangyundong 解放运动|liberation movement jiefangzhanzheng 解放战争|War of Liberation (1945-49), after wh... jiefei 劫匪|bandit/robber jiefeixuncheng 杰斐逊城|Jefferson City, capital of Missouri jiefen 解纷|to mediate a dispute jiefeng 接缝|seam/join/juncture jiefeng 接风|to hold a welcoming dinner or reception jiefeng 解封|to lift a ban/to end a lockdown jiefozi 杰佛兹|James Jeffords (1934-2014), former US... jiefu 姐夫|(coll.) older sister\'s husband jiefu 杰夫|Jeff or Geoff (name) jiefujinni 杰夫·金尼|Jeff Kinney jiefujipin 劫富济贫|to rob the rich to help the poor jiefuliqiaosou 杰弗里·乔叟|Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400), English... jiefushengzi 借腹生子|surrogate pregnancy jiefuxun 杰弗逊|Jefferson/capital of Missouri jiegan 秸秆|straw jiegao 截稿|(of a newspaper) to stop accepting in... jiegao 桔槔|well sweep (device for raising and lo... jiegei 借给|to lend to sb jiegeng 桔梗|Chinese bellflower; balloon flower (P... jiegong 结恭|to be constipated (euphemism) jiegou 结构|structure/composition/makeup/architec... jiegou 解构|to deconstruct jiegoulilun 结构理论|structural theory (physics) jiegoushi 结构式|structural formula (chemistry) jiegouxing 结构性|structural/structured jiegouzhuci 结构助词|structural particle, such as 的[de5], ... jiegouzhuyi 结构主义|structuralism jiegu 借故|to find an excuse jiegu 解雇|to fire/to sack/to dismiss/to termina... jiegu 羯鼓|double-ended skin drum with a narrow ... jieguan 接管|to take over/to assume control jieguang 借光|excuse me (i.e. let me through, pleas... jiegucuihua 羯鼓催花|drumming to make apricots flower, cf ... jiegufengjin 借古讽今|to use the past to disparage the pres... jiegui 接轨|railtrack connection/to integrate int... jiegui 戒规|religious precept/taboo/rule jiegumu 接骨木|elder or elderberry (genus Sambucus) jiegun 结棍|(Wu dialect) sturdy/robust/formidable... jieguo 结果|to bear fruit jieguo 结果|outcome/result/conclusion/in the end/... jieguo 借过|excuse me (i.e. let me through, please) jieguo 接过|to take (sth proffered) jieguyan 节骨眼|(dialect) critical juncture/crucial m... jieguyanr 节骨眼儿|erhua variant of 節骨眼|节骨眼[jie1 gu5 yan3] jieguyujin 借古喻今|to borrow the past as a model for the... jiehan 解寒|to relieve cold jiehe 结合|to combine/to link/to integrate/bindi... jiehe 界河|border river (between countries or re... jiehe 接合|to connect/to join/to assemble jiehe 结核|tuberculosis/consumption/nodule jiehe 解和|to mediate (in a conflict)/to pacify jiehebing 结核病|tuberculosis jieheganjun 结核杆菌|tubercle bacillus jiehei 揭黑|to uncover (mistakes, corruption etc)... jiehejungang 接合菌纲|Zygomycetes jiehejunsu 结核菌素|tubercule bacillus jiehelv 结合律|associative law (xy)z = x(yz) (math.) jiehou 结喉|see 喉結|喉结[hou2 jie2] jiehou 节候|season; time of year jiehouyusheng 劫后余生|(idiom) to be a survivor of a calamity jiehu 介乎|to lie between jiehu 界乎|variant of 介乎[jie4 hu1] jiehu 羯胡|Jie people, a tribe of northern China... jiehua 界画|accurate depiction of architectural f... jiehuai 介怀|to mind/to brood over/to be concerned... jiehuan 结欢|on friendly terms jiehuaxianfo 借花献佛|lit. presenting the Buddha with borro... jiehui 结汇|foreign exchange settlement jiehun 结婚|to marry/to get married/CL:次[ci4] jiehunjinianri 结婚纪念日|wedding anniversary jiehunshengzi 结婚生子|to get married and have kids; to star... jiehunzheng 结婚证|marriage certificate jiehuo 解惑|to dispel doubts/to clear up confusion jiehuo 截获|to intercept/to cut off and capture jiehuo 结伙|to form a gang jiehuo 借火|to borrow a light (for a cigarette) jiehuo 接获|to receive (a call, report etc) jiehuo 接活|to take on a piece of work/to pick up... jieji 街机|arcade game jieji 阶级|(social) class/CL:個|个[ge4] jieji 借记|to debit jieji 接济|to give material assistance to jieji 借机|to seize the opportunity jieji 截击|to intercept (military) jieji 劫机|hijacking/air piracy jieji 戒忌|a taboo/to avoid sth (as taboo) jieji 结记|to remember/to concern oneself with jieji 接机|to meet (or pick up) sb arriving by p... jiejia 结痂|scab/to form a scab jiejia 解甲|to remove armor/to return to civilian... jiejiaguitian 解甲归田|to remove armor and return to the far... jiejian 接见|to receive sb/to grant an interview jiejian 借鉴|to draw on (others\' experience)/to le... jiejian 节俭|frugal; economical jiejian 节间|between joints jiejiao 结交|to make friends with jiejiaojiezao 戒骄戒躁|to guard against pride and impatience... jiejiari 节假日|public holiday jiejichengfen 阶级成分|social composition/social status (in ... jiejidouzheng 阶级斗争|class struggle jiejie 姐姐|older sister/CL:個|个[ge4] jiejie 节节|step by step/little by little jiejie 结界|(Buddhism) to designate the boundarie... jiejie 孑孑|outstanding/conspicuous/prominent/tiny jiejie 结节|nodule/tubercle jiejiebaba 结结巴巴|stammeringly jiejiebaitui 节节败退|to retreat again and again in defeat/... jiejieweiyi 孑孑为义|petty favors jiejika 借记卡|debit card jiejin 接近|to approach; to get close to jiejin 解禁|to lift a prohibition jiejin 竭尽|to use up; to exhaust jiejin-quanli 竭尽全力|(idiom) to spare no effort; to do one... jiejing 结晶|to crystallize/crystallization/crysta... jiejing 街景|streetscape jiejing 捷径|shortcut jiejing 洁净|clean/to cleanse jiejing 借镜|(Tw) to draw on (others\' experience)/... jiejing 接警|(of police, fire brigade etc) to rece... jiejingshui 结晶水|water of crystallization jiejingti 结晶体|a crystal jiejingwuxia 洁净无瑕|clean and spotless jiejingxue 结晶学|crystallography jiejingzhuang 结晶状|crystalline jiejishi 阶级式|hierarchical jiejiu 解救|to rescue/to help out of difficulties... jiejiu 解酒|to dissipate the effects of alcohol jiejiu 戒酒|to give up drinking/to abstain from d... jiejiu-jiaochou 借酒浇愁|(idiom) to drown one\'s sorrows jieju 结局|conclusion/ending jieju 洁具|bathroom fittings (washbasin, bathtub... jieju 拮据|hard pressed for money; in financial ... jieju 借据|receipt for a loan jieju 戒惧|wary jieju 揭举|to lift up/(fig.) to put on display/t... jieju 截距|intercept (the point at which a line ... jiejue 解决|to solve; to resolve; to settle (a pr... jiejue 孑孓|mosquito larva jiejue 戒绝|abstinence/to give up (a bad habit) jiejuebanfa 解决办法|solution/method to settle an issue jiejuezhengduan 解决争端|to settle a dispute jiekai 解开|to untie/to undo/to solve (a mystery) jiekai 揭开|to uncover/to open jieke 杰克|Jack (name) jieke 捷克|Czech/Czech Republic (from 1993)/Czechia jieke 接客|to receive guests/to receive patrons ... jieke 解渴|to quench jieke 结壳|crust; crusting; incrustation jieke 借壳|(finance) to acquire a company as a s... jieke 皆可|both OK/all acceptable jiekegongheguo 捷克共和国|Czech Republic jiekelundun 杰克·伦敦|Jack London (1876-1916), American writer jiekeren 捷克人|Czech person jiekesen 杰克森|Jackson (name) jiekesiluofake 捷克斯洛伐克|Republic of Czechoslovakia (1918-1992) jiekexun 杰克逊|Jackson (name)/Jackson city, capital ... jiekeyu 捷克语|Czech (language) jiekou 接口|interface/port/connector jiekou 借口|to use as an excuse/excuse; pretext jiekou 藉口|to use as an excuse/on the pretext/ex... jiekou 解扣|to unbutton/(fig.) to solve a dispute jiekoumokuai 接口模块|interface module jiekuan 借款|to lend money/to borrow money/loan jiekuanren 借款人|the borrower jiekuilin 杰奎琳|Jacqueline (name) jiekuilinkennidi 杰奎琳·肯尼迪|Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy (1929-1994) jiela 杰拉|Gela (city in Sicily) jielade 杰拉德|Gerrard (name) jielan 解缆|to untie a mooring rope jiele 结了|that\'s that; that\'s it; that will do jieli 接力|relay jieli 竭力|to do one\'s utmost jieli 结缡|to marry/to tie the bridal veil jieli 结褵|to marry/to tie the bridal veil jieli 孑立|to be alone/to stand in isolation jieli 解理|cleavage (splitting of minerals such ... jieli 解离|dissociation/to break up a chemical c... jielian 接连|on end/in a row/in succession jielian 结连|linked in a chain jielian-buduan 接连不断|(idiom) in unbroken succession; conti... jieliangzi 结梁子|(slang) to start a feud/to have a beef jielibang 接力棒|relay baton/(fig.) responsibilities (... jielie 节烈|(of a woman) indomitably chaste jielifangxiang 解理方向|direction of cleavage (e.g. of slate) jielike 杰里科|Jericho (town in West Bank) jielimi 杰里米|Jeremy (name) jielimian 解理面|cleavage plane (e.g. of slate) jielinghaixuxilingren 解铃还需系铃人|variant of 解鈴還須繫鈴人|解铃还须系铃人[jie3 ling2... jielinghaixuxilingren 解铃还须系铃人|lit. whoever hung the bell on the tig... jielingxiling 解铃系铃|see 解鈴還須繫鈴人|解铃还须系铃人[jie3 ling2 hai2 x... jieliri 节礼日|Boxing Day, holiday on 26th December ... jielirongyuan 杰利蝾螈|gerrymander (loanword) jielisai 接力赛|relay race/CL:場|场[chang3] jielisaipao 接力赛跑|relay race jieliu 节流|to control flow/to choke/weir valve/a... jieliu 节瘤|knot (in wood) jieliufa 节流阀|a throttle jieliutaban 节流踏板|throttle pedal/accelerator jieliuzi 街溜子|town idler jieliwuyi 孑立无依|to stand alone/to have no one to rely on jielixingrengejihuan 解离性人格疾患|dissociative identity disorder/multip... jielong 接龙|to build up a sequence/a succession o... jielu 揭露|to expose/to unmask/to ferret out/to ... jielu 节录|to extract/to excerpt/excerpt jielu 结庐|to build one\'s house jielun 结论|conclusion/verdict/CL:個|个[ge4]/to con... jielv 戒律|monastic discipline/commandment jielv 节律|rhythm/pace jielve 劫掠|to loot/to plunder jielve 节略|abbreviation jielveben 节略本|abridged version jiema 解码|to decode/to decipher jiemai 结脉|knotted or slow pulse (TCM) jieman 届满|(of a term of office) to expire jiemao 睫毛|eyelashes jiemaogao 睫毛膏|mascara jiemaqi 解码器|decoder jiemei 姐妹|sisters/siblings/sister (school, city... jiemeihua 姐妹花|beautiful sisters jiemen 解闷|to relieve boredom or melancholy/a di... jiemeng 解梦|to interpret a dream jiemeng 结盟|to form an alliance/to ally oneself w... jiemi 解密|to declassify/(computing) to decrypt/... jiemi 揭秘|to reveal a secret jiemi 解谜|to solve the riddle jiemi 揭密|variant of 揭秘[jie1mi4] jiemi 杰米|(name) Jamie; Jim jiemian 界面|contact surface/(computing) interface jiemian 截面|section/cross-section jiemian 介面|(Tw) interface (computing) jiemian 解免|to avoid (difficulties)/to open up a ... jiemianlu 洁面露|cleansing lotion jiemianru 洁面乳|cleansing lotion jiemindaoxuan 解民倒悬|lit. to rescue the people from hangin... jieming 诫命|commandment jieming 借命|to live out a pointless existence jieming 戒命|prohibition jiemo 芥末|mustard/wasabi jiemo 结膜|conjunctiva (membrane surrounding the... jiemo 芥茉|variant of 芥末[jie4 mo5] jiemo 结末|ending/finally jiemo 羯磨|karma (loanword) jiemoyan 结膜炎|conjunctivitis jiemu 节目|(TV or radio) program; show/item; act... jiemu 揭幕|opening/unveiling jiemu 结幕|final scene (of a play)/denouement jiemushi 揭幕式|opening ceremony/unveiling jien 吉恩|Gene (name) jiena 接纳|to admit (to membership) jiena 结纳|to make friends/to form friendship jienan 劫难|calamity jienang 解囊|lit. to loosen one\'s purse/fig. to gi... jieneiqiu 界内球|ball within bounds (sports)/in/fair b... jieneng 节能|to conserve energy; to minimize energ... jienengdeng 节能灯|compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) jienve 痎疟|(TCM) tertian malaria jieou 解耦|decoupling (electronics) jiepai 揭牌|to unveil the plaque for (a school, s... jiepai 节拍|beat (music)/meter jiepaiqi 节拍器|metronome jiepan 接盘|(of an entrepreneur) to buy up a stru... jiepang 街旁|Jiepang (Chinese location-based socia... jiepi 洁癖|mysophobia/obsession with cleanliness... jiepi 揭批|to expose and criticize jiepin 解聘|to dismiss an employee/to sack jieping 截屏|(computing) screenshot; to take a scr... jiepo 揭破|to uncover jiepou 解剖|to dissect (an animal)/to analyze/ana... jiepoudao 解剖刀|scalpel jiepoumaque 解剖麻雀|to dissect a sparrow/(fig.) to examin... jiepoushi 解剖室|a dissecting room jiepouxue 解剖学|anatomy jieqi 节气|solar term jieqi 解气|to assuage one\'s anger/gratifying (es... jieqi 节期|festival season jieqi 借契|contract for a loan jieqia 接洽|to discuss a matter with sb/to get in... jieqian 借钱|to borrow money; to lend money jieqiao 介壳|(zoology) shell jieqimen 节气门|throttle jieqin 结亲|to marry jieqing 结清|to settle (an account)/to square up jieqing 节庆|festival jieqiu 接球|to receive a served ball (volleyball,... jieqiu 劫囚|to break a prisoner out of jail jieqiuganlan 结球甘蓝|cabbage jiequ 截取|to cut off a section of sth jiequ 街区|block; neighborhood jiequ 借取|to borrow jiequan 解劝|to soothe/to pacify/to mollify/to med... jiequandao 截拳道|Jeet Kun Do or Way of the Interceptin... jier 基尔|Kiel (German city) jier 继而|then/afterwards jier 既而|soon after/later/then jier 鸡儿|chick; baby chicken/(vulgar) penis jier 及耳|(loanword) gill (unit) jieran 截然|sharply; distinctly; radically jieran 孑然|solitary/lonely/alone jieran 皆然|to be all the same way (literary) jieranbutong 截然不同|entirely different/different as black... jierang 接壤|to border on jieranyishen 孑然一身|to be all alone in the world jierbote 吉尔伯特|Gilbert (name) jierbotequndao 吉尔伯特群岛|Gilbert Islands jierda 吉尔达|gelada (Theropithecus gelada), Ethiop... jiere 解热|to relieve fever jieren 接任|to take over (as minister, manager etc) jieren 接人|to meet a person jieri 节日|holiday/festival/CL:個|个[ge4] jierjisi 吉尔吉斯|Kyrgyz/(Tw, HK) Kyrgyzstan jierjisiren 吉尔吉斯人|Kyrgyz (person) jierjisisitan 吉尔吉斯斯坦|Kyrgyzstan jierjisitan 吉尔吉斯坦|Kyrgyzstan jierjisizu 吉尔吉斯族|Kyrgyz ethnic group/also written 柯爾克孜... jierte 基尔特|guild (loanword) jieru 介入|to intervene; to get involved jieru 接入|to access (a network)/to insert (a pl... jierudian 接入点|(computer networking) access point jierufang 借入方|borrower/debit side (of a balance sheet) jierui 杰瑞|Jerry or Gerry (name) jieruisongfei 杰瑞·宋飞|Jerry Seinfeld jiesan 解散|to dissolve/to disband jiese 劫色|to sexually assault jiesha 劫杀|to rob and kill jieshang 街上|on the street/in town jieshang 接上|to connect (a cable etc)/to hook up (... jieshangshengzhi 节上生枝|a new branch grows out of a knot (idi... jieshao 介绍|to introduce (sb to sb)/to give a pre... jieshe 结社|to form an association jieshe 结舌|tongue-tied/unable to speak (out of s... jieshechongjian 戒奢崇俭|(idiom) to refrain from extravagance ... jieshen 戒慎|vigilant/cautious jieshen 孑身|all by oneself/all alone jiesheng 节省|saving/to save/to use sparingly/to cu... jiesheng 接生|to deliver (a newborn child) jieshengpo 接生婆|midwife jieshenmijing 解深密经|Sandhinir mokcana vyuha sutra, a yogi... jieshenzihao 洁身自好|clean-living and honest (idiom); to a... jiesheziyou 结社自由|(constitutional) freedom of association jieshi 解释|explanation/to explain/to interpret/t... jieshi 揭示|to show/to make known jieshi 结石|(medicine) calculus; stone jieshi 结识|to get to know sb/to meet sb for the ... jieshi 借势|to borrow sb\'s authority/to seize an ... jieshi 节食|to save food/to go on a diet jieshi 街市|downtown area/commercial district/(ch... jieshi 结实|to bear fruit jieshi 结实|rugged/sturdy/strong/durable/buff (ph... jieshi 届时|when the time comes/at the scheduled ... jieshi 洁食|kosher jieshihuanhun 借尸还魂|lit. reincarnated in sb else\'s body (... jieshipai 杰士派|Gatsby, Japanese cosmetics brand jieshiqi 解释器|interpreter (computing) jieshizhixing 解释执行|interpreted (computer) jieshou 接收|reception (of transmitted signal)/to ... jieshou 接受|to accept (a suggestion, punishment, ... jieshou 接手|to take over (duties etc)/catcher (ba... jieshou 解手|to relieve oneself (i.e. use the toil... jieshou 界首|Jieshou, county-level city in Fuyang ... jieshouji 接收机|receiver/TV or radio receiver jieshouqi 接收器|receiver jieshoushenwen 接受审问|under interrogation (for a crime)/on ... jieshoushi 界首市|Jieshou, county-level city in Fuyang ... jieshouzhe 接受者|recipient/person receiving sth jieshu 结束|termination/to finish/to end/to concl... jieshu 劫数|predestined fate (Buddhism) jieshu 解暑|to beat the summer heat jieshuang 结霜|to frost up jieshudan 借书单|book slip jieshui 节水|to save water jieshunantao 劫数难逃|Destiny is inexorable, there is no fl... jieshuo 解说|to explain (verbally); to give a runn... jieshuoci 解说词|commentary (for a film etc); caption ... jieshuoyuan 解说员|commentator jieshuyu 结束语|concluding remarks jieshuzheng 借书证|library card jiesu 借宿|to stay with sb/to ask for lodging jiesuan 结算|to settle a bill; to close an account jiesuanfangshi 结算方式|settlement terms (accountancy, law) jiesuanyao 解酸药|antacid jiesui 接穗|scion (branch or bud that is grafted ... jiesuo 解锁|to unlock/to release jieta 截塔|zeta (Greek letter Ζζ) jietan 截瘫|paraplegia/paralysis jietan 戒坛|ordination platform in a Buddhist temple jietanaozha 桀贪骜诈|brutal, greedy, arrogant and deceitfu... jietanxiangyi 街谈巷议|(idiom) town gossip/streetcorner conv... jieti 解体|to break up into components/to disint... jieti 阶梯|flight of steps/(fig.) stepping stone... jieti 接替|to replace/to take over (a position o... jieti 解题|to solve problems/to explicate jietiao 解调|demodulation/to demodulate jietiao 借条|receipt for a loan/IOU jietiao 戒条|commandment/precept jietifahui 借题发挥|to use the current topic to put over ... jietijiaoshi 阶梯教室|lecture theater jietijijia 阶梯计价|volumetric pricing/tiered pricing/dif... jieting 接听|to answer the phone jieting 截停|to intercept (a vehicle etc) jietong 接通|to connect/to put through jietong 解痛|to relieve pain/analgesic jietongfei 接通费|connection charge jietou 街头|street jietou 接头|connector; joint; coupling/(coll.) to... jietoubawang 街头霸王|Street Fighter (video game series) jietouxiangwei 街头巷尾|top of streets, bottom of alleys (idi... jietu 截图|(computing) screenshot; to take a scr... jietu 捷兔|Hash House Harriers (international ru... jietuo 解脱|to untie/to free/to absolve of/to get... jiewaishengzhi 节外生枝|(idiom) new problems arise unexpectedly jiewang 结网|to spin a web (spider)/to weave a net... jiewang 桀王|King Jie, the final ruler of the Xia ... jiewei 结尾|ending/coda/to wind up jiewei 解围|to lift a siege/to help sb out of tro... jiewei 借位|in arithmetic of subtraction, to borr... jiewei 阶位|order/rank/level jiewei 截尾|to dock; to trim (esp. the tail of an... jieweici 接尾词|suffix (in Japanese and Korean grammar) jiewen 接吻|to kiss jiewen 诘问|to ask questions/to interrogate jiewen 借问|(honorific) May I ask? jiewu 街舞|street dance (e.g. breakdance) jiewu 解悟|to understand; to comprehend; to gras... jiexi 解析|to analyze/to resolve/(math.) analysi... jiexi 揭西|Jiexi county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong jiexi 杰西|Jesse (name) jiexi 劫洗|to loot/plunder jiexi 接戏|to accept an acting role jiexi 解吸|to de-absorb/to get a chemical out of... jiexia 接下|to take on (a responsibility) jiexialai 接下来|to accept/to take/next/following jiexian 接线|wiring/to connect a wire jiexian 界限|boundary jiexian 界线|limits/bounds/dividing line jiexian 截线|intersecting line jiexianban 接线板|power strip jiexiang 街巷|streets and alleys/street/alley jiexiangdu 解像度|resolution (of images, monitors, scan... jiexiangli 解像力|resolving power (of a lens etc) jiexianhe 接线盒|junction box (elec.) jiexiansheng 接线生|switchboard operator; telephone operator jiexianyuan 接线员|switchboard operator jiexiao 揭晓|to announce publicly/to publish/to ma... jiexiaoshou 解小手|(coll.) to urinate jiexici 介系词|preposition jiexidu 解析度|(Tw) resolution (of an image, monitor... jiexihanshu 解析函数|(math.) an analytic function (of a co... jiexihanshulun 解析函数论|(math.) complex analytic function theory jiexijihe 解析几何|analytic geometry/coordinate geometry jiexijihexue 解析几何学|analytic geometry/coordinate geometry jiexika 杰西卡|Jessica (name) jiexika 洁西卡|Jessica (name) jiexikaaiba 洁西卡·艾芭|Jessica Alba, American actress jiexikaaierba 杰西卡·艾尔芭|Jessica Alba, American actress jiexin 戒心|vigilance/wariness jiexin 竭心|to do one\'s utmost jiexing 戒行|(Buddhism) to adhere strictly to the ... jiexiouwensi 杰西·欧文斯|Jesse Owens (1913-1980), American ath... jiexiu 介休|Jiexiu, county-level city in Jinzhong... jiexiushi 介休市|Jiexiu, county-level city in Jinzhong... jiexixian 揭西县|Jiexi county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong jiexu 接续|to follow/to continue jiexuan 节选|excerpt/selection (from a book)/to se... jiexun 结训|to complete the training course (Tw) jieya 解压|to relieve stress/(computing) to deco... jieya 洁牙|(dentistry) to perform or undergo sca... jieyan 戒严|to impose martial law/to impose emerg... jieyan 戒烟|to give up smoking jieyan 解严|to lift restrictions (such as curfew ... jieyang 揭阳|see 揭陽市|揭阳市[Jie1yang2 Shi4] jieyang 羯羊|wether (castrated ram) jieyangshi 揭阳市|Jieyang, prefecture-level city in Gua... jieyanling 戒严令|martial law jieyanqu 戒严区|restricted area/zone of application o... jieyao 解药|antidote jieyasuo 解压缩|to decompress/decompression (esp. com... jieye 结业|to finish school, esp. a short course... jieyi 结义|to swear brotherhood jieyi 介意|to care about/to take offense/to mind jieyi 解疑|to dispel doubts/to remove ambiguities jieyi 借以|so as to/for the purpose of/in order to jieyi 解颐|to smile/to laugh jieyi 孑遗|survivors/remnants/relict (species etc) jieyi 借译|loan translation/to calque jieyi 藉以|variant of 借以[jie4 yi3] jieyibu 借一步|could I have a word with you? (in pri... jieyici 借译词|calque jieyihangang 杰伊汉港|Ceyhan (Turkish Mediterranean port) jieyin 接引|to greet and usher in (guests, newcom... jieyin 皆因|simply because/all because jieying 接应|to provide support/to come to the rescue jieying 劫营|to seize a camp/to surprise the enemy... jieying 结缨|to die a hero/martyrdom in a good cause jieyinggudan 孑影孤单|to be all alone by oneself jieyishengwu 孑遗生物|living fossil jieyishihuo 解疑释惑|(idiom) to solve a problem/to resolve... jieyisuoshi 节衣缩食|to save on food and clothing (idiom);... jieyong 借用|to borrow sth for another use/to borr... jieyou 节油|to economize on gasoline/fuel-efficient jieyou 藉由|by means of; through; by jieyou 借由|by means of; through; by jieyu 结语|concluding remarks jieyu 结余|balance/cash surplus jieyu 劫狱|to break into jail/to forcibly releas... jieyu 节育|to practice birth control jieyu 节余|to save/savings jieyu 介于|between/intermediate/to lie between jieyu 借喻|to use sth as a metaphor jieyu 劫余|remnants after a disaster/aftermath jieyu 捷语|Czech language jieyuan 结缘|to form ties/to become attached (to s... jieyuan 结怨|to arouse dislike/to incur hatred jieyuan 解元|first-placed candidate in the provinc... jieyue 节约|to economize/to conserve (resources)/... jieyue 解约|to terminate an agreement/to cancel a... jieyue 借阅|to borrow books to read jieyun 捷运|(Tw) mass rapid transit (MRT)/subway jieyuyang 积恶余殃|Accumulated evil will be repaid in su... jieza 结扎|to tie up/to bind up/(medicine) to li... jiezai 揭载|to publish jiezeeryu 竭泽而渔|lit. to drain the pond to get at the ... jiezhai 借债|to borrow money jiezhai 劫寨|to seize a stronghold/to surprise the... jiezhairen 借债人|debtor/borrower jiezhan 接战|to engage in battle jiezhang 结账|to pay the bill/to settle accounts/al... jiezhang 结帐|to pay the bill/to settle accounts/al... jiezhang 借账|to borrow money/to take a loan jiezhang 姐丈|older sister\'s husband/brother-in-law jiezhang 接掌|to take over/to take control jiezhe 接着|to catch and hold on/to continue/to g... jiezhe 借着|by means of; through; with the help of jiezhi 截止|to end; to close/(electricity) cut-off jiezhi 节制|to control/to restrict/to moderate/to... jiezhi 介质|medium/media jiezhi 截至|up to (a time)/by (a time) jiezhi 截肢|amputation (medicine)/to amputate jiezhi 戒指|(finger) ring jiezhi 解职|to dismiss from office/to discharge/t... jiezhi 借支|to get an advance on one\'s pay jiezhi 节支|to save on expenditure jiezhi 接枝|(tree) graft jiezhi 喼汁|Worcestershire sauce jiezhi 界址|boundary (of a piece of land or terri... jiezhi 借指|to refer to/metaphor jiezhidao 截止到|(before an expression indicating a po... jiezhidingli 介值定理|intermediate value theorem (math.) jiezhidongwu 节肢动物|arthropod jiezhifangwenkongzhi 介质访问控制|Medium Access Control/MAC jiezhifangwenkongzhiceng 介质访问控制层|MAC layer jiezhijietibingdu 节肢介体病毒|arbovirus jiezhiqixian 截止期限|deadline jiezhiri 截止日|deadline; cut-off date jiezhisuo 戒治所|drug rehabilitation center jiezhitui 介之推|Jie Zhitui (7th century BC), legendar... jiezhixiangwen 街知巷闻|to be known to everyone jiezhizhi 截止至|(before an expression indicating a po... jiezhong 接种|to be vaccinated/to be inoculated jiezhong 接踵|to follow on sb\'s heels jiezhong 借重|to rely on sb for support jiezhongerlai 接踵而来|to come one after the other jiezhou 介胄|armor jiezhu 借助|to draw support from/with the help of jiezhu 揭橥|to disclose/to announce jiezhu 接住|to catch (sth thrown etc)/to receive ... jiezhu 借住|to lodge jiezhu 借箸|lit. to borrow chopsticks/to make pla... jiezhuangti 睫状体|ciliary body (in the eye, containing ... jiezi 疖子|(medicine) boil/furuncle/knot (in wood) jiezi 介子|meson/mesotron (physics) jiezi 结子|to bear seeds (of plant) jiezi 结子|knot (on a rope or string) jiezi 节子|gnarl/knot jiezi 借字|see 通假字[tong1 jia3 zi4] jiezi 褯子|(dialect) diaper jiezi 戒子|(finger) ring jieziqi 芥子气|mustard gas jiezir 借字儿|IOU/receipt for a loan jiezitui 介子推|see 介之推[Jie4 Zhi1 tui1] jieziyizhu 借资挹注|to make use of sth in order to make g... jieziyizhu 藉资挹注|variant of 借資挹注|借资挹注[jie4 zi1 yi4 zhu4] jiezou 节奏|rhythm/tempo/musical pulse/cadence/beat jiezoubulusi 节奏布鲁斯|Rhythm and Blues R&B jiezoukouji 节奏口技|beatboxing jiezu 羯族|Jie people, a tribe of northern China... jiezudongwu 节足动物|arthropod, segmented animals with joi... jiezuo 杰作|masterpiece jiezuxiandeng 捷足先登|the quick-footed climb up first (idio... jifa 技法|technique/method jifa 激发|to arouse/to stimulate/(physics) to e... jifa 寄发|to dispatch/to send out (mail) jifa 记法|notation jifan 机翻|machine translation (abbr. for 機器翻譯|机... jifang 机房|machine room/engine room/computer room jifang 己方|our side/one\'s own (side etc) jifang 寄放|to leave sth with sb jifang 缉访|to search and enquire jifei 基肥|base fertilizer jifei 积肥|to accumulate manure/to lay down compost jifeichengshi 积非成是|a wrong repeated becomes right (idiom... jifeidanda 鸡飞蛋打|the chicken has flown the coop and th... jifeigoutiao 鸡飞狗跳|lit. chickens flying and dogs jumping... jifen 记分|to keep score jifen 几分|somewhat/a bit jifen 积分|integral (calculus)/accumulated point... jifen 计分|to calculate the score jifen 齑粉|fine powder/broken pieces jifen 激愤|to stir up emotions/furious/angry/anger jifen 激奋|aroused/excited jifen 积愤|accumulated anger/pent-up fury jifen 激忿|variant of 激憤|激愤[ji1 fen4] jifenbang 积分榜|table of scores (in exams or sports l... jifenbianhuan 积分变换|integral transform (math.) jifenchangshu 积分常数|constant of integration (math.) jifenfangcheng 积分方程|integral equation (math.) jifeng 疾风|strong wind/gale jifeng 季风|monsoon jifeng 讥讽|to satirize/to ridicule/to mock jifengershi 及锋而试|lit. to reach the tip and try (idiom)... jifengjingcao 疾风劲草|lit. sturdy grass withstands high win... jifengzhijincao,liehuojianzhenjin 疾风知劲草,烈火见真金|lit. sturdy grass withstands high win... jifengzhijingcao 疾风知劲草|lit. sturdy grass withstands high win... jifenhuan 计分环|scoring ring (on shooting target) jifenka 计分卡|scorecard jifenxue 积分学|integral calculus jifou 击缶|to beat time with a percussion instru... jifu 给付|to pay/payment jifu 肌肤|skin/flesh/fig. close physical relati... jifu 基辅|Kyiv or Kiev, capital of Ukraine jifu 继父|stepfather jifu 寄父|foster father jifu 季父|uncle (father\'s youngest brother) jifu 即付|to pay on demand jifuluosi 基辅罗斯|Kievan Rus\', East Slavic state that r... jifumu 继父母|step-parents jigai 基改|(Tw) genetically modified; GM (abbr. ... jigansuanerna 肌苷酸二钠|disodium inosinate (E631) jige 几个|a few/several/how many jige 及格|to pass an exam or a test/to meet a m... jigexian 及格线|passing line or score (in an examinat... jigong 技工|skilled worker jigong 记工|to record work points 工分[gong1 fen1] jigong 济公|Jigong or Daoji (1130-1207), Southern... jigonghaoyi 急公好义|public-spirited jigongjinli 急功近利|seeking instant benefit (idiom); shor... jigongxuexiao 技工学校|vocational high school (abbr. to 技校[j... jigongyuan 记工员|work-point recorder jigou 机构|mechanism/structure/organization/agen... jigou 积垢|deeply accumulated filth jigu 脊骨|backbone jigu 唧咕|(onom.) whisper jigu 稽古|to learn from the ancients/to study t... jigu 挤咕|to wink at jigu 鸡菇|see 雞腿菇|鸡腿菇[ji1 tui3 gu1] jigua 记挂|(dialect) to keep thinking about (sth... jiguan 机关|mechanism; gear/machine-operated/offi... jiguan 鸡冠|Jiguan district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji... jiguan 鸡冠|crest/cockscomb jiguan 籍贯|one\'s native place/place of ancestry/... jiguan 妓馆|brothel jiguan 笄冠|to have just attained maturity (tradi... jiguan 集管|header (of piping system) jiguanbao 机关报|official (government-operated) newspaper jiguanbujing 机关布景|machine-operated stage scenery jiguanche 机关车|locomotive jiguang 激光|laser jiguang 极光|aurora (meteorology) jiguangbi 激光笔|laser pointer jiguangchangpian 激光唱片|compact disk; CD/CL:片[pian4],張|张[zhang1] jiguangdayinji 激光打印机|laser printer jiguangerjiguan 激光二极管|laser diode jiguangleida 激光雷达|lidar jiguangqi 激光器|laser jiguanhua 鸡冠花|cockscomb flower/Celosia cristata jiguanpao 机关炮|machine cannon/machine-gun cannon jiguanqiang 机关枪|machine gun/also written 機槍|机枪[ji1 qi... jiguanqu 鸡冠区|Jiguan district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji... jiguansuanjintaicongming,fansuanleqingqingxingming 机关算尽太聪明,反算了卿卿性命|if one is too calculating, it will be... jiguchuanhua 击鼓传花|beat the drum, pass the flower (game ... jigufangji 积谷防饥|storing grain against a famine/to lay... jigui 继轨|to follow in the steps of jigumingjin 击鼓鸣金|to beat the drum and sound the gong (... jiguo 记过|to give sb a demerit jiguo 挤过|to squeeze through/to force one\'s way... jigushenjingyixue 脊骨神经医学|chiropractic jiguzhenjin 稽古振今|studying the old to promote the new (... jihai 己亥|thirty-sixth year F12 of the 60 year ... jihanjiaopo 饥寒交迫|beset by hunger and cold (idiom)/star... jihanshu 奇函数|odd function (math.) jihao 记号|mark/symbol/notation/seal jihao 极好|fabulous/superb/excellent jihao 几号|(slang) heroin jihaobi 记号笔|(permanent) marker (pen) jihe 几何|geometry/(literary) how much jihe 集合|to gather; to assemble/(math.) set jihe 稽核|to audit/to verify/to examine/auditing jihe 极核|polar nucleus jiheguangxue 几何光学|geometric optics jihejishu 几何级数|geometric series jihejishuzengzhang 几何级数增长|exponential increase jiheliang 几何量|geometric quantity jihelun 集合论|set theory (math.) jihemingci 集合名词|collective noun (linguistics) jihen 记恨|to bear grudges jihen 嫉恨|to hate out of jealousy; to resent jihen 忌恨|hate (due to envy etc) jihen 赍恨|to have a gnawing regret jihepingjunshu 几何平均数|geometric mean jiheti 集合体|aggregate/ensemble/bundle jihetuopu 几何拓扑|(math.) geometric topology jihetuopuxue 几何拓扑学|(math.) geometric topology jihetuxing 几何图形|geometric figure jihexue 几何学|geometry jiheyuanben 几何原本|Euclid\'s Elements jihou 季候|season jihou 继后|later/afterwards jihouhou 急吼吼|impatient jihouliuguang 积厚流广|deep rooted and influential jihousai 季后赛|a playoff jihu 几乎|almost; nearly; practically jihua 计划|plan/project/program/to plan/to map o... jihua 极化|polarization jihua 激化|to intensify jihua 计画|variant of 計劃|计划[ji4 hua4] jihua 挤花|(cookery) to decorate using a piping ... jihua 檵花|fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense),... jihuabaofei 计划报废|planned obsolescence jihuadai 挤花袋|piping bag (cookery) jihuai 寄怀|emotions expressed in writing jihuajingji 计划经济|planned economy jihuamubiao 计划目标|planned target/scheduled target jihuan 羁宦|(literary) to serve as a government o... jihuang 饥荒|crop failure/famine/debt/difficulty jihuashengyu 计划生育|family planning jihuaxingbaofei 计划性报废|planned obsolescence jihubu 几乎不|hardly/seems not jihui 机会|opportunity/chance/occasion/CL:個|个[ge4] jihui 集会|to gather/assembly/meeting/CL:個|个[ge4... jihui 忌讳|taboo/to avoid as taboo/to abstain from jihui 际会|opportunity/chance jihui 击毁|to attack and destroy jihui 季会|quarterly meeting jihui 脊灰|polio (abbr. for 脊髓灰質炎|脊髓灰质炎[ji3sui3 ... jihuichengben 机会成本|opportunity cost jihuizhuyi 机会主义|opportunism/pragmatism jihunzu 急婚族|(coll.) those who are in a rush to ge... jihuo 激活|to activate jihuo 即或|even if/even though jihuo 缉获|to arrest/to apprehend jihuo 急火|brisk heat (cooking)/(TCM) internal h... jihuoluan 鸡霍乱|fowl cholera jihuwanquan 几乎完全|almost entirely/almost completely jiji 积极|active/energetic/vigorous/positive (o... jiji 唧唧|(onom.) chirping of insects, sighing ... jiji 基极|base electrode (in transistor) jiji 寂寂|quiet jiji 济济|large number of people jiji 籍籍|noisy/of high reputation/intricate jiji 寄籍|to register as domiciled in another l... jiji 鸡鸡|penis (childish) jiji 济急|to give relief (material) jiji 寄迹|to live away from home temporarily jiji 辑集|to anthologize jiji 集集|Jiji or Chichi Town in Nantou County ... jiji 及笄|to reach marriageable age (a girl\'s f... jiji-wuming 籍籍无名|unknown; unrenowned jiji-wuming 寂寂无名|unknown; unrenowned jijia 计价|to valuate/valuation jijia 技嘉|GIGABYTE Technology Co., Ltd. jijia 机甲|mecha (human-operated robots in Japan... jijiajiu 机加酒|flight and hotel (travel package) (ab... jijiali 基加利|Kigali, capital of Rwanda jijiali 吉佳利|Kigali, capital of Rwanda (Tw) jijian 纪检|disciplinary inspection/to inspect an... jijian 击剑|fencing (sport) jijian 肌腱|tendon (anatomy)/sinew/hamstrings jijian 基建|capital construction (project)/infras... jijian 机件|component (mechanics) jijian 己见|one\'s own viewpoint jijian 鸡奸|sodomy; anal intercourse; buggery jijian 积渐|gradually jijian 㚻奸|variant of 雞奸|鸡奸[ji1 jian1] jijian 几谏|to admonish tactfully jijianfei 机建费|airport construction fee (abbr. for 機... jijiang 即将|about to; on the point of; soon jijiang 激将|to spur sb into action by making nega... jijiangfa 激将法|indirect, psychological method of get... jijianglailin 即将来临|imminent jijiangongzi 计件工资|piece rate wage/remuneration based on... jijianren 寄件人|sender jijianzhe 寄件者|see 寄件人[ji4 jian4 ren2] jijianzhe 击剑者|fencer (i.e. sportsman involved in fe... jijianzhuyi 极简主义|minimalism jijiao 计较|to bother about/to haggle/to bicker/t... jijiao 犄角|horn jijiao 基脚|footing/pedestal jijiao 鸡脚|chicken feet jijiao 极角|polar angle/argument (angle in polar ... jijiaogala 犄角旮旯|corner/nook jijiaqi 计价器|fare meter/taximeter jijichacha 挤挤插插|crowded tightly/jam-packed jijie 季节|time/season/period/CL:個|个[ge4] jijie 集结|to assemble/to concentrate/to mass/to... jijie 继姐|older stepsister jijiexing 季节性|seasonal jijifanying 积极反应|active response/energetic response jijifenzi 积极分子|enthusiast/(political) activist jijigaga 唧唧嘎嘎|(onom.) cackling/creaking jijigaga 叽叽嘎嘎|(onom.) giggling noise jijiguagua 咭咭呱呱|(onom.) giggling noise jijigugu 叽叽咕咕|(onom.) to mutter/to mumble/to whisper jijijinqu 积极进取|proactive jijikewei 岌岌可危|imminent danger (idiom); approaching ... jijimangmang 急急忙忙|hurriedly jijin 集锦|a collection of choice items (poems, ... jijin 基金|fund jijin 几近|to be on the brink of; to be on the v... jijin 暨今|up to now/to this day jijin 挤进|to break into/to force one\'s way into... jijin 挤紧|to squeeze jijin 激进|radical/extreme/extremist jijinfenzi 激进分子|radicals; extremists jijing 寂静|quiet jijing 鸡精|chicken bouillon powder (PRC)/essence... jijing 机警|perceptive/astute/sharp/sharp-witted/... jijing 几经|to go through numerous (setbacks, rev... jijing 极径|modulus (distance from the origin in ... jijing 季经|(coll.) menstruation that comes only ... jijingong 几进宫|(slang) to have served several senten... jijinhua 激进化|radicalization/to radicalize jijinhui 基金会|foundation (institution supported by ... jijinjianzhen 饥馑荐臻|famine repeats unceasingly (idiom, fr... jijinleiyu 积金累玉|to accumulate gold and jewels (idiom)... jijinwuzhuang 激进武装|armed extremists jijinwuzhuangfenzi 激进武装分子|armed extremists jijinzhuyi 激进主义|radicalism jijiu 急救|to give emergency treatment/first aid jijiu 祭酒|to offer a libation/person who perfor... jijiu 唧啾|(onom.) babble/twittering of birds jijiu 积久|to accumulate over time jijiuxiang 急救箱|first-aid kit jijiuzhan 急救站|emergency desk/first aid office jijixing 积极性|zeal/initiative/enthusiasm/activity jijiyitang 济济一堂|to congregate in one hall (idiom); to... jijizhazha 唧唧喳喳|(onom.) chattering or giggling jijizhazha 叽叽喳喳|(onom.) chirp/twitter/buzzing/to chat... jijizhen 集集镇|Jiji or Chichi Town in Nantou County ... jiju 积聚|to coalesce/to gather together/to amass jiju 寄居|to live away from home jiju 集聚|to assemble; to gather jiju 急剧|rapid; sudden jiju 集居|community/living together jiju 急遽|rapid; sudden jiju 级距|range of values/category defined by a... jijue 剞劂|(literary) a knife used for carving; ... jijun 季军|third in a race/bronze medalist jijuxie 寄居蟹|hermit crab jikan 季刊|quarterly publication jikan 集刊|collection of papers (published as on... jike 即可|equivalent to 就可以/can then (do sth)/c... jike 饥渴|hungry and thirsty/(fig.) to crave (k... jike 即刻|immediately/instant/instantly jike 极客|(loanword) (coll.) geek jikeluanzhen 几可乱真|to seem almost genuine/easily mistake... jikeng 基坑|foundation groove/trench for building... jikong 祭孔|to offer sacrifices to Confucius jikongkenyare 基孔肯雅热|chikungunya fever jikongzhongxin 疾控中心|Centers for Disease Control and Preve... jikou 忌口|abstain from certain food (as when il... jiku 疾苦|pain and difficulties/suffering (of t... jiku 机库|(aircraft) hangar jikua 挤垮|to squash/to crush/to squeeze out of ... jikuai 鸡块|chicken nugget/chicken piece jikui 击溃|to defeat; to smash; to rout jikunfuwei 济困扶危|to help those in distress (idiom) jila 极辣|very spicy jilade 吉拉德|Gillard (name) jilaijiqu 挤来挤去|to mill about/to jostle jilaizhi,zeanzhi 既来之,则安之|Since they have come, we should make ... jilandan 吉兰丹|Kelantan (state of Malaysia) jilandanhe 吉兰丹河|Kelantan River of Malaysia, near Thai... jilandanzhou 吉兰丹州|Kelantan sultanate of Malaysia, near ... jilang 激浪|Mountain Dew jilani 吉拉尼|Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani (1952-), Paki... jilao 姬佬|(slang) lesbian jilao 基佬|(slang) gay guy jilaochengji 积劳成疾|to accumulate work causes sickness (i... jilaweie 基拉韦厄|Kilauea, Hawaii, the world\'s most act... jile 极乐|bliss/extreme happiness jile 极了|extremely/exceedingly jile 吉勒|Gilles (name) jilei 积累|to accumulate/accumulation/cumulative... jilei 鸡肋|chicken ribs/sth of little value or i... jilei 季肋|hypochondrium (anatomy) jilei 脊肋|ribcage jileiduxing 积累毒性|cumulative poison jileixing 积累性|cumulative jileshijie 极乐世界|paradise (mainly Buddhist)/Elysium/(B... jili 吉利|Geely, Chinese car make jili 吉利|auspicious/lucky/propitious jili 激励|to encourage/to urge/motivation/incen... jili 机理|mechanism jili 肌理|texture (of skin, surface etc) jili 祭礼|sacrificial offerings/worship/religio... jili 蒺藜|(botany) caltrop; puncture vine (Trib... jili 悸栗|to tremble with fear jili 极力|to make a supreme effort/at all costs jilian 畸恋|improper love affair; unhealthy relat... jilian 级联|cascade/cascading jiliang 计量|measurement/to calculate jiliang 剂量|dosage/prescribed dose of medicine jiliang 伎俩|trick; scheme; ploy/skill jiliang 脊梁|backbone/spine/Taiwan pr. [ji3 liang5] jiliang 脊梁|(coll.) back (of a human or other ver... jiliang 技俩|variant of 伎倆|伎俩[ji4 liang3] jiliangbang 计量棒|measuring rod/dipstick jiliangdangliang 剂量当量|dose equivalent jilianggu 脊梁骨|backbone jiliangxiaoying 剂量效应|dose effect jiliangzhi 计量制|system of weights and measures jiliao 寂寥|(literary) quiet and desolate/lonely/... jiliao 集料|aggregate/material gathered together/... jilibasi 基里巴斯|Kiribati (formerly the Gilbert Islands) jilibasi 吉里巴斯|Kiribati (formerly the Gilbert Island... jilibasigongheguo 基里巴斯共和国|Kiribati jiliding 吉利丁|(loanword) gelatin jilie 激烈|(of competition or fighting) intense/... jilie 吉列|Gillette (brand) jilie 吉列|breaded and fried cutlet (loanword vi... jilifu 吉利服|ghillie suit (loanword) jiliguala 机哩瓜拉|(Taiwan) see 嘰哩咕嚕|叽哩咕噜[ji1 li5 gu1 lu1] jiligulu 叽里咕噜|see 嘰哩咕嚕|叽哩咕噜[ji1 li5 gu1 lu1] jiligulu 叽哩咕噜|(onom.) to jabber/to rumble jilijizhi 激励机制|incentive mechanism; incentives jilin 吉林|see 吉林省[Ji2lin2 Sheng3]/see 吉林市[Ji2li... jilindaxue 吉林大学|Jilin University jiling 机灵|clever/quick-witted jiling 即令|even if/even though jiling 激灵|to quiver jiling 畸零|fractional part of a real number/odd ... jiling 鹡鸰|wagtail jiling 机伶|variant of 機靈|机灵[ji1 ling5] jiling 脊令|variant of 鶺鴒|鹡鸰[ji2 ling2] jilinggousui 鸡零狗碎|in pieces jilinggui 机灵鬼|(jocular) clever and quick-witted person jilinsheng 吉林省|Jilin Province, capital Changchun 長春|... jilinshi 吉林市|Jilin, prefecture-level city in Jilin... jilinuo 季黎诺|Quirinius, governor of Syria (c. 51 B... jiliu 激流|torrent/torrential current/whitewater jiliu 急流|torrent jiliu 羁留|to stay/to detain jiliuhuixuan 激流回旋|canoe slalom jilong 集拢|to gather/to assemble jilong 基隆|Chilung or Keelung, city and major po... jilong 吉隆|Gyirong county, Tibetan: Skyid grong ... jilongpo 吉隆坡|Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia jilongshi 基隆市|Chilung or Keelung, city and major po... jilongxian 吉隆县|Gyirong county, Tibetan: Skyid grong ... jilu 记录|to record/record (written account)/no... jilu 纪录|variant of 記錄|记录[ji4 lu4] (but in Tai... jilu 辑录|to compile; to collect jilu 集录|to compile (various texts) into book ... jilu 季路|Ji Lu (542-480 BC), disciple of Confu... jiluba 吉鲁巴|jitterbug (loanword) jilucheng 姬路城|Himeji-jō, castle complex in Himeji, ... jilun 棘轮|ratchet jiluo 击落|to shoot down (a plane) jiluo 挤落|(coll.) to push aside jiluomitu 吉罗米突|kilometer (old) (loanword) jiluomitu 基罗米突|kilometer (old) (loanword) jilupian 纪录片|newsreel/documentary (film or TV prog... jilupian 记录片|variant of 紀錄片|纪录片[ji4 lu4 pian4] jiluqi 记录器|recorder jilushi 姬路市|Himeji city in Hyōgo prefecture 兵庫縣|兵... jiluyuan 记录员|recorder jilv 几率|probability/odds jilv 纪律|discipline jilv 机率|(Tw) (math.) probability jilv 羁旅|(literary) to stay long in a place fa... jilvjianchaweiyuanhui 纪律检查委员会|Central Commission for Discipline Ins... jima 蓟马|(zoology) thrips (order Thysanoptera)... jimai 寄卖|to consign for sale jiman 挤满|crowded to bursting point/filled to o... jimang 急忙|hastily jimao 鸡毛|chicken feather/CL:根[gen1]/trivial jimao 己卯|sixteenth year F4 of the 60 year cycl... jimao 集贸|market/trade jimaodian 鸡毛店|a simple inn with only chicken feathe... jimaosuanpi 鸡毛蒜皮|lit. chicken feathers and garlic skin... jimei 集美|Jimei, a district of Xiamen City 廈門市|... jimei 激酶|kinase (biochemistry) jimei 继妹|younger stepsister jimeinongyan 挤眉弄眼|to make eyes/to wink jimeiqu 集美区|Jimei, a district of Xiamen City 廈門市|... jimi 机密|secret/classified (information) jimi 吉米|Jimmy, Jimmie or Jimi (name) jimi 几米|Jimmy Liao (1958-), pen name of 廖福彬[L... jimian 基面|ground plane (in perspective drawing) jimie 寂灭|to die out/to fade away/nirvana (Budd... jimihua 鸡米花|chicken nuggets/popcorn chicken jimin 机敏|agility jimin 基民|fund investor/(coll.) gay person jimindang 基民党|Christian democratic party jiming 寄名|adopted name/to take a name (of one\'s... jiminggoudao 鸡鸣狗盗|crowing like a cock and stealing like... jimiwenjian 机密文件|secret document jimixing 机密性|confidentiality jimo 寂寞|lonely/lonesome/(of a place) quiet/si... jimo 基模|(psychology) schema jimo 籍没|(literary) (of the government) to reg... jimo 吉莫|(old) name of a kind of leather jimoshenke 季莫申科|Tymoshenko (name)/Yulia Tymoshenko (1... jimou 机谋|stratagem/scheme/shrewdness jimou 计谋|stratagem; scheme jimu 积木|toy building blocks jimu 继母|stepmother jimu 辑睦|tranquil/harmonious jimu 寄母|foster mother jimu 辑穆|variant of 輯睦|辑睦[ji2 mu4] jimu 檵木|fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense),... jimuchong 鸡母虫|beetle larva jimunai 吉木乃|Jeminay county or Jéminey nahiyisi in... jimunaixian 吉木乃县|Jeminay county or Jéminey nahiyisi in... jimusaer 吉木萨尔|Jimsar county or Jimisar nahiyisi in ... jimusaerxian 吉木萨尔县|Jimsar county or Jimisar nahiyisi in ... jimuyuanwang 极目远望|as far as the eye can see jin 金|surname Jin/surname Kim (Korean)/Jurc... jin 金|gold/chemical element Au/generic term... jin 进|to go forward/to advance/to go in/to ... jin 近|near/close to/approximately jin 仅|barely/only/merely jin 紧|tight/strict/close at hand/near/urgen... jin 巾|towel/general purpose cloth/women\'s h... jin 尽|to the greatest extent/(when used bef... jin 尽|to use up/to exhaust/to end/to finish... jin 襟|lapel/overlap of Chinese gown/fig. bo... jin 锦|brocade/embroidered work/bright jin 禁|to endure jin 禁|to prohibit/to forbid jin 津|abbr. for Tianjin 天津[Tian1 jin1] jin 津|saliva/sweat/a ferry crossing/a ford ... jin 晋|surname Jin/the Jin Dynasties (265-42... jin 晋|to move forward/to promote/to advance jin 今|now/the present time/current/contempo... jin 劲|strength/energy/enthusiasm/spirit/moo... jin 筋|muscle/tendon/veins visible under the... jin 矜|to boast/to esteem/to sympathize jin 瑾|brilliancy (of gems) jin 浸|to immerse/to soak/to steep/gradually jin 珒|a kind of jade jin 谨|cautious/careful/solemnly/sincerely (... jin 烬|(bound form) cinders; ashes jin 浕|river in Hubei province jin 堇|clay/old variant of 僅|仅[jin3]/violet ... jin 斤|catty/(PRC) weight equal to 500 g/(Tw... jin 靳|surname Jin jin 靳|martingale/stingy jin 缙|red silk jin 槿|Hibiscus syriacus/transient jin 廑|careful/hut/variant of 僅|仅[jin3] jin 噤|unable to speak/silent jin 觔|variant of 筋[jin1]/variant of 斤[jin1] jin 妗|wife of mother\'s brother jin 搢|shake/stick into/strike jin 唫|to stutter/to shut one\'s mouth/Taiwan... jin 衿|collar/belt/variant of 襟[jin1] jin 琎|jade-like stone jin 墐|bury/plaster with mud jin 瑨|(literary) jade-like stone jin 荩|Arthraxon ciliare/loyal jin 菫|variant of 堇[jin3]/violet jin 溍|water/name of a river jin 賮|farewell presents jin 赆|farewell presents jin 祲|evil force jin 卺|nuptial wine cup jin 紟|a sash/to tie jin 厪|hut jin 馑|time of famine or crop failure jin 殣|die of hunger jin 肵|table jin 寖|old variant of 浸[jin4] jin 觐|(history) to have an audience with th... jin-chukou 进出口|importation and exportation; import-e... jin-yin-tong-tie-xi 金银铜铁锡|the five metals: gold, silver, copper... jina 缉拿|to arrest/to seize jina 集纳|to collect/to gather together jinai 挤奶|to milk jinai 基奈|Kenai (Peninsula, Lake, Mountains), A... jinan 济南|see 濟南市|济南市[Ji3nan2 Shi4] jinan 晋安|Jin\'an, a district of Fuzhou City 福州市... jinan 金安|Jin\'an, a district of Lu\'an City 六安市[... jinan 急难|misfortune/crisis/grave danger/critic... jinan 极南|extreme south jinandaxue 暨南大学|Jinan University in Guangdong Provinc... jinanqu 晋安区|Jin\'an, a district of Fuzhou City 福州市... jinanqu 金安区|Jin\'an, a district of Lu\'an City 六安市[... jinanshi 济南市|Jinan, sub-provincial city and capita... jinba 紧巴|tight (i.e. lacking money)/hard up/sa... jinbaba 紧巴巴|tight fitting/hard up (i.e. lacking m... jinbabuwei 津巴布韦|Zimbabwe jinbang 金榜|(lit.) tablet with inscription in gol... jinbangtiming 金榜题名|to win top marks in the imperial exam... jinbanheng 金斑鸻|(bird species of China) Pacific golde... jinbao 紧抱|to hug/to embrace jinbao 襟抱|ambition/an aspiration jinbao 尽饱|to be stuffed to the gills/to eat to ... jinbao 金宝|Campbell (name)/Kampar, town in the s... jinbawang 金霸王|Duracell (US brand of batteries etc) jinbeisanzhizhuomuniao 金背三趾啄木鸟|(bird species of China) common flameb... jinbeng 紧绷|to stretch taut/(of muscles etc) taut... jinbengbeng 紧绷绷|tight; stretched/(face, lips) taut; s... jinbenwei 金本位|gold standard jinbi 金币|gold coin jinbi 紧逼|to press hard/to close in on jinbi 紧闭|to close securely/tightly closed/secure jinbi 进逼|to advance on sth; to press closely (... jinbian 金边|Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia jinbian 近便|nearby and therefore convenient jinbiao 锦标|prize/trophy/title jinbiaosai 锦标赛|championship contest/championships jinbihuihuang 金碧辉煌|gold and jade in glorious splendor (i... jinbiyinghuang 金碧荧煌|splendid in green and gold (idiom); l... jinbo 金箔|gold leaf jinbo 金钵|(gold) alms bowl (of a Buddhist monk) jinboliyan 金伯利岩|Kimberlite (geology) jinbu 进步|progress; improvement/to improve; to ... jinbu 进补|to take a tonic (for one\'s health) jinbuhao 进步号|Progress (name of Russian spaceship) jinbuqi 禁不起|to be unable to stand jinburuxi 今不如昔|things are not as good as they used t... jinbuzhu 禁不住|can\'t help it/can\'t bear it jinbuzhuyi 进步主义|progressivism jincai 堇菜|violet (botany) jincan 进餐|to have a meal jincancan 金灿灿|golden-bright and dazzling jinchaji 晋察冀|Shanxi 山西[Shan1 xi1], Chahar 察哈爾|察哈尔[... jinchan 金蝉|Golden Cicada jinchang 进场|to enter the venue/to enter the arena... jinchang 金昌|see 金昌市[Jin1chang1 Shi4] jinchangshi 金昌市|Jinchang, prefecture-level city in Ga... jinchangtongxin 近场通信|(computing) near-field communication ... jinchangtongxun 近场通讯|(Tw) (computing) near-field communica... jinchantuoqiao 金蝉脱壳|lit. the cicada sheds its carapace (i... jinchao 金朝|Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), founded by t... jinchao 晋朝|Jin Dynasty (265-420) jinchen 今晨|this morning jinchen 近臣|member of a monarch\'s inner ministeri... jinchen 浸沉|to soak/to steep jincheng 晋城|see 晉城市|晋城市[Jin4cheng2 Shi4] jincheng 进程|course of events; process jincheng 进城|to go to town/to enter a big city (to... jinchengjiang 金城江|Jinchengjiang district of Hechi city ... jinchengjiangqu 金城江区|Jinchengjiang district of Hechi city ... jinchengshi 晋城市|Jincheng, prefecture-level city in Sh... jinchengtangchi 金城汤池|impregnable fortress jinchengzhen 金城镇|Jincheng (common place name)/Chinchen... jinchi 矜持|reserved/aloof jinchi 金翅|oriental greenfinch (Carduelis sinica) jinchique 金翅雀|(bird species of China) grey-capped g... jinchizaomei 金翅噪鹛|(bird species of China) Assam laughin... jinchu 进出|to enter or exit/to go through jinchu 近处|nearby jinchu 紧绌|supply shortage jinchuan 金川|Jinchuan County (Tibetan: chu chen rd... jinchuanqu 金川区|Jinchuan district of Jinchang city 金昌... jinchuanxian 金川县|Jinchuan County (Tibetan: chu chen rd... jinchujing 进出境|entering and leaving a country jinci 今次|this; the present (meeting etc)/this ... jincieryi 仅此而已|that\'s all; just this and nothing more jinciyu 仅次于|second only to ...; ranking behind on... jincongfen 金葱粉|glitter (sparkling material) jincongjiao 金葱胶|glitter glue jincou 紧凑|compact/terse/tight (schedule) jincoumiaozixianquan 紧凑渺子线圈|Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) jincouxingche 紧凑型车|compact car model jincun 今村|Imamura (Japanese name) jinda 近打|Kinta valley and river in Perak, Mala... jindahe 近打河|Kinta River in Perak, Malaysia jindai 近代|the not-very-distant past/modern time... jindai 晋代|Jin Dynasty (265-420) jindai 金代|Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), founded by t... jindaishi 近代史|modern history (for China, from the O... jindao 近道|shortcut/a quicker method jindao 尽到|to fulfill (one\'s duty etc) jindao 津岛|Tsushima, a city in Aichi prefecture,... jindaoruoquan 进道若蜷|progress seems like regress (alternat... jindaoruotui 进道若退|progress seems like regress (the Book... jindazhong 金大中|Kim Dae-jung (1926-2009), South Korea... jindi 禁地|forbidden area/restricted area/(fig.)... jindi 襟弟|husband of wife\'s younger sister jindiao 金雕|(bird species of China) golden eagle ... jindidian 近地点|apsis/perigee jindiguidao 近地轨道|low Earth orbit (LEO) jinding 紧盯|to gaze/to stare fixedly jinding 谨订|would like to invite (epistolary style) jindingdaiju 金顶戴菊|goldcrest (Regulus satrapa) jindingdaijuniao 金顶戴菊鸟|goldcrest (Regulus satrapa) jinditianti 近地天体|near-Earth object (NEO) jindizhuzhiyi 尽地主之谊|to act as host/to do the honors jindong 金东|Jindong district of Jinhua city 金華市|金... jindong 近东|Near East jindong 进动|precession (physics) jindongqu 金东区|Jindong district of Jinhua city 金華市|金... jindou 筋斗|tumble/somersault jindou 斤斗|variant of 筋斗[jin1 dou3] jindouyun 筋斗云|Sun Wukong\'s magical cloud jindu 进度|rate of progress jindu 禁毒|drug prohibition jindu 襟度|(literary) breadth of mind jinduan 锦缎|brocade jinduan 近端|(anatomy) proximal jinduanbaojiang 近端胞浆|proximal cytoplasm jindubiao 进度表|progress chart; schedule jindungongcheng 金盾工程|Golden Shield Project, information sy... jindutiao 进度条|(computing) progress bar jinduxishu 劲度系数|coefficient of restitution (in Hooke\'... jine 金额|sum of money/monetary value jineijin 鸡内金|chicken gizzard lining jineiya 几内亚|Guinea/Taiwan pr. [Ji1nei4ya4] jineiya 畿内亚|variant of 幾內亞|几内亚[Ji1nei4ya4] jineiyabishao 几内亚比绍|Guinea-Bissau jineiyabisuo 几内亚比索|Guinea-Bissau (Tw) jineiyawan 几内亚湾|Gulf of Guinea jineng 技能|technical ability/skill jineng 机能|function jinequemei 金额雀鹛|(bird species of China) golden-fronte... jiner 进而|and then (what follows next) jinesique 金额丝雀|(bird species of China) red-fronted s... jineyebei 金额叶鹎|(bird species of China) golden-fronte... jinfa 金发|blond/blonde/fair-haired jinfa 进发|(of a group of people or a convoy of ... jinfa 禁伐|a ban on logging jinfabiyan 金发碧眼|fair-haired and blue-eyed/blonde/of W... jinfan 进犯|to invade jinfang 谨防|to guard against/to beware of jinfanwan 金饭碗|secure and lucrative job jinfeixibi 今非昔比|(idiom) things are very different now... jinfeng 金峰|Jinfeng or Chinfeng township in Taitu... jinfengqu 金凤区|Jinfeng district of Yinchuan city 銀川市... jinfengxiang 金峰乡|Jinfeng or Chinfeng township in Taitu... jinfushi 金富轼|Kim Busik (1075-1151), court historia... jinfuyi 襟副翼|flaperon (aeronautics) jing 净|variant of 淨|净[jing4] jing 净|clean/completely/only/net (income, ex... jing 静|still/calm/quiet/not moving jing 惊|to startle/to be frightened/to be sca... jing 京|surname Jing/Jing ethnic minority/abb... jing 京|capital city of a country/big/algebra... jing 精|essence/extract/vitality/energy/semen... jing 景|surname Jing jing 景|(bound form) scenery/circumstance/sit... jing 井|Jing, one of the 28 constellations of... jing 井|a well/CL:口[kou3]/neat/orderly jing 敬|(bound form) respectful; to respect/t... jing 婧|(literary) (of a woman) slender; deli... jing 竞|to compete/to contend/to struggle jing 劲|stalwart/sturdy/strong/powerful jing 鲸|whale jing 竟|unexpectedly/actually/to go so far as... jing 旌|banner/make manifest jing 警|to alert/to warn/police jing 颈|neck jing 经|surname Jing jing 经|classics/sacred book/scripture/to pas... jing 璟|luster of gem jing 荆|chaste tree or berry (Vitex agnus-cas... jing 镜|mirror/lens jing 菁|leek flower/lush/luxuriant jing 晶|crystal jing 靓|to make up (one\'s face)/to dress/(of ... jing 腈|acrylic jing 茎|stalk/stem/CL:條|条[tiao2] jing 径|footpath/track/diameter/straight/dire... jing 肼|hydrazine jing 靖|surname Jing jing 靖|(bound form) peaceful/(bound form) to... jing 胫|lower part of leg jing 胫|variant of 脛|胫[jing4] jing 阱|variant of 阱[jing3] jing 阱|pitfall/trap jing 憬|awaken jing 兢|to be fearful/apprehensive jing 痉|spasm jing 迳|way/path/direct/diameter jing 瀞|(archaic) clean jing 睛|eye; eyeball jing 璥|(gem) jing 泾|Jing River jing 暻|bright jing 巠|underground watercourse/archaic varia... jing 坕|old variant of 經|经[jing1] jing 経|Japanese variant of 經|经 jing 坓|variant of 阱[jing3] jing 境|border/place/condition/boundary/circu... jing 倞|strong/powerful jing 丼|old variant of 井[jing3] jing 刭|cut the throat jing 鼱|used in 鼩鼱[qu2 jing1] jing 儆|to warn/to admonish jing 獍|a mythical animal that eats its mother jing 麖|red deer jing 浄|Japanese variant of 淨|净 jing 弪|radian (math.)/now written 弧度 jing 䲔|old variant of 鯨|鲸[jing1] jing 麠|red deer/sambar deer jing 婙|old variant of 婧[jing4] jing 汫|old variant of 阱[jing3]/used in 汫濙|汫𣸨... jing 頚|old variant of 頸|颈[jing3] jing 𠇹|(literary) to pass through/straight/path jing 凊|(literary) cold; cool; chilly jing 粳|variant of 粳[jing1] jing 粳|round-grained nonglutinous rice (Japo... jingai 敬爱|to respect and love; to hold in high ... jingai 金改|financial reform (abbr. for 金融改革[jin1... jingan 靖安|Jing\'an county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi jingan 金柑|kumquat jingang 金刚|King Kong jingang 金刚|diamond/(used to translate Sanskrit \"... jingang-numu 金刚怒目|(idiom) to have a face as terrifying ... jingangchu 金刚杵|vajra scepter (ritual object of Buddh... jinganglang 金刚狼|Wolverine, comic book superhero jingangsaduo 金刚萨埵|Vajrasattva jingangsha 金刚砂|carborundum/emery jingangshan 金刚山|Kumgangsan Tourist Region in east Nor... jingangshi 金刚石|diamond/also called 鑽石|钻石[zuan4 shi2] jingangshoupusa 金刚手菩萨|Vajrapani Bodhisattva jingangyingwu 金刚鹦鹉|macaw jingangzongchi 金刚总持|Vajradhara jingangzuo 金刚座|Bodhimanda (place of enlightenment as... jinganqu 静安区|Jing\'an district, central Shanghai jingansuan 精氨酸|argnine (Arg), an essential amino acid jinganxian 靖安县|Jing\'an county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi jingba 劲拔|tall and straight jingbagou 京巴狗|Pekingese (dog breed) jingbai 敬拜|to worship jingbai 精白|pure white/spotlessly white jingban 经办|to handle; to deal with jingbao 警报|(fire) alarm/alert signal/alarm/alert... jingbao 劲爆|(coll.) awesome/stunning/electrifying... jingbao 京报|Peking Gazette (official government b... jingbao 惊爆|unexpected/staggering (news etc) jingbaoqi 警报器|siren jingbei 警备|guard/garrison jingbei 敬备|to respectfully offer jingbei 颈背|nape jingbeiqu 警备区|garrison area/command jingbi 经闭|amenorrhoea jingbian 靖边|Jingbian County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2]... jingbianxian 靖边县|Jingbian County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2]... jingbiao 警标|buoy/navigation marker jingbing 精兵|elite troops jingbo 鲸波|huge wave or breaker jingbu 颈部|neck jingbu 惊怖|to surprise jingbuqi 经不起|can\'t stand it/to be unable to bear/t... jingbuqituijiu 经不起推究|does not bear examination jingbuzhu 经不住|to be unable to bear jingcai 精彩|wonderful/marvelous/brilliant jingcai 竞猜|to compete in solving puzzles jingcao 劲草|tough upright grass/(fig.) a staunch ... jingcha 警察|police; police officer jingcha 经查|upon investigation jingcha 惊诧|to be surprised/to be amazed/to be st... jingcha 敬茶|to serve tea (to guests) jingchaju 警察局|police station/police department/poli... jingchan 惊颤|to quake in fear jingchang 经常|frequently; constantly; regularly; of... jingchangzhanghu 经常账户|(economics) current account jingchao 精巢|(zoology) spermary; (in higher animal... jingchashu 警察署|police station jingchating 警察厅|National Police Agency (Japan) jingche 警车|police car jingche 惊车|runaway carriage (caused by the harne... jingcheng 京城|capital of a country jingcheng 精诚|sincerity/absolute good faith jingcheng 敬称|to address or refer to (sb) respectfu... jingchengsuojia,jinshiweikai 精诚所加,金石为开|see 精誠所至,金石為開|精诚所至,金石为开[jing1 cheng2 ... jingchengsuozhi 精诚所至|no difficulty is insurmountable if on... jingchengsuozhi,jinshiweikai 精诚所至,金石为开|lit. metal and stone yield to power o... jingchong 精虫|spermatozoon/spermatozoa jingchongchongnao 精虫冲脑|lit. the spermatozoons have gone to h... jingchuan 泾川|Jingchuan county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[P... jingchuang 经幢|Buddhist stone pillar jingchuanxian 泾川县|Jingchuan county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[P... jingchui 劲吹|(of wind) to blow strongly/(fig.) (of... jingchun 精纯|pure/unadulterated/exquisite jingchuwang 荆楚网|IPTV (PRC media network) jingchuwangshi 荆楚网视|IPTV (PRC media network) jingci 敬辞|term of respect; polite expression jingci 敬词|term of respect; polite expression jingcui 精粹|succinct/pure and concise jingcuo 惊错|puzzled/surprised and nonplussed jingda 竞答|to compete to answer questions (in cl... jingdaguang 精打光|with absolutely nothing/completely broke jingdai 惊呆|stupefied; stunned jingdai 惊槑|(Internet slang) stupefied/stunned jingdang 精当|precise and appropriate jingdao 粳稻|round-grained nonglutinous rice (Japo... jingdao 径道|path/short-cut jingdaxisuan 精打细算|meticulous planning and careful accou... jingde 旌德|Jingde, a county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan... jingdeqi 经得起|to be able to withstand/to be able to... jingdexian 旌德县|Jingde, a county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan... jingdezhen 景德镇|see 景德鎮市|景德镇市[Jing3de2zhen4 Shi4] jingdezhenshi 景德镇市|Jingdezhen, prefecture-level city in ... jingdi 劲敌|formidable opponent jingdi 警笛|siren jingdi 境地|circumstances jingdian 经典|the classics/scriptures/classical/cla... jingdian 静电|static electricity jingdian 景点|tourist attraction; scenic spot jingdian 静点|a hospital drip jingdiananli 经典案例|case study/classic example jingdianchanglun 经典场论|classical field theory (physics) jingdiao-xike 精雕细刻|lit. fine sculpting (idiom)/fig. to w... jingdiao-xizhuo 精雕细琢|see 精雕細刻|精雕细刻[jing1diao1-xi4ke4] jingdizhiwa 井底之蛙|lit. a frog at the bottom of a well (... jingdong 景东|Jingdong Yizu autonomous county in Yu... jingdong 惊动|to alarm/to startle/to disturb jingdong 京东|Jingdong, Chinese e-commerce company jingdongmai 颈动脉|carotid artery (medicine) jingdongxian 景东县|Jingdong Yi autonomous county in Pu\'e... jingdongyizuzizhixian 景东彝族自治县|Jingdong Yi autonomous county in Pu\'e... jingdu 精度|precision jingdu 经度|longitude jingdu 精读|to read carefully and thoroughly/inte... jingdu 竞渡|rowing competition/boat race/swimming... jingdu 京都|Kyoto, Japan jingdu 京都|capital (of a country) jingdu 弪度|radian (math.)/now written 弧度 jingdufu 京都府|Kyōto prefecture in central Japan jingduke 精读课|intensive reading course jingduniancian 京都念慈庵|King-to Nin Jiom, or just Nin Jiom, m... jinge 惊愕|(literary) stunned; stupefied jingen 紧跟|to follow precisely/to comply with jingerhu 京二胡|jing\'erhu, a two-stringed fiddle inte... jingeryuanzhi 敬而远之|to show respect from a distance (idio... jingesi 金阁寺|Kinkakuji or Golden pavilion in north... jingetiema 金戈铁马|very powerful army jingfan 经幡|Tibetan prayer flag jingfang 警方|police jingfei 警匪|police and criminals/(genre of fictio... jingfei 经费|funds/expenditure/CL:筆|笔[bi3] jingfei 惊飞|to go off like a rocket; to rocket jingfen 精分|schizophrenia (abbr. for 精神分裂) jingfeng 惊风|infantile convulsion (illness affecti... jingfeng 劲风|strong wind/gale jingfeng 敬奉|to worship piously/to present/to dedi... jingfu 敬服|deference/esteem/to admire jingfu 警服|police uniform jingfugong 景福宫|Gyeongbokgung palace in central Seoul jinggai 井盖|manhole cover (more formally, 窨井蓋|窨井盖... jinggan 精干|crack (troops)/special (forces)/highl... jinggan 竟敢|to have the impertinence; to have the... jinggan 茎干|stem/stalk jinggangaoxiao 精干高效|top-notch efficiency jinggangshan 井冈山|Jinggang Mountains, in the Jiangxi-Hu... jinggangshan 井冈山|Jinggangshan, county-level city in Ji... jinggangshanshi 井冈山市|Jinggangshan, county-level city in Ji... jinggangxian 静冈县|Shizuoka prefecture southwest of Toky... jinggao 警告|to warn/to admonish jinggao 敬告|to tell respectfully/to announce reve... jingge 晶格|crystal lattice (the regular 3-dimens... jinggengxizuo 精耕细作|intensive farming jinggong 精工|Seiko, Japanese watch and electronics... jinggong 精工|refined/delicate/exquisite (craftsman... jinggongzhiniao 惊弓之鸟|lit. a bird startled by the mere twan... jinggou 竞购|to bid competitively/to compete to bu... jinggu 胫骨|tibia; shinbone jinggu 景谷|Jinggu Dai and Yi autonomous county i... jingguai 精怪|supernatural being (such as a demon, ... jingguai 惊怪|to marvel jingguan 景观|landscape jingguan 经管|to be in charge of jingguan 警官|constable; police officer jingguang 京广|Beijing and Guangdong jingguang 精光|nothing left (money, food etc)/all fi... jingguang 晶光|glittering light jingguangtielu 京广铁路|Jing-Guang (Beijing-Guangzhou) Railway jingguansheji 景观设计|landscape design jinggudaizuyizuzizhixian 景谷傣族彝族自治县|Jinggu Dai and Yi autonomous county i... jingguisheneryuanzhi 敬鬼神而远之|to respect Gods and demons from a dis... jinggun 警棍|police truncheon jingguo 经过|to pass/to go through/process/course/... jingguoshenshe 靖国神社|Yasukuni Shrine, Shinto shrine in Tok... jingguxian 景谷县|Jinggu Dai and Yi autonomous county i... jingha 京哈|Beijing-Harbin jinghai 静海|Jinghai, a district of Tianjin 天津[Tia... jinghai 惊骇|to be shocked/to be appalled/to be te... jinghangdayunhe 京杭大运河|the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing... jinghangyunhe 京杭运河|the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing... jinghanliang 净含量|net weight jinghao 警号|alarm/alert/warning signal jinghao 静好|peaceful and harmonious jinghao 井号|number sign # (punctuation)/hash symb... jinghatielu 京哈铁路|Beijing-Harbin railway jinghe 精河|Jing Nahiyisi or Jinghe county in Bör... jinghe 敬贺|to offer one\'s congratulations (formal) jinghexian 精河县|Jing Nahiyisi or Jinghe county in Bör... jinghezuzhi 经合组织|Organization for Economic Cooperation... jinghong 景洪|Jinghong, county-level city in Xishua... jinghong 惊鸿|graceful (esp. of female posture)/lithe jinghongshi 景洪市|Jinghong, county-level city in Xishua... jinghou 静候|to quietly wait jinghu 京沪|Beijing and Shanghai jinghu 镜湖|Jinghu, a district of Wuhu City 蕪湖市|芜... jinghu 京胡|jinghu, a smaller, higher-pitched erh... jinghu 惊呼|to cry out in alarm or surprise jinghua 精华|best feature/most important part of a... jinghua 警花|attractive policewoman/young female cop jinghua 净化|to purify jinghua 菁华|the cream/essence/the quintessence jinghua 镜花|decorative mirror jinghuang 惊慌|to panic/to be alarmed jinghuang 惊惶|panic-stricken jinghuangshicuo 惊慌失措|to lose one\'s head out of fear (idiom) jinghuangshicuo 惊惶失措|see 驚慌失措|惊慌失措[jing1 huang1 shi1 cuo4] jinghuangshise 惊慌失色|to go pale in panic (idiom) jinghuashibao 京华时报|Beijing Times (newspaper) jinghuashuiyue 镜花水月|lit. flowers in a mirror and the moon... jinghuayuan 镜花缘|Jinghua Yuan or Flowers in the Mirror... jinghugaotie 京沪高铁|Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway, ... jinghui 警徽|police badge jinghun 惊魂|in a panicked state/frightened jinghun 精魂|spirit/soul jinghunfuding 惊魂甫定|to have just recovered from a shock jinghuqu 镜湖区|Jinghu, a district of Wuhu City 蕪湖市|芜... jingji 经济|economy/economic jingji 经纪|to manage (a business)/manager/broker jingji 竞技|competition of skill (e.g. sports)/at... jingji 荆棘|thistles and thorns/brambles/thorny u... jingji 京畿|Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, surro... jingji 京畿|capital city and its surrounding area jingji 静寂|quiet/silent jingji 惊悸|shaking in fear/one\'s heart palpitati... jingji 经籍|religious text jingji 劲急|strong and swift jingji 惊急|stunned and anxious jingji 迳迹|track jingji 径迹|track/trajectory/path/way/means/diame... jingjia 竞价|price competition/bid (in an auction)... jingjia 镜架|eyeglasses frame/CL:副[fu4]/mirror sup... jingjian 精简|to simplify/to reduce jingjian 精减|to reduce/to pare down/to streamline jingjiang 靖江|Jingjiang, county-level city in Taizh... jingjiang 荆江|Jingjiang section of the Changjiang R... jingjiangduolian 精讲多练|a teaching strategy combining a conci... jingjiangshi 靖江市|Jingjiang, county-level city in Taizh... jingjiankaizhi 精简开支|to reduce spending/to cut spending jingjianquan 经济安全|economic security jingjiao 京郊|suburbs of Beijing jingjiao 惊叫|to cry out in fear jingjiao 景教|Nestorian Christianity jingjiao 精校|to proofread meticulously (abbr. for ... jingjiaoribao 京郊日报|Beijing Suburbs Daily, newspaper in o... jingjicang 经济舱|economy class jingjichang 竞技场|arena jingjidao 京畿道|Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, surro... jingjidongwu 竞技动物|animals used in blood sports jingjie 警戒|to warn/to alert/to be on the alert/t... jingjie 境界|boundary/state/realm jingjie 荆芥|schizonepeta, herb used in Chinese me... jingjie 儆戒|to warn/to admonish jingjie 警诫|variant of 警戒[jing3jie4] jingjiexian 警戒线|police cordon/alert level jingjifanrong 经济繁荣|economic prosperity jingjifazhan 经济发展|economic development jingjigaige 经济改革|economic reform jingjihezuoyufazhanzuzhi 经济合作与发展组织|Organization for Economic Cooperation... jingjihuodong 经济活动|economic activity jingjijichu 经济基础|socio-economic base/economic foundation jingjijie 经济界|economic circles jingjikunjing 经济困境|economic difficulty jingjililiang 经济力量|economic strength jingjiluohou 经济落后|economically backward jingjin 京津|Beijing and Tianjin jingjin 净尽|to eliminate/to purge jingjin 精进|to forge ahead vigorously/to dedicate... jingjin 经锦|warp brocade/woven fabric with single... jingjing 晶晶|glistening/gleaming/lustrous jingjing 井井|always clean/orderly; methodical jingjingyeye 兢兢业业|(idiom) conscientious/assiduous jingjingyoutiao 井井有条|everything clear and orderly (idiom);... jingjinji 京津冀|Jing-Jin-Ji (Beijing, Tianjin and Heb... jingjinrenwang 精尽人亡|to die from excessive ejaculation jingjiqiantu 经济前途|economic future/economic outlook jingjiqingkuang 经济情况|economic situation/one\'s socio-econom... jingjiren 经纪人|broker/middleman/agent/manager jingjiren 经济人|Homo economicus jingjishehuijiwenhuaquanliguojigongyue 经济社会及文化权利国际公约|International Covenant on Economic, S... jingjishuaitui 经济衰退|(economic) recession jingjitequ 经济特区|special economic zone jingjiti 经济体|an economy; a country (or region etc)... jingjitixi 经济体系|economic system jingjitizhi 经济体制|economic system jingjiu 敬酒|to toast; to propose a toast jingjiu 经久|long-lasting/durable jingjiu-buxi 经久不息|(idiom) prolonged (applause, cheering... jingjiubuchichifajiu 敬酒不吃吃罚酒|lit. to refuse a toast only to be for... jingjiubushuai 经久不衰|unfailing/never-ending jingjiutielu 京九铁路|JingJiu (Beijing-Kowloon) railway jingjiweiji 经济危机|economic crisis jingjiwenti 经济问题|economic problem jingjixiaotiao 经济萧条|economic depression jingjixielikaifajigou 经济协力开发机构|Organization for Economic Cooperation... jingjixing 竞技性|competitive jingjixue 经济学|economics (as a field of study) jingjixuejia 经济学家|economist jingjixueren 经济学人|The Economist (magazine) jingjixuezhe 经济学者|economist jingjiyouxiao 经济有效|cost-effective jingjizaitu 荆棘载途|lit. a path covered in brambles/a cou... jingjizengjiazhi 经济增加值|Economic value added, EVA jingjizengzhang 经济增长|economic growth jingjizengzhanglv 经济增长率|economic growth rate jingjizhicai 经济制裁|economic sanctions jingjizhouqi 经济周期|economic cycle jingjizhuangkuang 经济状况|economic situation jingjizuo 经济座|economy seat jingjizuowu 经济作物|cash crop (economics) jingju 京剧|Beijing opera/CL:場|场[chang3],齣|出[chu1] jingju 警句|aphorism jingju 惊惧|to be alarmed/to be terrified jingju 惊遽|in a panic/stunned jingju 警局|police department/police station/abbr... jingjuan 经卷|volumes of classics/volumes of script... jingjue 惊厥|to faint from fear/(medicine) convuls... jingjue 警觉|to be on guard; alert/vigilance; aler... jingjue 惊觉|to realize suddenly/to wake up with a... jingke 荆轲|Jing Ke (-227 BC), celebrated in vers... jingkong 惊恐|to be alarmed/to be frightened jingkongwanzhuang 惊恐万状|convulsed with fear (idiom) jingkongyilong 惊恐翼龙|Phobetor (genus of pterodactyloid pte... jingkou 井口|mouth of a well jingkou 京口|Jingkou district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江... jingkouqu 京口区|Jingkou district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江... jingkuang 精矿|refined ore/concentrate jingkuang 镜框|picture frame/spectacle frame jingkuang 境况|circumstances jingkuang 景况|circumstances jingkuangwutai 镜框舞台|theatrical set jinglao 敬老|to respect the elderly jinglaoxi 敬老席|priority seating for the aged (on bus... jinglaoyuan 敬老院|senior citizens\' home; old folks\' home jinglaozunxian 敬老尊贤|to respect the wise and venerate the ... jingle 静乐|Jingle county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou... jinglei 惊雷|sudden clap of thunder/fig. surprisin... jinglexian 静乐县|Jingle county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou... jingli 经历|experience/CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]/to expe... jingli 净利|net profit jingli 经理|manager/director/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],... jingli 敬礼|to salute/salute jingli 精力|energy jingli 警力|police force/police officers jingli 惊栗|horror (genre)/to tremble in fear jinglian 精炼|to refine (a substance)/to purify/to ... jinglian 精练|(textiles) to scour/to degum (silk)/v... jinglian 颈链|necklace jinglianchang 精炼厂|refinery (of oil etc) jingliang 精良|excellent/of superior quality jingliang 晶亮|bright; glittering jingliang 精粮|refined grain (rice, wheat etc) jinglichongpei 精力充沛|vigorous/energetic jinglie 劲烈|violent jinglifengyu 经历风雨|to go through thick and thin (idiom) jingling 精灵|spirit/fairy/elf/sprite/genie jingling 警铃|alarm bell jingling 竟陵|Jingling, former name of Tianmen 天門|天... jingling 净零|net zero (net-zero carbon emissions) jinglingwen 精灵文|Elvish (language of elves) jinglipingheng 静力平衡|static equilibrium jinglirun 净利润|net profit jingliu 径流|runoff jingliu 迳流|runoff jinglixue 静力学|statics jinglizhuyi 精利主义|egoism masked by a veneer of urbanity... jinglu 径路|route/path jingluan 痉挛|to jerk/to contort/spasm/convulsion jingluan 靖乱|to put down a rebellion jingluan 镜鸾|to lose one\'s spouse jinglun 腈纶|acrylic fiber jingluo 经络|energy channels/meridian (TCM)/(diale... jinglv 劲旅|strong contingent/elite squad jingma 惊马|startled horse jingmai 经脉|channel of TCM jingmai 静脉|vein jingmaidiandi 静脉点滴|an intravenous drip jingmaiquzhang 静脉曲张|varicose veins jingmaixidu 静脉吸毒|intravenous drug/IV drug jingmaizhuru 静脉注入|intravenous (medicine) jingmaizhushe 静脉注射|intravenous injection jingmao 经贸|trade jingmei 精美|exquisite; elegant; fine jingmen 荆门|see 荊門市|荆门市[Jing1men2 Shi4] jingmeng 惊梦|to awaken from a dream jingmenshi 荆门市|Jingmen, prefecture-level city in Hub... jingmi 精密|accuracy/exact/precise/refined jingmi 粳米|polished round-grained nonglutinous r... jingmi 静谧|quiet/still/tranquil jingmi 精米|refined rice jingmiao 精妙|exquisite/fine and delicate (usu. of ... jingmihua 精密化|refinement/to add precision jingmin 警民|the police and the community jingming 精明|astute; shrewd; smart jingming 晶明|bright/shiny jingmingnenggan 精明能干|able and efficient jingmingqianggan 精明强干|intelligent and capable (idiom) jingmitaoci 精密陶瓷|fine ceramics (used for dental implan... jingmiyiqi 精密仪器|precision instruments jingmo 静默|silent; still; quiet/to mourn in sile... jingmu 鲸目|Cetacea (whale family) jingnang 精囊|spermatophore jingnanzhiyi 靖难之役|war of 1402 between successors of the... jingnei 境内|within the borders/internal (to a cou... jingneiwai 境内外|within and without the borders/domest... jingnian 经年|for years/year after year jingniangpijiu 精酿啤酒|craft beer jingnianleiyue 经年累月|for years/over the years jingniao 惊鸟|to scare a bird into flight jingning 静宁|Jingning county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Pi... jingning 景宁|Jingning Shezu autonomous county in L... jingningshexiang 景宁畲乡|Jingning Shezu autonomous county in L... jingningshezuzizhixian 景宁畲族自治县|Jingning Shezu autonomous county in L... jingningxian 静宁县|Jingning county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Pi... jingningxian 景宁县|Jingning Shezu autonomous county in L... jingong 进攻|to attack/to assault/to go on the off... jingong 仅供|only for jingong 进宫|to enter the emperor\'s palace/(slang)... jingong 进贡|to offer tribute/to pay tribute that ... jingongbuli 矜功不立|boasts a lot, but nothing comes of it... jingongcankao 仅供参考|for reference only jingongdian 近拱点|(astronomy) periapsis jingpa 惊怕|alarmed/frightened jingpai 竞拍|to bid (at an auction)/auction jingpei 敬佩|to esteem/to admire jingpen 井喷|(oil) blowout/surge/gush jingpi 精辟|clear and penetrating (e.g. analysis)... jingpi 警辟|profound, thorough and moving jingpian 镜片|lens jingpian 晶片|(Tw) (computing) chip; wafer jingpianzi 京片子|Beijing dialect jingpilijie 精疲力竭|spirit weary, strength exhausted (idi... jingpilijin 精疲力尽|spirit weary, strength exhausted (idi... jingpin 精品|quality goods/premium product/fine wo... jingpin 竞品|competing product/rival product jingpindian 精品店|boutique jingpo 景颇|Jingpo ethnic group of Tibet and Yunnan jingpozu 景颇族|Jingpo ethnic group of Tibet and Yunnan jingqi 景气|(of economy, business etc) flourishin... jingqi 经期|menstrual period jingqi 惊奇|to be amazed/to be surprised/to wonder jingqi 旌旗|gonfanon/banner jingqi 惊起|to give a start/to startle (an animal... jingqi 敬启|respectful closing to a letter jingqian 敬虔|devout jingqiao 精巧|elaborate jingqiao 劲峭|(of wind) strong and bitterly cold jingqiaoqiao 静悄悄|extremely quiet jingqie 惊怯|cowardly and panicking jingqijuji 经气聚集|meeting points of qi (in Chinese medi... jingqing 敬请|please (do sth) (deferential form) jingqingzhisui 径情直遂|to achieve one\'s ambitions (idiom) jingqishen 精气神|the three energies of Chinese medicin... jingqizhe 敬启者|Dear Sirs/To Whom It May Concern jingqu 景区|scenic area jingqu 警区|policeman\'s round/patrol/beat jingqu 静区|silent zone/blind spot/dead space jingquan 警犬|police dog jingquan 颈圈|collar (animal) jingquan 经圈|line of longitude/meridian (geography) jingque 精确|accurate; precise jingquedu 精确度|accuracy/precision jingqundongzhong 惊群动众|to alarm everyone/to scandalize the p... jingran 竟然|unexpectedly/to one\'s surprise/in spi... jingran 井然|tidy, methodical jingran 憬然|to be aware/to be knowing jingranyouxu 井然有序|everything clear and in good order (i... jingrao 惊扰|to alarm/to agitate jingren 惊人|astonishing jingrenzhiju 惊人之举|to astonish people (with a miraculous... jingri 竟日|(literary) all day long jingri 精日|abbr. for 精神日本人[jing1 shen2 Ri4 ben3 ... jingrou 精肉|(dialect) lean meat jingrui 精锐|elite (e.g. troops)/crack/best qualit... jingruoshenming 敬若神明|to hold sb in the same regard as one ... jingsai 竞赛|to compete; to race/contest; competit... jingsai 径赛|track events (athletics competition) jingsai 迳赛|track jingsaizhe 竞赛者|player jingse 景色|scenery/scene/landscape/view jingsha 鲸鲨|whale shark jingsha 经纱|warp (vertical thread in weaving) jingshan 景山|Jingshan (name of a hill in Jingshan ... jingshan 荆山|Thorny mountain (several)/Mt Jingshan... jingshan 静山|Cheng San (precinct in Ang Mo Kio, Si... jingshang 经商|to trade/to carry out commercial acti... jingshang 惊赏|surprised and admiring/to appreciate ... jingshang 井上|Inoue (Japanese surname, pr. \"ee-no-o... jingshang 敬上|yours truly/yours sincerely (at the e... jingshangongyuan 景山公园|Jingshan Park (park in Beijing) jingshe 劲射|power shot (e.g. in soccer) jingshen 精神|spirit/mind/consciousness/thought/men... jingshen 精神|vigor; vitality/spirited/good-looking jingshen 精深|refined/profound jingshen 净身|to purify one\'s body (i.e. to get cas... jingshen 景深|depth of field jingshen 敬神|to respect a deity/to pray to a God jingshen-huanghu 精神恍惚|(idiom) absent-minded; in a trance jingshenbaibei 精神百倍|lit. vitality a hundredfold (idiom); ... jingshenbaoman 精神饱满|full of vigor (idiom)/lively/in high ... jingshenbengkui 精神崩溃|nervous breakdown jingshenbing 精神病|mental disorder/psychosis jingshenbinghuan 精神病患|mental illness jingshenbingxue 精神病学|psychiatry jingshenbingyiyuan 精神病医院|psychiatric hospital jingshenbingyuan 精神病院|mental hospital; psychiatric hospital jingshencaifu 精神财富|spiritual wealth jingshenchuhu 净身出户|to leave a marriage with nothing (no ... jingshencuoluan 精神错乱|insanity jingshendousou 精神抖擞|spirit trembling with excitement (idi... jingshenfenliezheng 精神分裂症|schizophrenia jingshenfenxi 精神分析|psychoanalysis jingsheng 井绳|rope for drawing water from a well jingshenguannengzheng 精神官能症|neurosis jingshenhuanfa 精神焕发|in high spirits (idiom); glowing with... jingshenjiankang 精神健康|mental health jingshenjiayuan 精神家园|spiritual home jingshenjibing 精神疾病|mental illness jingshenke 精神科|psychiatry jingshenkeyisheng 精神科医生|psychiatrist jingshenkuangluan 精神狂乱|delirium/mental illness jingshenliaofa 精神疗法|psychotherapy/mental health treatment jingshenlingxiu 精神领袖|spiritual leader (of a nation or chur... jingshenmanfu 精神满腹|full of wisdom (idiom); astute and wi... jingshenribenren 精神日本人|(neologism) (derog.) Japanophile (esp... jingshenshenghuo 精神生活|spiritual or moral life jingshenshuairuo 精神衰弱|psychasthenia/obsessive-compulsive di... jingshenwenming 精神文明|spiritual culture jingshenxing 精神性|spirituality/mental/nervous/psychogenic jingshenxingyanshizheng 精神性厌食症|anorexia nervosa jingshenxue 精神学|psychology jingshenxuejia 精神学家|psychologist jingshenxunhua 精神训话|pep talk jingshenyaowu 精神药物|psychotropic drugs jingshenyiyi 精神奕奕|in great spirits/to have great vitality jingshenzhizhu 精神支柱|moral pillars/spiritual props jingshenzhuangtai 精神状态|mental state/psychological condition jingshi 警示|to warn/to alert/warning/cautionary jingshi 京师|capital of a country (literary) jingshi 经世|statecraft jingshidongzhong 惊师动众|to alarm everyone/to scandalize the p... jingshihaisu 惊世骇俗|universally shocking/to offend the wh... jingshitongyan 警世通言|Stories to Caution the World, vernacu... jingshou 经受|to undergo (hardship)/to endure/to wi... jingshou 经手|(lit.) to pass through one\'s hands; (... jingshou 精瘦|(coll.) lean (figure, meat etc)/slender jingshou 净手|to wash one\'s hands/(fig.) to go to t... jingshouren 经手人|the person in charge/agent/broker jingshouru 净收入|net income/net profit jingshu 经书|classic books in Confucianism/scriptu... jingshu 警署|police station (abbr. for 警察署[jing3 c... jingshui 净水|clean water/purified water jingshuibufanheshui 井水不犯河水|everyone minds their own business jingshuiqi 净水器|water purifier jingsicaisexianhua 经丝彩色显花|warp brocade/woven fabric with single... jingsidun 京斯敦|Kingstown, capital of Saint Vincent a... jingsong 惊悚|horror (movie)/thriller jingsu 竞速|(sports) to race/racing jingsuan 精算|actuarial jingsuanshi 精算师|actuary jingsuhuabing 竞速滑冰|speed skating (Tw) jingsui 精髓|marrow; pith; quintessence; essence jingsuo 精索|spermatic cord (anatomy) jingsuojingmaiquzhang 精索静脉曲张|varicocele (medicine) jingtai 静态|static/sedate/quiet/passive/(physics)... jingtai 景泰|Jingtai county in Baiyin 白銀|白银[Bai2 y... jingtaicunchuqi 静态存储器|static memory jingtailan 景泰蓝|cloisonne/cloisonné jingtaixian 景泰县|Jingtai county in Baiyin 白銀|白银[Bai2 y... jingtan 警探|police detective jingtan 惊叹|to exclaim in admiration/a gasp of su... jingtanbuyi 惊叹不已|to exclaim in astonishment jingtang 经堂|scripture hall (Buddhism) jingtanhao 惊叹号|exclamation mark ! (punct.) jingtao 惊涛|raging waves/stormy waves jingtao 惊逃|to stampede jingtaohailang 惊涛骇浪|perilous situation jingti 晶体|crystal jingti 警惕|to be on the alert/vigilant/alert/on ... jingti 惊惕|to be alarmed/to be alert jingtian 井田|the well-field system of ancient China jingtian 静恬|tranquil jingtian-dongdi 惊天动地|(idiom) world-shaking jingtianzhi 井田制|well-field system jingtiao 惊跳|to shy (away); to give a start jingtiaoxixuan 精挑细选|to select very carefully jingtiguan 晶体管|transistor jingtijiegou 晶体结构|crystal structure jingting 径庭|completely different jingting 劲挺|strong jingting 迳庭|very different jingtixing 警惕性|vigilance/alertness jingtong 精通|to be proficient in/to master (a subj... jingtong 经痛|period pain; menstrual cramps; dysmen... jingtou 镜头|camera lens/camera shot (in a movie e... jingtouguan 鲸头鹳|shoebill stork (Balaeniceps rex) jingtu 净土|(Buddhism) Pure Land, usually refers ... jingtun 鲸豚|cetacean jingtuzong 净土宗|Pure Land Buddhism jingu 筋骨|muscles and bones/physique/strength/c... jingu 禁锢|to confine/to imprison/prohibition/sh... jingu 津沽|another name for Tianjin 天津 jingu 金箍|gold band jingu 近古|near ancient history (often taken to ... jingu 金菇|enoki mushroom/abbr. for 金針菇|金针菇 jingua 金瓜|pumpkin (Gymnopetalum chinense)/a mac... jinguan 尽管|despite/although/even though/in spite... jinguan 进关|inbound customs (international trade) jinguandaiju 金冠戴菊|goldcrest (Regulus regulus)/gold-crow... jinguandiying 金冠地莺|(bird species of China) slaty-bellied... jinguangdang 金光党|racketeers/con artists jinguangdeng 近光灯|low beam (headlights) jinguangshanshuo 金光闪烁|spangle jinguanshubage 金冠树八哥|(bird species of China) golden-creste... jinguashi 金瓜石|Jinguashi, town in Ruifang District, ... jingubang 金箍棒|golden cudgel, weapon wielded by Sun ... jingui 金龟|tortoise/scarab beetle jingui 矜贵|high-born/noble/aristocratic/conceited jingui 金匮|variant of 金櫃|金柜[jin1 gui4] jingui 金柜|strongbox/safe/metal bookcase jinguiche 金龟车|(Tw) Volkswagen Beetle jinguiguan 金桂冠|Kim Kye-gwan (1943-), North Korean di... jinguishishi 金匮石室|variant of 金櫃石室|金柜石室[jin1 gui4 shi2 s... jinguishishi 金柜石室|safe places for storing important art... jinguixu 金龟婿|wealthy son-in-law/wealthy husband jinguizi 金龟子|scarab jinguo 巾帼|woman/woman\'s headdress (ancient) jinguo 禁果|forbidden fruit (esp. premarital sex) jinguo 紧裹|to wrap tightly/to wind tightly/to bi... jinguohan 金国汗|the Later Jin dynasty (from 1616-)/th... jinguoxumei 巾帼须眉|woman with a manly spirit jinguwen 今古文|Former Han dynasty study or rewriting... jinguzhou 紧箍咒|the Band-tightening Spell (in 西遊記|西游记... jingwai 境外|outside (a country\'s) borders jingwazhijian 井蛙之见|the view of a frog in a well (idiom);... jingwei 经纬|warp and woof/longitude and latitude/... jingwei 警卫|to stand guard over/(security) guard jingwei 精卫|mythological bird, reincarnation of d... jingwei 京味|Beijing flavor/Beijing style jingwei 精微|subtle/profound jingwei 敬畏|to revere jingweifenming 泾渭分明|as rivers Jing and Wei separate clear... jingweimidu 经纬密度|(textiles) thread count jingweitianhai 精卫填海|lit. mythical bird Jingwei tries to f... jingweixian 经纬线|lines of latitude and longitude/warp ... jingweiyi 经纬仪|theodolite jingwen 经文|scripture/scriptures/CL:本[ben3] jingwu 劲舞|to dance energetically/vigorous moder... jingwu 景物|scenery jingwu 静物|(painting) still life jingwu 警悟|on the alert/keenly aware jingwu 惊悟|to come to oneself with a start/to re... jingxi 精细|fine/meticulous/careful jingxi 惊喜|nice surprise/to be pleasantly surprised jingxi 京戏|Beijing opera/CL:齣|出[chu1] jingxi 惊悉|to be shocked to learn jingxi 晶系|crystal system jingxi 敬悉|(honorific) revered news/the most val... jingxia 井下|underground/in the pit (mining) jingxia 惊吓|to frighten/to horrify/to terrify jingxian 景县|Jing county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui... jingxian 经线|warp/line of longitude/meridian (geog... jingxian 惊羡|to marvel at jingxian 惊现|to appear unexpectedly jingxian 惊险|perilous; touch-and-go; nerve-racking... jingxian 泾县|Jing County or Jingxian, a county in ... jingxian 警衔|police rank jingxian 惊痫|epilepsy jingxiang 镜像|mirror image jingxiang 径向|radial (direction) jingxiang 竞相|competitive/eagerly/to vie jingxiang 颈项|neck jingxiang 景象|scene/sight (to behold) jingxiang 迳向|radial jingxiangzhandian 镜像站点|(computing) mirror site jingxianlishi 敬贤礼士|to revere people of virtue and honor ... jingxianpian 惊险片|(cinema) thriller jingxianzhi 净现值|net present value (NPV) jingxiao 经销|to sell/to sell on commission/to dist... jingxiaoshang 经销商|dealer/seller/distributor/broker/agen... jingxie 警械|police gear jingxiebumin 敬谢不敏|please excuse me for not complying/to... jingxin 精心|with utmost care/fine/meticulous/deta... jingxin 静心|meditation jingxin 惊心|staggering/shocking/frightened jingxindanchan 惊心胆颤|frightening/frightened (idiom) jingxindongpo 惊心动魄|(idiom) heart-stopping; hair-raising;... jingxing 警醒|to be alert jingxing 井陉|Jingxing county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石... jingxing 惊醒|to rouse/to be woken by sth/to wake w... jingxing 经行|to perform walking meditation jingxingkuangqu 井陉矿区|Jingxingkuang District of Shijiazhuan... jingxingxian 井陉县|Jingxing county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石... jingxinwei 经信委|Economy and Informatization Commission jingxinxiushen 净心修身|to have an untroubled heart and behav... jingxiruokuang 惊喜若狂|pleasantly surprised like mad (idiom)... jingxiu 竞秀|to compete to be the most beautiful o... jingxiu 静修|contemplation/meditation jingxiuqu 竞秀区|Jingxiu District of Baoding 保定[Bao3 d... jingxizizhi 敬惜字纸|to treasure written material as a cul... jingxuan 精选|carefully chosen/handpicked/best of t... jingxuan 竞选|to take part in an election/to run fo... jingxuandadang 竞选搭档|election partner/running mate jingxuanfushou 竞选副手|election assistant/running mate jingxuanhuodong 竞选活动|(election) campaign jingxue 经学|study of the Confucian classics jingxue 经血|menstruation (TCM) jingxue 经穴|acupuncture point (any point on any m... jingxun 警讯|warning sign/police call jingya 惊讶|amazed/astonished/to surprise/amazing... jingyan 经验|experience/to experience jingyan 惊艳|stunning/breathtaking jingyan 井研|Jingwan county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 sh... jingyan 敬烟|to offer a cigarette (to a guest) jingyan 经筵|place where the emperor listened to l... jingyan 竞艳|vying to be the most glamorous/each m... jingyan 精研|to research carefully/to study intens... jingyanfengfu 经验丰富|experienced/with ample experience jingyang 泾阳|Jingyang County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xia... jingyang 静养|to convalesce/to recuperate/to fully ... jingyang 旌阳|Jingyang district of Deyang city 德陽市|... jingyang 景仰|to admire/to revere/to look up to jingyang 敬仰|to revere/highly esteemed jingyangqu 旌阳区|Jingyang district of Deyang city 德陽市|... jingyangxian 泾阳县|Jingyang County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xia... jingyanxian 井研县|Jingwan county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 sh... jingyanzhuyi 经验主义|empiricism jingye 敬业|dedicated to one\'s work jingye 精液|semen jingyelequn 敬业乐群|diligent and sociable (idiom); meticu... jingyetiaokuan 竞业条款|non-compete clause (law) jingyi 敬意|respect; esteem; high regard jingyi 惊异|amazed jingyi 惊疑|bewildered jingyi 精义|quintessence/essentials jingyijing 静一静|to put sth to rest/calm down a bit! jingyin 静音|quiet/silent/mute jingying 经营|to engage in (business etc); to run; ... jingying 精英|cream/elite/essence/quintessence jingying 菁英|elite jingying 晶莹|sparkling and translucent jingying 汫𣸨|meandering jingyingfeiyong 经营费用|business cost/business expense jingyingzhe 经营者|executive/manager/transactor jingyiqiujing 精益求精|(idiom) to constantly seek to improve... jingyou 经由|via jingyou 精油|essential oil jingyouxinsheng 境由心生|our mindset frames how we view the world jingyu 鲸鱼|whale/CL:條|条[tiao2] jingyu 景遇|(literary) circumstances jingyu 敬语|honorific (e.g. in grammar of orienta... jingyu 精于|skillful in/proficient in/adept at jingyu 境域|territory; domain; realm/state; condi... jingyu 靖宇|Jingyu county in Baishan 白山, Jilin jingyu 境遇|circumstance jingyuan 晶圆|wafer (silicon medium for integrated ... jingyuan 靖远|Jingyuan county in Baiyin 白銀|白银[Bai2 ... jingyuan 泾源|Jingyuan county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan... jingyuanxian 泾源县|Jingyuan county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan... jingyuanxian 靖远县|Jingyuan county in Baiyin 白銀|白银[Bai2 ... jingyucidao 精于此道|to be proficient in the area of/skill... jingyuxian 靖宇县|Jingyu county in Baishan 白山, Jilin jingyuzuo 鲸鱼座|Cetus (constellation) jingzeng 敬赠|to present respectfully/with (sb\'s) c... jingzhaguan 晶闸管|(electronics) silicon-controlled rect... jingzhan 精湛|consummate/exquisite jingzhang 精障|mental disorder (abbr. for 精神障礙|精神障碍[... jingzhao 京兆|capital of a country jingzhe 惊蛰|Jingzhe or Insects Wake, 3rd of the 2... jingzhen 晶振|crystal oscillator jingzhen 经侦|economic crime investigation jingzheng 竞争|to compete/competition jingzhengchanpin 竞争产品|competing product; competitor\'s product jingzhengduishou 竞争对手|rival; competitor jingzhengli 竞争力|competitive strength/competitiveness jingzhengmoshi 竞争模式|competition model jingzhengshu 警政署|National Police Agency (Taiwan)/abbr.... jingzhengxing 竞争性|competitive jingzhengzhe 竞争者|competitor jingzhenmanmu 荆榛满目|thorns and brambles as far as eye can... jingzhi 精致|delicate; fine; exquisite; refined jingzhi 净值|net value/net worth jingzhi 精制|refined jingzhi 径直|directly jingzhi 劲直|strong and upright jingzhi 迳直|straight/direct jingzhi 景致|view; scenery; scene jingzhi 静止|still/immobile/static/stationary jingzhifeng 静止锋|stationary front (meteorology) jingzhiluying 精致露营|glamping (neologism c. 2019) jingzhong 净重|net weight jingzhong 敬重|to respect deeply/to revere/to esteem jingzhong 警种|police classification/subdivision of ... jingzhong 警钟|alarm bell jingzhou 荆州|see 荊州市|荆州市[Jing1zhou1 Shi4] jingzhou 靖州|Jingzhou Miao and Dong autonomous cou... jingzhoumiaozudongzuzizhixian 靖州苗族侗族自治县|Jingzhou Miao and Dong autonomous cou... jingzhouqu 荆州区|Jingzhou district of Jingzhou city 荊州... jingzhoushi 荆州市|Jingzhou, prefecture-level city in Hu... jingzhouxian 靖州县|Jingzhou Miao and Dong autonomous cou... jingzhu 竞逐|competition/to compete/to pursue jingzhu 敬祝|to offer humbly (written at the end o... jingzhuan 经传|classic work (esp. Confucian classics) jingzhuang 精装|hardcover (book)/elaborately packaged... jingzhuang 靓妆|(literary) beautiful adornment (of a ... jingzhuang 经撞|shock-resistant jingzhuang 晶状|crystalline jingzhuangti 晶状体|lens/crystalline lens jingzhui 颈椎|cervical vertebra/the seven cervical ... jingzhuibing 颈椎病|cervical spondylosis jingzhun 精准|accurate/exact/precise/precision jingzi 镜子|mirror/CL:面[mian4],個|个[ge4] jingzi 径自|without leave/without consulting anyone jingzi 颈子|neck jingzi 精子|sperm cell; spermatozoon jingzi 迳自|on one\'s own/without consulting others jingziku 精子库|sperm bank jingzimidu 精子密度|sperm concentration, often called spe... jingziqi 井字棋|tic-tac-toe jingzou 竞走|walking race (athletics event) jingzu 京族|Gin or Jing, ethnic minority of China... jingzu 劲卒|elite soldiers/a crack force jingzu 竞租|rent-seeking (economics) jingzuo 静坐|to sit quietly/to meditate/to stage a... jingzuobagong 静坐罢工|sit-in strike jingzuobudong 静坐不动|to sit still and do nothing/to sit tight jingzuobuneng 静坐不能|akathisia (condition of restlessness,... jingzuokangyi 静坐抗议|sit-in protest jingzuokangyishiwei 静坐抗议示威|sit-in protest demonstration jinhai 近海|coastal waters/offshore jinhehuan 金合欢|acacia jinheng 金衡|troy weight, system of weights for pr... jinhong 金红|reddish-gold (color) jinhongshi 金红石|(mineralogy) rutile jinhou 今后|hereafter/henceforth/in the future/fr... jinhounizhuomuniao 金喉拟啄木鸟|(bird species of China) golden-throat... jinhu 金湖|Jinhu county in Huai\'an 淮安[Huai2 an1]... jinhu 近乎|close to/intimate jinhua 进化|evolution/CL:個|个[ge4] jinhua 金华|see 金華市|金华市[Jin1hua2 Shi4] jinhuahuotui 金华火腿|Jinhua ham jinhuai 襟怀|bosom (the seat of emotions)/one\'s mind jinhuaitanbai 襟怀坦白|open and candid (idiom); not hiding a... jinhuaiyikuang 襟怀夷旷|broad-minded jinhualun 进化论|theory of evolution/(esp.) Darwinism jinhuan 尽欢|to thoroughly enjoy oneself jinhuanersan 尽欢而散|to disperse after a happy time (idiom... jinhuang 金黄|golden yellow; golden jinhuangli 金黄鹂|(bird species of China) Eurasian gold... jinhuangse 金黄色|gold color jinhuashi 金华市|Jinhua, prefecture-level city in Zhej... jinhuidi 晋惠帝|Emperor Hui of Jin (259-307), persona... jinhuiduibenweizhi 金汇兑本位制|gold exchange standard (economics) jinhuo 进货|to acquire stock/to replenish stock jinhutongbu 近乎同步|plesiochronous jinhuxian 金湖县|Jinhu county in Huai\'an 淮安[Huai2 an1]... jinhuzhen 金湖镇|Chinhu town in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县[... jinian 纪念|to commemorate; to honor the memory o... jinian 纪年|to number the years/calendar era/anna... jinian 积年|for a long time/over many years/old/a... jinian 记念|variant of 紀念|纪念[ji4 nian4] jinian 鸡年|Year of the Cock (e.g. 2005) jinian 几年|a few years; several years/how many y... jinian 笄年|beginning of maturity (of a girl) jinianbei 纪念碑|monument jiniance 纪念册|commemorative album; autograph book; ... jinianguan 纪念馆|memorial hall/commemorative museum jinianjiang 纪念奖|trophy jinianlai 几年来|for the past several years jinianleiyue 积年累月|year in, year out (idiom)/(over) many... jinianpin 纪念品|souvenir jinianpin 记念品|souvenir/memorabilia jinianri 纪念日|day of commemoration/memorial day jiniantang 纪念堂|memorial hall/mausoleum jinianyoupiao 纪念邮票|commemorative postage stamp jinianzhang 纪念章|memorial badge/souvenir badge/CL:枚[mei2] jining 济宁|see 濟寧市|济宁市[Ji3ning2 Shi4] jining 荠苧|(botany) Mosla grosseserrata/(botany)... jining 集宁|Jining district or Zhining raion of U... jiningqu 集宁区|Jining district or Zhining raion of U... jiningshi 济宁市|Jining, prefecture-level city in Shan... jinisi 吉尼斯|Guinness (name) jinixishu 基尼系数|Gini coefficient (a measure of statis... jinixishu 吉尼系数|(Tw) see 基尼係數|基尼系数[Ji1ni2 xi4shu4] jinji 进击|to attack jinji 金鸡|golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) jinji 禁忌|taboo/contraindication (medicine)/to ... jinji 晋级|to advance in rank/promotion/advancement jinji 紧急|urgent/emergency jinji 锦鸡|golden pheasant jinji 谨记|to remember with reverence/to bear in... jinji 浸剂|infusion (pharm.) jinji 紧挤|to pinch/to squeeze tightly jinji 紧集|compact set jinjia 进价|opening price jinjian 晋见|to have an audience with jinjian 觐见|to have an audience (with the Emperor) jinjian 禁见|to deny a detainee visitation privileges jinjiang 晋江|Jinjiang, county-level city in Quanzh... jinjiang 锦江|Jinjiang district of Chengdu city 成都市... jinjiang 金奖|gold medal; first prize jinjiang 金匠|goldsmith jinjiangqu 锦江区|Jinjiang district of Chengdu city 成都市... jinjiangshi 晋江市|Jinjiang, county-level city in Quanzh... jinjiao 近郊|suburbs/outskirts jinjiaoqu 近郊区|suburbs/city outskirts jinjiaowan 金角湾|Zolotoy Rog or Golden Horn Bay in Vla... jinjidifang 近畿地方|the Kinki region of Japan, aka the Ka... jinjiduli 金鸡独立|golden rooster stands on one leg (tai... jinjie 进阶|advanced jinjie 紧接|to follow immediately afterwards/imme... jinjie 筋节|lit. muscles and joints/by ext. the r... jinjie 进接|(computing) access (to a network) jinjie 禁戒|to abstain from; to prohibit (certain... jinjie 尽皆|all/without exception/complete/whole/... jinjiezhe 紧接着|immediately afterwards/shortly after ... jinjin 仅仅|barely/only/merely/only (this and not... jinjin 津津|enthusiastic/ardent/(with) great relish jinjin 紧紧|closely/tightly jinjina 金鸡纳|quinine (Cinchona ledgeriana) jinjinashu 金鸡纳树|Cinchona ledgeriana, tree whose bark ... jinjinashuang 金鸡纳霜|quinine powder jinjing 进京|to enter the capital/to go to Beijing jinjing 近景|scene in the foreground; nearby scene... jinjing 今井|Imai (Japanese surname) jinjinian 近几年|in recent years jinjinjiaoliang 斤斤较量|to bicker at length over a trivial ma... jinjinjijiao 斤斤计较|to haggle over every ounce/(fig.) to ... jinjinledao 津津乐道|to discuss sth enthusiastically jinjinyouwei 津津有味|with keen interest (idiom)/with great... jinjishijian 紧急事件|emergency jinjishusan 紧急疏散|emergency evacuation jinjiu 禁酒|prohibition/ban on alcohol/dry law jinjiu 金酒|gin jinjiuling 禁酒令|prohibition/ban on alcohol jinjiyiliao 紧急医疗|emergency medical care jinjiyingbian 紧急应变|emergency management jinjiyu 禁忌语|taboo language jinjizhuangtai 紧急状态|state of emergency jinju 金橘|kumquat/also written 金桔[jin1 ju2] jinju 金句|pearl of wisdom; quotable quote jinju 金桔|kumquat jinjue 禁绝|to totally prohibit/to put an end to jinjue 晋爵|to join the nobility/to rise through ... jinjuli 近距离|close range jinjuliwuxiantongxun 近距离无线通讯|(computing) near-field communication ... jinjun 进军|to march/to advance jinjun 禁军|imperial guard jinkao 紧靠|to be right next to/to lean closely a... jinkeneng 尽可能|as far as possible; to the best of on... jinkeneng 尽可能|see 儘可能|尽可能[jin3 ke3 neng2] jinkeyulv 金科玉律|golden rule/key principle jinkou 进口|to import/imported/entrance/inlet (fo... jinkou 紧扣|to stick closely to (a topic or theme... jinkouhe 金口河|Jinkouhe district of Leshan city 樂山市|... jinkouhequ 金口河区|Jinkouhe district of Leshan city 樂山市|... jinkoushang 进口商|importer/import business jinku 金库|treasury jinkuai 尽快|as quickly as possible; as soon as po... jinkuai 尽快|see 儘快|尽快[jin3 kuai4] jinkuang 近况|recent developments/current situation jinkuang 金矿|gold mine/gold ore jinkuangheng 金眶鸻|(bird species of China) little ringed... jinkuangwengying 金眶鹟莺|(bird species of China) green-crowned... jinkui 锦葵|common mallow (Malva sinensis), used ... jinlai 进来|to come in jinlai 近来|recently/lately jinlan 金兰|profound friendship/sworn brotherhood jinlang 津浪|tsunami/same as 海嘯|海啸 jinlanpu 金兰谱|(old) genealogical records of sworn b... jinlanzhijiao 金兰之交|intimate friendship (idiom) jinli 锦鲤|koi (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) jinli 尽力|to strive one\'s hardest; to spare no ... jinli 劲力|physical strength; power jinliang 尽量|as much as possible/to the greatest e... jinliang 斤两|weight/(fig.) importance jinliang 津梁|lit. ferry bridge/fig. interim measur... jinliao 进料|to feed (a machine)/foreign goods (ab... jinlierwei 尽力而为|to try one\'s utmost/to strive jinlihui 浸礼会|Baptists jinlijiao 浸礼教|Baptist (Christian sect) jinlin 近邻|close neighbor jinlin 紧邻|to be right next to/close neighbor jinling 金陵|pre-Han name for Nanjing/common place... jinling 禁令|prohibition/ban jinling 金领|gold collar/high-level senior executi... jinling 近零|close to zero jinlingdaxue 金陵大学|University of Nanking jinlingzi 金铃子|chinaberry (Melia azedarach) jinliqi 金里奇|(Newt) Gingrich jinliuzi 金镏子|gold ring jinlu 近路|shortcut jinlu 进路|way of proceeding/approach (to a task... jinluan 禁脔|exclusive property/forbidden domain jinluandian 金銮殿|throne room jinludeng 金卤灯|metal halide lamp jinluo 筋络|tendons and muscles jinluo-migu 紧锣密鼓|lit. urgent beating of gongs and drum... jinmai 筋脉|veins jinmajiang 金马奖|Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards jinmao 金毛|blond fur jinmaodasha 金茂大厦|Jin Mao Tower, skyscraper in Shanghai jinmaogou 金毛狗|golden retriever (dog breed)/Cibotium... jinmaoquan 金毛犬|golden retriever (dog breed) jinmaoxunhuiquan 金毛寻回犬|golden retriever jinmen 金门|Kinmen or Quemoy islands off the Fuji... jinmen 进门|to enter a door/to go in/to learn the... jinmendao 金门岛|Kinmen or Quemoy islands off the Fuji... jinmenxian 金门县|Kinmen County, Taiwan (the Kinmen or ... jinmi 紧密|inseparably close jinmipeihe 紧密配合|to coordinate closely/to act in close... jinmixianglian 紧密相联|closely interrelated/intimately related jinmizhiwu 紧密织物|closely woven fabric jinmizhizui 金迷纸醉|lit. dazzling with paper and gold (id... jinmo 筋膜|(anatomy) fascia jinmo 浸没|to immerse/to swamp jinmulu 金目鲈|Barramundi/Lates calcarifer (a specie... jinnan 津南|Jinnan suburban district of Tianjin m... jinnang 锦囊|silk brocade bag, used in ancient tim... jinnangmiaoji 锦囊妙计|brocade sack of miracle plans (idiom)... jinnanqu 津南区|Jinnan suburban district of Tianjin m... jinnian 今年|this year jinnian 近年|recent year(s) jinnianlai 近年来|for the past few years jinning 金宁|Chinning township in Kinmen County 金門... jinningxiang 金宁乡|Chinning township in Kinmen County 金門... jinniu 金牛|Taurus (star sign)/Jinniu district of... jinniuqu 金牛区|Jinniu district of Chengdu city 成都市[C... jinniuzuo 金牛座|Taurus (constellation and sign of the... jinou 金瓯|Ca Mau, Vietnam jinpai 金牌|gold medal/CL:枚[mei2] jinpao 浸泡|to steep/to soak/to immerse jinpenxishou 金盆洗手|lit. to wash one\'s hands in a gold ba... jinpilijin 筋疲力尽|body weary, strength exhausted (idiom... jinpin 禁品|contraband goods jinping 锦屏|Jinping county in Qiandongnan Miao an... jinping 金平|Jinping District of Shantou City 汕頭市|... jinpingmei 金瓶梅|Jinpingmei or the Golden Lotus (1617)... jinpingmeicihua 金瓶梅词话|Jinpingmei or the Golden Lotus (1617)... jinpingmiaoyaodaizuzizhixian 金平苗瑶傣族自治县|see 金平苗族瑤族傣族自治縣|金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县[Jin1 ping... jinpingmiaozuyaozudaizuzizhixian 金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县|Jinping Miao, Yao and Dai autonomous ... jinpingqu 金平区|Jinping District of Shantou City 汕頭市|... jinpingxian 锦屏县|Jinping county in Qiandongnan Miao an... jinpingxian 金平县|Jinping Miao, Yao and Dai autonomous ... jinpo 紧迫|pressing/urgent jinpodingren 紧迫盯人|to keep a close eye on sb (idiom) jinqi 近期|near in time/in the near future/very ... jinqi 锦旗|silk banner (as an award or gift) jinqi 谨启|to respectfully inform (used at the b... jinqi 金漆|copper paint/fake gold leaf jinqian 金钱|money/currency jinqian 近前|to come close/to get near to/front jinqianbao 金钱豹|leopard jinqianfeiwanneng 金钱非万能|money is not omnipotent/money isn\'t e... jinqianguashuai 金钱挂帅|caring only about money and wealth jinqiangyu 金枪鱼|tuna jinqianwanneng 金钱万能|money is omnipotent (idiom)/with mone... jinqiao 紧俏|(merchandise) in high demand jinqin 近亲|close relative/near relation jinqinfanzhi 近亲繁殖|inbreeding jinqing 尽情|as much as one likes jinqing 近顷|recently/of late jinqinjiaopei 近亲交配|inbreeding jinqiu 进球|to score a goal/goal (sport) jinqiu 金秋|fall; autumn jinqiujiang 金球奖|Golden Globe Award jinqu 进取|to show initiative/to be a go-getter/... jinqu 进去|to go in jinqu 禁区|restricted area/forbidden region jinquan 金泉|Gimcheon (city in South Korea) jinque 紧缺|in short supply/scarce jinque 金阙|the imperial palace jinquehua 金雀花|broom/furze (family Fabaceae) jinqujiang 金曲奖|Golden Melody Awards jinquxin 进取心|enterprising spirit/initiative jinr 今儿|(coll.) today jinr 劲儿|erhua variant of 勁|劲[jin4] jinran 浸染|to be contaminated/to be gradually in... jinren 今人|modern people jinren 近人|contemporary/modern person/close frie... jinrenjiezhi 尽人皆知|known by everyone (idiom); well known... jinrge 今儿个|(coll.) today jinri 今日|today jinri 近日|(in) the past few days/recently/(with... jinricheng 金日成|Kim Il Sung (1912-1994) Great Leader ... jinridian 近日点|perihelion, the nearest point of a pl... jinrishijinribi 今日事今日毕|never put off until tomorrow what you... jinritoutiao 今日头条|Toutiao, personalized content recomme... jinrong 金融|banking/finance/financial jinrongfengbao 金融风暴|banking crisis/storm in financial cir... jinrongfengbo 金融风波|financial crisis/banking crisis jinronggaige 金融改革|financial reform jinrongganggan 金融杠杆|financial leverage/leveraging (i.e. b... jinrongjia 金融家|financier; banker jinrongjie 金融界|banking circles/the world of finance jinrongjigou 金融机构|financial institution/banking institu... jinrongjiguan 金融机关|financial organization jinrongqu 金融区|financial district jinrongshibao 金融时报|Financial Times jinrongshibaozhishu 金融时报指数|Financial Times stock exchange index ... jinrongshichang 金融市场|financial market jinrongweiji 金融危机|financial crisis jinrongxitong 金融系统|financial system jinrongyanshengchanpin 金融衍生产品|financial derivative jinrongye 金融业|financial sector/the banking business jinru 进入|to enter/to join/to go into jinru 浸入|to soak/to dip jinrun 浸润|to permeate/to percolate/fig. to satu... jinruohanchan 噤若寒蝉|to keep quiet out of fear (idiom) jinsai 禁赛|to ban (an athlete) from competitions jinsanjiao 金三角|Golden Triangle (Southeast Asia) jinse 堇色|violet (color) jinse 金色|golden/gold (color) jinselinqu 金色林鸲|(bird species of China) golden bush r... jinseyaque 金色鸦雀|(bird species of China) golden parrot... jinsha 金沙|gold dust/salted egg yolk sauce jinshajiang 金沙江|Jinsha river, upper reaches of Yangtz... jinshan 金山|Jinshan suburban district of Shanghai... jinshang 谨上|respectfully yours (in closing a letter) jinshangtianhua 锦上添花|lit. add flowers to brocade (idiom)/f... jinshanjinmei 尽善尽美|perfect (idiom); perfection/the best ... jinshanqu 金山区|Jinshan suburban district of Shanghai jinshansi 金山寺|Jinshan Temple, where Fahai lives (fr... jinshanxiang 金山乡|Jinshan or Chinshan township in New T... jinshasa 金沙萨|Kinshasa, capital of Zaire jinshazhen 金沙镇|Chinsha town in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县... jinshen 紧身|skintight jinshen 进深|(of a house or room) distance from th... jinshen 谨慎|cautious/prudent jinshen 进身|to get oneself promoted to a higher rank jinsheng 晋升|to promote to a higher position jinsheng 今生|this life jinsheng 噤声|to keep silent jinshengling 噤声令|gag order jinshenzhijie 进身之阶|stepping-stone to greater power or hi... jinshi 进士|successful candidate in the highest i... jinshi 近视|shortsighted/nearsighted/myopia jinshi 进食|to eat one\'s meal jinshi 禁食|to fast/to abstain from eating/to for... jinshi 尽是|to be full of/completely jinshi 今世|this life/this age jinshi 浸湿|to soak/to saturate jinshi 紧实|tight/firm/dense/packed jinshi 金石|metal and stone/fig. hard objects/ins... jinshi 金饰|gold ornaments jinshi 金氏|Guinness (name) (Tw) jinshi 金史|History of the Jurchen Jin Dynasty, t... jinshi 津市|Jinshi, county-level city in Changde ... jinshi 尽失|(of hope, appetite, authority etc) to... jinshijiang 金狮奖|Golden Lion, award at the Venice Film... jinshijinri 今时今日|this day and age (dialect) jinshiliangyan 金石良言|gems of wisdom (idiom); priceless advice jinshiqianxian 尽释前嫌|to forget former enmity (idiom) jinshishi 津市市|Jinshi, county-level city in Changde ... jinshixue 金石学|epigraphy jinshou 禁售|to ban the sale of jinshou 禁受|to stand/to endure jinshou 谨守|to adhere strictly (to the rules) jinshouyandi 尽收眼底|to take in the whole scene at once; t... jinshu 金属|metal/CL:種|种[zhong3] jinshu 晋书|History of the Jin Dynasty, fifth of ... jinshu 尽数|(Tw) in its entirety; all of it; all ... jinshu 尽数|to count all of them jinshu 尽数|in its entirety; all of it; all of them jinshu 禁书|banned book jinshuban 金属板|metal plate jinshubang 金属棒|metal rod jinshubaopian 金属薄片|foil/Taiwan pr. [jin1 shu3 bo2 pian4] jinshui 金水|Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州... jinshui 进水|to have water get in (one\'s ear, shoe... jinshui 浸水|to immerse in water; to drench; to in... jinshuikou 进水口|water inlet jinshuiloutai 近水楼台|lit. a pavilion near the water (idiom... jinshuiloutaixiandeyue 近水楼台先得月|the pavilion closest to the water enj... jinshuiqu 金水区|Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州... jinshuizha 进水闸|water intake/inlet sluice jinshujian 金属键|metallic bond jinshupilao 金属疲劳|metal fatigue jinshuwaike 金属外壳|metal cover jinshuxian 金属线|metal wire jinsi 近似|to approximate; to be similar jinsidun 金斯敦|Kingstown, capital of Saint Vincent a... jinsihou 金丝猴|golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithec... jinsijie 近似解|approximate solution jinsique 金丝雀|canary jinsiyan 金丝燕|Aerodramus, genus of birds that use e... jinsu 尽速|as quick as possible jinsu 襟素|one\'s true heart jinsui 今岁|(literary) this year jinsuiqihou 紧随其后|to follow closely behind sb or sth (i... jinsuo 紧缩|(economics) to reduce/to curtail/to c... jinta 金塔|Jinta county in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu jinta 津塔|Jin Tower/abbr. for 天津環球金融中心|天津环球金融中心... jintai 金台|Jintai District of Baoji City 寶雞市|宝鸡市... jintaiqu 金台区|Jintai District of Baoji City 寶雞市|宝鸡市... jintang 金堂|Jintang county in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 d... jintang 金汤|impregnable fortress (abbr. for 金城湯池|... jintangli 金汤力|(loanword) gin and tonic jintangxian 金堂县|Jintang county in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 d... jintaxian 金塔县|Jinta county in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu jinteng 近藤|Kondō (Japanese surname) jintian 今天|today/the present time; now jintiancun 金田村|Jintian village in Guiping county 桂平[... jintianhe 金天翮|Jin Tianhe (1874-1947), late-Qing poe... jintianqiyi 金田起义|Jintian Uprising jintiao 金条|gold bar jintie 津贴|allowance jintie 紧贴|to stick close to/to press up against jintishi 近体诗|a genre of poetry, developed in the T... jintishi 今体诗|same as 近體詩|近体诗[jin4 ti3 shi1] jintonghezhu 金铜合铸|copper gold alloy jintongyunv 金童玉女|lit. golden boys and jade maidens (id... jintou 尽头|end; extremity; limit jintou 劲头|enthusiasm/zeal/vigor/strength jintou 浸透|to soak; to saturate; to drench; to p... jintoufengyeying 金头缝叶莺|(bird species of China) mountain tail... jintouheique 金头黑雀|(bird species of China) gold-naped fi... jintoushanweiying 金头扇尾莺|(bird species of China) golden-headed... jintousuimei 金头穗鹛|(bird species of China) golden babble... jintui 进退|to advance or retreat/knowing when to... jintuibude 进退不得|can\'t advance or retreat (idiom); no ... jintuiliangnan 进退两难|no room to advance or to retreat (idi... jintuishiju 进退失据|no room to advance or to retreat (idi... jintuiweigu 进退维谷|no room to advance or to retreat (idi... jintuiweinan 进退为难|no room to advance or to retreat (idi... jintuiwulu 进退无路|to have no alternative (idiom) jintuiyouchang 进退有常|to advance or retreat, each has its r... jintuizhongsheng 进退中绳|to advance or retreat, each has its r... jintuiziru 进退自如|free to come and go (idiom)/to have r... jinu 激怒|to infuriate/to enrage/to exasperate jinu 齌怒|to suddenly become extremely angry jinuo 季诺|a promise that can be realized jinuozu 基诺族|Jinuo ethnic group jinv 妓女|prostitute; hooker jinv 继女|stepdaughter/CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2] jinv 寄女|foster daughter jinwan 今晚|tonight jinwan 金湾|Jinwan District of Zhuhai City 珠海市[Zh... jinwanqu 金湾区|Jinwan District of Zhuhai City 珠海市[Zh... jinwei 金威|Kingway (Chinese beer brand) jinwei 禁卫|defense of the imperial palace or of ... jinweifa 进位法|system of writing numbers to a base, ... jinweijun 禁卫军|imperial guard jinweiwenmo 近卫文麿|Prince KONOE Fumimaro (1891-), Japane... jinwen 金文|inscription in bronze/bell-cauldron i... jinwengong 晋文公|Duke Wen of Jin (697-628 BC, reigned ... jinwenjing 今文经|Former Han dynasty school of Confucia... jinwenjingxue 今文经学|Former Han dynasty school of Confucia... jinwo 紧握|to hold firmly, not let go jinwoyinwoburuzijidegouwo 金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝|there\'s no place like home (idiom) jinwu 金乌|Golden Crow/the sun/the three-legged ... jinwucangjiao 金屋藏娇|a golden house to keep one\'s mistress... jinwuxizhui,yutudongsheng 金乌西坠,玉兔东升|lit. the golden bird of the sun sets ... jinwuzuchi 金无足赤|not all gold is sufficiently red (idi... jinxi 金溪|Jinxi county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi jinxi 浸洗|to immerse/to rinse jinxi 今昔|past and present/yesterday and today jinxi 锦西|Jinxi town, now part of Nanpiao distr... jinxi 进袭|raid/to carry out a raid/to invade jinxian 进贤|Jinxian county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi jinxian 进献|to offer as tribute jinxian 尽先|in the first instance/as a first prio... jinxian 锦县|Jin county in Liaoning jinxian 晋县|Jin county in Hebei jinxian 金县|King County jinxiandaishi 近现代史|modern history and contemporary history jinxiang 进项|income; receipts; earnings; revenue jinxiang 金乡|Jinxiang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 n... jinxiang 进香|to burn incense at a temple jinxiangxian 金乡县|Jinxiang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 n... jinxianxian 进贤县|Jinxian county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi jinxiao 尽孝|to do one\'s filial duty jinxiaofeng 金小蜂|a parisitoid wasp (genus Nasonia) jinxiasha 金夏沙|Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic R... jinxin 尽心|with all of one\'s heart jinxing 进行|to advance/to conduct/underway/in pro... jinxing 金星|Venus (planet) jinxing 金星|gold star/stars (that one sees from b... jinxing 尽兴|to enjoy oneself to the full/to one\'s... jinxing 尽性|displaying fully/developing to the gr... jinxingqu 进行曲|march (musical) jinxingxing 进行性|progressive/gradual jinxingxingshiyu 进行性失语|progressive aphasia/gradual loss of s... jinxinhui 浸信会|Baptists jinxinjieli 尽心竭力|to spare no effort (idiom); to do one... jinxinjinli 尽心尽力|making an all-out effort (idiom); to ... jinxinxiukou 锦心绣口|(of writing) elegant and ornate jinxiong 襟兄|husband of wife\'s older sister jinxionggequ 金胸歌鸲|(bird species of China) firethroat (C... jinxiongjiang 金熊奖|Golden Bear, award at the Berlin Inte... jinxiongquemei 金胸雀鹛|(bird species of China) golden-breast... jinxiu 进修|to undertake advanced studies/to take... jinxiu 锦绣|beautiful jinxiuqiancheng 锦绣前程|bright future/bright prospects jinxiuxian 金秀县|Jinxiu Yao autonomous county in Laibi... jinxiuyaozuzizhixian 金秀瑶族自治县|Jinxiu Yao autonomous county in Laibi... jinxixian 金溪县|Jinxi county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi jinxixian 锦西县|former Jinxi county, now part of Nanp... jinxue 进学|to advance one\'s learning/to enter th... jinyan 禁烟|to ban smoking/to quit smoking/to pro... jinyan 进言|to put forward a suggestion (to sb in... jinyan 谨严|meticulous/rigorous jinyan 尽言|saying everything/to speak out fully jinyan 禁演|to ban (a play or movie) jinyang 金阳|Jinyang county in Liangshan Yi autono... jinyangxian 金阳县|Jinyang county in Liangshan Yi autono... jinyanmeique 金眼鹛雀|(bird species of China) yellow-eyed b... jinyao 紧要|critical/crucial/vital jinyao 禁药|drugs ban (e.g. for athletes) jinyao 金钥|the key (to solving a problem etc)/(T... jinyao 津要|(literary) key location/key post (imp... jinyaobufang 紧咬不放|(idiom) unwilling to let go/like a do... jinyaoguantou 紧要关头|urgent and important moment (idiom); ... jinyaori 金曜日|Friday (used in ancient Chinese astro... jinyaoyan 金腰燕|(bird species of China) red-rumped sw... jinye 今夜|tonight/this evening jinye 津液|bodily fluids (general term in Chines... jinye 禁夜|curfew jinyi 今译|modern language version/modern transl... jinyi 进益|income/(literary) improvement/progress jinyi 尽意|to express fully/all one\'s feelings jinyi 襟翼|(aircraft) wing flap jinyibu 进一步|to go a step further/(develop, unders... jinyici 近义词|synonym/close equivalent expression jinyin 金银|gold and silver jinyin 近因|immediate cause/proximate cause jinyin 今音|modern (i.e. not ancient) pronunciati... jinyin 金印|golden seal/characters tattooed on a ... jinyin 卺饮|to share nuptial cup/fig. to get married jinyinbo 金银箔|gold and silver foil/gold and silver ... jinyindao 金银岛|Treasure Island by R.L. Stevenson 羅伯特... jinyinhua 金银花|honeysuckle jinyinkuai 金银块|bullion jinyisuoshi 紧衣缩食|see 節衣縮食|节衣缩食[jie2 yi1 suo1 shi2] jinyiwei 锦衣卫|Brocade Uniform Guard, imperial bodyg... jinyiwu 尽义务|to fulfill one\'s duty/to work without... jinyiyushi 锦衣玉食|brocade garments, jade meals (idiom);... jinyong 禁用|to withstand heavy use/durable jinyong 禁用|to prohibit the use of sth/to ban/(co... jinyong 金庸|Jin Yong, pen name of Louis Cha (1924... jinyongnan 金永南|Kim Yong-nam (1928-), North Korean po... jinyongsan 金泳三|Kim Young-sam (1927-2015), South Kore... jinyu 金鱼|goldfish jinyu 禁欲|to suppress desire/self-restraint/asc... jinyu 禁渔|ban on fishing jinyu 金玉|gold and jade/precious jinyu 禁语|taboo (word)/unmentionable word jinyuan 晋源|Jinyuan district of Taiyuan city 太原市[... jinyuanqu 晋源区|Jinyuan district of Taiyuan city 太原市[... jinyuanquan 金圆券|currency issued by Nationalist Govern... jinyuanquan 金元券|currency issued by Nationalist Govern... jinyucao 金鱼草|snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) jinyulao 金鱼佬|pedophile (slang, referring to the ca... jinyuliangyan 金玉良言|gems of wisdom (idiom); priceless advice jinyumantang 金玉满堂|lit. gold and jade fill the hall (idi... jinyun 缙云|Jinyun county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 shu... jinyun 禁运|embargo/export ban (e.g. on weapons) jinyunxian 缙云县|Jinyun county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 shu... jinyuqibiao,baixuqizhong 金玉其表,败絮其中|gilded exterior, shabby and ruined on... jinyuqiwai,baixuqizhong 金玉其外,败絮其中|gilded exterior, shabby and ruined on... jinyuzao 金鱼藻|hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) jinyuzhong 金宇中|Kim Woo-jung (1936-), Korean business... jinyuzhuyi 禁欲主义|asceticism jinzaiyanqian 近在眼前|right under one\'s nose; right in fron... jinzaizhichi 近在咫尺|to be almost within reach/to be close... jinzao 今早|this morning jinzao 尽早|as early as possible jinzao 金枣|oval kumquat; Nagami kumquat (Citrus ... jinze 尽责|to do one\'s duty/to do one\'s bit cons... jinze 津泽|fluids (esp. in plants)/sap jinzhai 金寨|Jinzhai, a county in Lu\'an 六安[Lu4an1]... jinzhaixian 金寨县|Jinzhai, a county in Lu\'an 六安[Lu4an1]... jinzhan 进展|to make headway; to make progress jinzhan 进站|(of a train, bus etc) to pull into a ... jinzhan 进栈|(computing) to push (a value) onto a ... jinzhan 尽展|to display (one\'s potential, one\'s ta... jinzhang 紧张|nervous/keyed up/intense/tense/strain... jinzhang 进账|income/receipts jinzhanghanguo 金帐汗国|Golden Horde (ancient state) jinzhanghuanhe 紧张缓和|detente jinzhangzhuangtai 紧张状态|tense situation/standoff jinzhao 今朝|(dialect) today/(literary) the presen... jinzhao 近照|recent photo jinzhaoyoujiujinzhaozui 今朝有酒今朝醉|to live in the moment (idiom)/to live... jinzhen 金针|needle used in embroidery or sewing/a... jinzhencai 金针菜|day lily (Hemerocallis), used in Chin... jinzhengen 金正恩|Kim Jong-un (c. 1983-), third son of ... jinzhengnan 金正男|Kim Jong-nam (1971-2017), the eldest ... jinzhengri 金正日|Kim Jong-il (1942-2011), Dear Leader ... jinzhengu 金针菇|enoki mushroom (Flammulina velutipes)... jinzhengyin 金正银|former spelling of Kim Jong-un 金正恩[Ji... jinzhengyun 金正云|erroneous form of Kim Jong-un 金正恩[Jin... jinzhenhua 金针花|orange day-lily (Hemerocallis fulva) jinzhi 禁止|to prohibit/to forbid/to ban jinzhi 尽职|to discharge one\'s duties/conscientious jinzhi 禁制|to control/to restrict/to prohibit/pr... jinzhi 尽致|in the finest detail jinzhidiaocha 尽职调查|due diligence (law) jinzhijinze 尽职尽责|responsible and diligent (idiom) jinzhiling 禁制令|prohibition/ban/law forbidding sth jinzhilingxing 禁止令行|see 令行禁止[ling4 xing2 jin4 zhi3] jinzhishiru 禁止驶入|Do not enter! (road sign) jinzhiwaichu 禁止外出|to forbid sb to go out/to curfew/to g... jinzhixiyan 禁止吸烟|No smoking! jinzhiyuye 金枝玉叶|golden branch, jade leaves (idiom); f... jinzhong 晋中|see 晉中市|晋中市[Jin4zhong1 Shi4] jinzhong 金钟|Admiralty, Hong Kong jinzhong 尽忠|to display utter loyalty/to be loyal ... jinzhong 浸种|to soak seeds (in water to hasten ger... jinzhongshi 晋中市|Jinzhong, prefecture-level city in Sh... jinzhou 锦州|see 錦州市|锦州市[Jin3zhou1 Shi4] jinzhou 晋州|Jinzhou county-level city in Hebei/Ji... jinzhouqu 金州区|Jinzhou district of Dalian 大連市|大连市[Da... jinzhoushi 锦州市|Jinzhou, prefecture-level city in Lia... jinzhoushi 晋州市|Jinzhou county-level city in Hebei, a... jinzhu 进驻|to enter and garrison/(fig.) to estab... jinzhu 金主|financial backer/bankroller jinzhuan 金砖|BRIC/BRICS economic bloc (Brazil, Rus... jinzhuansiguo 金砖四国|Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) jinzhui 紧追|to pursue closely jinzhujinmo 近朱近墨|one is judged by the company one keep... jinzhulong 浸猪笼|to drown sb in a wicker basket, a for... jinzhuzhechi,jinmozhehei 近朱者赤,近墨者黑|those who handle cinnabar are stained... jinzi 金子|Kaneko (Japanese surname) jinzi 金子|gold jinzi 浸渍|to soak/to macerate jinzi 金字|gold lettering/gold characters jinzi 妗子|(informal) mother\'s brother\'s wife/ma... jinzi 尽自|always/always regardless (of anything) jinzita 金字塔|pyramid (building or structure) jinzitashi 金字塔式|downward-facing dog (yoga pose) jinzu 禁足|to forbid sb to go out/to confine to ... jinzuocankao 仅作参考|for reference only jiong 煚|fire jiong 炯|bright/clear jiong 炯|old variant of 炯[jiong3] jiong 囧|(archaic) light, bright (variant of 冏... jiong 炅|(literary) bright/shining/brilliance jiong 迥|variant of 迥[jiong3] jiong 迥|distant jiong 迥|old variant of 迥[jiong3] jiong 埛|old variant of 坰[jiong1] jiong 窘|distressed/embarrassed jiong 冋|old variant of 坰[jiong1] jiong 扃|(literary) to shut or bolt a door/door jiong 坰|environs/wilderness jiong 冂|radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi... jiong 泂|vast jiong 冏|velvetleaf (Abutilon avicennae), plan... jiong 颎|blaze/bright jiong 澃|clear jiong 綗|variant of 絅|䌹[jiong3] jiong 䌹|monotone garment with no lining jiong 褧|monotone garment with no lining jiong 𬳶|(literary) (of a horse) stout; sturdy jiongche 冏彻|bright and easily understood/clear/tr... jiongjing 窘境|awkward situation/predicament jiongjiong 炯炯|(literary) (of eyes) bright; shining jiongjiongyoushen 炯炯有神|(idiom) eyes bright and full of expre... jiongkuang 窘况|predicament jiongkui 窘匮|destitute/impoverished jiongmu 冏牧|minister of the imperial stud, origin... jiongpo 窘迫|poverty-stricken/very poor/hard-press... jiongqing 冏卿|minister of the imperial stud, origin... jiongran 迥然|vastly (different) jiongranbutong 迥然不同|widely different/utterly different jiongsi 冏寺|same as 太僕寺|太仆寺[Tai4 pu2 si4], Court ... jiongyi 迥异|totally different jiou 奇偶|parity/odd and even jiouxing 奇偶性|parity (odd or even) jipa 鸡扒|see 雞排|鸡排[ji1 pai2] jipai 鸡排|chicken breast/chicken cutlet jipaipai 急拍拍|hurried/impatient/rushed jipan 基盘|base/foundation/(Tw) (geology) bedrock jipei 继配|second wife (of a widower) jipi 麂皮|suede/chamois leather jipiao 机票|air ticket/passenger ticket/CL:張|张[zh... jipiao 计票|count of votes jipidongwu 棘皮动物|echinoderm, the phylum containing sea... jipigeda 鸡皮疙瘩|goose pimples/goose bumps jipin 极品|best quality/item of the highest qual... jipin 祭品|offering jipin 济贫|to help the poor jipin 基频|fundamental frequency jipo 急迫|urgent/pressing/imperative jipo 鸡婆|(dialect) hen; prostitute/(Tw) (adjec... jipotou 挤破头|to fight tooth and nail to get sth jipu 吉普|Jeep (car brand) jipu 记谱|to notate music/to write a score jipu 基普|kip (Laotian currency) jipuche 吉普车|jeep (military vehicle) (loanword) jipufa 记谱法|method of music notation jipusairen 吉普赛人|Gypsy jipusikua 吉普斯夸|Gipuzkoa or Guipúzcoa, one of the sev... jiqi 及其|(conjunction linking two nouns) and i... jiqi 机器|machine/CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4],個|个[ge4] jiqi 极其|extremely jiqi 激起|to arouse/to evoke/to cause/to stir up jiqi 祭器|ritual dishes/sacrificial vessels jiqi 记起|to recall/to recollect jiqi 集齐|to collect the complete set of jiqian 几千|several thousand jiqiang 机枪|machine gun jiqiangzhen 吉强镇|Jiqiang town in Xiji county 西吉[Xi1 ji... jiqiao 技巧|skill/technique jiqiao 机巧|cunning/dexterous/ingenious jiqiao 讥诮|to deride/to mock jiqiao 机壳|case, casing, cabinet or housing (of ... jiqie 急切|eager/impatient jiqie 姬妾|concubine jiqifanyi 机器翻译|machine translation jiqijiaotache 机器脚踏车|(dialect) motorcycle/abbr. to 機車|机车[j... jiqin 继亲|stepfamily/(old) stepmother/to marry jiqing 激情|passion/fervor/enthusiasm/strong emotion jiqing 吉庆|auspicious/propitious/good fortune jiqing 基情|(slang) bromance/gay love jiqipin 即期品|product approaching its expiry date (Tw) jiqiren 机器人|robot; android jiqirenxue 机器人学|robotics jiqiu 击球|to bat/to hit a ball (sport) jiqiudanbai 肌球蛋白|myosin (biochemistry) jiqiuyuan 击球员|(baseball, cricket etc) batter jiqu 汲取|to draw; to derive; to absorb jiquan 集权|centralized power (history), e.g. und... jiquan 极权|totalitarian jiquan-buliu 鸡犬不留|lit. not even chickens and dogs are s... jiquan-shengtian 鸡犬升天|lit. (when a person attains enlighten... jiquanbuning 鸡犬不宁|lit. not even the chickens and dogs a... jiquanzhuyi 极权主义|totalitarianism jiqun 集群|clan/to clan together/to flock together jiran 既然|since; as; this being the case jiran 寂然|silent/quiet jiren 继任|to succeed sb in a job/successor jirenlixia 寄人篱下|to lodge under another person\'s roof ... jirentianxiang 吉人天相|see 吉人自有天相[ji2 ren2 zi4 you3 tian1 xi... jirenzhe 继任者|successor jirenzhinan 急人之难|anxious to help others resolve diffic... jirenziyoutianxiang 吉人自有天相|Heaven helps the worthy (idiom) jiri 吉日|propitious day/lucky day jiri 忌日|anniversary of a death/inauspicious day jiri 即日|this or that very day/in the next few... jirongkafei 即溶咖啡|instant coffee jirou 肌肉|muscle/flesh jirou 鸡肉|chicken meat jiroufada 肌肉发达|muscular jirounan 肌肉男|muscular man; muscleman jirousongchiji 肌肉松弛剂|muscle relaxant (medicine) jirouweisuozheng 肌肉萎缩症|muscular dystrophy jirouzhushe 肌肉注射|intramuscular injection jirouzuzhi 肌肉组织|muscle tissue jiru 即如|such as jiru 挤入|to squeeze in; to force oneself into;... jiruo 积弱|cumulative weakness/to decline (over ... jiruxinghuo 急如星火|lit. as hurried as a shooting star (i... jisai 祭赛|to give sacrifice jisan 集散|to assemble (goods, passengers etc fr... jisandi 集散地|distribution center jisangjiani 基桑加尼|Kisangani (city in the Democratic Rep... jisha 击杀|to attack and kill jishache 急刹车|emergency braking jishan 稷山|Jishan county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 ... jishang 激赏|to be full of admiration jishang 系上|to tie on/to buckle up/to fasten jishangqu 挤上去|to squeeze oneself up into (a crowded... jishanxian 稷山县|Jishan county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 ... jishao 极少|very little/very few jishaochengduo 积少成多|(idiom) many little things add up to ... jishaoshu 极少数|extremely few/a small minority jishe 鸡舍|chicken coop jishen 机身|body of a vehicle or machine/fuselage... jishen 跻身|to rise into the ranks of; to be amon... jisheng 寄生|to live in or on another organism as ... jisheng 计生|planned childbirth/birth control/fami... jisheng 祭牲|sacrificial animal jishengchong 寄生虫|parasite (biology)/(fig.) freeloader jishengshenghuo 寄生生活|parasitism; parasitic existence jishengshiqi 极盛时期|most flourishing period/Golden Age jishengwu 寄生物|parasite jishengzhe 寄生者|parasite (human) jishenyanji 极深研几|deep and detailed investigation (idiom) jishi 集市|market; bazaar; fair jishi 及时|timely; at the right time/promptly; w... jishi 即使|even if; even though jishi 计时|to measure time/to time/to reckon by ... jishi 几时|at what time?; when? jishi 即时|immediate jishi 既是|is both ...(and...)/since/as/being th... jishi 纪实|record of actual events/documentary (... jishi 记事|to keep a record of events/record/to ... jishi 基石|foundation stone; cornerstone/(fig.) ... jishi 技师|senior technician; technical expert jishi 即食|instant (food) jishi 积食|(of food) to retain in stomach due to... jishi 急事|urgent matter jishi 继室|second wife (of a widower) jishi 疾驶|(of a vehicle) to travel at high speed jishi 济事|(usually used in the negative) to be ... jishi 给事|(the name of an official position in ... jishi 吉士|cheese (loanword)/custard powder/(lit... jishi 季世|final phase/end of a historical era jishi 吉事|auspicious event jishiben 记事本|notebook/paper notepad/laptop computer jishibisai 计时比赛|time trial (e.g. in cycle race)/timed... jishibu 记事簿|a memo book (recording events) jishice 记事册|notebook containing a record jishifa 计时法|time reckoning jishifen 吉士粉|custard powder jishigan 既视感|déjà vu jishigongzi 计时工资|payment by the hour; time-rate wages ... jishiguo 吉事果|churro jishijidi 即时即地|moment-to-moment jishimaoyi 集市贸易|market trade jishiqi 计时器|timer jishisai 计时赛|time trial (e.g. in cycle race)/timed... jishishanbaoanzudongxiangzusalazuzizhixian 积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县|Jishishan Bonan, Dongxiang and Salar ... jishishoufei 计时收费|time charge jishitongxun 即时通讯|instant messaging jishixiaoxi 即时消息|instant message jishixing 及时性|timeliness/promptness jishixingle 及时行乐|to enjoy the present (idiom); to live... jishiyu 及时雨|timely rain/(fig.) timely assistance;... jishizhadan 计时炸弹|time bomb jishizhi 即时制|real-time (gaming) jishou 棘手|thorny (problem)/intractable jishou 寄售|sale on consignment jishou 吉首|Jishou, county-level city and capital... jishou 疾首|extremely angry/infuriated/enraged/he... jishoushi 吉首市|Jishou, county-level city and capital... jishu 技术|technology; technique; skill/CL:門|门[m... jishu 计数|to count/reckoning jishu 基数|cardinal number/(math.) radix/base jishu 奇数|odd number jishu 级数|(math.) series jishu 记述|to write an account (of events) jishu 集束|to cluster jishu 疾书|to scribble rapidly jishu 继述|(literary) to carry on/to inherit/to ... jishubiaozhun 技术标准|technology standard jishuci 基数词|cardinal numeral jishufa 计数法|calculation/reckoning jishufangan 技术方案|technology program/technical solution jishufazhan 技术发展|technological development jishuguan 计数管|counter jishuguanliao 技术官僚|technocrat jishuguifan 技术规范|technical specification jishuguzhang 技术故障|technical breakdown/malfunction jishui 给水|to supply water/to provide feedwater jishui 积水|to collect water/to be covered with w... jishui 吉水|Jishui county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi jishui 汲水|to draw water jishui 济水|Ji River, former river of north-easte... jishuixian 吉水县|Jishui county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi jishulvyi 计数率仪|ratemeter jishuqi 计数器|counter/register jishuqianshui 技术潜水|technical diving jishurenyuan 技术人员|technical staff jishuxing 技术性|technical/technological jishuxuexiao 技术学校|vocational high school (abbr. to 技校[j... jishuyuan 技术员|technician/CL:個|个[ge4] jishuyuanzhu 技术援助|technical assistance jishuzhadan 集束炸弹|cluster bomb jishuzhan 技术栈|technology stack jishuzhe 计数者|counter jishuzhidao 技术指导|technical instructor/coach jishuzhishi 技术知识|technical knowledge jisi 己巳|sixth year F6 of the 60 year cycle, e... jisi 祭司|priest jisi 祭祀|to offer sacrifices to the gods or an... jisi 缉私|to suppress smugglers/to search for s... jisi 继嗣|to continue/to continue a family line... jisiguangyi 集思广益|collecting opinions is of wide benefi... jisiquanshu 祭司权术|priestcraft jisong 寄送|to send/to transmit jisongrong 姬松茸|himematsutake mushroom (Agaricus subr... jisu 急速|hurried/at a great speed/rapid (devel... jisu 激素|hormone jisu 寄宿|to stay; to lodge; to board jisu 疾速|very fast/at high speed jisuan 计算|to calculate; to compute/to consider;... jisuan 肌酸|creatine jisuanchi 计算尺|slide rule jisuanfuzaxing 计算复杂性|computational complexity (math.) jisuanji 计算机|computer/(Tw) calculator/CL:臺|台[tai2] jisuanjidonghua 计算机动画|computer animation jisuanjifuzhusheji 计算机辅助设计|CAD computer-aided design jisuanjigongye 计算机工业|computer industry jisuanjijichengzhizao 计算机集成制造|computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) jisuanjikedu 计算机可读|computer-readable/machine-readable jisuanjikexue 计算机科学|computer science jisuanjikexuejia 计算机科学家|computer scientist jisuanjimoni 计算机模拟|computer simulation jisuanjizhitu 计算机制图|computer graphics jisuanqi 计算器|calculator/calculating machine jisuansheying 计算摄影|computational photography jisuanshuxue 计算数学|computational mathematics/numerical m... jisui 脊髓|spinal cord/medulla spinalis jisui 击碎|to smash to pieces jisui 几岁|how old are you? (familiar, or to a c... jisuihuizhiyan 脊髓灰质炎|poliomyelitis jisuiyan 脊髓炎|myelitis; inflammation of spinal cord jisuo 脊索|notochord (anatomy) jisuobuyu,wushiyuren 己所不欲,勿施于人|What you don\'t want done to you, don\'... jisuodongwu 脊索动物|chordata jisuodongwumen 脊索动物门|Chordata, phylum containing vertebrates jisusheng 寄宿生|boarder jisuxuexiao 寄宿学校|boarding school jita 吉他|guitar (loanword)/CL:把[ba3] jita 吉它|a guitar jita 挤踏|stampede jitache 机踏车|motorcycle (Tw)/abbr. for 機器腳踏車|机器脚踏车... jitai 畸胎|a teratism; monster; severely deforme... jitai 基台|(dental implant) abutment jitai 畸态|deformity/birth defect/abnormality jitailiu 畸胎瘤|teratoma (medicine) jitan 祭坛|altar jitang 鸡汤|chicken stock/chicken soup/(fig.) chi... jitang 己糖|hexose (CH2O)6, monosaccharide with s... jitapu 吉他谱|guitar tablature jitashou 吉他手|guitar player jiteba 吉特巴|jitterbug (loanword) jiti 集体|collective (decision)/joint (effort)/... jiti 机体|organism (biology)/airframe (aeronaut... jiti 肌体|the body/organism (usually human)/(fi... jiti 计提|to set aside/to make provision for (c... jiti 基体|base body/matrix/substrate jiti 挤提|bank run/to crowd into a bank and wit... jitian 几天|several days jitian 吉田|Yoshida (Japanese surname and place n... jitianji 姬田鸡|(bird species of China) little crake ... jitianlai 几天来|for the past few days jitianquantiaoyuezuzhi 集体安全条约组织|Collective Security Treaty Organizati... jitidianlu 积体电路|(Tw) integrated circuit jitifanghu 集体防护|collective protection jitifenmu 集体坟墓|mass grave jitihu 集体户|collective/joint household jitihua 集体化|collectivization/to collectivize jitijingji 集体经济|collective economy jitilei 奇蹄类|Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates, s... jitimu 奇蹄目|Perissodactyla/order of odd-toed ungu... jitiqiangjian 集体强奸|gang rape jitisusong 集体诉讼|(law) class action jitixingzou 集体行走|pedestrian group (e.g. of tourists etc) jitizhuyi 集体主义|collectivism jitong 唧筒|a pump/water pump jitong 继统|to succeed on the throne jitong 乩童|spirit medium jitongyajiang 鸡同鸭讲|lit. chicken speaking with duck/fig. ... jitongzuo 唧筒座|Antlia (constellation) jitou 机头|the front (nose) of a plane etc jitoumi 鸡头米|Gorgon fruit/Semen euryales (botany)/... jitouzuo 机头座|headstock/turning head of a screw, dr... jitu 激凸|protruding nipples or bulging penis (... jituan 集团|group/bloc/corporation/conglomerate jituan 基团|radical (chemistry) jituanjun 集团军|army grouping/collective army jituchengshan 积土成山|lit. piling up dirt eventually create... jitui 鸡腿|chicken leg/drumstick/CL:根[gen1] jitui 击退|to beat back/to repel jituigu 鸡腿菇|shaggy ink cap (edible mushroom)/Copr... jituo 寄托|to entrust (to sb)/to place (one\'s ho... jiu 就|(after a suppositional clause) in tha... jiu 旧|old/opposite: new 新/former/worn (with... jiu 酒|wine (esp. rice wine)/liquor/spirits/... jiu 韭|leek jiu 韭|variant of 韭[jiu3] jiu 揪|to seize/to clutch/to grab firmly and... jiu 救|variant of 救[jiu4] jiu 救|to save/to assist/to rescue jiu 玖|black jade/nine (banker\'s anti-fraud ... jiu 九|nine/9 jiu 啾|(onom.) wailing of child/chirp/kiss (Tw) jiu 久|(long) time/(long) duration of time jiu 灸|moxibustion (TCM) jiu 咎|fault/to blame/to punish/calamity/mis... jiu 揫|to gather/to collect jiu 纠|old variant of 糾|纠[jiu1] jiu 纠|to gather together/to investigate/to ... jiu 舅|maternal uncle jiu 究|after all/to investigate/to study car... jiu 疚|chronic disease/guilt/remorse jiu 臼|mortar jiu 鸠|turtledove/(literary) to gather jiu 鹫|vulture jiu 乆|old variant of 久[jiu3] jiu 厩|stable/barn jiu 厩|variant of 廄|厩[jiu4] jiu 僦|(literary) to rent; to hire; to lease jiu 廏|variant of 廄|厩[jiu4] jiu 樛|surname Jiu jiu 樛|to hang down jiu 摎|to strangle/to inquire into jiu 柩|bier jiu 糺|army (used during the Liao, Jin and Y... jiu 鬏|bun (of hair) jiu 阄|lots (to be drawn)/lot (in a game of ... jiu 桕|Tallow tree/Sapium sebiferum jiu 乣|old variant of 糺[jiu3] jiu 丩|old variant of 糾|纠[jiu1] jiu 〩|numeral 9 in the Suzhou numeral syste... jiu 㠇|(name of a mountain ridge) jiu 轇|complicated, confused/dispute jiu 匶|old variant of 柩[jiu4] jiu 㺵|black jade (variant of 玖[jiu3]) jiu 倃|to malign/to slander jiu 赳|see 赳赳[jiu1 jiu1] jiuan 旧案|old court case/long-standing legal di... jiuba 酒吧|bar (place to buy drinks)/CL:家[jia1] jiuba 九巴|Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB) (abbr. for 九龍... jiuban 旧版|old version jiuban 就伴|to act as companion jiuban 究办|to investigate and deal with jiuban 酒伴|drinking buddy jiubao 酒保|barman/bartender jiubao 久保|Kubo (Japanese surname) jiubei 酒杯|wine cup jiubian 就便|at one\'s convenience; while one is at it jiubianxing 九边形|nonagon jiubianzi 揪辫子|to grab sb by the queue (i.e. hair)/t... jiubie 久别|a long period of separation jiubiechongfeng 久别重逢|to meet again after a long period of ... jiubing 久病|my old illness/chronic condition jiubing 救兵|relief troops; reinforcements jiubing 旧病|old illness/former affliction jiubingchengliangyi 久病成良医|long illness makes the patient into a... jiubingchengyi 久病成医|(proverb) a long illness makes the pa... jiubingfufa 旧病复发|old illness recurs (idiom); a relapse... jiubu 旧部|one\'s former subordinates jiubuzuirenrenzizui,sebumirenrenzimi 酒不醉人人自醉,色不迷人人自迷|wine doesn\'t make men drunk: men get ... jiucai 韭菜|garlic chives (Allium tuberosum), aka... jiucai 酒菜|food and drink/food to accompany wine jiucaihua 韭菜花|chives (Allium tuberosum) jiucan 就餐|to dine jiuce 酒测|to take a breathalyzer test jiucengta 九层塔|basil jiucha 纠察|to maintain order/steward (policing a... jiuchan 纠缠|to be in a tangle/to nag jiuchanbuqing 纠缠不清|hopelessly muddled/impossible to unravel jiuchang 酒厂|wine factory/distillery jiuchang 久长|a long time jiuchang 救场|to save the show (for instance by ste... jiuchangrujiuhuo 救场如救火|the show must go on (idiom) jiucheng 旧称|old term/old way of referring to sth jiucheng 九成|nine-tenths/ninety percent jiucheshichang 旧车市场|second-hand car market/used bike market jiuchi 臼齿|molar tooth jiuchidingpa 九齿钉耙|The Nine-Toothed Rake (weapon of Zhu ... jiuchiroulin 酒池肉林|lakes of wine and forests of meat (id... jiuchongxiao 九重霄|ninth heaven/Highest Heaven jiuchou 酒筹|drinking game chips (typically in the... jiuchouxinhen 旧愁新恨|old worries with new hatred added (id... jiuchu 救出|to rescue/to pluck from danger jiuchu 揪出|to uncover/to ferret out (the culprit) jiuci 就此|at this point/thus/from then on jiuci 酒刺|acne jiucuo 纠错|to correct an error jiudalu 旧大陆|the Old World/Eurasia as opposed to t... jiudan 酒单|wine list (in a restaurant etc) jiudao 就道|to set off/to take to the road jiude 酒德|good manners in drinking/drinking as ... jiudebuqu,xindebulai 旧的不去,新的不来|lit. If the old doesn\'t go, the new w... jiudeng 久等|to wait for a long time jiudi 就地|locally/on the spot jiudi 旧地|once familiar places/former haunts jiudian 酒店|wine shop/pub (public house)/hotel/re... jiudianye 酒店业|the catering industry/the hotel and r... jiudiaochongtan 旧调重弹|replaying the same old tunes (idiom);... jiudiaozi 旧调子|old tune/fig. conservative opinion/th... jiudichongyou 旧地重游|to revisit old haunts (idiom); down m... jiuding 九鼎|the Nine Tripod Cauldrons, symbol of ... jiudiqucai 就地取材|to draw on local resources/using mate... jiudizhengfa 就地正法|to execute on the spot (idiom); summa... jiudou 揪斗|to seize and subject to public critic... jiudu 就读|to go to school jiudu 旧都|old capital jiue 旧恶|old wrong/past grievance/wickedness o... jiuen 救恩|salvation jiuenjihua 救恩计划|plan of salvation jiuergongshi 九二共识|1992 Consensus, statement issued afte... jiuerjiuzhi 久而久之|over time/as time passes/in the fulln... jiufa 灸法|moxibustion (TCM) jiufan 就范|to submit/to give in jiufan 酒饭|food and drink jiufen 纠纷|dispute jiufen 九份|Jiufen (or Jioufen or Chiufen), mount... jiufengzhijiqianbeishao 酒逢知己千杯少|a thousand cups of wine is not too mu... jiufenyixin 救焚益薪|add firewood to put out the flames (i... jiufenzhiyi 九分之一|one ninth jiufu 舅父|mother\'s brother/maternal uncle jiufu 就服|(Tw) employment service (abbr. for 就業... jiufushengming 久负盛名|seasoned/honed to perfection over cen... jiugang 酒缸|wine jar/(dialect) drinking house jiuge 纠葛|entanglement/dispute jiuge 鸠鸽|dove jiugongbuxia 久攻不下|to attack for a long time without suc... jiugongge 九宫格|3-by-3 grid jiugonggeshudu 九宫格数独|sudoku (puzzle game) jiugongshan 九宫山|Jiugong Mountains (the location of Ji... jiugongshanzhen 九宫山镇|Jiugongshan town in Tongshan county, ... jiugu 旧故|old friend/former acquaintance jiuguan 酒馆|tavern/pub/wine shop jiuguan 旧观|former appearance/what it used to loo... jiuguan 旧贯|old system/former rules jiuguanniao 九官鸟|(Tw) (bird species of China) common h... jiuguanr 酒馆儿|a hotel/a restaurant/a wine shop jiugui 酒鬼|drunkard jiugui 酒柜|liquor cabinet jiugui 九归|abacus division rules (using a single... jiuguijiu 酒鬼酒|Jiugui Liquor, liquor company from 吉首... jiuguo 救国|to save the nation jiuguo 旧国|old capital jiuhanerre 酒酣耳热|tipsy and merry (idiom) jiuhao 旧好|old friendship jiuhaoqiu 九号球|nine-ball (billiards game) jiuhe 纠合|gathering/a get-together jiuhe 鸠合|variant of 糾合|纠合[jiu1 he2] jiuhongzhuque 酒红朱雀|(bird species of China) vinaceous ros... jiuhou 酒后|after drinking/under the influence of... jiuhoujiache 酒后驾车|driving under the influence jiuhoujiashi 酒后驾驶|driving under the influence of alcoho... jiuhoutuzhenyan 酒后吐真言|after wine, spit out the truth/in vin... jiuhu 救护|to rescue/to administer first aid jiuhu 酒壶|wine pot/wine cup jiuhua 酒花|hops jiuhuangli 旧皇历|old calendar/out-of-date customs jiuhuashan 九华山|Mount Jiuhua in Anhui, scenic tourist... jiuhuche 救护车|ambulance/CL:輛|辆[liang4] jiuhui 酒会|drinking party/wine reception jiuhuo 救火|to put out a fire/firefighting jiuhuo 旧货|second-hand goods/used items for sale jiuhuo 救活|to bring back to life jiuhuoshichang 旧货市场|sale of second-hand goods/flea market jiuhurenyuan 救护人员|rescue worker jiuji 救济|emergency relief/to help the needy wi... jiuji 救急|to provide emergency assistance jiuji 纠集|to gather together/to muster jiuji 旧迹|old traces/signs from the past jiuji 鸠集|variant of 糾集|纠集[jiu1 ji2] jiuji 旧疾|old illness/former affliction jiujia 酒家|restaurant/bartender/(old) wineshop/t... jiujia 旧家|notable former families jiujia 九价|(medicine) 9-valent HPV vaccine; Gard... jiujia 酒驾|driving while intoxicated; DWI/to dri... jiujiabugui 久假不归|to fail to return a borrowed item jiujiang 九江|see 九江市[Jiu3jiang1 Shi4] jiujiang 鸠江|Jiujiang, a district of Wuhu City 蕪湖市... jiujiang 酒浆|wine jiujiangqu 鸠江区|Jiujiang, a district of Wuhu City 蕪湖市... jiujiangshi 九江市|Jiujiang, prefecture-level city in Ji... jiujiao 酒窖|wine cellar jiujiao 旧教|the Old Religion (i.e. Roman Catholic... jiujiao 旧教|old teachings; wisdom from the past jiujiao 旧交|old friend/former acquaintance jiujibujiuqiong 救急不救穷|help the starving but not the poor (i... jiujie 纠结|to intertwine; to band together (with... jiujiliang 救济粮|relief grain/emergency provisions jiujin 就近|nearby/in a close neighborhood jiujing 究竟|to go to the bottom of a matter/after... jiujing 酒精|(coll.) ethanol; ethyl alcohol jiujing 久经|to have long experience of/to go thro... jiujing 酒井|Sakai (Japanese surname) jiujingchongxian 旧景重现|evocation of the past jiujingdeng 酒精灯|spirit lamp jiujingkaoyan 久经考验|well tested over a long period of tim... jiujingxing 酒精性|alcoholic (beverage) jiujingxishouye 酒精洗手液|alcohol-based hand sanitizer jiujingyinliao 酒精饮料|liquor jiujingzhongdu 酒精中毒|alcoholism/alcohol poisoning jiujinshan 旧金山|San Francisco, California jiujiu 久久|for a very long time jiujiu 舅舅|mother\'s brother/maternal uncle (info... jiujiu 揪揪|creased; wrinkled/depressed; worried;... jiujiu 赳赳|valiantly/gallantly jiujiuchengfabiao 九九乘法表|multiplication table jiujiuchongyang 九九重阳|Double Ninth or Yang Festival/9th day... jiujiuguiyi 九九归一|nine divide by nine is one (abacus ru... jiujiuliu 996|9am-9pm, six days a week (work schedule) jiuju 旧居|old residence/former home jiuju 酒具|wine vessel/wine cup jiuke 鹫科|Aegyptiidae (the vulture family) jiuke 臼窠|see 窠臼[ke1 jiu4] jiukong 九孔|abalone (Haliotis diversicolor) jiukongluo 九孔螺|see 九孔[jiu3 kong3] jiukou 就口|(of a bowl, a cup etc) to be brought ... jiukoubeigai 就口杯盖|pucker-type lid (cup lid with a spout... jiukuang 久旷|to leave uncultivated for a long time... jiukuo 久阔|a long period of separation jiulang 酒廊|bar jiulaoju 救捞局|sea rescue service/lifeboat service jiuli 旧历|old calendar/the Chinese lunar calend... jiuli 就里|inside story jiuli 酒力|capacity for alcohol/ability to hold ... jiuli 旧例|old rules/example from the past/forme... jiulian 酒帘|wine shop sign jiuliang 酒量|capacity for liquor/how much one can ... jiulianhuan 九连环|Chinese rings, a brainteaser toy cons... jiuling 酒令|wine-drinking game jiuling 酒龄|age of wine (i.e. how long it has bee... jiulinghou 九零后|90s generation jiulingr 酒令儿|erhua variant of 酒令[jiu3 ling4] jiulinian 旧历年|lunar New Year jiuliu 久留|to stay for a long time jiuliu 九流|the nine schools of thought, philosop... jiulong 九龙|Kowloon district of Hong Kong jiulongcheng 九龙城|Kowloon City, Hong Kong jiulongchengzhai 九龙城寨|Kowloon Walled City jiulongpo 九龙坡|Jiulongpo, a district of Chongqing 重慶... jiulongpoqu 九龙坡区|Jiulongpo, a district of Chongqing 重慶... jiulongxian 九龙县|Jiulong county (Tibetan: brgyad zur r... jiulou 酒楼|restaurant jiuma 舅妈|(coll.) aunt/maternal uncle\'s wife jiumao 旧貌|old look/former appearance jiumeng 旧梦|old dreams jiumengzi 酒蒙子|(dialect) drunkard; alcoholic jiumianti 九面体|enneahedron (solid figure having nine... jiuming 救命|to save sb\'s life/(interj.) Help!/Sav... jiuming 旧名|former name jiumingdaocao 救命稻草|(one\'s) last straw to clutch at; one\'... jiuminzhuzhuyigeming 旧民主主义革命|old democratic revolution/bourgeois r... jiumoluoshi 鸠摩罗什|Kumarajiva c. 334-413, Buddhist monk ... jiumu 舅母|wife of mother\'s brother/aunt/materna... jiumu 就木|to be placed in a coffin; (fig.) to die jiumu 久慕|lit. I\'ve admired you for a long time... jiumushengming 久慕盛名|(idiom) I\'ve admired your reputation ... jiunan 救难|to rescue/rescue (operation, workers) jiunangfandai 酒囊饭袋|wine sack, food bag (idiom); useless ... jiunian 旧年|last year/the Chinese New Year (i.e. ... jiuniang 酒酿|sweet fermented rice/glutinous rice wine jiuniao 鹫鸟|vulture jiuniu-yimao 九牛一毛|lit. one hair from nine oxen (idiom)/... jiuniuerhuzhili 九牛二虎之力|tremendous strength (idiom) jiupai 旧派|old school/conservative faction jiupei 久陪|to accompany over long term jiupian 纠偏|to correct an error jiupingzhuangxinjiu 旧瓶装新酒|lit. new wine in old bottles; fig. ne... jiupu 酒铺|tavern/wine shop jiuqi 酒器|drinking vessel/wine cup jiuqian 酒钱|tip jiuqian 旧前|in the past/formerly jiuqiao 九窍|nine orifices of the human body (eyes... jiuqigenyuan 究其根源|to trace something to its source (idiom) jiuqin 就擒|to be taken prisoner jiuqin 就寝|to go to sleep/to go to bed (literary) jiuqing 旧情|old affection jiuqing 九卿|the Nine Ministers (in imperial China) jiuqu 酒曲|brewer\'s yeast jiuquan 酒泉|see 酒泉市[Jiu3quan2 Shi4] jiuquan 九泉|the nine springs/the underworld of Ch... jiuquanshi 酒泉市|Jiuquan, prefecture-level city in Gan... jiuren 就任|to take office/to assume a post jiurenyimingshengzaoqijifutu 救人一命胜造七级浮屠|saving a life is more meritorious tha... jiuri 旧日|former times/olden days jiuroupengyou 酒肉朋友|lit. drinking buddy (idiom)/fig. fair... jiuru 九如|Chiuju township in Pingtung County 屏東... jiuruxiang 九如乡|Chiuju township in Pingtung County 屏東... jiusanxueshe 九三学社|Jiusan Society, one of the eight poli... jiusao 舅嫂|wife\'s brother\'s wife, sister-in-law jiuse 酒色|wine and women/color of wine/drunken ... jiusecaiqi 酒色财气|wine, sex, avarice and temper (idiom)... jiusezhitu 酒色之徒|follower of wine and women/dissolute ... jiusha 揪痧|folk remedy involving repeatedly pinc... jiushan 鸠山|Hatoyama, Japanese name and place nam... jiushanyoujifu 鸠山由纪夫|Hatoyama Yukio (1947-), Japanese Demo... jiushen 酒神|Bacchus (the Greek god of wine), aka ... jiusheng 救生|to save a life/life-saving jiushengchuan 救生船|lifeboat jiushengdui 救生队|rescue team/CL:支[zhi1] jiushengfa 救生筏|a life raft jiushengliudiao 九声六调|nine tones and six modes (tonal syste... jiushengquan 救生圈|life buoy; life belt/(jocular) flab; ... jiushengting 救生艇|lifeboat jiushengtingjiaban 救生艇甲板|boat deck (upper deck on which lifebo... jiushengyi 救生衣|life jacket/life vest jiushengyuan 救生员|lifeguard jiushi 就是|exactly; precisely/only; simply; just... jiushi 救世|salvation jiushi 九十|ninety jiushi 旧诗|old verse/poetry in the old style jiushi 旧时|in former times/the olden days jiushi 旧事|old affair/former matter jiushi 旧识|former acquaintance/old friend jiushi 酒食|food and drink jiushi 救市|market rescue (by central bank) jiushi 旧式|old style jiushidai 旧时代|former times/the olden days jiushijun 救世军|Salvation Army (protestant philanthro... jiushilunshi 就事论事|to discuss sth on its own merits/to j... jiushiqishidai 旧石器时代|Paleolithic Era jiushishuo 就是说|in other words; that is jiushisuan 酒石酸|tartaric acid jiushizhu 救世主|the Savior (in Christianity) jiushu 救赎|to redeem/redemption; salvation jiushu 旧书|second-hand book/old book/ancient book jiushui 酒水|beverage; drink jiushuiyinliao 酒水饮料|drink (on a menu) jiushuzhu 救赎主|Redeemer jiusi 酒肆|wine shop/liquor store/bottle shop/ba... jiusifushang 救死扶伤|to help the dying and heal the injured jiusiyisheng 九死一生|nine deaths and still alive (idiom); ... jiusong 揪送|to seize and send (to court, to face ... jiusu 旧俗|former custom; old ways jiusuan 就算|(coll.) even if jiusun 旧损|old and damaged/in disrepair jiutai 九台|Jiutai District of Changchun city 長春市... jiutai 旧态|old posture/former situation jiutaifumeng 旧态复萌|see 故態復萌|故态复萌[gu4 tai4 fu4 meng2] jiutaiqu 九台区|Jiutai District of Changchun city 長春市... jiutan 纠弹|to censure/to denounce/to impeach jiutangshu 旧唐书|History of the Early Tang Dynasty, si... jiuti 旧体|old form of writing/piece in the old ... jiutian 九天|the ninth heaven; the highest of the ... jiutianlanyue 九天揽月|(idiom) to reach for the stars jiutianxuannv 九天玄女|Xuan Nü, a fairy in Chinese mythology jiutishi 旧体诗|poetry in the old style jiutouniao 九头鸟|legendary bird with nine heads (old)/... jiutu 酒徒|drunkard jiutuo 酒托|person hired to lure customers to hig... jiutuonv 酒托女|woman hired to lure men to high-price... jiuwang 救亡|to save from extinction/to save the n... jiuwanle 就晚了|then it\'s too late (colloquial) jiuwei 久违|(haven\'t done sth) for a long time/a ... jiuwei 酒味|smell of alcohol/flavoring of rum or ... jiuweigui 九尾龟|nine-tailed turtle of mythology/The N... jiuweihu 九尾狐|nine-tailed fox (mythological creature) jiuwen 旧闻|outdated news/old anecdote; stories p... jiuwendaming 久闻大名|your name has been known to me for a ... jiuwo 酒涡|variant of 酒窩|酒窝[jiu3wo1] jiuwo 酒窝|dimple (on the cheek when smiling) jiuwu 旧物|old property (esp. inherited from for... jiuwudaishi 旧五代史|History of the Five Dynasties (betwee... jiuwuhou 95后|people born between 1995-01-01 and 19... jiuxi 酒席|feast; banquet jiuxi 旧习|old habit/former custom jiuxiangbupaxiangzishen 酒香不怕巷子深|fragrant wine fears no dark alley (id... jiuxiangchong 九香虫|brown marmorated stinkbug (BMSB) jiuxiaolianmeng 九校联盟|C9 League, alliance of nine prestigio... jiuxiaoyunwai 九霄云外|beyond the topmost clouds (idiom)/uni... jiuxin 揪心|lit. grips the heart/worried/anxious jiuxinbagan 揪心扒肝|(idiom) extremely anxious/anguished jiuxing 酒醒|to sober up jiuxing 救星|savior; liberator; emancipator; knigh... jiuxing 酒兴|interest in wine/passion for drinking jiuxinjiufei 揪心揪肺|heart-wrenching jiuxu 就绪|to be ready/to be in order jiuxue 就学|to attend school jiuxue 旧学|old learning/Chinese traditional teac... jiuxunlaoren 九旬老人|nonagenarian jiuyan 酒宴|feast/repose jiuyan 酒筵|feast/banquet jiuyang 久仰|honorific: I\'ve long looked forward t... jiuyangdaming 久仰大名|I have been looking forward to meetin... jiuyanjiuyu 酒言酒语|words spoken under the influence of a... jiuyao 就要|will/shall/to be going to jiuyao 酒药|brewer\'s yeast/yeast for fermenting r... jiuyao 酒肴|wine and meat/food and drink jiuye 就业|to get a job/employment jiuye 舅爷|father\'s maternal uncle/granduncle jiuye 旧业|one\'s old profession/trade of one\'s f... jiuye 九野|the nine \"fields\" into which Heaven w... jiuyeandingfei 就业安定费|Employment Stability Fee (Taiwan), a ... jiuyefuwu 就业服务|employment service; job placement ser... jiuyejihui 就业机会|employment opportunity/job opening jiuyelv 就业率|employment rate jiuyi 就医|to receive medical treatment jiuyi 就义|to be killed for a righteous cause/to... jiuyi 酒意|tipsy feeling jiuyi 久已|long ago/a long time since jiuyibashibian 九一八事变|the Mukden or Manchurian Railway Inci... jiuyin 酒瘾|alcohol addiction jiuyishan 九嶷山|Jiuyi Mountains in Hunan on the borde... jiuyou 酒友|drinking buddy jiuyou 旧友|old friend jiuyou 旧游|place one has previously visited/old ... jiuyouyingde 咎有应得|(idiom) (literary) to deserve what on... jiuyouziqu 咎由自取|(idiom) to have only oneself to blame... jiuyu 旧雨|old friends jiuyuan 救援|to save/to support/to help/to assist jiuyuan 久远|old/ancient/far away jiuyuan 九渊|abyss/deep chasm jiuyuan 旧怨|old grievance/former complaint jiuyuandui 救援队|rescue team jiuyuanqu 九原区|Jiuyuan district of Baotou city 包頭市|包... jiuyue 九月|September/ninth month (of the lunar y... jiuyue 旧约|Old Testament jiuyue 旧约|former agreement/former contract jiuyuefen 九月份|September/ninth month jiuyuequanshu 旧约全书|Old Testament jiuzai 救灾|to relieve disaster/to help disaster ... jiuzaijiujisi 救灾救济司|emergency aid committee (of PRC Minis... jiuzaikuan 救灾款|disaster relief funds jiuzao 酒糟|distiller\'s grain/wine lees jiuzao 酒枣|dates in liquor jiuzaobi 酒糟鼻|rosacea (dermatological condition of ... jiuzhabi 酒渣鼻|rosacea (dermatological condition of ... jiuzhai 旧宅|former residence jiuzhaigou 九寨沟|Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan/Jiuzhaigou... jiuzhaigoufengjingmingshengqu 九寨沟风景名胜区|Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic... jiuzhaigouxian 九寨沟县|Jiuzhaigou county, Sichuan jiuzhang 旧账|lit. old account/old debt/fig. old sc... jiuzhangsuanshu 九章算术|The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical... jiuzhe 就着|(eat sth) with (sth else)/taking adva... jiuzhe 九折|10% off (price) jiuzhen 就诊|to see a doctor/to seek medical advice jiuzheng 纠正|to correct/to make right jiuzheng 就正|(literary and deferential) to solicit... jiuzhi 救治|to provide critical care (to a patien... jiuzhi 就职|to take office; to assume a post jiuzhi 旧址|former site; old location jiuzhi 久治|Jigzhi or Jiuzhi county (Tibetan: gci... jiuzhi 旧制|old system/weights and measures of fo... jiuzhi 旧知|old acquaintance/former friend jiuzhi 久之|for a long time jiuzhibanhan 酒至半酣|to drink until one is half drunk jiuzhidianli 就职典礼|inauguration jiuzhixian 久治县|Jigzhi or Jiuzhi county (Tibetan: gci... jiuzhiyanjiang 就职演讲|inaugural lecture jiuzhiyanshuo 就职演说|inaugural speech jiuzhong 酒盅|wine cup/goblet jiuzhong 纠众|to muster/to gather a crowd jiuzhou 九州|division of China during earliest dyn... jiuzhu 救助|to help sb in trouble/aid/assistance jiuzhu 救主|savior jiuzhu 揪住|to grab jiuzhuan 救砖|to unbrick; to restore (an electronic... jiuzhuang 酒庄|winery jiuzhuowenhua 酒桌文化|drinking culture jiuzi 酒资|(old) drinking money/tip jiuziti 旧字体|kyujitai, traditional Japanese charac... jiuzufanbao 酒足饭饱|to have eaten and drunk to one\'s hear... jiuzui 酒醉|to become drunk jiuzuo 就座|to take a seat jiwa 鸡娃|chick/(neologism c. 2020) to arrange ... jiwang 既往|past/bygone/the past jiwang 寄望|to place hopes on jiwang 基网|base net (in geodetic survey) jiwangbujiu 既往不咎|to forget and not bear recriminations... jiwangkailai 继往开来|to follow the past and herald the fut... jiwawa 吉娃娃|Chihuahua (dog) jiwei 纪委|discipline inspection commission jiwei 继位|to succeed to the throne jiwei 极为|extremely; exceedingly jiwei 己未|fifty-sixth year F8 of the 60 year cy... jiwei 即位|to succeed to the throne/accession jiwei 记为|denoted by jiwei 济危|to help people in distress jiwei 即为|to be considered to be/to be defined ... jiwei 几微|tiny/infinitesimal jiwei 机尾|the rear (tail) of a plane etc jiwei 肌胃|gizzard jiweifukun 济危扶困|to help people in difficulty and brin... jiweijiu 鸡尾酒|cocktail (loanword) jiweiju 鸡尾锯|keyhole saw/pad saw jiweiniao 几维鸟|kiwi (bird) (loanword) jiwen 祭文|funeral oration/eulogy/elegiac address jiwo 鸡窝|chicken coop jiwu 及物|transitive (grammar) jiwu 急务|urgent task/pressing matter jiwu 祭物|sacrifices jiwu 继武|to follow in the steps of one\'s prede... jiwu 寄物|to check in items (at a cloakroom, lo... jiwu 积物|sediment/deposit jiwu 鸡鹜|petty or mean persons jiwuchu 寄物处|coat check; cloakroom; checkroom jiwudongci 及物动词|transitive verb jiwuduan 机务段|locomotive depot jiwugui 寄物柜|baggage locker/coin locker jixi 绩溪|Jixi, a county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1c... jixi 即席|impromptu/improvised/to take one\'s se... jixi 鸡西|see 雞西市|鸡西市[Ji1xi1 Shi4] jixi 积习|old habit (usually bad)/inbred custom... jixi 急袭|sudden attack jixi 几希|not much/very little (e.g. difference) jixia 季夏|final month of summer (i.e. sixth mon... jixian 极限|limit/extreme boundary jixian 集贤|Jixian county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭山... jixian 基线|baseline (surveying, budgeting, typog... jixian 吉县|Ji county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2],... jixian 冀县|Ji county in Hebei jixian 迹线|trajectory jixian 集显|integrated GPU (abbr. for 集成顯卡|集成显卡[j... jixian 奇羡|surplus/profit jixian 忌羡|to envy jixian 脊线|ridge line jixiandanbai 肌纤蛋白|myocilin/muscle fibrin jixianfeng 急先锋|daring vanguard/pioneer/leading figure jixiang 吉祥|lucky/auspicious/propitious jixiang 机箱|computer case jixiang 迹象|sign; indication; mark; indicator jixiang 季相|characteristic nature of some season jixiangwu 吉祥物|mascot jixianlei 击弦类|hammered string type (of musical inst... jixianleiyueqi 击弦类乐器|hammered string musical instrument jixianlin 季羡林|Ji Xianlin (1911-2009), Chinese lingu... jixianqi 集线器|hub (network) jixianwei 肌纤维|muscle fiber jixianxian 集贤县|Jixian county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭山... jixianyundong 极限运动|extreme sport jixiao 绩效|performance/results/achievement jixiao 极小|minimal/extremely small jixiao 技校|vocational high school (abbr. for 技工學... jixiao 讥笑|to sneer jixiao 寄销|to dispatch/consigned (goods) jixichengsu 积习成俗|accumulated habits become custom jixie 机械|machine/machinery/mechanical/(old) cu... jixiebo 基谐波|fundamental frequency/base harmonic jixiefanyi 机械翻译|machine translation jixiegong 机械工|a mechanic jixiegongcheng 机械工程|mechanical engineering jixiegongren 机械工人|mechanic jixiehua 机械化|to mechanize jixiema 机械码|machine code jixieneng 机械能|mechanical energy jixieshi 机械师|mechanic/engineer/machinist/machine o... jixiexing 机械性|mechanical jixieyuyan 机械语言|machine language jixiezhanjing 机械战警|RoboCop (movie) jixiezhong 机械钟|mechanical clock jixinangai 积习难改|old habits are hard to change (idiom) jixincuohuo 积薪厝火|to add fuel to the flames jixinewu 基希讷乌|Chişinău or Chisinau, capital of Moldova jixing 急性|acute jixing 记性|memory (ability to retain information) jixing 即兴|improvisation (in the arts)/impromptu... jixing 极性|(chemical, electrical) polarity/polar... jixing 畸形|deformed; malformed/lopsided; unbalanced jixing 剂型|delivery mechanism of a medicine (e.g... jixing 极刑|supreme penalty/execution jixing 畸型|malformation jixingbing 急性病|acute illness/fig. impetuous/impatient jixingchangyan 急性肠炎|acute enteritis jixinge 基辛格|Henry Kissinger (1923-), US academic ... jixinger 畸形儿|deformed child/child with birth defect jixingfahui 即兴发挥|improvisation jixingganyan 己型肝炎|hepatitis F jixingjun 急行军|rapid advance/forced march jixinglanweiyan 急性阑尾炎|acute appendicitis (medicine) jixingren 急性人|impetuous person/excitable person jixingxiu 畸形秀|freak show jixingzhaoshe 急性照射|acute exposure jixingzhizuo 即兴之作|improvisation jixingzi 急性子|impetuous person/excitable person jixiniu 基西纽|Chișinău (aka Kishinev), capital of M... jixinling 鸡心领|(of clothing) V-neck jixiong 吉凶|good and bad luck (in astrology) jixiong 继兄|older stepbrother jixiongdijiemei 继兄弟姐妹|step-siblings jixishi 鸡西市|Jixi, prefecture-level city in Heilon... jixixian 绩溪县|Jixi, a county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1c... jixixiao 极细小|extremely small/infinitesimal jixu 继续|to continue; to proceed with; to go o... jixu 积蓄|to save; to put aside/savings jixu 急需|to urgently need/urgent need jixu 记叙|to narrate/narrative jixu 亟需|to urgently need/urgent need jixu 几许|(literary) how many/quite a few jixue 积雪|snow/snow cover/snow mantle jixuechang 积雪场|snowpack jixueshi 鸡血石|bloodstone/red-fleck chalcedony/helio... jixun 集训|to train together; to practice as a g... jixuwen 记叙文|narrative writing/written narration jiya 积压|to pile up/to accumulate without bein... jiya 羁押|to detain/to take into custody/detent... jiya 挤压|to squeeze/to press/to extrude jiya 挤轧|to bump and shove jiya 基牙|abutment tooth (dentistry) jiyachu 挤压出|to extrude jiyagao 挤牙膏|lit. to squeeze out toothpaste/fig. t... jiyakamo 吉亚卡摩|Giacomo (name) jiyan 挤眼|to wink jiyan 基岩|bedrock jiyan 鸡眼|corn (callus on the foot) jiyan 急眼|to be anxious/to get angry with sb jiyan 忌烟|to quit smoking jiyang 寄养|to place in the care of sb (a child, ... jiyang 给养|provisions; supplies; victuals/(liter... jiyang 技痒|to itch to demonstrate one\'s skill jiyang 几样|several kinds jiyao 纪要|minutes/written summary of a meeting jiyao 机要|(attributive) (of a person) involved ... jiyao 急要|urgent jiyao 给药|to administer medicine jiyaodangbiaoziyouyaolipaifang 既要当婊子又要立牌坊|see 又想當婊子又想立牌坊|又想当婊子又想立牌坊[you4 xiang3... jiye 基业|foundation/base/family estate jiye 吉野|Yoshino (Japanese surname and place n... jiye 岌嶪|high and steep/towering/perilous jiyechengqiu 集腋成裘|many hairs make a fur coat (idiom); m... jiyejia 吉野家|Yoshinoya (Japanese fast food chain) jiyi 记忆|to remember; to recall/memory jiyi 机翼|wing (of an aircraft) jiyi 技艺|skill/art jiyi 计议|to deliberate/to talk over/to plan jiyi 机宜|guidelines/what to do (under given ci... jiyi 既已|already jiyidianlu 记忆电路|memory circuit jiyiguangdu 记忆广度|memory span jiyihua 记忆化|memoization (computing) jiyika 记忆卡|memory card jiyili 记忆力|faculty of memory; ability to remember jiyin 基因|gene (loanword) jiyin 基音|fundamental tone jiyin 汲引|to draw water/(fig.) to promote sb to... jiyingaizao 基因改造|genetic modification; GM jiyingongcheng 基因工程|genetic engineering jiyinjishu 基因技术|gene technology jiyinku 基因库|gene bank jiyinma 基因码|genetic code jiyinti 基因体|genome (Tw) jiyintubian 基因突变|genetic mutation jiyintupu 基因图谱|mapping of genome jiyinxing 基因型|genotype jiyinxiugai 基因修改|genetic modification jiyinxue 基因学|genetics jiyinzhiliao 基因治疗|gene therapy jiyinzu 基因组|genome jiyinzuo 基因座|(genetics) locus jiyiqi 记忆器|memristor (memory transistor) jiyiti 记忆体|(Tw) (computer) memory jiyiyouxin 记忆犹新|to remain fresh in one\'s memory (idiom) jiyong 急用|to need sth urgently/urgently required jiyou 机油|engine oil jiyou 集邮|stamp collecting/philately jiyou 己酉|forty-sixth year F10 of the 60 year c... jiyou 既有|existing jiyou 即由|namely jiyou 基友|(slang) very close same-sex friend/ga... jiyoubu 集邮簿|stamp album/CL:本[ben3],冊|册[ce4],部[bu4] jiyouce 集邮册|stamp album/CL:本[ben3] jiyoufenzi 极右分子|an extreme right-winger jiyougu 绩优股|gilt-edged stock/blue chip stock jiyoujinrihebidangchu 既有今日何必当初|see 早知今日何必當初|早知今日何必当初[zao3 zhi1 jin1 ... jiyoukeneng 极有可能|extremely possible/probable jiyouxiang 集油箱|oil sump jiyouyi 极右翼|extreme right (politics) jiyu 给予|(literary) to give; to accord; to render jiyu 机遇|opportunity/favorable circumstance/st... jiyu 基于|because of/on the basis of/in view of... jiyu 寄语|to give an earnest message of good wi... jiyu 觊觎|(literary) to covet; to cast greedy e... jiyu 鲫鱼|crucian carp jiyu 急于|eager to/in a hurry to jiyu 寄予|to place (hope, importance etc) on/to... jiyu 际遇|circumstance(s) encountered in one\'s ... jiyu 积郁|(of gloomy thoughts etc) to smolder; ... jiyu 给与|variant of 給予|给予[ji3 yu3] jiyu 矶鹬|(bird species of China) common sandpi... jiyu 姬鹬|(bird species of China) jack snipe (L... jiyu 急欲|to be keen to .../to be anxious to ... jiyu 几欲|almost/nearly going to jiyuan 纪元|calendar era/epoch jiyuan 机缘|chance/opportunity/destiny jiyuan 妓院|brothel/whorehouse jiyuan 济源|Jiyuan directly administered city in ... jiyuan 积怨|grievance/accumulated rancor jiyuanqian 纪元前|before the common era (BC) jiyuanshi 济源市|Jiyuan directly administered city in ... jiyuanxianwei 肌原纤维|myofibril jiyue 集约|intensive jiyue 激越|intense/loud jiyuhouwang 寄予厚望|to place high hopes jiyuhuwei 积于忽微|to accumulate tiny quantities (idiom) jiyulin 季雨林|monsoon forest jiyun 集运|cooperative transport/concentrated fr... jiyun 积云|cumulus/heap cloud jiyun 纪昀|Ji Yun (1724-1805), Qing Dynasty writ... jiyun 击晕|to stun/to render unconscious (with a... jiyun 集韵|Jiyun, Chinese rime dictionary with 5... jiyun 机运|chance and opportunity jiyuqiucheng 急于求成|anxious for quick results (idiom); to... jiyuxinghuo 急于星火|see 急如星火[ji2 ru2 xing1 huo3] jiyuyun 积雨云|cumulonimbus (cloud) jizai 记载|to write down/to record/written account jizaixinli 记在心里|to keep in mind; to store in one\'s he... jizaliuying 叽咋柳莺|(bird species of China) common chiffc... jizan 积攒|to save bit by bit/to accumulate jizan 激赞|to heap praise on jizao 急躁|irritable; irascible/impetuous jizao 及早|at the earliest possible time; as soo... jizao 祭灶|to offer sacrifices to the kitchen god jizao 即早|as soon as possible jizaoqi 给皂器|soap dispenser jize 鸡泽|Jize county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1... jizei 鸡贼|(dialect) stingy/miserly/crafty/cunning jizei 积贼|confirmed thief jizeng 激增|to increase rapidly/to shoot up jizexian 鸡泽县|Jize county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1... jizha 机诈|deceitful jizhai 妓寨|brothel jizhan 激战|to fight fiercely/fierce battle jizhan 基站|base station jizhan 挤占|to muscle in; to take possession; to ... jizhang 记账|to keep accounts/bookkeeping/to charg... jizhang 机长|(aviation) pilot-in-command; captain jizhang 击掌|to clap one\'s hands/to clap each othe... jizhang 级长|class president (in a school)/class c... jizhangyuan 记帐员|bookkeeper jizhao 吉兆|lucky omen jizhe 记者|reporter; journalist/CL:個|个[ge4] jizhe 急着|urgently jizhebaodao 记者报道|press report jizhehui 记者会|press conference jizhen 急诊|to give or receive urgent medical tre... jizhen 集镇|town jizhen 鸡珍|chicken gizzard (cuisine) jizheng 急症|acute disease/medical emergency jizheng 迹证|(Tw) traces/material evidence (archae... jizhenshi 急诊室|emergency room jizhezhan 记者站|correspondent post/correspondent station jizhezhaodaihui 记者招待会|press conference jizhi 机制|mechanism jizhi 机制|machine-processed; machine-made jizhi 基质|base solvent (of chemical compound)/s... jizhi 机智|quick-witted/resourceful jizhi 极致|peak/pinnacle/ultimate jizhi 基址|foundation/footing/base/ruins (of a h... jizhi 极值|maxima and minima/extremum jizhi 及至|by the time that jizhi 急智|quick witted/able to think fast in an... jizhi 几至|almost jizhi 技职|technical and vocational (education) jizhi 笄蛭|a kind of earthworm jizhidao 吉之岛|JUSCO, Japanese chain of hypermarkets jizhijiyi 即指即译|point-and-translate (computing) jizhimo 基质膜|basal plasma membrane jizhong 击中|to hit (a target etc)/to strike jizhong 集中|to concentrate/to centralize/to focus... jizhongnanfan 积重难返|ingrained habits are hard to overcome... jizhongqi 集中器|concentrator jizhongshengzhi 急中生智|quick witted in an emergency/able to ... jizhongtuoyun 集中托运|consolidated cargo (transportation) jizhongying 集中营|concentration camp jizhou 济州|Jeju Island special autonomous provin... jizhou 吉州|Jizhou district of Ji\'an city 吉安市, Ji... jizhou 急骤|rapid jizhou 极轴|polar axis (x-axis in polar coordinates) jizhou 机轴|arbor/shaft (in a machine) jizhoudao 济州岛|Jeju Island special autonomous provin... jizhoujun 吉州郡|Kilju county in North Hamgyeong provi... jizhouqu 吉州区|Jizhou district of Ji\'an city 吉安市, Ji... jizhoutebiezizhidao 济州特别自治道|Jeju island special autonomous provin... jizhu 脊柱|spinal column/columna vertebralis jizhu 集注|to focus/to concentrate on jizhu 寄主|host (of a parasite) jizhu 机杼|a loom jizhu 济助|to relieve and help jizhu 积贮|to stockpile jizhu 荠苎|(botany) Mosla grosseserrata/(botany)... jizhu 记住|to remember/to bear in mind/to learn ... jizhuan 记传|history and biography jizhuan 急转|to whirl/to turn around quickly jizhuang 基桩|foundation piles jizhuangxiang 集装箱|container (for shipping) jizhuangxiangchuan 集装箱船|container ship jizhuanti 纪传体|history genre based on biography, suc... jizhuanwan 急转弯|to make a sudden turn jizhuanzhixia 急转直下|to develop rapidly after abrupt turn ... jizhucetu 脊柱侧凸|scoliosis jizhucewan 脊柱侧弯|scoliosis jizhui 脊椎|vertebra/backbone jizhui 击坠|to shoot down jizhuicewan 脊椎侧弯|scoliosis jizhuidongwu 脊椎动物|vertebrate jizhuidongwumen 脊椎动物门|Vertebrata, the phylum of vertebrates jizhuigu 脊椎骨|vertebra jizhuizhiyaliaofa 脊椎指压疗法|chiropractic therapy jizhuizhiyazhiliaoshi 脊椎指压治疗师|chiropractor jizhulie 脊柱裂|spina bifida jizhun 基准|(surveying) datum/standard; criterion... jizhuoyangqing 激浊扬清|lit. drain away filth and bring in fr... jizi 集资|to raise money/to accumulate funds jizi 集子|anthology/selected writing jizi 继子|stepson jizi 机子|machine/device jizi 剂子|piece of dough cut to the right size ... jizi 季子|youngest brother/a period of two or t... jizi 箕子|Jizi, legendary sage from end of Shan... jizi 寄子|foster son jizi 虮子|louse egg/nit jizi 激子|exciton (physics) jizie 集资额|sum of money raised (in a share subsc... jizijie 吉字节|gigabyte (2^30 or approximately a bil... jizinv 继子女|stepchildren/adopted children jizir 鸡子儿|(coll.) hen\'s egg jizong 鸡枞|macrolepiota, mushroom native to Yunn... jizou 疾走|to scamper/to scurry jizu 机组|flight crew (on a plane)/unit (appara... jizu 祭祖|to offer sacrifices to one\'s ancestors jizu 积祖|many generations of ancestors jizuijishe 急嘴急舌|lit. quick mouth and quick tongue/fig... jizuo 基座|underlay/foundation/pedestal jizuo 记作|(math.) to be written using the follo... jizuobiao 极坐标|polar coordinates (math.) jizuobiaoxi 极坐标系|system of polar coordinates jkzhifu JK制服|(Japanese) high school girl’s uniform ju 局|narrow ju 局|office/situation/classifier for games... ju 局|cramped; narrow ju 俱|(literary) all; both; entirely; witho... ju 剧|theatrical work (play, opera, TV seri... ju 句|sentence/clause/phrase/classifier for... ju 居|surname Ju ju 居|to reside/to be (in a certain positio... ju 菊|(bound form) chrysanthemum ju 聚|to assemble; to gather (transitive or... ju 焗|(dialect) to cook in salt or sand, in... ju 足|excessive ju 驹|colt ju 柜|Salix multinervis ju 巨|very large; huge; tremendous; gigantic ju 据|variant of 據|据[ju4] ju 据|used in 拮据[jie2 ju1] ju 据|according to/to act in accordance wit... ju 举|variant of 舉|举[ju3] ju 举|to lift/to hold up/to cite/to enumera... ju 距|to be at a distance of ... from; to b... ju 具|tool/device/utensil/equipment/instrum... ju 车|war chariot (archaic)/rook (in Chines... ju 桔|variant of 橘[ju2] ju 拒|to resist/to repel/to refuse ju 渠|how can it be that? ju 橘|mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata)/t... ju 矩|variant of 矩[ju3] ju 矩|carpenter\'s square/rule/regulation/pa... ju 埧|diked pond ju 弆|(literary) to collect/to keep in store ju 崌|mountain name ju 犋|unit of animal power (sufficient to p... ju 郹|place name ju 惧|to fear ju 狙|macaque/to spy/to lie in ambush ju 拘|to capture/to restrain/to constrain/t... ju 歫|old variant of 距[ju4]/old variant of ... ju 踞|to be based upon/to squat ju 琚|ornamental gems for belt ju 飓|hurricane ju 苣|used in 萵苣|莴苣[wo1ju4] ju 雎|osprey/fish hawk ju 倨|(literary) haughty; arrogant ju 沮|to destroy/to stop ju 枸|used in 枸櫞|枸橼[ju3yuan2] ju 钜|hard iron/hook/variant of 巨[ju4]/vari... ju 鞠|surname Ju ju 鞠|to incline (one\'s torso); to bow/leat... ju 掬|to hold in one\'s hands/classifier for... ju 椈|Fagus sylvatica ju 趄|used in 趑趄[zi1 ju1] ju 疽|gangrene ju 遽|hurry/fast/suddenly ju 蒟|betel ju 锯|variant of 鋦|锔[ju1] ju 锯|a saw (CL:把[ba3])/to saw ju 讵|how (interj. of surprise) ju 莒|Zhou Dynasty vassal state in modern d... ju 莒|alternative name for taro (old) ju 咀|to chew/to masticate ju 苴|surname Ju ju 苴|(hemp)/sack cloth ju 榉|Zeikowa acuminata ju 锔|to mend by stapling or cramping broke... ju 锔|curium (chemistry) ju 屦|sandals ju 挶|structure for carrying dirt ju 鞫|to interrogate/to question/Taiwan pr.... ju 罝|net for catching rabbits ju 裾|garment ju 椐|Zelkowa acuminata ju 怚|dull, stupid, suspicious ju 踘|leather ball/Taiwan pr. [ju2] ju 窭|poor/rustic ju 澽|(name of a river in Shaanxi Province) ju 醵|to contribute to a feast/to pool (money) ju 腒|dried poultry ju 踽|hunchbacked/walk alone ju 虡|bell pendant stand ju 筥|round bamboo basket ju 龃|used in 齟齬|龃龉[ju3 yu3] ju 鵙|a shrike ju 秬|black millet ju 倶|variant of 俱[ju4]/variant of 具[ju4] ju 匊|variant of 掬[ju1] ju 凥|old variant of 居[ju1] ju 粔|cakes made from rice flour twisted in... ju 蜛|Hydrophilus cognatus ju 跙|weak, lame ju 輂|horse carriage (old) ju 冣|old variant of 聚[ju4] ju 鐻|(mus. instr.) ju 娵|(feminine name)/(star) ju 拠|Japanese variant of 據|据 ju 泃|(the name of a river to the east of B... ju 䴗|variant of 鵙[ju2] ju 躹|variant of 鞠[ju1] ju 婮|(used in female names) ju 𪧘|poor/rustic ju 挙|Japanese variant of 舉|举 ju 炬|torch ju 𬶋|gudgeon (Gobio gobio, a small freshwa... juan 圈|to confine/to lock up/to pen in juan 圈|livestock enclosure; pen; fold; sty juan 娟|beautiful/graceful juan 卷|to roll up/roll/classifier for small ... juan 卷|scroll/book/volume/chapter/examinatio... juan 卷|to roll up/to sweep up; to carry alon... juan 绢|thin, tough silk fabric juan 劵|old variant of 倦[juan4] juan 蠲|to deduct/to show/bright and clean/gl... juan 捐|to relinquish; to abandon/to contribu... juan 羂|variant of 罥[juan4] juan 眷|(bound form) one\'s family, esp. wife ... juan 眷|(literary) to regard with love and af... juan 倦|tired juan 倦|old variant of 倦[juan4] juan 涓|surname Juan juan 涓|brook/to select juan 隽|surname Juan juan 隽|meaningful/significant juan 弮|variant of 卷[juan4], curled up scroll juan 镌|to engrave (on wood or stone)/to insc... juan 帣|a bag which holds 30 pecks (i.e. appr... juan 狷|impetuous/rash/upright (character) juan 狷|nimble/variant of 狷[juan4]/impetuous/... juan 鄄|name of a district in Shandong juan 悁|angry/sad juan 悁|impatient juan 鎸|variant of 鐫|镌, to engrave (on wood o... juan 罥|bird catching net/to bind/to hang juan 锩|to bend iron juan 鹃|cuckoo juan 焆|(literary) bright juan 朘|(literary) to reduce/(literary) to ex... juan 餋|to offer sacrifices juan 飬|old variant of 餋[juan4] juan 臇|fat, rich/a stew of fish juan 睊|look juan 脧|(literary) to exploit/(literary) to r... juan 巻|Japanese variant of 卷[juan3] juanai 眷爱|to love/sentimentally attached to juanai 涓埃|tiny stream of dust/tiny things/negli... juanaizhili 涓埃之力|negligible force (idiom); tiny force juanba 隽拔|handsome (of people)/graceful (of cal... juanba 卷巴|to bundle up juanban 捐班|(old) to obtain an official position ... juanbei 捐背|to die juanbian 卷边|to hem/hem/to curl (at the edge) juanbidao 卷笔刀|pencil sharpener (blade-only type) juanbing 卷饼|rolled-up pastry/roll/turnover (patis... juancai 隽材|talent juancengyun 卷层云|cirrostratus (cloud)/also written 捲層雲... juancengyun 卷层云|cirrostratus (cloud)/also written 卷層雲... juancheng 鄄城|Juancheng county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze... juanchengxian 鄄城县|Juancheng county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze... juanchi 卷尺|tape measure/tape rule/CL:把[ba3] juanchu 蠲除|to reprieve/to avoid/to redeem juanchu 镌黜|to dismiss an official juanchu 隽楚|outstanding/extraordinary/preeminent juanchukezheng 蠲除苛政|to alleviate oppressive administratio... juancun 眷村|military dependents\' village (communi... juandai 倦怠|worn out/exhausted/dispirited juandai 卷带|tape juandi 涓滴|tiny stream/trickle/drops/tiny trickl... juandi 蠲涤|to wash/to cleanse juandiguigong 涓滴归公|every drop returns to the public good... juandipi 卷地皮|to plunder the land and extort from t... juanfa 卷发|curly hair/to curl hair juanfabang 卷发棒|curling iron juanfaqi 卷发器|hair curler juanfatong 卷发筒|hair roller juanfeng 卷风|see 龍捲風|龙卷风[long2 juan3 feng1] juanfu 蠲赋|to remit levies juanfu 卷腹|crunch (physical exercise) juangei 捐给|to donate juangu 眷顾|to care for/to show concern for/to th... juangumingxin 镌骨铭心|etched in one\'s bones and heart (idio... juanguo 卷裹|to wrap up/(fig.) to envelop/to swall... juanhuai 眷怀|to yearn for/to miss juanji 蠲吉|variant of 涓吉[juan1 ji2] juanji 涓吉|to choose an auspicious day juanjian 蠲减|to remove or lighten (a tax etc) juanjie 蠲洁|to cleanse/to clean/to purify juanjing 捐精|to donate sperm juanjiyun 卷积云|cirrocumulus (cloud) juanjuan 涓涓|a trickle/tiny stream/sluggish/to flo... juanjuanzhixin 眷眷之心|nostalgia/home-sickness/longing for d... juanke 镌刻|to engrave juanke 蠲苛|to remove an oppressive law, tax etc juankuan 捐款|to donate money/to contribute funds/d... juankuanzhe 捐款者|donor/benefactor/contributor (to char... juanlian 眷恋|to miss/to long for/to remember with ... juanlian 卷帘|roller shutter/a blind juanlianmen 卷帘门|roll-up door juanlou 镌镂|to engrave juanluan 捐卵|to donate eggs (from one\'s ovaries) juanmao 隽茂|outstanding talent juanmian 蠲免|to let sb off (punishment, taxation e... juanmiao 隽妙|extremely elegant juanmin 隽敏|refined and smart juanming 捐命|to lay down one\'s life juanmu 捐募|to solicit contributions/to collect d... juannian 眷念|to think fondly of juanpin 隽品|outstanding work juanpugai 卷铺盖|to roll up one\'s bedding; to pack one... juanpugaizouren 卷铺盖走人|to pack one\'s things and leave juanqi 卷起|variant of 捲起|卷起[juan3 qi3] juanqi 卷起|to roll up/to curl up/(of dust etc) t... juanqi 捐弃|to relinquish/to abandon juanqimei 举案齐眉|lit. to lift the tray to eyebrow leve... juanqu 卷曲|to curl (hair)/to crimp/to roll up/curly juanqu 捐躯|to sacrifice one\'s life juanqu 眷区|married quarters/residential quarters... juanrao 卷绕|to wind/to coil/to spool/to loop arou... juanren 卷刃|curved blade juanrong 倦容|a weary look (on one\'s face) juanru 卷入|to be drawn into/to be involved in juansheng 捐生|to sacrifice one\'s life juansheyuanyin 卷舌元音|retroflex vowel (e.g. the final r of ... juanshu 眷属|family member/husband and wife juanshui 捐税|tax; levy; duty; impost juansiwei 居安思危|to think of danger in times of safety... juantao 卷逃|to bundle up valuables and abscond juanti 蠲体|to clean oneself juantuchonglai 卷土重来|lit. to return in a swirl of dust (id... juanweihou 卷尾猴|white-headed capuchin (Cebus capucinus) juanwu 捐物|to donate goods (to a relief effort)/... juanxian 捐献|to donate; to contribute juanxianqi 卷线器|fishing reel juanxincai 卷心菜|cabbage/CL:棵[ke1] juanxincai 卷心菜|variant of 卷心菜[juan3 xin1 cai4] juanxingmu 鹃形目|Cuculiformes, order of birds includin... juanxinminggu 镌心铭骨|etched in one\'s bones and heart (idio... juanxiu 娟秀|beautiful/graceful juanxu 卷须|tendril juanxue 捐血|to donate blood juanxuezhe 捐血者|blood donor/also called 供血者 juanyan 卷烟|cigarette/cigar juanyang 圈养|to rear (an animal) in an enclosure juanyang 卷扬|a whirlwind juanyangji 卷扬机|a capstan juanyibiao 捐益表|tax benefits table juanyong 隽永|meaningful/thought-provoking/significant juanyu 隽语|epigram/meaningful or significant speech juanyun 卷云|cirrus (cloud) juanyutihu 卷羽鹈鹕|(bird species of China) Dalmatian pel... juanzeng 捐赠|to contribute (as a gift)/to donate/b... juanzengyingyu 捐赠盈余|surplus from donation (accountancy) juanzengzhe 捐赠者|donor; contributor juanzhi 卷纸|toilet roll juanzhi 卷帙|book juanzhi 聚氨酯|polyurethane juanzhihaofan 卷帙浩繁|a huge amount (of books and papers) juanzhou 卷轴|scroll (book or painting) juanzhu 捐助|to donate/to offer (aid)/contribution... juanzhu 眷注|to think fondly of sb juanzi 捐资|to contribute funds juanzi 捐赀|variant of 捐資|捐资[juan1 zi1] juanzi 卷子|steamed roll/spring roll juanzi 卷子|test paper; examination paper juanzong 卷宗|file/folder/dossier juanzu 蠲租|to remit rentals or taxes juao 倨傲|arrogant juban 举办|to conduct/to hold jubao 举报|to report (malefactors to the police)... jubao 具保|to find guarantor/to find surety jubao 据报|it is reported; according to reports jubao 拒保|to refuse to insure/to exclude from i... jubaodao 据报导|according to (news) reports jubaodao 据报道|according to a report/It is reported ... jubaopen 聚宝盆|treasure bowl (mythology)/fig. source... jubaozhe 举报者|informer/snitch jubei 具备|to possess/to have/equipped with/able... jubei 举杯|to toast sb (with wine etc); to drink... juben 剧本|script; screenplay; scenario; libretto jubensha 剧本杀|murder mystery game (role-playing game) jubenyixi 聚苯乙烯|polystyrene jubian 巨变|great changes jubian 剧变|to change dramatically/radical change jubian 聚变|fusion (physics) jubianfanying 聚变反应|nuclear fusion jubianwuqi 聚变武器|fusion-type weapon jubing 举兵|(literary) to raise an army; to dispa... jubingxi 聚丙烯|polypropylene jubo 巨擘|thumb/authority (knowledgeable person) jubu 局部|part/local jubu 举步|(literary) to move forward jubu 拘捕|to arrest jubu 拒捕|to resist arrest jubujieshou 拒不接受|refusing to accept jubumazui 局部麻醉|local anesthesia jubumazuiji 局部麻醉剂|local anesthetic jubushengju 举不胜举|too numerous to list (idiom); innumer... jubuweijian 举步维艰|to make progress only with great diff... jubuxing 局部性|local jubuzuoyongyu 局部作用域|(computing) local scope jucan 聚餐|communal meal/formal dinner of club o... juchang 剧场|theater/CL:座[zuo4] jucheng 据称|it is said/allegedly/according to rep... jucheng 掬诚|wholeheartedly/sincerely juchi 锯齿|sawtooth juchi 拒斥|to reject juchi 菊池|Kikuchi (Japanese surname and place n... juchi 矩尺|set square (tool to measure right ang... juchimaiji 距翅麦鸡|(bird species of China) river lapwing... juchisha 巨齿鲨|see 巨牙鯊|巨牙鲨[ju4 ya2 sha1] juchixing 锯齿形|sawtooth shape/zigzag juchizuo 矩尺座|Norma (constellation) juchu 居处|to live/to reside juchu 居处|dwelling place/home juchuan 据传|it is rumored that .../it is reported... juchuan 拘传|subpoena/to summon (for questioning) juci 据此|accordingly; in view of the above juci 狙刺|to stab from hiding jucu 局促|cramped/ill at ease jucu 局促|variant of 侷促|局促[ju2cu4] jucubuan 局促不安|ill at ease/uncomfortable jucuo 举措|move; act; measure jucuyiyu 局促一隅|to be cramped in a corner (idiom) juda 巨大|huge/immense/very large/tremendous/gi... judan 巨蛋|oval-shaped stadium/dome/arena judayingxiang 巨大影响|huge influence judi 局地|local/locally judi 居第|housing/high-class residence judian 据点|stronghold/defended military base/bas... judian 句点|period (punctuation)/(fig.) endpoint/... judian 聚点|meeting point/accumulation point (math.) judiao 锯掉|to saw off (a branch etc); to amputat... judong 举动|act/action/activity/move/movement judou 句读|pausing at the end of a phrase or sen... judou 句逗|punctuation of a sentence (in former ... judu 剧毒|highly toxic; extremely poisonous judu 聚赌|communal gambling judu 巨蠹|public enemy number one juduo 居多|to be in the majority jue 绝|to cut short/extinct/to disappear/to ... jue 绝|variant of 絕|绝[jue2] jue 角|surname Jue jue 角|role (theater)/to compete/ancient thr... jue 脚|role (variant of 角[jue2]) jue 决|to decide/to determine/to execute (sb... jue 抉|to pick out/to single out jue 噱|loud laughter jue 劂|used in 剞劂[ji1jue2] jue 诀|to bid farewell/tricks of the trade/p... jue 鴂|tailorbird (Orthotomus spp.)/weaver b... jue 撧|to break off/to snap jue 掘|to dig jue 厥|to faint/to lose consciousness/his/he... jue 矍|surname Jue jue 矍|to glance fearfully jue 觉|to feel/to find that/thinking/awake/a... jue 巨额|large sum (of money)/a huge amount jue 崛|towering as a peak jue 撅|to protrude/to stick out/to pout (als... jue 璚|half-circle jade ring jue 攫|to seize/to snatch/to grab jue 玃|legendary ape of Sichuan and Yunnan, ... jue 珏|gems mounted together jue 覐|old variant of 覺|觉[jue2] jue 蕨|Pteridium aquilinum/bracken jue 倔|used in 倔強|倔强[jue2jiang4] jue 倔|gruff; surly jue 玦|penannular jade pendant jue 潏|to bubble up jue 傕|surname Jue jue 傕|used in old names jue 噘|to pout/(dialect) to scold jue 屩|(old) hemp sandals/Taiwan pr. [jue2] jue 蹶|to stumble/to trample/to kick (of horse) jue 蹶|see 尥蹶子[liao4 jue3 zi5] jue 谲|deceitful jue 孓|used in 孑孓[jie2 jue2] jue 桷|rafter/malus toringo jue 戄|to fear/to be in awe/sudden glance jue 嶡|sacrificial vessel jue 瘚|to hiccup/the humours of the body jue 亅|\"vertical stroke with hook\" radical i... jue 橛|a peg/low post jue 橛|old variant of 橛[jue2] jue 覚|Japanese variant of 覺|觉[jue2] jue 爝|torch jue 觖|dissatisfied jue 镢|variant of 钁|䦆[jue2] jue 鴃|shrike jue 䦆|mattock/hoe jue 屫|old variant of 屩[jue1] jue 獗|unruly/rude jue 砄|stone/rock jue 貜|(ape) jue 觼|buckle/clasp/ring jue 躩|bend/leap jue 㵐|Jue River in Hubei jue 蟨|Siberian jerboa jue 鈌|to pierce, to stab jue 臄|palate/sausage jue 趹|to gallop jue 钜额|variant of 巨額|巨额[ju4 e2] jue 爵|ancient bronze wine holder with 3 leg... jue 蕝|coarse grass used to show rank jue 𫘝|used in 駃騠|𫘝𫘨[jue2ti2] jueban 绝版|out of print juebi 绝壁|precipice juebi 绝笔|words written on one’s deathbed/an ar... juebie 诀别|to bid farewell/to part (usually with... juebu 绝不|in no way; not in the least; absolute... juebu 决不|not at all/simply (can) not juecai 蕨菜|fiddlehead/edible fern fronds juece 决策|strategic decision/decision-making/po... jueceshu 决策树|decision tree juecezhe 决策者|policymaker juecha 觉察|to sense/to perceive/to come to reali... juechan 绝产|crop failure/property left with no-on... juechang 绝唱|most perfect song juechu 掘出|to exhume/to unearth/to dig out juechufengsheng 绝处逢生|to find a way to survive when everyth... juedabufen 绝大部分|overwhelming majority juedaduoshu 绝大多数|the vast majority juedai 绝代|peerless/unmatched in his generation/... juedaijiaren 绝代佳人|beauty unmatched in her generation (i... juedao 绝倒|to split one\'s sides laughing juede 觉得|to think that ...; to feel that .../t... juedi 绝地|danger spot/Jedi (in Star Wars) juedi 决堤|(of a watercourse) to breach its dike... juedi 角抵|wrestling/to wrestle juedierqi 崛地而起|lit. arising suddenly above the level... jueding 决定|to decide (to do something)/to resolv... jueding 绝顶|(lit. and fig.) summit; peak/extremel... juedingcongming 绝顶聪明|highly intelligent; brilliant juedingcu 决定簇|determinant (causing immunological re... juedinglun 决定论|determinism juedingxing 决定性|decisive/conclusive juedou 决斗|to duel/a duel/decisive struggle juedou 角斗|to wrestle juedouchang 角斗场|wrestling ring jueduan 决断|to make a decision/resolution/decisiv... juedui 绝对|absolute; unconditional jueduidaduoshu 绝对大多数|absolute majority jueduidizhi 绝对地址|absolute address (computing) jueduiduoshu 绝对多数|absolute majority jueduiguannian 绝对观念|absolute idea (in Hegel\'s philosophy) jueduilianxu 绝对连续|absolutely continuous (math.) jueduilingdu 绝对零度|absolute zero jueduiquan 绝对权|(law) absolute rights/erga omnes rights jueduishidu 绝对湿度|absolute humidity jueduishuzi 绝对数字|absolute (as opposed to relative) number jueduiwendu 绝对温度|absolute temperature jueduizhi 绝对值|absolute value jueduo 攫夺|to seize/to pillage/to plunder jueerbuxing 决而不行|making decisions without implementing... juefa 绝罚|to excommunicate juefei 绝非|absolutely not juegongzhiwei 厥功至伟|(idiom) to have made significant cont... juehou 绝后|to have no offspring/never to be seen... juehuo 绝活|specialty/unique skill jueji 绝技|consummate skill/supreme feat/tour-de... jueji 绝迹|to be eradicated/to vanish/extinct/to... jueji 角妓|courtesan juejia 绝佳|exceptionally good juejiang 倔强|stubborn; obstinate; unbending juejiao 绝交|to break off relations/to break with sb juejing 绝境|desperate straits juejing 绝经|menopause juejing 绝景|stunning scenery jueju 绝句|quatrain (poetic form) juejue 决绝|to sever all relations with sb/determ... jueke 掘客|Digg (social news website) juekou 决口|(of a watercourse) to breach its bank... juekou 角口|(literary) to quarrel/also pr. [jiao3... juekoubuti 绝口不提|(idiom) to avoid mentioning juele 绝了|(slang) awesome/dope juelei 蕨类|(botany) fern; bracken; brake jueli 角力|to wrestle/(fig.) to lock horns; to t... jueli 崛立|to tower over/rising (to a dominant p... jueliang 绝粮|provisions are exhausted/out of food juelie 决裂|to rupture/to burst open/to break/to ... juelu 爵禄|rank and emolument of nobility juelun 绝伦|outstanding/peerless/beyond compare juemenr 绝门儿|extinct profession/lost trade/unique ... juemi 绝密|top secret juemiao 绝妙|exquisite juemie 绝灭|to annihilate/to exterminate/extinction jueming 绝命|to commit suicide/to have one\'s life ... jueming 决明|(botany) cassia juemingshu 绝命书|suicide note juemingzi 决明子|(botany) cassia seed juemiwenjian 绝密文件|top secret document/classified papers juemubianshi 掘墓鞭尸|to exhume a body for public flogging ... juemugongren 掘墓工人|grave digger juepei 绝配|perfect match juepin 绝品|peerless artwork/absolute gem jueqi 崛起|to rise abruptly (to a towering posit... jueqi 绝气|to expire jueqiao 诀窍|secret/trick/knack/key jueqing 绝情|heartless/without regard for others\' ... juequ 攫取|to seize/to capture/to grab juer 具尔|(archaic) brother jueran 绝然|completely/absolutely juere 绝热|to insulate thermally/(physics) adiab... juereqi 绝热漆|heat-resistant paint juesai 决赛|finals (of a competition) juese 角色|role; part (in a play or movie etc)/a... juese 绝色|(of a woman) remarkably beautiful; st... juesebanyanyouxi 角色扮演游戏|role-playing game (RPG) juesha 绝杀|to deal the fatal blow (sports, chess... juesheng 决胜|to determine victory/to obtain victory jueshengfu 决胜负|to determine success or failure jueshengqianli 决胜千里|to be able to plan victory from a tho... jueshi 绝世|unique/exceptional jueshi 爵士|knight/Sir/(loanword) jazz jueshi 绝食|to go on a hunger strike jueshigu 爵士鼓|drum kit (Tw) jueshijiaren 绝世佳人|a woman of unmatched beauty (idiom) jueshikangyi 绝食抗议|hunger strike jueshiwu 爵士舞|jazz (loanword) jueshiyinyue 爵士音乐|jazz (loanword) jueshiyue 爵士乐|jazz (loanword) jueshou 绝收|(agriculture) to have no harvest (due... jueshui 㵐水|Jue River in Hubei jueshuo 矍铄|hale and hearty juesuan 决算|final account/to calculate the final ... jueti 𫘝𫘨|hinny juetou 倔头|a surly, irascible person juetuji 掘土机|excavator juewang 绝望|to despair/to give up all hope/desper... juewei 爵位|order of feudal nobility, namely: Duk... juewu 觉悟|to come to understand/to realize/cons... juewujinyou 绝无仅有|one and only (idiom); rarely seen/uni... juexin 决心|determination/resolution/determined/f... juexing 觉醒|to awaken/to come to realize/awakened... juexuanmingdan 决选名单|short list jueyi 决议|a resolution/to pass a resolution jueyi 决意|to be determined jueyi 绝诣|profoundly well-versed jueyian 决议案|resolution (of a meeting) jueyicixiong 决一雌雄|see 一決雌雄|一决雌雄[yi1 jue2 ci2 xiong2] jueyu 绝育|to sterilize/to spay jueyu 绝域|a faraway and hard-to-reach land (cla... jueyuan 绝缘|to have no contact with/to be cut off... jueyuan 玃猿|legendary ape of Sichuan and Yunnan, ... jueyuanti 绝缘体|electrical insulation/heat insulation juezan 绝赞|amazing/awesome/ultimate jueze 抉择|to choose (literary) juezhan 决战|decisive battle/to fight a decisive b... juezhao 绝招|unique skill/unexpected tricky move (... juezheng 绝症|incurable disease/terminal illness juezhong 绝种|extinct (species)/extinction juezhu 角逐|to tussle/to contend/to contest juezui 撅嘴|to pout juezui 噘嘴|to pout (to express anger or displeas... jufa 句法|syntax jufa 举发|to expose (e.g., wrongdoing)/to accus... jufafenxi 句法分析|syntactic analysis jufan 举凡|such things as .../examples including... jufan 焗饭|rice au gratin jufang 钜防|iron defense/defensive gate or wall (... jufayishi 句法意识|syntactic awareness jufen 菊粉|(biochemistry) inulin (aka fructosan) jufeng 飓风|hurricane jufeng 巨峰|Kyoho (grape type) jufu 巨幅|extremely large (of paintings, photog... jufu 拒付|to refuse to accept a payment/to refu... jufu 巨富|enormous sum/millionaire/very rich jufufangbian 拒腐防变|to fight corruption and forestall mor... jugan 橘柑|tangerine/orange jugaobuxia 居高不下|(of prices, rates etc) to remain high jugaolinxia 居高临下|lit. to be in a high location, overlo... jugaozheng 惧高症|acrophobia juge 具格|instrumental case (grammar) jugong 鞠躬|to bow/(literary) to bend down jugong 居功|to claim credit for oneself jugong 锯工|a sawyer jugongjincui 鞠躬尽瘁|to bend to a task and spare no effort... jugongjincui,sierhouyi 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已|to bend to a task and spare no effort... jugongjinli 鞠躬尽力|to bend to a task and spare no effort... jugongzhiwei 居功至伟|see 厥功至偉|厥功至伟[jue2gong1zhi4wei3] jugongziao 居功自傲|satisfied with one\'s accomplishment a... juguan 居官|to secure a position/to take an offic... juguang 聚光|to focus light (e.g. in theater)/to s... juguang 莒光|Chukuang Island, one of the Matsu Isl... juguangdeng 聚光灯|spotlight juguangtaiyangneng 聚光太阳能|concentrating solar power (CSP) juguangxiang 莒光乡|Chukuang township in Lienchiang count... juguji 据估计|according to estimates juguo 举国|the entire country juguo 莒国|the state of Ju, ancient Dongyi state juguoshangxia 举国上下|the entire nation/the whole country, ... juhaishange 巨海扇蛤|great scallop (Pecten maxiumus)/king ... juhao 句号|full stop/period (punct.) juhe 聚合|to come together (to form sth)/to ass... juhe 泃河|Ju River, to the east of Beijing juhemei 聚合酶|polymerase (enzyme) juheng 巨亨|tycoon/mogul juheti 聚合体|aggregate/polymer juhewu 聚合物|polymer juhezuoyong 聚合作用|polymerization juhong 橘红|orange (color)/orange peel (used in TCM) juhua 菊花|chrysanthemum/(TCM) chrysanthemum flo... juhuacha 菊花茶|chrysanthemum tea juhuang 剧荒|(neologism c. 2016) no tv shows to watch juhuangse 橘黄色|tangerine yellow/saffron (color) juhui 聚会|party/gathering/to meet/to get together juhui 钜惠|big discount juhuo 举火|(literary) to light a fire juhuo 聚伙|to gather a crowd/a mob juji 狙击|to snipe (shoot from hiding) juji 聚集|to assemble; to gather juji 剧集|(serialized TV or Internet drama) sho... juji 聚积|to accumulate/to collect/to build up juji 局级|(administrative) bureau-level juji 拘忌|to have scruples/to have misgivings juji 巨集|(computing) macro (primarily Hong Kon... jujia 居家|to live at home/to stay at home/home ... jujia 车驾|carriage jujia 举家|the whole family jujia 举架|(dialect) height of a house jujia 锯架|a sawframe jujia 俱佳|excellent/wonderful jujian 居间|positioned between (two parties)/to m... jujian 举荐|to recommend jujian 聚歼|to annihilate/to round up and wipe out jujian 拘检|restrained and cautious jujiang 巨匠|great master (of literature, music etc) jujiao 聚焦|to focus jujiao 距角|elongation (astronomy) jujiaquan 聚甲醛|polyformaldehyde (CH2O)n jujie 具结|to bind over (as surety)/to sign an u... jujie 拒接|to reject/to refuse to take a call jujin 距今|before the present/(a long period) ago jujin 拘谨|reserved/overcautious jujin 拘禁|constraint/to detain/to take into cus... jujing 居经|(TCM) menstruation that comes only on... jujinghuishen 聚精会神|to concentrate one\'s attention (idiom) jujishou 狙击手|sniper/marksman jujiuwu 居酒屋|izakaya (a kind of traditional Japane... juju 聚居|to inhabit a region (esp. ethnic grou... juju 菊苣|chicory jujudi 聚居地|inhabited land/habitat jujuduxing 踽踽独行|to walk alone (idiom) jujue 拒绝|to refuse; to decline; to reject jujue 咀嚼|to chew/to think over jujuezuo 巨爵座|Crater (constellation) jujushihua 句句实话|to speak honestly (idiom) jukai 锯开|to saw jukao 焗烤|to bake/gratin juke 菊科|Asteraceae or Compositae (composites)... jukuan 巨款|huge sum of money/CL:筆|笔[bi3] jukuan 钜款|variant of 巨款[ju4 kuan3] julebu 俱乐部|(loanword) club (the organisation or ... juli 距离|distance/CL:個|个[ge4]/to be apart from juli 举例|to give an example juli 居里|curie (Ci) (loanword) juli 拘礼|to stand on ceremony/punctilious juli 据理|according to reason/in principle juli 居礼|variant of 居里[ju1li3] julian 聚敛|to accumulate/to gather/to amass weal... juliang 巨量|huge quantity/massive juliangzhuanyi 巨量转移|mass transfer (in LED panel manufactu... juliao 据料|according to forecasts/it is expected... julichanshengmei 距离产生美|absence makes the heart grow fonder julie 剧烈|violent; acute; severe; fierce julifuren 居里夫人|see 居禮夫人|居礼夫人[Ju1 li3 Fu1 ren5] julifuren 居礼夫人|Maria Skłodowska-Curie or Marie Curie... julihe 句骊河|pre-Han name of Liao River 遼河|辽河[Liao... julijuqi 橘里橘气|lesbian-like (i.e. exhibiting lesbian... julilaishuo 举例来说|for example julilizheng 据理力争|to contend on strong grounds/to argue... juliu 拘留|to detain (a prisoner)/to keep sb in ... juliu 居留|residence/to reside juliu 巨流|strong current/CL:股[gu3] juliuquan 居留权|right of abode (law) juliusuo 拘留所|detention center/prison juliuzheng 居留证|residence permit julong 巨龙|gigantic dragon (lit. and fig.)/titan... julong 聚拢|to gather together julu 巨鹿|Julu county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2]... julu 橘录|classification of orange trees by 12t... juluan 拘挛|cramps/muscular spasm/fig. constraine... juluanr 拘挛儿|erhua variant of 拘攣|拘挛[ju1 luan2] julun 巨轮|large ship/large wheel juluo 聚落|settlement/dwelling place/town/village juluo 橘络|pith of mandarin orange julushi 居鲁士|Cyrus (name) julushidadi 居鲁士大帝|Cyrus the Great (ca. 600-530 BC), the... juluxian 巨鹿县|Julu county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2]... julvyixi 聚氯乙烯|polyvinyl chloride (PVC) juma 局麻|local anesthesia (abbr. for 局部麻醉[ju2 ... juma 苴麻|female hemp plant (Cannabis sativa) juma 拒马|cheval de frise (a type of barrier) jumang 巨蟒|python jumayao 局麻药|local anesthetic jumian 局面|aspect/phase/situation jumin 居民|resident; inhabitant jumindian 居民点|residential area jumindianr 居民点儿|variant of 居民點|居民点[ju1 min2 dian3] juming 具名|to sign/to put one\'s name to juminlou 居民楼|apartment building/residential tower juminqu 居民区|residential area/neighborhood juminxiaofeijiagezhishu 居民消费价格指数|consumer price index CPI jumo 锯末|sawdust jumo 巨魔|(gaming) troll/(Internet) troll jumu 剧目|theatrical piece (play or opera)/repe... jumu 举目|to look/to raise one\'s eyes jumu 榉木|beech jumuchang 锯木厂|sawmill; lumber mill jumujia 锯木架|a sawhorse jumuwuqin 举目无亲|to look up and see no-one familiar (i... jun 钧|30 catties/great/your (honorific) jun 君|monarch/lord/gentleman/ruler jun 菌|germ/bacteria/fungus/mold/Taiwan pr. ... jun 菌|mushroom jun 俊|old variant of 俊[jun4] jun 俊|smart/eminent/handsome/talented jun 俊|variant of 俊[jun4] jun 骏|spirited horse jun 龟|variant of 皸|皲[jun1] jun 军|(bound form) army/military jun 峻|(of mountains) high/harsh or severe jun 珺|beautiful jade jun 晙|(literary) early morning/(literary) b... jun 均|equal/even/all/uniform jun 浚|to dredge (a river) jun 浚|variant of 浚[jun4] jun 竣|complete/finish jun 隽|variant of 俊[jun4] jun 埈|variant of 峻[jun4] jun 鲪|Sebastodes guntheri jun 郡|canton/county/region jun 捃|gather/to sort jun 攟|old variant of 捃[jun4] jun 攈|old variant of 捃[jun4] jun 焌|to set fire to/to ignite jun 麇|hornless deer jun 畯|overseer/steppe jun 皲|to chap jun 莙|species of water plant jun 箘|bamboo shoots jun 陖|old variant of 峻[jun4] jun 麕|variant of 麇[jun1] jun 燇|old variant of 焌[jun4] jun 銞|old variant of 鈞|钧[jun1] jun 馂|remains of a sacrifice or a meal juna 拘拿|to arrest junan 莒南|Ju\'nan county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2... junanxian 莒南县|Ju\'nan county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2... junba 俊拔|outstandingly talented junbei 军备|(military) arms/armaments junbeijingsai 军备竞赛|arms race/armament(s) race junbianlun 均变论|uniformitarianism junbing 菌柄|mushroom stem juncaoyu 军曹鱼|cobia or black kingfish (Rachycentron... juncha 均差|(numerical analysis) divided differen... junche 军车|military vehicle junchen 君臣|a ruler and his ministers (old) junchenhao 菌陈蒿|tarragon jundao 军刀|military knife/saber jundeng 均等|equal; impartial; fair jundenghua 均等化|to equalize/leveling/making uniform jundenglun 均等论|doctrine of equivalents (patent law) jundui 军队|armed forces; troops/CL:支[zhi1],個|个[ge4] junei 惧内|henpecked junfa 军阀|military clique/junta/warlord junfa 军法|martial law junfahunzhan 军阀混战|incessant fighting between warlords junfang 军方|military junfang 均方|mean square junfei 军费|military expenditure junfei 菌肥|bacterial manure junfeikaizhi 军费开支|military spending junfen 均分|to split/to divide equally junfenqu 军分区|military subdistricts junfutu 均腐土|isohumisol (soil taxonomy) jungai 菌盖|cap of mushroom jungang 军港|naval port/naval base jungong 竣工|to complete a project jungong 军功|(military) meritorious service jungongjiao 军公教|army, civil service and education/all... jungongzhang 军功章|military medal junguan 军官|officer (military) junguozhuyi 军国主义|militarism junhao 军号|bugle junhei 焌黑|pitch black junheng 均衡|equal/balanced/harmony/equilibrium junhengqi 均衡器|equalizer (electronics, audio) junhui 郡会|county capital junhuo 军火|weapons and ammunition/munitions/arms junhuogongsi 军火公司|arms company junhuojiaoyi 军火交易|arms deal junhuoku 军火库|arsenal juni 拘泥|to be a stickler for formalities/to r... junian 輂辇|emperor\'s carriage junji 军机|military aircraft/secret plan/Privy C... junji 军妓|military prostitute junjian 军舰|warship/military naval vessel/CL:艘[sou1] junjiaotuan 菌胶团|zoogloea junjichu 军机处|Office of Military and Political Affa... junjie 俊杰|elite/outstanding talent/genius junjie 菌界|fungus (taxonomic kingdom)/mycota junjing 军警|the military and the police/military ... junke 均可|all are OK/both are OK/all can/both c... junlei 菌类|fungus junli 军力|military power junli 峻厉|pitiless/merciless junliang 军粮|army provisions junlie 龟裂|to crack/cracked/fissured/creviced/(o... junlie 皲裂|(of lips, skin etc) to chap junling 峻岭|lofty mountain range junling 军龄|length of military service junlingrushan 军令如山|military orders are like mountains (i... junlingzhuang 军令状|military order junluo 菌落|bacterial colony/microbial colony junlv 军旅|army junlv 军绿|army green junma 军马|warhorse; cavalry horse/troops junma 骏马|fine horse/steed junmei 俊美|pretty/handsome junmi 军迷|military enthusiast junmiao 菌苗|vaccine junmin 军民|army-civilian/military-masses/militar... junnichuan 浚泥船|dredger junqi 军棋|land battle chess, Chinese board game... junqiao 俊俏|attractive and intelligent/charming/e... junqiao 峻峭|high and steep junqing 军情|military situation/military intelligence junqingliuchu 军情六处|MI6 (British military intelligence ag... junqingwuchu 军情五处|MI5 (British military counterintellig... junqu 军区|geographical area of command/(PLA) mi... junquan 君权|monarchical power junqun 菌群|microbiota; microbiome junre 均热|to heat evenly (e.g. in smelting metal) junren 军人|serviceman/soldier/military personnel junrizhao 均日照|average annual sunshine junsan 菌伞|mushroom top junsao 军嫂|serviceman\'s wife/wives of military p... junshan 君山|Junshan district of Yueyang city 岳陽|岳... junshanqu 君山区|Junshan district of Yueyang city 岳陽|岳... junshi 军事|military affairs/(attributive) military junshi 军士|soldier/noncommssioned officer (NCO) junshi 军师|(old) military counselor/(coll.) trus... junshi 均势|equilibrium of forces/balance of power junshi 军势|army strength/military prowess or pot... junshi 均湿|to moisten evenly (e.g. in tanning le... junshibumen 军事部门|military branch junshifating 军事法庭|court-martial; military tribunal junshihedaguo 军事核大国|military nuclear power junshihua 军事化|militarization junshijia 军事家|military expert/general junshijidi 军事基地|military base junshijigou 军事机构|military institution junshikexue 军事科学|military science junshililiang 军事力量|military strength/military force(s) junshiqingbao 军事情报|military intelligence junshisheshi 军事设施|military installations junshishili 军事实力|military strength/military power junshitandingbao 君士坦丁堡|Constantinople, capital of Byzantium junshitiyu 军事体育|military sports/military fitness (cur... junshiweixie 军事威胁|military threat junshixingdong 军事行动|military operation junshixue 军事学|military science junshixunlian 军事训练|military exercise/army drill junshiyanxi 军事演习|military exercise/war game junshiyuanzhu 军事援助|military aid junshizhengbian 军事政变|military coup junshou 郡守|senior provincial official in imperia... junshou 军售|arms sales junsi 菌丝|mycelium/hypha juntan 均摊|to share equally/to distribute evenly junti 军体|military sports/military fitness (cur... juntianzhi 均田制|equal-field system of Wei of the Nort... juntuan 军团|corps/legion juntuanganjun 军团杆菌|legionella bacteria juntuanjun 军团菌|legionella (bacterium causing legionn... juntuanjunbing 军团菌病|legionnaires\' disease juntuo 菌托|volva (bag containing spores on stem ... junwang 君王|sovereign king junwang 郡望|choronym (a family\'s region of origin... junwei 军委|Military Commission of the Communist ... junwei 君位|royal title junweihui 军委会|Military Commission of the Communist ... junwu 军务|military affairs junxian 军衔|army rank/military rank junxian 馂馅|stuffing; forcemeat; filling, e.g. in... junxian 均线|graph of average values junxiang 军饷|a soldier\'s pay and provisions junxianzhibiao 均线指标|moving average index (used in financi... junxiao 军校|military school/military academy junxie 浚渫|to dredge junxin 军心|(military) troop morale/(fig.) team m... junxiu 俊秀|well-favored/elegant/pretty junxu 军需|military supplies junxuguan 军需官|quartermaster junxun 军训|to do military training junya 俊雅|(literary) elegant; graceful; refined junyan 军演|military exercises junyi 均一|even/uniform/homogeneous junyi 军医|military doctor junying 军营|barracks/army camp junyiyuan 军医院|military hospital junyong 军用|(for) military use/military application junyu 钧谕|(deferential) your instructions junyu 隽誉|high fame junyue 君悦|Grand Hyatt (hotel brand) junyuedui 军乐队|brass band junyun 均匀|even/well-distributed/homogeneous/wel... junyunxing 均匀性|homogeneity/uniformity junzhan 均沾|to share (profits) junzhang 君长|the monarch and his ministers/tribal ... junzhe 菌褶|lamella (under the cap of a mushroom) junzhen 军阵|battle formation junzheng 军政|army and government junzhengfu 军政府|military government junzhi 均值|average value junzhi 郡治|seat of the principal county magistra... junzhi 均质|homogenous/uniform/homogenized junzhianguan 郡治安官|sheriff junzhong 菌种|(microorganism) species; strain/(fung... junzhu 君主|monarch/sovereign junzhuang 军装|military uniform junzhuguo 君主国|monarchy/sovereign state junzhulixianzhi 君主立宪制|constitutional monarchy junzhuzhengti 君主政体|monarchy/autocracy junzhuzhengzhi 君主政治|monarchy junzhuzhi 君主制|monarchy junzi 君子|nobleman/person of noble character junzi 菌子|(dialect) mushroom junzibaochou,shinianbuwan 君子报仇,十年不晚|lit. for a nobleman to take revenge, ... junzibujixiaorenguo 君子不计小人过|see 大人不記小人過|大人不记小人过[da4 ren2 bu4 ji4 ... junzidongkoubudongshou 君子动口不动手|a gentleman uses his mouth and not hi... junzilan 君子兰|scarlet kafir lily/Clivia miniata (bo... junzitandangdang,xiaorenchangqiqi 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚|good people are at peace with themsel... junziyiyan,simananzhui 君子一言,驷马难追|a nobleman\'s word is his bond (proverb) junziyuanpaochu 君子远庖厨|lit. a nobleman stays clear of the ki... junzizhijiao 君子之交|friendship between gentlemen, insipid... junzizhijiaodanrushui 君子之交淡如水|a gentleman\'s friendship, insipid as ... jupa 惧怕|to be afraid jupian 锯片|saw blade jupiao 拘票|warrant (for arrest) jupizuzhi 橘皮组织|cellulite juqi 举起|to heave/to lift/to raise up/to uphold juqi 聚齐|to meet together/to assemble (of a gr... juqi 居奇|to hoard/to speculate/profiteering juqian 拒签|to refuse (a visa application etc) juqian 拘牵|restrained/confined juqibuding 举棋不定|to hesitate over what move to make (i... juqing 剧情|story line/plot/drama (genre) juqingbanli 据情办理|to handle a situation according to th... juqiu 拘囚|to imprison/prisoner juquan 俱全|every kind/every variety under the su... juqun 句群|discourse/group of sentences with cle... juran 居然|unexpectedly/to one\'s surprise/go so ... juran 遽然|(literary) all of a sudden juren 巨人|giant juren 居人|inhabitant juren 举人|graduate/successful candidate in the ... jurenguan 巨人观|bloated corpse jurong 句容|Jurong, county-level city in Zhenjian... jurongshi 句容市|Jurong, county-level city in Zhenjian... juru 巨乳|large breasts; busty juruo 蒟蒻|konjac, konnyaku or devil\'s tongue (A... jusan 聚散|coming together and separating/aggreg... jusang 沮丧|dispirited/dejected/dismayed jusang 居丧|to observe the ritual mourning juse 橘色|orange (color) jushachengta 聚沙成塔|sand grains accumulate to make a towe... jushao-liduo 聚少离多|(idiom) (of a husband and wife etc) t... jushe 剧社|theater company jushewei 巨蛇尾|(astronomy) Serpens Cauda jushezong 俱舍宗|Kusha-shū (Japanese Buddhism school) jushezuo 巨蛇座|Serpens (constellation) jushi 局势|situation/state (of affairs) jushi 句式|sentence pattern/sentence structure/s... jushi 居室|room/apartment jushi 举世|throughout the world/world ranking (e... jushi 巨石|huge rock; boulder; monolith jushi 据实|according to the facts jushi 巨䴓|(bird species of China) giant nuthatc... jushiwenming 举世闻名|world-famous (idiom) jushiwushuang 举世无双|unrivaled (idiom); world number one/u... jushixibao 巨噬细胞|macrophage jushiyigao 据实以告|to report according to the facts/to t... jushizhen 巨石阵|giant stone arrangement/Stonehenge jushizhumu 举世瞩目|to receive worldwide attention jushizhuqun 巨石柱群|Stonehenge jushou 举手|to raise a hand/to put up one\'s hand ... jushou 巨兽|giant creature; huge animal jushou 居首|leading/in first place/top of the list jushou 拒收|to reject/to refuse to accept jushou 聚首|to gather/to meet jushou 据守|to guard/to hold a fortified position... jushou 拘守|to hold tight/to cling to/to adhere/s... jushou 句首|start of phrase or sentence jushoutianxian 据守天险|to guard a natural stronghold jushoutouzu 举手投足|one\'s every movement (idiom)/comportm... jushouzhilao 举手之劳|lit. the exertion of lifting one\'s ha... jushu 拘束|to restrict/to restrain/constrained/a... jushu 句数|number of sentences/number of lines (... jushu 橘树|orange tree jushuang 居孀|to remain widowed (formal) jushui 掬水|to scoop up water jushuo 据说|it is said that; reportedly jushuyi 拘束衣|straightjacket jusifuyixi 聚四氟乙烯|polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), trade... jusongfenyun 聚讼纷纭|(of a body of people) to offer all ki... jusuo 居所|residence jutan 剧坛|the world of Chinese opera/theatrical... jutan 聚谈|to have a discussion in a group/to ha... jutang 菊糖|(biochemistry) inulin (aka fructosan) jutansuanzhi 聚碳酸酯|polycarbonate juti 具体|concrete; specific; detailed jutiao 锯条|a sawblade jutidao 具体到|to embody into/to apply to/to take th... jutie 举铁|(coll.) to pump iron jutierwei 具体而微|miniature/scaled-down/forming a micro... jutihua 具体化|to concretize jutijihua 具体计划|a concrete plan/a definite plan jutishuoming 具体说明|to specify/specific details jutiwenti 具体问题|concrete issue jutong 剧痛|acute pain/sharp pain/twinge/stab/pang jutongji 据统计|according to statistics jutou 巨头|tycoon/magnate/big player (including ... jutou 聚头|to meet/to get together jutou 剧透|plot leak/spoiler jutuan 剧团|theatrical troupe juwai 局外|outside (a group etc)/not connected (... juwaizhongli 局外中立|neutralism juwei 居位|to occupy a high position (in adminis... juwei 橘味|tangerine flavor/yuri (genre of ficti... juweihui 居委会|neighbourhood committee juweijiyou 据为己有|(idiom) to illegally take possession ... juwen 据闻|it is said; it is alleged; it is repo... juwokan 据我看|in my view/in my opinion/from what I ... juwosuozhi 据我所知|as far as I know/to the best of my kn... juwu 聚晤|to meet (as a social group) juwuba 巨无霸|Big Mac (McDonald\'s hamburger) juwuba 巨无霸|giant/leviathan juwubahanbaobaozhishu 巨无霸汉堡包指数|Big Mac Index, a measure of the purch... juwubazhishu 巨无霸指数|Big Mac Index, a measure of the purch... juwudingsuo 居无定所|to be without a fixed residence (idiom) juxi 据悉|according to reports/it is reported (... juxi 巨细|big and small juxi 巨蜥|monitor lizards (family Varanidae) juxian 局限|variant of 局限[ju2 xian4] juxian 局限|to limit/to confine/to restrict sth w... juxian 莒县|Jun county in Rizhao 日照[Ri4 zhao4], S... juxian 据险|to rely on natural barriers (for one\'... juxianan 聚酰胺|polyamide juxiang 巨响|loud sound juxiang 具象|tangible image/concrete/representatio... juxianliangduice 举贤良对策|Treatise 134 BC by Han dynasty philos... juxianxing 局限性|limitations/(medicine) localized juxianyaan 聚酰亚胺|polyimide juxianyu 局限于|to be limited to juxibaobingdu 巨细胞病毒|cytomegalovirus (CMV) juxibaobingdushiwangmoyan 巨细胞病毒视网膜炎|cytomegalovirus retinitis (CMV retini... juxie 巨蟹|Cancer (star sign) juxiezuo 巨蟹座|Cancer (constellation and sign of the... juxin 居心|to harbor (evil) intentions/to be ben... juxin 据信|according to belief/it is believed that juxinbuliang 居心不良|to harbor evil intentions (idiom) juxing 举行|to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc) juxing 矩形|rectangle juxing 巨星|(astronomy) giant star/(fig.) superst... juxing 句型|sentence pattern (in grammar) juxing 巨型|giant; enormous juxinhezai 居心何在|What\'s (he) up to?/What\'s the motive ... juxinpoce 居心叵测|harboring unfathomable motives (idiom) juxinxiane 居心险恶|to have sinister motives juya 拘押|to arrest/to take into custody juyasha 巨牙鲨|megalodon (Carcharodon megalodon) juyaying 拘押营|detention center/prison camp juye 巨野|Juye county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], S... juye 举业|preparatory literary studies for impe... juyexian 巨野县|Juye county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], S... juyi 聚义|to meet as volunteers for an uprising juyi 拘役|detention juyi 聚议|to meet for negotiation juyifansan 举一反三|to raise one and infer three/to deduc... juyin 聚饮|to meet for social drinking juyin 掬饮|to drink water by scooping it up with... juying 巨婴|(neologism c. 2017) adult who behaves... juyingyingxue 聚萤映雪|lit. to collect fireflies and study b... juyixi 聚乙烯|polythene/polyethylene juyong 举用|to select the best (for a job) juyongguan 居庸关|Juyongguan, frontier fortress on Grea... juyou 具有|to have; to possess juyou 据有|to occupy/to hold/to possess juyou 聚友|MySpace (social networking website) juyou 焗油|to condition or dye the hair using ha... juyouji 焗油机|hair steamer juyu 龃龉|(literary) (of teeth) to be misaligne... juyu 拘迂|inflexible/stubborn juyu 菊芋|Jerusalem artichoke juyuan 剧院|theater/CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4] juyuan 枸橼|citron (Citrus medica)/grapefruit juyufa 举隅法|synecdoche juyuwang 局域网|local area network (LAN) juzai 拒载|to refuse to take a passenger (of taxi) juzaiyiqi 聚在一起|to get together juzaoxing 局灶性|(medicine) focal juzeng 剧增|dramatic increase juzhai 举债|to raise a loan/to borrow money juzhai 居宅|dwelling juzhang 局长|bureau chief/CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4] juzhao 剧照|photo taken during a theatrical produ... juzhen 矩阵|array/matrix (math.) juzheng 举证|to offer evidence juzheng 居正|(literary) to follow the right path juzhi 举止|bearing/manner/mien juzhi 聚酯|polyester juzhi 聚脂|polyester/also written 聚酯 juzhi 拘执|rigid/inflexible juzhimenwai 拒之门外|to lock one\'s door and refuse to see sb juzhishuzhi 聚酯树脂|polyester resin juzhixianwei 聚酯纤维|polyester fiber juzhong 居中|to be between two parties (as in medi... juzhong 举重|to lift weights/weight-lifting (sports) juzhong 剧终|The End (appearing at the end of a mo... juzhong 聚众|to gather a crowd/to muster juzhongduiqi 居中对齐|centered alignment (typography) juzhongren 局中人|participant/protagonist/a player (in ... juzhongyinluanzui 聚众淫乱罪|group licentiousness (offense punisha... juzhu 居住|to reside/to dwell/to live in a place... juzhu 巨著|monumental (literary) work juzhudi 居住地|current address/place of residence juzhuyu 居住于|to inhabit juzhuzhe 居住者|inhabitant juzhuzheng 居住证|residence permit juzi 橘子|tangerine/CL:個|个[ge4],瓣[ban4] juzi 句子|sentence/CL:個|个[ge4] juzi 桔子|tangerine/also written 橘子/CL:個|个[ge4]... juzi 锯子|a saw/CL:把[ba3] juzi 局子|police station juzi 巨子|giant; titan; magnate juzi 巨资|huge investment/vast sum juzi 驹子|young horse, ass or mule/foal/colt/filly juzi 锔子|clamp for mending pottery juzi 钜子|tycoon/magnate juzijiang 橘子酱|orange jam/marmalade juzishui 橘子水|orangeade/orange squash/CL:瓶[ping2],杯... juzizhi 橘子汁|orange juice/CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1],罐[gu... juzonglv 锯棕榈|saw palmetto (Serenoa repens, a small... juzu 剧组|cast and crew/performers and producti... juzuiduanchiying 巨嘴短翅莺|(bird species of China) long-billed b... juzuiliuying 巨嘴柳莺|(bird species of China) Radde\'s warbl... juzuiniao 巨嘴鸟|toucan juzuishaque 巨嘴沙雀|(bird species of China) desert finch ... juzuojia 剧作家|playwright juzuqingzhong 举足轻重|to play a critical role (idiom)/influ... k-ren K人|(slang) to hit sb; to beat sb ka 卡|to stop/to block/(computing) (coll.) ... ka 咖|coffee/class/grade ka 胩|carbylamine/isocyanide ka 咔|(used as phonetic \"ka\") ka 喀|(onom.) sound of coughing or vomiting ka 鉲|(chemistry) cadmium (old)/(Tw) califo... ka 佧|ancient name for an ethnic group in C... kaang 卡昂|Caen (French town) kabalai 卡巴莱|cabaret (loanword) kabasiji 卡巴斯基|Kaspersky (computer security product ... kabi 咖逼|(coll.) coffee (loanword) (Tw) kabinqiang 卡宾枪|carbine rifle (loanword) kaboxishirouliu 卡波西氏肉瘤|Kaposi\'s sarcoma kaboyela 卡波耶拉|capoeira (loanword) kabuer 喀布尔|Kabul, capital of Afghanistan kabuqinuo 卡布奇诺|cappuccino (loanword) kabuqinuo 卡布其诺|cappuccino (loanword) kabuqinuokafei 卡布其诺咖啡|cappuccino coffee kacao 卡槽|(electronics) card slot (for SD card,... kacha 咔嚓|(onom.) breaking or snapping/(coll.) ... kacha 喀嚓|(onom.) breaking or snapping kache 卡车|truck/CL:輛|辆[liang4] kachi 卡尺|calipers kada 喀哒|(onom.) click kada 卡达|Qatar (Tw) kada 咔嗒|(onom.) click/clatter kadai 卡带|cassette tape kadan 卡弹|to jam (rifle) kadaoyin 卡到阴|(Tw) to be possessed/to be bewitched kadasheng 咔哒声|(onom.) clunk kadian 卡点|to synchronize (a video etc) to the b... kadian 卡垫|(Tibetan) rug/mat kadingche 卡丁车|go-kart kadiya 卡地亚|Cartier (brand) kadun 卡顿|(computing) slow; unresponsive kaen 卡恩|Kahn kaer 卡尔|Karl (name) kaerbala 卡尔巴拉|Karbala (city in Iraq) kaerbaqianshanmai 喀尔巴阡山脉|Carpathian Mountains, 1500-km mountai... kaerdelong 卡尔德龙|Calderon (Hispanic name) kaerdun 卡尔顿|Carleton kaerjiali 卡尔加里|Calgary, largest city of Alberta, Canada kaerka 喀尔喀|Khalkha, largest subgroup of Mongol p... kaermakesi 卡尔·马克思|Karl Marx (1818-1883), German sociali... kaersilue 卡尔斯鲁厄|Karlsruhe (city in Germany) kaerwen 卡尔文|Calvin (name) kaerwenkelaiyin 卡尔文克莱因|Calvin Klein CK (brand) kaerzayi 卡尔扎伊|Hamid Karzai (1957-), Afghan politici... kafang 卡方|chi-square (math.) kafei 咖啡|coffee (loanword)/CL:杯[bei1] kafeibanlv 咖啡伴侣|Coffee-mate (non-dairy creamer manufa... kafeidian 咖啡店|café/coffee shop kafeidou 咖啡豆|coffee beans kafeiguan 咖啡馆|café; coffee shop/CL:家[jia1] kafeiguanr 咖啡馆儿|erhua variant of 咖啡館|咖啡馆[ka1fei1guan3] kafeihu 咖啡壶|coffee pot/coffee maker kafeiji 咖啡机|coffee machine; coffee maker kafeise 咖啡色|coffee color/brown kafeishi 咖啡室|coffee shop kafeishi 咖啡师|barista kafeiting 咖啡厅|coffee shop kafeiwu 咖啡屋|coffee house/café/CL:家[jia1] kafeiyin 咖啡因|caffeine (loanword) kafu 卡夫|Kraft, US food company kafuka 卡夫卡|Franz Kafka (1883-1924), Czech Jewish... kaguan 卡关|to be stuck/to feel stuck kai 楷|model/pattern/regular script (calligr... kai 凯|surname Kai kai 凯|(bound form) triumphal music/(Tw) (co... kai 开|to open (transitive or intransitive)/... kai 慨|old variant of 慨[kai3]/to sigh (with ... kai 慨|indignant/generous/to sigh (with emot... kai 垲|dry terrain kai 铠|armor kai 剀|used in 剴切|剀切[kai3 qie4] kai 岂|old variant of 愷|恺[kai3]/old variant ... kai 锴|high quality iron kai 恺|joyful/kind kai 锎|californium (chemistry) kai 揩|to wipe kai 闿|to loosen/to open kai 愒|to desire kai 颽|balmy/genial as wind kai 忾|anger kai 炌|flaming fire/old variant of 烗[kai4] kai 欬|to cough kai 烗|to burn/to blaze kaiba 开拔|to set out (of troops)/departure/star... kaibai 开败|to wither and fall kaiban 开办|to open/to start (a business etc)/to ... kaibao 开苞|to deflower kaiben 开本|book format, similar to in-4°, in-8° ... kaibi 开笔|to start learning as a poet/to write ... kaibimushi 开闭幕式|opening and closing ceremonies kaibo 开播|(agriculture) to begin sowing/(of a r... kaiboer 开伯尔|Khyber province of Pakistan/Northwest... kaiboershankou 开伯尔山口|Khyber pass (between Pakistand and Af... kaibu 开步|to step forward/to walk kaibu 开埠|to open up a port for trade/to open t... kaica 揩擦|to wipe kaicai 开采|to extract (ore or other resource fro... kaicha 开衩|slit (in clothing) kaichang 开场|to begin/to open/to start/beginning o... kaichang 开敞|wide open kaichang 开畅|happy and carefree kaichangbai 开场白|prologue of play/opening remarks/prea... kaiche 开车|to drive a car kaiche 凯彻|variant of 愷撒|恺撒, Caesar (emperor) kaiche 恺彻|variant of 愷撒|恺撒, Caesar (emperor) us... kaicheng 开城|Kaesong or Gaeseong city in southwest... kaichengbugong 开诚布公|variant of 開誠布公|开诚布公[kai1 cheng2 bu4 ... kaichengbugong 开诚布公|lit. deal sincerely and fairly (idiom... kaichengshi 开城市|Kaesong or Gaeseong city in southwest... kaichengxiangjian 开诚相见|candid and open (idiom) kaicheren 开车人|driver/person driving a vehicle kaichezu 开车族|motorists kaichi 开吃|to start eating kaichu 开除|to expel (a member of an organization... kaichu 开初|at the outset/at first/early kaichuan 开船|to set sail kaichuang 开创|to initiate; to start; to found kaichuangxing 开创性|innovative kaichudangji 开除党籍|to expel from the Party kaichun 开春|beginning of spring/the lunar New Year kaichuxueji 开除学籍|to expel from school kaida 开打|(of a sports competition or match) to... kaidagelan 凯达格兰|Ketagalan, one of the indigenous peop... kaidagelanzu 凯达格兰族|Ketagalan, one of the indigenous peop... kaidan 开单|to bill/to open a tab kaidangku 开裆裤|open-crotch pants (for toddlers) kaidao 开导|to talk sb round; to straighten sth o... kaidao 开刀|(of a surgeon) to perform an operatio... kaidao 开道|to clear the way kaidaoche 开倒车|to drive in reverse/fig. to take a ba... kaidayoumen 开大油门|to open the throttle/to accelerate/to... kaideng 开灯|to turn on the light kaidi 凯蒂|(name) Kitty, Cathy, Katy, Caddy etc kaidi 开地|to clear land (for cultivation)/to op... kaidian 开店|to open shop kaidiao 开吊|to hold memorial service/to hold a fu... kaidilake 凯迪拉克|Cadillac kaidimao 凯蒂猫|Hello Kitty kaidong 开动|to start/to set in motion/to move/to ... kaidong 开冻|to thaw/to melt kaiduan 开端|start/beginning kaiduhe 开都河|Kaidu River, Xinjiang kaien 开恩|to give a favor (used of Christian God) kaiensi 凯恩斯|Keynes (name)/John Maynard Keynes (18... kaierteren 凯尔特人|Celt kaierwen 开尔文|Lord Kelvin 1824-1907, British physic... kaifa 开发|to exploit (a resource); to open up (... kaifadan 开罚单|to issue an infringement notice kaifaguocheng 开发过程|development process kaifahuanjing 开发环境|development environment (computer) kaifalaoniya 凯法劳尼亚|Kefalonia, Greek Island in the Ionian... kaifan 开饭|to serve a meal kaifang 开放|to bloom/to open/to be open (to the p... kaifang 开方|(medicine) to write out a prescriptio... kaifang 开房|see 開房間|开房间[kai1 fang2 jian1] kaifangjian 开房间|to rent a room in a hotel/(of two peo... kaifangshiwangluo 开放式网络|open network kaifangshixitong 开放式系统|open system(s) kaifangxing 开放性|openness kaifangxitong 开放系统|open system kaifangxitonghulian 开放系统互连|open systems interconnection/OSI kaifangyuandaima 开放源代码|see 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1fang4 yuan2ma3] kaifangyuanma 开放源码|(computing) open-source kaifangyuanmaruanjian 开放源码软件|open-source software (OSS) kaifaqu 开发区|development zone kaifarenyuan 开发人员|developer kaifashang 开发商|developer (of real estate, a commerci... kaifayinhang 开发银行|development bank kaifazhe 开发者|developer kaifazhouqi 开发周期|development cycle/development period/... kaifazhouqi 开发周期|development cycle/development period kaifeng 开封|see 開封市|开封市[Kai1feng1 Shi4] kaifeng 开封|to open (sth that has been sealed) kaifengfu 开封府|Kaifeng as the capital of Northern So... kaifengshi 开封市|Kaifeng, prefecture-level city in Hen... kaifu 开福|Kaifu district of Changsha city 長沙市|长... kaifu 开服|to start the servers (for an online g... kaifu 开赴|(of troops) to depart for/to head for kaifula 凯夫拉|Kevlar kaifula 凯芙拉|Kevlar kaifuqu 开福区|Kaifu district of Changsha city 長沙市|长... kaigan 开杆|(of a snooker competition or golf tou... kaigaocha 开高叉|slit dress kaige 凯歌|triumphal hymn; victory song; paean kaige 开革|to fire/to discharge kaigong 开工|to begin work (of a factory or engine... kaigongbufangjian 开弓不放箭|lit. to draw the bow without shooting... kaigongmeiyouhuitoujian 开弓没有回头箭|lit. once you\'ve shot the arrow, ther... kaigua 开挂|to cheat in an online game (abbr. for... kaiguan 开关|power switch/gas valve/to open the ci... kaiguang 开光|eye-opening ceremony for a religious ... kaiguo 开国|to found a state/to open a closed cou... kaiguo 开锅|to season a wok/to take the lid off a... kaiguogongchen 开国功臣|outstanding founding minister (title ... kaiguoyuanxun 开国元勋|variant of 開國元勳|开国元勋, founding figure... kaiguoyuanxun 开国元勋|founding figure (of a country or dyna... kaihe 开河|to open a river/to dig a canal/to tha... kaihe 开盒|(slang) to dox kaihe 开合|to open and close kaiheidian 开黑店|lit. to open an inn that kills and ro... kaiheqi 开河期|thawing and opening up of frozen rive... kaihongpan 开红盘|(of a store) to open for business for... kaihoumen 开后门|to open the back door/fig. under the ... kaihu 开户|to open an account (bank etc) kaihu 开壶|pot of boiling water kaihua 开化|to become civilized/to be open-minded... kaihua 开花|to bloom; to blossom; to flower/(fig.... kaihua-jieguo 开花结果|lit. to blossom and bear fruit (idiom... kaihua-jieshi 开花结实|see 開花結果|开花结果[kai1hua1-jie1guo3] kaihuai 开怀|to one\'s heart\'s content/without rest... kaihuang 开荒|to open up land (for agriculture) kaihuar 开花儿|erhua variant of 開花|开花[kai1 hua1] kaihuaxian 开化县|Kaihua county in Quzhou 衢州[Qu2 zhou1]... kaihuayi 开花衣|to open a bale of cotton kaihui 开会|to hold a meeting/to attend a meeting kaihun 开荤|to eat meat after having maintained a... kaihuo 开火|to open fire; to start shooting/to li... kaihuo 开伙|to start providing food/to open today... kaiji 开机|to start an engine/to boot up (a comp... kaiji 开集|open set (math.) kaiji 开霁|to clear up (of weather) kaijia 铠甲|armor kaijia 开价|to quote a price/seller\'s first offer kaijia 开架|open shelves (in self-service store o... kaijian 开间|unit for the width of a room, equal t... kaijiang 开讲|to begin a lecture/to start on a story kaijiang 开奖|to announce the winners in a lottery kaijiang 开江|Kaijiang county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 z... kaijiang 开疆|to pioneer a frontier area/to open up... kaijiangtuotu 开疆拓土|(idiom) to expand one\'s territory; to... kaijiangxian 开江县|Kaijiang county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 z... kaijiao 开胶|to come unglued/to come apart kaijiao 开交|(used with negative) to conclude/(imp... kaijie 开解|to straighten out/to explain/to ease ... kaijie 开戒|to end abstinence/to resume (drinking... kaijin 开襟|buttoned Chinese tunic/unbuttoned (to... kaijin 开禁|to lift a ban/to lift a curfew kaijin 开金|carated gold (alloy containing stated... kaijinshan 开襟衫|cardigan kaijiufei 开酒费|corkage fee kaiju 开局|opening (chess etc)/early stage of ga... kaiju 开具|to draw up (a document) kaijuan 开卷|to open a book/open-book (exam) kaijuanyouyi 开卷有益|lit. opening a book is profitable (id... kaijue 开掘|to dig; to excavate/(fig.) to explore... kaike 开课|school begins/give a course/teach a s... kaiken 开垦|to clear a wild area for cultivation/... kaikou 开口|to open one\'s mouth/to start to talk kaikouchengzang 开口成脏|(Internet slang) to use foul language... kaikouzi 开口子|a dike breaks/fig. to provide facilit... kaikuaiche 开快车|to drive at high speed/(fig.) rush th... kaikuang 开矿|to mine/to open a seam kaikuang 开旷|open and vast kaikuo 开阔|wide/open (spaces)/to open up kailang 开朗|spacious and well-lit/open and clear/... kaili 凯利|Kelly (person name) kaili 开立|to found/to establish/to set up/to op... kaili 凯里|Kaili city in Guizhou, capital of Qia... kaili 开犁|to start plowing/to plow the first fu... kaili 开例|to create a precedent kailian 开脸|(of a bride-to-be) to remove facial h... kailian 开镰|to start the harvest kailie 开裂|to split open/to dehisce (of fruit or... kailie 开列|to make (a list)/to list kailinsai 凯林赛|keirin cycle race (paced stadium even... kailishi 凯里市|Kaili city in Guizhou, capital of Qia... kailiu 开溜|to leave in stealth/to slip away kailu 开路|to open up a path/to make one\'s way t... kailu 开鲁|Kailu county in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 ... kailu 开炉|to open a furnace/to start up a furnace kailuo 开锣|to beat the gong to open a performance kailuo 开罗|Cairo, capital of Egypt kailuodaxue 开罗大学|Cairo University kailuohedao 开锣喝道|to clear a street by banging gongs an... kailuxian 开鲁县|Kailu county in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 ... kailuxianfeng 开路先锋|pioneer; trailblazer kailvdeng 开绿灯|to give the green light/to give the g... kaimaila 开麦拉|camera (loanword) kaiman 开满|to bloom abundantly kaimanqundao 开曼群岛|Cayman Islands kaimen 开门|to open a door (lit. and fig.)/to ope... kaimene 凯门鳄|(zoology) caiman kaimeng 开蒙|(old) (of a child) to begin schooling kaimenhong 开门红|a good beginning kaimenjianshan 开门见山|lit. to open the door and see the mou... kaimenpao 开门炮|firecrackers set off at the stroke of... kaimenyidao 开门揖盗|leaving the door open invites the thi... kaiming 开明|enlightened/open-minded/enlightenment kaimingjunzhu 开明君主|enlightened sovereign kaimo 楷模|model/example kaimo 开皌|to receive condolences kaimu 开幕|to open (a conference)/to inaugurate kaimuci 开幕词|opening speech (at a conference) kaimudianli 开幕典礼|opening ceremony kaimushi 开幕式|opening ceremony kainaodong 开脑洞|to blow people\'s minds with highly im... kainien 凯尼恩|(name) Kenyon; Canyon kaipai 开拍|to begin shooting (a movie, a scene o... kaipan 开盘|to commence trading (stock market) kaipanhuilv 开盘汇率|opening exchange rate kaipao 开炮|to open fire kaipi 开辟|to open up/to set up/to establish kaipian 开篇|start of literary work/opening song o... kaipiao 开票|to open ballot boxes/to count votes/t... kaiping 开平|Kaiping, county-level city in Jiangme... kaiping 开屏|(a peacock) spreads its tail kaipingfei 开瓶费|corkage fee kaipingqi 开瓶器|bottle opener kaipingqu 开平区|Kaiping district of Tangshan city 唐山市... kaipingshi 开平市|Kaiping, county-level city in Jiangme... kaipizhe 开辟者|pioneer/groundbreaker kaipudun 开普敦|Cape Town (city in South Africa) kaipule 开普勒|Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), German a... kaiqi 开启|to open/to start/(computing) to enable kaiqiang 开枪|to open fire/to shoot a gun kaiqiang 开腔|to speak out/to start speaking kaiqiao 开窍|to get it straight/to start to unders... kaiqie 剀切|cogent; to the point/earnest; conscie... kaiqing 开晴|to brighten up kaiqiu 开球|open ball (math.)/to start a ball gam... kaiqujian 开区间|open interval (in calculus) kairen 开刃|to edge a knife, scissor, sword etc kaisa 凯撒|Caesar or Kaiser (name) kaisa 恺撒|Caesar (name)/Gaius Julius Caesar 100... kaisai 开赛|to start a match/the kick-off kaisajiang 凯撒酱|Caesar salad dressing kaisaleiya 凯撒肋雅|Caesarea (town in Israel, between Tel... kaisancifang 开三次方|(math.) to extract a cube root kaiselin 凯瑟琳|Catherine (name)/Katherine kaishan 开山|to cut into a mountain (to open a min... kaishanbizu 开山鼻祖|founder kaishandao 开山刀|machete kaishanzushi 开山祖师|founding master of a monastery/founde... kaishe 开设|to offer (goods or services)/to open ... kaishi 开始|to begin/beginning/to start/initial/C... kaishi 开市|(of a store, stock market etc) to ope... kaishi 开释|to release (a prisoner) kaishi 揩拭|to wipe off; to wipe clean kaishi 开示|to instruct (novices); to preach; to ... kaishike 开市客|Costco (warehouse club chain) kaishimi 开士米|cashmere (loanword) kaishou 开首|beginning/start/opening/in the beginn... kaishu 楷书|regular script (Chinese calligraphic ... kaishuan 开涮|(coll.) to make fun of (sb)/to play t... kaishui 开水|boiled water/boiling water kaishuihu 开水壶|kettle kaisimi 开司米|cashmere (loanword) kaisuo 开锁|to unlock kaitai 开台|start of play/opening of theatrical p... kaitailuogu 开台锣鼓|opening gong/gong strokes announcing ... kaitan 慨叹|to sigh with regret/lament kaitang 开堂|to open a law court/to set up a mourn... kaitangshoujieke 开膛手杰克|Jack the Ripper kaite 凯特|Kate (name) kaiti 楷体|regular script (Chinese calligraphic ... kaiti 恺悌|happy and easygoing/friendly kaiti 恺弟|variant of 愷悌|恺悌[kai3 ti4] kaitianchuang 开天窗|to leave a blank to mark censored area kaitianpidi 开天辟地|to split heaven and earth apart (idio... kaiting 开庭|to begin a (judicial) court session kaitong 开通|to open (a new road or railway line);... kaitong 开通|open-minded kaitou 开头|beginning/to start kaituo 开拓|to break new ground (for agriculture)... kaituo 开脱|to exculpate/to absolve/to exonerate kaituoxing 开拓性|pioneering/groundbreaking kaituozhe 开拓者|pioneer kaituozuize 开脱罪责|to absolve sb from guilt/to exonerate... kaiwa 开挖|to dig out; to excavate; to scoop out... kaiwai 开外|over and above (some amount)/beyond (... kaiwaigua 开外挂|see 開掛|开挂[kai1 gua4] kaiwang 开往|(of a bus, train etc) to leave for/he... kaiwanxiao 开玩笑|to play a joke; to make fun of; to joke kaiwei 开胃|to whet the appetite/appetizing/to am... kaiwei 开味|whet the appetite kaiweicai 开胃菜|starter/appetizer kaiweijiu 开胃酒|aperitif wine kaiwen 凯文|Kevin (person name) kaiwu 开悟|to become enlightened (Buddhism) kaixi 开戏|to start an opera kaixian 开线|to come unsewn/to split at the seam kaixian 开先|at first kaixiang 开箱|unboxing/to unbox kaixiao 开销|to pay (expenses)/expenses/(old) to d... kaixiao 开消|variant of 開銷|开销[kai1 xiao1] kaixiaochai 开小差|to be absent-minded/to desert/to absc... kaixiaohui 开小会|to whisper and chat (instead of liste... kaixiaozao 开小灶|to give preferential treatment/to giv... kaixifuliman 凯茜·弗里曼|Cathy Freeman (1973-), Australian spr... kaixin 开心|to feel happy/to rejoice/to have a gr... kaixing 开行|(of a bus, a train, a boat) to start off kaixinguo 开心果|pistachio nuts/fig. amusing person kaixinyan 开心颜|to rejoice/smiling kaixu 开许|(literary) to allow/to permit kaixuan 凯旋|to return in triumph; to return victo... kaixuanmen 凯旋门|triumphal arch kaixue 开学|(of a student) to start school/(of a ... kaiyan 开眼|to open one\'s eyes/to widen one\'s hor... kaiyan 开演|(of a play, movie etc) to begin kaiyan 开言|to start to speak kaiyan 开筵|to host a banquet kaiyan 开颜|to smile/to beam kaiyang 开阳|Mizar; Zeta Ursae Majoris in the Big ... kaiyangxian 开阳县|Kaiyang county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 ... kaiyanjie 开眼界|broaden, expand one\'s horizons kaiyao 开药|to prescribe medicine kaiye 开业|to open a business/to open a practice... kaiyeche 开夜车|to burn the midnight oil/to work late... kaiyedaji 开业大吉|celebration on opening a business kaiyi 开议|to hold a (business) meeting/to start... kaiyin 开印|to start a print run kaiying 开映|to start showing a movie kaiyou 揩油|to secretively take advantage of othe... kaiyuan 开元|Tang emperor Xuanzong\'s 唐玄宗[Tang2 Xua... kaiyuan 开源|to establish additional sources of re... kaiyuan 开远|Kaiyuan, county-level city in Honghe ... kaiyuan 开原|Kaiyuan, county-level city in Tieling... kaiyuanjieliu 开源节流|lit. to open a water source and reduc... kaiyuanruanjian 开源软件|open-source software kaiyuanshi 开原市|Kaiyuan, county-level city in Tieling... kaiyuanshi 开远市|Kaiyuan, county-level city in Honghe ... kaiyue 凯悦|Hyatt (hotel company)/Hyatt Regency (... kaiyunzhu 开运竹|lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) kaizao 开凿|to cut (a canal, tunnel, well etc) kaizhai 开斋|to stop following a vegetarian diet/t... kaizhaijie 开斋节|(Islam) Eid al-Fitr, festival that ma... kaizhan 开展|to launch/to develop/to unfold/(of an... kaizhan 开战|to start a war/to make war/to battle ... kaizhan 开绽|to come unsewn kaizhan 开站|to put a new bus or railway station i... kaizhang 开张|to open a business/first transaction ... kaizhang 开仗|to start a war/to open hostilities kaizhang 开账|to make out a bill kaizhangshengwang 开漳圣王|Sacred King, founder of Zhangzhou, po... kaizheng 开征|to start collecting taxes kaizhi 开支|expenditures; expenses (CL:筆|笔[bi3],項... kaizhou 开州|Kaizhou, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重... kaizhouqu 开州区|Kaizhou, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重... kaizi 凯子|(slang) rich, good-looking guy kaizi 楷字|regular script (Chinese calligraphic ... kaizongmingyi 开宗明义|to declare at the outset (idiom) kaizou 开走|to go (of car, train etc)/to drive off kaizuan 开钻|to start drilling kaizui 开罪|to offend sb/to give offense/to displ... kaizumali 开足马力|to accelerate at full power (idiom); ... kaji 咔叽|khaki (loanword) kajiemiao 卡介苗|BCG vaccine/bacillus Calmette-Guérin ... kala 卡拉|Kara, city in northern Togo 多哥[Duo1 g... kala 卡拉|karaoke/(Tw) (of chicken etc) crispy,... kala 卡啦|crispy, deep-fried (variant of 卡拉[ka3... kala 咔啦|crispy, deep-fried (variant of 卡拉[ka3... kalabila 卡拉比拉|Karabilah (Iraqi city) kalabuliya 卡拉布里亚|Calabria, southernmost Italian province kalahanguo 喀拉汗国|Karakhan Dynasty of central Asia, 8th... kalahanwangchao 喀拉汗王朝|Karakhan dynasty of central Asia, 8th... kalajiao 卡拉胶|carageenan (chemistry) kalajiji 卡拉季奇|Radovan Karadžić (1945-), former Bosn... kalajina 卡拉奇那|Krajina (former Yugoslavia) kalakala 喀啦喀啦|(onom.) clank kalakasi 卡拉卡斯|(Tw) Caracas, capital of Venezuela kalakatuo 喀拉喀托|Krakatoa island and volcano in the Su... kalakatuohuoshan 喀拉喀托火山|Krakatoa (volcanic island in Indonesia) kalakunlungonglu 喀喇昆仑公路|Karakorum Highway, linking Pakistan a... kalakunlunshan 喀喇昆仑山|Karakorum mountain range in west Xinj... kalakunlunshan 喀拉昆仑山|Karakorum mountains kalakunlunshanmai 喀喇昆仑山脉|Karakorum mountain range in west Xinj... kalalabang 喀拉拉邦|Kerala (state in India) kalamazuofuxiongdi 卡拉马佐夫兄弟|Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky 陀思妥耶... kalamuchangde 卡拉姆昌德|Karamchand (name) kalaok 卡拉OK|karaoke (loanword) kalaqi 卡拉奇|Karachi (Pakistan) kalaqin 喀喇沁|Harqin (Mongol: guard)/Harqin banner ... kalaqinqi 喀喇沁旗|Harqin banner or Kharchin khoshuu in ... kalaqinzuoyimengguzuzizhixian 喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县|Harqin Left Mongol autonomous county ... kalashinikefu 卡拉什尼科夫|Kalashnikov (the AK-47 assault rifle) kalexing 卡乐星|Carl\'s Jr. (fast-food restaurant chain) kali 咖哩|(Tw) (loanword) curry/colloquial pr. ... kaliduoniya 卡利多尼亚|Caledonia kalikate 卡利卡特|Calicut, town on Arabian sea in Keral... kalike 卡利科|calico (woven cloth from Caldicot, Ke... kaliyali 卡利亚里|Cagliari, Sardinia kaluli 卡路里|calorie (loanword) kaluochi 卡洛驰|Crocs, Inc. kaluochi 卡骆驰|Crocs, Inc. kaluolina 卡罗利纳|Carolina (Puerto Rico) kaluona 卡洛娜|calzone (Italian pocket), folded pizza kaluosi 卡洛斯|Carlos (name) kamailong 喀麦隆|Cameroon/Taiwan pr. [Ka4mai4long2] kameila 卡美拉|Gamera (Japanese ガメラ Gamera), Japanes... kameilun 卡梅伦|Cameron (name) kameiluo 卡美洛|Camelot, seat of legendary King Arthur kamen 卡门|Carmen (name)/Carmen, 1875 opera by G... kamenbei 卡门贝|camembert cheese kamenborulao 卡门柏乳酪|Camembert (soft, creamy French cheese) kan 看|to look after/to take care of/to watc... kan 看|to see; to look at/to read/to watch/t... kan 侃|upright and honest/cheerful/to chat i... kan 侃|old variant of 侃[kan3] kan 砍|to chop/to cut down/to throw sth at sb kan 槛|door sill/threshold kan 刊|to print/to publish/publication/perio... kan 刊|old variant of 刊[kan1]/to peel with a... kan 坎|pit/threshold/one of the Eight Trigra... kan 坎|old variant of 坎[kan3]/pit/hole kan 堪|(bound form) may; can/(bound form) to... kan 勘|to investigate/to survey/to collate kan 阚|surname Kan kan 阚|to glance/to peep kan 龛|(bound form) niche; shrine kan 瞰|to look down from a height/to spy on sth kan 瞰|variant of 瞰[kan4] kan 嵌|see 赤嵌樓|赤嵌楼[Chi4 kan3 lou2] kan 戡|kill/suppress kan 凵|receptacle kan 衎|pleased kan 墈|cliff kan 崁|see 赤崁樓|赤崁楼[Chi4 kan3 lou2] kan 顑|yellow kan 欿|discontented with oneself kan 鬫|variant of 闞|阚[kan4]/to roar/to growl kan 莰|camphane C10H18 kan 磡|dangerous sea-cliff kan 歁|unsatisfied (of eating) kan 𫐘|used in 轗軻|𫐘轲[kan3ke3] kanadayu 卡纳达语|Kannada (language) kanalei 卡纳蕾|canelé (a French pastry) (loanword) kanasihu 喀纳斯湖|Kanas Lake in Xinjiang kanatakebang 卡纳塔克邦|Karnataka (formerly Mysore), southwes... kanaweierjiao 卡纳维尔角|Cape Canaveral, Florida kanaweilaerjiao 卡纳维拉尔角|Cape Canaveral, Florida, home of Kenn... kanban 看板|billboard kanbeier 坎贝尔|Campbell (name) kanbeierzhurucangshu 坎贝尔侏儒仓鼠|Campbell\'s dwarf hamster (Phodopus ca... kanbi 堪比|to be comparable to kanbian 看扁|to have a low opinion of kanbian 看贬|to expect (a currency etc) to depreciate kanbing 看病|to visit a doctor/to see a patient kanbuchu 看不出|can\'t discern kanbudong 看不懂|unable to make sense of what one is l... kanbuguan 看不惯|cannot bear to see/to hate/to dislike... kanbuguo 看不过|cannot stand by idly and watch/unable... kanbuguoqu 看不过去|cannot stand by idly and watch/unable... kanbujian 看不见|cannot see/cannot be seen/invisible kanbuqi 看不起|to look down upon/to despise kanbuqing 看不清|not able to see clearly kanbushunyan 看不顺眼|unpleasant to the eye/objectionable kanbuxiguan 看不习惯|unfamiliar kanbuzhong 看不中|not impressed by kancai-chifan 看菜吃饭|lit. to eat depending on the dish (id... kancaichifan,liangticaiyi 看菜吃饭,量体裁衣|lit. to eat depending on the dish, cu... kance 勘测|to investigate/to survey kancha 勘察|to reconnoiter/to explore/to survey kancha 勘查|variant of 勘察[kan1 cha2] kanchajia 勘察加|Kamchatka (far eastern province of Ru... kanchajia 堪察加|Kamchatka (peninsula in far eastern R... kanchajiabandao 堪察加半岛|Kamchatka Peninsula, far-eastern Russia kanchajiabandao 勘察加半岛|Kamchatka Peninsula, far-eastern Russia kanchajialiuying 堪察加柳莺|(bird species of China) Kamchatka lea... kancheng 堪称|can be rated as/can be said to be kancheng 看成|to regard as kancheng 坎城|(Tw) Cannes, France kanchu 看出|to make out/to see kanchuan 看穿|see through (a person, scheme, trick ... kancuo 看错|to misinterpret what one sees or read... kandaha 坎大哈|Kandahar (town in Southern Afghanistan) kandahasheng 坎大哈省|Kandahar province of Afghanistan kandai 看待|to look upon; to regard kandai 看呆|to gape at/to stare blankly/to stare ... kandan 看淡|to regard as unimportant/to be indiff... kandao 看到|to see kandao 砍刀|machete kandashan 侃大山|to chatter idly/to gossip/to boast or... kandashan 砍大山|variant of 侃大山[kan3 da4shan1] kandechu 看得出|can see/can tell kandeguo 看得过|presentable/passable kandeguor 看得过儿|erhua variant of 看得過|看得过[kan4 de5 guo4] kandejian 看得见|can see/visible kandela 坎德拉|candela (unit of luminosity)/standard... kandeng 刊登|to carry a story/to publish (in a new... kandeqi 看得起|to show respect for/to think highly of kandezhong 看得中|to take a liking for/to fancy kandian 看点|highlight (of an event, movie etc) kanding 勘定|to demarcate/to survey and determine kanding 崁顶|Kanting township in Pingtung County 屏... kandingxiang 崁顶乡|Kanting township in Pingtung County 屏... kandong 看懂|to understand what one is reading or ... kanduan 砍断|to chop off kaneiji 卡内基|Carnegie (name)/Andrew Carnegie (1835... kaneijimeilongdaxue 卡内基梅隆大学|Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh kanfa 看法|way of looking at a thing/view/opinio... kanfa 刊发|(of a newspaper or magazine) to publi... kanfa 砍伐|to hew/to cut down kang 康|surname Kang kang 康|healthy/peaceful/abundant kang 抗|to resist/to fight/to defy/anti- kang 扛|to carry on one\'s shoulder/(fig.) to ... kang 伉|spouse/big and tall/strong/robust/upr... kang 慷|used in 慷慨[kang1kai3] kang 亢|surname Kang/Kang, one of the 28 cons... kang 亢|high/overbearing/excessive kang 炕|old variant of 炕[kang4] kang 炕|kang (a heatable brick bed)/to bake/t... kang 糠|variant of 糠[kang1] kang 糠|old variant of 糠[kang1] kang 糠|husk/(of a radish etc) spongy (and th... kang 槺|empty space inside a building kang 囥|(dialect) to hide/to conceal kang 钪|scandium (chemistry) kang 闶|used in 閌閬|闶阆[kang1 lang2]/Taiwan pr.... kang 犺|fierce dog kang 𩾌|used in 鮟鱇|𩽾𩾌[an1kang1] kangai 抗癌|anti-cancer kangba 康巴|Khampa, subdivision of Tibetan ethnic... kangbadiqu 康巴地区|former Tibetan province of Kham, now ... kangbaidu 康白度|comprador (loanword) kangbaiyin 康拜因|(loanword) combine (i.e. combine harv... kangbao 康保|Kangbao county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口... kangbaoxian 康保县|Kangbao county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口... kangbazangqu 康巴藏区|former Kham province of Tibet, now sp... kangbazi 扛把子|(argot) gang leader kangbi 糠秕|same as 秕糠[bi3 kang1] kangbian 抗辩|to counter accusations/to protest/to ... kangbing 抗病|disease resistant kangbingdu 抗病毒|antiviral kangbingduyao 抗病毒药|antivirals kangchuang 炕床|heatable brick bed kangde 康德|Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), German phi... kangdi 抗敌|to resist the enemy kangduolizhalaisi 康多莉扎·赖斯|Condoleezza Rice (1954-), US Secretar... kangdusu 抗毒素|antitoxins kangfen 亢奋|excited/stimulated kangfu 康复|to recuperate/to recover (health)/to ... kangguangren 康广仁|Kang Guangren (1867-1898), younger br... kanghan 抗旱|drought-resistant/to weather a drought kanghan 亢旱|severe drought (literary) kanghejiagu 抗核加固|nuclear hardening kangheng 抗衡|to compete with/to vie with/to counter kanghong 抗洪|to fight a flood kanghuaixuesuan 抗坏血酸|vitamin C/ascorbic acid kangji 抗击|to resist (an aggressor)/to oppose (a... kangjia 康佳|Kongka (brand) kangjian 康健|healthy/fit kangjin 亢进|hyperfunction (medical) kangjingshenbing 抗精神病|antipsychotic (drug) kangju 抗拒|to resist/to defy/to oppose kangjuan 抗捐|to refuse to pay taxes/to boycott a levy kangjuchi 抗锯齿|anti-aliasing kangjun 抗菌|antibacterial kangjunsu 抗菌素|antibiotic kangjunyao 抗菌药|antibacterial kangkai 慷慨|vehement; fervent/generous; magnanimous kangkaifuyi 慷慨赴义|heroically sacrificing one\'s life (id... kangkaijiang 慷慨激昂|impassioned/vehement kangkaijienang 慷慨解囊|to contribute generously (idiom); hel... kangkaijuansheng 慷慨捐生|sacrificing one\'s life generously (id... kangkaishujiang 慷慨输将|to donate generously (idiom) kangkangshengsu 抗抗生素|antibiotic resistance kangkangwu 康康舞|cancan (loanword) kangkede 康科德|Concord (place name)/Concord, capital... kanglang 闶阆|(dialect) open space within a structure kanglao 抗涝|defenses against floods kangle 康乐|Kangle County in Linxia Hui Autonomou... kangle 康乐|peace and happiness (old)/healthy and... kanglexian 康乐县|Kangle County in Linxia Hui Autonomou... kangli 伉俪|husband and wife (literary) kangli 抗礼|to behave informally as equals/not to... kangliniaojisu 抗利尿激素|vasopressin (biochemistry) kangliqingshen 伉俪情深|married couple very much in love/deep... kangma 康马|Kangmar county, Tibetan: Khang dmar r... kangmaxian 康马县|Kangmar county, Tibetan: Khang dmar r... kangmeiyuanchao 抗美援朝|Resist US, help North Korea (1950s sl... kangming 抗命|against orders/to disobey/to refuse t... kangmu 抗母|(loanword) com (as in \"dot-com\") kangnaidike 康乃狄克|Connecticut, US state (Tw) kangnaier 康奈尔|Cornell (US University) kangnaierdaxue 康奈尔大学|Cornell University kangnaijiayangxilinjinpujun 抗耐甲氧西林金葡菌|methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus ... kangnaixin 康乃馨|carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) (lo... kangniedige 康涅狄格|Connecticut, US state kangniedigezhou 康涅狄格州|Connecticut, US state kangningxueji 抗凝血剂|anticoagulant kangping 康平|Kangping county in Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳, Li... kangping 康平|peace and prosperity kangpingxian 康平县|Kangping county in Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳, Li... kangqiang 康强|strong and healthy/fit kangqianshengshi 康乾盛世|booming and golden age of Qing dynast... kangqianzongjiafeng 康乾宗迦峰|Kachenjunga (Himalayan peak) kangqiao 康桥|Cambridge (city), from a poem by Xu Z... kangqingfu 抗倾覆|anticapsizing kangqu 康衢|through street/thoroughfare kangqu 康区|former Tibetan province of Kham, now ... kangquan 糠醛|furfural (chemistry) kangri 抗日|to resist Japan (esp. during WW2)/ant... kangrijiuwangtuanti 抗日救亡团体|Save the Nation anti-Japanese organiz... kangrijiuwangyundong 抗日救亡运动|the Save the Nation Anti-Japanese Pro... kangrizhanzheng 抗日战争|(China\'s) War of Resistance against J... kangsheng 康生|Kang Sheng (1896-1975), Chinese commu... kangshengsu 抗生素|antibiotic kangshui 抗税|to refuse to pay taxes/to boycott taxes kangshui 抗水|waterproof/water resistant kangsitancha 康斯坦察|Constanta (city in Romania) kangsitanci 康斯坦茨|Konstanz (Germany) kangsiweienge 康思维恩格|Kongsvinger (city in Hedemark, Norway) kangsu 抗诉|to protest against a verdict/to lodge... kangtai 康泰|safe and healthy kangti 抗体|antibody kangtuoer 康托尔|Cantor (name)/Georg Cantor (1845-1918... kangu 看顾|to watch over kanguan 看管|to look after kanguan 看官|(old) (used by novelists) dear reader... kanguan 看倌|dear reader/dear listener kanguan 看惯|to be used to the sight of kangxi 康熙|Kangxi, title of the reign (1661-1722... kangxian 康县|Kang county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 na... kangxing 抗性|resistance/capability of resisting kangxizidian 康熙字典|the Kangxi Dictionary, named after th... kangxueqing 抗血清|antiserum kangya 抗压|to resist pressure or stress/pressure... kangyanghuaji 抗氧化剂|antioxidant kangyanxing 抗炎性|anti-inflammatory (medicine) kangyao 抗药|drug-resistance (of a pathogen) kangyaonengli 抗药能力|drug-resistance (of a pathogen) kangyaoxing 抗药性|drug resistance (medicine) kangyi 抗议|to protest/protest kangyiyuyao 抗抑郁药|antidepressant kangyizhe 抗议者|protester kangyouwei 康有为|Kang Youwei (1858-1927), Confucian in... kangyouyuyao 抗忧郁药|antidepressant kangyuan 抗原|antigen kangyuanjuedingcu 抗原决定簇|antigen determinant (causing immunolo... kangzai 抗灾|defense against natural disasters kangzhan 抗战|war of resistance, especially the war... kangzhen 抗震|anti-seismic measures/seismic defense... kangzhen 糠疹|pityriasis (medicine) kangzheng 抗争|to resist/to make a stand and fight (... kangzhenjiegou 抗震结构|earthquake-resistant construction kangzhenjiuzaizhihuibu 抗震救灾指挥部|State Council Earthquake Relief Headq... kangzhi 亢直|upright and unyielding (literary) kangzhi 抗直|unyielding kangzhuangdadao 康庄大道|broad and open road (idiom); fig. bri... kangzuanji 抗组胺剂|antihistamine (medicine) kangzuanyao 抗组胺药|antihistamine kangzuzhian 抗组织胺|antihistamine kanhao 看好|to keep an eye on kanhao 看好|to regard as having good prospects kanhao 刊号|issue number (of a magazine etc) kanhu 看护|to nurse/to look after/to watch over/... kanhuayan 看花眼|to be dazzled/to not believe one\'s ow... kaniding 卡尼丁|carnitine (loanword) (biochemistry) kanjia 砍价|to bargain/to cut or beat down a price kanjia 看家|to look after the house/(of skill, ab... kanjia 侃价|to bargain/to haggle with a peddler kanjian 看见|to see/to catch sight of kanjian 坎肩|sleeveless jacket (usually cotton)/Ch... kanjianr 坎肩儿|erhua variant of 坎肩[kan3 jian1] kanjie 勘界|boundary survey kankai 看开|to come to accept an unpleasant fact/... kankan 看看|to take a look at/to examine/to surve... kankan 侃侃|to possess assurance and composure kankan 坎坎|(dialect) just now kankanertan 侃侃而谈|to speak frankly with assurance kanke 看客|audience; spectators; onlookers kanke 坎坷|(of a road) bumpy; (of life) rough; t... kanke 𫐘轲|(literary) variant of 坎坷[kan3ke3] kankebuping 坎坷不平|potholed and bumpy road (idiom); fig.... kankeduochuan 坎坷多舛|full of trouble and misfortune (usu. ... kankun 坎昆|Cancún kanlai 看来|apparently/it seems that kanlan 坎𡒄|to meet with misfortune kanlin 瞰临|to overlook/to watch from above kanmenren 看门人|janitor/watchman kanniaoren 看鸟人|a bird-watcher kanong 卡农|canon (music) (loanword) kanong 卡侬|XLR connector kanpala 坎帕拉|Kampala, capital of Uganda kanpeila 堪培拉|Canberra, capital of Australia kanpeila 坎培拉|Canberra, capital of Australia (Tw) kanpo 看破|to see through/disillusioned with/to ... kanpo 勘破|see 看破[kan4 po4] kanpo-hongchen 看破红尘|(idiom) to see through the illusions ... kanqi 看齐|to follow sb\'s example/to emulate/(of... kanqi 坎炁|(TCM) umbilical cord (used as medicine) kanqilai 看起来|seemingly; apparently; looks as if; a... kanqing 看轻|to belittle/to scorn/to take sth lightly kanqing 看清|to see clearly kanqingkuang 看情况|depending on the situation kanqiu 看球|to watch a football game (or other ba... kanr 坎儿|critical juncture/key moment kanran 欿然|dissatisfied/discontented/lacking hap... kanrenao 看热闹|to enjoy watching a bustling scene/to... kanrenxiacaidier 看人下菜碟儿|(dialect) to treat sb according to th... kanrenxingshi 看人行事|to treat people according to their ra... kanrjing 坎儿井|karez, qanat or \"horizontal well\" (ir... kansasi 堪萨斯|Kansas, US state kansasizhou 堪萨斯州|Kansas, US state kansha 砍杀|to attack with a bladed weapon kanshang 看上|to look upon/to take a fancy to/to fa... kanshang 砍伤|to wound with a blade or hatchet/to s... kanshangqu 看上去|it would appear/it seems (that) kanshou 看守|to guard/to watch over kanshousuo 看守所|detention center kanshouyu 刊首语|foreword/preface kanshouzhe 看守者|watchman kanshu 看书|to read/to study kanshu 砍树|to chop wood/to chop down trees kansi 看似|to look as if; to seem kansi 砍死|to hack to death/to kill with an ax kantabulian 坎塔布连|Cantabria in north Spain kantabulianhai 坎塔布连海|Bay of Biscay (Spanish: Mare Cantabrico) kantabulianshanmai 坎塔布连山脉|Cantabrian mountain range in north Sp... kantabuliya 坎塔布里亚|Cantabria, Spanish autonomous region,... kantai 看台|terrace/spectator\'s grandstand/viewin... kantan 勘探|to explore/to survey/to prospect (for... kantebolei 坎特伯雷|Canterbury kanteboleigushiji 坎特伯雷故事集|The Canterbury Tales, collection of s... kantong 莰酮|camphor C10H16O/also called 樟腦|樟脑 kantou 看头|qualities that make sth worth seeing ... kantou 砍头|to decapitate; to behead kantou 看透|to understand thoroughly/to see beyon... kantou 刊头|newspaper or magazine masthead kantoubuguofengchuimao 砍头不过风吹帽|to regard decapitation as no more imp... kanu 卡奴|a slave to one\'s credit card/sb who i... kanute 喀奴特|Knuth or Canute (name) kanwan 莰烷|camphane/bornane C10H18 kanwang 看望|to pay a visit to; to see (sb) kanwang 瞰望|to overlook/to watch from above kanwu 刊物|publication kanwu 勘误|to correct printing errors kanwu 刊误|to correct printing errors kanwubiao 勘误表|corrigenda kanwubiao 刊误表|variant of 勘誤表|勘误表[kan1 wu4 biao3] kanxi 看戏|to watch a play/to watch passively (i... kanxi 莰烯|camphene C10H16 kanxiang 看相|to tell fortune by reading the subjec... kanxiaohua 看笑话|to watch with amusement as sb makes a... kanxing 刊行|to print and circulate kanxing 侃星|chatterbox/boaster kanya 看押|to detain/to take into custody/to imp... kanyan 勘验|to investigate/examination kanyangzi 看样子|it seems/it looks as if kanye 侃爷|big talker kanyikan 看一看|to have a look kanyin 刊印|to set in print/to diffuse/to publish kanying 龛影|(radiography) the shadow of a peptic ... kanyou 堪忧|worrying/bleak kanyu 堪舆|geomancy kanyu 堪虞|worrisome/precarious/to be at risk kanzai 刊载|to publish kanzai 看在|(in the expression 看在[kan4 zai4] + ..... kanzaiyanli 看在眼里|to observe; to take it all in kanzhang 看涨|bull market (prices appear to be rising) kanzheban 看着办|to do as one sees fit/to play it by e... kanzhebuguan 看着不管|to stand by and pay no heed/to ignore kanzhen 看诊|(of a doctor) to see a patient; to gi... kanzheng 勘正|to proofread and correct kanzheng 刊正|to proofread and correct kanzhong 看重|to regard as important; to value kanzhong 看中|to have a preference for/to fancy/to ... kanzhun 看准|to observe and make sure/to check kanzhunjihui 看准机会|to watch for an opportunity/to see on... kanzi 坎子|raised ground/bank kanzouyan 看走眼|to make an error of judgment/to be ta... kanzuo 看作|to look upon as/to regard as kanzuo 看做|to regard as/to look upon as kao 考|to beat/to hit/variant of 考[kao3]/to ... kao 考|to check/to verify/to test/to examine... kao 靠|to lean against or on/to stand by the... kao 拷|to beat/to flog/to examine under tort... kao 烤|to roast; to grill; to broil; to bake... kao 铐|shackles/fetters/manacle kao 栲|chinquapin (Castanopsis fargesii and ... kao 犒|to reward or comfort with presents of... kao 尻|(literary) buttocks; rump; coccyx; sa... kao 熇|dry kao 薧|dried food kao 丂|\"breath\" or \"sigh\" component in Chine... kaoan 靠岸|(of a boat) to reach the shore/to pul... kaoba 考霸|\"exam master\", sb who takes many exam... kaobei 拷贝|copy/to copy (loanword) kaobei 靠北|(lit.) to cry over one\'s dad\'s death ... kaobei 靠杯|see 靠北[kao4 bei3] kaobeiyi 靠背椅|high-back chair kaoben 考本|to take a relevant exam for a certifi... kaobian 靠边|to keep to the side/to pull over/move... kaobing 烤饼|scone kaoboshibao 考波什堡|Kaposvár in southwest Hungary, capita... kaobulei 烤布蕾|(loanword) crème brûlée kaobuzhu 靠不住|unreliable kaocha 考察|to inspect/to observe and study/on-th... kaocha 考查|to investigate/to study kaochachuan 考察船|survey ship kaochadui 考察队|investigation team/scientific expedition kaochang 考场|exam room kaochatuan 考察团|inspection team kaochuang 靠窗|by the window (referring to seats on ... kaochuangzuowei 靠窗座位|window seat kaoda 拷打|to beat a prisoner (to obtain confess... kaodezhu 靠得住|reliable; trustworthy kaodian 靠垫|back cushion kaodian 烤电|diathermia (medical treatment involvi... kaoding 考订|to check and correct kaofang 烤房|drying room/oven kaofen 考分|grade/exam mark kaofu 烤麸|kao fu, a spongy wheat gluten product... kaogang 考纲|exam outline (outline of the content ... kaogong 考公|to sit for a civil service exam kaogongji 考工记|The Artificer\'s Record, a technology ... kaogu 考古|archaeology kaogu 尻骨|coccyx/tailbone at end of spine kaoguan 考官|an examiner/an official conducting an... kaogujia 考古家|archaeologist kaoguo 考过|to pass (an exam) kaoguti 考古题|questions from previous years\' exams ... kaoguxue 考古学|archaeology kaoguxuejia 考古学家|archaeologist kaohe 考核|to examine/to check up on/to assess/t... kaohua 拷花|to emboss kaohujiaoxiangchang 烤胡椒香肠|roast pepper sausage/pepperoni kaohuo 烤火|to warm oneself at a fire kaoji 考级|to take a test to establish one\'s lev... kaoji 烤鸡|roast chicken kaoji 考绩|to check up on sb\'s achievements kaojia 烤架|grill (of a cooker etc) kaojiao 烤焦|to burn (food by overroasting etc) kaojiao 栲胶|tannin kaojin 靠近|to be close to/to approach; to draw near kaojin 考进|to gain entry by passing an exam; to ... kaojiu 考究|to investigate/to check and research/... kaoju 考据|textual criticism kaojuan 考卷|exam paper kaokesi 考克斯|Cox (surname) kaokesibaogao 考克斯报告|Cox Report/Report of the Select Commi... kaola 考拉|koala (loanword) kaolao 犒劳|to reward with food and drink/to feas... kaolao 栲栳|round-bottomed wicker basket kaoliang 考量|to consider/to give serious considera... kaolong 靠拢|to draw close to kaolu 烤炉|oven (PRC) kaolv 考虑|to think over/to consider/consideration kaolve 拷掠|to torture kaomenzi 尻门子|anus (rural coll.) kaomianbao 烤面包|to toast bread/toasted bread; toast/t... kaomianbaoji 烤面包机|toaster kaopan 烤盘|baking tray kaoping 考评|evaluation/to investigate and evaluate kaopu 靠谱|reliable/reasonable/probable kaoqi 考期|the exam period/the exam date kaoqin 考勤|to check attendance (at school or wor... kaoqinbiao 考勤表|attendance sheet kaoqinbu 考勤簿|attendance record book kaoqu 考取|to pass an entrance exam/to be admitt... kaoqu 考区|the exam area/the district where an e... kaorou 烤肉|barbecue (lit. roast meat) kaoroujiang 烤肉酱|barbecue sauce kaoru 考入|to pass entrance exam/to enter colleg... kaoshan 靠山|patron; backer/close to a mountain kaoshanchishan,kaoshuichishui 靠山吃山,靠水吃水|lit. the mountain dweller lives off t... kaoshang 考上|to pass a university entrance exam kaoshang 犒赏|reward/to reward kaosheng 考生|exam candidate/student whose name has... kaoshi 考试|to take an exam/exam/CL:次[ci4] kaoshijuan 考试卷|exam paper/test paper/CL:張|张[zhang1] kaoshijuanzi 考试卷子|see 考試卷|考试卷[kao3 shi4 juan4] kaoshiyuan 考试院|Examination Yuan, the qualification a... kaoshu 栲属|Castanopsis, genus of evergreen trees kaoti 考题|exam question kaowan 考完|to finish an exam kaowen 拷问|to question via torture kaowenchui 考文垂|Coventry city in West Midlands 西米德蘭茲|... kaowenchuishi 考文垂市|Coventry (UK) kaoxiang 烤箱|oven kaoxuanbu 考选部|Ministry of Examination, Taiwan kaoya 烤鸭|roast duck kaoyan 考研|to sit an entrance exam for a graduat... kaoyan 考验|to test/to put to the test/trial/ordeal kaoyan 烤烟|flue-cured tobacco/tobacco for flue-c... kaoyao 靠腰|(lit.) to cry from hunger (from Taiwa... kaoyao 靠夭|variant of 靠腰[kao4 yao1] kaoza 考砸|to flunk/to fail a test kaozheng 考证|to do textual research/to make textua... kaozhi 烤炙|to scorch/(of the sun) to beat down on kaozhong 考中|to pass an exam kaozoudao 靠走道|on the aisle (referring to seats on a... kaozoulang 靠走廊|next to the aisle/aisle (seat on airc... kapa 卡帕|kappa (Greek letter Κκ) kapai 卡牌|playing card kapian 卡片|card kapianji 卡片机|compact digital camera/point-and-shoo... kaqi 卡其|khaki (loanword) kaqiusha 喀秋莎|Katyusha (name)/name of a Russian war... kaqiusha 卡秋莎|Katyusha (name)/name of a Russian war... kasabulanka 卡萨布兰卡|Casablanca (Morocco\'s economic capital) kasangdela 卡桑德拉|Cassandra (given name)/Cassandra (cha... kasanuowa 卡萨诺瓦|Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), Italian... kasencheng 卡森城|Carson City, capital of Nevada kashan 喀山|Kazan kashandela 卡珊德拉|Cassandra (given name)/Cassandra (cha... kashi 喀什|Kashgar or Qeshqer (Kāshí) city and p... kashi 卡式|(of a device) designed to accept a ca... kashida 卡仕达|(loanword) custard kashida 卡士达|(Tw) (loanword) custard kashidiqu 喀什地区|Qeshqer wilayiti, Kashgar or Kāshí pr... kashigaer 喀什噶尔|Kashgar or Qeshqer (Chinese Kashi) in... kashilu 卡式炉|portable gas stove (fueled by a gas c... kashishi 喀什市|Qeshqer Shehiri (Kashgar city) in the... kasi 卡司|(acting) cast (loanword) kasi 卡死|jammed/stuck/frozen (computer) kasicui 卡斯翠|Castries, capital of Saint Lucia (Tw) kasidiliya 卡斯蒂利亚|Castilla, old Spanish kingdom/modern ... kasidiliyalaiang 卡斯蒂利亚·莱昂|Castilla-Leon, north Spanish province kasite 喀斯特|(geology) karst (loanword) kasiteli 卡斯特里|Castries, capital of Saint Lucia kasiteliweng 卡斯特利翁|Castellón kasiteluo 卡斯特罗|Castro (name)/Fidel Castro or Fidel A... kasun 卡榫|clip/latch (on a clip-into-place comp... kata 卡他|(loanword) (medicine) catarrh kataer 卡塔尔|Qatar katahena 卡塔赫纳|Cartagena kataniya 卡塔尼亚|Catania, Sicily kate 卡特|Carter (name)/Jimmy Carter (1924-), U... katebilegongsi 卡特彼勒公司|Caterpillar Inc. kateer 卡特尔|cartel (loanword) katong 卡通|cartoon (loanword) katumu 喀土穆|Khartoum, capital of Sudan kawagebofeng 卡瓦格博峰|Mt Kawakarpo (6740 m) in Yunnan, the ... kawasi 卡瓦斯|(loanword) kvass kawayi 卡哇伊|cute/adorable/charming (loanword from... kawayi 卡哇依|variant of 卡哇伊[ka3 wa1 yi1] kawazu 佧佤族|Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanma... kawei 卡位|(sports) to jockey for position; (bas... kawendishi 卡文迪什|Cavendish (name)/Henry Cavendish (173... kaxianni 卡仙尼|Cassini space probe kaxie 咯血|to cough up blood; to have hemoptysis kaximierxiaoying 卡西米尔效应|Casimir effect (attraction between tw... kaximofu 卡西莫夫|Kasimov (town in Russia) kaxini 卡西尼|Cassini (proper name) kaxiou 卡西欧|Casio kayan 卡宴|Cayenne, capital of French Guiana kazhafei 卡扎菲|(Colonel Muammar) Gaddafi (1942-2011)... kazhai 卡债|credit card debt kazhi 卡纸|cardboard/card stock kazhu 卡住|to jam/to choke/to clutch/also pr. [q... kazuo 卡座|booth (in restaurants etc) (loanword ... kazuo 咔唑|carbazole (chemistry) (loanword) ke 可|(prefix) can; may; able to; -able/to ... ke 可|used in 可汗[ke4 han2] ke 克|abbr. for 克羅地亞|克罗地亚[Ke4 luo2 di4 ya4]... ke 克|to be able to/to subdue/to restrain/t... ke 克|Ke (c. 2000 BC), seventh of the legen... ke 克|variant of 克[ke4]/to subdue/to overth... ke 克|variant of 剋|克[ke4] ke 课|subject/course/CL:門|门[men2]/class/les... ke 客|customer/visitor/guest ke 壳|(coll.) shell (of an egg, nut, crab e... ke 刻|quarter (hour)/moment/to carve/to eng... ke 氪|krypton (chemistry) ke 柯|surname Ke ke 柯|(literary) branch; stem; stalk/(liter... ke 珂|jade-like stone ke 颗|classifier for small spheres, pearls,... ke 咳|cough ke 苛|severe/exacting ke 渴|thirsty ke 嗑|to crack (seeds) between one\'s teeth ke 磕|to tap/to knock (against sth hard)/to... ke 磕|variant of 嗑[ke4] ke 坷|used in 坷垃[ke1la1] ke 坷|used in 坎坷[kan3ke3] ke 颏|chin ke 颏|(used in bird names) throat ke 疴|(literary) disease/also pr. [e1] ke 窠|nest ke 轲|given name of Mencius ke 轲|used in 轗軻|𫐘轲[kan3ke3] ke 稞|(wheat) ke 钶|columbium ke 峇|cave ke 峇|cave/cavern/also pr. [ke1] ke 蝌|used in 蝌蚪[ke1dou3] ke 嵙|place name ke 恪|surname Ke ke 恪|respectful/scrupulous ke 恪|variant of 恪[ke4] ke 缂|used in 緙絲|缂丝[ke4 si1] ke 岢|used in 岢嵐|岢岚[Ke3 lan2] ke 瞌|to doze off/sleepy ke 搕|to strike/to take in the hand ke 炣|(literary) fire/flame ke 牁|(used in place names)/Taiwan pr. [ge1] ke 锞|grease-pot for cart/ingot ke 榼|Pusaetha scandens ke 骒|(bound form) (of a horse, mule, camel... ke 薖|big/hungry-looking ke 礚|variant of 磕[ke1] ke 簻|big/hunger ke 趷|to jolt ke 溘|suddenly ke 衉|to vomit ke 渇|Japanese variant of 渴 ke 棵|classifier for trees, cabbages, plant... ke 科|branch of study/administrative sectio... ke 髁|condyles keai 可爱|adorable/cute/lovely keai 可哀|miserably keban 刻板|stiff/inflexible/mechanical/stubborn/... keban 科班|(old) school for Chinese opera/formal... keban 刻版|engraved blocks (for printing) kebanyinxiang 刻板印象|stereotype kebei 可悲|lamentable keben 课本|textbook/CL:本[ben3] keben 刻本|block printed edition kebi 科比|Kobe Bryant/abbr. for 科比·布萊恩特|科比·布莱恩特... kebi 可比|comparable kebi 可鄙|base/mean/despicable kebian 可变|variable kebiancheng 可编程|programmable kebiao 课表|school timetable kebibulaiente 科比·布莱恩特|Kobe Bryant (1978-2020), Los Angeles ... kebo 刻薄|unkind/harsh/cutting/mean/acrimony/to... kebo 刻剥|to grab money/to exploit keboguaen 刻薄寡恩|harsh and merciless (idiom) kebu 可不|see 可不是[ke3 bu5 shi4] kebuduo 科布多|Qobto or Kobdo, khanate of outer Mong... kebukenai 渴不可耐|to be so thirsty as to no longer be a... keburonghuan 刻不容缓|to brook no delay/to demand immediate... kebushi 可不是|that\'s just the way it is/exactly! kecachukebianchengzhiducunchuqi 可擦除可编程只读存储器|EPROM (erasable programmable read-onl... kecai 可采|(mining) recoverable/workable kecaixing 可采性|(mining) workability (of deposits of ... kecaixing 可采性|(law) admissibility (of evidence in c... kecang 客舱|passenger cabin kecaxie 可擦写|erasable kechang 客场|away-game arena/away-game venue keche 客车|coach/bus/passenger train kechen 磕碜|(dialect) ugly; unsightly; shabby/(di... kechen 砢碜|variant of 磕磣|磕碜[ke1 chen5] kecheng 课程|course; academic program/CL:堂[tang2],... kecheng 柯城|Kecheng district of Quzhou city 衢州市[Q... kechengbiao 课程表|class timetable kechengqu 柯城区|Kecheng district of Quzhou city 衢州市[Q... kechengzhiji 可乘之机|an opportunity that someone (usually ... kechi 可耻|shameful/disgraceful/ignominious kechi 可吃|edible kechixu 可持续|sustainable kechixufazhan 可持续发展|sustainable development kechuan 客船|passenger ship kechuan 客串|to appear on stage in an amateur capa... kechun 可蠢|(dialect) unbearable/embarrassing kecihuati 可磁化体|magnetic medium; material capable of ... keciwoerde 科茨沃尔德|the Cotswolds (England) kecp 嗑CP|(slang) to ship a couple (i.e. to str... keda 柯达|Kodak (brand, US film company)/full n... kedaiyin 可待因|codeine (loanword) kedao 可导|differentiable (calculus) kededao 可得到|available kedian 客店|small hotel/inn kedihua 柯棣华|Dwarkanath Kotnis (1910-1942), one of... kedilela 科迪勒拉|Cordillera, series of mountain ranges... kedilelashanxi 科迪勒拉山系|Cordillera, series of mountain ranges... kedong 克东|Kedong county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi... kedong 可动|movable kedongdu 可懂度|intelligibility kedongxian 克东县|Kedong county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi... kedou 蝌蚪|tadpole/CL:隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tiao2] kedou 科斗|tadpole/also written 蝌蚪[ke1 dou3] kedu 刻度|marked scale/graduated scale kedu 刻毒|spiteful/venomous kedu 可读|enjoyable to read; worth reading; rea... kedui 客队|visiting team (sports) kedupan 刻度盘|dial (e.g. of a radio etc) keduxing 可读性|readability keen 科恩|Cohen (name) keer 科尔|Kohl (name)/Helmut Kohl (1930-2017), ... keer 可儿|a person after one\'s heart (charming ... keerbai 克尔白|Ka\'aba, sacred building in Mecca keerduowa 科尔多瓦|Córdoba, Spain keerkezi 柯尔克孜|Kyrghiz ethnic group of Xinjiang keerkeziyu 柯尔克孜语|Kyrghiz language keerkezizu 柯尔克孜族|Kyrghiz ethnic group of Xinjiang keerqin 科尔沁|Horqin or Xorchin, famous Mongolian a... keerqinqu 科尔沁区|Horqin district or Xorchin raion of T... keerqinyouyiqianqi 科尔沁右翼前旗|Horqin right front banner, Mongolian ... keerqinyouyizhongqi 科尔沁右翼中旗|Horqin right center banner, Mongolian... keerqinzuoyihouqi 科尔沁左翼后旗|Horqin Left Rear banner or Khorchin Z... keerqinzuoyizhongqi 科尔沁左翼中旗|Horqin Left Middle banner or Khorchin... kefan 客饭|cafeteria meal specially prepared for... kefang 客房|guest room/room (in a hotel) kefangfuwu 客房服务|room service kefen 可分|can be divided (into parts)/one can d... kefou 可否|is it possible or not? kefu 客服|customer service kefu 克服|(try to) overcome (hardships etc)/to ... kefuta 柯夫塔|kofta kegan 氪肝|(slang) to put in long hours, typical... kegebo 克格勃|KGB (Soviet secret police)/member of ... kegekeqi 可歌可泣|lit. you can sing or you can cry (idi... kegengdi 可耕地|arable land kegonghuannan 可共患难|to go through thick and thin together... kegu 刻骨|ingrained/entrenched/deep-rooted keguai 可怪|strange/curious/surprising keguan 客观|objective/impartial keguan 客官|(polite appellation for a guest at a ... keguan 可观|considerable/impressive/significant keguanshijie 客观世界|the objective world (as opposed to em... keguanweixinzhuyi 客观唯心主义|objective idealism (in Hegel\'s philos... keguanxing 客观性|objectivity keguanzhuyi 客观主义|objectivist philosophy kegui 可贵|to be treasured/praiseworthy kegumingxin 刻骨铭心|lit. carved in bones and engraved in ... keguo 克国|(Tw) abbr. for 克羅埃西亞|克罗埃西亚[Ke4 luo2 a... keguxiangsi 刻骨相思|deep-seated lovesickness (idiom) kehan 可汗|khan (loanword) kehao 可好|good or not?/luckily/fortuitously kehen 可恨|hateful kehen 刻痕|notch kehu 客户|client/customer kehua 刻画|to portray kehuan 科幻|science fiction/abbr. for 科學幻想|科学幻想[k... kehuandianying 科幻电影|science fiction movie kehuanxiaoshuo 科幻小说|science fiction novel kehuduan 客户端|client (computing) kehufuwu 客户服务|customer service/client service kehufuwubu 客户服务部|customer service division kehuishou 可回收|recyclable kehuji 客户机|client (computer) kehujiruanjian 客户机软件|client software kehuleiwu 刻鹄类鹜|to aim to carve a swan and get a semb... kehuyingyong 客户应用|client application kei 剋|to scold/to beat keijia 剋架|to scuffle/to come to blows keji 科技|science and technology keji 科级|(administrative) section-level keji 客机|passenger plane keji 克己|self-restraint/discipline/selflessness keji 柯基|(loanword) corgi kejia 客家|Hakka ethnic group, a subgroup of the... kejia 可嘉|laudable kejia 科甲|imperial examinations kejia 可加|(botany) coca (loanword) kejiahua 客家话|Hakka dialect kejian 可见|it can clearly be seen (that this is ... kejian 课间|interval between lessons kejian 课件|courseware (abbr. for 課程軟件|课程软件[ke4 c... kejian 克俭|thrifty; frugal kejiancao 课间操|setting-up exercises during the break... kejianguang 可见光|visible light/light in optical spectrum kejiao 科教|science education/popular science kejiaopian 科教片|science education film/popular scienc... kejiaoxingguo 科教兴国|to invigorate the country through sci... kejiaren 客家人|Hakka people kejiayu 客家语|Hakka (a Chinese dialect) kejidaxue 科技大学|university of science and technology kejie 可解|soluble (i.e. can be solved) kejiehexing 可结合性|associativity (xy)z = x(yz) (math.) kejieshouxing 可接受性|acceptability kejifenggong 克己奉公|self-restraint and devotion to public... kejifuli 克己复礼|restrain yourself and return to the r... kejigan 科技感|high tech feel (of a product etc)/the... kejigongzuozhe 科技工作者|worker in science and technology kejijingsong 科技惊悚|techno-thriller (novel)/science ficti... kejijingsongxiaoshuo 科技惊悚小说|techno-thriller novel kejiladao 克基拉岛|Corfu (Greek: Kerkira), island in the... kejilian 科技脸|a face noticeably modified by plastic... kejin 氪金|to make an in-app purchase in a game kejin 可劲|vigorously/to the utmost/to the best ... kejin 课金|tax levied on a conquered people by a... kejing 可敬|venerable kejing 可惊|astonishing kejinr 可劲儿|erhua variant of 可勁|可劲[ke3 jin4] kejirenyuan 科技人员|scientific and technical staff kejiu 窠臼|stereotypical pattern/rut kejiu 可就|certainly keju 科举|imperial examination keju 客居|to live in a foreign place/to live so... keju 可掬|conspicuous/plain to see kejuan 苛捐|exorbitant levies kejuanzashui 苛捐杂税|exorbitant taxation (idiom) kejue 可决|to adopt/to pass/to vote approval (of... kejuelv 可决率|proportion needed to approve a decision kejuepiao 可决票|affirmative vote kejukaoshi 科举考试|imperial examinations (in former times) kejuzhi 科举制|imperial examination system kekan 可看|worth seeing kekan 可堪|how can one endure?/to be able to endure kekao 可靠|reliable kekao 科考|preliminary round of imperial examina... kekaodui 科考队|scientific exploration team/expedition kekaoxing 可靠性|reliability kekayin 可卡因|cocaine (loanword) keke 可可|cocoa (loanword) keke 苛刻|harsh; severe; demanding keke 磕磕|(onom.) knocking keke 科克|Cork, city in Ireland kekebaba 磕磕巴巴|stammering/stuttering/not speaking fl... kekebanban 磕磕绊绊|bumpy (of a road)/limping (of a person) kekeboluo 可可波罗|cocobolo (loanword) kekemi 可可米|Cocoa Krispies keketuohai 可可托海|Keketuohai town in Fuyun county 富蘊縣|富... keketuohaizhen 可可托海镇|Keketuohai town in Fuyun county 富蘊縣|富... kekexili 可可西里|Hoh Xil or Kekexili, vast nature rese... kekonggui 可控硅|(electronics) silicon-controlled rect... kekou 可口|tasty; to taste good kekou 克扣|to dock/to deduct/to embezzle kekoukele 可口可乐|Coca-Cola kekoukelegongsi 可口可乐公司|The Coca-Cola Company keku 刻苦|hardworking/assiduous kekunailao 刻苦耐劳|to bear hardships and work hard (idio... kekuozhanbiaojiyuyan 可扩展标记语言|extensible markup language (XML) kekuzuanyan 刻苦钻研|to study diligently kela 克拉|carat (mass) (loanword) kela 坷垃|(dialect) clod (of earth) kelafuqiuke 克拉夫丘克|Leonid Kravchuk (1934-), first post-c... kelai 克莱|Clay (name) kelaidun 克莱顿|(name) Clayton or Crichton kelaier 克莱尔|Claire (name) kelaimengte 克莱蒙特|Clermont (French town)/Claremont, Cal... kelaisile 克莱斯勒|Chrysler (car manufacturer) kelaisitecheqi 克赖斯特彻奇|Christchurch (New Zealand city) kelaiyin 克莱因|Klein or Kline (name)/Felix Klein (18... kelake 克拉克|Clark or Clarke (name) kelakefu 克拉科夫|Krakow kelamayi 克拉玛依|Karamay prefecture-level city in Xinj... kelamayiqu 克拉玛依区|Karamay District of Karamay City 克拉瑪依... kelamayishi 克拉玛依市|Karamay prefecture-level city in Xinj... kelan 岢岚|Kelan county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1... kelang 克朗|krone (currency of Norway, Denmark, I... kelang 科朗|colón (currency of Costa Rica and for... kelangdaike 克朗代克|Klondike in northwest Canada kelangzhu 壳郎猪|(coll.) feeder pig kelanjing 可兰经|Quran (Islamic scripture) kelanxian 岢岚县|Kelan county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1... kelaode 克劳德|Claude (name) kelaofude 克劳福德|Crawford (town in Texas) kelaosi 克劳斯|Claus or Klaus (name) kelaoxiusi 克劳修斯|Rudolf Clausius (1822-1888), German p... kelasijinnuo 克拉斯金诺|Kraskino town in Primorsky Krai, Russ... kelasinuodaer 克拉斯诺达尔|Krasnodar (city in Russia) kelasinuoyaersike 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克|Krasnoyarsk kelatong 克拉通|craton (loanword) kele 可乐|amusing/entertaining/(loanword) cola kele 克勒|Keller or Köhler (name)/Horst Köhler ... kelebing 可乐饼|croquette keleding 可乐定|clonidine (drug) (loanword) keleiboshijunshu 克雷伯氏菌属|Klebsiella keleir 克蕾儿|Clare (name) keli 颗粒|kernel/granule/granulated (sugar, che... kelian 可怜|pitiful/pathetic/to have pity on kelianbaba 可怜巴巴|pathetic/pitiful kelianchong 可怜虫|pitiful creature/wretch kelianjian 可怜见|(coll.) pitiable; to have pity on sb kelianxixi 可怜兮兮|miserable/wretched keliaoeryu 克里奥尔语|creole language keliaolannasi 科利奥兰纳斯|Coriolanus, 1607 tragedy by William S... keliaopeitela 克莉奥佩特拉|Cleopatra (c. 70-30 BC), queen of Egypt kelibing 可丽饼|crêpe (loanword) keliebian 可裂变|fissile keliebiancailiao 可裂变材料|fissile material keliebiantongweisu 可裂变同位素|fissile isotope kelifulan 克利夫兰|Cleveland keliguicang 颗粒归仓|to gather all the harvested grain int... kelihua 柯里化|(computing) currying kelilu 可丽露|canelé (a French pastry) (Tw) kelimiya 克里米亚|Crimea kelimu 克里木|Crimea/the Crimean peninsula kelimubandao 克里木半岛|Crimea/the Crimean peninsula kelimulingong 克里姆林宫|the Kremlin kelimuzhanzheng 克里木战争|the Crimean War (1853-1856) kelin 科林|Colin (name) kelin 柯林|Colin (name) kelinde 克林德|Clemens von Ketteler (1853-1900), Ger... kelindun 克林顿|Clinton (name)/Bill Clinton (1946-), ... kelindun 柯林顿|(Tw) Clinton (name)/Bill Clinton (194... kelinfusi 科林·弗思|Colin Firth, English actor (1960-) kelinmeisu 克林霉素|clindamycin kelinmu 克林姆|cream (loanword) kelinmujiang 克林姆酱|pastry cream; crème pâtissière kelinsi 科林斯|Corinth (city of ancient Greece) kelinsi 柯林斯|Collins (name) kelipusi 克里普斯|Cripps (name)/Sir Stafford Cripps (18... kelisidian 克里斯蒂安|Kristian or Christian (name) kelisidiansong 克里斯蒂安松|Kristiansund (city in Norway) kelisidiwa 克里斯蒂娃|Julia Kristeva (1941-), Bulgarian-Fre... kelisiduofu 克利斯朵夫|Christopher (name) kelisiting 克里斯汀|(name) Christine, Kristine, Kristen, ... kelisitingbeier 克里斯汀·贝尔|Christian Bale (1974-), English actor kelisituofu 克里斯托弗|(Warren) Christopher kelite 克里特|Crete kelitedao 克里特岛|Crete keliu 客流|passenger flow/customer flow keliugan 克流感|oseltamivir/Tamiflu keliwu 颗粒物|particulate matter (PM) keliwushou 颗粒无收|not a single grain was reaped (as in ... kelong 克隆|clone (loanword) kelong 科隆|Cologne, Germany/Colón, Panama kelongjishu 克隆技术|cloning technology kelongqundao 科隆群岛|Galapagos Islands kelongren 克隆人|clone human kelongshibing 克隆氏病|Crohn\'s disease kelongshui 科隆水|cologne keloubatela 克娄巴特拉|Cleopatra (name)/Cleopatra VII Thea P... kelouzi 克漏字|cloze (loanword) (Tw) kelu 刻录|to record on a CD or DVD/to burn a disc kelubo 克虏伯|Krupp keluji 刻录机|disk burner kelun 客轮|passenger ship kelunpo 科伦坡|Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka kelunpo 可伦坡|Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka (Tw) kelunteluo 克仑特罗|clenbuterol keluo 骒骡|mare (female mule) keluoaixiya 克罗埃西亚|Croatia (Tw) keluoban 珂罗版|collotype (printing) (loanword) keluodiya 克罗地亚|Croatia keluodiyagongheguo 克罗地亚共和国|Republic of Croatia keluodiyayu 克罗地亚语|Croatian (language) keluoenbing 科罗恩病|Krohn\'s disease keluoladuo 科罗拉多|Colorado keluoladuodaxiagu 科罗拉多大峡谷|the Grand Canyon (Colorado) keluoladuozhou 科罗拉多州|Colorado keluona 科罗娜|Corona (beer) keluona 科罗纳|Corona/Colonna keluonuosi 克罗诺斯|Cronus (Titan of Greek mythology) kelv 可虑|worrisome kema 骒马|mare keman 客满|to have a full house/to be sold out/n... keman 壳幔|crust-mantle (geology) kemang 科盲|person who is ignorant about science ... kemeizuo 克霉唑|clotrimazole (antifungal agent) kemi 柯密|Kermit (communications protocol) keming 科名|rank obtained in the imperial examina... kemoduolong 科莫多龙|Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) kemoluo 科摩罗|Union of Comoros kemoluo 科摩洛|Comoros kemu 科目|academic subject/field of study kemu 渴慕|to thirst for ken 裉|side seam in an upper garment ken 龈|variant of 啃[ken3] ken 恳|earnest ken 啃|to gnaw/to nibble/to bite ken 垦|to reclaim (land)/to cultivate ken 硍|rumbling of rolling stones ken 掯|to push down/to make things difficult... ken 肯|old variant of 肯[ken3] ken 肯|to agree; to consent/to be willing to kenai 科奈|Kenai (Peninsula, Lake, Mountains), A... kenakeli 科纳克里|Conakry, capital of Guinea kenakeli 柯那克里|Conakry, capital of Guinea (Tw) kenan 克难|to make do in difficult circumstances... kenandaoer 柯南·道尔|Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), a... kenao 可恼|aggravating; irritating kenci 恳辞|to decline with sincere thanks kendeji 肯德基|KFC/Kentucky Fried Chicken kendejizhaji 肯德基炸鸡|Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) kendela 肯德拉|Kendra (name) kending 肯定|to be certain; to be positive/assured... kending 垦丁|Kenting, a national park on the south... kendingguojiagongyuan 垦丁国家公园|Kenting National Park on the Hengchun... kendingju 肯定句|affirmative sentence keneng 可能|might (happen)/possible/probable/poss... kenengxing 可能性|possibility; probability keng 坑|pit; depression; hollow/tunnel; hole ... keng 坑|variant of 坑[keng1] keng 銵|old variant of 鏗|铿[keng1] keng 吭|to utter keng 牼|shank bone of ox keng 硁|obstinate keng 硻|obstinate keng 誙|(arch.) definitely/sure! keng 铿|(onom.) clang/jingling of metals/to s... keng 坈|old variant of 坑[keng1] kengchi 吭哧|to puff and blow/to whimper kengdao 坑道|mine shaft/gallery/tunnel kengdie 坑爹|to get one\'s father involved in a dif... kengdong 坑洞|hole/pit/pothole kengeng 垦耕|to bring under cultivation (scrubland... kenghai 坑害|to trap/to frame kengjing 坑井|(mine) galleries and pits kengkan 坑坎|uneven (road)/depression (in terrain) kengkeng 吭吭|(onom.) coughing, grunting etc kengkeng-wawa 坑坑洼洼|full of pits and hollows; bumpy kengkou 坑口|Hang Hau (area in Hong Kong) kengmeng 坑蒙|to swindle kengmengguaipian 坑蒙拐骗|to swindle/to cheat kengmu 坑木|pit prop kengpian 坑骗|to cheat/to swindle kengqi 吭气|to utter a sound kengqiang 铿锵|sonorous/resounding/fig. resounding w... kengran 铿然|(literary) resonant kengren 坑人|to cheat sb kengsha 坑杀|to bury alive/to ensnare kengsheng 吭声|to utter a word kengwa 坑洼|hole; hollow; depression/low-lying kenhuang 垦荒|to open up land (for agriculture) keni 可逆|reversible/(math.) invertible kenian 可念|pitiable/likable/memorable kenisaike 科尼赛克|Koenigsegg (car manufacturer) kenisibao 柯尼斯堡|Königsberg, Baltic port city, capital... kenixing 可逆性|reversibility kenlao 啃老|(coll.) to live with and depend on on... kenlaozu 啃老族|(coll.) adults still living with and ... kenli 垦利|Kenli District in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong... kenliqu 垦利区|Kenli District in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong... kennidi 肯尼迪|Kennedy (name)/J.F. Kennedy (1917-196... kennidihangtianzhongxin 肯尼迪航天中心|Kennedy space center, Cape Canaveral ... kennidijiao 肯尼迪角|Cape Kennedy, name 1963-1973 of Cape ... kenniya 肯尼亚|Kenya kenpusuoen 肯普索恩|(Dirk) Kempthorne (US Senator from Id... kenqie 恳切|earnest/sincere kenqing 恳请|to request earnestly kenqiu 恳求|to beg/to beseech/to entreat/entreaty kenshu 啃书|lit. to gnaw a book/to study/to cram kentaji 肯塔基|Kentucky, US state kentajizhou 肯塔基州|Kentucky, US state kente 肯特|Kent (English county) kenwolun 肯沃伦|Ken Warren (1927-1991), American adve... kenya 肯亚|Kenya (Tw) (written as 肯尼亞|肯尼亚 in PRC) kenzhi 垦殖|to open up land for cultivation kep 柯P|Professor Ko, nickname for Ko Wen-je ... kepa 可怕|awful/dreadful/fearful/formidable/fri... kepeier 科佩尔|Koper (port city of Slovenia) kepeng 磕碰|to knock against/to bump into/to have... keping 柯坪|Kelpin nahiyisi (Kelpin county) in Ak... kepingxian 柯坪县|Kelpin nahiyisi (Kelpin county) in Ak... kepu 科普|popularization of science (abbr. for ... kepu 科浦|Coop, Swiss retailer branded as \"coop\" keputeren 科普特人|the Copts, major ethnoreligious group... keputeyu 科普特语|Coptic, Afro-Asiatic language of the ... keqi 客气|polite/courteous/formal/modest keqi 可欺|gullible/easily bullied/weak keqi 可气|annoying/irritating/exasperating keqi 刻期|variant of 克期[ke4 qi1] keqi 克期|to set a date/to set a time frame/wit... keqi 刻奇|(loanword) kitsch, in a sense that or... keqi 科企|science & technology and industry/tec... keqiang 咳呛|(dialect) to cough keqiao 可巧|by happy coincidence keqihua 客气话|words of politeness/politesse/decorou... keqin 可亲|kindly/nice/amiable keqing 科卿|Cochin (in south India) keqinkejian 克勤克俭|(idiom) industrious and frugal keqishi 氪气石|kryptonite keqiu 苛求|demanding keqiu 渴求|to long for/to crave for/to greatly d... kequ 可取|desirable; worth having/(of a suggest... kequankedian 可圈可点|remarkable (performance, achievement ... kequn 客群|market segment kequzhichu 可取之处|positive point/merit/redeeming quality ker 壳儿|shell/crust keran 可燃|inflammable keran 溘然|suddenly keranbing 可燃冰|clathrate hydrates keranxing 可燃性|flammable/flammability keren 客人|visitor/guest/customer/client/CL:位[wei4] keren 可人|pleasant/agreeable/a person after one... keri 克日|to set a date/to set a time frame/wit... keri 刻日|variant of 克日[ke4 ri4] kerong 可溶|soluble kerongren 可容忍|tolerable kerongxing 可溶性|solubility kesai 可塞|xi or ksi (Greek letter Ξξ) kesaqibingdu 柯萨奇病毒|Coxsachie A intestinal virus keshan 克山|Keshan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi... keshanxian 克山县|Keshan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi... keshaojiqiu 克绍箕裘|to follow in one\'s father\'s footsteps keshaomin 柯劭忞|Ke Shaomin (1850-1933), scholar, auth... keshaqibingdu 克沙奇病毒|Coxsackievirus keshaqibingdu 柯沙奇病毒|Coxsackievirus keshen 可身|to fit well (clothes) keshen 恪慎|careful/reverently keshi 可是|but; however/(used for emphasis) indeed keshi 科室|department/administrative division/un... keshi 课时|class/period keshi 课室|classroom keshi 客室|guest room keshi 可食|edible keshi 可恃|reliable keshidianhua 可视电话|videophone keshiheiqiquan 克氏黑鳍鳈|Cherskii\'s thicklip gudgeon (Sarcoche... keshihua 可视化|visualization keshiketeng 克什克腾|Hexigten banner or Kesigüten khoshuu ... keshiketengqi 克什克腾旗|Hexigten banner or Kesigüten khoshuu ... keshimier 克什米尔|Kashmir keshitunicha 科什图尼察|surname Kostunica/Vojislav Kostunica ... keshiyinshua 柯式印刷|offset printing keshiyuanaoxia 克氏原螯虾|red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clark... keshou 恪守|to scrupulously abide by keshu 可数|countable/denumerable keshui 瞌睡|drowsy/to doze/to nap keshuichong 瞌睡虫|mythological insect that makes people... keshuji 可数集|countable set (math.)/denumerable set keshumingci 可数名词|countable noun (in grammar of Europea... kesi 客死|to die in a foreign land/to die abroad kesi 缂丝|kesi or k’o-ssu, Chinese silk tapestr... kesi 刻丝|variant of 緙絲|缂丝[ke4 si1] kesiqianzi 克丝钳子|wire cutting pincers kesitaxiang 客死他乡|see 客死異鄉|客死异乡[ke4 si3 yi4 xiang1] kesiyixiang 客死异乡|to die in a foreign land (idiom) kesiyunlai 客似云来|(idiom) to be bustling with customers kesong 可颂|croissant (loanword) kesou 咳嗽|to cough/CL:陣|阵[zhen4] kesu 客诉|customer complaint/to complain about ... kesulu 克苏鲁|Cthulhu, fictional cosmic entity crea... kesuowo 科索沃|Kosovo kesuxing 可塑性|plasticity ketaming 克他命|ketamine (loanword) ketan 咳痰|to cough up phlegm/to expectorate ketan 可叹|lamentable/sad(ly) ketang 课堂|classroom/CL:間|间[jian1] ketang 客堂|room to meet guests/parlor ketang 磕糖|(slang) to revel in the sight of one\'... ketao 客套|polite greeting/civilities/to exchang... ketaohua 客套话|conventional greeting; polite formula ketebusi 科特布斯|Cottbus (city in Germany) ketediwa 科特迪瓦|Côte d\'Ivoire or Ivory Coast in West ... ketediwagongheguo 科特迪瓦共和国|Republic of Côte d\'Ivoire keti 课题|task/problem/issue keti 客体|object (philosophy) keti 客梯|passenger elevator/passenger lift keti 可体|well-fitting (of clothes) ketiao 可调|adjustable keting 客厅|drawing room (room for arriving guest... ketingbing 克汀病|cretinism ketong 可通|passable/possible to reach ketongyue 可通约|commensurable/having a common measure ketou 磕头|to kowtow (traditional greeting, esp.... ketourudaosuan 磕头如捣蒜|lit. to kowtow like grinding garlic (... ketuo 骒驼|cow (female camel) ketuonu 科托努|Cotonou (city in Benin) kewai 课外|extracurricular kewaiduwu 课外读物|extracurricular reading material kewang 渴望|to thirst for/to long for kewang 可望|can be expected (to)/to be expected (... kewangerbukeji 可望而不可及|(idiom) in sight but beyond reach; un... kewangerbukeji 可望而不可即|variant of 可望而不可及[ke3wang4 er2 bu4ke3... kewangyoucheng 可望有成|can be expected to be a success kewei 可谓|it could even be said kewei 可畏|dreadful/formidable kewei 可微|differentiable (math.) keweila 克维拉|Kevlar keweite 科威特|Kuwait kewen 克文|Kevin (name) kewen 课文|text/CL:篇[pian1] kewenzhe 柯文哲|Ko Wen-je (1959-), Taiwanese independ... kewu 可恶|repulsive/vile/hateful/abominable kexi 可惜|it is a pity/what a pity/unfortunately kexi 可喜|making one happy/gratifying/heartening kexi 克西|xi or ksi (Greek letter Ξξ) kexi 柯西|Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789-1857), Fr... kexi 科系|department kexiangerzhi 可想而知|it is obvious that.../as one can well... kexiangxiang 可想像|conceivable kexianzhaolu 溘先朝露|the morning dew will swiftly dissipat... kexiao 可笑|funny/ridiculous kexie 咳血|to cough up blood kexie 刻写|to inscribe kexigai 磕膝盖|(dialect) knee kexijiadao 科西嘉岛|Corsica (Island located west of Italy... kexikehe 可喜可贺|worthy of celebration/gratifying/Cong... keximanihuayuan 客西马尼花园|Garden of Gethsemane (in the Christia... keximaniyuan 客西马尼园|Garden of Gethsemane kexin 可信|trustworthy kexin 可心|satisfying/to one\'s liking/to suit sb kexindu 可信度|degree of credibility/reliability kexing 可行|feasible kexing 克星|nemesis/bane/fated to be ill-matched kexing 苛性|caustic (chemistry) kexingjia 苛性钾|caustic potash/potassium hydroxide KOH kexingna 苛性钠|caustic soda/sodium hydroxide NaOH kexingxing 可行性|feasibility kexingxingyanjiu 可行性研究|feasibility study kexinren 可信任|trusty kexinruyi 可心如意|see 稱心如意|称心如意[chen4 xin1 ru2 yi4] kexuan 可选|available/optional kexue 科学|science/scientific knowledge/scientif... kexuebianji 科学编辑|editor of a scientific journal, publi... kexuefazhanguan 科学发展观|Scientific Outlook on Development, a ... kexueguairen 科学怪人|Frankenstein (novel) kexueguanli 科学管理|scientific management kexuehuanxiang 科学幻想|science fiction kexuejia 科学家|scientist/CL:個|个[ge4] kexuejie 科学界|world of science/scientific circles kexuejishu 科学技术|science and technology kexuejishushidiyishengchanli 科学技术是第一生产力|science and technology is the number ... kexuejishuxiandaihua 科学技术现代化|modernization of science and technolo... kexuepuji 科学普及|popularization of science kexueshi 科学史|history of science kexueshiyan 科学实验|scientific experiment kexueyanjiu 科学研究|scientific research kexueyuan 科学院|academy of sciences/CL:個|个[ge4] kexueyuer 科学育儿|scientific parenting kexuezhishi 科学知识|scientific knowledge kexuezhizheng 科学执政|rule of science kexuezhuyi 科学主义|scientism kexunzhi 可寻址|addressable (computing)/accessible vi... keyan 科研|(scientific) research keyan 可言|it may be said keyanrenyuan 科研人员|(scientific) researcher keyanxiaozu 科研小组|a scientific research group keyanyangji 科研样机|research prototype keyao 嗑药|to take (illegal) drugs keyashizheng 克雅氏症|Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease CJD keyasuo 可压缩|compressible keye 课业|lesson/schoolwork keyebang 克耶邦|Kaya state of Myanmar keyezu 克耶族|Kaya or Karenni ethnic group of Myanmar keyi 可以|can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pret... keyi 刻意|intentionally; deliberately; purposel... keyi 可疑|suspicious/dubious keyi 科仪|ritual (Daoism)/scientific instrument... keyierbukezai 可一而不可再|may be done once and once only; just ... keyifenzi 可疑分子|a suspect keyin 刻印|to engrave a seal/stamp mark/to print... keyiqiugong 刻意求工|assiduous and painstaking keyiweizhi 刻意为之|to make a conscious effort/to do some... keyiyihui,bukeyanchuan 可以意会,不可言传|can be understood, but not described ... keyizhi 可移植|portable (programming language) keyizhixing 可移植性|portability (programming language) keyoukewu 可有可无|not essential/dispensable keyouqianqi 科右前旗|Horqin right front banner, Mongolian ... keyouzhongqi 科右中旗|Horqin right center banner, Mongolian... keyu 课余|after school/extracurricular keyu 客语|Hakka dialect keyuan 客源|source of customers keyubukeqiu 可遇不可求|can be discovered but not sought (idi... keyun 客运|passenger transportation/(Tw) interci... keyunliang 客运量|amount of passenger traffic kezaisheng 可再生|renewable (resource) kezaishengziyuan 可再生资源|renewable resource kezao 客蚤|flea (Xenopsylla spp.) kezaoshu 客蚤属|Xenopsylla (the flea genus) keze 苛责|to criticize harshly/to excoriate kezekede 科泽科德|old Chinese name for Calicut, town on... kezeng 可憎|disgusting kezhan 客栈|tavern/guest house/inn/hotel kezhang 科长|section chief/CL:個|个[ge4] kezhang 课长|section chief (of an administrative u... kezhanqumian 可展曲面|(math.) a developable surface kezhengmengyuhu 苛政猛于虎|tyrannical government is fiercer than... kezhi 可知|evidently/clearly/no wonder/knowable kezhi 克制|to restrain/to control/restraint/self... kezhifuxing 可支付性|affordability kezhihua 客制化|customization (Tw) kezhilun 可知论|gnosticism, the philosophical doctrin... kezhipeishouru 可支配收入|disposable income kezhixing 可执行|executable (computing) kezhouqiujian 刻舟求剑|lit. a notch on the side of a boat to... kezhuanrang 可转让|transferable/negotiable kezhuanrangzhengquan 可转让证券|negotiable securities kezhuanzhai 可转债|convertible debt/convertible bond kezhuo 课桌|school desk keziergaha 克孜尔尕哈|Kizilgaha, site of a famous fire beac... keziergahafenghuotai 克孜尔尕哈烽火台|Kizilgaha fire beacon tower in Kuchar... kezierqianfodong 克孜尔千佛洞|Kezil thousand-Buddha grotto in Baich... kezile 克孜勒|Kyzyl, capital of Tuva 圖瓦|图瓦[Tu2 wa3] kezilesu 克孜勒苏|Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous ... kezilesuhe 克孜勒苏河|Qizilsu or Kizilsu River in Xinjiang kezilesukeerkezizizhizhou 克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州|Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous ... kezun 恪遵|to scrupulously observe (rules, tradi... kezunjing 可尊敬|respectable kezuo 可作|can be used for kezuojiaoshou 客座教授|visiting professor; guest professor kfang K房|(slang) KTV; KTV room kfen K粉|ketamine (slang) kge K歌|karaoke (slang) kjin K金|see 開金|开金[kai1 jin1] kong 孔|surname Kong kong 孔|hole/CL:個|个[ge4]/classifier for cave ... kong 空|empty/air/sky/in vain kong 空|to empty/vacant/unoccupied/space/leis... kong 恐|afraid/frightened/to fear kong 崆|name of a mountain kong 悾|simple-minded/sincere kong 箜|used in 箜篌[kong1 hou2] kong 倥|ignorant/blank-minded kong 倥|urgent/pressed kong 鞚|bridle/reins kong 爌|see 爌肉[kong4 rou4] kong 焢|(Tw) to roast/(Tw) to braise until te... kong 控|to control/to accuse/to charge/to sue... kongbai 空白|blank space kongbaidian 空白点|gap/empty space kongbaizhipiao 空白支票|blank check kongbanyinshua 孔版印刷|screen printing kongbian 控辩|the prosecution and the defense (law) kongbianjiaoyi 控辩交易|plea bargaining/plea agreement kongbianxieyi 控辩协议|plea bargain (law) kongbu 恐怖|terrible/frightful/frightening/terror... kongbudianying 恐怖电影|horror movie kongbufenzi 恐怖分子|terrorist kongbupian 恐怖片|horror movie/CL:部[bu4] kongbupianr 恐怖片儿|erhua variant of 恐怖片[kong3 bu4 pian4] kongbuxiji 恐怖袭击|terrorist attack kongbuzheng 恐怖症|phobia kongbuzhuyi 恐怖主义|terrorism kongbuzhuyizhe 恐怖主义者|terrorist kongbuzuzhi 恐怖组织|terrorist organization kongchang 空肠|jejunum (empty gut, middle segment of... kongchao 空巢|empty nest/a home where the kids have... kongcheng 空乘|flight attendant/on-board service kongchengji 空城计|the empty city stratagem (in which Zh... kongchuangqi 空窗期|window period (time between infection... kongcongzi 孔丛子|the K\'ung family Masters\' anthology, ... kongdang 空档|gap (between two objects)/interval of... kongdang 空当|gap/interval kongdang 空挡|neutral gear kongdangdang 空荡荡|empty; deserted kongdao 孔道|opening providing access/the teaching... kongde 孔德|Auguste Comte (1798-1857), French phi... kongdi 空地|air-to-surface (missile) kongdi 空地|vacant land/open space kongdidaodan 空地导弹|air-to-surface missile kongdong 孔洞|small hole in an object kongdong 空洞|cavity/empty/vacuous kongdongdong 空洞洞|empty/deserted kongdongwuwu 空洞无物|empty cave, nothing there (idiom); de... kongduidi 空对地|air-to-surface (missile) kongduikongdaodan 空对空导弹|air-to-air missile konge 空额|vacancy/unfilled work place konger 空耳|to intentionally reinterpret a spoken... kongfan 空翻|flip/somersault kongfan 空泛|vague and general/not specific/shallo... kongfang 空防|air force/air defense kongfangjian 空房间|vacant room kongfangxiong 孔方兄|(coll., humorous) money (so named bec... kongfazheng 恐法症|Francophobia kongfu 空腹|an empty stomach kongfugaoxin 空腹高心|ambitious despite a lack of talent (i... kongfuyuan 空服员|flight attendant/cabin crew kongfuzi 孔夫子|Confucius (551-479 BC), Chinese think... konggang 空港|airport (abbr. for 航空港[hang2 kong1 ga... konggao 控告|to accuse; to charge; to indict konggaozheng 恐高症|acrophobia/fear of heights kongge 空格|blank/blank space on a form/space/囗 (... konggejian 空格键|space bar (keyboard) konggong 恐共|to fear the Communists konggu 控股|to own a controlling number of shares... kongguan 控管|to control (quality etc)/to manage (r... konggugongsi 控股公司|holding company konggui 控规|regulatory plan kongguzuyin 空谷足音|lit. the sound of footsteps in a dese... konghan 空喊|idle clamor/to prattle konghanzheng 恐韩症|Koreaphobia konghao 空号|disconnected phone number/unassigned ... konghe 恐吓|to threaten/to menace konghou 箜篌|konghou (Chinese harp) konghua 空话|empty talk/bunk/malicious gossip konghualianpian 空话连篇|long-winded empty talk konghuan 空幻|vanity/empty fantasy/illusion konghuang 恐慌|panic/panicky/panic-stricken konghuang 箜簧|old reed wind instrument/(possibly us... konghuangfazuo 恐慌发作|panic attack konghun 恐婚|to have an aversion to getting married kongji 空集|empty set (set theory) kongji 空寂|empty and silent/desolate kongjian 控件|(computing) a control (e.g. button, t... kongjian 空间|space; room/(fig.) scope; leeway/(ast... kongjiang 空降|to drop from the sky/(fig.) to appear... kongjiangbing 空降兵|paratroopers kongjianju 空间局|space agency kongjiantance 空间探测|space exploration kongjiantanceqi 空间探测器|space probe kongjianzhan 空间站|space station kongjiao 孔教|Teaching of Confucius/Confucianism kongjie 空姐|abbr. for 空中小姐/stewardess/air hostess... kongjing 孔径|diameter of hole kongju 恐惧|to be frightened/fear/dread kongjun 空军|air force kongjunjidi 空军基地|air base kongjunsiling 空军司令|air commodore/top commander of air force kongjunyihao 空军一号|Air Force One, US presidential jet kongjuzheng 恐惧症|phobia kongke 空客|Airbus (abbr. for 空中客車|空中客车[Kong1 zho... kongke 空壳|empty shell kongkegongsi 空壳公司|shell company; shell corporation kongkong 空空|empty/vacuous/nothing/vacant/in vain/... kongkongdangdang 空空荡荡|deserted kongkongdangdang 空空荡荡|absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum kongkongdaodan 空空导弹|air-to-air missile kongkongdongdong 空空洞洞|empty/hollow/lacking in substance kongkongruye 空空如也|as empty as anything (idiom); complet... kongkou 空口|incomplete meal of a single dish/meat... kongkoubaihua 空口白话|empty promises kongkoushuobaihua 空口说白话|to make empty promises kongkouwuping 空口无凭|mere verbal statement cannot be taken... kongkuang 空旷|spacious and empty/void kongkuangzheng 恐旷症|agoraphobia kongkui 空匮|scarce/poor konglang 恐狼|dire wolf (Canis dirus) konglin 孔林|the Confucius family mausoleum at Quf... konglong 恐龙|dinosaur (CL:頭|头[tou2],隻|只[zhi1])/(ol... konglonglei 恐龙类|dinosaurs konglongmei 恐龙妹|ugly girl (slang) konglongzongmu 恐龙总目|Dinosauria, superorder within class S... kongluoluo 空落落|empty/desolate kongmen 孔门|Confucius\' school (i.e. his direct di... kongmeng 孔孟|Confucius and Mencius kongmengzhidao 孔孟之道|the teaching of Confucius and Mencius kongmiao 孔庙|Confucian temple kongming 孔明|courtesy name of Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[... kongming 空名|vacuous reputation/name without subst... kongmingdeng 孔明灯|sky lantern (miniature hot-air balloo... kongnan 空难|air crash/aviation accident or incident kongniao 恐鸟|monstrous bird/moa (genus Dinornithid... kongnu 空怒|air rage kongpa 恐怕|fear/to dread/I\'m afraid that.../perh... kongpai 空拍|aerial photography (video or still) (Tw) kongpaiji 空拍机|drone equipped for aerial photography kongpaoyitang 空跑一趟|to make a journey for nothing kongping 控评|to manipulate the comments section on... kongqi 空气|air/atmosphere kongqian 空前|unprecedented kongqiang 空腔|cavity kongqianjuehou 空前绝后|unprecedented and never to be duplica... kongqidongli 空气动力|aerodynamic force kongqidonglixue 空气动力学|aerodynamics kongqifengli 空气凤梨|air plant (genus Tillandsia 鐵蘭屬|铁兰属[t... kongqijinghuaqi 空气净化器|air purifier kongqiliu 空气流|flow of air/draft kongqiliutong 空气流通|ventilation; air circulation kongqiquyang 空气取样|air sampling kongqiquyangqi 空气取样器|air sampler kongqitiaojie 空气调节|air conditioning kongqiu 孔丘|Confucius kongqiwuran 空气污染|air pollution kongqizhaguo 空气炸锅|air fryer kongqizuli 空气阻力|atmospheric drag kongqu 空阒|empty and quiet kongque 孔雀|peafowl; peacock kongque 空缺|vacancy kongquehe 孔雀河|Peacock River in Xinjiang kongquenv 孔雀女|(Internet slang) spoiled city girl fr... kongquewangchao 孔雀王朝|Maurya Dynasty of India (322-185 BC) kongquezuo 孔雀座|Pavo (constellation) kongr 空儿|spare time/free time kongri 空日|day that is named but not numbered (o... kongrong 孔融|Kong Rong (153-208), poet of the Thre... kongrongrangli 孔融让梨|Kong Rong giving up pears, classic mo... kongrou 焢肉|(Tw) slow-braised pork belly kongrou 爌肉|slow-braised pork belly (Tw) kongsao 空嫂|married stewardess of mature age kongshangren 孔尚任|Kong Shangren (1648-1718), Qing drama... kongshao 空少|airline steward (abbr. for 空中少爺|空中少爷[... kongshen 空身|empty handed (carrying nothing)/alone kongshengren 孔圣人|the Sage Confucius kongshiqingye 空室清野|empty room, clean field (idiom); clea... kongshou 空手|empty-handed/unarmed/(painting, embro... kongshoudao 空手道|karate kongshouergui 空手而归|to return empty-handed/to fail to win... kongshu 空疏|shallow/empty kongshuibing 恐水病|rabies kongshuizheng 恐水症|rabies/hydrophobia kongsibeige 孔斯贝格|Kongsberg (city in Norway) kongsu 控诉|to accuse/to denounce/to make a compl... kongtan 空谈|prattle/idle chit-chat kongtiao 空调|air conditioning/air conditioner (inc... kongtiaoche 空调车|air conditioned vehicle kongtong 崆峒|Kongtong district of Pingliang city 平... kongtong 倥侗|ignorant/unenlightened kongtong 恐同|to be homophobic kongtongqu 崆峒区|Kongtong district of Pingliang city 平... kongtongzheng 恐同症|homophobia kongtou 空投|to airdrop kongtou 空头|phony/so-called/armchair (expert)/vai... kongtoushichang 空头市场|bear market kongtouzhipiao 空头支票|bounced check; bad check/(idiom) empt... kongwei 空位|empty place/room (for sb) kongwu 孔武|(literary) valorous kongwusuoyou 空无所有|having nothing (idiom); utterly desti... kongwuyiren 空无一人|not a soul in sight (idiom) kongwuyouli 孔武有力|courageous and strong (idiom)/Hercule... kongxi 空隙|crack/gap between two objects/gap in ... kongxi 空袭|to make an air raid kongxi 恐袭|terrorist attack (abbr. for 恐怖襲擊|恐怖袭击... kongxi 孔隙|pore (geology) kongxia 空暇|idle/free time/leisure kongxian 空闲|leisure; spare time/(of a person) fre... kongxiang 空想|daydream/fantasy/to fantasize kongxiangjia 空想家|impractical dreamer kongxiangshehuizhuyi 空想社会主义|utopian socialism kongxiangxingcuoshi 空想性错视|pareidolia kongxin 空心|hollow/(of vegetables) to become holl... kongxin 空心|on an empty stomach kongxincai 空心菜|see 蕹菜[weng4 cai4] kongxindalaoguan 空心大老官|fake important personage/sham kongxing 空性|emptiness kongxinlaoda 空心老大|pretentious and vacuous person kongxinluobo 空心萝卜|useless person kongxinmian 空心面|macaroni kongxinqiang 空心墙|cavity wall/hollow wall kongxinqiu 空心球|hollow ball/(basketball) swish shot kongxinr 空心儿|erhua variant of 空心[kong4 xin1] kongxu 空虚|hollow/emptiness/meaningless kongxue 空穴|electron hole (physics) kongxue 孔穴|aperture/hole/cavity kongxuelaifeng 空穴来风|lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom)/... kongxuelaifengweibiwuyin 空穴来风未必无因|wind does not come from an empty cave... kongxuezheng 恐血症|blood phobia/hemophobia kongyan 孔眼|hole (e.g. of sieve or colander) kongyiji 孔乙己|Kong Yiji, protagonist of a short sto... kongyin 孔殷|urgent/numerous kongyingda 孔颖达|Kong Yingda (574-648), Confucian scholar kongyu 空余|free/vacant/unoccupied kongyuan 孔院|Confucius Institute (abbr. for 孔子學院|孔... kongyun 空运|air transport kongyunfei 空运费|air freight (cost of air transport) kongzai 空载|(of a ship, train etc) not carrying a... kongzhan 空战|air war/air warfare kongzheshou 空着手|empty-handed kongzhi 控制|to control kongzhi 空置|to set sth aside/to let sth lie idle/... kongzhi 空值|null value (in a relational database) kongzhibang 控制棒|control rods kongzhigan 控制杆|control lever; joystick kongzhikuang 控制狂|control freak kongzhilun 控制论|control theory (math.)/cybernetics kongzhiquan 控制权|control (as in \"to win control\") kongzhishi 控制室|control room kongzhitai 控制台|control desk/console kongzhong 空中|in the sky/in the air kongzhong 空钟|diabolo (Chinese yo-yo) kongzhongfeiren 空中飞人|trapeze artist/frequent flyer kongzhongfenlie 空中分列|(military) flyover kongzhonggedou 空中格斗|dogfight (of planes) kongzhonghuayuan 空中花园|hanging gardens (Babylon etc)/rooftop... kongzhongjiaotongguanzhi 空中交通管制|air traffic control kongzhongjiaotongguanzhiyuan 空中交通管制员|air traffic controller kongzhongjiechi 空中劫持|to hijack (a plane)/aircraft hijackin... kongzhongjieli 空中接力|alley-oop (basketball) kongzhongkeche 空中客车|Airbus (aerospace company) kongzhonglouge 空中楼阁|pavilion in the air (idiom); unrealis... kongzhongpaojian 空中炮舰|gunship (aircraft) kongzhongpiaofu 空中飘浮|to float in the air kongzhongshaoye 空中少爷|airline steward kongzhongxiaojie 空中小姐|stewardess/air hostess kongzhu 空竹|Chinese yo-yo kongzi 孔子|Confucius (551-479 BC), Chinese think... kongzi 空子|gap/unoccupied space or time/fig. gap... kongzijiayu 孔子家语|The School Sayings of Confucius, a su... kongzixueyuan 孔子学院|Confucius Institute, organization est... kongzong 倥偬|pressing/urgent/poverty-stricken/dest... kongzui 控罪|criminal charge/accusation kou 扣|to fasten/to button/button/buckle/kno... kou 扣|button kou 抠|to dig; to pick; to scratch (with a f... kou 眍|to sink in (of eyes) kou 叩|to knock/to kowtow kou 叩|old variant of 叩[kou4]/to knock kou 蔻|used in 豆蔻[dou4 kou4] kou 筘|(a measure of width of cloth) kou 芤|hollow/scallion stalk kou 鷇|fledglings kou 佝|used in 佝瞀[kou4mao4] kou 簆|healds of a loom kou 寇|old variant of 寇[kou4] kou 口|mouth/classifier for things with mout... kou 寇|to invade/to plunder/bandit/foe/enemy kou 𫸩|nock at end of bow/stretch kouan 口岸|a port for external trade/a trading o... koubai 叩拜|to bow in salute; to kowtow koubai 口白|narrator/spoken parts in an opera koubao 口爆|(slang) to ejaculate inside sb\'s mouth koubei 口碑|public praise/public reputation/commo... koubei 口北|the area north of the Great Wall koubeiliuchuan 口碑流传|widely praised (idiom); with an exten... koubeizaidao 口碑载道|lit. praise fills the roads (idiom); ... koubi 口鼻|mouth and nose/(an animal\'s) snout koubilike 寇比力克|see 庫布里克|库布里克[Ku4 bu4 li3 ke4] koubo 口播|(broadcasting) to speak to the audien... koubuyingxin 口不应心|to say one thing but mean another/to ... koubuzeyan 口不择言|to speak incoherently/to ramble/to ta... koucai 口才|eloquence koucai 口彩|complimentary remarks/well-wishing koucha 扣查|to detain and question koucheng 口称|to speak/to say kouchi 口齿|mouth and teeth/enunciation/to articu... kouchi 口吃|to stammer; to stutter/Taiwan pr. [ko... kouchibuqing 口齿不清|to lisp/unclear articulation/inarticu... kouchilingli 口齿伶俐|eloquent and fluent speaker (idiom); ... kouchiqingchu 口齿清楚|clear diction/clear articulation kouchishengxiang 口齿生香|eloquence that generates perfume (idi... kouchou 口臭|bad breath/halitosis kouchu 扣除|to deduct kouchuan 口传|orally transmitted kouchuang 口疮|mouth ulcer kouchukuangyan 口出狂言|to speak conceited nonsense/to come o... koudai 口袋|pocket/bag; sack koudaibing 口袋饼|pita bread koudaihui 扣带回|cingulum (anatomy) koudaiyaoguai 口袋妖怪|Pokémon (Japanese media franchise) koudaizui 口袋罪|vaguely defined offense that can be b... koudan 蔻丹|nail polish (loanword, from \"Cutex\") koude 口德|propriety in speech koudong 扣动|to pull (a trigger) koufa 扣发|to deprive/to withhold/to hold sth ba... koufen 扣分|to deduct marks (when grading school ... koufeng 口风|meaning behind the words/what sb real... koufeng 口锋|manner of speech/tone of voice koufengqin 口风琴|melodica koufu 口服|to take medicine orally/oral (contrac... koufu 口福|happy knack for chancing upon fine food koufu 口腹|(fig.) food koufuzhiyu 口腹之欲|desire for good food kougan 口感|mouthfeel; texture (of food) kouganshezao 口干舌燥|lit. dry mouth and tongue (idiom); to... kougong 口供|oral confession (as opposed to 筆供|笔供[... kouguan 叩关|to knock at the gate (old)/to make an... kouguan 扣关|variant of 叩關|叩关[kou4 guan1] kouhao 口号|slogan/catchphrase/CL:個|个[ge4] kouhong 口红|lipstick kouhongjiao 口红胶|glue stick kouhu 口湖|Kouhu township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云... kouhu 口糊|indistinct in one\'s speech/defective ... kouhuan 扣环|circlip; C-clip; snap ring; Jesus cli... kouhuang 口簧|Jew\'s harp kouhuangqin 口簧琴|Jew\'s harp kouhuo 口活|oral sex kouhuxiang 口湖乡|Kouhu township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云... kouji 口技|beat boxing/vocal mimicry/ventriloquism kouji 扣击|to smash a ball koujian 叩见|to kowtow in salute koujiao 口交|oral sex koujiao 扣缴|to withhold/to garnish (wages etc) koujiao 口角|corner of the mouth koujiao 抠脚|to scratch one\'s foot/(fig.) to be st... koujiaojiu 口嚼酒|alcoholic drink made by fermenting ch... koujiaozhan 口角战|war of words koujibiaoyanzhe 口技表演者|ventriloquist koujing 口径|bore; caliber; diameter; aperture/(fi... koujue 口诀|mnemonic chant/rhyme for remembering ... koujue 口角|altercation; wrangle; angry argument kouke 口渴|thirsty koukou 蔻蔻|(loanword) cocoa koukou 扣扣|(Internet slang) QQ instant messenger koukoushengsheng 口口声声|to keep on saying (idiom); to repeat ... koukuaixinzhi 口快心直|see 心直口快[xin1 zhi2 kou3 kuai4] koulan 扣篮|slam dunk kouliang 口粮|ration kouling 口令|oral command/a word of command (used ... kouliu 扣留|to detain/to arrest/to hold/to confis... koulou 眍䁖|to sink in (of eyes) kouluo 口络|muzzle (over a dog\'s mouth) koumao 佝瞀|stupid koumaozi 扣帽子|to tag sb with unfair label/power word koumen 叩门|to knock on a door koumen 抠门|(dialect) stingy koumenr 抠门儿|erhua variant of 摳門|抠门[kou1 men2] koumifujian 口蜜腹剑|lit. honeyed words, a sword in the be... koumo 口蘑|Saint George\'s mushroom (Tricholoma m... koumo 口沫|spittle/saliva koumo-hengfei 口沫横飞|(idiom) to speak vehemently; to expre... koune 口讷|(literary) inarticulate koupan 扣襻|button loop koupi 口皮|(coll.) lip kouqi 口气|tone of voice/the way one speaks/mann... kouqi 口器|mouthparts (of animal or insect) kouqiang 口腔|oral cavity kouqiangyan 口腔炎|stomatitis/ulceration of oral cavity/... kouqin 口琴|harmonica kouqiu 扣球|to smash a ball/to spike kouqiu 叩球|spike (volleyball) kouqu 扣去|to deduct (points etc) kourang 寇攘|to rob and steal kourenxinxian 扣人心弦|to excite/to thrill/exciting/thrillin... kourou 扣肉|steamed pork kouruoxuanhe 口若悬河|mouth like a torrent (idiom)/eloquent... kousha 扣杀|to smash a ball/to spike koushang 扣上|to buckle up/to fasten koushao 口哨|whistle koushe 口舌|dispute or misunderstanding caused by... koushe 口射|to ejaculate inside sb\'s mouth koushi 口试|oral examination/oral test koushi 口实|food/salary (old)/a pretext/a cause f... koushidianchi 扣式电池|button cell/watch battery koushikuizi 扣屎盔子|(northern dialect) lit. to cap in exc... koushipenzi 扣屎盆子|to make a scapegoat of sb/to defame/t... koushixinfei 口是心非|duplicity/hypocrisy (idiom) koushou 叩首|to kowtow/also written 磕頭|磕头[ke1 tou2] koushu 口述|to dictate/to recount orally koushui 口水|saliva koushuige 口水歌|bubblegum pop song/cover song koushuiji 口水鸡|steamed chicken with chili sauce koushuilao 口水佬|talkative person (Cantonese) koushuizhan 口水战|war of words koushuizhang 口水仗|dispute/spat/shouting match koushuo-wuping 口说无凭|(idiom) you can\'t rely on a verbal ag... kouti 扣题|to stick to the topic koutian 口甜|soft-spoken/affable/full of honeyed w... koutiao 口条|(ox etc) tongue (as food)/(dialect) e... koutiyi 口蹄疫|foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)/aphthous... koutou 口头|oral/verbal koutou 叩头|to kowtow (traditional greeting, esp.... koutouchan 口头禅|Zen saying repeated as cant/(fig.) ca... koutouyu 口头语|pet phrase/regularly used expression/... koutu 抠图|(image processing) to extract a foreg... koutuduyan 口吐毒焰|lit. a mouth spitting with poisonous ... kouwei 口味|a person\'s preferences/tastes (in foo... kouwen 口吻|tone of voice/connotation in intonati... kouwen 叩问|(literary) to inquire/to ask/question kouwen 扣问|(literary) to inquire/to ask/question kouwuzeyan 口无择言|to say not a word that is not appropr... kouwuzhelan 口无遮拦|to blab/to shoot one\'s mouth off/to c... kouxian 口弦|Jew\'s harp kouxiangtang 口香糖|chewing gum kouxiantizhengzhi 口嫌体正直|your lips say one thing, but your bod... kouxiantizhi 口嫌体直|your lips say one thing, but your bod... kouxin 口信|oral message kouxipan 口吸盘|oral sucker (e.g. on bloodsucking par... kouya 扣压|to withhold/to hold sth back (and pre... kouya 扣押|to detain/to hold in custody/to distr... kouyan 扣眼|buttonhole kouyanr 扣眼儿|erhua variant of 釦眼|扣眼[kou4 yan3] kouyanwaixie 口眼歪斜|facial nerve paralysis kouye 叩谒|to visit (esp. one\'s superiors) kouyi 口译|interpreting kouyin 口音|(linguistics) oral speech sounds kouyin 口音|voice/accent kouyin 口淫|oral sex/fellatio kouying 叩应|call-in (loanword) kouying 扣应|to call in (to a broadcast program) (... kouyiyuan 口译员|interpreter/oral translator kouyu 口语|colloquial speech/spoken language/ver... kouyugoutong 口语沟通|oral communication (psychology) kouyuqi 口欲期|oral stage (psychology) kouzhao 口罩|mask (surgical etc) kouzhu 扣住|to detain/to hold back by force/to bu... kouzhubifa 口诛笔伐|to condemn in speech and in writing (... kouzhun 寇准|Kou Zhun (961-1023), Northern Song po... kouzi 口子|hole/opening/cut/gap/gash/my husband ... kouzi 扣子|button kouziyan 抠字眼|to be fastidious about phrasing, dict... kouziyanr 抠字眼儿|erhua variant of 摳字眼|抠字眼[kou1 zi4 yan3] kouzumu 口足目|Stomatopoda, order of marine crustace... kshu K书|(Tw) to cram; to study (from Taiwanes... ktaming K他命|ketamine (C13H16ClNO) (slang) ku 苦|bitter/hardship/pain/to suffer/to bri... ku 哭|to cry; to weep ku 堀|cave/hole ku 裤|variant of 褲|裤[ku4] ku 裤|underpants/trousers/pants ku 酷|ruthless/strong (e.g. of wine)/(loanw... ku 枯|(of plants) withered/(of wells, river... ku 窟|cave/hole ku 绔|variant of 褲|裤[ku4] ku 骷|used in 骷髏|骷髅[ku1lou2] ku 喾|one of the five legendary emperors, a... ku 刳|to cut open/rip up/scoop out ku 楛|broken utensil ku 圐|used in 圐圙[ku1 lu:e4] ku 跍|to squat ku 圣|to dig ku 库|warehouse/storehouse/(file) library ku 矻|used in 矻矻[ku1 ku1]/Taiwan pr. [ku4] kua 跨|to step across/to stride over/to stra... kua 挎|to carry (esp. slung over the arm, sh... kua 夸|used in transliteration kua 夸|to boast; to exaggerate/to praise kua 胯|crotch/groin/hip kua 垮|to collapse (lit. or fig.) kua 侉|foreign accent kua 絓|type of coarse silk/bag used to wrap ... kua 姱|fascinating/pretty kua 㐄|component in Chinese characters, mirr... kuabao 挎包|satchel/bag kuabu 跨步|to take a (striding) step kuacheng 夸称|to praise/to acclaim/to commend/to co... kuada 夸大|to exaggerate kuadao 跨刀|to appear in sb\'s show/(fig.) to give... kuadaqici 夸大其词|to exaggerate kuadazhici 夸大之词|hyperbole/exaggeration kuadiqu 跨地区|interregional/spanning two or more PR... kuadou 挎斗|sidecar kuadou 挎兜|satchel/backpack kuadour 挎兜儿|erhua variant of 挎兜[kua4 dou1] kuadu 跨度|span/horizontal distance between vert... kuaduo-doumi 夸多斗靡|(idiom) to use literary phrases in on... kuagu 胯骨|hip bone kuaguo 跨国|transnational/multinational kuaguo 跨过|to surmount/to cross over kuaguogongsi 跨国公司|transnational corporation/multination... kuaguohua 跨国化|to internationalize/to globalize kuahaidaqiao 跨海大桥|bay bridge (elevated bridge across st... kuahaikou 夸海口|to boast/to talk big kuahe 跨鹤|to die/to fly on a crane kuahexiyou 跨鹤西游|to die kuaheyangzhou 跨鹤扬州|lit. to ride a crane to Yangzhou/to b... kuai 快|rapid/quick/speed/rate/soon/almost/to... kuai 会|(bound form) to reckon accounts kuai 哙|surname Kuai kuai 哙|throat/to swallow kuai 浍|drain/stream kuai 酷爱|to be keen on/to have a passion for kuai 巜|old variant of 澮|浍[kuai4] kuai 郐|surname Kuai/name of a feudal state kuai 脍|chopped meat or fish kuai 蒯|a rush/scirpus cyperinus kuai 侩|broker kuai 苦艾|wormwood/Artemisia absinthium kuai 廥|barn/granary kuai 㧟|(dialect) to scratch (an itch)/to car... kuai 筷|chopstick kuai 鲙|used in 鱠魚|鲙鱼[kuai4 yu2]/minced or di... kuai 狯|crafty/cunning kuai 鬠|to make a top knot kuai 旝|(literary) standard; banner (raised f... kuai 块|lump; chunk; piece/classifier for pie... kuai 𫘝|(literary) fast horse/(literary) fast... kuaiban 快板|allegro kuaiban 快班|advanced stream (in school)/express (... kuaibanr 快板儿|clapper talk/patter song (in opera) w... kuaibao 快报|bulletin board kuaibu 快步|quick step kuaibuliuxing 快步流星|to walk quickly/striding quickly kuaibupao 快步跑|to trot kuaican 快餐|fast food/snack/quick meal kuaicanbu 快餐部|snack bar/buffet kuaicandian 快餐店|fast food shop kuaicang 廥仓|granary kuaicanjiaoyou 快餐交友|speed dating kuaice 快测|rapid testing; (esp.) rapid antigen t... kuaichaodian 快炒店|(Tw) low-budget eatery kuaiche 快车|express (train, bus etc) kuaichedao 快车道|fast lane kuaichong 快充|fast charging/to fast charge (a device) kuaichuan 快船|Los Angeles Clippers (NBA team) kuaidang 快当|quick; rapid kuaidaoduanluanma 快刀断乱麻|lit. quick sword cuts through tangled... kuaidaozhanluanma 快刀斩乱麻|lit. quick sword cuts through tangled... kuaidi 快递|express delivery kuaidian 快点|to do sth more quickly/Hurry up!/Get ... kuaidianr 快点儿|erhua variant of 快點|快点[kuai4 dian3] kuaidiyuan 快递员|package delivery person; courier kuaigan 快感|pleasure/thrill/delight/joy/pleasurab... kuaiganzhongxin 快感中心|pleasure center kuaigen 块根|root tuber/tuberous root kuaigong 快攻|fast break/quick attack (ball sports) kuaigui 块规|a gauge block (block for accurate mea... kuaiguo 快锅|pressure cooker (Tw) kuaihuo 快活|happy/cheerful kuaiji 会计|accountant/accountancy/accounting kuaijian 快件|an express consignment (of goods, lug... kuaijie 快捷|quick/fast/nimble/agile/(computer) sh... kuaijiefangshi 快捷方式|(computer) shortcut kuaijiejian 快捷键|(computer) shortcut key/hotkey kuaijikemu 会计科目|account kuaijin 快进|fast-forward (media player) kuaijing 块茎|stem tuber kuaijishi 会计师|accountant kuaijiu 苦艾酒|absinthe (distilled anise-based liquor) kuaijixue 会计学|accounting/accountancy kuaijizhidu 会计制度|accounting system kuaijizhunzelishihui 会计准则理事会|accounting standards council kuaijun 块菌|truffle (edible root fungus) kuaikeli 快可立|Quickly, tapioca milk tea franchise kuaile 快乐|happy; joyful kuailedabenying 快乐大本营|Happy Camp (PRC TV series) kuailei 块垒|gloom/a lump on the heart kuaimajiabian 快马加鞭|to spur the horse to full speed (idio... kuaiman 快慢|speed kuaimei 块煤|lump coal kuaimen 快门|shutter kuaiqian 快钱|quick buck kuaiqu 快取|(computing) cache (loanword) (Tw) kuairbamao 块儿八毛|one yuan or less/around 80 cents or o... kuaishai 快筛|rapid diagnostic test (RDT), abbr. fo... kuaishan 快闪|to depart as quick as a flash/flash mob kuaishancunchuqi 快闪存储器|(computing) flash memory kuaishandang 快闪党|flash mobbers kuaishanjiyiti 快闪记忆体|(computing) flash memory kuaishanjiyitipan 快闪记忆体盘|(computing) flash drive/thumb drive kuaishanzu 快闪族|flash mobbers kuaishou 快手|Kuaishou, Chinese social video sharin... kuaishumian 快熟面|instant noodles kuaisu 快速|fast; high-speed; rapid kuaisudongyanqi 快速动眼期|REM sleep kuaisujiyifa 快速记忆法|mnemotechnic method kuaisushaijian 快速筛检|rapid diagnostic test (RDT), abbr. to... kuaisuyitaiwangluo 快速以太网络|Fast Ethernet kuaisuzhenduanceshi 快速诊断测试|rapid diagnostic test (RDT) kuaiti 块体|a block/body of person or animal as a... kuaiting 快艇|speedboat/motor launch kuaitou 块头|size/body size kuaitui 快退|fast-rewind (media player) kuaiwei 快慰|to feel pleased kuaixin 快信|letter sent by express mail kuaixingdao 快行道|fast lane/express lane kuaixun 快讯|newsflash kuaiyao 快要|nearly at the point of (doing sth); a... kuaiyi 快意|pleased/elated kuaiyu 鲙鱼|Chinese herring (Ilisha elongata) kuaiyu 快鱼|variant of 鱠魚|鲙鱼[kuai4 yu2] kuaizhao 快照|(photography) snapshot/(computing) sn... kuaizhirenkou 脍炙人口|appealing to the masses/universally a... kuaizhongzi 快中子|fast neutrons kuaizhuan 快转|fast-forward kuaizhuang 块状|lump kuaizhuhu 快煮壶|electric kettle (Tw) kuaizi 筷子|chopsticks/CL:對|对[dui4],根[gen1],把[ba3... kuaizijie 筷子芥|Arabis, a genus of Brassica family in... kuaizitui 筷子腿|(coll.) skinny legs kuaizui 快嘴|unable to keep one\'s thoughts to ones... kuajian 胯间|crotch; groin kuajiang 夸奖|to praise/to applaud/to compliment kuajie 跨界|to go beyond the border; to be transb... kuajieqi 跨接器|jumper (electronics) kuajing 跨境|cross-border kuajing 跨径|span (architecture) kuaju 跨距|(Tw) span (architecture)/time span kuake 夸克|(particle physics) (loanword) quark kuakou 夸口|to boast kuakua-qitan 夸夸其谈|variant of 誇誇其談|夸夸其谈[kua1kua1-qi2tan2] kuakua-qitan 夸夸其谈|(idiom) to talk big; to sound off; to... kualan 跨栏|hurdles/hurdle race (athletics) kualanbisai 跨栏比赛|hurdling/hurdles race (athletics event) kualian 垮脸|(of the face) to harden; to sag kualingyu 跨领域|interdisciplinary kuan 款|section/paragraph/funds/CL:筆|笔[bi3],個... kuan 宽|surname Kuan kuan 宽|wide/broad/loose/relaxed/lenient kuan 髋|pelvis/pelvic kuan 寛|Japanese variant of 寬|宽 kuan 窾|crack/hollow/cavity/to excavate or ho... kuan 梡|(tree)/stand for sacrifice kuan 欵|to treat well/to detain/variant of 款[... kuanbu 款步|to walk slowly/with deliberate steps kuanchang 宽敞|spacious/wide kuanchang 宽畅|with no worries/cheerful/spacious kuancheng 宽城|Kuancheng district of Changchun city ... kuanchengmanzuzizhixian 宽城满族自治县|Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County in... kuanchengqu 宽城区|Kuancheng district of Changchun city ... kuanchengxian 宽城县|Kuancheng Manchu autonomous county in... kuanchuo 宽绰|spacious/relaxed; at ease/comfortably... kuanda 宽大|spacious/wide/lenient kuandai 款待|to entertain/to be hospitable to kuandai 宽带|broadband kuandai 宽贷|to pardon/to excuse kuandai 宽待|to treat leniently/liberal treatment kuandaofahuo 款到发货|dispatch upon receipt of payment kuandarenai 宽大仁爱|tolerant and lenient (idiom) kuandaweihuai 宽大为怀|magnanimous (idiom)/generous kuandazhaiyong 宽打窄用|to give oneself leeway (idiom)/to all... kuandian 宽甸|Kuandian Manchu autonomous county in ... kuandianmanzuzizhixian 宽甸满族自治县|Kuandian Manchu autonomous county in ... kuandianxian 宽甸县|Kuandian Manchu autonomous county in ... kuandong 款冬|coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), plant ... kuandu 宽度|width kuanduan 款段|(literary) pony/(of a horse) walking ... kuanfan 宽泛|wide-ranging kuanfu 宽斧|broadax/ax with a wide blade kuanfu 款伏|to obey/faithfully following instruct... kuanfu 款服|to obey/faithfully following instruct... kuang 矿|mineral deposit; ore deposit/ore/a mine kuang 矿|variant of 礦|矿[kuang4] kuang 框|frame (e.g. door frame)/casing/fig. f... kuang 洭|ancient name of a river 洭河[Kuang1 He2... kuang 狂|mad/wild/violent kuang 匡|surname Kuang kuang 匡|(literary) to rectify/(literary) to a... kuang 鉱|Japanese variant of 礦|矿 kuang 况|moreover/situation kuang 旷|to neglect/to skip (class or work)/to... kuang 筐|basket/CL:隻|只[zhi1] kuang 邝|surname Kuang kuang 纩|fine floss-silk or cotton kuang 眶|(bound form) eye socket/Taiwan pr. [k... kuang 夼|low ground/hollow/depression (used in... kuang 哐|(onom.) crash; bang; clang kuang 軠|old variant of 軖[kuang2] kuang 诳|to deceive; to dupe/falsehood; lie/(d... kuang 恇|to fear/apprehensive kuang 贶|to bestow/to confer kuang 诓|to mislead/to swindle kuang 卝|classical variant of 礦|矿[kuang4] kuang 絖|fine floss-silk or cotton kuang 丱|old variant of 礦|矿[kuang4] kuang 圹|tomb kuang 軭|to spoil (Cant.)/to ruin/to warp (car... kuang 軖|spinning wheel/wheelbarrow kuang 爌|flame light kuang 爌|old variant of 曠|旷[kuang4]/bright and... kuang 劻|zealous kuang 𫛭|buzzard (genus Buteo) kuangao 狂傲|domineering/haughty kuangbao 狂暴|frantic/berserk kuangbaozhe 狂暴者|berserker (fantasy role-playing) kuangbei 狂悖|(literary) brazen; outrageous; defiant kuangben 狂奔|to run like crazy; to rush kuangbiao 狂飙|hurricane/violent reform or revolutio... kuangcang 矿藏|mineral resources kuangceng 矿层|ore stratum/vein of ore kuangchan 矿产|minerals kuangchang 矿场|a mine/pit kuangchanziyuan 矿产资源|mineral resources kuangchao 狂潮|surging tide/(fig.) tide/craze/rage/s... kuangche 矿车|miner\'s cart/pit truck kuangchuang 矿床|(mineral) deposit kuangda 旷达|broad-minded/accepting/philosophical ... kuangdai 旷代|unrivalled/without peer in this gener... kuangdeng 矿灯|miner\'s lamp/mining light kuangdi 旷地|open space/open field kuangdie 狂跌|crazy fall (in prices) kuangding 狂顶|(slang) to strongly support/to strong... kuangfang 狂放|wild/unrestrained kuangfei 狂吠|to bark furiously/to howl kuangfei 旷废|to neglect (work)/to waste (one\'s tal... kuangfei 旷费|to waste/to squander kuangfeng 狂风|gale/squall/whole gale (meteorology) kuangfeng-baoyu 狂风暴雨|(idiom) howling wind and torrential r... kuangfengzhouyu 狂风骤雨|strong wind and heavy rain (idiom) kuangfu 况复|moreover kuangfu 旷夫|bachelor/unmarried man kuangfusheji 匡扶社稷|(of states within the nation) to supp... kuanggong 矿工|miner kuanggong 旷工|to skip work/absence without leave kuanggu 旷古|since the dawn of time/from the year dot kuangguweiwen 旷古未闻|never before in the whole of history ... kuangguweiyou 旷古未有|never before in the whole of history ... kuanghe 洭河|Kuang River, ancient name of a river ... kuanghonglanzha 狂轰滥炸|to bomb indiscriminately kuanghuan 狂欢|party/carousal/hilarity/merriment/who... kuanghuanjie 狂欢节|carnival kuangji 矿机|(cryptocurrency) mining machine kuangjia 框架|(construction) frame/(fig.) framework kuangjing 矿井|a mine/a mine shaft kuangke 旷课|to play truant/to cut classes kuangkeng 矿坑|mine/mine shaft kuangkuang 框框|a frame; a circle/set pattern; conven... kuangkuanglanglang 哐哐啷啷|(onom.) crash/clank/clatter kuangkuo 旷阔|vast kuanglang 哐啷|(onom.) clang; clatter; bang; crash; ... kuangluan 狂乱|hysterical kuangmai 矿脉|vein of ore kuangmiao 旷渺|remote and vast kuangnan 矿难|mining disaster kuangniubing 狂牛病|mad cow disease/bovine spongiform enc... kuangnu 狂怒|furious kuangnugutai 狂奴故态|to be set in one\'s ways (idiom) kuangpian 诓骗|to defraud/to swindle kuangqie 况且|moreover/besides/in addition/furthermore kuangqie 筐箧|rectangular box or chest kuangqiezhongwu 筐箧中物|a commonplace thing kuangqu 矿区|mining site/mining area kuangquan 矿泉|mineral spring kuangquanbing 狂犬病|rabies kuangquanshui 矿泉水|mineral water/CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] kuangre 狂热|zealotry/fanatical/feverish kuangren 狂人|madman kuangrenriji 狂人日记|Diary of a Madman by Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅[Lu3... kuangrichijiu 旷日持久|protracted (idiom)/long and drawn-out kuangsanzhasi 狂三诈四|to deceive and swindle across the boa... kuangshan 矿山|mine kuangshi 矿石|ore kuangshi 旷世|incomparable/none to compare with at ... kuangshisheying 旷时摄影|time-lapse photography kuangshuai 狂甩|to fling vigorously/fig. to reduce dr... kuangshui 矿水|mineral water kuangtai 狂态|display of wild manners/scandalous sc... kuangti 矿体|ore body (geology) kuangtu 框图|flowchart/block diagram kuangu 髋骨|hip bone kuanguang 宽广|wide/broad/extensive/vast kuanguangdu 宽广度|width/breadth kuanguanjie 髋关节|pelvis/hip joint kuangwang 狂妄|egotistical/arrogant/brassy kuangwangzida 狂妄自大|arrogant and conceited kuangwei 况味|circumstances/atmosphere/mood kuangwu 矿物|mineral kuangwuju 矿务局|mining affairs bureau kuangwuranliao 矿物燃料|fossil fuels/oil and coal kuangwuxue 矿物学|mineralogy kuangwuzhi 矿物质|mineral, esp. dietary mineral kuangxi 狂喜|ecstasy/rapt kuangxiang 狂想|fantasy/illusion/vain dream kuangxiangqu 狂想曲|rhapsody (music) kuangxiao 狂笑|to howl with laughter; to laugh one\'s... kuangyan 狂言|ravings/delirious utterances/kyōgen (... kuangyan 矿盐|halite kuangye 矿业|mining industry kuangye 狂野|coarse and wild kuangye 旷野|wilderness kuangyin 狂饮|to drink hard kuangyin-baoshi 狂饮暴食|(idiom) to eat and drink to excess kuangyoujing 矿油精|mineral spirits kuangyu 诳语|a lie; a falsehood kuangzao 狂躁|rash/impetuous/irritable kuangzha 矿渣|slag (mining) kuangzhanshi 狂战士|berserker (Norse warrior or fantasy r... kuangzheng 匡正|to correct/to amend/to redress (evils) kuangzhi 旷职|to fail to show up for work kuangzhi 矿脂|vaseline/same as 凡士林 kuangzhu 矿主|proprietor of a mine kuangzi 框子|frame (of spectacles, small ornament ... kuangzi 狂恣|arrogant and unbridled kuanhong 宽宏|magnanimous kuanhong 宽弘|magnanimous/generous/broad-minded/wid... kuanhong 宽洪|magnanimous/generous/broad-minded/wid... kuanhongdadu 宽宏大度|magnanimous/generous/broad-minded kuanhongdadu 宽洪大度|magnanimous/generous/broad-minded kuanhongdaliang 宽宏大量|magnanimous (idiom); generous kuanhongdaliang 宽洪大量|magnanimous/generous/broad-minded kuanhou 宽厚|tolerant/generous/magnanimous/thick a... kuanhuan 宽缓|relieved/tensions relax kuanian 跨年|to step into the new year/New Year kuanjia 宽假|to pardon/to excuse kuanjian 宽减|tax relief kuanjiaodai 宽胶带|duct tape kuanjie 宽解|to relieve anxieties kuankou 宽口|wide mouth kuankuan 款款|leisurely/sincerely kuankuang 宽旷|vast/extensive kuankuo 宽阔|expansive/wide/width/thickness kuanliang 宽亮|wide and bright/without worries/deep ... kuanmian 宽免|to reduce payment/to annul (debts, bi... kuanpin 宽频|broadband kuanping 宽屏|widescreen kuanr 款儿|haughty manner/proud bearing kuanrao 宽饶|to forgive/to spare kuanrong 宽容|lenient/tolerant/indulgent/charitable... kuanshe 宽赦|to forgive kuanshi 款式|pattern/style/design/CL:種|种[zhong3] kuanshi 款式|elegant/elegance/good taste kuanshu 宽恕|to forgive/forgiveness kuanshu 宽舒|happy/carefree kuanshuang 宽爽|happy kuansong 宽松|spacious; roomy; uncrowded/(of clothe... kuanwei 宽慰|to console/to soothe/relieved kuanweishuying 宽尾树莺|(bird species of China) Cetti\'s warbl... kuanwenhaitun 宽吻海豚|bottle-nosed dolphin (Tursiops trunca... kuanxian 宽限|to extend (a deadline etc) kuanxiang 款项|funds/a sum of money/CL:宗[zong1] kuanxianqi 宽限期|grace period/period of grace kuanxin 宽心|relieved/comforted/to relieve anxieti... kuanxin 款新|new (model)/recently developed (product) kuanxinwan 宽心丸|reassuring explanation/consolatory words kuanxinwanr 宽心丸儿|erhua variant of 寬心丸|宽心丸[kuan1 xin1 w... kuanyan 款宴|to host a banquet kuanyi 宽衣|please take off your coat (honorific)... kuanyidairen 宽以待人|to be lenient with others (idiom) kuanyijiedai 宽衣解带|to undress kuanyingpian 宽影片|wide-screen movie kuanyinmudianying 宽银幕电影|wide-screen movie kuanyou 宽宥|to pardon/to forgive kuanyu 宽余|ample/plentiful/affluent/relaxed/comf... kuanyu 宽裕|comfortably off/ample/plenty kuanyuyishi 款语移时|to talk slowly and in depth (idiom) kuanzhai 宽窄|width/breadth kuanzhan 宽展|happy kuanzi 款子|a sum of money/CL:筆|笔[bi3] kuanzuiwengying 宽嘴鹟莺|(bird species of China) broad-billed ... kuao 苦熬|to endure (years of suffering) kuapingtai 跨平台|(computing) cross-platform kuashang 跨上|to mount (a horse, bike, flight of st... kuasheng 跨省|interprovincial; multiprovincial kuata 垮塌|to collapse (of building, dam or bridge) kuatai 垮台|(of a dynasty, regime etc) to collaps... kuawenhua 跨文化|intercultural kuaxiahaikou 夸下海口|see 誇海口|夸海口[kua1 hai3 kou3] kuaxianqiao 跨线桥|flyover (road bridge) kuaxiawu 胯下物|(slang) male member/package kuaxiazhiru 胯下之辱|lit. the humiliation of having to cra... kuaxingbie 跨性别|transgender kuaxiukeerzheng 夸休可尔症|kwashiorkor (medicine) kuaxueke 跨学科|interdisciplinary kuayao 夸耀|to brag about/to flaunt kuayuan 跨院|lateral court (in a Chinese house) kuayue 跨越|to step across/step over kuayueshi 跨越式|breakthrough/going beyond/leap-forwar... kuayuyan 跨语言|cross-language/polyglot kuazan 夸赞|to praise/to speak highly of/to commend kuazao 跨灶|to surpass one\'s father kuazhang 夸张|to exaggerate/overstated; exaggerated... kuazhou 跨洲|intercontinental kuazi 侉子|person speaking with a foreign accent kuazu 跨足|to enter (a new market etc) kubi 苦逼|(coll.) miserable; wretched kubi 酷毙|(slang) awesome/cool/righteous kubizi 哭鼻子|to snivel (usually humorous) kubuji 苦不唧|slightly bitter kubujir 苦不唧儿|erhua variant of 苦不唧[ku3 bu5 ji1] kubukanyan 苦不堪言|to suffer unspeakable misery/indescri... kubulike 库布里克|Kubrick kucaihua 苦菜花|Bitter Herbs, 1958 novel by Feng Deyi... kucang 库藏|to store/to have sth in storage kucao 枯草|withered grass; dry grass kucaoganjun 枯草杆菌|bacillus subtilis kucaore 枯草热|hay fever kucha 裤衩|underpants kuchai 苦差|hard task/difficult mission/arduous a... kuchaishi 苦差事|see 苦差[ku3 chai1] kuchu 苦楚|suffering/misery/pain (esp. psycholog... kuchu 苦处|suffering/distress kucun 库存|property or cash held in reserve/stock kucunxianjin 库存现金|cash in hand kuda-choushen 苦大仇深|(idiom) great bitterness and deep hat... kudai 裤带|belt (in trousers)/CL:根[gen1] kudai 苦待|treat harshly kudan 苦胆|gallbladder kudang 裤裆|crotch of trousers kude 库德|Kurd ethnic group kudesiquhuolai 哭得死去活来|to cry one\'s heart out kudesitan 库德斯坦|Kurdistan kudieda 苦迭打|(loanword) coup d\'état kudieta 苦迭塔|(loanword) coup d\'état kudou 裤兜|pants pocket kuer 库尔|Chur (city in Switzerland) kuer 酷儿|queer (sexuality) kuerde 库尔德|Kurd/Kurdish kuerdegongrendang 库尔德工人党|Kurdistan Worker\'s Party (PPK) kuerderen 库尔德人|Kurdish person or people kuerdesitan 库尔德斯坦|Kurdistan kuerle 库尔勒|Korla Shehiri, Korla or Ku\'erle City,... kuerleshi 库尔勒市|Korla Shehiri, Korla or Ku\'erle City,... kuernikewa 库尔尼科娃|Anna Sergeevna Kournikova (1981-), Ru... kuersike 库尔斯克|Kursk (city) kuertewaerdehaimu 库尔特·瓦尔德海姆|Kurt Waldheim (1918-2007), Austrian d... kufang 库房|storeroom/warehouse kugan 苦干|to work hard kugan 枯干|dried up; shriveled; withered kugan 苦甘|bitter sweet kugao 枯槁|(of vegetation) withered/(of a person... kugen 苦根|underlying cause of poverty kugong 苦功|hard work/laborious effort/painstakin... kugong 苦工|hard labor (in penal code)/coolie kugongdang 库工党|abbr. for Kurdistan Workers\' Party 庫爾... kugua 苦瓜|bitter melon (bitter gourd, balsam pe... kugualian 苦瓜脸|sour expression on one\'s face kuguan 裤管|trouser leg kuguo 苦果|lit. bitter fruit/fig. painful conseq... kuhaha 苦哈哈|to have difficulty getting by/to stru... kuhai 苦海|lit. sea of bitterness/abyss of world... kuhaimangmang 苦海茫茫|sea of bitterness is vast (idiom) kuhaiwubian,huitoushian 苦海无边,回头是岸|The sea of bitterness has no bounds, ... kuhan 苦寒|bitter cold kuhan 哭喊|to wail kuhuo 苦活|bitter work/sweated labor kuhuor 苦活儿|erhua variant of 苦活[ku3 huo2] kui 葵|used in the names of various herbaceo... kui 喹|used in 喹啉[kui2lin2] kui 揆|consider/estimate kui 亏|to lose (money); to have a deficit/to... kui 魁|chief/head/outstanding/exceptional/st... kui 逵|crossroads/thoroughfare kui 骙|(of a horse) powerful/strong kui 愧|old variant of 愧[kui4] kui 愧|ashamed kui 溃|(bound form) (of floodwaters) to brea... kui 傀|used in 傀儡[kui3lei3] kui 馈|(literary) to make an offering to the... kui 馈|(bound form) to present (a gift)/(bou... kui 窥|to peep/to pry into kui 窥|variant of 窺|窥[kui1] kui 隗|surname Kui/Zhou Dynasty vassal state kui 盔|helmet kui 奎|crotch/15th of the 28th constellation... kui 匮|surname Kui kui 匮|to lack/lacking/empty/exhausted kui 犪|used in 犪牛[kui2 niu2] kui 鄈|place name kui 岿|high and mighty (of mountain)/hilly kui 跬|brief/short step kui 悝|to laugh at kui 蝰|used in 蝰蛇[kui2she2] kui 喟|to sigh kui 戣|a lance kui 暌|in opposition to/separated from kui 蒉|surname Kui kui 蒉|Amaranthus mangostanus kui 篑|basket for carrying soil kui 刲|cut open and clean kui 夔|one-legged mountain demon of Chinese ... kui 馗|cheekbone/crossroads/high kui 睽|separated/stare kui 櫆|see 櫆師|櫆师[kui2 shi1] Polaris, the nor... kui 聩|born deaf/deaf/obtuse kui 愦|confused/troubled kui 煃|fiery/blazing kui 頯|cheekbone/protrude kui 𫠆|raise one\'s head kuiba 溃坝|(of a dam) to be breached; to burst kuibai 溃败|to be utterly defeated; to be routed kuibao 窥豹|lit. to see one spot on a leopard/fig... kuibaoyiban 窥豹一斑|lit. see one spot on a leopard (idiom... kuibeike 魁北克|Quebec province, Canada kuibeikeshi 魁北克市|Quebec city, capital of Quebec provin... kuiben 亏本|to make a loss kuibenchushou 亏本出售|to sell at a loss kuibing 溃兵|routed troops; defeated and dispersed... kuibuchengjun 溃不成军|(of troops) to be utterly routed and ... kuibugandang 愧不敢当|lit. I\'m ashamed and dare not (accept... kuichan 亏产|shortfall in production kuichong 葵涌|Kwai Chung (area in Hong Kong)/Kwai C... kuidai 亏待|to treat sb unfairly kuide 亏得|fortunately/luckily/(sarcastic) fancy... kuidi 溃敌|to rout the enemy kuidui 愧对|to be ashamed to face (sb)/to feel ba... kuifa 匮乏|to be deficient in sth/to be short of... kuifu 亏负|deficient/to let sb down/to cause sb ... kuige 亏格|(math.) genus kuige 睽隔|to be separated/to be parted (literary) kuihan 愧汗|sweating from shame/extremely ashamed kuihan 魁蚶|arc clam (Arca inflata) kuihen 愧恨|ashamed and sorry/suffering shame and... kuihua 葵花|sunflower kuihuazi 葵花子|sunflower seeds kuihuiwudi 愧悔无地|ashamed and unable to show one\'s face... kuijia 盔甲|armor/body armor and helmet kuijie 匮竭|exhausted kuijiu 愧疚|to feel guilty; to feel ashamed of on... kuijue 溃决|(of a dike or dam) to burst kuijun 溃军|routed troops kuikong 亏空|in debt/in the red/in deficit kuikui 夔夔|awestruck and fearful kuilan 溃烂|to fester; to ulcerate kuilei 傀儡|(lit. and fig.) puppet kuileixi 傀儡戏|puppet show kuileizhengquan 傀儡政权|puppet state/puppet regime kuilin 喹啉|quinoline C6H4(CH)3N (pharm.) (loanword) kuinan 愧赧|to blush in shame/red-faced kuining 奎宁|quinine (loanword) kuiningshui 奎宁水|tonic water; quinine water kuiniu 犪牛|ancient yak of southeast China, also ... kuinuotong 喹诺酮|quinolone (a hydroxylated quinoline, ... kuiqian 亏欠|to have a deficit; to be in the red/t... kuiqing 葵青|Kwai Tsing district of New Territorie... kuique 亏缺|to be lacking/to fall short of/to wan... kuique 匮缺|to be deficient in sth/to be short of... kuisan 溃散|(of troops) to be routed and dispersed kuise 愧色|ashamed look kuishan 葵扇|palm-leaf fan kuishe 蝰蛇|forest or meadow viper (Vipera russel... kuishi 窥视|to peep at/to spy on/to peek kuishi 櫆师|Polaris/the north star/same as 北斗[Bei... kuishou 魁首|chief/first/brightest and best kuishu 葵鼠|guinea pig kuisi 窥伺|to spy upon/to lie in wait for (an op... kuisong 馈送|to present (a gift)/offering/to feed ... kuisun 亏损|deficit/(financial) loss kuitan 窥探|to pry into or spy on/to snoop/to pee... kuitao 溃逃|to flee in disorder kuitou 盔头|decorated hat or helmet in Chinese op... kuitun 奎屯|Kuytun, county-level city in Ili Kaza... kuitunshi 奎屯市|Kuytun, county-level city in Ili Kaza... kuituo 奎托|Quito, capital of Ecuador, usually wr... kuiwang 窥望|to peep/to spy on kuiwei 睽违|to be separated (from a friend, one\'s... kuiwei 魁伟|tall and big/stalwart kuiwei 暌违|(literary) to be separated (from a fr... kuiwen 奎文|Kuiwen district of Weifang city 濰坊市|潍... kuiwenqu 奎文区|Kuiwen district of Weifang city 濰坊市|潍... kuiwu 魁梧|tall and sturdy kuixian 馈线|feeder line kuixin 亏心|a guilty conscience kuixing 魁星|stars of the Big Dipper that constitu... kuixing 奎星|Kuixing, the Great Bear, one of the 2... kuixingge 魁星阁|temple to Kuixing, Daoist God of fate kuixinshi 亏心事|shameful deed kuiyang 溃疡|ulcer/to ulcerate kuiyuan 魁元|brightest and best/chief/first among ... kuizeng 馈赠|to present (a gift) to (sb) kuizhe 亏折|to make a capital loss kuizhi 窥知|to find out about/to discover kuizhou 夔州|Kuizhou, ancient area of modern Fengj... kuizuo 愧怍|ashamed kuji 枯寂|bleak; desolate; devoid of liveliness kujian 苦谏|to admonish strenuously kujie 枯竭|used up/dried up/exhausted (of resour... kujimiedao 苦集灭道|the Four Noble Truths (Budd.), namely... kujing 苦境|grievance/dire straits kujinganlai 苦尽甘来|bitterness finishes, sweetness begins... kuju 苦苣|endive kuju 苦菊|endive kuke 库克|Cook (name)/Captain James Cook (1728-... kukechuanzhang 库克船长|Captain James Cook (1728-1779), Briti... kukenhuofugongyuan 库肯霍夫公园|Keukenhof, flower garden in Netherlands kukequndao 库克群岛|Cook Islands kukeshan 库克山|Mt Cook on New Zealand South Island, ... kukou 苦口|lit. bitter taste (cf good medicine t... kukou 裤口|trouser leg opening kukoupoxin 苦口婆心|earnest and well-meaning advice (idio... kuku 苦苦|strenuously/persistently/hard/painful kuku 矻矻|assiduously kukuaiqiu 苦苦哀求|to entreat piteously/to implore kukuang 苦况|wretched state/miserable plight kukutiti 哭哭啼啼|to weep endlessly/interminable wailing kulao 苦劳|toil/hard work kulasuo 库拉索|Curaçao kuli 苦力|bitter work/hard toil/(loanword) cool... kulian 苦练|to train hard/to practice diligently/... kulian 哭脸|to weep/to snivel kulian 苦楝|chinaberry (Melia azedarach) kulie 酷烈|intense/brutal/fierce kuling 哭灵|to weep before a coffin or a memorial... kuling 苦苓|chinaberry (Melia azedarach) kulitiba 库里提巴|Curitiba (city in Brazil) kulong 窟窿|hole/pocket/cavity/loophole/debt kulongyan 窟窿眼|small hole kulou 骷髅|human skeleton/human skull kuloutou 骷髅头|a death\'s-head; depiction of a dead p... kulubing 库鲁病|kuru (medicine) kulun 库伦|Kulun, the former name for modern Ula... kulun 库伦|enclosed pasture (Mongolian loanword) kulun 库仑|Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1736-180... kulun 库仑|coulomb (unit of electric charge) kulunji 库仑计|voltameter kulunqi 库伦旗|Hure banner or Xüree khoshuu in Tongl... kulunzhen 库伦镇|Hure town in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 lia... kulve 圐圙|enclosed pasture (Mongolian loanword)... kumaicai 苦荬菜|Ixeris denticulata kumen 苦闷|depressed/dejected/feeling low kuming 苦命|hard lot/bitter fate/unfortunate kuming 枯茗|cumin (loanword) kumokuai 库模块|library module kumu 枯木|dead tree kumu 库姆|Qom (holy city in Iran) kumufengchun 枯木逢春|lit. the spring comes upon a withered... kumutageshamo 库姆塔格沙漠|Kumutage (or Kumtag) Desert, northwes... kumutulaqianfodong 库木吐拉千佛洞|Kumutula thousand-Buddha grotto in Ku... kun 坤|one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4... kun 坤|variant of 坤[kun1] kun 昆|variant of 崑|昆[kun1] kun 昆|used in place names, notably Kunlun M... kun 昆|descendant/elder brother/a style of C... kun 鹍|see 鵾雞|鹍鸡[kun1ji1] kun 裩|variant of 褌|裈[kun1] kun 鲲|fry (newly hatched fish)/legendary gi... kun 捆|a bunch/to tie together/bundle kun 捆|variant of 捆[kun3] kun 困|to trap/to surround/hard-pressed/stra... kun 困|sleepy/tired kun 锟|steel sword kun 醌|quinone (chemistry) kun 琨|(jade) kun 瑻|old variant of 琨[kun1] kun 悃|sincere kun 壸|palace corridor/fig. women\'s quarters... kun 阃|threshold/inner appartments/woman/wif... kun 髡|scalping/to make the head bald (as co... kun 裈|pants (old) kun 裍|a border or band on the edge of a dress kun 騉|fine horse kun 稛|full kun 晜|descendant/elder brother kun 髠|variant of 髡[kun1] kun 菎|beautiful jade/bamboo kun 熴|variant of 焜[kun1] kun 梱|movable door sill kun 髨|old variant of 髡[kun1] kun 鶤|variant of 鵾|鹍[kun1] kun 焜|brilliant kuna 库纳|kuna (Croatian currency) kunan 苦难|suffering kunanshenzhong 苦难深重|deep grief/extensive sorrow kunao 哭闹|to bawl, disturbing others kunao 苦恼|vexed/distressed kunao 阃奥|innermost room/(fig.) heart kunbang 捆绑|to bind kunbao 坤包|woman\'s handbag or shoulder bag kunbu 昆布|kelp kunchong 昆虫|insect/CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2],堆[dui1] kunchongxue 昆虫学|entomology kundian 坤甸|Pontianak city, capital of West Kalim... kundulun 昆都仑|Kundulun district of Baotou city 包頭市|... kundulunqu 昆都仑区|Kundulun district of Baotou city 包頭市|... kundun 困顿|fatigued/exhausted/poverty-stricken/i... kune 困厄|in deep water/difficult situation kunfan 阃范|model of feminine virtues kunfu 捆缚|bondage kunhuo 困惑|bewildered/perplexed/confused/difficu... kunhuobujie 困惑不解|to feel perplexed kunji 鹍鸡|bird mentioned in ancient texts, rese... kunji 阃寄|military command kunjiao 困觉|(dialect) to sleep kunjing 困境|predicament; plight kunjiong 困窘|embarrassment kunju 困局|dilemma/predicament/difficult situation kunju 昆剧|see 崑曲|昆曲[Kun1 qu3] kunjuan 困倦|tired/weary kunka 昆卡|Cuenca (place name and surname) kunku 困苦|deprivation/distressed/miserable kunlun 昆仑|Kunlun (Karakorum) mountain range in ... kunlunshan 昆仑山|Kunlun Mountain range kunlunshanmai 昆仑山脉|Kunlun Mountain range kunming 昆明|see 昆明市[Kun1ming2 Shi4] kunminghu 昆明湖|Kunming Lake kunmingshi 昆明市|Kunming, prefecture-level city and ca... kunnan 困难|difficult/challenging/straitened circ... kunnanzaiyu 困难在于|the problem is... kunpeng 鲲鹏|kun 鯤|鲲[kun1] and peng 鵬|鹏[Peng2], my... kunpengzhanchi 鲲鹏展翅|lit. the giant Peng bird spreads its ... kunqiang 昆腔|see 崑曲|昆曲[Kun1 qu3] kunqu 昆曲|Kunqu opera, influential musical thea... kunrao 困扰|to perplex/to disturb/to cause compli... kunshan 昆山|Kunshan, county-level city in Suzhou ... kunshanshi 昆山市|Kunshan, county-level city in Suzhou ... kunshilan 昆士兰|Queensland, northeast Australian state kunshilanzhou 昆士兰州|Queensland (Australia) kunshou 困守|to stand a siege/trapped in a besiege... kunshouyoudou 困兽犹斗|a cornered beast will still fight (id... kunting 昆汀|Quentin (name)/Quentin Tarantino (196... kunting 昆廷|Quentin (name) kuntingtalundinuo 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺|Quentin Tarantino (1963-), American f... kuntingtaluntinuo 昆汀·塔伦提诺|Quentin Tarantino (1963-), American f... kunxian 鹍弦|pipa strings, made from sinews of lar... kunyang 昆阳|Kunyang town and former county in Yunnan kunyi 困意|sleepiness; drowsiness kunyu 昆玉|honorific term for another person\'s b... kunza 捆扎|to bundle up with rope (e.g. firewood... kunzhong 昆仲|(literary) brothers/elder and younger... kuo 适|see 李适[Li3 Kuo4] kuo 扩|to enlarge kuo 阔|variant of 闊|阔[kuo4] kuo 阔|rich/wide/broad kuo 括|(bound form) to tie up; to tighten up... kuo 廓|(bound form) extensive; vast/(bound f... kuo 漷|clashing of two currents kuo 霩|variant of 廓[kuo4] kuo 拡|Japanese variant of 擴|扩 kuo 蛞|used in 蛞螻|蛞蝼[kuo4lou2]/used in 蛞蝓[ku... kuo 髺|hair rolled up in a bun kuo 鞹|leather kuoban 扩版|to increase the number of pages or th... kuobian 扩编|to expand (esp. by new recruitment)/t... kuobiao 扩表|to expand the balance sheet kuobie 阔别|separated for a long time kuobu 阔步|to stride forward kuochong 扩充|to expand kuochuo 阔绰|extravagant; liberal with money kuoda 扩大|to expand/to enlarge/to broaden one\'s... kuodahua 扩大化|to extend the scope/to exaggerate kuodazaishengchan 扩大再生产|to expand production/to reproduce on ... kuodu 阔度|breadth kuodu 括毒|(literary) malicious; spiteful kuohao 括号|parentheses; brackets kuohu 括弧|parentheses; brackets kuoji 扩及|to extend to kuojian 扩建|to extend (a building, an airport run... kuojun 扩军|armament/to expand armed forces kuokong 扩孔|to widen a tube/to ream (i.e. widen a... kuolao 阔佬|wealthy person/millionaire kuolao 阔老|variant of 闊佬|阔佬[kuo4 lao3] kuolie 扩列|(Internet slang) to add a friend (on ... kuolou 蛞蝼|mole cricket (Gryllotalpa) kuonie 阔蹑|to stride (formal writing) kuoqi 阔气|lavish/generous/bounteous/prodigal kuoqing 廓清|to clear up/to wipe out/to eradicate kuoren 阔人|rich person/the rich kuorong 扩容|to ramp up capacity/to expand in scale kuosan 扩散|to spread; to proliferate; to diffuse kuosanzhouzhi 扩散周知|to let everyone know/spread the word! kuoxian 括线|(math.) vinculum kuoxiongqi 扩胸器|chest expander (exercise equipment) kuoye 阔叶|broad-leaved (tree) kuoyin 扩音|to amplify (sound) kuoyin 扩印|to enlarge (a photo)/to print larger kuoyinji 扩音机|amplifier/loudspeaker/hearing aid kuoyinqi 扩音器|megaphone/loudspeaker/amplifier/micro... kuoyu 蛞蝓|(zoology) slug kuoyueji 括约肌|sphincter kuozeng 扩增|to augment/to amplify/to extend/to ex... kuozengshijing 扩增实境|augmented reality (computing) kuozhan 扩展|to extend/to expand/extension/expansion kuozhanchengxu 扩展程序|(computing) extension (for a software... kuozhang 扩张|expansion/dilation/to expand (e.g. on... kuozhanming 扩展名|(file) extension (computing) kuozhanwu 扩展坞|docking station kuozuiyu 阔嘴鹬|(bird species of China) broad-billed ... kupai 酷派|Coolpad Group Ltd, Chinese company kupeng 酷碰|(loanword) coupon kupengquan 酷碰券|(loanword) coupon kupodai 库珀带|the Kuiper belt (in the outer reaches... kuqi 哭泣|to weep kuqiang 哭腔|sobbing tone/sob/dirge/opera tune por... kuqiang 哭墙|Wailing Wall, or Western Wall (Jerusa... kuqing 苦情|wretched situation/plight/wretched/mi... kuqiong 哭穷|to bewail one\'s poverty/to complain a... kuqiufeng 哭秋风|autumnal sadness kuqu 苦趣|wretched feelings (opposite: 樂趣|乐趣, d... kuqun 裤裙|culottes/pantskirt kure 酷热|torrid heat kurizi 苦日子|hard times kurouji 苦肉计|the trick of injuring oneself to gain... kusang 哭丧|to wail at a funeral/formal wailing w... kusangbang 哭丧棒|mourning staff draped in white, held ... kusanglian 哭丧脸|long face; miserable look kusangzhelian 哭丧着脸|to pull a long face/to wear a mournfu... kuse 苦涩|bitter and astringent/pained/agonized kushen 苦参|liquorice (Sophora flavescens), with ... kusheng 哭声|sound of weeping kushengzhentian 哭声震天|(idiom) the cries of grief shake the ... kushi 苦事|hard job/arduous task kushu 酷暑|intense heat/extremely hot weather kushui 苦水|bitter water (e.g. mineral water cont... kushui 枯水|scarce water/low water level kushuiqi 枯水期|period of low water level (winter in ... kusi 酷似|to strikingly resemble kusi 苦思|to think hard/bitter thoughts/to pour... kusi-mingxiang 苦思冥想|(idiom) to think deeply; to rack one\'... kusila 酷斯拉|Godzilla (Japanese ゴジラ Gojira)/see al... kusu 哭诉|to lament/to complain tearfully/to wa... kutianmolei 哭天抹泪|to wail and whine/piteous weeping kutong 苦痛|pain/suffering kutou 苦头|sufferings kutou 裤头|(dialect) underpants/(swimming) trunks kutui 裤腿|trouser leg kutun 窟臀|buttocks (dialect) kuwa 裤袜|pantyhose/tights kuwei 苦味|bitter taste/bitterness kuwei 枯萎|to wilt/to wither/wilted/withered/dra... kuweibing 枯萎病|blight kuxiao 苦笑|to force a smile/a bitter laugh kuxiao 酷肖|to strikingly resemble kuxiaobude 哭笑不得|lit. not to know whether to laugh or ... kuxin 苦心|painstaking effort/to take a lot of t... kuxing 酷刑|cruelty; torture kuxing 苦行|ascetic practice kuxing 苦刑|torture/corporal punishment (traditio... kuxingrengan 苦杏仁苷|amygdalin kuxingseng 苦行僧|ascetic monk kuxingshuzui 苦行赎罪|penance (to atone for a sin) kuxinguyi 苦心孤诣|to make painstaking efforts (idiom); ... kuxingzhemo 酷刑折磨|torture and cruel treatment kuxinjingying 苦心经营|to build up an enterprise through pai... kuxiu 枯朽|withered and rotten kuxuan 酷炫|(slang) cool; awesome kuyao 裤腰|waist of trousers/waistband kuyao 苦窑|(slang) prison kuyaodai 裤腰带|waistband kuye 枯叶|dead leaf; withered leaf kuyedao 库页岛|Sakhalin kuyedaoliuying 库页岛柳莺|(bird species of China) Sakhalin leaf... kuyeji 枯叶剂|Agent Orange (herbicide) kuyi 苦役|forced labor/corvée/penal servitude kuyin 苦因|affliction kuyu 苦于|to suffer from (a disadvantage) kuzao 枯燥|dry and dull; uninteresting; tedious kuzaowuwei 枯燥无味|tedious/dreary kuzhan 苦战|bitter struggle/hard battle/arduous e... kuzhi 苦蘵|cutleaf ground-cherry/Physalis angulata kuzhong 苦衷|secret trouble/sorrow/difficulties kuzhongzuole 苦中作乐|to find joy in sorrows (idiom); to en... kuzhu 苦主|victim\'s family (esp. in murder case) kuzhu 苦竹|bitter bamboo (Pleioblastus amarus) kuzhuang 裤装|pants (trousers, shorts etc)/(Tw) pan... kuzi 裤子|variant of 褲子|裤子, trousers/pants kuzi 裤子|trousers/pants/CL:條|条[tiao2] kxian K线|candlestick (in a candlestick chart) kxiantu K线图|candlestick chart kzai K仔|ketamine (slang) la 拉|to pull/to play (a bowed instrument)/... la 拉|used in 拉拉蛄[la4la4gu3]/variant of 落[la4] la 落|to leave out/to be missing/to leave b... la 啦|(onom.) sound of singing, cheering et... la 啦|sentence-final particle, contraction ... la 辣|old variant of 辣[la4] la 辣|hot (spicy)/pungent/(of chili pepper,... la 喇|(onom.) sound of wind, rain etc la 喇|(phonetic) la 蜡|candle/wax la 剌|to slash la 剌|perverse/unreasonable/absurd la 腊|old variant of 臘|腊[la4] la 腊|ancient practice of offering sacrific... la 垃|used in 垃圾[la1 ji1]/Taiwan pr. [le4] la 鞡|leg warmer la 邋|used in 邋遢[la1ta5] la 攋|to destroy/to rip/to tear open la 砬|a huge boulder/a towering rock la 蝲|used in 蝲蛄[la4 gu3]/used in 蝲蝲蛄[la4 l... la 揦|old variant of 攋[la4] la 旯|used in 旮旯[ga1 la2] la 镴|solder/tin la 楋|(archaic) species of tree mentioned i... la 磖|old variant of 砬[la2] la 鬎|bald/scabby la 蝋|Japanese variant of 蠟|蜡[la4] la 䗶|old variant of 蠟|蜡[la4] la 瘌|scabies/scald-head laba 喇叭|horn (automobile etc)/loudspeaker/bra... lababa 拉㞎㞎|to poo-poo (kiddie talk) labahua 喇叭花|morning glory labaibutiao 拉白布条|to hold up a white banner (i.e. to pr... labajie 腊八节|Laba rice porridge festival, on the 8... labaku 喇叭裤|flared trousers/bell-bottomed pants labaoer 拉包尔|Rabaul, port city and capital of New ... labaqun 喇叭裙|flared skirt labashuixian 喇叭水仙|daffodil labasi 拉巴斯|La Paz, administrative capital of Bol... labate 拉巴特|Rabat, capital of Morocco labaxing 喇叭形|flared; funnel-shape; trumpet-shape labazhou 腊八粥|Laba congee, ceremonial rice porridge... labi 蜡笔|crayon labi 拉比|rabbi (loanword) labi 辣彼|rabbi (loanword) labixiaoxin 蜡笔小新|Crayon Shin-chan (クレヨンしんちゃん), Japanes... labo 镴箔|thin foil to make paper money for the... labu 拉布|(Hong Kong) to filibuster labuchushilaiyuanmaofang 拉不出屎来怨茅房|lit. to blame the toilet because one ... labuladuo 拉布拉多|Labrador, Canada/Labrador (a breed of... labulengsi 拉卜楞寺|Labrang Monastery, Tibetan: bLa-brang... lacha 拉碴|(of beard etc) stubbly/scraggly/unkempt lacha 拉茶|teh tarik, an Indian-style tea with milk lachang 拉长|to lengthen/to pull sth out longer lachang 腊肠|sausage lachanglian 拉长脸|to pull a long face/to scowl lachangzi 拉场子|(of a performer) to put on a show at ... lache 拉扯|to drag/to pull/to raise a child (thr... lacheda 拉扯大|(coll.) to bring up/to rear/to raise lachong 蜡虫|Chinese white wax bug (Ericerus pela) ladabian 拉大便|to poop/to defecate ladake 拉达克|Ladakh, the eastern part of Jammu and... ladao 拉倒|to pull down/(coll.) to let it go; to... ladaqizuohupi 拉大旗作虎皮|lit. to wave a banner as if it were a... ladatiao 拉大条|to defecate (slang) lade 拉德|rad (unit of absorbed dose of ionizin... ladeng 拉登|(Osama) bin Laden (1957-2011), leader... ladike 拉狄克|Karl Berngardovich Radek (1885-1939),... lading 拉丁|Latin/(in former times) to press-gang... ladingfangkuai 拉丁方块|Latin square (math. puzzle) ladinghua 拉丁化|romanization ladingmeizhou 拉丁美洲|Latin America ladingwen 拉丁文|Latin (language) ladingwenzi 拉丁文字|the alphabet/latin letters ladingwu 拉丁舞|Latin dance ladingyu 拉丁语|Latin (language) ladingzimu 拉丁字母|Latin alphabet ladong 拉动|to pull/(fig.) to stimulate (economic... ladoujiang 辣豆酱|chili con carne ladun 拉顿|Rodan (Japanese ラドン Radon), Japanese ... laduzi 拉肚子|(coll.) to have diarrhea laerfu 拉尔夫|Ralph (name) laerweike 拉尔维克|Larvik (city in Vestfold, Norway) lafage 拉法格|Lafargue (name)/Paul Lafargue (1842-1... lafahe 拉法赫|Rafah, city in Palestine lafalan 拉法兰|Raffarin, prime minister of France un... lafeicao 拉菲草|raffia (loanword) lafeier 拉斐尔|Raphael lafeite 拉斐特|Lafayette lafeng 拉风|trendy; eye-catching; flashy lafu 拉夫|to force into service/press-gang lafubao 拉夫堡|Loughborough, English city lafubaodaxue 拉夫堡大学|Loughborough University lafuluofu 拉夫罗夫|Lavrov (name)/Sergey Viktorovich Lavr... lafusangjiani 拉夫桑贾尼|Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani lagaier 拉盖尔|Laguerre (name)/Edmond Laguerre (1834... lagan 拉杆|tension bar lagang 拉冈|Lacan (psychoanalyst) laganxiang 拉杆箱|rolling suitcase lagao 拉高|to pull up lagebi 拉格比|Rugby (game)/Rugby school in England lagelangri 拉格朗日|Lagrange (name)/Joseph-Louis Lagrange... lagen 辣根|horseradish lageshou 拉个手|to hold hands lagesi 拉各斯|Lagos (Nigerian city) lagou 拉钩|pinky swear lagour 拉勾儿|to cross little fingers (between chil... lagu 蝲蛄|freshwater crayfish (Procambarus clar... lagua 啦呱|variant of 拉呱[la1 gua5] lagua 拉呱|(dialect) to chat/to gossip laguan 拉管|trombone laguanxi 拉关系|to seek contact with sb for one\'s own... lahabu 辣哈布|Rahab (name) lahe 喇合|Rahab (mother of Boaz) laheer 拉合尔|Lahore (city in Pakistan) lahei 拉黑|to add sb to one\'s blacklist (on a ce... lahemanninuofu 拉赫曼尼诺夫|Rachmaninoff or Rachmaninov (name)/Se... lahougour 拉后钩儿|(dialect) to leave unfinished business lahua 拉话|(dialect) to chat lahuan 拉环|pull tab (on a drink can)/strap handl... lahujiao 辣胡椒|hot pepper lahuo 拉活|(northern dialect) to pick up a fare ... lahuzu 拉祜族|Lahu ethnic group of Yunnan lai 来|to come/(used as a substitute for a m... lai 莱|name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoo... lai 赖|surname Lai/(Tw) (coll.) LINE messagi... lai 赖|to depend on/to hang on in a place/ba... lai 赖|variant of 賴|赖[lai4] lai 铼|rhenium (chemistry) lai 涞|brook/ripple lai 癞|scabies/skin disease lai 籁|a sound/a noise/musical pipe with 3 r... lai 藾|(fragrant labiate plant) lai 濑|name of a river/rushing of water lai 睐|to glance/to look askance at lai 赉|to bestow/to confer lai 徕|used in 招徠|招徕[zhao1 lai2] lai 崃|name of a mountain in Sichuan lai 唻|(modal particle similar to 呢[ne5] or ... lai 梾|used in 棶木|梾木[lai2 mu4] lai 騋|mare lai 瀬|Japanese variant of 瀨|濑 lai 郲|name of a country in Spring and Autum... lai 箂|(bamboo) lai 𡥧|last lai 𱇭|see 鰣魚|鲥鱼[shi2yu2] lai 𱉵|used in 鶆䴈|𱉵𬸩[lai2ao3] laian 来安|Lai\'an, a county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2zh... laian 赖安|Ryan (name) laiangnaduo 莱昂纳多|Leonardo (name) laiansuan 赖氨酸|lysine (Lys), an essential amino acid laianxian 来安县|Lai\'an, a county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2zh... laiao 𱉵𬸩|rhea (bird of genus Rhea) laibin 来宾|Laibin prefecture-level city in Guangxi laibin 来宾|guest/visitor laibinshi 来宾市|Laibin prefecture-level city in Guangxi laibiruiya 赖比瑞亚|Liberia (Tw) laibixi 莱比锡|Leipzig, city in the state of Saxony,... laibude 来不得|cannot allow (to be present)/cannot a... laibuji 来不及|there\'s not enough time (to do sth)/i... laibunici 莱布尼茨|Leibniz (name)/Gottfriend Wilhelm von... laibunizi 莱布尼兹|Leibnitz (name)/Gottfriend Wilhelm vo... laichangxing 赖昌星|Lai Changxing (1958-), notorious Xiam... laichao 来潮|(of water) to rise/rising tide/(of wo... laicheng 莱城|Lae, second-largest city in Papua New... laichuang 赖床|to have a lie-in/to dawdle in bed laichuang 癞疮|favus (skin disease) laidao 来到|to arrive; to come laide 来得|to emerge (from a comparison)/to come... laidebei 莱德杯|Ryder Cup (US and Europe golf team co... laideji 来得及|to have enough time; can do it in tim... laidezaoburulaideqiao 来得早不如来得巧|arriving early can\'t beat coming at t... laidian 来电|incoming telephone call (or telegram)... laidiandaling 来电答铃|(Tw) ringback tone (heard by the orig... laidianxianshi 来电显示|caller ID laidun 莱顿|Leiden (the Netherlands) laidundaxue 莱顿大学|University of Leiden laien 莱恩|(name) Ryan laierbuwangfeiliye 来而不往非礼也|not to reciprocate is against etiquet... laifan 来犯|to invade one\'s territory laifang 来访|to pay a visit laifangzhe 来访者|visitor/(psychological counseling) cl... laifeng 来凤|Laifeng County in Enshi Tujia and Mia... laifengxian 来凤县|Laifeng County in Enshi Tujia and Mia... laifoshi 莱佛士|surname Raffles/Stamford Raffles (178... laifu 莱菔|radish laifuqiang 来复枪|rifle (loanword)/also written 來福槍|来福枪 laifuqiang 来福枪|rifle (loanword)/also written 來復槍|来复枪 laifuxian 来复线|rifling (spiral lines on inside of gu... laifuxian 来福线|rifling (helical grooves inside the b... laifuzi 莱菔子|radish seed (used in TCM to treat ind... laigang 来港|to come to Hong Kong laihama 癞蛤蟆|toad laihamaxiangchitianerou 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉|lit. the toad wants to eat swan meat ... laihan 来函|incoming letter/letter from afar/same... laihong 来鸿|incoming letter (literary) laihongquyan 来鸿去燕|lit. the goose comes, the swallow goe... laihua 来华|to come to China laihui 来回|to make a round trip/return journey/b... laihuilaiqu 来回来去|repeatedly/back and forth again and a... laihun 赖婚|to go back on a marriage contract/to ... laihuo 来火|to get angry laihuor 来火儿|to get angry laijiang 来讲|as to/considering/for laijin 来劲|(dialect) to be full of zeal/high-spi... laika 莱卡|Leica camera/Lycra (fiber or fabric) laike 来客|guest laikeduobaan 莱克多巴胺|(organic chemistry) ractopamine (loan... laili 来历|history/antecedents/origin lailian 赖脸|to be shameless lailibuming 来历不明|(idiom) of unknown origin; of dubious... lailida 莱里达|Lérida or Lleida, Spain lailin 来临|to approach; to come closer lailongqumai 来龙去脉|lit. the rise and fall of the terrain... lailu 来路|incoming road/origin/past history lailubuming 来路不明|unidentified origin/no-one knows wher... laim 来M|(coll.) (of women) to get one\'s period laimaidan 莱麦丹|Ramadan (loanword) laimu 莱姆|lime (loanword) laimu 梾木|large-leaved dogwood (Cornus macrophy... laimubing 莱姆病|Lyme disease laimujiu 莱姆酒|see 朗姆酒[lang3 mu3 jiu3] lainian 来年|next year/the coming year laipi 赖皮|shameless/(slang) rascal laipibing 癞皮病|pellagra/scabies laipigou 癞皮狗|mangy dog/(fig.) loathsome person laiqie 莱切|Lecce (city in Italy) laiqingde 赖清德|William Lai Ching-te (1959-), Taiwane... laiqiyesanshi 莱齐耶三世|Letsie III of Lesotho laiquwuzong 来去无踪|come without a shadow, leave without ... lairi 来日|future days/(literary) the next day/(... lairifangchang 来日方长|the future is long (idiom); there wil... laisaier 莱赛尔|lyocell (textiles) (loanword) laishan 莱山|Laishan district of Yantai city 煙台市|烟... laishanqu 莱山区|Laishan district of Yantai city 煙台市|烟... laishen 来神|to become spirited laisheng 来生|next life laishengchuan 赖声川|Lai Shengchuan (1954-), US-Taiwanese ... laishi 来世|afterlife/next life laishi 来势|momentum of sth approaching laishi 来示|(polite) your letter laishui 涞水|Laishui county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 din... laishuixian 涞水县|Laishui county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 din... laisi 赖斯|Rice (name)/Condoleezza Rice (1954-) ... laisidaxue 莱斯大学|Rice University (Houston, Texas) laisite 莱斯特|Lester or Leicester (name)/Leicester,... laisitejun 莱斯特郡|Leicestershire, English county laisiwosidao 莱斯沃斯岛|Lesbos (Greek island in the Aegean Se... laisuotuo 莱索托|Lesotho laisuotuo 赖索托|Lesotho (Tw) laisutang 来苏糖|lyxose (type of sugar) laitai 来台|to visit Taiwan (esp. from PRC) laite 莱特|Wright (surname) laite 赖特|Wright (name) laitebi 莱特币|Litecoin (cryptocurrency) laitou 来头|cause/reason/interest/influence laiwang 来往|to come and go/to have dealings with/... laiwangeer 莱旺厄尔|Levanger (city in Trøndelag, Norway) laiwen 来文|received document/sent document laiwensiji 莱温斯基|Monica Lewinsky (1973-), former White... laiwu 莱芜|field with dense growth of wild weeds laiwuying,quwuzong 来无影,去无踪|lit. come without a shadow, leave wit... laixi 来袭|to invade/(of a storm etc) to strike/... laixi 莱西|Laixi, county-level city in Qingdao 青... laixiang 来项|income laixiaozu 赖校族|campus dwellers (slang)/graduates who... laixin 来信|incoming letter/to send us a letter laixishi 莱西市|Laixi, county-level city in Qingdao 青... laiyang 莱阳|Laiyang, county-level city in Yantai ... laiyangshi 莱阳市|Laiyang, county-level city in Yantai ... laiyi 来意|one\'s purpose in coming laiyi 来义|Laiyi township in Pingtung County 屏東縣... laiyi 赖以|to rely on/to depend on laiyier 莱伊尔|Lyell (name)/Sir Charles Lyell (1797-... laiyingde 来硬的|to get tough/to use force laiyinhe 莱茵河|Rhine River laiyixiang 来义乡|Laii township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|... laiyou 来由|reason; cause laiyuan 来源|source (of information etc)/origin laiyuan 涞源|Laiyuan county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 din... laiyuanxian 涞源县|Laiyuan county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 din... laiyuanyu 来源于|to originate in laizhang 赖账|to renege on a debt laizhao 来朝|(literary) tomorrow (morning) laizhe 来着|auxiliary showing sth happened in the... laizhebuju 来者不拒|to refuse nobody (idiom)/all comers w... laizhebushan,shanzhebulai 来者不善,善者不来|He who comes is surely ill-intentione... laizhou 莱州|Laizhou, county-level city in Yantai ... laizhoushi 莱州市|Laizhou, county-level city in Yantai ... laizhu 莱猪|(Tw) (neologism) pork containing ract... laizi 来自|to come from (a place)/From: (in emai... laizongquji 来踪去迹|the traces of a person\'s movements/(f... laji 垃圾|trash/refuse/garbage/(coll.) of poor ... laji 喇舌|(Tw) French kissing; to waggle one\'s ... laji 拉圾|erroneous variant of 垃圾[la1ji1] laji 辣鸡|spicy chicken/(Internet slang) garbag... lajia 拉架|to try to stop a fight/to intervene i... lajiachang 拉家常|to talk or chat about ordinary daily ... lajiadaikou 拉家带口|to bear the burden of a household (id... lajiangyou 辣酱油|Worcestershire sauce lajiao 辣椒|hot pepper/chili lajiaojiang 辣椒酱|red pepper paste/chili sauce lajiaoqing 拉交情|to try to form friendly ties with sb ... lajiaozai 辣椒仔|Tabasco (brand) lajiasitanbang 拉贾斯坦邦|Rajasthan (state in India) lajiche 垃圾车|garbage truck (or other vehicle) lajidianyou 垃圾电邮|see 垃圾郵件|垃圾邮件[la1 ji1 you2 jian4] lajidui 垃圾堆|garbage heap lajigong 垃圾工|garbage collector lajigu 垃圾股|junk bonds/high-yield bonds lajin 拉近|to pull sb close to oneself/(fig.) (t... lajin 拉筋|stretching (exercise) lajin 拉紧|to pull tight/tensioning lajinjuli 拉近距离|to bring (people) closer together lajishipin 垃圾食品|junk food lajitong 垃圾桶|rubbish bin/trash can/garbage can/Tai... lajitong 垃圾筒|trashcan lajixiang 垃圾箱|rubbish can/garbage can/trash can lajiyoujian 垃圾邮件|junk mail/spam/unsolicited mail laju 拉锯|a two-man saw/fig. to-and-fro between... laju 蜡炬|(literary) candle lajuzhan 拉锯战|to-and-fro tussle/closely-fought contest lak 拉K|(slang) to take ketamine lakai 拉开|to pull open/to pull apart/to space o... lakaijiashi 拉开架势|to assume a fighting stance/(fig.) to... lakaixumu 拉开序幕|(fig.) to raise the curtain/to lift t... lake 拉客|to solicit (guests, clients, passenge... lake 腊克|lacquer (loanword) lakeluniya 拉科鲁尼亚|La Coruña or A Coruña (city in Galici... laketichun 拉克替醇|lactitol, a sugar alcohol lakong 落空|to omit; to neglect (to do sth)/to mi... lakuila 拉奎拉|L\'Aquila, Italy lala 拉拉|Lala, Philippines lala 拉拉|lesbian (Internet slang)/Labrador ret... lalacheche 拉拉扯扯|to tug at/to pull at sb aggressively/... laladui 啦啦队|cheerleading squad laladui 拉拉队|cheerleading squad/also written 啦啦隊|啦啦队 laladuizhang 啦啦队长|cheerleader lalagu 拉拉蛄|variant of 蝲蝲蛄[la4la4gu3] lalagu 蝲蝲蛄|mole cricket lali 拉力|pulling force/(fig.) allure/(material... lali 拉里|lari (currency of Georgia) (loanword) lalian 拉链|zipper lalian 拉练|(military) to undergo field training ... laliandai 拉链袋|resealable bag; ziplock bag/bag with ... laliao 蜡疗|wax therapy (used to treat arthritis ... lalilata 邋里邋遢|messy/slovenly/unkempt laliqi 拉力器|chest expander (exercise equipment) lalisai 拉力赛|rally (car race) (loanword) lalong 拉拢|to rope in/fig. to involve sb/to entice lalu 拉鲁|Lhalu, Tibetan name and place name/Lh... lalushidiguojiaziranbaohuqu 拉鲁湿地国家自然保护区|Lhalu Wetland National Nature Reserve... lama 喇嘛|lama, spiritual teacher in Tibetan Bu... lama 辣妈|(coll.) hot mom lamadan 拉马丹|Ramadan (loanword) lamajiao 喇嘛教|Lamaism/Tibetan Buddhism lamamiao 喇嘛庙|lamasery/temple of Tibetan Buddhism laman 拉满|to max out; (of a feeling, atmosphere... lamaoqiang 拉铆枪|see 鉚釘槍|铆钉枪[mao3 ding1 qiang1] lamategan 拉马特甘|Ramat Gan, city in Israel, location o... lamei 拉美|Latin America/abbr. for 拉丁美洲 lamei 腊梅|wintersweet/Japanese allspice/Chimona... lamei 蜡梅|variant of 臘梅|腊梅[la4 mei2] lamei 辣妹|Spice Girls (1990s UK pop group) lamei 辣妹|hot chick/sexy girl/abbr. LM lameixisi 拉美西斯|Rameses (name of pharaoh) lameizi 辣妹子|sassy young woman or pretty girl (esp... lamian 拉面|pulled noodles/ramen lamifuding 拉米夫定|Lamivudine, reverse transcriptase inh... lamo 拉磨|(of a donkey etc) to turn a millstone... lamosi 拉莫斯|(Philippine President Fidel) Ramos lamuanla 拉姆安拉|Ramallah lan 蓝|surname Lan lan 蓝|blue/indigo plant lan 兰|surname Lan/abbr. for Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[L... lan 兰|orchid (蘭花|兰花 Cymbidium goeringii)/fr... lan 栏|fence/railing/hurdle/column or box (o... lan 阑|railing/balustrade/door-screen/exhaus... lan 澜|swelling water lan 岚|(bound form) mountain mist lan 览|to look at/to view/to read lan 篮|basket (receptacle)/basket (in basket... lan 覧|Japanese variant of 覽|览 lan 拦|to block sb\'s path/to obstruct/to fla... lan 烂|soft; mushy/well-cooked and soft/to r... lan 榄|(bound form) olive lan 滥|overflowing/excessive/indiscriminate lan 懒|variant of 懶|懒[lan3] lan 懒|lazy lan 揽|to monopolize; to seize/to take into ... lan 镧|lanthanum (chemistry) lan 婪|avaricious lan 婪|old variant of 婪[lan2] lan 襽|old variant of 襴|襕[lan2]/brocade lan 缆|cable/hawser/to moor lan 孏|old variant of 懶|懒[lan3] lan 谰|to make a false charge lan 孄|old variant of 懶|懒[lan3] lan 籣|bow case/quiver lan 擥|variant of 攬|揽[lan3] lan 襕|full length gown (old) lan 褴|used in 襤褸|褴褛[lan2lu:3] lan 罱|a kind of tool used to dredge up fish... lan 漤|to soak (fruits) in hot water or lime... lan 爤|old variant of 爛|烂[lan4] lan 灠|variant of 漤[lan3] lan 灠|variant of 濫|滥[lan4] lan 燗|old variant of 爛|烂[lan4] lan 㨫|variant of 擥[lan3] lan 𪢌|used in 㘓哰|𪢌哰[lan2lao2] lan 𪢠|used in 囒噸|𪢠吨[Lan2dun1]/variant of 讕|... lan 𡒄|disappointed lan 斓|used in 斑斕|斑斓[ban1lan2] lan 𨅬|to pass/to step over/to creep/to twin... lanaitongfen 兰艾同焚|lit. to burn both fragrant orchids an... lanaka 拉纳卡|Larnaca (city in Cyprus)/Larnaka lanalie 拉那烈|Prince Norodom Ranariddh (1944-), Cam... lanban 篮板|backboard lanbanfa 懒办法|to loaf about/lazy/to hang around (an... lanbanqiu 篮板球|rebound (basketball) lanbaoshi 蓝宝石|sapphire lanbasedong 蓝八色鸫|(bird species of China) blue pitta (H... lanbeibasedong 蓝背八色鸫|(bird species of China) blue-rumped p... lanben 蓝本|blueprint/source material on which la... lanbojini 兰博基尼|Lamborghini (Italian car manufacturer) lancangjiang 澜沧江|Lancang River of Qinghai and Yunnan, ... lancanglahuzuzizhixian 澜沧拉祜族自治县|Lancang Lahuzu Autonomous County in P... lancangxian 澜沧县|Lancang Lahuzu autonomous county in P... lancaomei 蓝草莓|blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) lanchao 揽炒|(Hong Kong) to seek mutual destruction lanche 缆车|cable car lanche 拦车|to thumb a lift/to hitchhike lanchibaseniao 蓝翅八色鸟|(bird species of China) blue-winged p... lanchiximei 蓝翅希鹛|(bird species of China) blue-winged m... lanchiyebei 蓝翅叶鹎|(bird species of China) Javan leafbir... lanchizaomei 蓝翅噪鹛|(bird species of China) blue-winged l... lanchong 懒虫|(coll.) lazybones lanchougu 蓝筹股|blue chip stock lanchu 阑出|to leave impulsively/to send out (mer... lancuiyuzhe 兰摧玉折|premature death of a budding talent/t... landachiqu 蓝大翅鸲|(bird species of China) grandala (Gra... landai 懒怠|lazy landan 懒蛋|idler/sluggard landan 阑殚|tired and exhausted lande 懒得|to not feel like (doing sth); to be d... landedali 懒得搭理|not wishing to acknowledge sb/unwilli... landian 蓝靛|indigo landiao 蓝调|blues (music) landiao 滥调|hackneyed talk/platitude landiao 谰调|slander/calumny/to accuse unjustly landingjiao 蓝丁胶|Blu-tack (brand) landisi 兰迪斯|Landis (name) landuanchidong 蓝短翅鸫|(bird species of China) white-browed ... landun 𪢠吨|(old) London (now written 倫敦|伦敦[Lun2d... landuo 懒惰|idle/lazy lanechangjiaodiqu 蓝额长脚地鸲|(bird species of China) blue-fronted ... lanehongweiqu 蓝额红尾鸲|(bird species of China) blue-fronted ... lanerbing 蓝耳病|porcine reproductive and respiratory ... lanercuiniao 蓝耳翠鸟|(bird species of China) blue-eared ki... lanernizhuomuniao 蓝耳拟啄木鸟|(bird species of China) blue-eared ba... lanfa 滥伐|to denude/illegal logging/forest clea... lanfeicui 蓝翡翠|(bird species of China) black-capped ... lanfeng 阑风|continuous blowing of the wind lanfumu 蓝肤木|sumac (Rhus coriaria), east Mediterra... lang 朗|clear/bright lang 狼|wolf/CL:匹[pi3],隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tiao2] lang 琅|jade-like stone/clean and white/tinkl... lang 琅|used in 瑯琊|琅琊[Lang2 ya2] lang 琅|(gem)/tinkling of pendants lang 郎|surname Lang lang 郎|(arch.) minister/official/noun prefix... lang 榔|tall tree (archaic) lang 桹|(palm) lang 浪|wave/breaker/unrestrained/dissipated/... lang 塱|raised bank/mud wall lang 啷|used in 啷當|啷当[lang1 dang1]/used in on... lang 崀|used in place names lang 埌|wasteland/wild lang 郞|surname Lang (variant of 郎[Lang2]) lang 郞|variant of 郎[lang2] lang 嫏|used in 嫏嬛[Lang2huan2] lang 莨|Scopalia japonica maxin lang 烺|blaze/light lang 阆|used in 閌閬|闶阆[kang1 lang2] lang 阆|(literary) vast; spacious/(literary) ... lang 螂|variant of 螂[lang2] lang 螂|used in 螞螂|蚂螂[ma1lang2]/used in 蜣螂[qi... lang 蒗|(herb)/place name lang 筤|young bamboo lang 㫰|(dialect) to dry (sth) in the sun; to... lang 稂|grass/weeds lang 锒|chain/ornament lang 廊|corridor/veranda/porch lang 𨱍|large hammer langan 栏杆|railing/banister langan 阑干|(literary) crisscross/uneven/disorder... langao 岚皋|Langao County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1]... langaoxian 岚皋县|Langao County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1]... langbei 狼狈|in a difficult situation/to cut a sor... langbeibukan 狼狈不堪|battered and exhausted/stuck in a dil... langbeiweijian 狼狈为奸|villains collude together (idiom); to... langbenshitu 狼奔豕突|the wolf runs and the wild boar rushe... langcainvmao 郎才女貌|talented man and beautiful woman/idea... langchao 浪潮|wave/tides langchuan 浪船|swingboat langchuang 狼疮|lupus (skin disease) langdang 浪荡|to loiter/to hang around/dissolute/li... langdang 莨菪|black henbane langdang 锒铛|iron chains/shackles/(onom.) clank langdang 啷当|(of age) more or less; or so/and so on langdangruyu 锒铛入狱|lit. to get shackled and thrown in ja... langdexuming 浪得虚名|to have an undeserved reputation (idiom) langdu 朗读|to read aloud langduoroushao 狼多肉少|many wolves and not enough meat/not e... langeng 烂梗|lame joke langequ 蓝歌鸲|(bird species of China) Siberian blue... langfang 廊坊|see 廊坊市[Lang2fang2 Shi4] langfangshi 廊坊市|Langfang, prefecture-level city in He... langfei 浪费|to waste/to squander langfeijinqian 浪费金钱|to squander money/to spend extravagantly langfeizhe 浪费者|waster/wastrel/squanderer langfeng 阆风|Langfeng Mountain/same as Langyuan 閬苑... langfengdian 阆风巅|Langfeng Mountain/same as Langyuan 閬苑... langfengshan 阆凤山|Langfeng Mountain/same as Langyuan 閬苑... langgou 狼狗|wolfdog langgu 浪谷|trough of a wave/(fig.) low point; lo... langgu 狼顾|to look over one\'s shoulder constantl... langhai 狼孩|wolf child/human child raised by wolv... langhao 狼毫|writing brush of weasel bristle langhao 狼嗥|wolves howling/(fig.) to howl/to ululate langhaoguiku 狼号鬼哭|lit. wolves howling, devils groaning ... langhua 浪花|spray/ocean spray/spindrift/fig. happ... langhuan 狼獾|wolverine (Gulo gulo), also named 貂熊[... langhuan 嫏嬛|mythical place where the Celestial Em... langhuan 琅嬛|mythical fairy realm langji 浪迹|to roam about/to wander without a home langji 狼藉|in a mess/scattered about/in complete... langji 狼籍|variant of 狼藉[lang2 ji2] langjijianghu 浪迹江湖|to roam far and wide/to drift with th... langjing 狼井|wolf trap (trou de loup), medieval de... langjitianya 浪迹天涯|to roam far and wide (idiom)/to trave... langjiu 廊酒|Benedictine (liquor) langjun 郎君|my husband and master (archaic)/playb... langkang 榔槺|cumbersome/awkward and clumsy langkenxunhuan 郎肯循环|Rankine cycle (engineering) langlang 郎朗|Lang Lang (1982-), Chinese concert pi... langlangshangkou 朗朗上口|to flow right off the tongue (of lyri... langman 浪漫|romantic langmang 浪莽|vast langmanzhuyi 浪漫主义|romanticism langmao 郎猫|(coll.) tomcat langmiao 廊庙|imperial court langmu 朗姆|rum (beverage) (loanword) langmujiu 朗姆酒|rum (loanword) langnv 浪女|loose woman langping 郎平|Jenny Lang Ping (1960-), Chinese form... langpu 狼仆|(old) henchman langqiao 廊桥|covered bridge/(aviation) passenger b... langren 狼人|werewolf langren 浪人|vagrant/unemployed person/rōnin (wand... langshi 浪蚀|wave erosion langshining 郎世宁|Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766), Jes... langsong 朗诵|to read aloud with expression/to reci... langtao 浪涛|ocean wave/billows langtou 榔头|hammer/large hammer/sledgehammer langtou 浪头|wave langtou 狼头|variant of 榔頭|榔头[lang2 tou5] langtunhuyan 狼吞虎咽|to wolf down one\'s food (idiom); to d... langtuteng 狼图腾|Wolf Totem, novel by Lü Jiamin 呂嘉民|吕嘉... langu 览古|to visit historic sites languang 蓝光|Blu-ray (disc format) languangguangpan 蓝光光盘|Blu-ray disk, Sony high definition DV... langui 懒鬼|lazybones/idle bum langui 栏柜|variant of 攔櫃|拦柜[lan2 gui4] langui 拦柜|sales counter/inquiry desk langui 兰闺|a lady\'s room (honorific) langutou 懒骨头|lazybones/beanbag langweili 琅威理|Captain William M Lang (1843-), Briti... langwen 朗文|Longman (name) langwu 廊庑|portico/stoa/colonnade langxi 郎溪|Langxi, a county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan... langxingoufei 狼心狗肺|lit. heart of wolf and lungs of dog (... langxixian 郎溪县|Langxi, a county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan... langya 琅琊|Langya, a district in Chuzhou City 滁州... langyan 狼烟|smoke signal indicating the presence ... langyansiqi 狼烟四起|fire beacons on all sides (idiom); en... langyaqu 琅琊区|Langya, a district in Chuzhou City 滁州... langyashan 狼牙山|Mount Langya in Hebei langyashan 琅琊山|Mt Langya in eastern Anhui Province langyin 朗吟|to recite in a loud, clear voice langyong 浪涌|(electrical) surge langyu 榔榆|Chinese or lacebark elm (Ulmus parvif... langyuan 阆苑|Langyuan paradise, home of the immort... langzai 狼崽|wolf cub langzhao 朗照|to shine brightly/(fig.) to perceive ... langzhiwan 郎之万|Langevin (name) langzhong 阆中|Langzhong, county-level city in Nanch... langzhong 郎中|doctor (Chinese medicine)/ancient off... langzhongshi 阆中市|Langzhong, county-level city in Nanch... langzhu 狼蛛|wolf spider langzi 浪子|loafer; wastrel; prodigal son langzihuitou 浪子回头|the return of a prodigal son (idiom) langzihuitoujinbuhuan 浪子回头金不换|a prodigal son returned home is worth... langziyexin 狼子野心|ambition of wild wolves (idiom); rapa... lanhai 蓝海|(neologism) an unexplored, as yet unc... lanhan 懒汉|idle fellow/lazybones lanhaoren 滥好人|sb who tries to be on good terms with... lanhaoren 烂好人|sb who tries to be on good terms with... lanheba 拦河坝|a dam across a river lanhoufenghu 蓝喉蜂虎|(bird species of China) blue-throated... lanhougequ 蓝喉歌鸲|(bird species of China) bluethroat (L... lanhounizhuomuniao 蓝喉拟啄木鸟|(bird species of China) blue-throated... lanhoutaiyangniao 蓝喉太阳鸟|(bird species of China) Mrs. Gould\'s ... lanhouxianweng 蓝喉仙鹟|(bird species of China) blue-throated... lanhu 烂糊|overripe/overcooked lanhua 兰花|cymbidium/orchid lanhuazhi 兰花指|hand gesture in traditional dances (j... lanina 拉尼娜|La Niña, equatorial climatic variatio... laniya 拉尼娅|Rania (name) lanjia 栏架|hurdle lanjian 阑槛|railing/fence/banisters lanjian 拦检|(of police etc) to stop (sb) for insp... lanjiao 滥交|to fall into bad company/to make acqu... lanjiao 兰交|close friendship/a meeting of minds lanjiao 榄角|black olive (Canarium tramdenum) lanjidong 蓝矶鸫|(bird species of China) blue rock thr... lanjie 拦截|to intercept lanjie 拦劫|to mug/to intercept and rob lanjing 蓝鲸|blue whale lanjing 蓝晶|blue topaz/topaz (aluminum fluorosili... lanjingling 蓝精灵|the Smurfs lanjinhuang 蓝金黄|blue, gold and yellow (BGY), the thre... lanjun 蓝菌|Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) lanjunmen 蓝菌门|Cyanobacteria (phylum of blue-green a... lanjuxing 蓝巨星|blue giant star lanjuzi 烂橘子|(EA) Origin (service) (jocular) lankaisite 兰开斯特|Lancaster lankaixiajun 兰开夏郡|Lancashire (English county) lankan 阑槛|see 闌檻|阑槛[lan2 jian4] lankanlanfa 滥砍滥伐|wanton destruction of forested lands lankao 兰考|Lankao county in Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 f... lankaoxian 兰考县|Lankao county in Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 f... lanke 兰科|Orchidaceae lanke 兰克|Rank (name)/Leopold von Ranke (1795-1... lankou 兰蔻|Lancôme, French cosmetics brand lankuang 篮筐|basket lanlao 𪢌哰|incoherent; unintelligible lanlianjianniao 蓝脸鲣鸟|(bird species of China) masked booby ... lanling 蓝领|blue-collar/blue-collar worker lanling 兰陵|Lanling County in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi... lanlingxian 兰陵县|Lanling County in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi... lanlingxiaoxiaosheng 兰陵笑笑生|Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng, pseudonym of t... lanlu 拦路|to block sb\'s path/to waylay lanluhu 拦路虎|stumbling block lanlv 褴褛|(of clothes) ragged; shabby lanlv 蓝缕|variant of 襤褸|褴褛[lan2 lu:3] lanlvjun 蓝绿菌|Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) lanlvque 蓝绿鹊|(bird species of China) common green ... lanlvshangmoshiniaoduo 懒驴上磨屎尿多|(proverb) A lazy person will find man... lanlvzao 蓝绿藻|Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) lanma 滥骂|scurrilous/to scold indiscriminately lanmaji 蓝马鸡|(bird species of China) blue eared ph... lanman 烂漫|unaffected; unpretentious/(literary) ... lanman 烂熳|variant of 爛漫|烂漫[lan4man4] lanman 滥漫|arbitrary/indiscriminate lanman 烂缦|variant of 爛漫|烂漫[lan4man4] lanmao 懒猫|drowsy or slow-moving cat/(fig.) a la... lanmei 蓝莓|blueberry lanmeilinqu 蓝眉林鸲|(bird species of China) Himalayan blu... lanmu 栏目|regular column or segment (in a publi... lanmu 兰姆|Lamb (name) lanmu 兰姆|rum (beverage) (loanword) lanmuda 兰姆打|lambda (Greek letter Λλ) lanmuda 兰姆达|lambda (Greek letter Λλ) lanmujiu 兰姆酒|rum (beverage) (loanword) lanni 烂泥|mud/mire lannichuan 罱泥船|boat used for collecting river sludge... lannifubushangqiang 烂泥扶不上墙|useless (idiom)/worthless/inept lannihubushangqiang 烂泥糊不上墙|see 爛泥扶不上牆|烂泥扶不上墙[lan4 ni2 fu2 bu4 sh... lannong 蓝侬|John Lennon (1940-1980), English sing... lanpeichengqing 揽辔澄清|to assume one\'s post with the aspirat... lanpian 烂片|dud movie lanping 兰坪|Lanping Bai and Pumi autonomous count... lanpingbaizupumizuzizhixian 兰坪白族普米族自治县|Lanping Bai and Pumi autonomous count... lanpingsiji 蓝屏死机|(computing) (of an operating system) ... lanpingxian 兰坪县|Lanping Bai and Pumi autonomous count... lanpini 蓝毗尼|Lumbini, Nepal, birthplace of Siddhar... lanpishu 蓝皮书|an official report (e.g. governmental) lanpu 兰谱|lit. directory of orchids/fig. geneal... lanqing 滥情|fickle in love/sentimentality lanqiu 篮球|basketball/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] lanqiuchang 篮球场|basketball court lanquan 篮圈|(basketball) hoop/ring lanquan 揽权|to concentrate power in one\'s own hands lanquan 滥权|abuse of authority lanquan 栏圈|pen/animal yard lanre 兰若|Buddhist temple (transliteration of S... lanren 懒人|lazy person lanrenbao 懒人包|(Tw) (neologism c. 2007) information ... lanrenshafa 懒人沙发|beanbag lanru 阑入|to trespass/to mix/to mingle lansan 懒散|indolent; negligent; slack lanse 蓝色|blue (color) lanseji 蓝色剂|Agent Blue lanseyaoji 蓝色妖姬|blue rose lansha 滥杀|to kill indiscriminately/to massacre lanshan 兰山|Lanshan district of Linyi city 臨沂市|临沂... lanshan 蓝山|Lanshan county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 z... lanshan 岚山|Lanshan district of Rizhao city 日照市[R... lanshan 阑珊|coming to an end/waning lanshang 滥觞|lit. floating wine goblets on a strea... lanshanqu 岚山区|Lanshan district of Rizhao city 日照市[R... lanshanqu 兰山区|Lanshan district of Linyi city 臨沂市|临沂... lanshanxian 蓝山县|Lanshan county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 z... lanshawugu 滥杀无辜|willfully slaughter the innocent (idiom) lanshe 兰麝|lit. orchids and musk/fig. sweet perf... lanshebing 蓝舌病|blue-tongue (viral disease of livestock) lansheng 缆绳|cable/hawser/mooring rope lansheng 览胜|to visit scenic spots lanshetou 烂舌头|to gossip/to blab/a blab-mouth lanshi 兰室|a lady\'s room (honorific) lanshidaihua 蓝饰带花|blue lace flower (Trachymene caerulea) lanshu 烂熟|well cooked/to know thoroughly lansi 兰斯|Reims (city in France) lansiluote 兰斯洛特|Lancelot (name) lansu 烂俗|clichéd lansuo 缆索|cable/hawser/mooring rope lansuodiaoyi 缆索吊椅|ski-lift lantanzi 烂摊子|terrible mess; shambles lantaohua 烂桃花|unhappy love affair lantaozi 滥套子|platitude/pointless talk lante 兰特|Rand or Randt (name) lantian 蓝天|blue sky lantian 蓝田|Lantian county in Xi\'an 西安[Xi1 an1], ... lantianxian 蓝田县|Lantian county in Xi\'an 西安[Xi1 an1], ... lantianzhongyu 蓝田种玉|a marriage made in heaven (idiom) lantou 阑头|lintel/architrave lantou 烂透|rotten to the core lantouhongweiqu 蓝头红尾鸲|(bird species of China) blue-capped r... lantu 蓝图|blueprint lanwang 拦网|to intercept at the net (volleyball, ... lanwangqiu 篮网球|netball lanwei 烂尾|(of a construction project etc) unfin... lanwei 阑尾|appendix/vermiform appendix (anatomy) lanwei 栏位|(numeric, data) field (Tw) lanweilou 烂尾楼|uncompleted building; building whose ... lanweiqiechushu 阑尾切除术|appendectomy (medicine) lanweiyan 阑尾炎|appendicitis (medicine) lanwennailao 蓝纹奶酪|blue cheese lanwu 蓝鹀|(bird species of China) slaty bunting... lanwuhuo 烂污货|loose woman/slut lanxi 兰溪|Lanxi, county-level city in Jinhua 金華... lanxi 兰西|Langxi county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilon... lanxian 岚县|Lan county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 lian... lanxian 缆线|cable lanxian 蓝鹇|(bird species of China) Swinhoe\'s phe... lanxijun 蓝细菌|Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) lanxin 兰新|Lanzhou and Xinjiang lanxin 兰辛|Lansing, capital of Michigan lanxing 滥刑|indiscriminate punishment lanxintielu 兰新铁路|Lanzhou-Xinjiang railway lanxiongchun 蓝胸鹑|(bird species of China) king quail; b... lanxiongfofaseng 蓝胸佛法僧|(bird species of China) European roll... lanxiongyangji 蓝胸秧鸡|(bird species of China) slaty-breaste... lanxishi 兰溪市|Lanxi, county-level city in Jinhua 金華... lanxixian 兰西县|Langxi county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilon... lanxiyuansu 镧系元素|lanthanoid (rare earth series), namel... lanxue 兰学|Dutch studies (study of Europe and th... lanxuyefenghu 蓝须夜蜂虎|(bird species of China) blue-bearded ... lanya 蓝牙|Bluetooth lanyan 谰言|slander/calumny/to accuse unjustly lanyan 兰言|intimate conversation lanyangyang 懒洋洋|lazily lanyanzhiji 蓝颜知己|close male friend/confidant lanyao 懒腰|a stretch (of one\'s body) lanyao 拦腰|(hitting) squarely in the middle/(sli... lanyaoduanweiyingwu 蓝腰短尾鹦鹉|(bird species of China) blue-rumped p... lanyi 蓝移|blue shift (astronomy) lanyi 阑遗|unclaimed articles lanyin 懒音|(linguistics) phonological reduction;... lanyinxuguo 兰因絮果|starts well but ends in separation (o... lanyong 滥用|to misuse/to abuse lanyongquanli 滥用权力|abuse of power lanyongzhiquan 滥用职权|abuse of power lanyu 兰玉|your son (honorific) lanyu 滥竽|indiscriminately included in company ... lanyu 兰屿|Lanyu or Orchid Island township in Ta... lanyuchongshu 滥竽充数|lit. to play the yu 竽 mouth organ to ... lanyuxiang 兰屿乡|Lanyu or Orchid Island township in Ta... lanzai 烂崽|(dialect) hooligan; low-life lanzao 蓝藻|cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) lanzaomen 蓝藻门|Cyanobacteria (phylum of blue-green a... lanzha 栏栅|barrier lanzhang 烂账|disorganized accounts/uncollectable d... lanzhang 兰章|a beautiful speech or piece of writin... lanzhenbasedong 蓝枕八色鸫|(bird species of China) blue-naped pi... lanzhengchangchengpinyouguandao 兰郑长成品油管道|Lanzhou-Zhengzhou-Changsha oil pipeline lanzhengchangguandao 兰郑长管道|Lanzhou-Zhengzhou-Changsha oil pipeline lanzhenhuaminiao 蓝枕花蜜鸟|(bird species of China) purple-naped ... lanzhou 兰舟|lit. boat made of lily magnolia wood/... lanzhou 兰州|see 蘭州市|兰州市[Lan2zhou1 Shi4] lanzhoudaxue 兰州大学|Lanzhou University lanzhoushi 兰州市|Lanzhou, prefecture-level city and ca... lanzhu 拦住|to stop/to bar the way lanzhuang 缆桩|mooring bollard lanzi 篮子|basket/CL:隻|只[zhi1] lanzu 拦阻|to block/to obstruct lanzui 烂醉|dead drunk/completely drunk lanzuiruni 烂醉如泥|(idiom) to be dead drunk; to be plast... lao 佬|male/man (Cantonese) lao 老|prefix used before the surname of a p... lao 乐|used in place names lao 落|colloquial reading for 落[luo4] in cer... lao 牢|firm/sturdy/fold (for animals)/sacrif... lao 络|small net lao 捞|to fish up/to dredge up lao 烙|to brand/to iron/to bake (in a pan) lao 轑|spokes lao 酪|(bound form) semi-solid food made fro... lao 痨|tuberculosis lao 涝|flooded lao 姥|grandma (maternal) lao 劳|to toil/labor/laborer/to put sb to tr... lao 嫪|surname Lao lao 嫪|longing (unrequited passion) lao 铑|rhodium (chemistry) lao 唠|used in 嘮叨|唠叨[lao2dao5] lao 唠|to gossip/to chat (dialect) lao 潦|flooded/heavy rain lao 铹|lawrencium (chemistry) lao 粩|a traditional pastry of Taiwan and Fu... lao 醪|wine or liquor with sediment lao 崂|name of a mountain in Shandong lao 栳|basket lao 窂|variant of 牢[lao2] lao 耢|a kind of farm tool (in the form of a... lao 髝|used in 髝髞[lao2sao4] lao 狫|name of a tribe lao 㧯|round-bottomed wicker basket/(dialect... lao 咾|a noise/a sound lao 労|Japanese variant of 勞|劳 lao 哰|used in 㘓哰|𪢌哰[lan2lao2] laoai 嫪毐|Lao Ai (-238 BC), man of Qin famous f... laoaide 劳埃德|Lloyd (name)/Lloyd\'s (London-based in... laoansuan 酪氨酸|tyrosine (Tyr), an amino acid laoansuandaixiebing 酪氨酸代谢病|(medicine) tyrosinosis laoba 老爸|father; dad laobaixing 老百姓|ordinary people/the \"person in the st... laoban 老板|variant of 老闆|老板[lao3 ban3] laoban 老板|Robam (brand) laoban 老板|boss/business proprietor/CL:個|个[ge4] laoban 老伴|(of an elderly couple) husband or wife laobangshengzhu 老蚌生珠|lit. an old oyster producing a pearl ... laobanniang 老板娘|female proprietor/lady boss/boss\'s wife laobanr 老伴儿|erhua variant of 老伴[lao3 ban4] laobantian 老半天|(coll.) a long time laobao 老鸨|female brothel keeper laobei 老辈|the older generation/ancestors laoben 老本|capital/assets/savings/nest egg/(fig.... laoben 捞本|to get one\'s money back (esp. gamblin... laobian 老边|Laobian district of Yingkou City 營口市|... laobianqu 老边区|Laobian district of Yingkou City 營口市|... laobing 老兵|old soldier; veteran/veteran (sb who ... laobing 烙饼|pancake/flat bread/griddle cake laobing 痨病|tuberculosis (TCM) laobing 酪饼|cheesecake laobinggui 痨病鬼|(derog.) tubercular person; a consump... laobizi 老鼻子|many laobo 老伯|uncle (polite form of address for old... laobobo 老伯伯|grandpa (polite form of address for o... laobusi 老不死|(derog.) old but still alive/old fart... laocanyouji 老残游记|The Travels of Lao Tsan, novel by lat... laocheng 老成|mature/experienced/sophisticated laocheng 老城|old town/old district of a city laochengchizhong 老成持重|old and wise/experienced and knowledg... laochengqu 老城区|Laocheng district of Luoyang City 洛陽市... laochengqu 老城区|old city district/historical center laochou 老抽|dark soy sauce laochunv 老处女|unmarried old woman/spinster laocu 老粗|uneducated person/yokel/boor/roughneck laoda 老大|old age/very/eldest child in a family... laodabuxiao 老大不小|no longer a child (idiom) laodage 老大哥|big brother laodama 老大妈|\"Madam\" (affectionate term for an eld... laodan 老旦|old woman role in Chinese opera laodan 老聃|another name for Laozi 老子[Lao3 zi3] laodanbai 酪蛋白|casein (milk protein) laodangyizhuang 老当益壮|old but vigorous (idiom); hale and he... laodaniang 老大娘|old lady/Madam (polite address)/CL:位[... laodao 老到|experienced and careful laodao 唠叨|to prattle/to chatter away/to nag/gar... laodaocao 捞稻草|(fig.) to clutch at straws (in desper... laodatushangbei 老大徒伤悲|vain regrets of old age (idiom) laodaye 老大爷|uncle/grandpa/CL:位[wei4] laodeng 老登|(derog.) (dialect) old person laodeng 老等|to wait patiently/heron laodi 老弟|(affectionate form of address for a m... laodiao 老雕|vulture laodiaochongtan 老调重弹|to play the same old tune (idiom); un... laodiaoya 老掉牙|very old/obsolete/out of date laodie 老爹|(dialect) father/old man/sir laodifang 老地方|same place as before/usual place/stom... laodong 劳动|work/toil/physical labor/CL:次[ci4] laodongbao 劳动报|Trud (Russian newspaper) laodongbaoxian 劳动保险|labor insurance laodonggaizao 劳动改造|reeducation through labor/laogai (pri... laodonghetong 劳动合同|labor contract/contract between emplo... laodongjiaoyang 劳动教养|reeducation through labor laodongjie 劳动节|International Labor Day (May Day) laodongli 劳动力|labor force/manpower laodongmofan 劳动模范|model worker laodongnengli 劳动能力|ability to work laodongrenmin 劳动人民|working people/the workers of Sociali... laodongxi 老东西|(derog.) old fool/old bastard laodongxinwen 劳动新闻|Rodong Sinmun (Workers\' news), the of... laodongying 劳动营|labor camp/prison camp with hard labor laodongzhe 劳动者|worker; laborer laodun 劳顿|(literary) fatigued/wearied laoer 老二|second-eldest child in a family/(euph... laoer 老儿|father/husband/old man laoerwugong 劳而无功|to work hard while accomplishing litt... laofan 劳烦|to inconvenience/to trouble (sb with ... laofang 牢房|jail cell/prison cell laofang 劳方|labor (as opposed to capital or manag... laofoye 老佛爷|title of respect for the queen mother... laofu 老夫|I (spoken by an old man) laofu 老父|father/old man/venerable sir laofuren 老妇人|old lady laogai 劳改|abbr. for 勞動改造|劳动改造[lao2 dong4 gai3 z... laogaiying 劳改营|correctional labor camp laoge 老歌|oldie (song) laogeng 老梗|(Tw) unoriginal; hackneyed; (of a jok... laogong 老公|(coll.) husband laogong 老公|(coll.) eunuch/see also 老公[lao3 gong1] laogong 劳工|labor/laborer laogonggong 老公公|old man/husband\'s father/father-in-la... laogu 牢固|firm/secure laogu 劳雇|labor and employer laogua 老鸹|(dialect) crow; raven laoguban 老古板|overly conservative/old-fashioned/old... laoguguanxi 劳雇关系|relations between labor and employer/... laogutou 老骨头|weary old body (colloquial term, used... laohan 老汉|old man/I (an old man referring to hi... laohan 落汗|to stop sweating/(mahjong and card ga... laohaoren 老好人|one who tries never to offend anybody laohei 老黑|(coll.) black person laohekou 老河口|Laohekou, county-level city in Xiangf... laohekoushi 老河口市|Laohekou, county-level city in Xiangf... laohu 老虎|tiger/CL:隻|只[zhi1] laohua 老化|(of a person, population or material)... laohua 老话|an old saying laohua 老花|presbyopia laohuajing 老花镜|presbyopic glasses laohuamei 老化酶|aged enzyme laohuangli 老皇历|(lit.) past years\' almanac/(fig.) anc... laohuayan 老花眼|presbyopia laohucai 老虎菜|tiger salad, a northeast China dish u... laohudeng 老虎凳|tiger bench (torture method in which ... laohuji 老虎机|slot machine laohuli 老狐狸|old fox/fig. cunning person laohuqian 老虎钳|vise/pincer pliers laohutu 老糊涂|dotard laohuwuzi 老虎伍兹|Eldrick \"Tiger\" Woods (1975-), Americ... laohuzao 老虎灶|old-style large kitchen stove laoji 牢记|to keep in mind/to remember laoji 老几|where in the order of seniority among... laoji 老骥|old thoroughbred/fig. aged person wit... laojia 老家|native place/place of origin/home sta... laojia 劳驾|excuse me laojia 落价|(coll.) to fall or drop in price/to g... laojiahuo 老家伙|variant of 老家伙[lao3 jia1 huo5] laojiahuo 老家伙|(coll.) old fellow/old codger laojian 老茧|callus (patch or hardened skin)/corns... laojian 老趼|callus; corns (on the feet) laojiang 老将|lit. old general/commander-in-chief 將... laojianghu 老江湖|a much-travelled person, well acquain... laojianjuhua 老奸巨滑|variant of 老奸巨猾[lao3 jian1 ju4 hua2] laojianjuhua 老奸巨猾|cunning/crafty/wily old fox laojiao 劳教|reeducation through labor laojiaosuo 劳教所|correctional institution/labor camp laojiazei 老家贼|(dialect) sparrow laojie 老街|Lao Cai, Vietnam/Laokai or Laukkai, B... laojifuli 老骥伏枥|lit. an old steed in the stable still... laojifuli,zhizaiqianli 老骥伏枥,志在千里|lit. an old steed in the stable still... laojing 老境|advanced years/old age laojisifeng 老骥嘶风|old steed sniffs the wind (idiom); fi... laojiu 老旧|outmoded/old-fashioned laojiu 老酒|wine, esp. Shaoxing wine laojuan 劳倦|exhausted/worn out laojun 老君|Laozi or Lao-tze (c. 500 BC), Chinese... laokang 落炕|to be laid up in bed with illness laokao 牢靠|firm and solid/robust/reliable laokaotuodang 牢靠妥当|reliable/solid and dependable laoke 唠嗑|(dialect) to chat; to gossip laoke 老客|peddler/old or regular customer laoker 老客儿|erhua variant of 老客[lao3 ke4] laokong 落空|to fail to achieve something; to be f... laokou 老抠|penny-pincher; miser laoku 劳苦|to toil/hard work laokuangkuang 老框框|rigid conventions/reactionary framework laola 老辣|shrewd and ruthless/efficient and uns... laolai 老赖|(coll.) debt dodger laolaiqiao 老来俏|old person who dresses up as teenager... laolaishao 老来少|old but young at heart laolao 牢牢|firmly/safely laolao 姥姥|(coll.) mother\'s mother/maternal gran... laolao 老老|maternal grandmother/same as 姥姥 laolaodaodao 唠唠叨叨|to chatter/to babble laolaodaodao 劳劳叨叨|variant of 嘮嘮叨叨|唠唠叨叨[lao2 lao5 dao1 d... laolarou 老腊肉|(coll.) experienced and usually well-... laolaxipan 劳拉西泮|lorazepam laolei 劳累|tired/exhausted/worn out/to toil laoli 劳力|labor/able-bodied worker/laborer/work... laoli 老例|custom; customary practice laoli 酪梨|(Tw) avocado (Persea americana)/Taiwa... laolian 老练|seasoned; experienced laolian 老脸|self-respect of old person/face/thick... laoliangkou 老两口|old married couple laoliangkour 老两口儿|an old married couple laolijiang 酪梨酱|(Tw) guacamole/Taiwan pr. [luo4li2jia... laoling 老龄|old age/aging/aged/geriatric/the aged laoling 乐陵|Laoling, county-level city in Dezhou ... laolinghua 老龄化|aging (population) laolishashajiang 酪梨莎莎酱|guacamole laolishi 劳力士|Rolex (Swiss wristwatch brand) laolong 牢笼|cage/trap (e.g. basket, pit or snare ... laolu 劳碌|to work hard/to toil laolu 老路|old road/familiar way/beaten track/co... laolunsi 劳伦斯|Lawrence (person name) laoma 老妈|mother; mom laomai 老迈|aged; senile laomalianzhan 老马恋栈|lit. the old horse loves his stable/f... laomanyuan 落埋怨|to get blamed laomao 老耄|dim sight of the aged/doddering/senile laomaobing 老毛病|chronic illness/old weakness/chronic ... laomaor 老帽儿|(dialect) country bumpkin/a hick laomaozi 老毛子|Westerner (esp. a Russian) (derog.) laomashitu 老马识途|an old horse knows the way (idiom); a... laomasifeng 老马嘶风|old horse sniffs the wind (idiom); fi... laomazi 老妈子|older female servant; amah laomei 老美|(coll.) an American; person from the ... laominshangcai 劳民伤财|waste of manpower and resources laomo 劳模|model worker laomo 老墨|(coll.) a Mexican laomoushensuan 老谋深算|rigorous schemes and deep foresight (... laomu 老姥|old lady/(old woman\'s self-reference)... laonainai 老奶奶|(coll.) father\'s father\'s mother/pate... laonian 老年|elderly/old age/autumn of one\'s years laonianchidai 老年痴呆|senile dementia/Alzheimer\'s disease laonianchidaizheng 老年痴呆症|senile dementia/Alzheimer\'s disease laoniang 老娘|my old mother/I, this old woman/my ol... laoniang 姥娘|maternal grandmother (dialectal) laonianqi 老年期|old age laonianren 老年人|old people; the elderly laonianxingchidaizheng 老年性痴呆症|senile dementia laoniao 老鸟|old hand; veteran laoniuchinencao 老牛吃嫩草|lit. an old cow eats young grass (idi... laoniulapoche 老牛拉破车|see 老牛破車|老牛破车[lao3 niu2 po4 che1] laoniupoche 老牛破车|lit. old ox pulling a shabby cart (id... laoniushidu 老牛舐犊|lit. an old ox licking its calf (idio... laonongye 酪农业|dairy laopai 老派|old-fashioned; old-school laopai 老牌|old, well-known brand/old style; old ... laopengyou 老朋友|old friend/(slang) period/menstruation laopo 老婆|(coll.) wife laopohaizirekangtou 老婆孩子热炕头|wife, kids and a warm bed (idiom)/the... laopu 老谱|old ways; old habit laoqian 捞钱|lit. to dredge for money/to make mone... laoqian 老千|swindler; cheat (in gambling) laoqihengqiu 老气横秋|old and decrepit/proud of one\'s age a... laoqu 捞取|to dredge up; to scoop up from the wa... laoqu 老去|to get old laoren 老人|old man or woman/the elderly/one\'s ag... laorenjia 老人家|polite term for old woman or man laorenyuan 老人院|nursing home/old people\'s home laoru 酪乳|buttermilk laosanpian 老三篇|Lao San Pian, three short essays writ... laosanse 老三色|the three plain colors used for cloth... laosao 牢骚|discontent/complaint/to complain laosao 髝髞|boorish and irascible/tall laosha 姥鲨|basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) laoshai 落色|to fade/to discolor/also pr. [luo4 se4] laoshan 崂山|Laoshan district of Qingdao city 青島市|... laoshang 劳伤|disorder of internal organs caused by... laoshanqu 崂山区|Laoshan district of Qingdao city 青島市|... laoshanzixingcheguan 老山自行车馆|Laoshan Velodrome, a Beijing 2008 Oly... laoshao 老少|the old and the young laoshaojieyi 老少皆宜|suitable for both the young and the old laoshaowuqi 老少无欺|cheating neither old nor young/treati... laoshaoxianyi 老少咸宜|suitable for young and old laoshe 老舍|Lao She (1899-1966), Chinese novelist... laoshen 劳神|to be a tax on (one\'s mind)/to bother... laosheng 老生|venerable middle-aged or elderly man,... laoshengchangtan 老生常谈|an old observation (idiom)/a truism/b... laoshenzaizai 老神在在|calm; unperturbed (from Taiwanese, Ta... laoshi 老式|old-fashioned/old type/outdated laoshi 老师|teacher/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] laoshi 老实|honest; sincere/well-behaved/naive; g... laoshi 老是|always laoshi 牢实|solid/strong/firm/secure laoshi 老视|presbyopia laoshibajiao 老实巴交|(coll.) docile/well-behaved/biddable laoshishuo 老实说|honestly speaking; to be frank, ... laoshiyan 老视眼|presbyopia laoshizi 劳什子|(dialect) nuisance/pain laoshizi 牢什子|variant of 勞什子|劳什子[lao2 shi2 zi5] laoshizi 捞什子|encumbrance/burden/that awful thing (... laoshou 老手|experienced person/an old hand at sth laoshu 老鼠|rat; mouse (CL:隻|只[zhi1]) laoshudong 老鼠洞|mouse hole laoshuguojie,renrenhanda 老鼠过街,人人喊打|lit. when a rat crosses the street, p... laoshulagui,wucongxiashou 老鼠拉龟,无从下手|like mice trying to pull a turtle, no... laoshutuomuxian,datouzaihoutou 老鼠拖木锨,大头在后头|when the mice drag a shovel, the bigg... laoshuweiba 老鼠尾巴|lit. rat\'s tail; fig. a follower of i... laosi 老死|to die of old age laosiji 老司机|(coll.) an old hand at sth laosilaisi 劳斯莱斯|Rolls-Royce laosou 老叟|old man laosu 酪素|casein (milk protein) laosun 劳损|strain (medicine) laotai 老太|old lady laotai 老态|old and frail/decrepit/doddering/decr... laotaigong 老太公|aged gentleman (dialect, respectful t... laotailongzhong 老态龙钟|doddering; senile laotaipo 老太婆|old woman (at times contemptuous) laotaitai 老太太|elderly lady (respectful)/esteemed mo... laotaiye 老太爷|elderly gentleman (respectful)/esteem... laotao 老饕|glutton laotao 老套|hackneyed/well-worn (phrase etc)/same... laotaozi 老套子|old methods/old habits laotian 老天|God/Heavens laotianye 老天爷|God/Heavens laotianyeebusixiajiaque 老天爷饿不死瞎家雀|lit. heaven won\'t let the sparrows go... laotie 烙铁|flatiron/iron/branding iron/soldering... laotie 老铁|(slang) very close friend; bro laoting 乐亭|Laoting county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 s... laotingxian 乐亭县|Laoting county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 s... laotou 老头|old fellow/old man/father/husband laotou 牢头|jailer (old) laotoule 老头乐|backscratcher (made from bamboo etc)/... laotour 老头儿|see 老頭子|老头子[lao3 tou2 zi5] laotouzi 老头子|(coll.) old man/(said of an aging hus... laotu 老土|old-fashioned; unstylish laowai 老外|(coll.) foreigner (esp. non Asian per... laowaikuai 捞外快|to make extra money laowangmaigua,zimaizikua 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸|every potter praises his own pot (idi... laoweihui 劳委会|labor committee/abbr. for 勞動委員會|劳动委员会 laoweng 老翁|old man laowo 老挝|Laos laowu 劳务|service (work done for money)/service... laowuhetong 劳务合同|service contract laowujiaohuan 劳务交换|labor exchanges laowulao,yijirenzhilao 老吾老,以及人之老|to honor old people as we do our own ... laowulao,yijirenzhilao,youwuyou,yijirenzhiyou 老吾老,以及人之老,幼吾幼,以及人之幼|to honor old people as we do our own ... laowuqia 老乌恰|same as 烏魯克恰提|乌鲁克恰提 in Xinjiang laowurenyuan 劳务人员|contract workers (sent abroad) laowushichang 劳务市场|labor market laoxiang 老乡|fellow townsman; fellow villager; sb ... laoxiao 老小|the old and the young/the youngest me... laoxiaolaoxiao 老小老小|(coll.) as one ages, one becomes more... laoxigu 老戏骨|(dialect) veteran actor/old trouper laoxin 劳心|to work with one\'s brains/to rack one... laoxinkusi 劳心苦思|to rack one\'s brains/to think hard laoxinlaoli 劳心劳力|to tax one\'s mind and body/demanding ... laoxiong 老兄|elder brother (often used self-refere... laoxiuchengnu 老羞成怒|see 惱羞成怒|恼羞成怒[nao3 xiu1 cheng2 nu4] laoyanfenfei 劳燕分飞|the shrike and the swallow fly in dif... laoyangui 老烟鬼|heavy smoker/chain smoker laoyangzi 老样子|old situation/things as they were laoyanhunhua 老眼昏花|blurred vision of an old person (idiom) laoyanqiang 老烟枪|heavy smoker/chain smoker/life-long s... laoyao 老幺|youngest laoye 老爷|(respectful) lord/master/(coll.) mate... laoye 姥爷|maternal grandfather (dialectal) laoyeche 老爷车|classic car laoyeling 老爷岭|Chinese name for Sichote-Alin mountai... laoyeye 老爷爷|(coll.) father\'s father\'s father/pate... laoyezi 老爷子|my (your etc) old father/polite appel... laoyi 劳逸|work and rest laoyi 劳役|forced labor/corvée (labor required o... laoyiba 捞一把|to profiteer/to gain some underhand a... laoyibei 老一辈|previous generation/older generation laoyijiehe 劳逸结合|to strike a balance between work and ... laoyin 烙印|to brand (cattle etc)/brand/(fig.) to... laoying 老鹰|(coll.) eagle; hawk; any similar bird... laoyingxingyun 老鹰星云|Eagle Nebula, aka Star Queen Nebula, M16 laoyitao 老一套|the same old stuff laoyou 老友|old friend/sb who passed the county l... laoyou 牢友|inmate/cellmate laoyoushui 捞油水|(coll.) to gain profit (usu. by under... laoyoutiao 老油条|old fox; slick customer laoyouzi 老油子|(coll.) wily old fox/crafty fellow laoyu 牢狱|prison laoyu 老妪|old woman (formal writing) laoyuan 老远|very far away laoyumi 老玉米|(dialect) corn laoyushigu 老于世故|experienced in the ways of the world ... laoyuzhizai 牢狱之灾|imprisonment laozao 醪糟|sweet fermented rice/glutinous rice wine laozao 老早|a long time ago laozhai 劳瘵|variant of 癆瘵|痨瘵[lao2zhai4] laozhai 痨瘵|(literary) tuberculosis laozhan 落栈|see 落棧|落栈[luo4 zhan4] laozhang 老丈|sir (respectful form of address for a... laozhang 老账|lit. old account/old debt/fig. old sc... laozhangren 老丈人|(coll.) father-in-law (wife\'s father) laozhe 老者|old man; elderly man laozhelian 老着脸|shamelessly laozhen 落枕|to have a stiff neck after sleeping/(... laozhuang 老庄|Laozi and Zhuangzi (or Lao-tze and Ch... laozhuo 老拙|old fart (usually in self-reference)/... laozi 老子|Laozi or Lao-tze (c. 500 BC), Chinese... laozi 老子|father/daddy/\"I, your father\" (in ang... laozi 落子|see 蓮花落|莲花落[lian2 hua1 lao4] laozi 劳资|labor and capital; workers and capita... laozi 牢子|jailer (old) laozige 老资格|veteran laoziguanxi 劳资关系|industrial relations/relations betwee... laozihao 老字号|shop, firm, or brand of merchandise w... laoziyingxiongerhaohan,laozifandongerhundan 老子英雄儿好汉,老子反动儿混蛋|If the father is a hero, the son is a... laozong 老总|boss/sir (person with a leading role ... laozuo 劳作|work/manual labor lapasi 拉帕斯|La Paz, administrative capital of Bol... lapi 拉坯|to make ceramics (on a potter\'s wheel) lapi 拉皮|to have a facelift/facelift lapiao 拉票|to campaign for votes/to ask voters f... laping 拉平|to bring to the same level/to even up... lapitiao 拉皮条|to procure/to act as pimp lapulan 拉普兰|Lapland (northern Europe) lapulasi 拉普拉斯|Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827), Fre... laqian 蜡扦|candlestick with a spike, onto which ... laqiao 拉齐奥|Lazio (region in Italy) laqingge 拉青格|Ratzinger (German surname of Pope Ben... laqu 拉取|(computing) client pull laran 蜡染|batik (color printing on cloth using ... larou 腊肉|cured meat; bacon laru 拉入|to pull into/to draw in lasa 拉萨|Lhasa, capital city of Tibet Autonomo... lasai 喇赛|(slang) (Tw) to chat idly; to gossip ... lasalu 拉撒路|Lazarus (Protestant transliteration) lasashi 拉萨市|Lhasa, Tibetan: Lha sa grong khyer, c... lasatiaoyue 拉萨条约|Treaty of Lhasa (1904) between Britis... lasen 拉森|(name) Larson, Larsen, Larsson or Las... lasha 喇沙|La Salle (used in the names of school... lasha 喇沙|laksa, spicy noodle soup of Southeast... lashabingdu 拉沙病毒|Lassa virus lashang 拉伤|to pull/to injure by straining lashantou 拉山头|to start a clique/to form a faction lashen 拉伸|to draw/to stretch lashengyi 拉生意|to tout/to solicit customers lashenqiangdu 拉伸强度|tensile strength lashi 拉屎|to defecate; to shit; to crap lashikaerjia 拉什卡尔加|Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand provi... lashimoershan 拉什莫尔山|Mt Rushmore National Memorial, South ... lashou 拉手|to hold hands/to shake hands lashou 拉手|a handle/to pull on a handle lasimo 拉丝模|die (i.e. tool for cutting wire to a ... lasimusen 拉斯穆森|Rasmussen (name) lasipaermasi 拉斯帕尔马斯|Las Palmas, Spain lasiweijiasi 拉斯维加斯|Las Vegas, Nevada lasuo 拉锁|zipper lata 邋遢|unkempt latai 蜡台|candlestick/candle holder latai 拉抬|(Tw) to pull sth up; (fig.) to give a... latiao 辣条|spicy sticks, a snack food similar to... latuoweiya 拉脱维亚|Latvia lawaer 拉瓦尔|Laval (name) lawaxi 拉瓦锡|Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794), French... lawenkelao 拉文克劳|Ravenclaw (Harry Potter) lawenna 拉文纳|Ravenna on the Adriatic coast of Italy laxi 拉稀|(coll.) to have diarrhea/to shrink ba... laxialian 拉下脸|to look displeased/to not be afraid o... laxiang 蜡像|waxwork; wax figure laxiangguan 蜡像馆|wax museum; waxworks laxin 拉辛|Jean Racine (1639-1699), French drama... layangyabaoganjun 蜡样芽孢杆菌|(microbiology) Bacillus cereus layanjing 辣眼睛|(neologism c. 2016) (slang) unpleasan... layue 腊月|twelfth lunar month laza 拉杂|disorganized/rambling/incoherent lazalu 拉匝禄|Lazarus (Catholic transliteration) lazhi 蜡质|waxiness lazhi 蜡纸|wax paper/stencil paper lazhi 拉制|drawing (manufacturing process in whi... lazhi 辣汁|hot sauce/chili sauce lazhu 蜡烛|candle/CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1] lazhubudianbuliang 蜡烛不点不亮|some people have to be pushed for the... lazhuliangtoushao 蜡烛两头烧|to burn the candle at both ends (idio... lazi 辣子|cayenne pepper/chili lazi 拉孜|Lhazê county, Tibetan: Lha rtse rdzon... lazi 揦子|(dialect) glass bottle lazimofusiji 拉兹莫夫斯基|Razumovsky (name)/Prince Andrey Kiril... lazixian 拉孜县|Lhazê county, Tibetan: Lha rtse rdzon... le 了|(completed action marker)/(modal part... le 乐|surname Le le 乐|happy/cheerful/to laugh le 勒|(literary) bridle; halter; headstall/... le 簕|used in 簕竹[le4zhu2] le 阞|layer/vein le 叻|(used in place names) le 泐|to write le 仂|surplus/tithe le 饹|used in 餄餎|饸饹[he2le5] le 艻|used in 蘿艻|萝艻[luo2le4] le 扐|divination by straw le 楽|Japanese variant of 樂|乐[le4] le 鳓|Chinese herring (Ilisha elongata)/whi... le 砳|rocky lean 乐安|Le\'an county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi leanxian 乐安县|Le\'an county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi lebi 勒逼|to coerce/to force/to press sb into d... lebukeji 乐不可极|(idiom) one should not overindulge in... lebukezhi 乐不可支|overjoyed (idiom); as pleased as punch lebusishu 乐不思蜀|indulge in pleasure and forget home a... lechang 乐昌|Lechang, county-level city in Shaogua... lechang-fenjing 乐昌分镜|see 樂昌破鏡|乐昌破镜[Le4chang1-po4jing4] lechang-pojing 乐昌破镜|lit. the story of the broken mirror o... lechangshi 乐昌市|Lechang, county-level city in Shaogua... lechangzhijing 乐昌之镜|see 樂昌破鏡|乐昌破镜[Le4chang1-po4jing4] lecibupi 乐此不疲|to enjoy sth and never tire of it (id... ledao 乐道|to take delight in talking about sth/... ledi 乐蒂|Betty Loh Ti, Chinese actress ledianlexian 乐颠了馅|ecstatic; overjoyed ledong 乐东|Ledong Lizu autonomous county, Hainan ledonglizuzizhixian 乐东黎族自治县|Ledong Lizu autonomous county, Hainan ledongxian 乐东县|Ledong Lizu autonomous county, Hainan lefuxie 乐福鞋|loafer shoes (loanword) legao 乐高|Lego (toys) legou 乐购|Tesco, UK-based supermarket chain leguan 乐观|optimistic; hopeful leguanqicheng 乐观其成|to look favorably on sth/would be gla... leguanzhuyi 乐观主义|optimism lehafeier 勒哈费尔|Le Havre (French town) lehehe 乐呵呵|happily/giddily lehuameilan 乐华梅兰|Leroy Merlin (PRC DIY chain) lehuo 乐活|LOHAS (lifestyles of health and susta... lei 类|kind; type; class; category/(classifi... lei 累|to accumulate/to involve or implicate... lei 累|tired/weary/to strain/to wear out/to ... lei 累|surname Lei lei 累|rope/to bind together/to twist around lei 雷|surname Lei lei 雷|thunder/(bound form) (military) mine,... lei 勒|to strap tightly/to bind lei 泪|(bound form) tears; teardrops lei 蕾|bud lei 肋|rib/Taiwan pr. [le4] lei 镭|radium (chemistry) lei 垒|rampart/base (in baseball)/to build w... lei 磊|lumpy/rock pile/uneven/fig. sincere/o... lei 颣|flaw/knot lei 嘞|sentence-final particle similar to 了[... lei 罍|large earthenware wine jar lei 擂|to pound (with a mortar and pestle); ... lei 擂|(bound form) platform for a martial a... lei 絫|variant of 累[lei3], to accumulate lei 耒|plow lei 樏|(archaic) simple sedan chair for trav... lei 樏|mountain-climbing shoes lei 檑|logs rolled down in defense of city lei 羸|entangled/lean lei 攂|to beat (old variant of 擂[lei2]) lei 酹|pour out libation/sprinkle lei 涙|Japanese variant of 淚|泪[lei4] lei 诔|to eulogize the dead/eulogy lei 儡|used in 傀儡[kui3lei3] lei 礌|used in 礌石[lei2shi2]/Taiwan pr. [lei4] lei 缧|(literary) thick rope used to restrai... lei 畾|fields divided by dikes lei 靁|old variant of 雷[lei2] lei 礧|roll stone down hill/stone pile lei 欙|sedan lei 塁|Japanese variant of 壘|垒 lei 蔂|basket for carrying earth lei 蔂|to entwine/creeper; bramble/(literary... lei 磥|a heap of stones/boulders lei 藟|bud/creeper/bramble lei 儽|lazy/tired out, worn fatigued lei 鸓|flying squirrel lei 嫘|surname Lei leiaercheng 雷阿尔城|Ciudad Real leibao 雷暴|thunderstorm leiben 泪奔|(slang) to get emotional leibi 类比|analogy/(Tw) (electronics) analog leibi 勒毙|to strangle or throttle to death leibicelve 类比策略|analogy strategies leibie 类别|classification/category leibiju 类鼻疽|melioidosis leibo 雷波|Leibo county in Liangshan Yi autonomo... leiboxian 雷波县|Leibo county in Liangshan Yi autonomo... leibozi 勒脖子|to throttle/to strangle leicha 擂茶|\"leicha\", a beverage or gruel made fr... leichenggou 累成狗|(Internet slang) to be dog-tired leida 雷达|radar (loanword) leidabudong 雷打不动|not shaken by thunder (idiom); the ar... leidatianxian 雷达天线|radar antenna leidayuxiao 雷大雨小|lit. much thunder but little rain; fi... leide 雷德|Clark T. Randt Jr. (1945-), US ambass... leidi 泪滴|teardrop leidian 雷电|thunder and lightning leidian 泪点|(anatomy) lacrimal punctum/(literary)... leidiandi 泪点低|(neologism) easily moved to tears leidianji 雷电计|brontometer/apparatus to measure thun... leidiao 雷雕|laser cutting (abbr. for 雷射雕刻[lei2 sh... leidixingxing 类地行星|terrestrial planet leidusu 类毒素|toxoid leien 雷恩|Rennes leifan 累犯|to repeatedly commit an offense/repea... leifeng 雷锋|Lei Feng (1940-1962), made into a mod... leifengshiyinzi 类风湿因子|rheumatoid factor leifengta 雷峰塔|Leifeng Pagoda, by West Lake until it... leigai 雷盖|reggae (loanword)/also written 雷鬼[lei... leigen 雷根|Taiwan equivalent of 里根[Li3 gen1] leigong 雷公|Lei Gong or Duke of Thunder, the God ... leigongdadoufu 雷公打豆腐|the God of Thunder strikes bean curd/... leigongdadoufu,jianruandeqi 雷公打豆腐,拣软的欺|the God of Thunder strikes bean curd,... leigu 肋骨|rib leigu 垒固|Loi-kaw, capital of Kaya state, Myanmar leiguan 雷管|detonator/fuse leiguan 泪管|tear duct leiguang 泪光|glistening teardrops leiguchun 类固醇|steroid leigui 雷鬼|reggae (loanword) leigumingjin 擂鼓鸣金|to beat the drum and sound the gong (... leihana 蕾哈娜|Rihanna (1988-), Barbadian pop singer leihen 泪痕|tear stains leihong 雷轰|sound of thunder leihua 泪花|tears in the eyes leihuai 累坏|to become exhausted leihuangtong 类黄酮|flavonoid (biochemistry) leiji 累计|to calculate the running total/cumula... leiji 累积|to accumulate leiji 雷击|lightning strike/thunderbolt leiji 累及|to involve/to affect leijianji 肋间肌|intercostal muscle (between ribs) leijiaqi 累加器|accumulator (computing) leijiazongshu 累加总数|cumulative total leijijiliang 累积剂量|cumulative dose leijin 累进|progressive (taxation etc) leijin 勒紧|to tighten leijingshenfenliexingrengeweichang 类精神分裂型人格违常|schizoid personality disorder (SPD) leijinkudai 勒紧裤带|to tighten one\'s belt/to live more fr... leijinshu 类金属|metalloid (chemistry) leijuebuai 累觉不爱|(lit.) so exhausted (by difficulties ... leikesasi 雷克萨斯|Lexus/see also 凌志[Ling2 zhi4] leikesi 雷克斯|Rex (name) leikesibaolong 雷克斯暴龙|Tyrannosaurus rex leikeyaweike 雷克雅未克|Reykjavik, capital of Iceland leikeyaweike 雷克雅维克|Reykjavik, capital of Iceland (Tw) leikua 累垮|to collapse/to be worn out/to break down leilang 雷朗|Luilang, one of the indigenous people... leilangzu 雷朗族|Luilang, one of the indigenous people... leilei 磊磊|big pile of rocks/bighearted/open and... leilei 累累|(literary) (of fruit, achievements et... leilei 累累|again and again/innumerable/repeated/... leilei 累累|variant of 累累[lei2 lei2] leileiche 勒勒车|wagon (yoked to beast of burden) leilifengxing 雷厉风行|pass like thunder and move like the w... leiliumanmian 泪流满面|cheeks streaming with tears (idiom) leilong 雷龙|apatosaurus/former name: brontosaurus leiluo 磊落|big and stout/big-hearted/open and ho... leiluodafang 磊落大方|to be generous in the extreme (idiom) leiluomanuo 雷·罗马诺|Ray Romano (1957-), US actor and come... leiman 雷曼|Lehman or Leymann (name) leimanxiongdi 雷曼兄弟|Lehman Brothers, investment bank leimengde 雷蒙德|Raymond (name) leiming 雷鸣|thunder rolls leimu 泪目|tearful eyes; to be moved to tears leimu 类目|category leimusiting 雷姆斯汀|variant of 德國戰車|德国战车, Rammstein (Germ... leimuxingxing 类木行星|Jovian planet leiniao 雷鸟|capercaillie (Lagopus, several specie... leinuo 雷诺|Reynolds (name)/Renault (French car c... leinuoa 雷诺阿|Renoir (name)/Pierre-Auguste Renoir (... leinuoshu 雷诺数|Reynolds number (ratio of inertial fo... leipa 累趴|tired to the point of dropping leipian 类篇|Leipian, Chinese character dictionary... leiqi 垒砌|to build a structure out of layered b... leiqiguan 类器官|organoid (regenerative medicine) leiqiu 垒球|softball leiqiumian 类球面|prolate spheroid (math.) leiqu 雷区|minefield (lit. and fig.) leiren 泪人|person who is crying their eyes out, ... leiren 雷人|(Internet slang) shocking/appalling/t... leirenyuan 类人猿|hominid leirina 雷日纳|Regina (name)/Regina, city in Brazil leiruo 羸弱|frail/weak leiruyuxia 泪如雨下|tears falling like rain (idiom) leisha 勒杀|to strangle leishan 雷山|Leishan county in Qiandongnan Miao an... leishanxian 雷山县|Leishan county in Qiandongnan Miao an... leishe 镭射|laser (loanword)/Taiwanese term for 激... leishe 雷射|laser (loanword used in Taiwan)/also ... leishebi 雷射笔|laser pointer (Tw) leishen 雷神|god of thunder (Chinese Leigong 雷公[Le... leisheng 雷声|thunder leishengda,yudianxiao 雷声大,雨点小|lit. loud thunder, but only tiny drop... leishengongsi 雷神公司|Raytheon Company, US defense contractor leishenzhichui 雷神之锤|Quake (video game series) leisheyinbiaoji 镭射印表机|laser printer leishi 礌石|(old) rocks that can be dropped from ... leishu 类书|reference book consisting of material... leishucidian 类属词典|thesaurus leishui 泪水|teardrop/tears leishuilianlian 泪水涟涟|in floods of tears (idiom) leisi 类似|similar; analogous leisi 蕾丝|lace (loanword) (textiles) leisi 勒死|to strangle leisi 耒耜|plow leisibian 蕾丝边|lesbian (slang) (loanword) leisidian 类似点|resemblance leisihuabian 蕾丝花边|lace border (loanword) leisileihuo 累死累活|to tire oneself out through overwork/... leisiling 雷司令|Riesling (grape type) leitai 擂台|elevated stage on which martial compe... leitaisai 擂台赛|single-elimination open tournament (t... leiting 雷霆|sound of thunder leitong 雷同|mirroring others/identical leitui 类推|to reason by analogy leiwangwang 泪汪汪|tearful/brimming with tears leixian 泪腺|Lacrimal gland leixin 累心|taxing (mentally or emotionally) leixing 类型|type; kind; category/(computer progra... leixingti 类星体|quasar leiyaer 雷亚尔|real (Brazilian currency) (loanword) leiyan 泪眼|tearful eyes leiyan 肋眼|rib eye (steak) (loanword) leiyang 耒阳|Leiyang, county-level city in Hengyan... leiyangshi 耒阳市|Leiyang, county-level city in Hengyan... leiyanposuo 泪眼婆娑|tearful (idiom) leiye 泪液|tears/teardrops leiying 嫘萦|rayon leiyu 雷雨|thunderstorm leiyucidian 类语辞典|thesaurus leizhayehu 雷扎耶湖|Lake Urmia, northwest Iran, a major s... leizhenyu 雷阵雨|thundershower leizhou 雷州|Leizhou, county-level city in Zhanjia... leizhoubandao 雷州半岛|Leizhou Peninsula leizhoushi 雷州市|Leizhou, county-level city in Zhanjia... leizhu 泪珠|teardrop; tear leizhui 累赘|superfluous/cumbersome/a burden on sb... leizhui 累坠|variant of 累贅|累赘[lei2 zhui4] leizi 雷子|(slang) cop lejian 乐见|to be pleased to see (a circumstance,... lejianqicheng 乐见其成|to look favorably on sth/would be gla... lejie 勒戒|to force sb to give up (a drug)/to en... lejishengbei 乐极生悲|extreme joy turns to sorrow (idiom); ... lejuan 乐捐|to donate lekaihua 乐开花|to burst with joy lekesi 勒克斯|lux (unit of illuminance) (loanword) lelangjun 乐浪郡|Lelang commandery (108 BC-313 AD), on... leling 勒令|to order/to force leling 乐龄|golden years (after the age of about 60) lelingshi 乐陵市|Leling, county-level city in Dezhou 德... lema 勒马|to guide a horse with the reins/to re... leng 冷|surname Leng leng 冷|cold leng 棱|used in 刺棱[ci1leng1]/used in 花不棱登[hua... leng 棱|square beam/variant of 稜|棱[leng2] leng 棱|arris; edge/corrugation; ridges leng 楞|variant of 稜|棱[leng2]/used in 楞迦[Leng... leng 楞|variant of 愣[leng4] leng 愣|to look distracted/to stare blankly/d... leng 塄|elevated bank around a field leng 崚|lofty (as of mountain) leng 睖|to stare blankly/to glare leng 薐|old name for spinach leng 踜|to stumble/to slip/to fall lengao 冷傲|icily arrogant lengbaoli 冷暴力|non-physical abuse/emotional abuse/th... lengbuding 冷不丁|suddenly/by surprise lengbufang 冷不防|unexpectedly/suddenly/at unawares/off... lengcai 冷菜|cold dish/cold food lengcan 冷餐|cold meal/cold food lengcang 冷藏|refrigeration/cold storage/to keep (f... lengcangche 冷藏车|refrigerated truck or wagon lengcangxiang 冷藏箱|cooler/ice chest/reefer container lengchang 冷场|stage wait/(fig.) awkward silence lengchaorefeng 冷嘲热讽|frigid irony and scorching satire (id... lengchuli 冷处理|(mechanics) cold treatment/to downpla... lengdan 冷淡|cold/indifferent lengdanguanxi 冷淡关系|cold relations (e.g. between countries) lengdong 冷冻|to freeze (food etc)/(of weather) fre... lengdonggui 冷冻柜|freezer lengdongku 冷冻库|freezer room lengfang 冷房|cooling/air conditioning lengfeng 冷锋|cold front (meteorology) lengfu 冷敷|to apply a cold compress lengfubu 冷敷布|cold compress lenggan 愣干|to do things recklessly/to persist in... lenggong 冷宫|(in literature and opera) a place to ... lenghan 冷汗|cold sweat lenghua 冷话|harsh words/sarcasm/bitter remarks lengji 冷寂|cold and desolate/lonely lengjia 楞迦|Lanka (old term for Sri Lanka, Ceylon) lengjiadao 楞迦岛|Lanka (old term for Sri Lanka, Ceylon) lengjiao 棱角|edge and corner/protrusion/sharpness ... lengjing 棱镜|(optics) prism lengjing 冷静|calm; cool-headed; dispassionate/(of ... lengjingqi 冷静期|cooling-off period (divorces, purchas... lengjinr 愣劲儿|dash/pep/vigor lengjun 冷峻|grave and stern lengku 冷酷|unfeeling; callous lengkuwuqing 冷酷无情|cold-hearted; unfeeling; callous lengleng 冷冷|coldly lenglengqingqing 冷冷清清|deserted/desolate/unfrequented/cold a... lengli 冷厉|stern; unsympathetic; icy lenglian 冷链|cold chain lenglie 冷冽|chilly lengluo 冷落|desolate/unfrequented/to treat sb col... lengmei 冷媒|refrigerant lengmen 冷门|a neglected branch (of arts, science,... lengmian 冷面|grim/stern/harsh lengmian 冷面|naengmyeon (Korean dish based on cold... lengmo 冷漠|cold and detached towards sb/lack of ... lengnu 冷奴|silken tofu served cold with various ... lengnuan 冷暖|lit. daily changes of temperature/fig... lengnuanfang 冷暖房|cooling and heating/air conditioning ... lengnuanzizhi 冷暖自知|see 如人飲水,冷暖自知|如人饮水,冷暖自知[ru2 ren2 yin3... lengpan 冷盘|cold plate/cold meats lengpen 冷盆|cold dish/appetizer lengpi 冷僻|out-of-the-way/deserted/unfamiliar/ob... lengqi 冷气|cold air/air conditioning lengqiang 冷枪|sniper\'s shot lengqie 冷切|cold cuts lengqiji 冷气机|air conditioner lengqing 冷清|cold and cheerless; desolate; deserted lengqingqing 冷清清|deserted/desolate/unfrequented/cold a... lengqishan 冷气衫|warm clothes such as padded jacket to... lengque 冷却|to cool (lit. and fig.) lengqueji 冷却剂|coolant lengqueshui 冷却水|cooling water (in a reactor) lengqueta 冷却塔|cooling tower lengrebing 冷热病|malaria lengredushu 冷热度数|temperature (esp. of medical patient) lengruobingshuang 冷若冰霜|as cold as ice and frost (idiom, usua... lengse 冷涩|cold and sluggish/chilly lengsensen 冷森森|chilling cold/cold and threatening lengshenr 愣神儿|to stare blankly/to be in a daze lengshui 冷水|cold water/unboiled water/fig. not ye... lengshuijiang 冷水江|Lengshuijiang, county-level city in L... lengshuijiangshi 冷水江市|Lengshuijiang, county-level city in L... lengshuijizu 冷水机组|chiller lengshuitan 冷水滩|Lengshuitan district of Yongzhou city... lengshuitanqu 冷水滩区|Lengshuitan district of Yongzhou city... lengshuo 愣说|(coll.) to insist; to allege; to assert lengsisi 冷丝丝|a bit chilly lengsousou 冷飕飕|chilling; chilly lengtai 棱台|prism lengtian 冷天|cold weather/cold season lengtoulengnao 愣头愣脑|rash/impetuous/reckless lengtouqing 愣头青|reckless young person lengtouqing 楞头青|variant of 愣頭青|愣头青[leng4tou2qing1] lengxiao 冷笑|to sneer/to laugh grimly/grin of diss... lengxiaohua 冷笑话|corny joke lengxue 冷血|cold-blood/cold-blooded (animal) lengxuedongwu 冷血动物|cold-blooded animal/fig. cold-hearted... lengyan 楞严|one who surmounts all obstacles (Budd... lengyan 冷艳|(of a woman) beautiful but aloof lengyan 冷眼|cool eye/fig. detached/(treating) wit... lengyanlengyu 冷言冷语|sarcastic comments (idiom)/to make sa... lengyanpangguan 冷眼旁观|the cool eye of a bystander/a detache... lengyin 冷饮|cold drink lengyu 冷遇|a cold reception/to cold-shoulder sb lengyu 冷语|sarcasm/sneering talk lengyubingren 冷语冰人|to offend people with unkind remarks ... lengzha 冷轧|(metallurgy) cold-rolled; cold-rolling lengzhan 冷战|(US-Soviet) Cold War lengzhan 冷战|cold war/(fig.) strained relationship... lengzhan 冷战|(coll.) shiver/shudder lengzhan 冷颤|variant of 冷戰|冷战[leng3 zhan5] lengzhishi 冷知识|trivia lengzhu 棱柱|prism lengzhui 棱锥|pyramid (geometry) lengzi 冷字|obscure word/unfamiliar character lengziyan 楞子眼|(dialect) vacant look of a drunk or i... lepang 勒庞|Jean-Marie Le Pen (1928-), French Fro... leping 乐平|Leping, county-level city in Jingdezh... lepingshi 乐平市|Leping, county-level city in Jingdezh... lequ 乐趣|delight; pleasure; joy lequle 了去了|(coll.) (after adjectives such as 多[d... ler 乐儿|see 樂子|乐子[le4 zi5] lese 乐色|(slang) (pun on the Taiwan pr. of 垃圾[... lesha 叻沙|laksa, spicy noodle soup of Southeast... leshan 乐山|see 樂山市|乐山市[Le4shan1 Shi4] leshanhaoshi 乐善好施|kind and charitable leshanshi 乐山市|Leshan, prefecture-level city in Sich... leshi 乐事|Lay\'s (brand) leshi 乐事|pleasure leshihui 乐施会|Oxfam (Oxford Committee for Famine Re... leshu 乐蜀|Luxor, city in Egypt (Cantonese trans... lesibosi 勒斯波斯|Lesbos (Greek island in Aegean) lesibosidao 勒斯波斯岛|Lesbos (Greek island in Aegean) lesuo 勒索|to blackmail/to extort lesuoruanjian 勒索软件|ransomware (computing) lesuozui 勒索罪|blackmail letaotao 乐陶陶|joyful/cheerful letian 乐天|Lotte (South Korean conglomerate) letian 乐天|carefree/happy-go-lucky/optimistic letianpai 乐天派|happy-go-lucky people/optimists letianzhiming 乐天知命|to be content with what one is letou 乐透|lottery/lotto (loanword) letu 乐土|happy place; paradise; haven lewai 乐歪|to be thrilled/(of sb\'s mouth) to for... leweifu 勒维夫|Lviv (Lvov), town in western Ukraine leweinasi 勒维纳斯|Levinas (philosopher) leweiye 勒威耶|Urbain Le Verrier (1811-1877), French... leyangyang 乐羊羊|Happy sheep (group of five cartoon sh... leye 乐业|Leye county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Gu... leyexian 乐业县|Leye county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Gu... leyi 乐意|to be willing to do sth/to be ready t... leyu 乐于|willing (to do sth)/to take pleasure in leyu 仂语|phrase (linguistics) leyuan 乐园|paradise leyuzhuren 乐于助人|willing to help others lezaiqizhong 乐在其中|to take pleasure in sth (idiom) lezhi 乐至|Lezhi county in Ziyang 資陽|资阳[Zi1 yang... lezhi 乐之|Ritz (cracker brand) lezhixian 乐至县|Lezhi county in Ziyang 資陽|资阳[Zi1 yang... lezhu 簕竹|spiny bamboo (Bambusa blumeana) lezi 乐子|fun/pleasure/laughing matter lezizi 乐滋滋|(coll.) contented/happy li 里|variant of 裡|里[li3] li 里|lining/interior/inside/internal/also ... li 里|Li (surname) li 里|li, ancient measure of length, approx... li 李|surname Li li 李|plum li 力|surname Li li 力|power/force/strength/ability/strenuously li 理|texture/grain (of wood)/inner essence... li 利|surname Li li 利|sharp/favorable/advantage/benefit/pro... li 立|surname Li li 立|to stand/to set up/to establish/to la... li 哩|mile li 哩|(modal final particle similar to 呢[ne... li 丽|Korea li 丽|beautiful li 莉|used in 茉莉[mo4li4]/used in the transl... li 鲤|carp li 黎|Li ethnic group of Hainan Province/su... li 黎|(literary) black/dark/many/multitude li 历|old variant of 曆|历[li4]/old variant o... li 历|calendar li 历|old variant of 歷|历[li4] li 历|to experience/to undergo/to pass thro... li 锂|lithium (chemistry) li 离|surname Li li 离|to leave/to part from/to be away from... li 梨|pear/CL:個|个[ge4] li 狸|raccoon dog/fox-like animal li 狸|variant of 狸[li2] li 厘|variant of 釐|厘[li2] li 厘|Li (c. 2000 BC), sixth of the legenda... li 厘|one hundredth/centi- li 郦|surname Li/ancient place name li 璃|(phonetic character used in translite... li 璃|colored glaze/glass li 璃|variant of 璃[li2] li 戻|Japanese variant of 戾[li4] li 粒|grain; granule; pellet; particle/clas... li 荔|variant of 荔[li4] li 荔|litchi li 篱|a fence li 砾|(bound form) gravel; small stone li 礼|surname Li/abbr. for 禮記|礼记[Li3ji4], C... li 礼|gift/rite/ceremony/CL:份[fen4]/proprie... li 俪|husband and wife li 漓|pattering (of rain)/seep through li 漓|name of a river li 漓|to seep through li 砅|cross stream by stepping on stones li 沥|to drip/to strain or filter/a trickle li 砺|grind/sandstone li 俐|used in 伶俐[ling2li4] li 藜|name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoo... li 蠡|calabash li 蠡|wood-boring insect li 澧|Lishui River in north Hunan, flowing ... li 篥|bamboos good for poles/horn li 隶|variant of 隸|隶[li4] li 隶|(bound form) a person in servitude; l... li 厉|surname Li li 厉|strict/severe li 唳|cry of a crane or wild goose li 痢|dysentery li 梸|old variant of 梨[li2] li 蔾|chenopodiaceae li 溧|name of a river li 莅|river in Hebei li 莅|variant of 蒞|莅[li4], to attend li 莅|to attend (an official function)/to b... li 蛎|oyster li 励|surname Li li 励|to encourage/to urge li 喱|grain (unit of weight, approx. 0.065 ... li 栗|(literary) cold; chilly/(bound form) ... li 栗|surname Li li 栗|chestnut li 褵|bride\'s veil or kerchief li 吏|minor government official or function... li 悝|worried/afflicted li 梩|basket for removing earth/spade li 笠|bamboo rain hat li 缡|bridal veil or kerchief li 鹂|Chinese oriole li 俚|old name for the 黎[Li2] ethnic group li 俚|rustic/vulgar/unrefined/abbr. for 俚語|... li 犁|plow li 嫠|widow li 雳|used in 霹靂|霹雳[pi1li4] li 鬲|ancient ceramic three-legged vessel u... li 醴|sweet wine li 苈|Drabanemerosa hebecarpa li 粝|coarse rice li 鳢|snakefish/snakehead mullet li 枥|type of oak/stable (for horses) li 疠|ulcer/plague li 坜|hole, pit li 詈|to curse/to scold li 罹|happen to/sorrow/suffer from li 唎|(final particle)/sound/noise li 唎|variant of 哩[li5] li 豊|ceremonial vessel/variant of 禮|礼[li3] li 戾|to bend/to violate/to go against/ruth... li 屴|high mountain range li 浬|nautical mile li 悷|sorrowful li 黧|dark/sallow color li 骊|black horse/jet steed/good horse/lege... li 跞|move/walk li 轹|to bully/wheel-rut li 悧|used in 憐悧|怜悧[lian2li4] li 蓠|red algae/Gracilaria, several species... li 欐|beam li 逦|winding li 嚟|used in transliteration li 犛|black ox/yak li 疬|used in 瘰癧|瘰疬[luo3li4] li 鲡|eel li 娌|used in 妯娌[zhou2 li5] li 例|example/precedent/rule/case/instance li 犂|see 犂靬[Li2 jian1]/variant of 犁[li2] li 棃|variant of 梨[li2], pear li 脷|(cattle) tongue (Cantonese) li 醨|dregs of wine li 沴|miasma li 蜊|clam li 漦|go with current/mucus/spittle li 浰|to attend (official functions) li 纚|(literary) to bind/to fasten/rope li 凓|cold/frigid li 鬁|bald/scabby li 濿|variant of 砅[li4] li 劙|a divide, to partition li 盭|unreasonable/violent li 樆|rowan or mountain ash (genus Sorbus) li 呖|sound of splitting/cracking li 鴗|Alcedo bengalensis li 栃|archaic variant of 櫪|枥, oak/type of t... li 栵|hedge li 皪|luster (of pearls) li 苙|(herb)/pigsty li 㮚|old variant of 栗[li4] li 猁|used in 猞猁[she1li4] li 檪|old variant of 櫟|栎[li4] li 暦|Japanese variant of 曆|历[li4] li 栎|oak/Quercus serrata li 傈|used in 傈僳[Li4 su4] li 剺|mark li 𬍛|brilliance (pearls) li 𫟷|livermorium (chemistry)/(old) (Italia... lia 俩|two (colloquial equivalent of 兩個|两个)/... lian 链|chain/cable (unit of length: 100 fath... lian 联|(bound form) to ally oneself with; to... lian 练|to practice/to train/to drill/to perf... lian 廉|old variant of 廉[lian2] lian 廉|surname Lian lian 廉|incorruptible/honest/inexpensive/to i... lian 莲|lotus lian 脸|face/CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4] lian 恋|to feel attached to/to long for/to love lian 炼|to refine/to smelt lian 炼|variant of 鏈|链[lian4], chain/variant ... lian 连|surname Lian lian 连|to link/to join/to connect/continuous... lian 立案|to register (to an official organism)... lian 帘|flag used as a shop sign/variant of 簾... lian 帘|hanging screen or curtain lian 怜|to pity lian 聨|variant of 聯|联[lian2] lian 涟|ripple/tearful lian 濂|name of a river in Hunan lian 摙|to transport/to remove to take lian 敛|(literary) to hold back/(literary) to... lian 敛|variant of 殮|殓[lian4] lian 鲢|Hypophthalmichthys moritrix lian 镰|old variant of 鐮|镰[lian2] lian 镰|variant of 鐮|镰[lian2] lian 镰|(bound form) sickle lian 离岸|offshore lian 楝|Melia japonica lian 梿|see 槤枷|梿枷[lian2 jia1], flail/to thres... lian 琏|sacrificial vessel used for grain off... lian 潋|full of water/trough lian 殓|to prepare a dead body for coffin lian 嗹|chattering lian 鄻|place name lian 蠊|used in 蜚蠊[fei3lian2] lian 奁|variant of 奩|奁[lian2] lian 奁|bridal trousseau lian 奁|old variant of 奩|奁[lian2] lian 莶|variant of 蘞|蔹[lian3]/Taiwan pr. [lian4] lian 蔹|trailing plant/liana/creeper/wild vin... lian 湅|to boil raw silk (to soften and clean... lian 歛|variant of 斂|敛[lian3] lian 裢|pouch hung from belt lian 裣|see 襝衽|裣衽[lian3 ren4] lian 澰|(literary) to moisten; to wet; to soa... lian 萰|Ampelopsis japonica (creeper with roo... lian 聮|old variant of 聯|联[lian2] lian 蘝|variant of 蘞|蔹, trailing plant/liana/... lian 臁|sides of the lower part of the leg lian 錬|Japanese variant of 煉|炼[lian4] lian 李安|Ang Li (1954-), Taiwanese-American fi... lian 鬑|hanging temple hair lianai 恋爱|(romantic) love/CL:個|个[ge4],場|场[chang... lianai 怜爱|to have tender affection for/to love ... lianan 联氨|hydrazine lianba 敛巴|(dialect) to gather up; to throw toge... lianbai 连败|consecutive defeats/to lose several t... lianbang 联邦|federal/federation/commonwealth/feder... lianbangdeguo 联邦德国|German Federation/Bundesrepublik Deut... lianbangdiaochaju 联邦调查局|Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) lianbangjinjicuoshishu 联邦紧急措施署|Federal Emergency Management Agency/FEMA lianbangkuaidi 联邦快递|FedEx lianbangtongxinweiyuanhui 联邦通信委员会|Federal Communications Commission (FCC) lianbangzhengfu 联邦政府|federal government lianbangzhi 联邦制|federal/federal system lianbangzhou 联邦州|federal state/German Bundesland lianbao 联保|joint guarantee (finance, law) lianbao 脸薄|bashful/shy lianbazi 脸巴子|cheek lianbendaili 连本带利|both principal and interest/capital p... lianbendaipao 连奔带跑|to run quickly/to rush/to gallop lianbi 连笔|to write without lifting one\'s pen fr... lianbi 连比|compound ratio lianbi 连璧|to join jade annuli/fig. to combine t... lianbiao 链表|linked list lianbiaobingzhen 连镳并轸|lit. reins together and carriages lev... lianbing 练兵|to drill troops/army training lianbo 联播|to broadcast over a network/(radio or... lianbu 脸部|face lianbu 帘布|cord fabric used in vehicle tires lianbu 敛步|(literary) to slow down one\'s steps; ... lianbu 莲步|(literary) light, airy steps (as if w... lianbubiaoqing 脸部表情|facial expression liancai 敛财|to accumulate wealth/to rake in money liancang 镰仓|Kamakura city in Kanagawa prefecture ... liancangmufu 镰仓幕府|Kamakura shogunate 1192-1333 lianchan 联产|co-production/cooperative production lianchandaohu 联产到户|household responsibility system, intr... lianchandaolao 联产到劳|to pay sb according to their producti... liancheng 连城|Liancheng, county-level city in Longy... lianchengxian 连城县|Liancheng county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fu... lianchi 廉耻|honor and shame/sense of honor lianchiji 镰翅鸡|(bird species of China) Siberian grou... lianchiqu 莲池区|Lianchi District of Baoding 保定[Bao3 d... lianchuan 连串|one after the other/a succession of/a... lianci 连词|conjunction lianda 联大|abbr. for 聯合國大會|联合国大会[Lian2 he2 guo2 ... lianda 练达|experienced/sophisticated/worldly-wise lianda 脸大|bold/unafraid liandai 连带|to be related/to entail/to involve/jo... liandaizeren 连带责任|to bear joint responsibility for sth/... liandan 脸蛋|cheek/face liandan 炼丹|to concoct pills of immortality liandanr 脸蛋儿|cheek/face (often of child) liandanshu 炼丹术|maker of immortality pill/concocting ... liandanzi 脸蛋子|cheek/face liandao 镰刀|sickle liandaofutou 镰刀斧头|the hammer and sickle (flag of USSR, ... liandaoxibaopinxue 镰刀细胞贫血|sickle cell anemia liandong 联动|(of the parts of a machine) to move t... liandong 连动|to link/to peg (currency)/gang (gears... liandongzhai 连动债|structured note (finance) liandoulvle 脸都绿了|green in the face (idiom)/to look unwell liandu 莲都|Liandu district of Lishui city 麗水市|丽水... liandu 连读|liaison (in phonetics) liandui 连队|company (of troops) liandui 联队|wing (of an air force)/sports team re... lianduqu 莲都区|Liandu district of Lishui city 麗水市|丽水... liane 联俄|alliance with Russia (e.g. of early C... lianfa 连发|to fire (a weapon) in rapid succession lianfan 连番|repeatedly lianfang 殓房|morgue lianfeng 廉俸|extra allowances paid to government o... lianfuqingjie 恋父情结|Electra complex liang 量|to measure liang 量|capacity/quantity/amount/to estimate/... liang 两|two/both/some/a few/tael, unit of wei... liang 亮|bright; light/to shine; to flash/loud... liang 良|good/very/very much liang 梁|Liang Dynasty (502-557)/Later Liang D... liang 梁|roof beam/beam (structure)/bridge liang 梁|variant of 梁[liang2] liang 俩|used in 伎倆|伎俩[ji4liang3] liang 粮|grain/food/provisions/agricultural ta... liang 辆|classifier for vehicles liang 靓|attractive/good-looking liang 晾|to dry in the air/(fig.) to cold-shou... liang 凉|the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdom... liang 凉|cool/cold liang 凉|to let sth cool down liang 踉|used in 跳踉[tiao4liang2] liang 踉|used in 踉蹌|踉跄[liang4qiang4] liang 谅|to show understanding/to excuse/to pr... liang 里昂|Lyon, French city on the Rhône liang 悢|(literary) sad; melancholy liang 粱|sorghum liang 椋|used in 椋鳥|椋鸟[liang2niao3] liang 両|Japanese variant of 兩|两[liang3] liang 唡|ounce (British imperial system) (old) liang 喨|clear/resounding liang 魉|used in 魍魎|魍魉[wang3liang3] liang 倞|distant/to seek/old variant of 亮[lian... liang 俍|(literary) to be good at; to be exper... liang 辌|see 轀輬|辒辌[wen1 liang2] liang 蜽|used in 蝄蜽[wang3liang3] liang 㒳|old variant of 兩|两[liang3] liang 裲|waistcoat liang 李昂|Li Ang, personal name of fifteenth Ta... liangan 两岸|bilateral/both shores/both sides/both... lianganduihua 两岸对话|bilateral talks liangang 炼钢|to make steel/steelmaking liangangchang 炼钢厂|steel mill liangansandi 两岸三地|China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau (m... liangansuan 亮氨酸|leucine (Leu), an essential amino acid liangbaijushang 两败俱伤|both sides suffer (idiom)/neither sid... liangban 凉拌|to dress cold food with sauce/(slang)... liangban 良伴|good companion liangbanmian 凉拌面|cold noodles in sauce liangbashuazi 两把刷子|ability/skill liangbei 两倍|twice as much/double the amount liangbei 量杯|measuring cup/graduated measuring cyl... liangbian 两边|either side; both sides liangbian 量变|quantitative change liangbiao 量表|gauge/meter/scale liangbulu 两步路|a step away/very close liangbuwu 两不误|to neglect neither one liangbuxiangqian 两不相欠|to be even/to be quits/to be even-steven liangcai 良材|good timber/sound material/fig. able ... liangcai 亮彩|a bright color/sparkle/shine/glitter liangcailuyong 量才录用|to assess sb\'s capabilities and emplo... liangcang 粮仓|granary/barn/fig. bread basket (of fe... liangcao 粮草|army provisions/rations and fodder liangce 两侧|two sides; both sides liangce 良策|good plan/good idea liangce 量测|to measure/measurement liangceduichen 两侧对称|bilateral symmetry liangcha 凉茶|Chinese herb tea liangchan 量产|to mass-produce liangchao 梁朝|Liang Dynasty (502-557) liangcheng 量程|range (of scales or measuring equipment) liangcheng 凉城|Liangcheng county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌... liangchengxian 凉城县|Liangcheng county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌... liangchenjiri 良辰吉日|fine time, lucky day (idiom); fig. go... liangchenmeijing 良辰美景|fine time, beautiful scenery (idiom);... liangchenyu 梁辰鱼|Liang Chenyu (1521-1594), Ming dramat... liangchicun 量尺寸|to take sb\'s measurements liangchong 两重|dual; twofold liangchongtian 两重天|two entirely different worlds; two co... liangchu 亮出|to suddenly reveal/to flash (one\'s ID... liangci 量词|classifier (in Chinese grammar)/measu... liangdang 两当|Liangdang county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Lon... liangdangxian 两当县|Liangdang county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Lon... liangdangzhi 两党制|two-party system liangdanyixing 两弹一星|(China\'s achievements of) producing a... liangdao 粮道|route for providing foodstuff liangde 两德|two Germanies/refers to German Democr... liangdian 亮点|highlight/bright spot liangdian 粮店|grain store liangdianshui 两点水|name of \"ice\" radical 冫[bing1] in Chi... liangdipai 亮底牌|to show one\'s hand/to lay one\'s cards... liangdu 亮度|brightness liangdu 量度|to measure/measurement liangduan 两端|both ends (of a stick etc)/two extremes liangduo 良多|considerably/much/quite a bit liange 恋歌|love song liange 连歌|renga liangenba 连根拔|to pull up by the roots/to uproot liangerbuwenchuangwaishi 两耳不闻窗外事|to pay no attention to outside matters liangfan 量贩|to sell in a large amount at a lower ... liangfandian 量贩店|wholesale store/hypermarket liangfang 良方|good medicine/effective prescription/... liangfang 两方|both sides (in contract)/the two oppo... liangfanshi 量贩式|at wholesale price liangfen 凉粉|liangfen (Chinese dish)/grass jelly (... liangfenfa 两分法|(Maoism) one divides into two liangfu 量腹|to estimate how much food is required... lianggan 晾干|to dry (sth) by airing lianggang 量纲|dimension (unit) lianggang 良港|good harbor lianggezhongguo 两个中国|two-China (policy) lianggongxinku 良工心苦|expert craft from hard practice (idio... liangguang 亮光|light/beam of light/gleam of light/li... liangguang 两广|the two provinces of Guangdong and Gu... liangguangzongdu 两广总督|Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi lianggui 量规|gauge that is held against an object ... liangguo 两国|both countries; two countries liangguoguanxi 两国关系|bilateral relations liangguoxiangzheng,buzhanlaishi 两国相争,不斩来使|when two kingdoms are at war, they do... liangguozhijian 两国之间|bilateral/between two countries lianghan 两汉|Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)/refers to... lianghang 粮行|grain retailer (in former times) lianghao 良好|good/favorable/well/fine lianghao 靓号|desirable number (for one\'s telephone... lianghe 梁河|Lianghe county in Dehong Dai and Jing... lianghe 两河|the areas to the north and south of t... liangheliuyu 两河流域|Mesopotamia lianghewenming 两河文明|Mesopotamian civilization lianghexian 梁河县|Lianghe county in Dehong Dai and Jing... lianghu 两湖|Hubei 湖北 and Hunan 湖南 provinces lianghua 量化|to quantify; quantification; quantita... lianghuakuansong 量化宽松|quantitative easing (finance) lianghualuoji 量化逻辑|quantified logic lianghuang 粮荒|famine/critical shortage of grain lianghuangdeng 亮黄灯|(lit.) to flash the yellow light/(fig... lianghui 两会|National People\'s Congress and Chines... lianghuishi 两回事|two quite different things/two unrela... lianghuxiangdou 两虎相斗|lit. two tigers fight (idiom)/fig. a ... lianghuxiangdou,biyouyishang 两虎相斗,必有一伤|lit. when two tigers fight, one will ... lianghuxiangzheng 两虎相争|lit. two tigers fighting (idiom)/fig.... lianghuxiangzheng,biyouyishang 两虎相争,必有一伤|lit. if two tigers fight, one will ge... liangji 量级|order of magnitude/weight class (boxi... liangji 两极|the two poles/the north and south pol... liangji 良机|a good chance/a golden opportunity liangji 良吉|lucky day/auspicious day liangji 量计|gauge liangjia 良家|respectable family; decent family liangjia 梁架|roof beam/rafters liangjiangdao 两江道|Ryanggang province province in north ... liangjianvzi 良家女子|woman from a respectable family/respe... liangjiaojia 两脚架|bipod (supporting a machine gun etc) liangjiaoqi 量角器|protractor/angle gauge liangjiashengjin 两颊生津|mouth-watering/to whet one\'s appetite liangjie 谅解|to understand/to make allowances for/... liangjiebeiwanglu 谅解备忘录|memorandum of understanding liangjiegun 两节棍|nunchaku liangjifenhua 两极分化|polarization liangjihua 两极化|to polarize/polarization/polarized; d... liangjingjing 亮晶晶|gleaming/glistening liangjingru 梁静茹|Fish Leong (1978-), Malaysian pop sin... liangjiu 良久|a good while/a long time liangju 两句|(say) a few words liangju 量具|measuring device liangjun 亮菌|Armillariella tabescens (mushroom use... liangjunjiasu 亮菌甲素|armillarisin (fungal enzyme used as a... liangkour 两口儿|husband and wife/couple liangkouzi 两口子|husband and wife liangku 粮库|grain depot liangkuai 凉快|nice and cold/pleasantly cool liangkuyongxin 良苦用心|to ponder earnestly/to give a lot of ... lianglan 亮蓝|bright blue lianglebanjie 凉了半截|felt a chill (in one\'s heart)/(one\'s ... liangleichadao 两肋插刀|lit. knifes piercing both sides (idio... liangli 靓丽|beautiful; pretty/Taiwan pr. [jing4 li4] liangli 量力|to estimate one\'s strength liangli 亮丽|bright and beautiful liangli 两立|to coexist/coexistence liangliang 凉凉|slightly cold/cool/(neologism) (slang... lianglierwei 量力而为|to weigh one\'s abilities and act acco... lianglierxing 量力而行|to assess one\'s capabilities and act ... lianglong 梁龙|diplodocus liangma 良马|good horse liangmashi 两码事|two things that are fundamentally dif... liangmazishi 两码子事|see 兩碼事|两码事[liang3ma3shi4] liangmei 靓妹|pretty girl liangmian 两面|both sides liangmian 凉面|cold noodles liangmianpai 两面派|two-faced person/double-dealing liangmianren 两面人|two-faced person liangmianren 两面刃|double-edged sword liangmiansandao 两面三刀|two-faced, three knives (idiom); doub... liangmin 良民|good people/ordinary people (i.e. not... liangmo 粮秣|provisions (e.g. military)/forage/fodder liangmu 梁木|beam/rafter/lintel/person able to bea... liangnan 两难|dilemma/quandary/to face a difficult ... liangniao 椋鸟|starling/gray starling (Sturnus ciner... liangnong 粮农|food and agriculture/grain farmer liangnv 靓女|(dialect) pretty girl liangong 练功|to do tai chi/to practice kung-fu (or... liangpang 两旁|both sides; either side liangpeng 凉棚|mat awning/arbor liangpengyiyou 良朋益友|virtuous companions and worthy friends liangpi 凉皮|liangpi (noodle-like dish) liangpiao 粮票|coupons for food or grain used in a P... liangping 梁平|Liangping, a district of Chongqing 重慶... liangping 量瓶|measuring flask/graduated measuring c... liangpingqu 梁平区|Liangping, a district of Chongqing 重慶... liangqi 两栖|amphibious/dual-talented/able to work... liangqi 量器|measuring vessel/measuring apparatus liangqi 两讫|received and paid for (business term)... liangqiang 踉跄|to stagger; to walk falteringly liangqiang 踉𬧀|variant of 踉蹌|踉跄[liang4qiang4] liangqiannian 两千年|the year 2000/2000 years liangqichao 梁启超|Liang Qichao (1873-1929), influential... liangqidongwu 两栖动物|amphibian/amphibious animals liangqilei 两栖类|class Amphibia/amphibians liangqin 两亲|see 雙親|双亲[shuang1 qin1] liangqing 良庆|Liangqing District of Nanning City 南寧... liangqing 两清|to square accounts (between borrower ... liangqingliangyuan 两情两愿|by mutual consent (north China dialect) liangqingqu 良庆区|Liangqing District of Nanning City 南寧... liangqingxiangyue 两情相悦|(of a couple) to be harmonious; to be... liangqinzemu 良禽择木|a fine bird chooses a tree to nest in... liangqinzemuerqi 良禽择木而栖|a fine bird chooses a tree to nest in... liangquan 两全|to satisfy both sides/to accommodate ... liangquanqimei 两全其美|to satisfy rival demands (idiom)/to g... liangren 良人|husband (arch.) liangruweichu 量入为出|to assess one\'s income and spend acco... liangshai 晾晒|to sun-dry liangshan 梁山|Liangshan city and County in Jining 濟... liangshan 良善|good liangshanboyuzhuyingtai 梁山伯与祝英台|The Butterfly Lovers, Chinese folktal... liangshangjunzi 梁上君子|lit. the gentleman on the roof beam/f... liangshanhaohan 梁山好汉|the heroes of Liangshan Marsh (in the... liangshanshan 亮闪闪|bright liangshanshi 梁山市|Liangshan city in Shandong liangshanxian 梁山县|Liangshan County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ... liangshanyizuzizhizhou 凉山彝族自治州|Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, S... liangshen 量身|to take sb\'s measurements/to measure ... liangshendingzhi 量身定制|tailor-made liangshendingzuo 量身定做|to tailor-make/tailor-made/tailored t... liangshenglei 两生类|class Amphibia liangshi 粮食|foodstuff/cereals/CL:種|种[zhong3] liangshi 亮饰|diamanté liangshiyiyou 良师益友|good teacher and helpful friend (idio... liangshizuowu 粮食作物|grain crops/cereals liangshou 两手|one\'s two hands/two prongs (of a stra... liangshoubuzhanyangchunshui 两手不沾阳春水|see 十指不沾陽春水|十指不沾阳春水[shi2 zhi3 bu4 zha... liangshoucelve 两手策略|two-pronged strategy liangshoukongkong 两手空空|empty-handed (idiom); fig. not receiv... liangshu 梁书|History of Liang of the Southern Dyna... liangshuang 凉爽|cool and refreshing liangshui 凉水|cool water/unboiled water liangshuming 梁漱溟|Liang Shuming (1893-1988), modern phi... liangsong 两宋|the Song dynasty (960-1279)/refers to... liangtang 亮堂|bright/clear liangtangjinhanzhoushu 梁唐晋汉周书|another name for History of the Five ... liangtangtang 亮堂堂|very bright/well-lit liangtian 良田|good agricultural land/fertile land liangticaiyi 量体裁衣|lit. to cut cloth according to the bo... liangting 凉亭|pavilion liangtiwen 量体温|to take sb\'s temperature liangtizhong 量体重|to weigh oneself; to measure sb\'s weight liangtong 量筒|graduated measuring cylinder/volumetr... liangtong 良桐|good Chinese wood-oil tree (Aleurites... liangtou 两头|both ends/both parties to a deal liangtour 两头儿|erhua variant of 兩頭|两头[liang3 tou2] liangtu 良图|good plan/right strategy/to take one\'... lianguan 连贯|to link up (disparate elements)/coher... lianguan 联贯|variant of 連貫|连贯[lian2 guan4] liangui 链轨|caterpillar track (propulsion system ... liangun-daipa 连滚带爬|(idiom) stumbling and crawling; scram... lianguoduan 连锅端|to take even the cooking pots (idiom)... liangurou 连骨肉|chop/rib meat liangxi 凉席|summer sleeping mat (e.g. of woven sp... liangxia 两下|twice/for a little while liangxiang 亮相|to strike a pose (Chinese opera)/(fig... liangxiang 两相|both sides liangxiang 两相|two-phase (physics) liangxiang 良乡|Liangxiang town in Beijing municipality liangxiang 粮饷|army provisions liangxiang 梁湘|Liang Xiang (1919-1989), first govern... liangxiangqingyuan 两厢情愿|both sides are willing/by mutual consent liangxiangqingyuan 两相情愿|both sides are willing/by mutual consent liangxiaomeijing 良宵美景|fine evening, beautiful scenery (idiom) liangxiaowucai 两小无猜|innocent playmates liangxiazi 两下子|a couple of times/to repeat the same/... liangxie 凉鞋|sandal liangxin 良心|conscience liangxinfan 良心犯|prisoner of conscience liangxing 两性|male and female/both types (acid and ... liangxing 良性|positive (in its effect)/leading to g... liangxing 量刑|(law) to determine the sentence liangxing 亮星|bright star liangxingchaju 两性差距|disparity between the sexes liangxingdongwu 两性动物|hermaphrodite creature liangxinghua 两性花|hermaphrodite flower liangxinglizi 两性离子|(chemistry) zwitterion liangxingpingdeng 两性平等|equality between the sexes liangxingqi 两星期|fortnight liangxingxunhuan 良性循环|virtuous cycle (i.e. positive feedbac... liangxingyixing 两性异形|sexual dimorphism liangxingyun 亮星云|diffuse nebula liangxingzhongliu 良性肿瘤|benign tumor liangxinweigou 良心喂狗|to have fed one\'s conscience to the d... liangxinweimin 良心未泯|not totally heartless/still having a ... liangxiuqingfeng 两袖清风|lit. both sleeves flowing in the bree... liangyan 亮眼|eye-catching; striking; impressive/si... liangyang 两样|not the same; different liangyangdongxi 两样东西|two distinct things liangyanren 亮眼人|(term used by the blind) sighted pers... liangyao 良药|good medicine/panacea/fig. a good sol... liangyaokukou 良药苦口|good medicine tastes bitter (idiom); ... liangyi 良医|good doctor/skilled doctor liangyi 两仪|heaven and earth/yin and yang liangyi 凉意|a slight chill liangyijia 晾衣夹|clothes pin liangyijia 晾衣架|clothes drying rack liangyisheng 晾衣绳|clothesline liangyizhanzheng 两伊战争|Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) liangyong 两用|dual-use liangyou 良友|good friend/companion liangyoubuqi 良莠不齐|good and bad people intermingled liangyouchi 量油尺|dipstick/oil measuring rod liangyuan 良缘|good karma/opportune connection with ... liangyuan 两院|two chambers (of legislative assembly... liangyuan 梁园|Liangyuan district of Shangqiu city 商... liangyuanqu 梁园区|Liangyuan district of Shangqiu city 商... liangyuanzhi 两院制|bicameralism/bicameral legislative sy... liangzai 靓仔|handsome young man liangzan 梁赞|Ryazan, Russian city about 200 km sou... liangzao 两造|both parties (to a lawsuit)/plaintiff... liangzengzeng 亮锃锃|polished to a shine/shiny/glistening liangzhan 粮站|grain supply station liangzhan 粮栈|wholesale grain store liangzhaor 两着儿|the same old trick/illegal device liangzhe 两者|both of them; the two of them liangzhenying 梁振英|Leung Chun-ying (1954-), 3rd Chief Ex... liangzhi 良知|innate sense of right and wrong/consc... liangzhiliangneng 良知良能|instinctive understanding, esp. of et... liangzhong 良种|improved type/good breed/pedigree liangzhongfanyu 良种繁育|stock breeding (biology) liangzhou 凉州|Liangzhou district of Wuwei city 武威市[... liangzhouqu 凉州区|Liangzhou district of Wuwei city 武威市[... liangzhu 良渚|Liangzhu (c. 3400-2250 BC), neolithic... liangzhu 梁祝|The Butterfly Lovers, Chinese folktal... liangzhuwenhua 良渚文化|Liangzhu (c. 3400-2250 BC), neolithic... liangzi 量子|quantum liangzichanglun 量子场论|quantum field theory liangzidiandonglixue 量子电动力学|quantum electrodynamics QED liangzihu 梁子湖|Liangzihu district of Ezhou city 鄂州市[... liangzihua 量子化|quantization (physics) liangzihuqu 梁子湖区|Liangzihu district of Ezhou city 鄂州市[... liangzijing 量子阱|(physics) quantum well liangzijiuchan 量子纠缠|quantum entanglement (physics) liangzilixue 量子力学|quantum mechanics liangzilun 量子论|quantum theory (physics) liangzimo 量子沫|quantum foam (in string theory, and s... liangzisedonglixue 量子色动力学|quantum chromodynamics (particle phys... lianhang 联航|China United Airlines, abbr. for 中國聯合... lianhao 联号|variant of 連號|连号[lian2 hao4] lianhao 连号|consecutive serial numbers/chain (of ... lianhe 联合|to combine/to join/unite/alliance lianhe 连合|to combine/to join/to unite/alliance/... lianhebao 联合报|United Daily News, Taiwan newspaper lianhebaoguofuwugongsi 联合包裹服务公司|United Parcel Service (UPS) lianhefabiao 联合发表|joint statement/joint announcement lianhegongbao 联合公报|joint announcement lianhegudalu 联合古大陆|Pangea or Pangaea lianheguo 联合国|United Nations lianheguoanquanlishihui 联合国安全理事会|United Nations Security Council lianheguodahui 联合国大会|United Nations General Assembly lianheguoertongjijinhui 联合国儿童基金会|United Nations Children\'s Fund/UNICEF lianheguohaiyangfagongyue 联合国海洋法公约|United Nations Convention on the Law ... lianheguohuanjingguihuashu 联合国环境规划署|United Nations Environment Program (U... lianheguojiaokewenzuzhi 联合国教科文组织|UNESCO, United Nations Educational, S... lianheguokaifajihuashu 联合国开发计划署|United Nations Development Program lianheguoliangnongzuzhi 联合国粮农组织|Food and Agriculture Organization of ... lianheguomishuchu 联合国秘书处|United Nations Secretariat lianheguonanminshiwugaojizhuanyuanbanshichu 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处|Office of the UN High Commissioner fo... lianheguoqihoubianhuakuangjiagongyue 联合国气候变化框架公约|United Nations Framework Convention o... lianheguoxianzhang 联合国宪章|United Nations charter lianhehui 联合会|federation lianhejiandui 联合舰队|combined fleet lianhejishugongsi 联合技术公司|United Technologies Corporation lianhejunyan 联合军演|joint military exercise lianheng 连横|Horizontal Alliance, clique of the Sc... lianhepinpai 联合品牌|to cobrand lianheshengming 联合声明|joint declaration lianheshihechengci 联合式合成词|coordinative compound word lianheshougeji 联合收割机|combine (i.e. combine harvester) lianhewangguo 联合王国|United Kingdom lianhezhengfu 联合政府|coalition government lianheziqiang 联合自强|to combine together for self-improvem... lianhezuzhi 联合组织|syndicate lianhong 脸红|to blush/to redden (with shame, indig... lianhongbozicu 脸红脖子粗|red in the face/extremely angry lianhongdaipian 连哄带骗|to cajole/to sweet talk sb into doing... lianhongjinbao 脸红筋暴|red and tense with anger (idiom) lianhongjinzhang 脸红筋涨|red and tense with anger (idiom) lianhou 脸厚|thick-skinned/brazen lianhu 莲湖|Lianhu District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1 ... lianhua 莲花|lotus flower (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn... lianhua 炼化|to refine/refining (e.g. oil, chemica... lianhuabai 莲花白|(dialect) cabbage lianhualao 莲花落|genre of folk song with accompaniment... lianhuan 连环|chain lianhuan 联欢|to have a get-together/celebration/party lianhuan 链环|chain link lianhuanhua 连环画|lianhuanhua (graphic novel) lianhuanhui 联欢会|social gathering; party lianhuanji 连环计|interlocked stratagems/CL:條|条[tiao2] lianhuanshashou 连环杀手|serial killer lianhuantu 连环图|comic strip lianhuaxian 莲花县|Lianhua county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Ji... lianhuqu 莲湖区|Lianhu District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1 ... lianji 联机|online/network/to connect online/to c... lianji 连击|to batter/combo (hit) (gaming)/(volle... lianji 敛迹|to refrain/to give up evil (temporari... lianji 联集|union (symbol ∪) (set theory) (Tw) lianjia 廉价|cheaply-priced; low-cost lianjia 恋家|home-loving/to feel a strong attachme... lianjia 脸颊|cheek lianjia 连枷|flail lianjia 梿枷|variant of 連枷|连枷[lian2 jia1] lianjia 离岸价|free on board (FOB) (transportation) lianjiang 连江|Lianjiang, a county in Fuzhou City 福州... lianjiang 廉江|Lianjiang, county-level city in Zhanj... lianjiangshi 廉江市|Lianjiang, county-level city in Zhanj... lianjiangxian 连江县|Lianjiang, a county in Fuzhou City 福州... lianjiao 炼焦|coking/the process of producing coke ... lianjiaolu 炼焦炉|coking furnace lianjiaopi 恋脚癖|foot fetish lianjiaopizhe 恋脚癖者|foot fetishist lianjiaxiong 连枷胸|flail chest (medicine) lianjie 链接|link (on a web page) lianjie 廉洁|incorruptible; unbribable; honest lianjie 连结|variant of 聯結|联结[lian2 jie2] lianjie 联结|to bind/to tie/to link lianjie 链结|link lianjie 联接|variant of 連接|连接[lian2 jie1] lianjie 连接|to link; to join; to connect lianjieche 联结车|(Tw) 18-wheeler/big rig/semi-trailer lianjieci 连接词|conjunction lianjiehao 连接号|hyphen lianjiekuang 连接框|connection frame/linked frame lianjiemei 连接酶|ligase lianjieqi 连接器|connector lianjiexian 连结线|tie (music) lianjiezhi 连接至|to connect to lianjiezhuyi 联结主义|connectionism lianjiezhuyi 连结主义|connectionism lianjifenxichuli 联机分析处理|online analysis processing OLAP lianjin 连襟|husbands of sisters/brothers-in-law/e... lianjin 连卺|to share nuptial cup/(fig.) to get ma... lianjini 脸基尼|facekini lianjinshu 炼金术|alchemy lianjinshushi 炼金术士|alchemist lianjiu 练就|to master (a skill) lianjiu 恋旧|see 懷舊|怀旧[huai2 jiu4] lianjiuqingjie 恋旧情结|dwelling on the past/difficulty in ad... lianjiyouxi 联机游戏|a network computer game lianju 炼句|to polish a phrase lianju 链锯|chain saw lianjun 联军|allied armies liankao 联考|entrance examination liankong 脸孔|face liankuwa 连裤袜|pantyhose; tights/CL:雙|双[shuang1] lianlei 连累|to implicate; to get (sb) into troubl... lianli 连理|two trees that grow together as one/f... lianli 怜悧|see 伶俐[ling2li4] lianlian 恋恋|reluctant (to leave, to let go etc) lianlian 连连|repeatedly/again and again lianlianbushe 恋恋不舍|reluctant to part lianliankan 连连看|pattern matching (puzzle game)/matchi... lianlifangchengshi 联立方程式|simultaneous equations (math.) lianlu 链路|link lianluceng 链路层|link layer lianlun 链轮|sprocket lianluo 联络|to get in touch with/to contact/to st... lianluo 连络|variant of 聯絡|联络[lian2 luo4] lianluobu 联络簿|contact book lianluoguan 联络官|liaison officer lianmai 连麦|(of two people in different locations... lianmang 连忙|promptly/at once lianmang 脸盲|face-blind; prosopagnosic lianmangzheng 脸盲症|prosopagnosia/face blindness lianmaoweiyi 连帽卫衣|hooded sweatshirt/hoodie lianmei 联袂|jointly/as a group/together lianmei 连袂|variant of 聯袂|联袂[lian2 mei4] lianmeng 联盟|alliance/union/coalition lianmenghao 联盟号|Soyuz (union), Russian spacecraft series lianmian 脸面|face lianmian 连绵|continuous/unbroken/uninterrupted/ext... lianmian 联绵|variant of 連綿|连绵[lian2 mian2] lianmian-bujue 连绵不绝|(idiom) continuous; unending lianmianci 联绵词|two-syllable word featuring alliterat... lianmianci 连绵词|variant of 聯綿詞|联绵词[lian2 mian2 ci2] lianmin 怜悯|to take pity on/pity/mercy lianming 联名|jointly (signed, declared, sponsored) lianmu 帘幕|hanging screen/curtain over shop door... lianmu 恋慕|to be enamored of/to have tender feel... lianmuqingjie 恋母情结|Oedipus complex liannai 炼奶|condensed milk liannanxian 连南县|Liannan Yaozu autonomous county in Qi... liannanyaozuzizhixian 连南瑶族自治县|Liannan Yao Autonomous County in Qing... liannian 连年|successive years/over many years liannian 恋念|to have a sentimental attachment to (... lianou 莲藕|lotus root lianpang 脸庞|face lianpanr 脸盘儿|face/contour of face lianpen 脸盆|washbowl/basin for washing hands and ... lianpeng 莲蓬|lotus seed head lianpengtou 莲蓬头|showerhead lianpi 脸皮|face/cheek lianpian 联翩|(literary) to come in quick successio... lianpian 连片|forming a continuous sheet/continuous... lianpian 连翩|variant of 聯翩|联翩[lian2 pian1] lianpianleidu 连篇累牍|(of a piece of writing) long and tedi... lianpibao 脸皮薄|thin-skinned/sensitive lianpihou 脸皮厚|brazen lianpinen 脸皮嫩|bashful/shy lianping 连平|Lianping county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan... lianpingxian 连平县|Lianping county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan... lianpo 廉颇|Lian Po (327-243 BC), famous general ... lianpu 脸谱|Facebook lianpu 脸谱|types of facial makeup in operas lianqian 敛钱|to collect money/to raise funds (for ... lianqiao 连翘|Forsythia lianqing 恋情|romantic love lianqiu 链球|(athletics) hammer/hammer throw lianqiujun 链球菌|streptococcus (genus of bacteria) lianren 恋人|lover/sweetheart lianren 连任|to continue in (a political) office/t... lianren 裣衽|variant of 斂衽|敛衽[lian3 ren4] lianren 敛衽|old-fashioned women\'s obeisance/Taiwa... lianri 连日|day after day/for several days running lianrong 莲蓉|lotus seed paste lianrongbao 莲蓉包|lotus seed bun lianru 炼乳|to condense milk (by evaporation)/con... liansai 联赛|(sports) league/league tournament liansanbingsi 连三并四|one after the other/in succession (id... lianse 脸色|complexion/look lianshan 连山|Lianshan district of Huludao city 葫蘆島... lianshang-tiejin 脸上贴金|lit. to apply gold leaf to the face o... lianshanqu 连山区|Lianshan district of Huludao city 葫蘆島... lianshanxian 连山县|Lianshan Zhuang and Yao autonomous co... lianshanzhuangzuyaozuzizhixian 连山壮族瑶族自治县|Lianshan Zhuang and Yao autonomous co... liansheng 连声|repeatedly (say something) lianshifanying 链式反应|chain reaction lianshiliebianfanying 链式裂变反应|chain reaction of nuclear fission lianshipi 恋尸癖|necrophilia lianshou 联手|lit. to join hands/to act together lianshou 练手|to practice a skill lianshou 连手|concerted action/to collude (in disho... lianshu 联署|joint signatures (on a letter or decl... lianshu 连署|to cosign/to countersign lianshu 廉署|ICAC Independent Commission Against C... lianshu 脸书|Facebook lianshu 连书|to write without lifting one\'s pen fr... lianshui 涟水|Lianshui county in Huai\'an 淮安[Huai2 a... lianshuixian 涟水县|Lianshui county in Huai\'an 淮安[Huai2 a... liansong 联诵|liaison (in phonetics) (loanword) liansuo 连锁|to interlock/to be linked/chain (stor... liansuodian 连锁店|chain store liansuofanying 连锁反应|chain reaction liansuoshangdian 连锁商店|chain store liantai 莲台|lotus seat liantang 脸膛|facial contour; facial shape lianti 连体|conjoined (twins)/one-piece (garment) liantian 连天|reaching the sky/for days on end/ince... liantiao 链条|chain/CL:根[gen1],條|条[tiao2] liantiaolianshi 联调联试|debugging and commissioning/testing (... liantibieshu 联体别墅|townhouse liantidaida 连踢带打|to kick and beat (idiom) liantie 炼铁|smelting iron liantiechang 炼铁厂|iron foundry liantiku 连体裤|jumpsuit lianting 链烃|chain hydrocarbon liantishuangbaotai 连体双胞胎|conjoined twins/Siamese twins liantiying 连体婴|conjoined twins liantiyinger 连体婴儿|conjoined twins/Siamese twins liantiyongyi 连体泳衣|one-piece swimsuit liantong 联通|China United Telecommunications Corpo... liantong 联通|connection/link/to link together liantong 连通|to connect/to communicate/to relate/(... liantong 连同|together with/along with liantongfan 恋童犯|pedophile liantonghongchougongsi 联通红筹公司|Unicom Red Chip, Hong Kong subsidiary... liantongpi 恋童癖|pedophilia liantongqi 连通器|communicating vessels (in scientific ... liantuodaila 连拖带拉|pushing and pulling (idiom) lianwang 联网|to connect (or be connected) to a net... lianwu 恋物|(sexual) fetishism lianwu 莲雾|wax apple (a reddish pear-shaped fruit) lianwukuang 恋物狂|(sexual) fetishism lianwupi 恋物癖|(sexual) fetishism lianxi 联系|variant of 聯繫|联系[lian2 xi4] lianxi 联系|connection/contact/relation/to get in... lianxi 练习|to practice/exercise/drill/practice/C... lianxi 怜惜|to take pity on/to feel tenderness to... lianxi 连系|to link/to connect lianxian 连线|electrical lead; connecting line/(Tw)... lianxian 连县|Lian county in Guangdong lianxiang 联想|Lenovo lianxiang 联想|to associate (cognitively)/to make an... lianxiang 脸相|complexion/looks/appearance of one\'s ... lianxiangjituan 联想集团|Lenovo Group (PRC computer firm) lianxiangqi 联想起|to associate/to think of lianxiangxiyu 怜香惜玉|to have tender, protective feelings f... lianxiangxuexi 联想学习|associative learning lianxiao 连宵|the same night/that very night/succes... lianxiaodian 连销店|chain store lianxiben 练习本|exercise book/workbook/CL:本[ben3] lianxice 练习册|exercise booklet lianxichang 练习场|driving range (golf)/practice court/p... lianxici 连系词|copula (linguistics) lianxidongshi 联席董事|associate director lianxie 连写|to write without lifting one\'s pen fr... lianxifangshi 联系方式|contact details lianxihuiyi 联席会议|joint conference lianxing 脸型|shape of face/physiognomy lianxing 脸形|variant of 臉型|脸型, shape of face/physi... lianxing 联星|binary star lianxiren 联系人|contact (person) lianxu 连续|continuous/in a row/serial/consecutive lianxu 怜恤|to take pity/to show compassion lianxubiandiao 连续变调|tone sandhi lianxubuduan 连续不断|continuous/unceasing lianxufan 连续犯|successive offenses/serial crime lianxuhanshu 连续函数|continuous function lianxuji 连续集|TV series lianxujianshi 连续监视|continuous monitoring lianxujiezhilixue 连续介质力学|mechanics of a continuous medium/flui... lianxuju 连续剧|serialized drama/dramatic series/show... lianxuti 连续体|continuum lianxutongjiashe 连续统假设|(math.) the continuum hypothesis lianxuxing 连续性|continuity lianye 连夜|that very night/through the night/for... lianyi 联谊|friendship/fellowship lianyi 涟漪|ripple lianyihui 联谊会|association/club/society/party/get-to... lianyin 联姻|related by marriage/to connect by mar... lianyin 连音|tuplet (music)/sandhi (phonetics) lianyinfu 连音符|(music) tuplet lianying 联营|joint venture/under joint management lianyiqun 连衣裙|woman\'s dress/frock/gown lianyiweiyang 涟漪微漾|ripples/riffles lianyong 连用|to use (two words etc) together/to us... lianyou 炼油|oil refinery lianyouchang 炼油厂|oil refinery lianyu 炼狱|purgatory lianyu 鲢鱼|silver carp lianyuan 涟源|Lianyuan, county-level city in Loudi ... lianyuanshi 涟源市|Lianyuan, county-level city in Loudi ... lianyun 连云|Lianyun district of Lianyungang city ... lianyun 联运|through transport/through traffic joi... lianyungang 连云港|see 連雲港市|连云港市[Lian2yun2gang3 Shi4] lianyungangshi 连云港市|Lianyungang, prefecture-level city in... lianyunpiao 联运票|transfer ticket lianyunqu 连云区|Lianyun district of Lianyungang city ... lianzai 连载|serialized/published as a serial (in ... lianzhan 恋战|to zealously continue fighting lianzhan 恋栈|to be reluctant to give up a post lianzhan 连战|Lien Chan (1936-), Taiwanese politici... lianzhang 连长|company commander lianzhanliansheng 连战连胜|fighting and winning a series of batt... lianzhao 连招|(gaming or martial arts) a sequence o... lianzhao 脸罩|visor lianzhen 炼珍|a delicacy (food) lianzhencha 立案侦查|to file for investigation/to prosecut... lianzheng 廉政|to govern with integrity/clean and ho... lianzheng 廉正|upright and honest/integrity lianzhenggongshu 廉政公署|Independent Commission Against Corrup... lianzhi 炼制|(chemistry) to refine lianzhi 廉直|upright and honest/incorruptible/sque... lianzhishoutao 连指手套|mittens lianzhiweiding 炼之未定|to spend a long time thinking about s... lianzhongsanyuan 连中三元|(old) to rank first in the imperial e... lianzhou 连州|Lianzhou, county-level city in Qingyu... lianzhoujie 联轴节|(mechanics) coupling lianzhouqi 联轴器|(mechanics) coupler; coupling lianzhoushi 连州市|Lianzhou, county-level city in Qingyu... lianzhouzhuan 连轴转|(coll.) to work non-stop; to work aro... lianzhu 连珠|joined as a string of pearls/in rapid... lianzhu 连铸|continuous casting (metallurgy) lianzhuanghongxueqiupinxuezheng 镰状红血球贫血症|sickle-cell anemia lianzhuangxibaoxuezheng 镰状细胞血症|sickle cell anemia lianzhui 连缀|to put together/linking/successive/a ... lianzhui 联缀|variant of 連綴|连缀[lian2 zhui4] lianzhuidongci 连缀动词|linking verb lianzhupao 连珠炮|barrage of gunfire (often used as a m... lianzi 链子|chain lianzi 帘子|curtain lianzi 莲子|lotus seed lianzi 炼字|to craft one\'s words lianzi 练字|to practice writing characters lianzifu 连字符|hyphen lianzifuhao 连字符号|hyphen lianzihao 连字号|hyphen (punct.) lianzong 莲宗|see 淨土宗|净土宗[Jing4 tu3 zong1] lianzong 联宗|combined branches of a clan lianzong 恋综|dating reality show (abbr. for 戀愛綜藝節目... lianzufang 廉租房|low-rent housing lianzuo 连坐|to treat as guilty those associated w... lianzuozhi 连坐制|guilt by association lianzupi 恋足癖|foot fetish liao 了|to finish/to achieve/variant of 瞭|了[l... liao 了|(of eyes) bright/clear-sighted/to und... liao 了|unofficial variant of 瞭[liao4] liao 辽|short name for Liaoning 遼寧|辽宁[Liao2 n... liao 辽|(bound form) distant; faraway liao 料|material/stuff/grain/feed/to expect/t... liao 聊|(coll.) to chat/(literary) temporaril... liao 廖|surname Liao liao 镣|fetters/leg-irons/shackles liao 缪|old variant of 繚|缭[liao3] liao 膫|name of a state during Han Dynasty liao 膫|male genitals/old variant of 膋[liao2] liao 飂|wind in high places liao 钌|ruthenium (chemistry) liao 钌|see 釕銱兒|钌铞儿[liao4 diao4 r5]/Taiwan pr... liao 蓼|polygonum/smartweed liao 撩|to lift up (sth hanging down)/to rais... liao 撩|to tease/to provoke/to stir up (emoti... liao 燎|to burn/to set afire liao 燎|to singe liao 疗|to treat/to cure/therapy liao 潦|used in 潦草[liao2cao3]/used in 潦倒[liao... liao 蟟|see 蟭蟟[jiao1 liao2] liao 僚|surname Liao liao 僚|bureaucrat/colleague liao 寥|empty/lonesome/very few liao 獠|fierce/hunt/name of a tribe liao 憀|to rely on liao 憭|clear/intelligible/severe/cold liao 瞭|to watch from a height or distance liao 尥|to give a backward kick (e.g. of a ho... liao 嵺|(literary) vast and empty liao 屪|penis liao 嘹|clear sound/cry (of cranes etc) liao 撂|to put down/to leave behind/to throw ... liao 敹|keep tidy and repaired/sew liao 鹩|eastern wren liao 嫽|good/smart/to play liao 寮|Laos liao 寮|hut/shack/small window/variant of 僚[l... liao 髎|(literary) hip bone/(TCM) space betwe... liao 暸|bright/clear liao 蹽|to run/to slip away/to stride liao 膋|fat on intestines liao 簝|bamboo receptacle used to hold meat f... liao 李翱|Li Ao (774-836), Tang dynasty scholar... liao 缭|to wind round/to sew with slanting st... liaobei 聊备|to provide on a makeshift basis; to u... liaobeiyige 聊备一格|to use as a stopgap; to make a perfun... liaobianr 缭边儿|to stitch a hem liaobiaocunxin 聊表寸心|(of a gift) to be a small token of on... liaobo 撩拨|to provoke/to tease liaobude 了不得|terrific/terrible/(after 得[de5]) very liaobuqi 了不起|amazing/terrific/extraordinary liaocang 料仓|granary/storehouse liaocao 潦草|slipshod; careless; slovenly/(of hand... liaocheng 聊城|see 聊城市[Liao2cheng2 Shi4] liaocheng 疗程|course of treatment liaochengshi 聊城市|Liaocheng, prefecture-level city in S... liaochi 料持|to arrange/to manage/to attend to/to ... liaocicansheng 了此残生|to live out the rest of one\'s life liaodang 了当|frank; outspoken/ready; settled; in o... liaodao 潦倒|down on one\'s luck; in straitened cir... liaodao 撂倒|to knock down/to mow down liaodao 料到|to foresee/to anticipate liaode 了得|exceptional/outstanding/dreadful/appa... liaodi 撂地|(of folk artists) to give a performan... liaodiaor 钌铞儿|hasp liaoding 料定|certain/to know for sure liaoditan 撂地摊|see 撂地[liao4 di4] liaodong 辽东|Liaodong peninsula between Bohai 渤海 a... liaodong 撩动|to stir up/to provoke liaodongbandao 辽东半岛|Liaodong Peninsula liaodou 料斗|cattle feeder/hopper (wicker basket) liaodou 撩逗|to provoke/to tease liaodour 料豆儿|cooked black soybean as animal fodder liaoduan 了断|to bring to a conclusion/to settle (a... liaodui 料堆|to stockpile liaoduo 料度|to estimate; to assess liaofa 疗法|therapy; treatment liaofang 寮房|hut/simple dwelling/monk\'s hut liaoge 鹩哥|(bird species of China) common hill m... liaoguo 寮国|Laos (Tw) liaohai 辽海|east and south of Liaoning province liaohao 料号|part number/material code liaohe 辽河|Liao River of northeast China, passin... liaoji 僚机|wingman aircraft liaoji 料及|to anticipate/forecast/expectation/an... liaojian 料件|materials and parts/components liaojianzi 料件子|see 料件子活[liao4 jian4 zi5 huo2] liaojianzihuo 料件子活|piecework liaojie 了解|to understand/to realize/to find out liaojie 了结|to settle/to finish/to conclude/to wi... liaojin 辽金|Liao and Jin dynasties, namely: Liao ... liaojiu 料酒|cooking wine liaoju 了局|end/conclusion/solution liaojuezi 尥蹶子|(of mules, horses etc) to kick backwa... liaokai 撩开|to push aside (clothing, curtain etc)... liaokao 镣铐|manacles and leg-irons/fetters and ha... liaokuo 辽阔|vast; extensive liaokuo 寥廓|(literary) vast; boundless liaolai 聊赖|to suffer tedium liaolan 蓼蓝|indigo dye/Polygonum tinctorium liaoli 料理|to arrange/to handle/to cook/cuisine/... liaoliang 嘹亮|loud and clear/resonant liaoliang 嘹喨|variant of 嘹亮[liao2 liang4] liaoliao 了了|to realize clearly/to settle a matter... liaoliao 寥寥|very few liaoliao-keshu 寥寥可数|(idiom) very few liaoliao-wuji 寥寥无几|(idiom) very few liaolidian 料理店|restaurant liaoluan 缭乱|dazzled/confused liaoluan 撩乱|variant of 繚亂|缭乱[liao2 luan4] liaoluo 寥落|sparse/few and far between liaomei 撩妹|(coll.) to flirt; to hit on girls liaomosha 廖沫沙|Liao Mosha (1907-1990), journalist an... liaoning 辽宁|see 遼寧省|辽宁省[Liao2ning2 Sheng3] liaoningdaxue 辽宁大学|Liaoning University liaoninggudaoniao 辽宁古盗鸟|Archaeoraptor liaoningensis (bird-lik... liaoninghao 辽宁号|Liaoning, the first aircraft carrier ... liaoningsheng 辽宁省|Liaoning Province, capital Shenyang 瀋... liaopao 燎泡|blister (caused by burns) liaoqi 料器|glassware/colored glass household vessel liaoqi 撩起|to raise/to lift up (curtains, clothi... liaoqiao 料峭|spring chill in the air/cold liaoqie 聊且|for the time being; tentatively liaoque 了却|to resolve/to settle liaoquecisheng 了却此生|to live out one\'s life/to die liaoran 了然|to understand clearly; evident liaoran 了然|to understand clearly/evident liaoranyuxiong 了然于胸|to be well aware; to understand clearly liaorao 缭绕|(of smoke from a chimney) to curl upw... liaore 撩惹|to provoke/to tease liaoren 撩人|to attract/to titillate liaoruochenxing 寥若晨星|rare as morning stars (idiom)/few and... liaoruozhizhang 了若指掌|see 了如指掌[liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3] liaoruzhizhang 了如指掌|to know sth like the back of one\'s ha... liaoruzhizhang 了如指掌|variant of 了如指掌[liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3] liaosao 撩骚|to flirt liaosao 聊骚|to chat flirtatiously liaoshang 疗伤|healing/to heal/to make healthy again liaoshao 瞭哨|to go on sentry duty/to stand guard liaosheng 聊生|to earn a living (esp. with negative) liaoshengyuwu 聊胜于无|better than nothing (idiom) liaoshenzhanyi 辽沈战役|Liaoshen Campaign (Sep-Nov 1948), the... liaoshi 了事|to dispose of a matter/to be done wit... liaoshi 辽史|History of the Liao Dynasty, twenty f... liaoshirushen 料事如神|to prophesy with supernatural accurac... liaoshishengfei 撩是生非|to stir up trouble/to provoke angry e... liaosi 里奥斯|Ríos (name) liaosuo 镣锁|fetter lock (to restrain horse)/handc... liaotian 聊天|to chat; to gossip liaotianr 聊天儿|erhua variant of 聊天[liao2 tian1] liaotianshi 聊天室|chat room liaotiaozi 撂挑子|(coll.) to quit one\'s job in disgust liaotou 料头|remainder of cloth/scraps liaotour 料头儿|erhua variant of 料頭|料头[liao4 tou2] liaowang 瞭望|to watch from a height or distance/to... liaowangshao 瞭望哨|lookout post liaowangta 瞭望塔|watchtower/observation tower liaowangtai 瞭望台|observation tower/lookout tower liaowu 了无|to completely lack; to have not even ... liaowu 寮屋|squatter shacks liaowushengqu 了无生趣|to lose all interest in life (idiom) liaowuxinyi 了无新意|unoriginal/stereotyped liaoxi 辽西|west of Liaoning liaoxiang 料想|to expect/to presume/to think (sth is... liaoxiao 疗效|healing efficacy; healing effect liaoxu 聊叙|to speak tentatively liaoya 獠牙|tusk; fang liaoyang 疗养|to get well/to heal/to recuperate/to ... liaoyang 辽阳|see 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2yang2 Shi4] liaoyangshi 辽阳市|Liaoyang, prefecture-level city in Li... liaoyangsuo 疗养所|sanitorium/convalescent hospital liaoyangxian 辽阳县|Liaoyang county in Liaoyang 遼陽|辽阳[Lia... liaoyangyuan 疗养院|sanatorium liaoyi 聊以|to use it (or do it) for the purpose ... liaoyijiemen 聊以解闷|to use it for the purpose of relievin... liaoyiseze 聊以塞责|in order to minimally fulfill one\'s r... liaoyiziwei 聊以自慰|to find some consolation (idiom)/to f... liaoyu 疗愈|to heal/therapy liaoyuan 燎原|to start a prairie fire liaoyuan 辽源|see 遼源市|辽源市[Liao2yuan2 Shi4] liaoyuan 辽远|distant; faraway; remote liaoyuanshi 辽源市|Liaoyuan, prefecture-level city in Ji... liaozhai 了债|to repay one\'s debt liaozhaizhiyi 聊斋志异|Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio... liaozhi 了知|(Buddhism) to fully understand/to und... liaozhong 料中|to suppose correctly liaozi 料子|material liaqian 俩钱|two bits/a small amount of money liaqianr 俩钱儿|erhua variant of 倆錢|俩钱[lia3 qian2] liba 篱笆|fence (esp. of bamboo or wood railings) libai 礼拜|to attend a religious service/(coll.)... libai 李白|Li Bai (701-762), famous Tang Dynasty... libaibingdu 立百病毒|Nipah virus libaier 礼拜二|Tuesday libailiu 礼拜六|Saturday libairi 礼拜日|Sunday libaisan 礼拜三|Wednesday libaisi 礼拜四|Thursday libaitang 礼拜堂|chapel/church (Protestant) libaitian 礼拜天|Sunday libaiwu 礼拜五|Friday libaixibao 粒白细胞|white granulocyte (blood cell) libaiyao 李百药|Li Baiyao (565-648), Tang dynasty wri... libaiyi 礼拜一|Monday libaiyishi 礼拜仪式|liturgical libandujuan 栗斑杜鹃|(bird species of China) banded bay cu... libanen 黎巴嫩|Lebanon libanfuwu 栗斑腹鹀|(bird species of China) Jankowski\'s b... libao 礼包|gift bag; gift package libao 力保|to seek to protect/to ensure/to maint... libao 力宝|Lippo (Group) (Indonesian conglomerate) libaojia 李宝嘉|Li Boyuan 李伯元 or Li Baojia (1867-1906... libaojian 力保健|Lipovitan (energy drink) libeibolao 栗背伯劳|(bird species of China) Burmese shrik... libeiduanchidong 栗背短翅鸫|(bird species of China) Gould\'s short... libeiduanjiaobei 栗背短脚鹎|(bird species of China) chestnut bulb... libeiqimei 栗背奇鹛|(bird species of China) rufous-backed... libeiyanliu 栗背岩鹨|(bird species of China) maroon-backed... libengyuehuai 礼崩乐坏|rites and music are in ruins (idiom);... libi 利弊|pros and cons/merits and drawbacks/ad... libi 力臂|lever arm (i.e. perpendicular distanc... libian 里边|inside libianr 里边儿|erhua variant of 裡邊|里边[li3 bian5] libiduo 力比多|libido (loanword) libie 离别|to leave (on a long journey)/to part ... libiliya 利比里亚|Liberia libin 礼宾|protocol/official etiquette libinbu 礼宾部|concierge department of a hotel or re... libing 李冰|Li Bing (c. 3rd century BC) hydraulic... libingbing 李冰冰|Li Bingbing (1973-), PRC film actress... libinna 利宾纳|Ribena libinyuan 礼宾员|concierge libiya 利比亚|Libya libo 荔波|Libo county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao... libo 力波|Reeb, a beer brand libokeneixi 李卜克内西|Wilhelm Liebknecht (1826-1900), polit... liboman 利伯曼|Liberman, Lieberman or Liebermann (name) liboweier 利伯维尔|Libreville, capital of Gabon liboxian 荔波县|Libo county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao... liboyuan 李伯元|Li Boyuan or Li Baojia 李寶嘉|李宝嘉 (1867-... libu 吏部|Ministry of Appointments (in imperial... libu 礼部|Ministry of (Confucian) Rites (in imp... libucongxin 力不从心|less capable than desirable (idiom); ... libukai 离不开|inseparable/inevitably linked to libushangshu 礼部尚书|Director of Board of Rites (Confucian) libushengren 力不胜任|not to be up to the task (idiom)/inco... licai 理财|to manage wealth; to manage finances;... licai 理睬|to heed/to pay attention to licaixue 理财学|financial management science licang 李沧|Licang district of Qingdao city 青島市|青... licangqu 李沧区|Licang district of Qingdao city 青島市|青... licha 理查|(name) Richard lichade 理查德|Richard (name) lichan 李瀍|Li Chan, personal name of sixteenth T... lichang 立场|position/standpoint/CL:個|个[ge4] lichang 离场|to leave the venue; (of an athlete) t... lichang 力场|force field (physics) lichangchun 李长春|Li Changchun (1944-), PRC politician lichanghao 李昌镐|Lee Chang-ho (1975-), South Korean Go... lichaotongsuyanyi 历朝通俗演义|Dramatized history of successive dyna... lichaowei 李朝威|Li Chaowei (c. 766-c. 820), Tang writ... lichasen 理查森|Richardson (name) lichen 李忱|Li Chen, personal name of seventeenth... lichenbijian 沥陈鄙见|to state one\'s humble opinion (idiom) licheng 历程|course/process licheng 里程|mileage (distance traveled)/course (o... licheng 历城|Licheng district of Jinan city 濟南市|济南... licheng 黎城|Licheng county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chan... licheng 鲤城|Licheng, a district of Quanzhou City ... licheng 荔城|Licheng, a district of Putian City 莆田... lichengbei 里程碑|milestone lichengbiao 里程表|odometer lichengen 李诚恩|Euna Li, US-Korean woman journalist i... lichenggui 李成桂|Yi Seong-gye (1335-1408), founder and... lichengji 里程计|speedometer (of a vehicle) lichengjiang 李成江|Li Chengjiang (1979-), Chinese figure... lichengqu 历城区|Licheng district of Jinan city 濟南市|济南... lichengqu 荔城区|Licheng, a district of Putian City 莆田... lichengqu 鲤城区|Licheng, a district of Quanzhou City ... lichengwan 李承晚|Syngman Rhee (1875-1965), US-trained ... lichengxian 黎城县|Licheng county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chan... lichikadeng 丽池卡登|Ritz-Carlton (hotel chain) lichongmao 李重茂|Li Chongmao, personal name of fifth T... lichou 离愁|parting sorrow/pain of separation lichu 力畜|draft animal/beast of burden lichuan 利川|Lichuan, county-level city in Enshi T... lichuan 黎川|Lichuan county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi lichuandi 力传递|mechanical transmission lichuanshi 利川市|Lichuan, county-level city in Enshi T... lichuanxian 黎川县|Lichuan county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi lichun 立春|Lichun or Beginning of Spring, 1st of... lichun 李纯|Li Chun, personal name of twelfth Tan... lichuwaijin 里出外进|uneven/in disorder/everything stickin... lici 历次|each (item in sequence)/successive lici 丽词|beautiful wordage/also written 麗辭|丽辞[... lici 丽辞|beautiful wordage/also written 麗詞|丽词[... lici 詈词|insult/curse licu 力促|to urge/to press (for action) licui 李漼|Li Cui, personal name of eighteenth T... licuo 力挫|to win as a result of tenacious effor... lidai 历代|successive generations/successive dyn... lidai 里带|inner tube (of tire) lidaishu 李代数|Lie algebra (math.) lidaitaojiang 李代桃僵|lit. the plum tree withers in place o... lidaizhishang 历代志上|First book of Chronicles lidaizhixia 历代志下|Second book of Chronicles lidan 李旦|Li Dan, personal name of sixth Tang e... lidan 立蛋|egg balancing (activity popular in Ch... lidang 理当|should; ought lidao 离岛|outlying islands lidao 力道|strength/power/efficacy lidao 利刀|sharp knife/knife (weapon) lidaopang 立刀旁|name of the lateral \"knife\" radical 刂... lidaoqu 离岛区|Islands District of the New Territori... lidawubi 力大无比|having matchless strength lidawuqiong 力大无穷|extraordinary strength/super strong/s... lidazhao 李大钊|Li Dazhao (1889-1927), early Chinese ... lide 利得|profit/gain lide 立德|to distinguish oneself through virtue... lide 李德|Otto Braun (1900-1974), Comintern adv... lidelin 李德林|Li Delin (530-590), historian of Nort... lidenghui 李登辉|Lee Teng-hui (1923-2020), Taiwanese p... lideshui 利得税|profit tax lidi 犁地|to plow lidianchi 锂电池|lithium battery lidichengfo 立地成佛|to become a Buddha on the spot (idiom... liding 立定|to stop/to halt/halt!/to hold resolut... lidingtiaoyuan 立定跳远|standing long jump lidong 立冬|Lidong or Start of Winter, 19th of th... lidu 力度|strength/vigor/efforts/(music) dynamics lidu 离独|to be divorced lidui 离队|to leave one\'s post lidun 立顿|Lipton (name) liduokayin 利多卡因|lidocaine (loanword) liduorenbuguai 礼多人不怪|nobody will find fault with extra cou... lie 列|to arrange/to line up/file/series/(in... lie 猎|hunting lie 冽|cold and raw lie 咧|used in 咧咧[lie1lie1]/used in 大大咧咧[da4... lie 咧|to draw back the corners of one\'s mouth lie 咧|modal particle expressing exclamation lie 鬣|bristles/mane lie 劣|inferior lie 裂|to split/to crack/to break open/to rend lie 烈|ardent/intense/fierce/stern/upright/t... lie 茢|rushes/sedges lie 蛚|Cyrtoxiphus ritsemae lie 洌|pure/to cleanse lie 趔|used in 趔趄[lie4qie5] lie 巤|old variant of 鬣[lie4] lie 埒|(literary) equal/enclosure/dike/emban... lie 劦|unending exertion lie 捩|tear/twist lie 躐|step across lie 睙|to roll the eyeballs to look lie 䴕|woodpecker lie 䝓|old variant of 鬣[lie4] lie 猟|Japanese variant of 獵|猎 lie 㲱|old variant of 鬣[lie4] lie 擸|to hold, to grasp/to hold the hair/to... lie 𫚭|minnow liebao 猎豹|cheetah liebian 裂变|fission liebiancailiao 裂变材料|fissionable material liebianchanwu 裂变产物|fission products liebiansuipian 裂变碎片|fission fragment liebianwuqi 裂变武器|fission weapon liebianzhadan 裂变炸弹|fission bomb liebiao 列表|list liebiejiefu 列别捷夫|Lebedev or Lebedyev (Russian surname) liebiejiefu 列别杰夫|variant of 列別捷夫|列别捷夫[Lie4bie2jie2fu1] liebing 列兵|private (army) liebiquzhuliangbi 劣币驱逐良币|bad money drives out good money (econ... liebu 猎捕|to hunt/hunting liechang 猎场|hunting ground lieche 列车|(railway) train liecheyuan 列车员|train attendant liechezhang 列车长|conductor/train manager liechu 列出|to list/to make a list liedao 列岛|archipelago/chain of islands liedao 猎刀|hunting knife liedeng 劣等|poor-quality; inferior liedu 烈度|intensity liedui 列队|in formation (military) liefeng 裂缝|crack/crevice/CL:道[dao4] liefu 列弗|lev (Bulgarian unit of currency) liefutuoersitai 列夫·托尔斯泰|Tolstoy (name)/Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910... liegou 鬣狗|hyena liegou 猎狗|hunting dog liegu 裂谷|(geology) rift valley lieguo 列国|various countries liegure 裂谷热|Rift Valley fever (RVF) liehen 裂痕|crack/gap/split liehou 列侯|duke (old)/nobleman/gentry liehu 猎户|hunter liehua 裂化|to crack (fractionally distill oil) liehubi 猎户臂|Orion spiral arm or local spur of our... liehuo 烈火|raging inferno/blaze liehuoganchai 烈火干柴|lit. intense fire to dry wood (idiom)... liehuzuo 猎户座|Orion (constellation) liehuzuodaxingyun 猎户座大星云|the Great Nebula in Orion M42 liehuzuoliuxingyu 猎户座流星雨|Orionids/Orionid meteor shower lieji 劣迹|bad record (esp. of a public official... liejibanban 劣迹斑斑|notorious for one\'s misdeeds liejie 裂解|pyrolysis/splitting (chemistry) liejiu 烈酒|strong alcoholic drink lieju 列举|a list/to list/to enumerate liejumei 栗额鵙鹛|(bird species of China) clicking shri... liekai 裂开|to split open liekaizuixiao 咧开嘴笑|to laugh lieke 列克|lek (Albanian unit of currency) liekexingdun 列克星顿|Lexington, Massachusetts liekou 裂口|breach/split/rift/vent (volcanic crater) lielie 咧咧|(dialect) to cry; to whimper/(dialect... liemao 鬣毛|mane lieming 列明|to list/to specify lienaoren 裂脑人|commissurotomy liening 列宁|Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), Ru... lieninggele 列宁格勒|Leningrad, former name (1923-1991) of... lieningzhuyi 列宁主义|Leninism lienu 烈怒|intense rage lienv 烈女|a woman who dies fighting for her hon... liepian 裂片|splinter/chip/tear (split in a surfac... lieqi 猎奇|to hunt for novelty/to seek novelty lieqian 猎潜|anti-submarine (warfare) lieqiang 列强|the Great Powers (history) lieqiang 猎枪|hunting gun/shotgun lieqianting 猎潜艇|anti-submarine vessel lieqie 趔趄|to stagger; to stumble; to reel/Taiwa... liequ 猎取|to hunt/(fig.) to seek (fame etc) liequan 猎犬|hound; hunting dog liequanzuo 猎犬座|Canes Venatici (constellation) lieque 列缺|lightning (archaic word) liequepili 列缺霹雳|lightning and thunder lier 李耳|Lao Zi lier 里尔|Lille (city in France) lier 离贰|to defect/to be disloyal lierduanjiaobei 栗耳短脚鹎|(bird species of China) brown-eared b... lieren 猎人|hunter lierfengmei 栗耳凤鹛|(bird species of China) striated yuhi... lieri 烈日|Liege, town in Belgium lieri 烈日|scorching sun lieru 列入|to include on a list lierwang 李尔王|King Lear, 1605 tragedy by William Sh... lierwu 栗耳鹀|(bird species of China) chestnut-eare... liesha 猎杀|to kill (in hunting) lieshahongseshiyuehao 猎杀红色十月号|\"The Hunt for Red October\", a novel b... lieshan 烈山|Lieshan, a district of Huaibei City 淮... lieshanqu 烈山区|Lieshan, a district of Huaibei City 淮... lieshen 劣绅|evil gentry/wicked landlord lieshi 劣势|inferior/disadvantaged lieshi 烈士|martyr lieshiling 烈士陵|memorial mound/heroes\' memorial lieshiwenbiao 列氏温标|Réaumur temperature scale lieshou 猎手|hunter lieshu 烈属|family or dependents of martyr (in PR... liesun 猎隼|(bird species of China) saker falcon ... lietai 劣汰|elimination of the weakest lietixichong 裂体吸虫|schistosome, parasitic flatworm causi... lietou 猎头|headhunting (executive recruitment)/h... lietouren 猎头人|head-hunter/headhunter/recruiter liewangjishang 列王记上|First book of Kings liewangjishang 列王纪上|First book of Kings liewangjixia 列王记下|Second book of Kings liewangjixia 列王纪下|Second book of Kings liewei 列为|to be classified as liewei 列位|ladies and gentlemen; all of you present liewen 裂璺|crack/split/fracture line liewen 裂纹|crack/flaw liewu 猎物|prey; quarry liewu 猎巫|to conduct a witch hunt liexi 裂隙|gap; slit; crack; crevice; fracture liexi 列席|to attend a meeting as a nonvoting de... liexi 鬣蜥|iguana liexia 裂罅|rift/crevice/fissure liexing 烈性|strong; intense; spirited; virulent liexing 列星|star alignment (in astrology) lieyan 烈焰|raging flames lieyan 猎艳|to chase women/to express oneself in ... lieyin 列印|to print out (Tw) lieying 猎鹰|falcon lieyu 烈屿|Liehyu township in Kinmen County 金門縣|... lieyuxiang 烈屿乡|Liehyu township in Kinmen County 金門縣|... liezhi 劣质|shoddy; of poor quality liezhi 裂殖|schizo- liezhidunshideng 列支敦士登|Liechtenstein liezhidunsideng 列支敦斯登|Liechtenstein (Tw) liezhijun 裂殖菌|Schizomycetes (taxonomic class of fungi) liezhijungang 裂殖菌纲|Schizomycetes (taxonomic class of fungi) liezhiwen 列治文|Richmond (place name or surname) liezhuan 列传|historical biography liezi 列子|Lie Zi, Daoist author, said to be ear... liezui 咧嘴|to grin lifa 立法|to enact laws/to legislate/legislation lifa 理发|to get a haircut; to have one\'s hair ... lifa 历法|calendar science/calendar system lifa 历法|variant of 曆法|历法 calendar lifa 礼法|etiquette/ceremonial rites lifadian 理发店|barbershop/hairdresser\'s/CL:家[jia1] lifahui 立法会|legislative council/LegCo (Hong Kong) lifajiguan 立法机关|legislature lifan 力帆|Lifan Group (auto manufacturer in Cho... lifan 里番|erotic animation/hentai/(loanword fro... lifang 立方|cube (math.)/abbr. for 立方體|立方体[li4 fa... lifang 李昉|Li Fang (925-996), scholar between Ta... lifanggen 立方根|cube root (math.) lifanggongchi 立方公尺|cubic meter (m³) lifanglimi 立方厘米|cubic centimeter lifangmi 立方米|cubic meter (unit of volume) lifangti 立方体|cube/cubic lifashi 理发师|barber; hairdresser lifating 理发厅|(Tw) barbershop/hairdresser\'s/CL:家[jia1] lifaweiyuan 立法委员|member of the Legislative Yuan (Tw) lifaweiyuanhui 立法委员会|legislative committee lifayuan 立法院|Legislative Yuan, the unicameral legi... lifayuan 理发员|barber; hairdresser lifayuan 理发院|barbershop; hairdresser\'s lifeiyuebeng 礼废乐崩|see 禮崩樂壞|礼崩乐坏[li3 beng1 yue4 huai4] lifeng 离峰|(Tw) off-peak lifu 嫠妇|widow (formal) lifu 礼服|ceremonial robe/formal attire (dinner... lifuchun 李富春|Li Fuchun (1900-1975), Chinese Commun... lifugequ 栗腹歌鸲|(bird species of China) Indian blue r... lifujidong 栗腹矶鸫|(bird species of China) chestnut-bell... lifusaide 里弗赛德|Riverside lifushi 栗腹䴓|(bird species of China) chestnut-bell... lifuwenniao 栗腹文鸟|(bird species of China) chestnut muni... ligan 沥干|to drain ligang 离港|to leave harbor/departure (at airport) ligang 里港|Likang township in Pingtung County 屏東... ligangdating 离港大厅|departure lounge ligangxiang 里港乡|Likang township in Pingtung County 屏東... liganjianying 立竿见影|lit. set up a pole and immediately se... lige 离歌|(sad) farewell song ligefei 李格非|Li Gefei (active c. 1090), Northern S... ligen 里根|Reagan (name)/Ronald Reagan (1911-200... ligong 理工|science and engineering as academic s... ligong 立功|to render meritorious service (one th... ligong 离宫|detached palace/imperial villa ligong 力攻|to assault/to attack in force ligongdaxue 理工大学|University of Science and Engineering... ligongke 理工科|science and engineering as academic s... ligongnan 理工男|geek; techie ligongpu 李公朴|Li Gongpu (-1946), communist killed b... ligongshuzui 立功赎罪|to redeem oneself/to atone ligou 犁沟|furrow ligouwailian 里勾外连|to act from inside in coordination wi... ligu 犁骨|vomer bone (in the nose, dividing the... liguang 理光|Ricoh, Japanese imaging and electroni... liguang 李广|Li Guang (-119 BC), Han dynasty gener... liguangyao 李光耀|Lee Kuan Yew (1923-2015), founding fa... ligui 厉鬼|malicious spirit; devil ligui 李鬼|false hero (who pretends to be 李逵[Li3... liguliya 利古里亚|Liguria, northwest Italy liguo 立国|to found a country liguo 梨果|pome liguohao 李国豪|Brandon Lee (1965-1993), American act... liguolimin 利国利民|to benefit both the country and the p... lihai 厉害|(used to describe sb or sth that make... lihai 利害|pros and cons/advantages and disadvan... lihai 利害|variant of 厲害|厉害[li4hai5] lihai 里海|Caspian Sea lihaichongtu 利害冲突|conflict of interest lihaidiya 里海地鸦|(bird species of China) Turkestan gro... lihaiguanxi 利害关系|stake/vital interest/concern lihaiguanxifang 利害关系方|interested party lihaiguanxiren 利害关系人|stakeholder/interested party/interest... lihaiyouguan 利害攸关|to be of vital interest lihao 利好|(finance) sth that engenders bullish ... lihe 离合|clutch (in car gearbox)/separation an... lihe 李贺|Li He (790-816), Tang poet liheban 离合板|clutch pedal liheci 离合词|separable word (in Chinese grammar) lihei 黧黑|(literary) dark lihei 黎黑|variant of 黧黑[li2 hei1] liheng 李恒|Li Heng, personal name of thirteenth ... liheng 李亨|Li Heng, personal name of eighth Tang... liheqi 离合器|clutch (mechanics) lihongzhang 李鸿章|Li Hung-chang or Li Hongzhang (1823-1... lihongzhangzasui 李鸿章杂碎|chop suey (American Chinese dish) lihongzhi 李洪志|Li Hongzhi (1951-), founder of Falun ... lihoufenghu 栗喉蜂虎|(bird species of China) blue-tailed b... lihoujumei 栗喉鵙鹛|(bird species of China) black-eared s... lihouzhu 李后主|Li Houzhu (c. 937-978), the final Sou... lihua 犁铧|plowshare lihua 礼花|fireworks lihua 理化|physics and chemistry/(archaic) gover... lihuadaiyu 梨花带雨|lit. like raindrops on a pear blossom... lihuaiyuan 李怀远|Li Huaiyuan (-756), senior Tang dynas... lihuaiyuebeng 礼坏乐崩|see 禮崩樂壞|礼崩乐坏[li3 beng1 yue4 huai4] lihuan 罹患|to suffer (from an illness)/to fall ill lihuang 蛎黄|the flesh of oyster/marinated oyster ... lihuangpinmu 骊黄牝牡|a black stallion or possibly a yellow... lihuayinsu 理化因素|physical and chemical factors lihui 理会|to understand/to pay attention to/to ... lihui 例会|regular meeting lihui 莅会|to be present at a meeting lihuichang 李会昌|Lee Hoi-chang (1935-), South Korean p... lihun 离婚|to divorce lihuo 罹祸|to suffer a disaster/to fall victim t... lihuoyuan 理货员|shop assistant/warehouse assistant liji 利己|personal profit/to benefit oneself liji 立即|immediately liji 礼记|Classic of Rites liji 里脊|(tender)loin (of pork, beef etc) liji 痢疾|dysentery liji 利基|asset that gives a competitive advant... liji 里肌|(Tw) tenderloin (usu. of pork) lijia 例假|legal holiday/(euphemism) menstrual l... lijia 里加|Riga, capital of Latvia lijiabiejing 离家别井|to leave home; to abandon one\'s family lijiacheng 李嘉诚|Sir Li Ka-shing (1928-), Hong Kong bu... lijiachuzou 离家出走|to leave home (to live somewhere else) lijian 利剑|sharp sword lijian 离间|to drive a wedge between (allies, par... lijian 犁靬|Han dynasty name for countries in far... lijian 力荐|to strongly recommend lijian 犂靬|variant of 犁靬[Li2 jian1] lijiana 里贾纳|Regina city, capital of Saskatchewan ... lijiana 丽佳娜|Regina (name) lijiancheng 李建成|Li Jiancheng (589-626), eldest son of... lijiang 丽江|see 麗江市|丽江市[Li4jiang1 Shi4] lijiang 漓江|River Li, Guangxi lijianggucheng 丽江古城|Lijiang old town (in Yunnan) lijiangshi 丽江市|Lijiang, prefecture-level city in Yun... lijianshi 理监事|member of a board of directors lijiao 立交|abbr. for 立體交叉|立体交叉[li4 ti3 jiao1 cha... lijiao 礼教|Confucian code of ethics lijiaochiren 礼教吃人|sufferings brought about by Confucian... lijiaojiu 力娇酒|(loanword) liqueur lijiaoqiao 立交桥|overpass/flyover lijiaxin 李嘉欣|Michele Monique Reis (1970-) actress,... lijiazaomei 栗颊噪鹛|(bird species of China) rufous-cheeke... lijie 理解|to comprehend; to understand lijie 历届|all previous (meetings, sessions etc) lijie 礼节|etiquette lijie 力戒|to try everything to avoid; to guard ... lijie 嫠节|chastity of a widow (old usage) lijieli 理解力|ability to grasp ideas/understanding lijieren 李劼人|Li Jieren (1891-1962), novelist lijihouzhong 里急后重|(medicine) tenesmus lijilan 李季兰|Li Jilan or Li Ye 李冶[Li3 Ye3] (713-78... lijin 历尽|to have experienced a lot of/to have ... lijin 礼金|monetary gift lijin 利津|Lijin county in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ... lijin 厘金|a form of transit taxation in China i... lijincangsang 历尽沧桑|to have been through the hardships of... lijing 历经|to experience; to go through lijing 离境|to leave a country (or place) lijing 粒径|grain size lijing 李靖|Li Jing (570-649 AD), Tang Dynasty ge... lijing 礼经|Classic of Rites (same as 禮記|礼记[Li3 j... lijingpandao 离经叛道|to rebel against orthodoxy/to depart ... lijingtuzhi 励精图治|(of a ruler) to strive to make one\'s ... lijingzaomei 栗颈噪鹛|(bird species of China) rufous-necked... lijinshenwei 力尽神危|(idiom) physically and mentally exhau... lijinxian 利津县|Lijin county in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ... lijirou 里肌肉|loin (of pork) lijiumijian 历久弥坚|to become more resolute with the pass... lijiumixin 历久弥新|lit. long in existence but ever new (... lijizhiluan 骊姬之乱|Li Ji Rebellion in 657-651 BC, where ... lijizhuyi 利己主义|egoism liju 例句|example sentence liju 力矩|torque liju 理据|grounds/justification/logical basis/(... lijufeituo 梨俱吠陀|Rigveda, Indian religious poem lijun 李俊|Li Jun, fictional character from 水滸傳|... lijungong 立军功|to render meritorious military service likai 离开|to depart; to leave likaifu 李开复|Kai-Fu Lee (1961-), Taiwanese compute... likairenshi 离开人世|to die/to leave this world like 理科|the sciences (as opposed to the human... like 立刻|forthwith/immediate/prompt/promptly/s... like 力克|to prevail with difficulty like 兣|centigram (old) (single-character equ... like 厘克|centigram likebai 立可白|correction fluid (loanword from \"Liqu... likeciti 立克次体|Rickettsia (genus of intracellular pa... likeqiang 李克强|Li Keqiang (1955-2023), PRC politicia... likete 里克特|Richter (name)/Charles Francis Richte... likexueshi 理科学士|Bachelor of Science B.Sc. likoujiu 利口酒|(loanword) liqueur likudele 离苦得乐|to abandon suffering and obtain happi... likui 理亏|in the wrong likui 李悝|Li Kui (455-395 BC), legalist philoso... likui 李逵|Li Kui, character in the novel Water ... likuo 李适|Li Kuo, personal name of tenth Tang e... lila 里拉|lira (monetary unit) (loanword) lilai 历来|always/throughout (a period of time)/... lilaizuididian 历来最低点|all time low (point) lilangwei 里朗威|Lilongwe, capital of Malawi (Tw) lilanqing 李岚清|Li Lanqing (1932-), PRC politician lilebao 利乐包|carton (e.g. for milk or juice)/Tetra... lilehamoer 利勒哈默尔|Lillehammer (city in Norway) lili 丽丽|Lili (name) lili 黎利|Le Loi, Vietnamese general and empero... lilian 历练|to learn through experience/experienc... liliang 力量|power; force; strength liliangjunheng 力量均衡|balance of power lilianjie 李连杰|Li Lianjie or Jet Li (1963-), martial... liliao 理疗|physiotherapy liliaoshi 理疗师|physiotherapist liliguangguang 离离光光|lackluster (look) lilikeshu 历历可数|each one distinguishable lililala 哩哩啦啦|scattered/intermittent/sporadic/on an... lililuoluo 哩哩啰啰|verbose or unclear in speech/rambling... lililuoluo 哩哩罗罗|endless mumbling (onom.)/verbose and ... lilin 莅临|to arrive (esp. of notable person)/to... lilinfu 李林甫|Li Linfu (-752), Tang politician, cha... liling 醴陵|Liling, county-level city in Zhuzhou ... liling 李陵|Li Ling (-74 BC), Han dynasty general... lilingshi 醴陵市|Liling prefecture-level city in Zhuzh... lilingzhihun 利令智昏|to lose one\'s head through material g... lilinzhidao 莅临指导|(of a notable person etc) to honor wi... lilishan 李丽珊|Lee Lai-Shan (1970-), former windsurf... liliuwaixie 哩溜歪斜|crooked/deformed/twisted liliwaiwai 里里外外|inside and out lilizaimu 历历在目|vivid in one\'s mind (idiom) lilizidianchi 锂离子电池|lithium ion battery lilong 戾龙|mythical evil serpent/evil dragon in ... lilong 里弄|lanes and alleys/neighborhood/lane ne... lilonggui 利隆圭|Lilongwe, capital of Malawi lilongji 李隆基|personal name of seventh Tang emperor... lilu 利禄|wealth and official post lilu 理路|logical thinking liluan 离乱|social upheaval caused by war or fami... lilun 理论|theory/CL:個|个[ge4]/to argue/to take n... lilun 立论|to set forth one\'s view; to present o... lilungongxian 理论贡献|theoretical contribution lilunjia 理论家|theorist/theoretician lilunjichu 理论基础|theoretical foundation liluo 利落|agile/nimble/all settled/in order liluo 俐落|variant of 利落[li4 luo5] liluxunxin 利禄薰心|to be eager for wealth and emolument ... lilv 利率|interest rates lilvyuan 李绿园|Li Lüyuan (1707-1790), Qing dynasty w... lima 立马|at once/immediately/promptly/swiftly lima 詈骂|(literary) to scold/to abuse lima 利马|Lima, capital of Peru limadou 利玛窦|Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit miss... limadou 利马窦|Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit miss... limai 藜麦|quinoa liman 黎曼|G.F.B. Riemann (1826-1866), German ge... limanjihe 黎曼几何|(math.) Riemannian geometry limanjihexue 黎曼几何学|Riemannian geometry limankongjian 黎曼空间|Riemannian space (physics) limanluohedingli 黎曼罗赫定理|(math.) Riemann-Roch theorem limanmian 黎曼面|Riemann surface (math.) limanqumian 黎曼曲面|Riemann surface (math.) limao 礼帽|hat that goes with formal dress/top hat limao 狸猫|leopard cat/raccoon dog/palm civet limao 礼貌|courtesy; politeness; manners/courteo... limasuoer 利马索尔|Limassol, Cyprus/Lemesos limi 厘米|centimeter limian 里面|inside/interior/also pr. [li3 mian5] limianning 利眠宁|chlordiazepoxide/(trade name) Librium... limiantu 立面图|elevation (architectural drawing) limin 黎民|the common people/the great unwashed liming 黎明|dawn; daybreak limingbo 李明博|Lee Myung-bak (1941-), South Korean b... limingqiandeheian 黎明前的黑暗|darkness comes before dawn/things can... limingshifen 黎明时分|daybreak/at the crack of dawn liminyong 李敏勇|Li Minyong (1947-), Taiwanese poet limolike 利默里克|Limerick, Ireland limu 李木|blackthorn limuershi 厉目而视|to cut sb a severe look (idiom) lin 林|surname Lin/Japanese surname Hayashi lin 林|(bound form) woods; forest/(bound for... lin 临|to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (... lin 膦|phosphine lin 拎|to lift up; to carry in one\'s hand/Ta... lin 磷|variant of 磷[lin2] lin 磷|(chemistry) phosphorus lin 淋|to sprinkle/to drip/to pour/to drench lin 淋|to filter/to strain/to drain/gonorrhe... lin 邻|neighbor/adjacent/close to lin 邻|variant of 鄰|邻[lin2] lin 鳞|scales (of fish) lin 粼|clear (as of water) lin 蔺|surname Lin lin 蔺|juncus effusus lin 琳|gem lin 麟|variant of 麟[lin2] lin 麟|see 麒麟[qi2lin2] lin 冧|(Cantonese) to topple/to collapse/to ... lin 霖|continued rain lin 吝|(bound form) stingy lin 吝|variant of 吝[lin4] lin 璘|luster of gem lin 檩|cross-beam/ridge-pole lin 凛|cold/to shiver with cold/to tremble w... lin 嶙|ranges of hills lin 啉|used in the transliteration of the na... lin 赁|to rent lin 惏|cold/frigid lin 遴|surname Lin lin 遴|(literary) to select lin 廪|government granary lin 懔|fear lin 菻|ancient name for east Roman empire lin 亃|mythical animal, said to have yellow ... lin 潾|clear (as of water) lin 躏|used in 蹂躪|蹂躏[rou2lin4] lin 辚|rumbling of wheels lin 瞵|to stare at lin 澟|old variant of 凜|凛[lin3] lin 痳|hernia/urinary hesitancy/erroneous va... lin 僯|ashamed lin 醂|used in 味醂[wei4 lin2] lin 躙|variant of 躪|躏, to trample down/to op... lin 獜|firefly lin 𬭸|phosphonium lin 𬴊|(literary) horse with a dappled coat lin 𡳞|(Minnan dialect) male genitals/penis lina 李娜|Li Na (1982-), Chinese tennis player,... linaizuoan 利奈唑胺|Linezolid, a synthetic antibiotic linakesi 利纳克斯|Linux (operating systems) linan 罹难|to die in an accident or disaster/to ... linba 淋巴|lymph (loanword)/lymphatic linbaai 淋巴癌|lymphoma linbage 林八哥|(bird species of China) great myna (A... linbaguan 淋巴管|lymphatic vessel linbajie 淋巴结|lymph node; lymph gland linbaliu 淋巴瘤|lymphoma linbang 邻邦|neighboring country linbao 拎包|handbag or shopping bag (dialect) linbao 林堡|Limburg, Netherlands/Limbourg, Belgium linbaodang 拎包党|(coll.) purse snatcher linbaxian 淋巴腺|lymph gland; lymph node linbaxibao 淋巴细胞|lymphocyte linbaxitong 淋巴系统|lymphatic system linbaye 淋巴液|lymphatic fluid/lymph linbenerjiasuanzhi 邻苯二甲酸酯|phthalate (chemistry) linbenkun 邻苯醌|1,2-benzoquinone (chemistry)/ortho-be... linbian 林边|Linpien township in Pingtung County 屏... linbianxiang 林边乡|Linpien township in Pingtung County 屏... linbiao 林彪|Lin Biao (1908-1971), Chinese army le... linbie 临别|just before parting linbiezengyan 临别赠言|words of advice on parting linbing 淋病|gonorrhea/Taiwan pr. [lin2 bing4] linbu 林逋|Lin Bu (967-1028), Northern Song poet lincang 临沧|see 臨滄市|临沧市[Lin2cang1 Shi4] lincangshi 临沧市|Lincang, prefecture-level city in Yun... linchan 临产|to face childbirth/about to give birt... linchang 林场|forestry station/forest management area linchang 临场|to be at the scene (sitting for an ex... linchanggan 临场感|the feeling of actually being there linchao 临朝|to hold a court audience/to govern fr... lincheng 临城|Lincheng county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 t... linchengxian 临城县|Lincheng county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 t... linchi 鳞翅|scaly wing/Lepidoptera (insect order ... linchimu 鳞翅目|Lepidoptera (insect order including b... linchong 林冲|Lin Chong, one of the Heroes of the M... linchuan 临川|Linchuan district of Fuzhou city 撫州市|... linchuang 临床|clinical linchuangsiwang 临床死亡|clinical death linchuangtezheng 临床特征|clinical characteristic/diagnostic trait linchuanqu 临川区|Linchuan district of Fuzhou city 撫州市|... linchuanxianyu 临川羡鱼|see 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網|临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网[lin2 yuan... linci 林茨|Linz (city in Austria) lincizhibi 鳞次栉比|row upon row lincun 林村|Lam Tsuen (an area in Hong Kong) lindaiweisi 琳·戴维斯|Lynn E. Davis (1943-), US academic an... lindaiyu 林黛玉|Lin Daiyu, female character in The Dr... lindao 临到|to befall lindebulade 林德布拉德|Lindeblatt (name) lindi 林地|woodland lindian 林甸|Lindian county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 qi... lindianxian 林甸县|Lindian county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 qi... lindiao 林雕|(bird species of China) black eagle (... lindiaoxiao 林雕鸮|(bird species of China) spot-bellied ... linfei 磷肥|phosphate fertilizer linfen 临汾|see 臨汾市|临汾市[Lin2fen2 Shi4] linfengzheng 林丰正|Lin Fong-cheng (1940-), Taiwanese pol... linfenshi 临汾市|Linfen, prefecture-level city in Shan... linfulvzhuomuniao 鳞腹绿啄木鸟|(bird species of China) scaly-bellied... ling 〇|zero ling 凌|surname Ling ling 凌|to approach/to rise high/thick ice/to... ling 另|other/another/separate/separately ling 令|used in 脊令[ji2 ling2]/used in 令狐[Ling... ling 令|classifier for a ream of paper ling 令|to order/to command/an order/warrant/... ling 灵|quick/alert/efficacious/effective/to ... ling 领|neck/collar/to lead/to receive/classi... ling 铃|(small) bell/CL:隻|只[zhi1] ling 玲|(onom.) ting-a-ling (in compounds suc... ling 岭|used in 岭巆|岭𫶕[ling2ying2] ling 岭|mountain range/mountain ridge ling 霊|Japanese variant of 靈|灵 ling 龄|age/length of experience, membership etc ling 陵|mound/tomb/hill/mountain ling 菱|(bound form) water caltrop (Trapa spe... ling 菱|variant of 菱[ling2] ling 零|zero/nought/zero sign/fractional/frag... ling 翎|tail feathers/plume ling ○|character used in Taiwan as a substit... ling 呤|used in 呤呤[ling2 ling2] ling 呤|used in 嘌呤[piao4 ling4]/Taiwan pr. [l... ling 绫|damask/thin silk ling 棱|used in 穆稜|穆棱[Mu4 ling2] ling 瓴|concave channels of tiling ling 伶|(old) actor; actress/(meaningless bou... ling 苓|fungus/tuber ling 羚|antelope ling 堎|mound/tomb ling 笭|bamboo screen ling 夌|to dawdle/the name of the father of t... ling 棂|(bound form) a (window) lattice; latt... ling 棂|variant of 櫺|棂[ling2] ling 酃|name of a district in Hunan ling 鲮|mud carp (Cirrhina molitorella) ling 鸰|used in 鶺鴒|鹡鸰[ji2ling2] ling 聆|(literary) to hear; to listen ling 坽|(literary) precipitous cliff/(used in... ling 淩|variant of 凌[ling2] ling 囹|used in 囹圄[ling2 yu3] ling 泠|surname Ling ling 泠|sound of water flowing ling 蛉|sandfly ling 舲|small boat with windows ling 姈|(literary) (of a woman) intelligent/(... ling 龗|dragon ling 昤|sunshine ling 蕶|withered (plant, herb etc) ling 霝|drops of rain/to fall in drops ling 齢|Japanese variant of 齡|龄 ling 醽|name of a wine ling 霛|old variant of 靈|灵[ling2] ling 柃|Eurya japonica ling 軨|lattice work on front and sides ling 詅|to sell lingai 令爱|(courteous) your daughter lingai 令嫒|variant of 令愛|令爱[ling4ai4] lingan 另案|another case (in law)/a case to treat... lingao 临高|Lingao County, Hainan lingaoxian 临高县|Lingao County, Hainan lingban 领班|supervisor/foreman/head waiter or wai... lingbao 灵宝|Lingbao, county-level city in Sanmenx... lingbaoshi 灵宝市|Lingbao, county-level city in Sanmenx... lingbaxianzhang 零八宪章|Charter 08, PRC pro-democracy petitio... lingbeijian 零备件|spare part/component lingbi 灵璧|Lingbi, a county in Suzhou 宿州[Su4zhou... lingbian 灵便|quick/agile/nimble/easy to handle/handy lingbiandang 领便当|see 領盒飯|领盒饭[ling3 he2 fan4] lingbixian 灵璧县|Lingbi, a county in Suzhou 宿州[Su4zhou... lingbowu 凌波舞|limbo (dance) (loanword) lingbujian 零部件|spare part; component lingce 另册|the Other List (Qing dynasty register... lingchang 灵长|long life and prosperity lingchang 领唱|to lead a chorus/choirmaster/leading ... lingche 灵车|hearse lingchen 凌晨|very early in the morning/in the wee ... lingchi 凌迟|the lingering death/the death of a th... lingchi 零吃|(coll.) snack food lingchuan 陵川|Lingcuan county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Jin... lingchuan 灵川|Lingchuan county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 li... lingchuang 灵床|bier/bed kept as it was when the dece... lingchuang 棂床|variant of 靈床|灵床[ling2chuang2] lingchuanxian 陵川县|Lingcuan county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Jin... lingchuanxian 灵川县|Lingchuan county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 li... lingci 令慈|Your esteemed mother (honorific) lingcun 另存|to save (a file) after options (name,... lingcunwei 另存为|Save As ... (menu option in a softwar... lingdai 领带|necktie/CL:條|条[tiao2] lingdan 零担|less-than-truck-load freight (LTL) (t... lingdang 铃铛|little bell/CL:隻|只[zhi1] lingdangbielun 另当别论|to treat differently/another cup of tea lingdanmiaoyao 灵丹妙药|effective cure, miracle medicine (idi... lingdao 领导|lead/leading/to lead/leadership/leade... lingdao 领到|to receive lingdaoceng 领导层|ruling class/leaders (of society)/oli... lingdaojiti 领导集体|leadership group/collective of leaders lingdaoli 领导力|leadership (capacity to lead) lingdaolong 伶盗龙|velociraptor (dinosaur) lingdaonengli 领导能力|leadership (ability) lingdaoquan 领导权|leadership authority lingdaoren 领导人|leader lingdaotongyu 领导统御|(Tw) leadership lingdaoxiaozu 领导小组|leading small group (LSG), a CCP body... lingdaozhe 领导者|leader lingdasuiqiao 零打碎敲|to do things in bits and pieces (idio... lingde 零的|small change lingdengdaizhuangtai 零等待状态|zero wait state (computing) lingdi 领地|territory; domain; estate/(old) fief lingdi 令弟|honorable little brother lingdian 零点|midnight/to order à la carte/(math.) ... lingdiandingli 零点定理|Hilbert\'s zeros theorem (math.)/Nulls... lingdianneng 零点能|zero-point energy (quantum mechanical... lingdianwu 零点五|0.5; a half lingding 伶仃|alone and helpless lingding 零丁|variant of 伶仃[ling2 ding1] lingdong 灵动|to be quick-witted lingdong 岭东|Lingdong district of Shuangyashan cit... lingdongqu 岭东区|Lingdong district of Shuangyashan cit... lingdu 零度|zero degree lingdui 领队|to lead a group/leader of a group/cap... lingen 灵恩|Charismatic Christianity lingenpai 灵恩派|Charismatic Movement lingfan 灵泛|nimble/agile lingfeiqi 零废弃|zero waste lingfu 灵符|a Daoist talisman linggan 灵感|inspiration/insight/a burst of creati... lingganchufatu 灵感触发图|mind map linggong 零工|temporary job; odd job linggong 领工|to work as a foreman/foreman/supervisor linggongjingji 零工经济|gig economy linggonglvdui 零功率堆|zero power reactor linggu 铃鼓|tambourine (musical instrument)/bell ... lingguai 灵怪|a goblin/a spirit lingguan 领馆|consulate/consular official lingguan 灵棺|a bier/a catafalque (memorial platfor... lingguang 灵光|divine light (around the Buddha)/a ha... linggusi 灵谷寺|Linggu temple (Nanjing) lingguta 灵骨塔|columbarium linghai 领海|territorial waters linghai 凌海|Linghai, county-level city in Jinzhou... linghaishi 凌海市|Linghai, county-level city in Jinzhou... linghang 领航|navigation/navigator/to navigate linghangyuan 领航员|navigator linghao 零号|(slang) bottom (in a homosexual relat... linghaobingren 零号病人|(epidemiology) patient zero linghe 凌河|Linghe district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦... linghe 零和|zero-sum (game, in economics etc) linghe 令和|Reiwa, Japanese era name, correspondi... lingheboyi 零和博弈|zero-sum game (economics) linghefan 领盒饭|(coll.) (of an actor with a bit part)... linghequ 凌河区|Linghe district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦... linghu 令狐|old place name (in present-day Linyi ... linghuajing 菱花镜|antique bronze mirror with flower pet... linghuaqian 零花钱|pocket money/allowance linghudefen 令狐德棻|Linghu Defen (583-666), Tang dynasty ... linghui 领会|to understand/to comprehend/to grasp linghun 灵魂|soul/spirit linghunbanlv 灵魂伴侣|soulmate linghunchuqiao 灵魂出窍|out-of-body experience linghunrenwu 灵魂人物|key figure/the linchpin of sth linghunshenchu 灵魂深处|in the depth of one\'s soul linghuo 灵活|flexible/nimble/agile linghuoxing 灵活性|flexibility lingji 灵机|sudden inspiration/bright idea/clever... lingji 另寄|to mail separately lingji 令吉|ringgit (Malaysian currency unit) lingjia 凌驾|to be above/to place above lingjia 另加|to add to/supplementary lingjian 零件|part/component lingjian 令箭|arrow banner of command (archaic used... lingjian 另见|cf./see also lingjiang 领奖|to receive an award lingjiangtai 领奖台|(winner\'s) podium lingjiao 菱角|water caltrop (Trapa species), aquati... lingjiao 领教|much obliged/thank you/to ask advice/... lingjiaoxiao 领角鸮|(bird species of China) collared scop... lingjichu 零基础|no prior study (in an area of learning) lingjie 灵界|spiritual world lingjie 令节|festive season/happy time/noble princ... lingjie 领结|bow tie/loop of a necktie/lavaliere lingjin 领巾|neckcloth/neckerchief lingjing 凌兢|(literary) icy cold/(literary) to shi... lingjing 菱镜|see 菱花鏡|菱花镜[ling2 hua1 jing4] lingjiu 灵柩|coffin containing a corpse lingjiyidong 灵机一动|a bright idea suddenly occurs (idiom)... lingjuli 零距离|zero distance/face-to-face lingjumei 领鵙鹛|(bird species of China) collared babb... lingjun 领军|to lead troups/(fig.) to lead/leading lingkai 另开|to break up/to divide property and li... lingkong 领空|territorial air space lingkong 凌空|be high up in the sky lingkou 领口|collar/neckband/neckline/the place wh... lingkou 领扣|collar button lingkuai 灵快|agile/quick lingkun 令阃|your wife (honorific) linglan 铃兰|lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) linglang 令郎|your esteemed son (honorific) linglei 另类|offbeat/alternative/avant-garde/uncon... lingleiyiliao 另类医疗|alternative medicine lingli 伶俐|clever; witty; intelligent/deft; adroit lingli 凌厉|swift and fierce/fierce/forceful lingli 灵利|clever/bright/quick-witted lingli 鲮鲤|pangolin (Manis pentadactylata)/scaly... lingliao 领料|receiving materials lingliaodan 领料单|material requisition form linglijia 鲮鲤甲|pangolin (Manis pentadactylata)/scaly... linglike 鲮鲤科|the pangolin family lingling 零陵|Lingling district of Yongzhou city 永州... lingling 玲玲|(onom.) tinkling (e.g. of jewels) lingling 呤呤|(literary) to whisper linglingqu 零陵区|Lingling district of Yongzhou city 永州... linglingxingxing 零零星星|odd/piecemeal/fragmentary linglong 玲珑|(onom.) clink of jewels/exquisite/det... linglongtitou 玲珑剔透|exquisitely made/very clever linglu 领路|to lead the way lingluan 凌乱|messy; disarrayed; disheveled lingluan 零乱|in disorder/a complete mess lingluanbukan 凌乱不堪|in a terrible mess (idiom) lingluo 零落|withered and fallen/scattered/sporadic lingluo-chouduan 绫罗绸缎|(idiom) silk and satin linglve 领略|to have a taste of/to realize/to appr... lingma 零码|(Tw) (fashion retailing) available on... lingmai 零买|to buy detail/to buy one at a time lingmao 灵猫|civet (arboreal cat)/viverrid (mammal... lingmao 翎毛|feather/plume/plumage/CL:根[gen1] lingmaolei 灵猫类|a civet (arboreal cat)/viverrid (mamm... lingmei 灵媒|spirit medium lingmeikuang 菱镁矿|magnesite/magnesium ore lingmengchu 凌蒙初|Ling Mengchu (1580-1644), Ming dynast... lingmiao 灵妙|wonderful; ingenious; clever lingmin 灵敏|smart/clever/sensitive/keen/quick/sharp lingmindu 灵敏度|(level of) sensitivity lingming 领命|to accept an order lingming 灵命|the will of Heaven/the will of God lingming 令名|good name/reputation lingmixinhuan 另觅新欢|to seek happiness elsewhere (euphemis... lingmougaojiu 另谋高就|to get a better job somewhere else (i... lingmu 铃木|Suzuki (Japanese surname) lingmu 陵墓|tomb/mausoleum lingnan 岭南|south of the five ranges/old term for... lingniu 羚牛|takin (type of goat-antelope) lingnuo 领诺|consent lingnve 凌虐|to maltreat; to tyrannize lingpai 令牌|(archaic) wooden or metal token of au... lingpai 灵牌|spirit tablet/memorial tablet lingpaihuan 令牌环|token ring lingpaihuanwang 令牌环网|token ring network lingpao 领跑|to take the lead in a race/to set the... lingping 伶俜|(literary) lonely; all alone; solitary lingpixijing 另辟蹊径|to take an alternate route (idiom)/to... lingqi 灵气|spiritual influence (of mountains etc... lingqian 零钱|change (of money)/small change/pocket... lingqiao 灵巧|deft/nimble/ingenious lingqiaosi 灵雀寺|Nyitso Monastery in Dawu County 道孚縣|道... lingqiaosuida 零敲碎打|to do things in bits and pieces (idio... lingqidian 零起点|from zero/from scratch/beginners\' (co... lingqiliaofa 灵气疗法|Reiki (palm healing) lingqiluzao 另起炉灶|lit. to set up a separate kitchen (id... lingqin 陵寝|tomb (of king or emperor) lingqin 令亲|Your esteemed parent (honorific) lingqing 领情|to feel grateful to sb/to appreciate ... lingqinggaoming 另请高明|please find sb better qualified than ... lingqiu 灵丘|Lingqiu county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2... lingqiuxian 灵丘县|Lingqiu county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2... lingqu 领取|to receive; to draw; to get lingqu 灵渠|Lingqu, canal in Xing\'an county 興安|兴安... lingquedian 零缺点|zero defect/faultless/impeccable lingquezuibei 领雀嘴鹎|(bird species of China) collared finc... lingqulv 零曲率|(math.) zero curvature lingren 令人|to cause one (to do sth)/to make one ... lingren 伶人|(old) actor; actress lingrenbukuai 令人不快|unpleasant/objectionable lingrenchijing 令人吃惊|to shock/to amaze lingrenfazhi 令人发指|(idiom) to make one feel a sense of r... lingrenguwu 令人鼓舞|encouraging/heartening lingrenmanyi 令人满意|satisfying/satisfactory lingrenqinpei 令人钦佩|admirable lingrentan 令人叹|to astonish lingrenzhenfen 令人振奋|inspiring/exciting/rousing lingri 零日|zero-day (attack, vulnerability etc) ... lingriloudong 零日漏洞|zero-day vulnerability (computing) lingrongren 零容忍|zero tolerance lingru 凌辱|to insult/to humiliate/to bully lingsan 零散|scattered lingshan 灵山|Lingshan county in Qinzhou 欽州|钦州[Qin1... lingshanxian 灵山县|Lingshan county in Qinzhou 欽州|钦州[Qin1... lingsheng 铃声|ring/ringtone/bell stroke/tintinnabul... lingshengmu 零声母|(Chinese linguistics) zero initial (t... lingshi 零食|snack; nibbles lingshi 领事|consul lingshi 灵石|Lingshi county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4... lingshi 零时|midnight/zero hour lingshiguan 领事馆|consulate lingshixian 灵石县|Lingshi county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4... lingshou 零售|to retail/to sell individually or in ... lingshou 灵寿|Lingshou county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石... lingshou 领受|to accept/to receive lingshou 领收|to accept (a favor)/to receive lingshoudian 零售店|shop/retail store lingshoushang 零售商|retailer/shopkeeper/retail merchant lingshouxian 灵寿县|Lingshou county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石... lingshu 零数|the part of a number which is discard... lingshui 陵水|Lingshui Lizu Autonomous County, Hain... lingshuilizuzizhixian 陵水黎族自治县|Lingshui Lizu Autonomous County, Hainan lingshuixian 陵水县|Lingshui Lizu Autonomous County, Hain... lingshujing 灵枢经|Lingshu Jing (Divine Pivot, or Spirit... lingsui 零碎|scattered and fragmentary/scraps/odds... lingta 灵塔|memorial pagoda lingtai 灵台|Lingtai county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Pin... lingtaixian 灵台县|Lingtai county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Pin... lingtang 灵堂|mourning hall/funeral hall lingtang 令堂|(honorific) your mother lingti 灵体|soul lingtiekuang 菱铁矿|siderite lingting 聆听|to listen (respectfully) lingtong 灵通|fast and abundant (news)/clever/effec... lingtou 领头|to take the lead/to be first to start lingtou 零头|odd/scrap/remainder lingtouyang 领头羊|bellwether lingtu 领土|territory lingtuwanzheng 领土完整|territorial integrity linguang 磷光|phosphorescence linguo 邻国|neighboring country lingwai 另外|additional/in addition/besides/separa... lingwei 灵位|memorial tablet lingwu 领悟|to understand/to comprehend lingwu 灵武|Lingwu, county-level city in Yinchuan... lingwuli 领悟力|comprehension/perception/feeling lingwushi 灵武市|Lingwu, county-level city in Yinchuan... lingxi 灵犀|rhinoceros horn, reputed to confer te... lingxi 领洗|to be baptized lingxia 零下|below zero lingxian 领先|to lead/to be in front lingxian 领衔|leading (role)/heading list of signat... lingxian 酃县|Ling county in Hunan lingxiandiwei 领先地位|lead(ing) position lingxianzhuyan 领衔主演|leading actors (in a show)/starring lingxiaohua 凌霄花|Chinese trumpet vine (Campsis grandif... lingxing 菱形|rhombus lingxing 灵性|spiritual nature/spirituality/intelli... lingxing 零星|fragmentary; piecemeal; in bits and p... lingxing 另行|(to do sth) separately; as a separate... lingxing 灵醒|(of senses, mind etc) alert/keen/clea... lingxingjinzhi 令行禁止|lit. orders are carried out and prohi... lingxingliumianti 菱形六面体|(math.) rhombohedron lingxingtongzhi 另行通知|to notify at a different time/to noti... lingxiong 令兄|Your esteemed older brother (honorific) lingxiu 领袖|leader lingxiuliu 领鸺鹠|(bird species of China) collared owle... lingxixiangtong 灵犀相通|kindred spirits lingxiyidiantong 灵犀一点通|mental rapport/likeness of mind/spiri... lingxun 凌汛|ice-jam flood (arising when river dow... lingxun 聆讯|hearing (law) lingya 苓雅|Lingya district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市... lingyalichi 伶牙俐齿|clever and eloquent (idiom); fluent/h... lingyan 灵验|efficacious/effective/(of a predictio... lingyang 羚羊|antelope/CL:隻|只[zhi1] lingyang 领养|to adopt (a child, pet etc) lingyanheng 领燕鸻|(bird species of China) collared prat... lingyanliu 领岩鹨|(bird species of China) alpine accent... lingyanxiangkan 另眼相看|to treat sb favorably/to view in a ne... lingyao 灵药|legendary magic potion of immortals/p... lingyao 令药|seasonal medication lingyaqu 苓雅区|Lingya district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市... lingyi 灵异|deity/monster/strange/mysterious/supe... lingyi 另一|another/the other lingyi 凌夷|to deteriorate/to decline/to slump/al... lingyi 陵夷|to deteriorate/to decline/to slump/al... lingyiban 另一半|other half/(fig.) spouse/one\'s better... lingyifangmian 另一方面|on the other hand/another aspect lingying 岭𫶕|deep in the mountains lingying 领英|LinkedIn (professional networking web... lingyong 零用|incidental expenses/sundries/pocket m... lingyong 另用|diversion lingyongjin 零用金|petty cash lingyongqian 零用钱|pocket money/allowance/spending money lingyou 领有|to possess/to own lingyou 另有|to have some other (reason etc) lingyou 伶鼬|weasel/Mustela nivalis (zoology) lingyouqitu 另有企图|(idiom) to have an ulterior motive lingyu 领域|domain; sphere; field; territory; area lingyu 囹圄|(literary) prison lingyu 鲮鱼|see 鯪|鲮[ling2] lingyu 灵语|tongues (spiritual gift) lingyu 囹圉|variant of 囹圄[ling2 yu3] lingyu 令誉|honorable reputation lingyuan 陵园|cemetery/mausoleum park lingyuan 凌源|Lingyuan, county-level city in Chaoya... lingyuanshi 凌源市|Lingyuan, county-level city in Chaoya... lingyun 凌云|Lingyun county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4],... lingyun 凌云|(lit. and fig.) towering; lofty; high lingyunxian 凌云县|Lingyun county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4],... lingza 凌杂|in disorder lingza 零杂|bit and pieces/small odds and ends lingzamiyan 凌杂米盐|disordered and fragmentary lingzar 零杂儿|erhua variant of 零雜|零杂[ling2 za2] lingzhang 灵长|primate (monkey, hominid etc) lingzhang 领章|collar insignia lingzhanglei 灵长类|primate (monkey, hominid etc) lingzhangmu 灵长目|primate order (including monkeys, hom... lingzheng 领证|to obtain a certificate or license et... lingzheng 令正|(honorific) your wife lingzhi 灵芝|lingzhi or reishi mushroom (Ganoderma... lingzhi 凌志|Lexus lingzhimei 凌志美|Laura Ling, US-Taiwanese woman journa... lingzhu 领主|feudal lord; suzerain; overlord lingzhuang 令状|writ lingzi 领子|shirt collar lingzi 翎子|peacock feathers on an official\'s hat... lingzou 领走|to lead (sb, or an animal) away/to co... lingzu 零族|lit. zero group/another word for the ... lingzui 零嘴|nibbles/snacks between meals lingzui 领罪|to confess one\'s fault/to accept one\'... lingzun 令尊|Your esteemed father (honorific) lingzunlingtang 令尊令堂|(honorific) your parents linhai 临海|Linhai, county-level city in Taizhou ... linhai 临海|to overlook the sea/on the waterfront linhaishi 临海市|Linhai, county-level city in Taizhou ... linhaishuituzhi 临海水土志|Seaboard Geographic Gazetteer (c. 275... linhaixian 临海县|Linhai county in east Zhejiang linhe 临河|Linhe district of Bayan Nur city 巴彥淖爾... linhe 林壑|woods and ravines/tranquillity of tre... linhequ 临河区|Linhe district of Bayan Nur city 巴彥淖爾... linhexianyu 临河羡鱼|see 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網|临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网[lin2 yuan... linhoulvzhuomuniao 鳞喉绿啄木鸟|(bird species of China) streak-throat... linhuagai 磷化钙|calcium phosphate (chemistry) linhuaimin 林怀民|Lin Hwai-Min (1947-), Taiwanese chore... linhuifen 磷灰粉|apatite (phosphatic lime) linhuishi 磷灰石|apatite/phosphatic limestone linhuo 林火|forest fire linhuo 磷火|phosphorescence linian 历年|calendar year linian 历年|over the years/bygone years linian 理念|idea/concept/philosophy/theory liniao 利尿|to promote urination/diuresis liniaoji 利尿剂|diuretic lining 李宁|Li Ning (1963-), PRC gymnast, winner ... linjia 邻家|next-door neighbor; neighboring house... linjia 鳞甲|scale/plate of armor linjiang 临江|Linjiang, county-level city in Baisha... linjiangshi 临江市|Linjiang, county-level city in Baisha... linjiaofengzui 麟角凤觜|lit. qilin\'s horn, phoenix\'s mouth (i... linjiaqiao 林家翘|Lin Chia-Chiao (1916-2013), Chinese-A... linjie 临界|critical/boundary linjie 邻接|adjacent/next to linjie 临街|facing the street linjiedian 临界点|critical point/boundary point linjiefang 临街房|the store front/the part of a house f... linjiezhiliang 临界质量|critical mass linjiezhuangtai 临界状态|critical state/criticality linjin 邻近|neighboring/adjacent/near/vicinity linjin 临近|close to/approaching linjing 鳞茎|bulb linjing 麟经|another name for the Spring and Autum... linjite 林吉特|ringgit (monetary unit of Malaysia) (... linju 邻居|neighbor/next door/CL:個|个[ge4] linka 林卡|transliteration of Tibetan lingka: ga... linkechuanjing 临渴穿井|lit. face thirst and dig a well (idio... linkejuejing 临渴掘井|lit. not to dig a well until one is t... linkemeisu 林可霉素|lincomycin linken 林肯|Lincoln (name)/Abraham Lincoln (1809-... linkenjun 林肯郡|Lincolnshire (English county) linkepingdaxue 林克平大学|Linköping University, Sweden linkou 林口|Linkou county in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heil... linkouxian 林口县|Linkou county in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heil... linkouxiang 林口乡|Linkou township in New Taipei City 新北... linkuang 磷矿|phosphate ore linkuangshi 磷矿石|phosphate linkui 临魁|Linkui (c. 2000 BC), second of the le... linlaifeng 林来疯|Linsanity/craze over Jeremy Lin 林書豪|林... linlang 琳琅|glittering jewels linlangmanmu 琳琅满目|glittering jewels to delight the eye ... linli 林立|to stand in great numbers linli 邻里|neighbor/neighborhood linli 淋漓|dripping wet/pouring/saturated/(fig.)... linli 临澧|Linli county in Changde 常德[Chang2 de2... linliao 临了|at the last moment/right at the end linlie 凛冽|biting cold linlijinzhi 淋漓尽致|lit. extreme saturation (idiom)/fig. ... linlin 粼粼|clear and crystalline (of water) linlin 磷磷|variant of 粼粼[lin2 lin2] linlingque 林岭雀|(bird species of China) plain mountai... linlinzongzong 林林总总|in great abundance/numerous linliu 林鹨|(bird species of China) tree pipit (A... linliuying 林柳莺|(bird species of China) wood warbler ... linlixian 临澧县|Linli county in Changde 常德[Chang2 de2... linluo 麟洛|Linlo township in Pingtung County 屏東縣... linluoxiang 麟洛乡|Linlo township in Pingtung County 屏東縣... linmen 临门|to arrive home/facing one\'s home/home... linmenyijiao 临门一脚|to try to score (a goal)/final push (... linmo 临摹|to copy (a model of calligraphy or pa... linmu 林木|forest/forest tree linmu 邻睦|to be on friendly terms linnai 林奈|Carl Linnaeus/Carl Linné linnan 临难|in peril/facing disaster linnei 林内|Linnei township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|... linneixiang 林内乡|Linnei township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|... linpen 临盆|at childbirth/in labor linpian 鳞片|scale (of fish, reptiles etc) linqi 拎起|to pick up (from the ground with one\'... linqin 林檎|Chinese pearleaf crabapple (Malus asi... linqing 临清|Linqing, county-level city in Liaoche... linqingshi 临清市|Linqing, county-level city in Liaoche... linqingxia 林青霞|Brigitte Lin (1954-), Taiwanese actress linqinnan 林琴南|courtesy name of Lin Shu 林紓|林纾[Lin2 S... linqiujun 淋球菌|gonococcus/Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the... linqu 林区|region of forest linqu 邻区|neighborhood/vicinity linqu 临朐|Linqu County in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wei2 fa... linquan 临泉|Linquan, a county in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fu4... linquanxian 临泉县|Linquan, a county in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fu4... linquxian 临朐县|Linqu County in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wei2 fa... linren 邻人|neighbor linrongceng 淋溶层|alluvium (soil deposited by rivers) linrongtu 淋溶土|argosol (soil taxonomy) linru 临蓐|at childbirth/in labor linsanzhichun 林三趾鹑|(bird species of China) common button... linse 吝啬|stingy; mean; miserly linsegui 吝啬鬼|miser; penny-pincher linsen 林森|Lin Sen (1868-1943), revolutionary po... linshang 鳞伤|cuts and bruises like fish scales/ter... linshazhui 林沙锥|(bird species of China) wood snipe (G... linshe 邻舍|neighbor/person next door linshi 临时|as the time draws near/at the last mo... linshi 临视|to observe personally linshi 磷石|muscovite, mica (used in TCM) linshi 淋湿|to get soaked linshiaomenshizhengzhixingweiyuanhui 临时澳门市政执行委员会|Provisional Municipal Council of Maca... linshibaofojiao 临时抱佛脚|lit. to clasp the Buddha\'s feet when ... linshibaomu 临时保姆|temporary caregiver; babysitter linshidaikuan 临时贷款|bridging loan linshifenju 临时分居|trial separation linshigong 临时工|temporary worker; temp/temporary work linshiyanyuan 临时演员|an extra (in a movie) linshizhengfu 临时政府|provisional government linshu 临沭|Linshu, a county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2y... linshu 林纾|Lin Shu (1852-1924), writer and influ... linshuhao 林书豪|Jeremy Lin (1988-), Taiwanese-America... linshui 临水|facing the water (favored location) linshui 邻水|Linshui county in Guang\'an 廣安|广安[Guan... linshuixian 邻水县|Linshui county in Guang\'an 廣安|广安[Guan... linshuxian 临沭县|Linshu, a county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2y... linsi 临死|facing death/at death\'s door linsibuqie 临死不怯|equanimity in the face of death/to fa... linsou 林薮|woods and marshes linsuan 磷酸|phosphoric acid linsuangai 磷酸钙|calcium phosphate (chemistry) linsuanna 磷酸钠|sodium phosphate (chemistry) linsuanyan 磷酸盐|phosphate linsuanyanyan 磷酸盐岩|phosphorite/phosphate rock lintan 临潭|Lintan County in Gannan Tibetan Auton... lintanxian 临潭县|Lintan County in Gannan Tibetan Auton... lintao 临洮|Lintao county in Dingxi 定西[Ding4 xi1]... lintaoxian 临洮县|Lintao county in Dingxi 定西[Ding4 xi1]... lintiao 临眺|to observe from afar/to look into the... lintie 临帖|to practice calligraphy from a model lintong 临潼|Lintong District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1... lintongqu 临潼区|Lintong District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1... lintou 临头|to befall/to be imminent lintunjun 临屯郡|Lintun Commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD),... linwei 临渭|Linwei District of Weinan City 渭南市[We... linwei 临危|dying (from illness)/facing death/on ... linweiqu 临渭区|Linwei District of Weinan City 渭南市[We... linweishouming 临危受命|(idiom) to take on a leadership role ... linweishouming 临危授命|to sacrifice one\'s life in a crisis linwen 临问|to go personally to consult subordina... linwu 临武|Linwu county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zho... linwu 林务|forestry linwuxian 临武县|Linwu county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zho... linxi 临西|Linxi county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2... linxi 吝惜|to stint; to be miserly linxi 林西|Linxi County of Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1... linxia 临夏|Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture 臨夏回族... linxia 磷虾|krill linxiahuizuzizhizhou 临夏回族自治州|Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in G... linxian 临县|Lin county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 lian... linxian 林县|Lin county in Henan linxiang 临湘|Linxiang county-level city in Yueyang... linxiang 临翔|Linxiang district of Lincang city 臨滄市... linxiangqu 临翔区|Linxiang district of Lincang city 臨滄市... linxiangru 蔺相如|Ling Xiangru (dates unknown, 3rd cent... linxiangshi 临湘市|Linxiang county-level city in Yueyang... linxiashi 临夏市|Linxia, county-level city in Linxia H... linxiaxian 临夏县|Linxia County in Linxia Hui Autonomou... linxiazhou 临夏州|Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture (abb... linxie 临写|to copy (a model of calligraphy or pa... linxing 临行|on leaving/on the point of departure linxing 临刑|facing execution linxing 临幸|to go in person (of emperor)/to copul... linxinru 林心如|Ruby Lin (1976-), Taiwanese actress a... linxiongjiaomei 鳞胸鹪鹛|(bird species of China) scaly-breaste... linxixian 林西县|Linxi County of Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1... linxixian 临西县|Linxi County in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2... linxu 林旭|Lin Xu (1875-1898), one of the Six Ge... linxuan 遴选|to pick/to choose/to select linxue 林学|forestry linxueping 林雪平|Linköping, city in southeast Sweden linxun 嶙峋|bony (of people)/craggy/rugged (of te... linyan 临演|an extra (in a movie) (abbr. for 臨時演員... linye 林业|forest industry/forestry linyeying 林夜鹰|(bird species of China) savanna night... linyi 临猗|Linyi county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 c... linyi 临沂|see 臨沂市|临沂市[Lin2yi2 Shi4] linyi 临邑|Linyi county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1],... linyilian 林忆莲|Sandy Lam (1966-), Hong Kong pop singer linyindadao 林荫大道|see 林陰大道|林阴大道[lin2 yin1 da4 dao4] linyindadao 林阴大道|boulevard/tree-lined avenue/CL:條|条[ti... linyindao 林阴道|see 林蔭道|林荫道[lin2 yin4 dao4] linyindao 林荫道|boulevard/avenue/mall linying 临颍|Lingying county in Luohe 漯河[Luo4 he2]... linyingxian 临颍县|Lingying county in Luohe 漯河[Luo4 he2]... linyinlu 林荫路|see 林蔭道|林荫道[lin2 yin4 dao4] linyinlu 林阴路|see 林蔭道|林荫道[lin2 yin4 dao4] linyishi 临沂市|Linyi, prefecture-level city in Shand... linyixian 临猗县|Linyi county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 c... linyixian 临邑县|Linyi county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1],... linyou 麟游|Linyou County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1... linyou 邻右|neighbor linyou 邻佑|variant of 鄰右|邻右[lin2 you4] linyouxian 麟游县|Linyou County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1... linyu 淋浴|to take a shower/shower linyu 淋雨|to get wet in the rain linyu 邻域|(math.) neighborhood (in a topologica... linyu 林鹬|(bird species of China) wood sandpipe... linyuanxianyu 临渊羡鱼|see 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網|临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网[lin2 yuan... linyuanxianyu,burutuierjiewang 临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网|better to go home and weave a net tha... linyuer 临月儿|the month childbirth is due linyutang 林语堂|Lin Yutang (1895-1976), Chinese write... linze 临泽|Linze county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1 ... linzexian 临泽县|Linze county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1 ... linzexu 林则徐|Lin Zexu or Lin Tse-hsu \"Commissioner... linzhan 临战|just before the contest/on the eve of... linzhang 临漳|Linzhang county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 ... linzhangxian 临漳县|Linzhang county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 ... linzhen 临阵|just before the battle/to approach th... linzheng 林郑|Carrie Lam (1957-), chief executive o... linzhenmoqiang 临阵磨枪|lit. to sharpen one\'s spear only befo... linzhentuisuo 临阵退缩|to shrink back as the time for battle... linzhentuotao 临阵脱逃|see 臨陣退縮|临阵退缩[lin2 zhen4 tui4 suo1] linzhi 林芝|Nyingchi prefecture of Tibet, Tibetan... linzhi 磷脂|phospholipid linzhiling 林志玲|Lin Chi-ling (1974-), Taiwanese model... linzhong 临终|approaching one\'s end/with one foot i... linzhongguanhuai 临终关怀|end-of-life care; hospice care; palli... linzhou 林州|Linzhou, county-level city in Anyang ... linzhou 林周|Lhünzhub county, Tibetan: Lhun grub r... linzhoushi 林州市|Linzhou, county-level city in Anyang ... linzhouxian 林周县|Lhünzhub county, Tibetan: Lhun grub r... linzhuang 鳞状|scaly/squamous linzhuangxibaoai 鳞状细胞癌|squamous cell carcinoma linzi 临淄|Linzi district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 b... linzi 林子|woods/grove/forest linzidale,shenmeniaodouyou 林子大了,什么鸟都有|it takes all sorts (to make a world) ... linziqu 临淄区|Linzi district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 b... linzou 临走|before leaving/on departure linzun 凛遵|to strictly abide by linzuo 邻座|adjacent seat/the person in an adjace... linzuo 邻左|neighbor liou 力偶|moment of forces (mechanics) lipaizhongyi 力排众议|to stand one\'s ground against the opi... lipan 力拚|(Tw) to put one\'s efforts into (sth)/... lipao 礼炮|gun salute (e.g. 21-gun salute)/salvo lipaohao 礼炮号|Salyut (salute), Russian spacecraft s... lipei 理赔|to settle a claim/claims settlement/p... lipeng 李鹏|Li Peng (1928-2019), leading PRC poli... lipin 礼品|gift/present liping 黎平|Liping county in Qiandongnan Miao and... lipingxian 黎平县|Liping county in Qiandongnan Miao and... lipo 丽魄|moon lipu 离谱|inappropriate; improper; out of place lipur 离谱儿|erhua variant of 離譜|离谱[li2pu3] liqi 离奇|odd; bizarre liqi 力气|physical strength liqi 利器|sharp weapon/effective implement/outs... liqi 理气|(TCM) to rectify 氣|气[qi4] liqi 离弃|to abandon liqi 戾气|evil tendencies/vicious currents/anti... liqi 礼器|ritual object; sacrificial vessel liqian 利钱|interest (on a loan etc) liqian 力钱|payment to a porter liqihuatan 理气化痰|(TCM) to rectify 氣|气[qi4] and transfo... liqimeng 里奇蒙|Richmond (place name or surname) liqing 沥青|asphalt/bitumen/pitch liqing 厘清|to clarify (the facts)/clarification liqing 理清|to disentangle (wiring etc)/(fig.) to... liqingbiexu 离情别绪|sad feeling at separation (idiom) liqingqingyizhong 礼轻情意重|goose feather sent from afar, a trifl... liqingrenyizhong 礼轻人意重|slight present but weighty meaning (i... liqingrenyizhong,qianlisongemao 礼轻人意重,千里送鹅毛|goose feather sent from afar, a sligh... liqingyoukuang 沥青铀矿|pitchblende (uranium ore) liqingzhao 李清照|Li Qingzhao (1084-c. 1151), southern ... liqiu 力求|to make every effort to/striving to d... liqiu 立秋|Liqiu or Start of Autumn, 13th of the... liqiyouqu 离奇有趣|quaint liqu 离去|to leave/to exit liquan 礼泉|Liquan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2... liquan 礼券|gift voucher/gift coupon liquan 利权|economic rights (e.g. of a state mono... liquanxian 礼泉县|Liquan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2... liquanxian 醴泉县|Liquan county in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳, Shaa... liquciqiong 理屈词穷|lit. having presented a flawed argume... liqun 李群|Lie group (math.) lir 理儿|reason liran 栗然|(literary) shivering/shuddering lirang 礼让|to show consideration for (others)/to... liren 历任|(of one person) to hold the successiv... liren 离任|to leave office/to leave one\'s post liren 利刃|sharp blade liren 里人|person from the same village, town or... liren 莅任|to attend/to take office/to be presen... liri 丽日|bright sun/beautiful day lirong 立绒|velvet lirongyuan 理容院|hairdresser and beauty parlor/barbers... liru 例如|for example; for instance; such as liru 离乳|to be weaned/weaning liruihuan 李瑞环|Li Ruihuan (1934-), former Chinese po... lirun 利润|profits lirunlv 利润率|profit margin liruzhen 李汝珍|Li Ruzhen (c. 1763-c. 1830), Qing nov... lisan 离散|(of family members) separated from on... lisanshuxue 离散数学|discrete mathematics lisanxing 离散性|discreteness lisao 离骚|On Encountering Sorrow, poem by Qu Yu... lise 栗色|maroon (color) liseqimei 丽色奇鹛|(bird species of China) beautiful sib... lisezaomei 丽色噪鹛|(bird species of China) red-winged la... lishan 骊山|Mt Li near Xi\'an with the tomb of the... lishangwanglai 礼尚往来|lit. proper behavior is based on reci... lishangyin 李商隐|Li Shangyin (c. 813-858), Tang poet lishanqu 立山区|Lishan district of Anshan city 鞍山市[An... lishe 里社|village shrine to the earth god lishen 立身|to stand up/to conduct oneself lishenchushi 立身处世|(idiom) the way one conducts oneself ... lisheng 厉声|stern voice lisheng 厘升|centiliter lishenlun 理神论|deism, theological theory of God who ... lishi 历史|history/CL:門|门[men2],段[duan4] lishi 力士|strong man/sumo wrestler lishi 离石|Lishi district of Lüliang city 呂梁市|吕梁... lishi 理事|member of council/(literary) to take ... lishi 离世|(archaic) to live in seclusion/to pas... lishi 历时|to last/to take (time)/period/diachronic lishi 砾石|gravel/pebbles lishi 立时|right away; quickly; immediately lishi 里氏|Richter (scale) lishi 利市|business profit/auspicious/lucky/smal... lishi 例示|to exemplify lishi 丽实|practical lishi 利是|variant of 利事[li4shi4] lishi 利事|(Cantonese) same as 紅包|红包[hong2 bao1] lishi 李氏|the Korean Yi or Lee Dynasty (1392-1910) lishi 丽䴓|(bird species of China) beautiful nut... lishibanben 历史版本|historical version; a previous versio... lishibeijing 历史背景|historical background lishibowuguan 历史博物馆|historical museum lishichaoxian 李氏朝鲜|Joseon, last Korean dynasty (1392-1910) lishichengben 历史成本|historic cost (accounting) lishichongyan 历史重演|history repeats itself lishiguandian 历史观点|historical standpoint lishihui 理事会|council lishijia 历史家|historian lishijiuyuan 历史久远|ancient history lishiju 历史剧|historical drama lishilikeciti 立氏立克次体|Rickettsia rickettsii lishiman 里士满|Richmond (name) lishimanbing 利什曼病|leishmaniasis (medicine) lishimin 李世民|Li Shimin, personal name of second Ta... lishiqu 离石区|Lishi district of Lüliang city 呂梁市|吕梁... lishirenwu 历史人物|historical person lishishang 历史上|historical/in history lishishijian 历史事件|historical incident lishishiqi 历史时期|historical period lishiweiwuzhuyi 历史唯物主义|historical materialism (Marx\'s theory... lishixing 历史性|historic lishixingao 历史新高|all-time high lishixue 历史学|history lishixuejia 历史学家|historian lishiyange 历史沿革|historical development/background lishiyichan 历史遗产|heritage; historical legacy lishiyiji 历史遗迹|historic site lishiyiyi 历史意义|historic significance lishiyoujiu 历史悠久|long-established/time-honored lishizhang 理事长|director general lishizhe 莅事者|an official/person holding post/local... lishizhen 李时珍|Li Shizhen (1518-1593), Ming botanist... lishizhenji 里氏震级|Richter magnitude scale lishou 里手|expert/left-hand side (of a machine)/... lishou 利手|dominant hand/handedness lishu 黎庶|populace; masses; the people lishu 隶属|to be subordinate to; to be under the... lishu 梨树|Lishu county in Siping 四平, Jilin/Lish... lishu 梨树|pear tree lishu 隶书|clerical script; official script (Chi... lishu 礼数|etiquette/(old) gradation of etiquett... lishu 历数|(literary) movements of celestial bod... lishu 历数|to enumerate/to count (one by one) lishu 历书|almanac lishu 栎树|oak tree lishu 栗鼠|chinchilla/chipmunk lishu 梨属|Pyrus, tree genus containing pears lishu 李树|plum tree lishui 丽水|see 麗水市|丽水市[Li2shui3 Shi4] lishui 澧水|Lishui river in north Hunan, flowing ... lishuijia 沥水架|dish rack lishuishi 丽水市|Lishui, prefecture-level city in Zhej... lishun 理顺|to straighten out/to sort out/to orga... lishunchen 李舜臣|Yi Sunshin (1545-1598), Korean admira... lishuqu 梨树区|Lishu district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji1... lishutong 李叔同|Liu Shutong (1880-1942), painter, Bud... lishuxian 梨树县|Lishu county in Siping 四平, Jilin lishuya 栗树鸭|(bird species of China) lesser whistl... lisi 李四|Li Si, name for an unspecified person... lisi 李斯|Li Si (c. 280-208 BC), Legalist philo... lisiben 里斯本|Lisbon, capital of Portugal lisiguang 李四光|Li Siguang (1889-1971), Mongol-born, ... lisite 李斯特|Ferenc (Franz) Liszt (1811-1886), Hun... lisitejun 李斯特菌|Listeria monocytogene lisiteshiganjun 李斯特氏杆菌|listeria bacillus lisiteshijun 李斯特氏菌|listeria bacillus lisong 李诵|Li Song, personal name of eleventh Ta... lisu 傈僳|Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan lisu 礼俗|etiquette/custom lisun 黎笋|Le Duan (1907-1986), Vietnamese commu... lisuo 利索|nimble lisuo 离索|(literary) desolate and lonely lisuobuji 力所不及|beyond one\'s power (to do sth) lisuodangran 理所当然|as it should be by rights (idiom); pr... lisuonengji 力所能及|as far as one\'s capabilities extend (... lisuzu 傈僳族|Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan lita 利他|to benefit others/altruism litalin 利他林|Ritalin (brand name)/methylphenidate ... litaling 利他灵|Ritalin (brand name)/methylphenidate ... litaneng 利他能|Ritalin (brand name)/methylphenidate ... litang 理塘|Litang county (Tibetan: li thang rdzo... litang 礼堂|assembly hall/auditorium/CL:座[zuo4],處... litang 例汤|soup of the day litangxian 理塘县|Litang county (Tibetan: li thang rdzo... litaowan 立陶宛|Lithuania litaowanren 立陶宛人|Lithuanian (person) litaxingwei 利他行为|altruistic behavior litazhuyi 利他主义|altruism liti 例题|problem or question solved for illust... liti 立体|three-dimensional/solid/stereoscopic liti 离题|to digress; to stray from the subject liti 隶体|see 隸書|隶书[li4 shu1] litianlu 李天禄|Li Tianlu (1910-1998), Taiwanese mast... litianwang 李天王|the pagoda bearing god litidianyingyuan 立体电影院|stereoscopic cinema/3D cinema litie 李铁|Li Tie (1977-), footballer litie 利贴|Post-It note (3M trademark) litieguai 李铁拐|Iron-Crutch Li, one of the Eight Immo... litijiao 立体角|solid angle litijiaocha 立体交叉|three-dimensional road junction (i.e.... litijihe 立体几何|solid geometry liting 力挺|to support/to back litipai 立体派|Cubism litisheng 立体声|stereo sound litishexiangji 立体摄像机|stereoscopic camera/3D camera litishu 立体书|pop-up book lititu 立体图|three-dimensional figure/hologram/ste... litiyigou 立体异构|stereoisomerism (chemistry) litiyigouti 立体异构体|stereoisomer (chemistry) litizhaopian 立体照片|three-dimensional photo litongqu 利通区|Litong district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴... litou 里头|inside/interior litou 犁头|plowshare/colter/(dialect) plow litou 理头|to have a haircut/to cut sb\'s hair litoubasedong 栗头八色鸫|(bird species of China) rusty-naped p... litoudiying 栗头地莺|(bird species of China) chestnut-head... litoufenghu 栗头蜂虎|(bird species of China) chestnut-head... litouquemei 栗头雀鹛|(bird species of China) rufous-winged... litouwengying 栗头鹟莺|(bird species of China) chestnut-crow... litu 力图|to try hard to/to strive to litunshi 栗臀䴓|(bird species of China) chestnut-vent... lituo 力拓|Rio Tinto (UK-Australian mining corpo... liu 榴|pomegranate liu 六|six/6 liu 刘|surname Liu liu 刘|(classical) a type of battle-ax/to ki... liu 流|to flow/to disseminate/to circulate o... liu 柳|surname Liu liu 柳|willow liu 柳|old variant of 柳[liu3] liu 留|old variant of 留[liu2] liu 留|to leave (a message etc)/to retain/to... liu 鎏|variant of 鎦|镏[liu2] liu 瘤|tumor liu 瘤|old variant of 瘤[liu2] liu 霤|dripping of rain from eaves liu 镏|(Tw) (chemistry) lutetium liu 镏|(bound form) finger ring/Taiwan pr. [... liu 溜|to slip away/to escape in stealth/to ... liu 溜|used in 冰溜[bing1 liu4] liu 陆|six (banker\'s anti-fraud numeral) liu 琉|precious stone liu 琉|old variant of 琉[liu2] liu 硫|sulfur (chemistry) liu 碌|used in 碌碡[liu4 zhou5]/Taiwan pr. [lu4] liu 碌|variant of 碌[liu4] liu 浏|clear/deep (of water)/swift liu 遛|used in 逗遛[dou4liu2] liu 遛|to stroll/to walk (an animal) liu 馏|to distill/to break a liquid substanc... liu 馏|to steam/to cook in a steamer/to rehe... liu 〦|numeral 6 in the Suzhou numeral syste... liu 熘|quick-fry/sim. to stir-frying, but wi... liu 绺|skein/tuft/lock liu 骝|bay horse with black mane liu 旒|tassel liu 懰|lovely/beautiful liu 镠|fine gold liu 鹨|pipit (genus Anthus) liu 罶|creel/fish basket liu 鹠|used in 鵂鶹|鸺鹠[xiu1liu2] liu 飗|soughing of wind liu 珋|(literary) lustrous precious stone liu 羀|old variant of 罶[liu3] liu 畄|old variant of 留[liu2] liu 橊|old variant of 榴[liu2] liu 駵|old variant of 騮|骝[liu2] liu 駠|old variant of 騮|骝[liu2] liu 蹓|to stroll/walk a horse liu 翏|the sound of the wind/to soar liuan 刘安|Liu An (179-122 BC), King of Huainan ... liuanhuaming 柳暗花明|lit. the willow trees make the shade,... liuansu 硫胺素|thiamine/vitamin B1 liuba 留坝|Liuba County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 z... liubai 留白|to leave a message/to leave some empt... liuban 留班|to repeat a year in school liubang 刘邦|Liu Bang (256 or 247-195 BC), bandit ... liubang 硫棒|sulfur stick/roll sulfur liubaxian 留坝县|Liuba County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 z... liubei 柳北|Liubei district of Liuzhou city 柳州市[L... liubei 刘备|Liu Bei (161-223), warlord at the end... liubei 流辈|a contemporary/similar class of people liubeiqu 柳北区|Liubei district of Liuzhou city 柳州市[L... liubi 流弊|malpractice/long-running abuse liubian 流变|to flow and change/development and ch... liubian 溜边|to keep to the edge (of path, river e... liubiannengli 流变能力|rheology liubianr 溜边儿|to keep to the edge (of path, river e... liubianxing 六边形|hexagon liubianxue 流变学|rheology liubiao 刘表|Liu Biao (142-208), warlord liubiao 流标|(of an auction) to be inconclusive liubie 留别|a departing gift/a souvenir on leavin... liubie 流别|branch (of a river)/school (of thought) liubing 溜冰|ice skating/(slang) to do meth liubingchang 溜冰场|ice rink/skating rink liubingxie 溜冰鞋|skating shoes/ice skates/roller skate... liubinyan 刘宾雁|Liu Binyan (1925-2005), journalist an... liubiti 流鼻涕|to have a runny nose liubixie 流鼻血|to bleed from the nose/(fig.) to be s... liubo 流播|to circulate/to hand around liubowen 刘伯温|Liu Bowen (1311-1375), general under ... liubu 留步|(said by departing guest) no need to ... liubu 流布|to spread/to circulate/to disseminate liucao 溜槽|sluice/chute liuchan 流产|to have a miscarriage/(fig.) to fail;... liuchang 流畅|flowing (of speech, writing)/fluent/s... liuchao 六朝|Six Dynasties (220-589) liuchaoshidai 六朝时代|the Six Dynasties period (222-589) be... liuchaosidajia 六朝四大家|Four Great Painters of the Six Dynast... liuchen 六陈|food grains (rice, wheat, barley, bea... liucheng 流程|course/stream/sequence of processes/w... liucheng 留成|to retain a portion (of profits etc) liucheng 柳城|Liucheng county in Liuzhou 柳州[Liu3 zh... liucheng 柳橙|orange (fruit) liuchengbiao 流程表|flow chart liuchengtu 流程图|flow chart liuchengxian 柳城县|Liucheng county in Liuzhou 柳州[Liu3 zh... liuchengzhi 柳橙汁|orange juice/CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1],罐[gu... liuchu 流出|to flow out/to disgorge/to effuse liuchu 六畜|six domestic animals, namely: pig, co... liuchuan 流传|to spread/to circulate/to hand down liuchuan 留传|to bequeath (to later generations)/a ... liuchun 硫醇|thiol (chemistry) liucixin 刘慈欣|Liu Cixin (1963-), Chinese science fi... liucuan 流窜|to roam all over the place/to go into... liucuanfan 流窜犯|criminal at large liucun 留存|to keep/to preserve/extant/to remain ... liucunshouyi 留存收益|retained earnings liuda 溜达|to stroll/to go for a walk liudai 留待|to leave sth for later/to postpone (w... liudailiusuanna 硫代硫酸钠|sodium hyposulfide/sodium thiosulfate liudan 榴弹|high explosive shell/grenade liudan 流弹|stray bullet liudanfasheqi 榴弹发射器|grenade launcher liudang 流荡|to float/to tramp/to rove liudangwangfan 流宕忘反|to stray and forget to return liudanpao 榴弹炮|howitzer liudehua 刘德华|Andy Lau (1961-), Hong Kong Cantopop ... liudeqingshanzai,bupameichaishao 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧|While the green hills last, there\'ll ... liudi 留底|to keep a copy/copy kept for archivin... liudiao 流调|epidemiological survey (abbr. for 流行病... liuding 柳丁|orange (fruit) (Tw) liudinganchun 柳丁氨醇|albuterol (also known as proventil, s... liudong 流动|to flow/to circulate/to go from place... liudongertong 流动儿童|children of migrants liudongfuzhai 流动负债|current liability liudonglv 流动率|turnover (of staff) liudongrenkou 流动人口|transient population/floating population liudongxing 流动性|flowing; shifting/fluidity; mobility/... liudongxingdashamo 流动性大沙漠|shifting sand dunes liudongzichan 流动资产|(financial reporting) current assets/... liudongzijin 流动资金|money in circulation/fluid funds liudu 流毒|to spread poison/pernicious influence liudu 留都|the old capital (after a move) liue 刘鹗|Liu E (1857-1909), late Qing novelist... liuerwushibian 六二五事变|Korean War (dating from North Korean ... liuerwuzhanzheng 六二五战争|the Korean War (started June 25 1950) liufan 留饭|to put some food aside for sb/to invi... liufang 流放|to exile/to banish/to deport/to float... liufang 流芳|to leave a good reputation liufang 六方|hexagonal liufangbaishi 流芳百世|(of one\'s name, reputation etc) to be... liufangbaishi 留芳百世|a good reputation to last a hundred g... liufanghuitan 六方会谈|six-sided talks (on North Korea) liufangqiangu 留芳千古|a good reputation to last down the ge... liufangzuimiduiji 六方最密堆积|hexagonal close-packed (HCP) (math.) liufen 馏分|fraction (of a distillate)/key (one c... liufenyi 六分仪|sextant liufenyizuo 六分仪座|Sextans (constellation) liufenzhiyi 六分之一|one sixth liufu 六腑|(TCM) the six hollow organs: gallblad... liufuhualiu 六氟化硫|sulfur hexafluoride liufuhuayou 六氟化铀|uranium hexafluoride (UF6) liugan 流感|flu; influenza liugan 流干|to drain/to run dry liuganbingdu 流感病毒|influenza virus; flu virus liuganji 流感季|flu season liuganyimiao 流感疫苗|influenza vaccine liugei 留给|to set aside for liugong 六宫|empress and imperial concubines or th... liugongdao 刘公岛|Liugong island in the Yellow sea liugongquan 柳公权|Liu Gongquan (778-865), Tang calligra... liugou 遛狗|to walk a dog liuguan 留观|(medicine) to remain in hospital unde... liuguangdi 刘光第|Liu Guangdi (1859-1898), one of the S... liuguangyicai 流光溢彩|lit. flowing light and overflowing co... liuguijin 刘贵今|Liu Guijin (1945-), PRC diplomat, spe... liuhai 刘海|bangs/fringe (hair) liuhai 浏海|variant of 劉海|刘海[liu2hai3] liuhai 留海|variant of 劉海|刘海[liu2hai3] liuhan 流汗|to sweat liuhanbing 溜旱冰|roller blading (sport) liuhao 溜号|(coll.) to slink off liuhe 柳河|Liuhe county in Tonghua 通化, Jilin liuhe 六合|the six directions (north, south, eas... liuhebafa 六合八法|Liuhe Bafa - \"Six Harmonies, Eight Me... liuhecai 六合彩|Mark Six (Hong Kong lotto game) liuheng 刘恒|Liu Heng, personal name of Han empero... liuhexian 柳河县|Liuhe county in Tonghua 通化, Jilin liuhoulu 留后路|to leave oneself a way out liuhouzong 刘厚总|Liu Houzong (1904-1949), originally H... liuhua 硫化|vulcanization (curing rubber using su... liuhua 留话|to leave word/to leave a message liuhuang 硫磺|sulfur liuhuang 硫黄|sulfur liuhuangwu 硫黄鹀|(bird species of China) yellow buntin... liuhuanlu 六环路|Sixth ring road (Beijing), opened in ... liuhuaqing 硫化氢|hydrogen sulfide H2S/sulfureted hydrogen liuhuokou 留活口|to capture alive a criminal (or enemy... liuji 留级|to repeat a year in school liuji 刘基|Liu Ji or Liu Bowen 劉伯溫|刘伯温[Liu2 Bo2 ... liujia 六甲|(place name) liujia 六家|Six schools of pre-Han philosophy, as... liujia 六价|hexavalent liujiacun 刘家村|Liujia village in Zhangdian District ... liujiahui 刘家辉|Gordon Liu (1955-), Hong Kong action ... liujianbang 溜肩膀|sloping shoulders/irresponsible/work-shy liujianfeng 刘剑峰|Liu Jianfeng (1936-), second governor... liujiao 六角|hexagon liujiao 六脚|Liujiao or Liuchiao Township in Chiay... liujiaokuohao 六角括号|tortoise shell brackets 〔〕 liujiaoluomao 六角螺帽|hexagonal nut liujiaoxiang 六脚乡|Liujiao or Liuchiao Township in Chiay... liujiaoxing 六角形|hexagon liujiaoxing 六角星|six-pointed star; hexagram liujin 鎏金|variant of 鎦金|镏金[liu2 jin1] liujin 镏金|gold-plating/gilded/gold-plated liujinbao 刘金宝|Liu Jinbao (1952-), CEO of the Bank o... liujing 六经|Six Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩... liujishiguan 六级士官|sergeant major liuju 流居|to live in exile liujuanzi 刘涓子|Liu Juanzi, legendary alchemist and c... liujuanziguiyifang 刘涓子鬼遗方|Liu Juanzi\'s medical recipes bequeath... liuke 留客|to ask a guest to stay/to detain a guest liukong 留空|to leave blank space in a document/to... liukou 流寇|roving bandit/rebel band liuku 六库|Liuku or Lutku, capital of Nujiang Li... liukuaifuji 六块腹肌|six-pack (abs) liukuzhen 六库镇|Liuku or Lutku, capital of Nujiang Li... liulan 浏览|to skim over/to browse liulan 流岚|mountain mist liulan 流览|to skim/to browse liulang 流浪|to drift about/to wander/to roam/noma... liulanger 流浪儿|street urchin/waif liulanggou 流浪狗|stray dog liulanghan 流浪汉|tramp/wanderer liulangzhe 流浪者|rover/vagabond/vagrant/wanderer liulanliang 浏览量|(website) traffic/page views/volume o... liulanqi 浏览器|browser (software) liulanruanjian 浏览软件|a web browser liulanxiang 留兰香|spearmint liulaolaojindaguanyuan 刘姥姥进大观园|Granny Liu visits the Grand View gard... liulei 流泪|to shed tears liuleiniao 柳雷鸟|(bird species of China) willow ptarmi... liuli 琉璃|colored glass/ceramic glaze liuli 流利|fluent liuli 流离|homeless and miserable/forced to leav... liuli 流丽|smooth and ornate/flowing (style etc) liulian 榴莲|durian fruit/Durio zibethinus liulian 流连|to loiter (i.e. reluctant to leave)/t... liulian 留恋|reluctant to leave/to hate to have to... liulian 留连|variant of 流連|流连[liu2 lian2] liulian 榴梿|variant of 榴蓮|榴莲[liu2 lian2] liuliang 流量|flow rate; throughput of passengers; ... liuliangji 流量计|flowmeter liuliangmingxing 流量明星|(neologism c. 2014) celebrity with a ... liulianguo 榴梿果|durian fruit/also written 留蓮果|留莲果 liulianguo 榴莲果|durian fruit/also written 榴槤果|榴梿果 liulianguo 留连果|variant of 榴槤果|榴梿果, durian fruit liulianlunshi 留连论诗|to continue to discuss a poem over a ... liulianwangfan 流连忘返|to linger/to remain enjoying oneself ... liulianzu 榴莲族|worker who is capable but unpleasant ... liulidianpei 流离颠沛|destitute and homeless (idiom); displ... liuliju 琉璃苣|borage (Borago officinalis) liulike 留里克|Rurik (c. 830-879), Varangian chiefta... liulilanweng 琉璃蓝鹟|(bird species of China) Zappey\'s flyc... liuliliuqi 流里流气|hooliganism/rowdyism liulimiao 琉璃庙|Liulimiao town in Beijing municipality liulin 柳林|Liulin county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 l... liulinxian 柳林县|Liulin county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 l... liulishisuo 流离失所|destitute and homeless (idiom); force... liulita 琉璃塔|glazed tile pagoda/glazed tower of mi... liulitai 流理台|kitchen counter (generally including ... liuliuqiu 溜溜球|yo-yo (loanword) liuliwa 琉璃瓦|glazed roof tile liuliyuhe 流离遇合|to reunite after being homeless refugees liulu 流露|to reveal (indirectly, implicitly)/to... liuluo 流落|to wander about destitute/to be stranded liuluotaxiang 流落他乡|to wander far from home liulvhuahong 柳绿花红|lit. green willows and red flowers (i... liumang 流氓|rogue/hoodlum/gangster/immoral behavior liumangguojia 流氓国家|rogue state liumangjituan 流氓集团|gang of hoodlums liumangruanjian 流氓软件|malware (computing) liumangwuchanzhe 流氓无产者|lumpenproletariat (in Marxist theory) liumangxing 六芒星|six-pointed star; hexagram liumangzui 流氓罪|the crime of hooliganism liumei 柳眉|long, shapely eyebrows liumeiti 流媒体|streaming media liumen 留门|to leave the door unlocked for sb liumian 流眄|to ogle/to glance in a shifty manner liumianti 六面体|hexahedron liumin 流民|refugee liuming 流明|lumen (unit of light flux) (loanword) liuming 留名|to leave one\'s name/to leave one\'s mark liumohuaqu 柳陌花衢|brothel liumu 流目|to let one\'s eyes rove liunan 柳南|Liunan district of Liuzhou city 柳州市[L... liunan 留难|to make sth difficult/to create obsta... liunanqu 柳南区|Liunan district of Liuzhou city 柳州市[L... liunao 流脑|epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (ab... liunian 流年|fleeting time/horoscope for the year liunian 留念|to keep as a souvenir/to recall fondly liunianbuli 流年不利|the year\'s horoscope augurs ill (idio... liuniao 留鸟|nonmigratory bird liuniwang 留尼汪|Réunion (island in Indian Ocean, a Fr... liuniwang 留尼旺|Réunion (island in Indian Ocean, a Fr... liunong 流脓|to discharge pus/to suppurate liupai 流派|tributary (stream)/(fig.) school (of ... liupai 流拍|(of an item) to fail to sell at an au... liupanshan 六盘山|Liupan Mountains, mountain range in n... liupanshui 六盘水|see 六盤水市|六盘水市[Liu4pan2shui3 Shi4] liupanshuishi 六盘水市|Liupanshui, prefecture-level city in ... liuqi 柳杞|willow liuqin 六亲|six close relatives, namely: father 父... liuqin 柳琴|liuqin lute, smaller version of the p... liuqinburen 六亲不认|not recognizing one\'s family (idiom);... liuqing 留情|to relent (to spare sb\'s feelings)/to... liuqing 柳青|Liu Qing (1916-1978), writer liuqingsuan 硫氰酸|thiocyanic acid liuqingsuanmei 硫氰酸酶|rhodanase liuqingsuanyan 硫氰酸盐|thiocyanate liuqingyun 刘青云|Lau Ching-Wan (1964-), Hong Kong actor liuqinwukao 六亲无靠|orphaned of all one\'s immediate relat... liuqiu 琉球|Ryūkyū/refers to the Ryūkyū Islands 琉... liuqiu 流球|variant of 琉球[Liu2 qiu2], Ryūkyū, e.g... liuqiu 硫球|Luzon, island of the Philippines/the ... liuqiugequ 琉球歌鸲|(bird species of China) Ryukyu robin ... liuqiuguo 琉球国|Ryūkyū kingdom 1429-1879 (on modern O... liuqiuhai 琉球海|Ryūkyū Sea/refers to the Ryūkyū Islan... liuqiujiaoxiao 琉球角鸮|(bird species of China) Ryukyu scops ... liuqiuqundao 流球群岛|the Ryukyu or Luchu Islands (includin... liuqiuqundao 琉球群岛|Ryukyu Islands/Okinawa 沖繩|冲绳[Chong1 s... liuqiuwangguo 琉球王国|Ryūkyū kingdom 1429-1879 (on modern O... liuqiuxiang 琉球乡|Liuchiu township in Pingtung County 屏... liuren 留任|to remain in office; to hold on to on... liurizhanzheng 六日战争|the Six-Day War of June 1967 between ... liurong 流冗|the unemployed workforce liuru 流入|to flow into/to drift into/influx/inflow liusha 流沙|quicksand liushabao 流沙包|salted egg custard bun; lava bun (ste... liushan 柳杉|Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) liushan 刘禅|Liu Shan (207-271), son of Liu Bei, r... liushanmen 六扇门|seat of the government/yamen/(in wuxi... liushaoqi 刘少奇|Liu Shaoqi (1898-1969), Chinese commu... liushen 六神|the six spirits that rule the vital o... liushen 留神|to take care/to be careful liushengji 留声机|gramophone/phonograph liushenwuzhu 六神无主|out of one\'s wits (idiom)/distracted/... liushi 流失|(of soil etc) to wash away/to be erod... liushi 六十|sixty/60 liushi 流逝|(of time) to pass/to elapse liushi 流食|(medicine) liquid food liushi 刘奭|Liu Shi, personal name of Han Emperor... liushi 溜舐|to flatter obsequiously/toady liushiniandai 六十年代|the sixties/the 1960s liushipei 刘师培|Liu Shipei (1884-1919), Chinese anarc... liushisigua 六十四卦|the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Chang... liushisiweiyuan 六十四位元|64-bit (computing) liushou 留守|to stay behind to take care of things liushouertong 留守儿童|\"left-behind children\", rural childre... liushu 柳树|willow liushu 六书|Six Methods of forming Chinese charac... liushui 流水|running water/(business) turnover liushuibufu 流水不腐|flowing water does not rot liushuibufu,hushubudu 流水不腐,户枢不蠹|lit. flowing water does not rot, nor ... liushuixi 流水席|banquet where guests arrive at variou... liushuixian 流水线|assembly line/(computing) pipeline liushuizhang 流水帐|variant of 流水賬|流水账[liu2 shui3 zhang4] liushuizhang 流水账|day-to-day account/current account liusi 六四|refers to Tiananmen incident of 4th J... liusishijian 六四事件|Tiananmen Incident of June 4, 1989 liusong 刘宋|Song of the Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (4... liusongling 刘松龄|Ferdinand Augustin Hallerstein (1703-... liusongshidai 刘宋时代|Song of the Southern dynasties (420-4... liusu 流速|flow speed/rate of flow liusu 留宿|to put up a guest/to stay overnight liusu 流俗|prevalent fashion (often used pejorat... liusu 流苏|tassels liusuan 硫酸|sulfuric acid H2SO4/sulfate liusuanan 硫酸铵|ammonium sulfate liusuanbei 硫酸钡|barium sulfate liusuangai 硫酸钙|calcium sulfate liusuanjia 硫酸钾|potassium sulfate liusuanlv 硫酸铝|aluminum sulfate liusuanmei 硫酸镁|magnesium sulfate liusuanna 硫酸钠|sodium sulfate liusuantie 硫酸铁|ferrous sulfate liusuantong 硫酸铜|copper sulfate CuSO4 liusuanyan 硫酸盐|sulfate liusuo 溜索|zip line liusuyu 流苏鹬|(bird species of China) ruff (Calidri... liutang 流淌|to flow liutang 留堂|to stay behind (after class)/to be gi... liutantang 六碳糖|hexose (CH2O)6, monosaccharide with s... liutao 六韬|“Six Secret Strategic Teachings”, one... liutaosanlve 六韬三略|\"Six Secret Strategic Teachings\" 六韜|六... liuteqin 琉特琴|lute (loanword) liuti 流体|fluid liuti 柳体|calligraphic style of Liu Gongquan liuti 留题|extemporaneous thoughts noted down af... liutianhua 刘天华|Liu Tianhua (1895-1932), Chinese musi... liutiao 柳条|willow/willow branches/wicker (materi... liutiaobian 柳条边|Willow palisade across Liaoning, 17th... liutiaogoushijian 柳条沟事件|see 柳條湖事件|柳条湖事件[Liu3 tiao2 Hu2 Shi4 j... liutiaohushijian 柳条湖事件|the Mukden or Manchurian Railway Inci... liutidonglixue 流体动力学|fluid dynamics liutiheshiyan 流体核试验|hydronuclear explosion (HNE) liutihuayuan 柳啼花怨|desolate liutilixue 流体力学|fluid mechanics/hydrodynamics liutong 流通|to circulate; to distribute/circulati... liuwan 遛弯|(dialect) to take a walk/to go for a ... liuwang 流网|drift net (fishing) liuwang 流亡|to force into exile/to be exiled/in e... liuwangzhengfu 流亡政府|government-in-exile liuwanr 遛弯儿|erhua variant of 遛彎|遛弯[liu4 wan1] liuweiba 留尾巴|to leave loose ends/to leave matters ... liuwenyan 流纹岩|rhyolite (extrusive igneous rock, che... liuxi 刘熙|Liu Xi (late Han, c. 200 AD), possibl... liuxia 留下|to leave behind/to stay behind/to rem... liuxian 流线|streamline (physics) liuxiandan 榴霰弹|shrapnel shell/shrapnel/also pr. [liu... liuxiang 流向|direction of a current/direction of f... liuxiang 刘翔|Liu Xiang (1983-), Chinese gold-medal... liuxiang 刘向|Liu Xiang (77-6 BC), Han Dynasty scho... liuxianxing 流线型|sleek/streamlined liuxiao 留校|to join the faculty of one\'s alma mat... liuxiaobo 刘晓波|Liu Xiaobo (1955-2017), Beijing write... liuxie 流泻|to flow/to flood liuxie 六邪|(TCM) six unhealthy influences causin... liuxin 留心|to be careful; to pay attention to liuxing 流行|(of a contagious disease etc) to spre... liuxing 流星|meteor; shooting star/meteor hammer (... liuxing 流刑|exile (as form of punishment) liuxing 流形|manifold (math.) liuxingbing 流行病|epidemic disease liuxingbingxue 流行病学|epidemiology liuxingchui 流星锤|meteor hammer (ancient weapon consist... liuxingganyue 流星赶月|lit. a meteor catching up with the mo... liuxingti 流星体|meteoroid liuxingxing 流行性|qualities that make sth popular or fa... liuxingxingganmao 流行性感冒|influenza liuxingyinyue 流行音乐|pop music liuxingyu 流星雨|meteor shower liuxingyu 流行语|popular jargon/catchword liuxingzhu 流行株|epidemic strain liuxinwu 刘心武|Liu Xinwu (1942-), novelist liuxinyanr 留心眼儿|to be on the alert/to keep one\'s eyes... liuxu 刘昫|Liu Xu (887-946), politician in Later... liuxue 流血|to bleed/to shed blood liuxue 留学|to study abroad liuxuesheng 留学生|student studying abroad/(foreign) exc... liuxupaima 溜须拍马|to smooth whiskers and pat a horse\'s ... liuya 瘤鸭|(bird species of China) knob-billed d... liuyan 留言|to leave a message; to leave one\'s co... liuyan 流言|rumor/gossip/to spread rumors liuyanben 留言本|guestbook liuyanbu 留言簿|visitor\'s book/CL:本[ben3] liuyanfeiyu 流言蜚语|rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip/l... liuyang 浏阳|Liuyang, county-level city in Changsh... liuyang 留洋|(old) to study abroad/(sports) to tra... liuyang 刘洋|Liu Yang (1978-), China\'s first femal... liuyang 留样|retention sample/(of a manufacturer, ... liuyangshi 浏阳市|Liuyang, county-level city in Changsh... liuyanhuawu 柳烟花雾|lit. willow scent and mist of blossom... liuyedao 柳叶刀|lancet (surgeon\'s knife) liuyemei 柳叶眉|see 柳眉[liu3 mei2] liuyi 六艺|the Confucian Six Arts, namely: rites... liuyi 留意|to be mindful/to pay attention to/to ... liuyi 刘毅|Liu Yi (-285), famous incorruptible o... liuyi 流泆|to indulge/licentious liuyi 留遗|to leave behind/sb\'s legacy liuyi 留医|to be hospitalized liuyiertongjie 六一儿童节|Children\'s Day (June 1st), PRC nation... liuyin 六淫|(TCM) six excesses causing illness, n... liuyin 留饮|(TCM) edema; dropsy liuyin 硫茚|benzothiophene (chemistry) liuying 流萤|firefly liuying 柳莺|(ornithology) leaf warbler (bird of g... liuying 柳营|Liouying, a district in Tainan 台南|台南[... liuying 留影|to take a photo as a souvenir/a souve... liuyinqi 镏银器|gilded silverware/CL:件[jian4] liuyiqing 刘义庆|Liu Yiqing (403-444), writer of South... liuyishou 留一手|to hold back a trick/not to divulge a... liuyizhuan 柳毅传|story of Liu Yi, Tang fantasy fiction... liuyong 留用|to keep for use/to retain sth/to keep... liuyong 柳永|Liu Yong (987-1053), Song poet liuyou 留有|to remain in existence/to retain liuyouyudi 留有余地|to leave some leeway/to allow for the... liuyu 流域|river basin/valley/drainage area liuyu 刘裕|Liu Yu, founder of Song of the Southe... liuyu 流于|to change (for the worse) liuyuan 留园|Lingering Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu liuyuan 溜圆|perfectly round liuyuan 刘渊|Liu Yuan (c. 251-310), warlord at the... liuyuan 柳园|Liuyuan town in Guazhou county 瓜州縣|瓜州... liuyuan 留院|to remain in the hospital liuyuanzhen 柳园镇|Liuyuan town in Guazhou county 瓜州縣|瓜州... liuyudi 留余地|to leave room to maneuver; to leave a... liuyue 六月|June/sixth month (of the lunar year) liuyuefen 六月份|June liuyun 流韵|musical sound/flowing rhythm (of poet... liuyunshan 刘云山|Liu Yunshan (1947-), PRC politician, ... liuyuxi 刘禹锡|Liu Yuxi (772-842), Tang poet liuyuxingshi 流于形式|to become a mere formality liuzhen 留针|to leave an inserted needle in place ... liuzhi 留置|to leave in place; to set aside (for ... liuzhi 留职|to keep an official position/to hold ... liuzhidaji 溜之大吉|to steal away/to beat it liuzhitingxin 留职停薪|(Tw) leave of absence without pay liuzhong 留种|to keep a seed stock/seed held back f... liuzhou 柳州|Liuzhou prefecture-level city in Guangxi liuzhou 碌碡|stone roller (for threshing grain, le... liuzhoushi 柳州市|Liuzhou prefecture-level city in Guangxi liuzhu 留住|to ask sb to stay/to keep sb for the ... liuzhu 留驻|to keep stationed (of troops)/to rema... liuzhuan 流转|to be on the move/to roam or wander/t... liuzi 瘤子|tumor liuzi 镏子|(dialect) finger ring liuzi 留子|(slang) international student; studen... liuzixi 柳子戏|Shandong opera liuzizhenyan 六字真言|the six-syllable Sanskrit mantra of A... liuzongyuan 柳宗元|Liu Zongyuan (773-819), Tang essayist... liuzou 溜走|to slip away/to leave secretly liuzuo 留作|to set aside for; to keep as liwa 瓼|centiwatt (old) liwaerduo 里瓦尔多|Rivaldo liwai 例外|exception/to be an exception liwai 里外|inside and out/or so liwaili 里外里|all in all/either way liwaizi 例外字|exception(s) liwajiyatiaoyue 里瓦几亚条约|Treaty of Livadia (1879) between Russ... liwan 荔湾|Liwan District of Guangzhou City 廣州市|... liwankuanglan 力挽狂澜|to pull strongly against a crazy tide... liwanqu 荔湾区|Liwan District of Guangzhou City 廣州市|... liwazhuan 李娃传|Tale of Courtesan Li Wa, novel by Tan... liwei 立委|abbr. for 立法委員會|立法委员会[li4 fa3 wei3 yu... liwei 立威|to establish one\'s authority liwei 李维|Titus Livius or Livy (59 BC-17 AD), R... liweiaila 里维埃拉|riviera (loanword) liweigong 李卫公|Li Wei Gong/Duke Li of Wei, official ... liweiji 利未记|Book of Leviticus/Third Book of Moses liweishituo 李维史陀|Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009), Fren... liweisi 李维斯|Levi\'s (brand) liweitan 利维坦|leviathan (loanword) liweixuanju 立委选举|legislative elections liweiyan 栗苇鳽|(bird species of China) cinnamon bitt... liweiyela 里维耶拉|riviera (loanword) (Tw) liwen 李玟|Coco Lee (1975-), pop singer, songwri... liwo 梨涡|dimples (of a woman) liwochengtiao 立卧撑跳|burpee liwu 礼物|gift; present/CL:件[jian4],個|个[ge4],份[... liwu 栗鹀|(bird species of China) chestnut bunt... liwupu 利物浦|Liverpool (England) lixi 利息|interest (on a loan)/CL:筆|笔[bi3] lixi 厘析|to analyze in detail lixia 历下|Lixia district of Jinan city 濟南市|济南市[... lixia 立夏|Lixia or Start of Summer, 7th of the ... lixia 立下|to set up/to establish lixian 理县|Li County (Tibetan: li rdzong) in Nga... lixian 离线|(computing) offline lixian 历险|to experience adventures lixian 蠡县|Li county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], ... lixian 澧县|Li county in Changde 常德[Chang2 de2], ... lixian 礼县|Li county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2... lixian 立宪|to set up a constitution lixiang 理想|an ideal/a dream/ideal/perfect lixiang 立项|to launch a project lixiang 里巷|lane/alley lixiang 立像|standing image (of a Buddha or saint) lixiangbeijing 离乡背井|to leave one\'s homeplace (to find wor... lixiangguo 理想国|Plato\'s \"The Republic\" (c. 380 BC) lixiangguo 理想国|ideal state/utopia lixianghua 理想化|to idealize lixiangzhuyi 理想主义|idealism lixianlong 李显龙|Lee Hsien Loong (1952-), Singapore PA... lixiannian 李先念|Li Xiannian (1909-1992), PRC general ... lixianxiashi 礼贤下士|respect for the wise lixiao 栗鸮|(bird species of China) oriental bay ... lixiaolong 李小龙|Bruce Lee (1940-1973), Hong Kong acto... lixiaqu 历下区|Lixia district of Jinan city 濟南市|济南市[... lixibao 粒细胞|granulocyte lixihuofen 李希霍芬|Ferdinand von Richthofen (1833-1905),... lixilv 利息率|interest rate lixin 离心|to be at odds with/centrifugal (force) lixin 利辛|Lixin, a county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2 zhou... lixin 力心|fulcrum/center of force lixinfenliji 离心分离机|centrifuge lixing 理性|reason/rationality/rational lixing 例行|routine (task, procedure etc)/as usual lixing 力行|to practice diligently/to act energet... lixing 厉行|to do (sth) with rigor; rigorously lixinggongshi 例行公事|routine business/usual practice/mere ... lixingjieyue 厉行节约|to practice strict economy (idiom) lixingliaomei 丽星鹩鹛|(bird species of China) spotted elach... lixingrenshi 理性认识|cognition/rational knowledge lixingyuganxing 理性与感性|Sense and Sensibility, novel by Jane ... lixingzaomei 丽星噪鹛|(bird species of China) Bhutan laughi... lixingzhishi 理性知识|rational knowledge lixingzhuyi 理性主义|rationalism lixinji 离心机|centrifuge lixinli 离心力|centrifugal force lixinxian 利辛县|Lixin, a county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2 zhou... lixitehuofen 里希特霍芬|Ferdinand von Richthofen (1833-1905),... lixiu 离休|to retire/to leave work and rest (eup... lixiuxian 李修贤|Danny Lee Sau-Yin (1953-), Hong Kong ... lixu 吏胥|minor official lixuan 李儇|Li Xuan, personal name of nineteenth ... lixue 力学|mechanics/to study hard lixue 理学|School of Principle/Neo-Confucian Rat... lixue 理学|science lixuebo 力学波|mechanical wave lixuechuandi 力学传递|mechanical transmission lixuejia 理学家|scholar of the rationalist school of ... lixuejian 李雪健|Li Xuejian (1954-), Chinese actor lixueshuoshi 理学硕士|M.Sc. (Master of Science degree) liyade 利雅得|Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia liyade 利雅德|Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia (Tw) liyage 理雅各|James Legge (1815-1897), Scottish Pro... liyan 立言|to distinguish oneself through one\'s ... liyan 砾岩|conglomerate (geology) liyan 例言|introductory remarks liyan 俚谚|common saying/folk proverb liyan 栗鳽|(bird species of China) Japanese nigh... liyan 里谚|common saying/folk proverb liyang 溧阳|Liyang, county-level city in Changzho... liyangshi 溧阳市|Liyang, county-level city in Changzho... liyanhong 李彦宏|Robin Li (1968-), founder and CEO of ... liyanshou 李延寿|Li Yanshou (fl. 650), compiler of His... liyapeng 李亚鹏|Li Yapeng (1971-), PRC actor liye 李晔|Li Ye, personal name of twentieth Tan... liye 李冶|Li Jilan 李季蘭|李季兰[Li3 Ji4 Lan2] or Li ... liyi 立意|to conceptualize; to come up with the... liyi 礼仪|etiquette/ceremony liyi 离异|to divorce liyi 利益|benefit/(in sb\'s) interest/CL:個|个[ge4] liyi 礼义|righteousness/justice liyichongtu 利益冲突|conflict of interest liyijituan 利益集团|interest group liyilianchi 礼义廉耻|sense of propriety, justice, integrit... liying 俪影|photo of a (married) couple liying 李缨|Li Ying (1963-), Japanese-educated Ch... liying 理应|should; ought to liyingru 李英儒|Li Yingru (1913-1989), calligrapher a... liyingwaihe 里应外合|to coordinate outside and inside offe... liyishusong 利益输送|to make use of one\'s position to gain... liyizhibang 礼仪之邦|a land of ceremony and propriety liyong 利用|to exploit/to make use of/to use/to t... liyou 理由|reason/grounds/justification/CL:個|个[ge4] liyou 利诱|to use gain as a lure liyouweidai 力有未逮|beyond one\'s reach or power (to do sth) liyu 鲤鱼|carp liyu 礼遇|courtesy/deferential treatment/polite... liyu 利于|to be beneficial to; to be conducive to liyu 俚语|slang liyu 利欲|cupidity liyu 理喻|to reason with sb liyu 丽语|beautiful wordage liyu 鳢鱼|blotched snakehead (Channa maculata) liyu 蛎鹬|(bird species of China) Eurasian oyst... liyu 隶圉|servants; underlings liyu 立鱼|tilapia liyu 例语|(lexicography) illustrative phrase; s... liyu 李渔|Li Yu (1611-c. 1680), late Ming and e... liyu 李煜|Li Yu (c. 937-978), given name of the... liyu 李豫|Li Yu, personal name of ninth Tang em... liyuan 篱垣|fence/hedge liyuan 李渊|Li Yuan, personal name of first Tang ... liyuan 栗鸢|(bird species of China) Brahminy kite... liyuan 立院|(Tw) Legislative Yuan (abbr. for 立法院[... liyuan 里院|inner courtyard (in a courtyard house) liyuanchao 李源潮|Li Yuanchao (1950-), vice president o... liyuanhao 李元昊|Li Yuanhao (1003-1048), founding king... liyuanzhe 李远哲|Yuan T. Lee (1936-), Taiwanese-born C... liyuanzidi 梨园子弟|Chinese opera performers liyuchun 李宇春|Li Yuchun aka Chris Lee (1984-), Chin... liyue 立约|to make a contract liyue 里约|Rio/abbr. for 里約熱內盧|里约热内卢[Li3 yue1 re... liyue 里约|agreement between the residents of a ... liyue 礼乐|(Confucianism) rites and music (the m... liyuebenghuai 礼乐崩坏|see 禮崩樂壞|礼崩乐坏[li3 beng1 yue4 huai4] liyuereneilu 里约热内卢|Rio de Janeiro liyuese 李约瑟|Joseph Needham (1900-1995), British b... liyunna 李云娜|Euna Lee (phonetic transcription), US... liyuqi 鲤鱼旗|koinobori, a Japanese carp-shaped win... liyutiaolongmen 鲤鱼跳龙门|to make a significant advance in one\'... liyuxin 利欲心|cupidity liyuxunxin 利欲熏心|blinded by greed (idiom) lizan 礼赞|to praise/well done, bravo! lize 理则|principle/logic lizekai 李泽楷|Richard Li (1966-), Hong Kong busines... lizexue 理则学|logic lizhan 力战|to fight with all one\'s might lizhan 李湛|Li Zhan, personal name of fourteenth ... lizhangbo 里长伯|neighborhood warden lizhao 利爪|sharp claw/talon lizhao 李肇|Li Zhao (c. 800), Tang dynasty schola... lizhaoxing 李肇星|Li Zhaoxing (1940-), former PRC forei... lizhe 李哲|Li Zhe, personal name of fourth Tang ... lizhenfan 李振藩|Li Zhenfan (1940-1973), real name of ... lizheng 例证|example/case in point lizheng 立正|to stand straight/attention! (order t... lizheng 力争|to work hard for/to do all one can/to... lizheng 力征|by force/to conquer by force of arms/... lizhengdao 李政道|Tsung-Dao Lee (1926-), Chinese Americ... lizhengshangyou 力争上游|to strive for mastery (idiom); aiming... lizhi 荔枝|litchi or lychee fruit (Litchi chinen... lizhi 离职|to leave one\'s job temporarily (e.g. ... lizhi 励志|to pursue a goal with determination/i... lizhi 立志|to be determined/to be resolved lizhi 理智|reason/intellect/rationality/rational lizhi 礼制|etiquette/system of rites lizhi 吏治|style of governing (of minor official... lizhi 李贽|Li Zhi (1527-1602), late Ming philoso... lizhi 丽致|Ritz (hotel chain) lizhi 莅止|to approach/to come close lizhi 李治|Li Zhi, personal name of third Tang e... lizhifu 李直夫|Li Zhifu (c. 14th century), Yuan dyna... lizhige 励志哥|(coll.) a guy who is admired for havi... lizhihe 荔枝核|seeds of litchi or lychee (in TCM) lizhiqizhuang 理直气壮|in the right and self-confident (idio... lizhiying 黎智英|Lai Chee-ying, aka Jimmy Lai (1947-),... lizhongke 理中客|rational, neutral, objective (abbr. f... lizhou 立轴|vertical scroll (painting or calligra... lizhu 力主|advocate strongly lizhu 李祝|Lizhu, personal name of twenty-first ... lizhuan 立传|to record sb\'s achievements in writin... lizhuomuniao 栗啄木鸟|(bird species of China) rufous woodpe... lizi 离子|ion lizi 例子|case/(for) instance/example/CL:個|个[ge4] lizi 粒子|(elementary) particle/grain lizi 粒子|grain (of rice)/granule lizi 李子|plum/CL:個|个[ge4] lizi 梨子|pear/CL:個|个[ge4] lizi 栗子|chestnut lizi 利兹|Leeds lizi 里子|lining/(fig.) substance (as opposed t... lizi 狸子|leopard cat lizicheng 李自成|Li Zicheng (1605-1645), leader of pea... lizijian 离子键|ionic bond (chemistry) lizijiaohuan 离子交换|ion exchange lizijiasuqi 粒子加速器|particle accelerator liziliu 粒子流|stream of particles/particle flow lizishu 粒子束|beam of elementary particles liziwuli 粒子物理|particle physics liziwulixue 粒子物理学|particle physics lizongren 李宗仁|Li Zongren (1891-1969), a leader of G... lizongsheng 李宗盛|Jonathan Lee (1958-), Taiwanese recor... lizu 立足|to stand/to have a footing/to be esta... lizu 黎族|Li ethnic group lizu 力阻|to block/to prevent by force lizudian 立足点|foothold lizuo 力作|to put effort into (work, farming, wr... lo 咯|(final particle similar to 了[le5], in... long 龙|surname Long long 龙|Chinese dragon; loong/(fig.) emperor/... long 咙|used in 喉嚨|喉咙[hou2long2] long 弄|lane/alley long 弄|variant of 弄[long4] long 隆|surname Long/short for 吉隆坡[Ji2long2po... long 隆|sound of drums long 隆|grand/intense/prosperous/to swell/to ... long 笼|enclosing frame made of bamboo, wire ... long 笼|to envelop; to cover/(used in 籠子|笼子[l... long 泷|rapids/waterfall/torrential (rain) long 茏|Polygonum posumbu long 陇|short name for Gansu province 甘肅省|甘肃省... long 垄|ridge between fields/crop row; mounde... long 聋|deaf long 珑|tinkling of gem-pendants long 拢|to gather together; to collect/to app... long 砻|(dialect) tool used to hull rice (sim... long 胧|used in 朦朧|朦胧[meng2long2] long 垅|old variant of 壟|垄[long3] long 癃|infirmity/retention of urine long 窿|cavity/hole long 竜|Japanese variant of 龍|龙 long 滝|Japanese variant of 瀧|泷[long2] long 巃|steep/precipitous (of mountain) long 栊|(literary) window/(literary) cage for... long 哢|to sing or chirp (of birds)/music sound long 眬|used in 矇矓|蒙眬[meng2 long2] long 龒|old variant of 龍|龙[long2] long 昽|used in 曚曨|曚昽[meng2 long2] long 儱|rude/barbarous long 豅|long and wide valley long 篭|old variant of 籠|笼[long2] long 𰦭|old variant of 礱|砻[long2] long 𨀁|to walk longan 隆安|Long\'an county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ... longan 龙安|Longan district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳... longanqu 龙安区|Longan district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳... longansi 龙安寺|Ryōanji, temple in northwest Kyōto 京都... longanxian 隆安县|Long\'an county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ... longbao 聋胞|hearing impaired person (Tw) longbi 癃闭|illness having to do with obstruction... longbiao 龙标|(PRC) film screening permit longche 龙车|imperial chariot longcheng 龙城|Longcheng district of Chaoyang city 朝... longchengqu 龙城区|Longcheng district of Chaoyang city 朝... longchuan 龙船|dragon boat (used at 端午[Duan1 wu3], t... longchuan 龙川|Longchuan county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yua... longchuan 陇川|Longchuan county in Dehong Dai and Ji... longchuan 泷船|boat or raft adapted to handle rapids... longchuang 龙床|the Emperor\'s bed longchuanxian 陇川县|Longchuan county in Dehong Dai and Ji... longchuanxian 龙川县|Longchuan county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yua... longdan 龙胆|rough gentian/Japanese gentian (Genti... longdanzi 龙胆紫|gentian violet C25H30ClN3/crystal violet longde 隆德|Longde county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2]... longdechuanren 龙的传人|Descendants of the Dragon (i.e. Han C... longdeng 龙灯|dragon lantern longdexian 隆德县|Longde county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2]... longdong 龙洞|cave/natural cavern (in limestone) longdong 隆冬|midwinter/the depth of winter longdou 龙豆|dragon bean/long bean longduan 垄断|to monopolize longdun 龙趸|giant grouper (various Epinephelus sp... longfei 龙飞|to promote (to official position in f... longfeifengwu 龙飞凤舞|flamboyant or bold cursive calligraph... longfeng 龙凤|Longfeng district of Daqing city 大慶|大... longfeng 龙凤|dragon and phoenix longfengchengxiang 龙凤呈祥|the dragon and phoenix are symbols of... longfengqu 龙凤区|Longfeng district of Daqing city 大慶|大... longfengtai 龙凤胎|twins of mixed sex longganfengdan 龙肝凤胆|rare food/ambrosia (delicacy) longgang 龙港|Longgang district of Huludao city 葫蘆島... longgang 龙岗|Longgang district of Shenzhen City 深圳... longgangqu 龙岗区|Longgang district of Shenzhen City 深圳... longgangqu 龙港区|Longgang district of Huludao city 葫蘆島... longgeer 隆格尔|former Lunggar county 1983-1999 occup... longgeerxian 隆格尔县|former Lunggar county 1983-1999 occup... longgong 龙宫|palace of the Dragon King at the bott... longgong 拢共|altogether; in sum; in all; in total longgongbei 龙宫贝|Rumphius\'s slit shell (Entemnotrochus... longgou 垄沟|furrow (agriculture) longgu 龙骨|\"dragon bones\" (fossilized animal bon... longguban 龙骨瓣|(botany) carina; keel (of a papiliona... longguche 龙骨车|water wheel longhai 陇海|Jiangsu-Gansu railway/abbr. for 隴海鐵路|... longhaitielu 陇海铁路|Jiangsu-Gansu railway longhao 龙蒿|tarragon longhe 隆河|Rhone, river of Switzerland and Franc... longhu 龙虎|outstanding people/water and fire (in... longhu 龙湖|Longhu District of Shantou city 汕頭市|汕... longhua 龙华|Longhua, the name of numerous streets... longhua 隆化|Longhua county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 d... longhuaqu 龙华区|Longhua District of various cities in... longhuaxian 隆化县|Longhua county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 d... longhudou 龙虎斗|fight between powerful contenders longhui 隆回|Longhui county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao... longhuixian 隆回县|Longhui county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao... longhuo 笼火|to make a fire longhuo 拢火|to make a fire longhuqu 龙湖区|Longhu District of Shantou city 汕頭市|汕... longjian 笼槛|cage (for animals) longjiang 龙江|Longjiang county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔... longjiangxian 龙江县|Longjiang county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔... longjin 龙巾|imperial towel longjing 龙井|Longjing, county-level city in Yanbia... longjingcha 龙井茶|Longjing tea, aka Dragon Well tea, a ... longjingqu 龙井区|Longjing, a district of Taichung 臺中市|... longjingshi 龙井市|Longjing, county-level city in Yanbia... longju 龙驹|fine horse/brilliant young man longjuan 龙卷|tornado/waterspout/twister longjuanfeng 龙卷风|tornado/hurricane/twister/cyclone longjufengchu 龙驹凤雏|brilliant young man/talented young sc... longjun 龙君|the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea (m... longkanshoujian 龙龛手鉴|Longkan Shoujian, Chinese character d... longkanshoujing 龙龛手镜|see 龍龕手鑑|龙龛手鉴[Long2 kan1 Shou3 jian4] longkou 龙口|Longkou, county-level city in Yantai ... longkouduoshi 龙口夺食|to harvest hurriedly before rain comes longkoushi 龙口市|Longkou, county-level city in Yantai ... longkui 龙葵|black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) longkui 聋聩|deaf/fig. stupid and ignorant longli 龙里|Longli county in Qiannan Buyei and Mi... longli 龙利|sole/right-eyed flounder/flatfish/see... longling 龙陵|Longling county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 sh... longlingezuzizhixian 隆林各族自治县|Longlin Various Nationalities Autonom... longlingxian 龙陵县|Longling county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 sh... longlinxian 隆林县|Longlin various ethnic groups autonom... longlixian 龙里县|Longli county in Qiannan Buyei and Mi... longliye 龙利叶|Sauropus spatulifolius Beille (shrub ... longlong 隆隆|rumble longlongsheng 隆隆声|rumble (sound of thunder or gunfire) longluo 笼络|to coax/to beguile/to win over longmai 龙脉|dragon\'s vein, terrain that looks lik... longmajingshen 龙马精神|old but still full of vitality (idiom) longmao 龙猫|chinchilla/Totoro (anime character) longmatanqu 龙马潭区|Longmatan district of Luzhou city 瀘州市... longmei 龙妹|ugly girl (slang) (Tw) longmen 龙门|Longmen county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zho... longmenbao 龙门刨|double column surface grinding machine longmenduanceng 龙门断层|Longmenshan fault line, a tectonicall... longmenshan 龙门山|Mt Longmen, the northwest boundary of... longmenshanduanceng 龙门山断层|Longmenshan fault line, a tectonicall... longmenshiku 龙门石窟|Longmen Grottoes at Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳[Luo... longmenxian 龙门县|Longmen county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zho... longnan 陇南|see 隴南市|陇南市[Long3nan2 Shi4] longnanshi 陇南市|Longnan, prefecture-level city in Gan... longnian 龙年|Year of the Dragon (e.g. 2000, 2012, ... longniao 笼鸟|a caged bird longniaojianyuan 笼鸟槛猿|bird in a basket, monkey in a cage (i... longpao 龙袍|dragon robe/emperor\'s court dress longqi 隆起|to swell; to bulge longqi 龙崎|Longci, a district in Tainan 台南|台南[Ta... longqing 隆情|profound love longqinghouyi 隆情厚谊|profound love, generous friendship (i... longquan 龙泉|Longquanyi district of Chengdu city 成... longquanshi 龙泉市|Longquan, county-level city in Lishui... longquanyi 龙泉驿|Longquanyi district of Chengdu city 成... longren 龙人|Dragon Man, the nickname of the indiv... longren 聋人|deaf person/hearing-impaired person longru 隆乳|breast enlargement longrushoushu 隆乳手术|breast enlargement operation/boob job longsha 龙沙|Longsha district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾... longshan 龙山|Longshan District of Liaoyuan City 遼源... longshanqu 龙山区|Longshan District of Liaoyuan city 遼源... longshanwenhua 龙山文化|Longshan culture/black pottery culture longshanxian 龙山县|Longshan County in Xiangxi Tujia and ... longshaqu 龙沙区|Longsha district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾... longshehunza 龙蛇混杂|lit. dragons and snakes mingle (idiom... longshelan 龙舌兰|agave (genus of plants)/Agave america... longshelanjiu 龙舌兰酒|tequila longshenggezuzizhixian 龙胜各族自治县|Longsheng Various Nationalities Auton... longshengjiuzi 龙生九子|lit. the dragon has nine sons (idiom)... longshenglong,fengshengfeng 龙生龙,凤生凤|lit. dragon births dragon, phoenix bi... longshengxian 龙胜县|Longsheng various ethnic groups auton... longshu 龙树|Nāgārjuna (c. 150-250 AD), Buddhist p... longshupusa 龙树菩萨|Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna Bodhisattva) longsong 龙嵩|tarragon longsongye 龙嵩叶|tarragon longtan 龙潭|Longtan district of Jilin city 吉林市, J... longtan-huxue 龙潭虎穴|lit. dragon\'s pool and tiger\'s den (i... longtang 弄堂|(dialect) alley/lane longtangou 龙潭沟|Longtan Ravine, scenic area in Xixia ... longtanqu 龙潭区|Longtan district of Jilin city 吉林市, J... longtao 龙套|costume of minor characters in opera,... longtao 龙韬|military strategy and tactics/the imp... longtenghuyue 龙腾虎跃|lit. dragon soaring and tiger leaping... longti 龙体|emperor\'s body; emperor\'s physical co... longti 笼屉|bamboo steamer (for buns or dim sum) longting 龙亭|Longting district of Kaifeng city 開封市... longting 龙庭|imperial court longtingqu 龙亭区|Longting district of Kaifeng city 開封市... longtong 笼统|general/broad/sweeping/lacking in det... longtou 龙头|faucet; tap/bicycle handlebar/chief; ... longtou 笼头|headstall/bridle longtougu 龙头股|(finance) leading stock; market leader longtoulaoda 龙头老大|big boss/leader of a group/dominant (... longtouqiye 龙头企业|key enterprises; leading enterprises longtoushewei 龙头蛇尾|lit. dragon\'s head, snake\'s tail (idi... longtouzha 龙头铡|lever-style guillotine decorated with... longwan 龙湾|Longwan district of Wenzhou city 溫州市|... longwang 龙王|Dragon King (mythology) longwanqu 龙湾区|Longwan district of Wenzhou city 溫州市|... longwen 龙文|Longwen district of Zhangzhou city 漳州... longwen 龙纹|dragon (as a decorative design) longwenqu 龙文区|Longwen district of Zhangzhou city 漳州... longxi 陇西|Longxi county in Dingxi 定西[Ding4 xi1]... longxia 龙虾|lobster longxian 陇县|Long County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1],... longxiang-hubu 龙骧虎步|(idiom) powerful and imposing demeanor longxianxiang 龙涎香|ambergris longxin 龙芯|Loongson (a family of general-purpose... longxingquan 龙形拳|Long Xing Quan - \"Dragon Fist\" - Mart... longxiong 隆胸|to enlarge the breasts/breast enlarge... longxixian 陇西县|Longxi county in Dingxi 定西[Ding4 xi1]... longxucai 龙须菜|asparagus/(Tw) young shoots of the ch... longxueshu 龙血树|dragon tree/Dracaena (botany) longxutang 龙须糖|dragon\'s beard candy, a Chinese confe... longya 聋哑|deaf and nonverbal longyan 龙岩|see 龍岩市|龙岩市[Long2yan2 Shi4] longyan 龙眼|longan fruit/dragon eye fruit/Dimocar... longyang 龙阳|place in Shanghai/(coll.) male homose... longyang 隆阳|Longyang district of Baoshan city 保山市... longyang 龙羊|Long yang village in Hainan Tibetan a... longyangjun 龙阳君|homosexual (positive term) longyangqu 隆阳区|Longyang district of Baoshan city 保山市... longyangxia 龙羊峡|Longyangxia canyon on the upper reach... longyanshi 龙岩市|Longyan, prefecture-level city in Fuj... longyao 隆尧|Longyao county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 ta... longyaoxian 隆尧县|Longyao county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 ta... longyaren 聋哑人|person who is deaf and nonverbal longyi 龙椅|the Dragon Throne/the imperial throne longyou 龙游|Longyou county in Quzhou 衢州[Qu2 zhou1... longyouxian 龙游县|Longyou county in Quzhou 衢州[Qu2 zhou1... longze 泷泽|Takizawa or Takesawa (Japanese name) longzhao 笼罩|to envelop/to shroud longzhenghudou 龙争虎斗|lit. the dragon wars, the tiger battl... longzhong 隆中|scenic area near Xiangyang 襄陽|襄阳[Xian... longzhong 隆重|grand/prosperous/ceremonious/solemn longzhong 龙钟|decrepit/senile longzhou 龙州|Longzhou county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2... longzhou 龙舟|dragon boat/imperial boat longzhouxian 龙州县|Longzhou county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2... longzi 笼子|cage; basket; container longzi 笼子|large box; trunk; chest longzi 聋子|deaf person longzihu 龙子湖|Longzihu, a district of Bengbu City 蚌... longzihuqu 龙子湖区|Longzihu, a district of Bengbu City 蚌... longzong 拢总|altogether; in sum; in all; in total longzuan 拢攥|to grasp/to clutch longzui 笼嘴|muzzle (device) lou 露|to show/to reveal/to betray/to expose lou 漏|to leak/to divulge/to leave out by mi... lou 楼|surname Lou lou 楼|house with more than 1 story/storied ... lou 娄|surname Lou/one of the 28 lunar mansi... lou 陋|low/humble/plain/ugly/mean/vulgar lou 喽|(bound form) subordinates in a gang o... lou 喽|(final particle equivalent to 了[le5])... lou 镂|to engrave/to carve/hard steel lou 搂|to draw towards oneself/to gather/to ... lou 搂|to hug/to embrace/to hold in one\'s arms lou 瘘|fistula/ulceration lou 篓|basket lou 蒌|Arthemisia vulgaris/piper betel lou 蝼|see 螻蛄|蝼蛄[lou2 gu1] lou 剅|(dialect) an opening at the bottom of... lou 偻|hunchback lou 溇|see 漊水|溇水[Lou2 Shui3] lou 髅|used in 髑髏|髑髅[du2lou2] and 骷髏|骷髅[ku1l... lou 耧|drill for sowing grain lou 嵝|mountain peak lou 瘺|variant of 瘻|瘘[lou4] lou 䁖|to glance at lou 𪣻|small mound loubai 露白|to reveal one\'s valuables inadvertent... louban 楼板|floor/floor (ie. metal plate, concret... loubao 搂抱|to hug/to embrace loubei 露背|(of a garment) backless; halterneck louceng 楼层|story/floor louchou 露丑|to make a fool of oneself louchuan 楼船|ship with several decks/turreted junk loudao 楼道|corridor/passageway (in storied build... loudi 娄底|see 婁底市|娄底市[Lou2di3 Shi4] loudi 露底|to let out a secret loudian 漏电|to leak electricity/(fig.) (coll.) to... loudiao 漏掉|to miss/to leave out/to omit/to be om... louding 楼顶|top of a building loudishi 娄底市|Loudi, prefecture-level city in Hunan... loudong 漏洞|leak/hole/gap/loophole loudongbaichu 漏洞百出|(of an argument, theory etc) full of ... loudou 漏斗|funnel loudouyun 漏斗云|funnel cloud loufan 娄烦|Loufan county in Taiyuan 太原[Tai4 yuan... loufang 楼房|a building of two or more stories/CL:... loufanxian 娄烦县|Loufan county in Taiyuan 太原[Tai4 yuan... loufeng 露风|to divulge a secret/to leak loufu 露富|to show one\'s wealth/to let one\'s wea... loufu-chongji 漏脯充饥|lit. to eat rotten meat to assuage hu... louge 楼阁|building/pavilion lougeta 楼阁塔|multistory pagoda lougu 蝼蛄|mole cricket/Gryllolaptaptidae, famil... louguan 瘘管|fistula lougui 陋规|objectionable practices louguke 蝼蛄科|Gryllolaptaptidae family of burrowing... louguo 漏锅|colander/strainer/sieve/leaky pot louhu 漏壶|water clock/clepsydra louhua 楼花|apartment building offered for sale b... loujian 露肩|(of a garment) off-the-shoulder; shou... louju 陋居|The Burrow (Harry Potter) louke 镂刻|to carve/to engrave loukong 镂空|openwork/fretwork loulan 楼兰|Loulan, aka Kroraina, ancient oasis t... loulian 露脸|to show one\'s face/to make one\'s good... loulou 喽喽|see 嘍囉|喽啰[lou2luo5] loulu 楼橹|watch tower/movable battlefield turret louluo 喽罗|variant of 嘍囉|喽啰[lou2 luo5] louluo 喽啰|rank and file member of an outlaw gan... louluo 偻㑩|variant of 嘍囉|喽啰[lou2 luo5] loumajiao 露马脚|to reveal the cloven foot (idiom); to... loumian 露面|to show one\'s face/to appear (in public) loumian 楼面|floor loumiao 露苗|(young sprouts) come out/same as 出苗[c... loupan 楼盘|building under construction/commercia... louqi 漏气|to leak air or gas louqian 搂钱|(coll.) to grab money/to rake in money louqie 露怯|to display one\'s ignorance/to make a ... louqizhuang 露脐装|crop top (clothing) loushang 楼上|upstairs/(Internet slang) previous po... loushao 漏勺|perforated spoon/strainer spoon/skimmer loushi 楼市|real estate market loushi 漏失|to lose sth due to leakage/to let sth... loushui 漏水|to leak (of water) loushui 漏税|tax evasion loushui 溇水|Lou River in Hubei and Hunan loushuizhuanhuntianyi 漏水转浑天仪|water-driven armillary sphere (Zhang ... lousu 陋俗|undesirable customs loutai 楼台|(dialect) balcony/terrace/(literary) ... louti 楼梯|stair/staircase/CL:個|个[ge4] loutijian 楼梯间|staircase/flight of stairs loutikou 楼梯口|head of a flight of stairs loutitai 楼梯台|staircase balcony/landing loutou 露头|to show one\'s head/to give a sign to ... louwangyouyu 漏网游鱼|see 漏網之魚|漏网之鱼[lou4 wang3 zhi1 yu2] louwangzhiyu 漏网之鱼|lit. a fish that escaped the net (idi... louwu 陋屋|humble dwelling louxi 陋习|corrupt practice/bad habits/malpractice louxia 楼下|downstairs louxian 露馅|to leak/to expose (sb\'s secret)/to sp... louxiang 露相|to show one\'s true colors louxiang 楼厢|loft louxianr 露馅儿|erhua variant of 露餡|露馅[lou4 xian4] louxie 漏泄|a leak (e.g. of chemicals) louxietianji 漏泄天机|to divulge the will of heaven (idiom)... louxing 娄星|Louxing district of Loudi city 婁底市|娄底... louxingqu 娄星区|Louxing district of Loudi city 婁底市|娄底... louxiu 娄宿|Bond (Chinese constellation) louyi 蝼蚁|lit. mole cricket and ants/fig. tiny ... louyishou 露一手|to show off one\'s abilities/to exhibi... louyou 漏油|oil spill; oil leak/(fig.) boo! (oppo... louyu 楼宇|building louzhu 楼主|original poster (in an online forum)/... louzhu 搂住|to hold in one\'s arms/to embrace louzi 篓子|basket louzi 娄子|trouble/blunder louzi 喽子|variant of 婁子|娄子[lou2 zi5] louzi 楼子|pavilion/variant of 婁子|娄子[lou2 zi5] louzui 漏嘴|to make an indiscreet remark louzuo 楼座|gallery seat (in theater) lu 路|surname Lu lu 路|road (CL:條|条[tiao2])/journey/route/li... lu 录|to carve wood lu 录|surname Lu lu 录|diary/record/to hit/to copy lu 鲁|surname Lu/Lu, an ancient state of Ch... lu 鲁|(bound form) crass/stupid/rude/(used ... lu 卤|to stew in soy sauce and spices lu 卤|alkaline soil/salt/brine/halogen (che... lu 露|surname Lu lu 露|dew/syrup/nectar/outdoors (not under ... lu 卢|surname Lu/abbr. for Luxembourg 盧森堡|卢... lu 卢|(old) rice vessel/black/old variant o... lu 璐|beautiful jade lu 芦|rush/reed/Phragmites communis lu 撸|(dialect) to rub one\'s hand along/to ... lu 硵|sal ammoniac lu 戮|to peel with a knife/old variant of 戮... lu 戮|(bound form) to kill/(bound form) to ... lu 辂|chariot lu 炉|stove/furnace lu 炉|variant of 爐|炉[lu2] lu 陆|surname Lu lu 陆|(bound form) land (as opposed to the ... lu 澛|(used in place names)/old variant of ... lu 鹭|heron lu 禄|good fortune/official salary lu 颅|forehead/skull lu 虏|prisoner of war/to capture/to take pr... lu 鹿|deer lu 掳|(bound form) to capture (sb) lu 簬|(bamboo) lu 噜|grumble/chatter lu 碌|(bound form used in 忙碌[mang2 lu4], 勞碌... lu 蓼|luxuriant growth lu 庐|hut lu 鲈|common perch/bass lu 橹|variant of 櫓|橹[lu3] lu 橹|old variant of 櫓|橹[lu3] lu 橹|scull (single oar worked from side to... lu 箓|record book; archive/Taoist written c... lu 泸|old name of a river in Jiangxi/place ... lu 玈|black lu 纑|hempen thread/to dress hemp lu 甪|surname Lu/place name lu 胪|belly/skin/to state/to pass on inform... lu 麓|foot of a hill lu 漉|strain liquids lu 逯|surname Lu lu 逯|to walk cautiously/to walk aimlessly lu 勠|(bound form) to join (forces) lu 镥|lutetium (chemistry) lu 錴|rhodium (chemistry) (old) lu 赂|bribe/bribery lu 菉|Arthraxon ciliare/green/rhodacene lu 録|Japanese variant of 錄|录[lu4] lu 潞|name of a river/surname Lu lu 垆|clay/shop lu 坴|a clod of earth/land lu 蕗|leucacene lu 辘|windlass lu 栌|capital (of column)/smoke tree lu 轳|windlass lu 舻|bow of ship lu 琭|(jade) lu 簏|box/basket lu 鯥|Pomatomus saltatrix/bluefish lu 穋|late-planted early-ripening grain lu 僇|to despise/to insult lu 醁|name of a wine lu 氇|used in 氆氌|氆氇[pu3lu5] lu 鸬|used in 鸕鶿|鸬鹚[lu2ci2] lu 盝|box case lu 稑|late-planted early-ripening grain lu 罏|pile of earth to keep wine jars lu 膔|sound of belly rumbling/borborygmus lu 籚|basket made of rush/spear-shaft lu 渌|clear (water)/strain liquids lu 𬬻|rutherfordium (chemistry) lu 𫘧|(horse) luan 乱|in confusion or disorder/in a confuse... luan 六安|see 六安市[Lu4an1 Shi4] luan 卵|egg; ovum; spawn/(coll.) testicles/(o... luan 栾|surname Luan luan 栾|Koelreuteria paniculata luan 鸾|mythical bird related to phoenix luan 銮|imperial luan 娈|beautiful luan 滦|river and county in Hebei Province luan 挛|(bound form) (of muscles) to cramp; t... luan 脔|skinny/sliced meat luan 孪|twins luan 峦|mountain ranges luan 圞|round luan 乿|old variant of 亂|乱[luan4] luanchao 卵巢|ovary luanchaowo 卵巢窝|ovary luanchengyituan 乱成一团|in a great mess/chaotic luanchenzeizi 乱臣贼子|rebels and traitors (idiom)/general t... luanchi 乱吃|to eat indiscriminately luanchuan 栾川|Luanchuan county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan luanchuanmalu 乱穿马路|to jaywalk luanchuanxian 栾川县|Luanchuan county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan luancuan 乱窜|to flee in disarray/to scatter luanda 卢安达|Rwanda (Tw) luandang 乱党|the rebel party luandao 乱道|see 亂說|乱说[luan4 shuo1] luandiao 乱掉|messed up; in disarray; chaotic luandiu 乱丢|to discard in the wrong place (cigare... luandong 乱动|to fiddle with/to tamper with/to medd... luanfeng 鸾凤|luan and phoenix/husband and wife/vir... luang 鲁昂|Rouen (France) luangao 乱搞|to make a mess/to mess with/to be wil... luangaonannvguanxi 乱搞男女关系|to be promiscuous/to sleep around luangurang 乱咕攘|to disturb (dialect) luanhe 滦河|Luan River luanhonghong 乱哄哄|noisy and in disarray/in an uproar luanhua 乱花|to spend recklessly/to waste money luanhua 乱画|to doodle/graffito/doodle luanhuang 卵黄|egg yolk luanhuangguan 卵黄管|vitelline duct luanhuangnang 卵黄囊|yolk sac (ectodermal cells attaching ... luanhuangxian 卵黄腺|vitelline glands/vitellaria (in biology) luanhuaqian 乱花钱|to spend money recklessly/to squander luanji 乱纪|to break the rules/to break discipline luanjia 銮驾|imperial chariot luanjiang 乱讲|to talk nonsense/nonsense! luanjiao 乱叫|to inconsiderately shout luanjingchao 卵精巢|ovaries and testes luanju 乱局|chaotic situation luanlai 乱来|to act recklessly/to mess around luanlie 卵裂|cleavage of fertilized ovum into cells luanlinzhi 卵磷脂|lecithin (phospholipid found in egg y... luanlun 乱伦|to violate moral principles; depravit... luanma 乱码|mojibake (nonsense characters display... luanma 乱麻|lit. tangled skein/in a tremendous mu... luanmin 乱民|rebels luanmo 卵模|ootype (site of egg composition in fl... luanmuxibao 卵母细胞|(biology) oocyte; ovocyte luannan 滦南|Luannan county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 s... luannanxian 滦南县|Luannan county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 s... luanpao 卵泡|ovarian follicle/Taiwan pr. [luan3 pao4] luanpao 乱跑|to run around all over the place luanpengpeng 乱蓬蓬|disheveled/tangled luanpiaofengbo 鸾飘凤泊|lit. firebird soars, phoenix alights ... luanping 滦平|Luanping county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 ... luanpingxian 滦平县|Luanping county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 ... luanqiao 卵鞘|(invertebrate zoology) ootheca luanqibazao 乱七八糟|(idiom) chaotic; in disorder; muddled luanreng 乱扔|to throw (sth) without due care; (esp... luansheng 孪生|(adj.) twin luanshengjiemei 孪生姐妹|twin sisters luanshengxiongdi 孪生兄弟|twin brothers luanshi 乱世|the world in chaos/troubled times/(in... luanshi 卵石|cobble; cobblestone; pebble luanshi 乱石|rocks/stones/rubble/riprap luanshi 六安市|Lu\'an, prefecture-level city in Anhui... luanshi 乱视|astigmatism (medicine) (Tw) luanshijiaren 乱世佳人|Gone with the Wind (film) luanshizasi 乱石砸死|to stone to death luanshu 乱数|random number luanshuo 乱说|to talk drivel; to make irresponsible... luansuo 挛缩|(medicine) (verb and noun) contracture luantanqin 乱弹琴|to talk nonsense/to behave like a fool luantao 乱套|in a mess/upside down luantiao 乱跳|to jump about/(of the heart) to beat ... luantong 娈童|catamite (boy as homosexual partner)/... luantonglian 娈童恋|pederasty luantongzhe 娈童者|child molester/sex tourist luanxiang 乱象|chaos/madness luanxiangfengji 鸾翔凤集|lit. firebird and phoenix come togeth... luanxiangfengzhu 鸾翔凤翥|(of calligraphy) full of power and grace luanxie 乱写|to write without basis luanxing 卵形|oval/egg-shaped (leaves in botany) luanyongji 卵用鸡|laying hen luanyuan 卵圆|oval/ellipse luanyuanchuang 卵圆窗|oval window between middle and inner ear luanyuanxing 卵圆形|oval/ellipsoidal luanzanggang 乱葬岗|unmarked burial mound; untended grave... luanzaozao 乱糟糟|chaotic/topsy turvy/a complete mess luanzhen 乱真|to pass off as genuine/spurious luanzheng 乱政|to corrupt politics luanzhua 乱抓|to claw wildly/to scratch frantically... luanzi 乱子|disturbance/trouble luanzi 卵子|ovum luanzi 卵子|testicles/penis luanzuojueding 乱作决定|to make arbitrary decisions luba 路霸|brigand/(modern) uncivil driver; road... luban 鲁班|Lu Ban, legendary master craftsman, c... lubang 鲁棒|robust (loanword)/solid lubangxing 鲁棒性|robustness lubaozuo 鹿豹座|Camelopardalis (constellation) lubei 陆贝|land snail lubeiqu 路北区|Lubei district of Tangshan city 唐山市[T... lubi 卢比|rupee (Indian currency) (loanword) lubian 路边|curb; roadside; wayside lubian 炉边|fireside lubianna 卢比安纳|Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia (Tw) lubiantan 路边摊|roadside stall lubiao 路标|road sign lubikefangkuai 鲁毕克方块|Rubik\'s cube/magic cube lubin 鲁宾|Rubin (name)/Robert E. Rubin (1938-),... lubu 卢布|ruble (Russian currency) (loanword) lubueryana 卢布尔雅那|Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia lubushiyi 路不拾遗|lit. no one picks up lost articles in... lucai 鲁菜|Shandong cuisine lucai 卤菜|pot-stewed dish lucao 鹿草|Lucao or Lutsao Township in Chiayi Co... lucaoxiang 鹿草乡|Lucao or Lutsao Township in Chiayi Co... luceliang 颅测量|craniometry luchaibang 芦柴棒|reed stem/(fig.) extremely skinny person lucheng 路程|route/path traveled/distance traveled... lucheng 鹿城|Lucheng district of Wenzhou city 溫州市|... luchengqu 鹿城区|Lucheng district of Wenzhou city 溫州市|... luchi 露齿|to grin/also pr. [lou4 chi3] luchi 路痴|person with a poor sense of direction luchierxiao 露齿而笑|to grin luchong 路冲|(feng shui) street layout in which th... luchu 露出|to expose/to show/also pr. [lou4 chu1] luchuan 陆川|Luchuan county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2],... luchuang 炉床|hearth luchuanxian 陆川县|Luchuan county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2],... luchumajiao 露出马脚|to reveal the cloven foot (idiom); to... luci 鸬鹚|cormorant ludaiting 卤代烃|haloalkane (obtained from hydrocarbon... ludan 卤蛋|peeled boiled egg, stewed in soy sauc... ludang 路氹|Cotai, portmanteau term referring to ... lude 路德|Luther (name)/Martin Luther (1483-154... lude 路得|Ruth (name)/variant of 路德[Lu4 de2]/Lu... ludehui 路德会|Lutheran church ludeji 路得记|Book of Ruth ludeng 路灯|street lamp/street light ludequemei 路德雀鹛|(bird species of China) brown-throate... ludeweige 鲁德维格|Ludwig (name)/Ludovic (name) ludeweixi 路德维希|Ludwig (name) ludeweixigang 路德维希港|Ludwigshafen am Rhein, German city on... ludezong 路德宗|Lutheran church ludi 陆地|dry land (as opposed to the sea) ludi 路堤|(road or railway) embankment ludi 芦荻|reeds ludi 颅底|base of the skull ludian 露点|dew point/(coll.) (of a woman) to exp... ludian 鲁甸|Ludian county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 to... ludianxian 鲁甸县|Ludian county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 to... luding 泸定|Luding county (Tibetan: lcags zam rdz... luding 炉顶|furnace top ludingqiao 泸定桥|Luding Bridge over Dadu river 大渡河[Da4... ludingxian 泸定县|Luding county (Tibetan: lcags zam rdz... ludong 芦洞|Rodong or Nodong, series of North Kor... ludu 禄蠹|sinecurist luduan 路段|stretch of road/section of a highway ... luduan 甪端|Luduan, mythical Chinese beast able t... ludun 鲁钝|stupid/slow on the uptake luenzimu 卢恩字母|rune luer 禄饵|official pay as bait (for talent) luerdao 鹿儿岛|Kagoshima, Japanese island prefecture... luerhe 鲁尔河|Ruhr River, a tributary of the Rhine ... luerqu 鲁尔区|the Ruhr, region in Germany lufa 卤法|to simmer/to stew lufang 录放|to record and play (audio, video) lufei 路费|travel expenses/money for a voyage/toll lufeng 陆丰|Lufeng, county-level city in Shanwei,... lufeng 禄俸|official pay lufengshi 陆丰市|Lufeng, county-level city in Shanwei ... lufuergong 鲁佛尔宫|the Louvre lufugong 卢浮宫|the Louvre, museum in Paris lugang 鹿港|Lugang or Lukang Town in Changhua Cou... lugang 陆港|mainland China and Hong Kong lugangmaodun 陆港矛盾|tensions between mainland China and H... lugangzhen 鹿港镇|Lugang or Lukang Town in Changhua Cou... lugen 芦根|reed rhizome (used in TCM) lugong 录供|to take down a confession lugong 录共|to take down a confession lugouqiao 卢沟桥|Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge in ... lugouqiao 芦沟桥|Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge in ... lugouqiaoshibian 卢沟桥事变|Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th Jul... lugouqiaoshibian 芦沟桥事变|Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th Jul... lugu 颅骨|skull (of a dead body) lugu 露骨|blatant/unsubtle/frank/(of sex, viole... lugu 鹿谷|Lugu or Luku Township in Nantou Count... luguan 撸管|(slang) to masturbate luguan 芦管|reed pipe luguhu 泸沽湖|Lugu Lake, alpine lake on the border ... lugui 路轨|track (railroad, streetcar etc) lugui 陆龟|tortoise luguo 路过|to pass by or through luguo 鲁国|Lu, vassal state at the time of the Z... luguoren 鲁国人|person from Shandong/often refers to ... luguxiang 鹿谷乡|Lugu or Luku Township in Nantou Count... luhaikongjun 陆海空军|army, navy and air force luhaikongsanjun 陆海空三军|army, navy, air force luhe 六合|Luhe district of Nanjing City 南京市 in ... luhe 陆河|Luhe county in Shanwei 汕尾, Guangdong luhequ 六合区|Luhe district of Nanjing City 南京市 in ... luhexian 陆河县|Luhe county in Shanwei 汕尾, Guangdong luhu 路虎|Land Rover luhu 卤壶|a ceramic teapot luhua 芦花|reed catkin/reed flower luhua 卤化|to halogenate/halogenation (chemistry) luhuahuangque 芦花黄雀|oriental greenfinch (Carduelis sinica) luhuan 路环|Coloane, an island of Macao luhuanong 露华浓|Revlon (American brand of cosmetics) luhuawu 卤化物|halide (i.e. fluoride, chloride, brom... luhuayin 卤化银|silver halide (usually chloride) used... luhugongyuan 麓湖公园|Luhu Park in central Guangzhou luhui 芦荟|aloe vera luhuo 炉火|the fire of a stove luhuo 炉霍|Luhuo county (Tibetan: brag \'go rdzon... luhuo 虏获|capture (people) luhuo 掳获|to capture (sb)/(fig.) to win (people... luhuo-chunqing 炉火纯青|lit. the stove fire has turned bright... luhuoxian 炉霍县|Luhuo county (Tibetan: brag \'go rdzon... luji 路基|(civil engineering) roadbed luji 陆机|Lu Ji (261-303), Chinese writer and l... luji 陆基|land-based luji 禄籍|good fortune and reputation lujia 陆架|continental shelf lujia 路加|Luke/St Luke the evangelist lujia 炉架|stove stand; grate (supporting a pot ... lujiafuyin 路加福音|Gospel according to St Luke lujianbuping,badaoxiangzhu 路见不平,拔刀相助|lit. to intervene when one sees an in... lujiang 庐江|Lujiang, a county in Hefei 合肥[He2fei2... lujiangxian 庐江县|Lujiang, a county in Hefei 合肥[He2fei2... lujiao 鹿角|antler/deer horn/abatis lujidaodan 陆基导弹|land-based missile lujing 路径|path/route/method/ways and means lujun 陆军|army/ground forces lujun 鲁君|the lord of Lu (who declined to emplo... lujunqi 陆军棋|see 軍棋|军棋[jun1 qi2] lujunshangxiao 陆军上校|colonel lujunsong 陆均松|podocarp tree (Dacrydium pierrei) lujunzhongwei 陆军中尉|lieutenant luka 卢卡|Lucca (city in Tuscany) lukaizu 鲁凯族|Rukai, one of the indigenous peoples ... lukao 路考|driving test lukashenke 卢卡申科|Aleksandr Grigoryevich Lukachenko, pr... lukasi 卢卡斯|Lucas (name) luke 陆客|(Tw) (neologism c. 2008) mainland Chi... lukesuo 卢克索|Luxor, city in Egypt lukewen 陆克文|Chinese name adopted by Kevin Rudd (1... lukou 路口|crossing/intersection (of roads) lukuang 路况|road condition(s) (e.g. surface, traf... lulao 陆劳|laborer from mainland China (Tw) luli 戮力|(literary) to join forces; to exert e... luli 勠力|(literary) to join forces; to exert e... luli-tongxin 戮力同心|(idiom) to join forces to work toward... luliang 陆良|Luliang county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4... luliangxian 陆良县|Luliang county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4... lulin 绿林|place in Hubei, the starting point fo... lulin-haohan 绿林好汉|(idiom) chivalrous hero, often one wh... lulin-haoke 绿林豪客|see 綠林好漢|绿林好汉[lu4lin2-hao3han4] lulong 卢龙|Lulong county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛[... lulongxian 卢龙县|Lulong county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛[... lulu 陆路|land route/overland route lulu 辘轳|well pulley/windlass/potter\'s wheel lulu 辘辘|(onom.) rumbling noise (produced by w... luluwuwei 碌碌无为|unaccomplished/mediocre/feckless luluxuxu 陆陆续续|in succession/one after another/conti... lulve 掳掠|to plunder; to pillage/(fig.) to win ... lumabiao 路码表|odometer luman 鲈鳗|(Tw) giant mottled eel (Anguilla marm... luman 芦鳗|variant of 鱸鰻|鲈鳗[lu2 man2], giant mot... lumang 鲁莽|hot-headed; impulsive; reckless lumang 卤莽|variant of 魯莽|鲁莽[lu3 mang3] lumian 路面|road surface lumiandianche 路面电车|(Tw) tram; streetcar luming 禄命|person\'s lot through life luminuo 鲁米诺|luminol (chemistry) (loanword) lun 轮|wheel; disk; ring/steamship/to take t... lun 论|abbr. for 論語|论语[Lun2 yu3], The Analec... lun 论|opinion/view/theory/doctrine/to discu... lun 伦|human relationship/order/coherence lun 囵|used in 囫圇|囫囵[hu2lun2] lun 纶|to classify/to twist silk/silk thread lun 沦|to sink (into ruin, oblivion)/to be r... lun 抡|to swing (one\'s arms, a heavy object)... lun 抡|to select lun 仑|to arrange lun 仑|variant of 崙|仑[lun2] lun 仑|used in 崑崙|昆仑[Kun1 lun2] lun 芲|tree name (archaic) lun 婨|(used in female names) (old) lun 𬬭|(metal)/roentgenium (chemistry) lunanqu 路南区|Lunan district of Tangshan city 唐山市[T... lunanyizuzizhixian 路南彝族自治县|Lunan Yizu Autonomous County in Yunnan lunba 伦巴|rumba (loanword) lunban 轮班|shift working lunbao 轮暴|to gang rape lunbei 仑背|Lunbei or Lunpei township in Yunlin c... lunbeixiang 仑背乡|Lunbei or Lunpei township in Yunlin c... lunchang 伦常|proper human relationships lunchang 轮唱|round (music)/canon lunchangdaoduan 论长道短|lit. to discuss sb\'s merits and demer... lunchi 轮齿|tooth of cog wheel/gear tooth lunchuan 轮船|steamship; steamer; steamboat/CL:艘[sou1] lunci 轮次|in turn/by turns/lap/turn/round/class... lundao 轮到|to be (sb\'s or sth\'s) turn lundian 论点|argument/line of reasoning/thesis/poi... lundiao 论调|argument/view (sometimes derogatory) lunding 论定|to make a definitive judgment/to come... lundu 轮渡|ferry lunduan 论断|to infer/to judge/inference/judgment/... lundun 伦敦|London, capital of United Kingdom lundundaxuexueyuan 伦敦大学学院|University College, London lundundaxueyafeixueyuan 伦敦大学亚非学院|London University School of Oriental ... lundunguojijinrongqihuojiaoyisuo 伦敦国际金融期货交易所|London International Financial Future... lundunzhengquanjiaoyisuo 伦敦证券交易所|London Stock Exchange (LSE) lunfa 论法|argumentation lunfan 轮番|in turn/one after another lunfu 轮辐|wheel spoke lungong 论功|to evaluate the merit of sth lungu 轮毂|wheel hub lungu 轮箍|tire lunguzhao 轮毂罩|hubcap lunhou 轮候|to wait one\'s turn lunhua 轮滑|roller skating lunhuan 轮换|to rotate; to take turns lunhui 轮回|variant of 輪迴|轮回[lun2 hui2] lunhui 轮回|to reincarnate/reincarnation (Buddhis... lunji 轮机|turbine (abbr. for 渦輪機|涡轮机[wo1lun2ji1... lunji 论及|to make reference to; to mention lunjia 沦浃|to be deeply affected/moved to the core lunjian 轮奸|to gang rape lunjijiasui 沦肌浃髓|lit. penetrate to the marrow (idiom);... lunjishou 轮机手|helmsman lunju 论据|grounds (for an argument)/contention/... lunju 轮距|tread (the distance between the two f... lunkong 轮空|(sports) bye; to get a bye/(of an emp... lunkuo 轮廓|outline; silhouette lunkuoxian 轮廓线|outline; silhouette lunkuoxianming 轮廓鲜明|sharp image/clear-cut/in bold outline... lunli 伦理|ethics lunli 论理|normally/as things should be/by right... lunliguan 伦理观|one\'s perspective on what constitutes... lunliu 轮流|to alternate; to take turns lunlixue 伦理学|ethics lunlixue 论理学|logic lunluo 沦落|to degenerate/impoverished/to fall (i... lunmie 沦灭|to perish/extinction lunmo 沦没|to sink/to drown lunmu 轮牧|rotation grazing lunpan 轮盘|roulette/wheel lunpandu 轮盘赌|roulette lunqin 伦琴|Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845-1923), G... lunqinshexian 伦琴射线|X-ray/Röntgen or Roentgen ray lunren 轮任|rotating appointment (e.g. presidency... lunsang 沦丧|to be lost/to be ruined/to perish/to ... lunshu 论述|treatise/discourse/exposition luntai 轮胎|tire; pneumatic tire luntai 轮台|Bügür nahiyisi or Luntai county in Ba... luntaigucheng 轮台古城|ruins of Luntai city, archaeological ... luntaixian 轮台县|Bügür nahiyisi or Luntai county in Ba... luntan 论坛|forum (for discussion) luntanbao 论坛报|Tribune (in newspaper names) lunti 论题|topic lunti 轮替|to take turns; to follow a rotating s... lunuzheng 路怒症|road rage lunwang 沦亡|(of a country) to perish/to be annexe... lunwei 沦为|to sink down to/to be reduced to (sth... lunwen 论文|paper/treatise/thesis/CL:篇[pian1]/to ... lunxian 沦陷|to fall into enemy hands/to be occupi... lunxianqu 沦陷区|enemy-held territory lunxiu 轮休|to take holidays in rotation/to stagg... lunxun 轮训|training in rotation lunxun 轮询|(computing) to poll lunyi 轮椅|wheelchair lunyu 论语|The Analects of Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3] lunyuan 轮缘|rim/edge of wheel lunyuan 抡元|to win the top award/to come first in... lunzhan 论战|to debate/to contend/polemics lunzheng 论证|to prove a point/to expound on/to dem... lunzheng 论争|argument/debate/controversy lunzhi 轮值|to take turns on duty lunzhi 轮指|circular finger movement (in playing ... lunzhong 轮种|rotation of crops lunzhou 轮轴|wheel and axle (mechanism)/axle lunzhu 论著|treatise; study lunzhuan 轮转|to rotate lunzhuangbingdu 轮状病毒|rotavirus lunzhuanji 轮转机|merry-go-round lunzi 轮子|wheel/(derog.) Falun Gong practitione... lunzuo 轮作|rotation of crops (to preserve fertil... luo 落|to fall or drop/(of the sun) to set/(... luo 裸|variant of 裸[luo3] luo 裸|naked luo 罗|surname Luo luo 罗|gauze/to collect/to gather/to catch/t... luo 络|net-like object/to hold sth in place ... luo 螺|spiral shell/snail/conch luo 咯|to cough up/also pr. [ka3] luo 洛|surname Luo/old name of several river... luo 洛|used in transliteration luo 脶|fingerprint luo 骆|surname Luo luo 骆|camel/white horse with a black mane (... luo 萝|radish luo 烙|used in 炮烙[pao2luo4] luo 猡|name of a tribe luo 鸁|grebe/wren luo 珞|neck-ornament luo 锣|gong/CL:面[mian4] luo 摞|to pile up/to stack/a pile/a stack luo 逻|patrol luo 捋|to hold sth long and run one\'s hand a... luo 箩|basket luo 雒|black horse with white mane/fearful luo 啰|used in 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5] luo 啰|used in 囉唣|啰唣[luo2zao4] luo 啰|(final exclamatory particle) luo 泺|name of a river luo 漯|used in 漯河[Luo4he2], a city in Henan luo 骡|mule/CL:匹[pi3],頭|头[tou2] luo 骡|variant of 騾|骡[luo2] luo 椤|see 桫欏|桫椤[suo1 luo2] luo 囖|erroneous variant of 囉|啰[luo5] luo 荦|brindled ox/clear/eminent luo 倮|variant of 裸[luo3] luo 蠃|used in 蜾蠃[guo3 luo3] luo 蓏|fruit of plants (not of trees) luo 瘰|used in 瘰癧|瘰疬[luo3li4] luo 砢|a heap/pile (of rocks) luo 㑩|smart/clever luo 纙|string on which coins are strung luoanda 罗安达|Luanda, capital of Angola luobai 落败|to suffer a defeat/to fail/to fall be... luobai 罗拜|to line up to pay homage luobang 落榜|to fail the imperial exams/to flunk luobaoming 罗保铭|Luo Baoming (1952-), sixth governor o... luobaqiefusiji 罗巴切夫斯基|Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (1793-1... luobayu 珞巴语|Lhoba, language of Lhoba ethnic group... luobazu 珞巴族|Lhoba ethnic group of southeast Tibet luobei 萝北|Luobei county in Hegang 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gan... luobeixian 萝北县|Luobei county in Hegang 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gan... luoben 裸奔|to streak (run naked) luobi 落笔|to put pen to paper; to start to writ... luobidafaze 洛必达法则|L\'Hôpital\'s rule (math.) luobidafaze 罗必达法则|L\'Hôpital\'s rule (math.) (Tw) luobinhan 罗宾汉|Robin Hood (English 12th century folk... luobinwang 骆宾王|Luo Binwang (640-684), one of Four Gr... luobinxun 罗宾逊|Robinson (name) luobixuanquan 捋臂揎拳|lit. to push up one\'s sleeves and bar... luobo 萝卜|radish (Raphanus sativus), esp. white... luobo 落泊|down and out/in dire straits/unrestra... luobobaicai,geyousuoai 萝卜白菜,各有所爱|(idiom) one man\'s meat is another man... luoboci 罗伯茨|Roberts luobogao 萝卜糕|radish cake (a type of dim sum, commo... luobokuailebuxini 萝卜快了不洗泥|when radishes are selling fast, one d... luoboqingcai,geyousuoai 萝卜青菜,各有所爱|see 蘿蔔白菜,各有所愛|萝卜白菜,各有所爱[luo2 bo5 bai2... luobosibier 罗伯斯庇尔|Robespierre (name)/Maximilien Françoi... luobosibing 萝卜丝饼|shredded daikon pie luobote 罗伯特|Robert (name) luoboteboensi 罗伯特·伯恩斯|Robert Burns (1759-1796), Scottish poet luobotefuluosite 罗伯特·佛洛斯特|Robert Frost (1874-1963), American poet luoboteluyisisidiwensen 罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森|Robert Louis Stevenson (novelist), au... luoboxun 罗伯逊|Robertson (name) luobu 罗布|to display/to spread out/to distribut... luobulinka 罗布林卡|Norbulingka (Tibetan: precious garden... luobuma 罗布麻|dogbane (Apocynum venetum), leaves us... luobupo 罗布泊|Lop Nor, former salt lake in Xinjiang... luocaoweikou 落草为寇|to take to the woods to become an out... luocha 落差|drop in elevation/(fig.) gap (in wage... luocha 罗刹|demon in Buddhism/poltergeist in temp... luochao 落潮|(of a tide) to ebb or go out luochen 落尘|dust fall/fallout (volcanic, nuclear ... luocheng 落成|to complete a construction project luocheng 罗城|a second wall built around a city wall luocheng 裸裎|to become naked/to undress/to expose ... luochengjiao 罗盛教|Luo Chengjiao (1931-1952), PRC hero o... luochesite 罗彻斯特|Rochester luochuan 洛川|Luochuan county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1... luochuanxian 洛川县|Luochuan county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1... luoci 裸辞|to quit one\'s job (without having ano... luodai 裸贷|(of a woman) to take out a loan with ... luodan 落单|to be on one\'s own; to be left alone/... luodao 螺刀|screwdriver luode 落得|ending up as/leading to/resulting in/... luode 洛德|Lord (name) luodedao 罗德岛|Rhode Island, US state/Rhodes, an isl... luodedao 罗得岛|Rhode Island, US state/Rhodes, an isl... luodesidao 罗得斯岛|Rhodes, Mediterranean island luodi 落第|to fail an exam luodi 落地|to fall to the ground/to be set on th... luodi 裸地|bare ground luodian 罗甸|Luodian county in Qiannan Buyei and M... luodianxian 罗甸县|Luodian county in Qiannan Buyei and M... luodichuang 落地窗|floor-to-ceiling window/French window luodideng 落地灯|floor lamp luodigu 落地鼓|floor tom (drum kit component) luodihua 裸地化|denudation luoding 罗定|Luoding, county-level city in Yunfu 雲... luoding 螺钉|screw luodingshi 罗定市|Luoding, county-level city in Yunfu 雲... luodiqian 落地签|landing visa; visa on arrival luodishan 落地扇|pedestal fan; stand fan luodishenggen 落地生根|air plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum)/to p... luodong 罗东|Luodong or Lotong Town in Yilan Count... luodongzhen 罗东镇|Luodong or Lotong Town in Yilan Count... luoduan 罗缎|ribbed luoen 罗恩|Ron (name) luoerdingli 罗尔定理|Rolle\'s theorem (in calculus) luoersiluoyisi 罗尔斯·罗伊斯|Rolls-Royce (UK company)/also written... luofeiyu 罗非鱼|tilapia luofugong 罗浮宫|the Louvre, museum in Paris (Tw) luofushan 罗浮山|Mt Luofushan in Zengcheng county, Gua... luogan 螺杆|screw luoge 罗格|Logue or Rogge (name)/Jacques Rogge, ... luogebo 捋胳膊|to push up one\'s sleeves luogesi 逻各斯|logos (loanword) luogesidaxue 罗格斯大学|Rutgers University (New Jersey) luogu 锣鼓|gongs and drums/Chinese percussion in... luoguan 摞管|to masturbate luoguan 裸官|Communist Party official whose wife a... luoguanzhong 罗贯中|Luo Guanzhong (c. 1330-c. 1400), auth... luogudian 锣鼓点|Chinese percussion fixed pattern/perc... luoguo 罗锅|to hunch one\'s back (coll.)/a hunchback luoguoqiao 罗锅桥|a humpback bridge luoguor 罗锅儿|erhua variant of 羅鍋|罗锅[luo2 guo1] luohan 罗汉|(Buddhism) arhat (abbr. for 阿羅漢|阿罗汉[a... luohanbing 罗汉病|snail fever (bilharzia or schistosomi... luohandou 罗汉豆|broad bean (Vicia faba); fava bean luohandu 罗汉肚|potbelly luohanguo 罗汉果|monk fruit, the sweet fruit of Sirait... luohanquan 罗汉拳|Luohan Quan (Shaolin kung fu style) luohanyu 罗汉鱼|flowerhorn cichlid luohao 螺号|conch/shell as horn for signaling luohe 漯河|see 漯河市[Luo4he2 Shi4] luohe 洛河|name of several rivers/North Luo rive... luoheshi 漯河市|Luohe, prefecture-level city in Henan... luohou 落后|to fall behind/to lag (in technology ... luohou 罗睺|the intersection of the Moon\'s orbit ... luohou 罗喉|variant of 羅睺|罗睺[luo2 hou2] luohu 落户|to settle/to set up home luohu 罗湖|Luohu district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, ... luohualiushui 落花流水|to be in a sorry state/to be utterly ... luohuangertao 落荒而逃|to flee in defeat/to bolt luohuasheng 落花生|peanut (the plant) luohuayouyi,liushuiwuqing 落花有意,流水无情|lit. the falling flowers are yearning... luohun 裸婚|lit. naked wedding/no-frills civil we... luohuqu 罗湖区|Luohu district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, ... luohuxu 捋虎须|lit. to stroke the tiger\'s whiskers/t... luoji 逻辑|(loanword) logic luoji 裸机|hardware-only device/computer without... luoji 落籍|to settle in (a place); to take up pe... luoji 洛基|Loki, god of fire and mischievous des... luoji 螺髻|spiral coil (in hairdressing) luojialiang 罗嘉良|Gallen Lo (1962-), Hong Kong actor an... luojiang 洛江|Luojiang, a district of Quanzhou City... luojiang 螺桨|propeller luojianggu 螺桨毂|propeller hub luojiangqu 洛江区|Luojiang, a district of Quanzhou City... luojiao 落脚|to stay for a time/to stop over/to lo... luojiao 裸绞|(martial arts) rear naked choke luojiawa 罗贾瓦|Rojava (de facto autonomous region in... luojiaying 罗家英|Law Kar-Ying (1946-), Hong Kong actor luojicuowu 逻辑错误|logical error luojie 罗杰|Roger luojieaierzhi 罗洁爱尔之|Raziel, archangel in Judaism luojiesi 罗杰斯|Rogers luojilianlukongzhi 逻辑链路控制|logical link control/LLC luojing 罗经|compass/same as 羅盤|罗盘 luojingxiashi 落井下石|to throw stones at sb who has fallen ... luojishan 洛基山|Rocky Mountains/also written 洛磯山|洛矶山 luojishan 洛矶山|Rocky Mountains luojishan 落基山|Rocky Mountains in West US and Canada luojishanmai 洛矶山脉|Rocky Mountains luojixue 逻辑学|logic luojiyansuan 逻辑演算|logical calculation luojizhadan 逻辑炸弹|logic bomb luoju 螺距|pitch of spiral/pitch of screw luojue 罗掘|to scrape together money (abbr. for 羅... luokefeile 洛克菲勒|Rockefeller luokeke 洛可可|rococo (loanword)/very ornate luokeren 洛克人|Rockman or Mega Man (video game series) luokexide 洛克西德|Lockheed (US aerospace company) luokong 落空|to fail; to fall through; to come to ... luokou 罗口|rib collar/rib top of socks luokuan 落款|inscription with name, date, or short... luokuang 箩筐|large wicker basket luola 罗拉|roller (loanword) luolan 罗兰|Roland (name) luole 罗勒|sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) luole 萝艻|old variant of 羅勒|罗勒[luo2 le4] luolei 落泪|to shed tears/to weep luolei 落雷|lightning bolt; lightning strike luoli 瘰疬|scrofula (in Chinese medicine) luoli 罗利|Raleigh, capital of North Carolina luoli 萝莉|a Lolita (young, cute girl) luoli 裸鲤|naked carp (Gymnocypris przewalskii) luoliao 裸聊|to chat naked (online) luolie 罗列|to list/to enumerate/(of buildings, o... luolikong 萝莉控|lolicon or rorikon (Japanese loanword... luoliluosuo 啰里啰嗦|long-winded/verbose luolin 罗琳|Rowling (name)/Joanne Kathleen Rowlin... luolin 洛林|Lorraine (region in France) luolong 洛龙|Luolong district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|... luolongqu 洛龙区|Luolong district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|... luolu 裸露|naked; bare; uncovered; exposed luolukuang 裸露狂|exhibitionism luolunci 洛伦茨|Lorentz (name)/Hendrik Lorentz (1853-... luolunsi 罗伦斯|Lawrence (city in Kansas, USA) luoluodafang 落落大方|(of one\'s conduct, speech etc) natura... luoluoguahe 落落寡合|aloof/standoffish/unsociable luoluoguahuan 落落寡欢|melancholy/unhappy luoluoguajiao 落落寡交|aloof and as a result friendless (idiom) luoluonanhe 落落难合|a loner/someone who does not easily g... luolvjicun 罗缕纪存|to record and preserve luoma 落马|(lit.) to fall from a horse/(fig.) to... luoma 骡马|pack animal/horse and mule luoma 罗马|Rome, capital of Italy luoma 骆马|llama luomadache 骡马大车|mule and horse carts luomadiguo 罗马帝国|Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD) luomadoushouchang 罗马斗兽场|Colosseum (Rome) luomafa 罗马法|Roman law luomagongjiao 罗马公教|Roman Catholicism luomahua 罗马化|romanization luomai 裸麦|rye (Secale cereale) luomajiaoting 罗马教廷|the Church (as Royal Court)/the Holy ... luomaliangxie 罗马凉鞋|Roman sandals/ankle-strap sandals luomaliao 罗马里奥|Romário luomandike 罗曼蒂克|romantic (loanword) luomaniya 罗马尼亚|Romania luomannuo 罗曼诺|Romano (name) luomanshi 罗曼史|romance (loanword)/love affair luomanshi 罗曼使|romance/love affair/more commonly wri... luomansi 罗曼司|romance (loanword) luomanuo 罗马诺|Romano (name) luomanyuzu 罗曼语族|Romance language family luomao 螺帽|nut (female component of nut and bolt) luomaodeng 罗懋登|Luo Maodeng (16th century), Ming auth... luomashu 罗马书|Epistle of St Paul to the Romans luomashuzi 罗马数字|Roman numerals luomaxie 罗马鞋|caligae (sandals worn by Roman soldie... luomazhou 落马洲|Lok Ma Chau (place in Hong Kong) luomazi 罗马字|the Latin alphabet luomazimu 罗马字母|Roman letters/Roman alphabet luomei 洛美|Lomé/Lome, capital of Togo luomengnuosuofu 罗蒙诺索夫|Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765), Russia... luomiou 罗密欧|Romeo (name) luomiouyuzhuliye 罗密欧与朱丽叶|Romeo and Juliet, 1594 tragedy by Wil... luomo 落寞|lonely; desolate luomo 落莫|variant of 落寞[luo4 mo4] luomo 落漠|variant of 落寞[luo4 mo4] luomo 裸模|nude model/abbr. for 裸體模特|裸体模特[luo3 t... luomonuosuofu 罗摩诺索夫|Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1711-1... luomonuosuofushanji 罗摩诺索夫山脊|Lomonosov ridge (in the Artic Ocean) luomoyanna 罗摩衍那|the Ramayana (Indian epic) luomu 落幕|the curtain drops/the end of the show luomu 螺母|nut (female component of nut and bolt) luomujiu 罗姆酒|rum (loanword) luomuren 罗姆人|Romani, an ethnic group of Europe luona 罗纳|Rhone, river of Switzerland and France luonaerduo 罗纳尔多|Ronaldo (name)/Cristiano Ronaldo (198... luonahe 罗纳河|Rhone, river of Switzerland and France luonan 洛南|Luonan County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 l... luonan 落难|to meet with misfortune/to fall into ... luonanxian 洛南县|Luonan County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 l... luonehe 罗讷河|Rhone River, France luoning 洛宁|Luoning county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan luoningxian 洛宁县|Luoning county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan luopan 罗盘|compass luopanzuo 罗盘座|Pyxis (constellation) luopao 落跑|to run away/to escape luopeisi 洛佩斯|Lopez (name) luopeizi 洛佩兹|Lopez (name) luoping 罗平|Luoping county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4... luopingxian 罗平县|Luoping county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4... luopita 洛皮塔|Lawpita Falls on the Balu Chaung rive... luopitapubu 洛皮塔瀑布|Lawpita Falls on the Balu Chaung rive... luopo 落魄|down and out/in dire straits/unrestra... luopu 洛浦|Lop County in Hotan Prefecture 和田地區|和... luopuxian 洛浦县|Lop County in Hotan Prefecture 和田地區|和... luoqi 落漆|see 掉漆[diao4 qi1] luoqi 裸骑|to ride (a horse, bicycle etc) naked luoqiesite 罗切斯特|Rochester luoqigubuqi 锣齐鼓不齐|(idiom) not well coordinated luoquan 罗圈|round frame of a sieve luoquanjia 罗圈架|a quarrel in which third parties get ... luoquanr 罗圈儿|erhua variant of 羅圈|罗圈[luo2 quan1] luoquanryi 罗圈儿揖|to bow around with hands joined (to p... luoquantui 罗圈腿|bow-legged/bandy-legged luoque-jueshu 罗雀掘鼠|lit. to net sparrows and dig out rats... luori 落日|setting sun luoronghuan 罗荣桓|Luo Ronghuan (1902-1963), Chinese com... luoru 落入|to fall into luorufawang 落入法网|to fall into the net of justice (idio... luosaihuzi 络腮胡子|full beard luosaihuzi 落腮胡子|variant of 絡腮鬍子|络腮胡子[luo4 sai1 hu2 zi5] luosaitashibei 罗塞塔石碑|Rosetta Stone luosang 洛桑|Lausanne (city in Switzerland) luosha 罗莎|Rosa (name) luoshan 罗姗|Roxanne or Roxane or Rosanna (name) luoshan 罗山|Luoshan county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan luoshanji 洛杉矶|Los Angeles, California luoshanjihuren 洛杉矶湖人|Los Angeles Lakers (NBA team) luoshanjishibao 洛杉矶时报|Los Angeles Times luoshanxian 罗山县|Luoshan county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan luosheng 锣声|sound of gong luoshengmen 罗生门|Rashomon, Japanese novel and movie/(f... luoshenhua 洛神花|roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) luoshi 落实|practical/workable/to implement/to ca... luoshi 落石|falling stone luoshi 罗氏|Roche/F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd luoshichang 罗世昌|Luo Shichang, Qing dynasty painter luoshijihe 罗式几何|hyperbolic geometry/Lobachevskian geo... luoshijihe 罗氏几何|hyperbolic geometry/Lobachevskian geo... luoshixianquan 罗氏线圈|Rogowski coil luoshuan 螺栓|bolt (male component of nut and bolt) luoshui 落水|to fall into water/to sink/overboard/... luoshui 裸睡|to sleep naked luoshui 罗水|name of a river, the northern tributa... luoshuigoushangan 落水狗上岸|like a dog who fell in the river and ... luoshuiguan 落水管|drainpipe/water spout luosi 螺丝|screw luosi 螺蛳|river snail luosi 罗斯|Roth, Ross, Rose or Rossi (name)/Kenn... luosidao 螺丝刀|screwdriver/CL:把[ba3] luosiding 螺丝钉|screw luosifen 螺蛳粉|luosifen (rice noodles served in a br... luosifen 螺丝粉|gemelli (corkscrew shaped pasta) luosifu 罗斯福|Roosevelt (name)/Theodore Roosevelt (... luosimao 螺丝帽|nut (female component of nut and bolt) luosimu 螺丝母|nut (female component of nut and bolt) luosiniefu 罗斯涅夫|Rosneft (Russian state oil company) luosiqizi 螺丝起子|screwdriver luosituofu 罗斯托夫|Rostov-on-Don, Russian river port and... luosituoke 罗斯托克|Rostock (city in Germany) luosizuan 螺丝钻|auger/gimlet/screwdriver (cocktail) luosong 罗宋|(dialect) Russia luosongtang 罗宋汤|borscht, a traditional beetroot soup luosu 罗素|Russell (name)/Bertrand Arthur Willia... luosu 啰苏|see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5] luosu 落俗|to show poor taste luosuo 啰嗦|long-winded; wordy/troublesome; pesky... luosuo 罗嗦|erroneous variant of 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1suo5] luosuo 罗唆|erroneous variant of 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1suo5] luosuo 罗索|Roseau, the capital of Commonwealth o... luosuo 啰唆|variant of 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5] luotan 裸袒|naked/bare luotangji 落汤鸡|a person who looks drenched and bedra... luoti 裸体|naked luoti 裸替|body double (in nude scenes) luotian 罗田|Luotian county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Hua... luotianxian 罗田县|Luotian county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Hua... luotizhuyi 裸体主义|nudism luotizhuyizhe 裸体主义者|nudist luotu 落土|(of seeds etc) to fall to the ground/... luotui 裸退|(neologism c. 2007) (of an official) ... luotuo 骆驼|camel (CL:峰[feng1],匹[pi3],頭|头[tou2])/... luotuo 落拓|down and out/in dire straits/unrestra... luotuo 落托|down and out/in dire straits/unrestra... luotuo-buji 落拓不羁|(idiom) unconventional; uninhibited; ... luotuoluwa 罗托鲁瓦|Rotorua, city in New Zealand luotuoxiangzi 骆驼祥子|Camel Xiangzi, novel by Lao She 老舍[La... luowang 落网|(of a bird, fish etc) to be caught in... luowang 罗网|net/fishing net/bird net luoweinaquan 罗威纳犬|Rottweiler (dog breed) luowen 螺纹|spiral pattern/whorl of fingerprint/t... luowen 罗纹|rib (in fabric)/ribbed pattern luowen 罗文|Roman Tam (1949-), Canto-pop singer luowenya 罗纹鸭|(bird species of China) falcated duck... luowu 落伍|to fall behind the ranks/to be outdated luoxi 裸戏|nude scene (in a movie) luoxia 落下|to fall/to drop/to land (of projectile) luoxian 螺线|spiral luoxiang 裸像|nude (painting, sculpture etc) luoxianguan 螺线管|solenoid/coil luoxianqu 洛锡安区|Lothian, Scottish region around Edinb... luoxiaoshan 罗霄山|Luoxiao Mountains, mountain range str... luoxier 洛希尔|Rothschild (name) luoxingyaren 罗兴亚人|Rohingya (predominantly Muslim ethnic... luoxiuzi 捋袖子|to push up one\'s sleeves luoxuan 螺旋|spiral/helix/screw luoxuan 落选|to fail to be chosen (or elected)/to ... luoxuanceweiqi 螺旋测微器|micrometer screw gauge; micrometer luoxuanfen 螺旋粉|fusilli (corkscrew shaped pasta) luoxuanjiang 螺旋桨|propeller luoxuanmian 螺旋面|fusilli (pasta) luoxuanqian 螺旋钳|wrench luoxuanqianjinding 螺旋千斤顶|screw jack luoxuanqumian 螺旋曲面|spiral surface luoxuanti 螺旋体|Spirochaetes, phylum of extremophile ... luoxuanxing 螺旋形|spiral luoxuanzao 螺旋藻|spiral algae/spirulina (dietary suppl... luoyan 裸眼|naked eye luoyan 裸岩|bare rock luoyang 洛阳|see 洛陽市|洛阳市[Luo4yang2 Shi4] luoyangshi 洛阳市|Luoyang, prefecture-level city in Hen... luoyangzhigui 洛阳纸贵|lit. paper has become expensive in Lu... luoye 落叶|dead leaves/to lose leaves (of plants... luoyeceng 落叶层|leaf litter luoyeguigen 落叶归根|Getting Home, 2007 PRC comedy-drama f... luoyeguigen 落叶归根|lit. a falling leaf returns to the ro... luoyeji 落叶剂|defoliant luoyeqiaomu 落叶乔木|deciduous tree luoyesong 落叶松|larch tree (Pinus larix)/deciduous pi... luoyezhiwu 落叶植物|deciduous plant/deciduous vegetation luoyi 络绎|continuous; unending luoyibujue 络绎不绝|(idiom) continuously; in an endless s... luoyixiu 罗一秀|Luo Yixiu (1889-1910), Mao Zedong\'s f... luoyong 裸泳|to swim naked; to skinny-dip luoyu 罗语|Romanian language luoyu 罗预|(old) very short unit of time (loanwo... luoyu 落雨|(dialect) to rain luoyuan 罗源|Luoyuan, a county in Fuzhou City 福州市[... luoyuan 瘰螈|triton luoyuanxian 罗源县|Luoyuan, a county in Fuzhou City 福州市[... luoyuxiafeng 落于下风|to be at a disadvantage luozang 落葬|to bury the dead luozao 罗唣|variant of 囉唣|啰唣[luo2 zao4] luozao 罗皂|variant of 囉唣|啰唣[luo2zao4] luozao 啰唣|to create a disturbance; to make trou... luozhan 落栈|to make a rest stop at a hotel/to put... luozhao 裸照|nude photograph luozhi 罗织|to frame sb/to cook up imaginary char... luozhi 罗致|to employ/to recruit (talented person... luozhixiang 罗志祥|Luo Zhixiang or Show Luo or Alan Luo ... luozhuang 罗庄|Luozhuang district of Linyi city 臨沂市|... luozhuangqu 罗庄区|Luozhuang district of Linyi city 臨沂市|... luozi 骡子|mule/CL:匹[pi3],頭|头[tou2] luozi 落子|to place a stone on the board (in Go) luozi 罗兹|Łódź, third largest city of Poland luozifeng 洛子峰|Lhotse Mountain, between Tibet and Nepal luozizhiwu 裸子植物|gymnosperm (plants with seed containe... luozizhiwumen 裸子植物门|gymnosperm (plants with seed containe... luozuo 落座|to sit down/to take a seat luozuo 落坐|to sit down lupai 路牌|street sign; road sign; street nameplate lupang 路旁|roadside lupei 陆配|(Tw) spouse from mainland China luping 录屏|(computing) to make a screen capture ... lupo 陆坡|continental slope (boundary of contin... luqi 陆栖|(of an animal) terrestrial; land-based luqian 路堑|(civil engineering) cutting (for a ra... luqiao 路桥|Luqiao district of Taizhou city 台州市[T... luqiao 路桥|road bridge luqiaoqu 路桥区|Luqiao district of Taizhou city 台州市[T... luqu 录取|to accept an applicant (prospective s... luqu 碌曲|Luqu County in Gannan Tibetan Autonom... luquan 禄劝|Luquan Yizu Miaozu autonomous county ... luquan 路权|right of way luquanxian 禄劝县|Luquan Yi and Miao autonomous county ... luquanyizumiaozuzizhixian 禄劝彝族苗族自治县|Luquan Yi and Miao autonomous county ... luqulv 录取率|acceptance rate/admission rate luqutongzhishu 录取通知书|admission notice (issued by a univers... luquxian 碌曲县|Luqu County in Gannan Tibetan Autonom... luquxian 录取线|minimum passing score for admission luren 路人|passer-by/stranger luren 鲁人|person from Shandong/often refers to ... lurenjia 路人甲|ordinary person A; generic person; so... lurenjiezhi 路人皆知|understood by everyone (idiom); well ... lurenleshu 掳人勒赎|to kidnap for ransom lurong 鹿茸|young deer antler prior to ossificati... lurongting 陆荣廷|Lu Rongting (1858-1928), provincial g... lurou 卤肉|stewed meat lurou 鹿肉|venison luru 录入|to input (computer)/to type lusaien 卢塞恩|Lucerne, Switzerland lusaka 卢萨卡|Lusaka, capital of Zambia luse 卢瑟|loser (loanword) lusefu 卢瑟福|Rutherford (name)/Ernest Rutherford (... lusenbao 卢森堡|Luxembourg lushaka 路沙卡|Lusaka, capital of Zambia (Tw) lushan 鲁山|Lushan county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山... lushan 芦山|Lushan county in Ya\'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], S... lushan 庐山|Lushan district of Jiujiang city 九江市,... lushang 路上|on the road/on the way; en route lushang 陆上|land-based/on land lushangfengdian 陆上风电|onshore wind power lushanqu 庐山区|Lushan district of Jiujiang city 九江市,... lushanxian 鲁山县|Lushan county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山... lushanxian 芦山县|Lushan county in Ya\'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], S... lushe 鲁蛇|(slang) loser (loanword) (Tw) lusheng 芦笙|reed-pipe wind instrument lusheng 陆生|terrestrial (animal, species) lushi 卢氏|Lushi county in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San... lushi 鲁史|History of Kingdom Lu/refers to the S... lushi 禄食|official pay lushixian 卢氏县|Lushi county in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San... lushu 路数|stratagem; method; approach/(martial ... lushu 卤属|see 鹵素|卤素[lu3 su4] lushui 卤水|brine/bittern/marinade lushui 露水|dew/fig. short-lasting/ephemeral lushui 路税|road tax lushuifuqi 露水夫妻|a couple in a short-lived, improper r... lushuiyinyuan 露水姻缘|casual romance/short-lived relationship lusi 鹭鸶|egret lusisheishou 鹿死谁手|lit. at whose hand will the deer die ... lusongqu 芦淞区|Lusong district of Zhuzhou city 株洲市, ... lusu 卤素|halogen (chemistry) lusu 露宿|to sleep outdoors/to spend the night ... lusu 噜苏|see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5] lusu 鲁肃|Lu Su or Lu Zijing 魯子敬|鲁子敬 (172-217),... lusun 芦笋|asparagus lusuo 卢梭|Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), En... lutai 露台|balcony/patio/flat roof/terrace/deck ... lutai 炉台|stove top/hob lutaiyu 卢泰愚|Roh Tae-woo (1932-), South Korean pol... lutan 露袒|exposed/uncovered/naked lutang 炉膛|furnace chamber; stove chamber lutanwei 陆探微|Lu Tanwei (active c. 450-490), one of... lutedan 鹿特丹|Rotterdam, port city in the Netherlands lutepijiu 鲁特啤酒|root beer luteqin 鲁特琴|lute (loanword) luti 露体|naked lutian 露天|outdoors/al fresco/in the open lutian 卤田|a saltpan lutiandaxiyuan 露天大戏院|open-air amphitheater lutianduizhan 露天堆栈|open-air repository/open-air depot lutiao 路条|travel pass lutie 撸铁|(coll.) to pump iron/to work out lutou 路透|Reuters (news agency) lutoujinrongcidian 路透金融词典|Reuter\'s Financial Glossary lutoujituan 路透集团|Reuters group plc lutoushe 路透社|Reuters News Agency lutu 路途|(lit. and fig.) road/path lutuyaoyuan 路途遥远|it\'s a very long journey to get there luwaerhe 卢瓦尔河|Loire River, France luwangda 卢旺达|Rwanda luwei 芦苇|reed luwei 卤味|food prepared by stewing in soy sauce... luwei 卤味|variant of 滷味|卤味[lu3 wei4] luwei 禄位|official rank and salary luweihui 陆委会|Mainland Affairs Council (Taiwan), ab... luweiying 芦苇莺|(bird species of China) common reed w... luwen 鲁汶|Leuven (a town in Belgium famous for ... luwuxuan 卢武铉|Roh Moo-hyun (1946-2009), South Korea... luxi 芦溪|Luxi county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Jiangxi luxi 泸溪|Luxi County in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao... luxi 泸西|Luxi county in Honghe Hani and Yi aut... luxi 芦席|reed mat luxi 露西|Lucy luxian 路线|itinerary/route/political line (e.g. ... luxian 泸县|Lu county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1],... luxiang 录像|to videotape/to videorecord/video rec... luxiang 录象|variant of 錄像|录像[lu4 xiang4] luxiang 录相|variant of 錄像|录像[lu4 xiang4] luxiang 路向|road direction/(fig.) direction/path luxiangdai 录像带|video cassette/CL:盤|盘[pan2] luxiangji 录像机|video recorder/VCR luxiantu 路线图|route map; (lit. and fig.) roadmap luxifa 路西法|Lucifer (Satan\'s name before his fall... luxifu 路西弗|Lucifer (Satan\'s name before his fall... luxing 禄星|Star God of Rank and Affluence (Daoism) luxixian 泸西县|Luxi county in Honghe Hani and Yi aut... luxixian 泸溪县|Luxi County in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao... luxixian 芦溪县|Luxi county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Jiangxi luxixing 陆西星|Lu Xixing (1520-c. 1601), Ming Daoist... luxu 陆续|in turn/successively/one after the ot... luxun 鲁迅|Lu Xun (1881-1936), one of the earlie... luyan 路演|road show or promotional tour (for a ... luyang 庐阳|Luyang, a district of Hefei City 合肥市[... luyang 禄养|to support sb with official pay luyangqu 庐阳区|Luyang, a district of Hefei City 合肥市[... luyaozhimali,rijiujianrenxin 路遥知马力,日久见人心|just as distance determines the stami... luye 鹿野|Luye or Luyeh township in Taitung Cou... luyexiang 鹿野乡|Luye or Luyeh township in Taitung Cou... luyi 路易|Louis or Lewis (name) luyi 鹿邑|Luxi county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3]... luyigang 路易港|Port Louis, capital of Mauritius luyin 录音|to record (sound)/sound recording/CL:... luyin 卢因|Lewin (name)/Kurt Lewin (1890-1944), ... luyindai 录音带|audio tape/CL:盤|盘[pan2],盒[he2] luying 露营|to camp out/camping luying 录影|to videotape/to videorecord luyingdai 录影带|videotape (Tw)/CL:盤|盘[pan2] luyingji 录影机|camcorder/video recorder/videocassett... luyinji 录音机|(tape) recording machine/tape recorde... luyinpi 露阴癖|indecent exposure/flashing luyipiaieraerdousai 路易·皮埃尔·阿尔都塞|Louis Pierre Althusser (1918-1990), M... luyisi 路易斯|Louis or Lewis (name) luyisianna 路易斯安那|Louisiana, US state luyisiannazhou 路易斯安那州|Louisiana, US state luyisiyinaxiaoluladaxierwa 路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦|Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the thirty... luyiweideng 路易威登|Louis Vuitton (brand) luyixian 鹿邑县|Luxi county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3]... luyong 录用|to hire (an employee)/to accept (a ma... luyou 路由|routing (in computer networks) luyou 陆游|Lu You (1125-1210), widely regarded a... luyouqi 路由器|router (computing) luyouxieding 路由协定|routing protocol luyouxieyi 路由协议|routing protocols luyu 鲈鱼|bass/perch luyu 路遇|to meet (sb) by chance on the way som... luyu 陆羽|Lu Yu (733-804), Chinese writer from ... luyuan 路缘|curb luyuansi 鹿苑寺|Rokuonji in northwest Kyōto 京都, Japan... luyufengdian 陆域风电|(Tw) onshore wind power luyun 陆运|land transport luzao 炉灶|stove luzha 炉渣|furnace slag/ashes from a stove luzhai 鹿寨|Luzhai county in Liuzhou 柳州[Liu3 zhou... luzhaixian 鹿寨县|Luzhai county in Liuzhou 柳州[Liu3 zhou... luzhang 路障|roadblock/barricade luzhanqi 陆战棋|see 軍棋|军棋[jun1 qi2] luzhaolin 卢照邻|Lu Zhaolin (637-689), one of the Four... luzhengxiang 陆征祥|Lu Zhengxiang (1871-1949), Chinese di... luzhi 录制|to record (video or audio) luzhi 卤汁|gravy/marinade luzhi 卤质|alkalinity luzhi 禄秩|official rank and pay luzhou 芦洲|Luzhou or Luchou city in New Taipei C... luzhou 泸州|see 瀘州市|泸州市[Lu2zhou1 Shi4] luzhoushi 泸州市|Luzhou, prefecture-level city in Sich... luzhoushi 芦洲市|Luzhou or Luchou city in New Taipei C... luzhu 露珠|dewdrop luzhuanfen 路转粉|(Internet slang) to go from being ind... luzhuang 路桩|bollard luzhui 路锥|traffic cone; road cone luzi 路子|method/way/approach luzi 炉子|stove/oven/furnace luzijing 鲁子敬|Lu Zijing or Lu Su 魯肅|鲁肃 (172-217), s... luzou 掳走|to abduct luzu 卤族|see 鹵素|卤素[lu3 su4] lv 铝|aluminum (chemistry) lv 旅|trip/travel/to travel/brigade (army) lv 率|rate/frequency lv 绿|green/(slang) (derived from 綠帽子|绿帽子[l... lv 驴|variant of 驢|驴[lu:2] lv 驴|donkey/CL:頭|头[tou2] lv 吕|surname Lü lv 吕|pitchpipe, pitch standard, one of the... lv 律|surname Lü lv 律|law lv 滤|to strain/to filter lv 侣|companion lv 履|shoe/to tread on lv 穞|wild grain lv 屡|time and again/repeatedly/frequently lv 虑|to think over/to consider/anxiety lv 氯|chlorine (chemistry) lv 缕|strand/thread/detailed/in detail/clas... lv 闾|gate of a village/village lv 鑢|surname Lü lv 鑢|polishing tool lv 捋|to smooth or arrange sth using one\'s ... lv 榈|palm tree lv 偻|crookbacked lv 緑|Japanese variant of 綠|绿[lu:4] lv 垏|(literary) earth ridge between fields... lv 溇|drizzle lv 挔|erroneous variant of 旅[lu:3] lv 梠|beam at the eaves lv 膂|backbone/strength lv 葎|Humulus japonicus lv 褛|used in 襤褸|褴褛[lan2lu:3] lv 稆|variant of 穭|穞[lu:3] lv 卛|old variant of 率[lu:4] lv 嵂|to rise sharply/to tower lv 膟|sacrificial flesh lv 藘|madder lvantong 氯胺酮|ketamine (C13H16ClNO) lvantong 氯安酮|see 氯胺酮[lu:4 an4 tong2]/ketamine lvba 绿坝|Green Dam, content-control software, ... lvbahuajihuhang 绿坝·花季护航|Green Dam Youth Escort, Internet cont... lvbailvzhan 屡败屡战|to keep on fighting despite continual... lvbaoshi 绿宝石|beryl lvbeijiweng 绿背姬鹟|(bird species of China) green-backed ... lvbeike 吕贝克|Lübeck, Germany lvbeilinweng 绿背林鹟|(bird species of China) fulvous-chest... lvbeishanque 绿背山雀|(bird species of China) green-backed ... lvben 氯苯|chlorobenzene C6H5Cl lvbing 滤饼|filtrate/solid residue produced by a ... lvbingzheng 虑病症|hypochondria lvbo 滤波|to filter electric signals lvbo 铝箔|aluminum foil lvboqi 滤波器|signal filter lvbozhi 铝箔纸|aluminum foil lvbu 吕布|Lü Bu (-198), general and warlord lvbuji 吕布戟|snake halberd lvbuwei 吕不韦|Lü Buwei (?291-235 BC), merchant and ... lvcaihua 绿菜花|broccoli lvcanhongchou 绿惨红愁|(of women) grieved appearance (idiom)... lvcao 绿草|green grass lvcao 葎草|(botany) Japanese hop (Humulus japoni... lvcaoruyin 绿草如茵|green grass like cushion (idiom); gre... lvcha 绿茶|green tea/(slang) (of a girl) seeming... lvchabiao 绿茶婊|\"green tea bitch\", a girl who seems i... lvcheng 旅程|journey/trip lvchengbiao 旅程表|itinerary lvchenqi 滤尘器|dust filter lvchiduanjiaobei 绿翅短脚鹎|(bird species of China) mountain bulb... lvchijinjiu 绿翅金鸠|(bird species of China) common emeral... lvchiya 绿翅鸭|(bird species of China) Eurasian teal... lvchiyang 绿赤杨|green alder (Alnus viridis) lvchong 旅充|travel wall charger (Tw) lvchu 滤除|to filter out lvchu 滤出|to filter out lvchukuangyan 屡出狂言|repeated gaffes lvchun 绿春|Lüchun county in Honghe Hani and Yi a... lvchun-mazui 驴唇马嘴|see 驢唇不對馬嘴|驴唇不对马嘴[lu:2chun2 bu4 dui4 ... lvchunbuduimazui 驴唇不对马嘴|lit. a donkey\'s lips do not match a h... lvchunxian 绿春县|Lüxi county in Honghe Hani and Yi aut... lvchunyang 吕纯阳|see 呂洞賓|吕洞宾[Lu:3 Dong4 bin1] lvci 屡次|repeatedly/time and again lvcuochuang 氯痤疮|chloracne lvda 旅大|Lüshun 旅順|旅顺[Lu:3 shun4] port and Dal... lvdai 履带|caterpillar track (propulsion system ... lvdang 绿党|worldwide green parties lvdanzhi 氯单质|molecular chlorine lvdao 绿岛|Lüdao or Lutao township in Taitung Co... lvdaoxiang 绿岛乡|Lüdao or Lutao township in Taitung Co... lvdashi 旅大市|former name of Dalian city 大連|大连[Da4 ... lvdazuditiaoyue 旅大租地条约|unequal treaty of 1898 whereby the Qi... lvdeng 绿灯|green light (traffic signal)/(fig.) p... lvdi 绿地|green area (e.g. urban park or garden) lvdian 旅店|inn/small hotel lvdingxiangjiao 氯丁橡胶|neoprene lvdong 律动|rhythm/to move rhythmically lvdongbin 吕洞宾|Lü Dongbin (796-), Tang Dynasty schol... lvdou 绿豆|mung bean lvdoupeng 绿豆椪|mung bean cake (pastry with a rounded... lvdoutu 绿豆凸|see 綠豆椪|绿豆椪[lu:4 dou4 peng4] lvdutongfengzhuangzhi 滤毒通风装置|filtration equipment lve 掠|to take over by force/to rob/to plund... lve 略|brief; sketchy/outline; summary/to om... lve 略|variant of 略[lu:e4] lve 圙|used in 圐圙[ku1 lu:e4] lve 锊|(ancient unit of weight) lve 㧰|(old) to beat/to pound lvecheng 略称|abbreviation lvedai 略带|to have (an attribute) to a small deg... lvedu 略读|to read cursorily/to skim through lveduo 掠夺|to plunder/to rob lveduo 略夺|variant of 掠奪|掠夺[lu:e4 duo2] lveduozhe 掠夺者|robber/plunderer/predator lveguo 略过|to pass over/to skip lveguo 掠过|to flit across/to sweep past/to glanc... lvejianyiban 略见一斑|lit. to glimpse just one spot (of the... lvejiyuanqing 略迹原情|to overlook past faults (idiom); to f... lveju 略举|some cases picked out as example/to h... lvelve 略略|slightly; roughly; briefly; very gene... lvema 略码|code lvemai 掠卖|to press-gang sb and sell into slavery lvemei 掠美|to claim credit due to others lvequ 略去|to omit/to delete/to leave out/to neg... lvequ 掠取|to plunder/to pillage/to loot lveshengyichou 略胜一筹|slightly better/a cut above lveshi 掠食|to prey on/predation/predatory lveshi 略释|a brief explanation/to summarize lveshizhiwu 略识之无|semiliterate/only knows words of one ... lvetu 略图|sketch; sketch map; thumbnail picture lvewei 略微|a little bit; slightly lvewei 略为|slightly lveyang 略阳|Lüeyang County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4... lveyangxian 略阳县|Lüeyang County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4... lveyu 略语|abbreviation lvezhi-yier 略知一二|(idiom) to know just a little; to hav... lvezhipimao 略知皮毛|slight knowledge of sth/superficial a... lvezi 略字|abbreviated character/simplified char... lvezuo 略作|to be abbreviated to/(followed by a v... lvfa 律法|laws and decrees lvfan 绿矾|green vitriol (ferrous sulfate FeSO4:... lvfang 氯仿|chloroform (trichloromethane CHCl3) lvfantu 铝矾土|bauxite/aluminum ore lvfei 绿肥|green manure lvfei 旅费|travel expenses lvganfei 驴肝肺|a donkey\'s liver and lungs; (fig.) il... lvguan 旅馆|hotel/CL:家[jia1] lvguangjing 滤光镜|(photography) filter lvguo 滤过|to filter lvguo 滤锅|colander lvhejin 铝合金|aluminum alloy lvhoufenghu 绿喉蜂虎|(bird species of China) Asian green b... lvhoutaiyangniao 绿喉太阳鸟|(bird species of China) green-tailed ... lvhua 绿化|to make green with plants/to reforest... lvhuaan 氯化铵|ammonium chloride lvhuacai 绿花菜|broccoli lvhuagai 氯化钙|calcium chloride lvhuajia 氯化钾|potassium chloride lvhuaku 氯化苦|chloropicrin lvhualv 氯化铝|aluminum chloride lvhuana 氯化钠|sodium chloride NaCl/common salt lvhuangjiu 绿皇鸠|(bird species of China) green imperia... lvhuaqing 氯化氢|hydrogen chloride HCl lvhuaqing 氯化氰|cyanogen chloride CNCl lvhuawu 氯化物|chloride lvhuaxin 氯化锌|zinc chloride lvhuayecai 绿花椰菜|broccoli lvjia 屡加|ply lvjiamin 吕嘉民|Lü Jiamin (1946-) aka Jiang Rong 姜戎[J... lvjian 绿箭|Wrigley\'s Doublemint (brand) lvjian 履践|to carry out (a task) lvjian 旅检|passenger inspection (customs) lvjianbuxian 屡见不鲜|a common occurrence (idiom) lvjiao 绿教|(derog.) Islam lvjiaobugai 屡教不改|lit. not to change, despite repeated ... lvjiaoshanzhegu 绿脚山鹧鸪|(bird species of China) green-legged ... lvjiawan 氯甲烷|methyl chloride CH3Cl lvjiemeisu 氯洁霉素|clindamycin lvjinbujue 屡禁不绝|to continue despite repeated prohibit... lvjinbuzhi 屡禁不止|to continue despite repeated prohibit... lvjing 滤镜|(photography) filter lvju 旅居|to stay away from home/residence abro... lvjuche 旅居车|motorhome/RV (recreational vehicle) lvjuzi 驴驹子|donkey foal lvka 绿卡|permanent residency permit (originall... lvke 旅客|traveler; tourist lvkongque 绿孔雀|(bird species of China) green peafowl... lvkuanzuidong 绿宽嘴鸫|(bird species of China) green cochoa ... lvkui 氯喹|chloroquine (antimalarial drug) lvlan 吕览|\"Mr Lü\'s Annals\", same as 呂氏春秋|吕氏春秋[L... lvli 履历|background (academic and work)/curric... lvli 膂力|strength/bodily strength/brawn lvliang 吕梁|see 呂梁市|吕梁市[Lu:3liang2 Shi4] lvliangshi 吕梁市|Lüliang, prefecture-level city in Sha... lvlibiao 履历表|curriculum vitae (CV)/resume lvlinding 氯磷定|pralidoxime chloride lvlinkemeisu 氯林可霉素|clindamycin lvlipian 履历片|curriculum vitae (CV) lvlu 绿鹭|(bird species of China) striated hero... lvlun 氯纶|polyvinyl chloride fiber/PRC brand na... lvluo 驴骡|hinny lvlv 屡屡|again and again/repeatedly lvlv 律吕|tuning; temperament lvmanao 绿玛瑙|chrysoprase (mineral) lvmaozi 绿帽子|green hat (figuratively, a symbol of ... lvmeisu 氯霉素|chloramphenicol (antibiotic), aka chl... lvmeng 吕蒙|Lü Meng (178-219), general of the sou... lvmu 绿幕|green screen lvnianmayue 驴年马月|see 猴年馬月|猴年马月[hou2 nian2 ma3 yue4] lvnishi 绿泥石|chlorite (geology) lvnvhongnan 绿女红男|young people decked out in gorgeous c... lvpan 绿盘|(of a stock price or market index) cu... lvpao 滤泡|follicle lvpen 滤盆|colander lvpiche 绿皮车|green train (slow, noisy, unaircondit... lvpingxian 旅平险|travel insurance covering medical exp... lvpishu 绿皮书|green paper (government report propos... lvqi 滤器|filter/strainer lvqi 氯气|chlorine lvqibing 绿旗兵|same as 綠營|绿营[lu:4 ying2], Green stan... lvqing 滤清|to filter and purify lvqingqi 滤清器|a filter lvqu 绿区|(Baghdad) green zone lvquanbuting 屡劝不听|(idiom) refusing to listen to advice ... lvque 绿雀|oriental greenfinch (Carduelis sinica) lvsaiersihaimu 吕塞尔斯海姆|Rüsselsheim, city in Germany lvse 绿色|green lvseheping 绿色和平|Greenpeace (environmental network) lvsejing 滤色镜|color filter lvseshipin 绿色食品|clean, unadulterated food product/org... lvsha 滤砂|filter sand lvshe 旅社|hotel/hostel lvshe 旅舍|inn; small hotel; hostel lvshi 律师|lawyer lvshi 律诗|regular verse/strict poetic form with... lvshibushuang 屡试不爽|well-tried/time-tested lvshichunqiu 吕氏春秋|lit. “Mr. Lü\'s Spring and Autumn (Ann... lvshishiwusuo 律师事务所|law firm lvshu 绿树|trees/greenery lvshu 缕述|to relate in detail lvshuchengyin 绿树成荫|(of an area) to have trees with shade... lvshui 绿水|green water/crystal-clear water lvshun 旅顺|Lüshun/Lüshunkou district of Dalian c... lvshungang 旅顺港|Lüshun port, on the tip of the Liaoni... lvshunkou 旅顺口|Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市... lvshunkouqu 旅顺口区|Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市... lvsongdao 吕宋岛|Luzon Island, north Philippines lvsonghaixia 吕宋海峡|Luzon Strait between Taiwan and Luzon... lvsongshi 绿松石|turquoise (gemstone) lvsuan 氯酸|chloric acid HClO3/chlorate lvsuanjia 氯酸钾|potassium chlorate lvsuanna 氯酸钠|sodium chlorate NaClO3 lvsuo 律所|law firm (abbr. for 律師事務所|律师事务所[lu:4 ... lvtai 绿苔|green algae lvtiao 律条|a law lvtoujin 绿头巾|green turban (figuratively, a symbol ... lvtouya 绿头鸭|(bird species of China) mallard (Anas... lvtu 旅途|journey; trip lvtukuang 铝土矿|bauxite lvwang 滤网|filter/a sieve lvwang 吕望|see Jiang Ziya 姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2] lvwei 闾尾|coccyx lvweihongzhi 绿尾虹雉|(bird species of China) Chinese monal... lvxianruyi 履险如夷|lit. to make one\'s way through a dang... lvxijiaocuo 履舄交错|lit. shoes and slippers muddled toget... lvxin 滤芯|filter cartridge/filter lvxin 履新|(of an official) to take up a new pos... lvxing 履行|to fulfill (one\'s obligations)/to car... lvxing 旅行|to travel/journey; trip/CL:趟[tang4],次... lvxingdai 旅行袋|travel bag lvxingshe 旅行社|travel agency lvxingtuan 旅行团|tour group lvxingzhe 旅行者|traveler lvxingzhipiao 旅行支票|traveler\'s check lvxingzhuangbei 旅行装备|travel equipment/travel gear lvxiongbasedong 绿胸八色鸫|(bird species of China) western hoode... lvyahu 滤压壶|French press/press pot lvyan 吕岩|Lü Yan (lived c. 874), Tang dynasty poet lvye 绿叶|green leaf/(fig.) actor playing a sup... lvye 滤液|filtrate lvyin 绿茵|grassy area lvyin 绿荫|shade (of a tree) lvyin 绿阴|tree shade/shady lvyinchang 绿茵场|football field lvying 绿营|Green Standard Army, standing infantr... lvyingbing 绿营兵|Green standard army, standing infantr... lvyingying 绿莹莹|green and lush lvyixi 氯乙烯|vinyl chloride (chloroethene C2H3Cl) lvyou 旅游|trip/journey/tourism/travel/tour/to t... lvyou 驴友|backpacker/travel buddy lvyouchengshi 旅游城市|tourist city lvyoujingdian 旅游景点|tourist attraction/travel sight lvyoujisanzhongxin 旅游集散中心|tour group assembly and dispatch center lvyouke 旅游客|a tourist lvyouredian 旅游热点|a hot tourist attraction/a tourist trap lvyoushengdi 旅游胜地|tourist destination; tourist attraction lvyoutuan 旅游团|tour group lvyouye 旅游业|tourism industry lvyouyou 绿油油|lush green; verdant lvyouzhe 旅游者|tourist/traveler/visitor lvyuan 绿园|Lüyuan district of Changchun city 長春市... lvyuanqu 绿园区|Lüyuan district of Changchun city 長春市... lvyue 履约|to keep a promise/to honor an agreement lvyuebaozhengjin 履约保证金|performance bond (international trade) lvyusui 绿玉髓|(mineralogy) chrysoprase lvzao 屡遭|to suffer repeatedly lvzaobuce 屡遭不测|beset by a series of mishaps (idiom) lvzhang 旅长|(military) brigade commander lvzhanlvbai 屡战屡败|to suffer defeat in every battle (idiom) lvzhengsi 律政司|Department of Justice (Hong Kong) lvzhi 滤纸|filter paper lvzhi 履职|to fulfill one\'s job or duty lvzhi 绿植|green plant lvzhou 绿洲|oasis lvzi 驴子|ass/donkey lvzui 滤嘴|cigarette filter lvzuidijuan 绿嘴地鹃|(bird species of China) green-billed ... lzhao L照|nude picture (from 裸照[luo3 zhao4]) m 姆|used in 姆媽|姆妈[m1ma1] m 呣|interjection expressing a question m 呣|interjection expressing consent/um m 呒|dialectal equivalent of 沒有|没有[mei2 you3] ma 吗|(coll.) what? ma 吗|used in 嗎啡|吗啡[ma3fei1] ma 吗|(question particle for \"yes-no\" quest... ma 么|exclamatory final particle ma 么|interrogative final particle ma 嘛|used in 唵嘛呢叭咪吽[an3 ma2 ni2 ba1 mi1 ho... ma 嘛|modal particle indicating that sth is... ma 码|weight/number/code/to pile/to stack/c... ma 马|surname Ma/abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来... ma 马|horse/CL:匹[pi3]/horse or cavalry piec... ma 妈|ma/mom/mother ma 玛|agate; cornelian ma 麻|hemp (variant of 麻[ma2]) ma 麻|surname Ma ma 麻|generic name for hemp, flax etc/hemp ... ma 摩|used in 摩挲[ma1sa5] ma 抹|to wipe ma 骂|to scold/to abuse/to curse/CL:通[tong4... ma 骂|variant of 罵|骂[ma4] ma 杩|headboard ma 蚂|used in 螞螂|蚂螂[ma1lang2] ma 蚂|used in 螞蟥|蚂蟥[ma3huang2]/used in 螞蟻|蚂... ma 蚂|used in 螞蚱|蚂蚱[ma4zha5] ma 犸|mammoth ma 祃|(arch.) religious ritual on setting o... ma 溤|name of a river ma 蟆|toad ma 蟆|old variant of 蟆[ma2] ma 痲|leprosy/numb ma 㐷|variant of 罵|骂[ma4] maan 马鞍|saddle maanshan 马鞍山|see 馬鞍山市|马鞍山市[Ma3an1shan1 Shi4] maanshanshi 马鞍山市|Ma\'anshan, prefecture-level city in A... maban 麻瘢|pock mark mabang 马帮|caravan of horses carrying goods mabao 妈宝|mama\'s boy mabei 马背|horse\'s back/(traditional Chinese arc... mabi 麻痹|paralysis/palsy/numbness/to benumb/(f... mabi 痲痹|variant of 麻痺|麻痹[ma2 bi4] mabian 马边|Mabian Yizu autonomous county in Sichuan mabian 马鞭|horsewhip mabianxian 马边县|Mabian Yizu autonomous county in Lesh... mabianyizuzizhixian 马边彝族自治县|Mabian Yizu Autonomous County in Lesh... mabiao 码表|speedometer/stopwatch/cyclocomputer/(... mabiao 马表|stopwatch mabidayi 麻痹大意|unwary/negligent mabie 马鳖|leech mabinglang 马槟榔|caper mabojun 马勃菌|puffball (mushroom in the division Ba... mabole 马伯乐|Maspero (name) mabu 抹布|cleaning rag/also pr. [mo3 bu4] mabu 马步|(martial arts) horse stance (with leg... mabu 麻布|sackcloth mabuduo 马布多|Maputo, capital of Mozambique (Tw) mabujuekou 骂不绝口|to scold without end (idiom); incessa... mabutingti 马不停蹄|unrelenting/without stopping to rest macao 马槽|manger macaokuang 马草夼|Macaokuang village in Tengjia townshi... macaokuangcun 马草夼村|Macaokuang village in Tengjia townshi... machan 麻缠|to pester machangcheng 码长城|(coll.) to play mahjong machao 马超|Ma Chao (176-222), general of Shu in ... mache 马车|cart/chariot/carriage/buggy macheng 麻城|Macheng, county-level city in Huangga... machengshi 麻城市|Macheng, county-level city in Huangga... machituzeng 马齿徒增|(self-deprecating) to have grown old ... machixian 马齿苋|Portulaca oleracea (common purslane) maci 马刺|spur (on riding boots) macun 马村|Macun district of Jiaozuo city 焦作市[Ji... macunqu 马村区|Macun district of Jiaozuo city 焦作市[Ji... mada 马达|motor (loanword) mada 马大|Martha (biblical name) madaha 马大哈|a careless person/scatterbrain/frivol... madai 麻袋|sack/burlap bag madaicha 马黛茶|(loanword) maté (drink) madajiasijia 马达加斯加|Madagascar madajiasijiadao 马达加斯加岛|Madagascar madan 马但|Matthan, son of Eleazar and father of... madao 马刀|saber/cavalry sword madaochenggong 马到成功|to win instant success (idiom) madaochoutou 骂到臭头|to chew sb out (Tw) madazi 马褡子|saddle-bag made 妈的|see 他媽的|他妈的[ta1 ma1 de5] madefake 妈的法克|motherfucker (loanword) madelaqundao 马德拉群岛|Madeira/the Madeira Islands madelasi 马德拉斯|Madras or Chennai 欽奈|钦奈[Qin1 nai4], c... madeli 马德里|Madrid, capital of Spain madelin 玛德琳|Madeleine (name) madelin 玛德琳|madeleine (French cake) madeng 马灯|barn lantern/kerosene lamp madeng 马镫|stirrup madeng 马蹬|erroneous variant of 馬鐙|马镫[ma3deng4] madewang 马德望|Battambang madian 马店|inn that also provides facilities for... madida 玛迪达|Matilda (name) mading 马丁|Martin (name) madinglu 马丁炉|Martin furnace/open hearth furnace/op... madinglude 马丁·路德|Martin Luther (1483-1546), key figure... madingludejin 马丁·路德·金|Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), ... madingni 马丁尼|(loanword) martini madou 玛窦|Matthew/St Matthew the evangelist/les... madou 麻豆|(fashion) model (loanword) madoufuyin 玛窦福音|Gospel according to St Matthew madoulingke 马兜铃科|Aristolochiaceae (birthwort family of... madoulingsuan 马兜铃酸|aristolochic acid madui 马队|cavalry/caravan of horses carrying goods maduo 玛多|Madoi or Maduo county (Tibetan: rma s... maduoxian 玛多县|Madoi or Maduo county (Tibetan: rma s... maendao 马恩岛|Isle of Man, British Isles/Isle of Mann maenliesi 马恩列斯|abbr. for Marx 馬克思|马克思[Ma3 ke4 si1], ... maerbaobingdu 马尔堡病毒|Marburg virus maerbeike 马尔贝克|Malbec (grape type) maerdaifu 马尔代夫|the Maldives maerdifu 马尔地夫|the Maldives (Tw) maerdongfeng 马耳东风|lit. the east wind blowing in a horse... maergu 马尔谷|Mark/St Mark the evangelist/less comm... maerjia 马尔贾|Marja (also spelled Marjah or Marjeh)... maerkahe 马尔卡河|Malka River, Russia, a.k.a. Balyksu R... maerkefuguocheng 马尔可夫过程|Markov process (math.) maerkusi 马尔库斯|Marcus (name) maermalahai 马尔马拉海|Sea of Marmara maermo 马尔默|Malmo (Malmo city, of Sweden) maersi 马尔斯|Mars (Roman God of War) maerta 马尔他|Malta (Tw) maerta 马耳他|Malta maertaren 马尔他人|Maltese (person) maertayu 马尔他语|Maltese (language) maerweinasiqundao 马尔维纳斯群岛|Malvinas Islands (also known as Falkl... maerzhahe 马尔扎赫|Marjah, town in Helmand province, Afg... mafan 麻烦|trouble; inconvenience/inconvenient; ... mafang 码放|to pile up/to stack up mafang 马房|horse stable mafei 吗啡|morphine (loanword) mafen 玛芬|muffin (loanword) mafen 马芬|muffin (loanword)/also written 瑪芬|玛芬[... mafenduozhi 码分多址|Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) ... mafeng 马蜂|hornet mafeng 麻风|leprosy/Hansen\'s disease mafeng 蚂蜂|variant of 馬蜂|马蜂[ma3 feng1] mafeng 麻疯|leprosy/also written 麻風|麻风 mafengbing 麻风病|leprosy/Hansen\'s disease mafenzhi 马粪纸|strawboard mafu 马夫|groom/stable lad/horsekeeper/pimp/pro... mafujun 马服君|Ma Fujun, famous general of Zhao 趙國|赵国 mafuzi 马服子|Ma Fuzi (-260 BC), hapless general of... magaerni 马噶尔尼|Earl George Macartney (1737-1806), le... magaernishituan 马噶尔尼使团|the Macartney mission to Qing China i... magan 马竿|lasso pole/blind man\'s stick/white stick magedebao 马格德堡|Magdeburg (German city) mageguoshi 马革裹尸|to be buried in a horse hide (idiom)/... magelite 玛格丽特|Margaret (name) magelite 玛格丽特|margarita (cocktail) magong 马公|Makung city in Penghu county 澎湖縣|澎湖县[... magongmeisu 马工枚速|Sima Xiangru is meticulous and Mei Ga... magongshi 马公市|Makung city in Penghu county 澎湖縣|澎湖县[... magua 马褂|buttoned mandarin jacket of the Qing ... magua 麻瓜|Muggles (Harry Potter) maguan 马关|Maguan county in Wenshan Zhuang and M... maguantiaoyue 马关条约|Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895), conclud... maguanxian 马关县|Maguan county in Wenshan Zhuang and M... maguo 马国|Malaysia mahadi 马哈迪|Mahathir bin Mohamad (1925-), Malaysi... mahaimao 马海毛|mohair (loanword) mahalashitelabang 马哈拉施特拉邦|Maharashtra (state in India) mahang 马航|Malaysia Airlines mahe 马赫|Mach (name)/Ernst Mach (1838-1916), G... maheshu 马赫数|Mach number (fluid mechanics) mahoupao 马后炮|lit. firing after the horse/fig. bela... mahu 马虎|careless/sloppy/negligent/skimpy mahu 马糊|variant of 馬虎|马虎[ma3 hu5] mahua 麻花|fried dough twist (crisp snack food m... mahuabian 麻花辫|braided pigtail mahuang 麻黄|ephedra (genus Ephedra) mahuang 蚂蟥|leech mahuangjian 麻黄碱|ephedrine mahuangsu 麻黄素|ephedrine mahuateng 马化腾|Ma Huateng aka Pony Ma (1971-), Chine... mahuichong 马蛔虫|horse roundworm/parascaris equorum mahulu 马葫芦|(dialect) (loanword) manhole mai 鿏|meitnerium (chemistry) mai 买|to buy/to purchase mai 卖|to sell/to betray/to spare no effort/... mai 脉|old variant of 脈|脉[mai4] mai 脉|arteries and veins/vein (on a leaf, i... mai 脉|variant of 脈|脉[mai4] mai 迈|to take a step/to stride mai 麦|surname Mai mai 麦|wheat; barley; oats/mic (abbr. for 麥克... mai 埋|to bury mai 唛|mark (loanword)/also pr. [ma4] mai 劢|put forth effort mai 霾|haze mai 売|Japanese variant of 賣|卖[mai4] mai 霡|old variant of 霢[mai4] mai 荬|used in 苣蕒菜|苣荬菜[qu3mai5cai4] mai 霢|used in 霢霂[mai4mu4]/Taiwan pr. [mo4] mai 薶|old variant of 埋[mai2] maiami 迈阿密|Miami (Florida) maiami 麦阿密|variant of 邁阿密|迈阿密[Mai4 a1 mi4] maian 脉案|(TCM) diagnosis, usu. written on the ... maiba 麦霸|mic hog/person who monopolizes the mi... maibahe 迈巴赫|Maybach, German car brand maiban 买办|comprador maibenshi 卖本事|to flaunt a skill/to give display to ... maibo 脉搏|pulse (both medical and figurative) maibu 迈步|to take a step; to step forward maibu 卖卜|to do trade as a fortune teller maibuqi 买不起|cannot afford/can\'t afford buying maicai 买菜|to buy groceries maicang 埋藏|to bury/to hide by burying/hidden maichang 卖场|(big) store maichang 卖唱|to sing for a living maichong 脉冲|pulse (physics) maichongbo 脉冲波|see 脈衝|脉冲[mai4 chong1] maichongxing 脉冲星|pulsar (astronomy) maichu 迈出|to step out/to take a (first) step maichu 卖出|to sell/to reach (a price in an auction) maichun 卖春|to engage in prostitution maichun 买春|to visit a prostitute/(literary) to b... maidan 埋单|to pay the bill (in a restaurant etc)... maidan 买单|to pay the restaurant bill maidanglao 麦当劳|McDonald\'s (fast food company) maidanglaoshushu 麦当劳叔叔|Ronald McDonald maidangna 麦当娜|Madonna (1958-), US pop singer maidao 麦道|McDonnell Douglas (plane company) maidelin 麦德林|Medellín, city in Colombia maidelong 麦德龙|Metro supermarket chain (originally G... maidemeng 麦德蒙|McDermott (name) maidi 麦迪|Tracy McGrady (1979-), former NBA player maidian 卖点|selling point maidian 埋点|(web analytics) event tracking/event maidiao 卖掉|to sell off maidina 麦地那|Medina, Saudi Arabia maidixun 麦迪逊|Madison (name)/Madison, capital of Wi... maidixunguangchanghuayuan 麦迪逊广场花园|Madison Square Garden maidixunhuayuanguangchang 麦迪逊花园广场|Madison Square Garden maidong 脉动|pulse/throbbing/pulsation maidong 麦冬|dwarf lilyturf (Ophiopogon japonicus)... maidongxi 买东西|to do one\'s shopping maiduan 买断|to buy out/buyout/severance maiduhuanzhu 买椟还珠|to buy a wooden box and return the pe... maierweier 麦尔维尔|Melville (name)/Herman Melville (1819... maifang 买房|to buy a house maifang 卖方|seller (in contracts) maifang 买方|buyer (in contracts) maifangshichang 买方市场|buyer\'s market maifengliu 卖风流|to exert flirtatious allure/to entice... maifu 麦麸|wheat bran maifu 埋伏|to ambush/to lie in wait for/to lie l... maifu 麦稃|barley husk maigeti 麦盖提|Mekit nahiyisi (Makit county) in Kash... maigetixian 麦盖提县|Mekit nahiyisi (Makit county) in Kash... maiguai 卖乖|to show off one\'s cleverness/(of sb w... maiguan 买官|to buy a title/to use wealth to acqui... maiguan 脉管|vascular (made up of vessels) maiguangle 卖光了|to be sold out/to be out of stock maiguanjie 买关节|to offer a bribe maiguanjie 卖关节|to solicit a bribe/to accept a bribe maiguanmaiguan 买官卖官|buying and selling of official positions maiguanzi 卖关子|(in storytelling) to keep listeners i... maiguanzuzhi 脉管组织|vascular tissue maiguo 卖国|to betray one\'s country maiguozei 卖国贼|traitor maiguozhuyi 卖国主义|treason maihao 买好|to ingratiate oneself maihedi 迈赫迪|Mahdi or Mehdi (Arabic: Guided one), ... maihedijun 迈赫迪军|Mahdi army, Iraqi Shia armed militia ... maihui 买回|to buy back/to redeem/repurchase maiji 麦积|Maiji district of Tianshui city 天水市[T... maijia 买家|buyer; purchaser maijia 卖价|selling price maijia 麦加|Mecca, Saudi Arabia maijia 买价|buying price maijia 卖家|seller maijia 麦枷|flail/to thresh (using a flail) maijiao 麦角|ergot maijie 麦秸|straw from barley or wheat maijin 迈进|to step in/to stride forward/to forge... maijin 买进|to purchase/to buy in (goods) maijinta 麦金塔|see 麥金塔電腦|麦金塔电脑[Mai4 jin1 ta3 dian4 n... maijintadiannao 麦金塔电脑|Macintosh (brand of computers made by... maijiqu 麦积区|Maiji district of Tianshui city 天水市[T... maijishanshiku 麦积山石窟|Mt Maiji Caves at Tianshui 天水, Gansu maijiu 麦酒|beer; ale/(archaic) alcoholic drink m... maikaien 麦凯恩|McCain (name)/John McCain (1936-2018)... maikailun 迈凯轮|McLaren/MacLaren maikaisiling 麦凯斯菱|rhombus of Michaelis (anatomy) maikaiyi 迈凯伊|McKay or Mackay (name) maikaxizhuyi 麦卡锡主义|McCarthyism maike 麦克|Mike (name) maike 麦克|microphone (loanword) maike 麦可|Mike (name) maikease 麦克阿瑟|General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964)... maikebai 麦克白|Macbeth (name)/Macbeth, 1606 tragedy ... maikebaifuren 麦克白夫人|Lady Macbeth maikebi 麦克笔|marker pen (loanword) maikedemote 麦克德莫特|McDermott (name) maikeer 迈克尔|Michael (name) maikeerjiekexun 迈克尔·杰克逊|Michael Jackson (1958-2009), American... maikeerkelaidun 迈克尔·克莱顿|Michael Crichton (1942-), US techno-t... maikeerqiaodan 迈克尔·乔丹|Michael Jordan (1963-) US basketball ... maikefeng 麦克风|(loanword) microphone maikemilan 麦克米兰|McMillan or MacMillan (name)/Harold M... maikenxi 麦肯锡|MacKenzie/McKinsey maikesiwei 麦克斯韦|Maxwell (name)/James Clerk Maxwell (1... maiketangna 麦克唐纳|(name) MacDonald or McDonald maikewei 麦克维|(Timothy) McVeigh maikong 卖空|to sell short (finance) maikong 买空|to buy on margin (finance) maikong 埋孔|(electronics) buried via maikongmaikong 买空卖空|to speculate/to play the market/(fig.... maikou 脉口|location on wrist over the radial art... maikuai 麦块|(Tw) Minecraft maikuli 卖苦力|to make a hard living as unskilled la... mailefoleng 买了佛冷|(Internet slang) eggcorn for the song... maili 卖力|to work hard/to do one\'s very best/to... mailiao 麦寮|Mailiao township in Yunlin county 雲林縣... mailiaoxiang 麦寮乡|Mailiao township in Yunlin county 雲林縣... mailiqi 卖力气|to make a living doing manual labor/t... mailizhong 麦粒肿|sty (eyelid swelling) mailucai 买路财|see 買路錢|买路钱[mai3 lu4 qian2] mailun 脉轮|chakra mailuo 脉络|arteries and veins/network of blood v... mailuomo 脉络膜|choroid (vascular layer of the eyebal... mailuqian 买路钱|money extorted by bandits in exchange... maimai 买卖|buying and selling/business/business ... maimen 脉门|inner side of the wrist, where the pu... maimendong 麦门冬|dwarf lilyturf (Ophiopogon japonicus)... maimeng 卖萌|(slang) to act cute maimianzi 买面子|to allow sb to save face/to defer to maimianzi 卖面子|to show deference to sb by obliging t... maiming 卖命|to work tirelessly; to give one\'s all... maiming 埋名|to conceal one\'s identity/to live inc... maimo 埋没|to engulf/to bury/to overlook/to stif... maimu 霢霂|(literary) light rain; drizzle mainama 麦纳玛|Manama, capital of Bahrain (Tw) mainamai 麦纳麦|Manama, capital city of Bahrain mainong 卖弄|to show off/to make a display of maipei 麦胚|wheat germ maipian 麦片|oatmeal/rolled oats maipiao 买票|to buy tickets/(Tw) to buy votes (in ... maipozhan 卖破绽|to feign an opening in order to hoodw... maiqian 卖钱|to make money by selling sth maiqilin 麦淇淋|margarine (loanword) maiqiu 麦秋|harvest season mairou 卖肉|to sell meat/(slang) to sell sex mairouzhe 卖肉者|butcher mairu 迈入|(fig.) to step into; to enter mairu 买入|to buy (finance) mairujing 麦乳精|malt milk extract maisha 卖傻|to play stupid/to act like an idiot maishe 埋设|to install (water pipes, landmines et... maishen 卖身|to prostitute oneself/to sell oneself... maishi 脉石|(mining) gangue/veinstone maishizeiou 麦氏贼鸥|(bird species of China) South Polar s... maishou 埋首|to immerse oneself in (one\'s work, st... maisikalin 麦司卡林|mescaline (loanword) maisui 麦穗|ear of wheat maitai 埋汰|(dialect) dirty/to mock sb maitangna 麦唐纳|(name) MacDonald or McDonald maitanweng 卖炭翁|The Old Charcoal Seller, poem by Tang... maitianguaiquan 麦田怪圈|crop circle maitong 买通|to bribe maitou 埋头|to immerse oneself in/engrossed in st... maitou 唛头|trademark/shipping mark maitoukugan 埋头苦干|to bury oneself in work (idiom); to b... maiwan 卖完|to be sold out maixi 脉息|pulse maixia 买下|to purchase (sth expensive, e.g. a ho... maixian 埋线|sunken cord (used in bookbinding) maixiang 卖相|outward appearance/demeanor maixiang 脉象|condition or type of pulse (in Chines... maixiang 迈向|to stride toward (success)/to march t... maixiangbao 麦香堡|(Tw) (old) Big Mac hamburger (now ref... maixiao 卖笑|to work as a good-time girl; to prost... maixiaozhuihuan 买笑追欢|lit. to buy smiles to seek happiness/... maixiong 买凶|to hire a hitman maiya 麦芽|malt maiya 脉压|blood pressure maiyahujing 麦芽糊精|maltodextrin maiyatang 麦芽糖|maltose (sweet syrup) maiyatangchun 麦芽糖醇|maltitol, a sugar alcohol maiyin 卖淫|prostitution/to prostitute oneself maiyisongyi 买一送一|buy one, get one free/two for the pri... maizang 埋葬|to bury maizhang 买账|variant of 買帳|买帐[mai3 zhang4] maizhang 买帐|to acknowledge sb as senior or superi... maizhelun 麦哲伦|Magellan (1480-1521), Portuguese expl... maizhen 脉诊|(TCM) diagnosis based on the patient\'... maizhu 买主|customer maizhu 卖主|seller maizi 麦子|wheat/CL:株[zhu1] maizui 买醉|to get drunk; to drown one\'s sorrows maizuo 卖座|(of a movie, show or restaurant) to a... maji 麻吉|(slang) (Tw) close friend/best pal/to... majia 马甲|corset/sockpuppet (Internet slang)/ve... majia 玛家|Machia township in Pingtung County 屏東... majiaerni 马戛尔尼|Earl George Macartney (1737-1806), le... majiaernishituan 马戛尔尼使团|the Macartney mission to Qing China i... majiajun 马家军|the Ma clique of warlords in Gansu an... majiang 麻酱|sesame paste majiang 麻将|mahjong/CL:副[fu4] majiang 麻江|Majiang county in Qiandongnan Miao an... majiangpai 麻将牌|mahjong tile majiangxian 麻江县|Majiang county in Qiandongnan Miao an... majiao 马脚|sth one wishes to conceal/the cat (as... majiao 马鲛|Spanish mackerel majiao 麻椒|an extra strong type of Sichuan peppe... majiaoyu 马鲛鱼|Spanish mackerel majiaxiang 玛家乡|Machia township in Pingtung County 屏東... majie 骂街|to shout abuses in the street majing 马经|form (horse racing) majing 麻茎|hemp straw majiu 马厩|stable maju 马驹|young horse (colt or filly) maju 马具|harness majuan 马圈|stable majunren 马俊仁|Ma Junren (1944-), Chinese track coach majuzi 马驹子|see 馬駒|马驹[ma3 ju1] maka 玛卡|maca (Lepidium meyenii) makalong 马卡龙|macaron, French pastry with a soft fi... make 马克|Mark (name) make 马克|mark (monetary unit) make 马科|Equidae/horse family makeaoleiliu 马可·奥勒留|Marcus Aurelius (121-180), Roman Emperor makebei 马克杯|mug (loanword) makebi 马克笔|marker (loanword)/felt marker makeboluo 马可波罗|Marco Polo (1254-c. 1324), Venetian t... makefuyin 马可福音|Gospel according to St Mark makehong 马克宏|(Tw) Emmanuel Macron (1977-), preside... makelong 马克龙|Emmanuel Macron (1977-), president of... makeni 马可尼|Marconi, UK electronics company makeqin 马克沁|Sir Hiram Maxim (1840-1916), American... makeqinjiqiang 马克沁机枪|Maxim machine gun makesi 马克思|Marx (name)/Karl Marx (1818-1883), Ge... makesilieningzhuyi 马克思列宁主义|Marxism-Leninism makesipulangke 马克斯·普朗克|Max Planck (1858-1947), German physic... makesiweier 马克斯威尔|James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) makesizhuyi 马克思主义|Marxism maketuwen 马克·吐温|Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens ... makeximilian 马克西米连|Maximilian or Maximilien (name) makexin 玛克辛|Maxine (name) makoutie 马口铁|tinplate/tin (tin-coated steel) makuse 马库色|Marcuse (philosopher) mala 麻辣|hot and numbing mala 马拉|Marat (name)/Jean-Paul Marat (1743-17... malabo 马拉博|Malabo, capital of Equatorial Guinea maladi 马拉地|Marathi language of west India maladiyu 马拉地语|Marathi language of west India maladuona 马拉多纳|Diego Maradona (1960-), Argentine foo... malagao 马拉糕|Cantonese sponge cake also known as m... malagebazi 妈拉个巴子|fuck!/motherfucker!/fucking malai 马来|Malaya/Malaysia malaibandao 马来半岛|Malay Peninsula malaiheng 马来鸻|(bird species of China) Malaysian plo... malairen 马来人|Malay person or people malaiwen 马来文|Malaysian language malaixiya 马来西亚|Malaysia malaixiyaren 马来西亚人|Malaysian person or people malaixiyayu 马来西亚语|Malaysian (language) malaiya 马来亚|Malaya malaiyu 马来语|Malaysian language malajia 马拉加|Málaga, Spain/Malaga city in Iranian ... malajishu 玛拉基书|Book of Malachi malajiya 玛拉基亚|Malachi malakaibo 马拉开波|Maracaibo, Venezuela malakashi 马拉喀什|Marrakech (city in Morocco) malan 马兰|Malan military base and atomic test s... malang 蚂螂|dragonfly malanhua 马兰花|iris/Iris tectorum malanjidi 马兰基地|Malan military base and atomic test s... malasijinuoyingtao 马拉斯奇诺樱桃|maraschino cherry malasong 马拉松|marathon (loanword) malasongsai 马拉松赛|marathon race malatang 麻辣烫|hot spicy soup (often sold at street ... malawei 马拉威|Malawi (Tw) malawei 马拉维|Malawi malazhan 马拉盏|(loanword) belachan (South-East Asian... male 马勒|Mahler (name)/Gustav Mahler (1860-191... malegebazi 妈了个巴子|fuck!/motherfucker!/fucking malei 马累|Malé, capital of Maldives malei 麻类|bast fiber plant (general term for he... mali 玛丽|Mary or Marie (name)/Mali mali 马里|Mali mali 马力|horsepower mali 麻利|swift/agile/efficient/quick-witted (c... mali 马利|Mali (Tw) mali 麻俐|swift/agile/efficient/quick-witted (c... mali 麻力|swift/agile/efficient/quick witted (c... mali 麻栎|sawtooth oak/Quercus acutissima malian 麻脸|pockmarked face maliang 马良|Ma Liang (Three Kingdoms) malianliang 马连良|Ma Lianliang (1901-1966), Beijing ope... maliao 马里奥|Mario (name) maliboer 马里博尔|Maribor, 2nd biggest city in Slovenia malie 马列|Marx and Lenin maliemao 马列毛|Marx, Lenin and Mao maliezhuyi 马列主义|Marxism-Leninism maliji 马利基|Maliki or Al-Maliki (name)/Nouri Kame... malijin 马利筋|tropical milkweed (Asclepias curassav... malilan 马里兰|Maryland, US state malilanzhou 马里兰州|Maryland, US state malilianmenglou 玛丽莲·梦露|Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962), US actress malin 吗啉|morpholine (chemistry) (loanword) malinba 马林巴|marimba (loanword) malingshu 马铃薯|potato malingshuni 马铃薯泥|mashed potato maliou 玛俐欧|Mario (Nintendo video game character)... malipo 麻栗坡|Malipo county in Wenshan Zhuang and M... malipoxian 麻栗坡县|Malipo county in Wenshan Zhuang and M... malisu 玛丽苏|(slang) (loanword) Mary Sue maliu 马骝|monkey (dialect)/little monkey (affec... maliujia 马六甲|Malacca or Melaka (town and state in ... maliujiahaixia 马六甲海峡|Strait of Malacca malixun 马礼逊|Robert Morrison (1782-1834), Presbyte... maliya 玛利亚|Mary (biblical name) maliya 玛丽亚|Maria (name) maliya 玛丽娅|Maria (name)/St Mary maliya 马利亚|Maria (name)/Mary, mother of Jesus Ch... maliyanahaigou 马里亚纳海沟|Mariana Trench (or Marianas Trench) maliyanahaigou 马利亚纳海沟|Mariana Trench (or Marianas Trench) maliyanaqundao 马利亚纳群岛|Mariana Islands in the Pacific maliyanaqundao 马里亚纳群岛|Mariana Islands in the Pacific malu 马路|street/road/CL:條|条[tiao2] malu 马鹿|red deer/fool/idiot (from Japanese \"b... malu 马陆|millipede malukou 马路口|intersection (of roads) maluo 马骡|mule maluo 马洛|Marlow (name) maluyanr 马路沿儿|roadside/edge of the road maluyazi 马路牙子|curb maluyixing 马鹿易形|to distinguish horse and deer easily/... malv 码率|bitrate malv 玛律|Malé, capital of Maldives (Tw) malveka 马略卡|Mallorca or Majorca (island of Spain) mama 妈妈|mama/mommy/mother/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] mama 马麻|(slang) mama; mom (pun on 媽媽|妈妈[ma1ma5]) mamahuhu 马马虎虎|careless/casual/vague/not so bad/so-s... mamaipi 妈卖批|(vulgar) your mom\'s a prostitute (fro... mamaliang 麻麻亮|(dialect) to begin to dawn/to be just... mamalielie 骂骂咧咧|to swear while talking; to be foul-mo... mamasang 妈妈桑|mama-san, middle-aged woman who runs ... mami 妈咪|mommy (loanword) mamian 马面|Horse-Face, one of the two guardians ... maming 骂名|infamy/blackened name mamu 麻木|numb/insensitive/apathetic mamuburen 麻木不仁|numbed/insensitive/apathetic/thick-sk... mamuchu 马穆楚|Mamoudzou, capital of Mayotte man 满|Manchu ethnic group man 满|to fill/full/filled/packed/fully/comp... man 漫|free/unrestrained/to inundate man 曼|handsome/large/long man 慢|slow man 蛮|barbarian/bullying/very/quite/rough/r... man 嫚|(dialect) girl man 嫚|insult man 埋|used in 埋怨[man2 yuan4] man 螨|mite man 瞒|to conceal from/to keep (sb) in the dark man 鳗|(bound form) eel (Anguilla japonica) man 馒|used in 饅頭|馒头[man2tou5] man 谩|to deceive man 谩|to slander/to be disrespectful/to slight man 幔|curtain man 蔓|used in 蔓菁[man2jing5] man 蔓|creeper/to spread man 墁|to plaster man 鬘|(of woman\'s hair) beautiful/flower ga... man 屘|the youngest man 镘|side of coin without words/trowel man 満|Japanese variant of 滿|满 man 颟|dawdling man 鄤|place name man 鬗|head ornaments/pretty hair man 槾|(tree) man 𬇕|variant of 漫[man4]/overflow of water/... man 熳|used in 爛熳|烂熳[lan4man4] man 缦|plain thin silk/slow/unadorned mana 吗哪|manna (Israelite food) managua 马那瓜|Managua, capital of Nicaragua managua 马拿瓜|Managua, capital of Nicaragua (Tw) manaijiu 马奶酒|kumis/horse milk wine manama 马纳马|Manama, capital of Bahrain manancun 马南邨|Ma Nancun (1912-1966), pen name of De... manao 玛瑙|cornelian (mineral)/agate manaobei 玛瑙贝|cowrie manaosi 马瑙斯|Manaus (city in Brazil) manasi 玛纳斯|Manas, hero of Kyrghiz epic saga/Mana... manasihe 玛纳斯河|Manas River, Xinjiang manasixian 玛纳斯县|Manas county in Changji Hui autonomou... manasizhen 玛纳斯镇|Manas town in Changji Hui autonomous ... manaxi 玛拿西|Manasseh (son of Hezekiah) manban 慢班|remedial stream (in school) manban 慢板|slow tempo/adagio manbanpai 慢半拍|(music) a half-beat behind/(fig.) rat... manbao 瞒报|to conceal or deceive in a report/to ... manbo 曼波|mambo (dance) (loanword) manboyu 曼波鱼|ocean sunfish (Mola mola) manbu 漫步|to wander/to ramble/recreational hiki... manbu 慢步|at a slow pace manbuguo 瞒不过|cannot conceal (a matter) from (sb) manbujiangli 蛮不讲理|completely unreasonable manbujingxin 漫不经心|careless/heedless/absent-minded/indif... manbujingyi 漫不经意|careless/unconcerned manbuzaihu 满不在乎|not in the least concerned (idiom)/re... manbuzhe 漫步者|rambler/a person strolling about mancao 蔓草|creeper/climbing plant/twiner manchan 蛮缠|to pester/to bother endlessly manchang 漫长|very long/endless manchang 慢长|extremely long/unending manchangyizhi 满场一致|unanimous manchao 满潮|high tide/high water manche 慢车|local bus or train/slow train with ma... mancheng 曼城|Manchester, England/Manchester City f... manchengdui 曼城队|Manchester City football team manchengfengyu 满城风雨|lit. wind and rain sweeping through t... manchengjindaihuangjinjia 满城尽带黄金甲|Curse of the Golden Flower (2007), pe... manchengshi 慢城市|slow-paced town manchesite 曼彻斯特|Manchester manchesitebianma 曼彻斯特编码|Manchester encoding manchong 螨虫|mite (zoology) manchu 满处|everywhere/all over the place mandaer 曼达尔|Mandal (city in Agder, Norway) mandai 慢待|to slight (treat badly) mandamansuan 满打满算|taking everything into account (idiom... mandangdang 满当当|brim full/completely packed mandao 曼岛|Isle of Man, British Isles (Tw)/see a... mandela 曼德拉|Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), South Afr... mandele 曼德勒|Mandalay, province and second city of... mandengdeng 满登登|brim full/filled to overflowing mandi 蛮邸|foreign mission (in former times)/res... mandian 满点|full working hours/full marks/perfect... mandike 满地可|Montreal (chiefly used in Hong Kong a... mandizhaoya 满地找牙|to be looking for one\'s teeth all ove... mandongzuo 慢动作|(cinema) slow motion manduo 满舵|on full rudder/turning as sharply as ... mane 满额|the full amount/to fulfill the quota manfan 满帆|under full sail/going as fast as poss... manfen 满分|full marks manfu 满腹|filled with/preoccupied with manfu 满服|at the end of the mourning period/to ... manfujinglun 满腹经纶|full of political wisdom (idiom)/poli... manfulaosao 满腹牢骚|lit. belly full of complaints (idiom)... mang 忙|busy/hurriedly/to hurry/to rush mang 芒|awn (of cereals)/arista (of grain)/ti... mang 盲|blind mang 蟒|python mang 莽|(bound form) dense growth of grass/(l... mang 茫|vast, with no clear boundary/fig. haz... mang 氓|used in 流氓[liu2mang2] mang 蠎|old variant of 蟒[mang3] mang 邙|Mt Mang at Luoyang in Henan, with man... mang 哤|jargon mang 硭|crude saltpeter mang 茻|rank grass/overgrown weeds mang 铓|sharp point/point of sword mang 牤|bull/see 牤牛[mang1 niu2] mang 漭|vast/expansive (of water) mang 笀|old variant of 芒[mang2]/arista (of gr... mang 駹|black horse with a white face mang 牻|(literary) black and white cattle mang 尨|shaggy dog/striped mang 杗|ridge-pole in roof mang 杧|used in 杧果[mang2 guo3] mangai 漫改|adapted from a manga mangan 蛮干|to act rashly/to act precipitously re... mangbao 盲胞|visually impaired person (Tw) mangbudie 忙不迭|hurriedly/in haste mangbuguolai 忙不过来|to have more work than one can deal w... mangcao 莽草|Chinese anise (Ilicium anisatum, a sh... mangcao 芒草|Miscanthus (genus of grass) mangce 盲测|blind testing mangchang 盲肠|appendix (anatomy)/cecum mangchangyan 盲肠炎|appendicitis mangcizaibei 芒刺在背|feeling brambles and thorns in one\'s ... mangcong 盲从|to follow blindly/to conform slavishl... mangda 盲打|to touch-type mangdao 盲道|path for the visually impaired (made ... mangdaozhuan 盲道砖|tactile paving tile mangdian 盲点|blind spot mangduan 盲端|cecum (start of the colon, linking it... mange 满格|(of battery level, signal level etc) ... mangfa 盲法|blinding/masking (in scientific exper... mangguo 杧果|variant of 芒果[mang2 guo3] mangguo 芒果|mango (loanword) mangguozhi 芒果汁|mango juice manghan 莽汉|boor manghe 盲盒|blind box; mystery box manghu 忙乎|to be busy (colloquial) manghuo 忙活|to be really busy/pressing business mangjinmangchu 忙进忙出|very busy mangkong 盲孔|(electronics) blind via mangliu 盲流|(PRC) flow of people from the country... manglu 忙碌|busy; bustling mangluan 忙乱|rushed and muddled mangman 盲鳗|hagfish (jawless proto-fish of class ... mangmang 茫茫|boundless/vast and obscure mangmangdaodao 忙忙叨叨|in a busy and hasty manner mangmu 盲目|blind/blindly/ignorant/lacking unders... mangnang 盲囊|cecum (anatomy)/appendix mangniu 牤牛|bull mangniurmiaoke 牻牛儿苗科|Geraniaceae (the geranium family) mangong 满公|altogether/in all mangongchuqiaojiang 慢工出巧匠|patient work makes a skilled craftsman mangongchuxihuo 慢工出细货|patient work makes a fine product mangpao 蟒袍|official robe worn by ministers durin... mangpin 盲品|blind taste testing mangqu 盲区|blind spot mangran 茫然|blankly/vacantly/at a loss mangranshicuo 茫然失措|at a loss (idiom) mangren 盲人|blind person mangrenmenqiu 盲人门球|goalball (Paralympic sport) mangrenmoxiang 盲人摸象|blind people touch an elephant (idiom... mangshan 邙山|Mt Mang at Luoyang in Henan, with man... mangshanxing 邙山行|a form of Yuefu 樂府|乐府 mourning song o... mangshe 蟒蛇|python/boa mangu 曼谷|Bangkok, capital of Thailand manguan 满贯|to win every trick in a card game/gra... mangwen 盲文|braille/literature in braille mangxiao 芒硝|mirabilite (Na2SO4x10H2O)/Glauber\'s salt mangyin 忙音|busy signal (telephony) mangyou 盲友|blind person; visually-impaired person mangyu 忙于|busy with mangzhang 盲杖|white cane (used by the blind) mangzhe 忙着|to be occupied with (doing sth) mangzhizhu 盲蜘蛛|harvestman (arachnid of the order Opi... mangzhong 芒种|Mangzhong or Grain in Beard, 9th of t... mangzhongyoucuo 忙中有错|rushed work leads to errors (idiom) mangzhongyoushi 忙中有失|rushed work leads to errors (idiom) mangzhu 盲蛛|harvestmen (arachnids of the order Op... mangzhuang 莽撞|rash; reckless mangzi 盲字|braille manhadun 曼哈顿|Manhattan island/Manhattan borough of... manhadunqu 曼哈顿区|Manhattan borough of New York City manhaimu 曼海姆|Mannheim, German city at the confluen... manhan 满汉|Manchurian-Chinese (relations) manhan 蛮悍|rude and violent/fierce and reckless manhanquanxi 满汉全席|the Manchu Han imperial feast, a lege... manhatan 曼哈坦|Manhattan island/Manhattan borough of... manheliannvzixueyuan 曼荷莲女子学院|see 曼荷蓮學院|曼荷莲学院[Man4 he2 lian2 Xue2 y... manhelianxueyuan 曼荷莲学院|Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley, ... manheng 蛮横|rude and unreasonable manhengwuli 蛮横无理|rude and unreasonable manhong 瞒哄|to deceive/to cheat (sb) manhua 漫画|caricature/cartoon/Japanese manga manhuai 满怀|to have one\'s heart filled with/(to c... manhuaji 慢化剂|moderator manhuajia 漫画家|cartoon writer (from Japanese mangaka) manhuan 漫漶|(of writing etc) indistinct (due to w... manhuang 蛮荒|savage/wild/uncivilized territory manhuo 慢火|low heat (cooking) mani 玛尼|Mani (god) manian 马年|Year of the Horse (e.g. 2002) maniang 骂娘|to curse (at sb); to call sb names manila 马尼拉|Manila, capital of Philippines maniladaxue 马尼拉大学|University of Manila manituoba 马尼托巴|Manitoba province, Canada manjianghong 满江红|Man Jiang Hong (Chinese poems) manjing 蔓菁|turnip manjingtou 慢镜头|(cinema) slow motion mankengmangu 满坑满谷|(idiom) all over the place/in every n... mankou 满口|a full mouth of (sth tangible)/to hav... mankouchengzan 满口称赞|to praise profusely mankoudaying 满口答应|to readily consent mankouhuangyan 满口谎言|to pour out lies mankouhuchai 满口胡柴|to spout nonsense/to bullshit endlessly mankouhuyan 满口胡言|to spout nonsense/to bullshit endlessly mankouyingcheng 满口应承|to promise readily mankouzanghua 满口脏话|to pour out obscenities/filthy mouthed mankouzhihuzheye 满口之乎者也|mouth full of literary phrases/to spo... manlajia 满剌加|Ming Dynasty name for modern day Mala... manlei 满垒|(baseball) bases loaded manli 鳗鲡|eel/Japanese freshwater eel (Anguilla... manli 蛮力|brute force manlian 曼联|Manchester United Football Club manlian 满脸|across one\'s whole face manlianfengchen 满脸风尘|lit. with a face full of dust/showing... manlianshenghua 满脸生花|all smiles/beaming from ear to ear manma 谩骂|to hurl abuse/to deride/to call sb names manma 漫骂|variant of 謾罵|谩骂[man4ma4] manman 慢慢|slowly; gradually manman 漫漫|long/endless/boundless manman 满满|full/closely packed manmanchangye 漫漫长夜|endless night (idiom); fig. long suff... manmanchi 慢慢吃|Enjoy your meal!/Bon appetit! manmandangdang 满满当当|brim full/completely packed manmandengdeng 满满登登|ample/extremely abundant manmanlai 慢慢来|take your time/take it easy manmantuntun 慢慢吞吞|very slow manmen 满门|the whole family manmenchaozhan 满门抄斩|to execute the whole family and confi... manmian 满面|across one\'s whole face/(smiling) fro... manmianchunfeng 满面春风|beaming/radiant with happiness manmiao 曼妙|(literary) graceful manmu 满目|fills the eyes (of a beautiful view, ... manmuchuangyi 满目疮痍|a scene of devastation meets the eye ... manmulinlang 满目琳琅|lit. to fill one\'s eyes with glitteri... manning 满拧|totally inconsistent/completely at odds mannituoba 曼尼托巴|Manitoba, province of Canada manong 码农|menial programmer (computing) manpan 满盘|a plateful/comprehensive/the full wor... manpanjieshu 满盘皆输|see 一著不慎,滿盤皆輸|一着不慎,满盘皆输[yi1 zhao1 bu4... manpao 慢跑|jogging/to jog/to canter/a slow trot manpi 蛮皮|recalcitrant/obstreperous manpian 瞒骗|to deceive/to conceal manqi 满期|to fall due/to come to the end of a t... manqiang 满腔|one\'s heart filled with/full of (joy) manqiangrechen 满腔热忱|full of enthusiasm manqiesite 曼切斯特|Manchester/also written 曼徹斯特|曼彻斯特 manqing 满清|Manchurian Qing (refers to the Qing d... manqingzhengfu 满清政府|Manchurian Qing government manre 慢热|slow to heat up/(fig.) (of a person) ... manren 满人|a Manchu manrexing 慢热型|slow to get started manshanbianye 漫山遍野|lit. covering the mountains and the p... manshanbianye 满山遍野|covering the whole land/over hills an... manshangqixia 瞒上欺下|to deceive one\'s superiors and bully ... manshe 满射|surjective map (math.) manshen 满身|covered all over manshenchenai 满身尘埃|dusty mansheng 蔓生|trailing plant/liana/creeper/overgrown manshenghuo 慢生活|slow living manshengzhiwu 蔓生植物|creeper/climbing plant/twiner manshi 满师|to finish apprenticeship/to graduate manshijie 满世界|everywhere/across the world manshou 满手|handful manshuo 漫说|not to mention ... (i.e. in addition ... manshuo 慢说|not to mention ... (i.e. in addition ... mansu 慢速|slow; low-speed mansu 满速|full speed/at full speed mansuer 曼苏尔|Al-Mansur/Abu Jafar al Mansur (712-77... mansusheying 慢速摄影|slow shutter speed photography mantang 满堂|whole audience/a sellout (capacity au... mantangcai 满堂彩|everyone present applauds/universal a... mantangguan 满堂灌|cramming (as a teaching method)/rote ... mantanghong 满堂红|success across the board/victory in e... mantengteng 慢腾腾|leisurely/unhurried/sluggish mantian 满天|whole sky mantian 漫天|lit. to fill the whole sky/everywhere... mantianbiandi 漫天遍地|lit. to fill the whole sky and cover ... mantianbianye 漫天遍野|lit. to fill the whole sky and cover ... mantiandahuang 瞒天大谎|enormous lie/whopper mantianfanxing 满天繁星|lit. whole sky, a multitude of stars mantianfei 满天飞|to rush around everywhere/always active mantianfeiwu 漫天飞舞|(of snow etc) to fill the sky mantianguohai 瞒天过海|to cross the sea by a trick (idiom)/t... mantianxing 满天星|Baby\'s Breath/Gypsophila paniculata mantianyaojia 漫天要价|to ask for sky-high prices mantianyuandi 埋天怨地|lit. to blame the heavens and reproac... mantiaosili 慢条斯理|unhurried/calm/composed/leisurely mantou 馒头|steamed bun mantoudahan 满头大汗|brow beaded with sweat/perspiring freely mantuluo 曼荼罗|(Buddhism) (loanword from Sanskrit) m... mantuntun 慢吞吞|very slow/exasperatingly slow mantuoluo 曼陀罗|(botany) devil\'s trumpet (Datura stra... mantuosi 曼妥思|Mentos, a brand of candy produced by ... manwen 满文|Manchurian written language manwubianji 漫无边际|extremely vast/boundless/limitless/di... manwumudi 漫无目的|aimless/at random manxiao 满孝|at the end of the mourning period/to ... manxin 满心|one\'s whole heart/from the bottom of ... manxing 慢性|slow and patient/chronic (disease)/sl... manxing 慢行|to walk slowly manxingbing 慢性病|chronic disease manxingdao 慢行道|slow lane manxingjibing 慢性疾病|chronic illness/disease that takes ef... manxingpilaozhenghouqun 慢性疲劳症候群|chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) manxingtengtong 慢性疼痛|chronic pain manxingzi 慢性子|slow-tempered/phlegmatic/a slowcoach manxingzusexingfeibing 慢性阻塞性肺病|chronic obstructive pulmonary disease... manxinmeiji 瞒心昧己|to blot out one\'s conscience manyan 蔓延|to extend/to spread manyan 满眼|(of tears etc) filling the eyes/(of s... manyanquanguo 蔓延全国|to spread throughout the entire country manyi 满意|satisfied/pleased/to one\'s satisfaction manyi 漫溢|to overflow/to be brimming over manyi 满溢|to be full to overflowing/to be brimm... manyi 蛮夷|common term for non-Han peoples in fo... manyidu 满意度|degree of satisfaction manying 满盈|full up manying 漫应|to reply casually manyong 慢用|same as 慢慢吃[man4 man4 chi1] manyou 漫游|to travel around/to roam/(mobile tele... manyoupu 满有谱|to have a clearcut idea/to have firm ... manyouyou 慢悠悠|unhurried manyu 鳗鱼|eel manyu 满语|Manchurian language manyuan 满员|full complement/at full strength/no v... manyuan 埋怨|to complain/to grumble (about)/to rep... manyuanchunse 满园春色|everything in the garden is lovely manyue 满月|full moon/whole month/baby\'s one-mont... manyueju 蔓越橘|cranberry manyuemei 蔓越莓|cranberry manzai 满载|full to capacity; fully loaded manzaiergui 满载而归|to return from a rewarding journey manzhan 漫展|comic convention/anime expo manzhaosun,qianshouyi 满招损,谦受益|(idiom) complacency leads to loss, mo... manzhou 满洲|Manchuria manzhou 满州|Manchou township in Pingtung County 屏... manzhouguo 满洲国|Manchukuo manzhouli 满洲里|Manzhouli, county-level city, Mongoli... manzhoulishi 满洲里市|Manzhouli, county-level city, Mongoli... manzhouxiang 满州乡|Manchou township in Pingtung County 屏... manzhushahua 曼珠沙华|red spider lily (Lycoris radiata)/San... manzi 蛮子|barbarian/slave servant/(old) contemp... manzi 幔子|curtain/veil manzi 嫚子|(dialect) girl manzou 慢走|Stay a bit!/Wait a minute!/(to a depa... manzu 满足|to satisfy/to meet (the needs of)/sat... manzu 满族|Manchu ethnic group of Liaoning province manzugan 满足感|sense of satisfaction manzui 满嘴|a full mouth of (sth physical)/to hav... manzuipaohuoche 满嘴跑火车|(idiom) to have a glib tongue/to talk... manzuipaoshetou 满嘴跑舌头|to talk without thinking/to drivel manzuipenfen 满嘴喷粪|to talk bullshit manzuiqipao 满嘴起疱|to have lips covered in blisters manzuo 满座|fully booked/every seat taken manzuojiran 满坐寂然|the whole audience silent with expect... mao 猫|cat (CL:隻|只[zhi1])/(dialect) to hide ... mao 猫|used in 貓腰|猫腰[mao2yao1] mao 矛|spear/lance/pike mao 茂|luxuriant/(chemistry) cyclopentadiene mao 贸|commerce/trade mao 毛|surname Mao mao 毛|hair/feather/down/wool/mildew/mold/co... mao 貌|appearance mao 铆|to fasten with rivets/(coll.) to exer... mao 髳|bang (hair)/fashionable/mane mao 冒|old variant of 冒[mao4] mao 冒|surname Mao mao 冒|to emit; to give off; to send out (or... mao 昴|the Pleiades mao 峁|round yellow dirt mount (in the North... mao 鄮|ancient place name mao 楙|Cydonia japonica mao 眊|having poor eyesight mao 媢|envious mao 懋|to be hardworking/luxuriant/splendid mao 卯|mortise (slot cut into wood to receiv... mao 卯|variant of 卯[mao3] mao 卯|old variant of 卯[mao3] mao 泖|still water mao 茆|variant of 茅[mao2]/thatch mao 茆|type of water plant/(dialect) loess h... mao 瑁|(jade) mao 髦|bang (hair)/fashionable/mane mao 袤|length/distance from north to south mao 旄|banner decorated with animal\'s tail mao 旄|variant of 耄[mao4] mao 耄|extremely aged (in one\'s 80s or 90s)/... mao 冇|to not have (Cantonese) (Mandarin equ... mao 蝥|variant of 蟊[mao2] mao 牦|yak (Bos grunniens) mao 芼|select/vegetables mao 瞀|indistinct vision/dim mao 冃|old variant of 帽[mao4]/hat/cap mao 蟊|Spanish fly/grain-eating grub mao 皃|variant of 貌[mao4] mao 蝐|see 蝳蝐[dai4 mao4] mao 毷|restless mao 酕|used in 酕醄[mao2tao2] mao 帽|old variant of 帽[mao4] mao 帽|hat/cap mao 茅|surname Mao mao 茅|reeds/rushes mao 锚|anchor maobanhuangying 矛斑蝗莺|(bird species of China) lanceolated w... maoben 猫本|Melbourne (slang alternative for 墨爾本|... maobi 毛笔|writing brush/CL:枝[zhi1],管[guan3] maobian 毛边|(textiles, papermaking etc) raw edge;... maobianzhi 毛边纸|fine paper made from bamboo, used for... maobiji 毛哔叽|serge maobing 毛病|fault/defect/shortcomings/ailment/CL:... maobing 矛柄|shaft maobohe 猫薄荷|catnip; catmint maoboli 毛玻璃|frosted glass maobu 猫步|cat-like gait/sashaying gait of a cat... maocai 茂才|see 秀才[xiu4 cai5] maocao 茅草|sogon grass maocha 毛茶|unprocessed sun-dried tea leaves used... maoche 旄车|an ancient war chariot/CL:輛|辆[liang4] maochong 冒充|to feign/to pretend to be/to pass one... maochong 毛虫|caterpillar maochulai 冒出来|to emerge; to pop up; to spring forth... maoci 毛刺|barb/whiskers maodabuwei 冒大不韪|(idiom) to face opprobrium maodanjie 毛诞节|Mao Zedong’s birthday, December 26th maodengsan 毛邓三|Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping The... maodian 锚点|anchor point maodie 耄耋|extremely aged/gray and venerable maodiezhinian 耄耋之年|old age (in one\'s 80s, 90s, or more) maoding 铆钉|rivet maoding 冒顶|(mining) roof fall/to have the roof c... maodingqiang 铆钉枪|rivet gun maodou 毛豆|immature green soy beans, either stil... maodu 冒渎|to disrespect/blasphemy maodu 毛肚|tripe (gastronomy) maodun 矛盾|contradiction/CL:個|个[ge4]/conflicting... maodun 茅盾|Mao Dun (1896-1981), Chinese novelist maodunwenxuejiang 茅盾文学奖|Mao Dun Literature Prize, PRC prize f... maoer 猫儿|kitten maoershan 猫儿山|Kitten Mountain, Guangxi maofa 毛发|hair maofan 冒犯|to offend maofang 茅房|toilet (rural euphemism)/thatched hut... maofanzhe 冒犯者|offender maofengxian 冒风险|to take risks maogai 毛概|Introduction to Maoism (subject)/abbr... maogen 毛茛|buttercup maogen 毛根|a strand of hair/pipe cleaner maogong 铆工|riveter/worker with rivets maogur 帽箍儿|the ribbon around a cap maogusongran 毛骨悚然|to have one\'s hair stand on end (idio... maohaizi 毛孩子|child; kid/(slang) furry pet (such as... maohao 冒号|colon (punct.) maoheshenli 貌合神离|the appearance of unity, but divided ... maohexinli 貌合心离|the appearance of unity, but divided ... maohuo 冒火|to get angry/to burn with rage maojian 茅箭|Maojian district of Shiyan city 十堰市[S... maojiang 帽匠|milliner maojianqu 茅箭区|Maojian district of Shiyan city 十堰市[S... maojiaosheng 猫叫声|mew maojiaoyuxiao 毛脚渔鸮|(bird species of China) Blakiston\'s f... maojie 铆接|to join with rivets/to rivet/riveted ... maojin 毛巾|towel/CL:條|条[tiao2] maojin 冒进|to advance prematurely maojinr 铆劲儿|to apply all one\'s strength in a burs... maoka 猫咖|cat café maoke 猫科|Felidae (the cat family) maokeng 茅坑|latrine pit/latrine maokeng 毛坑|variant of 茅坑[mao2 keng1] maokenglidiandeng 茅坑里点灯|(slang) (fig.) to court death (derive... maokong 毛孔|pore maokou 毛口|metal filings (e.g. from a drill or l... maokuhaozi 猫哭耗子|the cat weeps for the dead mouse (idi... maokulaoshu 猫哭老鼠|the cat weeps for the dead mouse (idi... maola 毛拉|Mullah (religious leader in Islam) maoli 毛利|gross profit maolian 锚链|anchor chain maoliang 猫粮|cat food maoliankong 锚链孔|hawsehole (small hole for anchor cabl... maoliao 毛料|rough lumber/woollen cloth maoling 冒领|to obtain by impersonation/to falsely... maoling 耄龄|old age/eighties, nineties, or greate... maoliqiusi 毛里求斯|Mauritius maoliren 毛利人|Maori, indigenous Polynesian people o... maolitaniya 毛里塔尼亚|Mauritania maolitaniya 茅利塔尼亚|Mauritania (Tw) maolu 茅庐|thatched cottage maolv 毛驴|donkey/CL:頭|头[tou2] maomao 毛毛|(pet name for a baby or small child) maomaochong 毛毛虫|caterpillar maomaoshishi 冒冒失失|bold/forthright maomaoyu 毛毛雨|drizzle; light rain/(fig.) mere trifl... maomei 冒昧|bold/presumptuous/to take the liberty of maomei 貌美|good looks/pretty (e.g. young woman) maomeijunbing 毛霉菌病|mucormycosis maomeiruhua 貌美如花|(of a woman) lovely as a flower (idio... maomen 猫门|cat door; cat flap maomi 猫咪|kitty maomi 茂密|dense (of plant growth)/lush maoming 冒名|an impostor/to impersonate maoming 茂名|see 茂名市[Mao4ming2 Shi4] maomingdingti 冒名顶替|to assume sb\'s name and take his plac... maomingdingtizhe 冒名顶替者|impersonator/impostor maomingshi 茂名市|Maoming, prefecture-level city in Gua... maomu 毛姆|Maugham (family name)/W. Somerset Mau... maonaluoya 冒纳罗亚|Moanalua, Hawaiian volcano maonan 茂南|Maonan district of Maoming city 茂名市, ... maonang 毛囊|hair follicle maonanqu 茂南区|Maonan district of Maoming city 茂名市, ... maonanzu 毛南族|Maonan ethnic group of Guangxi maoni 猫腻|(coll.) something fishy; shenanigans maoni 旄倪|variant of 耄倪[mao4 ni2] maoni 耄倪|old and young maoni 猫匿|variant of 貓膩|猫腻[mao1ni4] maoniang 猫娘|(ACG) catgirl maoniu 牦牛|yak (Bos grunniens) maonu 猫奴|cat owner (neologism c. 2013, jocular) maopai 冒牌|fake/impostor/quack (doctor)/imitatio... maopai 毛派|Maoist maopaihuo 冒牌货|fake goods/imitation/forgery maopeng 茅棚|thatched shed maopi 毛坯|semifinished products maopi 毛皮|fur/pelt maopian 毛片|pornographic film/rushes (of a movie)... maoqi 耄期|(literary) one\'s 80s or 90s maoqi 旄期|variant of 耄期[mao4 qi1] maoqilai 铆起来|to get enthusiastic/to put in all one... maoqin 茂亲|one\'s capable and virtuous relatives maoran 贸然|rashly/hastily/without careful consid... maorongrong 毛茸茸|hairy; downy maorongrong 毛绒绒|fluffy/furry maorongwanju 毛绒玩具|plush toy/cuddly toy maoruopanan 貌若潘安|to have the looks of a Pan An 潘安[Pan1... maose 毛色|(of an animal) appearance or color of... maosedunkai 茅塞顿开|murky darkness suddenly opens (idiom)... maosha 猫砂|cat litter maosha 猫沙|cat litter/kitty litter maoshan 茅山|Mt Mao, Daoist mountain southeast of ... maoshang 铆上|to go all out/to rise to maoshe 茅舍|cottage/hut maosheng 茂盛|lush maoshengmingweixian 冒生命危险|to risk one\'s life maoshengniao 猫声鸟|catbird maoshi 冒失|rash/impudent maoshi 卯时|5-7 am (in the system of two-hour sub... maoshigui 冒失鬼|reckless person/hothead maoshikafei 猫屎咖啡|\"kopi luwak\" or civet coffee, made fr... maoshoumaojiao 毛手毛脚|carelessly and haphazardly/to paw/to ... maoshouru 毛收入|gross income/gross profit maoshu 冒暑|heat stroke (TCM) maoshua 毛刷|brush maoshuyouxi 猫鼠游戏|cat and mouse game maosi 貌似|to appear to be/to seem as if maosi 茅厕|(dialect) latrine maosi 耄思|to be upset or disturbed maosi 冒死|to brave death maosi 毛厕|variant of 茅廁|茅厕[mao2 si5] maosuanjiang 毛酸浆|husk ground-cherry; husk tomato (Phys... maosui 毛遂|Mao Sui (third century BC), who prove... maosuizijian 毛遂自荐|Mao Sui recommends himself (idiom); t... maosun 卯榫|mortise and tenon (slot and tab formi... maosun 矛隼|(bird species of China) gyrfalcon (Fa... maosuxiang 毛塑像|statue of Chairman Mao Zedong (1893-1... maotai 茅台|Maotai town in Renhuai county, Guizhou maotai 茅台|maotai liquor 茅臺酒|茅台酒[mao2 tai2 jiu3] maotaijiu 茅台酒|maotai (a strong spirit produced in G... maotan 毛毯|blanket maotao 酕醄|(literary) very drunk maoti 冒题|writing style in which the main subje... maotianshan 帽天山|Mt Maotian in Chengjiang County 澄江縣|澄... maotianxiazhidabuwei 冒天下之大不韪|see 冒大不韙|冒大不韪[mao4 da4 bu4 wei3] maotiao 毛条|wool top, semiprocessed raw wool maotou 矛头|spearhead/barb/an attack or criticism maotou 冒头|to emerge/to crop up/a little more than maotouying 猫头鹰|owl maotouzhixiang 矛头指向|to target sb or sth (for attack, crit... maotu 卯兔|Year 4, year of the Rabbit (e.g. 2011) maotuikuang 毛腿𫛭|(bird species of China) rough-legged ... maotuishaji 毛腿沙鸡|(bird species of China) Pallas\'s sand... maotuiyeying 毛腿夜鹰|(bird species of China) great eared n... maowang 猫王|Elvis Presley (1935-1977), US pop sin... maowen 猫瘟|feline panleukopenia/feline distemper maowencaomei 矛纹草鹛|(bird species of China) Chinese babax... maowenxian 茂汶县|Maowen county in Sichuan, home of the... maowo 毛窝|cotton-padded shoes/(old) shoes made ... maowu 茅屋|thatched cottage maowu 茂物|Bogor (city in West Java) maowuding 茅屋顶|thatch roof maowuzu 猫雾族|Babuza, one of the indigenous peoples... maoxi 毛细|capillary maoxian 毛线|knitting wool/wool yarn maoxian 茂县|Mao County in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang... maoxian 冒险|to take risks/to take chances/foray/a... maoxiang 貌相|appearance (esp. superficial)/looks/t... maoxiang 毛象|mammoth maoxianjia 冒险家|adventurer maoxianyi 毛线衣|sweater/woolen knitwear/wool maoxianzhe 冒险者|adventurer maoxianzhen 毛线针|knitting needle maoxianzhuyi 冒险主义|adventurism (a left-wing error agains... maoxiaonang 毛小囊|follicle maoxikong 毛细孔|pore maoxingtuan 昴星团|Pleiades M45 maoxiong 猫熊|see 熊貓|熊猫[xiong2 mao1] maoxiuxingtuan 昴宿星团|Pleiades M45 maoxixueguan 毛细血管|capillary blood vessels maoxuan 毛选|Selected Works of Mao Zedong (abbr. f... maoxuewang 毛血旺|duck\'s blood and beef tripe in spicy ... maoyadan 毛鸭蛋|balut (boiled duck egg with a partly-... maoyan 猫眼|peephole (in a door)/(mineralogy) chr... maoyan 帽檐|brim (of a hat) maoyan 帽沿|variant of 帽檐[mao4 yan2] maoyan 卯眼|mortise/slit maoyan 冒烟|to discharge smoke/to fume with rage maoyanghuai 毛洋槐|rose acacia (Robinia hispida, a false... maoyanr 猫眼儿|erhua variant of 貓眼|猫眼[mao1 yan3] maoyao 猫腰|to bend over; to stoop down/Taiwan pr... maoyao 毛腰|(dialect) to bend over maoyi 贸易|(commercial) trade/CL:個|个[ge4] maoyi 毛衣|(wool) sweater/CL:件[jian4] maoyibaohuzhuyi 贸易保护主义|trade protectionism maoyibilei 贸易壁垒|trade barrier maoyie 贸易额|volume of trade (between countries) maoyigongsi 贸易公司|trading company maoyihuoban 贸易伙伴|trading partner maoyihuoban 贸易夥伴|variant of 貿易伙伴|贸易伙伴[mao4 yi4 huo3 ban4] maoyihuozhan 贸易货栈|commercial warehouse maoyinicha 贸易逆差|trade deficit/adverse trade balance maoyisheng 茅以升|Mao Yisheng (1896-1989), Chinese stru... maoyishuncha 贸易顺差|trade surplus maoyixieding 贸易协定|trade agreement maoyizhan 贸易战|trade war maoyizhongxin 贸易中心|trade center/shopping mall maoyizuzhi 贸易组织|trade organization maoyong 冒用|to falsely use (sb\'s identity etc) maoyou 猫鼬|see 狐獴[hu2 meng3] maoyu 冒雨|to brave the rain maozedong 毛泽东|Mao Zedong (1893-1976), leader of the... maozedong:xianweirenzhidegushi 毛泽东:鲜为人知的故事|Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang ... maozedongsixiang 毛泽东思想|Mao Zedong Thought maozedongxuanji 毛泽东选集|Selected Works of Mao Zedong maozedongzhuyi 毛泽东主义|Maoism maozei 蟊贼|insect that damages cereal crop seedl... maozhan 毛毡|felt maozhe 冒着|to brave/to face dangers maozhi 毛痣|hairy nevus maozhiwu 毛织物|woolen textiles maozhiyundongshan 毛织运动衫|jersey maozhong 毛重|gross weight maozhu 毛竹|moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis), u... maozhu 毛猪|live pig maozhu 茅竹|variant of 毛竹[mao2 zhu2] maozhuabing 猫抓病|cat scratch disease; cat scratch fever maozhui 毛锥|writing brush (old)/Castanopsis fordi... maozhuxi 毛主席|Chairman Mao/Mao Zedong 毛澤東|毛泽东 (1893... maozhuxiyulu 毛主席语录|Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung... maozhuyi 毛主义|Maoism maozi 帽子|hat/cap/(fig.) label/bad name/CL:頂|顶[... maozi 毛子|hairy fellow/foreigner/Russian (derog... maoziguo 毛子国|(derog.) Russia maozixifa 帽子戏法|hat trick (when one player scores thr... maozujinr 铆足劲儿|to exert all one\'s strength mapa 马趴|face-plant mapi 马匹|horse mapi 马屁|horse hindquarters/flattery/boot-licking mapijing 马屁精|toady/bootlicker mapodoufu 麻婆豆腐|mapo tofu/stir-fried beancurd in chil... maputuo 马普托|Maputo, capital of Mozambique maqiang 马枪|carbine/lance maqianzu 马前卒|lackey/errand boy/lit. runner before ... maqidun 马其顿|Macedonia maqidungongheguo 马其顿共和国|Republic of Macedonia (former Yugosla... maqiduo 玛奇朵|macchiato (loanword)/latte macchiato ... maqin 玛沁|Maqên or Maqin county (Tibetan: rma c... maqinxian 玛沁县|Maqên or Maqin county (Tibetan: rma c... maqiu 马球|polo maqiubiqiu 马丘比丘|Machu Picchu maqu 玛曲|Maqu County in Gannan Tibetan Autonom... maque 麻雀|sparrow/(dialect) mahjong maquesuixiao,wuzangjuquan 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全|the sparrow may be small but all its ... maqun 马群|herd of horses maquxian 玛曲县|Maqu County in Gannan Tibetan Autonom... marefake 妈惹法克|motherfucker (loanword) maren 骂人|to swear or curse (at people)/to scol... marentang 玛仁糖|traditional Xinjiang sweet walnut cake marong 马荣|Mayon (volcano in Philippines) masa 摩挲|(coll.) to remove (crinkles, dirt) wi... masai 马赛|Marseille, city in south France/Basay... masaifeng 麻腮风|measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) (abb... masaike 马赛克|mosaic (loanword)/pixelation masailu 马塞卢|Maseru, capital of Lesotho masaiqu 马赛曲|La Marseillaise masaizu 马赛族|Basay, one of the indigenous peoples ... masanjia 马三家|Masanjia town in Yuhong District 于洪區|... masanli 马三立|Ma Sanli (1914-2003), Chinese comedian masazhusai 马萨诸塞|Massachusetts, US state masazhusaizhou 马萨诸塞州|Massachusetts, US state masha 麻纱|linen or cotton fabric masha 马莎|Marks and Spencers, UK retail chain/M... mashaji 马杀鸡|massage (loanword) mashala 玛莎拉|(loanword) masala mashaladi 玛莎拉蒂|Maserati mashan 马山|Mashan county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 n... mashan 麻山|Mashan district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji... mashang 马上|at once/right away/immediately/on hor... mashangbiwu 马上比武|tournament (contest in Western chival... mashangfeng 马上风|death during sexual intercourse mashanqu 麻山区|Mashan district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji... mashanxian 马山县|Mashan county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 n... mashao 马勺|wooden ladle mashaoerqundao 马绍尔群岛|Marshall Islands masheng 骂声|scolding/tongue-lashing/(fig.) angry ... masheng 麻生|Asō (name)/ASŌ Tarō (1940-), Japanese... mashengligongxueyuan 麻省理工学院|Massachusetts Institute of Technology... mashengtailang 麻生太郎|ASŌ Tarō (1940-), Japanese entreprene... mashi 麻石|chiseled stone (used in construction) mashiguan 马氏管|Malpighian tubule system (in the inse... mashiqianti 马失前蹄|lit. the horse loses its front hooves... mashiti 马氏体|(metallurgy) martensite; martensitic mashizhenzhubei 马氏珍珠贝|pearl oyster (genus Pinctada) mashoushizhan 马首是瞻|to follow blindly (idiom)/to take as ... mashu 马术|equestrianism/horsemanship mashu 麻糬|(transliteration of Japanese \"mochi\")... masichuike 马斯垂克|Maastricht (Netherlands) masihe 马斯河|Maas or Meuse River, Western Europe masikate 马斯喀特|Muscat, capital of Oman masike 马斯克|Elon Musk (1971-), business magnate a... masiluo 马斯洛|Maslow (surname)/Abraham Maslow (1908... masinei 马斯内|Jules Massenet (1842-1912), French co... masitelihete 马斯特里赫特|Maastricht masousou 麻嗖嗖|to feel cold and numb masude 马苏德|Massoud (name)/Ahmed Shah Massoud (19... masulila 马苏里拉|mozzarella (loanword) matai 马太|Matthew (name) mataifuyin 马太福音|Gospel according to St Matthew mati 马蹄|horse\'s hoof/horseshoe/Chinese water ... matianni 马天尼|Martini matilian 马蹄莲|calla/calla lily matinike 马提尼克|Martinique (French Caribbean island) matitie 马蹄铁|horseshoe matixie 马蹄蟹|horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus) matixing 马蹄形|horseshoe shape matixingyun 马蹄星云|Omega or Horseshoe Nebula M17 matong 马桶|chamber pot/wooden pan used as toilet... matongba 马桶拔|plunger for unblocking toilet matou 马头|horse\'s head/same as 碼頭|码头[ma3 tou2],... matou 码头|dock/pier/wharf/CL:個|个[ge4] matouqin 马头琴|morin khuur (Mongolian bowed stringed... matouxingyun 马头星云|Horsehead Nebula matuogeluosuo 马托格罗索|Mato Grosso, western province of Brazil mawangdui 马王堆|Mawangdui in Changsha, Hunan, a recen... mawei 马尾|Mawei, a district of Fuzhou City 福州市[... mawei 马尾|ponytail (hairstyle)/horse\'s tail/sle... maweibian 马尾辫|ponytail maweichuandoufu,tibuqilai 马尾穿豆腐,提不起来|lit. like tofu strung on horsetail, y... maweigang 马尾港|Mawei harbor, the harbor of Fuzhou city maweijungang 马尾军港|Mawei naval base at Fuzhou city (in Q... maweiqu 马尾区|Mawei, a district of Fuzhou City 福州市[... maweishui 马尾水|Mawei river through Fuzhou city maweishuishixuetang 马尾水师学堂|Mawei River naval college, alternativ... maweisong 马尾松|Masson pine (Pinus massoniana, Chines... maxi 马戏|circus maxian 码线|yard line (sports) maxian 马衔|bit/mouthpiece maxieer 马歇尔|Marshall (name)/George Catlett Marsha... maxiong 马熊|brown bear maxituan 马戏团|circus maxu 麻絮|hemp wadding maxue 马靴|riding boots maya 玛雅|Maya (civilization) maya 马雅|Maya (civilization of central America) mayakefusiji 马雅可夫斯基|Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893-1930), Russ... mayan 马眼|male\'s pee hole mayang 麻阳|Mayang Miao autonomous county in Huai... mayang 码洋|(publishing industry) total cover pri... mayangmiaozuzizhixian 麻阳苗族自治县|Mayang Miao autonomous county in Huai... mayangxian 麻阳县|Mayang Miao autonomous county in Huai... mayao 麻药|anesthetic mayaren 玛雅人|Maya peoples mayi 麻衣|hemp garment mayi 蚂蚁|ant mayibao 蚂蚁包|ant bite (swollen, itchy bump)/anthil... mayijinfu 蚂蚁金服|Ant Financial Services Group, an affi... mayingdan 马缨丹|lantana (botany) mayinghua 马缨花|Persian silk tree (Albizia julibrissi... mayingjiu 马英九|Ma Ying-jeou (1950-), Taiwanese Kuomi... mayishangshu 蚂蚁上树|\"ants climbing a tree\", a Sichuan dis... mayiwo 蚂蚁窝|ant nest mayiyao 蚂蚁腰|(coll.) tiny waist mayou 麻油|sesame oil mayouyou 马友友|Yo-Yo Ma (1955-), French-Chinese-Amer... mayueka 马约卡|Mallorca or Majorca (island of Spain) mayuete 马约特|Mayotte, island between NW Madagascar... mayun 马云|Ma Yun (1964-), aka Jack Ma, Chinese ... mazai 马仔|henchman/gang member mazei 马贼|horse thief/(old) group of horse-moun... mazha 马扎|campstool/folding stool (with fabric ... mazha 蚂蚱|(dialect) locust/grasshopper mazhaer 马扎尔|Magyar/Hungarian mazhaeryu 马扎尔语|Magyar (language)/Hungarian mazhan 马占|(dialect) merchant (loanword) mazhang 麻章|Mazhang District of Zhanjiang City 湛江... mazhangqu 麻章区|Mazhang District of Zhanjiang City 湛江... mazhayeshirou 蚂蚱也是肉|lit. even a locust provides some nour... mazhen 麻疹|measles mazhen 痲疹|variant of 麻疹[ma2 zhen3] mazhiyuan 马致远|Ma Zhiyuan (c. 1250-1321), Yuan dynas... mazhongxi 马中锡|Ma Zhongxi, Ming writer (1446-1512), ... mazhou 麻州|abbr. for Massachusetts mazhu 麻苎|hemp and ramie/coarse cloth mazhuluo 马朱罗|Majuro, capital of Marshall Islands mazi 麻子|pockmark mazi 马子|bandit; brigand/gambling chip/chamber... mazi 码子|(coll.) numeral/counter; chip; token/... mazi 码字|to type (with a keyboard)/(coding the... mazida 马自达|Mazda, Japanese car make (derived fro... mazu 妈祖|Matsu, name of a sea goddess still wi... mazu 马祖|Matsu Islands off Fujian, administere... mazui 麻醉|anesthesia/to anesthetize; (fig.) to ... mazuiji 麻醉剂|an anesthetic; (fig.) a narcotic mazuishi 麻醉师|anaesthetist mazuixue 麻醉学|anesthesiology mazuixuezhe 麻醉学者|anaesthesiologist mazuiyao 麻醉药|anesthetic; narcotic mazuiyaopin 麻醉药品|narcotic mazuliedao 马祖列岛|Matsu Islands mc MC|(Tw) (coll.) menstruation (from \"mens... me 么|suffix, used to form interrogative 什麼... me 么|variant of 麼|么[me5] me 嚜|(final particle) me 庅|variant of 麼|么[me5] mei 没|(negative prefix for verbs) have not;... mei 美|(bound form) the Americas (abbr. for ... mei 美|beautiful/very satisfactory; good/to ... mei 枚|surname Mei mei 枚|classifier for small objects: coins, ... mei 每|each/every mei 梅|surname Mei mei 梅|plum/plum flower/Japanese apricot (Pr... mei 梅|variant of 梅[mei2] mei 梅|old variant of 梅[mei2] mei 酶|enzyme/ferment mei 镁|magnesium (chemistry) mei 霉|mold/mildew/to become moldy mei 霉|variant of 霉[mei2] mei 魅|demon/magic/to charm mei 眉|eyebrow/upper margin mei 媚|(bound form) to flatter/(bound form) ... mei 妹|younger sister mei 煤|coal/CL:塊|块[kuai4] mei 玫|(fine jade)/used in 玫瑰[mei2 gui1] mei 煝|be radiant/flaming/drought mei 媒|medium/intermediary/matchmaker/go-bet... mei 瑂|(stone which resembles jade) mei 糜|millet mei 谜|see 謎兒|谜儿[mei4 r5], riddle mei 篃|a kind of bamboo mei 昧|to conceal/dark mei 楣|lintel/crossbeam mei 镅|americium (chemistry) mei 腜|quickening of the fetus mei 媄|beautiful mei 莓|berry/strawberry mei 寐|to sleep soundly mei 袂|sleeve of a robe mei 湄|(literary) shore; coast; bank mei 沬|dawn/place name mei 渼|ripple pattern mei 浼|to ask a favor of mei 鹛|babbler (bird) mei 堳|low wall mei 嵄|mountain/hill mei 媺|beautiful mei 毎|Japanese variant of 每 mei 猸|used for ferret, badger or mongoose mei 珻|old variant of 玫[mei2] mei 嵋|used in 峨嵋[E2mei2] mei 脢|meat on the back of an animal mei 禖|heir-requesting sacrifice mei 郿|ancient place name mei 坆|variant of 梅[mei2]/plum mei 痗|disease caused by anxiety mei 苺|variant of 莓, berry/strawberry mei 睂|old variant of 眉[mei2] mei 韎|a grass that gives red dye mei 鋂|americium (chemistry) (Tw)/(archaic) ... mei 眛|blind/imperceptive mei 娒|(used in personal names) meiba 美巴|America and Pakistan/America and Braz... meibai 美白|to whiten (the skin or teeth) meibanfa 没办法|there is nothing to be done/one can\'t... meibang 镁棒|ferrocerium rod/fire steel meibi 眉笔|eyebrow pencil (cosmetics) meibian 霉变|to become moldy meibian 美编|(publishing) (abbr. for 美術編輯|美术编辑[mei... meibing 霉病|mildew/fungal growth meibu 枚卜|to choose officials by divination (ar... meibushengshou 美不胜收|nothing more beautiful can be imagine... meicai 媒材|medium (art) (Tw) meican 美餐|tasty meal/to eat a satisfying meal meiceng 煤层|a coal bed/a coal seam meicengqi 煤层气|coalbed methane meichai 美差|cushy job; pleasant task meichaishi 美差事|a terrific job meichang 每常|frequently (in the past)/regularly meichao 美钞|US dollar bill/greenback meichao 美朝|US and North Korea meicheng 美称|to dub with a nice-sounding appellati... meicheng 枚乘|Mei Cheng (-c. 140 BC), Han dynasty poet meichimeichuan 没吃没穿|to be without food or clothing (idiom... meichu 每处|everywhere/anywhere meichuliang 煤储量|coal reserves meici 每次|every time meici 媚词|flattery meicuo 没错|that\'s right/sure!/rest assured!/that... meidai 眉黛|eyebrows (with umber black make-up) meidameixiao 没大没小|impolite/cheeky/impudent meidan 昧旦|the time just before daybreak meidang 每当|whenever; every time meidao 美刀|(slang) US dollar/USD meide 美德|USA and Germany meide 美德|virtue meideshuo 没得说|really good/excellent meideshuo 没的说|see 沒說的|没说的[mei2 shuo1 de5] meidetiaoti 没得挑剔|excellent in every respect/flawless meideweijiefu 梅德韦杰夫|Medvedyev (name)/Dmitry Anatolyevich ... meidi 美的|Midea (brand) meidi 没底|unsure/uncertain/unending meidi 美帝|(in early CCP propaganda) United Stat... meidian 没电|discharged/flat/dead (of batteries) meidongshijian 美东时间|USA Eastern Standard Time meidu 梅毒|syphilis meiduan 眉端|tip of the eyebrows/top margin on a page meiduojiu 没多久|before long/soon after meidusha 美杜莎|Medusa (monster of Greek mythology) meifa 美发|hairdressing/to give sb\'s hair a cut ... meifa 没法|at a loss/unable to do anything about... meifar 没法儿|(coll.) can\'t do anything about it/(c... meifashi 美发师|hairdresser/beautician meifeisewu 眉飞色舞|smiles of exultation/radiant with del... meifen 美分|one cent (United States coin) meifen 镁粉|magnesium powder (used in pyrotechnic... meifen-meimiao 每分每秒|each and every moment meifencun 没分寸|inappropriate/bad-mannered meifeng 每逢|every time/on each occasion/whenever meifengjiajiebeisiqin 每逢佳节倍思亲|doubly homesick for our dear ones at ... meifu 妹夫|younger sister\'s husband meigan 美感|sense of beauty/aesthetic perception meigancai 梅干菜|salt-pickled sun-dried cabbage (or po... meigancai 霉干菜|variant of 梅乾菜|梅干菜[mei2gan1cai4] meiganshi 煤矸石|(mining) coal gangue meigaotou 没搞头|(coll.) not worth bothering with/poin... meige 每隔|at intervals of/every (so often) meigeren 每个人|everybody/everyone meigong 美工|art design/art designer meigongdao 美工刀|utility knife/box cutter meigonghe 湄公河|Mekong River meigonghesanjiaozhou 湄公河三角洲|Mekong River Delta meigu 美姑|Meigu county in Liangshan Yi autonomo... meiguan 美观|pleasing to the eye/beautiful/artistic meiguanxi 没关系|it doesn\'t matter meiguhe 美姑河|Meigu River in south Sichuan meigui 玫瑰|rugosa rose (shrub) (Rosa rugosa)/ros... meiguiguo 玫瑰果|rose hip meiguihua 玫瑰花|rose meiguinianzhu 玫瑰念珠|rosary (Catholic prayer beads) meiguiqie 玫瑰茄|roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) meiguixingyun 玫瑰星云|Rosette nebula NGC 2237 meiguizhanzheng 玫瑰战争|The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) meiguo 美国|United States; USA; US meiguocanyiyuan 美国参议院|United States Senate meiguocuntuopingzheng 美国存托凭证|American depository receipt (ADR) meiguodianhuadianbaogongsi 美国电话电报公司|AT&T meiguodizhidiaochaju 美国地质调查局|United States Geological Survey (USGS) meiguodizhiju 美国地质局|United States Geological Survey (USGS) meiguodulizhanzheng 美国独立战争|American War of Independence (1775-1783) meiguoguangbogongsi 美国广播公司|ABC (American Broadcasting Corporation) meiguoguohui 美国国徽|the Great Seal of the United States meiguoguohui 美国国会|US Congress meiguoguojiabiaozhunxuehui 美国国家标准学会|American National Standards Institute... meiguoguojiahangkonghangtianju 美国国家航空航天局|NASA, National Aeronautics and Space ... meiguoguojiazhenchaju 美国国家侦察局|National Reconnaissance Office (of th... meiguoguojijituan 美国国际集团|American International Group meiguoguowuyuan 美国国务院|US Department of State meiguohaianjingweidui 美国海岸警卫队|United States Coast Guard meiguohangkong 美国航空|American Airlines meiguohangkonggongsi 美国航空公司|American Airlines meiguojiaohui 美国交会|abbr. for 美國證券交易委員會|美国证券交易委员会, US Sec... meiguolao 美国佬|an American (derog.)/a Yankee meiguolianbangchubei 美国联邦储备|US Federal Reserve (Fed), the US cent... meiguolianbanghangkongju 美国联邦航空局|Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) meiguolianhetongxunshe 美国联合通讯社|Associated Press (AP)/abbr. to 美聯社|美联... meiguonengyuanbu 美国能源部|US Department of Energy (DOE) meiguoquanguoguangbogongsi 美国全国广播公司|National Broadcasting Company (NBC) meiguoren 美国人|American/American person/American peo... meiguorenmin 美国人民|the American people meiguotaikongzongshu 美国太空总署|NASA (National Aeronautics and Space ... meiguowushiyiqu 美国51区|Area 51, USA meiguoyouxianxinwenwang 美国有线新闻网|Cable Network News (CNN) meiguoyuhangju 美国宇航局|US National Aeronautics and Space Adm... meiguoyuntong 美国运通|American Express Co. (Amex) meiguozaixian 美国在线|America Online (AOL) meiguozhengquanjiaoyiweiyuanhui 美国证券交易委员会|US Securities and Exchange Commission... meiguozhiyin 美国之音|Voice of America (VOA) meiguozhongyiyuan 美国众议院|United States House of Representatives meiguozixunjiaohuanbiaozhunma 美国资讯交换标准码|ASCII, American Standard Code for Inf... meiguozuigaofayuan 美国最高法院|Supreme Court of the United States meiguxian 美姑县|Meigu county in Liangshan Yi autonomo... meihao 美好|beautiful/fine meihaoqi 没好气|to be in a bad mood meihe 媒合|to match up (employers and jobseekers... meihekou 梅河口|Meihekou, county-level city in Tonghu... meihekoushi 梅河口市|Meihekou, county-level city in Tonghu... meiheqi 梅核气|(TCM) plum-pit qi, a feeling of a lum... meihong 梅红|pinkish-red (color) meihongmeizhuque 玫红眉朱雀|(bird species of China) pink-browed r... meihua 美化|to make more beautiful/to decorate/em... meihua 梅花|plum blossom/clubs ♣ (a suit in card ... meihualu 梅花鹿|sika deer meihuaquan 梅花拳|Meihua Quan - \"Plum Blossom Fist\" (Ch... meihui 煤灰|soot meihuo 魅惑|to bewitch; to captivate meihuo 媚惑|to charm; to bewitch meiji 美籍|American (i.e. of US nationality) meijia 美甲|manicure and-or pedicure meijia 美加|US and Canada (abbr.) meijian 眉间|the flat area of forehead between the... meijian 眉尖|eyebrows (esp. as sth knitted 皺|皱[zho... meijiang 梅江|Meijiang district of Meizhou city 梅州市... meijiangjunfeiyan 霉浆菌肺炎|mycoplasma pneumonia meijiangqu 梅江区|Meijiang district of Meizhou city 梅州市... meijianlun 眉间轮|ājñā or ajna, the brow or third eye c... meijiao 眉角|outer tip of the eyebrow/(facial) exp... meijiaoyou 煤焦油|coal tar meijie 媒介|intermediary/vehicle/vector/medium/media meijie 眉睫|eyebrows and eyelashes/(fig.) close a... meijie 媒界|media industry meijin 美金|US dollar/USD meijin 没劲|to have no strength/to feel weak/exha... meijing 美景|beautiful scenery meijingdacai 没精打采|listless/dispirited/washed out/also w... meijingdacai 没精打彩|listless/dispirited/washed out meijingyan 没经验|inexperienced meijinr 没劲儿|erhua variant of 沒勁|没劲[mei2 jin4] meijiu 美酒|good wine/fine liquor meijiu 没救|hopeless/incurable meiju 枚举|to enumerate meiju 美剧|American TV series (abbr. for 美國電視劇|美... meijun 霉菌|mold meijun 美军|US army/US armed forces meijundusu 霉菌毒素|mycotoxin meikaiyanxiao 眉开眼笑|brows raised in delight, eyes laughin... meikongr 没空儿|having no time meikou 没口|unreservedly/profusely meikuang 煤矿|coal mine/coal seam meikuangyuxia 每况愈下|to steadily deteriorate meilaiyanqu 眉来眼去|(idiom) to make eyes; to exchange fli... meilaiyou 没来由|without any reason/for no reason meilan 美兰|Meilan district of Haikou city 海口市[Ha... meilan 霉烂|mold/rot meilan 美蓝|methylene blue meilanfang 梅兰芳|Mei Lanfang (1894-1961), famous maste... meilanixiya 美拉尼西亚|Melanesia meilanqu 美兰区|Meilan district of Haikou city 海口市[Ha... meilao 美劳|(Tw) arts and crafts (as a school sub... meile 没了|to be dead/not to be, or cease to exist meile 美乐|Merlot (grape type) meili 美丽|beautiful meili 魅力|charm/fascination/glamor/charisma meilian 没脸|ashamed/embarrassed/not having the fa... meilianchu 美联储|US Federal Reserve (Fed), the US cent... meiliangxin 昧良心|it goes against one\'s conscience meilianmeipi 没脸没皮|shameless/brazen meilianshe 美联社|Associated Press (AP)/abbr. for 美國聯合通... meilidao 美丽岛|Formosa (from Ilha Formosa, \"Beautifu... meilidaoshijian 美丽岛事件|Kaohsiung Incident (aka Formosa Incid... meiliguo 美粒果|Minute Maid (brand) meilijian 美利坚|America meilijianhezhongguo 美利坚合众国|United States of America meilijianzhishi 美利坚治世|Pax Americana meilimei 梅里美|Prosper Mérimée (1803-1870), French s... meilin 梅林|Merlin meiling 美玲|Meiling (female name)/Zhou Meiling 周美... meilinjituan 美林集团|Merrill Lynch meilinuyang 美利奴羊|merino (breed of sheep) meilisi 梅里斯|Meilisi Daur district of Qiqihar city... meilisidawoerzuqu 梅里斯达斡尔族区|Meilisi Daur district of Qiqihar city... meilisiqu 梅里斯区|Meilisi Daur district of Qiqihar city... meilisishe 魅力四射|glamorous; charming; seductive meiliur 没溜儿|(dialect) silly meiliur 没六儿|variant of 沒溜兒|没溜儿[mei2 liu4 r5] meilixinshijie 美丽新世界|Brave New World, novel by Aldous Huxl... meilixueshan 梅里雪山|Meili Snow Mountains, with peaks up t... meiliyamuweibosite 梅里亚姆·韦伯斯特|Merriam-Webster (dictionary) meilong 寐龙|Mei, dinosaur genus/Mei long, dinosau... meilu 煤炉|coal stove meilu 美禄|Nestlé Milo (chocolate-flavored powde... meilun-meihuan 美轮美奂|(idiom) (of houses, scenery etc) magn... meiluo 梅洛|Melo (city in Uruguay)/Merlot (grape ... meiluoxikang 美洛昔康|meloxicam (anti-inflammatory drug) meiman 美满|happy/blissful meimao 眉毛|eyebrow/CL:根[gen1] meimao 美貌|good looks/beauty/good-looking meimaohuziyibazhua 眉毛胡子一把抓|careless/any-old-how, regardless of t... meimaoqian 眉毛钳|tweezers meimei 妹妹|younger sister/young woman/CL:個|个[ge4] meimei 美眉|(coll.) pretty girl meimei 每每|often meimeitou 妹妹头|bob (hairstyle) meimengchengzhen 美梦成真|a dream come true meimenr 没门儿|no way/impossible meimian 美眄|captivating glance meimiao 美妙|beautiful/wonderful/splendid meiming 没命|to lose one\'s life/to die/recklessly/... meiming 美名|good name; good reputation meimo 昧没|veiled/obscure meimu 眉目|general facial appearance; features/a... meimu 眉目|progress/prospect of solution/sign of... meimuchuanqing 眉目传情|to make sheep eyes at/to cast amorous... meinade 梅纳德|Maynard (name) meinaiban 美耐板|melamine veneer (loanword) meinaimin 美耐皿|(Tw) (loanword) melamine meinaizi 美乃滋|mayonnaise (loanword) (Tw) meinanhe 湄南河|Chao Phraya River (aka Menam), the ma... meinian 每年|every year/each year/yearly meinianyidu 每年一度|once a year (every year) meinierbing 美尼尔病|Meniere\'s disease meiniershizonghezheng 美尼尔氏综合症|Meniere\'s disease meinonggua 美浓瓜|(Tw) oriental melon (Cucumis melo Mak... meinv 美女|beautiful woman meiou 美欧|US and EU/America-Europe meipai 梅派|the Mei Lanfang School/see 梅蘭芳|梅兰芳[Me... meipi 眉批|headnotes/comments or footnotes at to... meipin 没品|lacking in class/tacky/tasteless meipo 媒婆|matchmaker meipu 没谱|to be clueless/to have no plan meipur 没谱儿|erhua variant of 沒譜|没谱[mei2 pu3] meiqi 煤气|coal gas/gas (fuel) meiqi 霉气|a moldy smell/damp and rotten/fig. ro... meiqimingyue 美其名曰|to call by the glorified name of (idiom) meiqingmuxiu 眉清目秀|pretty/with delicate features meiqinmeigu 没亲没故|without relatives or friends meiqiu 煤球|charcoal briquette meiqizi 没起子|(dialect) (of a person) useless/pathe... meiqu 没趣|embarrassing/dull/unsatisfactory meiquangong 美泉宫|Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna meir 谜儿|riddle meiren 每人|each person/everybody/per person meiren 美人|beautiful woman; belle meiren 媒人|go-between/matchmaker meirenji 美人计|honey trap/sexual entrapment/CL:條|条[t... meirenjian 美人尖|widow\'s peak (in China, regarded as a... meirenjiao 美人蕉|canna or Indian shot (genus Canna) meirenpizi 美人坯子|a beauty in the bud meirentui 美人腿|(Tw) (coll.) edible stem of Manchuria... meirenwei 没人味|to be lacking in human character meirenweir 没人味儿|erhua variant of 沒人味|没人味[mei2 ren2 wei4] meirenyu 美人鱼|mermaid meirenzhu 没人住|unoccupied meiri 每日|daily/(soup etc) of the day meiri 美日|US-Japan meiridianxunbao 每日电讯报|Daily Telegraph (newspaper) meirijingbao 每日镜报|Daily Mirror (newspaper) meirikuaibao 每日快报|Daily Express (newspaper) meirimeiye 没日没夜|day and night/regardless of the time ... meirixianjia 每日限价|(finance) daily trading limit, the ma... meirixinwen 每日新闻|Mainichi Shimbun, a Japanese daily ne... meiriyoubao 每日邮报|Daily Mail (newspaper) meirong 美容|to improve one\'s appearance (using co... meirongdian 美容店|beauty salon/CL:家[jia1] meirongjiao 美容觉|beauty sleep (before midnight) meirongnv 美容女|hairdresser (female)/beautician meirongshi 美容师|hairdresser/beautician (male) meirongshoushu 美容手术|cosmetic surgery meirongyuan 美容院|beauty salon; beauty parlor meisalin 梅萨林|muslin or mousseline silk fabric meise 美色|charm/loveliness (of a woman) meise 梅瑟|Moses (Catholic translation)/also 摩西 ... meiseile 没sei了|variant of 沒誰了|没谁了[mei2 sei2 le5] meiseile 没谁了|(coll.) nobody can beat that; extraor... meisen 梅森|Martin Mersenne (1588-1648, French ma... meisensushu 梅森素数|Mersenne prime number (math.) meisha 镁砂|magnesium oxide (refractory material) meishan 梅山|Meishan Township in Chiayi County 嘉義縣... meishan 眉山|see 眉山市[Mei2shan1 Shi4] meishan 美善|beautiful and good meishangmeixia 没上没下|no respect for seniors/lacking in man... meishanque 煤山雀|(bird species of China) coal tit (Per... meishanshi 眉山市|Meishan, prefecture-level city in Sic... meishanxiang 梅山乡|Meishan Township in Chiayi County 嘉義縣... meishao 眉梢|tip of brow meishatong 美沙酮|methadone meishen 美神|Goddess of beauty meisheng 美声|bel canto meishengchangfa 美声唱法|bel canto meishenme 没什么|it doesn\'t matter; it\'s nothing; neve... meishi 美食|culinary delicacy/fine food/gourmet food meishi 美式|American-style meishi 美事|a fine thing/a wonderful thing meishi 梅氏|Charles Messier (1730-1817), French a... meishi 没事|it\'s not important/it\'s nothing/never... meishi 美石|precious stone/jewel meishiganlanqiu 美式橄榄球|American football meishihuangmo 美食荒漠|culinary desert meishijia 美食家|gourmet meishijie 美食街|food court; food street meishikafei 美式咖啡|caffè americano meishimeike 每时每刻|at all times/at every moment meishimeiri 每时每日|every day and every hour/hourly and d... meishir 没事儿|to have spare time/free from work/it\'... meishishamo 美食沙漠|culinary desert meishixian 梅氏腺|Mehlis gland meishizuqiu 美式足球|American football meishu 美术|art/fine arts/painting/CL:種|种[zhong3] meishubianji 美术编辑|(publishing) layout and graphics/grap... meishuguan 美术馆|art gallery meishuiping 没水平|disgraceful/poor quality/substandard meishuizhun 没水准|lacking class/boorish/poor quality/su... meishuo 媒妁|matchmaker/go-between (marital) meishuode 没说的|nothing to pick on; really good/nothi... meishupin 美术品|an art object meishusamoya 美属萨摩亚|American Samoa meishushi 美术史|history of art meishuweierjingqundao 美属维尔京群岛|United States Virgin Islands (USVI) meisi 梅斯|Metz (city in France) meisi 昧死|to risk one\'s life meisimeier 梅斯梅尔|Mesmer (name)/Franz Anton Mesmer (173... meisu 媚俗|to cater to the public\'s taste/kitsch... meisu 霉素|(biochemistry) -mycin meisu 美苏|American-Soviet (tension, rapprocheme... meisuobudamiya 美索不达米亚|Mesopotamia meitai 媚态|seductive appearance/fawning manner meitan 煤炭|coal meitan 湄潭|Meitan county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4... meitan 美谈|anecdote passed on with approbation meitanxian 湄潭县|Meitan county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4... meitashatong 美他沙酮|metaxalone meiti 媒体|media, esp. news media meitian 每天|every day/everyday meitian 煤田|a coalfield meitianli 没天理|(old) unprincipled; incorrect/(modern... meitifangwenkongzhi 媒体访问控制|Media Access Control/MAC meitixiaopu 美体小铺|The Body Shop (UK cosmetics company) meitiziyou 媒体自由|freedom of the media meitong 美瞳|cosmetic contact lens/big eye contact... meitou 眉头|brows meitoucangying 没头苍蝇|see 無頭蒼蠅|无头苍蝇[wu2 tou2 cang1 ying5] meitoumeilian 没头没脸|lit. without head, without face (idio... meituandianping 美团点评|Meituan-Dianping, China\'s largest ser... meiwa 媚娃|Veela (Harry Potter) meiwai 媚外|to fawn on foreigners; to pander to f... meiwang 美网|US Open (tennis tournament) meiwanmeiliao 没完没了|without end/incessantly/on and on meiwei 美味|delicious/delicious food/delicacy meiweikekou 美味可口|delicious/tasty meiweiniuganjun 美味牛肝菌|porcino (Boletus edulis) meiwenti 没问题|no problem meixi 梅西|Lionel Messi (1987-), Argentine footb... meixi 没戏|(coll.) not a chance/no way/hopeless meixian 眉县|Mei County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], ... meixiang 煤箱|coal box meixiangdao 没想到|didn\'t expect meixiao 媚笑|enchanting smile meixiayukuang 每下愈况|see 每況愈下|每况愈下[mei3 kuang4 yu4 xia4] meixie 煤屑|coal dust/coal slack meixin 眉心|(the space) between the eyebrows meixin 昧心|against one\'s conscience meixin 美心|Maxine (name) meixinlun 眉心轮|ājñā or ajna, the brow or third eye c... meixinmeifei 没心没肺|simple-minded/thoughtless/heartless/n... meixinyan 没心眼|outspoken/artless/tactless meixiumeisao 没羞没臊|shameless meixiye 梅西耶|Charles Messier (1730-1817), French a... meixiye 梅西叶|Charles Messier (1730-1817), French a... meixiyexingbiao 梅西耶星表|Messier catalog of nebulae and cluste... meixiyexingbiao 梅西叶星表|Messier catalog of nebulae and cluste... meixu 妹婿|brother-in-law (younger sister\'s husb... meixue 美学|aesthetics meiyan 美艳|beautiful and alluring/glamorous/gorg... meiyan 眉眼|brows and eyes/appearance/looks/count... meiyan 媚眼|charming eyes/coquettish glances meiyan 美颜|to beautify sb\'s face (with cosmetics... meiyan 镁盐|magnesium salt meiyanchuanqing 眉眼传情|to give the eye to/to make eyes at meiyankan 没眼看|(coll.) can\'t bear to look at it/hide... meiyanxiangji 美颜相机|BeautyCam, a smartphone app for retou... meiye 每夜|nightly meiyi 美意|goodwill; kindness meiyimei 美以美|Methodist (Christian sect) meiyinci 美因茨|Mainz (city in Germany) meiying 魅影|phantom (esp. of Western fantasy) meiying 美英|US and UK/Anglo-American meiying 没影|to vanish/to be nowhere to be found/u... meiyisi 没意思|boring/of no interest meiyong 没用|useless meiyou 煤油|kerosene meiyou 没有|haven\'t/hasn\'t/doesn\'t exist/to not h... meiyoubutoufengdeqiang 没有不透风的墙|(idiom) no secret can be kept forever meiyouchabie 没有差别|there is no difference/it makes no di... meiyoufa 没有法|at a loss/unable to do anything about... meiyouguanxi 没有关系|see 沒關係|没关系[mei2 guan1 xi5] meiyouguiju,buchengfangyuan 没有规矩,不成方圆|without rules, nothing can be done (i... meiyouguiju,heyichengfangyuan 没有规矩,何以成方圆|without rules, how can anything be do... meiyoujintou 没有劲头|to have no strength/to feel weak/feel... meiyoujintour 没有劲头儿|erhua variant of 沒有勁頭|没有劲头[mei2 you3 ... meiyoulianpi 没有脸皮|ashamed/embarrassed/not having the fa... meiyoupinwei 没有品味|tasteless meiyoushenme 没有什么|it is nothing/there\'s nothing ... abo... meiyoushenmebukeneng 没有什么不可能|nothing is impossible/there\'s nothing... meiyoushi 没有事|not a bit/nothing is up/nothing alarm... meiyouxingzhuang 没有形状|shapeless meiyouyisi 没有意思|boring/of no interest meiyouyiyi 没有意义|not to have any meaning/meaningless meiyouzhijin 没有止尽|endless meiyu 美誉|good name; good reputation meiyu 梅雨|East Asian rainy season (in late spri... meiyu 美玉|fine jade meiyu 眉宇|(literary) forehead/(literary) counte... meiyu 霉雨|variant of 梅雨[mei2yu3] meiyu 美语|American English meiyuan 美元|American dollar/US dollar meiyuan 美圆|US dollar meiyuan 酶原|zymogen/fermentogen meiyue 每月|each month meiyue 眉月|waxing crescent (moon) meiyuhangju 美宇航局|US National Aeronautics and Space Adm... meiyun 霉运|ill luck/misfortune meizha 煤渣|slack meizhangyan 没长眼|see 沒長眼睛|没长眼睛[mei2 zhang3 yan3 jing5] meizhangyanjing 没长眼睛|(coll.) are you blind or something?/l... meizhe 没辙|at one\'s wit\'s end/unable to find a w... meizhi 美制|American made meizhi 媒质|medium meizhi 没治|hopeless/helpless/incurable/fantastic... meizhi 妹纸|(Internet slang) (pun on 妹子[mei4 zi5]) meizhilan 美职篮|National Basketball Association (NBA) meizhiqi 煤制气|coal gasification meizhiyou 煤制油|coal liquefaction meizhiyuan 美汁源|Minute Maid meizhizi 美智子|Michiko, Japanese female given name/E... meizhong 美中|USA-China meizhong 没种|not to have the guts (to do sth)/cowa... meizhongbuzu 美中不足|everything is fine except for one sma... meizhongtai 美中台|US-China-Taiwan meizhou 梅州|see 梅州市[Mei2zhou1 Shi4] meizhou 每周|every week meizhou 美洲|America (including North, Central and... meizhoubao 美洲豹|jaguar (Panthera onca) meizhoudalu 美洲大陆|the Americas/North and South American... meizhoudao 湄洲岛|Meizhou Island (Putian) meizhouguojiazuzhi 美洲国家组织|Organization of American States meizhouhu 美洲虎|jaguar meizhoujinheng 美洲金鸻|(bird species of China) American gold... meizhoulvchiya 美洲绿翅鸭|(bird species of China) green-winged ... meizhoushi 梅州市|Meizhou, prefecture-level city in Gua... meizhoushi 美洲狮|cougar/mountain lion/puma meizhoutuo 美洲鸵|Greater Rhea/American Rhea/Rhea ameri... meizhouyici 每周一次|once a week meizhuan 煤砖|briquette meizhuan 镁砖|magnesium brick (refractory material) meizhuan 美馔|delicacy meizhun 没准|not sure/maybe meizhunr 没准儿|erhua variant of 沒準|没准[mei2 zhun3] meizhuntou 没准头|(coll.) unreliable meizi 妹子|(dialect) younger sister/girl meizi 梅子|plum meizi 猸子|mongoose meizizi 美滋滋|very happy; elated meme 么么|kissing sound (slang onom.) men 门|surname Men men 门|gate/door/CL:扇[shan4]/gateway/doorway... men 们|plural marker for pronouns, and nouns... men 闷|stuffy/shut indoors/to smother/to cov... men 闷|bored/depressed/melancholy/sealed/air... men 穈|porridge/rice sprouts men 焖|to cook in a covered vessel/to casser... men 扪|lay hands on/to cover men 钔|mendelevium (chemistry) men 懑|melancholy men 暪|dark men 樠|elm/gum men 亹|mountain pass/defile (archaic) men 𫞩|(gem)/rouge menba 门把|door knob/door handle/also pr. [men2 ... menbazu 门巴族|Menba ethnic group menbiankuang 门边框|door frame/door pillars menchi 门齿|incisor mendang 门挡|doorstop mendanghudui 门当户对|the families are well-matched in term... mendao 门道|doorway/gateway mendao 门道|the way to do sth/knack mendaomen 门到门|door to door mendi 门第|family status mendi 门地|variant of 門第|门第[men2di4] mendian 门店|(retail) store mendian 门垫|doormat mendong 门洞|passageway/archway mendong 门冬|abbr. for 天門冬|天门冬[tian1 men2 dong1], ... mendui 门对|couplet (hung on each side of the doo... mendun 门墩|wooden or stone block supporting the ... mene 门额|area above the lintel of a doorway menfa 门阀|rich and powerful family menfang 门房|gatehouse/lodge/gatekeeper/porter menfeng 门风|family tradition/family principles meng 檬|used in 檸檬|柠檬[ning2meng2] meng 梦|dream (CL:場|场[chang2],個|个[ge4])/(boun... meng 猛|ferocious/fierce/violent/brave/sudden... meng 盟|oath/pledge/union/to ally/league, a s... meng 萌|(bound form) to sprout; to bud/(coll.... meng 孟|surname Meng meng 孟|first month of a season/eldest amongs... meng 蒙|(literary) sincere; honest; genuine meng 蒙|drizzle/mist meng 蒙|to deceive/to cheat/to hoodwink/to ma... meng 蒙|blind/dim-sighted meng 蒙|surname Meng meng 蒙|Mongol ethnic group/abbr. for Mongoli... meng 蒙|(knocked) unconscious/dazed/stunned meng 蒙|to cover/ignorant/to suffer (misfortu... meng 夣|old variant of 夢|梦[meng4] meng 鹲|tropic bird meng 艋|used in 舴艋[ze2meng3] meng 懵|stupid meng 朦|used in 朦朧|朦胧[meng2long2] meng 氓|common people meng 锰|manganese (chemistry) meng 獴|mongoose/Taiwan pr. [meng2] meng 幪|cover meng 黾|toad meng 虻|horsefly/gadfly meng 虻|old variant of 虻[meng2] meng 蠓|grasshopper/midge/sandfly meng 甍|rafters supporting tiles/ridge of a roof meng 勐|meng (old administrative division in ... meng 莔|Fritillaria verticillata meng 艨|ancient warship/see 艨艟, ancient leath... meng 蜢|grasshopper meng 礞|(mineral) meng 瞢|eyesight obscured/to feel ashamed meng 曚|twilight before dawn meng 甿|variant of 氓[meng2] meng 冡|old variant of 蒙[meng2] meng 䖟|old variant of 虻[meng2] meng 䗈|old variant of 虻[meng2] mengang 门岗|gate mengbadun 蒙巴顿|Mountbatten (name, Anglicization of G... mengbang 盟邦|ally; allied country mengbasa 蒙巴萨|Mombasa (city in Kenya) mengbi 蒙蔽|to deceive/to hoodwink mengbi 懵逼|(dialect) stupefied/dumbfounded mengbiliai 蒙彼利埃|Montpellier (French town) mengbufang 猛不防|suddenly/unexpectedly/taken by surpri... mengchangjun 孟尝君|Lord Menchang of Qi, Chancellor of Qi... mengcheng 蒙城|Mengcheng, a county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2z... mengchengxian 蒙城县|Mengcheng, a county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2z... mengchi 猛吃|to gobble up/to gorge oneself on (food) mengchong 猛冲|to charge forward mengchong 艨冲|ancient leatherclad warship/same as 艨艟 mengchong 艨艟|ancient leatherclad warship mengcun 孟村|Mengcun Hui autonomous county in Cang... mengcunhuizuzizhixian 孟村回族自治县|Mengcun Hui Autonomous County in Cang... mengcunxian 孟村县|Mengcun Hui autonomous county in Cang... mengda 猛打|to strike/wham! mengdaier 蒙代尔|Walter Mondale (1928-), US democratic... mengdana 蒙大拿|Montana, US state mengdanazhou 蒙大拿州|Montana, US state mengdao 梦到|to dream of/to dream about mengde 猛地|suddenly mengdesijiu 孟德斯鸠|Charles Montesquieu (1689-1755), Fren... mengdeweidiya 蒙得维的亚|Montevideo, capital of Uruguay mengdi 盟弟|junior partner in sworn brotherhood mengdie 猛跌|drop sharply (e.g. stock prices) mengdikaluo 蒙地卡罗|Monte-Carlo (Monaco) (Tw) mengding 猛丁|suddenly mengdong 萌动|to sprout/(fig.) to emerge mengdong 懵懂|confused/ignorant mengen 蒙恩|to receive favor mengfa 萌发|to sprout/to shoot/to bud mengfeisi 孟菲斯|Memphis (Egypt or Tennessee) mengfu 蒙覆|to cover menggan 猛干|to tie in to menggemali 蒙哥马利|Bernard Montgomery (Montie) (1887-197... menggong 猛攻|to attack violently/to storm menggu 蒙古|Mongolia menggu 朦骨|(archaic) Mongol menggu 萌古|(archaic) Mongol mengguan 蒙馆|primary school menggubailing 蒙古百灵|(bird species of China) Mongolian lar... menggubao 蒙古包|yurt menggudaifu 蒙古大夫|(coll.) quack (doctor)/charlatan mengguguo 蒙古国|Mongolia mengguli 蒙古里|(archaic) Mongol mengguo 盟国|allies/united countries mengguren 蒙古人|Mongol menggurenmingongheguo 蒙古人民共和国|People\'s Republic of Mongolia (from 1... menggushaheng 蒙古沙鸻|(bird species of China) Siberian sand... menggushaque 蒙古沙雀|(bird species of China) Mongolian fin... mengguyu 蒙古语|Mongolian language mengguzu 蒙古族|Mongol ethnic group of north China an... menghai 勐海|Menghai county in Xishuangbanna Dai a... menghaixian 勐海县|Menghai county in Xishuangbanna Dai a... menghaoran 孟浩然|Meng Haoran (689-740), Tang Dynasty Poet menghe 梦核|dreamcore menghong 蒙哄|to deceive/to cheat menghu 猛虎|fierce tiger menghua 梦话|talking in one\'s sleep/words spoken d... menghuan 梦幻|dream/illusion/reverie menghuanpaoying 梦幻泡影|(Buddhism) illusion/pipe dream menghun 蒙混|to deceive/to hoodwink/Taiwan pr. [me... menghunguoguan 蒙混过关|to get away with it/to slip through/t... mengji 猛击|to slap/to smack/to punch mengjia 艋舺|Mengjia (also written Monga, Monka or... mengjiahui 蒙嘉慧|Yoyo Mung (1975-), Hong Kong actress mengjiala 孟加拉|Bengal/Bangladesh mengjialaguo 孟加拉国|Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) mengjialarenmingongheguo 孟加拉人民共和国|People\'s Republic of Bangladesh (form... mengjialawan 孟加拉湾|Bay of Bengal mengjialayu 孟加拉语|Bengali (language) mengjian 梦见|to dream about (sth or sb)/to see in ... mengjiang 猛将|fierce general/valiant military leade... mengjiangnv 孟姜女|heroine of Qin dynasty 秦朝 folk tale, ... mengjiao 孟郊|Meng Jiao (751-814), Tang dynasty ess... mengjiehe 锰结核|manganese nodule mengjin 猛进|to advance boldly; to push ahead vigo... mengjing 梦境|dreamland mengjing 梦景|dreamscape mengjinr 猛劲儿|to dash/to put on a spurt/to redouble... mengjun 盟军|allied forces mengke 猛可|suddenly/in an instant mengke 獴科|Herpestidae (zoology) mengke 孟轲|Mencius 孟子 (c. 372-c. 289), Confucian... mengkuang 锰矿|manganese ore mengla 勐腊|Mengla county in Xishuangbanna Dai au... menglang 孟浪|hasty/rash/impetuous menglaxian 勐腊县|Mengla county in Xishuangbanna Dai au... mengli 猛力|with all one\'s might/with sudden forc... mengliandaizulahuzuwazuzizhixian 孟连傣族拉祜族佤族自治县|Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va autonomous ... menglianggu 孟良崮|Mt Mengliang in Mengyin county 蒙陰縣|蒙阴... mengliangguzhanyi 孟良崮战役|Battle of Mt Mengliang in Shandong of... menglianxian 孟连县|Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va autonomous ... mengliao 猛料|hot news item/awesome menglie 猛烈|fierce; violent; vigorous; intense menglong 朦胧|(literary) (of moonlight) dim/(litera... menglong 曚昽|(literary) (of daylight) dim/(literar... menglong 蒙茏|dense (of foliage) menglong 蒙眬|(of vision) fuzzy menglongguaike 猛龙怪客|Death wish, movie series with Charles... menglongshi 朦胧诗|Misty Poetry, a post-Cultural Revolut... menglu 梦露|Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962), American ... mengluoweiya 蒙罗维亚|Monrovia, capital of Liberia mengluoyuan 梦罗园|Menlo Park, New Jersey, the home of T... mengma 猛犸|mammoth mengmai 孟买|Mumbai (formerly Bombay) mengmaxiang 猛犸象|see 猛獁|猛犸[meng3 ma3] mengmei 梦寐|to dream/to sleep mengmei 蒙昧|uncultured/uncivilized/God-forsaken/i... mengmeiwuzhi 蒙昧无知|benighted (idiom)/ignorant mengmeiyiqiu 梦寐以求|lit. to yearn for sth even in one\'s d... mengmeng 蒙蒙|drizzle (of rain or snow) mengmengda 萌萌哒|(Internet slang) adorable/cute mengmengdongdong 懵懵懂懂|confused/ignorant mengmenghei 蒙蒙黑|dusk mengmengliang 蒙蒙亮|dawn/the first glimmer of light mengmian 蒙面|to cover one\'s face; to wear a mask/b... mengmo 梦魔|night demon (malign spirit believed t... mengnalisha 蒙娜丽莎|Mona Lisa mengnan 蒙难|to meet with disaster/killed/in the c... mengniu 蒙牛|China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited mengpanasi 蒙帕纳斯|Montparnasse (southeast Paris, 14ème ... mengpi 蒙皮|skin/covering mengpian 蒙骗|to hoodwink/to deceive/to dupe sb mengpian 蒙骗|variant of 矇騙|蒙骗[meng1 pian4] mengpo 孟婆|(Chinese folk religion) Meng Po, godd... mengpotang 孟婆汤|potion given to souls by the goddess ... mengpu 猛扑|to charge/to pounce on/to swoop down on mengqin 猛禽|bird of prey mengqiu 蒙求|(traditional title of first readers)/... mengquan 蒙圈|(Internet slang) dazed/confused mengran 猛然|suddenly; abruptly mengri 蒙日|Gaspard Monge (1746-1818), French mat... mengrong 蒙茸|jumbled/fluffy mengshan 蒙山|Mengshan county in Wuzhou 梧州[Wu2 zhou... mengshanshihai 盟山誓海|to pledge undying love (idiom); oath ... mengshanxian 蒙山县|Mengshan county in Wuzhou 梧州[Wu2 zhou... mengsheng 萌生|to burgeon/to produce/to conceive/to ... mengshi 盟誓|oath of alliance mengshi 蒙师|primary school teacher mengshou 蒙受|to suffer/to sustain (loss) mengshou 猛兽|ferocious beast/fierce animal mengshu 蒙塾|primary school mengsicheng 孟思诚|Maeng Saseong (1360-1438), Korean pol... mengsongyu 蒙松雨|(dialect) drizzle; light rain mengsun 猛隼|(bird species of China) oriental hobb... mengtaiqi 蒙太奇|montage (film) (loanword) mengtekaluo 蒙特卡洛|Monte-Carlo (Monaco) mengtekaluofa 蒙特卡洛法|Monte Carlo method (math.) mengtekaluofangfa 蒙特卡罗方法|Monte Carlo method (math.) mengtelei 蒙特雷|Monterey mengtelier 蒙特利尔|Montreal, city in Quebec, Canada mengtelou 蒙特娄|Montreal, city in Quebec, Canada (Tw) mengteneigeluo 蒙特内哥罗|Montenegro (Tw) mengtesailate 蒙特塞拉特|Montserrat mengteweiduo 蒙特维多|Montevideo, capital of Uruguay (Tw) mengtian 蒙恬|Qin general Meng Tian (-210 BC), invo... mengtouzhuanxiang 蒙头转向|to lose one\'s bearings/utterly confused mengtuoluola 蒙托罗拉|Motorola mengwa 萌娃|cute little kid mengwen 蒙文|Mongolian language mengwuguo 蒙兀国|Khamag Mongol, a 12th century Mongoli... mengxian 孟县|Meng former county, now Mengzhou city... mengxiang 梦想|(fig.) to dream of/dream mengxiang 梦乡|the land of dreams/slumberland mengxiangjia 梦想家|dreamer/visionary mengxiao 猛鸮|(bird species of China) northern hawk... mengxibitan 梦溪笔谈|Dream Pool Essays by Shen Kuo 沈括[Shen... mengxin 萌新|(neologism) (slang) newbie mengxing 猛醒|to realize suddenly/to wake up to the... mengxing 猛省|to realize suddenly/to suddenly recall mengxingzheng 梦行症|somnambulism/sleepwalking mengxiong 盟兄|senior partner in sworn brotherhood mengxiongdi 盟兄弟|sworn brother mengxiu 蒙羞|to be shamed/to be humiliated mengya 萌芽|(of a seed) to germinate/(of a plant)... mengyan 梦魇|nightmare mengyao 蒙药|anesthetic; narcotic/knockout drops mengyao 蒙药|traditional Mongolian medicine (or drug) mengyi 梦呓|talking in one\'s sleep/delirious ravi... mengyi 梦遗|wet dream; nocturnal emission mengyikan 猛一看|at first glance/first impression mengyin 蒙阴|Mengyin county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi... mengyinxian 蒙阴县|Mengyin county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi... mengyou 梦游|to sleepwalk/to journey in a dream mengyou 盟友|ally mengyouzheng 梦游症|somnambulism/sleepwalking mengyuan 蒙冤|to be wronged/to be subjected to an i... mengyuan 盟员|league member/ally mengyue 盟约|contract of alliance/oath or treaty b... mengzaiguli 蒙在鼓里|variant of 蒙在鼓裡|蒙在鼓里[meng2 zai4 gu3 li3] mengzaiguli 蒙在鼓里|lit. kept inside a drum (idiom)/fig. ... mengzaiguli 朦在鼓里|variant of 蒙在鼓裡|蒙在鼓里[meng2 zai4 gu3 li3] mengzeng 猛增|sharp increase/rapid growth mengzha 猛乍|suddenly/unexpectedly mengzhang 猛涨|(of water) to soar/(of prices) to sky... mengzhao 蒙召|to be called by God mengzhong 梦中|in a dream mengzhou 孟州|Mengzhou, county-level city in Jiaozu... mengzhoushi 孟州市|Mengzhou, county-level city in Jiaozu... mengzhuang 猛撞|to slam (into)/to smash (into) mengzhuling 萌渚岭|Mengzhu mountain range between south ... mengzi 孟子|Mencius (c. 372-c. 289 BC), Confucian... mengzongzhu 孟宗竹|see 毛竹[mao2 zhu2] menhu 门户|door/strategic gateway/portal/faction... menhuan 门环|door knocker (in the shape of a ring) menhukaifang 门户开放|open door policy/Egyptian President S... menhulu 闷葫芦|lit. closed gourd/fig. enigma/complet... menhuwangzhan 门户网站|web portal menhuzhijian 门户之见|sectarian bias/parochialism menjiang 门将|official gatekeeper/goalkeeper (socce... menjiao 门铰|door hinge menjie 门阶|doorstep/threshold menjieliefu 门捷列夫|Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907... menjin 门禁|restrictions on entry and exiting/con... menjing 门径|access menjiu 闷酒|alcohol drunk to drown one\'s sorrows menka 门卡|keycard menkan 门槛|doorstep/sill/threshold/fig. knack or... menkan 门坎|variant of 門檻|门槛[men2 kan3] menkanr 门坎儿|erhua variant of 門坎|门坎[men2 kan3] menke 门客|hanger-on/visitor (in a nobleman\'s ho... menkeluoque 门可罗雀|you can net sparrows at the door (idi... menkou 门口|doorway/gate/CL:個|个[ge4] menkou 门扣|door latch menkuang 门框|door frame menlang 门廊|stoop/parvis/portico/patio/veranda menlei 门类|category/kind/class menlei 闷雷|muffled thunder/(fig.) sudden shock/blow menlian 门脸|shop front/facade menlian 门联|couplet (hung on each side of the doo... menling 门铃|doorbell menlu 门路|way of doing sth/the right social con... menluo 门罗|Monroe (name)/James Monroe (1758-1831... menluozhuyi 门罗主义|Monroe Doctrine menmei 门楣|lintel (of a door)/fig. family\'s soci... menmenbule 闷闷不乐|depressed/sulky/moody/unhappy menmian 门面|shop front/facade/CL:間|间[jian1]/prestige menpai 门派|sect/school (group of followers of a ... menpai 门牌|door plate/house number menpeng 门碰|doorstop menpi 闷屁|silent fart menpiao 门票|ticket (for theater, cinema etc) menqian 门前|in front of the door menqiu 门球|croquet/goal ball (served by the goal... menran 懑然|dejectedly menre 闷热|sultry/sultriness/hot and stuffy/stif... menren 门人|disciple/follower/hanger-on (at an ar... mensa 门萨|Mensa (loanword) mensao 闷骚|(coll.) outwardly cold or retiring bu... menshan 门扇|door/the opening panel of a door menshaoguo 焖烧锅|to casserole/to stew/vacuum flask/cooker menshen 门神|door god mensheng 门生|disciple/student (of a famous master) menshengbuxiang 闷声不响|to keep silent menshengfadacai 闷声发大财|to amass wealth while keeping a low p... menshengmenqi 闷声闷气|muffled menshi 门市|retail sales/retail outlet; store menshibu 门市部|retail department/section of a retail... menshou 门首|doorway/gate/entrance menshuan 门闩|horizontal bar to hold a door closed ... menshuan 门栓|variant of 門閂|门闩[men2 shuan1] mensuo 门锁|door lock menting 门厅|entrance hall/vestibule mentingruoshi 门庭若市|front yard as busy as a marketplace (... mentingrushi 门庭如市|see 門庭若市|门庭若市[men2 ting2 ruo4 shi4] mentong 门童|doorman/bell boy mentougou 门头沟|Mentougou, a district of Beijing mentougouqu 门头沟区|Mentougou, a district of Beijing mentu 门徒|disciple menwai 门外|outside the door menwaihan 门外汉|layman menwang 门望|family prestige menwei 门卫|guard at gate/sentry menxi 门吸|doorstop menxian 门限|doorsill menxinggeladebahe 门兴格拉德巴赫|Mönchengladbach (city in Germany) menxinwukui 扪心无愧|lit. look into one\'s heart, no shame ... menxinziwen 扪心自问|to ask oneself honestly/to search in ... menya 门牙|incisor menyuan 门源|Menyuan Hui Autonomous County in Haib... menyuanhuizuzizhixian 门源回族自治县|Menyuan Hui Autonomous County in Haib... menyuanxian 门源县|Menyuan Hui Autonomous County in Haib... menzhen 门诊|outpatient service menzhenshi 门诊室|clinic/outpatient department (or cons... menzhu 门柱|doorpost menzi 门子|door/doorman (old)/hanger-on of an ar... mi 弥|full/to fill/completely/more mi 弥|brimming or overflowing mi 密|surname Mi/name of an ancient state mi 密|dense; close; thick/intimate; close/(... mi 迷|to bewilder/crazy about/fan/enthusias... mi 蜜|honey mi 米|surname Mi mi 米|uncooked rice/meter (unit of length)/... mi 秘|variant of 秘[mi4] mi 秘|secret/secretary mi 觅|(literary) to seek/to find mi 觅|old variant of 覓|觅[mi4] mi 芈|surname Mi mi 芈|to bleat (of a sheep) mi 醚|ether mi 宓|surname Mi mi 宓|still/silent mi 泌|(bound form) to secrete mi 咪|sound for calling a cat mi 糜|surname Mi mi 糜|rice gruel/rotten/to waste (money) mi 靡|to waste (money) mi 靡|extravagant/go with fashion/not mi 幂|(math.) power; exponent/to cover with... mi 祢|surname Mi mi 祢|memorial tablet in a temple commemora... mi 谜|riddle mi 縻|to tie up mi 嘧|(phonetic) as in pyrimidine mi 谧|quiet mi 弭|to stop/repress mi 麋|surname Mi mi 麋|moose/river bank mi 詸|variant of 謎|谜[mi2] mi 汨|name of a river, the southern tributa... mi 塓|to plaster/whitewash (wall) mi 眯|to blind (as with dust)/Taiwan pr. [mi3] mi 眯|to narrow one\'s eyes/to squint/(diale... mi 脒|amidine (chemistry) mi 幦|chariot canopy mi 蘼|millet mi 猕|used in 獼猴|猕猴[mi2 hou2] mi 洣|Mi river in Hunan, tributary of Xiang... mi 敉|peaceful mi 蓂|used in 菥蓂[xi1mi4] mi 冖|\"cover\" radical in Chinese characters... mi 醾|unfiltered wine/wine brewed twice mi 冞|deep mi 麛|fawn/young of animals mi 羃|cover of cloth for food/veil mi 袮|used in rare Japanese place names suc... mi 鼏|cover of tripod kettle mi 灖|(used to describe flowing water) mi 銤|formerly used for the chemical elemen... mi 濔|many/numerous mi 峚|used in 峚山[Mi4 Shan1] mi 糸|fine silk/Kangxi radical 120 mian 免|to excuse sb/to exempt/to remove or d... mian 面|face/side/surface/aspect/top/classifi... mian 面|variant of 麵|面[mian4] mian 面|flour/noodles/(of food) soft (not cru... mian 眠|to sleep/to hibernate mian 勉|to exhort/to make an effort mian 棉|generic term for cotton or kapok/cott... mian 缅|Myanmar (formerly Burma) (abbr. for 緬... mian 缅|distant/remote/detailed mian 冕|crown in the form of a horizontal boa... mian 湎|drunk mian 沔|inundation/name of a river mian 宀|\"roof\" radical (Kangxi radical 40), o... mian 丏|hidden from view/barrier to ward off ... mian 娩|to give birth to a child mian 绵|silk floss/continuous/soft/weak/mild-... mian 绵|old variant of 綿|绵[mian2]/cotton mian 愐|shy mian 汅|old variant of 沔[mian3] mian 眄|to ogle at/to squint at mian 眄|to look askance at mian 腼|bashful mian 俛|to exhort mian 渑|used in 澠池|渑池[Mian3chi2], a county in... mian 䩄|variant of 靦|腼[mian3] mian 絻|old variant of 冕[mian3] mian 勔|variant of 勉[mian3] mian 麫|variant of 麵|面[mian4] mian 糆|variant of 麵|面[mian4]/rice noodles/ri... mian 麺|old variant of 麵|面[mian4] mian 蝒|large, black cicada/locust mian 偭|to transgress mian 靣|variant of 面[mian4] mian 蜜胺|melamine (loanword) mian 𩾃|Sciaena albiflora/otolithoidesmiiuy mianao 棉袄|cotton-padded jacket mianbaitang 绵白糖|sugar powder mianban 面板|panel/faceplate mianban 面板|board for making noodles or kneading ... mianbang 棉棒|cotton swab/cotton bud mianbao 面包|bread/CL:片[pian4],袋[dai4],塊|块[kuai4] mianbaoche 面包车|van for carrying people/taxi minibus mianbaochong 面包虫|mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) mianbaodian 面包店|bakery/CL:家[jia1] mianbaofang 面包房|bakery/CL:家[jia1] mianbaoguo 面包果|jackfruit/breadfruit/Artocarpus heter... mianbaoji 面包机|bread making machine; bread maker mianbaokang 面包糠|breadcrumbs mianbaopi 面包皮|crust mianbaopian 面包片|bread slice/sliced bread mianbaorang 面包瓤|crumb (soft interior of a loaf of bread) mianbaoshifu 面包师傅|baker mianbaoshu 面包树|breadfruit tree/Artocarpus altilis mianbaoxie 面包屑|breadcrumbs mianbaoxin 面包心|crumb (soft interior of a loaf of bread) mianbaozha 面包渣|breadcrumbs mianbei 棉被|comforter; quilt/CL:條|条[tiao2],床[chua... mianbi 面壁|to face the wall/to sit facing the wa... mianbing 面饼|flatbread mianbisiguo 面壁思过|to face the wall and ponder about one... mianbo 绵薄|my humble effort/my meager contributi... mianbu 面部|face (body part) mianbu 棉布|cotton cloth mianbu 面簿|(mainly Singapore) Facebook mianbubiaoqing 面部表情|facial expression mianbude 免不得|unavoidable/bound to (happen) mianbugaise 面不改色|(idiom) not bat an eyelid mianbuliao 免不了|unavoidable/can\'t be avoided mianchang 绵长|long and continuous (coastline, sound... mianchaohuangtubeichaotian 面朝黄土背朝天|face to the ground, back to the sky miancheng 面称|term used to directly address a perso... mianchi 渑池|Mianchi county in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[S... mianchi 面斥|to reproach sb to his face mianchi 免持|(Tw) hands-free (telephone function) mianchixian 渑池县|Mianchi county in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[S... mianchou 绵绸|rough-textured fabric of waste silk mianchu 免除|to prevent/to avoid/to excuse/to exem... mianchu 免黜|to dismiss/to fire/to degrade mianchuo 绵惙|critically ill miandai 面带|to wear (on one\'s face) miandaibingrong 面带病容|to look unwell miandaichourong 面带愁容|with a sad air/looking melancholy/wit... miandan 免单|to let a customer have (a product or ... miandang 面档|noodle stall or counter miande 免得|so as not to; so as to avoid miandi 面的|abbr. of 麵包車的士|面包车的士[mian4 bao1 che1 ... miandian 缅甸|Myanmar (or Burma) miandian 面点|pastry miandianlianbang 缅甸联邦|Union of Myanmar, official name of Bu... miandianyu 缅甸语|Burmese (language of Myanmar) miandiao 免掉|to eliminate/to scrap miandou 棉豆|lima bean, aka butter bean (Phaseolus... miandui 面对|to face; to confront mianduimian 面对面|face to face miane 面额|denomination (of currency or bond) mianexinshan 面恶心善|to have a mean-looking face but a hea... mianfei 免费|free (of charge) mianfei 面肥|topdressing (agriculture) mianfei 面肥|leaven/sourdough mianfeidache 免费搭车|free riding (economics) mianfeiruanjian 免费软件|freeware mianfen 面粉|flour mianfu 棉凫|(bird species of China) cotton pygmy ... miangeda 面疙瘩|dough dumpling miangen 绵亘|to stretch in an unbroken chain (esp.... miangua 面瓜|(dialect) pumpkin/(fig.) oaf mianguan 免冠|bareheaded (in a photo) mianguan 冕冠|see 冕[mian3] mianhongerchi 面红耳赤|flushed with anger (or excitement) mianhu 面糊|panada; cooked flour paste/flour past... mianhu 面糊|(of food) starchy and soft mianhua 棉花|cotton mianhuabang 棉花棒|cotton swab/cotton bud mianhuai 缅怀|to commemorate/to recall fondly/to th... mianhuang-jishou 面黄肌瘦|lit. face yellow and body emaciated (... mianhuatang 棉花糖|cotton candy/candyfloss/marshmallow mianji 面积|area (of a floor, piece of land etc)/... mianji 面基|(slang) (of online friends) to meet u... mianjia 面颊|cheek mianjian 面见|to meet face to face/to meet in person mianjiao 面交|to deliver personally/to hand over fa... mianjin 面筋|gluten mianjin 面巾|face flannel or towel/shroud (over th... mianjing 面镜|mask (diving) mianju 面具|mask miankaizunkou 免开尊口|keep your thoughts to yourself miankong 面孔|face mianku 棉裤|quilted cotton trousers/cotton-padded... mianlai 眄睐|to cast loving glances mianlan 棉兰|Medan (city in Indonesia) mianlanlaodao 棉兰老岛|Mindanao (island in the Philippines) mianlei 面类|noodle dishes (on menu) mianli 免礼|(formal) you may dispense with curtse... mianli 勉力|to strive/to make an effort/to exert ... mianli 勉励|to encourage mianli 绵力|one\'s limited power (humble expr.) mianlian 绵连|continuous/uninterrupted mianlian 绵联|variant of 綿連|绵连[mian2 lian2] mianliao 面料|material for making clothes/CL:塊|块[ku... mianlicangzhen 绵里藏针|lit. a needle concealed in silk floss... mianlierwei 勉力而为|to try one\'s best to do sth (idiom) mianlin 面临|to face sth; to be confronted with mianling 棉铃|cotton boll (fruit) mianlinkunnan 面临困难|to be faced with problems mianliuying 冕柳莺|(bird species of China) eastern crown... mianlu 面露|to look (tired, pleased etc)/to wear ... mianlubuyue 面露不悦|to show unhappiness or displeasure (i... mianlujuanyi 面露倦意|to look tired mianmao 面貌|face; features/appearance; look/CL:個|... mianmao 棉毛|knitted cotton mianmao 棉帽|cotton-padded hat mianmi 绵密|detailed/meticulous/fine and careful mianmian 绵绵|continuous/uninterrupted mianmian 面面|multiple viewpoints mianmian 眄眄|dull-looking/looking askance mianmian-guadie 绵绵瓜瓞|lit. (of a melon vine) laden with mel... mianmianbujue 绵绵不绝|continuous/endless mianmianguan 面面观|(used in titles) comprehensive survey mianmianjudao 面面俱到|(idiom) take care of everything; hand... mianmianqiangqiang 勉勉强强|to achieve with difficulty/only just ... mianmianxiangqu 面面相觑|to look at each other in dismay (idiom) mianmiao 绵邈|far back in time/faraway/remote mianmiao 缅邈|far/remote mianmo 面膜|facial mask/cleanser/face pack/facial... mianmu 面目|appearance/facial features/look mianmukezeng 面目可憎|repulsive countenance/disgusting appe... mianmuquanfei 面目全非|nothing remains the same (idiom); cha... mianmuyixin 面目一新|complete change (idiom); facelift/We\'... mianni 眄睨|to look askance mianning 冕宁|Mianning county in Liangshan Yi auton... mianningxian 冕宁县|Mianning county in Liangshan Yi auton... mianpang 面庞|face mianpao 面疱|acne mianpei 免赔|(insurance) excess mianpeitiaokuan 免赔条款|franchise clause (insurance) mianpi 面皮|cheek/face/leather covering (for hand... mianpi 面皮|dumpling skin/piecrust mianpiao 免票|not to be charged for admission/(to b... mianqian 面前|in front of/facing/(in the) presence ... mianqian 棉签|variant of 棉籤|棉签[mian2qian1] mianqian 棉签|cotton swab mianqian 免签|to waive visa requirements/visa exemp... mianqiang 勉强|to do with difficulty/to force sb to ... mianqing 面罄|to explain in detail personally mianqiu 棉球|cotton ball/swab/tampon mianque 冕雀|(bird species of China) sultan tit (M... mianquzhiwu 免去职务|to relieve from office/to sack mianr 面儿|cover/outside mianrenr 面人儿|dough figurine mianrong 面容|appearance/facial features mianruhuitu 面如灰土|ashen-faced (idiom) mianrutuse 面如土色|ashen-faced (idiom) mianse 面色|complexion mianserutu 面色如土|ashen-faced (idiom) miansha 面纱|veil miansha 棉纱|cotton yarn miansheng 面圣|(old) to have an audience with the em... mianshi 面食|food made from wheat flour, such as n... mianshi 面世|to be published (of art, literary wor... mianshi 面市|to hit the market (of a new product) mianshi 眄视|to give a sidelong glance mianshi 面试|to be interviewed (as a candidate)/in... mianshiguan 面试官|interviewer mianshou 面授|to teach face to face; to instruct in... mianshou 面首|handsome male companion/gigolo mianshou 免受|to avoid suffering/to prevent (sth ba... mianshoujiyi 面授机宜|(idiom) to brief sb in person on the ... mianshoushanghai 免受伤害|to avoid damage mianshu 面熟|to look familiar/familiar-looking mianshuang 面霜|facial cream (cosmetics) mianshui 免税|not liable to taxation (of monastery,... miansu 面塑|(figurines) made of dough/dough modeling miantai 面态|facial appearance miantan 免谈|out of the question; pointless to dis... miantan 面谈|face-to-face meeting/an interview miantan 面瘫|facial nerve paralysis miantang 面汤|noodle soup/noodles in soup/noodle broth mianti 免提|hands-free (telephone function) mianti 面体|noodles miantian 腼腆|shy/bashful miantian 棉田|cotton field miantiao 面条|noodles miantiao 棉条|(textiles) sliver/tampon (abbr. for 衛... miantiaor 面条儿|erhua variant of 麵條|面条[mian4 tiao2] miantuan 面团|dough mianweiqinan 勉为其难|to tackle a difficult job (idiom)/to ... mianwen 缅文|Burmese (language, esp. written) mianwo 面窝|Chinese doughnut mianwu 面晤|to interview/to meet mianwurense 面无人色|ashen-faced mianxi 免息|interest-free mianxian 勉县|Mian County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zh... mianxian 棉线|cotton thread/yarn cotton mianxian 面线|misua; wheat vermicelli (very thin va... mianxiang 面向|to face/to turn towards/to incline to... mianxiang 面相|facial features/appearence/physiognomy mianxiangduixiangyuyan 面向对象语言|object oriented language mianxianglianjie 面向连接|connection-oriented mianxibei 免洗杯|disposable cup (Tw) mianxie 面谢|to thank sb personally/to thank sb to... mianxikuai 免洗筷|(Tw) disposable chopsticks mianxing 面型|shape of face mianxing 面形|shape of face mianxinlifangzuimiduiji 面心立方最密堆积|face-centered cubic (FCC) (math.) mianxu 棉絮|cotton wadding mianxu 面叙|to talk face-to-face mianyan 绵延|(esp. of a mountain range) to be cont... mianyan 面颜|face mianyang 绵羊|sheep mianyang 绵阳|see 綿陽市|绵阳市[Mian2yang2 Shi4] mianyangshi 绵阳市|Mianyang, prefecture-level city in Si... mianyi 免疫|immunity (to disease) mianyi 棉衣|cotton-padded clothes/CL:件[jian4] mianyi 面议|to bargain face-to-face/to negotiate ... mianyifa 免疫法|immunization mianyifanying 免疫反应|immune response mianyili 免疫力|immunity mianyin 缅因|Maine, US state mianying 面影|face (esp. remembered)/mental image o... mianyinzhou 缅因州|Maine, US state mianyixitong 免疫系统|immune system mianyixue 免疫学|immunology mianyiyingda 免疫应答|immune response mianyou 面友|to put on a friendly face mianyoucaise 面有菜色|to look famished mianyounanse 面有难色|to show signs of reluctance or embarr... mianyu 免于|to be saved from/to be spared (someth... mianyu 面谕|to instruct sb personally mianyu 面谀|to praise sb to his face mianyu 面誉|to praise sb in his presence mianyuan 缅元|kyat, currency of Myanmar mianyuan 绵远|remote mianzao 免遭|to avoid suffering/to avoid meeting (... mianze 免责|exemption from responsibility mianzeshengming 免责声明|disclaimer mianzetiaokuan 免责条款|disclaimer mianzhao 面罩|mask/visor/facepiece (e.g. diving sui... mianzhi 免职|to relieve sb of his post/to sack/to ... mianzhi 面值|face value/par value mianzhi 面纸|facial tissue; kleenex mianzhong 面种|(breadmaking) starter mianzhu 绵竹|Mianzhu, county-level city in Deyang ... mianzhushi 绵竹市|Mianzhu, county-level city in Deyang ... mianzhuxian 绵竹县|Mianzhu county in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 ya... mianzi 面子|outer surface; the outside of sth/soc... mianzi 面子|(medicinal) powder mianzi 绵子|(dial.) silk floss miao 庙|temple/ancestral shrine/CL:座[zuo4]/te... miao 妙|clever/wonderful miao 妙|variant of 妙[miao4] miao 苗|Hmong or Miao ethnic group of southwe... miao 苗|sprout miao 喵|(onom.) meow/cat\'s mewing miao 描|to depict/to trace (a drawing)/to cop... miao 秒|second (unit of time)/arc second (ang... miao 淼|a flood/infinity miao 缪|surname Miao miao 缪|mu (Greek letter Μμ) miao 瞄|to take aim/(fig.) to aim one\'s looks... miao 缈|indistinct miao 邈|profound/remote miao 杪|the limit/tip of branch miao 眇|blind in one eye/blind/tiny/humble/to... miao 庿|variant of 廟|庙[miao4] miao 渺|(of an expanse of water) vast/distant... miao 藐|to despise/small/variant of 渺[miao3] miao 鹋|used in 鴯鶓|鸸鹋[er2miao2] miaobi 妙笔|talented, gifted or ingenious writing miaobiao 秒表|stopwatch miaobishenghua 妙笔生花|gifted or skillful writing miaobukeyan 妙不可言|too wonderful for words miaochaju 秒差距|parsec (astronomy) miaochu 妙处|ideal place/suitable location/merit/a... miaochuang 苗床|seedbed miaode 喵的|drat/frick/(euphemistic variant of 媽的... miaodong 秒懂|to understand instantly miaofa 妙法|brilliant plan/ingenious method/perfe... miaofa 藐法|to disregard the law miaofalianhuajing 妙法莲华经|The Lotus Sutra miaogu 藐孤|small orphan miaohao 庙号|temple name of a deceased Chinese emp... miaohong 描红|to trace over red characters (as a me... miaohu 藐忽|to disregard miaohua 描画|to draw/to describe miaohui 描绘|to describe; to depict; to portray miaohui 庙会|temple fair miaohuqiwei 渺乎其微|remote and insignificant (idiom) miaoji 妙计|excellent plan/brilliant scheme miaojia 苗家|see 苗族[Miao2 zu2] miaojin 描金|to outline in gold miaokan 秒看|(coll.) to take in at a glance miaokou 庙口|Miaokou, market district in Keelung, ... miaoli 苗栗|Miaoli city and county in northwest T... miaoling 妙龄|(of a girl) in the prime of youth miaolishi 苗栗市|Miaoli city in northwest Taiwan, capi... miaolixian 苗栗县|Miaoli county in northwest Taiwan miaomang 渺茫|uncertain/remote/distant and indistin... miaomiao 邈邈|far away/remote miaomiao 藐藐|contemptuous (of manner)/high and dis... miaomiao 眇眇|sublime/solitary/distant or remote/to... miaomiaomangmang 渺渺茫茫|uncertain/unknown/fuzzy miaomiaoxionglixianji 妙妙熊历险记|Adventures of the Gummi Bears (Disney... miaomiaozhong 秒秒钟|in a matter of seconds/swiftly/rapidly miaomingming 邈冥冥|far off; distant miaomo 描摹|to trace over/to take a copy (of a ca... miaopin 妙品|a fine work of art miaopu 苗圃|Miao Pu (1977-), PRC actress miaopu 苗圃|plant nursery/seedbed miaoqi 苗期|(agriculture) seedling stage miaoqu 妙趣|witty/clever/amusing miaoquhengsheng 妙趣横生|endlessly interesting (idiom)/very witty miaoran 邈然|distant; remote miaosha 秒杀|(Internet) flash sale/(sports or onli... miaoshe 秒射|to ejaculate within a few seconds dur... miaoshi 藐视|to despise/to look down on miaoshi 渺视|to think little of/to look down on miaoshiyiqie 藐视一切|to look down upon everything miaoshou 妙手|miraculous hands of a healer/highly s... miaoshouhuichun 妙手回春|(idiom) (of a doctor) to effect a mir... miaoshoukongkong 妙手空空|petty thief (lit. quick fingered and ... miaoshu 描述|to describe/description miaota 庙塔|temples and pagodas miaotang 庙堂|imperial ancestral temple/imperial co... miaotanxunxiong 妙探寻凶|Cluedo (board game) miaotiao 苗条|(of a woman) slim/slender/graceful miaotou 苗头|first signs/development (of a situation) miaotu 描图|to trace miaowurenyan 渺无人烟|remote and uninhabited (idiom); deser... miaowuyinxin 渺无音信|to receive no news whatsoever about sb miaoxiao 渺小|minute/tiny/negligible/insignificant miaoxiao 藐小|variant of 渺小[miao3 xiao3] miaoxiao 眇小|variant of 渺小[miao3 xiao3] miaoxie 描写|to describe/to depict/to portray/desc... miaoxingren 喵星人|cat (Internet slang) miaoyi 苗裔|offspring/descendant/progeny miaoyiyan 瞄一眼|to shoot a glance at miaoyong 妙用|to use (sth) in an ingenious way/marv... miaoyu 妙语|witticism miaoyu 庙宇|temple miaoyuan 渺远|distant; remote (spatially or in time) miaoyuan 邈远|variant of 渺遠|渺远[miao3yuan3] miaoyuhengsheng 妙语横生|to be full of wit and humor miaoyulianzhu 妙语连珠|sparkling with wit (idiom) miaoyuruzhu 妙语如珠|sparkling with wit (idiom) miaozaibuyanzhong 妙在不言中|the charm lies in what is left unsaid... miaozhao 妙招|smart move/clever way of doing sth miaozhen 秒针|second hand (of a clock) miaozhihui 妙智慧|wondrous wisdom and knowledge (Buddhism) miaozhong 秒钟|(time) second miaozhu 庙主|head priest of a temple miaozhu 庙祝|acolyte in charge of incense in a temple miaozhun 瞄准|to take aim at; to target miaozhunju 瞄准具|sighting device/sight (for a firearm ... miaozi 苗子|young successor/seedling/sapling miaozi 渺子|muon (particle physics) miaozu 苗族|Hmong or Miao ethnic group of southwe... mibaise 米白色|off-white; creamy white mibao 密报|secret report miben 秘本|a treasured rare book mibi 密闭|sealed/airtight mibicang 密闭舱|sealed cabin mibihuocang 密闭货舱|sealed cabin mibimen 密闭门|airtight door mibu 弥补|to complement/to make up for a defici... mibu 密布|to cover densely mibukefen 密不可分|inextricably linked (idiom)/inseparable mibutoufeng 密不透风|sealed off/impenetrable mibuyouchu,xiankeyouzhong 靡不有初,鲜克有终|almost everything has a start, but no... mibuzhifan 迷不知返|to go astray and to not know how to g... micai 迷彩|camouflage micaifu 迷彩服|camouflage clothing micang 秘藏|to stash away/a hoard/a cache micang 米仓|rice granary michong 米虫|rice weevil/(fig.) sponger/parasite michuan 秘传|to hand down secret knowledge from ge... midaiwu 蜜袋鼯|sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps) midaizi 米袋子|(fig.) supply of grain to the public midatui 蜜大腿|(coll.) curvaceous thighs (loanword f... mideerboli 米德尔伯里|Middlebury (College) mideng 迷瞪|puzzled/bewildered/infatuated mideng 幂等|idempotent (math.) midi 谜底|answer to a riddle midi 迷笛|Beijing Midi School of Music, est. 19... midian 密电|coded telegram/secret telegram midiexiang 迷迭香|rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) miding 嘧啶|pyrimidine C4H4N2 midiya 米底亚|Media (ancient Middle east region) midu 密度|density/thickness midu 弥渡|Midu county in Dali Bai autonomous pr... midubo 密度波|density wave miduji 密度计|density gauge miduxian 弥渡县|Midu county in Dali Bai autonomous pr... mie 灭|to extinguish or put out/to go out (o... mie 咩|the bleating of sheep/final particle ... mie 咩|old variant of 咩[mie1] mie 搣|(literary) to pull out; to remove/(li... mie 乜|used in 乜斜[mie1xie5]/(Cantonese) what? mie 蔑|to belittle/nothing mie 蔑|defiled with blood mie 幭|carriage cover mie 蠛|minute flies mie 篾|the outer layer of a stalk of bamboo ... mie 烕|old variant of 滅|灭[mie4] mie 孭|to carry on the back or shoulders (Ca... mie 懱|variant of 蔑[mie4] mie 旀|phonetic \"myeo\" used in place names (... miecha 灭茬|to clear stubble from fields (agricul... miecheng 蔑称|contemptuous term miechongning 灭虫宁|bephenium, anti-parasitic worm medicine miechu 灭除|to eliminate; to kill off miecizhaoshi 灭此朝食|lit. not to have breakfast until the ... miediao 灭掉|to eliminate mieding 灭顶|to be drowned (figurative and literal) miedu 灭度|to extinguish worries and the sea of ... miehuo 灭火|to extinguish a fire/firefighting miehuoqi 灭火器|fire extinguisher miejiang 篾匠|craftsman who makes articles from bam... miejue 灭绝|to become extinct; to die out/to lose... miejue-renxing 灭绝人性|(idiom) to be devoid of all humanity;... miejuezhongzu 灭绝种族|to commit genocide miejun 灭菌|to sterilize miekou 灭口|to kill sb to prevent them from divul... miemen 灭门|to exterminate an entire family miemeng 蠛蠓|midge mierbuxuan 秘而不宣|to withhold information/to keep sth s... mierdun 米尔顿|Milton (name)/John Milton (1608-1674)... miersi 米尔斯|Mills (name) mierwoji 密尔沃基|Milwaukee (city) mieshi 蔑视|to loathe/to despise/contempt mieshi 灭失|loss (of sth through natural disaster... mieshuyao 灭鼠药|rat poison mietiao 篾条|bamboo strip mietuan 灭团|(video gaming) to eliminate an entire... miewang 灭亡|to be destroyed; to become extinct; t... miexi 篾席|mat woven from bamboo strips miexie 乜斜|to squint mieye 乜嘢|what? (Cantonese) (Mandarin equivalen... mieyinqi 灭音器|muffler (of an internal combustion en... miezhong 灭种|to commit genocide/to become extinct/... miezhongzui 灭种罪|genocide miezu 灭族|extermination of an entire family (an... mifan 米饭|(cooked) rice mifang 秘方|secret recipe mifang 密访|to pay a secret visit/to pay an under... mifei 靡费|to waste/to squander mifei 糜费|variant of 靡費|靡费[mi2 fei4] mifen 米粉|rice flour/rice-flour noodles/(Intern... mifeng 蜜蜂|bee/honeybee/CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2] mifeng 密封|to seal up mifeng 眯缝|to squint mifeng 弥缝|to cover up mistakes or crimes/to sti... mifeng 弥封|to sign across the seal (as a precaut... mifengcang 密封舱|sealed compartment mifengfang 蜜蜂房|beehive mifengfusheyuan 密封辐射源|sealed radiation source mifengjiao 密封胶|sealant/sealing glue mifenrou 米粉肉|rice flour meat mifu 米芾|Mi Fu (1051-1107), Song poet and call... mifu 米夫|Pavel Aleksandrovich Mif (1901-1938),... migaiya 米该亚|Micah migan 蜜柑|mandarin orange/tangerine migao 密告|to report secretly/to tip off migao 米高|Michael (name) migaomei 米高梅|Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (American media c... migaoyang 米高扬|Mikoyan (name)/Anastas Ivanonovich Mi... mige 米格|MiG/Russian Aircraft Corporation/Mikoyan migeerdesaiwantisisaweidela 米格尔·德·塞万提斯·萨维德拉|Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-16... migong 迷宫|maze/labyrinth miguan 蜜罐|honey pot/fig. comfortable living con... miguo 米果|rice cracker miguo 米国|United States/name of a country that ... mihan 密函|secret letter mihang 迷航|off course/lost (of ship or plane)/ha... mihayierpuluohuoluofu 米哈伊尔·普罗霍罗夫|Mikhail Prokhorov (1965-), Russian bi... mihe 弥合|to cause a wound to close up and heal mihe 密合|close-fitting/tightly sealed mihou 猕猴|macaque mihoutao 猕猴桃|kiwi fruit/Chinese gooseberry mihu 迷糊|muddle-headed/dazed/only half conscious mihuan 迷幻|psychedelic/hallucinatory mihuang 米黄|beige mihuanji 迷幻剂|a psychedelic/hallucinogen mihuanmogu 迷幻蘑菇|psilocybin mushroom/magic mushroom mihuanyao 迷幻药|hallucinogen/psychedelic drug mihui 密会|secret meeting/to meet secretly mihun 迷魂|to bewitch/to enchant/to cast a spell... mihuntang 迷魂汤|potion given to souls before they are... mihunxiang 迷魂香|a kind of sleeping gas or smoke used ... mihunyao 迷魂药|magic potion; (fig.) bewitching words... mihunzhen 迷魂阵|stratagem to trap sb/to bewitch and trap mihuo 迷惑|to puzzle/to confuse/to baffle mihuobujie 迷惑不解|to feel puzzled mihuolong 迷惑龙|apatosaurus/former name: brontosaurus... miji 秘籍|rare book/cheat code (video games) miji 密集|concentrated/crowded together/intensi... miji 秘笈|secret book or collection of books miji 秘技|cheat code mijian 蜜饯|food preserved in sugar or honey mijian 迷奸|to drug and then rape sb mijian 密件|secret documents/abbr. for 機密文件|机密文件 mijiang 米浆|rice milk mijiao 密教|esoteric Buddhism mijiashu 弥迦书|Book of Micah mijie 秘结|constipation mijie 密接|closely connected; inseparably relate... mijikongjuzheng 密集恐惧症|trypophobia mijin 迷津|a maze/to lose the way/bewildering mijing 米精|rice cereal for infants (Tw) mijishu 幂级数|power series (math.) miju 觅句|to search for the right word (of poet) mijue 秘诀|secret know-how/key (to longevity)/se... mikaila 米凯拉|Michaela (name) mikailangjiluo 米开朗基罗|Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), ... mikailanjiluo 米开兰基罗|Michelangelo (Tw) mikang 米糠|bran mikeluonixiya 密克罗尼西亚|Micronesia mikong 密恐|trypophobia (abbr. for 密集恐懼症|密集恐惧症[mi... mila 蜜蜡|beeswax mila 米拉|Mira (red giant star, Omicron Ceti) milan 米兰|Milano/Milan (Italy) milan 糜烂|dissipated/rotten/decaying milan 靡烂|rotting; decaying milanxingduji 糜烂性毒剂|vesicant milaoshu 米老鼠|Mickey Mouse mile 弥勒|Maitreya, the future Bodhisattva, to ... milefo 弥勒佛|Maitreya/the Bodhisattva that will be... milepusa 弥勒菩萨|Maitreya Bodhisattva mili 迷离|blurred/hard to make out distinctly mili 米粒|grain of rice/granule milian 迷恋|to be infatuated with/to be enchanted... milibande 米利班德|Milliband (name)/Ed Milliband, UK lab... milichanghuang 迷离惝恍|(idiom) blurred; confusing milimahu 迷离马虎|muddle-headed milin 密林|jungle miling 密令|secret instruction/secret order miliu 弥留|seriously ill and about to die miliuzhiji 弥留之际|on one\'s deathbed/at the point of death milizuzhi 米粒组织|granulation milu 迷路|to lose the way/lost/labyrinth/labyri... milu 麋鹿|Père David\'s deer (Elaphurus davidian... milu 蜜露|honeydew miluan 迷乱|confusion miluo 汨罗|Miluo city in Hunan/Miluo river in Hu... miluo 米罗|Joan Miró (1893-1983), Spanish surrea... miluojiang 汨罗江|Miluo river in Jiangxi and Hunan prov... miluoshi 汨罗市|Miluo county-level city in Yueyang pr... mima 密码|cipher; secret code/password; PIN mimabaohu 密码保护|password protection mimadianbao 密码电报|coded telegram/ciphered cable mimahuobi 密码货币|see 加密貨幣|加密货币[jia1 mi4 huo4 bi4] mimama 密麻麻|see 密密麻麻|密密麻麻[mi4 mi5 ma2 ma2] miman 弥漫|to pervade/to fill the air/diffuse/ev... miman 弥漫|variant of 彌漫|弥漫[mi2 man4] miman 迷漫|vast haze/lost in boundless mists miman 弥满|to be full mimang 迷茫|vast and indistinct/perplexed/bewilde... mimanxingyun 弥漫星云|diffuse nebula mimasuo 密码锁|combination lock mimaxue 密码学|cryptography mimazi 密码子|codon mimeng 迷蒙|misty mimeng 迷梦|pipedream/unrealizable plan mimeng 弥蒙|impenetrable thick fog or smoke mimi 秘密|secret; private; confidential; clande... mimi 密密|thick/dense/close mimi 咪咪|oboe-like musical instrument used in ... mimian 米面|rice and noodles/rice flour/rice-flou... mimian 谜面|riddle mimicengceng 密密层层|tightly packed/closely layered mimihuhu 迷迷糊糊|in a daze/bewildered mimihuishe 秘密会社|a secret society mimihuodong 秘密活动|clandestine activities/covert operation mimijingcha 秘密警察|secret police mimimama 密密麻麻|numerous and close together; densely ... mimishishi 密密实实|thick/concentrated mimiyan 眯眯眼|squinty eyes mimizaza 密密匝匝|thick/concentrated/dense mimizhazha 密密扎扎|thick/dense mimizhiyin 靡靡之音|(idiom) decadent music mimou 密谋|conspiracy/secret plan/to conspire mimu 米姆|meme (loanword) min 抿|to smooth hair with a wet brush/(of a... min 民|surname Min min 民|(bound form) the people/inhabitants o... min 闽|short name for Fujian province 福建[Fu2... min 闵|surname Min min 闵|old variant of 憫|悯[min3] min 琝|old variant of 玟[min2] min 珉|alabaster, jade-like stone min 敏|(bound form) quick; nimble; agile/(bo... min 岷|name of a river in Sichuan min 旼|gentle and affable min 悯|to sympathize; to pity; to feel compa... min 慜|clever/old variant of 愍[min3] min 泯|variant of 泯[min3] min 泯|(bound form) to vanish; to die out; t... min 黾|to strive min 愍|variant of 憫|悯[min3] min 湣|(ancient character used in posthumous... min 苠|multitude/skin of bamboo min 刡|to scrape; to pare min 崏|old variant of 岷[min2] min 玟|jade-like stone min 缗|cord/fishing-line/string of coins min 皿|(bound form) dish; vessel; shallow co... min 鳘|cod min 敃|strong; robust; vigorous min 忞|to encourage oneself min 忞|ancient variant of 暋[min3] min 痻|to be ill min 勄|old variant of 敏[min3] min 暋|unhappy/worried/depressed min 暋|(literary) rude and unreasonable min 罠|animal trap min 䃉|old variant of 珉[min2] min 瑉|variant of 珉[min2] min 碈|old variant of 珉[min2] min 姄|(used in female given names) (old) min 旻|heaven min 𦈏|old variant of 緡|缗[min2] minaerdi 米纳尔迪|Minardi, Formula 1 racing team minang 蜜囊|honey sac (bee anatomy) minban 民办|run by the local people/privately ope... minbao 民爆|civil explosives minbian 民变|mass uprising/popular revolt/civil co... minbianfengqi 民变峰起|seething discontent (idiom); widespre... minbing 民兵|people\'s militia/militia/militiaman minbuliaosheng 民不聊生|The people have no way to make a livi... mincai 闽菜|Fujian cuisine mincuipai 民粹派|the Narodniks, Russian populist group... mincuizhuyi 民粹主义|populism mindanaehai 民答那峨海|Mindanao Sea mindiao 民调|opinion poll minfa 民法|civil law minfadian 民法典|civil code minfang 民房|private house minfen 民愤|public outrage minfeng 民丰|Minfeng County in Hotan Prefecture 和田... minfeng 民风|popular customs/folkways/the characte... minfengxian 民丰县|Minfeng County in Hotan Prefecture 和田... ming 名|name/noun (part of speech)/place (e.g... ming 命|life/fate/order or command/to assign ... ming 明|Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)/surname Ming... ming 明|bright/opposite: dark 暗[an4]/(of mean... ming 铭|to engrave/inscribed motto ming 鸣|to cry (of birds, animals and insects... ming 茗|Thea sinensis/young leaves of tea ming 冥|old variant of 冥[ming2] ming 冥|dark/deep/stupid/the underworld ming 溟|to drizzle/sea ming 暝|dark ming 螟|boring insect/snout moth\'s larva (Aph... ming 瞑|to close (the eyes) ming 洺|name of a river ming 酩|used in 酩酊[ming3ding3] ming 蓂|lucky place ming 朙|old variant of 明[ming2] ming 眳|space between the eyebrows and the ey... ming 榠|Chinese quince ming 鄍|place name mingan 敏感|sensitive/susceptible mingan 命案|homicide case/murder case minganxing 敏感性|sensitive/sensitivity mingbai 明白|clear; obvious; unequivocal/sensible;... mingbaizhe 明摆着|evident/clear/undoubted mingbao 明报|Ming Pao newspaper (Hong Kong) mingbi 冥币|false paper money burned as an offeri... mingbian 明辨|to discern/to distinguish clearly mingbianshifei 明辨是非|to distinguish right and wrong (idiom) mingbiao 名表|famous watch (i.e. expensive brand of... mingbo 命薄|to be unlucky mingbufushi 名不副实|the name does not reflect the reality... mingbufushi 名不符实|the name does not correspond to reali... mingbujianjingzhuan 名不见经传|(lit.) name not encountered in the cl... mingbujiuyi 命不久矣|at death\'s door mingbuping 鸣不平|to cry out against injustice/to prote... mingbuxuchuan 名不虚传|(idiom) to live up to one\'s famous na... mingbuzhengyanbushun 名不正言不顺|(of a title, degree etc) illegitimate... mingcai 名菜|famous dishes/specialty dishes mingce 名册|roll (of names)/register/CL:本[ben3] mingcha 明察|to note clearly/to perceive mingchaanfang 明察暗访|open enquiries and secret search (idi... mingchaanfang 明查暗访|open enquiries and secret search (idi... mingchan 名产|staple/name-brand product mingchao 明朝|Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) mingchao 冥钞|false paper money burned as an offeri... mingchaoti 明朝体|Mincho font mingchaqiuhao 明察秋毫|lit. seeing clearly the downy feather... mingche 明澈|clear/limpid mingchen 名臣|important official or statesman (in f... mingcheng 名称|name (of a thing)/name (of an organiz... mingcheng 名城|famous city mingchengbiaoqian 名称标签|name tag mingchengquan 名称权|copyright/rights to a trademark mingchengzu 明成祖|Ming Chengzu, temple name of third Mi... mingchi 溟池|the northern sea mingchixiaer 名驰遐迩|To have one\'s fame spread far and wid... mingchong 螟虫|boring insect/snout moth\'s larva (Aph... mingchu 明处|clear place/out in the open mingchu 明初|the early Ming (i.e. from second half... mingchuangjingji 明窗净几|lit. clear window and clean table (id... mingchuiqingshi 名垂青史|lit. reputation will go down in histo... mingci 名刺|visiting card/name card mingci 名词|noun mingci 名次|position in a ranking of names/place/... mingcongzhuren 名从主人|(idiom) to refer to sth by the name i... mingcunshiwang 名存实亡|the name remains, but the reality is ... mingda 命大|lucky (to have escaped death or serio... mingda 明达|reasonable; of good judgment mingdai 明代|the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) mingdan 名单|list of names mingdao 冥道|the gateway to the ghost world mingdao 溟岛|an island in the sea mingdashili 明达事理|reasonable/sensible mingde 明德|highest virtue/illustrious virtue mingdexueyuan 明德学院|Middlebury College, private liberal a... mingdezhen 明德镇|Middlebury (name of town in Vermont) mingdi 鸣笛|to hoot/to whistle mingding 命定|to be predestined mingding 酩酊|blind drunk mingding 明订|see 訂明|订明[ding4 ming2] mingding-dazui 酩酊大醉|(idiom) dead drunk; plastered; as dru... minge 名额|quota/number of places/place (in an i... minge 民歌|folk song/CL:支[zhi1],首[shou3] mingeshou 民歌手|folk singer mingfan 明矾|alum mingfen 名分|a person\'s status mingfu 冥府|underworld/hell mingfu 冥福|afterlife happiness mingfuhuangquan 命赴黄泉|to visit the Yellow Springs/to die mingfuqishi 名副其实|not just in name only, but also in re... mingganganshao 明岗暗哨|both covert and undercover (officers)... minggen 命根|lifeblood/the thing that one cherishe... minggenzi 命根子|see 命根[ming4 gen1] minggou 明沟|open drainage channel; ditch mingguang 明光|Mingguang, a county-level city in Chu... mingguangdu 明光度|luminosity mingguanglan 明光蓝|lavender blue mingguangshi 明光市|Mingguang, a county-level city in Chu... minggui 名贵|famous and valuable/rare/precious mingguihuangquan 命归黄泉|lit. to return to the Yellow Springs ... minggulu 明古鲁|Bengkulu (Indonesian town on the sout... minggulushi 明古鲁市|Bengkulu (Indonesian town on the sout... mingguwu 名古屋|Nagoya, city in Japan minghai 溟海|a dark sea minghao 名号|name; title/good reputation minghao 鸣号|to sound the horn/to honk minghe 明和|Minghe, rail station in South Taiwan/... minghe 冥合|to agree implicitly/of one mind/views... minghua 名画|famous painting minghuajia 名画家|famous painter minghuanghuang 明晃晃|shining/bright minghuayouzhu 名花有主|the girl is already taken (idiom) minghui 明慧|intelligent/brilliant minghui 名讳|taboo name (e.g. of emperor) minghun 冥婚|posthumous or ghost marriage (in whic... minghuo 明火|flame/open fire mingji 铭记|to engrave in one\'s memory mingji 名妓|famous courtesan mingji 名籍|register of names/roll mingjia 名家|School of Logicians of the Warring St... mingjia 名家|renowned expert/master (of an art or ... mingjian 名间|Mingjian or Mingchien Township in Nan... mingjiang 名将|famous general mingjianglisuo 名缰利锁|lit. fettered by fame and locked up b... mingjianxiang 名间乡|Mingjian or Mingchien Township in Nan... mingjiao 明教|Manichaeism mingjiao 鸣叫|to emit a sound/(of birds, insects et... mingjiao 明皎|clear and bright mingjiao 明胶|gelatin mingjiao 名叫|called/named mingjiaoxiao 鸣角鸮|Screech-owl (genus Megascops, a.k.a. ... mingjie 冥界|ghost world mingjie 名节|reputation and integrity mingjin 鸣金|to beat a gong/to sound the retreat mingjing 明镜|Der Spiegel mingjing 明镜|mirror (as a metaphor for sth beautif... mingjing 明净|bright and clean/luminous mingjing 眳睛|unhappy/dissatisfied mingjinggaoxuan 明镜高悬|perspicacious and impartial in judgme... mingjinshoubing 鸣金收兵|to beat the gong to recall troops (id... mingjinshoujun 鸣金收军|to beat the gong to recall troops (id... mingjiu 名酒|a famous wine mingjiu 鸣鸠|turtledove mingju 名句|famous saying/celebrated phrase mingjue 名角|famous actor mingjue 名爵|MG Motor (car manufacturer) mingjuer 名角儿|erhua variant of 名角[ming2 jue2] mingke 铭刻|a carved inscription mingku 命苦|to be born under an ill star minglang 明朗|bright/clear/obvious/forthright/open-... mingli 名利|fame and profit mingli 命理|fate; predestination/divinatory art mingli 明理|sensible/reasonable/an obvious reason... mingli 明里|publicly; outwardly; professedly mingli 明丽|bright and beautiful/(of a landscape)... mingliang 明亮|bright/shining/glittering/to become c... mingliangci 名量词|nominal classifier (in Chinese gramma... minglianli 明里暗里|both publicly and privately; both ove... mingliao 明了|to understand clearly/to be clear abo... mingliao 明了|to understand clearly/to be clear abo... minglichang 名利场|Vanity Fair (novel and magazine title) minglie 名列|to rank (number 1, or third last etc)... minglieqianmao 名列前茅|to rank among the best mingling 命令|order/command/CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4] mingling 明令|to decree mingling 名伶|famous actor or actress (Chinese opera) mingling 螟蛉|green rice caterpillar or similar ins... minglinghang 命令行|command line (computing) minglingju 命令句|imperative sentence minglinglie 命令列|command line (computing) (Tw) minglingzi 螟蛉子|adopted son minglishuangshou 名利双收|both fame and fortune (idiom)/both vi... mingliu 名流|gentry/celebrities minglixue 命理学|divination; divinatory art minglu 名录|directory minglufuwu 名录服务|name service mingluo 鸣锣|to beat a gong mingluokaidao 鸣锣开道|to beat the gong to clear the way/(fi... mingluosunshan 名落孙山|lit. to fall behind Sun Shan 孫山|孙山[Su... mingma 明码|non-secret code (such as Morse code, ... mingmai 命脉|lifeline mingmang 溟漭|vast and boundless mingmantianxia 名满天下|world famous mingmei 明媚|bright and beautiful mingmeizhengqu 明媒正娶|to be officially wed mingmen 名门|famous family/prestigious house mingmen 命门|(TCM) the right kidney/(TCM) acupunct... mingmeng 溟蒙|drizzling/gloomy/dim/obscure mingmenwangzu 名门望族|offspring a famous family (idiom); go... mingmie 明灭|to flicker/to flash on and off/to bri... mingming 明明|obviously/plainly/undoubtedly/definitely mingming 命名|to give a name to/to dub/to christen/... mingming 溟溟|drizzling/gloomy/dim/obscure mingmingfa 命名法|nomenclature mingmingri 命名日|name day (tradition of celebrating a ... mingmingxitong 命名系统|system of nomenclature mingmingzhizhong 冥冥之中|in the unseen world of spirits/myster... mingmo 名模|top fashion model mingmo 明末|late Ming/first half of the 17th century mingmoqingchu 明末清初|late Ming and early Qing/around the m... mingmouhaochi 明眸皓齿|to have bright eyes and white teeth mingmu 名目|name/designation/item/rubric/(formal ... mingmu 瞑目|to close one\'s eyes/(fig.) to be cont... mingmufanduo 名目繁多|names of many kinds (idiom); items of... mingmuzhangdan 明目张胆|openly and without fear/brazenly mingniabolisi 明尼阿波利斯|Minneapolis, a nameplace in the USA, ... mingnian 明年|next year mingniao 鸣鸟|songbird mingnisuda 明尼苏达|Minnesota, USA mingnisudazhou 明尼苏达州|Minnesota mingong 民工|migrant worker (who moved from a rura... mingpai 名牌|famous brand/nameplate/name tag mingpai 铭牌|nameplate/data plate (on a machine) mingpair 名牌儿|erhua variant of 名牌[ming2pai2] mingpan 命盘|natal chart (astrology) mingpian 名片|(business) card mingpian 名篇|famous piece of writing mingqi 名气|reputation; fame mingqian 冥钱|joss paper made to resemble paper money mingqian 名签|name tag mingqiang 鸣枪|to fire warning shots mingqianghaoduo,anjiannanfang 明枪好躲,暗箭难防|lit. easy to dodge the spear in the o... mingqiangyiduo,anjiannanfang 明枪易躲,暗箭难防|lit. easy to dodge the spear in the o... mingqin 鸣禽|songbird mingqing 明清|the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1... mingqu 名曲|famous song/well-known piece of music mingqu 明渠|(open, uncovered) water channel/canal mingque 明确|clear-cut; definite; explicit/to clar... mingr 明儿|(coll.) tomorrow/one of these days/so... mingr 名儿|name/fame mingren 名人|personage/celebrity mingren 明仁|Akihito, personal name of the Heisei ... mingrenbuzuoanshi 明人不做暗事|an honest person does not act surrept... mingrenlu 名人录|record of famous men/anthology of bio... mingrentang 名人堂|Hall of Fame mingrenzong 明仁宗|Ming Renzong, temple name of fourth M... mingrge 明儿个|(coll.) tomorrow mingri 明日|tomorrow mingrihuanghua 明日黄花|lit. chrysanthemums after the Double ... mingshan 名山|famous mountain mingshan 明山|Mingshan, a district of Benxi 本溪市[Ben... mingshandachuan 名山大川|famous mountains and great rivers mingshanqu 明山区|Mingshan, a district of Benxi 本溪市[Ben... mingsheng 名声|reputation mingsheng 名胜|a place famous for its scenery or his... mingshenganjiang 明升暗降|(idiom) to kick sb upstairs mingshengguji 名胜古迹|historical sites and scenic spots mingshi 明示|to state explicitly/to clearly indicate mingshi 名师|famous master/great teacher mingshi 名士|(old) a person of literary talent; a ... mingshi 明史|History of the Ming Dynasty, twenty f... mingshi 名实|name and reality/how sth is portrayed... mingshichugaotu 名师出高徒|A famous teacher trains a fine studen... mingshilu 明实录|Ming Veritable Records, imperial anna... mingshisanling 明十三陵|the Ming tombs (mausoleum park of the... mingshou 名手|master/famous artist or sportsman mingshou 明手|dummy (in bridge) mingshu 名数|(grammar) number plus classifier/hous... mingshui 明水|Mingshui county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heil... mingshuixian 明水县|Mingshui county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heil... mingsike 明斯克|Minsk, capital of Belarus mingsikusuo 冥思苦索|to mull over (idiom)/to think long an... mingsikuxiang 冥思苦想|to consider from all angles (idiom); ... mingsu 名宿|renowned senior figure; luminary; leg... mingsu 名素|variant of 名宿[ming2 su4] mingsui 明邃|glistening and piercing mingtaizu 明太祖|Ming Taizu, temple name of first Ming... mingtang 名堂|item (in a program of entertainments)... mingti 命题|proposition (logic, math.)/to assign ... mingti 明体|Mincho/Song font mingtian 明天|tomorrow mingtianjian 明天见|see you tomorrow/(coll., jocular) foo... mingtianqi 明天启|Tianqi Emperor, reign name of fifteen... mingtie 名帖|name card/business card mingtiluoji 命题逻辑|propositional logic mingtou 名头|reputation mingtu 命途|the course of one\'s life/one\'s fate mingtuduochuan 命途多舛|to meet with many difficulties in one... mingtukanke 命途坎坷|to have a tough life/to meet much adv... minguo 民国|Republic of China (1912-1949)/used in... minguotongsuyanyi 民国通俗演义|Dramatized history of Republican Chin... mingwan 明晚|tomorrow evening mingwan 冥顽|stupidly obstinate mingwan-buling 冥顽不灵|(idiom) pigheaded mingwang 名望|renown/prestige mingwang 冥王|the king of hell mingwangxing 冥王星|Pluto (dwarf planet) mingwei 名位|fame and position/official rank mingwei 命危|(medicine) in a critical condition mingwei 名为|to be called/to be known as mingwen 明文|to state in writing (laws, rules etc) mingwen 铭文|inscription mingwen 名闻|famous/of good reputation mingwenguiding 明文规定|expressly stipulated (in writing) mingwuzong 明武宗|Ming Wuzong, temple name of eleventh ... mingxi 明细|clear and detailed/definite/details (... mingxi 明晰|clear; well-defined; limpid mingxi 明溪|Mingxi, a county in Sanming City 三明市[... mingxia 名下|under sb\'s name mingxia 明虾|prawn mingxian 明显|clear/distinct/obvious mingxian 名衔|rank/title mingxiang 命相|horoscope mingxiang 冥想|to meditate/meditation mingxiang 瞑想|to muse/to think deeply/contemplation... mingxiang 名相|famous prime minister (in ancient Chi... mingxiao 名校|famous school mingxiaoling 明孝陵|Ming tombs in Nanjing, tomb of foundi... mingxibiao 明细表|schedule/subsidiary ledger/a detailed... mingxie 鸣谢|to express gratitude (esp. in public)... mingxie 铭谢|to express gratitude (esp. in public)... mingxing 明星|star; celebrity mingxinkegu 铭心刻骨|lit. etched into one\'s heart and bone... mingxinlougu 铭心镂骨|engraved in one\'s heart and carved in... mingxinpian 明信片|postcard mingxiuzhandao,anduchencang 明修栈道,暗渡陈仓|lit. repair the plank road by day whi... mingxixian 明溪县|Mingxi, a county in Sanming City 三明市[... mingxizong 明熹宗|Ming Xizong, temple name of fifteenth... mingxuan 瞑眩|dizziness, nausea etc brought on as a... mingxuan 铭瑄|MaxSun, PRC company specializing in v... mingxuanzong 明宣宗|temple name of fifth Ming emperor Xua... mingxue 名学|(archaic term) logic mingyan 名言|saying/famous remark mingyan 明言|to say clearly/to argue clearly/to pr... mingyan 铭言|motto/slogan mingyangsihai 名扬四海|to become known far and wide (idiom)/... mingyanren 明眼人|perspicacious person/sb with a discer... mingyi 名医|famous doctor mingyi 名义|name/titular/nominal/in name/ostensib... mingyijiazhi 名义价值|nominal value mingyishang 名义上|nominally mingyizhanghu 名义账户|nominal bank account mingyou 名优|excellent quality/outstanding (produc... mingyu 名誉|fame/reputation/honor/honorary/emerit... mingyu 明喻|simile mingyuan 名媛|young lady of note; debutante mingyuan 名源|origin of a name mingyuandongci 名源动词|denominal verb mingyuanjiaoqu 鸣冤叫屈|to complain bitterly mingyuboshi 名誉博士|honorary doctorate/Doctor Honoris Causae mingyuboshixuewei 名誉博士学位|honorary doctorate/Doctor Honoris Causae mingyue 明月|bright moon/refers to 夜明珠, a legendar... mingyueqingfeng 明月清风|see 清風明月|清风明月[qing1 feng1 ming2 yue4] mingyun 命运|fate; destiny/CL:個|个[ge4] mingyusaodi 名誉扫地|to be thoroughly discredited/to fall ... mingyuxuewei 名誉学位|honorary degree/academic degree Honor... mingzaidanxi 命在旦夕|to be at death\'s door (idiom) mingzao 明早|tomorrow morning/tomorrow mingzaoyishi 名噪一时|to achieve fame among one\'s contempor... mingzha 榠楂|Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis) mingzhang 明杖|white cane (used by the blind) mingzhao 明朝|tomorrow morning/the following morning mingzhebaoshen 明哲保身|a wise man looks after his own hide (... mingzheng 明证|clear proof mingzhengandou 明争暗斗|(idiom) to fight openly and maneuver ... mingzhengyanshun 名正言顺|in a way that justifies the use of th... mingzhi 明志|to demonstrate one\'s sincere convictions mingzhi 明智|sensible/wise/judicious/sagacious mingzhi 明治|Meiji, Japanese era name, correspondi... mingzhi 冥纸|joss paper made to resemble paper money mingzhi 明知|to be fully aware of/to know perfectl... mingzhi-guwen 明知故问|(idiom) to ask a question, already kn... mingzhigufan 明知故犯|deliberate violation (idiom); intenti... mingzhishanyouhu,pianxianghushanxing 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行|lit. to willfully go towards the moun... mingzhiweixin 明治维新|Meiji Restoration (Japan, 1868) mingzhizhiju 明智之举|sensible act mingzhong 命中|to hit (a target) mingzhong 鸣钟|to toll a bell mingzhonglv 命中率|hit rate/scoring rate mingzhongshian 名重识暗|of great reputation but shallow in kn... mingzhongzhuding 命中注定|decreed by fate (idiom)/destined/fated mingzhu 明珠|pearl/jewel (of great value) mingzhu 名著|masterpiece mingzhuang 名状|to express/to describe mingzhuantou 明珠暗投|to cast pearls before swine (idiom)/n... mingzi 名字|name (of a person or thing)/CL:個|个[ge4] mingzi 明子|see 松明[song1 ming2] mingzui 名嘴|well-known commentator/talking head/p... mingzuo 名作|masterpiece/famous work minhang 民航|civil aviation minhangbanji 民航班机|civilian plane/commercial flight minhangqu 闵行区|Minhang District of Shanghai minhou 闽侯|Minhou, a county in Fuzhou City 福州市[F... minhouxian 闽侯县|Minhou, a county in Fuzhou City 福州市[F... mini 迷你|mini (as in mini-skirt or Mini Cooper... miniao 泌尿|to urinate/urination miniao 迷鸟|vagrant bird (a migrating bird which ... miniaoqi 泌尿器|urinary tract/urinary organs miniaoxitong 泌尿系统|urinary system miniju 迷你剧|miniseries miniqun 迷你裙|miniskirt minjia 民家|minka/commoner\'s house/Bai ethnic group minjian 民间|among the people/popular/folk/non-gov... minjianchuanshuo 民间传说|popular tradition/folk legend minjiang 闽江|Min River, Fujian minjiang 岷江|Min River, Sichuan minjiangushi 民间故事|folk story/folktale minjianlian 民建联|Democratic Alliance for the Bettermen... minjianwu 民间舞|folk dance minjianwudao 民间舞蹈|folk dance minjianxisu 民间习俗|folk customs minjianyinyue 民间音乐|folk music minjianyishu 民间艺术|folk art minjianzuzhi 民间组织|association/organization/humanitarian... minjie 敏捷|nimble/quick/shrewd minjindang 民进党|DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Ta... minjing 民警|civil police/PRC police/abbr. for 人民警察 minju 民居|houses/homes minke 民科|pseudoscientist/crank/crackpot (abbr.... minkefusiji 闵科夫斯基|Minkowski (name)/Hermann Minkowski (1... minmeng 民盟|China Democratic League (political pa... minmie 泯灭|to obliterate/to die out/to disappear minmo 泯没|to sink into oblivion/to be lost to m... minnan 闽南|Minnan (southern Fujian) minnanhua 闽南话|Southern Min, a family of Sinitic lan... minnanyu 闽南语|Southern Min, a Sinitic language spok... minnv 民女|woman from an ordinary family minqi 民企|privately-operated enterprise (abbr. ... minqin 民勤|Minqin county in Wuwei 武威[Wu3 wei1], ... minqing 闽清|Minqing, a county in Fuzhou City 福州市[... minqing 民情|circumstances of the people/popular s... minqingxian 闽清县|Minqing, a county in Fuzhou City 福州市[... minqinxian 民勤县|Minqin county in Wuwei 武威[Wu3 wei1], ... minqiongcaijin 民穷财尽|the people are impoverished, their me... minquan 民权|Minquan county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 ... minquan 民权|civil liberties minquanxian 民权县|Minquan county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 ... minquanzhuyi 民权主义|democracy/civil liberties/principle o... minrui 敏锐|keen; sharp; acute minsheng 民生|people\'s livelihood/people\'s welfare minshengdiaobi 民生凋敝|the people\'s livelihood is reduced to... minshengzhuyi 民生主义|principle of people\'s livelihood, the... minshi 民事|civil case/agricultural affairs/civil minshisusong 民事诉讼|common plea/civil appeal (as opposed ... minshizeren 民事责任|civil liability (law) minshuji 民数记|Book of Numbers/Fourth Book of Moses minsu 民俗|popular custom minsu 民宿|(orthographic borrowing from Japanese... minsuxue 民俗学|folklore minting 民庭|civil court mintuan 民团|civil corps/militia minuoan 米诺安|Minoan (civilization on Crete) minxi 悯惜|to feel compassion for minxian 岷县|Min county in Dingxi 定西[Ding4 xi1], G... minxin 民心|popular sentiment minxiong 闵凶|suffering/affliction minxiong 民雄|Minxiong or Minhsiung Township in Chi... minxiongxiang 民雄乡|Minxiong or Minhsiung Township in Chi... minxuan 民选|democratically elected minyan 民谚|folk saying/proverb minyao 民谣|ballad/folk song minyi 民意|public opinion/popular will/public will minyiceyan 民意测验|opinion poll minyidiaocha 民意调查|opinion poll minying 民营|privately run (i.e. by a company, not... minyinghua 民营化|privatization minyingqiye 民营企业|privately-operated enterprise minyishiweitian 民以食为天|Food is the God of the people. (idiom... minyong 民用|(for) civilian use minyu 珉玉|good and bad/expensive and cheap minyu 闽语|Min dialects, spoken in Fujian Provin... minyuan 民怨|popular grievance/complaints of the p... minyuandingfei 民怨鼎沸|seething discontent (idiom); popular ... minyuanfeiteng 民怨沸腾|seething discontent (idiom); popular ... minyue 民乐|Minyue county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1... minyue 民乐|folk music, esp. for traditional inst... minyue 闽粤|Fujian and Guangdong minyuexian 民乐县|Minyue county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1... minyun 民运|civil transport/movement aimed at the... minyuzaxiao 珉玉杂淆|scholars of various talents (idiom) minzeidufu 民贼独夫|tyrant and oppressor of the people (i... minzhai 民宅|house/people\'s homes minzheng 民政|civil administration minzhengbu 民政部|Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) of th... minzhengju 民政局|Bureau of Civil Affairs minzhengting 民政厅|provincial department of civil affairs minzhimingao 民脂民膏|lit. the fat and wealth of the people... minzhong 民众|the populace; the masses; the common ... minzhu 民主|democracy/democratic minzhudang 民主党|Democratic Party minzhudangren 民主党人|Democrat (Democratic Party member or ... minzhugeming 民主革命|democratic revolution/bourgeois revol... minzhuhua 民主化|to convert to democracy; democratic t... minzhujiangangxiejinlianmeng 民主建港协进联盟|Democratic Alliance for the Bettermen... minzhujinbudang 民主进步党|DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Ta... minzhujizhongzhi 民主集中制|democratic centralism minzhupai 民主派|(Hong Kong politics) the pro-democrac... minzhuqiang 民主墙|Democracy Wall, Beijing (1978-1979), ... minzhuzhengzhi 民主政治|democracy/democratic minzhuzhuyi 民主主义|democracy minzhuzhuyizhe 民主主义者|democrats minzi 抿子|small hairbrush minzi 民资|private capital minzu 民族|nationality; ethnic group/CL:個|个[ge4] minzudaqianxi 民族大迁徙|great migration of peoples minzudaxue 民族大学|University for Nationalities (univers... minzugongye 民族工业|national industry/industry run by Chi... minzupingdeng 民族平等|equality of ethnic groups minzushehuizhuyi 民族社会主义|national socialism/Nazism minzutuanjie 民族团结|national unity minzuwudao 民族舞蹈|folk dance minzuxue 民族学|ethnology/anthropology minzuyingxiong 民族英雄|national hero minzuzajudiqu 民族杂居地区|mixed ethnic area minzuzhi 民族志|ethnography minzuzhuyi 民族主义|nationalism/national self-determinati... minzuzhuyiqingxu 民族主义情绪|nationalist feelings/nationalist sent... minzuzijue 民族自决|self-determination miou 米欧|mu (Greek letter Μμ) mipai 密排|leading (between lines of type) miqi 米奇|Mickey or Mitch (name) miqie 密切|close/familiar/intimate/closely (rela... miqiejiechuzhe 密切接触者|(epidemiology) close contact miqiexiangguan 密切相关|closely related miqiexianglian 密切相连|to relate closely/closely related miqiezhushi 密切注视|to watch closely miqiezhuyi 密切注意|to pay close attention (to sth) miqilaoshu 米奇老鼠|Mickey Mouse miqilin 米其林|Michelin (tire company) miqu 觅取|to seek/to seek out miqujun 米麴菌|Aspergillus oryzae (type of mold) miren 迷人|fascinating/enchanting/charming/tempting miru 泌乳|lactation misa 弥撒|(Catholic) Mass misaiya 弥赛亚|Messiah misan 弥散|to dissipate everywhere (of light, so... mishan 密山|Mishan, county-level city in Jixi 雞西|... mishan 峚山|Mi Shan, mountain in Shaanxi province... mishang 密商|to negotiate in secret/confidential d... mishang 迷上|to become fascinated with; to become ... mishanshi 密山市|Mishan, county-level city in Jixi 雞西|... mishi 迷失|to lose (one\'s bearings)/to get lost mishi 密室|a room for keeping sth hidden/secret ... mishi 觅食|to forage/to hunt for food/to scaveng... mishi 密实|close (texture)/dense/densely woven mishi 密使|secret envoy mishitaotuo 密室逃脱|escape room mishixingwei 觅食行为|foraging mishu 秘书|secretary mishui 汨水|name of a river, the southern tributa... mishui 洣水|Mi river in Hunan, tributary of Xiang... mishuzhang 秘书长|secretary-general misi 迷思|myth (loanword) misi 密斯|Miss (loanword) misituo 密司脱|variant of 密斯脫|密斯脱[mi4 si1 tuo1] misituo 密斯脱|mister (loanword) misong 密送|Bcc (for email)/Blind carbon copy (fo... misuli 密苏里|Missouri misulizhou 密苏里州|Missouri mitan 密探|secret agent/detective/covert investi... mitan 密谈|commune/private discussion mitang 米汤|water in which rice has been boiled a... mitang 蜜糖|honey mitao 蜜桃|honey peach/juicy peach mitelang 密特朗|Mitterrand miteluomuni 米特·罗姆尼|Mitt Romney (1947-), US Republican co... miti 谜题|puzzle/riddle mitian 弥天|filling the entire sky/covering every... mitiandahuang 弥天大谎|a pack of lies (idiom) mitu 迷途|to lose one\'s way mitu 米突|meter (unit of length) (loanword) (old) mitu 米兔|(Internet slang) (loanword) #MeToo (m... mituan 谜团|riddle/enigma/unpredictable situation... mituo 弥陀|Amitabha, the Buddha of the Western P... mituzhifan 迷途知返|to get back on the right path/to mend... miu 缪|error; erroneous (variant of 謬|谬[miu4]) miu 谬|to deceive/to confuse/to cheat/absurd... miujian 谬见|erroneous views/false idea/false opinion miujiang 谬奖|to overpraise/You praise me too much! miulun 谬论|misconception/fallacy miumao 谬耄|feeble-minded and senile miuqiao 缪巧|plan/scheme/intelligent/quick-witted miusi 缪思|variant of 繆斯|缪斯[Miu4 si1] miusi 缪斯|Muse (Greek mythology) miuwu 谬误|error/mistaken idea/falsehood miuzhong 谬种|error/fallacy/misconception/scoundrel... miuzhongliuchuan 谬种流传|to pass on errors or lies (idiom); th... miwang 迷惘|perplexed/at a loss miwang 弥望|a full view miwen 秘闻|matters (concerning a prominent famil... miwen 密文|ciphertext miwu 迷雾|dense fog/fig. completely misleading miwu 迷误|mistake; error/to mislead; to lead as... miwu 蘼芜|Gracilaria confervoides (a fragrant h... mixian 米线|rice-flour noodles mixian 密县|Mi county in Henan mixieer 米歇尔|Michel or Mitchell (name)/George Mitc... mixiegen 密歇根|Michigan, US state mixiegendaxue 密歇根大学|University of Michigan mixiegenhu 密歇根湖|Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes... mixiegenzhou 密歇根州|Michigan, US state mixigen 密西根|Michigan, US state (Tw) mixigenzhou 密西根州|Michigan, US state (Tw) mixin 迷信|superstition/to have a superstitious ... mixin 秘辛|behind-the-scenes story/details known... mixixibi 密西西比|Mississippi mixixibihe 密西西比河|Mississippi River mixixibizhou 密西西比州|Mississippi, US state mixue 蜜穴|(coll.) vagina/pussy miyan 眯眼|to narrow one\'s eyes (as when smiling... miyang 谜样|enigmatic miyanta 密檐塔|multi-eaved pagoda miyao 密钥|(cryptography) key miyao 迷药|knockout drops/incapacitating agent/M... miyi 米易|Miyi county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1 zhi... miyichengchui 米已成炊|lit. the rice has already been cooked... miyin 秘银|mithril (fictional metal) miyin 迷因|(loanword) meme miyixian 米易县|Miyi county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1 zhi... miyou 密友|close friend miyoujieyi 靡有孑遗|all dead and no survivors miyu 谜语|riddle/conundrum/CL:條|条[tiao2] miyu 密语|code word; coded language/to communic... miyu 蜜语|sweet words/sweet talk miyue 蜜月|honeymoon miyue 弥月|full moon/first full moon after birth... miyue 密约|secret appointment miyuejiaqi 蜜月假期|honeymoon miyun 密云|Miyun, a district of Beijing miyun 迷晕|to knock sb out with a drug/to render... miyunqu 密云区|Miyun, a district of Beijing mizao 蜜枣|candied jujube mizhang 密帐|secret account (e.g. bank account) mizhao 密诏|secret imperial edict mizhen 迷阵|maze mizhi 密植|close planting mizhi 密致|compact; dense; close-spaced mizhi 谜之|(neologism) (slang) (attributive) mys... mizhi 米脂|Mizhi County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], S... mizhi 迷之|variant of 謎之|谜之[mi2zhi1] mizhi 密织|closely woven mizhi 秘制|to prepare (food etc) using a secret ... mizhi 米制|metric system mizhixian 米脂县|Mizhi County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], S... mizhou 米粥|congee mizhu 迷住|to fascinate/to strongly attract/to o... miziqi 米字旗|Union Jack (flag of the United Kingdom) mizong 密宗|Vajrayana/Tantric Buddhism mizong 密宗|tantra mizongluohanquan 迷踪罗汉拳|Mizongyi, Mizong, My Jhong Law Horn -... mizoushenjing 迷走神经|vagus nerve mizui 迷醉|bewitched/intoxicated by sth mizui 咪嘴|to lip-sync mizuo 咪唑|imidazole (chemistry) (loanword) mizuzhengui 弥足珍贵|extremely precious/valuable mjin M巾|(coll.) menstrual pad mma 姆妈|(dialect) mom; mother mmei 呒没|dialectal equivalent of 沒有|没有[mei2 you3] mo 没|drowned/to end/to die/to inundate mo 模|to imitate/model/norm/pattern mo 无|used in 南無|南无[na1mo2] mo 万|used in 万俟[Mo4 qi2] mo 莫|surname Mo mo 莫|do not/there is none who mo 膜|membrane/film mo 末|tip/end/final stage/latter part/iness... mo 磨|to rub/to grind/to polish/to sharpen/... mo 磨|grindstone/to grind/to turn round mo 摸|to feel with the hand/to touch/to str... mo 摸|variant of 摹[mo2] mo 脉|see 脈脈|脉脉[mo4 mo4] mo 魔|(bound form) evil spirit; devil/(pref... mo 摩|to rub mo 墨|surname Mo/abbr. for 墨西哥[Mo4xi1ge1], ... mo 墨|ink stick/China ink/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/cor... mo 抹|to smear/to wipe/to erase/classifier ... mo 抹|to plaster/to go around/to skirt mo 沫|foam/suds mo 陌|raised path/street mo 茉|used in 茉莉[mo4li4] mo 默|silent/to write from memory mo 漠|desert/unconcerned mo 貉|old term for northern peoples/silent mo 蘑|mushroom mo 谟|plan/to practice mo 谟|old variant of 謨|谟[mo2] mo 貊|name of a wild tribe/silent mo 摹|(bound form) to imitate/to copy mo 麽|tiny/insignificant mo 秣|feed a horse with grain/horse feed mo 殁|to end/to die mo 寞|lonesome mo 妺|wife of the last ruler of the Xia dyn... mo 鄚|surname Mo mo 蓦|leap on or over/suddenly mo 貘|tapir mo 馍|small loaf of steamed bread mo 馍|variant of 饃|馍[mo2] mo 黙|Japanese variant of 默 mo 镆|used in 鏌鋣|镆铘[Mo4ye2]/(chemistry) mos... mo 麿|(Japanese kokuji) I, me (archaic)/suf... mo 嬷|dialectal or obsolete equivalent of 媽... mo 糢|blurred mo 獏|variant of 貘[mo4] mo 庅|variant of 麼|麽[mo2] mo 髍|paralysis of one side of the body mo 歾|to end/to die mo 靺|name of a tribe/socks/stockings mo 藦|Metaplexis stauntoni mo 耱|see 耮|耢[lao4] mo 眽|to gaze/to ogle to look at mo 瘼|distress/sickness mo 皌|see 開皌|开皌[kai1 mo4] mo 嫫|ugly woman mo 劘|whittle mo 𬙊|bind/cord moai 默哀|to observe a moment of silence in tri... moba 摸吧|touch bar (hostess bar that allows ph... mobaben 墨巴本|(Tw) Mbabane, administrative capital ... mobai 膜拜|to kneel and bow with joined hands at... mobanche 末班车|last bus or train/last chance mobang 魔棒|magic wand mobaquan 摸八圈|to play mahjong mobei 漠北|Outer Mongolia (lit. north of the Gob... mobi 墨笔|writing brush mobori 莫伯日|Maubeuge (French city) mobosang 莫泊桑|Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893), French... mobozi 抹脖子|to slit one\'s own throat/to commit su... mobu 莫不|none doesn\'t/there is none who isn\'t/... mobuguanxin 漠不关心|not the least bit concerned/completel... mobukai 磨不开|to feel embarrassed moburan 莫不然|equally true for (all the rest)/the s... mobushi 莫不是|probably/perhaps/could it be that...? mobuwen 莫不闻|there is no-one who doesn\'t know that mobuxialian 抹不下脸|to be unable to keep a straight face ... mobuyuchi 莫不逾侈|there is no-one who is not extravagant mobuzhao 摸不着|can\'t touch; can\'t reach/(fig.) unabl... mobuzhaobian 摸不着边|can\'t make head or tail of mobuzhaotounao 摸不着头脑|to be unable to make any sense of the... mobuzuosheng 默不作声|to keep silent moca 摩擦|friction/rubbing/chafing/fig. disharm... moca 磨擦|variant of 摩擦[mo2 ca1] mocai 摸彩|to draw lots/raffle/lottery mocali 摩擦力|friction mocayin 摩擦音|fricative (phonetics) mocegaoshen 莫测高深|enigmatic/beyond one\'s depth/unfathom... moceng 磨蹭|to rub lightly/to move slowly; to daw... mocha 抹茶|green tea powder (Japanese: matcha) mocha 末茶|tea powder (matcha) moche 末车|the last bus (or train) mocheng 摩城|Mo i Rana (city in Nordland, Norway) mochibuwang 没齿不忘|lit. will not be forgotten even after... mochimu 膜翅目|Hymenoptera (insect order including a... mochinanwang 没齿难忘|hard to forget even after one\'s teeth... mochuang 磨床|grinding machine/grinder mochuantieyan 磨穿铁砚|to grind one\'s way through an ink sto... mochuchengzhen 磨杵成针|to grind an iron bar down to a fine n... moda 莫大|greatest/most important modafeini 莫达非尼|modafinil (loanword) modai 末代|final generation modaihuangdi 末代皇帝|The Last Emperor, 1987 biopic of Pu Y... modao 磨刀|to hone (a knife) modao 默祷|silent prayer/pray in silence modao 磨叨|to grumble/to chatter modao 抹刀|scraper/trowel/putty knife modaobuwukanchaigong 磨刀不误砍柴工|lit. sharpening the axe won\'t make th... modaohuohuo 磨刀霍霍|lit. to sharpen one\'s sword (idiom)/f... modaoshi 磨刀石|whetstone (for honing knives) mode 蓦地|suddenly; unexpectedly modekai 磨得开|to feel unembarrassed; to be at ease/... modena 摩德纳|Modena, Italy modeng 摩登|modern (loanword)/fashionable modengyuanshiren 摩登原始人|The Flintstones (TV Series) modezhao 摸得着|to be able to touch/tangible modi 摸底|to have a clear view (of a situation)... modi 墨翟|original name of Mozi 墨子[Mo4 zi3] modi 莫迪|Modi (name)/Narendra Modi (1950-), In... modi 摩的|motorcycle taxi/abbr. for 摩托車的士|摩托车的士... modigai 末底改|Mordechai (name) modili 蓦地里|suddenly; unexpectedly modingfangzhong 摩顶放踵|to rub one\'s head and heels (idiom); ... modou 墨斗|carpenter\'s straight line marker (an ... modoufu 磨豆腐|to grumble/to chatter away incessantly modu 默读|to read in silence modu 魔都|Modu, nickname for Shanghai moduan 末端|tip; extremity moduan 末段|final segment/last stage moduoke 默多克|Murdoch (name)/Rupert Murdoch (1931-)... moer 莫耳|(chemistry) mole (loanword) (Tw) moer 摩尔|Moore or Moor (name)/see also 摩爾人|摩尔人... moer 摩尔|mole (chemistry) moerben 墨尔本|Melbourne, Australia moerbo 墨尔钵|see 墨爾本|墨尔本[Mo4 er3 ben3] moerdinglv 摩尔定律|Moore\'s law (computing) moerduowa 摩尔多瓦|Moldova/Republic of Moldova, former S... moerduowaren 摩尔多瓦人|Moldovan (person) moergen 摩尔根|Morgan (name) moermen 摩尔门|Mormon (religion) moermenjing 摩尔门经|Book of Mormon moerren 摩尔人|a Moor moersi 莫尔斯|Morse (name) moersidianma 莫尔斯电码|Morse code moersidianma 摩尔斯电码|Morse code moerzibigang 莫尔兹比港|Port Moresby, capital of Papua New Gu... mofa 魔法|enchantment/magic mofan 模范|model/fine example mofan 磨烦|to pester/to bother sb incessantly/to... mofang 模仿|to imitate/to copy/to emulate/to mimi... mofang 魔方|Rubik\'s cube/magic cube mofang 磨坊|mill mofang 摹仿|variant of 模仿[mo2 fang3] mofangpin 模仿品|imitation product/counterfeit/fake mofangzhu 磨坊主|miller mofashi 魔法师|magician/wizard/sorcerer mofei 莫非|can it be possible that/could it be mofu 末伏|the third of the three annual periods... mogai 魔改|(slang) to modify in a fantastical wa... mogaoku 莫高窟|Mogao caves in Dunhuang 敦煌, Gansu mogen 摩根|Morgan (name) mogenfuliman 摩根·弗里曼|Morgan Freeman, American actor mogenshidanli 摩根士丹利|Morgan Stanley (financial services co... mogong 魔宫|lit. devils\' castle/place occupied by... mogongbing 磨工病|grinder\'s disease/silicosis/also writ... mogongchuanqi 魔宫传奇|The Name of the Rose, 1986 movie base... mogu 蘑菇|mushroom/to pester/to dawdle mogu 磨菇|variant of 蘑菇[mo2 gu5] moguai 魔怪|demons and ghosts/ghouls and bogies moguang 磨光|to polish mogui 魔鬼|devil moguidao 魔鬼岛|Devil\'s Island in French Guiana, a fo... moguizhan 魔鬼毡|(Tw) Velcro fastener/touch fastener moguizhan 魔鬼粘|(Tw) Velcro fastener/touch fastener moguoyu 莫过于|nothing can surpass mogutang 蘑菇汤|mushroom soup moguyun 蘑菇云|mushroom cloud mohandasi 莫罕达斯|Mohandas (name) mohanmode 默罕默德|see 穆罕默德[Mu4han3mo4de2] mohao 磨耗|wear and tear/wearing out by friction mohaweishamo 莫哈韦沙漠|Mojave Desert, southwestern USA mohe 墨盒|ink cartridge mohe 磨合|to break in/to wear in mohe 摩诃|transliteration of Sanskrit mahā, great mohei 抹黑|to discredit/to defame/to smear sb\'s ... mohei 摸黑|to grope about in the dark mohengzuodaluo 摩亨佐·达罗|Moenjo-daro, capital of Indus valley ... mohepoluoduo 摩诃婆罗多|Mahābhārata, second great Indian epic... mohou 末后|finally mohouluojia 摩睺罗伽|Mahoraga, snake\'s headed Indian deity... mohu 模糊|vague/indistinct/fuzzy mohu 糢糊|variant of 模糊[mo2 hu5] mohu 模胡|variant of 模糊[mo2 hu5] mohua 摹画|to describe mohuan 魔幻|magical/magic/illusion mohubuqing 模糊不清|indistinct/fuzzy/blurred with age mohui 抹灰|to plaster/to render (a wall)/(fig.) ... mohuluoji 模糊逻辑|fuzzy logic mohuoluoweiqi 莫霍洛维奇|Andrija Mohorovichich or Mohorovičić ... mohuoluoweiqibulianxumian 莫霍洛维奇不连续面|Moho (aka Mohorovičić discontinuity, ... mohuomian 莫霍面|Moho (aka Mohorovičić discontinuity, ... mohushuxue 模糊数学|fuzzy mathematics moji 墨迹|ink marks/original calligraphy or pai... moji 默记|to learn by heart/to commit to memory... moji 磨机|milling machine moji 磨叽|(dialect) to dawdle/to waste time/als... moji 漠䳭|(bird species of China) desert wheate... moji 磨唧|(dialect) to be very slow; to dawdle mojia 墨家|Mohist School of the Warring States P... mojiadisha 摩加迪沙|Mogadishu, Indian ocean seaport and c... mojiadixiu 摩加迪休|Mogadishu, capital of Somalia (Tw) mojiang 抹酱|spread (food) mojiang 莫讲|let alone/not to speak of (all the ot... mojianghanizuzizhixian 墨江哈尼族自治县|Mojiang Hani Autonomous County in Pu\'... mojiangxian 墨江县|Mojiang Hani autonomous county in Pu\'... mojianjiezhong 摩肩接踵|lit. rubbing shoulders and following ... mojiaolan 墨角兰|marjoram (Origanum majorana) mojiaoshi 磨脚石|pumice stone mojie 末节|inessentials/minor detail mojie 摩羯|Capricorn (star sign)/northern people... mojie 魔戒|The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolki... mojiesite 莫杰斯特|Modest (name)/Modeste (name) mojietuo 摩揭陀|Magadha, ancient India kingdom report... mojiezuo 摩羯座|Capricornus mojiezuo 魔羯座|Capricorn (constellation and sign of ... mojing 墨镜|sunglasses/CL:隻|只[zhi1],雙|双[shuang1],... mojituo 莫吉托|Mojito moju 默剧|pantomime/mime/dumb show moka 摩卡|mocha (loanword) mokakafei 摩卡咖啡|mocha coffee moke 墨客|literary person mokeer 默克尔|Angela Merkel (1954-), German CDU pol... mokemingzhuang 莫可名状|indescribable (joy)/inexpressible (pl... mokemuwan 莫克姆湾|Morecambe Bay mokenaihe 莫可奈何|see 無可奈何|无可奈何[wu2 ke3 nai4 he2] mokezhishu 莫可指数|countless/innumerable mokong 膜孔|hole in the body of a musical instrum... moku 魔窟|lit. nest of devils/place occupied by... mokuai 模块|module (in software)/functional unit/... mokuai 磨快|to sharpen/to grind (knife blades) mokuaiban 模块板|module board mokuaidanyuan 模块单元|modular unit mokuaihua 模块化|modularity mokuaihualilun 模块化理论|modularity theory mokuaishi 模块式|modular molalaisi 莫拉莱斯|Morales molapi 默拉皮|Merapi (volcano on Java) molei 抹泪|to wipe away tears/(fig.) to shed tears molei 墨累|Murray (name) molei 莫蕾|mole (Mexican sauce) moleidalingliuyu 墨累达令流域|Murray-Darling river system in the so... moleng 模棱|ambiguous/undecided and unclear molengliangke 模棱两可|equivocal/ambiguous moli 魔力|magic/magic power moli 茉莉|jasmine moli 磨砺|to sharpen on grindstone/to improve o... moliai 莫里哀|Molière (1622-1673), French playwrigh... molian 磨练|to temper oneself/to steel oneself/se... molian 磨炼|variant of 磨練|磨练[mo2lian4] moliao 磨料|abrasive material moliao 末了|(coll.) final part; last bit/(coll.) ... molidawadawoerzuzizhiqi 莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗|Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner in ... molihua 茉莉花|jasmine molihuacha 茉莉花茶|jasmine tea molijuzhi 茉莉菊酯|jasmolin moling 抹零|(of a seller) to round down the fract... molisen 莫利森|Morrison (name) moliu 末流|late degenerate stage molixisi 模里西斯|Mauritius (Tw) molu 陌路|(literary) stranger molu 末路|dead end; impasse/end of the road; fi... molujiaqundao 摩鹿加群岛|Maluku Islands, Indonesia moluo 没落|to decline/to wane moluoge 摩洛哥|Morocco moluoni 莫罗尼|Moroni, capital of Comoros moluoni 莫洛尼|Moroni, capital of Comoros (Tw) moluren 陌路人|stranger molv 墨绿|dark green/forest green molv 摩旅|to travel by motorcycle molvse 墨绿色|dark or deep green momai 摸脉|to feel sb\'s pulse momei 末煤|slack coal (final poor quality coal) momen 摩门|Mormon (religion) momenjing 摩门经|Book of Mormon momie 磨灭|to obliterate/to erase moming 莫名|inexpressible; indescribable; unexpla... momingqimiao 莫名其妙|(idiom) baffling; bizarre; without rh... momingqimiao 莫明其妙|variant of 莫名其妙[mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4] momo 嬷嬷|(dialect) elderly lady/wet nurse/Cath... momo 默默|in silence; not speaking momo 脉脉|affectionate/loving momo 馍馍|steamed bun momo 陌陌|Momo, GPS-based app for messaging, an... momo 眽眽|variant of 脈脈|脉脉[mo4 mo4] momo-wuwen 默默无闻|(idiom) unknown; unrenowned momo-wuwen 没没无闻|variant of 默默無聞|默默无闻[mo4mo4-wu2wen2] momocengceng 磨磨蹭蹭|to dillydally/slow-going monage 摩纳哥|Monaco monai 莫奈|Claude Monet (1840-1926), French impr... monaihe 没奈何|to have no alternative; to be helpless monan 磨难|a torment/a trial/tribulation/a cross... monan 漠南|Inner Mongolia (lit. south of the Gob... monan 魔难|variant of 磨難|磨难[mo2 nan4] monei 莫内|Taiwan equivalent of 莫奈[Mo4 nai4] moni 莫逆|very friendly/intimate moni 摹拟|variant of 模擬|模拟[mo2 ni3] moni 摩尼|Mani (3rd century AD), Persian prophe... moni 模拟|imitation/to simulate/to imitate/anal... monian 末年|the final years (of a regime) monian 默念|to read silently/to mouth (the words ... monifangdaqi 模拟放大器|analog amplifier monijiao 摩尼教|Manichaeism monikalaiwensiji 莫尼卡·莱温斯基|Monica Lewinsky (1973-), former White... moniqi 模拟器|emulator monixinhao 模拟信号|analog signal monizhijiao 莫逆之交|intimate friendship/bosom buddies monv 魔女|witch/sorceress/enchantress mopagunda 摸爬滚打|to go through challenging experiences... mopai 摸排|thorough search mopai 摸牌|to draw a tile (at mahjong)/to play m... mopan 磨盘|lower millstone/tray of a mill mopian 默片|silent movie mopian 抹片|smear (used for medical test) (Tw) mopian 末篇|final installment/last phase/end moping 抹平|to flatten/to level/to smooth out mopokoushe 磨破口舌|incessant complaining mopozuipi 磨破嘴皮|to talk until one is blue in the face mopozuipizi 磨破嘴皮子|to wear out one\'s lips (idiom)/to tal... moqi 默契|tacit understanding/mutual understand... moqi 末期|end (of a period)/last part/final phase moqi 万俟|two-character surname Moqi moqing 摸清|to suss out; to figure out; to ascertain moqipao 磨起泡|friction blister moqiuli 墨丘利|Mercury (Roman god) moqu 抹去|to erase moquancazhang 摩拳擦掌|fig. to rub one\'s fists and wipe one\'... moquancazhang 磨拳擦掌|variant of 摩拳擦掌[mo1 quan2 ca1 zhang3] mor 末儿|powder/puree moran 漠然|indifferent/apathetic/cold moran 默然|silent/speechless moran 蓦然|suddenly/sudden moranzhizhi 漠然置之|to set to one side and ignore (idiom)... moren 默认|to agree tacitly/tacit approval/defau... moren 磨人|annoying/bothersome/to fret/to be pee... moren 末任|(of the holder of an official post wh... mori 末日|Judgment Day (in Christian eschatology) mori 末日|last day/end/final days/doomsday morilun 末日论|eschatology moru 莫如|it would be better mosade 摩萨德|Mossad mosanbike 莫三比克|Mozambique (Tw) mosangbike 莫桑比克|Mozambique mosha 磨砂|to scrub with an abrasive/to sand/fro... mosha 抹杀|to erase/to cover traces/to obliterat... mosha 抹煞|variant of 抹殺|抹杀[mo3 sha1] moshaboli 磨砂玻璃|frosted glass moshagao 磨砂膏|facial scrub moshaji 磨砂机|sander; sanding machine moshao 末梢|tip/end/last few days moshaoshenjing 末梢神经|peripheral nerve mosheng 陌生|strange; unfamiliar moshengci 摹声词|(linguistics) onomatopoeic word moshengren 陌生人|stranger moshi 模式|mode/method/pattern moshi 末世|last phase (of an age) moshi 磨石|whetstone/millstone moshi 漠视|to ignore/to neglect/to treat with co... moshi 磨蚀|erosion/abrasion moshi 默示|to hint/to imply/implied/tacit moshibiaoben 模式标本|type specimen (used to define a species) moshicushayan 磨石粗砂岩|millstone grit moshishali 磨石砂砾|millstone grit/coarse sandstone moshitouguohe 摸石头过河|lit. crossing the river by feeling fo... moshizhong 模式种|type species (used to define a genus ... moshou 没收|to confiscate; to seize moshouchenggui 墨守成规|hidebound by convention (idiom) moshoushijie 魔兽世界|World of Warcraft (video game) moshu 魔术|magic moshu 莫属|(the 3rd part of a 3-part constructio... moshu 默书|to write from memory moshu 模数|analog-to-digital/abbr. for 模擬到數字|模拟到数字 moshubang 魔术棒|magic wand moshufangkuai 魔术方块|Rubik\'s cube/magic cube moshui 墨水|ink/CL:瓶[ping2] moshuipingjia 墨水瓶架|inkstand moshuir 墨水儿|erhua variant of 墨水[mo4 shui3] moshushi 魔术师|magician moshutie 魔术贴|velcro moshuzhuanhuanqi 模数转换器|analog-to-digital converter (ADC) mosi 摩丝|hair mousse (loanword) mosi 模似|to simulate/to emulate mosidianma 摩斯电码|Morse code mosike 莫斯科|Moscow, capital of Russia mosila 摩斯拉|Mothra (Japanese モスラ Mosura), Japanes... mosimima 摩斯密码|Morse code mosite 莫斯特|Mousterian (a Palaeolithic culture) mosongfohao 默诵佛号|to chant the names of Buddha mosu 末速|speed at the end of the trajectory/sp... mosuan 默算|mental arithmetic/to figure out mosuer 摩苏尔|Mosul (city in Iraq) mosui 磨碎|to grind up mosun 磨损|to suffer wear and tear; to deteriora... mosunlv 磨损率|attrition rate mosuo 摸索|to feel about/to grope about/to fumbl... mosuo 摩挲|to stroke; to caress mosuo 摩梭|Mosuo ethnic group of Yunnan and Sichuan mosuo 摩娑|variant of 摩挲[mo2 suo1] mosuolini 墨索里尼|Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), Italian... mosuozu 摩梭族|Mosuo ethnic group of Yunnan and Sichuan motai 模态|modal (computing, linguistics) motamawan 莫塔马湾|Gulf of Martaban, Myanmar (Burma) motan 默叹|to admire inwardly mote 模特|(fashion) model (loanword) moter 模特儿|(fashion) model (loanword) motian 摩天|skyscraping/towering into the sky motiandalou 摩天大楼|skyscraper/CL:座[zuo4] motiandasha 摩天大厦|skyscraper/CL:座[zuo4] motianlou 摩天楼|skyscraper/CL:座[zuo4] motianlun 摩天轮|Ferris wheel/observation wheel motiao 墨条|ink stick motie 摩铁|(Tw) (loanword) motel motou 魔头|monster; devil motuo 摩托|(loanword) motor/(loanword) motorbike... motuoche 摩托车|(loanword) motorbike; motorcycle/CL:輛... motuochedishi 摩托车的士|motorcycle taxi motuoluola 摩托罗拉|Motorola motuoluola 摩托罗垃|Motorola (company) motuoting 摩托艇|motorboat mou 谋|to plan/to seek/scheme mou 某|some/a certain/sb or sth indefinite/s... mou 缪|to wind round mou 牟|surname Mou mou 牟|barley/to moo/to seek or obtain/old v... mou 哞|moo (sound made by cow) mou 厶|old variant of 某[mou3] mou 侔|similar/comparable/equal mou 鍪|iron pot/metal cap mou 蛑|marine crab mou 麰|barley mou 鉾|spear mou 眸|pupil (of the eye)/eye moucaihaiming 谋财害命|to plot and kill sb for his property ... mouchen 谋臣|imperial strategic adviser/expert on ... mouchenmengjiang 谋臣猛将|strategic experts and powerful genera... mouchenruyu 谋臣如雨|strategic experts as thick as rain (i... mouchenwujiang 谋臣武将|strategic experts and powerful genera... mouchu 某处|somewhere mouci 谋刺|to plot to assassinate moude 谋得|to get/to obtain moudi 某地|somewhere/some place mouding 牟定|Mouding County in Chuxiong Yi Autonom... moudingxian 牟定县|Mouding County in Chuxiong Yi Autonom... moufan 谋反|to plot a rebellion/to conspire again... mouhai 谋害|to conspire to murder/to plot against... mouhua 谋划|to scheme/to plot/conspiracy mouji 谋计|stratagem; scheme moujia 某甲|somebody/certain individual mouli 牟利|to gain profit (by underhand means)/t... mouli 谋利|to make a profit/to gain/to get an ad... moulv 谋虑|to plan and consider/to reflect on on... moulve 谋略|stratagem/strategy/resourcefulness moumian 谋面|to meet moumou 某某|so-and-so/such-and-such mouqiu 谋求|to seek; to strive for mouqu 谋取|to seek/to strive for/to obtain/see a... mouqu 牟取|to gain profit (by underhand means)/t... mouqubaoli 牟取暴利|to profiteer/profiteering mouren 某人|someone/a certain person/some people/... mousha 谋杀|to murder/to assassinate/intentional ... moushaan 谋杀案|murder case moushazui 谋杀罪|murder mousheng 谋生|to seek one\'s livelihood/to work to s... moushi 谋士|skilled manipulator/tactician/strateg... moushi 谋事|to plan matters/to look for a job moushi 谋食|to make a living/to strive to earn a ... moushi 某时|sometime moushi 某事|something/a certain matter moushizairen,chengshizaitian 谋事在人,成事在天|planning is with man, accomplishing w... mouwu 某物|something mouxie 某些|some; certain (things) mouzhi 谋职|to look for a job/to seek employment mouzhi 谋智|Mozilla China, software company found... mouzhi 谋智|see 智謀|智谋[zhi4mou2] mouzhong 某种|some kind (of) mouzi 眸子|pupil of the eye mowan 墨湾|Gulf of Mexico mowang 魔王|devil king/evil person mowangsadan 魔王撒旦|Satan, Devil king mowei 末尾|end; tip; extremity moweitaotai 末位淘汰|sacking the worst-performing employee... mowoerwangchao 莫卧儿王朝|Mughal or Mogul Dynasty (1526-1858) moxi 摩西|Moses moxi 末席|end seat/place for less senior person moxia 墨匣|ink cartridge moxian 墨线|inked line/carpenter\'s straight line ... moxiang 默想|silent contemplation/to meditate/to t... moxiang 魔像|golem moxiang 摸象|to touch an elephant (of proverbial b... moxiangjing 抹香鲸|sperm whale; cachalot (Physeter macro... moxiao 抹消|to erase/to wipe moxidelvfa 摩西的律法|Mosaic Law moxie 默写|to write from memory moxie 摹写|to trace over/to copy (a calligraphy ... moxie 模写|variant of 摹寫|摹写[mo2 xie3] moxie 末屑|bits/scraps moxiezuo 摩蟹座|Capricorn (constellation and sign of ... moxige 墨西哥|Mexico moxigecheng 墨西哥城|Mexico City, capital of Mexico moxigejuanbing 墨西哥卷饼|burrito/taco moxigelajiao 墨西哥辣椒|jalapeño moxigeren 墨西哥人|Mexican moxigewan 墨西哥湾|Gulf of Mexico moxihe 默西河|Mersey River, through Liverpool moxilvfa 摩西律法|law of Moses moxina 墨西拿|Messina, Sicilian city moxinahaixia 墨西拿海峡|Strait of Messina between Calabria an... moxing 模型|model/mold/matrix/pattern moxing 墨刑|corporal punishment consisting of car... moxing 魔性|(neologism c. 2014) irresistibly quir... moxing 模形|pattern moxini 抹稀泥|see 和稀泥[huo4 xi1 ni2] moxiong 抹胸|old feminine garment, covering chest ... moxiwujing 摩西五经|the Pentateuch/the five books of Mose... moxiya 默西亚|the Messiah moxu 默许|to accept tacitly/acquiescence moxuyou 莫须有|groundless; baseless moya 磨牙|to grind one\'s teeth (during sleep)/p... moyan 莫言|Mo Yan (1955-), Chinese novelist, win... moyan 墨砚|ink slab/ink stone moyan 膜炎|inflammation of membrane/membranitis moyanggong 磨洋工|to idle on the job moyao 没药|myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) moyao 末药|myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)/also writte... moye 末叶|final years/end (of a decade, era etc) moye 镆铘|Moye, the name of a legendary double-... moye 末页|last page moyi 末艺|small skill/my humble capabilities moyibizihui 抹一鼻子灰|lit. to rub one\'s nose with dust/to s... moyin 模因|meme (loanword) moying 魔影|(fig.) specter moyixieyefu 莫伊谢耶夫|Moiseyev (name)/Igor Aleksandrovich M... moyou 抹油|to anoint moyu 墨鱼|cuttlefish moyu 魔芋|see 蒟蒻[ju3 ruo4] moyu 墨玉|Karakax County in Hotan Prefecture 和田... moyu 摸鱼|to catch fish/(fig.) to loaf on the j... moyuan 末愿|final vows (in a religious order or c... moyuxian 墨玉县|Karakax County in Hotan Prefecture 和田... mozalila 莫扎里拉|mozzarella (loanword) mozao 末造|final phase mozhang 魔杖|magic wand mozhang 魔掌|the power of sb or sth evil; the clut... mozhang 魔障|Mara (the demon of temptation) mozhao 魔爪|Monster (energy drink) mozhao 魔爪|evil clutches/claws mozhate 莫扎特|Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), ... mozhate 莫札特|Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), ... mozhe 磨折|to torture/to torment mozhe 墨者|Mohist/follower of Mohist school mozheng 魔怔|crazed/possessed/bewitched mozheshitouguohe 摸着石头过河|to wade across the river, feeling for... mozhi 默志|(literary) to make a mental note; to ... mozhi 墨汁|prepared Chinese ink mozhi 墨纸|blotting paper mozhishiqi 磨制石器|a polished stone (neolithic) implement mozhongyishi 莫衷一是|unable to reach a decision (idiom); c... mozhou 魔咒|(magical) spell/curse mozhugongka 墨竹工卡|Maizhokunggar county, Tibetan: Mal gr... mozhugongkaxian 墨竹工卡县|Maizhokunggar county, Tibetan: Mal gr... mozi 墨子|Mozi (c. 470-391 BC), founder of the ... mozi 磨子|mill; grain mill; millstone mozi 墨渍|ink stain/ink blot/spot/smudge mozi 末子|powder/dust mozi 默字|to write from memory mozu 模组|(hardware or software) module (comput... mozui 磨嘴|to argue pointlessly/to talk incessan... mozuipizi 磨嘴皮子|to wear out the skin of one\'s teeth (... mozuo 默坐|to sit silently mozuo 末座|end seat/final place (for less senior... msha 呒啥|dialectal equivalent of 沒什麼|没什么[mei2 ... mu 模|mold/die/matrix/pattern mu 牧|surname Mu mu 牧|to herd/to breed livestock/to govern ... mu 木|surname Mu mu 木|(bound form) tree/(bound form) wood/u... mu 墓|grave/tomb/mausoleum mu 慕|to admire mu 母|mother/elderly female relative/origin... mu 姆|(old) female tutor/used in 保姆[bao3mu3] mu 幕|curtain or screen/canopy or tent/head... mu 幕|old variant of 幕[mu4]/curtain/screen mu 睦|amicable/harmonious mu 亩|old variant of 畝|亩[mu3] mu 亩|classifier for fields/unit of area eq... mu 募|to canvass for contributions; to coll... mu 沐|to bathe/to cleanse/to receive/to be ... mu 毪|a type of woolen fabric made in Tibet mu 缪|old variant of 穆[mu4] mu 钼|molybdenum (chemistry) mu 牟|see 牟平[Mu4 ping2] mu 暮|evening/sunset mu 姥|governess/old woman mu 牡|(of a bird, animal or plant) male/key... mu 穆|surname Mu mu 穆|solemn/reverent/calm/burial position ... mu 仫|used in 仫佬族[Mu4 lao3 zu2], Mulao ethn... mu 霂|used in 霢霂[mai4mu4] mu 拇|thumb/big toe mu 苜|clover mu 畒|old variant of 畝|亩[mu3] mu 目|eye/(literary) to look; to regard/eye... mu 楘|ornaments on chariot-shaft mu 牳|(bovine) mu 娒|variant of 姆[mu3] mu 𬭁|used in 鈷鉧|钴𬭁[gu3mu3] mu 𧿹|(bound form) big toe mua mua|(onom.) mwah (sound of a kiss) muai 母爱|maternal love muai 暮霭|evening mist mubabanei 姆巴巴内|Mbabane, administrative capital of Es... mubalake 穆巴拉克|Hosni Mubarak (1928-2020), former Egy... muban 模版|variant of 模板[mu2ban3] muban 模板|template/(architecture) formwork muban 木板|slab/board/plank/CL:張|张[zhang1],塊|块[k... muban 木版|(printing) woodblock muban 母板|motherboard mubanhua 木版画|woodcut; wood engraving mubei 墓碑|gravestone/tombstone mubenzhiwu 木本植物|woody plant mubiao 目标|target/goal/objective/CL:個|个[ge4] mubiaodizhi 目标地址|destination address/target address mubiaojiance 目标检测|object detection (computer vision) mubiaopipeizuoye 目标匹配作业|target matching task mubiaoshichang 目标市场|target market muboluo 木菠萝|jackfruit/breadfruit/Artocarpus heter... mubu 幕布|(theater) curtain mubujianjie 目不见睫|lit. the eye cannot see the eyelashes... mubujiaojie 目不交睫|lit. the eyelashes do not come togeth... mubukuiyuan 目不窥园|lit. not even peek at the garden/fig.... muburenjian 目不忍见|see 目不忍視|目不忍视[mu4 bu4 ren3 shi4] muburenshi 目不忍视|lit. the eye cannot bear to see it (i... mubushiding 目不识丁|lit. the eye cannot recognize the let... mubuxiaji 目不暇给|lit. the eye cannot take it all in (i... mubuxiajie 目不暇接|lit. too much for the eye to take in ... mubuxieshi 目不斜视|not to glance sideways (idiom)/to gaz... mubuzhuanjing 目不转睛|unable to take one\'s eyes off (idiom)... mubuzhuanshun 目不转瞬|gazing fixedly (idiom) mucai 木材|wood mucao 牧草|pasture/forage grass/pasturage muce 目测|to estimate visually/to gauge/visual ... muchai 木柴|firewood muchang 牧场|pasture/grazing land/ranch muchang 墓场|graveyard mucheng 目成|to make eyes/to exchange flirting gla... muchipa 木齿耙|a rake (with wooden teeth) muchuan 沐川|Muchuan county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 sh... muchuan 木船|wooden boat muchuan 母船|mother ship muchuangyoutian 目怆有天|to look at the sky in sorrow muchuanxian 沐川县|Muchuan county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 sh... muchun 木醇|wood alcohol/wood spirit/methyl alcoh... mucun 木村|Kimura (Japanese surname) mudai 母带|master tape mudan 牡丹|Mudan District of Heze City 菏澤市|菏泽市[H... mudan 牡丹|tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) mudan 母弹|parent shell (of a cluster bomb) mudanfang 牡丹坊|Peony Lane mudang 母党|mother\'s kinfolk mudanjiang 牡丹江|see 牡丹江市[Mu3dan5jiang1 Shi4] mudanjiangshi 牡丹江市|Mudanjiang, prefecture-level city in ... mudanka 牡丹卡|Peony Card (credit card issued by Ind... mudanpi 牡丹皮|root bark of the peony tree (used in ... mudanqu 牡丹区|Mudan District of Heze City 菏澤市|菏泽市[H... mudansuihao,quanpinglvyefuchi 牡丹虽好,全凭绿叶扶持|Although the peony is beautiful, it d... mudansuihao,quanzhanglvyefu 牡丹虽好,全仗绿叶扶|Although the peony is beautiful, it d... mudansuihao,quanzhanglvyefuchi 牡丹虽好,全仗绿叶扶持|Although the peony is beautiful, it d... mudansuihao,zhongxulvyefuchi 牡丹虽好,终须绿叶扶持|Although the peony is beautiful, it d... mudanting 牡丹亭|The Peony Pavilion (1598), play by Ta... mudanxiang 牡丹乡|Mutan township in Pingtung County 屏東縣... mudao 墓道|path leading to a grave/tomb passage/... mudaoyou 慕道友|religious investigator mudeng-koudai 目瞪口呆|(idiom) dumbstruck; stupefied; stunned mudi 墓地|cemetery/graveyard mudi 目的|purpose; aim; goal; target; objective... mudi 牧地|pasture/grazing land mudi 木笛|recorder (musical instrument) (Tw) mudi 穆迪|Moody\'s, company specializing in fina... mudidi 目的地|destination (location) muding 木钉|peg mudu 目睹|to witness/to see at first hand/to se... mudue 木蠹蛾|wood moth/carpenter moth/CL:隻|只[zhi1] muen 沐恩|to receive favor muer 木耳|wood ear; jelly ear (edible fungus)/C... muerxi 穆尔西|Morsi, Mursi or Morsy (name)/Mohamed ... mufa 木筏|wooden raft; log raft mufeng 母蜂|queen bee mufu 幕府|(orig.) tents forming the offices of ... mufurong 木芙蓉|cotton rose hibiscus (Hibiscus mutabi... mufuzuo 牧夫座|Boötes (constellation) mugan 木杆|wooden pole/wood (golf club) mugang 母港|home port (of a ship or fleet) muge 牧歌|shepherd\'s song/pastoral mugecuo 木格措|Lake Mibgai Co or Miga Tso, in Dartse... mugong 木工|woodwork/carpentry/woodworker/carpenter mugongsi 母公司|parent company mugua 木瓜|papaya (Carica papaya)/genus Chaenome... muguang 目光|gaze; (fig.) attention/expression in ... muguangdaizhi 目光呆滞|to have a lifeless look in one\'s eyes... muguangduanqian 目光短浅|to be shortsighted muguangrudou 目光如豆|short-sighted/limited vision muguangsuoji 目光所及|as far as the eye can see muguanyueqi 木管乐器|woodwind instrument muguchenzhong 暮鼓晨钟|lit. evening drum, morning bell (idio... mugudushu 木骨都束|Chinese name for African kingdom in S... muguiying 穆桂英|Mu Guiying, female warrior and heroin... mugun 木棍|wooden stick muha 母哈|female husky (dog) muhang 木夯|wooden tamp muhanmode 穆罕默德|Muhammad (c. 570-632), central figure... muhanmodeliushi 穆罕默德六世|King Mohammed VI of Morocco (1963-) muhanmodeouma 穆罕默德·欧玛|Mullah Muhammad Omar (1960-2013), Tal... muhanshu 母函数|generating function (math.) muhei 穆黑|Islamophobe muhou 幕后|behind the scenes muhoucaozong 幕后操纵|to manipulate from behind the scenes/... muhouerguan 沐猴而冠|lit. a monkey wearing a hat (idiom)/f... muhouheishou 幕后黑手|malign agent who manipulates from beh... muhouhuaxu 幕后花絮|news from behind the scenes; stage go... muhua 募化|(of a Buddhist monk or Taoist priest)... muhuali 木华黎|Muqali or Mukhali (1170-1223), milita... muji 木屐|wooden clogs muji 母鸡|hen/don\'t know (humorous slang mimick... muji 目击|to see with one\'s own eyes/to witness muji 母机|machine tool/mother ship muji 募集|to raise; to collect mujiabei 穆加贝|Robert Mugabe (1924-2019), Zimbabwean... mujian 幕间|interval (between acts in theater) mujian 木剑|wooden sword mujiang 木匠|carpenter mujiao 墓窖|catacomb mujie 木节|gnarl/knag mujin 目今|nowadays/at present/as things stand mujin 木槿|hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus) mujing 目镜|eyepiece mujing 暮景|an evening scene/fig. one\'s old age mujizhe 目击者|eyewitness muju 模具|mold/matrix/pattern or die/Taiwan pr.... muju 木锯|a woodsaw mujuan 募捐|to solicit contributions; to collect ... mujutang 木聚糖|xylan mukamu 木卡姆|muqam, any of a set of 12 melody type... mukang 木糠|sawdust muke 木刻|woodcut muke 慕课|MOOC (massive open online course) (lo... mukeng 墓坑|tomb pit mukenghangtuceng 墓坑夯土层|layer filled with rammed earth in a t... mukongsihai 目空四海|the eye can see nothing worthwhile al... mukongyiqie 目空一切|the eye can see nothing worthwhile al... mukuai 木块|block mukuan 募款|to raise money/donated money mukuang 木框|wooden frame muladiqi 姆拉迪奇|Mladić (name)/Ratko Mladić (1942-), a... mulan 木兰|Mulan county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er... mulan 木兰|lily magnolia (Magnolia liliflora) mulangang 木兰纲|Magnoliopsidae or Dicotyledoneae (cla... mulanhua 木兰花|magnolia mulanke 木兰科|Magnoliaceae, family of trees and shrubs mulanshu 木兰属|Magnolia, genus of trees and shrubs mulanxian 木兰县|Mulan county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er... mulao 仫佬|Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi mulao 姆佬|Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi mulaohu 母老虎|tigress/(fig.) fierce woman/vixen mulaozu 仫佬族|Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi mulaozu 姆佬族|Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi muleihasakezizhixian 木垒哈萨克自治县|Mori Kazakh autonomous county or Mori... muleixian 木垒县|Mori Kazakh autonomous county or Mori... mulexie 穆勒鞋|mule shoes (loanword) muli 牡蛎|oyster muli 目力|eyesight (i.e. quality of vision) muliao 幕僚|aides and advisors of top officials muliao 木料|lumber/timber mulin 睦邻|to get on well with one\'s neighbors/a... muling 穆棱|Muling, county-level city in Mudanjia... mulingshi 穆棱市|Muling, county-level city in Mudanjia... mulinzhengce 睦邻政策|good-neighbor policy mulizangzuzizhixian 木里藏族自治县|Muli Tibetan autonomous county in Lia... mulu 目录|catalog/table of contents/directory (... mulu 牡鹿|stag/buck muluxue 目录学|bibliography mulv 母驴|jenny; female donkey muma 木马|wooden horse/rocking horse/vaulting h... mumabingdu 木马病毒|Trojan horse (type of computer virus) mumaji 木马计|wooden horse stratagem (cf Trojan horse) mumang 目盲|blind/blindness mumaren 牧马人|herdsman (of horses)/wrangler mumei 木莓|raspberry mumian 木棉|cotton tree (Bombax ceiba) mumianke 木棉科|Bombacaceae (botany) mumin 牧民|herdsman muming 慕名|to admire sb\'s reputation/to seek out... mumingerlai 慕名而来|to come to a place on account of its ... mumiwuse 目迷五色|the eye is bewildered by five colors ... mumujin 木目金|mokuma-gane (loanword) munaiyi 木乃伊|mummy (preserved corpse) (loanword) munaiyihua 木乃伊化|to mummify/mummification munangyan 拇囊炎|bunion; hallux valgus munanri 母难日|(old) birthday mune 木讷|wooden and slow of speech/slow-speech... muneguayan 木讷寡言|honest and unaffected but not talkati... munelaoren 木讷老人|ungraduated ruler/straight edge munian 暮年|one\'s declining years; one\'s old age munihei 慕尼黑|München or Munich, capital of Bavaria... muniu 牡牛|bull munv 母女|mother and daughter/mother-daughter muou 木偶|puppet muouju 木偶剧|puppet show muouxi 木偶戏|puppet show muouxiu 木偶秀|puppet show mupian 木片|flat piece of wood/wood chip/CL:塊|块[k... muping 牟平|Muping district of Yantai city 煙台市|烟台... mupingqu 牟平区|Muping district of Yantai city 煙台市|烟台... muqi 木器|wooden articles muqi 暮气|evening mist/fig. declining spirits/l... muqian 目前|at the present time/currently muqiang 幕墙|curtain wall (architecture) muqin 母亲|mother/also pr. [mu3 qin5]/CL:個|个[ge4] muqin 木琴|xylophone muqin 睦亲|close relative muqinjie 母亲节|Mother\'s Day muqiu 木球|cricket (ball game)/also called 板球[ba... muqiu 母球|cue ball (in billiards) muqu 牧区|grazing land/pasture muquan 牧犬|shepherd dog muquan 母犬|female dog/bitch muquanzhi 母权制|matriarchy muqun 牧群|herd of sheep muqunti 母群体|(statistics) population/parent popula... muran 木然|stupefied muren 牧人|shepherd/pastor/pastoral murenshixin 木人石心|lit. body made of wood, heart made of... murong 慕容|a branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑[Xian1be... muru 母乳|breast milk murudaiyongpin 母乳代用品|breast milk substitute muruhuanaifen 母乳化奶粉|infant formula murun 目𥆧|eyelid twitch muruweiyang 母乳喂养|breastfeeding musang 母丧|the death of one\'s mother musawei 穆萨维|Moussavi, Mir Hussein (1941-), candid... muse 暮色|twilight musecangmang 暮色苍茫|the hazy dusk of twilight (idiom) mushalafu 穆沙拉夫|Pervez Musharraf (1943-), Pakistani g... mushen 牧神|a faun; (esp.) Pan, son of Hermes in ... musheng 穆圣|Prophet Muhammad mushenjie 牧神节|Lupercalia, Roman festival to Pan on ... mushi 牧师|chaplain/churchman/clergyman/parson/p... mushi 墓石|tombstone; gravestone mushi 木虱|woodlouse mushi 目视|visual mushitagefeng 慕士塔格峰|Muztagh Ata, second highest peak of t... mushu 木薯|cassava, a tropical tuber plant mushu 目数|(sieve) mesh size; (sandpaper) grit size mushudianfen 木薯淀粉|tapioca musi 慕斯|mousse (loanword) musi 慕丝|mousse (loanword) musi 幕斯|mousse (loanword) musilin 穆斯林|Muslim musong 目送|to follow with one\'s eyes (a departin... musui 暮岁|the last days of the year/old age musuoersiji 穆索尔斯基|Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881), Russia... muta 墓塔|funerary pagoda mutai 母胎|mother\'s womb mutaidanshen 母胎单身|never been in a romantic relationship mutaisolo 母胎solo|(slang) never been in a romantic rela... mutan 木炭|charcoal mutang 木糖|xylose (type of sugar) mutang 母汤|(Tw) (slang) don\'t; must not; won\'t d... mutangchun 木糖醇|xylitol muti 母体|(zoology, medicine) mother\'s body/(ch... muti 母题|motif (loanword)/main idea/theme mutianyu 慕田峪|Mutianyu, well-preserved section of t... mutiaoxinzhao 目挑心招|the eye incites, the heart invites (i... mutong 牧童|shepherd boy mutong 木桶|cask mutong 穆通|Mouton (name)/Gabriel Mouton (1618-16... mutongtang 木酮糖|xylulose (type of sugar) mutou 木头|slow-witted/blockhead/log (of wood, t... muwa 木瓦|shingle muwaifan 拇外翻|bunion/hallux valgus muwaifan 𧿹外翻|variant of 拇外翻[mu3wai4fan1] muwei 木卫|moon of Jupiter muweier 木卫二|Europa (moon of Jupiter), aka Jupiter II muweisan 木卫三|Ganymede (moon of Jupiter), aka Jupit... muweisi 木卫四|Callisto (moon of Jupiter), aka Jupit... muweiyi 木卫一|Io (moon of Jupiter), aka Jupiter I muwufaji 目无法纪|with no regard for law or discipline ... muwuquanniu 目无全牛|to see the ox already cut up into joi... muwuzuzhi 目无组织|to pay no heed to the regulations muxi 母系|maternal/matriarchal muxi 木犀|osmanthus muxia 目下|at present muxia 木下|Kinoshita (Japanese surname) muxian 母线|generating line/generatrix (in geomet... muxiang 木香|costus root (medicinal herb)/auckland... muxianggu 木箱鼓|cajón (musical instrument) muxiao 母校|alma mater muxiashihang 目下十行|see 一目十行[yi1 mu4 shi2 hang2] muxibao 母细胞|(biology) mother cell; matricyte muxie 木屑|wood shavings/sawdust muxie 木鞋|clogs (footwear)/sabot muxing 木星|Jupiter (planet) muxing 母星|(science fiction) home planet/(astron... muxirou 木犀肉|pork and scrambled eggs muxishehui 母系社会|matrilineality muxu 苜蓿|lucerne/alfalfa muxu 牧畜|raising livestock/animal husbandry muxuan 目眩|dizzy; dazzled muxuanshenmi 目眩神迷|to be dazzled and stunned (idiom) muxuantouhun 目眩头昏|to be dizzy and see stars muxue 墓穴|tomb/grave muya 模压|mold pressing muyang 牧羊|to raise sheep/shepherd muyang 模样|look/style/appearance/approximation/a... muyang 牧养|to raise (animals) muyangquan 牧羊犬|sheepdog muyangren 牧羊人|shepherd muyangzhe 牧羊者|shepherd muyangzuo 牡羊座|Aries (constellation and sign of the ... muyaori 木曜日|Thursday (used in ancient Chinese ast... muye 牧业|livestock husbandry/animal product in... muye 牧野|Muye district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡... muyecha 母夜叉|witch/shrew/vixen muyequ 牧野区|Muye district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡... muyi 睦谊|cordiality/friendship muyichengzhou 木已成舟|lit. the timber has been turned into ... muyin 母音|vowel muyintiaohe 母音调和|vowel harmony (in phonetics) muyu 沐浴|to take a bath/to bathe/to immerse muyu 母语|native language/mother tongue/(lingui... muyu 木鱼|mokugyo/wooden fish (percussion instr... muyu 牧圉|horse breeder/pasture for cattle and ... muyu 目语|to speak with the eyes muyuan 墓园|cemetery; graveyard muyuan 募缘|(of a monk) to beg for food muyuhua 木鱼花|see 柴魚片|柴鱼片[chai2 yu2 pian4] muyuhua 沐浴花|shower puff/shower sponge muyulu 沐浴露|shower gel muyuqiu 沐浴球|shower puff/bath sponge/bath ball (co... muyuru 沐浴乳|body wash (liquid soap)/shower gel muyuyongpin 沐浴用品|bath product muyuyou 沐浴油|bath oil muyuzhifeng 沐雨栉风|to work unceasingly regardless of the... muzang 墓葬|(archeology) grave/tomb muzangqu 墓葬区|burial area muzangqun 墓葬群|burial complex (archaeology) muzha 木栅|Muzha (old spelling: Mucha), suburb t... muzha 木吒|Muzha, a figure in Chinese mythology muzha 目劄|(TCM) excessive blinking of the eyes muzhan 拇战|finger-guessing game muzhaxian 木栅线|Taipei Metro Muzha Line, former name ... muzhengkoudai 目怔口呆|lit. eye startled, mouth struck dumb ... muzhengkoudai 目睁口呆|stunned/dumbstruck muzhi 拇指|thumb/big toe muzhi 木制|wooden muzhi 墓志|inscribed stone tablet placed in a to... muzhi 木质|wooden muzhi 母质|parent material (e.g. the eroded rock... muzhi 拇趾|big toe muzhi 姆指|erroneous variant of 拇指[mu3zhi3] muzhi 𧿹趾|variant of 拇趾[mu3zhi3] muzhibu 木质部|xylem muzhijia 拇指甲|thumbnail muzhiming 墓志铭|epitaph muzhisu 木质素|lignin muzhiwaifan 拇趾外翻|bunion; hallux valgus muzhongwuren 目中无人|to consider everyone else beneath one... muzhou 木椆|type of wood used to make punting pol... muzhu 墓主|occupant of tomb/person buried muzhu 目珠|eyeball muzhuang 木桩|wooden pile/stake muzi 母子|mother and child/parent and subsidiar... muzi 模子|mold/matrix/pattern or die muzi 目眦|eye socket muzi 毪子|a type of woolen fabric made in Tibet muzichuizhiganran 母子垂直感染|mother-to-infant transmission muzimei 木子美|Mu Zimei, Chinese celebrity mv MV|desirability as a partner (abbr. for ... na 哪|how/which na 哪|(emphatic sentence-final particle, us... na 南|used in 南無|南无[na1mo2]/Taiwan pr. [na2] na 那|surname Na na 那|variant of 哪[na3] na 那|(specifier) that; the; those (colloqu... na 纳|surname Na na 纳|to receive/to accept/to enjoy/to brin... na 钠|sodium (chemistry) na 拿|old variant of 拿[na2] na 拿|variant of 拿[na2] na 拿|to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehen... na 娜|(phonetic na)/used esp. in female nam... na 呐|battle cry na 呐|sentence-final particle (abbr. for 呢啊... na 肭|used in 膃肭|腽肭[wa4 na4] na 捺|to press down firmly/to suppress/righ... na 軜|inner reins of a 4-horse team na 衲|cassock/to line na 挐|to apprehend/to take na 乸|feminine suffix (Cantonese)/postfix i... na 镎|neptunium (chemistry) naban 拿办|to arrest for punishment nabian 那边|over there/yonder nabu 拿捕|to detain/to apprehend/to capture nabuchushou 拿不出手|not presentable/shoddy and too embarr... nabudong 拿不动|to be unable to lift (sth); to find (... nabulesi 那不勒斯|Napoli, capital of Campania region of... nabulesiwangguo 那不勒斯王国|Kingdom of Naples (1282-1860) nabuzhun 拿不准|in doubt; unsure of sth; unable to de... nachong 纳宠|to take a concubine nachu 拿出|to take out/to put out/to provide/to ... nacui 纳粹|Nazi (loanword) nacuidang 纳粹党|Nazi Party/Nationalsozialistische Deu... nacuideguo 纳粹德国|Nazi Germany (1933-1945) nacuifenzi 纳粹分子|Nazi nacuizhuyi 纳粹主义|Nazism nada 拿大|to put on airs/self-important/high an... nadading 拿大顶|to do a handstand nadaer 纳达尔|Nadal (name)/Rafael Nadal (1986-), Sp... nadamu 那达慕|Nadam or Games, Mongolian national ha... nadao 拿到|to get/to obtain nadaoshi 那倒是|Oh that\'s true! (interjection of sudd... nadeali 纳德阿里|Nad Ali, town in Helmand province, Af... nadeqifangdexia 拿得起放得下|lit. can pick it up or put it down (i... nading 拿顶|to do a handstand nadou 纳豆|nattō, a type of fermented soybean, p... nadoujun 纳豆菌|Bacillus subtilis (formerly Bacillus ... naemi 拿俄米|Naomi (name) naerxun 纳尔逊|Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), British n... nafu 纳福|to accept a life of ease/to enjoy a c... nage 哪个|which/who nage 那个|that one/that thing/that (as opposed ... nageren 那个人|lit. that person/fig. the person you ... nagong 纳贡|to pay tribute naguta 纳骨塔|columbarium naguwu 那古屋|Nagoya, city in Japan (old spelling) nahaiyongshuo 那还用说|that goes without saying nahan 呐喊|shout/rallying cry/cheering/to shout nahan 纳罕|bewildered/amazed nahexiong 纳赫雄|Nahshon (name) nahong 纳鸿|Nahum nahongshu 那鸿书|Book of Nahum nahuar 那话儿|genitalia/doohickey/thingumbob nahubukaitinahu 哪壶不开提哪壶|lit. mention the pot that doesn\'t boi... nahui 纳贿|bribery/to give or accept bribes nahuir 那会儿|at that time (in the past or the futu... nahuo 拿获|to capture/to apprehend nahuodeka 纳霍德卡|Nakhodka (city in Russia) nai 耐|(bound form) to bear; to endure; to w... nai 奈|used in expressions that convey frust... nai 奶|breast/milk/to breastfeed nai 奶|variant of 嬭|奶[nai3] nai 奶|mother/variant of 奶[nai3] nai 萘|naphthalene C10H8 nai 氖|neon (chemistry) nai 錼|neptunium (chemistry) (Tw) nai 鼐|incense tripod nai 乃|to be/thus/so/therefore/then/only/the... nai 乃|variant of 乃[nai3] nai 柰|Chinese pear-leaved crab-apple nai 艿|see 芋艿[yu4 nai3] nai 迺|variant of 乃[nai3] (used as a surname... nai 倷|you (dialect) nai 螚|Eristalis tenax nai 褦|ignorant/sun hat nai 釢|(old) neodymium/neptunium (chemistry) naiba 奶爸|stay-at-home dad naicao 耐操|(Tw) (of a person) to have stamina/(o... naicha 奶茶|milk tea naichuan 耐穿|durable/proof against wear and tear naidansu 奶蛋素|ovo-lacto vegetarian naiduila 乃堆拉|Nathu La (Himalayan pass on Silk Road... naiduilashankou 乃堆拉山口|Nathu La (Himalayan pass on Silk Road... naier 乃尔|thus/like this naifan 耐烦|to put up with (sth disagreeable) naifei 奈飞|Netflix, American entertainment company naifen 奶粉|powdered milk naifushi 耐腐蚀|proof against corrosion naigaowen 耐高温|heat-resistant naihan 耐寒|coldproof/resistant to cold naihe 奈何|to do something to sb/to deal with/to... naihuang 奶黄|custard naihuang 奶皇|variant of 奶黃|奶黄[nai3huang2] naihuangbao 奶黄包|custard bun naihuangbao 奶皇包|variant of 奶黃包|奶黄包[nai3huang2bao1] naihuo 耐火|refractory (material)/fire-resistant naihuotu 耐火土|fireproof stone/flame-resistant material naihuozhuan 耐火砖|refractory brick/firebrick naijian 耐碱|alkali-resistant naijiliya 奈及利亚|Nigeria (Tw) naijing 奶精|non-dairy creamer naijiu 耐久|durable/long-lasting naikan 耐看|able to withstand careful appreciatio... naike 耐克|Nike, Inc. naikun 萘醌|naphthoquinone (chemistry) nailao 奶酪|cheese/CL:塊|块[kuai4],盒[he2],片[pian4] nailao 耐劳|hardy/able to resist hardship nailaohuoguo 奶酪火锅|fondue naili 耐力|endurance nailiang 奈良|Nara, an old capital of Japan nailiangshidai 奈良时代|Nara period (710-794) in early Japane... nailiangxian 奈良县|Nara prefecture in central Japan nailuobi 奈洛比|Nairobi, capital of Kenya (Tw) naima 奶妈|wet nurse naiman 奈曼|Naiman banner or Naiman khoshuu in To... naimanqi 奈曼旗|Naiman banner or Naiman khoshuu in To... naimi 奈米|(Tw) nanometer/nano- (prefix meaning ... naimiao 奈秒|nanosecond, ns, 10^-9 s (Tw)/PRC equi... naiming 奶名|pet name for a child/infant name naimo 耐磨|wear resistant naimu 奶母|wet nurse nainai 奶奶|(informal) grandma (paternal grandmot... nainaide 奶奶的|damn it!/blast it! nainaihui 奶奶灰|granny gray (hair color) nainiang 奶娘|(dialect) wet nurse nainiu 奶牛|milk cow/dairy cow nainiuchang 奶牛场|dairy farm nainong 奶农|dairy farming naipei 奈培|neper (unit of ratio, Np) naipin 奶品|dairy product naiping 奶瓶|baby\'s feeding bottle naire 耐热|heat resistant/fireproof nairen-xunwei 耐人寻味|(idiom) thought-provoking; to provide... naishi 乃是|equivalent to either 是[shi4] or 就是[ji... naishi 耐蚀|to resist corrosion naishou 耐受|to tolerate/endurance naishouli 耐受力|tolerance/ability to survive/hardiness naishouxing 耐受性|tolerance (to heat, acid etc)/resistance naishuai 奶帅|(slang) (of a young man) sweet and bo... naishui 奶水|breast milk naishui 耐水|waterproof naishuixing 耐水性|waterproof naisu 奶素|(adjective) lacto-vegetarian naisu 奶酥|butter biscuit/butter bun naisuan 耐酸|acid-resistant naitang 奶汤|white broth, or milky broth: an unctu... naitou 奶头|nipple/teat (on baby\'s bottle) naitoule 奶头乐|(calque of \"tittytainment\") low-brow ... naiwan 萘丸|mothball/naphthalene ball naixi 奶昔|milkshake (Note: 昔[xi1] is loaned fro... naixi 耐洗|wash-resistant naixidixing 耐洗涤性|washing or color fastness/launderability naixin 耐心|to be patient/patience naixinfan 耐心烦|(coll.) patience naixing 耐性|patience naiyaoxing 耐药性|drug resistance/drug tolerance (medic... naiyin 奶音|child\'s voice/childlike voice naiyong 耐用|durable naiyongpin 耐用品|durable goods naiyou 奶油|cream/butter/(coll.) effeminate naiyoucaihua 奶油菜花|creamed cauliflower naiyouguo 奶油果|avocado naiyoujidan 奶油鸡蛋|cream sponge naiyouxiaosheng 奶油小生|handsome but effeminate man/pretty boy naizhan 奶站|dairy naizhao 奶罩|bra/brassière naizhi 乃至|and even/to go so far as to naizhi 奶汁|milk from a woman\'s breast/milk (used... naizhikao 奶汁烤|gratin naizhipin 奶制品|dairy product naizhuai 奶拽|(slang) (of a young man) cute, with a... naizi 奶子|(coll.) milk/(coll.) breast/booby/tit naizi 柰子|Chinese pear-leaf crabapple (Malus as... naizui 奶嘴|nipple (on a baby\'s bottle)/pacifier naizuir 奶嘴儿|erhua variant of 奶嘴[nai3 zui3] najiazi 拿架子|to throw one\'s weight around/to put o... najibu 纳吉布|Muhammad Naguib (1901-1984), first pr... najiefu 纳杰夫|Najaf (city in Iraq, a Shia holy city) nakongshawang 那空沙旺|Paknampho city, Thailand naladicaoyuan 那拉提草原|Nalat grasslands nalai 拿来|to bring/to fetch/to get nalaizhuyi 拿来主义|the attitude of mechanically borrowin... nalanxingde 纳兰性德|Nalan Xingde (1655-1685), Manchu ethn... nali 哪里|where?/somewhere/anywhere/wherever/no... nali 哪里|where?/somewhere/anywhere/wherever/no... nali 那里|there; that place naliang 纳凉|to enjoy the cool air naliang 纳粮|to pay taxes in kind (rice, cloth etc) nalinali 哪里哪里|you\'re too kind; you flatter me naluotong 纳洛酮|naloxone (medication) (loanword) name 那么|like that/in that way/or so/so/so ver... name 那麽|variant of 那麼|那么[na4 me5] name 那末|variant of 那麼|那么[na4 me5] namen 纳闷|puzzled/bewildered namenr 纳闷儿|erhua variant of 納悶|纳闷[na4 men4] namenzi 哪门子|(coll.) (emphasizing a rhetorical que... namezhe 那么着|(do sth) that way; like that nami 纳米|nanometer namiao 纳秒|nanosecond, ns, 10^-9 s (PRC)/Taiwan ... namibiya 纳米比亚|Namibia namijishu 纳米技术|nanotechnology namin 纳闽|Labuan, island territory of Malaysia ... namo 南无|Buddhist salutation or expression of ... namowen 拿摩温|see 那摩溫|那摩温[na4 mo2 wen1] namowen 那摩温|foreman (pidgin derived from \"number ... namubaerenhebayaer 那木巴尔·恩赫巴亚尔|Nambaryn Enkhbayar (1958-), Mongolian... namucuo 纳木错|Namtso or Lake Nam (officially Nam Co... nan 南|surname Nan nan 南|south nan 男|(bound form) male/baron, the lowest o... nan 难|difficult (to...)/problem/difficulty/... nan 难|disaster/distress/to scold nan 喃|mumble in repetition nan 楠|variant of 楠[nan2] nan 楠|Machilus nanmu/Chinese cedar/Chinese ... nan 囡|child/daughter nan 腩|brisket/belly beef/spongy meat from c... nan 囝|variant of 囡[nan1] nan 娚|old variant of 喃[nan2] nan 蝻|immature locusts nan 赧|blushing with shame nan 戁|stand in awe nan 諵|mumble in repetition nan 湳|surname Nan nan 湳|(used in place names) nan 侽|old variant of 男[nan2] nan 暔|name of a country nana 娜娜|Nana (name)/Nana (1880 novel by Émile... nanai 难捱|trying/difficult nanan 南安|Nan\'an, county-level city in Quanzhou... nanan 南岸|Nan\'an, a district of central Chongqi... nananpudun 南安普敦|Southampton, town in south England nananqu 南岸区|Nan\'an, a district of central Chongqi... nananshi 南安市|Nan\'an, county-level city in Quanzhou... nanao 难熬|(of pain or hardship) hard to bear nanao 南澳|Nan\'ao County in Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 ... nanaodaliyazhou 南澳大利亚州|South Australia, Australian state nanaodao 南澳岛|Nan\'ao Island in Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 ... nanaosaiti 南奥塞梯|South Ossetia nanaoxian 南澳县|Nan\'ao County in Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 ... nanaoxiang 南澳乡|Nan\'ao Township in Yilan County 宜蘭縣|宜... nanbannvzhuang 男扮女装|(of a man) to dress as a woman (idiom) nanbanqiu 南半球|Southern Hemisphere nanbao 难保|hard to say/can\'t guarantee/difficult... nanbei 南北|north and south/north to south nanbeichang 南北长|north-south distance nanbeichao 南北朝|Northern and Southern dynasties (420-... nanbeihan 南北韩|North and South Korea nanbeiji 南北极|south and north poles nanbeimei 南北美|North and South America nanbian 南边|south/south side/southern part/to the... nanbianr 南边儿|erhua variant of 南邊|南边[nan2 bian5] nanbin 男宾|male guest; male visitor nanbingyang 南冰洋|Southern Ocean nanbinxiang 男傧相|best man (in a marriage) nanbowan 南波万|(Internet slang) number one (loanword) nanbu 南部|southern part nanbucheng 难不成|Is it possible that ... ? nanbudao 难不倒|not to pose a problem for sb/cannot s... nanbuxian 南部县|Nanbu county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 chon... nancainvmao 男才女貌|talented man and beautiful woman/idea... nance 难测|hard to fathom nance 男厕|men\'s restroom; men\'s toilet nance 南侧|south side/south face nanchan 难产|difficult birth/(fig.) difficult to a... nanchan 难缠|(usu. of people) difficult/demanding/... nanchang 南昌|see 南昌市[Nan2chang1 Shi4]/see 南昌縣|南昌县[... nanchangqiyi 南昌起义|Nanchang Uprising, 1st August 1927, t... nanchangshi 南昌市|Nanchang, prefecture-level city and c... nanchangxian 南昌县|Nanchang county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi nanchao 南朝|Southern Dynasties (420-589) nanchaochen 南朝陈|Chen of the Southern dynasties (557-589) nanchaoliang 南朝梁|Liang of the Southern dynasties (502-... nanchaoqi 南朝齐|Qi of Southern dynasties (479-502) nanchaosong 南朝宋|Song of the Southern dynasties (420-4... nanchaoxian 南朝鲜|South Korea nancheng 南城|Nancheng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi nanchengxian 南城县|Nancheng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi nanchi 难吃|unpalatable nanchong 南充|see 南充市[Nan2chong1 Shi4] nanchong 男虫|swindler/conman nanchongshi 南充市|Nanchong, prefecture-level city in Si... nanchu 难处|trouble; difficulty; problem nanchuan 南川|Nanchuan, a district of Chongqing 重慶|... nanchuanqu 南川区|Nanchuan, a district of Chongqing 重慶|... nancihou 难伺候|(coll.) hard to please; high-maintenance nanciqijiu 难辞其咎|cannot escape censure (idiom)/has to ... nanda 南大|Nanjing University, NJU (abbr. for 南京... nandaketa 南达科他|South Dakota, US state nandaketazhou 南达科他州|South Dakota, US state nandan 男单|men\'s singles (in tennis, badminton etc) nandan 男旦|male actor playing the female role (C... nandang 难当|hard to endure (hot weather, itchines... nandao 难倒|to baffle/to confound/to stump nandao 难道|don\'t tell me .../could it be that...? nandao 南岛|South Island (New Zealand) nandaominzu 南岛民族|Austronesian nandayang 南大洋|Southern Ocean nande 难得|seldom/rare/hard to come by nande 男的|man nandeyijian 难得一见|rarely seen nandian 难点|difficulty nanding 男丁|adult male nanding 南定|Nam Dinh, Vietnam nandiyin 男低音|(music) bass voice nandong 难懂|difficult to understand nandu 难度|degree of difficulty nanduan 南端|southern end or extremity naner 男儿|a (real) man/boy/son naneryouleibuqingtan 男儿有泪不轻弹|real men do not easily cry (idiom) nanfang 南方|south/southern China (areas to the so... nanfang 男方|(of a marriage) the bridegroom\'s side... nanfangaoyugang 南方澳渔港|Nanfang-ao Port in Yilan County 宜蘭縣|宜... nanfangguyuan 南方古猿|Australopithecus nanfangzhoumo 南方周末|Southern Weekend (newspaper) nanfei 南非|South Africa/Southern Africa nanfeicha 南非茶|rooibos tea nanfeiguodong 南飞过冬|(of birds) to migrate south for the w... nanfeiyu 南非语|Afrikaans (language) nanfen 南芬|Nanfen, a district of Benxi 本溪市[Ben3x... nanfeng 南丰|Nanfeng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi nanfeng 男风|male homosexuality/buggery nanfengxian 南丰县|Nanfeng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi nanfennanjie 难分难解|to become caught up in an irresolvabl... nanfennanshe 难分难舍|loath to part (idiom); emotionally cl... nanfenqu 南芬区|Nanfen, a district of Benxi 本溪市[Ben3x... nang 囊|sack/purse/pocket (for money) nang 囔|muttering, indistinct speech nang 馕|a kind of a flat bread nang 馕|to stuff one\'s face/to eat greedily nang 曩|in former times nang 齉|stuffy (nose)/nasal (voice) nang 灢|muddy/thick, muddy water nang 攮|to fend off/to stab nang 乪|a bend in a river (Cantonese) nangan 南竿|Nankan Island, one of the Matsu Islan... nangang 南港|Nankang District of Taipei City 臺北市|台... nangang 南岗|Nangang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha... nangangqu 南岗区|Nangang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha... nangangqu 南港区|Nankang District of Taipei City 臺北市|台... nanganxiang 南竿乡|Nankan or Nangan township in Lienchia... nangao 难搞|hard to deal with/hard to get along with nangaojiasuo 南高加索|Transcaucasia, aka the South Caucasus nangaoyin 男高音|tenor (singing voice)/a tenor nangchuai 囊膪|soft, fat meat of pig\'s belly/sow\'s s... nangchuai 囊揣|soft, fat meat of pig\'s belly/sow\'s s... nangdai 囊袋|pouch nangehaersheng 楠格哈尔省|Nangarhar province of Afghanistan nangen 男根|penis nangkuo 囊括|to include/to embrace/to bring together nangnang 囔囔|to murmur/to speak in a low voice nangong 南宫|two-character surname Nangong/Nangong... nangong 男工|male worker nangongshi 南宫市|Nangong, county-level city in Xingtai... nangpao 囊泡|vesicle nangpei 囊胚|(zoology) blastula/(mammology) blasto... nangqian 囊谦|Nangqên County (Tibetan: nang chen rd... nangqianxian 囊谦县|Nangqên County (Tibetan: nang chen rd... nangsang 馕嗓|to stuff one\'s throat with food nangua 南瓜|pumpkin nanguadeng 南瓜灯|jack-o\'-lantern nanguai 难怪|(it\'s) no wonder (that...)/(it\'s) not... nanguan 难关|difficulty/crisis nanguan 南关|Nanguan district of Changchun city 長春... nanguanjia 男管家|butler/majordomo/housekeeper nanguanqu 南关区|Nanguan district of Changchun city 長春... nanguo 难过|to feel sad/to feel unwell/(of life) ... nanguo 南郭|two-character surname Nanguo nangzhong 囊肿|cyst (med.) nangzhongquwu 囊中取物|as easy as reaching for it from a bag... nangzhongxiuse 囊中羞涩|to be embarrassingly short of money nanhai 男孩|boy/CL:個|个[ge4] nanhai 南海|South China Sea nanhaijiandui 南海舰队|South Sea Fleet nanhaiqu 南海区|Nanhai, a district of Foshan 佛山市[Fo2s... nanhair 男孩儿|erhua variant of 男孩[nan2 hai2] nanhaiyuedui 男孩乐队|boy band (type of pop group) nanhaizi 南海子|Nanhaizi, name used to refer to vario... nanhaizi 男孩子|boy nanhan 南韩|(Tw, HK) South Korea nanhan 南汉|Southern Han nanhang 南航|China Southern Airlines nanhe 难喝|unpleasant to drink nanhelan 南荷兰|South Holland nanhu 南湖|Nanhu district of Jiaxing city 嘉興市|嘉兴... nanhu 男护|male nurse nanhua 南华|South China/Nanhua County in Chuxiong... nanhuannvai 男欢女爱|passionate love (idiom) nanhuaxian 南华县|Nanhua County in Chuxiong Yi Autonomo... nanhuazaobao 南华早报|South China Morning Post (newspaper i... nanhui 南汇|Nanhui former district of Shanghai, n... nanhuibolao 南灰伯劳|(bird species of China) southern grey... nanhuiguixian 南回归线|Tropic of Capricorn nanhuiqu 南汇区|Nanhui former district of Shanghai, n... nanhunnvjia 男婚女嫁|to celebrate a wedding nanhuqu 南湖区|Nanhu district of Jiaxing city 嘉興市|嘉兴... nani 纳尼|(Internet slang) what? (loanword from... nanie 拿捏|(lit. and fig.) to grasp; to control/... nanimeibanfa 拿你没办法|don\'t know what to do with you (used ... nanimeizhe 拿你没辙|see 拿你沒辦法|拿你没办法[na2 ni3 mei2 ban4 fa3] naniya 纳尼亚|Narnia, children\'s fantasy world in s... naniyachuanqi 纳尼亚传奇|The Chronicles of Narnia, children\'s ... nanji 南极|south pole nanji 男妓|male prostitute/(old) pimp nanji 难记|hard to remember nanjia 男家|man\'s family (in marriage) nanjiabawafeng 南迦巴瓦峰|Namcha Barwa (7,782 m), Himalayan mou... nanjiang 南疆|Southern Xinjiang nanjiang 南疆|southern border (of a country) nanjiang 南江|Nanjiang county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1... nanjiangxian 南江县|Nanjiang county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1... nanjianyizuzizhixian 南涧彝族自治县|Nanjian Yizu autonomous county in Dal... nanjiaohe 南胶河|Nanjiao River (Shandong province, flo... nanjiaoqu 南郊区|Nanjiao district of Datong city 大同市[D... nanjibeidou 南箕北斗|lit. the Winnowing Basket in the sout... nanjie 难解|hard to solve/hard to dispel/hard to ... nanjienanfen 难解难分|hard to untie, hard to separate (idio... nanjiguang 南极光|southern lights/aurora australis nanjihai 南极海|Southern Ocean nanjijie 南极界|Antarctic realm nanjing 南京|see 南京市[Nan2jing1 Shi4]/Nanjing, capi... nanjing 南靖|Nanjing county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1... nanjing 难经|Classic on Medical Problems, c. 1st c... nanjingdatusha 南京大屠杀|the Nanjing Massacre (1937-38) nanjingdatushashijian 南京大屠杀事件|The Rape of Nanking (1997 documentary... nanjingdaxue 南京大学|Nanjing University, NJU nanjingligongdaxue 南京理工大学|Nanjing University of Science and Tec... nanjinglu 南京路|Nanjing St., large commercial street ... nanjingnongyedaxue 南京农业大学|Nanjing Agricultural University nanjingshi 南京市|Nanjing, sub-provincial city and capi... nanjingtiaoyue 南京条约|Treaty of Nanjing (1842) that conclud... nanjingxian 南靖县|Nanjing county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1... nanjingyoudiandaxue 南京邮电大学|Nanjing Post and Communications Unive... nanjini 男基尼|mankini (loanword) nanjizhou 南极洲|Antarctica nanjizhoubandao 南极洲半岛|the Antarctic Peninsula (jutting out ... nanjizuo 南极座|Octans (constellation) nanjue 男爵|baron nankai 南开|Nankai district of Tianjin municipali... nankaidaxue 南开大学|Nankai University (Tianjin) nankaiqu 南开区|Nankai, a district of Tianjin 天津市[Tia... nankaluolaina 南卡罗来纳|South Carolina, US state nankaluolainazhou 南卡罗来纳州|South Carolina, US state nankan 难看|ugly/unsightly nankan 难堪|hard to take/embarrassed nankeyimeng 南柯一梦|lit. a dream of Nanke/fig. dreams of ... nanlan 男篮|men\'s basketball/men\'s basketball team nanle 南乐|Nanle county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang... nanlexian 南乐县|Nanle county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang... nanliang 南凉|Southern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdom... nanlianmeng 南联盟|Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1992-... nanling 南陵|Nanling, a county in Wuhu 蕪湖|芜湖[Wu2hu... nanling 南岭|Nanling mountain, on the border of Hu... nanlingxian 南陵县|Nanling, a county in Wuhu 蕪湖|芜湖[Wu2hu... nanmei 南美|South America nanmeili 南美梨|avocado (Persea americana) nanmeizhou 南美洲|South America nanmener 南门二|Alpha Centauri or Rigel Kentaurus nanmeng 南盟|abbr. for 南亞區域合作聯盟|南亚区域合作联盟[Nan2 Ya4 ... nanmian 南面|south side/south nanmian 难免|hard to avoid/difficult to escape fro... nanmianzuo 南冕座|Corona Australis (constellation) nanmin 难民|refugee nanming 南明|Nanming District of Guiyang City 貴陽市|... nanmingqu 南明区|Nanming District of Guiyang City 貴陽市|... nanminying 难民营|refugee camp nanmu 楠木|Phoebe zhennan/Machilus nanmu/Chinese... nanmulin 南木林|Namling county, Tibetan: Rnam gling r... nanmulinxian 南木林县|Namling county, Tibetan: Rnam gling r... nannan 囡囡|little darling/baby nannan 喃喃|(onom.) to mutter/to mumble/to murmur nannanziyu 喃喃自语|to mumble to oneself nannengkegui 难能可贵|rare and precious/valuable/remarkable nanning 南宁|Nanning, prefecture-level city and ca... nanning 男凝|male gaze (abbr. for 男性凝視|男性凝视[nan2xi... nanningshi 南宁市|Nanning, prefecture-level city and ca... nanniwan 南泥湾|Nanniwan, township 45 km south of Yan... nannv 男女|male-female/male and female nannvguanxi 男女关系|man-woman connection/intimate relatio... nannvhexiao 男女合校|see 男女同校[nan2 nu:3 tong2 xiao4] nannvlaoshao 男女老少|men, women, young and old; all kinds ... nannvlaoyou 男女老幼|men, women, young and old/everybody nannvpingdeng 男女平等|equality of the sexes nannvshoushoubuqin 男女授受不亲|men and women should not touch hands ... nannvtongxiao 男女同校|coeducation nanou 南欧|Southern Europe nanpai 男排|men\'s volleyball/abbr. for 男子排球 nanpaitanglang 南派螳螂|Chow Gar - \"Southern Praying Mantis\" ... nanparucuohang,nvpajiacuolang 男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎|men fear getting into the wrong line ... nanpengyou 男朋友|boyfriend nanpi 南皮|Nanpi county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 ... nanpiao 南票|Nanpiao district of Huludao city 葫蘆島市... nanpiao 男票|boyfriend (Internet slang) nanpiaoqu 南票区|Nanpiao district of Huludao city 葫蘆島市... nanping 南平|see 南平市[Nan2ping2 Shi4] nanping 南坪|Nanping, common place name/Nanping to... nanpingshi 南平市|Nanping, prefecture-level city in Fuj... nanpixian 南皮县|Nanpi county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 ... nanpo 南坡|south slope nanpushi 南浦市|Nampo city in North Korea nanputuosi 南普陀寺|Nanputuo Temple in Xiamen 廈門|厦门[Xia4 ... nanqi 南齐|Qi of Southern dynasties (479-502) nanqiangbeidiao 南腔北调|a regional accent nanqiao 南谯|Nanqiao, a district of Chuzhou City 滁... nanqiaoqu 南谯区|Nanqiao, a district of Chuzhou City 滁... nanqiaozhiyadaohenansangweiqi 南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇|South Georgia and The South Sandwich ... nanqishu 南齐书|History of Qi of the Southern Dynasti... nanquan 南拳|Nanquan - \"Southern Fist\" (Chinese Ma... nanquanmama 南拳妈妈|Nan Quan Mama, a Taiwanese Music Group nanran 赧然|blushing/embarrassed nanren 男人|a man/a male/men/CL:個|个[ge4] nanrenbuhuai,nvrenbuai 男人不坏,女人不爱|women love bad guys nanrenjia 男人家|a man (rather than a woman) nanrenpo 男人婆|tomboy nanrenxixiayouhuangjin 男人膝下有黄金|lit. the man has gold under his knees... nanru 南乳|fermented soybean curd nansanjiaozuo 南三角座|Triangulum Australe (constellation) nanse 男色|male homosexuality nansha 南沙|Nansha Islands, aka Spratly Islands/N... nanshan 南山|Nanshan or Namsan, common place name/... nanshanbuzhou 南赡部洲|Jambudvipa nanshangjianan 难上加难|extremely difficult/even more difficult nanshangnan 难上难|extremely difficult/even more difficult nanshankuangqu 南山矿区|Nanshan mining district, old name of ... nanshanqu 南山区|Nanshan district of Shenzhen City 深圳市... nanshaqu 南沙区|Nansha District of Guangzhou City 廣州市... nanshaqundao 南沙群岛|Spratly Islands, disputed between Chi... nanshen 男神|Mr Perfect/Adonis/Prince Charming nanshenanfen 难舍难分|loath to part (idiom); emotionally cl... nanshenanli 难舍难离|loath to part (idiom); emotionally cl... nansheng 男生|schoolboy/male student/boy/guy (young... nanshi 男士|man/gentleman nanshi 南史|History of the Southern Dynasties, fo... nanshiqu 南市区|Nanshi District, former district of S... nanshizizuo 南十字座|(astronomy) the Southern Cross nanshou 难受|to feel unwell/to suffer pain/to be d... nanshuang 男双|men\'s doubles (in tennis, badminton etc) nanshuo 难说|hard to tell (i.e. hard to judge or h... nansilafu 南斯拉夫|Yugoslavia, 1943-1992 nansong 南宋|the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279) nansudan 南苏丹|South Sudan nantan 难弹|hard to play (of music for stringed i... nantang 南唐|Tang of the Five Southern Dynasties 9... nantaofawang 难逃法网|It is hard to escape the dragnet of t... nante 南特|Nantes (city in France) nanti 难题|difficult problem nantianmen 南天门|South Gate to Heaven, the name a gate... nanting 难听|unpleasant to hear/coarse/vulgar/offe... nantong 南通|see 南通市[Nan2tong1 Shi4] nantong 男同|gay guy (coll.) nantong 男童|boy/male child nantongbao 男同胞|man/male/male compatriot nantongkuangqu 南桐矿区|Nantong coal mining area of Chongqing nantongshi 南通市|Nantong, prefecture-level city in Jia... nantou 南投|Nantou city and county in central Taiwan nantoushi 南投市|Nantou city in central Taiwan, capita... nantouxian 南投县|Nantou County in central Taiwan nantunqu 南屯区|Nantun District of Taichung, Taiwan nanwa 男娃|(dialect) boy/guy nanwang 难忘|unforgettable nanwei 难为|to bother/to press sb, usu. to do sth... nanwei 南纬|south latitude nanwei 男卫|men\'s bathroom (abbr. for 男衛生間|男卫生间) nanweiqing 难为情|embarrassed nanwen 难闻|unpleasant smell/stink nanwu 男巫|wizard; warlock nanxi 南希|Nancy nanxia 南下|to go down south nanxian 南县|southern county/Nan county in Yiyang ... nanxiao 男校|all-boys school nanxing 男性|the male sex/a male nanxing 男星|male star/famous actor nanxing 难行|hard to pass nanxingbianyi 男性贬抑|misandry nanxinghua 男性化|to masculinize/masculinization nanxingningshi 男性凝视|male gaze nanxingyanwu 男性厌恶|misandry nanxingzhuyi 男性主义|masculism nanxiong 南雄|Nanxiong, county-level city in Shaogu... nanxiongnandi 难兄难弟|lit. hard to differentiate between el... nanxiongnandi 难兄难弟|brothers in hardship (idiom)/fellow s... nanxiongshi 南雄市|Nanxiong, county-level city in Shaogu... nanxiudaoyuanzhang 男修道院长|abbot nanxizhudao 南西诸岛|Ryukyu Islands/Okinawa 沖繩|冲绳[Chong1 s... nanxun 南浔|Nanxun district of Huzhou city 湖州市[Hu... nanxunqu 南浔区|Nanxun district of Huzhou city 湖州市[Hu... nanya 南亚|southern Asia nanyadacaoying 南亚大草莺|(bird species of China) Indian grassb... nanyan 南燕|Southern Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms ... nanyang 南阳|see 南陽市|南阳市[Nan2yang2 Shi4] nanyang 南洋|Southeast Asia/South seas nanyangligongdaxue 南洋理工大学|Nanyang Technological University, Sin... nanyangshangbao 南洋商报|Nanyang Siang Pau (Malay\'s oldest new... nanyangshi 南阳市|Nanyang, prefecture-level city in Hen... nanyangxian 南阳县|Nanyang county in Henan nanyanzhiyin 难言之隐|a hidden trouble hard to mention (idi... nanyaquyuhezuolianmeng 南亚区域合作联盟|South Asian Association for Regional ... nanyi 难以|hard to (predict, imagine etc) nanyi 难易|difficulty/degree of difficulty or ease nanyihandong 难以撼动|unsusceptible to change/deeply entren... nanyilijie 难以理解|hard to understand/incomprehensible nanying 男婴|male baby nanyiqichi 难以启齿|to be too embarrassed to mention sth ... nanyirenshou 难以忍受|hard to endure/unbearable nanyishixian 难以实现|hard to accomplish/difficult to achieve nanyiyingfu 难以应付|hard to deal with/hard to handle nanyizhixin 难以置信|(idiom) hard to believe; incredible nanyizhuomo 难以捉摸|elusive/hard to pin down/enigmatic nanyiziyi 难以自已|cannot control oneself (idiom)/to be ... nanyou 男友|boyfriend nanyouli 男友力|(coll.) attractiveness (as a potentia... nanyuan 南苑|Nanyuan or \"Southern Park\", an imperi... nanyuanbeizhe 南辕北辙|to act in a way that defeats one\'s pu... nanyudengtian 难于登天|harder than climbing to heaven (idiom) nanyue 南岳|Nanyue district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|... nanyue 南越|South Vietnam/South Vietnamese nanyuequ 南岳区|Nanyue district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|... nanyujiejin 难于接近|(of people) difficult to approach/ina... nanyuzuo 南鱼座|Piscis Austrinus (constellation) nanzao 南枣|dried jujubes nanzhang 南漳|Nanzhang county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1... nanzhangxian 南漳县|Nanzhang county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1... nanzhao 南召|Nanzhao county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 ... nanzhao 南诏|Nanzhao kingdom 738-937 in southwest ... nanzhaoguo 南诏国|Nanzhao, 8th and 9th century kingdom ... nanzhaoxian 南召县|Nanzhao county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 ... nanzheng 南征|punitive expedition to the south nanzhengbeifa 南征北伐|war on all sides (idiom); fighting fr... nanzhengbeitao 南征北讨|war on all sides (idiom); fighting fr... nanzhengbeizhan 南征北战|war on all sides (idiom); fighting fr... nanzhi 腩炙|stewed brisket nanzhongyin 男中音|baritone nanzhou 南州|Nanchou township in Pingtung County 屏... nanzhouxiang 南州乡|Nanchou township in Pingtung County 屏... nanzhu 楠竹|see 毛竹[mao2 zhu2] nanzhu 难住|to baffle; to stump nanzhu 南竹|see 毛竹[mao2 zhu2] nanzhuang 男装|men\'s clothes nanzhuang 南庄|township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Mia... nanzhuangxiang 南庄乡|township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Mia... nanzhuwai,nvzhunei 男主外,女主内|men go out to work and women stay at ... nanzi 男子|a man; a male nanzi 楠梓|Nanzi or Nantzu district of Kaohsiung... nanzi 喃字|Vietnam characters (like Chinese char... nanzidanda 男子单打|men\'s singles (in tennis etc) nanzihan 男子汉|man (i.e. manly, masculine) nanzihandazhangfu 男子汉大丈夫|(coll.) he-man nanzilanqiu 男子篮球|men\'s basketball nanziqi 男子气|manly/masculine nanziqigai 男子气概|masculinity/manliness nanziqu 楠梓区|Nanzi or Nantzu district of Kaohsiung... nanzou 难走|hard to get to/difficult to travel (i... nanzu 男足|abbr. for 男子足球 men\'s soccer/abbr. for... nanzunnvbei 男尊女卑|to regard men as superior to women (i... nanzuonvyou 男左女右|the left is for males, the right is f... nao 脑|brain/mind/head/essence nao 闹|variant of 鬧|闹[nao4] nao 闹|noisy/cacophonous/to make noise/to di... nao 孬|(dialect) no good (contraction of 不[b... nao 瑙|used in 瑪瑙|玛瑙[ma3nao3] nao 挠|to scratch/to thwart/to yield nao 恼|to get angry nao 淖|surname Nao nao 淖|slush/mud nao 铙|big cymbals nao 脳|Japanese variant of 腦|脑 nao 垴|small hill/used in geographic names nao 嫐|to tease; to play around with nao 呶|clamor/(onom.) \"look!\" nao 峱|name of a mountain nao 悩|Japanese variant of 惱|恼 nao 臑|biceps (in Chinese medicine)/(arch.) ... nao 猱|(literary) a kind of gibbon/(music) w... nao 譊|wrangling, contention, to dispute nao 蛲|parasitic worm/human pinworm (Enterob... nao 夒|a kind of gibbon (old variant of 猱[na... nao 硇|used in 硇砂[nao2sha1] nao 碯|variant of 瑙[nao3]/agate nao 匘|old variant of 腦|脑[nao3] nao 𢙐|used in 懊憹|懊𢙐[ao4nao2] naobai 挠败|defeated/routed/crushed naobieniu 闹别扭|to be difficult with sb/to provoke di... naobing 脑病|brain disease/encephalopathy naobo 脑波|brain wave/EEG naobu 脑补|(Internet slang) to imagine/to visualize naocan 脑残|moronic/brainless/bonehead/retard naocanfen 脑残粉|(slang) fanboy/fangirl naochang 闹场|gongs and drums overture to a Chinese... naochengxiangjishu 脑成像技术|brain imaging technique naochong 蛲虫|parasitic worm/human pinworm (Enterob... naochongbing 蛲虫病|enterobiasis naochongxue 脑充血|stroke/cerebral hemorrhage naochuiti 脑垂体|pituitary gland naochuxue 脑出血|cerebral hemorrhage naocuzhong 脑卒中|stroke/cerebral hemorrhage naoda 闹大|(of a person) to make a big fuss abou... naodai 脑袋|head/skull/brains/mental capability/C... naodaikaihua 脑袋开花|to blow one\'s brain out naodao 脑岛|insula naodianbo 脑电波|see 腦波|脑波[nao3 bo1] naodiantu 脑电图|electroencephalogram (EEG) naodiantuban 脑电图版|electroencephalogram (EEG) naodongdakai 脑洞大开|imaginative/to have one\'s mind buzzin... naodongfang 闹洞房|disturbing the privacy of bridal room... naoduzi 闹肚子|(coll.) to have diarrhea naofan 闹翻|to have a falling out/to have a big a... naofang 闹房|see 鬧洞房|闹洞房[nao4 dong4 fang2] naofantian 闹翻天|to create a big disturbance naogan 脑干|brain stem naogengse 脑梗塞|cerebral infarction naogengsi 脑梗死|cerebral infarction naogou 挠钩|iron hook at the end a long pole naogou 脑沟|sulcus (neuroanatomy) naogua 脑瓜|skull/brain/head/mind/mentality/ideas naoguar 脑瓜儿|erhua variant of 腦瓜|脑瓜[nao3 gua1] naoguazi 脑瓜子|see 腦瓜|脑瓜[nao3 gua1] naogui 闹鬼|haunted naohai 脑海|the mind/the brain naohen 恼恨|to hate and resent/angry and full of ... naohonghong 闹哄哄|clamorous/noisy/sensational/very exci... naohonghong 闹轰轰|variant of 鬧哄哄|闹哄哄[nao4 hong1 hong1] naohou 脑后|the back of the head/(fig.) the back ... naohua 脑花|brain (served as a culinary dish) naohuhu 闹糊糊|to cause trouble naohui 脑回|gyrus (neuroanatomy) naohuo 恼火|annoyed; riled; vexed naoji 脑际|mind/memory naojiang 脑浆|brains naojijiekou 脑机接口|brain-computer interface naojin 脑筋|brains/mind/head/way of thinking naojiye 脑脊液|cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) naoju 闹剧|farce/CL:場|场[chang3],齣|出[chu1],幕[mu4] naoke 脑壳|(coll.) head; skull/(fig.) brains (me... naoli 脑力|mental capacity naolie 挠裂|split due to repeated folding/flex crack naolijidang 脑力激荡|to brainstorm naolilaodong 脑力劳动|mental labor/intellectual work naoling 闹铃|alarm (clock) naolingshizhong 闹铃时钟|alarm clock naoliu 脑瘤|brain tumor naolu 瑙鲁|Nauru, island country in the southwes... naolv 挠率|the torsion (of a space curve) naoman-changfei 脑满肠肥|(idiom) overweight as a result of liv... naomang 闹忙|(dialect) bustling/lively naomaodun 闹矛盾|to be at loggerheads/to have a fallin... naomen 脑门|forehead naomeng 闹猛|(dialect) bustling/lively naomengduanweimei 瑙蒙短尾鹛|(bird species of China) Naung Mung sc... naomenzi 脑门子|forehead (dialect) naomo 脑膜|meninx/meninges/membranes lining the ... naomoyan 脑膜炎|meningitis naonao 呶呶|to talk endlessly, annoying everyone naonao-buxiu 呶呶不休|(idiom) to chatter endlessly; to talk... naonaorangrang 闹闹攘攘|to create an uproar naoneifei 脑内啡|endorphin naonu 恼怒|resentful/angry/to enrage sb naopiaor 脑瓢儿|top of the head/crown naopinxue 脑贫血|cerebral anemia naopiqi 闹脾气|to get angry naoqiao 脑桥|(anatomy) pons naoqingxu 闹情绪|to be in a bad mood naoqu 挠曲|to bend/flexing/deflection naoqu 闹区|downtown naor 脑儿|brains (as food) naore 闹热|(dialect) bustling; lively naoren 恼人|annoying/irksome/to irritate naosha 硇砂|(mineralogy) salammoniac naoshao 脑勺|back of the head naoshao 脑杓|the spoon shape slope on the nape naoshenjing 脑神经|cranial nerves naoshi 脑室|ventricles of the brain naoshi 闹市|downtown area/city center naoshi 闹事|to cause trouble/to create a disturbance naoshuizhong 脑水肿|cerebral edema naosiwang 脑死亡|brain death naosui 脑髓|brain tissue/gray matter/brain/medulla naosunshang 脑损伤|brain damage naotaitao 闹太套|(Internet slang) transcription of \"no... naotan 脑瘫|cerebral palsy naoteng 闹腾|to disturb/to create confusion/to mak... naotou 挠头|tricky/problematic/difficult/to scrat... naotu 脑图|mind map naoxiachuiti 脑下垂体|pituitary glands (at the base of the ... naoxiaohua 闹笑话|to make a fool of oneself naoxibao 脑细胞|brain cell naoxin 闹心|to be vexed or annoyed/to feel queasy naoxinfang 闹新房|see 鬧洞房|闹洞房[nao4 dong4 fang2] naoxingmabi 脑性痲痹|variant of 腦性麻痺|脑性麻痹/cerebral palsy/s... naoxingmabi 脑性麻痹|cerebral palsy/spasticity naoxiu-chengnu 恼羞成怒|(idiom) to become enraged over a perc... naoxueguanjibing 脑血管疾病|cerebrovascular disease naoxueguanpingzhang 脑血管屏障|blood brain barrier naoyan 脑炎|encephalitis naoyangyang 挠痒痒|to tickle naoye 脑叶|lobe of the brain naoye 脑液|brain fluid naoyixue 脑溢血|cerebral hemorrhage/stroke naozei 闹贼|(coll.) to be burglarized naozhendang 脑震荡|(med.) cerebral concussion naozhewanr 闹着玩儿|to play games/to joke around/to play ... naozhi 脑汁|brains naozhong 闹钟|alarm clock naozhong 孬种|coward; useless scoundrel naozhongfeng 脑中风|cerebral stroke naozhongliu 脑肿瘤|brain tumor naozi 脑子|brains/mind/CL:個|个[ge4] naozijinshui 脑子进水|to have lost one\'s mind/crazy/soft in... naozishengxiu 脑子生锈|lit. brains rusty/ossified thinking naoziyoupao 脑子有泡|soft in the head/brainless/dumb napa 哪怕|even/even if/even though/no matter how napier 纳皮尔|Napier (name)/John Napier (1550-1617)... napin 纳聘|to pay bride-price (payment to the br... napo 那坡|Napo county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Gu... napolun 拿破仑|variant of 拿破崙|拿破仑[Na2 po4 lun2] napolun 拿破仑|Napoleon (name)/Napoleon Bonaparte (1... napolunbonaba 拿破仑·波拿巴|Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emper... napoxian 那坡县|Napo county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Gu... naqi 拿起|to pick up naqiao 拿乔|pretentious/striking a pose naqie 纳妾|to take a concubine naqu 那曲|Nagchu town and prefecture in central... naquan 拿权|to hold power; to be in control naqushi 那曲市|Nagchu city in Tibet nar 哪儿|where?/wherever; anywhere; somewhere/... nar 那儿|there nardehua 哪儿的话|(coll.) not at all (humble expression... naren 拿人|making things awkward/to cause diffic... nargennar 哪儿跟哪儿|what\'s that have to do with it?/what\'... naru 纳入|to bring into/to channel into/to inte... nasaier 纳赛尔|Nasr or Nasser (Arab name)/Gamal Abde... nasale 拿撒勒|Nazareth (in Biblical Palestine) nasanierhuosang 纳撒尼尔·霍桑|Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) Ameri... nasao 拿骚|Nassau, capital of The Bahamas nashi 那时|then/at that time/in those days nashi 纳什|Nash (surname) nashi 那世|the world of the dead nashi 那是|(coll.) of course/naturally/indeed nashihou 那时候|at that time nashiweier 纳什维尔|Nashville, capital of Tennessee nashou 拿手|expert in/good at nashoucai 拿手菜|specialty (dish) nashouhaoxi 拿手好戏|the role an actor plays best (idiom)/... nashui 纳税|to pay taxes nashuiren 纳税人|taxpayer nashun 拿顺|Nashon (son of Amminadab) nasi 那厮|that so-and-so nasidake 纳斯达克|NASDAQ (stock exchange) nasidake 那斯达克|NASDAQ (stock exchange) nasuo 拿索|Nassau, capital of The Bahamas (Tw) natali 娜塔莉|Natalie (name) natanaier 纳塔乃耳|Nathaniel nati 那堤|latte (loanword) (Tw) nati 那提|latte (loanword) natian 那天|that day/the other day natie 拿铁|latte (loanword) natiekafei 拿铁咖啡|caffe latte nawahuo 纳瓦霍|Navajo nawasa 纳瓦萨|Navassa nawateeryu 纳瓦特尔语|Nahuatl (language) naweike 那维克|Narvik (city in Nordland, Norway) naweixing 纳卫星|nanosatellite naxi 纳西|Nakhi (ethnic group) naxi 纳溪|Naxi district of Luzhou city 瀘州市|泸州市[... naxia 拿下|to arrest/to capture/to seize/to win ... naxiang 纳降|to surrender/to accept defeat naxiang 哪像|unlike/in contrast to naxie 哪些|which ones?/who?/what? naxie 那些|those naxin 纳新|to accept the new/to take fresh (air)... naxing 纳星|nanosatellite naxiqu 纳溪区|Naxi district of Luzhou city 瀘州市|泸州市[... naxizu 纳西族|Nakhi ethnic group in Yunnan nayang 那样|that kind/that sort nayige 哪一个|which nayixue 拿一血|(gaming) to get first blood/(slang) t... nazalei 纳匝肋|Nazareth nazan 那咱|at that time (old) nazan 那昝|variant of 那咱[na4zan5] nazhaerbayefu 纳扎尔巴耶夫|Nursultan Nazarbayev (1940-), preside... nazhejimaodanglingjian 拿着鸡毛当令箭|to wave a chicken feather as a token ... nazhen 那阵|at that time/then nazhenzi 那阵子|at that time/then nazhi 哪知|who would have imagined?/unexpectedly nazhi 纳指|NASDAQ/National Association of Securi... nazhi 那知|variant of 哪知[na3 zhi1] nazhidao 哪知道|who would have thought that ...? nazhong 那种|that kind of nazhuyi 拿主意|to make a decision/to make up one\'s mind nazou 拿走|to take away ndang N挡|neutral (gear) ne 哪|used in 哪吒[Ne2 zha1]/Taiwan pr. [nuo2] ne 呢|particle indicating that a previously... ne 讷|to speak slowly/inarticulate ne 疒|sick/sickness/Kang Xi radical 104/als... ne 㕯|old variant of 訥|讷[ne4] nehe 讷河|Nehe, county-level city in Qiqihar 齊齊... neheshi 讷河市|Nehe, county-level city in Qiqihar 齊齊... nei 哪|which? (interrogative, followed by cl... nei 内|inside/inner/internal/within/interior nei 馁|(bound form) hungry; starving/(bound ... nei 氝|neon Ne (chemistry) (now written 氖[na... neibao 内爆|to implode neibaofayuanzidan 内爆法原子弹|implosion atomic bomb neibazijiao 内八字脚|intoeing/pigeon toes/knock-knees neibidu 内比都|Naypyidaw or Nay Pyi Taw, capital of ... neibin 内宾|guest from the same country/internal ... neibu 内部|interior/inside (part, section)/internal neibudouzheng 内部斗争|internal power struggle neibulasijia 内布拉斯加|Nebraska, US state neibulasijiazhou 内布拉斯加州|Nebraska, US state neibumaodun 内部矛盾|internal contradiction neibushiwu 内部事务|internal affairs neibuwang 内部网|intranet neican 内参|restricted document, available only t... neice 内侧|inner side neice 内测|(software development) to do closed b... neiceng 内层|internal layer neicha 内插|to install (hardware) internally (rat... neichang 内场|inner area (of a place that has an ou... neichen 内衬|lining (of a container etc) (engineer... neichen 内臣|chamberlain neicheng 内城|inner castle/donjon neichun 内唇|epipharynx (entomology)/inner part of... neichuxue 内出血|internal bleeding/internal hemorrhage neicun 内存|internal storage/computer memory/rand... neicunchuqi 内存储器|(computing) main memory; RAM neidai 内袋|inner pocket neidaku 内搭裤|leggings (Tw) neidan 内胆|inner container (e.g. the rice pot in... neidan 内丹|Taoist internal alchemy neidi 内地|mainland China (PRC excluding Hong Ko... neidi 内地|inland/interior/hinterland neidi 内弟|wife\'s younger brother neiding 内定|to select sb for a position without a... neidou 内斗|internal strife/power struggle/(of me... neier 内耳|inner ear neierdao 内耳道|internal auditory meatus (canal in te... neifeisu 内啡素|endorphin neifeitai 内啡肽|endorphin neifenmi 内分泌|endocrine (internal secretion, e.g. h... neifenmixian 内分泌腺|endocrine gland neifu 内服|to take medicine orally (as opposed t... neifu 内稃|(botany) palea neige 内阁|(government) cabinet neigezonglidachen 内阁总理大臣|formal title of the Japanese prime mi... neigou 内购|buying direct from your company at pr... neiguan 内观|to introspect/to examine oneself/(Bud... neigui 内鬼|mole/spy/rat/traitor neihan 内涵|meaningful content/implication/(seman... neihan 内含|to contain/to include neihang 内行|expert/adept/experienced/an expert/a ... neihangkanmendao,waihangkanrenao 内行看门道,外行看热闹|while the connoisseur recognizes the ... neihanyiyi 内涵意义|(semantics) connotative meaning; conn... neihao 内耗|internal friction/internal dissipatio... neihe 内核|core (of a fruit)/(fig.) the essence ... neihong 内讧|internal strife neihong 内哄|variant of 內訌|内讧[nei4 hong4] neihu 内湖|Neihu District of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市... neihua 内化|internalization/to internalize neihuada 内华达|Nevada, US state neihuadazhou 内华达州|Nevada, US state neihuai 内踝|medial malleolus neihuang 内黄|Neihuang county in Anyang 安陽|安阳[An1 y... neihuangxian 内黄县|Neihuang county in Anyang 安陽|安阳[An1 y... neihuqu 内湖区|Neihu District of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市... neiji 内急|to need to answer the call of nature neiji 内积|inner product/the dot product of two ... neijiade 内贾德|Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (1956-), Iranian ... neijian 内奸|undiscovered traitor/enemy within one... neijian 内建|built-in neijiang 内江|see 內江市|内江市[Nei4jiang1 Shi4] neijiangshi 内江市|Neijiang, prefecture-level city in Si... neijing 内径|internal diameter neijing 内经|abbr. for 黃帝內經|黄帝内经[Huang2 di4 Nei4 j... neijiu 内疚|guilty conscience/to feel a twinge of... neijuan 内眷|the females in a family/womenfolk neijuan 内卷|(embryology) to involute; involution/... neikahe 内卡河|Neckar River in Germany neike 内科|internal medicine; general medicine neikexue 内科学|internal medicine neikeyisheng 内科医生|medical doctor; physician who works p... neiku 内裤|underpants/panties/briefs neikuijing 内窥镜|endoscope neilao 内涝|waterlogged neili 内里|the inside neilian 内联|(computing) inline neilian 内敛|introverted/reserved/(artistic style)... neilianwang 内联网|intranet neiliu 内流|inward flowing (of river)/flowing int... neiliuhe 内流河|inward flowing river/river flowing in... neiliujiaobanshou 内六角扳手|Allen key/hex key neiliujiaoyuanzhutouluoding 内六角圆柱头螺钉|hexagon socket head cap screw neilu 内陆|inland; interior neiluan 内乱|internal disorder/civil strife/civil ... neiluguo 内陆国|landlocked country neiluhe 内陆河|inland river/river draining to inland... neiluobi 内罗毕|Nairobi, capital of Kenya neima 内码|internal code neimao 内贸|domestic trade neimeng 内蒙|see 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4meng3gu3 Zi4zhi... neimenggu 内蒙古|see 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4meng3gu3 Zi4zhi... neimenggudaxue 内蒙古大学|Inner Mongolia University neimengguzizhiqu 内蒙古自治区|Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, cap... neimo 内膜|inner membrane neimu 内幕|inside story/non-public information/b... neimujiaoyi 内幕交易|insider trading/insider dealing neinei 内内|(coll.) panties neineng 内能|internal energy neipeiceng 内胚层|endoderm (cell lineage in embryology) neipi 内皮|(med.) endothelium/thin skin on the i... neipu 内埔|Neipu Township in Pingtung County 屏東縣... neipuxiang 内埔乡|Neipu Township in Pingtung County 屏東縣... neiqie 内切|(math.) to inscribe/internally tangent neiqieqiu 内切球|inside cut (golf)/(math.) inscribed s... neiqing 内情|inside story/inside information neiqiu 内丘|Neiqiu county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai... neiqiuxian 内丘县|Neiqiu county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai... neiran 内燃|internal combustion (engine) neiranji 内燃机|internal combustion engine neiranjiche 内燃机车|automobile neiren 内人|my wife (humble) neirong 内容|content/substance/details/CL:個|个[ge4]... neirongguanlixitong 内容管理系统|content management system (CMS) (Inte... neirongliang 内容量|net contents neishang 内伤|internal injury/disorder of internal ... neishang 内熵|internal entropy (physics) neishe 内射|to ejaculate in the vagina or anus neishi 内室|inner room/bedroom neishi 内饰|interior decor neishijing 内视镜|endoscope neitai 内胎|inner tube (of a tire) neitaniyahu 内塔尼亚胡|Netanyahu (name)/Benjamin Netanyahu (... neitian 内田|Uchida (Japanese surname) neiting 内廷|place at the imperial court, where em... neitui 内推|(math.) interpolation/(human resource... neiwai 内外|inside and outside/domestic and forei... neiwaijianxiu 内外兼修|(of a person) beautiful inside and out neiwu 内务|internal affairs/domestic affairs/fam... neiwubu 内务部|Ministry of Internal Affairs neiwufu 内务府|Imperial Household Department (in Qin... neixiananmei 内酰胺酶|beta-lactamase (a bacterial inhibitor) neixiang 内乡|Neixiang county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2... neixiang 内详|name and address of the sender enclos... neixiang 内向|reserved (personality)/introverted/(e... neixiangxian 内乡县|Neixiang county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2... neixianjiaoyi 内线交易|insider trading (illegal share-dealing) neixianxiaoxi 内线消息|insider information neixiao 内销|to sell in the domestic market/domest... neixibaotuan 内细胞团|inner cell mass (ICM) neixieshi 内斜视|(medicine) esotropia/cross-eye neixin 内心|heart; innermost being/(math.) incenter neixing 内省|to reflect upon oneself/introspection neixingxing 内省性|introversion/introspective neixinshenchu 内心深处|deep in one\'s heart neixinshijie 内心世界|(one\'s) inner world neixinxi 内心戏|psychological drama neixiong 内兄|wife\'s older brother neixu 内需|domestic demand neiyanjiao 内眼角|inner corner of the eye neiyi 内衣|undergarment/underwear/CL:件[jian4] neiyiku 内衣裤|underwear neiyingli 内营力|internal force/endogenic force neiyong 内用|to eat in (at a restaurant) (Tw)/to t... neiyouwaihuan 内忧外患|internal trouble and outside aggressi... neiyouwaikun 内忧外困|internal trouble and outside aggressi... neiyuan 内源|source neiyuan 内院|inner courtyard (in a courtyard house) neizai 内在|inner/internal/intrinsic/innate neizaichaoyue 内在超越|inner transcendence (perfection throu... neizaijihe 内在几何|intrinsic geometry neizaijihexue 内在几何学|intrinsic geometry neizaimei 内在美|inner beauty neizaizuobiao 内在坐标|intrinsic coordinates (geometry) neizang 内脏|internal organs/viscera neizhan 内战|civil war neizheng 内政|internal affairs (of a country) neizhengbu 内政部|Ministry of the Interior neizhengbujingzhengshu 内政部警政署|National Police Agency (Tw) neizhengbuzhang 内政部长|Minister of the Interior neizhi 内置|built-in; internal neizhi 内酯|lactone neizhiwang 内质网|endoplasmic reticulum (ER) neizhong 内中|within it/among them neizhuan 内传|biography recounting apocryphal anecd... neizhuang 内装|filled with/internal decoration/insta... neizi 内眦|(anatomy) medial canthus; inner corne... nen 嫩|young and tender/(of food) tender; li... nen 嫩|old variant of 嫩[nen4] nen 恁|to think/this/which?/how? (literary)/... nene 讷讷|(of speech) indistinct/mumbling/hesit... neng 能|surname Neng neng 能|can/to be able to/might possibly/abil... nengdongxing 能动性|initiative/active role nengfou 能否|whether or not/can it or can\'t it/is ... nenggan 能干|capable/competent nenggeshanwu 能歌善舞|can sing and dance (idiom); fig. a pe... nenggou 能够|to be capable of/to be able to/can nenggou 能彀|able to do sth/in a position to do st... nenghao 能耗|energy consumption nengji 能级|energy level nengjiandu 能见度|visibility nengli 能力|capability/ability/CL:個|个[ge4] nengliang 能量|energy/capabilities nengliangdaixie 能量代谢|energy metabolism nengliangshouheng 能量守恒|conservation of energy (physics) nengliangyinliao 能量饮料|energy drink nengnai 能耐|ability/capability nengqunengshen 能屈能伸|can bow and submit, or can stand tall... nengren 能人|capable person/Homo habilis, extinct ... nengruonengqiang 能弱能强|to be either weak or strong both have... nengshangnengxia 能上能下|ready to take any job, high or low nengshennengqu 能伸能屈|can bow and submit, or can stand tall... nengshi 能事|particular abilities/one\'s forte nengshishanwen 能诗善文|highly literate/lit. capable at poetr... nengshou 能手|expert nengshuohuidao 能说会道|can talk really well (idiom); the gif... nengxiao 能效|energy efficiency nengxie-huisuan 能写会算|(idiom) to be literate and numerate nengyanshanbian 能言善辩|glib of tongue (idiom)/eloquent nengyuan 能源|energy/power source/CL:個|个[ge4] nengyuandongci 能愿动词|modal verb (e.g. 肯[ken3], 能[neng2], 會... nengyuanduanque 能源短缺|energy shortage nengyuanweiji 能源危机|energy crisis nengzheduolao 能者多劳|(idiom) it\'s the most capable people ... nenlv 嫩绿|tender green; soft green nenmiao 嫩苗|seedling; tender young shoot; sprout nenroufen 嫩肉粉|meat tenderizer powder nenya 嫩芽|tender shoots nenye 嫩叶|tender young leaves nenzhu 嫩主|newbie nese 讷涩|clumsy in speech/tongue tied nezha 哪吒|Nezha, protection deity ng NG|(loanword from Japanese \"NG\", an init... ngjingtou NG镜头|(film and TV) blooper ngpianduan NG片段|(film and TV) blooper ni 你|you (informal, as opposed to courteou... ni 你|you (Note: In Taiwan, 妳 is used to ad... ni 呢|dense wool fabric (used for coats and... ni 尼|Buddhist nun/(often used in phonetic ... ni 拟|doubtful/suspicious/variant of 擬|拟[ni... ni 拟|to plan to/to draft (a plan)/to imita... ni 泥|mud/clay/paste/pulp ni 泥|restrained ni 倪|surname Ni ni 倪|(literary) small child/(literary) lim... ni 妮|girl/phonetic \"ni\" (in female names)/... ni 昵|variant of 暱|昵[ni4] ni 昵|familiar/intimate/to approach ni 鿭|nihonium (chemistry) ni 腻|greasy/soft/unctuous/intimate/tired of ni 匿|to hide ni 溺|to drown/to indulge/addicted to/to sp... ni 郳|place name ni 逆|contrary/opposite/backwards/to go aga... ni 霓|Japanese cicada/old variant of 霓[ni2] ni 霓|secondary rainbow ni 铌|niobium (chemistry) ni 祢|you (used to address a deity) ni 坭|variant of 泥[ni2] ni 旎|used in 旖旎[yi3ni3] ni 麑|fawn ni 氼|old variant of 溺[ni4] ni 薿|luxuriant (of plants) ni 鲵|Cryptobranchus japonicus/salamander ni 怩|used in 忸怩[niu3ni2] ni 惄|distressed/famished ni 猊|(mythical animal)/lion ni 猊|wild beast/wild horse/lion/trad. form... ni 伲|variant of 你[ni3] ni 伲|(dialect) I/my/we/our ni 堄|parapet ni 伱|old variant of 你[ni3] ni 柅|(tree)/to stop ni 儞|old variant of 你[ni3] ni 袮|You/Thou (of deity)/variant of 你[ni3] ni 衵|women\'s undergarments ni 秜|self-sown rice ni 秜|early-maturing rice ni 睨|to look askance at ni 𫐐|clamps for crossbar of carriage ni 𫠜|teeth grown in old age niai 溺爱|to spoil/to pamper/to dote on niai 昵爱|to love dearly/intimacy/close love nian 年|surname Nian nian 年|year/CL:個|个[ge4] nian 年|grain/harvest (old)/variant of 年[nian2] nian 粘|variant of 黏[nian2] nian 黏|sticky; glutinous/(Tw) to adhere; to ... nian 拈|to nip/to grasp with the fingers/to f... nian 念|variant of 念[nian4], to read aloud nian 念|to read/to study (a subject)/to atten... nian 淰|calm water nian 廿|twenty nian 辇|(archaic) man-drawn carriage/an imper... nian 捻|to twirl (in the fingers) nian 蔫|to fade/to wither/to wilt/listless nian 鲶|sheatfish (Parasilurus asotus)/orient... nian 鲇|sheatfish (Parasilurus asotus)/orient... nian 碾|stone roller/roller and millstone/to ... nian 埝|earth embankment used to hold back or... nian 卄|twenty, twentieth nian 涊|muddy water nian 齞|to display the teeth nian 撵|to expel/to oust/(dialect) to chase a... nian 撚|to play tricks on or toy with/delicat... nianbachan 廿八躔|the twenty-eight constellations/also ... nianbao 年报|annual report nianbiao 年表|timeline/chronology/annals/financial ... nianchan 年产|annual production nianchan 粘缠|to stick closely to/cloying nianchang 碾场|to thresh or husk grain on a threshin... niancheng 年成|the year\'s harvest nianchong 黏虫|armyworm (Mythimna separata) nianchong 粘虫|army worm (e.g. Mythimna separata or ... nianchou 粘稠|viscous; thick and sticky nianchoudu 黏稠度|viscosity nianchu 年初|beginning of the year nianchu 撵出|to expel/to drive out/to oust nianchuhe 年楚河|Nyang qu or Nian chu River in Tibet, ... nianchui 碾槌|pestle niandada 蔫耷耷|listless; droopy niandada 黏答答|(unpleasantly) sticky niandai 年代|a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixti... niandaichu 年代初|beginning of an age/beginning of a de... niandaixue 年代学|chronology (the science of determinin... niandao 念叨|to talk about often/to reminisce abou... niandetaren 尼安德塔人|Neanderthal man niandeteren 尼安德特人|Neanderthal man niandi 年底|the end of the year/year-end niandu 年度|year (e.g. school year, fiscal year)/... niandu 黏度|(physics) viscosity niandubaogao 年度报告|annual report niandudahui 年度大会|annual meeting/annual general meeting... niandugudongdahui 年度股东大会|annual shareholders\' meeting nianduyusuan 年度预算|annual budget nianfang 碾坊|grain mill nianfei 年费|annual fee nianfen 年份|particular year nianfeng 年俸|yearly salary nianfo 念佛|to pray to Buddha/to chant the names ... nianfu 黏附|to adhere/to stick to nianfuli 黏附力|adhesive force/adherence/coherence nianfuliqiang 年富力强|young and vigorous (idiom) nianfuyinian 年复一年|(idiom) over the years; year after year niang 娘|mother/young lady/(coll.) effeminate niang 娘|variant of 娘[niang2] niang 酿|to ferment/to brew/to make honey (of ... niang 嬢|Japanese variant of 孃|娘[niang2] niang 醸|Japanese variant of 釀|酿 niangao 年糕|nian gao, New Year cake, typically a ... niangaodeshao 年高德劭|to be advanced in both years and virt... niangcheng 酿成|to make (wine or spirits)/(fig.) to l... niangde 娘的|same as 媽的|妈的[ma1 de5] niangeng 年庚|date and time of a person\'s birth/age niangjia 娘家|wife\'s family (before marriage) niangjiaxing 娘家姓|maiden name (of married woman) niangjiu 酿酒|to make a fermented drink (i.e. to br... niangjiuye 酿酒业|brewing industry/wine industry niangma 娘妈|(coll.) woman niangmei 酿酶|zymase (enzyme in yeast involved in f... niangmujun 酿母菌|yeast niangniang 娘娘|queen/empress/imperial concubine/Godd... niangniangmiao 娘娘庙|temple of Goddess of Fertility niangniangqiang 娘娘腔|sissy/effeminate niangongjiafeng 年功加俸|increase in salary according to one\'s... niangpao 娘炮|(slang) effeminate man/sissy/effeminate niangpao 娘泡|variant of 娘炮[niang2 pao4] niangre 娘惹|Nyonya/see 峇峇娘惹[Ba1 ba1 Niang2 re3] niangrewu 酿热物|biological fuel (such as horse dung) niangrmen 娘儿们|(dialect) woman/wife niangtai 娘胎|womb nianguan 年关|end of the year nianguo 碾过|to crush sth by running over it nianguosuanjiang 黏果酸浆|tomatillo (Physalis philadelphica) niangxipi 娘希匹|(dialect) fuck! niangzao 酿造|to brew/to make (wine, vinegar, soybe... niangzaoxue 酿造学|zymurgy niangzhi 酿制|to brew (beer, soy sauce etc); to mak... niangzi 娘子|(dialect) form of address for one\'s w... nianhao 年号|reign title/era name (name for either... nianhe 黏合|to glue together nianheji 黏合剂|glue nianhu 黏糊|sticky/glutinous/slow-moving nianhua 年画|New Year (Spring Festival) picture nianhua 年华|years/time/age nianhua 黏滑|slimy (of rotten food)/viscous/(mecha... nianhuar 年画儿|erhua variant of 年畫|年画[nian2 hua4] nianhuarecao 拈花惹草|lit. to pick the flowers and trample ... nianhuhu 粘乎乎|sticky/slimy nianhuhu 蔫呼呼|weak and indecisive nianhuhu 黏糊糊|sticky nianhui 年会|annual meeting nianhuo 年货|merchandise sold for Chinese New Year nianji 年级|grade/year (in school, college etc)/C... nianji 年纪|age/CL:把[ba3],個|个[ge4] nianjia 年假|annual leave/New Year holidays nianjian 年鉴|annual report/yearbook/almanac nianjian 年检|annual inspection nianjian 年间|in the years of/during those years/pe... nianjiao 黏胶|glue; adhesive/viscose nianjiaocha 年较差|annual range (temperature, humidity etc) nianjiaoye 黏胶液|viscose nianjie 年节|the New Year festival nianjie 黏结|to cohere/to bind nianjin 年金|annuity/pension/superannuation nianjing 念经|to recite or chant Buddhist scripture nianjiu 念旧|to remember old friends/to cherish ol... nianjiushixiu 年久失修|old and in a state of disrepair (idio... nianju 粘聚|to cohere/to group together as a unit... nianjun 年均|annual average (rate) nianjun 捻军|Nian Army, leading a peasant rebellio... nianjun 黏菌|slime mold (Myxomycetes) nianjunrizhao 年均日照|average annual sunshine nianjunzengzhanglv 年均增长率|annual rate of growth niankan 年刊|an annual; a yearbook niankoudai 黏扣带|velcro (Tw) nianlai 年来|this past year/over the last years nianlao 年老|aged nianlaolishuai 年老力衰|old and weak (idiom) nianlaotiruo 年老体弱|old and weak (idiom) nianli 年历|calendar/diary nianli 念力|psychokinesis; telekinesis nianlian 粘连|to adhere/to stick together nianling 年龄|(a person\'s) age/CL:把[ba3],個|个[ge4] nianlingduan 年龄段|age group nianlingzu 年龄组|age group nianlu 辇路|road along which the emperor\'s carria... nianlun 年轮|annual ring/growth ring nianlundangao 年轮蛋糕|baumkuchen (cake) nianmai 年迈|old/aged nianman 年满|to have attained the age of nianmi 黏米|glutinous rice; sticky rice/(dialect)... nianmiji 碾米机|rice milling machine nianmo 黏膜|mucous membrane nianmo 年末|end of the year nianmo 碾磨|to mill/to grind/grinding stone nianmu 黏木|amonang tree (Ixonanthes chinensis) niannei 年内|during the current year nianni 黏腻|sticky/clammy/(fig.) clingy/emotional... niannian 年年|year after year; yearly; every year; ... niannianbuwang 念念不忘|to keep in mind constantly (idiom) niannianyouci 念念有词|variant of 念念有詞|念念有词[nian4 nian4 you3... niannianyouci 念念有词|to mumble/to mutter to oneself niannianyouyu 年年有余|lit. (may you) have abundance year af... niannuo 粘糯|sticky; glutinous (mouthfeel) nianpan 碾盘|millstone nianpi 蔫屁|silent fart nianpi-zhuogu 粘皮着骨|see 粘皮帶骨|粘皮带骨[nian2pi2-dai4gu3] nianpidaigu 粘皮带骨|(old) (idiom) muddled; indecisive; pl... nianpu 年谱|chronicle (of sb\'s life) nianqian 年前|by the end of the year/at the end of ... nianqing 年轻|young nianqing 年青|youthful nianqinghua 年轻化|to make more youthful/to promote youn... nianqinglizhuang 年轻力壮|young and vigorous (idiom) nianqingqisheng 年轻气盛|full of youthful vigor (idiom)/in the... nianqingren 年轻人|young people/youngster nianqingyouwei 年轻有为|young and promising nianr 蔫儿|erhua variant of 蔫[nian1] nianr 黏儿|gum/resin nianren 黏人|(of a child) clingy/(of a pet) fond o... nianrhuai 蔫儿坏|apt to do sth nasty or devious in secret nianri 念日|memorial day/commemoration day niansanshi 年三十|last day of the lunar year/Chinese Ne... nianshao 年少|young/junior nianshaowuzhi 年少无知|young and inexperienced; unsophisticated nianshi 年事|years of age/age nianshiyigao 年事已高|old in years nianshou 年寿|length of life/life span nianshouru 年收入|annual income nianshu 念书|to read; to study/to attend school niansishi 廿四史|twenty four dynastic histories (or 25... niansong 念诵|to read out/to recite/to remember sb ... niansuan 拈酸|(old) to be jealous niansui 年岁|years of age/age niansui 碾碎|to pulverize/to crush niantan 黏痰|phlegm niantie 黏贴|to glue to; to paste onto; to stick on niantou 念头|thought; idea; intention niantou 年头|start of the year/whole year/a partic... niantou-danao 蔫头耷脑|(idiom) (coll.) (of a flower etc) dro... niantour 年头儿|erhua variant of 年頭|年头[nian2 tou2] niantu 黏土|clay niantudonghua 黏土动画|clay animation/Claymation niantufei 蔫土匪|scoundrel with an honest demeanor niantuo 碾砣|roller nianwei 年尾|end of the year nianwei 年味|Spring Festival atmosphere; festive a... nianxi 年息|annual interest nianxia 年下|lunar new year nianxia 辇下|imperial capital (city) nianxian 年限|age limit/fixed number of years nianxian 黏涎|saliva; slobber/(coll.) long-winded; ... nianxiang 念想|to miss (the presence of); to cherish... nianxiang 拈香|burn incense nianxiangr 念想儿|(coll.) keepsake; memento/(coll.) imp... nianxianzi 黏涎子|saliva/dribble nianxin 年薪|annual salary nianxing 黏性|stickiness; gluing strength/viscosity nianxingli 黏性力|(physics) viscous force nianxiong 年兄|lit. older brother/fig. fellow studen... nianxuewei 念学位|to study for a degree/to take a degre... nianya 碾压|to crush or compact (with a roller)/t... nianye 年夜|lunar New Year\'s Eve nianye 黏液|mucus nianyefan 年夜饭|New Year\'s Eve family dinner nianyi 年谊|camaraderie between persons who have ... nianyicuotuo 年已蹉跎|the years have already gone by; to be... nianyou 年幼|young/underage nianyou 年友|member of a group who have gone throu... nianyu 鲶鱼|catfish nianyue 年月|months and year/time/days of one\'s life nianyuguxi 年逾古稀|over seventy years old nianyun 辇运|(literary) to transport/to ship nianzai 年载|years nianzhang 年长|senior nianzhi 黏滞|viscous nianzhi 拈指|a snap of the fingers/a short moment/... nianzhijiu 年之久|period of ... years nianzhixing 黏滞性|viscosity nianzhong 年终|end of the year nianzhong 年中|within the year/in the middle of the ... nianzhongjiang 年终奖|year-end bonus nianzhou 念咒|to chant a magic spell/to recite inca... nianzhu 念珠|prayer beads/rosary/rosary beads/CL:串... nianzhu 黏住|cling nianzhujunzheng 念珠菌症|(medicine) candidiasis/thrush nianzhuo 黏着|to adhere; to stick together; to bond... nianzhuoli 黏着力|adhesion/adhesive force nianzhuoxing 黏着性|(linguistic) agglutinative nianzhuoyu 黏着语|agglutinative language (e.g. Turkish ... nianzi 年资|age and experience/seniority nianzi 碾子|roller (used for milling or crushing) nianzishan 碾子山|Nianzishan district of Qiqihar city 齊... nianzishanqu 碾子山区|Nianzishan district of Qiqihar city 齊... nianzizaizi 念兹在兹|see 念念不忘[nian4 nian4 bu4 wang4] nianzou 撵走|to drive out/to oust nianzun 年尊|aged and respected; senior niao 鸟|bird/CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2]/\"bird\" radi... niao 脲|carbamide/urea (NH2)2CO/also written 尿素 niao 溺|variant of 尿[niao4] niao 袅|delicate/graceful niao 袅|variant of 裊|袅[niao3] niao 尿|to urinate/urine/CL:泡[pao1] niao 嬲|to tease/to disturb niao 茑|parasitic mistletoe (Loranthus parasi... niao 㞙|old variant of 尿[niao4] niao 㳮|old variant of 尿[niao4] niaoansuan 鸟胺酸|ornithine niaobu 尿布|diaper niaobulashi,jibushengdan 鸟不拉屎,鸡不生蛋|lit. (a place where) birds don\'t defe... niaobushengdan 鸟不生蛋|deserted (of a place) niaobushengdan,goubulashi 鸟不生蛋,狗不拉屎|lit. (a place where) birds don\'t lay ... niaobushi 尿不湿|(coll.) disposable diaper niaobuzhen 尿布疹|diaper rash niaochao 鸟巢|bird\'s nest/nickname for Beijing 2008... niaochong 鸟铳|bird gun niaochongshu 鸟虫书|bird writing, a calligraphic style ba... niaochuang 尿床|to wet the bed niaodao 尿道|urethra/urinary tract niaodao 鸟道|a road only a bird can manage/steep d... niaodian 尿点|the boring part of something (film, s... niaodun 尿遁|(slang) pretext of needing to urinate... niaoduzheng 尿毒症|(medicine) uremia niaofen 鸟粪|guano/bird excrement niaogansuanerna 鸟苷酸二钠|disodium guanylate (E627) niaoge 鸟蛤|cockle (mollusk of the family Cardiidae) niaoji 尿急|urinary urgency niaoji 鸟机|fowling piece (archaic gun) niaoji 鸟击|bird strike (aviation) niaojian 尿检|urine test/urinalysis/to do a urine test niaojiaoxiamu 鸟脚下目|Ornithopoda, suborder of herbivorous ... niaojiaoyamu 鸟脚亚目|Ornithopoda (suborder of herbivorous ... niaojingongcang 鸟尽弓藏|lit. the birds are over, the bow is p... niaoju 鸟居|torii (gateway of a Shinto shrine) (o... niaokan 鸟瞰|to get a bird\'s-eye view/bird\'s-eye v... niaokang 尿炕|to wet the bed niaokantu 鸟瞰图|bird\'s-eye view/see also 俯瞰圖|俯瞰图[fu3 ... niaokuzi 尿裤子|to wet one\'s pants niaolei 鸟类|birds niaoleixue 鸟类学|ornithology/study of birds niaolong 鸟笼|birdcage niaoluo 茑萝|cypress vine niaomiding 尿嘧啶|uracil nucleotide (U, pairs with aden... niaoming 鸟鸣|birdsong/warbling niaoniao 尿尿|to pee niaoniao 袅袅|rising in spirals niaoniaotingting 袅袅婷婷|(of a woman) elegant and supple niaonuo 袅娜|slim and graceful niaopen 尿盆|chamber pot niaopenr 尿盆儿|erhua variant of 尿盆[niao4 pen2] niaopian 尿片|diaper niaopiaoling 鸟嘌呤|guanine nucleotide (G, pairs with cyt... niaoqiang 鸟枪|flintlock musket/fowling piece (shotg... niaoqianghuanpao 鸟枪换炮|bird shotgun replaced by cannon (idio... niaoqin 鸟禽|bird niaoquan 脲醛|urea formaldehyde niaoque 鸟雀|bird niaor 鸟儿|bird niaoshengzhiguandao 尿生殖管道|urinogenital tract niaoshi 鸟事|damn thing/(not one\'s) goddamn business niaoshou 鸟兽|birds and beasts/fauna niaoshousan 鸟兽散|to scatter like birds and beasts niaoshu 鸟叔|nickname of Korean singer PSY niaosu 尿素|carbamide/urea (NH2)2CO niaoweige 鸟尾蛤|cockle (mollusk of the family Cardiidae) niaowo 鸟窝|bird\'s nest niaowu 鸟屋|birdhouse niaoyang 尿样|urine sample niaoye 尿液|urine niaoyi 尿意|an urge to urinate niaoyi 鸟疫|ornithosis niaoyiyiyuanti 鸟疫衣原体|Chlamydia ornithosis niaoyu 鸟羽|pinion niaoyuhuaxiang 鸟语花香|lit. birdsong and fragrant flowers (i... niaozaopen 鸟澡盆|birdbath niaozhuan 鸟篆|bird characters (a decorated form of ... niaozui 鸟嘴|beak niba 泥巴|mud nibao 匿报|to withhold information nibi 昵比|intimate nibian 逆变|reversing (e.g. electric current) niboer 尼泊尔|Nepal niboerjiaomei 尼泊尔鹪鹛|(bird species of China) Nepal cupwing... niboerwangguo 尼泊尔王国|Kingdom of Nepal nibuchutiaoyue 尼布楚条约|Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689) between Qi... nibujianisa 尼布甲尼撒|Nebuchadnezzar nicai 尼采|Friedrich Nietzsche (1846-1900), Germ... nicha 逆差|adverse trade balance/trade deficit nichan 逆产|traitor\'s property/breech delivery nichan 泥铲|trowel nichang 霓裳|Nichang, abbr. for the Tang Dynasty s... nichang 霓裳|nichang, rainbow colored clothes worn... nichen 逆臣|rebellious minister nicheng 昵称|nickname/diminutive/term of endearmen... nidao 泥刀|trowel nidazhuque 拟大朱雀|(bird species of China) streaked rose... nidelan 尼德兰|the Netherlands nideng 你等|(archaic) you all niding 拟定|to draw up/to draft/to formulate niding 拟订|to draw up (a plan) nidingli 逆定理|converse theorem (math.) niduanceng 逆断层|reverse fault (geology)/compression f... nie 镍|nickel (chemistry) nie 聂|surname Nie nie 聂|to whisper nie 涅|(literary) alunite (formerly used as ... nie 涅|variant of 涅[nie4] nie 敜|to fill up or cover up a hole nie 孽|variant of 孽[nie4] nie 孽|son born of a concubine/disaster/sin/... nie 捏|to hold between the thumb and fingers... nie 捏|variant of 捏[nie1] nie 颞|bones of the temple (on the human hea... nie 臬|guidepost/rule/standard/limit/target ... nie 啮|to gnaw/to erode nie 啮|variant of 嚙|啮[nie4]/to gnaw nie 啮|surname Nie nie 啮|variant of 嚙|啮[nie4] nie 噛|old variant of 嚙|啮[nie4] nie 乜|surname Nie nie 镊|tweezers/forceps/nippers/pliers/to ni... nie 糱|variant of 糵[nie4] nie 蘖|new shoot growing from cut branch or ... nie 蹑|to walk on tiptoe/to walk quietly/to ... nie 喦|talkative nie 嗫|move the mouth as in speaking nie 糵|(literary) yeast used for brewing wine nie 陧|dangerous nie 苶|weary/tired nie 讘|(old) to talk a lot/to talk nonsense/... nie 蘗|shoots from an old stump nie 臲|tottering/unsteady nie 摰|to seize with the hand/to grasp/to ad... nie 𫔶|vertical divider of a door way niebai 涅白|opaque white niebao 孽报|bad karma niebo 镍箔|nickel sheet/CL:張|张[zhang1] niechidongwu 啮齿动物|rodent niechilei 啮齿类|rodents niechimu 啮齿目|order of rodents (rats, squirrels etc) niechu 孽畜|evil creature (multipurpose curse)/ev... niedeng 蹑登|to go up niedie 蹑蹀|to walk with mincing steps nieer 聂耳|Nie Er (1912-1935), musician and comp... niegen 蹑跟|too large or small for the feet (of s... niegu 颞骨|temporal bone/os temporale niegu 捏估|to act as a go-between niehaihua 孽海花|A Flower in a Sinful Sea, late-Qing n... niehe 啮合|(of opposing teeth, or gears) to mesh... niehe 捏合|to act as a go between nieji 捏积|see 捏脊[nie1 ji3] nieji 蹑迹|to follow sb\'s tracks/to tail nieji 捏脊|form of therapeutic massage, mainly f... nieji 蹑机|silk loom with a foot peddle niejiao 蹑脚|to walk cautiously in order not to ma... niejiaogen 蹑脚根|variant of 躡腳跟|蹑脚跟[nie4 jiao3 gen1] niejiaogen 蹑脚跟|to walk cautiously in order not to ma... niejizhiliao 捏脊治疗|chiropractic (medicine) nielamu 聂拉木|Nyalam county, Tibetan: Gnya\' lam rdz... nielamuxian 聂拉木县|Nyalam county, Tibetan: Gnya\' lam rdz... nielide 尼厄丽德|Nereids (Greek sea nymphs, fifty daug... nielv 蹑履|to wear shoes niemucaowa 聂姆曹娃|Božena Němcová (1820-1862), Czech writer nienie 嗫嗫|talkative/light and soft (of voice) niepan 涅磐|variant of 涅槃[nie4 pan2] niepan 涅槃|nirvana (Buddhism) niepanjing 涅盘经|the Nirvana sutra: every living thing... nieqiaoqiao 蹑悄悄|softly/quietly nier 逆耳|unpleasant to hear/grates on the ear ... niersen 尼尔森|Nielsen or Nelson (name) nieru 嗫嚅|to stammer/to mumble/to speak haltingly nieru 颞颥|temple (the sides of human head) nierxun 尼尔逊|Nelson or Nillson (name)/Horatio Nels... nierzhiyan 逆耳之言|speech that grates on the ear (idiom)... nieshi 涅石|alumen/alunite (TCM) nieshouniejiao 蹑手蹑脚|to walk quietly on tiptoe (idiom) niesui 捏碎|to crush (sth) in one\'s hand nietai 臬台|provincial judge (in imperial China) nietie 嗫呫|to whisper niewa 涅瓦|the Nyeva or Neva river (through St P... niewahe 涅瓦河|Nyeva or Neva River (through St Peter... nieweiping 聂卫平|Nie Weiping (1952-), professional Go ... nieyao 啮咬|to gnaw nieye 颞叶|temporal lobe nieyibahan 捏一把汗|to break out into a cold sweat (idiom) nieyibalenghan 捏一把冷汗|to break out into a cold sweat (idiom) nieyuan 孽缘|ill-fated relationship niezao 捏造|to make up/to fabricate niezhang 孽障|evil creature niezhejiao 蹑着脚|to tiptoe niezhi 蘖枝|branch stem niezhong 孽种|bane of one\'s existence/vile spawn niezi 镊子|tweezers/nippers/pliers niezi 孽子|unfilial son/unworthy son/illegitimat... niezong 蹑踪|to follow along behind sb (formal wri... niezu 蹑足|to walk on tiptoe/to step on sb\'s foo... nifan 逆反|rebellious behavior/opposite/ob- nifan 腻烦|bored/to be fed up with/sick and tire... nifanxinli 逆反心理|reverse psychology nifanying 逆反应|reverse reaction/counterreaction/inve... nifeng 逆风|to go against the wind/contrary wind/... nifeng 泥封|to seal jars etc with mud, clay or lu... nifuji 泥敷剂|poultice nigao 拟稿|to draft (a statement) nige 尼哥|(loanword) nigger nigedimu 尼哥底母|Nicodemus, prominent Jew of the time ... nigeluo 尼格罗|negro (loanword) nigetou 你个头|(coll.) (suffix) my ass!/yeah, right! nigong 泥工|mason/masonry work nigou 泥垢|dirt/grime nigu 尼姑|Buddhist nun nigu 拟古|to emulate a classic/to work in the s... nigu 泥古|stick-in-the-mud/to stick to old ways... niguang 逆光|backlighting (lighting design) nigubuhua 泥古不化|conservative and unable to adapt (idiom) niguding 尼古丁|(loanword) nicotine niguizhen 倪桂珍|Ni Guizhen or Ni Kwei-Tseng (1869 - 1... niguxiya 尼古西亚|Nicosia, capital of Cyprus (Tw) niguzhizuo 拟古之作|a work in a classic style/a pastiche nihai 泥孩|clay doll nihao 你好|hello/hi nihe 拟合|to fit (data to a model)/a (close) fit nihelu 尼赫鲁|Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964), Indian ... nihong 霓虹|rainbow/neon (loanword) nihongdeng 霓虹灯|neon lamp (loanword) nihongguo 霓虹国|(slang) Japan (loanword from the Japa... nihui 泥灰|lime plaster (construction) nihuiyin 逆回音|inverted turn (ornament in music) nihuo 逆火|(of an engine) to backfire niji 匿迹|to go into hiding nijialagua 尼加拉瓜|Nicaragua nijialapubu 尼加拉瀑布|Niagara Falls (Tw) nijiang 泥浆|slurry; mud nijijing 逆戟鲸|(zoo.) orca/killer whale nijin 泥金|to gild/gilt nijing 逆境|adversity/predicament niju 拟具|to draft; to devise; to compose nikang 尼康|Nikon corporation nikanzhebanba 你看着办吧|You figure it out for yourself./Do as... nike 尼克|Nick (name) nikejideman 妮可·基德曼|Nicole Kidman (1967-), film actress nikeng 泥坑|mud pit/mire/morass nikesen 尼克森|Nixon (name)/Richard M Nixon (1913-19... nikesong 尼克松|Richard Nixon (1913-1994), US preside... nikexiya 尼科西亚|Nicosia, capital of Cyprus nikuang 倪匡|Ni Kuang (1935-2022), Chinese novelis... nilaishunshou 逆来顺受|to resign oneself to adversity (idiom... nileke 尼勒克|Nilka County or Nilqa nahiyisi in Ili... nilekexian 尼勒克县|Nilka County or Nilqa nahiyisi in Ili... nili 泥犁|(Buddhism) Naraka niliao 逆料|to foresee/to predict niling 逆龄|anti-aging niliu 逆流|against the stream/adverse current/a ... niliuershang 逆流而上|to sail against the current/(fig.) to... niliusuyuan 逆流溯源|to go back to the source nilong 尼龙|nylon (loanword) nilongdakou 尼龙搭扣|nylon buckle/velcro nilun 逆伦|unnatural relationship (parricide, in... niluo 尼罗|the Nile niluohe 尼罗河|Nile (river) nilusu 拟卤素|pseudohalogen, e.g. cyanogen (CN)2 nilv 逆旅|guest-house/inn nima 尼玛|(Internet slang) alternative for 你媽|你... nima 你妈|(interjection) fuck you/(intensifier)... nimei 泥煤|peat nimen 你们|you (plural) niming 匿名|anonymous nimizi 尼米兹|Chester William Nimitz (1885-1966), U... nimizihao 尼米兹号|Nimitz class, US nuclear-powered airc... nimu 尼木|Nyêmo county, Tibetan: Snye mo rdzong... nimu 尼姆|Nîmes (city in France) nimuxian 尼木县|Nyêmo county, Tibetan: Snye mo rdzong... nin 您|you (courteous, as opposed to informa... nin 恁|old variant of 您[nin2] ninan 呢喃|(onom.) twittering of birds/whisperin... ninanxiyu 呢喃细语|whispering in a low voice (idiom); mu... ninao 泥淖|mud/muddy swamp/sump/fig. a sticky pr... ning 宁|old variant of 寧|宁[ning4] ning 宁|abbr. for Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regi... ning 宁|peaceful/to pacify/to visit (one\'s pa... ning 宁|would rather/to prefer/how (emphatic)... ning 宁|variant of 寧|宁[ning2] ning 凝|to congeal/to concentrate attention/t... ning 柠|used in 檸檬|柠檬[ning2meng2] ning 拧|to pinch/wring ning 拧|mistake/to twist ning 拧|stubborn ning 寗|old variant of 甯|宁[ning2] ning 佞|to flatter/flattery ning 狞|fierce-looking ning 苧|(used as a bound form in 薴烯|苧烯[ning2 ... ning 咛|to enjoin ning 泞|muddy ning 聍|used in 耵聹|耵聍[ding1ning2] ning 儜|weak/wearied/in distress ningan 宁安|Ning\'an, county-level city in Mudanji... ninganshi 宁安市|Ning\'an, county-level city in Mudanji... ningbian 宁边|Yongbyon (Ryeongbyeon), site of North... ningbing 凝冰|to freeze ningbo 宁波|see 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2bo1 Shi4] ningboshi 宁波市|Ningbo, sub-provincial city in Zhejia... ningchaishizuomiao,buhuiyizhuanghun 宁拆十座庙,不毁一桩婚|rather destroy ten temples than a sin... ningcheng 宁城|Ningcheng County of Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 f... ningchengxian 宁城县|Ningcheng County of Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 f... ningchengyigusheng 拧成一股绳|to twist (strands) together to form a... ningde 宁德|see 寧德市|宁德市[Ning2de2 Shi4] ningdeshi 宁德市|Ningde, prefecture-level city in Fuji... ningdi 凝睇|to gaze intently/to stare at ningdu 宁都|Ningdu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 z... ningduxian 宁都县|Ningdu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 z... ninger 宁洱|Ning\'er County in Yunnan/abbr. for Ni... ningerhanizuyizuzizhixian 宁洱哈尼族彝族自治县|Ning\'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County... ningerxian 宁洱县|Ning\'er County in Yunnan/abbr. for Ni... ninggang 宁冈|former Ninggang county in Jiangxi, no... ninggangxian 宁冈县|former Ninggang county in Jiangxi, no... ninggu 凝固|to freeze/to solidify/to congeal/fig.... ninggudian 凝固点|freezing point ningguji 凝固剂|solidifying agent/coagulant ningguo 宁国|Ningguo, county-level city in Xuanche... ningguoshi 宁国市|Ningguo, county-level city in Xuanche... ningguqiyoudan 凝固汽油弹|napalm ninghai 宁海|Ninghai county in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 ... ninghaixian 宁海县|Ninghai county in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 ... ninghua 宁化|Ninghua, a county in Sanming City 三明市... ninghuacai 凝花菜|gelidiella, tropical and subtropical ... ninghuaxian 宁化县|Ninghua, a county in Sanming City 三明市... ningji 凝集|to concentrate/to gather/(biology) to... ningjian 凝肩|frozen shoulder (medicine) ningjiang 宁江|Ningjiang district of Songyuan city 松... ningjiangqu 宁江区|Ningjiang district of Songyuan city 松... ningjiao 凝胶|gel ningjiaoti 凝胶体|gel ningjie 凝结|to condense/to solidify/to coagulate/... ningjin 宁津|Ningjin county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1... ningjin 宁晋|Ningjin county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 ta... ningjing 宁静|tranquil/tranquility/serenity ningjingzhiyuan 宁静致远|tranquility yields transcendence (idi... ningjinxian 宁晋县|Ningjin county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 ta... ningjinxian 宁津县|Ningjin county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1... ningjisu 凝集素|(biochemistry) agglutinin/lectin ningju 凝聚|to condense/to coagulate/coacervation... ningjuceng 凝聚层|coherent sheaf (math.) ningjuli 凝聚力|cohesion/cohesiveness/cohesive ningjutai 凝聚态|condensed matter (physics) ningkai 拧开|to unscrew/to twist off (a lid)/to tu... ningke 宁可|preferably/one would prefer to...(or ... ningken 宁肯|would rather.../it would be better...... ningkuai 凝块|clot/blood clot ninglang 宁蒗|abbr. for 寧蒗彞族自治縣|宁蒗彝族自治县, Ninglang Y... ninglangxian 宁蒗县|Ninglang Yizu autonomous county in Li... ninglangyizuzizhixian 宁蒗彝族自治县|Ninglang Yizu Autonomous County in Li... ninglian 凝练|concise/compact/condensed ninglian 凝炼|variant of 凝練|凝练[ning2 lian4] ningling 宁陵|Ningling county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1... ninglingxian 宁陵县|Ningling county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1... ningmao 狞猫|caracal ningmeng 柠檬|lemon ningmengcao 柠檬草|lemongrass ningmengcha 柠檬茶|lemon tea ningmengji 柠檬鸡|lemon chicken ningmengpian 柠檬片|slice of lemon ningmengshui 柠檬水|lemonade ningmengsuan 柠檬酸|citric acid ningmengsuanxunhuan 柠檬酸循环|citric acid cycle/Krebs cycle/tricarb... ningmengzhi 柠檬汁|lemon juice ningming 宁明|Ningming county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2... ningmingxian 宁明县|Ningming county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2... ningnan 宁南|Ningnan county in Liangshan Yi autono... ningnanxian 宁南县|Ningnan county in Liangshan Yi autono... ningqiang 宁强|Ningqiang County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Ha... ningqiangxian 宁强县|Ningqiang County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Ha... ningquewulan 宁缺毋滥|better to have nothing (than substand... ningquewulan 宁缺勿滥|same as 寧缺毋濫|宁缺毋滥[ning4 que1 wu2 lan4] ningshan 宁陕|Ningshan County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang... ningshanxian 宁陕县|Ningshan County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang... ningshen 凝神|with rapt attention ningshi 凝视|to gaze at/to fix one\'s eyes on ningsibuqu 宁死不屈|rather die than submit (idiom) ningsuo 凝缩|to condense/to concentrate/compressio... ningwang 凝望|to gaze at/to stare fixedly at ningweijitou,buweifengwei 宁为鸡头,不为凤尾|see 寧做雞頭,不做鳳尾|宁做鸡头,不做凤尾[ning4 zuo4 ji... ningweiyusui,buweiwaquan 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全|Better broken jade than intact tile./... ningwu 宁武|Ningwu county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou... ningwuxian 宁武县|Ningwu county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou... ningxi 苧烯|(chemistry) limonene ningxia 宁夏|see 寧夏回族自治區|宁夏回族自治区[Ning2xia4 Hui2zu2... ningxiahuizuzizhiqu 宁夏回族自治区|Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, capita... ningxian 宁县|Ning county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 y... ningxiao 狞笑|to laugh nastily/evil grin ningxiasheng 宁夏省|former Ningxia province, now Ningxia ... ningxue 凝血|blood clot ningxuemei 凝血酶|thrombin (biochemistry) ningxuemeiyuan 凝血酶原|prothrombin ningxuesu 凝血素|hemaglutinin (protein causing blood c... ningyang 宁阳|Ningyang county in Tai\'an 泰安[Tai4 an1... ningyangxian 宁阳县|Ninguang county in Tai\'an 泰安[Tai4 an1... ningye 凝液|condensate ningyuan 宁愿|would rather ... (than ...) ningyuan 宁远|Ningyuan county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 ... ningyuanxian 宁远县|Ningyuan county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 ... ningzhi 凝滞|to stagnate/to congeal/(fig.) to stop... ningzhong 凝重|dignified/grave (expression)/imposing... ningzong 宁宗|Emperor Ningzong of Southern Song (11... ningzuojitou,buzuofengwei 宁做鸡头,不做凤尾|lit. would rather be a chicken\'s head... ningzuowuyou 宁左勿右|(of one\'s political views) to prefer ... ninhao 您好|hello (polite) nini 呢呢|garrulous/talkative ninichichi 呢呢痴痴|docile nining 泥泞|muddy/mud niniuruhai 泥牛入海|lit. a clay ox enters the sea (idiom)... nipenji 泥盆纪|Devonian (geological period 417-354m ... nipusa 泥菩萨|clay Bodhisattva nipusaguojiang,zishennanbao 泥菩萨过江,自身难保|like a clay Bodhisattva fording a riv... niqingwoyuan 你情我愿|to both be willing/mutual consent niqiu 拟球|(math.) pseudosphere, a surface in or... niqiu 泥鳅|loach/mud fish/CL:條|条[tiao2] niren 泥人|clay figurine niren 拟人|personification/anthropomorphism niren 腻人|greasy/boring niren 尼人|Neanderthal (abbr. for 尼安德特人[Ni2 an1 ... niri 尼日|Niger (Tw) nirier 尼日尔|Niger (African state)/Niger River, We... nirierhe 尼日尔河|Niger River of West Africa niriliya 尼日利亚|Nigeria nisang 尼桑|Nissan, Japanese car make nisanyue 尼散月|Nisan, the first month of the ecclesi... nisha 泥沙|silt nishajuxia 泥沙俱下|mud and sand flow together (idiom)/go... nishang 逆商|(psychology) adversity quotient (abbr... nisheng 拟声|onomatopoeia nishengchangfa 拟声唱法|scat singing nishengci 拟声词|onomatopoeia nishengzhang 逆生长|to seem to grow younger/to regain one... nishentou 逆渗透|reverse osmosis nishi 逆势|to go against the trend nishi 睨视|to look askance nishiliu 泥石流|landslide/torrent of mud and stones/m... nishizhen 逆时针|anticlockwise/counterclockwise nishou 泥守|stubborn and conservative nishui 逆水|against the current/upstream nishui 溺水|to drown nishui 泥水|muddy water/mud/masonry (craft) nishuijiang 泥水匠|mason nishuixingzhou 逆水行舟|lit. navigating a boat against the cu... nishuixingzhou,bujinzetui 逆水行舟,不进则退|like rowing a boat upstream, if you s... nisi 溺死|to drown nisi 尼斯|Nice (city in France) nisichong 倪嗣冲|Ni Sichong (1868-1924), general close... nisihushuiguai 尼斯湖水怪|Loch Ness Monster nisiwohuo 你死我活|lit. you die, I live (idiom); irrecon... nisu 泥塑|clay modeling/clay figurine or statue nisu 尼苏|Nisu (language) nitai 拟态|(biol.) mimicry/(protective) mimicry/... nitai 泥胎|clay idol nitan 泥潭|quagmire nitan 泥炭|peat nitanxian 泥炭藓|matted sphagnum moss (Sphagnum palustre) nite 尼特|nit (symbol: nt), unit of luminance (... nitezu 尼特族|(Tw) (neologism c. 2007) young person... nitian 逆天|(literary) to be in defiance of the n... nitu 泥土|earth; soil; mud; clay nitui 泥腿|peasant/yokel nituizi 泥腿子|peasant/yokel nituosheng 倪柝声|Ni Tuosheng or Watchman Nee (1903-197... nituxuanmian 泥涂轩冕|to despise titles and high offices niu 牛|surname Niu niu 牛|ox/cow/bull/CL:條|条[tiao2],頭|头[tou2]/n... niu 扭|to turn/to twist/to wring/to sprain/t... niu 妞|girl niu 钮|surname Niu niu 钮|button niu 纽|to turn/to wrench/button/nu (Greek le... niu 忸|used in 忸怩[niu3ni2] niu 狃|accustomed to niu 杻|handcuffs/red apricot niu 拗|stubborn; perverse; contrary niuai 纽埃|Niue (island) niuaoliang 纽奥良|New Orleans, Louisiana niubai 扭摆|to twist and sway (one\'s body) niubaiye 牛百叶|omasum/beef tripe niuban 纽绊|see 紐襻|纽襻[niu3 pan4] niubang 牛蒡|burdock niubeilu 牛背鹭|(bird species of China) eastern cattl... niubi 牛B|variant of 牛屄[niu2 bi1] niubi 牛屄|awesome/capable (vulgar)/arrogant/coc... niubi 牛逼|variant of 牛屄[niu2 bi1] niubian 牛鞭|pizzle/bull\'s penis (served as food) niubizi 牛鼻子|key point/crux/(old) Daoist (facetious) niubozi 牛脖子|(coll.) bullheaded/obstinate niubuguo 拗不过|can\'t persuade; unable to make (sb) c... niubuheshuinananjiao 牛不喝水难按角|(idiom) you can lead a horse to water... niubuheshuiqiangantou 牛不喝水强按头|lit. to try to make an ox drink by fo... niuda 扭打|to wrestle/to grapple/to scuffle niudai 纽带|tie/link/bond niudai 钮带|bond/ties (of friendship etc) niudan 扭蛋|toy in a capsule (dispensed from a ve... niudaoxiaoshi 牛刀小试|see 小試牛刀|小试牛刀[xiao3 shi4 niu2 dao1] niudou 牛痘|cowpox niudoubing 牛痘病|cow pox niudu 牛犊|calf niudu 牛肚|beef tripe niudun 牛顿|Newton (name)/Sir Isaac Newton (1642-... niudun 牛顿|newton (SI unit of force) niudunlixue 牛顿力学|Newtonian mechanics niudunmi 牛顿米|newton meter, unit of torque (symbol:... niue 牛轭|yoke niuejiao 牛轭礁|Niu\'e Reef, disputed territory in the... niufenlan 纽芬兰|Newfoundland Island, Canada niufenlanyulabuladuo 纽芬兰与拉布拉多|Newfoundland and Labrador, province o... niuganjun 牛肝菌|porcino (Boletus edulis) niugatang 牛轧糖|(loanword) nougat niuguisheshen 牛鬼蛇神|evil monsters/(fig.) bad characters/(... niuhaimianzhuangnaobing 牛海绵状脑病|bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE... niuhuang 牛黄|bezoar niuhuangsuan 牛磺酸|taurine niuhulu 钮祜禄|Niohuru (prominent Manchu clan) niujiao 牛角|cow horn niujiaobao 牛角包|croissant niujiaoguashu 牛角挂书|lit. to hang one\'s books on cow horns... niujiaojiao 牛角椒|Cayenne pepper/red pepper/chili niujiaoling 扭角羚|takin (Budorcas taxicolor)/goat-antelope niujiaomianbao 牛角面包|croissant niujiaosuo 纽交所|New York Stock Exchange (abbr. for 紐約... niujie 扭结|to tangle up/to twist together/to wind niujin 牛津|Oxford (city in England) niujincao 牛筋草|wire grass (Eleusine indica) niujindaxue 牛津大学|University of Oxford niujineiya 纽几内亚|New Guinea/Papua-New Guinea niujinjun 牛津郡|Oxfordshire (English county) niujirou 牛脊肉|sirloin (beef joint) niujitongcao 牛骥同槽|cow and famous steed at the same trou... niujitongzao 牛骥同皂|cow and famous steed at the same trou... niuju 扭矩|torque/turning force niukasier 纽卡斯尔|Newcastle (place name) niukasu 纽卡素|Newcastle niukou 纽扣|button niukou 钮扣|variant of 紐扣|纽扣[niu3 kou4] niukui 扭亏|to make good a deficit/to reverse a loss niukui-weiying 扭亏为盈|(idiom) to get into the black; to bec... niulan 牛栏|cattle pen niulang 牛郎|Cowherd of the folk tale Cowherd and ... niulang 牛郎|cowherd boy/(slang) male prostitute niulangzhinv 牛郎织女|Cowherd and Weaving maid (characters ... niuli 扭力|torque/turning force/torsion niulisu 牛脷酥|ox tongue pastry, oval Guangdong past... niuliu 牛柳|(beef) tenderloin niulunbao 纽伦堡|Nuremberg, town in Bavaria, Germany niuma 牛马|oxen and horses; beasts of burden/(fi... niumao 牛毛|ox hair (used as a metaphor for sth v... niumeng 牛虻|gadfly (Tabanus bovinus) niumi 牛米|newton meter (Nm) niumowang 牛魔王|Gyuumao niunai 牛奶|cow\'s milk/CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] niunaitang 牛奶糖|toffee; chewy caramel candy niunan 牛腩|brisket (esp. Cantonese)/belly beef/s... niuni 忸怩|bashful/blushing niunian 牛年|Year of the Ox or Bull (e.g. 2009) niunianmayue 牛年马月|see 猴年馬月|猴年马月[hou2 nian2 ma3 yue4] niunie 扭捏|affecting shyness or embarrassment/co... niuniu 妞妞|little girl niuniule 扭扭乐|Twister (game) niuniunienie 扭扭捏捏|affecting shyness or embarrassment/co... niuniunini 忸忸怩怩|timid/bashful niupai 牛排|steak niupaicanting 牛排餐厅|steakhouse/chophouse niupaiguan 牛排馆|steakhouse niupan 纽襻|button loop niupeng 牛棚|cowshed/makeshift detention center se... niupi 牛皮|cowhide/leather/fig. flexible and tou... niupicai 牛皮菜|chard (Beta vulgaris), a foliage beet niupiqi 牛脾气|bullheadedness/stubborn niupise 牛皮色|buff (color) niupixuan 牛皮癣|psoriasis niupizhi 牛皮纸|kraft paper niuqi 牛气|(coll.) haughty/overbearing/(economic... niuqiao 牛桥|Oxbridge/Cambridge and Oxford niuqu 扭曲|to twist/to warp/to distort niuren 牛人|(coll.) leading light/true expert/badass niurou 牛肉|beef niurougan 牛肉干|dried beef/jerky/charqui niuroumian 牛肉面|beef noodle soup niurouwan 牛肉丸|beef meatballs niuru 牛乳|cow\'s milk niushang 扭伤|a sprain/a crick/to sprain niushanzhuozhuo 牛山濯濯|treeless hills (idiom) niushe 牛舌|ox tongue niushi 牛市|bull market niushi 纽时|New York Times, abbr. for 紐約時報|纽约时报[N... niusoumabo 牛溲马勃|cow\'s piss, horse\'s ulcer (idiom); wo... niutian 纽甜|(loanword) neotame niutou 牛头|Ox-Head, one of the two guardians of ... niutou 牛头|ox head/ox-head shaped wine vessel niutou 扭头|to turn one\'s head/to turn around niutoubolao 牛头伯劳|(bird species of China) bull-headed s... niutoubuduimazui 牛头不对马嘴|see 驢唇不對馬嘴|驴唇不对马嘴[lu:2chun2 bu4 dui4 ... niutougeng 牛头㹴|bull terrier niutouquan 牛头犬|bulldog niuwa 牛蛙|bullfrog niuwake 纽瓦克|Newark (place name) niuxi 牛膝|Achyranthes bidentata (root used in C... niuxicao 牛膝草|hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) niuxilan 纽西兰|New Zealand (Tw) niuxin 牛心|mulishness/obstinacy niuxing 牛性|mulishness/obstinacy niuxingzi 牛性子|see 牛性[niu2 xing4] niuyang 牛羊|cattle and sheep/livestock niuyang 牛鞅|wooden yoke for a draft ox niuyao 扭腰|to sway one\'s hips/to twist one\'s waist niuyiduiqi 牛衣对泣|couple living in destitute misery (id... niuyin 牛饮|gulp niuyou 牛油|butter/beef tallow niuyouguo 牛油果|avocado (Persea americana) niuyouji 牛油戟|pound cake niuyue 纽约|New York niuyuedaxue 纽约大学|New York University niuyuediguodasha 纽约帝国大厦|Empire State Building niuyueke 纽约客|The New Yorker, US magazine/resident ... niuyueren 纽约人|New Yorker niuyueshi 纽约市|New York City niuyueshibao 纽约时报|New York Times (newspaper) niuyueyoubao 纽约邮报|New York Post (newspaper) niuyuezhengquanjiaoyisuo 纽约证券交易所|New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) niuyuezhou 纽约州|New York state niuzai 牛仔|cowboy niuzaibu 牛仔布|denim niuzaiku 牛仔裤|jeans/CL:條|条[tiao2] niuzexi 纽泽西|New Jersey, USA (Tw) niuzhang 牛樟|Cinnamomum kanehirae/small-leaf camph... niuzhi 牛至|oregano (Origanum vulgare)/marjoram niuzhi 牛只|cow/cattle niuzhuan 扭转|to reverse/to turn around (an undesir... niuzhuanqiankun 扭转乾坤|lit. to upend heaven and earth (idiom... niuzi 纽子|button niuzi 牛子|(dialect) penis niwai 腻歪|(of a couple) to be sweet to each oth... niwajiang 泥瓦匠|bricklayer/tiler/mason niwang 溺亡|to drown niwei 腻味|tired of; fed up with; sick of/(of a ... niweiya 妮维雅|Nivea, skin and body care brand niweiya 妮维娅|Nivea, skin and body care brand niwo 你我|you and I/everyone/all of us (in soci... nixi 逆袭|to counterattack; to strike back/(neo... nixiang 逆向|backwards/reverse direction nixie 逆斜|(geology) anaclinal niximiji 尼希米记|Book of Nehemiah nixin 逆心|unfavorable/undesired nixing 逆行|to go the wrong way/to go against one... nixingdaoshi 逆行倒施|to go against the tide (idiom); to do... nixu 逆序|inverse order niya 尼雅|Niya, ancient kingdom near Khotan in ... niyahe 尼雅河|Niya River in south Xinjiang niyajialapubu 尼亚加拉瀑布|Niagara Falls niyamei 尼亚美|Niamey, capital of Niger niyan 泥岩|mudstone/shale niyi 拟议|proposal/recommendation/to draft niyi 逆夷|invaders (insulting term)/foreign agg... niyin 拟音|to make a sound effect/sound effect/(... niying 溺婴|to drown a newborn baby (as method of... niyingcangxing 匿影藏形|to hide from public view/to conceal o... niyingshe 逆映射|inverse map (math.) niyou 腻友|intimate friend niyousun 拟游隼|(bird species of China) Barbary falco... niyu 逆喻|oxymoron niyubulun 拟于不伦|to draw an impossible comparison niyun 逆运|bad luck/unlucky fate niyunsuan 逆运算|inverse operation/inverse calculation nizei 逆贼|renegade/traitor and bandit nizhao 泥沼|swamp nizhengwoduo 你争我夺|lit. you fight, I snatch (idiom); to ... nizhenxing 你真行|you\'re incredible (often an ironic ex... nizhi 溺职|to neglect one\'s duty/dereliction of ... nizhi 拟制|legal fiction nizhi 拟制|to draft (a plan etc) nizhi 泥质|muddy nizhiyan 泥质岩|mudstone (geology) nizhiyeyan 泥质页岩|mudstone nizhuan 逆转|to turn back/to reverse nizhuanlubingdu 逆转录病毒|reverse transcription virus/retrovirus nizhuanlumei 逆转录酶|reverse transcriptase nizhuiwogan 你追我赶|friendly one-upmanship/to try to emulate nizi 妮子|(coll.) lass/(dialect) little girl nizi 逆子|unfilial son nizi 呢子|dense wool fabric (used for coats and... nizi 腻子|putty (same as 泥子)/frequent caller/ha... nizi 泥子|putty (used by plumbers and glaziers) nizounideyangguandao,woguowodedumuqiao 你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥|lit. you hit the high road, I\'ll cros... nizui 泥醉|blind drunk/drunk as drunk can be nizuo 拟作|to write in the style of some author/... njiu N久|a very long time (etymology: in mathe... nong 农|surname Nong nong 农|(bound form) agriculture nong 农|variant of 農|农[nong2] nong 弄|to do/to manage/to handle/to play wit... nong 弄|old variant of 弄[nong4] nong 浓|concentrated/dense/strong (smell etc) nong 脓|pus nong 侬|you (Wu dialect)/I, me (classical) nong 秾|lush flora nong 挊|old variant of 弄[nong4] nong 哝|(bound form) to mutter; to mumble nong 齈|cold in the head catarrh of the nose nong 襛|bright light/warm dress nong 㶶|(dialect) to burn/to scorch nong 𬪩|concentrated/strong wine nongan 农安|Nong\'an county in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin nonganxian 农安县|Nong\'an county in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin nongbao 脓包|pustule/(fig.) worthless person/a goo... nongbudong 弄不懂|unable to make sense of (sth) nongbuqing 弄不清|unable to figure out nongchan 农产|agriculture products/farm produce nongchang 农场|farm nongchanpin 农产品|agricultural produce nongchen 弄臣|emperor\'s favorite courtier nongchou 浓稠|thick/dense and creamy nongcun 农村|rural area/village/CL:個|个[ge4] nongcunhezuohua 农村合作化|collectivization of agriculture (in M... nongcunjiatinglianchanchengbaozerenzhi 农村家庭联产承包责任制|rural household contract responsibili... nongcuo 弄错|to err/to get sth wrong/to miscalcula... nongdai 农贷|(government) loan to agriculture nongdan 浓淡|shade (of a color, i.e. light or dark) nongdao 弄到|to get hold of/to obtain/to secure/to... nongdaoshou 弄到手|to get in hand/to get (one\'s) hands o... nongdemeng 农德孟|Nong Duc Manh (1940-), general secret... nongdi 农地|farmland nongdiu 弄丢|to lose nongdong 弄懂|to make sense of/to grasp the meaning... nongdongnongtong 弄懂弄通|to get a thorough understanding of st... nongdu 浓度|concentration (percentage of dissolve... nongduan 弄短|to shorten/shortening nongduzheng 脓毒症|sepsis nongfang 农房|farm house nongfu 农夫|peasant/farmer nongfu 农妇|peasant woman (in former times)/femal... nongfushanquan 农夫山泉|Nongfu Spring, Chinese bottled water ... nonggangsuimei 弄岗穗鹛|(bird species of China) Nonggang babb... nonggeng 农耕|farming/agriculture nonggong 农工|agricultural worker/abbr. for 農業工人|农业... nonghou 浓厚|dense/thick (fog, clouds etc)/to have... nonghu 农户|farmer/farmer household nonghuai 弄坏|to ruin/to spoil/to break nonghui 农会|farmer\'s cooperative/abbr. for 農民協會|农民协会 nonghun 弄混|to confuse (fail to differentiate) nonghuo 农活|farm work nongji 农机|agricultural machinery nongji 浓集|to concentrate; to enrich nongjia 农家|School of Agriculture, school of thou... nongjia 农家|peasant family nongjiachengzhen 弄假成真|pretense that turns into reality (idi... nongjiale 农家乐|a property providing rural accommodat... nongjiang 弄僵|to bring to deadlock/to result in a s... nongjiatingyuan 农家庭院|farmyard nongjiazhen 脓痂疹|impetigo (medicine) nongjiyou 浓集铀|enriched uranium nongju 农具|farm implements/farm tools nongli 农历|the traditional Chinese calendar/the ... nonglie 浓烈|strong (taste, flavor, smell) nonglin 农林|agriculture and forestry nonglinshuichansheng 农林水产省|Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and... nonglixinnian 农历新年|Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year nongluan 弄乱|to mess up/to put into disorder/to me... nonglv 农旅|agritourism nongmang 农忙|busy farming season nongmaoshichang 农贸市场|farmer\'s market nongmeidayan 浓眉大眼|thick eyebrows and big eyes nongmi 浓密|thick/murky nongmin 农民|peasant; farmer nongmindang 农民党|Peasant Party (Republic of China) nongmingbai 弄明白|to figure out how to do something nongmingong 农民工|migrant worker (who moved from a rura... nongminjieji 农民阶级|peasant class (esp. in Marxist theory... nongminqiyi 农民起义|peasant revolt nongmo 农膜|agricultural plastic, used largely fo... nongmozhongcai 浓墨重彩|thick and heavy in colors/to describe... nongnu 农奴|serf nongnujiefangri 农奴解放日|Serf Liberation Day (PRC) nongpao 脓疱|pimple containing pus nongpao 脓泡|pustule/pussy pimple/same as 膿包|脓包[no... nongping 弄平|to flatten nongqiaochengzhuo 弄巧成拙|to overreach oneself/to try to be cle... nongqiaofanzhuo 弄巧反拙|see 弄巧成拙[nong4 qiao3 cheng2 zhuo1] nongqing 弄清|to clarify/to fully understand nongqu 农区|agricultural areas/farming areas nongren 农人|farmer nongsang 农桑|mulberry farming/to grow mulberry for... nongshang 弄伤|to bruise/to hurt (something) nongshe 农舍|farmhouse nongshi 农事|farming task nongshihuodong 农事活动|agricultural activities nongshui 脓水|pus nongsi 弄死|to kill/to put to death nongsui 弄碎|to crumble nongsuo 浓缩|to concentrate (a liquid)/concentrati... nongsuokafei 浓缩咖啡|espresso nongsuoyou 浓缩铀|enriched uranium nongtang 浓汤|thick soup/puree nongtian 农田|farmland/cultivated land nongtong 弄通|to get a good grasp of nongwa 弄瓦|(literary) to have a baby girl; to ce... nongwai 弄歪|to distort nongwu 浓雾|thick fog nongxiang 浓香|strong fragrance/pungent nongxing 弄醒|to wake sb up nongxue 农学|agricultural science nongxuzuojia 弄虚作假|to practice fraud (idiom); by trickery nongyan 浓烟|thick smoke nongyan 农谚|farmers\' saying nongyan 浓艳|(of colors) garish/rich nongyao 农药|agricultural chemical/farm chemical/p... nongye 农业|agriculture/farming nongyebu 农业部|Ministry of Agriculture/Department of... nongyehezuohua 农业合作化|collectivization of agriculture (in M... nongyejitihua 农业集体化|collectivization of agriculture (unde... nongyejixie 农业机械|agricultural machinery nongyequ 农业区|agricultural region nongyeshengchanhezuoshe 农业生产合作社|agricultural producers\' cooperative nongyeshengji 农业生技|agri-biotechnology nongyeting 农业厅|(provincial) department of agriculture nongyexiandaihua 农业现代化|modernization of agriculture, one of ... nongyi 农艺|agronomy nongyou 农友|our peasant friends (political term u... nongyu 浓郁|rich/strong/heavy (fragrance)/dense/f... nongyuan 农园|plantation nongyun 农运|peasant movement (abbr. for 農民運動|农民运动... nongyunhui 农运会|China National Farmers\' Games (sports... nongzang 弄脏|to make dirty/to defile/to smear nongzao 弄糟|to spoil/to mess up nongzhang 弄璋|(literary) to have a baby boy; to cel... nongzhi 弄直|to straighten nongzhong 脓肿|abscess nongzhong 浓重|dense/thick/strong/rich (colors)/heav... nongzhou 弄皱|to crumple nongzhuang 浓妆|heavy makeup and gaudy dress nongzhuang 农庄|farm/ranch nongzhuangyanmo 浓妆艳抹|to apply makeup conspicuously (idiom)... nongzi 农资|rural capital (finance) nongzou 弄走|(coll.) to take (sth) away/to get rid of nongzuinongshe 弄嘴弄舌|to cause a dispute through boastful g... nongzuo 农作|farming/crops nongzuowu 农作物|(farm) crops nou 耨|hoe/to hoe/to weed nou 鎒|variant of 耨[nou4] nou 獳|angry dog nu 怒|anger/fury/flourishing/vigorous nu 奴|slave nu 弩|crossbow nu 努|to exert/to strive nu 孥|child/offspring nu 驽|(literary) inferior horse nu 呶|to pout nu 笯|(literary) birdcage/(used in place na... nu 砮|flint/(metonym) arrowhead nu 胬|used in 胬肉[nu3 rou4] nuan 暖|old variant of 暖[nuan3] nuan 暖|warm/to warm nuan 暖|variant of 暖[nuan3] nuan 暖|variant of 暖[nuan3], warm nuan 餪|send a present of a feast nuanbaobao 暖宝宝|hand warmer nuanchaoguanjia 暖巢管家|housekeeper who looks after old peopl... nuandiao 暖调|warm tone/warm color nuanfang 暖房|heating/central heating/greenhouse/ho... nuanfeng 暖风|warm breeze nuanfeng 暖锋|warm front (meteorology) nuange 暖阁|warm room/warm partition of a room nuanhonghong 暖烘烘|nice and warm/cozy/heartwarming nuanhu 暖壶|vacuum flask/thermos flask nuanhua 暖化|warming nuanhuo 暖和|warm/nice and warm nuanjiao 暖轿|closed sedan chair nuanliu 暖流|warm current/(fig.) warm feeling nuanlu 暖炉|space heater/radiator nuannan 暖男|a man who is family-oriented, conside... nuannuan 暖暖|Nuannuan District of Keelung City 基隆市... nuannuanbao 暖暖包|disposable hand warmer (Tw) nuannuanqu 暖暖区|Nuannuan District of Keelung City 基隆市... nuanpeng 暖棚|greenhouse/polytunnel nuanping 暖瓶|thermos nuanqi 暖气|central heating/heater/warm air nuanqiji 暖气机|radiator/heater nuanqipian 暖气片|radiator (for heating) nuanrongrong 暖融融|comfortably warm/cozy nuanse 暖色|warm color (arch.)/esp. yellow, orang... nuanshuiping 暖水瓶|thermos flask or bottle nuanyangyang 暖洋洋|warm/comfortably warm nuanyi 暖意|warmth nubi 奴婢|slave servant nubing 弩兵|archer/infantry armed with crossbow nubiya 努比亚|Nubia nubukee 怒不可遏|unable to restrain one\'s anger (idiom... nucai 奴才|slave/fig. flunkey nuchao 怒潮|(tidal) bore/raging tide nuchi 怒斥|to angrily rebuke/to indignantly deno... nuchongchong 怒冲冲|furiously nuchu 努出|to extend/to push out (hands as a ges... nudui 怒怼|(Internet slang) to chastise/to angri... nudun 驽钝|(literary) dull/slow-witted nuergan 奴儿干|part of Heilongjiang and the Vladivos... nuergandusi 奴儿干都司|the Ming dynasty provincial headquart... nuerhachi 努尔哈赤|Nurhaci (1559-1626), founder and firs... nufachongguan 怒发冲冠|lit. hair stands up in anger and tips... nufang 怒放|in full bloom nugong 弩弓|crossbow nugong 奴工|slave labor/slave worker nugualoufa 努瓜娄发|Nuku\'alofa, capital of Tonga (Tw) nuhen 怒恨|extreme hatred/animosity/spite nuhou 怒吼|to bellow/to rave/to snarl nuhua 奴化|to enslave; to subjugate nuhuo 怒火|rage/fury/hot anger nujia 奴家|(old) your servant (humble self-refer... nujiang 怒江|Nujiang river of south Tibet and nort... nujiangdaxiagu 怒江大峡谷|the Grand Canyon of the Nujiang river... nujianglisuzuzizhizhou 怒江傈僳族自治州|Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture in... nujiangzhou 怒江州|abbr. for 怒江傈僳族自治州, Nujiang Lisu auto... nujinr 努劲儿|to extend/to put forth nuke 努克|Nuuk, capital of Greenland nukualuofa 努库阿洛法|Nuku\'alofa, capital of Tonga nuli 努力|to make an effort; to try hard; to st... nuli 奴隶|slave nulishehui 奴隶社会|slave-owning society (precedes feudal... nuliyifu 努力以赴|to use one\'s best efforts to do sth (... nulizhi 奴隶制|slavery nulizhidu 奴隶制度|slavery nulizhu 奴隶主|slave owner numa 怒骂|to verbally abuse numa 驽马|(literary) inferior horse numalianzhan 驽马恋栈|lit. a worn-out horse is reluctant to... numalianzhandou 驽马恋栈豆|see 駑馬戀棧|驽马恋栈[nu2 ma3 lian4 zhan4] numeia 努美阿|Nouméa, capital of New Caledonia numu 怒目|with glaring eyes/glowering numuershi 怒目而视|to glare at numuqiechi 怒目切齿|to gnash one\'s teeth in anger numuxiangxiang 怒目相向|to glower at each other (idiom) nun 黁|warm and fragrant nunawute 努纳武特|Nunavut territory, Canada nuo 那|surname Nuo nuo 那|(archaic) many/beautiful/how/old vari... nuo 诺|to consent/to promise/(literary) yes! nuo 娜|elegant/graceful nuo 挪|to shift/to move nuo 傩|to exorcise demons nuo 喏|(indicating agreement) yes/all right/... nuo 搦|(literary) to hold (in the hand)/to c... nuo 锘|nobelium (chemistry) nuo 糯|variant of 糯[nuo4] nuo 糯|glutinous rice/sticky rice nuo 懦|(bound form) cowardly; faint-hearted nuo 㐡|old variant of 懦[nuo4] nuo 㛂|graceful; frail and petite nuobeier 诺贝尔|Nobel (Prize) nuobeierhepingjiang 诺贝尔和平奖|Nobel Peace Prize nuobeierjiang 诺贝尔奖|Nobel Prize nuobeierwenxuejiang 诺贝尔文学奖|Nobel Prize in Literature nuobeierwulixuejiang 诺贝尔物理学奖|Nobel Prize in Physics nuodao 糯稻|glutinous rice/sticky rice nuodinghan 诺丁汉|Nottingham (city in England) nuodinghanjun 诺丁汉郡|Nottinghamshire (English county) nuodong 挪动|to move/to shift nuofu 懦夫|coward nuofugeluode 诺夫哥罗德|Novgorod, city in Russia nuofukedao 诺福克岛|Norfolk Island nuoge 诺格|Northrop Grumman (aerospace arm of Bo... nuojiang 诺奖|Nobel Prize/abbr. for 諾貝爾獎|诺贝尔奖[Nuo4 ... nuojie 挪借|to borrow money for a short time nuojiya 诺基亚|Nokia (company name) nuojuluo 诺矩罗|Nuojuluo, monk at start of Tang dynas... nuokai 挪开|to move (sth) aside/to step aside/to ... nuokeshao 诺克少|Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania (Tw) nuolu 诺鲁|Nauru, island country in the southwes... nuoluobingdu 诺罗病毒|norovirus (Tw) (loanword) nuomai 糯麦|glutinous barley nuomandi 诺曼底|Normandy, France nuomandi 诺曼第|Normandy, France nuomandibandao 诺曼底半岛|Normandy peninsula nuomandiren 诺曼底人|Norman (people) nuomanren 诺曼人|Normans (people) nuomanzhengfu 诺曼征服|the Norman conquest of England (1066) nuomeikesi 诺美克斯|Nomex (brand) nuomi 糯米|glutinous rice (Oryza sativa var. glu... nuomici 糯米糍|rice cake dumpling/sticky rice cake/m... nuomifen 糯米粉|glutinous rice flour nuomigao 糯米糕|glutinous rice cake/CL:塊|块[kuai4] nuomizhi 糯米纸|rice paper/membrane of glutinous rice... nuomuqiaomusiji 诺姆·乔姆斯基|Noam Chomsky (American linguist and p... nuorubingdu 诺如病毒|norovirus (loanword) nuoruo 懦弱|cowardly; weak nuosaisi 诺塞斯|Knossos (Minoan palace at Iraklion, C... nuoshen 傩神|exorcising God/God who drives away pl... nuote 诺特|Noether (name)/Emmy Noether (1882-193... nuowei 挪威|Norway nuoweiqiaoke 诺维乔克|Novichok (nerve agent) nuowor 挪窝儿|(dialect) to move (after being some t... nuoxi 傩戏|Anhui local opera nuoya 诺亚|Noah nuoya 挪亚|Noah nuoyafangzhou 挪亚方舟|Noah\'s ark nuoyafangzhou 诺亚方舟|Noah\'s ark nuoyan 诺言|promise nuoyiman 诺伊曼|Neumann (surname)/John von Neumann (1... nuoyong 挪用|to shift (funds)/to (legitimately) ta... nuozhan 搦战|to challenge to battle nupao 弩炮|catapult/ballista (siege catapult fir... nupu 奴仆|servant nuqi 怒气|anger nuqi-chongchong 怒气冲冲|(idiom) spitting anger; in a rage nuqigongxin 怒气攻心|(TCM) sudden strong emotions attackin... nurong 怒容|angry look nurongmanmian 怒容满面|scowling in anger/rage written across... nurou 胬肉|pterygium (medicine) nuse 怒色|angry look/glare/scowl nushi 怒视|to glower (at sb)/to cast an angry look nuwakexiaote 努瓦克肖特|Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania nuxingyuse 怒形于色|to betray anger (idiom); fury written... nuyanbixi 奴颜婢膝|servile and bending the knee (idiom);... nuyi 奴役|to enslave nuzu 怒族|Nu ethnic group nuzui 努嘴|to pout/to stick out one\'s lips nuzuir 努嘴儿|erhua variant of 努嘴[nu3 zui3] nv 女|female/woman/daughter nv 钕|neodymium (chemistry) nv 衄|old variant of 衄[nu:4] nv 衄|variant of 衄[nu:4] nv 衄|to bleed from the nose (or from the e... nv 恧|ashamed nv 籹|cakes of rice-flour and honey nvban 女伴|female companion nvbannanzhuang 女扮男装|(of a woman) to dress as a man (idiom) nvbin 女宾|female guest; female visitor nvbinxiang 女傧相|bridesmaid nvce 女厕|women\'s restroom; women\'s toilet nvchengwuyuan 女乘务员|stewardess/female flight attendant nvchenshan 女衬衫|blouse nvdabuzhongliu 女大不中留|when a girl is of age, she must be ma... nvdan 女单|women\'s singles (in tennis, badminton... nvdashibabian 女大十八变|lit. a girl changes eighteen times be... nvde 女的|woman nvdianyuan 女店员|salesgirl/female shop assistant nve 虐|oppressive/tyrannical nve 疟|malaria nvedai 虐待|to mistreat/to maltreat/to abuse/mist... nvedaikuang 虐待狂|sadism/sadist nveji 疟疾|malaria nvejibing 疟疾病|malaria nvelian 虐恋|painful love affair/sadomasochism nver 女儿|daughter nverhong 女儿红|kind of Chinese wine nverqiang 女儿墙|crenelated parapet wall nvesha 虐杀|to kill (or assault) sadistically nvewen 疟蚊|Anopheles (type of mosquito) nvexin 虐心|heartbreaking; tear-jerking nveyuanchong 疟原虫|plasmodium (malaria parasite) nvfan 女犯|female offender in imperial China (old) nvfang 女方|the bride\'s side (of a wedding)/of th... nvfangdong 女房东|landlady nvgaoyin 女高音|soprano nvgong 女红|(literary) the feminine arts (e.g. ne... nvgong 女功|variant of 女紅|女红[nu:3 gong1] nvgong 女工|working woman/variant of 女紅|女红[nu:3 g... nvgongjue 女公爵|duchess nvgongzi 女公子|noble lady/(honorific) your daughter nvguanjia 女管家|housekeeper nvhai 女孩|girl; lass nvhair 女孩儿|erhua variant of 女孩[nu:3 hai2] nvhaizi 女孩子|girl nvhanzi 女汉子|masculine woman nvhuang 女皇|empress nvhuangdaxue 女皇大学|Queen\'s University (Belfast) nvhuangdi 女皇帝|empress/refers to Tang empress Wuzeti... nvjia 女家|bride\'s family (in marriage) nvjiang 女将|female general/(fig.) woman who is a ... nvjichengren 女继承人|inheritress nvjie 女杰|woman of distinction/a woman to be ad... nvjing 女警|policewoman nvjingyuan 女警员|a policewoman nvjuan 女眷|the females in a family/womenfolk nvlang 女郎|young woman/maiden/girl/CL:個|个[ge4],位... nvliu 女流|(derog.) woman nvpai 女排|women\'s volleyball/abbr. for 女子排球 nvpengyou 女朋友|girlfriend nvpiao 女票|(slang) girlfriend nvpu 女仆|female servant; maid nvqiang 女墙|crenelated parapet wall nvqiangren 女强人|successful career woman/able woman nvquan 女权|women\'s rights nvquanzhuyi 女权主义|feminism nvren 女人|woman nvren 女人|wife nvrenjia 女人家|women (in general) nvrenqi 女人气|womanly temperament/femininity/effemi... nvse 女色|female charms/femininity nvshangwei 女上位|woman-on-top sex position nvshejian 女舍监|matron nvshen 女神|goddess/nymph nvsheng 女生|schoolgirl/female student/girl nvshenge 女神蛤|geoduck (Panopea abrupta)/elephant tr... nvshengwaixiang 女生外向|a woman is born to leave her family (... nvshi 女士|lady/madam/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/Miss/Ms nvshiyouxian 女士优先|Ladies first! nvshu 女书|nüshu writing, a phonetic syllabary f... nvshuang 女双|women\'s doubles (in tennis, badminton... nvticheng 女体盛|nyotaimori or \"body sushi\", Japanese ... nvtong 女童|small girl nvtong 女同|a lesbian (coll.) nvtongbao 女同胞|woman/female/female compatriot nvwa 女娃|mythological daughter of Fiery Empero... nvwa 女娃|(dialect) girl nvwa 女娲|Nüwa (creator of humans in Chinese my... nvwang 女王|queen nvwashi 女娲氏|Nüwa (creator of humans in Chinese my... nvwei 女卫|women\'s bathroom (abbr. for 女衛生間|女卫生间) nvwu 女巫|witch nvwushen 女武神|valkyrie nvxiao 女校|all-girls school nvxing 女性|woman/the female sex nvxing 女星|female star/famous actress nvxingbianyi 女性贬抑|misogyny nvxinggeli 女性割礼|female genital mutilation nvxinghua 女性化|to feminize/feminization nvxingyanwu 女性厌恶|misogyny nvxingzhuyi 女性主义|feminism nvxiudaoyuan 女修道院|convent nvxu 女婿|daughter\'s husband; son-in-law nvyin 女阴|vulva/pudenda nvying 女婴|female baby nvyong 女佣|(female) maid nvyou 女友|girlfriend nvyou 女优|actress nvzhen 女真|Jurchen, a Tungus ethnic group, prede... nvzhen 女贞|privet (genus Ligustrum) nvzhenyu 女真语|Jurchen language nvzhuang 女装|women\'s clothes nvzhuren 女主人|hostess/mistress nvzhurengong 女主人公|heroine (of a novel or film)/main fem... nvzi 女子|woman/female nvzicanzhengquan 女子参政权|women\'s suffrage nvziwucaibianshide 女子无才便是德|a woman\'s virtue is to have no talent... o 哦|oh (interjection indicating doubt or ... o 哦|oh (interjection indicating that one ... o 哦|sentence-final particle that conveys ... o 喔|(interjection) oh; I see (used to ind... o 喔|(Tw) (sentence-final particle) (used ... o 噢|oh; ah (used to indicate realization)... o 嚄|(interj. of surprise) o-xingtui O型腿|bow legs; bow-leggedness ok-beng OK绷|(Tw) band-aid; sticking plaster okjing OK镜|OK lens, orthokeratology contact lens... os OS|(in a soap opera or movie) voice-over... ou 区|surname Ou ou 偶|accidental/image/pair/mate ou 怄|to annoy/to irritate/to be annoyed/to... ou 欧|Europe (abbr. for 歐洲|欧洲[Ou1zhou1])/su... ou 欧|(used for transliteration)/old varian... ou 耦|a pair/a mate/a couple/to couple/plow... ou 藕|root of lotus ou 呕|vomit ou 瓯|old name for Wenzhou City 溫州市|温州市[Wen... ou 瓯|(pottery) bowl or drinking vessel ou 禺|old variant of 偶[ou3] ou 鸥|common gull ou 讴|to sing/ballad/folk song ou 殴|surname Ou ou 殴|to beat up/to hit sb ou 吽|used in 吽牙[ou2ya2] ou 沤|bubble/froth ou 沤|to steep/to macerate ou 鴎|Japanese variant of 鷗|鸥 ou 𬉼|severe drought/exceptionally hot weather ou 𬉼|copious smoke produced by smoldering ... ou 𠙶|(name of a mountain) ou-mei 欧美|Europe and America; the West ou-yahongweiqu 欧亚红尾鸲|(bird species of China) common redsta... ou-yaxique 欧亚喜鹊|(bird species of China) Eurasian magp... ouanzuzhi 欧安组织|Organization for Security and Coopera... ouba 欧巴|(female usage) older brother (loanwor... oubama 欧巴马|Taiwanese variant of 奧巴馬|奥巴马[Ao4 ba1 ... oubanjiu 欧斑鸠|(bird species of China) European turt... oubao 欧宝|Opel (car brand) oubasang 欧巴桑|older female/woman of mature years (J... oubo 欧泊|opal (Sanskrit: upala) oubolin 欧伯林|Oberlin oubolin 欧柏林|Oberlin oubu 沤步|(Tw) dirty trick; unethical tactic (f... oucheqian 欧车前|psyllium (genus Plantago) ouchuwu 呕出物|vomitus ouda 殴打|to beat up/to come to blows/battery (... oudang 沤凼|cesspool/compost pit oudanggui 欧当归|(botany) lovage/Levisticum officinale oudazui 殴打罪|assault and battery (law) oudieyu 欧蝶鱼|plaice oudou 殴斗|to have a fist fight/fist fight/brawl ouduansilian 藕断丝连|lit. lotus roots may break, but the f... ouer 偶尔|occasionally/once in a while/sometimes ouer 偶而|occasionally/once in a while oufan 偶犯|casual offender/casual offense oufei 沤肥|to make fertilizer by steeping organi... oufen 欧分|euro cent ouge 欧鸽|(bird species of China) stock dove (C... ouge 讴歌|Acura (Honda car model) ouge 讴歌|(literary) to celebrate in song/to eu... ougedong 欧歌鸫|(bird species of China) song thrush (... ougongti 欧共体|abbr. for 歐洲共同體|欧洲共同体, European Commu... ouguan 欧冠|UEFA Champions League ouhai 瓯海|Ouhai district of Wenzhou city 溫州市|温州... ouhaiqu 瓯海区|Ouhai district of Wenzhou city 溫州市|温州... ouhanshu 偶函数|even function (math.) ouhe 耦合|coupling (physics)/copula (statistics... ouhe 偶合|coincidence ouji 偶极|dipole (e.g. magnetic dipole) oujian 偶见|to happen upon/to see incidentally/oc... oujilide 欧几里德|Euclid of Alexandria (c. 300 BC), Gre... oujilide 欧几里得|Euclid of Alexandria (c. 300 BC), Gre... oujinbanheng 欧金斑鸻|(bird species of China) European gold... oujinchique 欧金翅雀|(bird species of China) European gree... oujisang 欧吉桑|older man/man of mature years (Japane... ouju 耦居|to live together (as husband and wife) oula 欧拉|Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), Swiss mat... oulaiya 欧莱雅|L\'Oréal (French cosmetics company) oule 欧了|(coll.) okay (loanword from \"over\") oulei 欧蕾|(loanword) au lait; with milk oulianfanying 偶联反应|chain reaction (chemistry) oulianjingtiguan 耦联晶体管|coupled transistor (electronics) oulibidesi 欧里庇得斯|Euripides (c. 480-406 BC), Greek trag... ouliuying 欧柳莺|(bird species of China) willow warble... ouluoba 欧罗巴|Europe ouluobazhou 欧罗巴洲|Europe/abbr. to 歐洲|欧洲[Ou1 zhou1] oumeng 欧盟|European Union/EU oumengweiyuanhui 欧盟委员会|Commission of European Union oumiga 欧米伽|omega (Greek letter Ωω) oumijiabiaogongsi 欧米茄表公司|Omega SA, Swiss luxury watchmaker oumiyagei 欧咪呀给|(Tw) gift given when visiting sb (esp... oumu 欧姆|ohm (loanword) oumudan 欧姆蛋|(Tw) omelette oumulong 欧姆龙|Omron Corporation (Japanese electroni... ounaxisi 欧纳西斯|see 奧納西斯|奥纳西斯[Ao4 na4 xi1 si1] ouni 欧尼|(female usage) older sister (loanword... oupeike 欧佩克|OPEC/Organization of the Petroleum Ex... oupeng 欧朋|Opera (web browser) oupolai 欧珀莱|Aupres, Shiseido\'s line in China ouqi 怄气|to sulk/to squabble ouqi 呕气|variant of 慪氣|怄气[ou4 qi4] ouqin 欧芹|parsley (Petroselinum sativum) ouran 偶然|incidentally/occasional/occasionally/... ouranshijian 偶然事件|random accident/chance event ouranxing 偶然性|chance/fortuity/serendipity ouren 偶人|idol (i.e. statue for worship) ouren 欧仁|Eugene (name) ouruola 欧若拉|Aurora, Roman goddess of dawn oushi 欧式|in the European style/Euclidean oushi 欧氏|Euclid/abbr. for 歐幾里得|欧几里得 oushiheng 欧石鸻|(bird species of China) Eurasian ston... oushijihe 欧式几何|Euclidean geometry oushijihexue 欧式几何学|Euclidean geometry oushijihexue 欧氏几何学|Euclidean geometry oushiluo 欧莳萝|cumin (Cuminum cyminum) oushu 偶数|even number outi 偶蹄|artiodactyl (zoology) outilei 偶蹄类|Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, su... outimu 偶蹄目|Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, su... outu 呕吐|to vomit outuwu 呕吐物|vomit ouwen 欧文|Owen (name)/Erwin (name)/Irvine, Cali... ouwensi 欧文斯|Owens (name) ouxiang 偶像|idol ouxiangbaofu 偶像包袱|burden of having to maintain one\'s im... ouxiangju 偶像剧|idol drama/drama series in which the ... ouxinlixue 呕心沥血|lit. to spit out one\'s heart and spil... ouya 欧亚|Europe and Asia/Eurasia ouya 吽呀|variant of 吽牙[ou2ya2] ouya 吽牙|(onom.) the barking of dogs fighting ouyadalu 欧亚大陆|Eurasia ouyakuang 欧亚𫛭|(bird species of China) common buzzar... ouyang 欧阳|two-character surname Ouyang ouyangxiu 欧阳修|Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072), Northern Song... ouyangxun 欧阳询|Ouyang Xun (557-641), one of Four Gre... ouyangyuqian 欧阳予倩|Ouyang Yuqian (1889-1962), Chinese actor ouyaqu 欧亚鸲|(bird species of China) European robi... ouyeying 欧夜鹰|(bird species of China) European nigh... ouyi 偶一|accidentally/once in a while/very occ... ouyin 讴吟|song/chant/rhythmic declamation ouyiweizhi 偶一为之|to do sth once in a while (idiom)/to ... ouyu 偶遇|to meet by chance ouyu 耦语|to have a tete-à-tete/to whisper to e... ouyuan 耦园|Couple\'s Retreat Garden in Suzhou, Ji... ouyuan 欧元|euro (currency) ouyuanqu 欧元区|Eurozone ouyuqishi 偶语弃市|chance remarks can lead to public exe... ouzha 欧楂|medlar (Mespilus germanica) ouzhen 欧榛|common hazel (tree) (Corylus avellana) ouzhou 欧洲|Europe (abbr. for 歐羅巴洲|欧罗巴洲[Ou1luo2ba... ouzhouanquanhehezuozuzhi 欧洲安全和合作组织|Organization for Security and Coopera... ouzhouanquanyuhezuozuzhi 欧洲安全与合作组织|Organization for Security and Coopera... ouzhoubei 欧洲杯|European Cup (e.g. soccer) ouzhoudalu 欧洲大陆|continent of Europe ouzhoudianshi 欧洲电视|European TV/Eurovision ouzhoufangfeng 欧洲防风|parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) ouzhoufayuan 欧洲法院|European Court of Justice ouzhougechangdasai 欧洲歌唱大赛|Eurovision Song Contest ouzhougongtongshichang 欧洲共同市场|European common market (old term for ... ouzhougongtongti 欧洲共同体|European Community, old term for EU, ... ouzhouhangtianju 欧洲航天局|European Space Agency (ESA) ouzhouheziyanjiuzhongxin 欧洲核子研究中心|European Organization for Nuclear Res... ouzhouhezizhongxin 欧洲核子中心|European Organization for Nuclear Res... ouzhouhuobi 欧洲货币|Euro/European currency ouzhoulianmeng 欧洲联盟|European Union (EU) ouzhoulishihui 欧洲理事会|European Council ouzhouren 欧洲人|European (person) ouzhoushanyang 欧洲山杨|European poplar (Populus tremula) ouzhouxingjingzuzhi 欧洲刑警组织|Europol (European Police Office) ouzhouyihui 欧洲议会|European Parliament ouzhouzhixing 欧洲之星|Eurostar (train line) ouzhouzhongyangyinhang 欧洲中央银行|European Central Bank ouzhouziyoumaoyilianmeng 欧洲自由贸易联盟|European Free Trade Association ouzhu 欧猪|(economics) (derog.) PIGS (Portugal, ... ouzuizaoou 鸥嘴噪鸥|(bird species of China) gull-billed t... p P|(slang) femme (lesbian stereotype)/to... p-u-a PUA|(neologism c. 2019) to exert control ... pa 派|used in 派司[pa1si5] pa 怕|surname Pa pa 怕|to be afraid/to fear/to dread/to be u... pa 帕|to wrap/kerchief/handkerchief/headsca... pa 扒|to rake up/to steal/to braise/to crawl pa 爬|to crawl/to climb/to get up or sit up pa %|percent (Tw) pa 趴|to lie on one\'s stomach/to lean forwa... pa 杷|used in 枇杷[pi2pa5] pa PA|public area attendant (tasked with cl... pa 啪|(onom.) bang/pop/pow pa 钯|old variant of 耙[pa2] pa 耙|a rake pa 掱|variant of 扒[pa2] in 扒手[pa2 shou3] pa 葩|corolla of flower pa 琶|see 琵琶, pipa lute pa 跁|to squat/crouch pa 苩|old variant of 葩[pa1] pa 筢|bamboo rake pabu PA部|hotel staff work unit tasked with kee... pacha 啪嚓|(onom.) (sound of sth smashing as it ... pachong 爬虫|reptile/(Internet) web crawler pachongdongwu 爬虫动物|reptile pachonglei 爬虫类|reptiles/also written 爬行類|爬行类 pada 啪哒|(onom.) sound of object falling into ... padenenshenmiao 帕德嫩神庙|Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis, At... padier 帕蒂尔|Patil (name)/Pratibha Patil (1934-), ... paerduo 耙耳朵|(dialect) henpecked/to be under one\'s... paerwadi 帕尔瓦蒂|Parvati (Hindu deity, the consort of ... pafan 扒饭|to push food into one\'s mouth using c... pafen 扒粪|muckraking/to stir up scandal/to expo... pafu 趴伏|to crouch/to lie prone pafusi 帕福斯|Paphos, Cyprus pagan 爬竿|pole-climbing (as gymnastics or circu... pagao 扒糕|buckwheat pudding (snack of buckwheat... pagaocaidi 扒高踩低|crawl high, step low (idiom); unprinc... pagenini 帕格尼尼|Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840), Italian... pagezi 爬格子|(oral) to write (esp. for a living)/t... paguopaguo 帕果帕果|Pago Pago, capital of American Samoa pahui 扒灰|incest between father-in-law and daug... pahui 爬灰|incest between father-in-law and daug... pai 排|a row/a line/to set in order/to arran... pai 牌|mahjong tile/playing card/game pieces... pai 派|clique/school/group/faction/to dispat... pai 迫|used in 迫擊炮|迫击炮[pai3ji1pao4] pai 拍|to pat/to clap/to slap/to swat/to tak... pai 哌|used in transliteration pai 湃|used in 澎湃[peng2pai4] pai 徘|used in 徘徊[pai2huai2] pai 俳|not serious/variety show pai 簰|bamboo raft pai 輫|carriage (archaic) pai 棑|raft/shield/stern of junk pai 蒎|pinane paian 拍案|lit. to slap the table (in amazement,... paian 拍岸|to beat against the shore (of waves) paianerqi 拍案而起|lit. to slap the table and stand up (... paianjiaojue 拍案叫绝|lit. slap the table and shout with pr... paianjingqi 拍案惊奇|to slap the table in amazement (idiom... paiban 排版|typesetting paiban 拍板|clapper-board/auctioneer\'s hammer/to ... paiban 排班|to arrange (shifts, runs, classes etc... paibi 排比|parallelism (rhetoric)/to arrange thi... paibian 排便|to defecate paibian 牌匾|board (attached to a wall) paibie 派别|group; sect; clique; faction; school paibing 派兵|to dispatch troops paicha 排查|to inspect/to run through a checklist... paicha 排插|power strip paichaguzhang 排查故障|to troubleshoot/to check components i... paichang 排场|ostentation/a show of extravagance/gr... paichi 排斥|to reject/to exclude/to eliminate/to ... paichi 排翅|whole-piece shark\'s fin paichu 排除|to eliminate/to remove/to exclude/to ... paichu 排出|to discharge paichu 派出|to send/to dispatch paichu 拍出|to sell at auction/to reach a given p... paichusuo 派出所|local police station paichuwannan 排除万难|to overcome all obstacles/to overcome... paicuixiya 派翠西亚|Patricia paicuo 排错|troubleshooting/debugging/to debug/er... paida 拍打|to pat/to slap/(of a bird) to flap (o... paidan 派单|to hand out leaflets/(of a platform, ... paidang 排档|stall (of market etc) paidang 拍档|partner paidang 排挡|gear (of car etc) paidangsulv 排挡速率|gear/gear speed paidengjie 排灯节|Diwali (Hindu festival) paidian 拍电|to send a telegram paidian 拍点|(music) beat paidianying 拍电影|to make a movie paiding 排定|to schedule paiding 哌啶|piperidine (chemistry) (loanword) paiding 派定|to believe/to be convinced paidu 排毒|to expel poison (from the system)/to ... paidui 排队|to line up paidui 派对|(loanword) party paifa 拍发|to send/to cable (a telegram) paifang 排放|to arrange in order/to emit; to disch... paifang 牌坊|memorial arch paifengkou 排风口|exhaust vent paigou 派购|fixed government purchase (esp of far... paigu 排骨|pork chop/pork cutlet/spare ribs/(col... paigujing 排骨精|(jocular) anorexic girl; a bag of bones paihai 排海|to drain (wastewater) into the sea paihang 排行|to rank/ranking/seniority (among sibl... paihangbang 排行榜|the charts (of best-sellers)/table of... paihao 牌号|trademark paihao 拍号|time signature (music) paihong 排洪|to drain flood-water paihua 排华|to discriminate against Chinese peopl... paihuafaan 排华法案|Chinese Exclusion Act, a US law restr... paihuai 徘徊|to pace back and forth/to dither; to ... paihuai 俳佪|variant of 徘徊[pai2 huai2] paihuanggua 拍黄瓜|smashed cucumber salad paiji 排挤|to crowd out/to push aside/to supplant paiji 拍击|to smack/to beat paijia 牌价|list price paijian 排检|to arrange for ease of search; to cat... paijie 排解|to mediate/to reconcile/to make peace... paijipao 迫击炮|mortar (weapon)/Taiwan pr. [po4 ji2 p... paijiu 牌九|pai gow (gambling game played with do... paiju 牌局|gambling get-together/game of cards, ... paiju 俳句|haiku paike 派克|Pike or Peck (name)/Parker Pen Company paike 拍客|citizen journalist (typically posting... paike 排客|paid queuer/person paid to stand in l... paikedayi 派克大衣|parka jacket (loanword)/CL:件[jian4] paikong 排空|to drain out; to empty/to discharge (... pailamengyingye 派拉蒙影业|Paramount Pictures (US movie company) pailao 排涝|to drain flooded fields pailei 排雷|(military) to clear mines; mine clear... pailian 排练|to rehearse/rehearsal pailiang 排量|discharge volume/engine capacity/engi... pailiao 派力奥|Fiat Palio pailide 拍立得|Polaroid (Tw) pailie 排列|to arrange in order/(math.) permutation pailiecixu 排列次序|ranking/ordering in list pailou 牌楼|decorated archway pailuan 排卵|to ovulate pailv 排律|long poem in lüshi form 律詩|律诗 paima 拍马|to urge on a horse by patting its bot... paimai 拍卖|to auction/auction sale/to sell at a ... paimaihui 拍卖会|auction/CL:場|场[chang3] paimaishang 拍卖商|auctioneer/auction house paiman 排满|to line (a street)/to fill up (a spac... paimapi 拍马屁|to flatter/to fawn on/to butter sb up... paimazhe 拍马者|flatterer/toady paimen 排闷|to divert oneself from melancholy paimian 排面|a row of things facing oneself (esp. ... paiming 排名|to rank (1st, 2nd etc)/ranking paimingbang 排名榜|ranking/ordered list/top 20/roll of h... paimingbiao 排名表|league table/roll of honor paimu 排母|(electronics) pin socket; female header painanjiefen 排难解纷|to remove perils and solve disputes (... painiao 排尿|to urinate paiou 排偶|parallel and antithesis (paired sente... paipaipiguzouren 拍拍屁股走人|to make oneself scarce/to slip away/t... paipao 排炮|to fire a salvo/broadside/cannonade paipian 拍片|to shoot a film/to have a medical ima... paipozi 拍婆子|to chase girls/to hang around with girls paiqi 排气|to ventilate paiqian 派遣|to send (on a mission); to dispatch paiqian 排遣|to divert oneself from (loneliness, g... paiqiang 排枪|volley of rifle fire; salvo paiqichangdui 排起长队|to form a long line (i.e. of people w... paiqiguan 排气管|exhaust pipe paiqikong 排气孔|an air vent/a ventilation shaft paiqin 哌嗪|piperazine (medicine) (loanword) paiqishan 排气扇|exhaust fan paiqiu 排球|volleyball/CL:個|个[ge4] pairen 派任|to set apart/to assign sb to a job pairi π日|World Pi Day, a celebration of the ma... pairu 排入|to discharge into paishandaohai 排山倒海|lit. to topple the mountains and over... paishangyongchang 派上用场|to put to good use/to come in handy paishe 拍摄|to take (a picture); to shoot (a film) paishe 排射|a barrage of fire/a salvo paisheng 派生|to produce (from sth else)/to derive ... paisheng 排笙|reed-pipe wind instrument with a keyb... paishengci 派生词|derivative word paishi 派势|style/manner paishou 拍手|to clap one\'s hands paishui 排水|to drain paishuigou 排水沟|gutter paishuiguan 排水管|drainpipe/waste pipe paishuikong 排水孔|plughole/drainage hole paishuikou 排水口|plughole/drainage hole paishuiliang 排水量|displacement paishuiqu 排水渠|drainage paisituo 派斯托|pesto (Italian sauce) (loanword) paisong 派送|to send/to deliver/to distribute paita 排他|exclusive/excluding paitiding 哌替啶|pethidine (aka meperidine or Demerol)... paitou 派头|manner/style/panache paitoubing 排头兵|lit. frontline troops/leader/trailbla... paituo 拍拖|(dialect) to date sb paiwai 排外|xenophobic/anti-foreigner paiwanzu 排湾族|Paiwan, one of the indigenous peoples... paiwei 牌位|memorial tablet paiwu 排污|to drain sewage paiwu 排屋|row house/townhouse/terrace house paiwu 排舞|a dance in formation; choreographed d... paiwuguan 排污管|sewer paixi 派系|sect/faction paixi 拍戏|to shoot a movie paixi 牌戏|a card game paixiao 排箫|see 簫|箫[xiao1] paixie 排泄|to drain (factory waste etc)/to excre... paixie 排泻|variant of 排泄[pai2 xie4]/to excrete (... paixiewu 排泄物|excreta; waste matter (feces, urine etc) paixiewu 排泻物|variant of 排泄物[pai2 xie4 wu4] paixiexitong 排泄系统|drainage system/excretory system paixing 派性|factionalism/tribalism paixing 牌型|hand (in mahjong or card games) paixiongpu 拍胸脯|to vouch for paixu 排序|to sort/to arrange in order paiyan 排烟|to discharge smoke paiyan 排演|to rehearse (a performance) paiyan 拍演|(dialect) to perform; to act (in a pl... paiyi 排遗|feces/excrement/scat/droppings/to ege... paiyi 派遗|to send (sb) on a mission/to dispatch paiyin 排印|typesetting and printing paiyou 排犹|to eliminate Jews/antisemitism paiyoujienan 排忧解难|to resolve a difficult situation and ... paiyouzhuyi 排犹主义|antisemitism paizhang 排长|platoon leader/sergeant paizhao 拍照|to take a picture paizhao 牌照|(business) license/vehicle license/ca... paizhen 排针|(electronics) pin header; male header paizhibu 拍纸簿|writing pad paizhu 派驻|to dispatch (sb) in an official capac... paizhuan 拍砖|(slang) to throw brickbats/to critici... paizhuo 牌桌|mahjong table; card table; gambling t... paizi 牌子|sign/trademark/brand paizi 拍子|beat (music)/paddle-shaped object (fl... paizou 排走|to drain away/to vent out paizu 牌组|set of cards (e.g. hand, suit, deck o... pajinsen 帕金森|Parkinson (name) pajinsenbing 帕金森病|Parkinson\'s disease pajinsenzheng 帕金森症|Parkinson\'s disease pala 扒拉|(coll.) to push food from one\'s bowl ... palamalibo 帕拉马里博|Paramaribo, capital of Suriname palanka 帕兰卡|Palanka (a personal name) palao 帕劳|Republic of Palau or Belau (Pacific i... palaopo 怕老婆|henpecked/to be under one\'s wife\'s thumb palaseershi 帕拉塞尔士|Paracelsius (Auroleus Phillipus Theos... paleituo 帕累托|Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923), Italian ... paleituofaze 帕累托法则|Pareto principle paleituozuiyou 帕累托最优|Pareto efficiency (economics)/Pareto ... pali 爬犁|sledge pali 扒犁|sledge/also written 爬犁 palijier 帕利基尔|Palikir, capital of the Federated Sta... palisixierdun 帕丽斯·希尔顿|Paris Hilton palou 扒搂|to gather together as with a rake/to ... pamasen 帕马森|Parmesan pamier 帕米尔|the Pamirs, highland region of Centra... pamiergaoyuan 帕米尔高原|the Pamirs, highland region of Centra... pan 板|to catch sight of in a doorway (old) pan 般|see 般樂|般乐[pan2 le4] pan 盘|plate/dish/tray/board/hard drive (com... pan 胖|healthy/at ease pan 判|(bound form) to differentiate; to dis... pan 番|surname Pan pan 盼|to hope for/to long for/to expect pan 攀|to climb (by pulling oneself up)/to i... pan 畔|(bound form) side; edge; boundary pan 潘|surname Pan/Pan, faun in Greek mythol... pan 磐|firm/stable/rock pan 爿|classifier for strips of land or bamb... pan 泮|(literary) to melt/to dissolve pan 扳|variant of 攀[pan1] pan 磻|name of a river in Shaanxi pan 蟠|to coil pan 叛|to betray/to rebel/to revolt pan 鞶|large belt pan 縏|small bag/sack pan 袢|used in 袷袢[qia1 pan4]/variant of 襻[pan4] pan 襻|button loop/sth similar to a button l... pan 拚|to strive for/to struggle/to disregar... pan 湴|to wade through water or mud pan 媻|to move pan 幋|large scarf pan 鋬|(dialect) handle of a cup, kettle or ... pan 蹒|used in 蹣跚|蹒跚[pan2shan1]/Taiwan pr. [... pan 詊|pleasing/clever talk pan 柈|plate pan 眅|show the whites of eyes pan 頖|disperse pan 槃|variant of 盤|盘/wooden tray panan 磐安|Pan\'an county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hu... panan 潘安|see 潘岳[Pan1 Yue4] pananxian 磐安县|Pan\'an county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hu... panbi 攀比|to make invidious comparisons/to comp... panbian 叛变|to defect/to betray/to mutiny panbie 判别|to differentiate/to discriminate panbieshi 判别式|(math.) discriminant (e.g. b²-4ac in ... panbo 盘剥|to exploit/to practice usury panbo 盘驳|to cross-examine/to interrogate and r... pancai 拚财|to make rash speculations pancan 盘餐|side dish pancha 盘查|to interrogate/to question (at a road... pancha 盘察|to interrogate/to examine panchan 盘缠|to twine/to coil panchan 盘缠|money for a voyage; travel expenses panche 攀扯|to implicate pancheng 盘程|see 盤纏|盘缠[pan2 chan5] pancheng 盘秤|balance consisting of steelyard with ... panchu 判处|to sentence/to condemn panchu 拚除|to reject/to abandon panchuan 盘川|see 盤纏|盘缠[pan2 chan5] pancuo 盘错|intertwined (of tree roots or branche... pandai 盘带|(soccer) to dribble pandang 叛党|to betray one\'s party/to defect (from... pandao 盘道|twining mountain road pandao 盘倒|to interrogate, leaving sb speechless pandeng 攀登|to climb/to pull oneself up/to clambe... pandi 盘底|to interrogate and get to the bottom ... pandian 盘点|to make an inventory/to take stock pandian 盘店|to buy a business (shop, restaurant e... panding 判定|to judge/to decide/judgment/determina... pandu 判读|to interpret (a visual document, a me... panduan 判断|to judge/to determine/judgment panduanli 判断力|ability to judge/judgment panduanyu 判断语|predicate panduola 潘多拉|Pandora panduola 潘朵拉|Pandora panduolamohe 潘多拉魔盒|a Pandora\'s box paneier 帕内尔|Parnell (name)/Charles Stewart Parnel... paneng 帕能|phanaeng (also spelled \"panang\") (typ... panfa 判罚|to penalize/penalty panfei 盘费|travel expenses/fare/traveling allowance panfei 叛匪|rebel bandit panfu 攀附|to climb (of climbing plants)/to cree... panfu 盘符|drive letter (letter assigned to a di... panfu 盼复|expecting your reply (epistolary style) panfuquangui 攀附权贵|to cling to the powerful and rich (id... pang 旁|one side/other/different/lateral comp... pang 胖|fat/plump pang 磅|used in 磅礡|磅礴[pang2bo2]/Taiwan pr. [p... pang 庞|surname Pang pang 庞|(bound form) huge/(bound form) numero... pang 鳑|used in 鰟鮍|鳑鲏[pang2pi2] pang 滂|rushing (water) pang 耪|to hoe pang 雱|(literary) (of rainfall or snowfall) ... pang 逄|surname Pang pang 嗙|(dialect) to boast/to brag/(onom.) so... pang 乓|(onom.) bang pang 厐|variant of 龐|庞[pang2], huge/enormous pang 螃|used in 螃蟹[pang2 xie4] pang 庬|huge pang 徬|irresolute pang 厖|huge pang 尨|surname Pang pang 尨|old variant of 龐|庞[pang2]/huge/enormous pang 彷|used in 彷徨[pang2huang2] and 彷徉[pang2y... pang 膀|puffed (swollen) pang 膀|used in 膀胱[pang2guang1] pangangzi 盘杠子|to carry out gymnastic tricks on hori... pangaojiegui 攀高结贵|lit. to cling to the high, connect to... pangbai 旁白|aside (theater)/voice-over/background... pangbei 庞贝|Pompeii, ancient Roman town near Napl... pangbian 旁边|side; adjacent place pangbianr 旁边儿|erhua variant of 旁邊|旁边[pang2 bian1] pangbo 磅礴|majestic; boundless/to fill; to pervade pangchou 滂臭|(dialect) stinky; smelly pangci 胖次|(Internet slang) panties (loanword) pangda 庞大|huge; enormous; tremendous pangdahai 胖大海|malva nut/seed of Sterculia lychnophora pangde 庞德|Pang De (-219), general of Cao Wei at... pangdejie 庞德街|Bond Street (London, England) pangdudu 胖嘟嘟|plump/pudgy/chubby pangdundun 胖墩墩|short and stout/heavy-set pangdunr 胖墩儿|(coll.) short, fat person (esp. a kid... pangen 盘亘|linked in a unbroken chain pangencuojie 盘根错节|twisted roots and intertwined joints ... pangencuojie 蟠根错节|variant of 盤根錯節|盘根错节[pan2 gen1 cuo4 j... pangenjiudi 盘根究底|lit. to examine roots and inquire at ... pangenwendi 盘根问底|lit. to examine roots and inquire at ... pangguan 旁观|spectator/non-participant pangguang 膀胱|urinary bladder pangguangqihua 膀胱气化|(TCM) the extraction of impure fluid ... pangguangyan 膀胱炎|cystitis pangguanzhe 旁观者|observer/spectator pangguanzheqing 旁观者清|an outsider can see things more clear... panghuang 彷徨|to pace back and forth, not knowing w... panghuang 旁皇|variant of 彷徨[pang2huang2] panghuhu 胖乎乎|chubby pangjiabaoqu 庞家堡区|Pangjiabao district of Zhangjiakou ci... pangjialai 庞加莱|Henri Poincaré (1854-1912), French ma... pangjianji 旁腱肌|see 膕旁腱肌|腘旁腱肌[guo2 pang2 jian4 ji1]/h... pangjuan 庞涓|Pang Juan (-342 BC), military leader ... pangke 庞克|(music) punk (loanword) panglu 旁路|to bypass pangmen 旁门|side door pangmenzuodao 旁门左道|dissenting religious sect (idiom); he... pangong 攀供|to implicate others, without foundati... pangpei 庞培|Pompeium, Roman town in Bay of Naples... pangpi 鳑鲏|bitterling (fish of genus Rhodeus) pangqiaoceji 旁敲侧击|to make insinuations/to take an indir... pangrandawu 庞然大物|(idiom) huge monster; colossus pangren 旁人|other people/bystanders/onlookers/out... pangren 胖人|overweight person/fatty pangruowuren 旁若无人|to act as though there were nobody el... pangshi 旁氏|Pond\'s (brand of skin care products) pangshi 庞氏|Ponzi (name)/Pond\'s (brand of skin ca... pangshipianju 庞氏骗局|Ponzi scheme pangting 旁听|to sit in on (proceedings)/to be pres... pangtingsheng 旁听生|auditor (student) pangtouyu 胖头鱼|see 鱅魚|鳙鱼[yong1 yu2] pangtuo 滂沱|pouring/flooding pangtuodayu 滂沱大雨|torrents of rain (idiom) pangu 盘古|Pangu (creator of the universe in Chi... panguan 判官|magistrate (during Tang and Song dyna... panguan 盘管|coil in still (used for distilling) panguo 叛国|treason panguozui 叛国罪|the crime of treason pangushi 盘古氏|Pangu (creator of the universe in Chi... pangwu 旁骛|to be inattentive/to be distracted by... pangxi 旁系|collateral relative (descended from a... pangxie 螃蟹|crab/CL:隻|只[zhi1] pangyang 彷徉|(literary) to roam about; to wander pangza 庞杂|complex; complicated; many and varied pangzheng 旁证|circumstantial evidence pangzhepu 旁遮普|Punjab state of India/Punjab province... pangzhepubang 旁遮普邦|Punjab state in northwest India borde... pangzhepusheng 旁遮普省|Punjab province of Pakistan pangzi 胖子|fat person/fatty pangzi 庞兹|Ponzi (name) panhai 攀害|damaged by slander panhuan 盘桓|to pace/to linger/to stay over/to spi... panhuan 般桓|variant of 盤桓|盘桓[pan2 huan2] panhuo 盘货|to take stock/to make an inventory panhuo 盘活|to revitalize (assets, resources etc) panibate 帕尼巴特|Panipat, ancient city in India panini 帕尼尼|(loanword) panini panji 潘集|Panji, a district of Huainan City 淮南市... panjiao 叛教|apostasy panjie 盘诘|to cross-examine (law) panjin 盘锦|see 盤錦市|盘锦市[Pan2jin3 Shi4] panjinlian 潘金莲|Pan Jinlian (name lit. Golden Lotus),... panjinshi 盘锦市|Panjin, prefecture-level city in Liao... panjiqu 潘集区|Panji, a district of Huainan City 淮南市... panjiwen 潘基文|Ban Ki Moon (1944-), Korean diplomat,... panju 判据|criterion/criteria panju 盘踞|to occupy illegally/to seize (territo... panju 盘据|variant of 盤踞|盘踞[pan2 ju4] panju 蟠踞|variant of 盤踞|盘踞[pan2 ju4] panju 蟠据|variant of 盤踞|盘踞[pan2 ju4] panjue 判决|judgment (by a court of law)/to pass ... panjun 叛军|rebel army panlai 盼睐|your favors/your consideration panle 般乐|to play/to amuse oneself panli 判例|judicial precedent panli 叛离|to betray/to desert/to defect from/to... panlifa 判例法|case law panling 判令|decree/(of a court) to order panlong 盘龙|Panlong district of Kunming city 昆明市[... panlong 蟠龙|coiled dragon panlongfufeng 攀龙附凤|see 扳龍附鳳|扳龙附凤[ban1 long2 fu4 feng4] panlongqu 盘龙区|Panlong district of Kunming city 昆明市[... panlongwohu 盘龙卧虎|lit. coiled dragon, crouching tiger (... panluan 叛乱|armed rebellion panluanzui 叛乱罪|the crime of armed rebellion panmai 叛卖|to betray panmei 判袂|(of two people) to separate; to part panming 拚命|see 拼命[pin1 ming4] panming 判明|to distinguish/to ascertain panni 叛逆|to rebel/to revolt/a rebel pannixilin 盘尼西林|penicillin (loanword) pannizhe 叛逆者|traitor pannong 盘弄|to play around with/to fidget/to fondle panpa 攀爬|to climb panpan 盘盘|twisting and turning panpei 判赔|to sentence (sb) to pay compensation panqi 拚弃|to abandon/to discard/to throw away panqin 攀亲|to seek to profit by family ties panqindaogu 攀亲道故|(idiom) to use claims to kinship or f... panqiu 盘球|(sports) to dribble panqu 盘曲|coiled/entwined/tortuous panqu 拚去|to reject/to abandon panqu 蟠曲|variant of 盤曲|盘曲[pan2 qu1] panqujiu 潘趣酒|punch (drink) (loanword) panran 判然|markedly/clearly panrao 盘绕|to coil (around sth)/to twine/to weav... panruoliangren 判若两人|to be a different person/not to be on... panruoyunni 判若云泥|as different as heaven and earth (idi... panshan 蹒跚|to walk unsteadily; to stagger; to lu... panshan 盘山|Panshan county in Panjin 盤錦|盘锦, Liaoning panshan 盘山|going around a mountain panshan 盘跚|variant of 蹣跚|蹒跚[pan2shan1] panshanbuqian 蹒跚不前|to falter/to stall panshanjia 攀山家|mountaineer (HK) panshanxian 盘山县|Panshan county in Panjin 盤錦|盘锦, Liaoning panshen 盘审|to interrogate pansheng 攀升|to clamber up/(of prices etc) to rise panshi 盘石|variant of 磐石[pan2 shi2] panshi 磐石|Panshi, county-level city in Jilin pr... panshi 磐石|boulder panshi 蟠石|variant of 磐石[pan2 shi2] panshishi 磐石市|Panshi, county-level city in Jilin pr... panshixian 磐石县|Panshi county in Jilin pansi 拚死|to risk one\'s life pansi 潘斯|Pence (surname) pansuan 盘算|to plot/to scheme/to calculate pansun 盘飧|dishes/the food in a dish pantaikesi 潘太克斯|Pentax (brand name) pantan 攀谈|to chat pantanaer 潘塔纳尔|Pantanal (wetland area in Brazil) pantao 叛逃|to defect pantao 蟠桃|flat peach (aka Saturn peach or donut... panti 盘梯|spiral staircase panting 潘婷|Pantene (hair products brand) pantong 潘通|Pantone color system pantou 盘头|to coil hair into a bun/hair worn in ... pantou 盼头|hopes/good prospects pantu 叛徒|traitor/turncoat/rebel/renegade/insur... pantui 盘腿|to sit cross-legged/to sit in the lot... pantuo 盘陀|twisted/spiral/uneven stones pantuolu 盘陀路|twisting path/tortuous road panwan 盘碗|dishes/crockery/plates and cups panwang 盼望|to hope for; to look forward to panweishuque 盘尾树鹊|(bird species of China) racket-tailed... panweisichong 蟠尾丝虫|Onchocerca volvulus, the filarial par... panweisichongzheng 蟠尾丝虫症|\"river blindness\" or onchocerciasis, ... panwen 盘问|to interrogate/to cross-examine/to in... panwu 攀诬|to frame/to accuse unjustly panwuxianhai 攀诬陷害|unjust accusation/miscarriage of justice panxi 盘膝|cross-legged panxiang 盘香|incense coil panxing 判刑|to sentence (to prison etc) panxingxingpanyueliang 盼星星盼月亮|to wish for the stars and the moon/to... panxuan 盘旋|to spiral/to circle/to go around/to h... panxuanquzhe 盘旋曲折|(idiom) (of a road etc) to wind circu... panyan 攀岩|rock climbing/to climb a rockface panyang 盘羊|argali (Ovis ammon) panyou 般游|to amuse oneself panyu 番禺|Panyu District of Guangzhou City 廣州市|... panyuan 攀援|to climb up (a rope etc); climbing (p... panyuan 攀缘|to climb up (a rope etc); climbing (p... panyuan 畔援|domineering; tyrannical panyue 攀越|to climb over/to get over (difficulti... panyue 潘岳|Pan Yue (247-300), later known as 潘安[... panyuqu 番禺区|Panyu District of Guangzhou City 廣州市|... panzei 叛贼|renegade/traitor panzhe 攀折|to snap off (flowers, leaves, twigs e... panzhihua 攀枝花|see 攀枝花市[Pan1zhi1hua1 Shi4] panzhihua 攀枝花|kapok (tree) panzhihuashi 攀枝花市|Panzhihua, prefecture-level city in S... panzi 盘子|tray/plate/dish/CL:個|个[ge4] panzui 判罪|to convict (sb of a crime) panzuo 盘坐|to sit cross-legged (as in the lotus ... pao 跑|(of an animal) to paw (the ground) pao 跑|to run/to run away/to escape/to run a... pao 泡|puffed; swollen; spongy/small lake (e... pao 泡|bubble; foam/blister/to soak; to stee... pao 炮|to prepare herbal medicine by roastin... pao 炮|cannon/CL:座[zuo4]/firecracker pao 炮|variant of 炮[pao4] pao 抛|to throw/to toss/to fling/to cast/to ... pao 脬|bladder pao 刨|to dig/to excavate/(coll.) to exclude... pao 袍|gown (lined) pao 庖|kitchen pao 疱|pimple/acne/blister/boil/ulcer pao 麃|(archaic) a type of deer pao 匏|bottle gourd/Lagenaria vulgaris pao 咆|to roar pao 狍|Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) pao 藨|used in the names of various berries pao 礮|ancient ballista for throwing heavy s... pao 炰|to roast pao 麅|variant of 狍[pao2] pao 麭|pastry/cake pao 鞄|to work hides/leather bag paoba 泡吧|to spend time in a bar (alcohol, Inte... paobian 跑遍|to go everywhere/to scour (the whole ... paobiao 跑表|stopwatch paobing 炮兵|artillery soldier/gunner paobinghao 泡病号|to dilly-dally on the pretence of bei... paobu 跑步|to run/to jog/(military) to march at ... paobu 抛补|cover (i.e. insurance against loss in... paobuji 跑步机|treadmill/running machine paobutaoli 抛补套利|covered arbitrage paobuzhe 跑步者|runner paocai 泡菜|pickled cabbage paocaiguo 泡菜国|(slang) South Korea paocha 泡茶|to make tea paoche 跑车|racing bicycle; racing car; sports ca... paochu 庖厨|kitchen/cook/chef paochu 跑出|to run out paochu 抛出|to toss/to throw out paodafen 泡打粉|baking powder paodan 炮弹|artillery shell/CL:枚[mei2] paodao 跑道|athletic track/track/runway (i.e. air... paodao 跑刀|racing skates (for ice-skating) paodeliaoheshang,paobuliaomiao 跑得了和尚,跑不了庙|the monk can run away, but the temple... paodian 跑电|electrical leakage paodiao 跑掉|to run away/to take to one\'s heels paodiao 跑调|to be off-key or out of tune (while s... paodu 跑肚|(coll.) to have diarrhea paoer 炮耳|trunnion/protrusions on either side o... paofa 跑法|running style/racing technique paofa 泡发|to reconstitute (dried mushrooms, sea... paofan 泡饭|to soak cooked rice in soup or water/... paofei 抛费|to waste/to squander paofen 跑分|(computing) to benchmark a computer, ... paofu 泡芙|cream puff (loanword)/profiterole paofuren 泡芙人|(coll.) skinny fat person (person who... paogen 刨根|lit. to dig up the root/to get to the... paogenr 刨根儿|erhua variant of 刨根[pao2 gen1] paogenwendi 刨根问底|to dig up roots and inquire at the ba... paoguan 跑官|to seek a government post through bri... paoguang 抛光|to polish; to burnish paohong 炮轰|to bombard/to bomb/(fig.) to criticiz... paohong 炮轰|variant of 炮轟|炮轰[pao4 hong1] paohuang 抛荒|to lie idle (of arable land)/fig. rus... paohui 炮灰|cannon fodder paohuo 炮火|artillery barrage/gunfire paohuo 泡货|light but bulky goods paohuoliantian 炮火连天|cannon firing for days on end (idiom)... paoji 炮击|to shell/to bombard/bombardment paojian 炮舰|gunship paojian 炮舰|gunboat/gunship paojianghu 跑江湖|to make a living as a traveling perfo... paojiao 泡脚|to soak the feet paojiao 泡椒|pickled pepper paojingbao 跑警报|to run for shelter paojue 炮决|to execute sb by cannon paoka 跑咖|(Tw) (neologism) to go to a coffee shop paokai 抛开|to throw out/to get rid of paokong 抛空|to short-sell (finance) paoku 跑酷|parkour (loanword) paolaipaoqu 跑来跑去|to scamper/to run around paoleheshang,paobuliaosi 跑了和尚,跑不了寺|the monk can run away, but the temple... paoleheshangpaobuliaomiao 跑了和尚跑不了庙|the monk can run away, but the temple... paolei 跑垒|running between bases (in baseball) paoleiyuan 跑垒员|runner (in baseball) paoli 抛离|to desert/to leave/to forsake paolian 抛脸|to lose face/humiliation paolian 炮炼|to parch and refine medicinal herbs paolongtao 跑龙套|to play a small role paolu 跑路|to travel on foot/(informal) to run o... paoluo 炮烙|form of torture said to have been use... paoma 跑马|horse race/to ride a horse at a fast ... paomachang 跑马场|racecourse paomadeng 跑马灯|lantern with a carousel of paper hors... paomadi 跑马地|Happy Valley (suburb of Hong Kong) paomao 抛锚|to drop anchor/(fig.) (of a car etc) ... paomaquandi 跑马圈地|rushing to stake one\'s claim in new m... paomashan 跑马山|Paoma Mountain in Kangding 康定[Kang1 d... paomating 跑马厅|horse racing track/racetrack paomeiyan 抛媚眼|to throw amorous or flirtatious glanc... paomian 泡面|instant noodles/(Tw) pirated software paomo 泡沫|foam/(soap) bubble/(economic) bubble paomo 泡馍|meat and bread soup (a specialty of S... paomogu 泡蘑菇|to procrastinate/to shilly-shally and... paomojingji 泡沫经济|bubble economy paomosuliao 泡沫塑料|styrofoam paoniu 泡妞|to pick up girls/to play around with ... paopao 泡泡|bubbles paopaodiandian 跑跑颠颠|to work hectically/to be on the go/to... paopaokouxiangtang 泡泡口香糖|bubble-gum paopaosha 泡泡纱|seersucker (cotton cloth with pattern... paopaotang 泡泡糖|bubble gum paopaowa 泡泡袜|loose socks/baggy socks paopaoyu 泡泡浴|bubble bath paopaoyulu 泡泡浴露|bubble bath lotion paopiao 跑票|to vote against the party line/to vot... paoqi 抛弃|to abandon/to discard/to renounce/to ... paoqian 炮钎|a drill/a hammer drill for boring thr... paoque 抛却|to discard paorju 炮儿局|police station (Beijing slang) paosa 抛撒|to sprinkle paosa 抛洒|to drip/to flow out/to sprinkle paosan 抛散|to scatter; to disperse paoshe 抛射|to throw/to shoot paoshengou 抛生藕|(Cantonese) (of a woman) to direct a ... paoshenr 跑神儿|absent-minded/one\'s mind is wandering paosheti 抛射体|projectile paoshewu 抛射物|projectile paoshou 炮手|gunner/artillery crew paoshou 抛售|to dump (selling abroad more cheaply ... paoshui 泡水|to infuse/to soak in water paota 炮塔|gun turret paotai 炮台|fort/battery paotang 泡汤|(coll.) to fizzle out; to come to not... paotang 跑堂|waiter (old) paotangrde 跑堂儿的|waiter paoteng 泡腾|to bubble/to fizz/to effervesce paoti 跑题|to digress; to stray from the topic paoti 抛体|projectile paoting 炮艇|gunboat paotingji 炮艇机|gunship (aircraft) paotong 泡桐|Paulownia (genus) paotong 炮铜|gunmetal (alloy of copper, tin and zinc) paotongse 炮铜色|gunmetal gray paotoulumian 抛头露面|to put oneself out in the public eye ... paotuan 跑团|tabletop role-playing game paotui 跑腿|to run errands paotuir 跑腿儿|to run errands paotuizi 跑腿子|(dialect) to live as a bachelor/bachelor paowei 跑味|to lose flavor paoweir 跑味儿|to lose flavor paowenquan 泡温泉|to soak in a spa or hot spring paowumian 抛物面|(geometry) paraboloid paowuxian 抛物线|parabola paoxia 抛下|to throw down/to dump/to abandon/thro... paoxiamao 抛下锚|to drop anchor paoxiang 炮响|sound of gunfire/fig. news of momento... paoxiao 咆哮|(of beasts of prey, torrents of water... paoxiaorulei 咆哮如雷|to be in a thundering rage (idiom) paoxie 跑鞋|running shoes paoxishi 庖牺氏|another name for 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1], consort... paoxiuqiu 抛绣球|throwing the embroidered ball (tradit... paoxuan 泡漩|eddy/whirlpool paoyewu 跑业务|(of a salesperson) to visit potential... paoying 泡影|(lit.) froth and shadows/(fig.) illus... paoying 跑赢|(finance) to outperform (the market);... paoyou 炮友|fuck buddy/friend with benefits paozao 泡澡|to bathe/to immerse oneself in a warm... paoze 袍泽|fellow soldier paozhan 炮战|artillery bombardment; artillery battle paozhang 炮仗|firecracker paozhaota 泡罩塔|distillation tower/bubble tower/plate... paozhe 跑者|runner paozhen 疱疹|blister/bleb (watery blister)/herpes ... paozhenbingdu 疱疹病毒|herpes virus (med.) paozhi 炮制|to concoct/to invent/to fabricate/to ... paozhi 抛掷|to throw; to toss paozhi 泡制|to infuse; to brew (a herbal remedy o... paozhu 炮竹|firecracker paozhuan 抛砖|to get the ball rolling (abbr. for 拋磚... paozhuanyinyu 抛砖引玉|lit. throw out a brick and get jade t... paozi 袍子|Chinese-style gown paozi 狍子|Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) paozi 泡子|small lake/pond paozi 泡子|light bulb paozou 跑走|to escape; to flee; to run away papapa 啪啪啪|(slang) to have sex/jig-a-jig papazou 趴趴走|(Tw) to wander about; to roam around ... papiti 帕皮提|Papeete, capital of French Polynesia paqiang 爬墙|to climb a wall/(fig.) to be unfaithful paqie 扒窃|to steal/to pick pockets/to frisk pasate 帕萨特|Passat (automobile) pashan 爬山|to climb a mountain/to mountaineer/hi... pashang 爬上|to climb up pashanhu 爬山虎|Boston ivy or Japanese creeper (Parth... pashansheshui 爬山涉水|to climb mountains and wade rivers (i... pasheng 爬升|to rise/to ascend/to climb (airplane ... pasheng 怕生|fear of strangers/to be afraid of str... pashi 怕事|timid/to be afraid of getting involve... pashou 扒手|pickpocket pashu 爬梳|to comb through (historical documents... pasi 帕斯|Perth, capital of Western Australia pasi 派司|(loanword)/pass (for gaining admittan... pasigui 怕死鬼|afraid to die (contemptuous term) pasika 帕斯卡|Pascal (name)/Blaise Pascal (1623-166... pasikaer 帕斯卡尔|Pascal (name) pasikaliubianxing 帕斯卡六边形|Pascal\'s hexagon pasikasanjiaoxing 帕斯卡三角形|Pascal\'s Triangle (math.) patainong 帕台农|Parthenon (Temple on the Acropolis, A... patainongshenmiao 帕台农神庙|Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis, At... pataya 帕塔亚|Pattaya or Phatthaya city in Chon Bur... patelike 帕特里克|Patrick (name) patelixia 帕特里夏|Patricia patelixia 帕特丽夏|Patricia pati 趴体|(loanword) party pati 趴踢|(loanword) party patinongshenmiao 帕提侬神庙|the Parthenon, Athens patiyaren 帕提亚人|Parthian pawaluodi 帕瓦罗蒂|Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007), Italia... paxi 帕西|Parsi/Farsi/Persian paxia 爬虾|mantis shrimp paxia 帕夏|pasha (loanword) paxing 爬行|to crawl/to creep paxingdongwu 爬行动物|reptile paxinglei 爬行类|reptiles/also written 爬行動物|爬行动物 paxiu 怕羞|coy/shy/bashful payang 怕痒|to be ticklish payin 琶音|(music) arpeggio payong 爬泳|crawl (swimming stroke) pazhou 琶洲|Pazhou district in Guangzhou, Guangdo... pazi 筢子|bamboo rake pazi 帕子|kerchief/handkerchief/headscarf pazi 耙子|a rake pdang P挡|park (gear)/program mode (on a digita... pei 配|to join/to fit/to mate/to mix/to matc... pei 陪|to accompany/to keep sb company/to as... pei 沛|copious/abundant pei 佩|to respect/to wear (belt etc) pei 佩|girdle ornaments pei 裴|surname Pei pei 裴|(of a garment) long and flowing pei 裴|variant of 裴[pei2] pei 赔|to compensate for loss/to indemnify/t... pei 锫|berkelium (chemistry) pei 胚|variant of 胚[pei1] pei 胚|embryo pei 培|to bank up with earth/to cultivate (l... pei 旆|pennant/streamer pei 帔|cape pei 霈|torrent of rain pei 醅|unstrained spirits pei 辔|bridle; reins pei 呸|pah!/bah!/pooh!/to spit (in contempt) pei 姵|(used in female names) pei 柸|to hate/bear grudge pei 斾|variant of 旆, pennant/banner pei 妚|variant of 胚[pei1]/embryo peiban 陪伴|to accompany peibei 配备|to allocate/to provide/to outfit with peiben 赔本|loss/to sustain losses peibu 配补|to replace (sth missing)/to restore peibushi 赔不是|to apologize peicai 配菜|side dish peican 配餐|catering peiceng 胚层|germ layer/layer of tissue in embryology peichan 陪产|to be present during childbirth peichang 赔偿|to compensate peichangjin 赔偿金|compensation peichangnv 陪唱女|KTV hostess peichangxiaojie 陪唱小姐|KTV hostess peichanjia 陪产假|paternity leave peichen 陪衬|to serve as a foil; to set off/a foil... peichen 配称|worthy peichuang 陪床|to look after a hospitalized loved one peidai 佩戴|to wear (as accessories) peidai 佩带|to wear (as accessories)/carry at the... peidai 配戴|to put on/to wear (mouthguard, contac... peidiangui 配电柜|power cabinet/switch box peidianqi 配电器|distributor (automobile) peidianzhan 配电站|power distribution substation peidu 陪读|to accompany one\'s child or spouse wh... peidu 陪都|provisional capital of a country (e.g... peidui 配对|to pair up/to match up/to form a pair... peiduir 配对儿|matched pair peie 配额|quota/ration peifa 配发|to issue/to distribute/to publish alo... peifang 配方|prescription/cooking recipe/formulati... peifangfa 配方法|completing the square (method of solv... peifangnai 配方奶|formula (milk) peifu 赔付|to pay out/to compensate/(insurance) ... peifu 佩服|to admire peigen 培根|bacon (loanword) peigong 沛公|Duke of Pei (i.e. 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1]) peihe 配合|matching/fitting in with/compatible w... peihu 陪护|to attend to the needs of (an invalid... peihuan 佩环|ring-like jade belt pendant peihui 裴回|see 徘徊[pai2 huai2] peihuo 配货|to put together an order of goods peiji 配给|to ration/to allocate peijia 配价|(linguistics) valence/valency peijia 陪嫁|dowry peijian 佩剑|sword/(fencing) saber peijian 配件|component/part/fitting/accessory/repl... peijianguagou 配件挂勾|accessory hook peijieka 配接卡|adapter (device) peijin 配筋|rebar (construction) peijiu 陪酒|to drink along (with sb) peijue 配角|supporting role; minor role/(of actor... peikuan 赔款|reparations/to pay reparations peilan 佩兰|orchid/fragrant thoroughwort/(botany)... peilefurenyouzhebing 赔了夫人又折兵|lit. having given away a bride, to lo... peilezi 培勒兹|Perez (name) peili 赔礼|to offer an apology/to make amends peilian 陪练|training partner/sparring partner peilian 陪奁|dowry peiliao 配料|ingredients (in a cooking recipe)/to ... peiliao 陪聊|to keep sb company for a chat/(esp.) ... peilikelisi 培里克利斯|Pericles (c. 495-429 BC), Athenian st... peilin 培林|(mechanical) bearing (loanword) (Tw) peilin 佩林|Palin (name)/Sarah Palin (1964-), US ... peilujia 佩鲁贾|Perugia (city in Italy) peiluoxi 佩洛西|Nancy Pelosi (1940-), US Democrat pol... peinang 胚囊|(botany) embryo sac peinangpao 胚囊泡|(biology) blastodermic vesicle peiou 配偶|spouse peipao 胚泡|(biology) blastocyst peipiniang 佩皮尼昂|Perpignan (city in France) peiqi 佩奇|Peppa, from Peppa Pig cartoon peiqian 赔钱|to lose money/to pay for damages peiqianhuo 赔钱货|unprofitable goods; item that can onl... peiru 胚乳|endosperm (botany) peise 配色|to coordinate colors peishang 赔上|to pay for sth with the loss of (one\'... peishentuan 陪审团|jury peishenyuan 陪审员|juror peishi 配饰|ornament (jewelry, accoutrements etc)... peishi 陪侍|to wait upon (older people)/to accomp... peishi 佩饰|ornament/pendant peishou 配售|to ration merchandise (esp. food in t... peishu 配属|troops attached to a unit peishui 陪睡|to trade sex for favorable treatment ... peisong 配送|to put together an order and deliver ... peisong 陪送|dowry/to give as a dowry/to accompany sb peisongdizhi 配送地址|delivery address peisongzhe 配送者|distributor peisu 配速|(loanword) pace (running) peitai 胚胎|embryo peitaifasheng 胚胎发生|embryogenesis peitaixue 胚胎学|embryology peitao 配套|to form a complete set/compatible/mat... peitaowanshan 配套完善|comprehensive peiti 配体|ligand peitong 陪同|to accompany peitou 辔头|bridle peitu 培土|to earth up peiwu 配伍|to blend two or more medicines/compat... peixian 沛县|Pei county in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], J... peixiao 赔笑|to smile apologetically or obsequiously peixiao 配销|distribution (of goods for sale) peixiaoxin 赔小心|to be conciliatory or apologetic/to t... peixing 配型|to check for compatibility (for an or... peixiu 培修|to repair earthworks peixun 培训|to cultivate/to train/to groom/training peixunban 培训班|training class peiya 胚芽|bud/sprout/germ peiya 培亚|Praia, capital of Cape Verde (Tw) peiyami 胚芽米|semipolished rice (i.e. rice minus th... peiyang 培养|to cultivate/to breed/to foster/to nu... peiyangji 培养基|culture medium peiyangmin 培养皿|Petri dish peiyangye 培养液|culture fluid (in biological lab.) peiyanjing 配眼镜|to have a pair of prescription glasse... peiyao 配药|to dispense (drugs)/to prescribe peiyaoshi 配钥匙|to make a key peiyaqiao 胚芽鞘|coleoptile, protective sheath coverin... peiyin 配音|dubbing (filmmaking) peiyong 配用|to provide/installed peiyou 配有|to be equipped with/to come with (sth) peiyu 培育|to train/to breed peiyue 配乐|to create music for a movie or stage ... peizai 配载|cargo stowage (shipping) peizang 陪葬|to be buried with or next to dead per... peizangpin 陪葬品|funerary objects (items buried togeth... peizhi 配置|to deploy/to allocate/configuration/a... peizhi 配制|to compound (medicines etc)/to prepar... peizhi 培植|to cultivate/to train/cultivation/tra... peizhong 配种|to breed/mating peizhong 配重|bobweight/(diving) weight peizhongjijie 配种季节|breeding season peizhu 胚珠|ovule peizhuang 配装|to install; to fit/to load goods (on ... peizi 配子|gamete peizui 赔罪|to apologize peizui 陪罪|to apologize/apology pen 盆|basin/flower pot/unit of volume equal... pen 喷|to spout; to spurt; to spray; to puff... pen 喷|(of a smell) strong/peak season (of a... pen 湓|flowing of water/name of a river pen 歕|old variant of 噴|喷[pen1] pen 呠|to spurt/to blow out/to puff out/to s... penbixi 喷鼻息|to snort penbo 喷薄|to gush/to squirt/to surge/to well ou... penbo 盆钵|generic term for pottery penboyuchu 喷薄欲出|to be on the verge of eruption (idiom... penchi 喷池|spray pool/spray condensing pool penchu 喷出|spout/spray/belch/to well up/to puff ... penchuyan 喷出岩|extrusive rock (geology) pendeng 喷灯|blowtorch; blowlamp pendi 盆地|(geography) basin/depression penfa 喷发|to erupt/an eruption penfan 喷饭|(coll.) to burst out laughing penfen 喷粪|to talk crap; to be full of shit peng 朋|friend peng 棚|shed/canopy/shack peng 彭|surname Peng peng 芃|luxuriant growth peng 蓬|surname Peng peng 蓬|fleabane (family Asteraceae)/dishevel... peng 硼|boron (chemistry) peng 捧|to hold or offer with both hands/to s... peng 鹏|Peng, large fabulous bird/roc peng 碰|variant of 碰[peng4] peng 碰|to touch/to meet with/to bump peng 碰|old variant of 碰[peng4] peng 烹|to boil; to brew (tea)/to cook by bri... peng 篷|sail peng 澎|used in 澎湃[peng2pai4]/Taiwan pr. [peng1] peng 抨|attack/impeach peng 漰|noise of dashing waves peng 膨|swollen peng 怦|(onom.) the thumping of one\'s heart peng 掤|to ward off (in tai chi) peng 堋|target in archery peng 椪|used in 椪柑[peng4gan1] peng 弸|strong bow/bowstring/to fill; full peng 砰|(onom.) bang/thump peng 搒|to whip/Taiwan pr. [beng4] peng 嘭|(onom.) bang peng 硑|old variant of 砰[peng1] peng 輣|war chariot (archaic) peng 鬅|disheveled peng 痭|menorrhagia peng 淜|roar of dashing waves peng 䦕|variant of 閛[peng1] peng 閛|the sound of opening or closing the door peng 蟛|used in 蟛蜞[peng2qi2] peng 匉|noise of waters pengan 蓬安|Peng\'an county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 ch... penganxian 蓬安县|Peng\'an county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 ch... pengbei 捧杯|to hold the winner\'s trophy; to win t... pengbi 碰壁|to hit a wall/(fig.) to hit a brick w... pengbi 蓬荜|poor person\'s house/humble home pengbi 蓬筚|poor person\'s house/humble home pengbishengguang 蓬筚生光|Your presence brings light to my humb... pengbishengguang 蓬荜生光|Your presence brings light to my humb... pengbishenghui 蓬荜生辉|Your presence brings light to my humb... pengbiweijian 朋比为奸|to conspire/to gang up pengbo 蓬勃|vigorous; flourishing; full of vitality pengbo 彭博|Bloomberg (name)/Michael Bloomberg (1... pengbo 彭勃|Peng Bo pengboshe 彭博社|Bloomberg News pengbotongxunshe 彭博通讯社|Bloomberg L.P., financial software se... pengboxinwenshe 彭博新闻社|Bloomberg News pengbu 篷布|tarpaulin pengcha 烹茶|to brew tea pengchang 捧场|to show one\'s support for a performer... pengche 篷车|covered truck/caravan/van pengchengwanli 鹏程万里|the fabled roc flies ten thousand mil... pengchi 朋驰|same as 奔馳|奔驰[Ben1 chi2] pengchoujiao 捧臭脚|(coll.) to bootlick pengchu 碰触|to touch pengci 碰瓷|(coll.) to scam sb by setting up an \"... pengci 碰磁|variant of 碰瓷[peng4ci2] pengcir 碰瓷儿|erhua variant of 碰瓷[peng4ci2] pengda 膨大|to swell; to inflate pengdang 朋党|clique pengdao 碰到|to come across/to run into/to meet/to... pengdao 碰倒|to knock sth over pengdaotianshang 捧到天上|to praise lavishly pengdehuai 彭德怀|Peng Dehuai (1898-1974), top communis... pengding 篷顶|canopy/roof/ceiling pengding 棚顶|canopy/roof/ceiling pengdingkang 彭定康|Chris Patten (1944-), last British Go... pengdingzi 碰钉子|to meet with a rebuff pengdu 捧读|(courteous) to read respectfully pengfu 捧腹|to split one\'s sides laughing; to roa... pengfu-daxiao 捧腹大笑|(idiom) to split one\'s sides laughing pengfu-juedao 捧腹绝倒|to laugh until it hurts; to laugh hea... penggaibu 篷盖布|sail cloth penggan 椪柑|ponkan, a variety of tangerine penggen 捧哏|straight man (supporting role in comi... pengheng 彭亨|Pahang province of Malaysia penghong 捧红|to make popular; to make famous penghu 棚户|shacks/shack-dwellers/slum-dwellers penghu 澎湖|Penghu county (Pescadores Islands), T... penghu 彭湖|Penghu island county of Taiwan, off t... penghu 蓬壶|fabled island in Eastern sea, abode o... penghu 蓬户|thatched house/poor person\'s house/hu... penghua 捧花|(wedding) bouquet penghudao 彭湖岛|Penghu island county of Taiwan, off t... penghudao 澎湖岛|Pescadores Islands, Penghu county, Ta... penghuliedao 澎湖列岛|Pescadores Islands, Taiwan penghuqu 棚户区|shantytown penghuqundao 澎湖群岛|Penghu or Pescadores, archipelago of ... penghuwengyou 蓬户瓮牖|thatched house, broken urn windows (i... penghuxian 澎湖县|Penghu county (Pescadores Islands), T... pengji 抨击|to attack (verbally or in writing) pengji 碰击|to knock against/to knock together/to... pengjia 棚架|trellis/scaffolding pengjiagezi 棚架格子|trellis latticework pengjian 碰见|to run into/to meet (unexpectedly)/to... pengjiang 蓬江|Pengjiang district of Jiangmen city 江... pengjiangqu 蓬江区|Pengjiang district of Jiangmen city 江... pengjiayu 彭佳屿|Pengjia Island, administered as part ... pengju 蓬居|pauper\'s thatched hut pengjue 捧角|to applaud and praise a favorite actor pengjuer 捧角儿|erhua variant of 捧角[peng3jue2] pengke 朋克|punk (music style) (loanword) penglai 蓬莱|(Chinese mythology) Penglai, one of t... penglaimi 蓬莱米|Taiwan round-grained glutinous rice (... penglaixianjing 蓬莱仙境|Penglai, island of immortals/fairyland pengliyuan 彭丽媛|Peng Liyuan (1962-), PRC folk music s... pengluan 蓬乱|matted (of straw or hair)/unkempt/ove... pengmama 彭麻麻|Mommy Peng, nickname for Peng Liyuan ... pengmenbihu 蓬门荜户|overgrown gate, wicker windows (idiom... pengmenbihu 蓬门筚户|overgrown gate, wicker windows (idiom... pengmian 碰面|to meet/to run into (sb)/to get toget... pengniao 鹏鸟|roc (mythical bird of prey)/great talent pengpai 澎湃|(of the sea etc) surging; tempestuous... pengpeng 蓬蓬|luxuriant/abundant/(onom.) booming so... pengpeng 蓬蓬|overgrown/unkempt (of hair) pengpeng 砰砰|(onom.) slam pengpeng 怦怦|thumping sound (onom.)/to be eager an... pengpengche 碰碰车|bumper car pengqi 蟛蜞|crab of family Sesarmidae pengqiao 碰巧|by chance/by coincidence/to happen to pengran 怦然|with a sudden shock, bang etc pengranxindong 怦然心动|(idiom) to feel a rush of excitement pengren 烹饪|cooking; culinary arts pengrenfa 烹饪法|cuisine/culinary art/cookery/recipe pengrong 蓬茸|lush/luxuriant (of grass or hair)/sof... pengruntu 膨润土|bentonite (mineralogy) pengsan 蓬散|loose; ruffled; disheveled pengsha 硼砂|borax pengsha 捧杀|to praise sb in a way that does them ... pengshang 碰上|to run into/to come upon/to meet pengshangtian 捧上天|to praise to the skies; to shower wit... pengshougoumian 蓬首垢面|lit. with disheveled hair and a dirty... pengshuimiaozutujiazuzizhixian 彭水苗族土家族自治县|Pengshui Miao and Tujia Autonomous Co... pengshuixian 彭水县|Pengshui Miao and Tujia autonomous co... pengsi 彭斯|Mike Pence (1959-), US Republican pol... pengsong 蓬松|fluffy pengsongji 膨松剂|leavening agent pengsuan 硼酸|boric acid H3BO3 pengsun 碰损|bruising (damage to soft fruit etc) pengtiao 烹调|to cook pengtiaoshu 烹调术|cookery pengtou 碰头|to meet/to hold a meeting pengtougoumian 蓬头垢面|messy hair and dirty face/bad appearance pengtousanfa 蓬头散发|disheveled pengtouxianzu 蓬头跣足|matted hair and bare feet/unkempt pengtuan 鹏抟|to strive for greatness pengtuo 捧托|to hold up with both hands penguan 喷灌|sprinkler irrigation pengxi 蓬溪|Pengxi county in Suining 遂寧|遂宁[Sui4 n... pengxian 彭县|Peng county in Sichuan pengxin 蓬心|narrow and bending/unkempt interior pengxixian 蓬溪县|Pengxi county in Suining 遂寧|遂宁[Sui4 n... pengya 膨压|turgor pressure (botany) pengyang 彭阳|Pengyang county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan... pengyangou 彭养鸥|Peng Yangou, late Qing novelist, auth... pengyangxian 彭阳县|Pengyang county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan... pengyibizihui 碰一鼻子灰|lit. to have one\'s nose rubbed in the... pengyou 朋友|friend/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] pengyouqibukeqi 朋友妻不可欺|you should not covet your friend\'s wi... pengyouquan 朋友圈|Moments (social networking function o... pengyunqi 碰运气|to try one\'s luck/to leave sth to chance pengze 彭泽|Pengze county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi pengzexian 彭泽县|Pengze county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi pengzhang 膨胀|to expand/to inflate/to swell pengzhen 彭真|Peng Zhen (1902-1997), Chinese commun... pengzhi 烹制|to cook/to prepare (food) pengzhou 彭州|Pengzhou, county-level city in Chengd... pengzhoushi 彭州市|Pengzhou, county-level city in Chengd... pengzhu 烹煮|to cook/to boil pengzhuang 碰撞|to collide/collision pengzhuangzaoshan 碰撞造山|collisional orogeny/mountain building... pengzi 棚子|shack/shed/CL:間|间[jian1] pengzu 彭祖|Peng Zu (legendary figure of Taoism w... penhu 喷壶|spray bottle penhua 盆花|potted flower penhuo 喷火|to shoot flames/to erupt (of volcanoe... penhuoqi 喷火器|flamethrower penjian 喷溅|to splash; to splatter penjing 盆景|bonsai/landscape in a pot penmo 喷墨|ink jet penpenxiang 喷喷香|see 香噴噴|香喷喷[xiang1 pen1 pen1] penqi 喷漆|to spray paint or lacquer/lacquer penqi 喷气|to spurt steam (or air etc) penqiang 喷枪|spray gun penqiang 盆腔|the pelvic cavity/birth canal penqifadongji 喷气发动机|jet engine penqiji 喷气机|jet plane penqishi 喷气式|jet-propelled penqishifeiji 喷气式飞机|jet aircraft penqituijinshiyanshi 喷气推进实验室|Jet Propulsion Laboratory, R&D center... penquan 喷泉|fountain pensa 喷洒|to spray/to sprinkle pensaqi 喷洒器|sprinkler; sprayer pensha 喷砂|sandblasting/abrasive blasting penshe 喷射|to spurt; to spray; to jet/spurt; spr... pensheji 喷射机|jet plane/spraying machine penshuichi 喷水池|a fountain penshuihu 喷水壶|watering can/sprinkling can pensitou 喷丝头|spinneret/extrusion nozzle pentazuoxin 喷他佐辛|(loanword) pentazocine (a synthetic o... penti 喷嚏|sneeze pentiji 喷嚏剂|sternutator pentong 喷桶|watering can pentou 喷头|nozzle/spray-head penwu 喷雾|mist spray/atomizing penwuqi 喷雾器|sprayer; atomizer penxiang 喷香|fragrant/delicious penyong 喷涌|to bubble out/to squirt penyou 盆友|(Internet slang) friend (pun on 朋友[pe... penyu 盆浴|bathtub penzai 盆栽|to grow (a plant) in a pot/potted pla... penzi 盆子|basin penzi 喷子|sprayer; spraying apparatus/(slang) f... penzui 喷嘴|nozzle/extrusion nozzle penzuir 喷嘴儿|erhua variant of 噴嘴|喷嘴[pen1 zui3] pi 批|to ascertain/to act on/to criticize/t... pi 否|clogged/evil pi 皮|surname Pi pi 皮|leather/skin/fur/CL:張|张[zhang1]/pico-... pi 披|to drape over one\'s shoulders/to open... pi 蜱|tick (zoology) pi 脾|spleen pi 屁|fart/flatulence/nonsense/(usu. in the... pi 劈|to hack/to chop/to split open/(of lig... pi 劈|to split in two/to divide pi 霹|used in 霹靂|霹雳[pi1li4] and 霹雷[pi1lei2] pi 坯|blank (e.g. for a coin)/unburnt earth... pi 丕|grand pi 辟|penal law/variant of 闢|辟[pi4] pi 辟|to open (a door)/to open up (for deve... pi 郫|place name pi 癖|habit/hobby pi 芘|Malva sylvestris pi 毗|to adjoin/to border on pi 毗|variant of 毗[pi2] pi 裨|surname Pi pi 裨|subordinate/secondary/small pi 埤|low wall pi 疲|weary pi 陂|used in 黃陂|黄陂[Huang2pi2], a district ... pi 砒|arsenic pi 铍|beryllium (chemistry) pi 仳|to part pi 噼|child\'s buttocks (esp. Cantonese)/(on... pi 陴|parapet pi 苉|picene (C22H14) pi 琵|see 琵琶, pipa lute pi 僻|(bound form) remote/out of the way/of... pi 痞|constipation/lump in the abdomen pi 邳|surname Pi/Han dynasty county in pres... pi 邳|variant of 丕[pi1] pi 蚽|a kind of insect (old) pi 嚭|great/great fortune pi 罴|brown bear pi 擗|(literary) to beat the breast/to brea... pi 媲|to match/to pair pi 譬|to give an example pi 鲏|used in 鰟鮍|鳑鲏[pang2pi2]/Taiwan pr. [pi1] pi 貔|see 貔貅[pi2 xiu1], composite mythical ... pi 淠|luxuriant (of water plants) pi 纰|error/carelessness/spoiled silk pi 枇|used in 枇杷[pi2pa5] pi 狓|used in the transcription of \"okapi\" ... pi 睥|used in 睥睨[pi4ni4]/Taiwan pr. [bi4] pi 鼙|drum carried on horseback pi 澼|bleach/to clean pi 甓|glazed tile pi 狉|puppy badger pi 秠|(millet) pi 庀|to prepare pi 阰|mountain in ancient Chu pi 蚍|see 蚍蜉[pi2 fu2] pi 笓|to comb/fine-toothed comb/trap for pr... pi 鴄|wild duck pi 錍|flat arrow-head/plow blade/also pr. [... pi 伾|multitudinous/powerful pi 髲|a wig pi 䴙|used in 鷿鷈|䴙䴘[pi4 ti1] pi 䴙|variant of 鷿|䴙[pi4] pi 魾|Bagarius, an Asian genus of catfishes pi 匹|(bound form) matching; comparable to/... pi 啤|beer pi 圮|destroyed/injure pi 潎|rippling/pour pi 匹|variant of 匹[pi3]/classifier for clot... pi 𬳵|(horse) piaier 皮埃尔|Pierre (name) pian 篇|sheet/piece of writing/bound set of b... pian 片|disk/sheet pian 片|thin piece/flake/a slice/film/TV play... pian 偏|to lean/to slant/oblique/prejudiced/t... pian 匾|basket-couch in coffin pian 翩|to fly fast pian 骈|surname Pian pian 骈|(of a pair of horses) to pull side by... pian 魸|catfish pian 骗|to cheat/to swindle/to deceive/to get... pian 扁|surname Pian pian 扁|(bound form) small pian 囨|expression of contempt equivalent to ... pian 谝|to brag pian 胼|used in 胼胝[pian2 zhi1] pian 便|used in 便宜[pian2yi5]/used in 便便[pian2... pian 楩|(tree) pian 騗|old variant of 騙|骗[pian4]/to get on a... pian 蹁|to limp pian 猵|used in 猵狙[pian4 ju1] pian 犏|used in 犏牛[pian1 niu2] pianai 偏爱|to be partial towards sth/to favor/to... pianan 偏安|content to hold a small part of the t... pianan 骗案|scam/fraud pianbao 骗保|to commit insurance fraud piancai 偏才|talent in a particular area piancha 偏差|bias/deviation pianchajuli 偏差距离|offset distance pianchang 片场|filming location; film set pianchang 片长|length (duration) of a film pianchong 偏宠|to favor/to prefer/to show favoritism pianchou 片酬|remuneration for playing a role in a ... pianci 偏辞|one-sided words/prejudice/flattery piandai 偏待|to show favoritism against sb/to trea... piandang 偏宕|extremely (stubborn, contrary, disobe... piandi 偏低|to be on the low side; to be inadequa... piandian 偏殿|side palace hall/side chamber pianduan 片段|fragment (of speech etc)/extract (fro... pianduan 片断|section/fragment/segment pianfang 偏方|folk remedy/home remedy pianfang 偏房|side room/concubine pianfei 偏废|to give unequal emphasis to/doing som... pianfeng 偏锋|brush stroke to the side (calligraphy... pianfu 篇幅|length (of a piece of writing)/space ... piangao 偏高|to be on the high side/to be unusuall... piangong 骗供|to cheat sb into confessing/to induce... pianguan 偏关|Pianguan county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zh... pianguang 偏光|polarized light pianguangjing 偏光镜|polarizing filter pianguanxian 偏关县|Pianguan county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zh... pianhang 偏航|to diverge (from one\'s bearing, fligh... pianhao 偏好|to have a special liking (for sth) pianhu 偏护|to protect a croney/to give unprincip... pianhua 片花|trailer (for a movie) pianhuang 偏黄|yellowish pianji 片剂|(pharmacology) tablet pianji 偏激|extreme (usu. of thoughts, speech, ci... pianji 偏极|(physics) polarization pianjiaming 片假名|katakana (Japanese script) pianjian 偏见|prejudice/bias pianjian 骈肩|shoulder to shoulder pianjiang 偏将|deputy general pianjiao 偏角|angle of drift (navigation)/deflectio... pianjihua 偏极化|polarization/polarized pianjijing 偏极镜|polarizing lens/polarizer pianjing 片警|community police officer; police offi... pianju 骗局|a swindle/a trap/a racket/a scam/CL:場... pianju 猵狙|mythical beast similar to an ape with... pianke 片刻|short period of time/a moment pianke 偏科|to overemphasize some topic (at the e... pianlao 偏劳|undue trouble/Thank you for having go... pianli 偏离|to deviate/to diverge/to wander pianli 骈俪|parallel (sentences)/parallel prose pianli-gongqi 偏利共栖|(biology) to have a commensal relatio... pianli-gongsheng 偏利共生|(biology) to have a commensal relatio... pianmayan 片麻岩|gneiss pianmen 偏门|side door/doing things by the side do... pianmian 片面|unilateral/one-sided pianming 片名|movie title pianmu 篇目|table of contents pianniu 犏牛|offspring of a bull and a female yak pianouwenfeng 骈偶文风|early Tang literary style despised as... pianpang 偏旁|component of a Chinese character (as ... pianpi 偏僻|remote/desolate/far from the city pianpian 偏偏|(indicating that sth turns out just t... pianpian 翩翩|elegant/graceful/smart/to dance lightly pianpian 便便|obese/bulging pianpianqiwu 翩翩起舞|(to start) dancing lightly and gracef... pianpo 偏颇|biased; partial pianqiao 偏巧|by coincidence/it so happened that/fo... pianqu 骗取|to gain by cheating pianr 片儿|sheet/thin film pianranerzhi 翩然而至|come trippingly pianren 骗人|to cheat sb/a scam pianrjing 片儿警|local or neighborhood policeman piansanlun 偏三轮|old-style cycle with lateral third wh... piansanlunmotuoche 偏三轮摩托车|motorbike with sidecar pianse 骗色|to trick sb into having sex piansha 偏厦|side annex/lean-to pianshang 片商|movie production company/film distrib... pianshi 片时|a short time/a moment pianshi 偏食|partial to (some kinds of food, usu. ... pianshi 篇什|poem pianshi 偏师|military auxiliaries (archaic) pianshi 偏蚀|partial eclipse pianshouzhizu 胼手胝足|lit. with calluses on hands and feet ... pianshu 骗术|trick/deceit piansi 偏私|to practice favoritism piantai 偏态|skewness (math) piantan 偏瘫|paralysis of one side of the body; he... piantan 偏袒|to bare one shoulder/(fig.) to side w... pianteng 偏疼|to favor a junior/to show favoritism ... pianti 偏题|to go off-topic; to stray from the to... pianti 骈体|parallel prose (ancient literary style) piantingpianxin 偏听偏信|selective listening/to hear what one ... piantou 片头|leader (blank section at the beginnin... piantou 片头|(cinema, TV) title sequence; opening ... piantoutong 偏头痛|migraine piantu 骗徒|cheat/swindler pianwei 片尾|closing segment of a film or TV show ... pianweifen 偏微分|(math.) partial differential/(math.) ... pianweifenfangcheng 偏微分方程|partial differential equation (PDE) pianwu 偏误|bias (statistics) pianxi 偏西|inclining to the west (e.g. of the su... pianxi 偏析|segregation (metallurgy) pianxia 偏狭|prejudiced/narrow-minded pianxian 翩跹|spry and lively (of dancing and movem... pianxiang 偏向|partial towards sth/to prefer/to incl... pianxie 偏斜|crooked/not upright/diverging from st... pianxie 骈胁|fused ribs (physical deformity) pianxiebuzheng 偏邪不正|biased/prejudiced (idiom) pianxin 偏心|partial/biased/prejudiced/eccentric pianxinju 偏心矩|axis of eccentricity pianxinlv 偏心率|(math.) eccentricity pianxinyan 偏心眼|bias/partiality/to be partial pianxuan 便嬛|(old) graceful pianya 偏压|biasing (electronics)/bias voltage pianyan 片岩|(geology) schist pianyao 偏要|to insist on doing sth/must do it, de... pianyi 偏移|displacement/deviation/offset pianyi 便宜|cheap; inexpensive/a petty advantage/... pianyi 偏倚|to be partial; to favor pianyihuo 便宜货|a bargain/cheap goods pianyu 片语|phrase pianyuan 偏远|remote/far from civilization pianyue 片约|movie contract pianyun 篇韵|abbr. for Yupian 玉篇[Yu4 pian1] and Gu... pianzhang 篇章|chapter; section (of a written work);... pianzhen 偏振|polarization (of waves) pianzhenbo 偏振波|polarized wave pianzhengshihechengci 偏正式合成词|modified compound word pianzhenguang 偏振光|polarization of light/polarized light pianzhenjing 偏振镜|polarizing filter pianzhi 偏执|extreme and inflexible; fixated; stub... pianzhi 胼胝|callus pianzhi 偏置|offset/biasing (electronics)/bias vol... pianzhidianliu 偏置电流|bias current (electronics) pianzhidianzu 偏置电阻|bias impedance (electronics) pianzhikuang 偏执狂|paranoia; monomania pianzhiti 胼胝体|(anatomy) corpus callosum pianzhixing 偏执型|paranoid (psych.) pianzhong 偏重|to stress in a prejudiced way/to emph... pianzhong 片中|in the movie pianzhou 扁舟|(literary) small boat; skiff pianzhu 偏注|to stress in a prejudiced way/to emph... pianzhuan 偏转|deflection (physics)/deviation (away ... pianzhuanjiao 偏转角|angle of drift (navigation)/deflectio... pianzi 骗子|swindler/a cheat pianzi 片子|film/movie/film reel/phonograph recor... pianzi 片子|thin flake/small piece pianzou 骗走|to cheat (sb out of sth)/to swindle (... piao 飘|variant of 飄|飘[piao1] piao 飘|to float (in the air); to flutter; to... piao 票|ticket/ballot/banknote/CL:張|张[zhang1]... piao 朴|surname Piao/Korean surname (Park, Pa... piao 漂|to float/to drift piao 漂|to bleach piao 漂|used in 漂亮[piao4liang5] piao 嫖|to visit a prostitute piao 瓢|dipper/ladle piao 瞟|to cast a glance piao 缥|used in 縹渺|缥渺[piao1 miao3]/Taiwan pr.... piao 缥|(literary) light blue/(literary) ligh... piao 骠|white horse piao 莩|variant of 殍[piao3] piao 嘌|(literary) fast/speedy/used in 嘌呤[pia... piao 剽|to rob/swift/nimble/Taiwan pr. [piao4] piao 薸|duckweed piao 殍|(literary) to die of starvation piao 螵|used in 螵蛸[piao1xiao1] piao 僄|light/airy piao 皫|white piaobai 漂白|to bleach/to whiten piaobaiji 漂白剂|bleach piaobaishui 漂白水|bleach piaobo 漂泊|(of a boat) to float; to drift; to li... piaobo 飘泊|variant of 漂泊[piao1 bo2] piaochang 嫖娼|to visit prostitutes/to go whoring piaochen 飘尘|floating dust/atmospheric particles piaochong 瓢虫|ladybug/ladybird piaodai 飘带|streamer/pennant piaodang 飘荡|to drift/to wave/to float on the wave... piaodang 漂荡|variant of 飄盪|飘荡[piao1 dang4] piaodong 飘动|to float/to drift piaofang 票房|box office piaofanzi 票贩子|ticket scalper piaofeng 飘风|whirlwind/stormy wind piaofu 漂浮|to float/to hover/to drift (also fig.... piaofu 飘浮|to float/to hover/also written 漂浮 piaofu 飘拂|to drift lightly piaogen 票根|ticket stub piaogeng 瓢羹|(dialect) spoon piaohai 飘海|to go abroad piaohan 剽悍|swift and fierce piaohu 飘忽|swiftly moving/fleet/to sway piaohubuding 飘忽不定|to drift without a resting place (idi... piaohui 票汇|draft remittance piaohuo 票活|to work as amateur for no pay piaoji 嫖妓|to visit a prostitute piaojia 票价|ticket price; fare; admission fee piaojinhui 朴槿惠|Park Geun-hye (1952-), Korean politic... piaoju 飘举|to dance/to float in the wind piaoju 票据|negotiable instrument (draft, note et... piaojuan 飘卷|to flutter piaojue 票决|to decide by vote piaojufa 票据法|negotiable instruments act piaoka 票卡|machine-readable card that serves as ... piaoke 嫖客|patron of a brothel piaolei 漂雷|floating mine piaoli 漂砾|boulder piaoliang 漂亮|pretty; beautiful piaoling 嘌呤|purine (loanword) piaoling 飘零|to fall and wither (like autumn leave... piaoling 漂零|variant of 飄零|飘零[piao1 ling2] piaoliu 漂流|to float on the current/to drift alon... piaoliu 飘流|variant of 漂流[piao1 liu2] piaoliuping 漂流瓶|message in a bottle piaoliuzhe 漂流者|white water rafter/paddler/river runner piaoluo 飘落|to float down/to fall gently (snowfla... piaolv 漂绿|to greenwash piaomianzhi 票面值|par value/face value (of a bond) piaomiao 缥缈|variant of 飄渺|飘渺[piao1 miao3] piaomiao 飘渺|faintly discernible; indistinct; misty piaomiao 缥渺|variant of 飄渺|飘渺[piao1 miao3] piaomiao 飘缈|variant of 飄渺|飘渺[piao1 miao3] piaonang 缥囊|book bag made of silk piaopeng 飘蓬|to float in the wind/by ext., to lead... piaopiao 飘飘|to float about/to flutter (in the bre... piaopiaoran 飘飘然|elated/light and airy feeling (after ... piaopo 瓢泼|(of rain) pouring piaopodayu 瓢泼大雨|downpour (idiom) piaopoerxia 瓢泼而下|(of rain) to fall heavily piaoqie 剽窃|to plunder/to plagiarize piaoquan 票券|voucher/share/share certificate piaoran 飘然|to float in the air/swiftly/nimbly/ea... piaoran 漂染|to bleach and dye piaosa 飘洒|suave/graceful/fluent and elegant (ca... piaosan 飘散|to waft (through the air); to drift piaoshu 票数|number of votes/poll count piaosu 嫖宿|to spend the night at a brothel piaowu 飘舞|to fly up/to dance in the air (of sno... piaoxi 漂洗|to rinse (clothes) piaoxiang 飘香|(of a fragrance) to waft about/(fig.)... piaoxiang 票箱|ballot box piaoxiao 螵蛸|ootheca, i.e. eggs in their capsule, ... piaoxuan 票选|to vote by ballot piaoxue 飘雪|to snow piaoyang 飘扬|to wave/to flutter/to fly piaoyang 漂洋|to cross the ocean piaoyang 飘洋|variant of 漂洋[piao1yang2] piaoyao 飘摇|floating in the wind/swaying/totterin... piaoyao 飘飖|variant of 飄搖|飘摇[piao1 yao2] piaoyao 漂摇|swaying/tottering/unstable piaoyi 漂移|to drift piaoyi 飘移|to drift piaoyi 飘逸|graceful/elegant/to drift/to float piaoyou 票友|an amateur actor (e.g. in Chinese opera) piaoyou 漂游|drift piaoyour 票友儿|an amateur actor (e.g. in Chinese opera) piaoyu 漂鹬|(bird species of China) wandering tat... piaoyuan 票源|(Tw) voter base piaozhan 票站|polling station piaozheng 票证|a ticket/a pass (e.g. to enter a buil... piaozhengxi 朴正熙|Park Chung-Hee (1917-1979), South Kor... piaozhixing 朴智星|Park Ji-sung (1981-), South Korean fo... piaozhuang 票庄|money shop (ancient form of banking b... piaozi 嫖资|prostitute\'s fee for service piaozou 漂走|to float away; to drift; to be swept off piban 批办|to approve and carry out/to issue app... pibao 皮包|handbag/briefcase pibaogongsi 皮包公司|lit. briefcase company/dummy corporat... pibaogutou 皮包骨头|to be all skin and bones (idiom)/also... pibazi 批八字|to have one\'s fortune read/system of ... pibei 疲惫|beaten/exhausted/tired pibeibukan 疲惫不堪|exhausted/fatigued to the extreme pibian 皮鞭|lash pibian 丕变|radical change pibo 批驳|to criticize/to refute pibu 批捕|to authorize an arrest pibu 坯布|unbleached and undyed cloth/gray cloth picao 皮草|fur clothing piceng 皮层|cortex picengxing 皮层性|cortical picengxingshisunshang 皮层性视损伤|cortical visual impairment (CVI) picha 劈叉|the splits (move in dancing)/to do th... pichai 劈柴|to chop firewood/to split logs pichai 劈柴|chopped wood/firewood pichi 皮尺|tape measure pichong 蜱虫|tick (the parasitic arachnid) pichu 僻处|to be located in (a remote place)/to ... pichui 披垂|(of clothes, hair etc) to hang down a... pichuli 批处理|(computing) batch processing pidai 皮带|strap/leather belt/CL:條|条[tiao2],根[gen1] pidai 皮袋|leather bag/leather pouch (for liquid) pidaichuandong 皮带传动|a leather drive belt pidaikou 皮带扣|belt buckle pidaiyunshuji 皮带运输机|belt conveyor pidan 皮蛋|century egg; preserved egg pidang 批荡|to render (a wall) pidi 匹敌|to be equal to/to be well-matched/rival pidi 僻地|the sticks/the boondocks pidian 批点|to add critical marks or notes to a t... pidianpidian 屁颠屁颠|lit. jolting buttocks/(colloquial int... pidou 批斗|to drag sb before a public meeting to... pidoudahui 批斗大会|struggle session pidunr 屁墩儿|(dialect) a fall on the buttocks pie 撇|to cast away/to fling aside pie 撇|to throw/to cast/left-slanting downwa... pie 丿|radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi... pie 苤|used in 苤藍|苤蓝[pie3 lan5] pie 撆|variant of 撇[pie1] pie 乀|variant of 丿[pie3] pie 瞥|to shoot a glance/glance/to appear in... pie 氕|protium 1H/light hydrogen, the most c... piebu 撇步|(Tw) trick (of the trade); clever mov... piedatiao 撇大条|(slang) to take a dump piediao 撇掉|to skim froth or foam from the surfac... piehao 撇号|apostrophe piejian 瞥见|to glimpse piekai 撇开|to disregard; to leave aside piekaibutan 撇开不谈|to ignore an issue (idiom) pielan 苤蓝|kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea) pieqing 撇清|to say a matter has no relationship w... piequ 撇去|skim pier 皮尔|Pierre, capital of South Dakota piersen 皮尔森|Pearson (family name as well as vario... pietiao 撇条|(slang) to go to the toilet piexia 撇下|to cast away piezui 撇嘴|to curl one\'s lip/to twitch one\'s mouth pifa 批发|wholesale/bulk trade/distribution pifa 疲乏|tired/weary pifa 皮筏|leather float/inflatable raft pifajia 批发价|wholesale price pifashang 批发商|a wholesale business/distributor pifaye 批发业|wholesale business/bulk trade pifeng 披风|cloak/cape pifu 皮肤|skin/CL:層|层[ceng2],塊|块[kuai4] pifu 批复|to reply officially to a subordinate pifu 匹夫|ordinary man/ignorant person/coarse f... pifu 蚍蜉|a type of large ant pifu 批覆|to give an official response pifuai 皮肤癌|skin cancer pifubing 皮肤病|skin disease; skin condition; dermatosis pifuhandashu 蚍蜉撼大树|lit. an ant trying to shake a big tre... pifuhanshu 蚍蜉撼树|lit. an ant trying to shake a tree/to... pifujirounang 皮肤肌肉囊|dermo-muscular sac pifuke 皮肤科|dermatology pifulouniu 皮弗娄牛|beefalo (cross between domestic cattl... pifupifu 匹夫匹妇|ordinary people; commoners pigai 批改|to mark (homework, exam scripts etc)/... piganlidan 披肝沥胆|lit. to open one\'s liver and drip gal... pige 皮革|leather/CL:張|张[zhang1] pigeshang 皮革商|fellmonger/a dealer who works with an... pigu 屁股|buttocks/bottom/butt/back part pigua 披挂|to put on a suit of armor/to put on d... piguaquan 劈挂拳|Piguaquan \"Chop-Hanging Fist\" (Chines... pigudan 屁股蛋|butt cheek/rump pigudunr 屁股蹲儿|(dialect) a fall on the buttocks/prat... pigujuedingnaodai 屁股决定脑袋|lit. the butt governs the head (idiom... pigunniaoliu 屁滚尿流|to piss one\'s pants in terror (idiom)... piguyan 屁股眼|anus pihao 批号|lot number/batch number pihao 癖好|one\'s passion/one\'s obsession pihong 披红|to drape sb in red silk as a sign of ... pihu 罴虎|fierce animals pihua 屁话|bullshit; nonsense pihuang 皮黄|Beijing opera (or styles of song in)/... pihuating 皮划艇|canoes and kayaks/(sports) canoeing a... pihuatingjingshui 皮划艇静水|canoe-kayak flatwater pihui 批汇|to approve use of foreign currency pihuo 皮货|furs pijia 皮夹|wallet/Taiwan pr. [pi2 jia2] pijia 披甲|to don armor pijia 批假|to approve vacation pijia 批价|wholesale price/to settle an account/... pijia 批颊|to slap sb\'s cheeks pijian 披肩|cape/shawl/(of long hair) to trail ov... pijian 批件|approved document/document with writt... pijian 坯件|blank (for a coin etc)/breed or strain pijian 辟建|(Tw) to construct (on undeveloped land) pijiang 皮匠|cobbler pijin 皮筋|rubber band pijin 披巾|shawl pijing 僻静|lonely/secluded pijing 屁精|(slang) gay/sissy/poof/abbr. for 馬屁精|... pijingzhanji 披荆斩棘|lit. to cut one\'s way through thistle... pijitailai 否极泰来|extreme sorrow turns to joy (idiom) pijiu 啤酒|beer (loanword)/CL:杯[bei1],瓶[ping2],罐... pijiuchang 啤酒厂|brewery pijiudu 啤酒肚|beer belly pijiuhua 啤酒花|hops pijiujie 啤酒节|Beer Festival piju 皮具|leather products/CL:件[jian4] pijuan 疲倦|to tire/tired pijuan 批卷|to correct student papers/to grade ex... pika 皮卡|pickup (truck) (loanword) pikaer 皮卡尔|Picard (name) pikai 劈开|to cleave/to split open/to spread ope... pikairouzhan 皮开肉绽|flesh lacerated from corporal punishm... pike 匹克|Peak Sport Products Co., Chinese spor... pike 匹克|(guitar) pick (loanword) pikelin 皮克林|Pickering (name) pikeqiu 匹克球|(loanword) pickleball pikesi 皮克斯|Pixar Animation Studios pikongbanhai 劈空扳害|damaged by groundless slander (idiom) pikui 疲匮|tired/weary pikun 疲困|(literary) tired/fatigued/(economics)... pilan 披览|to pore over a book/to look and admire pilao 疲劳|fatigue/wearily/weariness/weary pilaozheng 疲劳症|fatigue pilei 疲累|tired/exhausted pilei 霹雷|thunderbolt pili 霹雳|Perak (state of Malaysia) pili 霹雳|thunderclap/(slang) awesome; shocking... pili 劈离|split pili 劈理|(mining) cleavage pilian 毗连|to adjoin pilian 劈脸|right in the face pilian 皮脸|naughty/cheeky/impudent/shameless piliang 批量|batch/lot pilianggoumai 批量购买|to buy in bulk/bulk buying piliangshengchan 批量生产|to mass produce piliao 坯料|semifinished materials/CL:塊|块[kuai4] pilie 劈裂|to split open/to cleave/to rend pilin 毗邻|bordering/adjacent to pilipala 劈里啪啦|variant of 噼裡啪啦|噼里啪啦[pi1 li5 pa1 la1] pilipala 噼里啪啦|(onom.) to crackle and rattle/to pitt... pilipala 批哩啪啦|variant of 噼裡啪啦|噼里啪啦[pi1 li5 pa1 la1] pilipala 霹雳啪啦|see 噼裡啪啦|噼里啪啦[pi1 li5 pa1 la1] piliunian 批流年|to cast sb\'s yearly horoscope piliwu 霹雳舞|to breakdance; breakdancing pilou 纰漏|careless mistake/slip-up pilu 披露|to reveal/to publish/to make public/t... pilu 琵鹭|spoonbill (wading bird of the family ... pimadaixiao 披麻戴孝|to wear mourning clothes/to be in mou... pimadaixiao 披麻带孝|to wear mourning clothes/to be in mou... pimali 匹马力|horsepower pimao 皮毛|fur/fur clothing/skin and hair/superf... pimei 媲美|to match/is comparable with pimi 披靡|to be swept by the wind/to be blown a... pimian 劈面|right in the face pimian 皮面|outer skin/surface/leather cover (of ... pimiao 皮秒|picosecond, ps, 10^-12 s pimin 屁民|(slang) shitizen/commoner/hoi polloi piming 批命|to tell sb\'s fortune pimiu 纰缪|error/mistake pimu 坯模|mold pin 频|frequency/frequently/repetitious pin 品|(bound form) article; commodity; prod... pin 拼|to piece together/to join together/to... pin 聘|to engage (a teacher etc)/to hire/to ... pin 贫|poor/inadequate/deficient/garrulous pin 嫔|imperial concubine pin 榀|classifier for roof beams and trusses pin 拚|variant of 拼[pin1] pin 颦|to scowl/to knit the brows pin 嚬|variant of 顰|颦[pin2] pin 姘|to be a mistress or lover pin 牝|(of a bird, animal or plant) female/k... pin 玭|pearl pin 矉|to glare angrily/to open the eyes wit... pin 礗|sound of crushed stone pin 𬞟|clover fern (Marsilea quadrifolia) pinang 皮囊|leather bag pinata 皮纳塔|(loanword) piñata pinban 拼版|to typeset/to make up (printers\' plates) pinban 拼板|to edge-join boards with glue to form... pinbanwanju 拼板玩具|jigsaw puzzle/wood block puzzle pinbanyouxi 拼板游戏|jigsaw puzzle; wood block puzzle pinbao 品保|quality assurance (QA) pinbingjiaojia 贫病交加|poverty compounded by ill health (idiom) pinbingjiaopo 贫病交迫|beset by poverty and illness (idiom) pinbo 拼搏|to struggle/to wrestle pinbuzuchi 贫不足耻|it is no disgrace to be poor (idiom) pincan 拼餐|(of people with tight budget) to enjo... pincha 品茶|to taste tea/to sip tea pinchang 品尝|to taste a small amount/to sample pinche 拼车|to carpool pincheng 拼成|to put sth together from component parts pinchuan 品川|Shinagawa River/Shinagawa district of... pinchuanqu 品川区|Shinagawa district of Tokyo pinci 拼刺|bayonet charge pinci 频次|frequency pincidao 拼刺刀|bayonet charge pincou 拼凑|to assemble/to put together pincuan 拼攒|to assemble pincuo 拼错|to misspell/to piece together incorre... pinda 品达|Pindar, Greek poet pindai 频带|frequency range/bandwidth pindao 频道|frequency/(television) channel pindao 贫道|poor Taoist pindaodi 拼到底|to brave it out/to the bitter end pinde 品德|moral character pindeng 品等|grade (quality of product) pindi 品第|grade (i.e. quality)/rank pindie 拼爹|(slang) to rely on one\'s father\'s wea... pindou 拼斗|to engage (in a fight) pindu 频度|frequency pindu 拼读|to pronounce a word after mentally pr... pinduan 频段|(radio) band/frequency band pinduoduo 拼多多|Pinduoduo, social e-commerce company ... pinfa 频发|(usu. of bad things) to frequently ha... pinfa 贫乏|impoverished/lacking/deficient/limite... pinfa 拼法|spelling/orthography pinfan 频繁|frequently/often pinfang 拼房|to rent a place with sb else to share... pinfei 嫔妃|imperial concubine pinfu 贫富|poor and rich pinfu 姘夫|lover (of a woman)/illicit partner/pa... pinfu 姘妇|mistress/concubine/kept woman pinfu 品服|costume/ceremonial dress (determining... pinfuchaju 贫富差距|disparity between rich and poor ping 平|surname Ping ping 平|flat/level/equal/to tie (make the sam... ping 屏|(standing) screen ping 凭|variant of 憑|凭[ping2] ping 凭|to lean against/to rely on/on the bas... ping 坪|a plain/ping, unit of area equal to a... ping 评|to discuss/to comment/to criticize/to... ping 瓶|bottle/vase/pitcher/CL:個|个[ge4]/class... ping 瓶|variant of 瓶[ping2] ping 萍|duckweed ping 苹|(artemisia)/duckweed ping 苹|used in 蘋果|苹果[ping2guo3] ping 乒|(onom.) ping/bing ping 枰|chess-like game ping 娉|graceful ping 屛|variant of 屏[ping2] ping 鲆|family of flatfish/sole ping 呯|(onom.) bang! (gong, gun firing etc) ping 帡|to cover/screen/awning ping 蓱|variant of 萍[ping2] ping 慿|old variant of 憑|凭[ping2] ping 幈|variant of 屏[ping2] ping 帲|variant of 帡[ping2] ping 洴|wash/bleach (fabric) ping 玶|name of one kind of jade ping 甁|variant of 瓶[ping2] ping 軿|curtained carriage used by women/to g... ping 甹|chivalrous knight ping 蚲|rice weevil ping 泙|sound of water splashing ping 砯|(old) (onom.) sound of water against ... ping 涄|(literary) runny; watery; fluid ping 俜|used in 伶俜[ling2ping1] ping 冯|to gallop/to assist/to attack/to wade... pingan 平安|safe and sound/well/without mishap/qu... pinganbeidao 平安北道|North P\'yong\'an Province in west of N... pingandao 平安道|P\'yong\'ando Province of Joseon Korea,... pinganli 平安里|Ping\'an Li (street name in Beijing) pingannandao 平安南道|South P\'yong\'an Province in west of N... pinganshengong 平安神宫|Heian Jingū or Heian Shrine, in Kyōto... pinganshidai 平安时代|Heian period (794-1185), period of Ja... pinganwushi 平安无事|safe and sound (idiom) pinganye 平安夜|Silent Night (Christmas carol)/Christ... pingbai 平白|for no reason/gratuitously pingbai 平摆|yawing (of a boat) pingbaiwugu 平白无故|(idiom) for no reason whatever; inexp... pingbaiwugu 凭白无故|variant of 平白無故|平白无故[ping2 bai2 wu2 gu4] pingban 平板|slab/plate/dull/monotonous/tablet (co... pingban 平版|lithographic plate pingbanche 平板车|handcart/trolley/flatbed truck pingbandiannao 平板电脑|tablet computer (iPad, Android device... pingbanshouji 平板手机|phablet (hybrid between a smart phone... pingbanzhicheng 平板支撑|plank (exercise) pingbao 屏保|screensaver/abbr. for 屏幕保護程序|屏幕保护程序[p... pingbaogai 平宝盖|name of \"cover\" radical in Chinese ch... pingbei 平辈|of the same generation pingbennengzuoshi 凭本能做事|to follow one\'s nose pingbi 评比|to evaluate (by comparison) pingbi 屏蔽|to screen/to block (sth or sb)/to shi... pingbianmiaozuzizhixian 屏边苗族自治县|Pingbian Mianzu autonomous county in ... pingbiguan 屏蔽罐|cask pingbihaitun 瓶鼻海豚|bottle-nosed dolphin (Tursiops trunca... pingbuqingyun 平步青云|to rapidly go up in the world/meteori... pingcang 平仓|to close a position (finance) pingchang 平昌|Pingchang county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan... pingchang 平常|ordinary/common/usually/ordinarily pingchangri 平常日|weekday pingchangxian 平昌县|Pingchang county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan... pingchangxin 平常心|levelheadedness/calmness/equanimity pingcheng 平成|Heisei, Japanese era name, correspond... pingcheng 平城|Pyongsong (city in North Korea) pingchou 平畴|level farmland/well-cultivated land pingchuan 平川|Pingchuan district of Baiyin city 白銀市... pingchuan 平川|an expanse of flat land pingchuanqu 平川区|Pingchuan district of Baiyin city 白銀市... pingdan 平淡|flat/dull/ordinary/nothing special pingdan 瓶胆|the vacuum bottle within the outer ca... pingdan 凭单|bill of warrant (certificate, allowin... pingdan 平旦|(literary) daybreak/dawn pingdanwuqi 平淡无奇|ordinary and mediocre (idiom); nothin... pingdeng 平等|equal/equality pingdenghuli 平等互利|mutual benefit/to share profits equit... pingdengzhuyi 平等主义|egalitarianism pingdi 平地|to level the land/level ground/plain pingdi 平底|flat bottomed/low heeled pingdian 评点|to comment/a point by point commentary pingdiao 凭吊|to visit a place for the memories/to ... pingdiguo 平底锅|frying pan pingdiji 平地机|land grader/road grader pingdimu 平地木|(TCM) Japanese ardisia (Ardisia japon... pingding 平顶|flat roof pingding 评定|to evaluate/to make one\'s judgment pingding 平定|Pingding county in Yangquan 陽泉|阳泉[Yan... pingding 平定|to pacify pingdingshan 平顶山|see 平頂山市|平顶山市[Ping2ding3shan1 Shi4] pingdingshanshi 平顶山市|Pingdingshan, prefecture-level city i... pingdingxian 平定县|Pingding county in Yangquan 陽泉|阳泉[Yan... pingdiqifengbo 平地起风波|trouble appearing from nowhere/unfore... pingdiqijia 平地起家|to start from scratch (idiom) pingdong 屏东|Pingtung city, county and military ai... pingdongshi 屏东市|Pingtung City in south Taiwan pingdongxian 屏东县|Pingtung County in south Taiwan pingdu 平度|Pingdu, county-level city in Qingdao ... pingduan 评断|to judge pingdushi 平度市|Pingdu, county-level city in Qingdao ... pinge 品格|one\'s character/fret (on fingerboard ... pingfan 平凡|commonplace/ordinary/mediocre pingfan 平反|to redress (an injustice); to rehabil... pingfang 平方|square (as in square foot, square mil... pingfang 平房|Pingfang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[H... pingfang 平房|bungalow/single-story house pingfangfanbidinglv 平方反比定律|inverse-square law (physics) pingfangfanbilv 平方反比律|inverse square law (physics) pingfanggen 平方根|square root pingfanggongli 平方公里|square kilometer pingfangmi 平方米|square meter pingfangpingjunshu 平方平均数|root mean square (RMS)/quadratic root pingfangqianmi 平方千米|square kilometer pingfangqu 平房区|Pingfang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[H... pingfangyingchi 平方英尺|square foot (unit of area equal to 0.... pingfen 评分|to grade/to mark (student\'s work)/gra... pingfen 平分|to divide evenly/to bisect (geometry)... pingfen 平坟|to remove graves/tomb removal pingfeng 屏风|(furniture) screen pingfenqiuse 平分秋色|to both share the limelight/to both h... pingfu 平伏|to pacify/to calm/calm/quiet/to lie o... pingfu 平抚|to calm/to appease/to quieten pingfu 平复|to calm down; to subside/to be cured;... pinggai 瓶盖|bottle cap pinggu 评估|to evaluate/to assess/assessment/eval... pinggu 平谷|Pinggu, a district of Beijing pinggu 平菇|oyster mushroom pingguo 苹果|apple/CL:個|个[ge4],顆|颗[ke1] pingguo 平锅|pan pingguodiannao 苹果电脑|Apple computer/Mac/Macintosh pingguodue 苹果蠹蛾|codling moth (Cydia pomonella) pingguogongsi 苹果公司|Apple Inc. pingguohe 苹果核|apple core pingguojiang 苹果酱|apple sauce/apple jam pingguojiu 苹果酒|cider pingguoli 苹果梨|Asian pear; sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) pingguoni 苹果泥|apple sauce pingguopai 苹果派|apple pie pingguoshouji 苹果手机|iPhone pingguoxianbing 苹果馅饼|apple pie pingguozhi 苹果汁|apple juice pingguqu 平谷区|Pinggu, a district of Beijing pingguxian 平谷县|former Pinggu county, now Pinggu rura... pinghe 平和|Pinghe county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 ... pinghe 平和|gentle/mild/moderate/placid pingheng 平衡|balance/equilibrium pinghengbang 平衡棒|haltere (insect anatomy) pinghengjue 平衡觉|sense of balance; equilibrioception pinghengmu 平衡木|beam (gymnastics)/balance beam pinghengtai 平衡态|balance/(state of) equilibrium pinghexian 平和县|Pinghe county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 ... pinghu 平湖|Pinghu, county-level city in Jiaxing ... pinghua 平滑|flat and smooth pinghua 评话|storytelling dramatic art dating back... pinghua 平话|storytelling dramatic art dating back... pinghuaji 平滑肌|smooth muscle (anatomy)/non-striated ... pinghuan 平缓|level; almost flat; not strongly slop... pinghuazi 平滑字|(typography) sans serif pinghui 平毁|to raze to the ground/to demolish pinghushi 平湖市|Pinghu, county-level city in Jiaxing ... pingji 评级|rating pingjia 评价|to evaluate/to assess pingjia 平价|reasonably priced/inexpensive/to keep... pingjia-fenlei 评价分类|to assess and classify pingjialianggui 评价量规|rubric (i.e. a guide listing specific... pingjiaming 平假名|hiragana (Japanese script) pingjian 评鉴|evaluation/assessment pingjian 平减|to deflate/to decrease (number, esp. ... pingjiang 平江|Pingjiang district of Suzhou city 蘇州市... pingjiang 评奖|to determine the recipient of an awar... pingjiangxian 平江县|Pingjiang county in Yueyang 岳陽|岳阳[Yue... pingjiao 平角|(math.) straight angle pingjiaodao 平交道|level crossing pingjie 凭借|to rely on/to depend on/by means of/t... pingjie 评介|to review (a book) pingjie 凭藉|to rely on/to depend on/by means of/t... pingjing 瓶颈|neck of a bottle/(fig.) bottleneck/pr... pingjing 平静|tranquil/undisturbed/serene pingjing 平靖|to suppress rebellion and quell unres... pingjinzhanyi 平津战役|Pingjin Campaign (Nov 1948-Jan 1949),... pingju 凭据|evidence pingju 平局|a draw (in competition)/a tie pingjuan 评卷|to grade exam papers pingjun 平均|average; on average/evenly; in equal ... pingjuncha 平均差|(math.) mean deviation pingjunchengbenfa 平均成本法|(finance) dollar cost averaging pingjunjiliang 平均剂量|average dose pingjunlv 平均律|equal temperament (music) pingjunshouming 平均寿命|life expectancy pingjunshouru 平均收入|average income pingjunshu 平均数|mean (statistics) pingjunzhi 平均值|average value pingjunzhidingli 平均值定理|the mean value theorem (in calculus) pingjunzhuyi 平均主义|egalitarianism pingkafeierte 萍卡菲尔特|Pinkafeld (Hungarian Pinkafő) Austria... pingkao 凭靠|to use/to rely on/by means of pingkong 凭空|baseless (lie)/without foundation pingkong 平空|variant of 憑空|凭空[ping2 kong1] pingkongniezao 凭空捏造|fabrication relying on nothing (idiom... pingkuaiche 平快车|local express pinglan 凭栏|to lean on a parapet pingle 平乐|Pingle county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2]... pinglexian 平乐县|Pingle county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2]... pingli 平利|Pingli County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1]... pingli 评理|to judge between right and wrong/to r... pingliang 平凉|see 平涼市|平凉市[Ping2liang2 Shi4] pingliangshi 平凉市|Pingliang, prefecture-level city in G... pinglin 坪林|Pinglin township in New Taipei City 新... pingling 凭陵|to ride roughshod over/to encroach pingling 瓶领|bottle collar pinglinxiang 坪林乡|Pinglin township in New Taipei City 新... pingliuceng 平流层|stratosphere pinglixian 平利县|Pingli County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1]... pinglu 平陆|Pinglu county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 ... pinglu 平鲁|Pinglu district of Shuozhou city 朔州市[... pinglun 评论|to comment on/to discuss/comment/comm... pinglunjia 评论家|critic/reviewer pinglunyuan 评论员|commentator pingluo 平罗|Pingluo county in Shizuishan 石嘴山[Shi2... pingluoxian 平罗县|Pingluo county in Shizuishan 石嘴山[Shi2... pingluqu 平鲁区|Pinglu district of Shuozhou city 朔州市[... pingluxian 平陆县|Pinglu county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 ... pingmen 屏门|screen door pingmeng 帡幪|(literary) tent/to shelter pingmi 平米|square meter/short for 平方米 pingmian 平面|plane (flat surface)/print media pingmianbo 平面波|a plane wave pingmianjiao 平面角|plane angle pingmianjihe 平面几何|plane geometry pingmianquxian 平面曲线|(math.) plane curve pingmiantu 平面图|a plan/a planar graph/a plane figure pingmin 平民|ordinary people; commoner (contrasted... pingming 平明|(literary) dawn/daybreak/impartial an... pingmu 屏幕|screen (TV, computer or movie) pingmubaohuchengxu 屏幕保护程序|screensaver pingnan 平南|Pingnang county in Guigang 貴港|贵港[Gui4... pingnan 屏南|Pingnan county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 ... pingnanxian 平南县|Pingnang county in Guigang 貴港|贵港[Gui4... pingnanxian 屏南县|Pingnan county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 ... pingnian 平年|common year pingpan 平叛|to put down a revolt/to pacify a rebe... pingpan 评判|to judge (a competition)/to appraise pingpang 乒乓|(onom.) rattle/clatter/(sports) ping-... pingpangqiu 乒乓球|table tennis/ping-pong/table tennis b... pingpangqiupai 乒乓球拍|ping-pong paddle pingpangqiutai 乒乓球台|table-tennis table pingpei 瓶胚|preform pingpengcao 萍蓬草|spatterdock (Nuphar pumilum), a type ... pingpiaoruchang 凭票入场|admission by ticket only pingping 平平|average/mediocre pingpingchangchang 平平常常|nothing out of the ordinary/unglamorous pingpuzu 平埔族|Pingpu or Pepo aborigines (Taiwan), \"... pingqiao 平桥|Pingqiao District of Xinyang City 信陽市... pingqiaoqu 平桥区|Pingqiao District of Xinyang city 信陽市... pingqipingzuo 平起平坐|to be on an equal footing pingquan 平权|equal rights pingquancuoshi 平权措施|affirmative action pingrang 平壤|Pyongyang, capital of North Korea pingrangshi 平壤市|Pyongyang, capital of North Korea pingren 平人|ordinary person/common people pingri 平日|ordinary day/everyday/ordinarily/usually pingsai 瓶塞|bottle cork/bottle stopper pingsaizuan 瓶塞钻|corkscrew pingshan 屏山|Pingshan county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bi... pingshan 平山|Pingshan, a county in Shijiazhuang 石家... pingshanqu 平山区|Pingshan, a district of Benxi 本溪市[Ben... pingshanxian 屏山县|Pingshan county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bi... pingshanxian 平山县|Pingshan county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石... pingshen 评审|to appraise/to evaluate/to judge pingshen 平身|(old) to stand up (after kowtowing)/Y... pingsheng 平生|all one\'s life pingsheng 平声|level or even tone/first and second t... pingshengbuzuokuixinshi,banyeqiaomenxinbujing 平生不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊|He who never wrongs others does not f... pingshenme 凭什么|(spoken) why?/for which reason? pingshentuan 评审团|jury/panel of judges pingshentuantebiejiang 评审团特别奖|Special Jury Prize, award at the Veni... pingsheyin 平舌音|alveolar/consonants z, c, s produced ... pingshi 平时|ordinarily/in normal times/in peacetime pingshi 平视|to look squarely at/to look straight ... pingshi 平实|simple and unadorned/plain/(of land) ... pingshi 评事|to discuss and evaluate; to appraise pingshi 凭恃|to depend on/to rely on pingshibushaoxiang,linshibaofojiao 平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚|lit. to clasp the Buddha\'s feet when ... pingshijiezhe 凭轼结辙|to drive non-stop as fast as one can ... pingshou 平手|(sports) draw/tie pingshu 评述|to comment on/commentary pingshu 评书|pingshu, a folk art where a single pe... pingshuixiangfeng 萍水相逢|strangers coming together by chance (... pingshun 平顺|Pingshun, county in Shanxi pingshun 平顺|smooth/smooth-going/plain sailing pingshunxian 平顺县|Pingshun county, Shanxi pingshuo 评说|to comment; to evaluate pingsu 平素|usually/habitually/ordinarily/normally pingtai 平台|platform/terrace/flat-roofed building pingtaijifuwu 平台即服务|(computing) platform as a service (PaaS) pingtan 平坦|level/even/smooth/flat pingtan 平潭|Pingtan, a county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zh... pingtan 平摊|to spread out/(fig.) to share equally pingtang 平塘|Pingtang county in Qiannan Buyei and ... pingtangxian 平塘县|Pingtang county in Qiannan Buyei and ... pingtanxian 平潭县|Pingtan, a county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zh... pingti 平替|(neologism c. 2021) cheaper alternati... pingtian 平添|to add or gain sth without additional... pingtianxia 平天下|to pacify the country pingtiao 凭条|paper docket confirming a transaction pingtiao 屏条|set of (usually four) hanging scrolls pingtiao 凭眺|to lean on sth and gaze into the dist... pingting 娉婷|(literary) (of a woman) to have a gra... pingting-niaonuo 娉婷袅娜|(idiom) (of a woman) beautiful; grace... pingtou 平头|flattop/crew cut/common (people) pingtoubaixing 平头百姓|common people pingtoulunzu 评头论足|lit. to assess the head and discuss t... pingtoupinzu 评头品足|to make idle remarks about a woman\'s ... pinguan 品管|quality control pingunong 贫雇农|poor peasants (in Marxism) pingwei 评为|to elect as/to choose as/to consider as pingwei 评委|evaluation committee; judging panel/j... pingwen 平稳|smooth; steady pingwen 平纹|plain weave pingwu 平武|Pingwu county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2... pingwu 平芜|open grassland pingwuxian 平武县|Pingwu county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2... pingxi 平息|(of wind etc) to subside; to die down... pingxi 平溪|Pingxi or Pinghsi township in New Tai... pingxian 凭险|(to resist the enemy) relying on inac... pingxiang 凭祥|Pingxiang, county-level city in Chong... pingxiang 萍乡|see 萍鄉市|萍乡市[Ping2xiang1 Shi4] pingxiang 平乡|Pingxiang county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 ... pingxiangshi 凭祥市|Pingxiang, county-level city in Chong... pingxiangshi 萍乡市|Pingxiang, prefecture-level city in J... pingxiangxian 平乡县|Pingxiang county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 ... pingxin 平信|ordinary mail (as opposed to air mail... pingxin 凭信|to trust pingxinerlun 平心而论|(idiom) in all fairness; objectively ... pingxing 平行|parallel/of equal rank/simultaneous pingxinggongshe 平行公设|the parallel postulate (geometry)/Euc... pingxingguan 平型关|Pingxing Pass, mountain pass in Shanx... pingxingguandajie 平型关大捷|Great Victory at Pingxing Pass, ambus... pingxingjisuan 平行计算|(Tw) parallel computing pingxingliumianti 平行六面体|(math.) parallelepiped pingxingshikong 平行时空|parallel universe pingxingsibianxing 平行四边形|parallelogram pingxingxian 平行线|parallel lines pingxiong 平胸|flat-chested pingxixiang 平溪乡|Pingxi or Pinghsi township in New Tai... pingxuan 评选|to select on the basis of a vote or c... pingyang 平阳|Pingyang county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1... pingyangxian 平阳县|Pingyang county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1... pingyao 平遥|Pingyao county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4... pingyaoxian 平遥县|Pingyao county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4... pingye 平野|Hirano (Japanese surname) pingyi 评议|to appraise through discussion pingyi 平移|translation (geometry) pingyi 平邑|Pingyi county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2... pingyi 平易|amiable (manner)/unassuming/written i... pingyi 平抑|to stabilize/to keep (prices, vermin ... pingyi 凭依|to rely on/to base oneself on pingyi 凭倚|to rely on pingyihui 评议会|council pingyijinren 平易近人|amiable and approachable (idiom); eas... pingyin 平阴|Pingyin county in Jinan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan... pingyin 平印|lithography/abbr. for 平版印刷[ping2 ban3... pingyinxian 平阴县|Pingyin county in Jinan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan... pingyixian 平邑县|Pingyi county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2... pingyong 平庸|mediocre/indifferent/commonplace pingyongzhibei 平庸之辈|a nobody/a nonentity pingyongzhie 平庸之恶|(philosophy) banal evil pingyu 评语|comment/evaluation pingyu 平舆|Pingyu county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zh... pingyu 瓶盂|jar/flask/vase/bottle pingyuan 平远|Pingyuan county in Meizhou 梅州[Mei2 zh... pingyuan 平原|field/plain/CL:個|个[ge4] pingyuanliu 平原鹨|(bird species of China) tawny pipit (... pingyuanxian 平原县|Pingyuan county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou... pingyuanxian 平远县|Pingyuan county in Meizhou 梅州[Mei2 zh... pingyue 评阅|to read and appraise pingyue 平月|February of a common year pingyuxian 平舆县|Pingyu county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zh... pingze 平仄|level and oblique tones (technical te... pingzhanbi 屏占比|screen-to-body ratio (of a smartphone... pingzhang 屏障|barrier pingzhang 凭仗|to rely on/to depend on pingzhang 评章|to appraise pingzhang 平账|(accounting) to balance the books pingzhao 凭照|certificate/license pingzhe 凭着|relying on/on the basis of pingzheng 凭证|proof/certificate/receipt/voucher pingzheng 平整|smooth/level/to level off/to flatten ... pingzhi 平直|smooth/level pingzhi 评骘|to evaluate/to appraise pingzhu 评注|to annotate/annotation/commentary/remark pingzhuang 平装|paperback/paper-cover pingzhuang 瓶装|bottled pingzhuangben 平装本|paperback (book) pingzhuangshui 瓶装水|bottled water pingzhun 凭准|evidence (that one can rely on)/groun... pingzi 瓶子|bottle/CL:個|个[ge4] pinhan 贫寒|poor/poverty-stricken/impoverished pinhe 拼合|to fit together/to put together pinhong 品红|magenta; fuschia pinhuadiban 拼花地板|floor with tiled design pinhun 拼婚|to save money on wedding expenses by ... pinhuo 拼火|to exchange fire pini 睥睨|(literary) to look disdainfully out o... pinji 贫瘠|barren/infertile/poor pinji 品级|workmanship pinjian 贫贱|poor and lowly pinjian 品鉴|to judge/to examine/to evaluate pinjianbunengyi 贫贱不能移|not shaken by poverty/to preserve one... pinjie 拼接|to put together/to join pinjie 品节|character/integrity pinjimuming 牝鸡牡鸣|female chicken crows at daybreak (idi... pinjin 聘金|betrothal money (given to the bride\'s... pinjisichen 牝鸡司晨|female chicken crows at daybreak (idi... pinjiu 品酒|to taste wine/to sip wine pinju 姘居|to cohabit with a lover illicitly pinka 拼卡|to share a card with sb (e.g. share a... pinke 拼客|person who joins with others to reduc... pinke 品客|Pringles (snack food brand) pinkong 品控|quality control (QC), abbr. for 品質控制|... pinku 贫苦|poverty-stricken/poor pinkuan 频宽|(Tw) bandwidth pinkuang 贫矿|low grade ore pinkun 贫困|impoverished/poverty pinkundiqu 贫困地区|poor region/impoverished area pinkunlv 贫困率|poverty rate pinlan 品蓝|pinkish blue pinlei 品类|category/kind pinli 聘礼|betrothal gift pinli 拼力|to spare no efforts pinlizhu 品丽珠|Cabernet Franc (grape type) pinlong 拼拢|to put together pinlv 频率|frequency pinlv 品绿|light green pinlvhecheng 频率合成|frequency synthesis pinlvtiaozhi 频率调制|frequency modulation pinmao 品貌|behavior and appearance pinmei 颦眉|to knit one\'s brows/to frown pinmin 贫民|poor people pinming 品茗|to taste tea/to sip tea pinming 品名|name of product/brand name pinming 拼命|to do one\'s utmost; with all one\'s mi... pinmingsanlang 拼命三郎|brave man, willing to risk his life pinmingtaohao 拼命讨好|to throw oneself at sb or sth/to bend... pinminku 贫民窟|slum housing pinminqu 贫民区|slum area/ghetto pinmu 品目|item pinmu 牝牡|male and female pinmulihuang 牝牡骊黄|a black stallion or possibly a yellow... pinnong 贫农|poor peasant pinpai 品牌|brand name/trademark pinpan 拼盘|sampler platter/appetizer platter pinpin 频频|repeatedly/again and again/continuous... pinping 品评|to judge/to assess pinpu 频谱|frequency spectrum/spectrum/spectrogram pinqi 贫气|mean/stingy/garrulous pinqiang 拼抢|to fight desperately (at the risk of ... pinqiang 贫腔|verbose/garrulous pinqilai 拼起来|to put together pinqing 聘请|to engage/to hire (a lawyer etc) pinqiong 贫穷|poor/impoverished pinqiongliaodao 贫穷潦倒|destitute; poverty-stricken pinquhun 聘娶婚|formal betrothal (in which the boy\'s ... pinquzhi 品趣志|Pinterest (photo-sharing website) pinren 聘任|to appoint (to a position)/appointed pinreng 频仍|frequent pinru 贫乳|small breasts; flat-chested pinruo 贫弱|poor and feeble pinse 品色|variety/kind pinseng 贫僧|poor monk (humble term used by monk o... pinsha 拼杀|to grapple (with the enemy)/to fight ... pinshu 频数|frequency pinshu 聘书|letter of appointment/contract pinshufenbu 频数分布|frequency distribution pinshuo 频数|(literary) frequent; repeated pinsi 拼死|to go all out for sth at risk of one\'... pinsipinhuo 拼死拼活|one\'s utmost/(to fight or work) despe... pinti 品题|to evaluate (an individual)/to appraise pintie 拼贴|pastiche/collage pintie 拚贴|pastiche/collage/also written 拼貼|拼贴 pintou 姘头|lover/mistress pintoulunzu 品头论足|lit. to assess the head and discuss t... pintu 拼图|jigsaw puzzle/to do a jigsaw puzzle pintuo 品脱|pint (approx. 0.47 liter) (loanword) pintuwanju 拼图玩具|jigsaw puzzle pinuoqiete 皮诺切特|General Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006),... pinwei 品位|rank/grade/quality/(aesthetic) taste pinwei 品味|to sample; to taste/to appreciate/one... pinweishenghuo 品味生活|to appreciate life pinwen 聘问|international exchange of visits/to v... pinwulizhui 贫无立锥|not even enough land to stand an awl ... pinwulizhuizhidi 贫无立锥之地|not even enough land to stand an awl ... pinxi 品系|strain (of a species) pinxiang 品相|condition/physical appearance (of a m... pinxiang 贫相|mean/stingy pinxianxiang 贫限想|(Internet slang) (wryly jocular) pove... pinxiazhongnong 贫下中农|(category defined by the Communist Pa... pinxie 拼写|to spell pinxing 品行|behavior/moral conduct pinxing 品性|nature/characteristic/moral character pinxue 品学|conduct and learning (of an individua... pinxue 贫血|anemia pinxuejianyou 品学兼优|excelling both in morals and studies ... pinxuexinghuaisi 贫血性坏死|anemic necrosis pinxuezheng 贫血症|anemia pinye 贫液|waste liquid/liquid with precipitate ... pinyi 品议|to judge pinyin 拼音|phonetic writing/pinyin (Chinese roma... pinyinwenzi 拼音文字|phonetic alphabet/alphabetic writing ... pinyinzimu 拼音字母|phonetic letters pinyong 聘用|to employ/to hire pinyou 贫油|poor in oil pinyou 贫铀|depleted uranium (D-38) pinyouguo 贫油国|country poor in oil pinyue 品月|light blue pinzheng 拼争|to fight desperately pinzhi 品质|character/intrinsic quality (of a per... pinzhi 品秩|(old) rank and salary of an official ... pinzhong 品种|breed/variety/CL:個|个[ge4] pinzhuang 拼装|to assemble pinzhui 拼缀|to join together pinzhuo 拼桌|to sit at a table with others with wh... pinzi 拼字|to spell/spelling pinzu 品族|strain (of a species) pinzui 贫嘴|talkative/garrulous/loquacious/flippa... pinzuiboshe 贫嘴薄舌|garrulous and sharp-tongued pinzuihuashe 贫嘴滑舌|garrulous and sharp-tongued piou 匹偶|a married couple piou 匹耦|variant of 匹偶[pi3 ou3] pipa 枇杷|loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica)/loq... pipa 琵琶|pipa, Chinese lute, with 4 strings, a... pipa 噼啪|variant of 劈啪[pi1pa1] pipa 劈啪|(onom.) for crack, slap, clap, clatte... pipagao 枇杷膏|Pei Pa Koa, proprietary cough syrup m... pipagu 琵琶骨|(old) scapula pipan 批判|to criticize/critique/CL:個|个[ge4] pipao 皮袍|fur-lined changpao 長袍|长袍[chang2 pao2] pipaxing 琵琶行|Song of the Pipa Player, long poem by... pipayu 琵琶鱼|anglerfish pipei 匹配|to mate or marry/to match/matching/co... pipi 屁屁|(child\'s term) buttocks; bottom piping 批评|to criticize; criticism/CL:次[ci4],番[f... pipingjia 批评家|critic pipingzhe 批评者|critic/detractor pipixia 皮皮虾|mantis shrimp piqi 脾气|character; temperament; disposition/b... piqiao 皮壳|carapace/hard outer shell/also pr. [p... piqing 屁轻|very light piqingcao 劈情操|to have a friendly chat (Shanghai) piqinyu 皮钦语|pidgin piqiu 皮球|ball (made of rubber, leather etc) pir 皮儿|wrapper/cover pirou 皮肉|skin and flesh/superficial/physical (... pirouzhiku 皮肉之苦|physical pain/lit. skin and flesh suffer piru 譬如|for example; for instance; such as piruan 疲软|tired and feeble piruo 疲弱|tired/weak/exhausted pirushuo 譬如说|for example pisa 披萨|pizza (loanword) pisa 批萨|pizza (loanword) pisabing 皮萨饼|pizza (loanword) pisha-jianjin 披沙拣金|lit. to sort the gold from the sand (... pishan 皮山|Pishan County in Hotan Prefecture 和田地... pishanxian 皮山县|Pishan County in Hotan Prefecture 和田地... pishi 批示|to write comments on a report submitt... pishi 皮实|(of things) durable/(of people) sturd... pishi 屁事|(vulgar) trifling matter/mere trifle/... pishi 皮试|(medicine) skin test pishi 辟室|lit. to open a room/fig. to settle in... pishimitan 辟室密谈|to discuss behind closed doors pishinu 毗湿奴|Vishnu (Hindu deity) pishou 劈手|with a lightning move of the hand pishuang 砒霜|white arsenic/arsenic trioxide As2O3 pisuo 披索|(Tw) (loanword) peso (monetary unit) pita 疲沓|slack/remiss/negligent pita 疲塌|variant of 疲沓[pi2 ta5] pitabing 皮塔饼|(loanword) pita bread pitai 疲态|fatigued look; signs of weariness/(fi... pitekaienqundao 皮特凯恩群岛|Pitcairn Islands pitelake 皮特拉克|Petrarch/Francesco Petrarca (1304-137... piti 䴙䴘|(zoology) grebe (Podicipediformes) piti 䴙䴘|variant of 鷿鷈|䴙䴘[pi4 ti1] pitiao 皮条|thong/leather strap/pimp/procurer pitiaoke 皮条客|pimp piting 皮艇|kayak pititi 批踢踢|PTT, the largest terminal-based bulle... pititishiyefang 批踢踢实业坊|PTT Bulletin Board System (Tw) pitou 劈头|straight away; right off the bat/righ... pitou 埤头|Pitou Township in Changhua County 彰化縣... pitou 批头|screwdriving bits pitougailian 劈头盖脸|lit. splitting the head and covering ... pitousanfa 披头散发|with dishevelled hair (idiom)/with on... pitoushi 披头士|the Beatles (music band) pitousiyuetuan 披头四乐团|the Beatles pitouxiang 埤头乡|Pitou Township in Changhua County 彰化縣... pitui 劈腿|to do the splits (gymnastics)/(Tw) tw... piwaishang 皮外伤|superficial wound/a bruise piwei 脾胃|spleen and stomach (digestive organs ... piwen 批文|official written ruling in response t... pixia 皮下|under the skin/subcutaneous (injection) pixian 邳县|Pi county in Jiangsu pixian 陴县|Pi county in Sichuan pixiang 皮箱|leather suitcase pixiaoroubuxiao 皮笑肉不笑|to put on a fake smile (idiom)/to smi... pixiazhushe 皮下注射|hypodermic injection; subcutaneous in... pixidaokuan 批郤导窾|to get right to the heart of the matt... pixie 皮鞋|leather shoes pixiejiang 皮鞋匠|shoemaker pixieyou 皮鞋油|shoe polish pixing 脾性|temperament; disposition pixing 皮星|picosatellite pixingdaiyue 披星戴月|to travel or work through night and d... pixingdaiyue 披星带月|variant of 披星戴月[pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4] pixiu 貔貅|mythical animal that brings luck and ... pixu 脾虚|depletion of the spleen (Chinese medi... piyan 皮炎|dermatitis piyan 屁眼|anus piyang 皮痒|(coll.) to need a spanking piyanr 屁眼儿|erhua variant of 屁眼[pi4 yan3] piyao 辟谣|to refute a rumor/to deny piyaobing 蜱咬病|tick-bite sickness/informal term for ... piyazi 皮牙子|(dialect) onion (loanword from Uyghur... piyesuo 毗耶娑|Vyasa, Indian sage and scribe, suppos... piyingxi 皮影戏|shadow play piyongyan 辟雍砚|ink slab or ink stone of celadon or w... piyu 譬喻|analogy/metaphor/simile piyu 批语|criticism/commentary piyuan 僻远|remote and faraway piyubenming 疲于奔命|(idiom) terribly busy/up to one\'s ear... piyue 披阅|to peruse/to browse piyue 批阅|to read through to evaluate/to referee pizang 脾脏|spleen pizhen 皮疹|a rash pizhi 皮质|cortex/cerebral cortex pizhichun 皮质醇|cortisol pizhileiguchun 皮质类固醇|corticosteroid pizhipin 皮制品|leather goods pizhixian 皮脂腺|sebaceous glands pizhong 皮重|tare weight pizhou 邳州|Pizhou city in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], ... pizhoushi 邳州市|Pizhou city in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], ... pizhu 批注|to annotate/to add marginal comments ... pizhuan 批转|to approve and forward/to endorse/sta... pizhun 批准|to approve; to ratify pizhunwenhao 批准文号|(drug etc) approval number pizi 痞子|ruffian/hooligan pizi 皮子|skin/fur pizi 坯子|base/semifinished product/(fig.) the ... pizibao 匹兹堡|Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) pizicai 痞子蔡|Rowdy Cai (1969-), Taiwanese Internet... pizuiya 琵嘴鸭|(bird species of China) northern shov... pk PK|(slang) to take on/to challenge/to go... pmin P民|(slang) shitizen/commoner/hoi polloi po 破|broken/damaged/worn out/lousy/rotten/... po 朴|used in 朴刀[po1dao1] po 朴|Celtis sinensis var. japonica po 坡|slope/CL:個|个[ge4]/sloping/slanted po 迫|variant of 迫[po4]/to persecute/to opp... po 迫|to force/to compel/to approach or go ... po 泊|lake/Taiwan pr. [bo2] po 婆|(bound form) grandmother/(bound form)... po 泼|to splash/to spill/rough and coarse/b... po 魄|(literary) soul; mortal soul (i.e. at... po 颇|surname Po/Taiwan pr. [Po3] po 颇|rather/quite/considerably/oblique/inc... po 酦|to ferment alcohol/Taiwan pr. [po4] po 陂|rugged/uneven po 粕|grains in distilled liquor po 钋|polonium (chemistry)/Taiwan pr. [po4] po 珀|used in 琥珀[hu3po4] po PO|(Tw) (coll.) to post (online)/also pr... po 钷|promethium (chemistry) po 鄱|name of a lake po 皤|white po 叵|not/thereupon po 笸|flat basket-tray po 蒪|myoga ginger (Zingiber mioga) po 桲|used in 榲桲|榅桲[wen1po5]/Taiwan pr. [bo2] poan 破案|to solve a case/shabby old table pobai 破败|to defeat/to crush (in battle)/beaten... pobaibukan 破败不堪|crushed/utterly defeated pobi 破壁|dilapidated wall/to break through a w... pobi 破敝|shabby/damaged pobiji 破壁机|high-speed blender pobing 破冰|(fig.) to break the ice; to begin to ... pobingchuan 破冰船|ice breaker pobingjian 破冰舰|ice breaker pobingxingshou 破冰型艏|icebreaker bow pobu 破布|rag pobudeyi 迫不得已|to have no alternative (idiom); compe... pobujidai 迫不及待|(idiom) unable to hold oneself back; ... pocai 破财|bankrupt/to suffer financial loss pocaimianzai 破财免灾|a financial loss may prevent disaster... poce 叵测|unfathomable/unpredictable/treacherous pochan 破产|to go bankrupt/to become impoverished... pochanzhe 破产者|bankrupt person pochao 破钞|to spend money pochu 破除|to eliminate/to do away with/to get r... pochu 破处|to break the hymen/to lose virginity pochumixin 破除迷信|to eliminate superstition (idiom) pochuqudeshui 泼出去的水|spilt water/(fig.) sth that can not b... pocu 迫促|to urge/urgent/pressing podan 破胆|to be scared stiff podanhanxin 破胆寒心|to be scared out of one\'s wits podao 坡道|road on a slope; inclined path; ramp podao 朴刀|sword with a curved blade and a long ... podi 破的|to hit the target/(fig.) to hit the n... podiao 泼掉|spill podong 破洞|a hole podu 坡度|gradient/slope podu 破读|pronunciation of a character other th... poduo 颇多|(quite) a lot/many pofa 破发|(of a stock) to fall below the issue ... pofang 破防|(video games) to break through an opp... pofei 破费|to spend (money or time) pofu 泼妇|shrew/vixen pofuchenzhou 破釜沉舟|lit. to break the cauldrons and sink ... pofumajie 泼妇骂街|shouting abuse in the street like a f... poge 破格|to break the rule/to make an exception pogeng 破梗|(Tw) to reveal a spoiler pogong 迫供|to extort a confession/Taiwan pr. [po... pogua 破瓜|(of a girl) to lose one\'s virginity/t... poguan 破关|to solve or overcome (a difficult pro... poguan-poshuai 破罐破摔|lit. to smash a pot just because it h... poguo 坡国|(coll.) Singapore pohai 迫害|to persecute pohuai 破坏|destruction/damage/to wreck/to break/... pohuaihuodong 破坏活动|sabotage; subversive activities pohuaiwuyi 破坏无遗|damaged beyond repair pohuaixing 破坏性|destructive pohuo 破获|to uncover (a criminal plot)/to break... pojia 婆家|husband\'s family (traditionally where... pojia 破家|to destroy one\'s family pojiadan 破甲弹|armor piercing shell pojian 泼溅|to spatter pojian 泼贱|base/worthless pojianchengdie 破茧成蝶|lit. to break through a cocoon and tu... pojiang 迫降|to force a plane to land pojianren 泼贱人|slut/tramp (old) pojie 破解|to break (a bond, constraint etc)/to ... pojie 破戒|to violate a religious precept/to smo... pojieban 破解版|cracked version (of software) pojilu 破纪录|to break a record/record-breaking pojin 迫近|to approach/to press in pojing 破镜|broken mirror/fig. broken marriage/di... pojing-chongyuan 破镜重圆|lit. the two halves of the broken mir... pojiu 破旧|shabby pojiulixin 破旧立新|to get rid of the old to bring in the... poju 颇具|rather/quite/to have much poju 破局|to collapse (of plan, talks etc) pokai 破开|to split/to cut open pokou 破口|tear or rupture/to have a tear (e.g. ... pokoudama 破口大骂|to abuse roundly pola 泼辣|shrewish/pungent/forceful/bold and vi... polan 破烂|worn-out; dilapidated; tattered; ragg... polang 破浪|to set sail/to brave the waves polei 坡垒|Hainan hopea (Hopea hainanensis) (bot... polengshui 泼冷水|to pour cold water on/(fig.) to dampe... poli 魄力|courage/daring/boldness/resolution/drive poli 破例|to make an exception polie 破裂|to burst; to rupture/(of a relationsh... polieyin 破裂音|(linguistics) (old) plosive; stop polin 迫临|to approach/to press in poling 迫令|to order/to force polu 坡路|sloping road/hill road polu 坡鹿|Eld\'s deer (Cervus eldii) poluofutu 婆罗浮屠|Borobudur (in Java, Indonesia) poluomen 婆罗门|Brahmin poluomenjiao 婆罗门教|Brahmanism/Hinduism poluozhou 婆罗洲|Borneo island (of Indonesia, Malaysia... pomen 破门|to burst or force open a door/to exco... pomenerru 破门而入|to break the door down and enter (idiom) pomie 破灭|to be shattered/to be annihilated (of... poniang 婆娘|woman (derog.) popian 破片|fragment/shard popianshashang 破片杀伤|(military) fragmentation (grenade, bo... popo 婆婆|husband\'s mother/mother-in-law/grandma popomama 婆婆妈妈|effeminate/old-womanish/garrulous/fai... poqie 迫切|urgent; pressing poqiexing 迫切性|urgency poque 破缺|breaking poshangfeng 破伤风|tetanus (lockjaw) poshen 破身|to lose one\'s virginity poshi 迫使|to force; to compel poshi 破事|trivial matter/trifle/annoying thing poshi 迫视|to stare at/to watch intently poshui 泼水|to sprinkle/to spill water poshuijie 泼水节|Songkran (Thai New Year) poshuinanshou 泼水难收|water once spilt cannot be retrieved ... posi 珀斯|Perth, capital of Western Australia/a... posijiu 破四旧|Destroy the Four Olds (campaign of th... posui 破碎|to smash to pieces/to shatter posun 破损|to become damaged posuo 婆娑|to swirl about/(of leaves and branche... poti 破题|writing style in which the main subje... potianhuang 破天荒|unprecedented/for the first time/neve... potiweixiao 破涕为笑|to turn tears into laughter (idiom); ... potizi 破体字|nonstandard or corrupted form of a Ch... potou 坡头|Potou District of Zhanjiang City 湛江市[... potouqu 坡头区|Potou District of Zhanjiang City 湛江市[... potu 破土|to break ground/to start digging/to p... potudianli 破土典礼|ground breaking ceremony potuo 陂陀|sloping and uneven pou 剖|to cut open/to analyze/Taiwan pr. [pou3] pou 垺|extremely large pou 抔|take up in both hands pou 掊|take up in both hands pou 掊|break up/hit pou 咅|pooh/pah/bah/(today used as a phoneti... pou 㕻|variant of 咅[pou3]/also pr. [tou4] pou 裒|collect poubai 剖白|to explain oneself poubian 剖辩|to analyze/to explain pouduoyigua 裒多益寡|to take from the rich and give to the... poufu 剖腹|to cut open the abdomen/to disembowel... poufucangzhu 剖腹藏珠|lit. cutting one\'s stomach to hide a ... poufuchan 剖腹产|cesarean birth poufuchanshoushu 剖腹产手术|cesarean section poufuzisha 剖腹自杀|hara-kiri pouganlidan 剖肝沥胆|to be completely honest and sincere (... pougongchan 剖宫产|birth by caesarean section pougongchanshoushu 剖宫产手术|cesarean section poujie 剖解|to analyze poujietu 剖解图|cutaway diagram poulianwuyan 裒敛无厌|to accumulate wealth without satisfac... poumian 剖面|profile/section poushi 剖视|to analyze/to dissect poushitu 剖视图|section view/cutaway view pouxi 剖析|to analyze/to dissect powahanyao 破瓦寒窑|lit. broken tiles, cold hearth; fig. ... powang 破亡|to die out/conquered powanposhuai 破碗破摔|lit. to smash a cracked pot; fig. to ... powei 颇为|rather/quite powen PO文|(coll.) to post a message powu 泼物|evil creature (curse word) powuyouzaolianyeyu 破屋又遭连夜雨|see 屋漏偏逢連夜雨|屋漏偏逢连夜雨[wu1 lou4 pian1 fe... poxi 婆媳|mother-in-law and daughter-in-law poxian 坡县|(slang) Singapore poxiang 迫降|to force sb to surrender poxiang 破相|(of facial features) to be marred by ... poxiao 破晓|daybreak/dawn poxiao 朴硝|(impure) mirabilite, Na2SO4x10H2O (us... poxibixixuelai 珀西·比希·雪莱|Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), Eng... poxie 破鞋|broken shoes/worn-out footwear/loose ... poxie 迫胁|to coerce/fig. narrow poxin 婆心|(literary) kindheartedness poyan 破颜|to break into a smile/(of flowers) to... poyang 鄱阳|Poyang county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi poyanghu 鄱阳湖|Poyang Lake in Shangrao 上饒|上饶[Shang4 ... poyangxian 鄱阳县|Poyang county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi poyanhua 泼烟花|low-class prostitute poyi 破译|to decipher; to decode poyi 婆姨|(dialect) wife/married woman poyinzi 破音字|character with two or more readings/c... poyong 破蛹|to emerge from a pupa (of a butterfly... poyu 迫于|constrained/restricted/forced to/unde... poyue 破约|to break a promise pozaimeijie 迫在眉睫|pressing in on one\'s eyelashes (idiom... pozangshui 泼脏水|(fig.) to sling mud at; to smear; to ... pozhan 破绽|split seam/(fig.) flaw/weak point pozhanbaichu 破绽百出|(of an argument, theory etc) full of ... pozhehao 破折号|dash/Chinese dash ── (punct., double ... pozhujianling 破竹建瓴|lit. smash bamboo, overturn water tan... pozhuzhishi 破竹之势|lit. a force to smash bamboo (idiom);... pozi 婆子|old woman ptu P图|(Internet slang) to photoshop a pictu... pu 谱|chart/list/table/register/score (musi... pu 朴|plain and simple/Taiwan pr. [pu2] pu 铺|variant of 鋪|铺[pu4]/store pu 铺|to spread/to display/to set up/(old) ... pu 铺|plank bed/place to sleep/shop/store/(... pu 瀑|waterfall pu 浦|surname Pu pu 浦|river bank/shore/river drainage ditch... pu 攴|to tap/to knock lightly/old variant o... pu 堡|variant of 鋪|铺[pu4]/used in place names pu PU|the degree of suspicion that a woman ... pu 璞|unpolished gem pu 葡|Portugal/Portuguese/abbr. for 葡萄牙[Pu2... pu 葡|used in 葡萄[pu2tao5] pu 菐|thicket/tedious pu 蒲|surname Pu/old place name pu 蒲|refers to various monocotyledonous fl... pu 埔|used in place names pu 圃|garden/orchard pu 溥|surname Pu pu 溥|extensive/pervading pu 莆|place name pu 镨|praseodymium (chemistry) pu 扑|to throw oneself at/to pounce on/to d... pu 誧|huge/to admonish pu 曝|to air/to sun pu 噗|(onom.) pop/plop/pfff/putt-putt of a ... pu 菩|used in 菩薩|菩萨[pu2sa4]/used in 菩提[pu2ti2] pu 氆|used in 氆氌|氆氇[pu3 lu5] pu 仆|to fall forward/to fall prostrate pu 仆|servant pu 攵|variant of 攴[pu1] pu 匍|used in 匍匐[pu2fu2] pu 脯|chest/breast pu 潽|to boil over pu 蹼|web (of feet of ducks, frogs etc) pu 镤|protactinium (chemistry) pu 酺|drink heavily/drink in company pu 蒱|see 樗蒱[chu1 pu2] pu 暜|old variant of 普[pu3] pu 痡|sick/disabled pu 烳|to travel by the light of torch pu 舗|Japanese variant of 舖|铺 pu 普|general/popular/everywhere/universal pu 濮|name of a river/surname Pu puaibula 普埃布拉|Puebla, a city southeast of Mexico Ci... puan 普安|Puan county in Qianxinan Buyei and Mi... puansuan 脯氨酸|proline (Pro), an amino acid puanxian 普安县|Puan county in Qianxinan Buyei and Mi... pubai 铺摆|to display (goods)/to dispose of puban 铺板|bedboard pubang 蒲棒|spike or male flower of cattail (Typh... pubao 蒲包|cattail bag/(old) gift of fruit or pa... pubao 铺保|shop\'s guarantee pubei 浦北|Pubei county in Qinzhou 欽州|钦州[Qin1 zh... pubeixian 浦北县|Pubei county in Qinzhou 欽州|钦州[Qin1 zh... pubi 扑鼻|to assail the nostrils (of fragrance ... pubian 普遍|universal/general/widespread/common pubianhua 普遍化|generalization (logic) pubianxing 普遍性|ubiquity/universality pubianxingjiashe 普遍性假设|universal hypothesis pubiao 谱表|musical stave pubu 瀑布|waterfall pucai 蒲菜|edible rhizome of cattail 香蒲[xiang1 pu2] pucaoxiang 蒲草箱|rush basket pucha 普查|census/general survey/general investi... puchen 铺陈|to arrange/to spread out/to narrate i... puchen 铺衬|to serve as a contrasting element puchen 铺衬|patch of cloth pucheng 蒲城|Pucheng County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2... pucheng 浦城|Pucheng county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 pin... puchengxian 蒲城县|Pucheng County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2... puchengxian 浦城县|Pucheng county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 pin... puchuang 铺床|to make a bed/to lay bedding pucimaosi 朴次茅斯|Portsmouth, southern English seaport puda 扑打|to swat/(of wings) to flap pudai 谱带|band of a spectrum pudao 扑倒|to fall down pudi 铺底|shop fittings pudian 铺垫|to spread out bedding/bedcover pudie 谱牒|genealogical record/record of ancesto... pudie 扑跌|to fall flat on one\'s face/(martial a... puding 普定|Puding county in Anshun 安順|安顺[An1 shu... puding 普丁|(Tw) Vladimir Putin (1952-), presiden... pudingxian 普定县|Puding county in Anshun 安順|安顺[An1 shu... pudong 浦东|Pudong, subprovincial district of Sha... pudongjichang 浦东机场|Pudong Airport (Shanghai) pudongxinqu 浦东新区|Pudong New District, subprovincial di... pududaxue 普渡大学|Purdue University puduzhongsheng 普度众生|(Buddhism) to deliver all living crea... puer 普洱|see 普洱市[Pu3er3 Shi4] puercha 普洱茶|Pu\'er tea, a type of black tea produc... puerhanizuyizuzizhixian 普洱哈尼族彝族自治县|former Pu\'er Hani and Yi autonomous c... puerrewaersiji 普尔热瓦尔斯基|Nikolai Mikhailovich Przevalski (1839... puershi 普洱市|Pu\'er, prefecture-level city in Yunna... pufa 普法|to disseminate knowledge of the law pufang 铺放|to display pufazhanzheng 普法战争|Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) pufenxi 谱分析|spectral analysis (physics) pufu 匍匐|to crawl; to creep; to lie prostrate pufu 匍伏|variant of 匍匐[pu2fu2] pufufengji 蒲福风级|Beaufort scale for wind speed pufujing 匍匐茎|(botany) stolon pufuqianjin 匍匐前进|to crawl forward pugai 铺盖|to spread evenly over pugai 铺盖|bedding; bedclothes pugaijuanr 铺盖卷儿|bedroll pugan 蒲甘|Bagan (Pagan), ancient capital of Mya... puganwangchao 蒲甘王朝|Bagan (Pagan) Dynasty of Myanmar (Bur... puge 普格|Puge county in Liangshan Yi autonomou... pugeng 铺梗|(Tw) to set the scene; to lay the gro... pugexian 普格县|Puge county in Liangshan Yi autonomou... pugongying 蒲公英|dandelion (Taraxacum mongolicum) pugua 蒲瓜|white flowered gourd or calabash (fam... pugui 铺轨|to lay railway track puhu 铺户|store/shop puhui 普惠|inclusive; accessible and affordable ... puji 普吉|Phuket (city in Thailand) puji 普及|to spread extensively/to generalize/w... puji 普级|(classification) general/non-specialist pujia 谱架|music stand pujia 铺家|store/shop pujiang 浦江|Pujiang county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 h... pujiang 蒲江|Pujiang county in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 d... pujiang 普降|precipitation over a large area/wides... pujiangxian 浦江县|Pujiang county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 h... pujiangxian 蒲江县|Pujiang county in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 d... pujiaqiaofu 普加乔夫|Yemelyan Ivanovich Pugachov (1742-177... pujie 仆街|drop dead!/go to hell!/fuck you! (Can... pujing 普京|Vladimir Putin (1952-), president of ... pujiu 扑救|firefighting/to extinguish a fire and... pujizhongsheng 普济众生|universal mercy and succor (idiom); t... puju 蒲剧|Puzhou opera of Shanxi Province pujuan 铺捐|tax on stores pujun 溥俊|a Qing prince who was the designated ... pukang 铺炕|to make a bed/to lay bedding pukao 普考|examination for lower levels of Taiwa... puke 扑克|poker (game) (loanword)/playing cards pukepai 扑克牌|poker (card game)/playing card/CL:副[fu4] pukong 扑空|lit. to rush at thin air/fig. to miss... pukou 浦口|Pukou district of Nanjing City 南京市 in... pukouqu 浦口区|Pukou district of Nanjing City 南京市 in... pukui 蒲葵|Chinese fan palm (Livistona chinensis) pula 普拉|Pula (city in Croatia) pulada 普拉达|Prada (brand) pulaifeier 普莱费尔|Playfair (surname) pulaisi 普莱斯|Price (name) pulan 普兰|Burang county in Ngari prefecture, Ti... pulang 噗浪|Plurk (Taiwanese social networking an... pulangke 普朗克|Max Planck (1858-1947), German physicist pulangkechangshu 普朗克常数|(physics) Planck\'s constant h, approx... pulanxian 普兰县|Burang county in Ngari prefecture, Ti... pulati 普拉提|Pilates (physical fitness system) pulatisi 普拉提斯|see 普拉提[Pu3 la1 ti2] pulaya 普拉亚|Praia, capital of Cape Verde puleikesiliucheng 普雷克斯流程|purex puleisibao 普雷斯堡|Pressburg (Slovakia) puleisidun 普雷斯顿|Preston, city in England puleng 扑棱|(onom.) fluttering or flapping of wings puleng 扑棱|(of wings, curtain etc) to flap; to f... puli 埔里|Puli, town in Nantou County 南投縣|南投县[N... pulianr 扑脸儿|strikes you in the face pulicejiang 普利策奖|Pulitzer Prize puliexiecike 普列谢茨克|Plesetsk, settlement in Arkhangelsk O... puliexiecikeweixingfashechang 普列谢茨克卫星发射场|Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Arkhangelsk Obla... pulimaosi 普利茅斯|Plymouth pulinsidun 普林斯顿|Princeton, New Jersey pulinsidundaxue 普林斯顿大学|Princeton University puliqiete 普里切特|Pratchett (name) pulishidina 普里什蒂纳|Pristina, capital of Kosovo 科索沃 pulisitong 普利司通|Bridgestone (tire company) pulituoliya 普利托里亚|Pretoria, capital of South Africa (Tw) pulizhen 埔里镇|Puli, town in Nantou County 南投縣|南投县[N... pulizijiang 普立兹奖|Pulitzer Prize (Tw) pulongdi 蒲隆地|Burundi (Tw) pulu 铺路|to pave (with paving stones)/to lay a... pulu 曝露|to expose (to the air, light etc)/to ... pulu 氆氇|woolen fabric made in Tibet puludong 普鲁东|Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865), F... puludongzhuyi 普鲁东主义|Proudhonism, 19th century socialist t... pulukayin 普鲁卡因|procaine (nerve blocking agent) (loan... puluo 扑落|to fall/to drop/socket (loanword for ... puluo 普罗|proletariat (loanword)/abbr. for 普羅列塔... puluodazhong 普罗大众|proletariat/abbr. for 普羅列塔利亞|普罗列塔利亚[p... puluodi 普罗迪|Prodi (surname) puluofudifu 普罗夫迪夫|Plovdiv, city in Bulgaria puluokefeifu 普罗科菲夫|Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953), Russian... puluolietaliya 普罗列塔利亚|proletariat (loanword) puluomixiusi 普罗米修斯|Prometheus, a Titan god of fire in Gr... puluotinuo 普罗提诺|Plotinus (204-270), Neoplatonism phil... puluowangsi 普罗旺斯|Provence (south of France) puluowangsiyu 普罗旺斯语|Provençal (language) puluoweidengsi 普罗维登斯|Providence, capital of Rhode Island puluozhake 普罗扎克|Prozac (also marketed as Fluoxetine) pulushi 普鲁士|Prussia (historical German state) pulusite 普鲁斯特|Marcel Proust (1871-1922), French author puman 扑满|piggy bank pumen 朴门|permaculture (loanword) pumian 铺面|paving/pavement pumian 铺面|front window/store front pumian 扑面|lit. sth hits one in the face/directl... pumianerlai 扑面而来|lit. sth hits one in the face/directl... pumianfang 铺面房|store/front room of house serving as ... pumie 扑灭|to eradicate/to extinguish pumipengadude 普密蓬·阿杜德|Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-2016), king ... pumizu 普米族|Pumi ethnic group pumou 蒲鉾|kamaboko (fish paste made from surimi) puna 浦那|Pune, second city of Mahārāshtra 馬哈拉施... punailuoer 普萘洛尔|propranolol (beta-blocker used to tre... puning 普宁|Puning, county-level city in Jieyang ... puningshi 普宁市|Puning, county-level city in Jieyang ... puou 仆欧|(old) waiter (loanword from \"boy\")/at... pupai 铺排|to arrange puping 铺平|to spread out (material)/to pave (the... puputongtong 普普通通|ordinary/mediocre/nothing special pupuyishu 普普艺术|(Tw) (loanword) pop art puqi 铺砌|to pave puqi 蒲圻|Puqi, old name for Chibi, county-leve... puqini 普契尼|Puccini puqishi 蒲圻市|Puqi, old name for Chibi, county-leve... puqu 谱曲|to compose a piece of music puren 仆人|servant purexitong 扑热息痛|paracetamol (loanword) pusa 菩萨|(Buddhism) bodhisattva pusai 普赛|psi (Greek letter Ψψ) pusang 普桑|a model of Volkswagen Santana based o... pusha 扑杀|to kill/to cull pushai 曝晒|to expose to strong sunlight pushan 蒲扇|palm-leaf fan/cattail-leaf fan pushan 扑闪|to wink/to blink pushan 扑扇|to flutter/to flap pushe 铺设|to lay (railroad tracks, carpet, pipe... pushi 朴实|plain/simple/guileless/down-to-earth/... pushi 谱氏|family tree/ancestral records pushi 葡式|Portuguese-style pushi 普世|ecumenical/universal pushi 普氏|Nikolai Mikhailovich Przevalski 普爾熱瓦爾... pushi 普适|universal pushi 普食|(medicine) regular food pushier 蒲式耳|bushel (eight gallons) pushijiaohui 普世教会|ecumenical pushijidujiao 普世基督教|ecumenical pushilikeciti 普氏立克次体|Rickettsia prowazekii pushituyu 普什图语|Pashtu (one of the languages of Afgha... pushiwuhua 朴实无华|(idiom) simple; plain; unadorned pushixiaolingyang 普氏小羚羊|Przevalski\'s gazelle (Procapra przewa... pushiyema 普氏野马|Przevalski horse (Equus przewalskii) ... pushou 铺首|holder for door knocker pushuo 扑朔|see 撲朔迷離|扑朔迷离[pu1 shuo4 mi2 li2] pushuomili 扑朔迷离|impossible to unravel/confusing pusongling 蒲松龄|Pu Songling (1640-1715), author of 聊齋... pusu 朴素|plain and simple/unadorned/simple liv... puta 葡挞|Portuguese-style egg tart (pastel de ... putan 铺摊|to spread out/to display/to lay out a... putang 葡糖|glucose C6H12O6/abbr. for 葡萄糖 putangan 葡糖胺|glucosamine/abbr. for 葡萄糖胺 putao 葡萄|grape putaodan 葡萄弹|grapeshot putaogan 葡萄干|raisin/dried grape putaoganr 葡萄干儿|raisin putaojiu 葡萄酒|(grape) wine putaoqiujun 葡萄球菌|staphylococcus putaoqiujunchangdusu 葡萄球菌肠毒素|staphylococcal enterotoxin putaoshu 葡萄树|grapevine putaotang 葡萄糖|glucose C6H12O6 putaotangan 葡萄糖胺|glucosamine (C6H13NO5)/also written 氨... putaoteng 葡萄藤|grapevine (botany) putaoxiongya 葡萄胸鸭|(bird species of China) American wige... putaoya 葡萄牙|Portugal putaoyaren 葡萄牙人|Portuguese (person) putaoyawen 葡萄牙文|Portuguese (language) putaoyayu 葡萄牙语|Portuguese (language) putaoyou 葡萄柚|grapefruit putaoyu 葡萄语|Portuguese (language) putaoyuan 葡萄园|vineyard putaozhi 葡萄汁|grape juice putaozi 葡萄紫|grayish purple color puteng 扑腾|(onom.) thud/flutter/flop puti 菩提|bodhi (Sanskrit)/enlightenment (Buddh... putian 莆田|see 莆田市[Pu2tian2 Shi4] putiangaidi 铺天盖地|lit. hiding the sky and covering the ... putianshi 莆田市|Putian, prefecture-level city in Fuji... putiantongqing 普天同庆|everybody celebrating together/univer... putianxia 普天下|throughout the world putidamo 菩提达摩|Bodhidharma putidaochang 菩提道场|Bodhimanda (place of enlightenment as... putishu 菩提树|pipal tree (Ficus religiosa)/bo fig t... putong 普通|common/ordinary/general/average putong 扑通|(onom.) sound of object falling into ... putongche 普通车|local train/ordinary vehicle putongchiyang 普通赤杨|alder tree (Alnus glutinosa) putongcuiniao 普通翠鸟|(bird species of China) common kingfi... putongfa 普通法|common law putonggaodengxuexiaozhaoshengquanguotongyikaoshi 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试|NCEE, National College Entrance Exami... putonggu 普通股|common stock putonghaiou 普通海鸥|(bird species of China) common gull (... putonghua 普通话|Mandarin (common language)/Putonghua ... putonghuashuipingceshi 普通话水平测试|Putonghua Proficiency Test, an offici... putongjiaoshanshi 普通角闪石|hornblende (rock-forming mineral, typ... putongjiaoyu 普通教育|general education putongkuang 普通𫛭|(bird species of China) eastern buzza... putonglaobaixing 普通老百姓|common people/average people/hoi polloi putonglouyan 普通楼燕|(bird species of China) common swift ... putongluci 普通鸬鹚|(bird species of China) great cormora... putongmingci 普通名词|common noun (grammar) putongminzhong 普通民众|ordinary people/the masses putongqianniao 普通潜鸟|(bird species of China) common loon (... putongqiushaya 普通秋沙鸭|(bird species of China) common mergan... putongren 普通人|ordinary person/private citizen/peopl... putongshi 普通䴓|(bird species of China) Eurasian nuth... putongyangji 普通秧鸡|(bird species of China) brown-cheeked... putongyanheng 普通燕鸻|(bird species of China) oriental prat... putongyanou 普通燕鸥|(bird species of China) common tern (... putongyeying 普通夜鹰|(bird species of China) grey nightjar... putongyingjuan 普通鹰鹃|(bird species of China) common hawk-c... putongzhongxue 普通中学|general middle school putongzhuque 普通朱雀|(bird species of China) common rosefi... putuan 蒲团|praying mat (Buddhism, made of woven ... putuo 普陀|Putuo district of Zhoushan city 舟山市[Z... putuoqu 普陀区|Putuo district, central Shanghai/Putu... putuoshan 普陀山|Mt Potala at Zhoushan 舟山市 in Zhejiang... puwei 铺位|bunk; berth puwen 葡文|Portuguese (language) puwu 圃鹀|(bird species of China) ortolan bunti... puxi 谱系|variant of 譜系|谱系[pu3 xi4] puxi 谱系|pedigree puxi 扑袭|(of an animal) to pounce (on its prey... puxi 普西|psi (Greek letter Ψψ) puxian 普贤|Samantabhadra, the Buddhist Lord of T... puxian 蒲县|Pu county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2],... puxian 谱线|spectral line puxiang 浦项|Pohang (city in South Korea) puxianpusa 普贤菩萨|Samantabhadra, the Buddhist Lord of T... puxie 谱写|to compose (a piece of music)/(fig.) ... puxie 蒲鞋|straw sandals puxijin 普希金|Alexandr Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-183... puxin 埔心|Puxin or Puhsin Township in Changhua ... puxinnan 普信男|(neologism c. 2020) an ordinary guy w... puxinxiang 埔心乡|Puxin or Puhsin Township in Changhua ... puxu 铺叙|to explain all the details/complete n... puxuan 普选|universal suffrage puxuanquan 普选权|universal suffrage puxue 谱学|spectroscopy puyan 埔盐|Puyan Township in Changhua County 彰化縣... puyan 铺衍|to spread out widely/to disseminate puyang 濮阳|see 濮陽市|濮阳市[Pu2yang2 Shi4] puyangshi 濮阳市|Puyang, prefecture-level city in Hena... puyangxian 濮阳县|Puyang county in Puyang, Henan puyanxiang 埔盐乡|Puyan Township in Changhua County 彰化縣... puyi 仆役|servant puyi 溥仪|Puyi, personal name of the last Qing ... puyu 葡语|Portuguese (language) puze 扑责|to punish by flogging puzhan 铺展|to spread out puzhang 铺张|ostentation/extravagance puzhanglangfei 铺张浪费|extravagance and waste (idiom) puzhao 普照|(of sunlight) to bathe all things; to... puzi 铺子|store/shop puzi 谱子|musical score puzi 脯子|breast meat (of chicken etc) puzi 朴子|Puzi or Putzu City in Chiayi County 嘉... puzishi 朴子市|Puzi or Putzu City in Chiayi County 嘉... q Q|cute (loanword)/(of food) having a pl... qi 期|variant of 期[qi1]/period/cycle qi 期|a period of time/phase/stage/classifi... qi 琦|(literary) fine jade qi 七|seven/7 qi 汽|steam/vapor qi 奇|strange/odd/weird/wonderful/surprisin... qi 起|to rise/to raise/to get up/to set out... qi 器|device/tool/utensil/CL:臺|台[tai2] qi 齐|(name of states and dynasties at seve... qi 齐|neat/even/level with/identical/simult... qi 启|variant of 啟|启[qi3] qi 启|Qi son of Yu the Great 禹[Yu3], report... qi 启|to open/to start/to initiate/to enlig... qi 旗|flag/variant of 旗[qi2] qi 旗|banner/flag/(in Qing times) Manchu (c... qi 琪|(literary) fine jade qi 契|to carve/carved words/to agree/a cont... qi 绮|beautiful/open-work silk qi 企|(bound form) to stand on tiptoe and l... qi 其|his/her/its/their/that/such/it (refer... qi 漆|paint/lacquer/CL:道[dao4]/to paint (fu... qi 妻|wife qi 妻|to marry off (a daughter) qi 杞|Qi, a Zhou Dynasty vassal state/surna... qi 杞|Chinese wolfberry shrub (Lycium chine... qi 俟|used in 万俟[Mo4 qi2] qi 弃|to abandon/to relinquish/to discard/t... qi 祺|auspicious/propitious/good luck/felic... qi 崎|mountainous qi 戚|variant of 戚[qi1]/grief/sorrow qi 戚|variant of 慼|戚[qi1] qi 戚|surname Qi qi 戚|(bound form) relatives; kin/(bound fo... qi 棨|tally for going through a pass qi 气|gas; air/smell/weather/to make angry;... qi 祁|surname Qi qi 祁|large/vast qi 愭|(literary) deferential/to revere qi 鲯|used in 鯕鰍|鲯鳅[qi2qiu1] qi 砌|to build by laying bricks or stones qi 颀|tall qi 柒|seven (banker\'s anti-fraud numeral) qi 祈|to implore/to pray/to request qi 岂|how? (emphatic question) qi 骑|to sit astride/to ride (a horse, bike... qi 麒|used in 麒麟[qi2lin2] qi 缉|to stitch finely qi 岐|surname Qi/also used in place names qi 岐|variant of 歧[qi2] qi 歧|divergent/side road qi 棋|variant of 棋[qi2] qi 棋|chess/chess-like game/a game of chess... qi 藄|(fern) qi 稽|to bow to the ground qi 栖|to perch/to rest (of birds)/to dwell/... qi 骐|(literary) black horse qi 脐|(bound form) the navel; the umbilicus... qi 乞|to beg qi 亓|surname Qi qi 亓|his/her/its/their qi 〧|numeral 7 in the Suzhou numeral syste... qi 萁|stalks of pulse qi 祇|god of the earth qi 芪|see 黃芪|黄芪[huang2 qi2] qi 亟|repeatedly/frequently qi 蕲|(herb)/implore/pray/place name qi 耆|man of sixty or seventy qi 蛴|used in 蠐螬|蛴螬[qi2 cao2]/used in 蝤蠐|蝤蛴... qi 沏|to steep (tea) qi 蹊|used in 蹊蹺|蹊跷[qi1qiao1]/Taiwan pr. [xi1] qi 憩|variant of 憩[qi4] qi 憩|to rest qi 淇|name of a river qi 呇|star qi 讫|finished qi 荠|used in 荸薺|荸荠[bi2qi2] qi 碛|(bound form) moraine; rocks in shallo... qi 炁|(Daoism) Qi; vital force; life force ... qi 槭|maple/also pr. [zu2]/Taiwan pr. [cu4] qi 畦|small plot of farm land/Taiwan pr. [xi1] qi 玘|type of jade ornament for court dress... qi 嘁|whispering sound qi 欺|to take unfair advantage of/to deceiv... qi 綦|dark gray/superlative/variegated qi 蟿|(insect)/Tryxalis masuta qi 鳍|fin qi 丌|old variant of 其[qi2] qi 锜|three legged cauldron (old)/woodworki... qi 泣|to sob qi 玂|dog giving birth to a puppy qi 凄|intense cold/frigid/dismal/grim/bleak... qi 凄|variant of 淒|凄[qi1]/sad/mournful qi 凄|intense cold/frigid/dismal/grim/bleak... qi 圻|boundary/a border qi 汔|near qi 屺|(literary) a barren hill qi 褀|variant of 綥[qi2] qi 亝|old variant of 齊|齐[qi2] qi 檵|variant of 杞[qi3], wolfberry shrub (L... qi 衹|robe of a Buddhist monk or nun qi 咠|to whisper/to blame, to slander qi 帺|variant of 綥[qi2] qi 娸|to ridicule/ugly qi 懠|angry qi 綮|embroidered banner qi 斉|old variant of 齊|齐[qi2] qi 犵|name of a tribe qi 桤|alder qi 葺|to repair qi 芑|Panicum miliaceum qi 跂|sixth (extra) toe/to crawl qi 跂|to climb/to hope qi 跂|to stand on tiptoe/to sit with feet h... qi 蜞|used in 蟛蜞[peng2qi2] qi 謦|cough slightly qi 艩|tholepin qi 禥|old variant of 祺[qi2] qi 郪|name of a river/place name qi 萋|Celosia argentea/luxuriant qi 芞|a kind of aromatic herb (old) qi 攲|up/uneven qi 魌|mask of a god used in ceremonies to e... qi 疧|(literary) disease/Taiwan pr. [zhi1] qi 鏚|battle-axe/Taiwan pr. [qi4] qi 敧|to pick up thing with chopsticks or p... qi 顣|frown qi 磜|(used in place names) qi 諆|to deceive; to cheat qi 綥|dark gray/straw sandals qi 栔|carve/cut qi 盵|surname Qi qi 蚔|green-frog qi 鮨|sushi/grouper (Portuguese: garoupa)/E... qi 埼|headland qi 鬐|dorsal fins/horse\'s mane qi 䫏|variant of 魌[qi1] qi 䒗|old variant of 芞[qi4] qi 鄿|(herb)/place name qi 気|Japanese variant of 氣|气 qi 𬨂|end of axle qi 迄|as yet/until qia 卡|to block/to be stuck/to be wedged/cus... qia 袷|used in 袷袢[qia1pan4] qia 洽|accord/to make contact/to agree/to co... qia 掐|to pick (flowers)/to pinch/to nip/to ... qia 恰|exactly/just qia 髂|ilium/outermost bone of the pelvic gi... qia 拤|to grip with both hands/to put one\'s ... qia 葜|used in 菝葜[ba2qia1] qiabiao 掐表|to use a stopwatch qiabozi 掐脖子|to seize by the throat qiabozi 卡脖子|to squeeze the throat/(fig.) to have ... qiadang 恰当|appropriate/suitable qiadaohaochu 恰到好处|it\'s just perfect/it\'s just right qiaduan 掐断|to nip off (with fingernails etc)/(fi... qiagu 髂骨|ilium (the large flat bone of the pel... qiahao 恰好|as it turns out/by lucky coincidence/... qiahe 恰合|to be just right for qiai 凄哀|desolate/mournful qiaigaolian 乞哀告怜|begging for pity and asking for help ... qiaji 恰吉|Chucky, murderous villain of the 1988... qiajia 掐架|(of dogs, roosters etc) to fight; to ... qiake 卡壳|(of a bullet or shell) to jam/(fig.) ... qiakou 卡扣|clip; buckle qian 前|front/forward/ahead/first/top (follow... qian 钱|surname Qian qian 钱|coin/money/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/unit of weight... qian 千|thousand qian 千|used in 鞦韆|秋千[qiu1qian1] qian 潜|hidden/secret/latent/to hide/to conce... qian 浅|shallow/light (color) qian 倩|pretty/winsome/to ask for sb\'s help/s... qian 迁|to move/to shift/to change (a positio... qian 乾|old variant of 乾[qian2] qian 乾|surname Qian qian 乾|one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4... qian 乾|variant of 乾[qian2] qian 幵|(literary) flat; level qian 欠|to owe/to lack/(literary) to be defic... qian 铅|old variant of 鉛|铅[qian1] qian 铅|lead (chemistry) qian 纤|boatman\'s tow-rope qian 钎|a drill (for boring through rock) qian 牵|to lead along/to pull (an animal on a... qian 谦|modest qian 阡|road leading north and south qian 钳|pincers/pliers/tongs/claw (of animal)... qian 墘|(Minnan dialect) beside/near/(used in... qian 签|to sign one\'s name/to write brief com... qian 签|Japanese variant of 籤|签[qian1] qian 签|inscribed bamboo stick (used in divin... qian 仟|thousand (banker\'s anti-fraud numeral) qian 虔|to act with reverence/reverent qian 遣|(bound form) to dispatch; to send/(bo... qian 骞|(literary) to hold high qian 拑|pliers/pincers/to clamp qian 谴|to censure/to reprimand qian 荨|used in 蕁麻|荨麻[qian2ma2]/also pr. [xun2] qian 黔|abbr. for Guizhou province 貴州|贵州[Gui4... qian 芡|Gorgon plant/fox nut (Gorgon euryale ... qian 愆|fault/transgression qian 愆|old variant of 愆[qian1] qian 軡|old variant of 黔[Qian2] qian 揵|carry qian 搴|to seize/to pull/to hold up the hem o... qian 扦|short slender pointed piece of metal,... qian 堑|(bound form) moat; chasm qian 钤|latch of door/seal qian 嵌|to inlay/to embed/Taiwan pr. [qian1] qian 攐|variant of 褰, to hold up the hem of c... qian 輤|a pall to cover the hearse qian 歉|to apologize/to regret/deficient qian 嗛|pouch/hold/content qian 岒|character used in place names qian 佥|all qian 汧|name of a river flowing through Gansu... qian 汧|marsh/float qian 蒨|luxuriant growth qian 掮|to carry on the shoulder qian 岍|name of a mountain qian 褰|to lift (clothes, sheets)/lower garments qian 犍|used in 犍為|犍为[Qian2wei4], a country i... qian 掔|lead along/substantial qian 媊|planet Venus in the morning qian 拪|old variant of 遷|迁[qian1] qian 攓|variant of 搴[qian1], to seize qian 悭|stingy qian 慊|dissatisfied qian 肷|(usu. of an animal) the part of the s... qian 缱|used in 繾綣|缱绻[qian3quan3] qian 椠|wooden tablet/edition qian 蔳|old variant of 蒨[qian4] qian 箝|pliers/pincers/to clamp qian 篟|luxuriant growth of bamboo qian 伣|(old) like/as qian 鹐|(of a bird) to peck/(fig.) to ridicul... qian 蚈|(arch.) firefly qian 燂|to heat/to scorch qian 葥|Rubus palmatus qian 傔|servant qian 銭|Japanese variant of 錢|钱 qian 鬵|big iron pot/cauldron/variant of 甑[ze... qian 䕭|variant of 蕁|荨[qian2] qian 皘|white qian 圱|a field of three li/old variant of 阡[... qian 粁|kilometer qian 茜|(bound form) Indian madder; munjeet (... qian 凄暗|dismal/somber qian 凄黯|dismal/somber/also written 淒暗|凄暗[qi1 ... qian 𬘬|dark red color (of silk product) qian 𣍰|pelvic cavity/lower abdomen qian 芊|green/luxuriant growth qianan 乾安|Qian\'an county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin qianan 迁安|Qian\'an, county-level city in Tangsha... qianan 欠安|ill (euphemism) qiananshi 迁安市|Qian\'an, county-level city in Tangsha... qiananxian 乾安县|Qian\'an county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin qianbai 浅白|simple/easy to understand qianbai 前摆|(dialect) last time qianban 牵绊|to bind/to yoke/to impede qianbanshang 前半晌|morning/a.m./first half of the day qianbanshangr 前半晌儿|erhua variant of 前半晌[qian2 ban4 shang3] qianbansheng 前半生|first half of one\'s life qianbantian 前半天|morning/a.m./first half of the day qianbantianr 前半天儿|erhua variant of 前半天[qian2 ban4 tian1] qianbanye 前半夜|first half of the night (from nightfa... qianbao 钱包|purse/wallet qianbei 前辈|senior/older generation/precursor qianbei 谦卑|humble qianbeixiang 前备箱|front trunk (of a car); frunk qianbi 铅笔|(lead) pencil/CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1],桿|杆[... qianbi 钱币|money (esp. coins) qianbi 前臂|forearm qianbi 倩碧|Clinique (brand) qianbian 欠扁|annoying/infuriating/deserving of a g... qianbian 前边|front/the front side/in front of qianbianr 前边儿|erhua variant of 前邊|前边[qian2 bian5] qianbianwanhua 千变万化|countless changes/constant permutation qianbianwanzhen 千变万轸|constantly changing, ever-varying (id... qianbidao 铅笔刀|pencil sharpener/CL:把[ba3] qianbihe 铅笔盒|pencil case qianbiyin 前鼻音|alveolar nasal/consonant n produced i... qianbo 浅薄|superficial qianbo 铅箔|lead foil/CL:張|张[zhang1] qianbu 前部|front part/front section qianbubacun,hoububadian 前不巴村,后不巴店|see 前不著村,後不著店|前不着村,后不着店[qian2 bu4 zha... qianbujianguren,houbujianlaizhe 前不见古人,后不见来者|unique/unprecedented (idiom) qianbujiu 前不久|not long ago/not long before qianbushiwannengde,meiqianshiwanwanbunengde 钱不是万能的,没钱是万万不能的|money isn\'t everything, but without m... qianbuzhaocun,houbuzhaodian 前不着村,后不着店|lit. no village ahead and no inn behi... qiancai 钱财|wealth/money qiancai 前菜|appetizer; starter; hors d\'oeuvre qiancang 前舱|fore hold (on ship)/bow cabin qiancang 潜藏|hidden beneath the surface/buried and... qiancao 茜草|Indian madder; munjeet (Rubia cordifo... qiancao 浅草|Asakusa, district of Tokyo with an at... qiancengmian 千层面|lasagna qiancengwenzi 浅层文字|shallow orthography (governed by simp... qiancha 扦插|(agriculture) to plant by cuttage; to... qiancha 前叉|fork (bicycle component) qianchan 牵缠|to involve/to entangle sb qianchang 浅尝|to merely have a sip or a bite (of on... qianchangguadu 牵肠挂肚|deeply worried (idiom); to feel anxious qianchanghui 签唱会|(of a singer) autograph session/recor... qianchangzhezhi 浅尝辄止|lit. to stop after taking just a sip ... qianchao 前朝|the previous dynasty qianchao 钱钞|money qianchawanbie 千差万别|(idiom) extremely diverse/to vary gre... qianche 牵扯|to involve; to implicate/to be interr... qianche 牵掣|to impede/to hold up qianchebuqing 牵扯不清|unclear; ambiguous/having an unclear ... qianchen 前尘|the past/impurity contracted previous... qiancheng 虔诚|pious/devout/sincere qiancheng 前程|future (career etc) prospects qiancheng 谦诚|modest and sincere/humble qiancheng 谦称|modest appellation qiancheng 签呈|petition (submitted to a superior) qianchengyuanda 前程远大|to have a future full of promise qianchezhifu,houchezhijian 前车之覆,后车之鉴|lit. the cart in front overturns, a w... qianchezhijian 前车之鉴|to learn a lesson from the mistakes o... qianchezhu 前车主|previous owner (of a car for sale) qianchi 前翅|front wing (of insect) qianchou 欠抽|(coll.) to deserve a slap in the face qianchu 签出|to log off qianchuan 前传|forward pass (sport) qianchuan 钱串|string of cash qianchuangbaikong 千疮百孔|see 百孔千瘡|百孔千疮[bai3 kong3 qian1 chuang1] qianchuanr 钱串儿|erhua variant of 錢串|钱串[qian2 chuan4] qianchuanzi 钱串子|string of copper coins (in ancient Ch... qianchui 铅锤|bob of a plumbline qianchuibailian 千锤百炼|after hard work and numerous revision... qianchuixian 铅垂线|plumbline qianci 遣词|to choose one\'s words/wording qianci 谦辞|humble words/self-deprecatory express... qianci 前此|before today qianci 谦词|modest word (grammar) qiandadeng 前大灯|headlight qiandai 铅带|weight belt qiandai 钱袋|purse/wallet qiandan 浅淡|light (color)/pale/vague (feeling) qiandan 乾旦|male actor playing the female role (C... qiandao 签到|to register/to sign in qiandao 前导|to precede/to guide qiandao 纤道|towpath (along a canal) qiandao-wangua 千刀万剐|(idiom) to hack (sb) to pieces (punis... qiandaohu 千岛湖|Qiandao Lake in Zhejiang, aka Xin\'an ... qiandaojiang 千岛酱|thousand island dressing qiandaoqundao 千岛群岛|Kuril Islands, archipelago in Sakhali... qiandeng 前灯|headlight qiandi 前敌|front line (military) qiandiao 前调|(perfumery) top note qianding 签订|to agree to and sign (a treaty etc) qianding 签定|to sign (a contract, treaty etc) qiandingwanzhu 千叮万嘱|repeatedly urging/imploring over and ... qiandong 牵动|to affect/to produce a change in sth qiandongnanmiaozudongzuzizhizhou 黔东南苗族侗族自治州|Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous ... qiandongnanzhou 黔东南州|Qiandongnan, abbr. for Qiandongnan Mi... qiandu 迁都|to move the capital (city) qiandu 签赌|to gamble qianduan 前端|front/front end/forward part of sth qianduan 前段|front part (of an object)/first part ... qianduan 浅短|narrow and shallow (knowledge or skil... qianduanshijian 前段时间|recently qianduanzongxian 前端总线|(computing) front-side bus (FSB) qiandun 千吨|kiloton qianduoshishaolijiajin 钱多事少离家近|lots of money, less work, and close t... qiane 前额|forehead qianeyepizhi 前额叶皮质|prefrontal cortex (PFC) qianfa 签发|to issue (a document)/to sign and iss... qianfadidian 签发地点|place of issue (of document) qianfan 遣返|to repatriate (e.g. prisoners of war)... qianfang 前方|ahead/the front qianfangbaiji 千方百计|lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (... qianfanggaoneng 前方高能|(slang) Something awesome is about to... qianfangjiao 前房角|anterior chamber (the front chamber o... qianfariqi 签发日期|date of issue (of document) qianfei 欠费|to be in arrears/to be out of credit/... qianfei 迁飞|to migrate (of birds) qianfen 芡粉|cornstarch/powder made from Gorgon fruit qianfenchi 千分尺|micrometer screw gauge; micrometer qianfeng 前锋|vanguard/front line/a forward (sports) qianfodong 千佛洞|Buddhist grottos qianfu 潜伏|to hide/to cover up/to conceal qianfu 前夫|former husband qianfu 千伏|kilovolt qianfu 纤夫|burlak (barge hauler) qianfu 牵扶|to lead qianfu 千夫|a lot of people (literary) qianfudiao 浅浮雕|bas-relief qianfuhouji 前赴后继|to advance dauntlessly in wave upon w... qianfuhouyang 前俯后仰|to rock one\'s body backward and forwa... qianfuqi 潜伏期|incubation period (of disease) qiang 将|to desire/to invite/to request qiang 强|surname Qiang qiang 强|strong/powerful/better/slightly more ... qiang 强|to force/to compel/to strive/to make ... qiang 强|variant of 強|强[qiang2] qiang 强|variant of 強|强[qiang3] qiang 墙|variant of 牆|墙[qiang2] qiang 墙|wall (CL:面[mian4],堵[du3])/(slang) to ... qiang 抢|(literary) to knock against (esp. to ... qiang 抢|to fight over/to rush/to scramble/to ... qiang 繈|cloth for carrying baby on back qiang 蹡|(manner of walking) qiang 枪|surname Qiang qiang 枪|gun/firearm/rifle/spear/thing with sh... qiang 枪|variant of 槍|枪[qiang1]/rifle/spear qiang 椌|(wooden mus. instr.) qiang 羌|Qiang ethnic group of northwestern Si... qiang 羌|muntjac/grammar particle indicating n... qiang 羌|variant of 羌[qiang1] qiang 呛|to choke (because of swallowing the w... qiang 呛|to irritate the nose/to choke (of smo... qiang 蔷|used in 薔薇|蔷薇[qiang2 wei1] qiang 羟|hydroxyl (radical) qiang 锵|tinkling of small bells qiang 廧|wall qiang 玱|(onom.) tinkling of gems qiang 炝|to briefly boil (a vegetable etc), th... qiang 蜣|dung beetle qiang 镪|sulfuric acid qiang 镪|money/string of coins qiang 樯|boom/mast qiang 樯|variant of 檣|樯[qiang2] qiang 戗|contrary/pushing against/bump/knock/u... qiang 嫱|female court officials qiang 戕|to kill/to injure/Taiwan pr. [qiang2] qiang 跄|walk rapidly qiang 跄|stagger/sway from side to side qiang 丬|\"piece of wood\" radical in Chinese ch... qiang 襁|string of copper coins/variant of 襁[q... qiang 襁|cloth for carrying baby on back qiang 锖|the color of a mineral qiang 蔃|cigarette (slang) (Cantonese) qiang 牄|to walk rapidly qiang 斨|axe qiang 腔|(bound form) cavity/tune/accent (in o... qiang 𬧀|used in 踉蹡|踉𬧀[liang4qiang4] qiangang 气昂昂|full of vigor/spirited/valiant qiangbai 抢白|to rebuke; to reprimand qiangban 枪版|amateur pirated DVD, made e.g. by sho... qiangbanju 墙板锯|drywall saw/plasterboard saw qiangbao 强暴|violent/to rape qiangbao 墙报|wall newspaper qiangbao 襁褓|swaddling clothes/fig. early stage of... qiangbar 枪把儿|butt of a gun qiangbeng 枪崩|to shoot qiangbi 墙壁|wall qiangbi 强逼|to compel/to force qiangbi 枪毙|to execute by firing squad/to shoot d... qiangbi 腔壁|cavity wall qiangbian 强辩|to try to make one\'s case using false... qiangbiandaodi 强辩到底|to argue endlessly/to try to have the... qiangbing 强兵|strong soldiers/make the military pow... qiangbo 将伯|to ask for assistance qiangbozhizhu 将伯之助|assistance that one gets from another qiangchangdongwu 腔肠动物|Coelenterata (such as jellyfish) qiangcheng 强撑|to use all one\'s willpower (to do sth... qiangci 枪刺|bayonet qiangciduoli 强词夺理|to twist words and force logic (idiom... qiangda 强大|big and strong; formidable; powerful qiangda 抢答|to compete to be the first to answer ... qiangda 强打|promotion (for a product)/advertisement qiangdachutouniao 枪打出头鸟|the shot hits the bird that pokes its... qiangdan 枪弹|bullet qiangdang 强档|prime time qiangdao 强盗|to rob (with force)/bandit/robber/CL:... qiangdao 呛到|to choke on (food etc)/to swallow the... qiangdaozhongrentui 墙倒众人推|lit. when a wall is about to collapse... qiangdaqi 抢答器|lockout buzzer system (as used by gam... qiangdi 强敌|powerful enemy qiangdi 羌笛|Qiang flute qiangdiao 强调|to emphasize (a statement)/to stress qiangdiao 腔调|a tune/a melody/accent (distinctive w... qiangdiaose 强调色|accent color qiangdu 强度|strength/intensity/CL:個|个[ge4] qiangdui 强队|a powerful team (sports) qiangduo 抢夺|to plunder/to pillage/to forcibly take qiangeng 浅耕|to scratch/shallow plowing qiangfa 枪法|marksmanship qiangfei 枪匪|bandits with guns/an armed criminal/a... qiangfeng 强风|strong breeze (meteorology) qiangfeng 抢风|against the headwind qiangfeng 戗风|against the headwind qiangfenghangxing 抢风航行|to tack against the wind (sailing) qiangfengtou 抢风头|to steal the show/to grab the limelight qiangfushequ 强辐射区|radioactive hot spot qianggala 墙旮旯|recess between walls qianggan 枪杆|gun barrel qianggan 强干|competent/capable qiangganr 枪杆儿|gun barrel qiangganzi 枪杆子|gun barrel qianggen 墙根|foot of a wall qianggong 强攻|(military) to take by storm qianggong 抢功|to take credit for sb else\'s achievem... qianggou 抢购|to buy frenetically/to snap up (barga... qianggu 呛咕|to discuss (dialect) qiangguan 枪管|gun barrel qiangguo 强国|(ironically) mainland China (Taiwan &... qiangguo 强国|powerful country/great power qianghai 戕害|to injure qianghan 强悍|tough/strong/formidable/fearsome qiangheng 强横|surly and unreasoning/bullying/tyrann... qianghua 强化|to strengthen/to intensify qianghuise 枪灰色|gunmetal gray qianghun 抢婚|marriage by capture/bride kidnapping qianghuo 羌活|Notopterygium root (root of Notoptery... qiangji 羟基|hydroxyl group -OH qiangji 枪击|to shoot with a gun/shooting incident qiangji 枪机|bolt of gun qiangjia 强加|to impose/to force upon qiangjian 强碱|strong alkali qiangjian 强奸|to rape qiangjian 强健|sturdy qiangjian 枪击案|a shooting qiangjianfan 强奸犯|rapist qiangjiangshouxiawuruobing 强将手下无弱兵|there are no poor soldiers under a go... qiangjianzui 强奸罪|rape qiangjiao 墙角|corner (junction of two walls) qiangjiaoshuying 强脚树莺|(bird species of China) brown-flanked... qiangjidingsuan 羟基丁酸|gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid, GHB qiangjie 抢劫|to rob/looting qiangjiean 抢劫案|robbery/holdup qiangjiezui 抢劫罪|robbery qiangjilinhuishi 羟基磷灰石|hydroxy-apatite (phosphatic lime depo... qiangjing 强劲|strong/powerful/robust qiangjingtou 抢镜头|to scoop the best camera shots/to gra... qiangjiu 抢救|to rescue qiangjiu 羌鹫|sea eagle/CL:隻|只[zhi1] qiangjiyu 腔棘鱼|coelacanth qiangjue 枪决|to execute by firing squad/same as 槍斃|枪毙 qiangkou 枪口|muzzle of a gun qiangla 强拉|to drag (sb) along (to a place)/to yank qianglang 蜣螂|dung beetle qiangli 强力|powerful qiangliang 强梁|ruffian/bully qiangliang 跄踉|see 踉蹌|踉跄[liang4qiang4] qianglie 强烈|strong; intense qiangliefandui 强烈反对|to oppose strongly/violently opposed to qianglijiao 强力胶|superglue qiangling 强令|to order by force/peremptory qianglinjianyu 枪林箭雨|forest of spear, rain of arrows qiangliu 强流|high current (e.g. electric) qiangliudan 枪榴弹|rifle grenade qianglongbuyaditoushe 强龙不压地头蛇|lit. strong dragon cannot repress a s... qianglve 抢掠|to loot/looting qianglvkui 羟氯喹|hydroxychloroquine (medication) qiangmaiqiangmai 强买强卖|to force sb to buy or sell/to trade u... qiangmian 墙面|the surface of a wall (esp. an interi... qiangniudeguabutian 强扭的瓜不甜|lit. if you have to use force to brea... qiangnuzhimo 强弩之末|lit. an arrow at the end of its fligh... qiangong 钳工|fitter/benchwork qiangong 谦恭|polite and modest qiangongjinqi 前功尽弃|to waste all one\'s previous efforts (... qiangpao 枪炮|firearm qiangpao 抢跑|to jump the gun/to make a false start qiangpiao 抢票|to scramble for tickets qiangpo 强迫|to compel/to force qiangpoguannian 强迫观念|compelling notion/obsession qiangpolaodong 强迫劳动|forced labor (as punishment in crimin... qiangpoxing 强迫性|compulsive/obsessive qiangpoxingchuwuzheng 强迫性储物症|compulsive hoarding qiangpoxingxingxingwei 强迫性性行为|sexual obsession qiangpozheng 强迫症|obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) qiangqin 抢亲|marriage by capture/bride kidnapping qiangqiu 强求|to insist on; to demand; to impose qiangquan 强权|power/might qiangren 强韧|resilient/tough and strong qiangren 强人|(politics) strongman/(in the workplac... qiangren 强忍|to resist (with great difficulty) qiangrenbeitong 强忍悲痛|to try hard to suppress one\'s grief (... qiangrensuonan 强人所难|to force someone to do something qiangru 强如|to be better than qiangruo 强弱|strong or weak/intensity/amount of fo... qiangsha 枪杀|to shoot dead qiangshang 枪伤|gunshot wound qiangshen 强身|to strengthen one\'s body; to keep fit... qiangsheng 强生|Johnson (surname)/Johnson & Johnson (... qiangsheng 强盛|rich and powerful qiangsheng 枪声|crack/shooting sound/gunshot qiangshenggongsi 强生公司|Johnson & Johnson qiangshengyi 抢生意|to undercut competitors/to hustle/to ... qiangshenjianti 强身健体|to keep fit and healthy qiangshi 强势|strong/powerful/(linguistics) emphati... qiangshi 强使|to force; to oblige qiangshou 枪手|gunman/sharpshooter/sb who takes an e... qiangshou 抢手|(of goods) popular/in great demand qiangshouhuo 抢手货|a best-seller/a hot property qiangshu 枪术|qiang (spear) qiangshuan 枪栓|gun bolt qiangshuan 枪闩|breech bolt (e.g. of rifle) qiangshui 镪水|(coll.) strong acid qiangsi 强似|to be better than qiangtan 抢滩|to make an amphibious assault/to seiz... qiangtang 枪膛|bore of a gun qiangti 枪替|to substitute for sb in sitting an ex... qiangtong 抢通|to rush through urgently (e.g. emerge... qiangtong 枪筒|barrel of a gun qiangtoucao 墙头草|sb who goes whichever way the wind bl... qiangtuo 枪托|butt of a gun/stock qiangu 千古|for all eternity/throughout all ages/... qiangua 牵挂|to worry about/to be concerned about qianguan 前冠|heading/prefix qianguangong 铅管工|plumber qianguize 潜规则|unspoken rules (usually ones that cod... qianguoerluosimengguzuzizhixian 前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县|Qian Gorlos Mongol autonomous county ... qianguoxian 前郭县|Qian Gorlos Mongol autonomous county ... qianguozhen 前郭镇|Qian Gorlos township, capital of Qian... qianguyihen 千古遗恨|to have eternal regrets (idiom) qianguzuiren 千古罪人|sb condemned by history (idiom) qiangwei 蔷薇|Japanese rose (Rosa multiflora) qiangweihualei 蔷薇花蕾|rosebud qiangweishizituan 蔷薇十字团|the Rosicrucian order (masonic order) qiangwen 强吻|to forcibly kiss; to kiss without con... qiangwugushi 羌无故实|to have no basis in fact (idiom) qiangwuzei 枪乌贼|squid qiangxi 腔隙|lacuna/gap qiangxian 抢先|to rush (to do sth urgent)/to try to ... qiangxian 抢险|emergency (measures)/to react to an e... qiangxiang 强项|key strength/strong suit/specialty qiangxianghuzuoyong 强相互作用|strong interaction (in particle physi... qiangxianjiuzai 抢险救灾|to provide relief during times of eme... qiangxie 枪械|firearm qiangxing 强行|to do sth by force/Taiwan pr. [qiang3... qiangxinji 强心剂|cardiac stimulant qiangxinzhen 强心针|heart-strengthening shot/fig. a shot ... qiangxiu 抢修|to repair in a rush/rush repairs qiangyan 抢眼|eye-catching qiangyan 枪眼|loophole (for firing)/embrasure qiangyanhuanxiao 强颜欢笑|to pretend to look happy/to force one... qiangyi 枪衣|gun cover qiangying 强硬|tough/unyielding/hard-line qiangyinglichang 强硬立场|tough position qiangyingpai 强硬派|hardline faction/hawks qiangyingtaidu 强硬态度|unyielding attitude qiangyintaban 强音踏板|loud pedal (on piano)/sustaining pedal qiangyouli 强有力|strong/forceful qiangyuan 墙垣|wall/fence qiangzhan 枪战|gun battle/firefight qiangzhan 抢占|to seize (the strategic high ground) qiangzhan 强占|to occupy by force qiangzhen 强震|powerful earthquake/abbr. for 強烈地震|强烈地震 qiangzheng 强征|to press into service/to impress/to c... qiangzhi 强制|to force; to compel; to coerce/forced... qiangzhi 枪支|a gun/guns in general qiangzhi 墙纸|wallpaper qiangzhi 枪枝|a gun/guns in general/same as 槍支|枪支 qiangzhixingjizhuyan 强直性脊柱炎|ankylosing spondylitis/Bechterew’s di... qiangzhonggengyouqiangzhongshou 强中更有强中手|see 強中自有強中手|强中自有强中手[qiang2 zhong1 zi4... qiangzhongziyouqiangzhongshou 强中自有强中手|(idiom) however strong you are, there... qiangzhu 抢注|to squat on (a domain name, trademark... qiangzhuang 强壮|strong/sturdy/robust qiangzi 腔子|thoracic cavity/intonation/accent qiangzi 枪子|bullet qiangzi 强子|hadron (particle physics) qiangziyouji 羟自由基|hydroxyl radical qiangzou 抢走|to snatch (esp related to a robbery) qiangzu 羌族|Qiang ethnic group, nowadays esp. in ... qiangzuoyong 强作用|strong interaction (governing hadrons... qiangzuoyongli 强作用力|the strong force (in nuclear physics) qianhai 浅海|shallow sea/sea less than 200 meters ... qianhan 前汉|Former Han dynasty (206 BC-8 AD), als... qianhanshu 前汉书|History of the Former Han Dynasty, se... qianhanwuji 前寒武纪|pre-Cambrian, geological period befor... qianhao 堑壕|trench; entrenchment qianhaozhan 堑壕战|trench warfare qianhe 谦和|meek/modest/amiable qianhe 千赫|kilohertz qianhe 谴呵|variant of 譴訶|谴诃[qian3 he1] qianhe 谴诃|to reprimand qianhei 浅黑|dark/gray/(of skin) lightly pigmented qianhezi 千赫兹|kilohertz/kHz qianhou 前后|around/from beginning to end/all arou... qianhouwen 前后文|context/the surrounding words/same as... qianhuangse 浅黄色|buff/pale yellow qianji 牵记|to feel anxious about sth/unable to s... qianjia 欠佳|suboptimal/subpar/not good enough qianjia 钱夹|wallet/Taiwan pr. [qian2 jia2] qianjiaban 前甲板|forward deck (of a boat) qianjian 浅见|shallow opinion/humble opinion qianjian 潜舰|a submarine qianjian 悭俭|miserly; stingy qianjian 前件|antecedent (logic) qianjiang 潜江|Qianjiang sub-prefecture level city i... qianjiang 黔江|Qianjiang, a district of Chongqing 重慶... qianjiangqu 黔江区|Qianjiang, a district of Chongqing 重慶... qianjiangshi 潜江市|Qianjiang sub-prefecture level city i... qianjianjidui 千碱基对|kilobase pair (molecular biology) qianjiao 前脚|one moment ..., (the next ...)/leadin... qianjiao 扦脚|(dialect) pedicure/to trim one\'s toen... qianjiao 浅礁|shallow reef/shoal qianjiao 千焦|kilojoule qianjiao-baimei 千娇百媚|(idiom) (of a woman) bewitching; char... qianjiasandajia 乾嘉三大家|Three great poets of the Qianlong and... qianjiawanhu 千家万户|every family (idiom) qianjie 前揭|(the item) named above/aforementioned... qianjin 前进|to go forward/to forge ahead/to advan... qianjin 千金|thousand jin 斤 (pounds) of gold/money... qianjin 浅近|simple qianjin 前金|Qianjin or Chienchin district of Kaoh... qianjin 嵌进|embedded/embedding qianjin 潜近|to sneak up on qianjin 潜进|to sneak in/to infiltrate qianjinding 千斤顶|jack (for lifting weight) qianjinfang 千金方|Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gol... qianjing 前景|foreground/vista/(future) prospects/p... qianjing 虔敬|reverent qianjingkeqi 前景可期|to have a promising future/to have br... qianjinnanmai 千金难买|can\'t be bought for one thousand in g... qianjinqu 前进区|Qianjin district of Kiamusze or Jiamu... qianjinqu 前金区|Qianjin or Chienchin district of Kaoh... qianjinyaofang 千金要方|Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gol... qianjinyinuo 千金一诺|a promise worth one thousand in gold ... qianjinyizhi 千金一掷|lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold ... qianjitian 前几天|a few days ago/a few days before/the ... qianjiu 迁就|to yield to; to adapt to; to accommod... qianjiu 歉疚|remorseful/guilt-ridden qianjiu 牵就|to concede/to give up qianjiuchi 前臼齿|premolar tooth (immediately behind ca... qianju 迁居|to move (from one residence to another) qianjuhougong 前倨后恭|to switch from arrogance to deference... qianjuji 前锯肌|serratus anterior muscle (upper sides... qianjun-yifa 千钧一发|lit. a thousand pounds hangs by a thr... qianjunwanma 千军万马|magnificent army with thousands of me... qianjunyide,yijiangnanqiu 千军易得,一将难求|Easy to raise an army of one thousand... qianjuyimin 迁居移民|immigration qianka 千卡|kilocalorie (Kcal) qianke 千克|kilogram qianke 掮客|broker/agent qianke 前科|criminal record/previous convictions qianke 兛|kilogram (old) (single-character equi... qianketongshen 钱可通神|with money, you can do anything (idio... qiankongfan 前空翻|(acrobatics) front flip qiankuan 欠款|to owe a debt/balance due/debts qiankuang 铅矿|lead ore qiankun 乾坤|yin and yang; heaven and earth; the u... qianlai 前来|to come (formal)/before/previously qianlang 前廊|front porch qianlei 牵累|to weigh down/to trouble/to implicate... qianli 千里|a thousand miles/a thousand li (i.e. ... qianli 潜力|potential; latent capacity qianli 前例|precedent qianli 迁离|to move away/to change residence qianlian 牵连|to implicate/implicated/to link together qianlian 牵联|variant of 牽連|牵连[qian1 lian2] qianlian 芊萰|green and flourishing/overgrown qianliang 钱粮|land tax/money and grain (given as ta... qianliang 前凉|Former Liang, one of the Sixteen King... qianlidachangpeng,meiyoubusandeyanxi 千里搭长棚,没有不散的宴席|even if you build a thousand-league a... qianlidaheduobage 千里达和多巴哥|Trinidad and Tobago qianlidajituobage 千里达及托巴哥|Trinidad and Tobago (Tw) qianlie 前列|the very front qianliemao 千里鹅毛|goose feather sent from afar (idiom);... qianliexian 前列腺|prostate qianliexiansu 前列腺素|prostaglandin qianliexianyan 前列腺炎|prostatitis qianligu 潜力股|stock that has potential to increase ... qianligunanren 潜力股男人|man with good prospects qianlijiemao 千里寄鹅毛|goose feather sent from afar (idiom);... qianlima 千里马|lit. ten thousand mile horse/fine steed qianlimachangyou,erbolebuchangyou 千里马常有,而伯乐不常有|lit. there are many swift horses, but... qianlin 悭吝|(literary) miserly; stingy qianling 乾陵|Qianling at Xianyang 咸陽市|咸阳市 in Shaan... qianlisongemao 千里送鹅毛|goose feather sent from afar (idiom);... qianlisongemao,liqingqingyizhong 千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重|goose feather sent from afar, a trifl... qianlisongemao,liqingrenyizhong 千里送鹅毛,礼轻人意重|goose feather sent from afar, a sligh... qianlitiaotiao 千里迢迢|from distant parts qianliyan 千里眼|clairvoyance qianlizhidi,huiyuyixue 千里之堤,毁于蚁穴|see 千里之堤,潰於蟻穴|千里之堤,溃于蚁穴[qian1 li3 zhi... qianlizhidi,kuiyuyixue 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴|lit. an ant hole may cause the collap... qianlizhiwai 千里之外|thousand miles distant qianlizhixing,shiyuzuxia 千里之行,始于足下|lit. a thousand mile journey begins w... qianlong 乾隆|Qianlong Emperor (1711-1799), sixth Q... qianlou 浅陋|shallow and crude/meager (knowledge o... qianlu 浅露|blunt/direct (i.e. not tactful) qianlu 前路|the road ahead qianlun 前轮|front wheel qianlveyi 前掠翼|swept-forward wing (on jet fighter) qianlvjiqiong 黔驴技穷|to exhaust one\'s limited abilities (i... qianlvyide 千虑一得|a thousand tries leads to one success... qianlvyishi 千虑一失|reflect a thousand times and you can ... qianma 荨麻|nettle/also pr. [xun2 ma2] qianmao 前茅|forward patrol (military) (old)/(fig.... qianmaxianmei 钳马衔枚|with horses and soldiers gagged (idio... qianmen 前门|Qianmen subway station on Beijing Sub... qianmen 前门|front door/main entrance/honest and u... qianmen 遣闷|to dispel anguish qianmendahu,houmendalang 前门打虎,后门打狼|to beat a tiger from the front door, ... qianmenjuhu,houmenjinlang 前门拒虎,后门进狼|to beat a tiger from the front door, ... qianmi 千米|kilometer qianmian 前面|ahead/in front/preceding/above/also p... qianming 签名|to sign (one\'s name with a pen etc)/t... qianmo 潜没|to submerge/to subduct (of tectonic p... qiannanbuyizumiaozuzizhizhou 黔南布依族苗族自治州|Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Pre... qiannanwannan 千难万难|extremely difficult qiannanyou 前男友|ex-boyfriend qiannanzhou 黔南州|Qiannan, abbr. for Qiannan Buyei and ... qianneng 潜能|potential/hidden capability qiannengtongshen 钱能通神|money is all-powerful/money can move God qiannian 千年|millennium qiannian 前年|the year before last qianniao 潜鸟|loon (bird of genus Gavia) qianniu 牵牛|Altair (star)/Cowherd of the folk tal... qianniu 牵牛|morning glory (Pharbitis nil) qianniuhua 牵牛花|white-edged morning glory qianniushu 牵牛属|Pharbitis, genus of herbaceous plants... qianniuxing 牵牛星|Altair (star)/Cowherd of the folk tal... qiannu 迁怒|to take one\'s anger out on sb (who do... qiannuyuren 迁怒于人|to vent one\'s anger on an innocent pa... qiannvyou 前女友|ex-girlfriend qianpa 千帕|kilopascal (kPa, unit of pressure) qianpai 前排|front row qianpaishi 签派室|dispatch office qianpalanghoupahu 前怕狼后怕虎|lit. to fear the wolf in front and th... qianpi 钱皮|Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (1920-2016), pre... qianpianyilv 千篇一律|thousand articles, same rule (idiom);... qianpuhouji 前仆后继|one falls, the next follows (idiom); ... qianqi 前妻|ex-wife/late wife qianqi 前期|preceding period/early stage qianqi 愆期|(formal) to delay/to miss a deadline/... qianqi 搴旗|to pull and capture the enemy\'s flag qianqi 钱起|Qian Qi (c. 710-780), Tang Dynasty poet qianqiang 牵强|far-fetched/implausible (chain of rea... qianqiangfuhui 牵强附会|to make an irrelevant comparison or i... qianqianwanwan 千千万万|lit. by the thousands and tens of tho... qianqiao 前桥|Maebashi (surname or place name) qianqibaiguai 千奇百怪|fantastic oddities of every descripti... qianqichen 钱其琛|Qian Qichen (1928-2017), former Chine... qianqin 前秦|Former Qin of the Sixteen Kingdoms (3... qianqing 前倾|to lean forward qianqing 前情|former love/former circumstances qianqiu 铅球|shot put (athletics event) qianqiu 千秋|a thousand years/your birthday (honor... qianqiuwandai 千秋万代|throughout the ages qianqu 前驱|precursor/pioneer qianquan 缱绻|(literary) in love and inseparable qianque 欠缺|to be deficient in/lapse/deficiency qianr 前儿|before/day before yesterday qianrang 谦让|to modestly decline qianrbabai 千儿八百|(coll.) one thousand or almost one th... qianre 潜热|latent heat qianren 前人|predecessor/forebears/the person faci... qianren 前任|predecessor/ex-/former/ex (spouse etc) qianrenzaishu,hourenchengliang 前人栽树,后人乘凉|to enjoy the benefits of the hard wor... qianri 前日|day before yesterday qianru 嵌入|to insert; to embed qianru 潜入|to submerge/to infiltrate/to steal into qianru 迁入|to move in (to new lodging) qianru 签入|to log on/to log in qianrushi 嵌入式|(electronics) embedded qianrushiyigui 嵌入式衣柜|built-in closet qiansan 遣散|to disband/to dismiss/demobilization qiansanfei 遣散费|severance pay qiansanjia 前三甲|top three qiansanqiang 钱三强|Qian Sanqiang qianse 浅色|light color qianshan 潜山|Qianshan, a county-level city in Anqi... qianshang 前晌|(dialect) morning/forenoon qianshanqu 千山区|Qianshan district of Anshan city 鞍山市[... qianshanshi 潜山市|Qianshan, a county-level city in Anqi... qianshao 前哨|outpost/(fig.) front line qianshaozhan 前哨战|skirmish qianshe 牵涉|to involve/implicated qianshedao 牵涉到|to involve/to drag in qianshen 前身|forerunner/predecessor/precursor/prev... qianshen 欠身|to half rise out of one\'s chair (a po... qianshen 浅深|depth (archaic) qiansheng 前生|previous life/previous incarnation qiansheng 牵绳|tow rope qianshengzhiguo 千乘之国|(archaic) a state with a thousand cha... qianshenmoji 潜神默记|to devote oneself to a task in silenc... qianshi 芡实|Gorgon fruit/Semen euryales (botany)/... qianshi 前世|previous generations/previous incarna... qianshi 前事|past events/antecedent/what has happened qianshi 遣使|to dispatch an envoy qianshibuwang,houshizhishi 前事不忘,后事之师|don\'t forget past events, they can gu... qianshiyinyuan 前世姻缘|a marriage predestined in a former li... qianshou 签收|to sign for the acceptance of sth (e.... qianshou 签售|(of an author, musician etc) to sign ... qianshou 牵手|to hold hands qianshou 歉收|crop failure/poor harvest qianshouhui 签售会|(publishing industry) book signing ev... qianshouxiang 前首相|former prime minister qianshu 签署|to sign (an agreement) qianshu 前述|aforestated/stated above/the precedin... qianshui 浅水|shallow water qianshui 潜水|to dive/to go under water/(in an onli... qianshuidao 潜水刀|dive knife qianshuifu 潜水服|diving suit/wetsuit qianshuifubing 潜水夫病|bends qianshuifuzheng 潜水夫症|bends qianshuiqi 潜水器|submersible qianshuiting 潜水艇|submarine qianshuiyi 潜水衣|diving suit qianshuiyuan 潜水员|diver/frogman qianshuizhe 潜水者|(underwater) diver qianshuo 浅说|simple introduction/primer qiansiwanlv 千丝万缕|linked in countless ways qiansong 遣送|to send away/to deport/to repatriate qiansongchujing 遣送出境|to deport qiansu 茜素|alizarin qiansuanxudianchi 铅酸蓄电池|lead-acid accumulator/battery (e.g. i... qiansulian 前苏联|former Soviet Union qiansuoweijian 前所未见|unprecedented/never seen before qiansuoweiwen 前所未闻|unheard-of; unprecedented qiansuoweiyou 前所未有|(idiom) unprecedented qiantai 前台|stage/proscenium/foreground in politi... qiantaici 潜台词|unspoken dialogue in a play, left for... qiantan 浅滩|shallows/shoal/sandbar qiantang 钱塘|Qiantang River that loops around Hang... qiantangchao 钱塘潮|tidal bore of Qiantang river qiantangjiang 钱塘江|Qiantang River that loops around Hang... qiantao 嵌套|nested/nesting qiantao 潜逃|to abscond/to slink off qiantaowuzong 潜逃无踪|to abscond without leaving a trace (i... qianti 前提|premise/precondition/prerequisite qianti 前体|precursor qiantian 前田|Maeda (Japanese surname) qiantian 前天|the day before yesterday qiantiao 欠条|IOU/certificate of indebtedness qiantiao 签条|label/tag qiantiao 铅条|strip of lead qiantiaowanxuan 千挑万选|to select very carefully qianting 前厅|anteroom/vestibule/lobby (of a hotel ... qianting 潜艇|submarine qianting 前庭|front courtyard/vestibule qiantingbao 潜艇堡|submarine sandwich qiantingchuang 前庭窗|fenestra vestibuli (of inner ear) qiantitiaojian 前提条件|preconditions qiantou 牵头|to lead (an animal by the head)/to ta... qiantou 前头|in front/at the head/ahead/above qiantouming 弃暗投明|to renounce the dark and seek the lig... qiantouwanxu 千头万绪|plethora of things to tackle/multitud... qiantu 前途|prospects/future outlook/journey qiantuhouqiao 前凸后翘|(of a woman) to have nice curves; bux... qiantui 前腿|forelegs qiantumiaomang 前途渺茫|not knowing what to do next/at a loos... qiantuo 欠妥|improper/inappropriate/unsatisfactory... qiantuweibu 前途未卜|hanging in the balance/the future is ... qiantuwuliang 前途无量|to have boundless prospects qianwa 千瓦|kilowatt (unit of electric power) qianwa 瓩|kilowatt (old)/single-character equiv... qianwan 千万|ten million/countless/many/one must b... qianwang 前往|to leave for; to proceed towards; to ... qianwangjing 潜望镜|periscope qianwashi 千瓦时|kilowatt-hour qianwei 犍为|Qianwei county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 sh... qianwei 千位|the thousands place (or column) in th... qianwei 前卫|advanced guard/vanguard/avant-garde/f... qianwei 前桅|foremast qianwei 前胃|proventriculus/forestomach qianweixian 犍为县|Qianwei county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 sh... qianweiyuan 千位元|kilobit qianwu 钱物|money and things of value qianwuguren 前无古人|(idiom) unprecedented/unheard of qianwuguren,houwulaizhe 前无古人,后无来者|there has never been and never will b... qianxi 浅析|primary, elementary or coarse analysis qianxi 前夕|eve/the day before qianxi 迁徙|to migrate/to move qianxi 迁西|Qianxi county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 sh... qianxi 前戏|foreplay qianxian 前线|front line/military front/workface/cu... qianxian 乾县|Qian County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 y... qianxian 浅显|(of written or spoken material) easy ... qianxian 牵线|to pull strings/to manipulate (a pupp... qianxian 前嫌|former hatred/bygone enmity qianxian 浅鲜|meager/slight qianxiang 欠项|liabilities/debt qianxianren 牵线人|sb who pulls strings to get things do... qianxianyidong 浅显易懂|easy to understand qianxie 前些|a few (days, years etc) ago qianxijinqiu 浅希近求|to aim low/to aim to get by/without l... qianxin 欠薪|to owe wages/back pay/wages arrears qianxin 潜心|to concentrate fully on sth/single-mi... qianxin 牵心|to worry/concerned qianxin 虔信|piety/devotion (to a religion)/pious ... qianxinanbuyizumiaozuzizhizhou 黔西南布依族苗族自治州|Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous p... qianxinanzhou 黔西南州|Qianxinan, abbr. for Qianxinan Buyei ... qianxing 前行|(literary) to go forward qianxing 潜行|to slink/to move stealthily/to advanc... qianxinguachang 牵心挂肠|to worry deeply about sth/extremely c... qianxinhaodeng 前信号灯|car front indicator qianxinian 千禧年|the first year of a millennium (esp. ... qianxinpai 虔信派|pious sect/fundamentalist faction qianxinwanku 千辛万苦|to suffer untold hardships (idiom); t... qianxinzhe 虔信者|pious believer/devotee/fundamentalist qianxinzhuyi 虔信主义|fideism/fundamentalism qianxiong 前胸|human chest/breast qianxiongtiehoubei 前胸贴后背|(lit.) chest sticking to back/(fig.) ... qianxixian 迁西县|Qianxi county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 sh... qianxiyidai 千禧一代|Generation Y/Millennial Generation qianxu 谦虚|modest/self-effacing/to make modest r... qianxue 浅学|shallow study/superficial/scant knowl... qianxuesen 钱学森|Qian Xuesen (1911-2009), Chinese scie... qianxun 谦逊|humble/modest/unpretentious/modesty qianyan 前沿|(military) forward position/frontier;... qianyan 前言|preface; foreword; introduction; prea... qianyan 迁延|long delay qianyan 前咽|prepharynx (biology) qianyan 前燕|Former Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (3... qianyang 千阳|Qianyang County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 j... qianyang 黔阳|Qianyang former county, now merged in... qianyangdanjiu 牵羊担酒|pulling a lamb and bringing wine on a... qianyanghouhe 前仰后合|to sway to and fro/to rock back and f... qianyangxian 千阳县|Qianyang County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 j... qianyangxian 黔阳县|Qianyang former county in Huaihua cou... qianyanwanyu 千言万语|thousands of words (idiom); having a ... qianye 千叶|Chiba (Japanese surname and place name) qianye 前夜|the eve/the night before qianyexian 千叶县|Chiba prefecture, Japan qianyi 迁移|to migrate/to move qianyi 歉意|apology/regret qianyi 浅易|easy/simple/suitable for beginners qianyi 千亿|myriads/hundred billion qianyi 潜移|intangible changes/unnoticed transfor... qianyibaishun 千依百顺|totally submissive (idiom) qianyifaerdongquanshen 牵一发而动全身|lit. pulling a single hair makes the ... qianyimohua 潜移默化|imperceptible influence/to influence ... qianyin 牵引|to pull; to draw (a cart); to tow qianyin 前因|antecedents qianyinche 牵引车|tractor unit; tractor truck; prime mover qianying 倩影|beautiful image of a woman qianying 潜影|to hide/latent image (in photography) qianyinhouguo 前因后果|cause and effects (idiom); entire pro... qianyinli 牵引力|motive force/traction qianyishi 前意识|preconscious/preconsciousness qianyishi 潜意识|unconscious mind/subconscious mind/su... qianyishichache 前移式叉车|reach truck qianyitian 前一天|the day before (an event) qianyixiang 前一向|lately/in the recent past qianyong 潜泳|diving/esp. skin diving qianyongjian 钱永健|Roger Yonchien Tsien (1952-), US Chin... qianyou 愆尤|crime/offense/fault qianyu 谦语|humble expression qianyuan 前院|front courtyard/front yard qianyuandizhen 浅源地震|shallow earthquake (with epicenter le... qianyuanweiliao 前缘未了|one\'s predestined fate is yet to be f... qianyubing 签语饼|fortune cookie qianyue 签约|to sign a contract or agreement qianyuejiangjin 签约奖金|signing bonus/sign-on bonus qianyutu 潜育土|gleysol (soil taxonomy) qianzai 潜在|hidden/potential/latent qianzaimeijie 潜在媒介|potential vector qianzainanfeng 千载难逢|extremely rare (idiom)/once in a blue... qianzaiweixie 潜在威胁|potential threat/potential menace qianze 谴责|to denounce/to condemn/to criticize/c... qianzexiaoshuo 谴责小说|novel of denunciation (according to L... qianzhai 欠债|to owe a debt/the sum owed qianzhan 前瞻|forward-looking/prescient/foresight/f... qianzhang 欠账|to owe a debt/debt/obligation qianzhang 签章|signature qianzhanxing 前瞻性|farsightedness/perspicacity/prescienc... qianzhao 前兆|omen/prior indication/first sign qianzhao 前赵|Former Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms (... qianzhao 千兆|giga-/(computer networking) gigabits ... qianzhaodeng 前照灯|(vehicle) headlight qianzhe 前者|the former qianzhebizizou 牵着鼻子走|to lead by the nose qianzhen 前镇|Qianzhen or Chienchen district of Kao... qianzheng 签证|visa/to issue a visa qianzhenqu 前镇区|Qianzhen or Chienchen district of Kao... qianzhenwanque 千真万确|absolutely true (idiom)/manifold/true... qianzhi 前置|to place before/frontal; leading/pre- qianzhi 潜质|potential qianzhi 牵制|to control/to curb/to restrict/to imp... qianzhi 前肢|forelimb/foreleg qianzhi 钳制|to suppress; to muzzle; to gag qianzhici 前置词|preposition qianzhixiushiyu 前置修饰语|premodifier (grammar) qianzhongshu 钱钟书|Qian Zhongshu (1910-1998), Chinese sc... qianzhou 千周|kilocycle (KC), equals to 1,000 Hz qianzhu 钳住|to clamp down; to suppress qianzhuan 前传|prequel qianzhuang 钱庄|old-style money shop (a type of priva... qianzhuang 倩装|beautiful attire qianzhui 前缀|prefix (linguistics) qianzi 签字|to sign (one\'s name)/signature qianzi 钳子|pliers/pincers/tongs/forceps/vise/cla... qianzi 铅字|(printing) type; movable letters qianzi 钎子|hammer drill for boring through rock qianzibaitai 千姿百态|(idiom) to come in many different sha... qianzibi 签字笔|felt-tip pen/roller ball pen/gel ink pen qianzifei 签字费|signing bonus/sign-on bonus qianzijie 千字节|kilobyte qianziwen 千字文|Thousand Character Classic, 6th centu... qianzizhe 签字者|signatory qianzong 潜踪|in hiding qianzongli 前总理|former prime minister qianzongtong 前总统|former president qianzou 前奏|prelude/presage qianzou 欠揍|to need a spanking qianzouqu 前奏曲|prelude (music) qianzuchong 千足虫|millipede qianzuiguan 钳嘴鹳|(bird species of China) Asian openbil... qiao 巧|opportunely/coincidentally/as it happ... qiao 桥|bridge/CL:座[zuo4] qiao 蕉|see 蕉萃[qiao2 cui4] qiao 窍|hole/opening/orifice (of the human bo... qiao 壳|variant of 殼|壳[qiao4] qiao 壳|(bound form) shell/Taiwan pr. [ke2] qiao 乔|surname Qiao qiao 乔|tall qiao 鞘|scabbard; sheath qiao 敲|to hit/to strike/to tap/to rap/to kno... qiao 雀|a freckle/lentigo qiao 翘|outstanding/to raise qiao 翘|to stick up/to rise on one end/to tilt qiao 睄|to look at (old variant of 瞧[qiao2]) qiao 俏|good-looking/charming/(of goods) in g... qiao 跷|to raise one\'s foot/to stand on tipto... qiao 跷|variant of 蹺|跷[qiao1]/to raise one\'s ... qiao 瞧|to look at/to see/to see (a doctor)/t... qiao 樵|firewood/gather wood qiao 峭|high and steep/precipitous/severe or ... qiao 峭|variant of 峭[qiao4] qiao 锹|variant of 鍬|锹[qiao1] qiao 锹|shovel/spade qiao 谯|surname Qiao qiao 谯|drum tower qiao 谯|ridicule/to blame qiao 侨|emigrant/to reside abroad qiao 悄|used in 悄悄[qiao1 qiao1] qiao 悄|quiet/sad qiao 缲|hem with invisible stitches qiao 劁|to neuter livestock qiao 荞|common mallow (Malva sinensis)/varian... qiao 荞|used in 蕎麥|荞麦[qiao2 mai4] qiao 愀|change countenance/worry qiao 墝|stony soil qiao 憔|used in 憔悴[qiao2cui4] qiao 憔|old variant of 憔[qiao2] qiao 憔|variant of 憔[qiao2] qiao 撽|to beat with a stick/to hit from the ... qiao 橇|sled/sleigh qiao 诮|ridicule/to blame qiao 硗|stony soil qiao 橾|old variant of 鍬|锹[qiao1] qiao 鞒|the pommel and cantle of a saddle qiao 硚|used in place names/see 礄頭|硚头[Qiao2 t... qiao 骹|shank (the leg from knee to ankle)/le... qiao 趫|nimble/walk on stilts qiao 撬|to lift/to pry open/to lever open qiaoban 翘班|to skip work/to sneak out of work early qiaoban 跷班|see 翹班|翘班[qiao4 ban1] qiaoban 翘板|a see-saw qiaobang 撬棒|crowbar qiaobao 侨胞|countryman living abroad qiaobashan 乔巴山|Choibalsan, city in Mongolia, capital... qiaobei 敲背|back-knocking massage qiaoben 桥本|Hashimoto (Japanese surname and place... qiaobenlongtailang 桥本龙太郎|HASHIMOTO Ryūtarō (1937-2006), Japane... qiaobi 峭壁|cliff/steep/precipice qiaobian 巧辩|to argue skillfully or plausibly/rhet... qiaobiangu 敲边鼓|to back sb up/to support sb in an arg... qiaobianzi 翘辫子|(coll.) to die/to kick the bucket qiaobimaya 翘鼻麻鸭|(bird species of China) common sheldu... qiaobuqi 瞧不起|to look down upon; to hold in contempt qiaobusi 乔布斯|Jobs (name)/see also 史蒂夫·喬布斯|史蒂夫·乔布斯[... qiaocai 壳菜|mussels (as food) qiaocai 翘材|outstandingly talented person qiaocheng 谯城|Qiaocheng, a district of Bozhou City ... qiaochengqu 谯城区|Qiaocheng, a district of Bozhou City ... qiaochi 鞘翅|elytrum (hardened forewing of Coleopt... qiaochimu 鞘翅目|Coleoptera (insect order including be... qiaochu 翘楚|person of outstanding talent qiaocui 憔悴|wan and sallow/thin and pallid/haggar... qiaocui 蕉萃|variant of 憔悴[qiao2 cui4] qiaoda 敲打|to beat sb/to beat (a drum) qiaodabei 敲大背|to have sex with a prostitute qiaodaluogu 敲打锣鼓|lit. to beat a gong; fig. to irritate... qiaodamo 乔答摩|Gautama, surname of the Siddhartha, t... qiaodan 乔丹|Jordan (name) qiaoding 敲定|to come to a decision/to fix on (a da... qiaodingzuanjiao 敲钉钻脚|to make doubly sure (idiom) qiaodong 撬动|to shift sth with a crowbar etc/(fig.... qiaoduan 桥段|(cinema, literature etc) scene/trope/... qiaodun 桥墩|bridge pier qiaoerlangtui 翘二郎腿|to stick one leg over the other (when... qiaofu 樵夫|woodman/woodcutter qiaofu 巧妇|clever wife/ingenious housewife/Euras... qiaofunanweiwumizhichui 巧妇难为无米之炊|The cleverest housewife cannot cook w... qiaogan 巧干|to work resourcefully/to apply intell... qiaogang 撬杠|crowbar qiaogelifeng 乔戈里峰|K2, Mt Qogir or Chogori in Karakorum ... qiaogelifeng 乔格里峰|K2, Mt Qogir or Chogori in Karakorum ... qiaoguanhua 乔冠华|Qiao Guanhua (1913-1973), PRC politic... qiaogun 撬棍|crowbar qiaoguqiu 巧固球|tchoukball (loanword) qiaohe 巧合|coincidence/coincidental/to coincide qiaohong 乔红|Qiao Hong (1968-), former PRC female ... qiaohuo 俏货|goods that sell well qiaoji 敲击|to pound/to rap qiaoji 巧计|maneuver/scheme qiaojia 巧家|Qiaojia county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 t... qiaojia 跷家|to run away from home qiaojian 瞧见|to see qiaojiang 巧匠|skilled workman qiaojiaxian 巧家县|Qiaojia county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 t... qiaojie 桥接|to join by or as if by a bridge; to b... qiaojieqi 桥接器|bridge (networking) qiaoju 侨居|to live far away from one\'s native pl... qiaojuan 侨眷|family members of nationals residing ... qiaojuqunshou 翘居群首|head and shoulders above the crowd (i... qiaokai 撬开|to pry open; to lever open qiaokai 敲开|to get sth open by tapping or strikin... qiaoke 翘课|to skip school/to cut class qiaoke 跷课|to skip class qiaokeli 巧克力|chocolate (loanword)/CL:塊|块[kuai4] qiaokelicuipian 巧克力脆片|chocolate chip qiaokou 硚口|Qiaokou district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉... qiaokouqu 硚口区|Qiaokou district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉... qiaole 巧了|what a coincidence! qiaoleng 翘棱|to warp/to bend qiaoli 俏丽|handsome/pretty qiaoliang 桥梁|bridge (lit. and fig.) qiaolimingmu 巧立名目|to fabricate excuses (idiom)/to conco... qiaolin 乔林|forest (esp. of tall trees)/high forest qiaoluo 敲锣|to beat a gong qiaoluobianer 敲锣边儿|to strike the edge of the gong/(fig.)... qiaomai 荞麦|buckwheat qiaomangyan 雀盲眼|night blindness (dialect) qiaomei 俏美|charming; pretty qiaomen 窍门|a trick/an ingenious method/know-how/... qiaomen 撬门|to break in/to force a door qiaomen 敲门|to knock on a door qiaomenr 窍门儿|a trick/an ingenious method/know-how/... qiaomenzhuan 敲门砖|lit. a brick as a door knocker (idiom... qiaomian 桥面|roadway/floor/deck/bridge floor qiaomiao 巧妙|ingenious; clever/ingenuity; artifice qiaomin 侨民|expatriates qiaomu 乔木|tree, esp. with recognizable trunk (a... qiaomuzhi 翘拇指|to give a thumbs-up qiaonao 桥脑|(anatomy) pons qiaonasen 乔纳森|Jonathan (name) qiaopai 壳牌|see 殼牌公司|壳牌公司[Qiao4 pai2 gong1 si1] qiaopai 桥牌|contract bridge (card game) qiaopaigongsi 壳牌公司|Shell (oil company) qiaopan 翘盼|to long for/eager for qiaopi 俏皮|smart/charming/attractive/witty/facet... qiaopihua 俏皮话|witticism/wisecrack/sarcastic remark/... qiaoqi 翘起|to stick up/to point sth up qiaoqi 翘企|to look forward eagerly/to long for qiaoqian 乔迁|to move (to a superior place)/promotion qiaoqianzhixi 乔迁之喜|congratulations on house-moving or pr... qiaoqiao 悄悄|quiet; making little or no noise/surr... qiaoqiaoban 跷跷板|see-saw qiaoqiaoban 翘翘板|see-saw/also written 蹺蹺板|跷跷板[qiao1 qi... qiaoqiaodada 敲敲打打|to make a continual banging sound/(fi... qiaoqiaohua 悄悄话|whisperings/private words/confidences... qiaoqie 撬窃|burglary/house-breaking qiaoqu 翘曲|to warp/to bend/fig. distorted opinio... qiaoran 悄然|quietly/sorrowfully qiaoranwusheng 悄然无声|absolutely quiet qiaoren 巧人|Homo habilis, extinct species of upri... qiaoru 敲入|to key in/to input qiaosangzhong 敲丧钟|a knell qiaoshanzhenhu 敲山震虎|a deliberate show of strength as a wa... qiaosheng 悄声|quietly/in a low voice qiaosheruhuang 巧舌如簧|lit. to have a tongue like the reed o... qiaosheyin 翘舌音|retroflex sound (e.g. in Mandarin zh,... qiaoshi 乔石|Qiao Shi (1924-2015), Chinese politician qiaoshizhengliuqi 桥式整流器|(electricity) bridge rectifier qiaoshou 巧手|skillful hands/dexterous/a dab hand qiaoshou 翘首|to raise one\'s head and look qiaoshouyidai 翘首以待|to hold one\'s breath (in anticipation... qiaosi 巧思|innovative thinking/ingenuity qiaosou 乔叟|Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400), English... qiaosuo 撬锁|to pick a lock/to force a lock qiaotai 桥台|abutment (architecture) qiaotou 桥头|either end of a bridge/a bridgehead qiaotou 硚头|Qiaotou, Sichuan qiaotoubao 桥头堡|bridgehead (military)/stronghold serv... qiaowan 敲碗|(neologism) (slang) to impatiently await qiaowang 翘望|to raise one\'s head and look into the... qiaoweiba 翘尾巴|to be cocky qiaowu 侨务|matters relating to the Chinese diasp... qiaowushengxi 悄无声息|quietly/noiselessly qiaowuweiyuanhui 侨务委员会|Overseas Chinese Affairs Council, Taiwan qiaoxi 桥西|Qiaoxi District (various)/Qiaoxi Dist... qiaoxi 乔希|Josh or Joshi (name) qiaoxiang 敲响|to sound a bell/to raise the alarm qiaoxiang 侨乡|hometown of overseas Chinese qiaoxiaobei 敲小背|to be masturbated by a prostitute qiaoxingchong 锹形虫|stag beetle (generic term for the bee... qiaoxiqu 桥西区|Qiaoxi District (various)/Qiaoxi Dist... qiaoyanlingse 巧言令色|to be glib in one\'s speech and wear a... qiaoying 翘硬|hard/erect/to be in erection qiaozha 敲诈|to rip off/to extort (money)/extortio... qiaozha 巧诈|deceitful/crafty/artful qiaozha 敲榨|to press (fruit)/variant of 敲詐|敲诈[qia... qiaozhaburuzhuocheng 巧诈不如拙诚|the unvarnished truth is better than ... qiaozhalesuo 敲诈勒索|extortion and blackmail (idiom) qiaozhazui 敲诈罪|extortion qiaozheban 瞧着办|to do as one sees fit/It\'s up to you.... qiaozhen 桥镇|Bridgetown, capital of Barbados (Tw) qiaozhi 乔治|George (name) qiaozhi 壳质|chitin qiaozhi 鞘脂|sphingolipid qiaozhiaoweier 乔治·奥威尔|George Orwell (1903-1950), British no... qiaozhibuer 乔治·布尔|George Boole (1815-1864), English mat... qiaozhicheng 乔治城|Georgetown/(the spelling 喬治敦|乔治敦 is m... qiaozhichengdaxue 乔治城大学|Georgetown University in Washington D... qiaozhidun 乔治敦|Georgetown qiaozhihuashengdun 乔治·华盛顿|George Washington (1732-1799), first ... qiaozhisuoluosi 乔治·索罗斯|George Soros or György Schwartz (1930... qiaozhiya 乔治亚|(Tw) Georgia, US state/(Tw) Georgia (... qiaozhiyazhou 乔治亚州|Georgia, US state (Tw) qiaozhiyishi 乔治一世|George I of Great Brittain qiaozhong 敲钟|to sound a bell/(of a clock) to chime qiaozhongbei 敲中背|to receive oral sex from a prostitute qiaozhuang 乔装|to pretend/to feign/to disguise oneself qiaozhuangdaban 乔装打扮|to dress up in disguise (idiom); to p... qiaozhugang 敲竹杠|extortion by taking advantage of sb\'s... qiaozi 雀子|a freckle/lentigo qiaozi 樵子|woodcutter qiaozu 翘足|lit. on tiptoes/to look forward eager... qiaozuerdai 翘足而待|to expect in a short time (idiom)/als... qiaozuiyu 翘嘴鹬|(bird species of China) Terek sandpip... qiaozuyinling 翘足引领|waiting on tiptoes and craning one\'s ... qiapan 袷袢|(loanword) chapan, a traditional coll... qiapan 卡盘|chuck (for a drill etc) qiapasizhou 恰帕斯州|Chiapas, state in Mexico qiaqia 恰恰|exactly/just/precisely qiaqiao 恰巧|by chance; as chance would have it qiaqiawu 恰恰舞|(loanword) cha-cha (dance) qiaqiaxiangfan 恰恰相反|just the opposite qiaru 恰如|just as if qiaruqifen 恰如其分|(idiom) appropriate/apt/just right qiashang 洽商|to negotiate/to talk over qiasi 恰似|just like/exactly like qiasi 掐死|to throttle/to choke to death qiasuan 掐算|to count with one\'s fingers/on the sp... qiatan 洽谈|to discuss qiawo 髂窝|iliac fossa (anatomy)/pelvic basin in... qiaxun 洽询|to inquire (of)/to consult qiayanuofu 恰亚诺夫|Alexander Chayanov (1888-1937), Sovie... qiayu 恰遇|to chance upon/to coincide fortuitous... qiazi 卡子|clip/hair fastener/checkpoint qibaishi 齐白石|Qi Baishi (1864-1957), famous Chinese... qiban 旗瓣|(botany) vexillum; banner petal; stan... qibao 起爆|to explode/to set off an explosion/to... qibaoqiantao 弃保潜逃|to jump bail qibaozi 气包子|quick-tempered person qibduanqun 齐B短裙|(slang) micro-miniskirt qibei 齐备|all ready/available/complete qibeng 气泵|air pump qibianxing 七边形|heptagon qibiao 旗标|flag qibin 淇滨|Qibin district of Hebi city 鶴壁市|鹤壁市[H... qibing 骑兵|cavalry qibing 奇兵|troops appearing suddenly (in a raid ... qibing 旗兵|Manchurian soldier qibinqu 淇滨区|Qibin district of Hebi city 鶴壁市|鹤壁市[H... qibolin 齐柏林|Zeppelin (name)/Graf Ferdinand von Ze... qibolinfeiting 齐柏林飞艇|Zeppelin dirigible airship qiboqi 起搏器|artificial pacemaker qibozilashi 骑脖子拉屎|lit. to take a dump while riding on s... qibu 起步|to set out/to set in motion/the start... qibu 岂不|how couldn\'t...?/wouldn\'t it...? qibu 齐步|to match (sb\'s) stride qibu 漆布|varnished cloth/linoleum qibufenr 气不忿儿|furious/indignant qibugong 气不公|indignant qibuguo 气不过|so angry it\'s unbearable/bitter about... qibuping 气不平|angry at unfairness qibxiaoduanqun 齐B小短裙|(slang) micro-miniskirt qicai 七彩|seven colors; a variety of colors/mul... qicai 奇才|genius qicai 器材|equipment/material qicai 奇彩|unexpected splendour qican 凄惨|plaintive/mournful/miserable qican 绮灿|enchanting/gorgeous qicao 起草|to make a draft/to draw up (plans) qicao 蛴螬|scarab beetle larva; grub/CL:條|条[tiao2] qice 凄恻|heartbroken/sorrowful qiceng 砌层|course (i.e. building layer) qichang 齐唱|to sing in unison qichang 气场|qi field (in qigong or feng shui)/vib... qichangcheng 砌长城|(coll.) to play mahjong qiche 汽车|car/automobile/bus/CL:輛|辆[liang4] qiche 骑车|to ride a bike (motorbike or bicycle) qichechang 汽车厂|car factory qichehaopai 汽车号牌|vehicle registration plate/license plate qichejigong 汽车技工|auto mechanic qichelvguan 汽车旅馆|motel qicheng 脐橙|navel orange qicheng 启程|to set out on a journey qicheng 起程|to set out/to leave qichexiyuan 汽车戏院|drive-in theater qichezhadan 汽车炸弹|car bomb qichezhan 汽车站|bus stop/bus station qichezhanlanhui 汽车展览会|car show/automobile expo qichi 启齿|to open one\'s mouth/to start talking qichidaru 奇耻大辱|extraordinary shame and humiliation (... qichongchong 气冲冲|furious; enraged qichonghulu 起重葫芦|hoist pulley qichongniudou 气冲牛斗|(idiom) extremely angry; infuriated qichongxiaohan 气冲霄汉|(idiom) dauntless; courageous; spirited qichou 奇丑|grotesque/extremely ugly/hideous qichouwubi 奇丑无比|extremely ugly/incomparably hideous qichu 起初|originally; at first; at the outset qichu 凄楚|sad; wretched; miserable qichuan 气喘|to gasp for breath/asthma qichuan 汽船|steamboat/steamship qichuan 弃船|to abandon ship qichuanbing 气喘病|asthma qichuanchuan 气喘喘|breathless qichuang 起床|to get out of bed; to get up qichuang 凄怆|pitiful; painful; heartrending qichuang 绮窗|beautifully decorated window qichuanghao 起床号|reveille qichuangqi 起床气|grumpiness resulting from poor sleep;... qichuanruniu 气喘如牛|to breathe heavily like an ox (idiom)... qichuanxuxu 气喘吁吁|to pant/to gasp for breath qichui 气锤|air hammer/pneumatic hammer qichun 蕲春|Qichun County in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huan... qichunxian 蕲春县|Qichun County in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huan... qici 其次|next/secondly qici 齐次|homogeneous (math.) qici 起磁|magnetization/to magnetize qiciniekong 砌词捏控|to make an accusation based on fabric... qicu 气粗|irascible/overbearing qidafeiou 齐大非偶|too rich to be a good match (in marri... qidafeiou 齐大非耦|variant of 齊大非偶|齐大非偶[qi2 da4 fei1 ou3] qidagongyeguojituan 七大工业国集团|G7, the group of 7 industrialized cou... qidagubadayi 七大姑八大姨|distant relatives qidahangrde 齐打夯儿地|in unison and with one voice (dialect) qidai 期待|to look forward to/to await/expectation qidai 脐带|umbilical cord qidai 乞贷|to beg for a loan qidaishibanyu 七带石斑鱼|Epinephelus septemfasciatus qidan 契丹|Qidan or Khitan, ethnic group in anci... qidan 漆弹|paintball (sports) qidanguozhi 契丹国志|History of the Liao Dynasty, 13th-cen... qidao 祈祷|to pray; to say a prayer qidao 气道|flue/air duct/air passage/respiratory... qidao 起到|(in an expression of the form 起到[qi3d... qidejichang 启德机场|Kai Tak Airport, international airpor... qideng 汽灯|gas lamp qidi 启迪|to edify/enlightenment qidi 汽笛|steam whistle/ship horn qidi 栖地|habitat qidian 起点|starting point qidian 气垫|air cushion (as on hovercraft) qidian 奇点|(astronomy, math.) singularity/also p... qidianchuan 气垫船|hovercraft/air cushion vehicle qidianji 起电机|electrostatic generator qidianxian 起点线|starting line qidiao 漆雕|carved or engraved lacquerware qiding 旗丁|Manchurian foot soldier qidingchui 起钉锤|claw hammer qidingqi 起钉器|staple remover qidingshenxian 气定神闲|calm and composed (idiom) qidong 祁东|Qidong county in Hengyang 衡陽|衡阳[Heng2... qidong 气动|pneumatic qidong 起动|to start up (a motor)/to launch (a co... qidong 启东|Qidong, county-level city in Nantong ... qidong 启动|to start (a machine)/(fig.) to set in... qidongbeng 气动泵|pneumatic pump qidonghulu 气动葫芦|pneumatic hoist pulley qidongkaiguan 气动开关|pneumatic switch qidongkongzhi 气动控制|pneumatic control qidongniu 起动钮|starter button/on switch qidongqu 启动区|boot sector (computing) qidongshi 启东市|Qidong, county-level city in Nantong ... qidongshi 气动式|pneumatic qidongxian 祁东县|Qidong county in Hengyang 衡陽|衡阳[Heng2... qidongzaosheng 气动噪声|aerodynamic noise qidongzha 气动闸|pneumatic brake qidongzi 启动子|promoter qidu 气度|bearing/manner/presence qidu 七堵|Qidu or Chitu District of Keelung Cit... qiduhuihong 气度恢宏|broad-minded/magnanimous qiduqu 七堵区|Qidu or Chitu District of Keelung Cit... qie 且|and/moreover/yet/for the time being/t... qie 切|to cut; to slice; to carve/(math) tan... qie 切|definitely; absolutely (not)/(scoffin... qie 锲|to cut/to carve/to engrave/to chisel/... qie 企鹅|penguin qie 砌|used in 砌末[qie4mo5] qie 妾|concubine/I, your servant (deprecator... qie 茄|eggplant qie 窃|to steal/secretly/(humble) I qie 挈|to raise/to lift/to take along (e.g. ... qie 趄|to slant; to incline qie 郄|surname Qie qie 箧|chest/box/trunk/suitcase/portfolio qie 惬|variant of 愜|惬[qie4] qie 惬|cheerful/satisfied qie 癿|(used in place names) qie 怯|timid/cowardly/rustic/Taiwan pr. [que4] qie 慊|contented qie 踥|to walk with small steps qie 朅|to leave/to abandon qie 藒|see 藒車|藒车[qie4 che1] qie 匧|old variant of 篋|箧[qie4] qie 帹|man\'s headband (arch.) qiebian 切变|shear (physics) qiebushuo 且不说|not to mention/leaving aside qiechang 怯场|to have stage fright qieche 藒车|a variety of aromatic herb used as a ... qiecheng 切成|to cut up (into pieces)/to slice/to c... qiechi 切齿|to gnash one\'s teeth (in anger) qiechifuxin 切齿腐心|to detest sth or sb to the utmost ext... qiechu 切除|to excise/to cut out (a tumor) qiechu 切触|osculation (higher order tangency) qiecongshan 弃恶从善|to renounce evil and turn to virtue (... qiecuo 切磋|to compare notes; to learn from one a... qiecuozhuomo 切磋琢磨|lit. cutting and polishing (idiom)/fi... qieda 切达|Cheddar (cheese) qiedai 挈带|to take along qiedanlong 窃蛋龙|oviraptorosaurus (egg-stealing dinosaur) qiedao 窃盗|theft/to steal qiedao 切刀|cutter/knife qiedian 切点|contact (math.) qiedie 踥蹀|walking/in motion qieduan 切断|to cut off; to sever qieerbushe 锲而不舍|to chip away at a task and not abando... qieernuobeili 切尔诺贝利|Chernobyl qieershibaxingpiaochong 茄二十八星瓢虫|28-spotted ladybird/hadda beetle/Heno... qieerxi 切尔西|Chelsea qiefenyin 切分音|syncopation qiefu 切腹|harakiri (formal Japanese: seppuku), ... qiefuzhitong 切肤之痛|keenly felt pain/bitter anguish qiegan 切杆|chip (golf shot) qiegao 切糕|traditional Xinjiang sweet walnut cake qiege 切割|to cut qiegewala 切格瓦拉|Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967), Cuba... qiegouzhezhu,qieguozhehou 窃钩者诛,窃国者侯|steal a hook and they hang you, steal... qieguozhehou,qiegouzhezhu 窃国者侯,窃钩者诛|steal the whole country and they make... qieguzhichou 切骨之仇|bitter hatred/hatred that cuts to the... qiehe 切合|to fit in with/to suit/appropriate qieheshiji 切合实际|practical/corresponding to reality/ge... qiehongsu 茄红素|Lycopene qiehuan 切换|to switch over/to switch modes or dat... qieji 切忌|to avoid as taboo/to avoid by all means qieji 切记|remember at all costs qieji 切激|impassioned/fiercely qiejieshu 切结书|affidavit; written pledge qiejin 切近|close; near/similar to qieju 窃据|to usurp/to claim unjustly/to expropr... qieke 茄科|Solanaceae (the potato and eggplant f... qiekongjian 切空间|space of sections (math.) qiekou 切口|incision/notch/slit/gash/margin of a ... qiekou 切口|slang/argot/private language used as ... qiekuai 切块|to cut into pieces qielan 伽蓝|Buddhist temple (loanword from Sanskr... qiemai 切脉|to feel sb\'s pulse qieman 且慢|to wait a moment/do not go too soon qiemi 窃密|to steal secret information qiemian 切面|section/cross-cut/tangent plane (math.) qiemo 切莫|you must not/Please don\'t.../be sure ... qiemo 切末|stage props qiemo 且末|Cherchen nahiyisi or Qiemo county in ... qiemo 砌末|variant of 切末[qie4mo5] qiemoxian 且末县|Cherchen nahiyisi or Qiemo county in ... qiemoyizhi 且末遗址|ruins of Cherchen, Qarqan or Chiemo, ... qieni 切尼|Cheney (name)/Richard B. \"Dick\" Chene... qienuo 怯懦|timid; cowardly; chicken-hearted qiepan 切盼|to look forward eagerly to sth/keenly... qiepian 切片|to slice/slice/thin section of a spec... qiepianjiancha 切片检查|slide examination/microscopic examina... qiepingmian 切平面|tangent plane (to a surface) qiepo 切迫|urgent qieqie 切切|urgently/eagerly/worried/(urge sb to)... qieqie 窃窃|privately/secretly/unobtrusively qieqie 箧箧|long and thin/slender qieqie 踥踥|moving back and forth qieqie 挈挈|alone/solitary qieqie-siyu 窃窃私语|(idiom) to whisper qieqiesiyu 切切私语|a private whisper qiequ 窃取|to steal (usu. private information, i... qiequan 窃权|to usurp authority/to hold power impr... qier 其二|secondly/the other (usu. of two)/the ... qier 妻儿|wife and child qier 乞儿|beggar qieroudao 切肉刀|meat cleaver qieru 切入|to cut into; to penetrate deeply into... qieruo 怯弱|timid/weak qieshen 切身|direct/concerning oneself/personal qiesheng 怯生|shy qiesheng 窃声|in a whisper/in stealthy tones qieshengqieqi 怯声怯气|to speak in a frightened voice that l... qieshengsheng 怯生生|shy qieshi 切实|feasible/realistic/practical/earnestl... qieshi 妾侍|maids and concubines qieshikexing 切实可行|feasible qieshuo 且说|thus qiesi 箧笥|bamboo box for holding books, clothes... qiesui 切碎|to chop qietehaosixuexiao 切特豪斯学校|Charterhouse public school (UK) qieti 切题|to keep to the subject qieting 窃听|to eavesdrop/to wiretap qietingqi 窃听器|tapping device/bug qietingxiahuifenjie 且听下回分解|to listen to the next chapter for an ... qietong 切痛|sharp pain qiewang 切望|to eagerly anticipate qiewu 切勿|by no means qiexi 窃喜|to be secretly delighted qiexian 切线|tangent line (geometry) qiexian 窃嫌|suspected thief (Tw) qiexiang 切向|tangent direction qiexiangli 切向力|tangential force qiexiangliang 切向量|tangent vector qiexiangsudu 切向速度|tangential velocity qiexiao 切削|to cut/cutting/machining qiexiao 窃笑|to snigger/to titter qiexiu 且休|rest for now/stop (usually imperative... qiexiu 怯羞|see 羞怯[xiu1 qie4] qieya 切牙|incisor tooth qieyan 箧衍|bamboo box qieyao 切要|essential/extremely important qieyi 惬意|satisfied; pleased; contented qieyin 切音|to indicate the phonetic value of a w... qieyun 切韵|Qieyun, the first Chinese rime dictio... qieyun 切韵|see 反切[fan3 qie4] qieze 切责|to blame/to reprimand qiezei 窃贼|thief qiezhen 切诊|(TCM) pulse feeling and palpitation, ... qiezhong 切中|to hit the target (esp. in argument);... qiezhongshibi 切中时弊|to hit home on the evils of the day (... qiezhongshibing 切中时病|to hit the target where it hurts (idi... qiezhongyaohai 切中要害|to hit the target and do real damage ... qiezhu 切嘱|urgent advice/to exhort qiezi 茄子|eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)/auber... qiezi 怯子|person with country accent/rustic/cou... qiezihequ 茄子河区|Qiezihe, a district of Qitaihe 七臺河市|七... qifa 启发|to enlighten/to explain (a text etc)/... qifa 汽阀|steam valve qifafa 启发法|heuristic method/heuristics qifang 期房|forward delivery apartment/unfinished... qifang 齐放|broadside/simultaneous fired cannonade qifang 七方|(Chinese medicine) the seven kinds of... qifashi 启发式|heuristic qifei 起飞|(of an aircraft or rocket) to take of... qifei 岂非|wouldn\'t it be ... ? qifeitanshe 起飞弹射|takeoff catapult (on aircraft carrier) qifen 气氛|atmosphere; mood qifen 气愤|indignant/furious qifeng 启封|to open sth that has been sealed qifengdishou 棋逢敌手|see 棋逢對手|棋逢对手[qi2 feng2 dui4 shou3] qifengduishou 棋逢对手|to be evenly matched/to meet one\'s match qifengkuyu 凄风苦雨|lit. bleak wind and icy rain (idiom)/... qifenshu 七分熟|medium well (of steak) qifenzhiyi 七分之一|one seventh qifu 欺负|to bully qifu 起伏|to move up and down/to undulate/ups a... qifu 祈福|to pray for blessings qifu 杞妇|the wife of 杞梁[Qi3 Liang2], a senior ... qifu 乞伏|tribe of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic pe... qifu 旗幅|banner/width of a flag qifurangzai 祈福禳灾|to pray for luck and sacrifice to avo... qifuxian 岐阜县|Gifu prefecture, Japan qigai 乞丐|beggar qigai 气概|lofty quality/mettle/spirit qigan 旗杆|flagpole qigan 岂敢|how could one dare?/I don\'t deserve s... qigang 气缸|cylinder (engine) qigang 汽缸|cylinder (of steam engine or internal... qigao 起稿|to make a draft/to draft (a document) qigaoyizhao 棋高一着|to be a step ahead of the opponent (i... qigefeifangxian 齐格菲防线|Siegfried Line, line of German milita... qigen 气根|aerial root (botany) qigen 齐根|at the base/at the root/(of a leg) ju... qigeng 脐梗|umbilical cord qigeng 凄梗|(literary) wailing; choking with sobs qigezhuang 棋格状|checkered pattern/chessboard qigong 气功|qigong, a traditional Chinese system ... qiguai 奇怪|strange/odd/to marvel/to be baffled qiguan 器官|(physiology) organ; apparatus qiguan 奇观|spectacle; impressive sight qiguan 旗官|Manchurian official qiguan 气管|windpipe/trachea/respiratory tract/ai... qiguanchaguanshu 气管插管术|endotracheal intubation (medicine) qiguanchanghong 气贯长虹|spirit reaches to the rainbow/full of... qiguanjingluan 气管痉挛|breathing convulsions (as in asthma)/... qiguanjuanxianzhe 器官捐献者|organ donor qiguanqiekaishu 气管切开术|(medicine) tracheotomy qiguanshuoshi 企管硕士|Master of Business Administration (MBA) qiguanyan 妻管严|henpecked male qiguanyan 气管炎|bacterial tracheitis (inflammation of... qiguanyizhi 器官移殖|organ transplant qigugu 气鼓鼓|seething/fuming qigui 奇诡|strange; queer; intriguing qiguo 齐国|Qi state of Western Zhou and the Warr... qiguo 汽锅|steamer (for cooking) qiguo 杞国|the State of Qǐ in modern Qǐ county 杞... qiguojituan 七国集团|G7, the group of 7 industrialized cou... qiguoyoutian 杞国忧天|man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idio... qiguozhiyou 杞国之忧|man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idio... qiguxiangdang 旗鼓相当|lit. two armies have equivalent banne... qihaihua 启海话|Qihai dialect, a Wu dialect spoken in... qihan 气焊|gas welding qihan 凄寒|cold and desolate qihang 启航|(of a ship) to set sail; (of an airpl... qihang 起航|(of a ship) to set sail; (of an airpl... qihao 旗号|military banner (often used figurativ... qihaodianchi 七号电池|AAA battery (PRC)/Taiwan equivalent: ... qihe 齐河|Qihe county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], ... qihe 契合|agreement/to agree/to get on with/con... qihe 骑鹤|to ride a crane (as a Daoist adept) qihe 弃核|to renounce nuclear weapons qihe 乞和|to sue for peace qihe 砌合|bond (in building) qihefa 砌合法|bond (in building) qihefu 契诃夫|Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904), ... qihehua 骑鹤化|(Daoism) to die qihei 漆黑|pitch-black qiheiyituan 漆黑一团|pitch-black/(fig.) to be completely i... qihengheng 气哼哼|enraged/furious/livid qiheshangyangzhou 骑鹤上扬州|lit. to ride a crane to Yangzhou (idi... qihexian 齐河县|Qihe county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], ... qihexian 七和弦|seventh (musical cord) qihezhou 七河州|Semirechye region of Kazakhstan, bord... qihong 起哄|to heckle/rowdy jeering/to create a d... qihong 欺哄|to dupe/to deceive qihou 气候|(meteorology) climate/(fig.) climate;... qihou 其后|next/later/after that qihoubianhua 气候变化|climate change qihounuanhua 气候暖化|climate warming qihouxue 气候学|climatology qihouxuejia 气候学家|a climatologist qihouzhuangkuang 气候状况|climatic conditions/atmospheric condi... qihua 企划|to plan/to lay out/to design qihua 气化|to vaporize/evaporation/carburetion/氣... qihua 汽化|to boil/to vaporize qihua 气话|angry words/sth said in the moment of... qihuai 气坏|furious/very angry qihuan 奇幻|fantasy (fiction) qihuang 凄惶|distressed and terrified/distraught (... qihuangong 齐桓公|Duke Huan of Qi (reigned 685-643 BC),... qihuaqi 汽化器|carburetor/vaporizer qihuayicao 奇花异草|very rarely seen, unusual (idiom) qihuayihui 奇花异卉|exotic flowers and rare herbs (idiom) qihuhu 气呼呼|panting with rage qihunanxia 骑虎难下|if you ride a tiger, it\'s hard to get... qihunbasu 七荤八素|confused/distracted qihuo 期货|abbr. for 期貨合約|期货合约[qi1 huo4 he2 yue1... qihuo 起火|to catch fire/to cook/to get angry qihuo 齐活|(Beijing dialect) done; finished; com... qihuo 奇祸|unexpected calamity/sudden disaster qihuoheyue 期货合约|futures contract (finance) qihuokeju 奇货可居|rare commodity worth hoarding/object ... qiji 奇迹|miracle/miraculous/wonder/marvel qiji 契机|opportunity/turning point/juncture qiji 企及|to hope to reach; to strive for qiji 齐集|to gather/to assemble qiji 奇技|brilliant skill/uncanny feat qiji 旗籍|Manchu household register (during the... qiji 期冀|(literary) to hope for; to wish qijia 起价|initial price (e.g. for the first kil... qijia 起家|to start out by/to grow an enterprise... qijia 齐家|to govern one\'s family/to manage one\'... qijian 器件|device/component qijian 其间|in between/within that interval/in th... qijian 旗舰|flagship qijian 歧见|disagreement/differing interpretations qijian 起见|motive/purpose/(sth) being the motive... qijian 齐肩|level with one\'s shoulders/(of two pe... qijian 契箭|arrow used as a token of authority (b... qijian 期间|period of time/time/time period/perio... qijian 泣谏|to counsel a superior in tears indica... qijiandian 旗舰店|flagship (store) qijiang 起降|(of aircraft) to take off and land qijiang 綦江|Qijiang, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重... qijiang 起讲|to start a story qijiangqu 綦江区|Qijiang, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重... qijiao 气胶|aerosol qijiaoxing 七角形|heptagon qijiawenhua 齐家文化|Qijia neolithic culture, centered aro... qijiazhiguo 齐家治国|to regulate the family and rule the s... qijibaihuai 气急败坏|flustered and exasperated/utterly dis... qijie 气节|moral integrity/unflinching righteous... qijie 骑劫|to hijack (an airplane, motor vehicle... qijie 奇解|singular solution (to a math. equation) qijifutu 七级浮屠|seven floor pagoda qijiguang 戚继光|Qi Jiguang (1528-1588), military leader qijin 迄今|so far/to date/until now qijin 起劲|energetic; vigorous; enthusiastic qijin 旗津|Qijin or Chichin district of Kaohsiun... qijing 奇景|wonderful scenery/amazing sight/(fig.... qijing 骑警|mounted police (on horse or motorbike) qijing 起敬|to feel respect qijing 绮井|ceiling (architecture) qijing 气阱|air pocket qijingdui 骑警队|mounted police detachment (on horse o... qijinqu 旗津区|Qijin or Chichin district of Kaohsiun... qijinweizhi 迄今为止|so far/up to now/still (not) qijiu 汽酒|sparkling wine qijiutuxin 弃旧图新|to turn over a new leaf qiju 器具|implement; utensil; equipment qiju 起居|everyday life/regular pattern of life qiju 棋局|state of play in a game of chess/(old... qiju 契据|deed qiju 弃剧|to quit watching a TV series qiju 棋具|checkers (board and pieces for go 圍棋|... qijuan 起圈|to remove manure from a cowshed or pi... qijue 奇绝|strange/rare/bizarre qijue 气绝|to take one\'s last breath/dying qijue 奇崛|strange and prominent qijue 弃绝|to abandon/to forsake qijue 奇谲|strange and deceitful/sly/treacherous qijujian 起居间|living room qijunwangshang 欺君罔上|to dupe one\'s sovereign qijushi 起居室|living room/sitting room qijuyitang 齐聚一堂|to get together all at once qijuzuoxi 起居作息|lit. rising and lying down, working a... qika 契卡|Cheka, a Soviet secret police agency,... qikai 起开|(dialect) to step aside; Get out of t... qikaidesheng 旗开得胜|lit. to win a victory on raising the ... qikan 期刊|periodical qikao 期考|end of term examination qike 起课|to practice divination qike 鮨科|the grouper family/Serranidae (fish f... qikong 气孔|air-bubble/pore/stoma qikong 七孔|the seven apertures of the human head... qikou 气口|location on wrist over the radial art... qiku 凄苦|bleak; miserable qikuai 砌块|building block qilai 起来|to stand up; to get up/also pr. [qi3l... qilai 起来|(after a verb) indicating the beginni... qilaiyouzi 其来有自|there is a reason for it/(of sth) not... qilan 奇览|singular excursion/off the beaten track qilaobashi 七老八十|in one\'s seventies (age)/very old (of... qilebuqiong 其乐不穷|boundless joy qilengshifanyingdui 气冷式反应堆|gas-cooled reactor qilerongrong 其乐融融|(of relations) joyous and harmonious qilewuqiong 其乐无穷|boundless joy qili 气力|strength/energy/vigor/talent qili 绮丽|beautiful/enchanting qili 起立|to stand/Stand up! qili 凄厉|mournful (sound) qili 奇丽|singularly beautiful/weird and wonderful qilian 祁连|Qilian County in Haibei Tibetan Auton... qilian 乞怜|to beg for pity qiliang 气量|(lit. quantity of spirit)/moral chara... qiliang 凄凉|mournful; miserable qiliang 凄凉|desolate (place) qiliang 器量|tolerance qilianshan 祁连山|Qilian Mountains in Qinghai qilianshanmai 祁连山脉|Qilian Mountains (formerly Richthofen... qilianxian 祁连县|Qilian County in Haibei Tibetan Auton... qiliao 岂料|who would have thought that/who would... qilihe 七里河|Qilihe District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰... qilihequ 七里河区|Qilihe District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰... qilimazhaluoshan 乞力马扎罗山|Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania qilin 骐𬴊|(literary) fine horse/variant of 麒麟[q... qilin 麒麟|(Chinese mythology) qilin/(old) giraffe qilin 骐麟|variant of 麒麟[qi2lin2] qilin 淇淋|cream (loanword) qilincai 麒麟菜|eucheuma, a type of red algae (used i... qilindian 麒麟殿|see 麒麟閣|麒麟阁[Qi2 lin2 Ge2] qiling 欺凌|to bully and humiliate qilingbaluo 七零八落|(idiom) everything broken and in diso... qilingbasui 七零八碎|bits and pieces/scattered fragments qilinge 麒麟阁|Qilin Pavilion, located in the Weiyan... qilinqu 麒麟区|Qilin district, Qujing city, Yunnan qilinzuo 麒麟座|Monoceros (constellation) qiliu 气流|stream of air/airflow/slipstream/draf... qilixiang 七里香|orange jasmine (Murraya paniculata)/\"... qilizisan 妻离子散|a family wrenched apart (idiom) qilong 气笼|air pipe/bamboo air pipe used to aera... qilongzhu 七龙珠|Dragon Ball, Japanese manga and anime... qilou 骑楼|arcade (architecture) qilou 气楼|small ventilation tower on roof of bu... qilu 齐鲁|alternative name for Shandong 山東|山东[S... qilu 歧路|divergent path/(fig.) wrong path qilu 砌路|paving qiludeng 歧路灯|Lamp in the Side Street, novel by Qin... qilun 脐轮|manipūra or manipura, the solar plexu... qilunfadianji 汽轮发电机|steam turbine electric generator qilunji 汽轮机|steam turbine qiluo 起落|to rise and fall/takeoff and landing/... qiluo 绮罗|beautiful silk fabrics/person in beau... qiluochang 起落场|airfield/takeoff and landing strip qiluojia 起落架|undercarriage qiluozhuangzhi 起落装置|aircraft takeoff and landing gear qilv 七律|abbr. for 七言律詩|七言律诗[qi1yan2 lu:4shi1] qilvmilv 骑驴觅驴|see 騎驢找驢|骑驴找驴[qi2 lu:2 zhao3 lu:2] qilvzhaolv 骑驴找驴|lit. to search for the mule while rid... qilvzhaoma 骑驴找马|(idiom) (coll.) to continue in an uns... qima 起码|at the minimum; at the very least qima 骑马|to ride a horse qima 契妈|adoptive mother qiman 期满|to expire/to run out/to come to an end qiman 欺瞒|to fool/to hoodwink/to dupe qimao 起毛|fluff/lint/to feel nervous qimao 起锚|to weigh anchor qimao 绮貌|beautiful appearance qimaobuyang 其貌不扬|(idiom) nothing special to look at/un... qimazhaoma 骑马找马|(idiom) (coll.) to continue in an uns... qimazhe 骑马者|horseman/rider/mounted soldier qimei 凄美|poignant/sad and beautiful qimei 七美|Qimei or Chimei township in Penghu co... qimei 气煤|gas coal qimei 齐眉|mutual respect in marriage/abbr. of i... qimeisuir 齐眉穗儿|bangs (hair) qimeixiang 七美乡|Qimei or Chimei township in Penghu co... qimen 气门|valve (esp. tire valve)/accelerator (... qimen 祁门|Qimen, a county in Huangshan 黃山|黄山[Hu... qimendunjia 奇门遁甲|ancient Chinese divination tradition ... qimeng 启蒙|variant of 啟蒙|启蒙[qi3 meng2]/to instru... qimeng 启蒙|to instruct the young/to initiate/to ... qimeng 欺蒙|to deceive/to dupe qimeng 绮梦|pleasant and romantic dream qimengzhuyi 启蒙主义|Enlightenment (philosophy) qimenxian 祁门县|Qimen, a county in Huangshan 黃山|黄山[Hu... qimi 气密|airtight qimi 绮靡|beautiful and intricate/ornate/gorgeous qimi 凄迷|pained and bewildered qimi 凄迷|dreary and fuzzy (sight) qimiao 奇妙|wonderful; marvelous; intriguing; mys... qimin 器皿|household utensils qiming 起名|to name/to christen/to take a name qiming 启明|Classical Chinese name for planet Ven... qiming 齐名|equally famous qimingr 起名儿|erhua variant of 起名[qi3 ming2] qimingxing 启明星|(astronomy) Venus qimingyueqi 气鸣乐器|aerophone (music) qiminwang 齐湣王|King Min of Qi (reigned 323-284 BC) qiminyaoshu 齐民要术|Essential skill to benefit the people... qimo 期末|end of term qimo 绮陌|splendid streets qimokao 期末考|final exam qimu 桤木|alder qimu 企慕|to admire qimu 槭木|maple (timber) qimu 栖木|roost/perch qin 秦|surname Qin/Qin dynasty (221-207 BC) ... qin 亲|parent/one\'s own (flesh and blood)/re... qin 沁|to seep/to percolate qin 擒|to capture qin 琴|guqin 古琴[gu3 qin2] (a type of zither)... qin 琴|variant of 琴[qin2], guqin or zither qin 勤|diligent/industrious/hardworking/freq... qin 勤|variant of 勤[qin2]/industrious/solici... qin 钦|surname Qin qin 钦|to respect/to admire/to venerate/by t... qin 侵|to invade/to encroach/to infringe/to ... qin 芹|Chinese celery qin 嗪|used in phonetic transcription -xine,... qin 寝|old variant of 寢|寝[qin3] qin 寝|(bound form) to lie down to sleep or ... qin 芩|Phragmites japonica qin 噙|to hold in (usually refers the mouth ... qin 廑|variant of 勤[qin2] qin 禽|(bound form) birds; fowl/(literary) b... qin 衾|coverlet/quilt qin 嵚|loftiness (of mountain) qin 檎|used in 林檎[lin2qin2] qin 骎|fleet horse qin 螓|small cicada with a square head qin 慬|(literary) brave/worried/distressed qin 笉|smiling countenance/bamboo rope qin 吣|to vomit (of dogs and cats)/to rail a... qin 锓|to carve qin 綅|red silk crest of helmet qin 厪|variant of 廑[qin2] qin 菣|Artemisia apiacea qin 庈|(person) qin 揿|variant of 撳|揿[qin4] qin 揿|to press (with one\'s hand or finger) qin 雂|(bird) qin 昑|bright qin 靲|leather shoes/leather belt/thin bambo... qin 珡|variant of 琴[qin2], guqin or zither qin 覃|surname Qin qinaerjiguan 齐纳二极管|Zener diode qinai 亲爱|dear/beloved/darling qinaijingcheng 亲爱精诚|camaraderie qinan 秦安|Qin\'an county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 sh... qinanbanv 欺男霸女|to oppress the people/to act tyrannic... qinang 气囊|air sac/aerostat gasbag qinanxian 秦安县|Qin\'an county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 sh... qinao 气恼|to be annoyed/to get angry qinba 亲爸|one\'s own father/biological father qinbei 钦北|Qinbei district of Qinzhou city 欽州市|钦... qinbeijing 亲北京|pro-Beijing (stance, party etc) qinbeiqu 钦北区|Qinbei district of Qinzhou city 欽州市|钦... qinbi 亲笔|in one\'s own handwriting qincai 芹菜|celery (Apium graveolens) qince 亲测|to try (sth) oneself qinchai 钦差|imperial envoy qinchao 秦朝|Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC) qinche 侵彻|(of a projectile) to penetrate (armor... qinchen 侵晨|towards dawn qinchengjianyu 秦城监狱|Qincheng Prison, maximum-security pri... qinchu 禽畜|poultry and livestock qinchui 琴锤|mallet/drumstick qinci 钦赐|(of an emperor) to bestow qindai 秦代|Qin dynasty (221-207 BC), founded by ... qindai 亲代|parent\'s generation/previous generation qindan 禽蛋|bird eggs qinding 钦定|to authorize; to designate/(old) to b... qindu 秦都|Qindu District in Xianyang City 咸陽市|咸... qinduqu 秦都区|Qindu District in Xianyang City 咸陽市|咸... qinei 其内|included/within that qinei 气馁|to be discouraged qineidingqidanei 齐内丁·齐达内|Zinedine Zidane (Zizou), a past Frenc... qineng 奇能|special ability qinengyishi 奇能异士|extraordinary hero with special abili... qiner 亲耳|with one\'s own ears qinershi 秦二世|Qin Ershi (229-207 BC), second Qin em... qinfan 侵犯|to infringe on/to encroach on/to viol... qinfan 钦犯|criminal whose arrest has been ordere... qinfen 勤奋|hardworking/diligent qinfu 亲肤|skin-friendly qinfu 亲赴|to travel to (a place where duty calls) qing 氢|hydrogen (chemistry) qing 亲|parents-in-law of one\'s offspring qing 青|abbr. for 青海[Qing1 hai3], Qinghai Pro... qing 青|green/blue/black/youth/young (of people) qing 庆|to celebrate qing 情|(bound form) feelings; emotion; senti... qing 卿|high ranking official (old)/term of e... qing 轻|light/easy/gentle/soft/reckless/unimp... qing 请|to ask/to invite/please (do sth)/to t... qing 晴|clear/fine (weather) qing 清|Qing (Wade-Giles: Ch\'ing) dynasty of ... qing 清|(of water etc) clear; clean/quiet; st... qing 箐|to draw a bamboo bow or crossbow qing 㯳|variant of 檠[qing2] qing 倾|to overturn/to collapse/to lean/to te... qing 顷|variant of 傾|倾[qing1] qing 顷|unit of area equal to 100 畝|亩[mu3] or... qing 磬|chime stones, ancient percussion inst... qing 勍|violent/strong qing 碃|(stone) qing 淸|variant of 清[qing1] qing 氰|cyanogen (CN)2/ethanedinitrile/Taiwan... qing 蜻|see 蜻蜓[qing1 ting2] qing 軽|Japanese variant of 輕|轻[qing1] qing 罄|to use up/to exhaust/empty qing 靑|variant of 青[qing1] qing 鲭|mackerel qing 庼|room/small hall qing 黥|surname Qing qing 黥|to tattoo criminals on the face or fo... qing 檠|instrument for straightening bows qing 殑|swoon qing 苘|Indian mallow (Abutilon theophrasti)/... qing 圊|restroom/latrine qing 暒|old variant of 晴[qing2] qing 殸|variant of 磬[qing4] qing 擎|to raise; to hold up; to lift up qingai 情爱|affection/friendly feelings towards s... qingan 请安|to pay respects/to wish good health/i... qingan 庆安|Qing\'an county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilo... qinganhuagai 氰氨化钙|calcium cyanamide qinganxian 庆安县|Qing\'an county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilo... qingbai 青白|Qingbaijiang district of Chengdu city... qingbai 青白|pale/pallor qingbai 清白|pure/innocent qingbaijiang 青白江|Qingbaijiang district of Chengdu city... qingbao 情报|information; intelligence qingbaochu 情报处|intelligence office; intelligence sec... qingbian 轻便|lightweight and portable/light and co... qingbian 请便|Please do as you wish!/You are welcom... qingbian 情变|loss of love/breakup of a relationship qingbiejianguai 请别见怪|please don\'t be upset/no hard feeling... qingbijinjian 情比金坚|love is more solid than gold (idiom) qingbinanshu 罄笔难书|too numerous to be cited (of atrociti... qingbing 清兵|Qing troops; Manchu soldiers qingbo 轻薄|light (weight)/frivolous/a philandere... qingbukeque 情不可却|unable to refuse because of affection qingbuliang 清补凉|ching bo leung, an icy, sweet dessert... qingbuzijin 情不自禁|(idiom) cannot refrain from; cannot h... qingcai 青菜|green vegetables/Chinese cabbage qingcang 清仓|to take an inventory of stock/to clea... qingcangchaku 清仓查库|to make an inventory of warehouses qingcangdashuaimai 清仓大甩卖|clearance sale/fire sale qingcao 青草|grass qingcao 情操|sentiments/feelings/disposition of mi... qingce 清册|detailed list/inventory qingce 倾侧|to lean to one side/slanting qingcha 清查|to investigate thoroughly/to carefull... qingcha 清茶|green tea/only tea (without food) qingchai 清拆|demolition (of buildings for new proj... qingchaihu 清拆户|demolition of homes/to destroy homes ... qingchang 清偿|to repay a debt in full/to redeem/to ... qingchang 清场|to clear (a place)/to evacuate qingchang 清唱|to sing opera arias without staging, ... qingchang 情场|affairs of the heart/mutual relationship qingchao 清朝|Qing dynasty (1644-1911) qingchao 倾巢|lit. the whole nest came out (to figh... qingchao 清炒|to stir-fry/to saute qingchaoerchu 倾巢而出|the whole nest came out (idiom); to t... qingchaolaifan 倾巢来犯|to turn out in force ready to attack ... qingche 清澈|clear; limpid qingche 清彻|variant of 清澈[qing1 che4] qingchejiancong 轻车简从|(of an official) to travel with littl... qingchejiandi 清澈见底|water so clear you can see the bottom qingchen 清晨|early morning qingcheng 倾城|coming from everywhere/from all over ... qingcheng 庆城|Qingcheng county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qi... qingcheng 清城|Qingcheng district of Qingyuan city 清... qingcheng 清澄|limpid qingchengqingguo 倾城倾国|lit. capable of causing the downfall ... qingchengqu 清城区|Qingcheng district of Qingyuan city 清... qingchengshan 青城山|Mount Qingcheng qingchengxian 庆城县|Qingcheng county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qi... qingcheshulu 轻车熟路|lit. to drive a lightweight chariot o... qingchetoudi 清澈透底|(of a body of water) clear enough to ... qingchi 情痴|infatuated/lovesick person qingchu 清楚|clear/distinct/to understand thorough... qingchu 清除|to clear away/to eliminate/to get rid of qingchuan 青川|Qingchuan county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[G... qingchuanxian 青川县|Qingchuan county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[G... qingchun 清纯|fresh and pure qingchun 青春|youth/youthfulness qingchunbuzai 青春不再|lit. one\'s youth will never return/to... qingchundou 青春痘|acne qingchundou 青春豆|acne qingchunqi 青春期|puberty/adolescence qingchunyongzhu 青春永驻|to stay young forever qingchuyulanershengyulan 青出于蓝而胜于蓝|lit. the color blue is made out of in... qingci 青瓷|celadon (pottery) qingci 请辞|to ask sb to resign from a post qingcong 青葱|scallion/green onion/verdant/lush green qingcui 清脆|sharp and clear/crisp/melodious/ringi... qingcui 青翠|fresh and green/verdant qingcui 轻脆|sharp and clear/crisp/melodious/ringi... qingda 轻打|to tap; to hit lightly qingdai 清代|Qing dynasty (1644-1911) qingdai 青黛|indigo (dye)/Indigo naturalis extract... qingdaitongshi 清代通史|General History of the Qing dynasty, ... qingdameisu 庆大霉素|gentamycin (antibiotic) qingdan 清单|list of items qingdan 清淡|light (of food, not greasy or strongl... qingdan 氢弹|H-bomb/hydrogen bomb qingdang 清党|to purge a political party of undesir... qingdao 青岛|see 青島市|青岛市[Qing1dao3 Shi4] qingdao 倾倒|to topple over; to fall over/to great... qingdao 倾倒|to dump; to pour out; to empty out qingdao 清道|to clean the street/to clear the road... qingdaofu 清道夫|street cleaner/garbage collector/(soc... qingdaopijiu 青岛啤酒|Tsingtao Beer qingdaoshi 青岛市|Qingdao, sub-provincial city in Shand... qingdi 情敌|rival in love qingdi 轻敌|to underestimate the enemy qingdi 清涤|to rinse/to wash/to clean/to purge/to... qingdian 庆典|celebration qingdian 清点|to check/to make inventory qingdian 青靛|indigo qingdianzhangmu 清点帐目|to check the accounts/to take stock qingdiao 请调|to request a transfer qingdiao 情调|ambience; mood; flavor qingding 情定|to exchange vows with (sb)/to exchang... qingdingzhongshen 情定终身|(idiom) to pledge eternal love; to ex... qingdong 倾动|to admire qingdou 青豆|green soybean/green peas qingdou 情窦|(lit.) love aperture/(fig.) interest ... qingdouchukai 情窦初开|first awakening of love (usually of a... qingdu 轻度|mild (symptoms etc) qingdui 清队|to purge the ranks qingdun 清炖|to stew meat without seasoning qingduoguanzhao 请多关照|please treat me kindly (conventional ... qinger 倾耳|to prick up one\'s ear/to listen atten... qingererting 倾耳而听|to listen attentively qingerxiting 倾耳细听|to prick up one\'s ear and listen care... qingeryiju 轻而易举|easy/with no difficulty qingfa 青发|amobarbital (drug) (Tw) qingfan 倾翻|to overturn/to topple/to tip qingfeideyi 情非得已|compelled by the circumstances (to do... qingfen 情分|mutual affection; friendship qingfeng 清风|cool breeze/fig. pure and honest qingfeng 轻风|breeze/light wind qingfeng 清丰|Qingfeng county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 y... qingfengjingjie 清风劲节|pure and high-minded (idiom) qingfengliangxiu 清风两袖|honest and upright (idiom) qingfengmingyue 清风明月|lit. cool breeze and bright moon (idi... qingfengxian 清丰县|Qingfeng county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 y... qingfu 情妇|mistress/paramour (of married man) qingfu 倾覆|to capsize/to collapse/to overturn/to... qingfu 轻浮|frivolous/careless/giddy qingfu 情夫|married woman\'s lover qingfu 清福|carefree and comfortable life (esp. i... qingfu 轻抚|to stroke lightly/to caress qingfu 倾服|to admire qingfusuan 氢氟酸|hydrofluoric acid HF qingfuting 氢氟烃|hydrofluorocarbon qinggai 倾盖|to meet in passing/to get on well at ... qinggan 情感|feeling/emotion/to move (emotionally) qinggan 氰苷|cyanogenetic glucoside qingganfenxi 情感分析|sentiment analysis qinggang 青冈|Qinggang county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heil... qinggangxian 青冈县|Qinggang county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heil... qinggao 清高|noble and virtuous/aloof from politic... qingge 情歌|love song qinggong 庆功|to celebrate a heroic deed qinggong 轻工|light engineering qinggong 青工|young worker (esp of the CCP) qinggong 请功|to request recognition for sb\'s merit... qinggongye 轻工业|light industry qinggua 青瓜|(dialect) cucumber qingguan 清官|honest and upright official (traditio... qingguan 清关|customs clearance qingguangyan 青光眼|glaucoma qingguannanduanjiawushi 清官难断家务事|even an honest and upright official w... qinggui 轻轨|light rail; transit system (undergrou... qingguo 青果|Chinese olive (Canarium album)/green ... qingguoqingcheng 倾国倾城|lit. capable of causing the downfall ... qinghai 青海|see 青海省[Qing1hai3 Sheng3] qinghaihu 青海湖|Qinghai Lake (Tibetan: mtsho-sngon) qinghaisheng 青海省|Qinghai Province, capital Xining 西寧|西... qinghan 清寒|poor/underprivileged/(of weather) cri... qinghao 晴好|bright and sunny weather qinghaosu 青蒿素|Arteannuin (anti-malaria chemical)/Ar... qinghe 清河|Qinghe county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai... qinghe 青河|Qinggil county or Chinggil nahiyisi i... qinghe 庆贺|to congratulate/to celebrate qinghemen 清河门|Qinghemen district of Fuxin city 阜新市,... qinghemenqu 清河门区|Qinghemen district of Fuxin city 阜新市,... qinghequ 清河区|Qinghe district of Tieling city 鐵嶺市|铁... qinghexian 清河县|Qinghe county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai... qinghexian 青河县|Qinggil county or Chinggil nahiyisi i... qingheyikan 情何以堪|how can this be endured! (idiom) qinghongbang 清红帮|traditional secret society, Chinese e... qinghongbang 青红帮|traditional secret society, Chinese e... qinghongzaobai 青红皂白|the rights and wrongs of a matter (id... qinghua 清华|abbr. for 清華大學|清华大学[Qing1 hua2 Da4 xue2] qinghua 青花|blue and white (porcelain) qinghua 氢化|hydrogenation qinghua 情话|terms of endearment/words of love qinghuacai 青花菜|broccoli qinghuaci 青花瓷|blue and white porcelain qinghuadaxue 清华大学|Tsinghua University, Beijing/National... qinghuai 情怀|feelings/mood qinghuajia 氰化钾|potassium cyanide KCN qinghuana 氰化钠|sodium cyanide NaCN qinghuang 青黄|greenish yellow/sallow (of complexion) qinghuangbujie 青黄不接|lit. yellow does not reach green (idi... qinghuangchao 清皇朝|Qing dynasty (1644-1911) qinghuaqing 氢化氰|hydrocyanic acid/hydrogen cyanide qinghuawu 氰化物|cyanide qinghuayecai 青花椰菜|broccoli qinghuo 清火|to clear internal heat (Chinese Medic... qingji 情急|anxious qingji 氰基|cyan/cyanide radical -CN, stable trip... qingjia 请假|to request leave of absence qingjia 亲家|parents of one\'s daughter-in-law or s... qingjia 倾家|to ruin a family/to lose a fortune qingjiadangchan 倾家荡产|to lose a family fortune (idiom) qingjian 请柬|invitation card/written invitation qingjian 清涧|Qingjian County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2]... qingjian 氢键|hydrogen bond qingjiang 清江|Qingjiang river in Hubei qingjiang 青酱|pesto sauce qingjiangburujijiang 请将不如激将|lit. to dispatch a general is not as ... qingjiangcai 青江菜|bok choy/Shanghai pak choy/Chinese mu... qingjianxian 清涧县|Qingjian County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2]... qingjiao 请教|to ask for guidance/to consult qingjiao 倾角|dip/angle of dip (inclination of a ge... qingjiao 青椒|Capsicum annuum/green pepper qingjiao 清剿|to suppress (insurgents)/clean-up ope... qingjiao 青鲛|mackerel shark qingjiaobinyu 青脚滨鹬|(bird species of China) Temminck\'s st... qingjiaoniuliu 青椒牛柳|beef with green peppers qingjiaotu 清教徒|Puritan qingjiaoyu 青脚鹬|(bird species of China) common greens... qingjiatiao 请假条|leave of absence request (from work o... qingjibang 轻击棒|putter (golf) qingjie 情节|circumstances/plot; storyline qingjie 情结|complex (psychology) qingjie 清洁|clean/to clean qingjie 轻捷|light on one\'s feet/nimble/agile qingjie 磬竭|used up/exhausted/emptied qingjie 罄竭|variant of 磬竭[qing4 jie2] qingjiedai 清洁袋|waste disposal bag qingjiegong 清洁工|cleaner/janitor/garbage collector qingjieji 清洁剂|detergent/cleaning solution qingjiela 青芥辣|horseradish/wasabi/green mustard qingjieqi 清洁器|cleaner qingjieqiu 清洁球|scouring ball qingjiguanqiang 轻机关枪|also written 輕機槍|轻机枪/light machine gun qingjiliao 情急了|mythical talking bird/mynah bird qingjin 青筋|veins/blue veins qingjin 罄尽|to use up entirely qingjin 倾尽|to do all one can/to give all one has qingjin 请进|\"please come in\" qingjing 情境|situation; context; setting; environment qingjing 情景|scene; spectacle/circumstances; situa... qingjing 清净|peaceful/quiet/tranquil/purified of d... qingjing 清静|quiet/peaceful and quiet qingjingmoxing 情境模型|situational model qingjingxiju 情景喜剧|sitcom qingjinshi 清津市|Chongjin, capital of North Hamgyeong ... qingjinshi 青金石|lapis lazuli (mineral of the square a... qingjiqiang 轻机枪|light machine gun qingjiqiu 轻击球|to hit the ball lightly (sport)/putt ... qingjiqu 轻击区|putting green (golf) qingjiu 清酒|sake (Japanese rice wine) qingjiu 顷久|an instant or an eternity qingjixijun 氰基细菌|cyanobacteria qingjizhisheng 情急智生|inspiration in a moment of desperatio... qingjizhixia 情急之下|in a moment of desperation qingjun 清军|the Qing army qingjunruweng 请君入瓮|lit. please Sir, get into the boiling... qingjuwangdong 轻举妄动|to act blindly without thinking (idiom) qingkan 轻看|to look down upon qingkan 请看|please see .../vide qingke 请客|to give a dinner party/to entertain g... qingke 青稞|highland barley (grown in Tibet and Q... qingke 顷刻|instantly/in no time qingkejian 顷刻间|in an instant qingkong 清空|to clear/to empty qingkongwanli 晴空万里|a clear and boundless sky qingkouboshe 轻口薄舌|(idiom) hasty and rude; caustic and s... qingku 清苦|destitute but honest/poor and simple/... qingkuai 轻快|light and quick/brisk/spry/lively/eff... qingkuan 请款|to request payment (or reimbursement)... qingkuang 情况|circumstances; state of affairs; situ... qingkuang 轻狂|frivolous qingkui 罄匮|used-up/exhausted qinglai 青睐|(literary) (lit.) to fix one\'s gaze o... qinglang 晴朗|sunny and cloudless qinglang 清朗|clear and bright/unclouded/clear and ... qinglang 情郎|boyfriend/paramour (of a woman) qinglangfubo 轻浪浮薄|(idiom) frivolous qingli 清理|to clear up/to tidy up/to dispose of qingli 倾力|to do one\'s utmost qingli 情理|reason/sense qingli 清丽|(of writing, scenery, a woman etc) gr... qinglian 清廉|honest/uncorrupted qingliang 清凉|cool/refreshing/(of clothing) skimpy/... qingliang 清亮|(of sound) clear and resonant; bright... qingliang 清亮|clear qingliang 轻量|lightweight qingliangji 轻量级|lightweight (boxing etc) qingliangyou 清凉油|soothing ointment/balm qingliduiwu 清理队伍|to purge the ranks qingling 清零|to restore sth to its initial state/t... qingling 轻灵|quick and skillful/agile qingling 请领|to apply for (a subsidy, unemployment... qingling 蜻蛉|damselfly/lacewing qinglingmu 蜻蛉目|Odonata, order consisting of about 6,... qingliu 清流|Qingliu, a county in Sanming City 三明市... qingliu 清流|clean flowing water/(fig.) (literary)... qingliuxian 清流县|Qingliu, a county in Sanming City 三明市... qinglixinzheng 庆历新政|failed reform of Northern Song govern... qinglong 青龙|Azure Dragon, one of the four symbols... qinglong 晴隆|Qinglong county in Qianxinan Buyei an... qinglongmanzuzizhixian 青龙满族自治县|Qinglong Manchu autonomous county in ... qinglongxian 晴隆县|Qinglong county in Qianxinan Buyei an... qinglongxian 青龙县|Qinglong Manchu autonomous county in ... qinglou 青楼|(literary) brothel/pleasure quarters qinglusuan 氢卤酸|hydrohalic acid (e.g. hydrofluoric ac... qinglv 情侣|sweethearts/lovers qinglv 青绿|lush green/dark green/turquoise qinglv 青旅|youth hostel/abbr. for 青年旅舍[qing1 nia... qinglvjiudian 情侣酒店|love hotel qinglvshanshui 青绿山水|blue-and-green landscape (genre of la... qinglvsuan 氢氯酸|hydrochloric acid HCl/also written 鹽酸... qinglvyingwu 情侣鹦鹉|lovebirds qinglvzhuang 情侣装|matching outfit for couples qingma 苘麻|Indian mallow (Abutilon theophrasti)/... qingmadaqiao 青马大桥|Tsing Ma Bridge (to Hong Kong Airport) qingmai 清迈|Chiang Mai, city in Thailand qingman 轻慢|irreverent qingmei 氢酶|hydrogenase (enzyme) qingmeisu 青霉素|penicillin qingmeizhuma 青梅竹马|lit. green plums and hobby-horse (idi... qingmian 情面|feelings and sensibilities/sentiment ... qingmian 黥面|to tattoo the face (punishment in anc... qingmianliaoya 青面獠牙|ferocious-looking (idiom) qingmiaodanxie 轻描淡写|(idiom) to treat sth as no big deal/t... qingmie 轻蔑|scornful; disdainful; contemptuous; p... qingming 清明|Qingming or Pure Brightness, 5th of t... qingming 清明|clear and bright/sober and calm/(of a... qingmingjie 清明节|Qingming or Pure Brightness Festival ... qingmo 清末|the final years of the Qing dynasty 清... qingmominchu 清末民初|the late Qing and early Republic, i.e... qingmu 青木|Aoki (Japanese surname) qingmu 倾慕|to adore/to admire greatly qingnang 倾囊|to empty out one\'s pocket/(fig.) to g... qingnang 青囊|medical practice (Chinese medicine) (... qingnangjing 青囊经|Qingnang Jing, a book on medical prac... qingnengyuan 氢能源|hydrogen energy (energy derived from ... qingnian 青年|youth/youthful years/young person/the... qingnianhui 青年会|YMCA (international Christian youth m... qingnianjie 青年节|Youth Day (May 4th), PRC national hol... qingnianlvshe 青年旅舍|youth hostel qingnianqi 青年期|adolescence qingnianren 青年人|young person/the young qingniantuan 青年团|youth corps/youth wing of a political... qingning 青柠|lime (fruit) qingningmeng 青柠檬|lime (fruit) qingningse 青柠色|lime (color)/greenish yellow qingong 琴弓|bow (of a stringed instrument) qingongjianxue 勤工俭学|to work part-time while studying/work... qingpan 清盘|liquidation qingpei 倾佩|to admire greatly qingpen 倾盆|a downpour/rain bucketing down qingpendayu 倾盆大雨|a downpour; rain bucketing down/(fig.... qingpiaopiao 轻飘飘|light as a feather qingpin 清贫|poor but upright/destitute qingping 清屏|(computing) to clear (all items on th... qingpu 青浦|Qingpu suburban district of Shanghai qingpuqu 青浦区|Qingpu suburban district of Shanghai qingqi 氢气|hydrogen (gas) qingqi 轻骑|light cavalry/light motorcycle/moped qingqi 清绮|beautiful/elegant qingqiao 轻巧|dexterous/deft/easy/light and easy to... qingqing 轻轻|lightly; softly qingqingwowo 卿卿我我|to bill and coo (idiom)/to whisper sw... qingqiu 请求|to request; to ask/request (CL:個|个[ge4]) qingqiufeima 轻裘肥马|lit. light furs and stout horses/fig.... qingqiukuanshu 请求宽恕|to sue for mercy/to ask for forgivene... qingqu 情趣|inclinations and interests/delight/fu... qingqu 轻取|to beat easily/to gain an easy victory qingqu 清癯|lean/thin/spare qingquan 清泉|clear spring qingquanhezhang 擎拳合掌|to clasp hands/to put one\'s palms tog... qingqushangdian 情趣商店|adult shop qingquwanju 情趣玩具|sex toy qingquyongpin 情趣用品|adult product/sex toy qingr 情儿|(dialect) mistress; secret lover; ext... qingran 轻染|tinge qingran 罄然|well disciplined qingrao 轻饶|to forgive easily/to let off lightly ... qingraosufang 轻饶素放|easily forgive, simply release (idiom... qingre 清热|to alleviate fever (medicine)/to clea... qingren 情人|lover/sweetheart qingren 清人|Qing dynasty person qingrenguo 情人果|(Tw) pickled mangoes (burong mangga) qingrenjie 情人节|Valentine\'s Day qingrenyanlichuxishi 情人眼里出西施|lit. in the eyes of a lover appears 西... qingrenyanliyouxishi 情人眼里有西施|In the eyes of the lover, a famous be... qingrou 轻柔|soft; gentle; pliable qingsang 清嗓|to clear one\'s throat/to hawk qingsangzi 清嗓子|to clear one\'s throat qingsao 清扫|to tidy up/to mop up/a sweep (against... qingse 青色|cyan/blue-green qingse 情色|erotic (of art etc)/facial expression... qingse 青涩|underripe/(fig.) young and inexperienced qingsen 青森|Aomori prefecture at the far north of... qingsenxian 青森县|Aomori prefecture at the far north of... qingsha 轻纱|light muslin/gauze qingsha 情杀|murder as a crime of passion qingshan 青山|Qingshan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武... qingshan 青山|green hills/(the good) life qingshang 情商|emotional intelligence; emotional int... qingshang 轻伤|lightly wounded/minor injuries qingshangbeidao 庆尚北道|North Gyeongsang Province, in east So... qingshangdao 庆尚道|Gyeongsang Province of Joseon Korea, ... qingshangnandao 庆尚南道|South Gyeongsang Province, in southea... qingshanhu 青山湖|Qingshanhu district of Nanchang city ... qingshanhuqu 青山湖区|Qingshanhu district of Nanchang city ... qingshanlvshui 青山绿水|lit. green hills and clear waters/ple... qingshanqu 青山区|Qingshan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武... qingshanzhou 青山州|Vermont (green mountain state) qingshaonian 青少年|adolescent/youth/teenager qingshen 青神|Qingshen County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 s... qingshen 罄身|nudity/nakedness qingsheng 庆生|to celebrate a birthday qingsheng 轻生|a suicide/to commit suicide qingsheng 轻声|quietly/softly/neutral tone/light stress qingsheng 轻省|relaxed/easy qingshengxiyu 轻声细语|to speak softly/to whisper (idiom) qingshenr 罄身儿|erhua variant of 罄身[qing4 shen1] qingshenrongyisongshennan 请神容易送神难|it\'s easier to invite the devil in th... qingshenxian 青神县|Qingshen County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 s... qingshi 青石|bluestone/limestone (colloquial) qingshi 请示|to ask for instructions qingshi 情诗|love poem qingshi 情势|situation/circumstance qingshi 青史|annal/historical record/CL:筆|笔[bi3] qingshi 情事|circumstances/facts (of a case)/case/... qingshi 轻食|light meal; snack qingshi 轻视|contempt/contemptuous/to despise/to s... qingshiduoyun 晴时多云|mostly sunny; mostly clear (meteorology) qingshigao 清史稿|Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, so... qingshiguan 清史馆|office set up in 1914 to compile offi... qingshiliezhuan 清史列传|Biographic History of Qing Dynasty by... qingshilu 清实录|Qing historical archive, currently 44... qingshou 清瘦|meager qingshou-qingjiao 轻手轻脚|(idiom) (to move or do sth) softly; q... qingshu 情书|love letter qingshuai 轻率|cavalier/offhand/reckless qingshuang 清爽|fresh and cool/relaxed qingshui 轻水|light water (as opposed to heavy wate... qingshui 清水|Qingshui (place name)/Shimizu (Japane... qingshui 清水|fresh water/drinking water/clear water qingshuifanyingdui 轻水反应堆|light water reactor (LWR) qingshuihe 清水河|Qingshuihe county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 ... qingshuihexian 清水河县|Qingshuihe county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 ... qingshuiqiang 清水墙|unplastered masonry wall qingshuisi 清水寺|Kiyomizu temple in east Kyōto 京都, Japan qingshuixian 清水县|Qingshui county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 ... qingsi 青丝|fine black hair/dried plum (sliced, a... qingsong 轻松|light/gentle/relaxed/effortless/uncom... qingsong 青松|pine tree qingsou 情蒐|intelligence gathering qingsu 倾诉|to say everything (that is on one\'s m... qingsu 情愫|sentiment/feeling qingsu 情素|variant of 情愫[qing2 su4] qingsuan 清算|to settle accounts/to clear accounts/... qingsuan 氰酸|cyanic acid HCN qingsuan 青蒜|garlic shoots and leaves qingsuanhang 清算行|clearing bank qingsuanyan 氰酸盐|cyanate qingsuishiqian 情随事迁|feelings change with circumstances (i... qingtai 情态|spirit/mood/(linguistics) modal qingtai 青苔|moss/lichen qingtaizong 清太宗|posthumous title of Hong Taiji 皇太極|皇太... qingtaizu 清太祖|posthumous title of Nurhaci 努爾哈赤|努尔哈赤... qingtan 清谈|light intellectual conversation qingtan 倾谈|to have a good talk qingtan 青檀|blue sandalwood (Pteroceltis tatarino... qingtang 清汤|broth/clear soup/consommé qingtangguashui 清汤寡水|meager fare/(fig.) insipid/colorless qingtangwashe 青堂瓦舍|brick house with a tiled roof qingtanjiemu 清谈节目|talk show qingtanshu 青檀树|blue sandalwood (Pteroceltis tatarino... qingtian 清甜|(of flavor, voice etc) clear and sweet qingtian 晴天|clear sky/sunny day qingtian 青天|clear sky/blue sky/upright and honora... qingtian 青田|Qingtian county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 s... qingtian 清恬|pure and quiet (of life)/tranquil and... qingtianbairi 青天白日|(idiom) in broad daylight; in the mid... qingtiandalaoye 青天大老爷|(coll.) just and incorruptible official qingtianpili 晴天霹雳|lit. thunderclap from a clear sky (id... qingtianpili 青天霹雳|lit. thunderclap from a clear sky (id... qingtianxian 青田县|Qingtian county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 s... qingtiao 轻佻|frivolous/coquettish qingtiao 轻窕|frivolous/capricious/playful qingtie 请帖|invitation card/written invitation qingtie 轻铁|Hong Kong LRT (Light Rail Transit) (a... qingting 蜻蜓|dragonfly qingting 倾听|to listen attentively qingting 清廷|the Qing court (as government of China) qingting 蜻蝏|variant of 蜻蜓[qing1 ting2] qingtingdianshui 蜻蜓点水|lit. the dragonfly touches the water ... qingtinghanshizhu 蜻蜓撼石柱|lit. the dragon-fly shakes the stone ... qingtingmu 蜻蜓目|Odonata, order consisting of about 6,... qingtingzhe 倾听者|listener qingtong 青铜|bronze (alloy of copper 銅|铜 and tin 錫... qingtonggurou 情同骨肉|as close as flesh and bones (idiom); ... qingtongqi 青铜器|bronze implement/refers to ancient br... qingtongqishidai 青铜器时代|the Bronze Age/also written 青銅時代|青铜时代... qingtongshouzu 情同手足|as close as one\'s hands and feet (idi... qingtongxia 青铜峡|Qingtong, county-level city in Wuzhon... qingtongxiashi 青铜峡市|Qingtong, county-level city in Wuzhon... qingtouqianya 青头潜鸭|(bird species of China) Baer\'s pochar... qingtouyihe 情投意合|(idiom) to have an affinity with each... qingtouyingwu 青头鹦鹉|(bird species of China) slaty-headed ... qingtu 倾吐|to pour out (emotions)/to unburden on... qingtui 倾颓|to collapse/to topple/to capsize qingtuxiongyi 倾吐胸臆|to pour out one\'s heart qingtuzhongchang 倾吐衷肠|to pour out (emotions)/to pour one\'s ... qinguo 秦国|the state of Qin, one of the seven st... qingwa 青蛙|frog (CL:隻|只[zhi1])/(old) (slang) ugl... qingwan 清玩|a refined and elegant object for enjo... qingwan 清婉|clear and soft (voice) qingwang 情网|snare of love qingwanxian 清宛县|Qingwan county in Baoding prefecture,... qingwatai 青瓦台|the Blue House (or Cheong Wa Dae), fo... qingwei 轻微|slight/light/trivial/to a small extent qingwei 情味|feeling/flavor/sense qingwei 倾危|in danger of collapse/in a parlous st... qingwen 请问|Excuse me, may I ask...? qingwu 轻侮|(literary) to treat with disrespect qingwudarao 请勿打扰|please do not disturb qingwuqi 轻武器|light weapon qingwuxiyan 请勿吸烟|No smoking/Please do not smoke qingxi 清晰|clear; distinct qingxi 清洗|to wash; to rinse; to clean/(fig.) to... qingxia 青虾|oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium n... qingxian 青县|Qing county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 z... qingxian 清闲|idle/leisurely qingxian 倾羡|to admire/to adore qingxian 倾陷|to frame (an innocent person)/to coll... qingxiang 倾向|trend/tendency/orientation qingxiang 清香|sweet scent/fragrant odor qingxiang 青葙|feather cockscomb (Celosia argentea) qingxiangdaoqie 倾箱倒箧|(idiom) to exhaust all one has/to lea... qingxiangxing 倾向性|tendency/inclination/orientation qingxiangyu 倾向于|to incline to/to prefer/to be prone to qingxiangzi 青葙子|feather cockscomb (Celosia argentea) qingxiao 倾销|to dump (goods, products) qingxidu 清晰度|definition/sharpness/clarity qingxie 倾斜|to incline/to lean/to slant/to slope/... qingxie 倾泻|to pour down in torrents qingxie 倾泄|to cascade down/to flow in torrents/(... qingxie 倾卸|to tip/to dump by tipping from a vehicle qingxiedu 倾斜度|inclination (from the horizontal or v... qingxin 轻信|to easily trust; gullible; naïve qingxin 倾心|to admire wholeheartedly/to fall in l... qingxin 清新|fresh and clean qingxing 情形|circumstances/situation/CL:個|个[ge4] qingxing 清醒|clear-headed/sober/awake qingxing 轻型|light (machinery, aircraft etc) qingxing 庆幸|to rejoice; to be glad qingxing 青荇|waterlily/floating heart (Nymphoides ... qingxingguidaojiaotong 轻型轨道交通|light rail/transit system (undergroun... qingxingmeng 清醒梦|lucid dream qingxinguayu 清心寡欲|(idiom) uninterested in self-indulgen... qingxintudan 倾心吐胆|to pour out one\'s heart (idiom) qingxinziran 清新自然|as fresh and clean as nature (idiom) qingxiu 青秀|Qingxiu District of Nanning City 南寧市|... qingxiu 清秀|delicate and pretty qingxiujiaben 氰溴甲苯|cyanobenzyl bromide qingxiuqu 青秀区|Qingxiu District of Nanning City 南寧市|... qingxiusuan 氢溴酸|hydrobromic acid HBr qingxu 情绪|mood/state of mind/moodiness/CL:種|种[z... qingxu 清徐|Qingxu county in Taiyuan 太原[Tai4 yuan... qingxuhua 情绪化|emotional/sentimental qingxujiazhi 情绪价值|emotional value qingxushangshu 情绪商数|emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) qingxuxian 清徐县|Qingxu county in Taiyuan 太原[Tai4 yuan... qingxuzhishang 情绪智商|emotional intelligence (EQ) qingxuzhuangtai 情绪状态|emotional state qingya 清雅|refined/elegant qingya 倾轧|conflict/internal strife/dissension qingyan 青眼|(to look) with a direct gaze/(fig.) r... qingyan 轻言|to say, without careful consideration qingyang 庆阳|see 慶陽市|庆阳市[Qing4yang2 Shi4] qingyang 青阳|Qingyang, a county in Chizhou 池州[Chi2... qingyang 氢氧|oxyhydrogen qingyang 青羊|Qingyang district of Chengdu city 成都市... qingyanggen 氢氧根|hydroxide radical (-OH) qingyanggenlizi 氢氧根离子|hydroxide ion OH- qingyanghua 氢氧化|(bound form) hydroxide of ... qingyanghuagai 氢氧化钙|calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2; slaked lime qingyanghuajia 氢氧化钾|potassium hydroxide qingyanghualv 氢氧化铝|aluminum hydroxide qingyanghuamei 氢氧化镁|magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 qingyanghuana 氢氧化钠|caustic soda/sodium hydroxide NaOH qingyanghuawu 氢氧化物|a hydroxide qingyanglizi 氢氧离子|hydroxide ion OH- qingyangqu 青羊区|Qingyang district of Chengdu city 成都市... qingyangshi 庆阳市|Qingyang, prefecture-level city in Ga... qingyangxian 青阳县|Qingyang, a county in Chizhou 池州[Chi2... qingyanxiyu 轻言细语|to speak softly qingyao 轻咬|to nibble qingyi 青衣|black clothes/servant (old)/young wom... qingyi 情义|affection/comradeship qingyi 轻易|easy; simple/rashly; offhandedly qingyi 清逸|fresh and elegant qingyi 情谊|friendship; camaraderie qingyi 情意|friendly regard; affection qingyi 清议|fair criticism/just comment qingyin 清音|(phonetics) voiceless sound qingying 轻盈|graceful/lithe/light and graceful/lig... qingying 请缨|to volunteer for military service/to ... qingying 清莹|limpid; glistening qingyinyue 轻音乐|light music qingyise 清一色|(mahjong) flush; a complete hand wher... qingyou 清幽|(of a location) quiet and secluded/be... qingyou 清油|vegetable cooking oil qingyou 青釉|celadon, classic Chinese style of cer... qingyou 青鼬|weasel/Martes flavigula (zoology) qingyouduzhong 情有独钟|to have a special fondness (for sth) qingyoukeyuan 情有可原|pardonable (of interruption, misunder... qingyu 晴雨|rain or shine qingyu 情欲|lust/desire/sensual qingyu 鲭鱼|mackerel qingyu 青鱼|black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus)/h... qingyu 清淤|to dredge; to remove sludge qingyuan 情愿|willingness/would rather (agree to X ... qingyuan 清远|see 清遠市|清远市[Qing1yuan3 Shi4] qingyuan 青原|Qingyuan district of Ji\'an city 吉安市, ... qingyuan 庆元|Qingyuan county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 s... qingyuan 清原|Qingyuan county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liao... qingyuan 情缘|predestined love/love affinity qingyuan 请愿|petition (for action to be taken) qingyuan 请援|to request help/to appeal (for assist... qingyuanmanzuzizhixian 清原满族自治县|Qingyuan Manchu autonomous county in ... qingyuanqu 青原区|Qingyuan district of Ji\'an city 吉安市, ... qingyuanshi 清远市|Qingyuan, prefecture-level city in Gu... qingyuanshu 请愿书|petition qingyuansu 轻元素|light element (such as hydrogen) qingyuanxian 庆元县|Qingyuan county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 s... qingyuanxian 清原县|Qingyuan county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liao... qingyuanzi 氢原子|hydrogen atom qingyubiao 晴雨表|(lit. and fig.) barometer qingyue 清越|clear and melodious qingyugurou 情逾骨肉|feelings deeper than for one\'s own fl... qingyuhongmao 轻于鸿毛|light as a goose feather (idiom); tri... qingyun 青云|clear sky/fig. high official position... qingyun 庆云|Qingyun county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1... qingyunpu 青云谱|Qingyunpu district of Nanchang city 南... qingyunpuqu 青云谱区|Qingyunpu district of Nanchang city 南... qingyunxian 庆云县|Qingyun county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1... qingyunzhishang 青云直上|rising straight up in a clear sky (id... qingzang 青藏|Qinghai and Tibet qingzanggaoyuan 青藏高原|Qinghai-Tibetan plateau qingzanggonglu 青藏公路|Qinghai-Tibet Highway qingzangtielu 青藏铁路|Qinghai-Tibet railway qingzangtieluxian 青藏铁路线|Qinghai-Tibet Railway qingzangxian 青藏线|the Qinghai-Tibet route qingzao 清早|first thing in the morning/at daybreak qingzao 青枣|blue or green jujube/Chinese green date qingzhe 轻者|less serious case/in less severe cases qingzhe 顷者|just now/a short while ago qingzhen 清真|Islamic/Muslim/halal (of food)/clean/... qingzhen 清镇|Qingzhen, county-level city in Guiyan... qingzhen-yiqie 情真意切|(idiom) sincere; heartfelt qingzheng 清正|upright and honorable qingzheng 清蒸|steamed in broth qingzhengfu 清政府|Qing government (1644-1911) qingzhenglianming 清正廉明|upright and honest qingzhenshi 清镇市|Qingzhen, county-level city in Guiyan... qingzhensi 清真寺|mosque qingzhi 情知|to know full well; to be fully aware qingzhi 顷之|in a moment/shortly after qingzhi 情志|emotion/mood qingzhishiyou 轻质石油|light petroleum (product)/gasoline an... qingzhishiyouchanpin 轻质石油产品|light petroleum product (i.e. gasolin... qingzhong 情种|affectionate/an affectionate person qingzhong 轻重|severity (of the case)/degree of seri... qingzhong 青肿|bruise qingzhongdaozhi 轻重倒置|to invert the importance of things (i... qingzhonghuanji 轻重缓急|slight or important, urgent or non-ur... qingzhongzhuci 轻重主次|to invert the importance of things (i... qingzhou 清州|Cheongju, capital of North Chungcheon... qingzhou 青州|Qingzhou, county-level city in Weifan... qingzhou 庆州|Qingzhou, ancient northern province/G... qingzhoushi 青州市|Qingzhou, county-level city in Weifan... qingzhoushi 清州市|Cheongju, capital of North Chungcheon... qingzhu 庆祝|to celebrate qingzhu 青贮|silage/green fodder qingzhu 倾注|to throw into qingzhuang 情状|situation/circumstances qingzhuangnian 青壮年|the prime of one\'s life qingzhuhui 庆祝会|celebration qingzhunanshu 罄竹难书|so many that the bamboo slats have be... qingzhuo 清酌|wine offered to gods in worship qingzi 青紫|purple qingzi 轻子|lepton (particle physics) qingzi 情资|intelligence/information qingzitou 青字头|\"top of 青 character\" component in Chi... qingzui 请罪|to apologize humbly/to beg forgiveness qingzui 轻罪|petty crime/misdemeanor qingzuiboshe 轻嘴薄舌|lit. light mouth, thin tongue (idiom)... qingzuo 请坐|please, have a seat qinhai 侵害|to encroach on/to infringe on qinhairen 侵害人|perpetrator qinhan 秦汉|the Qin (221-207 BC) and Han (206 BC-... qinhe 亲和|to connect intimately (with)/amiable/... qinheli 亲和力|(personal) warmth/approachability/acc... qinhexing 亲和性|compatibility/affinity (biology) qinhua 侵华|to invade China (referring to 19th ce... qinhuai 秦淮|Qinhuai district of Nanjing City 南京市 ... qinhuaibayan 秦淮八艳|the famous eight beautiful and talent... qinhuaihe 秦淮河|Qinhuai River, a tributary of the Yan... qinhuaiqu 秦淮区|Qinhuai district of Nanjing City 南京市 ... qinhuangdao 秦皇岛|see 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2huang2dao3 Shi4] qinhuangdaoshi 秦皇岛市|Qinhuangdao, prefecture-level city in... qinhui 秦桧|Qin Hui (1090-1155 AD), Song Dynasty ... qinhuiwenwang 秦惠文王|King Huiwen of Qin 秦國|秦国, ruled 338-3... qinhuo 擒获|to apprehend/to capture/to seize qinhuo 秦火|the Qin burning of the books in 212 BC qini 气逆|reverse flow of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM) qinian 绮年|young/youthful qinian 汽碾|steamroller qinianzhiyang 七年之痒|seven-year itch qiningjiao 气凝胶|aerogel qiniubawai 七扭八歪|misshapen/crooked/uneven (idiom) qinjian 勤俭|hardworking and frugal qinjian 琴键|a piano key qinjianbanqiye 勤俭办企业|to run an enterprise diligently and t... qinjianbanshe 勤俭办社|to manage communes diligently and thr... qinjianbanxue 勤俭办学|to run a school diligently and thriftily qinjianchijia 勤俭持家|hardworking and thrifty in running on... qinjianjianguo 勤俭建国|(idiom) to build up the country throu... qinjianjieyue 勤俭节约|(idiom) diligent and thrifty qinjianpiaoling 琴剑飘零|floating between zither and sword (id... qinjianpushi 勤俭朴实|(idiom) hardworking, thrifty and unpr... qinjianpusu 勤俭朴素|(idiom) hardworking, thrifty and unpr... qinjianwushi 勤俭务实|hardworking, thrifty and pragmatic qinjiao 秦艽|large leaf gentian (Gentiana macrophy... qinjiao 秦椒|(dialect) hot pepper (long and thin)/... qinjie 侵截|to hack (computer) qinjiezhe 侵截者|cracker (computing) qinjiliao 秦吉了|mythical talking bird/mynah bird qinjin 亲近|intimate/to get close to qinjin 勤谨|diligent and painstaking qinjing 钦敬|to admire and respect qinjinggaoxuan 秦镜高悬|see 明鏡高懸|明镜高悬[ming2 jing4 gao1 xuan2] qinjiu 琴酒|gin (Taiwan variant of 金酒[jin1 jiu3]) qinjiu 亲旧|relatives and old friends qinju 寝具|bedding qinjuan 亲眷|relatives qinjun 秦军|the Qin army (model for the terracott... qinken 勤恳|diligent and attentive/assiduous/sincere qinkou 亲口|one\'s own mouth/fig. in one\'s own wor... qinku 勤苦|hardworking/assiduous qinkuai 勤快|diligent; hardworking qinlao 勤劳|hardworking/industrious/diligent qinlaozhifu 勤劳致富|to get rich through hard work qinlei 禽类|bird species/birds qinli 亲历|to personally experience qinli 勤力|hardworking/diligent qinlin 亲临|to go in person qinling 秦岭|Qinling Mountain Range in Shaanxi for... qinling 秦陵|the tomb of the First Emperor at Mt L... qinlingshanmai 秦岭山脉|Qinling Mountain Range in Shaanxi, fo... qinlingshuzhandao 秦岭蜀栈道|the Qinling plank road to Shu, a hist... qinlinqijing 亲临其境|to travel to a place personally (idiom) qinliqinwei 亲力亲为|to do sth oneself qinliugan 禽流感|bird flu/avian influenza qinlong 禽龙|iguanodon qinlve 侵略|to invade/invasion qinlvejun 侵略军|invading army qinlvezhanzheng 侵略战争|war of aggression qinlvezhe 侵略者|aggressors; invaders qinma 亲妈|one\'s own mother/biological mother qinmei 亲美|pro-U.S. qinmen 亲们|darlings/fans/followers/short form of... qinmi 亲密|intimate/close qinmi 勤密|often/frequently qinmi-wujian 亲密无间|(idiom) to have a very close relation... qinmian 勤勉|diligence/diligent/industrious qinmin 亲民|in touch with the people/sensitive to... qinmindang 亲民党|People First Party, Taiwan qinming 钦命|Imperial order or edict (old) qinmo 秦末|the end of the Qin dynasty 207 BC qinmu 亲睦|friendly/amicable/to keep up harmonio... qinmu 秦牧|Qin Mu (1919-1992), educator and prol... qinmugong 秦穆公|Duke Mu of Qin, the first substantial... qinmulinbang 亲睦邻邦|friendly neighboring countries/to kee... qinnai 钦奈|Chennai, capital of southeast Indian ... qinnan 钦南|Qinnan district of Qinzhou city 欽州市|钦... qinnanqu 钦南区|Qinnan district of Qinzhou city 欽州市|钦... qinni 亲昵|intimate qinniao 禽鸟|birds/fowl qinniao 琴鸟|lyrebird qinongjingshang 弃农经商|to abandon farming and become a busin... qinpei 钦佩|to admire/to look up to/to respect sb... qinpeng 亲朋|relatives and friends qinpenghaoyou 亲朋好友|friends and family/kith and kin qinpu 勤朴|simple and industrious/hardworking an... qinqi 亲戚|a relative (i.e. family relation)/CL:... qinqiang 秦腔|Qinqiang, an opera style popular in n... qinqie 亲切|amiable/cordial/close and dear/familiar qinqin 亲亲|dear one/to kiss/friendly qinqin 勤勤|attentive/solicitous/earnest/sincere qinqing 亲情|affection/family love/love, esp. with... qinqinkenken 勤勤恳恳|industrious and conscientious/assiduous qinqishuhua 琴棋书画|the four arts (zither, Go, calligraph... qinquan 侵权|to infringe the rights of/to violate/... qinquanxingwei 侵权行为|tort; infringement (of sb\'s rights) qinrao 侵扰|to invade and harass qinre 亲热|affectionate; intimate; warmhearted/t... qinren 亲人|one\'s close relatives qinrenjie 擒人节|(jocular) Valentine\'s Day, referring ... qinrenxinpi 沁人心脾|to penetrate deeply into the heart (i... qinru 侵入|to make (military) incursions/to inva... qinru 沁入|(usually of sth intangible) to seep i... qinrushouzu 亲如手足|as close as brothers (idiom); deep fr... qinruxing 侵入性|invasive (e.g. disease or procedure) qinruyan 侵入岩|intrusive rock qinruyijia 亲如一家|family-like close relationship (idiom) qinruzhe 侵入者|intruder/invader qinse 琴瑟|qin and se, two string instruments th... qinsebutiao 琴瑟不调|out of tune/marital discord, cf qin a... qinseheming 琴瑟和鸣|in perfect harmony/in sync/lit. qin a... qinshan 亲善|goodwill qinshan 侵删|(Internet slang) if this is an infrin... qinshandashi 亲善大使|goodwill ambassador qinshanzhenkuai 寝苫枕块|bed of straw and pillow of clay (idio... qinshen 亲身|personal/oneself qinsheng 亲生|one\'s own (child) (i.e. one\'s child b... qinshenggurou 亲生骨肉|one\'s own flesh and blood qinshengzinv 亲生子女|natural child qinshi 亲事|marriage/CL:門|门[men2] qinshi 寝室|bedroom/dormitory/CL:間|间[jian1] qinshi 侵蚀|to erode/to corrode qinshi 琴师|player of a stringed instrument qinshi-nanan 寝食难安|lit. cannot rest or eat in peace (idi... qinshihuang 秦始皇|Qin Shihuang (259-210 BC), the first ... qinshihuangdi 秦始皇帝|the First Emperor 259-210 BC qinshihuangdiling 秦始皇帝陵|the mausoleum of the First Emperor ne... qinshihuangling 秦始皇陵|the tomb of the first emperor at Mt L... qinshizuoyong 侵蚀作用|erosion qinshou 禽兽|birds and animals/creature/beast (bru... qinshou 亲手|personally/with one\'s own hands qinshou 琴手|player of a stringed instrument qinshouburu 禽兽不如|worse than a beast/to behave immorally qinshu 亲疏|close and distant (relatives) qinshu 亲属|kin/kindred/relatives qinshu 琴书|traditional art form, consisting of s... qinshuguijian 亲疏贵贱|close and distant, rich and poor (idi... qinshui 沁水|Qinshui county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Jin4... qinshuichanglang 亲水长廊|waterside promenade qinshuixian 沁水县|Qinshui county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Jin4... qinshuixing 亲水性|hydrophilic qinsituohuowa 琴斯托霍瓦|Częstochowa (city in Poland) qintaoyu 秦韬玉|Qin Taoyu, Tang poet, author of the p... qintongni 琴通尼|(Tw) gin and tonic qintongning 琴通宁|(Tw) gin and tonic qintun 侵吞|to annex/to swallow (up)/to embezzle qinuan 汽暖|gas heating qinuke 奇努克|Chinook (helicopter) qinwang 亲王|prince qinwang 勤王|to serve the king diligently/to save ... qinweidui 亲卫队|SS or Schutzstaffel, paramilitary org... qinwen 亲吻|to kiss/kiss qinwu 勤务|service/duties/an orderly (military) qinwubing 勤务兵|army orderly qinwuyuan 勤务员|odd job man/army orderly qinxi 侵袭|to invade/to assail/onslaught qinxian 琴弦|string (of a stringed instrument) qinxian 沁县|Qin county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 z... qinxian 钦羡|to admire/to hold in high esteem qinxian 侵限|intrusion; perimeter breach/(esp.) (o... qinxiaogong 秦孝公|Duke Xiao of Qin, 秦國|秦国[Qin2 guo2], r... qinxin 亲信|(often pejorative) trusted aide; conf... qinxiongdi,mingsuanzhang 亲兄弟,明算帐|even with your own brother, keep clea... qinxuekulian 勤学苦练|to study diligently/to train assiduously qinyan 亲眼|with one\'s own eyes/personally qinyang 沁阳|Qinyang, county-level city in Jiaozuo... qinyang 钦仰|to admire and respect qinyangshi 沁阳市|Qinyang, county-level city in Jiaozuo... qinyanmudu 亲眼目睹|to see for oneself/to see with one\'s ... qinye 侵夜|(literary) nightfall/night qinyi 钦挹|to admire and respect/to look up to qinyou 亲友|friends and relatives qinyuan 沁源|Qinyuan County in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chan... qinyuan 亲缘|blood relationship; genetic relations... qinyuanguanxi 亲缘关系|phylogenetic relationship qinyuanxian 沁源县|Qinyuan County in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chan... qinyueren 秦越人|Qin Yueren (407-310 BC), Warring Stat... qinza 勤杂|odd jobs/servant or army orderly doin... qinzebukui 勤则不匮|If one is industrious, one will not b... qinzei-qinwang 擒贼擒王|(idiom) to defeat the enemy by captur... qinzhan 侵占|to invade and occupy (territory) qinzheng 亲征|to take to the field oneself (of empe... qinzhenglianzheng 勤政廉政|honest and industrious government fun... qinzhi 亲炙|to be enlightened by direct contact w... qinzhou 秦州|Qinzhou district of Tianshui city 天水市... qinzhou 钦州|Qinzhou, prefecture-level city in Gua... qinzhouqu 秦州区|Qinzhou district of Tianshui city 天水市... qinzhoushi 钦州市|Qinzhou, prefecture-level city in Gua... qinzhuan 秦篆|seal script as unified by the Qin dyn... qinzi 亲子|parent and child/parent-child (relati... qinzi 亲自|personally/in person/oneself qinzidong 亲子丼|oyakodon, a donburi topped with chick... qinzidongshou 亲自动手|to do the job oneself qinzijianding 亲子鉴定|paternity or maternity test qinziyou 亲子游|family vacation with an emphasis on a... qinzu 亲族|relatives/members of the same family,... qinzui 亲嘴|to kiss (on the mouth) qiong 琼|abbr. for Hainan Province 海南[Hai3nan2] qiong 琼|jasper/fine jade/beautiful/exquisite ... qiong 穷|poor/destitute/to use up/to exhaust/t... qiong 穹|vault/dome/the sky qiong 嬛|(literary) alone; solitary (variant o... qiong 茕|alone/desolate qiong 邛|mound/place name qiong 璚|(red stone) qiong 瞏|(literary) to gaze in terror/(literar... qiong 筇|(in ancient texts) type of bamboo som... qiong 蛩|anxious/grasshopper/a cricket qiong 跫|sound of footsteps qiong 睘|variant of 瞏[qiong2] qiong 銎|eye of an axe qiong 䓖|used in 芎藭|芎䓖[xiong1qiong2] qiong 惸|variant of 煢|茕[qiong2] qiong 笻|variant of 筇[qiong2] qiongbangzi 穷棒子|poor but spirited person/(old) (derog... qiongbingduwu 穷兵黩武|to engage in wars of aggression at wi... qiongcang 穹苍|the sky/the firmament/the vault of he... qiongchou 穷愁|destitute/troubled/penniless and full... qiongchouliaodao 穷愁潦倒|impoverished and dejected; wretched a... qiongcu 穷蹙|hard-up/in dire straits/desperate qiongdangyijian 穷当益坚|poor but ambitious (idiom); hard-pres... qiongding 穹顶|dome/vault/domed roof qiongdou 穷抖|to shake uncontrollably/to jiggle (on... qionge 穷饿|exhausted and hungry qiongerdai 穷二代|those who did not benefit from the Ch... qiongguangdan 穷光蛋|poor wretch/pauper/destitute man/pove... qionggui 穷鬼|(vulgar) impoverished person; the poor qiongguo 穷国|poor country qionghai 琼海|Qionghai City, Hainan qionghaishi 琼海市|Qionghai City, Hainan qiongji 穷极|extremely; utterly qiongjiaboye 穷家薄业|lit. poor and with few means of subsi... qiongjiafulu 穷家富路|(idiom) at home be frugal, but when t... qiongjiangyuye 琼浆玉液|bejeweled nectar (idiom); ambrosia of... qiongjie 穷竭|to exhaust/to use up qiongjiefa 穷竭法|Archimedes\' method of exhaustion (an ... qiongjin 穷尽|to use up/to exhaust/to probe to the ... qiongkou 穷寇|cornered enemy qiongku 穷苦|impoverished/destitute qiongkui 穷匮|to be short of sth/to be wanting in sth qiongkun 穷困|destitute/wretched poverty qionglai 邛崃|Qionglai, county-level city in Chengd... qionglaishan 邛崃山|Qionglai Mountains in western Sichuan... qionglaishanmai 邛崃山脉|Qionglai mountains on the boundary of... qionglaishi 邛崃市|Qionglai, county-level city in Chengd... qionglei 穹肋|a rib of an arch qionglin 芎林|Qionglin or Chiunglin township in Hsi... qionglinxiang 芎林乡|Qionglin or Chiunglin township in Hsi... qionglong 穹隆|domed structure/vault qionglong 穹窿|a dome/a vault/the sky qionglouyuyu 琼楼玉宇|bejeweled jade palace (idiom); sumptu... qionglu 穹庐|yurt (round tent) qiongmangzu 穷忙族|the working poor qiongqiongjieli 茕茕孑立|to stand all alone qiongqiu 穹丘|dome qiongren 穷人|poor people/the poor qiongshan 琼山|Qiongshan district of Haikou city 海口市... qiongshaneshui 穷山恶水|lit. barren hills and wild rivers (id... qiongshanqu 琼山区|Qiongshan district of Haikou city 海口市... qiongshejichi 穷奢极侈|extravagant in the extreme (idiom) qiongshejiyu 穷奢极欲|to indulge in a life of luxury (idiom... qiongshunieli 穷鼠啮狸|a desperate rat will bite the fox (id... qiongsi 琼斯|Jones (name) qiongsidun 琼斯顿|Johnston (name) qiongsikuxiang 穷思苦想|to think hard (idiom)/to give sth muc... qiongsuan 穷酸|(of a scholar) impoverished, shabby a... qiongsuanxiang 穷酸相|wretched look/shabby looks qiongtumolu 穷途末路|lit. the path exhausted, the end of t... qiongxiangpirang 穷乡僻壤|a remote and desolate place qiongxing 穹形|arched/vaulted/dome-shaped qiongxiongjie 穷凶极恶|fiendish/black-hearted qiongya 琼崖|Qiongya, historic name for Hainan Isl... qiongyan 琼筵|banquet/elaborate feast qiongyang 穷养|to raise (a child) frugally qiongyao 琼瑶|Chiung Yao (1938-), Taiwanese writer qiongying 琼瑛|jade-like stone qiongyou 穷游|to travel on a small budget qiongyuyingfu 穷于应付|to struggle to cope (with a situation... qiongzainaoshiwurenwen,fuzaishenshanyouyuanqin 穷在闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲|the poor are ignored in the busiest c... qiongzesibian 穷则思变|(idiom) when you hit bottom, you have... qiongzhi 琼脂|agar qiongzhong 琼中|Qiongzhong Li and Miao autonomous cou... qiongzhonglizumiaozuzizhixian 琼中黎族苗族自治县|Qiongzhong Li and Miao autonomous cou... qiongzhongxian 琼中县|Qiongzhong Li and Miao autonomous cou... qiongzhou 琼州|Qiongzhou, historic name for Hainan I... qiongzhouhaixia 琼州海峡|Qiongzhou Strait (between Hainan Isla... qiongzhui 穷追|to pursue relentlessly qiongzhuibushe 穷追不舍|to pursue relentlessly qipa 奇葩|exotic flower/(fig.) marvel/prodigy/(... qipai 气派|impressive/stylish/magnificent/imposi... qipai 旗牌|flag or banner qipaijia 起拍价|starting bid; starting price (at an a... qipan 棋盘|chessboard qipan 期盼|to expect; to await qipan 企盼|to expect/to look forward to/anxious ... qipao 旗袍|Chinese-style dress/cheongsam qipao 气泡|bubble/blister (in metal)/(of beverag... qipao 起跑|to start running/the start of a race qipao 起泡|to bubble/to foam/to blister/to sprou... qipaobu 气泡布|bubble wrap qipaomo 气泡膜|bubble wrap qipaomo 起泡沫|to emit bubbles/to bubble/to foam (wi... qipaoxian 起跑线|the starting line (of a race)/scratch... qipayihui 奇葩异卉|rare and exotic flora (idiom) qipei 汽配|auto parts qipi 起皮|(of skin) to peel qipian 欺骗|to deceive/to cheat qipiao 期票|promissory note/IOU qipinbacou 七拼八凑|assembled at random/a motley collection qiping 气瓶|gas cylinder/air bottle/air tank (div... qipixie 漆皮鞋|patent leather shoes qipo 气魄|spirit/boldness/positive outlook/impo... qipo 七魄|seven mortal forms in Daoism, represe... qipu 棋谱|kifu (record of a game of go or shogi) qipu 起扑|chip shot (golf) qipugan 起扑杆|chipper (golf) qiqi 漆器|lacquerware qiqi 戚戚|sorrowful/distressed qiqi 戚戚|intimate/closely related/sorrowful/di... qiqi 凄凄|cold and dismal qiqi 萋萋|luxuriant/lavish/abundant qiqi 起讫|beginning and end (dates) qiqi 跂跂|crawling or creeping (of insects) qiqi 起迄|start and end (dates)/origin and dest... qiqiaiai 期期艾艾|stammering (idiom) qiqiang 气枪|an air gun qiqiang 骑墙|to sit on the fence (in a dispute) qiqiang 骑枪|carbine/lance qiqiao 七窍|the seven apertures of the human head... qiqiao 蹊跷|odd; queer; strange; fishy qiqiaoban 七巧板|tangram (traditional Chinese block pu... qiqiaoshengyan 七窍生烟|lit. spouting smoke through the seven... qiqibaba 七七八八|almost/nearing completion/bits and pi... qiqichacha 嘁嘁喳喳|chattering qiqie 妻妾|wives and concubines (of a polygamous... qiqie 气切|(medicine) tracheotomy (abbr. for 氣管切... qiqie 凄切|mournful qiqihaer 齐齐哈尔|see 齊齊哈爾市|齐齐哈尔市[Qi2qi2ha1er3 Shi4] qiqihaershi 齐齐哈尔市|Qiqihar, prefecture-level city in Hei... qiqing 凄清|somber; cheerless qiqing 七情|seven emotional states/seven affects ... qiqingliuyu 七情六欲|various emotions and desires qiqishibian 七七事变|Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th Jul... qiqiu 气球|balloon qiqiu 乞求|to beg qiqiu 起球|(of a sweater, fabric etc) to pill qiqiu 祈求|to pray for/to appeal qiqiu 企求|to seek for; to hope to gain; desirous qiqiu 鲯鳅|mahi-mahi; dorado (Coryphaena hippurus) qiqu 崎岖|rugged/craggy qiqu 奇趣|quaint charm qiqu 弃取|(literary) to choose between rejectin... qiquan 期权|(finance) option qiquan 弃权|to waive a right/to abstain (from vot... qiquan 齐全|complete/comprehensive qiquan 气圈|(planet) atmosphere/(medical) air rin... qique 奇缺|very short of (food, clean water etc)... qiran 凄然|distressed qiren 奇人|an eccentric/odd person/person of ext... qiren 气人|to anger/to annoy qiren 旗人|Manchu/bannerman (refers to the eight... qiren 乞人|beggar qiren-taishen 欺人太甚|(idiom) to bully intolerably qirenyoutian 杞人忧天|man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idio... qirenzhifu 齐人之福|lit. the happy fate of the man from Q... qirenzhiyou 杞人之忧|man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idio... qirire 七日热|leptospirosis qirongjiao 气溶胶|aerosol qiru 欺辱|to humiliate/humiliation qirui 奇瑞|Chery (car manufacturer) qiruobixi 弃若敝屣|to throw away like worn out shoes qisai 棋赛|chess game qisai 气塞|airlock/air block/fipple (in the mout... qisaiman 七鳃鳗|lamprey (jawless proto-fish of family... qisan 其三|thirdly/the third qisang 稽颡|to kowtow (touch the forehead to the ... qise 起色|a turn for the better/to pick up/to i... qise 气色|complexion qisejia 绮色佳|Ithaca, Island state of Greece, the h... qishabikewan 契沙比克湾|Chesapeake Bay qishan 岐山|Qishan County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1... qishangbaluo 七上八落|see 七上八下[qi1 shang4 ba1 xia4] qishangbaxia 七上八下|at sixes and sevens/perturbed state o... qishanxian 岐山县|Qishan County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1... qishe 齐射|volley (of gunfire) qishe 骑射|equestrian archery/riding and shooting qishe 弃舍|to abandon/to give up qishen 栖身|to stay at/to live in (temporarily) qishen 起身|to get up/to leave/to set forth qisheng 齐声|all speaking together; in chorus qisheng 气盛|red-blooded/full of vim/impetuous qisheng 欺生|to cheat strangers/to bully strangers... qisheng 七声|tones of the musical scale qishenggen 气生根|aerial root (botany) qishengyinjie 七声音阶|heptatonic scale qishi 骑士|knight; cavalier/(Tw) bike rider (sco... qishi 启示|to reveal/to enlighten/enlightenment/... qishi 其实|actually; in fact; really qishi 起始|to originate qishi 起誓|to vow/to swear an oath qishi 歧视|to discriminate against/discrimination qishi 七十|seventy/70 qishi 气势|imposing manner/loftiness/grandeur/en... qishi 启事|announcement (written, on billboard, ... qishi 奇事|marvel qishi 奇士|odd person/an eccentric qishi 乞食|to beg for food qishi 弃世|to leave this world/to die qishi 骑师|jockey/horse rider/horseman/equestrian qishi 妻室|wife qishi 弃市|public execution (old) qishi 脐屎|newborn baby\'s excrement (meconium)/b... qishi 七事|(archaic) the seven duties of a sover... qishi 绮室|magnificent room qishi 岐视|discrimination (against sb)/also writ... qishi 起士|cheese (loanword) (Tw) qishi-daoming 欺世盗名|(idiom) to fool the world and usurp a... qishidangao 起士蛋糕|cheesecake qishifengge 骑士风格|knighthood qishihongwei 气势宏伟|imposing/majestic qishiju 祈使句|imperative sentence qishilingren 气势凌人|arrogant and overbearing qishilu 启示录|the Revelation of St John the divine/... qishiniandai 七十年代|the seventies; the 1970s qishiqigai 骑士气概|chivalry qishiqiguojituan 七十七国集团|Group of 77, loose alliance of develo... qishixiongxiong 气势汹汹|aggressive/truculent/overbearing qishiyan 憩室炎|diverticulitis qishizhe 启示者|revelator qishou 骑手|horse rider/equestrian/jockey/bike rider qishou 起手|to set about (doing sth) qishou 棋手|chess player qishou 旗手|a flag carrier (army)/ensign qishou 弃守|to give up defending/to yield/to surr... qishoubajiao 七手八脚|(idiom) with everyone lending a hand ... qishu 骑术|equestrianism/horsemanship qishu 漆树|lac tree (Rhus vernicifera) qishu 气数|fate/destiny/one\'s lot qishu 齐书|History of Qi of the Southern Dynasti... qishu 槭树|maple qishu 乞恕|to beg forgiveness qishu 桤树|long peduncled alder (Alnus cremastog... qishu 戚属|relative/family member/dependent qishuang-aoxue 欺霜傲雪|lit. cold-resistant (idiom)/fig. rema... qishuashua 齐刷刷|even/uniform qishui 汽水|soda pop; carbonated soft drink qishuke 漆树科|Anacardiaceae, plant family including... qisi 气死|to infuriate/to be furious/to die fro... qisi 绮思|beautiful thoughts (in writing) qisi 起司|cheese (loanword) (Tw) qisidangao 起司蛋糕|cheesecake qisihuisheng 起死回生|to rise from the dead (idiom); fig. a... qisimiaoxiang 奇思妙想|an unconventional but wonderful idea qisu 起诉|to sue/to bring a lawsuit against/to ... qisu 耆宿|venerable old person qisu 起粟|to get goose bumps qisui 绮岁|youthful age qisuo 其所|its place/one\'s appointed place/the p... qisushu 起诉书|indictment (law)/statement of charges... qisuyuan 起诉员|prosecutor qisuzhe 起诉者|plaintiff qita 其他|other/(sth or sb) else/the rest qita 其它|(adjective) other qitai 奇台|Qitai county or Guchung nahiyisi in C... qitai 气态|gaseous state (physics)/manner/air/be... qitaihe 七台河|see 七臺河市|七台河市[Qi1tai2he2 Shi4] qitaiheshi 七台河市|Qitaihe, prefecture-level city in Hei... qitaixian 奇台县|Qitai county or Guchung nahiyisi in C... qitan 奇谈|odd story/exotic tale/fig. ridiculous... qitan 气潭|air pocket qitangjiang 槭糖浆|maple syrup qitanguailun 奇谈怪论|strange tales and absurd arguments (i... qitantang 七碳糖|heptose (CH2O)7, monosaccharide with ... qitao 乞讨|to beg/to go begging qite 奇特|peculiar/unusual/queer qiti 气体|gas (i.e. gaseous substance) qiti 汽提|stripping (chemistry) qiti 砌体|brickwork qitian 气田|gas field qitiandasheng 齐天大圣|Great Sage the Equal of Heaven, self-... qitianling 骑田岭|Qitian mountain range between south H... qitianzhilv 杞天之虑|man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idio... qitiao 起跳|(athletics) to take off (at the start... qitikuosan 气体扩散|gaseous diffusion qiting 汽艇|motor boat qitong 气筒|inflator; bicycle pump qitou 起头|to start/at first/beginning qitou 齐头|at the same time/simultaneously/(when... qitou 企投|to have fun (from Taiwanese 𨑨迌, Tai-l... qitoubingjin 齐头并进|to go forward together (idiom); to un... qitoushang 气头上|(in) a fit of anger; (in) a foul mood qitoushi 齐头式|treating everyone the same, regardles... qitu 企图|to attempt/to try/attempt/CL:種|种[zhong3] qitu 歧途|fork in a road/wrong road qituan 气团|air mass qituxin 企图心|ambition/ambitious qiu 秋|surname Qiu qiu 秋|autumn/fall/harvest time qiu 秋|old variant of 秋[qiu1] qiu 秋|used in 鞦韆|秋千[qiu1qian1] qiu 球|ball/sphere/globe/CL:個|个[ge4]/ball ga... qiu 裘|surname Qiu qiu 裘|fur/fur coat qiu 萩|Lespedeza bicolor qiu 囚|prisoner qiu 龟|used in 龜茲|龟兹[Qiu1 ci2] qiu 求|to seek/to look for/to request/to dem... qiu 蝤|used in 蝤蠐|蝤蛴[qiu2 qi2] qiu 仇|surname Qiu qiu 仇|spouse/companion qiu 邱|surname Qiu qiu 邱|variant of 丘[qiu1] qiu 絿|urgent/pressing qiu 訄|(literary) to coerce sb/to compel sb qiu 虬|young dragon with horns qiu 酋|tribal chief qiu 巯|hydrosulfuryl qiu 丠|old variant of 丘[qiu1] qiu 逑|collect/to match qiu 遒|strong/vigorous/robust/to draw near/t... qiu 頄|cheekbone qiu 糗|surname Qiu qiu 糗|dry rations (for a journey)/(dialect)... qiu 丘|surname Qiu qiu 丘|mound/hillock/grave/classifier for fi... qiu 俅|ornamental cap qiu 丘|hillock; mound (variant of 丘[qiu1]) qiu 鳅|loach (family Cobitidae)/used in 鯕鰍|鲯... qiu 厹|spear qiu 楸|Catalpa/Mallotus japonicus qiu 毬|ball qiu 泅|to swim (bound form) qiu 鼽|congested nose qiu 鞧|crupper/leather strap/(dialect) to dr... qiu 蚯|used in 蚯蚓[qiu1yin3] qiu 犰|used in 犰狳[qiu2yu2] qiu 龝|old variant of 秋[qiu1] qiu 㞗|(dialect) penis; dick qiu 鰽|herring qiu 恘|meaning uncertain, related to 戾[li4],... qiu 觩|bent upwards/taut qiu 㐤|old variant of 求[qiu2] qiu 璆|(gem)/to tinkle qiu 盚|surname Qiu qiu 赇|to bribe qiu 𨱇|single-headed pick/stone chisel qiu 𩾁|Lepidotrigla strauchi qiu 鹙|see 鶖鷺|鹙鹭[qiu1 lu4] qiuai 求爱|to woo qiuba 丘八|soldier (from the two components of t... qiubang 球棒|(baseball or cricket) bat/hockey stick qiubang 秋榜|results of the autumn imperial examin... qiubaozijunbing 球孢子菌病|Coccidioidomycosis qiubei 丘北|Qiubei county in Wenshan Zhuang and M... qiubeixian 丘北县|Qiubei county in Wenshan Zhuang and M... qiubite 丘比特|Cupid, son of Venus and Mars, Roman g... qiubite 邱比特|Cupid (Eros) qiubo 秋波|autumn ripples/(fig.) luminous eyes o... qiubo 秋播|sowing in autumn (for a crop in spring) qiucai 秋菜|autumn vegetables qiucha 球差|spherical aberration (optics) qiuchang 球场|stadium/sports ground/court/pitch/fie... qiuchang 求偿|to seek compensation/indemnity qiuchanghuiguan 球场会馆|clubhouse (golf) qiuchengtong 丘成桐|Shing-Tung Yau (1949-), Chinese-Ameri... qiuchong 球虫|coccidia (biology) qiuchuidechui 求锤得锤|(neologism c. 2017) (slang) to demand... qiuci 龟兹|ancient Central Asian city state, flo... qiucun 求存|survival/the struggle to eke out a li... qiudan 球弹|ball (in sport, incl. billiards) qiudanbai 球蛋白|globulin qiudao 求导|to find the derivative (math.) qiudao 球道|fairway (golf)/lane (ten-pin bowling) qiudaoyu 秋刀鱼|Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) qiudaoyumang 求道于盲|see 問道於盲|问道于盲[wen4 dao4 yu2 mang2] qiude 求得|to ask for sth and receive it/to try ... qiudu 泅渡|to swim across qiudui 球队|sports team (basketball, soccer, foot... qiuerjin 丘尔金|Churkin (name)/Vitaly I. Churkin (195... qiufa 球阀|ball valve qiufan 囚犯|prisoner; convict qiufen 秋分|Qiufen or Autumn Equinox, 16th of the... qiufendian 秋分点|the autumn equinox qiufengguoer 秋风过耳|lit. as the autumn breeze passes the ... qiufengjia 丘逢甲|Qiu Fengjia or Ch\'iu Feng-chia (1864-... qiufengsaoluoye 秋风扫落叶|lit. as the autumn gale sweeps away t... qiufengsasa 秋风飒飒|the autumn wind is soughing (idiom) qiufengsongshuang 秋风送爽|the cool autumn breeze (idiom) qiugan 球杆|club (golf)/cue (billiards)/also writ... qiugan 球感|ball sense/feel for the ball qiugan 球竿|cue (billiards)/club (golf)/stick (ho... qiugao 求告|to implore/to beseech qiugaoqishuang 秋高气爽|clear and refreshing autumn weather qiugeng 秋耕|autumn plowing qiugou 求购|to seek to purchase; to be looking to... qiuguan 球馆|(sports) arena qiuguan 秋灌|autumn irrigation qiugufeng 囚锢锋|occluded front (meteorology) qiugun 球棍|(sport) club/bat qiuhaitang 秋海棠|begonia qiuhao 秋毫|fine hair grown by animals (or down g... qiuhaowufan 秋毫无犯|(idiom) (of soldiers) highly discipli... qiuhaoxinqie 求好心切|to demand the highest standards of sb... qiuhe 求和|to sue for peace/to look for a draw (... qiuhe 丘壑|hills and valleys/remote, secluded area qiuhousuanzhang 秋后算账|lit. to settle accounts after autumn ... qiuhousuanzhang 秋后算帐|lit. settle accounts after the autumn... qiuhuan 求欢|to proposition a woman qiuhui 球会|ballsports club (e.g. golf, football ... qiuhun 求婚|to propose marriage qiuji 秋季|autumn/fall qiuji 球季|season (of baseball, football etc) qiuji 球籍|(a nation\'s or an individual\'s) citiz... qiujiao 求教|to ask for advice/seeking instruction qiujie 求解|to require a solution/to seek to solv... qiujier 丘吉尔|variant of 邱吉爾|邱吉尔[Qiu1 ji2 er3] qiujier 邱吉尔|Winston Churchill (1874-1965), UK pol... qiujin 囚禁|to imprison/captivity qiujin 秋瑾|Qiu Jin (1875-1907), famous female ma... qiujing 秋景|autumn scenery/harvest season qiujiu 求救|to seek help (when in distress or hav... qiujuaoshuang 秋菊傲霜|the autumn chrysanthemum braves the f... qiujun 球菌|coccus (spherical bacteria pathogen) qiuku 秋裤|long underwear pants qiukui 秋葵|okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) qiukuijia 秋葵荚|okra (Hibiscus esculentus)/lady\'s fin... qiulaohu 秋老虎|hot spell during autumn/Indian summer qiulei 球类|ball sports qiuliang 秋粮|autumn grain crops qiuliang 秋凉|the cool of autumn qiuliang 糗粮|dry rations qiuling 丘陵|hills qiuling 秋令|autumn/autumn weather qiulisikaisa 裘力斯·恺撒|Julius Caesar, 1599 tragedy by Willia... qiuliyunshi 球粒陨石|chondrite (type of meteorite) qiulong 囚笼|cage used to hold or transport prisoners qiulu 球路|(sports) trajectory of the ball/metho... qiulu 鹙鹭|oriole/black drongo (Dicrurus macroce... qiumen 球门|goalmouth (in soccer) qiumi 球迷|fan (ball sports)/CL:個|个[ge4] qiumian 球面|sphere qiumiandu 球面度|steradian (math.) qiumianjihe 球面几何|spherical geometry qiumo 球磨|see 球磨機|球磨机[qiu2 mo2 ji1] qiumoji 球磨机|ball mill qiunao 丘脑|thalamus qiunaosunshang 丘脑损伤|thalamic lesions qiuou 求偶|to seek a marriage partner/(of an ani... qiupai 球拍|racket qiuping 球瓶|pin (ten-pin bowling) qiuqi 求乞|to beg qiuqi 蝤蛴|(literary) longhorn beetle larva qiuqian 秋千|swing (seat hung from a frame or branch) qiuqiangjun 球腔菌|Mycosphaerella (genus of sac fungus, ... qiuqin 求亲|to make an offer of marriage (to anot... qiuqing 求情|to plea for leniency/to ask for a favor qiuqinggaorao 求情告饶|to beg for forgiveness (idiom) qiuqinkaoyou 求亲靠友|to rely on the help of relatives and ... qiuqu 求取|to seek after/to strive for qiuquanzebei 求全责备|to demand perfection (idiom) qiurao 求饶|to beg forgiveness qiuren 求人|to ask for help/to ask a favor/to rec... qiurenburuqiuji 求人不如求己|if you want sth done well, do it your... qiurenderen 求仁得仁|lit. to seek virtue and acquire it (i... qiusai 球赛|(ball sports) game; match/CL:場|场[chang3] qiuse 秋色|colors of autumn/autumn scenery qiushanzhenliefengzhuang 球栅阵列封装|ball grid array (BGA), type of microc... qiushen 秋审|autumn trial (judicial hearing of cap... qiusheng 求生|to seek survival/to possess the will ... qiushengyizhi 求生意志|the will to live qiushi 求是|to seek the truth qiushi 糗事|awkward incident qiushi 囚室|prison cell qiushi 秋试|autumn exam (triennial provincial exa... qiushou 球手|(ball sports) player qiushou 秋收|fall harvest/to reap qiushouqiyi 秋收起义|Autumn Harvest Uprising (1927), insur... qiushu 秋熟|ripening in autumn (of crops) qiushu 楸树|Catalpa bungei or Manchurian Catalpa,... qiushuang 秋霜|autumn frost/fig. white hair as sign ... qiushui 秋水|limpid autumn waters (trad. descripti... qiushui 泅水|to swim qiushuixian 秋水仙|autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale)/m... qiushuixiansu 秋水仙素|colchicine (pharmacy) qiusuo 求索|to search for sth/to seek/to quest/to... qiutai 球台|table (for games using balls) qiuti 球体|spheroid qiutian 秋天|autumn/CL:個|个[ge4] qiutian 秋田|Akita prefecture of north Japan qiutianwenshe 求田问舍|lit. to be interested exclusively in ... qiutianxian 秋田县|Akita prefecture, northeast Japan qiutong 求同|to seek consensus/to seek conformity qiutong 球童|ball boy (tennis)/caddie (golf) qiutongcunyi 求同存异|to seek common ground, putting differ... qiutu 囚徒|prisoner qiutumiwang 秋荼密网|flowering autumn grass, fine net (idi... qiuwang 球网|net (for ball games) qiuwei 秋闱|autumn exam (triennial provincial exa... qiuxian 邱县|Qiu county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1]... qiuxian 丘县|Qiu county in Hebei qiuxian 秋狝|(of an emperor) to hunt in autumn qiuxie 球鞋|athletic shoes qiuxing 球形|spherical; ball-shaped qiuxing 球星|sports star (ball sport) qiuxue 求学|to pursue one\'s studies; to attend sc... qiuxun 秋汛|autumn flood qiuyaganlan 球芽甘蓝|Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea L... qiuye 秋叶|autumn leaf qiuyeyegaonainai 求爷爷告奶奶|lit. to beg grandpa and call on grand... qiuyeyuan 秋叶原|Akihabara, region of downtown Tokyo f... qiuyi 囚衣|prison uniform qiuyi 求医|to seek medical treatment/to see a do... qiuyi 秋衣|long underwear qiuyin 蚯蚓|(zoology) earthworm qiuyipi 求医癖|Munchausen syndrome qiuyou 秋游|autumn outing/autumn excursion qiuyou 球友|(ball game) enthusiast (player)/golf ... qiuyou 泅游|to swim qiuyu 秋雨|autumn rain qiuyu 犰狳|armadillo qiuyu 丘鹬|(bird species of China) Eurasian wood... qiuyuan 球员|(ball sports) player; team member qiuyuan 求援|to ask for help qiuzao 秋燥|autumn dryness disease (TCM) qiuzhang 酋长|headman (of primitive people)/tribal ... qiuzhangguo 酋长国|Emirate/Sheikdom/used as translation ... qiuzhen 丘疹|pimple qiuzheng 求证|to seek proof/to seek confirmation qiuzheng 秋征|autumn levy (tax on harvest) qiuzhi 求知|anxious to learn/keen for knowledge qiuzhi 求值|(math.) to evaluate (an expression, f... qiuzhi 求职|to seek employment qiuzhibude 求之不得|lit. seek but fail to get (idiom); fi... qiuzhixin 求职信|cover letter/job application qiuzhiyu 求知欲|desire for knowledge qiuzhizhe 求职者|job applicant qiuzhu 求助|to request help/to appeal (for help) qiuzhuang 球状|sphere qiuzhuangdanbaizhi 球状蛋白质|globular protein qiuzhuangwu 球状物|globe qiuzhuyuren 求助于人|to call upon others for help qiuzi 求子|(of a childless couple) to pray for a... qiuzuo 球座|tee (golf) qiwai 其外|besides/in addition/apart from that qiwan 凄婉|melancholy/moving and sad/sweet and p... qiwan 凄惋|doleful/piteous/also written 淒婉|凄婉[qi... qiwanbaguai 七弯八拐|twisting and turning/tricky and compl... qiwanbaguai 七湾八拐|variant of 七彎八拐|七弯八拐[qi1 wan1 ba1 guai3] qiwang 期望|to have expectations/to earnestly hop... qiwang 棋王|chess champion qiwang 祈望|to hope/to wish/hope/wish/(old) name ... qiwang 企望|hope/to hope/to look forward to qiwang 跂望|variant of 企望[qi3 wang4] qiwang 跂望|to stand on tiptoe looking forward to... qiwangzhi 期望值|expectations/(math) expected value qiwawa 奇瓦瓦|Chihuahua, Mexico qiwei 气味|odor; scent qiwei 奇伟|singular and majestic/strange and grand qiwen 气温|air temperature/CL:個|个[ge4] qiwen 奇闻|anecdote/fantastic story qiwen 奇文|remarkable or peculiar piece of writing qiwen 企稳|(of economy, prices etc) to stabilize qiwengongshang 奇文共赏|lit. remarkable work appreciated by a... qiwu 欺侮|to bully qiwu 器物|implement/utensil/article/object qiwucheng 齐武成|Emperor Wucheng of Qi, personal name ... qiwuji 气雾剂|aerosol qiwumianyi 气雾免疫|aerosol immunization qiwushi 七武士|Seven Samurai (movie) qiwushi 气雾室|cloud chamber qixi 气息|breath/smell/odor/flavor qixi 七夕|double seven festival, evening of sev... qixi 栖息|(of a bird) to perch/(of creatures in... qixi 奇袭|surprise attack/raid qixi 气隙|air vent/air gap qixi 齐膝|level with one\'s knees/knee-length (s... qixi 祁奚|Qi Xi (c. 620-550 BC), minister of Ji... qixi 七喜|7 Up (soft drink)/Hedy Holding Co., P... qixia 旗下|under the banner of qixia 栖霞|Qixia, county-level city in Yantai 煙台... qixian 期限|time limit/deadline/allotted time qixian 祁县|Qi County in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 zhon... qixian 杞县|Qi county in Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 feng1... qixian 淇县|Qi county in Hebi 鶴壁|鹤壁[He4 bi4], Henan qixian 起先|at first; in the beginning qixian 其先|previously/before that/up to then qixian 气陷|collapse of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM) qixiang 气象|meteorological condition; weather/met... qixiang 绮想|fantasies/imaginings qixiang 跂想|to expect anxiously qixiangguancezhan 气象观测站|weather station qixiangju 气象局|weather bureau/meteorological office qixiangqu 绮想曲|capriccio (music) qixiangquanneng 七项全能|heptathlon qixiangtai 气象台|meteorological office/weather forecas... qixiangting 气象厅|meteorological office qixiangweixing 气象卫星|weather satellite qixiangxue 气象学|meteorology qixiangxuezhe 气象学者|a meteorologist qixiangzhan 气象站|weather station qixianqin 七弦琴|guqin or seven-stringed zither qixiantai 祈仙台|memorial altar/platform for praying t... qixiao 奇效|wondrous effect/marvelous efficacy qixiao 妻小|wife and children/(old) wife qixiao 气笑|to be angry about sth but also find i... qixiao 旗校|Manchurian officer qixiao 起小|since childhood qixiaor 起小儿|erhua variant of 起小[qi3 xiao3] qixiaqu 栖霞区|Qixia District of Nanjing City 南京市 in... qixiashi 栖霞市|Qixia, county-level city in Yantai 煙台... qixichu 憩息处|rest area qixidi 栖息地|habitat qixie 器械|apparatus/instrument/equipment/weapon qixieguizheng 弃邪归正|to give up evil and return to virtue qixijie 七夕节|Qixi Festival or Double Seven Festiva... qixin 齐心|to be of one mind/to work as one qixin 起薪|starting salary qixing 七星|Qixing district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gu... qixing 骑行|to ride (a bicycle, horse, motorbike ... qixing 齐性|(math.) homogeneity/homogeneous qixingguaizhuang 奇形怪状|fantastic oddities of every descripti... qixingpiaochong 七星瓢虫|seven-spotted ladybug (Coccinella sep... qixingqu 七星区|Qixing district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gu... qixinheli 齐心合力|to work as one (idiom); united in a c... qixinxieli 齐心协力|to work with a common purpose (idiom)... qixiong 气胸|pneumothorax (medicine) qixiu 汽修|auto repair qixiu 绮绣|silk material with grained pattern qixiu 乞休|to request permission to resign from ... qixiuxiu 气咻咻|to pant/to gasp for breath qixiyanyan 气息奄奄|to have only a breath of life (idiom) qixizhijian 祁奚之荐|Qi Xi\'s recommendation (idiom); recom... qixu 期许|to hope/to expect/expectation(s) qixu 气虚|deficiency of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM) qixuan 气旋|cyclone qixuanwang 齐宣王|King Xuan of Qi (reigned 342-324 BC) qixue 气血|qi and blood (two basic bodily fluids... qixunlaoren 七旬老人|septuagenarian qixuxu 气吁吁|to pant/to gasp for breath qiya 欺压|to bully/to push around qiya 气压|atmospheric pressure/barometric pressure qiya 起亚|Kia (Motors) qiyabiao 气压表|barometer qiyaji 气压计|barometer qiyan 气焰|arrogance/haughtiness qiyan 起眼|to catch one\'s eye (usu. used in the ... qiyan 绮筵|magnificent feast qiyang 弃养|to abandon (a child, elderly family m... qiyanlvshi 七言律诗|verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7... qiyao 七曜|the seven planets of premodern astron... qiyazi 奇亚籽|(loanword) chia seed qiye 企业|company; firm; enterprise; corporatio... qiye 起夜|to get up in the night to urinate qiyebaye 七爷八爷|term used in Taiwan for 黑白無常|黑白无常[Hei... qiyeguanli 企业管理|business management qiyeguanlishuoshi 企业管理硕士|Master of Business Administration (MBA) qiyejia 企业家|entrepreneur qiyejianwanglu 企业间网路|extranet/company-external network qiyejituan 企业集团|business conglomerate qiyelianhezuzhi 企业联合组织|syndicate (group of businesses) qiyeneiwanglu 企业内网路|intranet/company-internal network qiyeshehuizeren 企业社会责任|corporate social responsibility (CSR) qiyeshu 七叶树|Chinese horse chestnut (Aesculus chin... qiyezhu 企业主|owner of enterprise qiyi 起义|uprising/insurrection/revolt qiyi 奇异|fantastic/bizarre/odd/exotic/astonished qiyi 其一|one of the given (options etc)/the fi... qiyi 歧义|ambiguity/several possible meanings qiyi 棋艺|chess skill qiyi 起意|to conceive a scheme/to devise a plan qiyi 歧异|difference/discrepancy qiyi 齐一|uniform qiyi 绮衣|beautiful clothes qiyi 戚谊|relation/close friendship qiyibi 奇异笔|marker (writing instrument) qiyiguo 奇异果|kiwi fruit/Chinese gooseberry qiyikuake 奇异夸克|strange quark (particle physics) qiyin 起因|cause/a factor (leading to an effect) qiying 弃婴|to abandon an infant/abandoned baby qiying 弃樱|abandoned baby qiyingqidao 启应祈祷|Introitus (section of Catholic mass) qiyiqifang 欺以其方|deceived by a pretense of reason (idiom) qiyong 启用|to start using/(computing) to enable ... qiyong 起用|to promote/to reinstate (in a positio... qiyong 弃用|to stop using/to abandon/abandoned/de... qiyou 汽油|gasoline qiyou 戚友|relatives and friends qiyoucili 岂有此理|how can this be so? (idiom); preposte... qiyouji 汽油机|gasoline engine qiyu 其余|the rest/the others/remaining/remaind... qiyu 奇遇|happy encounter/fortuitous meeting/ad... qiyu 气宇|bearing/manner qiyu 埼玉|Saitama (city and prefecture in Japan) qiyu 旗语|flag signals (for communicating betwe... qiyu 绮语|flowery writing/writing concerning lo... qiyuan 起源|origin/to originate/to come from qiyuan 祈愿|to pray/to pray for sth/to wish sth/p... qiyue 契约|agreement/contract qiyue 七月|July/seventh month (of the lunar year) qiyue 器乐|instrumental music qiyuebeimeng 弃约背盟|to abrogate an agreement/to break one... qiyuefen 七月份|July qiyuejingshen 契约精神|culture of honoring contractual oblig... qiyueqiaopai 契约桥牌|contract bridge (card game) qiyun 汽运|bus transport qiyun 气韵|(of literature, art) distinct style/f... qiyun 起运|variant of 啟運|启运[qi3 yun4] qiyun 启运|to ship (goods) qiyun 绮云|beautiful clouds qiyunji 起云剂|clouding agent/emulsifier qiyuxuanang 气宇轩昂|to have an imposing or impressive app... qiyuxuanang 器宇轩昂|variant of 氣宇軒昂|气宇轩昂[qi4 yu3 xuan1 ang2] qizaomohei 起早摸黑|see 起早貪黑|起早贪黑[qi3 zao3 tan1 hei1] qizaotanhei 起早贪黑|to be industrious, rising early and g... qizaoyuan 起造员|draftsman/draughtsman qizha 欺诈|to cheat qizha 气炸|to burst with rage/to blow one\'s top qizha 气闸|pneumatic brake/airlock qizhazhe 欺诈者|deceiver qizhe 启蛰|Waking from Hibernation/old variant o... qizhebakou 七折八扣|lit. various cuts and deductions (idi... qizhen 奇珍|a rare treasure/sth priceless and unique qizhengdian 起征点|tax threshold qizhengsiyu 七政四余|seven heavenly bodies and four imagin... qizhenyibao 奇珍异宝|rare treasure (idiom) qizhi 气质|personality traits; temperament; disp... qizhi 旗帜|ensign/flag qizhi 弃置|to throw away/to discard qizhi 岂止|not only; far from; more than qizhi 奇志|high aspiration qizhi 气滞|stagnation of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM) qizhi 期指|futures index (abbr. for 期貨指數|期货指数[qi... qizhirubixi 弃之如敝屣|to toss away like a pair of worn-out ... qizhixianming 旗帜鲜明|to show one\'s colors/to have a clear-... qizhixing 器质性|(of medical disorders) organic qizhong 起重|to lift (sth heavy) using a crane or ... qizhong 期中|interim/midterm qizhong 期终|end of a fixed term qizhong 其中|among/in/included among these qizhong 器重|to regard sth as valuable; to think h... qizhong 起种|starter (for sourdough breadmaking) qizhongji 起重机|crane qizhongkao 期中考|mid-term exam qizhouwen 起皱纹|to shrivel qizhu 栖住|to dwell/to live qizhuan 砌砖|to lay bricks/bricklaying qizhuang 脐装|crop top qizhuangong 砌砖工|bricklaying qizhuangshanhe 气壮山河|magnificent/inspiring qizhuangyifu 奇装异服|bizarre dress qizhuangzhi 鳍状肢|flipper qizi 妻子|wife and children qizi 妻子|wife/CL:個|个[ge4] qizi 棋子|chess piece/CL:個|个[ge4],顆|颗[ke1]/(fig... qizi 旗子|flag/banner/CL:面[mian4] qizi 起子|baking soda (used to leaven bread)/sc... qizi 契子|adopted son qizi 跂訾|opinionated qizimeixingtuan 七姊妹星团|Pleiades M45 qizishen 其自身|one\'s own (respective)/proprietary qizizhilin 杞梓之林|(idiom) a multitude of talented people qizou 启奏|to submit a report to the king/to tal... qizu 戚族|family members; fellow clansman qizuan 气钻|pneumatic drill qizuibashe 七嘴八舌|lively discussion with everybody talk... qizuibazhang 七嘴八张|see 七嘴八舌[qi1 zui3 ba1 she2] qizuo 骑坐|to sit astride/to ride qizuo 跂坐|to sit with legs dangling qizuoyong 起作用|to have an effect/to play a role/to b... qjin Q劲|springy mouthfeel qrkou QR扣|(Tw) (loanword) QR code qtan Q弹|(of a food\'s mouthfeel) springy/firm/... qu 区|area/region/district/small/distinguis... qu 取|to take/to get/to choose/to fetch qu 佢|(Cantonese) he, she, it qu 去|to go/to go to (a place)/(of a time e... qu 祛|sacrifice to drive away calamity/to d... qu 渠|surname Qu qu 渠|(artificial) stream; canal; drain; di... qu 趣|interesting/to interest qu 娶|to take a wife/to marry (a woman) qu 阹|a pen/to surround qu 觑|to spy/watch for qu 蕖|lotus qu 曲|surname Qu qu 曲|bent/crooked/wrong qu 曲|tune/song/CL:支[zhi1] qu 曲|variant of 麴|曲[qu1] qu 曲|yeast/Aspergillus (includes many comm... qu 趋|to hasten/to hurry/to walk fast/to ap... qu 氍|woolen rug qu 臞|variant of 癯[qu2] qu 瞿|surname Qu qu 瞿|startled/Taiwan pr. [ju4] qu 戌|used in 屈戌兒|屈戌儿[qu1qu5r5] qu 躯|human body qu 驱|variant of 驅|驱[qu1] qu 驱|old variant of 驅|驱[qu1] qu 驱|to expel/to urge on/to drive/to run q... qu 衢|thoroughfare qu 龋|decayed teeth/dental caries qu 屈|surname Qu qu 屈|bent/to feel wronged qu 苣|used in 苣蕒菜|苣荬菜[qu3mai5cai4]/Taiwan p... qu 朐|surname Qu qu 刞|old variant of 耝[qu4] qu 袪|sleeve opening qu 麴|surname Qu qu 灈|ancient name of a river in Henan qu 蛆|maggot qu 覰|variant of 覷|觑[qu4] qu 籧|crude bamboo mat qu 呿|to yawn qu 厺|old variant of 去[qu4] qu 岨|rocky hill qu 蘧|surname Qu qu 蘧|Dianthus superbus qu 诎|to bend/to yield/to exhaust/to stutter qu 璩|surname Qu qu 璩|(jade ring) qu 鼩|used in 鼩鼱[qu2 jing1] qu 阒|quiet/to live alone qu 懅|bashful/ashamed qu 焌|to extinguish a burning object/to sin... qu 蠼|used in 蠼螋[qu2sou1] qu 癯|thin/emaciated/worn/tired qu 粬|variant of 麯[qu1] qu 黢|black/dark qu 菃|(used in names) qu 劬|labor qu 胠|flank of animal/side/to pry open/to s... qu 岖|rugged qu 耝|to plow/(ancient place name) qu 佉|surname Qu qu 鸜|variant of 鴝|鸲[qu2] qu 磲|used in 硨磲|砗磲[che1 qu2] qu 伹|clumsy and dumb/slow-witted qu 躣|(manner of walking) qu 鸲|(bound form, used in the names of var... qu 胊|yoke qu 砠|rocky hill qu 蠷|variant of 蠼[qu2] qu 麹|surname Qu qu 麮|porridge qu 忂|old variant of 躣[qu2] qu 駆|Japanese variant of 驅|驱/to gallop qu 軥|ends of yoke qu 蛐|cricket qu 豦|a wild boar/to fight quan 全|surname Quan quan 全|all/whole/entire/every/complete quan 権|old variant of 權|权[quan2] quan 权|surname Quan quan 权|authority/power/right/(literary) to w... quan 圈|circle; ring; loop (CL:個|个[ge4])/clas... quan 泉|spring (small stream)/mouth of a spri... quan 拳|fist/boxing quan 券|bond (esp. document split in two, wit... quan 券|variant of 券[quan4] quan 鳈|fish of genus Sarcocheilichthys (a ge... quan 踡|to curl up quan 荃|(fragrant plant) quan 铨|to estimate/to select quan 筌|bamboo fish trap quan 绻|used in 繾綣|缱绻[qian3quan3] quan 诠|to explain/to comment/to annotate quan 勧|Japanese variant of 勸|劝 quan 劝|to advise/to urge/to try to persuade/... quan 犬|dog/Kangxi radical 94 quan 跧|to curl up/to crouch quan 弮|crossbow (arch.) quan 惓|earnest quan 痊|to recover (from illness) quan 佺|immortal quan 犭|three-stroke form of Kangxi radical 9... quan 棬|bowl quan 圏|Japanese variant of 圈 quan 甽|drain between fields, irrigation quan 悛|to reform quan 鬈|to curl/curled quan 瑔|jade/shell quan 畎|field drains quan 辁|limited (of talent or ability)/(archa... quan 犮|old variant of 犬[quan3] quan 牷|one-color bullock quan 蠸|Aulacophora femoralis quan 蜷|to curl up (like a scroll)/to huddle/... quan 醛|aldehyde quan 颧|cheek bones quana 圈a|at symbol, @ quanban 全班|the whole class quanban 全般|entire quanbang 拳棒|martial arts/lit. fist and staff quanbao 全豹|the full picture (i.e. the whole situ... quanben 全本|whole edition/whole performance (of C... quanbi 泉币|coin (archaic) quanbian 权变|to do whatever is expedient quanbian 全编|complete edition quanbianlilun 权变理论|contingency theory (theory of leaders... quanbing 权柄|authority quanbu 全部|whole; all quancai 全才|all-rounder/versatile quanchang 全长|overall length/span quanchang 全场|everyone present/the whole audience/a... quanchangyizhi 全场一致|unanimous quancheng 全城|whole city quancheng 全程|the whole distance/from beginning to end quancheng 全称|full name quanchi 犬齿|canine tooth quanchong 权充|to act temporarily as quanchun 全纯|holomorphic (math.) quanda 拳打|to punch quandajiaoti 拳打脚踢|lit. to punch and kick (idiom); to be... quandang 权当|to act as if/to treat sth as if it were quandangquanjun 全党全军|the (communist) party and the army to... quandao 劝导|to advise/to attempt to convince quandeng 全等|(geometry) congruent quandengtuxing 全等图形|congruent figure (geometry) quandengxing 全等形|(math.) congruent figure quandi 圈地|staking a claim to territory/enclosure quandian 圈点|to mark a text with dots and circles/... quanding 圈定|to highlight sth by drawing a circle ... quandixingche 全地形车|all-terrain vehicle (ATV) quandiyundong 圈地运动|Enclosure Movement quandong 劝动|to incite quandou 全都|all/without exception quandouhuan 全斗焕|Chun Doo Hwan (1931-), South Korean p... quanduangongchengshi 全端工程师|full-stack developer (computing) quanduyin 全度音|whole tone (musical interval) quane 全额|the full amount/full (compensation, s... quanfa 拳法|boxing/fighting technique quanfangwei 全方位|all around/omnidirectional/complete/h... quanfen 全份|complete set quanfen 圈粉|(neologism c. 2015) (coll.) to win (s... quanfu 蜷伏|to curl up/to lie with knees drawn up... quanfu 全副|completely quanfu 劝服|to persuade; to convince; to win (sb)... quanfu 全复|completely/totally recovered/healed quanfujingli 全副精力|to concentrate entirely on sth/fully ... quanfuwuzhuang 全副武装|fully armed/armed to the teeth/fig. f... quangang 全港|whole territory of Hong Kong quangang 泉港|Quangang, a district of Quanzhou City... quangangqu 泉港区|Quangang, a district of Quanzhou City... quangao 劝告|to advise/to urge/to exhort/exhortati... quangong 颧弓|cheek bone/zygomatic arch (anatomy) quangongquanshou 全攻全守|total football (soccer) quangu 颧骨|zygomatic bone (cheek bone) quangui 权贵|influential officials/bigwigs quanguo 全国|whole nation/nationwide/countrywide/n... quanguodahuidang 全国大会党|National Congress Party (Sudan) quanguodaibiaodahui 全国代表大会|national general congress/Communist p... quanguogedi 全国各地|every part of the country quanguominzhulianmeng 全国民主联盟|Myanmar or Burma National league for ... quanguorenda 全国人大|abbr. for 全國人大會議|全国人大会议[Quan2 guo2 Re... quanguorendachangweihui 全国人大常委会|Standing Committee of the National Pe... quanguorendahuiyi 全国人大会议|National People\'s Congress (NPC) quanguorenmindaibiaodahui 全国人民代表大会|(Chinese) National People\'s Congress/... quanguorenmindaibiaodahuichangwuweiyuanhui 全国人民代表大会常务委员会|Standing Committee of the National Pe... quanguoxing 全国性|national quanguoyundonghui 全国运动会|National Games, Chinese athletics com... quanguozhongdianwenwubaohudanwei 全国重点文物保护单位|Major Historical and Cultural Site Pr... quangutong 醛固酮|aldosterone quanguwu 全谷物|whole grain quanhe 劝和|to mediate/to urge peace quanheng 权衡|to consider/to weigh (a matter)/to ba... quanheng 铨衡|to measure and select talents quanhenglibi 权衡利弊|to weigh the pros and cons (idiom) quanhu 全乎|(coll.) complete/comprehensive quanhua 劝化|to exhort (sb) to live a virtuous lif... quanhua 泉华|to sinter (metallurgy) quanhui 全会|plenary session (at a conference)/CL:... quanhuo 全活|to save life/to rescue/the whole busi... quanji 全集|omnibus/complete works (of a writer o... quanji 醛基|aldehyde group -COH quanji 拳击|boxing quanjia 全家|FamilyMart (convenience store chain) quanjia 全家|whole family quanjia 劝架|to mediate in a quarrel/to intervene ... quanjia 劝驾|to urge sb to accept a post/to urge s... quanjiafu 全家福|photograph of the entire family/hodge... quanjian 全歼|to annihilate/to wipe out completely/... quanjian 劝谏|to admonish quanjiao 全椒|Quanjiao, a county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2... quanjiao 拳脚|Chinese boxing/fist and feet/punching... quanjiao 拳交|fisting (sex act) quanjiao 劝教|to advise and teach/to persuade and i... quanjiaoxian 全椒县|Quanjiao, a county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2... quanjiaoxiangxiang 拳脚相向|to square off/to exchange blows/to ra... quanjiazuo 全跏坐|crossed leg posture (usu. of Buddha) quanjibisai 拳击比赛|boxing match quanjie 劝解|conciliation/mediation/to mollify/to ... quanjie 劝诫|to exhort; to admonish quanjie 劝戒|variant of 勸誡|劝诫[quan4 jie4] quanjie 权界|extent of one\'s rights/limits of one\'... quanjie 诠解|to explain (a text) quanjieliu 全节流|full throttle/top speed quanjing 全景|panoramic view quanjishou 拳击手|boxer quanjishoutao 拳击手套|boxing glove quanjitai 拳击台|boxing ring quanjiu 劝酒|to urge sb to drink alcohol quanjixuanshou 拳击选手|boxer quanju 全局|overall situation quanju 蜷局|to curl up/to coil quanju 全距|range (of a set of data) (statistics) quanjude 全聚德|Quanjude (famous Chinese restaurant) quanjumokuai 全局模块|global module quanjun 全军|whole army quanjunfumo 全军覆没|total defeat of an army (idiom); fig.... quanjuxing 全局性|global quanjuzuoyongyu 全局作用域|(computing) global scope quanke 劝课|to encourage and supervise (esp. stat... quanke 犬科|the canines quankeyisheng 全科医生|general practitioner quanlei 醛类|(chemistry) aldehyde quanleida 全垒打|home run (baseball) quanli 权利|right (i.e. an entitlement to sth)/(c... quanli 权力|power/authority quanli 全力|with all one\'s strength/full strength... quanlian 全联|PX Mart (supermarket chain in Taiwan) quanlideyouxi 权力的游戏|Game of Thrones (TV series) quanlidouzheng 权力斗争|power struggle quanlifaan 权利法案|bill of rights quanlifenzheng 权力纷争|power struggle quanlishengming 权利声明|copyright statement quanliyaoqiu 权利要求|claim to rights (copyright, patent etc) quanliyifu 全力以赴|to do at all costs/to make an all-out... quanlu 泉路|netherworld quanlu 全录|Xerox (Tw) quanlunqudong 全轮驱动|all-wheel drive quanluo 全裸|completely naked; stark naked quanluobeidao 全罗北道|North Jeolla Province, in west South ... quanluodao 全罗道|Jeolla or Cholla Province of Joseon K... quanluonandao 全罗南道|South Jeolla Province, in southwest S... quanma 全麻|general anesthesia (abbr. for 全身麻醉[qu... quanma 全马|full marathon (abbr. for 全程馬拉松|全程马拉松[... quanmai 全麦|whole wheat quanmao 全貌|complete picture/full view quanmazhilao 犬马之劳|lit. the service of a dog or a horse ... quanmei 全美|throughout the United States/the whol... quanmeiguangbogongsi 全美广播公司|National Broadcasting Company (NBC) quanmian 全面|all-around/comprehensive/total/overall quanmian 劝勉|to advise/to encourage quanmianjinzhi 全面禁止|complete prohibition/total ban quanmianjinzhiheshiyantiaoyue 全面禁止核试验条约|Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty quanmin 全民|entire population (of a country) quanmingongjue 全民公决|referendum quanminjianbao 全民健保|National Health Insurance (Tw) (abbr.... quanminjiankangbaoxian 全民健康保险|National Health Insurance (Tw) quanminjiebing 全民皆兵|to bring the entire nation to arms (i... quanmintoupiao 全民投票|referendum/plebiscite quanminyingjian 全民英检|General English Proficiency Test (GEP... quanminyiwuzhishuri 全民义务植树日|National Tree Planting Day (March 12t... quanmou 权谋|trickery/tactics quannan 全南|Quannan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 ... quannanxian 全南县|Quannan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 ... quannei 圈内|among insiders; within the community ... quanneiren 圈内人|insider quanneng 全能|omnipotent/all-round/strong in every ... quanneng 权能|power quannian 全年|the whole year/all year long quannong 劝农|to promote agriculture quannongshi 劝农使|envoy charge with promoting agricultu... quanpan 全盘|overall/comprehensive quanpei 全陪|tour escort (throughout the entire tour) quanpiao 全票|full-priced ticket/by unanimous vote quanpin 全拼|(computing) full pinyin (input method... quanping 全屏|(computing) fullscreen quanqian 圈钱|(coll.) (neologism c. 2006) to raise ... quanqiao 全桥|H bridge (electronics) quanqie 权且|temporarily/for the time being quanqin 全勤|(of an individual) to have a perfect ... quanqing 全情|wholeheartedly quanqingtouru 全情投入|to put one\'s heart and soul into quanqiu 全球|the whole world/worldwide; global quanqiubiannuan 全球变暖|global warming (PRC usage)/written 全球... quanqiudingweixitong 全球定位系统|global positioning system (GPS) quanqiueryan 全球而言|globally; worldwide quanqiufazhanzhongxin 全球发展中心|Center for Global Development (an env... quanqiuhua 全球化|globalization quanqiunuanhua 全球暖化|global warming (Taiwan and Hong Kong ... quanqiuqihou 全球气候|global climate quanqiuqihoubiannuan 全球气候变暖|global warming quanqiuqihoushengwen 全球气候升温|global warming quanqiutong 全球通|Global System for Mobile Communicatio... quanqiuweixingdaohangxitong 全球卫星导航系统|Globalnaya Navigatsionaya Satelinaya ... quanqiuweizhicedingxitong 全球位置测定系统|GPS (Global Positioning System) quanqiuxing 全球性|global/worldwide quanqiuzixunwang 全球资讯网|world wide web/WWW quanqu 蜷曲|twisted/coiled/curled quanqu 拳曲|to curl up/to bend quanquan 圈圈|to draw a circle/cliques/circles quanquan 拳拳|earnest/sincere quanquan 全权|full powers/total authority/plenipote... quanquan 惓惓|variant of 拳拳[quan2 quan2] quanquanchacha 圈圈叉叉|tic-tac-toe quanquandaibiao 全权代表|a plenipotentiary (representative) quanquandashi 全权大使|plenipotentiary ambassador quanquandiandian 圈圈点点|annotations made in a book/fig. remar... quanran 全然|completely quanrikong 全日空|All Nippon Airways (ANA) quanrizhi 全日制|full-time (schooling, work etc) quanrong 犬戎|Quanrong, Zhou Dynasty ethnic group o... quanru 犬儒|cynic quanruzhuyi 犬儒主义|cynicism quanse 全色|full color/in all colors quanshan 泉山|Quanshan district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[... quanshanchenge 劝善惩恶|to encourage virtue and punish evil (... quanshang 券商|securities dealer/share broker quanshang 犬伤|dog bite; injury sustained in a dog a... quanshanqu 泉山区|Quanshan district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[... quanshaoji 全烧祭|burnt offering (Judaism) quanshen 全身|the whole body/(typography) em quanshen-guanzhu 全神贯注|(idiom) to concentrate one\'s attentio... quanshen-guanzhu 全神灌注|variant of 全神貫注|全神贯注[quan2shen2-guan4... quanshenertui 全身而退|to escape unscathed; to get through i... quansheng 全省|the whole province quansheng 全胜|total victory/to excel by far/name of... quansheng 全盛|flourishing/at the peak/in full bloom quanshenjing 全身镜|full-length mirror quanshenmazui 全身麻醉|general anesthesia quanshenxin 全身心|wholeheartedly/(to devote oneself) he... quanshenxinghongbanlangchuang 全身性红斑狼疮|systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) quanshi 全市|whole city quanshi 拳师|boxing coach/pugilist master quanshi 诠释|to interpret/to comment and explain/t... quanshi 权时|(literary) temporarily quanshi 全食|total eclipse quanshi 全蚀|total eclipse quanshi 全尸|intact corpse/dead body with no parts... quanshi 权势|power/influence quanshigaohuang 泉石膏肓|lit. mountain springs and rocks in on... quanshigongzuo 全时工作|full-time work quanshijie 全世界|worldwide/entire world quanshijiediyi 全世界第一|world\'s first quanshijiewuchanzhelianheqilai 全世界无产者联合起来|Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt e... quanshixue 诠释学|hermeneutics quanshiziliao 诠释资料|metadata quanshou 拳手|boxer quanshu 全书|entire book; unabridged book quanshu 全数|the entire sum/the whole amount quanshu 拳术|Chinese boxing/fisticuffs quanshu 权术|art of politics/political tricks (oft... quanshu 圈数|number of laps quanshu 全熟|thoroughly cooked; (of steak) well do... quanshudan 全熟蛋|hard-boiled egg quanshui 泉水|spring water/CL:股[gu3] quanshuo 劝说|to persuade/persuasion/to advise quansu 全速|top speed/at full speed quansu 全素|vegan quansuo 蜷缩|to curl up/to huddle/to cower/cringing quansushi 全素食|vegan quantang 醛糖|aldose, monosaccharide containing ald... quantao 全套|an entire set/full complement quantao 拳套|boxing glove quantao 圈套|trap; snare; trick quanti 全体|all/entire quantian 全天|whole day quantianhou 全天候|all-weather quantihuiyi 全体会议|general congress/meeting of the whole... quantirenyuan 全体人员|crew quantong 全同|identical quantou 拳头|fist/clenched fist/CL:個|个[ge4]/compet... quantouchanpin 拳头产品|competitive product/superior goods/wi... quantui 劝退|to try to persuade sb to give up (the... quantuo 全托|full-time care (of children in a boar... quanwan 荃湾|Tsuen Wan district of New Territories... quanwang 拳王|boxing champion quanwang 全网|the entire Internet quanwei 权威|authority/authoritative/power and pre... quanwei 劝慰|to console quanwei 权位|power and position (politics) quanweixing 权威性|authoritative/(having) authority quanwen 全文|entire text/full text quanwenjiansuo 全文检索|full-text search quanwenre 犬瘟热|canine distemper (mammalian disease c... quanwensousuo 全文搜索|full-text search quanwo 蜷卧|to curl up/to lie curled up quanwu 全无|none/completely without quanwuzhunbei 全无准备|completely unprepared quanxi 全息|holographic quanxian 权限|scope of authority; extent of power; ... quanxian 全线|the whole front (in a war)/the whole ... quanxiang 全向|in all directions quanxin 全新|all new; completely new quanxin 全心|with heart and soul quanxin-quanyi 全心全意|(idiom) heart and soul; wholeheartedly quanxinji 全新纪|(geology) the Holocene Epoch quanxinshi 全新世|(geology) the Holocene Epoch quanxintong 全新统|holocene system (geological strata la... quanxiu 全休|complete rest (after an illness) quanxubu 铨叙部|Ministry of Civil Service, Taiwan quanxuquanyir 全须全尾儿|(Beijing dialect) intact/in one piece quanyan 泉眼|mouth of a spring or fountain quanyao 权钥|keys of authority quanyecha 犬夜叉|Inuyasha, fictional character quanyi 权益|rights/interests/rights and benefits quanyi 权宜|expedient quanyin 全音|whole tone (musical interval) quanying 全影|total shadow/umbra quanyizhice 权宜之策|stratagem of convenience (idiom); sto... quanyizhiji 权宜之计|plan of convenience (idiom); stop-gap... quanyong 泉涌|to gush quanyou 劝诱|to prevail upon/to coax quanyou 权游|Game of Thrones (TV series)/abbr. for... quanyou 全优|overall excellence quanyu 痊愈|to recover completely (from illness o... quanyu 权舆|to sprout/(fig). to begin/beginning quanyu 全域|the entire area; the entire domain/gl... quanyu 全愈|variant of 痊癒|痊愈[quan2 yu4] quanyuan 泉源|springhead/fountainhead/(fig.) source quanyuan 全员|all personnel; the whole staff quanyunhui 全运会|abbr. for 全國運動會|全国运动会[Quan2 guo2 Yun4... quanyuxunxin 权欲熏心|obsessed by a craving for power/power... quanze 全责|full responsibility quanzhan 全栈|full technology stack; full-stack quanzhan 犬展|dog show quanzhang 权杖|scepter quanzheng 权证|warrant (finance) quanzhi 全职|full-time (job) quanzhi 全知|omniscient quanzhiquanneng 全知全能|omniscient and omnipotent quanzhong 权重|weight (i.e. importance attached to sth) quanzhong 犬种|dog breed quanzhou 泉州|see 泉州市[Quan2zhou1 Shi4] quanzhou 全州|Quanzhou county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin... quanzhoushi 全州市|Jeonju city, capital of North Jeolla ... quanzhoushi 泉州市|Quanzhou, prefecture-level city in Fu... quanzhouxian 全州县|Quanzhou county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin... quanzhu 诠注|notes and commentary/exegesis quanzhuangwu 圈状物|hoop quanzi 圈子|circle/ring/(social) circle quanzi 犬子|(literary) (humble) my son quanzifushugongsi 全资附属公司|wholly owned subsidiary quanzu 劝阻|to advise against/to dissuade qubaohoushen 取保候审|release from custody, subject to prov... qubaoshifang 取保释放|to be released on bail (law) qubi 曲笔|falsification in writing/misrepresent... qubie 区别|difference/to distinguish/to discrimi... qubiezhen 曲别针|paper clip qubing 曲柄|crank handle qubing 去冰|without ice; no ice (when ordering dr... qubing 驱病|wards off disease qubingzuan 曲柄钻|hand drill with a crank handle qubu 觑步|to spy on qucai 屈才|to waste talent qucai 取材|to collect material quce 驱策|to urge (sb to do do sth)/to drive (s... quchan 去颤|see 除顫|除颤[chu2 chan4] quchangbuduan 取长补短|lit. use others\' strengths to make up... quche 驱车|to go by car (as driver or passenger) qucheng 去程|outbound trip quchi 龋齿|tooth decay; dental caries/decayed to... quchi 曲尺|set square (tool to measure right ang... quchilouti 曲尺楼梯|staircase with right-angled turn/L-sh... quchixing 龋齿性|caries-inducing quchixue 曲池穴|Quchi acupoint LI11, at the lateral e... quchong 驱虫|to repel insects; to deworm quchong 蛆虫|maggot quchong 去重|to remove duplicates quchu 去除|to remove/to dislodge quchu 取出|to take out/to extract/to draw out quchu 去处|place/destination quchu 祛除|to dispel/to clear quchu 驱除|to drive off/to dispel/to expel quchu 区处|(literary) to handle/to treat quchu 区处|(literary) dwelling/residence/(Tw) re... quchudalu 驱除鞑虏|expel the Manchu, revolutionary sloga... qucong 屈从|to submit; to yield; to bow to sb\'s will qudachengzhao 屈打成招|to obtain confessions under torture qudai 取代|to replace/to supersede/to supplant/(... qudaiji 取代基|substituent (chemistry) qudao 渠道|irrigation ditch/(fig.) channel/means qudao 取道|via/by way of/en route to qude 取得|to acquire; to get; to obtain qude 去得|can go qudengr 取灯儿|(dialect) match (for lighting fire) qudeshengli 取得胜利|to prevail/to achieve victory/to be v... qudeyizhi 取得一致|to reach a consensus qudi 取缔|to suppress; to crack down on; to pro... qudiao 去掉|to get rid of/to exclude/to eliminate... qudiao 曲调|tune/melody qudong 驱动|to drive/to propel/drive (vehicle whe... qudong 龋洞|hole due to dental caries qudongchengxu 驱动程序|device driver (computing software) qudongli 驱动力|driving force qudonglun 驱动轮|drive wheel qudongqi 驱动器|drive qudu 曲度|curvature quduoduo 趣多多|Chips Ahoy! (brand) que 阙|surname Que que 阙|used in place of 缺 (old)/mistake que 阙|Imperial city watchtower (old)/fault/... que 却|old variant of 卻|却[que4] que 却|but/yet/however/while/to go back/to d... que 缺|deficiency/lack/scarce/vacant post/to... que 阕|(literary) to end; to stop/one of the... que 雀|(bound form) small bird/sparrow/also ... que 确|variant of 確|确[que4]/variant of 埆[que4] que 确|authenticated/solid/firm/real/true que 炔|alkyne/also pr. [jue2] que 鹊|magpie que 芍|used in 芍陂[Que4bei1] que 悫|honest que 瘸|lame que 榷|footbridge/toll, levy/monopoly que 搉|consult/knock/beat que 埆|(of land) barren/stony que 碻|solid/firm que 塙|truly que 碏|(gems) que 𬒈|(arch.) large stone/boulder/hard queban 雀斑|freckles quebang 瘸帮|Crips (gang) quebao 确保|to ensure; to guarantee quebei 芍陂|Quebei, the ancient name of an irriga... quebing 却病|to prevent or treat a disease quebu 却步|to step back quecai 却才|just now quechao 雀巢|Nestlé quechaojiuzhan 鹊巢鸠占|the magpie made a nest, the turtledov... quedao 却倒|but on the contrary/but unexpectedly quede 缺德|mean; nasty; reprehensible; unprincipled quedegui 缺德鬼|public nuisance/a wicked, mean spirit... quedeshi 缺德事|misdeed/immoral action/wicked deed/a ... quedian 缺点|weak point/fault/shortcoming/disadvan... quedian 缺电|to have a power shortage queding 确定|definite/certain/fixed/to fix (on sth... quedingxiaoying 确定效应|deterministic effect quedingxing 确定性|determinacy quee 缺额|vacancy queershan 雀儿山|Chola Mountains in Sichuan queerxi 雀儿喜|Chelsea quefa 缺乏|to lack; to be short of quefazheng 缺乏症|clinical deficiency quehan 缺憾|a regret/sth regrettable quehu 确乎|really/indeed quehuo 缺货|lack of supplies/unavailable goods quejiao 缺角|(of a square shape, such as a house p... quejinduanliang 缺斤短两|to give short weight quejinshaoliang 缺斤少两|to give short weight quekou 缺口|nick/jag/gap/shortfall quelei 雀类|finch (family Fringillidae) queli 确立|to establish/to institute queliang 缺粮|to lack food supplies quelou 缺漏|to overlook/omissions/deficiencies quemang 雀盲|night blindness queniao 雀鸟|bird queqian 缺钱|shortage of money queqiao 鹊桥|magpie bridge across the Milky Way be... queqie 确切|definite/exact/precise queqin 缺勤|to be absent from work or school quequ 鹊鸲|(bird species of China) oriental magp... querdaizhi 取而代之|(idiom) to replace; to supersede; to ... queren 确认|to confirm/to verify/confirmation queseli 鹊色鹂|(bird species of China) silver oriole... queshan 确山|Queshan county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Z... queshanxian 确山县|Queshan county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Z... queshao 缺少|lack/shortage of/shortfall/to be shor... quesheng 缺省|default (setting) queshi 缺失|lack; deficiency/shortcoming; flaw; d... queshi 却是|nevertheless/actually/the fact is ... queshi 确是|certainly queshi 确实|indeed/really/reliable/real/true queshui 缺水|water shortage/dehydration quesun 缺损|defective/defect queteqin 阙特勤|Kul Tigin or Kultegin (685-c. 731), g... queting 炔烃|(chemistry) alkyne quetui 瘸腿|crippled/lame/a cripple/a lame person quewei 缺位|(of a position) to fall vacant/vacant... quexi 缺席|to be absent quexian 缺陷|defect; flaw quexin 确信|to be convinced/to be sure/to firmly ... quexingmu 雀形目|order Passeriformes (perching birds) quexinshaofei 缺心少肺|brainless/stupid quexinyan 缺心眼|stupid/senseless/dim-witted quexinyanr 缺心眼儿|erhua variant of 缺心眼[que1 xin1 yan3] quexue 缺血|(of an organ) to have insufficient bl... queya 鹊鸭|(bird species of China) common golden... queyang 缺氧|lacking oxygen/anaerobic queyangzheng 缺氧症|anoxia queyao 鹊鹞|(bird species of China) pied harrier ... queyibuke 缺一不可|not a single one is dispensable/can\'t... queying 雀鹰|(bird species of China) Eurasian spar... queyishaoshi 缺衣少食|short of food and clothing/destitute queyou 缺油|oil shortage queyouqishi 确有其事|(confirm to be) true/authentic queyue 雀跃|excited/in high spirits quezao 确凿|definite/conclusive/undeniable/authen... quezao 雀噪|to be a noise in the world/to acquire... quezaobuyi 确凿不移|established and irrefutable (idiom) quezhen 确诊|to make a definite diagnosis/confirme... quezhen 缺阵|(sports) to miss a game (due to injur... quezheng 确证|to prove; to confirm; to corroborate/... quezhibugong 却之不恭|to refuse would be impolite quezi 瘸子|lame person (colloquial) quezui 缺嘴|harelip qufen 区分|to differentiate/to draw a distinctio... qufendaxiaoxie 区分大小写|case sensitive/distinguishing capital... qufeng 祛风|to relieve (cold, rheumatic pain etc)... qufeng 趋奉|to fawn on/to kiss up to qufu 屈服|to surrender/to succumb/to yield/(as ... qufu 曲阜|Qufu, county-level city in Jining 濟寧|... qufu 趋附|to ingratiate oneself qufukongmiao 曲阜孔庙|temple to Confucius in his hometown Qufu qufushi 曲阜市|Qufu, county-level city in Jining 濟寧|... qugan 躯干|trunk/torso qugan 驱赶|to drive (vehicle)/to drive out/to ch... qugaohegua 曲高和寡|difficult songs find few singers (idi... quge 区隔|to mark off/interval/segment (e.g. of... qugen 去根|to cure completely qugongbing 屈公病|chikungunya fever (Tw) qugongerzhen 曲肱而枕|lit. to use one\'s bent arm as a pillo... qugou 渠沟|trench qugouji 去垢剂|detergent quguan 取关|to unfollow (on social media etc) (ab... quguangdu 屈光度|diopter quguangshui 去光水|nail polish remover (Tw) qugun 曲棍|bent stick/hockey stick qugunqiu 曲棍球|field hockey quguo 去国|to leave one\'s country quguowai 去国外|to go abroad quhan 驱寒|to warm oneself/to expel the cold (TCM) quhan 祛寒|to dispel cold (TCM) quhao 区号|area code quhe 觑合|to squint quhei 黢黑|pitch-black/pitch-dark quhu 觑忽|variant of 覷糊|觑糊[qu4 hu5] quhu 觑糊|to squint quhua 区划|subdivision (e.g. of provinces into c... quhua 区画|subdivision (e.g. of provinces into c... quhuan 趋缓|to slow down/to ease up/to abate/slow... quhuangying 鸲蝗莺|(bird species of China) Savi\'s warble... quhuazuoyong 趋化作用|chemotaxis (movement of leukocytes un... quhui 取回|to retrieve quhuipiao 去回票|round-trip ticket (Tw) quhuo 去火|to reduce internal heat (TCM) quhuo 取火|to make fire quji 阒寂|still/quiet quji 屈肌|flexor (anatomy) qujian 区间|delimited area/defined section of a t... qujianche 区间车|train or bus traveling only part of i... qujiang 曲江|Qujiang district of Shaoguan City 韶關市... qujiangqu 曲江区|Qujiang district of Shaoguan City 韶關市... qujibixiong 趋吉避凶|to seek luck and avoid calamity (idiom) qujie 曲解|to misrepresent/to misinterpret qujihui 觑机会|to watch for an opportunity qujin 趋近|to approach (a numerical value)/to co... qujing 取景|to select a scene (for filming, sketc... qujing 曲靖|see 曲靖市[Qu3jing4 Shi4] qujing 取经|to journey to India on a quest for th... qujing 鼩鼱|shrew (zoology) qujingkuang 取景框|rectangular frame used to view a scen... qujingping 曲颈瓶|retort/bottle with curved neck qujingqi 取景器|viewfinder (of a camera etc) qujingshi 曲靖市|Qujing, prefecture-level city in Yunn... qujiweng 鸲姬鹟|(bird species of China) mugimaki flyc... quju 趣剧|farce qujue 取决|(usually followed by 於|于[yu2]) to hin... qujueyu 取决于|to hinge on/to be decided by/to depen... qukuai 区块|block; segment; section; sector; area qukuailian 区块链|(computing) blockchain qukuan 取款|to withdraw money from a bank qukuanji 取款机|ATM qukui 渠魁|rebel leader; ringleader; bandit chie... qukui 觑窥|to peep at qule 取乐|to find amusement/to amuse oneself quleng 趋冷|(of economic activity, international ... quli 驱力|(psychological) driving force/drive quli 驱离|to drive away/to dispel quli 趋力|driving force qulibihai 趋利避害|(idiom) to make the most of the benef... quliguaiwan 曲里拐弯|winding and turning (idiom) quliu 去留|going or staying qulu 去路|the way one is following/outlet qulunbohe 屈伦博赫|Culemborg, city in the Netherlands quluwen 佉卢文|Kharosthi (ancient language of centra... qulv 曲率|(math.) curvature qulvxiangliang 曲率向量|curvature vector quma 区码|area code/telephone dialing code qumaicai 苣荬菜|endive (Cichorium endivia)/field sowt... qumalai 曲麻莱|Qumarlêb County (Tibetan: chu dmar le... qumalaixian 曲麻莱县|Qumarlêb County (Tibetan: chu dmar le... qumei 去魅|to become disenchanted qumei 祛魅|to become disenchanted qumeidusu 曲霉毒素|aspergillus qumian 曲面|curved surface/surface qumianlun 曲面论|the theory of surfaces quming 取名|to name/to be named/to christen/to se... qumo 驱魔|to drive out devils/to exorcise qumo 取模|modulo (math.) qumogangui 驱魔赶鬼|to exorcise/to drive out evil spirits qumu 曲目|repertoire/program/song/piece of music qumu 取模|to take an impression (dentistry etc) qun 裙|old variant of 裙[qun2] qun 裙|skirt/CL:條|条[tiao2] qun 踆|squat qun 群|variant of 群[qun2] qun 群|group/crowd/flock, herd, pack etc qun 囷|granary/Taiwan pr. [jun1] qun 逡|to shrink back (from sth) qun 麇|(literary) in large numbers; thronging qunao 取闹|to make trouble/to make fun of qunao 屈挠|to surrender/to yield/to flex qunbian 裙边|the edible gelatinous fringe of a sof... qunchao 群嘲|(neologism c. 2011) to deride a group... qundai 裙带|waistband of a skirt/(fig.) related t... qundaicai 裙带菜|wakame (Undaria pinnatifida), an edib... qundaifeng 裙带风|the practice of favoring sb because o... qundaiguan 裙带官|official who gained his position thro... qundaiguanxi 裙带关系|favoritism shown to sb because of the... qundaiqin 裙带亲|relatives of the wife (slightly pejor... qundaizibenzhuyi 裙带资本主义|crony capitalism qundao 群岛|group of islands/archipelago qundaohu 群岛弧|island arc (geology) qunfa 群发|to send to multiple recipients; mass ... qunfang 群芳|all flowers/all beauties/all talents qunfaxingdizhen 群发性地震|earthquake swarm qunfaxingtoutong 群发性头痛|cluster headache qunfei 群飞|to fly as a flock or swarm qunfeng 群峰|the peaks of a mountain range qunhua 群花|blossom qunian 去年|last year quniandi 去年底|late last year/the end of last year qunide 去你的|Get along with you! qunji 群集|to gather/to congregate/to aggregate qunji 麇集|(literary) to flock; to swarm; to con... qunjia 群架|group scuffle/gang fight qunjian 群件|collaborative software qunjiao 群交|group sex qunju 群居|to live together (in a large group or... qunju 群聚|to gather/to congregate/to aggregate qunku 裙裤|culottes/pantskirt qunliao 群聊|(computing) group chat; to have a gro... qunlongwushou 群龙无首|lit. a thunder of dragons without a h... qunlun 群论|group theory (math.) qunluo 群落|community/(science) biocoenosis/ecolo... qunmaxian 群马县|Gumma prefecture in northern Japan qunqiergongzhi 群起而攻之|the masses rise to attack it (idiom);... qunshan 群山|mountains/a range of hills qunti 群体|community/colony quntimianyi 群体免疫|herd immunity quntixingshijian 群体性事件|mass incident (PRC term for incidents... qunuan 取暖|to warm oneself (by a fire etc) qunxiong 群雄|outstanding heroes/warlords vying for... qunxiongzhulu 群雄逐鹿|great heroes pursue deer in the centr... qunxun 逡巡|to draw back/to move back and forth/t... qunxunbuqian 逡巡不前|to hesitate to move forward/to balk/t... qunyan 群演|extra (actor engaged to appear in a c... qunyantang 群言堂|letting everyone have their say/takin... qunying 群英|assemblage of talented individuals/en... qunyinghui 群英会|distinguished gathering/a meeting of ... qunzhen 群震|earthquake swarm qunzhong 群众|mass/multitude/the masses qunzhongdahui 群众大会|mass rally qunzhongluxian 群众路线|the mass line, CCP term for Party pol... qunzhongtuanti 群众团体|mass (non-government) organization qunzhongwaibao 群众外包|crowdsourcing/abbr. to 眾包|众包[zhong4 b... qunzhongxing 群众性|to do with the masses/mass (meeting, ... qunzhongyanyuan 群众演员|extra (actor engaged to appear in a c... qunzhongzuzhi 群众组织|communal organization qunzi 裙子|skirt/CL:條|条[tiao2] qunzu 群组|group/cohort/cluster qunzu 群租|to rent to multiple co-tenants, esp. ... quou 去耦|to decouple qupi 去皮|to peel/to remove the skin/to tare qupizhong 去皮重|to tare quqi 区旗|district flag quqi 曲奇|cookie (loanword via Cantonese 曲奇 kuk... quqi 娶妻|to take a wife/to get married (man) quqian 取钱|to withdraw money quqiao 躯壳|the body (as opposed to the soul) quqiao 取巧|quick fix/opportune short cut (around... quqie 胠箧|to steal/to pilfer quqijinghua 取其精华|to take the best/to absorb the essence quqijinghua,quqizaopo 取其精华,去其糟粕|take the cream, discard the dross (po... quqin 娶亲|to take a wife quqiubai 瞿秋白|Qu Qiubai (1899-1935), politician, So... quqizaopo 去其糟粕|to remove the dross/to discard the dregs ququ 区区|insignificant/trifling/merely ququ 屈曲|crooked ququ 去取|to accept or reject ququr 屈戌儿|staple (used with a hasp) ququr 蛐蛐儿|(dialect) cricket (insect) ququxiaoshi 区区小事|trivial matter/trifle ququyan 觑觑眼|myopia/nearsightedness/shortsightedness ququzhijian 去取之间|undecided between taking and leaving quran 阒然|quiet/still and silent quran 蘧然|(literary) to be pleasantly surprised quru 屈辱|to humiliate/humiliating qusan 驱散|to disperse (a crowd etc)/(fig.) to d... qushan 蛐蟮|earthworm (coll.) qushan 曲蟮|variant of 蛐蟮[qu1 shan5] qushe 曲射|(military) curved-trajectory fire/plu... qushe 取舍|to select; to make one\'s choice; to d... qusheng 取胜|to score a victory/to prevail over on... qusheng 去声|falling tone/fourth tone in modern Ma... qushepao 曲射炮|curved-fire gun (mortar, howitzer etc) qushi 趋势|trend; tendency qushi 去世|to pass away/to die qushi 趣事|entertaining anecdote/interesting sto... qushi 去势|to neuter/neutered qushi 驱使|to urge/to prompt/to spur on/to order... qushi 趋时|to follow fashion qushi 去逝|to pass away/to die qushi 觑视|to look/to gaze qushou 癯瘦|thin/emaciated qushu 祛暑|to beat the summer heat qushu 去暑|to beat the summer heat qushui 曲水|Qüxü county, Tibetan: Chu shur rdzong... qushui 取水|water intake/to obtain water (from a ... qushuixian 曲水县|Qüxü county, Tibetan: Chu shur rdzong... qusi 去死|go to hell!/drop dead! qusou 蠼螋|earwig qusui 去岁|last year qutai 去台|to go to Taiwan/refers to those who l... qutairenyuan 去台人员|those who left China for Taiwan befor... qutan 祛痰|to dispel phlegm (TCM) qutan 瞿昙|Gautama, surname of the Siddhartha, t... qutangxia 瞿塘峡|Qutang Gorge, 8 km long gorge on the ... qutanyao 祛痰药|medicine to dispel phlegm (TCM) quti 躯体|(human) body quti 屈体|to bend at the waist/(fig.) to bow to... qutong 趋同|to converge qutoudan 屈头蛋|see 鴨仔蛋|鸭仔蛋[ya1 zi3 dan4] qutuxixin 曲突徙薪|lit. to bend the chimney and remove t... quwei 区位|geographical location/(computing) row... quwei 趣味|fun; interest; delight/taste; liking;... quwen 趣闻|funny news item/interesting anecdote quwen 驱蚊|to repel mosquitoes quwen 驱瘟|to expel pestilences quwo 曲沃|Quwo county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2... quwoxian 曲沃县|Quwo county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2... quwu 去污|to decontaminate; to clean quwucunjing 去芜存菁|lit. to get rid of the weeds and keep... quwuminghua 去污名化|to destigmatize quxian 曲线|curve/curved line/indirect/in a round... quxian 渠县|Qu county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zhou1],... quxian 取现|to withdraw money quxiang 去向|direction in which sb or sth has gone... quxiang 趋向|direction; trend/to incline quxiang 取向|orientation/direction quxiangbuming 去向不明|missing/lost quxianjiuguo 曲线救国|(of sb who ostensibly collaborated wi... quxianju 曲线锯|jigsaw quxianlun 曲线论|the theory of curves quxiannihe 曲线拟合|curve fitting quxiantu 曲线图|line graph/line diagram quxiao 取消|to cancel/cancellation quxiao 取笑|to tease; to make fun of quxiaojinling 取消禁令|to lift a prohibition/to lift a ban quxie 驱邪|to drive out devils/exorcism quxie 祛邪|to exorcise/to drive away evil spirits quxiechuzai 祛邪除灾|to drive away demons to prevent calam... quxifu 娶媳妇|to get oneself a wife/to take a daugh... quxili 屈膝礼|curtsy quxin 取信|to win the trust of quxin 去信|to send a letter to; to write to quyanfushi 趋炎附势|to curry favor (idiom); playing up to... quyang 取样|to take a sample quyang 曲阳|Quyang county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding... quyanghetanghesuan 去氧核糖核酸|deoxyribonucleic acid/DNA quyangmahuangjian 去氧麻黄碱|methamphetamine quyangshuliang 取样数量|sample size (statistics) quyangxian 曲阳县|Quyang county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding... quyanliu 鸲岩鹨|(bird species of China) robin accento... quyi 曲艺|folk musical theater quyi 驱役|to order (sb) about/(by extension) to... quyi 曲意|against one\'s will/willy-nilly quyi 祛疑|to dispel doubts quyifengying 曲意逢迎|to bow down to everything sb says or ... quyihui 区议会|district council quyin 取银|to take silver/to come second in a co... quyong 取用|to access/to make use of quyou 焌油|to pour heated oil and seasonings ove... quyu 区域|area/region/district quyu 趋于|to tend towards quyu 祛瘀|to dispel blood stasis (TCM) quyu 鸲鹆|see 八哥[ba1 ge1] quyu 祛淤|variant of 祛瘀[qu1 yu1] quyuan 屈原|Qu Yuan (340-278 BC), famous Warring ... quyuanci 屈原祠|Qu Yuan memorial temple on the Miluo ... quyuanjinianguan 屈原纪念馆|Qu Yuan Memorial Hall in Zigui county... quyue 取悦|to try to please quyuma 区域码|region code (DVD) quyuwanglu 区域网路|local area network/LAN quyuwangluo 区域网络|local area network/LAN quyuxing 区域性|regional quzhang 区长|district chief quzhe 曲折|winding/(fig.) complicated quzheng 取证|to collect evidence quzheyan 觑着眼|to narrow one\'s eyes and gaze at some... quzheyu 屈折语|to inflect (in grammar)/to decline/to... quzhi 去职|to leave office quzhi 屈指|to count on one\'s fingers quzhi 曲直|lit. crooked and straight/fig. right ... quzhi-keshu 屈指可数|lit. can be counted on one\'s fingers ... quzhibujin,yongzhibujie 取之不尽,用之不竭|limitless supply (of)/inexhaustible quzhiruowu 趋之若鹜|to rush like ducks (idiom); the mob s... quzhiyisuan 屈指一算|to count on one\'s fingers quzhongxinhua 去中心化|decentralization quzhongzouya 曲终奏雅|perfect finish (idiom) quzhou 衢州|see 衢州市[Qu2zhou1 Shi4] quzhou 曲轴|crankshaft quzhou 曲周|Quzhou county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 da... quzhoushi 衢州市|Quzhou, prefecture-level city in Zhej... quzhouxian 曲周县|Quzhou county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 da... quzhu 驱逐|to expel/to deport/banishment quzhuchujing 驱逐出境|to deport/to expel quzhujian 驱逐舰|destroyer (warship) quzhuling 驱逐令|banishment order/expulsion warrant quzi 曲子|poem for singing/tune/music/CL:支[zhi1] quzikuang 区字框|radical 匚[fang1] (Kangxi radical 22) quzou 驱走|to drive away quzou 取走|to remove/to take away quzun 屈尊|to condescend/to deign quzunfujiu 屈尊俯就|to condescend/condescending/patronizing r 儿|non-syllabic diminutive suffix/retrof... ran 然|correct/right/so/thus/like this/-ly ran 染|to dye/to catch (a disease)/to acquir... ran 冉|variant of 冉[ran3] ran 冉|surname Ran ran 冉|edge of a tortoiseshell/used in 冉冉[ra... ran 燃|to burn/to ignite/to light/fig. to sp... ran 嘫|old variant of 然[ran2] ran 苒|luxuriant growth/passing (of time) ran 蚺|boa ran 髯|old variant of 髯[ran2] ran 髯|beard/whiskers ran 蚦|variant of 蚺[ran2] ran 肰|dog meat/old variant of 然[ran2] ran 珃|(jade) ran 䎃|(ornithology) down ran 蛅|a caterpillar ranbao 燃爆|to cause to explode/to fire/to set off ranbing 染病|to catch an illness/to get infected w... ranbingluan 然并卵|(Internet slang) ultimately useless ranbu 染布|to dye cloth ranchang 染厂|dye factory/dye-works randengfo 燃灯佛|Dipamkara Buddha, the former Buddha b... randian 燃点|to ignite; to set fire to; to light/(... randu 染毒|contamination rane 然鹅|(Internet slang for 然而[ran2 er2]) how... raner 然而|however; but; yet ranfa 染发|to dye one\'s hair/rinse/tint ranfaji 染发剂|hair dye/rinse/tint ranfang 燃放|to light/to set off (firecrackers etc) ranfangbianpao 燃放鞭炮|to set off fire crackers ranfengxisu 染风习俗|bad habits/to get into bad habits thr... rang 让|to yield/to permit/to let sb do sth/t... rang 瓤|pulp (of fruit)/sth inside a covering... rang 嚷|to shout/to bellow/to make a big deal... rang 壤|(bound form) soil; earth/(literary) t... rang 穰|surname Rang rang 穰|abundant/stalk of grain rang 禳|sacrifice for avoiding calamity rang 攘|(literary) to push up one\'s sleeves/(... rang 瀼|dewy rang 蘘|a kind of wild ginger rang 壌|Japanese variant of 壤[rang3] rang 譲|Japanese variant of 讓|让 rang 勷|haste rang 穣|Japanese variant of 穰[rang2] rangbi 攘臂|to bare one\'s arms (in agitation) rangbi 攘辟|to stand off/to make way rangbu 让步|to concede/to give in/to yield/a conc... rangchang 攘场|to spread harvested grain over an area rangchu 攘除|to get rid of/to weed out/to reject rangdu 让渡|to transfer (property, rights etc); t... rangduo 攘夺|to seize ranggou 攘诟|to clear oneself of dishonor ranghe 蘘荷|myoga ginger (Zingiber mioga) ranghulu 让胡路|Ranghulu district of Daqing city 大慶|大... ranghuluqu 让胡路区|Ranghulu district of Daqing city 大慶|大... rangjie 禳解|to pray to the gods for the avoidance... rangkai 让开|to get out of the way/to step aside rangli 让利|to give a discount; to make a concession ranglu 让路|to make way (for sth) rangmei 攘袂|to rise to action with a determined s... rangpan 让畔|to be accommodating in negotiating th... rangpi 嚷劈|shout oneself hoarse rangqie 攘窃|to usurp/to steal rangqiu 让球|to concede points (in a game) rangr 瓤儿|erhua variant of 瓤[rang2] rangrang 攘攘|disorderly/confused/chaotic rangrang 嚷嚷|to argue noisily/to shout/to make wid... rangrenxianmu 让人羡慕|enviable/to be admired rangshan 攘善|to claim credit due to others; to app... rangtang 壤塘|Zamthang County in Ngawa Tibetan and ... rangtangxian 壤塘县|Zamthang County in Ngawa Tibetan and ... rangtu 壤土|(agriculture) loam/(literary) land; t... rangwai 攘外|to resist foreign aggression rangwaiannei 攘外安内|to resist foreign aggression and paci... rangwei 让位|to abdicate/to yield rangxianyuneng 让贤与能|to step aside and give a more worthy ... rangxiu 攘袖|to roll up the sleeves rangyan 让烟|to offer a cigarette rangyang 攘羊|to take home sb else\'s stray sheep rangyi 攘夷|to repel the barbarians rangzai 攘灾|to ward off calamities/to avoid disaster rangzuo 让座|to give up one\'s seat for sb rangzuo 让坐|to give up one\'s seat/to be seated ranhao 燃耗|fuel consumption ranhou 然后|then; after that; afterwards rankou 髯口|artificial beard worn by Chinese oper... ranliao 燃料|fuel ranliao 染料|dye ranliaodianchi 燃料电池|fuel cell ranliaoxinkuai 燃料芯块|fuel pellets ranliaoxunhuan 燃料循环|fuel cycle ranliaoyou 燃料油|fuel oil ranmei 燃煤|coal fuel ranmei 燃眉|to burn one\'s eyebrows/fig. desperate... ranmeiguolu 燃煤锅炉|coal burning boiler ranmeizhiji 燃眉之急|lit. the fire burns one\'s eyebrows (i... ranqi 燃气|fuel gas (coal gas, natural gas, meth... ranqi 燃起|to ignite/to light/fig. to spark off ... ranqidianchang 燃气电厂|gas fired power station ranqilunji 燃气轮机|gas turbine ranqing 然顷|in a short time/soon/before long ranran 冉冉|gradually; slowly/(of branches or hai... ranranshangsheng 冉冉上升|to ascend slowly ranse 染色|dye ranseti 染色体|chromosome ransetibeixing 染色体倍性|ploidy (number of homologous chromoso... ransetisanbeitizheng 染色体三倍体症|trisomy ransezhi 染色质|chromosome/genetic material of chromo... ranshang 染上|to catch (a disease)/to get (a bad ha... ranshao 燃烧|to ignite/to combust/to burn/combusti... ranshaochi 燃烧匙|deflagrating spoon/combustion spoon ranshaodan 燃烧弹|fire bomb/incendiary device ranshaoji 燃烧剂|incendiary agent ranshaoping 燃烧瓶|Molotov cocktail ranshe 蚺蛇|boa ransushuo 燃素说|phlogiston theory ranxiang 燃香|to burn incense ranxu 髯须|beard/whiskers ranyou 燃油|fuel oil ranyoucang 燃油舱|oil tank (of ship) ranze 然则|that being the case/then/in that case ranzhi 染指|to dip a finger (idiom); fig. to get ... ranzhi 染织|dyeing and weaving ranzhichuixian 染指垂涎|lit. dirty finger, mouth watering (id... ranzhiyuding 染指于鼎|lit. dip one\'s finger in the tripod (... rao 绕|to wind/to coil (thread)/to rotate ar... rao 绕|variant of 繞|绕[rao4], to rotate aroun... rao 饶|surname Rao rao 饶|rich/abundant/exuberant/to add for fr... rao 扰|to disturb rao 桡|radius (anatomy)/bone of the forearm rao 娆|graceful rao 荛|fuel/grass raobozi 绕脖子|tricky/involved/to beat about the bush raodao 绕道|to go by a roundabout route/to take a... raodi 绕地|to orbit the earth raodong 扰动|to disturb/to stir up/disturbance/agi... raofu 饶富|to be rich in (some quality or other) raogu 桡骨|radius (anatomy)/bone of the forearm raoguo 绕过|to detour/to bypass/to circumvent/to ... raoguo 饶过|to pardon/to excuse/to forgive raohe 饶河|Raohe county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭山[... raohexian 饶河县|Raohe county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭山[... raokouling 绕口令|tongue-twister raolairaoqu 绕来绕去|meandering and circuitous (idiom); to... raole 饶了|to spare/to forgive raoliangsanri 绕梁三日|reverberates around the rafters for t... raoliu 绕流|turbulence (in fluid mechanics) raoliuban 扰流板|spoiler (automotive or aeronautical) raolu 绕路|to make a detour/to take the long route raoluan 扰乱|to disturb/to perturb/to harass raomin 扰民|(of government policy, noise pollutio... raoming 饶命|to spare sb\'s life raoping 饶平|Raoping county in Chaozhou 潮州[Chao2 z... raopingxian 饶平县|Raoping county in Chaozhou 潮州[Chao2 z... raoquanzi 绕圈子|to go around in circles/to make a det... raorang 扰攘|bustling/to create trouble/to disturb raorao 绕绕|twisting and turning/involved and tricky raoshe 饶舌|talkative/to blather/to shoot one\'s m... raoshe 绕射|(physics) to diffract raoshetiaochun 饶舌调唇|blabbing and showing off (idiom); lou... raosheyinyue 饶舌音乐|rap music raoshou 绕手|thorny issue/tricky case raoshu 饶恕|to forgive/to pardon/to spare raoteng 绕腾|to run a long way around/fig. to spea... raowan 绕弯|to go for a walk around/fig. to speak... raowanr 绕弯儿|to go for a walk around/(fig.) to spe... raowanzi 绕弯子|lit. to go on a long detour/fig. to s... raowanzir 绕弯子儿|lit. to go on a long detour/fig. to s... raowo 饶沃|fertile/rich/plentiful raoxi 绕膝|(children) run around parent\'s knees/... raoxichenghuan 绕膝承欢|to live with one\'s parents, thus brin... raoxing 绕行|to take a circular (or circuitous) ro... raoyang 饶阳|Raoyang county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 s... raoyangxian 饶阳县|Raoyang county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 s... raoyiquan 绕一圈|to go around one time/to do a circuit raoyou 饶有|full of (interest, humor, sentiment etc) raoyoufengqu 饶有风趣|bubbling with humor (idiom); witty an... raoyouxingqu 饶有兴趣|engrossing raoyuanr 绕远儿|to go the long way round/to take a ci... raozu 绕组|coil (in electric motor or transformer) raozui 绕嘴|hard to get one\'s mouth around/a tong... re 热|to warm up/to heat up/hot (of weather... re 惹|to provoke/to irritate/to vex/to stir... re 若|used in 般若[bo1re3]/used in 蘭若|兰若[lan2... re 喏|to salute/make one\'s curtsy re 爇|heat/to burn reai 热爱|to love ardently/to adore rebing 热病|fever/pyrexia rebiya 热比娅|Rabiye or Rebiya (name)/Rebiya Kadeer... rebiya 热比亚|Rabiye or Rebiya (name)/Rebiya Kadeer... rebiyakadeer 热比娅·卡德尔|Rebiya Kadeer or Rabiye Qadir (1947-)... rebiyakadeer 热比亚·卡德尔|Rebiya Kadeer (1946-), Uyghur busines... rebo 热播|to broadcast (or be broadcast) to an ... reboju 热播剧|popular show (on TV or other media) rebu 热补|hot patching (of insulating material ... rebuqi 惹不起|can\'t afford to offend/dare not provo... recaonianhua 惹草拈花|see 拈花惹草[nian1 hua1 re3 cao3] recaozhanhua 惹草沾花|see 沾花惹草[zhan1 hua1 re3 cao3] receng 热层|thermosphere recha 热茶|hot tea rechaba 热插拔|hot swapping rechang 热肠|warmhearted/enthusiastic rechao 热潮|wave of enthusiasm; craze; upsurge rechao 热炒|stir-fried dish (Tw) rechaoremai 热炒热卖|lit. to sell hot food freshly cooked;... rechen 热忱|zeal/enthusiasm/ardor/enthusiastic/wa... recheng 热诚|devotion/fervor rechengceng 热成层|thermosphere rechuandao 热传导|heat transfer/thermal conduction rechuli 热处理|hot treatment (e.g. of metal) reci 热词|buzzword redai 热带|the tropics/tropical redaidiqu 热带地区|the tropics redaifengbao 热带风暴|tropical storm redaiyu 热带鱼|tropical fish redaiyulin 热带雨林|tropical rain forest redao 热导|thermal conduction redaolv 热导率|thermal conductivity/heat conductivity redaoxiaoying 热岛效应|urban heat island effect redekuai 热得快|immersion heater/electric heater for ... redian 热点|hot spot/point of special interest redian 热电|pyroelectric redianchang 热电厂|thermoelectric power plant redianou 热电偶|thermocouple redongpingheng 热动平衡|thermodynamic equilibrium redu 热度|level of heat/(fig.) zeal/fervor/(col... reduiliu 热对流|heat convection reerwei 热尔韦|Gervais (name)/Paul Gervais (1816-187... refengqiang 热风枪|heat gun refu 热敷|to apply a hot compress refubu 热敷布|hot compress refushe 热辐射|thermal radiation reganmian 热干面|noodles served hot, with toppings inc... regou 热狗|hot dog (loanword) reguoshangdemayi 热锅上的蚂蚁|(like) a cat on a hot tin roof/anxiou... rehan 热函|enthalpy/heat content (thermodynamics) rehan 热焓|enthalpy/heat content (thermodynamics) rehe 热河|Rehe, Qing dynasty province abolished... rehe 热核|thermonuclear rehefanyingdui 热核反应堆|thermal reactor rehejubianfanying 热核聚变反应|thermonuclear fusion reaction rehewuqi 热核武器|fusion weapon/thermonuclear weapon rehongjiu 热红酒|mulled wine rehu 热乎|warm/hot/affectionate/ardent rehu 热呼|variant of 熱乎|热乎[re4 hu5] rehuhu 热乎乎|warm; (of food) piping hot/(fig.) rou... rehuhu 热呼呼|variant of 熱乎乎|热乎乎[re4 hu1 hu1] rehun 热昏|to be overcome by the heat rehuo 惹火|to stir up the fire/fig. to provoke a... rehuo 惹祸|to stir up trouble/to invite disaster rehuochaotian 热火朝天|in full swing (idiom)/(in a) frenzy/b... rehuoshaoshen 惹火烧身|stir up the fire and you get burnt (i... reji 热机|heat engine reji 热寂|(physics) heat death of the universe rejian 热键|hotkey/keyboard shortcut rejie 热解|thermal cleavage (i.e. sth splits whe... rejingluan 热痉挛|heat cramps reku 热裤|hot pants relala 热剌剌|smartingly painful relang 热浪|heat wave relei 热泪|hot tears releiyingkuang 热泪盈眶|eyes brimming with tears of excitemen... reli 热力|heat relian 热恋|to fall head over heels in love/to be... reliang 热量|heat/quantity of heat/calorific value reliangdanwei 热量单位|thermal unit/unit of heat reliantielengpigu 热脸贴冷屁股|to show warm feelings but meet with c... relie 热烈|enthusiastic/ardent/warm relixue 热力学|thermodynamics relixuewenbiao 热力学温标|thermodynamic temperature scale (in d... relixuewendu 热力学温度|thermodynamic temperature (temperatur... relouzi 惹喽子|variant of 惹婁子|惹娄子[re3 lou2 zi5] relouzi 惹娄子|to stir up trouble/to bring trouble u... relouzi 惹楼子|variant of 惹婁子|惹娄子[re3 lou2 zi5] reluanzi 惹乱子|to stir up trouble/to get into trouble reluo 热络|intimate/friendly/warm/active/lively ... remafan 惹麻烦|to create difficulties; to be trouble... remai 热卖|to sell strongly; to be in great demand remaichong 热脉冲|thermal pulse remaipin 热卖品|hot-selling property remao 惹毛|(coll.) to irritate/to annoy/to piss ... remen 热门|popular; hot; in vogue remenhuo 热门货|goods in great demand remin 热敏|heat-sensitive/thermal (printing) ren 人|person; people/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] ren 忍|to bear/to endure/to tolerate/to rest... ren 儿|variant of 人[ren2]/\"person\" radical i... ren 任|surname Ren ren 任|to assign/to appoint/to take up a pos... ren 仁|humane/kernel ren 稔|(literary) ripe grain; ripe; harvest;... ren 刃|edge of blade ren 絍|to weave/to lay warp for weaving/vari... ren 仞|unit of length used in ancient times,... ren 认|to recognize/to know/to admit ren 衽|(literary) overlapping part of Chines... ren 衽|variant of 衽[ren4] ren 壬|ninth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[s... ren 亻|\"person\" radical in Chinese character... ren 荏|beefsteak plant (Perilla frutescens)/... ren 纫|to thread (a needle)/to sew; to stitc... ren 韧|variant of 韌|韧[ren4] ren 韧|old variant of 韌|韧[ren4] ren 韧|annealed/pliable but strong/tough/ten... ren 纴|to weave/to lay warp for weaving/silk... ren 讱|(literary) slow in speech ren 祍|old variant of 衽[ren4] ren 牣|fill up/to stuff ren 棯|jujube tree ren 鵀|hoopoe ren 肕|old variant of 韌|韧[ren4] ren 荵|polemonium ren 腍|be satiated/cooked/good-tasting ren 妊|pregnant/pregnancy ren 妊|variant of 妊[ren4] ren 轫|brake ren 饪|cooked food/to cook (until ready) ren 饪|variant of 飪|饪[ren4] renai 仁爱|Ren\'ai or Jenai District of Keelung C... renai 仁爱|benevolence/charity/compassion renaiqu 仁爱区|Ren\'ai or Jenai District of Keelung C... renaixiang 仁爱乡|Ren\'ai or Jenai Township in Nantou Co... renan 任安|Ren An (-c. 90 BC), Han Dynasty gener... renao 热闹|bustling with noise and excitement/li... renao 惹恼|to offend renaya 热那亚|Genoa renban 恁般|(old) this way/this much renbao 人保|personal guarantee/to sign as guarantor renbian 任便|as you see fit/to do as one likes renbiren,qisiren 人比人,气死人|(proverb) constantly comparing onesel... renbirendeisi 人比人得死|see 人比人,氣死人|人比人,气死人[ren2 bi3 ren2, qi... renboqie 仁波切|Rinpoche (Tibetan honorific) renbu 仁布|Rinbung county, Tibetan: Rin spungs r... renbukemaoxiang 人不可貌相|you can\'t judge a person by appearanc... renbukemaoxiang,haishuibukedouliang 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量|you can\'t judge a person by appearanc... renbuweiji,tianzhudimie 人不为己,天诛地灭|Look out for yourself, or heaven and ... renbuxian 仁布县|Rinbung county, Tibetan: Rin spungs r... renbuzhiguibujue 人不知鬼不觉|in absolute secrecy renbuzhu 忍不住|cannot help/unable to bear rencai 人才|talent/talented person/looks/attracti... rencai 人材|variant of 人才[ren2 cai2] rencaijiji 人才济济|a galaxy of talent (idiom)/a great nu... rencailiangde 人财两得|(idiom) to succeed in both love and b... rencailiangkong 人财两空|(idiom) to suffer the departure of sb... rencailiangshi 人财两失|see 人財兩空|人财两空[ren2 cai2 liang3 kong1] rencailiangwang 人财两旺|(idiom) thriving; (of a city) populou... rencailiushi 人才流失|brain drain/outflow of talent rencaiwailiu 人才外流|brain drain renchao 人潮|a tide of people renchehunxing 人车混行|pedestrian-vehicle mixed use renchen 壬辰|twenty-ninth year I5 of the 60 year c... renchen 人臣|an official (in former times) rencheng 人称|person (first person, second person e... rencheng 任城|Rencheng district of Jining city 濟寧市|... renchengdaici 人称代词|personal pronoun renchengqu 任城区|Rencheng district of Jining city 濟寧市|... renchenwoluan 壬辰倭乱|Imjin war, Japanese invasion of Korea... renchi 忍耻|to endure humiliation renchu 认出|recognition/to recognize renchuan 仁川|Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi... renchuang 认床|to have difficulties sleeping in a be... renchuanguangyushi 仁川广域市|Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi... renchuanren 人传人|transmitted person-to-person renchuanshi 仁川市|Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi... renchugonghuanzheng 人畜共患症|zoonosis renci 人次|person-times/visits/classifier for nu... renci 仁慈|benevolent/charitable/kind/kindly/kin... rencong 人丛|crowd of people rencong 任从|at one\'s discretion rencong 人从|retinue/hangers-on rencongzhongyu 人从众𠈌|(Internet slang) huge crowds of peopl... rencuo 认错|to admit an error/to acknowledge one\'... renda 人大|(Chinese) National People\'s Congress ... rendahua 任达华|Simon Yam Tat-Wah (1955-), Hong Kong ... rendai 韧带|ligament rendan 仁丹|Jintan mouth refresher lozenge, produ... rendan 任诞|dissipated/unruly rendao 人道|human sympathy/humanitarianism/humane... rendaojiuyuan 人道救援|humanitarian aid rendaozhuyi 人道主义|humanism/humanitarian (aid) rende 仁德|benevolent integrity/high mindedness rende 认得|to recognize/to remember sth (or sb) ... rendezhu 忍得住|to refrain/to be able to endure it rendi 仁弟|(honorific written address to younger... rending 认定|to maintain (that sth is true)/to det... rending 人丁|number of people in a family/populati... rending 人定|middle of the night/the dead of night rendingshengtian 人定胜天|man can conquer nature (idiom); human... rendong 忍冬|honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) rendun 人盾|human shield renduoshizhong 人多势众|many men, a great force (idiom); many... reneng 热能|heat energy renfa 认罚|to accept punishment renfan 人犯|criminal/culprit/suspect (old) renfanzi 人贩子|human trafficker renfeishengerzhizhizhe,shunengwuhuo 人非生而知之者,孰能无惑|Knowledge is not innate to man, how c... renfu 人夫|married man; husband (as a social role) renfu 妊妇|expecting mother renfu 人父|father (as a social role) renfuyushi 人浮于事|more hands than needed (idiom); too m... reng 仍|still; yet/to remain/(literary) frequ... reng 扔|to throw/to throw away reng 陾|sound of stonemason\'s shovel reng 礽|blessings reng 芿|weeds that regrow from cut-down roots rengaomada 人高马大|tall and strong rengdiao 扔掉|to throw away/to throw out renge 人格|personality/integrity/dignity rengehua 人格化|to personalize/anthropomorphism rengemeili 人格魅力|personal charm/charisma rengeshen 人格神|personal god rengeyousuohao 人各有所好|everyone has their likes and dislikes... rengjiu 仍旧|still (remaining)/to remain (the same... rengong 人工|artificial/manpower/manual work rengongchuiqi 人工吹气|oral inflation rengongdao 人工岛|artificial island rengongdianzier 人工电子耳|cochlear implant rengongerwo 人工耳蜗|cochlear implant rengongfei 人工费|labor cost rengonggainian 人工概念|artificial concept rengonghe 人工河|canal/man-made waterway rengonghu 人工湖|artificial lake rengonghuxi 人工呼吸|artificial respiration (medicine) rengongliuchan 人工流产|abortion rengongshoujing 人工授精|artificial insemination rengongshouyun 人工受孕|artificial insemination rengongzhaoliang 人工照亮|artificial lighting rengongzhihui 人工智慧|(Tw) artificial intelligence rengongzhineng 人工智能|artificial intelligence (AI) rengou 认购|to undertake to purchase sth/to subsc... rengoutousheng 忍垢偷生|to bear humiliation to save one\'s ski... rengqi 扔弃|to abandon/to discard/to throw away rengran 仍然|still; as before; yet rengxia 扔下|to throw down/to drop (bomb) renhai 人海|a multitude/a sea of people renhaizhanshu 人海战术|(military) human wave attack renhanmasi 人喊马嘶|lit. people shouting and horses neigh... renhe 任何|any; whatever; whichever renhe 仁和|Renhe district of Panzhihua city 攀枝花市... renhequ 仁和区|Renhe district of Panzhihua city 攀枝花市... renhexian 仁和县|Renhe county in Zhejiang renhou 仁厚|kindhearted/tolerant/honest and generous renhua 仁化|see 仁化縣|仁化县[Ren2 hua4 Xian4] renhuai 仁怀|Renhuai, county-level city in Zunyi 遵... renhuaishi 仁怀市|Renhuai, county-level city in Zunyi 遵... renhuaixian 仁怀县|Renhuai county in Zunyi prefecture 遵義... renhuan 人寰|world/earthly world renhuang 人皇|Human Sovereign, one of the three leg... renhuaxian 仁化县|Renhua County, Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 g... renhui 仁惠|benevolent/merciful/humane renhuo 人祸|man-made disaster renji 人际|human relationships/interpersonal renji-zuofeng 认鸡作凤|lit. to mistake a chicken for a phoen... renjia 人家|household/dwelling/family/sb else\'s h... renjia 人家|other people/sb else/he, she or they/... renjiaie 忍饥挨饿|starving/famished renjian 人间|the human world/the earth renjianbuchai 人艰不拆|life is hard enough as it is; don\'t b... renjiandiyu 人间地狱|hell on earth (idiom); suffering the ... renjianfojiao 人间佛教|Humanistic Buddhism renjianqingxing 人间清醒|(neologism c. 2021) to keep one\'s sen... renjianr 人尖儿|outstanding individual/person of grea... renjianrenai 人见人爱|loved by all/to have universal appeal renjiantiantang 人间天堂|heaven on Earth/nickname for the city... renjianxiju 人间喜剧|La Comédie humaine, series of novels ... renjianzhengfa 人间蒸发|to vanish/to disappear from the face ... renjiao 任教|to hold a teaching position renjiao 认脚|(of a shoe) designed to be worn on a ... renjiaoxie 认脚鞋|a left-and-right pair of shoes (disti... renjiaoziben 认缴资本|subscribed capital (finance) renjiaqianlvnibajue 人家牵驴你拔橛|see 別人牽驢你拔橛子|别人牵驴你拔橛子[bie2 ren5 qian1... renjie 人杰|outstanding talent/wise and able pers... renjiediling 人杰地灵|illustrious hero, spirit of the place... renjigongcheng 人机工程|ergonomics/man-machine engineering renjiguanxi 人际关系|interpersonal relationship renjihanzhi 人迹罕至|lit. men\'s footprints are rare (idiom... renjijiazu 人给家足|lit. each household provided for, eno... renjijiemian 人机界面|user interface renjin 韧劲|tenacity renjing 人精|sophisticate/man with extensive exper... renjinjiezhi 人尽皆知|see 盡人皆知|尽人皆知[jin4 ren2 jie1 zhi1] renjinkefu 人尽可夫|(idiom) (of a woman) promiscuous; loose renjinqicai 人尽其才|employ one\'s talent to the fullest/ev... renjinqicai 人尽其材|employ one\'s talent to the fullest/ev... renjiu 任咎|to take the blame renju 刃具|cutting tool renju 人居|human habitat renjun 人均|per capita renjun 忍俊|smiling renjunbujin 忍俊不禁|cannot help laughing/unable to restra... renke 认可|to approve/approval/acknowledgment/OK renke 任课|to give classes/to work as a teacher renkong 人孔|manhole renkou 人口|population/people renkouchoumi 人口稠密|populous renkoudiaocha 人口调查|census renkoufanyun 人口贩运|trafficking in persons/human trafficking renkouhongli 人口红利|(economics) demographic dividend renkoumidu 人口密度|population density renkoumiji 人口密集|densely populated renkoupucha 人口普查|census renkoushu 人口数|population renkoutongjixue 人口统计学|population studies/population statistics renkouxue 人口学|demography renkuang 人矿|(neologism c. 2023) (slang) the Chine... renkunmafa 人困马乏|riders tired and horses weary (idiom)... renlaifeng 人来疯|to get hyped up in front of an audien... renlaorenyuan 任劳任怨|to work hard without complaint (idiom) renlaozhuhuang 人老珠黄|(of a woman) old and faded renlei 人类|humanity/human race/mankind renleijiyinzujihua 人类基因组计划|Human Genome Project renleimianyiquexianbingdu 人类免疫缺陷病毒|human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) renleiqiyuan 人类起源|origin of mankind renleirutubingdu 人类乳突病毒|human papillomavirus (HPV) renleixue 人类学|anthropology renleixuejia 人类学家|anthropologist renli 人力|manpower/labor power renlian 人链|human chain renlianshibie 人脸识别|(computing) facial recognition/(cogni... renliche 人力车|rickshaw renlichefu 人力车夫|rickshaw puller renlijielong 人力接龙|bucket brigade/human chain renling 认领|to claim (as one\'s property)/to adopt... renling 任令|to allow (sth to happen) renliu 人流|stream of people/abortion/abbr. for 人... renliushoushu 人流手术|an abortion/abbr. of 人工流產手術|人工流产手术 renliziyuan 人力资源|human resources renlong 人龙|a queue of people renma 人马|men and horses/troops/group of people... renmabi 人马臂|Sagittarius spiral arm (of our galaxy) renmai 人脉|contacts; connections; network renmanweihuan 人满为患|packed with people/overcrowded/overpo... renmazuo 人马座|Sagittarius (constellation and sign o... renme 恁么|(old) this way/what? renmen 人们|people renmian 任免|to appoint and dismiss renmian-shouxin 人面兽心|lit. human face, beastly heart (idiom... renmin 人民|the people/CL:個|个[ge4] renminaiwu 仁民爱物|love to all creatures (idiom, from Me... renminbi 人民币|Renminbi (RMB)/Chinese Yuan (CNY) renminbiyuan 人民币元|renminbi yuan (RMB), PRC currency unit renmindahuitang 人民大会堂|the Great Hall of the People (in Beij... renmindaibiao 人民代表|deputy to the People\'s Congress renmindang 人民党|People\'s party (of various countries) renminfayuan 人民法院|people\'s court (of law)/people\'s trib... renming 任命|to appoint/(job) appointment/CL:紙|纸[z... renming 人名|personal name renming 人命|human life/CL:條|条[tiao2] renming 认命|to accept misfortunes as decreed by f... renming 认明|to identify/to authenticate renmingguantian 人命关天|human life is beyond value (idiom) renmingongdi 人民公敌|the enemy of the people/the class ene... renmingongshe 人民公社|people\'s commune renmingongshehua 人民公社化|collectivization of agriculture (disa... renmingzhuang 任命状|certificate of appointment (to govern... renminjibenquanli 人民基本权利|fundamental civil rights renminjiefangjun 人民解放军|People\'s Liberation Army renminjingcha 人民警察|civil police/PRC police renminlianmengdang 人民联盟党|People\'s alliance party/Bengali Awami... renminliyi 人民利益|interests of the people renminminzhuzhuanzheng 人民民主专政|people\'s democratic dictatorship renminneibumaodun 人民内部矛盾|internal contradiction among the peop... renminqiyi 人民起义|popular uprising renminribao 人民日报|People\'s Daily (PRC newspaper) renmintuanti 人民团体|people\'s organization (e.g. labor uni... renminwang 人民网|online version of the People\'s Daily,... renminxingdongdang 人民行动党|People\'s Action Party (ruling party i... renminyingxiongjinianbei 人民英雄纪念碑|Monument to the People\'s Heroes, at T... renminyinhang 人民银行|People\'s Bank of China renminzhanzheng 人民战争|people\'s war, military strategy advoc... renminzhengfu 人民政府|people\'s government renminzhenxian 人民阵线|popular front renmu 人母|mother (as a social role) renmugouyang 人模狗样|(idiom) to pose/to put on airs/Taiwan... rennai 忍耐|to endure/to bear with/to exercise pa... rennaili 忍耐力|patience/fortitude rennei 任内|period in office renou 人偶|puppet/figure renouxi 人偶戏|puppet show renpachumingzhupafei 人怕出名猪怕肥|lit. people fear getting famous like ... renpachumingzhupazhuang 人怕出名猪怕壮|lit. people fear getting famous like ... renpei 认赔|to agree to pay compensation/to accep... renpi 韧皮|(botany) bast; phloem renpibu 韧皮部|phloem renpin 人品|character; moral strength; integrity/... renping 任凭|no matter what/despite/to allow (sb t... renpingfenglangqi,wenzuodiaoyutai 任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台|lit. to sit tight on the fishing terr... renqi 人气|popularity/personality/character renqi 人妻|married woman; wife (as a social role) renqi 任期|term of office/CL:屆|届[jie4]/tenure (e... renqi 任气|to act on impulse renqiang 人墙|human barricade; (soccer) defensive wall renqin 认亲|to acknowledge sb as one\'s relative; ... renqing 认清|to see clearly; to recognize; to realize renqing 人情|human emotions/social relationship; f... renqing 任情|to let oneself go/to do as much as on... renqingshigu 人情世故|worldly wisdom/the ways of the world/... renqingwei 人情味|human warmth/friendliness/human touch renqingweir 人情味儿|erhua variant of 人情味[ren2 qing2 wei4] renqingzhai 人情债|debt of gratitude renqinjuwang 人琴俱亡|person and lute have both vanished (i... renqiongzhibuqiong 人穷志不穷|(idiom) poor but with great ambitions... renqiongzhiduan 人穷志短|poor and with low expectations/povert... renqitunsheng 忍气吞声|to submit to humiliation (idiom); to ... renqiu 人球|person who is passed back and forth, ... renqiushi 任丘市|Renqiu, county-level city in Cangzhou... renqiziran 任其自然|to let things take their course (idio... renquan 人权|human rights renquandoushi 人权斗士|a human rights activist/a fighter for... renquanfa 人权法|Human Rights law (Hong Kong) renquanguancha 人权观察|Human Rights Watch (HRW), New York-ba... renquloukong 人去楼空|lit. the occupants have gone and the ... renqun 人群|crowd renqunguanlitebieyongtuche 人群管理特别用途车|specialized crowd management vehicle,... renr 人儿|figurine renran 荏苒|(literary) (of time) to slip away renrang 忍让|to exercise forbearance/patient and a... renren 人人|everyone/every person renren 认人|to recognize people (of babies)/to be... renren 任人|to appoint (sb to a post) renrenjiezhi 人人皆知|known to everyone renrenjunzi 仁人君子|people of good will (idiom); charitab... renrenr 认人儿|erhua variant of 認人|认人[ren4 ren2] renrenwang 人人网|Renren (Chinese social networking web... renrenweiqin 任人唯亲|(idiom) to appoint people by favoriti... renrenweixian 任人唯贤|to appoint people according to their ... renrenyishi 仁人义士|those with lofty ideals (idiom)/men o... renrenyouze 人人有责|it is everyone\'s duty renrenzaige 任人宰割|to get trampled on (idiom)/to be take... renrenzhishi 仁人志士|gentleman aspiring to benevolence (id... renrou 人肉|to crowdsource information about sb o... renroushabao 人肉沙包|human punching bag renrousousuo 人肉搜索|to crowdsource information about sb o... renrousousuoyinqing 人肉搜索引擎|human flesh search engine/a large-sca... renru-hangou 忍辱含垢|see 含垢忍辱[han2gou4-ren3ru3] renrufuzhong 忍辱负重|to endure humiliation as part of an i... renrui 人瑞|very old person/venerable old person renruqiming 人如其名|(idiom) to live up to one\'s name; tru... renruqiuquan 忍辱求全|to endure humiliation to preserve unity renrutousheng 忍辱偷生|to bear humiliation to save one\'s ski... renshanrenhai 人山人海|(idiom) multitude; vast crowd renshe 人设|the design of a character (in games, ... renshe 人蛇|illegal immigrant renshebu 人社部|Ministry of Human Resources and Socia... rensheiwuguo 人谁无过|Everyone makes mistakes (idiom) renshejituan 人蛇集团|human smuggling syndicate/snakehead gang renshen 人参|ginseng renshen 人身|person/personal/human body renshen 壬申|ninth year I9 of the 60 year cycle, e... renshen 妊娠|pregnancy/gestation renshenanquan 人身安全|personal safety rensheng 人生|life (one\'s time on earth) rensheng 认生|shy with strangers renshengdibushu 人生地不熟|to be a stranger in a strange land (i... renshengdingfei 人声鼎沸|lit. a boiling cauldron of voices (id... renshenghechubuxiangfeng 人生何处不相逢|it\'s a small world (idiom) renshenglubushu 人生路不熟|everything is unfamiliar renshengongji 人身攻击|personal attack renshengrumeng 人生如梦|life is but a dream (idiom) renshengruzhaolu 人生如朝露|human life as the morning dew (idiom)... renshengyishi,caomuyichun 人生一世,草木一春|Man has but one life, grass but one s... renshengzhaolu 人生朝露|human life as the morning dew (idiom)... renshenquan 人身权|one\'s personal rights renshenshigu 人身事故|accident causing injury or death renshenshiyan 妊娠试验|pregnancy test renshi 认识|to know/to recognize/to be familiar w... renshi 人世|the world/this world/the world of the... renshi 人士|person/figure/public figure renshi 人事|personnel/human resources/human affai... renshi 人氏|native/person from a particular place renshi 任事|appointment to an important post renshi 人势|(human) penis (TCM) renshi 人师|mentor; role model renshibu 人事部|personnel office/human resources (HR) renshibumen 人事部门|personnel office renshibuneng 认识不能|agnosia renshibuzhi 人事不知|to have lost consciousness renshichu 人事处|human resources department renshiguanli 人事管理|personnel management renshijian 人世间|the secular world renshilun 认识论|epistemology (in philosophy, the theo... renshitiefanshigang 人是铁饭是钢|one can\'t function properly on an emp... renshou 忍受|to bear; to endure renshou 仁寿|Renshou County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 sh... renshou 人手|manpower/staff/human hand renshoubaoxian 人寿保险|life insurance renshounianfeng 人寿年丰|long-lived people, rich harvests (idi... renshouxian 仁寿县|Renshou County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 sh... renshu 人数|number of people renshu 认输|to concede/to admit defeat renshu 仁术|kindness/benevolence/to govern in hum... rensikour 认死扣儿|stubborn rensili 认死理|obstinate/opinionated rensilir 认死理儿|erhua variant of 認死理|认死理[ren4 si3 li3] rensuanburutiansuan 人算不如天算|man proposes, God disposes (idiom)/on... rensui 任随|to allow (sb to have his head)/to let... rensuo 任所|one\'s office; place where one holds a... rensuogongzhi 人所共知|something that everybody knows renti 人体|human body renti 人梯|human ladder (formed to help sb climb... renti 韧体|firmware rentiantang 任天堂|Nintendo rentigongxue 人体工学|ergonomics rentijiepou 人体解剖|human anatomy rentijiepouxue 人体解剖学|human anatomy renting 任听|to allow (sb to act arbitrarily)/to l... rentiqiguan 人体器官|human organ rentong 认同|to approve of/to endorse/to acknowled... rentong 忍痛|to suffer/fig. reluctantly rentonggeai 忍痛割爱|to resign oneself to part with what o... rentou 人头|person/number of people/(per) capita/... rentou 认头|to admit defeat; to accept having lost rentouma 人头马|Rémy Martin cognac rentoushishen 人头狮身|sphinx rentoushu 人头熟|to know a lot of people rentoushui 人头税|poll tax renu 惹怒|to provoke anger renwaiyouren,tianwaiyoutian 人外有人,天外有天|in the wider world there are people m... renwang 人望|prestige; esteem renwanggaochupa,shuiwangdichuliu 人往高处爬,水往低处流|see 人往高處走,水往低處流|人往高处走,水往低处流[ren2 wang... renwanggaochuzou,shuiwangdichuliu 人往高处走,水往低处流|man seeks his way up just as water se... renwei 人为|artificial/man-made/having human caus... renwei 认为|to believe; to think; to consider; to... renweicaisi,niaoweishiwang 人为财死,鸟为食亡|lit. human beings will die for riches... renweidaozu,woweiyurou 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉|lit. to be the meat on sb\'s chopping ... renweitu 人为土|anthrosol (soil taxonomy) renweixiangyi 人位相宜|to be the right person for the job (i... renweiyanqing 人微言轻|(idiom) what lowly people think count... renwen 人文|humanities/human affairs/culture renwendilixue 人文地理学|human geography renwenjingguan 人文景观|place of cultural interest renwenshehuixueke 人文社会学科|humanities and social sciences renwensheke 人文社科|(abbr.) humanities and social sciences renwenxue 人文学|humanities renwenzhuyi 人文主义|humanism renwu 任务|mission; assignment; task; duty; role... renwu 人物|person; personage; figure (esp. sb of... renwu 壬午|nineteenth year I7 of the 60 year cyc... renwu 人武|armed forces renwu-renliu 人五人六|(idiom) to make a show of being decen... renwuguanliqi 任务管理器|(computing) task manager renwuhengcaibufu,mawuyecaobufei 人无横财不富,马无夜草不肥|(idiom) a person cannot become wealth... renwukeren 忍无可忍|more than one can bear (idiom); at th... renwulan 任务栏|taskbar (computing) renwumiaoxie 人物描写|portrayal renwuwanren 人无完人|nobody is perfect/everyone has their ... renwuyuanlv,biyoujinyou 人无远虑,必有近忧|He who gives no thought to far-flung ... renxia 任侠|chivalrous/helping the weak for the s... renxiang 人像|likeness of a person (sketch, photo, ... renxiang 人相|physiognomy renxiangxue 人相学|physiognomy (judgment of a person\'s f... renxianshineng 任贤使能|to appoint the virtuous and use the a... renxin 人心|popular feeling/the will of the people renxin 忍心|to have the heart to do sth/to steel ... renxinbugu 人心不古|(idiom) moral standards are much lowe... renxinbuzushetunxiang 人心不足蛇吞象|a man who is never content is like a ... renxing 人性|human nature/humanity/human/the total... renxing 韧性|toughness renxing 人形|human form/human-shaped; humanoid renxing 任性|willful/headstrong/unruly renxingdao 人行道|sidewalk renxingdixiatongdao 人行地下通道|pedestrian underpass renxingedupi 人心隔肚皮|there is no knowing what is in a man\'... renxinghengdao 人行横道|crosswalk; pedestrian crossing renxinghengdaoxian 人行横道线|crosswalk/pedestrian crossing with ze... renxinghua 人性化|(of a system or product etc) adapted ... renxingqu 人行区|pedestrian precinct renxinguo 人心果|sapodilla, a tropical fruit bearing tree renxinhuanghuang 人心惶惶|(idiom) everyone is anxious/(of a gro... renxinhuansan 人心涣散|(of a nation, government etc) demoral... renxinnance 人心难测|hard to fathom a person\'s mind (idiom) renxinrenshu 仁心仁术|benevolent heart and skillful executi... renxinsuoxiang 人心所向|that which is yearned for by the public renxiong 仁兄|(honorific written address) My dear f... renxu 壬戌|fifty-ninth year I11 of the 60 year c... renxuan 人选|choice of person/candidate renxuan 任选|to choose freely; to pick whichever o... renyan 人烟|sign of human habitation renyan-choumi 人烟稠密|(idiom) densely populated renyan-haorang 人烟浩穰|see 人煙稠密|人烟稠密[ren2yan1-chou2mi4] renyang 认养|to sponsor/to adopt (pledge to give s... renyangmafan 人仰马翻|to suffer a crushing defeat (idiom)/i... renyanjiji 人言籍籍|tongues are wagging (idiom) renyankewei 人言可畏|gossip is a fearful thing (idiom) renyanlibo 仁言利博|Words of benevolence apply universall... renyanxishao 人烟稀少|no sign of human habitation (idiom); ... renyanzeze 人言啧啧|everyone comments disapprovingly (idiom) renyao 人妖|transvestite/transsexual/ladyboy renyi 任意|any/arbitrary/at will/at random renyi 仁义|benevolence and righteousness renyi 仁义|affable and even-tempered renyi 人意|people\'s expectations renyi 任一|any/either renyidaode 仁义道德|compassion, duty, propriety and integ... renyige 任一个|any one of (a list of possibilities) renyin 壬寅|thirty-ninth year I3 of the 60 year c... renying 人影|the shadow of a human figure/a trace ... renyiqiu 任意球|free kick renyong 任用|to appoint/to assign renyou 任由|to let (sb do sth)/to allow/regardles... renyousanji 人有三急|(jocular) to need to answer the call ... renyoushishou,mayoushiti 人有失手,马有失蹄|lit. just as humans make mistakes, so... renyu 人鱼|mermaid/dugong/sea cow/manatee/giant ... renyuan 人员|staff/crew/personnel/CL:個|个[ge4] renyuan 人缘|relations with other people renyuan 人猿|anthropoid ape renyuanr 人缘儿|erhua variant of 人緣|人缘[ren2 yuan2] renyunyiyun 人云亦云|to say what everyone says (idiom)/to ... renyuxiaojie 人鱼小姐|mermaid/the Little Mermaid renzai 认栽|to admit defeat renzaijianghu,shenbuyouji 人在江湖,身不由己|(proverb) you can\'t always do as you ... renzangjuhuo 人赃俱获|(of a thief, smuggler etc) to be caug... renzao 人造|man-made/artificial/synthetic renzaoge 人造革|artificial leather renzaohuangyou 人造黄油|margarine renzaonaiyou 人造奶油|margarine renzaoniuyou 人造牛油|margarine renzaosi 人造丝|rayon renzaotianti 人造天体|artificial satellite renzaoweixing 人造卫星|artificial satellite renzaoxianwei 人造纤维|man-made fiber renzaoyuyan 人造语言|artificial language/constructed langu... renzeizuofu 认贼作父|lit. to acknowledge the bandit as one... renzeng-gouxian 人憎狗嫌|see 人憎狗厭|人憎狗厌[ren2zeng1-gou3yan4] renzeng-gouyan 人憎狗厌|detestable (wordplay based on 神憎鬼厭|神憎... renzha 人渣|dregs of society/scum renzhang 认账|to own up to a fault/to admit the tru... renzhe 忍者|ninja renzhegui 忍者龟|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Tw)/see... renzhejianren,zhizhejianzhi 仁者见仁,智者见智|The benevolent sees benevolence, the ... renzhen 认真|conscientious/earnest/serious/to take... renzheng 认证|to authenticate/to approve renzheng 人证|witness testimony renzheng 仁政|benevolent policy/humane government renzhengwuzheng 人证物证|human testimony and material evidence renzheshengui 忍者神龟|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, US comi... renzhi 认知|cognition/cognitive/understanding/per... renzhi 任职|to hold a post; to take office renzhi 人治|rule of man renzhi 人质|hostage renzhi 纴织|to weave renzhi 稔知|(literary) to be fully aware of renzhi 任直|Nintendo Direct (announcement present... renzhichangqing 人之常情|human nature (idiom)/a behavior that ... renzhichu,xingbenshan 人之初,性本善|man at birth is fundamentally good in... renzhijiangsi,qiyanyeshan 人之将死,其言也善|words of a man on his deathbed always... renzhiqijian 任职期间|term of office/while holding a post renzhishenjingxinlixue 认知神经心理学|cognitive neuropsychology renzhishitiao 认知失调|cognitive dissonance renzhixinlixue 认知心理学|cognitive psychology renzhiyijin 仁至义尽|extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idi... renzhizhan 认知战|cognitive warfare renzhong 人中|philtrum/infranasal depression/the \"h... renzhong 人种|race (of people) renzhongdaoyuan 任重道远|a heavy load and a long road/fig. to ... renzhongerdaoyuan 任重而道远|see 任重道遠|任重道远[ren4zhong4-dao4yuan3] renzhonglongfeng 人中龙凤|a giant among men (idiom) renzhun 认准|to identify clearly/to make sure of/t... renzi 认字|to learn to read/able to read; literate renzi 壬子|forty-ninth year I1 of the 60 year cy... renzi 人资|abbr. of 人力資源|人力资源[ren2 li4 zi1 yuan2] renzi 人子|son of man renzidong 人字洞|Renzidong palaeolithic archaeological... renzituo 人字拖|flip-flops (abbr. for 人字拖鞋[ren2 zi4 t... renzituoxie 人字拖鞋|flip-flops/flip-flop sandals/thongs/s... renzixing 人字形|V-shape; chevron; herringbone renzouchaliang 人走茶凉|lit. when people leave, the tea cools... renzu 人族|Hominini renzui 认罪|to admit guilt; to plead guilty renzuixieshang 认罪协商|plea bargain renzuo 认作|to regard as/to view/to consider sth ... repeng 热捧|a craze/a popular wave/a hit with the... repengpeng 热蓬蓬|steaming (hot) reqi 热气|steam/heat/CL:股[gu3] reqi 惹起|provoke, incite/stir up/arouse (atten... reqian 热钱|hot money, money flowing from one cur... reqie 热切|fervent reqing 热情|cordial/enthusiastic/passion/passiona... reqingkuandai 热情款待|to provide warm hospitality reqingyangyi 热情洋溢|brimming with enthusiasm (idiom); ful... reqiqiu 热气球|hot air balloon reqitengteng 热气腾腾|piping hot reren 惹人|to provoke (esp. annoyance, disgust e... rerenxinfan 惹人心烦|to annoy people/to be a pain in the neck rerenyan 惹人厌|annoying/disgusting rerenzhumu 惹人注目|to attract attention/noticeable rerenzhuyi 惹人注意|to attract attention rerong 热容|thermal capacity rerongjiao 热熔胶|hot-melt adhesive; hot glue reshangfeng 热伤风|summer cold reshebing 热射病|heatstroke reshen 热身|to warm up (sports)/(fig.) to prepare... reshensai 热身赛|warm-up match; a friendly reshi 惹事|to cause trouble reshi 热食|hot food reshifei 惹是非|to stir up trouble reshiguang 热释光|thermoluminescence reshishengfei 惹是生非|to stir up trouble reshishengfei 惹事生非|variant of 惹是生非[re3 shi4 sheng1 fei1] reshui 热水|hot water reshuidai 热水袋|hot-water bottle reshuiping 热水瓶|thermos bottle/vacuum bottle/hot wate... reshuiqi 热水器|water heater reshuizao 热水澡|hot bath or shower resou 热搜|(Internet) popular search query resuoguan 热缩管|heat shrink tubing (aka heatshrink) (... retang 热烫|to burn retengteng 热腾腾|steaming hot/(fig.) bustling/hectic/(... retie 热帖|hot thread (in an Internet forum) retu 热土|homeland/hot piece of real estate rewang 热望|to aspire rewen 热吻|to kiss passionately rexian 热线|hotline (communications link) rexiangbing 热香饼|pancake rexiao 热销|to sell well/hot-selling rexin 热心|enthusiastic; ardent; zealous rexinchang 热心肠|warmhearted; willing to help others rexue 热血|hot blood/warm-blooded (animal)/endot... rexue-feiteng 热血沸腾|(idiom) to be fired up; to have one\'s... reya 热压|(manufacturing) hot pressing reyi 热议|to discuss passionately/heated debate reyin 热饮|hot drink reyuan 热源|heat source rezha 热轧|(metallurgy) hot-rolled; hot-rolling rezhi 热值|calorific value rezhong 热衷|to feel strongly about/to be fond of/... rezhong 热中|variant of 熱衷|热衷[re4 zhong1] rezhongzi 热中子|thermal neutron ri 日|abbr. for 日本[Ri4 ben3], Japan ri 日|sun/day/date, day of the month ri 囸|old variant of 日[ri4] ri 驲|horse for relaying dispatches ri 鈤|archaic translation of element german... ri 氜|old name for 氦[hai4], helium riban 日班|day shift ribao 日报|daily newspaper riben 日本|Japan ribenanchun 日本鹌鹑|(bird species of China) Japanese quai... ribenchaweihaiyan 日本叉尾海燕|(bird species of China) Matsudaira\'s ... ribendao 日本刀|Japanese sword/katana ribendianbaodianhuagongsi 日本电报电话公司|Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) ribenfangsongxiehui 日本放送协会|NHK (Nihon Hōsō Kyōkai), Japanese nat... ribengequ 日本歌鸲|(bird species of China) Japanese robi... ribengongtongshe 日本共同社|Kyōdō, Japanese news agency ribenguizi 日本鬼子|Japanese devil (common term of abuse ... ribenguozhi 日本国志|A Record of Japan, by Huang Zunxian 黃... ribenhai 日本海|Sea of Japan ribenhangkong 日本航空|Japan Airlines (JAL) ribenheidao 日本黑道|Yakuza (Japanese mafia) ribenjiling 日本鹡鸰|(bird species of China) Japanese wagt... ribenjingjixinwen 日本经济新闻|Nikkei Shimbun, Japanese equivalent o... ribenliuying 日本柳莺|(bird species of China) Japanese leaf... ribenmijiu 日本米酒|Japanese rice wine/sake ribennaoyan 日本脑炎|Japanese encephalitis ribenren 日本人|Japanese person or people ribenshuji 日本书纪|Nihonshoki or Chronicles of Japan (c.... ribenshuying 日本树莺|(bird species of China) Japanese bush... ribensongqueying 日本松雀鹰|(bird species of China) Japanese spar... ribentianhuang 日本天皇|Emperor of Japan ribenxiuyanniao 日本绣眼鸟|(bird species of China) warbling whit... ribenxue 日本学|Japanology ribenyinhang 日本银行|Bank of Japan ribenyuanzinengyanjiusuo 日本原子能研究所|Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute ribenzhaoxia 日本沼虾|oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium n... ribenzhukuai 日本竹筷|disposable chopsticks ribigugongyuan 日比谷公园|Hibiya Park in central Tokyo riboyanzi 日薄崦嵫|lit. the sun sets in Yanzi (idiom)/fi... richan 日产|Nissan, Japanese car make/also transl... richang 日常|day-to-day; daily; everyday richang 日场|daytime show/matinee richanggongzuo 日常工作|routine richao 日朝|Japan and Korea (esp. North Korea) richeng 日程|schedule/itinerary/CL:個|个[ge4] richengbiao 日程表|daily schedule richu 日出|sunrise richuerzuo,riruerxi 日出而作,日入而息|lit. to get up at sunrise and work un... richuo 日戳|date stamp ridian 日电|NEC (Nippon Electronic Company)/abbr.... ridiandianzi 日电电子|NEC (Nippon Electronic Company) rierman 日耳曼|Germanic riermanyu 日耳曼语|Germanic language riezhanzheng 日俄战争|the war of 1904-1905 between Russia a... rifang 日方|the Japanese side or party (in negoti... rifuyiri 日复一日|day after day riguai 日怪|(dialect) strange riguang 日光|sunlight riguangdeng 日光灯|fluorescent light riguangjieyueshi 日光节约时|daylight saving time riguangyu 日光浴|sunbathing riguangyushi 日光浴室|sun room/solarium riguangyuyuchuang 日光浴浴床|sunbed rigui 日晷|sundial rigui 日规|sundial rihan 日韩|Japan and Korea rihang 日航|Japan Airlines (JAL) (abbr. for 日本航空[... rihou 日后|sometime/someday (in the future) rihua 日化|household chemicals (cleaning product... rihuanshi 日环食|an annular eclipse of the sun rihuo 日货|Japanese goods rihuoyonghu 日活用户|daily active users (of a website, ser... riji 日记|diary/CL:則|则[ze2],本[ben3],篇[pian1] rijian 日渐|to progress (or increase, change etc)... rijian 日间|daytime rijiaocha 日较差|diurnal range (temperature, humidity ... rijiben 日记本|diary (book) rijing 日经|Nikkei, abbr. for Nikkei Shimbun 日本經濟... rijingpingjun 日经平均|Nikkei 225 stock market index rijingpingjunzhishu 日经平均指数|Nikkei 225 stock market index rijingzhishu 日经指数|Nikkei 225 stock market index rijiumixin 日久弥新|see 歷久彌新|历久弥新[li4 jiu3 mi2 xin1] rijiushengqing 日久生情|familiarity breeds fondness (idiom) rijiusuishen 日久岁深|to last for an eternity (idiom) rijiyuelei 日积月累|to accumulate over a long period of time riju 日据|(geopolitics) Japanese occupation (of... rijun 日军|Japanese army/Japanese troops rijushidai 日据时代|the era of Japanese occupation rikan 日刊|daily (publication) rikaze 日喀则|Shigatse or Xigaze, Tibetan: Gzhis ka... rikazeshi 日喀则市|Shigatse or Xigaze, Tibetan: Gzhis ka... rilai 日来|in the past few days/lately rili 日历|calendar/CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3] rili 日立|Hitachi, Ltd. rili 日里|daytime/during the day riliao 日料|Japanese cuisine (abbr. for 日本料理[Ri4 ... riliu 日流|the spread of Japanese cultural produ... riluo 日落|sundown/sunset riluofengsheng 日落风生|a gentle breeze comes with sunset (id... riluoxishan 日落西山|the sun sets over western hills (idio... rimei 日美|Japan-US rimei 日媒|Japanese news media rimian 日冕|corona rimianceng 日冕层|the sun\'s corona rimo 日没|sunset/sundown rimu 日暮|sunset rimutuqiong 日暮途穷|sunset, the end of the road (idiom); ... rinanjun 日南郡|Han dynasty province in Vietnam rinei 日内|in a few days/one of these days rineiwa 日内瓦|Geneva, Switzerland rinima 日你妈|see 肏你媽|肏你妈[cao4 ni3 ma1] ripianshi 日偏食|partial eclipse of the sun riqi 日期|date/CL:個|个[ge4] riqian 日前|the other day/a few days ago riqu 日趋|(increasing) day by day/(more critica... riquanshi 日全食|total eclipse of the sun riquyanzhong 日趋严重|more critical with every passing day rire 日惹|Yogyakarta, city of Java, Indonesia, ... riren 日人|Japanese person; the Japanese rirenminbao 日人民报|(vulgar) derogatory name (in which 日[... riretequ 日惹特区|Special Region of Yogyakarta, region ... riri 日日|every day rishaishang 日晒伤|sunburn rishaiyulin 日晒雨淋|lit. exposed to sun and rain (idiom)/... rishen 日神|the Sun God/Apollo risheng 日盛|more flourishing by the day rishi 日式|Japanese style rishi 日食|solar eclipse rishi 日蚀|variant of 日食[ri4 shi2] rishishaorou 日式烧肉|yakiniku (Japanese-style grilled meat) ritou 日头|sun (dialect)/daytime/date ritu 日土|Rutog county in Ngari prefecture, Tib... rituxian 日土县|Rutog county in Ngari prefecture, Tib... riwen 日文|Japanese (language) riwuxiagui 日无暇晷|no time to spare (idiom) rixi 日系|(attributive) of Japanese origin rixin 日薪|daily wage rixin 日新|in constant progress rixingyishan 日行一善|to do a good deed every day rixinshuo 日心说|heliocentric theory/the theory that t... rixinyueyi 日新月异|daily renewal, monthly change (idiom)... riyaori 日曜日|Sunday (used in ancient Chinese astro... riye 日夜|day and night/around the clock riyejiancheng 日夜兼程|to travel day and night riyi 日益|day by day/more and more/increasingly... riyi 日裔|of Japanese descent riyinglianjun 日英联军|Anglo-Japanese allied army (intervent... riyizengjia 日益增加|to increase daily riyong 日用|daily expenses/of everyday use riyongpin 日用品|articles for daily use/CL:件[jian4],個|... riyu 日语|Japanese language riyuan 日元|Japanese yen (unit of currency)/also ... riyuan 日圆|Japanese yen (unit of currency)/CL:個|... riyue 日月|the sun and moon/day and month/every ... riyuechongguang 日月重光|the sun and moon shine once more/fig.... riyuecuotuo 日月蹉跎|the years have slipped by riyuerusuo 日月如梭|the sun and moon like a shuttle (idio... riyueshi 日月食|eclipsis (of the moon or sun) riyuetan 日月潭|Sun Moon Lake in Nantou County, Taiwan riyuewuxing 日月五星|sun, moon and the five visible planets riyueyun 日月晕|halo/ring of light around the sun or ... rizeng 日增|increasing by the day rizhao 日照|see 日照市[Ri4zhao4 Shi4] rizhao 日照|sunshine rizhaoshi 日照市|Rizhao, prefecture-level city in Shan... rizhen 日臻|to reach day after day for rizhi 日志|journal/log (computing) rizhi 日至|solstice/the winter solstice 冬至 and s... rizhilu 日知录|Rizhilu or Record of daily study, by ... rizhishiqi 日治时期|the period of Japanese rule rizhong 日中|Japan-China rizhong 日中|noon/midday/zenith rizi 日子|day/a (calendar) date/days of one\'s life rong 绒|velvet/woolen rong 融|to melt/to thaw/to blend/to merge/to ... rong 融|old variant of 融[rong2] rong 榕|Rong, another name for Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 ... rong 榕|Chinese banyan (Ficus microcarpa) rong 溶|to dissolve/soluble rong 冗|extraneous/redundant/superfluous/busy... rong 冗|variant of 冗[rong3] rong 蓉|short name for Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1] rong 蓉|paste made by mashing beans or seeds ... rong 熔|to smelt/to fuse rong 戎|surname Rong rong 戎|generic term for weapons (old)/army (... rong 荣|surname Rong rong 荣|glory/honor/thriving rong 容|surname Rong rong 容|to hold/to contain/to allow/to tolera... rong 嵘|used in 崢嶸|峥嵘[zheng1rong2] rong 茸|(bound form) (of newly sprouted grass... rong 镕|to smelt/to fuse/variant of 熔[rong2] rong 肜|surname Rong rong 嬫|(used in female names) rong 狨|marmoset (zoology) rong 氄|down or fine hair rong 毧|down/felt rong 蝾|salamander rong 羢|wool of sheep rong 栄|Japanese variant of 榮|荣[rong2] rong 瑢|used in 瑽瑢|𪻐瑢[cong1rong2] rong-zong 荣总|(Tw) Veterans General Hospital (used ... rongan 融安|Rong\'an county in Liuzhou 柳州[Liu3 zho... ronganxian 融安县|Rong\'an county in Liuzhou 柳州[Liu3 zho... rongaoxie 绒螯蟹|mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) rongbi 冗笔|superfluous words (in writing)/superf... rongbing 融冰|(lit. or fig.) thawing rongbing 冗兵|superfluous troops rongbu 绒布|flannel rongbude 容不得|unable to tolerate/intolerant/unable ... rongchang 荣昌|Rongchang, a district of Chongqing 重慶... rongchang 冗长|long and tedious/redundant/superfluou... rongchangbianlun 冗长辩论|filibuster rongchangdu 冗长度|(level of) redundancy rongchangqu 荣昌区|Rongchang, a district of Chongqing 重慶... rongche 戎车|military vehicle rongcheng 容城|Rongcheng county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 d... rongcheng 荣成|Rongcheng, county-level city in Weiha... rongcheng 蓉城|nickname for Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1] rongchengqu 榕城区|Rongcheng district of Jieyang City 揭陽... rongchengshi 荣成市|Rongcheng, county-level city in Weiha... rongchengwan 荣成湾|Roncheng bay near Weihai 威海市 on north... rongchengxian 容城县|Rongcheng county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 d... rongci 冗词|tautology/superfluous words rongci 冗辞|variant of 冗詞|冗词[rong3 ci2] rongcuo 容错|(of a system) fault-tolerant rongdeng 荣登|(of a list, music chart etc) to reach... rongdian 熔点|melting point rongdong 溶洞|(geology) solutional cave (typically,... rongduan 熔断|(of fuse wire) to melt; to blow/(fig.... rongduanjizhi 熔断机制|(finance) trading curb; circuit breaker rongduansi 熔断丝|fuse wire rongeshi 绒额䴓|(bird species of China) velvet-fronte... rongfan 冗繁|miscellaneous rongfei 冗费|unnecessary expenses rongge 荣格|Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), Swiss p... ronggeng 融梗|(neologism c. 2018) to incorporate id... rongguan 冗官|redundant officials rongguang 荣光|glory rongguanghuanfa 容光焕发|face glowing (idiom); looking radiant... rongguangsong 荣光颂|Gloria (in Catholic mass) ronggui 荣归|to return home with honor rongguiguli 荣归故里|to return home with honor rongguizhu 荣归主|Gloria (section of Catholic mass) ronghang 戎行|troops/military affairs ronghe 融合|a mixture/an amalgam/fusion/welding t... ronghe 融和|warm/agreeable ronghe 熔核|weld nugget rongheweiyi 融合为一|to form a cohesive whole/to fuse toge... ronghexian 荣河县|Ronghe former county in 運城|运城[Yun4 ch... ronghua 融化|to melt/to thaw/to dissolve/to blend ... ronghua 熔化|to melt (of ice, metals etc) ronghua 荣华|glory and splendor ronghua 溶化|to melt/to dissolve (of sugar etc) ronghuadian 熔化点|melting point ronghuafugui 荣华富贵|glory, splendor, wealth and rank (idi... ronghuajuedai 容华绝代|to be blessed with rare and radiant b... ronghui 融汇|fusion/to combine as one ronghui 融会|to blend/to integrate/to amalgamate/t... ronghui 熔毁|meltdown/(of nuclear fuel) to melt down ronghuiguantong 融会贯通|to master the subject via a comprehen... ronghuo 荣获|be honored with ronghuo 容或|perhaps/maybe/probably rongji 溶剂|solvent rongji 容积|volume/capacity rongji 戎机|opportunity for a fight/war rongjia 戎甲|weapons and armor rongjiang 熔浆|lava, magma or other molten material ... rongjiang 榕江|Rongjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao ... rongjiangxian 榕江县|Rongjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao ... rongjie 溶解|to dissolve rongjie 熔解|fusion rongjie 融解|to melt/molten/fig. to understand tho... rongjie 戎羯|ancient ethnic groups in northwestern... rongjiedu 溶解度|solubility rongjiexing 溶解性|soluble/solubility rongjing 荣景|period of prosperity rongjixiaolv 容积效率|volumetric efficiency (engine technol... rongjun 荣军|abbr. for 榮譽軍人|荣誉军人[rong2 yu4 jun1 ren2] rongke 容克|Junker (German aristocracy)/Jean-Clau... rongkuanglu 熔矿炉|furnace ronglian 熔炼|to smelt rongliang 容量|capacity/volume/quantitative (science) rongliangfenxi 容量分析|quantitative analysis/volumetric anal... ronglu 熔炉|smelting furnace/forge ronglu 镕炉|variant of 熔爐|熔炉, smelting furnace/forge ronglu 融炉|a smelting furnace/fig. a melting pot rongludafu 荣禄大夫|a rank in government service rongma 戎马|warhorse/armed forces; troops/(fig.) ... rongmao 容貌|one\'s appearance/one\'s aspect/looks/f... rongmao 绒毛|fur/down (soft fur)/villi capillary (... rongmao 茸毛|fuzz rongmaoxingxianjisu 绒毛性腺激素|human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) rongmashengya 戎马生涯|army life (idiom)/the experience of war rongmei 荣美|glorious rongmeiti 溶酶体|lysosome rongmin 荣民|(Tw) retired soldier; veteran (abbr. ... rongmo 溶没|to fade away/to disappear/to hide fro... rongna 容纳|to hold/to contain/to accommodate/to ... rongqi 容器|receptacle/vessel/(computing) container rongqia 融洽|harmonious/friendly relations/on good... rongqiu 绒球|pompon rongran 融然|in harmony/happy together rongrang 容让|to make a concession/to be accommodating rongren 容忍|to put up with/to tolerate rongren 荣任|to be appointed or elevated to a post rongrong 融融|in harmony/happy/warm relations rongrong 熔融|to melt/to fuse rongrong 冗冗|numerous/excessive/multitude rongru 融入|to blend into/to integrate/to assimil... rongru 荣辱|honor and disgrace/reputation rongruguan 荣辱观|precepts regarding what is honorable ... rongruyugong 荣辱与共|(of friends or partners) to share bot... rongsan 冗散|(literary) idle; unemployed/(literary... rongshen 容身|to find a place where one can fit in/... rongshi 溶蚀|dissolving/erosion by groundwater/cor... rongshi 荣市|Vinh, Vietnam rongshi 冗食|eating without working rongshi 戎事|military affairs rongshikongzong 戎事倥偬|a time of military urgency/war crisis rongshizuoyong 溶蚀作用|dissolving/erosion by groundwater/cor... rongshou 容受|to tolerate/to accept (criticism, res... rongshu 榕树|banyan rongshu 冗数|redundant number rongshuan 溶栓|thrombolysis (med.) rongshuimiaozuzizhixian 融水苗族自治县|Rongshui Miao Autonomous County in Li... rongti 溶体|solution rongtiaozi 冗条子|unwanted branches (of a tree etc) rongtong 融通|to circulate/to flow (esp. capital)/t... rongwei 荣威|Roewe (brand) rongwei 冗位|redundant position rongweiyiti 融为一体|to fuse together (idiom)/hypostatic u... rongwu 冗务|miscellaneous affairs rongxia 容下|to hold/to admit/to accommodate/to to... rongxian 容县|Rong county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], Gu... rongxian 荣县|Rong county in Zigong 自貢|自贡[Zi4 gong4... rongxian 绒线|wool/woolen thread rongxiaoti 溶小体|see 溶酶體|溶酶体[rong2mei2ti3] rongxiaotichujizheng 溶小体储积症|lysosomal storage disease (LSD) rongxing 荣幸|honored (to have the privilege of ...) rongxu 容许|to permit/to allow rongxue 融雪|melting snow/a thaw rongxue 溶血|hemolysis (breakdown of red blood cel... rongxuebing 溶血病|hemolytic disease of newborn (breakdo... rongxuetianqi 融雪天气|a thaw rongyan 熔岩|(geology) lava rongyan 容颜|mien/complexion rongyan 冗言|pleonasm (linguistics) rongyanhu 熔岩湖|lava lake rongyanliu 熔岩流|lava flow rongyanqiongqiu 熔岩穹丘|magma dome rongyanshise 容颜失色|(of complexion) to lose one\'s color; ... rongyao 荣耀|honor; glory rongye 溶液|solution (chemistry) rongyi 容易|easy; straightforward/likely; liable ... rongyi 戎衣|military uniform rongyiren 荣毅仁|Rong Yiren (1916-2005), PRC Vice Pres... rongyu 荣誉|honor/credit/glory/(honorable) reputa... rongyu 冗余|redundancy/redundant rongyu 冗语|verbosity/verbose speech rongyuan 蝾螈|salamander; newt rongyuan 冗员|excess personnel; superfluous staff rongyuanxing 溶源性|lysogeny (reproduction cycle of bacte... rongyuboshi 荣誉博士|honorary doctorate/Doctor Honoris Causae rongyuboshixuewei 荣誉博士学位|honorary doctorate/Doctor Honoris Causae rongyuguomin 荣誉国民|(Tw) retired soldier; veteran rongyujiaoshou 荣誉教授|emeritus professor rongyujunren 荣誉军人|disabled soldier/serviceman wounded i... rongyuxuewei 荣誉学位|honorary degree/(U.K. etc) honours de... rongza 冗杂|many and varied/confused rongzha 熔渣|slag (smelting) rongzhi 溶质|solute rongzhi 容止|looks and demeanor rongzhi 冗职|redundant position rongzhuang 戎装|martial attire rongzhui 冗赘|verbose rongzhuici 冗赘词|expletive (linguistics) rongzi 融资|financing rongzongyaozu 荣宗耀祖|to bring honor to one\'s ancestors (id... rongzuer 容祖儿|Joey Yung (1980-), Hong Kong pop sing... rou 肉|meat/flesh/pulp (of a fruit)/(coll.) ... rou 柔|soft/flexible/supple/yielding/rho (Gr... rou 揉|to knead/to massage/to rub rou 腬|greasy (Cantonese) rou 鞣|suede/chamois/tannin/to tan rou 厹|to trample rou 糅|mix rou 蹂|trample rou 禸|trample rou 葇|Elsholtria paltrini rou 韖|tan, soften rou 宍|old variant of 肉[rou4] rou 𫐓|wheel band roubang 肉棒|meat stick/penis roubaozidagou 肉包子打狗|lit. to fling a meat bun at a dog (id... roubing 肉饼|meat patty roubo 肉搏|to fight hand-to-hand roubozhan 肉搏战|hand-to-hand combat rouchang 肉偿|(fig.) to use sex to pay off (a debt) rouchangcunduan 柔肠寸断|lit. to feel as if one\'s intestines h... rouchuimaiji 肉垂麦鸡|(bird species of China) red-wattled l... roucuo 揉搓|to rub/to torment/to torture roudan 肉弹|suicide attacker; suicide bomber/volu... roudao 柔道|judo roudian 肉垫|pad (on animal paw) rouding 肉丁|diced meat roudong 肉冻|aspic; meat jelly roudoukou 肉豆蔻|nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt)/mac... roudoukouke 肉豆蔻科|Myristicaceae (family of plants inclu... roududu 肉嘟嘟|chubby rouduganjun 肉毒杆菌|Clostridium botulinum rouduganjundusu 肉毒杆菌毒素|botulinum toxin roudun 肉盾|human shield/(gaming) tank; meat shield roudusu 肉毒素|botulinum toxin (abbr. for 肉毒桿菌毒素|肉毒杆... roudusuozhuangyabaoganjun 肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌|Clostridium difficile (bacterium caus... rouduzhongdu 肉毒中毒|botulism roufan 肉贩|butcher roufo 柔佛|Johor (state of Malaysia at south of ... roufohaixia 柔佛海峡|Straits of Johor (between Malaysia an... roufozhou 柔佛州|Johor (state in Malaysia) roufu 肉脯|dried meat roufushui 柔肤水|skin toner rougan 肉感|sexiness/sexy/sensuality/sensual/volu... rougeng 肉羹|stew/bouillon rouguan 肉冠|comb (fleshy crest on a bird\'s head) rougucha 肉骨茶|bak-kut-teh or pork ribs soup, popula... rougui 肉桂|Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) rouguo 肉果|fleshy fruit; sarcocarp/nutmeg rouhe 柔和|gentle/soft rouhe 糅合|mix together/put together (usu. thing... rouhe 揉合|to blend; to merge; to mix together rouhe 揉和|to knead (clay) rouhua 柔滑|soft/smooth/silky rouhuhu 肉乎乎|plump; fleshy rouhuhu 肉呼呼|variant of 肉乎乎[rou4 hu1 hu1] rouji 肉鸡|chicken raised for meat/broiler/(comp... roujiamo 肉夹馍|lit. meat wedged in steamed bun/\"Chin... roujian 肉碱|carnitine (biochemistry) roujiang 肉酱|minced meat sauce/(fig.) mincemeat/a ... roulanzaiguoli 肉烂在锅里|lit. the meat falls apart as it stews... roulei 肉类|meat roulin 蹂躏|to ravage/to devastate/to trample on/... rouliu 肉瘤|wart/sarcoma/superfluous/useless rouma 肉麻|sickening/corny/sappy/maudlin/fulsome... rouman 柔曼|soft/gentle roumei 柔媚|gentle and lovely/charming roumei 柔美|gentle and beautiful roumi 肉糜|minced meat roumo 肉末|ground meat roumo 揉磨|to torment/to torture roumo 肉沫|minced pork rounen 柔嫩|tender/delicate (texture) rounengkegang 柔能克刚|lit. the soft can subdue the hard roupi 肉皮|pork skin roupian 肉片|meat slice roupiao 肉票|hostage roupu 肉铺|butcher\'s shop rouputuan 肉蒲团|The Carnal Prayer Mat, Chinese erotic... rouqing 柔情|gentle feelings/tender sentiments rouqingmomo 柔情脉脉|full of tender feelings (idiom); tend... rouqingsishui 柔情似水|tender and soft as water/deeply attac... rouqingxiagu 柔情侠骨|gentle feelings and chivalrous dispos... rouren 柔韧|pliable and tough/supple and strong/f... rouruan 柔软|soft rouruanji 柔软剂|fabric softener rouruanjing 柔软精|fabric softener (Tw) rouruo 柔弱|weak/delicate roushang 肉商|meat merchant/butcher roushen 肉身|corporeal body roushenshu 柔身术|contortion (performance art) roushi 肉食|carnivorous roushidongwu 肉食动物|carnivore roushu 柔术|jujitsu/contortion (performance art) roushun 柔顺|gentle and agreeable/supple/yielding roushunji 柔顺剂|fabric softener rousi 肉丝|shredded meat/shredded pork rousong 肉松|meat floss/shredded dried pork rousou 肉搜|(Tw) abbr. for 人肉搜索|人肉搜索[ren2 rou4 so... rousuan 鞣酸|tannin rousui 揉碎|to crush/to crumble into pieces routan 肉袒|to make a humble apology (formal writ... routang 肉汤|meat soup/broth routangmian 肉汤面|noodles in meat soup routi 肉体|physical body routiao 肉条|cutlet routihuaxu 柔荑花序|catkin (botany) routihuaxu 葇荑花序|catkin (botany) rouwan 肉丸|meatball rouxian 肉馅|ground meat/mincemeat rouxing 柔性|flexibility rouxing 肉刑|corporal punishment (such as castrati... rouyan 肉眼|naked eye/layman\'s eyes rouyanfantai 肉眼凡胎|ignoramus (idiom) rouyanguancha 肉眼观察|observation by naked eye rouyu 肉欲|carnal desire rouyuan 肉圆|ba-wan, dumpling made of glutinous do... rouzao 肉燥|(Tw) minced pork stewed with soy sauc... rouzhi 肉汁|meat stock rouzhi 鞣制|to tan (leather)/tanning rouzhi 肉质|quality of meat/succulent (botany) rouzhi 揉制|to knead (leather) rouzhi 鞣质|tannin rouzhigen 肉质根|succulent root (botany) rouzhongci 肉中刺|a thorn in one\'s flesh rouzijie 肉孜节|see 開齋節|开斋节[Kai1zhai1jie2] rouzuhu 肉足鹱|(bird species of China) flesh-footed ... ru 入|to enter; to go into/to join; to beco... ru 女|old variant of 汝[ru3] ru 如|as/as if/such as ru 乳|breast/milk ru 铷|rubidium (chemistry) ru 茹|surname Ru ru 茹|to eat/(extended meaning) to endure/p... ru 辱|disgrace/dishonor/to insult/to bring ... ru 褥|mattress ru 溽|damp/muggy ru 洳|damp/boggy/marshy ru 蠕|variant of 蠕[ru2] ru 蠕|to squirm/to wiggle/to wriggle/Taiwan... ru 儒|scholar/Confucian ru 汝|thou ru 孺|surname Ru ru 孺|child ru 襦|jacket/short coat ru 嚅|chattering ru 濡|dilatory/to moisten ru 嗕|ancient tribe of northern China ru 蕠|variant of 茹[ru2]/see 蕠藘[ru2 lu:2] ru 擩|to stain/to dye ru 缛|adorned/beautiful ru 薷|Elshotria paltrini ru 筎|thin outside skin of bamboo ru 蓐|mat/rushes ru 颥|see 顳顬|颞颥, temple (the sides of human... ru 曘|color of the sun/dark ru 鄏|place name ru 鴽|quail-like bird ru 袽|old rags ru 醹|strong (of wine) rua 挼|(dialect) (of paper or cloth) wrinkle... ruai 乳癌|breast cancer ruan 阮|surname Ruan/small state during the S... ruan 阮|ruan, a four-stringed Chinese lute ruan 朊|protein ruan 碝|jade-like stone ruan 堧|adjoin ruan 壖|land on water edge or under wall ruan 撋|to rub between the hands ruan 耎|old variant of 軟|软[ruan3] ruan 瓀|opaque/white quartz ruan 緛|(archaic) to shorten ruan 礝|old variant of 碝[ruan3] ruan 软|soft/flexible ruan 软|variant of 軟|软[ruan3] ruanan 阮安|Nguyen An (1381-1453), aka Ruan An, V... ruanbao 软包|soft (bread) roll ruanbingdu 朊病毒|prion (pathogen) ruanchi 软尺|soft ruler/tape measure ruanchongwu 阮崇武|Ruan Chongwu (1933-), third governor ... ruancidie 软磁碟|floppy disk ruancipan 软磁盘|floppy disk ruandaozi 软刀子|(lit.) the soft knife/(fig.) underhan... ruandie 软碟|floppy disk ruandingzi 软钉子|lit. a soft nail/fig. a tactful retor... ruanduti 朊毒体|prion (molecular biology) ruane 软腭|soft palate ruanerduo 软耳朵|credulous person/credulous ruaneyin 软腭音|(linguistics) velar consonant ruanfannan 软饭男|kept man ruangao 软膏|ointment/paste ruangu 软骨|cartilage ruanguan 软管|hose/flexible tube ruangubing 软骨病|chondropathy (medicine) ruangutou 软骨头|weak, cowardly person/spineless indiv... ruanguyu 软骨鱼|cartilaginous fish (such as sharks) ruanguyulei 软骨鱼类|cartilaginous fishes/Chondrichthyes (... ruanhan 软焊|to solder ruanhua 软化|to soften ruanhuo 软和|(coll.) pleasantly soft/comfy/(of wor... ruanjiagang 软甲纲|Malacostraca, a large class of crusta... ruanjian 软件|(computer) software ruanjianbao 软件包|software package ruanjianjifuwu 软件即服务|software as a service (SaaS) ruanjianjishu 软件技术|software technology ruanjiankaifa 软件开发|software development ruanjiankaifarenyuan 软件开发人员|software developer ruanjianpingtai 软件平台|software platform ruanjianqiye 软件企业|software company ruanjianxitong 软件系统|software system ruanjiaoxia 软脚虾|weakling/coward ruanjiaoxie 软脚蟹|same as 軟腳蝦|软脚虾[ruan3 jiao3 xia1] ruanjin 软禁|to place under house arrest ruanjinyong 阮晋勇|Nguyễn Tấn Dũng (1949-), prime minist... ruankougai 软口盖|soft palate/velum ruanku 软库|Softbank corporation, Japanese e-comm... ruanlan 软烂|(of food etc) soft; pulpy/(Tw) (of a ... ruanlei 软肋|rib cartilage/(fig.) weak spot/soft u... ruanliuceng 软流层|asthenosphere (geology) ruanliuquan 软流圈|asthenosphere (geology) ruanmao 软毛|fur ruanmianmian 软绵绵|soft/velvety/flabby/weak/schmaltzy ruanmoyingpao 软磨硬泡|to coax and pester (idiom)/to wheedle... ruanmu 软木|cork ruanmusai 软木塞|cork ruanmuzhuan 软木砖|cork tile/cork flooring ruanni 软泥|soft mud/silt/sludge/ooze (geology) ruanni 软呢|soft, pliable wool fabric ruannir 软泥儿|erhua variant of 軟泥|软泥[ruan3 ni2] ruannuo 软糯|soft and chewy (mouthfeel) ruanpan 软盘|floppy disk ruanpian 软片|(photographic) film ruanqin 阮琴|see 阮[ruan3] ruanruo 软弱|weak/feeble/flabby ruanshili 软实力|soft power (in international relations) ruanshizi 软柿子|(coll.) pushover/soft touch ruantang 软糖|soft candy (gummi candy, gumdrop, jel... ruanti 软体|(of an animal) soft-bodied/(Tw) software ruanti 软梯|rope ladder ruantidongwu 软体动物|mollusk ruantiye 软体业|the software industry ruanwen 软文|advertorial ruanwo 软卧|soft sleeper (a type of sleeper train... ruanxi 软席|soft seat (= first class in PRC trains) ruanxian 阮咸|see 阮[ruan3] ruanyin 软饮|soft drink ruanyingbuchi 软硬不吃|unmoved by force or persuasion ruanyingjian 软硬件|software and hardware ruanyingjianshi 软硬兼施|use both carrot and stick/use gentle ... ruanyinliao 软饮料|soft drink ruanyinyin 软龈音|velar sound (linguistics) ruanyu 软玉|nephrite/Ca(Mg,Fe)3(SiO3)4 ruanyuan 阮元|scholar-official in the Qing dynasty ... ruanzhisuan 软脂酸|palmitic acid (chemistry) ruanzhuolu 软着陆|soft landing (e.g. of spacecraft) ruanzulei 软足类|(coll.) inkfish; octopus, squid and c... ruanzuo 软座|soft seat (on trains or boats) ruanzuo 软坐|soft seat (= first class in PRC trains) ruanzuzhi 软组织|soft tissue rubai 乳白|milky white/cream color rubaise 乳白色|milky white rubaitiankong 乳白天空|whiteout rubian 蠕变|creep (materials science) rubing 入禀|to file (law) rubishizhi 如臂使指|as the arm moves the finger (idiom)/f... rubo 乳钵|small mortar used for grinding medici... rubu 乳哺|(literary) to feed an infant breast milk rubu 乳部|breasts rubufuchu 入不敷出|income does not cover expenditure/una... rucao 乳草|milkweeds (genus Asclepias) rucao 如草|grassy ruce 如厕|to go to the toilet ruchang 入场|to enter the venue for a meeting/to e... ruchangfei 入场费|admission fee ruchangquan 入场券|admission ticket ruchangshi 入场式|ceremonial entry/opening procession ruchao 入超|trade deficit/import surplus rucheng 汝城|Rucheng county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 z... ruchengxian 汝城县|Rucheng county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 z... ruchi 乳齿|deciduous tooth/milk tooth/baby tooth ruchiruzui 如痴如醉|(idiom) enthralled; mesmerized; enrap... ruchong 蠕虫|worm ruchu 如初|as before/as ever ruchuang 褥疮|bedsore ruchuyizhe 如出一辙|to be precisely the same/to be no dif... ruci 如此|like this; so; such rucizheban 如此这般|thus and so/such and such rudang 入党|to join a political party (esp. the C... rudao 入道|to enter the Way/to become a Daoist ruding 入定|(Buddhism) to enter a meditative state rudong 如东|Rudong county in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong... rudong 蠕动|to wiggle/to squirm/peristalsis (wave... rudongqianjin 蠕动前进|wriggle rudongxian 如东县|Rudong county in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong... ruduowuliwuzhong 如堕五里雾中|as if lost in a thick fog (idiom)/in ... ruduoyanwu 如堕烟雾|as if degenerating into smoke (idiom)... ruer 乳儿|nursing infant/child less than one ye... rufang 乳房|breast/udder rufangsheying 乳房摄影|mammography rufapaozhi 如法炮制|lit. to follow the recipe (idiom)/fig... rufapaozhi 如法泡制|lit. to follow the recipe (idiom)/to ... rufengkou 入风口|air intake vent rufu 乳腐|fermented soybean curd rufuren 如夫人|(old) concubine ruganjun 乳杆菌|lactobacillus rugao 如皋|Rugao, county-level city in Nantong 南... rugaoshi 如皋市|Rugao, county-level city in Nantong 南... rugen 儒艮|dugong rugengzaihou 如鲠在喉|lit. as if having a fish bone stuck i... rugou 乳沟|cleavage (hollow between a woman\'s br... rugu 入股|to invest rugu 如故|as before/as usual/(to be) like old f... ruguan 入关|to enter a pass/to go through customs ruguang 乳光|(mineralogy, physics) opalescence ruguanxue 入关学|theory proposed in 2019 on Chinese so... ruguhanjin 茹古涵今|to take in (old and new experiences a... rugui 入轨|to enter orbit ruguo 如果|if/in case/in the event that ruguoshuo 如果说|if/if one were to say ruguotang 乳果糖|lactulose ruhaikou 入海口|estuary ruhang 入行|to enter a profession ruhao 濡毫|to dip the pen into ink/to write ruhe 如何|how/what way/what ruhu 入户|to enter sb\'s house/to obtain a resid... ruhua 乳化|to emulsify ruhua 如画|picturesque ruhua 如花|flowery ruhua 蠕滑|creep (friction mechanics) ruhua 乳滑|(Internet slang) variant of 辱華|辱华[ru3... ruhua 辱华|to insult China (by criticizing its p... ruhuaji 乳化剂|emulsifier ruhuangse 乳黄色|cream (color) ruhuangzhishe 如簧之舌|lit. a tongue like a reed (idiom)/fig... ruhuasiyu 如花似玉|delicate as a flower, refined as a pr... ruhui 入会|to join a society, association etc ruhun 茹荤|to eat meat ruhunyinjiu 茹荤饮酒|to eat meat and drink wine ruhuo 入伙|to join a group; to become a member ruhuo 如火|fiery ruhuorutu 如火如荼|like wildfire (idiom)/unstoppable ruhuowanxia 如火晚霞|clouds at sunset glowing like fire ruhuozhibao 如获至宝|as if gaining the most precious treasure ruhutianyi 如虎添翼|lit. like a tiger that has grown wing... rui 锐|acute rui 瑞|lucky/auspicious/propitious/rayl (aco... rui 芮|surname Rui rui 芮|small rui 蕊|variant of 蕊[rui3] rui 蕊|stamen/pistil rui 汭|river-bend rui 睿|variant of 睿[rui4] rui 睿|astute/perspicacious/farsighted rui 壡|variant of 睿[rui4] rui 蕤|fringe/overladen with flowers rui 蚋|(mosquito)/Simulia lugubris/blackfly rui 枘|tenon/tool handle/wedge rui 緌|strings of cap rui 繠|dangle/hang loosely rui 鋭|Japanese variant of 銳|锐 ruian 瑞安|Rui\'an, county-level city in Wenzhou ... ruianshi 瑞安市|Rui\'an, county-level city in Wenzhou ... ruibobi 瑞波币|Ripple (digital currency) ruibu 锐步|Reebok (sportswear manufacturer) ruibukedang 锐不可当|unstoppable/hard to hold back ruichang 瑞昌|Ruichang, county-level city in Jiujia... ruichangshi 瑞昌市|Ruichang, county-level city in Jiujia... ruicheng 芮城|Ruicheng county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun... ruichengxian 芮城县|Ruicheng county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun... ruidexiwei 瑞德西韦|remdesivir (antiviral medication) (lo... ruidian 瑞典|Sweden ruidianren 瑞典人|Swede ruidianyu 瑞典语|Swedish (language) ruier 瑞尔|riel (Cambodian currency) ruifang 瑞芳|Ruifang or Juifang town in New Taipei... ruifangzhen 瑞芳镇|Ruifang or Juifang town in New Taipei... ruihua 锐化|to sharpen ruijian 锐减|steep decline ruijiao 锐角|acute angle ruijin 瑞金|Ruijin, county-level city in Ganzhou ... ruijin 锐进|to advance/to rush forward ruijinshi 瑞金市|Ruijin, county-level city in Ganzhou ... ruilang 瑞朗|Swiss franc ruili 瑞丽|Ruili city in Dehong Dai and Jingpo a... ruili 锐利|sharp/keen/acute/incisive/penetrating... ruilishi 瑞丽市|Ruili city in Dehong Dai and Jingpo a... ruilizhunze 瑞利准则|Rayleigh criterion (optics) ruimin 锐敏|acute/astute/perceptive ruiping 锐评|(neologism) incisive commentary (abbr... ruiqi 锐气|acute spirit/dash/drive ruiqi 瑞气|propitious vapours ruisa 瑞萨|Renesas Electronics (Japanese microch... ruise 瑞色|lovely color ruishi 瑞士|Switzerland ruishi 芮氏|Richter (scale)/Richter (name) ruishi 瑞狮|Rui Shi, Auspicious Lions of Chinese ... ruishifalang 瑞士法郎|Swiss franc (currency) ruishiguimo 芮氏规模|Richter scale ruishijuan 瑞士卷|Swiss roll ruishijundao 瑞士军刀|Swiss Army knife ruishiranliao 瑞氏染料|Wright\'s stain (used in studying blood) ruishiranse 瑞氏染色|Wright\'s stain (used in studying blood) ruishiren 瑞士人|Swiss (person) ruishou 瑞兽|auspicious animal (such as the dragon) ruisui 瑞穗|Ruisui or Juisui township in Hualien ... ruisuixiang 瑞穗乡|Ruisui or Juisui township in Hualien ... ruixiang 瑞香|winter daphne ruixingkafei 瑞幸咖啡|Luckin Coffee, chain of coffee shops ... ruixue 瑞雪|timely snow ruiya 瑞亚|Rhea (Titaness of Greek mythology) ruiyi 锐意|acute determination/dauntless ruizao 枘凿|incompatible (abbr. for 方枘圓鑿|方枘圆凿[fan... ruizhi 睿智|wise and farsighted ruizhi 锐志|firm determination ruji 入籍|to become naturalized/to become a cit... ruji 乳剂|emulsion rujia 儒家|Confucian school, founded by Confuciu... rujiabaohuan 如假包换|replacement guaranteed if not genuine... rujiang 乳浆|milky liquid/whey rujiao 乳胶|latex rujiao 儒教|Confucianism rujiao 乳交|mammary intercourse rujiao 入教|to join a religion rujiaoqi 乳胶漆|latex paint/emulsion paint rujiaosiqi 如胶似漆|stuck together as by glue (of lovers)... rujin 如今|nowadays; now rujing 入境|to enter a country rujing-suisu 入境随俗|lit. when you enter a country, follow... rujingqianzheng 入境签证|entry visa rujingwensu 入境问俗|When you enter a country, enquire abo... rujinsiyu 如金似玉|like gold or jade (idiom)/gorgeous/lo... rujisike 如饥似渴|to hunger for sth (idiom); eagerly/to... ruju 入局|to enter the game; to get involved/to... rukou 入口|entrance/to import rukoujiuhua 入口就化|to melt in one\'s mouth rukouwang 入口网|Web portal/(enterprise) portal rukouye 入口页|web portal rukuhanxin 茹苦含辛|bitter hardship/to bear one\'s cross rulai 如来|tathagata (Buddha\'s name for himself,... rulaifo 如来佛|Tathagata, one of the ten sacred name... rulaifodezhangxin 如来佛的掌心|the palm of the Buddha\'s hand (a meta... rulangsihu 如狼似虎|lit. like wolves and tigers/ruthless rulao 乳酪|cheese rulaobing 乳酪饼|(Tw) a square sheet of pastry, typica... rulaodangao 乳酪蛋糕|cheesecake rulefanerna 儒勒·凡尔纳|Jules Verne (1828-1905), French novel... ruleiguaner 如雷贯耳|lit. like thunder piercing the ear/a ... rulian 入殓|to put dead body in coffin rulian 入联|to join an alliance/admission to the ... rulindadi 如临大敌|lit. as if meeting a great enemy (idi... rulinwaishi 儒林外史|The Scholars, satirical Qing dynasty ... rulv 蕠藘|variant of 茹藘, Rubia cordifolia or Ru... rulv 茹藘|see 茜草[qian4cao3] rulvbobing 如履薄冰|lit. as if walking on thin ice (idiom... rulveri 儒略日|Julian day (astronomy) ruma 辱骂|to insult/to revile/abuse/vituperation rumaoyinxue 茹毛饮血|devour raw meat and fowl (of savages) rumen 入门|entrance door/to enter a door/to lear... rumeng 入盟|to join (e.g. union or alliance) rumenkecheng 入门课程|introductory course/primer rumi 入迷|to be fascinated/to be enchanted rumian 入眠|to fall asleep ruming 乳名|infant name; pet name for a child rumixie 乳糜泻|celiac disease rumohezhe 濡沫涸辙|to help each other out in hard times ... rumu 乳母|wet nurse rumusanfen 入木三分|written in a forceful hand/penetratin... run 润|moist; glossy; sleek/to moisten; to l... run 闰|intercalary/an extra day or month ins... run 犉|ox run 𥆧|twitch (muscle or eyelid) runan 汝南|Runan county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu... runanxian 汝南县|Runan county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu... runbi 润笔|remuneration for literary or artistic... runbing 润饼|soft mixed vegetable and meat roll-up runchang 润肠|to ease constipation (TCM) runchangtongbian 润肠通便|to cure constipation with laxatives runchungao 润唇膏|chapstick/lip balm runfalu 润发露|hair conditioner runfaru 润发乳|hair conditioner runfaye 润发液|hair conditioner runfei 润肺|to moisten the lungs/to make expector... runfugao 润肤膏|moisturizing cream runfulu 润肤露|body lotion runfuru 润肤乳|body lotion/body shampoo runfushuang 润肤霜|moisturizer runge 润格|(old) scale of fees charged by a pain... runhua 润滑|smooth/oily/sleek/to lubricate runhuaji 润滑剂|lubricant runhuayou 润滑油|lubricating oil runiaoshousan 如鸟兽散|lit. to scatter like birds and beasts... runie 入涅|to enter nirvana (Buddhism) runiu 乳牛|dairy cattle runnian 闰年|leap year/(lunar calendar) year with ... runse 润色|to polish (a piece of writing)/to add... runshi 润湿|to moisten (e.g. of rain)/to wet runshi 润饰|to adorn/to embellish runsiyue,chishuye 闰四月,吃树叶|an intercalary fourth month brings fo... runxue 润学|(neologism) (slang) study of how to f... runyue 闰月|intercalary month in the lunar calend... runze 润泽|moist runzhou 润州|Runzhou district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江... runzhouqu 润州区|Runzhou district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江... runzi 润资|remuneration for literary or artistic... ruo 鄀|place name ruo 弱|weak; feeble/young/inferior; not as g... ruo 若|to seem/like/as/if ruo 篛|cuticle of bamboo plant ruo 挼|to rub/to crumple/Taiwan pr. [nuo2] ruo 箬|(bamboo)/skin of bamboo ruo 叒|old variant of 若[ruo4]/obedient/ancie... ruo 偌|so/such/to such a degree ruo 捼|to rub/to crumple ruo 爇|burn/heat ruo 鶸|siskin ruo 蒻|young rush (Typha japonica), a kind o... ruobao 弱爆|(slang) weak/pathetic/subpar/sucks ruobujinfeng 弱不禁风|lit. too weak to stand up to the wind... ruoce 弱侧|weak side/off side (sports) ruochong 若虫|(entomology) nymph ruoda 偌大|so big/such a big ruodian 弱点|weak point/failing ruodiantongyi 弱电统一|electro-weak interaction in fermion p... ruoergai 若尔盖|Zoigê County (Tibetan: mdzod dge rdzo... ruoergaixian 若尔盖县|Zoigê County (Tibetan: mdzod dge rdzo... ruofei 若非|were it not for/if not for ruogan 若干|a certain number or amount/how many?/... ruohan 若翰|John (less common form of 若望[Ruo4 wan... ruohua 弱化|weaken/make weaker ruojian 弱碱|weak base (alkali) ruojiruoli 若即若离|lit. seeming neither close nor distan... ruokaishanmai 若开山脉|Arakan Yoma, mountain range in wester... ruomai 弱脉|weak pulse ruoqiang 若羌|Chaqiliq nahiyisi or Ruoqiang county ... ruoqiangxian 若羌县|Chaqiliq nahiyisi or Ruoqiang county ... ruoqieweiruo 若且唯若|if and only if ruoran 若然|if/if so ruorouqiangshi 弱肉强食|lit. the weak are prey to the strong ... ruose 若瑟|Joseph (biblical name) ruoshi 弱视|amblyopia ruoshi 弱势|vulnerable/weak ruoshi 若是|if ruoshiqunti 弱势群体|disadvantaged social groups (e.g. the... ruosuan 弱酸|weak acid ruoting 弱听|hard of hearing/hearing-impaired ruowang 若望|John/Saint John/less common variant o... ruowangfuyin 若望福音|Gospel according to St John ruowuqishi 若无其事|(idiom) as if nothing had happened; c... ruoxiang 弱项|one\'s weak area ruoxianghuzuoyong 弱相互作用|weak interaction (in particle physics... ruoxiao 弱小|small and weak; puny/the small and we... ruoyaorenbuzhi,chufeijimowei 若要人不知,除非己莫为|If you don\'t want anyone to know, don... ruoyin-ruoxian 若隐若现|(idiom) faint; indistinct ruoyintaban 弱音踏板|soft pedal (on piano)/una corda pedal ruoyouruowu 若有若无|indistinct/faintly discernible ruoyousuosang 若有所丧|see 若有所失[ruo4 you3 suo3 shi1] ruoyousuoshi 若有所失|as if one had lost something (idiom)/... ruoyousuosi 若有所思|(idiom) looking pensive; thoughtfully ruoyousuowang 若有所亡|see 若有所失[ruo4 you3 suo3 shi1] ruozhi 弱智|weak-minded/mentally deficient/retarded ruozuoyong 弱作用|(physics) weak interaction ruozuoyongli 弱作用力|the weak force (in particle physics) rupin 乳品|dairy product ruqi 如期|as scheduled/on time/punctual ruqi-rusu 如泣如诉|lit. as if weeping and complaining (i... ruqin 入侵|to invade ruqing 乳清|whey ruqingruli 入情入理|sensible and reasonable (idiom) ruqinwuzhong 入侵物种|invasive species ruqinzhe 入侵者|intruder ruqisuohao 如其所好|as one pleases (idiom) ruqiu 入球|to score a goal/goal ruqufugu 如蛆附骨|lit. like maggots feeding on a corpse... ruran 濡染|to infect/to influence/to dip (in ink) ruren 濡忍|compliant/submissive ruren 孺人|(old) wife/mother rurenyinshui,lengnuanzizhi 如人饮水,冷暖自知|the person who drinks it knows best w... rurizhongtian 如日中天|lit. like the sun at noon (idiom)/fig... rurou 入肉|to have intercourse/to fuck ruru 蠕蠕|wiggling/squirming ruruo 如若|if rusangkaobi 如丧考妣|lit. as if in mourning for one\'s pare... rushan 乳山|Rushan, county-level city in Weihai 威... rushanshi 乳山市|Rushan, county-level city in Weihai 威... rushen 入神|to be enthralled/to be entranced rusheng 儒生|Confucian scholar (old) rusheng 入声|entering tone/checked tone/one of the... rusheng 入圣|to become an arhat (Buddhism) rushi 如是|thus rushi 入时|fashionable rushi 入世|to engage with secular society/to inv... rushi 如实|as things really are/realistic rushi 濡湿|to moisten rushi 儒士|a Confucian scholar rushiruhua 如诗如画|(of scenery) stunning/spectacular/pic... rushiwowen 如是我闻|so I have heard (idiom)/the beginning... rushizhongfu 如释重负|as if relieved from a burden (idiom)/... rushou 入手|to begin (with ...) (typically used i... rushu 如数|in the amount stipulated (by prior ag... rushui 入睡|to fall asleep rushujiazhen 如数家珍|lit. as if enumerating one\'s family v... rusi 如斯|(literary) in this way/so rusu 茹素|to eat a vegetarian diet rusu-ruqi 如诉如泣|see 如泣如訴|如泣如诉[ru2qi4-ru2su4] rusuan 乳酸|lactic acid rusuanjun 乳酸菌|lactic acid bacteria rutang 乳糖|lactose rutangbunaizheng 乳糖不耐症|lactose intolerance ruti 如题|as the title suggests; as indicated i... rutie 乳贴|pasties rutong 如同|like/as rutong 茹痛|to endure (suffering or sorrow) rutou 乳头|nipple rutouliu 乳头瘤|papilloma rutu 入土|to bury/buried/interred rutu 乳突|mastoid process rutuan 入团|to enroll in the Communist Youth League rutudou 乳突窦|mastoid antrum (bones at the back of ... rutuo 入托|(of a child) to start daycare rutuweian 入土为安|buried and at rest (idiom); Resquiesc... ruwei 入味|tasty/to be absorbed in sth/interesting ruwei 入围|to get past the qualifying round/to m... ruwei 入微|down to the smallest detail; thorough... ruweizhe 入围者|finalist; qualifier; person or item s... ruwu 入伍|to enter the army/to enlist ruwusheng 入伍生|newly enlisted officer student/cadet ruxi 入席|to take one\'s seat ruxi 入息|income (Hong Kong) ruxi 入戏|(of an actor) to inhabit one\'s role/t... ruxia 如下|as follows ruxian 乳腺|mammary gland ruxianai 乳腺癌|breast cancer ruxiang 乳香|frankincense ruxiangsuisu 入乡随俗|When you enter a village, follow the ... ruxianyan 乳腺炎|mastitis ruxingdongwu 蠕形动物|soft-bodied organisms/vermes (obsolet... ruxiuweigan 乳臭未干|lit. smell of breast milk not yet dri... ruxu 如许|(literary) like this/such (as this)/s... ruxuan 入选|to be included among those selected for ruxue 入学|to enter a school or college/to go to... ruxue 儒学|Confucianism ruxuelv 入学率|percentage of children who enter school ruya 乳牙|deciduous tooth/milk tooth/baby tooth ruya 儒雅|scholarly/refined/cultured/courteous ruyan 入眼|to appear before one\'s eyes/pleasing ... ruyan 乳燕|baby swallow ruyang 汝阳|Ruyang county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan ruyangxian 汝阳县|Ruyang county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan ruyao 入药|to use in medicine ruye 乳液|(skin) cream; lotion; emulsion ruye 入夜|nightfall ruyi 如意|as one wants; according to one\'s wish... ruyi 如一|consistent/the same/unvarying ruyifushan 如蚁附膻|like ants pursuing a stink (idiom); t... ruyilangjun 如意郎君|ideal husband; Mr. Right ruyingsuixing 如影随形|as the shadow follows the body (idiom... ruyingzhuchou 如蝇逐臭|like flies pursuing a stink (idiom); ... ruyisuanpan 如意算盘|counting one\'s chickens before they a... ruyitao 如意套|(dialect) condom ruyousuoshi 如有所失|to seem as if something is amiss (idiom) ruyu 入狱|to go to jail/to be sent to prison ruyu 茹鱼|putrid fish ruyuan 入园|to enter a park or other place for pu... ruyuan 如愿|to have one\'s wishes fulfilled ruyuan 入院|to enter hospital/to be hospitalized ruyuanxian 乳源县|Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County in Shaog... ruyuanyaozuzizhixian 乳源瑶族自治县|Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County in Shaog... ruyuanyichang 如愿以偿|to have one\'s wish fulfilled ruyudeshui 如鱼得水|like a fish back in water (idiom); gl... ruyue 入月|(of women) beginning of menstrual cyc... ruyueerzhi 如约而至|to arrive as planned/right on schedule ruyun 如云|like the clouds in the sky (i.e. nume... ruyun 乳晕|mammary areola ruzhao 乳罩|bra ruzhe 儒者|Confucian ruzhi 乳汁|milk ruzhi 乳脂|cream/milk fat ruzhi 入职|to commence employment; to enter a co... ruzhijuan 茹志鹃|Ru Zhijuan (1925-1998), female noveli... ruzhipin 乳制品|dairy products ruzhou 汝州|Ruzhou, county-level city in Pingding... ruzhoushi 汝州市|Ruzhou, county-level city in Pingding... ruzhu 入住|to check in (at a hotel etc) ruzhu 乳猪|suckling pig ruzhu 入主|to invade and take control of (a terr... ruzhui 入赘|to go and live with one\'s wife\'s fami... ruzi 褥子|cotton-padded mattress/CL:床[chuang2] ruzi 孺子|(literary) child ruzui 入罪|to criminalize (an activity) ruzuihua 入罪化|to criminalize (an activity) ruzuiruchi 如醉如痴|lit. as if drunk and stupefied (idiom... ruzun 入樽|slam dunk ruzuo 入座|to take one\'s seat ruzuozhenzhan 如坐针毡|lit. as if sitting on pins and needle... sa 撒|to let go/to cast/to let loose/to dis... sa 撒|to scatter/to sprinkle/to spill sa 卅|thirty sa 挲|used in 摩挲[ma1sa5] sa 萨|Bodhisattva/surname Sa sa 洒|to sprinkle/to spray/to spill/to shed sa 飒|variant of 颯|飒[sa4] sa 飒|sound of wind/valiant/melancholy sa 仨|three (colloquial equivalent of 三個|三个) sa 潵|name of a river in Hebei Province sa 潵|old variant of 撒[sa3] sa 攃|preceding sa 靸|children\'s shoe (old)/to wear one\'s s... sa 钑|(literary) small halberd with an iron... sabadeluo 萨巴德罗|Zapatero (name)/José Luis Zapatero (1... sabo 撒播|to sow (seeds by scattering)/scatter ... sabo 萨博|Saab sabu 洒布|to spread sacun 撒村|(dialect) to curse; to speak vulgarly sadamu 萨达姆|Saddam sadamuhousaiyin 萨达姆·侯赛因|Saddam Hussein sadan 撒旦|Satan or Shaitan sadan 撒但|variant of 撒旦[Sa1 dan4], Satan or Sha... sadate 萨达特|Anwar Al Sadat sade 萨德|THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area De... sadeer 萨德尔|Sadr (name)/Moqtada Sadr (c. 1973-), ... sadeershi 萨德尔市|Sadr city (Shia township in East Bagdad) sadi 萨蒂|Sati (Hindu goddess) sadi 萨蒂|sati (illegal Hindu practice) sadike 萨迪克|Sadiq or Sadik (name) sadingdao 撒丁岛|Sardinia sadingniyadao 萨丁尼亚岛|Sardinia sadu 撒督|Zadok (son of Azor and father of Achi... sadugairen 撒都该人|Sadducees saer 萨尔|Saarland saerbulvken 萨尔布吕肯|Saarbrücken, capital of Saarland, Ger... saercibao 萨尔茨堡|Salzburg saerda 萨尔达|Zelda (in Legend of Zelda video game)... saerhuzhizhan 萨尔浒之战|Battle of Sarhu in 1619, in which the... saerkeqi 萨尔科奇|Sarkozy (name)/Nicolas Sarkozy (1955-... saerkeqi 萨尔科齐|Nicolas Sarkozy (1955-), French UMP p... saermeng 撒尔孟|Salmon (name) saerpusibao 萨尔普斯堡|Sarpsborg (city in Østfold, Norway) saertu 萨尔图|Sa\'ertu district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆... saertuqu 萨尔图区|Sa\'ertu district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆... saerwaduo 萨尔瓦多|El Salvador saerwenjiang 萨尔温江|Salween river, flowing from Tibet int... saerzhou 萨尔州|Saarland, state of Germany, capital S... safei 萨菲|Safi (Moroccan city on the Atlantic c... safeiwangchao 萨非王朝|Persian Safavid Dynasty 1501-1722 saga 萨嘎|Saga county, Tibetan: Sa dga\' rdzong,... sagadawajie 萨噶达娃节|Tibetan festival on 15th April markin... sagaxian 萨嘎县|Saga county, Tibetan: Sa dga\' rdzong,... sagelebu 萨格勒布|Zagreb, capital of Croatia 克羅地亞|克罗地亚[... sagouliang 撒狗粮|(slang) to be lovey-dovey in public sagouxie 洒狗血|to overreact/melodramatic sahala 撒哈拉|Sahara sahalaren 撒哈拉人|Sahrawi (person) sahalashamo 撒哈拉沙漠|Sahara Desert sahalawei 撒哈拉威|Sahrawi sahalayinan 撒哈拉以南|sub-Saharan sahalayinanfeizhou 撒哈拉以南非洲|sub-Saharan Africa sahaluofu 萨哈洛夫|Sakharov (Russian name) sahaluofu 萨哈罗夫|Andrei Sakharov (1921-1989), Russian ... sahaluofujiang 萨哈罗夫奖|Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought... sahaluofurenquanjiang 萨哈罗夫人权奖|the EU Sakharov Human Rights Prize sahanuofu 萨哈诺夫|(Andrei) Sakharov sahanuofurenquanjiang 萨哈诺夫人权奖|the EU Sakharov prize for human rights sahedangao 萨赫蛋糕|Sachertorte, Viennese chocolate cake sahuang 撒谎|to tell lies sai 赛|to compete/competition/match/to surpa... sai 塞|Serbia/Serbian/abbr. for 塞爾維亞|塞尔维亚[Sa... sai 塞|to stop up/to squeeze in/to stuff/cor... sai 塞|strategic pass/tactical border position sai 噻|used in transliteration sai 腮|cheek sai 腮|variant of 腮[sai1] sai 鳃|gills of fish sai 揌|to shake sai 僿|small, minute/lacking sincerity sai 嘥|to waste (Cantonese) saibaiwei 赛百味|Subway (fast food restaurant) saibang 腮帮|cheek/upper (of a shoe) saibangzi 腮帮子|cheek saibasidian 塞巴斯蒂安|Sebastian (name) saibei 塞北|territories beyond the Great Wall (old) saibo 赛博|(loanword) cyber- saichang 赛场|racetrack/field (for athletics compet... saiche 赛车|auto race/cycle race/race car saiche 塞车|traffic jam saichechang 赛车场|motor racetrack/cycle racetrack saichechangsai 赛车场赛|stadium cycle race saicheng 赛程|competition schedule/the course of a ... saichenvlang 赛车女郎|pit babe/paddock girl/grid girl saicheshou 赛车手|racing driver saichi 塞尺|feeler gauge saichuan 赛船|boat race/racing ship or boat saidao 赛道|race course saidekezu 赛德克族|Seediq, one of the indigenous peoples... saidena 赛德娜|Sedna, small body in the outer reache... saidian 赛点|match point (tennis etc) saiduan 赛段|stage of a competition saier 塞耳|to block one\'s ears (not wishing to h... saierda 塞尔达|Zelda (in Legend of Zelda video game) saiernan 塞尔南|Eugene Cernan (1934-), US astronaut i... saierte 塞尔特|Celtic saierteyu 塞尔特语|Celtic language saierweiya 塞尔维亚|Serbia saierweiyaheheishan 塞尔维亚和黑山|Serbia and Montenegro (after break-up... saierweiyakeluodiyayu 塞尔维亚克罗地亚语|Serbo-Croatian (language) saierweiyayu 塞尔维亚语|Serbian (language) saifen 噻吩|thiophene (chemistry) (loanword) saigei 塞给|to slip sb sth/to press sb to accept ... saigewei 赛格威|Segway PT saigong 鳃弓|visceral arch (gill-bearing arch or i... saihan 赛罕|Saihan District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市[... saihanqu 赛罕区|Saihan District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市[... saihong 腮红|rouge (cosmetics) saihu 腮胡|sideburns saihui 赛会|religious procession/exposition saiji 赛季|season (sports) saijia 腮颊|cheek/jaw sailaliang 塞拉利昂|Sierra Leone sailemu 塞勒姆|Salem, capital of Oregon/Salem, city ... sailie 鳃裂|gill slit (in fish) sailimuhu 赛里木湖|Sayram Lake in Xinjiang sailisi 赛力斯|Seres, Chinese electric vehicle brand sailongchuan 赛龙船|dragon-boat race sailongzhou 赛龙舟|to race dragon boats sailufen 赛璐玢|cellophane (loanword) sailuluo 赛璐珞|celluloid (loanword) sailunsi 赛轮思|Cerence, US company providing AI-base... saima 赛马|horse race/horse racing saimachang 赛马场|race course/race ground/race track saimahui 赛马会|the Jockey Club, Hong Kong philanthro... saiman 塞满|to stuff full/to cram in/packed tight... saimiuer 塞缪尔|Samuel (name) saimiueryuehanxun 塞缪尔·约翰逊|Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) or Dr John... sainahe 塞纳河|Seine saineijiaer 塞内加尔|Senegal saipao 赛跑|race (running)/to race (running) saipulesi 赛普勒斯|Cyprus (Tw) saipulusi 塞浦路斯|Cyprus saiqin 噻嗪|thiazine (chemistry) (loanword) saisheer 塞舌尔|the Seychelles saisheerqundao 塞舌尔群岛|the Seychelles saishi 赛事|competition (e.g. sporting) saishiliying 赛氏篱莺|(bird species of China) Sykes\'s warbl... saisina 塞斯纳|Cessna (US aviation company) saite 赛特|Seth (name) saiting 赛艇|boat race/racing ship or boat/rowing ... saituo 腮托|chin rest (e.g. for a violin) saiwai 塞外|territories beyond the Great Wall (old) saiwantisi 塞万提斯|Cervantes/abbr. for 米格爾·德·塞萬提斯·薩維德拉|米... saiwasituoboer 塞瓦斯托波尔|Sevastopol saiweilinuo 塞韦里诺|(name) Severino saiweiliya 塞维利亚|Sevilla, Spain saiwengshima 塞翁失马|lit. the old man lost his horse, but ... saiwengshimaanzhifeifu 塞翁失马安知非福|the old man lost his mare, but it all... saiwengshimayanzhifeifu 塞翁失马焉知非福|the old man lost his mare, but it all... saixian 腮腺|parotid gland/saliva gland in cheek saixiansheng 赛先生|\"Mr Science\", phrase used during the ... saixianyan 腮腺炎|mumps saixiazu 赛夏族|Saisiyat or Saisiat, one of the indig... saiya 塞牙|to get food stuck between one\'s teeth saiyang 赛扬|Celeron (an Intel chip) saiyidi 赛义迪|Said or Sayed (Arabic name) saiyinsi 赛因斯|science (loanword) saiyu 塞语|Serb language saiyuan 塞渊|honest and far-seeing saizhenzhu 赛珍珠|Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973), American w... saizi 塞子|cork/plug saizu 塞族|Serb nationality/ethnic Serb/Serbs saizuo 噻唑|thiazole (chemistry) sajia 萨迦|Sa\'gya town and county, Tibetan: Sa s... sajia 洒家|(archaic) I; me (used by males during... sajialiya 撒迦利亚|Zechariah (name)/Zechariah (Old Testa... sajialiyashu 撒迦利亚书|Book of Zechariah sajiao 撒娇|to act like a spoiled child/to throw ... sajiao 撒脚|to run off/to beat it sajiaomaiguai 撒娇卖乖|to behave ingratiatingly sajiaxian 萨迦县|Sa\'gya county, Tibetan: Sa skya rdzon... sajiufeng 撒酒疯|to get drunk and act crazy/roaring drunk sakashiweili 萨卡什维利|Mikheil Saakashvili (1967-), Georgian... sakedahun 撒科打诨|to intersperse comic dialogue (as the... sakeguan 萨克管|sax/saxophone sakelamentuo 萨克拉门托|Sacramento sakeluofu 萨克洛夫|Sakharov (name)/Andrei Sakharov (1921... sakeluofujiang 萨克洛夫奖|Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought... sakeqi 萨科齐|Nicolas Sarkozy (1955-), French UMP p... sakesen 萨克森|Sachsen or Saxony, Bundesland in east... sakesenzhou 萨克森州|Sachsen or Saxony, Bundesland in east... sakesi 萨克斯|sax/saxophone sakesifeng 萨克斯风|saxophone (loanword) sakesiguan 萨克斯管|sax/saxophone sakexun 撒克逊|Saxon (people) sakexun 萨克逊|Saxon sakexunren 撒克逊人|Saxon (people) sala 撒拉|Salar ethnic group of Qinghai province salading 萨拉丁|Saladin (c. 1138-1193) salagesa 萨拉戈萨|Zaragoza, Spain salai 撒赖|to make a scene/to raise hell salamanka 萨拉曼卡|Salamanca, Spain salami 萨拉米|salami (loanword) salansike 萨兰斯克|Saransk, capital of the Republic of M... salarewo 萨拉热窝|Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herze... salasendiguo 萨拉森帝国|Saracen Empire (medieval European nam... salatie 撒拉铁|Shealtiel (son of Jeconiah) salayu 撒拉语|Salar, language of Salar ethnic group... salazu 撒拉族|Salar ethnic group of Qinghai province sali 萨莉|Sally (name) sali 萨里|Surrey (county in England) salijun 萨里郡|Surrey (county in south England) saluoman 撒罗满|Solomon (name) samaergan 撒马尔干|Samarkand, city in Uzbekistan/also wr... samaerhan 撒马尔罕|Samarkand, city in Uzbekistan samalanqi 萨马兰奇|Juan Antonio Samaranch (1920-2010), S... samaliya 撒马利亚|Samaria saman 萨满|shaman (loanword) saman 洒满|to sprinkle over sth samanjiao 萨满教|Shamanism samen 撒门|Salmon (son of Nashon) samiren 萨米人|the Sami people, indigenous people in... samo 萨摩|Satsuma, the name of a former feudal ... samolin 萨摩麟|Samotherium (early giraffe) samosaitejun 萨默塞特郡|Somerset county in southwest England samoya 萨摩亚|Samoa samoye 萨摩耶|Samoyed (dog) samoyequan 萨摩耶犬|Samoyed (dog) samuerjishang 撒母耳记上|First book of Samuel samuerjixia 撒母耳记下|Second book of Samuel san 三|surname San san 三|three/3 san 伞|umbrella/parasol/CL:把[ba3] san 伞|damask silk/variant of 傘|伞[san3] san 散|variant of 散[san4] san 散|scattered/loose/to come loose/to fall... san 散|to scatter/to break up (a meeting etc... san 糁|to mix (of powders) san 叁|variant of 參|叁[san1] san 叁|three (banker\'s anti-fraud numeral) san 潵|to disperse water san 叄|variant of 參|叁[san1] san 馓|used in 饊子|馓子[san3 zi5] san 弎|archaic variant of 參|叁, banker\'s anti... san 毵|long-haired/shaggy san 鏾|the trigger of a crossbow/crossbow san 鬖|wild hair san 〣|numeral 3 in the Suzhou numeral syste... sana 萨那|Sana\'a, capital of Yemen sanaotang 三拗汤|san\'ao decoction (TCM) sanayi 三阿姨|auntie, third eldest of sisters in mo... sanba 三八|International Women\'s Day 婦女節|妇女节[Fu4... sanbadagai 三八大盖|(coll.) Arisaka Type 38 rifle (Japane... sanbai 散白|bulk baijiu (i.e. clear Chinese liquo... sanbailiushihang 三百六十行|all walks of life (idiom)/every trade sanbajie 三八节|International Women\'s Day (March 8) sanban 三板|sampan sanban 散板|to fall apart/opera section in free r... sanbandao 三班倒|three-shift system (work rostering) sanbao 三宝|the Three Precious Treasures of Buddh... sanbao 三包|\"three-guarantee service\": repair, ex... sanbaoniao 三宝鸟|(bird species of China) Oriental doll... sanbaotai 三胞胎|triplets sanbaotaijian 三宝太监|Sanbao Eunuch, official title of Zhen... sanbaxian 三八线|38th parallel, forming the DMZ border... sanbei 三北|China\'s three northern regions, 東北|东北... sanbei 三倍|triple sanbeifanghulin 三北防护林|Green Wall of China, a massive affore... sanbianxing 三边形|triangle sanbing 伞兵|paratrooper sanbing 散兵|loose and disorganized soldiers/strag... sanbingkeng 散兵坑|foxhole (military) sanbingyouyong 散兵游勇|lit. straggling and disbanded soldier... sanbo 散播|to spread/to disperse/to disseminate sanbu 散步|to take a walk; to go for a walk sanbu 散布|to disseminate sanbu 三不|the three no\'s (abbreviated catchphrase) sanbuguan 三不管|of undetermined status/unregulated sanbuqu 三部曲|trilogy sanbuwushi 三不五时|(Tw) from time to time/frequently sanbuxiu 三不朽|the three imperishables, three ways t... sanbuzhan 三不沾|air ball (basketball) sanbuzhi 三不知|to know nothing about the beginning, ... sanc 三C|see 3C[san1 C] sanc 3C|computers, communications, and consum... sancao 三曹|the Three Caos (Cao Cao 曹操 and his so... sanchaji 三叉戟|trident sanchakou 三岔口|At the Crossroads, famous opera, base... sanchaliufan 三茶六饭|lit. to offer three kinds of tea and ... sanchang 散场|(of a theater) to empty/(of a show) t... sanchangliangduan 三长两短|unexpected misfortune/unexpected acci... sanchashenjing 三叉神经|trigeminal nerve sanchong 三重|Sanchong, a district of New Taipei Ci... sanchong 三重|treble sanchongxian 三重县|Mie Prefecture in central Japan sanchongzou 三重奏|trio (musical ensemble) sanchou 三仇|animosity or resentment towards three... sanchu 散出|to spill out sanchun 三春|the three spring months sanci 三次|third/three times/(math.) degree thre... sancifang 三次方|cube (third power, math.) sancifangcheng 三次方程|cubic equation (math.) sancimi 三次幂|cube (third power, math.) sanciquxian 三次曲线|cubic curve (geometry) sanciyuan 三次元|three-dimensional/the real world (cf.... sancongside 三从四德|Confucian moral injunctions for women... sancuisiqing 三催四请|to coax and plead sancunbulanzhishe 三寸不烂之舌|to have a silver tongue/to have the g... sancunjinlian 三寸金莲|(historical) bound foot (esp. one onl... sanda 散打|mixed martial arts sandai 三代|three generations of a family/the thr... sandaitongtang 三代同堂|three generations under one roof sandajilvbaxiangzhuyi 三大纪律八项注意|the Three Rules of Discipline and Eig... sandan 散弹|shot (for a shotgun); canister shot sandan 散诞|free and unfettered sandanqiang 散弹枪|shotgun sandaomeicaowu 三道眉草鹀|(bird species of China) meadow buntin... sandaoyoujifu 三岛由纪夫|Mishima Yukio (1925-1970), Japanese a... sandeli 三得利|Suntory, Japanese beverage company sandengfen 三等分|to trisect sandengfenjiao 三等分角|(math.) to trisect an angle sandianquanlou 三点全露|(slang) naked/nude sandianshui 三点水|name of \"water\" radical 氵[shui3] in C... sandiantu 散点图|scatter plot sandiaojiao 三貂角|Cape San Diego or Santiao, easternmos... sandieji 三叠纪|Triassic (geological period 250-205m ... sandieji 三迭纪|Triassic (geological period 250-205m ... sandimen 三地门|Santimen township in Pingtung County ... sandimenxiang 三地门乡|Santimen township in Pingtung County ... sandu 三度|third (musical interval) sanduanlun 三段论|syllogism (deduction in logic) sanduisandouniu 三对三斗牛|three-on-three basketball game sandushuizuzizhixian 三都水族自治县|Sandu Shuizu autonomous county in Qia... sanduxian 三都县|Sandu Shuizu autonomous county in Qia... saner 散饵|groundbait sanfa 散发|to distribute/to emit/to issue sanfan 三反|\"Three Anti\" campaign (anti-corruptio... sanfanliangci 三番两次|repeatedly (idiom) sanfanpanluan 三藩叛乱|rebellion against the Qing of 1670s, ... sanfanshi 三藩市|San Francisco (California) sanfanwuci 三番五次|over and over again (idiom) sanfanyundong 三反运动|\"Three Anti\" campaign (anti-corruptio... sanfanzhiluan 三藩之乱|Three feudatories rebellion against Q... sanfasi 三法司|the three judicial chief ministries (... sanfei 三废|three types of waste product, namely:... sanfei 散匪|scattered bandits/(fig.) random jotti... sanfen 三分|somewhat/to some degree sanfen 散粉|loose powder (makeup) sanfenshu 三分熟|medium rare (of steak) sanfentou 三分头|regular men\'s haircut/short back and ... sanfenzhiyi 三分之一|one third sanfenzhongredu 三分钟热度|brief period of enthusiasm/flash in t... sanfu 三伏|the three annual periods of hot weath... sanfuhuapeng 三氟化硼|boron trifluoride sanfutian 三伏天|see 三伏[san1 fu2] sang 桑|surname Sang sang 桑|(bound form) mulberry tree sang 桑|old variant of 桑[sang1] sang 丧|mourning/funeral/(old) corpse sang 丧|to lose sth abstract but important (c... sang 嗓|throat/voice sang 颡|(literary) forehead sang 磉|stone plinth sang 搡|to push forcefully/to shove sangangwuchang 三纲五常|three principles and five virtues (id... sangba 桑巴|samba (dance) (loanword) sangbang 丧棒|funeral stick (held by the son as a s... sangbang 丧梆|cold and offensive (talk or manner) sangcan 桑蚕|silkworm sangdan 丧胆|panic-stricken/scared out of one\'s wits sangde 丧德|wicked/offending morality sangdeerfude 桑德尔福德|Sandefjord (city in Vestfold, Norway) sangdela 桑德拉|Sandra (name) sangdesi 桑德斯|Sanders (name)/Bernie Sanders, United... sangdinuominzujiefangzhenxian 桑地诺民族解放阵线|Sandinista National Liberation Front sangechoupijiang,dinggezhugeliang 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮|lit. three ignorant cobblers add up t... sangechoupijiang,hechengyigezhugeliang 三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮|lit. three ignorant cobblers add up t... sangechoupijiang,saiguoyigezhugeliang 三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮|lit. three ignorant cobblers add up t... sangechoupijiang,saiguozhugeliang 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮|lit. three ignorant cobblers add up t... sangechoupijiang,shengguoyigezhugeliang 三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮|variant of 三個臭皮匠,賽過一個諸葛亮|三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛... sangedaibiao 三个代表|the Three Represents, a set of three ... sangeheshangmeishuichi 三个和尚没水吃|see 三個和尚沒水喝|三个和尚没水喝[san1 ge4 he2 shan... sangeheshangmeishuihe 三个和尚没水喝|lit. three monks have no water to dri... sangeng 三更|third of the five night watch periods... sangeng-banye 三更半夜|(idiom) in the depth of the night; ve... sangenvrenyigexu 三个女人一个墟|three women makes a crowd sangenvrenyitaixi 三个女人一台戏|three women are enough for a drama (i... sangeshijie 三个世界|the Three Worlds (as proposed by Mao ... sangfu 丧父|to be orphaned of one\'s father sangfu 丧服|mourning garment sanghai 桑海|Songhay people of Mali and the Sahara sanghuang 丧荒|funerals and famines sanghunluopo 丧魂落魄|scared out of one\'s wits (idiom); in ... sanghunshipo 丧魂失魄|out of one\'s senses; shaken to the co... sangjia 丧假|funeral leave sangjianpushang 桑间濮上|Sangjian by the Pu River, a place in ... sangjiaoweisai 桑娇维塞|Sangiovese (grape type) sangjiazhigou 丧家之狗|see 喪家之犬|丧家之犬[sang4jia1 zhi1 quan3] sangjiazhiquan 丧家之犬|lit. stray dog (idiom)/fig. one who h... sangjibaer 桑给巴尔|Zanzibar sangjin 丧尽|to completely lose (one\'s dignity, vi... sangjintianliang 丧尽天良|devoid of conscience (idiom); utterly... sangke 桑科|Moraceae (type of flowering plant) sangli 丧礼|funeral sangluan 丧乱|tragic disaster/disturbance and blood... sangmen 嗓门|voice/windpipe sangmenshen 丧门神|messenger of death/person bringing ba... sangmenxing 丧门星|messenger of death/person bringing ba... sangmenyan 嗓门眼|throat sangming 丧命|to lose one\'s life sangna 桑拿|sauna (loanword) sangna 桑那|sauna (loanword) sangneisi 桑内斯|Sandnes (city in Rogaland, Norway) sangong 散工|day labor/piece-time work sangong 散工|to release from work at the end of th... sangongjingfei 三公经费|\"three public expenditures\" of the PR... sangongxiaofei 三公消费|see 三公經費|三公经费[san1 gong1 jing1 fei4] sangou 丧偶|(literary) to be bereaved of one\'s sp... sangpao 桑藨|mulberry fruit (Fructus mori) sangpayue 桑帕约|Sampaio (name)/Jorge Sampaio (1939-),... sangqi 丧气|to feel disheartened sangqi 丧气|unlucky sangqi 丧妻|to be bereaved of one\'s wife sangqigui 丧气鬼|downcast wretch/bad-tempered and unpl... sangqihua 丧气话|demoralizing talk sangqin 丧亲|bereavement/to lose a relative sangquanruguo 丧权辱国|to forfeit sovereignty and humiliate ... sangshen 桑葚|mulberry fruit (Fructus mori) sangshen 丧身|to lose one\'s life sangsheng 丧生|to die/to lose one\'s life sangshi 丧事|funeral arrangements sangshi 丧失|to lose/to forfeit sangshi 丧尸|zombie sangshidaijin 丧失殆尽|to be used up/to be exhausted sangshu 桑树|mulberry tree, with leaves used to fe... sangtana 桑塔纳|Santana (name) sangtande 桑坦德|Santander, capital of Spanish autonom... sangtianhaili 丧天害理|devoid of conscience (idiom) sangtuolinidao 桑托里尼岛|Santorini (volcanic island in the Aeg... sanguandadi 三官大帝|the three gods in charge of heaven, e... sanguang 散光|astigmatism sanguang 散光|to diffuse light sanguang 三光|the sun, the moon, and the stars sanguangzhengce 三光政策|Three Alls Policy (kill all, burn all... sanguijiukou 三跪九叩|to kneel three times and kowtow nine ... sanguiyi 三归依|the Three Pillars of Faith (Buddha, d... sanguliupo 三姑六婆|women with disreputable or illegal pr... sangumaolu 三顾茅庐|lit. to make three visits to the that... sanguo 三国|Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Ch... sanguoshiji 三国史记|History of Three Kingdoms (Korean: Sa... sanguoyanyi 三国演义|Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo ... sanguozhi 三国志|History of the Three Kingdoms, fourth... sangwang 丧亡|to die sangxinbingkuang 丧心病狂|(idiom) deranged; demented; berserk sangyan 嗓眼|throat sangye 桑耶|Samye town and monastery in central T... sangyi 丧仪|funeral ceremony sangyin 嗓音|voice sangzang 丧葬|funeral/burial sangzangfei 丧葬费|funeral expenses sangzhi 桑植|Shangzhi county in Zhangjiajie 張家界|张家... sangzhi 丧志|to become demoralized/to lose one\'s s... sangzhixian 桑植县|Shangzhi county in Zhangjiajie 張家界|张家... sangzhong 丧钟|knell sangzi 嗓子|throat/voice/CL:把[ba3] sangzi 桑梓|(literary) one\'s native place sangziyan 嗓子眼|throat sangziyanr 嗓子眼儿|erhua variant of 嗓子眼[sang3 zi5 yan3] sanhaodianchi 三号电池|C size battery (PRC) (Taiwan equivale... sanhaomugan 三号木杆|spoon (golf) sanhe 三河|Sanhe, county-level city in Langfang ... sanhehui 三合会|triad, Chinese crime gang/triad socie... sanheshi 三河市|Sanhe, county-level city in Langfang ... sanhetu 三合土|traditional Chinese building material... sanhexian 三和弦|(music) triad; three-note chord sanhexing 三合星|(astronomy) triple star system sanheyi 三合一|three in one/triple sanheyiyimiao 三合一疫苗|DTP vaccination sanheyuan 三合院|residence consisting of structures su... sanhu 散户|individual (shareholder)/the small in... sanhua 散话|digression sanhuang 三皇|the three legendary sovereigns of the... sanhuangpaochui 三皇炮捶|Pao Chui (Chinese martial art) sanhuangwudi 三皇五帝|three sovereigns 三皇[san1 huang2] and ... sanhui 散会|to disperse a meeting/to adjourn/fini... sanhun 三魂|three immortal souls in Daoism, repre... sanhunqipo 三魂七魄|three immortal souls and seven mortal... sanhuo 散伙|to disband/(of a partnership, group e... sanhuofan 散伙饭|farewell dinner party saniao 撒尿|to pass water/to piss/to urinate/to w... sanji 散记|random jottings/travel notes sanji 散剂|powder medicine sanji 三级|grade 3/third class/category C sanjia 三甲|3rd rank of candidates who passed the... sanjia 散架|to fall apart/exhaustion sanjia 三价|trivalent sanjiacun 三家村|(lit.) village of three households/th... sanjiamache 三驾马车|troika sanjian 散件|spare parts/odds and ends sanjian 散见|seen periodically sanjian 三键|triple bond (chemistry)/triple link sanjiang 伞降|to parachute into/parachuting sanjiangbingliu 三江并流|Three Parallel Rivers National Park, ... sanjiangdongzuzizhixian 三江侗族自治县|Sanjiang Dong autonomous county in Li... sanjiangpingyuan 三江平原|Sanjiang or Three rivers plain in Hei... sanjiangshengtailvyouqu 三江生态旅游区|Sanjiang Ecological Tourist Area in W... sanjiangyuan 三江源|Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve,... sanjianqikou 三缄其口|(idiom) reluctant to speak about it/t... sanjianshanzhijian 三尖杉酯碱|harringtonine (chemistry) sanjiantaoshixizhuang 三件套式西装|three-piece suit sanjiao 三角|triangle sanjiao 三教|the Three Doctrines (Daoism, Confucia... sanjiao 三焦|(TCM) the three truncal cavities (tho... sanjiao 三膲|variant of 三焦[san1 jiao1] sanjiao 散焦|to defocus/bokeh sanjiaoban 三角板|set square/triangle (for drawing righ... sanjiaoceliangfa 三角测量法|triangulation (surveying) sanjiaodai 三角带|V-belt (a type of drive belt with a t... sanjiaodeng 三角凳|three-legged stool sanjiaofa 三角法|trigonometry (math.) sanjiaofudai 三角腹带|athletic supporter sanjiaoguanxi 三角关系|triangular relationship; (esp.) a lov... sanjiaohanshu 三角函数|trigonometric function sanjiaoji 三角肌|deltoid muscle (over the shoulder) sanjiaojia 三脚架|tripod/derrick crane sanjiaojin 三角巾|sling (for a wounded arm) sanjiaojiuliu 三教九流|the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucia... sanjiaokonglong 三角恐龙|triceratops (dinosaur) sanjiaoku 三角裤|briefs/panties sanjiaokucha 三角裤衩|briefs/panties sanjiaolianai 三角恋爱|love triangle sanjiaoliangbu 三脚两步|hurriedly/just a few steps away sanjiaolong 三角龙|triceratops sanjiaomao 三脚猫|sb with only rudimentary skills (in a... sanjiaotie 三角铁|triangle (musical instrument)/angle iron sanjiaoxing 三角形|triangle sanjiaoxue 三角学|trigonometry sanjiaozhai 三角债|triangular debt sanjiaozhou 三角洲|delta (geography) sanjiaozhui 三角锥|triangular pyramid (math.) sanjiaozhuti 三角柱体|triangular prism (math.) sanjiaozuo 三角座|Triangulum (constellation) sanjiebian 三节鞭|three-section staff (old-style weapon) sanjiguan 三极管|triode (vacuum tube or transistor) sanjin 散尽|to be totally dispersed (crowd) sanjing 三井|Mitsui (Japanese company) sanjing 散景|bokeh (photography) sanjipian 三级片|third category movie (containing sexu... sanjishiguan 三级士官|staff sergeant sanjitiao 三级跳|triple jump (athletics)/hop, skip and... sanjitiaoyuan 三级跳远|triple jump (athletics)/hop, skip and... sanjiutian 三九天|the twenty seven days after the Winte... sanju 散居|(of a group of people) to live scatte... sanjuhuabulibenhang 三句话不离本行|to talk shop all the time (idiom) sanjun 三军|(in former times) upper, middle and l... sanjun 伞菌|agaric sanjunyongming 三军用命|(of a team) to throw oneself into the... sanjuqingan 三聚氰胺|melamine C3H6N6 sanjuti 三聚体|trimer (chemistry) sankai 散开|to separate/to disperse sankdang 三K党|Ku Klux Klan/KKK sanke 散客|FIT (free independent traveler); indi... sankuanglan 三框栏|radical 匚[fang1] (Kangxi radical 22) sanlengcao 三棱草|sedge herb (Cyperus rotundus) sanlengjing 三棱镜|(triangular) prism sanliang 三两|two or three sanlianguan 三联管|triplet sanliansheng 三连胜|hat-trick (sports) sanlianshifapiao 三联式发票|(Tw) triplicate uniform invoice, a ty... sanlianshudian 三联书店|Joint Publishing, bookstore chain and... sanlie 散列|to hash/hashing (computing) sanlihe 三里河|Sanlihe (Beijing street name) sanling 三菱|Mitsubishi sanlingwushen 三令五申|to order again and again (idiom) sanlinsuanxiangan 三磷酸腺苷|adenosine triphosphate (ATP) sanlitun 三里屯|Sanlitun (Beijing street name) sanliu 三流|third-rate/inferior sanlu 三鹿|Sanlu (brand) sanluan 散乱|in disorder/messy/Taiwan pr. [san4 lu... sanlujituan 三鹿集团|Sanlu Group, Chinese state-owned dair... sanlunche 三轮车|pedicab/tricycle sanlunchefu 三轮车夫|pedicab driver sanlunzong 三论宗|Three Treatise School (Buddhism) sanluo 散落|to lie scattered (over an area)/Taiwa... sanluo 散落|to disperse/to fall scattered/to spri... sanlve 三略|see 黃石公三略|黄石公三略[Huang2 Shi2 gong1 San... sanlvhualin 三氯化磷|phosphorous trichloride sanlvhuatie 三氯化铁|ferric chloride FeCl3 sanlvjiawan 三氯甲烷|chloroform (trichloromethane CHCl3) sanlvqingan 三氯氰胺|melamine C3H6N6 sanlvyanglin 三氯氧磷|phosphorous oxychloride sanlvzhetang 三氯蔗糖|sucralose sanman 散漫|undisciplined/unorganized sanmaomao 三毛猫|tortoiseshell cat/calico cat sanmatongcao 三马同槽|three horses at the same trough (idio... sanmei 三昧|Samadhi (Buddhist term) sanmen 三门|Sanmen county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou... sanmen 散闷|to divert oneself from melancholy sanmenxia 三门峡|see 三門峽市|三门峡市[San1men2xia2 Shi4] sanmenxian 三门县|Sanmen county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou... sanmenxiashi 三门峡市|Sanmenxia, prefecture-level city in H... sanmiaojiao 三秒胶|superglue sanmin 三民|Sanmin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市... sanming 三明|see 三明市[San1ming2 Shi4] sanmingshi 三明市|Sanming, prefecture-level city in Fuj... sanmingzhi 三明治|(loanword) sandwich sanminqu 三民区|Sanmin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市... sanminzhuyi 三民主义|Dr Sun Yat-sen\'s 孫中山|孙中山 Three Princi... sannong 三农|see 三農問題|三农问题[san1 nong2 wen4 ti2] sannongwenti 三农问题|the three rural issues: agriculture, ... sanp 三P|(slang) threesome sanp 3P|(slang) threesome sanpao 三炮|(Northeastern dialect) simple-minded ... sanpeicengdongwu 三胚层动物|triploblastic animals (having three g... sanpeixiaojie 三陪小姐|female escort/bar girl sanpengsiyou 三朋四友|friends; cronies sanpu 三浦|Miura (Japanese surname and place name) sanpumeiyuan 三浦梅园|MIURA Baien (1723-1789), Japanese neo... sanq 3Q|(Internet slang) thank you (loanword) sanqi 三七|pseudoginseng (Panax pseudoginseng), ... sanqian 散钱|small sum of money/loose change/Canto... sanqian 散钱|to scatter money/to give to charity sanqiandaqianshijie 三千大千世界|cosmos (Buddhism) sanqiershiyi 三七二十一|three sevens are twenty-one (idiom)/t... sanqikai 三七开|ratio seventy to thirty/thirty percen... sanqikaidinglun 三七开定论|thirty percent failure, seventy perce... sanqinliugu 三亲六故|old friends and relatives sanqizi 三七仔|(slang) pimp sanqu 散曲|verse or song form from Yuan, Ming an... sanquandingli 三权鼎立|separation of powers sanquanfenli 三权分立|separation of powers sanre 散热|to dissipate heat sanregao 散热膏|thermal grease sanrenchenghu 三人成虎|three men talking makes a tiger (idio... sanrenxing 三人行|(slang) threesome sanrenxing,biyouwoshi 三人行,必有我师|lit. if three walk together, one can ... sanrenxing,zebiyouwoshi 三人行,则必有我师|If three walk together, one of them c... sanrepian 散热片|heat sink sanreqi 散热器|radiator (for heating a room)/radiato... sansanliangliang 三三两两|in twos and threes sansejin 三色堇|pansy sansemao 三色猫|calico cat sanseziluolan 三色紫罗兰|pansy sansha 三沙|see 三沙市[San1sha1 Shi4] sansha 散沙|scattered sand/fig. lacking in cohesi... sanshashi 三沙市|Sansha, prefecture-level city in Hain... sanshe 散射|(physics) to scatter sansheng 三牲|the three sacrificial animals (origin... sanshengyouxing 三生有幸|the blessing of three lifetimes (idio... sanshi 三世|the Third (of numbered kings) sanshi 三十|thirty/30 sanshi 散失|to squander/lost sanshibaduxian 三十八度线|38th parallel/dividing line agreed at... sanshierli 三十而立|thirty years old and therefore indepe... sanshierweiyuan 三十二位元|32-bit (computing) sanshierxiang 三十二相|the thirty-two physical characteristi... sanshiliuji 三十六计|The Thirty-Six Stratagems, a Chinese ... sanshiliuji,zouweishangce 三十六计,走为上策|of the thirty-six stratagems, the bes... sanshiliuji,zouweishangji 三十六计,走为上计|see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策[san1 shi2 liu... sanshiliuzimu 三十六字母|thirty six initial consonants of Song... sanshinianhedong,sanshinianhexi 三十年河东,三十年河西|the river flows thirty years to the E... sanshoubing 三手病|repetitive strain injury (resulting f... sanshu 散束|scattering of bundle (of electrons in... sanshui 三水|Sanshui, a district of Foshan 佛山市[Fo2... sanshui 散水|apron (sloping brickwork to disperse ... sanshuiqu 三水区|Sanshui, a district of Foshan 佛山市[Fo2... sansierhouxing 三思而后行|think again and again before acting (... sansierxing 三思而行|think three times then go (idiom); do... sansu 三苏|the Three Su\'s (famous Song dynasty w... sansuanganyouzhi 三酸甘油酯|triglyceride sansui 三穗|Sansui county in Qiandongnan Miao and... sansui 散碎|in fragments sansuixian 三穗县|Sansui county in Qiandongnan Miao and... sansuojinshe 三索锦蛇|copperhead race (Elaphe radiata), kin... santai 三台|Santai county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2... santaixian 三台县|Santai county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2... santantang 三碳糖|triose (CH2O)3, monosaccharide with t... santanzi 散摊子|to break up; to disband santi 散体|free prose style santi 三体|trisomy santian 三田|Mita, Sanda, Mitsuda etc (Japanese su... santian 三田|3 annual hunting bouts/3 qi points santianbuda,shangfangjiewa 三天不打,上房揭瓦|three days without a beating, and a c... santiandayu,liangtianshaiwang 三天打鱼,两天晒网|lit. to fish for three days and sun-d... santianliangtou 三天两头|lit. twice every three days (idiom); ... santiao 三条|three of a kind (poker) santie 三铁|triathlon (Tw)/(athletics) throwing e... santiwenti 三体问题|three-body problem (mechanics) santizhuo 三屉桌|three-drawer desk (traditional Chines... santong 三通|T-joint/T-piece/T-pipe/three links santouji 三头肌|triceps muscle/triceps brachii santouliubi 三头六臂|lit. to have three heads and six arms... santui 三退|withdrawal from the Communist Party, ... santuiku 散腿裤|loose-fitting pants/Chinese-style pants sanwaliangshe 三瓦两舍|places of pleasure (like brothels, te... sanwan 三湾|Sanwan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|... sanwang 散亡|dispersed and lost sanwanxiang 三湾乡|Sanwan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|... sanwei 三维|three-dimensional/3D sanwei 三围|BWH, abbr. for a woman\'s three measur... sanweiboshi 三位博士|the Magi/the Three Wise Kings from th... sanweikongjian 三维空间|three-dimensional space/3D sanweixian 三味线|shamisen, three-stringed Japanese mus... sanweiyiti 三位一体|Holy Trinity/trinity sanwen 散文|prose/essay sanwennuan 三温暖|sauna (loanword) (Tw) sanwenshi 散文诗|prose poem sanwenyu 三文鱼|salmon (loanword) sanwenzhi 三文治|sandwich (loanword) sanwu 三五|several/three or five sanwu 三无|lacking three key attributes (or at l... sanwuchanpin 三无产品|product lacking one or more of three ... sanwuchengqun 三五成群|in groups of three or four (idiom) sanwuqiye 三无企业|enterprise with no premises, capital ... sanwurenyuan 三无人员|person without identification papers,... sanxi 散戏|end of a show sanxi 散席|end of a banquet sanxia 三峡|Three Gorges on the Chang Jiang or Ya... sanxia 伞下|under the umbrella of sanxiadaba 三峡大坝|Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River sanxialiangxia 三下两下|quickly and effortlessly (idiom) sanxian 三弦|sanxian, large family of 3-stringed p... sanxian 三鲜|three fresh ingredients (in cooking) sanxiang 三项|three items/three events/three terms/... sanxiang 三厢|sedan (automobile body type) sanxiangdian 三相点|triple point (thermodynamics) sanxiangquanneng 三项全能|triathlon sanxiangshi 三项式|trinomial (math.) sanxiao 三小|(Tw) (vulgar) what the hell? (from Ta... sanxiaojijiaben 三硝基甲苯|trinitrotoluene (TNT) sanxiashuiku 三峡水库|Three Gorges Reservoir on the Changji... sanxiawuchuer 三下五除二|three, set five remove two (abacus ru... sanxiawuyi 三侠五义|Sanxia wuyi (lit. Three knight-errant... sanxiazhen 三峡镇|Sanxia or Sanhsia town in New Taipei ... sanxin 散心|to drive away cares/to relieve boredom sanxineryi 三心二意|in two minds about sth (idiom)/half-h... sanxing 三星|Samsung (South Korean electronics com... sanxing 三星|three major stars of the Three Stars ... sanxing 伞形|umbrella-shaped sanxingdui 三星堆|archaeological site of Sanxingdui out... sanxingjituan 三星集团|Samsung Group sanxingke 伞形科|Umbelliferae or Apiaceae, plant famil... sanxingxiang 三星乡|Sanxing or Sanhsing Township in Yilan... sanxinjiemen 散心解闷|to divert one\'s mind from boredom (id... sanxue 散学|end of school sanxunjiushi 三旬九食|lit. to have only nine meals in thirt... sanya 三亚|see 三亞市|三亚市[San1ya4 Shi4] sanyang 三洋|Sanyō, Japanese electronics company sanyang 散养|free-range raising (of poultry, cattl... sanyanliangju 三言两句|in a few words (idiom); expressed suc... sanyanliangyu 三言两语|in a few words (idiom); expressed suc... sanyashi 三亚市|Sanya, prefecture-level city in Haina... sanyecao 三叶草|clover/trefoil sanyechong 三叶虫|trilobite sanyexingyun 三叶星云|Trifid Nebula, M20 sanyi 散佚|to be scattered and lost sanyi 散逸|to disperse and escape; to dissipate sanyi 三义|Sanyi township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗... sanyiceng 散逸层|exosphere sanyijiao 三夷教|the three foreign religions (Nestoria... sanyin 三音|third (musical interval, e.g. do-mi) sanyindu 三音度|third (musical interval) sanyixiang 三义乡|Sanyi township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗... sanyongdianbiao 三用电表|multimeter sanyuan 三原|Sanyuan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian... sanyuan 三元|(old) first place in civil service ex... sanyuanchun 三元醇|propyl alcohol C3H7OH sanyuanqu 三元区|Sanyuan, a district of Sanming City 三... sanyuanxian 三原县|Sanyuan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian... sanyuanyin 三元音|triphthong (such as putonghua uei etc) sanyuanze 三原则|the Three Principles (in many contexts) sanyue 三月|March/third month (of the lunar year) sanyuefen 三月份|March sanyuejie 三月街|Third Month Fair, traditional festiva... sanzang 三藏|Tripitaka, the three main types of te... sanzangfashi 三藏法师|monk who has mastered the scriptures;... sanzhen 三振|to strike out/strikeout (baseball, so... sanzhenchuju 三振出局|see 三振[san1 zhen4] sanzhenjiulie 三贞九烈|(of a widow) faithful to the death to... sanzhi 三芝|Sanzhi or Sanchih township in New Tai... sanzhi 散职|sinecure sanzhibinyu 三趾滨鹬|(bird species of China) sanderling (C... sanzhicuiniao 三趾翠鸟|(bird species of China) black-backed ... sanzhiou 三趾鸥|(bird species of China) black-legged ... sanzhishou 三只手|pickpocket sanzhixiang 三芝乡|Sanzhi or Sanchih township in New Tai... sanzhiyaque 三趾鸦雀|(bird species of China) three-toed pa... sanzhizhuomuniao 三趾啄木鸟|(bird species of China) Eurasian thre... sanzhongquanhui 三中全会|third plenum of a national congress o... sanzhuang 散装|loose goods/goods sold open/draft (of... sanzhumen 三柱门|(sports) (cricket) wicket (set of stu... sanzi 馓子|deep-fried noodle cake sanzi 三自|abbr. for 三自愛國教會|三自爱国教会[San1 zi4 Ai4 ... sanziaiguojiaohui 三自爱国教会|Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PRC go... sanzijiaohui 三自教会|Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PRC go... sanzijing 三字经|Three Character Classic, 13th century... sanzijing 三字经|(slang) swearword/four-letter word sanziqiye 三资企业|foreign, private and joint ventures sanzu 三族|(old) three generations (father, self... sanzujinwu 三足金乌|three-legged Golden Crow that lives i... sanzuo 散座|single seat (in theater)/irregular pa... sanzuor 散座儿|erhua variant of 散座[san3 zuo4]/single... sanzuwu 三足乌|three-legged Golden Crow that lives i... sao 骚|(bound form) to disturb; to disrupt/f... sao 扫|to sweep (with a brush or broom)/to s... sao 扫|(bound form) a (large) broom sao 嫂|(bound form) older brother\'s wife; si... sao 搔|to scratch/old variant of 騷|骚[sao1] sao 氉|restless, melancholy sao 臊|to smell of urine (or sweat etc) sao 臊|shame/bashfulness/to shame/to humiliate sao 缲|to reel silk from cocoons sao 缫|to reel silk from cocoons sao 埽|dike/old variant of 掃|扫[sao4] sao 慅|agitated sao 瘙|itch/old term for scabies/Taiwan pr. ... sao 騒|Japanese variant of 騷|骚 sao 髞|used in 髝髞[lao2sao4] sao 喿|chirping of birds sao 𩙫|blowing of the wind saoba 扫把|broom saobao 骚包|(slang) alluring/showy/flashy and ent... saobaxing 扫把星|comet/person who brings bad luck; jinx saochu 扫除|to clean; to clean up/to eliminate; t... saochu-tianxia 扫除天下|(idiom) to re-establish order through... saochuji 扫除机|mechanical sweeper saodang 扫荡|(military) to mop up/to crack down on... saodangtui 扫荡腿|see 掃堂腿|扫堂腿[sao3tang2tui3] saodi 扫地|to sweep the floor/(fig.) (of one\'s r... saodijiqiren 扫地机器人|robot vacuum saodiseng 扫地僧|Sweeper Monk, nameless monk who maint... saodong 骚动|disturbance; uproar/CL:陣|阵[zhen4]/to ... saohei 扫黑|to crack down on illegal activities/t... saohua 骚话|obscenities/lewd talk saohuang 扫黄|campaign against pornography saohuangdafei 扫黄打非|to eradicate pornography and illegal ... saohuangyundong 扫黄运动|campaign against pornography saohuo 骚货|loose woman; slut saohuo 扫货|to go on a shopping spree; to buy in ... saojiao 骚搅|to disturb; to pester saojie 扫街|to sweep the streets/to canvas (for v... saoke 骚客|(literary) poet/literati saolei 扫雷|minesweeper (computer game) saoleijian 扫雷舰|minesweeper saoleiting 扫雷艇|minesweeper saoluan 骚乱|disturbance; riot/to create a disturb... saoluanzhe 骚乱者|a rioter saoluo 扫罗|Saul (name)/biblical king around 1000 BC saolv 骚驴|jackass saoma 扫码|to scan a QR code or barcode saomang 扫盲|to wipe out illiteracy saomaqiang 扫码枪|handheld barcode scanner saomei 扫眉|to paint the eyebrows saomei-dayan 臊眉耷眼|(idiom) ashamed saomiao 扫描|to scan saomiaoqi 扫描器|scanner saomiaoyi 扫描仪|scanner (device) saomu 扫墓|to sweep a grave (and pay one\'s respe... saomujie 扫墓节|see 清明節|清明节[Qing1ming2jie2] saonao 骚闹|noisy; to make a racket saoqi 臊气|foul smell/stench/smell of urine saoqing 骚情|frivolous/flirtatious saoran 骚然|turbulent saorao 骚扰|to disturb/to cause a commotion/to ha... saorao 搔扰|to disturb/to harass saoraokezao 骚扰客蚤|Xenopsylla vexabilis saorui 骚瑞|sorry (loanword) saosao 嫂嫂|older brother\'s wife/sister-in-law/(p... saoshe 扫射|to rake with machine gunfire/to straf... saoshi 扫视|to run one\'s eyes over/to sweep one\'s... saoshou-nongzi 搔首弄姿|(idiom) to strike a coquettish pose saotangtui 扫堂腿|(martial arts) floor-sweeping kick (t... saoti 骚体|poetry in the style of 離騷|离骚[Li2 Sao1] saotou-nongzi 搔头弄姿|see 搔首弄姿[sao1shou3-nong4zi1] saotui 扫腿|see 掃堂腿|扫堂腿[sao3tang2tui3] saowei 扫尾|to complete the last stage of work/to... saowei 骚味|foul smell saoxing 臊腥|stench; stink saoxing 扫兴|to spoil things; to dampen spirits/to... saoxueche 扫雪车|snowplow saoyang 瘙痒|to itch/itchiness saoyang 搔痒|to scratch (an itch)/to tickle saoyangbing 瘙痒病|scrapie (prion disease of sheep) saoyangzheng 瘙痒症|pruritus/itchy skin saozhou 扫帚|broom saozhouxing 扫帚星|comet/person who brings bad luck; jinx saozi 嫂子|(coll.) older brother\'s wife; sister-... saozi 臊子|(dialect) minced or diced meat (as pa... sapo 撒泼|to make an unreasonable scene saqi 撒气|to leak (of air)/to go flat (of a tir... saqieer 撒切尔|Thatcher (name)/Baroness Thatcher or ... saqieerfuren 撒切尔夫人|Mrs Thatcher/Baroness Thatcher or Mar... saqima 萨其马|see 沙琪瑪|沙琪玛[sha1 qi2 ma3] saran 飒然|soughing (of the wind) saran 撒然|sudden sasa 飒飒|soughing/whistling or rushing sound (... sasangwangchao 萨桑王朝|Sassanid Empire of Persia (c. 2nd-7th... sashanwangchao 萨珊王朝|Sassanid Empire of Persia (c. 2nd-7th... sashou 撒手|to let go of sth/to give up sashoubiyan 撒手闭眼|to have nothing further to do with a ... sashoubuguan 撒手不管|to stand aside and do nothing (idiom)... sashoujian 撒手锏|(fig.) trump card sashourenhuan 撒手人寰|to leave one\'s mortal frame (idiom)/t... sashuang 飒爽|heroic/valiant sashui 洒水|to sprinkle sashuiche 洒水车|sprinkler truck sashuiji 洒水机|sprinkler sasi 萨斯|SARS/Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome sasibing 萨斯病|SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) sasikachewen 萨斯喀彻温|Saskatchewan province, Canada sasikatong 萨斯卡通|Saskatoon city, Saskatchewan, Canada sate 萨特|Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), French ... satui 撒腿|to take to one\'s heels/to scram satuo 洒脱|free and at ease; natural; unconstrained sawahe 萨瓦河|Sava River, flowing through Southeast... sawang 撒网|to throw a net sawangbufeng 撒网捕风|lit. the wind cannot be caught in a n... saximi 撒西米|sashimi (loanword) sayanling 萨彦岭|Sayan Mountains, on the border of Rus... sayazi 撒丫子|(dialect) to scamper off; to take to ... saye 撒野|to display shockingly bad behavior/to... sayizheng 撒呓挣|(coll.) to talk in one\'s sleep; to sl... sazhong 撒种|to sow seeds se 色|color/CL:種|种[zhong3]/look/appearance/sex se 塞|to stop up/to stuff/to cope with se 瑟|a type of standing harp, smaller than... se 涩|astringent/tart/acerbity/unsmooth/rou... se 涩|old variant of 澀|涩[se4] se 铯|cesium (chemistry) se 濇|grating (of surfaces) se 歮|old variant of 澀|涩[se4] se 啬|stingy se 穑|gather in harvest se 璱|bright (of jade) se 譅|talkative/loquacious se 歰|old variant of 澀|涩[se4] se 轖|leather top of a cart se 穯|old variant of 穡|穑[se4] se 渋|Japanese variant of 澀|涩[se4] se 瀒|variant of 濇[se4] seansuan 色胺酸|tryptophan seansuan 色氨酸|tryptophan (Trp), an essential amino ... seban 色斑|stain/colored patch/freckle/lentigo secai 色彩|tint; coloring; coloration/(fig.) fla... secaibinfen 色彩缤纷|see 五彩繽紛|五彩缤纷[wu3 cai3 bin1 fen1] secayin 塞擦音|affricate (phonetics) seda 色达|Sêrtar county (Tibetan: gser thar rdz... sedan 色胆|boldness in pursuing one\'s sexual urges sedanbaotian 色胆包天|outrageously bold in one\'s lust/debau... sedang 色当|Sedan (French town) sediao 色调|hue/tone seding 色丁|satin (textile) (loanword) sedu 色度|saturation (color theory) segeweiya 塞哥维亚|Segovia, Spain seguang 色光|colored light segui 色鬼|lecher/pervert sehao 色号|shade (of lipstick etc); color option sehuang 色荒|wallowing in lust sejian 色键|chroma key/bluescreen/greenscreen (vi... sejue 色觉|color vision sela 色拉|salad (loanword) selajiang 色拉酱|salad dressing selang 色狼|lecher; pervert; wolf selasi 色拉寺|Sera monastery near Lhasa, Tibet selayefo 塞拉耶佛|Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herze... selayou 色拉油|salad oil seliciyan 色厉词严|severe in both looks and speech (idiom) selineiren 色厉内荏|lit. show strength while weak inside ... selingzhihun 色令智昏|to lose one\'s head over lust/sex-craz... selun 色轮|color wheel semai 涩脉|sluggish pulse semang 色盲|color-blind/color blindness semi 色迷|crazy about sex/lecherous/horny semimi 色迷迷|see 色瞇瞇|色眯眯[se4 mi1 mi1] semimi 色眯眯|lustful/lecherous semo 色魔|sex fiend/molester/sex attacker/sex d... semu 色目|Semu sen 森|Mori (Japanese surname) sen 森|(bound form) densely wooded/(fig.) (b... sen 椮|lush growth (trees)/fishing using bun... senbawu 森巴舞|samba (Tw) (loanword) seng 僧|(bound form) Buddhist monk (abbr. for... seng 鬙|short hair/unkempt sengduozhoushao 僧多粥少|lit. many monks and not much gruel (i... sengjialuoyu 僧加罗语|Sinhalese (language) senglv 僧侣|monk sengmaoban 僧帽瓣|see 二尖瓣[er4 jian1 ban4] sengmaohou 僧帽猴|capuchin monkey/genus Cebidae sengmaoshuimu 僧帽水母|(zoology) Portuguese man o\' war (Phys... sengni 僧尼|(Buddhist) monks and nuns sengqie 僧伽|(Buddhism) sangha/the monastic commun... sengren 僧人|monk sengsu 僧俗|Buddhist monks and secular people sengtu 僧徒|Buddhist monks sengyuan 僧院|abbey/Buddhist monastery/vihara senhaiseer 森海塞尔|Sennheiser (brand) senlin 森林|forest/CL:片[pian4] senlinnaoyan 森林脑炎|forest encephalitis senlinpeiyu 森林培育|forestry/silviculture senlinyu 森林浴|forest bathing: spending time in a fo... senluo 森罗|many things arranged together, or con... senluobaodian 森罗宝殿|Yama\'s palace senluodian 森罗殿|Yama\'s palace senmeilan 森美兰|Sembilan, state of southwest Malaysia senran 森然|(of tall trees) dense, thick/awe-insp... sensen 森森|dense (of trees)/thick/ghastly/eerie sentian 森田|Morita (Japanese surname) senxilang 森喜朗|MORI Yoshirō (1937-), Japanese rugby ... senyan 森严|strict/rigid/tight (security) sepei 色胚|(slang) pervert/lecher seqing 色情|pornography/sex seqingkuang 色情狂|mad about sex/nymphomania seqingpian 色情片|pornographic film seqingxiaoshuo 色情小说|pornographic novel/dirty book seqingye 色情业|porn business seqingzuopin 色情作品|porn/pornographic material seruo 色弱|partial color blindness/color weakness sese 瑟瑟|trembling/rustling sesefadou 瑟瑟发抖|to shiver sesemimi 色色迷迷|crazy about sex/lecherous/horny sesu 色素|pigment sesuo 瑟缩|to curl up shivering (from cold)/timi... sesuo 瑟索|to shiver/to tremble sesuti 色素体|plastid (organelle in plant cell) sewei 涩味|acerbic (taste)/astringent sexiang 色相|coloration/hue/sex/sex appeal sexiangweijuquan 色香味俱全|to smell, look and taste great sexier 塞席尔|the Seychelles (Tw) seyi 色夷|smiling genially/to beam seyin 塞音|(linguistics) plosive; stop seyou 色诱|to seduce/to lead into sex seyou 色友|photography enthusiast seyu 色域|color gamut seyu 色欲|sexual desire/lust seze 色泽|color and luster seze 塞责|to carry out one\'s duties perfunctori... sezhang 色长|head of a division of the music acade... sezitoushangyibadao 色字头上一把刀|lit. there is a knife above the chara... sha 啥|dialectal equivalent of 什麼|什么[shen2 m... sha 杀|to kill; to slay; to murder; to attac... sha 沙|surname Sha sha 沙|granule/hoarse/raspy/sand/powder/CL:粒... sha 砂|sand/gravel/granule/variant of 沙[sha1] sha 莎|katydid (family Tettigoniidae)/phonet... sha 傻|foolish sha 鲨|shark sha 厦|tall building/mansion/rear annex/lean... sha 刹|to brake sha 煞|to terminate/to cut short/to bring to... sha 煞|fiend/demon/very/(Tw) SARS (loanword) sha 翣|wooden fan carried in procession sha 嗄|hoarse sha 纱|cotton yarn/muslin sha 樧|Zanthoxylum ailanthoides sha 痧|cholera sha 裟|used in 袈裟[jia1 sha1] sha 铩|(old) spear; lance/(literary) to crip... sha 唼|to speak evil/gobbling sound made by ... sha 霎|all of a sudden/drizzle sha 倽|old variant of 啥[sha2] sha 萐|(auspicious herb) sha 歃|to drink sha 儍|variant of 傻[sha3] sha 魦|shark family, including some rays and... sha 箑|fan sha 帹|kerchief covering head (arch.) shaba 沙坝|a sandbank/a sand bar shaba 沙巴|Sabah, state of Malaysia in north Bor... shaba 刹把|brake lever/crank handle for stopping... shabai 煞白|deathly white shabaitian 傻白甜|(Internet slang) sweet, naive young w... shabao 沙暴|sandstorm shabao 沙包|sandbag/punching bag (trad. filled wi... shabao 沙堡|sandcastle shabaoyan 傻爆眼|(slang) stunned; flabbergasted (empha... shabi 傻B|variant of 傻屄[sha3 bi1] shabi 煞笔|to stop one\'s pen/to break off writin... shabi 傻逼|variant of 傻屄[sha3 bi1] shabi 傻屄|stupid cunt (vulgar) shabu 纱布|gauze shabukouzhao 纱布口罩|gauze mask shabulengdeng 傻不愣登|stupid; dazed shabuzhu 刹不住|unable to brake (stop) shacan 沙蚕|genus Nereis, with species including ... shacaokuai 杀草快|diquat shacha 沙茶|satay (spicy peanut sauce), also spel... shacha 傻叉|fool/blockhead shachang 沙场|sandpit/battleground/battlefield shachang 纱厂|cotton mill/textile factory shache 刹车|to brake (when driving)/to stop/to sw... shache 莎车|Yeken nahiyisi (Yarkand county or Sha... shache 煞车|to brake (when driving) shachedeng 刹车灯|brake light shachen 沙尘|airborne sand and dust shachenbao 沙尘暴|sand and dust storm shachexian 莎车县|Yeken nahiyisi (Yarkand county or Sha... shachi 沙池|sandpit (for children\'s play or for l... shachong 杀虫|insecticide shachong 沙虫|sandworm shachongji 杀虫剂|insecticide/pesticide shachongyao 杀虫药|insecticide shachuang 纱窗|screen window shachuchongwei 杀出重围|to force one\'s way out of encirclemen... shachui 沙锤|maraca shachui 砂槌|variant of 沙錘|沙锤[sha1chui2] shachui 沙槌|variant of 沙錘|沙锤[sha1chui2] shachui 砂锤|variant of 沙錘|沙锤[sha1chui2] shadage 傻大个|idiot/blockhead/clod/oaf shadager 傻大个儿|stupid great hulk of a man shadai 沙袋|sandbag/punching bag (trad. filled wi... shadaishu 沙袋鼠|swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) shadan 傻蛋|stupid young fellow/idiot shadao 煞到|(Tw) to like/to fall in love with shadi 沙地|sandy beach or river bank/sand dune/s... shadi 杀敌|to attack the enemy shadiao 沙雕|sand sculpture shadiao 杀掉|to kill shadie 沙爹|satay (sauce) shadiejiang 沙爹酱|satay sauce shadihua 沙地话|see 啟海話|启海话[Qi3 hai3 hua4] shadinganchun 沙丁胺醇|salbutamol (a beta 2 agonist used in ... shadingyu 沙丁鱼|sardine (loanword) shadu 杀毒|to disinfect/(computing) to destroy a... shaduruanjian 杀毒软件|antivirus software shae 沙俄|Tsarist Russia/abbr. for 沙皇俄國|沙皇俄国[Sh... shafa 沙发|sofa (loanword)/CL:條|条[tiao2],張|张[zha... shafachuang 沙发床|sofa bed/sleeper sofa shafake 沙发客|couchsurfing/couchsurfer shafaweiwangchao 沙法维王朝|Persian Safavid Dynasty 1501-1722 shafeikuxin 煞费苦心|to take a lot of trouble (idiom); pai... shafengjing 杀风景|variant of 煞風景|煞风景[sha1 feng1 jing3] shafengjing 煞风景|to be an eyesore/(fig.) to spoil the ... shafujipin 杀富济贫|robbing the rich to help the poor shagua 傻瓜|idiot/fool shaguaganmian 傻瓜干面|boiled noodles served without broth, ... shaguashi 傻瓜式|foolproof shaguaxiangji 傻瓜相机|point-and-shoot camera/compact camera shaguo 砂锅|casserole/earthenware pot shaguo 沙锅|variant of 砂鍋|砂锅[sha1 guo1] shaguo 沙果|Chinese pearleaf crabapple (Malus asi... shaguo 沙国|Saudi Arabia (Tw), abbr. for 沙烏地阿拉伯王國... shahai 杀害|to murder shahe 沙河|Shahe, county-level city in Xingtai 邢... shahe 沙盒|(computing) sandbox shahekouqu 沙河口区|Shahekou district of Dalian 大連市|大连市[D... shaheshang 沙和尚|Sha Wujing shaheshi 沙河市|Shahe, county-level city in Xingtai 邢... shahua 傻话|foolish talk/nonsense shahua 沙画|sand picture shahuang 沙皇|czar (loanword) shahuang 沙蝗|desert locust shahuangeguo 沙皇俄国|Tsarist Russia shahuhu 傻乎乎|feeble-minded/dim-witted shai 色|(coll.) color/used in 色子[shai3zi5] shai 晒|variant of 曬|晒[shai4] shai 晒|(of the sun) to shine on/to bask in (... shai 籭|old variant of 篩|筛[shai1] shai 筛|(bound form) a sieve/to sieve; to sif... shaiban 晒斑|sunburn spots (on skin) shaicha 筛查|to screen (for disease etc) shaichu 筛除|to screen or filter out/to winnow (ag... shaidaxian 色达县|Sêrtar county (Tibetan: gser thar rdz... shaifa 筛法|the sieve method (for primes) shaigan 晒干|to dry in the sun shaigu 筛骨|ethmoid bone (cheek) shaiguan 筛管|(botany) sieve tube shaihei 晒黑|to sunbathe/to tan/to get sunburnt/to... shaijian 筛检|to screen (for disease etc) shaijiu 色酒|colored wine (made from grapes or oth... shaikang 筛糠|to sift chaff/(fig.) to shake all over shaike 晒客|person who shares their experiences a... shailuotuo 晒骆驼|xylitol (Cantonese)/see also 木糖醇[mu4 ... shaishang 晒伤|to get sunburnt/sunburn shaitaiyang 晒太阳|to be in the sun (getting warm or sun... shaitu 晒图|blueprint/to make a blueprint shaiwa 晒娃|(coll.) to excessively share pics etc... shaiwazu 晒娃族|(coll.) sharent shaixuan 筛选|to filter shaiyisheng 晒衣绳|clothesline shaiyou 晒友|see 曬客|晒客[shai4 ke4] shaizhong 色盅|dice cup shaizhong 色钟|dice cup shaizi 色子|dice (used in gambling) shaizi 筛子|sieve/CL:面[mian4] shaji 沙棘|sea-buckthorn shaji 杀机|desire to commit murder/great danger shaji 沙䳭|(bird species of China) isabelline wh... shajia 杀价|to beat down the price/to haggle/to s... shajiabang 沙家浜|\"Sha Family\'s Creek\", a Beijing opera... shajiamianduo 沙加缅度|Sacramento shajiang 砂浆|mortar (building) shajiang 砂礓|concretion (geology) shajigeihoukan 杀鸡给猴看|lit. to kill a chicken in front of a ... shajijinghou 杀鸡儆猴|lit. killing the chicken to warn the ... shajijinghou 杀鸡警猴|lit. killing the chicken to warn the ... shajikuangchuang 砂积矿床|placer (alluvial deposit containing v... shajin 杀进|to storm (a city etc)/to raid shajing 沙井|(HK) manhole shajinshachu 杀进杀出|to execute a lightning raid/(investme... shajiquluan 杀鸡取卵|lit. to kill the chicken to get the e... shajishu 沙棘属|genus Hippophae/sea-buckthorns shajixiahou 杀鸡吓猴|lit. killing the chicken to scare the... shajiyanyongniudao 杀鸡焉用牛刀|don\'t use a sledgehammer on a nut/aqu... shajizaie 杀鸡宰鹅|kill the chickens and butcher the gee... shajue 杀绝|to exterminate shajun 杀菌|to kill germs/to disinfect/to sterilize shajunji 杀菌剂|a disinfectant shajunmazhedaopanger 杀君马者道旁儿|lit. bystanders killed the king\'s hor... shakeng 沙坑|sandbox/jumping pit (athletics)/sand ... shakenggan 沙坑杆|sand wedge (golf) shakuieraonier 沙奎尔·奥尼尔|Shaquille O\'Neal (1972-), former NBA ... shala 莎拉|Sara or Sarah (name) shala 沙拉|salad (loanword) shalabowa 莎拉波娃|Sharapova (Russian female tennis star) shalabulaiman 莎拉·布莱曼|Sarah Brightman (1960-), English pop ... shalang 沙朗|sirloin (loanword) shalangniupai 沙朗牛排|sirloin steak shalaoyue 沙捞越|Sarawak, state of Malaysia in northwe... shalapeilin 莎拉·佩林|Sarah Palin (1964-), US Republican po... shalashuaiganqi 沙拉甩干器|salad spinner shalayue 砂拉越|see 沙撈越|沙捞越[Sha1 lao1 yue4] shalengleng 傻愣愣|staring stupidly; petrified shali 沙粒|grain of sand shali 沙砾|grains of sand shali 砂砾|grit shali 沙梨|Asian pear; sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) shali 莎丽|sari (loanword) shali 纱丽|sari (loanword) shali 沙丽|sari (loanword) shali 砂梨|Asian pear; sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) shaliduan 沙利度胺|thalidomide shalin 沙林|sarin (loanword) shalishaqi 傻里傻气|foolish/stupid shaliya 沙里亚|sharia (Islamic law) (loanword) shalong 沙龙|salon (loanword) shalong 纱笼|sarong (loanword) shalou 沙漏|hourglass/sand filter shalu 杀戮|to massacre/to slaughter shalun 砂轮|grinding wheel/emery wheel shaluoji 杀螺剂|snail poison shalv 沙律|salad (loanword) shamao 傻帽|fool/idiot/foolish/stupid shamao 纱帽|gauze hat/(fig.) job as an official shamao 傻冒|idiot/fool/foolish shamaor 傻帽儿|erhua variant of 傻帽[sha3 mao4] shamate 杀马特|Chinese subculture of young urban mig... shamen 沙门|monk (Sanskrit: Sramana, originally r... shamenjun 沙门菌|salmonella shamenshijun 沙门氏菌|Salmonella shami 沙弥|novice Buddhist monk shamie 杀灭|to exterminate shamo 沙漠|desert/CL:個|个[ge4] shamohua 沙漠化|desertification shamozhihu 沙漠之狐|Desert Fox shamushayihe 沙姆沙伊赫|Sharm el-Sheikh, city in Egypt shan 单|surname Shan shan 衫|garment/jacket with open slits in pla... shan 闪|surname Shan shan 闪|to dodge/to duck out of the way/to be... shan 善|good (virtuous)/benevolent/well-dispo... shan 删|to delete shan 疝|hernia shan 扇|to fan/to slap sb on the face shan 扇|fan/sliding, hinged or detachable fla... shan 山|surname Shan shan 山|mountain; hill (CL:座[zuo4])/(coll.) s... shan 姗|used in 姍姍|姗姗[shan1shan1] shan 膻|(old) a flock of sheep or goats/varia... shan 膻|variant of 膻[shan1] shan 膻|fetid; gamy; rank/(esp.) hircine shan 陕|abbr. for Shaanxi 陝西|陕西 province shan 禅|to abdicate shan 掺|to grasp shan 骟|to geld shan 杉|China fir/Cunninghamia lanceolata/als... shan 膳|meals shan 膳|variant of 膳[shan4] shan 汕|bamboo fish trap/used in names of pla... shan 埏|to mix water with clay shan 缮|to repair/to mend/to rewrite/to trans... shan 鄯|name of a district in Xinjiang shan 珊|coral shan 钐|samarium (chemistry) shan 钐|to cut with a sickle/large sickle shan 煽|to fan into a flame/to incite shan 剡|river in Zhejiang shan 苫|straw mat/thatch shan 鳝|variant of 鱔|鳝[shan4] shan 鳝|Chinese yellow eel shan 彡|\"bristle\" radical in Chinese characte... shan 掞|easy/quiet shan 蟺|earthworm shan 擅|without authority/to usurp/to arrogat... shan 睒|furtively glance/glittering shan 舢|sampan shan 讪|to mock/to ridicule/to slander shan 摲|to cut down/mow shan 潸|tearfully shan 嬗|(literary) to go through successive c... shan 跚|used in 蹣跚|蹒跚[pan2shan1] shan 蟮|see 蛐蟮[qu1 shan5] shan 芟|to cut down/to mow/to eliminate/scythe shan 鳣|variant of 鱔|鳝[shan4] shan 搧|variant of 扇[shan1] shan 赸|to jump/to leave shan 縿|fringe/ornament of banner shan 狦|(archaic) vicious dog/beast resemblin... shan 謆|to beguile/to cajole shan 譱|old variant of 善[shan4] shan 䅟|panicum frumentaceum shan 傓|old variant of 煽[shan1] shan 䍹|variant of 膻[shan1] shan 𫮃|level spot for sacrifices shan 赡|to support/to provide for shana 霎那|see 剎那|刹那[cha4 na4] shana 沙那|Sana\'a, capital of Yemen (Tw) shanai 山隘|mountain pass shanai 山埃|cyanide (loanword)/same as 氰化 shanang 砂囊|gizzard (anatomy of birds, gastropods... shanang 沙囊|sandbag/variant of 砂囊[sha1 nang2] shananzuo 山案座|Mensa (constellation) shanao 山凹|col/valley shanba-ganxiu 善罢甘休|(idiom) to let the matter rest; to ju... shanba-ganxiu 善罢干休|variant of 善罷甘休|善罢甘休[shan4ba4-gan1xiu1] shanban 舢板|sampan/also written 舢舨 shanban 舢舨|variant of 舢板[shan1 ban3] shanbang 掸邦|Shan state of east Myanmar (Burma) shanbanggaoyuan 掸邦高原|Shan plateau of east Myanmar (Burma) shanbanjiu 山斑鸠|(bird species of China) oriental turt... shanbao 山包|(dialect) hill shanbao 山胞|(dated) Taiwanese indigenous peoples/... shanbei 陕北|Shanbei, northern Shaanxi province, i... shanbei 扇贝|scallop (genus Pecten) shanben 善本|old book/good book/reliable book/rare... shanben 山本|Yamamoto (Japanese surname) shanben 杉本|Sugimoto (Japanese surname) shanbeng 山崩|landslide/landslip shanbentou 山本头|(Tw) \"Yamamoto haircut\", similar to a... shanbenwushiliu 山本五十六|YAMAMOTO Isoroku (1884-1943), Japanes... shanbi 闪避|to dodge/to sidestep shanbian 善变|fickle/mercurial/changeable/capriciou... shanbian 嬗变|(literary) to evolve; to change/(phys... shanbian 善辩|eloquent/good at arguing shanbuzhuanluzhuan 山不转路转|see 山不轉水轉|山不转水转[shan1 bu4 zhuan4 shui... shanbuzhuanshuizhuan 山不转水转|it\'s a small world/only mountains nev... shancai 善财|to cherish wealth shancainanshe 善财难舍|to cherish wealth and find it hard to... shance 善策|wise policy/best policy shancha 山茶|camellia shanchahua 山茶花|camellia shanchang 擅长|to be good at; to be expert in shanchang 擅场|to excel in some field/expert at sth shanchangshuiyuan 山长水远|(idiom) long and arduous journey shancheng 山城|Shancheng district of Hebi city 鶴壁市|鹤... shanchengqu 山城区|Shancheng district of Hebi city 鶴壁市|鹤... shanchu 删除|to delete/to cancel shanchu 闪出|to flash/to sparkle/to appear suddenly shanchuan 山川|mountains and rivers/landscape shanchuang 擅闯|to enter without permission/to trespass shancun 山村|mountain village shancun 闪存|(computing) flash memory shancun 善存|Centrum (brand) shancunpan 闪存盘|USB flash drive; thumb drive shandai 善待|to treat well shandaji 山达基|Scientology shandan 山丹|Shandan county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang... shandan 山丹|coral lily (Lilium pumilum) shandandan 山丹丹|see 山丹[shan1 dan1] shandanxian 山丹县|Shandan county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang... shandao 钐刀|scythe shandaonian 山道年|santonin (loanword) shandi 山地|mountainous region/hilly area/hilly c... shandian 闪电|lightning/CL:道[dao4] shandian 山巅|summit shandian 闪点|flash point (chemistry) shandian 山靛|(botany) the spurges, the mercuries (... shandianjiehun 闪电结婚|to get married soon after meeting shandianzhan 闪电战|blitzkrieg/blitz shandiao 删掉|to delete shandiche 山地车|mountain bike shanding 山顶|hilltop shanditongbao 山地同胞|(dated) Taiwanese indigenous peoples/... shandizixingche 山地自行车|mountain bike shandong 山东|see 山東省|山东省[Shan1dong1 Sheng3] shandong 山洞|cavern/cave shandong 闪动|to flicker or flash shandong 煽动|to incite/to instigate shandong 扇动|to fan/to flap/to incite/to instigate... shandongbandao 山东半岛|Shandong Peninsula shandongdaxue 山东大学|Shandong University shandongdianfuguojiazhengquan 煽动颠覆国家政权|incitement to subvert state power (cr... shandongdianfuguojiazui 煽动颠覆国家罪|crime of conspiring to overthrow the ... shandongkejidaxue 山东科技大学|Shandong University of Science and Te... shandongsheng 山东省|Shandong Province, capital Jinan 濟南|济... shandongxing 煽动性|provocative shandou 山斗|abbr. for 泰山北斗[Tai4Shan1-Bei3dou3] shanduan 擅断|arbitrary shanduo 闪躲|to dodge/to evade shane 善恶|good and evil/good versus evil shane 山阿|a nook in the mountains shanfeijituan 陕飞集团|Shaanxi Aircraft Corporation (state-o... shanfeng 山峰|(mountain) peak shanfeng 善风|fair wind shanfeng 扇风|to fan oneself/to fan (sb) shanfengdianhuo 煽风点火|(idiom) to fan the flames/to incite p... shanfengerduo 扇风耳朵|protruding ears shang 商|Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC)/surna... shang 商|commerce/merchant/dealer/to consult/2... shang 上|used in 上聲|上声[shang3 sheng1] shang 上|(bound form) up; upper; above; previo... shang 赏|to bestow (a reward)/to give (to an i... shang 尚|surname Shang shang 尚|still/yet/to value/to esteem shang 汤|rushing current shang 伤|to injure/injury/wound shang 熵|entropy (character created in 1923) shang 殇|to die in childhood/war dead shang 裳|used in 衣裳[yi1shang5] shang 觞|feast/goblet shang 丄|old variant of 上[shang4] shang 晌|part of the day/midday shang 墒|plowed earth/soil moisture/furrow shang 埫|variant of 垧[shang3]/Taiwan pr. [chong3] shang 绱|to sole a shoe shang 垧|unit of land area (equivalent to 10 o... shang 謪|to consult/to deliberate/commerce shang 尙|variant of 尚, still/yet/to value/to e... shang 漡|old variant of 湯|汤[shang1] shang 蠰|Cerambyx rugicollis shang 鞝|variant of 緔|绱[shang4] shang-he 上合|SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisatio... shangai 删改|to edit/to modify/to alter (written m... shangaiseer 上艾瑟尔|Overijssel shangala 山旮旯|recess in mountains shangan 上岸|to go ashore; to climb ashore/(fig.) ... shangan 善感|sensitive; emotional shangan 陕甘|Shaanxi and Gansu provinces shangang 山冈|mound/small hill shanganning 陕甘宁|Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia provinces shangaohaishen 山高海深|high as the mountain and deep as the ... shangaoshuichang 山高水长|high as the mountain and long as the ... shangaoshuixian 山高水险|lit. the mountains are high and the t... shangba 伤疤|scar/CL:道[dao4] shangban 上班|to go to work/to be on duty/to start ... shangban 上半|first half shangban 商办|to consult and act upon/privately run... shangbanbufen 上半部分|upper part; top half shangbang 上榜|to appear on the public roll of succe... shangbannian 上半年|first half (of a year) shangbanshang 上半晌|forenoon/morning/a.m. shangbanshen 上半身|the upper body shangbanshijian 上班时间|working hours; office hours shangbantian 上半天|morning shangbanye 上半叶|the first half (of a period) shangbanye 上半夜|first half of the night/time before m... shangbanzu 上班族|office workers (as social group) shangbao 上报|to report to one\'s superiors/to appea... shangbao 商报|business newspaper shangbei 伤悲|sad/sorrowful (literary) shangbei 上辈|ancestors/one\'s elders shangbeizi 上辈子|one\'s ancestors/past generations/a fo... shangbi 上臂|upper arm shangbian 上边|the top/above/overhead/upwards/the to... shangbianr 上边儿|erhua variant of 上邊|上边[shang4 bian5] shangbiao 商标|trademark/logo shangbiao 上膘|(of livestock) to fatten up/to put on... shangbiao 上标|superscript shangbiaoxuqi 商飙徐起|the autumn breeze comes gently (idiom) shangbie 伤别|sorrowful farewell/sad goodbye shangbingyuan 伤病员|the sick and the wounded shangbiya 尚比亚|Zambia (Tw) shangbu 上部|upper section shangbu 商埠|commercial port/trading port/treaty p... shangbudetaipan 上不得台盘|(idiom) lacking in social grace and u... shangbuliaotaimian 上不了台面|better kept under the table (idiom)/n... shangbuqi 伤不起|(slang) it\'s just the pits!/so unfair... shangcai 上蔡|Shangcai county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[... shangcai 上菜|to serve food shangcaixian 上蔡县|Shangcai county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[... shangcaixiu 上菜秀|dinner show/dinner and floor show shangcan 伤残|disabled/maimed/crippled/(of objects)... shangcang 上苍|heaven shangcanrenyuan 伤残人员|the injured/wounded personnel shangceng 上层|upper layer shangcengjianzhu 上层建筑|superstructure shangcesuo 上厕所|to go to the bathroom shangchang 商场|shopping mall/shopping center/departm... shangchang 上场|on stage/to go on stage/to take the f... shangchao 商朝|Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC) shangche 上车|to get on or into (a bus, train, car ... shangcheng 商城|see 商城縣|商城县[Shang1 cheng2 xian4] shangcheng 商城|shopping center/department store shangcheng 上乘|first-class/best quality/also pr. [sh... shangchengqu 上城区|Shangcheng district of Hangzhou city ... shangchengxian 商城县|Shangcheng county, Henan shangchi 上齿|upper teeth shangchuan 上传|to upload shangchuan 商船|merchant ship shangchuan 上船|to get on the boat shangchuang 上床|to go to bed/(coll.) to have sex shangchun 上唇|upper lip/(entomology) labrum shangci 上次|last time shangci 赏赐|to bestow a reward/a reward shangcun 尚存|still remains; still exists; still has shangda 上达|to reach the higher authorities shangdai 上代|previous generation shangdai 商代|the prehistoric Shang dynasty (c. 16t... shangdang 上当|taken in (by sb\'s deceit)/to be foole... shangdang-shoupian 上当受骗|(idiom) to be duped; to get scammed shangdao 伤悼|to grieve for deceased relative/to mourn shangdao 伤道|wound track (the path of a bullet thr... shangdaoshan,xiahuohai 上刀山,下火海|lit. to climb mountains of swords and... shangdaoshan,xiayouguo 上刀山,下油锅|lit. to climb mountains of swords and... shangdeng 上等|highest quality/top-notch shangdengbing 上等兵|private first class (army rank) shangdi 上帝|God shangdi 上第|top notch; highest quality shangdian 商店|store; shop/CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4] shangdiao 上吊|to hang oneself shangdiao 商调|to negotiate the transfer of personnel shangding 商定|to agree/to decide after consultation... shangdu 商都|Shangdu county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布... shangdu 上都|Shangdu, also known as Xanadu, summer... shangdui 商队|caravan shangdui 商兑|to discuss and deliberate shangduxian 商都县|Shangdu county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布... shange 山歌|folk song/mountain song shange 栅格|grid/lattice/raster shangezhengmenchi 上颚正门齿|maxillary central incisor shangfa 赏罚|reward and punishment shangfan 商贩|trader/peddler shangfang 上方|place above (it)/upper part (of it) shangfang 上访|to seek an audience with higher-ups (... shangfang 上房|see 正房[zheng4 fang2] shangfangbaojian 尚方宝剑|variant of 尚方劍|尚方剑[shang4 fang1 jian4... shangfangbaojian 上方宝剑|imperial sword (giving bearer plenipo... shangfangjian 尚方剑|imperial sword (giving bearer arbitra... shangfatiao 上发条|to wind up (a watch or other clockwor... shangfen 上坟|to visit a grave shangfen 上分|(coll.) (gaming) to progress to the n... shangfeng 伤风|to catch cold shangfeng 上风|on the up/currently winning/rising (i... shangfeng 上峰|peak/summit/(old) higher authorities/... shangfengbaisu 伤风败俗|offending public morals (idiom) shangfu 上浮|to float up shangfu 伤俘|wounded and captured shangfu 上覆|to inform shanggan 伤感|sad/emotional/sentimental/pathos shanggan 上杆|backswing (golf) shanggang 上岗|to take up one\'s post; to go on duty/... shanggang 商港|commercial port/trading harbor shanggangshangxian 上纲上线|to make a mountain out of a molehill shanggao 上高|Shanggao county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi shanggaoxian 上高县|Shanggao county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi shangge 上个|first (of two parts)/last (week etc)/... shanggexingqi 上个星期|last week shanggeyue 上个月|last month shanggong 上供|to make offerings (to gods or ancesto... shanggong 上工|to go to work/to start work shanggongzhiniao 伤弓之鸟|see 驚弓之鳥|惊弓之鸟[jing1 gong1 zhi1 niao3] shanggou 上钩|to take the bait shanggour 上钩儿|erhua variant of 上鉤|上钩[shang4 gou1] shanggu 上古|the distant past/ancient times/antiqu... shanggu 商贾|merchant shangguan 上官|two-character surname Shangguan shangguan 上官|high-ranking official/superior shangguang 赏光|to do sb the honor (of attending etc)... shangguanzi 上馆子|to eat out/to eat at a restaurant shangguhanyu 上古汉语|Old Chinese (linguistics) shangguidao 上轨道|to stay on track/to proceed smoothly shanghai 上海|Shanghai municipality (abbr. to 滬|沪[H... shanghai 伤害|to injure; to harm shanghaibaicai 上海白菜|baby bok choy/Shanghai bok choy shanghaicaijingdaxue 上海财经大学|Shanghai University of Finance and Ec... shanghaidajuyuan 上海大剧院|Shanghai Grand Theater shanghaidaxue 上海大学|Shanghai University shanghaihezuozuzhi 上海合作组织|Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) shanghaihua 上海话|Shanghainese/Shanghai dialect shanghaihuanqiujinrongzhongxin 上海环球金融中心|Shanghai World Financial Center (SWFC... shanghaijiaotongdaxue 上海交通大学|Shanghai Jiao Tong University shanghaipudongfazhanyinhang 上海浦东发展银行|Shanghai Pudong Development Bank shanghaiqichegongyejituan 上海汽车工业集团|Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (S... shanghaishi 上海市|Shanghai municipality (abbr. to 滬|沪[H... shanghaitiyuchang 上海体育场|Shanghai Stadium shanghaiwaiguoyudaxue 上海外国语大学|Shanghai International Studies Univer... shanghaiwenguangxinwenchuanmeijituan 上海文广新闻传媒集团|Shanghai Media Group shanghaixijuxueyuan 上海戏剧学院|Shanghai Theatrical Institute shanghaiyinyuexueyuan 上海音乐学院|Shanghai Conservatory of Music shanghaizhengquanjiaoyisuo 上海证券交易所|Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) shanghaizhengquanjiaoyisuozonghegujiazhishu 上海证券交易所综合股价指数|Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) Composi... shanghaizhenhuagangkoujixie 上海振华港口机械|Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Company shanghan 伤寒|typhoid shanghan 上颔|mandible shanghang 商行|trading company shanghang 上杭|Shanghang, county-level city in Longy... shanghangxian 上杭县|Shanghang county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fu... shanghanshamenshijun 伤寒沙门氏菌|salmonella typhimurium shanghanzheng 伤寒症|typhoid shanghao 上好|first-rate/top-notch shanghao 商号|store/a business shanghao 伤号|casualties/wounded soldiers shanghao 伤耗|damage (e.g. to goods in transit) shanghaomao 伤毫毛|see 動毫毛|动毫毛[dong4 hao2 mao2] shanghe 上颌|maxilla (upper jaw) shanghe 商河|Shanghe county in Jinan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan... shanghegu 上颌骨|maxilla (upper jaw) shanghen 伤痕|scar/bruise shanghenleilei 伤痕累累|cuts and bruises all over the body shangheqi 伤和气|to damage a good relationship/to hurt... shanghexian 商河县|Shanghe county in Jinan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan... shanghezuzhi 上合组织|Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) shanghu 商户|merchant; trader; businessman/firm shanghuai 伤怀|grieved/full of sorrow shanghuan 伤患|injured person shanghuan 上浣|first ten days of a lunar month shanghuan 上环|(coll.) to be fitted with an IUD; (of... shanghui 商会|chamber of commerce shanghui 上回|last time; the previous time shanghuo 上火|to get angry/to suffer from excessive... shanghuxidaoganran 上呼吸道感染|upper respiratory tract infection shangji 商机|business opportunity/commercial oppor... shangji 上级|higher authorities/superiors/CL:個|个[ge4] shangji 商计|to negotiate/to discuss shangjia 商家|merchant/business/enterprise shangjia 上家|preceding player (in a game) shangjia 上架|to put goods on shelves/(of a product... shangjia 上佳|excellent/outstanding/great shangjian 商检|to inspect goods shangjian 赏鉴|to appreciate (a work of art) shangjian 上睑|upper eyelid shangjiang 上将|general/admiral/air chief marshal shangjiangjun 上将军|top general/commander-in-chief shangjiantou 上箭头|up-pointing arrow shangjiantoujian 上箭头键|up arrow key (on keyboard) shangjiao 上交|to hand over to/to give to higher aut... shangjiao 上缴|to transfer (income, profits etc) to ... shangjiao 上焦|(TCM) upper burner, the part of the b... shangjie 上界|upper bound shangjie 商界|business world/business community shangjie 上街|to go onto the streets/to go shopping shangjiequ 上街区|Shangjie District of Zhengzhou City 鄭... shangjilingdao 上级领导|high-level leadership/top brass shangjin 上进|to make progress/to do better/fig. am... shangjindonggu 伤筋动骨|to suffer serious injury (idiom) shangjinduangu 伤筋断骨|to suffer serious injury (idiom) shangjinfatiao 上紧发条|to wind the spring up tight/(fig.) to... shangjing 上镜|photogenic/to appear on film or in th... shangjinxin 上进心|motivation/ambition shangjiwugu 伤及无辜|to harm the innocent (idiom) shangjunshu 商君书|The Book of Lord Shang, Legalist text... shangke 上课|to go to class/to attend class/to go ... shangke 尚可|not bad/satisfactory shangke 商科|Shangke corporation, PRC IT company (... shangke 商科|business studies shangkejituan 商科集团|Shangke Corporation, PRC IT company (... shangkeyuanxiao 商科院校|Business school shangkong 上空|the skies above a certain place; (avi... shangkongxiche 上空洗车|topless car wash shangkou 伤口|wound/cut shangkou 上口|to be able to read aloud fluently/to ... shangkuake 上夸克|up quark (particle physics) shangkuan 上款|addressee/name of recipient on painti... shanglai 上来|to come up/to approach/(verb compleme... shanglenianji 上了年纪|to be getting on in years/to be of th... shangli 上栗|Shangli county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Ji... shanglian 赏脸|(polite) do me the honor shanglian 上脸|to turn red in the face (while drinki... shangliang 商量|to consult/to talk over/to discuss shangliang 上梁|to lay an upper beam/(a building\'s) u... shangliangbuzhengxialiangwai 上梁不正下梁歪|lit. If the upper beam is not straigh... shanglin 上林|Shanglin county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2... shanglinxian 上林县|Shanglin county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2... shangliu 上流|upper class shangliushehui 上流社会|upper class/high society shanglixian 上栗县|Shangli county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Ji... shanglong 上龙|pliosaurus shanglou 上楼|to go upstairs shanglu 上路|to start on a journey/to be on one\'s way shanglu 商路|trade route shangluo 商洛|see 商洛市[Shang1luo4 Shi4] shangluoshi 商洛市|Shangluo, prefecture-level city in Sh... shanglv 商旅|businessmen and travelers/traveling m... shangma 上马|to get on a horse/to mount shangmao 商贸|trade and commerce shangmen 上门|to drop in/to visit/to lock a door/(o... shangmenfei 上门费|house call fee/callout fee shangmenke 上门客|bricks-and-mortar customer; walk-in c... shangmian 上面|on top of/above-mentioned/also pr. [s... shangmianji 上面级|(rocketry) upper stage shangmin 商民|merchant shangmujie 尚慕杰|James Sasser (1936-), US Ambassador t... shangnan 商南|Shangnan County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1... shangnanxian 商南县|Shangnan County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1... shangnaojin 伤脑筋|to be a real headache/to find sth a r... shangnian 上年|last year shangnianji 上年纪|(of a person) to get old shangniao 赏鸟|birdwatching shangnong 上农|a rich farmer/to stress the importanc... shangnv 商女|female singer (archaic) shangou 山沟|valley/gully/mountain region shangougou 山沟沟|(coll.) remote valley; backwoods shangpai 上牌|to obtain a license plate shangpi 上皮|epithelium shangpian 上片|(of a movie) to start screening (Tw) shangpin 商品|commodity; goods; merchandise/CL:件[ji... shangpin 上品|top-quality shangpinhua 商品化|commodification shangpinjiazhi 商品价值|commodity value shangpinjingji 商品经济|commodity economy shangpinliang 商品粮|commodity grain (grain produced as a ... shangpo 上坡|uphill/upslope/to move upwards/to cli... shangpoduan 上坡段|uphill section (of a race) shangpolu 上坡路|uphill road/slope up/fig. upward tren... shangpu 商铺|shop; store shangqi 上汽|abbr. for 上海汽車工業集團|上海汽车工业集团, Shanghai... shangqi 上期|previous period (week, month or quart... shangqi 商祺|business is auspicious/conventional g... shangqia 商洽|to parley/to negotiate/to discuss shangqian 上前|to advance; to step forward shangqian 赏钱|tip/gratuity/monetary reward/bonus shangqibujiexiaqi 上气不接下气|out of breath (idiom)/to gasp for air shangqie 尚且|(not) even/yet/still shangqing 墒情|the state of moisture in the soil (an... shangqiu 商丘|see 商丘市[Shang1qiu1 Shi4] shangqiushi 商丘市|Shangqiu, prefecture-level city in He... shangqu 上去|to go up shangquan 商圈|commercial district/business district shangquanshi 上犬式|upward-facing dog (yoga pose) shangque 商榷|to discuss/to bring up various ideas ... shangquejie 上确界|supremum (math.)/least upper bound shangrao 上饶|see 上饒市|上饶市[Shang4rao2 Shi4] shangraoshi 上饶市|Shangrao, prefecture-level city in Ji... shangren 商人|merchant/businessman shangren 伤人|to injure sb shangren 上任|to take office/previous (incumbent)/p... shangrenyinhang 商人银行|merchant bank shangresou 上热搜|(Internet) (of a search query) to be ... shangse 上色|top-quality/top-grade shangshai 上色|to color (a picture etc)/to dye (fabr... shangshan 上山|to climb a hill/to go to the mountain... shangshan 上衫|blouse shangshangzhice 上上之策|the best policy/the best thing one ca... shangshanruoshui 上善若水|the ideal is to be like water (which ... shangshanxiaxiang 上山下乡|to work in the fields (esp. young sch... shangshen 上身|upper part of the body shangshen 伤身|to be harmful to one\'s health shangsheng 上升|to rise/to go up/to ascend shangsheng 上声|falling and rising tone/third tone in... shangshengkongjian 上升空间|upside/potential to rise shangshengqushi 上升趋势|an upturn/an upward trend shangshi 上市|to hit the market (of a new product)/... shangshi 商事|commercial affairs shangshi 赏识|to appreciate/to recognize the worth ... shangshi 伤势|condition of an injury shangshi 赏石|see 供石[gong1 shi2] shangshigongsi 上市公司|listed company shangshou 上手|to obtain/to master/overhand (serve e... shangshou 上首|seat of honor/first place shangshu 上书|to write a letter (to the authorities... shangshu 尚书|same as 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1] Book of His... shangshu 尚书|high official/government minister shangshu 上述|aforementioned/above-mentioned shangshu 商数|(math.) quotient shangshu 上疏|(of a court official) to present a me... shangshui 商水|Shangshui county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 ... shangshui 上水|Sheung Shui (area in Hong Kong) shangshui 上水|upper reaches (of a river)/to go upst... shangshui 上税|to pay taxes shangshui 商税|tax on trade shangshuixian 商水县|Shangshui county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 ... shangshujing 尚书经|Book of History/a compendium of docum... shangshulang 尚书郎|ancient official title shangsi 上思|Shangsi County in Fangchenggang 防城港[F... shangsi 上司|boss/superior shangsixian 上思县|Shangsi County in Fangchenggang 防城港[F... shangsu 上诉|to appeal (a judicial case)/appeal shangsuan 上算|to be worthwhile/to be worth it shangsufayuan 上诉法院|appeals court shangsuo 上锁|to lock; to be locked shangtai 上台|to rise to power (in politics)/to go ... shangtan 商谈|to confer/to discuss/to engage in talks shangtang 上膛|roof of the mouth/to load a gun shangtang 商汤|Shang Tang (1646-? BC), legendary fou... shangtangkeji 商汤科技|SenseTime, artificial intelligence co... shangtao 商讨|to discuss/to deliberate shangtian 上天|Heaven; Providence; God/the sky above... shangtian 上田|Ueda (Japanese surname and place name) shangtianhaili 伤天害理|to offend Heaven and reason (idiom); ... shangtianrudi 上天入地|lit. to go up to heaven or down to Ha... shangtianwulu,rudiwumen 上天无路,入地无门|lit. there is no road to the sky, nor... shangtiao 上调|to raise (prices)/to adjust upwards shangtingbushi 伤停补时|(sports) injury time shangtong 伤痛|pain (from wound)/sorrow shangtongdiao 上同调|cohomology (invariant of a topologica... shangtou 上头|(of alcohol) to go to one\'s head/(old... shangtou 上头|above/on top of/on the surface of shangtou 伤透|to break (sb\'s heart); to cause grief to shangtu 墒土|moist, newly-tilled soil shangtuxiaxie 上吐下泻|to vomit and have diarrhea shangu 山谷|valley/ravine shanguang 闪光|flash shanguangdan 闪光弹|flashbang; stun grenade shanguangdeng 闪光灯|flash bulb (photography) shanguangdian 闪光点|lit. flash point/crucial point/essent... shanguangjiao 闪光胶|glitter glue shanguo 闪过|to flash through (one\'s mind)/to dodg... shangushi 山谷市|the Valley, capital of Anguilla shangwai 上外|abbr. for 上海外國語大學|上海外国语大学[Shang4 hai3... shangwan 上万|over ten thousand/fig. untold numbers... shangwang 上网|to go online/to connect to the Intern... shangwang 伤亡|casualties/injuries and deaths shangwangben 上网本|netbook shangwei 尚未|not yet; still not shangwei 上位|seat of honor/person in a high-rankin... shangwei 上尉|captain (military rank) shangweigainian 上位概念|superordinate concept shangweijiejue 尚未解决|unsolved/as yet unsettled shangwen 上文|preceding part of the text shangwu 上午|morning/CL:個|个[ge4] shangwu 商务|commercial affairs/commercial/commerc... shangwu 尚武|to promote a martial spirit/to revere... shangwu 晌午|noon shangwu 尚无|not yet/not so far shangwubu 商务部|Department of Trade/Department of Com... shangwucang 商务舱|business class (travel class on airpl... shangwuhanyukaoshi 商务汉语考试|Business Chinese Test (BCT) shangwuyinshuguan 商务印书馆|The Commercial Press, Beijing (est. 1... shangwuzhongxinqu 商务中心区|central business district (e.g. CBD o... shangxi 赏析|understanding and enjoying (a work of... shangxia 上下|up and down/top and bottom/old and yo... shangxiaban 上下班|to start and finish work shangxiachuang 上下床|bunk bed shangxian 上线|to go online/to put sth online shangxian 上限|upper bound shangxian 上弦|to wind up a watch, clockwork toy etc... shangxiang 上相|photogenic/(old) high official shangxiang 尚飨|I beg you to partake of this sacrific... shangxianyue 上弦月|first quarter moon shangxiao 上校|high ranking officer in Chinese army/... shangxiapu 上下铺|bunk bed shangxiaqishou 上下其手|to raise and lower one\'s hand (idiom)... shangxiawen 上下文|(textual) context shangxiawencaidan 上下文菜单|context menu (computing) shangxiawuqiannian 上下五千年|Tales from 5000 Years of Chinese Hist... shangxie 上鞋|to sole a shoe; to stitch the sole to... shangxie 绱鞋|variant of 上鞋[shang4xie2] shangxie 鞝鞋|variant of 上鞋[shang4xie2] shangxin 伤心|to grieve/to be broken-hearted/to fee... shangxin 上心|carefully/meticulously/to set one\'s h... shangxincanmu 伤心惨目|(idiom) too appalling to look at shangxing 上行|(of trains) up (i.e. towards the capi... shangxing 上刑|severe punishment/worst punishment/to... shangxing 上星|to broadcast through satellite/satell... shangxingju 上星剧|satellite television show shangxingqi 上星期|last week/previous week shangxingxiaxiao 上行下效|subordinates follow the example of th... shangxinhaomu 伤心蒿目|to grieve/broken-hearted shangxinshi 上新世|Pliocene (geological epoch from 5m-2m... shangxinyuemu 赏心悦目|warms the heart and delights the eye ... shangxinzhisi 伤心致死|to grieve to death/to die of a broken... shangxitian 上西天|(Buddhism) to go to the Western Parad... shangxue 上学|to go to school/to attend school shangxue 商学|business studies/commerce as an acade... shangxueyuan 商学院|business school/university of busines... shangxun 上旬|first third of a month shangyan 上演|to screen (a movie)/to stage (a play)... shangyan 商演|commercial performance shangyang 商鞅|Shang Yang (c. 390-338 BC), legalist ... shangyang 上扬|(of prices etc) to rise shangyangbianfa 商鞅变法|Shang Yang\'s political reform of Qin ... shangyangqushi 上扬趋势|upward trend; tendency to increase shangyanjian 上眼睑|upper eyelid shangyanyao 上眼药|to apply eye drops/(fig.) to speak il... shangyatang 上牙膛|palate (roof of the mouth) shangye 商业|business/trade/commerce shangye 上夜|to be on night duty shangye 上野|Ueno, district in Taitō Ward, Tokyo/U... shangye 上页|previous page shangyebanben 商业版本|commercial version (of software) shangyefapiao 商业发票|commercial invoice shangyeguanli 商业管理|business administration shangyehua 商业化|to commercialize shangyejigou 商业机构|commercial organization shangyejihua 商业计划|business plan shangyemoshi 商业模式|business model shangyequ 商业区|business district/downtown shangyexingwei 商业行为|business activity/commercial activity shangyeyingyong 商业应用|business application shangyeyinhang 商业银行|commercial bank shangyezhongxin 商业中心|business center/commerce center shangyi 上衣|jacket/upper outer garment/CL:件[jian4] shangyi 尚义|Shangyi county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口... shangyi 商议|to negotiate/discussion/proposal shangyicidang,xueyiciguai 上一次当,学一次乖|to take sth as a lesson for next time... shangyige 上一个|previous one shangyihao 上一号|(coll.) to go pee/to go to the bathroom shangyin 上瘾|to get into a habit/to become addicted shangying 上映|to screen; to show (a movie) shangyixian 尚义县|Shangyi county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口... shangyiye 上一页|preceding page shangyiyuan 上议院|Upper Chamber/Upper House/Senate shangyong 商用|(attributive) commercial shangyou 上游|upper reaches (of a river)/upper leve... shangyou 上犹|Shangyou county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4... shangyoulaoxiayouxiao 上有老下有小|lit. above are the elderly, below are... shangyoutiantang,xiayousuhang 上有天堂,下有苏杭|lit. there is heaven above, and there... shangyouxian 上犹县|Shangyou county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4... shangyouzhengce,xiayouduice 上有政策,下有对策|The higher ups have policies while th... shangyu 商誉|(commerce) prestige; reputation/(acco... shangyu 上谕|imperial edict shangyu 商域|field of fractions (math.) shangyu 上域|codomain of a function (math.) shangyuan 伤员|wounded person shangyuan 上元|see 元宵節|元宵节[Yuan2xiao1jie2] shangyuanjie 上元节|see 元宵節|元宵节[Yuan2xiao1jie2] shangyue 上月|last month shangyue 赏月|to admire the full moon shangyue 商约|trade treaty (abbr. for 通商條約|通商条约[ton... shangzai 上载|to upload/also pr. [shang4 zai4] shangzeichuan 上贼船|lit. to board a pirate ship (idiom)/f... shangzhan 商战|trade war shangzhan 商展|trade show/exhibition of goods shangzhan 商栈|inn/caravansary shangzhang 上涨|to rise/to go up shangzhe 伤者|casualty/victim (of an accident)/woun... shangzhen 上阵|to go into battle shangzheng 上证|Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), abbr. ... shangzhengzonghezhishu 上证综合指数|SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) Composi... shangzhenshadi 上阵杀敌|to go into battle; to strike at the e... shangzhi 上肢|upper limb shangzhi 尚志|Shangzhi, county-level city in Harbin... shangzhishi 尚志市|Shangzhi, county-level city in Harbin... shangzhong 上钟|to clock in for work shangzhou 上周|last week shangzhou 商州|Shangzhou District of Shangluo City 商... shangzhouqu 商州区|Shangzhou District of Shangluo City 商... shangzhouwang 商纣王|King Zhou of Shang (11th century BC),... shangzhuang 上装|upper garment shangzhuo 商酌|to deliberate shangzhuo 上桌|to place (food) on the table/to sit d... shangzuo 上座|seat of honor shangzuobu 上座部|Theravada school of Buddhism shanhaiguan 山海关|Shanhai Pass in Hebei, at the eastern... shanhaiguanqu 山海关区|Shanhaiguan district of Qinhuangdao c... shanhaijing 山海经|Classic of Mountain and Sea, probably... shanhanyuxi 闪含语系|Hamito-Semitic family of languages (i... shanhe 山河|mountains and rivers/the whole country shanhe 山壑|gullies/valleys shanhetao 山核桃|hickory shanhezhen 山河镇|Shanhe town in Zhengning county 正寧縣|正... shanhong 山洪|deluge caused by torrential water flo... shanhou 善后|to deal with the aftermath (arising f... shanhoujiekuan 善后借款|reconstruction loan provided by Great... shanhu 珊瑚|coral shanhuangjiu 山皇鸠|(bird species of China) mountain impe... shanhui 闪回|flashback; to flash back shanhui 闪辉|scintillation shanhujiao 珊瑚礁|coral reef shanhun 闪婚|to get married soon after meeting (ab... shanhuo 山火|wildfire/forest fire shanhutan 珊瑚潭|coral lake shanhutaomu 山胡桃木|hickory shaniuzaiyang 杀牛宰羊|slaughter the cattle and butcher the ... shanji 闪击|lightning attack/Blitzkrieg shanji 山鸡|Reeves\'s pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesi... shanji 栅极|grid (in vacuum tubes)/gate (terminal... shanji 山脊|mountain ridge shanjian 删减|to abridge (a text)/to edit out (of a... shanjian 山涧|mountain stream shanjian 删剪|to cut (from a movie etc)/to censor shanjianyasuo 删简压缩|to simplify and condense (a text)/abr... shanjiao 山脚|foot of a mountain shanjiaoying 山鹪莺|(bird species of China) striped prini... shanjiaoyu 山椒鱼|Hynobius formosanus/Taiwan salamander shanjie 删节|to abridge/to cut a text down to size... shanjierenyi 善解人意|to be good at understanding others (i... shanjiling 山鹡鸰|(bird species of China) forest wagtai... shanjizhan 闪击战|lightning war/Blitzkrieg shanju 善举|meritorious deed/benevolent act shanka 闪卡|flashcard shankai 闪开|to get out of the way shankou 山口|Yamaguchi (Japanese surname and place... shankou 山口|mountain pass shankouxian 山口县|Yamaguchi prefecture in southwest of ... shankouyang 山口洋|Singkawang city (Kalimantan, Indonesia) shankuan 善款|contributions/donations shankui 山葵|wasabi shanlan 山岚|(literary) mountain mist shanlanke 山榄科|Sapotaceae (botany) shanlanxianweng 山蓝仙鹟|(bird species of China) hill blue fly... shanli 山梨|rowan or mountain-ash (genus Sorbus) shanli 闪离|to get divorced shortly after marriag... shanlian 钐镰|scythe shanlian 讪脸|impudent shanliang 善良|good and honest/kindhearted shanliang 闪亮|brilliant/shiny/a flare/to glisten/to... shanliang 山梁|mountain ridge shanliangr 闪亮儿|erhua variant of 閃亮|闪亮[shan3 liang4] shanlichun 山梨醇|sorbitol C6H14O6 (sugar substitute an... shanlin 山林|wooded mountain; mountain forest shanling 山岭|mountain ridge shanling 闪灵|The Shining (1980 Stanley Kubrick fil... shanlisuanjia 山梨酸钾|potassium sorbate, E202 (a food prese... shanliu 山鹨|(bird species of China) upland pipit ... shanlixian 山梨县|Yamanashi prefecture, Japan shanlizhishou 擅离职守|to abscond/to be absent without leave shanlu 山麓|foothills shanlu 闪露|to reveal momentarily shanlu 山路|mountain road shanluan 山峦|mountain range/unbroken chain of peaks shanluanchongdie 山峦重叠|overlapping ranges of high mountains ... shanmai 山脉|mountain range/CL:條|条[tiao2] shanmao 山猫|lynx/bobcat/leopard cat shanmaoju 山毛榉|beech shanmaque 山麻雀|(bird species of China) russet sparro... shanmei 山莓|raspberry shanmei 山鹛|(bird species of China) Beijing babbl... shanmei 擅美|to enjoy fame without sharing it/to t... shanmen 山门|monastery main gate (Buddhism)/monastery shanmenghaishi 山盟海誓|to pledge undying love (idiom); oath ... shanmianqin 扇面琴|same as yangqin 揚琴|扬琴, dulcimer shanmingshuixiu 山明水秀|lit. verdant hills and limpid water (... shanmite 闪米特|Semitic shanmoshi 膳魔师|Thermos (brand) shannai 山奈|(loanword) cyanide/Kaempferia galanga... shannai 山柰|Kaempferia galanga, one of four plant... shannaijia 山奈钾|potassium cyanide KCN shannan 山南|Shannan, or Lhokha, a prefecture-leve... shannan 陕南|Shannan, southern Shaanxi province shannan 山难|mountain accident shannanshi 山南市|Shannan, or Lhokha, a prefecture-leve... shannanxinnv 善男信女|lay practitioners of Buddhism shanneng 善能|to be good at shannian 闪念|sudden idea/flash of thought shanniqingxie 山泥倾泻|a landslide shanpo 山坡|hillside shanqi 疝气|hernia shanqi 山崎|Yamazaki or Yamasaki (Japanese surname) shanqiang 山墙|gable shanqiang 山羌|(zoology) Reeves\'s muntjac (Muntiacus... shanqing 煽情|to stir up emotion/to arouse sympathy... shanqing 缮清|to make a clean copy shanqingshuiling 山青水灵|lit. green mountains and vivacious wa... shanqingshuixiu 山清水秀|lit. verdant hills and limpid water (... shanqiongshuijin 山穷水尽|mountain and river exhausted (idiom);... shanqiu 山丘|hill shanqu 扇区|disk sector (computing) shanqu 删去|to delete shanqu 山区|mountain area/CL:個|个[ge4] shanquan 擅权|to arrogate power shanque 山雀|tit shanrang 禅让|to abdicate shanrang 闪让|to jump out of the way shanranleixia 潸然泪下|to shed silent tears (idiom) shanren 闪人|(coll.) to beat it/to take French leave shanren 善人|philanthropist/charitable person/well... shanrui 山瑞|wattle-necked soft-shelled turtle (Pa... shanruibie 山瑞鳖|wattle-necked soft-shelled turtle (Pa... shanshan 姗姗|(of gait) unhurried; leisurely shanshan 闪闪|flickering; sparkling; glistening; gl... shanshan 杉山|Sugiyama (Japanese surname) shanshan 讪讪|embarrassed shanshanlaichi 姗姗来迟|to be late/to arrive slowly/to be slo... shanshe 闪射|to radiate/to shine/glitter of light/... shanshen 闪身|to dodge shanshen 山神|mountain god shanshi 膳食|meals; food shanshi 善事|good deeds shanshi 山势|topography of a mountain/features of ... shanshi 闪失|mishap/accident/accidental loss shanshi 闪石|amphibole (silicate rock-forming mine... shanshi 山狮|mountain lion shanshishanzhong 善始善终|where there\'s a start, there\'s a fini... shanshixianwei 膳食纤维|dietary fiber shanshui 山水|Sansui, Japanese company shanshui 山水|water from a mountain/mountains and r... shanshuihua 山水画|landscape painting shanshuishi 山水诗|shanshui poetry, genre of Classical C... shanshuo 闪烁|to glisten; to glitter; to twinkle; t... shanshuo 闪铄|variant of 閃爍|闪烁[shan3 shuo4] shanshuoqici 闪烁其词|to speak evasively (idiom); beating a... shanshuoti 闪烁体|(physics) scintillator shansi 善思|thoughtfulness/wholesome thinking (Bu... shansu 山苏|bird\'s nest fern (Asplenium nidus) shanti 山体|form of a mountain shantian 山田|Yamada (Japanese surname) shantie 删帖|to delete a forum post shanting 山亭|Shanting district of Zaozhuang city 棗... shantingqu 山亭区|Shanting district of Zaozhuang city 棗... shantong 闪痛|stabbing pain/intermittent flash of pain shantou 汕头|see 汕頭市|汕头市[Shan4tou2 Shi4] shantou 山头|mountain top shantoudaxue 汕头大学|Shantou University shantoushi 汕头市|Shantou, prefecture-level city in Gua... shantui 闪退|(of a mobile app) to crash on startup... shantuimuhuai 山颓木坏|lit. the mountains crumble and the tr... shanwa 山洼|mountain hollow; mountain depression shanwaiyoushan,tianwaiyoutian 山外有山,天外有天|(idiom) however good sth is, there is... shanwang 善忘|to be forgetful; to have a short memory shanwei 汕尾|see 汕尾市[Shan4wei3 Shi4] shanwei 禅位|to abdicate (as king) shanweishazhui 扇尾沙锥|(bird species of China) common snipe ... shanweishi 汕尾市|Shanwei, prefecture-level city in Gua... shanwu 山坞|nook; cove (in the hills) shanxi 陕西|see 陝西省|陕西省[Shan3xi1 Sheng3] shanxi 山西|see 山西省[Shan1xi1 Sheng3] shanxia 山峡|gorge/canyon/mountain valley shanxia 山下|Yamashita (Japanese surname) shanxian 闪现|to flash shanxian 单县|Shan county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], S... shanxiang 山乡|mountain area shanxiang 山响|very loud/very noisy shanxiao 山魈|mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx)/legendar... shanxiao 讪笑|to ridicule/to mock shanxidadizhen 陕西大地震|the great Shaanxi earthquake of 2nd F... shanxidaxue 山西大学|Shanxi University shanxie 缮写|to copy/to transcribe shanxikejidaxue 陕西科技大学|Shaanxi University of Science and Tec... shanxin 善心|kindness/benevolence/philanthropy/vir... shanxing 扇形|circular sector shanxing 善行|good actions shanxing 山形|Yamagata prefecture in the north of J... shanxing 山行|mountain hike shanxingxian 山形县|Yamagata prefecture in the north of J... shanxisheng 山西省|Shanxi Province, capital Taiyuan 太原[T... shanxisheng 陕西省|Shaanxi Province, capital Xi\'an 西安[Xi... shanxishifandaxue 陕西师范大学|Shaanxi Normal University shanxishou 山西兽|Shansitherium fuguensis (early giraffe) shanya 山崖|cliff shanyan 善言|good words shanyan 闪眼|to dazzle/to blink at/to open one\'s e... shanyanci 善言辞|articulate/eloquent shanyang 山羊|goat/(gymnastics) small-sized vaultin... shanyang 山阳|Shanyang District of Jiaozuo City 焦作市... shanyang 赡养|to support/to provide support for/to ... shanyangfei 赡养费|alimony/child support/maintenance all... shanyanghuzi 山羊胡子|goatee shanyangqu 山阳区|Shanyang District of Jiaozuo city 焦作市... shanyangrong 山羊绒|cashmere shanyangxian 山阳县|Shanyang County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1... shanyangzuo 山羊座|Capricorn (constellation and sign of ... shanyao 闪耀|to glint/to glitter/to sparkle/to rad... shanyao 山药|Dioscorea polystachya/yam shanyao 山腰|the place halfway up a mountain shanyaodan 山药蛋|(dialect) potato/rube/yokel shanye 山野|mountain and fields shanye 扇叶|fan blade shanyi 善意|goodwill/benevolence/kindness shanyi 闪熠|to flare/to flash shanyidehuangyan 善意的谎言|white lie shanyin 山阴|Shanyin county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 z... shanyin 善因|(Buddhism) good karma shanyinfeng 煽阴风|to raise an ill wind shanying 闪映|to flash before one\'s eyes/to flicker shanyinxian 山阴县|Shanyin county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 z... shanyong 善用|to be good at using (sth)/to put (sth... shanyoushanbao 善有善报|virtue has its rewards (idiom); one g... shanyoushanbao,eyouebao 善有善报,恶有恶报|virtue has its reward, evil its retri... shanyu 善于|to be good at; to be adept at shanyu 山芋|sweet potato shanyu 鳝鱼|eel shanyu 闪语|Semitic language shanyuan 善缘|good karma shanyucai 山嵛菜|variant of 山萮菜[shan1 yu2 cai4] shanyucai 山萮菜|wasabi shanyue 山岳|mountain/hill/lofty mountain shanzai 善哉|excellent shanzaomei 山噪鹛|(bird species of China) plain laughin... shanze 山泽|the countryside/wilderness areas shanzei 山贼|brigand shanzha 山楂|Chinese hawthorn (Crataegus pinnatifida) shanzha 山查|variant of 山楂[shan1zha1] shanzhagao 山楂糕|haw jelly, a sweet jelly popular in n... shanzhai 山寨|fortified hill village/mountain stron... shanzhaihuo 山寨货|a fake; imitation or counterfeit product shanzhaiji 山寨机|knockoff cell phone; counterfeit phone shanzhenhaicuo 山珍海错|rarities from the mountain and the se... shanzhenhaiwei 山珍海味|exotic delicacies/luxury foodstuff fr... shanzhi 山雉|pheasant shanzhongshengxun 山中圣训|the Sermon on the Mount shanzhongwulaohu,houzichengdawang 山中无老虎,猴子称大王|in the country of the blind the one-e... shanzhu 山竹|mangosteen shanzhuang 山庄|manor house/villa/(used in hotel names) shanzhuantengnuo 闪转腾挪|to move nimbly about, dodging and wea... shanzhuo 闪灼|to glitter shanzhuo 珊卓|Sandra (name) shanzhuyu 山茱萸|Japanese cornel (Cornus officinalis) shanzi 擅自|without permission shanzi 扇子|fan/CL:把[ba3] shanzi 山子|rock garden/rockery shanzibaozhong 善自保重|take good care of yourself! shanziweimou 善自为谋|to be good at working for one\'s own p... shanzizhenshe 善自珍摄|take good care of yourself! (idiom) shanzou-haishi 山陬海澨|(idiom) remote and desolate area shanzu 闪族|the Semites shanzui 山嘴|mountain spur shao 少|few/less/to lack/to be missing/to sto... shao 少|young shao 邵|surname Shao/place name shao 绍|surname Shao shao 绍|to continue/to carry on shao 睄|(coll.) to glance shao 韶|surname Shao shao 韶|(literary) splendid; glorious shao 勺|spoon/ladle/CL:把[ba3]/abbr. for 公勺[go... shao 烧|to burn/to cook/to stew/to bake/to ro... shao 卲|surname Shao shao 玿|(literary) a kind of fine jade shao 梢|tip of branch shao 苕|see 紅苕|红苕[hong2 shao2] shao 召|surname Shao/name of an ancient state... shao 稍|somewhat/a little shao 稍|see 稍息[shao4 xi1] shao 劭|surname Shao shao 劭|stimulate to effort shao 芍|Chinese peony/Paeonia albiflora or la... shao 杓|ladle (variant of 勺[shao2]) shao 哨|a whistle/sentry shao 捎|to bring sth to sb/to deliver shao 髾|tail of a comet/long hair shao 蛸|long-legged spider shao 弰|ends of a bow shao 艄|stern of boat shao 旓|serrated edges on a Chinese flag shao 筲|pot-scrubbing brush made of bamboo st... shao 筲|basket/bucket shao 莦|jungle grass/lair shao 潲|driving rain/to sprinkle shao 焼|old variant of 燒|烧[shao1] shao 㲈|variant of 韶[shao2] shaoai 少艾|young and pretty/pretty girl shaoanwuzao 少安毋躁|keep calm, don\'t get excited/don\'t be... shaoanwuzao 少安无躁|variant of 少安毋躁[shao3 an1 wu2 zao4] shaoanwuzao 稍安勿躁|variant of 少安毋躁[shao3 an1 wu2 zao4] shaoanwuzao 稍安毋躁|variant of 少安毋躁[shao3 an1 wu2 zao4] shaobao 烧包|to forget oneself in extravagance/to ... shaobei 烧杯|beaker (glassware) shaobing 烧饼|baked sesame seed-coated cake shaobing 哨兵|sentinel shaobohu 邵伯湖|Shaobo Lake, freshwater lake in Jiang... shaobude 少不得|cannot be avoided/cannot do without shaobufen 少部分|a small proportion of/Taiwan pr. [sha... shaobugengshi 少不更事|(idiom) young and inexperienced; wet ... shaobujingshi 少不经事|see 少不更事[shao4bu4geng1shi4] shaobuliao 少不了|cannot do without/to be unavoidable/a... shaocai 烧菜|to cook shaocha 烧茶|to make tea shaodao 烧到|to have a fever reaching (a certain t... shaodeng 稍等|to wait a moment shaodi 哨笛|a whistle shaodong 少东|boss\'s son/young master; young boss shaodongjia 少东家|boss\'s son shaoer 少儿|child shaoerbuyi 少儿不宜|not suitable for children shaofang 少放|to add less (of a spice etc) shaofu 少妇|young married woman shaofu 少府|Minor Treasurer in imperial China, on... shaogaoxiang 烧高香|to burn incense/to thank profusely shaogenjin 少根筋|(coll.) dim-witted/foolish/absent-minded shaogong 艄公|helmsman/boatman shaogong 梢公|variant of 艄公[shao1 gong1] shaogu 筲箍|to hoop on a basket shaoguan 韶关|see 韶關市|韶关市[Shao2guan1 Shi4] shaoguanshi 韶关市|Shaoguan, prefecture-level city in Gu... shaoguanxianshi 少管闲事|Mind your own business!/Don\'t interfere! shaoguo 烧锅|a still (for distilling alcohol) shaohan 烧焊|to weld shaohong 烧红|to heat until red-hot shaohou 稍候|to wait a moment shaohou 稍后|in a little while/in a moment/later on shaohua 韶华|(literary) prime years; youthful years shaohuang 烧荒|to clear waste land or forest by burn... shaohui 烧毁|to destroy (or be destroyed) by fire shaohuo 烧火|to light a fire for cooking shaoji 筲箕|bamboo basket for rice-washing shaoji 勺鸡|(bird species of China) koklass pheas... shaojian 少见|rare; seldom seen/(formal) it\'s a rar... shaojian 烧碱|caustic soda NaOH shaojian 少间|soon/a short while/a narrow gap/sligh... shaojianduoguai 少见多怪|lit. a person who has seen little of ... shaojiang 少将|major general/rear admiral/air vice m... shaojiao 烧焦|to burn/to scorch/burned/burning/scor... shaojie 烧结|to sinter/to agglomerate ore by burning shaojiu 烧酒|name of a famous Tang dynasty wine/sa... shaokai 烧开|to boil shaokao 烧烤|barbecue/to roast shaokaojiang 烧烤酱|barbecue sauce shaoke 少刻|a short while/soon shaokuaiban 稍快板|allegretto shaokuairou 少块肉|(coll.) (usually used in the negative... shaola 烧腊|barbecue (Cantonese style) shaolai 少来|refrain (from doing sth)/(coll.) Come... shaolai 捎来|to bring sth to sb (news etc) shaoliang 少量|a smidgen/a little bit/a few shaolin 少林|the Shaolin monastery and martial art... shaoling 召陵|Shaoling district of Luohe city 漯河市[L... shaolingqu 召陵区|Shaoling district of Luohe city 漯河市[L... shaolinsi 少林寺|Shaolin Temple, Buddhist monastery fa... shaolishi 烧利市|(old) to burn paper money as an offering shaolu 烧录|to burn (a CD or DVD) shaomai 烧卖|shumai (shao mai) steamed dumpling/al... shaomai 烧麦|shumai (shao mai) steamed dumpling/al... shaomai 烧埋|to bury/funeral rites shaomao 烧毛|to singe (textiles) shaomei 烧煤|to burn coal shaomojizhou 绍莫吉州|Somogy, a county in southwest Hungary... shaonainai 少奶奶|young lady of the house/wife of the y... shaonan 少男|young, unmarried male; young guy shaonanshaonv 少男少女|boys and girls/teenagers shaonian 少年|early youth/youngster/(literary) yout... shaonianfan 少年犯|young criminal/juvenile delinquent shaonianfuqilaolaiban 少年夫妻老来伴|husband and wife in youth, companions... shaoniangong 少年宫|Children\'s Palace, institution where ... shaonianlaocheng 少年老成|accomplished though young/lacking you... shaonianren 少年人|(Tw) young people; youngster shaonianxianfengdui 少年先锋队|Young Pioneers of China (primary scho... shaonianzhijia 少年之家|children\'s center/children\'s club shaoniao 烧鸟|yakitori, a Japanese dish of skewered... shaonv 少女|girl/young lady shaonvfeng 少女峰|Jungfrau, peak in Switzerland shaopiaoping 邵飘萍|Shao Piaoping (1884-1926), pioneer of... shaoping 烧瓶|laboratory flask shaoping 烧屏|(electronics) screen burn-in shaoqia 哨卡|border sentry post shaoqian 烧钱|to burn joss paper/(fig.) to flush mo... shaoqiezi 烧茄子|stewed eggplant shaoqing 少顷|in a short while/presently shaoshan 韶山|Shaoshan, county-level city in Xiangt... shaoshang 烧伤|burn (injury) shaoshanshi 韶山市|Shaoshan, county-level city in Xiangt... shaoshao 稍稍|somewhat/a little/slightly shaoshi 稍食|(old) monthly salary of an official shaoshu 少数|small number/few/minority shaoshui 烧水|to heat water/to boil water shaoshuihu 烧水壶|kettle shaoshuminzu 少数民族|national minority/ethnic group shaoshuminzuxiang 少数民族乡|ethnic township (formal village level... shaoshuoweijia 少说为佳|Few words are best./Brevity is the so... shaoshuzuyi 少数族裔|ethnic minority shaosi 烧死|to burn to death shaosuo 哨所|watchhouse/sentry post shaotai 烧胎|burnout/peel out shaotan 烧炭|to manufacture charcoal/to burn charc... shaowei 稍微|a little bit shaowei 少尉|second lieutenant (army rank) shaowei 烧味|siu mei/spit-roasted meat dish in Can... shaowu 邵武|Shaowu, county-level city in Nanping ... shaowushi 邵武市|Shaowu, county-level city in Nanping ... shaoxi 稍息|(military) Stand at ease! shaoxian 稍嫌|more than one would wish/somewhat/a b... shaoxiandui 少先队|Young Pioneers of China, abbr. for 少年... shaoxiang 烧香|to burn incense shaoxiangbaifo 烧香拜佛|to burn incense and worship Buddha shaoxiao 少校|junior ranking officer in Chinese arm... shaoxieqi 烧写器|programmer (electronics) shaoxin 烧心|to worry shaoxin 捎信|to take a letter/to send word shaoxing 绍兴|see 紹興市|绍兴市[Shao4xing1 Shi4] shaoxingjiu 绍兴酒|Shaoxing wine a.k.a. \"yellow wine\", t... shaoxingshi 绍兴市|Shaoxing, prefecture-level city in Zh... shaoxu 少许|a little; a few shaoxu 稍许|a little/a bit shaoxuan 少选|(literary) a little while shaoyang 邵阳|see 邵陽市|邵阳市[Shao4yang2 Shi4] shaoyangbing 少阳病|name of disease in TCM shaoyangjing 少阳经|lesser yang gallbladder meridian of t... shaoyangshi 邵阳市|Shaoyang, prefecture-level city in Hu... shaoyangxian 邵阳县|Shaoyang county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Sha... shaoyao 芍药|Chinese peony (Paeonia lactiflora)/co... shaoye 少爷|son of the boss/young master of the h... shaoyi 稍异|differing slightly shaoyidan 烧夷弹|incendiary bomb shaoyifu 邵逸夫|Run Run Shaw (1907-2014), Hong Kong m... shaoying 烧硬|to fire (pottery) shaoyong 邵雍|Shao Yong (1011-1077), Northern Song ... shaoyou 少有|rare/infrequent shaozao 稍早|a little early shaozaoshi 稍早时|a little earlier shaozhi 烧制|to fire (in a kiln) shaozhi 烧纸|to burn paper offerings (as part of r... shaozhiyoushao 少之又少|very few; very little shaozhu 烧煮|to cook shaozhuangbunuli,laodatushangbei 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲|if you are lazy in your prime, you\'ll... shaozhuangpai 少壮派|young guard/young and vigorous group ... shaozhuo 烧灼|to burn/to scorch/to cauterize shaozhuogan 烧灼感|burning pain shaozhuoshang 烧灼伤|burn (injury)/scorching shaozhuoteng 烧灼疼|burning pain shaozi 勺子|scoop/ladle/CL:把[ba3] shaozi 哨子|whistle shaozi 杓子|scoop shaozihua 少子化|declining birthrate (orthographic bor... shaozisheng 哨子声|whistling sound shaozongjishi 稍纵即逝|transient/fleeting shaozu 邵族|Thao, one of the indigenous peoples o... shaozuiyu 勺嘴鹬|(bird species of China) spoon-billed ... shapan 沙盘|sand table (military)/3D terrain (or ... shapantuiyan 沙盘推演|to plan a military mission on a sand ... shapigou 沙皮狗|Chinese shar-pei (dog breed) shapingba 沙坪坝|Shapingba, a district of Chongqing 重慶... shapingbaqu 沙坪坝区|Shapingba, a district of Chongqing 重慶... shapotou 沙坡头|Shapo district of Zhongwei city 中衛市|中... shapotouqu 沙坡头区|Shapo district of Zhongwei city 中衛市|中... shaqi 煞气|to vent one\'s anger on (an innocent p... shaqi 煞气|baleful look/inauspicious influence/(... shaqi 杀气|murderous spirit/aura of death/to ven... shaqi 傻气|foolish/foolishness shaqi 沙碛|(literary) desert/sandy shore shaqi 杀器|deadly weapon shaqima 沙琪玛|sachima, sweet (Manchu) pastry made o... shaqima 沙其马|variant of 沙琪瑪|沙琪玛[sha1qi2ma3] shaqing 杀青|to put the last hand to (a book, a fi... shaqitengteng 杀气腾腾|ferocious/murderous-looking shaqitengteng 煞气腾腾|variant of 殺氣騰騰|杀气腾腾[sha1 qi4 teng2 t... shaqiu 沙丘|sand dune/sandy hill shaqiu 杀球|to spike the ball (volleyball etc)/to... shaqiuhe 沙丘鹤|(bird species of China) sandhill cran... sharen 杀人|homicide/to murder/to kill (a person) sharen 砂仁|Amomom (fructus Amomi), plant used in... sharen-miekou 杀人灭口|(idiom) to kill sb to prevent them fr... sharen-rucao 杀人如草|see 殺人如麻|杀人如麻[sha1ren2-ru2ma2] sharen-ruma 杀人如麻|lit. to kill people like scything fla... sharenan 杀人案|murder case/homicide case sharenanjian 杀人案件|(case of, incident of) murder sharenbuguotoudiandi 杀人不过头点地|It\'s all exaggeration, you don\'t need... sharenbuzhayan 杀人不眨眼|to murder without blinking an eye (id... sharenfan 杀人犯|murderer/homicide sharenfanghuo 杀人放火|to kill and burn (idiom); murder and ... sharenjing 杀人鲸|killer whale (Orcinus orca) sharenkuang 杀人狂|homicidal maniac sharenweisui 杀人未遂|attempted murder sharenyoushafu 傻人有傻福|fortune favors fools (idiom)/fool\'s luck sharenyuehuo 杀人越货|to kill sb for his property (idiom); ... sharuan 杀软|antivirus software/abbr. for 殺毒軟件|杀毒软... shaseng 沙僧|Sha Wujing shasezhuque 沙色朱雀|(bird species of China) pale rosefinc... shasha 沙沙|rustle shasha 霎霎|(onom.) falling rain/chilly air/cold ... shashajiang 莎莎酱|(loanword) salsa (sauce) shashang 杀伤|to kill or injure shashangli 杀伤力|destructive power/harmfulness shashawu 莎莎舞|salsa (dance) shashen 沙参|ladybell root (Radix adenophorae) shashen 煞神|demon/fiend shashenchengren 杀身成仁|(idiom) to die a martyr; to be martyred shasheng 杀生|to take the life of a living creature shashenzhihuo 杀身之祸|(idiom) getting killed shashi 砂石|sandstone/sand and stone/aggregate shashi 沙石|sand and stones shashi 煞是|extremely/very shashi 霎时|in a split second shashi 沙市|Shashi district of Jingzhou city 荊州市|... shashi 沙士|sarsaparilla/root beer/SARS (severe a... shashibiya 莎士比亚|Shakespeare (name)/William Shakespear... shashijian 霎时间|in a split second shashiqu 沙市区|Shashi district of Jingzhou city 荊州市|... shashou 杀手|killer/murderer/hit man/(sports) form... shashoujian 杀手锏|(fig.) trump card shashoujiyingyong 杀手级应用|killer application/killer app shashu 杀熟|to swindle associates, friends or rel... shashu 沙鼠|gerbil shashuyao 杀鼠药|rat poison shasi 杀死|to kill shasi 沙司|sauce (loanword) shatan 沙滩|beach/sandy shore/CL:片[pian4] shatang 砂糖|granulated sugar shatang 沙糖|variant of 砂糖[sha1tang2] shatangju 砂糖橘|sugar mandarin (Citrus reticulata cv.... shatanpaiqiu 沙滩排球|beach volleyball shatanxie 沙滩鞋|beach shoes/wetsuit booties shate 沙特|Saudi/abbr. for Saudi Arabia shatealabo 沙特阿拉伯|Saudi Arabia shatealaboren 沙特阿拉伯人|a Saudi/Saudi Arabian person shatelu 沙特鲁|Châteauroux/Chateauroux (French town) shatian 沙田|Sha Tin town in New Territories, Hong... shating 刹停|to brake to a halt shatou 杀头|to behead shatou-shanao 傻头傻脑|(idiom) stupid; muddle-headed shatoujiao 沙头角|Sha Tau Kok (town in Hong Kong) shatu 沙土|sandy soil shawa 沙瓦|a sour (type of cocktail) (loanword) shawama 沙瓦玛|shawarma, Middle Eastern sandwich wra... shawan 沙湾|Shawan district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山... shawan 沙畹|Chavannes (name) shawanqu 沙湾区|Shawan district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山... shawei 煞尾|to finish off/to wind up shaweima 沙威玛|shawarma, Middle Eastern sandwich wra... shaweng 莎翁|Shakespeare/slang or popular culture ... shawenzhuyi 沙文主义|chauvinism shawudialabo 沙乌地阿拉伯|Saudi Arabia (Tw) shawujing 沙悟净|Sha Wujing shax 傻X|see 傻叉[sha3 cha1] shaxian 纱线|yarn shaxian 沙县|Shaxian, a district of Sanming City 三... shaxianqu 沙县区|Shaxian, a district of Sanming City 三... shaxiao 傻笑|to giggle/to laugh foolishly/to smirk... shaximi 沙西米|sashimi (loanword) shaxingzi 煞性子|to vent anger shaxue 歃血|to smear one\'s lips with the blood of... shaxueweimeng 歃血为盟|to smear the lips with blood when tak... shaya 沙雅|Shayar nahiyisi (Shaya county) in Aks... shaya 沙哑|hoarse; husky; raspy shayan 沙眼|trachoma shayan 砂岩|sandstone shayan 傻眼|(coll.) stunned; dumbfounded; flabber... shayan 沙岩|sandstone shayan 霎眼|to blink/in an instant/in the twinkle... shayang 沙洋|Shayang county in Jingmen 荊門|荆门[Jing1... shayangxian 沙洋县|Shayang county in Jingmen 荊門|荆门[Jing1... shayaxian 沙雅县|Shayar nahiyisi (Shaya county) in Aks... shayi 帹暆|kerchief covering head (arch.) shayibake 沙依巴克|Saybagh district (Uighur: Saybagh Ray... shayibakequ 沙依巴克区|Saybagh district (Uighur: Saybagh Ray... shayijingbai 杀一儆百|lit. kill one to warn a hundred (idio... shayijingbai 杀一警百|variant of 殺一儆百|杀一儆百[sha1 yi1 jing3 b... shaying 杀婴|infanticide shayoujieshi 煞有介事|to make a show of being very much in ... shayouqishi 煞有其事|see 煞有介事[sha4 you3 jie4 shi4] shayu 鲨鱼|shark shayu 铩羽|(literary) (lit.) to cripple the wing... shayu 沙鱼|variant of 鯊魚|鲨鱼[sha1 yu2] shayuergui 铩羽而归|(idiom) to return in low spirits foll... shazhan 纱绽|spindle shazhan 沙展|sergeant (loanword) shazhang 煞账|to settle an account shazhenjun 杀真菌|fungicidal/to have a fungicidal effect shazhenjunji 杀真菌剂|fungicide shazhi 砂纸|sandpaper (i.e. abrasive) shazhi 沙质|sandy shazhi 纱支|(textiles) yarn count (unit indicatin... shazhijiaozi 杀彘教子|to kill a pig as a lesson to the chil... shazhou 沙洲|sandbank/sandbar shazhu 煞住|to brake/to stop/to forbid shazhu 刹住|to stop/to come to a halt shazhupan 杀猪盘|pig butchering scam (where the scamme... shazhuzaiyang 杀猪宰羊|to kill the pigs and slaughter the sh... shazi 傻子|idiot/fool shazi 啥子|(dialect) what shazi 沙子|sand/grit/CL:粒[li4],把[ba3] shazi 砂子|sand shazukang 沙祖康|Sha Zukang (1947-), Chinese diplomat she 射|old variant of 射[she4] she 射|to shoot/to launch/to allude to/radio... she 折|to snap/to break (a stick, a bone etc... she 社|(bound form) society; organization; a... she 赦|to pardon (a convict) she 佘|surname She she 奢|extravagant she 蛇|variant of 蛇[she2] she 蛇|snake/serpent/CL:條|条[tiao2] she 舍|to give up; to abandon/to give alms she 舍|surname She she 舍|old variant of 捨|舍[she3] she 舍|(bound form) residence; house/(bound ... she 设|to set up; to put in place/(math.) gi... she 摄|(bound form) to take in; to absorb; t... she 拾|to ascend in light steps she 猞|used in 猞猁[she1li4]/Taiwan pr. [she4] she 厍|surname She she 涉|(literary) to wade across a body of w... she 蠂|Podisma mikado she 麝|musk deer (Moschus moschiferus)/also ... she 畲|She ethnic group she 舌|tongue she 赊|to buy or sell on credit/distant/long... she 慑|terrified she 慑|afraid/be feared/to fear/to frighten/... she 奓|old variant of 奢[she1] she 蔎|Thea sinensis she 揲|sort out divining stalks she 歙|name of a district in Anhui she 滠|name of a river she 阇|(used in transliteration from Sanskrit) she 韘|archer\'s thumb ring she 檨|mango she 渉|Japanese variant of 涉[she4] she 舎|Japanese variant of 舍[she4] she 騇|mare/female horse she 摂|Japanese variant of 攝|摄 she 𪨶|old variant of 畬|畲[She1] shean 涉案|(of a perpetrator, victim, weapon, su... shebao 社保|social insurance (abbr. for 社會保險|社会保险... shebei 设备|equipment; facilities; installations/... sheben 折本|a loss/to lose money shebenzhumo 舍本逐末|to neglect the root and pursue the ti... shebi 涉笔|to start writing or painting (lit. \"w... shebude 舍不得|to hate to do sth/to hate to part wit... shebudehaizitaobuzhulang 舍不得孩子套不住狼|one who is not prepared to risk his c... shecanlianhua 舌灿莲花|(idiom) eloquent/entertaining in one\'... shechang 设厂|to establish a factory shecheng 射程|range/reach/firing range shecheng 折秤|discrepancy in weight shechi 奢侈|luxurious/extravagant shechipin 奢侈品|luxury good shechu 社畜|(coll.) corporate drone (orthographic... shechu 射出|emission/ejaculation shedan 蛇胆|snake gall (used in TCM) shedao 蛇岛|Shedao or Snake island in Bohai sea 渤... shedaofu 蛇岛蝮|Snake island viper (Gloydius shedaoen... shede 舍得|to be willing to part with sth shedelanqundao 设得兰群岛|Shetland Islands shedeng 射灯|spotlight shedeyishengua,ganbahuangdilaxiama 舍得一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马|one who does not fear the death of th... shedi 舍弟|my younger brother (humble term) shedian 射电|radio wave (astronomy) shedianwangyuanjing 射电望远镜|radio telescope shediao 蛇雕|(bird species of China) crested serpe... shediaoyingxiongzhuan 射雕英雄传|Legend of the Condor Heroes, wuxia (武... sheding 设定|to set/to set up/to install/setting/p... sheding 舌钉|tongue ring/tongue piercing shedingqiang 射钉枪|nail gun/stud gun shedu 蛇毒|snake venom shedu 涉渡|to ford (a stream)/to wade across shedusu 蛇毒素|venin shefa 设法|to try/to make an attempt/to think of... shefang 设防|to set up defenses/to fortify shefu 慑服|to overawe/to be scared into submission shefu 设伏|to prepare an ambush/to waylay shefuzuo 蛇夫座|Ophiuchus (constellation) shegan 射干|blackberry lily (Belamcanda chinensis... shegang 设岗|to post a sentry shegen 舌根|back of tongue/tongue root/dorsal shegong 社工|social work/social worker shegongren 社工人|social worker shegou 赊购|to buy on credit/to delay payment sheguan 蛇管|flexible hose sheguo 涉过|to ford (a stream, river etc) sheguo 蛇果|Red Delicious (a sort of apple) shehao 蛇蒿|tarragon shehao 折耗|loss of goods/damage to goods/shrinkage shehei 涉黑|gang-related sheheian 涉黑案|gang-related case/criminal case shehua 奢华|luxurious/sumptuous/lavish shehui 社会|society/CL:個|个[ge4] shehui 涉贿|to be suspected of bribery shehuibaoxian 社会保险|social security (abbr. to 社保[she4bao3]) shehuibaozhang 社会保障|social security shehuidaerwenzhuyi 社会达尔文主义|social Darwinism shehuidang 社会党|socialist party shehuidengji 社会等级|social rank; class; caste shehuifuwu 社会服务|social services shehuigonggongliyi 社会公共利益|public interest shehuigongzuo 社会工作|social work shehuigongzuozhe 社会工作者|social worker shehuiguanhuai 社会关怀|social care shehuiguanxi 社会关系|social relation shehuihua 社会化|to socialize shehuihuanjing 社会环境|social environment; milieu shehuihuodong 社会活动|social activity shehuijieceng 社会阶层|social class shehuijingji 社会经济|socio-economic shehuikexue 社会科学|social sciences shehuimingliu 社会名流|celebrity; public figure shehuiminzhu 社会民主|social democracy shehuiminzhudang 社会民主党|Social Democratic Party shehuiminzhuzhuyi 社会民主主义|social democracy shehuipingdeng 社会平等|social equality shehuirongzi 社会融资|private (non-government) financing shehuishiye 社会事业|social enterprise shehuituanti 社会团体|social group/community organization shehuixing 社会性|social shehuixingdong 社会行动|social actions shehuixinyongtixi 社会信用体系|social credit system, a system that i... shehuixue 社会学|sociology shehuiyuyanxue 社会语言学|sociolinguistics shehuizhengyi 社会正义|social justice shehuizhuyi 社会主义|socialism shehuizhuyijiaoyuyundong 社会主义教育运动|Socialist Education Movement (1963-66... shehuizhuyizhe 社会主义者|socialist shehuizongxuqiu 社会总需求|aggregate social demand/total require... shehuo 设或|if shehuo 社火|festival entertainment (lion dance, d... shehuxian 摄护腺|prostate/also written 前列腺[qian2 lie4 ... shehuxianzhongda 摄护腺肿大|benign prostate hypertrophy/enlargeme... shei 谁|who/also pr. [shui2] sheiliao 谁料|who would have thought that/who would... sheipashei 谁怕谁|bring it on!; who\'s afraid? sheirenyuedui 谁人乐队|The Who (1960s UK rock band) sheixiaodaozuihou,sheixiaodezuihao 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好|He laughs best who laughs last. sheixiaozaizuihou,sheixiaodezuihao 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好|He laughs best who laughs last. sheizhi 谁知|who would have thought/unexpectedly sheizhidao 谁知道|God knows.../Who would have imagined...? sheji 设计|to design; to plan/design; plan sheji 射击|to shoot; to fire (a gun) sheji 社稷|state/country/the Gods of earth and g... sheji 涉及|to involve; to relate to; to concern;... sheji 舍己|selfless/self-sacrifice (to help othe... sheji 拾级|to go up or down stairs step by step shejian 舌尖|tip of tongue/apical shejian 射箭|archery/to shoot an arrow shejianchanyin 舌尖颤音|alveolar trill (e.g. Russian r sound) shejianhouyin 舌尖后音|retroflex sound (e.g. in Mandarin zh,... shejianqianyin 舌尖前音|alveolar/consonants z, c, s produced ... shejianyin 舌尖音|apical consonant (produced with the t... shejiao 社交|interaction/social contact shejiao 社教|Socialist education/abbr. for 社會主義教育運... shejiaocaineng 社交才能|social accomplishment shejiaokongjuzheng 社交恐惧症|social phobia/social anxiety shejiaomeiti 社交媒体|social media shejiaoniubizheng 社交牛逼症|(neologism c. 2021) gregariousness/fa... shejiaowangzhan 社交网站|social networking site shejiaowu 社交舞|social dancing shejichengxu 设计程序|design process shejiershang 拾级而上|to walk slowly up a flight of steps (... shejiguifan 设计规范|design norm/planning regulations shejijiuren 舍己救人|to abandon self for others (idiom); t... shejing 射精|ejaculation/to ejaculate shejingbing 蛇精病|(slang) (pun on 神經病|神经病[shen2 jing1 b... shejingguan 射精管|ejaculatory duct shejishi 设计师|designer/architect shejiweigong 舍己为公|to give up one\'s private interests fo... shejiweiren 舍己为人|to abandon self for others (idiom, fr... shejixue 射击学|ballistics shejizhe 设计者|designer/architect (of a project) sheju 设局|to set a trap shejubaoshuai 舍车保帅|rook sacrifice to save the king (in C... sheke 社科|social science (abbr.) shekeyuan 社科院|(Chinese) Academy of Social Sciences ... shekong 社恐|social phobia (abbr. for 社交恐懼症|社交恐惧症[... shelan 涉览|to browse/to glance through/to read sheli 设立|to set up; to establish sheli 舍利|ashes after cremation/Buddhist relics... sheli 阇梨|Buddhist monk (Sanskrit: jala) sheli 涉历|to experience sheli 阇黎|Buddhist teacher (Sanskrit transliter... sheli 奢丽|sumptuous/a luxury sheli 猞猁|lynx shelie 涉猎|to skim (through a book)/to read curs... sheling 赦令|amnesty/pardon shelita 舍利塔|stupa/tower venerating the ashes of t... sheliu 射流|jet (math.) shelizi 舍利子|ashes after cremation/Buddhist relics... shelizita 舍利子塔|stupa with Buddhist relics/pagoda shelongzhu 蛇龙珠|Cabernet Gernischt (grape type) shelu 摄录|to film; to record (a video) shelun 社论|editorial (in a newspaper)/CL:篇[pian1] shelvhunza 蛇绿混杂|ophiolite melange (geology) shelvhunzayan 蛇绿混杂岩|ophiolite (geology) shelvhunzayandai 蛇绿混杂岩带|ophiolite belt (geology) shelvyan 蛇绿岩|ophiolite (geology) shema 蛇麻|hops (Humulus lupulus) shemacao 蛇麻草|hop (Humulus lupulus), climbing plant... shemao 蛇矛|ancient spear-like weapon with a wavy... shemao 麝猫|civet (zoology) shemei 蛇莓|Indian strawberry (Potentilla indica) shemei 社媒|social media (abbr. for 社交媒體|社交媒体[she... shemen 射门|(soccer, handball etc) to kick or sho... shemi 奢糜|variant of 奢靡[she1 mi2] shemi 奢靡|extravagant shemian 赦免|to pardon/to absolve/to exempt from p... shemian 舌面|blade of tongue/laminal shemindang 社民党|Social Democratic party sheming 舍命|to risk one\'s life shen 审|to examine/to investigate/carefully/t... shen 神|God shen 神|god; deity/supernatural; magical; mys... shen 身|body/life/oneself/personally/one\'s mo... shen 参|ginseng/one of the 28 constellations shen 沈|surname Shen shen 沈|short name for 瀋陽|沈阳[Shen3 yang2] shen 沈|(literary) juice shen 参|variant of 參|参[shen1] shen 申|old name for Shanghai 上海[Shang4hai3]/... shen 申|to extend/to state/to explain/9th ear... shen 什|what shen 深|old variant of 深[shen1] shen 深|deep (lit. and fig.) shen 蔘|ginseng shen 肾|kidney shen 绅|member of gentry shen 莘|surname Shen shen 莘|long/numerous shen 燊|brisk/vigorous (of fire) shen 珅|a kind of jade shen 慎|careful/cautious shen 慎|old variant of 慎[shen4] shen 蜃|giant clam/(mythology) clam-monster s... shen 伸|to stretch/to extend shen 矧|(interrog.) shen 渗|to seep/to ooze/to horrify shen 甚|variant of 什[shen2] shen 甚|excessive; undue/to exceed; to be mor... shen 婶|wife of father\'s younger brother shen 屾|(literary) two mountains standing nex... shen 葚|fruit of mulberry/also pr. [ren4] shen 渖|old variant of 瀋|沈[shen3] shen 呻|(literary) to recite; to chant; to in... shen 砷|arsenic (chemistry) shen 榊|(Japanese kokuji) sakaki (Cleyera jap... shen 瘆|to terrify shen 娠|pregnant shen 椹|variant of 葚[shen4] shen 哂|(literary) to smile/to sneer shen 诜|to inform/to inquire shen 谉|to investigate/to try (in court) shen 谂|to know/to reprimand/to urge/to long ... shen 愼|variant of 慎[shen4] shen 鲹|carangid (zoology) shen 侁|large crowd shen 甡|multitude/crowd shen 脤|sacrificial meat (raw) shen 兟|to advance shen 瞫|surname Shen shen 籸|crushed grain shen 妽|(used in female names) shen 曑|old variant of 參|参[shen1]/(constellat... shen 胂|arsine shen 氠|xenon (chemistry) (old) shen 㕥|old variant of 呻[shen1] shen 𬳽|large crowd shenai 深爱|to love dearly shenan 深谙|to know (sth) very well/to be an expe... shenao 深奥|profound/abstruse/recondite/profoundly shenao 神奥|mysterious/an enigma shenbaiminglie 身败名裂|to lose one\'s standing/to have one\'s ... shenban 申办|to apply for/to bid for shenban 身板|body/physique/physical condition shenbanr 身板儿|erhua variant of 身板[shen1 ban3] shenbao 申报|to report (to the authorities)/to dec... shenbaodan 申报单|declaration form shenbaozhen 沈葆桢|Shen Baozhen (1820-1879), Qing Minist... shenbeixinqu 沈北新区|Shenbeixin district of Shenyang city ... shenbi 神笔|lit. divine pen/fig. outstanding writing shenbian 身边|at one\'s side/on hand shenbian 申辩|to defend oneself/to rebut a charge shenbiguju 深闭固拒|deep, closed and refusing (idiom); ob... shenbuhai 申不害|Shen Buhai (385-337 BC), legalist pol... shenbujiandi 深不见底|so deep one cannot see to the bottom/... shenbukece 深不可测|deep and unmeasurable (idiom); unfath... shenbushoushe 神不守舍|(idiom) absentminded; dazed; distracted shenbuyouji 身不由己|(idiom) (of one\'s circumstances) beyo... shenbuzhiguibujue 神不知鬼不觉|top secret/hush-hush shencai 身材|stature/build (height and weight)/figure shencai 神采|expression/spirit/vigor shencai 身才|stature/build (height and weight)/figure shencaifeiyang 神采飞扬|in high spirits (idiom); glowing with... shencaiyiyi 神采奕奕|in glowing spirits (idiom); bursting ... shencang 深藏|to be deeply hidden/to lie deep (in s... shencangruoxu 深藏若虚|to hide one\'s treasure away so that n... shenceng 深层|deep layer/deep; deep-seated; underlying shencengci 深层次|deep level/deep-seated/in-depth shencengqingjie 深层清洁|deep cleansing shencengzhengfu 深层政府|deep state shencha 审查|to examine/to investigate/to censor o... shencha 审察|to investigate/to examine closely shenchaiguishi 神差鬼使|the work of gods and devils (idiom); ... shenchang 身长|height (of person)/length of clothing... shenchang 伸长|to stretch; to extend shenchang 深长|profound (meaning, implications etc) shenchen 深沉|deep/profound/(of a person) reserved/... shencheng 申城|alternative name for Shanghai 上海[Shan... shenchengyan 深成岩|plutonic rock/abyssal rock shenchi 神池|Shenchi county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zho... shenchi 申饬|to warn/to blame/to rebuke/also writt... shenchi 申斥|to rebuke/to blame/to denounce shenchixian 神池县|Shenchi county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zho... shenchu 身处|in (some place)/to be in (adversity, ... shenchu 深处|abyss/depths/deepest or most distant ... shenchu 伸出|to extend shenchu 渗出|to seep out/to exude shenchu 审处|to deliberate and decide/to try and p... shenchu-guimo 神出鬼没|lit. to appear and disappear unpredic... shenchuan 身穿|to wear (a garment) shenchuwu 渗出物|exudate shenci 神祠|shrine shencongwen 沈从文|Shen Congwen (1902-1988), novelist shendao 神道|Shinto (Japanese religion) shendaojiao 神道教|Shinto shendehuang 瘆得慌|frightening/frightened shendeminxin 深得民心|to win the hearts of the people/to be... shendi 审谛|to look at sth carefully/to examine shendian 神殿|shrine shendiaoxialv 神雕侠侣|variant of 神鵰俠侶|神雕侠侣[Shen2 diao1 Xia2... shendiaoxialv 神雕侠侣|\"The Return of the Condor Heroes\" (19... shending 审定|to examine sth and make a decision/to... shending 审订|to revise/to examine and revise shendu 慎独|to preserve a proper behavior in priv... shendu 审读|to read (a draft)/to review shendu 深度|depth/(of a speech etc) profundity/ad... shenduan 身段|a woman\'s physique/figure/posture on ... shenduan 审断|to examine shenduchi 深度尺|depth indicator or gauge shendun 深蹲|squat (exercise) shenduo 审度|to observe and form a judgment shenduoshishi 审度时势|to examine and judge the situation shenduxuexi 深度学习|deep learning (artificial intelligence) shener 甚而|even/so much so that shenerzhiyu 甚而至于|even/so much so that shenfa 身法|pose or motion of one\'s body in marti... shenfannaming 砷凡纳明|arsphenamine shenfannaming 胂凡纳明|arsphenamine shenfen 身份|identity/aspect of one\'s identity (i.... shenfen 身分|variant of 身份[shen1 fen4] shenfendaoqie 身份盗窃|identity theft shenfengtegongdui 神风特攻队|Kamikaze Unit (Japanese corps of suic... shenfengtujidui 神风突击队|kamikaze unit (Japanese corps of suic... shenfenka 身份卡|identity card/ID card shenfenshibieka 身份识别卡|identification card/ID card shenfenzheng 身份证|identity card/ID shenfenzheng 身分证|identity card/also written 身份證|身份证[sh... shenfenzhenghaoma 身份证号码|I.D. number shenfenzhenghaoma 身分证号码|variant of 身份證號碼|身份证号码[shen1 fen4 zhe... shenfenzhengming 身份证明|ID card/proof of identity shenfo 神佛|Gods and Buddhas shenfu 神父|father (Catholic or Orthodox priest) shenfu 神甫|variant of 神父[shen2 fu5] shenfu 沈复|Shen Fu (1763-c. 1810), Qing dynasty ... shenfuzhongshang 身负重伤|seriously injured shenfuzhongwang 深孚众望|to enjoy the confidence of the people... sheng 省|to save; to economize; to be frugal/t... sheng 生|to be born/to give birth/life/to grow... sheng 剰|Japanese variant of 剩[sheng4] sheng 盛|surname Sheng sheng 盛|flourishing/vigorous/magnificent/exte... sheng 乘|(archaic) four horse military chariot... sheng 胜|victory/success/to beat/to defeat/to ... sheng 晟|brightness of sun/splendor/also pr. [... sheng 绳|rope/CL:根[gen1] sheng 声|sound/voice/tone/noise/reputation/cla... sheng 剩|to remain/to be left/to have as remai... sheng 剩|variant of 剩[sheng4] sheng 呏|gallon/quart sheng 甥|(bound form) sister\'s son; nephew sheng 笙|sheng, a free reed wind instrument wi... sheng 嵊|name of a district in Zhejiang sheng 牲|domestic animal/sacrificial animal sheng 昇|(used as a surname and in given names) sheng 眚|cataract of the eye/error sheng 縄|Japanese variant of 繩|绳 sheng 渑|name of a river in Shandong sheng 泩|rising of water sheng 㗂|variant of 省[sheng3]/tight-lipped/to ... sheng 鼪|stoat/weasel sheng 曻|variant of 昇|升[sheng1] sheng 圣|old variant of 聖|圣[sheng4] sheng 圣|(bound form) peerless (in wisdom, mor... sheng 升|to ascend; to rise/to promote; to ele... sheng 升|to ascend; to rise (variant of 升[shen... shengai 审改|to check and revise shengan 审干|to examine the cadres (i.e. 審查幹部|审查干部... shengan 深感|to feel deeply shenganchayi 甚感诧异|amazed/astonished/deeply troubled shengandeliesiduanceng 圣安地列斯断层|San Andreas Fault, California/also wr... shengandeliesiduanceng 圣安德列斯断层|San Andreas Fault, California shengandelu 圣安德鲁|St Andrew shengandongniao 圣安东尼奥|San Antonio, Texas shenganduonitangqu 圣安多尼堂区|St Anthony Parish (Macau)/Freguesia d... shengang 深港|Shenzhen and Hong Kong shengang 伸港|Shengang or Shenkang Township in Chan... shengangxiang 伸港乡|Shengang or Shenkang Township in Chan... shengao 审稿|to review (a paper or manuscript) shengao 身高|(a person\'s) height shengaogusiding 圣奥古斯丁|St Augustine/Aurelius Augustinus (354... shengaomada 身高马大|tall/huge shengaopin 甚高频|very high frequency (VHF) shengaoren 审稿人|reviewer (of a paper) shengbai 胜败|victory or defeat/result shengbaoluo 圣保罗|St Paul/São Paulo, city in Brazil shengbei 圣杯|Holy Grail shengbian 省便|convenient shengbide 圣彼得|Saint Peter shengbidebao 圣彼得堡|Saint Petersburg (city in Russia) shengbing 生病|to fall ill shengbo 声波|sound wave shengbodingwei 声波定位|sonic location system (esp. underwate... shengboduoludadian 圣伯多禄大殿|St Peter\'s Basilica, Vatican City shengbu 声部|part (in multipart instrumental or ch... shengbufengshi 生不逢时|born at the wrong time (idiom); unluc... shengbujiao,baibunei 胜不骄,败不馁|no arrogance in victory, no despair i... shengcai 生菜|lettuce/raw fresh vegetables/greens shengcai 生财|to make money shengcai 剩菜|leftovers (food) shengcaiyoudao 生财有道|lit. there are principles behind maki... shengcan 圣餐|Holy Communion; Eucharist shengcang 升舱|to get a flight upgrade shengcantai 圣餐台|(Christian) altar shengchan 生产|to produce; to manufacture/to give bi... shengchan 盛产|to produce in abundance/to be rich in shengchanchengben 生产成本|production costs shengchandanwei 生产单位|production unit shengchandui 生产队|production team shengchanfanyingdui 生产反应堆|production reactor shengchanguanxi 生产关系|relations between levels of productio... shengchanlaodong 生产劳动|productive labor shengchanli 生产力|production capability/productive forc... shengchanlv 生产率|productivity/efficiency of production shengchannengli 生产能力|manufacturing ability/production capa... shengchanqiye 生产企业|manufacturer shengchansheshi 生产设施|production facility shengchanxian 生产线|assembly line/production line shengchanzhe 生产者|producer (of goods, commodities or fa... shengchanzijiu 生产自救|self-help (idiom) shengchanziliao 生产资料|means of production shengchanzongzhi 生产总值|gross domestic production (GDP)/total... shengchao 圣朝|the current imperial dynasty/one\'s ow... shengchaoremai 生炒热卖|to sell while it\'s still hot (idiom);... shengchen 生辰|birthday shengchenbazi 生辰八字|one\'s birth data for astrological pur... shengcheng 生成|to generate; to produce; to form; to ... shengcheng 声称|to claim/to state/to proclaim/to assert shengcheng 省城|provincial capital shengcheng 圣城|Holy City shengcheng 盛称|enthusiastic praise/to praise highly shengcheng 省称|abbreviation shengchengshu 生成树|spanning tree (in graph theory) shengchi 生吃|to eat raw shengchijianyong 省吃俭用|to live frugally shengchou 生抽|light soy sauce shengchu 牲畜|farm animal; livestock shengchu 胜出|to come out on top/to win (in an elec... shengchu 生出|to give birth/to grow (whiskers etc)/... shengchuan 盛传|widely spread/widely rumored/stories ... shengchufen 牲畜粪|animal manure shengci 生词|new word (in textbook)/word that is u... shengci 剩磁|residual magnetism shengci 生祠|temple dedicated to sb still alive shengciben 生词本|vocabulary notebook shengciyu 生词语|vocabulary words (in language-learnin... shengcun 生存|to exist/to survive shengcunhuanjing 生存环境|habitat; living environment shengcunnongye 生存农业|subsistence farming/subsistence agric... shengda 盛大|grand/majestic/magnificent shengdafei 圣大非|Santa Fe shengdai 声带|vocal cords/vocal folds/(motion pictu... shengdai 圣代|sundae (loanword) shengdan 圣诞|Christmas/birthday of reigning Empero... shengdandao 圣诞岛|Christmas Island, Australia shengdanhong 圣诞红|poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) shengdanhua 圣诞花|poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) shengdanjie 圣诞节|Christmas time/Christmas season/Chris... shengdanka 圣诞卡|Christmas card shengdankuaile 圣诞快乐|Merry Christmas shengdanlaoren 圣诞老人|Father Christmas; Santa Claus shengdanni 圣但尼|St Denis or St Dennis shengdanqianxi 圣诞前夕|Christmas eve shengdanshu 圣诞树|Christmas tree shengdansong 圣诞颂|A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens shengdao 声道|sound track/audio channel shengdawuhui 盛大舞会|grand ball shengde 省得|to avoid/so as to save (money or time) shengde 盛德|splendid virtue/majestic moral charac... shengdekexubeili 圣德克旭贝里|(Antoine de) Saint-Exupéry shengdetaizi 圣德太子|Prince Shōtoku Taiji (574-621), major... shengdi 胜地|well-known scenic spot shengdi 圣地|holy land (of a religion)/sacred plac... shengdian 盛典|majestic pomp/grand ceremony shengdian 圣殿|temple shengdian 圣典|sacred writing/canon shengdian 省电|to save electricity shengdiao 声调|tone/note/a tone (on a Chinese syllab... shengdiao 升调|to promote to a higher post/(linguist... shengdiaolunkuo 声调轮廓|tone contour shengdiaoyuyan 声调语言|tonal language (e.g. Chinese or Vietn... shengdiyage 圣地亚哥|Santiago, capital of Chile/San Diego,... shengdiyage 圣地牙哥|(Tw) San Diego, California/Santiago, ... shengdong 生动|vivid/lively shengdongjixi 声东击西|to threaten the east and strike to th... shengdou 升斗|liter and decaliter dry measure/(fig.... shengdouxiaomin 升斗小民|(idiom) poor people; those who live f... shengduomei 圣多美|Sao Tome, capital of Sao Tome and Pri... shengduomeihepulinxibi 圣多美和普林西比|São Tomé and Príncipe shengduomingge 圣多明各|Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominic... shengduomingge 圣多明哥|Santo Domingo, capital of Dominican R... shenge 神格|Godhead shengen 申根|Schengen, village in Luxemburg, locat... shengeng 深耕|deep plowing/thorough penetration/tho... shengengbanye 深更半夜|in the dead of night (idiom) shengengxizuo 深耕细作|deep plowing and careful cultivation shengenqu 申根区|the Schengen area, a passport-free zo... shengeryunv 生儿育女|to bear and raise children shengfa 生发|to emerge and grow/to develop shengfaji 生发剂|hair restorer/hair regrowth tonic shengfan 剩饭|leftover food shengfan 生番|barbarian/aboriginal savage shengfei 圣菲|Santa Fe shengfen 省份|province shengfen 生分|estranged shengfen 生粉|cornflour/starch powder (cooking) shengfenshui 生粉水|starch solution (cooking) shengfomingjie 圣佛明节|Fiesta de Saint Fermin, festival held... shengfu 生父|biological father shengfu 胜负|victory or defeat/the outcome of a ba... shengfu 升幅|extent of an increase/percentage rise shengfu 圣父|Holy Father/God the Father (in the Ch... shengfu 声符|phonetic component of a Chinese chara... shengfu 盛服|splendid attire shengfumu 生父母|biological parents/natural parents shenggangao 省港澳|abbr. for the economic region of Guan... shenggao 升高|to raise/to ascend shenggaoyou 圣膏油|chrism/holy anointing oil shengge 升格|promotion/upgrade shengge 圣歌|hymn shengge 笙歌|music and song (formal writing) shenggen 生根|to take root shenggong 圣躬|the Emperor\'s body/Holy body/the curr... shenggong 升汞|mercuric chloride (HgCl) shengguan 升官|to get promoted shengguan 笙管|pipes of a panpipe shengguanfacai 升官发财|to be promoted and gain wealth (idiom) shengguang 生光|to emit light shengguo 胜过|to excel/to surpass shenghaizi 生孩子|to give birth to a baby shenghao 生蚝|raw oyster shenghao 升号|(music) sharp (♯) shenghaxintuo 圣哈辛托|San Jacinto shengheleina 圣赫勒拿|St Helena shenghelenadao 圣赫勒拿岛|Saint Helena shenghexi 圣荷西|San Jose shenghua 生化|biochemistry shenghua 升华|to sublimate/sublimation (physics)/to... shenghua 圣化|sanctify/sanctification/consecrate shenghuamiaobi 生花妙笔|beautiful or talented writing shenghuan 生还|to return alive/to survive shenghuan 圣胡安|San Juan, capital of Puerto Rico shenghuang 笙簧|reeds of a panpipe shenghuanzhe 生还者|survivor shenghuawuqi 生化武器|biological weapon shenghuaxue 生化学|biochemistry shenghuaxuyangliang 生化需氧量|(environmental science) biochemical o... shenghui 盛会|pageant/distinguished meeting shenghui 省会|provincial capital shenghui 生辉|to dazzle/to brighten up (a room etc) shenghuijie 圣灰节|Ash Wednesday (first day of Lent) shenghuizhanliri 圣灰瞻礼日|Ash Wednesday shenghuo 生活|to live/life/livelihood shenghuo 生火|to make a fire; to light a fire shenghuo 圣火|sacred fire; (esp.) the Olympic flame shenghuobixupin 生活必需品|life\'s necessities shenghuofangshi 生活方式|way of life/lifestyle shenghuofei 生活费|cost of living/living expenses/alimony shenghuoguan 生活馆|living museum shenghuolaji 生活垃圾|domestic garbage shenghuomeixue 生活美学|appreciation of the finer things in life shenghuosheshi 生活设施|living facilities shenghuoshuiping 生活水平|living standards shenghuowushui 生活污水|domestic sewage shenghuoziliao 生活资料|consumer goods/means of livelihood/me... shenghuozuofeng 生活作风|behavior/conduct shengji 升级|to go up by one grade; to be promoted... shengji 省级|(administrative) province-level shengji 生计|livelihood shengji 生机|opportunity to live; hope of success/... shengji 生技|biotechnology/abbr. for 生物技術|生物技术/(Tw... shengji 圣迹|holy relic/miracle shengji 盛季|peak season/a flourishing period shengjia 声价|reputation shengjian 省俭|frugal; thrifty shengjian 生煎|shengjian, a pan-fried bun filled wit... shengjianbao 生煎包|pan-fried dumpling shengjiang 升降|rising and falling shengjiang 生姜|fresh ginger shengjiangji 升降机|aerial work platform (e.g. cherry pic... shengjiangran 生机盎然|full of life/exuberant shengjiangsi 生姜丝|shredded ginger shengjibobo 生机勃勃|full of vitality shengjiciheniweisi 圣基茨和尼维斯|Saint Kitts and Nevis shengjie 省界|provincial boundary shengjie 圣洁|pure and holy shengjie 绳结|knot shengjiechang 升结肠|ascending colon (anatomy)/first secti... shengjin 生津|(TCM) to promote the secretion of saliva shengjin 省劲|to save labor/to save effort shengjing 圣经|the Confucian classics/(Christianity,... shengjing 盛京|historical name of Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳 in ... shengjing 生境|habitat shengjing 盛景|grand view/magnificent landscape shengjing 胜景|wonderful scenery shengjingwaizhuan 圣经外传|Apocrypha/biography external to the c... shengjingxianzhuan 圣经贤传|lit. holy scripture and biography of ... shengjinr 省劲儿|erhua variant of 省勁|省劲[sheng3 jin4] shengjiu 生就|to be born with/to be gifted with shengjiyishi 盛极一时|all the rage for a time/grand fashion... shengjiyiyao 生技医药|biopharmaceutical/drug produced by bi... shengju 盛举|grand event/magnificent undertaking shengjujiaoxun 生聚教训|to increase the population, amass wea... shengjun 圣君|sage shengka 声卡|sound card shengkai 盛开|blooming/in full flower shengkaiselin 圣凯瑟琳|Saint Catherine shengkelusi 圣克鲁斯|Santa Cruz shengkelusidao 圣克鲁斯岛|Santa Cruz Island, off the California... shengkong 升空|to rise to the sky/to lift off/to lev... shengkou 牲口|animals used for their physical stren... shengkuang 盛况|grand occasion shengkuangkongqian 盛况空前|a magnificent and unprecedented event... shengla-huoche 生拉活扯|see 生拉硬拽[sheng1la1-ying4zhuai4] shenglai 生来|from birth/by one\'s nature shenglang 声浪|clamor shenglaobingsi 生老病死|lit. to be born, to grow old, to get ... shenglaolunsihe 圣劳伦斯河|St Lawrence River, Canada shenglayingzhuai 生拉硬拽|to drag sb along against his will/to ... shenglei 声类|Shenglei, the earliest Chinese rime d... shengleijuxia 声泪俱下|to shed tears while recounting sth/sp... shengleixitong 声类系统|phonetic system shengleng 生冷|(of food) raw or cold shenglengzi 生冷字|obscure or archaic character shengli 胜利|victory/CL:個|个[ge4] shengli 生理|physiology shengli 省力|to save labor/to save effort shengli 圣礼|Holy sacrament/Christian rite (esp. P... shengli 牲礼|(religion) to sacrifice/sacrifice/ani... shenglijia 生理假|menstrual leave (Tw) shenglijun 生力军|fresh troops/(fig.) lifeblood/new force shenglimian 生力面|instant noodles (old) shengling 生灵|(literary) the people/living thing/cr... shengling 圣灵|Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit shenglingjianglin 圣灵降临|Pentecost shenglingtutan 生灵涂炭|people are in a terrible situation (i... shengliqi 生理期|menstrual period shenglisibie 生离死别|separated in life and death/to part f... shengliu 省流|to conserve mobile data; to minimize ... shenglixing 生理性|physiological shenglixue 生理学|physiology shenglixuejia 生理学家|physiologist shengliyanshui 生理盐水|saline (medicine) shenglizaiwang 胜利在望|victory is in sight shenglizhe 胜利者|victor/winner shenglonghuohu 生龙活虎|lit. lively dragon and animated tiger... shenglu 生路|a way to make a living/a way to survi... shengluxiya 圣卢西亚|Saint Lucia shengluxiya 圣露西亚|Saint Lucia (Tw) shengluxiyadao 圣卢西亚岛|Saint Lucia shengluyisi 圣路易斯|St Louis, large city in eastern Missouri shenglv 胜率|(sports) win rate/winning percentage/... shenglve 省略|to leave out/an omission shenglvefuhao 省略符号|apostrophe shenglvehao 省略号|ellipsis (punctuation) shengmalinuo 圣马力诺|San Marino shengmalinuo 圣马利诺|San Marino (Tw) shengmaluo 圣马洛|St Malo, town in Normandy shengmen 声门|glottis shengmeng 生猛|full of life/violent/brave/fresh (of ... shengmenqi 生闷气|to seethe/to sulk/to be pissed off (v... shengmi 生米|coarse rice/uncooked rice shengmiantuan 生面团|dough shengmiao 圣庙|shrine to a sage (esp. Confucius) shengmie 生灭|life and death shengming 声明|to state/to declare/statement/declara... shengming 生命|life (as the characteristic of living... shengming 盛名|famous reputation shengming 圣明|enlightened sage/brilliant master (fl... shengming 声名|reputation/declaration shengming-queqi 声名鹊起|(idiom) to rise to fame shengmingbuxi,zhandoubuzhi 生命不息,战斗不止|while there is life, the fight contin... shengmingdai 生命带|(neologism) (used in road safety camp... shengmingdazao 声名大噪|to rise to fame shengmingdazhen 声名大震|to create a sensation shengmingduoyangxing 生命多样性|biodiversity shengmingfeituo 生命吠陀|see 阿育吠陀[A1 yu4 fei4 tuo2] shengmingjixiang 生命迹象|see 生命體徵|生命体征[sheng1 ming4 ti3 zheng1] shengmingkexue 生命科学|life sciences shengminglangji 声名狼藉|to have a bad reputation shengmingli 生命力|vitality shengmingshu 声明书|statement shengmingtizheng 生命体征|vital signs shengmingxian 生命线|lifeline shengmingzaiyuyundong 生命在于运动|life is motion (popular saying with m... shengmingzhengxiang 生命征象|see 生命體徵|生命体征[sheng1 ming4 ti3 zheng1] shengmingzhouqi 生命周期|life cycle shengmishufan 生米熟饭|abbr. for 生米煮成熟飯|生米煮成熟饭, lit. the raw... shengmizhuchengshufan 生米煮成熟饭|the rice is cooked/what\'s done is don... shengmizuochengshufan 生米做成熟饭|lit. the raw rice is now cooked (idio... shengmo 绳墨|lit. carpenter\'s straight line marker... shengmu 圣母|the Virgin Mary shengmu 圣母|goddess shengmu 生母|natural mother/birth mother shengmu 声母|the initial consonant of a Chinese sy... shengmubiao 圣母婊|(Internet slang) sanctimonious bitch shengmufeng 圣母峰|(Tw) Mount Everest shengmujiaotang 圣母教堂|Church of Our Lady/Frauenkirche shengmumaliya 圣母玛利亚|Mary (mother of Jesus) shengmushengtianjie 圣母升天节|Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Christ... shengna 声纳|sonar (loanword) shengna 声呐|sonar (loanword) shengnaiyou 生奶油|cream/whipped cream shengnang 声囊|vocal sac/vocal pouch (for vocal ampl... shengnapa 圣纳帕|Agia Napa, Cyprus/Ayia Napa, Cyprus shengnian 盛年|the prime of one\'s life shengnu 盛怒|enraged; furious shengnv 甥女|sister\'s daughter; niece shengnv 剩女|\"leftover woman\" (successful career w... shengnvguo 圣女果|cherry tomato shengnvzhende 圣女贞德|Joan of Arc (1412-1431), French heroi... shengong 神功|amazing powers/miraculous skill shengongguifu 神工鬼斧|supernaturally fine craft (idiom); th... shengongneng 肾功能|kidney function shengou 申购|to ask to buy/to bid for purchase shengou 渗沟|sewer shengpa 生怕|to fear/afraid/extremely nervous/for ... shengpan 圣盘|Holy Grail shengpang 声旁|phonetic component of Chinese character shengpangzi 声旁字|character serving as sound value of a... shengpankeleisizhan 圣潘克勒斯站|Saint Pancras (London railway station) shengpatelike 圣帕特里克|Saint Patrick shengpi 生僻|unfamiliar/rarely seen shengpi 生皮|pelt/raw hide shengpi 生啤|draft beer/unpasteurized beer shengpiaierhemikelong 圣皮埃尔和密克隆|Saint-Pierre and Miquelon shengpijiu 生啤酒|draft beer/unpasteurized beer shengpin 声频|audio frequency shengping 生平|life (a person\'s whole life)/in one\'s... shengping 升平|peaceful shengpingjianjie 生平简介|biographic sketch shengpingshiji 生平事迹|lifetime achievements shengqi 生气|to get angry; to be furious/vitality;... shengqi 升起|to raise/to hoist/to rise shengqi 升旗|to raise a flag/to hoist a flag shengqi 生漆|raw lacquer shengqi 声气|voice/tone/information shengqi 盛气|grand and heroic/exuberant character shengqian 省钱|to save money shengqian 生前|(of a deceased) during one\'s life/whi... shengqian 升迁|to advance to a higher-level position... shengqian 剩钱|to have money left/remaining money shengqiangran 生气盎然|see 生機盎然|生机盎然[sheng1 yi4 ang4 ran2] shengqianyuzhu 生前预嘱|living will shengqiaozhi 圣乔治|St George shengqibobo 生气勃勃|full of vitality shengqilingren 盛气凌人|overbearing/arrogant bully shengqin 生擒|to capture alive shengqing 盛情|great kindness/magnificent hospitality shengqing 声请|to make a formal request/formal reque... shengqingbingmao 声情并茂|(of a singer etc) excellent in voice ... shengqiyishi 升旗仪式|flag raising ceremony shengqu 省去|to omit/to dispense with/to make unne... shengque 省却|to save/to get rid of (so saving space) shengre 生热|to generate heat shengren 胜任|qualified/competent (professionally)/... shengren 圣人|sage/the Sage (i.e. Confucius)/(old) ... shengren 升任|to be promoted to shengren 生人|stranger/living person/to give birth/... shengrennengli 胜任能力|competency shengri 生日|birthday/CL:個|个[ge4] shengriheka 生日贺卡|birthday card shengrika 生日卡|birthday card shengrikuaile 生日快乐|Happy birthday shengrongsiai 生荣死哀|to be respected in life and lamented ... shengrou 生肉|raw meat shengru 升入|to progress to (a higher-level school) shengsaerwaduo 圣萨尔瓦多|San Salvador, capital of El Salvador shengse 生涩|unripe/tart/not fully proficient/some... shengsechangsuo 声色场所|red-light district shengseng 圣僧|senior monk shengshadaquan 生杀大权|life-and-death power/ultimate power shengshan 圣善|supreme goodness/(respectful term for... shengshang 圣上|courtier\'s or minister\'s form of addr... shengshang 升上|(of an employee) to be promoted to (a... shengshen 圣神|feudal term of praise for ruler, king... shengshengba 省省吧|(coll.) Don\'t waste your breath./Save... shengshengbuxi 生生不息|to grow and multiply without end shengshenjianglin 圣神降临|Whit Sunday (Christian Festival celeb... shengshenjianglinzhou 圣神降临周|Whitsuntide shengshi 盛世|a flourishing period/period of prospe... shengshi 省市|provinces and cities shengshi 盛事|grand occasion shengshi 省事|to simplify matters; to save trouble shengshi 声势|fame and power/prestige/influence/imp... shengshi 生事|to make trouble shengshi 圣事|Holy sacrament/Christian rite (esp. C... shengshi 圣诗|hymn shengshi 升市|rising prices/bull market shengshigao 生石膏|gypsum CaSO4·2(H2O)/plaster shengshihui 生石灰|calcium oxide CaO/quicklime shengshou 圣手|divine physician/sage doctor/highly s... shengshou 生手|novice/new hand/sb new to a job shengshu 生疏|unfamiliar/strange/out of practice/no... shengshuai 盛衰|to flourish then decline/rise and fall shengshui 圣水|holy water shengshui 生水|unboiled water shengshuo 声说|to narrate shengsi 生死|life or death shengsi 嵊泗|Shengsi county in Zhoushan 舟山[Zhou1 s... shengsi 胜似|to surpass/better than/superior to shengsi 生丝|raw silk shengsicunwang 生死存亡|matter of life and death shengsidadang 生死搭档|inseparable partner shengsiguantou 生死关头|the critical moment/life and death cr... shengsiliedao 嵊泗列岛|Shengsi Islands, making up Shengsi co... shengsilijie 声嘶力竭|to shout oneself hoarse (idiom) shengsirougu 生死肉骨|lit. the dead returning to life/a mir... shengsixian 嵊泗县|Shengsi county in Zhoushan 舟山[Zhou1 s... shengsiyouguan 生死攸关|matter of life and death shengsiyouming 生死有命|life and death are ruled by fate (idiom) shengsu 胜诉|to win a court case shengsuan 胜算|odds of success/stratagem that ensure... shengsuo 绳索|rope shengsuofeiya 圣索非亚|Hagia Sophia (Greek: Holy wisdom) shengsuofeiyadajiaotang 圣索非亚大教堂|Hagia Sophia (the main cathedral of C... shengsuoguo 声索国|claimant country (in a territorial di... shengsuotao 绳索套|a noose shengtai 生态|ecology shengtai 圣胎|immortal body (of born again Daoist) shengtai 生苔|mossy shengtaichengshi 生态城市|sustainable city shengtaigudao 生态孤岛|insularization (as a threat to biodiv... shengtaihuanjing 生态环境|ecosystem/natural environment shengtaihuanjingyou 生态环境游|ecotourism shengtailvyou 生态旅游|ecotourism shengtaiquan 生态圈|ecosphere shengtaixi 生态系|ecosystem shengtaixitong 生态系统|ecosystem shengtaixue 生态学|ecology shengtaixuejia 生态学家|ecologist shengtaiyouhaoxing 生态友好型|eco-friendly shengtaizuji 生态足迹|ecological footprint shengtalun 圣塔伦|Santarém (Portugal)/Santarém (Brazil) shengtangrushi 升堂入室|lit. to reach the main room and enter... shengtao 声讨|to denounce; to condemn shengtao 绳套|noose/harness shengteng 升腾|to rise/to ascend/to leap up shengteng 生疼|extremely painful shengti 圣体|the Emperor\'s body/Jesus\' body/commun... shengti 绳梯|a rope ladder shengti 牲体|body of an animal (or human) killed s... shengtian 升天|lit. to ascend to heaven/to die shengtie 生铁|pig iron shengtijie 圣体节|Corpus Christi (Catholic festival on ... shengtixue 圣体血|the body and blood of Christ/Holy com... shengtongyinshi 生酮饮食|ketogenic diet shengtu 圣徒|saint shengtu 生土|(agr.) immature soil/virgin soil shengtunhuobo 生吞活剥|to swallow whole (idiom); fig. to app... shengu 身故|to die shengu 深谷|deep valley/ravine shenguai 神怪|spirits and devils (usually harmful)/... shenguang 深广|deep and wide/vast/profound (influenc... shengui 深闺|lady\'s private room or bedroom/boudoir shengui 深柜|(slang) (of an LGBT person etc) close... shenguofang 沈国放|Shen Guofang (1952-), PRC assistant m... shengwang 声望|popularity/prestige shengwang 圣王|sage ruler shengwei 省委|provincial Party committee shengwei 声威|prestige/renown/influence shengwei 生畏|to feel intimidated shengwen 升温|to become hot/temperature rise/(fig.)... shengwen 声闻|(Buddhism) disciple shengwen 绳文|Jyōmon period of Japanese prehistory,... shengwensenhegelinnading 圣文森和格林纳丁|St Vincent and Grenadines, Caribbean ... shengwensenjigeruinading 圣文森及格瑞那丁|Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Tw) shengwensentehegelinnadingsi 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯|Saint Vincent and the Grenadines shengwo 圣涡|dimples of Venus/back dimples shengwu 生物|organism/living creature/life form/bi... shengwu 声鹀|(bird species of China) common reed b... shengwucailiao 生物材料|bio-materials shengwuceding 生物测定|bioassay shengwuchaiyou 生物柴油|biodiesel shengwuchuanganqi 生物传感器|biosensor shengwudamiejue 生物大灭绝|great extinction of species shengwudanyao 生物弹药|biological ammunition shengwuduoyangxing 生物多样性|biodiversity shengwuduoyuanhua 生物多元化|biodiversity shengwufanyingqi 生物反应器|bioreactor shengwufenxifa 生物分析法|bioanalytical method shengwugaofenzi 生物高分子|biopolymers shengwugongcheng 生物工程|bioengineering/genetic engineering shengwugongchengxue 生物工程学|biotechnology shengwuhuaxue 生物化学|biochemistry shengwuhuaxuejia 生物化学家|biochemist shengwuhuohuaxing 生物活化性|bioactivity shengwujian 生物碱|alkaloid shengwujiangjie 生物降解|biodegradation shengwujie 生物界|biosphere/natural world shengwujiliangyi 生物剂量仪|biological dosimeter shengwujingpian 生物晶片|biochip shengwujishu 生物技术|biotechnology/abbr. to 生技 shengwukeji 生物科技|biotechnology shengwukelian 生无可恋|(Internet slang) nothing left to live... shengwukongbuzhuyi 生物恐怖主义|bioterrorism shengwulian 生物链|food chain shengwuliang 生物量|biomass shengwulixue 生物力学|biomechanics shengwumeijie 生物媒介|biological vector shengwuneng 生物能|bio-energy shengwuqiti 生物气体|bio-gas shengwuquan 生物圈|biosphere/ecosphere shengwuqun 生物群|biota shengwuranliao 生物燃料|biofuel shengwuti 生物体|organism shengwuwuqi 生物武器|biological weapon shengwuxing 生物性|biological shengwuxue 生物学|biology shengwuxuejia 生物学家|biologist shengwuyixuegongcheng 生物医学工程|biomedical engineering shengwuzhan 生物战|germ warfare/biological warfare shengwuzhanji 生物战剂|biological agent/biological warfare a... shengwuzhi 生物质|biomass shengwuzhiji 生物制剂|biological product shengwuzhineng 生物质能|biomass shengwuzhipin 生物制品|biological product shengwuzhong 生物钟|biological clock shengwuzhuanyixing 生物专一性|biospecificity shengxi 生息|to inhabit/to live (in a habitat) shengxi 声息|sound (often with negative, not a sou... shengxi 圣洗|baptism (Christian ceremony) shengxi 升息|to raise interest rates shengxia 剩下|to remain; to be left over shengxia 盛夏|midsummer/the height of summer shengxia 生下|to give birth to shengxia 升遐|to pass away (of an emperor) shengxian 生鲜|fresh produce and freshly prepared foods shengxian 圣贤|a sage/wise and holy man/virtuous rul... shengxian 声线|voice (as sth that may be described a... shengxiang 声像|audio-visual/(ultrasonography etc) ac... shengxiang 声响|sound/noise shengxiang 圣像|icon/iconic/religious image/figure (o... shengxiankongziniao 圣贤孔子鸟|Confuciusornis sanctus (Jurassic foss... shengxianshu 圣贤书|holy book shengxiao 生效|to take effect/to go into effect shengxiao 生肖|one of the twelve animals symbolic of... shengxiao 笙箫|reed-pipe wind instrument and vertica... shengxiao 声效|sound effect shengxiaoshuxiang 生肖属相|birth year as designated by animal sy... shengxiashi 省辖市|provincial city shengxin 省心|to cause no trouble/to be spared worr... shengxin 圣心|Sacred Heart (Christian) shengxing 生性|natural disposition shengxing 盛行|to be in vogue; to be popular; to be ... shengxinglv 盛行率|prevalence; incidence shengxinjie 圣心节|Feast of the Sacred Heart shengxiong 圣雄|sage hero/refers to Mahatma Gandhi shengxiu 生锈|to rust/to grow rusty/to corrode/oxid... shengxu 升序|ascending order shengxuan 胜选|to win an election shengxue 声学|acoustics shengxue 升学|to enter the next grade school shengxun 圣训|sage\'s instructions/imperial edict shengxun 声训|explaining a character or word by usi... shengya 生涯|career/life (way in which sb lives)/p... shengya 升压|to boost the pressure (of a fluid)/to... shengya 声押|to apply to a court for an arrest war... shengyaji 升压剂|vasopressor agent/antihypotensive age... shengyan 盛宴|feast shengyan 盛筵|grand banquet shengyan 声言|to state; to declare/pronouncement; d... shengyan 生厌|to disgust/to pall/fed up/tedious/clo... shengyang 生养|to bring up (children)/to raise/to bear shengyao 生药|unprocessed medicinal herb shengyao 圣药|panacea shengyi 生意|life force/vitality shengyi 生意|business/CL:筆|笔[bi3] shengyiangran 生意盎然|see 生機盎然|生机盎然[sheng1 ji1 ang4 ran2] shengyijing 生意经|knack of doing business/business sense shengyin 声音|voice/sound/CL:個|个[ge4] shengyin 省音|(linguistics) elision shengying 生硬|stiff/harsh shengying 圣婴|El Niño (meteorology)/Holy Infant (Ch... shengyixinglong 生意兴隆|thriving and prosperous business or t... shengyou 声优|voice actor (orthographic borrowing f... shengyou 圣油|chrism/holy anointing oil shengyoudedeng 省油的灯|sb who is easy to deal with shengyouquan 生有权|birthright shengyu 剩余|remainder/surplus shengyu 生育|to give birth to; to bear/fertility shengyu 盛誉|flourishing reputation shengyu 声誉|reputation/fame shengyu 圣谕|imperial edict/see also 上諭|上谕[shang4 ... shengyuan 生源|supply of students/source of students shengyuan 声援|to support (a cause) shengyuan 省垣|a provincial capital shengyuan 生员|scholar preparing for imperial examin... shengyuan 生愿|desire to exist (in Buddhism, tanhā)/... shengyudingli 剩余定理|the Remainder Theorem shengyue 声乐|vocal music shengyue 圣约|covenant shengyuehan 圣约翰|Saint John shengyuehansi 圣约翰斯|St John\'s, capital of Labrador and Ne... shengyuesefu 圣约瑟夫|Saint Joseph shengyufangshexing 剩余放射性|residual radioactivity shengyufushe 剩余辐射|residual radiation shengyujiazhi 剩余价值|(economics) surplus value shengyulv 生育率|birth rate shengyunengli 生育能力|fertility/ability to have children shengyunxue 声韵学|phonetics shengyupian 生鱼片|sashimi shengyuyouhuan,siyuanle 生于忧患,死于安乐|to thrive in calamity and perish in s... shengzaijing 圣哉经|Sanctus (section of Catholic mass) shengzan 盛赞|to praise highly/an accolade shengzao 生造|to coin (words or expressions) shengzhan 圣战|Holy war/jihad shengzhang 生长|to grow/to grow up/to be brought up shengzhang 胜仗|victory/victorious battle shengzhang 声张|to make public/to disclose shengzhang 省长|governor of a province shengzhangjisu 生长激素|growth hormone shengzhanglv 生长率|growth rate shengzhangsu 生长素|auxin (plant growth hormone) shengzhe 胜者|winner shengzhe 圣哲|sage shengzhe 圣者|holy one/saint shengzhewanghoubaizhekou 胜者王侯败者寇|the winners become princes and marqui... shengzhewanghoubaizhezei 胜者王侯败者贼|see 勝者王侯敗者寇|胜者王侯败者寇[sheng4 zhe3 wang2... shengzhi 升职|to get promoted (at work etc)/promotion shengzhi 生殖|to reproduce/to flourish shengzhi 圣职|priesthood shengzhi 圣旨|imperial edict shengzhi 升值|to rise in value/to appreciate shengzhi 省治|a provincial capital shengzhibuwu 胜之不武|(fig.) to fight a one-sided battle/to... shengzhiguanxian 省直管县|direct management of a county by the ... shengzhili 生殖力|fertility shengzhilun 生殖轮|svadhisthana, the navel or libido cha... shengzhiqi 生殖器|reproductive organ/genitals shengzhiqiguan 生殖器官|reproductive organ shengzhixian 生殖腺|gonad; reproductive gland shengzhixibao 生殖细胞|germ cell; reproductive cell shengzhixitong 生殖系统|reproductive system shengzhiyifa 绳之以法|to punish according to the law/to bri... shengzhou 嵊州|Shengzhou, county-level city in Shaox... shengzhoushi 嵊州市|Shengzhou, county-level city in Shaox... shengzhu 生猪|live pig; pig on the hoof shengzhuan 盛馔|rich fare/splendid food shengzhuang 盛装|splendid clothes/rich attire/one\'s Su... shengzhuang 盛妆|vigorous/strong and healthy shengzhujie 圣烛节|Candlemas (Christian Festival on 2nd ... shengzi 生子|to give birth to a child or children shengzi 生字|new character (in textbook)/character... shengzi 圣子|Holy Son/Jesus Christ/God the Son (in... shengzi 绳子|cord; string; rope/CL:條|条[tiao2] shengzihao 省字号|an apostrophe (punct.) shengzu 圣祖|Shengzu, temple name of the second Qi... shengzu 圣祖|divine ancester/patron saint shengzunian 生卒年|dates of birth and death (of historic... shengzunianyue 生卒年月|dates of birth and death (of historic... shenhai 深海|deep sea shenhaiweiwang 深海围网|purse-seine net (fishing) shenhaiyancong 深海烟囱|see 海底熱泉|海底热泉[hai3di3 re4quan2] shenhan 神汉|sorcerer shenhe 审核|to audit/to investigate thoroughly shenhe 沈河|Shenhe district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|... shenhequ 沈河区|Shenhe district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|... shenhongse 深红色|deep red/crimson/scarlet shenhou 深厚|deep; profound shenhou 身后|the time after one\'s death/a place be... shenhou 深喉|deep throating (sex act)/a deep throa... shenhou 申猴|Year 9, year of the Monkey (e.g. 2004) shenhu 神户|Kobe, city in Japan shenhua 深化|to deepen/to intensify shenhua 神话|legend/fairy tale/myth/mythology shenhua 神化|to make divine/apotheosis shenhuagushi 神话故事|mythical story; myth shenhuailiujia 身怀六甲|to be pregnant (idiom) shenhuajia 砷化镓|gallium arsenide (GaAs) shenhuaqing 砷化氢|arsine shenhuise 深灰色|dark gray shenhun 神魂|mind/state of mind (often abnormal) shenhundiandao 神魂颠倒|lit. spirit and soul upside down (idi... shenhuo 甚或|so much so that/to the extent that/even shenhuqiji 神乎其技|(idiom) brilliant/extremely skillful/... shenian 蛇年|Year of the Snake (e.g. 2001) sheniu 麝牛|musk ox shenji 审计|to audit/to examine finances shenji 神迹|miracle shenji 审级|appeal (to higher courts) shenji 伸肌|extensor (anatomy) shenjia 身家|oneself and one\'s family/family backg... shenjia 身价|social status/price of a slave/price ... shenjiadiaocha 身家调查|to do a background check on sb shenjian 身兼|holding two jobs simultaneously shenjiao 身教|to teach by example shenjiao 审校|to proof-read/to review (a text) shenjiao 神交|soul brothers/friends in spirit who h... shenjiaoshengyuyanjiao 身教胜于言教|teaching by example beats explaining ... shenjie 审结|(law) to try (a criminal case) and re... shenjieshi 肾结石|kidney stone shenjimiaosuan 神机妙算|divine strategy and wonderful plannin... shenjing 神经|nerve/mental state/(coll.) unhinged/n... shenjing 深井|Sham Tseng (area in Hong Kong) shenjing 蜃景|mirage shenjingansuanmei 神经氨酸酶|neuraminidase (the N of virus such as... shenjingbaizhan 身经百战|lit. veteran of a hundred battles (id... shenjingbing 神经病|mental disorder/neuropathy/(derog.) m... shenjingdatiao 神经大条|thick-skinned/insensitive shenjingdusu 神经毒素|neurotoxin shenjingguan 神经管|neural tube (embryology) shenjingguannengzheng 神经官能症|neurosis shenjingguomin 神经过敏|jumpy/nervous/oversensitive shenjingjiaozhi 神经胶质|glial cell/neuroglia shenjingjiaozhixibao 神经胶质细胞|glial cell (provide support to neuron... shenjingjie 神经节|(anatomy) ganglion shenjingke 神经科|neurology department shenjingshengwuxue 神经生物学|neurobiology shenjingshichang 神经失常|mental aberration/nervous abnormality shenjingshuairuo 神经衰弱|(euphemism) mental illness/psychasthenia shenjingsuo 神经索|nerve cord shenjingtong 神经痛|neuralgia (medicine) shenjingtu 神经突|nerve process shenjingwaike 神经外科|neurosurgery shenjingwang 神经网|neural net shenjingwanglu 神经网路|neural network (artificial or biologi... shenjingwangluo 神经网络|neural network shenjingxianwei 神经纤维|neurofibril shenjingxianweiliu 神经纤维瘤|neurofibroma shenjingxibao 神经细胞|nerve cell/neuron shenjingxing 神经性|neural/mental/neurological shenjingxingduji 神经性毒剂|nerve agent/nerve gas shenjingxitong 神经系统|nervous system shenjingxue 神经学|neurology shenjingxuejia 神经学家|neurologist shenjingyuan 神经元|neuron shenjingyuan 神经原|neuron/also written 神經元|神经元 shenjingyuanwang 神经元网|neural network shenjingzheng 神经症|neurosis shenjingzhi 神经质|nervous/on edge/excitable/neurotic shenjishu 审计署|audit office/public accounts committee shenjitang 参鸡汤|samgyetang, popular Korean chicken so... shenjiu 深究|to perform an in-depth investigation shenjiyuan 审计员|accountant/auditor shenjizhang 审计长|auditor shenjizhidu 审级制度|system of appeals (to higher court) shenju 甚巨|considerable/substantial/very great shenju 甚钜|considerable/substantial/very great shenkai 伸开|to stretch out shenkan 神龛|shrine; niche; household shrine shenkaqiu 伸卡球|sinker (baseball) (loanword) shenke 深刻|profound/deep/deep-going shenkeng 渗坑|sewage pit shenkeng 深坑|Shenkeng township in New Taipei City ... shenkengxiang 深坑乡|Shenkeng township in New Taipei City ... shenkong 深空|deep space (outer space) shenku 神枯|spiritual desolation shenkuo 沈括|Shen Kuo (1031-1095), Chinese polymat... shenlan 深蓝|Deep Blue, chess-playing computer, fi... shenlan 深蓝|dark blue shenlanyao 伸懒腰|to stretch oneself (on waking or when... shenlaoxingcui 神劳形瘁|to be completely drained both emotion... shenli 审理|to hear (a case) shenli 神力|occult force/the power of a God or sp... shenli 申理|to right a wrong/to seek justice shenliang 身量|height (of a person); stature/(fig.) ... shenliang 渗凉|to feel the penetrating chill of cold... shenling 申领|to apply (for license, visa etc) shenling 神灵|god/spirit/demon/occult or supernatur... shenling 申令|an order/a command shenlinqijing 身临其境|(idiom) to experience it for oneself/... shenliu 渗流|to ooze; to seep shenlongqiche 神龙汽车|Dongfeng Peugeot Citroën Automobile C... shenlou 渗漏|seepage/leakage shenlun 申论|to give a detailed exposition/to stat... shenlv 深绿|dark green shenlv 渗滤|percolation shenlvhu 渗滤壶|coffee percolator shenma 神马|mythical horse/Internet slang for 什麼|... shenme 什么|what?/something; anything shenmede 什么的|and so on; and so forth; and what not shenmedifang 什么地方|somewhere/someplace/where shenmefengbanichuilaide 什么风把你吹来的|What brings you here? (idiom) shenmehaoshuo 什么好说|sth pertinent to say shenmei 审美|esthetics/appreciating the arts/taste shenmeiguan 审美观|esthetic conception/esthetic point of... shenmeihuodong 审美活动|appreciating the arts/esthetic activity shenmeikuaigan 审美快感|esthetic pleasure shenmeiyanguang 审美眼光|an eye for beauty/aesthetic judgment shenmeren 什么人|who?/what (kind of) person? shenmeshi 什么事|what?/which? shenmeshihou 什么时候|when?; at what time? shenmeyang 什么样|what kind?; what sort? shenmi 神秘|mysterious/mystery shenmi 慎密|cautious/with meticulous care shenmi 深密|dense/thick shenmiao 神妙|marvelous/wondrous shenmiao 神庙|temple shenmiaojuanmei 神妙隽美|outstanding and elegant/remarkable an... shenmimoce 神秘莫测|mystery/unfathomable/enigmatic shenming 神明|deities/gods shenming 申明|to declare/to aver/to state formally shenmingdayi 深明大义|to have a high notion of one\'s duty/t... shenmingji 申命记|Book of Deuteronomy/Fifth Book of Moses shenmizhuyi 神秘主义|mysticism shenmou 深谋|forethought shenmouyuanlv 深谋远虑|lit. deep plans and distant thoughts/... shenmouyuanlve 深谋远略|a well-thought out long-term strategy shenmoxiaoshuo 神魔小说|supernatural novel/novel of ghosts an... shenmu 婶母|wife of father\'s younger brother/aunt shenna 哂纳|(literary) please kindly accept shennaichuan 神奈川|Kanagawa, Japan shennaichuanxian 神奈川县|Kanagawa prefecture, Japan shenniao 神鸟|supernatural bird shennong 神农|Shennong or Farmer God (c. 2000 BC), ... shennong 甚浓|strong (smell)/thick (fog) shennongbencaojing 神农本草经|Shennong\'s Compendium of Materia Medi... shennongjia 神农架|Shennongjialin, directly administered... shennongjiadiqu 神农架地区|Shennongjialin, directly administered... shennongjialinqu 神农架林区|Shennongjialin, directly administered... shennongshi 神农氏|Shennong or Farmer God (c. 2000 BC), ... shennv 神女|The Goddess, 1934 silent film about a... shennv 神女|goddess/prostitute (slang) shennvfeng 神女峰|name of a peak by the Three Gorges 長江... shennvyouxin,xiangwangwumeng 神女有心,襄王无梦|lit. the fairy is willing, but King X... shenpan 审判|a trial/to try sb shenpanguan 审判官|judge/magistrate shenpanlan 审判栏|judgment bar shenpanquan 审判权|jurisdiction/judicial authority shenpanting 审判庭|court/tribunal/courtroom shenpanxi 审判席|judgment seat shenpanyuan 审判员|judge (in court) shenpanzhang 审判长|presiding judge shenpanzhe 审判者|judge shenpi 审批|to examine and approve/to endorse shenping 甚平|jinbei, traditional Japanese two-piec... shenpiyumao 身披羽毛|feathered shenpu 神谱|list of Gods and Immortals/pantheon shenqi 神奇|magical/mystical/miraculous shenqi 神气|expression/manner/vigorous/impressive... shenqi 神器|magical object/object symbolic of imp... shenqi 神祇|god/deity shenqian 深浅|deep or shallow/depth (of the sea)/li... shenqianglizhuang 身强力壮|strong and vigorous/sturdy/robust shenqiangshou 神枪手|sharpshooter shenqibaobei 神奇宝贝|Pokémon or Pocket Monsters, popular J... shenqie 深切|deeply felt/heartfelt/sincere/honest shenqie 甚且|even/going as far as to/so much so that shenqihuoxian 神气活现|arrogant appearance/smug appearance/t... shenqing 申请|to apply for sth/application form (CL... shenqing 深情|deep emotion; deep feeling; deep love... shenqing 神情|look; expression shenqingbiao 申请表|application form shenqinghouyi 深情厚谊|deep friendship shenqinghouyi 深情厚意|profound love, generous friendship (i... shenqingkuankuan 深情款款|loving/caring/adoring shenqingqishuang 神清气爽|(idiom) full of vitality/relaxed and ... shenqingren 申请人|applicant shenqingruyan 身轻如燕|as lithe as a swallow (of athlete or ... shenqingshu 申请书|application/application form/petition... shenqiu 深秋|late autumn shenqiu 沈丘|Shenqiu county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 ko... shenqiuxian 沈丘县|Shenqiu county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 ko... shenqu 神曲|The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri 但丁 shenqu 神曲|medicated leaven (used in TCM to trea... shenqu 身躯|body shenqu 申曲|Shanghai opera/same as 滬劇|沪剧 shenquan 神权|divine right (of kings) shenquantongzhi 神权统治|theocracy shenquanzhengzhi 神权政治|theocracy shenren 神人|God/deity shenren 渗人|horrifying; creepy shenren 瘆人|scary shenrong 参茸|ginseng and young deer antler (used i... shenru 深入|to penetrate deeply/thorough shenru 渗入|to permeate shenru 慎入|keep away!/proceed with caution! shenru 神入|(psychology) empathy/to empathize with shenruqianchu 深入浅出|to explain a complicated subject matt... shenrurenxin 深入人心|to enter deeply into people\'s hearts/... shenruxianchu 深入显出|see 深入淺出|深入浅出[shen1 ru4 qian3 chu1] shense 深色|dark/dark colored shense 神色|expression/look shense 渗色|bleeding shenshan 神山|sacred mountain shenshan 深山|deep in the mountains shenshang 身上|on the body/at hand/among shenshang 神伤|depressed/dispirited/dejected shenshangxian 肾上腺|adrenal glands shenshangxianpizhi 肾上腺皮质|adrenal cortex shenshangxiansu 肾上腺素|adrenaline shenshangxiansuizhi 肾上腺髓质|adrenal medulla shenshe 神社|shrine shenshen 审慎|prudent; cautious shenshen 婶婶|wife of father\'s younger brother/aunt shenshen 深深|deep/profound shenshen 申申|cozy and comfortable/to repeat endlessly shenshen 莘莘|numerous shenshendaodao 神神叨叨|see 神神道道[shen2 shen5 dao4 dao4] shenshendaodao 神神道道|odd/weird/abnormal shensheng 神圣|divine/hallow/holy/sacred shenshengbukeqinfan 神圣不可侵犯|sacred/inviolable shenshengluomadiguo 神圣罗马帝国|the Holy Roman Empire (history) shenshengzhou 神圣周|Holy week/Easter week (esp. Catholic) shenshenxingshi 审慎行事|to act prudently/steering a cautious ... shenshenxuezi 莘莘学子|a great number of students (idiom) shenshi 身世|one\'s life experience; one\'s lot; one... shenshi 审视|to look closely at/to examine shenshi 绅士|gentleman shenshi 申时|3-5 pm (in the system of two-hour sub... shenshiduoshi 审时度势|to judge the hour and size up the sit... shenshou 伸手|to reach out with one\'s hand/to hold ... shenshou 神兽|mythological animal shenshou 深受|to receive in no small measure shenshou 身手|skill/talent/agility shenshoubujianwuzhi 伸手不见五指|pitch-dark (idiom) shenshouminjie 身手敏捷|agile; nimble; deft shenshoupai 伸手派|freeloader; moocher; sponger shenshoupai 伸手牌|freeloader; moocher; sponger shenshouyichu 身首异处|to be decapitated (idiom) shenshu 申述|to state/to assert/to allege/to specify shenshu 参薯|Dioscorea alata (Kinampay or aromatic... shenshui 渗水|water seepage shenshuibu 深水埗|Sham Shui Po district of Kowloon, Hon... shenshuizhadan 深水炸弹|depth charge shenshuo 申说|to state/to assert shensi 神似|similar in expression and spirit/to b... shensi 神思|state of mind shensi 深思|to ponder/to consider shensihuanghu 神思恍惚|abstracted/absent-minded/in a trance shensishulv 深思熟虑|mature reflection/after careful delib... shensu 神速|lightning speed/amazingly rapid/incre... shensu 申诉|to file a complaint/to appeal (to an ... shensui 深邃|deep (valley or night)/abstruse/hidde... shensui 神髓|lit. spirit and marrow/the essential ... shensuo 伸缩|to lengthen and shorten/flexible/adju... shensuo 深锁|locked up; closed off/(of one\'s brow)... shensuolaba 伸缩喇叭|trombone shensuoxing 伸缩性|flexibility shensushu 申诉书|written appeal shentai 神态|appearance/manner/bearing/deportment/... shentai 身态|pose/figure/attitude shentan 神探|master sleuth/lit. miraculous detecti... shentan 渗碳|carburization shentan 深潭|deep natural pond/deep pit/abyss shentan 深谈|to have an in depth conversation/to h... shentao 申讨|to denounce shenti 身体|the body/one\'s health shenti 神体|Godhead shentijiancha 身体检查|see 體格檢查|体格检查[ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2] shentilixing 身体力行|to practice what one preaches (idiom) shentishigemingdebenqian 身体是革命的本钱|lit. the body is the revolution\'s cap... shentizhiliangzhishu 身体质量指数|body mass index (BMI) shentong 神童|child prodigy shentong 神通|remarkable ability/magical power shentong 申通|STO Express, courier service headquar... shentongguangda 神通广大|(idiom) to possess great magical powe... shentou 渗透|(lit. and fig.) to permeate/to seep i... shentouya 渗透压|osmotic pressure shentu 申屠|two-character surname Shentu shenwa 深挖|to dredge shenwaizhiwu 身外之物|mere worldly possessions shenwang 身亡|to die shenwang 神往|to be fascinated/to be rapt/to long f... shenwei 甚为|very/extremely shenwei 身为|in the capacity of/as shenwei 深伪|(technology) deepfake shenwei 甚微|very small/very little/scant/minimal shenwei 神位|spirit tablet/ancestral tablet shenwei 神慰|spiritual consolation shenwen 审问|to interrogate/to examine/to question shenwen 深吻|French kissing shenwuchangwu 身无长物|to possess nothing except bare necess... shenwufenwen 身无分文|penniless (idiom) shenwutongjue 深恶痛绝|to detest bitterly (idiom)/implacable... shenxi 渗析|dialysis shenxian 身陷|to be trapped/to be imprisoned shenxian 深陷|to be deeply in (trouble, debt etc)/d... shenxian 神仙|Daoist immortal/supernatural entity/(... shenxian 莘县|Shen county in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 che... shenxian 深县|Shen county in Hebei shenxiang 神像|likeness of a god or Buddha/(old) por... shenxianlaolong 身陷牢笼|fallen into a trap shenxianlaoyu 身陷牢狱|to go to prison/to be imprisoned shenxianlingyu 身陷囹圄|thrown into prison/behind bars shenxianshizu 身先士卒|to fight at the head of one\'s troops/... shenxianzhaolu 身先朝露|body will go with the morning dew (id... shenxiao 哂笑|(literary) to sneer/to laugh at shenxiaochenshang 甚嚣尘上|clamor raises the dust (idiom); a tre... shenxiaoqiu 肾小球|glomerulus (medicine) shenxie 申谢|to express gratitude/to thank shenxin 深信|to believe firmly shenxin 身心|body and mind/mental and physical shenxinbuyi 深信不疑|to believe firmly without any doubt (... shenxing 身形|figure (esp. a woman\'s) shenxing 神性|divinity shenxing 身型|body shape shenxinjiaobing 身心交病|worn out in body and soul (idiom) shenxinjiaocui 身心交瘁|worn out in body and soul (idiom) shenxinjupi 身心俱疲|physically and emotionally exhausted shenxinke 身心科|psychiatry shenxinshuangkuai 身心爽快|refreshment shenxinzhangai 身心障碍|disability shenxiu 参宿|Three Stars (Chinese constellation) shenxiuqi 参宿七|Rigel (star)/lit. seventh star of the... shenxue 神学|theological/theology shenxue 申雪|to right a wrong/to redress an injustice shenxue 伸雪|variant of 申雪[shen1 xue3] shenxuejia 神学家|theologian shenxueshi 神学士|student of theology/Bachelor of Divin... shenxueyanjiusuo 神学研究所|seminary shenxueyuan 神学院|seminary shenxun 审讯|inquest/trial/interrogation/to try/to... shenyan 肾炎|kidney inflammation/nephritis shenyan 慎言|to speak cautiously/to guard one\'s to... shenyan 伸延|see 延伸[yan2 shen1] shenyan 申言|to profess/to declare shenyang 沈阳|see 瀋陽市|沈阳市[Shen3yang2 Shi4] shenyanggugong 沈阳故宫|Mukden Palace, aka Shenyang Imperial ... shenyangshi 沈阳市|Shenyang, sub-provincial city and cap... shenye 深夜|very late at night shenyi 申遗|to apply for UNESCO World Heritage st... shenyi 审议|(of a committee etc) to deliberate; t... shenyi 神异|magical/miraculous/mystical shenyin 呻吟|to moan; to groan shenyin 神隐|to be concealed by supernatural force... shenying 身影|silhouette/figure shenying 沈莹|Shen Ying of Wu, governor (268-280) o... shenyong 神勇|extraordinarily brave/heroic shenyou 神游|to go on a mental journey shenyu 神谕|oracle shenyu 肾盂|renal pelvis (medicine) shenyu 神舆|mikoshi (Japanese portable Shinto shr... shenyuan 深远|far-reaching/profound and long-lasting shenyuan 深渊|abyss shenyuan 伸冤|to right wrongs/to redress an injustice shenyuan 申冤|to appeal for justice/to demand redre... shenyuandizhen 深源地震|deep earthquake (with epicenter more ... shenyue 审阅|to review or peruse shenyue 沈约|Shen Yue (441-513), writer and histor... shenyun 身孕|pregnancy/pregnant shenyun 神韵|charm or grace (in poetry or art) shenyuyan 肾盂炎|pyelitis (medicine) shenzaicaoyingxinzaihan 身在曹营心在汉|live in Cao camp but have the heart i... shenzaifuzhongbuzhifu 身在福中不知福|to live in plenty without appreciatin... shenzang 肾脏|kidney shenzao 深造|to pursue one\'s studies shenzaolun 神造论|creationism shenze 深泽|Shenze county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄... shenzeng-guiyan 神憎鬼厌|(idiom) despicable; loathsome shenzexian 深泽县|Shenze county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄... shenzhan 伸展|stretching/extension shenzhang 伸张|to uphold (e.g. justice or virtue)/to... shenzhantai 伸展台|runway (for a fashion show etc)/catwalk shenzhen 深圳|see 深圳市[Shen1zhen4 Shi4] shenzhengbupayingzixie 身正不怕影子斜|lit. when a man stands straight, he d... shenzhenhe 深圳河|Shenzhen or Shamchun river Guangdong,... shenzhenjiaoyisuo 深圳交易所|Shenzhen Stock Exchange SZSE shenzhenshi 深圳市|Shenzhen, sub-provincial city in Guan... shenzhenzhengquanjiaoyisuo 深圳证券交易所|Shenzhen Stock Exchange, abbr. to 深交所... shenzhi 深知|to know well; to be fully aware of shenzhi 伸直|to straighten/to stretch out shenzhi 神志|consciousness/state of mind/compos me... shenzhi 神智|mind/wisdom/consciousness shenzhi 神职|clergy/clerical shenzhi 神治|theocratic/theocracy shenzhi 深挚|heartfelt and genuine shenzhi 甚至|even; so much so that shenzhibuqing 神志不清|to be delirious/to be mentally confused shenzhiguo 神治国|theocracy/also written 神權統治|神权统治[shen... shenzhihunmi 神志昏迷|to be in a state of delirium shenzhiji 砷制剂|arsphenamine shenzhirenyuan 神职人员|clergy/cleric shenzhiyu 甚至于|so much (that)/even (to the extent that) shenzhong 慎重|cautious/careful/prudent shenzhong 深重|very serious/grave/profound shenzhongdu 砷中毒|arsenic poisoning shenzhongqishi 慎重其事|to treat a matter with due considerat... shenzhongzhuiyuan 慎终追远|to pay careful attention to one\'s par... shenzhou 神舟|Shenzhou (spacecraft)/Hasee (computer... shenzhou 神州|old name for China shenzhou 深州|Shenzhou Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei shenzhoudiannao 神舟电脑|Hasee (computer manufacturer) shenzhouhaofeichuan 神舟号飞船|Shenzhou (spacecraft) shenzhoushi 深州市|Shenzhou Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei shenzhuang 申状|to present (a document)/to submit (a ... shenzhuo 身着|to wear shenzhuo 审酌|examination/to check and review shenzi 婶子|(coll.) father\'s younger brother\'s wi... shenzi 身子|body/pregnancy/health shenzigu 身子骨|posture/upright posture shenzong 深棕|dark brown shenzongse 深棕色|dark brown shenzou 申奏|to present (a document)/to submit (a ... shenzu 神祖|Godhead shenzuo 神作|(slang) masterpiece shepan 奢盼|an extravagant hope/to have unrealist... shepao 蛇藨|Indian strawberry (Potentilla indica) shepi 蛇皮|snake skin shepiguo 蛇皮果|salak (Salacca zalacca) (fruit) shepin 射频|radio frequency (RF) sheping 社评|editorial (in a newspaper)/also writt... shepinganrao 射频干扰|radio interference; RF interference shepinshibie 射频识别|radio-frequency identification (RFID) shepintiaoxieqi 射频调谐器|RF tuner shepinzaosheng 射频噪声|radio frequency noise sheqi 社旗|Sheqi county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 ya... sheqi 舍弃|to give up/to abandon/to abort sheqian 赊欠|to offer credit/credit transaction/to... sheqian 折钱|a loss/to lose money sheqiu 奢求|to make extravagant demands/an unreas... sheqixian 社旗县|Sheqi county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 ya... shequ 社区|community/neighborhood shequ 摄取|to absorb (nutrients etc)/to assimila... shequantao 设圈套|to scam/to set a trap/to set up a sch... shequn 社群|community/social grouping shequnmeiti 社群媒体|(Tw) social media sheren 舍人|ancient office title/rich and importa... sherong 社融|private financing (abbr. for 社會融資|社会融... sheru 摄入|to take in/to absorb/to consume/intak... sheruliang 摄入量|intake (quantity) sheruo 设若|if sherutou 舌乳头|lingual papillae/taste buds shese 设色|to paint/to color shesha 射杀|to shoot dead (with a gun, or bow and... sheshen 舍身|to give one\'s life sheshenchudi 设身处地|to put oneself in sb else\'s shoes sheshengquyi 舍生取义|to give up life for righteousness (id... sheshengwangsi 舍生忘死|bravery with no thought of personal s... sheshenqiufa 舍身求法|to abandon one\'s body in the search f... sheshi 设施|facilities/installation sheshi 摄氏|Celsius/centigrade sheshi 摄食|to consume sheshi 涉世|to see the world/to go out into socie... sheshi 涉事|to be involved in the matter (Example... sheshidu 摄氏度|°C (degrees Celsius) sheshiweishen 涉世未深|unpracticed/inexperienced/naive/unsop... sheshou 射手|archer/shooter/marksman/(football etc... sheshouzuo 射手座|Sagittarius (constellation and sign o... sheshuchenghu 社鼠城狐|lit. rat in a country shrine, fox on ... sheshuiniao 涉水鸟|a wading bird sheshuixue 涉水靴|wading boots/high-topped waterproof b... shesi 社死|(neologism c. 2020) (slang) to die of... shesong 涉讼|to be involved in a lawsuit shetai 舌苔|(TCM) coating on the tongue (examined... shetai 奢泰|extravagant/sumptuous/wasteful shetan 设摊|to set up a vendor\'s stand shetou 舌头|tongue/CL:個|个[ge4]/enemy soldier capt... shetou 社头|Shetou Township in Changhua County 彰化... shetou 蛇头|head of a snake/human smuggler shetouxiang 社头乡|Shetou Township in Changhua County 彰化... shetuan 社团|association/society/group/union/club/... shewai 涉外|concerning foreigners or foreign affairs shewang 奢望|an extravagant hope/to have excessive... sheweifa 社维法|(Tw) public order laws/abbr. of 社會秩序維... shewen 舌吻|to French kiss/French kiss shewenshi 蛇纹石|serpentine (geology) shewenyan 蛇纹岩|serpentine (geology) shexi 社戏|theatrical performance (e.g. on relig... shexia 舍下|to abandon/to lay down shexia 舍下|my humble home shexia 舌下|sublingual/hypoglossal shexiahanfu 舌下含服|sublingual administration (medicine) shexian 射线|ray shexian 涉县|She county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1]... shexian 涉嫌|to be a suspect (in a crime)/to be su... shexian 歙县|She County in Huangshan 黃山|黄山[Huang2 ... shexian 涉险|to take risks/involved in adventure shexiang 摄像|to videotape shexiang 设想|to imagine/to assume/to envisage/tent... shexiang 麝香|musk shexiang 涉想|to imagine/to consider shexiang 奢香|She Xiang (c. 1361-1396), lady who se... shexiangcao 麝香草|thyme shexiangji 摄像机|video camera/CL:部[bu4] shexiangmao 麝香猫|civet (zoology) shexiangshizhu 麝香石竹|grenadine/carnation/clove pink/Dianth... shexiangtou 摄像头|webcam/surveillance camera shexianren 涉嫌人|(criminal) suspect shexiao 赊销|credit transaction/to sell on account shexiapian 舌下片|sublingual tablet (medicine) shexiaxian 舌下腺|sublingual gland/saliva gland under t... shexie 蛇蝎|(fig.) malevolent; treacherous shexiemeiren 蛇蝎美人|beautiful but dangerous woman; femme ... shexing 蛇行|to creep/to zigzag/to meander/to weave shexing 蛇形|S-shaped/serpentine/coiled like a snake shexue 社学|Ming or Qing dynasty school sheyan 设宴|to host a banquet sheyang 射阳|Sheyang county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2... sheyangxian 射阳县|Sheyang county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2... sheyijiannan 奢易俭难|(idiom) extravagance comes easily, fr... sheyin 舌音|coronal consonants of Middle Chinese sheying 摄影|to take a photograph/photography/to s... sheying 射影|(geometry) projection/(Chinese mythol... sheyingbianhuan 射影变换|a projective transformation sheyingji 摄影机|(old) camera/movie camera; cine camera sheyingjia 摄影家|photographer sheyingjihe 射影几何|projective geometry sheyingjihexue 射影几何学|projective geometry sheyingjizhe 摄影记者|photojournalist sheyingpeng 摄影棚|film studio/television studio sheyingshi 摄影师|photographer; cinematographer; cameraman sheyingshu 摄影术|photography sheyou 设有|to have; to incorporate; to feature sheyou 舍友|dormitory roommate sheyuan 社员|commune member (PRC, 1958-1985)/membe... sheyun 社运|social movement (abbr. for 社會運動|社会运动[... shezha 涉诈|to be linked to fraudulent activity shezhan 舌战|verbal sparring/duel of words shezhang 社长|president or director (of association... shezhang 赊账|to buy or sell on credit/outstanding ... shezhang 赊帐|variant of 賒賬|赊账[she1zhang4] shezhao 社招|social recruiting (abbr. for 社會招聘|社会招... shezheng 摄政|to act as regent shezhengcongxie 舍正从邪|to be corrupted by evil influences (i... shezhengwang 摄政王|regent shezhi 设置|to set up; to install shezhi 摄制|to produce (a TV show etc) shezhong 射中|to hit the target shezhong 涉众|the stakeholders/a stakeholder shezu 涉足|to set foot in/to step into/to become... shezu 畲族|She ethnic group shezu 蛇足|lit. legs on a snake/sth superfluous shezui 赦罪|to forgive (an offender) shi 实|real/true/honest/really/solid/fruit/s... shi 室|surname Shi shi 室|room/work unit/grave/scabbard/family ... shi 时|old variant of 時|时[shi2] shi 时|surname Shi shi 时|o\'clock/time/when/hour/season/period shi 式|type/form/pattern/style shi 师|surname Shi shi 师|teacher/master/expert/model/army divi... shi 逝|(of flowing water or time) to pass by... shi 十|ten/10 shi 事|matter/thing/item/work/affair/CL:件[ji... shi 是|to be (followed by substantives only)... shi 是|variant of 是[shi4] shi 试|to test/to try/experiment/examination... shi 仕|to serve as an official/an official/t... shi 世|surname Shi shi 世|life/age/generation/era/world/lifetim... shi 视|variant of 視|视[shi4]/variant of 示[shi4] shi 视|old variant of 視|视[shi4] shi 视|(literary, or bound form) to look at shi 湿|variant of 濕|湿[shi1] shi 湿|moist/wet shi 示|to show/to reveal shi 士|surname Shi shi 士|member of the senior ministerial clas... shi 狮|(bound form) lion shi 食|to eat/food/animal feed/eclipse shi 施|surname Shi shi 施|(bound form) to put into effect (regu... shi 什|ten (used in fractions, writing check... shi 柿|old variant of 柿[shi4] shi 柿|persimmon shi 市|market/city/CL:個|个[ge4] shi 失|to lose/to miss/to fail shi 识|to know/knowledge/Taiwan pr. [shi4] shi 适|surname Shi shi 适|to fit/suitable/proper/just (now)/com... shi 始|to begin/to start/then/only then shi 似|used in 似的[shi4de5] shi 势|power/influence/potential/momentum/te... shi 尸|(literary) person representing the de... shi 尸|(bound form) corpse shi 石|surname Shi/abbr. for Shijiazhuang 石家... shi 石|rock/stone/stone inscription/one of t... shi 铈|cerium (chemistry) shi 史|surname Shi shi 史|history/annals/title of an official h... shi 饰|decoration/ornament/to decorate/to ad... shi 拾|to pick up/to collate or arrange/ten ... shi 噬|to devour/to bite shi 蚀|to nibble away at sth/to eat into/to ... shi 诗|abbr. for Shijing 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], ... shi 诗|poem/CL:首[shou3]/poetry/verse shi 湜|clear water/pure shi 氏|clan name/maiden name shi 轼|(literary) handrail at the front of a... shi 驶|(of a vehicle, horse etc) to go fast;... shi 鲥|used in 鰣魚|鲥鱼[shi2yu2] shi 矢|arrow/dart/straight/to vow/to swear/o... shi 嗜|addicted to/fond of/stem correspondin... shi 誓|oath/vow/to swear/to pledge shi 栻|(tree) shi 使|to make/to cause/to enable/to use/to ... shi 弑|to murder a superior/to murder one\'s ... shi 谥|posthumous name or title/to confer a ... shi 谥|variant of 諡|谥[shi4] shi 释|to explain/to release/Buddha (abbr. f... shi 恃|(bound form) to rely on/(literary) on... shi 兘|old variant of 始[shi3] shi 拭|to wipe shi 虱|louse shi 屎|feces; excrement; a stool/(bound form... shi 匙|used in 鑰匙|钥匙[yao4 shi5] shi 澨|bank/shore/name of a river shi 莳|used in 蒔蘿|莳萝[shi2 luo2] shi 莳|(literary) to grow/(literary) to tran... shi 鸤|turtledove shi 奭|surname Shi shi 奭|(literary) majestic; magnificent/(lit... shi 亊|variant of 事[shi4] shi 舐|to lick/to lap (up) shi 豕|hog/swine shi 筮|divine by stalk shi 邿|place name shi 蓍|yarrow (Achillea millefolium) shi 侍|to serve/to attend upon shi 宩|old variant of 屎[shi3] shi 戺|door pivot shi 実|Japanese variant of 實|实 shi 贳|to borrow/to buy on credit/to rent out shi 忕|accustomed to/habit shi 揓|to hold/to grasp shi 埘|hen roost shi 螫|(literary) (of a bee or spider etc) t... shi 饣|\"to eat\" or \"food\" radical in Chinese... shi 酾|(literary) to filter (wine)/to pour (... shi 卋|old variant of 世[shi4] shi 丗|old variant of 世[shi4] shi 鼭|a kind of rat shi 祏|stone shrine shi 浉|Shi, name of river in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, ... shi 葹|Xanthium strumarium shi 眂|old variant of 視|视[shi4] shi 鼫|long-tailed marmot shi 舓|old variant of 舐[shi4] shi 乨|old variant of 始[shi3] shi 炻|stoneware shi 乭|rock/phonetic \"dol\" used in names (Ko... shi 䴓|nuthatch (bird of genus Sitta) shi 絁|rough, indelicate silk shi 襫|used in 襏襫|袯襫[bo2shi4] shi 䂖|variant of 石[shi2] shi 〸|numeral 10 in the Suzhou numeral syst... shi 辻|(Japanese kokuji) street corner/inter... shi 釈|Japanese variant of 釋|释 shi 峙|used in 繁峙[Fan2shi4], a county in Shanxi shi 寔|really/solid shi 𬤊|to examine/to judge shi 𫚕|yellowtail (Seriola qinqueradiata) shi-yin 世银|World Bank (abbr. for 世界銀行|世界银行[Shi4j... shiba 十八|eighteen/18 shibai 失败|to be defeated/to lose/to fail (e.g. ... shibaishichenggongzhimu 失败是成功之母|Failure is the mother of success. shibaizhe 失败者|loser shibaizhuyi 失败主义|defeatism shiban 石板|slab/flagstone/slate shiban 试办|to try sth out/trial/pilot scheme shiban 尸斑|livor mortis shiban-gongbei 事半功倍|(idiom) to achieve twice the result w... shibana 士巴拿|(dialect) spanner (loanword) shibanlu 石板路|road or pavement laid with flagstones shibanwa 石板瓦|slate tile shibanyu 石斑鱼|grouper (Portuguese: garoupa)/also ca... shibao 时报|\"Times\" (newspaper, e.g. New York Times) shibao 施暴|to use violence; to attack; to assault shibao 试爆|trial explosion/nuclear test shibaoshixiao 实报实销|to be reimbursed for actual expenses shibei 石碑|stele/stone tablet (for inscription)/... shibei 十倍|tenfold/ten times (sth) shibei 试杯|Petri dish/test dish/trial slide shibei-gongban 事倍功半|(idiom) to expend twice the effort fo... shibeiqu 市北区|Shibei district of Qingdao city 青島市|青... shibi 势必|to be bound to/undoubtedly will shibi 时弊|ills of the day/contemporary problems shibian 事变|incident/unforeseen event/events (in ... shibian 实变|(math.) real variable shibian 饰边|ornamental border shibianhanshu 实变函数|function of a real variable (math.) shibianhanshulun 实变函数论|(math.) theory of functions of a real... shibianxing 十边形|decagon shibiao 师表|paragon of virtue and learning/exempl... shibiao 试表|to take temperature shibie 识别|to distinguish; to discern; to identi... shibiehao 识别号|identifier shibiema 识别码|identifier shibiezheng 识别证|ID badge (on a lanyard etc) (Tw) shibigongqin 事必躬亲|to attend to everything personally shibing 士兵|soldier/CL:個|个[ge4] shibing 柿饼|dried persimmon shibing 施秉|Shibing county in Qiandongnan Miao an... shibingxian 施秉县|Shibing county in Qiandongnan Miao an... shibo 世博|abbr. for 世界博覽會|世界博览会[Shi4 jie4 Bo2 l... shibo 试播|trial broadcast shibo 世伯|uncle (affectionate name for a friend... shibohui 世博会|World Expo (abbr. for 世界博覽會|世界博览会[Shi... shiboqi 示波器|oscillograph/oscilloscope shibu 食补|tonic food (food considered to be par... shibu 尸布|pall (casket covering) shibude 使不得|cannot be used/must not (do sth)/unac... shibufanhui 誓不反悔|to vow not to break one\'s promise shibuguanji 事不关己|a matter of no concern to oneself (id... shibuguanji,gaogaoguaqi 事不关己,高高挂起|to feel unconcerned and let matters r... shibuguofu 食不果腹|lit. food not filling the stomach (id... shibuguosan 事不过三|(idiom) a thing should not be attempt... shibukedang 势不可挡|see 勢不可當|势不可当[shi4 bu4 ke3 dang1] shibukedang 势不可当|impossible to resist (idiom); an irre... shibuliangli 势不两立|the two cannot exist together (idiom)... shibuliangli 誓不两立|the two cannot exist together (idiom)... shibushi 时不时|from time to time shibushi 是不是|is or isn\'t/yes or no/whether or not shibuwodai 时不我待|time and tide wait for no man (idiom) shibuxiangman 实不相瞒|truth to tell/to be quite honest... shibuyanjing,kuaibuyanxi 食不厌精,脍不厌细|lit. to eat but finely ground grain a... shibuyichi 事不宜迟|the matter should not be delayed/ther... shibuzailai 时不再来|Time that has passed will never come ... shibuzhiwei 食不知味|lit. to eat without tasting the food/... shicai 适才|just now; a moment ago (often used in... shicai 食材|(food) ingredient shicai 识才|to recognize talent shicai 时菜|seasonal vegetable shicai 什菜|mixed vegetables shicaiaowu 恃才傲物|(idiom) to be inordinately proud of o... shicaizunxian 识才尊贤|to recognize talent and have great re... shican 实参|(computing) actual parameter; argumen... shicao 食槽|manger shicao 实操|to actually do (sth) (as opposed to l... shicao 市曹|market/official in charge of small me... shicaodongwu 食草动物|herbivore shice 实测|to take measurements/measured (speed ... shice 史册|annals shice 失策|to blunder/to miscalculate/miscalcula... shicha 视察|to inspect/an investigation shicha 时差|time difference/time lag/jet lag shicha 视差|parallax shicha 失察|to fail in observing or supervising/t... shichahai 什刹海|Shichahai, scenic area of northwest B... shichan 室颤|ventricular fibrillation (V-fib), abb... shichang 市场|marketplace/market (also in abstract) shichang 时常|often; frequently shichang 失常|not normal/an aberration shichang 时长|duration shichang 试场|exam room shichangdiaocha 市场调查|market research shichangdingwei 市场定位|positioning (marketing) shichangfene 市场份额|market share shichanghua 市场化|marketization shichanghuafen 市场划分|market segmentation shichanghuanjishu 市场换技术|market access in return for technolog... shichangjia 市场价|market price shichangjingji 市场经济|market economy shichangjingzheng 市场竞争|market competition shichangshi 十常侍|Ten Permanent Functionaries at the en... shichangyingxiao 市场营销|marketing shichangzhanyoulv 市场占有率|market share shichangzhunru 市场准入|access to markets shiche 试车|to test drive/a trial run shichen 时辰|time/one of the 12 two-hour periods o... shichen 史臣|official in charge of public records shichendahai 石沉大海|lit. to throw a stone and see it sink... shicheng 狮城|the Lion City, nickname for Singapore... shicheng 石城|Shicheng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4... shicheng 实诚|sincere/honest shicheng 试乘|test drive shicheng 时程|timetable/schedule shicheng 史称|to be known to history as shicheng 使成|to cause/to render shicheng 十成|completely shicheng-jiuwen 十成九稳|see 十拿九穩|十拿九稳[shi2na2-jiu3wen3] shichengqihu 势成骑虎|if you ride a tiger, it\'s hard to get... shichengxian 石城县|Shicheng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4... shichenweidao 时辰未到|the time has not yet come shichi 市尺|chi (Chinese unit of length equal to ... shichipin 试吃品|food sample shichong 失宠|to lose favor/in disfavor/disgraced shichongmu 食虫目|Insectivora shichongzhiwu 食虫植物|insectivorous plant shichou 世仇|feud shichou 尸臭|odor of a dead body shichu 使出|to use/to exert shichu 释出|to release/to make available/to liber... shichu 驶出|to leave port/to put off shichu 释除|to dispel (doubts) shichu 拭除|to wipe off shichuan 石川|Ishikawa (Japanese surname and place ... shichuan 失传|(of skills etc) to die out/lost/extinct shichuan 试穿|to try wearing clothes/fitting trial shichuan 实穿|(of an item of clothing) practical shichuang 视窗|Windows (the Microsoft operating system) shichuang 视窗|a window (on a computer screen) shichui 实锤|(neologism c. 2014) (slang) solid pro... shichuo 时戳|timestamp shichuwuming 师出无名|lit. to go to war without just cause ... shichuyouming 师出有名|lit. to have sufficient reason to sen... shici 诗词|verse shici 实词|(linguistics) content word shici 誓词|oath/pledge shici 饰词|excuse/pretext shici 是次|(formal) this time shicong 侍从|to serve (an important personage)/att... shicong 失聪|to go deaf; to lose one\'s hearing/dea... shicong 师从|to study under (a teacher) shicongguan 侍从官|aide-de-camp shicu 食醋|table vinegar shicun 市寸|cun (Chinese unit of length equal to ... shicundu 适存度|fitness (evolution)/ability to surviv... shicuo 失措|to be at a loss shicuo 试错|trial and error (abbr. for 嘗試錯誤法|尝试错误... shicuo 失错|to make a careless mistake/mistake; s... shicuo 市撮|milliliter (old) shicuojue 视错觉|optical illusion shida 师大|abbr. for 師範大學|师范大学[shi1 fan4 da4 xue... shida 施打|to inject (a vaccine etc) shidada 湿哒哒|variant of 濕答答|湿答答[shi1 da1 da1] shidada 湿答答|soaking wet shidafu 士大夫|scholar officials shidai 时代|Time, US weekly news magazine shidai 时代|age/era/epoch/period (in one\'s life)/... shidai 世代|for many generations/generation/era/age shidai 饰带|sash/streamer shidaiguangchang 时代广场|Times Square shidaihuana 时代华纳|Time Warner Inc., US media company shidaijiaoti 世代交替|alternation of generations shidaiqu 时代曲|shidaiqu, a musical genre that origin... shidaixi 史黛西|Stacy (name) shidaixiangchuan 世代相传|passed on from generation to generati... shidan 实弹|live ammunition shidan 失单|list of lost or stolen articles shidan 市担|Chinese unit of weight equal to 100 j... shidan-libo 势单力薄|(idiom) lacking strength and support shidandundao 史丹顿岛|Staten Island, borough of New York City shidanfo 史丹佛|Stanford (University)/also written 斯坦... shidanfudaxue 史丹福大学|Stanford University shidang 适当|suitable; appropriate shidang 失当|inappropriate/improper shidanli 士丹利|Stanley (name) shidao 食道|esophagus; gullet/(old) the proper wa... shidao 世道|the ways of the world/the morals of t... shidao 失盗|to have sth stolen/to lose to theft/r... shidao 失道|(literary) to lose one\'s way; to get ... shidaoai 食道癌|esophageal cancer shidaoguazhu 失道寡助|an unjust cause finds little support ... shidaojinri 事到今日|under the circumstances/the matter ha... shidaolintou 事到临头|when things come to a head (idiom) shidaorujin 事到如今|as matters stand/things having reache... shidashenshou 十大神兽|the Baidu 10 mythical creatures (a se... shidashixiao 时大时小|sometimes big, sometimes small/varying shide 是的|yes, that\'s right/variant of 似的[shi4 ... shide 使得|usable; serviceable/feasible; workabl... shide 似的|seems as if/rather like/Taiwan pr. [s... shide 拾得|Shide, Tang Buddhist poet who lived a... shide 拾得|to find/to pick up/to collect shide 识得|to know shide 似地|(used to form an adverbial phrase X +... shidekeji 是德科技|Keysight Technologies (instrumentatio... shideqifan 适得其反|to produce the opposite of the desire... shideqisuo 适得其所|exactly what one would wish/to find o... shidi 实地|on-site shidi 湿地|wetland shidi 失地|to lose territory/lost territory shidi 师弟|young disciple (of the same master)/y... shidian 试点|test point/to carry out trial/pilot s... shidian 时点|point of time (in time-based systems) shidian 施甸|Shidian county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 sha... shidian 释典|Buddhist doctrine/sutras shidian 事典|encyclopedia shidian 始点|starting point/initial point shidianxian 施甸县|Shidian county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 sha... shidiao 石雕|stone carving/carved sculpture shidiao 失掉|to lose/to miss shidiao 时调|regional folk song popular during a c... shidiao 失调|out of tune (music) shidiaobai 石刁柏|asparagus shidifangshi 实地访视|onsite visit shidifenhapo 史蒂芬·哈珀|see 斯蒂芬·哈珀[Si1 di4 fen1 · Ha1 po4] shidifu 史蒂夫|Steve (male name) shidifuqiaobusi 史蒂夫·乔布斯|Steve Jobs (1955-2011), US co-founder... shiding 饰钉|stud (for decorating clothing, shoes,... shiding 石碇|Shiding or Shihting township in New T... shidingxiang 石碇乡|Shiding or Shihting township in New T... shidiwei 史迪威|Joseph Stilwell (1883-1946), commande... shidiwen 史蒂文|Steven, Stephen (name) shidiwensi 史蒂文斯|Stephens/Stevens shidong 石洞|cave; cavern shidongranju 十动然拒|to reject sb after being deeply touch... shidu 湿度|humidity level shidu 适度|moderately/appropriate shidu 试读|to read a sample chapter of a book/to... shidu 释读|to read and interpret ancient texts/t... shidu 识度|knowledge and experience shidu 失独|bereaved of one\'s only child shiduan 时段|time interval/work shift/time slot/th... shiduan 事端|disturbance/incident shiduanfenxi 时段分析|time interval analysis shiduanshixu 时断时续|stopping and starting/intermittent/sp... shidujiating 失独家庭|a family bereaved of its only child shidujiushu 十赌九输|lit. in gambling, nine times out of t... shiduo 拾掇|to clear up/to tidy up/to pick up/to ... shiduo 士多|(dialect) store (loanword) shiduobuyang 虱多不痒|many fleas, but unconcerned (idiom); ... shiduocaiguang 识多才广|knowledgeable and versatile shiduopili 士多啤梨|strawberry (loanword) shiduoyi 十多亿|over one billion/more than a billion shiduqingshen 舐犊情深|lit. the cow licking its calf fondly ... shiduzheng 失读症|alexia shiduzhiai 舐犊之爱|the love of a cow licking her calf (i... shiebushe 十恶不赦|wicked beyond redemption (idiom)/heinous shien 施恩|to confer a favor on sb/to confer a b... shien 示恩|to show kindness shier 十二|twelve/12 shier 时而|occasionally; from time to time shierbianxing 十二边形|dodecagon shierbujian 视而不见|(idiom) to turn a blind eye to; to ig... shierdizhi 十二地支|the 12 earthly branches 子[zi3], 丑, 寅,... shierfen 十二分|exceedingly/hundred percent/everythin... shierfude 失而复得|to lose sth and then regain it (idiom) shiergong 十二宫|the twelve equatorial constellations ... shierjiaoxing 十二角形|dodecagon shierjing 十二经|twelve channels of TCM shierjingmai 十二经脉|twelve channels of TCM shierma 十二码|12-yard (sports)/penalty kick shiermianti 十二面体|dodecahedron shierpingjunlv 十二平均律|equal temperament shierrenxia 室迩人遐|to long for sb far away/to grieve ove... shiershichen 十二时辰|twelve divisions of the day of early ... shierxingzuo 十二星座|the twelve signs of the zodiac shieryue 十二月|December/twelfth month (of the lunar ... shieryuefen 十二月份|December shierzhi 十二支|the 12 earthly branches 子[zi3], 丑, 寅,... shierzhichang 十二指肠|duodenum shifa 始发|(of trains etc) to set off (on a jour... shifa 施法|to implement the law/to perform sorcery shifa 食法|cooking method shifa 释法|to interpret the law shifadidian 事发地点|the scene of the incident shifan 师范|teacher-training/pedagogical/normal (... shifan 示范|to demonstrate/to show how to do sth/... shifandaxue 师范大学|normal university/teacher training co... shifang 释放|to release/to set free/to liberate (a... shifang 什邡|Shifang, county-level city in Deyang ... shifang 施放|to fire/to discharge/to release (fire... shifang 石舫|Marble Boat, famous pavilion shifangchuyu 释放出狱|to release from jail shifangshi 什邡市|Shifang, county-level city in Deyang ... shifanxueyuan 师范学院|teacher\'s college/normal school shifashi 事发时|the time of the incident shifei 是非|right and wrong/quarrel shifei 施肥|to spread manure/to apply fertilizer shifeibufen 是非不分|unable to distinguish right and wrong... shifeifenming 是非分明|to distinguish right from wrong (idiom) shifeimobian 是非莫辨|unable to distinguish right and wrong... shifeiquzhi 是非曲直|lit. right and wrong, crooked and str... shifeiyuan 试飞员|test pilot shifeizhidi 是非之地|trouble spot/sketchy area shifeiziyougonglun 是非自有公论|to determine right and wrong based on... shifen 十分|very/completely/utterly/extremely/abs... shifen 时分|time/period during the day/one of the... shifen 石粉|talcum powder shifen 市分|fen (Chinese unit of length equal to ... shifeng 侍奉|to wait upon/to serve/to attend to sb... shifeng 适逢|to just happen to coincide with shifeng 世风|public morals shifeng 事奉|to serve shifeng 失风|trouble/damage/setback/sth goes wrong shifeng 食俸|salary of a public official/to be in ... shifengqihui 适逢其会|(idiom) to happen to be in the right ... shifengqu 石峰区|Shifeng district of Zhuzhou city 株洲市,... shifengrixia 世风日下|public morals are degenerating with e... shifenweishu 十分位数|decile (statistics) shifenxi 实分析|real analysis/calculus of real variables shifenzhiyi 十分之一|one tenth shifou 是否|whether (or not)/if/is or isn\'t shifu 师傅|master/qualified worker/respectful fo... shifu 师父|used for 師傅|师傅 (in Taiwan)/master/qua... shifu 弑父|patricide/to kill one\'s own father shifu 实付|actually paid/net (payment) shifu 示复|please answer (epistolary style) shifudongwu 食腐动物|scavenger shifulingjinmen,xiuxingzaigeren 师父领进门,修行在个人|the master leads you to the door, the... shigan 实干|to work industriously/to get things done shigan 十干|same as 天干/the 10 heavenly stems 甲, 乙... shigandang 石敢当|stone tablet erected to ward off evil... shigang 石岗|Shek Kong (area in Hong Kong) shiganjia 实干家|sb who gets things done/doer shigao 石膏|gypsum CaSO4·2(H2O)/plaster/plaster c... shigao 诗稿|verse manuscript shigaobengdai 石膏绷带|plaster cast shigaobiye 史高比耶|Skopje, capital of North Macedonia (Tw) shigaoqiangban 石膏墙板|drywall/gypsum wallboard/plasterboard shige 诗歌|poem/CL:本[ben3],首[shou3],段[duan4] shige 时隔|separated in time (usu. followed by a... shige 失格|to overstep the rules/to go out of bo... shige 适格|to be qualified (to bring a complaint... shigen 实根|real root (of a polynomial) shigong 施工|construction/to carry out constructio... shigong 试工|to work for a trial period/worker on ... shigong 石工|stonemasonry/stonemason shigong 事工|(Christianity) ministry (work of a sp... shigongdanwei 施工单位|unit in charge of construction/builder shigu 事故|accident/CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],起[qi3],次[ci4] shigu 世故|the ways of the world shigu 世故|sophisticated/worldly-wise shigu 尸骨|skeleton of the dead shigu 师古|following the ways of old/in imitatio... shigu 是故|therefore/so/consequently shiguaimingjian 时乖命蹇|bad times, adverse fate (idiom) shiguaiqu 石拐区|Shiguai district of Baotou city 包頭市|包... shiguan 使馆|consulate/diplomatic mission shiguan 士官|warrant officer/petty officer/noncomm... shiguan 史官|scribe/court recorder/historian/histo... shiguan 食管|esophagus; gullet/(Tw) regulation of ... shiguan 史观|historical point of view/historically... shiguan 试管|test tube shiguan 石棺|sarcophagus shiguan 事关|to concern/on (some topic)/about/conc... shiguang 时光|time/era/period of time shiguangji 时光机|time machine shiguanshouyun 试管受孕|in vitro fertilisation/test tube fert... shiguanyinger 试管婴儿|test tube baby shiguanzhongda 事关重大|the implications are profound/the ram... shigubuhua 食古不化|to swallow ancient learning without d... shigun 石磙|stone roller shiguochunqiu 十国春秋|History of Ten States of South China ... shiguojingqian 时过境迁|things change with the passage of tim... shiguojingqian 事过境迁|The issue is in the past, and the sit... shiguwen 石鼓文|early form of Chinese characters insc... shiguzhaoshe 事故照射|accidental exposure shihai 尸骸|corpse/skeleton shihang 世行|World Bank (abbr. for 世界銀行|世界银行[Shi4j... shihang 试航|test flight (of aircraft)/sea trial (... shihang 适航|to be airworthy/to be seaworthy shihao 嗜好|hobby/indulgence/habit/addiction shihao 谥号|posthumous name and title shihao 示好|to express goodwill/to be friendly shihaoshihuai 时好时坏|sometimes good, sometimes bad shihe 适合|to fit; to suit shihe 浉河|Shi River in Xinyang 信陽|信阳[Xin4 yang2... shihe 失和|disharmony/to become estranged shihe 是荷|(written) (at the end of a request in... shiheng 失衡|to unbalance/an imbalance shiheng-bianye 尸横遍野|(idiom) corpses are strewn across the... shihequ 浉河区|Shihe District of Xinyang city 信陽市|信阳... shihezi 石河子|Shihezi, sub-prefecture-level city in... shihezishi 石河子市|Shixenze shehiri (Shixenze city) or S... shihou 时候|time/length of time/moment/period shihou 事后|after the event/in hindsight/in retro... shihou 侍候|to serve/to wait upon shihou 豕豞|grunting of pigs shihoucongming 事后聪明|wise after the event (idiom); with hi... shihouzhugeliang 事后诸葛亮|person who is wise after the event shihu 石斛|noble dendrobium (Dendrobium nobile) shihu 视乎|to be determined by/to depend on shihu 石虎|Shi Hu (295-349), emperor of Later Zh... shihu 石虎|leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis... shihu 失怙|to be orphaned of one\'s father shihua 石化|to petrify/petrochemical industry shihua 实话|truth shihua 诗话|notes on poetry, an essay genre consi... shihua 诗画|poetry and pictorial art/work of art ... shihua 湿滑|(of floors, roads etc) wet and slippery shihuacai 石花菜|Gelidium amansii, species of red alga... shihuachang 石化厂|petrochemical plant shihuai 释怀|to get over (a traumatic experience, ... shihuai 使坏|to play dirty tricks/to be up to misc... shihualuoshiqishuijing 施华洛世奇水晶|Swarovski crystal shihuan 使唤|to order sb around/(coll.) to handle ... shihuan 失欢|to lose favor/to become estranged shihuan 仕宦|(literary) to serve as an official shihuang 拾荒|to glean/to collect scraps/to eke out... shihuashishuo 实话实说|to tell the truth/to tell it as it is shihui 实惠|tangible benefit/material advantages/... shihui 释回|to release from custody shihui 施惠|to give charity to sb/to oblige shihui 失悔|to regret/to feel remorse shihui 石灰|lime (calcium oxide) shihuihua 石灰华|travertine (geology)/tufa (a type of ... shihuishi 石灰石|limestone shihuiyan 石灰岩|limestone shihun 失魂|to panic shihun 试婚|trial marriage/to live together befor... shihun 适婚|of marriageable age shihun 失婚|to lose one\'s spouse (through marriag... shihunluopo 失魂落魄|(idiom) dazed; beside oneself shihunqi 适婚期|age range suitable for getting married shihuo 失火|to catch fire; to be on fire shihuo 识货|to know what\'s what shihuo 拾获|to find/to pick up/to obtain shihuoji 食火鸡|cassowary (genus Casuarius), large fl... shihushou 狮虎兽|liger, hybrid cross between a male li... shiji 世纪|century/CL:個|个[ge4] shiji 市集|fair/market (in a public place)/small... shiji 试剂|reagent shiji 实际|reality/practice/practical/realistic/... shiji 时机|opportunity; opportune moment shiji 史记|Records of the Grand Historian, by 司馬... shiji 事迹|deed/past achievement/important event... shiji 史籍|historical records shiji 事机|confidential aspects of a matter/secr... shiji 示寂|to pass away (of a monk or nun) shiji 石鸡|(bird species of China) chukar partri... shiji 十几|more than ten; a dozen or more shiji 诗集|poetry anthology shiji 食季|eclipse season shijia 世家|family influential for generations/ar... shijia 市价|market value shijia 史家|historian shijia 释迦|Shakya, an ethnicity and clan of the ... shijia 释迦|sugar apple (Annona squamosa) shijia 事假|leave of absence for a personal matter shijia 施加|to exert (effort or pressure) shijia 时价|current price shijiachengpi 嗜痂成癖|to have strange and dangerous addicti... shijiafo 释迦佛|Sakyamuni Buddha (Sanskrit: sage of t... shijiamouni 释迦牟尼|Shakyamuni (Sanskrit for \"the Sage of... shijiamounifo 释迦牟尼佛|Sakyamuni Buddha (Sanskrit: sage of t... shijian 时间|(concept of) time/(duration of) time/... shijian 事件|incident; event shijian 实践|practice/to put into practice/to live... shijian 世间|world/earth shijian 尸检|autopsy shijian 识见|knowledge and experience shijian 视奸|(neologism) to leer/to stare lecherou... shijian 适间|just now; just a moment ago shijian 始建|to start building shijianbiao 时间表|schedule/timetable shijianbuzaole 时间不早了|it\'s getting late; time\'s getting on shijiancedingxue 时间测定学|chronometry shijianchuo 时间戳|timestamp shijiandian 时间点|point in time shijiang 石匠|stonemason shijiang 势降|potential drop (elec.) shijiang 尸僵|rigor mortis shijianglao 石匠痨|silicosis (occupational disease of mi... shijianjianshi 时间简史|\"A Brief History of Time\" by Stephen ... shijianjiaonang 时间胶囊|time capsule shijianjincheng 时间进程|time course shijiannang 时间囊|time capsule shijianqujian 时间区间|time interval shijianshibashazhudao 时间是把杀猪刀|lit. time is a butcher\'s knife/fig. t... shijianshijianyanzhenlideweiyibiaozhun 实践是检验真理的唯一标准|Actual practice is the sole criterion... shijianxian 时间线|timeline shijianxiangguandianwei 事件相关电位|(neuroscience) event-related potential shijianxinglixibao 嗜碱性粒细胞|basophil granulocytes (rarest type of... shijianxingqiu 嗜碱性球|basophil granulocyte (type of white b... shijianxulie 时间序列|time series (stats.) shijianzhou 时间轴|time axis/timeline shijiao 视角|angle from which one observes an obje... shijiao 施教|teaching shijiao 市郊|outer city/suburb shijiao 世交|(long time) friend of the family shijiao 释教|Buddhism shijiaoxing 十角形|decagon shijiaoziben 实缴资本|paid-in capital/contributed capital (... shijiazhuang 石家庄|see 石家莊市|石家庄市[Shi2jia1zhuang1 Shi4] shijiazhuangshi 石家庄市|Shijiazhuang, prefecture-level city a... shijicanshu 实际参数|(computing) actual parameter; argument shijie 世界|world (CL:個|个[ge4]) shijie 时节|season; time shijie 师姐|senior female fellow student or appre... shijie 视界|field of vision shijie 使节|(diplomatic) envoy shijie 石阶|stone step shijie 失节|to be disloyal (to one\'s country, spo... shijie 十戒|the ten commandments (religion) shijie 拾芥|to pick up cress/fig. sth easy to do/... shijie 事界|event horizon shijie 十诫|ten commandments shijie 石蜐|goose barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) shijiebao 世界报|the name of various newspapers, notab... shijiebei 世界杯|World Cup shijiebiannuan 世界变暖|global warming shijiebolanhui 世界博览会|World Expo/abbr. to 世博[Shi4 bo2] shijiedazhan 世界大战|world war shijieditu 世界地图|world map shijiediyi 世界第一|ranked number one in the world/the wo... shijiegedi 世界各地|all over the world/everywhere/in all ... shijieguan 世界观|worldview/world outlook/Weltanschauung shijiehaiguanzuzhi 世界海关组织|World Customs Organization shijieheping 世界和平|world peace shijieji 世界级|world-class shijiejilu 世界纪录|world record shijiejingji 世界经济|global economy; world economy shijiejingjiluntan 世界经济论坛|World Economic Forum shijiejinrongzhongxin 世界金融中心|World Financial Center (New York City) shijieliangshishu 世界粮食署|World food program (United Nations ai... shijielvyouzuzhi 世界旅游组织|World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) shijiemaoyi 世界贸易|world trade/global trade shijiemaoyizhongxin 世界贸易中心|World Trade Center shijiemaoyizuzhi 世界贸易组织|World Trade Organization (WTO) shijiemori 世界末日|end of the world shijieqiangguo 世界强国|world power shijieqixiangzuzhi 世界气象组织|World Meteorological Organization (WMO) shijierenquanxuanyan 世界人权宣言|Universal Declaration of Human Rights shijieribao 世界日报|World Journal, US newspaper shijietuan 使节团|a diplomatic group/a delegation shijieweishengdahui 世界卫生大会|World Health Assembly shijieweishengzuzhi 世界卫生组织|World Health Organization (WHO) shijieweiwuerdaibiaodahui 世界维吾尔代表大会|World Uighur Congress shijiewenhuayichan 世界文化遗产|(UNESCO) World Cultural Heritage shijiewenhuayichandi 世界文化遗产地|World Heritage site shijiewenming 世界闻名|world famous shijiewuji 世界屋脊|the roof of the world (usually refers... shijiexiaojiexuanmei 世界小姐选美|Miss World Beauty Pageant shijieyeshengshengwujijinhui 世界野生生物基金会|World Wildlife Fund (WWF) shijieyinhang 世界银行|World Bank shijieyu 世界语|Esperanto shijieyundonghui 世界运动会|World Games shijiezhiming 世界知名|world famous shijiezhishichanquanzuzhi 世界知识产权组织|World Intellectual Property Organization shijieziranjijinhui 世界自然基金会|World Wildlife Fund WWF shijikongzhiren 实际控制人|(corporations law) actual controller shijikongzhixian 实际控制线|Line of Actual Control (LAC), separat... shijimo 世纪末|end of the century shijimonian 世纪末年|final years of the century shijin 失禁|(urinary or fecal) incontinence shijin 湿巾|wet wipe/towelette shijin 什锦|(food) assorted/mixed/assortment shijin 使劲|to exert all one\'s strength shijin 试金|assay shijin 饰巾|kerchief as head ornament shijin 十进|decimal/calculations to base 10 shijin 使尽|to exert all one\'s strength shijin 十锦|variant of 什錦|什锦[shi2 jin3] shijin 市斤|Chinese unit of weight equal to 0.5 kg shijinbumei 拾金不昧|to pick up money and not hide it (idi... shijing 诗经|Shijing, the Book of Songs, early col... shijing 市井|marketplace/town/the street (urban mi... shijing 试镜|to take a screen test/to audition/scr... shijing 实景|real scene (not set up or posed)/real... shijing 示警|to warn/a warning sign shijing 失敬|to show disrespect; I\'m awfully sorry... shijing 释经|exegesis/explanation of classic text shijing 识荆|It is a great honor to meet you. shijing 势阱|potential well (physics) shijing 石井|Ishii (Japanese surname) shijinghenwan 识荆恨晚|It is a great honor to meet you and I... shijinglv 市净率|price-to-book ratio (finance) shijingqian 史景迁|Jonathan D Spence (1936-), distinguis... shijingshan 石景山|Shijingshan, an inner district of wes... shijingshanqu 石景山区|Shijingshan, an inner district of wes... shijingtou 试镜头|screen test shijinguopan 什锦果盘|mixed fruit salad shijingxiaomin 市井小民|ordinary people/the hoi polloi/commoner shijinr 使劲儿|erhua variant of 使勁|使劲[shi3 jin4] shijinsai 世锦赛|world championship shijinshi 试金石|touchstone/fig. test that sth is genuine shijinwei 十进位|decimal system shijinweifa 十进位法|decimal system shijinzhi 十进制|decimal shijiqingkuang 实际情况|actual circumstances/the real situati... shijishang 实际上|in fact/in reality/as a matter of fac... shijiu 十九|nineteen/19 shijiu 狮鹫|griffin shijiuruming 嗜酒如命|to love wine as one\'s life (idiom); f... shijixing 实际性|practicality shijiyingyong 实际应用|practical application shiju 诗句|verse/CL:行[hang2] shiju 时局|current political situation shiju 食具|tableware shiju 视距|visible range shiju 世局|the world situation; the state of the... shiju 实据|factual evidence shijuan 试卷|examination paper/test paper/CL:份[fen... shijuan 释卷|to stop reading shijue 视觉|sight/vision/visual shijue 世爵|Spyker shijue 誓绝|to abjure/to swear to quit shijuefangyan 视觉方言|(linguistics) eye dialect shijun 弑君|regicide/to commit regicide shijun 食菌|edible mushroom shijun-lidi 势均力敌|(idiom) evenly matched shijunti 噬菌体|bacteriophage; phage shijushan 石咀山|Shijushan or Shizuishan (place name)/... shijushanqu 石咀山区|variant of 石嘴山區|石嘴山区[Shi2 zui3 shan1 ... shijushanshi 石咀山市|variant of Shizuishan 石嘴山市[Shi2 zui3 ... shike 时刻|time/juncture/moment/period of time/C... shike 蚀刻|to etch/engraving shike 石刻|stone inscription/carved stone shike 食客|diner (in a restaurant etc)/hanger-on... shike 兙|decagram (old) (single-character equi... shike 十克|decagram shike 试客|user of shareware or demo software shikebiao 时刻表|timetable/schedule shikeerzhi 适可而止|(idiom) to refrain from going too far... shikelang 屎壳郎|see 屎蚵螂[shi3 ke1 lang2] shikelang 屎蚵螂|dung beetle shikeren,shubukeren 是可忍,孰不可忍|if this can be tolerated, what cannot... shikezhunbei 时刻准备|ready at any moment shikong 时空|time and place/world of a particular ... shikong 失控|to go out of control shikongchuansuo 时空穿梭|time travel shikongchuanyue 时空穿越|time travel shikongcuozhi 时空错置|having elements from another time or ... shikongcuozhigan 时空错置感|sense of being in another time and pl... shikongjiaonang 时空胶囊|(Tw) time capsule shikonglvxing 时空旅行|time travel shikongren 实控人|(corporations law) actual controller shikou 失口|slip of the tongue/indiscretion/to bl... shikoufouren 矢口否认|to deny flatly shiku 石窟|rock cave/grotto/cliff caves (often w... shikuai 石块|stone/rock shikuai 市侩|unscrupulous businessperson/profiteer... shikuai 尸块|body parts (of a mutilated corpse) shikuang 实况|live (e.g. broadcast or recording)/wh... shikuangluyin 实况录音|live recording shikuangzhaopian 实况照片|live photo; motion photo (a still pho... shikuangzhu 实况主|live vlogger/live-streamer shikuangzhuanbo 实况转播|to broadcast live from the scene/live... shikumen 石库门|\"shikumen\" style architecture: tradit... shila 石蜡|paraffin wax shilacha 是拉差|sriracha (loanword) shilaimu 史莱姆|slime (loanword) shilaiyunzhuan 时来运转|the time comes, fortune turns (idiom)... shilang 侍郎|(Ming and Qing dynasties) vice-minist... shilang 施琅|Shi Lang (1621-1696), Chinese admiral... shile 施乐|Xerox shile 石勒|Shi Le, founder of Later Zhao of the ... shili 视力|vision/eyesight shili 实例|actual example/living example/illustr... shili 示例|to illustrate/typical example shili 势力|power/influence/a force (military, po... shili 实力|strength shili 势利|snobbish shili 失利|to lose/to suffer defeat shili 事理|reason/logic shili 施礼|to salute/to greet shili 失礼|to act discourteously/forgive me (for... shili 市里|li (Chinese unit of length equal to 5... shili 市立|municipal/city/city-run shili 诗礼|the classics a Confucian scholar must... shili 事例|example/exemplar/typical case shili 驶离|to steer (the plane) away from/to dri... shili 实利|advantage/gain/net profit shili 侍立|to stand by in attendance shili 市厘|li (Chinese unit of length equal to ⅓... shili 识力|discernment/the ability to judge well shilian 试炼|to refine with fire shilian 失恋|to lose one\'s love/to break up (in a ... shilian 失联|to lose contact/to be lost shiliang 矢量|(math.) vector shiliang 适量|appropriate amount shiliang 食量|quantity of food one eats; food intake shiliang 市两|Chinese unit of weight equivalent to ... shiliang 食粮|food cereals shiliangdu 视亮度|apparent brightness (astronomy) shiliao 食料|foodstuff shiliao 史料|historical material or data shiliao 食疗|(TCM) food therapy; treatment via food shiliaoweiji 始料未及|not expected at the outset (idiom)/un... shilibiao 视力表|eye chart (used by optician) shilicedingfa 视力测定法|optometry/eyesight testing shilidaima 示例代码|sample code (computing) shilijia 士力架|Snickers (candy bar) shilin 士林|Shilin or Shihlin District of Taipei ... shilin 石林|Stone Forest, notable set of limeston... shilinfengjingqu 石林风景区|Petrified forest scenic area in Shili... shiling 失灵|out of order (of machine)/not working... shiling 适龄|of age/of the appropriate age shiling 时令|season shiling 拾零|to pick up bits/to collect scrap mate... shilingguan 使领馆|embassy and consulate shilingguanyuan 使领官员|ambassador and consul/diplomat shilingyu 石鲮鱼|pangolin (Manis pentadactylata)/scaly... shilinqu 士林区|Shilin or Shihlin District of Taipei ... shilinxian 石林县|Shilin Yi autonomous county in Kunmin... shilinyizuzizhixian 石林彝族自治县|Shilin Yi autonomous county in Kunmin... shiliu 十六|sixteen/16 shiliu 石榴|pomegranate shiliu 驶流|swiftly flowing/torrent shiliuguo 十六国|Sixteen Kingdoms of Five non-Han peop... shiliuguochunqiu 十六国春秋|history of the Sixteen Kingdoms 304-4... shiliujinzhi 十六进制|hexadecimal shiliushi 石榴石|garnet (red gemstone Mg3Al2Si3O12) shiliushu 石榴树|pomegranate tree shiliuwanzhi 十六烷值|cetane number (quality of light diese... shiliuweiyuan 十六位元|16-bit (computing) shiliuzi 石榴子|pomegranate seeds/pomegranate arils shiliuzijue 十六字诀|16-character formula, esp. Mao Zedong... shilixiaoren 势利小人|snob shiliyan 势利眼|to be self-interested shiliyangchang 十里洋场|the Shanghai of old, with its foreign... shilizhuyi 实利主义|utilitarianism shilizhuyi 实力主义|meritocracy shilong 石龙|Shilong district of Pingdingshan city... shilongqu 石龙区|Shilong district of Pingdingshan city... shilongzi 石龙子|skink/lizard shilou 石楼|Shilou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 l... shilouxian 石楼县|Shilou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 l... shilu 食禄|to draw government pay/to be in publi... shilu 世禄|hereditary benefits such as rank and ... shilu 尸禄|to hold a sinecure shilulu 湿漉漉|damp/clammy/dripping wet shilulu 湿渌渌|variant of 濕漉漉|湿漉漉[shi1 lu4 lu4] shiluo 失落|to lose (sth)/to drop (sth)/to feel a... shiluo 莳萝|dill (herb, Anethum graveolens) shiluo 尸罗|sila (Buddhism) shiluode 施罗德|Schröder (name)/Gerhard Schröder (194... shiluozi 莳萝籽|dill seed shiluozishima,lachulailiuliu 是骡子是马,拉出来遛遛|see 是騾子是馬,牽出來遛遛|是骡子是马,牵出来遛遛[shi4 luo2... shiluozishima,qianchulailiuliu 是骡子是马,牵出来遛遛|lit. to see whether it\'s a mule or a ... shiluzhijia 世禄之家|family with hereditary emoluments shilv 诗律|meters and forms of versification; pr... shilve 事略|biographical sketch shimang 视盲|blindness shimao 世贸|World Trade Organization (WTO)/abbr. ... shimao 时髦|in vogue/fashionable shimaodasha 世贸大厦|World Trade Center shimaozhongxindalou 世贸中心大楼|World Trade Center (the twin towers d... shimaozuzhi 世贸组织|WTO (World Trade Organization) shimei 师妹|junior female student or apprentice/d... shimen 石门|Shimen or Shihmen township in New Tai... shimenxian 石门县|Shimen county in Changde 常德[Chang2 de... shimenxiang 石门乡|Shimen or Shihmen township in New Tai... shimi 失迷|to lose one\'s way/to get lost (on the... shimian 市面|the marketplace (i.e. the world of bu... shimian 失眠|to suffer from insomnia shimian 世面|the wider world/diverse aspects of so... shimian 石棉|Shimian County in Ya\'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], ... shimian 石棉|asbestos shimian 饰面|ornamental facing/veneer shimian 石绵|asbestos shimianmaifu 十面埋伏|Ambush from Ten Sides (pipa solo piec... shimianshang 市面上|on the market shimianwa 石棉瓦|asbestos roofing sheet (corrugated) shimianxian 石棉县|Shimian county in Ya\'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], ... shimianzi 失面子|to lose face; to be humiliated shimin 市民|city resident shiming 实名|real-name (registration etc)/non-anon... shiming 失明|to lose one\'s eyesight/to become blin... shiming 使命|mission/long-term task to which one d... shiming 释名|\"Shiming\", late Han dictionary, conta... shimingde 施明德|Shih Ming-teh (1941-), Taiwanese poli... shimingzheng 失明症|blindness shimingzhi 实名制|system for identifying users (on a ra... shiminshehui 市民社会|civil society (law) shimintu 士敏土|cement (loanword) (old) shimisi 史密斯|Smith (name) shimite 施密特|Schmidt or Schmitt (surname) shimo 石墨|black lead/graphite/plumbago shimo 石磨|grindstone shimo 始末|whole story/the ins and outs shimo 拭抹|to swab/to wipe up with a mop shimochenzhuobing 石末沉着病|silicosis (occupational disease of mi... shimofei 石末肺|silicosis/grinder\'s disease/also writ... shimoqilengdui 石墨气冷堆|gas-graphite reactor shimotan 石墨碳|graphite carbon shimotelai 史沫特莱|Agnes Smedley (1892-1950), US journal... shimoxi 石墨烯|graphene shimu 师母|term of respect for a teacher\'s wife shimu 拭目|to wipe one\'s eyes/fig. to remain vig... shimu 世母|wife of father\'s elder brother (old) shimu 弑母|matricide/to commit matricide shimuqinger 拭目倾耳|to watch and listen attentively shimuyidai 拭目以待|lit. to wipe one\'s eyes and wait (idi... shimuyu 虱目鱼|milkfish (Chanos chanos) shina-jiuwen 十拿九稳|(idiom) to be a cinch; in the bag/(id... shinai 师奶|married woman of mature age shinaian 施耐庵|Shi Nai\'an (1296-1371), author of Wat... shinanhua 石南花|heather (Ericaceae) shinanqu 市南区|Shinan district of Qingdao city 青島市|青... shinanshu 石南属|heather shinanshu 石南树|heath shinaoyou 石脑油|naphtha shinei 室内|indoor shinei 市内|inside the city shineisheji 室内设计|interior design shineiyue 室内乐|chamber music shineizhuanghuang 室内装潢|interior decorating shineng 势能|potential energy shinian 释念|(literary) to be reassured/not to worry shinian 湿黏|clammy shiniang 师娘|term of respect for a teacher\'s wife/... shinianshumu,bainianshuren 十年树木,百年树人|(idiom) it takes ten years to grow tr... shinong 侍弄|to look after/to tend (one\'s crops, g... shinonggongshang 士农工商|\"the four classes\" of ancient China, ... shinu 石弩|catapult/ballista (siege catapult fir... shinubi 史奴比|Snoopy (comic strip pet dog) shinubi 史努比|Snoopy (comic strip pet dog) shinv 仕女|court lady/palace maid/traditional pa... shinv 石女|female suffering absence or atresia o... shinv 室女|unmarried lady/virgin/Virgo (star sign) shinv 侍女|maid shinv 实女|female suffering absence or atresia o... shinve 施虐|to torment; to abuse (an animal, chil... shinvekuang 施虐狂|sadism (psychiatry) shinvepi 施虐癖|sadism (fetish) shinveshounve 施虐受虐|sado-masochism shinvezhe 施虐者|abuser/(in sadomasochism) dominant pa... shinvzuo 室女座|Virgo (constellation and sign of the ... shipahangjia 事怕行家|an expert always produces the best wo... shipai 实拍|candid photograph/genuine photograph ... shipan 视盘|optic disc (anatomy)/video compact di... shipei 适配|adaptation shipei 失陪|Excuse me, I must be leaving now. shipeiceng 适配层|(computing) adaptation layer shipeiqi 适配器|adapter (device) shipian 诗篇|a poem/a composition in verse/fig. ep... shipian 石片|slab shipin 视频|video shipin 食品|foodstuff; food; provisions/CL:種|种[zh... shipin 饰品|ornament/item of jewelry/accessory shipindianbo 视频点播|video on demand shiping 视屏|screen (of a TV, computer etc) shiping 石屏|Shiping county in Honghe Hani and Yi ... shipingxian 石屏县|Shiping county in Honghe Hani and Yi ... shipinhuiyi 视频会议|videoconferencing/videoconference shipinjiagongji 食品加工机|food processor shipinjiemu 视频节目|video program shipintan 食品摊|food vendor\'s stand shipo 识破|to penetrate/to see through shipo 湿婆|Shiva (Hindu deity) shipojiguan 识破机关|to see through a trick shipotianjing 石破天惊|earth-shattering/breakthrough/remarka... shipu 食谱|cookbook/recipe/diet/CL:份[fen4],個|个[ge4] shipunike 史普尼克|Sputnik, Soviet artificial Earth sate... shiqi 时期|period/phase/CL:個|个[ge4] shiqi 十七|seventeen/17 shiqi 石器|stone tool/stone implement shiqi 湿气|moisture/humidity/athlete\'s foot/tine... shiqi 士气|morale shiqi 什器|various kinds of everyday utensils shiqi 炻器|stoneware shiqi 失期|late (for an appointed time) shiqian 史前|prehistoric times; (attributive) preh... shiqian 石阡|Shiqian, a county in Tongren 銅仁市|铜仁市[... shiqian 事前|in advance; before the event shiqian 市钱|Chinese unit of weight equivalent to ... shiqianglingruo 恃强凌弱|see 恃強欺弱|恃强欺弱[shi4 qiang2 qi1 ruo4] shiqiangqiruo 恃强欺弱|to use one\'s strength to mistreat peo... shiqianguqiwu 史前古器物|prehistoric artifacts/ancient artifacts shiqianren 史前人|prehistoric man shiqianxian 石阡县|Shiqian, a county in Tongren 銅仁市|铜仁市[... shiqie 失窃|to lose by theft/to have one\'s proper... shiqie 适切|apt/appropriate shiqie 侍妾|concubine shiqikongqiao 十七孔桥|Seventeen-Arch Bridge in the Summer P... shiqimoji 噬脐莫及|lit. one cannot bite one\'s own navel ... shiqing 事情|affair; matter; thing; business/CL:件[... shiqing 实情|the actual situation; the truth shiqing 石青|azurite/copper azurite 2CuCO3-Cu(OH)2... shiqing 世情|worldly affairs/the ways of the world shiqing 市顷|unit of area equal to 100 畝|亩[mu3] or... shiqing 食顷|a short moment shiqinghuayi 诗情画意|picturesque charm/idyllic appeal/poet... shiqishidai 石器时代|Stone Age shiqu 石渠|Sêrxü county (Tibetan: ser shul rdzon... shiqu 石渠|stone channel (e.g. drain) shiqu 时区|time zone shiqu 拾取|to pick up/to collect shiqu 市区|urban district/downtown/city center shiqu 失去|to lose shiqu 识趣|tactful/discreet shiqu 逝去|to elapse/to pass away/to die/demise shiqu 视区|field of view shiquan 实权|real power; genuine power shiquan 十全|perfect; complete shiquan 石泉|Shiquan County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1... shiquan 事权|position/authority/responsibility shiquanhe 狮泉河|Sengge Tsangpo or Shiquan River in we... shiquanshimei 十全十美|complete and beautiful/to be perfect ... shiquanxian 石泉县|Shiquan County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1... shique 石雀|(bird species of China) rock sparrow ... shiquge 石渠阁|cabinet meeting in 51 BC that establi... shiqugeyi 石渠阁议|cabinet meeting in 51 BC that establi... shiquhoujin 失去后劲|to peter out/to lose momentum/to lose... shiquxian 石渠县|Sêrxü county (Tibetan: ser shul rdzon... shir 事儿|one\'s employment/business/matter that... shiran 释然|relieved/at ease/feel relieved shiran 使然|(literary) to make it so/to dictate shirb 事儿B|(coll.) fussbudget/pain in the ass shiren 诗人|bard/poet shiren 世人|people (in general); people around th... shiren 士人|scholar shiren 食人|man-eating (beast)/to eat people/fig.... shiren 时任|then (as in \"the then chairman\") shiren 适人|(said of a woman) to marry (old) shirenmo 食人魔|ogre shirensha 食人鲨|man-eating shark/same as 大白鯊|大白鲨[da4 ... shirensu 食人俗|cannibalism shirentituo 拾人涕唾|to plagiarize (idiom) shirenxinfu 使人信服|convincing shirenyahui 拾人牙慧|to pick up what others say (idiom); t... shirenyu 食人鱼|piranha shiri 时日|time/auspicious time/time and date/lo... shiri 是日|(formal) this day/that day shiritan 十日谈|Decameron, collection of 100 tales of... shiriwuduo 时日无多|time is limited (idiom) shirma 事儿妈|(coll.) fussbudget/pain in the ass shirong 市容|appearance of a city shirou 食肉|carnivorous shiroudongwu 食肉动物|carnivore shiroulei 食肉类|carnivorous species shiroumu 食肉目|Carnivora, order of carnivores within... shirouqinpi 食肉寝皮|to eat sb\'s flesh and sleep on their ... shiru 驶入|(of a car, ship, train etc) to enter shirubixi 视如敝屣|lit. to view as worn-out shoes (idiom... shirufentu 视如粪土|to look upon as dirt/considered worth... shirui 石蕊|reindeer moss/litmus (chemistry) shiruishizhi 石蕊试纸|(chemistry) litmus paper shirukouchou 视如寇仇|to regard as an enemy shirun 湿润|moist shirunji 湿润剂|moistener/wetting agent shiruo 示弱|not to fight back/to take it lying do... shiruoluren 视若路人|to view as strangers shiruowudu 视若无睹|to turn a blind eye to shirupozhu 势如破竹|like a hot knife through butter (idio... shirutujie 视如土芥|to regard as useless/to view as no be... shisan 十三|thirteen/13 shisan 失散|to lose touch with/missing/scattered/... shisandian 十三点|half-witted/nitwit shisanjing 十三经|the Thirteen Confucian Classics, name... shisanri 十三日|thirteenth day of a month shisanzhang 十三张|Chinese poker shise 失色|to lose color/to turn pale shise 食色|food and sex/appetite and lust shisexingye 食色性也|Appetite and lust are only natural (M... shishachengxing 嗜杀成性|bloodthirsty shishan-xuehai 尸山血海|lit. mountains of corpses and oceans ... shishang 时尚|fashion/fad/fashionable shishang 世上|on earth shishang 史上|in history shishangwunanshi,zhipayouxinren 世上无难事,只怕有心人|see 天下無難事,只怕有心人|天下无难事,只怕有心人[tian1 xia... shishe 施舍|to give in charity/to give alms (to t... shishe 试射|to test-fire/to conduct a missile test shishen 失身|to lose one\'s virginity; to lose one\'... shishen 尸身|corpse; dead body shishen 失神|absent-minded/to lose spirit/despondent shishenfen 失身分|demeaning shisheng 师生|teachers and students shisheng 失声|to lose one\'s voice/(to cry out) invo... shisheng 诗圣|\"sage of poetry\", epithet of Du Fu 杜甫... shishenjing 视神经|optic nerve shishenjingpan 视神经盘|optic disk (terminal of the optic ner... shishenjingrutou 视神经乳头|optic disk (terminal of the optic ner... shishenrenmianxiang 狮身人面像|sphinx shishi 实施|to implement/to carry out shishi 实时|(in) real time/instantaneous shishi 事实|fact/CL:個|个[ge4] shishi 史诗|an epic/poetic saga shishi 实事|fact/actual thing/practical matter shishi 时时|often/constantly shishi 失实|to give a false picture of the situation shishi 逝世|to pass away/to die shishi 适时|timely/apt to the occasion/in due course shishi 史实|historical fact shishi 事事|everything shishi 世事|affairs of life/things of the world shishi 誓师|to vow before one\'s troops shishi 失事|(of a plane, ship etc) to have an acc... shishi 时势|current situation/circumstances/curre... shishi 失势|to lose power and influence shishi 施事|(linguistics) agent; doer shishi 时式|fashionable style/(linguistics) tense shishi 施食|to give food (as a charity)/\"feeding ... shishi 世世|from age to age shishi 事势|state of affairs shishi 失恃|to lose sb one relies upon/to lose on... shishi 时事|current trends; the present situation... shishi 石屎|(dialect) concrete shishi 石狮|Shishi, county-level city in Quanzhou... shishi 石狮|see 石獅子|石狮子[shi2 shi1 zi5] shishiban 史诗般|epic shishidaidai 世世代代|for many generations shishidawu 识时达务|understanding/to know what\'s up shishigenju 事实根据|factual basis shishigui 食尸鬼|ghoul shishihuangying 史氏蝗莺|(bird species of China) Styan\'s grass... shishihun 事实婚|common-law marriage/de facto marriage shishiji 士师记|Book of Judges shishiji 史诗级|epic; impressive shishikan 试试看|to give it a try shishikeke 时时刻刻|at all times shishili 实施例|(patent) implementation; embodiment shishiqiushi 实事求是|lit. to seek truth from facts (idiom)... shishisenlin 石屎森林|(dialect) concrete jungle shishishang 事实上|in fact/in reality/actually/as a matt... shishishengyuxiongbian 事实胜于雄辩|facts speak louder than words (idiom) shishishi 石狮市|Shishi, county-level city in Quanzhou... shishitongbian 识时通变|understanding and adaptable shishiwu 识时务|to have a clear view of things/to ada... shishiwuzheweijunjie 识时务者为俊杰|(idiom) only an outstanding talent ca... shishixing 史诗性|epic shishizaoyingxiong 时势造英雄|Time makes the man (idiom). The trend... shishizhe 施事者|(linguistics) agent; doer shishizi 石狮子|guardian lion, a lion statue traditio... shishou 石首|Shishou, county-level city in Jingzho... shishou 失守|(military) (of a city etc) to fall in... shishou 释手|to let go/to loosen one\'s grip/to put... shishou 失手|a slip/miscalculation/unwise move/acc... shishou 尸首|corpse/carcass/dead body shishou 试手|to work for a trial period/worker on ... shishou 实收|net receipts/real income shishour 试手儿|erhua variant of 試手|试手[shi4 shou3] shishoushi 石首市|Shishou, county-level city in Jingzho... shishouziben 实收资本|paid-in capital/contributed capital (... shishouziben 实受资本|paid-up capital shishu 史书|history book shishu 诗书|the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1] a... shishu 实数|real number (math.)/actual value shishu 实属|(to) really (be) shishu 时蔬|seasonal vegetables shishu 识数|to know how to count and do sums/nume... shishu 十数|more than ten/a dozen or more shishubuyi 实属不易|really not easy (idiom) shishui 试水|to run water through a system to test... shishui 食水|(Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong) drin... shishuiwen 试水温|to test the waters shishuizheng 嗜睡症|hypersomnia/excessive sleepiness (med... shishuji 实数集|set of real numbers shishuoxinyu 世说新语|A New Account of the Tales of the Wor... shishuzhi 实数值|real-valued (math.)/taking real numbe... shisi 十四|fourteen; 14 shisi 誓死|to pledge one\'s life shisi 食肆|restaurant/eatery shisibucong 誓死不从|to vow to die rather than obey (idiom) shisibuxiang 誓死不降|to vow to fight to the death shisihangshi 十四行诗|sonnet shisiming 史思明|Shi Siming (703-761), military collea... shisirugui 视死如归|to view death as a return home/to not... shisong 石松|Lycopodiopsida (club mosses) shisu 世俗|profane/secular/worldly shisu 食宿|board and lodging/room and board shisu 失速|(aviation) to stall shisu 时速|speed per hour shisu 时俗|prevalent custom of the time shisu 释俗|to explain in simple terms shisuan 失算|to miscalculate; to misjudge shisuan 石蒜|red spider lily (Lycoris radiata) shisuanbiao 试算表|spreadsheet/trial balance (accountancy) shisuanruganjun 嗜酸乳杆菌|Lactobacillus acidophilus shisuanxinglixibao 嗜酸性粒细胞|eosinophil (type of white blood cell) shisuanxingqiu 嗜酸性球|eosinophil granulocyte (type of white... shisui 时绥|peace all year round (old letter clos... shisui 实岁|one\'s age (calculated as years from b... shisun 石笋|stalagmite shisunshang 视损伤|visual impairment shitai 时态|(verb) tense shitai 石台|Shitai, a county in Chizhou 池州[Chi2zh... shitai 失态|to forget one\'s manners/to forget one... shitai 势态|situation/state shitai 事态|situation/existing state of affairs shitai 世态|the ways of the world/social behavior shitaibo 史泰博|Staples Inc., US office supply store shitaiermake 施泰尔马克|Styria (Steiermark), province of Austria shitaifazhan 事态发展|course of events shitaixian 石台县|Shitai, a county in Chizhou 池州[Chi2zh... shitaiyanliang 世态炎凉|the hypocrisy of the world (idiom) shitan 试探|to sound out/to probe/to feel out/to ... shitan 诗坛|poetry circles/poetry world shitan 石炭|coal (old) shitan 狮潭|Shitan or Shihtan township in Miaoli ... shitang 食堂|dining hall; cafeteria/CL:個|个[ge4],間|... shitanji 石炭纪|Carboniferous (geological period 354-... shitanjing 石炭井|Shitanjing subdistrict of Dawukou dis... shitanjingqu 石炭井区|Shitanjing subdistrict of Dawukou dis... shitansuan 石炭酸|phenol C6H5OH/same as 苯酚 shitanxi 石炭系|carboniferous system/coal measure (ge... shitanxiang 狮潭乡|Shitan or Shihtan township in Miaoli ... shitanxing 试探性|exploratory; tentative shitao 世涛|stout (beer) (loanword) shitao 石涛|Shi Tao (1642-1707), Chinese landscap... shitelaosi 施特劳斯|Strauss (name)/Johann Strauss (1825-1... shitelaosi 史特劳斯|(Tw) Strauss (name)/Johann Strauss (1... shitelong 史特龙|Stallone (name)/Sylvester Stallone (1... shiti 试题|exam question/test topic shiti 实体|entity/substance/thing that has a mat... shiti 尸体|corpse; dead body shiti 诗体|poetic form or genre shiti 事体|things/affairs/decorum shitian 石田|Ishida (Japanese surname and place name) shitianfangfu 石田芳夫|Ishida Yoshio (1948-), Japanese Go pl... shitiangan 十天干|the ten Heavenly Stems 甲[jia3], 乙[yi3... shitiao 失调|imbalance/to become dysfunctional/to ... shitiaodianya 失调电压|offset voltage shiticeng 实体层|physical layer (OSI) shitidai 尸体袋|body bag shitidian 实体店|brick and mortar business/physical (r... shitifujiabosi 史提夫·贾伯斯|Steve Jobs (1955-2011), US co-founder... shitijiepou 尸体解剖|autopsy/postmortem shitimian 失体面|to lose face shiting 试听|audition/to give sb an audition/to ch... shiting 室町|Muromachi bakufu, the feudal governme... shiting 石庭|rock garden shitingcailiao 视听材料|evidence of material seen and heard/o... shitingdai 试听带|demo recording (music) shitingmufu 室町幕府|Muromachi bakufu, the feudal governme... shitipoujian 尸体剖检|autopsy shitishu 实体书|physical book shititong 失体统|lacking in propriety/bad form shitong 视同|to regard the same as/to regard as be... shitongerxi 视同儿戏|to regard sth as a plaything (idiom);... shitongjichu 视同己出|to regard sb as one\'s own child shitongshouzu 视同手足|to regard sb as a brother (idiom) shitou 石头|stone/CL:塊|块[kuai4] shitou 势头|power/momentum/tendency/impetus/situa... shitou 湿透|drenched/wet through shitou,jianzi,bu 石头、剪子、布|rock-paper-scissors (hand game) shitoudahai 石投大海|to disappear like a stone dropped int... shitouhuoguo 石头火锅|claypot (used in cooking) shitouji 石头记|The Story of the Stone, another name ... shitounai 石头奶|engorged breasts; rock-hard breasts (... shitoushizhu 狮头石竹|grenadine/carnation/clove pink/Dianth... shitu 视图|view shitu 师徒|master and disciple shitu 试图|to attempt/to try shitu 仕途|official career (formal) shitu 使徒|apostle shituan 使团|diplomatic mission shitulaoma 识途老马|lit. an old horse knows the way home ... shituwoji 食荼卧棘|to eat bitter fruit and lie on thorns... shituxingzhuan 使徒行传|Acts of the Apostles (New Testament) shiwabu 施瓦布|Schwab (name) shiwadini 史瓦帝尼|(Tw) Eswatini shiwai 室外|outdoor shiwaitaohuayuan 世外桃花源|see 桃花源[tao2 hua1 yuan2] shiwaitaoyuan 世外桃源|see 桃花源[tao2 hua1 yuan2] shiwajilan 史瓦济兰|Swaziland (Tw) shiwan 十万|hundred thousand shiwan 试玩|to try out (a game, toy etc) shiwan 食玩|small toy or figurine included with a... shiwanbaqianli 十万八千里|light-years (apart)/a million miles (... shiwang 失望|disappointed/to lose hope/to despair shiwang 驶往|(of a vehicle, boat etc) to travel to... shiwangmo 视网膜|retina shiwanhuoji 十万火急|most urgent/posthaste/express shiwanwei 十万位|the hundred thousands place (or colum... shiwaxinge 施瓦辛格|Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), US act... shiwaxinge 史瓦辛格|Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), Austri... shiwei 视为|to view as/to see as/to consider to b... shiwei 示威|to demonstrate (as a protest)/a demon... shiwei 市委|municipal committee shiwei 式微|(literary) to decline/to wane/title o... shiwei 侍卫|Imperial bodyguard shiwei 世卫|World Health Organization (WHO) (abbr... shiwei 十位|the tens place (or column) in the dec... shiwei 室韦|the Shiwei tribes who inhabited an ar... shiwei-zhizhu 视微知著|see 見微知著|见微知著[jian4wei1-zhi1zhu4] shiwei-zhizhu 识微知著|see 見微知著|见微知著[jian4wei1-zhi1zhu4] shiweifei 狮尾狒|gelada (Theropithecus gelada), Ethiop... shiweiguan 侍卫官|guard shiweihui 世维会|World Uighur Congress (abbr. for 世界維吾... shiweijianji 识微见几|lit. see a tiny bit and understand ev... shiweileiluan 事危累卵|lit. the matter has become a pile of ... shiweir 是味儿|(of food) to have the right taste/(of... shiweishi 史威士|Schweppes (soft drinks company) shiweisucan 尸位素餐|to hold a sinecure (idiom) shiweiweitu 视为畏途|to view as dangerous (idiom); afraid ... shiweiyouxing 示威游行|(protest) demonstration shiweiyundong 示威运动|rally shiweizhe 示威者|demonstrator/protester shiweizhiji 视为知己|to consider sb as close friend (idiom... shiweizhijizhesi,nvweiyuejizherong 士为知己者死,女为悦己者容|a true gentleman will sacrifice his l... shiweizuzhi 世卫组织|World Health Organization (WHO) (abbr... shiwen 诗文|poetry and literature shiwen 室温|room temperature shiwen 释文|interpreting words/to explain the mea... shiwen 适温|thermophile (e.g. bacteria)/heat-loving shiwen 湿吻|French kiss shiwen 湿温|damp heat/summer fever (TCM) shiwen 试问|I would like to ask (usually used rhe... shiwen-duanzi 识文断字|(idiom) able to read; literate shiwenzheng 失温症|hypothermia shiwo 石硪|flat stone with ropes attached, used ... shiwu 十五|fifteen/15 shiwu 事物|thing; object/CL:個|个[ge4] shiwu 实物|material object/concrete object/origi... shiwu 实务|practice (customary action, as oppose... shiwu 事务|(political, economic etc) affairs/wor... shiwu 失误|lapse/mistake/to make a mistake/fault... shiwu 食物|food/CL:種|种[zhong3] shiwu 饰物|decorations/jewelry shiwu 世务|worldly affairs shiwu 拾物|picked up items (i.e. lost property) shiwudaxiao 事无大小|see 事無巨細|事无巨细[shi4 wu2 ju4 xi4] shiwufang 食物房|larder/pantry shiwufanmang 事务繁忙|busy/bustling shiwugui 食物柜|larder/pantry shiwujiaoxue 实物教学|object lesson shiwujiyaopinguanliju 食物及药品管理局|US Food and Drug Administration autho... shiwujuxi 事无巨细|lit. things are not separated accordi... shiwulian 食物链|food chain shiwulvshi 事务律师|solicitor (law) shiwuqianli 史无前例|(idiom) unprecedented in history shiwurenling 失物认领|lost and found shiwusuo 事务所|business office; firm shiwuyou 食物油|cooking oil/food oil shiwuzhaoling 失物招领|lost-and-found shiwuzhongdu 食物中毒|food poisoning shixi 实习|to practice/field work/to intern/inte... shixi 世袭|succession/inheritance/hereditary shixi 世系|lineage/genealogy/family tree shixi 施洗|baptize shixi-wangti 世袭罔替|(of a position or title) to be passed... shixia 时下|at present/right now shixia 石罅|a crack in a rock shixian 实现|to achieve; to implement; to realize;... shixian 视线|line of sight shixian 市县|towns and counties shixian 实线|solid line/continuous line shixian 事先|in advance/before the event/beforehan... shixian 时限|time limit shixian 诗仙|\"immortal of poetry\", epithet of Li B... shixian 释嫌|to forget bad feelings; to mend a rel... shixian 示现|(of a deity) to take a material shape... shixiang 事项|matter/item shixiang 石像|stone statue shixiang 试想|to consider (a cogent point) (usu. us... shixiang 识相|sensitive/tactful shixiang 驶向|(of a train, boat, plane etc) to head... shixiang 实相|actual situation/the ultimate essence... shixiang 世相|the ways of the world shixiang 视像|video (HK) shixiang 十项|ten items/decathlon (athletics) shixianggui 石像鬼|gargoyle/grotesque shixiangquanneng 十项全能|decathlon shixianshiyin 时显时隐|appearing and disappearing/intermitte... shixiantongzhi 事先通知|preliminary notification/to announce ... shixiao 时效|timeliness/period of viability or val... shixiao 失效|to fail/to lose effectiveness shixiao 失笑|to laugh in spite of oneself/to be un... shixiao 实效|actual effect/practical result/efficacy shixiao 适销|marketable/saleable/appropriate to th... shixiao 试销|trial sale/test marketing shixiao 视效|visual effect (abbr. for 視覺效果|视觉效果[sh... shixiaofa 时效法|(law) statute of limitations shixiaoriqi 失效日期|expiry date (of document) shixiaoxing 时效性|sensitivity to timing/time-sensitive/... shixiaqu 市辖区|city district (county-level administr... shixiemeng 食蟹獴|see 蟹獴[xie4 meng3] shixieshichuo 时写时辍|to write for a bit then give up/to wr... shixiezheng 失写症|agraphia shixijunzhuguo 世袭君主国|hereditary monarchy shixin 实心|sincere/solid shixin 失信|to break a promise shixin 时薪|hourly wage shixinbeizhixingren 失信被执行人|(law) judgement defaulter (person who... shixing 施行|to put in place/to put into practice/... shixing 实行|to implement/to carry out/to put into... shixing 试行|to try out/to test shixing 始兴|Shixing County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao... shixing 时兴|fashionable/popular shixing 示性|expressivity shixing 使性|to throw a fit/to act temperamental shixing 石刑|stoning (execution method) shixinglei 示性类|characteristic class (math.) shixingxian 始兴县|Shixing County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao... shixingzi 使性子|to lose one\'s temper shixinji 始新纪|Eocene (geological epoch from 55m-34m... shixinpiqiu 实心皮球|medicine ball shixinshi 始新世|Eocene (geological epoch from 55m-34m... shixintong 始新统|Eocene system (geology) shixinwanglicha 狮心王理查|Richard the Lionheart (1157-1199), Ki... shixiong 师兄|senior male fellow student or apprent... shixiongdi 师兄弟|fellow apprentices; fellow students (... shixiongyu 饰胸鹬|(bird species of China) buff-breasted... shixisheng 实习生|intern (student) shixiu 失修|disrepair shixiu 识羞|to know shame/to feel shame (often wi... shixiyuehan 施洗约翰|John the Baptist shixizheyuehan 施洗者约翰|John the Baptist shixizhizheng 世袭之争|succession struggle/dispute over inhe... shixu 时序|timing (of a signal or sequence)/time... shixu 失序|to get into disarray/to get out of whack shixue 失学|unable to go to school/an interruptio... shixue 嗜血|bloodthirsty/bloodsucking/hemophile shixue 史学|historiography shixue 失血|to lose blood/to hemorrhage/(fig.) to... shixueganjun 嗜血杆菌|hemophile bacteria/hemophilus shixuejia 史学家|historian shixuexingpinxue 失血性贫血|blood loss anemia shixun 时讯|news/current events shixun 视讯|video (Tw) shiya 施压|to pressure shiyan 十堰|see 十堰市[Shi2yan4 Shi4] shiyan 实验|experiment/test/CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]/ex... shiyan 饰演|to act/to play a part shiyan 试验|experiment/test/CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]/to... shiyan 食盐|edible salt shiyan 誓言|to pledge/to promise/oath/vow shiyan 食言|to break one\'s promise shiyan 失言|slip of the tongue/indiscretion/to bl... shiyan 试演|audition/dress rehearsal/preview (of ... shiyan 时延|(electronics) delay; latency shiyan 石盐|rock salt shiyanchang 试验场|experimental station shiyanerfei 食言而肥|lit. to grow fat eating one\'s words (... shiyang 试样|style/type/model shiyang 式样|style shiyang 实洋|(publishing industry) revenue generat... shiyanjian 试验间|test room shiyanse 使眼色|to give sb a meaningful look shiyanshi 十堰市|Shiyan, prefecture-level city in Hube... shiyanshi 实验室|laboratory/CL:間|间[jian1] shiyanshiganran 实验室感染|laboratory infection shiyansuo 实验所|laboratory/institute shiyanxing 试验性|experimental shiyanxinlixue 实验心理学|experimental psychology shiyanzu 实验组|experimental group; treatment group shiyao 势要|influential figure/powerful person shiyao 噬咬|to bite shiyaosanfendu 是药三分毒|every medicine has its side effect shiyaozu 试药族|people who participate in clinical tr... shiye 实业|industry/commercial enterprise shiye 事业|undertaking/project/activity/(charita... shiye 视野|field of view/(fig.) outlook; perspec... shiye 失业|unemployment/to lose one\'s job shiye 什叶|Shia (a movement in Islam) shiye 试液|reagent/test solution/experimental li... shiyedanwei 事业单位|public institution/(Tw) business ente... shiyejia 实业家|industrialist shiyelv 失业率|unemployment rate shiyepai 什叶派|Shia sect (of Islam) shiyeshi 始业式|school opening ceremony (to mark the ... shiyexian 事业线|(palmistry) fate line; career prospec... shiyexin 事业心|devotion to one\'s work/professional a... shiyeyoucheng 事业有成|to be successful in business/professi... shiyezhe 失业者|an unemployed person shiyi 示意|to hint/to indicate (an idea to sb) shiyi 适宜|suitable/appropriate shiyi 释义|the meaning of sth/an explanation of ... shiyi 使役|to use (an animal or servant)/working... shiyi 事宜|matters/arrangements shiyi 诗意|poetry/poetic quality or flavor shiyi 十一|PRC National Day (October 1st) shiyi 十一|eleven/11 shiyi 失忆|to lose one\'s memory shiyi 十亿|one billion/giga- shiyi 拾遗|to pocket a lost article/(fig.) to co... shiyi 试衣|to try on (clothes)/fitting shiyi 时宜|contemporary expectations shiyi 失意|disappointed; frustrated shiyi 释疑|to dispel doubts/to clear up difficul... shiyi 适意|agreeable shiyi 实意|sincere/real meaning shiyi 失宜|inappropriate/improper shiyi 视艺|visual arts shiyi 是以|therefore/thus/so shiyi 失仪|discourteous/failure of etiquette shiyi 屎意|an urge to defecate shiyi 施以|to inflict (punishment)/to provide (t... shiyi 湿衣|wetsuit shiyibuque 拾遗补缺|to remedy omissions and correct error... shiyichangjiyizhiyi 师夷长技以制夷|\"learn from the foreigners in order t... shiyifengxian 什一奉献|tithing shiyihui 市议会|city council shiyijian 试衣间|fitting room shiyilu 十一路|(coll.) going on foot shiyin 石印|lithography/lithographic printing shiyin 试饮|to taste (wine etc) shiyin 市引|unit of distance equal to 33⅓ meters shiying 适应|to adapt/to fit/to suit shiying 石英|quartz shiying 试映|preview (of a movie)/trial screening shiying 失迎|failure to meet/(humble language) I\'m... shiying 侍应|waiter; waitress (abbr. for 侍應生|侍应生[s... shiyinglusudeng 石英卤素灯|quartz halogen lamp shiyinglv 市盈率|PE ratio shiyingmai 石英脉|quartz vein shiyingsheng 侍应生|waiter; waitress shiyingxing 适应性|adaptability/flexibility shiyingzhong 石英钟|quartz clock shiyinqi 拾音器|pickup (electro-acoustic transducer) shiyinshixian 时隐时现|appearing and disappearing (idiom)/in... shiyishi 试一试|to have a try shiyishou 食蚁兽|ant-eater (several different species) shiyitu 示意图|sketch/schematic diagram/graph shiyiweiyuan 十亿位元|gigabit shiyiyuan 市议员|town councilor/city councilor/alderman shiyiyue 十一月|November/eleventh month (of the lunar... shiyiyuefen 十一月份|November shiyizheng 失忆症|amnesia shiyizhici 事已至此|see 事到如今[shi4 dao4 ru2 jin1] shiyizhuxing 食衣住行|see 衣食住行[yi1 shi2 zhu4 xing2] shiyong 使用|to use/to employ/to apply/to make use of shiyong 实用|practical/functional/pragmatic/applie... shiyong 试用|to try sth out/to be on probation shiyong 适用|to be applicable shiyong 食用|to eat; to consume/edible shiyong 施用|to implement/to use shiyong 时雍|concord/harmony shiyongben 试用本|inspection copy (of a textbook etc)/t... shiyongjiazhi 使用价值|usable value shiyongjiazhi 实用价值|practical value shiyongliang 使用量|volume of use/usage amount shiyongpin 试用品|trial product shiyongqi 试用期|trial period/probationary period shiyongquan 使用权|usage rights shiyongshuliang 使用数量|usage (i.e. extent of use) shiyongtiaokuan 使用条款|terms of use shiyongzhe 使用者|user shiyongzhuyi 实用主义|pragmatism shiyou 石油|oil/petroleum shiyou 事由|main content/matter/work/origin of an... shiyou 湿疣|condyloma (genital wart of viral orig... shiyou 食油|cooking oil shiyou 师友|friend from whom you can seek advice shiyou 室友|roommate shiyoubajiu 十有八九|most likely/mostly (in 8 or 9 cases o... shiyouhuanshipinxiangmu 石油换食品项目|Iraq Oil for Food Program shiyouhuaxue 石油化学|petrochemistry shiyoula 石油蜡|petroleum wax shiyoumi 石油醚|petroleum ether shiyoushuchuguozuzhi 石油输出国组织|Organization of Petroleum Exporting C... shiyousuowen 时有所闻|heard from time to time/one keeps hea... shiyu 食欲|appetite shiyu 失语|to let slip/loss of speech (e.g. as a... shiyu 施与|to donate/to give/to grant/to distrib... shiyu 鲥鱼|Reeves shad (Tenualosa reevesii) shiyu 嗜欲|lust shiyu 施予|variant of 施與|施与[shi1 yu3] shiyuanshentailang 石原慎太郎|Ishihara Shintarō (1932-), Japanese a... shiyuchuigui 食玉炊桂|food is more precious than jade and f... shiyue 十月|October/tenth month (of the lunar year) shiyue 誓约|oath/vow/pledge/promise shiyue 失约|to miss an appointment shiyue 诗曰|a poem goes: shiyuefen 十月份|October shiyuegeming 十月革命|October Revolution shiyukun 石玉昆|Shi Yukun (c. 1810-1871), Qing pinghu... shiyun 时运|circumstances/fate shiyun 世运|World Games (abbr. for 世界運動會|世界运动会[Sh... shiyunbuji 时运不济|fate is unfavorable (idiom); the omen... shiyunhengtong 时运亨通|our luck is in, everything is going s... shiyuyuanwei 事与愿违|things turn out contrary to the way o... shiyuzheng 失语症|aphasia or aphemia (loss of language) shizai 实在|really/actually/indeed/true/real/hone... shizaibide 势在必得|to be determined to win (idiom) shizaibixing 势在必行|circumstances require action (idiom);... shizairenwei 事在人为|the matter depends on the individual ... shize 实则|actually/in fact shize 失责|breach of responsibility/failure to c... shizha 石渣|gravel shizhan 实战|real combat/actual combat shizhan 施展|to use fully/to put to use shizhan 失瞻|to fail to greet in timely manner shizhang 市长|mayor shizhang 师长|military division level commander/tea... shizhang 师丈|teacher\'s husband shizhang 视障|visual impairment shizhang 市丈|zhang (Chinese unit of length equal t... shizhangshizhi 失张失智|out of one\'s mind shizhanlv 市占率|market share/abbr. for 市場佔有率|市场占有率 shizhao 失着|unwise move/to make an unwise move shizhe 使者|emissary/envoy shizhe 侍者|attendant/waiter shizhe 试着|(coll.) to try to shizhe 逝者|the dead/the deceased shizhen 市镇|small town shizhen 失真|to lack fidelity/(signal) distortion shizhen 时针|hand of a clock/hour hand shizhen 湿疹|eczema shizhen 失枕|a crick in the neck/stiff neck shizheng 市政|municipal administration shizheng 实证|actual proof/concrete evidence/empirical shizheng 时政|current politics/political situation ... shizheng 施政|administration shizheng 事证|evidence shizhengbaogao 施政报告|administrative report shizhengfu 市政府|city hall/city government shizhengshui 市政税|city council rates/municipal taxes shizhengting 市政厅|city hall shizhengzhuyi 实证主义|positivism/empiricism shizheshengcun 适者生存|survival of the fittest shizhi 矢志|to take an oath to do sth/to pledge/t... shizhi 试纸|(chemistry, medicine) test strip shizhi 食指|index finger/(literary) mouths to feed shizhi 市值|market capitalization; market value shizhi 市制|Chinese units of measurement shizhi 失职|to neglect one\'s duty; to be guilty o... shizhi 试制|to try out a new product (or manufact... shizhi 适值|just at that time/as it happens/by go... shizhi 世职|hereditary office shizhi 实值|real-valued (math.)/taking real numbe... shizhi 施治|to apply a treatment; to undertake a ... shizhi 石质|stony shizhi 示指|index finger shizhi 失智|to lose one\'s cognitive function; to ... shizhi 实职|active participation shizhi 实质|substance/essence shizhi-dadong 食指大动|(idiom) to be excited to dig into the... shizhibajiu 十之八九|most likely/mostly (in 8 or 9 cases o... shizhibuzhanyangchunshui 十指不沾阳春水|to have no need to fend for oneself (... shizhidongyu,shouzhisangyu 失之东隅,收之桑榆|to lose at sunrise but gain at sunset... shizhihaoli,chayiqianli 失之毫厘,差以千里|a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mista... shizhihaoli,chazhiqianli 失之毫厘,差之千里|a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mista... shizhihaoli,miuyiqianli 失之毫厘,谬以千里|a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mista... shizhijiaobi 失之交臂|to miss narrowly/to let a great oppor... shizhijinri 时至今日|(idiom) up to the present/even now/no... shizhiminggui 实至名归|fame follows merit (idiom) shizhishang 实质上|virtually/essentially shizhiwuwei,qizhibugan 食之无味,弃之不甘|see 食之無味,棄之可惜|食之无味,弃之可惜[shi2 zhi1 wu2... shizhiwuwei,qizhikexi 食之无味,弃之可惜|lit. to be hardly worth eating, but i... shizhixing 实质性|substantive/substantial/material/cons... shizhizheng 失智症|dementia shizhong 始终|from beginning to end/all along shizhong 时钟|clock shizhong 失重|weightlessness shizhong 适中|moderate/reasonable/conveniently situ... shizhong 示众|to publicly expose shizhong 试种|test planting/crop grown on a trial b... shizhongbuyu 始终不渝|unswerving/unflinching shizhongqu 市中区|central city district shizhongru 石钟乳|stalactite shizhongruyi 始终如一|unswerving from start to finish (idiom) shizhongxin 市中心|city center/downtown shizhongzuo 时钟座|Horologium (constellation) shizhou 世胄|hereditary house/noble or official fa... shizhou 实肘|full arm (method of painting) shizhoupian 史籀篇|Shizhoupian, early school primer in g... shizhoushefan 施粥舍饭|to provide alms and rice (idiom) shizhu 石柱|Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County in Cho... shizhu 石柱|stela/upright stone/obelisk shizhu 失主|owner of sth lost or stolen shizhu 施主|benefactor (term used by a monk to ad... shizhu 石竹|China pink/Dianthus chinensis (botany) shizhu 事主|victim (of a criminal)/party involved... shizhuan 史传|historical biography shizhuang 时装|fashion/fashionable clothes shizhuang 石状|stony shizhuangbiaoyan 时装表演|fashion show shizhuangju 时装剧|contemporary drama shizhuangxie 时装鞋|dress shoes shizhuangxiu 时装秀|fashion show shizhuanxiaoshuo 史传小说|historical novel shizhui 失坠|loss shizhuke 石竹科|Caryophyllaceae family (carnations an... shizhumu 石竹目|Class Magnoliopsida (biology) shizhun 失准|not up to scratch; subpar; off; gone ... shizhunengji 施主能级|donor level (semiconductor) shizhuo 史卓|Straw (name)/Jack Straw (1946-), UK L... shizhushu 石竹属|Dianthus genus (carnations and pinks) shizhutujiazuzizhixian 石柱土家族自治县|Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County in Cho... shizhuxian 石柱县|Shizhu Tujia autonomous county in Qia... shizi 狮子|Leo (star sign)/Shihtzu township in P... shizi 狮子|lion/CL:隻|只[zhi1],頭|头[tou2] shizi 十字|cross road/cross-shaped/crucifix/the ... shizi 师资|qualified teacher shizi 识字|to learn to read/able to read; literate shizi 式子|posture/(math.) expression; formula shizi 柿子|persimmon/CL:個|个[ge4] shizi 虱子|louse (Pediculus humanus) shizi 世子|crown prince; heir of a noble house shizi 势子|gesture; posture shizi 士子|official/scholar (old) shizi 拭子|swab/cotton pad/smear (for medical test) shiziduolebuyang,zhaiduolebuchou 虱子多了不痒,债多了不愁|lit. when covered with lice, one does... shizigao 十字镐|pickaxe shizigou 狮子狗|Pekingese/Pekinese shizihuake 十字花科|Cruciferae or Brassicaceae (taxonomic... shizijia 十字架|cross/crucifix/yoke one has to endure shizijiao 柿子椒|bell pepper, aka sweet pepper shizijiaxing 十字架刑|crucifiction shizijun 十字军|crusaders/army of crusaders/the Crusades shizijundongzheng 十字军东征|the Crusades/crusaders\' eastern exped... shizijunyuanzheng 十字军远征|the Crusades shizilinyuan 狮子林园|Lion Grove Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu shizilukou 十字路口|crossroads/intersection shizilv 识字率|literacy rate shizir 石子儿|cobble shizishan 狮子山|(Tw) Sierra Leone shizisi 十字丝|crosshairs shizitiaoruandenie 柿子挑软的捏|lit. it\'s the soft persimmons that pe... shizitou 狮子头|large meatball (\"lion\'s head\") shizitouluodao 十字头螺刀|Phillips screwdriver (i.e. with cross... shizixiang 狮子乡|Shihtzu township in Pingtung County 屏... shizixing 十字形|cruciform/cross shape shizixiu 十字绣|cross-stitch shizizhuanmen 十字转门|turnstile shizizuo 狮子座|Leo (constellation and sign of the zo... shizong 师宗|Shizong county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4... shizong 失踪|to be missing/to disappear/unaccounte... shizong 世宗|Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1... shizong 失纵|disappear shizongdawang 世宗大王|Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1... shizongxian 师宗县|Shizong county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4... shizu 十足|ample/complete/hundred percent/a pure... shizu 始祖|primogenitor/founder of a school or t... shizu 氏族|clan shizu 失足|to lose one\'s footing/to slip/to take... shizu 士卒|soldier/private (army) shizu 实足|full/complete/all of shizu 士族|land-owning class, esp. during Wei, J... shizu 势族|influential family/powerful clan shizu 世足|World Cup (soccer) (Tw) shizuishan 石嘴山|Shizuishan, prefecture-level city in ... shizuishanqu 石嘴山区|Shizuishan district of Shizuishan, Ni... shizuishanshi 石嘴山市|Shizuishan, prefecture-level city in ... shizun 师尊|teacher/master shizun 世尊|World Honored One/Revered One of the ... shizun 释尊|another name for Sakyamuni 釋迦牟尼佛|释迦牟尼... shizuniao 始祖鸟|Archaeopteryx shizuo 视作|to regard as/to treat as shizuo 试作|to attempt/test run shizuo 师座|(archaic form of address) his excelle... shizuo 试做|to try doing (sth) to see how well it... shizuo 石作|masonry workshop shizuoyongzhe 始作俑者|lit. the first person to make funerar... shou 手|hand/(formal) to hold/person engaged ... shou 收|to receive/to accept/to collect/to pu... shou 受|to receive/to accept/to suffer/subjec... shou 兽|beast/animal/beastly/bestial shou 守|to guard/to defend/to keep watch/to a... shou 授|(bound form) to confer; to give/(boun... shou 售|to sell/to make or carry out (a plan ... shou 首|head/chief/first (occasion, thing etc... shou 瘦|thin/to lose weight/(of clothing) tig... shou 寿|surname Shou shou 寿|long life/old age/age/life/birthday/f... shou 掱|variant of 手[shou3] in 扒手[pa2 shou3] shou 扌|\"hand\" radical in Chinese characters ... shou 绶|cord on a seal shou 艏|bow of a ship shou 夀|old variant of 壽|寿[shou4] shou 狩|to hunt/to go hunting (as winter spor... shou 収|variant of 收[shou1] shou 痩|Japanese variant of 瘦[shou4] shou 獣|Japanese variant of 獸|兽 shouba 手把|handle shoubaba 瘦巴巴|thin/scrawny/emaciated shouban 手办|garage kit/action figure/model figure shouban 首办|first organized/to run sth for the fi... shoubanhulu 手扳葫芦|lever hoist pulley shoubanhulu 手板葫芦|lever pulley block shoubao 手包|handbag shoubao 收报|to receive mail/to receive a telegraph shoubaoji 收报机|telegraph receiver shoubaoren 受保人|the insured person/the person covered... shoubaoren 收报人|recipient (of mail or a message) shoubaoshi 收报室|mail room/radio reception room shoubaoyuan 收报员|telegraph operator shoubei 手背|back of the hand shoubei 守备|to garrison/to stand guard/on garriso... shoubi 手臂|arm/helper shoubi 手笔|sth written or painted in one\'s own h... shoubian 手边|on hand/at hand shoubian 收编|to incorporate into one\'s troops/to w... shoubiao 手表|wristwatch/CL:塊|块[kuai4],隻|只[zhi1],個|... shoubie 受瘪|discomfited/to get into a mess shoubinanshan 寿比南山|Live as long as the Zhongnan Mountain... shoubing 手柄|handle/video game controller shoubing 收兵|to retreat/to withdraw troops/to reca... shoubing 受病|to fall ill shoubing 守兵|guard/garrison soldier shoubinglixue 兽病理学|veterinary pathology shoubozi 手脖子|wrist (dialect) shoubuliao 受不了|unbearable/unable to endure/can\'t stand shoubushijuan 手不释卷|lit. always with a book in hand (idio... shoucai 寿材|coffin shoucainu 守财奴|miser/scrooge shoucan 手残|(coll.) klutz shoucang 收藏|to collect (works of art, dolls, anti... shoucangjia 收藏家|a collector (e.g. of artworks) shoucangjia 收藏夹|favorites folder (web browser) shoucanzhuiyi 收残缀轶|to gather and patch up sth that is ba... shouce 手册|manual; handbook shouceng 首层|first floor/ground floor shouchang 瘦长|slim shouchang 收场|the end/an ending/to wind down/to con... shouchang 首倡|to initiate shouchao 受潮|to get moist; to get damp (due to hum... shouchaoben 手抄本|manuscript copy of a book (before the... shouche 守车|guard\'s van (on train)/caboose shouche 手掣|handbrake/game controller (Cantonese) shouchen 寿辰|birthday (of an old person) shoucheng 收成|harvest shoucheng 守成|to preserve the accomplishments of pr... shouchi 受持|to accept and maintain faith (Buddhism) shouchong 受宠|to receive favor (from superior)/favo... shouchongruojing 受宠若惊|overwhelmed by favor from superior (h... shouchuang 首创|to originate; to pioneer; to invent shouchuangzhe 首创者|pioneer; trailblazer shouchui 手锤|mallet/drumstick shouci 首次|first/first time/for the first time shouci 受词|object (linguistics) shouci 收词|to collect words/to harvest entries f... shoucigongkaizhaogu 首次公开招股|initial public offering (IPO) shoucizhushishijian 首次注视时间|first fixation duration shoucun 收存|to receive for storage/delivery of go... shoucunxiang 收存箱|delivery box/drop box shoucuo 受挫|thwarted/obstructed/setback shoudai 绶带|ribbon (as a decoration)/cordon (diag... shoudai 寿带|(bird species of China) Amur paradise... shoudaliangpeng 手搭凉棚|to shade one\'s eyes with one\'s hand shoudangqichong 首当其冲|to bear the brunt shoudao 受到|to receive (praise, an education, pun... shoudao 手刀|hand formed into a flat shape, as for... shoudao 收到|to receive shoudaokui 手嶌葵|TESHIMA Aoi (1987-), Japanese female ... shoudaoli 手倒立|handstand shoudaonianlai 手到拈来|lit. to stretch a hand and grab it (i... shoudaoqinlai 手到擒来|stretch a hand and grab it (idiom); v... shoudeliao 受得了|to put up with; to endure shoudi 守敌|enemy defense/enemy garrison shoudi 收地|to confiscate land for redistribution... shoudian 手电|flashlight/torch shoudiangong 受电弓|pantograph (transportation) shoudiantong 手电筒|flashlight/electric hand torch shouding 手定|to set down (rules)/to institute shoudong 手动|manual/manually operated/manual gear-... shoudong 收冬|harvest season/autumn shoudong-aie 受冻挨饿|see 挨餓受凍|挨饿受冻[ai2e4-shou4dong4] shoudongbiansuqi 手动变速器|manual gearbox/manual transmission shoudongdang 手动挡|manual gear change/shift stick shoudu 首都|capital (city)/CL:個|个[ge4] shoudu 首度|first time shouduan 手段|method; way; means (of doing sth)/ski... shouduguojijichang 首都国际机场|Beijing Capital International Airport shoudujichang 首都机场|Beijing Capital International Airport... shoudujingjimaoyidaxue 首都经济贸易大学|Capital University of Economics and B... shoudujingmaodaxue 首都经贸大学|Capital University of Business and Ec... shoudujuchang 首都剧场|the Capital Theater (in Beijing) shoudulingdi 首都领地|capital territory/Australian Capital ... shouer 首尔|Seoul, capital of South Korea (Chines... shouerguolidaxue 首尔国立大学|Seoul National University (SNU or Seo... shouertebieshi 首尔特别市|Seoul Special Metropolitan City, offi... shoufa 手法|technique/trick/skill shoufa 首发|first issue/first public showing shoufa 收发|to receive and send/to receive and tr... shoufa 守法|to abide by the law shoufalvbaohuquan 受法律保护权|right to protection by law (law) shoufang 收房|to take as a concubine shoufang 收方|receiving party/recipient/debit side ... shoufang 受访|to give an interview/to be interviewe... shoufangzhe 受访者|participant in a survey; interviewee;... shoufashi 收发室|mail room/radio room (i.e. reception ... shoufei 收费|to charge a fee shoufeizhan 收废站|garbage collection point/trash dump shoufeizhan 收费站|tollbooth shoufen 授粉|to pollinate shoufen 守分|to abide by the law/to respect the law shoufeng 手缝|to sew by hand/hand-sewn shoufeng 受封|to receive fief and title; to be enfe... shoufeng 受俸|to receive an official\'s salary shoufeng 寿丰|Shoufeng township in Hualien County 花... shoufengqin 手风琴|accordion shoufengxiang 寿丰乡|Shoufeng township in Hualien County 花... shoufu 收腹|to draw in one\'s belly; to tighten th... shoufu 首府|capital city of an autonomous region shoufu 收复|to recover (lost territory etc)/to re... shoufu 收服|to subdue/to force to capitulate/to r... shoufu 守服|to observe mourning for one\'s parents shoufu 收伏|variant of 收服[shou1 fu2] shoufu 首付|down payment shoufu 首富|richest individual/top millionaire shoufukuan 首付款|down payment shoufushidi 收复失地|to recover lost territory shougan 手感|the feel (of sth touched with the han... shougao 手稿|manuscript/script shougao 受膏|to be anointed shougao 寿糕|birthday cake shouge 收割|to harvest/to reap/to gather in crops shouge 受格|objective shougeng 守更|to keep watch during the night shougezhe 收割者|reaper shougong 手工|handwork/manual shougong 收工|to stop work for the day (generally o... shougong 守宫|gecko; house lizard shougongtai 手工台|workbench shougongye 手工业|handicraft shougongyi 手工艺|handicraft/arts and crafts shougou 收购|to buy; to purchase; to procure shougou 受够|to have had enough of/to be fed up wi... shougouyaoyue 收购要约|takeover bid shougu 受雇|to be employed/to be hired/hired/paid shougua 守寡|to live as widow/to observe widowhood shouguan 收官|final part of a go game (see 官子[guan1... shouguang 寿光|Shouguang, county-level city in Weifa... shouguangshi 寿光市|Shouguang, county-level city in Weifa... shouguiju 守规矩|to behave oneself; to abide by the rules shougulengleng 瘦骨棱棱|bony/skinny shougulingding 瘦骨伶仃|(idiom) emaciated; scrawny shougulinxun 瘦骨嶙峋|skinny; emaciated (idiom) shouguo 受过|to take the blame (for sb else) shouhai 受害|to suffer damage, injury etc/damaged/... shouhairen 受害人|victim shouhaizhe 受害者|casualty/victim/those injured and wou... shouhan 受寒|affected by cold/to catch cold shouheng 守恒|conservation (e.g. of energy, momentu... shouhengdinglv 守恒定律|conservation law (physics) shouhou 守候|to wait for/to expect/to keep watch/t... shouhoufuwu 售后服务|after-sales service shouhu 守护|to guard/to protect shouhua 手滑|to do sth by mistake (with one\'s hand... shouhuan 手环|wristband/bracelet shouhuanying 受欢迎|popular/well-received shouhui 手绘|to paint by hand; to draw by hand/han... shouhui 收回|to regain/to retake/to take back/to w... shouhui 受贿|to accept a bribe shouhui 收汇|foreign exchange collection (finance) shouhui 受惠|to benefit/favored shouhuo 收获|variant of 收穫|收获[shou1 huo4] shouhuo 收获|to harvest/to reap/to gain/crop/harve... shouhuo 售货|to sell goods shouhuo 手活|manipulation (e.g. ball handling in s... shouhuogua 守活寡|to stay at home while one\'s husband i... shouhuojie 收获节|harvest festival shouhuoren 收货人|consignee shouhuotai 售货台|vendor\'s stall shouhuoyuan 售货员|salesperson/CL:個|个[ge4] shouhushen 守护神|protector God/patron saint shouji 手机|cell phone/mobile phone/CL:部[bu4],支[z... shouji 收集|to gather/to collect shouji 手记|to take notes/one\'s notes shouji 首季|first season/first quarter shouji 首级|severed head shouji 手迹|sb\'s original handwriting or painting shouji 授计|to confide a plan to sb shoujia 售价|selling price shoujia 收假|(of holidays) to come to an end/end o... shoujia 首家|first (hotel of its type, store of it... shoujiabanqi 受夹板气|to be attacked by both sides in a qua... shoujian 收监|to imprison/to take into custody shoujian 兽奸|bestiality shoujian 手贱|(coll.) prone to touch things one sho... shoujiang 授奖|to award a prize shoujianren 收件人|recipient (of mail)/To: (email header) shoujianxia 收件匣|inbox (email) shoujianxiang 收件箱|inbox shoujiao 手脚|hand and foot/movement of limbs/actio... shoujiao 受教|to receive instruction/to benefit fro... shoujiao 手交|handjob/manual stimulation shoujiao 收缴|to recover (illegally obtained proper... shoujiaobuganjing 手脚不干净|thieving/light-fingered/prone to stea... shoujiaoleikonglong 兽脚类恐龙|theropod (beast-footed dinosaur group... shoujiaoyamu 兽脚亚目|suborder Theropoda (beast-footed dino... shoujie 首届|first session (of a conference etc) shoujie 受戒|to take oaths as a monk (Buddhism)/to... shoujie 守节|faithful (to the memory of betrothed)... shoujike 手机壳|cell phone case shoujin 收紧|to tighten up (restrictions etc) shoujin 受尽|to suffer enough from/to suffer all k... shoujin 手巾|hand towel/handkerchief shoujin 手紧|tightfisted/stingy/short of money/har... shoujin 手筋|flexor tendon (coll.)/tesuji (a skill... shoujin 受浸|to be baptized shoujin 手劲|grip strength; hand strength shoujing 授精|insemination shoujing 受惊|startled shoujing 受精|to be fertilized; to be inseminated shoujing 手颈|(dialect) wrist shoujingluan 受精卵|fertilized ovum shoujingnang 受精囊|seminal receptacle shoujiong 受窘|embarrassed/bothered/in an awkward po... shoujitiaoma 手机条码|(Tw) a barcode presented at checkout,... shoujiu 守旧|conservative/reactionary shoujiupai 守旧派|person who sticks to old ways; a dieh... shouju 收据|receipt/CL:張|张[zhang1] shouju 手锯|handsaw shouju 手举|a salute/hands raised shoujuan 手绢|handkerchief/CL:張|张[zhang1],塊|块[kuai4] shoujuan 手卷|temaki (a nori cone filled with sushi) shoujuan 手卷|hand scroll shoujuan 手卷|variant of 手卷[shou3juan3] shoujun 守军|defenders shoukan 收看|to watch (a TV program) shoukan 受看|good-looking shoukao 手铐|manacles/handcuffs shoukao 寿考|long life/life span shouke 授课|to teach/to give lessons shouken 首肯|to give a nod of approval shoukong 手控|manual control shoukong 受控|to be controlled shoukongfang 守空房|to stay home alone (of married woman) shoukou 收口|(knitting, basket weaving etc) to cas... shoukouruping 守口如瓶|lit. to guard one\'s mouth like a clos... shouku 受苦|to suffer hardship shoukuan 收款|to receive payment; to collect money shoukuan 首款|to confess one\'s crime/first model, v... shoukuantai 收款台|checkout counter/cashier\'s desk shoukun 受困|trapped/stranded shoulache 手拉车|cart shoulahulu 手拉葫芦|hand chain pulley block shoulan 收揽|to win the support of/to get over to ... shoulashou 手拉手|to join hands/hand in hand shoulei 手雷|grenade shoulei 兽类|animals shoulei 受累|to get dragged into/to get involved (... shoulei 受累|to be put to a lot of trouble shouli 受理|to accept to hear a case/to handle (a... shouli 收礼|to accept a gift/to receive presents shouli 首例|first case/first instance shouli 寿礼|birthday present (for an old person) shouli 受礼|to accept a gift/to acknowledge greet... shouli 手里|in hand/(a situation is) in sb\'s hands shoulian 收敛|to dwindle; to vanish; to make vanish... shoulian 手链|chain bracelet/CL:條|条[tiao2] shoulianfengmang 收敛锋芒|to draw in one\'s claws/to show some m... shouliang 受凉|to catch cold shoulianjishu 收敛级数|convergent series (math.) shoulianxing 收敛性|convergence (math.)/astringent shoulianxulie 收敛序列|convergent sequence (math.) shouliche 兽力车|animal-drawn vehicle/carriage shoulie 狩猎|to hunt/hunting shoulie 收列|to list/to include shoulijian 手里剑|straight or circular throwing-knife u... shouling 首领|head; boss; chief shouling 守灵|to keep watch beside a coffin shouling 受领|to receive shoulingding 瘦伶仃|emaciated; scrawny shoulingzhe 受领者|a recipient shouliu 收留|to offer shelter; to have sb in one\'s... shouliudan 手榴弹|hand grenade shouliusuo 收留所|shelter/refuge shoulong 收拢|to draw to oneself; to gather up; to ... shoulongrenxin 收拢人心|to win people\'s hearts shoulu 收录|to include (in a collection)/to put t... shouluji 收录机|radio-tape recorder shoulun 首轮|first round (of a competition etc) shouluo 收罗|to gather (people)/to collect (talent... shoumai 售卖|to sell shoumai 收买|to purchase; to buy/to bribe; to buy off shoumang-jiaoluan 手忙脚乱|(idiom) to act with confusion or in a... shoumen 守门|to keep goal/on duty as gatekeeper shoumenren 守门人|gatekeeper shoumenyuan 守门员|goalkeeper shoumi 兽迷|furry (fan of anthropomorphic animal ... shoumian 寿面|birthday noodles (for longevity) shouming 寿命|life span/life expectancy/lifetime (o... shouming 授命|to give orders shouming 受命|ordained or appointed to a post/to be... shoumingbuchang 寿命不长|one\'s days are numbered/not to have l... shoumingyutian 受命于天|to be emperor by the grace of heaven;... shouna 收纳|to receive/to accept/to take in/to hold shouna 受纳|to accept/to receive (tribute) shouna 手拿|to hold in one\'s hand shounabao 手拿包|clutch bag shounan 受难|to suffer a calamity/to suffer (e.g. ... shounanjinian 受难纪念|memorial shounanri 受难日|Good Friday shounanzhe 受难者|sufferer/a victim of a calamity/a per... shounao 首脑|head (of state)/summit (meeting)/leader shounaohuitan 首脑会谈|summit talks/discussion between heads... shounaohuiwu 首脑会晤|leadership meeting shounaohuiyi 首脑会议|leadership conference/summit meeting shouning 寿宁|Shouning county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2... shouningxian 寿宁县|Shouning county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2... shounve 受虐|to suffer sexual abuse/masochism shounvekuang 受虐狂|masochism/masochist shoupa 手帕|handkerchief/CL:方[fang1] shoupai 手排|manual transmission shoupan 收盘|market close shoupanjia 收盘价|closing price (of share, commodity etc) shoupi 首批|first batch shoupi 兽皮|animal skin/hide shoupian 受骗|to be cheated/to be taken in/to be ho... shoupiao 售票|to sell tickets shoupiaochu 售票处|ticket office shoupiaokou 售票口|ticket window shoupiaoyuan 售票员|ticket seller shoupiaoyuan 收票员|ticket collector shoupin 受聘|hired (for employment)/invited (e.g. ... shoupinyu 受聘于|to be employed at shouqi 受气|to be mistreated/to be bullied shouqi 手气|luck (in gambling) shouqi 收讫|received in full (goods, payment) shouqian 手欠|(coll.) prone to touch things one sho... shouqiang 手枪|pistol/CL:把[ba3] shouqianshou 手牵手|hand in hand shouqiao 手巧|to be skillful with one\'s hands/to be... shouqibao 受气包|(fig.) punching bag shouqijuansan 收旗卷伞|lit. to furl up flags and umbrellas (... shouqing 售罄|to be completely sold out/to sell out shouqiong 受穷|poor shouqiu 手球|handball (the game or the ball itself... shouqu 收取|to receive/to collect shouqu 受取|to accept/to receive shouquan 授权|to authorize shouquan 受权|authorized/entrusted (with authority) shouquanfanwei 授权范围|scope of authority/mandate shouquanling 授权令|warrant (law) shouquyizhi 首屈一指|to count as number one (idiom); secon... shoure 受热|heated/sunstroke shouren 首任|first person to be appointed to a post shouren 受任|to appoint/to be appointed shouren 手刃|to kill with one\'s own hand shouren 授任|to appoint shourenyibing 授人以柄|to hand someone the swordhilt (idiom)... shourenyiyuburushourenyiyu 授人以鱼不如授人以渔|give a man a fish and you feed him fo... shourifeng 首日封|first day cover (philately) shourong 收容|to provide a place to stay/to house/t... shourongjiaoyu 收容教育|custody and reeducation (administrati... shourongren 收容人|inmate shourongsuo 收容所|temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g... shourou 瘦肉|lean meat shouroujing 瘦肉精|leanness-enhancing agent (for livestock) shouru 收入|to take in/income/revenue/CL:筆|笔[bi3]... shouru 授乳|lactation/breast-feeding shouru 受辱|insulted/humiliated/disgraced shouruan 手软|to be lenient/to relent/to be relucta... shouruo 瘦弱|thin and weak shousang 守丧|to keep watch beside a coffin/to obse... shousha 手刹|handbrake shoushache 手刹车|handbrake shoushan 受禅|to accept abdication shoushan 收山|(slang) (from Cantonese) to bow out a... shoushang 受伤|to sustain injuries/wounded (in an ac... shoushang 受赏|to receive a prize shoushanzhiqu 首善之区|the finest place in the nation (often... shoushanzhizuo 收山之作|the final work in the career of a com... shoushen 瘦身|to lose weight (intentionally)/to sli... shoushen 受审|to stand trial; to be on trial (for a... shoushen 守身|to keep oneself pure/to preserve one\'... shousheng 收声|(Cantonese) to stop talking; to shut up shoushengpo 收生婆|midwife shoushenruyu 守身如玉|to keep oneself pure/to preserve one\'... shoushi 手势|gesture; sign; signal shoushi 收拾|to put in order/to tidy up/to pack/to... shoushi 收市|to close the market (for the day)/to ... shoushi 收视|to watch TV shoushi 首饰|jewelry/head ornament shoushi 授时|to broadcast a time signal shoushi 守时|punctual shoushi 守势|defensive position/guard shoushi 受事|object (of a transitive verb)/to rece... shoushi 手式|gesture; sign; signal shoushicanju 收拾残局|to clear up the mess/to pick up the p... shoushilv 收视率|ratings (of a TV show) shoushizhe 受试者|subject (in an experiment)/participan... shoushou 授受|to give and accept shoushou 收受|to receive/to accept shoushou 收手|to stop; to pull back shoushu 手术|(surgical) operation/surgery/CL:個|个[ge4] shoushu 手书|to write personally/personal letter shoushu 收束|to constrict/to draw tight/to gather ... shoushu 寿数|predestined length of life shoushu 受暑|to suffer heatstroke; to suffer heat ... shoushu 兽术|animal training/skill with animals/sh... shoushui 收税|to collect tax shoushuliangduan 首鼠两端|(idiom) to hesitate/to remain undecided shoushushi 手术室|operating room shoushutai 手术台|operating table shousi 寿司|sushi shousideluotuobimada 瘦死的骆驼比马大|lit. even a scrawny camel is bigger t... shousong 手松|liberal with one\'s money/free-spending shousui 守岁|to see in the New Year/to stay up all... shousun 受损|to suffer damage shousuo 收缩|to pull back/to shrink/to contract/(p... shousuoya 收缩压|systolic blood pressure shoutai 受胎|to become pregnant/to conceive/impreg... shoutang 寿堂|mourning hall/a hall for a birthday c... shoutao 手套|glove/mitten/CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] shoutao 寿桃|(myth.) peaches of immortality, kept ... shoutaobao 寿桃包|longevity peach bun/birthday peach bun shoutaoxiang 手套箱|glove compartment (of a car)/glovebox... shouti 手提|portable shouti 受体|receptor (biochemistry)/acceptor (sem... shoutiao 收条|receipt shoutibao 手提包|(hand)bag/hold-all shoutidiannao 手提电脑|portable computer shoutijiekangji 受体拮抗剂|receptor antagonist shouting 收听|to listen to (a radio broadcast) shouting 受听|nice to hear/worth listening to shoutixiang 手提箱|suitcase shoutou 手头|on hand/at hand/one\'s financial situa... shoutoujin 手头紧|short of money/hard up shoutouxianjin 手头现金|cash in hand shoutu 守土|to guard one\'s territory/to protect t... shoutui 首推|to regard as the foremost/to name as ... shoutuiche 手推车|trolley/cart/barrow/handcart/wheelbar... shoutuo 受托|to be entrusted/to be commissioned shoutuo 收妥|(commerce) to have received (goods, m... shoutuoren 受托人|(law) trustee shoutuozhe 受托者|trustee shoutuyouze 守土有责|duty to defend the country (idiom) shouwan 手腕|wrist/trickery/finesse/ability/skill shouwan 售完|to sell out shouwang 守望|to keep watch shouwangfen 寿王坟|Shouwangfen town, in Chengde 承德市[Chen... shouwangfenzhen 寿王坟镇|Shouwangfen town, in Chengde 承德市[Chen... shouwangtai 守望台|watchtower shouwangxiangzhu 守望相助|to keep watch and defend one another ... shouwanjizhi 售完即止|while stocks last/subject to availabi... shouwanshi 手腕式|wrist- (watch, compass) shouwanzi 手腕子|wrist shouwei 收尾|to wind up/to bring to an end/to finish shouwei 守卫|to guard/to defend shouwei 首尾|head and tail shouwei 首位|first place shouweixiangjie 首尾相接|to join head to tail/bumper-to-bumper... shouweiyin 收尾音|the final of a Korean syllable (conso... shouweiyin 首尾音|onset and rime shouweizhe 守卫者|defender/a guard shouwucuntie 手无寸铁|lit. not an inch of steel (idiom); un... shouwufujizhili 手无缚鸡之力|lit. lacking the strength even to tru... shouwuzudao 手舞足蹈|lit. to move one\'s hands and feet abo... shouxi 首席|chief (representative, correspondent ... shouxi 受洗|to receive baptism/baptized shouxi 收悉|(literary) to receive and understand ... shouxia 手下|under one\'s control or administration... shouxia 收下|to accept/to receive shouxia-baijiang 手下败将|(idiom) one\'s defeated opponent shouxialiuqing 手下留情|lit. start off leniently (idiom); ple... shouxian 寿险|life insurance/abbr. for 人壽保險|人寿保险 shouxian 受限|to be limited/to be restricted/to be ... shouxian 授衔|rank of professor/academic title shouxian 寿县|Shou County or Shouxian, a county in ... shouxian 寿限|lifetime/length of life shouxian 收线|to reel in (a fishing line etc)/to ha... shouxian 首先|first (of all)/in the first place shouxian 首县|principal county magistrate in imperi... shouxiang 受降|to accept surrender shouxiang 手相|palmistry/features of a palm (in palm... shouxiang 首相|prime minister (of Japan or UK etc) shouxiang 受享|to enjoy shouxiangyishi 受降仪式|a surrender ceremony shouxiao 瘦小|slightly-built/petite shouxiao 收效|to yield results shouxiao 守孝|to observe mourning for one\'s parents shouxicaiwuguan 首席财务官|chief financial officer (CFO) shouxidafaguan 首席大法官|Chief Justice (of US Supreme Court) shouxidaibiao 首席代表|chief representative shouxie 手写|to write by hand shouxieshibie 手写识别|handwriting recognition shouxieti 手写体|handwritten form; cursive shouxifaguan 首席法官|Chief Justice shouxijishuguan 首席技术官|chief technology officer (CTO) shouximingming 受洗命名|to be christened shouxin 守信|to keep promises shouxin 手心|palm (of one\'s hand)/control (extende... shouxin 收心|to concentrate on the task/to curb on... shouxin 授信|to extend credit (finance)/credit shouxing 寿星|god of longevity/elderly person whose... shouxing 兽性|brutal shouxing 受刑|beaten/tortured/executed shouxing 兽行|brutal act/bestiality shouxing 手性|chiral/chirality (chemistry) shouxing 受性|inborn (ability, defect) shouxingren 受刑人|person being executed/victim of corpo... shouxinshoubeidoushirou 手心手背都是肉|lit. both the palm and the back of th... shouxinyong 守信用|to keep one\'s word/trustworthy shouxishao 寿喜烧|sukiyaki shouxiu 首秀|debut shouxixinxiguan 首席信息官|chief information officer (CIO) shouxiyingxiaoguan 首席营销官|chief marketing officer (CMO) shouxiyunyingguan 首席运营官|chief operating officer (COO) shouxizhixingguan 首席执行官|chief executive officer (CEO) shouxu 手续|procedure/CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]/formali... shouxuan 首选|first choice/premium/to come first in... shouxue 瘦削|slim shouxue 兽穴|animal den shouxufei 手续费|service charge/processing fee/commission shouxun 受训|to receive training shouxun 授勋|to award an honor shouxun 收讯|(wireless) reception shouya 收押|in custody/to keep sb in detention shouyan 首演|maiden stage role/first performance/f... shouyan 寿筵|birthday banquet shouyang 收养|to take in and care for (an elderly p... shouyang 寿阳|Shouyang county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin... shouyang 手痒|(fig.) to itch (to do sth) shouyangxian 寿阳县|Shouyang county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin... shouyanxietiao 手眼协调|hand-eye coordination shouyao 兽药|veterinary medicines shouyao 首要|the most important/of chief importance shouyao 手摇|hand-cranked shouyaobing 手摇柄|hand crank shouyaofengqin 手摇风琴|hand organ/hurdy-gurdy shouyaoyinliao 手摇饮料|hand-mixed drink (of the kind sold at... shouye 首页|home page (of a website)/title page/f... shouye 守夜|to be on all-night duty/to be on nigh... shouye 授业|to teach/to bequeath shouye 守业|to preserve one\'s heritage/to defend ... shouye 受业|to study/to learn from a master/(pupi... shouyi 受益|to benefit from/profit shouyi 兽医|veterinarian/veterinary surgeon/vet shouyi 收益|earnings/profit shouyi 手艺|craftmanship/workmanship/handicraft/t... shouyi 寿衣|burial clothes shouyi 授意|to inspire/to incite shouyi 兽疫|epizootic shouyi 首邑|local capital/regional capital shouyierzhong 守一而终|to be faithful to one\'s mate all one\'... shouyifeiqian 受益匪浅|to benefit (from) shouyilv 收益率|earnings rate/earnings yield (finance) shouyin 手淫|to masturbate/masturbation shouyin 收音|to receive a radio signal/to make an ... shouyin 首音|(linguistics) onset shouyin 手印|handprint/fingerprint; thumbprint shouyin 收银|to receive payment shouying 首映|to premiere (a movie or TV show)/prem... shouying 手影|hand shadow drama shouyingshi 首映式|premiere of a movie shouyinji 收银机|cash register/check out counter shouyinji 收音机|radio/CL:臺|台[tai2] shouyintai 收银台|checkout counter; cashier\'s desk shouyinyuan 收银员|cashier; checkout clerk shouyiren 受益人|beneficiary shouyixue 兽医学|veterinary medicine/veterinary science shouyizhanghu 收益帐户|income account (accountancy) shouyong 受用|to enjoy/to reap the benefits (of sth) shouyong 受用|comfortable/feeling well shouyong 手用|hand-used/hand (tool) shouyou 手游|mobile game/abbr. for 手機遊戲|手机游戏 shouyu 授予|to award/to confer shouyu 手语|sign language shouyu 兽欲|beastly desire shouyu 守御|to defend shouyu 授与|variant of 授予[shou4 yu3] shouyue 守约|to keep an appointment/to keep one\'s ... shouyueshu 受约束|restricted/constrained shouyun 受孕|to become pregnant; to conceive shouzai 受灾|disaster-stricken/to be hit by a natu... shouzaidiqu 受灾地区|disaster area shouze 守则|rules/regulations shouzha 手札|(literary) personal letter shouzha 手闸|handbrake shouzhai 守斋|to fast shouzhang 手杖|cane/CL:把[ba3] shouzhang 手掌|palm shouzhang 首长|senior official shouzhang 手帐|notebook/pocket diary shouzhang 手章|private seal/stamp inked on the back ... shouzhangaojie 首战告捷|to win the first battle shouzhangxin 手掌心|see 手心[shou3 xin1] shouzheng 授证|to deliver (a diploma, license etc)/t... shouzhengbue 守正不阿|to be strictly just and impartial shouzhi 手指|finger/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] shouzhi 收支|cash flow/financial balance/income an... shouzhi 手纸|toilet paper shouzhi 受制|to be controlled (by sb)/to suffer un... shouzhi 守职|to observe one\'s duty steadfastly/dev... shouzhi 受知|recognized (for one\'s talents) shouzhi 守制|to go into mourning for one\'s parents shouzhi 手制|to make by hand/handmade shouzhipei 受支配|subject to (foreign domination, emoti... shouzhipinghengdian 收支平衡点|break-even point shouzhisangyu 收之桑榆|see 失之東隅,收之桑榆|失之东隅,收之桑榆[shi1 zhi1 don... shouzhitou 手指头|fingertip/finger shouzhixiangdi 收支相抵|to break even/balance between income ... shouzhiyiyuburushouzhiyiyu 授之以鱼不如授之以渔|give a man a fish and you feed him fo... shouzhong 受众|target audience/audience shouzhong 寿终|to die of old age/to live to a ripe o... shouzhong 首重|to emphasize/to give the most weight ... shouzhongzhengqin 寿终正寝|to die of old age/to die in one\'s bed... shouzhou 手肘|elbow shouzhu 守住|to hold on to/to defend/to keep/to guard shouzhu 受主|acceptor (semiconductor) shouzhuabing 手抓饼|fluffy, flaky pancake (made with doug... shouzhuafan 手抓饭|pilaf (rice dish popular in many part... shouzhuang 兽装|fursuit shouzhuayangrou 手抓羊肉|hand-held mutton (mutton pieces on th... shouzhudaitu 守株待兔|lit. to guard a tree-stump, waiting f... shouzhudaitu,yuanmuqiuyu 守株待兔,缘木求鱼|to guard a tree-stump, waiting for ra... shouzhuipeng 受追捧|to be eagerly sought after shouzhuo 手镯|bracelet shouzhuo 守拙|to remain honest and poor shouzhuyuanmu 守株缘木|abbr. for 守株待兔,緣木求魚|守株待兔,缘木求鱼[shou3 z... shouzi 瘦子|thin person shouzimu 首字母|initial letters shouzimupinyinci 首字母拚音词|acronym shouzimusuoxie 首字母缩写|acronym shouziyiti 手自一体|manumatic shouzu 受阻|to be obstructed/to be hindered shouzu 手足|hands and feet/(fig.) brothers/retinu... shouzu 收租|to collect rent shouzuan 手钻|gimlet/hand drill shouzui 受罪|to endure/to suffer/hardships/torment... shouzukoubing 手足口病|hand foot and mouth disease, HFMD, ca... shouzukouzheng 手足口症|human hand foot and mouth disease, a ... shouzuqinqing 手足亲情|brotherly kindness shouzuwucuo 手足无措|at a loss to know what to do (idiom);... shouzuzhiqing 手足之情|brotherly affection shu 书|abbr. for 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1] shu 书|book/letter/document/CL:本[ben3],冊|册[c... shu 丨|vertical stroke (in Chinese character... shu 数|to count/to count as; to regard as/to... shu 数|number; figure/several; a few shu 塾|private school shu 树|tree/CL:棵[ke1]/to cultivate/to set up shu 术|method/technique shu 属|category/genus (taxonomy)/family memb... shu 鼠|(bound form) rat; mouse shu 竖|variant of 豎|竖[shu4] shu 竖|to erect/vertical/vertical stroke (in... shu 俞|variant of 腧[shu4] shu 述|(bound form) to state; to tell; to na... shu 熟|ripe; mature/thoroughly cooked; done/... shu 叔|uncle/father\'s younger brother/husban... shu 输|to lose; to be beaten/(bound form) to... shu 蜀|short name for Sichuan 四川[Si4 chuan1]... shu 疏|variant of 疏[shu1] shu 疏|surname Shu shu 疏|to dredge/to clear away obstruction/t... shu 蔬|vegetables shu 淑|(bound form) (of women) gentle; kind;... shu 舒|surname Shu shu 舒|to stretch/to unfold/to relax/leisurely shu 署|office/bureau/(Taiwan pr. [shu4]) to ... shu 姝|pretty woman shu 梳|to comb/(bound form) a comb shu 漱|to rinse one\'s mouth with water/to ga... shu 漱|variant of 漱[shu4] shu 殊|(literary) to kill; to behead; to sev... shu 黍|broomcorn millet/glutinous millet shu 纾|abundant/ample/at ease/relaxed/to fre... shu 束|surname Shu shu 束|to bind/bunch/bundle/classifier for b... shu 孰|who/which/what shu 曙|(bound form) daybreak; dawn/Taiwan pr... shu 恕|to forgive shu 暑|heat/hot weather/summer heat shu 戍|garrison shu 抒|to express/to give expression to/vari... shu 赎|to redeem/to ransom shu 薯|potato/yam shu 薯|variant of 薯[shu3] shu 沭|river in Shandong shu 菽|legumes (peas and beans) shu 墅|villa shu 腧|insertion point in acupuncture/acupoint shu 摅|set forth/to spread shu 澍|moisture/timely rain shu 倏|sudden/abrupt/Taiwan pr. [shu4] shu 倏|variant of 倏[shu1] shu 疋|foot shu 忬|old variant of 舒[shu1]/old variant of... shu 糬|used in 麻糬[ma2shu3] shu 尗|old variant of 菽[shu1]/old variant of... shu 钃|metal shu 殳|surname Shu shu 殳|bamboo or wooden spear/Kangxi radical... shu 翛|hastiness shu 朮|variant of 術|术[shu4] shu 尌|standing up/to stand (something) up shu 摴|dice/gambling/to release shu 秫|broomcorn millet (Panicum spp.)/Panic... shu 橾|the hole in the center of a wheel acc... shu 陎|surname Shu/(name of an ancient place) shu 毹|rug shu 癙|illness caused by worry shu 杸|to kill/a spear shu 踈|variant of 疏[shu1] shu 鼡|variant of 鼠[shu3] shu 襡|short skirt or tunic shu 庶|(bound form) ordinary; numerous/(boun... shu 庶|old variant of 庶[shu4] shu 枢|(bound form) hinge; pivot (usu. fig.) shu 𦈌|a kind of sackcloth shu 裋|used in 裋褐[shu4he4] shu 𬬸|acmite shu-li-hua 数理化|mathematics, physics and chemistry (a... shua 刷|a brush/to paint; to daub/to brush; t... shua 刷|to select shua 耍|surname Shua shua 耍|to play with/to wield/to act (cool et... shua 唰|(onom.) swishing/rustling shuabao 耍宝|to show off/to put on a show to amuse... shuabao 刷爆|to max out (a credit card) shuadan 刷单|to generate fake transactions in orde... shuadetuantuanzhuan 耍得团团转|to fool/to dupe shuafei 耍废|(Tw) (slang) to pass time idly/to chi... shuahou 耍猴|to get a monkey to perform tricks/to ... shuahua 耍滑|to resort to tricks/to act in a slipp... shuahuaqiang 耍花枪|to play tricks/to dupe shuahuatou 耍滑头|see 耍滑[shua3 hua2] shuahuayang 耍花样|to play tricks on sb shuahuazhao 耍花招|to play tricks on sb shuai 率|to lead/to command/rash/hasty/frank/s... shuai 帅|surname Shuai shuai 帅|(bound form) commander-in-chief/(boun... shuai 摔|to throw down/to fall/to drop and break shuai 衰|(bound form) to decay; to decline; to... shuai 甩|to throw/to fling/to swing/to leave b... shuai 蟀|used in 蟋蟀[xi1 shuai4] shuai 卛|old variant of 率[shuai4] shuaibai 衰败|to decline/to wane/to decay/to deteri... shuaibaofu 甩包袱|lit. to fling off a bundle/fig. to ab... shuaibian 衰变|radioactive decay shuaibianlian 衰变链|decay chain shuaibianquxian 衰变曲线|decay curves shuaibianre 衰变热|decay heat shuaiche 甩车|to uncouple (wagons or trucks from a ... shuaida 摔打|to knock/to grasp sth in the hand and... shuaidaile 帅呆了|awesome/brilliant/magnificent shuaidao 摔倒|to fall down/to slip and fall/to thro... shuaidiao 甩掉|to throw off/to abandon/to cast off/t... shuaidie 摔跌|to take a fall shuaidong 甩动|to shake/to fling one\'s arm/to lash/t... shuaiduan 摔断|to fall and break/to break (bones) by... shuaiercaogu 率尔操觚|to compose in off-hand way (idiom); t... shuaigan 甩干|to remove excess moisture by spinning... shuaige 帅哥|handsome guy/lady-killer/handsome (fo... shuaigentou 摔跟头|to fall/fig. to suffer a setback shuaigun 甩棍|expandable baton shuaiguo 甩锅|(neologism c. 2017) to shift the blam... shuaihuai 摔坏|to drop and break shuaijian 衰减|to weaken/to attenuate shuaijiao 摔跤|to trip and fall/to wrestle/wrestling... shuaijiao 摔角|to wrestle/wrestling shuaijiao 摔交|variant of 摔跤[shuai1 jiao1] shuaijie 衰竭|organ failure/exhaustion/prostration ... shuaikai 甩开|to shake off/to get rid of shuaikaibangzi 甩开膀子|to throw off inhibitions/to go all out shuailao 衰老|to age/to deteriorate with age/old an... shuailianzi 甩脸子|to grimace with displeasure/to pull a... shuailing 率领|to lead/to command/to head shuailuo 衰落|to fall/to drop/to decline/to deterio... shuaimai 甩卖|to mark down (the price of goods)/to ... shuaimai 衰迈|aged; decrepit shuaipo 摔破|to fall and smash into pieces shuaiqi 帅气|handsome/smart/dashing/elegant shuairan 率然|hastily/rashly/suddenly shuairen 衰人|loser/jerk shuairuo 衰弱|weak/feeble shuaishang 摔伤|to injure oneself in a fall shuaishang 甩上|to slam (a door)/to fling up; to spla... shuaishou 甩手|to swing one\'s arms/to wash one\'s han... shuaishoudunjiao 甩手顿脚|to fling one\'s arms and stamp one\'s f... shuaishoushiren 率兽食人|lit. to lead beasts to eat the people... shuaishouzhanggui 甩手掌柜|lit. arm-flinging shopkeeper/fig. sb ... shuaisi 摔死|to fall to one\'s death/to kill by thr... shuaitou 甩头|to fling back one\'s head shuaitui 衰退|to decline/to fall/to drop/to falter/... shuaitui 衰颓|uninspired/dejected/discouraged shuaituiqi 衰退期|recession (in economics) shuaiwang 衰亡|to decline/to die out/decline and fall shuaiwei 衰微|to decline; to wane/weakened; enfeebl... shuaiwei 甩尾|drifting (motorsport) shuaixian 率先|to take the lead/to show initiative shuaixiu 衰朽|decaying/decrepit/aged and crumbling shuaixiuzi 甩袖子|to swing one\'s sleeve (in anger) shuaiyoujiuzhang 率由旧章|to act in accordance with the old rul... shuaiyuan 甩远|to cast far from oneself/to leave sb ... shuaiyun 衰运|decline in fortunes shuaizhen 率真|frank and sincere/candid shuaizhi 率直|frank/straightforward/blunt shuaizhiyishu 衰之以属|to treat a debility according to its ... shuaizhong 甩钟|dice cup shuaji 刷机|to replace firmware (on a mobile device) shuaju 刷剧|to binge-watch (TV) shuaka 刷卡|to use a credit card (or swipe card, ... shuakou 刷扣|to strum a chord (Tw) shualai 耍赖|to act shamelessly/to refuse to ackno... shualian 刷脸|to scan one\'s face (for identity veri... shuan 涮|to rinse/to trick/to fool sb/to cook ... shuan 拴|to tie up shuan 栓|bottle stopper/plug/(gun) bolt/(grena... shuan 书案|writing desk/official record shuan 闩|bolt/latch/to bolt/to latch shuan 熟谙|to know sth fluently/well-versed shuanao 耍闹|to skylark/to play boisterously/to fo... shuang 双|variant of 雙|双[shuang1] shuang 双|surname Shuang shuang 双|two/double/pair/both/even (number) shuang 霜|frost/white powder or cream spread ov... shuang 爽|bright/clear/crisp/open/frank/straigh... shuang 泷|Shuang river in Hunan and Guangdong (... shuang 塽|(literary) elevated sunlit ground shuang 礵|arsenic shuang 骦|used in 驌驦|骕骦[su4 shuang1] shuang 鷞|variant of 鸘|鹴[shuang1] shuang 孀|widow shuang 鹴|used in 鷫鸘|鹔鹴[su4 shuang1] shuang 艭|boat shuangbai 双柏|Shuangbai County in Chuxiong Yi Auton... shuangbai 双摆|double pendulum (math.) shuangbai 霜白|frosty shuangbaifangzhen 双百方针|refers to 百花運動|百花运动[Bai3 hua1 Yun4 do... shuangbaixian 双柏县|Shuangbai County in Chuxiong Yi Auton... shuangbanlvliuying 双斑绿柳莺|(bird species of China) two-barred wa... shuangbaotai 双胞胎|twin/CL:對|对[dui4] shuangbei 双倍|twofold/double shuangbei 双北|abbr. for Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 be... shuangbeiti 双倍体|diploid (doubled chromosomes) shuangbi 双臂|arms/both arms/two arms shuangbian 双边|bilateral shuangbianbasedong 双辫八色鸫|(bird species of China) eared pitta (... shuangbianmaoyi 双边贸易|bilateral trade shuangbiao 双标|double standard (abbr. for 雙重標準|双重标准[... shuangbibaoxiong 双臂抱胸|with arms crossed shuangce 双侧|two-sided/bilateral shuangceng 双层|double tier/double decker shuangcengbashi 双层巴士|double-decker bus shuangcengchuang 双层床|bunk beds shuangcenggonggongqiche 双层公共汽车|double-decker bus shuangchang 爽畅|pleasant shuangchen 霜晨|frosty morning shuangcheng 双程|return-trip/two-way/bidirectional/dou... shuangchengji 双城记|A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dicke... shuangchengzi 双城子|Shuangchengzi, former name of Ussurii... shuangchimu 双翅目|Diptera (insect order including flies) shuangchong 双重|double shuangchongbiaozhun 双重标准|double standard shuangchongguoji 双重国籍|dual citizenship shuangchou 双抽|black soy sauce shuangchuangfang 双床房|twin room shuangchunyin 双唇音|bilabial consonant (b, p, or m) shuangcui 爽脆|sharp and clear/frank/straightfoward/... shuangda 双打|doubles (in sports)/CL:場|场[chang3] shuangdan 双旦|Christmas and New Year\'s Day shuangdang 爽当|with alacrity/frank and spontaneous shuangdong 霜冻|frost/frost damage (to crop) shuangdu 双独|double and single/allowed dispensatio... shuangdufufu 双独夫妇|a married couple allowed dispensation... shuangfang 双方|bilateral/both sides/both parties inv... shuangfangtongyi 双方同意|bilateral agreement shuangfei 双飞|flying in pairs/close union as husban... shuangfei 双非|a couple where both spouses are not H... shuangfena 双酚A|bisphenol A (BPA) shuangfeng 双峰|Shuangfeng county in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2... shuangfeng 双峰|boobies shuangfengxian 双峰县|Twin peaks county/Shuangfeng county i... shuangfengzhen 双峰镇|Twin Peaks, US television drama serie... shuangfu 孀妇|widow (formal) shuangfulin 双复磷|obidoxime chloride/toxogonin shuangfushui 爽肤水|toner (cosmetics) shuanggang 双杠|parallel bars (gymnastics event) shuangguai 双拐|crutches shuangguan 双管|double-barreled shuangguan 双关|pun/play on words shuangguangqi 双光气|diphosgene shuangguanqixia 双管齐下|lit. to paint holding two brushes (id... shuangguanyu 双关语|pun/play on words/a phrase with a dou... shuanggui 双轨|double-track; parallel tracks; dual-t... shuanggui 双规|shuanggui, an extralegal system withi... shuanggui 孀闺|a widow\'s chamber (old usage) shuanghai 霜害|frostbite/frost damage (to crop) shuanghao 双号|even number (on a ticket, house etc) shuanghe 双核|dual core (computing) shuanghouqianbingkaiju 双后前兵开局|Double Queen Pawn Opening/Closed Game... shuanghua 霜花|frost forming a pattern on a surface/... shuanghuang 双簧|a form of theatrical double act in wh... shuanghuangguan 双簧管|double reed wind instrument (such as ... shuangji 双击|(computing) to double-click shuangji 双极|bipolar shuangjian 双减|(PRC) Double Reduction Policy, announ... shuangjian 爽健|to feel well/healthy and carefree shuangjian 双键|double bond (chemistry) shuangjianbao 双肩包|backpack shuangjiang 霜降|Shuangjiang or Frost Descends, 18th o... shuangjianglahuzuwazubulangzudaizuzizhixian 双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县|Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai A... shuangjiangxian 双江县|Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai a... shuangjiao 双脚|two legs/both feet shuangjiaojia 双脚架|bipod (supporting a machine gun etc) shuangjiaoxi 双角犀|two-horned rhinoceros/Dicerorhinini shuangjiaoxian 双绞线|twisted pair (cabling) shuangjiaoxiniao 双角犀鸟|(bird species of China) great hornbil... shuangjie 爽捷|readily/in short order shuangjie 双节|combined Mid-Autumn Festival and Nati... shuangjiegun 双节棍|nunchaku shuangjiegun 双截棍|variant of 雙節棍|双节棍[shuang1 jie2 gun4] shuangjiegundao 双节棍道|nunchaku martial arts shuangjinshuangchu 双进双出|to be together constantly (idiom) shuangjisha 双髻鲨|hammerhead shark shuangju 孀居|to live in widowhood (formal) shuangkai 双开|to strip sb of their Party membership... shuangkaimen 双开门|double door shuangkelei 双壳类|(zoology) bivalve shuangkou 爽口|fresh and tasty shuangkuai 爽快|refreshed/rejuvenated/frank and strai... shuanglang 爽朗|clear and bright (of weather)/straigh... shuangli 爽利|efficient/brisk/neat shuanglian 双链|double stranded shuangliang 爽亮|clear/open/bright shuanglianhesuan 双链核酸|double-stranded nucleic acid shuanglianjiezhan 双连接站|dual attachment station shuangliao 双辽|Shuangliao, county-level city in Sipi... shuangliaoshi 双辽市|Shuangliao, county-level city in Sipi... shuangliren 双立人|J. A. Henckels (brand) shuangliu 双流|Shuangliu county in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2... shuanglongdaliegu 双龙大裂谷|Shuanglong Rift Valley in Mt Xiong\'er... shuanglongzhen 双龙镇|Shuanglong town in Xixia county 西峽縣|西... shuanglu 霜露|frost and dew/fig. difficult conditions shuangluan 双滦|Shuangluan district of Chengde city 承... shuangluanqu 双滦区|Shuangluan district of Chengde city 承... shuangluqi 双陆棋|backgammon shuanglvchunan 双氯醇胺|clenbuterol shuanglvfensuanna 双氯芬酸钠|diclofenac sodium, a non-steroidal an... shuanglvmietong 双氯灭痛|diclofenac painkiller/also called 扶他林 shuangmang 双盲|double-blind (scientific experiment) shuangmawei 双马尾|(hairstyle) unplaited pigtails/twin p... shuangmian 双面|double-sided/two-faced/double-edged/r... shuangmianjiao 双面胶|double-sided tape shuangmianren 双面人|two-faced person shuangmingfa 双名法|binomial nomenclature (taxonomy) shuangmou 双眸|one\'s pair of eyes shuangmu 爽目|pleasant to behold/attractive shuangpai 双牌|Shuangpai county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3... shuangpaixian 双牌县|Shuangpai county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3... shuangpin 双拼|(computing) double pinyin (input meth... shuangqi 爽气|cool fresh air/straightforward shuangqiaoqu 双桥区|Shuangqia, a district of Chengde City... shuangqilin 霜淇淋|soft ice-cream shuangqin 双亲|parents shuangqing 双清|Shuangqing district of Shaoyang city ... shuangqinggaotong 双氢睾酮|dihydrotestosterone shuangqingqu 双清区|Shuangqing district of Shaoyang city ... shuangqishuangsu 双栖双宿|see 雙宿雙飛|双宿双飞[shuang1 su4 shuang1 fei1] shuangqiujun 双球菌|diplococcus shuangqu 双曲|hyperbola/hyperbolic (function) shuangqugongqiao 双曲拱桥|double arched bridge shuangqujihe 双曲几何|hyperbolic geometry shuangqumian 双曲面|(math.) hyperboloid shuangqupaowumian 双曲抛物面|(geometry) hyperbolic paraboloid shuangquxian 双曲线|hyperbola shuangquxianzhengxian 双曲线正弦|hyperbolic sine or sinh (math.) shuangquyuge 双曲余割|hyperbolic cosecant, i.e. function co... shuangquyuxian 双曲余弦|hyperbolic cosine or cosh (math.) shuangquzhengxian 双曲正弦|hyperbolic sine or sinh (math.) shuangran 爽然|open and happy/carefree/at a loss/con... shuangranruoshi 爽然若失|at a loss/confused/not know what to d... shuangren 双人|two-person/double/pair/tandem shuangren 双刃|double-edged blade shuangrenbaojia 双人包夹|(sports) double-teaming shuangrenchuang 双人床|double bed shuangrenfang 双人房|double room shuangrenhua 双人滑|pair skating shuangrenjian 双人间|double room (hotel) shuangrenjian 双刃剑|double-edged sword (lit. and fig.) shuangrenwu 双人舞|dance for two/pas de deux shuangru 双乳|breasts shuangruilan 双蕊兰|double-stamen orchid (Diplandrorchis ... shuangshe 双射|(math.) bijection shuangshenfen 爽身粉|baby powder/talcum powder shuangsheng 双生|twin (attributive)/twins shuangshengxiongdi 双生兄弟|twin brothers shuangshijie 双十节|Double Tenth, the anniversary of the ... shuangshiyi 双11|see 光棍節|光棍节[Guang1 gun4 jie2] shuangshiyi 双十一|see 光棍節|光棍节[Guang1 gun4 jie2] shuangshou 双手|both hands shuangshu 双数|even number shuangshu 双输|lose-lose (situation)/(of the two sid... shuangshuangkuaikuai 爽爽快快|in short order/straightforward shuangshui 泷水|Shuang river in Hunan and Guangdong (... shuangsushuangfei 双宿双飞|lit. to rest and fly together (idiom)... shuangta 双塔|Shuangta district of Chaoyang city 朝陽... shuangtaizi 双台子|Shuangtai district of Panjin city 盤錦市... shuangtaiziqu 双台子区|Shuangtai district of Panjin city 盤錦市... shuangtan 双碳|\"double carbon\", i.e. peak carbon 碳達峰... shuangtang 双糖|disaccharide shuangtao 双套|double set/diploid shuangtaqu 双塔区|Shuangta district of Chaoyang city 朝陽... shuangtian 霜天|freezing weather/frosty sky shuangtiao 霜条|popsicle shuangtichuan 双体船|catamaran shuangtong-jianshui 双瞳剪水|(idiom) clear, bright eyes shuangtong-jianshui 双瞳翦水|variant of 雙瞳剪水|双瞳剪水[shuang1tong2-jia... shuangtongwangyuanjing 双筒望远镜|binoculars shuangtui 双腿|legs/both legs/two legs shuangtumian 双凸面|convex on both sides (of lens)/biconvex shuanguozi 涮锅子|hot pot/a dish where thinly sliced me... shuangwaile 爽歪了|(slang) awesome; amazing; too cool!; ... shuangwaiwai 爽歪歪|to feel great/blissful/to be in bliss shuangwen 双稳|bistable shuangwu 孀婺|widow shuangwu 双误|double fault (in tennis) shuangxi 双喜|double happiness/the combined symmetr... shuangxi 双溪|Shuangxi or Shuanghsi township in New... shuangxi 双膝|both knees shuangxiaba 双下巴|double chin shuangxiang 双向|bidirectional/two-way/interactive shuangxilinmen 双喜临门|two simultaneous happy events in the ... shuangxing 双星|double star shuangxinglian 双性恋|bisexual/bisexuality shuangxinmeishi 爽心美食|comfort food shuangxinyuemu 爽心悦目|beautiful and heartwarming shuangxiuri 双休日|two-day weekend shuangxixiang 双溪乡|Shuangxi or Shuanghsi township in New... shuangxue 霜雪|frost and snow/(fig.) snowy white (ha... shuangxuewei 双学位|dual degree (academic) shuangyan 双眼|the two eyes shuangyang 双阳|Shuangyang district of Changchun city... shuangyangqu 双阳区|Shuangyang district of Changchun city... shuangyangshui 双氧水|hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution shuangyanpi 双眼皮|double eyelid shuangyanshijue 双眼视觉|binocular vision shuangyashan 双鸭山|see 雙鴨山市|双鸭山市[Shuang1ya1shan1 Shi4] shuangyashanshi 双鸭山市|Shuangyashan, prefecture-level city i... shuangyi 爽意|pleasant shuangyifeiji 双翼飞机|biplane shuangyiliu 双一流|Double First-Class University Plan, C... shuangying 双赢|profitable to both sides/a win-win si... shuangyinhao 双引号|double quotes shuangyinjie 双音节|bisyllable shuangyu 双语|bilingual shuangyu 双鱼|Pisces (star sign) shuangyuanyin 双元音|diphthong shuangyue 爽约|to miss an appointment shuangyuekan 双月刊|bimonthly publication shuangyuzuo 双鱼座|Pisces (constellation and sign of the... shuangzai 霜灾|frost damage (to crop) shuangzhi 爽直|straightforward shuangzhigong 双职工|working couple (husband and wife both... shuangzhouqixing 双周期性|(math.) double periodicity shuangzhuxiu 双主修|(education) double major shuangzi 双子|Gemini (star sign) shuangziye 双子叶|dicotyledon (plant family distinguish... shuangzizuo 双子座|Gemini (constellation and sign of the... shuangzu 双足|both feet/two-legged shuangzuotaishuan 双唑泰栓|metronidazole, clotrimazole and chlor... shuanhuoguo 涮火锅|see 涮鍋子|涮锅子[shuan4 guo1 zi5] shuanji 栓剂|suppository shuanong 耍弄|to play with/to engage in/to resort t... shuanpi 栓皮|cork shuanpili 栓皮栎|Chinese cork oak (Quercus variabilis) shuanse 栓塞|(medicine) embolism shuanshuanguo 涮涮锅|shabu-shabu (loanword)/Japanese hot pot shuanyangrou 涮羊肉|Mongolian hot pot/instant-boiled mutt... shuanzhu 拴住|to tether/to tie up/(fig.) to restric... shuanzi 栓子|(medicine) embolus shuaping 刷屏|to flood (on an Internet forum etc) shuapinzui 耍贫嘴|(coll.) to wag one\'s tongue/to indulg... shuapiqi 耍脾气|to go into a huff shuapo 耍泼|(dialect) to make an unreasonable scene shuaqian 耍钱|(coll.) to gamble shuaru 刷入|to flash/to overwrite the firmware (c... shuashizi 耍狮子|to perform a lion dance shuashouwan 耍手腕|to play tricks/to maneuver shuasiqing 耍私情|the play of passions/carried away by ... shuatanzi 耍坛子|to perform a jar juggling and balanci... shuati 刷题|to do a lot of practice questions (to... shuawulai 耍无赖|to act shamelessly/to behave in a way... shuaxi 刷洗|to scrub clean shuaxiaocongming 耍小聪明|to get smart/to resort to petty tricks shuaxin 刷新|to renovate/to refurbish/to refresh (... shuaxinjilu 刷新纪录|to set a new record shuaya 刷牙|to brush one\'s teeth shuaye 刷夜|to stay up all night; to pull an all-... shuazi 刷子|brush/scrub/CL:把[ba3] shuazi 耍子|to play/to have fun shuazuipi 耍嘴皮|to show off with clever talk/big-head... shuazuipizi 耍嘴皮子|to talk glibly/to talk big/to be all ... shubai 叔伯|(of cousins) descending from the same... shubai 数百|several hundred shubaiwan 数百万|several million shuban 书板|(writing) tablet shubao 书包|schoolbag/satchel/bookbag/CL:個|个[ge4]... shubao 书报|papers and books shubei 鼠辈|a scoundrel/a bad chap shubeilizhuan 树碑立传|lit. to erect a stele and write a bio... shuben 书本|book/CL:本[ben3] shubenhua 叔本华|Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), Germ... shubi 梳篦|combs (in general)/(archaic) to comb ... shubi 竖笔|vertical stroke (in Chinese characters) shubian 戍边|to garrison the border/to guard the f... shubiao 鼠标|mouse (computing) shubiaodian 鼠标垫|mouse pad shubiaoqi 鼠标器|mouse (computer) shubing 薯饼|hash browns/croquette shubuguolai 数不过来|can\'t manage to count/too many to count shubujianqin 疏不见亲|lit. casual aquaintances should not c... shubujin 数不尽|countless shubujinyan 书不尽言|I have much more to say than can be w... shubuqi 输不起|to take defeat with bad grace/to be a... shubuqing 数不清|countless; innumerable shubushang 数不上|not to deserve to be mentioned; not t... shubushengshu 数不胜数|(idiom) too many to count; innumerable shubuzhao 数不着|see 數不上|数不上[shu3 bu4 shang4] shubuzhi 殊不知|little imagined/scarcely realized shucai 蔬菜|vegetables/CL:種|种[zhong3] shucai 熟菜|cooked food (ready to eat) shucaizhangyi 疏财仗义|distributing money, fighting for virt... shucaizhongyi 疏财重义|distributing money, supporting virtue... shuchang 舒畅|happy; entirely free from worry shuchao 熟炒|to stir-fry ingredients that have bee... shucheng 熟成|(of wine, cheese, beef etc) to age; t... shucheng 舒城|Shucheng, a county in Lu\'an 六安[Lu4an1... shuchengxian 舒城县|Shucheng, a county in Lu\'an 六安[Lu4an1... shuchong 书虫|bookworm shuchu 输出|to export/to output shuchu 书橱|bookcase shuchu 数出|to count out (a sum of money etc) shuchu 庶出|born of a concubine (rather than of t... shuchuanling 舒喘灵|albuterol, kind of chemical used in t... shuchuguan 输出管|vas efferens shuchupin 输出品|export item/product for export shuci 数词|numeral shucipiyi 熟词僻义|uncommon meaning of a common word shucong 树丛|thicket/undergrowth shucu 暑促|summer promotion (sale) shucuan 鼠窜|to scamper off/to scurry off like a f... shudaixiong 树袋熊|koala shudaizi 书呆子|bookworm/pedant/bookish fool shudan 鼠胆|cowardly shudan 竖蛋|see 立蛋[li4 dan4] shudan 疏淡|sparse/thin/distant shudang 书档|bookend shudang 书挡|bookend shudao 疏导|to dredge/to open up a path for/to re... shudao 熟道|familiar road/well-trodden path shudaohusunsan 树倒猢狲散|When the tree topples the monkeys sca... shudaor 熟道儿|familiar road/well-trodden path shudazhaofeng 树大招风|lit. a tall tree attracts the wind (i... shude 倏地|swiftly/suddenly shudeke 鼠得克|difenacoum (anticoagulant and rodenti... shudeqi 输得起|can afford to lose/to take defeat wit... shudeshang 数得上|to be considered as outstanding or sp... shudezhao 数得着|to be considered outstanding or speci... shudi 属地|dependency/possession/annexed territory shudi 熟地|cultivated land/in Chinese medicine, ... shudi 竖笛|recorder (musical instrument)/(Tw) cl... shudi 树敌|to antagonize people/to make an enemy... shudian 输电|electricity transmission/to transmit ... shudian 书店|bookstore/CL:家[jia1] shudian 数点|to count/to itemize shudianwangzu 数典忘祖|to recount history but omit one\'s anc... shudiao 输掉|to lose shudong 树洞|tree hollow/(slang) anonymous platfor... shudu 熟读|to read and reread sth until one is f... shudu 书蠹|bookworm (literal and figurative)/boo... shudu 书牍|letter/wooden writing strips (arch.)/... shudu 数独|sudoku (puzzle game) shudujichang 鼠肚鸡肠|small-minded shue 数额|amount/sum of money/fixed number shuerbulou 疏而不漏|loose, but allows no escape (idiom, f... shufa 书法|calligraphy/handwriting/penmanship shufa 抒发|to express (an emotion)/to give vent shufa 束发|to tie up one\'s hair/(literary) (of a... shufa 数法|method of counting (e.g. decimal or R... shufajia 书法家|calligrapher shufang 书房|study (room)/studio/CL:間|间[jian1] shufang 疏放|eccentric/self-indulgent/free and unc... shufang 署方|(government) department shufei 书肺|book lung (arachnid anatomy) shufei 舒肥|see 舒肥法[shu1 fei2 fa3] shufeifa 舒肥法|(Tw) (loanword) sous vide shufeng 书风|calligraphic style shufu 束缚|to bind; to tie up; to fetter; to sha... shufu 舒服|comfortable/feeling well shufu 叔父|father\'s younger brother/uncle shufu 疏附|Shufu county in Kashgar prefecture 喀什... shufu 数伏|to mark the start of the hottest peri... shufu 束腹|corset/girdle shufu 鼠妇|woodlouse/pill bug shufujia 舒肤佳|Safeguard (brand) shufulei 舒芙蕾|soufflé (loanword) shufuli 梳芙厘|soufflé (loanword) shufuxian 疏附县|Shufu county in Kashgar prefecture 喀什... shugan 树干|tree trunk shuganliqi 疏肝理气|to course the liver and rectify 氣|气[q... shugao 书稿|manuscript of a book shugaoqianzhang,luoyeguigen 树高千丈,落叶归根|see 樹高千丈,葉落歸根|树高千丈,叶落归根[shu4 gao1 qia... shugaoqianzhang,yeluoguigen 树高千丈,叶落归根|fig. a tree may grow a thousand zhang... shuge 属格|genitive case (in grammar) shugei 输给|to lose to (sb)/to be outdone by shugen 树根|tree roots shugong 叔公|great uncle/grandfather\'s younger bro... shugou 竖钩|vertical stroke with a hook at the en... shugua 树挂|ice (rime) formed on a tree shuguan 书馆|teashop with performance by 評書|评书 sto... shuguan 树冠|treetop shuguang 曙光|the first light of dawn/(fig.) glimme... shuguanr 书馆儿|teashop with performance by 評書|评书 sto... shugui 书柜|bookcase shuguo 蜀国|Sichuan/the state of Shu in Sichuan a... shuguo 蔬果|vegetables and fruits shuguo 属国|vassal state shuguo 疏果|to thin fruit (to increase fruit size... shuhaitun 鼠海豚|porpoise shuhan 蜀汉|Shu Han (c. 200-263), Liu Bei\'s kingd... shuhan 书函|letter/correspondence/slipcase shuhao 书号|book number (esp. ISBN) shuhe 裋褐|(literary) coarse clothing; sackcloth... shuheilunbai 数黑论白|to enumerate what is black and yellow... shuheilunhuang 数黑论黄|to enumerate what is black and yellow... shuhongzhuque 曙红朱雀|(bird species of China) pink-rumped r... shuhou 术后|postoperative; after surgery shuhu 疏忽|to neglect/to overlook/negligence/car... shuhu 倏忽|(literary) suddenly shuhua 书画|painting and calligraphy shuhua 熟化|to cure/to mature shuhuai 抒怀|to express emotion shuhuajia 书画家|calligrapher and painter shuhuan 舒缓|to ease (tension)/to relax/to cause s... shuhuan 纾缓|to relax/relaxed shuhuang 熟荒|abandoned land shuhuangdaohei 数黄道黑|to enumerate what is black and yellow... shuhuayu 树化玉|wood jade (type of petrified wood) shuhuazhan 书画毡|felt desk pad for calligraphy shuhudayi 疏忽大意|oversight/negligence/careless/neglige... shuhui 赎回|to redeem shuhui 书会|calligraphy society/village school (o... shuhuli 梳乎厘|soufflé (loanword) shuhuzhishou 疏忽职守|to neglect one\'s duties shui 睡|to sleep/to lie down shui 水|surname Shui shui 水|water/(after a name) ... River/to swi... shui 说|to persuade shui 税|taxes/duties shui 氵|\"water\" radical in Chinese characters... shui 帨|handkerchief shui 氺|old variant of 水[shui3] shuiba 水坝|dam/dike shuibao 睡饱|to get enough sleep; to have a good n... shuibao 水饱|feeling full from drinking a lot of w... shuibeng 水泵|water pump shuibian 水边|edge of the water/waterside/shore (of... shuibiao 水表|water meter/indicator of water level shuibing 水兵|enlisted sailor in navy shuibing 水冰|water ice (i.e. frozen H2O) shuibo 水波|wave/(water) ripple shuibo 水钹|splash cymbal (drum kit component) shuibogu 水鹁鸪|turtle dove or similar bird/oriental ... shuibolu 水波炉|superheated steam oven shuicai 水彩|watercolor shuicaibi 水彩笔|colored markers shuicaihua 水彩画|watercolor/aquarelle shuicao 水草|water plants/habitat with water sourc... shuicao 水槽|sink shuichan 水产|aquatic product shuichangpu 水菖蒲|Acorus calamus/sweet sedge or sweet flag shuichanpin 水产品|aquatic products (including fish, cra... shuichanyangzhi 水产养殖|aquaculture shuichanye 水产业|aquaculture shuichanzhan 水产展|seafood show (trade fair) shuichi 水池|pond/pool/sink/washbasin shuichuli 水处理|water treatment shuidai 睡袋|sleeping bag shuidang 水凼|pond shuidanqiang 水弹枪|gel blaster; gel gun shuidao 水稻|rice/paddy/CL:株[zhu1] shuidao 水道|watercourse (river, canal, drain etc)... shuidaoqucheng 水到渠成|lit. where water flows, a canal is fo... shuidezhao 睡得着|to fall asleep; to get to sleep shuidi 水底|the bottom of a body of water shuidi 水滴|drop shuidian 水电|hydroelectric power/plumbing and elec... shuidiangong 水电工|plumbing and electrical work/tradesma... shuidianzhan 水电站|hydroelectric power plant shuidiao 水貂|mink (Mustela lutreola, M. vison) shuidishichuan 水滴石穿|dripping water penetrates the stone (... shuidixiangji 水底相机|underwater camera shuidiyu 水滴鱼|blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) shuidou 水痘|chickenpox/Varicella zoster (med.) shuifa 税法|tax code/tax law shuifang 睡房|bedroom shuifei 税费|tax; levy; duty shuifei 水费|water bill shuifei 水肺|scuba shuifen 水分|moisture content/(fig.) overstatement... shuifu 税负|tax burden shuifu 税赋|tax liability shuigang 水缸|water jar shuigengfa 水耕法|hydroponics shuigou 水沟|gutter/sewer shuigou 水垢|limescale shuiguan 水管|water pipe shuiguan 水罐|container for holding and pouring wat... shuiguan 税官|a taxman/a customs officer shuiguan 税关|customs house (in ancient times) shuiguangong 水管工|plumber shuiguangongren 水管工人|plumber shuiguanmian 水管面|tube pasta (e.g. penne, rigatoni, zit... shuiguo 水果|fruit/CL:個|个[ge4] shuiguodao 水果刀|paring knife/fruit knife/CL:把[ba3] shuiguojiu 水果酒|(Tw) fruit wine shuiguotou 睡过头|to oversleep shuihai 水害|flood damage shuihe 水合|hydration reaction shuihengzhi 水横枝|cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides), ... shuihewu 水合物|hydrate/hydrated compound shuihou 税后|after tax shuihouzi 水猴子|mythical monster that preys on swimmers shuihu 水浒|edge of the water/shore or sea, lake ... shuihu 水壶|kettle/canteen/watering can shuihua 水化|to hydrate shuihua 水花|spray of water; splash/(dialect) chic... shuihua 水华|algal bloom; water bloom shuihuan 水患|flooding; inundation shuihuhouzhuan 水浒后传|Water Margin Sequel, by Chen Chen 陳忱|... shuihuilongjiao 睡回笼觉|to go back to sleep (instead of risin... shuihuo 水货|smuggled goods/unauthorized goods shuihuoburong 水火不容|completely incompatible/lit. incompat... shuihuowuqing 水火无情|fire and flood have no mercy (idiom) shuihuquanzhuan 水浒全传|Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh ... shuihushi 水户市|Mito City, capital of Ibaraki Prefect... shuihuyu 水虎鱼|piranha (fish) shuihuzhuan 水浒传|Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh ... shuiji 水基|water-based shuiji 水鸡|moorhen (genus Gallinula)/gallinule/frog shuijianbao 水煎包|pan-fried bun (covered and steamed af... shuijiao 睡觉|to go to bed/to sleep shuijiao 水饺|boiled dumpling (made by wrapping a p... shuijiaor 水饺儿|erhua variant of 水餃|水饺[shui3 jiao3] shuijie 水解|hydrolysis (chemical reaction with wa... shuijin 税金|tax money (paid or due) shuijing 水晶|crystal shuijing 水井|(water) well shuijinggong 水晶宫|The Crystal Palace shuijingqiu 水晶球|crystal ball shuijuan 税捐|tax; levy; duty; impost shuijuanjizhengchu 税捐稽征处|Taipei Revenue Service (tax office) shuijun 水军|(archaic) navy/person employed to pos... shuike 说客|(old) itinerant political adviser/(fi... shuike 水客|smuggler, esp. of electronic goods fr... shuikeng 水坑|puddle/water hole/sump shuiku 水库|reservoir/CL:座[zuo4] shuikuan 税款|tax payments shuilanjiao 睡懒觉|to sleep in shuilao 水牢|prison cell containing water, in whic... shuilaoya 水老鸦|common name for cormorant shuilei 水雷|naval mine shuileng 水冷|to water-cool shuili 水利|water conservancy/irrigation works shuili 水力|hydraulic power shuili 水里|Shuili Township in Nantou County 南投縣|... shuili 水梨|Asian pear; sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) shuili 水栗|see 荸薺|荸荠[bi2 qi2] shuilian 睡莲|water lily shuiliandong 水帘洞|cave with a waterfall at its mouth shuiliang 水量|volume of water/quantity of flow shuiliang 水亮|moist and glossy/wet look (of lipstick) shuiliao 水疗|hydrotherapy/aquatherapy shuilibu 水利部|Ministry of Water Resources (PRC) shuilifadian 水力发电|hydroelectricity shuilifadianzhan 水力发电站|hydroelectric power plant shuilifang 水立方|Water Cube, nickname of Beijing Natio... shuiligongcheng 水利工程|hydraulic engineering shuiligufeng 水力鼓风|hydraulic bellows/water-driven ventil... shuilijia 水利家|water manager/hydraulic engineer shuilin 水林|Shuilin township in Yunlin county 雲林縣... shuiling 水灵|(of fruit etc) fresh/(of a person etc... shuilingling 水灵灵|see 水靈|水灵[shui3 ling2] shuilinlin 水淋淋|dripping wet shuilinxiang 水林乡|Shuilin township in Yunlin county 雲林縣... shuiliu 水流|river/stream shuiliu 水鹨|(bird species of China) water pipit (... shuilixiang 水里乡|Shuili Township in Nantou County 南投縣|... shuilixue 水力学|hydraulics shuiliyalie 水力压裂|hydraulic fracturing/fracking shuilong 水龙|hose/pipe/fire hose/(botany) water pr... shuilongdai 水龙带|layflat industrial hose/fire hose shuilongjuan 水龙卷|waterspout (meteorology) shuilongtou 水龙头|faucet/tap shuilu 水路|waterway shuilu 水陆|water and land/by water and land (tra... shuilu 水鹿|sambar (Cervus unicolor) shuilujiaotong 水陆交通|water and land transport shuiluliangyong 水陆两用|amphibious (vehicle) shuilulu 水漉漉|dripping wet shuilun 水轮|waterwheel/millwheel shuiluobo 水萝卜|summer radish (the small red kind) shuiluoguicao 水落归槽|spilt water returns to the trough (id... shuiluoshichu 水落石出|lit. as the water recedes, the rocks ... shuilushi 水陆师|army and navy (in Qing times) shuilv 税率|tax rate shuilv 水绿|light green shuima 水马|water-filled barrier shuimeiren 睡美人|Sleeping Beauty shuimengzhong 睡梦中|fast asleep/dreaming shuimenshijian 水门事件|Watergate scandal shuimenting 水门汀|cement (Shanghainese) (loanword) shuimian 水面|water surface shuimian 睡眠|sleep/to sleep/(computing) to enter s... shuimianbuzu 睡眠不足|lack of sleep/sleep deficit shuimianchong 睡眠虫|trypanosome shuimianhuxizanting 睡眠呼吸暂停|sleep apnea shuimianshitiao 睡眠失调|sleep disorder shuimianzhe 睡眠者|sleeper shuimitao 水蜜桃|honey peach/juicy peach shuimo 水墨|ink (used in painting) shuimogou 水磨沟|Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu ... shuimogouqu 水磨沟区|Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu ... shuimohua 水墨画|ink and wash painting shuimoshi 水磨石|terrazzo shuimu 水母|jellyfish/medusa shuimu 水幕|water screen (screen formed of spraye... shuimuti 水母体|jellyfish/medusa shuineng 水能|hydroelectric power shuinengyuan 水能源|hydroelectric power shuinengzaizhou,yinengfuzhou 水能载舟,亦能覆舟|lit. water may keep the boat afloat b... shuini 水泥|cement/CL:袋[dai4] shuini 水逆|(astrology) Mercury retrograde (abbr.... shuinian 水碾|water mill shuiniao 水鸟|waterbird shuiniu 水牛|water buffalo shuiniur 水牛儿|(dialect) snail shuinuangong 水暖工|plumber/heating engineer shuipao 水泡|bubble/blister shuipao 水疱|blister shuipao 睡袍|nightgown shuipao 水炮|water cannon shuipaoche 水炮车|water cannon vehicle, common name for... shuipei 水培|to grow plants hydroponically shuipeifa 水培法|hydroponics shuipen 水盆|basin shuiping 水平|level (of achievement etc)/standard/h... shuipingchi 水平尺|spirit level shuipingmian 水平面|horizontal plane/level surface/water ... shuipingweiyi 水平尾翼|(aviation) tailplane; horizontal stab... shuipingyi 水平仪|level (device to determine horizontal... shuipingzhou 水平轴|horizontal shaft/horizontal axis (math.) shuipingzuo 水瓶座|Aquarius (constellation and sign of t... shuipuweiying 水蒲苇莺|(bird species of China) sedge warbler... shuiqi 水汽|water vapor/steam/moisture shuiqi 水气|water vapor/steam shuiqi 水栖|aquatic/living in water shuiqian 税前|pretax/before taxes shuiqiang 水枪|water pistol (toy)/water gun/sprinkle... shuiqianyangbuzhudayu 水浅养不住大鱼|lit. shallow waters cannot harbor big... shuiqin 水禽|waterfowl shuiqingwuyu 水清无鱼|lit. water that is too clean holds no... shuiqiu 水球|water polo shuiqiuchang 水球场|water polo pool shuiqu 水渠|canal shuiquan 水圈|the earth\'s ocean/the hydrosphere (ge... shuiqun 睡裙|nightgown shuirong 水溶|water soluble shuirongxing 水溶性|soluble (in water)/solubility shuishan 水杉|metasequoia shuishang 水上|Shuishang Township in Chiayi County 嘉... shuishang 水上|on water/aquatic shuishangbalei 水上芭蕾|synchronized swimming shuishangdiandanche 水上电单车|see 水上摩托車|水上摩托车[shui3 shang4 mo2 tuo1... shuishangfeiban 水上飞板|flyboard shuishangfeiji 水上飞机|seaplane shuishangleyuan 水上乐园|water park shuishangmotuo 水上摩托|jet ski shuishangmotuoche 水上摩托车|jet ski shuishangxiang 水上乡|Shuishang Township in Chiayi County 嘉... shuishangyundong 水上运动|water sports/aquatic motion/movement ... shuishao 水勺|ladle; dipper (for water) shuishao 水筲|well bucket/pail made of bamboo strips shuishe 水蛇|water snake shuishen 水深|depth (of waterway)/sounding shuishen 水神|river God shuisheng 水生|aquatic (plant, animal) shuishenhuore 水深火热|deep water and scorching fire/abyss o... shuisheyao 水蛇腰|slender and supple waist/lithe body/f... shuishezuo 水蛇座|Hydrus (constellation) shuishi 水师|navy (in Qing times) shuishou 水手|mariner/sailor/seaman shuishou 税收|taxation shuishu 睡鼠|dormouse shuisi 水丝|(silver) of low purity/low grade shuita 水獭|otter shuitan 水潭|puddle/pool shuitang 水塘|pool shuiti 水体|body of water shuitian 水田|paddy field; rice paddy shuitianjie 水田芥|watercress shuitianyise 水天一色|water and sky merge in one color (idiom) shuiting 水汀|steam (Shanghainese) shuitong 水桶|bucket shuitu 水土|water and soil/surface water/natural ... shuitubaochi 水土保持|soil conservation shuitubufu 水土不服|not acclimatized shuitun 水豚|capybara shuiwa 水洼|puddle shuiwangwang 水汪汪|watery/waterlogged (soil)/limpid/brig... shuiwei 水位|water level shuiwen 水纹|ripples shuiwen 水文|hydrology shuiwen 水温|water temperature shuiwenbiao 水温表|engine temperature gauge/coolant temp... shuiwengcai 水蕹菜|water spinach or ong choy (Ipomoea aq... shuiwu 税务|taxation services/state revenue service shuiwu 水务|water supply shuiwujiao 睡午觉|to have a nap shuiwuju 税务局|Tax Bureau/Inland Revenue Department ... shuiwuju 水务局|(municipal) water authority shuiwuran 水污染|water pollution shuixi 水系|drainage system shuixi 水螅|Hydra (freshwater polyp) shuixia 水下|under the water/submarine shuixiahebaozha 水下核爆炸|nuclear underwater burst/underwater n... shuixian 水仙|narcissus/daffodil/legendary aquatic ... shuixiang 水箱|water tank/radiator (automobile)/cist... shuixiang 水乡|patchwork of waterways, esp. in Jiang... shuixiang 睡相|sleeping posture shuixiang 睡乡|sleep/the land of Nod/dreamland shuixiang 水相|aqueous solution shuixianhua 水仙花|daffodil/narcissus/CL:棵[ke1] shuixie-butong 水泄不通|lit. not one drop can trickle through... shuixing 水星|(astronomy) Mercury shuixing 水性|swimming ability/characteristics of a... shuixing 睡醒|to wake up shuixing 水刑|water-boarding (torture) shuixingbigong 水刑逼供|water-boarding, interrogation techniq... shuixingxia 水行侠|Aquaman, DC comic book superhero (Tw) shuixingyanghua 水性杨花|fickle (woman) shuixiti 水螅体|sessile polyp/sea anemone shuixiu 水袖|flowing sleeves (part of theatrical c... shuiya 水压|water pressure shuiyan 水烟|shredded tobacco for water pipes shuiyan-xingsong 睡眼惺忪|(idiom) sleepy-eyed; still half asleep shuiyandai 水烟袋|water bong/water pipe/hookah shuiyangsuan 水杨酸|salicylic acid shuiyanguan 水烟管|bong/water pipe (for tobacco etc)/hookah shuiyanhu 水烟壶|bong/water pipe (for tobacco etc)/hookah shuiyaori 水曜日|Wednesday (used in ancient Chinese as... shuiyi 睡衣|night clothes/pajamas shuiyi 睡意|sleepiness shuiyi 睡椅|couch shuiyichuan 水翼船|hydrofoil shuiyiku 睡衣裤|pajamas shuiyin 水印|watermark shuiyin 水银|mercury; quicksilver shuiyindeng 水银灯|mercury-vapor lamp shuiyu 水域|waters/body of water shuiyu 水玉|crystal/old word for 水晶 shuiyu 水盂|water pot or goblet (for Chinese call... shuiyuan 水源|water source/water supply/headwaters ... shuiyuan 水原|Suweon City, capital of Gyeonggi prov... shuiyuanshi 水原市|Suweon City, capital of Gyeonggi prov... shuiyubing 水俣病|Minamata disease (neurological diseas... shuiyun 水运|waterborne transport shuiyushi 水俣市|Minamata City in Kumamoto prefecture,... shuizai 水灾|flood/flood damage shuizha 水闸|sluice/water gate/waterlocks/floodgat... shuizhangai 水障碍|water hazard (golf) shuizhangchuangao 水涨船高|the tide rises, the boat floats (idio... shuizhao 睡着|to fall asleep shuizhengqi 水蒸气|vapor shuizhi 水质|water quality shuizhi 税制|tax system shuizhi 水蛭|leech shuizhi 水雉|(bird species of China) pheasant-tail... shuizhiqingzewuyu,renzhichazewutu 水至清则无鱼,人至察则无徒|(idiom) water that is too clear has n... shuizhisu 水蛭素|hirudin shuizhiwuran 水质污染|water pollution shuizhong 水肿|(medicine) to suffer from edema (dropsy) shuizhong-laoyue 水中捞月|lit. to scoop the moon out of the wat... shuizhu 水柱|stream of water (as from a fountain o... shuizhu 水珠|droplet/dewdrop shuizhudan 水煮蛋|boiled egg/soft-boiled egg shuizhun 水准|level (of achievement etc)/standard/l... shuizhunyi 水准仪|level (device to determine horizontal... shuizhuo 水着|(HK) swimsuit (loanword from Japanese... shuizhuyu 水煮鱼|Sichuan poached sliced fish in hot ch... shuizi 睡姿|sleeping posture shuizi 水渍|water spot/water stain/wet spot/damp ... shuizu 水族|Shui ethnic group of Guangxi shuizu 水族|collective term for aquatic animals shuizuguan 水族馆|aquarium (open to the public) shuizuxiang 水族箱|aquarium/fish tank shuji 书记|secretary (chief official of a branch... shuji 书籍|books/works shuji 熟记|to learn by heart; to memorize shuji 书脊|spine of a book shuji 枢机|cardinal (Catholicism) shuji 书迹|extant work of a calligrapher shuji 庶几|(literary) similar; almost/(literary)... shujia 暑假|summer vacation/CL:個|个[ge4] shujia 书架|bookshelf/CL:個|个[ge4] shujia 输家|loser (as opposed to winner 贏家|赢家[yin... shujia 赎价|price paid to redeem an object/(relig... shujian 书简|(literary) letter shujian 书柬|variant of 書簡|书简[shu1 jian3] shujian 疏剪|to prune shujiao 树胶|tree resin/gum shujiao 书角|corner of a page shujiao 戍角|garrison trumpet call shujichu 书记处|secretariat shujie 疏解|to mediate/to mitigate/to ease/to rel... shujie 纾解|to relieve/to ease (pressure)/to alle... shujiguan 书记官|clerk of a law court shujin 蜀锦|brocade from Sichuan shujin 赎金|ransom shujin 束紧|gird/tighten shujing 淑静|gentle/tender shujing 书经|the Book of History, one of the Five ... shujing 竖井|vertical shaft (for mining, ventilati... shujingguan 输精管|vas deferens shujishi 庶吉士|title of the temporary position in th... shujiu 数九|nine periods of nine days each after ... shujiuhantian 数九寒天|nine periods of nine days each after ... shujiutian 数九天|nine periods of nine days each after ... shujizhujiao 枢机主教|cardinal (of the Catholic Church) shuju 数据|data shuju 书局|bookstore/publishing house shujuan 书卷|volume/scroll shujuanjiang 书卷奖|presidential award (received by unive... shujuanqi 书卷气|scholarly flavor/educated appearance shujuchuanshu 数据传输|data transmission shujuchuli 数据处理|data processing shujuduan 数据段|data segment shujuji 数据集|dataset shujuji 数据机|modem (Tw) shujujiekou 数据接口|data interface shujujiemian 数据介面|data interface shujuku 数据库|database shujukuruanjian 数据库软件|database software shujulianlu 数据链路|data link shujulianluceng 数据链路层|data link layer shujulianlulianjiebiaozhi 数据链路连接标识|data link connection identifier (DLCI) shujuliu 数据流|data stream/data flow shujun 疏浚|to dredge shujushouce 数据手册|datasheet shujutongxin 数据通信|data communication shujuwajue 数据挖掘|data mining shujuwangluo 数据网络|data network shujuyasuo 数据压缩|data compression shujuzongxian 数据总线|data bus (computer) shujuzu 数据组|dataset shukai 疏开|to disperse shukan 书刊|books and periodicals; publications shuke 熟客|frequent visitor shukong 数控|numerical control (machining) shukongjichuang 数控机床|computer numerical control machine to... shukou 漱口|to rinse one\'s mouth; to gargle shukoushui 漱口水|mouthwash shuku 书库|a store room for books/fig. an erudit... shukuan 赎款|ransom shukuang 疏狂|uninhibited/unrestrained/unbridled shukui 蜀葵|hollyhock (Alcea rosea) shukun 纾困|to provide financial relief/to bail o... shukuo 疏阔|inaccurate/slipshod/poorly thought-ou... shulaibao 数来宝|folk theater consisting of recitation... shulan 舒兰|Shulan, county-level city in Jilin pr... shulan 疏懒|indolent/careless shulan 树懒|sloth (zoology) shulanshi 舒兰市|Shulan, county-level city in Jilin pr... shule 疏勒|Shule ancient name for modern Kashgar... shuleguo 疏勒国|Shule, oasis state in central Asia (n... shulexian 疏勒县|Shule county in Kashgar prefecture 喀什... shuli 树立|to set up/to establish shuli 梳理|to comb/fig. to sort out shuli 竖立|to erect/to set upright/to stand shuli 疏离|to become alienated/estranged/alienat... shuli 数理|mathematical sciences shuli 输理|to be in the wrong shuli 书立|bookend shuli 属吏|(old) subordinate; underling shuli 疏理|to clarify (disparate material into a... shuli 树篱|hedge shulian 熟练|practiced/proficient/skilled/skillful shuliang 数量|amount; quantity (CL:個|个[ge4])/quanti... shuliangci 数量词|numeral-classifier compound (e.g. 一次、... shuliangfenxi 数量分析|quantitative analysis shuliangji 数量积|scalar product (of vectors) shuliangji 数量级|(math.) order of magnitude shuliangong 熟练工|skilled worker; journeyman shuliangongren 熟练工人|skilled worker; journeyman shuliao 熟料|worked material/chamotte (refractory ... shuliao 孰料|who would have thought?/who could hav... shulie 数列|sequence of numbers/numerical series shulifenxi 数理分析|mathematical analysis/calculus shuliluoji 数理逻辑|mathematical logic/symbolic logic shulin 树林|Shulin city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xi... shulin 树林|woods/grove/forest shuling 属灵|spiritual shulinshi 树林市|Shulin city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xi... shulitongji 数理统计|mathematical statistics shuliu 漱流|to rinse one\'s mouth with river water... shuliu 树鹨|(bird species of China) olive-backed ... shulou 疏漏|to slip up; to overlook by negligence... shulu 熟路|familiar road/beaten track shuluanguan 输卵管|Fallopian tube/oviduct shulun 数论|number theory (math.) shuluo 数落|to enumerate sb\'s shortcomings/to cri... shuluo 疏落|sparse/scattered shuluo 熟络|familiar/close shulv 熟虑|careful thought shulve 疏略|negligence/to neglect inadvertently shuma 数码|number/numerals/figures/digital/amoun... shumachongyin 数码冲印|digital printing shumagang 数码港|cyberport shumahe 舒马赫|Michael Schumacher (1969-), former Ge... shumahua 数码化|to digitize shumahuobi 数码货币|digital currency shuman 舒曼|Schumann (name)/Robert Schumann (1810... shumaque 树麻雀|(bird species of China) Eurasian tree... shumasaomiao 数码扫描|a digital scan shumatong 数码通|SmarTone-Vodafone (Hong Kong and Maca... shumaxiangji 数码相机|digital camera shumazhaoxiangji 数码照相机|digital camera shumei 树莓|bramble/raspberry shumei 书眉|header/top margin on a page shumeipai 树莓派|Raspberry Pi (computing) shumenglan 舒梦兰|Shu Menglan (1759-1835), Qin dynasty ... shumenshulu 熟门熟路|familiar shumi 秫米|broomcorn millet (Panicum spp.)/Panic... shumian 书面|in writing/written shumian 舒眠|to sleep well; to get restful sleep/(... shumianjian 舒眠键|sleep mode button (on the remote cont... shumianxuke 书面许可|written permission/written authorization shumianyu 书面语|written language shumiao 树苗|sapling shumin 庶民|the multitude of common people (in hi... shuming 署名|to sign (a signature) shuming 书名|name of a book/reputation as calligra... shuminghao 书名号|Chinese guillemet 《》(punct. used for ... shumiyuan 枢密院|privy council shumo 数模|digital-to-analog/abbr. for 數字到模擬|数字到模拟 shumoushaolve 疏谋少略|(idiom) unable to plan; inept at stra... shumozhuangzhi 输墨装置|ink supply mechanism shumozhuanhuanqi 数模转换器|digital-to-analog converter (DAC) shumu 树木|tree shumu 数目|amount/number shumu 叔母|aunt/wife of father\'s younger brother shumu 书目|booklist/bibliography/title catalogue... shumucunguang 鼠目寸光|short-sighted shumuzi 数目字|numeral/digit/number/figure shun 顺|to obey/to follow/to arrange/to make ... shun 舜|Shun (c. 23rd century BC), mythical s... shun 蕣|Hibiscus syriacus shun 楯|draw forth/horizontal railing shun 吮|to suck shun 瞬|to wink shun 揗|strike, hit with hand/tap shun 𥆧|wink/twinkle/very short time shunbian 顺便|conveniently/in passing/without much ... shuncha 顺差|(trade or budget) surplus shunchan 顺产|to give birth without complications/e... shunchang 顺昌|Shunchang county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 p... shunchang 顺畅|smooth and unhindered/fluent shunchangxian 顺昌县|Shunchang county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 p... shunchao 顺潮|favorable tide shuncheng 顺城|Shuncheng, a district of Fushun 撫順市|抚... shunchengqu 顺城区|Shuncheng, a district of Fushun 撫順市|抚... shunci 顺次|in order/in proper sequence shunci 顺磁|paramagnetic shuncong 顺从|obedient/to comply/to submit/to defer shundai 顺带|(do sth) in passing/incidentally (whi... shundaiyiti 顺带一提|by the way shundang 顺当|smoothly shundao 顺道|on the way shundao 顺导|to guide sth on its proper course/to ... shunde 顺德|Shunde, a district of Foshan 佛山市[Fo2s... shundequ 顺德区|Shunde, a district of Foshan 佛山市[Fo2s... shundiling 舜帝陵|several tombs of legendary Emperor Sh... shunengshengqiao 熟能生巧|with familiarity you learn the trick ... shuner 顺耳|pleasing to the ear shunfafushe 瞬发辐射|prompt radiation shunfang 顺访|to visit in passing shunfazhongzi 瞬发中子|prompt neutron shunfeng 顺风|lit. tail wind/Bon voyage! shunfengche 顺风车|vehicle that gives one a free ride/(f... shunfenger 顺风耳|sb with preternaturally good hearing ... shunfengzhuanduo 顺风转舵|to act according to whatever is the c... shunfu 顺服|to submit to shungao 顺稿|to edit a text for readability shunguai 顺拐|to swing the arm and leg on the same ... shunhe 顺和|gentle/affable shunhehuizuqu 顺河回族区|Shunhe Hui district of Kaifeng city 開... shunhequ 顺河区|Shunhe Hui district of Kaifeng city 開... shunhua 顺化|Hue, city in central Vietnam and capi... shunhua 顺滑|smooth shuni 薯泥|mashed potato shunian 数年|several years/many years shunian 数念|to enumerate one by one shunian 鼠年|Year of the Rat (e.g. 2008) shuniaoguan 输尿管|ureter shuniu 枢纽|hub (e.g. of traffic network)/hinge/p... shunjian 瞬间|in an instant; in a flash shunjianzhuanyi 瞬间转移|teleportation shunjing 顺境|favorable circumstances shunkou 顺口|to read smoothly (of text)/to blurt o... shunkouliu 顺口溜|popular piece of doggerel/common phra... shunli 顺利|smoothly; without a hitch shunlichengzhang 顺理成章|logical/only to be expected/rational ... shunliu 顺溜|orderly/tidy/smooth shunlu 顺路|by the way/while out doing sth else/c... shunmin 顺民|docile subject (of new dynasty)/toady shunmo 瞬膜|nictitating membrane (zoology) shunong 梳弄|(old) to deflorate a prostitute shunping 顺平|Shunping county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 di... shunpingxian 顺平县|Shunping county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 di... shunqi 顺气|nice/pleasant shunqing 顺庆|Shunqing district of Nanchong city 南充... shunqingqu 顺庆区|Shunqing district of Nanchong city 南充... shunqiziran 顺其自然|to let nature take its course (idiom) shunriyaonian 舜日尧年|sage Emperors Shun and Yao rule every... shunriyaotian 舜日尧天|sage Emperors Shun and Yao rule every... shunsha 瞬霎|in a blink; in a twinkling shunshandao 顺山倒|Timber! (lumberjack\'s warning call) shunshi 瞬时|instantaneous shunshi 顺势|to take advantage/to seize an opportu... shunshi 顺适|agreeable/to conform shunshi 顺式|cis- (isomer) (chemistry)/see also 反式... shunshifushe 瞬时辐射|prompt radiation shunshiliaofa 顺势疗法|homeopathy (alternative medicine) shunshizhen 顺时针|clockwise shunshou 顺手|easily/without trouble/while one is a... shunshouqianyang 顺手牵羊|lit. to lead away a goat while passin... shunshour 顺手儿|handy/convenient and easy to use/smoo... shunshui 顺水|with the current shunshuirenqing 顺水人情|to do sb a favor at little cost shunshuituichuan 顺水推船|lit. to push the boat with the curren... shunshuituizhou 顺水推舟|lit. to push the boat with the curren... shunsui 顺遂|everything is going smoothly/just as ... shuntai 瞬态|(physics) (attributive) transient shuntan 顺坦|smoothly/as one expects shuntengmogua 顺藤摸瓜|lit. to follow the vine to get to the... shunuosi,rennuohuo 树挪死,人挪活|lit. if moved to a new location, a tr... shunv 熟女|mature and sophisticated woman shunv 淑女|wise and virtuous woman/lady shunvche 淑女车|ladies bicycle shunwei 顺位|rank/place/position shunwozhechangniwozhewang 顺我者昌逆我者亡|submit to me and prosper, or oppose m... shunxi 吮吸|to suck shunxi 𥆧息|in a flash/twinkling/ephemeral shunxi 瞬息|in a flash/twinkling/ephemeral shunxie 顺斜|(geology) cataclinal shunxin 顺心|happy/satisfactory shunxing 顺行|circular motion in the same sense as ... shunxingbie 顺性别|cisgender shunxiwanbian 瞬息万变|in an instant a myriad changes (idiom... shunxizhijian 瞬息之间|(idiom) in the wink of an eye; in a f... shunxu 顺序|sequence/order shunxu 顺叙|chronological narrative shunxushu 顺序数|ordinal number shunyan 顺延|to postpone/to procrastinate shunyan 顺眼|pleasing to the eye; nice to look at shunyi 顺义|Shunyi, a district of Beijing shunyi 顺意|pleasant/agreeable shunying 顺应|to comply; to conform to; in tune wit... shunyingbuliang 顺应不良|inability to adjust/unable to adapt shunyingtianshi 顺应天时|going with nature and the seasons (TCM) shunyiqu 顺义区|Shunyi, a district of Beijing shunzhe 顺着|to follow/following/along shunzhi 顺治|reign name of second Qing emperor (16... shunzhidi 顺治帝|Fulin Emperor Shunzhi (1638-1662), se... shunzi 顺子|a straight (poker, mahjong) shunzui 顺嘴|to read smoothly (of text)/to blurt o... shunzuir 顺嘴儿|to read smoothly (of text)/to blurt o... shuo 数|(literary) frequently; repeatedly shuo 朔|beginning/first day of lunar month/north shuo 烁|bright/luminous shuo 说|to speak; to talk; to say/to explain;... shuo 说|variant of 說|说[shuo1] shuo 硕|large/big shuo 搠|daub/thrust shuo 铄|bright/to melt/to fuse shuo 槊|long lance shuo 蒴|pod/capsule shuo 箾|to hit sb with a pole/(archaic) pole ... shuo 欶|to suck/to drink shuo 矟|lance shuo 妁|surname Suo shuo 妁|(literary) matchmaker (on the bride\'s... shuobaile 说白了|to speak frankly shuobu 说部|(old) works of literature, including ... shuobuchu 说不出|unable to say shuobuchuhualai 说不出话来|speechless shuobude 说不得|to be unmentionable/be unspeakable/mu... shuobuding 说不定|can\'t say for sure/maybe shuobuguoqu 说不过去|cannot be justified/inexcusable shuobushang 说不上|to be unable to say or tell/to not be... shuobutong 说不通|it does not make sense shuobuzhun 说不准|unable to say/can\'t say precisely shuocaocao,caocaodao 说曹操,曹操到|see 說曹操曹操就到|说曹操曹操就到[shuo1 Cao2 Cao1 C... shuocaocaocaocaojiudao 说曹操曹操就到|lit. speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao arr... shuochang 说唱|speaking and singing, as in various f... shuochangdaoduan 说长道短|lit. to discuss sb\'s merits and demer... shuocheng 朔城|Shuocheng district of Shuozhou city 朔... shuochengqu 朔城区|Shuocheng district of Shuozhou city 朔... shuochu 说出|to speak out/to declare (one\'s view) shuoci 说辞|excuse/pretext/entreaties/arguments shuoda 硕大|big/huge/massive shuoda-wubi 硕大无比|(idiom) very big; huge shuoda-wupeng 硕大无朋|(idiom) very big; huge shuodao 说道|to state/to say (the quoted words) shuodao 说道|to discuss/reason (behind sth) shuodao 说到|to talk about/to mention/(preposition... shuodaodi 说到底|in the final analysis/in the end shuodaozuodao 说到做到|to be as good as one\'s word (idiom)/t... shuodeguoqu 说得过去|acceptable/passable/justifiable/(of a... shuodeshang 说得上|can be counted or regarded as/to be a... shuoding 说定|to agree on/to settle on shuodong 说动|to persuade shuodongdaoxi 说东道西|to chat about this and that/to talk a... shuofa 说法|to expound Buddhist teachings shuofa 说法|way of speaking/wording/formulation/o... shuofeihua 说废话|to talk nonsense/to bullshit shuofeng 朔风|north wind shuofenglianghua 说风凉话|to sneer/to make cynical remarks/sarc... shuofenglinlie 朔风凛冽|The north wind is icy cold. shuofu 说服|to persuade/to convince/to talk sb ov... shuofuli 说服力|persuasiveness shuoganjiugan 说干就干|to do what needs to be done, without ... shuoguo 硕果|major achievement/great work/triumpha... shuoguo 蒴果|(botany) capsule shuoguojincun 硕果仅存|only remaining of the great (idiom); ... shuoguoleilei 硕果累累|heavily laden with fruit/fertile (of ... shuohao 说好|to come to an agreement/to complete n... shuohe 说合|to bring together/to mediate/to arran... shuohua 说话|to speak/to say/to talk/to gossip/to ... shuohuabudanghua 说话不当话|to fail to keep to one\'s word/to brea... shuohuang 说谎|to lie/to tell an untruth shuohuangzhe 说谎者|liar shuohuasuanhua 说话算话|to do as promised/to be as good as on... shuohuasuanshu 说话算数|to keep one\'s promise; to mean what o... shuohuayaosuanshu 说话要算数|promises must be kept shuojianbuxian 数见不鲜|a common occurrence (idiom) shuojiao 说教|to preach shuoku 说哭|to make (sb) cry (with one\'s harsh wo... shuolaihuachang 说来话长|start explaining and it\'s a long stor... shuolaoshihua 说老实话|to be honest/to tell the truth/to be ... shuolesuan 说了算|to have the final say/to be the one i... shuoli 说理|to reason/to argue logically shuoli 硕丽|large and beautiful shuoliuzui 说溜嘴|to make a slip of the tongue shuolouzui 说漏嘴|to blurt out/to let slip shuomei 说媒|to act as a matchmaker shuoming 说明|to explain/to illustrate/to indicate/... shuominghui 说明会|information meeting shuomingshu 说明书|(technical) manual/(book of) directio... shuonipangnijiuchuan 说你胖你就喘|lit. when someone tells you you\'re fa... shuopo 说破|to lay bare (actual facts, secrets et... shuoputaosuan 说葡萄酸|sour grapes (set expr. based on Aesop... shuoqi 说起|to mention/to bring up (a subject)/wi... shuoqin 说亲|to act as a matchmaker shuoqing 说情|to intercede/to plead for sb else shuoqishuoba 说七说八|after all shuori 朔日|first day of the lunar month shuosandaosi 说三道四|to make thoughtless remarks (idiom)/t... shuoshang 说上|to say/to speak/to talk shuoshi 硕士|master\'s degree/person who has a mast... shuoshichi,nashikuai 说时迟,那时快|(idiom) no sooner said than done/befo... shuoshihua 说实话|to speak the truth/truth to tell/frankly shuoshisheng 硕士生|Master\'s degree student shuoshixuewei 硕士学位|master\'s degree shuoshu 说书|folk art consisting of storytelling t... shuoshuo 说说|to say sth shuoshuo 烁烁|flickering/glittering shuoshuoeryi 说说而已|nothing serious/just hot air shuosi 说死|to say definitely/to commit (to a pro... shuotie 说帖|memorandum/note (i.e. written statement) shuotong 说通|to get sb to understand/to persuade shuowang 朔望|the new moon/the first day of the lun... shuowangchao 朔望潮|spring tide (biggest tide, at new moo... shuowen 说文|see 說文解字|说文解字[Shuo1 wen2 Jie3 zi4] shuowenjiezi 说文解字|Shuowen Jiezi, the original Han dynas... shuowenjiezizhu 说文解字注|Commentary on Shuowen Jiezi (1815) by... shuoxianhua 说闲话|to chat/to gossip shuoxiao 说笑|to chat and laugh/to crack jokes/to b... shuoyeqiguai 说也奇怪|strangely enough/oddly enough/strange... shuoyibuer 说一不二|to say one and mean just that (idiom)... shuoyiqian,daoyiwan 说一千,道一万|when all is said and done/at the end ... shuoyue 朔月|new moon/first day of the lunar month shuoyuequanzhuan 说岳全传|\"The Story of Yue Fei\", biography of ... shuozhende 说真的|to tell the truth/honestly/in fact shuozhewan 说着玩|to say sth for fun/to be kidding/to j... shuozhewanr 说着玩儿|erhua variant of 說著玩|说着玩[shuo1 zhe5 w... shuozhong 说中|to hit the nail on the head/to predic... shuozhou 朔州|see 朔州市[Shuo4zhou1 Shi4] shuozhoushi 朔州市|Shuozhou, prefecture-level city in Sh... shuozui 说嘴|to boast shupi 树皮|tree bark shupi 书皮|book cover/book jacket shupian 薯片|fried potato chips shupijiu 熟啤酒|pasteurized beer shuping 书评|book review/book notice shupir 书皮儿|erhua variant of 書皮|书皮[shu1 pi2] shupo 叔婆|aunt by marriage/husband\'s aunt/husba... shuputao 树葡萄|jaboticaba; Brazilian grape tree shuqi 暑期|summer vacation time shuqi 竖起|to erect (a tent etc)/to prick up (on... shuqi 暑气|(summer) heat shuqi 舒淇|Shu Qi (1976-), Taiwanese actress shuqi 舒气|to heave a sigh of relief/to get one\'... shuqi 树栖|arboreal/tree-dwelling shuqi 庶妻|concubine shuqian 书签|bookmark/CL:張|张[zhang1] shuqian 术前|preoperative; before surgery shuqidamuzhi 竖起大拇指|to give a thumbs-up/to express one\'s ... shuqie 书箧|bookcase shuqierduo 竖起耳朵|to prick up one\'s ears; to strain to ... shuqin 竖琴|harp shuqing 抒情|to express emotion/lyric shuqing 数清|to count/to enumerate exactly shuqingchun 舒庆春|Shu Qingchun (1899-1966), the real na... shuqingshi 抒情诗|lyric poetry shuqiu 输球|(ball sports) to lose a match shuqixuexiao 暑期学校|summer school shuquanfeiri 蜀犬吠日|lit. Sichuan dogs bark at the sun (id... shuran 倏然|(literary) suddenly shure 暑热|hot (summer) weather shuren 熟稔|(literary) to be very familiar with (... shuren 熟人|acquaintance/friend shuren 树人|to prepare children to become capable... shuren-shushi 熟人熟事|(idiom) to be familiar with; to have ... shurenjunzi 淑人君子|virtuous gentleman (idiom) shurong 殊荣|special glory/distinction/rare honor/... shurong 薯蓉|mashed potatoes shuru 输入|to import/to input shurufa 输入法|input method shurushebei 输入设备|input device (computer) shuruxitong 输入系统|input system/data entry system shusan 疏散|idle; leisurely; laid-back/Taiwan pr.... shusan 疏散|to scatter; to disperse; to evacuate/... shusancuoshi 疏散措施|evacuation/measures to evacuate a bui... shuse 曙色|the light of early dawn shuse 殊色|beautiful girl/a beauty shushaliang 输沙量|quantity of sand (transported by a ri... shushan 蜀山|Shushan, a district of Hefei City 合肥市... shushangkaihua 树上开花|to deck the tree with false blossoms/... shushanqu 蜀山区|Shushan, a district of Hefei City 合肥市... shushao 树梢|the tip of a tree; treetop shushe 书社|a reading group/press (i.e. publishin... shushen 束身|to bind oneself/submission shushen 树身|tree trunk shusheng 书生|scholar/intellectual/egghead shusheng 书圣|great calligraphy master/the Sage of ... shushenneiyi 束身内衣|corset shushenzhennian 殊深轸念|extreme solicitude (idiom); expressin... shushi 熟食|cooked food/prepared food/deli food shushi 舒适|cozy/snug shushi 属实|to turn out to be true/verified/true shushi 熟识|to be well acquainted with/to know well shushi 疏失|to make a (careless) mistake/oversight shushi 竖式|standing/vertical shushi 蔬食|vegetarian meal/vegetarian diet shushi 淑世|to make the world a better place shushi 属世|of this world shushi 庶室|concubine shushidian 熟食店|deli; delicatessen shushigao 熟石膏|plaster of Paris/calcined gypsum shushihui 熟石灰|slaked lime/hydrated lime shushiqu 舒适区|comfort zone shushiquan 舒适圈|comfort zone shushiwudu 熟视无睹|to pay no attention to a familiar sig... shushiyi 数十亿|several billion shushiyin 舒适音|comfortable voice (well within one\'s ... shushou 熟手|skilled person/an experienced hand shushou 束手|to have one\'s hands tied/helpless/una... shushou 戍守|to guard shushou-jiuqin 束手就擒|lit. to submit to having one\'s hands ... shushoudaibi 束手待毙|to wait helplessly for death (idiom)/... shushoudaisi 束手待死|hands tied and expecting the worst shushoujiubi 束手就毙|hands tied and expecting the worst shushouwuce 束手无策|lit. to have one\'s hands bound and be... shushu 叔叔|father\'s younger brother/uncle/Taiwan... shushu 数数|to count/to reckon shushu 疏疏|sparse/blurred/old for 楚楚[chu3 chu3]/... shushuai 疏率|careless and rash/heedless shushufufu 舒舒服服|comfortable/with ease shushui 熟睡|asleep/sleeping soundly shushuidanpiao 疏水箪瓢|little water and few utensils/to live... shushuiguan 输水管|pipe/pipeline shushuo 述说|to recount; to narrate; to give an ac... shusi 殊死|to behead/capital punishment/desperat... shusi 熟思|deliberation shusi 熟丝|silk raw material (prepared by boilin... shusong 输送|to transport; to convey; to deliver shusong 疏松|to loosen shusongdai 输送带|conveyor belt shusongmeijie 输送媒介|transport medium shuta 树獭|sloth (family Bradypodidae) shutan 舒坦|comfortable/at ease shutan 书坛|the calligraphic community shuti 书体|calligraphic style/font shuti 竖提|stroke𠄌 in Chinese characters (e.g. 以... shuti 书题|book title shutian 暑天|hot (summer) day shutiao 薯条|french fries/french fried potatoes/chips shutie 熟铁|wrought iron shuting 书亭|book kiosk shutong 疏通|to unblock/to dredge/to clear the way... shutongfei 疏通费|facilitation payment/bribe shutou 熟透|completely ripe/ripened/well-cooked shutou 梳头|to comb one\'s hair shutu 树突|dendrite (branched projection of a ne... shututonggui 殊途同归|different routes to the same destinat... shutuzhuangxibao 树突状细胞|dendritic cell shuwa 树蛙|tree frog shuwa 疏挖|to dredge/to dig out (a channel) shuwan 数万|several tens of thousands/many thousand shuwangou 竖弯钩|乚 stroke in Chinese characters shuwei 数位|digit/(Tw) digital shuweicao 鼠尾草|sage (Salvia officinalis) shuweihua 数位化|(Tw) to digitize shuweihuobi 数位货币|digital currency (Tw) shuweiwanglu 数位网路|digital network shuweixinhao 数位信号|digital signal shuwen 暑瘟|tropical disease/summertime disease shuwen 暑温|summer-warm disease (TCM) shuwomaomei 恕我冒昧|if I may be so bold shuwu 树屋|tree house shuwu 黍鹀|(bird species of China) corn bunting ... shuxi 熟悉|to be familiar with; to know well shuxi 熟习|to understand profoundly/well-versed/... shuxi 梳洗|to make oneself presentable/to freshe... shuxi 鼠蹊|groin shuxi 漱洗|to rinse the mouth and wash the face shuxia 属下|subordinate/affiliated to/subsidiary shuxia 束狭|narrow (of waterway)/a bottleneck shuxiandai 束线带|cable tie shuxiang 书香|literary reputation shuxiang 属相|colloquial term for 生肖[sheng1 xiao4] ... shuxiang 属象|variant of 屬相|属相[shu3 xiang4] shuxiang 蜀相|the Prime Minister of Shu (i.e. Zhuge... shuxiang 殊乡|foreign land/faraway land shuxiangmendi 书香门第|family with a literary reputation (id... shuxiaoshi 数小时|several hours shuxie 书写|to write shuxie 抒写|to express (emotions in prose)/a writ... shuxiebunengzheng 书写不能症|agraphia shuxiefuhao 书写符号|writing symbol shuxieyuyan 书写语言|written language shuxin 书信|letter/epistle shuxin 舒心|comfortable/happy shuxing 属性|attribute/property shuxingbanzhenshanghan 鼠型斑疹伤寒|murine typhus shuxinji 书信集|collected letters shuxiu 蜀绣|Sichuan embroidery, one of the four m... shuxiu 束修|variant of 束脩[shu4 xiu1] shuxiu 束脩|(literary) salary of a private tutor shuxue 数学|mathematics shuxue 输血|to transfuse blood/to give aid and su... shuxue 俞穴|acupuncture point shuxue 腧穴|acupuncture point shuxuefenxi 数学分析|mathematical analysis/calculus shuxuegongshi 数学公式|formula shuxuejia 数学家|mathematician shuxuemoxing 数学模型|mathematical model shuxuewuli 数学物理|mathematical physics shuxuewulixue 数学物理学|mathematical physics shuya 纾压|to alleviate stress shuya 舒压|variant of 紓壓|纾压[shu1 ya1] shuyang 沭阳|Shuyang County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qi... shuyangxian 沭阳县|Shuyang County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qi... shuyao 束腰|girdle shuyao 书腰|(Tw) (publishing) belly band (paper s... shuyao 鼠药|rat poison shuye 树叶|tree leaves shuye 书页|page of a book shuye 输液|intravenous infusion; to get put on a... shuye 树液|tree sap shuyi 鼠疫|plague shuyi 殊异|entirely different/quite separate shuyi 输移|(sediment) transport shuyi 束衣|corset (clothing) shuyibaiji 数以百计|hundreds of shuyiganjun 鼠疫杆菌|Yersinia pestis/the bubonic plage bac... shuyijunmiao 鼠疫菌苗|plague vaccine shuyikouqi 舒一口气|to heave a sigh of relief shuyin 树荫|shade of a tree/Taiwan pr. [shu4yin4] shuyin 树阴|shade (of a tree) shuyin 属音|dominant (music) shuying 输赢|win or loss/outcome shuyiqianji 数以千计|thousands (of sth) shuyishuer 数一数二|(idiom) reckoned to be best or second... shuyiwanji 数以万计|tens of thousands/numerous shuyiyiji 数以亿计|countless/innumerable shuyouguan 输油管|petroleum pipeline shuyoushulie 孰优孰劣|which of the two is better? shuyu 属于|to be classified as/to belong to/to b... shuyu 术语|term/terminology shuyu 疏于|to fail to pay sufficient attention t... shuyu 熟语|idiom shuyu 薯蓣|Chinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya) shuyu 述语|predicate shuyu 数域|number field (math.)/subfield of the ... shuyuan 书院|academy of classical learning (Tang D... shuyuan 疏远|to drift apart/to become estranged/to... shuyuan 枢垣|censorate shuyue 书约|book contract shuyue 叔岳|wife\'s uncle shuyue 数月|several months shuyufangfan 疏于防范|to neglect to take precautions/relaxe... shuyujingerfengbuzhi 树欲静而风不止|lit. the trees long for peace but the... shuyun 输运|to transport/transportation shuyuzhouzilu 殊域周咨录|Ming dynasty record (1574) of explora... shuzang 树葬|burial of cremated remains at the foo... shuzaoxingbanzhenshanghan 鼠蚤型斑疹伤寒|murine typhus fever shuzha 书札|letter/also written 書札|书札 shuzha 书札|letter shuzhai 书斋|study (room) shuzhan 舒展|to roll out/to extend/to smooth out/t... shuzhang 舒张|to relax and expand/(physiology) dias... shuzhangmu 叔丈母|wife\'s aunt shuzhangren 叔丈人|wife\'s uncle shuzhangya 舒张压|diastolic blood pressure shuzhe 竖折|(downwards-starting right angle chara... shuzheng 书证|written evidence shuzhenshujia 孰真孰假|what is true and what is fake shuzhi 熟知|to be well acquainted with shuzhi 数值|numerical value shuzhi 树脂|resin shuzhi 竖直|vertical/to erect/to set upright/vert... shuzhi 述职|to report on one\'s work or duties (to... shuzhi 树枝|branch/twig shuzhi 殊致|(literary) mixed; inconsistent/(liter... shuzhifenxi 数值分析|numerical analysis (math.) shuzhigaoge 束之高阁|tied up in a bundle on a high shelf/t... shuzhijie 数值解|numerical solution shuzhizhuangjing 树枝状晶|dendrite (crystallography) shuzhong 树种|tree species shuzhong 数种|numerous types/many kinds shuzhongzhi 竖中指|to give the middle finger shuzhongziyouhuangjinwu,shuzhongziyouyanruyu 书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉|lit. in books are sumptuous houses an... shuzhou 数轴|number line shuzhou 枢轴|pivot; fulcrum shuzhou 数周|several weeks/also written 數週|数周 shuzhou 数周|several weeks shuzhu 数珠|rosary/prayer beads shuzhu 输注|to inject/infusion shuzhu 鼠蛛|mouse spider (genus Missulena) shuzhuang 树桩|tree stump shuzhuang 梳妆|to dress and groom oneself shuzhuang 束装|to bundle up (one\'s possessions for a... shuzhuangshi 梳妆室|boudoir/lady\'s dressing room shuzhuangtai 梳妆台|dressing table shuzhuangxibao 树状细胞|dendritic cell shuzhunianfo 数珠念佛|to count one\'s prayer beads and chant... shuzhuo 书桌|desk/CL:張|张[zhang1] shuzi 数字|numeral/digit/number/figure/amount/di... shuzi 梳子|comb/CL:把[ba3] shuzi 叔子|brother-in-law/husband\'s younger brother shuzi 庶子|son born of a concubine shuzi 熟字|familiar words/known Chinese character shuzi 殊姿|differing attitude/different posture shuzibanquanguanli 数字版权管理|Digital Rights Management (DRM) shuzidaolansheshi 数字导览设施|digital navigation equipment shuzidianlu 数字电路|digital circuit shuzidianshi 数字电视|digital television shuzifenpin 数字分频|digital frequency sharing shuzihua 数字化|to digitize shuzihuobi 数字货币|digital currency shuziminglixue 数字命理学|numerology shuzishizhong 数字时钟|digital clock shuzitongxin 数字通信|digital communications shuziwang 数字网|digital network shuzixinhao 数字信号|digital signal shuziyonghuxianlu 数字用户线路|digital subscriber line (DSL) shuziyoumin 数字游民|digital nomad shuzizhong 数字钟|digital clock shuzu 数组|(computing) array shuzu 叔祖|grandfather\'s younger brother shuzu 戍卒|garrison soldier shuzui 恕罪|please forgive me shuzui 赎罪|to atone for one\'s crime/to buy freed... shuzuiri 赎罪日|Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement (Jewis... shuzuirizhanzheng 赎罪日战争|the Yom Kippur war of October 1973 be... shuzumu 叔祖母|wife of paternal grandfather\'s younge... si 四|four/4 si 斯|Slovakia/Slovak/abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Si1 lu... si 斯|(phonetic)/this si 死|to die/impassable/uncrossable/inflexi... si 司|surname Si si 司|to take charge of/to manage/departmen... si 食|to feed (a person or animal) si 似|to seem/to appear/to resemble/similar... si 似|old variant of 似[si4] si 撕|to tear si 俟|(literary) to wait for si 俟|variant of 俟[si4] si 思|to think/to consider si 嘶|hiss/neigh/Ss! (sound of air sucked b... si 丝|silk/thread-like thing; (cuisine) shr... si 肆|four (banker\'s anti-fraud numeral)/un... si 泗|river in Shandong si 泗|nasal mucus si 锶|strontium (chemistry) si 纟|\"silk\" radical in Chinese characters ... si 饲|old variant of 飼|饲[si4] si 饲|to raise/to rear/to feed si 偲|used in 偲偲[si1si1] si 伺|to watch/to wait/to examine/to spy si 祀|to sacrifice/to offer libation to si 祀|variant of 祀[si4] si 笥|square bamboo container for food or c... si 姒|surname Si si 姒|wife or senior concubine of husbands ... si 驷|team of 4 horses si 亖|old variant of 四[si4] si 罳|screen si 厕|used in 茅廁|茅厕[mao2 si5] si 汜|stream which returns after branching si 巳|6th earthly branch: 9-11 a.m., 4th so... si 嗣|succession (to a title)/to inherit/co... si 儩|the end/to finish si 厶|old variant of 私[si1] si 兕|animal cited in ancient texts, resemb... si 耜|plow/plowshare si 咝|(onom.) to hiss/to whistle/to whiz/to... si 涘|river bank si 覗|peek si 澌|drain dry/to exhaust si 飔|cool breeze of autumn si 缌|fine linen si 蛳|snail si 虒|amphibious animal with one horn si 鸶|heron si 私|personal/private/selfish si 禠|felicity/blessing si 〤|numeral 4 in the Suzhou numeral syste... si 柶|spoon/ladle si 厮|variant of 廝|厮[si1] si 厮|(bound form) together; each other/(bo... si 寺|Buddhist temple/mosque/government off... si 㟃|(used in place names) si 䦉|variant of 肆[si4] siansuan 丝氨酸|serine (Ser), an amino acid sibada 斯巴达|Sparta sibalu 斯巴鲁|Subaru siban 死板|rigid/inflexible siban 私办|privately-run sibei 死背|to learn by rote siben 私奔|to elope sibi 私弊|fraudulent practice sibi 撕逼|(slang) (lit.) to tear cunt/(fig.) (o... sibian 四边|four sides sibian 思辨|to think critically/(philosophy) to r... sibianxing 四边形|(geometry) quadrilateral sibie 死别|to be parted by death sibinnuosha 斯宾诺莎|Baruch or Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677... sibinse 斯宾塞|Spencer or Spence (name) sibixiaoran 四壁萧然|four bare walls sibo 丝柏|cypress sibo 厮搏|to come to blows; to fight; to tussle sibugaihui 死不改悔|not to repent even facing death (idio... sibuliao 死不了|Portulaca Sundial (a type of plant) sibumingmu 死不瞑目|lit. not close one\'s eyes after dying... sibuqu 四部曲|tetralogy sibuxiang 四不像|common name for 麋鹿[mi2 lu4], Père Dav... sibuyaolian 死不要脸|to know no shame/to be totally shameless sicang 私藏|to keep hidden/to keep in one\'s priva... sicao 饲草|forage grass sicao 饲槽|feeding trough sicengxiangshi 似曾相识|déjà vu (the experience of seeing exa... sichan 私产|private property sichan 死产|stillbirth sichan 厮缠|to pester sichanlanda 死缠烂打|(coll.) to pester/to harass sichao 思潮|tide of thought/way of thinking chara... sichaoqifu 思潮起伏|thoughts surging in one\'s mind (idiom... siche 撕扯|to tear apart sichedaer 斯彻达尔|Stjørdal (city in Trøndelag, Norway) sicheng 死城|ghost town sichongzou 四重奏|quartet (musical ensemble) sichou 丝绸|silk cloth/silk sichou 私仇|personal grudge sichougulu 丝绸古路|the ancient Silk Road/see also 絲綢之路|丝... sichouzhilu 丝绸之路|the Silk Road sichouzhiwu 丝绸织物|silk fabric sichu 四处|all over the place/everywhere and all... sichu 私处|private parts/genitalia sichuan 四川|see 四川省[Si4chuan1 Sheng3] sichuandadizhen 四川大地震|Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008) sichuandaxue 四川大学|Sichuan University sichuang 私闯|to enter (a place) without permission... sichuanlinxiao 四川林鸮|(bird species of China) Sichuan wood ... sichuanliuying 四川柳莺|(bird species of China) Sichuan leaf ... sichuanpendi 四川盆地|Sichuan basin sichuanribao 四川日报|Sichuan Daily sichuanshanzhegu 四川山鹧鸪|(bird species of China) Sichuan partr... sichuansheng 四川省|Sichuan Province, capital Chengdu 成都[... sichuanwaiguoyudaxue 四川外国语大学|Sichuan International Studies Univers... sichuanxuanmuque 四川旋木雀|(bird species of China) Sichuan treec... sichuanzhichun 四川雉鹑|(bird species of China) buff-throated... sichun 思春|same as 懷春|怀春[huai2 chun1] sichunqi 思春期|age when girls start to develop feeli... sichuwenqian 四出文钱|coin minted in the reign of Emperor L... sici 四次|fourth/four times/quartic sicun 思忖|to ponder/to reckon/to turn sth over ... sida 四大|the four elements: earth, water, fire... sida 厮打|to come to blows; to tussle sidafaming 四大发明|the four great Chinese inventions: pa... sidafojiaomingshan 四大佛教名山|Four Sacred Mountains of Buddhism, na... sidai 丝带|ribbon sidajiekong 四大皆空|lit. the four elements are vanity (id... sidalin 斯大林|Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Soviet dic... sidalingele 斯大林格勒|Stalingrad, former name of Volvograd ... sidalingelehuizhan 斯大林格勒会战|Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943)/also... sidalingelezhanyi 斯大林格勒战役|Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943), dec... sidalinzhuyi 斯大林主义|Stalinism sidameinv 四大美女|the four legendary beauties of ancien... sidamingzhu 四大名著|the Four Classic Novels of Chinese li... sidang 死党|best friends/inseparable sidekick/die... sidang 死当|to flunk (Tw)/(computing) to crash/to... sidangdong 斯当东|Staunton (name)/Sir George Staunton, ... sidao 司导|driver-guide sidaolintou 死到临头|Death is near at hand. (idiom) sidapendi 四大盆地|four great basin depressions of China... sidashiku 四大石窟|the four great caves, namely: Longmen... sidatianwang 四大天王|the four heavenly kings (Sanskrit vaj... sidaxusheng 四大须生|Four great beards of Beijing opera, n... side 四德|four Confucian injunctions 孝悌忠信 (for ... sidegeermo 斯德哥尔摩|Stockholm, capital of Sweden sidi 死敌|mortal enemy/arch-enemy sidi 四谛|the Four Noble Truths (Budd.), covere... sidian 死点|see 止點|止点[zhi3dian3] sidiao 撕掉|to tear out (and throw away)/to rip away sidifen 斯蒂芬|Stephen or Steven (name) sidifenhapo 斯蒂芬·哈珀|Stephen Harper (1959-), Canadian poli... siding 死定|to be screwed; to be toast sidingzhongshen 私定终身|to make a pledge to be married, witho... sidiwen 斯蒂文|Steven (name)/Simon Stevin (1548-1620... sidiwensen 斯蒂文森|Stevenson or Stephenson (name) sidixia 私底下|privately/secretly/confidentially sidongfeidong 似懂非懂|to not really understand/to half-unde... sidu 四渎|(archaic) the four rivers (Yangtze 長江... siduitou 死对头|arch-enemy/sworn enemy siduo 司铎|priest siduogezhuyi 斯多葛主义|Stoicism sierbujiang 死而不僵|dead but showing no signs of rigor mo... sierfuhuo 死而复活|to come back to life (after death) sierfusheng 死而复生|(idiom) to come back to life (after d... sierhouyi 死而后已|until death puts an end (idiom); one\'... sierwuhui 死而无悔|to die without regret (idiom, from An... sieryi 421|four grandparents, two parents and an... sifa 司法|judicial/(administration of) justice sifa 私法|private law sifabu 司法部|Ministry of Justice (PRC etc)/Justice... sifaduli 司法独立|judicial independence sifaguan 司法官|(Tw) judges and prosecutors sifajiguan 司法机关|judicial authorities sifang 四方|four-way/four-sided/in all directions... sifang 私房|privately-owned house/private rooms/p... sifang 私房|personal/private/confidential sifangbu 四方步|a slow march sifanglian 四方脸|square-jawed face sifangmao 四方帽|see 方帽[fang1 mao4] sifangqian 私房钱|secret purse/secret stash of money sifangtai 四方台|Sifangtai district of Shuangyashan ci... sifangtaiqu 四方台区|Sifangtai district of Shuangyashan ci... sifaquan 司法权|jurisdiction sifarenyuan 司法人员|judicial officer sifayuan 司法院|Judicial Yuan, the high court under t... sifen 私愤|personal spite/malice sifen-wulie 四分五裂|(idiom) fragmented; scattered; in dis... sifenkesi 斯芬克斯|sphinx (myth.) (loanword) sifenkesi 斯芬克司|Sphinx (Egyptian mythical beast) sifenli 四分历|\"quarter remainder\" calendar, the fir... sifenwei 四分卫|quarterback (QB) (American football) sifenweishu 四分位数|quartile (statistics) sifenyinfu 四分音符|crotchet (music) sifenzhiyi 四分之一|one-quarter sifu 伺服|servo (small electric motor)/computer... sifu 私服|(gaming) server emulator; private ser... sifuerwaer 斯福尔瓦尔|Svolvær (city in Nordland, Norway) sifuhuagui 四氟化硅|silicon tetrafluoride SiF4 sifuhuayou 四氟化铀|uranium tetrafluoride (UF4) sifuqi 伺服器|server (computer) (Tw) sigeng 四更|fourth of the five night watch period... sigequanmian 四个全面|Four Comprehensives (political guidel... sigete 司各特|Scott (name)/Sir Walter Scott (1771-1... sigete 斯哥特|Scott (name) sigexiandaihua 四个现代化|Deng Xiaoping\'s four modernizations p... sigong 兕觥|ancient type of drinking vessel sigu 四顾|to look around sigu 似鲴|Xenocyprioides, genus of cyprinid fis... sigua 丝瓜|luffa (loofah) siguangliangniao 丝光椋鸟|(bird species of China) red-billed st... sigui 死鬼|devil (used jocularly or contemptuous... siguo 思过|to reflect on one\'s past errors siguo 四国|Shikoku (one of the four main islands... siguo 嗣国|to accede to a throne siguoquan 四国犬|Shikoku (dog) sihai 死海|the Dead Sea sihai 四海|(fig.) the whole world sihai 四害|\"the four pests\", i.e. rats, flies, m... sihai-shengping 四海升平|(idiom) the whole world is at peace sihaigujuan 死海古卷|Dead Sea Scrolls sihaijingjuan 死海经卷|Dead Sea Scrolls sihaipiaoling 四海飘零|drifting aimlessly all over the place... sihaiweijia 四海为家|to regard the four corners of the wor... sihaizhineijiexiongdi 四海之内皆兄弟|all men are brothers sihan 嘶喊|to shout sihao 丝毫|the slightest amount or degree/a bit sihaobucha 丝毫不差|accurate to perfection (idiom)/precis... sihaodianchi 四号电池|AAA battery (Tw)/PRC equivalent: 七號電池... sihe 似核|nucleoid (of prokaryotic cell) siheyuan 四合院|courtyard house with a fully enclosed... sihong 泗洪|Sihong County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qia... sihongxian 泗洪县|Sihong County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qia... sihou 死后|after death/posthumous sihou 嗣后|from then on/after/afterwards/thereafter sihou 嘶吼|to yell/to shout sihou 俟候|to wait (literary) sihu 似乎|it seems; seemingly; as if sihu 四胡|sihu (or \"khuurchir\" in Mongolian), a... sihu 四湖|Sihu (or Ssuhu) township in Yunlin co... sihua 四化|abbr. for 四個現代化|四个现代化[si4 ge4 xian4 d... sihuan 死缓|deferred death sentence/commuted deat... sihuansu 四环素|tetracycline sihui 四会|Sihui, county-level city in Zhaoqing ... sihui 撕毁|to tear up/to rip up/too shred sihui 嗣徽|heritage/the continuation (of a tradi... sihuifuran 死灰复燃|lit. ashes burn once more (idiom); fi... sihuishi 四会市|Sihui, county-level city in Zhaoqing ... sihun 厮混|(derog.) to hang out (with sb)/to mix... sihuo 死活|life or death/fate/no matter what/any... sihuobugu 死活不顾|regardless of life or death (idiom) sihuoshan 死火山|extinct volcano sihutong 死胡同|dead end/blind alley sihuxiang 四湖乡|Sihu (or Ssuhu) township in Yunlin co... siji 司机|chauffeur; driver siji 四级|grade 4/fourth class/category D siji 死机|to crash (of a computer) siji 四季|four seasons, namely: spring 春[chun1]... siji 伺机|to wait for an opportunity/to watch f... siji 死寂|deathly stillness siji 死记|to learn by rote/to cram siji 司祭|priest siji 俟机|variant of 伺機|伺机[si4 ji1] sijia 私家|private/privately owned or managed sijiache 私家车|private car sijiali 思嘉丽|Scarlett (name)/also written 斯嘉麗|斯嘉丽[... sijian 四溅|(of droplets, sparks etc) to fly abou... sijiandao 司兼导|driver-guide sijiao 死角|gap in coverage/gap in protection or ... sijiao 私交|personal friendship sijiao 嘶叫|to whinny (of a horse)/to neigh/to shout sijiao 四郊|suburb/outskirts (of town) sijiao 四角|the four corners (of a rectangle)/the... sijiao 私教|personal trainer sijiaochaotian 四脚朝天|four legs facing the sky (idiom); fla... sijiaohaoma 四角号码|four corner code (input method for Ch... sijiaoku 四角裤|boxer shorts sijiaoshe 四脚蛇|lizard sijiaoxing 四角形|(geometry) quadrangle; quadrilateral sijiaozhuti 四角柱体|cuboid/rectangular prism (math.) sijidou 四季豆|green bean/French bean/runner bean sijidoufu 四季豆腐|four seasons beancurd sijie 死结|tight knot/intractable problem sijie 死节|to die or be martyred for a noble cau... sijienanjie 死结难解|enigmatic knot hard to untie (idiom);... sijiepan 斯捷潘|Stepan or Stefan (name) sijin 四近|nearby sijin 死劲|all one\'s strength/with might and main sijin 丝巾|headscarf/kerchief/silk neckband sijing 四境|all the borders sijinr 死劲儿|erhua variant of 死勁|死劲[si3 jin4] sijiruchun 四季如春|four seasons like spring/favorable cl... sijishiguan 四级士官|sergeant first class sijiu 四旧|the Four Olds (target of the Cultural... sijiyingbei 死记硬背|to learn by rote/to mechanically memo... siju 死局|hopeless situation/deadlock sijue 死绝|to die out/to be exterminated/to beco... sijueshitiao 思觉失调|psychosis sikabolejiao 斯卡伯勒礁|Scarborough Shoal (Philippines\' name ... sikandinaweiya 斯堪的纳维亚|Scandinavia sikandinaweiya 斯堪地纳维亚|Scandinavia (Tw) sikang 司康|scone (loanword) sikao 思考|to reflect on/to ponder over sikaote 斯考特|Scott (name) sike 死磕|(coll.) to fight to the death sike 思科|Cisco Systems Company sikeda 斯柯达|Škoda, Czech Republic car manufacture... sikefeierfeng 斯科费尔峰|Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in... sikeliyabin 斯克里亚宾|Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915), Russi... sikepuli 斯科普里|Skopje, capital of North Macedonia sikong 司空|two-character surname Sikong sikongjianguan 司空见惯|a common occurrence (idiom) sikou 司寇|two-character surname Sikou sikou 司寇|minister of criminal justice (officia... siku 四库|the four book depositories, namely: c... sikui-nangkong 笥匮囊空|(idiom) extremely destitute sikuquanshu 四库全书|Siku Quanshu (collection of books com... silafu 斯拉夫|Slavic silafuyu 斯拉夫语|Slavic language silaitelin 斯莱特林|Slytherin (Harry Potter) silan 撕烂|to tear up/to tear to pieces silebing 思乐冰|Slurpee (drink) sileibuleinicha 斯雷布雷尼察|Srebrenica, town in Bosnia-Herzegovina silezhangtufu,buchihunmaozhu 死了张屠夫,不吃混毛猪|lit. just because Zhang the butcher d... sili 私立|privately-run; private (school, hospi... sili 私利|personal gain; (one\'s own) selfish in... silian 思恋|to miss/to long for siliang 思量|to reckon/to consider/to turn over in... siliangboqianjin 四两拨千斤|lit. four ounces can move a thousand ... siliao 饲料|feed/fodder siliao 私了|to settle privately/to solve behind c... siliao 私聊|(computing) to chat privately; privat... silibajiawangang 斯里巴加湾港|Bandar Seri Begawan, capital of Brunei silie 撕裂|to tear; to rip apart sililanka 斯里兰卡|Sri Lanka/(formerly) Ceylon silin 四邻|one\'s nearest neighbors silin-bashe 四邻八舍|(idiom) the whole neighborhood siling 司令|commanding officer siling 四灵|four divinities/four divine emperors/... silingbu 司令部|headquarters/military command center silingguan 司令官|commander/officer in charge silingyuan 司令员|commander silitaosheng 死里逃生|mortal danger, escape alive (idiom); ... silixuexiao 私立学校|private school silu 思路|line of thought; way of thinking silu 死路|dead end/(fig.) the road to disaster silu 丝路|the Silk Road/abbr. for 絲綢之路|丝绸之路[Si1... silu 司炉|stoker (worker operating a coal fire,... siluminjie 思路敏捷|quick-witted silundingwei 四轮定位|wheel alignment (automobile maintenance) silunmache 四轮马车|chariot silunqudong 四轮驱动|four-wheel drive siluo 厮锣|small gong siluofake 斯洛伐克|Slovakia (officially, since 1993, the... siluofakeyu 斯洛伐克语|Slovak (language) siluoweiniya 斯洛维尼亚|Slovenia (Tw) siluowenniya 斯洛文尼亚|Slovenia siluowenniyagongheguo 斯洛文尼亚共和国|Republic of Slovenia siluowenniyayu 斯洛文尼亚语|Slovenian (language) siluyitiao 死路一条|(idiom) dead end/road to ruin silv 思虑|to think sth through/to consider care... silv 丝缕|silk thread silve 私掠|to privateer silvhuatan 四氯化碳|carbon tetrachloride silvyixi 四氯乙烯|tetrachloroethylene sima 司马|Minister of War (official title in pr... simachengzhen 司马承帧|Sima Chengzhen (655-735), Daoist prie... simadanghuomayi 死马当活马医|lit. to give medicine to a dead horse... simafa 司马法|“Methods of Sima”, also called “Sima ... simaguang 司马光|Sima Guang (1019-1086), politician an... simai 私卖|to sell illicitly/to bootleg/to sell ... simaliaotailang 司马辽太郎|SHIBA Ryotarō (1923-1996), Japanese a... simao 思茅|Simao city in Yunnan, renamed Pu\'er c... simaoqu 思茅区|Simao district of Pu\'er city 普洱市[Pu3 ... simaoshi 思茅市|Simao city in Yunnan, renamed Pu\'er c... simaqian 司马迁|Sima Qian (145-86 BC), Han Dynasty hi... simarangju 司马穰苴|Sima Rangju (c. 800 BC, dates of birt... simatan 司马谈|Sima Tan (-110 BC), Han dynasty schol... simayan 司马炎|Sima Yan (236-290), founder and first... simayi 司马懿|Sima Yi (179-251), warlord under Cao ... simazhao 司马昭|Sima Zhao (211-265), military general... simazhaozhixinlurenjiezhi 司马昭之心路人皆知|lit. Sima Zhao\'s intentions are obvio... simenjiaoche 四门轿车|sedan (motor car) simi 私密|private/secret/intimate simi 丝米|decimillimeter; 0.0001 meters simi 斯密|Smith (name)/also rendered as 史密斯 simi 私秘|variant of 私密[si1mi4] simian 四面|all sides simian 丝绵|silk floss/down simian 死面|unleavened dough simian-bafang 四面八方|(idiom) all directions; all around simianchuge 四面楚歌|lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu (... simianti 四面体|tetrahedron simiao 寺庙|temple/monastery/shrine simida 思密达|(slang) (used at the end of a sentenc... simin 四民|\"the four classes\" of ancient China, ... siming 死命|doom/death/desperately siming 嘶鸣|to whinny (of a horse)/to neigh siming 思明|Siming, a district of Xiamen 廈門市|厦门市[... simingqu 思明区|Siming, a district of Xiamen 廈門市|厦门市[... simiyuese 斯密约瑟|Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844), founde... simolengsike 斯摩棱斯克|Smolensk (Russian city) simou 思谋|to consider/to turn over in one\'s mind simu 思慕|to cherish the memory of sb/to think ... simu 私募|private placement (investing) simujijin 私募基金|private equity fund/fund offered to p... simuxiangdui 四目相对|(of two people) to look into each oth... simuxiangqu 四目相觑|see 四目相對|四目相对[si4mu4 xiang1dui4] simuxiangshi 四目相视|see 四目相對|四目相对[si4mu4 xiang1dui4] sinan 思南|Sinan, a county in Tongren 銅仁市|铜仁市[To... sinan 死难|to die in an accident/to die for a ju... sinan 司南|ancient Chinese compass sinang 私囊|one\'s own pocket sinang 丝囊|spinneret sinanxian 思南县|Sinan, a county in Tongren 銅仁市|铜仁市[To... sinanzhe 死难者|victim of an accident/casualty/martyr... sinian 思念|to think of/to long for/to miss siniang 私酿|to brew alcoholic drinks illegally sinuo 斯诺|Snow (name)/Edgar Snow (1905-1972), A... sinuodeng 斯诺登|Edward Snowden (1983-), American surv... sinuoke 斯诺克|snooker (loanword) sinve 肆虐|to wreak havoc; to devastate sipanchong 丝盘虫|Trichoplax adhaerens (biology) sipang 四旁|nearby regions sipasiji 斯帕斯基|Spassky (name) sipeiertexiaomai 斯佩耳特小麦|spelt (Triticum spelta) (loanword) sipeilin 斯佩林|Spelling (e.g. Spelling Entertainment... sipeiluo 斯佩罗|Spero (surname) sipi 死皮|dead skin sipian 私偏|selfish preference sipiao 撕票|lit. to tear the ticket/to kill a hos... sipierboge 斯皮尔伯格|Steven Spielberg (1946-), US film dir... sipilailian 死皮赖脸|brazen faced (idiom); shameless siping 四平|see 四平市[Si4ping2 Shi4] sipingbawen 四平八稳|everything steady and stable (idiom);... sipingshi 四平市|Siping, prefecture-level city in Jili... sipo 撕破|to tear/to rip sipolian 撕破脸|to have an acrimonious falling-out/to... sipolianpi 撕破脸皮|see 撕破臉|撕破脸[si1 po4 lian3] sipulateliqundao 斯普拉特利群岛|Spratly Islands, disputed between Chi... sipulinfeierde 斯普林菲尔德|Springfield sipulite 斯普利特|Split (city in Croatia) siputenike 斯普特尼克|Sputnik, Soviet artificial Earth sate... siqi 私企|private enterprise/abbr. of 私營企業|私营企业... siqi 死期|time of death/limited to a fixed peri... siqi 死棋|dead piece (in Chess)/stupid move/hop... siqi 四起|to spring up everywhere/from all around siqiang 四强|the top four siqiangsai 四强赛|semifinals siqianxianghou 思前想后|to consider past cause and future eff... siqiaoqiao 死翘翘|to die/to drop dead siqibailai 死乞白赖|to pester someone again and again siqibailai 死气白赖|variant of 死乞白賴|死乞白赖[si3 qi5 bai2 lai4] siqichenchen 死气沉沉|dead atmosphere/lifeless/spiritless siqin 思亲|to remember one\'s parents/to feel hom... siqing 四清|the Four Cleanups Movement (1963-66)/... siqing 私情|personal considerations/love affair siqing 思情|to miss/to long for siqingdamafen 四氢大麻酚|Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC siqingyundong 四清运动|the Four Cleanups Movement (1963-66),... siqiu 死囚|prisoner that awaits execution/convic... siqiu 死球|(ball sports) dead ball siqu 死去|to die siqu 死区|dead zone/blind spot siquche 四驱车|four-by-four (vehicle)/4x4 siquhuolai 死去活来|to hover between life and death (idio... siren 死人|dead person/(coll.) to die; (of a dea... siren 私人|private/personal/interpersonal/sb wit... sirenbang 四人帮|Gang of Four: Jiang Qing 江青[Jiang1 Qi... sirenbuguan 死人不管|(coll.) to wash one\'s hands of a matter sirenfuwuqi 私人服务器|(gaming) server emulator; private server sirenyaoshi 私人钥匙|private key (in encryption) sirishi 四日市|Yokkaichi, city in Mie Prefecture, Japan sirishishi 四日市市|Yokkaichi, city in Mie Prefecture, Japan sirong 丝绒|velvet sisan 四散|to disperse/to scatter in all directions sisanbentao 四散奔逃|to scatter in all directions sisha 厮杀|to fight at close quarters; to fight ... sishang 死伤|casualties/dead and injured sishangzhe 死伤者|casualty (of an accident)/dead and wo... sishe 四射|to radiate all around sishe 巳蛇|Year 6, year of the Snake (e.g. 2001) sishen 祀神|to offer sacrifices to the gods sishen 死神|mythological figure (such as the Grim... sisheng 死生|life or death/critical (event) sisheng 四声|the four tones of Middle Chinese: lev... sishengdi 四圣谛|the Four Noble Truths (Buddhism)/see ... sishengdujuan 四声杜鹃|(bird species of China) Indian cuckoo... sishenghuo 私生活|private life sishengzi 私生子|illegitimate child (male)/bastard/lov... sishengzinv 私生子女|illegitimate child/bastard/love child sishewuru 四舍五入|(math.) to round up or down/to round off sishi 四十|forty/40 sishi 私事|personal matters sishi 死尸|corpse; dead body sishi 巳时|9-11 am (in the system of two-hour su... sishi 死士|person willing to sacrifice his life ... sishi 四时|the four seasons, namely: spring 春[ch... sishierfei 似是而非|apparently right but actually wrong; ... sishierzhangjing 四十二章经|The Sutra in Forty-two Sections Spoke... sishitida 斯事体大|see 茲事體大|兹事体大[zi1 shi4 ti3 da4] sishitongtang 四世同堂|Four Generations Under One Roof, nove... sishitongtang 四世同堂|four generations under one roof (idiom) sishou 死守|to defend one\'s property to the death... sishou 厮守|to stay together; to rely on one another sishou 私售|see 私賣|私卖[si1 mai4] sishourenyuan 司售人员|bus crew/driver and conductor sishu 私塾|private school (in former times) sishu 四书|Four Books, namely: the Great Learnin... sishu 厮熟|familiar with one another sishui 泗水|Si River in Shandong sishui 泗水|Sishui County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 nin... sishui 死水|stagnant water/backwater sishuinianhua 似水年华|fleeting years (idiom) sishuixian 泗水县|Sishui County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 nin... sisi 死死|rigid/unwavering/unbendable/firm (hol... sisi 偲偲|(literary) to learn from and encourag... sisisheng 嘶嘶声|hissing or sizzling sound sisisheng 咝咝声|hissing sound (onom.) sisixiaoyu 丝丝小雨|fine drizzle sisui 撕碎|to tear to shreds sisui 嗣岁|the following year/next year sisuo 思索|to think deeply/to ponder sisuo 死锁|deadlock (computing) sitaienxieer 斯泰恩谢尔|Steinkjær (city in Trøndelag, Norway) sitaipusi 斯台普斯|Staples (Center), sports arena in Los... sitaixi 斯泰西|Stacy (name) sitanbeike 斯坦贝克|John Steinbeck (1902-1968), US novelist sitandun 斯坦顿|Stanton (name) sitanfo 斯坦佛|Stanford (name)/Stanford University, ... sitanfodaxue 斯坦佛大学|Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif... sitanfu 斯坦福|Stanford (University) sitanfudaxue 斯坦福大学|Stanford University sitanfulaifoshi 斯坦福·莱佛士|Stamford Raffles (1781-1826), British... sitangda 司汤达|Stendhal sitanli 斯坦利|Stanley (name) sitantang 四碳糖|tetrose (CH2O)4, monosaccharide with ... sitanyin 斯坦因|Stein (name)/Marc Aurel Stein (1862-1... sitao 丝绦|silk waistband sitaote 司陶特|(Tw) (loanword) stout (beer) sitaxi 斯塔西|Stacy (name) siteen 斯特恩|Stern (name) sitefannuopuluosi 斯特凡诺普洛斯|Stephanopoulos (e.g. former Clinton a... sitelasibao 斯特拉斯堡|Strasbourg sitelatefu 斯特拉特福|Stratford (place name)/Stratford-upon... sitengshui 死藤水|ayahuasca siti 四体|one\'s four limbs/two arms and two legs sitiantai 司天台|Observatory or Bureau of Astronomy (o... sitiao 四条|four of a kind/quads (poker) sitibuqin,wugubufen 四体不勤,五谷不分|never move your four limbs, can\'t dis... sitong 私通|to have secret ties with/to be in cov... sitongbada 四通八达|roads open in all directions (idiom);... sitonghengzhishilan 斯通亨治石栏|Stonehenge stone circle sitouji 四头肌|quadriceps muscle group/thigh muscles situ 司徒|two-character surname Situ situ 司徒|minister of land and people (in ancie... situjiate 斯图加特|Stuttgart, city in southwest Germany ... situleideng 司徒雷登|John Leighton Stuart (1876-1962), sec... situn 私吞|to misappropriate (public funds etc)/... situokenlishiquan 斯托肯立石圈|Stonehenge stone circle situona 斯托纳|Stoner (surname) siwa 丝袜|stockings/pantyhose siwaerbaheyangmayan 斯瓦尔巴和扬马延|Svalbard and Jan Mayen siwang 死亡|to die/death siwang 丝网|silk screen/screen (printing) siwangbiji 死亡笔记|Death note (Japanese: デスノート), transla... siwanglv 死亡率|mortality rate siwangrenshu 死亡人数|number of people killed/death toll siwangu 死顽固|very stubborn/very stubborn person/di... siwate 斯瓦特|Swat province in Pakistani Northwest ... siwategudi 斯瓦特谷地|Swat valley in Pakistani Northwest Fr... siwaxili 斯瓦希里|Swahili siwaxiliyu 斯瓦希里语|Swahili (language)/Kiswahili siwei 思维|(line of) thought/thinking siwei 四维|the four social bonds: propriety, jus... siwei 思惟|variant of 思維|思维[si1 wei2] siwei 嗣位|to succeed to a title/to inherit siwei 四围|all around/on all sides/encircled siweidaotu 思维导图|mind map siweiditu 思维地图|mind map siweierdeluofu 斯维尔德洛夫|Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov (1885-191... siweikongjian 四维空间|four-dimensional space (math.) siweiminjie 思维敏捷|quick-witted/agile of mind siweishilan 斯威士兰|Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) siwen 斯文|refined/educate/cultured/intellectual... siwenhaiding 斯文·海定|Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedis... siwenheding 斯文·赫定|Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedis... siwenming 姒文命|Si Wenming, personal name of Yu the G... siwenzi 死文字|dead language/indecipherable script siwoqi 斯沃琪|Swatch (Swiss brand) siwu 祀物|sacrificial objects siwuduizheng 死无对证|the dead cannot testify (idiom); dead... siwujidan 肆无忌惮|absolutely unrestrained/unbridled/wit... siwutang 四物汤|four-substance decoction (si wu tang)... siwuzangshenzhidi 死无葬身之地|to die without a burial site/to die a... sixi 伺隙|to wait for the opportunity sixia 私下|in private sixia 四下|everywhere sixiali 四下里|all around sixian 泗县|Si County or Sixian, a county in Suzh... sixian 丝线|silk thread (for sewing); silk yarn (... sixian 丝腺|silk gland sixian 死线|deadline (loanword) sixiang 思想|thought/thinking/idea/ideology/CL:個|个... sixiang 四象|four divisions (of the twenty-eight c... sixiang 思乡|to be homesick sixiang 死巷|blind alley; dead end sixiang 嗣响|lit. a following echo/fig. to continu... sixiangbaofu 思想包袱|sth weighing on one\'s mind sixiangbing 思乡病|homesickness sixiangjia 思想家|thinker sixiangjiaoliu 思想交流|exchange of ideas sixiangjibenyuanze 四项基本原则|the Four Cardinal Principles enunciat... sixiangku 思想库|think tank sixiangshi 思想史|intellectual history sixiangtixi 思想体系|system of thought/ideology sixiangwandun 思想顽钝|blunt thinking/apathy sixiangyishi 思想意识|consciousness sixianqiang 四县腔|Sixian dialect of Hakka Chinese sixianyuan 司线员|line judge (tennis etc) sixiaofeixiao 似笑非笑|like a smile yet not a smile (idiom) sixiaolong 四小龙|Four Asian Tigers/East Asian Tigers/F... sixin 私信|private correspondence; personal lett... sixin 私心|selfishness/selfish motives sixin 死心|to give up/to admit failure/to drop t... sixin 死信|lost letter/letter containing news of... sixing 死刑|death penalty; capital punishment sixing 肆行|to act recklessly sixing 私行|to travel on private business/to act ... sixinghuanqizhixing 死刑缓期执行|deferred death sentence/abbr. to 死緩|死... sixintadi 死心塌地|to be hell-bent on; dead set on sth; ... sixintadi 死心踏地|see 死心塌地[si3 xin1 ta1 di4] sixinyanr 死心眼儿|stubborn/obstinate/having a one-track... sixu 思绪|train of thought/emotional state/mood... sixue 死穴|lethal point (acupuncture)/vulnerable... sixue 似雪|snowy sixun 死讯|news of sb\'s death sixun 私讯|(Tw) private message/to send a privat... sixunjie 四旬节|First Sunday of Lent sixunzhai 四旬斋|Lent (Christian period of forty days ... siya 嘶哑|(onom.) coarse crowing/hoarse/husky siyan 私盐|illegally-traded salt (with salt tax ... siyang 泗阳|Siyang County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qia... siyang 饲养|to raise/to rear siyangbacha 四仰八叉|sprawled out on one\'s back (idiom) siyangchang 饲养场|farm/feed lot/dry lot siyangxian 泗阳县|Siyang County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qia... siyangye 饲养业|stock farming/animal husbandry siyangyuan 饲养员|zookeeper/stockman/breeder (of livest... siyangzhe 饲养者|feeder siyantianji 四眼田鸡|four-eyes (facetious term for a perso... siyao 司药|pharmacist siyao 撕咬|to tear at (with the teeth, like one ... siyao 私钥|(cryptography) private key siyaomianzi 死要面子|to regard face as all-important/to co... siyaomianzihuoshouzui 死要面子活受罪|to go through hell for the sake of ke... siyasheng 嘶哑声|hoarse siyecao 四叶草|four-leaf clover siyi 肆意|wantonly/recklessly/willfully siyi 司仪|master of ceremonies (MC) siyi 思议|to imagine/to comprehend siyi 四溢|(of a perfume or a foul odor) permeat... siyier 四一二|12th April/refers to Chiang Kai-shek\'... siyiercanan 四一二惨案|the massacre of 12th Mar 1927/the Sha... siyierfangemingzhengbian 四一二反革命政变|counterrevolutionary coup of 12th Apr... siyiershibian 四一二事变|the coup of 12th Mar 1927, an attempt... siyin 死因|cause of death siyin 私隐|(HK) privacy siyinbuming 死因不明|unknown cause of death siying 私营|privately-owned/private siying 死硬|stiff/rigid/obstinate siyingqiye 私营企业|private business/opposite: state-owne... siyiwangwei 肆意妄为|see 恣意妄為|恣意妄为[zi4 yi4 wang4 wei2] siyou 私有|private/privately-owned siyouhua 私有化|privatization/to privatize siyouyugu 死有余辜|(idiom) to be so evil that even death... siyouzhi 私有制|private ownership of property siyu 私语|to discuss in whispered tones/whisper... siyu 私欲|selfish desire siyu 饲育|to rear (an animal) siyu 丝雨|drizzle/fine rain siyuan 寺院|cloister/temple/monastery/CL:座[zuo4] siyuanle 死于安乐|see 生於憂患,死於安樂|生于忧患,死于安乐[sheng1 yu2 yo... siyuanshu 四元数|quaternion (math.) siyue 四月|April/fourth month (of the lunar year) siyuefen 四月份|April siyufeiming 死于非命|violent death (idiom); to die in a di... siyun 私运|to smuggle sizeyunsuan 四则运算|the four basic operations of arithmet... sizhai 死宅|die-hard otaku (sb who hardly ever em... sizhan 死战|fight to the death/desperate struggle sizhang 司长|bureau chief sizhang 死仗|to fight bitterly/hard struggle sizhang 死账|dormant bank account sizhe 死者|the dead/the deceased sizhen 四诊|(TCM) the four methods of diagnosis, ... sizheng 死症|incurable disease/terminal illness sizhi 四肢|the four limbs of the body sizhipin 丝织品|item made from woven silk or rayon sizhiwu 丝织物|woven silk fabric sizhixintong 思之心痛|a thought that causes heartache (idiom) sizhizhichengshi 四肢支撑式|low plank (yoga pose) sizhong 死忠|die-hard (fan etc) sizhongqiusheng 死中求生|to seek life in death (idiom); to fig... sizhou 四周|all around sizhu 丝竹|traditional Chinese musical instrumen... sizhuang 丝状|thread-like sizhuangbingdu 丝状病毒|filovirus sizhuangwu 丝状物|filament sizhubupakaishuitang 死猪不怕开水烫|lit. a dead pig doesn\'t fear scalding... sizi 私自|private; personal/secretly; without e... sizi 嗣子|heir/adopted son siziwang 四子王|Siziwang banner or Dörvön-xüüxed khos... siziwangqi 四子王旗|Siziwang banner or Dörvön-xüüxed khos... sizu 丝足|feet and legs in silk stockings (espe... sizui 死罪|capital offense; crime punishable by ... song 送|to send; to deliver; to transmit/to g... song 颂|ode/eulogy/to praise in writing/to wi... song 松|surname Song song 松|pine/CL:棵[ke1] song 松|loose/to loosen/to relax/floss (dry, ... song 宋|surname Song/the Song dynasty (960-12... song 嵩|Mt Song in Henan song 嵩|(literary) (of mountains) lofty song 悚|frightened song 崧|variant of 嵩[song1] song 竦|respectful/horrified/to raise (one\'s ... song 怂|variant of 㞞|𪨊[song2] song 怂|used in 慫恿|怂恿[song3yong3]/(literary) ... song 耸|to excite/to raise up/to shrug/high/l... song 菘|(cabbage)/Brassica chinensis song 凇|icicle song 忪|used in 惺忪[xing1song1] song 愯|old variant of 悚[song3] song 讼|litigation song 淞|name of a river in Jiangsu Province song 淞|variant of 凇[song1] song 㧐|(literary) to stand upright/(dialect)... song 濍|(onom.) sound of water song 梥|old variant of 松[song1] song 蜙|used in 蜙蝑[song1xu1] song 娀|name of an ancient state song 㮸|variant of 送[song4] song 𪨊|(coll.) semen/(coll.) weak and incomp... song 吅|variant of 訟|讼[song4] song 诵|to read aloud/to recite song 𩠌|dish of food, usu. to be eaten with r... songan 讼案|lawsuit songbai 松柏|pine and cypress/fig. chaste and unde... songbai 宋白|Song Bai (936-1012), Northern Song li... songbang 松绑|to untie/(fig.) to ease restrictions songbawa 松巴哇|Sumbawa, Indonesian island east of Java songbawadao 松巴哇岛|Sumbawa, Indonesian island east of Java songbei 松北|Songbei district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha... songbeiqu 松北区|Songbei district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha... songben 松本|Matsumoto (Japanese surname and place... songbie 送别|to farewell songbin 送殡|to attend a funeral/to take part in a... songbing 松饼|muffin/pancake/(Tw) waffle songcan 送餐|home delivery of meal songchao 宋朝|Song Dynasty (960-1279)/also Song of ... songchi 松弛|to relax/relaxed/limp/lax songchifa 松弛法|relaxation (alternative medicine) songchuyu 宋楚瑜|James Soong (1942-), Taiwanese politi... songci 颂词|commendation speech/eulogy/ode songci 颂辞|variant of 頌詞|颂词[song4 ci2] songci 宋慈|Song Ci (1186-1249), author of \"Colle... songda 送达|to deliver/to serve notice (law) songdai 宋代|Song dynasty (960-1279) songdao 松岛|Matsushima (name)/Matsushima town and... songdong 松动|loose/slack/(fig.) to soften (policie... songdong 耸动|to shake (a part of one\'s body)/to sh... songdu 诵读|to read aloud songdukunnanzheng 诵读困难症|dyslexia songfan 送返|to send back songfan 松泛|relaxed songfu 送服|to wash the medicine down songganjie 宋干节|Songkran (Thai New Year festival) songgao 松糕|sponge cake songgaoxie 松糕鞋|platform shoes songge 颂歌|carol songgei 送给|to send/to give as a present songgu 送股|a share grant songguo 松果|pine cone/strobile/strobilus songguoti 松果体|pineal body songguotisu 松果体素|(biochemistry) melatonin songguoxian 松果腺|pineal body songhexialing 松鹤遐龄|longevity songhuadan 松花蛋|century egg; preserved egg songhuajiang 松花江|Songhua River in Jilin province 吉林省 t... songhuan 送还|to return/to give back/to send back/t... songhuan 松缓|to loosen songhuashi 松化石|turquoise (gemstone)/also written 松石 songhuizong 宋徽宗|Emperor Huizong (Song Dynasty) songhuo 送货|to deliver goods songhuodaojia 送货到家|home delivery songji 松鸡|grouse songjian 耸肩|to shrug one\'s shoulders songjiang 松江|Songjiang suburban district of Shanghai songjiang 宋江|Song Jiang, a principal hero of the n... songjiangqu 松江区|Songjiang suburban district of Shanghai songjiao 送交|to hand over/to deliver songjiaoren 宋教仁|Song Jiaoren (1882-1913), politician ... songjieyou 松节油|turpentine songjindai 松紧带|(a length of) elastic songjing 诵经|to chant the sutras songjing 松井|Matsui (Japanese surname) songjiuyingxin 送旧迎新|usher out the old, greet the new/esp.... songjun 松菌|matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), edi... songkai 松开|to release/to let go/to loosen/to unt... songke 送客|to see a visitor out songke 松科|pinaceae songkou 松口|to let go of sth held in one\'s mouth/... songkoumo 松口蘑|matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), edi... songkua 松垮|undisciplined/loose/slack songkuai 松快|less crowded/relieved/relaxed/to relax songlan 菘蓝|Isatis tinctoria (woad, a brassica pr... songli 送礼|to give a present songli 耸立|to stand tall/to tower aloft songlian 宋濂|Song Lian (1310-1381), Ming dynasty w... songliaopingyuan 松辽平原|Songliao Plain of northeast China inc... songlihui 送礼会|shower (for bride, baby etc) songling 松岭|Songling district of Daxing\'anling pr... songlingqu 松岭区|Songling district of Daxing\'anling pr... songlu 松露|truffle songluzhu 松露猪|truffle hog songmeiling 宋美龄|Soong Mei-ling (1898-2003), Chiang Ka... songming 嵩明|Songming county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 mi... songming 送命|to lose one\'s life/to get killed songming 松明|pine torch songmingxian 嵩明县|Songming county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 mi... songmo 松蘑|matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), edi... songmu 松木|pine wood/deal/larch songpan 松潘|Songpan County (Tibetan: zung chu rdz... songpanxian 松潘县|Songpan County (Tibetan: zung chu rdz... songpohu 松坡湖|see 草海[Cao3 hai3] songqi 送气|aspiration (phonetics, explosion of b... songqi 松气|to relax one\'s efforts songqi 宋祁|Song Qi (998-1061), Song dynasty poet... songqingling 宋庆龄|Song Qingling (1893-1981), second wif... songqiu 松球|pine cone songqiubo 送秋波|to cast flirtatious glances at sb (id... songqu 送去|to send to/to deliver to/to give sb a... songque 松雀|(bird species of China) pine grosbeak... songqueying 松雀鹰|(bird species of China) besra (Accipi... songran 悚然|frightened/terrified songran 竦然|variant of 悚然[song3 ran2] songrang 松瓤|pine nut songren 松仁|pine nuts songren 送人|to give away/to accompany/to see sb off songrenqiong 宋任穷|Song Renqiong (1909-2005), general of... songrentingwen 耸人听闻|to sensationalize (idiom); deliberate... songrong 松茸|matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), edi... songruan 松软|flexible/not rigid/spongy/soft or run... songsan 松散|to relax/loose/not consolidated/not r... songshan 松山|Songshan or Sungshan District of Taip... songshan 嵩山|Mt Song in Henan, central mountain of... songshangguidao 送上轨道|to send into orbit songshangtaikong 送上太空|to launch into space songshanqu 松山区|Songshan or Sungshan District of Taip... songshengzaidao 颂声载道|lit. praise fills the roads (idiom); ... songshi 松石|turquoise (gemstone) songshi 宋史|History of the Song Dynasty, twentiet... songshiquan 松狮犬|Chow Chow (dog breed) songshou 松手|to relinquish one\'s grip/to let go songshu 松鼠|squirrel songshu 松树|pine/pine tree/CL:棵[ke1] songshu 宋书|History of Song of the Southern Dynas... songsi 送死|to throw away one\'s life songsidashu 宋四大书|Four great compilations of Northern S... songsijia 宋四家|four famous Song calligraphers, namel... songtaizu 宋太祖|Emperor Taizu of Song, posthumous tit... songtaomiaozuzizhixian 松桃苗族自治县|Songtao Miao Autonomous County, Guizhou songtaoxian 松桃县|Songtao Miao Autonomous County in Ton... songti 宋体|Mincho/Song font songtian 松田|Matsuda (Japanese surname) songtu 松土|to plow (loosen the soil) songtuo 松脱|loose/flaking songwangyinglai 送往迎来|see 迎來送往|迎来送往[ying2 lai2 song4 wang3] songwei 松尾|Matsuo (Japanese surname and place name) songwudi 宋武帝|Emperor Wu of Song (363-422), persona... songxi 松溪|Songxi county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping... songxia 松下|Matsushita (name)/Panasonic (brand), ... songxiadianqi 松下电器|Panasonic Corporation (formerly Matsu... songxiadianqigongye 松下电气工业|Matsushita Electronics Industry songxiagongsi 松下公司|Panasonic Corporation (formerly Matsu... songxian 嵩县|Song county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan songxiang 松香|rosin/pine rosin songxianggong 宋襄公|Duke Xiang of Song (reigned 650-637 B... songxie 松懈|to relax/to relax efforts/to slack of... songxin 送信|to send word/to deliver a letter songxing 送行|to see someone off/to throw someone a... songxixian 松溪县|Songxi county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping... songxu 蜙蝑|katydid songya 松鸦|(bird species of China) Eurasian jay ... songyang 松阳|Songyang county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 s... songyang 颂扬|to eulogize/to praise songyang 送养|to place out for adoption songyangxian 松阳县|Songyang county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 s... songyi 送医|to send or deliver to the hospital songyikouqi 松一口气|to heave a sigh of relief songyong 怂恿|to instigate; to incite; to urge; to ... songyuan 松原|see 松原市[Song1yuan2 Shi4] songyuanshi 松原市|Songyuan, prefecture-level city in Ji... songzan 颂赞|to praise songzang 送葬|to participate in funeral procession/... songzanganbu 松赞干布|Songtsen Gampo or Songzain Gambo (604... songzanganbuling 松赞干布陵|the tomb of Tibetan king Songtsen Gam... songzao 送灶|seeing off the kitchen god 灶神[Zao4 sh... songzhen 松针|pine needle songzhong 送终|to attend upon a dying parent or othe... songzhong 送中|to extradite to mainland China songzi 松滋|Songzi, county-level city in Jingzhou... songzi 松子|pine nut songzishi 松滋市|Songzi, county-level city in Jingzhou... songzou 送走|to see off/to send off songzui 松嘴|see 鬆口|松口[song1 kou3] songzuying 宋祖英|Song Zuying (1966-), Chinese folk mus... sou 搜|to search sou 飕|to blow (as of wind)/sound of wind/sough sou 嗖|(onom.) whooshing/swishing/rustle of ... sou 艘|classifier for ships/Taiwan pr. [sao1] sou 廋|to search/be concealed sou 擞|used in 抖擻|抖擞[dou3sou3] sou 擞|(dialect) to stoke the embers (to rev... sou 嗽|(bound form) to cough sou 馊|rancid/soured (as food) sou 廀|old variant of 廋[sou1] sou 薮|marsh/gathering place sou 捜|Japanese variant of 搜[sou1] sou 嗾|to urge on/incite sou 叟|old gentleman/old man sou 溲|to urinate sou 螋|used in 蠼螋[qu2sou1] sou 瞍|blind sou 蒐|(literary) madder (Rubia cordifolia)/... sou 锼|to engrave (metal of wood) sou 鄋|see 鄋瞞|鄋瞒[Sou1 man2] sou 獀|dog (dial.)/to hunt sou 䉤|basket for draining rice sou 𫍲|to induce soubu 搜捕|to hunt and arrest (fugitives)/to tra... soucha 搜查|to search souchaling 搜查令|search warrant souchangguadu 搜肠刮肚|to search one\'s guts and belly (idiom... souchou 馊臭|reeking/putrid sougou 搜狗|Sogou, Chinese tech company known for... sougua 搜刮|to rake in (money); to plunder; to mi... souhu 搜狐|Sohu, Chinese web portal and online m... souhuo 搜获|to find/to capture (after search)/to ... souhuwang 搜狐网|Sohu, Chinese web portal and online m... souji 搜集|to gather/to collect souji 搜集|variant of 搜集[sou1ji2] soujian 搜检|to search out/to check soujiu 搜救|search and rescue soujiuquan 搜救犬|search and rescue dog soukuo 搜括|see 搜刮[sou1 gua1] souluo 搜罗|to gather/to collect/to bring together souman 鄋瞒|name of a state and its people in Sha... soumao 薮猫|serval (Leptailurus serval) souqiu 搜求|to seek/to look for soushen 搜身|to do a body search/to frisk soushenji 搜神记|In Search of the Supernatural, compil... sousou 飕飕|sound of the wind blowing or rain fal... sousou 嗖嗖|(onom.) whooshing/swishing/rustle of ... sousuo 搜索|to search (a place, a database, onlin... sousuodui 搜索队|search party sousuokuchang 搜索枯肠|to rack one\'s brains (for apt wording... sousuopiao 搜索票|search warrant (Tw) sousuoshu 搜索树|search tree (computing) sousuoyinqing 搜索引擎|search engine souxun 搜寻|to search/to look for souxun 蒐寻|to look for/to search for souxunruanti 搜寻软体|search software souxunyinqing 搜寻引擎|search engine souze 薮泽|lakes and ponds souzheng 搜证|search warrant/to look for evidence souzheng 蒐证|variant of 搜證|搜证[sou1zheng4] souzhuyi 馊主意|rotten idea su 速|fast/rapid/quick/velocity su 素|raw silk/white/plain, unadorned/veget... su 苏|used in 嚕囌|噜苏[lu1su1] su 苏|variant of 蘇|苏[su1]/to revive su 苏|surname Su/abbr. for Soviet Union 蘇維埃... su 苏|Perilla frutescens (Chinese basil or ... su 苏|old variant of 蘇|苏[su1] su 骕|used in 驌驦|骕骦[su4 shuang1] su 诉|variant of 訴|诉[su4] su 诉|to complain/to sue/to tell su 塑|to model (a figure) in clay/(bound fo... su 稣|archaic variant of 蘇|苏[su1]/to revive su 粟|surname Su su 粟|millet/(metonym) grain su 俗|custom/convention/popular/common/coar... su 樕|shrub su 宿|old variant of 宿[su4] su 宿|surname Su su 宿|lodge for the night/old/former su 肃|surname Su su 肃|respectful/solemn/to eliminate/to cle... su 溯|to go upstream/to trace the source su 溯|variant of 溯[su4] su 酥|flaky pastry/crunchy/limp/soft/silky su 簌|dense vegetation/sieve su 愫|guileless/sincere su 膆|(literary) fat/the crop of a bird (va... su 涑|name of a river su 窣|used in 窸窣[xi1su1]/Taiwan pr. [su4] su 嗉|the crop of a bird su 夙|morning/early/long-held/long-cherished su 玊|jade with a blemish/person who cuts a... su 谡|composed/rise/to begin su 橚|tall and straight (of trees) su 鱐|dried fish su 僳|Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan su 蔌|surname Su su 蔌|(literary) vegetables su 鹔|used in 鷫鸘|鹔鹴[su4 shuang1] su 遫|alert/nimble/quick su 觫|used in 觳觫[hu2 su4] su 泝|variant of 溯[su4] su 榡|Quercus dentata su 粛|Japanese variant of 肅|肃 su 樎|manger su 圱|old variant of 俗[su2] su 𫗧|pot of cooked rice suan 酸|sour/tart/sick at heart/grieved/sore/... suan 算|to regard as/to figure/to calculate/t... suan 蒜|garlic/CL:頭|头[tou2],瓣[ban4] suan 筭|to regard as/to figure suan 狻|(mythical animal) suan 篹|ancient bamboo basket for food/varian... suan 匴|bamboo utensil used for washing rice ... suan 祘|variant of 算[suan4], to calculate suan 痠|variant of 酸[suan1]/to ache/to be sore suanbai 酸败|(milk) to turn sour/(meat, fish) to g... suanban 蒜瓣|garlic clove suanbude 算不得|not count as suanbuliao 算不了|does not count for anything/of no acc... suanbuliudiu 酸不溜丢|sour/acrid/(of a person) embittered suanbuliuqiu 酸不溜秋|see 酸不溜丟|酸不溜丢[suan1 bu5 liu1 diu1] suancai 酸菜|pickled vegetables, especially Chines... suancheng 酸橙|lime (fruit) suanchu 酸楚|disconsolate/forlorn/grievance suanchu 算出|to figure out suandou 酸豆|tamarind (Tamarindus indica) tropical... suanerlanv 酸儿辣女|if a woman likes to eat sour during p... suanfa 算法|arithmetic/algorithm/method of calcul... suangen 酸根|negative ion/acid radical suangua 算卦|fortune telling suanhua 算话|(of sb\'s words) to count/can be trusted suanhuanggua 酸黄瓜|pickle; pickled cucumber suanji 算计|to reckon/to calculate/to plan/to exp... suanjiang 酸浆|Chinese lantern plant (Physalis alkek... suanjianzhi 酸碱值|pH (chemistry) suanlajiang 酸辣酱|hot and sour sauce/chutney suanlaoji 算老几|just who do (you) think (you) are? (o... suanlatang 酸辣汤|hot and sour soup/sour and spicy soup suanlatudousi 酸辣土豆丝|hot and sour shredded potato suanle 算了|let it be/let it pass/forget about it suanli 算力|computing power/hash rate (digital cu... suanliuliu 酸溜溜|sour/acid suanmei 酸梅|preserved plum/(esp.) smoked plum; da... suanmei 酸莓|cranberry suanmi 蒜米|minced garlic/peeled garlic clove suanmi 蒜糜|(dialect) garlic paste suanmiao 蒜苗|garlic shoot; garlic sprouts suanmin 酸民|(Tw) (Internet) troll suanming 算命|fortune-telling/to tell fortune suanmingjia 算命家|fortune-teller suanmingxiansheng 算命先生|fortune-teller suanmingzhe 算命者|fortune-teller suanmo 酸模|sorrel (Rumex acetosa) suannagencong 算哪根葱|who do (you) think (you) are?/who doe... suannai 酸奶|yogurt suannaijie 酸奶节|Lhasa Shoton festival or yogurt banqu... suannaiyou 酸奶油|sour cream suanni 蒜泥|thoroughly mashed or minced garlic; g... suannihen 算你狠|you got me!/you win!/you are something! suanpan 算盘|abacus/CL:把[ba3]/plan/scheme suanputao 酸葡萄|sour grapes suanqilai 算起来|to calculate/to estimate/in total/all... suanqu 酸曲|love song suanrong 蒜蓉|thoroughly mashed or minced garlic; g... suanrong 蒜茸|variant of 蒜蓉[suan4rong2] suanrongqian 蒜茸钳|garlic press suanru 酸乳|yogurt suanruan 酸软|aching and weary suanrulao 酸乳酪|yogurt suanse 酸涩|sour/acrid/(fig.) bitter/painful suanshi 算是|considered to be/at last suanshiyan 酸式盐|acid salt suanshu 算术|arithmetic suanshu 算数|to count numbers/to keep to one\'s wor... suanshujishu 算术级数|arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...) suanshupingjun 算术平均|arithmetic mean (math.) suanshupingjunshu 算术平均数|arithmetic mean suanshushi 算术式|(math.) arithmetic expression suansuan 苏氨酸|threonine (Thr), an essential amino acid suansuan 苏胺酸|threonine suantai 蒜薹|garlic shoots (cookery) suantai 蒜苔|variant of 蒜薹[suan4tai2] suanteng 酸疼|(of muscles) to ache/sore suantian 酸甜|sour and sweet suantiankula 酸甜苦辣|sour, sweet, bitter and spicy hot/fig... suantong 酸痛|to ache suantou 蒜头|garlic bulb suanwei 蒜味|garlic odor suanxin 酸辛|misery suanxing 酸性|acidity suanyu 酸雨|acid rain suanzao 酸枣|sour date (Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa) suanzhang 算账|(accounting) to balance the books; to... suanzhun 算准|to calculate precisely/to identify; t... suanzi 算子|operator (math.) suao 苏澳|Suao Township in Yilan County 宜蘭縣|宜兰县... suaozhen 苏澳镇|Suao Township in Yilan County 宜蘭縣|宜兰县... subao 速报|to report quickly; rapid reporting/bu... subaoan 苏报案|Qing\'s 1903 suppression of revolution... subeimengguzuzizhixian 肃北蒙古族自治县|Subei Mongol autonomous county in Jiu... subeixian 肃北县|Subei Mongol autonomous county in Jiu... subi 宿弊|long-standing abuse/continuing fraud subilierhu 苏必利尔湖|Lake Superior, one of the Great Lakes... subukenai 俗不可耐|intolerably vulgar subuqing 苏步青|Su Buqing (1902-2003), Chinese mathem... subuxiangneng 素不相能|unable to get along (idiom) subuxiangshi 素不相识|to be total strangers (idiom) sucai 素材|source material (in literature and art) sucai 素菜|vegetable dish sucai 苏菜|Jiangsu cuisine sucao 宿草|grass that has grown on a grave since... suchang 素常|ordinarily/usually suchang 宿娼|to visit a prostitute sucheng 俗称|commonly referred to as/common term sucheng 速成|crash (course)/accelerated (process)/... sucheng 宿城|Sucheng district of Suqian city 宿遷市|宿... suchengban 速成班|intensive course/crash course suchengqu 宿城区|Sucheng district of Suqian city 宿遷市|宿... suchou 宿仇|feud/vendetta/old foe suchu 宿处|lodging house sucikang 速赐康|(Tw) (coll.) pentazocine (a synthetic... sucui 酥脆|crisp (of food) suda 苏打|(loanword) soda/(loanword) carbonated... sudabinggan 苏打饼干|soda biscuit; soda cracker; saltine sudafen 苏打粉|baking soda sudan 苏丹|Sudan/sultan (ruler of some Muslim st... sudashui 苏打水|soda water; carbonated water sudi 速递|courier sudi 宿敌|old enemy sudi 夙敌|old foe/long-standing enemy sudimanbei 苏迪曼杯|Sudirman Cup (world badminton team co... sudong 速冻|to quick-freeze sudongpo 苏东坡|Su Dongpo, another name for Su Shi 蘇軾... sudu 速度|speed/rate/velocity/(music) tempo/CL:... sudu 速读|speed reading suduhuabing 速度滑冰|speed skating suduji 速度计|speedometer sue 苏俄|Soviet Russia suer 苏尔|Sol (goddess) sufan 肃反|to eliminate counterrevolutionaries (... sufang 苏枋|sappanwood (Caesalpinia sappan) sufangmu 苏枋木|sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan), use... sufanyundong 肃反运动|purge of counterrevolutionaries (esp.... sufei 苏菲|Sophie (name)/Sufi sufeizhuyi 苏非主义|Sufism (Islamic mystic tradition) sufen 宿分|predestined relationship sufeng 塑封|to laminate/laminated/laminate sufubi 苏富比|Sotheby\'s auction house sugang 塑钢|acetal resin/Delrin/unplasticized pol... sugeladi 苏格拉底|Socrates (469-399 BC), Greek philosop... sugelan 苏格兰|Scotland sugelanchang 苏格兰场|Scotland Yard sugelanmao 苏格兰帽|bonnet sugelanmuyangquan 苏格兰牧羊犬|Scotch collie/rough collie sugelannvwangmali 苏格兰女王玛丽|Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-87) sugelanzheermao 苏格兰折耳猫|Scottish Fold sugen 宿根|perennial root (botany) sugong 苏共|Soviet Communist Party/abbr. for 蘇聯共產... suhang 苏杭|Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1] and Hangzhou ... suhatuo 苏哈托|Suharto (1921-2008), former Indonesia... suhen 宿恨|old hatred suhexiang 苏合香|snowdrop bush (Styrax officinalis)/gu... suhua 俗话|common saying/proverb suhuagonglu 苏花公路|Suhua Highway, coastal road in northe... suhuaji 塑化剂|plasticizer suhuashuo 俗话说|as the proverb says/as they say... sui 随|surname Sui sui 随|to follow/to comply with/varying acco... sui 碎|(transitive or intransitive) to break... sui 岁|variant of 歲|岁[sui4], year/years old sui 岁|classifier for years (of age)/year/ye... sui 虽|although/even though sui 濉|name of a river sui 雟|sparrow/revolve/place name sui 髄|variant of 髓[sui3] sui 髓|(bound form) bone marrow; (fig.) inne... sui 譢|old variant of 誶|谇[sui4] sui 繐|fine and loose cloth/tassel sui 穗|abbr. for Guangzhou 廣州|广州[Guang3 zhou1] sui 穗|ear of grain/fringe/tassel sui 睢|surname Sui sui 睢|to stare sui 燧|(bound form) material or tool used to... sui 祟|evil spirit sui 遂|used in 半身不遂[ban4 shen1 bu4 sui2]/Tai... sui 遂|to satisfy/to succeed/then/thereupon/... sui 隧|tunnel/underground passage sui 隋|the Sui dynasty (581-617 AD)/surname Sui sui 穂|Japanese variant of 穗[sui4] sui 尿|(coll.) urine sui 邃|deep/distant/mysterious sui 绥|to pacify/Taiwan pr. [sui1] sui 眭|surname Sui sui 眭|to have a deep or piercing gaze sui 夊|see 夂[zhi3] sui 穟|ear of grain sui 歳|Japanese variant of 歲|岁 sui 浽|see 浽溦[sui1 wei1] sui 荽|coriander sui 砕|variant of 碎[sui4] sui 璲|pendant girdle-ornaments sui 芕|a kind of medicinal herb sui 谇|abuse sui 瀡|slippery sui 陏|old variant of 隨|随[Sui2] sui 賥|money and property sui 檖|(tree) sui 襚|grave-clothes sui 睟|bright eye/clear sui 䯝|variant of 髓[sui3] sui 㒸|old variant of 遂[sui4] sui 䍁|tassel sui 𬭼|(literary) brass mirror used to light... suibaiyourong 虽败犹荣|honorable even in defeat (idiom) suiban 随伴|to accompany suibi 随笔|essay suibian 随便|as one wishes/as one pleases/at rando... suibin 绥滨|Suibin county in Hegang 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gan... suibingchuan 碎冰船|ice breaker/same as 冰船[bing1 chuan2] suibinxian 绥滨县|Suibin county in Hegang 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gan... suibo 随波|to drift with the waves suiboxunliu 随波逊流|to drift with the waves and yield to ... suibozhuliu 随波逐流|to drift with the waves and go with t... suibu 碎步|small quick steps suibutiao 碎布条|shred suibuwoyu 岁不我与|Time and tide wait for no man (idiom) suicha 岁差|(astronomy) precession suichajiyong 随插即用|plug and play (computing) suichang 遂昌|Suichang county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 s... suichangxian 遂昌县|Suichang county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 s... suichao 隋朝|Sui dynasty (581-617) suichi-dandao 虽迟但到|(slang) slow to arrive but eventually... suichu 随处|everywhere/anywhere suichu 岁出|annual expenditure suichuan 遂川|Suichuan county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi suichuanxian 遂川县|Suichuan county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi suichukejian 随处可见|can be seen everywhere suicong 随从|to accompany/to follow/to attend/ento... suicui 碎催|lackey suidai 随带|to carry along/portable suidai 隋代|Sui dynasty (581-617) suidaliu 随大流|to follow the crowd/going with the tide suidaliu 随大溜|to follow the crowd/going with the tide suidao 隧道|tunnel suide 绥德|Suide County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], S... suidexian 绥德县|Suide County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], S... suidi 随地|according to the location/everywhere/... suidiao 碎掉|to drop and smash/broken suidong 隧洞|tunnel suifang 随访|to accompany/(of a doctor etc) to do ... suifaqiang 燧发枪|flintlock suifeng 岁俸|annual salary suifeng 随风|wind-borne/tossed about by the wind suifengdao 随风倒|to bend with the wind suifengdaoduo 随风倒舵|to trim one\'s sails with the wind/to ... suifengdaoliu 随风倒柳|lit. a willow that bends with the win... suifenhe 绥芬河|Suifenhe River/Suifenhe, county-level... suifenheshi 绥芬河市|Suifenhe, county-level city in Mudanj... suigan 随感|random thoughts/impressions suigu 邃古|remote antiquity suiguoyanghuawumei 髓过氧化物酶|myeloperoxidase (aka MPO) (molecular ... suihangjiushi 随行就市|(of a price) to fluctuate according t... suihe 随和|amiable/easygoing suihou 随后|soon after suihu 邃户|forbidding entrance to a large, quiet... suihua 绥化|see 綏化市|绥化市[Sui2hua4 Shi4] suihuashi 绥化市|Suihua, prefecture-level city in Heil... suiji 随机|according to the situation/pragmatic/... suiji 随即|immediately/presently/following which suiji 岁计|annual budget suiji 穗䳭|(bird species of China) northern whea... suijiang 绥江|Suijiang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 ... suijiangxian 绥江县|Suijiang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 ... suijiaosuidao 随叫随到|to be available at any time/to be on ... suijibianshu 随机变数|(math.) random variable suijicunqu 随机存取|random access (memory) suijicunqucunchuqi 随机存取存储器|random access memory (RAM) suijicunqujiyiti 随机存取记忆体|random access memory (RAM) suijie 髓结|pith knot (in timber) suijing 绥靖|to pacify/to appease/appeasement suijing 岁静|(neologism) (slang) person who likes ... suijingzhuyi 绥靖主义|appeasement suijishijian 随机时间|random period of time/random interval suijishu 随机数|random number suijiu 睢鸠|plover (Charadrius morinellus)/dotterell suijixiaoying 随机效应|stochastic effect suijixing 随机性|randomness/stochasticity suijiyingbian 随机应变|to change according to the situation ... suijiyuchu 岁计余绌|annual budgetary surplus or deficit (... suikou 随口|(speak) without thinking the matter t... suikouhuzhou 随口胡诌|to talk random nonsense (idiom); to s... suikuai 碎块|fragment suikuair 碎块儿|erhua variant of 碎塊|碎块[sui4 kuai4] suilan 岁阑|late season of a year suileng 绥棱|Suileng county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilo... suilengxian 绥棱县|Suileng county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilo... suilie 碎裂|to disintegrate/to shatter into small... suimi 邃密|deep/profound/abstruse and full (of t... suimo 岁末|end of the year suimo 碎末|flecks/particles/bits/fine powder suimo 隋末|last years of the Sui dynasty/early 7... suimu 岁暮|end of the year suinao 髓脑|brains/gray matter suini 随你|as you wish suinian 碎念|see 碎碎念[sui4 sui4 nian4] suining 遂宁|see 遂寧市|遂宁市[Sui4ning2 Shi4] suining 睢宁|Suining county in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1... suining 绥宁|Suining county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao... suiningshi 遂宁市|Suining, prefecture-level city in Sic... suiningxian 睢宁县|Suining county in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1... suiningxian 绥宁县|Suining county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao... suipao 尿泡|(dialect) bladder suipao 尿脬|bladder suipian 碎片|chip; fragment; splinter; tatter suipianzhengli 碎片整理|defragmentation (computing) suiping 遂平|Suiping county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Z... suipingxian 遂平县|Suiping county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Z... suiqiao 髓鞘|myelin sheath (membrane surrounding a... suiran 虽然|although; even though (often used cor... suiren 燧人|Suiren, legendary inventor of fire suirenshi 燧人氏|Suirenshi, legendary inventor of fire suirou 碎肉|ground meat; mincemeat suiru 岁入|annual revenue/annual income suishen 随身|to (carry) on one\'s person/to (take) ... suishendaoju 随身道具|(theater) personal prop (spectacles, ... suishendie 随身碟|(Tw) USB flash drive; thumb drive suishengfuhe 随声附和|to parrot other people\'s words (idiom... suishenting 随身听|Walkman (trademark)/portable stereo suishi 随时|at any time; at all times/at the righ... suishi 碎尸|dismembered body suishi 碎石|gravel; crushed rock; rock debris suishi 燧石|flint suishi 岁时|season/time of the year suishi 虽是|although/even though/even if suishi 穗饰|tassel suishi-wanduan 碎尸万段|(idiom) to cut up sb\'s body into thou... suishidaiming 随时待命|on call/always available/ready at all... suishisuidi 随时随地|anytime and anywhere suishou 随手|conveniently/without extra trouble/wh... suishou 岁首|start of the year suishu 岁数|age (number of years old) suishu 隋书|History of the Sui Dynasty, thirteent... suishun 随顺|to follow/to go along with suishuo 虽说|though/although suisiyourong 虽死犹荣|lit. although dead, also honored; die... suisiyousheng 虽死犹生|lit. although dead, as if still alive... suisu 随俗|according to custom/to do as local cu... suisuinian 碎碎念|to sound like a broken record/to prat... suisuipingan 岁岁平安|May you have peace year after year (N... suitang 隋唐|Sui (581-617) and Tang dynasties (618... suitangceyan 随堂测验|quiz (student assessment) suitangyanyi 隋唐演义|Dramatized History of Sui and Tang, n... suitong 随同|accompanying suiwei 浽溦|drizzle/fine rain suiwendi 隋文帝|Wendi (541-604), posthumous name of t... suixi 遂溪|Suixi county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 ji... suixi 濉溪|Suixi, a county in Huaibei 淮北[Huai2be... suixi 随喜|(Buddhism) to be moved at the sight o... suixian 睢县|Sui county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1... suixian 随县|Sui county in Suizhou 隨州|随州[Sui2 zhou... suixiang 随想|random thoughts/(in book titles etc) ... suixiangqu 随想曲|(music) capriccio suixie 碎屑|fragments/particles suixiechenjiwu 碎屑沉积物|clastic sediment suixieyan 碎屑岩|clastic rock (geology) suixin 随心|to fulfill one\'s desire/to find sth s... suixin 遂心|to one\'s liking suixin 随信|attached with the letter suixinfushang 随信附上|enclosed with (this) letter suixing 随行|to accompany suixing 随性|casual/laid-back/doing as one pleases suixing 碎形|fractal (math.) suixingrenyuan 随行人员|entourage/retinue suixinliedan 碎心裂胆|in mortal fear (idiom) suixinruyi 遂心如意|totally satisfying suixinsuoyu 随心所欲|(idiom) to follow one\'s heart\'s desir... suixiu 岁修|annual repairs and maintenance suixixian 濉溪县|Suixi, a county in Huaibei 淮北[Huai2be... suixixian 遂溪县|Suixi county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 ji... suixu 岁序|succession of seasons suiyang 睢阳|Suiyang district of Shangqiu city 商丘市... suiyang 绥阳|Suiyang county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi... suiyangdi 隋炀帝|Emperor Yang of Sui (569-618), said t... suiyangqu 睢阳区|Suiyang district of Shangqiu city 商丘市... suiyangxian 绥阳县|Suiyang county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi... suiyi 随意|as one wishes/according to one\'s wish... suiyi 遂意|to one\'s liking suiyinbo 碎音钹|crash cymbal (drum kit component) suiyu 邃宇|large house that is dark and labyrint... suiyuan 绥远|old name for district of Hohhot city ... suiyuan 遂愿|to have one\'s wish fulfilled suiyuan 随员|attendant suiyuansheng 绥远省|former Suiyuan province in Inner Mong... suiyue 岁月|years/time suiyueliushi 岁月流逝|as time goes by (idiom) suiyueran 随遇而安|at home wherever one is (idiom); read... suiyueruliu 岁月如流|the passage of the years/the flow of ... suiyuerusuo 岁月如梭|time flies (idiom) suiyuezhengrong 岁月峥嵘|eventful years/momentous times suizangpin 随葬品|burial goods/burial gifts suize 虽则|nevertheless/although suizhe 随着|along with/in the wake of/following suizhi 随之|thereupon/subsequently/accordingly suizhierhou 随之而后|from that/following from that/after that suizhiji 碎纸机|paper shredder suizhong 绥中|Suizhong county in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛, L... suizhongxian 绥中县|Suizhong county in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛, L... suizhou 随州|see 隨州市|随州市[Sui2zhou1 Shi4] suizhoushi 随州市|Suizhou, prefecture-level city in Hub... suizuan 碎钻|small diamonds/melee (small diamonds ... suji 速记|shorthand suji 素鸡|vegetarian chicken, a soybean product suji 宿疾|chronic ailment sujia 俗家|layman/layperson/original home of a monk sujian 宿见|long-held opinion/long-cherished view sujiang 宿将|veteran general sujiao 塑胶|synthetic resin/plastic cement/(Tw) p... sujiaobaozhawu 塑胶爆炸物|plastic explosive sujiaoche 塑胶车|scooter (Tw) sujiaodai 塑胶袋|(Tw) plastic bag sujiaopaodao 塑胶跑道|synthetic athletics track/tartan track sujiaozhayao 塑胶炸药|plastic explosive sujiatun 苏家屯|Sujiatun District of Shenyang 瀋陽市|沈阳市... sujiatunqu 苏家屯区|Sujiatun District of Shenyang 瀋陽市|沈阳市... sujinda 苏金达|Sukinda, Indian city sujing 素净|simple and neat/quiet (colors)/unobtr... sujing 肃静|solemnly silent sujing 肃敬|respectful/deferential sujiu 宿酒|hangover sujiyuan 速记员|stenographer sujue 速决|quick decision sukeda 速克达|scooter (loanword) sukeda 速可达|scooter (loanword) sukelei 苏克雷|Sucre, constitutional capital of Bolivia suku 诉苦|to grumble/to complain/grievance sula 俗辣|(slang) (Tw) coward; paper tiger; a n... sulai 素来|consistently; always (in the past and... sulaiman 苏莱曼|Suleiman (name)/General Michel Suleim... sulan 俗滥|clichéd/tacky sulao 酥酪|yogurt/curd cheese sulaweixi 苏拉威西|Sulawesi or Celebes (Indonesian Island) suli 肃立|to stand respectfully/(of trees, moun... sulian 苏联|Soviet Union, 1922-1991/abbr. for Uni... sulianzhiyoushe 苏联之友社|Soviet Union friendly society sulianzuigaosuweiai 苏联最高苏维埃|Supreme Soviet suliao 塑料|plastics/CL:種|种[zhong3] suliaodai 塑料袋|plastic bag suliaoputonghua 塑料普通话|(coll.) Mandarin Chinese spoken with ... suliaowang 塑料王|\"super plastic\" (term used to refer t... sulinan 苏里南|Suriname sulinan 苏利南|Suriname, NE of South America (Tw) sulinanhe 苏里南河|Suriname River sulishi 苏黎士|variant of 蘇黎世|苏黎世[Su1 li2 shi4] sulishi 苏黎世|Zurich, Switzerland sulishilianbangligongxueyuan 苏黎世联邦理工学院|Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ... sulu 苏禄|old term for Sulawesi or Celebes 蘇拉威西... sulushi 速录师|stenographer sulv 速率|speed; rate suma 酥麻|limp and numb (of limbs) sumanshu 苏曼殊|Su Manshu (1884-1918), Chinese writer... sumei-pingsheng 素昧平生|(idiom) to have never met sb before; ... sumeier 苏美尔|Sumer (Šumer), one of the early civil... sumendala 苏门答腊|Sumatra, one of the Indonesian islands sumendala 苏门达腊|variant of 蘇門答臘|苏门答腊[Su1 men2 da2 la4] sumendaladao 苏门答腊岛|Sumatra (one of the Indonesian islands) sumi 粟米|corn/maize (dialect) sumian 素面|face (of a woman) without makeup/soli... sumian 素面|vegetable noodle dish sumianchaotian 素面朝天|lit. to present oneself confidently t... sumiao 素描|sketch suming 俗名|vernacular name/lay name (of a priest) suming 宿命|predestination/karma suminglun 宿命论|fatalism/fatalistic sumingtong 宿命通|(Buddhism) recollection of past lives... sumo 塑膜|plastic film (abbr. for 塑料薄膜[su4 liao... sumu 苏木|sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan), use... sumu 肃穆|solemn and respectful/serene sumugaite 苏姆盖特|Sumgayit, city in Azerbaijan sun 隼|falcon/Taiwan pr. [zhun3] sun 荪|fragrant grass sun 孙|surname Sun sun 孙|grandson/descendant sun 笋|bamboo shoot sun 损|to decrease; to lose/to damage; to ha... sun 榫|(cabinetmaking) tenon sun 狲|used in 猢猻|猢狲[hu2sun1]/used in 兔猻|兔狲[... sun 飧|(literary) supper sun 飧|variant of 飧[sun1] sun 搎|to rub with the hand/to stroke sun 簨|cross-beam for hanging bells sunang 嗉囊|crop (anatomy of birds, gastropods etc) sunanyuguzuzizhixian 肃南裕固族自治县|Sunan Yuguzu autonomous county in Gansu sunbin 孙膑|Sun Bin (-316 BC), political strategi... sunbinbingfa 孙膑兵法|Sun Bin\'s \"The Art of War\" sunce 孙策|Sun Ce (175-200), general and major w... sunchuanfang 孙传芳|Sun Chuanfang (1885-1935) one of the ... sundasheng 孙大圣|Great-Sage Sun/Sun Wukong 孫悟空|孙悟空[Sun... sungongfeisi 损公肥私|to damage the public interest for per... sunhai 损害|harm/to damage/to impair sunhao 损耗|wear and tear sunhaopin 损耗品|consumables sunhuai 损坏|to damage/to injure sunhui 损毁|to damage; to wreck; to destroy suning 肃宁|Suning county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1... suningdianqi 苏宁电器|Suning Appliance (PRC electrical reta... suningxian 肃宁县|Suning county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1... suniteyouqi 苏尼特右旗|Sonid Right banner in Xilingol League... sunitezuoqi 苏尼特左旗|Sonid Left banner in Xilingol League ... sunjian 笋尖|bamboo shoot tip sunjian 孙坚|Sun Jian (155-191), famous general at... sunjihai 孙继海|Sun Jihai (1977-), Chinese footballer... sunli 孙犁|Sun Li (1913-2002), novelist sunmao 榫卯|mortise and tenon sunnv 孙女|son\'s daughter/granddaughter sunnvr 孙女儿|granddaughter (son\'s daughter) sunnvxu 孙女婿|son\'s daughter\'s husband/granddaughte... sunquan 孙权|Sun Quan (reigned 222-252), southern ... sunren 损人|to harm others/to mock people/to taun... sunrenbuliji 损人不利己|to harm others without benefiting one... sunrenliji 损人利己|harming others for one\'s personal ben... sunshan 孙山|Sun Shan, Song Dynasty joker and tale... sunshang 损伤|to harm/to damage/to injure/impairmen... sunshi 损失|loss/damage/CL:個|个[ge4]/to lose/to su... sunsimiao 孙思邈|Sun Simiao (c. 581-682), doctor and h... suntou 榫头|tenon (wooden projection to fit into ... sunuo 夙诺|old promise/long-standing commitment sunuo 宿诺|old promises/unfulfilled promises sunwen 孙文|the original name of 孫中山|孙中山[Sun1 Zho... sunwu 孙吴|Sunwu county in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], H... sunwu 孙武|Sun Wu, also known as Sun Tzu 孫子|孙子[S... sunwukong 孙悟空|Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, characte... sunwuxian 孙吴县|Sunwu county in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], H... sunwuzi 孙武子|Sun Wu, famous general, strategist an... sunxiao 榫销|dowel/carpenter\'s pin sunxifu 孙媳妇|son\'s son\'s wife/grandson\'s wife sunxingzhe 孙行者|Sun Wukong 孫悟空|孙悟空[Sun1 Wu4 kong1], t... sunyan 榫眼|mortise (slot cut into wood to receiv... sunyanzi 孙燕姿|Stefanie Sun (1978-), Singaporean sin... sunyi 损益|profit and loss/increase and decrease sunyibiao 损益表|income statement (US)/profit and loss... sunyixian 孙逸仙|Dr Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), first pre... sunyou 损友|bad friend sunyue 孙悦|Sun Yue (1973-), PRC female pop star/... sunyutang 孙毓棠|Sun Yutang (1911-1985), historian and... sunzao 榫凿|mortise chisel sunzeng 损赠|to donate/donation sunzhongshan 孙中山|Dr Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), first pre... sunzhu 孙诛|Sun Zhu (1711-1778), poet and compile... sunzi 孙子|Sun Tzu, also known as Sun Wu 孫武|孙武[S... sunzi 孙子|grandson/son\'s son sunzibingfa 孙子兵法|“Art of War”, one of the Seven Milita... sunzidingli 孙子定理|the Chinese remainder theorem suo 所|actually/place/classifier for houses,... suo 锁|to lock; to lock up/a lock (CL:把[ba3]) suo 锁|old variant of 鎖|锁[suo3] suo 索|surname Suo/abbr. for 索馬里|索马里[Suo3ma3... suo 索|to search/to demand/to ask/to exact/l... suo 莎|used in 莎草[suo1cao3] suo 缩|to withdraw/to pull back/to contract/... suo 挲|variant of 挲[suo1] suo 挲|used in 摩挲[mo2suo1] suo 傞|uneven/unsteady (in dancing) suo 梭|(textiles) shuttle suo 蓑|variant of 蓑[suo1] suo 蓑|rain coat made of straw etc suo 羧|carboxyl radical (chemistry) suo 娑|(phonetic)/see 婆娑[po2 suo1] suo 琐|fragmentary/trifling suo 嗦|to suck/used in 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1suo5]/used ... suo 嗍|to suck/Taiwan pr. [shuo4] suo 唆|to suck/to incite suo 鏁|old variant of 鎖|锁[suo3] suo 桫|horse chestnut/Stewartia pseudocamell... suo 唢|used in 嗩吶|唢呐[suo3 na4] suo 睃|to throw a glance at; to peer at/Taiw... suo 蹜|walk carefully suo 璅|fragmentary/trifling suo 鮻|redlip mullet (Planiliza haematocheilus) suo 鎍|chain/wire suoansuan 缩氨酸|peptide (two or more amino acids link... suobangdaxue 索邦大学|Université Paris IV/the Sorbonne suobiao 梭镖|spear suobiao 缩表|to reduce the balance sheet suobiao 梭标|variant of 梭鏢|梭镖[suo1 biao1] suobu 所部|troops under one\'s command suocao 莎草|coco-grass; nut sedge (Cyperus rotundus) suocao 蓑草|Chinese alpine rush (botany) suochang 所长|what one is good at suoche 锁掣|catch (of a lock) suocheng 缩成|to shrink into suocheng 缩称|abbreviation; short form suochengyituan 缩成一团|to huddle together/to curl up suochi 锁匙|(dialect) key/Taiwan pr. [suo3 shi5] suocunqi 锁存器|latch (electronic) suodai 索带|cable tie/plastic strap suodao 索道|ropeway suodaozhichu 所到之处|wherever one goes suode 所得|what one acquires/one\'s gains suodeshui 所得税|income tax suodiao 锁掉|lock up/lock out/to lock suoding 锁定|to lock (a door)/to close with a latc... suoduan 缩短|to shorten; to reduce; to curtail suoduo 所多|Soto suoduoansuan 缩多氨酸|polypeptide, a chain of amino acids l... suoduoma 索多玛|Sodom suoduoma 所多玛|Sodom suoduomayuemola 所多玛与蛾摩拉|Sodom and Gomorrah suoduomayuhamola 索多玛与哈摩辣|Sodom and Gomorrah suoer 索尔|Thor (Norse god of thunder) suoerrenniqin 索尔仁尼琴|Alexandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Ru... suoerzibolipingyuan 索尔兹伯里平原|Salisbury plain suoerzibolishihuan 索尔兹伯里石环|Stonehenge/Salisbury stone circle suofang 缩放|scaling/resizing/zoom (graphics) suofeiya 索菲亚|Sofia (capital of Bulgaria) suofeiya 索非亚|Sofia, capital of Bulgaria suofen 嗦粉|to slurp noodles suofukelesi 索福克勒斯|Sophocles (496-406 BC), Greek tragedi... suofukelisi 索福克里斯|Sophocles (496-406 BC), Greek playwright suoge 缩格|(typesetting) to indent suogu 锁骨|collarbone/clavicle suoguan 锁管|general term for squids (Tw) suoguo 锁国|to close a country; to exclude foreig... suoguo 索国|Solomon Islands suoha 梭哈|five-card stud (card game) (from Engl... suohou 锁喉|to apply a chokehold suohui 索贿|to exact bribes/to solicit bribes/to ... suoji 羧基|carboxyl group -COOH suoji 琐记|fragmentary recollections/miscellaneo... suojia 索价|to ask a price/to charge/asking price suojian 缩减|to cut/to reduce suojian 所见|(literary) what one sees/(literary) o... suojiang 锁匠|locksmith suojianjisuode 所见即所得|What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) suojiansuowen 所见所闻|what one hears and sees (idiom) suojiasitan 羧甲司坦|carbocysteine suojie 索解|to seek an answer/to look for an expl... suojiena 索杰纳|Sojourner (Martian land rover) suojin 缩进|to retreat into; to draw back into/(t... suojin 缩紧|to tighten/to contract/to shrink in suojisuan 羧基酸|carboxylic acid suoju 所居|residence/dwelling/dwelling place suojuzhuangzhi 索具装置|rig suokong 锁孔|keyhole suolian 锁链|chains/shackles suoliao 所料|one\'s expectation; what one anticipates suoliya 索里亚|Soria, Spain suoluo 桫椤|spinulose tree fern/Cyathea spinulosa... suoluobabo 所罗巴伯|Zerubbabel (son of Shealtiel) suoluomen 索罗门|Solomon (name)/Solomon (Islands) suoluomen 所罗门|Solomon (name) suoluomenqundao 所罗门群岛|Solomon Islands in southwest Pacific suoluosi 索罗斯|Soros (name)/George Soros or György S... suoluoyaside 琐罗亚斯德|Zoroaster, Zarathustra or Zarathushtr... suoluoyasidejiao 琐罗亚斯德教|Zoroastrianism suoluoyasite 琐罗亚斯特|Zoroaster suolve 缩略|to contract/to abbreviate/abbreviation suolvetu 缩略图|thumbnail (computing) suolveyu 缩略语|abbreviated word/acronym suolvezi 缩略字|abbreviated character suomali 索马里|variant of 索馬里|索马里[Suo3 ma3 li3]/Somalia suomali 索马里|Somalia suomali 索马利|variant of 索馬里|索马里[Suo3 ma3 li3] suomaliya 索马利亚|Somalia (Tw) suomaliya 索马里亚|variant of 索馬利亞|索马利亚[Suo3 ma3 li4 ya4] suomatian 索马甜|(loanword) thaumatin suomen 锁门|to lock the door suoming 索命|to demand sb\'s life suona 唢呐|suona, Chinese shawm (oboe), used in ... suona 锁呐|suona, Chinese shawm/see 嗩吶|唢呐 suoneng 所能|according to one\'s capabilities/what ... suoni 索尼|Sony suopai 缩排|(typesetting) to indent suopei 索赔|to ask for compensation/to claim dama... suoping 锁屏|(computing) lock screen suopu 索普|Thorpe (name) suoqi 索契|Sochi (city on the Black Sea in Russia) suoqiu 索求|to seek/to demand suoqu 索取|to ask/to demand suoqu 锁区|region lock (gaming etc) suoran 索然|dull/dry suoranguawei 索然寡味|dull and insipid suoranwuwei 索然无味|dull/insipid suoshang 锁上|to lock/to lock up suosheng 所生|parents (father and mother) suoshengwuji 所剩无几|there is not much left suoshi 琐事|trifle suoshisheying 缩时摄影|time-lapse photography suoshousuojiao 缩手缩脚|bound hand and foot (idiom); constrained suoshu 所属|one\'s affiliation (i.e. the organizat... suoshuan 锁闩|latch/bolt (to lock a door or window) suoshudanwei 所属单位|affiliated unit/subsidiary suoshui 缩水|to shrink (in the wash)/fig. to shrin... suosi 所思|what one thinks/person or thing that ... suosuan 羧酸|carboxylic acid suosui 琐碎|trifling/trivial/tedious/inconsequential suosuo 索索|trembling suotao 索讨|to demand; to ask for suotouwugui 缩头乌龟|a turtle that pulls its head in/(fig.... suotuofeiren 所托非人|to entrust sth to the wrong person an... suowei 所谓|so-called/what is called suowei 所为|what one does/doings suoweipingpian 缩微平片|microfiche suowen 琐闻|news items suowen 所闻|heard/what one hears suoxi 琐细|trivial suoxiangpimi 所向披靡|(idiom) to sweep everything before on... suoxiangwudi 所向无敌|to be invincible/unrivalled suoxiao 缩小|to reduce; to decrease; to shrink suoxiaomoxing 缩小模型|miniature suoxie 缩写|abbreviation/to abridge suoxie 琐屑|trivial matters/petty things suoxie 索谢|(old) to ask for recompense (for pers... suoxing 索性|you might as well (do it)/simply/just suoxing 所幸|fortunately (formal writing) suoxiong 缩胸|breast reduction/reduction mammaplasty suoxu 所需|necessary (for)/required suoxuer 索绪尔|Saussure (name) suoxun 睃巡|(eyes) to scan/to glance left and rig... suoyan 锁眼|keyhole suoyanbuxu 所言不虚|see 所言非虛|所言非虚[suo3 yan2 fei1 xu1] suoyanfeixu 所言非虚|(after a pronoun or name) what (you, ... suoyao 索要|to ask for/to request/to demand suoyi 所以|therefore/as a result/so/the reason why suoyi 蓑衣|woven rush raincoat suoyijieshi 缩衣节食|to economize on clothes and food/to s... suoyin 索引|index suoyin 缩印|to reprint (a book etc) in a smaller ... suoyin 缩阴|to make the vagina tighter suoyinben 缩印本|compact edition (of a dictionary etc) suoying 缩影|miniature version of sth/microcosm/ep... suoyiran 所以然|the reason why suoyongfeiren 所用非人|to choose the wrong person for the job suoyou 所有|all/to have; to possess; to own suoyouge 所有格|possessive case (grammar) suoyouquan 所有权|ownership/possession/property rights/... suoyouren 所有人|everyone/owner suoyouwu 所有物|a possession/belongings suoyouzhe 所有者|proprietor/owner suoyouzhi 所有制|ownership of the means of production ... suoyouzhu 所有主|owner/proprietor suoyu 梭鱼|barracuda suoyu 缩语|abbreviated word/acronym suoyuan 所愿|wished-for/desired suoyue 锁钥|key and lock/(fig.) strategic place suoyue 缩约|contraction (in grammar)/abbreviation suoyuhe 蓑羽鹤|(bird species of China) demoiselle cr... suozai 所在|place/location/(after a noun) place w... suozaidi 所在地|location/site suozhang 所长|head of an institute etc suozhi 所指|the objects indicated/as pointed out suozhi 所致|to be caused by suozhi 所知|known/what one knows suozi 梭子|(textiles) shuttle/cartridge clip/cla... suoziyu 梭子鱼|barracuda suozuosuowei 所作所为|one\'s conduct and deeds supei 速配|fast matchmaking/speed dating/(coll.)... supi 素皮|vegan leather supu 素朴|simple/unadorned/unsophisticated/naive suqi 俗气|tacky/inelegant/in poor taste/vulgar/... suqian 宿迁|see 宿遷市|宿迁市[Su4qian1 Shi4] suqianshi 宿迁市|Suqian, prefecture-level city in Jian... suqin 苏秦|Su Qin (340-284 BC), political strate... suqing 肃清|to purge suqiu 诉求|to demand; to call for; to petition/d... suran 肃然|respectful/solemn/awed suranqijing 肃然起敬|to feel deep veneration for sb (idiom) suren 俗人|common people/laity (i.e. not priests) suren 素人|untrained, inexperienced person/layma... suri 素日|usually suri 夙日|at ordinary times surong 速溶|quick-dissolving/instantly-ready/instant surongkafei 速溶咖啡|instant coffee surou 素肉|vegetarian meat substitute suru 宿儒|experienced scholar/old expert in the... suruan 酥软|weak (of body or limbs)/limp/gone soft susha 肃杀|austere/stern/harsh/somber and desola... sushan 苏珊|Susan (name) sushanboyier 苏珊·波伊尔|Susan Boyle (1961-), competitor in UK... sushe 宿舍|dormitory/dorm room/living quarters/h... sushe 速射|rapid-fire sushelou 宿舍楼|dormitory building/CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4] sushen 塑身|body sculpting (weight loss and exerc... sushen 肃慎|ancient ethnic group of northeast fro... susheng 速胜|rapid victory susheng 苏生|to revive/to come back to life sushi 速食|(of food) fast; instant/(Tw) fast food sushi 俗世|the mundane world; the world of mortals sushi 俗事|everyday routine/ordinary affairs sushi 苏轼|Su Shi (1037-1101), aka Su Dongpo 蘇東坡... sushi 宿世|previous life sushi 夙世|previous life sushi 素食|vegetarian food/to eat a vegetarian diet sushidian 速食店|fast food shop sushimian 速食面|instant noodles sushiqiren 俗世奇人|Extraordinary people in our ordinary ... sushizhe 素食者|vegetarian sushizhuyi 素食主义|vegetarianism sushou 素手|white hand/empty-handed sushoupai 速手排|gears (in a car) sushu 素数|prime number sushu 诉述|to narrate/to tell of sushuang 骕骦|(literary) good horse sushuang 鹔鹴|green, long-necked mythical bird sushuo 诉说|to recount/to tell of/to relate/(fig.... susong 诉讼|lawsuit susong 宿松|Susong, a county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1q... susong 酥松|loose (soil, or limbs of a relaxed pe... susongfa 诉讼法|procedural law susongxian 宿松县|Susong, a county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1q... susongyouzhi 酥松油脂|shortening (fat used in cooking cakes) susongzhong 诉讼中|pendente lite/during litigation susu 簌簌|very slight sound/rustling (onom.)/to... susufadou 簌簌发抖|shivering/trembling (idiom) susuishibian 俗随时变|customs change with time (idiom); oth... sutaidediqu 苏台德地区|Sudetenland sutao 俗套|conventional patterns/cliché sutiaoguan 速调管|klystron (electronic tube used to pro... sutie 苏铁|sago palm (Cycas revoluta) sutizi 俗体字|nonstandard form of a Chinese character sutong 速通|to get through sth quickly/(gaming) s... suwa 苏瓦|Suva, capital of Fiji suweiai 苏维埃|Soviet (council) suweiaieguo 苏维埃俄国|Soviet Russia (1917-1991) suweiaishehuizhuyigongheguolianmeng 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟|Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (... suweimoumian 素未谋面|(idiom) to have never met/to be compl... suwu 苏武|Su Wu (140-60 BC), Han Dynasty diplom... suwu 宿务|Cebu (province in the Philippines) suwu 宿雾|Cebu, a province (and a city) in the ... suwuyu 宿务语|Cebuano (aka Bisaya), language spoken... suwuyu 宿雾语|Cebuano (aka Bisaya), language spoken... suxi 溯溪|river tracing/mountain stream climbin... suxi 宿昔|formerly/in the past suxian 苏仙|Suxian, a district of Chenzhou City 郴... suxian 宿县|Su county in Anhui suxian 夙嫌|old grudge/long-standing resentment suxian 素馅|vegetable filling suxiang 塑像|to sculpt or mold a statue (by shapin... suxianqu 苏仙区|Suxian, a district of Chenzhou City 郴... suxiao 速效|quick results/fast-acting suxiaojiuxinwan 速效救心丸|fast-acting heart pills (a medication... suxiaoxingduji 速效性毒剂|quick-acting agent suxie 速写|quick sketch suxiluo 苏西洛|Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (1949-), ret... suxing 苏醒|to come to/to awaken/to regain consci... suxing 塑性|plasticity suxingyemei 夙兴夜寐|to rise early and sleep late (idiom);... suxiu 苏绣|Suzhou embroidery, one of the four ma... suxun 苏洵|Su Xun (1009-1066), Song essayist, on... suya 素雅|simple yet elegant suyan 俗谚|common saying/proverb suyan 素颜|a face without makeup suyan 素筵|vegetarian feast/food offerings to Bu... suyang 素养|(personal) accomplishment/attainment ... suyankoubei 俗谚口碑|common sayings (idiom); widely circul... suye 夙夜|morning and night/always/at all times suye 宿夜|to stay overnight suyefeixie 夙夜匪懈|to work from morning to night (idiom) suyijian 苏易简|Su Yijian (958-997), Northern Song wr... suying 宿营|to camp; to bivouac/to lodge suyingdi 宿营地|camp; campsite suyishi 苏伊士|Suez (canal) suyishihe 苏伊士河|the Suez canal suyishiyunhe 苏伊士运河|Suez Canal suyou 素有|to have/to have always had suyou 酥油|butter suyoucha 酥油茶|butter tea (Tibetan, Mongolian etc dr... suyouhua 酥油花|butter sculpture (Tibetan art form us... suyu 俗语|common saying/proverb/colloquial speech suyu 宿豫|Suyu district of Suqian city 宿遷市|宿迁市[... suyu 粟裕|Su Yu (1907-1984), PLA commander suyuan 夙愿|long-cherished wish suyuan 溯源|to investigate the origin of sth/to t... suyuan 宿愿|long-cherished wish suyuan 诉冤|to complain/to vent one\'s grievances suyuan 诉愿|to appeal/an appeal (law) suyuan 宿缘|(Buddhism) predestined relationship suyuan 宿怨|an old grudge/old scores to settle suyuan 泝源|variant of 溯源[su4 yuan2] suyuandechang 夙愿得偿|to have a long-cherished wish realized suyuanyichang 夙愿以偿|a long-cherished ambition is realized suyuqu 宿豫区|Suyu district of Suqian city 宿遷市|宿迁市[... suzao 塑造|to model; to mold/(fig.) to create (a... suzhai 素斋|vegetarian food suzhai 宿债|long-standing debt suzhan-sujue 速战速决|(idiom) to adopt a blitzkrieg strateg... suzhanqu 苏占区|Soviet-occupied area (of Eastern Euro... suzhe 苏辙|Su Zhe (1039-1112), Song writer and p... suzhenchang 苏贞昌|Su Tseng-chang (1947-), Taiwanese DPP... suzhi 素质|inner quality/basic essence suzhicha 素质差|so uneducated!/so ignorant! suzhijiaoyu 素质教育|all-round education (contrasted with ... suzhou 苏州|see 蘇州市|苏州市[Su1zhou1 Shi4] suzhou 宿州|see 宿州市[Su4zhou1 Shi4] suzhou 肃州|Suzhou district of Jiuquan City 酒泉市, ... suzhoudaxue 苏州大学|Suzhou or Soochow University (Suzhou,... suzhouhe 苏州河|Suzhou Creek (river in Shanghai) suzhouhua 苏州话|Suzhou dialect, one of the main Wu di... suzhoumazi 苏州码子|Suzhou numerals, i.e. the ten numeral... suzhouqu 肃州区|Suzhou district of Jiuquan City 酒泉市, ... suzhoushi 宿州市|Suzhou, prefecture-level city in Anhu... suzhoushi 苏州市|Suzhou, prefecture-level city in Jian... suzhu 诉诸|to appeal (to reason, sentiment, char... suzhu 宿主|(biology) host suzhuang 诉状|indictment/plea/complaint suzhugonglun 诉诸公论|to appeal to the public suzi 俗字|nonstandard form of a Chinese character suzi 粟子|(dialect) millet suzi 嗉子|the crop of a bird/(dialect) wine fla... suzui 宿醉|hangover t T|(slang) butch (lesbian stereotype) ta 它|it ta 它|it (pronoun for an animal) ta 他|he; him (used for either sex when the... ta 塔|pagoda (abbr. of 塔婆[ta3po2], a loanwo... ta 塔|old variant of 塔[ta3] ta 塌|to collapse/to droop/to settle down ta 踏|see 踏實|踏实[ta1 shi5] ta 踏|to tread/to stamp/to step on/to press... ta 拓|to make a rubbing (e.g. of an inscrip... ta 她|she ta 獭|otter/Taiwan pr. [ta4] ta 挞|(bound form) to whip; to flog/(loanwo... ta 嗒|to despair ta 沓|surname Ta ta 沓|again and again/many ta 祂|(third person pronoun for a divine be... ta 蹋|to step on ta 鳎|sole (fish) ta 榻|couch ta 搨|to make a rubbing ta TA|he or she ta 漯|name of a river ta 褟|inner shirt/to sew onto clothing/see ... ta 铊|thallium (chemistry) ta 嚃|(literary) to drink; to swallow ta 禢|surname Ta ta 闼|door of an inner room ta 趿|see 趿拉[ta1 la5] ta 錔|to encase the end with metal ta 溻|(of clothes) to be soaked with sweat ta 遢|used in 邋遢[la1ta5]/Taiwan pr. [ta4] ta 遝|abundant/mixed ta 阘|door or window in an upper story ta 毾|a coarse, woollen serge ta 鎉|thallium ta 㐌|variant of 它[ta1] ta 譶|to talk fast ta 𨱏|technetium (chemistry) (Tw) taban 踏板|pedal (in a car, on a piano etc)/trea... tabanche 踏板车|scooter tabanmotuoche 踏板摩托车|scooter taben 拓本|rubbing of inscription tabeng 塔崩|tabun (loanword) tabenshen 它本身|itself tabu 踏步|stride/to step (on the spot)/to mark ... tabubuqian 踏步不前|to be at a standstill/to mark time tacha 踏查|to investigate on the spot tacha 塔刹|Buddhist ornamentation decorating the... tache 踏车|treadwheel/treadmill tacheng 塔城|Tarbaghatay or Tacheng city in Tachen... tachengdiqu 塔城地区|Tarbaghatay wilayiti or Tacheng prefe... tachengshi 塔城市|Tarbaghatay or Tacheng city in Tachen... tachuang 榻床|divan/couch tachun 踏春|to go for a hike in spring tadian 踏垫|floor mat; bathroom mat; car mat; doo... tadiao 塔吊|tower crane tadiqi 塔迪奇|Tadich (name)/Boris Tadić (1958-), Se... taersi 塔尔寺|Kumbum Monastery in Qinghai tafang 塌方|to cave in; to collapse; to have a la... tafang 踏访|to visit (a place) tafang 塌房|(neologism c. 2020) (of a celebrity) ... tafang 塔防|(gaming) tower defense tafuchou 塔夫绸|taffeta tage 踏歌|to sing and dance/general term for a ... tagong 塔公|Lhagang grassland in Dartsendo county... tagongsi 塔公寺|Lhagang temple in Dartsendo county 康定... taguo 他国|another country tahe 塔河|Tahe county in Daxing\'anling prefectu... tahexian 塔河县|Tahe county in Daxing\'anling prefectu... tai 台|Taiwan (abbr.)/surname Tai tai 台|(classical) you (in letters)/variant ... tai 台|desk; table; counter tai 台|Taiwan (abbr.) tai 台|platform/stage/terrace/stand/support/... tai 台|typhoon tai 抬|to lift/to raise/(of two or more pers... tai 抬|variant of 抬[tai2] tai 太|highest/greatest/too (much)/very/extr... tai 态|(bound form)/appearance/shape/form/st... tai 胎|fetus/classifier for litters (of pupp... tai 肽|peptide (two or more amino acids link... tai 泰|Mt Tai 泰山[Tai4 Shan1] in Shandong/abb... tai 泰|safe/peaceful/most/grand tai 斄|ancient place name (a Han dynasty tow... tai 苔|used in 舌苔[she2 tai1] tai 苔|moss; lichen; liverwort tai 钛|titanium (chemistry) tai 跆|to trample, to kick tai 薹|Carex dispalatha tai 呔|(dialect) non-local in one\'s speaking... tai 酞|phthalein (chemistry) tai 汰|to discard/to eliminate tai 邰|surname Tai/name of a feudal state tai 儓|servant tai 枱|old variant of 檯|台[tai2] tai 忲|variant of 忕[tai4] tai 忕|extravagant/luxurious tai 骀|tired/worn out horse tai 炲|variant of 炱[tai2] tai 鲐|mackerel/Pacific mackerel (Pneumatoph... tai 炱|soot taiai 抬爱|to hold in high regard taian 台安|Tai\'an county in Anshan 鞍山[An1 shan1]... taian 泰安|see 泰安市[Tai4an1 Shi4]/see 泰安鄉|泰安乡[Tai... taianshi 泰安市|Tai\'an, prefecture-level city in Shan... taianxian 台安县|Tai\'an county in Anshan 鞍山[An1 shan1]... taianxian 泰安县|Tai\'an county in Shandong taianxiang 泰安乡|Taian township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗... taibai 太白|Taibai County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1... taibaifen 太白粉|cornstarch/potato starch taibaishan 太白山|Mt Taibai in Shaanxi taibaixian 太白县|Taibai County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1... taibaixing 太白星|Venus (planet) taiban 太半|more than half/a majority/most/mostly taiban 泰半|more than half/a majority/most/mostly taibang 台磅|platform balance taibao 太保|Taibao or Taipao city in Chiayi Count... taibao 太保|a very high official in ancient China... taibao 台胞|Taiwan compatriot taibaoshi 太保市|Taibao or Taipao City in Chiayi Count... taibaozheng 台胞证|Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Res... taibazi 台巴子|(derog.) Taiwanese; person from Taiwan taibei 台北|Taipei, capital of Taiwan taibei 泰北|northern Thailand taibeijieyun 台北捷运|Taipei Metro taibeijinmayingzhan 台北金马影展|Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival taibeishi 台北市|Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan taibeixian 台北县|Taipei County in north Taiwan (now re... taiben 台本|script (of a play, movie, or televisi... taibi 台币|New Taiwan dollar taibian 胎便|meconium taibohe 台伯河|Tiber (river in Italy, the main water... taibu 台布|tablecloth taicai 台菜|Taiwanese food taicang 太仓|Taicang, county-level city in Suzhou ... taicangshi 太仓市|Taicang, county-level city in Suzhou ... taicao 薹草|sedge taicaoshu 薹草属|genus Carex taichang 太常|Minister of Ceremonies in imperial Ch... taicheng 台秤|platform scale/(dialect) counter scal... taicheng 抬秤|large steelyard usu. operated by thre... taichu 太初|the absolute beginning taici 台词|an actor\'s lines; dialogue/Taiwanese ... taida 泰达|TEDA (Tianjin Economic Development Area) taida 台大|abbr. for 臺灣大學|台湾大学[Tai2 wan1 Da4 xue2] taidanwei 肽单位|peptide unit (on protein chain) taideng 台灯|desk lamp/table lamp taidi 台地|tableland/mesa taidie 台谍|Taiwan spy taidiejia 态叠加|superposition of states (quantum mech... taidixiong 泰迪熊|teddy bear (loanword) taidong 台东|Taidong or Taitung city and county in... taidong 胎动|fetal movement taidong 泰东|the Far East/East Asia taidongshi 台东市|Taitung city in southeast Taiwan, cap... taidongxian 台东县|Taitung County in southeast Taiwan taidou 泰斗|abbr. for 泰山北斗[Tai4Shan1-Bei3dou3] taidu 态度|manner/bearing/attitude/approach/CL:個... taidu 台独|Taiwan independence/(of Taiwan) to de... taiduan 台端|you (in a formal letter) taie 太阿|variant of 泰阿[Tai4e1] taie 泰阿|name of a famous sword mentioned in a... taier 胎儿|unborn child/fetus/embryo taier 泰尔|Tyre (city in Lebanon) taierzhuang 台儿庄|Tai\'erzhuang district of Zaozhuang ci... taierzhuangqu 台儿庄区|Tai\'erzhuang district of Zaozhuang ci... taifeitang 太妃糖|(loanword) toffee; taffy taifen 胎粪|meconium taifeng 台风|stage presence, poise taifeng 台风|typhoon taifu 台甫|(polite) courtesy name taifuren 太夫人|(old) dowager/old lady (title for the... taigang 抬杠|to bicker/to argue for the sake of ar... taigao 抬高|to raise (price etc) taigeer 泰戈尔|Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), Indi... taigeer 泰格尔|Tegel (name)/Tiger (name) taigewuzi 泰格·伍兹|Eldrick \"Tiger\" Woods (1975-), Americ... taigong 太公|great-grandfather/(old) grandfather/f... taigongbingfa 太公兵法|alternative name for 六韜|六韬[Liu4 tao1]... taigongdiaoyu,yuanzheshanggou 太公钓鱼,愿者上钩|Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want ta... taigongwang 太公望|see Jiang Ziya 姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2] taigu 太古|immemorial taigu 台股|Taipei Stock Exchange, abbr. for 臺北股市... taigudai 太古代|Archaeozoic (geological era before 25... taiguo 泰国|Thailand/Thai taiguo 太过|excessively/too taiguyanghang 太古洋行|Butterfield and Swire (Hong Kong bank) taiguzhou 太古宙|Archaean (geological eon before 2500m... taihai 台海|abbr. for 台灣海峽|台湾海峡, Taiwan Strait taihangshan 太行山|Taihang Mountains on the border betwe... taihaole 太好了|very good taihe 泰和|see 泰和縣|泰和县[Tai4 he2 xian4] taihe 泰和|calm and peaceful taihe 太和|Taihe, a county in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fu4ya... taihedian 太和殿|Hall of Supreme Harmony, the largest ... taihequ 太和区|Taihe district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦州... taihexian 泰和县|Taihe county, Jiangxi taihexian 太和县|Taihe, a county in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fu4ya... taihou 太后|Empress Dowager taihu 太湖|Lake Tai near Wuxi City 無錫|无锡[Wu2xi1]... taihu 太湖|Taihu, a county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1qi... taihua 泰华|Mt Tai 泰山 and Mt Hua 華山|华山/another na... taihuqian 台虎钳|bench vise taihuxian 太湖县|Taihu, a county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1qi... taiji 太极|the Absolute or Supreme Ultimate, the... taiji 胎记|birthmark taiji 台基|stylobate (architecture) taiji 肽基|peptide group/peptide unit taijialin 泰加林|taiga (loanword) taijian 太监|court eunuch/palace eunuch taijian 肽键|peptide bond CO-NH/bond in protein be... taijiang 台江|Taijiang, a district of Fuzhou City 福... taijiangqu 台江区|Taijiang, a district of Fuzhou City 福... taijiangxian 台江县|Taijiang county in Qiandongnan Miao a... taijiao 胎教|prenatal education/antenatal training... taijiaozi 抬轿子|to carry sb in a sedan chair/flatter/... taijidian 台积电|Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co... taijie 台阶|steps/flight of steps/step (over obst... taijijian 太极剑|a kind of traditional Chinese sword-play taijiling 泰姬陵|Taj Mahal (mausoleum in India) taijimahaling 泰姬玛哈陵|Taj Mahal/abbr. to 泰姬陵[Tai4 ji1 ling2] taijin 台斤|Taiwan catty (weight equal to 0.6 kg) taijiquan 太极拳|shadowboxing or Taiji, T\'aichi or T\'a... taijitu 太极图|diagram of cosmological scheme/Yin-Ya... taijitushuo 太极图说|philosophical book by Song dynasty sc... taijiuhuanxin 汰旧换新|out with the old and in with the new ... taiju 抬举|to lift sth up/to elevate sb/to honor... taijutang 肽聚糖|peptidoglycan (PG) or murein (polymer... taikang 太康|Taikang county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 ko... taikangxian 太康县|Taikang county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 ko... taike 台客|stereotypical Taiwanese person (often... taikeqiu 台克球|(loanword) teqball taikong 太空|outer space taikongbu 太空步|moonwalk (dance) taikongcang 太空舱|space capsule/ejection capsule (cabin) taikongchuan 太空船|spaceship taikongfeichuan 太空飞船|Space Shuttle, US spacecraft system (... taikongfeichuan 太空飞船|spaceship/spacecraft taikongfu 太空服|spacesuit taikongmanbu 太空漫步|space walk taikongren 太空人|astronaut taikongsuo 太空梭|space shuttle taikongtansuo 太空探索|space exploration taikongwubu 太空舞步|moonwalk (dance) taikongxingzou 太空行走|spacewalk taikongyou 太空游|space tourism taikongzhan 太空站|space station tailai 泰来|Tailai county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi... tailaixian 泰来县|Tailai county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi... tailao 太牢|(in ancient times) sacrificial animal... taile 泰勒|Taylor (name) taili 台历|desk calendar tailian 肽链|peptide chain (chain of amino acids m... tailing 胎龄|gestational age tailuge 太鲁阁|Taroko National Park in Hualien Count... tailugezu 太鲁阁族|Taroko, one of the indigenous peoples... tailuguyu 泰卢固语|Telugu or Telegu, the official langua... tailuozi 台罗字|Tai-lo, romanization system for Taiwa... taimali 太麻里|Taimali township in Taitung County 臺東... taimalixiang 太麻里乡|Taimali township in Taitung County 臺東... taimei 太妹|girl delinquent/tomboy/schoolgirl tough taimei 台妹|local girl (referring to a Taiwanese ... taimei 台媒|Taiwan media taimeng 台盟|abbr. for 台灣民主自治同盟|台湾民主自治同盟[Tai2 wan1... taimian 台面|tabletop/countertop/(fig.) public vie... taimian 胎面|surface of tire/tread (of tire) taimianni 台面呢|(billiards) baize taimier 泰米尔|Tamil taimiermenghuzuzhi 泰米尔猛虎组织|Tamil Tigers taimiernade 泰米尔纳德|Tamil Nadu, southeast Indian state, c... taimiernadebang 泰米尔纳德邦|Tamil Nadu, southeast Indian state, c... taimieryilamumenghujiefangzuzhi 泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织|Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam taimieryu 泰米尔语|Tamil language tainan 台南|Tainan, a city and special municipali... tainanfu 台南府|Tainan Prefecture, a prefecture of Ta... tainanshi 台南市|Tainan city in Tainan county 臺南縣|台南县[... taining 泰宁|Taining, a county in Sanming City 三明市... tainingxian 泰宁县|Taining, a county in Sanming City 三明市... taipan 胎盘|placenta taipen 台盆|washbasin taiping 太平|place name taiping 太平|peace and security taipinggongzhu 太平公主|Princess Taiping (c. 665-713), Tang D... taipingguangji 太平广记|Extensive records of the Taiping era ... taipingjian 太平间|mortuary/morgue taipingmen 太平门|emergency exit taipingniao 太平鸟|(bird species of China) Bohemian waxw... taipingqu 太平区|Taiping district of Fuxin city 阜新市, L... taipingshengshi 太平盛世|peace and prosperity (idiom) taipingshenshi 太平绅士|Justice of the Peace (JP) taipingtianguo 太平天国|Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851-1864) taipingtianguoqiyi 太平天国起义|Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864), a mass... taipingyang 太平洋|Pacific Ocean taipingyanglianhetielu 太平洋联合铁路|Union Pacific Railroad taipingyangqianniao 太平洋潜鸟|(bird species of China) Pacific loon ... taipingyangzhanzheng 太平洋战争|Pacific War between Japan and the US,... taipingyangzhoubian 太平洋周边|variant of 太平洋週邊|太平洋周边[Tai4 ping2 Yan... taipingyangzhoubian 太平洋周边|Pacific Rim taipingyulan 太平御览|Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era,... taipo 太婆|great-grandmother taipu 太仆|Grand Servant in imperial China, one ... taipusi 太仆寺|Court of imperial stud, office origin... taipusiqi 太仆寺旗|Taibus Banner in Xilingol League 錫林郭勒... taipusiqing 太仆寺卿|Minister of imperial stud, originally... taiqi 抬起|to lift up taiqian 台前|Taiqian county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 ya... taiqian 台前|front of the stage taiqianxian 台前县|Taiqian county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 ya... taiqiu 台球|billiards taiqiuzhuo 台球桌|billiards table taiquan 泰拳|Muay Thai - \"Thai fist\" - Martial Art taiquandao 跆拳道|taekwondo (Korean martial art) tairan 泰然|calm/self-composed tairanchuzhi 泰然处之|to handle the situation calmly (idiom... tairanziruo 泰然自若|cool and collected (idiom); showing n... taise 泰瑟|Taser (electroshock weapon) taiseerdao 泰瑟尔岛|Texel island, Netherlands taiseqiang 泰瑟枪|Taser (electroshock weapon) taishan 台山|Taishan, county-level city in Jiangme... taishan 泰山|Mt Tai in Shandong, eastern mountain ... taishan 泰山|Tarzan (fictional character reared by... taishan 台扇|table fan/desk fan taishan-beidou 泰山北斗|lit. Mount Tai and the North Star (id... taishang 台上|on stage taishang 台商|Taiwanese businessman/Taiwanese company taishang 太上|title of respect for taoists taishanghuang 太上皇|Taishang Huang/Retired Emperor/father... taishangyifenzhong,taixiashiniangong 台上一分钟,台下十年功|ten years of practice for one minute ... taishanhongmao 泰山鸿毛|as weighty as Mt Tai, as light as a f... taishanhua 台山话|Taishanese, a language of the Yue lan... taishanqu 泰山区|Taishan district of Tai\'an city 泰安市[T... taishanshi 台山市|Taishan, county-level city in Jiangme... taishanxiang 泰山乡|Taishan township in New Taipei City 新... taishe 态射|(math.) morphism taisheng 胎生|viviparity/zoogony taishi 泰式|Thai-style (of food, massage etc) taishi 台式|Taiwanese-style taishi 台式|(of an appliance) tabletop model/(of ... taishi 态势|posture/situation taishi 太师|imperial tutor taishi 太史|two-character surname Taishi taishi 台视|abbr. for 臺灣電視公司|台湾电视公司, Taiwan Telev... taishidiannao 台式电脑|desktop computer taishigong 太史公|Grand Scribe, the title by which Sima... taishiji 台式机|desktop computer taishiling 太史令|grand scribe (official position in ma... taishou 太守|governor of a province taishui 泰水|(literary) mother-in-law/wife\'s mother taishun 泰顺|Taishun county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 ... taishunxian 泰顺县|Taishun county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 ... taisifuzhong 胎死腹中|fetus dies in the belly/(fig.) plans ... taisui 太岁|Tai Sui, God of the year/archaic name... taitai 太太|married woman/Mrs./Madam/wife/CL:個|个[... taitan 泰坦|Titan (race of deities in Greek mytho... taitanjulong 泰坦巨龙|titanosaur taitannikehao 泰坦尼克号|RMS Titanic, British passenger liner ... taitesiandeluonikesi 泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯|Titus Andronicus, 1593 tragedy by Wil... taiti 胎体|(in ceramics, lacquerware etc) the ba... taitian 太田|Ohta or Ōta (Japanese surname) taitiekuang 钛铁矿|ilmenite FeTiO3/titanium ore taitou 抬头|to raise one\'s head/to gain ground/ac... taitoubujianditoujian 抬头不见低头见|(idiom) (of people in a small town et... taiwa 台蛙|(derog.) Taiwanese; a person from Tai... taiwan 台湾|variant of 臺灣|台湾[Tai2 wan1] taiwan 台湾|Taiwan taiwanbaihouzaomei 台湾白喉噪鹛|(bird species of China) rufous-crowne... taiwanbanchimei 台湾斑翅鹛|(bird species of China) Taiwan barwin... taiwanbanxionggouzuimei 台湾斑胸钩嘴鹛|(bird species of China) black-necklac... taiwanbei 台湾鹎|(bird species of China) Styan\'s bulbu... taiwandaiju 台湾戴菊|(bird species of China) flamecrest (R... taiwandao 台湾岛|Taiwan Island taiwandaxue 台湾大学|National Taiwan University/abbr. to 臺... taiwanduanchiying 台湾短翅莺|(bird species of China) Taiwan bush w... taiwanguanxifa 台湾关系法|Taiwan Relations Act (of US Congress,... taiwanhaixia 台湾海峡|Taiwan Strait taiwanhua 台湾话|Taiwanese Chinese (language) taiwanhuamei 台湾画眉|(bird species of China) Taiwan hwamei... taiwanhuangshanque 台湾黄山雀|(bird species of China) yellow tit (M... taiwanjiaomei 台湾鹪鹛|(bird species of China) Taiwan cupwin... taiwanjiuhongzhuque 台湾酒红朱雀|(bird species of China) Taiwan rosefi... taiwanlanque 台湾蓝鹊|(bird species of China) Taiwan blue m... taiwanlinqu 台湾林鸲|(bird species of China) collared bush... taiwanminzhuzizhitongmeng 台湾民主自治同盟|Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League taiwannizhuomuniao 台湾拟啄木鸟|(bird species of China) Taiwan barbet... taiwanquemei 台湾雀鹛|(bird species of China) grey-cheeked ... taiwanshanzhegu 台湾山鹧鸪|(bird species of China) Taiwan partri... taiwansheng 台湾省|Taiwan province (PRC term) taiwantugou 台湾土狗|Formosan mountain dog, a breed native... taiwanyebifu 台湾叶鼻蝠|Formosan leaf-nosed bat taiwanzixiaodong 台湾紫啸鸫|(bird species of China) Taiwan whistl... taiwanzongjinggouzuimei 台湾棕颈钩嘴鹛|(bird species of China) Taiwan scimit... taiwanzongzaomei 台湾棕噪鹛|(bird species of China) rusty laughin... taiwen 泰文|Thai (language) taiwo 台倭|(derogatory for Taiwanese) Jap lover taiwu 泰武|Taiwu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣... taiwushi 泰晤士|the Times (newspaper)/River Thames, t... taiwushibao 泰晤士报|Times (newspaper) taiwushihe 泰晤士河|River Thames taiwuxiang 泰武乡|Taiwu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣... taixi 泰西|(old) the West; the Occident taixi 台西|Taixi or Taihsi township in Yunlin co... taixia 台下|off the stage/in the audience taixian 苔藓|moss taixian 抬显|head-up display (HUD) (abbr. for 抬頭顯示... taixian 泰县|Tai county in Jiangsu taixidaru 泰西大儒|Great European Scholar (honorific tit... taixing 泰兴|Taixing, county-level city in Taizhou... taixingshi 泰兴市|Taixing, county-level city in Taizhou... taixixiang 台西乡|Taixi or Taihsi township in Yunlin co... taixu 太虚|Taixu (famed Buddhist monk, 1890-1947) taixu 太虚|great emptiness/the void/heaven/the s... taixue 太学|Imperial College of Supreme Learning,... taiya 胎压|tire pressure taiyang 太阳|sun/CL:個|个[ge4]/abbr. for 太陽穴|太阳穴[tai... taiyang 态样|form/pattern taiyangbao 太阳报|The Sun (the name of various newspape... taiyangbing 太阳饼|suncake (small round cake made with f... taiyangchuang 太阳窗|sun window/sun roof (of car) taiyangcongxibianchulai 太阳从西边出来|lit. the sun rises in the west (idiom... taiyangdan 太阳蛋|fried egg; sunny-side-up egg taiyangdeng 太阳灯|sunlamp taiyangdianchi 太阳电池|solar cell taiyangdianchiban 太阳电池板|solar panel taiyangfeng 太阳风|solar wind taiyangguang 太阳光|sunlight taiyangguangzhu 太阳光柱|solar pillar/sun pillar (atmospheric ... taiyangheizi 太阳黑子|sunspot taiyangheizizhou 太阳黑子周|sunspot cycle taiyanghua 太阳花|sunflower (Helianthus annuus)/rose mo... taiyanghuodong 太阳活动|sunspot activity/solar variation taiyangjing 太阳镜|sunglasses taiyanglun 太阳轮|solar plexus chakra taiyangneng 太阳能|solar energy taiyangnengban 太阳能板|solar panel taiyangnengdianchi 太阳能电池|solar cell taiyangri 太阳日|solar day taiyangshaipigu 太阳晒屁股|to have overslept/Rise and shine! taiyangshen 太阳神|Sun God/Apollo taiyangshenjihua 太阳神计划|the Apollo project taiyangshenjingcong 太阳神经丛|solar plexus chakra taiyangweixitonggongsi 太阳微系统公司|Sun Microsystems taiyangwo 太阳窝|temple (on the sides of human head) taiyangxi 太阳系|solar system taiyangxue 太阳穴|temple (on the sides of human head) taiyangyanjing 太阳眼镜|sunglasses taiyangyi 太阳翼|solar panel taiyangyongbuluo 太阳永不落|(on which) the sun never sets taiyangyu 太阳雨|sunshower taiyangzhaozaisangganheshang 太阳照在桑干河上|The Sun Shines over the Sanggan River... taiyazu 泰雅族|Atayal or Tayal, one of the indigenou... taiye 太爷|(respectful for) one\'s grandfather/sb... taiyechi 太液池|area to the west of the Forbidden Cit... taiyi 太医|imperial physician taiyijinhuazongzhi 太乙金华宗旨|The Secret of the Golden Flower, a cl... taiyin 太阴|the Moon (esp. in Daoism) taiyu 泰语|Thai (language) taiyu 台语|Taiwanese Hokkien (aka Taiwanese Minn... taiyuan 太原|see 太原市[Tai4yuan2 Shi4] taiyuan 苔原|tundra taiyuanshi 太原市|Taiyuan, prefecture-level city and ca... taizhang 台账|detailed record or log taizhong 台钟|desk clock taizhong 台中|Taichung, city in central Taiwan taizhong 台中|Taizhong or Taichung city in central ... taizhongshi 台中市|Taichung, a city in central Taiwan taizhou 泰州|see 泰州市[Tai4zhou1 Shi4] taizhou 台州|see 台州市[Tai1zhou1 Shi4] taizhoushi 台州市|Taizhou, prefecture-level city in Zhe... taizhoushi 泰州市|Taizhou, prefecture-level city in Jia... taizhu 泰铢|Thai baht taizhu 台柱|pillar/mainstay/star performer taizi 太子|crown prince taizi 台子|desk/(pool etc) table taizi 台子|platform/stand taizi 台资|Taiwan capital or investments taizi 态子|state of matter (solid, liquid or gas) taizidan 太子丹|Prince Dan of Yan (-226 BC), commissi... taizidang 太子党|princelings, descendants of senior co... taizigang 太子港|Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti taizihequ 太子河区|Taizi district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽... taizishisanfeng 太子十三峰|thirteen peaks of Meili Snow Mountain... taizitaibao 太子太保|tutor to the crown prince (in imperia... taizong 太宗|posthumous name given to the second e... taizu 太祖|Great Ancestor (posthumous title, e.g... taizuo 台座|pedestal taizuo 胎座|(botany) placenta tajia 塌架|to collapse/to come to grief tajialuyu 他加禄语|Tagalog (language) tajialuzuyu 塔加路族语|Tagalog (language) tajian 塔尖|spire/peak of a pagoda tajike 塔吉克|Tajik; (esp.) Tajik ethnic group in X... tajikeren 塔吉克人|Tajik (person) tajikesitan 塔吉克斯坦|Tajikistan tajikezu 塔吉克族|Tajik ethnic group tajin 踏进|to set foot in/to tread (in or on)/to... tajingji 她经济|\"she-economy\" reflecting women\'s econ... takan 踏勘|to go and inspect (a site)/to do an o... takan 踏看|to investigate on the spot take 塔可|(loanword) taco takebing 塔可饼|(loanword) taco takecai 塌棵菜|Brassica narinosa (broadbeaked mustar... takelamagan 塔克拉马干|Taklamakan (desert) takelamaganshamo 塔克拉玛干沙漠|Taklamakan Desert, Xinjiang takong 踏空|to miss one\'s step/(of an investor) t... takou 塔口|(loanword) taco tala 趿拉|to wear (one\'s shoes) like babouche s... talahaxi 塔拉哈西|Tallahassee, capital of Florida talar 趿拉儿|heelless slipper; babouche talasihe 塔拉斯河|Talas River, originating in Kyrgyzsta... talawa 塔拉瓦|Tarawa, capital of Kiribati tale 塔勒|thaler or taler (currency of various ... taliban 塔利班|the Taliban, Islamist organization th... talielang 塔列朗|Talleyrand (name)/Prince Charles Maur... talimu 塔里木|the Tarim Basin in southern Xinjiang talimuhe 塔里木河|Tarim River of Xinjiang talimupendi 塔里木盆地|Tarim Basin depression in southern Xi... talin 塔林|Tallinn, capital of Estonia talou 塔楼|tower (of building) taluo 塔罗|tarot (loanword) taluoka 塔罗卡|tarot card/Tarouca talv 他律|external regulation (e.g. by means of... tama 她玛|Tamir (mother of Perez and Zerah) tamade 他妈的|(taboo curse) damn it!/fucking tamaer 塔玛尔|Tamar (name) tamen 他们|they; them tamen 它们|they; them tamen 她们|they; them (females) tamiaode 他喵的|drat/frick/(euphemistic variant of 他媽... tamudejing 塔木德经|Talmud tan 炭|wood charcoal/coal tan 碳|carbon (chemistry) tan 坦|flat/open-hearted/level/smooth tan 探|to explore/to search out/to scout/to ... tan 谭|surname Tan tan 谭|variant of 談|谈[tan2] tan 贪|to have a voracious desire for/to cov... tan 滩|beach/shoal/rapids/CL:片[pian4]/classi... tan 谈|surname Tan tan 谈|to speak/to talk/to converse/to chat/... tan 潭|surname Tan tan 潭|deep pool/pond/pit (dialect)/depression tan 摊|to spread out/vendor\'s stand tan 坛|altar/platform; rostrum/(bound form) ... tan 坛|earthen jar tan 痰|phlegm/spittle tan 檀|surname Tan tan 檀|sandalwood/hardwood/purple-red tan 叹|to sigh/to exclaim tan 叹|variant of 嘆|叹[tan4] tan 醰|bitter taste in wine/rich/full flavored tan 毯|blanket/rug tan 昙|dark clouds tan 瘫|paralyzed tan 壜|variant of 罈|坛[tan2] tan 啴|used in 嘽嘽|啴啴[tan1tan1] tan 钽|tantalum (chemistry) tan 袒|to bare tan 袒|old variant of 袒[tan3] tan 坍|to collapse tan 郯|surname Tan/name of an ancient city tan 澹|surname Tan tan 惔|to burn tan 怹|he/she/(courteous, as opposed to 他[ta1]) tan 嗿|sound of many people eating tan 墰|variant of 罈|坛[tan2] tan 餤|to advance tan 镡|surname Tan tan 墵|old variant of 壜[tan2] tan 倓|quiet/peaceful tan 禫|sacrifice at the end of mourning tan 忐|used in 忐忑[tan3te4] tan 黮|black, dark/unclear/private tan 锬|long spear tan 榃|raised path between fields tan 菼|Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Amur silve... tan 璮|a kind of jade tan 贉|pay an advance/silk book cover tan 罎|variant of 罈|坛[tan2] tan 弹|to pluck (a string)/to play (a string... tan 覃|surname Tan tan 覃|deep tan 醓|brine of pickled meat tananalifo 塔那那利佛|Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar tanao 潭奥|profound/deep tanbai 坦白|honest/forthcoming/to confess tanban 探班|to check on sb at his workplace/to co... tanbao 摊薄|(finance) to dilute (earnings per share) tanbei 贪杯|to drink in excess tanbei 炭焙|charcoal-roasted tanbi 贪鄙|to be avaricious and mean tanbi 袒庇|to shield/to harbor/to cover up tanbing 探病|to visit a sick person or patient tanbo 弹拨|to pluck (a string) tanbo 袒膊|to strip to the waist/to be bare to t... tanbohoumeiguyingli 摊薄后每股盈利|diluted earnings per share tanbola 坦博拉|Tambora, volcano on Indonesian island... tanboyue 弹拨乐|plucked string music tanboyueqi 弹拨乐器|plucked string instrument/CL:件[jian4] tanbulong 谈不拢|can\'t come to an agreement tanbushang 谈不上|to be out of the question tancai 贪财|to be greedy in getting money tance 探测|to probe; to survey tanceqi 探测器|detector; probe tancezi 探测字|(cognitive psychology) probe letter tancha 探查|to examine/to probe/to scout out/to n... tancha 探察|to investigate; to observe; to scout;... tanchan 贪馋|gluttonous/greedy/insatiable/avid tanchang 弹唱|to sing and play (plucked string inst... tanchen 坦陈|to reveal/to confess tancheng 郯城|Tancheng county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 y... tancheng 坦诚|candid/frank/plain dealing tancheng 坦承|to confess/to admit/to come clean/calmly tanchengxian 郯城县|Tancheng county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 y... tanchengxiangjian 坦诚相见|to trust one another fully/to treat s... tanchi 贪吃|gluttonous; voracious tanchi 弹斥|accuse and criticize tanchi 探尺|dipstick/measuring rod tanchigui 贪吃鬼|glutton/chowhound tanchizhe 贪吃者|glutton tanchu 弹出|to eject/to exit from/to pop up tanchuang 弹窗|pop-up window (computing) tanci 叹词|interjection/exclamation tanci 弹词|ballad tune in southern dialects, usu... tandang 坦荡|magnanimous/broad and level tandang 摊档|(dialect) vendor\'s stall tandang 摊挡|see 攤檔|摊档[tan1 dang4] tandao 谈到|to refer to/to speak about/to talk about tandelai 谈得来|to be able to talk to/to get along wi... tandewuyan 贪得无厌|avaricious and insatiable (idiom); gr... tandewuyan 贪得无餍|variant of 貪得無厭|贪得无厌[tan1 de2 wu2 yan4] tandi 探底|(of stock prices, etc) to slump; to dip tandi 覃第|extensive residence/your house tandi 潭底|bottom of a (deep) pond tandi 潭第|variant of 覃第[tan2 di4] tandian 摊点|place for a vendor\'s stall tandian 探店|to try out a restaurant and film a vi... tandu 贪渎|(of an official) corrupt and negligen... tandun 谭盾|Tan Dun (1957-) Chinese composer tanduojiaobulan 贪多嚼不烂|to bite off more than one can chew (i... tanfan 摊贩|stallkeeper/peddler tanfang 探访|to seek by inquiry or search/to call ... tanfang 坍方|to collapse/landslide tanfen 碳粉|toner (laser printing) tanfeng 探风|to make inquiries about sb or sth/to ... tanfu 叹服|(to gasp) with admiration tanfu 袒缚|to surrender after baring oneself to ... tanfu 贪腐|corruption tanfu 潭府|abyss/imposing dwellings and spacious... tanfuying 谭富英|Tan Fuying (1906-1977), Beijing opera... tang 唐|Tang dynasty (618-907)/surname Tang tang 唐|to exaggerate/empty/in vain/old varia... tang 糖|sugar/sweets/candy/CL:顆|颗[ke1],塊|块[ku... tang 糖|old variant of 糖[tang2] tang 汤|surname Tang tang 汤|soup/hot or boiling water/decoction o... tang 堂|(main) hall/large room for a specific... tang 塘|dyke/embankment/pool or pond/hot-wate... tang 棠|cherry-apple tang 镗|noise of drums tang 烫|to scald/to burn (by scalding)/to bla... tang 躺|to recline/to lie down tang 荡|variant of 燙|烫[tang4]/variant of 趟[ta... tang 镋|old variant of 钂|镋[tang3] tang 镋|ancient weapon resembling a pitchfork tang 淌|to drip/to trickle/to shed (tears) tang 瑭|(jade) tang 趟|old variant of 趟[tang1] tang 趟|to wade/to trample/to turn the soil tang 趟|classifier for times, round trips or ... tang 膛|(bound form) hollow space tang 倘|if; supposing; in case tang 饄|old variant of 糖[tang2] tang 搪|to keep out/to hold off/to ward off/t... tang 樘|pillar/door post/door or window frame... tang 帑|state treasury/public funds tang 埫|flat land/(used in place names) tang 篖|see 筕篖[hang2 tang2] tang 溏|half congealed/pond tang 嘡|(onom.) clang/bong/bang tang 螳|praying mantis tang 蹚|to wade/to trample tang 羰|carbonyl (radical) tang 啺|old variant of 唐[tang2] tang 傥|if/unexpectedly tang 螗|variety of small cicada with a green ... tang 踼|to fall flat/to fall on the face tang 煻|to warm/to toast tang 醣|carbohydrate/old variant of 糖[tang2] tang 赯|red/crimson tang-songbadajia 唐宋八大家|the eight giants of Tang and Song pro... tangaidi 唐哀帝|Emperor Aidi of Tang, reign name of t... tanganika 坦噶尼喀|Tanganyika on continent of West Afric... tanganikahu 坦噶尼喀湖|Lake Tanganyika in East Africa tangbao 汤包|steamed dumpling tangbian 溏便|(TCM) unformed stool/semiliquid stool tangbidangche 螳臂当车|lit. a mantis trying to stop a chario... tangbingyan 汤饼筵|dinner party given on the third day a... tangbohu 唐伯虎|Tang Bohu or Tang Yin 唐寅 (1470-1523),... tangbole 汤博乐|Tumblr (microblogging and social netw... tangchao 唐朝|Tang dynasty (618-907) tangchi 汤匙|soup spoon/tablespoon/CL:把[ba3] tangchuan 汤川|Yukawa (name)/YUKAWA Hideki (1907-198... tangchuanxiushu 汤川秀树|YUKAWA Hideki (1907-1988), Japanese t... tangchun 糖醇|sugar alcohol tangchusidajia 唐初四大家|Four Great Calligraphers of early Tan... tangci 搪瓷|enamel tangcu 糖醋|sweet and sour tangculiji 糖醋里脊|sweet and sour pork tangcurou 糖醋肉|sweet and sour pork tangcuyu 糖醋鱼|sweet and sour fish tangdai 唐代|Tang dynasty (618-907) tangdaizong 唐代宗|Emperor Taizong of Tang (727-779), re... tangdan 糖弹|sugar-coated bullets, term used by Ma... tangdanbai 糖蛋白|glycoprotein tangdao 躺倒|to lie down tangdezong 唐德宗|Emperor Dezong of Tang (742-805), rei... tangdi 堂弟|younger male patrilineal cousin tangdi 唐棣|shadbush or shadberry (genus Amelanch... tangdimei 堂弟妹|wife of younger male cousin via male ... tangdixi 堂弟媳|wife of younger male cousin via male ... tangdou 烫斗|clothes iron tange 探戈|tango (dance) (loanword) tange 塘鹅|pelican (Morus bassanus)/gannet/booby tange 糖萼|glycocalyx tangeli 碳隔离|carbon sequestration tangendoule 唐恩都乐|Dunkin\' Donuts tangerhuangzhi 堂而皇之|overt/to make no secret (of one\'s pre... tangfa 烫发|perm (hairstyle) tangfang 堂房|remote relatives (with the same famil... tangfang 糖房|sugar mill tangfen 糖分|sugar content tangfen 糖粉|icing sugar; confectioner\'s sugar; po... tanggan 糖苷|glucoside tanggan 醣苷|(Tw) glycoside tanggaoliang 糖高粱|sweet sorghum tanggaozong 唐高宗|Emperor Gaozong of Tang, reign name o... tanggaozu 唐高祖|Emperor Gaozu of Tang, reign name of ... tangge 堂哥|older male patrilineal cousin tanggou 唐狗|mongrel tanggu 塘沽|Tanggu former district of Tianjin, no... tanggua 糖瓜|malt sugar candy, a traditional offer... tangguan 堂倌|(old) waiter/attendant tanggula 唐古拉|Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on ... tanggulashan 唐古拉山|Dangla or Tanggula Mountains on the Q... tanggulashanmai 唐古拉山脉|Dangla or Tanggula Mountains on the Q... tangguo 糖果|candy/CL:粒[li4] tangguqu 塘沽区|Tanggu former district of Tianjin, no... tanghe 唐河|Tanghe county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 y... tanghexian 唐河县|Tanghe county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 y... tanghua 堂花|variant of 唐花[tang2 hua1] tanghua 唐花|hothouse flower (i.e. flower grown in... tanghuang 堂皇|imposing/grand tanghuang 唐璜|a dandy/a fop/Don Juan/a ladies man tanghulu 糖葫芦|sugar-coated Chinese hawthorn or othe... tanghunshui 趟浑水|(fig.) to get involved in an unsavory... tanghunshui 蹚浑水|variant of 趟渾水|趟浑水[tang1 hun2 shui3] tanghuo 倘或|if; supposing that tangji 汤剂|decoction/potion tangjia 汤加|Tonga, South Pacific archipelago kingdom tangjialiluo 汤加里罗|Tongariro, volcanic area on North Isl... tangjiang 糖浆|syrup tangjiaojie 糖酵解|glycolysis (anaerobic metabolism of g... tangjiaoyu 塘角鱼|Hong Kong catfish (Clarias fuscus) tangjiaqundao 汤加群岛|Tonga tangjiashan 唐家山|area in Beichuan county Sichuan tangjiaxuan 唐家璇|Tang Jiaxuan (1938-), politician and ... tangjie 堂姐|older female patrilineal cousin tangjiefu 堂姐夫|husband of older female cousin via ma... tangjihede 唐吉诃德|Don Quixote/also written 堂吉訶德|堂吉诃德[Ta... tangjihede 堂吉诃德|Don Quixote tangjin 烫金|(printing) to stamp with gold foil; t... tangjing 糖精|saccharin tangjing 膛径|caliber (of a gun) tangjingzong 唐敬宗|Emperor Jingzong of Tang (809-827), r... tangka 唐卡|thangka (Tibetan Buddhist scroll pain... tangkoushui 淌口水|to let saliva dribble from the mouth/... tangkuai 汤块|bouillon cube tanglang 螳螂|mantis/praying mantis tanglangbuchan 螳螂捕蝉|the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware... tanglangbuchan,huangquezaihou 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后|the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware... tanglaoya 唐老鸭|Donald Duck tanglei 糖类|sugar (chemistry) tanglei 淌泪|to shed a tear tanglei 醣类|carbohydrate tanglei 汤类|soup dishes (on menu) tangli 棠梨|birch-leaved pear (Pyrus betulaefolia) tangliao 汤料|raw materials for making soup/package... tangliao 糖寮|sugar mill tanglishui 汤力水|tonic water tanglou 唐楼|tenement building, typically of 2-4 s... tangmei 堂妹|younger female patrilineal cousin tangmeifu 堂妹夫|husband of younger female cousin via ... tangmi 糖蜜|molasses/syrup tangmian 汤面|noodles in soup tangminghuang 唐明皇|Emperor Ming of Tang (685-762), also ... tangmo 唐末|late Tang period (9th century) tangmu 汤姆|Tom (name) tangmukelanxi 汤姆·克兰西|Tom Clancy (1947-2013), US author tangmukelusi 汤姆·克鲁斯|Tom Cruise (1962-), film actor tangmuluobinsi 汤姆·罗宾斯|Tom Robbins, American novelist tangmusibei 汤姆斯杯|Thomas Cup (international badminton t... tangmusun 汤姆孙|Thompson or Thomson (name) tangmusuoyalixianji 汤姆索亚历险记|Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain tangmusuoyalixianji 汤姆·索亚历险记|Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twai... tangmuxun 汤姆逊|Thomson (name) tangmuzong 唐穆宗|Emperor Muzong of Tang (795-825), rei... tangna 唐纳|Tanner or Donald (name) tangnachuanpu 唐纳·川普|(Tw) Donald Trump (1946-), American b... tangnade 唐纳德|Donald (name) tangnengruci 倘能如此|if this can be done tangniaobing 糖尿病|diabetes; diabetes mellitus tangningjie 唐宁街|Downing Street (London) tangpan 汤盘|soup plate tangping 躺平|to lie stretched out/(neologism c. 20... tangping 烫平|to press (clothes)/to iron out (wrink... tangpizhijisu 糖皮质激素|glucocorticosteroid (corticosteroid h... tangpo 汤婆|hot-water bottle tangpozi 汤婆子|hot-water bottle tangpusen 汤普森|Thompson (name) tangqiang 躺枪|(neologism c. 2014) (coll.) to be unf... tangqu 堂区|parish/civil parish tangquan 汤泉|hot spring (archaic) tangran 倘然|if; supposing that/leisurely tangrenjie 唐人街|Chinatown/CL:條|条[tiao2],座[zuo4] tangru 倘如|if tangruizong 唐睿宗|Emperor Ruizong of Tang, reign name o... tangruo 倘若|if; supposing; in case tangsanzang 唐三藏|Tripitaka, the central character of t... tangsao 堂嫂|wife of older male cousin via male line tangse 搪塞|to muddle through/to fob sb off/to be... tangseng 唐僧|Xuanzang (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddh... tangshan 唐山|see 唐山市[Tang2shan1 Shi4]/China (a nam... tangshandadizhen 唐山大地震|Great Tangshan Earthquake (1976) tangshang 烫伤|to scald tangshangdi 唐殇帝|Emperor Shang of Tang, reign name of ... tangshanshi 唐山市|Tangshan, prefecture-level city in He... tangshao 汤勺|soup ladle tangshaoyi 唐绍仪|Tang Shaoyi (1862-1939), politician a... tangshi 唐诗|Tang poetry; a Tang poem tangshi 躺尸|(deprecatory) to lie motionless (asle... tangshi 堂食|to eat in (at the restaurant) (contra... tangshi 塘虱|catfish (family Clariidae) tangshier 唐氏儿|Down\'s syndrome child tangshisanbaishou 唐诗三百首|Three Hundred Tang Poems, an antholog... tangshizheng 唐氏症|Down\'s syndrome/mongolism tangshizonghezheng 唐氏综合症|Down syndrome tangshoudao 唐手道|Tang soo do (Korean martial art) tangshoushanyu 烫手山芋|hot potato/problem/trouble/headache tangshu 唐书|same as 舊唐書|旧唐书[Jiu4 Tang2 shu1], His... tangshui 糖水|syrup/sweetened water/tong sui (sweet... tangshunzong 唐顺宗|Emperor Shunzong of Tang (761-806), r... tangsong 唐宋|the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279... tangsuzong 唐肃宗|Emperor Suzong of Tang (711-762), rei... tangtaizong 唐太宗|Emperor Taizong of Tang, reign name o... tangtaizongliweigongwendui 唐太宗李卫公问对|\"Duke Li of Wei Answering Emperor Tai... tangtang 堂堂|grand/magnificent/stately/majestic ap... tangtangzhengzheng 堂堂正正|displaying strength and discipline/im... tangtoufa 烫头发|perm/to perm hair tangtu 唐突|to be rude/to treat irreverently tangtu 搪突|variant of 唐突[tang2 tu1] tanguan 贪官|corrupt official/grasping functionary... tanguanwuli 贪官污吏|grasping officials, corrupt mandarins... tanguanxiangqing 弹冠相庆|lit. to flick dust off sb\'s cap (idio... tangulunjin 谈古论今|to talk of the past and discuss the p... tangwan 汤碗|soup bowl tangwenzong 唐文宗|Emperor Wenzong of Tang (809-840), re... tangwu 堂屋|central room of a traditional Chinese... tangwu 堂庑|side room of a hall tangwugeming 汤武革命|the Tang and Wu Revolts: the overthro... tangwuzong 唐武宗|Emperor Wuzong of Tang (814-846), rei... tangxi 糖稀|maltose syrup tangxia 躺下|to lie down tangxia 淌下|to let drip/to trickle down/to shed (... tangxian 唐县|Tang county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4]... tangxian 膛线|rifling (helical grooves inside the b... tangxianzong 唐宪宗|Emperor Xianzong of Tang (778-820), r... tangxianzu 汤显祖|Tang Xianzu (1550-1616), Ming poet an... tangxin 溏心|soft yolk (of a cooked egg) tangxiong 堂兄|older male patrilineal cousin tangxiongdi 堂兄弟|father\'s brother\'s sons/paternal male... tangxizong 唐僖宗|Emperor Xizong of Tang, reign name of... tangxuanzong 唐玄宗|Tang Emperor Xuanzong (685-762), also... tangxuanzong 唐宣宗|Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (810-859), r... tangyan 塘堰|irrigation pond or dam tangyang 唐扬|Japanese-style fried food, usually ch... tangyanlei 淌眼泪|to shed tears tangyao 汤药|tisane/decoction (Chinese medicine) tangyao 唐尧|Yao or Tang Yao (c. 2200 BC), one of ... tangyi 躺椅|deck chair/recliner/couch/lounge tangyi 糖衣|frosting or icing (on cakes etc)/suga... tangyi 烫衣|to iron (clothes) tangyi 糖饴|malt sugar/maltose tangyiban 烫衣板|ironing board tangyin 汤阴|Tangyin county in Anyang 安陽|安阳[An1 ya... tangyin 唐寅|Tang Bohu 唐伯虎 or Tang Yin (1470-1523)... tangying 躺赢|to win without needing to even lift a... tangyinxian 汤阴县|Tangyin county in Anyang 安陽|安阳[An1 ya... tangyipaodan 糖衣炮弹|sugar-coated bullets, term used by Ma... tangyizong 唐懿宗|Emperor Yizong of Tang (833-873), rei... tangyou 糖友|diabetes sufferer tangyoubaba 糖油粑粑|sweet snack made from glutinous rice,... tangyu 汤浴|(old) hot bath tangyuan 汤圆|boiled or deep-fried balls of glutino... tangyuan 糖原|glycogen tangyuan 汤原|Tangyuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamus... tangyuanxian 汤原县|Tangyuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamus... tangyulin 汤玉麟|Tang Yulin (1871-1937), minor warlord... tangzang 帑藏|state treasury tangzhaotisi 唐招提寺|Toushoudaiji, the temple in Nara, Jap... tangzhaozong 唐昭宗|Emperor Zhaozong of Tang, reign name ... tangzheyezhongqiang 躺着也中枪|(Internet slang) (lit.) to get shot e... tangzhi 汤汁|soup/broth tangzhi 糖汁|syrup tangzhi 糖脂|glycolipid tangzhi 堂侄|nephew by the male line tangzhi 糖酯|glycolipid tangzhong 汤种|water roux (aka tangzhong), a gelatin... tangzhongzong 唐中宗|Emperor Zhongzong of Tang, reign name... tangzhuang 唐装|Tang suit (traditional Chinese jacket) tangzi 堂姊|older female patrilineal cousin tangzimei 堂姊妹|father\'s brother\'s daughters/paternal... tanhao 叹号|exclamation mark (punct.) tanhe 弹劾|to impeach (an official) tanhei 碳黑|soot/carbon black tanherongyi 谈何容易|easier said than done (idiom) tanhu 袒护|to shield (a miscreant) from punishme... tanhu-sebian 谈虎色变|lit. to turn pale at the mention of a... tanhua 碳化|to carbonize/dry distillation/carboni... tanhua 谈话|to talk (with sb)/to have a conversat... tanhua 昙花|Dutchman\'s pipe cactus, aka Queen of ... tanhua 探花|candidate who came third in the Hanli... tanhua 弹花|to soften cotton fiber by fluffing tanhuagai 碳化钙|calcium carbide CaC2 tanhuagui 碳化硅|silicon carbide/carborundum tanhuan 瘫痪|(medicine) to suffer paralysis/(fig.)... tanhuang 弹簧|spring tanhuangcai 摊黄菜|(dialect) scrambled eggs tanhuangcheng 弹簧秤|spring balance tanhuangdao 弹簧刀|flick knife/switchblade/spring-loaded... tanhuangdianquan 弹簧垫圈|spring washer tanhuangmen 弹簧门|swing door tanhuangsuo 弹簧锁|spring lock tanhuaqing 碳化氢|hydrocarbon/same as 烴|烃[ting1] tanhuawu 碳化物|carbide tanhuayixian 昙花一现|lit. the night-blooming cactus shows ... tanhui 碳汇|carbon credits/carbon sink tanhui 弹回|to rebound tanhuiwuyi 贪贿无艺|greed for bribes knows no bounds (idi... taniangde 他娘的|same as 他媽的|他妈的[ta1 ma1 de5] tanji 谈及|to talk about/to mention tanji 炭墼|coal briquette tanjia 探家|to make a trip home tanjia 谈价|to negotiate (prices)/to haggle tanjian 探监|to visit a prisoner (usu. a relative ... tanjianpai 碳减排|to reduce carbon emissions tanjidan 摊鸡蛋|scrambled eggs tanjing 探井|(mining) test pit; exploratory shaft;... tanjing 谈经|to explain a sutra/to expound the cla... tanjiu 探究|to investigate/to delve/to probe/to e... tanjiu 弹纠|to accuse/to impeach tanjiushi 探究式|exploratory tanju 炭疽|(medicine) anthrax/(horticulture) ant... tanjubing 炭疽病|(medicine) anthrax/(horticulture) ant... tanjuganjun 炭疽杆菌|anthrax bacterium (Bacillus anthracis) tanjujunmiao 炭疽菌苗|anthrax vaccine tanjun 檀君|Tangun, legendary founder of Korea in... tanjunwang 檀君王|Tangun, legendary founder of Korea in... tanjure 炭疽热|anthrax tankai 摊开|to spread out/to unfold tankan 探勘|to explore/to survey/to prospect (for... tankan 探看|to visit/to go to see what\'s going on tanke 坦克|tank (military vehicle) (loanword) tankeche 坦克车|tank (armored vehicle) tankoufeng 探口风|to sound out opinions/to get sb\'s vie... tankouqi 叹口气|to sigh tankouqi 探口气|to sound out opinions/to get sb\'s vie... tankuang 探矿|to prospect; to dig for coal or minerals tankuangzhe 探矿者|prospector/person exploring for minerals tanlan 贪婪|avaricious/greedy/rapacious/insatiabl... tanlanshiwanezhiyuan 贪婪是万恶之源|Greed is the root of all evil. tanlanwuyan 贪婪无厌|avaricious and insatiable (idiom); gr... tanlei 探雷|to detect mines/mine detection tanleirenyuan 探雷人员|mine detector (employee) tanli 弹力|elasticity/elastic force/spring/rebou... tanlian 贪恋|to cling to/to be reluctant to give u... tanlian 碳链|carbon chain tanlianai 谈恋爱|to court/to go steady/to be dating tanlianxianwei 碳链纤维|carbon chain fiber tanlidezhu 探骊得珠|to pluck a pearl from the black drago... tanlu 探路|to find a path tanlu 袒露|to expose/to bare tanlun 谈论|to discuss; to talk about tanluzhe 探路者|Pathfinder, NASA spacecraft sent to M... tanma 探马|mounted scout (arch.) tanmi 探秘|to explore a mystery/to probe the unk... tanmian 袒免|to bare one\'s left arm and take off o... tanming 探明|to ascertain/to verify tanmo 探摸|to feel for sth/to grope tannangquwu 探囊取物|to feel in one\'s pocket and take sth ... tanpai 摊牌|to lay one\'s cards on the table tanpai 摊派|to apportion expenses, responsibiliti... tanpaifang 碳排放|carbon emissions; carbon dioxide emis... tanpan 谈判|to negotiate/negotiation/talks/confer... tanpandi 谈判地|place for negotiations tanpandiwei 谈判地位|bargaining position tanpanzhidu 谈判制度|collective bargaining system tanpanzhuo 谈判桌|conference table tanpeilei 坦佩雷|Tampere (Swedish Tammerfors), Finland... tanpengyou 谈朋友|to be dating sb tanpian 弹片|plectrum tanqi 叹气|to sigh/to heave a sigh tanqi 谈起|to mention/to speak of/to talk about tanqi 探奇|to seek unusual scenery or places tanqian 摊钱|to bear part of the cost tanqin 弹琴|to play or strum a lute or other stri... tanqin 探亲|to go home to visit one\'s family tanqinghuahewu 碳氢化合物|hydrocarbon tanqingshuoai 谈情说爱|to murmur endearments (idiom)/to get ... tanqiu 贪求|to pursue greedily/to crave tanqiu 弹球|to play marbles tanqiu 探求|to seek/to pursue/to investigate tanqiupan 弹球盘|pachinko tanqiuwuyan 贪求无厌|insatiably greedy (idiom) tanr 摊儿|erhua variant of 攤|摊[tan1] tanran 坦然|calm/undisturbed tanranwuju 坦然无惧|remain calm and undaunted tanruan 瘫软|limp/weak tansangniya 坦桑尼亚|Tanzania tanse 贪色|greedy for sex/given to lust for women tanshai 摊晒|to lay sth out to dry tanshang 探伤|to inspect metal for flaws (using X-r... tanshang 叹赏|to admire/to express admiration tanshang 摊商|stallkeeper/street peddler tanshangniya 坦尚尼亚|Tanzania (Tw) tanshe 弹射|to catapult/to launch/to eject (from ... tanshe 弹舌|to cluck/to trill tanshechu 弹射出|to catapult/to shoot tanshen 探身|to lean forward/to lean out (of a win... tanshengpasi 贪生怕死|greedy for life, afraid of death (idi... tanshenzi 探身子|to bend forward/to lean out tanshezuocang 弹射座舱|ejection capsule (cabin) tanshezuoyi 弹射座椅|ejection seat tanshi 探视|to visit (a patient, prisoner etc)/to... tanshi 贪食|gluttonous; greedy tanshiquan 探视权|visitation rights (law) tanshir 摊事儿|(coll.) to get into trouble tanshou 摊手|to throw up one\'s hands/to loosen one... tanshou 摊售|to set up stall tanshuai 坦率|frank (discussion)/blunt/open tanshui 潭水|deep water tanshuihuahewu 碳水化合物|carbohydrate tansitong 谭嗣同|Tan Sitong (1865-1898), Qing writer a... tansuan 碳酸|carbonic acid/carbonate tansuangai 碳酸钙|calcium carbonate tansuanjia 碳酸钾|potassium carbonate tansuanna 碳酸钠|soda/sodium carbonate (chemistry) tansuanqingna 碳酸氢钠|sodium bicarbonate tansuanyan 碳酸盐|carbonate salt (chemistry) tansuanyan 碳酸岩|carbonate rock (geology) tansuo 探索|to explore; to probe tansuoxing 探索性|exploratory tanta 坍塌|to collapse tantan 谈谈|to discuss; to have a chat tantan 啴啴|(literary) panting (of draft animals)... tantang 覃塘|Tantang district of Guigang city 貴港市|... tantangqu 覃塘区|Tantang district of Guigang city 貴港市|... tantao 探讨|to investigate/to probe tante 忐忑|apprehensive; on edge tante-buan 忐忑不安|(idiom) anxious; in turmoil tanti 摊提|to amortize/amortization tantian 谈天|to chat tantianshuodi 谈天说地|to talk endlessly; to talk about ever... tantianzhigong 贪天之功|to claim credit for other people\'s ac... tantiao 弹跳|to bounce/to jump/to leap tantiaoban 弹跳板|springboard tanting 探听|to make inquiries/to try to find out/... tantou 探头|to extend one\'s head (out or into)/a ... tantou 滩头|beach; sand bank tantou 摊头|a vendor\'s stall tantoubao 滩头堡|beachhead (military) tantoutannao 探头探脑|to stick one\'s head out and look arou... tantoutannaor 探头探脑儿|erhua variant of 探頭探腦|探头探脑[tan4 tou2 ... tantu 谈吐|style of conversation tantu 坦途|highway/level road tantu 滩涂|mudflat tantu 贪图|to covet/to seek (riches, fame) tantui 潭腿|Tantui, a northern school of martial ... tantuo 谈妥|to come to terms; to reach an agreement tantuyu 弹涂鱼|mudskipper (amphibious fish) tanwan 贪玩|to only want to have a good time/to j... tanwang 探望|to visit/to call on sb/to look around tanwanr 贪玩儿|erhua variant of 貪玩|贪玩[tan1 wan2] tanwei 摊位|vendor\'s booth tanweiguanzhi 叹为观止|(idiom) to gasp in amazement/to accla... tanweiwuyan 贪猥无厌|avaricious and insatiable (idiom); gr... tanwen 探问|to inquire into/to ask after tanwu 贪污|to be corrupt/corruption/to embezzle tanwu-fuhua 贪污腐化|(idiom) corruption tanwufubai 贪污腐败|corruption tanxi 叹息|to sigh; to gasp (in admiration) tanxi 叹惜|sigh of regret tanxi 袒裼|to bare the upper body tanxian 探险|to explore/to go on an expedition/adv... tanxiang 檀香|sandalwood tanxiangshan 檀香山|Honolulu, capital of Hawaii/also tran... tanxianjia 探险家|explorer tanxianlv 碳酰氯|carbonyl chloride COCl2/phosgene, a p... tanxianwei 碳纤维|carbon fiber tanxianzhe 探险者|explorer tanxiao 摊销|to amortize/amortization tanxiaofengsheng 谈笑风生|to talk cheerfully and wittily/to jok... tanxiaoshida 贪小失大|penny wise and pound foolish (idiom) tanxiaoziruo 谈笑自若|to talk and laugh as though nothing h... tanxin 贪心|greedy tanxin 谈心|to have a heart-to-heart chat tanxinbuzu 贪心不足|avaricious and insatiable (idiom); gr... tanxing 弹性|flexibility/elasticity tanxing 谈星|astrology/fortune-telling tanxingbianse 谈性变色|to turn green at the mention of sex; ... tanxingmoliang 弹性模量|modulus of elasticity/coefficient of ... tanxingxingbian 弹性形变|elastic deformation tanxinpei 谭鑫培|Tan Xinpei (1847-1917), noted opera a... tanxiong 袒胸|to bare the breast tanxun 探寻|to search/to seek/to explore tanxun 探询|to inquire into/to ask after tanya 弹压|to suppress/to quell (a disturbance)/... tanya 弹牙|al dente tanyan 坦言|to say candidly/to acknowledge frankly tanye 痰液|saliva/spittle tanyi 袒衣|to dress in a hurry with part of the ... tanying 潭影|reflection in a deep pond tanyonglin 谭咏麟|Alan Tam (1950-), Hong Kong Canto-pop... tanyoufawei 探幽发微|to probe deeply and uncover minute de... tanyu 贪欲|greed/avarice/rapacious/avid tanyu 痰盂|spittoon tanyuan 探员|detective/investigator/agent tanyuanzi 碳原子|carbon atom tanyue 檀越|(Buddhism) benefactor (designation of... tanyue 探月|lunar exploration tanyur 痰盂儿|erhua variant of 痰盂[tan2 yu2] tanyushi 痰盂式|spittoon-shaped tanzangwangfa 贪赃枉法|corruption and abuse of the law (idio... tanzhan 贪占|to misappropriate tanzhang 探长|(police) detective tanzhaodeng 探照灯|searchlight tanzhen 探针|probe tanzhenlin 谭震林|Tan Zhenlin (1902-1983), PRC revoluti... tanzhesi 潭柘寺|Tanzhe Temple tanzhi 探知|to find out/to ascertain/to get an id... tanzhi 弹指|to snap one\'s fingers/(fig.) in a fla... tanzhi 潭祉|great happiness tanzhiyihuijian 弹指一挥间|in a flash (idiom) tanzhizhijian 弹指之间|(idiom) in a flash; instantly tanzhong 檀中|see 膻中[dan4zhong1] tanzhonghe 碳中和|carbon neutrality/carbon-neutral tanzi 探子|intelligence gatherer/spy/detective/s... tanzi 毯子|blanket/CL:條|条[tiao2],張|张[zhang1],床[c... tanzi 坛子|jug (earthenware with a big belly and... tanzi 谈资|sth that people like to chat about/to... tanzi 摊子|booth; vendor\'s stall/(fig.) organiza... tanzi 弹子|towrope tanzi 潭子|deep natural pond tanzi 瘫子|paralyzed person tanzou 弹奏|to play (musical instrument, esp. str... tanzui 贪嘴|gluttonous tanzuji 碳足迹|carbon footprint tanzuyin 碳足印|carbon footprint tao 套|to cover/to encase/cover/sheath/to ov... tao 桃|peach tao 涛|big wave/Taiwan pr. [tao2] tao 陶|surname Tao tao 陶|pottery/pleased tao 淘|to wash/to clean out/to cleanse/to el... tao 逃|to escape/to run away/to flee tao 掏|to fish out (from pocket)/to scoop tao 掏|variant of 掏[tao1] tao 绦|braid/cord/sash tao 绦|variant of 絛|绦[tao1] tao 咷|wail tao 韬|bow case or scabbard/to hide/military... tao 讨|to invite/to provoke/to demand or ask... tao 慆|rejoice tao 焘|used in given names tao 萄|used in 葡萄[pu2 tao5] tao 弢|bow case/to cover tao 鼗|see 撥浪鼓|拨浪鼓[bo1lang5gu3] tao 洮|to cleanse/name of a river tao 叨|to receive the benefit of tao 滔|(bound form) to inundate; deluge; tor... tao 饕|(literary) greedy; gluttonous tao 匋|pottery tao 梼|dunce/blockhead tao 啕|wail tao 鞉|old variant of 鼗[tao2] tao 醄|used in 酕醄[mao2tao2] tao 鞀|variant of 鼗[tao2] tao 绹|bind/cord/twist tao 縚|braid/cord/sash tao 㲈|variant of 鞀|鼗[tao2] tao 𫘦|used in 騊駼|𫘦𬳿[tao2tu2] taobao 淘宝|Taobao, a Chinese online shopping web... taobao 套包|collar part of horse harness taobao 掏包|to pick pockets taobao 讨保|to ask for bail money taobaowang 淘宝网|Taobao Marketplace, a Chinese website... taobei 洮北|Taobei district of Baicheng city 白城市,... taobeiqu 洮北区|Taobei district of Baicheng city 白城市,... taobeizhe 逃北者|North Korean refugee taoben 逃奔|to run away to/to flee taobi 逃避|to escape/to evade/to avoid/to shirk taobing 逃兵|army deserter taobizeren 逃避责任|to evade responsibility/to shirk taobuchu 逃不出|unable to escape/can\'t get out taocan 套餐|set meal/(fig.) product or service pa... taoche 套车|to harness (a horse to a cart) taocheng 桃城|Taocheng district of Hengshui city 衡水... taochengqu 桃城区|Taocheng district of Hengshui city 衡水... taochi 讨吃|to beg for food taochong 绦虫|tapeworm taochonggang 绦虫纲|Cestoda (an order of flatworms) taochu 掏出|to fish out/to take out (from a pocke... taoci 陶瓷|pottery and porcelain/ceramics taoci 套磁|(coll.) to cultivate good relations w... taociqi 陶瓷器|pottery/chinaware taocuan 逃窜|to run away/to flee in disarray taocuanwuzong 逃窜无踪|to disperse and flee, leaving no trace taodai 绦带|silk ribbon/silk braid taodan 逃单|to dine and dash; (by extension) to a... taodi 讨底|to enquire/to demand details taodi 陶笛|ocarina (musical instrument) taodie 套叠|overlapping/nesting/to interleave taodir 讨底儿|erhua variant of 討底|讨底[tao3 di3] taodun 逃遁|to escape/to disappear taoer 掏耳|to remove earwax with an ear pick taofa 讨伐|to suppress by armed force/to send a ... taofan 逃犯|escaped criminal; fugitive from the law taofan 讨饭|to ask for food/to beg taofang 套房|small room opening off another; inner... taofei 逃废|to evade (repayment of debts) taofu 套服|a suit (of clothes) taogang 逃港|to flee to Hong Kong/exodus to Hong K... taogong 陶工|pottery/potter taogou 套购|a fraudulent purchase/to buy up sth i... taoguan 套管|pipe casing taoguangyanghui 韬光养晦|to conceal one\'s strengths and bide o... taoguoyijie 逃过一劫|(idiom) to survive a calamity/to get ... taohai 讨海|to make one\'s living from the sea taohao 讨好|to get the desired outcome/to win fav... taohaomaiguai 讨好卖乖|to curry favor by showing obeisance (... taohe 淘河|pelican taohong 桃红|pink taohong 套红|printing portions of a page (e.g. a b... taohua 桃花|peach blossom/(fig.) love affair taohua 套话|polite phrase; conventional greetings... taohuan 讨还|to ask for sth back/to recover taohuan 套换|to change (currency) illegally/fraudu... taohuang 逃荒|to escape from a famine/to get away f... taohuashan 桃花扇|The Peach Blossom Fan, historical pla... taohuashuimu 桃花水母|freshwater jellyfish (Craspedacusta) taohuaxinmu 桃花心木|mahogany taohuaxun 桃花汛|spring flood (at peach-blossom time) taohuayuan 桃花源|the Peach Blossom Spring, a hidden la... taohuayun 桃花运|luck with the ladies/a romance/good luck taohui 套汇|illegal currency exchange/arbitrage taohun 逃婚|to flee to avoid an arranged marriage taojiahuanjia 讨价还价|to haggle over price/to bargain taojian 套件|kit (equipment)/(bicycle) groupset taojian 套间|vestibule/small inner room (opening t... taojiang 桃江|Taojiang county in Yiyang 益陽|益阳[Yi4 y... taojiang 陶匠|potter taojiangxian 桃江县|Taojiang county in Yiyang 益陽|益阳[Yi4 y... taojiao 讨教|to consult/to ask for advice taojiaoqing 套交情|to try to gain sb\'s friendship taojie 套结|a noose taojin 淘金|to pan for gold/to try to make a fortune taojinchao 淘金潮|gold rush taojinhu 套近乎|to worm one\'s way into being friends ... taojinniang 桃金娘|rose myrtle (Myrtus communis) taojinniangke 桃金娘科|Myrtaceae (family including myrtle, r... taojinre 淘金热|gold rush taojinzhe 淘金者|gold panner/prospector for gold taojiu 讨究|to investigate taoke 逃课|to skip class taoke 淘客|talk (loanword)/chatline of PRC Inter... taoke 饕客|gourmand taokong 掏空|to hollow out/to empty out/to use up/... taokougong 套口供|to trap a suspect into a confession taoku 套裤|leggings taolao 套牢|to immobilize with a lasso/to be trap... taole 陶乐|former Taole county, now in Pingluo c... taolexian 陶乐县|former Taole county, now in Pingluo c... taoli 套利|arbitrage taoli 逃离|to run out/to escape taoliyang 桃莉羊|(Tw) Dolly (1996-2003), female sheep,... taolizhe 套利者|arbitrager taolou 逃漏|to evade (paying tax)/(tax) evasion taolu 套路|sequence of movements in martial arts... taolu 逃禄|to avoid employment taolun 讨论|to discuss; to talk over taolunban 讨论班|seminar/workshop taolunhui 讨论会|symposium/discussion forum taolunqu 讨论区|forum (esp. online)/discussion area/f... taoluo 淘箩|basket (for washing rice) taolve 韬略|military strategy/military tactics/or... taoma 套马|to harness a horse/to lasso a horse taomagan 套马杆|lasso on long wooden pole taomi 淘米|to rinse rice taomi 讨米|to beg for food taoming 逃命|to escape/to flee/to run for one\'s life taonan 逃难|to run away from trouble/to flee from... taonan 洮南|Taonan, county-level city in Baicheng... taonanshi 洮南市|Taonan, county-level city in Baicheng... taopai 讨拍|(Tw) (coll.) to seek sympathy taopaiche 套牌车|car with fake plates taopao 逃跑|to flee from sth/to run away/to escape taopianyi 讨便宜|to look for a bargain/to seek advanta... taopiao 逃票|to sneak in without a ticket/to stow ... taoping 讨平|to put down (an uprising)/to pacify taoqi 淘气|naughty/mischievous taoqi 陶器|pottery taoqi 讨乞|to go begging/to ask for alms taoqian 掏钱|to pay/to spend money/to fork out taoqian 陶潜|Tao Qian or Tao Yuanming 陶淵明|陶渊明 (c. ... taoqiao 讨巧|to act cleverly to get what one desir... taoqiao 讨俏|deliberately provocative/saucy taoqibaozhi 套期保值|to hedge (one\'s bets)/to defend again... taoqu 套取|to acquire fraudulently/an illegal ex... taoqu 套曲|divertimento (music) taoqu 讨取|to ask for/to demand taoquan 套圈|ferrule/ring toss taoqun 套裙|woman\'s suit/dress worn over a petticoat taor 套儿|(coll.) loop of rope/noose/scheme/plo... taorao 叨扰|to bother/to trouble/(polite expressi... taorao 讨饶|to beg for mercy/to ask for forgiveness taorao 讨扰|I beg to disturb you/I trespass on yo... taoren 桃仁|peach kernel, used in Chinese medicine taoren 讨人|(old) girl trafficked into a brothel ... taorenxian 讨人嫌|unpleasant/disagreeable taorenxihuan 讨人喜欢|to attract people\'s affection/charmin... taorenyan 讨人厌|horrid taosaifenlian 桃腮粉脸|rosy-cheeked (idiom) taose 桃色|pink/peach color/illicit love/sexual taoseanjian 桃色案件|case involving sex scandal (law) taosexinwen 桃色新闻|sex scandal taoshai 套色|color printing using several overlaid... taoshan 桃山|Taoshan, a district of Qitaihe 七臺河市|七... taoshan 套衫|a pullover taoshanqu 桃山区|Taoshan, a district of Qitaihe 七臺河市|七... taoshanr 套衫儿|a pullover taoshen 淘神|troublesome/bothersome taosheng 逃生|to flee for one\'s life taosheng 套绳|a lasso taoshenghuo 讨生活|to eke out a living/to live from hand... taoshu 桃树|peach tree/CL:株[zhu1] taoshu 套数|song cycle in Chinese opera/(fig.) a ... taoshui 逃税|to evade a tax taoshuitiantang 逃税天堂|tax haven taosuo 套索|a lasso/noose taotai 淘汰|to wash out/(fig.) to cull/to weed ou... taotailang 桃太郎|Momotaro or Peach Boy, the hero of a ... taotaisai 淘汰赛|a knockout competition taotao 套套|methods/the old tricks/(slang) condom taotao 滔滔|torrential taotaobujue 滔滔不绝|(idiom) to produce a torrent of words... taotian 滔天|(of waves, anger, a disaster, a crime... taotiandazui 滔天大罪|heinous crime taotie 饕餮|ferocious mythological animal, the fi... taotiedacan 饕餮大餐|great meal fit for dragon\'s son (idio... taotiewen 饕餮纹|zoomorphic mask motif taotiezhitu 饕餮之徒|glutton/gourmand/by extension, person... taotong 套筒|sleeve/a tube for wrapping taotongbanshou 套筒扳手|socket spanner taotou 套头|(of a garment) designed to be put on ... taotu 陶土|potter\'s clay/kaolin taotu 𫘦𬳿|(literary) a well-regarded type of ho... taotuo 逃脱|to run away/to escape taowa 套娃|matryoshka (Russian nested doll) taowang 逃亡|to flee; to go into exile taowang 逃往|to run away/to go into exile taowangzhe 逃亡者|runaway taowen 套问|to sound sb out/to find out by tactfu... taowu 梼杌|legendary beast taoxi 淘洗|to wash taoxi 讨喜|endearing; charming; likeable taoxi 逃席|to leave a banquet (without taking on... taoxi 淘析|to strain/to wash and filter taoxian 套现|to convert (an asset) into cash/to ca... taoxian 讨嫌|disagreeable/hateful/a pain in the neck taoxiao 讨小|(coll.) to take a concubine taoxie 套鞋|overshoes; galoshes taoxin 讨薪|to seek unpaid wages taoxin 桃心|heart symbol ♥ taoxingzhi 陶行知|Tao Xingzhi (1891-1946), Chinese educ... taoxintaofei 掏心掏肺|to be totally devoted (to a person) taoxiu 套袖|sleeve cover taoxuan 淘选|to decant/to strain off taoxue 逃学|to play truant/to cut classes taoxun 桃汛|spring flood (at peach-blossom time) taoyan 讨厌|to dislike/to loathe/disagreeable/tro... taoyan 陶砚|ink stone made of pottery taoyangui 讨厌鬼|disgusting person/slob taoyaobao 掏腰包|to dip into one\'s pocket; to pay out ... taoye 陶冶|lit. to fire pots and smelt metal/fig... taoyeqingcao 陶冶情操|to cultivate one\'s mind/to build char... taoyi 逃逸|to escape/to run away/to abscond taoyi 陶艺|ceramic art taoyin 套印|color printing using several overlaid... taoyisudu 逃逸速度|escape velocity taoyong 套用|to apply (sth hitherto used in a diff... taoyong 陶俑|a pottery figurine buried with the dead taoyu 套语|polite set phrases taoyu 逃狱|to escape (from prison)/to jump bail taoyuan 桃源|Taoyuan county in Changde 常德[Chang2 d... taoyuan 桃源|see 桃花源[tao2 hua1 yuan2] taoyuan 桃园|Taoyuan city and county in Taiwan taoyuanjieyi 桃园结义|to make a pact of brotherhood (from “... taoyuanming 陶渊明|Tao Yuanming (c. 365-427), Jin dynast... taoyuansanjieyi 桃园三结义|Oath of the Peach Garden, sworn by Li... taoyuanshi 桃园市|Taoyuan city in north Taiwan, capital... taoyuanxian 桃源县|Taoyuan county in Changde 常德[Chang2 d... taozaibinan 逃灾避难|to seek refuge from calamities taozhai 讨债|to demand repayment taozhai 逃债|to dodge a creditor taozhang 讨账|to demand payment/to collect overdue ... taozhe 陶喆|David Tao (1969-), Taiwanese singer-s... taozhen 陶甄|to mold and educate people taozhexuan 陶哲轩|Terence Tao, Chinese-Australian mathe... taozhiyaoyao 逃之夭夭|to escape without trace (idiom); to m... taozhong 套种|to interplant taozhong 套钟|chime taozhong 陶盅|pottery bowl taozhongren 套中人|a conservative taozhuang 套装|outfit or suit (of clothes)/set of co... taozi 桃子|peach taozi 套子|sheath/case/cover/conventional method... taozi 绦子|silk ribbon or braid/lace or embroide... taozongyi 陶宗仪|Tao Zongyi (c. 1329-1410), Yuan dynas... taozou 逃走|to escape/to flee/to run away taozui 陶醉|to be infatuated with; to be drunk wi... taozuo 套作|(agriculture) to interplant tapasi 塔帕斯|tapas, small Spanish snacks (loanword) tapian 拓片|rubbings from a tablet tapomenkan 踏破门槛|to wear out the doorstep (idiom)/to c... tapotiexie 踏破铁鞋|lit. to wear out one\'s iron shoes (id... tapotiexiewumichu,delaiquanbufeigongfu 踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫|to travel far and wide looking for st... taqian 他迁|to relocate/to move elsewhere taqing 踏青|lit. tread the green; go for a walk i... taqingshangchun 踏青赏春|to enjoy a beautiful spring walk (idiom) taqingshanghua 踏青赏花|to enjoy the flowers on a spring outi... taren 他人|another person; sb else; other people tari 他日|(literary) some day/(literary) days i... tasha 他杀|homicide (law) tashan 塔扇|tower fan tashang 踏上|to set foot on/to step on or into tashanzhishikeyigongyu 他山之石可以攻玉|lit. the other mountain\'s stone can p... tashi 踏实|firmly-based/steady/steadfast/to have... tashi 塌实|variant of 踏實|踏实[ta1 shi5] tashigan 塔什干|Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan tashikuergantajikezizhixian 塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县|Taxkorgan Tajik autonomous county (Ta... tashikuerganxiang 塔什库尔干乡|Taxkorgan township in Kashgar prefect... tashikuerganzizhixian 塔什库尔干自治县|Taxkorgan Tajik autonomous county (Ta... tasikela 塔斯科拉|Tuscola (county in Michigan) tasimaniya 塔斯马尼亚|Tasmania (Tw) tasimanniya 塔斯曼尼亚|Tasmania tasimanniyadao 塔斯曼尼亚岛|Tasmania tasishe 塔斯社|TASS/Information Telegraph Agency of ... tataer 塔塔尔|Tatar ethnic group of Xinjiang tataerzu 塔塔尔族|Tatar ethnic group of Xinjiang tatafen 塔塔粉|cream of tartar/potassium bitartrate tatai 塔台|control tower tatai 塌台|to collapse tatami 榻榻米|tatami (loanword from Japanese) tatami 他他米|see 榻榻米[ta4 ta4 mi3] tataozi 褟绦子|lace hemming tatar 塔塔儿|Tartar (person) tatarren 塔塔儿人|Tartar (person) tatashishi 踏踏实实|steady/steadfast tawasike 塔瓦斯科|Tabasco (south Mexican state) taweishuque 塔尾树鹊|(bird species of China) ratchet-taile... taxi 踏袭|to follow blindly taxia 塌下|to collapse taxian 塌陷|to subside/to sink/to cave in taxiang 他乡|foreign land/away from one\'s native p... taxiang 塔香|(cuisine) basil-flavored (abbr. for 九... taxiangyuguzhi 他乡遇故知|meeting an old friend in a foreign pl... taxin 他信|Thaksin Shinawatra (1949-), Thai busi... taxing 他性|otherness taxiti 塔希提|Tahiti, island of the Society Islands... taxue 踏雪|to go for a walk in the snow taxueban 踏雪板|snowshoe taxuexunmei 踏雪寻梅|to walk in the snow to view the flowe... tayin 拓印|stone rubbing (to copy an inscription) tayong 他用|other use/other purpose tayue 踏月|to go for a walk in the moonlight taza 塔扎|Taza (a city in northern Morocco) tazhe 他者|others/(sociology, philosophy) the Other tazhehua 他者化|othering/otherization tazhexing 他者性|otherness tazhou 塔州|Tasmania (abbr. for 塔斯曼尼亞州|塔斯曼尼亚州) tazu 踏足|to set foot on (a foreign land etc); ... te 特|special/unique/distinguished/especial... te 忒|to err/to change te 慝|evil thought te 忑|used in 忐忑[tan3te4] te 犆|male animal te 铽|terbium (chemistry) teaohui 特奥会|Special Olympics tebie 特别|unusual; special/very; especially; pa... tebiedaiyu 特别待遇|special treatment tebieganxie 特别感谢|special thanks/particular thanks tebiehuli 特别护理|intensive care tebiekechuan 特别客串|special guest performer (in a show)/s... tebierenwulian 特别任务连|Special Duties Unit, Hong Kong specia... tebietikuanquan 特别提款权|special drawing rights (SDR), interna... tebiexingzhengqu 特别行政区|special administrative region (SAR), ... techan 特产|special local product/(regional) spec... techang 特长|personal strength/one\'s special abili... techu 特出|outstanding/prominent teci 特此|hereby teda 特大|exceptionally big tedahao 特大号|jumbo/king-sized tedeng 特等|special grade/top quality tedi 特地|specially/for a special purpose tedian 特点|characteristic (feature)/trait/featur... teding 特定|special; specific; designated; partic... tefaxing 特发性|idiopathic tefulong 特富龙|(PRC) (loanword) Teflon tegong 特工|secret service/special service/secret... teguxijiaerba 特古西加尔巴|Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras tehu 特护|special nursing/intensive care/abbr. ... tehua 特化|specialization tehui 特惠|abbr. for 特別優惠|特别优惠[te4 bie2 you1 hui... tehuijin 特惠金|ex gratia payment tehuqu 特护区|intensive care department (of hospital) tei 忒|(dialect) too/very/also pr. [tui1] teji 特辑|special collection/special issue/album teji 特级|special grade/top quality teji 特技|special effect/stunt teji 特急|especially urgent/top priority tejia 特价|special price tejiacai 特价菜|restaurant special/daily special tejie 特解|particular solution (to a math. equat... tejing 特警|SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics)/ri... tejitiaosan 特技跳伞|skydiving tejiyanyuan 特技演员|stuntman tekan 特刊|special edition (of magazine) tekesi 特克斯|(textiles) (loanword) tex, a unit for... tekesihe 特克斯河|Tekes River in southeast Kazakhstan a... tekesihekaikesiqundao 特克斯和凯科斯群岛|Turks and Caicos Islands tekesixian 特克斯县|Tekes County in Ili Kazakh Autonomous... tekuai 特快|express (train, delivery etc) tekuaiche 特快车|special express tekuaizhuandi 特快专递|express mail telafaerjia 特拉法尔加|Trafalgar telafaerjiaguangchang 特拉法尔加广场|Trafalgar Square (London) telafajiaguangchang 特拉法加广场|Trafalgar Square (London) telahua 特拉华|Delaware, US state telahuahe 特拉华河|Delaware River, between Pennsylvania ... telahuazhou 特拉华州|Delaware, US state telai 特来|to come with a specific purpose in mind telangpu 特朗普|Donald Trump (1946-), American busine... telaweifu 特拉维夫|Tel Aviv/Tel Aviv-Jaffa teleisha 特雷莎|Teresa/Theresa (name) teleiwo 特雷沃|Trevor (name) teli 特例|special case/isolated example teli 特利|(name) Terry teliduxing 特立独行|to be unconventional/independence of ... telier 特里尔|Trier (city in Germany) telinida 特立尼达|Trinidad telinidaheduobage 特立尼达和多巴哥|Trinidad and Tobago telipula 特里普拉|Tripura (Indian state) telisa 特里萨|Teresa/Theresa (name) teluaier 特鲁埃尔|Tergüel or Teruel, Spain teluduo 特鲁多|Pierre Trudeau (1919-2000), prime min... telundun 特伦顿|Trenton, capital of New Jersey teluoduosi 特罗多斯|Troodos, Cyprus teluoyi 特洛伊|ancient city of Troy teluoyimuma 特洛伊木马|Trojan horse temai 特卖|to have a sale/sale temaihui 特卖会|promotional event/sale teme 特么|euphemistic equivalent of 他媽的|他妈的[ta1... temian 特免|special exemption teminfu 特敏福|oseltamivir/Tamiflu teneilifei 特内里费|Tenerife teng 腾|(bound form) to gallop; to prance/(bo... teng 疼|(it) hurts; sore/to love dearly teng 藤|variant of 藤[teng2] teng 藤|rattan/cane/vine teng 滕|vassal state of Zhou in Shandong/Teng... teng 縢|bind/cord/tie up teng 熥|to heat up (cooked food) by baking or... teng 誊|to transcribe; to copy out teng 螣|flying dragon teng 鼟|(onom.) the thump of a big drum teng 邆|(used in place names) tengai 疼爱|to love dearly tengben 藤本|Fujimoto (Japanese surname) tengbenzhiwu 藤本植物|vine plant tengcai 藤菜|see 蕹菜[weng4 cai4] tengchu 腾出|to make (some time or space) availabl... tengchushou 腾出手|to get one\'s hands free (to do sth else) tengfei 腾飞|lit. to fly upwards swiftly/fig. rapi... tenggelishamo 腾格里沙漠|Tengger Desert tenghu 藤壶|barnacle (crustacean) tengjia 滕家|Tengjia township in Rongcheng 榮成|荣成, ... tengjiazhen 滕家镇|Tengjia township in Rongcheng 榮成|荣成, ... tengjing 藤井|Fujii (Japanese surname) tengkong 腾空|to soar/to rise high into the air tenglu 誊录|to copy out tengman 藤蔓|vine/also pr. [teng2 wan4] tengnuo 腾挪|to move/to shift/to move out of the w... tengqie 藤箧|wicker suitcase tengqiu 藤球|sepak takraw (sport) tengsen 藤森|Fujimori (Japanese surname)/Alberto K... tengsi 疼死|to really hurt tengsibeige 滕斯贝格|Tønsberg (city in Vestfold, Norway) tengteng 腾腾|steaming/scathing tengtian 藤田|Fujita (Japanese surname) tengtiao 藤条|rattan tengtong 疼痛|pain/(of a body part) to be painful; ... tengwangge 滕王阁|Tengwang Tower in Nanchang, Jiangxi/o... tengxi 疼惜|to cherish/to dote on tengxian 藤县|Teng county in Wuzhou 梧州[Wu2 zhou1], ... tengxian 滕县|Teng county in Shandong tengxiang 腾骧|(literary) to gallop/to charge forward tengxie 誊写|to transcribe/to make a fair copy tengxun 腾讯|see 騰訊控股有限公司|腾讯控股有限公司[Teng2 xun4 Kong... tengxunkongguyouxiangongsi 腾讯控股有限公司|Tencent Holdings Limited (developers ... tengye 藤野|Fujino (Japanese surname) tengyi 藤椅|rattan chair tengyuan 藤原|Fujiwara (Japanese surname) tengyue 腾越|to jump over/to vault/to soar over tengze 藤泽|Fujisawa (Japanese surname and place ... tengzhou 滕州|Tengzhou, county-level city in Zaozhu... tengzhoushi 滕州市|Tengzhou, county-level city in Zaozhu... tepai 特派|special appointment/special correspon... tepaiyuan 特派员|special correspondent/sb dispatched o... tepi 特批|to give special approval teqi 特起|to appear on the scene/to arise suddenly teqin 特勤|special duty (e.g. extra security or ... tequ 特区|special administrative region/abbr. f... tequan 特权|prerogative/privilege/privileged teren 特任|special appointment tese 特色|characteristic/distinguishing feature... teshe 特设|ad hoc/to set up specially teshe 特赦|to grant a special pardon tesheling 特赦令|decree to grant a special pardon teshi 特使|special envoy/special ambassador teshou 特首|chief executive of Special Administra... teshu 特殊|special/particular/unusual/extraordinary teshuertong 特殊儿童|child with special needs/gifted child teshuguanxi 特殊关系|special relation teshuhanshu 特殊函数|special functions (math.) teshuhuli 特殊护理|special care/intensive nursing teshujiaoyu 特殊教育|special education/special-needs educa... tesila 特斯拉|Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Serbian inv... tesila 特斯拉|tesla (unit) tetiao 特调|special blend; house blend tetisihai 特提斯海|Tethys (pre-Cambrian ocean) tewazu 特瓦族|Twa or Batwa, an ethnic group in Rwan... tewei 特为|for a specific purpose/specially teweiqiang 特卫强|Tyvek (brand) tewu 特务|special assignment (military)/special... texiao 特效|specially good effect; special effica... texiaoyao 特效药|effective medicine for a specific con... texie 特写|feature article/close-up (filmmaking,... texing 特性|property/characteristic texu 特许|license/licensed/concession/concessio... texu 特需|special need/particular requirement texujingying 特许经营|franchised operation/franchising texuquan 特许权|patent/franchise/concession texuzhuang 特许状|charter teyao 特邀|special invitation teyi 特异|exceptionally good/excellent/clearly ... teyi 特意|specially/intentionally teyicaise 特艺彩色|Technicolor teyigongneng 特异功能|supernatural power/extrasensory perce... teyigou 特易购|Tesco, British-based supermarket chain teyixing 特异性|specific/specificity/idiosyncrasy teyixuanze 特异选择|special choice/special reserve teyou 特有|specific (to)/characteristic (of)/dis... teyue 特约|specially engaged/employed or commiss... teyuejizhe 特约记者|special correspondent/stringer tezheng 特征|characteristic/diagnostic property/di... tezhenglianhe 特征联合|characteristic binding tezhengxiangliang 特征向量|eigenvector (math.) tezhengzhi 特征值|eigenvalue (math.) tezhenzu 特侦组|special investigation team (Tw) tezhi 特指|to refer in particular to tezhi 特制|specially made; custom-made tezhi 特质|characteristic/special quality tezhiwenju 特指问句|wh-question (linguistics) tezhong 特种|particular kind/special type tezhongbing 特种兵|commando/special forces soldier tezhongbudui 特种部队|(military) special forces tezhongjingcha 特种警察|SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics)/ri... tezhongkongqintuan 特种空勤团|Special Air Service (SAS) tezhun 特准|to give special approval tfka TF卡|microSD card ti 体|used in 體己|体己[ti1ji5]/Taiwan pr. [ti3] ti 体|body/form/style/system/substance/to e... ti 梯|ladder/stairs ti 提|to carry (hanging down from the hand)... ti 题|surname Ti ti 题|topic/problem for discussion/exam que... ti 缇|orange-red silk/orange-red colored ti 揥|get rid of/ivory hairpin ti 蹄|hoof/pig\'s trotters ti 蹄|variant of 蹄[ti2] ti 替|to substitute for/to take the place o... ti 啼|(bound form) to cry; to weep loudly/(... ti 啼|variant of 啼[ti2] ti 涕|tears/nasal mucus ti 媞|used as phonetic/female name ti 惕|fearful/respectful ti 悌|to do one\'s duty as a younger brother ti 剔|to scrape the meat from bones/to pick... ti 鹈|used in 鵜鶘|鹈鹕[ti2hu2] ti 弟|variant of 悌[ti4] ti 醍|used in 醍醐[ti2hu2] ti 屉|drawer; tier; tray ti 荑|(grass) ti 剃|to shave ti 剃|shave/to weed ti 剃|variant of 剃[ti4] ti 籊|long bamboo (for fishing rod) ti 嚏|sneeze ti 倜|energetic/exalted/magnanimous ti 悐|respect, regard/to stand in awe of, t... ti 鳀|anchovy ti 裼|baby\'s quilt ti 擿|to select/to nitpick/to expose ti 鬄|old variant of 剃[ti4] ti 稊|grass/tares ti 鶗|a kind of hawk ti 逖|(literary) remote; far away ti 䴘|used in 鷿鷈|䴙䴘[pi4 ti1] ti 䴘|variant of 鷈|䴘[ti1] ti 绨|coarse greenish black pongee ti 禔|well-being ti 趯|to jump/way of stroke in calligraphy ti 洟|nasal mucus/Taiwan pr. [yi2] ti 軆|old variant of 體|体[ti3] ti 嚔|variant of 嚏[ti4] ti 躰|variant of 體|体[ti3] ti 厗|old stone or mineral, possibly relate... ti 䶑|variant of 嚏[ti4] ti 锑|antimony (chemistry) ti 𣨼|fatigue ti 踢|to kick/to play (e.g. soccer)/(slang)... ti 𫘨|used in 駃騠|𫘝𫘨[jue2ti2] tian 天|day/sky/heaven tian 田|surname Tian tian 田|field/farm/CL:片[pian4] tian 舔|to lick/to lap tian 填|to fill or stuff/(of a form etc) to f... tian 甜|sweet tian 添|to add; to increase; to replenish tian 菾|sugar beet tian 鿬|tennessine (chemistry) tian 提案|proposal/draft resolution/motion (to ... tian 觍|shameful/shameless tian 黇|used in 黇鹿[tian1 lu4] tian 晪|(literary) bright tian 恬|quiet/calm/tranquil/peaceful tian 湉|(literary) smoothly flowing, placid (... tian 殄|to exterminate tian 腆|make strong (as liquors)/virtuous tian 钿|(dialect) coin; money tian 佃|to cultivate/to hunt tian 阗|fill up/rumbling sound tian 瑱|(literary) jade pendants attached to ... tian 塡|variant of 填[tian2] tian 畋|to cultivate (land)/to hunt tian 兲|variant of 天[tian1] tian 屇|cave/hole tian 掭|to smooth (a brush) against the inkst... tian 忝|to shame tian 沺|turbulent tian 靔|old variant of 天[tian1] tian 餂|to obtain by deception tian 淟|turbid/muddy tian 睓|variant of 㥏[tian3] tian 甛|old variant of 甜[tian2] tian 窴|fill in tian 㥏|ashamed tian 畑|used in Japanese names with phonetic ... tiana 天啊|good heavens!; oh my God! tiananmen 天安门|Tiananmen Gate, entrance of the Imper... tiananmenguangchang 天安门广场|Tiananmen Square tiananmenkaile 天安门开了|pants fly is down/the barn door is open tianban 添办|to acquire tianbao 填报|to fill in and submit (a form) tianbao 填饱|to feed to the full/to cram tianbei 天贝|(loanword) tempeh tianbengdilie 天崩地裂|heaven falls and earth rends (idiom);... tianbian 天边|horizon/ends of the earth/remotest pl... tianbiao 填表|fill a form tianbing 天兵|celestial soldier/(old) imperial troo... tianbingtianjiang 天兵天将|celestial troops and generals (idiom)... tianbo 恬波|calm waters tianbu 填补|to fill a gap/to fill in a blank (on ... tianbu 添补|to fill (up)/to replenish tianbula 甜不辣|deep-fried fish cake popular in Taiwa... tianbupadibupa 天不怕地不怕|fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth (i... tianbuzhichi 恬不知耻|to have no sense of shame tiancai 甜菜|(sugar) beet/(US) beet; (UK) beetroot tiancai 天才|talent/gift/genius/talented/gifted tiancai 菾菜|variant of 甜菜[tian2 cai4] tianchadibie 天差地别|(idiom) poles apart; as different as ... tianchadiyuan 天差地远|poles apart (idiom)/entirely different tianchan 田产|estate/lands tianchang 天长|Tianchang, a sub-prefecture-level cit... tianchang 恬畅|comfortable and happy tianchangdijiu 天长地久|enduring while the world lasts (idiom... tianchanglin 田长霖|Chang-lin Tien (1935-2002), Chinese-A... tianchangrijiu 天长日久|after a long time (idiom) tianchangshi 天长市|Tianchang, a sub-prefecture-level cit... tianchao 天朝|Celestial Empire, tributary title con... tianchao 兲朝|(derog.) the Chinese Communist regime... tianche 天车|gantry traveling crane tiancheng 天秤|balance scale/Taiwan pr. [tian1 ping2] tiancheng 天成|as if made by heaven tiancheng 甜橙|sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) tianchengwen 天城文|Devanagari alphabet used in India and... tianchengzuo 天秤座|Libra (constellation and sign of the ... tianchi 天池|Lake Tianchi in Xinjiang tianchi 天池|\"heavenly lake\", lake situated on a m... tianchong 填充|to fill up; to stuff/to fill in a bla... tianchongji 填充剂|bulking agent tianchongti 填充题|fill-in-the-blank question tianchongwu 填充物|filler; filling; stuffing tianchuang 天窗|hatchway/skylight/sun roof tianchuanri 天穿日|a Hakka festival held on the 20th day... tianci 天赐|bestowed by heaven tianci 填词|to compose a poem (to a given tune) tianci 天次|number of days of sth taking place (e... tiancun 田村|Tamura (Japanese surname and place name) tianda 天大|gargantuan/as big as the sky/enormous tiandan 恬淡|quiet and contented/indifferent to fa... tiandan 恬澹|variant of 恬淡[tian2 dan4] tiandao 天道|natural law/heavenly law/weather (dia... tiandaochouqin 天道酬勤|Heaven rewards the diligent. (idiom) tiandefani 甜得发腻|lovey-dovey/cloying/sugary tiandeng 天等|Tiandeng county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2... tiandeng 天灯|sky lantern (miniature hot-air balloo... tiandengxian 天等县|Tiandeng county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2... tiandi 天地|heaven and earth/world/scope/field of... tiandi 天帝|God of heaven/Celestial emperor tiandi 田地|field/farmland/cropland/plight/extent tiandi 天敌|predator; natural enemy tiandi 填地|landfill tiandi 天底|(astronomy) nadir tiandian 甜点|dessert tiandian 天电|atmospherics/static tiandihui 天地会|Tiandihui (Chinese fraternal organiza... tiandiliangxin 天地良心|in all honesty/truth to tell tianding 天顶|zenith tianding 添丁|to add a son to the family tiandiwuchu,yankongwuwu 天低吴楚,眼空无物|the sky hangs low over the Yangtze, e... tiandixia 天底下|in this world/under the sun tiandixuange 天地悬隔|lit. a gulf between heaven and earth ... tiandixuanhuang 天地玄黄|first line of the Thousand Character ... tiandong 田东|Tiandong county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4]... tiandong 田鸫|(bird species of China) fieldfare (Tu... tiandongansuan 天冬氨酸|aspartic acid (Asp), an amino acid tiandongbenbingertaizhi 天冬苯丙二肽酯|aspartame C14H18N2O (artificial sweet... tiandongxian 田东县|Tiandong county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4]... tiandongxianan 天冬酰胺|asparagine (Asn), an amino acid tiandou 甜豆|sugar snap pea tiandu 填堵|to stuff/to cram into tiandu 添堵|to make people feel even more stresse... tianduyingcai 天妒英才|heaven is jealous of heroic genius (i... tiane 天鹅|swan tianehu 天鹅湖|Swan Lake tianerong 天鹅绒|velvet/swan\'s down tianezuo 天鹅座|Cygnus (constellation) tianfandifu 天翻地覆|sky and the earth turning upside down... tianfang 天方|(old) Arabia/Arabian tianfang 填房|second wife (of a widower) tianfangyetan 天方夜谭|The Arabian Nights (classic story) tianfangyetan 天方夜谭|fantasy story tianfen 天分|natural gift/talent tianfen 天份|variant of 天分[tian1 fen4] tianfu 天赋|gift/innate skill tianfu 天父|Heavenly Father tianfu 田赋|land tax tianfu 天府|Heavenly province (epithet of Sichuan... tianfuluo 天妇罗|tempura/deep-fried cooking/also calle... tianfutianshou 添福添寿|to increase luck and longevity tianfuyibing 天赋异禀|extraordinary talent/exceptionally gi... tianfuzhiguo 天府之国|land of plenty (usu. used in referenc... tiangan 天干|the 10 heavenly stems 甲[jia3], 乙[yi3]... tiangang 天罡|(old) the Big Dipper/(old) collective... tiangang 舔肛|anilingus/rimming tiangangliang 天刚亮|daybreak tiangaohuangdiyuan 天高皇帝远|lit. the sky is high and the emperor ... tiangaoliang 甜高粱|sweet sorghum tiangaoqishuang 天高气爽|see 秋高氣爽|秋高气爽[qiu1 gao1 qi4 shuang3] tiangeben 田格本|exercise book for practicing Chinese ... tiangeng 田埂|embankment between fields tiangeyifang 天各一方|(of relatives or friends) to live far... tiangezuo 天鸽座|Columba (constellation) tiangong 天宫|Temple in Heaven (e.g. of the Jade Em... tiangong 天公|heaven/lord of heaven tiangongbuzuomei 天公不作美|Heaven is not cooperating (idiom)/the... tiangongdidao 天公地道|absolutely fair and reasonable (idiom... tiangongzuomei 天公作美|Heaven is cooperating (idiom)/the wea... tiangou 天沟|(rainwater) gutter tiangou 舔狗|(neologism c. 2018) (slang) simp; per... tiangua 甜瓜|muskmelon tiangui 天癸|(TCM) menstruation/period tianguo 天国|Kingdom of Heaven tianhai 填海|land reclamation tianhan 天旱|drought tianhan 天汉|the Milky Way tianhan 田汉|Tian Han (1898-1968), author of the w... tianhandidong 天寒地冻|cold weather, frozen ground (idiom); ... tianhe 天河|Milky Way/Tianhe District of Guangzho... tianhe 恬和|quiet and gentle tianhei 天黑|to get dark/dusk tianhequ 天河区|Tianhe District of Guangzhou City 廣州市... tianhezuo 天鹤座|Grus (constellation) tianhou 天后|Tin Hau, Empress of Heaven, another n... tianhou 天候|weather tianhouzhan 天后站|Tin Hau MTR station (Eastern District... tianhu 天和|(mahjong) heavenly hand; a hand that ... tianhua 天花|smallpox/ceiling/stamen of corn/(old)... tianhuaban 天花板|ceiling tianhuabingdu 天花病毒|variola virus tianhualuanzhui 天花乱坠|lit. a deluge of heavenly flowers (id... tianhuang 天皇|Heavenly Sovereign, one of the three ... tianhuangdilao 天荒地老|(idiom) until the end of time tianji 天玑|Phecda; Gamma Ursae Majoris in the Bi... tianji 天际|horizon tianji 天机|mystery known only to heaven (archaic... tianji 田鸡|frog/the Chinese edible frog (Hoploba... tianjia 添加|to add; to increase tianjia 天价|extremely expensive/sky-high price tianjiaan 田家庵|Tianjia\'an, a district of Huainan Cit... tianjiaanqu 田家庵区|Tianjia\'an, a district of Huainan Cit... tianjiaji 添加剂|additive/food additive tianjian 田间|field/farm/farming area/village tianjianguanli 田间管理|land management tianjianzuo 天箭座|Sagitta (constellation) tianjiawu 添加物|additive tianjibukexielou 天机不可泄漏|lit. mysteries of heaven must not be ... tianjibukexielu 天机不可泄露|lit. mysteries of heaven must not be ... tianjie 天界|heaven tianjin 天津|Tianjin municipality (abbr. to 津[Jin1]) tianjindaxue 天津大学|Tianjin University tianjing 田径|track and field (athletics) tianjing 恬静|still/peaceful/quiet tianjing 天井|courtyard/atrium/opening in a roof/sk... tianjingdiyi 天经地义|lit. heaven\'s law and earth\'s princip... tianjingsai 田径赛|track and field competition tianjingshipo 天惊石破|see 石破天驚|石破天惊[shi2 po4 tian1 jing1] tianjingyundong 田径运动|track and field sports tianjinhuanqiujinrongzhongxin 天津环球金融中心|Tianjin World Financial Center, skysc... tianjinhuiyizhuantiao 天津会议专条|Tianjin agreement of 1885 between Li ... tianjinjin 甜津津|sweet and delicious tianjinshi 天津市|Tianjin municipality (abbr. to 津[Jin1]) tianjintiaoyue 天津条约|Treaty of Tianjin of 1858, a sequence... tianjinwaiguoyudaxue 天津外国语大学|Tianjin Foreign Studies University tianjisaima 田忌赛马|Tian Ji races his horses (and accepts... tianjiu 甜酒|sweet liquor tianjiuniang 甜酒酿|fermented rice tianjixian 天际线|skyline/horizon tianju 甜菊|Stevia, South American sunflower genu... tianjugan 甜菊苷|stevioside tianjun 天峻|Tianjun county (Tibetan: then cun rdz... tianjunxian 天峻县|Tianjun county (Tibetan: then cun rdz... tianjutang 甜菊糖|stevioside tianjutanggan 甜菊糖苷|stevioside tianke 天课|zakat tiankeng 天坑|sinkhole tiankong 天空|sky tiankong 填空|to fill a job vacancy/to fill in a bl... tianlai 天籁|sounds of nature tianlan 天蓝|sky blue tianlangxing 天狼星|Sirius, a double star in constellatio... tianlanse 天蓝色|azure tianlaor 天老儿|albino (human) tianlaoye 天老爷|see 老天爺|老天爷[lao3 tian1 ye2] tianleng 天冷|it\'s cold (weather) tianli 天理|Heaven\'s law/the natural order of things tianlian 腼脸|shameless; brazen tianliang 天亮|to grow light (at daybreak) tianliang 天良|conscience tianliang 天量|a staggering number; a mind-boggling ... tianliang 田亮|Tian Liang (1979-), former male Chine... tianliao 填料|packing material tianlie 田猎|to hunt tianlie 畋猎|to hunt tianlijiao 天理教|Tenrikyo (Japanese religion) tianlin 田林|Tianlin county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4],... tianlinanrong 天理难容|Heaven cannot tolerate this (idiom)/i... tianlinggai 天灵盖|crown of the head tianlinxian 田林县|Tianlin county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4],... tianliu 田鹨|(bird species of China) Richard\'s pip... tianlongbabu 天龙八部|Demigods and Semidevils, wuxia novel ... tianlongguo 天龙国|(Tw) (slang) nickname for Taipei (imp... tianlongren 天龙人|(Tw) (slang) privileged people oblivi... tianlongzuo 天龙座|Draco (constellation) tianlou 天蝼|mole cricket/slang word for agricultu... tianlu 黇鹿|fallow deer (Dama dama) tianlu 天禄|auspicious sculpted animal, usu. a un... tianluan 添乱|(coll.) to cause trouble for sb/to in... tianlulicheng 天路历程|Pilgrim\'s Progress, 1678 novel by Joh... tianlun 天伦|family bonds/ethical family relations tianlunzhile 天伦之乐|family love and joy/domestic bliss tianluo 田螺|river snail tianluodiwang 天罗地网|inescapable net (idiom)/trap/dragnet tianluzuo 天炉座|Fornax (constellation) tianma 天马|(mythology) celestial horse/fine hors... tianma 天麻|Gastrodia elata (botany) tianmafan 添麻烦|to cause trouble for sb/to inconvenience tianman 填满|to cram tianmaozuo 天猫座|Lynx (constellation) tianmaxingkong 天马行空|like a heavenly steed, soaring across... tianmei 甜美|sweet/pleasant/happy tianmei 恬美|quiet and nice tianmen 天门|Tianmen sub-prefecture level city in ... tianmendong 天门冬|asparagus tianmendongke 天门冬科|Asparagaceae, family of flowering pla... tianmenshi 天门市|Tianmen sub-prefecture level city in ... tianmi 甜蜜|sweet/happy tianmi 恬谧|quiet/peaceful tianmi 填密|packing/packaging tianmimi 甜蜜蜜|very sweet tianming 天命|Mandate of Heaven/destiny/fate/one\'s ... tianming 天明|dawn/daybreak tianmisu 甜蜜素|sodium cyclamate tianmo 天魔|demonic/devil tianmo 恬漠|indifferent and undisturbed tianmo 田陌|path between fields/fields tianmu 田亩|field tianna 天哪|see 天啊[tian1 a5] tiannan-dibei 天南地北|(idiom) far apart/(idiom) from differ... tiannan-haibei 天南海北|see 天南地北[tian1nan2-di4bei3] tiannashui 天那水|paint thinner tiannaxi 田纳西|Tennessee tiannaxizhou 田纳西州|Tennessee tianni 甜腻|sweet and unctuous/(fig.) overly sent... tiannian 天年|natural life span tianning 天宁|Tianning district of Changzhou city 常... tianningqu 天宁区|Tianning district of Changzhou city 常... tianniu 天牛|Longhorn beetle tianpaochuang 天疱疮|(medicine) pemphigus tianpeng 天棚|ceiling/awning tianpeng 天篷|canopy tianpigu 舔屁股|to kiss sb\'s ass/to brown-nose tianpin 甜品|dessert tianping 天平|scales (to weigh things) tianpingdong 天平动|(astronomy) libration tianqi 天气|weather tianqi 田七|pseudo-ginseng/radix notoginseng tianqian 天谴|the wrath of Heaven/imperial displeasure tianqian 天堑|natural moat tianqiao 天桥|Tianqiao district of Jinan city 濟南市|济... tianqiao 天桥|overhead walkway/pedestrian bridge tianqiaoli 天桥立|Ama-no-hashidate in the north of Kyōt... tianqiaoqu 天桥区|Tianqiao district of Jinan city 濟南市|济... tianqin 天亲|one\'s flesh and blood tianqingshi 天青石|lapis lazuli tianqinxingzuo 天琴星座|Lyra, constellation containing Vega 織... tianqinzuo 天琴座|Lyra (constellation) tianqiu 天球|celestial sphere tianqiuchidao 天球赤道|celestial equator tianqiyubao 天气预报|weather forecast tianqu 天趣|natural charm (of writings, works of ... tianquan 天全|Tianquan county in Ya\'an 雅安[Ya3 an1],... tianquan 天权|Megrez; Delta Ursae Majoris in the Bi... tianquanxian 天全县|Tianquan county in Ya\'an 雅安[Ya3 an1],... tianr 天儿|the weather tianran 天然|natural tianran 恬然|unperturbed/nonchalant tianrandai 天然呆|(loanword from Japanese \"tennen boke\"... tianrandusu 天然毒素|natural toxin tianrangzhibie 天壤之别|lit. as different as sky and earth (i... tianranqi 天然气|natural gas tianranxiangjiao 天然橡胶|natural rubber tianranxianwei 天然纤维|natural fiber tianranyou 天然铀|natural uranium tianren 天人|Man and Heaven/celestial being tianren 提案人|proposer tianrenganying 天人感应|interactions between heaven and manki... tianrenheyi 天人合一|oneness of heaven and humanity/the th... tianrun 甜润|sweet and mellow/fresh and moist (air) tiansai 田赛|field events (athletics competition) tianse 天色|color of the sky/time of day, as indi... tianse 填塞|to fill up/to cram/to stuff tiansewu 填塞物|stuffing; filling material tianshade 天杀的|Goddam!/goddamn/wretched tianshaguxing 天煞孤星|bane of others\' existence tianshan 天山|Tian Shan, mountain range straddling ... tianshang 天上|the sky; the heavens tianshangbuhuidiaoxianbing 天上不会掉馅饼|there is no such thing as a free lunc... tianshangdiaoxianbing 天上掉馅饼|a meat pie falls from the sky (idiom)... tianshangxiadaozi 天上下刀子|lit. knives rain down from the sky (i... tianshanqu 天山区|Tianshan district (Uighur: Tiyanshan ... tianshe 田舍|farmhouse tianshen 天神|god/deity tiansheng 天生|nature/disposition/innate/natural tiansheng-lizhi 天生丽质|(idiom) to be naturally beautiful; to... tianshengdeyidui 天生的一对|couple who were made for each other tianshengyidui 天生一对|a match made in heaven; a perfect couple tianshi 天使|angel tianshi 天时|the time/the right time/weather condi... tianshi 甜食|dessert/sweet tianshi 恬适|quiet and comfortable tianshibaoxijie 天使报喜节|Annunciation (Christian festival on 2... tianshidilirenhe 天时地利人和|the time is right, geographical and s... tianshu 天数|number of days/fate/destiny tianshu 天书|imperial edict/heavenly book (superst... tianshu 田鼠|vole tianshu 天枢|Dubhe; Alpha Ursae Majoris in the Big... tianshui 天水|see 天水市[Tian1shui3 Shi4] tianshui 甜睡|to sleep soundly tianshuibi 天水碧|light cyan tianshuishi 天水市|Tianshui, prefecture-level city in Ga... tianshun 舔吮|to lick and suck tianshun 天顺|Tianshun Emperor, reign name of eight... tiansuan 甜酸|sweet and sour tiansuanrou 甜酸肉|sweet and sour pork tiansunniangniang 天孙娘娘|Goddess of Fertility tiantai 天台|Mt Tiantai near Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴 in Zhe... tiantai 天台|rooftop tiantaishan 天台山|Mt Tiantai near Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴[Shao4 ... tiantaixian 天台县|Tiantai county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zho... tiantaizong 天台宗|Tiantai school of Buddhism tiantan 天坛|Temple of Heaven (in Beijing) tiantang 天堂|paradise/heaven tiantanzuo 天坛座|Ara (constellation) tianti 天梯|stairway to heaven/high mountain road... tianti 天体|celestial body/nude body tiantian 天天|every day tiantian 湉湉|(literary) smoothly flowing, placid (... tiantianquan 甜甜圈|doughnut tiantiguangpuxue 天体光谱学|astronomical spectroscopy tiantilixue 天体力学|celestial mechanics tianting 天庭|middle of the forehead/imperial court... tiantiwuli 天体物理|astrophysics tiantiwulixue 天体物理学|astrophysics tiantiwulixuejia 天体物理学家|astrophysicist tiantiyanhuaxue 天体演化学|cosmogony tiantizhuyi 天体主义|nudism tiantong 甜筒|ice-cream cone tiantou 甜头|sweet taste (of power, success etc); ... tiantou 天头|the upper margin of a page tiantu 田土|farmland tiantui 恬退|contented/uninterested in wealth and ... tiantuzuo 天兔座|Lepus (constellation) tianwai 天外|abbr. for 天津外國語大學|天津外国语大学[Tian1 jin1 ... tianwai 天外|beyond the earth/outer space tianwailaike 天外来客|visitors from outer space tianwaiyoutian,renwaiyouren 天外有天,人外有人|see 人外有人,天外有天[ren2 wai4 you3 ren2 , t... tianwan 田湾|Tianwan in Lianyungang 連雲港|连云港, site ... tianwang 天网|Skynet (nationwide video surveillance... tianwang 天王|emperor/god/Hong Xiuquan\'s self-procl... tianwanghuihui 天网恢恢|lit. heaven\'s net has wide meshes, bu... tianwanghuihui,shuerbulou 天网恢恢,疏而不漏|lit. heaven\'s net has wide meshes, bu... tianwanghuihui,shuerbushi 天网恢恢,疏而不失|lit. heaven\'s net has wide meshes, bu... tianwangxing 天王星|Uranus (planet) tianwei 甜味|sweetness tianwei 田尾|Tianwei or Tienwei Township in Changh... tianweiji 甜味剂|sweetener (food additive) tianweixiang 田尾乡|Tianwei or Tienwei Township in Changh... tianwen 天文|astronomy tianwen 天问|Tianwen, or Questions to Heaven, a lo... tianwen 田文|birth name of Lord Menchang of Qi, Ch... tianwendanwei 天文单位|astronomical unit (AU) tianwenguan 天文馆|planetarium tianwentai 天文台|astronomical observatory tianwenxue 天文学|astronomy tianwenxuedacheng 天文学大成|the Almagest by Ptolemy tianwenxuejia 天文学家|astronomer tianwenyihao 天问一号|Tianwen-1, Chinese mission to put a r... tianwu 田鹀|(bird species of China) rustic buntin... tianwujuerenzhilu 天无绝人之路|Heaven never bars one\'s way (idiom); ... tianxia 天下|land under heaven/the whole world/the... tianxiadaluan 天下大乱|the whole country in rebellion tianxiadiyi 天下第一|first under heaven/number one in the ... tianxiameiyoubusandeyanxi 天下没有不散的宴席|see 天下沒有不散的筵席|天下没有不散的筵席[tian1 xia4 me... tianxiameiyoubusandeyanxi 天下没有不散的筵席|all good things must come to an end (... tianxian 天线|antenna/mast/connection with high-ran... tianxian 天仙|immortal (esp. female)/deity/fairy/Go... tianxian 天险|a natural stronghold tianxianbaobao 天线宝宝|Teletubbies tianxiang 天象|meteorological or astronomical phenom... tianxiangguose 天香国色|divine fragrance, national grace (idi... tianxiangyi 天象仪|planetarium projector tianxiaode 天晓得|Heaven knows! tianxiataiping 天下太平|the whole world at peace (idiom); pea... tianxiawunanshi,zhipayouxinren 天下无难事,只怕有心人|lit. there is nothing the determined ... tianxiawuyayibanhei 天下乌鸦一般黑|all crows are black (idiom)/evil peop... tianxiaxingwang,pifuyouze 天下兴亡,匹夫有责|The rise and fall of the nation conce... tianxie 填写|to fill in a form/to write data in a ... tianxie 天蝎|Scorpio (constellation) tianxiezuo 天蟹座|Cancer (constellation and sign of the... tianxiezuo 天蝎座|Scorpio or Scorpius (constellation an... tianxin 甜心|delighted to oblige/sweetheart tianxin 天心|Tianxin district of Changsha city 長沙市... tianxin 天心|center of the sky/will of heaven/will... tianxing 天性|nature/innate tendency tianxing 天幸|providential good luck/a narrow escape tianxingchiyan 天行赤眼|acute contagious conjunctivitis (TCM) tianxingmatou 天星码头|Star Ferry terminal, Hong Kong tianxinqu 天心区|Tianxin district of Changsha city 長沙市... tianxuan 天璇|Merak; Beta Ursae Majoris in the Big ... tianxuandige 天悬地隔|see 天差地遠|天差地远[tian1 cha1 di4 yuan3] tianxuandizhuan 天旋地转|the sky spins, the earth goes round (... tianya 天涯|the other end of the world/a faraway ... tianya 填鸭|to force-feed ducks/(cooking) stuffed... tianya 恬雅|retired and quiet/calm and graceful tianya 天呀|Heavens!/My goodness! tianyabilin 天涯比邻|see 天涯若比鄰|天涯若比邻[tian1 ya2 ruo4 bi3 lin2] tianyahaijiao 天涯海角|Tianya Haijiao, tourism area on the s... tianyahaijiao 天涯海角|the ends of the earth/separated world... tianyahechuwufangcao 天涯何处无芳草|there are plenty more fish in the sea... tianyan 天眼|nickname of the FAST radio telescope ... tianyan 甜言|sweet words/fine talk tianyan 天演|natural change/evolution (early trans... tianyanlun 天演论|the theory of evolution (early transl... tianyanmeiyu 甜言美语|sweet words, beautiful phrases (idiom... tianyanmiyu 甜言蜜语|(idiom) sweet words/sweet talk/cajolery tianyanzuo 天燕座|Apus (constellation) tianyaodizhuan 天摇地转|lit. the sky shakes and the ground re... tianyaoluoyu,niangyaojiaren 天要落雨,娘要嫁人|the rain will fall, the womenfolk wil... tianyaruobilin 天涯若比邻|far-flung realms as next door (idiom)... tianyashi 填鸭式|force feeding (as a teaching method) tianye 田野|field/open land/CL:片[pian4] tianyi 天意|providence/the Will of Heaven tianyi 恬逸|free from worry and disturbance tianyi 田役|farm work tianyin 舔阴|to perform cunnilingus tianying 田营|Tianying city in Anhui, having lead p... tianyingshi 田营市|Tianying city in Anhui, having lead p... tianyingzuo 天鹰座|Aquila (constellation) tianyiwufeng 天衣无缝|lit. seamless heavenly clothes (idiom... tianyou-jiacu 添油加醋|lit. to add oil and vinegar (idiom)/f... tianyoubucefengyun,renyoudanxihuofu 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福|fortune as unpredictable as the weath... tianyu 恬愉|content and at ease tianyuan 田园|fields/countryside/rural/bucolic tianyuan 天渊|distance between two poles/poles apart tianyuanqu 天元区|Tianyuan district of Zhuzhou city 株洲市... tianyuanzhibie 天渊之别|a complete contrast/totally different tianyuluhua 天雨路滑|roads are slippery due to rain (idiom) tianyushunyan 天雨顺延|weather permitting (idiom) tianzai 天灾|natural disaster tianzaidinie 天灾地孽|catastrophes and unnatural phenomena/... tianzairenhuo 天灾人祸|natural calamities and man-made disas... tianzang 天葬|sky burial (Tibetan funeral practice) tianzao 恬噪|to caw tianzaodishe 天造地设|lit. made by Heaven and arranged by E... tianze 天择|natural selection tianzhen 天真|naive/innocent/artless tianzhen 天镇|Tianzhen county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong... tianzhen-lanman 天真烂漫|(idiom) innocent and unaffected tianzhenxian 天镇县|Tianzhen county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong... tianzhi 天职|vocation/duty/mission in life tianzhi 添置|to buy/to acquire/to add to one\'s pos... tianzhi 甜稚|sweet and innocent tianzhong 田中|Tianzhong Township in Changhua County... tianzhongjiaorong 田中角荣|Tanaka Kakuei (1918-1993), Japanese p... tianzhongzhen 田中镇|Tianzhong or Tienchung Town in Changh... tianzhouzuo 天舟座|Argo (constellation, now divided into... tianzhu 天主|God (in Catholicism)/abbr. for 天主教[Ti... tianzhu 天柱|Tianzhu county in Qiandongnan Miao an... tianzhu 天柱|pillars supporting heaven tianzhu 天竺|the Indian subcontinent (esp. in Tang... tianzhu 天珠|dzi bead, a type of stone bead highly... tianzhu 天诛|heavenly punishment/king\'s punishment tianzhuanjiawa 添砖加瓦|lit. contribute bricks and tiles for ... tianzhujiao 天主教|Catholicism tianzhujiaohui 天主教会|the Catholic Church tianzhujiaotu 天主教徒|Catholic/follower of Catholicism tianzhukui 天竺葵|geranium (Pelargonium hortorum) tianzhumudan 天竺牡丹|dahlia tianzhushu 天竺鼠|guinea pig/cavy tianzhuxian 天柱县|Tianzhu county in Qiandongnan Miao an... tianzhuxian 天祝县|Tianzhu Tibetan autonomous county in ... tianzhuzangzuzizhixian 天祝藏族自治县|Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County in ... tianzi 天子|the (rightful) emperor/\"Son of Heaven... tianzi 天资|innate talent/gift/flair/native resou... tianziyouxi 填字游戏|crossword tianzun 天尊|(honorific appellation of a deity) tianzuozhihe 天作之合|a match made in heaven (idiom) tiao 条|strip/item/article/clause (of law or ... tiao 跳|to jump/to hop/to skip over/to bounce... tiao 调|to harmonize/to reconcile/to blend/to... tiao 挑|to carry on a shoulder pole/to choose... tiao 挑|to raise/to dig up/to poke/to prick/t... tiao 覜|have an audience tiao 苕|reed grass/Chinese trumpet vine (Camp... tiao 髫|(literary) hair hanging down in front... tiao 眺|to gaze into the distance tiao 趒|to jump/to climb over/to leap/to post... tiao 朓|(literary) the appearance of the moon... tiao 迢|remote tiao 岧|lofty peak tiao 窕|quiet and secluded/gentle, graceful, ... tiao 宨|variant of 窕[tiao3] tiao 恌|frivolous tiao 蜩|cicada tiao 鲦|Korean sharpbelly (fish, Hemiculter l... tiao 粜|to sell grain tiao 佻|frivolous/unsteady/delay tiao 笤|broom tiao 龆|shed the milk teeth/young tiao 芀|old variant of 苕[tiao2] tiao 斢|(dialect) to exchange/to replace tiao 鞗|reins of leather tiao 祧|ancestral hall tiao 聎|tinnitus tiao 誂|to tempt tiao 䩦|variant of 鞗[tiao2] tiao 岹|variant of 岧[tiao2] tiaoan 条案|long narrow table tiaoban 跳板|springboard/jumping-off point/gangplank tiaobanxiang 条板箱|crate tiaobian 调变|modulation/to modulate (electronics) tiaobo 调拨|to sow discord tiaobo 挑拨|to incite disharmony/to instigate tiaobo 条播|to drill (i.e. plant seeds in spaced ... tiaobolijian 挑拨离间|to sow dissension (idiom); to drive a... tiaoboshifei 挑拨是非|to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow d... tiaocao 跳槽|to leave one\'s job to take up a posit... tiaochang 条畅|orderly and logical (of writing)/luxu... tiaoche 跳车|to jump from a car (or train etc) tiaochen 条陈|to lay out (an argument) item by item... tiaochu 跳出|to jump out/fig. to appear suddenly tiaochufudijinhuokeng 跳出釜底进火坑|out of the frying pan into the fire (... tiaochuhuokeng 跳出火坑|lit. to jump out of a fire pit (idiom... tiaoci 挑刺|to carp/nitpicking/petty criticism tiaodaliang 挑大梁|to play a leading role/to bear a heav... tiaodan 跳弹|ricochet tiaodan 跳蛋|love egg (sex toy) tiaodang 调挡|gear shift tiaodang 跳挡|(of a car) to slip out of gear/to pop... tiaodeng 挑灯|to light a lamp/to raise a lantern tiaodeng 条凳|bench tiaodengbohuo 挑灯拨火|to sow discord/to provoke tiaodengyezhan 挑灯夜战|to raise a lantern and fight at night... tiaodian 跳电|(of a circuit breaker or switch) to trip tiaodong 跳动|to throb/to pulse/to bounce/to jiggle... tiaodong 挑动|to entice/to arouse/to provoke tiaodou 挑逗|to provoke/to entice/to lure/to tanta... tiaodouxing 挑逗性|provocative/tantalizing/titillating tiaofangzi 跳房子|hopscotch/to play hopscotch tiaofei-jianshou 挑肥拣瘦|(idiom) to cherry-pick; to pick the b... tiaofeixianshou 挑肥嫌瘦|to choose sth over another to suit on... tiaofenlvxi 条分缕析|to analyze thoroughly, point by point... tiaofu 条幅|wall scroll (for painting or calligra... tiaofu 调幅|amplitude modulation (AM)/size of an ... tiaofu 挑夫|porter tiaofuguanggao 条幅广告|banner advertisement tiaogao 跳高|high jump (athletics) tiaogao 挑高|(architecture) high-ceilinged/to rais... tiaogeng 调羹|spoon tiaoguan 条贯|(literary) systematic arrangement/coh... tiaoguangqi 调光器|dimmer tiaogui 条规|rule tiaogui 跳轨|to jump onto the tracks in a suicide ... tiaoguo 跳过|to jump over/to skip (a step, chapter... tiaohe 调和|harmonious/to mediate; to reconcile/m... tiaohe 跳河|to drown oneself by jumping into the ... tiaohefenxi 调和分析|harmonic analysis (math.) tiaohen 条痕|weal (e.g. from whipping)/streak tiaohepingjunshu 调和平均数|harmonic mean tiaohezhendong 调和振动|harmonic oscillation tiaohua 挑花|cross-stitch (embroidery) tiaohuayan 挑花眼|(fig.) to get cross-eyed/to be bewild... tiaoji 调剂|to adjust/to balance/to make up a med... tiaoji 条几|long narrow table tiaoji 跳级|to jump a year (at college) tiaojia 调价|to raise or lower the price/price adj... tiaojia 跳价|price jump tiaojian 条件|condition; circumstance; term; factor... tiaojian 挑拣|to pick and choose/to select tiaojianfanshe 条件反射|conditioned reflex tiaojianfanying 条件反应|conditioned response tiaojiang 调降|(Tw) to lower (prices, interest rates... tiaojiangailv 条件概率|conditional probability tiaojianju 条件句|conditional clause tiaojianshi 条件式|conditional tiaojiao 调教|to instruct/to teach/to train/to rais... tiaojiao 调焦|to focus tiaojiao 跳脚|to stomp or hop about (in anxiety, an... tiaojie 调节|to adjust/to regulate/to harmonize/to... tiaojie 调解|to mediate/to bring parties to an agr... tiaojieqi 调节器|regulator tiaojin 跳进|to plunge into/to jump into tiaojing 跳井|to jump into a well (to drown oneself... tiaojinhuanghexibuqing 跳进黄河洗不清|lit. even jumping into the Yellow Riv... tiaojisheng 跳级生|student who jumps a year tiaojitiwu 跳集体舞|to do ensemble dancing/to dance in a ... tiaojiu 调酒|to mix drinks/cocktail tiaojiuqi 调酒器|(cocktail) shaker tiaojiushi 调酒师|bartender tiaokan 调侃|to ridicule/to tease/to mock/idle tal... tiaokong 调控|to regulate/to control tiaokouban 挑口板|fascia/eaves board tiaokuan 条款|clause (of contract or law)/CL:項|项[xi... tiaoli 条例|regulations; rules; code of conduct; ... tiaoli 调理|to nurse one\'s health/to recuperate/t... tiaoli 条理|arrangement/order/tidiness tiaoliang 跳梁|to jump up and down; to run rampant tiaoliang 跳踉|variant of 跳梁[tiao4liang2] tiaoliang-xiaochou 跳梁小丑|(idiom) clownish troublemaker; contem... tiaoliao 调料|condiment/seasoning/flavoring tiaolishipin 调理食品|precooked food tiaolou 跳楼|to jump from a building (to kill ones... tiaolouji 跳楼机|drop tower; free fall tower (amusemen... tiaoloujia 跳楼价|extremely low price/knockdown price tiaolv 调律|to tune (e.g. piano) tiaoma 跳马|vault (gymnastics) tiaoma 条码|barcode tiaomaobing 挑毛病|to nitpick/petty criticism/to nag tiaomaotici 挑毛剔刺|to find fault/to carp/nitpicking tiaomaoticir 挑毛剔刺儿|erhua variant of 挑毛剔刺[tiao1 mao2 ti1 ... tiaomen 调门|valve tiaoming 挑明|to illuminate/to open up (a topic) tiaomu 条目|clauses and sub-clauses (in formal do... tiaonong 挑弄|to incite/to provoke/to tease tiaonong 调弄|to tease/to make fun of/to provoke/to... tiaopei 调配|to blend (colors, herbs); to mix tiaopi 调皮|naughty/mischievous/unruly tiaopiao 跳票|(finance) (of a check) to bounce/(fig... tiaopidaodan 调皮捣蛋|naughty; mischievous; to act up tiaopijin 跳皮筋|to play rubber band jump rope tiaopin 调频|frequency modulation/FM tiaopin 跳频|frequency-hopping spread spectrum tiaoqi 跳棋|Chinese checkers tiaoqi 挑起|to provoke/to stir up/to incite tiaoqing 调情|to flirt tiaoran 挑染|highlight (hair)/partial hair dye tiaosan 跳伞|to parachute/to bail out/parachute ju... tiaosanjiansi 挑三拣四|to be picky/to be choosy tiaosanwosi 调三窝四|to sow the seeds of discord everywher... tiaosanwosi 挑三窝四|to sow discord everywhere tiaose 调色|to blend colors/to mix colors tiaoseban 调色板|palette tiaosepan 调色盘|palette tiaoshangong 挑山工|laborers who carry cargo up and down ... tiaoshe 调摄|(literary) to nurse to health; to rec... tiaosheng 跳绳|to jump rope; to skip/a skipping rope... tiaosheng 调升|to adjust upward/to upgrade/(price) hike tiaoshi 调试|to debug/to adjust components during ... tiaoshi 挑食|to be picky about food tiaoshi 调适|to adapt (to an environment etc)/to m... tiaoshi 跳视|to saccade tiaoshui 跳水|to dive (into water)/(sports) diving/... tiaosu 调速|to adjust the speed tiaosui 窕邃|abstruse/deep and profound tiaosuo 挑唆|to incite/to stir up/to instigate tiaosuo 调唆|to provoke/to stir up (trouble)/to in... tiaotai 跳台|diving platform/diving tower/landing ... tiaotaihuaxue 跳台滑雪|ski jumping tiaoti 挑剔|picky/fussy tiaotiaodalutongluoma 条条大路通罗马|all roads lead to Rome/use different ... tiaotiaokuangkuang 条条框框|fixed framework (idiom); restriction ... tiaotiaotang 跳跳糖|Pop Rocks/popping candy tiaoting 调停|to reconcile/to mediate/to bring warr... tiaotingzhe 调停者|mediator/intermediary/go-between tiaotou 挑头|to take the lead/to be first to (do s... tiaotour 挑头儿|erhua variant of 挑頭|挑头[tiao3 tou2] tiaotuo 跳脱|(Tw) to break free of (outmoded ways ... tiaowang 眺望|to survey the scene from an elevated ... tiaowei 调味|seasoning/condiment/flavoring/dressin... tiaoweiji 调味剂|flavoring agent tiaoweiliao 调味料|seasoning/condiment/flavoring/dressin... tiaoweipin 调味品|seasoning/flavoring tiaoweirouzhi 调味肉汁|gravy tiaoweizhi 调味汁|dressing/sauce tiaowen 条纹|stripe tiaowen 条文|clause/explanatory section in a document tiaowenzaomei 条纹噪鹛|(bird species of China) striated laug... tiaowu 跳舞|to dance tiaoxi 调戏|to take liberties with a woman/to dal... tiaoxiang 调相|phase modulation tiaoxiao 调笑|to tease/to poke fun at tiaoxie 调谐|harmonious/to adjust/to tune (e.g. wi... tiaoxie 调协|to harmonize/to match tiaoxin 挑衅|to provoke; provocation tiaoxing 条形|a bar/a strip tiaoxingma 条形码|barcode tiaoxingtu 条形图|bar chart tiaoxiu 调休|to compensate for working on a holida... tiaoxuan 挑选|to choose/to select tiaoxue 调谑|to make fun of/to mock tiaoxun 调训|to train/to care for and educate tiaoxun 调驯|to look after and train (animals) tiaoyan 挑檐|eaves tiaoyang 调养|to take care of (sb\'s health)/to nurse tiaoyanrenyuan 调研人员|research workers/survey and research ... tiaoyaodao 调药刀|spatula tiaoyin 调音|to tune (a musical instrument) tiaoyizhijiao 跳一只脚|to hop on one leg tiaoyuan 跳远|long jump (athletics) tiaoyue 跳跃|to jump/to leap/to bound/to skip tiaoyue 条约|treaty/pact/CL:個|个[ge4] tiaoyun 调匀|to blend (cooking)/to mix evenly tiaozao 跳蚤|flea tiaozaoshichang 跳蚤市场|flea market tiaozha 跳闸|(of a circuit breaker or switch) to t... tiaozhan 挑战|to challenge/challenge tiaozhanzhe 挑战者|challenger tiaozhanzhehao 挑战者号|Space Shuttle Challenger tiaozheng 调整|to adjust/adjustment/revision/CL:個|个[... tiaozhi 调制|to modulate; modulation tiaozhi 调制|to concoct by mixing ingredients; to ... tiaozhibo 调制波|modulated wave (elec.) tiaozhijietiaoqi 调制解调器|modem tiaozhou 笤帚|whisk broom/small broom/CL:把[ba3] tiaozhu 跳蛛|jumping spider; salticid (family Salt... tiaozhuan 跳转|(computing) to jump to (a new locatio... tiaozhun 调准|to adjust to the right value/to tune/... tiaozi 挑子|carrying pole and its load tiaozi 条子|short note/slip of paper/stripe/(slan... tiaozi 调资|wage adjustment/to raise or lower wages tiaozui 挑嘴|picky about food tiaozui 挑嘴|to sow discord tiaozui 调嘴|to hold forth/to quibble tiaozuixueshe 调嘴学舌|to incite trouble between people (idiom) tiba 提拔|to promote to a higher job/to select ... tiba 题跋|short comments/preface and postscript tiban 替班|to act as substitute/to fill in for sb tiban 梯板|gangplank/gangway tibanr 替班儿|erhua variant of 替班[ti4 ban1] tibao 提包|handbag/bag/valise tibao 踢爆|to reveal/to expose tibi 提笔|to take up one\'s pen/to start to write tibi 体壁|integument (biology) tibiao 体表|surface of the body/periphery of the ... tibiwangzi 提笔忘字|to have difficulty remembering how to... tibu 替补|to replace (a damaged component with ... tibuduiyuan 替补队员|substitute player/reserve player tibulusi 提布卢斯|Tibullus (55 BC-19 BC), Latin poet ticai 体裁|genre/style/form of writing ticai 题材|subject matter ticai 体彩|sports lottery (sports betting run by... tican 替餐|meal replacement ticao 体操|gymnastic/gymnastics ticaodui 体操队|gymnastics team ticaoyundongyuan 体操运动员|gymnast tice 体测|fitness test/to do a fitness test tice 体侧|side of the body ticha 体察|to experience/to observe tichang 提倡|to promote/to advocate tichang 体长|body length tichangzhe 提倡者|proponent/advocate/pioneer tiche 提车|to pick up a car (newly purchased car... ticheng 提成|to take a percentage (from a sum of m... tichengyu 提称语|epistolary formula used at the head o... tichou 体臭|(unpleasant) body odor tichu 提出|to raise (an issue)/to propose/to put... tichu 剔除|to reject/to discard/to get rid of tichujianyi 提出建议|to propose/to raise a suggestion tichukangbian 提出抗辩|to plead (not guilty)/to enter a plea tichun 提纯|to purify tici 提词|to prompt (an actor or reciter) tici 题词|inscription/dedication ticiduixing 梯次队形|echelon formation (military) ticiqi 提词器|teleprompter tidai 替代|to substitute for/to replace/to super... tidaipin 替代品|substitute/alternative tidairanliao 替代燃料|alternative fuel tidan 提单|bill of lading tidao 提到|to mention/to raise (a subject)/to re... tidao 剃刀|razor tidasijing 体大思精|extensive and penetrating (idiom); ex... tideng 提灯|a portable lamp tidiao 提调|to supervise (troops)/to appoint (off... tidu 提督|the local commander/provincial govern... tidu 梯度|gradient tidu 剃度|to take the tonsure/to shave the head... tiduhuibo 梯度回波|gradient echo tidui 梯队|echelon (military)/(of an organisatio... tiduo 提多|Titus (1st century AD), Christian mis... tiduoshu 提多书|Epistle of St Paul to Titus tie 贴|to stick/to paste/to post (e.g. on a ... tie 帖|fitting snugly/appropriate/suitable/v... tie 帖|invitation card/notice tie 帖|rubbing from incised inscription tie 铁|surname Tie tie 铁|iron (metal)/arms/weapons/hard/strong... tie 驖|dark brown horse tie 萜|terpene (chemistry) tie 呫|to mutter/to talk indistinctly tie 怗|peaceful/quiet tie 餮|(literary) greedy; gluttonous tie 鐡|variant of 鐵|铁[tie3], iron tie 銕|old variant of 鐵|铁[tie3] tie 鉄|old variant of 鐵|铁[tie3] tieba 贴吧|Baidu Tieba, lit. \"Baidu Post Bar\", a... tieban 铁板|iron panel/hot iron plate for fast gr... tiebang 铁棒|iron club/steel rod tiebanniuliu 铁板牛柳|fillet beef served sizzling on a hot ... tiebanniurou 铁板牛肉|beef grilled on a hot iron plate tiebanqiezi 铁板茄子|eggplant served sizzling on a hot iro... tiebanshao 铁板烧|teppanyaki tiebi 呫哔|to read aloud tiebi 呫毕|to read aloud/also written 呫嗶|呫哔 tiebian 贴边|welt/facing (of a garment)/to be rele... tiebing 铁饼|(athletics) discus/discus throw tiechi 铁齿|(Tw) obstinate; argumentative; opinio... tiechitongya 铁齿铜牙|clever and eloquent speaker (idiom) tiechuang 铁窗|window with an iron grating (apartmen... tiechuangshenghuo 铁窗生活|time served in prison/prison life tiechuchengzhen 铁杵成针|see 磨杵成針|磨杵成针[mo2 chu3 cheng2 zhen1] tieda 铁打|made of iron/strong as iron tiedadeyamen,liushuideguan 铁打的衙门,流水的官|lit. the yamen is strong as iron, the... tiedan 铁蛋|iron egg, a Taiwanese snack made by s... tiedan 贴旦|female supporting actress in a Chines... tiedanihao 铁达尼号|RMS Titanic, British passenger liner ... tiedanzi 铁蛋子|see 鐵球|铁球[tie3 qiu2] tiedao 铁道|railway line/rail track tiedaobu 铁道部|Ministry of Railways (MOR), disbanded... tieding 铁定|unalterable/certainly/definitely tiedong 铁东|Tiedong district of Siping city 四平市, ... tiedongqu 铁东区|Tiedong district of Siping city 四平市, ... tieermeizi 铁尔梅兹|Termez city in southeast Uzbekistan tiefanwan 铁饭碗|secure employment (lit. iron rice bowl) tiefen 铁粉|(slang) hardcore fan (abbr. for 鐵桿粉絲|... tiefeng 铁峰|Tiefeng district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾... tiefengqu 铁峰区|Tiefeng district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾... tiefu 帖服|docile/obedient tiefulong 铁氟龙|(Tw) (loanword) Teflon tiegan 铁杆|iron (golf club) tiegan 铁杆|iron rod/zealous/die-hard tieganfensi 铁杆粉丝|die-hard fan tiegemen 铁哥们|(coll.) very close male friends tiegemenr 铁哥们儿|erhua variant of 鐵哥們|铁哥们[tie3 ge1 men5] tiegezi 铁格子|iron lattice/metal grid tiegongji 铁公鸡|cheapskate/stingy person tiegou 铁钩|iron hook tiegour 铁钩儿|erhua variant of 鐵鈎|铁钩[tie3 gou1] tiegu 铁箍|iron hoop tiegu-zhengzheng 铁骨铮铮|(idiom) (of character) staunch; unyie... tieguaili 铁拐李|see 李鐵拐|李铁拐[Li3 Tie3 guai3] tieguan 铁罐|metal pot tieguanyin 铁观音|Tieguanyin tea (a variety of oolong tea) tiegui 铁轨|rail/railroad track/CL:根[gen1] tieguo 铁锅|iron cooking pot tiehe 贴合|to adjust closely/to fit tiehemian 贴合面|faying surface tiehua 贴花|appliqué/decalcomania tiehua 贴画|pinup picture/poster tiehuan 铁环|an iron ring tiejia 铁甲|mail plating/armor/armor plating tiejiache 铁甲车|armored car tiejiachuan 铁甲船|armored ship tiejiajian 铁甲舰|ironclad/an armor-plated battleship tiejiang 铁匠|blacksmith/ironworker tiejiangjunbamen 铁将军把门|lit. General Iron is guarding the doo... tiejili 铁蒺藜|(military) caltrop tiejin 贴近|to press close to/to snuggle close/in... tiejin 贴金|to cover (a statue) with gold leaf; t... tiejun 铁军|invincible army tiekuang 铁矿|iron ore/iron ore mine tiekuangshi 铁矿石|iron ore tielan 铁栏|metal grille/railing/bars tielanshu 铁兰属|(loanword) genus Tillandsia; air plan... tielexin 铁了心|determined/unshakable tieli 铁力|Tieli city in Yichun 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 sh... tielian 铁链|iron chain tielimu 铁力木|ironwood (Mesua ferrea) tieling 铁岭|see 鐵嶺市|铁岭市[Tie3ling3 Shi4]/see 鐵嶺縣|铁... tieling 铁菱|(military) caltrop (spiky metal devic... tielingjiao 铁菱角|see 鐵菱|铁菱[tie3 ling2] tielingshi 铁岭市|Tieling, prefecture-level city in Lia... tielingxian 铁岭县|Tieling county in Tieling 鐵嶺|铁岭[Tie3 ... tielishi 铁力市|Tieli city in Yichun 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 sh... tielu 铁路|railroad/railway/CL:條|条[tiao2] tieluxian 铁路线|railway line tielv 铁律|an iron law; a cast-iron rule tielvtu 铁铝土|ferralsol (soil taxonomy) tiema 铁马|armored horse/cavalry/metal chimes ha... tiemaoziwang 铁帽子王|iron-cap prince in the Qing dynasty w... tiemeizhi 铁镁质|mafic rock (containing magnesium and ... tiemian 铁面|iron mask (as defensive armor)/fig. u... tiemianwusi 铁面无私|strictly impartial and incorruptible ... tiemo 贴膜|protective or tinted film (for LCD sc... tiemu 铁幕|Iron Curtain (1945-1991) (In Taiwan, ... tiemuer 帖木儿|Timur or Tamerlane (1336-1405), Mongo... tiemuerdahan 帖木儿大汗|Timur or Tamerlane (1336-1405), Mongo... tiemuzhen 铁木真|Temujin, birth name of Genghis Khan 成... tienie 呫嗫|(onom.) muttering/to whisper/mouthing... tienti 梯恩梯|TNT (trinitrotoluene) (loanword) tientidangliang 梯恩梯当量|TNT equivalent tiepai 贴牌|to supply products to be marketed und... tiepi 铁皮|galvanized iron sheet (for building c... tiepianshi 贴片式|(electronics) surface mount tiepiao 铁票|(Tw) a guaranteed vote; a vote from s... tiepiaocang 铁票仓|see 鐵票區|铁票区[tie3piao4qu1] tiepiaoqu 铁票区|(Tw) safe seat (in an election); stro... tieqi 铁骑|armored horses/crack horsemen tieqi 铁器|hardware/ironware tieqiao 铁锹|spade/shovel tieqie 贴切|close-fitting/closest (translation) tieqin 铁琴|metallophone tieqing 铁青|ashen tieqiu 铁球|kung fu balls tiequan 铁拳|Tekken (video game) tiequan 铁拳|iron fist tier 提尔|Tyre (Lebanon) tieren 铁人|Ironman tierensanxiang 铁人三项|triathlon tiershi 提尔市|Tyre (Lebanon) tiesaluonijia 帖撒罗尼迦|Thessalonica tiesaluonijiahoushu 帖撒罗尼迦后书|Second Epistle of St Paul to the Thes... tiesaluonijiaqianshu 帖撒罗尼迦前书|First epistle of St Paul to the Thess... tiesan 铁三|triathlon tiesha 铁砂|shot (in shotgun)/pellets tieshan 铁山|Tieshan district of Huangshi city 黃石市... tieshan 铁杉|Tsuga chinensis tieshangangqu 铁山港区|Tieshangang district of Beihai city 北... tieshanqu 铁山区|Tieshan district of Huangshi city 黃石市... tieshen 贴身|worn next to the skin/close-fitting/p... tiesheng 贴生|male supporting actor in a Chinese opera tieshenweidui 贴身卫队|personal bodyguard tieshi 铁石|iron and stone tieshi 贴士|(loanword) tip/hint/suggestion/piece ... tieshixinchang 铁石心肠|to have a heart of stone/hard-hearted... tieshu 铁树|sago palm (Cycas revoluta) tieshui 贴水|agio (charge for changing currency)/p... tieshui 铁水|molten iron tieshukaihua 铁树开花|lit. the iron tree blooms (idiom)/a h... tiesi 铁丝|iron wire/CL:根[gen1]/subway enthusias... tiesiwang 铁丝网|wire netting/CL:道[dao4] tieta 铁塔|iron tower tieti 铁蹄|iron hoof (of the oppressor) tieti 贴题|relevant/pertinent tietie 呫呫|to whisper tietong 铁通|China Mobile Tietong, state-owned tel... tietong 铁通|(Cantonese) iron pipe (weapon) tietu 贴图|sticker (social messaging) (Tw) tietuo 铁托|Marshal Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980), ... tiewan 铁腕|iron fist (of the state) tiewen 贴文|(social media) to post; a post tiexi 贴息|to discount the interest on a bill of... tiexi 铁西|Tiexi district of Siping city 四平市, Ji... tiexi 萜烯|terpene (chemistry) tiexian 贴现|discount/rebate tiexian 铁锨|iron shovel/spade/CL:把[ba3] tiexiang 铁箱|metal trunk/metal box/a safe tiexianlv 贴现率|discount rate tiexibo 贴锡箔|to decorate with tin foil tiexin 贴心|intimate/close/considerate tiexintiefei 贴心贴肺|considerate and caring/very close/int... tiexiqu 铁西区|Tiexi district of Siping city 四平市, Ji... tiexiu 铁锈|rust tiexue 铁血|iron and blood; (fig.) weapons and wa... tiexuezaixiang 铁血宰相|Iron Chancellor, refers to Otto von B... tiezhang 铁杖|steel staff/steel stick tiezhaowu 铁爪鹀|(bird species of China) Lapland longs... tiezhen 铁砧|anvil tiezheng 铁证|ironclad evidence/conclusive proof tiezhengrushan 铁证如山|irrefutable evidence tiezhi 贴纸|sticker tiezi 帖子|card/invitation/message/(forum) post tiezi 铁子|(slang) very close friend/bro tiezuishaheng 铁嘴沙鸻|(bird species of China) greater sand ... tifa 提法|wording (of a proposal)/formulation/v... tifa 体罚|corporal punishment; to inflict physi... tifaling 剃发令|the Qing order to all men to shave th... tifaliubian 剃发留辫|to shave the head but keep the queue tifu 体肤|skin/flesh/body tigan 提干|to rise through the ranks (as a party... tigan 体感|physical sensation/somatosensory/moti... tigang 提纲|outline/synopsis/notes tigangqieling 提纲挈领|to concentrate on the main points (id... tiganwendu 体感温度|apparent temperature (meteorology) tigao 提高|to raise/to increase/to improve tigao 提告|(law) to sue tigaoren 提告人|plaintiff tige 体格|bodily health/one\'s physical state/ph... tigejiancha 体格检查|physical examination/clinical examina... tigong 提供|to offer/to supply/to provide/to furnish tigong 替工|replacement worker/substitute worker tigongshang 提供商|provider (company) tigongzhe 提供者|supplier; provider tiguan 踢馆|to challenge an established martial a... tiguangtou 剃光头|to shave the whole head clean/crushin... tigurendanyou 替古人担忧|to fret over the worries of long-depa... tigurendanyou 替古人耽忧|to fret over the worries of long-depa... tihe 提盒|box with tiered compartments and a ha... tihu 鹈鹕|pelican tihu 醍醐|refined cream cheese/fig. crème de la... tihu 提壶|see 提壺蘆|提壶芦[ti2 hu2 lu2] tihua 提花|Jacquard weave (machine weaving leavi... tihua 题花|title design tihuan 替换|to exchange; to replace; to substitut... tihuguanding 醍醐灌顶|lit. to anoint your head with the pur... tihui 体会|to know from experience/to learn thro... tihulu 提壶芦|unidentified type of bird referred to... tihulu 提葫芦|variant of 提壺蘆|提壶芦[ti2 hu2 lu2] tihun 提婚|to propose marriage tihuo 提货|to accept delivery of goods/to pick u... tihuodan 提货单|bill of lading tiji 体积|volume/bulk/CL:個|个[ge4] tiji 提及|to mention/to raise (a subject)/to br... tiji 梯级|stair/rung of a ladder tiji 题记|epigraph/inscription/graffito tiji 提级|a step up/to rise to the next level tiji 体己|intimate/private saving of family mem... tiji 梯己|intimate/private saving of family mem... tijia 提价|to raise the price tijian 体检|abbr. for 體格檢查|体格检查[ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2] tijiao 提交|to submit (a report etc)/to refer (a ... tijiaoban 踢脚板|baseboard/skirting board tijiaoxian 踢脚线|skirting board tijibaifenbi 体积百分比|percentage by volume tijidanwei 体积单位|unit of volume tijie 题解|notes/key (to exercises) tijihaohan 啼饥号寒|hunger cries and cold roars (idiom); ... tijiqian 体己钱|private saved money of close family m... tijue 鶗鴂|large hawk-cuckoo (Cuculus sparverioi... tijue 鶗鴃|large hawk-cuckoo (Cuculus sparverioi... tijue 替角|(theater) understudy tijuer 替角儿|erhua variant of 替角[ti4 jue2] tikelite 提克里特|Tikrit tiku 啼哭|to cry/to wail tiku 题库|question bank (for examiners creating... tikuan 提款|to withdraw money; to take money out ... tikuanji 提款机|bank autoteller/ATM tikuanka 提款卡|debit card/ATM card tilamisu 提拉米苏|tiramisu (loanword) tilan 提篮|a basket tilanr 提篮儿|a basket tileijiaoliu 涕泪交流|tears and mucus flowing profusely (id... tili 体力|physical strength/physical power tili 体例|style (of literature)/form tilian 提炼|to extract (ore, minerals etc)/to ref... tiliang 体谅|to empathize/to allow (for sth)/to sh... tiliang 提梁|handle in the shape of a hoop tiliang 体量|body weight/dimensions tilie 提列|to make provision (against a loss)/a ... tililaodong 体力劳动|physical labor tiling 涕零|to shed tears/to weep tiling 提领|to withdraw (cash from an ATM) tiliu 提留|to withdraw (money) and retain it timaci 踢马刺|horse spur timao 体貌|appearance timao 体毛|body hair timian 体面|dignity; prestige; face/honorable; cr... timing 提名|to nominate timing 题名|autograph/to sign one\'s name timingyueqi 体鸣乐器|idiophone timo 体模|body model timotai 提摩太|Timothy timotaihoushu 提摩太后书|Second Epistle of St Paul to Timothy timotaiqianshu 提摩太前书|First epistle of St Paul to Timothy timu 题目|subject; title; topic (CL:個|个[ge4])/e... timu 悌睦|to live at peace as brothers timuluobinsi 提姆·罗宾斯|Tim Robbins (1958-), American actor, ... tinei 体内|within the body/in vivo (vs in vitro)... tineng 体能|physical capability/stamina ting 庭|main hall/front courtyard/law court ting 厅|(reception) hall/living room/office/p... ting 听|to listen to; to hear/to heed; to obe... ting 挺|straight/erect/to stick out (a part o... ting 艇|vessel/small ship ting 亭|pavilion/booth/kiosk/erect ting 汀|sandbar/shoal/sandbank ting 停|to stop/to halt/to park (a car) ting 婷|graceful ting 烃|hydrocarbon ting 桯|bed side stand ting 侹|(literary) level and straight ting 廷|palace courtyard ting 霆|clap of thunder ting 朾|to bump ting 蜓|see 蜻蜓[qing1 ting2] ting 铤|big arrow/walk fast ting 脡|brisket meat/straight ting 渟|stagnant water ting 梃|a club (weapon) ting 圢|flat/level/(used in place names)/vari... ting 珽|scepter ting 葶|Draba nemerosa bebe carpa ting 颋|narrow forehead ting 聼|variant of 聽|听[ting1] ting 町|raised path between fields ting 筳|bamboo pole/spindle ting 楟|tree ting 莛|stalk of grass ting 綎|silk braided cord ting 蝏|used in 蜻蝏[qing1ting2] ting 烶|(literary) in flames/on fire ting 聴|Japanese variant of 聽|听[ting1] ting 庁|Japanese variant of 廳|厅 tingba 挺拔|tall and straight tingbai 停摆|(of a pendulum) to stop swinging/(of ... tingbaketu 廷巴克图|Timbuktoo (town and historical cultur... tingban 停办|to shut down/to terminate/to cancel/t... tingbanzhidu 停板制度|system of circuit breakers/limit up, ... tingbiao 停表|stopwatch/(sports) to stop the clock tingbo 停泊|to anchor/anchorage/mooring (of a ship) tingbu 停步|to come to a stand/to stop tingbu 廷布|Thimphu, capital of Bhutan tingbudao 听不到|can\'t hear tingbudong 听不懂|unable to make sense of what one is h... tingbujian 听不见|not be able to hear tingbujinqu 听不进去|not to listen/to be deaf to tingcha 听岔|to mishear/to hear wrongly tingchan 停产|to stop production tingche 停车|to pull up (stop one\'s vehicle)/to pa... tingchechang 停车场|parking lot/car park tingchege 停车格|parking bay tingchejishiqi 停车计时器|parking meter tingcheku 停车库|car park tingchewei 停车位|parking space/parking spot tingcheweizhi 停车位置|parking location/parking bay tingchezhan 停车站|bus stop tingchu 庭除|front court/courtyard tingchuang 听窗|to eavesdrop outside bridal bedchambe... tingcong 听从|to listen and obey/to comply with/to ... tingcuo 听错|to mishear tingdang 停当|settled/accomplished/ready/Taiwan pr.... tingdao 听到|to hear tingdedong 听得懂|to understand (by hearing)/to catch (... tingdejian 听得见|audible tingdian 停电|to have a power failure/power cut tingdong 听懂|to understand (on hearing)/to catch (... tingduan 听断|to judge (i.e. to hear and pass judgm... tingdun 停顿|to halt/to break off/pause (in speech) tingerbuwen 听而不闻|to hear but not react (idiom); to tur... tingerzouxian 铤而走险|to take a risk out of desperation (id... tingerzouxian 挺而走险|variant of 鋌而走險|铤而走险[ting3 er2 zou3 x... tingfang 停放|to park (a car etc)/to moor (a boat e... tingfang 听房|to eavesdrop outside bridal bedchambe... tingfei 停飞|(of an aircraft) to be grounded tingfeng 停俸|to suspend salary payments tingfengjiushiyu 听风就是雨|lit. to believe in the rain on hearin... tingfu 停服|to shut down a server; (of a service)... tinggan 挺杆|tappet (machine part) tingge 亭阁|pavilion tinggeng 停更|to stop updating (content) tinggong 停工|to stop work/to shut down/to stop pro... tinggu 听骨|ossicles (in the middle ear)/also wri... tinggulian 听骨链|chain of ossicles (in the middle ear) tinghang 停航|to stop running (of flight of shippin... tinghao 挺好|very good tinghou 听候|to wait for (orders, a decision, a ju... tinghu 亭湖|Tinghu district of Yancheng city 鹽城市|... tinghua 听话|to do what one is told/obedient tinghuatingsheng,luogutingyin 听话听声,锣鼓听音|to understand the unspoken implicatio... tinghuazuoyong 烃化作用|alkylation tinghui 听会|to attend a meeting (and hear what is... tinghuo 停火|to cease fire/ceasefire tinghuoxian 停火线|cease-fire line tinghuqu 亭湖区|Tinghu district of Yancheng city 鹽城市|... tingji 停机|(of a machine) to stop/to shut down/t... tingjiaban 艇甲板|boat deck (upper deck on which lifebo... tingjian 听见|to hear tingjianfengjiushiyu 听见风就是雨|lit. on hearing wind, to say rain/to ... tingjiang 听讲|to attend a lecture/to listen to a talk tingjin 挺进|progress/to advance tingjing 停经|to stop menstruating (as a result of ... tingjiping 停机坪|aircraft parking ground/apron/tarmac ... tingjishijian 停机时间|downtime (computer network, power pla... tingju 挺举|clean and jerk (weightlifting technique) tingjue 听觉|sense of hearing/auditory tingjunyixihua,shengdushinianshu 听君一席话,胜读十年书|listening to the words of a wise man ... tingkan 停刊|(of a newspaper, magazine etc) to sto... tingkao 停靠|to call at/to stop at/berth tingkaogang 停靠港|port of call tingkaozhan 停靠站|bus or tram stop/intermediate stop (o... tingke 听课|to attend a class/to go to a lecture tingke 停课|to stop classes/to close (of school) tingla 烃蜡|hydrocarbon wax tinglai 听来|to sound (old, foreign, exciting, rig... tingli 听力|hearing/listening ability tingli 挺立|to stand erect/to stand upright tinglilijie 听力理解|listening comprehension tingliu 停留|to stay somewhere temporarily/to stop... tingming 听命|to obey an order/to take orders/to ac... tingnile 听腻了|fed up of hearing tingpai 听牌|(mahjong) to be one tile away from co... tingpan 停盘|to suspend trading (stock market) tingping 听凭|to allow (sb to do as he pleases) tingqianggen 听墙根|to eavesdrop/to listen in secret to s... tingqianggenr 听墙根儿|erhua variant of 聽牆根|听墙根[ting1 qiang2... tingqilai 听起来|to sound like tingqing 听清|to hear clearly tingqiyanerguanqixing 听其言而观其行|hear what he says and observe what he... tingqiyanguanqixing 听其言观其行|hear what he says and observe what he... tingqizibian 听其自便|to allow sb to do sth at his convenience tingqiziran 听其自然|to let things take their course/to ta... tingqu 听取|to hear (news); to listen to tingqu 汀曲|a bend in a stream tingren 听任|to let (sth happen)/to allow (sb to d... tingshangqu 听上去|to sound (difficult, worthwhile etc)/... tingshen 庭审|court hearing tingshen 挺身|to straighten one\'s back tingshen 听审|to attend court/to take part in a trial tingshenerchu 挺身而出|to step forward bravely tingshenhui 听审会|hearing (law) tingshi 停尸|to keep the body of the deceased (unt... tingshi 停食|(of food) to retain in stomach due to... tingshi 停驶|(of trains, buses or ferries etc) to ... tingshi 廷试|court examination, the top grade impe... tingshi 挺尸|(lit.) to lie stiff like a corpse/(co... tingshi 听事|to hold audience/to advise on state a... tingshifang 停尸房|mortuary tingshijian 停尸间|morgue tingshou 停手|to stop (what one is doing) tingshu 听书|to listen to a performance of pinghua... tingshuo 听说|to hear (sth said)/one hears (that)/h... tingshuoduxie 听说读写|listening, speaking, reading and writ... tingsong 听讼|to hear litigation (in a law court)/t... tingsui 听随|to obey/to allow tingsundan 停损单|stop-loss order (finance) tingsundian 停损点|see 止損點|止损点[zhi3 sun3 dian3] tingtai 亭台|pavilion tingtailouge 亭台楼阁|pavilions and kiosks (in Chinese gard... tingtailouxie 亭台楼榭|see 亭臺樓閣|亭台楼阁[ting2 tai2 lou2 ge2] tingtang 厅堂|hall tingtang 庭堂|courtyard in front of a palace tingtiananming 听天安命|to accept one\'s situation as dictated... tingtianyouming 听天由命|(idiom) to submit to the will of heav... tingtingyuli 亭亭玉立|slender and elegant (of a woman) tingtong 听筒|telephone receiver/headphone/earphone... tingtou 听头|a can (loanword from English \"tin\") tingwai 庭外|out-of-court (settlement) tingwei 廷尉|Commandant of Justice in imperial Chi... tingwen 听闻|to listen/to hear what sb says/news o... tingwu 亭午|(literary) noon tingxi 停息|to stop/to cease tingxi 听戏|to attend an opera/to see an opera tingxia 停下|to stop tingxialai 停下来|to stop tingxian 汀线|lines formed by waves on a beach tingxiaogu 听小骨|ossicles (of the middle ear)/three os... tingxie 听写|(of a pupil) to write down (in a dict... tingxie 停歇|to stop for a rest tingxin 听信|to listen to information/to get the n... tingxinliuzhi 停薪留职|leave of absence without pay tingxinyaoyan 听信谣言|to take heed of idle chatter (idiom) tingxun 庭训|tuition within family/education from ... tingyao 挺腰|to straighten one\'s back/to arch one\'... tingye 停业|to cease trading (temporarily or perm... tingyong 停用|to stop using/to suspend/to discontin... tingyou 听友|listener (of a radio program etc) tingyu 听阈|audibility threshold tingyuan 庭院|courtyard tingyuan 庭园|flower garden tingzhan 停战|to cease fire; to stop fighting/armis... tingzhan 停站|bus stop tingzhang 厅长|head of provincial PRC government dep... tingzhang 庭长|presiding judge tingzhang 听障|hearing impairment tingzhang 亭长|ancient official title tingzhanri 停战日|Armistice Day tingzhe 听者|listener/member of audience tingzhenghui 听证会|(legislative) hearing tingzhenqi 听诊器|stethoscope tingzhi 停止|to stop; to halt; to cease tingzhi 停职|to suspend (sb) from duties tingzhi 停滞|stagnation/at a standstill/bogged down tingzhi 挺直|upright; erect/to straighten up (one\'... tingzhibuqian 停滞不前|stuck and not moving forward (idiom);... tingzhirenzhi 听之任之|to take a laissez-faire attitude tingzhong 听众|audience/listeners tingzhou 汀洲|shoal/islet in a stream tingzhu 停住|to stop/to halt/to cease tingzhu 挺住|to stand firm/to stand one\'s ground (... tingzhu 汀渚|shoal/islet in a stream tingzi 亭子|pavilion tinian 体念|to consider sb else\'s position/to put... tipei 提赔|to make a claim (for damages etc) tipen 嚏喷|sneeze tipiqiu 踢皮球|to kick a ball around/(fig.) to mutua... tipo 体魄|physique; build tiqi 提起|to mention; to bring up/(lit. and fig... tiqi 涕泣|to weep/to shed tears tiqian 提前|to shift to an earlier date/to do sth... tiqian 题签|to write the title of a book on a label tiqiang 体腔|body cavity/coelom (biology) tiqianqibao 提前起爆|\"fizzle\" (atomic bomb misfire)/preini... tiqiantoupiao 提前投票|early vote tiqie 提挈|to hold by the hand/fig. to nurture/t... tiqigongsu 提起公诉|to prosecute sb tiqijingshen 提起精神|to raise one\'s spirits/to take courage tiqin 提琴|instrument of the violin family (viol... tiqin 提亲|to propose marriage tiqing 提请|to propose tiqinshi 提亲事|to propose marriage tiqu 提取|to withdraw (money)/to collect (left ... tiquan 提权|(computing) to escalate privileges tiran 惕然|to be afraid, fearful of tiren 提任|to promote and appoint tiren 体认|to realize/realization tiruo 体弱|debility tiruoduobing 体弱多病|prone to illness/sickly/in fragile he... tishen 替身|stand-in/substitute/body double/stunt... tishen 提神|to freshen up/to be cautious or vigil... tishen 提审|to commit sb for trial/to bring sb fo... tisheng 提升|to promote (to a higher-ranking posit... tisheng 啼声|ululation/to howl tishenji 提神剂|stimulant/psychostimulant/agrypnotic tishenxingnao 提神醒脑|to refresh and clear the mind (idiom)... tishenyanyuan 替身演员|substitute actor (esp. in fights of t... tishi 提示|to point out/to remind (sb of sth)/to... tishi 题诗|to inscribe a poem (often, composed o... tishi 体式|(of characters) form; style (cursive,... tishi 体势|feature tishi 体虱|body louse tishichengdui 提示承兑|to present (a draft) for acceptance (... tishidong 梯氏鸫|(bird species of China) Tickell\'s thr... tishifukuan 提示付款|to present (a bill of exchange etc) f... tishipeigu 梯式配股|laddering (of stock sales) tishiyin 提示音|beep tishou 提手|a handle tishu 提述|to refer to tishu 体书|calligraphic style tishuigongcheng 提水工程|project to raise low-lying water for ... tisigui 替死鬼|scapegoat/fall guy tisihengliu 涕泗横流|tears and mucus flowing profusely/sni... tisipangtuo 涕泗滂沱|a flood of tears and mucus/broken-hea... tisizongheng 涕泗纵横|tears and mucus flowing profusely/sni... tisu 提速|to increase the specified cruising sp... titai 体态|figure/physique/posture titan 体坛|sporting circles/the world of sport titang 倜傥|elegant/casual/free and easy titawu 踢踏舞|tap dance titawu 踢蹋舞|tap dance/step dance titi 提提|calm/poised titian 梯田|stepped fields/terracing titie 体贴|considerate (of other people\'s needs) titieruwei 体贴入微|to show every possible consideration ... titong 体统|decorum/propriety/arrangement or form... titou 剃头|to have one\'s head shaved titou 剔透|pure and limpid/(of a person) quick-w... titour 提头儿|to give a lead titoutiaoziyitoure 剃头挑子一头热|lit. only one end of the barber\'s pol... tituan 体团|community titui 踢腿|to kick; to do a kick (dancing, marti... tituo 涕唾|nasal mucus and spittle tiwai 体外|outside the body/in vitro tiwaihua 题外话|off-topic comment; digression tiwaishoujing 体外受精|in vitro fertilization tiwei 体位|posture tiwei 体味|body odor/to appreciate a subtle taste tiwei 提味|to improve taste/to make sth palatable tiwen 体温|(body) temperature tiwen 提问|to question; to quiz; to grill tiwenbiao 体温表|clinical thermometer tiwenguodi 体温过低|hypothermia tiwenji 体温计|clinical thermometer tiwenjianceyi 体温检测仪|infrared body thermometer/temperature... tiwu 体悟|to experience/to realize/to comprehend tiwuwanfu 体无完肤|lit. cuts and bruises all over (idiom... tixi 体系|system/setup/CL:個|个[ge4] tixi 体惜|to empathize/to understand and sympat... tixi 厗奚|old place name (in Yan of Warring sta... tixian 体现|to embody/to reflect/to incarnate tixian 题献|to dedicate (a book, film etc to sb) tixian 提现|to withdraw funds tixiang 提箱|a suitcase/a traveling-bag tixiangji 体香剂|(personal) deodorant tixianmuou 提线木偶|marionette tixiao 体校|sports school; physical education sch... tixiaojiefei 啼笑皆非|lit. not to know whether to laugh or ... tixibao 体细胞|somatic cell tixie 题写|to create a work of calligraphy for d... tixie 提携|to lead by the hand/to guide/to support tixin 提心|worry tixin 提薪|to receive a raise in salary tixin-diaodan 提心吊胆|(idiom) nervous; fearful; on edge tixing 提醒|to remind/to call attention to/to war... tixing 梯形|trapezoid/ladder-shaped/terraced tixing 体型|build/body type tixing 体形|figure/bodily form tixing 体性|disposition tixing 体刑|corporal punishment tixingwu 提醒物|reminder tixu 体恤|to empathize with; to show solicitude... tixu 题序|to compose a preface (or introductory... tixuan 体癣|ringworm/Tinea corporis tixudao 剃须刀|shaver/razor tixueyushi 提学御史|superintendent of education (formal t... tixugao 剃须膏|shaving cream tixun 提讯|to bring sb to trial tixuruwei 体恤入微|to emphasize down to last detail (idi... tixushan 体恤衫|T-shirt/CL:件[jian4] tiya 剔牙|to pick one\'s teeth tiyan 体验|to experience for oneself tiyao 提要|summary/abstract tiye 体液|bodily fluid tiye 提掖|to recommend sb for a promotion/to gu... tiyeer 梯也尔|Adolphe Thiers tiyi 提议|proposal/suggestion/to propose/to sug... tiyi 题意|meaning of a title/implication/theme tiyin 蹄印|hoofprint tiyou 悌友|to show brotherly love for friends tiyu 体育|sports/physical education tiyu 鳀鱼|anchovy tiyubisai 体育比赛|sporting competition tiyuchang 体育场|stadium/CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4] tiyuchangguan 体育场馆|gymnasium tiyudabiaoceyan 体育达标测验|physical fitness test (for school stu... tiyuduanlian 体育锻炼|physical exercise tiyufa 提喻法|synecdoche tiyuguan 体育馆|gym/gymnasium/stadium/CL:個|个[ge4] tiyuhuodong 体育活动|sports/sporting activity tiyujie 体育界|sports circles/the sporting world tiyusheng 体育生|student who engages in regular traini... tiyuxi 体育系|Physical Education department tiyuxiangmu 体育项目|sporting event tiyuyundong 体育运动|sports/physical culture tiyuzha 体育渣|unathletic person tizao 提早|ahead of schedule/sooner than planned... tizhen 提振|to boost/to stimulate tizheng 体征|(medical) sign/physical sign tizhi 体质|(a person\'s) constitution; underlying... tizhi 体制|system/organization tizhi 题旨|subject of literary work tizhi 提制|to refine/to extract tizhong 体重|body weight tizhongji 体重计|weighing scale tizhongqi 体重器|scales (to measure body weight) tizhuan 啼啭|to call sweetly (of birds) tizi 蹄子|hoof/(old) wench/hussy tizi 题字|to write an inscription (poem, remark... tizi 提子|to capture stones (in Go) tizi 提子|grape/raisin tizi 屉子|drawer/stackable cooking vessel/woven... tizi 梯子|ladder/stepladder tiziqi 提字器|teleprompter tizui 替罪|to take the rap for sb tizuigaoyang 替罪羔羊|scapegoat/sacrificial lamb/same as 替罪羊 tizuiyang 替罪羊|scapegoat tong 同|like/same/similar/together/alike/with tong 同|see 衚衕|胡同[hu2 tong4] tong 通|to go through/to know well/(suffix) e... tong 通|classifier for an activity, taken in ... tong 铜|copper (chemistry)/see also 紅銅|红铜[hon... tong 洞|used in 洪洞[Hong2tong2], a county in S... tong 统|to gather/to unite/to unify/whole tong 痛|ache/pain/sorrow/deeply/thoroughly tong 桶|bucket/(trash) can/barrel (of oil etc... tong 筒|tube/cylinder/to encase in sth cylind... tong 筒|variant of 筒[tong3] tong 彤|surname Tong tong 彤|red tong 硐|grind tong 砼|concrete (building material) tong 恸|grief tong 佟|surname Tong tong 甬|variant of 桶[tong3], bucket/(classifi... tong 蓪|Aralia papyrifera tong 童|surname Tong tong 童|child tong 桐|tree name (variously Paulownia, Firmi... tong 仝|variant of 同[tong2] (used as a surnam... tong 瞳|pupil of the eye tong 酮|ketone tong 峒|name of a mountain tong 峒|variant of 峒[tong2] tong 僮|servant boy tong 朣|light from the rising moon tong 捅|to poke; to jab/to give (sb) a nudge;... tong 曈|sun about to rise tong 侗|ignorant tong 鲖|snakefish tong 嗵|(onom.) thump/thud tong 烔|hot/heated tong 穜|early-planted late-ripening grain tong 峂|(used in place names) tong 哃|(literary) to talk nonsense/to boast/... tong 潼|high/name of a pass tong 茼|Chrysanthemum coronarium tong 獞|name of a variety of dog/wild tribes ... tong 罿|bird net tong 綂|old variant of 統|统[tong3] tong 餇|food tong 痌|moaning in pain tongan 同安|Tong\'an, a district of Xiamen City 廈門... tonganfan 同案犯|accomplice tonganqu 同安区|Tong\'an, a district of Xiamen City 廈門... tonganxian 同安县|former Tong\'an county, now Tong\'an di... tongbai 桐柏|Tongbai county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 ... tongbaishan 桐柏山|Tongbai mountain range, the watershed... tongbaixian 桐柏县|Tongbai county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 ... tongban 同伴|companion; comrade; fellow tongban 铜板|copper coin/copper plate (e.g. for pr... tongban 同班|to be in the same class/to be in the ... tongbantongxue 同班同学|classmate tongbao 同胞|born of the same parents/sibling/fell... tongbao 通报|to inform/to notify/to announce/circu... tongbaoxiongmei 同胞兄妹|sibling tongbei 同辈|of the same generation/person of the ... tongbi 同比|(statistics) compared with the same p... tongbian 统编|(Tw) the VAT identification number of... tongbian 通便|to evacuate the bowels tongbian 童便|urine of boys under 12, used as medic... tongbian 痛扁|to beat (sb) up tongbian 痛砭|to strongly criticize tongbianshibi 痛砭时弊|to strongly criticize the evils of th... tongbing 通病|common problem/common failing tongbingxianglian 同病相怜|fellow sufferers empathize with each ... tongbu 同步|synchronous/to synchronize/to keep st... tongbujiasuqi 同步加速器|synchrotron tongbukouyi 同步口译|simultaneous interpretation (Tw) tongbushuweijieceng 同步数位阶层|synchronous digital hierarchy/SDH tongbutu 通布图|Timbuctoo (town and historical cultur... tongbuyusheng 痛不欲生|to be so in pain as to not want to li... tongcai 通才|polymath/all-round person tongcai 通菜|see 蕹菜[weng4 cai4] tongcaijiaoyu 通才教育|liberal education/general education tongcang 统舱|common passenger accommodation in the... tongcao 通草|rice-paper plant (Tetrapanax papyrife... tongchai 同侪|peer/member of the same class, genera... tongchaijianshi 同侪检视|peer review tongchaishencha 同侪审查|peer review tongchaituanti 同侪团体|peer group tongchaiyali 同侪压力|peer pressure tongchaizishang 同侪咨商|(Tw) peer counseling tongchang 通常|regular; usual; normal/usually; normally tongchang 通畅|unobstructed; clear/(of writing or th... tongche 通车|to open to traffic (e.g. new bridge, ... tongche 通彻|to understand completely tongcheng 统称|to be collectively called/collective ... tongcheng 通称|to be generally referred to (as)/gene... tongcheng 桐城|Tongcheng, a county-level city in Anq... tongcheng 通城|Tongcheng county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xi... tongchengshi 桐城市|Tongcheng, a county-level city in Anq... tongchengwei 统称为|collectively known as/to call sth as ... tongchengxian 通城县|Tongcheng county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xi... tongchi 痛斥|to criticize harshly/to denounce/to a... tongchimu 同翅目|Homoptera (insect suborder including ... tongchishuizhi 铜翅水雉|(bird species of China) bronze-winged... tongchou 统筹|an overall plan/to plan an entire pro... tongchoudikai 同仇敌忾|anger against a common enemy (idiom);... tongchoujiangu 统筹兼顾|an overall plan taking into account a... tongchu 痛处|sore spot/place that hurts tongchu 痛楚|pain/anguish/suffering tongchuan 铜川|see 銅川市|铜川市[Tong2chuan1 Shi4] tongchuan 同传|simultaneous interpretation (abbr. fo... tongchuanermai 同传耳麦|simultaneous interpretation headset tongchuang 同窗|schoolmate/fellow student tongchuang 童床|crib/children\'s bed tongchuanggongzhen 同床共枕|to share the bed/(fig.) to be married tongchuangyimeng 同床异梦|lit. to share the same bed with diffe... tongchuanqu 通川区|Tongchuan district of Dazhou city 達州市... tongchuanshi 铜川市|Tongchuan, prefecture-level city in S... tongchui 铜锤|mace (weapon)/(Chinese opera) \"tongch... tongchuihualian 铜锤花脸|(Chinese opera) tongchui hualian, a m... tongda 通达|to understand clearly/to be sensible ... tongda 痛打|to beat sb soundly tongdang 同党|to belong to the same party or organi... tongdao 通道|Tongdao Dong autonomous county in Hua... tongdao 通道|(communications) channel/thoroughfare... tongdao 同道|same principle tongdaodongzuzizhixian 通道侗族自治县|Tongdao Dong Autonomous County in Hua... tongdaoxian 通道县|Tongdao Dong autonomous county in Hua... tongdaozhe 同道者|fellow-traveler/like-minded person tongdaozhongren 同道中人|kindred spirit tongde 同德|Tongde county in Hainan Tibetan auton... tongdeng 同等|equal to/having the same social class... tongdeng 筒灯|fluorescent tube or light tongdexian 同德县|Tongde county in Hainan Tibetan auton... tongdi 通敌|to collaborate with the enemy tongdian 通电|to set up an electric circuit/to elec... tongdian 痛点|pain point; sore point tongdianhua 通电话|to phone sb up tongdiao 同调|same tone/in agreement with/homology ... tongdie 通牒|diplomatic note tongdingsitong 痛定思痛|to think of the pain when the pain is... tongdu 通读|to read through tongdu 统独|unification and independence tongdu 统读|standard (unified) pronunciation of a... tonger 童儿|boy tongfa 筒阀|a sleeve valve tongfan 同犯|accomplice tongfang 同房|(of a married couple) to have interco... tongfeng 痛风|gout tongfeng 通风|airy/ventilation/to ventilate/to disc... tongfengguan 通风管|ventilation duct tongfengkong 通风孔|air vent/louvre tongfengkou 通风口|air vent/opening for ventilation tongfenyigou 同分异构|isomerism (chemistry) tongfenyigouti 同分异构体|isomer (chemistry) tongfuheqi 同符合契|same sign, joint aim (idiom); fig. co... tongfuyimu 同父异母|(of siblings) having the same father ... tonggaiqianfei 痛改前非|completely correcting one\'s former mi... tonggan 同感|(have the) same feeling/similar impre... tonggan 痛感|to feel deeply/acute suffering tonggan 统感|feeling of togetherness tonggangongku 同甘共苦|shared delights and common hardships ... tongganku 同甘苦|to share joys and sorrows/sharing goo... tonggao 通告|to announce; to give notice/announcement tonggao 通稿|wire copy/press release tonggong 同工|fellow workers tonggong 童工|child labor tonggong 统共|altogether/in total tonggong 同功|(evolutionary biology) analogous tonggongtongchou 同工同酬|equal pay for equal work tonggou 同构|isomorphism/isomorphic tonggou 统购|state purchasing monopoly/unified gov... tonggoupaigou 统购派购|unified government purchase at fixed ... tonggoutongxiao 统购统销|state monopoly of purchasing and mark... tonggu 铜鼓|Tonggu county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi tonggu 铜鼓|bronze drum/(Western-style) drum tonggu 筒鼓|tom-tom drum (drum kit component) tongguan 通关|to clear customs/(gaming) to finish (... tongguan 潼关|Tongguan County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan... tongguan 铜管|brass instrument (music) tongguan 统管|unified administration tongguan 通观|to take an overall view of sth/compre... tongguan 铜官|Tongguan, a district of Tongling City... tongguanjie 通关节|to facilitate by means of bribery tongguanmiyu 通关密语|password tongguanqu 铜官区|Tongguan, a district of Tongling City... tongguanwendie 通关文牒|passport tongguanxian 潼关县|Tongguan County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan... tongguanyueqi 铜管乐器|brass instruments tongguiyujin 同归于尽|to die in such a way that sb (or sth)... tongguo 通过|to pass through; to get through/to ad... tonggusi 通古斯|Tungus tongguxian 铜鼓县|Tonggu county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi tonghai 通海|Tonghai county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Y... tonghaixian 通海县|Tonghai county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Y... tonghang 同行|person of the same profession/of the ... tonghang 通航|connected by air, sea traffic or service tonghanzi 统汉字|Unihan/China Japan Korea (CJK) unifie... tonghao 茼蒿|crown daisy/garland chrysanthemum/Chr... tonghao 同好|fellow enthusiasts tonghe 通河|Tonghe county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 e... tonghe 统合|(Tw) to integrate/integrated tonghen 痛恨|to detest/to loathe/to abhor tonghexian 通河县|Tonghe county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 e... tonghong 通红|very red/red through and through/to b... tonghua 童话|children\'s fairy tales tonghua 通话|to hold a conversation/to talk over t... tonghua 同化|assimilation (cultural, digestive, ph... tonghua 通化|see 通化市[Tong1hua4 Shi4]/see 通化縣|通化县[T... tonghua 同花|flush (poker) tonghuadashun 同花大顺|royal flush (poker) tonghuagushi 童话故事|fairy tale tonghuan 铜环|brass ring/door knocker tonghuashi 通化市|Tonghua, prefecture-level city in Jil... tonghuashun 同花顺|straight flush (poker) tonghuatou 童花头|short bobbed hairstyle tonghuaxian 通化县|Tonghua county in Tonghua 通化, Jilin tonghuazuoyong 同化作用|assimilation/anabolism (biology)/cons... tonghun 通婚|to intermarry tonghun 童婚|child marriage tonghun 同婚|same-sex marriage/gay marriage tonghuo 统货|unified goods/goods in the command ec... tonghuo 通货|currency/(old) exchange of goods tonghuo 同伙|colleague/co-conspirator/accomplice tonghuojinsuo 通货紧缩|deflation tonghuopengzhang 通货膨胀|inflation tongji 统计|statistics/to count/to add up tongji 同济|abbr. of 同濟大學|同济大学[Tong2 ji4 Da4 xue2] tongji 同级|on the same level/ranking equally tongji 通缉|to order the arrest of sb as criminal... tongji 痛击|to deliver a punishing attack/to deal... tongji 酮基|ketone group tongji 童乩|spirit medium tongjia 通假|phonetic loan character/using one cha... tongjiajiang 佟佳江|Tongjia River in Manchuria, a tributa... tongjian 通奸|adultery/to commit adultery tongjian 统建|to develop as a government project; t... tongjiang 同江|Tongjiang, county-level city in Kiamu... tongjiang 铜匠|coppersmith tongjiang 通江|Tongjiang county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan... tongjiangshi 同江市|Tongjiang, county-level city in Kiamu... tongjiangxian 通江县|Tongjiang county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan... tongjiao 痛脚|(fig.) sore spot tongjiazi 通假字|phonetic loan character/using one cha... tongjibiao 统计表|statistical table/chart tongjidaxue 同济大学|Tongji University tongjifan 通缉犯|wanted criminal/fugitive (from the law) tongjijieguo 统计结果|statistical results tongjiling 通缉令|order for arrest/wanted circular/want... tongjing 痛经|period pain; menstrual cramps; dysmen... tongjing 通经|conversant with the Confucian classic... tongjingjia 痛经假|menstrual leave tongjipingshen 同级评审|peer review tongjishuju 统计数据|statistical data tongjixue 统计学|statistics tongjiyuan 统计员|statistician tongju 同居|to live together/to cohabit tongjue 痛觉|sense of pain tongjun 童军|Scout (youth organization)/see also 童... tongkao 统考|unified examination (e.g. across the ... tongkong 瞳孔|pupil (of the eye) tongkong 桶孔|bunghole tongkou 桶口|bunghole/see 桶孔[tong3 kong3] tongku 痛苦|pain/suffering/painful/CL:個|个[ge4] tongku 痛哭|to cry bitterly tongkuai 痛快|delighted/to one\'s heart\'s content/st... tongkuailinli 痛快淋漓|joyous/hearty/spirited/(of commentary... tongkuan 同款|similar (model)/merchandise similar t... tongkuang 铜矿|copper mine/copper ore tongkuang 同框|to appear together in a photo or vide... tongkuliuti 痛哭流涕|weeping bitter tears tonglan 统揽|to be in overall charge/to have overa... tonglanweng 铜蓝鹟|(bird species of China) verditer flyc... tongle 同乐|to enjoy together tonglehui 同乐会|social gathering at which those atten... tonglei 同类|similar/same type/alike tongleixiangshi 同类相食|cannibalism tongleixiangxi 同类相吸|Like attracts like. tongli 同理|Tongli, a city in Jiangsu Province, C... tongli 同理|for the same reason tongli 通力|to cooperate/concerted effort tongli 通例|general rule/standard practice tongliang 铜梁|Tongliang, a district of Chongqing 重慶... tongliang 同量|commensurable/commensurate tongliang 通量|flux tongliangqu 铜梁区|Tongliang, a district of Chongqing 重慶... tongliangyiweisu 同量异位素|nuclear isobar tongliao 通辽|Tongliao, prefecture-level city in In... tongliao 同僚|colleague; coworker tongliaoshi 通辽市|Tongliao, prefecture-level city in In... tonglihezuo 通力合作|to join forces/to give full cooperation tongling 铜陵|see 銅陵市|铜陵市[Tong2ling2 Shi4] tongling 统领|to lead/to command/commander/officer tongling 同龄|of the same age tongling 通灵|to communicate with the spirits/psych... tongling 铜铃|bell made of copper or bronze tonglingban 通灵板|Ouija board tonglingren 同龄人|peer/one\'s contemporary/person of the... tonglingshi 铜陵市|Tongling, prefecture-level city in An... tongliuhewu 同流合污|to wallow in the mire with sb (idiom)... tonglixin 同理心|empathy tonglouzi 捅楼子|variant of 捅婁子|捅娄子[tong3 lou2 zi5] tonglouzi 捅喽子|variant of 捅婁子|捅娄子[tong3 lou2 zi5] tonglouzi 捅娄子|to make a mess of sth tonglu 桐庐|Tonglu county in Hangzhou 杭州[Hang2 zh... tonglu 通路|thoroughfare/passage/pathway/channel tonglu 同路|to go the same way tongluan 同卵|(of twins) identical/monozygotic tongluanshuangbaotai 同卵双胞胎|identical twins tonglun 通论|well-rounded argument/general survey tongluo 铜锣|Tongluo or Tunglo township in Miaoli ... tongluo 铜锣|gong tongluoshao 铜锣烧|dorayaki (a Japanese confection) tongluowan 铜锣湾|Causeway Bay tongluoxiang 铜锣乡|Tongluo or Tunglo township in Miaoli ... tongluren 同路人|fellow traveler/comrade tongluxian 桐庐县|Tonglu county in Hangzhou 杭州[Hang2 zh... tonglv 铜绿|verdigris tonglvceng 铜绿层|patina tongma 痛骂|to bawl out/to reprimand severely tongmafengwo 捅马蜂窝|(fig.) to stir up a hornet\'s nest tongmeng 童蒙|young and ignorant/ignorant and unedu... tongmeng 同盟|alliance tongmengguo 同盟国|allied nation/ally/confederation tongmenghui 同盟会|Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-sen\'s alliance f... tongmengjun 同盟军|ally/allied forces tongmengqili 同蒙其利|to both benefit tongming 同名|of the same name/homonymous/self-titl... tongming 通明|brightly lit tongming 通名|common noun/generic term/to introduce... tongmingtongxing 同名同姓|having same given name and family name tongmou 同谋|to conspire with sb/to plot/a conspir... tongmou 瞳眸|pupil of the eye/one\'s eyes tongmuou 桐木偶|puppet burial object/wooden effigy bu... tongmuyifu 同母异父|(of siblings) having the same mother ... tongnan 潼南|Tongnan, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重... tongnan 童男|virgin male tongnanqu 潼南区|Tongnan, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重... tongnian 童年|childhood tongnian 同年|the same year tongnv 童女|virgin female tongpai 铜牌|bronze medal/bronze plaque bearing a ... tongpan 通盘|across the board/comprehensive/overal... tongpan 通判|local magistrate tongpao 同袍|fellow soldier/comrade/companion/inti... tongpei 统配|a unified distribution; a unified all... tongpeifu 通配符|wildcard character (computing) tongpeishengzhi 同配生殖|isogamy tongpeng 通膨|(Tw) inflation (abbr. for 通貨膨脹|通货膨胀[t... tongpi 痛批|to severely criticize tongpiao 通票|through ticket tongpo 捅破|to pierce; to poke through tongpu 统铺|a common bed (to sleep many) tongpu 僮仆|boy servant tongqi 通气|ventilation/aeration/to keep each oth... tongqi 铜器|copper ware/bronze ware tongqi 同期|the corresponding time period (in a d... tongqi 同妻|(neologism c. 2009) wife of a gay man... tongqian 铜钱|copper coin (round with a square hole... tongqiangtiebi 铜墙铁壁|copper wall, iron bastion (idiom); im... tongqihui 通气会|briefing tongqikong 通气孔|an airvent/a louvre/airflow orifice tongqin 通勤|commuting tongqing 同情|to sympathize with/sympathy tongqingdali 通情达理|(idiom) fair and reasonable; sensible... tongqingzhe 同情者|supporter/sympathizer (esp. of politi... tongqu 童趣|qualities that delight children (e.g.... tongquandabian 通权达变|to adapt to circumstances tongren 同仁|variant of 同人[tong2 ren2] tongren 铜仁|see 銅仁市|铜仁市[Tong2ren2 Shi4] tongren 同人|people from the same workplace or pro... tongren 瞳仁|pupil of the eye tongren 通人|learned person; person of wide knowle... tongren 桐人|puppet burial object/wooden effigy bu... tongren 瞳人|pupil (of the eye) tongrenshi 铜仁市|Tongren, prefecture-level city in Gui... tongrentang 同仁堂|Tongrentang, Chinese pharmaceutical c... tongri 同日|same day/simultaneous tongrieryu 同日而语|lit. to speak of two things on the sa... tongrong 通融|flexible/to accommodate/to stretch or... tongru 通乳|(medicine) to unblock breastmilk flow... tongshan 通山|Tongshan county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xia... tongshang 同上|as above; ditto; idem tongshang 通商|(of nations) to have trade relations;... tongshangkouan 通商口岸|treaty port, forced on Qing China by ... tongshanxian 通山县|Tongshan county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xia... tongshanzhuozhuo 童山濯濯|treeless hill/(fig.) bald head tongshe 统摄|to command tongshen 童身|undefiled body/virginity/virgin tongsheng 童生|candidate who has not yet passed the ... tongshengchuanyi 同声传译|simultaneous interpretation tongshengfanyi 同声翻译|simultaneous translation tongshengyiku 同声一哭|to share one\'s feeling of grief with ... tongshi 同时|at the same time; simultaneously tongshi 同事|colleague; co-worker tongshi 通史|narrative history/comprehensive histo... tongshi 痛失|to suffer the painful loss of (a love... tongshi 通识|general knowledge/overall knowledge/c... tongshicaoge 同室操戈|wielding the halberd within the house... tongshidai 同时代|contemporary tongshijiaoyu 通识教育|general education tongshikecheng 通识课程|general course/general education cour... tongshipeixun 通识培训|general culture tongshiqi 同时期|at the same time/contemporary tongshou-tongjiao 同手同脚|clumsy; uncoordinated tongshu 统属|subordination/line of command tongshu 通书|almanac tongshuai 统帅|command/commander-in-chief tongshuai 统率|to command; to direct tongshui 通水|to have running water (in a house etc) tongshui 铜水|molten copper; molten bronze tongshun 通顺|smooth/clear and coherent tongsi 铜丝|copper wire tongsouwuqi 童叟无欺|cheating neither old nor young (idiom... tongsu 通俗|common/everyday/average tongsukexue 通俗科学|popular science tongsulaijiang 通俗来讲|to put it in simple terms, ... tongsuo 通缩|(economics) deflation (abbr. for 通貨緊縮... tongsuxiaoshuo 通俗小说|popular fiction/light literature tongsuyidong 通俗易懂|easy to understand tongsuyixingti 同素异形体|allotropy tongtai 同台|to appear on the same stage tongtai 同态|(math.) homomorphism tongtang 同堂|to live under the same roof (of diffe... tongtang 酮糖|ketose, monosaccharide containing ket... tongti 通体|(of sb or sth) whole or entire body tongtianchedi 通天彻地|to know all under heaven/exceptionall... tongtong 通通|all/entire/complete tongtong 统统|totally tongtong 统通|everything tongtong 通同|to collude/to gang up on tongtonggu 嗵嗵鼓|tom-tom (drum) tongtongkuaikuai 痛痛快快|immediately/without a moment\'s hesita... tongtou 通透|penetrating tongtu 通途|thoroughfare tongtuomu 通脱木|rice-paper plant (Tetrapanax papyrife... tongtushugui 同途殊归|same road out, different ones back tongwan 童玩|(Tw) traditional handcrafted toy (e.g... tongwang 通往|to lead to tongwei 通渭|Tongwei county in Dingxi 定西[Ding4 xi1... tongwei 同位|par tongweisu 同位素|isotope tongweisufenli 同位素分离|isotopic separation tongweixian 通渭县|Tongwei county in Dingxi 定西[Ding4 xi1... tongwen 通问|to mutually send greetings/to communi... tongwenceng 同温层|stratosphere tongwenguan 同文馆|Tongwen Guan, 19th century college th... tongwu 同屋|roommate/to share a room tongwu 痛恶|to detest/to abhor tongxi 同喜|Thank you for your congratulations!/T... tongxi 痛惜|to lament tongxia 统辖|to govern/to have complete control ov... tongxian 通县|Tong county in Beijing tongxiang 通向|to lead to tongxiang 同乡|person from the same village, town, o... tongxiang 铜像|bronze statue/CL:尊[zun1],座[zuo4] tongxiang 桐乡|Tongxiang, county-level city in Jiaxi... tongxiangqingu 同乡亲故|fellow countryman (from the same vill... tongxiangshi 桐乡市|Tongxiang, county-level city in Jiaxi... tongxiao 通晓|proficient (in sth)/to understand sth... tongxiao 统销|state marketing monopoly tongxiao 通宵|all night/throughout the night tongxiao 通霄|Tongxiao or Tunghsiao town in Miaoli ... tongxiaodadan 通宵达旦|overnight until daybreak (idiom); all... tongxiaozhen 通霄镇|Tongxiao or Tunghsiao town in Miaoli ... tongxin 通信|to correspond (by letter etc)/to comm... tongxin 童心|childish heart/childish innocence tongxin 同心|Tongxin county in Wuzhong 吳忠|吴忠[Wu2 z... tongxin 同心|to be of one mind; united/concentric tongxin 痛心|grieved/pained tongxincai 通心菜|see 蕹菜[weng4 cai4] tongxindizhi 通信地址|mail address tongxinfen 通心粉|macaroni tongxinfuwu 通信服务|communication service tongxinfuzai 通信负载|communications load tongxing 同行|to journey together tongxing 同性|same nature/homosexual tongxing 通行|to go through; to pass through/to be ... tongxing 童星|child star tongxingai 同性爱|homosexual tongxingjingluan 痛性痉挛|(muscle) cramp tongxinglian 同性恋|homosexuality/gay person/gay love tongxingliankongjuzheng 同性恋恐惧症|homophobia tongxinglianzhe 同性恋者|homosexual/gay person tongxingpeizi 同型配子|isogamete tongxingshui 通行税|toll tongxingwuzu 通行无阻|unobstructed passage/to go through un... tongxingxiangchi 同性相斥|like polarities repel each other/(fig... tongxingxing 同型性|isomorphism tongxingzheng 通行证|a pass (authority to enter)/a laissez... tongxinjishou 痛心疾首|bitter and hateful (idiom)/to grieve ... tongxinjishu 通信技术|communications technology tongxinliang 通信量|communications volume tongxinmian 通心面|macaroni tongxinmidu 通信密度|communications density tongxintongde 同心同德|of one mind (idiom) tongxinwangluo 通信网络|communications network tongxinweixing 通信卫星|communications satellite tongxinxian 同心县|Tongxin county in Wuzhong 吳忠|吴忠[Wu2 z... tongxinxianlu 通信线路|communication line tongxinxieding 通信协定|communications protocol tongxinxieli 同心协力|to work with a common purpose (idiom)... tongxinzhongxin 通信中心|communications center tongxiu 铜锈|verdigris tongxiuceng 铜锈层|patina tongxiuwei 铜臭味|profit-before-all-else mindset/money-... tongxu 通许|Tongxu county in Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 f... tongxue 同学|to study at the same school/fellow st... tongxue 通学|to attend school as a day student tongxun 通讯|communications/news story/dispatch/CL... tongxunchu 通讯处|contact address tongxundizhi 通讯地址|mailing address; postal address tongxunhangye 通讯行业|communications industry tongxunlu 通讯录|address book/directory tongxunshe 通讯社|a news service (e.g. Xinhua) tongxuntongdao 通讯通道|communications channel tongxunweixing 通讯卫星|communications satellite tongxunxieding 通讯协定|communications protocol tongxunxitong 通讯系统|communication system tongxunyuan 通讯员|correspondent/reporter/messenger boy tongxunyuanshi 通讯院士|corresponding member (of an academy)/... tongxunzidonghua 通讯自动化|communications automation tongxuxian 通许县|Tongxu county in Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 f... tongyan 同砚|classmate/fellow student tongyang 同样|same; equal; similar/similarly; also;... tongyang 痛痒|pain and itch/sufferings/importance/c... tongyangxi 童养媳|child bride/girl adopted into a famil... tongyangxifu 童养媳妇|child bride/girl adopted into a famil... tongyanwuji 童言无忌|children\'s words carry no harm (idiom) tongyao 童谣|nursery rhyme tongye 同业|same trade or business/person in the ... tongye 通夜|all through the night/overnight tongyechaijie 同业拆借|call loan/short-term loan within banking tongyegonghui 同业公会|trade association tongyi 同一|identical; the same tongyi 统一|7-Eleven (convenience store chain) tongyi 统一|to unify; to integrate/unified; integ... tongyi 同意|to agree/to consent/to approve tongyi 同义|synonymous tongyi 通译|(old) to translate/to interpret/trans... tongyibianhao 统一编号|(Tw) the VAT identification number of... tongyichao 统一超|7-Eleven (convenience store chain) (a... tongyici 同义词|synonym tongyifanfu 同义反复|tautology tongyifapiao 统一发票|uniform invoice, a standardized gover... tongyigeshijie,tongyigemengxiang 同一个世界,同一个梦想|One world - one dream, motto of 2008 ... tongyigua 同一挂|(coll.) to have a lot in common (with... tongyiguihua 统一规划|integrated program tongyikoujing 统一口径|to adopt a unified approach to discus... tongyima 统一码|Unicode tongyin 同音|(music) unison/(linguistics) homophon... tongyin 痛饮|to drink one\'s fill tongyinci 同音词|homophone; homonym tongyinzi 同音字|Chinese character that is pronounced ... tongyishehuixinyongdaima 统一社会信用代码|unified social credit identifier, the... tongyisixiang 统一思想|with the same idea in mind/with a com... tongyiti 统一体|whole/single entity tongyixing 统一性|unity tongyixinluo 统一新罗|unified Silla (658-935), Korean kingdom tongyiyu 同义语|synonym tongyizhanxian 统一战线|united front tongyizhanxiangongzuobu 统一战线工作部|United Front Work Department of CCP C... tongyizhaosheng 统一招生|national unified entrance exam tongyizi 同义字|synonym tongyiziyuan 统一资源|unified resource tongyiziyuandingwei 统一资源定位|universal resource locator (URL), i.e... tongyiziyuandingweifu 统一资源定位符|universal resource locator (URL), i.e... tongyong 通用|to use anywhere, anytime (card, ticke... tongyongchuanxingzongxian 通用串行总线|(computing) Universal Serial Bus; USB tongyongdianqi 通用电器|General Electric (GE) tongyongdianqi 通用电气|General Electric (GE) tongyonghanzibiaozhunjiaohuanma 通用汉字标准交换码|Standard Interchange Code for General... tongyongma 通用码|Standard Interchange Code for General... tongyongpinyin 通用拼音|the common use romanization system in... tongyongqiche 通用汽车|General Motors (car company) tongyongqichegongsi 通用汽车公司|General Motors tongyongrengongzhineng 通用人工智能|artificial general intelligence (AGI) tongyongxing 通用性|universality tongyongyu 通用语|common language/lingua franca tongyongzifuji 通用字符集|universal character set UCS tongyou 桐油|tung oil, from the Japanese wood-oil ... tongyou 通邮|to have postal communications tongyu 通榆|Tongyu county in Baicheng 白城, Jilin tongyu 统御|(literary) to have control over; to rule tongyu 统驭|to control tongyu 同余|congruent (math.)/having same residue... tongyuan 同源|homology (biology)/a common origin tongyuanci 同源词|cognate; words having a common origin tongyue 通约|common measure tongyulei 同余类|(math.) congruence class; residue class tongyunci 同韵词|a word that rhymes (with another word) tongyushi 同余式|congruence (math.)/equation for resid... tongyuxian 通榆县|Tongyu county in Baicheng 白城, Jilin tongzai 同在|to be with tongze 通则|general rule/general principle tongzhan 统战|united front (abbr. for 統一戰線|统一战线[ton... tongzhanbu 统战部|United Front Work Department of CCP C... tongzhang 通胀|inflation tongzhanglv 通胀率|inflation rate tongzhen 童真|childishness/naivete tongzhen 童贞|virginity/chastity tongzheng 通证|digital token (loanword from \"token\")... tongzhi 通知|to notify/to inform/notice/notificati... tongzhi 同志|comrade/(slang) homosexual/CL:位[wei4]... tongzhi 统治|to rule (a country)/to govern/rule/re... tongzhi 同质|homogeneous tongzhi 童稚|child/childish tongzhi 统制|to control tongzhi 同治|reign name of Qing emperor (1861-1875) tongzhi 同知|government sub-prefect (old) tongzhidan 通知单|notification/notice/ticket/receipt tongzhiquan 统治权|sovereignty/dominion/dominance tongzhishu 通知书|written notice tongzhizhe 统治者|ruler tongzhou 通州|Tongzhou, a district of Beijing/Tongz... tongzhou 同轴|coaxial tongzhoudianlan 同轴电缆|coaxial cable tongzhougongji 同舟共济|cross a river in the same boat (idiom... tongzhouqu 通州区|Tongzhou, a district of Beijing/Tongz... tongzhuang 童装|children\'s clothing tongzhuangshui 桶装水|18.9 liter bottled water (5 gallons) tongzhuo 同桌|desk-mate/seat-mate tongzi 桐梓|Taongzi county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi... tongzi 筒子|tube-shaped object/tube/bobbin/(Inter... tongzi 童子|boy tongzijun 童子军|Scout (youth organization) tongzijun 童子军|child soldiers/juvenile militia tongzikuang 同字框|name of the radical 冂[jiong1] in Chin... tongzimigao 筒子米糕|rice tube pudding, a single-serve col... tongziniao 童子尿|urine of boys under 12, used as medic... tongzixian 桐梓县|Taongzi county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi... tongzongtongyuan 同宗同源|to share the same origins; to have co... tony Tony|(slang) hairdresser tonylaoshi Tony老师|(slang) hairdresser tou 偷|to steal/to pilfer/to snatch/thief/st... tou 头|head/hair style/the top/end/beginning... tou 头|suffix for nouns tou 投|to throw (sth in a specific direction... tou 透|(bound form) to penetrate; to seep th... tou 骰|dice tou 偸|variant of 偷[tou1] tou 亠|\"lid\" radical in Chinese characters (... tou 黈|a yellow color tou 钭|surname Tou tou 钭|a wine flagon tou 媮|improper/irregular tou 斢|yellow (archaic) tou 妵|(feminine name)/beautiful/fair tou 牏|short board/plank touan 投案|to surrender to the authorities/to tu... touan 偷安|to shirk responsibility/thoughtless p... touban 头版|(newspaper\'s) front page toubantian 头半天|morning/first half of the day toubantianr 头半天儿|erhua variant of 頭半天|头半天[tou2 ban4 ti... toubao 投保|to take out insurance/to insure toubao 头孢|(pharm.) cephalosporin toubaofang 投保方|policyholder (insurance) toubaojunsu 头孢菌素|(pharm.) cephalosporin toubaolading 头孢拉定|(pharm.) cefradine (aka cephradine) toubaoren 投保人|policy holder/insured person toubaosaifen 头孢噻吩|(pharm.) cefalotin (aka cephalothin) touben 投奔|to seek shelter/to seek asylum toubi 投币|coin-operated/to insert coins toubianduanliu 投鞭断流|arms enough to stem the stream (idiom... toubiao 投标|to bid/to make a tender toubicongrong 投笔从戎|to lay down the pen and take up the s... toubikou 投币口|coin slot toubu 头部|head toucai 头彩|first prize in a lottery touchan 投产|to put into production/to put into op... touchaoxia 头朝下|(falling or suspended) head downwards... touche 透彻|penetrating; thorough; incisive touche 透澈|variant of 透徹|透彻[tou4 che4] toucheng 投诚|to defect/to surrender/to capitulate toucheng 头城|Toucheng Town in Yilan County 宜蘭縣|宜兰县... touchengzhen 头城镇|Toucheng Town in Yilan County 宜蘭縣|宜兰县... touchi 偷吃|to eat on the sly/to pilfer food/to b... touchou 透抽|swordtip squid (Tw) toucun 头寸|(finance) cash position; position toucuotai 投错胎|to be reincarnated in the wrong womb/... touda 头大|to have a big head/(fig.) to get a he... toudaishierji 头戴式耳机|headphones toudan 投弹|to throw an explosive charge/to bomb toudang 头挡|first gear toudao 偷盗|to steal toudao 头道|first time/first (round, course, coat... toudaoli 头倒立|headstand toudeng 头等|first class/prime/main toudeng 头灯|headlight (of a vehicle)/headlamp; he... toudengcang 头等舱|1st class cabin toudi 投递|to deliver toudi 透底|to disclose inside information/to div... toudi 投敌|to go over to the enemy/to defect toudian 投店|to stop at a hostel touding 头顶|top of the head touding 透顶|out-and-out/thoroughly toudiyuan 投递员|courier/mailman toudou 头兜|helmet/chain mail hung from head to p... toudu 偷渡|illegal immigration/to stowaway (on a... toudu 投毒|to poison touduitou 头对头|(of clinical trial) head-to-head touduo 偷惰|to skive off work/to be lazy touduzhe 偷渡者|smuggled illegal alien/stowaway toufa 头发|hair (on the head) toufahuziyibazhua 头发胡子一把抓|lit. hair and beard all in one stroke... toufang 投放|to input/to throw in/to unload/to put... toufangshichang 投放市场|to put sth on the market toufen 头份|Toufen town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[... toufeng 透风|to let air pass through; to ventilate toufeng 头风|headache (Chinese medicine) toufenzhen 头份镇|Toufen town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[... toufu 头伏|see 初伏[chu1 fu2] tougai 头盖|skull/cranium tougaigu 头盖骨|skull/cranium tougao 投稿|to submit articles for publication/to... tougong 头功|first class merit tougong 偷工|to skimp on the job/to avoid work tougongjianliao 偷工减料|to skimp on the job and stint on mate... tougu 头骨|skull tougu 头箍|headband touguan 头冠|a crown/top of the head touguang 透光|transparent/translucent touguangdeng 投光灯|floodlight touguo 透过|to pass through/to penetrate/by means... tougur 头箍儿|band used by Manchu women to gather u... touhan 偷汉|(of a woman) to take a lover touhanzi 偷汉子|(of a woman) to take a lover touhao 头号|first rate/top rank/number one touhaozi 头号字|largest typeface/biggest letters touhe 投合|to go well together/to be compatible/... touhong 透红|rosy touhu 投壶|ancient banquet game of throwing arro... touhuaisongbao 投怀送抱|to throw oneself in sb\'s arms/to thro... touhuan 偷换|to substitute on the sly touhuan 投缳|to hang oneself/to commit suicide by ... touhuan 投环|variant of 投繯|投缳[tou2 huan2] touhuanziyi 投缳自缢|to hang oneself (idiom) touhui 头回|for the first time/on the previous oc... touhun 头昏|dizzy/giddy/one\'s head spins touhun-naozhang 头昏脑胀|(idiom) to feel giddy; to feel dizzy;... touhun-naozhang 头昏脑涨|variant of 頭昏腦脹|头昏脑胀[tou2hun1-nao3zha... touhunmuxuan 头昏目眩|(idiom) dazed/dizzy touhunmuyun 头昏目晕|see 頭昏目眩|头昏目眩[tou2 hun1 mu4 xuan4] touhunnaomen 头昏脑闷|fainting and giddy/one\'s head spins touhunnaoxuan 头昏脑眩|dizzying/it makes one\'s head spin touhunyanan 头昏眼暗|head spinning and eyes dark (idiom); ... touhunyanhua 头昏眼花|to faint with blurred vision (idiom);... touhunyanyun 头昏眼晕|head spinning and blurred vision/gidd... touji 投机|congenial; agreeable/to speculate; to... touji 投寄|to send by post toujia 头家|organizer of a gambling party who tak... toujia 偷加|to surreptitiously add (sth that shou... toujiang 头奖|first prize toujiao 头角|youngster\'s talent/brilliance of youth toujiaozhengrong 头角峥嵘|promise of brilliant young person (id... toujibuchengshibami 偷鸡不成蚀把米|lit. to try to steal a chicken only t... toujibuzhaoshibami 偷鸡不着蚀把米|see 偷雞不成蝕把米|偷鸡不成蚀把米[tou1 ji1 bu4 chen... toujidaoba 投机倒把|to engage in speculation and profitee... toujimaimai 投机买卖|to engage in speculative trading toujimogou 偷鸡摸狗|to imitate the dog and steal chicken ... toujin 头巾|cloth head covering worn by men in an... toujing 头颈|(dialect) neck toujing 透镜|lens (optics) toujingxiashi 投井下石|to throw stones at sb who has fallen ... toujiquqiao 投机取巧|to gain advantage by any means, fair ... toujizhe 投机者|speculator toujun 投军|to join up/to enlist (e.g. in the mil... toukaipiaosuo 投开票所|polling station/CL:處|处[chu4] toukan 偷看|to peep/to peek/to steal a glance toukao 投靠|to rely on help from sb toukao 投考|to sign up for an examination/to appl... toukong 偷空|to take some time out/to make use of ... toukuan 头款|down payment toukui 头盔|helmet toukui 偷窥|to peep/to peek/to act as voyeur toukuikuang 偷窥狂|voyeur/peeping tom toulan 偷懒|to goof off/to be lazy toulan 投篮|to shoot for the basket (basketball) toulanji 投篮机|arcade basketball machine/miniature h... touli 头里|in front/in advance of the field toulian 头脸|head and face touliang 透亮|bright/shining/translucent/crystal clear toulianghuanzhu 偷梁换柱|lit. to steal a rafter and replace it... toulianr 头脸儿|erhua variant of 頭臉|头脸[tou2 lian3] toulie 偷猎|to poach touliezhe 偷猎者|poacher touling 头领|head person/leader toulou 透漏|to divulge/to leak/to reveal toulou 偷漏|to evade (taxes) toulu 透露|to leak out/to divulge/to reveal toulu 头颅|head/skull toulu 头路|clue/thread (of a story)/mate/first c... toumeierqi 投袂而起|lit. to shake one\'s sleeves and rise ... toumian 头面|head ornament (in former times)/(lite... toumianrenwu 头面人物|leading figure/bigwig touming 透明|transparent/(fig.) transparent; open ... touming 头名|first place/leader (of a race) toumingchengdu 透明程度|transparency toumingdu 透明度|transparency/(policy of) openness toumingjiao 透明胶|Scotch tape toumingyingsha 透明硬纱|organza (fabric) toumingzhisuan 透明质酸|hyaluronic acid/hyaluronan toumo 偷摸|surreptitious; sneaky toumu 头目|ringleader/gang leader/chieftain tounao 头脑|brains/mind/skull/(fig.) gist (of a m... tounaofazhang 头脑发胀|swelling of the head (physical condit... tounaofengbao 头脑风暴|brainstorming tounaojiandansizhifada 头脑简单四肢发达|all brawn no brains tounaoqingchu 头脑清楚|lucid/clear-headed/sensible toupai 偷拍|to take a picture of a person without... toupai 投拍|to start shooting (a film)/to invest ... toupai 头牌|tablet announcing the name of leading... toupai 偷排|to dump illegally toupao 偷跑|to sneak off; to slip away/(sports) t... toupi 头皮|scalp toupi 透辟|penetrating/incisive toupiao 投票|to vote/vote toupiaodidian 投票地点|voting place toupiaogui 投票匦|ballot box (Tw) toupiaojiqi 投票机器|voting machine toupiaolv 投票率|proportion of vote/turnout in election toupiaoquan 投票权|suffrage/right to vote toupiaoxiang 投票箱|ballot box toupiaozhan 投票站|polling station (for a vote) toupiaozhe 投票者|voter touping 投屏|(computing) to mirror one\'s screen (t... touping 透平|turbine (loanword) toupingji 透平机|turbine toupixie 头皮屑|dandruff toupoxueliu 头破血流|lit. head broken and blood flowing/fi... touqi 透气|to flow freely (of air)/to ventilate/... touqi 投契|to get along well (with sb)/congenial... touqi 头七|the 7th day after a person\'s death/th... touqie 偷窃|to steal/to pilfer touqikuan 头期款|down payment touqing 偷情|to carry on a clandestine love affair touqisuohao 投其所好|to adapt to sb\'s taste/to fit sb\'s fancy touqiu 头球|(soccer) header touqu 偷取|to steal touqu 偷去|to steal/to make off with/stolen tour 头儿|leader tournaor 头儿脑儿|leading figure; bigwig touru 投入|to throw into/to put into/to throw on... tousha 头纱|wedding veil/gauze headscarf or veil tousha 投杀|(sports) (cricket) to bowl a batsman out toushang 头上|overhead/above toushe 投射|to throw (a projectile)/to cast (light) toushe 透射|to transmit/transmission (of radiatio... toushen 投身|to throw oneself into sth tousheng 头绳|string to tie hair tousheng 偷生|to live without purpose tousheng 投生|reborn (of departed spirit)/to be rei... toushi 透视|(drawing and painting) perspective/(m... toushi 头饰|head ornament toushi 投师|to join a guru for instruction toushi 头虱|head lice toushifa 透视法|perspective (in drawing) toushihua 透视画|perspective drawing toushihuafa 透视画法|perspective drawing toushitu 透视图|perspective drawing toushiwenlu 投石问路|lit. to toss a stone to find out what... toushixue 透视学|perspective (in drawing) toushizhuang 透视装|see-through clothing toushou 投手|thrower/pitcher/bowler toushu 投书|to deliver/to send a letter/a letter ... toushu 头梳|comb; hairbrush toushui 偷税|tax evasion toushui 透水|permeable/percolation/water leak toushuixing 透水性|permeability toushujiqi 投鼠忌器|lit. to refrain from shooting at the ... tousu 投诉|complaint/to complain; to register a ... tousu 投宿|to lodge/to stay (for the night) tousuolei 头索类|lancelet (Branchiostoma) touta 骰塔|dice tower toutai 投胎|to be reincarnated toutang 头汤|first bouillon, a broth made with ing... toutao 头套|actor\'s headgear/wig/head covering toutaobaoli 投桃报李|toss a peach, get back a plum (idiom)... touteng 头疼|headache toutiancuo 透天厝|(Tw) row house/townhouse/terrace house toutianhuanri 偷天换日|to engage in fraudulent activities (i... toutiao 头条|Toutiao, personalized content recomme... toutiao 头条|lead story (on the news) toutiaoxinwen 头条新闻|top news story toutie 头铁|(slang) stubborn; headstrong touting 偷听|to eavesdrop/to monitor (secretly) toutong 头痛|to have a headache toutongxing 透通性|transparency (networking) toutongyitou 头痛医头|to treat the symptoms/reactive (rathe... toutongyitou,jiaotongyijiao 头痛医头,脚痛医脚|to treat the symptoms rather than get... toutongyulie 头痛欲裂|to have a splitting headache (idiom) toutou 头头|head/chief toutou 偷偷|stealthily/secretly/covertly/furtivel... toutoumomo 偷偷摸摸|surreptitious; sneaky toutoushidao 头头是道|clear and logical toutunhe 头屯河|Toutunhe District of Urumqi 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木... toutunhequ 头屯河区|Toutunhe District of Urumqi 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木... toutuo 头陀|itinerant monk (loanword from Sanskrit) touwan 头晚|previous night touwei 头位|(car racing) pole position/(obstetric... touwei 投喂|to feed (an animal) touwenzi 头文字|initial/first letter of word (in Lati... touwu 头屋|Touwu township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗... touwu 头午|(dialect) morning touwuxiang 头屋乡|Touwu township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗... touxi 透析|to analyze in depth/dialysis; (chemis... touxi 偷袭|to mount a sneak attack/to raid touxian 头衔|title/rank/appellation touxian 偷闲|to snatch a moment of leisure/to take... touxian 偷闲|to snatch a moment of leisure/to take... touxian 头显|HMD; head-mounted display (abbr. for ... touxiang 头像|portrait; bust/(computing) profile pi... touxiang 投降|to surrender touxiang 头香|the first stick of incense placed in ... touxiangqian 头向前|headlong touxiangqieyu 偷香窃玉|lit. stolen scent, pilfered jade (idi... touxiao 偷笑|to laugh up one\'s sleeve touxiji 透析机|dialysis machine touxin 透信|to disclose information; to tip off touxing 偷腥|to cheat on one\'s spouse/to have an a... touxinxi 头信息|header (computing) touxiongbu 头胸部|cephalothorax touxu 头绪|outline/main threads touxuan 头癣|favus of the scalp (skin disease) touxuanliang,zhuicigu 头悬梁,锥刺股|lit. with his head attached to a beam... touyan 偷眼|to take a furtive look at touyang 头羊|bellwether touyi 头一|the first touyihui 头一回|the first time/for the first time touying 投影|to project/a projection touying 投映|(of a light source) to cast one\'s lig... touyingbi 投硬币|coin-operated/to insert a coin touyingji 投影机|projector touyingjihe 投影几何|projective geometry/same as 射影幾何|射影几何 touyingjihexue 投影几何学|projective geometry/same as 射影幾何學|射影几何学 touyingmian 投影面|plane of projection (in perspective d... touyingpian 投影片|slide used in a presentation (Tw) touyingtu 投影图|perspective drawing touyingxian 投影线|line of project/projection line touyingyi 投影仪|projector touyingzhongxin 投影中心|center of projection touyuan 投缘|to be kindred spirits/to hit it off touyun 头晕|dizzy touyun 偷运|to smuggle touyun-muxuan 头晕目眩|(idiom) to have a dizzy spell; dazzled touyunnaozhang 头晕脑涨|variant of 頭暈腦脹|头晕脑胀[tou2 yun1 nao3 z... touyunnaozhang 头晕脑胀|dizzy and light-headed touyunyanhua 头晕眼花|to faint with blurred vision (idiom);... touzhang 头胀|distention in the head (TCM) touzhao 头罩|hairnet/hood/cowl touzhen 头枕|headrest touzhi 投掷|to throw sth a long distance/to hurl/... touzhi 透支|(banking) to overdraw/to take out an ... touzhong 头重|disequilibrium/top-heavy/heaviness in... touzhong 投中|to hit the target with one\'s throw/(b... touzhong 骰盅|dice cup touzhong 骰钟|dice cup touzhongjiaoqing 头重脚轻|top-heavy/fig. unbalance in organizat... touzhu 投注|to throw one\'s energies (into an acti... touzi 投资|investment/to invest touzi 骰子|dice touzi 头子|boss/gang leader touzi 偷子|thief touzibaochoulv 投资报酬率|return on investment/rate of return touzifengxian 投资风险|investment risk touzihuibaolv 投资回报率|return on investment (ROI) touzijia 投资家|investor touziren 投资人|investor touziyimin 投资移民|investment immigration/immigrant inve... touzizhe 投资者|investor touzizuhe 投资组合|investment portfolio touzugang 头足纲|Cephalopoda, class of mollusks includ... touzuo 头座|headstock/turning head of a screw, dr... ttai T台|runway (for a fashion show etc); catwalk tu 土|Tu (ethnic group)/surname Tu tu 土|earth/dust/clay/local/indigenous/crud... tu 图|diagram/picture/drawing/chart/map/CL:... tu 徒|surname Tu tu 徒|disciple; apprentice; believer/on foo... tu 兔|variant of 兔[tu4] tu 兔|rabbit tu 涂|to apply (paint etc)/to smear/to daub... tu 涂|surname Tu tu 涂|variant of 途[tu2] tu 途|way/route/road tu 凃|old variant of 涂[tu2] tu 突|to dash/to move forward quickly/to bu... tu 屠|surname Tu tu 屠|to slaughter (animals for food)/to ma... tu 堍|side of bridge tu 吐|to spit/to send out (silk from a silk... tu 吐|to vomit/to throw up tu 秃|bald (lacking hair or feathers)/barre... tu 荼|thistle/common sowthistle (Sonchus ol... tu 凸|to stick out; protruding; convex; mal... tu 钍|thorium (chemistry) tu 嵞|Mt Tu in Zhejiang/also written 涂 tu 菟|dodder (Cuscuta sinensis, a parasitic... tu 峹|name of a mountain tu 図|Japanese variant of 圖|图 tu 酴|yeast tu 瘏|be injured/ill (of animals) tu 稌|sticky rice tu 宊|variant of 突 tu 腯|fat (of pigs) tu 㻬|a kind of jade tu 鵵|Scops semitorques tu 痜|old variant of 禿|秃[tu1]/bald tu 葖|radish; daikon/Taiwan pr. [tu2] tu 𬳿|used in 騊駼|𫘦𬳿[tao2tu2] tualeige 图阿雷格|Tuareg (nomadic people of the Sahara) tuan 团|round/lump/ball/to roll into a ball/t... tuan 团|dumpling tuan 图案|design; pattern tuan 彖|to foretell the future using the trig... tuan 煓|(literary) (of a fire) lively/blazing tuan 慱|sad tuan 疃|village/animal track tuan 団|Japanese variant of 團|团 tuan 湍|to rush (of water) tuan 圕|contraction of the three characters o... tuan 抟|to roll up into a ball with one\'s han... tuan 剸|slash tuan 畽|place trodden by animals tuan 漙|heavy dew tuanci 彖辞|to interpret the divinatory trigrams tuanding 团丁|(old) member of local militia tuandui 团队|team tuanduijingshen 团队精神|group mentality/collectivism/solidari... tuanfan 抟饭|to roll rice balls/rice ball tuanfeng 团风|Tuanfeng county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Hu... tuanfeng 抟风|to rise very quickly tuanfengxian 团风县|Tuanfeng county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Hu... tuangou 团购|group buying/collective buying/buying... tuanhua 团花|rounded embroidery design tuanhuo 团伙|(criminal) gang/gang member/accomplic... tuanji 湍急|rapid (flow of water) tuanjian 团建|team building (abbr. for 團隊建設|团队建设[tu... tuanjie 团结|to unite/unity; solidarity/united tuanjiegonghui 团结工会|Solidarity (Polish worker\'s union) tuanjiejiushililiang 团结就是力量|unity is strength (revolutionary slog... tuanjieyixin 团结一心|to unite as one tuanjieyizhi 团结一致|see 團結一心|团结一心[tuan2 jie2 yi1 xin1] tuanju 团聚|to reunite/to have a reunion tuanlian 团练|local militia formed to suppress peas... tuanliu 湍流|turbulence tuanmie 团灭|(video gaming) to eliminate an entire... tuannian 团年|(of a family) to come together at lun... tuanqi 团契|Christian association/fellowship tuansha 抟沙|lacking in cohesion and unity of purpose tuanshan 团扇|circular fan tuanti 团体|group/organization/team/CL:個|个[ge4] tuantiguanjun 团体冠军|group championship tuantixing 团体行|group travel tuantuanzhuan 团团转|to go round and round/running around ... tuanyu 团鱼|softshell turtle tuanyuan 团圆|to have a reunion tuanyuan 团员|member/group member tuanzhan 团战|(gaming) team battle tuanzhang 团长|regimental command/head of a delegati... tuanzi 团子|dango (Japanese dumpling) tuao 土澳|Australia (slang term reflecting a pe... tuba 土坝|earth dam/dam of earth and rocks (as ... tuba 兔爸|toolbar (in computer software) (loanw... tubaiji 涂白剂|a white paint applied to tree trunks ... tuban 图版|printing plate bearing an image (illu... tuban 凸版|relief printing plate tubang 土邦|native state (term used by British Co... tubanyinshua 凸版印刷|relief printing/typography/printing w... tubaogai 秃宝盖|name of \"cover\" radical in Chinese ch... tubaozi 土包子|country bumpkin/boor/unsophisticated ... tubengwajie 土崩瓦解|to collapse/to fall apart tubian 突变|sudden change/mutation tubian 凸边|rim/protruding edge tubiandang 吐便当|(slang) (of a character) to reappear ... tubianlilun 突变理论|(math.) catastrophe theory tubianzhu 突变株|mutant/mutant strain (of virus) tubiao 图标|icon (computing) tubiao 图表|chart/diagram tubie 土鳖|ground beetle/(coll.) professional or... tubiwuya 秃鼻乌鸦|(bird species of China) rook (Corvus ... tubo 吐蕃|Tubo or Tufan, old name for Tibet/the... tubo 屠伯|butcher/fig. brutal killer tuboliefu 图波列夫|Tupolev, Russian plane maker tuboshu 土拨鼠|groundhog tubowangchao 吐蕃王朝|Tibetan Tubo Dynasty 7th-11th century AD tubu 徒步|to be on foot tubu 土布|homespun cloth tubulujing 徒步路径|hiking trail tubulvxing 徒步旅行|hiking tubuqu 徒步区|(Tw) car-free zone/pedestrian zone tucaihaiming 图财害命|see 謀財害命|谋财害命[mou2 cai2 hai4 ming4] tucaizhu 土财主|local wealthy landlord/country money-... tucao 吐槽|(slang) to roast; to ridicule/also pr... tucao 吐嘈|variant of 吐槽[tu4 cao2] tucaodahui 吐槽大会|Roast! (PRC comedy series) tuce 图册|book of pictures or charts/(math.) atlas tuceng 土层|layer of soil/ground level tuceng 涂层|protective layer/coating tuceng 图层|layer (imaging) tuchan 土产|produced locally/local product (with ... tuchang 屠场|slaughterhouse/abattoir tucheng 土城|Tucheng city in New Taipei City 新北市[X... tucheng 屠城|to massacre everyone in a captured city tuchengshi 土城市|Tucheng city in New Taipei City 新北市[X... tuchu 突出|prominent/outstanding/to give promine... tuchu 凸出|to protrude/to stick out tuchu 突触|synapse tuchuang 秃疮|(dialect) favus of the scalp (skin di... tuchuhou 突触后|postsynaptic tuchui 凸槌|(slang) (Tw) to mess up/to screw up tuchun 兔唇|hare lip (birth defect) tucun 图存|to try to survive tudao 屠刀|butcher\'s knife/abattoir hatchet tudaobuxing 土到不行|old-fashioned/extremely kitsch tudediaozha 土得掉渣|(coll.) rustic; uncouth tudi 土地|land/soil/territory/CL:片[pian4],塊|块[k... tudi 土地|local god/genius loci tudi 徒弟|apprentice/disciple tudigaige 土地改革|land reform tudigong 土地公|Tudi Gong, the local tutelary god (in... tudiliyongguihua 土地利用规划|land use plan (official P.R.C. govern... tuding 图钉|thumbtack tuding 秃顶|bald head tudishen 土地神|local tutelary god (in Chinese folk r... tudiziyuan 土地资源|land resources tudou 土豆|potato (CL:個|个[ge4])/(Tw) peanut (CL:... tudouni 土豆泥|mashed potato tudousi 土豆丝|julienned potato tudouwang 土豆网|Tudou, a Chinese video-sharing website tudu 荼毒|(literary) to cause great suffering tudu 凸度|convexity tudu 屠毒|poison/to murder by poison tudubimo 屠毒笔墨|poisonous writing/disparaging writing... tudui 土堆|mound tuduobaoxing 凸多胞形|convex polytope tuduobianxing 凸多边形|convex polygon tuduomianti 凸多面体|convex polyhedron tudushengling 荼毒生灵|to torment the people (idiom) tuen 图恩|Thun, Switzerland tuer 图尔|Tours (city in France) tuer 凸耳|flange/lug tuergan 涂尔干|Durkheim (1858-1917), French sociologist tuerku 图尔库|Turku (city in Finland) tuerqi 土耳其|Turkey tuerqiren 土耳其人|a Turk/Turkish person tuerqiruantang 土耳其软糖|Turkish delight/Lokum tuerqishi 土耳其石|turquoise (gemstone) (loanword) tuerqixuanzhuankaorou 土耳其旋转烤肉|Turkish döner kebab tuerqiyu 土耳其语|Turkish (language) tuerqiyu 土耳其玉|turquoise (gemstone) (loanword) tufa 突发|to occur suddenly tufa 秃发|a branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic... tufa 土法|traditional method tufang 土方|cubic meter of earth (unit of measure... tufanggongcheng 土方工程|earthwork tufangzi 土方子|(TCM) folk remedy tufaqixiang 突发奇想|suddenly have a thought (idiom)/sudde... tufashijian 突发事件|emergency/sudden occurrence tufei 土匪|bandit tufeimengjin 突飞猛进|to advance by leaps and bounds tufu 屠夫|butcher/fig. murderous dictator tufu 涂敷|to smear/to daub/to plaster/to apply ... tugai 涂改|to alter (text)/to change by painting... tugai 土改|land reform (abbr. for 土地改革[tu3di4 ga... tugai 涂盖|to coat/to mask/to plaster over tugaiye 涂改液|correction fluid tugang 土岗|mound/hillock tugaozi 兔羔子|see 兔崽子[tu4 zai3 zi5] tugen 吐根|ipecac tugeng 土埂|embankment between fields tugeniefu 屠格涅夫|Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818-1883),... tugong 徒工|apprentice/trainee worker tugong 土共|(coll.) commie (derog., used by the K... tugou 土狗|native dog/mole cricket (colloquial w... tuguan 秃鹳|(bird species of China) lesser adjuta... tuguci 土谷祠|temple dedicated to the local tutelar... tugunaxin 吐故纳新|lit. to breathe out stale air and bre... tuhao 土豪|local tyrant/local strong man/(slang)... tuhaolieshen 土豪劣绅|local bosses, shady gentry (idiom); d... tuhu 屠户|butcher tuhua 图画|drawing/picture tuhua 土话|vernacular/slang/dialect/patois tuhuangdi 土皇帝|local tyrant tuhufufu 徒呼负负|to feel powerless and full of shame (... tuhuixiang 土茴香|dill seed tuhuo 土货|local produce tuhuoluoren 吐火罗人|Tokharian people of central Asia tui 退|to retreat; to withdraw/to reject; to... tui 推|to push/to cut/to refuse/to reject/to... tui 魋|Japanese brown bear tui 褪|to take off (clothes); to shed (feath... tui 颓|variant of 頹|颓[tui2] tui 颓|to crumble/to collapse/to decline/to ... tui 蜕|skin cast off during molting/exuvia/t... tui 駾|approach at swift gallop (on horses) tui 腿|leg/CL:條|条[tiao2] tui 腿|hip bone/old variant of 腿[tui3] tui 煺|to pluck poultry or depilate pigs usi... tui 蓷|Leonurus macranthus tui 蹪|to stumble/to fall tui 𬯎|variant of 頹|颓[tui2] tuibai 颓败|to decay/to decline/to become corrupt tuibao 退保|to lapse (or terminate) an insurance tuibei-huanzhan 推杯换盏|(idiom) to drink together in a conviv... tuibensuyuan 推本溯源|to go back to the source tuibi 退避|to withdraw tuibi-sanshe 退避三舍|lit. to retreat ninety li (idiom)/fig... tuibian 蜕变|to transform/to morph/to degenerate/m... tuibing 退冰|to thaw (frozen food)/to bring to roo... tuibozhulan 推波助澜|to push the wave and add to the billo... tuibu 腿部|leg tuibu 退步|to do less well than before/to make a... tuice 推测|speculation/to conjecture/to surmise/... tuichan 推阐|to elucidate/to study and expound tuichang 退场|to leave a place where some event is ... tuichao 退潮|(of a tide) to ebb or go out tuiche 推车|cart/trolley/to push a cart tuichefadong 推车发动|to push-start (a car) tuichenbuxin 推陈布新|to push out the old and bring in the ... tuichenchuxin 推陈出新|to push out the old and bring in the ... tuichenzhixin 推陈致新|see 推陳出新|推陈出新[tui1 chen2 chu1 xin1] tuichi 推迟|to postpone/to put off/to defer tuichi 推斥|(physics) to repulse; repulsion tuichili 推斥力|(physics) repulsive force tuichong 推崇|to esteem/to think highly of/to accor... tuichu 退出|to withdraw/to abort/to quit/to log o... tuichu 推出|to push out/to release/to launch/to p... tuichuyunxing 退出运行|to decommission tuici 推辞|to decline (an appointment, invitatio... tuidai 推戴|to endorse (sb for leader) tuidang 退党|to withdraw from a political party tuidang 推宕|to postpone/to delay/to put sth off tuidao 推导|derivation/to deduce tuidao 推倒|to push over/to overthrow tuiding 退订|to cancel (a booking)/to unsubscribe ... tuiding 推定|to infer; to consider and come to a j... tuidong 推动|to push (e.g. for acceptance of a pla... tuidongli 推动力|driving force tuiduan 推断|to infer/to deduce/to predict/to extr... tuiduo 推度|to infer; to guess tuiduzi 腿肚子|calf (back of the leg below the knee) tuien 推恩|to extend kindness tuierguangzhi 推而广之|to apply sth more broadly/by logical ... tuierqiuqici 退而求其次|to settle for second best/the next be... tuifan 推翻|to overthrow tuifang 退房|to check out of a hotel room tuifang 颓放|decadent/dissolute/degenerate tuifei 颓废|decadent/dispirited/depressed/dejected tuifeipai 颓废派|decadents (of the Decadent movement o... tuifeng 颓风|degenerate custom/decadent ways tuifu 推服|to esteem/to admire tuigan 推杆|push rod or tappet (mechanics)/putter... tuigejian 退格键|backspace (keyboard) tuigenghuanlin 退耕还林|restoring agricultural land to forest tuigu 推故|to find a pretext for refusing tuigu 推估|to estimate tuiguan 退关|shut-out, container or consigment not... tuiguan 推官|prefectural judge (in imperial China) tuiguang 推广|to extend/to spread/to popularize/gen... tuiguang 褪光|matte (of a color etc) tuihao 腿号|legband (on a bird) tuihaogu 腿号箍|see 腿號|腿号[tui3 hao4] tuiheijisu 褪黑激素|(biochemistry) melatonin tuiheisu 褪黑素|(biochemistry) melatonin tuihou 退后|to stand back/to go back (in time)/to... tuihou 推后|to push back (progress, the times etc) tuihoujian 腿后腱|hamstring muscle tuihua 退化|to degenerate/atrophy tuihua 蜕化|(of insects) to undergo metamorphosis... tuihuabianzhi 蜕化变质|(idiom) to degenerate (morally); to b... tuihuai 颓坏|dilapidated/decrepit tuihuan 退还|to return (sth borrowed etc); to send... tuihuan 退换|to exchange (a purchased item) tuihuanhuo 退换货|to return a product for another item tuihui 退回|to return (an item)/to send back/to g... tuihun 退婚|to break off an engagement tuihuo 退货|to return merchandise/to withdraw a p... tuihuo 退火|annealing (metallurgy) tuiji 推及|to spread; to extend tuiji 推计|to estimate/to deduce (by calculation) tuijian 推荐|to recommend/recommendation tuijian 退件|to reject (visa application etc)/(com... tuijianshu 推荐书|recommendation letter tuijianxin 推荐信|recommendation letter tuijiao 腿脚|legs and feet/ability to walk/strides tuijiao 退缴|to make restitution tuijie 推介|promotion/to promote/to introduce and... tuijiehui 推介会|promotional seminar/promotional event tuijin 推进|to impel/to carry forward/to push on/... tuijincang 推进舱|propulsion module/(astronautics) serv... tuijing 颓景|scene of dilapidation tuijinji 推进剂|propellant/rocket fuel tuijinji 推进机|see 推進器|推进器[tui1 jin4 qi4] tuijinqi 推进器|propeller/propulsion unit/thruster tuijiu 推究|to study/to examine/to probe/to study... tuiju 推举|to nominate as a worthy candidate; to... tuijuerxian 退居二线|to withdraw to the second line of dut... tuikai 推开|to push open (a gate etc)/to push awa... tuike 蜕壳|to exuviate; to molt tuikuan 退款|to refund/refund tuilaituiqu 推来推去|(idiom) to rudely push and pull other... tuilamen 推拉门|sliding door tuilao 颓老|old and decrepit/senile tuile 腿了|(Tw) (Internet slang) too late, someo... tuili 推理|reasoning/inference/to infer/to deduce tuili 推力|driving force; impetus; thrust (of a ... tuilixiaoshuo 推理小说|murder mystery (novel); whodunit tuilu 退路|a way out/a way to retreat/leeway tuilun 推论|to infer/inference/corollary/reasoned... tuiluo 退落|to subside tuimi 颓靡|(literary) devastated tuina 推拿|tui na (form of Chinese manual therapy) tuipi 蜕皮|skin cast off during molting/exuvium/... tuipi 颓圮|to collapse/dilapidated tuipian 退片|to eject (media player) tuipiao 退票|to bounce (a check)/to return a ticke... tuipo 退坡|(intransitive) to weaken; to decrease... tuiqian 退钱|to refund money tuiqiao 推敲|to think over tuiqiao 蜕壳|see 蛻殼|蜕壳[tui4 ke2] tuiqiu 推求|to inquire/to ascertain tuiqu 褪去|to take off (one\'s clothes)/(fig.) to... tuique 退却|to retreat/to shrink back tuique 推却|to repel/to decline tuiqun 退群|to withdraw from a group tuiran 颓然|decrepit/ruined/disappointed tuirang 退让|to move aside/to get out of the way/t... tuire 退热|to reduce a fever tuiren 退任|to retire/to leave one\'s position tuisai 退赛|to pull out of the competition tuisan 退散|to retreat and scatter/to recede; to ... tuisang 推搡|to shove/to jostle tuisang 颓丧|dejected/disheartened/listless tuisanzusi 推三阻四|to use all sorts of excuses tuise 褪色|(of colors) to fade/also pr. [tui4shai3] tuise 退色|variant of 褪色[tui4 se4]/also pr. [tui... tuishao 退烧|to reduce a fever tuishaoyao 退烧药|antipyretic (drug to reduce fever, su... tuisheng 推升|to cause (prices etc) to rise tuishi 退市|to be delisted (of a listed stock)/to... tuishi 颓势|decline (in fortune) tuishou 推手|promoter/advocate/driving force/pushi... tuishou 退守|to retreat and defend/to withdraw and... tuishui 退税|tax rebate or refund tuishui 退水|to divert water/to drain tuishuo 推说|to plead/to claim as an excuse tuisiyuan 退思园|Retreat and Reflection Garden in Tong... tuisong 推送|(computing) server push tuisu 推溯|to trace back to tuisuan 推算|to calculate/to reckon/to extrapolate... tuisuo 退缩|to shrink back; to cower tuisuo 推索|to inquire into/to ascertain tuita 颓塌|to collapse tuitang 颓唐|dispirited/depressed tuitang 推搪|to offer excuses (colloquial)/to stall tuite 推特|Twitter (microblogging service) tuiting 退庭|to retire from the courtroom/to adjourn tuitou 推头|to clip hair/to have a haircut tuituisangsang 推推搡搡|to push and shove tuituji 推土机|bulldozer tuituo 推脱|to evade/to shirk tuituo 推托|to make excuses/to give an excuse (fo... tuiwan 推挽|to push and pull/to move sth forward ... tuiwan 腿腕|ankle tuiwannian 腿玩年|(slang) stunning legs/sexy legs tuiwei 推诿|to shirk responsibility/to blame othe... tuiwei 退位|to abdicate tuiwei 颓萎|listless/dispirited tuiwei 推委|variant of 推諉|推诿[tui1 wei3] tuiwen 推问|to interrogate tuiwen 推文|tweet (on Twitter)/(HK, Tw) to \"bump\"... tuiwu 退伍|to be discharged from military service tuiwujunren 退伍军人|veteran tuiwujunrenjie 退伍军人节|Veterans\' Day tuixi 退席|to absent oneself from a meeting/to d... tuixia 退下|to retire/to withdraw/to retreat/to s... tuixiajin 退下金|retirement pension tuixiang 推想|to reckon/to infer/to imagine tuixiang 推详|to study in detail tuixianrangneng 推贤让能|to cede to the virtuous and yield to ... tuixiao 推销|to market/to sell tuixiaoyuan 推销员|sales representative/salesperson tuixie 推卸|to avoid (esp. responsibility); to sh... tuixin 推心|to treat sincerely/to confide in tuixing 推行|to put into effect/to carry out tuixing 退行|to recede/to degenerate/to regress tuixingxing 退行性|degenerative/retrograde tuixinzhifu 推心置腹|to give one\'s bare heart into sb else... tuixiu 退休|to retire (from the workforce); to go... tuixiu 颓朽|decaying/rotten/decrepit tuixiujin 退休金|retirement pay/pension tuixiujinshuangguizhi 退休金双轨制|see 養老金雙軌制|养老金双轨制[yang3 lao3 jin1 shu... tuixu 推许|to esteem/to commend tuixuan 推选|to elect/to choose tuixuan 退选|to withdraw from an election/to drop ... tuixue 退学|to quit school tuixun 推寻|to examine/to investigate tuiyan 推演|to deduce/to infer/to derive/an impli... tuiyan 推衍|to deduce/to infer/an implication/sam... tuiyan 推延|to procrastinate tuiyi 退役|(of military personnel or athletes) t... tuiyi 推移|(of time) to elapse or pass/(of a sit... tuiyin 退隐|to withdraw from the fray and live in... tuiyou 推油|oil massage tuiyou 推友|Twitter user tuiyuan 退院|to leave the hospital/(old) (of a mon... tuiyuanduanbi 颓垣断壁|lit. walls reduced to rubble (idiom)/... tuiyun 颓运|crumbling fate/declining fortune tuizhan 推展|to propagate/to popularize tuizhen 推甄|to recommend a student for admission ... tuizhi 推知|to infer tuizhong 推重|to esteem/to think highly of/to accor... tuizhu 推助|to bolster/to give a boost to (the ec... tuizi 推子|hair clippers tuizu 退租|to stop leasing tuizun 推尊|to esteem/to revere/to think highly o... tuji 图集|collection of pictures/atlas/CL:本[ben... tuji 突击|sudden and violent attack/assault/fig... tuji 土鸡|free-range chicken tuji 图辑|slide show/photo gallery (on website) tuji 土墼|sun-dried mudbrick; adobe brick tujia 涂家|painter/artist tujian 土建|civil engineering/same as 土木工程[tu3 mu... tujian 图鉴|illustrated handbook tujiangtai 涂浆台|pasting table (for wallpapering) tujiazu 土家族|Tujia ethnic group of Hunan tujibuqiang 突击步枪|assault rifle tujidui 突击队|commando unit tujiduiyuan 突击队员|commando tujie 图解|illustration/diagram/graphical repres... tujiemaoci 土阶茅茨|lit. earthen steps and a thatched hut... tujiemaowu 土阶茅屋|lit. earthen steps and a small cottag... tujieshuoming 图解说明|explanatory diagram tujijiancha 突击检查|sudden unannounced investigation/on-t... tujing 途径|way; means; channel tujing 途经|to pass through/via/by way of tujing 图景|landscape (in a picture)/(fig.) lands... tujing 凸镜|convex mirror tujing 兔径|narrow winding path tujing 涂径|path/road tujiu 秃鹫|vulture/(bird species of China) ciner... tuju 徒具|to only have tujue 突厥|Turkic ethnic group tujuesitan 突厥斯坦|Turkestan tukan 土坎|earthen levee tukang 土炕|heated brick common bed tukanr 土坎儿|erhua variant of 土坎[tu3 kan3] tukela 土坷垃|(dialect) clod of earth tukou 吐口|to spit/fig. to spit out (a request, ... tuku 土库|Tuku town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yu... tukuman 土库曼|Turkmen/(Tw, HK) Turkmenistan tukumanren 土库曼人|Turkmen (person) tukumansitan 土库曼斯坦|Turkmenistan tukushui 吐苦水|to have bitter digestive fluids risin... tukuzhen 土库镇|Tuku town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yu... tulafushijun 土拉弗氏菌|Francisella tularensis tulang 土狼|aardwolf (Proteles cristatus), a smal... tulao 徒劳|futile tulaomao 土老帽|hillbilly/yokel/redneck/bumpkin tulaowugong 徒劳无功|to work to no avail (idiom) tulaowuyi 徒劳无益|futile endeavor (idiom) tuleiteshizonghezheng 图雷特氏综合症|Tourette syndrome tuli 图例|legend (of a map, etc)/diagram/illust... tuliao 涂料|paint tuligongcheng 土力工程|geotechnical engineering tuling 图灵|Alan Turing (1912-1954), English math... tulingen 图林根|Thuringia (state in Germany) tulingjiang 图灵奖|Turing Award tulingyu 土鲮鱼|see 鯪|鲮[ling2] tulituqi 土里土气|unsophisticated/rustic/uncouth tulou 土楼|traditional Hakka communal residence ... tulu 图录|catalog tulu 屠戮|slaughter/massacre tulu 吐露|to tell/to disclose/to reveal tulu 土路|dirt road tulufan 吐鲁番|Turpan City in Xinjiang (Chinese: Tul... tulufanpendi 吐鲁番盆地|the Turpan Depression in Xinjiang tulufanshi 吐鲁番市|Turpan City in Xinjiang (Chinese: Tul... tulun 土伦|Toulon (city in France) tulun 凸轮|cam tulun 图论|graph theory (math.) tulunzhou 凸轮轴|camshaft tulusi 图卢斯|Toulouse (France) tuluzi 图卢兹|Toulouse (city in France) tulv 秃驴|(derog.) Buddhist monk tumen 图们|Tumen, county-level city in Yanbian K... tumen 土门|Tumen or Bumin Khan (-553), founder o... tumenjiang 图们江|Tumen river in Jilin province 吉林省, fo... tumenjiang 图门江|variant of 圖們江|图们江[Tu2 men2 jiang1] tumenshi 图们市|Tumen, county-level city in Yanbian K... tumian 凸面|convex surface tumianjing 凸面镜|convex mirror tumianti 凸面体|convex body tumo 涂抹|to paint/to smear/to apply (makeup et... tumo 吐沫|saliva/spittle tumojiang 涂抹酱|spread (for putting on bread etc) tumoteyouqi 土默特右旗|Tumed right banner, Mongolian Tümed b... tumotezuoqi 土默特左旗|Tumed left banner, Mongolian Tümed zü... tumou 图谋|to conspire tumu 土木|building/construction/civil engineering tumugongcheng 土木工程|civil engineering tumushen 土木身|one\'s body as wood and earth/undecora... tumushuke 图木舒克|Tumxuk shehiri (Tumshuq city) or Túmù... tumushukeshi 图木舒克市|Tumxuk shehiri (Tumshuq city) or Túmù... tumuxinghai 土木形骸|earth and wood framework (idiom); pla... tun 臀|buttocks; hips; rump tun 臀|old variant of 臀[tun2] tun 吞|to swallow/to take tun 饨|used in 餛飩|馄饨[hun2tun5]/Taiwan pr. [d... tun 屯|to station (soldiers)/to store up/vil... tun 芚|green sprout/foolish tun 豚|suckling pig tun 囤|to store; to hoard tun 褪|to slip out of sth/to hide sth in one... tun 鲀|pufferfish (family Tetraodontidae) tun 暾|sun above the horizon tun 啍|move slowly tun 氽|to float/to deep-fry tun 焞|bright/radiant/Taiwan pr. [chun2] tun 涒|planet Jupiter/vomit tun 軘|war chariot tun 黗|yellowish-black tun 旽|morning sun, sunrise tun 呑|variant of 吞[tun1] tun 㹠|old variant of 豚[tun2] tunban 臀瓣|anal lobe tunbing 吞并|to annex tunbu 臀部|butt/buttocks tunchang 屯昌|Tunchang County, Hainan tunchangxian 屯昌县|Tunchang County, Hainan tunchanshifenmian 臀产式分娩|breech delivery (medicine) tunchi 吞吃|to devour tundaji 臀大肌|(anatomy) gluteus maximus tunfu 吞服|to swallow/to take (medicine) tungou 臀沟|gluteal fold tunhuo 囤货|to stock up; to stockpile tunian 兔年|Year of the Rabbit (e.g. 2011) tunisi 突尼斯|Tunisia/Tunis, capital of Tunisia tunisishi 突尼斯市|Tunis, capital of Tunisia tuniu 土牛|clay ox/mound of earth on a dike (rea... tuniumuma 土牛木马|clay ox, wooden horse (idiom); shape ... tunixiya 突尼西亚|Tunisia (Tw) tunji 囤积|to stock up/to lay in supplies/to hoa... tunji 臀肌|gluteal muscle/gluteus/buttocks tunjian 臀尖|pork rump tunjijuqi 囤积居奇|to hoard and profiteer/to speculate tunjin 吞金|to commit suicide by swallowing gold tunjing 吞精|to swallow semen tunken 屯垦|to garrison troops to open up land tunluo 屯落|village tunmen 屯门|Tuen Mun district of New Territories,... tunmie 吞灭|to absorb tunmisangbuzha 吞米桑布札|Tunmi Sanghuzha (6th century AD), ori... tunmo 吞没|to embezzle/to swallow up/to engulf tunna 吞拿|tuna (loanword) tunnayu 吞拿鱼|tuna (loanword) tunqi 臀鳍|anal fin tunqu 屯区|Tun District – area of Taichung (in T... tunsheng 吞声|to swallow one\'s cries tunshengrenqi 吞声忍气|see 忍氣吞聲|忍气吞声[ren3 qi4 tun1 sheng1] tunshi 吞食|to devour tunshi 吞噬|to swallow/to engulf/to gobble up tunshixibao 吞噬细胞|phagocyte (cell that ingests and dest... tunshizuoyong 吞噬作用|phagocytosis (ingesting and destroyin... tunshu 屯戍|to garrison; to defend (a frontier)/s... tunshu 豚鼠|guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) tuntang 氽烫|to blanch (cooking) tuntang 氽汤|to prepare a soup tuntaor 褪套儿|(coll.) to break loose/to shake off r... tunte 屯特|Twente (region in the Netherlands) tuntedaxue 屯特大学|University of Twente tuntu 吞吐|to take in and send out (in large qua... tuntui 臀推|massage using one\'s buttocks tuntuliang 吞吐量|throughput tuntuntutu 吞吞吐吐|to hum and haw (idiom); to mumble as ... tunwei 臀围|hip measurement tunwei 臀位|breech presentation (obstetrics) tunweifenmian 臀位分娩|breech delivery (medicine) tunweiqutaishu 臀位取胎术|breech extraction (medicine) tunxi 屯溪|Tunxi District of Huangshan 黃山市|黄山市[H... tunxia 褪下|to take off (trousers)/to drop one\'s ... tunxiqu 屯溪区|Tunxi District of Huangshan 黃山市|黄山市[H... tunyan 吞咽|to swallow/to gulp tunyankunnan 吞咽困难|dysphagia (medicine) tunyin 吞音|(linguistics) elision tunyou 臀疣|monkey\'s seat pads (zoology) tunyugu 暾欲谷|Tonyukuk (died c. 724 AD) tunyuntuwu 吞云吐雾|to swallow clouds and blow out fog (i... tunzhu 屯驻|to station; to quarter; to garrison tunzi 屯子|village tuo 托|to hold up in one\'s hand; to support ... tuo 托|to trust/to entrust/to be entrusted w... tuo 脱|to shed/to take off/to escape/to get ... tuo 拓|surname Tuo tuo 拓|to expand/to push sth with the hand/t... tuo 拖|variant of 拖[tuo1] tuo 拖|to drag/to tow/to trail/to hang down/... tuo 驮|variant of 馱|驮[tuo2] tuo 驮|to carry on one\'s back tuo 陀|(phonetic)/declivity/steep bank tuo 妥|suitable/adequate/ready/settled tuo 坨|mound; heap; lump/classifier for smal... tuo 圫|(used in place names) tuo 驼|hump or hunchbacked/camel tuo 驼|variant of 駝|驼[tuo2] tuo 沱|tearful/to branch (of river) tuo 庹|length of 2 outstretched arms tuo 驒|(horse) tuo 佗|carry on the back tuo 唾|saliva/to spit tuo 椭|ellipse tuo 詑|cheat tuo 跅|careless tuo 撱|clip/shorten/throw away tuo 阤|bank/hillside tuo 砣|steelyard weight/stone roller/to poli... tuo 橐|sack/tube open at both ends/(onom.) f... tuo 萚|fallen leaves and bark tuo 酡|flushed (from drinking) tuo 鸵|ostrich tuo 媠|beautiful tuo 沰|to let drop tuo 乇|old variant of 托[tuo1] tuo 跎|to stumble/to waste time tuo 柁|main beam of roof tuo 柝|watchman\'s rattle tuo 箨|sheath around joints of bamboo tuo 侂|(literary) to entrust (variant of 託|托... tuo 涶|variant of 唾[tuo4] tuo 陁|variant of 阤[tuo2]/variant of 陀[tuo2] tuo 饦|used in 餺飥|馎饦[bo2tuo1] tuo 槖|variant of 橐[tuo2] tuo 紽|braid on a robe tuo 讬|nonstandard simplified variant of 託|托... tuo 駄|Japanese variant of 馱|驮 tuo 馲|camel/Taiwan pr. [luo4] tuo 魠|used in 土魠魚|土魠鱼[tu3 tuo1 yu2] tuo 𬶍|catfish/a kind of small fish/Chinese ... tuo 鼍|Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) tuoba 拖把|mop tuoba 拓跋|branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic p... tuoba 脱靶|to miss/to shoot and miss the target/... tuoba 拓拔|branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic p... tuoban 脱班|behind schedule/late tuoban 托班|after-school program tuobawei 拓跋魏|Wei of the Northern Dynasties (386-534) tuobei 驼背|hunchbacked/stooping/hunchback tuobeijing 驼背鲸|humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) tuobeizhe 脱北者|North Korean refugee tuobi 托庇|to rely on sb for protection tuobi 橐笔|to make one\'s living by writing tuobo 拖驳|barge/lighter (pulled by a tugboat) tuoboxiuhui 托钵修会|mendicant religious order in Catholic... tuobu 拖布|mop tuobuliaoshen 脱不了身|busy and unable to get away tuocha 沱茶|a cake of tea, commonly Pu\'er tea 普洱茶... tuochan 脱产|to transfer (from production to other... tuochang 拖长|to lengthen/to drag out tuochang 脱肠|(rectal) hernia tuoche 拖车|to tow/towed vehicle/towing vehicle tuochetou 拖车头|trailer truck tuochu 脱出|to break away/to extricate/to escape/... tuochu 脱除|to get rid of tuochu 驮畜|pack animal tuochuan 拖船|tugboat/boat towed by a tugboat/to to... tuochuang 脱窗|cross-eyed (Tw) (from Taiwanese 挩窗, T... tuochui 脱垂|prolapse tuoci 托词|to make an excuse/pretext/excuse tuoci 托辞|variant of 託詞|托词[tuo1ci2] tuodai 拖带|traction/towing/pulling tuodan 脱单|to find oneself a partner tuodang 脱档|sold out/out of stock tuodang 脱党|to leave a political party; to give u... tuodang 妥当|appropriate/proper/ready tuodang 拖宕|to delay/to postpone tuodi 托底|to support the bottom of sth/(fig.) t... tuodi 拖地|to mop the floor/(of a gown etc) to t... tuodiao 脱掉|to remove/to take off/to strip off/to... tuodiao 拖吊|to tow (a car) tuodiaoche 拖吊车|tow truck tuodiban 拖地板|to mop the floor tuodong 拖动|to drag/to tow/(computing) to drag (m... tuodongli 拖动力|motive force/traction tuodou 拖斗|small open trailer tuoer 托儿|childcare tuoerdainv 拖儿带女|supporting a wife and children/dragge... tuoerjin 托尔金|J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973), British p... tuoersigang 托尔斯港|Tórshavn, capital of Faroe Islands tuoersitai 托尔斯泰|Tolstoy (name)/Count Lev Nikolayevich... tuoersuo 托儿所|nursery tuofa 脱发|to lose one\'s hair/hair loss; alopecia tuofang 拖放|drag-and-drop (computing) tuofeng 驼峰|hump of a camel/hump (in a railroad h... tuofengmingmingfa 驼峰命名法|(computing) CamelCase tuofu 托福|TOEFL/Test of English as a Foreign La... tuofu 托福|(old) thanks to your lucky influence ... tuofu 托付|to entrust tuogang 脱肛|variant of 脫肛|脱肛[tuo1 gang1] tuogang 脱肛|rectal prolapse tuogang 脱岗|to take time off/to take leave (e.g. ... tuogao 脱稿|(of a manuscript) to be completed/to ... tuogou 脱钩|to cut ties/to disconnect/out of touch tuogua 拖挂|to pull/to tow tuoguache 拖挂车|18-wheeler/big rig/semi-trailer tuoguan 托管|trusteeship/to trust tuoguanban 托管班|after-school program tuoguang 脱光|to strip naked/to strip nude/(coll.) ... tuoguhuantai 脱骨换胎|to shed one\'s mortal body and exchang... tuogui 脱轨|to leave the rails/to derail/to jump ... tuohoutui 拖后腿|to impede/to obstruct/to hold back tuohua 脱滑|to shirk/to try to get off work/to sl... tuohuan 脱换|to molt tuohuang 拓荒|to open up land (for agriculture) tuohuangzhe 拓荒者|pioneer/groundbreaker tuohuo 脱货|out of stock/sold out tuoji 脱机|offline tuoji 驼鸡|ostrich (Struthio camelus)/also writt... tuojia 托架|bracket tuojiadaikou 拖家带口|dragged down by having a family to feed tuojiang 脱缰|(of a horse etc) to break free from t... tuojiangyema 脱缰野马|a wild horse that refuses to be bridl... tuojiangzhima 脱缰之马|lit. a horse that has thrown off the ... tuojiao 驮轿|litter carried by pack animal tuojie 脱节|to come apart tuojin 拖进|to drag in tuojiu 脱臼|dislocation (of a joint) tuokafeiyin 脱咖啡因|decaffeinated/decaf/see also 無咖啡因|无咖啡... tuokai 脱开|to withdraw tuokamake 托卡马克|(physics) (loanword) tokamak tuokata 托卡塔|toccata (music) (loanword) tuoke 脱壳|to break out of an eggshell/to molt/t... tuokelao 托克劳|Tokelau (territory of New Zealand) tuoketuo 托克托|Togtoh county, Mongolian Togtox khosh... tuoketuoxian 托克托县|Togtoh county, Mongolian Togtox khosh... tuokong 脱空|to fail/to come to nothing/to fall th... tuokonghan 脱空汉|liar tuokou 脱口|to blurt out tuokouerchu 脱口而出|(idiom) to blurt out; to let slip (an... tuokouxiu 脱口秀|(loanword) talk show/stand-up comedy tuokua 拖垮|to drag down; to bring down tuokuan 拓宽|to broaden tuokuang 驮筐|pannier/double basket slung across pa... tuokuzifangpi 脱裤子放屁|lit. to take off trousers to fart/fig... tuola 拖拉|to drag along/to haul/(fig.) to procr... tuolabola 托拉博拉|Torabora mountain area in east Afghan... tuolaer 托拉尔|(loanword) tolar, currency of Sloveni... tuolaiduo 托莱多|Toledo, Spain tuolaji 拖拉机|tractor/CL:臺|台[tai2] tuolaosuo 托老所|senior center tuolasi 托拉斯|trust (commerce) (loanword) tuolei 拖累|to encumber/to be a burden on/to impl... tuolei 拖雷|Tolui (1193-1232), fourth son of Geng... tuoleizheng 拖累症|codependency (psychology) tuolemei 托勒玫|Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 90... tuolemi 托勒密|Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the par... tuolemiwang 托勒密王|Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the par... tuoli 脱离|to separate oneself from/to break awa... tuoli 脱粒|to thresh tuoli 脱力|exhausted tuoli 托里|Toli county in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地... tuolian 拖链|cable carrier (used to protect cables... tuolichaili 托里拆利|Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647), I... tuolidang 托利党|Tory Party tuoliji 脱粒机|threshing machine tuolikuhai 脱离苦海|to escape from the abyss of suffering... tuoliweixian 脱离危险|out of danger/to avoid danger tuolixian 托里县|Toli county in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地... tuolong 鼍龙|Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) tuolou 脱漏|omission/to leave out/missing tuolou 驮篓|pannier/double basket slung across pa... tuolu 驼鹿|elk/moose tuolun 拖轮|tugboat tuoluo 脱落|to drop off; to fall off; (of hair, t... tuoluo 陀螺|spinning top/gyroscope tuoluociji 托洛茨基|Leon Davidovich Trotsky (1879-1940), ... tuoluoni 陀罗尼|incantation (Sanskrit: dharani)/relig... tuoluosishan 托罗斯山|Taurus mountains of south Turkey tuoluoyi 陀螺仪|gyroscope tuolve 脱略|unrestrained/throwing off strictures/... tuoma 唾骂|to spit on and curse/to revile tuoma 驮马|pack horse tuoman 拖慢|to retard/to slow sth down tuomang 脱盲|to acquire literacy/to throw off blin... tuomao 脱毛|to lose hair or feathers/to molt/depi... tuomaoji 脱毛剂|depilatory medicine tuomasi 托马斯|Thomas (male name) tuomasiakuina 托马斯·阿奎纳|Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Italian C... tuomasihadai 托马斯·哈代|Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), English author tuomianzigan 唾面自干|to be spat on in the face and let it ... tuomin 脱敏|to desensitize; to become desensitize... tuomo 唾沫|spittle/saliva tuomo 拖磨|dawdling/to waste time tuomoxingzi 唾沫星子|sputter tuomuer 托木尔|Mt Tomur (Russian: Pik Pobeda), the h... tuomuerfeng 托木尔峰|Victory Peak or Jengish Chokusu (7,43... tuonang 橐囊|sacks/bags tuonang 沱灢|see 峴港|岘港[Xian4 gang3] tuoni 托尼|Tony (name) tuoni 脱泥|to remove mud/desliming (in coal prod... tuoni-daishui 拖泥带水|(idiom) muddy and wet/(idiom) (of spe... tuoniao 鸵鸟|ostrich tuoniaozhengce 鸵鸟政策|ostrich policy (sticking one\'s head i... tuonilaoshi 托尼老师|(neologism) (slang) barber; hairdresser tuoou 拖欧|to go through a difficult and protrac... tuoou 脱欧|to withdraw from the European Union/a... tuopan 托盘|tray/salver/pallet tuopanche 托盘车|pallet jack tuopi 脱皮|to molt/to peel/fig. seriously hurt tuopidiaorou 脱皮掉肉|lit. to shed skin, drop flesh/to work... tuopika 托皮卡|Topeka, capital of Kansas tuopin 脱贫|to lift oneself out of poverty tuopinzhifu 脱贫致富|to rise from poverty and become prosp... tuopu 拓扑|(math.) (loanword) topology tuopujiegou 拓扑结构|topological structure tuopukongjian 拓扑空间|(math.) topological space tuopuxue 拓扑学|(math.) topology tuoqi 唾弃|to spurn/to disdain tuoqi 脱期|to fail to come out on time/to miss a... tuoqian 拖欠|in arrears/behind in payments/to defa... tuoqian 脱浅|to refloat (a boat that has run aground) tuoqiansuodao 拖牵索道|anchor lift (ski-lift) tuoqing 脱氢|dehydrogenation tuoqingmei 脱氢酶|dehydrogenase (enzyme) tuoqiu 椭球|(math.) ellipsoid tuoqu 脱去|to throw off tuor 托儿|(coll.) shill; tout; phony customer w... tuor 坨儿|classifier for lumps of soft things (... tuoran 脱然|unconcerned/without worries tuorenxiashui 拖人下水|lit. to pull sb into the water/fig. t... tuorong 脱溶|to precipitate (solid from a solution) tuoruizheng 妥瑞症|Tourette syndrome tuosa 脱洒|elegant/free and easy tuosai 托腮|to rest one\'s chin in one\'s hand tuose 驼色|light tan (color)/camel-hair color tuose 脱色|to lose color/to turn pale/to bleach/... tuose 脱涩|to remove astringent taste tuoseji 脱色剂|bleaching agent/decolorant tuoshan 妥善|appropriate; proper tuoshen 脱身|to get away/to escape (from obligatio... tuosheng 托生|to be reincarnated; to be reborn tuoshi 妥实|proper/appropriate tuoshou 脱手|(not of regular commerce) to sell or ... tuoshou 驮兽|beast of burden tuoshoukede 唾手可得|easily obtained/readily available tuoshui 脱水|to dry out/to extract water/dehydrati... tuoshuiji 脱水机|a device for extracting water (such a... tuosi 橐笥|bag/satchel tuosituoyefusiji 陀思妥耶夫斯基|Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-... tuosituoyefusiji 陀思妥也夫斯基|Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-... tuosu 脱俗|free from vulgarity/refined/outstanding tuosu 脱粟|grain kernel (after threshing and win... tuota 拖沓|dilatory; sluggish; muddled; roundabout tuotai 脱胎|to be born/(fig.) to develop out of s... tuotaichengxian 脱胎成仙|reborn as immortal tuotaihuangu 脱胎换骨|to shed one\'s mortal body and exchang... tuotaiqiqi 脱胎漆器|bodiless lacquerware tuotang 拖堂|to drag out a lesson/to insist on ext... tuotao 脱逃|to run away/to escape tuotatianwang 托塔天王|the pagoda bearing god tuote 托特|Thoth (ancient Egyptian deity) tuote 托特|(loanword) tote (bag) tuotie 妥帖|properly/satisfactorily/firmly/very f... tuotie 妥贴|properly/satisfactorily/firmly/very f... tuotuo 橐驼|camel/hunchback tuotuo 橐橐|(onom.) footsteps tuotuo 脱脱|Toktoghan (1314-1355), Mongol politic... tuotuode 妥妥的|(neologism c. 2009) don\'t worry, it\'s... tuotuohe 沱沱河|source of Changjiang or Yangtze river tuotuolala 拖拖拉拉|to procrastinate tuotuotata 拖拖沓沓|dragging one\'s feet tuowang 拖网|dragnet/trawl/trawlnet tuoweiba 拖尾巴|to obstruct/to be a drag on sb/to del... tuowu 脱误|omission/missing word tuoxia 脱下|to take off (clothing) tuoxian 脱险|to get out of danger tuoxian 脱线|derailment/to jump the track (of trai... tuoxiao 脱销|to sell out/to run out (of supplies)/... tuoxiao 脱孝|to get through the mourning period tuoxiashui 拖下水|lit. to pull sb into the water/to inv... tuoxie 妥协|to compromise/to reach terms/a compro... tuoxie 拖鞋|slippers/sandals/flip-flops/CL:雙|双[sh... tuoxie 脱卸|to evade responsibility/to shirk tuoxie 脱鞋|to take off one\'s shoes tuoxiemianbao 拖鞋面包|ciabatta (Tw) tuoxing 拖行|to drag; to tow tuoxing 脱星|actress or actor known for having bee... tuoxu 脱序|disorder tuoyan 拖延|to delay/to put off/to procrastinate tuoyang 脱氧|deoxidation tuoyanghegansuan 脱氧核苷酸|deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate/dNMP tuoyanghetang 脱氧核糖|deoxyribose tuoyanghetanghesuan 脱氧核糖核酸|DNA tuoyangmahuangjian 脱氧麻黄碱|methamphetamine tuoyanshijian 拖延时间|to procrastinate/to stall for time/to... tuoyanzhanshu 拖延战术|delaying tactics/deliberate procrasti... tuoyanzheng 拖延症|procrastination tuoyaruou 脱亚入欧|to abandon the old (Asian) ways and l... tuoye 拖拽|to pull/to drag/to haul tuoye 拖曳|to pull/to drag/to haul tuoye 唾液|saliva tuoye 托叶|stipule tuoye 托业|TOEIC (Test of English for Internatio... tuoyeji 拖曳机|tractor tuoyesan 拖曳伞|parasail tuoyexian 唾液腺|salivary gland tuoyi 拖移|to tow/(computing) to drag tuoyifu 脱衣服|undress tuoyingerchu 脱颖而出|to reveal one\'s talent (idiom)/to ris... tuoyiwu 脱衣舞|striptease tuoyouping 拖油瓶|(derog.) (of a woman) to bring one\'s ... tuoyu 脱羽|to shed feathers/to molt (of birds) tuoyu 唾余|crumbs from the table of one\'s master... tuoyu 托育|childcare; daycare tuoyuan 椭圆|oval/ellipse/elliptic tuoyuanhanshu 椭圆函数|(math.) elliptic function tuoyuanji 椭圆机|elliptical machine (exercise) tuoyuanjifen 椭圆积分|(math.) elliptic integral tuoyuanquxian 椭圆曲线|(math.) elliptic curve tuoyuanxing 椭圆形|oval tuoyuanxingbangongshi 椭圆形办公室|Oval office (in the White House) tuoyue 橐龠|bellows for blowing up the fire in a ... tuoyun 托运|to consign (goods)/to check through (... tuoyun 驮运|to transport on pack animal/to carry ... tuoyunlu 驮运路|a bridle path tuoyunxingli 托运行李|luggage that has been checked in (on ... tuozhai 拖债|to default on a debt tuozhan 拓展|to expand (one\'s client base, outlook... tuozhanshiye 拓展视野|to broaden one\'s horizons tuozhanwu 拓展坞|(computing) hub; dock tuozhanxunlian 拓展训练|outdoor education program tuozhi 脱脂|to remove fat/to skim (milk) tuozhi 脱支|de-Sinicization and rejection of Han ... tuozhimian 脱脂棉|absorbent cotton tuozhong 驮重|(of a pack animal) to carry a heavy load tuozhongzhuang 橐中装|gems/jewels/valuables tuozhu 拖住|to hold up/to hinder/to stall tuozi 坨子|lump/heap tuozi 驼子|hunchback tuozi 砣子|emery wheel tuozijue 拖字诀|delaying tactics tuozou 拖走|to drag away tuozuwumen 托足无门|to be unable to find a place to stay ... tupai 土拍|land auction; to sell land at auction... tupi 土坯|mud brick/adobe/unfired earthenware tupi 图皮|Tupi (a group of Indigenous peoples o... tupian 图片|picture; photograph/CL:張|张[zhang1] tupian 涂片|smear (medical sample); microscope slide tupianbao 图片报|Bild-Zeitung tupiao 秃瓢|bald head (colloquial) tupo 突破|to break through/to make a breakthrou... tupodian 突破点|point of penetration (military)/break... tupokou 突破口|breach/gap/breakthrough point tupopingjing 突破瓶颈|to make a breakthrough tupoxing 突破性|groundbreaking tupu 图谱|archive of graphics (e.g. maps, docum... tuqi 凸起|convex/protruding/to protrude/to bulg... tuqi 突起|to appear suddenly/projection/bit sti... tuqi 吐气|to exhale/to blow off steam/(phonetic... tuqi 土气|rustic/uncouth/unsophisticated tuqi 土器|earthenware tuqi 吐弃|to spurn/to reject tuqian 图签|(computer) icon tuqibu 突起部|bit sticking out/projection tuqiongbishouxian 图穷匕首见|see 圖窮匕見|图穷匕见[tu2 qiong2 bi3 xian4] tuqiongbixian 图穷匕见|lit. the assassin\'s dagger, concealed... tuqiu 土丘|mound/hillock/barrow tuqu 涂去|to obliterate (some words, or part of... tuquanxian 突泉县|Tuquan county in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴... turan 突然|sudden; abrupt; unexpected turan 徒然|in vain turang 土壤|soil turangxue 土壤学|pedology (soil study) turanjian 突然间|suddenly turebing 兔热病|tularemia/rabbit fever turen 土人|native/aborigine/clay figure turen 途人|passer-by/stranger turuqilai 突如其来|to arise abruptly/to arrive suddenly/... tusang 土桑|Tucson (city in Arizona) tusha 屠杀|to massacre; to slaughter tushan 涂山|Mt Tu in Zhejiang tushan 嵞山|Mt Tu in Zhejiang/also written 涂山 tushen 土神|earth God tushengtuzhang 土生土长|locally born and bred/indigenous/home... tushetou 吐舌头|to stick out one\'s tongue tushi 图示|icon (computing) tushi 涂饰|to apply paint, veneer etc/to plaster... tushi 吐实|to reveal the truth/to spill the beans tushifang 土石方|excavated soil and rock/construction ... tushiji 涂饰剂|coating agent/finishing agent tushiliu 土石流|(Tw) debris flow/mudslide tushou 徒手|with bare hands/unarmed/fighting hand... tushouhua 徒手画|freehand drawing tushouji 吐绶鸡|turkey tushu 图书|books (in a library or bookstore)/CL:... tushuguan 图书馆|library/CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4] tushuguanliyuan 图书管理员|librarian tushuguanyuan 图书馆员|librarian tusi 土司|sliced bread (loanword from \"toast\")/... tusi 吐丝|(of spiders, caterpillars, silkworms ... tusi 吐司|sliced bread (loanword from \"toast\") tusigoupeng 兔死狗烹|lit. to boil the hound once it caught... tusihubei 兔死狐悲|lit. if the rabbit dies, the fox grie... tusiji 兔斯基|Tuzki, a Chinese cartoon rabbit chara... tusizi 菟丝子|dodder (Cuscuta sinensis, a parasitic... tusizifu 吐丝自缚|to spin a cocoon around oneself (idio... tusu 吐诉|to pour forth (one\'s opinions) tusui 吐穗|to have the ears of grain come up tusun 兔狲|Pallas\'s cat (Otocolobus manul) tutan 吐痰|to spit/to expectorate tutan 涂炭|extreme distress/in utter misery tutan 涂潭|muddy water in a pool or pond tutankamen 图坦卡门|Tutankhamen, king of ancient Egypt 13... tutankameng 图坦卡蒙|Tutankhamen, king of ancient Egypt 13... tutechan 土特产|local specialty tuteng 图腾|totem (loanword) tutou 秃头|to bare one\'s head; to be bareheaded/... tutoujing 凸透镜|convex lens tutoutunao 土头土脑|rustic/uncouth/unsophisticated tutu 突突|(onom.) beating of the heart/pitapat/... tutu 凸凸|convex on both sides (of lens)/biconvex tutun 土豚|aardvark tutuoyu 土魠鱼|see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2] tuwa 图瓦|Tuva, a republic in south-central Sib... tuwalu 图瓦卢|Tuvalu tuwalu 吐瓦鲁|Tuvalu, island country in the SW Paci... tuwei 突围|to break a siege/to break out of an e... tuwei 土卫|moon of Saturn tuweier 土卫二|Enceladus (moon of Saturn), aka Satur... tuweiliu 土卫六|Titan (moon of Saturn), aka Saturn VI tuweiqinghua 土味情话|cheesy pick-up lines tuwen 土温|temperature of the soil tuwu 突兀|lofty or towering/sudden or abrupt tuwu 涂污|to smear; to deface tuxi 突袭|to raid; to storm/surprise attack tuxi 徒裼|(archaic) barefooted and barebreasted tuxian 凸显|to present clearly/to give prominence... tuxian 突显|conspicuous/to make sth stand out/mak... tuxian 凸现|to come to prominence/to appear clear... tuxian 凸线|convex curve tuxiang 图像|image; picture; graphic tuxiang 图象|variant of 圖像|图像[tu2 xiang4] tuxiang 土香|see 香附[xiang1 fu4] tuxiangchuli 图像处理|image processing tuxiangfenge 图像分割|image segmentation (computer vision) tuxianghuhuangeshi 图像互换格式|GIF/graphic interchange format tuxiangshibie 图像识别|image classification (computer vision) tuxiangyonghujiemian 图像用户介面|graphical user interface/GUI tuxie 吐血|to cough up blood/(coll.) (used figur... tuxie 涂写|to daub/to scribble (graffiti) tuxing 图形|picture/figure/diagram/graph/depictio... tuxing 徒刑|prison sentence tuxing 土星|Saturn (planet) tuxing 凸性|convexity tuxing 土腥|(of a taste or smell) earthy tuxingjiemian 图形界面|Graphical User Interface (GUI) (compu... tuxingka 图形卡|graphics card tuxingyonghujiemian 图形用户界面|graphical user interface (GUI) tuxizu 图西族|Tutsi, an ethnic group in Rwanda and ... tuxu 吐絮|cotton boll splits open and reveals i... tuya 涂鸦|graffiti/scrawl/poor calligraphy/to w... tuya 涂鸭|variant of 塗鴉|涂鸦[tu2 ya1]/graffiti/sc... tuyan 吐艳|to burst into bloom tuyang 图样|diagram/blueprint tuyang 土洋|domestic and foreign tuyangbingju 土洋并举|combining native and foreign methods tuyangjiehe 土洋结合|combining native and foreign methods ... tuyangtusenpo 图样图森破|(Internet slang) to have a simplistic... tuyao 土窑|earthen kiln/loess cave tuyaojie 屠妖节|Deepavali (Hindu festival) tuyaori 土曜日|Saturday (used in ancient Chinese ast... tuyi 涂乙|to edit (a text) tuyin 土音|local accent tuying 秃鹰|condor/bald eagle tuyongxuming 徒拥虚名|to possess an undeserved reputation (... tuyou 涂油|to grease/to oil/to baste (cookery) tuyouqiming 徒有其名|with an undeserved reputation (idiom)... tuyouxuming 徒有虚名|with an undeserved reputation (idiom)... tuyouyu 涂油于|anoint tuyu 土语|dialect/patois tuyuan 凸缘|flange tuyuhun 吐谷浑|Tuyuhun, nomadic people related to th... tuzai 屠宰|to slaughter/to butcher tuzaichang 屠宰场|slaughterhouse/abattoir tuzaizi 兔崽子|brat/bastard tuzang 土葬|burial (in earth) tuzhang 图章|stamp/seal/CL:方[fang1] tuzhang 徒长|(of a plant) to experience excessive ... tuzhengce 土政策|local policy/regional regulations tuzhexian 凸折线|convex polygonal line tuzhi 图纸|blueprint/drawing/design plans/graph ... tuzhi 土制|homemade/earthen tuzhi-mofen 涂脂抹粉|(idiom) to put on makeup/(idiom) to p... tuzhong 途中|en route tuzhou 图轴|scroll painting tuzhu 土著|aboriginal tuzhu 土猪|aardvark tuzhuang 涂装|painted ornament/livery (on airline o... tuzhuren 土著人|indigenous person/aboriginal tuzi 兔子|hare/rabbit/CL:隻|只[zhi1] tuzi 秃子|bald-headed person/baldy tuzi 吐字|diction; enunciation/(opera) to prono... tuzibuchiwobiancao 兔子不吃窝边草|lit. a rabbit never eats the grass be... tuziweibachangbuliao 兔子尾巴长不了|rabbits don\'t have long tails (idiom)... tuzu 土族|Tu or White Mongol ethnic group of Qi... txingtai T型台|runway (for a fashion show etc); catwalk txu T恤|T-shirt txu T裇|T-shirt tziku T字裤|thong (underwear) tzizhang T字帐|T-account (accounting) udun U盾|USB key used as a security token in C... upan U盘|USB flash drive upzhu UP主|(Internet slang) uploader (person who... usbjiyibang USB记忆棒|USB flash drive usbshouzhi USB手指|USB flash drive utuneiku U凸内裤|contour pouch brief (men\'s underwear) uxingchi U型池|(sports) vert ramp; half-pipe uxingzhen U型枕|travel pillow uxingzhuanwan U形转弯|U-turn vcr VCR|video clip (loanword from \"videocasse... vgou V沟|low neckline that reveals the cleavag... w w|(Internet slang) ten thousand (abbr. ... wa 瓦|roof tile/abbr. for 瓦特[wa3 te4] wa 挖|to dig/to excavate/to scoop out wa 娃|baby/doll wa 凹|variant of 窪|洼[wa1]/(used in names) wa 袜|socks/stockings wa 袜|variant of 韤|袜[wa4] wa 袜|variant of 襪|袜[wa4] wa 邷|old place name wa 邷|to grab/see 邷麼兒|邷么儿[wa3 mo2 r5] wa 蛙|frog/CL:隻|只[zhi1] wa 蛙|old variant of 蛙[wa1] wa 哇|Wow!/sound of a child\'s crying/sound ... wa 哇|replaces 啊[a5] when following the vow... wa 佤|Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanma... wa 娲|surname Wa/sister of legendary empero... wa 洼|variant of 窪|洼[wa1] wa 洼|depression; low-lying area/low-lying;... wa 搲|to clutch/to grab/to capture wa 搲|to crawl/to climb/to scoop up wa 搲|to pull/to drag wa 腽|used in 膃肭|腽肭[wa4 na4] wa 窊|lowland swamp wa 溛|to form hollow/pit wa 漥|variant of 窪|洼[wa1] wa 穵|to dig/to scoop out wabizi 挖鼻子|to pick one\'s nose wacheng 瓦城|another name for Mandalay 曼德勒, Myanma... wadai 袜带|garter wadang 瓦当|eaves-tile wadese 瓦德瑟|Vadsø (city in Finnmark, Norway) wadexi 瓦德西|Waldersee (name)/Alfred Graf Von Wald... wadi 洼地|low-lying ground; depression wadiao 挖掉|to dig out/to eradicate wadong 挖洞|to dig a hole waduzi 瓦杜兹|Vaduz, capital of Liechtenstein waduzi 瓦都兹|Vaduz, capital of Liechtenstein (Tw) waer 娃儿|children (colloquial) waerdake 瓦尔达克|Wardak (Afghan province) waerdakesheng 瓦尔达克省|Wardak (Afghan province) waerde 瓦尔德|Vardø (city in Finnmark, Norway) waerjili 瓦尔基里|valkyrie waerna 瓦尔纳|Varna (city in Bulgaria) waerte 瓦尔特|Walter wafang 瓦房|tile-roofed house wafangdian 瓦房店|Wangfangdian, county-level city in Da... wafangdianshi 瓦房店市|Wangfangdian, county-level city in Da... wafen 挖坟|to dig a grave/(lit.) to dig up a gra... wagong 瓦工|tiling/bricklaying/plastering wahabijiaopai 瓦哈比教派|Wahhabism (a conservative sect of Islam) wahanzoulang 瓦罕走廊|Wakhan Corridor, panhandle in the nor... wahejierhe 瓦赫基尔河|Vakhsh river (upper reaches of Amu Da... wai 外|outside/in addition/foreign/external wai 歪|askew/at a crooked angle/devious/noxi... wai 歪|to sprain (one\'s ankle) (Tw) wai 㖞|awry (mouth)/askew/Taiwan pr. [kuai1] wai 呙|lopsided/Taiwan pr. [kuai1] wai 崴|to sprain (one\'s ankle)/see 崴子[wai3 zi5] waiban 外办|foreign affairs office waibangren 外邦人|gentile waibao 外包|outsourcing waibazijiao 外八字脚|splayed feet waibazitui 外八字腿|bow legs/bandy legs waibi 外币|foreign currency waibian 外边|outside/outer surface/abroad/place ot... waibianr 外边儿|erhua variant of 外邊|外边[wai4 bian5] waibiao 外表|external/outside/outward appearance waibin 外宾|foreign guest/international visitor waibu 外部|the outside; (attributive) external/e... waibulianjie 外部连接|external link waibulianjie 外部链接|external link (on website) waice 外侧|outer side waicegou 外侧沟|lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure (ne... waicelie 外侧裂|lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure (ne... waiceng 外层|outer layer/outer shell waicengkongjian 外层空间|outer space waicha 外差|heterodyne (electronics) waicha 外插|to extrapolate/extrapolation (math.)/... waichang 外场|outside world/society waichang 外场|outer area (of a place that has an in... waichangren 外场人|sophisticated, worldly person/man of ... waichu 外出|to go out/to go away (on a trip etc) waichuan 外传|to tell others (a secret)/to divulge ... waichufangwen 外出访问|to make an official visit (often abroad) waicuojiao 外错角|(math.) alternate exterior angles waidachengshi 外搭程式|add-on software (Tw) waidai 外带|take-out (fast food)/(outer part of) ... waidan 外丹|Taoist external alchemy waidazhengzhao 歪打正着|to succeed by a lucky stroke waidi 外地|parts of the country other than where... waidian 外电|reports from foreign news agencies waidianzi 歪点子|illegal device/devious/crooked waidiren 外地人|stranger/outsider waidongbei 外东北|Outer Manchuria waier 外耳|outer ear waierdao 外耳道|external auditory meatus/auditory can... waifang 外放|extroverted/outgoing/to play audio th... waifeng 歪风|unhealthy trend/noxious influence waifengxieqi 歪风邪气|noxious winds, evil influences (idiom... waifenmi 外分泌|exocrine; external secretion (e.g. sa... waifenmixian 外分泌腺|exocrine gland/gland producing extern... waifu 外敷|to apply externally waifu 外稃|(botany) lemma waigangneirou 外刚内柔|soft on the inside despite one\'s hard... waigaojiasuo 外高加索|Transcaucasia, aka the South Caucasus waigong 外公|(coll.) mother\'s father/maternal gran... waigua 外挂|attached externally (e.g. fuel tank)/... waiguachengshi 外挂程式|plug-in (software) (Tw) waigualiezao 歪瓜裂枣|ugly/repulsive waigualiezao 歪瓜劣枣|ugly/repulsive/also written 歪瓜裂棗|歪瓜裂枣... waiguan 外观|outward appearance waiguanju 外管局|State Administration of Foreign Excha... waiguansheji 外观设计|look/external appearance/design/overa... waiguge 外骨骼|exoskeleton (the carapace of insects,... waiguo 外国|foreign country waiguocheng 外郭城|outer city wall waiguogongsi 外国公司|foreign company waiguohua 外国话|foreign languages waiguolvyouzhe 外国旅游者|foreign traveler waiguomeiti 外国媒体|foreign news media waiguoren 外国人|foreigner waiguoren 歪果仁|(slang) foreigner (pun on 外國人|外国人[wai... waiguotouzizhe 外国投资者|foreign investor waiguoyu 外国语|foreign language waiguoziben 外国资本|foreign capital waihai 外海|offshore/open sea waihang 外行|layman/amateur waihao 外号|nickname waihuai 外踝|lateral malleolus waihuan 外患|foreign aggression waihuanxian 外环线|outer ring (road or rail line) waihui 外汇|foreign (currency) exchange waihui 外烩|catering (Tw) waihuichubei 外汇储备|foreign-exchange reserves waihuicundi 外汇存底|foreign exchange reserves (Tw) waiji 外籍|foreign (i.e. of foreign nationality) waiji 外积|exterior product/the cross product of... waijia 外加|in addition/extra waijia 外嫁|(of a woman) to marry a non-local or ... waijiafujian 外加附件|add-on (software)/plug-in (software) waijiaji 外加剂|additive waijian 外间|outer room/the external world/outside waijiao 外交|diplomacy/diplomatic/foreign affairs/... waijiao 外教|foreign teacher (abbr. for 外國教師|外国教师)... waijiao 崴脚|to sprain one\'s ankle waijiaobihu 外交庇护|diplomatic asylum waijiaobu 外交部|Ministry of Foreign Affairs/foreign o... waijiaobuzhang 外交部长|minister of foreign affairs waijiaodachen 外交大臣|Foreign Secretary/(UK) Secretary of S... waijiaofengbo 外交风波|diplomatic crisis waijiaoguan 外交官|diplomat waijiaoguanxi 外交关系|foreign relations/diplomatic relations waijiaoguanxilishihui 外交关系理事会|Council on Foreign Relations (US poli... waijiaohuomianquan 外交豁免权|diplomatic immunity waijiaojia 外交家|diplomat waijiaoshiwu 外交事务|foreign affairs waijiaoshouwan 外交手腕|diplomatic skills waijiaotequan 外交特权|diplomatic immunity waijiaoxueyuan 外交学院|China Foreign Affairs University waijiaozhengce 外交政策|foreign policy waijie 外界|the outside world/external waijie 外借|to lend (sth other than money)/to borrow waijieyuan 外接圆|circumscribed circle (of a polygon) waijihuaren 外籍华人|overseas Chinese/persons of Chinese o... waijilaogong 外籍劳工|foreign worker waijing 外景|exterior scene; outdoor scene waijing 外径|external diameter (including thicknes... waijisu 外激素|pheromone waijiu 外舅|(literary) father-in-law/wife\'s father waika 外卡|(sports) wild card (loanword) waike 外科|surgery (branch of medicine) waike 外壳|envelope/outer shell/hull/cover/case waikeshoushu 外科手术|surgery waikexue 外科学|surgery waikeyisheng 外科医生|surgeon/as opposed to physician 內科醫生|... waikuai 外快|extra income waikuanneiji 外宽内忌|magnanimous on the outside, but hatef... wailai 外来|external/foreign/outside wailaichengyu 外来成语|loan idiom wailaici 外来词|loanword wailaihuo 外来货|imported product wailairen 外来人|foreigner wailaitouzi 外来投资|foreign investment wailaiwa 外来娃|children born to parents from rural a... wailaiwuzhong 外来物种|an introduced species wailaiyu 外来语|loanword wailao 外劳|foreign worker (abbr. for 外籍勞工|外籍劳工[w... waili 外力|external force/pressure from outside waili 歪理|fallacious reasoning/preposterous arg... wailian 外链|(computing) external link (abbr. for ... wailiu 外流|outflow/to flow out/to drain wailu 外露|exposed/appearing on the outside wailu 外路|see 外地[wai4 di4] waimai 外卖|(of a restaurant) to provide a takeou... waimaiyuan 外卖员|food delivery person waimanzhou 外满洲|Outer Manchuria waimao 外贸|foreign trade waimao 外貌|profile/appearance waimaoxiehui 外貌协会|the \"good-looks club\": people who att... waimaoxiehui 外贸协会|Taiwan External Trade Development Cou... waimaozhuyi 外貌主义|lookism waimei 外媒|foreign news media/abbr. of 外國媒體|外国媒体 waimeng 外蒙|Outer Mongolia (abbr. for 外蒙古[Wai4 Me... waimenggu 外蒙古|Outer Mongolia waimenxiedao 歪门邪道|dishonest practices waimian 外面|outside (also pr. [wai4 mian5] for th... waipai 外派|to send sb to work abroad or in a dif... waipao 外袍|robe waipeiceng 外胚层|ectoderm (cell lineage in embryology) waipi 外皮|outer skin/carapace waipo 外婆|(coll.) mother\'s mother/maternal gran... waiqi 外企|foreign enterprise/company establishe... waiqiang 外墙|facade/external wall waiqiangzhonggan 外强中干|strong in appearance but weak in real... waiqiao 外侨|foreigner waiqin 外勤|field work/field personnel/any occupa... waiqu 歪曲|to distort/to misrepresent wairen 外人|outsider/foreigner/stranger waishang 外伤|injury/wound/trauma waishang 外商|foreign businessman waishangduziqiye 外商独资企业|wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE... waishangzhijietouzi 外商直接投资|overseas foreign direct investment (O... waishe 外设|peripherals waisheng 外甥|sister\'s son/wife\'s sibling\'s son waishengnv 外甥女|sister\'s daughter/wife\'s sibling\'s da... waishengnvxu 外甥女婿|sister\'s daughter\'s husband waishengxifu 外甥媳妇|sister\'s son\'s wife waishi 外事|foreign affairs waishichu 外事处|Foreign Affairs Office (at a universi... waishou 外手|right-hand side (of a machine)/right-... waishui 外水|extra income waisong 外送|to send out/fast food delivered waisun 外孙|daughter\'s son/grandson/descendant vi... waisunnv 外孙女|daughter\'s daughter/granddaughter waisunnvr 外孙女儿|granddaughter (one\'s daughter\'s daugh... waisunzi 外孙子|(coll.) daughter\'s son/grandson waitaikong 外太空|outer space waitan 外滩|the Shanghai Bund or Waitan waitao 外套|coat/jacket/CL:件[jian4] waitao 外逃|to flee abroad/to run away/to desert/... waitou 外头|outside/out waitui 外推|to extrapolate waituifa 外推法|extrapolation (math.)/to extrapolate waiwai-niuniu 歪歪扭扭|crooked; askew waiwaixiexie 歪歪斜斜|shuddering/trembling/a trembling scra... waiwang 外网|the Internet outside the GFW 防火長城|防火长... waiwei 外围|surrounding waiwen 外文|foreign language (written) waiwenxi 外文系|department of foreign languages/moder... waiwu 外务|foreign affairs waiwu 外侮|(literary) foreign aggression/externa... waiwu 外骛|to get involved in things which are n... waiwubu 外务部|Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Qing D... waiwusheng 外务省|foreign ministry (e.g. of Japan or Ko... waixian 外线|(military) line of troops encircling ... waixian 外显|externally manifested; visible; evident waixiang 外向|extroverted (personality)/(economics ... waixiang 外乡|another part of the country/some othe... waixiang 外相|Foreign Minister waixiangren 外乡人|a stranger/out-of-towner waixiangxing 外向型|export-oriented (economic model) waixianlv 外显率|(genetics) penetrance waixianxing 外显性|(genetics) penetrance waixianzi 外显子|(genetics) an exon waixiao 外销|to export/to sell abroad waixiaotui 外小腿|shin waixie 外泄|to leak (usually secret information) waixie 歪斜|crooked/askew/oblique/slanting/out of... waixie 外协|outsourcing/people who judge others b... waixieji 外斜肌|external oblique muscle (sides of the... waixin 外心|(of a married person) interest in a t... waixing 外星|alien/extraterrestrial waixing 外型|external form waixing 外形|figure/shape/external form/contour waixingren 外星人|space alien; extraterrestrial waixuan 外宣|(abbr. for 對外宣傳|对外宣传[dui4 wai4 xuan1 ... waiyan 外延|extension (semantics) waiyanjiao 外眼角|outer corner of the eye waiye 外业|on-site operations (e.g. surveying) waiye 外爷|(dialect) maternal grandfather waiyi 外衣|outer clothing/semblance/appearance waiyi 外溢|(of liquid) to spill out; to overflow... waiyin 外阴|vulva waiyong 外用|external waiyu 外语|foreign language/CL:門|门[men2] waiyu 外遇|extramarital affair waiyuan 外援|foreign aid/external aid/(sports) for... waiyuan 外院|outer courtyard waiyuan 外源|exogenous waiyuanneifang 外圆内方|lit. outside-flexible, inside-firm (i... waiyuanningjisu 外源凝集素|(biochemistry) lectin waizai 外在|external/extrinsic waizaichaoyue 外在超越|outer transcendence (perfection throu... waizhai 外债|foreign debt waizhang 外长|foreign minister/secretary of state/m... waizhanxunlian 外展训练|outdoor education program waizhaoshe 外照射|external irradiation waizhi 外置|external (i.e. not built-in 內置|内置[nei... waizhimo 外质膜|external plasma membrane waizhuan 外传|unofficial biography (as opposed to o... waizi 外资|foreign investment waizi 外子|(polite) my husband waizi 崴子|bend (in a river, road etc) (used in ... waizi 外眦|(anatomy) lateral canthus; outer corn... waiziqiye 外资企业|abbr. for 外商獨資企業|外商独资企业[wai4 shang1 d... waizufu 外祖父|maternal grandfather (i.e. mother\'s f... waizui 歪嘴|twisted mouth/wry mouth waizumu 外祖母|mother\'s mother/maternal grandmother waji 挖机|excavator; excavating machine wajiadugu 瓦加杜古|Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso wajiang 瓦匠|bricklayer/tiler wajie 瓦解|to collapse; to disintegrate; to crum... wajiebingpan 瓦解冰泮|complete disintegration wajue 挖掘|to excavate; (lit and fig.) to uneart... wajue 挖角|to poach (talent, personnel from comp... wajueji 挖掘机|excavator wajuejixie 挖掘机械|excavator/bulldozer wajun 挖浚|to dredge wakai 挖开|to dig into/to cut a mine into wakao 哇靠|(lit.) I cry!; Oh, bosh!; Shoot! (fro... wakeng 挖坑|to dig a hole/(fig.) to make things d... wakong 挖空|to excavate/to hollow wakongxinsi 挖空心思|to dig for thoughts (idiom); to searc... waku 挖苦|to speak sarcastically/to make cuttin... waku 袜裤|leggings/tights/CL:條|条[tiao2],雙|双[shu... wakuang 挖矿|to mine ore or minerals/(computing) t... wala 瓦剌|Oirat Mongols (alliance of tribes of ... walaita 瓦莱塔|Valletta, capital of Malta walan 瓦蓝|(usu. of the sky) azure; bright blue waleng 瓦楞|rows of tiles on a roof/corrugated walengzhi 瓦楞纸|corrugated fiberboard; corrugated car... waleta 瓦勒他|Valletta, capital of Malta (Tw) wali 瓦砾|rubble/debris wali 瓦利|Váli (son of Odin) waliang 瓦亮|shiny/very bright waliangge 瓦良格|Varyag, former Soviet aircraft carrie... walianggeren 瓦良格人|Varangian (medieval term for Viking) walidui 瓦砾堆|pile of rubble/debris walisi 瓦里斯|Wallis (name)/John Wallis (1616-1703)... walisihefutuna 瓦利斯和富图纳|Wallis and Futuna (French island coll... walong 瓦隆|Walloon, inhabitant of Southern Frenc... wamor 邷么儿|to play knucklebones (dialect) wan 万|surname Wan wan 万|ten thousand/a great number wan 婉|graceful/tactful wan 玩|to play/to have fun/to trifle with/to... wan 玩|variant of 玩[wan2]/Taiwan pr. [wan4] wan 完|to finish/to be over/whole/complete/e... wan 晚|evening/night/late wan 皖|short name for Anhui Province 安徽省[An1... wan 丸|ball/pellet/pill wan 弯|to bend/bent/a bend; a turn (in a roa... wan 碗|variant of 碗[wan3] wan 碗|bowl/cup/CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4] wan 脘|internal cavity of stomach wan 烷|alkane wan 湾|bay/gulf/to cast anchor/to moor (a boat) wan 琬|ensign of royalty wan 腕|wrist/(squid, starfish etc) arm wan 莞|smile wan 挽|to pull/to draw (a cart or a bow)/to ... wan 挽|variant of 挽[wan3]/to draw (a cart)/t... wan 宛|surname Wan wan 宛|winding/as if wan 剜|to scoop out/to gouge out wan 惋|to sigh in regret or pity/Taiwan pr. ... wan 塆|col/gully wan 菀|used in 紫菀[zi3wan3] wan 汍|shed tears wan 娩|complaisant/agreeable wan 顽|mischievous/obstinate/to play/stupid/... wan 晩|variant of 晚[wan3] wan 畹|a field of 20 or 30 mu wan 豌|peas wan 卍|swastika, a sacred and auspicious sym... wan 纨|white/white silk wan 绾|bind up/string together wan 捥|to bend the wrist wan 埦|variant of 碗[wan3] wan 抏|to consume/to exhaust/to play wan 卐|swastika, a sacred and auspicious sym... wan 蜿|used in 蜿蜒[wan1 yan2] wan 晥|old variant of 皖[Wan3] wan 芄|Metaplexis stauntoni wan 刓|to trim wan 踠|ankle/fetlock/bent/crooked wan 鋺|variant of 碗[wan3] wana 腽肭|fur seal/(literary) fat; obese wanaike 万艾可|Viagra wanan 晚安|Good night!/Good evening! wanan 万安|Wan\'an county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi wanan 万安|completely secure/a sure thing/rest a... wananxian 万安县|Wan\'an county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi wanaqi 腽肭脐|penis and testes of fur seal (used in... wanashou 腽肭兽|fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus Linnaeus) wanbai 完败|(sports) to be trounced (by an oppone... wanban 晚班|night shift wanban 万般|every kind/manifold/extremely wanban 玩伴|playmate wanbang 万邦|all nations wanbantianr 晚半天儿|late afternoon wanbanwunai 万般无奈|to have no way out/to have no alterna... wanbao 晚报|evening newspaper/(in a newspaper\'s n... wanbao 完爆|(neologism c. 2010) (coll.) to kick (... wanbaolu 万宝路|Marlboro (cigarette) wanbei 完备|faultless/complete/perfect/to leave n... wanbei 晚辈|the younger generation/those who come... wanbeixing 完备性|completeness wanbi 完毕|to finish/to end/to complete wanbi 完璧|flawless piece of jade/(fig.) perfect... wanbian 玩遍|to visit (a large number of places)/t... wanbianbuliqizong 万变不离其宗|many superficial changes but no depar... wanbiao 腕表|wristwatch wanbiguizhao 完璧归赵|lit. to return the jade annulus to Zh... wanbizhishen 完璧之身|undefiled (girl)/virgin/(of computer ... wanbolin 万柏林|Wanbolin district of Taiyuan city 太原市... wanbolinqu 万柏林区|Wanbolin district of Taiyuan city 太原市... wanbosheng 万博省|Huambo province of Angola wanbudeyi 万不得已|only when absolutely essential (idiom... wanbuqi 玩不起|can\'t afford to play/(fig.) can\'t acc... wancan 晚餐|evening meal; dinner/CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[d... wanchang 晚场|evening show (at theater etc) wanche 晚车|night train wancheng 完成|to complete; to accomplish wancheng 宛城|Wancheng district of Nanyang city 南陽|... wancheng 婉称|euphemism (tactful expression for sth... wanchengqu 宛城区|Wancheng district of Nanyang city 南陽|... wanchengshi 完成时|perfect tense (grammar) wanci 挽词|an elegy/elegiac words wanci 婉辞|tactful expression/to politely decline wanci 婉词|euphemism wanci 挽辞|an elegy/elegiac words wandai 万代|Bandai toy company wandailan 万代兰|Vanda genus of orchids wandaiqianqiu 万代千秋|after innumerable ages wandan 完蛋|(coll.) to be done for wandan 万丹|Wantan township in Pingtung County 屏東... wandanxiang 万丹乡|Wantan township in Pingtung County 屏東... wandao 弯道|winding road/road curve wandao 晚祷|evening prayer/evensong/vespers wandaochaoche 弯道超车|to overtake on a bend (driving)/(fig.... wandian 晚点|(of trains etc) late/delayed/behind s... wandou 豌豆|pea (Pisum sativum) wandoujian 豌豆尖|pea shoots wandouxiang 豌豆象|pea weevil wandouzhou 豌豆粥|pea gruel wandun 顽钝|blunt (instrument)/stupid/thick-headed wane 万恶|everything that is evil wane 挽额|elegiac tablet waner 莞尔|(literary) to smile waneryixiao 莞尔一笑|(literary) to smile wanetaotian 万恶滔天|(idiom) the evil is overwhelming wanezhiyuan 万恶之源|the root of all evil wanfa 玩法|to play fast and loose with the law/t... wanfan 晚饭|evening meal/dinner/supper/CL:份[fen4]... wanfei 顽匪|gangster/bandit wanfen 万分|very much/extremely/one ten thousandt... wanfeng 完封|(baseball etc) shutout/to shut out (t... wanfentongku 万分痛苦|excruciating wanfubudang 万夫不当|lit. unbeatable by even 10,000 men (i... wanfumaliya 万福玛丽亚|Hail Mary/Ave Maria (religion) wang 网|net/network wang 王|surname Wang wang 王|king or monarch/best or strongest of ... wang 王|(literary) (of a monarch) to reign ov... wang 望|full moon/to hope/to expect/to visit/... wang 望|15th day of month (lunar calendar)/ol... wang 往|to go (in a direction)/to/towards/(of... wang 往|old variant of 往[wang3] wang 旺|prosperous/flourishing/(of flowers) b... wang 魍|used in 魍魎|魍魉[wang3liang3] wang 汪|surname Wang wang 汪|expanse of water/ooze/(onom.) bark/cl... wang 妄|absurd/fantastic/presumptuous/rash wang 罔|old variant of 罔[wang3] wang 罔|to deceive/there is none/old variant ... wang 惘|disappointed/perplexed wang 亡|to die/to lose/to be gone/to flee/dec... wang 亡|old variant of 亡[wang2] wang 罓|net (Kangxi radical 122) wang 尢|lame wang 枉|to twist/crooked/unjust/in vain wang 尪|feeble/lame wang 罒|net (Kangxi radical 122) wang 辋|tire/wheel band wang 迋|to deceive/to scare/to travel wang 蛧|old variant of 魍[wang3] wang 蝄|used in 蝄蜽[wang3liang3] wang 尩|variant of 尪[wang1] wang 忘|to forget/to overlook/to neglect wangan 望安|Wangan township in Penghu county 澎湖縣|... wanganshi 王安石|Wang Anshi (1021-1086), Song dynasty ... wanganxiang 望安乡|Wangan township in Penghu county 澎湖縣|... wangba 网吧|Internet café wangba 王八|softshell turtle/cuckold/(old) male o... wangba 忘八|see 王八[wang2 ba1] wangba 亡八|variant of 王八[wang2 ba1] wangbadan 王八蛋|bastard (insult)/son of a bitch wangbadan 忘八旦|turtle\'s egg (highly offensive when d... wangbadan 忘八蛋|turtle\'s egg (highly offensive when d... wangbaduzi 王八犊子|see 王八羔子[wang2 ba1 gao1 zi5] wangbagaozi 王八羔子|son of a bitch/bastard wangban 网版|(printing) screen wangbao 网暴|to cyberbully (abbr. for 網絡暴力|网络暴力[wa... wangben 忘本|to forget one\'s roots wangbi 王弼|Wang Bi (226-249), Chinese neo-Daoist... wangbingjinianri 亡兵纪念日|Memorial Day (American holiday) wangbo 王勃|Wang Bo (650-676), one of the Four Gr... wangborishan 旺波日山|Mt Wangbur, Dagzê county 達孜縣|达孜县[Da2 ... wangbu 网布|(textiles) mesh fabric; tulle wangbuliao 忘不了|cannot forget wangbuliuxing 王不留行|cowherb (Vaccaria segetalis)/cowherb ... wangcan 王粲|Wang Can (177-217), poet, generally r... wangcan 忘餐|to forget one\'s meals wangcanfeiqin 忘餐废寝|see 廢寢忘食|废寝忘食[fei4 qin3 wang4 shi2] wangcang 旺苍|Wangcang county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[Gu... wangcangxian 旺苍县|Wangcang county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[Gu... wangchang 往常|usual/customary wangchao 王朝|dynasty wangcheng 妄称|to make a false and unwarranted decla... wangcheng 往程|outbound leg (of a bus or train journ... wangchenmoji 望尘莫及|lit. to see only the other rider\'s du... wangchi 旺炽|blazing wangchixing 旺炽型|florid (medicine) wangchixing 旺炽性|florid (medicine) wangchong 网虫|Internet addict wangchong 王充|Wang Chong (27-97), rationalist and c... wangchu 王储|crown prince wangchu 往初|(literary) former times/in olden days wangchuan 网传|(of video clips, rumors etc) to circu... wangchun 网蝽|lace bug/Tingidae wangci 忘词|(of a singer, actor etc) to forget on... wangdai 网袋|string bag/mesh bag/net bag wangdai 网贷|(finance) online lending (or borrowing) wangdaiyu 王岱舆|Wang Daiyu (1584-1670), Hui Islamic s... wangdan 王丹|Wang Dan (1969-), Chinese dissident, ... wangdao 王道|the Way of the King/statecraft/benevo... wangdao 王导|Wang Dao (276-339), powerful official... wangdaohan 汪道涵|Wang Daohan (1915-2005), former presi... wangdian 网点|(computing) node in a network/(commer... wangdian 网店|online shop wangdiao 忘掉|to forget wangdong 妄动|to rush indiscriminately into action wangdongcheng 汪东城|Jiro Wang (1981-), Taiwanese singer a... wangdu 望都|Wangdu county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding... wangduan 妄断|to jump to an unfounded conclusion wangduan 网段|network segment wangdun 王敦|Wang Dun (266-324), powerful general ... wangduxian 望都县|Wangdu county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding... wange 挽歌|a dirge/an elegy wangen 忘恩|to be ungrateful wangenfuyi 忘恩负义|to forget favors and violate justice ... wangeng 顽梗|obstinate; stubborn; pig-headed wangerquebu 望而却步|lit. to shrink back at the sight of (... wangershengwei 望而生畏|(idiom) to feel intimidated wangerxingtan 望而兴叹|to sigh (in dismay, admiration etc) wangfa 王法|the law/the law of the land/the law o... wangfa 枉法|to circumvent the law wangfan 往返|to go back and forth; to go to and fr... wangfei 王妃|princess (in Europe) wangfei 枉费|to waste (one\'s breath, one\'s energy ... wangfei 网飞|Netflix, American entertainment company wangfei 王菲|Faye Wong (1969-), Hong Kong pop star... wangfeng 望风|to be on the lookout/to keep watch wangfengbuying 望风捕影|see 捕風捉影|捕风捉影[bu3 feng1 zhuo1 ying3] wangfengertao 望风而逃|to flee at the mere sight of (idiom) wangfu 往复|to go and come back/to make a return ... wangfu 王府|prince\'s mansion wangfujing 王府井|Wangfujing neighborhood of central Be... wangfuju 往复锯|reciprocating saw wangfushi 望夫石|Amah Rock in Sha Tin 沙田[Sha1 tian2], ... wangfuyundong 往复运动|backwards and forwards action (e.g. o... wangfuzhi 王夫之|Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692), wide-ranging ... wangge 网格|grid/mesh/lattice wanggong 王公|princes and dukes/aristocrat wanggong 王宫|imperial palace wanggou 网购|Internet shopping/to purchase online wanggu 亡故|to die/to pass away wanggu 网罟|net used to catch fish (or birds etc)... wanggu 罔顾|to ignore; to disregard wanggu 枉顾|to neglect/to misuse/to mistreat/to a... wanggu 往古|in former times/in olden days wangguan 网关|network router/gateway (to Internet o... wangguan 王冠|crown wangguan 网管|network management/webmaster wangguangliang 王光良|Michael Wong (1970-), Malaysian Chine... wangguanjiekou 网管接口|network management interface wangguanyuan 网管员|network manager/network administrator wangguo 王国|kingdom/realm wangguo 亡国|(of a nation) to be destroyed; to be ... wangguojuhuisuo 王国聚会所|Kingdom Hall (place of worship used b... wangguolu 亡国虏|subjugated people/refugee from a dest... wangguomiezhong 亡国灭种|country destroyed, its people annihil... wangguonu 亡国奴|conquered people wangguowei 王国维|Wang Guowei (1877-1927), noted scholar wangguzuo 网罟座|Reticulum (constellation) wanghong 网红|Internet celebrity; influencer wanghongwen 王洪文|Wang Hongwen (1935-1992), one of the ... wanghou 往后|from now on/in the future/time to come wanghou 王侯|aristocracy wanghou 王后|queen/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] wanghougongqing 王侯公卿|aristocracy wanghua 望花|Wanghua district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚... wanghua 王化|beneficial influence of the sovereign wanghuai 忘怀|to forget wanghuan 往还|to contact; to have dealings (with sb) wanghuaqu 望花区|Wanghua district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚... wanghun 亡魂|soul of the deceased/departed spirit wanghusuoyi 忘乎所以|to get carried away/to forget oneself wangji 旺季|busy season/peak period/see also 淡季[d... wangji 忘记|to forget wangji 网际|Internet/net/cyber- wangji 往迹|past events/former times wangji 忘机|free of worldly concerns/above the fr... wangjia 网架|rack wangjia 王家|princely wangjian 望见|to espy/to spot wangjiang 望江|Wangjiang, a county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[A... wangjiangxian 望江县|Wangjiang, a county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[A... wangjianmin 王建民|Chien-Ming Wang (1980-), Taiwanese st... wangjiao 旺角|Mong Kok (area in Hong Kong) wangjiarui 王家瑞|Wang Jiarui (1949-), PRC politician a... wangjiawei 王家卫|Wong Kar-wai (1956-), Hong Kong film ... wangjie 往届|former sessions/former years wangjin 网禁|Internet censorship wangjing 望京|Wangjing neighborhood of Beijing wangjing 网景|Netscape wangjing 网警|Internet police (abbr. for 網絡警察|网络警察[... wangjing 枉径|winding lane wangjingwei 汪精卫|Wang Ching-wei (1883-1944), left-wing... wangjiseqing 网际色情|cyberporn wangjiwanglu 网际网路|Internet wangjiwangluo 网际网络|Internet wangjixieding 网际协定|Internet protocol/IP wangju 网剧|web series wangjunru 王君如|Cyndi Wang (1982-), Taiwanese singer ... wangjunxia 王军霞|Wang Junxia (1973-), Chinese long-dis... wangka 网卡|network adapter card (computing) wangka 网咖|Internet café (Tw) wangkaisanmian 网开三面|to leave the net open on three sides ... wangkaiyimian 网开一面|open the net on one side (idiom); let... wangke 网课|online classes wangkong 网孔|mesh wangkui 望奎|Wangkui county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilo... wangkuixian 望奎县|Wangkui county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilo... wanglai 往来|dealings/contacts/to go back and forth wanglai 旺来|(Tw) pineapple (from Taiwanese 王梨, Ta... wanglaizhanghu 往来帐户|current account (in bank) wanglao 枉劳|to work in vain wanglaoji 王老吉|Wanglaoji (beverage brand) wanglaowu 王老五|bachelor (lit. fifth child of the Wangs) wangli 王力|Wang Li (1900-1986), one of the pione... wangli 往例|(usual) practice of the past/precedent wanglian 网恋|online love affair/cyberdate/Internet... wangliang 魍魉|sprites and goblins; monsters and demons wangliang 罔两|variant of 魍魎|魍魉[wang3liang3] wangliang 蝄蜽|variant of 魍魎|魍魉[wang3liang3] wangliangguiguai 魍魉鬼怪|malevolent spirits wanglianshangmohei 往脸上抹黑|to bring shame to/to smear/to disgrace wanglihong 王力宏|Wang Lee-Hom (1976-), Taiwanese-Ameri... wangling 亡灵|departed spirit wangliqin 王励勤|Wang Liqin (1978-), former PRC table ... wanglixiong 王力雄|Wang Lixiong (1953-), Chinese writer,... wanglou 望楼|watchtower/lookout tower wanglu 网路|network (computer, telecom)/Internet/... wanglufuwu 网路服务|network service wangluhuanjing 网路环境|network environment wanglujiagou 网路架构|network infrastructure wanglujiedian 网路节点|network node wanglujiedianjiemian 网路节点介面|network node interface wanglulianjieceng 网路链接层|network link layer wangluo 网络|Internet wangluo 网络|network (computing, telecommunication... wangluo 网罗|net for fishing or bird catching/(fig... wangluocaozuoxitong 网络操作系统|network operating system wangluoceng 网络层|network layer wangluocengxieyi 网络层协议|network layer protocol wangluochengyin 网络成瘾|Internet addiction/net addiction/web ... wangluodashou 网络打手|see 網絡水軍|网络水军[Wang3 luo4 shui3 jun1] wangluodayinji 网络打印机|network printer wangluodizhizhuanhuan 网络地址转换|(computing) network address translation wangluoguanggao 网络广告|online advertising wangluoguanli 网络管理|network management wangluoguanlixitong 网络管理系统|network management system/NMS wangluoguanliyuan 网络管理员|network administrator wangluoguihuarenyuan 网络规划人员|network planner wangluohongren 网络红人|Internet celebrity wangluohuanjing 网络环境|network environment wangluojishu 网络技术|network technology wangluoke 网络客|online customer wangluokeji 网络科技|network technology wangluokongjian 网络空间|cyberspace wangluoliulanqi 网络浏览器|network browser/Internet browser wangluoliyu 网络俚语|Internet slang/netspeak/cyberspeak wangluoqianyi 网络迁移|network migration wangluoqizha 网络欺诈|phishing wangluoriji 网络日记|blog/weblog/same as 博客[bo2 ke4] wangluoshebei 网络设备|network equipment wangluosheji 网络设计|network design/network plan wangluoshuijun 网络水军|\"Internet Navy\"; paid Internet poster... wangluotegong 网络特工|anonymous state-sponsored Internet co... wangluotielu 网络铁路|Network Rail (UK railway organization) wangluoxieyi 网络协议|network protocol wangluoyingyong 网络应用|network application wangluoyongyu 网络用语|see 網絡語言|网络语言[wang3 luo4 yu3 yan2] wangluoyuyan 网络语言|Internet language/Internet slang/nets... wangluoyuyin 网络语音|VoIP (Voice over IP) (computing)/to s... wangluozhijing 网络直径|network diameter wanglupingtai 网路平台|network platform wanglutewu 网路特务|anonymous state-sponsored Internet co... wangluyingyong 网路应用|network application wangluzuoyexitong 网路作业系统|network operating system wangma 王码|Wang code, same as 五筆字型|五笔字型[wu3 bi3 ... wangmang 王莽|Wang Mang (45 BC-23 AD), usurped powe... wangmeizhike 望梅止渴|lit. to quench one\'s thirst by thinki... wangmeng 王猛|Wang Meng (325-375), prime minister t... wangmin 网民|netizen; Internet user; online commun... wangming 亡命|to flee/to go into exile (from prison) wangming 王明|Wang Ming (1904-1974), Soviet-trained... wangmingzhitu 亡命之徒|runaway (idiom); desperate criminal/f... wangmo 望谟|Wangmo county in Qianxinan Buyei and ... wangmo 网膜|retina (anatomy) wangmo 网模|model for online fashion sites etc wangmoxian 望谟县|Wangmo county in Qianxinan Buyei and ... wangmu 王母|another name for 西王母[Xi1 wang2 mu3], ... wangmu 王母|(literary) paternal grandmother wangmu 亡母|deceased mother wangmu 网目|mesh wangmuniangniang 王母娘娘|another name for Xi Wangmu 西王母, Queen... wangnan 王楠|Wang Nan (1978-), female PRC table te... wangnian 往年|in former years; in previous years wangnian 妄念|wild fantasy/unwarranted thought wangnianjiao 忘年交|friends despite the difference in age wangnilicai 往泥里踩|to belittle/to attack sb wangnvchengfeng 望女成凤|lit. to hope one\'s daughter becomes a... wangong 完工|to finish work/to complete a project wangong 碗公|(Tw) very large bowl wangpai 王牌|trump card wangpan 网盘|online storage space/cloud file storage wangpi 王伾|Wang Pi (-c. 806), Tang dynasty chanc... wangpian 网片|mesh/netting wangping 王平|Wang Ping (1962-2013), PRC crosstalk ... wangpomaigua,zimaizikua 王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸|every potter praises his own pot (idi... wangqian 往前|(in) the past/ahead; forward; in the ... wangqiao 网桥|(network) bridge wangqing 忘情|unmoved/indifferent/unruffled by sent... wangqing 汪清|Wangqing County in Yanbian Korean Aut... wangqingxian 汪清县|Wangqing County in Yanbian Korean Aut... wangqinruo 王钦若|Wang Qinruo (962-1025), Northern Song... wangqishan 王岐山|Wang Qishan (1948-), PRC politician wangqisuoyi 忘其所以|see 忘乎所以[wang4 hu1 suo3 yi3] wangqiu 网球|tennis/tennis ball/CL:個|个[ge4] wangqiu 妄求|inappropriate or presumptuous demands wangqiuchang 网球场|tennis court wangqiusai 网球赛|tennis match/tennis competition/CL:場|... wangqu 妄取|to take sth without permission wangquan 王权|royalty/royal power wangque 忘却|to forget wangran 枉然|in vain/to no avail wangran 惘然|frustrated/perplexed/irresolute/dazed wangrang 枉攘|tumultuous/disorderly wangranruoshi 惘然若失|lit. to be frustrated as though havin... wangren 妄人|presumptuous and ignorant person wangri 往日|former days; the past wangri 望日|the full moon/the fifteenth day of ea... wangshang 网上|online wangshangguangbo 网上广播|online broadcast/webcast wangshao 网杓|skimmer (kitchen utensil) wangsheng 旺盛|vigorous/exuberant wangsheng 往生|to be reborn/to live in paradise (Bud... wangshengchuanzao 妄生穿凿|a forced analogy (idiom); to jump to ... wangshi 往事|past events/former happenings wangshi 王室|royal family/royal household wangshi 往时|past events/former times wangshi 网室|netted enclosure (protecting crops) wangshichong 王世充|Wang Shichong (-621), general of late... wangshifu 王实甫|Wang Shifu (fl. 1295-1307), author of... wangshirufeng 往事如风|the past is vanished like the wind; g... wangshiyiyi 往事已矣|the past is dead (idiom) wangshiyuan 网师园|Master of the Nets Garden in Suzhou, ... wangshizhen 王士禛|Wang Shizhen (1634-1711), early Qing ... wangshou 网售|to sell online wangshui 王水|Aqua regia wangshuo 王朔|Wang Shuo (1958-), Chinese writer, di... wangshuo 妄说|to talk irresponsibly/ridiculous pres... wangshuwen 王叔文|Wang Shuwen (735-806), famous Tang dy... wangsi 枉死|to die in tragic circumstances wangsili 往死里|(coll.) (to beat etc) to death wangsu 王肃|Wang Su (c. 195-256), classical schol... wangsui 往岁|in former years/in olden days wangsun 王孙|children of the nobility wangtaihou 王太后|Queen Dowager (in Europe)/widowed que... wangte 网特|anonymous state-sponsored Internet co... wangtong 网通|China Netcom (CNC), former telecommun... wangtu 妄图|to try in vain/futile attempt wangu 顽固|stubborn; obstinate wanguan 万贯|ten thousand strings of cash/very wea... wanguanjiacai 万贯家财|vast wealth wanguanmian 弯管面|elbow pasta wanguanzonghezheng 腕管综合症|carpal tunnel syndrome wanguchangqing 万古长青|remain fresh/last forever/eternal wanguchangxin 万古长新|to remain forever new (idiom) wangui 碗柜|cupboard wangui 晚归|to return late; to come home late wanguo 万国|all nations wanguo 碗粿|(Tw) wagui, a sticky rice pudding, us... wanguobolanhui 万国博览会|universal exposition/world expo wanguogong 万国宫|Palais des Nations wanguoma 万国码|Unicode/also written 統一碼|统一码[tong3 yi... wanguoyinbiao 万国音标|International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) wanguoyoulian 万国邮联|Universal Postal Union (UPU) wanguoyouzhenglianmeng 万国邮政联盟|Universal Postal Union wanguqianqiu 万古千秋|for all eternity (idiom) wangwa 网袜|fishnet stockings wangwai 往外|out/outbound/departing wangwang 往往|usually/in many cases/more often than... wangwang 汪汪|gleaming with tears/woof woof (sound ... wangwei 妄为|to take rash action wangwei 王位|title of king/kingship wangwei 王维|Wang Wei (701-761), Tang Dynasty poet wangwen 网文|online literature, esp. web novels (a... wangwenshengyi 望文生义|lit. view a text and interpret (idiom... wangwo 忘我|selflessness/altruism wangwu 王五|Wang Wu, name for an unspecified pers... wangxi 往昔|the past wangxia 网下|(of an activity) off-line (not done o... wangxiacihuang 妄下雌黄|to alter a text indiscriminately (idi... wangxiang 妄想|to attempt vainly/a vain attempt/delu... wangxiang 网箱|net cage (fish farming) wangxiangkuang 妄想狂|paranoia/megalomaniac wangxiangzheng 妄想症|delusional disorder/(fig.) paranoia wangxianzhi 王仙芝|Wang Xianzhi, peasant leader during H... wangxiaobo 王小波|Wang Xiaobo (1952-1997), scholar and ... wangxiaofeng 汪啸风|Wang Xiaofeng (1944-), fourth governo... wangximeng 王希孟|Wang Ximeng (c. 1096-c. 1119), Song a... wangxinban 网信办|Cyberspace Administration of China wangxing 忘性|forgetfulness wangxingren 汪星人|dog (Internet slang) wangxinling 王心凌|stage name of Cyndi Wang/see 王君如[Wang... wangxinliqu 往心里去|to take sth to heart/to take sth seri... wangxizhi 王羲之|Wang Xizhi (303-361), famous calligra... wangxuan 王选|Wang Xuan (1937-2006), Chinese printi... wangyan 妄言|lies/wild talk/to tell lies/to talk n... wangyan 网眼|mesh wangyang 汪洋|vast body of water/CL:片[pian4] wangyang 望洋|(literary) to gaze into the air wangyang-xingtan 望洋兴叹|lit. to gaze at the ocean and lament ... wangyangbulao 亡羊补牢|lit. to mend the pen after sheep are ... wangyangluluo 王杨卢骆|abbr. for Wang Bo 王勃[Wang2 Bo2], Yang... wangyangming 王阳明|Wang Yangming (1472-1529), Ming dynas... wangyanwangting 妄言妄听|unwarranted talk the listener can tak... wangyanyuchuan 望眼欲穿|to anxiously await wangye 网页|web page wangye 王爷|prince/marquis/nobleman wangyedizhi 网页地址|webaddress/URL wangyesheji 网页设计|web design wangyi 网易|NetEase wangyi 王益|Wangyi District of Tongchuan City 銅川市... wangyi 王毅|Wang Yi (1953-), PRC foreign minister... wangyi 亡佚|nonextant/lost to the ages wangyifu 王义夫|Wang Yifu (1960-), male PRC pistol sh... wangyin 网银|online banking/abbr. for 網上銀行|网上银行[wa... wangyin 网瘾|Internet addiction/net addiction/web ... wangying 王英|Wang Ying (character in the \"Water Ma... wangying 王颖|Wayne Wang (1949-), Chinese US film d... wangyiqu 王益区|Wangyi District of Tongchuan City 銅川市... wangyongmin 王永民|Wang Yongmin (1943-), inventor of the... wangyou 网友|online friend/netizen; Internet user wangyou 网游|online game (abbr. for 網絡遊戲|网络游戏[wang... wangyoucao 忘忧草|daylily (Hemerocallis fulva) wangyu 妄语|to tell lies/to talk nonsense wangyu 网语|netspeak/cyberspeak wangyuanjing 望远镜|binoculars/telescope/CL:付[fu4],副[fu4]... wangyuanjingzuo 望远镜座|Telescopium (constellation) wangyuanmiaozhunjing 望远瞄准镜|telescopic sight; scope (on a rifle) wangyucheng 王禹偁|Wang Yucheng (954-1001) Song dynasty ... wangyue 望月|full moon wangyue 旺月|busy (business) month wangyueche 网约车|app-based taxi wangzha 王炸|both jokers, the unbeatable play in t... wangzhan 网站|website wangzhandaolan 网站导览|(Tw) website sitemap wangzhaojun 王昭君|Wang Zhaojun (52-19 BC), famous beaut... wangzhe 亡者|the deceased wangzhen 望诊|(TCM) observation, one of the four me... wangzhen 王震|Wang Zhen (1908-1993), Chinese politi... wangzhi 网址|website/web address/URL wangzhi 网志|blog/weblog/same as 博客[bo2 ke4] wangzhizhi 王治郅|Wang Zhizhi (1977-), former Chinese b... wangzhu 王著|Wang Zhu (-c. 990), Song calligrapher... wangzhuan 网赚|to make money online wangzhuangmai 网状脉|netted veins/reticulated veins (of a ... wangzhuangpaomo 网状泡沫|reticulated foam wangzi 王子|prince/son of a king wangzichenglong 望子成龙|lit. to hope one\'s son becomes a drag... wangzifeibo 妄自菲薄|to be unduly humble (idiom)/to underv... wangzizunda 妄自尊大|ridiculous self-importance (idiom); a... wangzong 网综|online variety show (abbr. for 網絡綜藝節目... wangzu 望族|distinguished or prominent family/inf... wangzuo 王座|throne wangzuxian 王祖贤|Joey Wong (1967-), Taiwanese actress wanhao 完好|intact/in good condition wanhao 万豪|Marriott International (hotel chain) wanhaoruchu 完好如初|intact/untouched/as good as before wanhaowuque 完好无缺|in perfect condition/without any defect wanhaowusun 完好无损|in good condition/undamaged/intact wanhu 万户|ducal title meaning lord of 10,000 ho... wanhu 万户|ten thousand houses or households wanhu 玩忽|to neglect/to trifle with/not to take... wanhua 万华|Wanhua District of Taipei City 臺北市|台北... wanhua 玩话|playful talk/joking wanhuan 湾环|twisting river wanhuaqu 万华区|Wanhua District of Taipei City 臺北市|台北... wanhuatong 万花筒|kaleidoscope wanhuazhao 玩花招|to play tricks wanhuhou 万户侯|Marquis (highest Han dynasty ducal ti... wanhui 晚会|evening party/CL:個|个[ge4] wanhui 挽回|to retrieve/to redeem wanhunwanyu 晚婚晚育|to marry and give birth late wanhuo 玩火|to play with fire wanhuozifen 玩火自焚|to play with fire and get burnt (idio... wanhuzhishou 玩忽职守|to neglect one\'s duty/dereliction of ... wanji 顽疾|ineradicable disease/fig. deep-seated... wanji 丸剂|pill wanji 烷基|alkyl wanji 腕级|celebrated/famous/A-list wanjia 玩家|player (of a game)/enthusiast (audio,... wanjiadenghuo 万家灯火|(of a city etc) ablaze with lights wanjiajuese 玩家角色|player character (in a role-playing g... wanjiale 万家乐|Macro (brand) wanjian 晚间|evening/night wanjianchuanxin 万箭穿心|lit. to have one\'s heart pierced by t... wanjiao 弯角|corner/bend/curve wanjiben 烷基苯|alkyl benzene/dodecylbenzene C18H30 wanjibenhuangsuanna 烷基苯磺酸钠|sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (used... wanjie 完结|to finish/to conclude/completed wanjiebufu 万劫不复|consigned to eternal damnation/with n... wanjin 晚近|most recent in the past/recent/late/r... wanjin 挽近|old variant of 晚近[wan3 jin4] wanjing 晚景|evening scene/circumstances of one\'s ... wanjinyou 万金油|Tiger Balm, an ointment applied topic... wanjiu 挽救|to save/to remedy/to rescue wanju 玩具|plaything/toy wanju 婉拒|to tactfully decline/to turn down gra... wanju 挽具|harness wanjuchang 玩具厂|toy factory wanjuqiang 玩具枪|toy gun wanka 玩咖|(slang) player; playboy; party guy wanke 万科|Vanke, large Chinese real estate comp... wankuai 碗筷|bowl and chopsticks/tableware wankuzidi 纨绔子弟|hedonistic son of rich parents wankuzidi 纨裤子弟|dandy/fop/lounge lizard wanlaijuji 万籁俱寂|not a sound to be heard (idiom) wanlaiwusheng 万籁无声|not a sound to be heard (idiom)/dead ... wanle 完了|to be finished/to be done for/ruined/... wanle 玩乐|to play around/to disport oneself wanli 万里|Wan Li (1916-2015), PRC politician wanli 万里|Wanli township in New Taipei City 新北市... wanli 万里|far away/thousands of miles; 10,000 li wanli 万历|reign name of Ming emperor (1573-1619) wanli 挽力|pulling power (of draft animals) wanlian 挽联|pair of parallel verses inscribed on ... wanlichangcheng 万里长城|the Great Wall wanlichangjiang 万里长江|Changjiang River/Yangtze River wanlie 顽劣|stubborn and obstreperous/naughty and... wanlifu 晚礼服|evening dress wanlijiangshan 万里江山|lit. ten thousand miles of rivers and... wanlingdan 万灵丹|panacea/cure-all wanlingjie 万灵节|All Saints\' Day (Christian festival o... wanlitiaotiao 万里迢迢|(adverbial phrase used with verbs suc... wanliu 挽留|to urge to stay/to detain wanliwuyun 万里无云|cloudless wanlixiang 万里乡|Wanli township in New Taipei City 新北市... wanlong 万隆|Bandung (city in Indonesia) wanlong 腕龙|brachiosaurus wanlu 弯路|winding road/roundabout route/detour/... wanluan 万峦|Wanluan township in Pingtung County 屏... wanluan 万峦|hundreds and thousands of mountains wanluanxiang 万峦乡|Wanluan township in Pingtung County 屏... wanmabenteng 万马奔腾|lit. (like) ten thousand horses gallo... wanman 完满|successful/satisfactory wanmaqiyin 万马齐喑|thousands of horses, all mute (idiom)... wanmei 完美|perfect wanmeiwuque 完美无缺|perfect and without blemish/flawless/... wanmeiwuxia 完美无瑕|flawless/immaculate/perfect wanmeizhuyizhe 完美主义者|perfectionist wanmiao 婉妙|sweet/soft/lovely (of sounds and voices) wanmin 万民|all the people wanmin 顽民|unruly people/rebellious subjects/dis... wanming 万名|all names wanmukuikui 万目睽睽|thousands of staring eyes (idiom) wannadu 万那杜|Vanuatu, country in the southwestern ... wannan 万难|countless difficulties/extremely diff... wannan 弯男|gay guy wannanshibian 皖南事变|New Fourth Army Incident of 1940, inv... wanneng 万能|omnipotent/all-purpose/universal wannenggeng 万能㹴|Airedale terrier wannengquchi 万能曲尺|universal bevel (to measure angles) wannengyaoshi 万能钥匙|master key/skeleton key/passkey wannian 晚年|one\'s later years wannian 万年|Wannian county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jia... wannianjuhui 万念俱灰|every hope turns to dust (idiom); com... wannianli 万年历|perpetual calendar/ten thousand year ... wannianqing 万年青|Nippon lily (Rohdea japonica) wannianxian 万年县|Wannian county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jia... wanning 万宁|Wanning City, Hainan wanningshi 万宁市|Wanning City, Hainan wannong 玩弄|to play with/to toy with/to dally wit... wannongcizao 玩弄词藻|to juggle with words (dishonestly)/to... wannve 完虐|to trounce; to convincingly defeat; t... wanou 玩偶|toy figurine/action figure/stuffed an... wanouzhijia 玩偶之家|Doll\'s House (1879), drama by Ibsen 易卜生 wanpai 玩牌|to play cards/to play mahjong wanpi 顽皮|naughty wanqi 晚期|later period/end stage/terminal wanqi 玩器|elegant plaything/object to appreciate wanqiaizheng 晚期癌症|terminal cancer wanqian 万千|myriad/multitudinous/multifarious wanqiang 顽强|tenacious/hard to defeat wanqing 晚清|the late Qing/late 19th and early 20t... wanqing 万顷|large landholding/vast space wanqirong 万齐融|Wan Qirong (active c. 711), Tang dyna... wanqu 弯曲|to bend/to curve around/curved/crooke... wanquan 万全|absolutely safe/surefire/thorough wanquan 完全|complete; whole/totally; entirely wanquanguinatuili 完全归纳推理|inference by complete induction wanquanhe 万泉河|Wanquan River, Hainan wanquanyufu 完全愈复|complete recovery (after illness) wanqudu 弯曲度|curvature/camber wanqukongjian 弯曲空间|curved space wanr 玩儿|to play/to have fun/to hang out wanr 腕儿|see 大腕[da4 wan4] wanran 宛然|as if/just like wanrbaqian 万儿八千|ten thousand or almost ten thousand wanrbuzhuan 玩儿不转|can\'t handle it/can\'t find any way (o... wanrdezhuan 玩儿得转|can handle it/up to the task wanren 完人|perfect person wanren 万人|ten thousand people/all the people/ev... wanrendi 万人敌|a match for ten thousand enemies wanrenkongxiang 万人空巷|the multitudes come out from everywhe... wanrensangde 玩人丧德|to play with others and offend morals... wanrenzhidi 万人之敌|a match for ten thousand enemies wanrenzhong 万人冢|mass grave; common grave wanrhuai 玩儿坏|to play tricks on sb wanrhuazhao 玩儿花招|to play tricks wanrming 玩儿命|to gamble with life/to take reckless ... wanrong 万荣|Wanrong County in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4... wanrongxian 万荣县|Wanrong county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4... wanrongxiang 万荣乡|Wanrong or Wanjung township in Hualie... wanrpiao 玩儿票|amateur dramatics wanru 宛如|to be just like wanru 婉如|variant of 宛如[wan3 ru2] wanruo 宛若|to be just like wanrwan 玩儿完|erhua variant of 玩完[wan2wan2] wansai 完赛|to finish a competition wanshan 完善|(of systems, facilities etc) comprehe... wanshan 丸山|Maruyama (Japanese surname and place ... wanshang 晚上|evening/night/CL:個|个[ge4]/in the evening wanshang 玩赏|to appreciate/to take pleasure in/to ... wanshang 晚晌|evening wanshanghao 晚上好|Good evening! wanshanqu 万山区|Wanshan, a district of Tongren 銅仁市|铜仁... wansheng 晚生|I (self-deprecatory, in front of elde... wansheng 完胜|to score a convincing win/to crush (o... wanshengjie 万圣节|All Saints (Christian festival) wanshengjieqianxi 万圣节前夕|All Saints\' Eve/Halloween wanshengjieqianye 万圣节前夜|Halloween wanshengye 万圣夜|Halloween (abbr. for 萬聖節前夜|万圣节前夜[Wan4... wanshi 万事|all things wanshi 万世|all ages wanshi 完事|to be finished (with sth) wanshi 挽诗|elegy wanshi 晚世|nowadays wanshi-daji 完事大吉|(idiom) (usu. after 就[jiu4]) (having ... wanshibugong 玩世不恭|to trifle without respect (idiom); to... wanshida 万事达|MasterCard wanshidaji 万事大吉|everything is fine (idiom); all is we... wanshide 万事得|Mazda Motor Corporation/also known as... wanshihengtong 万事亨通|everything is going smoothly (idiom) wanshijiebei,zhiqiandongfeng 万事皆备,只欠东风|everything is ready, all we need is a... wanshijubei,zhiqiandongfeng 万事俱备,只欠东风|lit. everything is ready, all we need... wanshikaitounan 万事开头难|every beginning is difficult (idiom)/... wanshiqitounan 万事起头难|the first step is the hardest (idiom) wanshiruyi 万事如意|to have all one\'s wishes (idiom)/best... wanshishibiao 万世师表|model teacher of every age (idiom)/et... wanshitong 万事通|jack-of-all-trades; know-it-all wanshizong 玩失踪|to hide oneself (as a joke) wanshouju 万寿菊|Aztec or African marigold (Tagetes er... wanshoushan 万寿山|Longevity Hill in the Summer Palace 頤... wanshouwan 玩手腕|to play tricks/to play at politics wanshouwujiang 万寿无疆|may you enjoy boundless longevity (id... wanshua 玩耍|to play (as children do)/to amuse one... wanshui 完税|to pay tax/duty-paid wanshuiqianshan 万水千山|ten thousand crags and torrents (idio... wansibuci 万死不辞|ten thousand deaths will not prevent ... wansui 万岁|Long live (the king, the revolution e... wansuidaozhenghouqun 腕隧道症候群|carpal tunnel syndrome (pain in the h... wansuo 玩索|to search for subtle traces/to ponder wantan 湾潭|curved pool wanting 烷烃|alkane wantong 顽童|urchin wantou-cuandong 万头攒动|(idiom) bustling with many people wantou-zuandong 万头钻动|(Tw) see 萬頭攢動|万头攒动[wan4tou2-cuan2dong4] wantuolin 万托林|ventolin, aka salbutamol, an asthma drug wanuatu 瓦努阿图|Vanuatu, country in the southwestern ... wanwan 万万|absolutely/wholly wanwan 弯弯|Wan Wan (1981-), Taiwanese blogger an... wanwan 玩完|(coll.) to end in failure; to come to... wanwanquanquan 完完全全|completely wanwanququ 弯弯曲曲|curved/meandering/zigzagging wanwei 玩味|to ruminate/to ponder subtleties wanwei 万位|the ten thousands place (or column) i... wanweitianluodiwang 万维天罗地网|World Wide Web (WWW)/lit. ten-thousan... wanweiwang 万维网|World Wide Web (WWW) wanwu 万物|all things/all that exists wanwu 玩物|toy; plaything wanwusangzhi 玩物丧志|lit. trifling destroys the will (idio... wanwuyishi 万无一失|surefire; absolutely safe (idiom) wanxi 惋惜|to regret/to feel that it is a great ... wanxia 晚霞|sunset glow/sunset clouds/afterglow wanxia 玩狎|to trifle/to dally with/to treat casu... wanxian 万县|Wanxian port city on the Changjiang o... wanxian 完县|Wan former county, now Shunping count... wanxiang 万象|Vientiane, capital of Laos wanxiang 万象|every manifestation of nature wanxiangang 万县港|Wanxian port city on the Changjiang o... wanxianggengxin 万象更新|(in the spring) nature takes on a new... wanxianshi 万县市|Wanxian port city on the Changjiang o... wanxiao 玩笑|to joke/joke/jest wanxijunfa 皖系军阀|Anhui faction of Northern Warlords 19... wanxing 完形|total form/coherent whole/Gestalt/hol... wanxing 万幸|very lucky indeed wanxing 玩兴|interest in dallying/in the mood for ... wanxingceyan 完形测验|Gestalt test wanxingtiankong 完形填空|cloze (pedagogy) wanxingtiankong 完型填空|cloze (pedagogy) wanxingxinlixue 完形心理学|Gestalt psychology (concerned with tr... wanxingxinlizhiliao 完形心理治疗|Gestalt psychotherapy wanxiuqu 万秀区|Wanxiu district of Wuzhou city 梧州市[Wu... wanyan 晚宴|banquet/dinner party/soiree wanyan 蜿蜒|(of a snake) to wriggle along/(of a r... wanyan 婉言|tactful/diplomatic/mild and indirect wanyan 完颜|two-character surname Wanyan wanyangji 烷氧基|alkoxy (chemistry) wanyangshan 万洋山|Mt Wanyang between Jiangxi and Hunan wanyao 弯腰|to stoop wanyaotuobei 弯腰驼背|slouch/stoop/poor posture wanyemian 弯液面|meniscus (physics) wanyi 玩意|toy/plaything/thing/act/trick (in a p... wanyi 万一|just in case/if by any chance/conting... wanyi 玩艺|variant of 玩意[wan2 yi4] wanyi 万亿|trillion wanyinde 玩阴的|to play dirty/crafty; scheming wanyinglingdan 万应灵丹|panacea wanyir 玩意儿|erhua variant of 玩意[wan2 yi4] wanyir 玩艺儿|variant of 玩意兒|玩意儿[wan2 yi4 r5] wanyongbiao 万用表|multimeter wanyongziyuan 万用字元|(computing) wildcard character (Tw) wanyou 万有|universal wanyouyinli 万有引力|gravity wanyu 晚育|late childbirth/to have a child at a ... wanyuan 万源|Wanyuan, county-level city in Dazhou ... wanyuanhu 万元户|household with savings or annual inco... wanyuanshi 万源市|Wanyuan, county-level city in Dazhou ... wanyue 婉约|graceful and subdued (style) wanyue 弯月|crescent moon/crescent shape wanyuexingtoujing 弯月形透镜|meniscus lens wanzai 湾仔|Wan Chai district of Hong Kong wanzai 万载|Wanzai county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi wanzaixian 万载县|Wanzai county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi wanzhang 万丈|lit. ten thousand fathoms/fig. extrem... wanzhang 挽幛|large elegiac scroll wanzhanggaoloupingdiqi 万丈高楼平地起|towering buildings are built up from ... wanzhangguangmang 万丈光芒|boundless radiance; splendor wanzhe 玩者|player wanzhe 弯折|to bend wanzheng 完整|complete/intact wanzheng 顽症|stubborn illness/disease that is diff... wanzhengxing 完整性|integrity/completeness wanzhi 湾沚|Wanzhi, a district in Wuhu City 蕪湖市|芜... wanzhipai 万智牌|Magic the gathering (online fantasy g... wanzhiqu 湾沚区|Wanzhi, a district in Wuhu City 蕪湖市|芜... wanzhongyixin 万众一心|millions of people all of one mind (i... wanzhou 万州|Wanzhou, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重... wanzhouqu 万州区|Wanzhou, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重... wanzhuan 婉转|(voice, music) suave/mellow/(speech) ... wanzhuan 玩转|to know all the ins and outs of sth/t... wanzhuan 宛转|sinuous/meandering/to take a circuito... wanzi 丸子|pills/balls/meatballs wanzi 腕子|wrist wanzi 弯子|bend/turn/curve wanziqianhong 万紫千红|thousands of purples and reds (idiom)... wanzudongwu 腕足动物|brachiopod wanzuibinyu 弯嘴滨鹬|(bird species of China) curlew sandpi... wapian 瓦片|tile/CL:塊|块[kuai4] waqi 瓦器|pottery waqiangjiao 挖墙脚|to undermine/to let someone down/to s... waren 蛙人|frogman waroubuchuang 挖肉补疮|to cut one\'s flesh to cover a sore (i... wasabi 瓦萨比|wasabi (loanword) wasai 哇塞|(slang) wow!/also pr. [wa1 sei1] wasai 哇噻|variant of 哇塞[wa1sai1] washabi 哇沙比|wasabi (loanword) (Tw) washami 哇沙米|wasabi (loanword) (Tw) washi 蛙式|breaststroke (swimming) wasi 瓦斯|gas (loanword) watao 袜套|leg warmers wate 瓦特|watt (loanword) watuji 挖土机|excavator/backhoe wawa 娃娃|baby/small child/doll wawa 哇哇|sound of crying wawabing 娃娃兵|child soldier wawacai 娃娃菜|baby Chinese cabbage (mini-sized vari... wawache 娃娃车|kindergarten bus/baby carriage/stroller wawalian 娃娃脸|baby face/doll face wawaqin 娃娃亲|arranged betrothal of minors wawasheng 娃娃生|infant\'s part in opera, usually playe... wawayin 娃娃音|childlike voice/babyish voice wawayu 娃娃鱼|Chinese giant salamander (Andrias dav... wawazhuang 娃娃装|baby-doll dress waxie 蛙鞋|(diving, snorkeling) fins; flippers waxili 瓦西里|Vasily (name) waxiliyeweiqi 瓦西里耶维奇|Vasilievich (name) waxue 挖穴|to excavate/to dig out a cave wayan 瓦砚|ink stone or ink slab made from an an... wayong 蛙泳|breaststroke (swimming) wazi 袜子|socks/stockings/CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4... wazi 娃子|baby/small child/(arch.) slave among ... wazu 佤族|Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanma... wei 为|as (in the capacity of)/to take sth a... wei 为|because of/for/to wei 为|variant of 為|为[wei2] wei 为|variant of 為|为[wei4] wei 魏|surname Wei/name of a vassal state of... wei 魏|tower over a palace gateway (old) wei 卫|surname Wei/vassal state during the Z... wei 卫|to guard/to protect/to defend/abbr. f... wei 尾|tail/remainder/remnant/extremity/sixt... wei 威|power/might/prestige wei 伟|big/large/great wei 薇|Osmunda regalis, a species of fern/Ta... wei 味|taste/smell/(fig.) (noun suffix) feel... wei 唯|only/alone/-ism (in Chinese, a prefix... wei 唯|yes wei 位|position/location/place/seat/classifi... wei 伪|false/fake/forged/bogus/(prefix) pseu... wei 伪|variant of 偽|伪[wei3] wei 未|not yet/did not/have not/not/8th eart... wei 蔚|Artemisia japonica/luxuriant/resplend... wei 畏|to fear wei 胃|stomach/CL:個|个[ge4] wei 委|surname Wei wei 委|used in 委蛇[wei1yi2] wei 委|to entrust/to cast aside/to shift (bl... wei 韦|surname Wei wei 韦|soft leather wei 哙|(interjection) hey wei 渭|the Wei River in Shaanxi through the ... wei 玮|(reddish jade)/precious/rare wei 维|abbr. for Uighur 維吾爾|维吾尔[Wei2wu2er3]/... wei 维|to preserve/to maintain/to hold toget... wei 炜|glowing/bright/brilliant wei 巍|lofty/towering/Taiwan pr. [wei2] wei 鳚|blenny wei 喂|hello (when answering the phone) wei 喂|hey/to feed (an animal, baby, invalid... wei 娓|active/comply with wei 喂|variant of 餵|喂[wei4] wei 喂|to feed wei 慰|to comfort/to console/to reassure wei 苇|reed/rush/Phragmites communis wei 隗|surname Wei wei 隗|eminent/lofty wei 逶|used in 逶迤[wei1yi2] wei 尉|surname Wei wei 尉|military officer wei 危|surname Wei wei 危|danger/to endanger/Taiwan pr. [wei2] wei 惟|-ism/only wei 帷|curtain/screen wei 萎|to wither/to drop/to decline/spiritle... wei 纬|latitude/woof (horizontal thread in w... wei 隈|bay/cove wei 桅|mast wei 溦|drizzle/fine rain wei 鍏|spade wei 煨|to simmer/to roast in ashes wei 猥|humble/rustic/plentiful wei 违|to disobey/to violate/to separate/to ... wei 囗|enclosure wei 洧|name of a river wei 讆|to exaggerate/incredible wei 涠|still water wei 谓|surname Wei wei 谓|to speak/to say/to name/to designate/... wei 媁|to appear displeased/beautiful wei 媁|ugly/to indulge oneself wei 潍|name of a river wei 闱|door to women\'s room/gate to palace wei 葳|luxuriant wei 嵬|rocky wei 帏|curtain/women\'s apartment/tent wei 偎|to cuddle wei 圩|dike wei 韡|gorgeous wei 徻|a wide room wei 艉|aft wei 痿|atrophy wei 衞|variant of 衛|卫[wei4]/to guard/to defend wei 韪|correct/right wei 峞|high and uneven wei 寪|surname Wei wei 痏|a bruise or contusion wei 鲔|little tuna/Euthynnus alletteratus wei 诿|to shirk/to give excuses wei 磈|rocky/stony wei 煟|radiance of fire wei 硙|used in 磑磑|硙硙[wei2 wei2] wei 硙|(literary) grindstone/(literary) to mill wei 溾|light rain wei 渨|cove/bay/a bend or nook in the hills/... wei 薉|weedy wei 椳|the pivots, at the top and bottom of ... wei 骫|be bent/crooked (of bones) wei 蝛|see 蛜蝛[yi1 wei1] wei 霨|rising of clouds wei 犩|ancient yak of southeast China, also ... wei 躛|variant of 躗[wei4] wei 烓|three-cornered stove wei 霺|old variant of 溦[wei1] wei 罻|bird net wei 燰|old variant of 煨[wei1] wei 褽|collar wei 鄬|place in Henan province wei 讏|variant of 讆[wei4] wei 壝|mound/embankment/the earthen altar to... wei 囲|Japanese variant of 圍|围[wei2] wei 䓕|(arch.) type of grass wei 揻|(dialect) to bend (a long and thin ob... wei 猬|(bound form) hedgehog wei 围|surname Wei wei 围|to encircle/to surround/all around/to... wei 亹|resolute wei 崴|high, lofty/precipitous wei 微|surname Wei/ancient Chinese state nea... wei 微|tiny/miniature/slightly/profound/abtr... wei 𬀩|the bright shining of the sun wei 𣲗|to flow back (of water) wei 薳|surname Wei wei 躗|to exaggerate/to fabricate/falsehood wei 𬱟|easeful carriage of one\'s head wei 𬶏|a kind of shad with a head like a stu... weiai 胃癌|stomach cancer weiai 违碍|taboo/prohibition weiai 未艾|(literary) not having come to its term weiaiguzhang 为爱鼓掌|(neologism) (slang) to have sex weian 伟岸|imposing/upright and tall/outstanding... weian 微安|microampere (one millionth of amp)/al... weianfu 慰安妇|comfort woman (woman or girl forced i... weianpei 微安培|microampere (one millionth of amp) weiao 违拗|to disobey; to defy; to deliberately ... weiao 违傲|to disobey weiaohuangtan 微凹黄檀|cocobolo (Dalbergia retusa) weiba 尾巴|tail/colloquial pr. [yi3 ba5] weiban 尾班|last service (of train, bus, boat etc) weibang 偎傍|to snuggle up to weibao 卫报|The Guardian (U.K. newspaper) weibao 未报|unavenged/still demanding retribution weibei 违背|to go against/to be contrary to/to vi... weibei 违悖|to transgress/to violate (the rules)/... weibi 未必|not necessarily/maybe not weibi 威逼|to threaten/to coerce/to intimidate weibi 伪币|counterfeit currency weibian 未便|not in a position to weibiansanjue 韦编三绝|lit. the leather binding (of the bamb... weibiao 围标|bid rigging weibiao 违标|to go against the stipulated criteria weibiaoqing 微表情|microexpression weibie 违别|to leave/to depart/to go against weibijiande 未必见得|not necessarily/that\'s not sure weibiliyou 威逼利诱|to make threats and promises weibin 卫滨|Weibin district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|... weibin 渭滨|Weibin District of Baoji City 寶雞市|宝鸡市... weibing 胃病|stomach trouble/stomach illness weibing 卫兵|guard/bodyguard weibinqu 渭滨区|Weibin District of Baoji City 寶雞市|宝鸡市... weibinqu 卫滨区|Weibin district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|... weibo 微博|Weibo (Chinese social media platform) weibo 微博|microblogging/microblog weibo 微波|ripple/microwave weibo 微薄|scanty/meager weibo 围脖|muffler/scarf weibo 韦伯|Webb, Webber or Weber (name) weibo 韦伯|weber (unit of magnetic flux, Wb) weibo 苇箔|reed matting/reed screen weiboke 微博客|microblogging/microblog weibolu 微波炉|microwave oven/CL:臺|台[tai2] weibotianxian 微波天线|microwave antenna weiboyang 魏伯阳|Wei Boyang (c. 100-170), Chinese auth... weibu 尾部|back part; rear section; tail section weibu 未卜|not foreseen/unpredictable/not on the... weibu 围捕|to fish by casting a net/to capture/t... weibu 喂哺|to feed (a baby) weibu 威卜|vaporizer (e-cigarette) (loanword) weibuxianzhi 未卜先知|predictable/sth one can predict witho... weibuzudao 微不足道|negligible; insignificant weicao 微操|to micromanage/micromanagement weiceng 未曾|hasn\'t (or haven\'t); hasn\'t ever weiceng 味噌|miso (orthographic borrowing from Jap... weicengtang 味噌汤|miso soup weichan 围产|perinatal weichang 未尝|not ever/not necessarily weichang 围场|Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous... weichang 围场|enclosure/pig pen/hunting ground excl... weichangbuke 未尝不可|(idiom) acceptable; fine; okay weichangdao 胃肠道|gastrointestinal tract weichangmanzumengguzuzizhixian 围场满族蒙古族自治县|Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous... weichangxian 围场县|Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous... weichanqi 围产期|perinatal period weichao 伪钞|counterfeit currency weichao 伪朝|illegitimate dynasty; pretender dynasty weichen 微臣|this small official/humble servant weichen 微尘|dust/(Buddhism) minutest particle of ... weicheng 围城|Fortress Besieged, 1947 novel by Qian... weicheng 围城|siege/besieged city weicheng 卫城|citadel/defensive city/acropolis weicheng 潍城|Weicheng district of Weifang city 濰坊市... weicheng 渭城|Weicheng District in Xianyang City 咸陽... weicheng 未成|incomplete; unfinished weicheng 蔚成|to afford (a magnificent view etc)/to... weichengdayuan 围城打援|to besiege and strike the relief forc... weichengguan 未成冠|minor (old usage, person under 20) weichengnian 未成年|underage weichengnianren 未成年人|minor (i.e. person under 18) weichengnianzhe 未成年者|minor (not an adult) weichengqu 渭城区|Weicheng District in Xianyang City 咸陽... weichengqu 潍城区|Weicheng district of Weifang city 濰坊市... weichi 维持|to keep; to maintain; to preserve weichifei 维持费|maintenance costs weichishenghuo 维持生活|to subsist/to eke out a living/to kee... weichiyuanpan 维持原判|to affirm the original sentence (law) weichuangshoushu 微创手术|minimally invasive surgery weichuhuo 未出货|not yet dispatched weichuli 未处理|as yet unprocessed weichuliji 微处理机|microprocessor weichuliqi 微处理器|microprocessor weici 为此|for this reason/with regards to this/... weici 位次|place (in numbered sequence)/degree o... weici 谓词|predicate (in logic and grammar) weici 微词|veiled criticism weicisongting 危辞耸听|to startle sb with scary tale weicui 猥獕|vulgar/despicable/abject weida 伟大|huge; great; grand; worthy of the gre... weida 维达|Vidar (Norse deity) weida 韦达|François Viète (1540-1603), French ma... weidabudiao 尾大不掉|large tail obstructs action (idiom); ... weidai 危殆|grave danger/in jeopardy/in a critica... weidaima 伪代码|pseudocode weidanbaimei 胃蛋白酶|pepsin weidao 味道|flavor; taste/(fig.) feeling (of ...)... weidao 卫道|to defend traditional values weidaoshi 卫道士|traditionalist/moralist/champion (of ... weidayijian 未达一间|differing only slightly/not much betw... weide 威德|power and virtue weide 韦德|Wade (name)/Sir Thomas Francis Wade (... weidebuzhong 为德不终|to start on virtue but give up (idiom... weidebuzu 为德不卒|to start on virtue but give up (idiom... weidejiao 维德角|Cape Verde (Tw) weidemai 魏德迈|Wedemeyer (name)/Albert Coady Wedemey... weideng 尾灯|tail light (on vehicle) weideshi 为的是|for the sake of/for the purpose of weidiannao 微电脑|microcomputer weidianzi 微电子|microelectronics weidianzixue 微电子学|microelectronics weidiao 微雕|a miniature (carving) weidimala 危地马拉|Guatemala/see also 瓜地馬拉|瓜地马拉[Gua1 di4... weidimalaren 危地马拉人|Guatemalan (person) weiding 未定|undecided; indeterminate; still in doubt weiding 伪顶|false roof weidong 卫东|Weidong district of Pingdingshan city... weidongkaiguan 微动开关|microswitch weidongmai 微动脉|capillary artery weidongqu 卫东区|Weidong district of Pingdingshan city... weidou 围兜|bib weidu 纬度|latitude weidu 围堵|to blockade/to surround/to hem in weidu 唯独|only/just (i.e. it is only that...)/a... weidu 魏都|Weidu district of Xuchang city 許昌市|许昌... weidu 惟独|only/solely/this one alone weidu 危笃|deathly ill weidu 维度|dimension (math.)/dimensionality weidu 唯读|read-only (computing) weidui 卫队|guard (i.e. group of soldiers) weiduoliya 维多利亚|Victoria (name)/Victoria, capital of ... weiduoliyadao 维多利亚岛|Victoria Island weiduoliyagang 维多利亚港|Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong weiduoliyagongyuan 维多利亚公园|Victoria Park, Hong Kong weiduoliyahu 维多利亚湖|Lake Victoria or Victoria Nyanza, Ken... weiduoliyanvwang 维多利亚女王|Queen Victoria (reigned 1837-1901) weiduoliyapubu 维多利亚瀑布|Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya on th... weiduoliyazhou 维多利亚州|Victoria, southeastern Australian state weiduqu 魏都区|Weidu district of Xuchang city 許昌市|许昌... weie 巍峨|lofty/towering/majestic weienfuyi 违恩负义|to disobey one\'s benefactor/to violat... weientujie 维恩图解|Venn diagram weier 唯二|(slang) (adjective) (of one thing) on... weierbuchi 危而不持|national danger, but no support (idio... weierfuleizi 韦尔弗雷兹|(George) Wehrfritz (Beijing bureau ch... weiergang 威而钢|Viagra (male impotence drug) (Tw) weierniusi 维尔纽斯|Vilnius, capital of Lithuania weierrong 维尔容|(Johannes Lodewikus) Viljoen (South A... weiershi 威尔士|Wales, constituent nation of UK weiershiyu 威尔士语|Welsh (language) weiersitelasi 维尔斯特拉斯|Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897), German ... weiertejun 威尔特郡|Wiltshire (English county) weierwa 韦尔瓦|Huelva, Spain weierxun 威尔逊|Wilson (name) weifa 违法|illegal/to break the law weifa-luanji 违法乱纪|lit. to break the law and violate the... weifan 违反|to violate (a law) weifan 违犯|to violate/to infringe weifan 唯饭|fan who only likes one particular mem... weifang 潍坊|see 濰坊市|潍坊市[Wei2fang1 Shi4] weifang 危房|decrepit house weifangshi 潍坊市|Weifang, prefecture-level city in Sha... weifanxianfa 违反宪法|to violate the constitution weifeizuodai 为非作歹|to break the law and commit crimes (i... weifen 微分|(math.) differential (of a function)/... weifen 唯粉|fan who only likes one particular mem... weifenfangcheng 微分方程|differential equation (math.) weifeng 威风|might/awe-inspiring authority/impressive weifeng 微风|breeze/light wind weifenglinlin 威风凛凛|majestic/awe-inspiring presence/impre... weifengyiyu 威凤一羽|lit. one phoenix feather; fig. a glim... weifenjihe 微分几何|differential geometry weifenjihexue 微分几何学|differential geometry weifenxue 微分学|differential calculus weifu 微服|(of a high-ranking official) to wear ... weifu-buren 为富不仁|(idiom) to be wealthy and heartless weifu-buren,weiren-bufu 为富不仁,为仁不富|(idiom, from Mencius) the rich are no... weifusifang 微服私访|to mingle with the people incognito weifuziji 威福自己|to exercise power arbitrarily (idiom) weigan 桅杆|mast weigan 桅竿|ship mast/mast/also written 桅杆 weigang 维冈|Wigan, town in England weigang 维港|Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong/abbr. for ... weigangoutong 未敢苟同|can\'t agree with weige 伟哥|Viagra (male impotence drug) weigen 维根|Wigan, town in England (Tw) weigena 魏格纳|Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), German me... weigena 韦格纳|Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), German me... weigong 围攻|to besiege/to beleaguer/to attack fro... weigu 尾骨|coccyx/tailbone weiguan 围观|to stand in a circle and watch weiguan 微观|micro-/subatomic weiguan 未冠|minor (old usage, person under 20) weiguan 维管|vascular weiguan 伟观|magnificent vista/a wonder weiguan 微管|tubule/microtubule weiguandanbai 微管蛋白|tubulin weiguang 微光|glimmer weiguanjingji 微观经济|microeconomic weiguanjingjixue 微观经济学|microeconomics weiguanshijie 微观世界|microcosm/the microscopic world weiguanshu 维管束|vascular bundle (botany) weiguanshuzhiwu 维管束植物|vascular plants/tracheophytes (botany) weiguanzhu 维管柱|vascular column weigui 违规|to violate the rules weiguo 未果|to fail to eventuate/(verb suffix) to... weiguo 卫国|state of Wei (c. 1040-209 BC), vassal... weiguo 卫国|to defend one\'s country weiguo 诿过|to put the blame on sb else weiguo 魏国|Wei State (407-225 BC), one of the Se... weiguo 委过|variant of 諉過|诿过[wei3 guo4] weihai 危害|to harm; to jeopardize; to endanger/h... weihai 威海|see 威海市[Wei1hai3 Shi4] weihai 威骇|to intimidate weihaipingjia 危害评价|hazard assessment weihaishi 威海市|Weihai, prefecture-level city in Shan... weihaiwei 威海卫|Weihaiwei, late Qing naval port in We... weihaixing 危害性|harmfulness weihan 胃寒|stomach cold (TCM) weihao 尾号|last digit (or last few digits) of a ... weihe 为何|why weihe 维和|peacekeeping weihe 渭河|Wei River in Shaanxi through the Guan... weihe 违和|unwell/indisposed/out of sorts/euphem... weihe 威吓|to threaten/to intimidate/to cow weihu 维护|to defend/to safeguard/to protect/to ... weihu 围护|to protect from all sides weihu 卫护|to guard/to protect weihu-zuochang 为虎作伥|(idiom) to act as accomplice to the t... weihua 威化|wafer (biscuit) (loanword) weihuabinggan 威化饼干|wafer/wafer cookie weihuangduorang 未遑多让|see 不遑多讓|不遑多让[bu4 huang2 duo1 rang4] weihuheping 维护和平|to uphold peace weihui 卫辉|Weihui county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 ... weihuishi 卫辉市|Weihui county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 ... weihujiegou 围护结构|building envelope weihun 未婚|unmarried weihunfu 未婚夫|fiancé weihunqi 未婚妻|fiancée weihuo 微火|a low fire (for roasting) weihuo 卫霍|abbr. for generals Wei Qing 衛青|卫青 and... weihuqiwei 微乎其微|a tiny bit/very little/next to nothin... weiji 违纪|lack of discipline/to break a rule/to... weiji 危机|crisis/CL:個|个[ge4] weiji 维基|wiki (Internet) weiji 危及|to endanger/to jeopardize/a danger (t... weiji 危急|critical/desperate (situation) weiji 未及|to not have had time/to have not yet/... weiji 微机|micro (computer) weiji 未几|soon/before long weiji 围击|to besiege weiji 伟绩|great acts weiji 畏忌|to be arrested by fear/restraint/scruple weiji 伪迹|artifact (artificial feature) weiji 尾击|attack from the rear weijian 微贱|humble/lowly weijian 违建|abbr. for 違章建築|违章建筑, illegal construc... weijian 卫舰|a frigate (warship) weijiao 围剿|to encircle and annihilate/refers to ... weijiaonangjishu 微胶囊技术|microencapsulation weijibaike 伪基百科|Uncyclopedia (satirical website parod... weijibaike 维基百科|Wikipedia (online encyclopedia) weijicidian 维基词典|Wiktionary (online dictionary) weijie 慰藉|to console; to comfort weijie 未解|unsolved (problem) weijiejue 未解决|unsolved/as yet unsettled weijier 维吉尔|Virgil or Vergilius (70-19 BC), Roman... weijieshu 未结束|unfinished/unresolved weijiezhimi 未解之谜|unsolved mystery weijifen 微积分|calculus/differentiation and integrat... weijifenjibendingli 微积分基本定理|fundamental theorem of calculus weijifenxue 微积分学|infinitesimal calculus/calculus weijihua 微机化|miniaturization/micro-miniaturization weijiji 威基基|Waikiki (Hawaii) weijijiemi 维基解密|WikiLeaks weijilupian 伪纪录片|mockumentary weijimeitijijinhui 维基媒体基金会|Wikimedia Foundation weijin 围巾|scarf/shawl/CL:條|条[tiao2] weijin 违禁|to violate a prohibition or ban/prohi... weijin 魏晋|Wei (220-265) and Jin (265-420) dynas... weijin 纬锦|woof brocade/woven fabric with many-c... weijing 味精|monosodium glutamate (MSG) weijing 未经|not having undergone/without (having ... weijing 微晶|microcrystal weijing 胃镜|gastroscope (medicine) weijing 未竟|unfinished/incomplete weijing 危境|dangerous situation/venerable old age weijing 伪经|forged scriptures/bogus classic/pseud... weijing 危径|steep and perilous path weijing 微径|small path weijingmai 微静脉|capillary vein weijingpian 微晶片|microchip weijingren 维京人|Viking weijingsheng 魏京生|Wei Jingsheng (1950-), Beijing-based ... weijingyan 伟晶岩|pegmatite weijingzhengshi 未经证实|unconfirmed weijingzhizhi 未竟之志|unfulfilled ambition weijiniya 维吉尼亚|Virginia, US state (Tw) weijiniyazhou 维吉尼亚州|Virginia, US state (Tw) weijinnanbeichao 魏晋南北朝|Wei, Jin and North-South dynasties/ge... weijinpin 违禁品|prohibited goods; contraband weijinyaopin 违禁药品|illegal medicines weijiren 为己任|to make it one\'s business/to take upo... weijirenchen 位极人臣|to have reached the highest official ... weijishuju 维基数据|Wikistats, (, onl... weijisifu 危机四伏|danger lurks on every side (idiom) weijiwuzhong 维基物种|Wikispecies, (,... weiju 危惧|afraid/apprehensive weiju 位居|to be located at weiju 畏惧|to fear/to dread/foreboding weiju 微距|(photography) (of a lens etc) macro; ... weiju 危局|perilous situation weiju 伟举|great feat/splendid achievement weijue 味觉|sense of taste/gustation weijue 未决|as yet undecided/unsolved/still outst... weijuechidun 味觉迟钝|amblygeustia/loss of food taste weijueding 未决定|pending weijujiao 微聚焦|microfocus x-ray computed tomography ... weijun 伪军|puppet army weijun 微菌|microorganism weijunzi 伪君子|hypocrite weikang 违抗|to disobey weike 未可|cannot weike 微克|microgram (μg) weike 韦科|Waco weike 威客|(neologism c. 2005) freelancer weikedao 威克岛|Wake Island (North Pacific Ocean) weikeduoyuguo 维克多·雨果|Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer weikehoufei 未可厚非|not to be censured too strictly (idio... weiken 围垦|to reclaim land by diking weiketongrieryu 未可同日而语|lit. mustn\'t speak of two things on t... weiketuo 维克托|Victor (name) weikexue 伪科学|pseudoscience weikong 唯恐|for fear that/lest/also written 惟恐 weikong 惟恐|for fear that/lest/also written 唯恐 weikongmo 微孔膜|microporous membrane weikongtianxiabuluan 唯恐天下不乱|to wish for the whole world to be in ... weikongzhiqi 微控制器|microcontroller unit (MCU) weikou 胃口|appetite/liking weikuan 尾款|balance (money remaining due) weikuang 尾矿|mining waste/waste remaining after pr... weikuangku 尾矿库|slag heap/dump of mining waste weikun 围困|to besiege weikun 危困|grave situation weila 维拉|Vala (Middle-earth) weila 微辣|mildly spicy weilagang 维拉港|Port Vila, capital of Vanuatu weilai 未来|future/tomorrow/CL:個|个[ge4]/approachi... weilaipai 未来派|Futurism (artistic and social movemen... weilaishi 未来式|future tense weilaixue 未来学|future studies weilaiyeji 未来业绩|future yield (of investment) weilaizhuyi 未来主义|Futurism (artistic and social movemen... weilan 蔚蓝|azure; sky-blue weilan 围栏|fencing/railings/fence weilao 慰劳|to show appreciation (by kind words, ... weilaoxianshuai 未老先衰|to age prematurely weile 为了|for; for the purpose of; in order to weilei 味蕾|taste bud(s) weili 威力|might/formidable power weili 违例|to break the rules weili 微粒|speck/particle weili 伟力|mighty force weili 伟丽|magnificent/imposing and beautiful weili 为例|used in the construction 以...為例|以...为... weili 韦利|Waley or Whaley (name)/Arthur Waley (... weili 威利|Wylie (name)/Turrell Wylie, originato... weili 违戾|to violate/to go against weili 围篱|fence; paling weili 威厉|awe-inspiring/majestic weilian 威廉|William or Wilhelm (name) weilianfukena 威廉·福克纳|William Faulkner (1897-1962), America... weiliang 微量|a smidgen/minute/micro-/trace (element) weiliangbaidanbai 微量白蛋白|microalbumin weiliangyuansu 微量元素|trace element (chemistry) weilianshashibiya 威廉·莎士比亚|William Shakespeare (1564-1616), poet... weiliansibao 威廉斯堡|Williamsburg, Virginia weiliao 未了|unfinished/outstanding (business)/unf... weiliao 喂料|to feed (also fig.) weiliao 尉缭|Wei Lao (c. 450 BC, dates of birth an... weiliao 未料|to not anticipate/to not expect/unant... weiliaozi 尉缭子|Wei Liaozi, one of the Seven Military... weilie 伪劣|inferior/false weilie 威烈|fierce/formidable weilie 位列|to rank weilifuming 违利赴名|to renounce profit and seek fame (idi... weiligonghui 卫理公会|Methodists weililun 唯理论|(philosophy) rationalism weilin 味醂|mirin, a Japanese cooking wine weilin 味淋|variant of 味醂[wei4 lin2] weilin 味霖|variant of 味醂[wei4 lin2] weiling 威灵|authority/prestige/supernatural spirit weiling 违令|to disobey/to go against orders weilingdun 威灵顿|Wellington, capital of New Zealand (T... weilishitu 惟利是图|variant of 唯利是圖|唯利是图[wei2 li4 shi4 tu2] weilishitu 唯利是图|(idiom) to be bent solely on profit; ... weilisi 威利斯|Willis (name) weiliti 微粒体|microsome weiliu 尾流|wake (trailing behind a ship, airplan... weiliucheng 卫留成|Wei Liucheng (1946-), fifth governor ... weilong 围拢|to crowd around weilou 危楼|dangerous housing/building that is ab... weilu 围炉|to gather around the stove/(Tw) to co... weilun 维纶|vinylon, synthetic fiber made from po... weiluona 维罗纳|Verona weilvgu 尾闾骨|coccyx weima 魏玛|Weimar weima 威玛|Weimar (German city) weimagongheguo 威玛共和国|Weimar Republic (German Reich, 1919-1... weiman 帷幔|drapery/curtain weimanchaoxian 卫满朝鲜|Wiman Korea (195-108 BC), historical ... weimang 微茫|hazy/blurred weimao 为毛|(Internet slang) why? weimapinfa 威玛拼法|Wade-Giles system (romanization of Ch... weimapinyin 威玛拼音|Wade-Giles system (romanization of Ch... weimei 唯美|aesthetics weimeisijiu 味美思酒|vermouth (loanword)/Italian spiced fo... weimeng 威猛|bold and powerful weimi 萎靡|dispirited/depressed weimi 委靡|dispirited/depressed weimi 维密|Victoria\'s Secret weimi 微米|micron (one thousandth of a millimete... weimian 未免|unavoidably/can\'t help/really/rather weimian 卫冕|to defend the crown (in sports champi... weimian 位面|plane (of existence) weimiao 微妙|subtle weimiao 微秒|microsecond, µs, 10^-6 s weimiaoweixiao 惟妙惟肖|to imitate to perfection/to be remark... weimiaoweixiao 维妙维肖|to imitate to perfection/to be remark... weimibuzhen 萎靡不振|dispirited and listless (idiom); down... weimibuzhen 委靡不振|variant of 萎靡不振[wei3 mi3 bu4 zhen4] weimin-chuhai 为民除害|(idiom) to rid the people of a scourge weiming 微明|twilight weiming 威名|fame for fighting prowess/military glory weiming 未名|unnamed/unidentified weiming 违命|disobedient/to violate the Mandate of... weimingming 未命名|untitled/unnamed/no name/nameless/unk... weimingshicong 唯命是从|to follow obediently weimingshiting 惟命是听|see 唯命是從|唯命是从[wei2 ming4 shi4 cong2] weimingti 伪命题|false proposition/fundamentally flawe... weimo 微末|tiny/negligible weimo 微漠|faint (almost inaudible or invisible) weimojiu 威末酒|vermouth (loanword) weimu 帷幕|heavy curtain weimu 帏幕|screen/backdrop weimuru 喂母乳|breastfeeding weimuting 韦慕庭|Clarence Martin Wilbur (1908-1997), U... weinai 喂奶|to breast-feed weinan 渭南|see 渭南市[Wei4nan2 Shi4] weinan 为难|to feel embarrassed or awkward/to mak... weinan 畏难|to be daunted by challenges weinan 危难|calamity weinang 微囊|(pharm.) microcapsule weinanshi 渭南市|Weinan, prefecture-level city in Shaa... weinasi 维纳斯|Venus (mythology, Roman goddess of love) weineiruila 委内瑞拉|Venezuela weineiruilamanaoyanbingdu 委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒|Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) ... weineng 未能|cannot/to fail to/unable to weinengmiansu 未能免俗|unable to break the custom (idiom)/bo... weini 违逆|to disobey/to defy an edict/to violat... weinilun 维尼纶|see 維綸|维纶[wei2 lun2] weinisi 威尼斯|Venice/Venezia weinisishangren 威尼斯商人|The Merchant of Venice by William Sha... weinixiong 维尼熊|Winnie the Pooh weiou 围殴|to gang up and beat weipai 委派|to appoint weipang 微胖|slightly chubby; stoutish weipei 委培|to commission another organization (a... weipien 微劈恩|VPN (loanword) weipo 威迫|coercion/to intimidate weipo 危迫|urgent/pressing danger weiqi 为期|(to be done) by (a certain date)/last... weiqi 围棋|the game of Go weiqi 尾气|exhaust; emissions weiqi 尾鳍|tail or caudal fin weiqi 蔚起|(literary) to mushroom/to flourish weiqi 维奇|Pope Vigilius (in office 537-555)/pho... weiqi 围起|to surround/to encircle/to enclose/to... weiqi 伟器|great talent weiqi 尾期|final period/the end (of a term)/the ... weiqian 尾欠|balance due/small balance still to pa... weiqiang 围墙|perimeter wall/fence/CL:道[dao4] weiqianglingruo 违强凌弱|to avoid the strong and attack the we... weiqianglingruo 违强陵弱|to avoid the strong and attack the we... weiqie 畏怯|timorous/nervous weiqituo 威奇托|Wichita (city in Kansas) weiqu 委屈|to feel wronged/to cause sb to feel w... weiqu 委曲|sinuous/devious/full details of a sto... weiquan 维权|to defend (legal) rights weiquan 威权|authority/power/authoritarianism/auth... weiquan 纬圈|line of latitude/parallel weiquanrenshi 维权人士|civil rights activist weiqueding 未确定|indeterminate weiqun 围裙|apron weiquqiuquan 委曲求全|to accept a compromise weir 味儿|taste weiran 未然|in advance/before it happens (cf prev... weiran 巍然|majestic/towering/imposing weiranchengfeng 蔚然成风|to have become common practice (idiom... weiranyili 巍然屹立|to stand tall and rock-solid (idiom)/... weirao 围绕|to revolve around/to center on (an is... weirao 微扰|infinitesimal disturbance/perturbatio... weiraodao 胃绕道|gastric bypass weiraolun 微扰论|perturbation theory weiraozhankai 微扰展开|perturbative expansion (physics) weiren 为人|to conduct oneself/behavior; conduct;... weiren 为人|for sb/for others\' interest weiren 伟人|great person weiren 委任|to appoint weiren-bufu 为仁不富|(idiom) benevolent people can\'t get rich weirenminfuwu 为人民服务|Serve the People!, CCP political slogan weirenshibiao 为人师表|to serve as a model for others (idiom... weirenshu 委任书|letter of appointment weirentongzhi 委任统治|mandate (territory administration) weirong 威容|grave and dignified weirong 微溶|slightly soluble weiruan 微软|Microsoft Corporation weiruangongsi 微软公司|Microsoft Corporation weirui 葳蕤|lush (vegetation)/lethargic weirui 萎蕤|angular Solomon\'s seal (Polygonatum o... weiruleiluan 危如累卵|precarious as pile of eggs (idiom); r... weiruo 微弱|weak/faint/feeble weiruozhaolu 危若朝露|precarious as morning dew (idiom); un... weiruzhaolu 危如朝露|precarious as the morning dew (idiom)... weisa 维萨|Visa (credit card) weisha 为啥|dialectal equivalent of 為什麼|为什么[wei4 ... weisha 纬纱|woof (horizontal thread in weaving)/weft weishan 微山|Weishan County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ni... weishan 伪善|hypocritical weishang 为上|to be valued above all else weishang 微商|derivative (math.)/business on WeChat... weishanjieban 未删节版|unabridged edition/uncut edition weishanxian 微山县|Weishan County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ni... weishanxian 巍山县|Weishan Yi and Hui autonomous county ... weishanyizuhuizuzizhixian 巍山彝族回族自治县|Weishan Yi and Hui autonomous county ... weishanzhe 伪善者|hypocrite weishanzuile 为善最乐|doing good deeds brings the greatest ... weishao 尾梢|the tip/the end/the very end weishe 威慑|to deter weisheliliang 威慑力量|deterrent force/deterrent weishen 委身|to give oneself wholly to/to put ones... weisheng 卫生|health/hygiene/sanitation weisheng 维生|abbr. for 維持生活|维持生活[wei2 chi2 sheng1 ... weisheng 尾声|coda/epilogue/end weisheng 为生|to make a living weisheng 尾生|Wei Sheng (legendary character who wa... weisheng 微升|microliter/to increase slightly weishengbu 卫生部|Ministry of Health weishengguanyuan 卫生官员|health official weishenghu 卫生胡|toothbrush moustache; Hitler moustache weishengjian 卫生间|bathroom/toilet/WC/CL:間|间[jian1] weishengjin 卫生巾|sanitary towel weishengju 卫生局|health office/bureau of hygiene weishengku 卫生裤|long underwear pants weishengkuai 卫生筷|disposable chopsticks weishengmian 卫生棉|sterilized absorbent cotton wool (use... weishengmiantiao 卫生棉条|tampon weishengqiu 卫生球|mothball weishengshebei 卫生设备|sanitary equipment weishengshu 卫生署|health bureau (or office, or departme... weishengsu 维生素|vitamin weishengtao 卫生套|condom/CL:隻|只[zhi1] weishengtaoci 卫生陶瓷|chamber pot/commode weishengting 卫生厅|(provincial) health department weishengwan 卫生丸|mothball/(jocular term) bullet weishengwu 微生物|microorganism weishengwuxue 微生物学|microbiology weishengwuxuejia 微生物学家|microbiologist weishengyongzhi 卫生用纸|toilet paper weishengzhi 卫生纸|toilet paper/bathroom tissue weishenme 为什么|why?/for what reason? weishi 卫士|guardian/defender weishi 卫视|satellite TV (abbr. for 衛星電視|卫星电视[wei... weishi 尉氏|Weishi county in Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 f... weishi 未时|1-3 pm (in the system of two-hour sub... weishi 威士|Visa (credit card) weishi 委实|indeed/really (very much so) weishi 为时|timewise/pertaining to time weishi 威势|might/power and influence weishi 喂食|to feed weishi 未始|not necessarily/may not turn out to b... weishi 伪饰|to prettify; to dress (sth) up weishi 维氏|Victorinox (knife manufacturer) weishi 违失|fault/mistake/shortcoming/error/misco... weishibuwan 为时不晚|it is not too late (idiom) weishichaoxian 卫氏朝鲜|Wiman Korea (195-108 BC), historical ... weishiguozao 为时过早|premature/too soon weishiji 威士忌|whiskey (loanword) weishijijiu 威士忌酒|whiskey (loanword) weishijuesu 违时绝俗|to defy the times and reject custom (... weishipai 伟士牌|Vespa (scooter) weishipinfa 韦氏拼法|Wade-Giles system (romanization of Ch... weishiweiwan 为时未晚|it is not too late (idiom) weishiwengying 韦氏鹟莺|(bird species of China) Whistler\'s wa... weishixian 尉氏县|Weishi county in Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 f... weishiyiwan 为时已晚|already too late weishizhuyinfa 威氏注音法|Wade-Giles transliteration scheme for... weishizong 唯识宗|Yogachara school of Buddhism (\"consci... weishou 为首|head/be headed by weishou 魏收|Wei Shou (506-572), writer and histor... weishoujing 未受精|unfertilized (of ova, not soil) weishouweiwei 畏首畏尾|afraid of the head, terrified of the ... weishouyingxiang 未受影响|unaffected/not inconvenienced weishu 未熟|unripe weishu 尾数|remainder (after rounding a number)/d... weishu 维数|(math.) dimension/dimensionality weishu 伪书|forged book/book of dubious authentic... weishu 为数|in numerical terms (typically followe... weishu 魏书|History of Wei of the Northern Dynast... weishui 渭水|Wei River in Shaanxi, through the Gua... weishui 洧水|river in Henan weishui 尾水|tailwater/outflow (from mill or power... weishuimian 微睡眠|microsleep weishuiqudao 尾水渠道|outflow channel weisi 微丝|microfilament weisika 韦斯卡|Uesca or Huesca, Spain weisikangxin 威斯康辛|Wisconsin weisikangxing 威斯康星|Wisconsin, US state weisikangxingzhou 威斯康星州|Wisconsin, US state weisiminsitejiaotang 威斯敏斯特教堂|Westminster Abbey, London weisixueguan 微丝血管|capillary blood vessels weisu 味素|monosodium glutamate (MSG) weisuan 胃酸|gastric acid weisui 未遂|to fail to accomplish/unsuccessful (a... weisui 尾随|to tail behind/to tag along/to follow... weisuo 萎缩|to wither/to dry up (of a plant)/to a... weisuo 猥琐|wretched (esp. appearance)/vulgar weisuo 微缩|compact/micro-/miniature/to miniaturize weisuo 畏缩|to cower; to flinch; to quail; to recoil weisuobuqian 畏缩不前|to shrink back in fear (idiom); too c... weisuojiaojuan 微缩胶卷|microfilm weisuoyuwei 为所欲为|(idiom) to do whatever one pleases weisusheying 微速摄影|time-lapse photography weitaming 维他命|vitamin (loanword) weitaming 维它命|variant of 維他命|维他命[wei2 ta1 ming4] weite 维特|Werther, opera by Jules Massenet/Wert... weitegensitan 维特根斯坦|Wittgenstein (name)/Ludwig Wittgenste... weiteng 胃疼|stomachache weitianhaili 违天害理|lit. violating heaven and reason (idi... weitiannili 违天逆理|lit. violating heaven and reason (idi... weitiao 微调|fine tuning/trimming weitiji 未提及|not mentioned weitong 胃痛|stomachache weitongjiaola 味同嚼蜡|lit. tastes as if one is chewing wax ... weitu 位图|raster graphics weitu 危途|dangerous road weitu 畏途|dangerous road/(fig.) perilous or int... weituo 委托|to entrust/to trust/to commission weituo 伪托|faking a modern object as an ancient one weituo 微驼|stooping/hunched weituoma 威妥玛|Sir Thomas Francis Wade (1818-1895), ... weituomapinfa 威妥玛拼法|Wade-Giles system (romanization of Ch... weituomapinyin 威妥玛拼音|Wade-Giles system (romanization of Ch... weituopusa 韦驮菩萨|Skanda, the general or guardian Bodhi... weituoren 委托人|(law) client/trustor weituoshu 委托书|commission/proxy/power of attorney/au... weiwadi 韦瓦第|Vivaldi (name)/Antonio Vivaldi (1675-... weiwai 委外|to outsource weiwan 委婉|tactful/euphemistic/(of voice etc) su... weiwan 委宛|variant of 委婉[wei3 wan3] weiwancheng 未完成|imperfect/incomplete weiwanci 委婉词|euphemism weiwang 围网|seine net/wire mesh fence/fence screen weiwang 威望|prestige weiwang 危亡|at stake/in peril weiwangren 未亡人|a widow (a widow\'s way of referring t... weiwanyu 委婉语|euphemism weiwei 微微|slight/faint/humble weiwei 蔚为|see 蔚成[wei4 cheng2] weiwei 亹亹|diligently/relentlessly/pressing forward weiwei 卫尉|Commandant of Guards (in imperial Chi... weiwei 硙硙|(literary) lofty; towering/also pr. [... weiwei 魏巍|Wei Wei (1920-2008), novelist and poe... weiwei 巍巍|towering/imposing weiweibujuan 亹亹不倦|on and on/relentlessly weiweidaguan 蔚为大观|to afford a magnificent sight (idiom)... weiweidongting 娓娓动听|to speak in a pleasant and captivatin... weiweijiuzhao 围魏救赵|lit. to besiege 魏[Wei4] and rescue 趙|... weiweinuonuo 唯唯诺诺|to be a yes-man weiweiququ 委委屈屈|to feel aggrieved weiweisuosuo 畏畏缩缩|cowering/cringing weiwen 慰问|to express sympathy, greetings, conso... weiwen 维稳|to maintain social stability weiwendi 魏文帝|Cao Pi 曹丕, emperor of Wei 220-226 weiwu 唯物|materialistic weiwu 为伍|to associate with/to keep company with weiwu 威武|might/formidable weiwu 违误|to disobey and cause delays/to obstru... weiwu 违忤|to disobey weiwu 苇鹀|(bird species of China) Pallas\'s reed... weiwubuqu 威武不屈|not to submit to force weiwudoumizheyao 为五斗米折腰|(allusion to Tao Qian 陶潛|陶潜[Tao2 Qian... weiwuer 维吾尔|Uighur ethnic group of Xinjiang weiwuerren 维吾尔人|Uighur person or people weiwueryu 维吾尔语|Uighur language weiwuerzu 维吾尔族|Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang weiwulun 唯物论|(philosophy) materialism weiwuzhuyi 唯物主义|materialism, philosophical doctrine t... weixi 维系|to maintain/to keep up/to hold together weixi 微细|microminiature (technology) weixi 苇席|reed mat weixiachui 胃下垂|gastroptosis weixian 危险|danger/dangerous weixian 魏县|Wei county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1]... weixian 威县|Wei county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2],... weixian 违宪|unconstitutional weixian 纬线|woof/line of latitude/parallel weixian 威显|awe-inspiring/power weixiang 未详|unknown/unclear weixiang 唯象|phenomenological weixianglilun 唯象理论|phenomenology weixianjinggaodeng 危险警告灯|hazard lights weixianpin 危险品|hazardous materials weixianquan 纬线圈|line of latitude/parallel weixiao 卫校|medical school/nursing school weixiao 微小|minute (i.e. extremely small)/infinit... weixiao 微笑|smile/CL:個|个[ge4],絲|丝[si1]/to smile weixiaoao 胃小凹|(physiology) gastric pits weixiaobingduke 微小病毒科|Picornaviridae (virus family includin... weixie 威胁|to threaten; to menace weixie 猥亵|obscene; indecent/to indecently assault weixiexingbaolu 猥亵性暴露|indecent exposure/flashing weixijiagong 微细加工|microminiature technology weixilisuzuzizhixian 维西傈僳族自治县|Weixi Lisu Autonomous County in Diqin... weixin 维新|(political) reform/revitalization/mod... weixin 威信|Weixin county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 to... weixin 威信|prestige/reputation/trust/credit with... weixin 违心|false/untrue to one\'s convictions/aga... weixin 微信|Weixin or WeChat (mobile text and voi... weixinbeiyue 违信背约|in violation of contract and good faith weixinbianfa 维新变法|Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed at... weixing 微型|miniature; micro-; tiny weixing 卫星|satellite/moon/CL:顆|颗[ke1] weixing 微星|Micro-Star International (MSI), Taiwa... weixing 位形|configuration weixing 危性|risk weixingcheng 卫星城|\"satellite\" town/edge city/exurb weixingdaohang 卫星导航|satellite navigation/sat-nav weixingdaohangxitong 卫星导航系统|satellite navigation system/sat-nav weixingdianshi 卫星电视|satellite TV weixingdingweixitong 卫星定位系统|global positioning system (GPS) weixingkongjian 位形空间|configuration space (math.) weixingtu 卫星图|satellite photo weixingtuxiang 卫星图像|satellite photo weixingxiaoshuo 微型小说|flash fiction weixinlun 唯心论|philosophy of idealism, the doctrine ... weixinpai 维新派|the reformist faction weixinsaodi 威信扫地|to lose every scrap of reputation weixinxian 威信县|Weixin county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 to... weixinzhiyan 违心之言|false assertion/speech against one\'s ... weixinzhuyi 唯心主义|philosophy of idealism, the doctrine ... weixiu 维修|maintenance (of equipment)/to protect... weixixian 维西县|Weixi Lisu Autonomous County in Diqin... weixueguan 微血管|capillary weixun 微醺|tipsy weiya 尾牙|a year-end dinner for employees weiya 威亚|(loanword) stunt wires weiyan 胃炎|gastritis weiyan 围堰|a cofferdam weiyan 慰唁|to console weiyan 违言|unreasonable words/wounding complaints weiyan 威严|dignified/imposing/august/awe-inspiri... weiyandayi 微言大义|subtle words with profound meaning (i... weiyang 未央|Weiyang District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1... weiyang 未央|(literary) not ended/not yet over/clo... weiyang 喂养|to feed (a child, domestic animal etc... weiyang 维扬|historical name for Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Ya... weiyang 微恙|slight illness/indisposition weiyang 未羊|Year 8, year of the Ram (e.g. 2003) weiyangqu 未央区|Weiyang District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1... weiyangxing 伪阳性|false positive weiyansongting 危言耸听|frightening words to scare people (id... weiyanweixing 危言危行|upright and plainspoken (idiom) weiye 伟业|exploit/great undertaking weiye 胃液|gastric fluid weiye 尾页|last page weiye 萎叶|betel weiyena 维也纳|Vienna, capital of Austria weiyi 位移|(geometry) displacement (a vector qua... weiyi 唯一|only; sole weiyi 尾翼|empennage (of an aircraft); fletching... weiyi 惟一|variant of 唯一[wei2yi1] weiyi 威仪|majestic presence/awe-inspiring manner weiyi 逶迤|(literary) (of roads, rivers, mountai... weiyi 委以|(literary) to entrust with (a task); ... weiyi 卫衣|sweatshirt weiyin 尾音|final sound of a syllable/rhyme (e.g.... weiyingwu 韦应物|Wei Yingwu (c. 737 - c. 792), Tang dy... weiyinxing 伪阴性|false negative weiyixin 卫奕信|David Clive Wilson, Baron Wilson of T... weiyixing 唯一性|uniqueness weiyizhilun 唯意志论|voluntarism/metaphysical view, esp. d... weiyizhongren 委以重任|(literary) to entrust (sb) with an im... weiyou 惟有|variant of 唯有[wei2 you3] weiyou 尾蚴|tailed larva/Cercaria (microscopic la... weiyou 畏友|revered friend weiyou 唯有|only weiyou 未有|is not/has never been/never occurring... weiyu 位于|to be located at/to be situated at/to... weiyu 谓语|(grammatical) predicate weiyu 卫浴|sanitary (related to toilet and bathr... weiyu 鲔鱼|(Tw) tuna weiyu 尾羽|tail feathers weiyuan 委员|committee member weiyuan 威远|Weiyuan county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4... weiyuan 渭源|Weiyuan county in Dingxi 定西[Ding4 xi1... weiyuan 位元|bit (computing) weiyuan 魏源|Wei Yuan (1794-1857), Qing dynasty th... weiyuanbi 位元币|Bitcoin weiyuanhui 委员会|committee; commission weiyuanxian 渭源县|Weiyuan county in Dingxi 定西[Ding4 xi1... weiyuanxian 威远县|Weiyuan county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4... weiyuanzhang 委员长|head of a committee weiyuanzu 位元组|(Tw) byte (computing) weiyuchoumou 未雨绸缪|lit. before it rains, bind around wit... weiyudu 鲔鱼肚|(cuisine) tuna belly/(Tw) (fig.) (col... weiyue 违约|to break a promise/to violate an agre... weiyuejin 违约金|penalty (fee) weiyulong 尾羽龙|caudipteryx (a feathered dinosaur) weiyun 尾韵|rhyme weizaidanxi 危在旦夕|in imminent peril (idiom)/on the brin... weizao 伪造|to forge/to fake/to counterfeit weizaopin 伪造品|counterfeit object/forgery/fake weizaozhe 伪造者|forger weizhai 威翟|Wade-Giles (romanization system for C... weizhang 违章|to break the rules/to violate regulat... weizhangguo 尾张国|Owari or Owari-no-kuni, Japanese fief... weizhangzhe 违章者|violator/lawbreaker weizhe 为着|in order to/because of/for the sake of weizhe 违者|violator weizhen 威震|to inspire awe weizhen 维珍|Virgin (company) weizheng 伪证|perjury weizheng 微整|abbr. for 微整形[wei1 zheng3 xing2] weizheng 魏征|Wei Zheng (580-643), Tang politician ... weizhengxing 微整形|non-surgical cosmetic procedure (inje... weizhenniyazhou 维珍尼亚州|Virginia (US state) (Hong Kong, Macau) weizhentianxia 威震天下|to inspire awe throughout the empire ... weizhexian 未折现|undiscounted/full price weizhi 位置|position/place/seat/CL:個|个[ge4] weizhi 未知|unknown weizhi 为止|until/(used in combination with words... weizhikefou 未置可否|to refuse to comment/same as 不置可否 weizhishu 未知数|unknown number/(fig.) an unknown; an ... weizhishur 未知数儿|erhua variant of 未知數|未知数[wei4 zhi1 shu4] weizhisu 味之素|Ajinomoto, Japanese food and chemical... weizhixiaoying 位置效应|position effect weizhong 危重|critically ill weizhong 为重|to attach most importance to weizhong 威重|august/majestic weizhongbingren 危重病人|critically ill patient weizhongxian 魏忠贤|Wei Zhongxian (1568-1627), infamous e... weizhongzi 微中子|neutrino (particle physics)/also writ... weizhouzhen 威州镇|Weizhou town, seat of Wenchuan county... weizhu 为主|to rely mainly on/to attach most impo... weizhu 尾注|endnote weizhu 围住|to surround/to gird weizhuang 伪装|to pretend to be (asleep etc)/to disg... weizhui 尾椎|coccyx/tailbone weizhui 尾缀|(lit.) to follow sb/(linguistics) suf... weizhun 为准|to serve as the norm/...shall prevail... weizhuore 胃灼热|heartburn/pyrosis weizi 位子|place/seat weizi 尾子|tail/end/small change/odd sum remaini... weizu 维族|abbr. for 維吾爾族|维吾尔族, Uighur (Uyghur) ... weizui 围嘴|(baby) bib weizui 畏罪|to dread punishment/afraid of being a... weizuiqiantao 畏罪潜逃|to flee to escape punishment/to absco... weizuizisha 畏罪自杀|to commit suicide to escape punishment weizun-mingjian 威尊命贱|(idiom) the dignity of authority is a... weizuo 围坐|to sit in a circle/seated around (a n... wen 免|old variant of 絻[wen4] wen 纹|line/trace/mark/pattern/grain (of woo... wen 问|to ask; to inquire wen 温|surname Wen wen 温|warm; lukewarm/to warm up/(bound form... wen 稳|settled; steady; stable wen 闻|surname Wen wen 闻|to hear/news/well-known/famous/reputa... wen 蚊|mosquito wen 蚊|old variant of 蚊[wen2] wen 雯|multicolored clouds wen 辒|hearse wen 阌|wen xiang, Henan province wen 瘟|epidemic; pestilence; plague/(fig.) s... wen 豱|short-headed pig wen 紊|involved/tangled/disorderly/confused/... wen 揾|to look for (Cantonese)/Mandarin equi... wen 揾|(literary) to wipe away (tears)/to pr... wen 鰛|variant of 鰮|鳁, sardine wen 汶|Wen River in northwest Sichuan (same ... wen 炆|(Cantonese) to simmer/to cook over a ... wen 璺|a crack (in porcelain, glassware etc)... wen 呡|the corners of the mouth/the lips wen 抆|to wipe wen 玟|veins in jade wen 塭|used in 魚塭|鱼塭[yu2wen1]/used in place ... wen 刎|cut across (throat) wen 閺|to look down wen 榅|used in 榲桲|榅桲[wen1po5] wen 忞|disorderly/messy/chaotic wen 妏|(used in female names) wen 絻|(old) mourning apparel wen 輼|variant of 轀|辒, hearse wen 蚉|old variant of 蚊[wen2] wen 珳|old variant of 玟[wen2] wen 穏|Japanese variant of 穩|稳 wen 鳁|sardine wen 吻|kiss/to kiss/mouth wen 文|surname Wen wen 文|language/culture/writing/formal/liter... wen 吻|variant of 吻[wen3] wenai 文爱|(slang) to have cybersex wenai 温蔼|gentle and kind wenan 文案|(newspapers etc) copy/copywriter/(off... wenan 文安|Wen\'an county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fa... wenan 问安|to pay one\'s respects/to give regards to wenanxian 文安县|Wen\'an county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fa... wenbao 温饱|to have enough food and warm clothes/... wenbeibuzhuniao 纹背捕蛛鸟|(bird species of China) streaked spid... wenben 文本|a text (article, script, contract etc... wenbenbianjiqi 文本编辑器|text editor wenbenkuang 文本框|text box (computing) wenbi 文笔|writings/writing style wenbian 稳便|reliable/at one\'s convenience/as you ... wenbiao 温标|temperature scale wenbie 吻别|to kiss goodbye wenbu 稳步|steadily/a steady pace wenbu 文部|Wenbu or Ombu village in Nyima county... wenbu 吻部|snout wenbubuqian 稳步不前|to mark time and make no advances (id... wenbuduiti 文不对题|irrelevant/beside the point wenbudun 温布顿|Wimbledon wenbuerdeng 温布尔登|Wimbledon (district of southwest Lond... wenbuerdengwangqiugongkaisai 温布尔登网球公开赛|Wimbledon Championships (tennis) wenbuerdun 温布尔顿|Wimbledon wenbujiadian 文不加点|to write a flawless essay in one go (... wenbusheng 文部省|Ministry of Education, Science and Cu... wenbuxiang 文部乡|Wenbu or Ombu village in Nyima county... wencai 文采|literary talent/literary grace/rich a... wencaoshengquan 稳操胜券|grasp it and victory is assured/to ha... wencaoshengsuan 稳操胜算|to be assured of success wenceng 纹层|lamina/lamella/lamination wencha 温差|difference in temperature wenchang 文昌|Wenchang City, Hainan wenchangshi 文昌市|Wenchang City, Hainan wenchangyu 文昌鱼|lancelet (Branchiostoma lanceolatum),... wenchaogong 文抄公|plagiarist wenche 辒车|hearse wenchen 文臣|civilian court official (in former ti... wencheng 文成|Wencheng county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1... wenchengxian 文成县|Wencheng county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1... wenchong 蚊虫|mosquito wenchu 闻出|to identify by smell/to detect a scen... wenchuan 汶川|Wenchuan County (Tibetan: wun khron r... wenchuandadizhen 汶川大地震|Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008) wenchuandizhen 汶川地震|Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008) wenchuang 温床|hotbed/breeding ground/fig. breeding ... wenchuangchanye 文创产业|creative industries (design, music, p... wenchuanxian 汶川县|Wenchuan County (Tibetan: wun khron r... wenci 文辞|language; use of words; phraseology/a... wenci 纹刺|to tattoo wenci 文词|variant of 文辭|文辞[wen2ci2] wencun 温存|tender/affectionate/tenderness wenda 问答|question and answer wenda 闻达|illustrious and influential/well-known wendai 温带|temperate zone wendan 文旦|pomelo wendang 文档|(computer) file; document; documentation wendang 稳当|reliable/secure/stable/firm wendangduixiangmoxing 文档对象模型|Document Object Model (DOM) wendao 闻到|to smell/to sniff sth out/to perceive... wendao 问道|to ask the way/to ask wendao 问倒|to stump/to baffle wendaoyumang 问道于盲|lit. to ask a blind man the way (idio... wendeheke 温得和克|Windhoek, capital of Namibia wendie 文牒|official document wending 稳定|steady/stable/stability/to stabilize/... wending 问鼎|to aspire to the throne/to aim at (th... wendingdu 稳定度|degree of stability wendingqingzhong 问鼎轻重|lit. to inquire whether the tripods a... wendingtang 稳定塘|waste stabilization pond wendingwujia 稳定物价|stable prices/commodity prices fixed ... wendingxing 稳定性|stability wendingzhongyuan 问鼎中原|to plan to seize power of the whole c... wendu 温度|temperature/CL:個|个[ge4] wendu 文牍|paperwork/official documents and lett... wendu 文读|literary (rather than colloquial) pro... wendubiao 温度表|thermometer wenduji 温度计|thermometer/thermograph wendutidu 温度梯度|temperature gradient wenduzhuyi 文牍主义|red tape wenfa 文法|grammar wenfangsibao 文房四宝|Four Treasures of the Study, namely 筆... wenfeng 文风|writing style/(used with 鼎盛[ding3 she... wenfeng 文峰|Wenfeng district of Anyang city 安陽市|安... wenfengbudong 文风不动|absolutely still/fig. not the slighte... wenfengbudong 纹风不动|absolutely still/fig. not the slighte... wenfengerdong 闻风而动|to respond instantly/to act at once o... wenfengqu 文峰区|Wenfeng district of Anyang city 安陽市|安... wenfengsangdan 闻风丧胆|hear the wind and lose gall (idiom); ... wenfengxiandun 闻风先遁|to flee at hearing the news (idiom) wenfengzhen 文峰镇|Wenfeng town (common place name) weng 瓮|variant of 甕|瓮[weng4]/earthen jar/urn weng 瓮|surname Weng weng 瓮|pottery container for water, wine etc weng 瓮|variant of 甕|瓮[weng4] weng 翁|surname Weng weng 翁|elderly man/father/father-in-law/neck... weng 鹟|flycatcher (bird) weng 塕|flying dust (dialect)/dust weng 滃|(of clouds) to rise/(of water) to swell weng 奣|clear and cloudless sky weng 嗡|(onom.) buzz/hum/drone weng 嵡|of mountainous appearance weng 蓊|luxuriant vegetation weng 蕹|water spinach or ong choy (Ipomoea aq... weng 齆|stuffy (nose)/nasal (voice) weng 螉|see 蠮螉[ye1 weng1] weng 瞈|see 瞈矇|瞈蒙[weng3 meng2] weng 暡|used in 暡曚[weng3 meng2] weng 𬭩|shovel/spade/-onium (chemistry) wengan 瓮安|Wengan county in Qiannan Buyei and Mi... wenganxian 瓮安县|Wengan county in Qiannan Buyei and Mi... wenganxian 翁安县|Weng\'an County in Qiannan Buyei and M... wengao 文稿|manuscript/article (in newspaper)/draft wengao 文告|written statement/proclamation/announ... wengbeng 塕埲|dust storm wengcai 瓮菜|variant of 蕹菜[weng4 cai4] wengcai 蓊菜|see 蕹菜[weng4 cai4] wengcai 蕹菜|water spinach/ong choy/swamp cabbage/... wengcheng 瓮城|enceinte of a city gate/barbican entr... wenge 文革|Cultural Revolution (1966-76) (abbr. ... wenge 文蛤|clam/bivalve mollusk, many spp. wengehua 温哥华|Vancouver (city in Canada) wengehuadao 温哥华岛|Vancouver Island wenggu 翁姑|husband\'s father and mother wengguan 瓮棺|funerary urn wengguanzang 瓮棺葬|urn burial wengmeng 暡曚|(literary) (of daylight) dim wengmeng 瞈蒙|blurred vision wengniute 翁牛特|Ongniud banner or Ongnuud khoshuu in ... wengniuteqi 翁牛特旗|Ongniud banner or Ongnuud khoshuu in ... wengong 豱公|piggy (joking name) wengongwuxia 文攻武吓|(of a nation) to denounce and threate... wengshan 翁山|see 昂山[Ang2 Shan1] wengshansuji 翁山苏姬|see 昂山素季[Ang2 Shan1 Su4 Ji4] wengshengwengqi 瓮声瓮气|to speak in a low muffled voice (idiom) wengu 稳固|stable/steady/firm/to stabilize wenguerzhixin 温故而知新|to review the old and know the new (i... wenguoshifei 文过饰非|(idiom) to cover up one\'s faults; to ... wenguozexi 闻过则喜|to accept criticism gladly (humble ex... wenguzhixin 温故知新|to review the old and know the new (i... wengweng 嗡嗡|(onom.) buzz; drone; hum wengwengdan 嗡嗡弹|buzzing bomb wengwengjiao 嗡嗡叫|hum/drone/buzz (of insects) wengwengsheng 嗡嗡声|hum/drone/buzz wengwengzula 嗡嗡祖拉|vuvuzela (horn blown by sports fans) wengxu 翁婿|father-in-law (wife\'s father) and son... wengyuan 翁源|Wengyuan County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Sha... wengyuanxian 翁源县|Wengyuan County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Sha... wengzhong-zhuobie 瓮中捉鳖|lit. to catch a turtle in a jar (idio... wengzhongzhibie 瓮中之鳖|lit. like a turtle in a jar/to be tra... wengzong 螉䗥|parasitic wasp (of bovine and equine ... wenhan-wennuan 问寒问暖|(idiom) to show concern about sb\'s we... wenhao 问号|question mark (punct.)/unknown factor... wenhao 文号|document identifier code (typically i... wenhao 问好|to say hello to/to send one\'s regards to wenhao 文豪|literary giant/great writer/eminent w... wenhe 吻合|to be a good fit/to be identical with... wenhe 温和|mild/gentle/moderate wenhen 吻痕|hickey/love bite wenheng 稳恒|steady/stable and permanent/constant/... wenhengtai 稳恒态|steady state/stable and permanent att... wenhepai 温和派|moderate faction wenhexing 温和性|tenderness wenhou 问候|to give one\'s respects/to send a gree... wenhou 温厚|good-natured/warm and generous/gentle wenhou 稳厚|steady and honest wenhoubei 纹喉鹎|(bird species of China) stripe-throat... wenhoufengmei 纹喉凤鹛|(bird species of China) stripe-throat... wenhu 温乎|warm; lukewarm wenhua 问话|to ask sb a question/question wenhua 文化|culture/civilization/cultural/CL:個|个[... wenhuaceng 文化层|cultural layer (in an archaeological ... wenhuacheng 文化城|city of culture wenhuachongji 文化冲击|culture shock wenhuachuantong 文化传统|cultural tradition wenhuadageming 文化大革命|Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) wenhuagong 文化宫|cultural palace wenhuahelvyoubu 文化和旅游部|(PRC) Ministry of Culture and Tourism wenhuahuangmo 文化荒漠|cultural desert wenhuajiaoliu 文化交流|cultural exchange wenhuaquan 文化圈|sphere of cultural influence wenhuare 文化热|cultural fever/cultural craze wenhuashamo 文化沙漠|cultural desert wenhuashi 文化史|cultural history wenhuashuiping 文化水平|educational level wenhuayichan 文化遗产|cultural heritage wenhuazhangai 文化障碍|cultural barrier wenhuibao 文汇报|Wen Wei Po (Hong Kong newspaper)/Wenh... wenhuo 稳获|to be certain to get wenhuo 温和|lukewarm wenhuo 文火|small flame (when cooking, simmering ... wenji 文集|collected works wenji 吻技|kissing technique wenjiabao 温家宝|Wen Jiabao (1942-), Premier of PRC fr... wenjian 文件|document/file/CL:份[fen4] wenjian 稳健|firm/stable and steady wenjian 闻见|to smell/to hear/knowledge/information wenjiandaxiao 文件大小|file size wenjianfuwuqi 文件服务器|file server wenjiang 温江|Wenjiang district of Chengdu city 成都市... wenjiangeshi 文件格式|file format wenjiangqu 温江区|Wenjiang district of Chengdu city 成都市... wenjiangxuehai 文江学海|river of literacy, sea of learning (i... wenjianjia 文件夹|folder/file (paper) wenjiao 文教|culture and education wenjin 问津|to make inquiries (mostly used in the... wenjindu 文锦渡|Man Kam To (place in Hong Kong) wenjing 文静|(of a person\'s manner or character) g... wenjing 稳静|steady/calm wenjing 问荆|field horsetail (Equisetum arvense) wenjing 温静|quiet and gentle wenjiqiwu 闻鸡起舞|to start practicing at the first crow... wenjiu 温酒|to warm up wine/wine served warm, gen... wenju 文具|stationery/item of stationery (pen, p... wenju 温居|to have a housewarming party/to celeb... wenjuan 问卷|questionnaire/CL:份[fen4] wenjudian 文具店|stationery store wenjue 温觉|heat sensation wenjushang 文具商|stationer wenkang 文康|Wen Kang (mid-19th century), Manchu-b... wenkanghuodong 文康活动|cultural and recreational activities ... wenke 文科|liberal arts/humanities wenkeshaji 问客杀鸡|lit. asking guests whether or not to ... wenkexueshi 文科学士|Bachelor of Arts B.A. wenkong 稳控|to get (a situation) under control/to... wenku 文库|collection of documents/library/book ... wenlai 汶莱|Brunei Darussalam, independent sultan... wenlai 文莱|Brunei Darussalam, independent sultan... wenlaidalusalanguo 文莱达鲁萨兰国|Brunei Darussalam wenli 纹理|vein lines (in marble or fingerprint)... wenli 文理|arts and sciences wenli 温理|to review (a lesson etc)/to bring bac... wenlian 文联|abbr. for 中國文學藝術界聯合會|中国文学艺术界联合会, Chin... wenlian 稳练|steady and proficient/skilled and rel... wenliang 温良|warm and kind wenliang 辒辌|(sleeping) carriage/hearse wenlianggongjian 温良恭俭|temperate, kind, courteous and restra... wenlianggongjianrang 温良恭俭让|temperate, kind, courteous, restraine... wenliangrenrang 温良忍让|submissive/accommodating wenling 温岭|Wenling, county-level city in Taizhou... wenlingshi 温岭市|Wenling, county-level city in Taizhou... wenliu 紊流|turbulent flow wenlu 纹路|veined pattern/wrinkles/vein lines (i... wenlu 问路|to ask for directions/to ask the way ... wenluan 紊乱|disorder/chaos wenlv 纹缕|veined pattern/wrinkles/vein lines (i... wenlv 文旅|cultural tourism wenlvbu 文旅部|(PRC) Ministry of Culture and Tourism... wenlvr 纹缕儿|erhua variant of 紋縷|纹缕[wen2 lu:3] wenmang 文盲|illiterate wenmi 文秘|secretary wenmian 文面|to tattoo the face/face tattoo/to bra... wenmian 纹面|variant of 文面[wen2mian4] wenming 闻名|well-known/famous/renowned/eminent wenming 文明|civilized/civilization/culture/CL:個|个... wenming 问名|to enquire, according to custom, afte... wenming-xiaer 闻名遐迩|(idiom) to be famous far and wide wenmingbing 文明病|lifestyle diseases wenmingburujianmian 闻名不如见面|knowing sb by their reputation can\'t ... wenminghua 文明化|civilize wenmingxiaoshi 文明小史|Short History of Civilization, late Q... wenmingyushi 闻名于世|world-famous wenmo 文墨|writing/culture wenna 稳拿|a sure gain/sth one is sure to obtain wennibo 温尼伯|Winnipeg, capital of Manitoba, Canada wennuan 温暖|warm wenping 文凭|diploma wenpo 稳婆|midwife (old term) wenpo 榅桲|quince (Cydonia oblonga) wenqi 文气|the impact of a piece of writing on t... wenqian 揾钱|(dialect) to make money wenqiesite 温切斯特|Winchester (town in south England, ca... wenqing 温情|tenderness/warmth/warmhearted/softhea... wenqing 文青|young person who adopts an outwardly ... wenqingmomo 温情脉脉|full of tender feelings (idiom); tend... wenquan 温泉|Arishang Nahiyisi or Wenquan county i... wenquan 温泉|hot spring/spa/onsen wenquancheng 温泉城|hot springs wenquandan 温泉蛋|onsen tamago; hot spring egg (soft-bo... wenquanxian 温泉县|Arishang Nahiyisi or Wenquan county i... wenquxing 文曲星|constellation governing scholarship a... wenre 温热|tepid/to warm up (food etc) wenren 闻人|famous person wenren 文人|cultivated individual; scholar; literati wenrenxiangqing 文人相轻|scholars tend to disparage one anothe... wenrou 温柔|gentle and soft; tender; sweet (commo... wenrun 温润|gentle/kindly/mild and humid (climate) wenruoshusheng 文弱书生|(idiom) frail scholar wenruqiren 文如其人|the writing style mirrors the writer ... wenrutaishan 稳如泰山|steady as Mt Tai/as safe as houses wenshan 文山|Wenshan District in Taipei 臺北市|台北市[Ta... wenshang 汶上|Wenshang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 n... wenshangqu 闻上去|to smell of sth/to smell like sth wenshangxian 汶上县|Wenshang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 n... wenshanhuihai 文山会海|a mountain of paperwork and a sea of ... wenshanqu 文山区|Wenshan District in Taipei 臺北市|台北市[Ta... wenshanxian 文山线|Taipei Metro Wenshan Line (known as t... wenshanzhou 文山州|abbr. for 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 sh... wenshanzhuangzumiaozuzizhizhou 文山壮族苗族自治州|Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous pr... wenshen 纹身|tattoo wenshen 文身|to tattoo wenshen 瘟神|demon personifying pestilence wensheng 稳胜|to beat comfortably/to win easily/abb... wenshengqu 文圣区|Wensheng district of Liaoyang city 遼陽... wenshi 温室|greenhouse wenshi 问世|to be published/to come out wenshi 文饰|to polish a text/rhetoric/ornate lang... wenshi 纹饰|decorative motif/figure wenshi 文史|literature and history wenshi 文士|literati/scholar wenshi 问事|to ask for information/to inquire wenshi 稳实|steady/calm and practical wenshi 问市|to hit the market wenshi 揾食|to earn one\'s living (Cantonese)/Mand... wenshi 文石|aragonite (geology) wenshiqiti 温室气体|greenhouse gas wenshixiaoying 温室效应|greenhouse effect wenshu 文书|document/official correspondence/secr... wenshu 文殊|Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen aw... wenshuchuli 文书处理|paperwork; clerical tasks/(Tw) word p... wenshui 文水|Wenshui county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 ... wenshuixian 文水县|Wenshui county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 ... wenshun 温顺|docile/meek wenshupusa 文殊菩萨|Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen aw... wenshushilipusa 文殊师利菩萨|Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen aw... wensi 文思|the train of thought in writing wensi 纹丝|tiny bit/a jot/whisker wensibudong 纹丝不动|to not move a single jot (idiom) wensidun 温斯顿|Winston (name) wensir 纹丝儿|erhua variant of 紋絲|纹丝[wen2 si1] wensu 温宿|Onsu nahiyisi (Wensu county) in Aksu ... wensuoweiwen 闻所未闻|unheard of/an extremely rare and unpr... wensuxian 温宿县|Onsu nahiyisi (Wensu county) in Aksu ... wentai 稳态|steady state/homeostasis wentaililun 稳态理论|the steady-state theory (cosmology) wentan 文坛|literary circles wentetuer 温特图尔|Winterthur, Switzerland wenti 问题|question/problem/issue/topic/CL:個|个[ge4] wenti 文体|genre of writing/literary form/style/... wentianxiang 文天祥|Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283), Song dynas... wentie 稳贴|safe/to appease/to reassure wentirou 温体肉|meat that is not refrigerated after t... wentong 文童|a person studying for the imperial ex... wentoubanchimei 纹头斑翅鹛|(bird species of China) hoary-throate... wentun 温吞|tepid; lukewarm/(fig.) apathetic; hal... wentuo 稳妥|dependable wenwan 温婉|sweet-tempered/gentle wenwang 温网|Wimbledon Championships (tennis)/abbr... wenwen 温温|mild wenwen 温文|genteel wenwenerya 温文尔雅|cultured and refined (idiom); gentle ... wenwu 文物|cultural relic/historical relic/CL:件[... wenwu 文武|civil and military wenwubaiguan 文武百官|civil and military officials wenwuheyi 文武合一|civilians and the military (working) ... wenwujing 文物径|heritage trail wenwushuangquan 文武双全|well versed in letters and military t... wenxi 闻喜|Wenxi county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 c... wenxi 温习|to review (a lesson etc) wenxi 闻悉|to hear (about sth) wenxi 吻戏|kissing scene (in a movie etc) wenxian 文献|document wenxian 文县|Wen county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan... wenxian 温县|Wen county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4],... wenxiang 蚊香|mosquito-repellent incense or coil wenxianxue 文献学|Philology/Historical Linguistics wenxin 温馨|comfort/soft and fragrant/warm wenxintishi 温馨提示|Please note:/tip/hint wenxinwukui 问心无愧|lit. look into one\'s heart, no shame ... wenxinyoukui 问心有愧|to have a guilty conscience wenxiong 文胸|bra wenxiongbanchimei 纹胸斑翅鹛|(bird species of China) streak-throat... wenxiongjiaomei 纹胸鹪鹛|(bird species of China) eyebrowed wre... wenxiongmei 纹胸鹛|(bird species of China) pin-striped t... wenxiongzhique 纹胸织雀|(bird species of China) streaked weav... wenxiongzhuomuniao 纹胸啄木鸟|(bird species of China) stripe-breast... wenxixian 闻喜县|Wenxi county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 c... wenxu 温煦|warm wenxuan 文宣|promotional material/propaganda wenxuan 文选|compilation/selected works wenxuanbu 文宣部|propaganda department wenxue 文学|literature/CL:種|种[zhong3] wenxue 温血|warm blooded (animal) wenxueboshi 文学博士|Doctor of Letters wenxuejia 文学家|writer/man of letters/CL:個|个[ge4] wenxuejujiang 文学巨匠|literary master wenxueshi 文学史|history of literature wenxueshi 文学士|Bachelor of Arts/B.A./BA/A.B./Artium ... wenxun 闻讯|to receive news (of) wenxun 问讯|interrogation/greeting wenxun 温驯|docile/meek/harmless/moderate and obe... wenxuque 文须雀|(bird species of China) bearded reedl... wenya 稳压|stabilized voltage; regulated voltage... wenya 文雅|elegant/refined wenya 温雅|gentle; urbane; refined wenya 温压|temperature and pressure wenyaerjiguan 稳压二极管|Zener diode wenyan 文言|Classical Chinese wenyan 闻言|to have heard what was said wenyanhuanliu 温盐环流|thermohaline circulation (oceanography) wenyanwen 文言文|Classical Chinese writing wenyi 瘟疫|plague; pestilence wenyi 文艺|literature and art wenyibing 文艺兵|PLA military personnel who specialize... wenyiduo 闻一多|Wen Yiduo (1899-1946), poet and patri... wenyifuxing 文艺复兴|the Renaissance wenyin 纹银|fine silver wenyiyanchu 文艺演出|theatrical performance/CL:場|场[chang3] wenyizaidao 文以载道|words of truth/moral expressed in wor... wenyizhishi 闻一知十|lit. to hear one and know ten (idiom)... wenyizuopin 文艺作品|literary work/art work wenyu 文娱|cultural recreation/entertainment wenyuan 文苑|the literary world wenyuan 文员|office worker; clerk wenyuanyinghua 文苑英华|Finest Blossoms in the Garden of Lite... wenyue 文约|contract/written agreement wenzaiyin 文在寅|Moon Jae-in (1953-), Korean politicia... wenze 问责|to hold accountable; to blame; to cen... wenzexing 问责性|accountability wenzezifu 文责自负|the author takes sole responsibility ... wenzhai 文摘|digest (of literature)/to make a dige... wenzhang 文章|article/essay/literary works/writings... wenzhang 纹章|coat of arms wenzhang 蚊帐|mosquito net/CL:頂|顶[ding3] wenzhawenda 稳扎稳打|to go steady and strike hard (in figh... wenzhen 问诊|(TCM) interrogation, one of the four ... wenzhen 闻诊|(TCM) auscultation and smelling, one ... wenzhengming 文征明|Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), Ming paint... wenzhi 文职|civilian post (as opposed to military... wenzhibinbin 文质彬彬|refined in manner/gentle wenzhiwugong 文治武功|political and military achievements (... wenzhong 稳重|steady/earnest/staid wenzhong 文种|Wen Zhong (-467 BC), adviser to the s... wenzhongqiujin 稳中求进|to make progress while ensuring stabi... wenzhou 温州|see 溫州市|温州市[Wen1zhou1 Shi4] wenzhoushi 温州市|Wenzhou, prefecture-level city in Zhe... wenzhouzhou 文绉绉|bookish/genteel/erudite wenzhouzhou 文诌诌|bookish/genteel/erudite wenzhu 文竹|setose asparagus wenzhu 问住|to stump sb with a question wenzi 文字|character/script/writing/written lang... wenzi 蚊子|mosquito wenzibao 蚊子包|mosquito bite wenzichuli 文字处理|word processing wenzidang 文字档|text file wenzigaige 文字改革|reform of the writing system wenziguan 蚊子馆|(jocular) public building that has be... wenzixue 文字学|philology wenzixuejia 文字学家|expert on writing systems wenziyu 文字狱|literary inquisition/official persecu... wenzizaixiaoyeshirou 蚊子再小也是肉|lit. even a mosquito, though tiny, pr... wenzong 文宗|Wenzong Emperor, reign name of Yuan D... wenzong 文宗|(literary) writer whose works are ven... wenzui 问罪|to denounce/to condemn/to call to acc... wenzuizhishi 问罪之师|punitive force/a person setting out t... wenzuodiaoyutai 稳坐钓鱼台|lit. to sit tight on the fishing terr... wo 我|I; me; my wo 窝|nest/pit or hollow on the human body/... wo 卧|to lie/to crouch wo 握|to hold; to grasp/to clench (one\'s fi... wo 瓁|uncarved jade wo 涡|eddy/whirlpool wo 喔|(onom.) cry of a rooster (usu. redupl... wo 沃|fertile/rich/to irrigate/to wash (of ... wo 肟|oxime/oximide/-oxil (chemistry) wo 蜗|snail/Taiwan pr. [gua1]/see 蝸牛|蜗牛[wo1... wo 偓|constrained wo 硪|see 石硪[shi2 wo4] wo 渥|to enrich/to moisten wo 挝|used 老撾|老挝[Lao3wo1] wo 倭|dwarf/Japanese (derog.) (old) wo 涴|to soil wo 莴|used in 萵苣|莴苣[wo1ju4]/used in 萵筍|莴笋[w... wo 龌|dirty/small-minded wo 幄|tent wo 婐|maid wo 薶|to make dirty/to soil wo 踒|to slip and sprain a limb wo 斡|to turn wobei 我辈|(literary) we/us wobie 握别|to shake hands wobing 卧病|ill in bed; bed-ridden wobor 窝脖儿|to suffer a snub/to meet with a rebuff wobuan 卧不安|restless insomnia wocan 卧蚕|plump lower eyelids (considered to be... wocang 窝藏|to harbor/to shelter wocang 卧舱|sleeping cabin on a boat or train wocao 卧槽|(Internet slang) (substitute for 我肏[w... wocao 卧草|(substitute for 我肏[wo3 cao4]) fuck/WT... wocao 我曹|(archaic) we/us/(Internet slang) (sub... wocao 我肏|(vulgar) fuck/WTF wocao 我操|(substitute for 我肏[wo3 cao4]) fuck/WTF wochao 窝巢|nest woche 卧车|(railroad) sleeping car wochi 握持|to hold in one\'s hand; to grip wochonggang 涡虫纲|Turbellaria (an order of flatworms) wochuang 卧床|to lie in bed/bedridden/bed wochuang 蜗窗|fenestra cochleae (in middle ear) wochuo 龌龊|dirty; filthy/vile; despicable/(liter... woda 窝咑|otak, a Malay food wodafeng 沃达丰|Vodafone (telephone company) wodao 卧倒|to lie down/to drop to the ground wodeng 我等|we/us (archaic) wodeshijie 我的世界|Minecraft (video game) wodi 卧底|to hide (as an undercover agent)/an i... wodian 窝点|lair; den (of illegal activities) wodui 渥堆|wet piling, aka wet pile fermentation... wodun 沃顿|Wharton (name) woerfensen 沃尔芬森|Wolfson, Wulfsohn etc (name) woerfu 沃尔夫|Wolf, Woolf (name) woerfujiang 沃尔夫奖|the Wolf Prize (for science and arts) woerfusibao 沃尔夫斯堡|Wolfsburg woerma 沃尔玛|Wal-Mart, Walmart (retailer) woertehuiteman 沃尔特·惠特曼|Walt Whitman (1819-1892), American po... woerwo 沃尔沃|Volvo (Swedish car company) wofang 卧房|bedroom/a sleeping compartment (on a ... wofang 我方|our side; we wofo 卧佛|reclining Buddha wofu 窝夫|waffle (loanword) wogan 蜗杆|worm (mechanical engineering) woganfu 蜗杆副|worm-gear pair/worm drive/worm and wo... wogong 窝工|(of workers) to have no work to do/to... wogua 倭瓜|(dialect) pumpkin woguan 沃灌|to irrigate/to wash with water wogui 卧轨|to lie across the railway tracks (to ... woguo 我国|my country; our country woguor 卧果儿|a poached egg wohe 涡核|eye of a vortex woheixingxing 倭黑猩猩|bonobo/pygmy chimpanzee wohu 卧虎|crouching tiger/fig. major figure in ... wohucanglong 卧虎藏龙|Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, movie... wohucanglong 卧虎藏龙|lit. hidden dragon, crouching tiger (... wojiang 涡桨|turboprop woju 莴苣|lettuce (Lactuca sativa) woju 蜗居|humble abode/to live (in a tiny, cram... woju 卧具|bedding wojun 倭军|Japanese army (derog.) (old) wokao 我靠|bosh!/crap!/see also 哇靠[wa1 kao4] wokesihaoer 沃克斯豪尔|Vauxhall (English car brand and city) wokou 倭寇|Japanese pirates (in 16th and 17th ce... wokuotai 窝阔台|Ögedei Khan (1186-1242), a son of Gen... wokuotaihan 窝阔台汗|Ögedei Khan (1186-1242), a son of Gen... wolegequ 我勒个去|(slang) shoot!/crap! woli 握力|(strength of one\'s) grip woliao 窝料|groundbait wolidou 窝里斗|internal strife (family, group, etc) wolifan 窝里反|see 窩裡鬥|窝里斗[wo1 li5 dou4] woliheng 窝里横|(coll.) meek and civil in public, but... wolong 卧龙|nickname of Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮/Wolon... wolong 卧龙|sleeping dragon/(fig.) a person of ou... wolongdaxiongmaobaohuqu 卧龙大熊猫保护区|Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve in ... wolonggang 卧龙岗|Wollongong, Australia wolongqu 卧龙区|Wolong district of Nanyang city 南陽|南阳... wolongziranbaohuqu 卧龙自然保护区|Wolong National Nature Reserve in Wen... wolu 蜗庐|humble abode wolun 沃伦|Warren (name) wolun 涡轮|turbine wolunbafeite 沃伦·巴菲特|Warren Buffett (1930-), the Sage of O... wolunpenqifadongji 涡轮喷气发动机|turbojet wolunzhoufadongji 涡轮轴发动机|turboshaft woluonieri 沃罗涅日|Voronezh, city in the southwest of Eu... womayawangchao 倭马亚王朝|Umayyad Empire (661-750, in Iberia -1... women 我们|we; us; ourselves; our wonang 窝囊|to feel vexed/annoyed/good-for-nothin... wonangfei 窝囊废|(coll.) spineless coward/wimp/a good-... wonangqi 窝囊气|pent-up frustration/petty annoyances wonei 卧内|bedroom woniu 蜗牛|snail/Taiwan pr. [gua1 niu2] wonongbao 窝脓包|useless weakling wopen 涡喷|turbojet wopu 卧铺|a bed (on a train)/a couchette woqu 我去|(slang) what the ...!; oh my god!; th... woquan 握拳|to make a fist worang 沃壤|fertile soil worao 沃饶|see 饒沃|饶沃[rao2 wo4] word word|my (Internet slang variant of 我的[wo3 ... wordjie word姐|my big sister (Internet slang version... woren 倭人|dwarf/(old) (derog.) Japanese person woren 我人|we woshan 涡扇|turbofan woshi 卧室|bedroom/CL:間|间[jian1] woshi 卧式|lying/horizontal woshou 握手|to shake hands woshui 沃水|Wo river in Shanxi wosi 我司|our company (used in business corresp... wosun 莴笋|Chinese lettuce/celtuce/asparagus let... wota 卧榻|a couch/a narrow bed wotaihua 渥太华|Ottawa, capital of Canada wotesen 沃特森|Watson (name) wotu 沃土|fertile land wotui 卧推|bench press wowei 卧位|berth wowotou 窝窝头|a kind of a bread woxin 窝心|aggrieved/dejected/(Tw, southern Chin... woxinchangdan 卧薪尝胆|lit. to sleep on brushwood and taste ... woxinchangdan 卧薪尝胆|lit. to lie on firewood and taste gal... woxing 蜗行|to advance at a snail\'s pace woxingniubu 蜗行牛步|lit. to crawl like a snail and plod a... woxingwosu 我行我素|to continue in one\'s own way (idiom) woxuan 涡旋|eddy/vortex woxuan 斡旋|to mediate (a conflict etc) woxuan 蜗旋|to spiral woyan 沃衍|rich and fertile (soil) woyan 蜗蜒|snail woye 沃野|fertile land woyeshizuile 我也是醉了|(Internet slang) I can\'t even.../Are ... woyou 握有|to have; to hold (usu. sth abstract: ... wozhegeren 我这个人|me personally; the sort of person I am wozher 我这儿|where I am/my place wozhou 沃州|Vaud province of Switzerland wozhu 握住|to grip/to hold wozhu 窝主|person who harbors criminals/receiver... wozhuo 龌浊|filthy/nasty/sordid/impure (motives) wozi 窝子|lair/den/stronghold wozuiyumian 我醉欲眠|lit. I\'m drunk and would like to slee... wu 无|not to have/no/none/not/to lack/un-/-... wu 物|(bound form) thing/(literary) the out... wu 武|surname Wu wu 武|martial/military wu 巫|surname Wu/also pr. [Wu2] wu 巫|witch/wizard/shaman/also pr. [wu2] wu 舞|to dance/to wield/to brandish wu 乌|abbr. for country names that begin wi... wu 乌|crow/black wu 吾|surname Wu wu 吾|(old) I; my wu 五|five/5 wu 伍|surname Wu wu 伍|squad of five soldiers/to associate w... wu 悟|to comprehend/to apprehend/to become ... wu 恶|to hate/to loathe/ashamed/to fear/to ... wu 污|variant of 污[wu1] wu 污|dirty/filthy/foul/corrupt/to smear/to... wu 於|(literary) Oh!/Ah! wu 戊|fifth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[s... wu 婺|beautiful wu 庑|variant of 蕪|芜[wu2] wu 庑|small rooms facing or to the side of ... wu 碔|inferior gem/a kind of jade wu 坞|(bound form) low area within a surrou... wu 坞|variant of 塢|坞[wu4] wu 误|mistake/error/to miss/to harm/to dela... wu 钨|tungsten (chemistry) wu 捂|to enclose/to cover with the hand (on... wu 呜|(onom.) for humming or whimpering wu 雾|fog/mist/CL:場|场[chang2],陣|阵[zhen4] wu 邬|surname Wu/ancient place name wu 唔|oh (expression of agreement or surpri... wu 务|affair/business/matter/to be engaged ... wu 芜|overgrown with weeds wu 兀|surname Wu wu 兀|cut off the feet/rising to a height/t... wu 勿|do not wu 毋|surname Wu wu 毋|(literary) no/don\'t/to not have/nobody wu 骛|(bound form) to rush about/to strive for wu 〥|numeral 5 in the Suzhou numeral syste... wu 怃|(literary) to have tender affection f... wu 鹜|duck wu 啎|obstinate, disobedient, intractable wu 妩|flatter/to please wu 晤|to meet (socially) wu 侮|to insult/to ridicule/to disgrace wu 遻|recalcitrant/to encounter wu 蜈|used in 蜈蚣[wu2gong1] wu 午|7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., n... wu 圬|to plaster/whitewash wu 寤|to awake from sleep wu 芴|fluorene C13H10/(old) name of an edib... wu 忤|disobedient/unfilial wu 诬|to accuse falsely wu 浯|(name of several rivers in China) wu 杌|low stool wu 仵|surname Wu wu 仵|equal/well-matched/to violate wu 屼|bare hill wu 梧|Sterculia platanifolia wu 麌|stag/herd wu 鼯|flying squirrel wu 焐|to warm sth up wu 扤|to shake/to sway wu 鹉|used in 鸚鵡|鹦鹉[ying1wu3] wu 摀|variant of 捂[wu3]/to cover wu 峿|name of a mountain wu 悮|to impede/to delay/variant of 誤|误[wu4] wu 阢|used in 阢隉|阢陧[wu4nie4] wu 鋈|-plated/to plate wu 屋|(bound form) house/(bound form) room wu 牾|to oppose/to gore wu 甒|vase/jar wu 洿|dig (a pond)/stagnant water wu 靰|leg warmer wu 郚|place name wu 痦|(flat) mole wu 祦|happy/used in historical names wu 蘁|to disobey/contrary/against/to go aga... wu 珷|inferior gem/a kind of jade wu 俉|used in 逢俉[feng2wu2] wu 倵|(used in given names) wu 迕|obstinate, perverse wu 铻|hoe wu 橆|variant of 無|无[wu2] wu 卼|uncomfortable/unsteady wu 鹀|(bound form) bunting (bird of genus E... wu 娒|variant of 侮[wu3] wu 杇|to plaster/whitewash wu 呉|Japanese variant of 吳|吴[Wu2] wu 沕|abstruse/profound wu 㐅|old variant of 五[wu3] wu 鋘|to plaster/trowel wu 吴|surname Wu/area comprising southern J... wu 𣲘|river in Henan wuai 雾霭|mist wuai 无碍|without inconvenience/unimpeded/unhin... wuan 武安|Wu\'an, county-level city in Handan 邯鄲... wuan 午安|Good afternoon!/Hello (daytime greeting) wuanshi 武安市|Wu\'an, county-level city in Handan 邯鄲... wuba 五霸|the Five Hegemons of the Spring and A... wubabituona 戊巴比妥钠|pentasorbital sodium (a sedative) wubaidi 乌拜迪|Ubaydi (town in Iraq) wubainianqianshiyijia 五百年前是一家|five hundred years ago we were the sa... wuban 舞伴|dancing partner wubangguo 吴邦国|Wu Bangguo (1941-), PRC electrical en... wubanzouhechang 无伴奏合唱|a cappella (music) wubao 坞堡|small fortress; fortified compound wubawo 无把握|uncertain wubei 吾辈|(literary) we/us wubeizishu 五倍子树|Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis) wubi 五笔|abbr. of 五筆字型|五笔字型, five stroke input... wubi 舞弊|to engage in fraud wubi 务必|must/to need to/to be sure to wubi 坞壁|small fortress; fortified compound wubi 芜鄙|muddled and limited (of writing) wubi 无比|incomparable/matchless wubian 无边|without boundary/not bordered wubian 舞抃|see 抃舞[bian4wu3] wubian-wuji 无边无际|(idiom) boundless; limitless wubianxing 五边形|pentagon wubiaoqing 无表情|expressionless/wooden (expression)/bl... wubibianma 五笔编码|five-stroke code, Chinese character i... wubijiaoji 无比较级|absolute (not liable to comparative d... wubingshenyin 无病呻吟|(idiom) to moan and groan despite not... wubingzijiu 无病自灸|lit. to prescribe moxibustion for one... wubishurufa 五笔输入法|five stroke input method for Chinese ... wubizixing 五笔字型|five stroke input method for Chinese ... wubizixing 五笔字形|Chinese character input method for en... wubo 芜驳|disorderly/mixed-up/confused wubu 舞步|dance steps wubu 吴堡|Wubu County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Sh... wubu 无不|none lacking/none missing/everything ... wubu 无补|of no avail/not helping in the least wubuda 无不达|nothing he can\'t do wubushe 五步蛇|Deinagkistrodon acutus, a species of ... wubuxian 吴堡县|Wubu County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Sh... wucai 五彩|five (main) colors (white, black, red... wucai 无猜|unsuspecting/innocent and without app... wucaibinfen 五彩缤纷|all the colors in profusion (idiom); ... wucan 午餐|lunch/luncheon/CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次... wucanhui 午餐会|luncheon wucanrou 午餐肉|canned luncheon meat/Spam wucha 误差|difference/error/inaccuracy wuchan 物产|products/produce/natural resources wuchang 武昌|Wuchang district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉... wuchang 五常|Wuchang, county-level city in Harbin ... wuchang 五常|the five cardinal virtues in traditio... wuchang 舞场|dance hall wuchang 无常|variable/changeable/fickle/impermanen... wuchang 乌鲳|black pomfret wuchang 无偿|free; no charge; at no cost wuchangqiyi 武昌起义|Wuchang Uprising of October 10th, 191... wuchangqu 武昌区|Wuchang district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉... wuchangshi 五常市|Wuchang, county-level city in Harbin ... wuchanjieji 无产阶级|proletariat wuchanzhe 无产者|proletariat/non-propertied person wuchaosuozhi 物超所值|(of a product, service etc) worth mor... wuche 误车|to miss (bus, train etc) wuchen 戊辰|fifth year E5 of the 60 year cycle, e... wucheng 婺城|Wucheng district of Jinhua city 金華市|金... wucheng 武城|Wucheng county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1... wucheng 无成|achieving nothing wuchengen 吴承恩|Wu Cheng\'en (1500-1582), author (or c... wuchengqu 婺城区|Wucheng district of Jinhua city 金華市|金... wuchengxian 武城县|Wucheng county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1... wuchenxian 无衬线|(typography) sans serif wuchi 舞池|dance floor wuchi 无耻|without any sense of shame/unembarras... wuchi 无翅|wingless wuchiyilong 无齿翼龙|Pteranodon (genus of pterosaur) wuchu 吴楚|southern states of Wu and Chu/the mid... wuchu 无处|nowhere wuchuan 吴川|Wuchuan, county-level city in Zhanjia... wuchuan 武川|Wuchuan county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2... wuchuanchengyunren 无船承运人|non-vessel-owning common carrier (NVO... wuchuangelaozumiaozuzizhixian 务川仡佬族苗族自治县|Wuchuan Klau and Hmong Autonomous Cou... wuchuanshi 吴川市|Wuchuan, county-level city in Zhanjia... wuchuanxian 务川县|Wuchuan Klau and Hmong autonomous cou... wuchuanxian 武川县|Wuchuan county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2... wuchuanzizhixian 务川自治县|Wuchuan Klau and Hmong autonomous cou... wuchubuzai 无处不在|to be everywhere wuchukexun 无处可寻|cannot be found anywhere (idiom) wuchun 戊醇|amyl alcohol wuchunpijiu 无醇啤酒|low-alcohol beer/non-alcoholic beer (... wuchuqiyou 无出其右|matchless; without equal; there is no... wuchurongshen 无处容身|nowhere to hide wuci 芜词|superfluous words wucong 无从|not to have access/beyond one\'s autho... wucongxiashou 无从下手|not know where to start wucue 勿cue|(Internet slang) don\'t call on me; do... wucuo 无措|helpless wuda 乌达|Ud raion or Wuda District of Wuhait C... wuda 武打|acrobatic fighting in Chinese opera o... wudahu 五大湖|Great Lakes/the five north American G... wudai 五代|Five Dynasties, period of history bet... wudaishi 五代史|History of the Five Dynasties, eighte... wudaishiguo 五代十国|Five Dynasties (907-960) and Ten King... wudalianchi 五大连池|Wudalianchi, county-level city in Hei... wudalianchishi 五大连池市|Wudalianchi, county-level city in Hei... wudamingshan 五大名山|Five Sacred Mountains of the Daoists,... wudan 武旦|female military role in a Chinese opera wudang 乌当|Wudang District of Guiyang City 貴陽市|贵... wudangpai 无党派|politically unaffiliated/independent ... wudangqu 乌当区|Wudang District of Guiyang City 貴陽市|贵... wudangshan 武当山|Wudang Mountain range in northwest Hubei wudao 误导|to mislead/to misguide/misleading wudao 悟道|to comprehend the truth; to become en... wudao 无道|tyrannical/brutal (regime) wudao 舞蹈|dance (performance art)/dancing wudaojia 舞蹈家|dancer wudaokou 五道口|Wudaokou neighborhood of Beijing wudapian 武打片|action movie/kungfu movie wudaqu 乌达区|Ud raion or Wuda District of Wuhait C... wudasancu 五大三粗|burly/strapping/big and strong wudawuxiao 无大无小|no matter how big or small/not distin... wudawuzhuang 误打误撞|accidentally/to act before thinking wudayi 五打一|to masturbate (slang) wudazhou 五大洲|five continents/the whole world wude 武德|ethics (in the military or the martia... wudehaosi 伍德豪斯|Woodhouse or Wodehouse (name) wudelezhi 乌德勒支|Utrecht wudeng 雾灯|fog lights (of a motor vehicle) wudeng 杌凳|Chinese-style low stool wudeng 吾等|(literary) we/us wudeng 兀凳|Chinese-style low stool wudenghuiyuan 五灯会元|Song Dynasty History of Zen Buddhism ... wudengjuewei 五等爵位|five orders of feudal nobility, namel... wudi 无敌|unequalled/without rival/a paragon wudi 五帝|the Five Legendary Emperors, usually ... wudi 无底|bottomless wudi 无棣|Wudi county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 zho... wudian 污点|stain/taint wudian 误点|not on time/late (public transport, a... wudiao 乌雕|(bird species of China) greater spott... wudiaoxiao 乌雕鸮|(bird species of China) dusky eagle-o... wudidong 无底洞|bottomless pit wudifangshi 无的放矢|to shoot without aim (idiom); fig. to... wudikeng 无底坑|the bottomless pit (Hell in the Bible... wuding 屋顶|roof/CL:個|个[ge4] wuding 武定|Wuding reign name (543-550) during Ea... wuding 武丁|Wu Ding (c. 14th century BC), legenda... wudingxian 武定县|Wuding County in Chuxiong Yi Autonomo... wudingxingtan 无定形碳|amorphous carbon wudixian 无棣县|Wudi county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 zho... wudizirong 无地自容|(idiom) ashamed and unable to show on... wudong 舞动|to move as in a dance/to wave (some i... wudong 乌鸫|(bird species of China) Chinese black... wudongde 乌东德|Wudongde, the name of a hydroelectric... wudongmian 乌冬面|udon noodles wudongwuxia 无冬无夏|regardless of the season/all the year... wudongyuzhong 无动于衷|aloof/indifferent/unconcerned wudongyuzhong 无动于中|variant of 無動於衷|无动于衷[wu2 dong4 yu2 zh... wudougui 五斗柜|chest of drawers wudoumidao 五斗米道|Way of the Five Pecks of Rice (Taoist... wudu 武都|Wudu district of Longnan city 隴南市|陇南市... wudu 巫毒|voodoo (loanword) wudu 误读|to misread/(fig.) to misunderstand/to... wudu 无度|immoderate/excessive/not knowing one\'... wudu 无毒|harmless/innocuous/lit. not poisonous wudu 五度|five degrees/fifth (basic musical int... wuduan 武断|arbitrary/subjective/dogmatic wuduan 无端|for no reason at all wuduanduan 无端端|for no reason wuduanshencai 五短身材|(of a person) short in stature wudubuzhangfu 无毒不丈夫|no poison, no great man (idiom); A gr... wudujiao 巫毒教|Voodoo (religious cult) wuduqu 武都区|Wudu district of Longnan city 隴南市|陇南市... wudushi 武都市|Wudu city in Gansu wuduyouou 无独有偶|not alone but in pairs (idiom, usuall... wuebuzuo 无恶不作|not to shrink from any crime (idiom);... wuer 乌尔|Ur (Sumerian city c. 4500 BC in moder... wuerduyu 乌尔都语|Urdu (language) wuerge 乌尔格|ancient name of Ulan Bator wuergenqi 乌尔根奇|Urgench, city in Uzbekistan wuerhe 乌尔禾|Orku District of Karamay City 克拉瑪依市|克... wuerhequ 乌尔禾区|Orku District of Karamay City 克拉瑪依市|克... wuerkaixi 吾尔开希|Örkesh Dölet (1968-), one of the main... wuermu 乌尔姆|Ulm (city in Germany) wufa 无法|unable to; incapable of wufa-wutian 无法无天|(idiom) defiant of the law and lackin... wufan 午饭|lunch/CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[c... wufan 芜繁|convoluted wufang 五方|the five regions: the east, south, we... wufang 无妨|no harm (in doing it)/One might as we... wufanguo 乌饭果|blueberry wufei 无非|only/nothing else wufeng 五峰|abbr. for 五峰土家族自治縣|五峰土家族自治县[Wu3 feng1... wufeng 无缝|seamless wufengbuqilang 无风不起浪|lit. without wind there cannot be wav... wufenglianjie 无缝连接|seamless connection wufengsanchilang 无风三尺浪|lit. large waves in windless conditio... wufengtujiazuzizhixian 五峰土家族自治县|Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County in Hubei wufengxian 五峰县|abbr. for 五峰土家族自治縣|五峰土家族自治县[Wu3 feng1... wufengxiang 五峰乡|Wufeng township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣... wufenmeijin 五分美金|nickel/five US cents wufenshu 五分熟|medium (of steak) wufenzhiyi 五分之一|one fifth wufuhao 无符号|unsigned (i.e. the absolute value, re... wufulinmen 五福临门|lit. (may the) five blessings descend... wufuxiaoshou 无福消受|unfortunately cannot enjoy (idiom) wugali 乌咖哩|ugali/nshima wugan 无干|to have nothing to do with wuganda 乌干达|Uganda wugang 武冈|Wugang, county-level city in Shaoyang... wugang 舞钢|Wugang, county-level city in Pingding... wugangquan 无钢圈|wireless (bra) wugangshi 武冈市|Wugang, county-level city in Shaoyang... wugangshi 舞钢市|Wugang, county-level city in Pingding... wugao 诬告|to frame sb/to accuse falsely wugecheng 吴哥城|Ankorwat, Cambodia wugeku 吴哥窟|Angkor Wat, temple complex in Cambodia wugeng 五更|fifth of the five night watch periods... wugeyouzhu 物各有主|everything has a rightful owner (idiom) wugong 务工|to work as a laborer wugong 蜈蚣|centipede wugong 误工|to be late for or absent from work/to... wugong 武功|Wugong County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2... wugong 武功|martial art/military accomplishments/... wugong 仵工|pallbearer wugongbushoulu 无功不受禄|Don\'t get a reward if it\'s not deserv... wugongerfan 无功而返|to return without any achievement (id... wugongshan 武功山|Mt Wugong in Jiangxi wugongshoulu 无功受禄|to get undeserved rewards (idiom) wugongxian 武功县|Wugong County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2... wugou 污垢|variant of 污垢[wu1gou4] wugou 污垢|dirt; filth; grime wugoutaochong 无钩绦虫|beef tapeworm wugu 五谷|five crops, e.g. millet 粟[su4], soybe... wugu 无故|without cause or reason wugu 五股|Wugu township in New Taipei City 新北市[... wugu 巫蛊|witchcraft wugu 无辜|innocent/innocence/not guilty (law) wuguai 无怪|No wonder!/not surprising wuguaihu 无怪乎|no wonder (that...) wuguan 五官|five sense organs of TCM (nose, eyes,... wuguan 物管|property management (abbr. for 物業管理|物... wuguan 武官|military official/military attaché wuguan 武馆|martial arts school wuguan 无关|unrelated/having nothing to do (with ... wuguanduanzheng 五官端正|to have regular features wuguang 吴广|Wu Guang (died 208 BC), Qin dynasty r... wuguang-shise 五光十色|(idiom) bright and multicolored; of r... wuguanjinyao 无关紧要|indifferent/insignificant wuguantongyang 无关痛痒|not to affect sb; irrelevant; of no i... wuguanzheng 吴官正|Wu Guanzheng (1938-), former CCP Secr... wugufengdeng 五谷丰登|abundant harvest of all food crops/bu... wugui 乌龟|tortoise/cuckold wugui 五鬼|five chief demons of folklore personi... wugui 无轨|trackless wuguidianche 无轨电车|trolleybus wuguike 乌龟壳|tortoise shell wuguinaopan 五鬼闹判|Five ghosts mock the judge, or Five g... wuguiyuanzhu 物归原主|to return something to its rightful o... wuguji 乌骨鸡|black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie... wuguo 吴国|Wu state (in south China, in differen... wuguojie 无国界|without borders (used for organizatio... wuguojiejizhe 无国界记者|Reporters Without Borders (pressure g... wuguojieliaoli 无国界料理|fusion cuisine (Tw) wuguojieyisheng 无国界医生|Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF charity... wuguoyu 吴郭鱼|(Tw) tilapia wuguxiang 五股乡|Wugu township in New Taipei City 新北市[... wuguzhihuo 巫蛊之祸|91 BC attempted coup d\'etat against E... wuhai 乌海|Wuhait or Wuhai, prefecture-level cit... wuhai 诬害|to damage by calumny wuhai 无害|harmless wuhaishi 乌海市|Wuhait or Wuhai prefecture-level city... wuhan 武汉|see 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3han4 Shi4] wuhan 吴晗|Wu Han (1909-1969), historian, author... wuhandaxue 武汉大学|Wuhan University wuhangangtiegongsi 武汉钢铁公司|Wuhan Iron and Steel wuhangbazuo 五行八作|all the trades/people of all trades a... wuhanshi 武汉市|Wuhan, sub-provincial city and capita... wuhao 五号|the fifth/fifth day of a month wuhaodi 唔好睇|unattractive (Cantonese)/Mandarin equ... wuhaodianchi 五号电池|AA battery (PRC)/Taiwan equivalent: 三... wuhe 五河|Wuhe, a county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4bu4]... wuhe 无核|nonnuclear/seedless (botany) wuhe 无何|nothing else/soon/before long wuhe 无颌|jawless (primitive fish) wuhehua 无核化|to make nuclear-free/to de-nuclearize wuhei 乌黑|jet-black/dark wuheise 乌黑色|black/crow-black wuhen 污痕|blot wuhen 无痕|traceless wuhen 恶恨|to hate; to abhor wuheng 无恒|to lack patience wuhenmoshi 无痕模式|(computing) incognito mode wuhequ 无核区|nuclear weapon-free zone wuhexian 五河县|Wuhe, a county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4bu4]... wuhezhizhong 乌合之众|(idiom) rabble; disorderly band wuhou 武侯|Wuhou district of Chengdu city 成都市[Ch... wuhou 午后|afternoon wuhou 物候|natural phenomena of a seasonal nature wuhou 无后|to lack male offspring wuhouci 武侯祠|temple dedicated to the memory of Zhu... wuhouqu 武侯区|Wuhou district of Chengdu city 成都市[Ch... wuhouxue 物候学|the study of seasonal phenomena (flou... wuhouzuolipao 无后坐力炮|recoilless rifle wuhu 呜呼|alas/alack/welladay/wellaway/to die wuhu 五胡|Five non-Han people, namely: Huns or ... wuhu 芜湖|see 蕪湖市|芜湖市[Wu2hu2 Shi4] wuhua 物化|to objectify/(literary) to die wuhua 雾化|to make into a fine spray; to atomize... wuhua 五华|Wuhua county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong... wuhuabamen 五花八门|myriad/all kinds of/all sorts of wuhuabushuo 无话不说|(of close friends etc) to tell each o... wuhuabutan 无话不谈|not to hold anything back (idiom)/(of... wuhuadabang 五花大绑|to bind a person\'s upper body, with a... wuhuaguo 无花果|fig (Ficus carica) wuhuaizai 呜呼哀哉|alas/all is lost wuhuaji 雾化机|nebulizer; atomizer wuhuakeshuo 无话可说|to have nothing to say (idiom) wuhuan 五环|five rings/pentacyclic (chemistry) wuhuan 乌桓|Wuhuan (nomadic tribe) wuhuanhuihui 五环会徽|Olympic rings wuhuanzi 无患子|Sapindales/order of scented bushes an... wuhuaqi 雾化器|nebulizer; atomizer wuhuaqu 五华区|Wuhua district of Kunming city 昆明市[Ku... wuhuarou 五花肉|pork belly/streaky pork wuhuaxian 五华县|Wuhua county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong wuhui 误会|to misunderstand/to mistake/misunders... wuhui 舞会|dance/ball/party/CL:場|场[chang3] wuhui 污秽|(literary) dirty; filthy/(literary) d... wuhui 芜秽|to be overgrown with weeds wuhui 无悔|to have no regrets wuhuidong 乌灰鸫|(bird species of China) Japanese thru... wuhuiwu 舞会舞|party dancing wuhuiyao 乌灰鹞|(bird species of China) Montagu\'s har... wuhuiyinou 乌灰银鸥|(bird species of China) lesser black-... wuhujiang 五虎将|Liu Bei\'s five great generals in Roma... wuhun 五荤|(Buddhism etc) the five forbidden pun... wuhuo 无货|out of stock/product unavailable wuhushi 芜湖市|Wuhu, prefecture-level city in Anhui ... wuhushiliuguo 五胡十六国|Sixteen Kingdoms of Five non-Han peop... wuhusihai 五湖四海|all parts of the country wuji 无机|inorganic (chemistry) wuji 无极|everlasting/unbounded wuji 屋脊|roof ridge wuji 乌鸡|black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie... wuji 舞技|dancing skill wuji 污迹|blotch; stain wuji 舞妓|(loanword) maiko/apprentice geisha wuji 无几|very little/hardly any wuji 误机|to miss a plane wuji 无稽|nonsense wuji 无际|limitless/boundless wujia 物价|(commodity) prices/CL:個|个[ge4] wujia 屋架|a building/the frame of a building/ro... wujia 五加|Acanthopanax gracilistylus wujia 无价|invaluable/priceless wujiagang 伍家岗|Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌... wujiagangqu 伍家岗区|Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌... wujiajing 吴嘉经|Wu Jiajing (1618-1684), early Qing dy... wujiakegui 无家可归|homeless wujian 舞剑|to perform a sword-dance wujian 物件|object wujian 雾件|vaporware wujian 无间|very close/no gap between them/contin... wujianbucui 无坚不摧|no stronghold one cannot overcome (id... wujianbushang 无奸不商|all businessmen are evil (idiom) wujiandiyu 无间地狱|see 阿鼻地獄|阿鼻地狱[A1 bi2 Di4 yu4] wujiang 武将|general/military leader/fierce man wujiang 武江|Wujiang district of Shaoguan City 韶關市... wujiangpai 无将牌|no trumps (in card games) wujiangqu 武江区|Wujiang district of Shaoguan City 韶關市... wujiangsimeisanreai 五讲四美三热爱|the five emphases, four beauties and ... wujianhao 吴建豪|Wu Jianhao or Vanness Wu (1978-), Tai... wujianren 吴趼人|Wu Jianren (1867-1910), late Qing dyn... wujiao 五角|pentagon wujiao 午觉|siesta/afternoon nap wujiaochang 五角场|Wujiaochang neighborhood of Shanghai,... wujiaodalou 五角大楼|the Pentagon wujiaoxie 无脚蟹|helpless lonely person wujiaoxing 五角星|five-pointed star; pentagram wujiaoxing 五角形|pentagon wujiaqu 五家渠|Wujyachü shehiri (Wujiaqu city) or Wǔ... wujiaqushi 五家渠市|Wujyachü shehiri (Wujiaqu city) or Wǔ... wujiazhenzhu 无价珍珠|Pearl of Great Price (Mormonism) wujiazhibao 无价之宝|priceless treasure wujiazhishu 物价指数|price index wujibifan 物极必反|when things reach an extreme, they ca... wujie 误解|to misunderstand/misunderstanding wujie 无解|to have no solution wujie 五结|Wujie or Wuchieh Township in Yilan Co... wujielu 乌节路|Orchard Road, Singapore (shopping and... wujierzhong 无疾而终|to die peacefully/(fig.) to result in... wujiewang 无结网|knotless netting (textiles) wujiexiang 五结乡|Wujie or Wuchieh Township in Yilan Co... wujihuaxue 无机化学|inorganic chemistry wujikeshi 无计可施|no strategy left to try (idiom); at o... wujiming 无记名|(of a document) not bearing a name/un... wujin 五金|metal hardware (nuts and bolts)/the f... wujin 武进|Wujin district of Changzhou city 常州市[... wujin 无尽|endless/inexhaustible wujindian 五金店|hardware store/ironmonger\'s store wujindianpu 五金店铺|hardware store wujing 武警|armed police wujing 五经|the Five Classics of Confucianism, na... wujing 物镜|objective (optics) wujing 芜菁|turnip wujing 悟净|Sha Wujing, character from the Journe... wujingbudui 武警部队|People\'s Armed Police wujingdacai 无精打采|dispirited and downcast (idiom); list... wujingdacai 无精打彩|dull and colorless (idiom); lacking v... wujingganlan 芜菁甘蓝|rutabaga (vegetable) wujingqishu 武经七书|Seven Military Classics of ancient Ch... wujingtianze 物竞天择|natural selection wujingyuan 无晶圆|fabless (semiconductor company) wujingzhanshi 武警战士|armed fighters/armed police/militia wujingzheng 无精症|azoospermia (medicine) wujingzi 吴敬梓|Wu Jingzi (1701-1754), Qing dynasty n... wujingzongyao 武经总要|\"Collection of the Most Important Mil... wujinmianfen 无筋面粉|wheat starch wujinqiyong 物尽其用|to use sth to the full/to make the be... wujinqu 武进区|Wujin district of Changzhou city 常州市[... wujishiguan 五级士官|master sergeant wujiu 乌桕|Tallow tree/Sapium sebiferum wujiu 兀鹫|vulture/(bird species of China) Euras... wujiwu 无机物|inorganic compound wujixian 无极县|Wuji county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[S... wujiyan 无机盐|inorganic salt wujiyushi 无济于事|(idiom) to no avail; of no use wujizhitan 无稽之谈|complete nonsense (idiom) wujizhui 无脊椎|invertebrate wujizhuidongwu 无脊椎动物|invertebrate wuju 舞剧|dance drama/ballet wuju 武举|successful military candidate in the ... wuju 无局|non-vulnerable (in bridge) wujuan 乌鹃|(bird species of China) square-tailed... wujun 无菌|sterile; aseptic wujunxing 无菌性|aseptic wujuwushu 无拘无束|free and unconstrained (idiom); unfet... wukafeiyin 无咖啡因|decaffeinated/decaf wukangzhen 武康镇|Wukang town, Zhejiang 浙江 wuke 无可|can\'t wukefeiyi 无可非议|irreproachable (idiom)/nothing blamew... wukefenggao 无可奉告|(idiom) \"no comment\" wukehoufei 无可厚非|see 未可厚非[wei4 ke3 hou4 fei1] wukejiuyao 无可救药|lit. no antidote is possible (idiom);... wukelan 乌克兰|Ukraine wukelanren 乌克兰人|Ukrainian (person) wukelili 乌克丽丽|(Tw) ukulele (loanword) wukenaihe 无可奈何|have no way out/have no alternative/a... wukepidi 无可匹敌|unsurpassed/unparalleled wuketiaoti 无可挑剔|excellent in every respect/flawless wukewanhui 无可挽回|irrevocable/the die is cast wukewoniu 无壳蜗牛|fig. people who cannot afford to buy ... wukewubuke 无可无不可|neither for nor against sth/indifferent wukezhengyi 无可争议|undeniable; uncontroversial wukezhiyi 无可置疑|cannot be doubted (idiom) wukezu 无壳族|see 無殼蝸牛|无壳蜗牛[wu2 ke2 wo1 niu2] wukong 悟空|Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, characte... wukongbuzuan 无孔不钻|lit. leave no hole undrilled (idiom);... wukoutongshang 五口通商|the five treaty ports forced on Qing ... wuku 武库|arsenal/store of arms wukui 无愧|to have a clear conscience; to feel n... wulaer 乌拉尔|the Ural mountains in Russia, dividin... wulaershan 乌拉尔山|the Ural mountains in Russia, dividin... wulaershanmai 乌拉尔山脉|Ural Mountains wulagui 乌拉圭|Uruguay wulai 无赖|hoodlum/rascal/rogue/rascally/scoundr... wulai 诬赖|to accuse falsely wulai 乌来|Wulai township in New Taipei City 新北市... wulaixiang 乌来乡|Wulai township in New Taipei City 新北市... wulan 乌兰|Wulan county in Haixi Mongol and Tibe... wulan 乌蓝|dark blue wulan 乌榄|black olive (Canarium tramdenum) wulanbatuo 乌兰巴托|Ulaanbaatar or Ulan Bator, capital of... wulanchabu 乌兰察布|Ulaanchab, prefecture-level city in I... wulanchabushi 乌兰察布市|Ulaanchab, prefecture-level city in I... wulanfu 乌兰夫|Ulanhu (1906-1988), Soviet-trained Mo... wulanhaote 乌兰浩特|Wulanhaote, county-level city, Mongol... wulanhaoteshi 乌兰浩特市|Wulanhaote, county-level city, Mongol... wulanxian 乌兰县|Wulan county in Haixi Mongol and Tibe... wulaoqishang 五劳七伤|(TCM) \"five strains and seven impairm... wulaoqishang 五痨七伤|variant of 五勞七傷|五劳七伤[wu3 lao2 qi1 sha... wulate 乌拉特|Urat plain in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1... wulatecaoyuan 乌拉特草原|Urat plain in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1... wulatehouqi 乌拉特后旗|Urat Rear banner or Urdyn Xoit khoshu... wulateqianqi 乌拉特前旗|Urat Front banner or Urdyn Ömnöd khos... wulatezhongqi 乌拉特中旗|Urat Center banner or Urdyn Dund khos... wulei 芜累|mixed-up and superfluous wulengjing 五棱镜|pentaprism wuli 物理|physics wuli 武力|military force wuli 兀立|to stand upright and motionless wuli 污吏|a corrupt official wuli 物力|physical resources (as opposed to lab... wuli 乌鳢|Channa argus/snakehead fish wuli 芜俚|coarse and vulgar wuli 无力|powerless/lacking strength wuli 无利|no profit/not profitable/a hindrance/... wuli 无理|irrational/unreasonable wuli 无礼|rude/rudely wuli-qunao 无理取闹|(idiom) to make trouble without reaso... wulian 五莲|Wulian county in Rizhao 日照[Ri4 zhao4]... wulian 捂脸|facepalm/to do a facepalm wuliang 乌亮|lustrous and black/jet-black wuliang 无量|measureless/immeasurable wuliang 五凉|the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdom... wuliangha 乌良哈|Mongol surname wulianghai 乌梁海|Mongol surname wuliangshou 无量寿|boundless life (expression of good wi... wuliangye 五粮液|Wuliangye liquor/Five Grain liquor wulianjie 无连接|connectionless wulianwang 物联网|Internet of things (IoT) wulianxian 五莲县|Wulian county in Rizhao 日照[Ri4 zhao4]... wuliao 物料|material wuliao 无聊|bored/boring/senseless wulibuqizao 无利不起早|(saying) people don\'t get up early un... wuliceng 物理层|physical layer wulie 芜劣|muddled and inferior (of writing) wuligan 无力感|feeling of powerlessness/sense of hel... wulihuaxue 物理化学|physical chemistry wulijiegou 物理结构|physical composition wulikanhua 雾里看花|lit. to look at flowers in the fog (i... wuliliang 物理量|physical quantity wuliliaofa 物理疗法|physiotherapy/physical therapy wulin 武林|martial arts (social) circles wuling 武陵|Wuling district of Changde city 常德市[C... wuling 五岭|the five ranges separating Hunan and ... wuling 鹜舲|small boat wulingerjiao 502胶|cyanoacrylate glue wulingqu 武陵区|Wuling district of Changde city 常德市[C... wulingsan 五苓散|wuling powder (decoction of poria mus... wulingyuan 武陵源|Wulingyuan scenic area, in Zhangjiaji... wulinxiao 乌林鸮|(bird species of China) great grey ow... wulishu 无理数|irrational number wulitou 无厘头|silly talk or \"mo lei tau\" (Cantonese... wuliu 物流|distribution (business)/logistics wuliuguanli 物流管理|logistics wulixingzhi 物理性质|physical property wulixue 物理学|physics wulixuejia 物理学家|physicist wuliya 乌黎雅|Uriah (name) wuliyasutai 乌里雅苏台|Uliastai, the Qing name for outer Mon... wulizhiliao 物理治疗|physiotherapy/physical therapy wulong 乌龙|black dragon/unexpected mistake or mi... wulong 武隆|Wulong, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆... wulong 舞龙|dragon dance wulongcha 乌龙茶|oolong tea wulongmian 乌龙面|udon, a thick Japanese-style wheat-fl... wulongqiu 乌龙球|own goal (ball sports) wulongqu 武隆区|Wulong, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆... wulongzhi 乌龙指|fat finger error (finance) wulougengzaolianyeyu 屋漏更遭连夜雨|when it rains, it pours (idiom) wuloupianfenglianyeyu 屋漏偏逢连夜雨|when it rains, it pours (idiom) wulu 无禄|to be unsalaried/to be unfortunate/death wulukeqiati 乌鲁克恰提|Wuqia county in Xinjiang/name of coun... wulukeqiatixian 乌鲁克恰提县|Wuqia county in Xinjiang/name of coun... wuluketao 无路可逃|no way out/nowhere to go/trapped beyo... wuluketui 无路可退|without a retreat route/caught in a d... wulukezou 无路可走|nowhere to go/at the end of one\'s tether wululu 乌鲁鲁|Uluru, massive sandstone outcrop in c... wulumuqi 乌鲁木齐|Ürümqi or Urumqi, prefecture-level ci... wulumuqishi 乌鲁木齐市|Ürümqi or Urumqi, prefecture-level ci... wulumuqixian 乌鲁木齐县|Urumqi county (Uighur: Ürümchi Nahiyi... wulun 无论|no matter what or how/regardless of w... wulun 五伦|the five Confucian relationships (rul... wulunguhe 乌伦古河|Ulungur River in Xinjiang wulunguhu 乌伦古湖|Ulungur Lake in Xinjiang wulunhechu 无论何处|anywhere/wherever wulunheren 无论何人|whoever wulunheshi 无论何事|anything/whatever wulunheshi 无论何时|whenever wulunruhe 无论如何|whatever the case/in any event/no mat... wuluotuopin 乌洛托品|hexamine (CH2)6N4 wuluru 乌鲁汝|Uluru, iconic large rock formation in... wulve 武略|military strategy wuma 午马|Year 7, year of the Horse (e.g. 2002) wuma 无码|unpixelated or uncensored (of video) wuma 侮骂|to scold; to abuse wumai 雾霾|haze/smog wuman 侮慢|to humiliate/to bully wuman 雾幔|fog/mist wumangmang 雾茫茫|foggy wumangxing 五芒星|five-pointed star; pentagram wumao 五毛|fifty cents (0.5 RMB)/(fig.) paltry s... wumao 无毛|hairless wumaodang 五毛党|fifty cents party (person supposed to... wumaotexiao 五毛特效|laughable low-budget special effects wumei 妩媚|lovely/charming wumei 寤寐|(literary) awake or asleep; (fig.) al... wumeijialian 物美价廉|good quality and cheap/a bargain wumeiyiqiu 寤寐以求|to crave day and night; to strongly d... wumengchao 吴孟超|Wu Mengchao (1922-), Chinese medical ... wumengmeng 雾蒙蒙|foggy/misty/hazy wumian 屋面|roof wumian 晤面|to meet (in person); to meet with sb wumianwa 屋面瓦|room tiles wumie 污蔑|variant of 污衊|污蔑[wu1 mie4] wumie 污蔑|to slander/to smear/to tarnish wumie 诬蔑|variant of 誣衊|诬蔑[wu1 mie4] wumie 诬蔑|to slander/to smear/to vilify wumie 侮蔑|contempt/to despise wuming 污名|bad reputation/stigma wuming 无明|avidya (Buddhism)/ignorance/delusion wuming 无名|nameless/obscure wuminghua 污名化|to stigmatize wuminglieshimu 无名烈士墓|tomb of the unknown soldier wumingshi 无名氏|anonymous person wumingxiaozu 无名小卒|insignificant soldier (idiom)/a nobod... wumingyingxiong 无名英雄|unnamed hero wumingzhanshimu 无名战士墓|Tomb of the Unknown Soldier wumingzhi 无名指|ring finger wumingzhibei 无名之辈|unknown person; nobody wumu 乌木|ebony wunai 无奈|to have no alternative/frustrated/exa... wunao 无脑|brainless wunechu 乌讷楚|Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Or... wuneng 悟能|Zhu Bajie 豬八戒|猪八戒[Zhu1 Ba1 jie4] or Z... wuneng 无能|incompetence/inability/incapable/powe... wunengweili 无能为力|(idiom) powerless to do anything abou... wuni 污泥|mud/sludge wuni 忤逆|disobedient to parents wuniang 舞娘|female dancer wunianjihua 五年计划|Five-Year Plan wuniaosiqing 乌鸟私情|lit. the solicitude of the crow (who ... wunie 阢陧|variant of 杌隉|杌陧[wu4nie4] wunie 杌陧|(literary) unsettled; unstable/uneasy wunie 兀臬|variant of 杌隉|杌陧[wu4nie4] wunie 兀臲|variant of 杌隉|杌陧[wu4nie4] wuning 武宁|Wuning county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi wuning 毋宁|not as good as/would rather wuning 无宁|variant of 毋寧|毋宁[wu2 ning4] wuningxian 武宁县|Wuning county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi wuniujianyue 吴牛见月|cow from Wu is terrified by the moon,... wunong 务农|farming/to work the land wunong 舞弄|to wave/to brandish wunong 侮弄|to mock/to bully and insult wunongjiaoyu 吴侬娇语|pleasant-sounding Wu dialect/also wri... wunongruanyu 吴侬软语|pleasant-sounding Wu dialect wunongyao 无农药|without agricultural chemicals/pestic... wunv 婺女|(name of a constellation) wupai 无牌|unlicensed/unlabeled (goods) wupan 误判|to misjudge/error of judgment/incorre... wupanan 误判案|miscarriage of justice wupi 无匹|incomparable; matchless; unrivalled wupin 物品|articles; goods wupin 无品|fretless (stringed instrument) wuping 武平|Wuping, county-level city in Longyan ... wupingxian 武平县|Wuping county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian wupo 巫婆|witch/sorceress/female shaman wupusala 乌普萨拉|Uppsala, Swedish university city just... wuqi 武器|weapon/arms/CL:種|种[zhong3] wuqi 吴起|Wu Qi (440-381 BC), military leader a... wuqi 吴起|Wuqi county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1], S... wuqi 雾气|fog/mist/vapor wuqi 五七|memorial activity 35 days after a per... wuqi 吴旗|Wuqi town and county, Shaanxi/old spe... wuqi 务期|it is essential to (complete a projec... wuqi 乌气|anger wuqi 无期|unspecified period/in the indefinite ... wuqi 屋企|home/family (Cantonese)/Mandarin equi... wuqia 乌恰|Wuqia county in Xinjiang wuqian 午前|morning/a.m. wuqiang 武强|Wuqiang county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 s... wuqiangxian 武强县|Wuqiang county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 s... wuqianwugua 无牵无挂|to have no cares/to be carefree wuqiao 吴桥|Wuqiao county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1... wuqiaobuchengshu 无巧不成书|curious coincidence wuqiaoxian 吴桥县|Wuqiao county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1... wuqiaxian 乌恰县|Wuqia county in Xinjiang wuqibazao 乌七八糟|everything in disorder (idiom)/in a h... wuqibazao 污七八糟|variant of 烏七八糟|乌七八糟[wu1 qi1 ba1 zao1] wuqibie 无期别|to part for an unspecified period/to ... wuqibuyou 无奇不有|nothing is too bizarre/full of extrao... wuqiganbuxuexiao 五七干部学校|May 7 Cadre School (farm where urban ... wuqiganxiao 五七干校|May 7 cadre school (farm where urban ... wuqiji 武器级|weapons-grade wuqijinyun 武器禁运|embargo on arms sale wuqimahei 乌漆抹黑|see 烏漆墨黑|乌漆墨黑[wu1 qi1 mo4 hei1] wuqimohei 乌漆墨黑|jet-black/pitch-dark wuqing 武清|Wuqing rural district in Tianjin 天津[T... wuqing 务请|please (formal) wuqing 乌青|bluish black/bruise; bruising (CL:塊|块... wuqing 无情|pitiless/ruthless/merciless/heartless wuqingqu 武清区|Wuqing rural district in Tianjin 天津[T... wuqingwuyi 无情无义|completely lacking any feeling or sen... wuqingyuan 吴清源|Go Seigen (1914-2014), Go player wuqiong 无穷|endless/boundless/inexhaustible wuqiong-wujin 无穷无尽|(idiom) endless; boundless; infinite wuqiongji 无穷集|infinite set (math.) wuqiongxiao 无穷小|infinitesimal (in calculus)/infinitel... wuqiongxulie 无穷序列|infinite sequence wuqiongyuandian 无穷远点|point at infinity (math.)/infinitely ... wuqituxing 无期徒刑|life imprisonment wuqiu 乌丘|Wuchiu township in Kinmen County 金門縣|... wuqiuren 勿求人|see 不求人[bu4 qiu2 ren2] wuqiuxiang 乌丘乡|Wuchiu township in Kinmen County 金門縣|... wuqixian 吴起县|Wuqi county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1], S... wuqixian 吴旗县|Wuqi county, Shaanxi/old spelling of ... wuqixitong 武器系统|weapon system wuqiya 乌齐雅|Uzziah son of Amaziah, king of Judah ... wuqu 舞曲|dance music wuqu 误区|mistaken ideas; misconceptions; the e... wuqu 无趣|dull; vapid; colorless wuquan 无权|to have no right/to have no authority wuquanxianfa 五权宪法|Sun Yat-sen\'s Five-power constitution... wuque 无缺|whole wuran 污染|to pollute; to contaminate (lit. and ... wuranqu 污染区|contaminated area wuranwu 污染物|pollutant wuren 吾人|(literary) we/us wuren 无人|unmanned/uninhabited wuren 无任|extremely (pleased, grateful etc) wurenbao 吴仁宝|Wu Renbao (1928-2013), former CCP chi... wurenbu 无人不|no man is not... wurenbuxiao 无人不晓|known to everyone wurenbuzhi 无人不知|known to everybody wurenchen 吴任臣|Wu Renchen (1628-1689), Qing dynasty ... wurenfeixingqi 无人飞行器|drone/unmanned aerial vehicle wurenganji 无任感激|deeply obliged wurenji 无人机|drone; unmanned aerial vehicle wurenjiashi 无人驾驶|unmanned/unpiloted wurenmubeiji 五人墓碑记|Five tombstone inscriptions (1628), w... wurennengji 无人能及|nobody can compete with; unmatched by... wurenqu 无人区|uninhabited region wurenshoupiao 无人售票|self-service ticketing/automated tick... wurenwenjin 无人问津|to be of no interest to anyone (idiom) wurenzidi 误人子弟|(of a lazy or incompetent teacher) to... wuri 乌日|Wuri, a district of Taichung, Taiwan wurongzhiyi 无容置疑|cannot be doubted (idiom) wuru 侮辱|to insult/to humiliate/dishonor wuru 污辱|to humiliate/to insult/to tarnish/to ... wuru 悟入|to understand/to comprehend the ultim... wuruqitu 误入歧途|to take a wrong step in life (idiom)/... wusa 五卅|abbr. for 五卅運動|五卅运动[wu3 sa4 yun4 dong... wusangui 吴三桂|Wu Sangui (1612-1678), Chinese genera... wusayundong 五卅运动|anti-imperialist movement of 30th May... wuse 五色|multicolored/the rainbow/garish wuse 物色|to look for; to seek out; to choose wuse 无色|colorless wusebinfen 五色缤纷|all the colors in profusion (idiom); ... wuseniao 五色鸟|see 臺灣擬啄木鳥|台湾拟啄木鸟[Tai2wan1 ni3zhuo2mu... wusha 误杀|to mistakenly kill/manslaughter wushamao 乌纱帽|black gauze hat (worn by an imperial ... wushan 武山|Wushan county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 sh... wushan 巫山|Mt Wu on the Changjiang River (Yangtz... wushan 巫山|Wushan, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆[C... wushan 误缮|to miswrite (while copying written ma... wushang 误伤|to injure accidentally/accidental injury wushang 无上|supreme wushangdaya 无伤大雅|(of a defect etc) to be of no great m... wushangzeichuan 误上贼船|lit. to mistakenly board a pirate shi... wushanji 武山鸡|see 烏骨雞|乌骨鸡[wu1 gu3 ji1]/black-boned ... wushanxian 巫山县|Wushan, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆[C... wushanxian 武山县|Wushan county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 sh... wushe 伍奢|Wu She (-522 BC), powerful minister o... wushen 乌审|Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Or... wushen 戊申|forty-fifth year E9 of the 60 year cy... wusheng 武圣|the Saint of War (i.e. the deified Gu... wusheng 武生|male military role in a Chinese opera wusheng 武胜|Wusheng county in Guang\'an 廣安|广安[Guan... wusheng 无声|noiseless/noiselessly/silent wushengming 无生命|non-living; inanimate; lifeless wushengwuxi 无声无息|wordless and uncommunicative (idiom);... wushengxian 武胜县|Wusheng county in Guang\'an 廣安|广安[Guan... wushengyeyouya,erzhiyewuya 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯|Life is short, learning is limitless/... wushengyinjie 五声音阶|pentatonic scale wushenlun 无神论|atheism wushenlunzhe 无神论者|atheist wushenqi 乌审旗|Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Or... wushi 五十|fifty wushi 武士|warrior/samurai wushi 巫师|wizard/magician wushi 误食|to accidentally eat; to inadvertently... wushi 午时|11 am-1 pm (in the system of two-hour... wushi 乌什|Uchturpan nahiyisi (Uqturpan county) ... wushi 误事|to hold things up/to make a botch of ... wushi 务实|to deal with concrete matters/pragmatic wushi 舞狮|lion dance (traditional Chinese dance... wushi 物事|(literary) affair; matter; business/(... wushi 无视|to ignore; to disregard wushi 五世|the fifth (of series of numbered kings) wushi-wuke 无时无刻|(idiom) (when followed by 不[bu4]) at ... wushibudengsanbaodian 无事不登三宝殿|lit. one doesn\'t visit a temple witho... wushibuxiaobaibu 五十步笑百步|lit. the one who has retreated 50 ste... wushichuixiao 吴市吹箫|to beg while playing the xiao 簫|箫[xia... wushidao 武士道|bushidō or way of the warrior, samura... wushidao 武士刀|katana wushihuo 武士彟|Wu Shihuo (7th century), father of Ta... wushijian 五十肩|adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) wushikezuo 无事可做|to have nothing to do/to have time on... wushiling 五十铃|Isuzu wushirenfei 物是人非|things have remained the same, but pe... wushishengfei 无事生非|to make trouble out of nothing wushitala 乌什塔拉|Wushitala Hui village in Bayingolin M... wushitalahuizuxiang 乌什塔拉回族乡|Wushitala Hui village in Bayingolin M... wushitalaxiang 乌什塔拉乡|Wushitala Hui village in Bayingolin M... wushixian 乌什县|Uchturpan nahiyisi (Uqturpan county) ... wushixianyinqin,feijianjidao 无事献殷勤,非奸即盗|one who is unaccountably solicitous i... wushizitong 无师自通|self-taught/to learn without a teache... wushu 武术|military skill or technique (in forme... wushu 巫术|witchcraft wushu 鼯鼠|flying squirrel wushu 无数|countless/numberless/innumerable wushuang 无双|incomparable/matchless/unique wushuangqi 无霜期|frost-free period wushui 污水|sewage wushui 午睡|to take a nap/siesta wushui 武水|the Wu river in Hunan and Guangdong/f... wushui 无水|anhydrous (chemistry)/waterless/dehyd... wushuichulichang 污水处理厂|water treatment plant wushuiduanli 舞水端里|Musudan-ri, North Korean rocket launc... wushuiguan 污水管|sewage pipe wushuikeng 污水坑|cesspit wusi 五四|fourth of May, cf 五四運動|五四运动, national... wusi 无私|selfless/unselfish/disinterested/altr... wusi 无似|extremely/unworthy (self-deprecatory ... wusiaiguoyundong 五四爱国运动|May Fourth Movement/Chinese national ... wusifenlie 无丝分裂|amitosis wusitejiang 伍斯特酱|Worcestershire sauce wusiwulv 无思无虑|(idiom) carefree/untroubled wusiyundong 五四运动|May Fourth Movement/Chinese national ... wusong 武松|Wu Song, a heroic outlaw of Liangshan... wusong 雾凇|rime/hoarfrost wusong 吴淞|Wusong river and dock area in Shanghai wusu 乌苏|Wusu city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|... wusulijiang 乌苏里江|Ussuri River wusulisike 乌苏里斯克|Ussuriisk city in Russian Pacific Pri... wusun 污损|to contaminate wusun 无损|to do no harm (to sth)/intact/(comput... wusunguo 乌孙国|Wusun kingdom of central Asia (c. 300... wusuo 雾锁|fogbound/enshrouded in mist wusuobubao 无所不包|(idiom) not excluding anything; all-e... wusuobumai 无所不卖|to sell anything/to sell everything wusuobuneng 无所不能|omnipotent wusuobutan 无所不谈|to talk about everything wusuobuwei 无所不为|not stopping at anything/all manner o... wusuobuyongqiji 无所不用其极|committing all manner of crimes/compl... wusuobuzai 无所不在|omnipresent wusuobuzhi 无所不知|omniscient wusuobuzhi 无所不至|to reach everywhere/to stop at nothin... wusuoshicong 无所适从|not knowing which course to follow (i... wusuoshishi 无所事事|to have nothing to do/to idle one\'s t... wusuoshu 无所属|unaffiliated/non-party wusuowei 无所谓|to be indifferent/not to matter/canno... wusuoweiji 无所畏忌|without any fear of consequences/tota... wusuoyongxin 无所用心|not paying attention to anything (idi... wusuozuowei 无所作为|attempting nothing and accomplishing ... wusushi 乌苏市|Wusu city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|... wutacai 乌塌菜|rosette bok choy (Brassica rapa var. ... wutai 五台|Wutai city and county in Xinzhou 忻州[X... wutai 物态|(physics) state of matter wutai 舞台|(lit. and fig.) stage; arena wutai 雾台|Wutai township in Pingtung County 屏東縣... wutaiju 舞台剧|stage play wutaishan 五台山|Mt Wutai in Shanxi 山西[Shan1 xi1], one... wutaishi 五台市|Wutai city in Shanxi wutaixian 五台县|Wutai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1... wutaixiang 雾台乡|Wutai township in Pingtung County 屏東縣... wutaiyinyue 舞台音乐|musical theater wutan 晤谈|to speak face to face/meeting/interview wutan 武坛|martial arts circles wutang 戊糖|pentose (CH2O)5, monosaccharide with ... wutang 无糖|sugar free wutantang 五碳糖|pentose (CH2O)5, monosaccharide with ... wuteliezhi 乌特列支|Utrecht, city in Netherlands wuti 物体|object; body; substance wuti 无题|untitled wutian 武田|Takeda (Japanese surname) wutianming 吴天明|Wu Tianming (1939-), PRC film director wutiaojian 无条件|unconditional wutiaojiantouxiang 无条件投降|unconditional surrender wuting 舞厅|dance hall/ballroom/CL:間|间[jian1] wutingfang 伍廷芳|Wu Tingfang (1842-1922), diplomat and... wutingwu 舞厅舞|ballroom dancing wutitoudi 五体投地|to prostrate oneself in admiration (i... wutong 梧桐|wutong (Firmiana platanifolia)/Chines... wutong 巫统|UMNO (United Malays National Organisa... wutong 无痛|painless; pain-free wutong 五通|bottom bracket shell (in a bicycle fr... wutong 武统|to unify by using military force (usu... wutongke 梧桐科|Sterculiaceae, family of Malvale tree... wutongqiao 五通桥|Wutongqiao district of Leshan city 樂山... wutongqiaoqu 五通桥区|Wutongqiao district of Leshan city 樂山... wutoucangying 无头苍蝇|headless fly (a metaphor for sb who i... wutouchuwei 吴头楚尾|lit. head in Wu and tail in Chu (idio... wutu 乌涂|unclear/not straightforward/(of drink... wutuobang 乌托邦|utopia (loanword) wuwai 屋外|outdoors; outside wuwang 毋忘|Don\'t forget! (literary) wuwang 无望|without hope/hopeless/without prospects wuwangbuli 无往不利|(idiom) to be successful in every end... wuwangfazhou 武王伐纣|King Wu of Zhou 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2] ... wuwanggefa 无网格法|meshless method (numerical simulation... wuwangguochi 勿忘国耻|Never forget national humiliation, re... wuwanghelu 吴王阖庐|King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514... wuwanghelv 吴王阖闾|King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514... wuwangwo 勿忘我|forget-me-not, genus Myosotis (botany) wuwei 武威|see 武威市[Wu3wei1 Shi4] wuwei 无为|Wuwei, a county-level city in Wuhu 蕪湖... wuwei 无为|the Daoist doctrine of inaction/let t... wuwei 无谓|pointless/meaningless/unnecessarily wuwei 五味|the five flavors, namely: sweet 甜, so... wuwei 无味|flavorless; unpalatable/odorless/dull... wuweibuzhi 无微不至|in every possible way (idiom); meticu... wuweidu 无维度|dimensionless (math.) wuweijuquan 五味俱全|a complete gamut of all five flavors ... wuweishi 无为市|Wuwei, a county-level city in Wuhu 蕪湖... wuweishi 武威市|Wuwei, prefecture-level city in Gansu... wuweixiong 无尾熊|koala wuweiyanzhibuyu 勿谓言之不预|(idiom) don\'t say you haven\'t been fo... wuweiyuan 无尾猿|ape wuweizachen 五味杂陈|with complex feelings (idiom) wuweizi 五味子|schizandra (Schisandra chinensis)/Mag... wuwen 五瘟|five chief demons of folklore personi... wuweng 乌鹟|(bird species of China) dark-sided fl... wuwennongmo 舞文弄墨|(idiom) to display one\'s facility wit... wuwenshen 五瘟神|five chief demons of folklore personi... wuwo 无我|anatta (Buddhist concept of \"non-self\") wuwu 五五|50-50/equal (share, partnership etc) wuwu 戊午|fifty-fifth year E7 of the 60 year cy... wuwu 无物|nothing/empty wuwu 呜呜|(interj) boo hoo wuwu 无误|verified/unmistaken wuwuchun 戊五醇|xylitol/also written 木糖醇[mu4 tang2 ch... wuwujiaohuan 物物交换|barter wuwuzula 呜呜祖拉|vuvuzela (horn) (loanword) wuxi 无锡|see 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2xi1 Shi4] wuxi 巫溪|Wushi, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆[Ch... wuxi 巫觋|shaman/wizard/witch wuxi 武溪|Wu river in Hunan and Guangdong/forme... wuxi 无息|interest-free wuxia 武侠|martial arts chivalry (Chinese litera... wuxia 巫峡|Wuxia Gorge on the Changjiang or Yang... wuxia 无暇|too busy/to have no time for/fully oc... wuxia 无瑕|faultless; perfect wuxiaameng 吴下阿蒙|General Lü Meng 呂蒙|吕蒙 of the southern... wuxiami 呒虾米|Boshiamy, input method editor for Chi... wuxian 无限|unlimited/unbounded wuxian 无线|wireless wuxian 诬陷|to entrap/to frame/to plant false evi... wuxian 吴县|Wu county in Jiangsu wuxiandian 无线电|radio; wireless (i.e. the technology ... wuxiandianbo 无线电波|radio wave wuxiandianguangbo 无线电广播|radio broadcast wuxiandianhua 无线电话|radio telephony/wireless telephone wuxiandianjieshouji 无线电接收机|receiver (radio) wuxiandianshoufaji 无线电收发机|transceiver/radio frequency receiver,... wuxianfengguangzaixianfeng 无限风光在险峰|The boundless vista is at the perilou... wuxiang 五香|five spice seasoned/incorporating the... wuxiang 武乡|Wuxiang county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chan... wuxiangfen 五香粉|five-spice powder wuxiangquanneng 五项全能|pentathlon wuxiangxian 武乡县|Wuxiang county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chan... wuxianpu 五线谱|(music) staff/stave wuxianqi 无限期|indefinitely; of unlimited duration wuxianredian 无线热点|Wi-Fi hotspot wuxianwanglu 无线网路|(Tw) wireless network; Wi-Fi wuxianwangluo 无线网络|wireless network; Wi-Fi wuxianxiao 无限小|infinitesimal/infinitely small wuxianxiaoshu 无限小数|infinitesimal/infinite decimal expansion wuxianzhi 无限制|limitless/unrestricted wuxianzuo 武仙座|Hercules (constellation) wuxiao 无效|not valid/ineffective/in vain wuxiaoshejiao 无效社交|unproductive social interaction wuxiaxiaoshuo 武侠小说|a martial arts (wuxia) novel wuxie 无邪|without guilt wuxie 误写|to unwittingly write the wrong thing wuxiekeji 无懈可击|(idiom) impossible to fault/impeccable wuxin 无心|unintentionally/not in the mood to wuxin 误信|to falsely believe/to be mislead/to f... wuxin 五辛|see 五葷|五荤[wu3 hun1] wuxinchaliu 无心插柳|(idiom) (of a good outcome) unanticip... wuxinchaliuliuchengyin 无心插柳柳成阴|lit. idly poke a stick in the mud and... wuxing 五行|five phases of Chinese philosophy: wo... wuxing 五星|the five visible planets, namely: Mer... wuxing 吴兴|Wuxing district of Huzhou city 湖州市[Hu... wuxing 悟性|perception/wits/power of understandin... wuxing 五刑|imperial five punishments of feudal C... wuxing 无形|incorporeal/virtual/formless/invisibl... wuxing 五形|Wuxing - \"Five Animals\" - Martial Art wuxing 无性|sexless/asexual (reproduction) wuxingfanzhi 无性繁殖|asexual reproduction wuxingganyan 戊型肝炎|hepatitis E wuxinghongqi 五星红旗|five-starred red flag (PRC national f... wuxingji 五星级|five-star (hotel) wuxingmaoyi 无形贸易|invisibles (trade) wuxingqu 吴兴区|Wuxing district of Huzhou city 湖州市[Hu... wuxingshuchu 无形输出|invisible export wuxingzhong 无形中|imperceptibly/virtually wuxinjia 无薪假|unpaid leave/leave without pay wuxinsu 五辛素|(adjective) non-Buddhist vegetarian (... wuxinyi 无信义|in bad faith/false/perfidious wuxishi 无锡市|Wuxi, prefecture-level city in Jiangs... wuxiu 午休|noon break/lunch break/lunchtime nap wuxiuwuzhi 无休无止|ceaseless; endless (idiom) wuxixian 巫溪县|Wushi, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆[Ch... wuxixian 无锡县|Wuxi county in Jiangsu wuxixinqu 无锡新区|Wuxi new district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡... wuxiya 乌西亚|Uzziah (son of Joram) wuxu 戊戌|thirty-fifth year E11 of the 60 year ... wuxu 务虚|to discuss matters of principle (as o... wuxu 无序|disorderly/irregular/lack of order wuxu 无需|needless wuxu 无须|need not/not obliged to/not necessarily wuxuan 武宣|Wuxuan county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bi... wuxuanxian 武宣县|Wuxuan county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bi... wuxubianfa 戊戌变法|Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed at... wuxue 武穴|Wuxue, county-level city in Huanggang... wuxueshi 武穴市|Wuxue, county-level city in Huanggang... wuxuliujunzi 戊戌六君子|the Six Gentlemen Martyrs of the fail... wuxunjie 五旬节|Pentecost wuxuweixin 戊戌维新|Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed at... wuxuzhengbian 戊戌政变|coup by Dowager Empress Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2... wuya 乌鸦|crow/raven wuya 无牙|toothless/(fig.) powerless/ineffectua... wuyan 屋檐|eaves/roof (i.e. home) wuyan 午宴|lunch banquet wuyan 无烟|nonsmoking (e.g. environment) wuyan 无言|to remain silent/to have nothing to say wuyan-huiyu 污言秽语|(idiom) filthy speech; obscenities wuyang 舞阳|Wuyang county in Luohe 漯河[Luo4 he2], ... wuyang 无恙|in good health wuyang 无氧|anaerobic wuyanghuaerfan 五氧化二钒|Vanadium pentoxide V2O5/vanadic anhyd... wuyangwuyang 乌泱乌泱|in great number wuyangxian 舞阳县|Wuyang county in Luohe 漯河[Luo4 he2], ... wuyanjianjiangdongfulao 无颜见江东父老|(idiom) to be unable to return to one... wuyanjueju 五言绝句|poetic form consisting of four lines ... wuyankedui 无言可对|unable to reply (idiom); left speechl... wuyanliuse 五颜六色|multicolored/every color under the sun wuyanmei 无烟煤|anthracite wuyanou 乌燕鸥|(bird species of China) sooty tern (O... wuyantan 无烟炭|smokeless coal wuyanyidui 无言以对|to be left speechless/unable to respond wuyanzhangqi 乌烟瘴气|billowing smoke (idiom)/foul atmosphe... wuyaokejiu 无药可救|see 無可救藥|无可救药[wu2 ke3 jiu4 yao4] wuyaya 乌压压|forming a dense mass wuyazui 乌鸦嘴|crow\'s beak/(fig.) person who makes a... wuyazuo 乌鸦座|Corvus (constellation) wuye 物业|property/real estate/abbr. for 物業管理|物... wuye 呜咽|to sob/to whimper wuye 午夜|midnight wuye 无业|unemployed/jobless/out of work wuyefei 物业费|property management fee wuyefengshan 无叶风扇|bladeless fan wuyeguanli 物业管理|property management wuyeshui 物业税|property tax wuyexiansan 无业闲散|unemployed and idle wuyeyoumin 无业游民|unemployed person/vagrant/rogue wuyi 武义|Wuyi county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2... wuyi 五一|5-1 (May 1st) wuyi 武艺|martial art/military skill wuyi 巫医|witch doctor/medicine man/shaman wuyi 武邑|Wuyi county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui... wuyi 吴仪|Wu Yi (1938-), one of four vice-premi... wuyi 无意|inadvertent/accidental/to have no int... wuyi 无已|endlessly/to have no choice wuyi 无异|nothing other than/to differ in no wa... wuyi 无疑|undoubtedly; without doubt; for sure wuyi 无益|no good/not good for/not beneficial wuyi 无义|without meaning/nonsense/immoral/fait... wuyi 无遗|completely; fully; without omission wuyifujia 无以复加|in the extreme (idiom)/incapable of f... wuyigaoqiang 武艺高强|highly skilled in martial arts wuyijian 无意间|inadvertently/unintentionally wuyileiju 物以类聚|similar things come together (idiom);... wuyileiju,renyiqunfen 物以类聚,人以群分|Similar things group together, simila... wuyin 五音|five notes of pentatonic scale, rough... wuyin 戊寅|fifteenth year E3 of the 60 year cycl... wuyin 无垠|boundless/vast wuyinbuquan 五音不全|tone deaf/unable to sing in tune wuyindu 五音度|fifth (musical interval) wuying 兀鹰|bald eagle wuying-wuzong 无影无踪|(idiom) to disappear without a trace wuyishan 武夷山|Mt Wuyi in Fujian/Wuyishan nature res... wuyishanshi 武夷山市|Wuyishan, county-level city in Nanpin... wuyishi 无意识|unconscious/involuntary wuyiweibao 无以为报|unable to return the favor wuyiweisheng 无以为生|no way to get by wuyiwukao 无依无靠|no one to rely on (idiom); on one\'s o... wuyiwukao 无倚无靠|variant of 無依無靠|无依无靠[wu2 yi1 wu2 kao4] wuyixian 武义县|Wuyi county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2... wuyixian 武邑县|Wuyi county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui... wuyixiweigui 物以稀为贵|the rarer sth is, the greater its val... wuyizhong 无意中|accidentally/unintentionally/unexpect... wuyong 误用|to misuse wuyong 毋庸|no need for wuyong 无庸|variant of 毋庸[wu2 yong1] wuyong 无用|useless/worthless wuyong 武勇|military skills/valor/valorous wuyong 吴用|Wu Yong, character of 水滸傳|水浒传[Shui3 h... wuyonggang 吴永刚|Wu Yonggang (1907-1982), Chinese film... wuyongzhishu 无用之树|useless person (originally from Zhuan... wuyou 乌有|(literary) not to exist; nonexistent;... wuyou 无由|to be unable (to do sth)/no reason to... wuyouwulv 无忧无虑|carefree and without worries (idiom) wuyu 物语|monogatari/epic narrative (Japanese l... wuyu 吴语|Wu dialects (spoken primarily in Shan... wuyu 物欲|material desire/craving for material ... wuyu 乌鱼|gray mullet (Mugil cephalus)/snakehea... wuyu 屋宇|(literary) house/building wuyu 无语|to remain silent/to have nothing to s... wuyu 乌芋|see 荸薺|荸荠[bi2 qi2] wuyu 乌语|Uzbek language wuyu 无虞|not to be worried about/all taken car... wuyu-kuifa 无虞匮乏|see 不虞匱乏|不虞匮乏[bu4yu2-kui4fa2] wuyuan 婺源|Wuyuan county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi wuyuan 五原|Wuyuan county in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[... wuyuan 五院|the five yuan (administrative branche... wuyuan 无援|without support/helpless wuyuan 无缘|to have no opportunity/no way (of doi... wuyuanfujie 无远弗届|to extend all over the globe (idiom)/... wuyuanwugu 无缘无故|no cause, no reason (idiom); complete... wuyuanwuhui 无怨无悔|no complaints/to have no regrets wuyuanxian 五原县|Wuyuan county in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[... wuyuanxian 婺源县|Wuyuan county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi wuyuanze 无原则|unprincipled wuyue 五月|May/fifth month (of the lunar year) wuyue 五岳|Five Sacred Mountains of the Daoists,... wuyue 吴越|states of south China in different hi... wuyuechunqiu 吴越春秋|History of the Southern States Wu and... wuyuefen 五月份|May wuyuejie 五月节|Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of ... wuyuetongzhou 吴越同舟|Wu and Yue in the same boat (idiom); ... wuyulunbi 无与伦比|incomparable wuyun 乌云|black cloud wuyun 五蕴|the Five Aggregates (from Sanskrit \"s... wuyushijie 物欲世界|the world of material desires (Buddhism) wuyuzhang 吴玉章|Wu Yuzhang (1878-1966), writer, educa... wuyuzi 乌鱼子|mullet roe (salted and dried)/bottarga wuza 芜杂|miscellaneous/mixed and disorderly (o... wuzang 五脏|five viscera of TCM, namely: heart 心[... wuzangliufu 五脏六腑|five viscera and six bowels (TCM) wuzao 污糟|filthy/unhygienic/squalid/gross wuzei 乌贼|cuttlefish wuzetian 武则天|Wu Zetian (624-705), Tang empress, re... wuzhai 五寨|Wuzhai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou... wuzhaixian 五寨县|Wuzhai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou... wuzhan 坞站|docking station wuzhangai 无障碍|barrier-free; (esp.) accessible (to p... wuzhaojingying 无照经营|unlicensed business activity wuzhe 舞者|dancer wuzhen 误诊|to misdiagnose/to be late in giving m... wuzheng 物证|material evidence wuzhengbuxin 无征不信|without proof one can\'t believe it (i... wuzhengfuzhuyi 无政府主义|anarchism wuzhengyi 无争议|uncontroversial/accepted wuzhengzhuang 无症状|asymptomatic wuzhenyu 吴镇宇|Francis Ng Chun-Yu (1961-), Hong Kong... wuzhenzhusheqi 无针注射器|jet injector wuzhi 物质|matter/substance/material/materialist... wuzhi 五指|the five fingers of one\'s hand wuzhi 武陟|Wuzhi county in Jiaozuo, Henan wuzhi 武职|military official/military position (... wuzhi 误植|to write a word incorrectly/typo/(med... wuzhi 误置|to put sth in the wrong place wuzhi 无知|ignorant/ignorance wuzhihua 无纸化|paperless wuzhihuabangong 无纸化办公|paperless office wuzhijin 无止尽|endless wuzhijue 无知觉|senseless wuzhiqi 无支祁|a water goblin in Chinese mythology u... wuzhishan 五指山|Wuzhi Mountain (1,840 m), highest mou... wuzhishanshi 五指山市|Wuzhishan City, Hainan wuzhiwenming 物质文明|material culture wuzhiwenminghejingshenwenming 物质文明和精神文明|material and spiritual culture/matter... wuzhixian 武陟县|Wuzhi county in Jiaozuo, Henan wuzhixiangshou 物质享受|material benefits wuzhixu 无秩序|disorder wuzhizhoudao 蜈支洲岛|Wuzhizhou Island, Hainan wuzhong 吴忠|Wuzhong, prefecture-level city in Nin... wuzhong 吴中|Wuzhong district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏... wuzhong 物种|species wuzhongqiyuan 物种起源|Charles Darwin\'s \"On the Origin of Sp... wuzhongqu 吴中区|Wuzhong district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏... wuzhongshengyou 无中生有|to create something from nothing (idiom) wuzhongshi 吴忠市|Wuzhong, prefecture-level city in Nin... wuzhou 梧州|Wuzhou, prefecture-level city in Guangxi wuzhou 五洲|five continents/the world wuzhoushi 梧州市|Wuzhou, prefecture-level city in Guangxi wuzhu 物主|owner wuzhu 捂住|to cover (typically by placing a hand... wuzhu 无助|helpless/helplessness/feeling useless... wuzhuang 武装|arms/equipment/to arm/military/armed ... wuzhuang 无状|insolence/insolent/ill-mannered wuzhuangbudui 武装部队|armed forces wuzhuangchongtu 武装冲突|armed conflict wuzhuangfenzi 武装分子|armed groups/fighters/gunmen wuzhuangliliang 武装力量|armed force wuzhudaici 物主代词|possessive pronoun wuzhugan 无助感|to feel helpless/feeling useless wuzhujian 无主见|without one\'s own opinions wuzhuo 污浊|dirty/muddy/foul (sewer) wuzhuo 无着|Asanga (Buddhist philosopher, c. 4th ... wuzhuo 无着|(of income etc) to be unassured; to l... wuzhuo 五浊|the five impurities (Buddhism) wuzhushiwu 无主失物|unclaimed lost property wuzhuxiandingci 物主限定词|possessive (in grammar) wuzi 污渍|stain wuzi 物资|goods/supplies wuzi 屋子|house/room/CL:間|间[jian1] wuzi 舞姿|dancer\'s posture and movement wuzi 戊子|twenty-fifth year E1 of the 60 year c... wuzi 兀自|(literary) still; yet wuzi 痦子|nevus/mole/birthmark wuzi 吴子|Wuzi, one of the Seven Military Class... wuzibei 无字碑|stone tablet without inscription/blan... wuzibieke 乌兹别克|Uzbek/abbr. for Uzbekistan wuzibieke 乌孜别克|Uzbek ethnic group of Xinjiang wuzibiekeren 乌兹别克人|Uzbek (person) wuzibiekesitan 乌兹别克斯坦|Uzbekistan wuzibiekeyu 乌孜别克语|Uzbek language wuzibiekezu 乌孜别克族|Uzbek ethnic group of Xinjiang wuzibiekezu 乌兹别克族|the Uzbek people (race) wuzichongfengqiang 乌兹冲锋枪|Uzi (submachine gun) wuzigongying 物资供应|supply of material wuzimu 吴自牧|Wu Zimu (lived c. 1270), writer at th... wuziqi 五子棋|five-in-a-row (game similar to tic-ta... wuzixu 伍子胥|Wu Zixu (-484 BC), powerful politicia... wuzui 无罪|innocent/guileless/not guilty (of crime) wuzuikangbian 无罪抗辩|plea of not guilty wuzuiliuying 乌嘴柳莺|(bird species of China) large-billed ... wuzuituiding 无罪推定|presumption of innocence (law) wuzun 吴尊|Wu Zun or Chun Wu (1979-), Bruneian a... wuzuo 仵作|coroner (old) wuzuo 误作|to consider erroneously/incorrectly a... wuzuochun 戊唑醇|tebuconazole (antifungal agent) wuzuodong 吴作栋|Goh Chok Tong (1941-), Singapore busi... wuzuozuo 无做作|unaffected (i.e. behaving naturally) wuzuqingzhong 无足轻重|insignificant wuzuquan 五祖拳|Wuzuquan - \"Five Ancestors\" - Martial... xguang X光|X-ray xi 系|to connect/to relate to/to tie up/to ... xi 系|system/department/faculty xi 系|to connect/to arrest/to worry xi 西|the West/abbr. for Spain 西班牙[Xi1 ban1... xi 西|west xi 喜|to be fond of/to like/to enjoy/to be ... xi 惜|to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan... xi 细|thin or slender/finely particulate/th... xi 吸|to breathe/to suck in/to absorb/to in... xi 溪|creek/rivulet xi 溪|variant of 溪[xi1] xi 曦|(literary) sunlight (usu. in early mo... xi 息|breath/news/interest (on an investmen... xi 熙|variant of 熙[xi1] xi 熙|(used in names)/(bound form) (literar... xi 烯|alkene xi 昔|surname Xi xi 昔|former times/the past/Taiwan pr. [xi2] xi 稀|rare/uncommon/watery/sparse xi 舾|used in 舾裝|舾装[xi1 zhuang1] xi 洗|to wash; to bathe/to develop (photogr... xi 玺|ruler\'s seal xi 兮|(particle in old Chinese similar to 啊) xi 蜥|(bound form) lizard xi 汐|night tides/evening ebbtide/Taiwan pr... xi 习|surname Xi xi 习|(bound form) to practice/to study/hab... xi 潟|saline land/salt marsh xi 禧|joy xi 囍|double happiness (similar to 喜喜)/symb... xi 隙|crack/crevice/gap or interval/loophol... xi 鵗|pheasant xi 希|to hope/to admire/variant of 稀[xi1] xi 翕|to open and close (the mouth etc)/fri... xi 席|surname Xi xi 席|woven mat/seat/banquet/place in a dem... xi 席|variant of 席[xi2]/woven mat xi 熹|bright/warm xi 析|to separate/to divide/to analyze xi 悉|in all cases/know xi 奚|surname Xi xi 奚|(literary) what?/where?/why? xi 巇|mountain-gorge/ravine xi 铣|to mill (machining)/Taiwan pr. [xian3] xi 膝|old variant of 膝[xi1] xi 膝|knee xi 巂|place name in Sichuan xi 赩|red/scarlet xi 戏|variant of 戲|戏[xi4] xi 戏|trick/drama/play/show/CL:齣|出[chu1],場|... xi 熄|to extinguish/to put out (fire)/to qu... xi 锡|tin (chemistry)/to bestow/to confer/t... xi 栖|used in 棲棲|栖栖[xi1xi1] xi 嬉|amusement xi 隰|surname Xi xi 隰|low/marshy land xi 矽|(Tw) silicon (chemistry)/Taiwan pr. [... xi 晰|clear/distinct xi 晰|variant of 晰[xi1] xi 皙|(literary) fair-skinned; of light com... xi 袭|(bound form) to raid; to attack/(boun... xi 徙|(literary) to change one\'s residence xi 淅|(onom.) sound of rain, sleet etc xi 夕|dusk/evening/Taiwan pr. [xi4] xi 氥|xenon (chemistry) (old) xi 呬|to rest xi 嘻|laugh/giggle/(interjection expressing... xi 嘻|(interjection expressing surprise, gr... xi 卌|forty xi 蹊|(literary) footpath xi 煕|old variant of 熙 xi 噏|to gossip/to babble (Cantonese) xi 绤|coarse hempen fabric xi 肹|old variant of 肸[xi1] xi 腊|dried meat/also pr. [xi2] xi 觽|variant of 觿, ivory bodkin for undoin... xi 檄|dispatch/order xi 唏|sound of sobbing xi 鎴|strontium (obsolete, now 鍶|锶[si1]) xi 浠|name of a river in Hubei xi 牺|sacrifice xi 媳|daughter-in-law xi 诶|sigh (to express regret) xi 郄|surname Xi (variant of 郤[Xi4]) xi 僖|surname Xi xi 僖|cautious/merry/joyful xi 窸|used in 窸窣[xi1 su1] xi 扢|sprightful xi 蹝|slippers xi 咥|loud laugh xi 嚱|(sigh)/(whistle) xi 恓|troubled/vexed xi 樨|Osmanthus fragrans xi 屣|slippers xi 徯|footpath/wait for xi 晞|dawn/to dry in the sun xi 犀|rhinoceros/sharp xi 肸|used in 肸肸[xi1xi1]/used in 肸蠁|肸蚃[xi1x... xi 醯|acyl xi 怸|obscure variant of 悉[xi1]/Achyranthes... xi 褶|(arch.) court dress xi 禊|semiannual ceremony of purification xi 屖|variant of 犀, rhinoceros/sharp xi 蟋|used in 蟋蟀[xi1 shuai4] xi 豨|swine xi 屃|variant of 屭|屃[xi4] xi 屃|used in 贔屭|赑屃[bi4xi4] xi 晳|variant of 皙[xi1] xi 縰|band for the hair xi 阋|to argue/to quarrel xi 舄|shoe/slipper xi 睎|to long for/to gaze at xi 戱|variant of 戲|戏[xi4] xi 裼|to bare the upper body xi 觋|wizard xi 悕|(literary) to wish/to hope/sad/sorrowful xi 傒|(old) native of Jiangxi 江西[Jiang1 xi1... xi 喺|to be at, in or on (Cantonese)/Mandar... xi 菥|used in 菥蓂[xi1mi4] xi 郤|surname Xi xi 郤|variant of 隙[xi4] xi 匸|\"cover\" or \"conceal\" radical in Chine... xi 螅|used in 水螅[shui3xi1] xi 欷|to sob xi 躧|shoe/to step xi 穸|tomb xi 枲|male nettle-hemp xi 虩|terrified xi 葸|feel insecure/unhappy xi 爔|(archaic) fire/old variant of 曦[xi1] xi 謑|shame/disgrace xi 鑴|to engrave or carve, as a block for p... xi 饩|grain ration/sacrificial victim xi 鉨|variant of 璽|玺 ruler\'s seal xi 酅|place name xi 粞|ground rice/thresh rice xi 蠵|large turtles xi 觿|ivory bodkin for undoing knots xi 盻|to glare at xi 焟|dry xi 燨|fire xi 纚|silk headband/Taiwan pr. [shi3] xi 隟|old variant of 隙[xi4] xi 霫|Sui-Tang (premodern ethnic group) xi 翖|old variant of 翕[xi1] xi 犠|Japanese variant of 犧|牺 xi 蟢|(spider) xi 澙|variant of 潟[xi4] xi 滊|name of a river xi 蕮|plantain (Plantago asiatica)/common w... xi 凞|bright/splendid/glorious xi 簁|sieve/to sift, to strain xi 磎|mountain stream/creek xi 鳛|loach/mudfish xi 覤|variant of 虩[xi4] xi 鼷|mouse xi 憙|variant of 喜[xi3] xi 潝|to agree xi 衋|sad (old) xi 渓|Japanese variant of 溪[xi1] xi 焈|old variant of 熙[xi1] xi 鄎|place name xi 釸|variant of 矽[xi1] xi 緆|fine gunny/sackcloth xi 槢|a hard wood xi 䤈|old variant of 醯[xi1] xi 㶉|used in 鸂鶒|㶉𫛶[xi1chi4] xi 㫺|old variant of 昔[xi1] xi 蓰|(grass)/increase five fold xi 瘜|a polypus xi 繋|variant of 繫|系[xi4] xi 扱|to collect/to receive xi 㣟|to go/to walk xi 㢴|old variant of 西[xi1] xi 茜|used in the transliteration of people... xi 嶲|old variant of 巂[xi1] xi 硒|selenium (chemistry) xi 羲|same as Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2xi1], a mythical e... xi 𨰿|(arch.) metal horn attached as shield... xi 闟|peacefully/quietly xi 𫘬|(literary) horse with white forelegs xi 𠩺|to split open/crack xi 𬭳|seaborgium (chemistry) xia 下|down/downwards/below/lower/later/next... xia 侠|knight-errant/brave and chivalrous/he... xia 夏|the Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC/Xi... xia 夏|summer xia 瑕|blemish/flaw in jade xia 吓|to frighten/to scare xia 霞|rose-tinted sky or clouds at sunrise ... xia 厦|abbr. for Xiamen or Amoy 廈門|厦门[Xia4 m... xia 祫|triennial sacrifice to ancestors xia 峡|gorge xia 瞎|blind/groundlessly/foolishly/to no pu... xia 辖|linchpin (used to fasten a wheel to a... xia 匣|box xia 遐|distant/long-lasting/to abandon xia 狭|narrow/narrow-minded xia 狭|old variant of 狹|狭[xia2] xia 虾|shrimp/prawn xia 陜|variant of 狹|狭[xia2]/variant of 峽|峡[x... xia 呷|to sip; to drink/Taiwan pr. [xia2] xia 鰕|variant of 蝦|虾[xia1] xia 狎|(bound form) (literary) to take liber... xia 罅|crack/grudge xia 黠|(phonetic)/crafty xia 丅|old variant of 下[xia4] xia 夓|old variant of 夏[xia4] xia 舺|boat/Taiwan pr. [jia3] xia 鎋|linchpin (used to fasten a wheel to a... xia 柙|cage/pen/scabbard xia 暇|leisure xia 舝|variant of 轄|辖[xia2] xia 碬|whetstone xia 蕸|water-lily leaves xia 煆|a raging fire xia 騢|(horse) xia 硖|place name xiaai 狭隘|(of a path etc) narrow/(of a living s... xiaaohui 夏奥会|the Summer Olympic Games; the Summer ... xiaba 下巴|chin xiabai 下摆|hem of a skirt/shirt tail xiabai 瞎掰|(coll.) to talk nonsense/to fool around xiabai 下拜|to bow down low/to make obeisance/to ... xiabake 下巴颏|chin xiaban 下班|to finish work; to get off work/next ... xiaban 下半|second half xiabannian 下半年|second half of the year xiabanshen 下半身|lower half of one\'s body/Lower Body (... xiabantian 下半天|afternoon xiabei 下辈|offspring/future generations/younger ... xiabeizi 下辈子|the next life xiabi 下笔|to put pen to paper xiabian 下边|under/the underside/below xiabian 瞎编|to fabricate (a story) xiabianluanzao 瞎编乱造|random lies and falsehoods xiabianr 下边儿|erhua variant of 下邊|下边[xia4 bian5] xiabiao 下标|subscript/suffix/index xiabijia 下鼻甲|inferior nasal conchae xiabingxiejiang 虾兵蟹将|shrimp soldiers and crab generals (in... xiabu 遐布|to spread far and wide xiabulai 下不来|awkward/embarrassed/cannot be accompl... xiabulaitai 下不来台|to be put on the spot/to find oneself... xiabuliaotai 下不了台|to be unable to extricate oneself gra... xiabuweili 下不为例|not to be repeated/not to be taken as... xiabuyanyu 瑕不掩瑜|lit. a blemish does not obscure jade\'... xiacai 瞎猜|to make a wild guess/blind guess xiaceng 下层|underlayer/lower class/lower strata/s... xiachang 下场|to leave (the stage, an exam room, th... xiachang 下场|the end/to conclude xiachang 狭长|long and narrow xiachangmen 下场门|exit door (of the stage) xiachao 夏朝|Xia Dynasty (2070-1600 BC) xiache 下车|to get off or out of (a bus, train, c... xiache 瞎扯|to talk irresponsibly/to talk nonsense xiachedan 瞎扯蛋|to talk irresponsibly; to talk nonsense xiachen 下沉|to sink down xiachenshichang 下沉市场|the Chinese market, excluding first- ... xiachi 下齿|bottom teeth xiachongbukeyiyubing 夏虫不可以语冰|a summer insect cannot discuss ice (i... xiachu 下厨|to go to the kitchen (to prepare a me... xiachui 瞎吹|to boast/to shoot one\'s mouth off xiachui 下垂|to droop/to sag/to hang down/sagging/... xiachun 下唇|lower lip xiaci 下次|next time xiaci 瑕疵|blemish/flaw/defect xiacijian 下次见|see you next time xiacuo 下挫|(of sales, prices etc) to fall/to dro... xiada 下达|to transmit to lower levels; to issue... xiadai 夏代|Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC xiadan 下单|to place an order; to order xiadan 下蛋|to lay eggs xiadao 吓倒|to be frightened xiadaofeiche 侠盗飞车|Grand Theft Auto (video game series) xiadaoliecheshou 侠盗猎车手|Grand Theft Auto (video game series) xiadefadou 吓得发抖|to tremble with fear xiadi 下地|to go down to the fields/to get up fr... xiadian 瑕玷|blemish/flaw xiadiao 下调|to demote/to pass down to a lower unit xiadie 下跌|to fall/to tumble xiadingdan 下订单|to place an order (commerce) xiadingjuexin 下定决心|to make a firm resolution xiadingyi 下定义|to define xiadu 下毒|to put poison in sth/to poison xiadu 下肚|to consume (food or drink); to eat; t... xiaduoli 霞多丽|Chardonnay (grape type) xiadushou 下毒手|to attack murderously/to strike treac... xiae 下颚|mandible (lower jaw) xiaer 遐迩|near and far; far and wide xiaer-wenming 遐迩闻名|see 聞名遐邇|闻名遐迩[wen2ming2-xia2er3] xiaerbaren 夏尔巴人|Sherpa xiaerjiezhi 遐迩皆知|well-known far and near (idiom) xiaershang 下而上|bottom to top (of listing) xiaeryiti 遐迩一体|both near and distant treated alike (... xiafa 下发|to issue (a memorandum etc) to lower ... xiafan 下饭|to eat one\'s rice with an accompanyin... xiafan 下凡|(of immortals) to descend to the huma... xiafang 下方|underneath/below/the underside/world ... xiafang 下放|to delegate/to decentralize/to demote... xiafang 遐方|distant places/distant lands xiafei 霞飞|Joseph Joffre (1852-1931), leading Fr... xiafeiji 下飞机|to get off a plane/to deplane xiafeng 下风|leeward/downwind/disadvantageous posi... xiafeng 吓疯|to be scared senseless xiafengfangxiang 下风方向|leeward xiafu 下浮|downward fluctuation (of prices etc) xiafu 遐福|great and lasting happiness/lasting b... xiafubu 下腹部|lower abdomen xiagan 虾干|dried shrimps xiagang 下岗|(of a guard, sentry etc) to come off ... xiagao 瞎搞|to fool around/to mess with/to do sth... xiage 下个|second (of two parts)/next (week etc)... xiagexingqi 下个星期|next week xiageyue 下个月|next month xiagong 下工|to knock off (at the end of a day\'s w... xiagongfu 下功夫|variant of 下工夫[xia4gong1fu5] xiagongfu 下工夫|to put in time and energy/to concentr... xiagu 峡谷|canyon/gill/ravine xiagu 狭谷|glen xiagu 虾蛄|mantis shrimp xiaguang 霞光|multicolored sunlight of sunrise or s... xiaguang 瞎逛|to wander aimlessly xiaguanshi 下关市|Shimonoseki, city in Yamaguchi Prefec... xiaguanzi 下馆子|to eat out/to eat at a restaurant xiagui 下跪|to kneel/to go down on one\'s knees xiagui 遐轨|long-established rules of conduct xiaguo 下锅|to put into the pot (to cook) xiahai 下海|to go out to sea/to enter the sea (to... xiahan 下颔|lower jaw; mandible xiahangu 下颔骨|lower jawbone/mandible xiahanwu 下寒武|lower Cambrian (geological period app... xiahanwutong 下寒武统|lower Cambrian series (geological str... xiahe 夏河|Xiahe County in Gannan Tibetan Autono... xiahe 下颌|lower jaw/mandible xiahegu 下颌骨|lower jaw/mandible xiahenxin 下狠心|to resolve (to do sth); to toughen up xiahexian 夏河县|Xiahe County in Gannan Tibetan Autono... xiahexiaxian 下颌下腺|submandibular salivary gland xiahou 夏侯|two-character surname Xiahou xiahu 吓唬|to scare/to frighten xiahua 下滑|to slide down (a slope etc)/(fig.) to... xiahuai 吓坏|to be terrified/to terrify sb xiahuan 下浣|last ten days of the lunar month xiahuang 瞎晃|to roam about/to monkey around xiahuang 遐荒|out-of-the-way places xiahuanggong 夏黄公|Xia Huanggong also known as Huang Shi... xiahuaxian 下划线|underscore _/underline xiahuaxian 下画线|underline xiahuayuan 下花园|Xiahuayuan District of Zhangjiakou ci... xiahuayuanqu 下花园区|Xiahuayuan District of Zhangjiakou ci... xiahui 下回|next chapter/next time xiahun 吓昏|to faint from fear/to be frightened i... xiahun 瞎混|to muddle along/to live aimlessly xiahuyu 虾虎鱼|goby (flat fish, Gobiidae) xiahuyuke 虾虎鱼科|Gobiidae (suborder of perch) xiai 喜爱|to like/to love/to be fond of/favorite xiaji 夏季|summer xiaji 下级|low ranking/low level/underclass/subo... xiaji 狎妓|(old) to visit prostitutes xiaji 遐迹|stories of ancient people xiajia 下嫁|(of a woman) to marry a man of lower ... xiajia 下家|player whose turn comes next (in a ga... xiajia 下架|to take down from the shelves (e.g. a... xiajian 下贱|humble/lowly/depraved/contemptible xiajiang 下降|to decline/to drop/to fall/to go down... xiajiang 虾酱|shrimp paste xiajiang 峡江|Xiajiang county in Ji\'an 吉安[Ji2 an1],... xiajiangxian 峡江县|Xiajiang county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi xiajiantou 下箭头|down-pointing arrow xiajiantoujian 下箭头键|down arrow key (on keyboard) xiajiao 下脚|to get a footing xiajiao 虾饺|prawn dumplings xiajiao 下焦|(TCM) lower burner, the part of the b... xiajiaoliao 下脚料|remnants of material from an industri... xiajie 下界|lower bound (math.)/world of mortals/... xiajie 下届|next office holder/next to serve xiajin 夏津|Xiajin county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1]... xiajing 狭径|narrow lane xiajing 霞径|a misty path/the path of the Daoist i... xiajingqu 夏敬渠|Xia Jingqu (1705-1787), Qing novelist... xiajinxian 夏津县|Xiajin county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1]... xiajiu 下酒|to be appropriate to have with alcoho... xiajiucai 下酒菜|a dish that goes well with alcoholic ... xiajiuliu 下九流|the lowest professions xiaju 遐举|to go a long way away xiajuexin 下决心|to determine/to resolve xiakan 下槛|doorsill xiake 下课|to finish class/to get out of class/(... xiake 侠客|chivalrous person/knight-errant xiake 下颏|chin/Taiwan pr. [xia4hai2] xiaketi 夏克提|Shakti (Hinduism) xiakuake 下夸克|down quark (particle physics) xiakuan 下款|signature on letter/name of donor xialai 下来|to come down/(completed action marker... xiali 夏历|the traditional Chinese lunar calendar xiali 夏利|Xiali, car brand by Tianjin FAW Xiali... xialibaren 下里巴人|folk songs of the state of Chu 楚國|楚国[... xialie 下列|following xialing 夏令|summer/summer weather xialing 下令|to give an order; to issue an order xialing 遐龄|advanced age/longevity/long life xialingshi 夏令时|daylight saving time xialingying 夏令营|summer camp xialiu 下流|lower course of a river/low-class/mea... xialongwan 下龙湾|Ha Long Bay, Vietnam xialou 下楼|to go downstairs xialu 狭路|gorge xialu 下陆|Xialu district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄... xialuo 下落|whereabouts/to drop/to fall xialuobuming 下落不明|unaccounted/unknown whereabouts xialuoke 夏洛克|Shylock (in Shakespeare\'s Merchant of... xialuote 夏洛特|Charlotte (name) xialuoteamaliya 夏洛特阿马利亚|Charlotte Amalie, capital of the Unit... xialuoteboliangte 夏洛特·勃良特|Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855), English... xialuotedun 夏洛特敦|Charlottetown, capital of Prince Edwa... xialuqu 下陆区|Xialu district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄... xialuxiangfeng 狭路相逢|lit. to meet face to face on a narrow... xiama 下马|to dismount from a horse/(fig.) to ab... xiamang 瞎忙|to putter around/to work to no avail xiamao 下锚|to drop anchor xiamaomaoyu 下毛毛雨|to drizzle; to rain lightly/(fig.) (c... xiamaopengshangsihaozi 瞎猫碰上死耗子|a blind cat finds a dead mouse (idiom... xiamawei 下马威|display of severity immediately on ta... xiamen 厦门|see 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4men2 Shi4] xiamendaxue 厦门大学|Xiamen University xiamenshi 厦门市|Xiamen, sub-provincial city in Fujian... xiami 虾米|small shrimp; dried, shelled shrimps/... xiamian 下面|below/under/next/the following/also p... xiamian 下面|to boil noodles xiamushushi 夏目漱石|Natsume Sōseki (1867-1916), one of th... xian 线|variant of 線|线[xian4] xian 线|thread/string/wire/line/CL:條|条[tiao2]... xian 见|to appear/also written 現|现[xian4] xian 先|beforehand; first; earlier/at first; ... xian 腺|gland xian 限|to limit/to restrict/(bound form) lim... xian 显|to make visible/to reveal/prominent/c... xian 县|county xian 贤|worthy or virtuous person/honorific u... xian 险|danger/dangerous/rugged xian 鲜|variant of 鮮|鲜[xian3] xian 鲜|variant of 尟|鲜[xian3] xian 鲜|fresh/bright (in color)/delicious/tas... xian 鲜|few/rare xian 鲜|fish/old variant of 鮮|鲜[xian1] xian 鲜|old variant of 鮮|鲜[xian3] xian 咸|surname Xian xian 咸|all/everyone/each/widespread/harmonious xian 弦|bow string/string of musical instrume... xian 咸|salted/salty/stingy/miserly xian 献|to offer/to present/to dedicate/to do... xian 纤|fine/delicate/minute xian 仙|immortal xian 仙|variant of 仙[xian1] xian 酰|acid radical/-acyl (chemistry) xian 筅|bamboo brush for utensils xian 陷|pitfall/trap/to get stuck/to sink/to ... xian 宪|statute/constitution xian 藓|moss/lichen/moss on damp walls/used e... xian 痫|epilepsy/insanity xian 羡|to envy xian 铣|shining metal/(old) the 16th of the m... xian 僴|old variant of 僩[xian4] xian 嫌|to dislike/suspicion/resentment/enmit... xian 衔|variant of 銜|衔[xian2] xian 衔|bit (of a bridle)/to hold in the mout... xian 馅|filling; stuffing (for dumplings, pie... xian 杴|shovel/variant of 鍁|锨[xian1] xian 娴|variant of 嫻|娴[xian2] xian 娴|elegant/refined/to be skilled at xian 蚬|basket clam (clam of family Corbiculi... xian 掀|to lift (a lid)/to rock/to convulse xian 现|to appear/present/now/existing/current xian 岘|abbr. for 峴首山|岘首山[Xian4 shou3 shan1]/... xian 舷|side of a ship or an aircraft xian 涎|variant of 涎[xian2] xian 涎|saliva xian 氙|xenon (chemistry) xian 霰|graupel/snow pellet/soft hail xian 锨|shovel xian 陥|Japanese variant of 陷[xian4] xian 猃|a kind of dog with a long snout/see 獫... xian 苋|amaranth (genus Amaranthus)/Joseph\'s ... xian 狝|to hunt in autumn (archaic) xian 冼|surname Xian xian 暹|sunrise xian 崄|precipitous/rugged xian 県|Japanese variant of 縣|县/Japanese pref... xian 憸|artful/flattering xian 幰|curtain at front of carriage xian 挦|to pull out (esp. hair or feathers)/t... xian 豏|half-grown beans/variant of 餡|馅[xian4] xian 忺|(literary) to want; to desire/(litera... xian 祆|Ahura Mazda, the creator deity in Zor... xian 籼|long-grained rice/same as 秈 xian 跣|barefooted xian 莶|used in 豨薟|豨莶[xi1xian1]/Taiwan pr. [l... xian 仚|old variant of 仙[xian1] xian 跹|to manner of dancing/to walk around xian 闲|enclosure/(variant of 閒|闲[xian2]) idl... xian 闲|idle/unoccupied/leisure xian 铦|fish-spear/sharp xian 僩|courageous/valiant xian 㵪|variant of 涎[xian2] xian 佡|variant of 仙, immortal/light (as a fe... xian 鹇|variant of 鷴|鹇[xian2] xian 鹇|silver pheasant (Phasianus nycthemeru... xian 燹|conflagration xian 姺|name of an ancient state xian 韅|leather girth on horse xian 癎|variant of 癇|痫, epilepsy xian 伭|surname Xian xian 伭|(literary) cruel; ruthless/(literary)... xian 険|Japanese variant of 險|险 xian 轞|vehicle for transporting prisoners xian 蚿|millipede xian 臽|(archaic) pit; hole in the ground/old... xian 韱|wild onions or leeks xian 秈|common rice xian 孅|cunning/slender xian 㬎|old variant of 顯|显[xian3] xian 顕|Japanese variant of 顯|显 xian 䕭|a kind of vegetable xian 蹮|old variant of 躚|跹[xian1] xian 憪|composed, contented xian 纎|old variant of 纖|纤[xian1] xian 絃|variant of 弦/bow string/string of mus... xian 繊|Japanese variant of 纖|纤 xian 撊|valiant/wrathful xian 𬀪|to appear (of sun) xian 𤞤|variant of 獫|猃[xian3] xian 𪾢|goggle-eyed xian 西安|see 西安市[Xi1an1 Shi4]/see 西安區|西安区[Xi1a... xian 𫍯|to bring into accord/sincerity xian 锡安|Zion xian 𬸣|(literary) (adjective) (of birds) fly... xianai 下奶|to produce milk; to lactate/to promot... xianai 腺癌|adenocarcinoma xianan 酰胺|amide/acidamide (chemistry) xianan 虾男|(slang) a guy who is like a prawn: yu... xiananqu 咸安区|Xian\'an district of Xianning city 咸寧市... xianao 瞎闹|to make a scene/to fool around/to beh... xianbai 显摆|(coll.) to show off xianbai 显白|variant of 顯擺|显摆[xian3 bai5] xianbao 献宝|to present a treasure/to offer a valu... xianbao 线报|tip-off xianbao 鲜剥|(of fruit, prawns etc) freshly peeled... xianbao 现剝|(of fruit, prawns etc) peeled on the ... xianbasedong 仙八色鸫|(bird species of China) fairy pitta (... xianbei 先辈|an older generation/ancestors; forefa... xianbei 鲜卑|Xianbei or Xianbi, group of northern ... xianbei 仙贝|rice cracker xianbeiche 掀背车|hatchback xianbeizu 鲜卑族|Xianbei or Xianbi, historic ethnic gr... xianbi 先妣|(literary) my late mother xianbian 先鞭|to be the first; to lead the way xianbing 馅饼|meat pie/pie/pasty xianbing 宪兵|military police xianbing 腺病|adenosis (glandular disease) xianbingdu 腺病毒|adenovirus xianbingdui 宪兵队|military police corps xianbinghouli 先兵后礼|opposite of 先禮後兵|先礼后兵[xian1 li3 hou4 ... xianbuxian 先不先|(dialect) first of all; in the first ... xiancai 贤才|a genius/a talented person xiancai 苋菜|amaranth greens (genus Amaranthus)/Ch... xiancai 咸菜|salted vegetables/pickles xiancai 鲜菜|fresh vegetable xiancai 嫌猜|suspicion xiancao 仙草|medicinal herb (genus Mesona)/grass j... xiance 献策|to offer advice/to make a suggestion xianchang 现场|the scene (of a crime, accident etc)/... xianchangbaodao 现场报道|on-the-spot report xianchangcaifang 现场采访|on-the-spot interview xianchanghui 现场会|on-the-spot meeting xianchanghuiyi 现场会议|on-the-spot meeting xianchangshicha 现场视察|on-site inspection xianchangtouzhu 现场投注|live betting xianchangzhibo 现场直播|on-the-spot live broadcast xianchaoxianmai 现炒现卖|lit. to fry and sell on the spot/fig.... xianche 闲扯|to chat/idle talk xianchen 纤尘|speck of dust/fine dust xianchenburan 纤尘不染|see 一塵不染|一尘不染[yi1 chen2 bu4 ran3] xiancheng 县城|county seat; county town xiancheng 线程|(computing) thread xiancheng 现成|ready-made/readily available xianchengduo 鲜橙多|Xianchengduo, Chinese brand of orange... xianchenghua 现成话|ready-made phrase/unhelpful comment xianchong 线虫|nematode xianchou 献丑|(used self-deprecatingly, e.g. when a... xianchu 显出|to express/to exhibit xianchu 献出|to offer/to give (as tribute)/to devo... xianchu 献处|to give one\'s virginity to xianchuang 舷窗|porthole/scuttle xianchuiti 腺垂体|pituitary gland xianchun 西鹌鹑|(bird species of China) common quail ... xianci 献词|congratulatory message xianci 先慈|(literary) my late mother xiancun 现存|extant/existent/in stock xiancun 显存|graphics memory; video random-access ... xianda 先达|(literary) our learned predecessors xianda 贤达|prominent and worthy personage xianda 显达|illustrious/influential/prestigious xianda 现打|to make a fresh batch of sth (juice, ... xiandai 现代|Hyundai, South Korean company xiandai 现代|modern times/modern age/modern era xiandaihua 现代化|modernization/CL:個|个[ge4] xiandaijituan 现代集团|Hyundai, the Korean corporation xiandaipai 现代派|modernist faction/modernists xiandairen 现代人|modern man/Homo sapiens xiandaishi 现代史|modern history xiandaiwu 现代舞|modern dance xiandaiwuxiang 现代五项|modern pentathlon xiandaixing 现代性|modernity xiandaixingshi 现代形式|the modern form xiandaixinrujia 现代新儒家|Modern New Confucianism/see also 新儒家[... xiandaiyinyue 现代音乐|modern music/contemporary music xiandamu 先大母|my late paternal grandmother xiandan 仙丹|elixir/magic potion xiandan 咸淡|salty and unsalty (flavors)/degree of... xiandanqiang 霰弹枪|shotgun xiandao 先导|to lead the way/guide; forerunner; pi... xiandao 籼稻|long-grained rice (Indian rice, as op... xiandao 祆道|Zoroastrianism/see also 祆教[Xian1 jiao4] xiandao 仙岛|island of the immortals xiandaoxiande 先到先得|first come first served xiande 显得|to seem/to look/to appear xiandi 贤弟|worthy little brother xiandi 县地|county seat/county town xiandianzikejidaxue 西安电子科技大学|Xidian University xiandiao 掀掉|to remove/to tear off xianding 限定|to restrict to/to limit xiandingci 限定词|determiner (in grammar, i.e. article,... xiandiyizhao 先帝遗诏|posthumous edict of a former emperor/... xiandong 掀动|to stir/to lift/to set sth in motion xiandu 限度|limitation/limit xiandu 纤度|fiber fineness (usu. measured in term... xianduan 线段|line segment xianduweikuai 先睹为快|(idiom) to consider it a pleasure to ... xiane 限额|quota; limit (upper or lower)/to set ... xiane 险恶|dangerous/sinister/vicious xianerguzhi 弦而鼓之|to put strings on the zither, then pl... xianeryijian 显而易见|clearly and easy to see (idiom); obvi... xianfa 宪法|constitution (of a country)/CL:部[bu4] xianfa 先发|to take preemptive action/(sports) to... xianfafayuan 宪法法院|Constitutional Court xianfajianhuweiyuanhui 宪法监护委员会|Guardian Council, body of 12 appointe... xianfan 嫌犯|criminal suspect xianfan 掀翻|to turn sth over/to overturn xianfang 仙方|prescription of elixir/potion of immo... xianfang 现房|finished apartment/ready apartment xianfangr 仙方儿|erhua variant of 仙方[xian1 fang1] xianfatoushou 先发投手|(baseball) starting pitcher xianfazhiren 先发制人|(idiom) to gain the initiative by str... xianfeitiaoshou 嫌肥挑瘦|to choose sth over another to suit on... xianfeng 先锋|vanguard; pioneer; avant-garde xianfeng 咸丰|Xianfeng (1831-1861), reign name of Q... xianfeng 险峰|perilous peak/the lofty heights xianfengdui 先锋队|vanguard xianfenggulang 掀风鼓浪|to raise a storm/to stir up trouble/t... xianfengpai 先锋派|avant-garde xianfengxian 咸丰县|Xianfeng County in Enshi Tujia and Mi... xianfu 县府|county government xianfu 先父|deceased father/my late father xianfu 现付|to pay on the spot xiang 相|surname Xiang xiang 相|each other/one another/mutually/fret ... xiang 相|appearance/portrait/picture/governmen... xiang 向|surname Xiang xiang 向|towards/to face/to turn towards/direc... xiang 向|to tend toward/to guide/variant of 向[... xiang 向|variant of 向[xiang4]/direction/orient... xiang 想|to think (about)/to think of; to devi... xiang 项|surname Xiang xiang 项|back of neck/item/thing/term (in a ma... xiang 象|elephant/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/shape/form/appe... xiang 香|fragrant/sweet smelling/aromatic/savo... xiang 响|echo/sound/noise/to make a sound/to s... xiang 降|to surrender/to capitulate/to subdue/... xiang 乡|country or countryside/native place/h... xiang 享|to enjoy/to benefit/to have the use of xiang 享|old variant of 享[xiang3] xiang 祥|auspicious/propitious xiang 骧|(literary) to run friskily (of a hors... xiang 巷|lane/alley xiang 湘|abbr. for Hunan 湖南 province in south ... xiang 像|to resemble/to be like/to look as if/... xiang 箱|box/trunk/chest xiang 详|detailed/comprehensive xiang 镶|to inlay/to embed/ridge/border xiang 襄|surname Xiang xiang 襄|(literary) to assist xiang 厢|box (in theater)/side room/side xiang 庠|(archaic) a school xiang 橡|oak/Quercus serrata xiang 缃|light yellow color xiang 翔|to soar/to glide/variant of 詳|详[xiang... xiang 饷|soldier\'s pay xiang 饷|variant of 餉|饷[xiang3] xiang 飨|(literary) to offer food and drinks/t... xiang 忀|to stroll/to ramble xiang 郷|Japanese variant of 鄉|乡 xiang 芗|aromatic herb used for seasoning/vari... xiang 㿝|old variant of 香[xiang1] xiang 夅|old variant of 降[xiang2] xiang 葙|see 青葙, feather cockscomb (Celosia ar... xiang 鲞|dried fish xiang 珦|a kind of jade xiang 晑|bright/clear xiang 鄕|variant of 鄉|乡[xiang1]/country/village xiang 蚃|(literary) insect larva/Taiwan pr. [x... xiang 蟓|silkworm xiang 膷|hashed beef/soup xiang 欀|inner lining of wooden utensils/compo... xiang 瓖|ornaments xiang 衖|variant of 巷[xiang4] xiang 𬙋|cord to hold up sleeves xiangai 相爱|to love each other xiangaixiangsha 相爱相杀|to have a love-hate relationship with... xiangan 腺苷|adenosine xiangan 香案|incense burner table xiangan 线杆|telephone pole/utility pole xiangan 翔安|Xiang\'an, a district of Xiamen City 廈... xiangang 岘港|Da Nang or Danang, Vietnam xianganqu 翔安区|Xiang\'an, a district of Xiamen City 廈... xianganwushi 相安无事|(idiom) to live together in harmony xiangaojia 限高架|height restriction barrier xiangbabang 象拔蚌|elephant trunk clam/geoduck (Panopea ... xiangbala 香巴拉|Shambhala, mythical place (Buddhism, ... xiangbalao 乡巴佬|(derog.) villager/hick/bumpkin xiangban 相伴|to accompany sb/to accompany each other xiangban 响板|castanets (music) xiangbang 相帮|to help one another/to aid xiangbao 香包|a small bag full of fragrance used on... xiangbao 相保|to guard each other xiangbapingcuo 向巴平措|Qiangba Puncog (1947-), chairman of t... xiangbei 向北|northward/facing north xiangbei 相悖|contrary; opposite; to run counter to xiangbei 向背|to support or oppose xiangbei 详备|detailed xiangbei 相背|contrary/opposite xiangbi 相比|to compare xiangbi 想必|presumably/probably/in all likelihood... xiangbian 镶边|edge/border/to edge (with lace, embro... xiangbian 响遍|to resound (all over the place) xiangbichong 象鼻虫|weevil/snout beetle xiangbin 香槟|champagne (loanword) xiangbinjiu 香槟酒|champagne (loanword)/CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] xiangbishan 象鼻山|Elephant Trunk Hill in Guilin, Guangxi xiangbixugou 向壁虚构|facing a wall, an imaginary construct... xiangbixuzao 向壁虚造|facing a wall, an imaginary construct... xiangbizhixia 相比之下|by comparison xiangbo 香波|shampoo (loanword)/see 洗髮皂|洗发皂[xi3 fa... xiangbobo 香饽饽|delicious cakes/popular person/sth th... xiangbohe 香薄荷|savory (herb) xiangbu 相簿|photo album xiangbudao 想不到|unexpected/hard to imagine/it had not... xiangbukai 想不开|cannot figure out/to be unable to tak... xiangbutong 想不通|unable to understand/unable to get over xiangcai 湘菜|Hunan cuisine xiangcai 香菜|coriander/cilantro/Coriandrum sativum xiangcaiye 香菜叶|coriander leaf xiangcao 香草|aromatic herb/vanilla/alternative nam... xiangcaojing 香草精|vanilla/vanilla extract/methyl vanill... xiangcaolan 香草兰|vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) xiangce 相册|photo album xiangcha 相差|to differ xiangcha 像差|(optics) aberration xiangchabuduo 相差不多|not much difference xiangchang 香肠|sausage/CL:根[gen1] xiangchao 香巢|a love nest/a place of secret cohabit... xiangche 响彻|to resound/to resonate xiangchebaoma 香车宝马|magnificent carriage and precious hor... xiangchen 相称|to match/to suit/mutually compatible xiangchen 相衬|to contrast/to set off one another/to... xiangcheng 襄城|Xiangcheng county in Xuchang city 許昌市... xiangcheng 乡城|Xiangcheng county (Tibetan: phyag \'ph... xiangcheng 相乘|to multiply (math.)/multiplication xiangcheng 项城|Xiangcheng, county-level city in Zhou... xiangcheng 香橙|orange (tree and fruit) xiangcheng 芗城|Xiangcheng district of Zhangzhou city... xiangcheng 相城|Xiangcheng district of Suzhou city 蘇州... xiangcheng 相承|to complement one another xiangchengqu 芗城区|Xiangcheng district of Zhangzhou city... xiangchengqu 襄城区|Xiangcheng district of Xiangfan city ... xiangchengqu 相城区|Xiangcheng district of Suzhou city 蘇州... xiangchengshi 项城市|Xiangcheng, county-level city in Zhou... xiangchengxian 襄城县|Xiangcheng county in Xuchang city 許昌市... xiangchengxian 乡城县|Xiangcheng county (Tibetan: phyag \'ph... xiangchi 相持|locked in a stalemate/to confront one... xiangchi 相斥|mutual repulsion (e.g. electrostatic)... xiangchibuxia 相持不下|at a stalemate/deadlocked/in unrelent... xiangchong 象虫|weevil; snout beetle xiangchou 乡愁|homesickness/nostalgia xiangchu 相处|to be in contact (with sb)/to associa... xiangchu 想出|to figure out/to work out (a solution... xiangchuan 相传|to pass on/to hand down/tradition has... xiangchun 香椿|Chinese toon (Toona sinensis), decidu... xiangchun 香醇|rich and mellow (flavor or aroma) xiangchun 香纯|variant of 香醇[xiang1 chun2] xiangcu 香醋|aromatic vinegar/balsamic vinegar xiangcun 乡村|rustic/village/countryside xiangcunnailao 乡村奶酪|cottage cheese xiangcunyinyue 乡村音乐|country music (country & western musi... xiangcunyisheng 乡村医生|village doctor (Chinese health care s... xiangdai 相待|to treat xiangdang 相当|equivalent to/appropriate/considerabl... xiangdangdang 响当当|resounding/loud/well known/famous xiangdangran 想当然|to take sth as given; to make assumpt... xiangdangraner 想当然尔|to take sth as given/to assume/as one... xiangdangraner 想当然耳|variant of 想當然爾|想当然尔[xiang3 dang1 ran... xiangdangyu 相当于|equivalent to xiangdao 想到|to think of/to call to mind/to antici... xiangdao 向导|guide xiangdaomei 想倒美|see 想得美[xiang3de5mei3] xiangdekai 想得开|to not take to heart/to be free of wo... xiangdemei 想得美|to have an unrealistically optimistic... xiangdeng 相等|equal/equally/equivalent xiangdeyizhang 相得益彰|to bring out the best in each other (... xiangdi 相抵|to balance up/to offset/to counterbal... xiangdingdang 响叮当|to tinkle/to jingle/to clank xiangdong 向东|eastwards xiangdong 响动|sound coming from sth (typically sth ... xiangdong 湘东|Xiangdong district of Pingxiang city ... xiangdongqu 湘东区|Xiangdong district of Pingxiang city ... xiangdu 响度|loudness/volume xiangdui 相对|relatively/opposite/to resist/to oppo... xiangdui-bijiao 相对比较|relatively; comparatively xiangduidizhi 相对地址|relative address (computing) xiangduieryan 相对而言|relatively speaking/comparatively spe... xiangduilun 相对论|theory of relativity xiangduilunxing 相对论性|relativistic (physics) xiangduimidu 相对密度|relative density xiangduishidu 相对湿度|relative humidity xiangduiweizhi 相对位置|relative position xiangduixiang 相对象|to meet a possible marriage partner xiange 弦歌|to sing to a string accompaniment/edu... xiange 相恶|to hate one another xiangfa 想法|way of thinking; opinion; notion/to t... xiangfan 相反|opposite/contrary xiangfang 香坊|Xiangfang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[... xiangfang 厢房|wing (of a traditional house)/side room xiangfang 相仿|similar xiangfangqu 香坊区|Xiangfang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[... xiangfangshefa 想方设法|to think up every possible method (id... xiangfeizhu 湘妃竹|same as 斑竹[ban1 zhu2], mottled bamboo... xiangfen 襄汾|Xiangfen county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 ... xiangfen 香粉|face powder/talcum powder xiangfen 香氛|fragrance; perfume xiangfeng 相逢|to meet (by chance)/to come across xiangfeng 翔凤|Comac ARJ21, Chinese-built twin-engin... xiangfenxian 襄汾县|Xiangfen county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 ... xiangfu 相符|to match/to tally xiangfu 降服|to yield/to surrender xiangfu 降伏|to subdue/to vanquish/to tame xiangfu 享福|to live comfortably/happy and prosper... xiangfu 香附|red nut sedge (Cyperus rotundus) xiangfufu 香馥馥|richly scented/strongly perfumed xiangfujiaozi 相夫教子|to assist one\'s husband and educate t... xiangfuxiangcheng 相辅相成|to complement one another (idiom) xianggan 香干|smoked bean curd xianggan 相干|relevant/to have to do with/(physics)... xianggang 香港|Hong Kong, special administrative reg... xianggangdao 香港岛|Hong Kong Island xianggangdaxue 香港大学|The University of Hong Kong xianggangdiantai 香港电台|Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), pu... xiangganggonghuilianhehui 香港工会联合会|Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions xiangganghongshizihui 香港红十字会|Hong Kong Red Cross xianggangjiao 香港脚|athlete\'s foot xianggangjiaoyisuo 香港交易所|Hong Kong Stock Exchange xianggangjibenfa 香港基本法|Hong Kong Basic Law (in effect since ... xianggangjingcha 香港警察|Hong Kong Police Force (since 1997) xianggangjinrongguanliju 香港金融管理局|Hong Kong Monetary Authority xianggangkejidaxue 香港科技大学|Hong Kong University of Science and T... xianggangligongdaxue 香港理工大学|Hong Kong Polytechnic University xianggangmaoyifazhanju 香港贸易发展局|Hong Kong Trade Development Council xianggangren 香港人|Hong Kong person or people xianggangshidigongyuan 香港湿地公园|Hong Kong Wetland Park, in Yuen Long,... xianggangwenhuazhongxin 香港文化中心|Hong Kong Cultural Center xianggangyinhanggonghui 香港银行公会|Hong Kong Association of Banks xianggangzhongwendaxue 香港中文大学|Chinese University of Hong Kong xianggangzhongzhi 香港众志|Demosistō, a pro-democracy political ... xianggangzuqiuzonghui 香港足球总会|Hong Kong Football Association xiangge 相隔|separated by (distance or time etc) xianggelila 香格里拉|Shangri-la, the beautiful, idyllic la... xianggen 箱根|Hakone, city on the east coast of Jap... xianggencao 香根草|vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanoides) xianggong 相公|lord/master/young gentleman/male pros... xianggu 香菇|shiitake (Lentinus edodes), an edible... xianggu 箱鼓|cajón (musical instrument) xianggu 香菰|variant of 香菇[xiang1 gu1] xianggua 香瓜|oriental melon (Cucumis melo Makuwa G... xiangguan 相关|related/relevant/pertinent/to be inte... xiangguan 乡贯|one\'s native place/place of ancestry/... xiangguang 祥光|auspicious light xiangguanxing 相关性|correlation xianggui 香桂|see 桂皮[gui4 pi2], Chinese cinnamon xianggui 香闺|a woman\'s rooms xiangguiyunhe 湘桂运河|Hunan-Guangxi Canal, another name for... xiangguo 相国|prime minister (in ancient China) xiangguo 享国|to reign xianghaibao 象海豹|elephant seal xianghao 相好|to be intimate/close friend/paramour xianghe 祥和|auspicious and peaceful xianghe 香河|Xianghe county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 f... xianghe 相合|to conform to/to fit with/to be compa... xianghe 详和|serene/calm xianghechu 向何处|whither xianghexian 香河县|Xianghe county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 f... xianghou 向后|backward xianghoufanteng 向后翻腾|backward somersault xianghu 相互|each other/mutual xianghua 香花|fragrant flower/fig. beneficial (of a... xianghua 像话|proper; appropriate (mostly used in t... xianghua 象话|variant of 像話|像话[xiang4hua4] xianghua 香滑|creamy xianghuangqi 镶黄旗|Bordered Yellow banner or Hövööt Shar... xianghubaozhenghuimie 相互保证毁灭|mutual assured destruction xianghuguanxi 相互关系|interrelationship xianghui 相会|to meet together xianghui 翔回|to circle (in the sky) xianghui 香会|a company of pilgrims xianghujianrong 相互兼容|mutually compatible xianghuo 香火|incense burning in front of a temple/... xianghuo 向火|to warm oneself facing the fire xianghuobujue 香火不绝|an unending stream of pilgrims xianghuodingsheng 香火鼎盛|(of a temple) teeming with worshippers xianghuoqian 香火钱|donations to a temple xianghuzuoyong 相互作用|to interact/interaction/interplay xiangji 相机|camera (abbr. for 照相機|照相机[zhao4 xiang... xiangji 相继|in succession/following closely xiangji 香几|a small table to accommodate an incen... xiangjia 相加|to add up (numbers)/(fig.) to put tog... xiangjia 相架|picture frame xiangjia 想家|homesick xiangjia 象甲|weevil/snout beetle xiangjiaba 向家坝|Xiangjiaba Dam, Yunnan, site of a hyd... xiangjian 相见|to see each other/to meet in person xiangjian 想见|to infer/to gather xiangjian 乡间|in the country/rural/pastoral xiangjian 相间|to alternate/to follow one another xiangjian 响箭|whistling arrow (used in ancient time... xiangjian 详见|for further details, refer to xiangjiang 降将|surrendered enemy general xiangjiang 湘江|the Xiangjiang river in Hunan province xiangjianhenwan 相见恨晚|to regret not having met earlier (idi... xiangjiao 橡胶|rubber/caoutchouc xiangjiao 相交|to cross over (e.g. traffic)/to inter... xiangjiao 相较|to compare xiangjiao 乡郊|rural xiangjiao 香蕉|banana/CL:枝[zhi1],根[gen1],個|个[ge4],把[... xiangjiao 相角|phase angle xiangjiaoren 香蕉人|banana person (yellow outside, white ... xiangjiaoshu 橡胶树|rubber tree xiangjiaoshu 相交数|intersection number (math.) xiangjiaoyunen 香娇玉嫩|a beautiful woman xiangjie 详解|to explain in detail/detailed answer/... xiangjie 相接|to merge with/interlinking/to join wi... xiangjierdong 相机而动|to wait for the opportune moment befo... xiangjierxing 相机而行|to act according to the situation (id... xiangjin 详尽|thorough and detailed/exhaustive/the ... xiangjin 相近|close/similar to xiangjin 镶金|gilded/inlaid with gold xiangjing 香精|seasoning/condiment/flavoring/dressin... xiangjing 项颈|back of neck xiangjingrubin 相敬如宾|to treat each other as an honored gue... xiangjinwuyi 详尽无遗|exhaustive/thorough xiangjixingshi 相机行事|to act as circumstances dictate (idiom) xiangju 相聚|to meet together/to assemble xiangju 相距|distance apart/separated by a given d... xiangju 湘剧|Xiang opera (Hunan) xiangju 芗剧|variety of opera popular in southern ... xiangjun 湘军|Hunan army, irregular force formed in... xiangkai 想开|to get over (a shock, bereavement etc... xiangkan 相看|to look at one another/to take a good... xiangke 香客|Buddhist pilgrim/Buddhist worshipper xiangke 飨客|to entertain a guest xiangkongjian 相空间|phase space (math., ordinary differen... xiangkoujiao 香口胶|chewing gum xiangkuang 相框|photo frame xianglai 想来|it may be assumed that xianglai 向来|always (previously) xianglajiao 香辣椒|all-spice (Pimenta dioica)/Jamaican p... xiangle 享乐|to enjoy life/pleasures of life xianglei 相类|similar xianglei 响雷|to be thundering/thunder clap/CL:個|个[... xianglezhuyi 享乐主义|hedonism xianglezhuyizhe 享乐主义者|hedonist xiangli 乡里|one\'s home town or village xiangli 向例|custom/usual practice/convention up t... xiangli 襄理|assistant manager (in a large enterpr... xianglian 项链|necklace/CL:條|条[tiao2] xianglian 相连|to link/to join/link/connection xianglian 相恋|to love each other xianglian 相联|to interact/interrelated xiangliang 向量|(math.) vector xiangliang 响亮|loud and clear; resounding xiangliang 箱梁|box girder (construction) xiangliangdaishu 向量代数|vector algebra xiangliangji 向量积|vector product (of vectors) xiangliangkongjian 向量空间|(math.) vector space; linear space xiangliangtuxing 向量图形|(computing) vector graphics xiangliao 香料|spice/flavoring/condiment/perfume xianglin 相邻|neighbor/adjacent xianglin 乡邻|fellow villager xianglong 巷弄|alley/lane xianglongfuhu 降龙伏虎|to vanquish dragons and tigers (idiom) xianglu 香炉|a censer (for burning incense)/incens... xianglunbaoqi 香轮宝骑|magnificent carriage and precious hor... xianglve 详略|concise/the details in brief xiangma 相骂|to hurl insults at each other xiangmao 相貌|appearance xiangmao 香茅|lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) xiangmao 像貌|variant of 相貌[xiang4 mao4] xiangmaochun 香茅醇|citronellol (chemistry) xiangmeng 详梦|to analyze dreams (for fortune-telling) xiangmi 详密|detailed/meticulous xiangmian 相面|fortune telling based on the subject\'... xiangmin 乡民|villager/(Tw) (Internet slang) person... xiangming 享名|to enjoy a reputation xiangmingzhe 相命者|fortune teller xiangmu 项目|item/project/(sports) event/CL:個|个[ge4] xiangmu 橡木|oaken xiangmu 香木|incense wood xiangmu 向暮|towards evening xiangmu 向慕|to adore xiangmuguanli 项目管理|project management xiangmuxiangyang 像模像样|solemn/presentable/decent/Taiwan pr. ... xiangnaier 香奈儿|Chanel (brand name) xiangnamehuishir 像那么回事儿|not bad at all/quite impressive xiangnan 向南|southward xiangnang 香囊|spice bag xiangnian 想念|to miss/to remember with longing/to l... xiangnian 享年|to live to the (ripe) age of xiangning 乡宁|Xiangning county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2... xiangningxian 乡宁县|Xiangning county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2... xiangong 先公|(literary) my late father xiangong 仙宫|underground palace of ghouls, e.g. As... xiangou 限购|to limit the amount a customer can buy xiangpan 向盘|compass xiangpaoshu 香泡树|citron (Citrus medica)/grapefruit xiangpei 相配|to match; to fit; to pair well xiangpeiren 相配人|match (couple)/persons well suited fo... xiangpeiwu 相配物|thing that is well suited/pet animal ... xiangpengzhuang 相碰撞|to collide with one another xiangpenpen 香喷喷|delicious/savory xiangpi 橡皮|rubber/an eraser/CL:塊|块[kuai4] xiangpi 乡僻|far from town/out-of-the-way place xiangpi 响屁|loud fart xiangpian 相片|image/photograph/CL:張|张[zhang1] xiangpian 像片|photo xiangpian 香片|jasmine tea/scented tea xiangpianbu 像片簿|album/photo album/sketch book xiangpica 橡皮擦|eraser/rubber/CL:塊|块[kuai4] xiangpigao 橡皮膏|sticking plaster/adhesive bandage xiangpijin 橡皮筋|rubber band xiangpingmian 相平面|phase plane (math., ordinary differen... xiangpini 橡皮泥|plasticine/modeling clay xiangpiqiu 橡皮球|rubber ball xiangpiting 橡皮艇|rubber dinghy xiangpituzhang 橡皮图章|(lit. and fig.) rubber stamp xiangpixian 橡皮线|wire (sheathed in rubber)/cable xiangpu 香蒲|Typha orientalis/broadleaf cumbungi/b... xiangpu 相扑|sumo wrestling/also pr. [xiang4 pu1] xiangq 香Q|flavorsome and having a springy mouth... xiangqi 想起|to recall/to think of/to call to mind xiangqi 象棋|Chinese chess/CL:副[fu4] xiangqi 香气|fragrance/aroma/incense xiangqi 响起|(of a sound) to come forth/(of a soun... xiangqi 乡气|rustic/uncouth/unsophisticated xiangqi 响器|percussion instrument xiangqi 乡戚|a relative/a family member xiangqi 相契|(literary) to be a good match xiangqian 镶嵌|to inlay/to embed/to set (e.g. a jewe... xiangqian 向前|forward/onward xiangqian 湘黔|Hunan-Guizhou xiangqianfanteng 向前翻腾|forward somersault xiangqiao 湘桥|Xiangqiao district of Chaozhou City 潮... xiangqiaoqu 湘桥区|Xiangqiao District of Chaozhou City 潮... xiangqie 相切|(math.) to be tangential to each other xiangqie 箱箧|box/chest xiangqilai 想起来|to remember/to recall xiangqin 相亲|blind date/arranged interview to eval... xiangqin 乡亲|fellow countryman (from the same vill... xiangqing 详情|details/particulars xiangqing 乡情|homesickness xiangqing 相轻|to hold each other in low regard xiangqingfu 享清福|to live in ease and comfort xiangqinjiao 相亲角|\"matchmaking corner\", a gathering in ... xiangqinxiangai 相亲相爱|(idiom) (of siblings, spouses etc) ve... xiangqisai 象棋赛|Chinese chess tournament xiangqu 乡曲|remote village xiangqu 相觑|to look at each other xiangquan 项圈|necklace xiangquan 相劝|to persuade/to exhort/to advise xiangren 乡人|villager/fellow villager xiangren 相认|to know each other/to recognize/to id... xiangrenzi 乡人子|young fellow countryman/young person ... xiangrikui 向日葵|sunflower (Helianthus annuus) xiangrong 相容|compatible/consistent/to tolerate (ea... xiangrongtiaojian 相容条件|conditions for consistency xiangrou 香肉|(dialect) dog meat xiangru-yimo 相濡以沫|lit. (of fish) to moisten each other ... xiangrufeifei 想入非非|to indulge in fantasy (idiom); to let... xiangrui 祥瑞|auspicious sign xiangruo 相若|on a par with/comparable to xiangshan 象山|Xiangshan district of Guilin city 桂林市... xiangshan 相山|Xiangshan, a district of Huaibei City... xiangshang 向上|upward/up/to advance/to try to improv... xiangshangongyuan 香山公园|Fragrant Hills Park, Beijing xiangshangrentou 项上人头|head/neck (as in \"to save one\'s neck\"... xiangshanqu 相山区|Xiangshan, a district of Huaibei City... xiangshanqu 象山区|Xiangshan district of Guilin city 桂林市... xiangshanqu 香山区|Hsiangshan, a district of Hsinchu 新竹市... xiangshanxian 象山县|Xiangshan county in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning... xiangshen 乡绅|a scholar or government official livi... xiangsheng 响声|noise xiangsheng 相声|comic dialogue/sketch/crosstalk xiangsheng 相生|to engender one another xiangshengci 象声词|onomatopoeia xiangshi 相识|to get to know each other/acquaintance xiangshi 翔实|complete and accurate xiangshi 乡试|the triennial provincial imperial exa... xiangshi 相士|fortune-teller who uses the subject\'s... xiangshi 详实|detailed and reliable/full and accurate xiangshi 橡实|acorn xiangshi 相视|to look at each other xiangshiche 厢式车|van xiangshierxiao 相视而笑|(idiom) to look at each other and smile xiangshou 享受|to enjoy/to live it up/pleasure/CL:種|... xiangshouxie 相手蟹|crab of family Sesarmidae xiangshu 详述|to recount xiangshu 橡树|oak xiangshu 相术|physiognomy xiangshui 香水|perfume/cologne xiangshui 响水|Xiangshui county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Ya... xiangshui 想睡|drowsy/sleepy xiangshuixian 响水县|Xiangshui county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Ya... xiangsi 相似|similar; alike xiangsi 相思|to yearn/to pine xiangsibing 相思病|lovesickness xiangsici 相似词|synonym xiangsixing 相似性|resemblance/similarity xiangsong 香颂|chanson (loanword) xiangsu 像素|pixel xiangsu 香酥|crisp-fried xiangsuanjiang 香蒜酱|garlic sauce/pesto xiangsui 相随|to tag along (with sb)/(in combinatio... xiangsui 香荽|coriander xiangtai 相态|phase (state of matter) xiangtan 湘潭|see 湘潭市[Xiang1tan2 Shi4] xiangtan 乡谈|local dialect xiangtangmuyu 香汤沐浴|to bathe in a fragrant hot spring (id... xiangtanshi 湘潭市|Xiangtan, prefecture-level city in Hu... xiangtanxian 湘潭县|Xiangtan county in Xiangtan 湘潭[Xiang1... xiangtian 香甜|fragrant and sweet/sound (sleep) xiangtibinglun 相提并论|to discuss two disparate things toget... xiangticaiyi 相体裁衣|lit. tailor the clothes to fit the bo... xiangtiji 香体剂|deodorant xiangting 箱庭|(Japanese-style) sandbox (video gamin... xiangtong 相同|identical/same xiangtong 相通|interlinked/connected/communicating/i... xiangtong 想通|to figure out/to realize/to become co... xiangtou 相投|agreeing with one another/congenial xiangtou 想头|(coll.) idea/hope xiangtou 响头|to bump one\'s head/to kowtow with hea... xiangtu 乡土|native soil/one\'s native land/one\'s h... xiangtu 相图|phase diagram (math.)/phase portrait xiangu 仙姑|female immortal/sorceress xiangu 险固|(of terrain) rugged, providing a natu... xiangu 仙股|penny stocks xianguan 县官|district magistrate/county magistrate xianguang 闲逛|to stroll xiangui 显贵|dignitary/distinguished person/royalt... xiangwai 向外|outward xiangwandou 香豌豆|sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) xiangwang 向往|to yearn for/to look forward to xiangwang 想望|to desire/to wish/(literary) to admire xiangwang 相望|to look at one another/to face each o... xiangwei 相位|phase (waves) xiangwei 香味|fragrance/bouquet/sweet smell/CL:股[gu3] xiangwei 相违|to conflict with (an idea or opinion ... xiangweicha 相位差|phase difference xiangweipubi 香味扑鼻|exotic odors assail the nostrils (idiom) xiangweishe 响尾蛇|rattlesnake xiangwen 香吻|kiss xiangxi 详细|detailed/in detail/minute xiangxi 湘西|Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Pre... xiangxi 向西|westward xiangxi 相吸|mutual attraction (e.g. electrostatic... xiangxia 乡下|countryside/rural area/CL:個|个[ge4] xiangxia 向下|down/downward xiangxialao 乡下佬|villager; hick xiangxian 象限|quadrant (in coordinate geometry) xiangxian 香腺|perfume gland/musk gland xiangxiang 想象|to imagine; to envision/imagination xiangxiang 湘乡|Xiangxiang, county-level city in Xian... xiangxiang 相像|to resemble one another/to be alike/s... xiangxiang 相向|facing one another; face-to-face xiangxiang 想像|to imagine; to envision/imagination xiangxiangkan 想想看|to think about it xiangxiangli 想像力|conception/imagination xiangxiangli 想象力|imagination xiangxiangshi 湘乡市|Xiangxiang, county-level city in Xian... xiangxiangtuji 相向突击|sudden attack from the opposite direc... xiangxiaren 乡下人|country folk/rustic/rural folk xiangxiaxiqi 乡下习气|country manners; provincialism xiangxie 向斜|syncline (geology) xiangxie 相偕|together (literary) xiangxielishe 香榭丽舍|Champs Élysées xiangxielishedajie 香榭丽舍大街|Avenue des Champs-Élysées xiangxin 相信|to believe; to be convinced; to accep... xiangxinan 向西南|southwestward xiangxing 象形|pictogram/one of the Six Methods 六書|六... xiangxing 向性|tropism xiangxingche 厢型车|van (Tw) xiangxingche 箱型车|van (Tw)/also written 廂型車|厢型车[xiang1 ... xiangxingjianchu 相形见绌|to pale by comparison (idiom) xiangxingwenzi 象形文字|pictogram/hieroglyph xiangxingzi 象形字|pictogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|... xiangxinli 向心力|centripetal force/(fig.) cohering for... xiangxitujiazumiaozuzizhizhou 湘西土家族苗族自治州|Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Pre... xiangxiu 湘绣|Hunan embroidery, one of the four maj... xiangxun 香薰|aromatherapy xiangxun 香熏|aroma xiangxun 香蕈|shiitake (Lentinus edodes), an edible... xiangxunliaofa 香熏疗法|aromatherapy (alternative medicine) xiangya 象牙|ivory/elephant tusk xiangya 镶牙|to have a false tooth set in/denture xiangyahaian 象牙海岸|Côte d\'Ivoire or Ivory Coast (Tw) xiangyan 香烟|smoke from incense (burned as an offe... xiangyan 香烟|cigarette (variant of 香煙|香烟[xiang1yan1]) xiangyan 香艳|alluring/erotic/romantic xiangyan 飨宴|feast/banquet xiangyanchengxi 相沿成习|well established/accepted as a result... xiangyang 襄阳|see 襄陽市|襄阳市[Xiang1yang2 Shi4] xiangyang 向阳|Xiangyang district of Kiamusze or Jia... xiangyang 向阳|facing the sun/exposed to the sun xiangyang 像样|presentable/decent/up to par xiangyang 象样|variant of 像樣|像样[xiang4 yang4] xiangyanghua 向阳花|sunflower xiangyangqu 向阳区|Xiangyang district of Kiamusze or Jia... xiangyangshi 襄阳市|Xiangyang, prefecture-level city in H... xiangyao 降妖|to subdue monsters xiangyao 想要|to want to/to feel like/to fancy/to c... xiangyata 象牙塔|ivory tower xiangye 香液|perfume/balsam xiangye 香叶|bay leaf/laurel leaf xiangyechun 香叶醇|geraniol (chemistry) xiangyemeixiang 想也没想|without a second thought xiangyi 相依|to be interdependent xiangyi 相宜|to be suitable or appropriate xiangyi 相异|different/dissimilar xiangyi 乡医|abbr. of 鄉村醫生|乡村医生[xiang1 cun1 yi1 sh... xiangyibimengeng 飨以闭门羹|to close the door in one\'s face (idiom) xiangyin 湘阴|Xiangyin county in Yueyang 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4... xiangyin 乡音|local accent/accent of one\'s native p... xiangyin 饷银|(old) pay; wages (esp. for soldiers) xiangyin 响音|sonorant xiangyin 飨饮|to enjoy offered food and drink xiangying 响应|to respond to/answer/CL:個|个[ge4] xiangying 相应|to correspond/answering (one another)... xiangying 相迎|to welcome sb/to greet sb xiangying 项英|Xiang Ying (1898-1941), communist gen... xiangyingchengqu 相映成趣|to set each other off nicely xiangyinghaozhao 响应号召|to answer a call to action xiangyingshijian 响应时间|response time xiangyinxian 湘阴县|Xiangyin county in Yueyang 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4... xiangyiweiming 相依为命|mutually dependent for life (idiom); ... xiangyizi 香胰子|toilet soap xiangyong 享用|to enjoy (i.e. have the use or benefi... xiangyong 湘勇|Hunan army, irregular force formed in... xiangyou 享有|to enjoy (rights, privileges etc) xiangyou 香油|sesame oil/perfumed oil xiangyou 香鼬|mountain weasel/alpine weasel xiangyouguai 向右拐|to turn right xiangyu 相遇|to meet/to encounter/to come across xiangyu 项羽|Xiang Yu the Conqueror (232-202 BC), ... xiangyu 享誉|to be renowned xiangyu 鲞鱼|dried fish xiangyu 向隅|lit. to face the corner (idiom)/fig. ... xiangyu 湘语|Xiang (Hunanese) dialect spoken in Hu... xiangyuan 襄垣|Xiangyuan county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Ch... xiangyuan 乡愿|(literary) hypocrite/two-faced person xiangyuan 像元|pixel (remote sensing imagery) xiangyuan 香橼|grapefruit xiangyuanxian 襄垣县|Xiangyuan county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Ch... xiangyue 相约|to agree (on a meeting place, date et... xiangyun 祥云|Xiangyun county in Dali Bai autonomou... xiangyun 祥云|magic cloud xiangyunxian 祥云县|Xiangyun county in Dali Bai autonomou... xiangzao 香皂|perfumed soap/toilet soap/CL:塊|块[kuai4] xiangzhan 巷战|(military) street fighting; urban combat xiangzhang 乡长|village chief/mayor (of village or to... xiangzhang 像章|badge/insignia/lapel badge (e.g. with... xiangzhangzi 香獐子|musk deer (Moschus moschiferus) xiangzhe 向着|towards/facing (sb or sth)/(coll.) to... xiangzhen 乡镇|village/township xiangzheng 象征|emblem/symbol/token/badge/to symboliz... xiangzheng 相争|to vie against one another/to fight e... xiangzhengxing 象征性|symbolic/emblem/token xiangzhengzhuyi 象征主义|symbolism xiangzhi 相纸|photographic paper xiangzhi 香脂|balsam/face cream xiangzhong 相中|to find to one\'s taste/to pick (after... xiangzhou 象州|Xiangzhou county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2... xiangzhou 香洲|Xiangzhou District of Zhuhai City 珠海市... xiangzhouqu 香洲区|Xiangzhou District of Zhuhai City 珠海市... xiangzhouxian 象州县|Xiangzhou county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2... xiangzhu 相助|to help one another/to come to sb\'s help xiangzhu 香烛|joss stick and candle xiangzhu 襄助|(literary) to aid; to assist xiangzhuang 相撞|collision/crash/to crash together/to ... xiangzhuangwujian 项庄舞剑|lit. Xiang Zhuang performs the sword ... xiangzhuangwujian,yizaipeigong 项庄舞剑,意在沛公|lit. Xiang Zhuang performs the sword ... xiangzhuangwujian,zhizaipeigong 项庄舞剑,志在沛公|see 項莊舞劍,意在沛公|项庄舞剑,意在沛公[Xiang4 Zhuang... xiangzi 箱子|suitcase/chest/box/case/trunk/CL:隻|只[... xiangzi 巷子|alley xiangzi 橡子|acorn xiangzi 乡梓|(literary) hometown; native place xiangzilan 香子兰|vanilla/Vanilla planifolia xiangzimian 橡子面|acorn flour xiangzimianr 橡子面儿|erhua variant of 橡子麵|橡子面[xiang4 zi5 m... xiangzuo 相左|to fail to meet each other/to conflic... xiangzuoguai 向左拐|to turn left xianhai 陷害|to entrap/to set up/to frame (up)/to ... xianhai 咸海|Aral Sea xianhan 显焓|sensible enthalpy (thermodynamics)/en... xianhan 先汉|Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-8 AD), ak... xianhe 仙鹤|red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) xianhe 先河|source; precursor; forerunner xianhe 显赫|illustrious/celebrated xianhen 嫌恨|hatred xianherenwu 显赫人物|a famous person/a luminary xianhong 鲜红|scarlet/bright red xianhou 先后|early or late; first and last; priori... xianhoushunxu 先后顺序|sequential order xianhouzuo 仙后座|Cassiopeia (constellation) xianhua 献花|to offer flowers/to lay flowers (as a... xianhua 闲话|casual conversation/chat/gossip/to ta... xianhua 鲜花|flower/fresh flowers/CL:朵[duo3] xianhua 闲花|wild flower xianhuachazainiufenshang 鲜花插在牛粪上|lit. a bunch of flowers poked into a ... xianhuai 显怀|to look pregnant/obviously pregnant xianhuajiachang 闲话家常|to chat about domestic trivia (idiom) xianhuan 显宦|high official xianhuang 先皇|emperor of a former dynasty xianhuang 闲晃|to hang around/to hang out xianhuazhiwu 显花植物|Phanerogamae (botany)/flowering plants xianhui 贤惠|variant of 賢慧|贤慧[xian2 hui4] xianhui 贤慧|(of a wife) wise and kind/perfect in ... xianhui 显晦|light and shade xianhun 闲混|to loiter xianhuo 现货|merchandise or commodities available ... xianhuo 鲜活|vivid; lively/(of food ingredients) l... xianhuo 鲜货|produce/fresh fruits and vegetables/f... xianhuo 显豁|evident/clear and bright xianhuohuowu 鲜活货物|live cargo xianhuojia 现货价|price of actuals xiani 狎昵|intimate/taking liberties/familiar (w... xianian 遐年|a great age xianji 县级|county level xianji 献祭|to offer sacrifice xianji 献计|to offer advice/to make a suggestion xianji 先机|critical opportunity xianji 嫌忌|suspicion xianjia 限价|limit on price xianjian 先见|foresight; prescience xianjian 显见|obvious/clearly visible xianjianzhe 先见者|a visionary xianjianzhiming 先见之明|foresight xianjiao 祆教|Zoroastrianism xianjiao 线脚|seam; stitching/decorative trim; mold... xianjiaotongdaxue 西安交通大学|Xi\'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) xianjie 衔接|to link up; to connect; to join xianjie 县界|county border; county line xianjie 仙界|world of the immortals; a fairyland; ... xianjieduan 现阶段|at the present stage xianjiexian 限界线|boundary/dividing line xianjin 先进|sophisticated; advanced (technology e... xianjin 现金|cash xianjin 现今|now/nowadays/modern xianjin 献金|to donate money/(monetary) contribution xianjing 陷阱|pitfall/snare/trap xianjing 仙境|fairyland/wonderland/paradise xianjing 险境|critical circumstances/risky conditio... xianjing 娴静|gentle and refined xianjing 咸镜|Hamgyeongdo Province of Joseon Korea,... xianjing 显晶|phanerocrystalline/with crystal struc... xianjing 闲静|calm/tranquil xianjing 显镜|microscope/same as 顯微鏡|显微镜 xianjingbeidao 咸镜北道|North Hamgyeong Province in northeast... xianjingdao 咸镜道|Hamgyeong Province of Joseon dynasty ... xianjingeren 先进个人|(official accolade) advanced individu... xianjingnandao 咸镜南道|South Hamgyeong Province of east Nort... xianjinjichu 现金基础|cash basis (accounting) xianjinjin 咸津津|nice and salty (taste) xianjinjinr 咸津津儿|erhua variant of 鹹津津|咸津津[xian2 jin1 j... xianjinjiti 先进集体|(official accolade) pace-setting team... xianjinliu 现金流|cash flow xianjinliuliang 现金流量|cash flow xianjinliuliangbiao 现金流量表|cash flow statement xianjinliuzhuan 现金流转|cash flow xianjinliuzhuanbiao 现金流转表|cash flow statement xianjinniu 现金牛|cash cow xianjinshuiping 先进水平|advanced level xianjinwuqi 先进武器|advanced weapon xianjinxianchu 先进先出|(computing, inventory management etc)... xianjinzhouzhuan 现金周转|cash flow xianjishi 县级市|county-level city xianju 仙居|Xianju county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou... xianju 闲居|to lead a quiet and peaceful life in ... xianju 线锯|fret saw/jigsaw xianjue 先决|prerequisite; necessary xianjue 先觉|person of foresight xianjuetiaojian 先决条件|a precondition; a prerequisite xianjuewenti 先决问题|issue that needs to be addressed firs... xianjun 险峻|(of terrain) mountainous; rugged/(of ... xianjun 先君|my late father/my ancestors/the late ... xianjuxian 仙居县|Xianju county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou... xianka 显卡|video card/display card (computer) xiankai 掀开|to lift open/to tear open xiankan 闲侃|to chat idly xiankao 现烤|freshly baked/freshly roasted xiankao 显考|honorific term for one\'s deceased fat... xianke 苋科|Amaranthaceae, family of herbaceous p... xiankelai 仙客来|cyclamen (loanword) xiankeng 陷坑|pitfall/pit as animal trap xiankong 闲空|idle/free time/leisure xiankou 闲口|idle talk xiankuan 现款|cash xiankuang 现况|the current situation xianlaihoudao 先来后到|in order of arrival; first come, firs... xianlaiwushi 闲来无事|at leisure/idle/to have nothing to do xianlan 线缆|cable/wire/cord (computer) xianlao 显老|to look old xianlao 贤劳|diligent xianli 暹粒|Siem Reap, Cambodia xianli 先例|precedent xianli 献礼|to offer sth in tribute (often on a s... xianliang 贤良|(of a man) able and virtuous xianliang 鲜亮|bright (color)/vivid xianliao 闲聊|to chat/casual conversation xianliao 馅料|filling; stuffing (for dumplings, pie... xianliaotian 闲聊天|to chat/idle gossip xianlie 鲜烈|fresh and intense/vivid xianlie 先烈|martyr xianlihoubing 先礼后兵|lit. peaceful measures before using f... xianlilun 弦理论|string theory (physics) xianling 县令|county magistrate (during Tang to Qin... xianling 显灵|(of a supernatural or divine being) t... xianling 先令|(loanword) shilling xianliti 线粒体|mitochondrion xianliu 限流|to limit the flow of passengers, cust... xianlizhong 霰粒肿|chalazion xianlu 显露|to become visible; to reveal xianlu 线路|(electricity) line; circuit; wire/(tr... xianluchu 显露出|to reveal (a quality or feeling); to ... xianlun 弦论|string theory (in theoretical physics) xianluo 陷落|to surrender (of a fortress)/to fall ... xianluo 暹罗|Siam (former name of Thailand) xianluo 暹逻|variant of 暹羅|暹罗[Xian1 luo2] xianluodai 陷落带|area of subsidence xianluoyu 暹罗语|Siamese (Thai) language xianma 洗马|(official title) herald to the crown ... xianmao 纤毛|cilium xianmao 腺毛|(botany) glandular hair xianmao 仙茅|golden eye-grass (Curculigo orchioide... xianmaodonglidanbai 纤毛动力蛋白|ciliary dynein protein xianmei 鲜美|delicious/tasty xianmei 献媚|to ingratiate oneself with/to pander to xianmei 纤美|exquisite/delicate and beautiful xianmi 籼米|long-grained rice (Indian rice, as op... xianmi 纤密|close/fine/intricate xianmian 限免|(of a product, service etc) free for ... xianmin 先民|forebears xianming 显明|obvious; evident; conspicuous; promin... xianming 鲜明|(of colors) bright; fresh and clear/c... xianming 贤明|wise and capable; sagacious xianming 县名|name of county xianminggexing 鲜明个性|individuality/clear-cut personality xianmingyueqi 弦鸣乐器|string instrument xianmo 现磨|freshly ground xianmo 涎沫|spittle xianmu 羡慕|to envy/to admire xianmu 显目|outstanding/conspicuous xianmujiduhen 羡慕嫉妒恨|to be green with envy (neologism c. 2... xiannai 鲜奶|fresh milk xiannaiyou 鲜奶油|cream/whipped cream xianneizhu 贤内助|(said of sb else\'s wife) a good wife xianneng 贤能|sage xiannian 现年|(a person\'s) current age xianning 咸宁|see 咸寧市|咸宁市[Xian2ning2 Shi4] xianningshi 咸宁市|Xianning, prefecture-level city in Hu... xiannong 显弄|to flaunt/to show off xiannv 仙女|fairy xiannvbang 仙女棒|sparkler (hand-held firework) xiannvxingxi 仙女星系|Andromeda galaxy M31 xiannvxingzuo 仙女星座|Andromeda constellation (galaxy) M31 xiannvzuo 仙女座|Andromeda (constellation) xiannvzuodaxingyun 仙女座大星云|great nebula in Andromeda or Andromed... xiannvzuoxingxi 仙女座星系|Andromeda galaxy M31 xianong 瞎弄|to fool around with/to mess with xianpiaoling 腺嘌呤|adenine nucleotide (A, pairs with thy... xianpiaolinghegansanlinsuan 腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸|adenosine triphosphate (ATP) xianpijiu 鲜啤酒|draft beer/unpasteurized beer xianpinaifu 嫌贫爱富|to favor the rich and disdain the poo... xianqi 贤妻|(old) perfect wife/you, my beloved wife xianqi 掀起|to lift; to raise (a lid etc)/(of a s... xianqi 嫌弃|to regard with disdain; to shun xianqi 限期|to set a time limit/time limit/deadline xianqi 先期|the time before a certain date; in ad... xianqi 仙气|ethereal quality/(Chinese folklore) a... xianqian 先前|before; previously xianqian 闲钱|spare money xianqian 现钱|cash xianqiandui 先遣队|(military) advance party xianqiao 纤巧|delicate/dainty xianqiejiao 弦切角|chord angle (i.e. angle a chord of a ... xianqiliangmu 贤妻良母|a good wife and loving mother xianqiluyin 先期录音|(filmmaking) to prerecord a musical s... xianqin 先秦|pre-Qin, Chinese history up to the fo... xianqing 险情|peril/dangerous circumstance xianqing 闲情|leisurely frame of mind xianqingyizhi 闲情逸致|leisurely and carefree mood xianqiu 险球|dangerous ball (in soccer, volleyball... xianqu 先驱|to pioneer/pioneer; trailblazer xianqu 仙去|to become an immortal; (fig.) to die xianqu 西安区|Xi\'an District of Liaoyuan City 遼源市|辽... xianquan 线圈|solenoid (electrical engineering)/coil xianquanban 线圈般|solenoid (electrical engineering)/coil xianquzhe 先驱者|pioneer; trailblazer xianr 馅儿|erhua variant of 餡|馅[xian4] xianran 显然|clearly; evidently; obviously xianrbing 馅儿饼|erhua variant of 餡餅|馅饼[xian4 bing3] xianren 现任|to occupy a post currently/current (p... xianren 仙人|Daoist immortal/celestial being xianren 线人|spy/informer xianren 闲人|variant of 閒人|闲人[xian2ren2] xianren 闲人|idle person; idler/person who has no ... xianren 先人|ancestor; forefather/sb\'s late father xianren 贤人|great person of the past/venerable fo... xianrenqiu 仙人球|ball cactus xianrentiao 仙人跳|confidence trick in which a man is lu... xianrenzhang 仙人掌|cactus xianrenzhangganjun 仙人掌杆菌|(microbiology) Bacillus cereus xianrenzhangguo 仙人掌果|prickly pear xianrong 先容|to introduce sb, putting in a good wo... xianrong 闲冗|officials with light duties/supernume... xianrou 咸肉|bacon/salt-cured meat xianrou 纤柔|delicate/fine xianru 陷入|to sink into/to get caught up in/to l... xianrulaolong 陷入牢笼|to fall into a trap/ensnared xianruo 纤弱|fragile/delicate xianruweizhu 先入为主|(idiom) the first impression is the s... xiansan 闲散|laid back; leisurely/(of resources: w... xianse 咸涩|salty and bitter/acerbic xianshan 仙山|mountain of Immortals xianshan 锡安山|Mount Zion xianshang 线上|online xianshang 献上|to offer (respectfully); to present xianshangchaxun 线上查询|online search xianshanlushui 显山露水|to reveal one\'s talent (idiom) xianshanqiongge 仙山琼阁|jeweled palace in the fairy mountain xianshao 鲜少|very few/rarely xianshen 现身|to show oneself/to appear/(of a deity... xianshen 献身|to commit one\'s energy to/to devote o... xiansheng 先生|teacher/gentleman; sir; mister (Mr.)/... xiansheng 先声|herald; precursor; harbinger xiansheng 险胜|to win by a narrow margin/to barely w... xiansheng 线绳|string/cotton rope xianshengdai 显生代|Phanerozoic, geological eon lasting s... xianshengduoren 先声夺人|to gain the upper hand by a show of s... xianshengzhou 显生宙|Phanerozoic, geological eon lasting s... xianshenshuofa 现身说法|to talk from one\'s personal experienc... xianshi 现实|reality; actuality/real; actual/reali... xianshi 显示|to show/to illustrate/to display/to d... xianshi 现世|this life/to lose face/to be disgraced xianshi 限时|to set a time limit/for a limited tim... xianshi 现时|current xianshi 闲适|leisurely and comfortable/relaxed xianshi 贤士|virtuous person/a man of merit xianshi 闲事|other people\'s business xianshi 咸湿|(Tw) (coll.) obscene/pornographic xianshi 仙逝|to die/to depart this mortal coil xianshi 现势|current situation xianshi 西安市|Xi\'an, sub-provincial city and capita... xianshiban 显示板|information screen xianshibao 现世报|karmic retribution within one\'s lifetime xianshibao 现世宝|good-for-nothing/fool xianshibian 西安事变|Xi\'an Incident of 12th December 1936 ... xianshika 显示卡|graphics card xianshiping 显示屏|display screen xianshiqi 显示器|monitor (computer) xianshiqingkuang 现实情况|current state/current situation xianshixin 限时信|mail to be delivered by a specified time xianshizhuyi 现实主义|realism xianshou 纤手|delicate hands/woman\'s tender and sof... xianshou 纤瘦|slender/slim as a thread xianshoushan 岘首山|Mt Xianshou in Hubei xianshu 娴熟|adept/skilled xianshu 闲书|light reading xianshu 娴淑|ladylike xianshu 弦数|number of strings (of an instrument) xianshu 贤淑|(of a woman) virtuous xianshui 咸水|salt water/brine xianshui 涎水|saliva xianshuihu 咸水湖|salt lake xianshuimei 咸水妹|(dialect) prostitute from Guangdong (... xianshurenci 贤淑仁慈|a virtuous and benevolent woman (idiom) xianshuyi 腺鼠疫|bubonic plague xiansisi 咸丝丝|slightly salty xiansisir 咸丝丝儿|erhua variant of 鹹絲絲|咸丝丝[xian2 si1 si1] xiansongbuchuo 弦诵不缀|variant of 弦誦不輟|弦诵不辍[xian2 song4 bu4 ... xiansongbuchuo 弦诵不辍|incessant playing of instruments and ... xiansu 限速|speed limit xiansudu 线速度|linear velocity xiansuji 咸酥鸡|see 鹽酥雞|盐酥鸡[yan2su1ji1] xiansuo 线索|trail/clues/thread (of a story) xiantai 仙台|Sendai, city in northeast Japan xiantai 仙台|Sendai, capital of Miyagi prefecture ... xiantai 藓苔|moss xiantan 闲谈|variant of 閒談|闲谈[xian2 tan2] xiantan 闲谈|to chat xiantan 险滩|shoals; rapids; treacherous section o... xiantao 仙桃|Xiantao sub-prefecture level city in ... xiantao 仙桃|the peaches of immortality of Goddess... xiantaoshi 仙桃市|Xiantao sub-prefecture level city in ... xianteng 掀腾|to surge up/raging (billows) xianti 腺体|gland xianti 纤体|to get a slender figure/slimming xianti 舷梯|gangway/ramp (to board a ship or plane) xiantian 先天|embryonic period (contrasted with 後天|... xiantianbuzu 先天不足|to suffer from a congenital deficienc... xiantianbuzu,houtianshitiao 先天不足,后天失调|to be born with a weak constitution a... xiantianjiedi 掀天揭地|earth-shattering xiantianxiazhiyoueryou,houtianxiazhileerle 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐|to be the first to worry about affair... xiantianxing 先天性|congenital; intrinsic; innate xiantianxingquexian 先天性缺陷|birth defect xiantianyuhoutian 先天与后天|nature versus nurture xiantianyuxing 先天愚型|Down syndrome; trisomy 21 xiantiao 线条|line (in drawing, calligraphy etc)/th... xiantie 铣铁|cast iron xiantong 仙童|elf/leprechaun xiantou 先头|(usu. of troops) in advance; in the v... xiantu 线图|line drawing/diagram/line graph xiantuan 线团|ball of string xianwaiguoyudaxue 西安外国语大学|Xi\'an International Studies Universit... xianwaizhixiang 弦外之响|see 弦外之音[xian2 wai4 zhi1 yin1] xianwaizhiyi 弦外之意|see 弦外之音[xian2 wai4 zhi1 yin1] xianwaizhiyin 弦外之音|overtone (music)/(fig.) connotation/i... xianwang 贤王|sage kings xianwang 先王|former sovereigns xianwangzhidao 先王之道|the way of former kings xianwangzhiyue 先王之乐|the music of former kings xianwangzhizheng 先王之政|the rule of former kings xianwangzuo 仙王座|Cepheus (constellation) xianwei 纤维|fiber/CL:種|种[zhong3] xianwei 县委|CCP county committee xianwei 鲜味|umami, one of the five basic tastes (... xianwei 纤微|slight/slim xianwei 显微|micro-/microscopic/to make the minute... xianweicong 纤维丛|fiber bundle (math.) xianweidanbai 纤维蛋白|fibrous protein xianweijiao 纤维胶|viscose xianweijiepouxue 显微解剖学|(medicine) histology; microscopic ana... xianweijing 显微镜|microscope/CL:臺|台[tai2] xianweijingzaipian 显微镜载片|microscopic slide xianweijingzuo 显微镜座|Microscopium (constellation) xianweijitong 纤维肌痛|fibromyalgia xianweinangpaozheng 纤维囊泡症|cystic fibrosis xianweirenzhi 鲜为人知|rarely known to anyone (idiom); almos... xianweisu 纤维素|cellulose xianweixue 显微学|microscopy xianweiyan 线尾燕|(bird species of China) wire-tailed s... xianweizhuang 纤维状|fibrous xianwu 嫌恶|to loathe/to abhor/hatred/revulsion xianxi 纤细|fine/slim/tender xianxi 嫌隙|hostility/animosity xianxi 纤悉|detailed/fine and meticulous xianxi 线西|Xianxi or Hsienhsi Township in Changh... xianxia 闲暇|leisure/free time/unoccupied/not in use xianxia 闲暇|leisure xianxia 线下|offline/below the line xianxia 现下|now/at this moment xianxian 显现|appearance/to appear xianxian 先贤|(literary) ancient sage xianxian 纤纤|slim/slender xianxian 献县|Xian county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 z... xianxiang 现象|phenomenon/CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]/ap... xianxiang 显像|to form a picture/to develop a photo/... xianxiang 线香|incense stick xianxiang 贤相|sagacious prime minister (in feudal C... xianxiang 仙乡|fairyland/honorific: your homeland xianxiangguan 显像管|CRT used in TV or computer monitor/pi... xianxianghuansheng 险象环生|dangers spring up all around (idiom);... xianxiangji 现象级|phenomenal xianxiangxue 现象学|phenomenology xianxiao 显效|to show an effect/to produce an effec... xianxiao 纤小|fine/delicate xianxiashouweiqiang 先下手为强|(idiom) strike first to gain the uppe... xianxie 险些|narrowly/almost/nearly xianxie 纤屑|fine detail xianxin 闲心|leisurely mood/relaxed frame of mind xianxin 纤芯|core (of a fiber) xianxing 线性|linear/linearity xianxing 现形|to become visible/to appear/to manife... xianxing 现行|to be in effect/in force/current xianxing 先行|to start off before the others; to pr... xianxing 显性|visible/conspicuous/phanero-/dominant... xianxing 显形|to show one\'s true nature (derog.)/to... xianxing 咸兴|Hamhung, North Korea xianxing 限行|to restrict the use of motor vehicles... xianxingbo 线性波|linear wave xianxingdaishu 线性代数|linear algebra xianxingfan 现行犯|criminal caught red-handed xianxingfangcheng 线性方程|linear equation (math.) xianxingguihua 线性规划|linear programming xianxinghai 冼星海|Xian Xinghai (1905-1945), violinist a... xianxinghuigui 线性回归|linear regression (statistics) xianxingjiyin 显性基因|dominant gene xianxingkongjian 线性空间|(math.) vector space; linear space xianxingshi 咸兴市|Hamhung, North Korea xianxingsuanzi 线性算子|linear operator (math.) xianxingtu 线形图|line chart xianxingtu 线性图|line chart xianxingxitong 线性系统|linear system xianxingzhe 先行者|forerunner xianxinzhijing 纤芯直径|core diameter (of a fiber) xianxiwuyi 纤悉无遗|detailed and nothing left out (idiom)... xianxixiang 线西乡|Xianxi or Hsienhsi Township in Changh... xianxue 献血|to donate blood xianxue 鲜血|blood xianxue 显学|famous school/noted school of thought xianxuelinli 鲜血淋漓|to be drenched with blood/dripping blood xianxuexianyong 现学现用|to immediately put into practice some... xianxuezhe 献血者|blood donor xianya 娴雅|refined/graceful/elegant/serene xianya 闲雅|elegant/graceful xianyadan 咸鸭蛋|salted duck egg xianyan 显眼|conspicuous/eye-catching/glamorous xianyan 鲜艳|bright-colored; gaily-colored xianyan 先验|(philosophy) a priori xianyan 现眼|to embarrass oneself/to make a fool o... xianyan 咸盐|salt (colloquial)/table salt xianyan 嫌厌|to loathe xianyang 咸阳|see 咸陽市|咸阳市[Xian2yang2 Shi4] xianyang 显扬|to praise/to commend/to hallow xianyang 腺样|adenoid gland/pharyngeal tonsil xianyangailv 先验概率|(math.) prior probability xianyangqiao 咸阳桥|Xianyang Bridge xianyangshi 咸阳市|Xianyang, prefecture-level city in Sh... xianyansuiyu 闲言碎语|idle gossip/irrelevant nonsense/sland... xianyanxianyu 闲言闲语|idle gossip xianyao 险要|strategically situated and easy to de... xianyao 纤腰|slender waistline xianyao 显要|prominent; eminent/important person; ... xianyao 显耀|to show off xianyao 仙药|legendary magic potion of immortals/p... xianyi 嫌疑|suspicion/to have suspicions xianyi 现役|(military) active duty xianyi 闲逸|comfort and leisure xianyifan 嫌疑犯|a suspect xianying 显影|(photographic processing) to develop xianyingji 显影剂|developer (photographic processing)/c... xianyinqin 献殷勤|to be particularly attentive to (an a... xianyiren 嫌疑人|a suspect xianyong 掀涌|to seethe/to bubble up xianyou 仙游|Xianyou, a county in Putian City 莆田市[... xianyou 现有|currently existing/currently available xianyou 先有|prior; preexisting xianyouhouhun 先有后婚|to marry after getting pregnant xianyouxian 仙游县|Xianyou, a county in Putian City 莆田市[... xianyu 咸鱼|salted fish xianyu 县域|county xianyu 限于|to be limited to/to be confined to xianyu 陷于|caught in (a bad situation)/to fall i... xianyu 闲余|(of one\'s time) idle; unoccupied xianyuan 嫌怨|grievance/hatred xianyue 弦乐|string music xianyue 仙乐|heavenly music xianyue 弦月|half-moon/the 7th and 8th and 22nd an... xianyuechuang 弦月窗|a narrow slit window/a lunette xianyuedui 弦乐队|string orchestra xianyueqi 弦乐器|string instrument xianyufanshen 咸鱼翻身|lit. the salted fish turns over (idio... xianyun 猃狁|Zhou Dynasty term for a northern noma... xianyutanhuan 陷于瘫痪|to be paralyzed; to come to a standstill xianyuweixin 咸与维新|everyone participates in reforms (idi... xianza 闲杂|(employee) having no fixed duties xianzai 现在|now/at present/at the moment/modern/c... xianzai 闲在|at leisure xianzaifenci 现在分词|present participle (in English grammar) xianzaishi 现在式|present tense xianzha 险诈|sinister and deceitful xianzha 现榨|to extract (juice, oil etc) on the sp... xianzhang 县长|county\'s head commissioner xianzhang 宪章|charter xianzhang 闲章|recreative seal, bearing not the owne... xianzhangpai 宪章派|the Chartist movement (in the 1840s i... xianzhanhouzou 先斩后奏|lit. first execute the criminal, then... xianzhao 先兆|omen xianzhao 险兆|evil omen xianzhe 先哲|the wise and learned individuals of t... xianzheng 宪政|constitutional government xianzheng 险症|critical illness xianzhengfu 县政府|county administration/county regional... xianzhengzhuyi 宪政主义|constitutionalism xianzhi 限制|to restrict/to limit/to confine/restr... xianzhi 闲置|to leave sth unused/to lie idle xianzhi 先知|a person of foresight/(religion) a pr... xianzhi 县志|general history of a county/county an... xianzhi 现值|present value xianzhi 宪制|system of constitutional government/(... xianzhi 闲职|sinecure/position with practically no... xianzhi 显职|prominent post xianzhiji 限制级|R-rated xianzhimei 限制酶|restriction enzyme xianzhimeitupu 限制酶图谱|restriction mapping (in genomics)/res... xianzhixianjue 先知先觉|having foresight/a person of foresight xianzhong 险种|insurance type xianzhou 线轴|thread spool xianzhou 筅帚|(dialect) pot-scrubbing brush, made f... xianzhu 显著|outstanding/notable/remarkable/statis... xianzhua 现抓|to improvise xianzhuang 现状|current situation xianzhuang 线状|linear xianzhushou 咸猪手|pervert (esp. one who gropes women in... xianzi 仙子|fairy xianziyuse 仙姿玉色|heavenly beauty, jewel colors (idiom)... xianzouyibu 先走一步|to leave first (courteous expression ... xianzu 先祖|(literary) my deceased grandfather/(l... xianzu 险阻|dangerous and difficult (path) xianzu 显祖|ancestors (old) xianzuo 闲坐|to sit around/to sit idly xianzuo 现做|to make (food) on the spot/freshly-made xiao 小|small/tiny/few/young xiao 校|(bound form) school; college/(bound f... xiao 篠|dwarf bamboo xiao 削|to peel with a knife/to pare/to cut (... xiao 潇|(of water) deep and clear xiao 肖|surname Xiao/Taiwan pr. [Xiao4] xiao 肖|similar/resembling/to resemble/to be ... xiao 笑|old variant of 笑[xiao4] xiao 笑|to laugh; to smile/to laugh at xiao 骁|good horse/valiant xiao 销|to melt (metal)/to cancel; to annul/t... xiao 孝|filial piety or obedience/mourning ap... xiao 萧|surname Xiao xiao 萧|(old) Chinese mugwort/(bound form) de... xiao 效|variant of 傚|效[xiao4] xiao 效|to imitate (variant of 效[xiao4]) xiao 效|variant of 效[xiao4] xiao 效|effect/efficacy/to imitate xiao 晓|dawn/daybreak/to know/to let sb know/... xiao 啸|(of people) to whistle/(of birds and ... xiao 霄|firmament/heaven xiao 宵|night xiao 硝|saltpeter/to tan (leather) xiao 消|to diminish; to subside/to consume; t... xiao 枭|owl/valiant/trafficker xiao 箫|xiao, a Chinese musical instrument of... xiao 魈|used in 山魈[shan1 xiao1] xiao 哮|pant/roar/bark (of animals)/Taiwan pr... xiao 逍|used in 逍遙|逍遥[xiao1yao2] xiao 鸮|owl (order Strigiformes) xiao 筱|dwarf bamboo/thin bamboo xiao 绡|raw silk xiao 蛸|used in 螵蛸[piao1xiao1] xiao 哓|a cry of alarm/querulous xiao 虓|roar of a tiger xiao 恔|cheerful xiao 嚣|clamor xiao 淆|variant of 淆[xiao2] xiao 淆|confused and disorderly/mixed/Taiwan ... xiao 嘐|boastful/bombastic xiao 崤|name of a mountain in Henan/also pr. ... xiao 洨|Xiao River in Hebei province xiao 洨|(Tw) (vulgar) semen (from Taiwanese 潲... xiao 薢|woody climbing plant xiao 櫹|a type of big tree (archaic) xiao 枵|(archaic) hollow of a tree/(literary)... xiao 猇|the scream or roar of a tiger/to inti... xiao 暁|Japanese variant of 曉|晓 xiao 烋|to boil or fumigate xiao 痚|asthma/difficulty in breathing xiao 歊|vapor/steam xiao 蟏|long-legged spider xiao 歗|old variant of 嘯|啸[xiao4] xiao 獢|dog xiao 髇|(onom.) sound of arrows xiao 呺|voice of anger/vast/spacious xiao 㴋|sound of rain and wind xiao 𫍲|small xiaoan 销案|to close a case/to bring a case to a ... xiaoayi 小阿姨|auntie, youngest of sisters in mother... xiaoba 小巴|minibus xiaoba 校霸|school bully xiaobai 小白|(slang) novice; greenhorn/(old) (slan... xiaobaicai 小白菜|bok choy/Chinese cabbage/Brassica chi... xiaobaieyan 小白额雁|(bird species of China) lesser white-... xiaobaikequanshu 小百科全书|micropedia xiaobailian 小白脸|attractive young man (usually derog.)... xiaobailianr 小白脸儿|erhua variant of 小白臉|小白脸[xiao3 bai2 l... xiaobaishu 小白鼠|white mouse/lab mouse; lab rat/(fig.)... xiaobaitu 小白兔|bunny rabbit xiaobaiyaoyuyan 小白腰雨燕|(bird species of China) house swift (... xiaoban 小半|a portion smaller than a half/the les... xiaobandian 小斑点|speckle xiaobang 肖邦|Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849), Polish p... xiaobang 萧邦|(Tw) Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849), Pol... xiaobanjiweng 小斑姬鹟|(bird species of China) little pied f... xiaobanzhuomuniao 小斑啄木鸟|(bird species of China) lesser spotte... xiaobao 小报|tabloid newspaper xiaobao 小包|packet xiaobao 小鸨|(bird species of China) little bustar... xiaobaoguan 消保官|consumer protection officer (Tw) xiaobei 小贝|\"Becks\", nickname of British football... xiaobei 小辈|the younger generation xiaoben 小本|small capital/on a shoestring xiaobian 小便|urine/to urinate/(euphemism) penis or... xiaobian 小辫|pigtail xiaobian 小编|editor or creator of online content (... xiaobianchi 小便池|urinal xiaobiandou 小便斗|urinal xiaobiandou 小扁豆|lentil xiaobianqi 小便器|urinal xiaobianr 小辫儿|erhua variant of 小辮|小辫[xiao3 bian4] xiaobianzi 小辫子|pigtail/(fig.) a shortcoming or evide... xiaobiaoti 小标题|subheading xiaobiaoza 小婊砸|(slang) little biyatch (variation of ... xiaobidian 小笔电|mini laptop or notebook (computer)/ne... xiaobieshengxinhun 小别胜新婚|reunion after an absence is sweeter t... xiaobing 笑柄|a matter for ridicule/an object of ri... xiaobing 小病|minor illness/indisposition xiaobinyu 小滨鹬|(bird species of China) little stint ... xiaobo 小波|wavelet (math.) xiaobona 萧伯纳|George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Iris... xiaobona 肖伯纳|Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish-born ... xiaobudian 小不点|tiny/very small/tiny thing/small chil... xiaobukeyang 笑不可仰|to double up with laughter (idiom) xiaobukeyi 笑不可抑|to laugh irrepressibly xiaoburenzeluandamou 小不忍则乱大谋|(idiom) great plans can be ruined by ... xiaobuwuqu 小步舞曲|minuet xiaocai 小菜|appetizer/small side dish/easy job/pi... xiaocaidier 小菜碟儿|erhua variant of 小菜一碟[xiao3 cai4 yi1 ... xiaocair 小菜儿|erhua variant of 小菜[xiao3 cai4] xiaocaiyidie 小菜一碟|a small appetizer/a piece of cake; ve... xiaocao 校草|the most handsome boy in the school (... xiaocase 小case|(slang) a piece of cake/a simple matter xiaocezi 小册子|booklet/pamphlet/leaflet/information ... xiaochan 小产|to miscarry/a miscarriage/an abortion xiaochang 小肠|small intestine xiaochang 孝昌|Xiaochang county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 ... xiaochang 笑场|(of an actor) to break character by l... xiaochangxian 孝昌县|Xiaochang county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 ... xiaochanzi 小铲子|trowel xiaochao 小潮|neap tide (the smallest tide, when mo... xiaochao 小抄|cheat sheet/crib sheet xiaochaor 小抄儿|erhua variant of 小抄[xiao3 chao1] xiaochaqu 小插曲|episode/brief interlude xiaochazi 小𥻗子|gruel made from maize ground finer th... xiaoche 小车|small model car/mini-car/small horse-... xiaoche 校车|school bus xiaochen 消沉|to sink into despondency/(of morale, ... xiaocheng 小城|small town xiaochengdajie 小惩大诫|lit. to punish a little to prevent a ... xiaochengwang 孝成王|King Xiaocheng of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned... xiaochi 小吃|street food; snack xiaochibaihezi 小池百合子|KOIKE Yuriko (1952-), Japanese LDP po... xiaochibi 小赤壁|Little Red Cliff, nickname of Bitan 碧... xiaochidian 小吃店|snack bar/lunch room/CL:家[jia1] xiaochongtu 小冲突|skirmish/clash/dispute/brush xiaochou 小丑|clown xiaochoujiemen 消愁解闷|lit. to eliminate worry and dispel me... xiaochouyu 小丑鱼|clownfish/anemonefish xiaochu 消除|to eliminate/to remove xiaochuan 小船|boat xiaochuan 小川|Ogawa (Japanese surname) xiaochuan 哮喘|asthma xiaochuanbing 哮喘病|asthma xiaochuduifunvyiqiexingshiqishigongyue 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约|Convention on the Elimination of All ... xiaochui 小槌|mallet/drumstick xiaochujuchi 消除锯齿|anti-alias (computer graphics) xiaochun 小春|10th month of the lunar calendar/Indi... xiaochuqiyi 消除歧义|to disambiguate xiaochuxi 小除夕|the day before New Year\'s Eve xiaocong 小葱|green onion; spring onion xiaocongming 小聪明|clever-clever/clever in trivial matte... xiaodai 小袋|pouch xiaodaishu 小袋鼠|wallaby/pademelon xiaodaliya 西澳大利亚|Western Australia, Australian state xiaodaliyazhou 西澳大利亚州|Western Australia, Australian state xiaodan 小弹|bomblet (of cluster bomb) xiaodao 小刀|knife/CL:把[ba3] xiaodao 小岛|Kojima (Japanese surname and place name) xiaodao 小岛|isle xiaodao 孝道|filial piety (Confucian virtue)/to be... xiaodao 小道|bypath/trail/bribery as a means of ac... xiaodaohui 小刀会|Dagger Society, anti-Qing secret soci... xiaodaoju 小道具|(theater) hand prop (wine glass, pist... xiaodaoxiaoxi 小道消息|hearsay/gossip xiaodaoxinwen 小道新闻|news from the grapevine xiaodaxiaonao 小打小闹|small-scale xiaode 晓得|to know xiaode 小的|I (when talking to a superior) xiaodi 小弟|little brother/I, your little brother... xiaodi 小滴|a drop xiaodi 校地|(Tw) the land on which a school is bu... xiaodian 小店|small store xiaodian 笑点|funny bits/humorous parts/jokes/punch... xiaodiandi 笑点低|amused by even the weakest joke/ready... xiaodianlv 小电驴|(coll.) electric scooter; electric mo... xiaodianqu 小店区|Xiaodian district of Taiyuan city 太原市... xiaodiao 小调|xiaodiao, a Chinese folk song genre/m... xiaodiaodaya 笑掉大牙|to laugh one\'s head off/ridiculous/ja... xiaodidi 小弟弟|little brother/little boy/(coll.) penis xiaodiezi 小碟子|saucer xiaodongbubudadongchiku 小洞不补大洞吃苦|A small hole not plugged will make yo... xiaodongzuo 小动作|bad habit (e.g. nose-picking)/petty m... xiaodou 小豆|see 紅豆|红豆[hong2 dou4] xiaodoukou 小豆蔻|Indian cardamom (Amomum cardamomum) xiaodu 消毒|to disinfect; to sterilize xiaodu 小蠹|bark beetle (zoology) xiaoduanzi 小段子|short paragraph/news article xiaoduji 消毒剂|disinfectant xiaodujichang 小肚鸡肠|lit. small belly, chicken\'s gut (idio... xiaodujuan 小杜鹃|(bird species of China) lesser cuckoo... xiaoduxishouye 消毒洗手液|hand sanitizer xiaoe 小颚|mandible (lower jaw) xiaoe 小鹅|gosling xiaoen 肖恩|Sean, Shaun or Shawn (name) xiaoer 小儿|young child/(humble) my son xiaoer 小二|waiter xiaoerbuyu 笑而不语|to smile but say nothing xiaoerjing 小儿经|Xiao\'erjing, refers to the use of the... xiaoerke 小儿科|pediatrics/pediatric (department)/sth... xiaoermabi 小儿痲痹|variant of 小兒麻痺|小儿麻痹/infantile paraly... xiaoermabi 小儿麻痹|polio (poliomyelitis) xiaoermabibingdu 小儿麻痹病毒|poliovirus xiaoermabizheng 小儿麻痹症|poliomyelitis/infantile paralysis xiaoerongzi 小额融资|microfinance xiaoerruangubing 小儿软骨病|rickets (medicine) xiaofa 效法|to imitate/to follow the example of xiaofacai 小发财|(coll.) (Tw) mini truck/Kei truck xiaofan 小贩|peddler/hawker xiaofang 消防|firefighting/fire control xiaofang 校方|the school (as a party in a contract,... xiaofang 效仿|see 仿傚|仿效[fang3xiao4] xiaofangche 消防车|fire engine/fire truck xiaofangdui 消防队|fire brigade/fire department xiaofangduiyuan 消防队员|fireman xiaofangju 消防局|fire department xiaofangshu 消防署|fire station xiaofangshuan 消防栓|fire hydrant xiaofangtongdao 消防通道|fire exit/(firefighting) fire lane xiaofanguan 小饭馆|tearoom/canteen/cafeteria xiaofangyuan 消防员|firefighter; fireman xiaofanwei 小范围|small-scale/local/to a limited extent xiaofanzhuo 小饭桌|dining room for young schoolchildren ... xiaofei 消费|to consume (goods and services, resou... xiaofei 小费|tip/gratuity xiaofeijiagezhishu 消费价格指数|consumer price index CPI xiaofeijinrong 消费金融|consumer finance xiaofeipin 消费品|consumer goods xiaofeiquan 消费券|voucher; coupon xiaofeiqun 消费群|consumer group xiaofeishui 消费税|consumption tax/sales tax xiaofeizhe 消费者|consumer xiaofeizhebaohu 消费者保护|consumer protection (law) xiaofeiziliao 消费资料|consumption data/consumer goods xiaofen 小粉|starch xiaofeng 校风|the tone of a school/campus atmosphere xiaofengtouyanou 小凤头燕鸥|(bird species of China) lesser creste... xiaofenhong 小粉红|young Chinese cyber-nationalists xiaofu 校服|school uniform xiaofu 小幅|by a small margin/slightly (increase ... xiaofu 小腹|underbelly/lower abdomen xiaofu 孝服|mourning clothes xiaogaigai 小改改|(Internet slang) young lady (Cantones... xiaogan 孝感|see 孝感市[Xiao4gan3 Shi4] xiaogang 小港|Xiaogang or Hsiaokang district of Kao... xiaoganggangr 小缸缸儿|small mug (baby language) xiaogangpao 小钢炮|(coll.) piece of light artillery such... xiaogangqiu 小钢球|iron pellet/shrapnel xiaogangqu 小港区|Xiaogang or Hsiaokang district of Kao... xiaogangzhu 小钢珠|pachinko xiaoganshi 孝感市|Xiaogan, prefecture-level city in Hub... xiaoge 校歌|school song xiaogege 小哥哥|little boy who is older than another ... xiaogong 小恭|(literary) urine xiaogong 小攻|(slang) top (in a homosexual relation... xiaogonggong 小公共|mini bus (used for public transportat... xiaogongzhu 小公主|lit. little princess/fig. spoiled gir... xiaogou 小狗|pup; puppy xiaogu 小姑|father\'s youngest sister/husband\'s yo... xiaogu 小鼓|snare drum xiaogua 小褂|close-fitting (Chinese-style) upper g... xiaoguai 小拐|to turn right (Shanghainese) xiaoguan 校官|military officer/ranked officer in Ch... xiaoguan 小官|petty official/minor functionary xiaoguan 小管|young squid (Tw) xiaoguang 消光|(optics) extinction xiaoguangbo 小广播|grapevine/gossip/to spread rumors xiaogui 小鬼|little demon (term of endearment for ... xiaogui 校规|school rules and regulations xiaoguicaosui 萧规曹随|lit. Xiao\'s 蕭何|萧何[Xiao1 He2] governan... xiaoguo 效果|result/effect/efficacy/(theater) soun... xiaoguo 小过|little mistake/minor offense/slightly... xiaoguotu 效果图|rendering (visual representation of h... xiaoguzi 小姑子|(coll.) husband\'s younger sister; sis... xiaohaha 笑哈哈|to laugh heartily xiaohai 小孩|child/CL:個|个[ge4] xiaohaidifang 小孩堤防|Kinderdijk, village in the Netherland... xiaohair 小孩儿|erhua variant of 小孩[xiao3 hai2] xiaohaizi 小孩子|child xiaohan 小寒|Lesser Cold, 23rd of the 24 solar ter... xiaohan 霄汉|the sky/the heavens/(fig.) imperial c... xiaohao 消耗|to consume; to use up/to deplete; to ... xiaohao 小昊|Xiaohao (c. 2200 BC), leader of the D... xiaohao 销号|to close an account; to cancel a (pho... xiaohao 小号|trumpet/small size (clothes etc)/(col... xiaohaoliang 消耗量|rate of consumption xiaohaopin 消耗品|consumable goods; expendable item xiaohaozhan 消耗战|war of attrition xiaohe 小河|creek; stream; brook xiaohe 萧何|Xiao He (-193 BC), famous strategist ... xiaohe 洨河|Xiao River in Hebei xiaoheilingzaomei 小黑领噪鹛|(bird species of China) lesser neckla... xiaohong 萧红|Xiao Hong (1911-1942), prominent woma... xiaohongluobo 小红萝卜|summer radish (the small red kind) xiaohongmao 小红帽|Little Red Riding Hood xiaohongmei 小红莓|cranberry xiaohu 销户|to close an account/to cancel sb\'s ho... xiaohua 消化|to digest (food)/(fig.) to absorb (in... xiaohua 校花|the prettiest girl in the school (see... xiaohua 笑话|joke; jest (CL:個|个[ge4])/to laugh at;... xiaohuabuliang 消化不良|indigestion xiaohuadao 消化道|digestive tract xiaohuaganyou 硝化甘油|nitroglycerine xiaohuaguan 消化管|digestive tube/gut xiaohuajiu 消化酒|digestif xiaohuamei 消化酶|digestive enzyme xiaohuan 小鬟|(historical) chignon worn by a young ... xiaohuang 小黄|(coll.) taxicab (Tw) xiaohuang 小谎|fib xiaohuangche 小黄车|yellow bicycle (provided by Ofo bicyc... xiaohuangdi 小皇帝|child emperor/(fig.) spoiled child/sp... xiaohuanggua 小黄瓜|gherkin xiaohuangjiaoyu 小黄脚鹬|(bird species of China) lesser yellow... xiaohuangying 小蝗莺|(bird species of China) Pallas\'s gras... xiaohuar 笑话儿|erhua variant of 笑話|笑话[xiao4 hua5] xiaohuaxian 消化腺|digestive glands xiaohuaxitong 消化系统|digestive system/gastrointestinal tract xiaohuaye 消化液|digestive fluid xiaohuayuanzhi 小花远志|small-flowered milkwort (Polygala arv... xiaohui 销毁|to destroy (by melting or burning)/to... xiaohui 校徽|school badge; college insignia; unive... xiaohuishanjiaoniao 小灰山椒鸟|(bird species of China) Swinhoe\'s min... xiaohuixiang 小茴香|fennel/fennel seed xiaohun 销魂|ecstasy/rapture/to feel overwhelming ... xiaohun 消魂|overwhelmed (with joy, sorrow etc)/to... xiaohunhun 小混混|hooligan/rogue/a good-for-nothing xiaohuo 小伙|young guy/lad/youngster/CL:個|个[ge4] xiaohuoche 小货车|pickup truck xiaohuor 小伙儿|erhua variant of 小伙[xiao3 huo3] xiaohuoshuan 消火栓|fire hydrant xiaohuozhang 销货帐|sales ledger (accountancy) xiaohuozi 小伙子|young man/young guy/lad/youngster/CL:... xiaoji 消极|negative/passive/inactive xiaoji 小鸡|chick xiaoji 小计|subtotal xiaoji 校际|interschool/intercollegiate xiaoji 小技|small skills/folk musical theater xiaoji 小己|an individual xiaojia 销假|to report back after a period of absence xiaojia 效价|potency/titer (measure of effective c... xiaojiabiyu 小家碧玉|pretty daughter in a humble family xiaojian 小建|lunar month of 29 days/same as 小盡|小尽[... xiaojian 削尖|to sharpen xiaojian 校监|chancellor (of a university) xiaojianeng 效价能|potency/titer (measure of effective c... xiaojiang 骁将|valiant general xiaojiang 小将|(in classical literature) young milit... xiaojiao 小脚|bound feet (traditional) xiaojiao 啸叫|to squeal; to screech xiaojiao 鸮叫|(of owls) to hoot or screech xiaojiaoche 小轿车|(automobile) sedan/car xiaojiashu 小家鼠|mouse xiaojiaziqi 小家子气|petty/small-minded xiaojiben 硝基苯|nitrobenzene/benzoil nitrate (chemistry) xiaojie 小结|summary/short/brief/wrap-up xiaojie 小节|a minor matter/trivia/bar (music) xiaojie 消解|to eliminate/to dispel/resolution xiaojie 小解|to urinate/to empty one\'s bladder xiaojie 小姐|young lady/miss/(slang) prostitute/CL... xiaojiejie 小姐姐|little girl who is older than another... xiaojiexian 小节线|(music) bar line xiaojihui 消基会|Consumers\' Foundation, Chinese Taipei... xiaojiji 小鸡鸡|penis (child\'s word) xiaojin 小金|Xiaojin County (Tibetan: btsan lha rd... xiaojin 宵禁|night curfew xiaojin 小尽|lunar month of 29 days xiaojin 消金|consumer finance (abbr. for 消費金融|消费金融... xiaojing 小径|alley; trail xiaojing 孝敬|to show filial respect/to give presen... xiaojing 孝经|Xiaojing (Classic of Filial Piety) xiaojingling 小精灵|elf xiaojinku 小金库|supplementary cash reserve/private fu... xiaojinku 销金窟|money squandering establishment (e.g.... xiaojinxian 小金县|Xiaojin County (Tibetan: btsan lha rd... xiaojituan 小集团|faction/clique xiaojiujiu 小九九|multiplication tables/(fig.) plan/scheme xiaojiuzi 小舅子|(coll.) wife\'s younger brother xiaojixing 消极性|passive/passivity/negative/negativity xiaoju 笑剧|comedy/farce xiaojuan 小卷|young squid (Tw) xiaojuanjiu 小鹃鸠|(bird species of China) little cuckoo... xiaojunjianniao 小军舰鸟|(bird species of China) great frigate... xiaokai 小开|(dialect) boss\'s son/rich man\'s son/y... xiaokan 小看|to look down on/to underestimate xiaokan 校刊|school magazine xiaokang 小康|Xiaokang, a Confucian near-ideal stat... xiaokang 小康|moderately affluent/well-off/a period... xiaokangshehui 小康社会|society in which the material needs o... xiaokao 小考|quiz xiaoke 消渴|condition characterized by thirst, hu... xiaoke 小可|small/unimportant/(polite) my humble ... xiaokeai 小可爱|cutie/sweetie/(Tw) camisole (women\'s ... xiaokoumile 笑口弥勒|laughing Maitreya xiaokuihuafengtouyingwu 小葵花凤头鹦鹉|(bird species of China) yellow-creste... xiaokuohao 小括号|round brackets; parentheses ( ) xiaolao 效劳|to serve (in some capacity)/to work for xiaolaopo 小老婆|concubine/mistress/(dialect) woman xiaolaoshu 小老鼠|@/at symbol xiaoli 校历|school calendar xiaoli 效力|effectiveness/positive effect/to serv... xiaolian 笑脸|smiling face/smiley :) ☺/CL:副[fu4] xiaolian 孝廉|xiaolian, two examination subjects in... xiaoliang 销量|sales volume xiaoliang 小量|a small quantity xiaoliang 萧梁|Liang of the Southern dynasties (502-... xiaoliangkou 小两口|(coll.) young married couple xiaoliangkour 小两口儿|erhua variant of 小兩口|小两口[xiao3 liang3... xiaolianr 笑脸儿|erhua variant of 笑臉|笑脸[xiao4 lian3] xiaolianxiangying 笑脸相迎|to welcome sb with a smiling face (id... xiaoliao 笑料|comedic material/(in reference to a p... xiaoliaobaichu 笑料百出|entertaining/hilarious xiaolicangdao 笑里藏刀|lit. a dagger hidden in smiles (idiom... xiaolin 小林|Kobayashi (Japanese surname) xiaolin 笑林|Jokes (title of an ancient collection... xiaolingtong 小灵通|Personal Handy-phone System (PHS), mo... xiaolingyang 小羚羊|gazelle xiaolinxiongjiaomei 小鳞胸鹪鹛|(bird species of China) pygmy cupwing... xiaolixiaoqi 小里小气|stingy/petty xiaolong 小龙|snake (as one of the 12 Chinese zodia... xiaolongbao 小笼包|steamed dumpling xiaolongtangbao 小笼汤包|steamed soup dumpling xiaolongxia 小龙虾|crayfish/(esp.) red swamp crayfish 克氏... xiaolu 小路|minor road/lane/pathway/trail xiaolu 销路|sale/market/state of the market/sales... xiaoluan 淆乱|to confuse/to befuddle xiaoluluanzhuang 小鹿乱撞|fig. restless, because of fear or str... xiaolunche 小轮车|BMX (bike)/cycling BMX (sport) xiaoluobotou 小萝卜头|(coll.) little kid xiaolv 效率|efficiency xiaolvren 小绿人|little green men from Mars xiaoma 笑骂|to deride; to mock/(jocular) to heckl... xiaoma 小马|colt/pony xiaomai 小麦|wheat/CL:粒[li4] xiaomaibu 小卖部|kiosk/snack counter/retail department... xiaomaipeiya 小麦胚芽|wheat germ xiaoman 小满|Xiaoman or Lesser Full Grain, 8th of ... xiaomao 小猫|kitten xiaomao 笑貌|smiling face xiaomaochong 小毛虫|slug xiaomaotou 小毛头|(coll.) new-born baby/young boy xiaomazuo 小马座|Equuleus (constellation) xiaomei 小妹|little sister/girl/(Tw) young female ... xiaomeimei 小妹妹|little sister/little girl/(coll.) vulva xiaomeizhoutuo 小美洲鸵|(ornithology) lesser rhea; Darwin\'s r... xiaomi 小秘|(ironically) \"secretary\" (i.e. boss\'s... xiaomi 小米|Xiaomi, Chinese electronics company f... xiaomi 小米|millet xiaomi 小蜜|(derog.) girlfriend of a married man xiaomi 消弭|(literary) to eliminate/to put an end to xiaomianbao 小面包|bread roll/bun xiaomianhu 笑面虎|man with a big smile and evil intentions xiaomie 消灭|to put an end to/to annihilate/to cau... xiaomijiao 小米椒|same as 朝天椒[chao2 tian1 jiao1] xiaomimi 笑眯眯|beaming/all smiles xiaomin 消泯|to eliminate/to obliterate xiaomin 小民|ordinary people/commoner/civilian xiaoming 小名|pet name for a child/childhood name xiaoming 校名|school name xiaoming 哮鸣|wheezing xiaomo 消磨|to wear down/to sap/to whittle away/t... xiaomoshijian 消磨时间|to kill time xiaomuzhi 小拇指|little finger/pinkie xiaona 笑纳|to kindly accept (an offering) xiaonaigou 小奶狗|(slang) naive, clingy, emotionally de... xiaonan 孝南|Xiaonan district of Xiaogan city 孝感市[... xiaonanqu 孝南区|Xiaonan district of Xiaogan city 孝感市[... xiaonao 小脑|cerebellum (part of the brain) xiaonao 校闹|disruptive activities targeted at a s... xiaonei 校内|Xiaonei (Chinese social network website) xiaonei 校内|on-campus/intramural xiaoneng 效能|efficacy/effectiveness xiaonianye 小年夜|(coll.) the night before lunisolar Ne... xiaoniao 小鸟|small bird/young bird (hatchling, nes... xiaoniaoqiu 小鸟球|(golf) birdie xiaoniaowei 小鸟胃|(fig.) small appetite; sb with a smal... xiaoniaoyiren 小鸟依人|lit. like a little bird relying on pe... xiaoniu 小牛|calf/(coll.) lower-priced model of La... xiaoniurou 小牛肉|veal xiaonv 小女|my daughter (humble) xiaonvren 小女人|dainty and delicate girl/concubine xiaoou 小鸥|(bird species of China) little gull (... xiaoou 笑鸥|(bird species of China) laughing gull... xiaopangzhua 小胖爪|(coll.) hand xiaopanwei 小盘尾|(bird species of China) lesser racket... xiaopao 小跑|to trot; to jog xiaopao 小泡|vesicles xiaopengyou 小朋友|child; kid (used to refer to a child,... xiaopianyi 小便宜|petty advantage; small gains xiaopiao 小票|receipt/banknote of small denomination xiaopihai 小屁孩|kid/youngster/(derog.) brat xiaopin 小品|short, simple literary or artistic cr... xiaopinbuxiaochang 笑贫不笑娼|the notion in society that it\'s bette... xiaopinniu 小牝牛|heifer xiaopiti 小䴙䴘|(bird species of China) little grebe ... xiaopodupi 笑破肚皮|to split one\'s sides laughing xiaopubu 小瀑布|cascade xiaoqi 消气|to cool one\'s temper xiaoqi 小气|stingy/miserly/narrow-minded/petty xiaoqi 小憩|to rest for a bit/to take a breather xiaoqi 笑气|laughing gas (nitrous oxide) xiaoqian 消遣|to while the time away/amusement/past... xiaoqian 小钱|a small amount of money xiaoqian 萧乾|Xiao Qian (1910-1999), Mongolian-born... xiaoqianbi 削铅笔|to sharpen a pencil xiaoqianbiji 削铅笔机|pencil sharpener (mechanical or elect... xiaoqiang 小强|(slang) cockroach (\"Little Qiang\" was... xiaoqiang 萧墙|(literary) screen wall shielding an e... xiaoqiao 小巧|small and exquisite/delicate/fine (fe... xiaoqiao 小瞧|(coll.) to look down on/to underestimate xiaoqiao 小桥|Xiao Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, acco... xiaoqiao-linglong 小巧玲珑|(idiom) dainty; delicate; exquisite xiaoqiaoliushui 小桥流水|a small bridge over a flowing stream xiaoqiche 小汽车|compact car xiaoqigui 小气鬼|miser/penny-pincher xiaoqihou 小气候|microclimate/fig. local situation xiaoqing 校庆|anniversary of the founding of a school xiaoqingjiaoyu 小青脚鹬|(bird species of China) Nordmann\'s gr... xiaoqingnian 小青年|young person/youngster xiaoqingxin 小清新|hipster xiaoqiqiang 小气腔|small air cavity xiaoqiu 小球|sports such as ping-pong and badminto... xiaoqiu 削球|(sport) to chop/to cut xiaoqiu 小丘|hill; knoll xiaoqiye 小企业|small enterprise xiaoqiyi 消歧义|to remove ambiguity/disambiguation (i... xiaoqizhongji 小起重机|jack xiaoqu 校区|campus xiaoqu 小区|housing estate; community; neighborho... xiaoqu 小曲|popular song/folk tune/ballad xiaoqu 小觑|to despise/to have contempt for xiaoqu 消去|to eliminate xiaoquan 小泉|Koizumi (name)/KOIZUMI Jun\'ichirō, Ja... xiaoquan 小犬|puppy/my son (humble) xiaoquanchunyilang 小泉纯一郎|KOIZUMI Jun\'ichirō (1942-), Japanese ... xiaoquanmazhilao 效犬马之劳|to render one\'s humble services/to be... xiaoquanzuo 小犬座|Canis Minor (constellation) xiaoquexing 小确幸|sth small that one can find pleasure ... xiaoquguangbo 小区广播|(telecommunications) cell broadcast xiaor 小儿|(coll.) early childhood/baby boy xiaoran 萧然|desolate/empty xiaorangzhibie 霄壤之别|huge difference xiaoren 小人|person of low social status (old)/I, ... xiaorendezhi 小人得志|lit. a vile character flourishes (idi... xiaorenjing 小人精|exceptionally bright kid/child prodigy xiaorenshu 小人书|children\'s picture story book/CL:本[ben3] xiaorenwu 小人物|nonentity/a nobody xiaoriben 小日本|(derog.) Japanese person/Jap xiaoribenr 小日本儿|erhua variant of 小日本[xiao3 Ri4 ben3] xiaorizi 小日子|simple life xiaorong 笑容|smile/smiling expression/CL:副[fu4] xiaorong 消融|to melt (e.g. an icecap) xiaorongkeju 笑容可掬|smiling wholeheartedly (idiom); beami... xiaorongya 小绒鸭|(bird species of China) Steller\'s eid... xiaosa 潇洒|confident and at ease/free and easy xiaosa 萧洒|variant of 瀟灑|潇洒[xiao1 sa3] xiaosan 消散|to dissipate xiaosan 小三|mistress/the other woman (coll.)/grad... xiaosandu 小三度|minor third (musical interval) xiaosang 小嗓|falsetto (in Chinese opera) xiaosanhexian 小三和弦|minor triad la-do-mi xiaosanquantuishi 小三劝退师|consultant who breaks up sb\'s extrama... xiaose 萧瑟|to rustle in the air/to rustle/to sou... xiaosha 消杀|to sterilize; to disinfect/to kill; t... xiaoshan 萧山|Xiaoshan district of Hangzhou city 杭州... xiaoshangfan 小商贩|small trader/peddler xiaoshanqu 萧山区|Xiaoshan district of Hangzhou city 杭州... xiaoshao 蟏蛸|long-jawed orb weaver, aka long-jawed... xiaoshao 肖蛸|variant of 蠨蛸|蟏蛸[xiao1 shao1] xiaoshaomanshi 蟏蛸满室|The room is filled with cobwebs. (idiom) xiaoshaoyu 小杓鹬|(bird species of China) little curlew... xiaoshe 校舍|school building xiaoshe 小舌|uvula xiaosheng 笑声|laughter xiaosheng 小声|in a low voice/(speak) in whispers xiaosheng 消声|sound dissipation/noise reduction xiaosheng 小乘|Hinayana, the Lesser Vehicle/Buddhism... xiaoshengchan 小生产|small-scale production xiaoshengchu 小升初|progression from elementary school to... xiaoshengniji 销声匿迹|to vanish without trace (idiom)/to li... xiaoshengqi 消声器|noise reduction equipment xiaoshengxian 孝圣宪|Empress Xiaoshengxian (1693-1777), co... xiaoshi 消失|to disappear; to fade away xiaoshi 小事|trifle/trivial matter/CL:點|点[dian3] xiaoshi 小时|hour/CL:個|个[ge4] xiaoshi 消食|to aid digestion xiaoshi 小视|to belittle/to look down upon/to despise xiaoshi 硝石|niter/saltpeter/potassium nitrate KNO3 xiaoshi 消释|to dispel (doubts)/to clear up (misun... xiaoshi 销蚀|to corrode; to erode; to wear away (l... xiaoshi 消蚀|to corrode; to erode; to wear away (l... xiaoshi 晓示|to tell/to notify xiaoshi 小食|snack; nibbles xiaoshi 消逝|to fade away xiaoshi 销势|sale xiaoshigong 小时工|hourly worker/hourly job xiaoshihou 小时候|in one\'s childhood xiaoshihour 小时候儿|erhua variant of 小時候|小时候[xiao3 shi2 h... xiaoshihui 消石灰|calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2/slaked lime xiaoshiliaoliao,daweibijia 小时了了,大未必佳|being bright at an early age does not... xiaoshiniudao 小试牛刀|to give a small demonstration of one\'... xiaoshir 消食儿|erhua variant of 消食[xiao1 shi2] xiaoshiyizhuang 小事一桩|trivial matter; a piece of cake xiaoshizhongxin 小食中心|Food court xiaoshizuo 小狮座|Leo Minor (constellation) xiaoshou 销售|to sell/to market/sales (representati... xiaoshou 消瘦|to waste away/to become thin xiaoshou 消受|to bear/to enjoy (usually in negative... xiaoshou 小受|(slang) bottom (in a homosexual relat... xiaoshou 枭首|to behead xiaoshoudian 销售点|point of sale (POS)/checkout/retail o... xiaoshoue 销售额|sales figure/total income from sales/... xiaoshoushidian 销售时点|point of sale xiaoshoushidianqingbaoxitong 销售时点情报系统|point of sale system xiaoshoushizhong 枭首示众|to behead sb and display the head in ... xiaoshouxiaojiao 小手小脚|mean/stingy/to be lacking in boldness... xiaoshouxing 小寿星|child whose birthday is being celebra... xiaoshu 小数|small figure/small amount/the part of... xiaoshu 小叔|husband\'s younger brother/brother-in-law xiaoshu 消暑|to spend a summer holiday/to beat the... xiaoshu 小暑|Xiaoshu or Lesser Heat, 11th of the 2... xiaoshu 小鼠|mouse xiaoshu 小树|shrub/small tree/sapling/CL:棵[ke1] xiaoshudian 小数点|decimal point xiaoshui 小睡|to nap/to doze xiaoshulin 小树林|grove xiaoshun 孝顺|filial/dutiful/devoted to one\'s paren... xiaoshuo 小说|novel/fiction/CL:本[ben3],部[bu4] xiaoshuo 销铄|to melt/to eliminate xiaoshuojia 小说家|School of Minor-talks, one of the Hun... xiaoshuojia 小说家|novelist xiaoshuqian 小书签|bookmarklet (computing) xiaosi 小厮|(literary) underage male servant xiaosi 肖似|to resemble/to look like xiaosibukui 孝思不匮|to be forever filial (idiom) xiaosonggao 小松糕|muffin xiaosu 孝肃|Xiaosu, posthumous name of Bao Zheng ... xiaosuan 硝酸|nitric acid xiaosuanan 硝酸铵|ammonium nitrate xiaosuangai 硝酸钙|calcium nitrate xiaosuanganyou 硝酸甘油|nitroglycerine xiaosuanjia 硝酸钾|potassium nitrate xiaosuanna 硝酸钠|sodium nitrate xiaosuanpan 小算盘|lit. small abacus/fig. selfish calcul... xiaosuanyan 硝酸盐|nitrate xiaosuanyin 硝酸银|silver nitrate xiaosuda 小苏打|baking soda; sodium bicarbonate/Taiwa... xiaosun 消损|wear and tear/to wear away over time xiaosuo 萧索|bleak/desolate/melancholy xiaotaipingniao 小太平鸟|(bird species of China) Japanese waxw... xiaotaitai 小太太|concubine/mistress xiaotan 笑谈|object of ridicule/laughingstock/to l... xiaotan 小摊|vendor\'s stall xiaotangshan 小汤山|Xiaotangshan town in Beijing municipa... xiaotanr 小摊儿|erhua variant of 小攤|小摊[xiao3 tan1] xiaotaoqi 小淘气|Rogue, Marvel Comics superhero xiaotaoqi 小淘气|rascal xiaoti 孝悌|filial piety and fraternal duty xiaotiane 小天鹅|Little Swan (PRC appliance brand) xiaotiane 小天鹅|(bird species of China) tundra swan (... xiaotianji 小田鸡|(bird species of China) Baillon\'s cra... xiaotianjian 小畑健|OBATA Takeshi, manga artist, illustra... xiaotiao 萧条|bleak; desolate/(economics) in a slum... xiaotidazuo 小题大做|to make a big fuss over a minor issue... xiaotidazuo 小题大作|variant of 小題大做|小题大做[xiao3 ti2 da4 zuo4] xiaoting 消停|to calm down/to stop/to pause/calmly/... xiaoting 猇亭|Xiaoting district of Yichang city 宜昌市... xiaotingqu 猇亭区|Xiaoting district of Yichang city 宜昌市... xiaotiqin 小提琴|fiddle/violin xiaotiqinshou 小提琴手|violinist; fiddler xiaotizhongxin 孝悌忠信|Confucian moral injunctions of fideli... xiaotongxiang 小同乡|person from the same county xiaotou 小偷|thief xiaotou 小头|the smaller part or share of sth xiaotour 小偷儿|erhua variant of 小偷[xiao3tou1] xiaotuantizhuyi 小团体主义|cliquism/small-group mentality xiaotui 消退|to wane/to vanish gradually xiaotui 小腿|lower leg (from knee to ankle)/shank xiaotuidu 小腿肚|calf (of the leg) xiaotunshixibao 小吞噬细胞|microphage (a type of white blood cell) xiaowa 小娃|child xiaowai 校外|off campus xiaowanchang 萧万长|Vincent C. Siew (1939-), Taiwanese di... xiaowang 消亡|to die out/to wither away xiaowanyi 小玩意|gadget/widget (small item of software) xiaowawa 小娃娃|baby xiaowei 校尉|military officer xiaoweijian 小苇鳽|(bird species of China) little bitter... xiaowen 笑纹|laugh lines (on the face) xiaowo 小我|the self/the individual xiaowo 笑涡|variant of 笑窩|笑窝[xiao4wo1] xiaowo 笑窝|dimple (on the cheek when smiling) xiaowu 小屋|cabin/lodge/cottage/chalet/hut/shed xiaowu 小鹀|(bird species of China) little buntin... xiaowujiandawu 小巫见大巫|lit. minor magician in the presence o... xiaoxi 消息|news/information/CL:條|条[tiao2] xiaoxi 小溪|brook/streamlet xiaoxia 消夏|to spend the summer/to take a summer ... xiaoxia 小虾|shrimp xiaoxiami 小虾米|shrimp/fig. small fry/minor player xiaoxian 萧县|Xiao County or Xiaoxian, a county in ... xiaoxian 消闲|to spend one\'s leisure time/to idle a... xiaoxiang 潇湘|other name of the Xiangjiang river 湘江... xiaoxiang 肖像|portrait (painting, photo etc)/(in a ... xiaoxiang 小巷|alley xiaoxiang 小项|small item/event (of program) xiaoxiang 肖想|(Tw) to dream of having (sth one cann... xiaoxiannv 小仙女|girl fairy/beautiful girl or young wo... xiaoxianr 消闲儿|erhua variant of 消閒|消闲[xiao1 xian2] xiaoxianrou 小鲜肉|(coll.) teen idol (male) xiaoxianweng 小仙鹟|(bird species of China) small niltava... xiaoxiao 小小|very small/very few/very minor xiaoxiao 潇潇|(of wind and rain) howling and poundi... xiaoxiao 宵小|thief/bandit/scoundrel/villain xiaoxiaoshuo 小小说|flash fiction xiaoxiaotingting 消消停停|intermittently xiaoxiaoxiyu 潇潇细雨|(idiom) soft, misty rain xiaoxiduilie 消息队列|message queue (computing) xiaoxie 小写|lowercase xiaoxiezimu 小写字母|lowercase (letters) xiaoxifu 小媳妇|young married woman/mistress/(fig.) p... xiaoxilaiyuan 消息来源|web feed/news feed/syndicated feed xiaoxilingtong 消息灵通|to be well-informed xiaoxilingtongrenshi 消息灵通人士|well-informed source; person with ins... xiaoxin 小心|to be careful/to take care xiaoxin 孝心|filial piety (a Confucian obligation)... xiaoxin-yiyi 小心翼翼|(idiom) cautious; careful; prudent xiaoxindihua 小心地滑|(used on signs) caution - wet floor (... xiaoxing 小型|small scale/small size xiaoxing 笑星|popular comedian/comic star xiaoxing 销行|to sell/to be on sale/to be sold xiaoxingbashi 小型巴士|minibus/microbus xiaoxingche 小型车|compact car xiaoxingguichu 小型柜橱|cabinet xiaoxinghewuqi 小型核武器|mini-nuke xiaoxinghuoche 小型货车|light van xiaoxingqiche 小型汽车|compact car xiaoxingqiye 小型企业|small business xiaoxingtouzhuomuniao 小星头啄木鸟|(bird species of China) Japanese pygm... xiaoxingxing 小行星|asteroid/minor planet xiaoxingxingdai 小行星带|asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter xiaoxinjinshen 小心谨慎|cautious and timid (idiom); prudent/c... xiaoxinyan 小心眼|narrow-minded/petty xiaoxinyanr 小心眼儿|small-minded/petty/narrow-minded xiaoxiong 枭雄|ambitious and ruthless character/form... xiaoxiongmao 小熊猫|lesser panda (Ailurus fulgens); red p... xiaoxiongweini 小熊维尼|Winnie-the-Pooh (bear character in ch... xiaoxiongzuo 小熊座|Ursa Minor (constellation) xiaoxixi 笑嘻嘻|grinning/smiling xiaoxu 小婿|my son-in-law (humble)/I (spoken to p... xiaoxue 小学|elementary school; primary school xiaoxue 小雪|Xiaoxue or Lesser Snow, 20th of the 2... xiaoxueerdayi 小学而大遗|to concentrate on trivial points whil... xiaoxuesheng 小学生|primary school student/schoolchild/CL... xiaoxun 校训|school motto xiaoxun 小薰|Xiao Xun (1989-), Taiwan actress xiaoya 小雅|one of the three main divisions of th... xiaoyajuan 小鸦鹃|(bird species of China) lesser coucal... xiaoyan 消炎|to reduce fever/antipyretic/to decrea... xiaoyan 效验|(desired) effect/(expected) result/ef... xiaoyan 硝烟|smoke (from guns) xiaoyandong 小岩洞|grotto xiaoyang 小样|galley proof (printing)/unimpressive/... xiaoyang 小羊|lamb xiaoyang 肖扬|Xiao Yang (1938-), president of the P... xiaoyangtuo 小羊驼|(zoology) vicuña xiaoyangungun 硝烟滚滚|(idiom) smoke billows from the raging... xiaoyanjiao 小眼角|outer corner of the eye xiaoyanpian 消炎片|antipyretic tablet (to reduce fever),... xiaoyanta 小雁塔|Small Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi\'an xiaoyanwei 小燕尾|(bird species of China) little forkta... xiaoyanyao 消炎药|anti-inflammatory medicine xiaoyao 逍遥|free and unfettered xiaoyao 小妖|small demon xiaoyaofawai 逍遥法外|unfettered and beyond the law (idiom)... xiaoyaojing 小妖精|goblin/hussy/floozy xiaoyaozide 逍遥自得|doing as one pleases (idiom); foot-lo... xiaoyaozizai 逍遥自在|free and at leisure (idiom); unfetter... xiaoyaxiya 小亚细亚|Asia Minor/Anatolia xiaoye 宵夜|midnight snack/late-night snack xiaoye 笑靥|dimple/smiling face xiaoye 小野|Ono (Japanese surname and place name) xiaoye 消夜|nighttime snack/late-night supper xiaoye 小夜|the first half of the night; evening ... xiaoyeban 小夜班|evening shift; early night shift xiaoyebuyoumei 小野不由美|Ono Fuyumi (1960-), Japanese novelist xiaoyequ 小夜曲|serenade xiaoyi 效益|benefit/effectiveness/efficiency xiaoyi 笑意|smiling expression xiaoyi 孝义|Xiaoyi, county-level city in Lüliang ... xiaoyi 孝衣|mourning garment xiaoyi 小姨|mother\'s youngest sister/wife\'s young... xiaoyidayi 晓以大义|to reason with sb/to lecture xiaoyiganshi 宵衣旰食|to dress before light and not eat bef... xiaoyin 消音|to silence xiaoyin 消隐|to hide/to retreat into privacy xiaoying 效应|effect (scientific phenomenon) xiaoyinghao 小鹰号|Kitty Hawk (US aircraft carrier) xiaoyingpanzhen 小营盘镇|Xiaoyingpan township in Börtala Shehi... xiaoyingwu 鸮鹦鹉|kakapo (Strigops habroptila)/owl parrot xiaoyingying 笑盈盈|smilingly/to be all smiles xiaoyinqi 消音器|silencer xiaoyinyin 笑吟吟|smiling; with a smile xiaoyinyinyulin,dayinyinyushi 小隐隐于林,大隐隐于市|an ordinary hermit lives in the seclu... xiaoyinyinyuye,dayinyinyushi 小隐隐于野,大隐隐于市|an ordinary hermit lives in the seclu... xiaoyishan 萧一山|Xiao Yishan (1902-1978), Modern histo... xiaoyishi 孝义市|Xiaoyi, county-level city in Lüliang ... xiaoyisi 小意思|small token/mere trifle (used of one\'... xiaoyizi 小姨子|(coll.) wife\'s younger sister; sister... xiaoyong 效用|usefulness/effectiveness/(economics) ... xiaoyongshanzhan 骁勇善战|to be brave and good at fighting (idiom) xiaoyou 校友|schoolmate/alumnus/alumna xiaoyou 效尤|to follow a bad example xiaoyou 小游|outing/short trip xiaoyu 小雨|light rain/drizzle xiaoyu 小于|less than, < xiaoyu 笑语|talking and laughing/cheerful talk xiaoyu 晓谕|variant of 曉喻|晓喻[xiao3 yu4] xiaoyu 晓喻|to inform/to convince xiaoyuan 校园|campus xiaoyuan 小渊|Obuchi (Japanese surname) xiaoyuan 消元|elimination (math)/to eliminate one v... xiaoyuanhuisan 小渊惠三|Obuchi Keizo (1937-2000), Japanese po... xiaoyun 小韵|homophone group (group of homophone c... xiaoyunhui 校运会|(school) field day/sports day xiaoyunque 小云雀|(bird species of China) oriental skyl... xiaoyusan 小雨伞|(slang) condom xiaoza 淆杂|to mix up/to muddle xiaozai 消灾|to avoid calamities xiaozaibixie 消灾避邪|to avoid calamities and evil spirits xiaozang 销赃|to dispose of stolen goods xiaozanggui 小脏鬼|dirty little devil (affectionate, of ... xiaozao 小灶|mess hall for high-ranking cadres/(fi... xiaozhai 小寨|Xiaozhai neighborhood of Xi\'an xiaozhang 嚣张|rampant/unbridled/arrogant/aggressive xiaozhang 校长|(college, university) president/headm... xiaozhang 销账|to write off/to cancel an item from a... xiaozhang 消长|to ebb and rise/to decrease and then ... xiaozhang 销帐|to write off/to cancel an account/to ... xiaozhangbahu 嚣张跋扈|arrogant and despotic xiaozhangqiyan 嚣张气焰|overweening attitude/threatening manner xiaozhao 校招|campus recruiting (abbr. for 校園招聘|校园招... xiaozhaosi 小昭寺|Ramoche Temple, Lhasa xiaozhen 小镇|small town; village xiaozheng 宵征|night journey/punitive expedition by ... xiaozhi 小指|little finger xiaozhiqiguan 小支气管|bronchiole xiaozhong 消肿|to reduce swelling/detumescence/(fig.... xiaozhong 效忠|to vow loyalty and devotion to xiaozhong 小众|minority of the population/non-mainst... xiaozhongshici 效忠誓词|pledge of allegiance xiaozhuan 小篆|the small or lesser seal, the form of... xiaozhuan 小传|sketch biography/profile xiaozhuan 小转|to turn right (Shanghainese) xiaozhuo 小酌|to have a few (alcoholic) drinks (oft... xiaozhuyankai 笑逐颜开|smile spread across the face (idiom);... xiaozi 小子|(literary) youngster/(old) young fell... xiaozi 小子|(coll.) boy/(derog.) joker/guy/(despi... xiaozi 孝子|filial son xiaozi 小资|petit bourgeois/yuppie/abbr. of 小資產階級... xiaozi 销子|a peg/a pin/dowel xiaozichanjieji 小资产阶级|petty bourgeois xiaozixian 萧子显|Xiao Zixian (487-537), writer and his... xiaozu 小组|group xiaozu 小卒|foot soldier/minor figure/a nobody/(c... xiaozuiheng 小嘴鸻|(bird species of China) Eurasian dott... xiaozuiwuya 小嘴乌鸦|(bird species of China) carrion crow ... xiaozuo-yiqing,dazuo-shangshen 小作怡情,大作伤身|an occasional display of histrionics ... xiaozuweiyuanhui 小组委员会|subcommittee xiaozuzong 小祖宗|brat/little devil xiapao 吓跑|to scare away xiapazi 虾爬子|mantis shrimp xiapi 虾皮|small dried shrimp xiapian 下片|to stop screening a movie/to end the ... xiapin 瞎拼|shopping as a fun pastime (loanword) ... xiapin 下聘|to send the betrothal gifts/(fig.) to... xiapo 下坡|downhill xiapodan 吓破胆|to be scared out of one\'s wits/to sca... xiapolu 下坡路|downhill road/(fig.) downhill path xiapu 夏普|Sharp Corporation xiapu 霞浦|Xiapu county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de... xiapuxian 霞浦县|Xiapu county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de... xiaqi 下期|next period (week, month or quarter etc) xiaqi 侠气|chivalry xiaqi 下棋|to play chess xiaqi 遐弃|to cast away/to reject/to shun/to des... xiaqiang 匣枪|Mauser pistol (C96 type) xiaqing 下情|feelings of the masses/my situation (... xiaqiunao 下丘脑|hypothalamus (anatomy) xiaqu 下去|to go down/to descend/to go on/to con... xiaqu 辖区|administrative region xiaquanshi 下犬式|downward-facing dog (yoga pose) xiaquejie 下确界|(math.) infimum; greatest lower bound xiaren 吓人|to scare/scary/frightening xiaren 虾仁|shrimp meat/shelled shrimp xiaren 下人|(old) servant/(dialect) children; gra... xiaren 下任|next office holder/next to serve xiari 夏日|summertime xiaru 下乳|to promote lactation (TCM)/(coll.) un... xiasanlan 下三烂|variant of 下三濫|下三滥[xia4 san1 lan4] xiasanlan 下三滥|riffraff/scum/lowlife/despicable/infe... xiasha 吓傻|to terrify/to scare sb xiashan 下山|to go down a hill/(of the sun or moon... xiashan 霞山|Xiashan District of Zhanjiang City 湛江... xiashangzhou 夏商周|Xia, Shang and Zhou, the earliest nam... xiashanqu 霞山区|Xiashan District of Zhanjiang City 湛江... xiashe 下设|(of an organization) to have as a sub... xiashen 下身|lower part of the body/genitalia/trou... xiashi 侠士|knight-errant xiashi 下士|lowest-ranked noncommissioned officer... xiashi 下世|to die/future incarnation/next life/t... xiashi 下视|to look down from above/(fig.) to loo... xiashilian 夏士莲|Hazeline, Unilever range of skin care... xiashiqiu 下视丘|(anatomy) hypothalamus (Tw) xiashizhi 夏时制|daylight saving time xiashou 下手|to start/to put one\'s hand to/to set ... xiashu 下属|subordinate/underling xiashugongsi 下属公司|subsidiary (company) xiashui 下水|downstream/to go into the water/to pu... xiashui 下水|offal/viscera/tripe xiashuidao 下水道|sewer xiashuiguan 下水管|drainpipe xiashuili 下水礼|launching ceremony xiashuo 瞎说|to talk drivel/to assert sth without ... xiasi 遐思|to fancy from afar/reverie/wild and f... xiasijin 下死劲|to do one\'s utmost xiata 下榻|to stay (at a hotel etc during a trip) xiatai 下台|to go off the stage/to fall from posi... xiataijie 下台阶|to extricate oneself/way out xiati 下体|lower body/euphemism for genitals/roo... xiatian 夏天|summer/CL:個|个[ge4] xiatiao 下调|to adjust downwards/to lower (prices,... xiatiao 遐眺|to stretch one\'s sight as far as poss... xiatong 下同|similarly hereinafter xiatou 下头|(slang) (of a person or manner) off-p... xiatuo 下驮|geta (Japanese clogs) xiawa 夏娃|Eve, the first woman (transcription u... xiawan 峡湾|fjord xiawang 下网|to cast a fishing net/(computing) to ... xiawangchao 夏王朝|Xia dynasty, unconfirmed but placed a... xiaweiyi 夏威夷|Hawaii, US state xiaweiyidao 夏威夷岛|Hawaii island xiaweiyiguo 夏威夷果|macadamia nut xiaweiyihuoshanguojiagongyuan 夏威夷火山国家公园|Hawaii Volcanoes National Park xiaweiyizhou 夏威夷州|Hawaii, US state xiawu 下午|afternoon/CL:個|个[ge4]/p.m. xiawucha 下午茶|afternoon tea (light afternoon meal, ... xiawuhao 下午好|(greeting) good afternoon xiaxi 罅隙|gap/crack/rift xiaxia 下辖|to administer; to have jurisdiction over xiaxiajiao 吓吓叫|(Tw) impressive (from Taiwanese 削削叫, ... xiaxian 下线|to go offline/(of a product) to roll ... xiaxian 下弦|last quarter, aka third quarter (phas... xiaxian 夏县|Xia county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 che... xiaxian 下限|lower bound xiaxian 下陷|to subside/subsidence xiaxian 虾线|digestive tract of a shrimp/sand vein xiaxiang 下乡|to go to the countryside xiaxiang 遐想|reverie/daydream/to be lost in wild a... xiaxianyishi 下线仪式|product launching ceremony xiaxianyue 下弦月|third quarter moon, aka last quarter ... xiaxiao 狭小|narrow xiaxin 遐心|the wish to abandon or keep aloof/the... xiaxing 下行|(of trains) down (i.e. away from the ... xiaxingqi 下星期|next week xiaxiu 下修|to revise downward xiaxiyang 下西洋|to sail west (from China) (used in re... xiaxuan 下旋|(sport) backspin xiaxuanxiaoqiu 下旋削球|(golf, tennis) undercut xiaxue 下雪|to snow xiaxun 下旬|last third of the month xiayan 瞎眼|to be blind xiayan 夏延|Cheyenne, capital of Wyoming xiayan 夏衍|Xia Yan (1900-1995), Chinese writer, ... xiayanjian 下眼睑|lower eyelid xiayao 下药|to prescribe medicine/to poison/to sl... xiayao 下腰|(gymnastics) to do a bridge/to do a crab xiaye 下野|to step down from office/to go into o... xiaye 下页|next page xiayi 狭义|narrow sense/restricted sense xiayi 夏邑|Xiayi county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qi... xiayi 侠义|chivalrous/chivalry/knight-errantry xiayi 虾夷|Emishi or Ebisu, ethnic group of anci... xiayibu 下一步|the next step xiayici 下一次|next xiayicong 虾夷葱|chive xiayidai 下一代|the next generation xiayige 下一个|the next one xiayin 下阴|the genitals xiayishi 下意识|subconscious mind xiayitiao 吓一跳|startled/to frighten/scared out of on... xiayixian 夏邑县|Xiayi county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qi... xiayixiangduilun 狭义相对论|special relativity xiayiye 下一页|next page xiayiyuan 下议院|lower chamber (of legislative body)/l... xiayiyuanyiyuan 下议院议员|Member of Parliament (MP) (UK Politics) xiayizhan 下一站|the next stop (of a bus etc) xiayou 下游|lower reaches (of a river)/lower leve... xiayou 虾油|prawn sauce xiayu 下雨|to rain xiayu 下狱|to imprison xiayu 夏禹|see 大禹[Da4 Yu3] xiayuan 下院|lower house (of parliament) xiayue 下月|next month xiazai 下载|to download/also pr. [xia4zai4] xiazai 下崽|(of animals) to give birth/to foal, t... xiazang 下葬|to bury/to inter xiazha 下闸|lower sluice gate/outflow sluice xiazhai 狭窄|narrow xiazhao 下诏|to hand down an imperial edict xiazhengmin 夏正民|Justice Michael Hartmann (1944-), Hon... xiazhi 下肢|lower limbs xiazhi 夏至|Xiazhi or Summer Solstice, 10th of th... xiazhi 辖制|to control xiazhi 遐志|lofty ambition/lofty aspiration xiazhi 遐祉|lasting blessings/lasting happiness xiazhidian 夏至点|the summer solstice xiazhihui 瞎指挥|to give nonsensical instructions/to i... xiazhishang 下至上|bottom to top xiazhong 遐终|forever xiazhou 下周|next week xiazhou 夏州|old place name (up to Tang), in Hengs... xiazhou 遐胄|distant descendants xiazhu 下注|to pour/to pour down (of rain)/to lay... xiazhu 下箸|(literary) to eat xiazhuang 下装|to take off costume and makeup/bottom... xiazhui 下坠|(of objects) to fall/to drop/to droop... xiazhukeling 下逐客令|to ask sb to leave/to show sb the doo... xiazi 瞎子|blind person xiazi 匣子|small box xiazi 虾子|shrimp roe; shrimp eggs xiazi 虾子|shrimp xiazimoxiang 瞎子摸象|blind people touch an elephant (idiom... xiazuo 下作|contemptible/disgusting xiba 吸把|toilet plunger xibai 洗白|to make sth clean and white/(fig.) to... xibalan 稀巴烂|see 稀爛|稀烂[xi1 lan4] xibanqiu 西半球|Western Hemisphere xibanya 西班牙|Spain xibanyagang 西班牙港|Port-of-Spain, capital of Trinidad an... xibanyaren 西班牙人|Spaniard/Spanish person xibanyawen 西班牙文|Spanish (language) xibanyayu 西班牙语|Spanish language xibao 细胞|cell (biology) xibao 喜报|announcement of joyful news/CL:張|张[zh... xibaobi 细胞壁|cell wall xibaodu 细胞毒|cytotoxin xibaoduxing 细胞毒性|cytotoxicity xibaofenlie 细胞分裂|cell division xibaoguangbo 细胞广播|(Tw) (telecommunications) cell broadcast xibaogujia 细胞骨架|cytoskeleton (of a cell) xibaohe 细胞核|nucleus (of cell) xibaomo 细胞膜|cell membrane xibaopeiyang 细胞培养|cell culture xibaopeiyangqi 细胞培养器|cell cultivator xibaoposui 细胞破碎|(biotechnology) cell disruption xibaoqi 细胞器|organelle xibaoronghe 细胞融合|cell fusion xibaosesu 细胞色素|cytochrome xibaoshengwuxue 细胞生物学|cell biology xibaowaiye 细胞外液|extracellular fluid xibaoxue 细胞学|cytology xibaoyinzi 细胞因子|cytokine xibaozhi 细胞质|cytoplasm xibaozhouqi 细胞周期|cell cycle xibei 西北|Northwest China (Shaanxi, Gansu, Qing... xibei 西北|northwest xibeibu 西北部|northwest part xibeidaxue 西北大学|Northwest University xibeifang 西北方|northwest/northwestern xibeigongyedaxue 西北工业大学|Northwestern Polytechnical University xibeihangkonggongsi 西北航空公司|Northwest Airlines xibeinonglinkejidaxue 西北农林科技大学|Northwest Agriculture and Forestry Un... xibeiyu 西北雨|thundershower (Tw) xibian 西边|west/west side/western part/to the we... xibianr 西边儿|erhua variant of 西邊|西边[xi1 bian1] xibie 惜别|reluctant to part xibing 喜饼|double happiness cakes, pastries offe... xibo 稀薄|thin/rarefied xibo 锡箔|tinfoil xibo 锡伯|Xibo ethnic group of northeast China xibokeladi 希波克拉底|Hippocrates (c. 460 BC - c. 370 BC), ... xibolai 希伯来|Hebrew xibolai 希伯莱|Hebrew xibolaidaxue 希伯莱大学|the Hebrew University, Jerusalem xibolairen 希伯来人|Hebrew person/Israelite/Jew xibolaishu 希伯来书|Epistle of St Paul to the Hebrews xibolaiwen 希伯来文|Hebrew (language) xibolaiwen 希伯莱文|Hebrew language xibolaiyu 希伯来语|Hebrew (language) xibolaiyu 希伯莱语|Hebrew language xiboliya 西伯利亚|Siberia xiboliyayinou 西伯利亚银鸥|(bird species of China) Vega gull (La... xibozhi 锡箔纸|aluminum foil/CL:張|张[zhang1] xibozu 锡伯族|Xibo ethnic group of northeast China xibu 西部|western part xibu 细部|small part (of a whole ensemble)/detail xibupian 西部片|Western (film) xibuzijin 喜不自禁|unable to contain one\'s joy (idiom) xibuzisheng 喜不自胜|unable to contain one\'s joy (idiom) xican 西餐|Western-style food/CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4] xice 西侧|west side; west face xicha 细察|to observe carefully xichang 细长|slender xichang 西昌|Xichang cosmodrome/Xichang, county-le... xichangshi 西昌市|Xichang, county-level city in Liangsh... xiche 喜车|wedding car/carriage for collecting t... xichen 西沉|(of the sun) to set xicheng 西城|Xicheng, a district of central Beijing xicheng 戏称|to jokingly call/jocular appellation xichengqu 西城区|Xicheng, a district of central Beijing xichenji 吸尘机|vacuum cleaner xichenqi 吸尘器|vacuum cleaner/dust catcher xichi 㶉𫛶|a kind of waterbird resembling a mand... xichong 西充|Xichong county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 ch... xichong 吸虫|trematoda/fluke/trematode worm, appro... xichongchong 喜冲冲|to beam with joy/in a happy mood xichonggang 吸虫纲|Class Trematoda/fluke/trematode worm,... xichongxian 西充县|Xichong county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 ch... xichou 西畴|Xichou county in Wenshan Zhuang and M... xichouxian 西畴县|Xichou county in Wenshan Zhuang and M... xichu 析出|to separate out xichuan 淅川|Xichuan county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 ... xichuang 铣床|milling machine xichuanxian 淅川县|Xichuan county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 ... xichumingmen 系出名门|to come from a distinguished family xichuwangwai 喜出望外|to be pleased beyond one\'s expectatio... xici 戏词|actor\'s lines (in theater) xicongtianjiang 喜从天降|joy from heaven (idiom); overjoyed at... xicun 西村|Nishimura (Japanese surname) xicunyin 惜寸阴|to cherish every moment/to make good ... xida 西打|cider (loanword) xidabujuan 细大不捐|not to discard anything, whether smal... xidada 习大大|Papa Xi, nickname for Xi Jinping 習近平|... xidaduo 悉达多|Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the ... xidai 系带|(anatomy) frenulum xidan 西单|Xidan neighborhood of central Beijing xidan 喜蛋|red-painted eggs, traditional celebra... xidangdie 喜当爹|(neologism c. 2012) (slang) to become... xidanghe 锡当河|Sittang River of central Myanmar (Bur... xidapuben 喜大普奔|(of news etc) so thrilling that every... xide 西德|West Germany/German Federal Republic ... xide 喜德|Xide county in Liangshan Yi autonomou... xide 习得|to learn/to acquire (some skill throu... xideng 熄灯|turn out the lights/lights out xideni 西德尼|Sidney or Sydney (name) xideni 席德尼|Sidney or Sydney (name) xideni 悉德尼|Sidney or Sydney (name) xidexian 喜德县|Xide county in Liangshan Yi autonomou... xidexing 习得性|acquired/learned xidexingwuzhugan 习得性无助感|(psychology) learned helplessness xidi 洗涤|to rinse/to wash/washing xidi 吸地|to vacuum the floor xidi 洗地|to clean the floor/(Internet slang) (... xidian 西点|West Point, US military academy in Ne... xidian 西点|Western-style pastry xidiao 细调|to fine tune xidicao 洗涤槽|washing tank/sink xidiershui 席地而睡|to sleep on the ground (idiom) xidierzuo 席地而坐|to sit on the ground or the floor (id... xidiji 洗涤剂|cleaning agent/detergent xidiji 洗涤机|washer/washing machine/rinsing machine xidijian 洗涤间|washroom/washhouse xidiling 洗涤灵|dishwashing liquid xidinafei 西地那非|sildenafil (virility drug) (loanword) xiding 锡锭|tin ingot xidingdeng 吸顶灯|flush-mounted ceiling lamp (loanword) xidiqi 洗涤器|washing appliance xiditong 洗涤桶|washtub xidong 翕动|to open and close (the mouth etc) xidong 噏动|variant of 翕動|翕动[xi1 dong4] xidu 吸毒|to take drugs xiduan 西端|western extremity xiduchengyin 吸毒成瘾|drug addiction xidun 西顿|Sidon (Lebanon) xie 血|see 血[xue4] xie 叶|to be in harmony xie 页|head xie 蝎|variant of 蠍|蝎[xie1] xie 蝎|scorpion xie 卸|to unload/to unhitch/to remove or str... xie 鞋|shoe/CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] xie 鞋|variant of 鞋[xie2] xie 斜|inclined/slanting/oblique/tilting xie 解|surname Xie xie 解|acrobatic display (esp. on horseback)... xie 邪|old variant of 邪[xie2] xie 邪|demonic/iniquitous/nefarious/evil/unh... xie 些|classifier indicating a small amount ... xie 携|old variant of 攜|携[xie2] xie 携|to carry/to take along/to bring along... xie 泄|variant of 洩|泄[xie4] xie 泄|(bound form) to leak out; to discharg... xie 懈|lax/negligent xie 屧|wooden shoes xie 歇|to rest/to take a break/to stop/to ha... xie 胁|flank (the side of one\'s torso)/to co... xie 胁|variant of 脅|胁[xie2] xie 谐|(bound form) harmonious/(bound form) ... xie 灺|(literary) candle stub xie 协|to cooperate/to harmonize/to help/to ... xie 楔|wedge/to hammer in (variant of 揳[xie1]) xie 蟹|crab xie 蟹|variant of 蟹[xie4] xie 颉|surname Xie xie 颉|(of a bird) to fly upwards/(of the ne... xie 褉|short garments xie 屑|bits/fragments/crumbs/filings/triflin... xie 燮|surname Xie xie 燮|to blend/to adjust/to harmonize/harmony xie 燮|old variant of 燮[xie4] xie 缬|knot/tie a knot xie 泻|to flow out swiftly/to flood/a torren... xie 薤|Allium bakeri/shallot/scallion xie 亵|obscene/disrespectful xie 撷|to collect/Taiwan pr. [jie2] xie 瀣|mist/vapor xie 偕|in company with xie 襭|carry with the front of a robe xie 嶰|mountain valley xie 廨|office xie 械|appliance/tool/weapon/shackles/also p... xie 媟|to lust for xie 揳|to hammer in (a nail)/to drive (a wedge) xie 邂|used in 邂逅[xie4hou4] xie 榭|pavilion xie 絜|marking line/pure/to regulate xie 澥|(of porridge etc) to become watery/(d... xie 熁|(meaning uncertain) xie 绁|to tie/to bind/to hold on a leash/rop... xie 绁|variant of 紲|绁[xie4] xie 渫|surname Xie xie 渫|to get rid of/to discharge/to dredge xie 劦|variant of 協|协[xie2]/to cooperate/com... xie 龤|to harmonize/to accord with/to agree xie 猲|short-snout dog xie 旪|old variant of 協|协[xie2] xie 獬|see 獬豸[xie4 zhi4] xie 躞|to walk xie 緤|variant of 紲|绁[xie4]/to tie/to bind xie 偰|contract (variant of 契[qi4]) xie 觧|variant of 解[xie4] xie 祄|to bless xie 滊|saline pond xie 疶|dysentery xie 駴|thunderous beating of drums xie 躠|to limp xie 挟|(bound form) to clasp under the arm/(... xie 卨|used in old names/phonetic seol used ... xie 㙦|(used in place names) xie 㐖|used in 㐖毒[Xie2 du2] xie 㶸|(precise meaning unknown, relates to ... xie 骱|joint of bones xie 勰|harmonious xie 喜恶|likes and dislikes xie 写|to write xie 写|used in 寫意|写意[xie4yi4] xie 谢|surname Xie xie 谢|to thank/(bound form) to apologize/(b... xie-zhigangkong 泄殖肛孔|(zoology) cloaca xieansuan 缬氨酸|valine (Val), an essential amino acid xieba 鞋拔|shoehorn xieban 协办|to assist/to help sb do sth/to cooper... xiebang 鞋帮|uppers of a shoe xiebazi 鞋拔子|shoehorn xieben 写本|handwritten copy of a book xiebian 斜边|sloping side/hypotenuse (of a right-a... xiebianliang 协变量|covariate (statistics) xiebing 谢病|to excuse oneself because of illness xiebo 谐波|harmonic (wave with frequency an inte... xiebudizheng 邪不敌正|good will always triumph over evil (i... xiecai 邪财|windfall/easy money/ill-gotten gains xiecai 歇菜|(dialect) to stop functioning xiecao 缬草|valerian (Valeriana officinalis) xiechang 血肠|blood sausage xiechangshi 斜长石|plagioclase (rock-forming mineral, ty... xiechangting 谢长廷|Frank Chang-ting Hsieh (1946-), Taiwa... xiechen 谢忱|gratitude xiecheng 携程| Group, largest travel agency... xiecheng 谐称|humorous nickname xiechi 挟持|to seize (sb) by the arms/to hold und... xiechi 胁持|to hold under duress xiechi 懈弛|slack (discipline) xiechu 泄出|to leak out/to release (liquid or gas) xiechuliqi 协处理器|coprocessor xieci 谢词|speech of thanks xiecongfan 胁从犯|accomplice under duress; coerced acco... xiedai 携带|to carry (on one\'s person)/to support... xiedai 鞋带|shoelace/CL:根[gen1],雙|双[shuang1] xiedai 挟带|to carry along/to carry on one\'s pers... xiedai 懈怠|slack/lazy/remiss xiedaizhe 携带者|(medicine) carrier (of a recessive ge... xiedang 邪荡|obscene xiedao 邪道|see 邪路[xie2lu4] xiedao 写道|to write (used before or after a quot... xiedi 鞋底|sole (of a shoe) xiedi 泄底|to divulge the inside story xiedian 鞋垫|insole/shoe insert xiediandianying 邪典电影|cult film xiedie 躞蹀|to walk with a mincing gait xieding 协定|agreement/accord/to reach an agreement xieding 谢顶|to go bald xieding 歇顶|to be balding/to be thinning on top xiedou 械斗|armed confrontation/bust-up between g... xiedu 亵渎|(literary) to blaspheme; to desecrate... xiedu 斜度|slope/gradient/inclination xiedu 泻肚|to have diarrhea xiedu 㐖毒|India (archaic) xiedui 斜对|catty-corner/to be diagonally opposit... xieduo 懈惰|slack/idle xiedushenming 亵渎神明|to blaspheme/to commit sacrilege xieduzi 泻肚子|see 瀉肚|泻肚[xie4 du4] xiee 邪恶|sinister/vicious/wicked/evil xieen 谢恩|to thank sb for favor (esp. emperor o... xieerbaren 谢尔巴人|Sherpa xieergai 谢尔盖|Sergei (name) xieezhouxin 邪恶轴心|the Axis of Evil xiefa 写法|style of writing (literary style)/way... xiefangcha 协方差|(statistics) covariance xiefangji 斜方肌|trapezius muscle (of the upper back a... xiefangxing 斜方型|trapezium (geometry) xiefen 泄愤|to give vent to anger xiefen 蟹粉|crab meat xiefu 亵服|informal wear/home clothes (old)/wome... xiegang 斜杠|oblique bar/slash (computing) xiegen 鞋跟|heel (of a shoe) xiegou 斜钩|(downwards-right concave hooked chara... xieguan 协管|to assist in managing (e.g. traffic p... xieguanmian 斜管面|penne pasta xieguanyuan 协管员|assistant manager/steward xiehe 协和|to harmonize/harmony/cooperation/(mus... xiehe 谐和|concordant/harmonious xiehe 谢赫|Xie He (479-502), portrait painter fr... xiehe 燮和|to harmonize/to live in harmony xiehefeiji 协和飞机|Concorde, supersonic passenger airliner xiehen 泄恨|to give vent to anger xieheshikeji 协和式客机|Concorde, supersonic passenger airliner xiehong 泄洪|to release flood water/flood discharge xiehongzha 泄洪闸|sluice-gate/flood discharge valve xiehou 邂逅|(literary) to meet sb by chance; to r... xiehou 谢候|to thank sb for favor or hospitality xiehouyu 歇后语|anapodoton (a saying in which the sec... xiehu 邪乎|extraordinary/severe/exaggerated/over... xiehu 泻湖|lagoon xiehuang 蟹黄|the ovary and digestive glands of a f... xiehuang 歇艎|large warship xiehuangshui 蟹黄水|crab roe/crab spawn/(used for crab me... xiehui 协会|an association/a society/CL:個|个[ge4],... xiehuo 卸货|to unload cargo/(fig.) to give birth ... xiehuzuo 蝎虎座|Lacerta (constellation) xieji 泻剂|laxative xieji 斜肌|diagonal muscle xiejiadaijuan 携家带眷|to take all one\'s family along (idiom... xiejiadaikou 携家带口|(idiom) to take all one\'s family alon... xiejiaji 谢家集|Xiejiaji, a district of Huainan City ... xiejiajiqu 谢家集区|Xiejiaji, a district of Huainan City ... xiejiang 鞋匠|shoemaker/cobbler xiejiang 蟹酱|crab paste xiejianr 卸肩儿|lit. a weight off one\'s shoulders/fig... xiejiao 歇脚|to stop on the way for a rest xiejiao 邪教|evil cult xiejiao 斜角|bevel angle/oblique angle xiejiao 斜交|bevel/oblique xiejin 泄劲|to lose heart/to feel discouraged xiejing 协警|auxiliary police xiejing 邪径|see 邪路[xie2lu4] xiejing 斜径|sloping path xiejingji 解痉剂|antispasmodic (pharm.) xieju 谐剧|Xieju opera (ballad and dancing monol... xiejuan 携眷|accompanied by one\'s dependents/encum... xiejue 谢绝|to refuse politely xiejuecanguan 谢绝参观|closed to visitors/no admittance xiekao 斜靠|to recline xieke 谢客|to decline to meet a visitor/to expre... xiekou 卸扣|shackle (U-shaped link) xiekuan 携款|to take funds (esp. illegally or corr... xiela 谢拉|Zerah (son of Judah in the Old Testam... xielao 偕老|to grow old together xieleba 歇了吧|(dialect) give me a break!/forget abo... xielengyan 斜愣眼|to squint xielengyanr 斜愣眼儿|erhua variant of 斜愣眼[xie2 leng5 yan3] xieli 协力|to unite in common effort xieli 谢礼|honorarium/gift as thanks xieli 协理|assistant manager/to assist in managing xieli 燮理|to harmonize/to adapt/to adjust xieli 泄痢|to have diarrhea xieliche 协力车|vehicle powered by two or more pedall... xielifu 谢里夫|Sharif (name)/Nawaz Sharif (1949-), P... xieling 邪灵|evil spirits xielingyun 谢灵运|Xie Lingyun (385-433) poet during Son... xielinlin 血淋淋|bloody; blood-soaked; gory; grisly/cr... xieliu 泄流|drainage xielou 泄漏|(of a liquid or gas) to leak/to divul... xieloutianji 泄漏天机|to divulge the will of heaven (idiom)... xielu 泄露|to leak (information); to divulge/als... xielu 邪路|deviant path; evil ways xieluokefuermosi 歇洛克·福尔摩斯|Sherlock Holmes xielutianji 泄露天机|to divulge the will of heaven (idiom)... xielv 斜率|slope xielv 鞋履|footwear xieman 亵慢|irreverent/slighting xiemei 谐美|harmonious and graceful xiemei 谢媒|to thank the matchmaker xiemen 邪门|strange/unusual/evil ways/dishonest p... xiemeng 蟹獴|crab-eating mongoose xiemenwaidao 邪门歪道|lit. devil\'s gate, crooked path (idio... xiemi 泄密|to leak secrets xiemian 斜面|inclined plane xiemo 邪魔|evil spirit xiemoshalv 卸磨杀驴|lit. to kill the donkey when the grin... xiemu 谢幕|to take a curtain call/(fig.) to come... xieni 亵昵|disrespectful; overly familiar xieni 斜睨|to cast sidelong glances at sb xienian 邪念|wicked idea/evil thought/evil desire xienu 泄怒|to give vent to anger xiepi 邪僻|abnormal; improper; beyond the pale xiepo 胁迫|to coerce/to compel/to force xiepo 斜坡|slope/incline xieqi 邪气|evil influence/unhealthy trend/(a per... xieqi 泄气|to leak (gas)/to be discouraged/to de... xieqi 歇气|to have a break/to rest xieqi 懈气|to slacken off/to take it easy xieqieju 斜切锯|miter saw xiequ 撷取|to pick/to select/to take/to capture ... xiequ 谐趣|humor/amusing xieque 谢却|to decline/to refuse politely xier 希尔|Hill (name)/Christopher Hill, US unde... xierbote 希尔伯特|David Hilbert (1862-1943), German mat... xierbote 希耳伯特|David Hilbert (1862-1943), German mat... xierdun 希尔顿|Hilton (hotel chain) xieren 卸任|to leave office xierfusemu 希尔弗瑟姆|Hilversum, city in Netherlands xiergongting 洗耳恭听|to listen with respectful attention/(... xierhe 锡尔河|Syr Darya, Central Asian river, flowi... xierneikesi 希尔内科斯|Kirkenes (city in Finnmark, Norway) xierou 蟹肉|crab meat xieroujie 谢肉节|carnival (esp. Christian) xieshanding 歇山顶|(East Asian) hip-and-gable roof xieshang 协商|to consult with/to talk things over/a... xieshanghuiyi 协商会议|consultative conference (political ve... xiesheng 写生|to sketch from nature/to do a still l... xiesheng 谐声|combination of a signific component a... xiesheqiu 斜射球|a sliced ball (tennis or table tennis) xieshi 写实|realism/realistic portrayal/realistic... xieshi 斜视|a squint/sideways glance/to look askance xieshi 谢世|to die/to pass away xieshiyan 谢师宴|banquet hosted by students in honor o... xieshou 携手|hand in hand/to join hands/to collabo... xieshou 写手|person who writes articles - newspape... xieshou 歇手|to rest/to take a break xieshoubingjian 携手并肩|hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder xieshoutongxing 携手同行|to walk hand in hand/to cooperate xieshu 邪术|sorcery xieshu 解数|talent/ability/capability/martial art... xieshuo 邪说|harmful teachings/evil doctrine xiesi 写死|to hard code (computing) xiesidili 歇斯底里|hysteria (loanword)/hysterical xiesifen 泄私愤|to vent personal spite/to act out of ... xiesu 歇宿|to lodge/to stay (for the night) xiesui 邪祟|evil spirit xieta 斜塔|leaning tower xietan 谐谈|joking/humorous talk xietang 斜躺|to recline xietao 卸套|to loosen a yoke/to remove harness (f... xietao 鞋套|overshoe; shoe cover xiete 谢特|shit! (loanword) xieti 斜体|italics/slanting typeface xietian-xiedi 谢天谢地|(idiom) thank goodness xietianziyilingtianxia 挟天子以令天下|(expr.) hold the feudal overlord and ... xietianziyilingzhuhou 挟天子以令诸侯|(expr.) hold the feudal overlord and ... xietiao 协调|to coordinate/to harmonize/to fit tog... xietiaoren 协调人|coordinator xietiaoshijieshi 协调世界时|Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) xietiaoyuan 协调员|coordinator xietie 谢帖|letter of thanks xietingfeng 谢霆锋|Tse Ting-Fung or Nicholas Tse (1980-)... xietizi 斜体字|italics xietong 协同|to cooperate/in coordination with/coo... xietong 偕同|along with/accompanied by/together with xietongmen 谢通门|Xaitongmoin county, Tibetan: Bzhad mt... xietongmenxian 谢通门县|Xaitongmoin county, Tibetan: Bzhad mt... xietongzhuchiren 协同主持人|(Tw) (in a research project) collabor... xietongzuoyong 协同作用|synergy/cooperative interaction xietou 卸头|(of a woman) to take off one\'s head o... xietouying 斜投影|oblique projection xiewa 鞋袜|shoes and socks xiewan 谐婉|mild and harmonious xiewan 写完|to finish writing xiewei 些微|slight; minor; small/slightly xieweibolao 楔尾伯劳|(bird species of China) Chinese grey ... xieweilvjiu 楔尾绿鸠|(bird species of China) wedge-tailed ... xieweiou 楔尾鸥|(bird species of China) Ross\'s gull (... xiewen 斜纹|(textiles) twill xiewenzhi 斜纹织|twill weave xiexi 歇息|to have a rest/to stay for the night/... xiexi 谐戏|to joke xiexi 械系|to arrest and shackle/to clap in irons xiexia 卸下|to unload xiexia 写下|to write down xiexian 斜线|oblique line/slash (symbol) xiexianhao 斜线号|slash (punct.)/forward slash (computi... xiexiao 谢孝|to visit friends to thank them after ... xiexie 谢谢|to thank/thanks/thank you xiexie 泄泻|diarrhea xiexie 泄泻|loose bowels/diarrhea/to have the runs xiexin 写信|to write a letter xiexin 谢辛|Chea Sim, president of Cambodian Nati... xiexin 歇心|to drop the matter/to stop worrying xiexinacu 挟细拿粗|to provoke xiexing 楔形|cuneiform (letters)/wedge-shape xiexing 谐星|popular comedian/comic star xiexingwenzi 楔形文字|cuneiform (Babylonian script) xiexingwu 楔形物|wedge xiexu 些许|a few; a little; a bit xiexuan 鞋楦|shoe tree xiexue 谐谑|banter/humorous repartee xieyan 斜眼|to look askance/cross or wall-eyed xieyan 泻盐|epsom salts xieyang 斜阳|setting sun xieyankan 斜眼看|to look askance xieyao 泻药|laxative xieye 歇业|to close down (temporarily or permane... xieyi 协议|agreement/pact/protocol/CL:項|项[xiang4] xieyi 斜倚|to recline xieyi 谢意|gratitude/thanks xieyi 写意|to suggest (rather than depict in det... xieyi 写意|comfortable/enjoyable/relaxed xieyi 谢仪|honorarium/gift as thanks xieyi 解㑊|(TCM) fatigue, often associated with ... xieyihua 写意画|freehand drawing or painting in tradi... xieyin 谐音|homonym/homophone/harmonic (component... xieyingeng 谐音梗|homophonic pun xieyinlie 谐音列|harmonic series xieyishu 协议书|contract/protocol xieyou 鞋油|shoe polish xieyou 燮友|gentle/good-natured xieyu 泄欲|to sate one\'s lust xieyuan 挟怨|to hold a grudge xieyue 协约|entente/pact/agreement/negotiated set... xieyueguo 协约国|Allies/entente (i.e. Western powers a... xieyugongju 泄欲工具|sexual object xieyun 血晕|bruise/pale red xieyun 协韵|to rhyme xieyun 叶韵|to rhyme/also written 協韻|协韵 xiezai 卸载|to unload cargo/to uninstall (software) xieze 卸责|to avoid responsibility; to shift the... xiezhao 写照|portrayal xiezhao 邪招|clever move from out of left field xiezhaolan 蟹爪兰|holiday cactus xiezhen 写真|portrait/to describe sth accurately xiezhen 谐振|resonance/sympathetic vibration xiezhendong 谐振动|harmonic oscillation (e.g. sound wave) xiezhenji 写真集|photobook (loanword from Japanese), g... xiezhenzi 谐振子|harmonic oscillator (physics) xiezhi 挟制|to exploit sb\'s point of weakness to ... xiezhi 獬豸|Xiezhi, mythical Chinese unicorn xiezhi 卸职|to resign from office/to dismiss from... xiezhi 解廌|variant of 獬豸[xie4 zhi4] xiezhiqiang 泄殖腔|(zoology) cloaca; cloacal cavity xiezhixiejian 邪知邪见|false wisdom and erroneous views (Bud... xiezhou 斜轴|oblique axes (math.) xiezhu 协助|to provide assistance/to aid xiezhuang 卸妆|to remove makeup/(old) to take off fo... xiezhuang 卸装|(of an actor) to remove makeup and co... xiezhuangxingyun 蟹状星云|Crab Nebula xiezi 写字|to write (by hand)/to practice callig... xiezi 蝎子|scorpion xiezi 鞋子|shoe xiezi 楔子|wedge/peg/stopper/prologue (in some m... xieziban 写字板|writing tablet/clipboard xiezilou 写字楼|office building xiezitai 写字台|writing desk xiezou 协奏|to perform (a concerto) xiezouqu 协奏曲|concerto xiezui 谢罪|to apologize for an offense/to offer ... xiezuiliaomei 楔嘴鹩鹛|(bird species of China) Cachar wedge-... xiezuo 协作|cooperation/coordination xiezuo 写作|to write/to compose/writing/written w... xifa 戏法|magic trick xifafen 洗发粉|shampoo powder xifaji 洗发剂|shampoo xifajing 洗发精|shampoo xifalu 洗发露|shampoo xifan 稀饭|porridge; gruel; congee xifang 西方|the West/the Occident/Western countries xifang 戏仿|a parody/to parody xifang 系放|to tag (an animal, for scientific res... xifangbinyu 西方滨鹬|(bird species of China) western sandp... xifangjileshijie 西方极乐世界|Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss o... xifangmanaoyanbingdu 西方马脑炎病毒|western equine encephalitis (WEE) virus xifangpao 西方狍|roe deer/capreolus capreolus xifangren 西方人|Westerner/Occidental xifangsongji 西方松鸡|(bird species of China) western caper... xifangyangji 西方秧鸡|(bird species of China) water rail (R... xifanlian 西番莲|passion flower xifanninggen 席凡宁根|Scheveningen, resort in Den Haag (The... xifanyashu 西番雅书|Book of Zephaniah xifaru 洗发乳|shampoo xifashui 洗发水|shampoo (liquid) xifashuir 洗发水儿|shampoo xifazao 洗发皂|shampoo xifazhaozhi 夕发朝至|to depart in the evening and arrive t... xifei 西非|West Africa xifei 矽肺|silicosis (occupational disease of mi... xifei 西鲱|allis shad (Alosa alosa) xifeibing 矽肺病|silicosis (occupational disease of mi... xifen 细分|to divide (into subgroups etc); to br... xifen 戏份|scene (in a movie etc)/one\'s part in ... xifen 细粉|powder xifen 吸粉|to increase one\'s followers; to get m... xifeng 西峰|Western peak/Xifeng district of Qingy... xifeng 息烽|Xifeng county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 y... xifeng 西丰|Xifeng county in Tieling 鐵嶺|铁岭[Tie3 l... xifeng 隙缝|aperture xifengqu 西峰区|Xifeng district of Qingyang city 慶陽市|... xifengxian 息烽县|Xifeng county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 y... xifengxian 西丰县|Xifeng county in Tieling 鐵嶺|铁岭[Tie3 l... xifu 媳妇|daughter-in-law/wife (of a younger ma... xifu 吸附|to adhere to a surface/to absorb/to d... xifu 西服|suit/Western-style clothes (historica... xifu 西弗|sievert (Sv), unit of radiation damag... xifu 惜福|to appreciate one\'s good fortune xifuaochengpo 媳妇熬成婆|lit. even a submissive daughter-in-la... xifuji 吸附剂|absorbent xifujiniya 西弗吉尼亚|West Virginia, US state xifujiniyazhou 西弗吉尼亚州|West Virginia, US state xifur 媳妇儿|wife/young married woman xifuxing 吸附性|absorption/absorbability (chemistry) xigai 膝盖|knee/(Internet slang) to kneel down (... xigaigu 膝盖骨|kneecap xigan 喜感|comicality/comical/(Buddhism) joy xigangqu 西岗区|Xigang district of Dalian 大連市|大连市[Da4... xigao 洗稿|to modify a text so it can be plagiar... xigejuyuan 喜歌剧院|musical theater/Opéra Comique, Paris xigema 西格玛|sigma (Greek letter Σσ)/(symbol for s... xigema 西格马|sigma (Greek letter Σσ) xigemengde 西格蒙德|Sigmund (name) xigesi 希格斯|Higgs (name)/Peter Higgs (1929-), Bri... xigesibosezi 希格斯玻色子|Higgs boson (particle physics) xigesijizhi 希格斯机制|(physics) the Higgs mechanism xigesilizi 希格斯粒子|Higgs particle (particle physics) xigong 西贡|Saigon, capital of former South Vietn... xigong 铣工|milling (machining)/milling machine o... xigongqu 西工区|Xigong district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛... xigou 洗沟|to roll a ball into the gutter (ten-p... xigu 硒鼓|toner cartridge xigu 西固|Xigu District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市... xigu 溪谷|valley/gorge xigu 矽谷|Silicon Valley xigua 西瓜|watermelon/CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge5] xiguan 吸管|(drinking) straw/pipette/eyedropper/s... xiguan 习惯|habit/custom/usual practice/to be use... xiguanchengziran 习惯成自然|habit becomes nature (idiom); get use... xiguanfa 习惯法|customary law/common law xiguanruoziran 习惯若自然|habit becomes nature (idiom); get use... xiguanxing 习惯性|customary xiguanyongfa 习惯用法|idiom xiguanyongyu 习惯用语|idiom/idiomatic expression/habitual f... xiguanziran 习惯自然|habit becomes nature (idiom); get use... xiguqu 西固区|Xigu District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市... xiha 嘻哈|hip-hop (music genre) (loanword) xihai 西海|Yellow Sea (Korean term) xihan 稀罕|rare; uncommon/rare thing; rarity/to ... xihan 西汉|Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-8 AD), al... xihan 希罕|variant of 稀罕[xi1 han5] xihaner 喜憨儿|(Tw) intellectually impaired child or... xihanuke 西哈努克|(King) Sihanouk (of Cambodia) xihao 喜好|to like/fond of/to prefer/to love/one... xihaopouli 析毫剖厘|to analyze in the finest detail xihe 西和|Xihe county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 na... xihe 细河|Xihe river in Fuxin/Xihe district of ... xihe 溪壑|valley/mountain gorge xiheiqian 洗黑钱|money laundering xihequ 细河区|Xihe district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liao... xihexian 西和县|Xihe county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 na... xihong 希洪|Gijón (Asturian: Xixón), city in nort... xihongjiaosun 西红脚隼|(bird species of China) red-footed fa... xihongjiaoxiao 西红角鸮|(bird species of China) Eurasian scop... xihongshi 西红柿|tomato/CL:隻|只[zhi1] xihu 西湖|Xihu or West lake (place name)/West L... xihu 溪湖|Xihu, a district of Benxi 本溪市[Ben3xi1... xihu 潟湖|lagoon/erroneously written 瀉湖|泻湖[xie4... xihua 细化|to give a more granular level of deta... xihua 西华|Xihua county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3... xihuaguanli 细化管理|micromanagement xihuan 喜欢|to like; to be fond of xihuang 恓惶|busy and restless/unhappy xihuangcao 溪黄草|Rabdosia lophanthoides (no common nam... xihuangjiling 西黄鹡鸰|(bird species of China) western yello... xihuangshangren 羲皇上人|lit. a person before the legendary em... xihuating 西花厅|Xihuating pavilion on west side on Zh... xihuaxian 西华县|Xihua county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3... xihulu 西葫芦|zucchini; courgette; baby marrow xihun 锡婚|tin anniversary; aluminum anniversary... xihuo 熄火|(of fire, lamp etc) to go out/to put ... xihuote 锡霍特|Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russia... xihuotealin 锡霍特·阿林|Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russia... xihuotealinshanmai 锡霍特·阿林山脉|Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russia... xihuoteshanmai 锡霍特山脉|Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russia... xihuqu 溪湖区|Xihu, a district of Benxi 本溪市[Ben3xi1... xihuqu 西湖区|West lake district (place name)/Xihu ... xihuxiang 西湖乡|Xihu or Hsihu township in Miaoli coun... xihuzhen 溪湖镇|Xihu or Hsihu Town in Changhua County... xiji 袭击|attack (esp. surprise attack)/raid/to... xiji 希冀|(literary) to hope xiji 西吉|Xiji county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], ... xiji 吸积|accretion xijia 西甲|La Liga, the top division of the Span... xijian 溪涧|stream/mountain gorge xijian 习见|commonly seen xijian 息肩|(literary) to put down one\'s burden/t... xijianchui 洗剪吹|shampoo, haircut and blow-dry xijiang 西江|Xijiang River xijiao 矽胶|(Tw, HK) silica gel/(Tw, HK) silicone... xijiaomanyan 细嚼慢咽|to eat slowly (idiom) xijiashui 洗甲水|nail polish remover xijie 细节|details; particulars xijie 洗劫|to loot; to ransack; to pillage xijieji 洗洁剂|detergent xijiejing 洗洁精|dishwashing liquid xijielianli 喜结连理|to tie the knot (idiom)/to get married xijierqi 喜极而泣|crying tears of joy (idiom) xijieyikong 洗劫一空|to steal everything xijin 西晋|Western Jin dynasty (265-316) xijin 锡金|Sikkim, Indian state bordering Tibet xijin 吸金|money-spinning/moneymaking xijin 吸尽|to absorb completely/to drink up xijin 吸进|to inhale/to breathe in xijing 袭警|to assault a police officer xijing 西经|west longitude xijing 蹊径|path/(fig.) way xijing 戏精|(neologism c. 2017) melodramatic pers... xijing 徯径|path/way (method) xijing 洗净|to wash clean xijing 吸睛|eye-catching xijing 溪径|path/(fig.) way; channel xijingpian 矽晶片|silicon chip/also written 硅晶片[gui1 ji... xijingping 细颈瓶|jug xijinping 习近平|Xi Jinping (1953-), PRC politician, G... xijiu 喜酒|wedding feast/liquor drunk at a weddi... xijiu 细究|to look into (a matter) xijixian 西吉县|Xiji county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], ... xijizhe 袭击者|attacker xiju 喜剧|a comedy/CL:部[bu4],齣|出[chu1] xiju 戏剧|a drama; a play; theater/script of a ... xiju 锡剧|Wuxi opera (which developed in the ar... xijuan 席卷|to engulf/to sweep/to carry away ever... xijuhua 戏剧化|theatrical xijuhuarengeweichang 戏剧化人格违常|histrionic personality disorder (HPD) xijujia 戏剧家|dramatist/playwright xijun 细菌|bacterium/germ xijunbingdu 细菌病毒|bacteriophage/virus that infects bact... xijunqun 细菌群|bacterial community (e.g. in the gut) xijunwuqi 细菌武器|biological weapon (using germs) xijunxingliji 细菌性痢疾|bacillary dysentery xijunzhan 细菌战|biological warfare; germ warfare xijuxing 戏剧性|dramatic xikan 细看|to peer/to scan/to examine carefully xikang 西康|historic province of Tibet in Kham re... xikangsheng 西康省|western Kham/historic province of Tib... xike 稀客|infrequent visitor xike 锡克|Sikh xikeersiji 西科尔斯基|Sikorski (name)/Radosław Sikorski (19... xikejiao 锡克教|Sikhism xikeliwu 细颗粒物|fine particle (PM 2.5)/fine particula... xikou 吸口|sucker mouth xikou 溪口|Xikou or Hsikou Township in Chiayi Co... xikouxiang 溪口乡|Xikou or Hsikou Township in Chiayi Co... xikuang 锡矿|tin ore xila 希腊|Greece xila 锡蜡|pewter (alloy of tin 錫|锡, lead 鉛|铅 an... xila 锡镴|pewter (alloy of tin 錫|锡, lead 鉛|铅 an... xila 西拉|Syrah (grape type) xilaian 西来庵|Xilai Temple (Tainan, Taiwan) xilaideng 喜来登|Sheraton (hotel chain) xilairangwang 熙来攘往|a place buzzing with activity (idiom) xilake 希拉克|Jacques Chirac (1932-2019), president... xilakusa 锡拉库萨|Syracuse, Sicily xilali 希拉里|Hillary (name)/Hillary Rodham Clinton... xilalikelindun 希拉里·克林顿|Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-), US De... xilan 锡兰|Ceylon (former name of Sri Lanka) xilan 稀烂|smashed up; broken into pieces; thoro... xilanhua 西蓝花|variant of 西蘭花|西兰花[xi1 lan2 hua1] xilanhua 西兰花|broccoli xilarui 希拉蕊|Taiwan equivalent of 希拉里[Xi1 la1 li3] xilawen 希腊文|Greek literature xilayazu 西拉雅族|Siraya, one of the indigenous peoples... xilayu 希腊语|Greek language xilazimu 希腊字母|Greek alphabet xile 席勒|Schiller (name)/Johann Christoph Frie... xile 喜乐|joy xili 洗礼|baptism (lit. or fig.) xili 吸力|(physics) attraction (gravitational, ... xili 喜力|Heineken (Dutch brewing company)/see ... xili 细粒|fine grain/fine-grained xili 淅沥|(onom.) patter of rain xili 犀利|sharp/incisive/penetrating xili 西历|Gregorian calendar/Western calendar xilian 洗脸|to wash the face xilian 洗练|agile/nimble/deft xilian 洗炼|variant of 洗練|洗练[xi3 lian4] xiliang 西凉|Western Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms... xilianpan 洗脸盘|a hand basin xilianpen 洗脸盆|washbowl/basin for washing hands and ... xiliantai 洗脸台|commode/dressing table/sink xiliao 西辽|Western Liao, Khitan kingdom of centr... xilie 系列|series/set xiliefangdaqi 系列放大器|series amplifier xiliepian 系列片|film series xilier 西里尔|Cyril (name)/Saint Cyril, 9th century... xilierzimu 西里尔字母|Cyrillic alphabet/Cyrillic letters xiliguangdang 稀里光当|thin/diluted xilihuala 唏哩哗啦|(onom.) clatter (of mahjong tiles etc) xilihuala 稀里哗啦|(onom.) rustling sound/sound of rain ... xilihutu 稀里糊涂|muddleheaded/careless xilikang 矽利康|(Tw) silicone (loanword) xilin 西林|Xilin county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], G... xiling 西陵|Xiling district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Y... xilingqu 西陵区|Xiling district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Y... xilinguole 锡林郭勒|see 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1lin2guo1le4 Meng2] xilinguolemeng 锡林郭勒盟|Xilingol, league of Inner Mongolia Au... xilingxia 西陵峡|Xiling Gorge on the Changjiang or Yan... xilinhaote 锡林浩特|Xilinhot City in Xilingol League 錫林郭勒... xilinhaoteshi 锡林浩特市|Xilinhot City in Xilingol League 錫林郭勒... xilinxian 西林县|Xilin county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], G... xiliu 溪流|stream xiliu 吸留|to absorb/to take in and retain xilixiya 西里西亚|Silesia xiluo 奚落|to taunt/to ridicule/to jeer at/to tr... xiluo 西螺|Xiluo or Hsilo town in Yunlin county ... xiluodi 希罗底|Herodium (town in biblical Judea) xiluosaibin 西洛赛宾|psilocybin xiluozhen 西螺镇|Xiluo or Hsilo town in Yunlin county ... xilv 息率|interest rate xilv 洗绿|to greenwash xilvceng 矽铝层|Sial xilvwang 希律王|Herod the Great (73 BC - 4 BC), Roman... xima 戏码|item (on a program) ximalaya 喜马拉雅|the Himalayas ximalayashan 喜马拉雅山|Himalayas ximalayashanmai 喜马拉雅山脉|Himalayas ximalayazhongdujuan 喜马拉雅中杜鹃|(bird species of China) Himalayan cuc... ximanuo 禧玛诺|Shimano (brand) ximao 细毛|fuzz/fine fur (of marten etc) ximao 吸猫|(neologism c. 2017) to dote on cats ximeiceng 矽镁层|sima (geology)/silicon and magnesium ... ximen 西门|two-character surname Ximen ximen 吸门|epiglottis ximenbao 西门豹|Ximen Bao (active around 422 BC), sta... ximending 西门町|Ximending (neighborhood in Wanhua dis... ximengjialabang 西孟加拉邦|West Bengal ximengpeileisi 希蒙·佩雷斯|Shimon Peres (1923-2016), Israel poli... ximengshusite 西蒙·舒斯特|Simon and Schuster, US publisher ximengsi 席梦思|spring mattress (loanword from \"Simmo... ximengwazuzizhixian 西盟佤族自治县|Ximeng Va Autonomous County in Pu\'er ... ximengxian 西盟县|Ximeng Va autonomous county in Pu\'er ... ximenqing 西门庆|Ximen Qing, a fictional character in ... ximenzi 西门子|Siemens (company name) ximenzigongsi 西门子公司|Siemens AG ximi 细密|fine (texture)/meticulous; careful; d... ximi 菥蓂|pennycress ximi 西米|sago ximian 洗面|facial cleansing ximian 西面|west side/west ximiannai 洗面奶|cleansing lotion ximianru 洗面乳|cleansing lotion ximidelanzi 西米德兰兹|West Midlands, UK county, capital Bir... ximidelanzijun 西米德兰兹郡|West Midlands, UK county, capital Bir... ximie 熄灭|to stop burning/to go out (of fire)/t... ximilu 西米露|tapioca pudding/sago pudding ximin 西敏|Westminster, a London borough ximingti 细明体|Mincho narrow font ximiniao 吸蜜鸟|honeyeater (bird of family Meliphagidae) ximobing 矽末病|silicosis (occupational disease of mi... ximodaoshi 细磨刀石|whetstone (for honing knives) ximu 细目|detailed listing/specific item xin 新|abbr. for Xinjiang 新疆[Xin1jiang1]/abb... xin 新|new/newly/meso- (chemistry) xin 心|heart/mind/intention/center/core/CL:顆... xin 鑫|(used in names of people and shops, s... xin 芯|(bound form) the pith of the rush pla... xin 芯|used in 芯子[xin4zi5]/Taiwan pr. [xin1] xin 欣|happy xin 信|letter/mail/CL:封[feng1]/to trust/to b... xin 忄|Kangxi radical 61 (心) as a vertical s... xin 馨|fragrant xin 昕|dawn xin 薪|(literary) firewood; fuel/(bound form... xin 歆|pleased/moved xin 炘|mid-day glare/heat xin 莘|Asarum/Wild ginger/also 細辛|细辛[xi4 xin1] xin 辛|surname Xin xin 辛|(of taste) hot or pungent/hard/labori... xin 忻|happy xin 锌|zinc (chemistry) xin 囟|fontanel (gap between the bones of an... xin 衅|quarrel/dispute/a blood sacrifice (ar... xin 伈|nervous/fearful xin 镡|guard (on a sword handle)/pommel (on ... xin 焮|heat/flame/inflammation xin 伩|variant of 信[xin4] (originally meant ... xin 舋|variant of 釁|衅/quarrel/dispute/a bloo... xin 䜣|pleased/delighted/happy/variant of 欣 xin 㐰|old variant of 信[xin4] xin 𫷷|(literary) to arrange in ordered fash... xin-ma 新马|abbr. for Singapore 新加坡[Xin1jia1po1] ... xin-ma-tai 新马泰|abbr. for Singapore 新加坡[Xin1jia1po1] ... xina 吸纳|to take in/to absorb/to admit/to accept xinai 心爱|beloved xinai 西奈|Sinai Peninsula xinai 西乃|Sinai xinai 吸奶|to suckle/to pump breast milk with a ... xinaibandao 西奈半岛|Sinai Peninsula xinaiqi 吸奶器|breast pump xinaishan 西乃山|Mount Sinai xinaishan 西奈山|Mount Sinai xinan 西南|southwest xinan 新安|Xin\'an county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan xinanbu 西南部|southwest part xinandaxue 西南大学|Southwest University (Chongqing) xinanguanwenliuying 西南冠纹柳莺|(bird species of China) Blyth\'s leaf ... xinanjiaotongdaxue 西南交通大学|Southwest Jiaotong University xinanlide 心安理得|to have a clear conscience/to have no... xinanlierfengmei 西南栗耳凤鹛|(bird species of China) striated yuhi... xinanshenxian 心安神闲|with one\'s heart at ease and one\'s sp... xinanxian 新安县|Xin\'an county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan xinanya 西南亚|southwest Asia xinanzhongshaqundao 西南中沙群岛|Xinanzhongsha islands, Hainan xinao 洗脑|to brainwash xinaoerliang 新奥尔良|New Orleans, Louisiana xinbaerhuyouqi 新巴尔虎右旗|New Barag right banner in Hulunbuir 呼... xinbaerhuzuoqi 新巴尔虎左旗|New Barag left banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫... xinban 新版|new edition/new version xinban 心瓣|heart valve xinbao 信报|abbr. for 信報財經新聞|信报财经新闻, Hong Kong Ec... xinbao 心包|pericardium xinbaocaijingxinwen 信报财经新闻|Hong Kong Economic Journal xinbawei 辛巴威|Zimbabwe (Tw) xinbei 新北|Xinbei district of Changzhou city 常州市... xinbeijie 新北界|Nearctic realm xinbeiqu 新北区|Xinbei district of Changzhou city 常州市... xinbeishi 新北市|New Taipei City, administrative distr... xinbeite 辛贝特|Shin Bet (Israel national security se... xinbi 信笔|to write freely/to express oneself as... xinbian 新编|to compile anew; new (version)/newly ... xinbiao 信标|a signal xinbing 新兵|new (army) recruit xinbing 心病|anxiety/sore point/secret worry/menta... xinbinmanzuzizhixian 新宾满族自治县|Xinbin Manchu autonomous county in Fu... xinbinxian 新宾县|Xinbin county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning xinbo 心搏|heartbeat/pulse xinbolatuzhuyi 新柏拉图主义|neo-Platonism (philosophical system c... xinbu 信步|to stroll; to saunter xinbu 辛布|Thimphu, capital of Bhutan (Tw) xinbuguo 信不过|to distrust/to be suspicious xinbuliediandao 新不列颠岛|New Britain, island of northeast Papu... xinbulunruike 新不伦瑞克|New Brunswick province, Canada xinbuzaiyan 心不在焉|absent-minded/preoccupied/inattentive... xincai 新蔡|Xincai county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zh... xincai 心材|pith/central core (of tree) xincaixian 新蔡县|Xincai county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zh... xinchai 信差|messenger xinchang 新昌|Xinchang county in Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴[Sha... xinchang 心肠|heart/intention/one\'s inclination/sta... xinchangxian 新昌县|Xinchang County in Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴[Sha... xinchanpin 新产品|new product xinchanpintuijiehui 新产品推介会|product launch event xinchao 新潮|modern/fashionable xinchao 新朝|the Xin dynasty (8-23 AD) of Wang Man... xinchaopengpai 心潮澎湃|to be overwhelmed by emotions xinchendaixie 新陈代谢|metabolism (biology)/the new replaces... xincheng 忻城|Xincheng county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 ... xincheng 新城|Xincheng or Hsincheng township in Hua... xinchengbing 新城病|Newcastle disease xinchengdiantai 新城电台|Metro Radio Hong Kong xinchengqu 新城区|Xincheng District of Xi\'an 西安市[Xi1 an... xinchengtu 新成土|primosol (soil taxonomy) xinchengxian 新城县|Xincheng county in Hebei xinchengxian 忻城县|Xincheng county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 ... xinchengxiang 新城乡|Xincheng or Hsincheng township in Hua... xinchishenwang 心驰神往|one\'s thoughts fly to a longed-for pl... xinchong 新宠|current favorite; the latest thing; d... xinchou 薪酬|pay/remuneration/salary/reward xinchou 辛丑|thirty-eighth year H2 of the 60 year ... xinchoujiuhen 新愁旧恨|new worries added to old hatred (idio... xinchoutiaoyue 辛丑条约|Boxer Protocol of 1901 signed in Beij... xinchuan 薪传|(of knowledge, skill etc) to be passe... xinchulu 新出炉|fresh out of the oven/fig. novelty ju... xinchun 新春|the beginning of Spring/the 10 or 20 ... xinchunjiajie 新春佳节|Chinese New Year festivities xinchusheng 新出生|newly born xinci 新词|new expression; neologism xincong 信从|to trust and obey xincun 新村|new housing development xincunbuman 心存不满|to be discontented/to be dissatisfied xincunhuaiyi 心存怀疑|to be suspicious xindai 信贷|credit/borrowed money xindaiweiji 信贷危机|credit crisis xindaiweiyuediaoqi 信贷违约掉期|credit default swap (finance) xindaiyanshengchanpin 信贷衍生产品|credit derivative (in finance) xindalu 新大陆|the New World/the Americas as opposed... xindan 心胆|courage xindang 新党|New Party (Republic of China) xindangshenchi 心荡神驰|to be infatuated with xindanjulie 心胆俱裂|to be scared out of one\'s wits (idiom) xindao 信道|(telecommunications) channel/(in Conf... xinde 心得|what one has learned (through experie... xindean 心得安|propranolol (beta-blocker used to tre... xindeguo 信得过|trustworthy/reliable xindeli 新德里|New Delhi, capital of India xindesheng 信德省|Sindh province of Pakistan xindi 新低|new low xindi 心底|bottom of one\'s heart xindi 心地|character xindian 新店|Xindian or Hsintien city in New Taipe... xindianganying 心电感应|telepathy xindianshi 新店市|Xindian or Hsintien city in New Taipe... xindiantu 心电图|electrocardiogram (ECG) xindianxi 新店溪|Xindian or Hsintian Creek, one of the... xindijia 辛迪加|syndicate (loanword) xinding 新丁|new addition to a family (i.e. a birt... xindishanliang 心地善良|kindhearted/good-natured xindong 心动|heartbeat; heart rate/(fig.) emotiona... xindongnv 心动女|(coll.) the girl of your dreams xindongtu 心动图|cardiogram (medicine) xindu 新都|Xindu or Newtown district of Chengdu ... xindu 心毒|cruel/vicious xinduan 衅端|pretext for a dispute xinduqiao 新都桥|Xinduqiao town in Dartsendo county 康定... xinduqiaozhen 新都桥镇|Xinduqiao town in Dartsendo county 康定... xinduqu 新都区|Xindu or Newtown district of Chengdu ... xindushoula 心毒手辣|vicious and ruthless xinen 细嫩|tender xinfan 心烦|to feel agitated/to be troubled/to be... xinfang 信访|to make a complaint or a suggestion t... xinfang 新房|brand new house/bridal chamber xinfang 心房|heart (as the seat of emotions)/cardi... xinfangchandong 心房颤动|atrial fibrillation xinfanqizao 心烦气躁|agitated/annoyed (idiom) xinfanyiluan 心烦意乱|lit. heart distracted, thoughts in tu... xinfatating 辛伐他汀|simvastatin xinfei 心扉|inner heart/soul xinfeifusushu 心肺复苏术|cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) xinfendang 新芬党|Sinn Fein, Irish political party xinfeng 信封|envelope/CL:個|个[ge4] xinfeng 新丰|Xinfeng County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao... xinfeng 新风|new trend/new custom xinfeng 信奉|belief/to believe (in sth) xinfeng 信丰|Xinfeng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 ... xinfeng 信风|trade wind xinfeng 薪俸|salary/pay xinfeng 欣逢|on the happy occasion of xinfengxian 信丰县|Xinfeng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 ... xinfengxian 新丰县|Xinfeng County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao... xinfengxiang 新丰乡|Xinfeng or Hsinfeng township in Hsinc... xinfengxitong 新风系统|ventilation system that purifies outd... xinfo 信佛|to believe in Buddhism xinfu 信服|to have faith in/to believe in/to hav... xinfu 心服|to accept wholeheartedly/to embrace/t... xinfu 忻府|Xinfu district of Xinzhou city 忻州市[Xi... xinfu 心腹|trusted aide; confidant xinfu 新妇|bride/(dialect) daughter-in-law xinfu 欣弗|brand name of an antibiotic injection... xinfu-koufu 心服口服|(idiom) to accept wholeheartedly; to ... xinfuqu 忻府区|Xinfu district of Xinzhou city 忻州市[Xi... xinfuqu 新抚区|Xinfu district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚顺市... xinfuzhihuan 心腹之患|lit. calamity within one\'s bosom (idi... xinfuzhongwai 信孚中外|to be trusted both at home and abroad... xing 省|(bound form) to scrutinize/(bound for... xing 性|nature/character/property/quality/att... xing 行|to walk/to go/to travel/a visit/tempo... xing 星|star/heavenly body/satellite/small am... xing 形|to appear/to look/form/shape xing 兴|surname Xing xing 兴|to rise/to flourish/to become popular... xing 兴|feeling or desire to do sth/interest ... xing 型|mold/type/style/model xing 醒|to wake up/to be awake/to become awar... xing 刑|surname Xing xing 刑|punishment/penalty/sentence/torture/c... xing 邢|surname Xing/place name xing 骍|horse (or cattle) of reddish color/ba... xing 幸|trusted/intimate/(of the emperor) to ... xing 幸|surname Xing xing 幸|fortunate/lucky xing 猩|ape xing 杏|apricot/(bound form) almond xing 臖|to swell/swelling xing 蛵|see 虰蛵[ding1 xing2] xing 惺|(literary) to come to one\'s senses; t... xing 腥|fishy (smell) xing 荥|used in 滎陽|荥阳[Xing2yang2] xing 荇|yellow floating heart (Nymphoides pel... xing 悻|angry xing 硎|whetstone xing 煋|(literary) (of a fire) fierce; intens... xing 嬹|old variant of 興|兴[xing4] xing 陉|border the stove/defile/pass xing 擤|to blow (one\'s nose) xing 侀|shape/statute xing 铏|soup cauldron/(arch.) sacrificial tri... xing 姓|family name; surname/to be surnamed ... xing 婞|upright xing 钘|long-necked wine flask xing 莕|Nymphoides peltatum xing 㽮|old variant of 星[xing1] xing 曐|old variant of 星[xing1] xing 涬|watery expanse xing 皨|old variant of 星[xing1] xing 饧|maltose syrup/molasses/heavy (eyelids... xing-ma 星马|Singapore and Malaysia (abbr. for 新加坡... xing-ma-tai 星马泰|Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand (abb... xingai 性爱|sex/lovemaking xingan 新干|Xingan County in Ji\'an 吉安[Ji2 an1], J... xingan 心肝|darling/(in negative sentences) heart... xingan 兴安|see 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1an1 Meng2]/see 興安區|兴... xingan 心甘|to be willing/to be satisfied xingan 刑案|criminal case xinganbaobei 心肝宝贝|precious darling (often refers to one... xingang 新港|Xingang or Hsinkang Township in Chiay... xingangxiang 新港乡|Xingang or Hsinkang Township in Chiay... xinganmeng 兴安盟|Hinggan, league of Inner Mongolia Aut... xinganqingyuan 心甘情愿|delighted to (do sth, idiom)/perfectl... xinganqu 兴安区|Xing\'an district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗... xinganxian 兴安县|Xing\'an county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2... xinganxian 新干县|Xingan County in Ji\'an 吉安[Ji2 an1], J... xinganxian 新干线|Shinkansen (Japanese high-speed train) xinganyunhe 兴安运河|another name for Lingqu 靈渠|灵渠[Ling2 q... xingao 新高|new high xingaoqiao 心高气傲|proud and arrogant xingbailizhebanjiushi 行百里者半九十|lit. ninety li is merely a half of a ... xingbake 星巴克|Starbucks, US coffee shop chain xingban 兴办|to begin/to set in motion xingban 型板|template xingban 行板|andante/at a walking pace xingban 性伴|sexual partner xingbanlv 性伴侣|sex partner xingbaogu 杏鲍菇|king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) xingbian 形变|deformation; bending xingbiantai 性变态|sexual perversion/sexual pervert xingbiao 星表|star catalog xingbie 性别|gender/sex xingbie 型别|type (computer programming) (Tw) xingbiebi 性别比|sex ratio xingbiejuese 性别角色|gender role xingbieqishi 性别歧视|sex discrimination/sexism xingbierentongzhangai 性别认同障碍|gender identity disorder (GID)/gender... xingbin 兴宾|Xingbin district of Laibin city 來賓市|来... xingbing 性病|sexually transmitted disease; venerea... xingbing 兴兵|to send troops xingbingle 星冰乐|Frappuccino xingbinqu 兴宾区|Xingbin district of Laibin city 來賓市|来... xingbiti 擤鼻涕|to blow one\'s nose xingboguan 行波管|traveling wave tube (electronics) xingbu 刑部|Ministry of Justice (in imperial China) xingbucongjing 行不从径|lit. not following the straight path ... xingbugaixing,zuobugaiming 行不改姓,坐不改名|see 行不更名,坐不改姓[xing2 bu4 geng1 ming2 ,... xingbugengming,zuobugaixing 行不更名,坐不改姓|I am who I am and not ashamed of it; ... xingbuguyan 行不顾言|to say one thing and do another (idiom) xingbutong 行不通|won\'t work/will get (you) nowhere xingbuyoujing 行不由径|lit. never taking a short-cut (idiom)... xingcai 型材|extruded profile xingcai 荇菜|yellow floating heart (Nymphoides pel... xingcao 行草|semicursive script xingcha 省察|to examine/to cast a critical eye ove... xingchang 刑场|execution ground xingchanye 性产业|the sex industry xingche 行车|to drive a vehicle/movement of vehicles xingchejiluyi 行车记录仪|dashcam xingchen 星辰|stars xingcheng 行程|journey; travel route; distance of tr... xingcheng 形成|to form; to take shape xingcheng 兴城|Xincheng, county-level city in Huluda... xingchengceng 形成层|vascular cambium (layer of tissue res... xingchengdan 行程单|(e-ticket) itinerary receipt xingchengshi 兴城市|Xincheng, county-level city in Huluda... xingchengshu 性成熟|sexual maturity xingchi 星驰|rapidly xingchong 刑舂|to be forced to grind grain as a puni... xingchongchong 兴冲冲|full of joy and expectations/animatedly xingchongdong 性冲动|sex drive xingchuan 行船|to sail a boat/to navigate xingchuanbo 性传播|sexually transmitted xingci 行刺|to assassinate xingcun 幸存|to survive (a disaster) xingcunzhe 幸存者|survivor xingdan-yingzhi 形单影只|(idiom) lonely soul; solitary xingdao 星岛|Sing Tao, Hong Kong media group and p... xingdaoribao 星岛日报|Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong newspaper xingdaoshu 行道树|roadside tree; street tree xingdeng 星等|magnitude of a star xingdetong 行得通|practicable/realizable/will work xingdi 性地|innate quality/natural disposition xingdong 行动|operation/action/CL:個|个[ge4]/to move ... xingdongbubian 行动不便|unable to move freely/difficult to ge... xingdongdianhua 行动电话|mobile phone (Tw) xingdongdianyuan 行动电源|(Tw) power bank xingdongfangan 行动方案|program of action xingdonggangling 行动纲领|action plan/program of action xingdongjihua 行动计划|action plan xingdongju 行动剧|(Tw) street theater (esp. as a form o... xingdongyishu 行动艺术|performance art xingdongyishujia 行动艺术家|performance artist xingdongzhi 行动值|(gaming) action points (points requir... xingdongzhuangzhi 行动装置|mobile device (Tw) xingdongzhuyi 行动主义|activism xingdongziyou 行动自由|freedom of action xingdou 星斗|stars xingduanxun 性短讯|sext xingdukushi 兴都库什|the Hindu Kush (mountain range) xinge 辛格|Singh (name) xinge 信鸽|homing pigeon/carrier pigeon xingelun 性恶论|\"human nature is evil\", theory advoca... xingen 心根|the innermost depths of one\'s heart/(... xingeng 心梗|myocardial infarction; heart attack (... xinger 幸而|by good fortune/luckily xingerdai 星二代|children of celebrities xingershangxue 形而上学|metaphysics xingfa 刑法|criminal law xingfa 刑罚|sentence/penalty/punishment xingfang 行房|euphemism for sexual intercourse/to g... xingfang 刑房|office of punishment/torture chamber ... xingfen 兴奋|excited/excitement/(physiology) excit... xingfengaochao 兴奋高潮|peak of excitement/orgasm xingfengxueyu 腥风血雨|lit. foul wind and bloody rain (idiom... xingfengzuolang 兴风作浪|to incite trouble/to stir up havoc xingfenji 兴奋剂|stimulant/doping (in athletics) xingfu 幸福|happiness/happy/blessed xingfu 形符|semantic component of a phono-semanti... xingfu 性福|(neologism c. 2008) (slang) (coined a... xingfuwu 性服务|sexual service/prostitution xingfuwuchanye 性服务产业|sex service industry xingfuxue 幸福学|eudemonics/hedonomics xinggan 性感|sex appeal/eroticism/sexuality/sexy xinggaocailie 兴高采烈|happy and excited (idiom)/in high spi... xinggaocailie 兴高彩烈|variant of 興高采烈|兴高采烈[xing4 gao1 cai3 ... xinggaochao 性高潮|orgasm/climax xingge 性格|nature/disposition/temperament/charac... xinggebuhe 性格不合|incompatibility of temperament xinggong 行宫|temporary imperial residence xinggongzuo 性工作|employment as sex worker/prostitution xinggongzuozhe 性工作者|sex worker xinggou 性媾|sexual intercourse xingguan 星官|Chinese constellations xingguang 星光|starlight xingguanxi 性关系|sexual relations/sexual contact/inter... xingguo 兴国|Xingguo county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 ... xingguo 兴国|to invigorate the country xingguoxian 兴国县|Xingguo county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 ... xinghai 兴海|Xinghai county in Hainan Tibetan auto... xinghai 形骸|the human body/skeleton xinghaixian 兴海县|Xinghai county in Hainan Tibetan auto... xinghaizhengba 星海争霸|StarCraft (video game series) (Tw) xinghan 星汉|Milky Way xinghao 型号|model (particular version of a manufa... xinghao 星号|asterisk * (punct.) xinghao 幸好|fortunately xinghao 行好|to be charitable; to do a good deed xinghe 兴和|Xinghe county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[... xinghe 形核|nucleation xinghexian 兴和县|Xinghe county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[... xinghong 猩红|scarlet xinghongre 猩红热|scarlet fever xinghongse 猩红色|scarlet (color) xinghua 兴化|Xinghua, county-level city in Taizhou... xinghua 猩化|(slang) (of a dialect) to be corrupte... xinghuacun 杏花村|village of blossoming apricot trees w... xinghualing 杏花岭|Xinghualing district of Taiyuan city ... xinghualingqu 杏花岭区|Xinghualing district of Taiyuan city ... xinghuanxiang 性幻想|sexual fantasy/to fantasize sexually ... xinghuashi 兴化市|Xinghua, county-level city in Taizhou... xinghui 行会|(HK) executive council (abbr. for 行政會... xinghui 行贿|to offer a bribe xinghui 幸会|nice to meet you xinghui 兴会|sudden inspiration; flash of insight;... xinghuilu 性贿赂|to sexually bribe xinghun 形婚|sham marriage, esp. a marriage betwee... xinghuo 星火|spark/meteor trail (mostly used in ex... xinghuo 醒豁|clear/unambiguous xinghuoban 性伙伴|sexual partner xingji 星际|interstellar/interplanetary xingji 星级|star rating/top-class/highly rated xingji 行迹|tracks/traces/movements xingji 性急|impatient xingji 形迹|manner/bearing/trace/mark/trail/etiqu... xingjia 星家|astrologist (in former times) xingjiabi 性价比|cost-performance ratio xingjian 兴建|to build/to construct xingjiang 行将|ready to start on sth/about to act xingjianggaoqing 行将告罄|to run short (idiom) xingjianghaishixingwang 姓蒋还是姓汪|friend or foe? (quote from 沙家浜[Sha1 j... xingjiangjieshu 行将结束|approaching the end/about to conclude xingjiangjiumu 行将就木|to approach one\'s coffin (idiom); wit... xingjiankang 性健康|sexual health xingjiao 性交|sexual intercourse xingjiao 行脚|(of a monk) to travel/itinerant xingjiaogaochao 性交高潮|orgasm xingjiaoyi 性交易|prostitution/commercial sex/the sex t... xingjiaoyu 性教育|sex education xingjibing 性疾病|sexually transmitted disease; venerea... xingjidazhan 星际大战|(Tw) Star Wars xingjiechu 性接触|sexual encounter xingjilvxing 星际旅行|Star Trek (US TV and film series) xingjin 行进|to advance/forward motion xingjin 幸进|to get through by luck/to be promoted... xingjin 兴尽|to have lost interest; to have had en... xingjindang 行进挡|forward gear xingjing 行径|(usu. pejorative) conduct; behavior; ... xingjing 刑警|criminal police (abbr. for 刑事警察[xing2... xingjing 行经|to pass by/menstruation xingjinji 性禁忌|sexual taboo xingjisu 性激素|sex hormone xingjiu 醒酒|to dissipate the effects of alcohol/t... xingjiuling 行酒令|to play a drinking game xingjizhengba 星际争霸|StarCraft (video game series) xingju 刑拘|to detain as criminal/criminal detent... xingju 刑具|punishment equipment/torture instrument xingju 行拘|to arrest without trial or charge (i.... xingjun 行军|(of troops) to march xingjunchuang 行军床|camp bed/bivouac xingjunli 行军礼|military salute xingkaicipangpi 兴凯刺鳑鲏|Acanthorhodeus chankaensis (small carp) xingke 行客|visitor/traveler xingkong 星空|starry sky; the star-studded heavens xingkuaigan 性快感|sexual pleasure xingkui 幸亏|fortunately/luckily xinglai 醒来|to waken xingle 性乐|sexual pleasure/orgasm xingleiqi 性蕾期|phallic stage (psychology) xinglengdan 性冷淡|frigidity xinglenggan 性冷感|frigidity (lack of libido) xingli 行李|luggage/CL:件[jian4] xingli 行礼|to salute/to make one\'s salutations xingli 星历|astronomic calendar xinglibanyungong 行李搬运工|baggage handler xinglichuansongdai 行李传送带|luggage conveyor belt; baggage carousel xinglichubi 兴利除弊|to promote what is useful and get rid... xinglidai 行李袋|travel bag xinglifang 行李房|luggage office xinglijia 行李架|luggage rack xinglin 杏林|Xinglin District of Xiamen city (rena... xinglin 杏林|forest of apricot trees/(fig.) honori... xingling 行令|to issue orders/to order sb to drink ... xinglinqu 杏林区|Xinglin District of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦... xinglipiao 行李票|baggage tag xingliruyi 行礼如仪|to perform the ritual bows/to follow ... xingliudianji 星流电击|meteor shower and violent thunderclap... xingliutingji 星流霆击|meteor shower and violent thunderclap... xinglixiang 行李箱|suitcase/baggage compartment/overhead... xingliyuan 行李员|porter/bellboy xinglong 兴隆|Xinglong county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 ... xinglong 兴隆|prosperous/thriving/flourishing xinglongtai 兴隆台|Xinglongtai district of Panjin city 盤... xinglongtaiqu 兴隆台区|Xinglongtai district of Panjin city 盤... xinglongxian 兴隆县|Xinglong county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 ... xinglu 行路|to travel/transport xinglu 刑戮|(literary) corporal punishment or exe... xinglu 型录|product catalog xingluoqibu 星罗棋布|scattered about like stars in the sky... xinglv 刑律|criminal law xinglv 行旅|traveler/wanderer/vagabond/rolling stone xingman 刑满|to complete a prison sentence xingmanzu 性满足|sexual gratification xingmao 形貌|appearance xingmian 幸免|to avoid (an unpleasant fate) xingmian 饧面|to let the dough rest xingmian 醒面|to let the dough rest xingmiejijue 兴灭继绝|lit. to restore the state and revive ... xingming 姓名|surname and given name; full name xingming 性命|life xingming 刑名|xing-ming, a school of thought of the... xingming 星名|star name xingmingjia 星命家|astrologer (esp. Daoist) xingmingyouguan 性命攸关|vitally important/a matter of life an... xingmingzhixue 刑名之学|xing-ming, a school of thought of the... xingmu 醒目|eye-grabbing (headline)/striking (ill... xingnan 型男|fashionable and good-looking guy (slang) xingnang 行囊|traveling bag/luggage xingneng 性能|function; performance; behavior xingning 兴宁|Xingning, county-level city in Meizho... xingningqu 兴宁区|Xingning District of Nanning City 南寧市... xingningshi 兴宁市|Xingning, county-level city in Meizho... xingnvedai 性虐待|sexual abuse xingpan 星盘|(astronomy) astrolabe/(astrology) hor... xingpang 形旁|semantic component of a phono-semanti... xingpi 性癖|sexual fetish xingpian 行骗|to cheat/to deceive xingpianhao 性偏好|sexual preference xingping 兴平|Xingping, county-level city in Xianya... xingpingshi 兴平市|Xingping, county-level city in Xianya... xingqi 星期|week/CL:個|个[ge4]/day of the week/Sunday xingqi 刑期|prison term xingqi 兴起|to rise/to spring up/to burgeon/to be... xingqi 行期|departure date xingqi 行乞|to beg/to ask for alms xingqi 性器|sex organ xingqie 行窃|to steal/to commit a robbery xingqie 行箧|traveling suitcase xingqier 星期二|Tuesday xingqiguan 性器官|sexual organ xingqiji 星期几|which day of the week xingqiliu 星期六|Saturday xingqin 省亲|to visit one\'s parents xingqin 性侵|to sexually assault xingqinfan 性侵犯|to assault sexually/to molest xingqing 性情|nature/temperament xingqingqu 兴庆区|Xingqing district of Yinchuan city 銀川... xingqinhai 性侵害|sexual assault (law) xingqiqi 性器期|phallic stage (psychology) xingqiri 星期日|Sunday/CL:個|个[ge4] xingqisan 星期三|Wednesday xingqisi 星期四|Thursday xingqitian 星期天|Sunday/CL:個|个[ge4] xingqiu 星球|celestial body (e.g. planet, satellit... xingqiu 刑求|to extort confession by torture xingqiudazhan 星球大战|Star Wars xingqiwu 星期五|Friday xingqiyi 星期一|Monday xingqu 兴趣|interest (desire to know about sth)/i... xingqun 星群|(astronomy) asterism xingquxiang 性取向|sexual orientation xingran 悻然|angrily; resentfully; in a huff xingren 行人|pedestrian/traveler on foot/passer-by... xingren 杏仁|almond/apricot kernel xingren 刑人|criminal to be executed/to execute a ... xingrendoufu 杏仁豆腐|almond tofu; almond jelly (dessert ma... xingrenguo 杏仁果|(Tw) almond xingrenhe 杏仁核|amygdala xingrenjing 行人径|footway xingrenti 杏仁体|amygdala xingrong 形容|to describe/(literary) countenance; a... xingrong 兴荣|to flourish/to prosper xingrongci 形容词|adjective xingrongci 形容辞|adjective xingrongciduanyu 形容词短语|adjectival phrase xingru 刑辱|to humiliate by torture xingsaorao 性骚扰|sexual harassment xingse 形色|shape and color/appearance/facial exp... xingsecongcong 行色匆匆|hurried/in a haste xingshan 行善|to do good works/to be merciful xingshan 兴山|Xingshan district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤... xingshan 性善|the theory of Mencius that people are... xingshang 形上|metaphysics xingshanqu 兴山区|Xingshan district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤... xingshanxian 兴山县|Xingshan county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 cha... xingshen 幸甚|(literary) very fortunate xingshen 形神|body and soul/physical and spiritual/... xingsheng 兴盛|to flourish/to thrive xingsheng 形声|ideogram plus phonetic (one of the Si... xingsheng 形胜|(of a location) strategic; advantageous xingsheng 行省|province (old) xingshenghuo 性生活|sex life xingshengzi 形声字|phono-semantic compound character xingshenzhizai 幸甚至哉|filled with joy (quotation from poems... xingshi 刑事|criminal; penal xingshi 形式|outer appearance/form/shape/formality... xingshi 姓氏|family name xingshi 行驶|to travel along a route (of vehicles ... xingshi 形势|circumstances/situation/terrain/CL:個|... xingshi 省事|perceptive; understanding/(archaic) t... xingshi 行使|to exercise (a right etc) xingshi 幸事|sth fortunate/a lucky chance xingshi 省视|to call upon/to inspect xingshi 性事|sex xingshi 兴师|to dispatch troops/to send an army/to... xingshi 行事|to execute/to handle/behavior/action/... xingshi 型式|type/pattern/version/style xingshidongzhong 兴师动众|to muster large forces/to get a great... xingshifan 刑事犯|a criminal xingshifanzui 刑事犯罪|criminal offense xingshifapiao 形式发票|pro forma invoice xingshifating 刑事法庭|criminal court xingshifayuan 刑事法院|criminal court/judiciary court xingshihengyan 醒世恒言|Stories to Awaken the World, vernacul... xingshihua 形式化|formalization/formalized xingshijingcha 刑事警察|criminal police/member of the crimina... xingshijingchaju 刑事警察局|Criminal Investigation Bureau xingshiju 刑事局|Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) xingshijuliu 刑事拘留|to detain as criminal/criminal detention xingshili 行事历|calendar/schedule xingshishenpanting 刑事审判庭|criminal court xingshisusongfa 刑事诉讼法|criminal procedure xingshiwenzui 兴师问罪|to send punitive forces against/(fig.... xingshiyanjun 形势严峻|in grave difficulties/the situation i... xingshizhiquan 行使职权|to exercise power xingshizhuyi 形式主义|Formalism (art) xingshizourou 行尸走肉|walking corpse (idiom)/zombie/person ... xingshu 行书|running script; semicursive script (C... xingshu 杏树|apricot tree xingshu 行署|administrative office xingshu 星术|astrology xingshuai 兴衰|prosperity and decline (of a kingdom)... xingsi 形似|similar in shape and appearance xingsong 惺忪|drowsy-eyed/(literary) wavering; inde... xingsong 惺松|variant of 惺忪[xing1 song1] xingsufa 刑诉法|criminal procedure/abbr. for 刑事訴訟法|刑事诉讼法 xingtai 形态|shape/form/pattern/morphology xingtai 邢台|see 邢臺市|邢台市[Xing2tai2 Shi4] xingtai 型态|form/shape/type/style/pattern xingtaifashengsu 形态发生素|morphogen xingtaishi 邢台市|Xingtai, prefecture-level city in Heb... xingtaixue 形态学|morphology (in biology or linguistics) xingtang 行唐|Xingtang county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石... xingtang 刑堂|torture chamber xingtangxian 行唐县|Xingtang county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石... xingti 形体|figure/physique/form and structure xingti 行体|see 行書|行书[xing2 shu1] xingti 兴替|rise and fall xingti 星体|celestial body (planet, satellite etc) xingtian 刑天|Xingtian, headless giant hero of Chin... xingtiaoqi 星条旗|Stars and Stripes, the flag of the Un... xingting 刑庭|criminal court (abbr. for 刑事法庭[xing2s... xingtong 形同|tantamount to/to be like xingtongmolu 形同陌路|to be estranged xingtongxushe 形同虚设|to exist in name only/empty shell/use... xingtongyixingzhangai 性同一性障碍|gender identity disorder xingtou 行头|a person\'s clothing/outfit/actor\'s co... xingtou 兴头|keen interest/concentrated attention xingtouzhuomuniao 星头啄木鸟|(bird species of China) grey-capped p... xingtu 星图|star atlas xingtuan 星团|star cluster xinguan 新冠|novel coronavirus (abbr. for 新型冠狀病毒|新... xinguan 信管|a fuse (for explosive charge)/detonator xinguanbingdu 新冠病毒|novel coronavirus (abbr. for 新型冠狀病毒|新... xinguanfeiyan 新冠肺炎|COVID-19, the coronavirus disease ide... xinguangtipan 心广体胖|big-hearted and serene (idiom); conte... xinguanshangrensanbahuo 新官上任三把火|(of a newly appointed official) to ma... xingudian 新古典|neoclassical xingudianzhuyi 新古典主义|neoclassicism xingui 新贵|nouveau riche/upstart/new appointee xingui 新规|new rule xingwang 兴旺|prosperous/thriving/to prosper/to flo... xingwang 兴亡|to flourish and decay/rise and fall xingwang 刑网|legal net/the long arm of the law xingwangfada 兴旺发达|prosperous and developing/flourishing xingwanlilushengduwanjuanshu 行万里路胜读万卷书|to travel a thousand miles beats read... xingwanwu 性玩物|sex object; sexual plaything xingwei 行为|action/conduct/behavior/activity xingwei 兴味|interest/taste xingweishuju 行为数据|behavioral data (marketing) xingweiyishu 行为艺术|performance art xingweiyishujia 行为艺术家|performance artist xingweizhunze 行为准则|code of conduct/standard of conduct xingweizhuyi 行为主义|behaviorism xingwen 行文|writing style (formal)/to send an off... xingwen 兴文|Xingwen county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin... xingwenxian 兴文县|Xingwen county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin... xingwu 省悟|to wake up to reality/to come to ones... xingwu 醒悟|to come to oneself/to come to realize... xingwulian 性物恋|(sexual) fetishism xingxi 星系|see 恆星系|恒星系[heng2 xing1 xi4] xingxi 幸喜|fortunately xingxian 兴县|Xing county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 lia... xingxian 性腺|gonad; sex gland xingxiang 形象|image/form/figure/CL:個|个[ge4]/visuali... xingxiang 性向|aptitude/disposition/inclination xingxiang 星象|aspect of the celestial bodies (used ... xingxiang 星相|astrology and physiognomy xingxiang 形像|form/image xingxiangdaiyanren 形象代言人|(brand or organization) ambassador/fa... xingxiangdashi 形象大使|person who represents an organization... xingxiangeyao 星象恶曜|unlucky star (evil portent in astrology) xingxiangjia 星相家|astrologer xingxiangshi 星相师|astrologer xingxiangshizu 星相十足|(coll.) to look every bit the big star xingxiangshu 星相术|astrology xingxiangtu 星相图|star chart xingxiangtu 星象图|star chart/also written 星相圖|星相图 xingxiangxue 星相学|astrology xingxiangyishu 形象艺术|visual arts xingxiao 行销|to sell; to market; marketing xingxiaosuqiu 行销诉求|marketing message xingxiazhangyi 行侠仗义|to be chivalrous xingxibao 性细胞|sexual cell/germline cell/gamete xingxing 行星|planet/CL:顆|颗[ke1] xingxing 星星|(coll.) a star; the stars in the sky xingxing 行刑|to carry out a (death) sentence/execu... xingxing 惺惺|(literary) awake/(literary) intellige... xingxing 悻悻|angry/resentful xingxing 猩猩|orangutan/(slang) dialect speaker who... xingxing 性行|sexual activity xingxing-xiangxi 惺惺相惜|lit. people of talent appreciate one ... xingxing-zuotai 惺惺作态|(idiom) to put on an act xingxingdui 行刑队|firing squad xingxingji 行星际|interplanetary xingxingsese 形形色色|all kinds of/all sorts of/every (diff... xingxingwang 星型网|Star network xingxingwei 性行为|sexual behavior xingxingxixingxing 惺惺惜惺惺|see 惺惺相惜[xing1xing1-xiang1xi1] xingxingzhihuo 星星之火|a single spark (idiom); an insignific... xingxingzhihuo,keyiliaoyuan 星星之火,可以燎原|a single spark can start a huge blaze... xingxiong 行凶|violent crime/to commit a violent act... xingxiongzhe 行凶者|perpetrator xingxipan 星系盘|galactic disc xingxiu 星宿|constellation (arch., now 星座)/one of ... xingxiuhai 星宿海|Xingxiuhai Basin in Qinghai, more tha... xingxu 兴许|(coll.) perhaps xingxue 性学|sexology xingxue 兴学|to establish schools/to raise the sta... xingxun 刑讯|interrogation under torture/inquisition xingya 星鸦|(bird species of China) spotted nutcr... xingyan 杏眼|large, round eyes (considered beautiful) xingyang 荥阳|Xingyang, county-level city in Zhengz... xingyangshi 荥阳市|Xingyang, county-level city in Zhengz... xingyao 星曜|heavenly bodies (esp. the sun, moon o... xingyaozuoguai 兴妖作怪|lit. to summon demons to create havoc... xingye 兴业|Xingye county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], ... xingye 星夜|starlit night/by night; under the nig... xingyexian 兴业县|Xingye county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], ... xingyeyinhang 兴业银行|Société Générale xingyi 兴义|Xingyi city in Guizhou, capital of Qi... xingyi 行医|to practice medicine (esp. in private... xingyi 形译|derivation of a Chinese loanword from... xingyidouzhuan 星移斗转|lit. the Big Dipper 北斗星[Bei3 dou3 xin... xingyin 行淫|to commit adultery xingyin 性瘾|sexual addiction xingyingbuli 形影不离|inseparable (as form and shadow) xingyingxiangdiao 形影相吊|with only body and shadow to comfort ... xingyingxiangsui 形影相随|lit. body and shadow follow each othe... xingyiquan 形意拳|Xingyiquan (Chinese martial art) xingyishi 兴义市|Xingyi city in Guizhou, capital of Qi... xingyouyuli 行有余力|after that, any remaining energy (idi... xingyu 性欲|sexual desire/lust xingyue 星月|the moon and the stars xingyugaochao 性欲高潮|orgasm xingyun 幸运|fortunate; lucky/good fortune; luck xingyun 星云|nebula xingyunbiao 星云表|catalog of stars and nebulae xingyunbinggan 幸运饼干|fortune cookie xingyunchoujiang 幸运抽奖|lucky draw/lottery xingyuner 幸运儿|winner/lucky guy/person who always ge... xingyunliushui 行云流水|lit. moving clouds and flowing water ... xingyunquqi 幸运曲奇|(loanword) fortune cookie xingyunxin 幸运信|chain letter xingyuse 形于色|to show one\'s feelings/to show it in ... xingzailehuo 幸灾乐祸|lit. to take joy in calamity and deli... xingzhang 刑杖|rod used for flogging offenders xingzhe 行者|pedestrian/walker/itinerant monk xingzhen 刑侦|criminal investigation xingzheng 行政|administration/(attributive) administ... xingzheng 性征|sexual characteristic xingzhengbumen 行政部门|administrative department/administrat... xingzhengdanwei 行政单位|administrative unit (e.g. province 省[... xingzhengfa 行政法|administrative law xingzhenggongshu 行政公署|administrative office xingzhengguanli 行政管理|administration/administrative management xingzhenghuiyi 行政会议|Executive Council (Hong Kong) xingzhengjiguan 行政机关|administrative authority/branch of go... xingzhengjiuji 行政救济|administrative remedy xingzhengjuliu 行政拘留|to incarcerate sb for a violation of ... xingzhengmingling 行政命令|executive order xingzhengqu 行政区|administrative district xingzhengquan 行政权|administrative authority/executive power xingzhengquhua 行政区画|administrative subdivision (e.g. of p... xingzhengquhua 行政区划|administrative subdivision xingzhengquhuatu 行政区划图|political map xingzhengquyu 行政区域|administrative area xingzhengyuan 行政院|Executive Yuan, the executive branch ... xingzhengyuan 行政员|administrator xingzhengzhangguan 行政长官|chief executive/magistrate xingzhengzongchu 行政总厨|executive chef xingzhi 性质|nature/characteristic/CL:個|个[ge4] xingzhi 形制|form/shape/structure/design xingzhi 兴致|mood/spirits/interest xingzhi 行止|movements/attitude/behavior/whereabou... xingzhi 形质|form/structure/design xingzhibobo 兴致勃勃|to become exhilarated (idiom); in hig... xingzhimingti 性质命题|categorical proposition (logic) xingzhixiang 性指向|sexual orientation xingzhiyouxiao 行之有效|to be effective (idiom) xingzhonghui 兴中会|Revive China Society, founded by Dr S... xingzhou 星洲|Singapore xingzhouribao 星洲日报|Sin Chew Daily, Malaysian newspaper xingzhuan 性转|(slang) to be genderswapped (abbr. fo... xingzhuan 醒转|to wake up; to regain consciousness xingzhuang 性状|nature (i.e. properties of sth)/chara... xingzhuang 行装|clothes and other items packed for tr... xingzhuang 形状|form; shape/CL:個|个[ge4] xingzhuang 行状|(literary) brief obituary/one\'s past ... xingzi 杏子|apricot xingzi 性子|temper xingzong 行踪|whereabouts/(lose) track (of) xingzou 行走|to walk xingzuo 星座|constellation/astrological sign xingzuoyunshi 星座运势|(Western-style) horoscope xinhai 辛亥|forty-eighth year H12 of the 60 year ... xinhaigeming 辛亥革命|Xinhai Revolution (1911), which ended... xinhaixiashibao 新海峡时报|New Strait Times (newspaper) xinhan 心寒|bitterly disappointed/frightened xinhan 信函|letter/piece of correspondence (incl.... xinhanbushier 新罕布什尔|New Hampshire, US state xinhanbushierzhou 新罕布什尔州|New Hampshire, US state xinhao 信号|signal xinhaochuli 信号处理|signal processing xinhaodeng 信号灯|signal light/car indicator xinhaotai 信号台|signal station xinhe 新河|Xinhe county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2... xinhe 新和|Toqsu nahiyisi (Xinhe county) in Aksu... xinhen-shoula 心狠手辣|(idiom) vicious; merciless xinhexian 新和县|Toqsu nahiyisi (Xinhe county) in Aksu... xinhexian 新河县|Xinhe county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2... xinhua 新华|Xinhua (New China), the name of vario... xinhua 新化|Xinhua county in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2 di3... xinhuai 心怀|to harbor (thoughts)/to cherish/to en... xinhuaipoce 心怀叵测|see 居心叵測|居心叵测[ju1 xin1 po3 ce4] xinhuan 新欢|new flame; new lover xinhuang 新晃|Xinhuang Dong autonomous county in Hu... xinhuang 心慌|to be flustered/(dialect) irregular h... xinhuangdongzuzizhixian 新晃侗族自治县|Xinhuang Dong autonomous county in Hu... xinhuangxian 新晃县|Xinhuang Dong autonomous county in Hu... xinhuangyiluan 心慌意乱|confused/rattled/flustered xinhuanufang 心花怒放|to burst with joy (idiom)/to be over ... xinhuaqu 新华区|Xinhua District/Xinhua District of Sh... xinhuaribao 新华日报|Xinhua Daily newspaper xinhuashe 新华社|Xinhua News Agency, founded in 1931 a... xinhuashi 新化市|Xinhua city in Hunan xinhuashudian 新华书店|Xinhua Bookstore, China\'s largest boo... xinhuawang 新华网|Xinhua News Network xinhuaxian 新化县|Xinhua county in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2 di3... xinhuiqu 新会区|Xinhui district of Jiangmen city 江門市|... xinhuiyilan 心灰意懒|discouraged/downhearted xinhuiyileng 心灰意冷|discouraged/downhearted xinhun 新婚|newly wed xinhunfufu 新婚夫妇|newly married couple/newlyweds xinhunyaner 新婚宴尔|variant of 新婚燕爾|新婚燕尔[xin1 hun1 yan4 er3] xinhunyaner 新婚燕尔|newlyweds xinhuoxiangchuan 薪火相传|lit. the flame of a burning piece of ... xini 悉尼|Sydney, capital of New South Wales, A... xini 细腻|(of skin etc) smooth; satiny; delicat... xinian 昔年|former years/previous years xiniang 喜娘|matron of honor (old) xiniao 犀鸟|hornbill xining 西宁|see 西寧市|西宁市[Xi1ning2 Shi4] xiningshi 西宁市|Xining, prefecture-level city and cap... xiniu 犀牛|rhinoceros xinji 心机|thinking/scheme xinji 心肌|myocardium xinji 辛集|Xinji, county-level city in Shijiazhu... xinji 心悸|palpitation xinji 心计|scheming/shrewdness xinji 心急|anxious/impatient xinji 心迹|true motive/true feelings xinji 薪给|salary; wage xinjian 新建|new construction/newly built xinjian 心尖|bottom tip of the heart/fig. innermos... xinjian 信笺|letter/letter paper xinjian 信件|letter (sent by mail) xinjiang 新疆|see 新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区[Xin1jiang1 Wei2... xinjiang 新绛|Xinjiang county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun... xinjianggequ 新疆歌鸲|(bird species of China) common nighti... xinjiangshengchanjianshebingtuan 新疆生产建设兵团|Xinjiang Production and Construction ... xinjiangshouzhuafan 新疆手抓饭|Xinjiang-style pilaf, made with lamb xinjiangweiwuerzizhiqu 新疆维吾尔自治区|Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, ca... xinjiangxian 新绛县|Xinjiang county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun... xinjianiang 新嫁娘|bride xinjiao 新教|Protestantism xinjiao 信教|religious belief/to practice a faith/... xinjiao 心焦|worried/anxious xinjiaotong 心绞痛|angina xinjiaotu 新教徒|Protestant/adherent of Protestantism xinjiapo 新加坡|Singapore xinjiapoguolidaxue 新加坡国立大学|National University of Singapore xinjiaporen 新加坡人|Singaporean person/Singaporean xinjichibuliaoredoufu 心急吃不了热豆腐|hasty men don\'t get to eat hot tofu (... xinjie 新界|New Territories (in Hong Kong) xinjie 心结|a matter that gnaws at one\'s mind; pr... xinjieduan 新阶段|new level; higher plane xinjigengse 心肌梗塞|myocardial infarction; heart attack xinjigengsi 心肌梗死|myocardial infarction/heart attack xinjihuoliao 心急火燎|to burn with anxiety xinjin 薪金|salary/wage xinjin 新近|newly xinjin 心劲|thoughts/what one has in one\'s heart xinjineiya 新几内亚|New Guinea xinjineiya 新畿内亚|New Guinea xinjing 心经|the Heart Sutra xinjing 心静|tranquil/calm xinjing 心境|mood/mental state/frame of mind xinjing 新井|Arai (Japanese surname) xinjing 信经|Credo (section of Catholic mass) xinjing 心惊|fearful/apprehensive xinjingbao 新京报|Beijing news (newspaper) xinjingdanchan 心惊胆颤|see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战[xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4] xinjingdanzhan 心惊胆战|lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear... xinjingroutiao 心惊肉跳|lit. heart alarmed, body leaping (idi... xinjingziranliang 心静自然凉|a calm heart keeps you cool (idiom) xinjinhuochuan 薪尽火传|see 薪火相傳|薪火相传[xin1 huo3 xiang1 chuan2] xinjinxian 新金县|Xinjin county in Liaoning xinjirufen 心急如焚|to burn with impatience/torn with anx... xinjishi 辛集市|Xinji, county-level city in Shijiazhu... xinjishu 新技术|new technology xinjiyan 心肌炎|myocarditis xinjiyuan 新纪元|New Age (movement) xinjiyuan 新纪元|new era/new epoch xinju 新居|new residence/new home xinjun 新军|New Armies (modernized Qing armies, t... xinjutongzhihui 新剧同志会|New Play Comrade Society, Chinese the... xinkaliduoniya 新喀里多尼亚|New Caledonia xinkan 心坎|bottom of one\'s heart xinkao 信靠|trust xinkong 心孔|see 心竅|心窍[xin1 qiao4] xinkou 信口|to blurt sth out/to open one\'s mouth ... xinkou 心口|pit of the stomach/solar plexus/words... xinkou-hushuo 信口胡说|to speak without thinking; to blurt s... xinkoubuyi 心口不一|heart and mouth at variance (idiom); ... xinkoucihuang 信口雌黄|to speak off the cuff/to casually opine xinkoukaihe 信口开河|to speak without thinking (idiom)/to ... xinkoukaihe 信口开合|variant of 信口開河|信口开河[xin4 kou3 kai1 he2] xinkouruyi 心口如一|lit. heart and mouth as one (idiom); ... xinku 辛苦|exhausting/hard/tough/arduous/to work... xinkuan 新款|new style/latest fashion/new model xinkuangshenyi 心旷神怡|lit. heart untroubled, spirit pleased... xinkuantipan 心宽体胖|big-hearted and serene (idiom); conte... xinla 辛辣|spicy hot (taste)/fig. biting (critic... xinla 新拉|New Latin xinlai 信赖|to trust/to have confidence in/to hav... xinlaiqujian 信赖区间|(statistics) confidence interval xinlaizhadao 新来乍到|newly arrived (idiom) xinlang 新郎|bridegroom; groom xinlang 新浪|Sina, Chinese web portal and online m... xinlangguan 新郎官|bridegroom; groom xinlangguan 新郎倌|bridegroom; groom xinlangwang 新浪网|Sina, Chinese web portal and online m... xinlangweibo 新浪微博|Sina Weibo, Chinese microblogging web... xinlao 辛劳|laborious xinle 新乐|Xinle, county-level city in Shijiazhu... xinlei 心累|emotionally exhausted; drained xinleshi 新乐市|Xinle, county-level city in Shijiazhu... xinli 新力|Sony (former name of the company used... xinli 心里|chest/heart; mind xinli 心理|psychology/mentality xinli 心力|mental and physical efforts xinli 新历|Gregorian calendar/solar calendar xinlicidian 心理词典|mental lexicon xinlifangxian 心理防线|psychological barrier xinlifenxi 心理分析|psychoanalysis xinlihua 心里话|(to express one\'s) true feelings/what... xinlijiaocui 心力交瘁|to be both mentally and physically ex... xinlimeiluobo 心里美萝卜|Chinese roseheart radish (shinrimei r... xinlin 新林|Xinlin district of Daxing\'anling pref... xinling 心灵|bright/smart/quick-witted/heart/thoug... xinling 心领|I appreciate your kindness (conventio... xinling 信令|signaling (engineering) xinlingganying 心灵感应|telepathy xinlingjitang 心灵鸡汤|(often used disparagingly) feel-good ... xinlingshang 心灵上|spiritual xinlingshenhui 心领神会|to understand tacitly (idiom)/to know... xinlingshenwu 心领神悟|to understand tacitly (idiom)/to know... xinlingshouqiao 心灵手巧|capable/clever/dexterous xinlinqu 新林区|Xinlin district of Daxing\'anling pref... xinlishuaijie 心力衰竭|heart failure xinlitongjixue 心理统计学|psychometrics/quantitative psychology xinliu 心流|(psychology) flow/being \"in the zone\" xinlixue 心理学|psychology xinlixuejia 心理学家|psychologist xinliyangyang 心里痒痒|(idiom) to feel a strong urge (to do ... xinliyougui 心里有鬼|to have secret motives/to have a guil... xinliyoupu 心里有谱|to have a plan in mind xinliyoushu 心里有数|to know the score (idiom)/to be well ... xinlizhan 心理战|psychological warfare/psychological o... xinlizuoyong 心理作用|a perception that doesn\'t reflect rea... xinlong 新龙|Xinlong county (Tibetan: nyag rong rd... xinlongxian 新龙县|Xinlong county (Tibetan: nyag rong rd... xinlu 心路|scheme/artifice/tolerance/intention/m... xinluanruma 心乱如麻|one\'s thoughts in a whirl (idiom); co... xinlun 心轮|anāhata or anahata, the heart chakra ... xinluo 新罗|Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD/on... xinluoqu 新罗区|Xinluo district of Longyan city 龍岩市|龙... xinluowangchao 新罗王朝|Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD/on... xinlv 心率|heart rate xinlv 心律|(medicine) heart rhythm xinlvbuqi 心律不齐|arrhythmia xinlvbuzheng 心律不整|arrhythmia xinlvshichang 心律失常|arrhythmia xinmanyizu 心满意足|perfectly contented (idiom)/perfectly... xinmao 辛卯|twenty-eighth year H4 of the 60 year ... xinmeisu 新霉素|neomycin (antibiotic) xinmen 囟门|fontanel (gap between the bones of an... xinmi 新密|Xinmi, county-level city in Zhengzhou... xinmi 新秘|(Tw) bridal stylist (abbr. for 新娘秘書|新... xinmin 新民|Xinmin, county-level city in Shenyang... xinminshi 新民市|Xinmin, county-level city in Shenyang... xinminwanbao 新民晚报|Xinmin Evening News xinminzhuzhuyi 新民主主义|New Democracy xinminzhuzhuyigeming 新民主主义革命|(Maoism) New Democracy (aka New Democ... xinminzhuzhuyilun 新民主主义论|On New Democracy (1940), by Mao Zedong xinmishi 新密市|Xinmi, county-level city in Zhengzhou... xinmoxige 新墨西哥|New Mexico, US state xinmoxigezhou 新墨西哥州|New Mexico, US state xinmu 心目|mind xinmudaotuan 新慕道团|neo Catechumenal way xinmuzhong 心目中|in one\'s eyes/in one\'s estimation xinnanweiershi 新南威尔士|New South Wales, southeast Australian... xinnanweiershizhou 新南威尔士州|New South Wales (Australian state) xinnaomen 囟脑门|fontanel (gap between the bones of an... xinnian 新年|New Year/CL:個|个[ge4] xinnian 信念|faith/belief/conviction xinniang 新娘|bride xinniangmishu 新娘秘书|(Tw) bridal stylist xinniangzi 新娘子|see 新娘[xin1 niang2] xinniankuaile 新年快乐|Happy New Year! xinnianqianxi 新年前夕|New Year\'s eve xinning 新宁|Xinning county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao... xinningxian 新宁县|Xinning county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao... xinnonghe 新农合|New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme/... xinong 戏弄|to play tricks on/to make fun of/to t... xinpai 新派|new faction xinpengpengtiao 心砰砰跳|variant of 心怦怦跳[xin1 peng1 peng1 tiao4] xinpengpengtiao 心怦怦跳|The heart thumps wildly. (idiom) xinpi 新埤|Hsinpi township in Pingtung County 屏東... xinpian 芯片|computer chip/microchip xinpianzu 芯片组|chipset xinpingjiujiu 新瓶旧酒|old wine in a new bottle (idiom) xinpingqihe 心平气和|tranquil and even-tempered (idiom); c... xinpingxian 新平县|Xinping Yi and Dai autonomous county ... xinpingyizudaizuzizhixian 新平彝族傣族自治县|Xinping Yi and Dai autonomous county ... xinpingzhuangjiujiu 新瓶装旧酒|old wine in a new bottle (idiom) xinpixiang 新埤乡|Hsinpi township in Pingtung County 屏東... xinpu 新埔|Xinpu or Hsinpu Town in Hsinchu Count... xinpusen 辛普森|Simpson (name) xinpusenyijia 辛普森一家|The Simpsons (US TV series) xinpuzhen 新埔镇|Xinpu or Hsinpu Town in Hsinchu Count... xinqi 新奇|novel; new; exotic xinqi 心气|intention/motive/state of mind/ambiti... xinqi 辛奇|kimchi (loanword) xinqiao 心窍|the mind/capacity for clear thinking xinqie 心切|eager/impatient/guileless xinqin 辛勤|hardworking; industrious xinqing 心情|mood; frame of mind/CL:個|个[ge4] xinqingengyun 辛勤耕耘|to make industrious and diligent effo... xinqiu 新邱|Xinqiu district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Li... xinqiuqu 新邱区|Xinqiu district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Li... xinran 欣然|gladly/cheerfully xinran 信然|indeed/really xinredaijie 新热带界|Neotropic (ecozone) xinren 新人|newcomer/fresh talent/newlywed, esp. ... xinren 信任|to trust/to have confidence in xinren 新任|newly-appointed/newly elected/new (in... xinrong 新荣|Xinrong district of Datong city 大同市[D... xinrongqu 新荣区|Xinrong district of Datong city 大同市[D... xinruan 心软|to be softhearted/to be tenderhearted... xinrudaoge 心如刀割|to feel as if having one\'s heart cut ... xinrudaojiao 心如刀绞|to feel a pain like a knife being twi... xinrui 新锐|cutting-edge (in technology, science,... xinrujia 新儒家|New Confucianism, a social and politi... xinruzhishui 心如止水|to be at peace with oneself xinsai 心塞|(coll.) to feel sick at heart; to fee... xinshan 新山|Johor Bahru (city in Malaysia) xinshang 欣赏|to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire xinshang 心伤|broken-hearted xinshangren 心上人|sweetheart/one\'s beloved xinshao 新邵|Xinshao county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao... xinshaoxian 新邵县|Xinshao county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao... xinshen 心神|mind/state of mind/attention/(Chinese... xinshenbuan 心神不安|to feel ill at ease xinshenbuning 心神不宁|to feel ill at ease xinshenbuzhu 心神不属|see 心不在焉[xin1 bu4 zai4 yan1] xinsheng 心声|heartfelt wish; inner voice; aspiration xinsheng 新生|new/newborn/emerging/nascent/rebirth/... xinshengdai 新生代|Cenozoic (geological era covering the... xinshengdai 新生代|new generation xinshenger 新生儿|newborn baby/neonate xinshenhuanghu 心神恍惚|perturbed (idiom) xinshenzhe 信神者|a believer xinshenzhuanzhu 心神专注|to concentrate one\'s attention/to be ... xinshi 心事|a load on one\'s mind/worry/CL:宗[zong1... xinshi 心室|ventricle (heart) xinshi 新式|new style; latest type xinshi 信使|messenger/courier xinshi 信实|trustworthy/reliable/to believe somet... xinshichandong 心室颤动|ventricular fibrillation (V-fib), abb... xinshichongchong 心事重重|to have a lot on one\'s mind/to be lad... xinshidai 新时代|new age xinshidandan 信誓旦旦|to make a solemn vow xinshihetanghesuan 信使核糖核酸|messenger RNA, mRNA xinshipinfa 新式拚法|new spelling (linguistics) xinshiqi 新石器|Neolithic xinshiqishidai 新石器时代|Neolithic Era xinshiqu 新市区|Xinshi District of Ürümqi, Xinjiang/S... xinshizhen 新市镇|new town; planned community xinshou 新手|new hand/novice/raw recruit xinshou 信守|to abide by/to keep (promises etc) xinshou 信手|casually/in passing xinshu 心术|designs/schemes/intentions/scheming/c... xinshui 薪水|salary/wage xinsi 心思|mind/thoughts/inclination/mood xinsi 辛巳|eighteenth year H6 of the 60 year cyc... xinsijun 新四军|New Fourth army of Republic of China,... xinsikeshe 新斯科舍|Nova Scotia province, Canada xinsixiang 新思想|new ideas xinsu 新宿|Shinjuku, Tokyo xinsu 信宿|(ancient) to lodge for two nights xinsuan 辛酸|pungent (taste)/bitter/fig. sad/miser... xinsuan 心酸|to feel sad xinsuan 心算|mental arithmetic/to calculate in one... xinsui 心碎|heartbroken/extreme depth of sorrow xintai 新泰|Xintai, county-level city in Tai\'an 泰... xintai 心态|attitude (of the heart)/state of one\'... xintaibi 新台币|New Taiwan dollar (NTD) xintaishi 新泰市|Xintai, county-level city in Tai\'an 泰... xintang 新塘|Xintang, common town or village name/... xintangshu 新唐书|History of the Later Tang Dynasty, se... xinteng 心疼|to love dearly/to feel sorry for sb/t... xintian 新田|Xintian county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 z... xintian 心田|heart (one\'s innermost being) xintiandi 新天地|Xintiandi (shopping, eating and enter... xintianweng 信天翁|albatross (family Diomedeidae) xintianxian 新田县|Xintian county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 z... xintianyou 信天游|a style of folk music of Shaanxi xintiao 信条|creed/article of faith xintiao 心跳|heartbeat/pulse xintiaoguohuan 心跳过缓|bradycardia xintong 心痛|to feel distressed about sth/heartach... xintong 信筒|mailbox/postbox xintou 心头|one\'s heart; one\'s mind xintouhao 心头好|favorite; something preferred over ot... xintourou 心头肉|the person one loves the most; one\'s ... xintu 信徒|believer xintu 心土|subsoil xintu 新土|freshly dug up earth xintuo 信托|to entrust/trust bond (finance) xinu 息怒|to calm down/to quell one\'s anger xinuaile 喜怒哀乐|four types of human emotions, namely:... xinuwuchang 喜怒无常|temperamental/moody xinwanzhi 辛烷值|octane rating xinwei 欣慰|to be gratified xinwei 辛未|eight year H8 of the 60 year cycle, e... xinweixie 新威胁|new danger xinwen 新闻|news/CL:條|条[tiao2],個|个[ge4] xinwencehua 新闻策划|communication management; public rela... xinwenchu 新闻处|news service/information agency xinwenchubanzongshu 新闻出版总署|General Administration of Press and P... xinwenfabuhui 新闻发布会|news conference xinwenfayanren 新闻发言人|spokesman xinwengao 新闻稿|press release xinwengongzuozhe 新闻工作者|journalist xinwenhuayundong 新文化运动|the New Culture Movement (mid-1910s a... xinwenjie 新闻界|the press/the media xinwenjizhe 新闻记者|journalist xinwenmeiti 新闻媒体|news media xinwenwang 新闻网|news agency xinwenxue 新闻学|journalism xinwenzhoukan 新闻周刊|Newsweek magazine xinwenzhoukan 新闻周刊|Newsweek magazine/also written 新聞周刊|新闻周刊 xinwenzhubo 新闻主播|newsreader/anchor xinwenziyou 新闻自由|freedom of the press xinwenzu 新闻组|newsgroup xinwor 心窝儿|one\'s breast/the pit of one\'s stomach xinwu 信物|keepsake; token xinwudaishi 新五代史|Later History of the Five Dynasties (... xinwueryong 心无二用|one cannot concentrate on two things ... xinwupangwu 心无旁骛|completely focused/free of distractions xinxi 信息|information/news/message xinxi 心细|careful/scrupulous xinxi 欣喜|happy xinxi 新禧|Happy New Year! xinxi 衅隙|enmity xinxi 新潟|Niigata, a city and prefecture in Japan xinxi-ruchen 心细如尘|(idiom) meticulous; very careful or a... xinxi-rufa 心细如发|(idiom) meticulous; very careful or a... xinxia 心下|in mind xinxian 新鲜|fresh (experience, food etc)/freshnes... xinxian 新县|Xin county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan xinxian 心弦|heartstrings xinxian 心羡|to admire xinxiang 信箱|mailbox/post office box xinxiang 心想|to think to oneself; to think xinxiang 新乡|see 新鄉市|新乡市[Xin1xiang1 Shi4] xinxiang 馨香|fragrance/fragrant (of incense) xinxiang 薪饷|(old) (military and police) pay; wage... xinxiangshi 新乡市|Xinxiang, prefecture-level city in He... xinxiangshicheng 心想事成|(idiom) to have one\'s wishes come tru... xinxiangxian 新乡县|Xinxiang county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin... xinxiboliya 新西伯利亚|Novosibirsk (city in Russia) xinxiboliyashi 新西伯利亚市|Novosibirsk, city in Russia xinxiguanli 信息管理|information management xinxihua 信息化|informatization (the Information Age ... xinxijianfang 信息茧房|(Internet) echo chamber/filter bubble xinxijishu 信息技术|information technology; IT xinxilan 新西兰|New Zealand xinxilingtong 信息灵通|see 消息靈通|消息灵通[xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1] xinxilun 信息论|information theory xinxin 信心|confidence/faith (in sb or sth)/CL:個|... xinxin-niannian 心心念念|(idiom) to constantly think about; to... xinxinbaibei 信心百倍|brimming with confidence (idiom) xinxing 新星|(astronomy) nova/(fig.) new star; ris... xinxing 新兴|Xinxing county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu... xinxing 新兴|(of markets, industries, infectious d... xinxing 新型|new type; new kind xinxing 心性|one\'s nature/temperament xinxing 欣幸|delighted/overjoyed xinxingchanye 新兴产业|emerging industry xinxingguanzhuangbingdu 新型冠状病毒|novel coronavirus (esp. SARS-CoV-2, t... xinxingjingjiguojia 新兴经济国家|developing economic state/developing ... xinxingnongcunhezuoyiliao 新型农村合作医疗|New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme/... xinxingqu 新兴区|Xinxing, a district of Qitaihe 七臺河市|七... xinxingxian 新兴县|Xinxing county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu... xinxinkuku 辛辛苦苦|painstakingly/with great trouble xinxinnati 辛辛那提|Cincinnati, Ohio xinxinrenlei 新新人类|new generation of youths (generation ... xinxinxiangrong 欣欣向荣|(idiom) flourishing/thriving xinxinxiangyin 心心相印|two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kin... xinxiong 心胸|heart/mind/ambition/aspiration xinxiongkaikuo 心胸开阔|broad-minded/open-minded xinxiongxiaai 心胸狭隘|narrow; petty-minded xinxiongxiazhai 心胸狭窄|(idiom) narrow-minded; petty; ungenerous xinxiruokuang 欣喜若狂|to be wild with joy (idiom) xinxishidai 信息时代|information age xinxisu 信息素|pheromone xinxitu 信息图|infographic xinxituxing 信息图形|infographic xinxiu 新秀|rising star; new talent xinxiu 新修|revise/revised xinxiu 心秀|not manifesting one\'s inner quality xinxiubencao 新修本草|Tang dynasty compendium of herbal med... xinxiuer 心宿二|Antares, the brightest star in Scorpi... xinxixian 新潟县|Niigata prefecture in northwest Japan xinxixitong 信息系统|information system xinxixue 信息学|information science xinxiyutongxunjishu 信息与通讯技术|information and communication technol... xinxu 心虚|lacking in confidence/diffident/to ha... xinxu 心绪|state of mind/mood xinxu 心许|to consent tacitly/unspoken approval xinxuan 新选|newly elected xinxubujia 心绪不佳|out of sorts/gloomy xinxubuning 心绪不宁|unquiet state of mind xinxue 心血|heart\'s blood/expenditure (for some p... xinxue 心学|School of Mind/Neo-Confucian Idealist... xinxueguan 心血管|cardiovascular xinxueguanjibing 心血管疾病|cardiovascular disease xinxuelaichao 心血来潮|to be prompted by a sudden impulse/ca... xinya 新芽|new shoot; new sprout xinya 新雅|fresh/new and elegant xinyan 心眼|heart/intention/conscience/considerat... xinyanda 心眼大|magnanimous/considerate/thoughtful/ab... xinyanduo 心眼多|to have unfounded doubts/overconcerned xinyang 信阳|see 信陽市|信阳市[Xin4yang2 Shi4] xinyang 信仰|to believe in (a religion)/firm belie... xinyangshi 信阳市|Xinyang, prefecture-level city in Hen... xinyangzhe 信仰者|believer xinyanhao 心眼好|well-intentioned/good-natured/kindhea... xinyanr 心眼儿|one\'s thoughts/mind/intention/willing... xinyanxiao 心眼小|see 小心眼[xiao3 xin1 yan3] xinye 新野|Xinye county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 ya... xinyeduan 心叶椴|small-leaf linden (Tilia cordata) xinyexian 新野县|Xinye county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 ya... xinyi 新沂|Xinyi city in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], J... xinyi 心意|intention/regard; kindly feelings xinyi 心仪|to admire xinyi 信宜|Xinyi, county-level city in Maoming 茂... xinyi 新意|new idea xinyi 信义|Xinyi or Hsinyi District of Taipei Ci... xinyi 信义|good faith/honor/trust and justice xinyi 新异|new and different/novelty xinyi 信意|at will/arbitrarily/just as one feels... xinyi 心疑|to suspect xinyidai 新一代|new generation xinyilama 新艺拉玛|Cinerama xinyin 心音|sound of the heart/heartbeat xinying 新颖|lit. new bud/fig. new and original xinying 心硬|hard-hearted; unfeeling; callous xinyinger 心影儿|(Taiwan usage) child in need of help ... xinyinggelan 新英格兰|New England xinyiqu 信义区|Xinyi or Hsinyi District of Taipei Ci... xinyishi 新沂市|Xinyi city in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], J... xinyishi 信宜市|Xinyi, county-level city in Maoming 茂... xinyiweizhen 信以为真|to take sth to be true xinyixiang 信义乡|Xinyi or Hsinyi Township in Nantou Co... xinyizhoushi 新义州市|Shin\'ŭiju, capital of North Pyong\'an ... xinyizongheti 新艺综合体|CinemaScope xinyong 信用|trustworthiness/(commerce) credit/(li... xinyongdengji 信用等级|credit level xinyonge 信用额|credit limit xinyongfengxian 信用风险|credit risk xinyongguancha 信用观察|credit watch xinyongka 信用卡|credit card xinyongpingdeng 信用评等|credit rating xinyongpingji 信用评级|credit rating xinyongshe 信用社|credit union xinyongweiji 信用危机|credit crisis xinyongzheng 信用证|letter of credit xinyongzhengquan 信用证券|instrument of credit/letter of credit... xinyou 辛酉|fifty-eighth year H10 of the 60 year ... xinyoulingxiyidiantong 心有灵犀一点通|hearts linked as one, just as the pro... xinyouyu,libuzu 心有余,力不足|The will is there, but not the streng... xinyouyuerlibuzu 心有余而力不足|the will is there, but not the streng... xinyouyuji 心有余悸|to have lingering fears/trepidation r... xinyu 信誉|prestige/distinction/reputation/trust xinyu 新余|see 新餘市|新余市[Xin1yu2 Shi4] xinyuan 新源|Xinyuan County or Künes nahiyisi in I... xinyuan 心愿|cherished desire/dream/craving/wish/a... xinyuan 新园|Hsinyuan township in Pingtung County ... xinyuandan 心愿单|wish list xinyuanshi 新元史|New History of the Yuan Dynasty, comp... xinyuanxian 新源县|Xinyuan County or Künes nahiyisi in I... xinyuanxiang 新园乡|Hsinyuan township in Pingtung County ... xinyuanyima 心猿意马|lit. heart like a frisky monkey, mind... xinyue 新约|New Testament xinyue 新月|new moon/crescent xinyuechengfu 心悦诚服|to submit cheerfully/to accept willin... xinyuequanshu 新约全书|New Testament xinyulichu 心余力绌|see 心有餘而力不足|心有余而力不足[xin1 you3 yu2 er2... xinyushi 新余市|Xinyu, prefecture-level city in Jiang... xinzang 心脏|heart/CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4] xinzangbing 心脏病|heart disease xinzangbingfazuo 心脏病发作|heart attack; to have a heart attack xinzangdaqiaoshoushu 心脏搭桥手术|coronary bypass operation xinzangjihuan 心脏疾患|heart disease xinzangshousuoya 心脏收缩压|systolic blood pressure xinzangshuzhangya 心脏舒张压|diastolic blood pressure xinzangzayin 心脏杂音|heart murmur xinzangzhouting 心脏骤停|cardiac arrest xinzao 新造|Xinzao town, Guangdong xinzao 新造|newly made xinzaobi 信噪比|signal-to-noise ratio xinzaozhen 新造镇|Xinzao town, Guangdong xinzayin 心杂音|see 心臟雜音|心脏杂音[xin1 zang4 za2 yin1] xinzeng 新增|to add (sth new)/newly added; additional xinzexi 新泽西|New Jersey, US state xinzexizhou 新泽西州|New Jersey, US state xinzha 信札|letter xinzhai 心窄|narrow-minded/intolerant xinzhan 心战|psychological warfare/(literary) to b... xinzhao 心照|to have a tacit understanding xinzhaobuxuan 心照不宣|to have a tacit understanding xinzhe 心折|convinced/to admire from the heart/en... xinzheng 新郑|Xinzheng, county-level city in Zhengz... xinzheng 新政|new policy/New Deal (Roosevelt\'s 1933... xinzheng 新正|see 正月[Zheng1 yue4] xinzhengshi 新郑市|Xinzheng, county-level city in Zhengz... xinzhi 心志|will/resolution/aspiration xinzhi 心智|wisdom xinzhi 信纸|letter paper/writing paper xinzhi 新知|new knowledge/new friend xinzhiduming 心知肚明|to be well aware xinzhikoukuai 心直口快|frank and outspoken (idiom)/straight ... xinzhiminhua 新殖民化|neocolonialization xinzhiminzhuyi 新殖民主义|neocolonialism xinzhitu 心智图|mind map xinzhizuikuai 心直嘴快|frank and outspoken/straight speaking... xinzhong 心中|central point/in one\'s thoughts/in on... xinzhong 信众|believers/worshippers xinzhong 心重|overanxious/neurotic xinzhongwushu 心中无数|to have no idea/to be unsure xinzhongyougui 心中有鬼|to harbor ulterior motives (idiom) xinzhongyoushu 心中有数|to know what\'s going on xinzhou 忻州|see 忻州市[Xin1zhou1 Shi4] xinzhou 新洲|Xinzhou district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉... xinzhou 信州|Xinzhou district of Shangrao, prefect... xinzhou 心轴|central axis/spindle xinzhouqu 新洲区|Xinzhou district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉... xinzhouqu 信州区|Xinzhou district of Shangrao, prefect... xinzhoushi 忻州市|Xinzhou, prefecture-level city in Sha... xinzhu 新竹|Xinzhu or Hsinchu city in northern Ta... xinzhuang 新庄|Xinzhuang or Hsinchuang city in New T... xinzhuangshi 新庄市|Xinzhuang or Hsinchuang city in New T... xinzhuangzhen 莘庄镇|Xinzhuang, town in Minhang District 閔... xinzhuokouben 心拙口夯|variant of 心拙口笨[xin1 zhuo1 kou3 ben4] xinzhuokouben 心拙口笨|dull-witted and tongue-tied xinzhushi 新竹市|Hsinchu, city in north Taiwan noted f... xinzhuxian 新竹县|Xinzhu or Hsinchu County in northwest... xinzi 薪资|salary xinzi 信子|variant of 芯子[xin4zi5] xinzi 芯子|fuse; wick/forked tongue (of a snake) xinziti 新字体|shinjitai, simplified Japanese charac... xinzui 心醉|enchanted/fascinated/charmed xinzuishenmi 心醉神迷|ecstatic/enraptured xiong 熊|surname Xiong xiong 熊|bear/(coll.) to scold; to rebuke/(col... xiong 兄|elder brother xiong 雄|male/staminate/grand/imposing/powerfu... xiong 胸|variant of 胸[xiong1] xiong 胸|chest/bosom/heart/mind/thorax xiong 凶|terrible/fearful xiong 凶|vicious/fierce/ominous/inauspicious/f... xiong 芎|used in 芎藭|芎䓖[xiong1qiong2] and 川芎[ch... xiong 汹|torrential rush/tumultuous xiong 诇|(literary) to spy/to pry into xiong 敻|surname Xiong xiong 恟|scared, nervous xiong 㐫|old variant of 凶[xiong1] xiong 匈|Hungary/Hungarian/abbr. for 匈牙利[Xiong... xiong 匈|old variant of 胸[xiong1] xiongan 雄安|Xiong\'an New Area, a state-level new ... xionganxinqu 雄安新区|Xiong\'an New Area, a state-level new ... xiongba 胸靶|chest silhouette (used as a target in... xiongbaba 凶巴巴|harsh/savage/fierce xiongbao 凶暴|brutal xiongbao 熊包|worthless person/good-for-nothing xiongbao 熊抱|bear hug; to give (sb) a bear-hug xiongben 熊本|Kumamoto city and prefecture in west ... xiongbenxian 熊本县|Kumamoto prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan xiongbian 雄辩|eloquent/oratory/rhetoric xiongbianjia 雄辩家|orator xiongbu 胸部|chest/bosom xiongcaidalve 雄才大略|great skill and strategy xiongcan 凶残|savage/cruel/fierce xiongcan 凶残|savage xiongcao 胸槽|cleavage (hollow between a woman\'s br... xiongchengji 熊成基|Xiong Chengji (1887-1910), anti-Qing ... xiongdaji 胸大肌|pectoralis major muscle (across the t... xiongdan 熊胆|bear gall (used in TCM) xiongdancao 熊胆草|Conyza blinii xiongdang 凶党|band of accomplice xiongdao 凶刀|murder weapon (i.e. knife) xiongdawunao 胸大无脑|(having) big boobs but no brain/bimbo xiongdi 兄弟|brothers/younger brother/CL:個|个[ge4]/... xiongdihui 兄弟会|fraternity xiongdijiemei 兄弟姐妹|brothers and sisters/siblings xiongdixiqiang 兄弟阋墙|internecine strife (idiom); fighting ... xiongdixiyuqiang,waiyuqiwu 兄弟阋于墙,外御其侮|internal disunity dissolves at the th... xiongduojishao 凶多吉少|lit. everything bodes ill, no positiv... xionge 凶恶|fierce/ferocious/fiendish/frightening xionge 凶恶|variant of 兇惡|凶恶, fierce/ferocious/fi... xiongershan 熊耳山|Mt Xiong\'er national geological park ... xiongfan 凶犯|murderer xiongfeng 雄风|vigor/virility/dynamism/(literary) po... xiongfeng 雄蜂|drone (bee) xiongfeng 熊蜂|bumblebee xiongfu 凶服|mourning clothes (old) xionggu 胸骨|sternum/breastbone xiongguang 凶光|ominous glint xionghaizi 熊孩子|(dialect) little devil; brat xionghan 凶悍|violent/fierce and tough/shrewish (wo... xionghen 凶狠|variant of 凶狠[xiong1 hen3] xionghen 凶狠|cruel/vicious/fierce and malicious/ve... xionghou 雄厚|substantial; robust; ample; abundant xionghou 熊猴|Assamese macaque xionghua 胸花|corsage/boutonnière xionghuai 胸怀|one\'s bosom (the seat of emotions)/br... xionghuaitandang 胸怀坦荡|open and candid (idiom); not hiding a... xionghuang 雄黄|realgar/red orpiment xionghuang 凶荒|(literary) famine xionghuangjiu 雄黄酒|realgar wine (traditionally drunk dur... xionghun 雄浑|vigorous/firm/forceful xiongji 胸肌|pectoral muscles xiongji 雄鸡|rooster xiongjia 胸甲|breastplate xiongjian 雄健|vigorous/robust/powerful xiongjin 胸襟|lapel of jacket/heart/aspiration/vision xiongjisu 雄激素|male hormone/testosterone xiongjiujiu 雄赳赳|valiantly/gallantly xiongju 雄踞|to be perched high/to be located prom... xiongka 胸卡|badge; name tag; ID card (worn on the... xiongkou 胸口|chest xiongkuan 胸宽|width of chest xiongkuang 凶狂|fierce/ferocious/savage xiongkuo 胸廓|thorax xiongkuoqiekaishu 胸廓切开术|thoracotomy (medicine) xiongli 凶戾|cruel/tyrannical xiongli 熊狸|binturong or bearcat (Arctictis bintu... xionglu 雄鹿|Milwaukee Bucks (NBA team) xionglu 雄鹿|buck/stag xiongma 雄马|male horse/stallion xiongmao 熊猫|panda/CL:隻|只[zhi1] xiongmao 雄猫|F-14 Tomcat xiongmao 雄猫|male cat, usually 公貓|公猫[gong1 mao1] xiongmaoxue 熊猫血|(coll.) Rh-negative blood type xiongmaoyan 熊猫眼|to have dark circles under one\'s eyes... xiongmei 兄妹|brother(s) and sister(s) xiongmen 胸闷|chest pain/chest distress xiongmeng 凶猛|fierce/violent/ferocious xiongmo 胸膜|pleural cavity (part of thorax contai... xiongmoyan 胸膜炎|pleurisy xiongni 熊倪|Xiong Ni (1974-), Chinese diving athlete xiongnian 凶年|year of famine xiongnu 匈奴|Xiongnu, a people of the Eastern Step... xiongpai 胸牌|badge; name tag; ID card (worn on the... xiongpeizi 雄配子|male gamete; sperm cell xiongpi 熊罴|fierce fighters/valiant warriors xiongpimao 熊皮帽|bearskin hat xiongpu 胸脯|chest xiongqi 雄起|(cry of encouragement)/to arise/to st... xiongqi 胸鳍|pectoral fin xiongqi 凶器|lethal weapon/murder weapon xiongqian 胸前|(on the) chest/bosom xiongqiang 胸腔|thoracic cavity xiongqiang 胸墙|parapet/defensive wall/breastwork xiongqinqi 熊亲戚|(coll.) busybody relative xiongqiong 芎䓖|see 川芎[chuan1xiong1] xiongrou 胸肉|breast meat (brisket, chicken breast ... xiongru 胸乳|(woman\'s) breast xiongrui 雄蕊|stamen (male part of flower) xiongsang 凶丧|funeral arrangements xiongsao 兄嫂|elder brother and his wife xiongsha 凶杀|to murder/assassination xiongsha 凶煞|demon/fiend xiongshaan 凶杀案|murder case xiongshen 凶神|demon; fiend xiongshen 凶身|murderer; killer xiongshen-esha 凶神恶煞|(idiom) fiends; devils; monsters xiongshi 熊市|bear market xiongshi 雄狮|male lion xiongshi 凶事|fateful accident/inauspicious matter ... xiongshou 凶手|murderer/assassin xiongshou 雄兽|male animal xiongsi 凶死|to die in violence xiongtai 兄台|brother (polite appellation for a fri... xiongtang 胸膛|chest xiongti 雄体|male of a species xiongtou 胸透|chest fluoroscopy xiongtu 雄图|grandiose plan/great ambition xiongtui 胸推|massage using one\'s breasts xiongwan 凶顽|fierce and uncontrollable xiongwei 胸围|chest measurement/bust xiongwei 雄伟|grand/imposing/magnificent/majestic xiongwuchengfu 胸无城府|open and candid (idiom); not hiding a... xiongwudazhi 胸无大志|to have no aspirations (idiom)/unambi... xiongwusuwu 胸无宿物|open and candid (idiom); not hiding a... xiongxian 胸腺|thymus xiongxian 雄县|Xiong county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4... xiongxian 凶险|dangerous/ruthless/treacherous xiongxian 凶嫌|alleged killer (or attacker); suspect... xiongxiang 凶相|ferocious appearance xiongxiangbilu 凶相毕露|show one\'s ferocious appearance (idio... xiongxianmiding 胸腺嘧啶|thymine nucleotide (T, pairs with ade... xiongxiazi 熊瞎子|bear/bruin xiongxie 胸胁|chest and hypochondrium/upper part of... xiongxin 雄心|great ambition/lofty aspiration xiongxin 凶信|fateful news/news of sb\'s death xiongxinbobo 雄心勃勃|aggressive and grand (idiom); ambitio... xiongxing 雄性|male xiongxingjisu 雄性激素|male hormone/testosterone xiongxiong 熊熊|raging/flaming xiongxun 凶讯|evil tidings/bad news xiongyali 匈牙利|Hungary xiongyaliyu 匈牙利语|Hungarian language xiongyan 凶焰|ferocity/aggressive arrogance xiongyaohubei 熊腰虎背|waist of a bear and back of a tiger/t... xiongye 胸噎|thoracic choke (animal harness) xiongyi 胸臆|inner feelings/what is deep in one\'s ... xiongyin 胸音|chest voice xiongying 雄鹰|male eagle; tercel xiongying 熊鹰|see 鷹鵰|鹰雕[ying1 diao1] xiongyong 汹涌|to surge up violently (of ocean, rive... xiongyou-chengzhu 胸有成竹|(idiom) to have a well-thought-out pl... xiongyouchengfu 胸有城府|subtle way of thinking (idiom); hard ... xiongyouchenglve 胸有成略|the hero has plans already laid (idio... xiongyouchengsuan 胸有成算|the hero has plans already laid (idio... xiongyouqiuhe 胸有丘壑|far-sighted/astute xiongyu 匈语|Hungarian language xiongzhai 凶宅|inauspicious abode/haunted house xiongzhang 熊掌|bear paw (as food) xiongzhang 兄长|elder brother/term of respect for a m... xiongzhang 胸章|lapel badge/CL:枚[mei2] xiongzhang 雄长|fierce and ambitious character/formid... xiongzhao 胸罩|brassiere (underwear)/bra xiongzhao 凶兆|ill omen xiongzhen 胸针|brooch xiongzhi 雄峙|to stand imposingly xiongzhitong 雄酯酮|male hormone/testosterone xiongzhong 胸中|one\'s mind xiongzhongwushu 胸中无数|see 心中無數|心中无数[xin1 zhong1 wu2 shu4] xiongzhuang 雄壮|majestic/awesome/full of power and gr... xiongzhui 胸椎|thoracic vertebra/the twelve thoracic... xiou 西欧|Western Europe xiou 戏偶|glove puppet/CL:尊[zun1] xioulianmeng 西欧联盟|Western European Union (WEU) xipa 喜帕|bridal veil (covering the face) xipai 洗牌|to shuffle cards, dominoes or mahjong... xipan 吸盘|suction pad/sucker xipanyu 吸盘鱼|shark sucker (Echeneis naucrates) xipen 洗盆|basin (water container) xipi 西皮|one of the two chief types of music i... xipi 嘻皮|hippie (loanword) xipi 嬉皮|hippie (loanword) (Tw) xipian 矽片|silicon chip/also written 硅片[gui1 pian4] xipiao 戏票|(theater etc) ticket xipiao 息票|interest coupon/dividend coupon xipinenrou 细皮嫩肉|soft skin and tender flesh (idiom)/sm... xiping 西平|Xiping county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zh... xiping 息屏|to turn off the screen xipingshijing 熹平石经|Xiping steles, calligraphic work on c... xipingxian 西平县|Xiping county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zh... xipingxianshi 息屏显示|always-on display (AOD) xipishi 嬉皮士|hippie (loanword) xipixiaolian 嬉皮笑脸|all smiles/smiling mischievously or i... xipixiaolian 嘻皮笑脸|see 嬉皮笑臉|嬉皮笑脸[xi1 pi2 xiao4 lian3] xipola 西坡拉|Zipporah, wife of Moses xiqi 习气|custom; practice (usu. a regrettable ... xiqi 稀奇|rare/strange xiqi 喜气|hilarity/cheerful atmosphere xiqi 吸气|to inhale/to draw in breath xiqi 希奇|variant of 稀奇[xi1qi2] xiqi 西奇|sygyt (overtone singing) xiqi-guguai 稀奇古怪|(idiom) crazy; bizarre; weird; fantas... xiqi-guguai 希奇古怪|variant of 稀奇古怪[xi1qi2-gu3guai4] xiqian 洗钱|to launder money xiqian 喜钱|tip given on a happy occasion (tradit... xiqian 锡铅|pewter (tin alloy) xiqiang 西墙|Western Wall, or Wailing Wall (Jerusa... xiqin 西芹|celery/parsley xiqin 西秦|Western Qin of the Sixteen Kingdoms (... xiqing 喜庆|jubilation/festive xiqing 西青|Xiqing suburban district of Tianjin m... xiqingqu 西青区|Xiqing suburban district of Tianjin m... xiqiqi 吸气器|aspirator xiqiu 系囚|prisoner xiqiyangyang 喜气洋洋|full of joy (idiom); jubilation xiqu 戏曲|Chinese opera xiqu 吸取|to absorb/to draw (a lesson, insight ... xique 稀缺|scarce/scarcity xiqujiaoxun 吸取教训|to draw a lesson (from a setback) xiqunfei 喜群飞|(ornithology) gregarious xiqunyou 喜群游|(ichthyology) gregarious xirandian 洗染店|commercial laundry/cleaners xirang 熙攘|restless xirang 熙壤|variant of 熙攘[xi1 rang3] xire 吸热|heat absorption xiren 喜人|pleasing; gratifying xiren 希仁|Xiren, courtesy title of Bao Zheng 包拯... xiri 昔日|former days/in the past xirong 西戎|the Xirong, an ancient ethnic group o... xirou 息肉|(medicine) polyp xirou 瘜肉|variant of 息肉[xi1 rou4] xiru 吸入|to breathe in/to suck in/to inhale xiruan 细软|fine and soft/valuables xirufa 吸入阀|suction valve xiruji 吸入剂|inhalant xirun 细润|fine and glossy xiruqi 吸入器|inhaler xisahala 西撒哈拉|Western Sahara xisailuo 西塞罗|Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC), fa... xisaishan 西塞山|Xisaishan district of Huangshi city 黃... xisaishanqu 西塞山区|Xisaishan district of Huangshi city 黃... xisamoya 西萨摩亚|Western Samoa xise 喜色|happy expression/cheerful look xisha 西沙|see 西沙群島|西沙群岛[Xi1 sha1 Qun2 dao3] xisha 细沙|fine sand xishan 锡山|Xishan district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[... xishanbaimeizhuque 喜山白眉朱雀|(bird species of China) Himalayan whi... xishandianchizhuque 喜山点翅朱雀|(bird species of China) spot-winged r... xishangwu 膝上舞|lap dance xishangxing 膝上型|laptop (computer) xishangxingdiannao 膝上型电脑|laptop (computer) xishanhongmeizhuque 喜山红眉朱雀|(bird species of China) Himalayan bea... xishankuang 喜山𫛭|(bird species of China) Himalayan buz... xishanqu 锡山区|Xishan district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[... xishanqu 西山区|Xishan district of Kunming city 昆明市[K... xishao 稀少|sparse/rare xishaqundao 西沙群岛|Paracel Islands, in the South China Sea xishen 希神|Greek mythology/abbr. for 希臘神話|希腊神话[X... xishen 洗肾|to have dialysis treatment xisheng 牺牲|to sacrifice one\'s life/to sacrifice ... xisheng 细绳|string/twine/cord xisheng 吸声|sound absorption xishengda 牺牲打|sacrifice hit (in sport, e.g. baseball) xishengpin 牺牲品|sacrificial victim/sb who is expendab... xishengxiqi 细声细气|in a fine voice (idiom); softly spoken xishengzhe 牺牲者|sb who sacrifices himself/sacrificial... xishi 稀释|to dilute xishi 吸湿|to absorb moisture xishi 吸食|(of an insect) to drink (nectar, sap,... xishi 西式|Western style xishi 稀世|rare xishi 西施|Xishi (c. 450 BC), famous Chinese bea... xishi 喜事|happy occasion/wedding xishi 锡石|tin oxide SnO2/cassiterite/tinstone xishiningren 息事宁人|to keep the peace; to patch up a quar... xishiqu 西市区|Xishi District of Yingkou City 營口市|营口... xishiquan 西施犬|shih tzu (dog breed) xishixing 吸湿性|absorbent xishou 洗手|to wash one\'s hands/to go to the toilet xishou 吸收|to absorb/to assimilate/to ingest/to ... xishou 喜寿|77th birthday (honorific, archaic or ... xishoubugan 洗手不干|to totally stop doing something/to re... xishouchi 洗手池|bathroom sink/wash basin xishoujian 洗手间|toilet/lavatory/washroom xishoujiliang 吸收剂量|absorbed dose xishoupen 洗手盆|bathroom sink/wash basin xishouru 洗手乳|liquid hand soap xishoutai 洗手台|vanity unit xishouye 洗手液|liquid hand soap xishu 洗漱|to wash the face and rinse the mouth xishu 稀疏|sparse/infrequent/thinly spread xishu 系数|coefficient/factor/modulus/ratio xishu 悉数|to enumerate in detail/to explain cle... xishu 悉数|all/every single one/the entire sum xishu 鼷鼠|mouse xishu 檄书|(old, now used figuratively) official... xishu 细数|countdown/breakdown/to list/to enumer... xishua 洗刷|to wipe clean/to scrub/(fig.) to get ... xishua 戏耍|to amuse oneself/to play with/to tease xishua 嬉耍|to play xishuai 蟋蟀|cricket (insect) xishuaicao 蟋蟀草|wire grass (Eleusine indica) xishuangbanna 西双版纳|Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefectu... xishuangbannacufei 西双版纳粗榧|Cephalotaxus mannii (botany) xishuangbannadaizuzizhizhou 西双版纳傣族自治州|Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefectu... xishuangbannazhou 西双版纳州|Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefectu... xishui 浠水|Xishui county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huan... xishui 吸水|absorbent xishui 习水|Xishui county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4... xishuichangliu 细水长流|lit. thin streams flow forever/fig. e... xishuixian 浠水县|Xishui county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huan... xishuixian 习水县|Xishui county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4... xishumei 希舒美|Zithromax (brand name for the antibio... xishun 吸吮|to suck on (sth)/to suck in xishuo 细说|to tell in detail xishuo 戏说|dramatic form consisting of historica... xishuoju 戏说剧|period costume drama (on TV) xishusahala 西属撒哈拉|Spanish Sahara (former Spanish colony... xisi 希斯|Heath (name) xisijikong 细思极恐|scary to think about (coll.) (coined ... xisilaijie 希斯·莱杰|Heath Ledger, Australian actor (1979-... xisilun 希斯仑|Hezron (son of Perez) xisiluo 希思罗|Heathrow (a London airport) xisiluojichang 希斯罗机场|Heathrow Airport (international airpo... xisitani 西斯塔尼|Sistani (name of a prominent Iraqi Ay... xisiting 西斯廷|Sistine (Chapel)/also written 西斯汀 xisiting 西斯汀|Sistine (Chapel)/also written 西斯廷 xisong 稀松|poor/sloppy/unconcerned/heedless/lax/... xisong 西松|see 西松建設|西松建设[Xi1 song1 Jian4 she4] xisongguzhi 稀松骨质|cancellous bone/trabecular bone/spong... xisongjianshe 西松建设|Nishimatsu Construction Co. xisu 习俗|custom/tradition/local tradition/conv... xisu 窸窣|(onom.) a rustling noise xisui 细碎|fragments; bits and pieces xisuyixing 习俗移性|one\'s habits change with long custom xita 西塔|theta (Greek letter Θθ) xitai 戏台|stage xitaipingyang 西太平洋|the western Pacific Ocean xitan 吸碳|to absorb carbon xitan 膝袒|to walk on one\'s knees and bare one\'s... xitang 喜糖|sweet given on a happy occasion (esp.... xitele 希特勒|Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) xiti 习题|(schoolwork) exercise/problem/question xiti 喜提|(neologism c. 2018) to be thrilled to... xiti 熙提|stilb, unit of luminance xitian 西天|the Western Paradise (Buddhism) xitiao 细挑|slender xitie 喜帖|wedding invitation xitieshi 吸铁石|a magnet/same as 磁鐵|磁铁 xitiliqin 西替利嗪|(loanword) cetirizine xiting 烯烃|olefine/alkene (chemistry) xiting 细听|to listen carefully (for tiny sounds) xitingzunbian 悉听尊便|(idiom) do as you see fit/do whatever... xitong 系统|system/CL:個|个[ge4] xitongjuese 系统角色|non-playable character (in a role-pla... xitongxing 系统性|systematic xitou 洗头|to wash one\'s hair/to have a shampoo xitu 稀土|rare earth (chemistry) xitujinshu 稀土金属|rare earth element xitunmu 蜥臀目|Saurischia or lizard-hipped dinosaurs... xitunqu 西屯区|Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan xituo 洗脱|to cleanse/to purge/to wash away xituyuansu 稀土元素|rare earth element (chemistry) xiu 臭|sense of smell/smell bad xiu 修|surname Xiu xiu 修|to decorate/to embellish/to repair/to... xiu 修|variant of 修[xiu1] xiu 休|surname Xiu xiu 休|to rest/to stop doing sth for a perio... xiu 秀|(bound form) refined; elegant; gracef... xiu 溴|bromine (chemistry) xiu 宿|night/classifier for nights xiu 宿|constellation xiu 锈|variant of 鏽|锈[xiu4] xiu 锈|to rust xiu 琇|(jade) xiu 嗅|to smell/to sniff/to nose xiu 袖|sleeve/to tuck inside one\'s sleeve xiu 朽|rotten xiu 脩|dried meat presented by pupils to the... xiu 岫|cave/mountain peak xiu 咻|call out/jeer xiu 绣|variant of 繡|绣[xiu4] xiu 绣|to embroider; embroidery xiu 褏|old variant of 袖[xiu4] xiu 庥|protection/shade xiu 羞|shy/ashamed/shame/bashful/variant of ... xiu 褎|sleeve/ample flowing robes xiu 髹|red lacquer/to lacquer xiu 峀|old variant of 岫[xiu4] xiu 鸺|used in 鵂鶹|鸺鹠[xiu1liu2] xiu 珛|quickly-deteriorating jade xiu 滫|(literary) water that was used to rin... xiu 馐|delicacies xiu 貅|see 貔貅[pi2 xiu1], composite mythical ... xiu 潃|old variant of 滫[xiu3] xiu 茠|to weed/to eradicate xiu 糔|to wash (rice etc) xiuban 锈斑|rust spot/blemish (on plants) xiubian 修编|to revise xiubiao 袖标|armband/sleeve badge xiubing 休兵|to cease fire/armistice/rested troops xiubu 修补|to mend xiubujiang 修补匠|tinker xiucai 秀才|a person who has passed the county le... xiucaibuchumen,nengzhitianxiashi 秀才不出门,能知天下事|a learned person need not leave his h... xiucaibuchumen,quanzhitianxiashi 秀才不出门,全知天下事|a learned person need not leave his h... xiucan 羞惭|a disgrace/ashamed xiuchang 秀场|live show venue xiuchang 修长|slender/lanky/tall and thin xiuche 修车|to repair a bike (car etc) xiuchengzhengguo 修成正果|to achieve Buddhahood through one\'s e... xiuchi 羞耻|(a feeling of) shame xiuci 修辞|rhetoric xiucige 修辞格|figure of speech xiucixue 修辞学|rhetoric xiuda 休达|Sebta or Ceuta (city in north Morocco) xiudada 羞答答|bashful xiudanzhi 溴单质|molecular bromine xiudao 修道|to practice Daoism xiudaohui 修道会|order (of monks) xiudaoshi 修道士|friar; frater xiudaoyuan 修道院|monastery/convent xiuding 修订|to revise xiudingban 修订版|revised edition/revised version xiudingben 修订本|revised edition (of a book) xiudinglishi 修订历史|revision history (of a document, web ... xiudou 秀逗|to short-circuit/(fig.) to have a men... xiudu 朽蠹|to decay and be eaten by worms etc/to... xiudu 修读|to study (in an academic program); to... xiudun 绣墩|see 坐墩[zuo4 dun1] xiuebanchimei 锈额斑翅鹛|(bird species of China) rusty-fronted... xiuenai 秀恩爱|to make a public display of affection xiufa 秀发|beautiful hair xiufa 修法|to amend a law xiufachuijian 秀发垂肩|beautiful shoulder length hair (idiom) xiufen 羞愤|ashamed and resentful/indignant xiufeng 秀峰|Xiufeng district of Guilin city 桂林市[G... xiufengqu 秀峰区|Xiufeng district of Guilin city 桂林市[G... xiufu 修复|to restore; to renovate/(computing) t... xiufuduanchidong 锈腹短翅鸫|(bird species of China) rusty-bellied... xiugai 修改|to amend/to alter/to modify xiugaigao 修改稿|revised draft/new version (of a docum... xiugeng 休耕|to leave farmland to lie fallow xiugu 袖箍|armband xiuguai 休怪|don\'t blame (sb) xiuguan 袖管|sleeve xiugui 修规|construction plan xiuhao 修好|to repair (sth broken); to restore (s... xiuhong 羞红|to blush xiuhongfuxuanmuque 锈红腹旋木雀|(bird species of China) rusty-flanked... xiuhua 绣花|to embroider/to do embroidery xiuhuai 朽坏|rotten xiuhuajia 溴化钾|potassium bromide xiuhuaqing 溴化氰|cyanogen bromide xiuhuaxie 绣花鞋|embroidered shoes xiuhui 休会|to adjourn xiuhui 修会|religious order xiuji 锈迹|rust stain xiujia 休假|to go on vacation; to have a holiday;... xiujian 修建|to build/to construct xiujian 修剪|to prune/to trim xiujian 袖箭|spring-loaded arrow concealed in one\'... xiujiao 修脚|pedicure xiujiaoshi 修脚师|pedicurist xiujue 嗅觉|sense of smell xiuke 休克|(medicine) (loanword) shock; to go in... xiuke 修课|to take a course xiukou 袖口|cuff xiukou 袖扣|cuff link xiukounankai 羞口难开|to be too embarrassed for words (idiom) xiukui 羞愧|ashamed xiukuinandang 羞愧难当|to feel ashamed (idiom) xiulan 朽烂|rotten xiuli 秀丽|pretty; beautiful xiuli 修理|to repair/to fix/to prune/to trim/(co... xiuli 修例|to amend an ordinance (abbr. for 修改條例... xiulian 修炼|(of Taoists) to practice austerities/... xiulian 修练|to practice (an activity)/to perform xiulian 羞脸|to blush with shame xiulianchengxian 修炼成仙|lit. to practice austerities to becom... xiuliangouzuimei 锈脸钩嘴鹛|(bird species of China) rusty-cheeked... xiulichang 修理厂|repair shop xiulin 秀林|Xiulin or Hsiulin township in Hualien... xiulinxiang 秀林乡|Xiulin or Hsiulin township in Hualien... xiuliu 鸺鹠|collared owlet (Glaucidium brodiei) xiulu 修路|to repair a road xiulunhu 休伦湖|Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes 五大... xiuluo 修罗|Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian m... xiulvche 休旅车|sport utility vehicle (SUV) xiumei 秀美|elegant/graceful xiumian 休眠|(biology) dormant/(of a volcano) dorm... xiumian 修面|to have a shave/to enhance the appear... xiumianhuoshan 休眠火山|dormant volcano xiumo 休谟|David Hume (1711-1776), Scottish Enli... xiumu 朽木|rotten wood xiumu 修睦|to cultivate friendship with neighbors xiumubukediao 朽木不可雕|lit. rotten wood cannot be carved (id... xiumukediao 朽木可雕|(idiom) even though a person may have... xiunan 羞赧|(literary) embarrassed/bashful xiunao 羞恼|resentful/humiliated and angry xiuning 休宁|Xiuning, a county in Huangshan 黃山|黄山[... xiuningxian 休宁县|Xiuning, a county in Huangshan 黃山|黄山[... xiunv 修女|nun or sister (of the Roman Catholic ... xiuqi 休妻|to repudiate one\'s wife xiuqi 秀气|delicate/graceful xiuqi 修葺|to repair/to renovate xiuqi 休憩|to rest/to relax/to take a break xiuqi 修齐|to make level; to make even; to trim xiuqie 羞怯|shy/timid xiuqiu 嗅球|olfactory bulb (anatomy) xiuqiuhua 绣球花|hydrangea xiuqiuteng 绣球藤|Clematis montana xiuqixiangguan 休戚相关|to share the same interests (idiom)/t... xiuru 羞辱|to humiliate/to shame/humiliation/ind... xiuse 羞涩|shy; bashful xiusekecan 秀色可餐|a feast for the eyes (idiom)/(of wome... xiusesundie 秀色孙鲽|yellowtail xiushan 修缮|to renovate/to repair (a building) xiushan 秀山|Xiushan Tujia and Miao Autonomous Cou... xiushantujiazumiaozuzizhixian 秀山土家族苗族自治县|Xiushan Tujia and Miao Autonomous Cou... xiushanxian 秀山县|Xiushan Tujia and Miao Autonomous Cou... xiushen 修身|to cultivate one\'s moral character/(f... xiushi 修饰|to decorate/to adorn/to dress up/to p... xiushi 锈蚀|corrosion/rust xiushi 修士|member of religious order/frater xiushi 休市|to close the market (for a holiday or... xiushidun 休士顿|Houston, Texas xiushihua 修饰话|modifier (grammar) xiushishuying 休氏树莺|(bird species of China) Hume\'s bush w... xiushixuanmuque 休氏旋木雀|(bird species of China) Hume\'s treecr... xiushiyu 修饰语|(grammar) modifier/qualifier/adjunct xiushou 修手|manicure xiushoupangguan 袖手旁观|to watch with folded arms (idiom); to... xiushui 修水|Xiushui county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi xiushui 秀水|Xiushui or Hsiushui Township in Chang... xiushuili 修水利|water conservancy/irrigation works xiushuixian 修水县|Xiushui county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi xiushuixiang 秀水乡|Xiushui or Hsiushui Township in Chang... xiusidun 休斯顿|Houston xiusidun 休斯敦|Houston, Texas xiutan 嗅探|to sniff (in order to find sth) xiutanquan 嗅探犬|sniffer dog xiutao 袖套|sleeve cover/outer sleeve xiutie 锈铁|rusty iron xiuting 休庭|to adjourn (law) xiutong 袖筒|sleeve xiutongr 袖筒儿|erhua variant of 袖筒[xiu4 tong3] xiutu 修图|to retouch images/image retouching xiuwaihuizhong 秀外慧中|good-looking and intelligent (idiom) xiuwaihuizhong 秀外惠中|variant of 秀外慧中[xiu4 wai4 hui4 zhong1] xiuwei 绣帷|tapestry xiuwen 修文|Xiuwen County in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 y... xiuwenxian 修文县|Xiuwen County in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 y... xiuwu 修武|Xiuwu county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4... xiuwuxian 修武县|Xiuwu county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4... xiuxi 休息|rest/to rest xiuxi 修习|to study/to practice xiuxi 休惜|recess xiuxi 修禊|to hold a semiannual ceremony of puri... xiuxian 休闲|leisure/relaxation/not working/idle/t... xiuxian 修宪|to amend the constitution xiuxiang 休想|don\'t think (that)/don\'t imagine (that) xiuxianku 休闲裤|casual pants xiuxianxie 休闲鞋|leisure shoes xiuxidide 修昔底德|Thucydides (c. 455 - c. 400 BC), Gree... xiuxididexianjing 修昔底德陷阱|Thucydides trap (theory that war resu... xiuxiejiang 修鞋匠|a cobbler xiuxing 修行|to devote oneself to spiritual develo... xiuxingren 修行人|person pursuing religious practice (B... xiuxinyangxing 修心养性|to cultivate the heart and nurture th... xiuxionglanjiweng 锈胸蓝姬鹟|(bird species of China) slaty-backed ... xiuxishi 休息室|lobby/lounge xiuxiulian 羞羞脸|(jocular) shame on you! xiuxue 休学|to suspend schooling/to defer study xiuya 秀雅|exquisite/in good taste xiuyan 嗅盐|smelling salts xiuyang 休养|to recuperate/to recover/to convalesce xiuyang 修养|accomplishment/training/self-cultivation xiuyangshengxi 休养生息|to recover/to recuperate xiuyanmanzuzizhixian 岫岩满族自治县|Xiuyan Manzu autonomous county in Ans... xiuyanxian 岫岩县|Xiuyan Manzu autonomous county in Ans... xiuye 修业|to study at school xiuyin 修音|voicing (adjustment of timbre, loudne... xiuying 秀英|Xiuying district of Haikou city 海口市[H... xiuyingqu 秀英区|Xiuying district of Haikou city 海口市[H... xiuyite 休伊特|Hewitt xiuyu 秀屿|Xiuyu, a district of Putian City 莆田市[... xiuyuan 修院|seminary (Christian college) xiuyuqichi 羞于启齿|to be too shy to speak one\'s mind (id... xiuyuqu 秀屿区|Xiuyu, a district of Putian City 莆田市[... xiuzao 修造|to build/to repair xiuzaochang 修造厂|repair workshop (for machinery, vehic... xiuzhan 休战|armistice xiuzhang 袖章|armband (e.g. as part of uniform or t... xiuzhen 修真|to practice Taoism; to cultivate the ... xiuzhen 袖珍|pocket-sized/pocket (book etc) xiuzhenben 袖珍本|pocket book/paperback xiuzhencidian 袖珍辞典|pocket dictionary xiuzheng 修正|to revise; to amend; to rectify xiuzheng 休整|to rest and reorganize (military) xiuzheng 修整|to spruce up; to renovate; to tend (a... xiuzhengan 修正案|amendment/revised draft xiuzhengye 修正液|correction fluid xiuzhengzhuyi 修正主义|revisionism xiuzhenren 袖珍人|little person/midget/dwarf xiuzhenyinxiang 袖珍音响|pocket stereo/walkman xiuzhi 休止|to stop xiuzhifu 休止符|rest (music) xiuzhijia 修指甲|manicure xiuzhou 秀洲|Xiuzhou district of Jiaxing city 嘉興市|... xiuzhouqu 秀洲区|Xiuzhou district of Jiaxing city 嘉興市|... xiuzhu 修筑|to build xiuzhuan 修撰|to compile/to compose xiuzi 袖子|sleeve xiuzu 修阻|(literary) long and arduous (road) xiwa 锡瓦|Siwa, Egypt xiwai 西外|abbr. for 西安外國語大學|西安外国语大学[Xi1 an1 Wai... xiwan 洗碗|to wash the dishes xiwanchi 洗碗池|kitchen sink xiwang 希望|to hope/a hope; a wish (CL:個|个[ge4]) xiwangluokong 希望落空|hopes are dashed xiwangmu 西王母|Xi Wangmu, Queen Mother of the West, ... xiwanji 洗碗机|dishwasher xiwanjing 洗碗精|dishwashing liquid xiwanni 西万尼|Silvaner (grape type) xiwei 西魏|Western Wei of the Northern dynasties... xiwei 席位|a seat (in a theater, stadium etc)/pa... xiwei 细微|tiny/minute/fine/subtle/sensitive (in... xiwei 洗胃|(medicine) to give or receive gastric... xiweimeng 细尾獴|meerkat/see 狐獴[hu2 meng3] xiweimojie 细微末节|tiny insignificant details/niceties xiwen 檄文|(old, now used figuratively) official... xiwen 西文|Spanish/Western language/foreign lang... xiwenlejian 喜闻乐见|to love to hear and see (idiom)/well ... xiwenweiying 细纹苇莺|(bird species of China) speckled reed... xiwenzaomei 细纹噪鹛|(bird species of China) streaked laug... xiwote 希沃特|sievert (Sv), unit of radiation damag... xiwu 习武|to practice martial arts xiwu 戏侮|to insult xiwuzhumuqinqi 西乌珠穆沁旗|West Ujimqin banner or Baruun Üzemchi... xixi 西西|cubic centimeter (cc) (loanword) xixi 细细|attentive/careful xixi 嘻嘻|hee hee/happy xixi 习习|(of the wind) blowing gently/abundant... xixi 嬉戏|to frolic; to romp xixi 肸肸|(literary) (onom.) sound of laughter xixi 栖栖|(literary) restless; unsettled xixi 兮兮|(particle used to exaggerate certain ... xixi-huanghuang 栖栖遑遑|(idiom) restless; unsettled xixia 西夏|Western Xia dynasty 1038-1227 of Tang... xixia 西峡|Xixia county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 ya... xixia 膝下|at the knee (in reference to children... xixiabangmafeng 希夏邦马峰|Mt Shishapangma or Xixiabangma in Tib... xixian 细线|string/thread xixian 息县|Xi county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan xixian 隰县|Xi county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2],... xixian 豨莶|common St. Paul\'s wort; Indian weed (... xixiang 西乡|Xixiang County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4... xixiang 肸蚃|(literary) (of a sound, fragrance etc... xixiangcong 细香葱|chive xixiangji 西厢记|Romance of the West Chamber by Wang S... xixiangjiao 矽橡胶|(Tw) silicone rubber xixianglianyu 惜香怜玉|see 憐香惜玉|怜香惜玉[lian2 xiang1 xi1 yu4] xixiangtang 西乡塘|Xixiangtang District of Nanning City ... xixiangtangqu 西乡塘区|Xixiangtang District of Nanning City ... xixiangxian 西乡县|Xixiang County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4... xixiao 细小|tiny/fine/minute xixiao 嬉笑|to be laughing and playing/to giggle xixiao 洗消|decontamination xixiao 喜笑|to laugh/laughter xixiaobo 奚啸伯|Xi Xiaobo (1910-1977), Beijing opera ... xixiaochang 洗消场|decontaminating field xixiaoji 洗消剂|decontaminant/decontaminating agent xixiaonuma 嬉笑怒骂|lit. laughs, jeers, anger and invecti... xixiaoyankai 喜笑颜开|grinning from ear to ear (idiom)/beam... xixiaqu 西夏区|Xixia district of Yinchuan city 銀川市|银... xixiaxian 西峡县|Xixia county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 ya... xixie 溪蟹|crab of the family Potamidae of fresh... xixifusi 西西弗斯|Sisyphus xixihuanhuan 喜喜欢欢|happily xixijia 希西家|Hezekiah or Ezekias (740-687 BC), twe... xixilala 稀稀拉拉|sparse and fragmentary xixili 西西里|Sicily/Sicilia (Italian Island) xixilidao 西西里岛|Sicily xixin 细心|meticulous; careful; attentive xixin 悉心|to put one\'s heart (and soul) into st... xixin 细辛|Manchurian wild ginger (family Asarum) xixing 习性|character acquired through long habit... xixing 喜兴|joyous; delighted; merry xixingemian 洗心革面|lit. to wash one\'s heart and renew on... xixinggang 蜥形纲|Sauropsida, class within Chordata con... xixingyuse 喜形于色|face light up with delight (idiom); t... xixinyanjiu 喜新厌旧|lit. to like the new, and hate the ol... xixiong 袭胸|to grope the breasts of a woman or girl xixipinwei 细细品味|to savor/to relish xixirangrang 熙熙攘攘|bustling with activity (idiom) xixirangrang 熙熙壤壤|variant of 熙熙攘攘[xi1 xi1 rang3 rang3] xixisuosuo 悉悉索索|(onom.) rustling sound (of clothing, ... xixiu 西秀|Xixiu district of Anshun city 安順市|安顺市... xixiuqu 西秀区|Xixiu district of Anshun city 安順市|安顺市... xixixiangguan 息息相关|closely bound up (idiom); intimately ... xixu 唏嘘|(onom.) to sigh/to sob xixu 欷歔|(onom.) to sob xixu 欷吁|variant of 唏噓|唏嘘[xi1xu1] xixue 吸血|to suck blood xixue 西学|Western learning (intellectual moveme... xixue 洗雪|to erase/to wipe out (a previous humi... xixue 戏谑|to banter/to crack jokes/to ridicule xixuegui 吸血鬼|leech/bloodsucking vermin/vampire (tr... xixuewuzei 吸血乌贼|vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis inferna... xixuezhe 吸血者|blood sucker/a leech/leecher xixun 喜讯|good news/glad tidings xiya 西亚|Southwest Asia xiya 洗牙|(dentistry) to perform or undergo sca... xiyan 喜宴|wedding banquet xiyan 戏言|joking matter/to go back on one\'s words xiyan 喜筵|wedding banquet/congratulatory feast xiyan 细盐|refined salt/table salt xiyan 戏眼|the best part (of a play etc) xiyan 吸烟|to smoke xiyang 夕阳|sunset/the setting sun xiyang 西洋|the West (Europe and North America)/c... xiyang 吸氧|to breathe/to absorb oxygen xiyang 昔阳|Xiyang county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 ... xiyang 喜阳|heliophile/tending towards the sun/he... xiyangcai 西洋菜|watercress (Nasturtium officinale) xiyangchanye 夕阳产业|sunset industry/declining industry xiyangjing 西洋景|see 西洋鏡|西洋镜[xi1 yang2 jing4] xiyangjing 西洋镜|(old) peep show/(fig.) hanky-panky/tr... xiyangqi 西洋棋|chess xiyangren 西洋人|Westerner xiyangshan 西洋杉|cedar xiyangshen 西洋参|American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) xiyangxian 昔阳县|Xiyang county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 ... xiyangxixia 夕阳西下|the sun sets in the west (idiom) xiyangyang 喜洋洋|radiant with joy xiyanqu 吸烟区|smoking area xiyanshi 吸烟室|smoking room xiyao 西药|Western medicine xiyao 细腰|slender waist/fig. pretty woman/morti... xiyatu 西雅图|Seattle, Washington State xiyemai 细叶脉|veinlet in a leaf xiyena 西耶那|Fiat Siena xiyi 洗衣|laundry xiyi 西医|Western medicine/a doctor trained in ... xiyi 蜥蜴|lizard xiyi 析疑|to resolve a doubt xiyi 细姨|concubine xiyi 蜥易|variant of 蜥蜴[xi1yi4] xiyi 西艺|Western skills/in Qing times, refers ... xiyiban 洗衣板|washboard/(jocular) flat chest xiyichengsu 习以成俗|to become accustomed to sth through l... xiyichengxing 习以成性|deeply ingrained/steeped in xiyidian 洗衣店|laundry (commercial establishment) xiyifang 洗衣房|laundry room xiyifen 洗衣粉|laundry detergent/washing powder xiyiji 洗衣机|washing machine; washer/CL:臺|台[tai2] xiyin 吸引|to attract; to appeal to; to fascinate xiyin 吸音|sound-absorbing xiyin 玺印|seal (esp. of ruler) xiyindu 西印度|West Indies (i.e. the Caribbean) xiyingying 喜盈盈|happy/joyful xiyinli 吸引力|attractive force (such as gravitation... xiyinyanqiu 吸引眼球|to attract attention; to catch attention xiyinyin 喜吟吟|joyful/happy xiyinzi 吸引子|attractor (math., dynamical systems) xiyinziwangluo 吸引子网络|attractor network xiyiwang 洗衣网|mesh laundry bag (for keeping garment... xiyiweichang 习以为常|accustomed to/used to xiyiye 洗衣液|liquid laundry detergent xiyong 习用|to use habitually/usual/conventional xiyou 稀有|uncommon xiyou 西柚|grapefruit xiyou 嬉游|to amuse oneself/to have fun xiyoubu 西游补|one of three Ming dynasty sequels to ... xiyoucanban 喜忧参半|to have mixed feelings (about sth) xiyouji 西游记|\"Journey to the West\", Ming dynasty n... xiyouqiti 稀有气体|rare gas/noble gas (chemistry) xiyouyuansu 稀有元素|trace element (nutrition) xiyu 西域|Western Regions (Han Dynasty term for... xiyu 西语|western language/Spanish (language) xiyu 细语|to chat with a low voice xiyu 细雨|fine rain/drizzle/poem by Tang poet L... xiyu 习语|common saying/idiom xiyu 洗浴|to bathe xiyu 喜雨|welcome fall of rain/seasonable rain xiyu 西屿|Xiyu or Hsiyu township in Penghu coun... xiyuan 西元|(Tw) Christian era/Gregorian calendar... xiyuan 戏院|theater xiyuan 洗冤|to right a wrong; to redress an injus... xiyuanjilu 洗冤集录|\"Collected Cases of Injustice Rectifi... xiyuanqian 西元前|BCE (before the Common Era)/BC (befor... xiyue 喜悦|happy/joyous xiyue 西岳|Mt Hua 華山|华山 in Shaanxi, one of the F... xiyue 喜跃|to jump for joy xiyue-bianwu 喜跃抃舞|(idiom) to clap and dance in joy xiyuji 西域记|Report of the regions west of Great T... xiyuxiang 西屿乡|Xiyu or Hsiyu township in Penghu coun... xiyuzhongxin 洗浴中心|bathing and recreation center xizang 西藏|see 西藏自治區|西藏自治区[Xi1zang4 Zi4zhi4qu1] xizangaoquan 西藏獒犬|Tibetan mastiff xizangbaiwannongnujiefangjinianri 西藏百万农奴解放纪念日|Serf Liberation Day (PRC) xizangmaotuishaji 西藏毛腿沙鸡|(bird species of China) Tibetan sandg... xizangren 西藏人|Tibetan (person) xizangzizhiqu 西藏自治区|Tibet Autonomous Region, capital Lhas... xizao 洗澡|to bathe/to take a shower xizao 矽藻|diatom xizaojian 洗澡间|bathroom/restroom/shower room/CL:間|间[... xize 细则|detailed rules and regulations/bylaws xizeqihuan 喜则气缓|joy depresses one\'s qi vital breath/a... xizhang 锡杖|monk\'s staff (Buddhism) xizhang 喜幛|celebratory hanging scroll xizhao 夕照|glow of the setting sun xizhaowa 西爪哇|West Java, province of Indonesia xizheng 西征|punitive expedition to the west xizheng 息争|to settle a dispute xizheruohan 洗者若翰|St John the Baptist xizhi 细致|delicate/fine/careful/meticulous/pain... xizhi 锡纸|tinfoil xizhi 汐止|Xizhi or Hsichih city in New Taipei C... xizhimen 西直门|Xizhimen neighborhood of Beijing/the ... xizhimojie 细枝末节|minor details/trifles xizhiqiguanyan 细支气管炎|bronchiolitis xizhishi 汐止市|Xizhi or Hsichih city in New Taipei C... xizhou 西周|Western Zhou (1027-771 BC) xizhou 稀粥|water gruel/thin porridge xizhou 溪州|Xizhou or Hsichou Township in Changhu... xizhouxiang 溪州乡|Xizhou or Hsichou Township in Changhu... xizhu 吸住|to draw (towards)/to be drawn to/to b... xizhuang 西装|suit/Western-style clothes/CL:套[tao4] xizhuang 舾装|ship equipment/to outfit a ship xizhuanggelv 西装革履|dressed in Western-style clothes/impe... xizhuo 吸着|sorption (generic term for absorption... xizhuo 洗濯|to wash/to cleanse/to launder xizhuren 系主任|chairman of department/dean/CL:位[wei4... xizi 西子|another name for Xishi 西施[Xi1 shi1] xizi 戏子|(derog.) opera singer/actor xizi 席子|woven mat xizi 习字|to practice writing characters xizi 喜子|Tetragnatha (long-jawed spider)/same ... xizi 蟢子|Tetragnatha (long-jawed spider) xizipengxin 西子捧心|lit. Xishi clasps at her heart (idiom... xizizi 喜滋滋|pleased/happy xizizi 喜孜孜|pleased; happy xizong 系综|(physics) ensemble xizuiduanzhibailing 细嘴短趾百灵|(bird species of China) Hume\'s short-... xizuihuangli 细嘴黄鹂|(bird species of China) slender-bille... xizuiou 细嘴鸥|(bird species of China) slender-bille... xizuique 锡嘴雀|(bird species of China) hawfinch (Coc... xizuo 细作|police spy/secret agent xizuo 习作|(writing, drawing, calligraphy etc) t... xojiang XO酱|XO sauce, a spicy seafood sauce inven... xu 嘘|to exhale slowly/to hiss/hush! xu 序|(bound form) order; sequence/(bound f... xu 需|to require/to need/to want/necessity/... xu 虚|emptiness/void/abstract theory or gui... xu 旭|dawn/rising sun xu 蓄|to store up/to grow (e.g. a beard)/to... xu 叙|variant of 敘|叙[xu4] xu 叙|abbr. for Syria 敘利亞|叙利亚[Xu4 li4 ya4] xu 叙|to narrate/to chat xu 续|to continue/to replenish xu 绪|beginnings/clues/mental state/thread xu 畜|to raise (animals) xu 珝|a kind of jade xu 徐|surname Xu xu 徐|slowly/gently xu 须|must/to have to/to wait xu 须|beard/mustache/feeler (of an insect e... xu 许|surname Xu xu 许|to allow/to permit/to promise/to prai... xu 恤|variant of 恤[xu4] xu 恤|anxiety/sympathy/to sympathize/to giv... xu 婿|variant of 婿[xu4] xu 婿|son-in-law/husband xu 蝑|used in 蜙蝑[song1xu1] xu 絮|cotton wadding/fig. padding/long-winded xu 胥|surname Xu xu 胥|all/assist/to store xu 煦|balmy/nicely warm/cozy/Taiwan pr. [xu3] xu 戌|11th earthly branch: 7-9 p.m., 9th so... xu 诩|to brag/popular/lovely xu 栩|used in 栩栩[xu3xu3]/jolcham oak (Querc... xu 墟|ruins/(literary) village/variant of 圩... xu 盱|surname Xu xu 盱|anxious/stare xu 吁|sh/hush xu 侐|still/silent xu 顼|surname Xu/Taiwan pr. [Xu4] xu 顼|used in 顓頊|颛顼[Zhuan1xu1]/used in 頊頊|顼... xu 鱮|Hypophthalmichthys moritrix xu 呴|breathe on/yawn/roar xu 勖|exhort/stimulate xu 圩|(dialect) country fair/country market xu 谞|(literary) ability and wisdom/scheme/... xu 歔|to snort xu 慉|to foster/to bear xu 媭|(dialect) elder sister (old) xu 昫|variant of 煦[xu4]/balmy/nicely warm/cozy xu 喣|to breathe upon xu 続|Japanese variant of 續|续 xu 欻|suddenly/also pr. [hu1] xu 溆|name of a river xu 酗|drunk xu 歘|variant of 欻[xu1] xu 湑|abundant/bright/strain spirits xu 緖|variant of 緒|绪[xu4] xu 醑|spiritus/strain spirits xu 蓿|clover/lucerne/Taiwan pr. [su4] xu 魆|dim; dark/sudden/surreptitious/Taiwan... xu 嬬|mistress, concubine/weak xu 芧|Scirpis maritimus/small chestnut xu 砉|sound of flaying xu 旴|dawn xu 糈|official pay/sacrificial rice xu 冔|cap of Yin dynasty xu 虗|old variant of 虛|虚[xu1] xu 姁|chatter like old woman/cheerful xu 洫|to ditch/a moat xu 殈|damage egg so it does not hatch xu 獝|(literary) (of birds) to scatter in f... xu 訹|to beguile with false stories xu 藇|surname Xu xu 藇|beautiful xu 縃|fine silk xu 欨|(literary) to blow or breathe upon/happy xu 勗|exhort/stimulate xu 藚|Alisma plantago xu 鄦|surname Xu/vassal state during the Zh... xu 鄦|old variant of 許|许 xu 魖|used in 黑魖魖[hei1xu1xu1] xu 鑐|bolt of a Chinese lock xu 裇|see T裇[T xu1] xu 垿|earthern goblet stand also known as 反... xu 𦈡|multicolored silk/piece of silk torn ... xu 𬣙|to boast/great/large xuan 选|to choose/to pick/to select/to elect xuan 旋|to revolve/a loop/a circle xuan 旋|to whirl/immediately/variant of 鏇|镟[x... xuan 轩|surname Xuan xuan 轩|pavilion with a view/high/tall/high f... xuan 铉|stick-like implement inserted into th... xuan 璇|(jade) xuan 璇|variant of 璇[xuan2] xuan 萱|orange day-lily (Hemerocallis flava) xuan 萱|old variant of 萱[xuan1] xuan 嬛|used in 便嬛[pian2 xuan1] xuan 晅|light of the sun/to dry in the sun xuan 玄|black/mysterious xuan 眴|dazzled/dizzy xuan 暶|(literary) bright/(literary) beautifu... xuan 瑄|ornamental piece of jade xuan 宣|surname Xuan xuan 宣|to declare (publicly)/to announce xuan 煊|variant of 暄[xuan1] xuan 眩|(literary) dizzy/(literary) dazzled; ... xuan 渲|wash (color) xuan 嫙|beautiful/fine xuan 漩|whirlpool/eddy/also pr. [xuan4] xuan 烜|brilliant xuan 泫|weep xuan 喧|clamor/noise xuan 喧|variant of 喧[xuan1]/old variant of 諼|... xuan 悬|to hang or suspend/to worry/public an... xuan 玹|jadelike precious stone/jade-colored xuan 绚|adorned/swift/gorgeous/brilliant/vari... xuan 楦|(wooden) shoe last/variant of 楦[xuan4] xuan 楦|to block (a hat)/to stretch (a shoe) xuan 癣|ringworm/Taiwan pr. [xian3] xuan 翾|flirtatious/short flight xuan 谖|to deceive/to forget xuan 咺|glorious/sob/weep xuan 暄|genial and warm xuan 禤|surname Xuan xuan 揎|to roll up one\'s sleeves/to slap with... xuan 镟|to shape on a lathe/to peel with a kn... xuan 愃|well-being xuan 炫|to dazzle/to boast/to show off/(slang... xuan 儇|(literary) ingenious/(literary) frivo... xuan 箮|bamboo flower/flowering bamboo xuan 昡|long day/extended/relaxed xuan 衒|variant of 炫[xuan4]/(literary) to boa... xuan 伭|variant of 玄[xuan2]/variant of 懸|悬[xu... xuan 蠉|wriggler/mosquito larva/to crawl/to w... xuan 蔙|(herb) xuan 蓒|a kind of smelly water plant xuan 駽|gray xuan 鞙|fine xuan 鍹|spade/hoe xuan 琁|beautiful jade/star xuan 㻽|variant of 璿|璇[xuan2]/also pr. [sui4] xuan 吅|variant of 喧[xuan1] xuan 𫍽|usually used in a name/clever/intelli... xuanan 悬案|unresolved question/unresolved case xuanang 轩昂|high/lofty/elevated/dignified xuanao 玄奥|abstruse/profound mystery/the mysteri... xuanba 选拔|to select the best xuanben 选本|anthology/selected works xuanbi 悬臂|cantilever xuanbi 旋臂|spiral arm xuanbian 选编|selected works (poems, documents etc)... xuanbinduozhu 喧宾夺主|lit. the voice of the guest overwhelm... xuanbu 宣布|to declare/to announce/to proclaim xuanbupochan 宣布破产|to declare bankruptcy xuancao 萱草|Hemerocallis fulva/daylily xuancheng 宣城|see 宣城市[Xuan1cheng2 Shi4] xuancheng 宣称|to assert/to claim xuanchengshi 宣城市|Xuancheng, prefecture-level city in A... xuanchu 选出|to pick out/to select/to elect xuanchuai 悬揣|to speculate/to conjecture xuanchuan 宣传|to disseminate/to give publicity to/p... xuanchuanbu 宣传部|Propaganda Department xuanchuance 宣传册|commercial brochure/advertising pamph... xuanchuang 旋床|lathe xuanchuangongshi 宣传攻势|marketing campaign xuanchuanhua 宣传画|propaganda poster/advertising hoarding xuanchui 悬垂|to hang down/to dangle/to be suspended xuandai 悬带|sling (for immobilizing an injured li... xuandan 选单|(software) menu xuandang 悬荡|to hang suspended; to dangle/(fig.) t... xuandao 宣道|to preach (the gospel) xuandao 宣导|to advocate/to promote xuande 宣德|Xuande Emperor, reign name of fifth M... xuandian 选点|to choose an appropriate location xuanding 选定|to select/to choose/to settle on xuandu 宣读|to read out loud to an audience/a pre... xuanen 宣恩|Xuan\'en County in Enshi Tujia and Mia... xuanenxian 宣恩县|Xuan\'en County in Enshi Tujia and Mia... xuanerweijue 悬而未决|pending a decision; hanging in the ba... xuanfa 宣发|to promote; to publicize; to market xuanfeng 旋风|whirlwind/tornado xuanfengjiao 旋风脚|whirlwind kick (martial arts) xuanfu 悬浮|to float (in the air etc)/suspension xuanfu 炫富|to flaunt wealth/ostentatious xuanfuchuang 悬浮窗|(computing) floating window xuanfuhua 旋覆花|(botany) convolvulvus/Flos Inulae (Ch... xuanfuweili 悬浮微粒|particulates/particulate matter xuanfuwu 悬浮物|suspended matter xuangao 宣告|to declare/to proclaim xuangong 旋工|lathe operator/spinning wheel worker xuangou 选购|to select and purchase/to buy xuangua 悬挂|to suspend/to hang/(vehicle) suspension xuanguan 玄关|entrance hall; vestibule xuanguang 旋光|rotation of plane of polarization of ... xuanguashihuaxiang 悬挂式滑翔|hang-gliding xuanguashihuaxiangji 悬挂式滑翔机|hang-glider xuanhan 宣汉|Xuanhan county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zh... xuanhanxian 宣汉县|Xuanhan county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zh... xuanhe 悬河|\"hanging\" river (an embanked one whos... xuanhe 煊赫|see 烜赫[xuan3 he4] xuanhe 烜赫|famous/prestigious xuanheyishi 烜赫一时|to enjoy a short-lived fame or positi... xuanhu 悬壶|(literary) to practice medicine/to wo... xuanhu 玄乎|unreliable; incredible xuanhu 玄狐|silver or black fox (Vulpes alopex ar... xuanhu 喧呼|to shout loudly/to bawl/to vociferate... xuanhua 宣化|Xuanhua district of Zhangjiakou city ... xuanhua 喧哗|hubbub/clamor/to make a racket xuanhuake 旋花科|Convolvulaceae, herbaceous plant family xuanhuan 玄幻|xuanhuan, a fusion of Western and Eas... xuanhuaqu 宣化区|Xuanhua district of Zhangjiakou city ... xuanhuayusaodong 喧哗与骚动|The Sound and the Fury (novel by Will... xuanhui 旋回|to cycle xuanhujishi 悬壶济世|practice medicine or pharmacy to help... xuanhuo 眩惑|confusion/unable to escape from infat... xuanji 选集|anthology xuanji 玄机|profound theory (in Daoism and Buddhi... xuanji 旋即|soon after/shortly xuanji 炫技|to show off one\'s skills; to put on a... xuanjian 轩槛|railings of a balcony xuanjiang 宣讲|to preach/to explain publicly xuanjiao 宣教|to preach a religion xuanjie 宣介|to promote/to publicize xuanju 选举|to elect/election/CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4] xuanjue 选角|to cast actors for a film, play etc xuanjufating 选举法庭|election court xuanjuquan 选举权|suffrage xuanjuren 选举人|voter/elector xuanjurentuan 选举人团|Electoral College (of the United States) xuanjutuan 选举团|Electoral College (of the United States) xuanjuweiyuanhui 选举委员会|Election Committee (Hong Kong) xuanke 选课|to select courses xuankong 悬空|to hang in the air/suspended in midai... xuankongsi 悬空寺|Xuankong Temple or Suspended Temple n... xuanku 炫酷|(slang) cool/awesome xuanlan 绚烂|splendid/gorgeous/dazzling xuanli 绚丽|gorgeous/magnificent xuanli 玄理|profound theory/philosophical theory ... xuanli 旋里|to return home xuanli 眩丽|charming/enchanting/captivating xuanli-duocai 绚丽多彩|(idiom) bright and colorful; gorgeous... xuanliang 旋量|spinor (math.) xuanliangcigu 悬梁刺股|to study assiduously and tirelessly (... xuanlita 宣礼塔|minaret xuanliu 旋流|rotating flow xuanlu 选录|an excerpt/a digest xuanlv 旋律|melody xuanmei 选美|beauty contest xuanmeibisai 选美比赛|beauty contest xuanmeihuanghou 选美皇后|beauty queen xuanmi 玄秘|mystery/mysterious/occult/abstruse do... xuanmian 轩冕|(literary) curtained carriage and cer... xuanmiao 玄妙|mysterious/profound/abstruse xuanmicha 玄米茶|genmaicha/Japanese tea with added roa... xuanmin 选民|voter/constituency/electorate xuanmindengji 选民登记|voter registration xuanming 宣明|to declare xuanmu 炫目|to dazzle/to inspire awe xuanmu 眩目|variant of 炫目[xuan4 mu4] xuanmu 旋木|wood turning/woodwork lathe xuanmuque 旋木雀|(bird species of China) Eurasian tree... xuannao 喧闹|to make a noise/noisy xuannian 悬念|suspense in a movie, play etc/concern... xuannishi 轩尼诗|Hennessy (cognac) xuanniu 旋钮|knob (e.g. handle or radio button) xuannong 炫弄|to show off; to flaunt xuanpai 选派|to select/to detail/to set apart/to a... xuanpan 宣判|to deliver one\'s judgement/to give on... xuanpiao 选票|a vote; ballot/CL:張|张[zhang1] xuanpin 选品|product selection xuanpu 玄圃|mythical fairyland on Kunlun Mountain... xuanqianji 旋前肌|pronator teres muscle (below the elbow) xuanqianzhuankun 旋乾转坤|lit. overturning heaven and earth (id... xuanqing 玄青|deep black xuanqing 选情|the state of play in an election; the... xuanqu 选取|to choose xuanqu 选区|electoral district/constituency xuanran 渲染|rendering (computing)/to add washes o... xuanrandabo 轩然大波|huge waves/(fig.) ruckus/controversy/... xuanrao 喧扰|to disturb by noise xuanrao 旋绕|to curl up; to wind around xuanren 宣认|public declaration xuanren 眩人|wizard/magician xuanru 选入|selected (for admission)/elected xuanse 玄色|black (without gloss)/black with a hi... xuanshang 悬赏|to offer a reward/bounty xuanshangling 悬赏令|an order to post a reward (for the ca... xuanshen 玄参|Ningpo figwort (Scrophularia ningpoen... xuanshi 宣誓|to swear an oath (of office)/to make ... xuanshi 宣示|to vow/to pledge xuanshi 选士|(old) to select talented scholars for... xuanshi 玄石|magnetite Fe3O4 xuanshigongcizhengming 宣誓供词证明|(law) affidavit; deposition xuanshijiuzhi 宣誓就职|to swear the oath of office xuanshishu 宣誓书|affidavit xuanshizhengyan 宣誓证言|sworn testimony xuanshou 选手|athlete/contestant xuanshu 悬殊|vastly different; poles apart xuansong 选送|to select and send over xuansun 玄孙|great-great-grandson xuansuoqiao 悬索桥|suspension bridge xuantang 萱堂|mother (honorific designation) xuanteng 喧腾|to make a tumult/hubbub/uproar xuanteng 暄腾|soft and warm (of bread) xuanti 旋梯|spiral stairs/winding stairs (gymnast... xuanting 悬停|to hover (helicopter, computer mouse ... xuanting 选听|selective listening (linguistics) xuantong 宣统|reign name (1909-1911) of the last Qi... xuantongfengfan 旋筒风帆|rotor sail xuantou 楦头|toe box (of a shoe)/shoe last (shoema... xuantujun 玄菟郡|Xuantu commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD),... xuanwei 宣威|Xuanwei, county-level city in Qujing ... xuanweishi 宣威市|Xuanwei, county-level city in Qujing ... xuanwo 漩涡|whirlpool/eddy/vortex/(fig.) maelstrom xuanwo 旋涡|spiral/whirlpool/eddy/vortex xuanwoxingxi 旋涡星系|spiral galaxy xuanwoxingyun 旋涡星云|spiral nebula xuanwozhuang 旋涡状|spiral-shaped xuanwu 玄武|Black Tortoise (the seven mansions of... xuanwu 旋舞|whirling dance xuanwumen 宣武门|Xuanwumen, Beijing xuanwumenzhibian 玄武门之变|Xuanwu gate coup of June 626 in early... xuanwuqu 玄武区|Xuanwu (Black tortoise) district of N... xuanwuyan 玄武岩|(geology) basalt xuanwuzhirongyan 玄武质熔岩|basalt/also written 玄熔岩[xuan2 rong2 y... xuanxiang 选项|option; alternative; choice/to choose... xuanxiao 喧嚣|to clamor; to make noise xuanxie 宣泄|to drain (by leading off water)/to un... xuanxiu 选修|(at a school) to take as an elective/... xuanxiu 选秀|to select talented individuals/(sport... xuanxiujiemu 选秀节目|talent show/talent competition xuanxiuke 选修课|optional course (in school) xuanxu 玄虚|(intentionally) mysterious; arcane xuanxuanzide 轩轩自得|to be delighted with oneself xuanxue 玄学|Wei and Jin philosophical school amal... xuanya 悬崖|precipice/overhanging cliff xuanyajuebi 悬崖绝壁|sheer cliffs and precipitous rock fac... xuanyalema 悬崖勒马|lit. to rein in the horse at the edge... xuanyan 宣言|declaration/manifesto xuanyan 悬岩|cliff xuanyang 宣扬|to publicize; to advertise; to spread... xuanyangtoumaigourou 悬羊头卖狗肉|see 掛羊頭賣狗肉|挂羊头卖狗肉[gua4 yang2 tou2 mai... xuanyao 炫耀|dazzling/to show off; to flaunt xuanyao 眩耀|giddy; confused/variant of 炫耀[xuan4yao4] xuanyaqiaobi 悬崖峭壁|sheer cliffs and precipitous rock fac... xuanye 轩掖|forbidden place xuanyi 悬疑|suspense xuanyi 旋翼|rotor wing xuanyong 选用|to choose for some purpose/to select ... xuanyongchui 悬雍垂|uvula (biology) xuanyu 选育|seed selection/breeding xuanyuan 轩辕|Xuan Yuan, personal name of Huangdi, ... xuanyuan 轩辕|two-character surname Xuanyuan xuanyuan 玄远|profound/abstruse mystery xuanyuan 旋渊|abyss xuanyuanshi 轩辕氏|alternative name for the Yellow Emper... xuanyuanshisi 轩辕十四|Regulus (constellation) xuanyun 眩晕|vertigo/dizziness/fainting/feeling of... xuanzang 玄奘|Xuanzang (602-664), Tang dynasty Budd... xuanze 选择|to select; to pick/choice; option; al... xuanzeti 选择题|multiple-choice question xuanzexing 选择性|selective/selectiveness/selectivity xuanzha 旋闸|rotor sluice gate xuanzhan 宣战|to declare war xuanzhan 选战|election campaign xuanzhao 选召|chosen and called xuanzhi 选址|to select a suitable site/site/location xuanzhi 宣纸|fine writing paper, originally from J... xuanzhiyouxuan 玄之又玄|mystery within a mystery/the mysterie... xuanzhong 选中|to select; to choose; to decide on xuanzhong 旋踵|(literary) in an instant (lit. to tur... xuanzhou 宣州|Xuanzhou, a district of Xuancheng Cit... xuanzhouqu 宣州区|Xuanzhou, a district of Xuancheng Cit... xuanzhuan 旋转|to rotate/to revolve/to spin/to whirl xuanzhuang 选装|optional (equipment) xuanzhuanji 旋转极|pole of rotation xuanzhuanjiao 旋转角|angle of rotation xuanzhuanjiaosudu 旋转角速度|rotational angular velocity xuanzhuankaorou 旋转烤肉|döner kebab xuanzhuanli 旋转力|turning force/torque xuanzhuanmen 旋转门|revolving door xuanzhuanmuma 旋转木马|merry-go-round/carousel xuanzhuanqiu 旋转球|spin ball xuanzhuanqumian 旋转曲面|a surface of revolution (math.) xuanzhuantai 旋转台|rotating platform/luggage carousel xuanzhuanyundong 旋转运动|rotation/rotary motion xuanzhuanzhibiao 旋转指标|winding number xuanzhuanzhou 旋转轴|axis of rotation xuanzi 旋子|torsor (math.) xuanzi 旋子|whirlwind somersault (in gymnastics o... xuanzi 旋子|large metal plate for making bean cur... xuanzi 楦子|shoe tree/hat block xuba 序跋|preface and postscript xubao 续保|renewal of insurance xubao 虚报|to misreport/fraudulent report xubei 续杯|to refill (a beverage cup) xubeihong 徐悲鸿|Xu Beihong (1895-1953), famous Europe... xubian 续编|sequel/continuation (of a serial publ... xubiao 虚标|to falsely or exaggeratedly label (a ... xubu 徐步|to stroll/to walk slowly xubushoubu 虚不受补|a person who is in poor health cannot... xuchang 许昌|see 許昌市|许昌市[Xu3chang1 Shi4] xuchangshi 许昌市|Xuchang, prefecture-level city in Hen... xuchanpin 畜产品|domesticated animal products xuci 虚词|(linguistics) function word xuci 序次|sequence; order/(literary) to arrange... xudao 絮叨|long-winded/garrulous/to talk endless... xudianchi 蓄电池|accumulator/battery xudianlu 虚电路|virtual circuit/VC xudie 续跌|to continue to fall (of share prices) xuding 续订|to renew xudishan 许地山|Xu Dishan (1893-1941), journalist, pu... xudu 虚度|to fritter away (one\'s time) xuduguangyin 虚度光阴|to waste time on worthless activities xuduo 许多|many/a lot of/much xue 血|blood/colloquial pr. [xie3]/CL:滴[di1]... xue 雪|surname Xue xue 雪|snow/CL:場|场[chang2]/(literary) to wip... xue 削|to pare/to reduce/to remove/Taiwan pr... xue 学|to learn/to study/to imitate/science/... xue 薛|surname Xue/vassal state during the Z... xue 薛|wormwood like grass (classical) xue 穴|cave/cavity/hole/acupuncture point/Ta... xue 茓|to store grain by enclosing it in a w... xue 靴|boots xue 靴|variant of 靴[xue1] xue 鳕|codfish/Gadus macrocephalus xue 谑|joy/to joke/to banter/to tease/to moc... xue 踅|to walk around/turn back midway xue 趐|(archaic) to enter/to fly xue 觷|to polish horn xue 斈|variant of 學|学[xue2] xue 鸴|various species of finch (old) xue 峃|big rocky mountain xue 乴|to grasp xueai 血癌|leukemia xuean 血案|murder case xueba 学霸|(slang) straight-A student; academic ... xuebai 雪白|snow white xueban 雪板|snowboard/to snowboard xuebang 血帮|Bloods, street gang in USA xuebao 雪豹|snow leopard xuebao 学报|a scholarly journal/Journal, Bulletin... xuebao 雪暴|blizzard/snowstorm xuebaochai 薛宝钗|Xue Baochai, female character in Drea... xueben 血本|hard-earned capital xuebeng 雪崩|avalanche xuebeng 血崩|metrorrhagia (vaginal bleeding outsid... xuebenwugui 血本无归|(idiom) to lose everything one invest... xuebi 雪碧|Sprite (soft drink) xuebing 血饼|blood clot/coagulated blood xuebo 削波|clipping (signal processing) xuebo 穴播|bunch planting xuebu 学步|to learn to walk/(fig.) to learn sth,... xuebuche 学步车|baby walker/baby walking frame xuecai 雪菜|see 雪裡蕻|雪里蕻[xue3 li3 hong2] xuecang 雪藏|to keep sth in cold storage/(fig.) to... xuecao 血槽|fuller; blood groove (on a blade)/(ga... xuece 学测|abbr. for 大學學科能力測驗|大学学科能力测验[Da4 xue2 ... xuechao 学潮|student protest/campus unrest xuechen 血沉|erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) xuecheng 薛城|Xuecheng district of Zaozhuang city 棗... xuecheng 雪城|Syracuse, New York xuecheng 谑称|playful appellation xuechengqu 薛城区|Xuecheng district of Zaozhuang city 棗... xuechi 雪耻|to take revenge for a past insult/to ... xuechu 削除|to remove/to eliminate/to delete xuechun 雪鹑|(bird species of China) snow partridg... xuedao 穴道|acupuncture point/acupoint xuedao 学到|to learn (sth); to learn about xuedi 学弟|junior or younger male schoolmate xuediao 雪貂|ferret xuediche 雪地车|snowmobile xuedinge 薛定谔|Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961), Austri... xuedingefangcheng 薛定谔方程|Schrödinger\'s wave equation xuedixue 雪地靴|ugg boots xuedun 雪顿|Lhasa Shoton festival or yogurt banqu... xuedunjie 雪顿节|Lhasa Shoton festival or yogurt banqu... xueer 雪耳|snow fungus (Tremella fuciformis)/whi... xueerbunve 谑而不虐|to tease/to mock sb without offending... xueerbusizewang,sierbuxuezedai 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆|To learn without thinking is confusin... xueerbuyan 学而不厌|study tirelessly (idiom, from Analects) xueerbuyan,huirenbujuan 学而不厌,诲人不倦|study tirelessly, teach with endless ... xueeryouzeshi 学而优则仕|one who is successful in one\'s studie... xuefa 削发|to shave one\'s head/fig. to become a ... xuefang 雪纺|chiffon (loanword) xuefei 学费|tuition fee/tuition/CL:個|个[ge4] xuefeierde 雪菲尔德|Sheffield (City in England) xuefen 学分|course credit xuefeng 学风|style of study/academic atmosphere/sc... xuefeng 雪峰|snowy peak xuefenxiaoshi 学分小时|credit hour (in an academic credit sy... xuefenzhi 学分制|credit system/grading system (in scho... xuefolai 雪佛莱|Chevrolet, US car make xuefolan 雪佛兰|Chevrolet xuefolong 雪佛龙|Chevron (oil company) xuefolonggongsi 雪佛龙公司|Chevron Corporation xuefolongshiyougongsi 雪佛龙石油公司|Chevron Corporation xuefu 学府|educational establishment xuefucheng 薛福成|Xue Fucheng (1838-1894), Qing officia... xuefuwuche 学富五车|of great erudition and scholarship (i... xuegao 雪糕|ice cream bar; ice cream popsicle xuegaotong 雪糕筒|(Cantonese-influenced Mandarin) (coll... xuege 雪鸽|(bird species of China) snow pigeon (... xueguai 学乖|to learn one\'s lesson the hard way xueguan 血管|vein/artery/CL:根[gen1] xueguangzhizai 血光之灾|(idiom) mortal danger; fatal disaster xueguanliu 血管瘤|angioma (medicine) xueguansheying 血管摄影|angiography xueguanzaoying 血管造影|angiography xueguanzhouyangyinghua 血管粥样硬化|atherosclerosis/hardening of the arte... xuegui 雪柜|icebox/refrigerator (Hong Kong usage) xuehai 学海|sea of learning/erudite/knowledgeable... xuehaifanzhou 学海泛舟|sailing on the sea of learning (idiom) xuehaiwuya 学海无涯|sea of learning, no horizon (idiom); ... xuehan 血汗|(fig.) sweat and toil; hard work xuehangongchang 血汗工厂|sweatshop xuehanqian 血汗钱|hard-earned money xuehao 学号|student ID number xuehao 学好|to follow good examples xuehongdanbai 血红蛋白|hemoglobin xuehongsu 血红素|(biochemistry) heme/(Tw) hemoglobin xuehua 雪花|snowflake xuehuagao 雪花膏|vanishing cream/cold cream (makeup) xuehuai 学坏|to follow bad examples/to be corrupte... xuehui 学会|to learn; to master/institute; learne... xuehuiyuanshi 学会院士|academician/fellow of academy xueji 学籍|registration as a current student xueji 血迹|bloodstain xueji 血祭|blood sacrifice/animal sacrifice (to ... xueji 削籍|(of an official) dismissal from offic... xueji 学级|class xueji 薛稷|Xue Ji (649-713), one of Four Great C... xuejia 雪茄|cigar (loanword) xuejia 削价|to cut down the price xuejian 削减|to cut down/to reduce/to lower xuejian 学监|school official responsible for super... xuejiang 血浆|blood plasma xuejiatou 雪茄头|cigarette lighter plug (inserted in a... xuejiayan 雪茄烟|cigar xuejibanban 血迹斑斑|bloodstained xuejie 学姐|senior or older female schoolmate xuejie 学界|academic world/academic circles/academia xuejie 血竭|dragon\'s blood (bright red tree resin) xuejing 雪景|snowscape xuejiu 学究|pedant xueju 穴居|to live in a cave/(of animals) to be ... xueju 谑剧|fun and mockery xuejuren 穴居人|cave man xuejuzheng 薛居正|Xue Juzheng (912-981), Song historian... xueke 学科|subject/branch of learning/course/aca... xueke 雪克|(milk)shake (loanword) xuekou 血口|bloody mouth (from devouring freshly ... xuekoupenren 血口喷人|to spit blood (idiom); venomous sland... xueku 血库|blood bank xueku 靴裤|boot cut (e.g. of jeans etc) xuekuai 血块|blood clot xuekui 血亏|anemia xuelai 雪莱|Shelley/abbr. for 珀西·比希·雪萊|珀西·比希·雪莱[P... xuelane 雪兰莪|Selangor (Malaysia) xuelansu 血蓝素|(biochemistry) hemocyanin xuelao 雪酪|sherbet/sorbet xuelei 血泪|tears of blood (symbol of extreme suf... xueleishi 血泪史|(fig.) history full of suffering/hear... xueli 学历|educational background/academic quali... xueli 学理|scientific principle/theoretical stan... xueli 雪梨|Sydney, capital of New South Wales, A... xueli 雪梨|snow pear (pyrus nivalis) xueli 学力|scholastic attainments xuelian 雪莲|snow lotus herb/Saussurea involucrata xueliang 雪亮|lit. bright as snow/shiny/dazzling/sh... xuelihong 雪里蕻|potherb mustard (Brassica juncea var.... xuelihong 雪里红|potherb mustard/Brassica juncea var. ... xuelijiu 雪利酒|sherry (loanword) xueling 学龄|school age xueliu 血流|blood flow xueliu 血瘤|blood tumor/angioma (tumor consisting... xueliuchenghe 血流成河|rivers of blood (idiom)/bloodbath xueliupiaochu 血流漂杵|enough blood flowing to float pestles... xueliying 靴篱莺|(bird species of China) booted warble... xuelu 血路|desperate getaway (from a battlefield... xuemai 血脉|blood vessels xuemai 穴脉|node (center of energy)/acupuncture p... xuemaifenzhang 血脉偾张|lit. blood vessels swell wide (idiom)... xuemei 学妹|junior or younger female schoolmate xuemen 学门|(Tw) field of knowledge/academic disc... xueming 学名|scientific name/Latin name (of plant ... xuemingyao 学名药|generic drug; generic medicine xuemo 踅摸|to look for/to seek (colloq.) xuemo 学摸|variant of 踅摸[xue2 mo5] xueni 雪泥|dirty snow/slush/abbr. for 雪泥鴻爪|雪泥鸿爪[... xuenian 学年|academic year xueniao 血尿|hematuria xueniao 穴鸟|jackdaw (family Corvidae) xuenihongzhao 雪泥鸿爪|a goose\'s footprint in the snow/vesti... xuening 血凝|to coagulate xueningsu 血凝素|hemaglutinin (the H of virus such as ... xueniu 血牛|sb who sells one\'s blood for a living xuenongyushui 血浓于水|blood is thicker than water/fig. fami... xuepa 雪葩|sorbet (loanword) xuepai 学派|school of thought xuependakou 血盆大口|bloody mouth wide open like a sacrifi... xuepian 雪片|snowflake xuepin 血拼|shopping as a fun pastime (loanword) xuepo 血泊|pool of blood xueqi 学期|term/semester/CL:個|个[ge4] xueqi 血气|blood and vital breath/bloodline (i.e... xueqianban 学前班|preschool xueqianjiaoyu 学前教育|preschool education/early childhood e... xueqiao 雪橇|sled/sledge/sleigh/bobsled xueqifanggang 血气方刚|full of sap (idiom); young and vigorous xueqin 血亲|kin/blood relation xueqinfuchou 血亲复仇|blood vengeance xueqing 血清|serum/blood serum xueqing 雪青|lilac (color) xueqingsu 血清素|serotonin xueqingzhanglisu 血清张力素|serotonin xueqiu 雪球|snowball xueqiu 血球|blood corpuscle/hemocyte xueqizhiyong 血气之勇|(idiom) the courage born of stirred e... xuequ 学区|school district xueque 血雀|(bird species of China) scarlet finch... xueranhouzhibuzu 学然后知不足|to learn is to know one\'s ignorance (... xueren 学人|scholar/learned person xueren 雪人|snowman/yeti xueren 血刃|bloodshed xuerengui 薛仁贵|Xue Rengui (614-683) great Tang dynas... xuerou 血肉|flesh xuerou-hengfei 血肉横飞|(idiom) flesh and blood flying in all... xuerou-mohu 血肉模糊|(idiom) badly mangled or mutilated; g... xuerouxianglian 血肉相连|one\'s own flesh and blood (idiom); cl... xuerunishuixingzhou,bujinzetui 学如逆水行舟,不进则退|study is like rowing upstream – if yo... xueruo 削弱|to weaken/to impair/to cripple xuese 血色|color (of one\'s skin, a sign of good ... xuese 血塞|blood obstruction xuesesu 血色素|hematin (blood pigment)/heme/hemoglob... xuesesuchenjizheng 血色素沉积症|hemochromatosis xueshan 雪山|snow-capped mountain xueshan 血衫|bloodstained shirt/bloody garment xueshangjiashuang 雪上加霜|(idiom) to make matters even worse/to... xueshanshizi 雪山狮子|Snow lion, mythological animal, a ban... xueshanshiziqi 雪山狮子旗|Snow lion banner, banned flag of Tibe... xueshantaizi 雪山太子|Meili Snow Mountains in Diqing Tibeta... xueshe 学舍|school building/school/(Tw) student d... xuesheng 学生|student/schoolchild xueshenghui 学生会|student union xueshengtijianyan 学生t检验|(statistics) Student\'s t-test xueshengyundong 学生运动|student movement xueshengzheng 学生证|student identity card xueshi 学士|bachelor\'s degree/person holding a un... xueshi 学时|class hour/period xueshi 学识|erudition/scholarly knowledge xueshi 血史|history written in blood/epic period ... xueshi 血师|hematite Fe2O3 xueshixuewei 学士学位|bachelor\'s degree xueshou 削瘦|thin/lean/slender/skinny/(of cheeks) ... xueshu 学术|learning/science/academic/CL:個|个[ge4] xueshu 血书|letter written in one\'s own blood, ex... xueshuan 血栓|blood clot/thrombus xueshuanbing 血栓病|thrombosis xueshuanxingcheng 血栓形成|thrombosis xueshuanzheng 血栓症|thrombosis xueshui 血水|thin blood/watery blood xueshujie 学术界|academic circles/academia xueshuo 学说|theory/doctrine xueshushuiping 学术水平|academic level xueshuziyou 学术自由|academic freedom xuesi 血丝|wisps of blood/visible veins/(of eyes... xuesong 雪松|cedar tree/cedarwood xuesundiao 靴隼雕|(bird species of China) booted eagle ... xuetang 学堂|college/school (old) xuetang 血糖|blood sugar xuetao 雪套|gaiters xuetian 血田|field of blood/battlefield/hateful pl... xuetiao 血条|(gaming) health bar xuetiao 雪条|ice lolly/popsicle xuetielong 雪铁龙|Citroën (French car manufacturer) xuetong 血统|blood relationship/lineage/parentage xuetong 学童|schoolchild xuetonglun 血统论|class division into proletariat and b... xuetou 噱头|amusing speech or act/jokes/antics/fu... xuetou 穴头|(show business) promoter xuetu 学徒|apprentice/to serve an apprenticeship xuewei 穴位|acupuncture point/location of a grave xuewei 学位|academic degree/place in school xueweilunwen 学位论文|dissertation; thesis xueweizhengshu 学位证书|diploma (for a degree)/degree certifi... xuewen 学问|learning/knowledge/CL:個|个[ge4] xuewu 血污|bloodstain/bloodstained xuewu 雪鹀|(bird species of China) snow bunting ... xuewuzhijing 学无止境|no end to learning (idiom); There\'s a... xuexi 血洗|to carry out a bloodbath in (a place)... xuexi 谑戏|fun and mockery xuexi 学习|to learn/to study xuexian 雪线|snow line xuexian 学衔|academic title/rank xuexiang 血象|hemogram/picture of blood used in med... xuexiao 学校|school/CL:所[suo3] xuexiao 雪鸮|(bird species of China) snowy owl (Bu... xuexiaoban 血小板|blood platelet xuexibao 血细胞|blood cell xuexichong 血吸虫|schistosoma xuexichongbing 血吸虫病|schistosomiasis xuexie 雪蟹|snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) xuexie 雪鞋|snowshoes/CL:雙|双[shuang1] xuexing 血性|brave/staunch/unyielding xuexing 血腥|reeking of blood/bloody (events) xuexing 血型|blood group/blood type xuexingmali 血腥玛丽|Bloody Mary xuexiong 血胸|blood in the pleural cavity xuexiqiangguo 学习强国|Xuexi Qiangguo, PRC app designed to t... xuexishibao 学习时报|Study Times, journal of the Central P... xueya 血压|blood pressure xueyaji 血压计|blood pressure meter/sphygmomanometer xueyan 雪雁|(bird species of China) snow goose (A... xueyang 学样|to follow suit/to imitate sb\'s example xueyanghanliang 血氧含量|blood oxygen level xueyangliang 血氧量|blood oxygen level xueye 学业|studies/schoolwork xueye 血液|blood xueyebing 血液病|disease of the blood xueyekongbuzheng 血液恐怖症|blood phobia xueyeningjie 血液凝结|blood clotting xueyetouxi 血液透析|hemodialysis xueyetouxiji 血液透析机|hemodialysis machine xueyexunhuan 血液循环|blood circulation xueyeyoucheng 学业有成|to be successful in one\'s studies/aca... xueyezi 靴掖子|double layer of padding in a boot xueyi 学艺|to learn a skill or art xueyi 血衣|bloody garment xueyi 学医|to study medicine xueyizhiyong 学以致用|to study sth in order to apply it xueyou 学友|schoolmate; classmate xueyoubing 血友病|hemophilia xueyu 鳕鱼|cod xueyu 血雨|rain of blood/heavy rain colored by l... xueyu 谑语|words to tease sb xueyu 血郁|(TCM) to have sluggish blood circulation xueyuan 学院|college/educational institute/school/... xueyuan 学员|student/member of an institution of l... xueyuan 血缘|bloodline xueyuan 学园|academy/campus xueyuanguanxi 血缘关系|blood relationship; consanguinity xueyuanpai 学院派|academism (art) xueyueshan 雪岳山|Seoraksan, mountain near Sokcho, Sout... xueyun 学运|student movement xueyun 血晕|coma caused by loss of blood/fainting... xuezha 学渣|(coll.) unenthusiastic, mediocre stud... xuezhai 血债|debt of blood (after killing sb) xuezhaileilei 血债累累|debts of blood crying out for retribu... xuezhaixuechang 血债血偿|a debt of blood must be paid in blood... xuezhaiyaoyongxuelaichang 血债要用血来偿|A debt of blood must be paid in blood... xuezhaiyaoyongxuelaihuan 血债要用血来还|A debt of blood must be paid in blood... xuezhan 血战|bloody battle xuezhang 学长|senior or older male schoolmate xuezhang 雪仗|snow fight/snowball fight xuezhang 血账|debt of blood (after killing sb) xuezhe 学者|scholar xuezheng 血证|evidence of murder/bloodstain evidence xuezhi 血脂|blood lipid xuezhi 削职|demotion/to have one\'s job cut xuezhi 学制|educational system/length of schooling xuezhi 血雉|(bird species of China) blood pheasan... xuezhipin 血制品|blood products xuezhiweimin 削职为民|demotion to commoner (idiom) xuezhong 血肿|hematoma/swelling of soft tissue due ... xuezhong 雪种|refrigerant xuezhongdu 血中毒|blood poisoning xuezhongsongtan 雪中送炭|lit. to send charcoal in snowy weathe... xuezi 靴子|boots xuezi 学子|(literary) student/scholar xuezi 血渍|bloodstain xuezi 踅子|variant of 茓子[xue2 zi5] xuezi 茓子|long woven mat used to form a cylindr... xuezibanban 血渍斑斑|spattered in blood/covered in bloodst... xueziluodi 靴子落地|lit. the boot hits the floor (idiom)/... xuezu 血族|blood relations/one\'s own flesh and b... xuezuan 血钻|blood diamond/conflict diamond xuezushilv 削足适履|to cut the feet to fit the shoes (idi... xufa 须发|hair and beard xufa 虚发|to miss the target (with a bullet or ... xufaganran 续发感染|secondary infection xufan 絮烦|boring prattle xufei 续费|to renew a subscription xufu 徐福|Xu Fu (3rd century BC), Qin dynasty c... xufuou 须浮鸥|(bird species of China) whiskered ter... xugen 须根|fibrous roots xugongge 虚宫格|four-square box in which one practice... xugongxingshang 叙功行赏|to review records and decide on rewar... xugou 虚构|to make up/fabrication/fictional/imag... xugou 戌狗|Year 11, year of the Dog (e.g. 2006) xugouxiaoshuo 虚构小说|fiction xuguangqi 徐光启|Xu Guangqi (1562-1633), agricultural ... xuguo 絮聒|noisy prattle/to chatter loudly xuhaifeng 许海峰|Xu Haifeng (1957-), PRC sharpshooter,... xuhang 续航|(of an airplane, ship, vehicle etc) t... xuhanwennuan 嘘寒问暖|to enquire solicitously about sb\'s we... xuhao 序号|ordinal number/serial number/sequence... xuhe 许和|to allow/permit xuhoushui 须后水|aftershave xuhuairuogu 虚怀若谷|receptive as an echoing canyon (idiom... xuhuan 虚幻|imaginary/illusory xuhuan 徐缓|slow/sluggish/lazily/to slow down xuhuang 虚谎|false xuhuiqu 徐汇区|Xuhui district, central Shanghai xuhun 许婚|to become engaged/to affiance (a daug... xuhuo 虚火|excess of internal heat due to poor g... xuji 续集|sequel/next episode (of TV series etc) xuji 蓄积|to accumulate; to store up xujia 虚假|false; phony; sham xujia 续假|extended leave/prolonged absence xujia 许嫁|allowed to marry xujiahui 徐家汇|Xujiahui, an area in 徐匯區|徐汇区[Xu2 hui4... xujie 续借|extended borrowing (e.g. library rene... xujing 虚惊|false alarm/panic rumor/CL:場|场[chang2] xujing 须鲸|baleen whale/Mysticeti xujing 虚警|false alert xujiu 许久|for a long time/for ages xujiu 酗酒|heavy drinking/to get drunk/to drink ... xujiu 叙旧|to reminisce/to talk about former times xujiuzishi 酗酒滋事|drunken fighting/to get drunk and qua... xujiyiting 虚己以听|to listen to the ideas of others with... xujiyu 徐继畲|Xu Jiyu (1795-1873), Chinese geographer xujun 徐俊|Xu Jun (1962-), Chinese Chinese chess... xuke 许可|to allow/to permit xuke 徐克|Tsui Hark (1951-), Chinese movie dire... xukexieyi 许可协议|licensing agreement (for intellectual... xukezheng 许可证|license/authorization/permit xukezu 虚客族|people who like to window-shop for un... xukong 虚空|void/hollow/empty xukongzangpusa 虚空藏菩萨|Akasagarbha Bodhisattva xukua 虚夸|to boast/to brag/boastful/exaggerativ... xukuangdi 徐匡迪|Xu Kuangdi (1937-), PRC politician an... xukui 恤匮|to relieve the distressed xulagu 叙拉古|Syracuse, Sicily/also written 錫拉庫薩|锡拉... xuli 墟里|village xuli 恤嫠|to give relief to widows xuli 胥吏|low-level government official (in for... xulie 序列|sequence xuliehao 序列号|serial number/product key (software) xuliya 叙利亚|Syria xuliyawen 叙利亚文|Syriac language (from c. 2nd century ... xulizi 虚粒子|virtual particle xulun 绪论|introduction/introductory chapter xumao 须毛|whiskers/mustache xumei 须眉|man or men (formal) xumi 须弥|Mt Meru or Sumeru, sacred mountain in... xumian 絮棉|cotton wadding xuming 虚名|false reputation xuming 叙明|detailed accounting xumishan 须弥山|Mt Meru or Sumeru, sacred mountain in... xumou 蓄谋|to premeditate; to plot xumu 畜牧|to raise animals xumu 序幕|prologue xumuye 畜牧业|animal husbandry/stock raising/livest... xun 询|to ask about/to inquire about xun 寻|to search/to look for/to seek xun 讯|(bound form) to ask; to inquire/(boun... xun 荤|used in 葷粥|荤粥[Xun1yu4] xun 迅|rapid/fast xun 逊|to abdicate/modest/yielding/unpretent... xun 训|to teach; to train; to admonish/(boun... xun 荀|surname Xun xun 荀|(archaic) name of a plant mentioned i... xun 巡|to patrol/to make one\'s rounds/classi... xun 巡|variant of 巡[xun2] xun 循|to follow/to adhere to/to abide by xun 熏|to smoke/to fumigate/to assail the no... xun 熏|variant of 熏[xun1] xun 熏|fragrance/warm/to educate/variant of ... xun 驯|to attain gradually/to tame/Taiwan pr... xun 浚|used in 浚縣|浚县[Xun4xian4], a county in... xun 巽|to obey/one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[... xun 薰|sweet-smelling grass/Coumarouna odora... xun 汛|high water/flood/to sprinkle water xun 郇|name of a feudal state xun 浔|name of a river/steep bank xun 窨|to scent tea with flowers/variant of ... xun 珣|(gem) xun 鲟|sturgeon/Acipenser sturio xun 潠|spurt out of the mouth xun 殉|to be buried with the dead/to die for... xun 徇|to give in to/to be swayed by (person... xun 徇|variant of 徇[xun4] xun 恂|sincere xun 蕈|mold/mushroom xun 侚|(literary) quick/variant of 殉[xun4] xun 醺|helplessly intoxicated xun 焄|fumes from sacrifice xun 噀|spurt out of the mouth xun 埙|ocarina/wind instrument consisting of... xun 曛|twilight/sunset xun 薫|Japanese variant of 薰 xun 旬|ten days/ten years/full period xun 灥|a group of springs xun 獯|used in 獯鬻[Xun1yu4] xun 栒|cross bar xun 臐|lamb soup xun 迿|to be the first to begin a quarrel xun 偱|to tell xun 壎|ancient porcelain wind-instrument xun 㖊|fathom (1.83 meters) (old) xun 蟳|(hairy sea-crab) xun 㢲|variant of 巽[xun4] xun 卂|(archaic) to fly rapidly xun 橁|Fraxinus bungeana xun 峋|ranges of hills xun 勋|medal/merit xun 勋|variant of 勛|勋[xun1] xun 洵|truly/whirlpool xun 𬊈|warm up (food) xun 𬘓|bind/silkcords xun 𫄸|crimson xun 𬩽|surname Xun/place name/Taiwan pr. [Xin2] xunbao 寻宝|treasure hunt xunbu 巡捕|to patrol/policeman (in China\'s forme... xunbufang 巡捕房|(old) police station in a foreign con... xunceyi 巡测仪|survey meter xuncha 巡查|to patrol xuncha 询查|to make inquiries xunchang 寻常|usual; common; ordinary xunchi 训斥|to reprimand/to rebuke/to berate/ster... xunchou 寻仇|to carry out a vendetta against sb xunchu 寻出|to find out/to search out/to uncover/... xunci 训词|instruction/admonition xuncong 驯从|tame/obedient xundao 殉道|to die for a just cause xundaochu 训导处|dean of students office (Tw) xundaozhiwu 训导职务|(Christianity) a preaching ministry xundaozong 循道宗|Methodism xundi 寻的|homing/target-seeking (military) xundi 训迪|guidance/to instruct/pedagogy xundianhuizuyizuzizhixian 寻甸回族彝族自治县|Xundian Hui and Yi autonomous county ... xundianxian 寻甸县|Xundian Hui and Yi autonomous county ... xundu 训读|a reading of a written Chinese word d... xunduanjian 寻短见|to commit suicide xunfang 寻访|to inquire after/to look for (sb) xunfen 循分|to abide by one\'s duties xunfeng 熏风|warm south wind xunfu 驯服|to tame/tame/docile xunfu 巡抚|inspector-general of province in Ming... xungen 寻根|to seek one\'s roots/to get to the bot... xungeng 巡更|to patrol at night, marking the time ... xungensuyuan 寻根溯源|see 追根溯源[zhui1 gen1 su4 yuan2] xungenwendi 寻根问底|lit. to examine roots and inquire at ... xungenwendi 询根问底|lit. to examine roots and inquire at ... xungu 训诂|to interpret and make glossaries and ... xunguidaoju 循规蹈矩|to follow the compass and go with the... xunguo 殉国|to die for one\'s country xunguxue 训诂学|study of classic texts, including int... xunhang 巡航|to cruise xunhangdaodan 巡航导弹|cruise missile xunhanji 驯悍记|Taming of the Shrew, play by William ... xunhao 讯号|signal xunhua 驯化|to tame/to domesticate xunhua 训话|to admonish subordinates xunhua 寻花|flower-viewing/to visit a prostitute xunhuan 循环|to cycle/to circulate/circle/loop xunhuan 寻欢|to seek pleasure (esp. sexual) xunhuanjie 循环节|recurring section of a rational decimal xunhuanlunzheng 循环论证|circular argument/logical error consi... xunhuansai 循环赛|round-robin tournament xunhuanshiyong 循环使用|recycle/to use in cyclic order xunhuanxiaoshu 循环小数|recurring decimal xunhuanxing 循环性|cyclical/cyclic/circulatory/recurrent... xunhuanxitong 循环系统|circulatory system xunhuanzuole 寻欢作乐|pleasure seeking (idiom); life of dis... xunhuawenliu 寻花问柳|lit. to enjoy the beautiful spring sc... xunhui 巡回|to go around; to roam; to tour xunhuifating 巡回法庭|circuit court xunhuiquan 寻回犬|retriever xunhuiyanchu 巡回演出|(theater etc) to tour; to be on tour;... xunhuji 寻呼机|pager; beeper xunhuo 寻获|to find/to track down/to recover (sth... xuni 虚拟|to imagine; to make up/fictitious; th... xuniangbanlao 徐娘半老|middle-aged but still attractive woma... xunihuanjing 虚拟环境|virtual environment xuniji 虚拟机|virtual machine xunilianjie 虚拟连接|virtual connection xunishijing 虚拟实境|virtual reality (Tw) xunisirenwangluo 虚拟私人网络|virtual private network (VPN) xuniwangluo 虚拟网络|virtual network xunixianshi 虚拟现实|virtual reality xunixianshizhibiaoyuyan 虚拟现实置标语言|virtual reality markup language (VRML... xuniyuqi 虚拟语气|subjunctive mood (grammar) xunizhuanyongwangluo 虚拟专用网络|virtual private network (VPN) xunji 迅即|immediately/promptly/quickly xunji 勋绩|exploit xunji 寻机|to look for an opportunity xunji 迅疾|rapid/swift xunjia 询价|quotation request/price inquiry/price... xunjiao 殉教|to die for one\'s religion xunjie 迅捷|fast and nimble xunjie 训诫|to reprimand/to admonish/to lecture sb xunjie 殉节|to sacrifice one\'s life by loyalty (t... xunjie 训戒|variant of 訓誡|训诫[xun4 jie4] xunjing 巡警|police patrol/patrol officer/(old) po... xunjue 勋爵|Lord (UK hereditary nobility)/UK life... xunkaixin 寻开心|to make fun of/to seek diversion xunkao 熏烤|to smoke/to cure over a wood fire xunke 逊克|Xunke county in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], H... xunke 旬课|test every ten day/periodic deadline xunkexian 逊克县|Xunke county in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], H... xunkuangzhongji 讯框中继|frame relay (telecommunications) xunlaifanchou 寻来范畴|(math.) derived category xunlei 迅雷|thunderbolt xunli 巡礼|to make a pilgrimage (to visit a holy... xunlian 训练|to train/to drill/training/CL:個|个[ge4] xunliang 驯良|docile/tame xunlianying 训练营|training camp xunlianzhe 训练者|trainer xunling 训令|order/instruction xunlu 驯鹿|reindeer xunluo 巡逻|to patrol (police, army or navy) xunluoche 巡逻车|patrol car xunluochuan 巡逻船|patrol vessel/cutter xunluodui 巡逻队|(army, police) patrol xunluoting 巡逻艇|patrol boat xunma 驯马|to break in a horse/a trained saddle ... xunmachang 驯马场|horse training ground xunmaren 驯马人|horse trainer xunmazhen 荨麻疹|urticaria/nettle rash/hives xunmeng 迅猛|quick and violent xunmi 寻觅|to look for xunminzhengyin 训民正音|Korean text HunMin JongUm promulgated... xunmo 寻摸|to look for/to explore/to probe xunnan 殉难|to sacrifice oneself in a just cause/... xunni 逊尼|Sunni (subdivision of Islam) xunnian 旬年|full year/ten years xunnipai 逊尼派|Sunni sect (of Islam) xunpan 询盘|inquiry xunqi 汛期|flood season xunqi 旬期|ten days xunqing 殉情|to die together in the name of love/t... xunqing 汛情|water levels during the flood season xunqing 徇情|to act out of personal considerations... xunqingwangfa 徇情枉法|see 徇私枉法[xun4 si1 wang3 fa3] xunqiu 寻求|to seek; to look for xunran 熏染|to exert a gradual influence/to nurtu... xunrao 驯扰|to tame xunri 旬日|(literary) ten days/short period xunrou 熏肉|bacon xunse 逊色|inferior (often in the combination 毫無... xunshan 驯善|docile/tractable xunshanyinxiuhui 郇山隐修会|Priory of Zion (fictional masonic order) xunshi 巡视|to patrol/to make a tour/to inspect/t... xunshi 训示|to admonish/instructions/orders xunshi 训释|to explain/to interpret/interpretation xunshi 旬始|comet from Saturn, traditionally desc... xunshi 旬时|ten days xunshishengfei 寻事生非|to look for trouble xunshou 旬首|start of a ten day period xunshoushu 训兽术|animal training/taming wild beast (e.... xunshuishu 寻水术|dowsing xunshun 驯顺|tame/docile xunshun 逊顺|modest and obedient/unassuming xunshuo 旬朔|ten days/one month/short period xunshuyuesong 旬输月送|pay every ten days, give tribute ever... xunsi 寻思|to consider/to ponder xunsi 寻死|to attempt suicide/to court death xunsi 殉死|to be buried alive as sacrifice (toge... xunsiwangfa 徇私枉法|to bend the law in order to favor one... xunsiwubi 徇私舞弊|(idiom) to abuse one\'s position for p... xunsu 迅速|rapid/speedy/fast xunsui 旬岁|full year/first birthday xuntahaixia 巽他海峡|Sunda Strait between Sumatra and Java xuntao 熏陶|to seep in/to influence/to nurture/in... xuntaochengxing 熏陶成性|(idiom) nurture makes second nature/g... xuntaqundao 巽他群岛|Sunda Islands (Malay archipelago) xuntayu 巽他语|Sunda language, used in West Java pro... xuntian 熏天|overpowering (of a stench) xuntiao 训条|instruction/order/maxim xuntuo 驯驼|to tame a camel xunuan 煦暖|to warm/warming xunuo 许诺|promise/pledge xunwei 寻味|to think sth over xunwei 逊位|to abdicate/to resign a position xunwen 讯问|to interrogate/to ask about xunwen 寻问|to inquire xunwen 询问|to inquire xunwentai 询问台|information desk xunwu 寻乌|Xunwu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 zh... xunwuxian 寻乌县|Xunwu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 zh... xunxi 讯息|information; news; message/text messa... xunxian 浚县|Xun County in Hebi 鶴壁|鹤壁[He4 bi4], Henan xunxiang 熏香|incense xunxin 寻衅|to pick a quarrel/to start a fight xunxin 熏心|(of greed, lust etc) to dominate one\'... xunxing 巡行|to patrol/to perambulate/to travel ar... xunxinzishizui 寻衅滋事罪|disorderly behavior (PRC law) xunxiyuan 讯息原|information source xunxu 循序|in proper sequence xunxujianjin 循序渐进|in sequence, step by step (idiom); to... xunxunshanyou 循循善诱|to guide patiently and systematically... xunyan 巡演|(theater etc) to tour; to be on tour;... xunyang 驯养|to domesticate/to raise and train xunyang 浔阳|Xunyang district of Jiujiang city 九江市... xunyangfanzhi 驯养繁殖|domestication and breeding/captive br... xunyangfanzhichang 驯养繁殖场|captive breeding facility; breeding farm xunyangjian 巡洋舰|cruiser (warship)/battle cruiser xunyangqu 浔阳区|Xunyang district of Jiujiang city 九江市... xunye 勋业|meritorious achievement xunyi 旬邑|Xunyi County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 ... xunyi 巡弋|cruise/patrol by a ship xunyicao 薰衣草|lavender xunyicao 熏衣草|lavender xunyixian 旬邑县|Xunyi County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 ... xunyou 巡游|to cruise/to patrol xunyoubutongqi 薰莸不同器|lit. fragrant herbs and foul herbs do... xunyu 鲟鱼|sturgeon xunyu 荀彧|Xun Yu (163-212), brilliant strategis... xunyu 训育|pedagogy/to instruct and guide xunyu 荤粥|Xunyu, an ethnic group of northern Ch... xunyu 獯鬻|variant of 葷粥|荤粥[Xun1yu4] xunyuqi 珣玗琪|type of ancient jade xunzang 殉葬|(of servants etc) to be buried alive ... xunzhang 勋章|medal; decoration xunzhao 寻找|to seek; to look for xunzhe 循着|to follow xunzheng 熏蒸|(of sultry weather) to be stifling/(T... xunzhengji 熏蒸剂|fumigant xunzhi 寻址|to address/to search for address/to i... xunzhi 熏制|to smoke; to cure over a fire xunzhi 殉职|to die in the line of duty xunzi 荀子|Xunzi, (c. 310-237 BC), Confucian phi... xunzu 寻租|rent seeking (economics) xupei 许配|to betroth a girl (in arranged marria... xupian 续篇|sequel/continuation (of a story) xupian 絮片|floccule/a wisp of material precipita... xupiaopiao 虚飘飘|light and airy/floating xupu 溆浦|Xupu county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hu... xupuxian 溆浦县|Xupu county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hu... xuqian 续签|to renew a contract/contract extension xuqin 许亲|to accept a marriage proposal xuqinfu 许廑父|Xu Qinfu (1891-1953), journalist and ... xuqingjiayi 虚情假意|false friendship; hypocritical show o... xuqiu 需求|requirement/to require/(economics) de... xuqiu 絮球|ball of fluff (containing seeds), e.g... xuqiucengcililun 需求层次理论|(Maslow\'s) hierarchy of needs (psycho... xuqu 序曲|overture xuqu 续娶|to remarry xuquehao 虚缺号|white square character ( □ ), used to... xurenjieyi 煦仁孑义|petty kindness xuri 旭日|the rising sun xurong 虚荣|vanity xurongxin 虚荣心|vanity xuruo 虚弱|weak/in poor health xushan 恤衫|shirt (loanword) xushen 许慎|Xu Shen (-147) the compiler of the or... xusheng 嘘声|hissing sound/to hiss (as a sign of d... xusheng 须生|see 老生[lao3 sheng1] xushi 叙事|narrative xushi 虚实|what is true and what is false/(to ge... xushi 戌时|7-9 pm xushichang 徐世昌|Xu Shichang (1855-1939), politician a... xushidaifa 蓄势待发|to wait for action after having accum... xushishi 叙事诗|narrative poem xushixian 叙事线|narrative thread; storyline xushu 叙述|to relate (a story or information)/to... xushu 序数|ordinal number xushu 虚数|imaginary number xushu 续书|sequel/continuation of a book xushui 蓄水|water storage xushuichi 蓄水池|water reservoir xushuo 絮说|to chatter endlessly xushuxing 叙述性|narrative xusong 酗讼|to be drunk and rowdy xusui 虚岁|one\'s age, according to the tradition... xusuizi 续随子|caper (Capparis spinosa) xusun 虚损|(TCM) consumptive disease, chronic de... xutan 叙谈|to chat xutou 虚头|to play tricks/to deceive xutuo 虚脱|to collapse (from dehydration or loss... xuwan 须丸|hematite Fe2O3 xuwan 虚腕|empty wrist (method of painting) xuwang 虚妄|fabricated xuwangxibao 许旺细胞|Schwann cell (support axon of nerve c... xuwei 虚伪|false/hypocritical/artificial/sham xuwei 徐渭|Xu Wei (1521-1593), Ming dynasty Chin... xuweileizhen 虚伪类真|false but apparently real xuweiyidai 虚位以待|to reserve a seat/to leave a position... xuwen 徐闻|Xuwen county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 ji... xuwen 虚文|dead letter/rule no longer in force/e... xuwen 叙文|variant of 序文[xu4 wen2] xuwen 序文|preface/foreword/preamble/recital (la... xuwenfuli 虚文浮礼|empty formality xuwenxian 徐闻县|Xuwen county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 ji... xuwu 虚无|nothingness xuwujiashe 虚无假设|null hypothesis (statistics) xuwupiaomiao 虚无缥缈|illusory; imaginary; fanciful xuwuzhuyi 虚无主义|nihilism xuxia 许下|to make a promise xuxiake 徐霞客|Xu Xiake (1587-1641), Ming dynasty tr... xuxiakeyouji 徐霞客游记|Xu Xiake\'s Travel Diaries, a book of ... xuxian 虚线|dotted line/dashed line/(math.) imagi... xuxian 续弦|(literary) (of a widower) to remarry xuxiang 虚像|virtual image xuxiayuanxin 许下愿心|to express a wish (to a deity) xuxin 虚心|open-minded/humble xuxing 徐行|to walk slowly/to stroll xuxing 徐星|Xu Xing (1969-), Chinese palaeontolog... xuxing 虚星|imaginary star (in astrology) xuxinhaoxue 虚心好学|modest and studious (idiom) xuxinliang 许信良|Hsu Hsin-liang (1941-), Taiwanese pol... xuxinshirenjinbu,jiaoaoshirenluohou 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后|modesty leads to progress, arrogance ... xuxiyidai 虚席以待|to reserve a seat for sb (idiom) xuxiyouji 续西游记|one of three Ming dynasty sequels to ... xuxiyuan 徐熙媛|Barbie Hsu (1976-), Taiwanese enterta... xuxu 徐徐|slowly/gently xuxu 絮絮|endless prattle/to chatter incessantly xuxu 嘘嘘|to pee pee (kiddie or feminine slang) xuxu 栩栩|vivid xuxu 蓄须|to grow a beard xuxu 吁吁|to pant/to gasp for breath xuxu 煦煦|kind/gracious/benevolent/warm and fin... xuxu 续续|continuous/on and on/running xuxu 顼顼|frustrated; disappointed xuxu 魆魆|secretly; surreptitiously xuxuan 徐铉|Xu Xuan (-991), author of commentarie... xuxudaodao 絮絮叨叨|long-winded/garrulous/to talk endless... xuxumingzhi 蓄须明志|to grow a beard as a symbol of one\'s ... xuxurusheng 栩栩如生|vivid and lifelike (idiom); true to l... xuxushenghui 栩栩生辉|resplendent xuxushishi 虚虚实实|hard to tell if it\'s real or sham xuyan 序言|preface; introductory remarks; preamb... xuyan 虚掩|to partially obscure/(of a door, gate... xuyan 绪言|see 緒論|绪论[xu4 lun4] xuyan 叙言|variant of 序言[xu4 yan2] xuyan 虚言|empty words/false words xuyang 蓄养|to raise (animals) xuyao 需要|to need; to want; to demand; to requi... xuyao 须要|must; have to xuyaoshifamingzhimu 需要是发明之母|Necessity is the mother of invention ... xuyi 盱眙|Xuyi county in Huai\'an 淮安[Huai2 an1],... xuyi 蓄意|deliberate/premeditated/malice xuyinggushi 虚应故事|to go through the motions xuyingliaoshi 虚应了事|see 虛應故事|虚应故事[xu1 ying4 gu4 shi4] xuyixian 盱眙县|Xuyi county in Huai\'an 淮安[Huai2 an1],... xuyong 叙永|Xuyong county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zho... xuyongxian 叙永县|Xuyong county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zho... xuyouqibiao 虚有其表|looks impressive but is worthless (id... xuyu 须臾|in a flash/in a jiffy xuyu 絮语|to chatter incessantly xuyu 虚誉|imaginary reputation/empty fame xuyuan 许愿|to make a wish/to make a vow/to promi... xuyuanchi 许愿池|wishing pond xuyuanjing 许愿井|wishing well xuyue 续约|to renew or extend a contract xuyuweiyi 虚与委蛇|to feign civility (idiom) xuzeng 续增|addition/appendix/addendum xuzha 虚诈|tricky and hypocritical xuzhang 序章|prologue/preface/preamble xuzhang-shengshi 虚张声势|(idiom) to bluff; to bluster; to make... xuzhenqing 徐祯卿|Xu Zhenqing (1479-1511), Ming writer,... xuzhi 须知|key information/instructions/it must ... xuzhi 虚职|nominal position xuzhimo 徐志摩|Xu Zhimo (1897-1931), writer and poet xuzhonglin 许仲琳|Xu Zhonglin or Chen Zhonglin 陳仲琳|陈仲琳[... xuzhou 徐州|see 徐州市[Xu2zhou1 Shi4] xuzhoushi 徐州市|Xuzhou, prefecture-level city in Jian... xuzhuangwu 絮状物|floccule/a wisp of material precipita... xuzi 须子|feelers (zoology)/tassel (botany) xuzi 许字|betrothed xuzu 续租|to renew a lease xuzui 絮嘴|to chatter endlessly xuzuo 续作|sequel xx ㍽|大正[Da4 zheng4] written as a single ch... xx 龶|component in Chinese characters, occu... xx ㍼|昭和[Zhao1 he2] written as a single cha... xx ㍻|平成[Ping2 cheng2] written as a single ... xx 亽|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx ㍾|明治[Ming2 zhi4] written as a single ch... xx 丷|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx 厼|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx 壭|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx 罖|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx 朩|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx 鎹|(Japanese kokuji) large staple driven... xx 乊|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx 仒|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx 乧|archaic Korean hanja pronounced dul, ... xx 亪|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx 丆|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx 乥|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx 卪|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx 乼|rope (Korean gugja) xx 瓧|decawatt (old)/pr. [shi2 wa3]/single-... xx 朰|one of the characters used in kwukyel... xx 峠|(Japanese kokuji) mountain pass/(fig.... xx 々|iteration mark (used to represent a d... xx 乤|first character in place name 乤浦 \"Hal... xx 畓|phonetic dap or dābo/rice paddy (Kore... xx 匁|(Japanese kokuji) momme (Japanese uni... xx 乷|phonetic \"sal\" (Korean gugja) xx 働|(Japanese kokuji) labor; work xx 乫|phonetic \"gal\" used in place names (K... xx 〻|iteration mark (used to represent a d... xx 込|(Japanese kokuji) to be crowded; to g... xx 乺|phonetic \"sol\" used in place names (K... xxxxxxxx ㄅㄧㄤˋ|(Tw) (coll.) cool/awesome/pr. [biang4... ya 压|to press/to push down/to keep under (... ya 压|used in 壓根兒|压根儿[ya4gen1r5]/used in 壓馬... ya 亚|Asia/Asian/Taiwan pr. [Ya3] ya 亚|second/next to/inferior/sub-/Taiwan p... ya 呀|ah (used to express surprise)/(onom.)... ya 呀|(particle equivalent to 啊 after a vow... ya 牙|tooth/ivory/CL:顆|颗[ke1] ya 鸭|duck (CL:隻|只[zhi1])/(slang) male pros... ya 桠|forking branch ya 娅|(literary) term of address between hu... ya 琊|used in place names, notably 瑯琊山|琅琊山[... ya 砑|to calender ya 雅|elegant ya 押|to mortgage/to pawn/to detain in cust... ya 丫|fork/branch/bifurcation/girl ya 哑|(onom.) sound of cawing/sound of infa... ya 哑|mute; dumb; incapable of speech/(of a... ya 轧|surname Ya ya 轧|to crush/to knock sb down with a vehicle ya 氩|argon (chemistry) ya 垭|(dialect) strip of land between hills... ya 衙|surname Ya ya 衙|office/yamen 衙門|衙门 ya 芽|bud/sprout ya 崖|precipice/cliff/Taiwan pr. [yai2] ya 鸦|crow ya 鸦|variant of 鴉|鸦[ya1] ya 揠|to eradicate/to pull up ya 玡|variant of 琊[ya2] ya 蚜|aphis ya 岈|see 嵖岈山[Cha2 ya2 Shan1] ya 亜|Japanese variant of 亞|亚 ya 疋|variant of 雅[ya3] ya 讶|astounded ya 堐|(used in place names)/Taiwan pr. [ai2] ya 挜|attach/brandish/hold ya 乚|component in Chinese characters/old v... ya 痖|mute, incapable of speech/same as 啞|哑... ya 睚|(literary) corner of the eye; canthus ya 迓|to receive (as a guest) ya 圧|Japanese variant of 壓|压[ya1] ya 厓|old form of 崖 (cliff) and 涯 (bank) ya 漄|old variant of 涯[ya2] ya 铔|ammonium (old) ya 齾|dented/chipped/gap-toothed/toothless ya 煆|raging fire ya 襾|cover/radical no 146 ya 伢|(dialect) child ya 枒|the coconut tree/rim ya 涯|border/horizon/shore ya-taidiqu 亚太地区|Asia-Pacific region yaai 雅爱|(hon.) your great kindness yaan 雅安|see 雅安市[Ya3an1 Shi4] yaan 崖岸|cliff/steep slope/fig. arrogant and d... yaanshi 雅安市|Ya\'an, prefecture-level city in Sichu... yaba 哑巴|a mute/mute; silent yaba 鸭霸|(Tw) unreasonable/overbearing/with no... yabachihuanglian 哑巴吃黄连|no choice but to suffer in silence (i... yabachihuanglian 哑巴吃黄莲|no choice but to suffer in silence (i... yabachihuanglian,youkushuobuchu 哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出|to be forced to suffer in silence (id... yabai 牙白|creamy white; ivory color yabakui 哑巴亏|pent-up unspoken grievances/suffering... yabalang 亚巴郎|Abraham (name) yaban 牙斑|dental plaque yaban 压板|vise jaw/press board (machine) yaban 压板|see-saw yabao 芽孢|endospore yabao 押宝|to play yabao (a gambling game)/(fig.... yabao 压宝|variant of 押寶|押宝[ya1 bao3] yabar 丫巴儿|fork (of a tree, road, argument etc)/... yabenzhi 牙本质|dentin/dentine yabi 崖壁|escarpment/precipice/cliff yabi 亚庇|Kota Kinabalu (capital of Sabah state... yabian 压扁|to squash/to crush flat yabilini 亚比利尼|Abilene yabing 牙病|odontopathy/dental disease yabiyu 亚比玉|Abiud (son of Zerubbabel) yabo 亚伯|Abe (short form for Abraham)/Abel, a ... yabolahan 亚伯拉罕|Abraham (name)/Abraham, father of Jud... yaboshizheng 亚伯氏症|Apert syndrome yacha 丫杈|fork (of a tree)/tool made of forked ... yacha 桠杈|variant of 丫杈[ya1 cha4] yachang 压场|to hold the attention of an audience/... yachang 轧场|to roll with a stone roller/to thresh... yache 押车|to escort (goods) during transportati... yache 压车|variant of 押車|押车[ya1 che1] yachen 亚琛|Aachen, city in Nordrhein-Westfalen, ... yachen 牙碜|gritty (of foodstuffs)/fig. jarring s... yacheng 牙城|citadel/military headquarters yacheng 雅称|elegant name/honorific yachi 牙齿|tooth/dental/CL:顆|颗[ke1] yachi 雅饬|elegant orderliness/poise yachijiaozhengqi 牙齿矫正器|orthodontic braces yachong 蚜虫|greenfly (Aphis spp.)/aphid yachuang 牙床|gum/ivory bedframe yachun 亚纯|meromorphic (math.) yadan 雅丹|(geology) yardang (loanword) yadan 雅淡|simple and elegant yadang 亚当|Adam yadangsi 亚当斯|Adams yadangsidun 亚当斯敦|Adamstown, capital of the Pitcairn Is... yadangsimi 亚当·斯密|Adam Smith (1723-1790), Scottish ethi... yadanqing 鸭蛋青|pale blue yadanwei 亚单位|subunit yadao 压倒|to overwhelm/to overpower/overwhelming yadaoche 轧道车|trolley for inspecting rail track yadaoji 轧道机|road roller yadaoxing 压倒性|overwhelming yadaxuexi 亚达薛西|Artaxerxes yadeliyahai 亚得里亚海|Adriatic Sea yadi 压低|to lower (one\'s voice) yadian 雅典|Athens, capital of Greece yadian 压电|piezoelectricity (physics) yadian 哑点|blind spot/dead spot yadiandetaimen 雅典的泰门|Timon of Athens, 1607 tragedy by Will... yadianna 雅典娜|Athena yadianti 压电体|piezo-electric yadianweicheng 雅典卫城|the Acropolis (Athens) yadiao 牙雕|ivory carving yading 亚丁|Aden yadingwan 亚丁湾|Gulf of Aden yadisiyabeiba 亚的斯亚贝巴|Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia yadong 亚东|Yadong county, Tibetan: Gro mo rdzong... yadongxian 亚东县|Yadong county, Tibetan: Gro mo rdzong... yaende 雅恩德|Yaounde, capital of Cameroon yaerbufu 压而不服|coercion will never convince (idiom) yaerta 雅尔塔|Yalta yafa 雅法|Jaffa (Israeli port) yafagang 雅法港|Jaffa (Israel) yafang 雅芳|Avon (cosmetics company) yafang 雅房|(Tw) rental room without private bath... yafeila 亚非拉|Asia, Africa and Latin America yafen 牙粉|tooth powder yafeng 牙缝|gap between teeth yafengr 牙缝儿|gap between teeth yafu 压服|to compel sb to obey; to force into s... yafu 亚父|(term of respect) second only to fath... yafu 压伏|variant of 壓服|压服[ya1 fu2] yafulie 亚弗烈|Alfred (name) yagaiya 亚该亚|Achaia yagang 亚纲|subclass (taxonomy) yagao 牙膏|toothpaste/CL:管[guan3] yage 雅阁|Accord (Honda brand Japanese car model) yage 雅各|Jacob (name)/James (name) yage 雅歌|part of the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经/a son... yagebinpai 雅各宾派|Jacobin club, French revolutionary pa... yagebo 雅各伯|Jacob (name)/Saint James yagemennong 亚格门农|Agamemnon yagen 压根|(mainly used in the negative) in the ... yagen 牙根|root of tooth yagenr 压根儿|erhua variant of 壓根|压根[ya4 gen1] yageshu 雅各书|Epistle of St James (in New Testament) yagou 牙垢|dental plaque/tartar yagu 崖谷|valley/ravine yagu 哑鼓|drum practice pad (music)/a practice ... yagu 牙箍|orthodontic braces yagu 雅故|old friend/correct interpretation yaguan 牙冠|crown of a tooth/(dental) crown yaguan 牙关|jaw/mandibular joint yaguan 雅观|elegant and tasteful yaguang 哑光|matte/non-glossy yaguanjinbizheng 牙关紧闭症|lockjaw/trismus yaha 亚哈|Ahab (9th c. BC), King of Israel, son... yahaiya 崖海鸦|(bird species of China) common murre ... yahang 牙行|middleman (in former times)/broker yahao 雅号|refined appelation/(humor) sb\'s elega... yahasi 亚哈斯|Ahaz (son of Jotham) yahe 崖壑|valley/gulley yahou 押后|to adjourn/to defer yahu 雅虎|Yahoo, Internet portal yahua 压花|to emboss/coining/knurling yahuai 压坏|to crush yahuai 雅怀|refined feelings/distinguished emotions yahuaji 轧花机|cotton gin yahuan 丫鬟|servant girl/maid yahuan 丫环|servant girl/maid yahui 牙慧|repetition/other person\'s opinion/hea... yaji 牙祭|a good meal/sumptuous food yaji 压挤|to squeeze out/to extrude yaji 丫髻|bun (of hair)/topknot yaji 雅集|distinguished assembly (of scholars) yajia 压价|to depress prices yajiada 雅加达|Jakarta, capital of Indonesia yajian 雅间|private room (in a restaurant, bath h... yajiang 雅江|Yajiang county (Tibetan: nyag chu rdz... yajiangxian 雅江县|Yajiang county (Tibetan: nyag chu rdz... yajiankang 亚健康|suboptimal health status yajiao 雅教|(hon.) your distinguished thoughts/Th... yajiao 丫角|traditional hairstyle for children, w... yajie 雅洁|elegant and pure yajie 亚界|subkingdom (taxonomy) yajie 押解|to send away under escort (criminals,... yajieshi 牙结石|dental calculus; tartar yajin 押金|deposit/down payment yajin 压紧|to compress yajin 亚金|Achim (son of Zadok in Matthew 1:14) yajing 雅静|elegant and calm/gentle/quiet yajixing 亚急性|subacute yaju 哑剧|to mime/a dumb show yajun 亚军|second place (in a sports contest)/ru... yajunban 牙菌斑|dental bacterial plaque yakaba 亚喀巴|Aqaba (port city in Jordan) yake 牙科|dentistry yake 雅克|Jacques (name) yake 崖刻|rock carving/cliff engraving/words ca... yake 亚科|subfamily (taxonomy) yakeli 亚克力|(loanword) acrylic yakeli 压克力|acrylic (loanword)/see also 亞克力|亚克力[y... yakeshi 牙克石|Yakeshi, county-level city, Mongolian... yakeshishi 牙克石市|Yakeshi, county-level city, Mongolian... yakeyisheng 牙科医生|dentist yakou 哑口|as if dumb/speechless yakou 垭口|(dialect) narrow mountain pass yakouwuyan 哑口无言|dumbstruck and unable to reply (idiom... yakua 压垮|to cause sth to collapse under the we... yakuai 牙侩|broker yalabama 亚拉巴马|Alabama, US state yalabamazhou 亚拉巴马州|Alabama, US state yalabo 亚拉伯|(old) Arabia yalan 亚兰|Ram (son of Hezron) yalashenshan 雅拉神山|Mt Yarla Shampo, in Dawu County 道孚縣|道... yalaxiangboshenshan 雅拉香波神山|Mt Yarla Shampo, in Dawu County 道孚縣|道... yalaxiangboxueshan 雅拉香波雪山|Mt Yarla Shampo, in Dawu County 道孚縣|道... yalaxueshan 雅拉雪山|Mt Yarla Shampo, in Dawu County 道孚縣|道... yalei 亚类|subtype/subclass yali 压力|pressure yali 鸭梨|Chinese white pear (Pyrus × bretschne... yali 雅丽|elegant/refined beauty yalian 雅利安|Aryan yaliang 雅量|magnanimity/tolerance/high capacity f... yalianna 亚利安娜|Ariane (French space rocket) yaliguo 压力锅|pressure cooker yaliji 压力计|pressure gauge/manometer/piezometer yaling 哑铃|dumbbell (weight) yalinjie 亚临界|subcritical yaliqiangdu 压力强度|pressure (as measured) yalirongqi 压力容器|pressure vessel/autoclave yalisangna 亚利桑那|Arizona yalisangnazhou 亚利桑那州|Arizona yalisangnazhou 亚利桑纳州|state of Arizona yalishanda 亚历山大|Alexander (name)/Alexandria (town name) yalishanda 压力山大|(jocular) to be under great pressure ... yalishandadadi 亚历山大大帝|Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) yalishandadubuqieke 亚历山大·杜布切克|Alexander Dubček (1921-1992), leader ... yalishandaliya 亚历山大里亚|Alexandria yalishandayingwu 亚历山大鹦鹉|(bird species of China) Alexandrine p... yalishiduode 亚里士多德|Aristotle (384-322 BC), Greek philoso... yalisiduode 亚里斯多德|Aristotle (philosopher) yaliusuan 亚硫酸|sulfurous acid H2SO3 yalixiehui 雅礼协会|Yale-China Association, independent o... yalongjiang 雅砻江|Yalong river of Tibet and Sichuan yalongwan 亚龙湾|Yalong Bay in Sanya 三亞|三亚[San1 ya4], ... yaluji 压路机|road roller yalujiang 鸭绿江|Yalu River, forming part of the China... yalun 亚伦|Aaron (name)/Yaren, capital of Nauru yaluohao 亚罗号|the Arrow (a Hong Kong registered shi... yaluohaoshijian 亚罗号事件|the Arrow Incident of 1856 (used as p... yaluoshida 亚罗士打|Alor Star city, capital of Kedah stat... yaluoyu 雅罗鱼|dace yaluzangbudaxiagu 雅鲁藏布大峡谷|Great Canyon of Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahm... yaluzangbujiang 雅鲁藏布江|Yarlung Tsangpo River, Tibet yalve 崖略|(literary) outline; general idea; rou... yama 亚麻|flax yamabu 亚麻布|linen yamaha 雅马哈|Yamaha yamai 压埋|to crush and bury yamaijia 牙买加|Jamaica yamaijiahujiao 牙买加胡椒|Jamaican pepper; allspice (Pimenta di... yamalu 压马路|variant of 軋馬路|轧马路[ya4 ma3 lu4]/Taiwa... yamalu 轧马路|to stroll around the streets (esp. of... yamanya 亚曼牙|Yamanya township in Shule county, Kas... yamanyaxiang 亚曼牙乡|Yamanya township in Shule county, Kas... yamasuan 亚麻酸|linolenic acid yamasun 亚马孙|Amazon yamasunhe 亚马孙河|Amazon River yamaxun 亚马逊|Amazon yamaxunhe 亚马逊河|Amazon River yamazi 亚麻子|linseed yamazi 亚麻籽|linseed yameilijia 亚美利加|America yameilijiazhou 亚美利加洲|America/abbr. to 美洲[Mei3 zhou1] yameiniya 亚美尼亚|Armenia, capital Yerevan 埃里溫|埃里温[Ai1 ... yameizu 雅美族|Tao or Yami, one of the indigenous pe... yamen 衙门|yamen, government office in dynastic ... yamen 亚门|(biology) subphylum (in zoological ta... yamen 亚们|Amon (son of Manasseh) yami 哑谜|puzzle/mystery yamian 轧棉|to gin cotton (separate seeds from fi... yamiao 芽苗|a shoot/a sprout/a seedling yamiaozhuzhang 揠苗助长|see 拔苗助長|拔苗助长[ba2 miao2 zhu4 zhang3] yaminada 亚米拿达|Amminadab (son of Ram) yamu 亚目|suborder (taxonomy) yamusukeluo 亚穆苏克罗|Yamoussoukro (city in the Ivory Coast) yamusuoge 雅穆索戈|Yamoussoukro, capital of Ivory Coast ... yan 研|to grind/study/research yan 广|\"house on a cliff\" radical in Chinese... yan 眼|eye (CL:隻|只[zhi1],雙|双[shuang1])/(ofte... yan 言|words/speech/to say/to talk yan 盐|salt/CL:粒[li4] yan 颜|surname Yan yan 颜|color/face/countenance yan 颜|Japanese variant of 顏|颜[yan2] yan 雁|wild goose yan 雁|variant of 雁[yan4] yan 燕|Yan, a vassal state of Zhou in presen... yan 燕|swallow (family Hirundinidae)/old var... yan 燕|variant of 燕[yan4] yan 延|surname Yan yan 延|to prolong/to extend/to delay yan 偃|surname Yan yan 偃|to lie supine/to stop/to fall down yan 艳|variant of 艷|艳[yan4] yan 艳|colorful/splendid/gaudy/amorous/roman... yan 艳|old variant of 豔|艳[yan4] yan 沿|along/to follow (a line, tradition et... yan 宴|(bound form) feast/repose yan 宴|variant of 宴[yan4] yan 妍|beautiful yan 铅|used in 鉛山|铅山[Yan2shan1], a county in... yan 闫|surname Yan yan 殷|dark red yan 谳|to decide judicially yan 焰|flame yan 焰|variant of 焰[yan4] yan 酽|strong (of tea) yan 嬿|lovely yan 焉|where/how yan 衍|to spread out/to develop/to overflow/... yan 掩|to cover up; to conceal/to close (a d... yan 郔|(place name) yan 験|Japanese variant of 驗|验 yan 焱|variant of 焰[yan4] yan 阎|surname Yan (sometimes written 閆|闫[Ya... yan 阎|(literary) the gate of a lane yan 淹|to flood/to submerge/to drown/to irri... yan 严|surname Yan yan 严|tight (closely sealed)/stern/strict/r... yan 厌|(bound form) to loathe; to be fed up ... yan 演|to perform (a play etc); to stage (a ... yan 砚|ink-stone yan 鴳|quail yan 炎|flame/inflammation/-itis yan 沇|surname Yan yan 沇|old variant of 兗|兖[yan3] yan 檐|eaves/ledge or brim yan 檐|variant of 檐[yan2] yan 琰|gem/glitter of gems yan 岩|cliff/rock yan 岩|variant of 巖|岩[yan2] yan 岩|variant of 岩[yan2] yan 彦|accomplished/elegant yan 麣|goat (archaic) yan 洇|variant of 湮[yan1] yan 魇|to have a nightmare yan 兖|used in 兗州|兖州[Yan3zhou1] yan 咽|throat; pharynx/narrow pass yan 咽|variant of 嚥|咽[yan4] yan 咽|to swallow yan 晏|surname Yan yan 晏|late/quiet yan 堰|weir yan 阉|to castrate/a castrate/neuter yan 赝|variant of 贗|赝[yan4] yan 赝|false yan 鳫|old variant of 雁[yan4] yan 鈆|old variant of 沿[yan2] yan 谚|proverb yan 滟|tossing of billows yan 淊|variant of 淹[yan1]/to flood yan 埏|boundary yan 揅|(literary) variant of 研[yan2] yan 鄢|surname Yan/name of a district in Henan yan 筵|bamboo mat for sitting yan 奄|surname Yan yan 奄|variant of 閹|阉[yan1]/to castrate/vari... yan 奄|suddenly/abruptly/hastily/to cover/to... yan 芫|used in 芫荽[yan2 sui5] yan 篶|black bamboo yan 湮|(literary) to sink into oblivion/(lit... yan 剡|sharp yan 扊|upright bar for fastening a door yan 棪|(tree) yan 崦|name of a mountain in Gansu yan 珚|a kind of jade yan 餍|to eat to the full yan 胭|rouge yan 胭|variant of 胭[yan1] yan 腌|variant of 醃|腌[yan1] yan 腌|to salt/to pickle/to cure (meat)/to m... yan 唁|to extend condolences yan 讠|\"speech\" or \"words\" radical in Chines... yan 喭|condole with yan 硏|variant of 研[yan2] yan 揜|cover up/to surprise yan 巚|variant of 巘|𪩘[yan3] yan 噞|the movement of a fish\'s mouth at the... yan 戭|spear yan 蜒|slug/used in 蜿蜒[wan1yan2] yan 阏|see 閼氏|阏氏[yan1 zhi1] yan 嶖|old variant of 崦[yan1] yan 厣|operculum (Latin: little lid)/a cover... yan 鼹|mole yan 罨|foment/valve yan 嵓|variant of 岩[yan2]/variant of 嚴|严[yan2] yan 觃|(used in place names) yan 恹|used in 懨懨|恹恹[yan1yan1] yan 郾|place name yan 䶮|high and bright yan 弇|to cover/trap yan 甗|earthenware vessel yan 隒|the appearance of a mountain, as if t... yan 炏|old variant of 炎[yan2] yan 塩|Japanese variant of 鹽|盐 yan 鷃|quail-like bird yan 姸|variant of 妍/beautiful yan 鰋|mudfish yan 漹|(archaic) river name yan 黡|black spots on body yan 匽|to hide, to secrete, to repress/to bend yan 俨|majestic/dignified yan 厳|Japanese variant of 嚴|严 yan 爓|flame yan 渰|(of cloud) forming or rising yan 蝘|Hemidactylus bowringii yan 䜩|variant of 宴[yan4] yan 碞|cliff yan 傿|name of an immortal/ancient place nam... yan 傿|fraudulent price yan 鳽|(used in naming bitterns and several ... yan 焔|old variant of 焰[yan4] yan 觾|variant of 燕[yan4], swallow yan 啱|correct/suitable/to suit sb/just now ... yan 㳂|variant of 沿[yan2] yan 莚|bamboo mat/feast, banquet yan 馣|fragrant odor yan 验|variant of 驗|验[yan4] yan 验|to examine/to test/to check yan 嫣|(literary) lovely; sweet yan 巌|Japanese variant of 巖|岩[yan2] yan 𪩘|peak of mountain yan 烟|cigarette or pipe tobacco/CL:根[gen1]/... yan 𫄧|cap tassels yan 烟|tobacco (variant of 煙|烟[yan1]) yanai 烟霭|mist and clouds yanan 沿岸|coastal area/littoral or riparian yanan 延安|see 延安市[Yan2an1 Shi4] yanandiqu 沿岸地区|coastal area yananshi 延安市|Yan\'an, prefecture-level city in Shaa... yanba 盐巴|table salt yanbaba 眼巴巴|waiting anxiously/impatient yanbai 眼白|white of the eye yanbi 掩蔽|shelter; screen; cover; protection yanbi 延毕|to postpone one\'s graduation (e.g. by... yanbian 演变|to develop; to evolve yanbian 延边|Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture ... yanbian 盐边|Yanbian county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1 ... yanbian 衍变|to develop/to evolve yanbian 沿边|close to the border/along the border yanbianchaoxianzuzizhizhou 延边朝鲜族自治州|Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture ... yanbiandaxue 延边大学|Yanbian University (Jilin province) yanbianr 沿边儿|to trim (border with braid, tape etc) yanbianxian 盐边县|Yanbian county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1 ... yanbianzhou 延边州|Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture ... yanbing 眼病|eye disease yanbing 眼柄|eye stalk (of crustacean etc) yanbinyu 岩滨鹬|(bird species of China) rock sandpipe... yanbixin,xingbiguo 言必信,行必果|one must be a man of his word and res... yanbo 演播|broadcast performance/televised or po... yanbo 烟波|mist covered water yanbo 眼波|fluid glance yanbo 淹博|widely read/erudite yanbo 厌薄|to despise/to look down upon sth yanbo 研钵|mortar (bowl for grinding with pestle) yanboshi 演播室|broadcasting studio yanbujian,xinbufan 眼不见,心不烦|what the eye doesn\'t see, the heart d... yanbujianweijing 眼不见为净|what remains unseen is deemed to be c... yanbujinyi 言不尽意|(conventional letter ending) words ca... yanbujiyi 言不及义|to talk nonsense (idiom)/frivolous talk yanbukechuan 言不可传|impossible to put into words/inexpres... yanbuyouzhong 言不由衷|to say sth without meaning it (idiom)... yanbuzhuanjing 眼不转睛|with fixed attention (idiom) yancaijing 燕菜精|agar-agar powder yancang 掩藏|hidden/covered/concealed yancang 岩仓|Iwakura, Japanese name and place-name yancangshijietuan 岩仓使节团|the Iwakura mission (Japanese diploma... yancao 烟草|tobacco yanceng 岩层|rock strata yanceng 岩层|variant of 岩層|岩层[yan2 ceng2]/rock strata yancha 严查|to investigate strictly yancha 眼岔|to mistake for sth else yanchan 眼馋|to covet/to envy yanchandubao 眼馋肚饱|to have eyes bigger than one\'s belly ... yanchang 延长|Yanchang county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1... yanchang 延长|to prolong/to extend/to delay yanchang 演唱|to sing (for an audience)/vocal perfo... yanchang 烟厂|cigarette factory yanchang 盐场|saltpan/saltbed yanchanghui 演唱会|vocal recital or concert yanchangxian 延长线|extension cord/extended line/powerstrip yanchangxian 延长县|Yanchang county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1... yanchaoji 验钞机|a device used to check money and dete... yanchaoqi 验钞器|money counter and counterfeit detecti... yanchen 烟尘|smoke and dust/air pollution yancheng 盐城|see 鹽城市|盐城市[Yan2cheng2 Shi4] yancheng 严惩|to punish severely yancheng 郾城|Yancheng district of Luohe city 漯河市[L... yancheng 盐埕|Yancheng district of Kaohsiung city 高... yanchengbudai 严惩不贷|to punish severely (idiom) yanchengchuan 眼成穿|to watch in anticipation (idiom) yanchengqu 郾城区|Yancheng district of Luohe city 漯河市[L... yanchengqu 盐埕区|Yancheng district of Kaohsiung city 高... yanchengshi 盐城市|Yancheng, prefecture-level city in Ji... yanchengtu 盐成土|halosol (soil taxonomy) yanchi 延迟|to delay/to postpone/to keep putting ... yanchi 盐池|Yanchi county in Ningxia/a saltpan yanchi 砚池|(concave) ink stone or ink slab yanchi 眼眵|sleep (dried mucus in the corner of t... yanchi 严饬|careful/precise yanchi 严斥|to scold/to censure yanchixian 盐池县|Yanchi county in Wuzhong 吳忠|吴忠[Wu2 zh... yanchong 眼虫|Euglena (genus of single-celled plant) yanchongzao 眼虫藻|euglena (biology) yanchu 演出|to act (in a play)/to perform/to put ... yanchuan 延川|Yanchuan county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1... yanchuan 言传|to convey in words yanchuanchangduan 眼穿肠断|waiting anxiously (idiom) yanchuang 岩床|bedrock yanchuanshenjiao 言传身教|to teach by words and example (idiom) yanchuanxian 延川县|Yanchuan county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1... yanchudidian 演出地点|performance place/CL:處|处[chu4] yanchuzhe 演出者|performer yanci 言辞|words/expression/what one says yanci 言词|variant of 言辭|言辞[yan2 ci2] yanci 严词|forceful (criticism etc)/to use stron... yanci 严辞|stern words yanci 严慈|strict and compassionate/strict as a ... yancong 烟囱|chimney; smokestack; stovepipe yanda 严打|to crack down on/to take severe measu... yandai 眼袋|puffiness under the eyes/bags under t... yandai 烟袋|tobacco pipe yandang 雁荡|Yandang mountains, famous scenic area... yandang 延宕|to postpone/to keep putting sth off yandangshan 雁荡山|Yandang mountains, famous scenic area... yandao 严岛|Itsukushima island in Hiroshima prefe... yandaoshenshe 严岛神社|Itsukujima shrine in Hiroshima prefec... yandi 炎帝|Flame Emperors (c. 2000 BC), legendar... yandi 眼底|fundus of the eye (containing the cho... yandi 烟蒂|cigarette butt (variant of 菸蒂|烟蒂[yan1... yandi 烟蒂|cigarette butt yandi 砚滴|small cup for adding water to an ink ... yandi 砚弟|younger fellow student yandian 唁电|a telegram of condolence yandian 眼点|eyespot (in lower creatures) yandianqi 验电器|electroscope yandiantu 眼电图|electrooculograph (EOG) yandiling 炎帝陵|Fiery Emperor\'s tomb in Yanling count... yanding 验定|to come to a conclusion about sth aft... yanding 研定|to consider and decide/to decide afte... yandixia 眼底下|in front of one\'s eyes/in full view a... yandong 严冬|severe winter yandong 眼动|eye movement yandongjilu 眼动记录|eye movement recording yandongjishu 眼动技术|eye movement technique yandou 烟斗|(smoking) pipe yandou 烟斗|variant of 煙斗|烟斗[yan1dou3] yandou 烟豆|variable glycine (Glycine tabacina), ... yandu 盐度|salinity yandu 盐都|Yandu district of Yancheng city 鹽城市|盐... yandu 研读|to study attentively (a book)/to delv... yandu 眼毒|venomous glance/hostile gaze/sharp-eyed yanduobishi 言多必失|if you say too much, you\'re bound to ... yanduoyushi 言多语失|see 言多必失[yan2 duo1 bi4 shi1] yanduqu 盐都区|Yandu district of Yancheng city 鹽城市|盐... yanei 衙内|child of an official/palace bodyguard yaner 掩耳|to refuse to listen yanerdaoling 掩耳盗铃|lit. to cover one\'s ears whilst steal... yanerwuxin 言而无信|untrustworthy; not true to one\'s word yaneryouxin 言而有信|to speak and keep one\'s promise (idio... yanfa 研发|research and development/to develop yanfa 延发|delayed action yanfan 厌烦|bored; fed up with sth; sick of sth yanfang 严防|to take strict precautions/on your guard yanfang 验方|a tried and tested medical prescription yanfang 眼房|camera oculi/aqueous chamber of the eye yanfangshui 眼房水|aqueous humor yanfen 盐分|salt content yanfen 眼瞓|sleepy (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalen... yanfeng 雁峰|Yanfeng district of Hengyang city 衡陽市... yanfeng 眼风|eye signal/meaningful glance yanfengqu 雁峰区|Yanfeng district of Hengyang city 衡陽市... yanfu 眼福|a treat for the eyes/the rare chance ... yanfu 严父|strict or stern father yanfu 严复|Yan Fu (1853-1921), influential Chine... yanfu 艳福|luck with women yanfumaojiaoyan 烟腹毛脚燕|(bird species of China) Asian house m... yanfumu 盐肤木|Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis) yanfuqishi 言符其实|(of one\'s words) to be in accord with... yang 样|manner/pattern/way/appearance/shape/c... yang 阳|positive (electric.)/sun/male princip... yang 养|to raise (animals)/to bring up (child... yang 洋|ocean/vast/foreign/silver dollar or coin yang 氧|oxygen (chemistry) yang 央|center/end/to beg/to plead yang 漾|to overflow/to ripple/used in place n... yang 杨|surname Yang yang 杨|poplar yang 垟|clay sheep buried with the dead yang 仰|surname Yang yang 仰|to face upward/to look up/to admire/t... yang 羊|surname Yang yang 羊|sheep; goat/CL:頭|头[tou2],隻|只[zhi1] yang 秧|sapling; seedling; sprout; (esp.) ric... yang 扬|abbr. for Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2zhou1] ... yang 扬|to raise/to hoist/the action of tossi... yang 扬|variant of 揚|扬[yang2] yang 痒|variant of 癢|痒[yang3]/to itch/to tickle yang 痒|to itch/to tickle yang 旸|rising sun/sunshine yang 疡|ulcers/sores yang 鞅|martingale (part of a horse\'s harness... yang 鞅|wooden yoke for a draft ox yang 恙|sickness yang 泱|agitated (wind, cloud)/boundless yang 瀁|ripples yang 炀|molten/smelt yang 鸯|mandarin duck yang 飏|to soar/to fly/to float/variant of 揚|... yang 殃|calamity yang 怏|discontented yang 佯|to feign/to pretend yang 徉|to walk back and forth yang 坱|fine dust/plentiful/vast yang 昜|old variant of 陽|阳[yang2] yang 炴|firelight; blaze yang 蛘|a weevil found in rice etc yang 钖|ornaments on headstall of horse yang 氜|old variant of 陽|阳[yang2] yang 鉠|(onom.) ring/tinkle yang 胦|the navel yang 飬|old variant of 養|养[yang3] yang 様|Japanese variant of 樣|样 yang 烊|molten/smelt yangai 掩盖|to conceal/to hide behind/to cover up yangai 淹盖|to submerge/to flood/to drown out yangang 烟缸|ashtray yanganzheng 眼干症|(medicine) xerophthalmia; dry eye syn... yangao 眼高|haughty/contemptuous/to have high exp... yangaoshoudi 眼高手低|to have high standards but little abi... yangbaicai 洋白菜|cabbage (round cabbage most commonly ... yangbaihan 杨百翰|Brigham Young yangbaihandaxue 杨百翰大学|Brigham Young University yangban 样板|template/prototype/model/example yangbanxi 样板戏|model theater (operas and ballets pro... yangbaosen 杨宝森|Yang Baosen (1909-1958), Beijing oper... yangben 样本|sample; specimen yangbi 漾濞|Yangbi county in Yunnan province yangbian 扬鞭|to whip on/to raise a whip/by ext. to... yangbin 杨斌|Yang Bin (1963-), Chinese-Dutch busin... yangbing 养病|to recuperate/to convalesce/to take c... yangbing 养兵|to train troops yangbingqianri,yongbingyishi 养兵千日,用兵一时|lit. Train an army for a thousand day... yangbingqianri,yongzaiyishi 养兵千日,用在一时|see 養兵千日,用兵一時|养兵千日,用兵一时[yang3 bing1 q... yangbingqianri,yongzaiyizhao 养兵千日,用在一朝|lit. train an army for a thousand day... yangbiyizuzizhixian 漾濞彝族自治县|Yangbi Yizu Autonomous County in Dali... yangbu 洋布|machine-woven cloth (old) yangcai 洋菜|agar yangcai 扬菜|Jiangsu cuisine yangcai 央财|Central University of Finance and Eco... yangcaini 杨采妮|Charlie Young (1974-), Hong Kong actr... yangcan 养蚕|to raise silkworms yangcanye 养蚕业|silk industry yangchang 扬长|with swagger/ostentatiously/to make t... yangchang 洋场|(old) foreign concession yangchangbiduan 扬长避短|to foster strengths and avoid weaknes... yangchangerqu 扬长而去|to swagger off/to walk off (or drive ... yangchangeshao 洋场恶少|a rich young bully of old Shanghai yangchangxiaodao 羊肠小道|road as twisty as sheep\'s intestine (... yangchangxiaojing 羊肠小径|winding road (twisting and turning li... yangche 洋车|rickshaw yangcheng 养成|to cultivate/to raise/to form (a habi... yangcheng 羊城|Yangcheng, a nickname for 廣州|广州[Guang... yangcheng 阳城|Yangcheng county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Ji... yangchenglin 杨丞琳|Rainie Yang (1984-), Taiwanese entert... yangchengxian 阳城县|Yangcheng county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Ji... yangchengzhong 杨澄中|Yang Chengzhong (1913-1987), Chinese ... yangchongbing 恙虫病|(medicine) scrub typhus; bush typhus;... yangchuan 羊穿|amniocentesis (abbr. for 羊膜穿刺[yang2 m... yangchufanli 羊触藩篱|lit. billy goat\'s horns caught in the... yangchun 阳春|Yangchun, county-level city in Yangji... yangchunbaixue 阳春白雪|melodies of the elite in the state of... yangchunmian 阳春面|plain noodles in broth yangchunshi 阳春市|Yangchun, county-level city in Yangji... yangchunxing 阳春型|entry-level (car, device etc) (Tw) yangcong 洋葱|onion (Allium cepa)/bulb onion yangcongquan 洋葱圈|onion ring yangda 养大|to raise (a child or animal) yangdan 样单|sample sheet; form/(computing) styles... yangdao 阳道|penis yangdi 养地|to maintain the land (with rotation o... yangdi 洋底|ocean floor/bottom of the ocean yangdian 阳电|positive electric charge yangdianfeng 羊癫疯|epilepsy yangdianhe 阳电荷|positive electric charge yangdianji 阳电极|anode/positive electrode (i.e. attrac... yangdianzi 阳电子|positron/also called 正電子|正电子[zheng4 d... yangdidiqiao 洋底地壳|oceanic crust (geology) yangdushoujin 羊肚手巾|(dialect) towel (especially worn as a... yangduzimaojin 羊肚子毛巾|see 羊肚手巾[yang2 du4 shou3 jin1] yangduzishoujin 羊肚子手巾|see 羊肚手巾[yang2 du4 shou3 jin1] yange 严格|strict/stringent/tight/rigorous yange 阉割|to castrate/fig. to emasculate yange 沿革|evolution of sth over time/course of ... yange 演歌|enka (Japanese genre of sentimental b... yange 延搁|to delay/to procrastinate yange 眼格|field of vision yange 岩鸽|(bird species of China) hill pigeon (... yangegeli 严格隔离|rigorous isolation yangelaijiang 严格来讲|strictly speaking yangelaishuo 严格来说|strictly speaking yangeng 砚耕|to live by writing yangerfanglao 养儿防老|(of parents) to bring up children for... yangfan 扬帆|to set sail yangfan-zhaohun 扬幡招魂|lit. to raise a banner to summon the ... yangfang 洋房|Western-style house yangfanyuanhang 扬帆远航|to set sail on a voyage to a distant ... yangfei 杨妃|see 楊貴妃|杨贵妃[Yang2 Gui4 fei1] yangfen 养分|nutrient yangfen 洋粉|agar yangfeng 养蜂|to raise bees yangfengren 养蜂人|beekeeper/apiculturist yangfengye 养蜂业|beekeeping/apiculture yangfengyinwei 阳奉阴违|outward devotion but inner opposition... yangfu 养父|foster father/adoptive father yangfu 洋服|Western-style clothes yangfujia 杨福家|Yang Fujia (1936-), nuclear physicist yanggang 阳刚|manly/masculine yangganju 洋甘菊|Matricaria recutita/chamomile yanggao 阳高|Yanggao county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2... yanggao 羊羔|lamb yanggao 央告|to implore/to plead/to ask earnestly yanggao 洋镐|pickaxe yanggaoxian 阳高县|Yanggao county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2... yangge 秧歌|Yangge, a popular rural folk dance yangge 氧割|to cut using oxyacetylene torch yanggeju 秧歌剧|Yangge opera, a rural form of theater yanggeng 羊羹|yōkan, gelatin dessert typically made... yanggou 阳沟|open drainage channel; ditch yanggu 阳谷|Yangu county in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 ch... yanggu 扬谷|to winnow yangguai 羊怪|faun, half-goat half-human creature o... yangguai 羊拐|children\'s game, similar to knucklebones yangguan 阳关|Yangguan or Southern Pass on the sout... yangguandadao 阳关大道|(lit.) the road through Yangguan 陽關|阳... yangguandao 阳关道|same as 陽關大道|阳关大道[Yang2 guan1 Da4 dao4] yangguang 阳光|sunshine/(of personality) upbeat; ene... yangguang 仰光|Yangon (Rangoon), city, capital of My... yangguangdajinta 仰光大金塔|Great Pagoda of Yangon (Rangoon) yangguangfang 阳光房|sunroom yangguangmingmei 阳光明媚|the sun shines brightly (idiom) yangguangpuzhao 阳光普照|(idiom) sunlight shines over all thin... yangguangyu 阳光浴|sunbathing yanggui 洋鬼|see 洋鬼子[yang2 gui3 zi5] yangguifei 杨贵妃|Yang Guifei (719-756), famous Tang be... yangguizi 洋鬼子|foreign devil/term of abuse for Weste... yangguo 杨过|Yang Guo, protagonist of \"The Return ... yangguxian 阳谷县|Yangu county in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 ch... yanghan 养汉|to commit adultery (of married woman) yanghang 央行|central bank (abbr. for 中央銀行|中央银行[zho... yanghang 洋行|(old) foreign firm yangheqi 氧合器|oxygenator yanghong 洋红|carmine; magenta yanghu 养护|to maintain/to conserve/curing (concr... yanghua 氧化|to oxidize yanghua 养花|growing flowers yanghua 洋话|foreign language (esp. Western) yanghua 洋化|to Westernize yanghuagai 氧化钙|calcium oxide, CaO/(slang) (used as a... yanghuagong 氧化汞|mercuric oxide (HgO) yanghuaguan 氧化罐|Hopcalite canister/Hopcalite cartridge yanghuai 洋槐|black locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia) yanghuaishu 洋槐树|black locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia) yanghuaji 氧化剂|oxidant/oxidizing agent yanghualv 氧化铝|aluminum oxide yanghuamei 氧化镁|magnesium oxide MgO yanghuar 洋画儿|children\'s game played with illustrat... yanghuawu 氧化物|oxide yanghuaxin 氧化锌|zinc oxide yanghuayou 氧化铀|uranium oxide yanghucheng 杨虎城|Yang Hucheng (1893-1949), Chinese war... yanghui 洋灰|cement yanghuo 养活|to provide for/to keep (animals, a fa... yanghuo 洋火|(coll.) matches (old) yanghuo 洋货|Western goods/imported goods (in form... yanghushangshen 养虎伤身|Rear a tiger and court disaster. (idi... yanghuweihuan 养虎为患|lit. to nurture a tiger invites calam... yanghuyihuan 养虎遗患|Rear a tiger and court disaster. (idi... yangji 样机|prototype yangji 殃及|to bring disaster to yangji 央及|to ask/to plead/to beg/to involve yangji 氧基|alkoxy (chemistry) yangji 洋基|see 洋基隊|洋基队[Yang2 ji1 dui4]/New York ... yangji 洋脊|mid-ocean ridge yangji 洋蓟|globe artichoke yangji 阳极|anode; positive electrode; positive pole yangjia 养家|to support a family/to raise a family yangjia-hukou 养家糊口|(idiom) to provide for one\'s family yangjiahuokou 养家活口|to support one\'s family (idiom) yangjiajiang 杨家将|Yang Saga, a popular fiction from the... yangjian 阳间|the world of the living yangjian 洋碱|soap yangjian 杨坚|first Sui emperor Yang Jian (541-604)... yangjiang 洋姜|Jerusalem artichoke yangjiang 阳江|see 陽江市|阳江市[Yang2jiang1 Shi4] yangjiang 洋将|(Tw) (sports) foreign player/import yangjiangshi 阳江市|Yangjiang, prefecture-level city in G... yangjianli 杨建利|Yang JianLi, PRC human rights activist yangjiao 仰角|(math.) angle of elevation yangjiao 洋教|foreign religion (esp. Western Christ... yangjiaobao 羊角包|croissant yangjiaochui 羊角锤|claw hammer yangjiaocun 羊角村|Giethoorn (city in the Netherlands) yangjiaodou 羊角豆|okra (Hibiscus esculentus)/lady\'s fin... yangjiaofeng 羊角风|epilepsy yangjiaofeng 羊角疯|variant of 羊角風|羊角风[yang2 jiao3 feng1] yangjiaomianbao 羊角面包|croissant yangjiaoqin 羊角芹|ground-elder (Aegopodium podagraria) yangjichang 养鸡场|chicken farm yangjidui 洋基队|New York Yankees (US baseball team) yangjiechi 杨洁篪|Yang Jiechi (1950-), Chinese politici... yangjin 炀金|molten metal yangjin 烊金|variant of 煬金|炀金[yang2 jin1] yangjingbangyingyu 洋泾浜英语|pidgin English yangjingxurui 养精蓄锐|to preserve and nurture one\'s spirit ... yangjiong 杨炯|Yang Jiong (650-693?), one of the Fou... yangju 阳具|penis yangjun 杨俊|Yang Jun (571-600), son of the first ... yangkaihui 杨开慧|Yang Kaihui (1901-1930), Mao Zedong\'s... yangkeweiqi 扬科维奇|Jankovic/Yankovic/Yankovich/Jelena Ja... yangkuang 佯狂|to feign madness yanglai 仰赖|to rely on yanglaji 洋垃圾|trash or used goods from Western coun... yanglan 杨澜|Yang Lan (1968-), Chinese media propr... yanglao 养老|to provide for the elderly (family me... yanglaobaoxian 养老保险|old-age insurance yanglaojin 养老金|pension yanglaojinshuangguizhi 养老金双轨制|dual pension scheme (PRC) yanglaosongzhong 养老送终|to look after one\'s aged parents and ... yanglaoyuan 养老院|nursing home yangleduo 养乐多|Yakult (Japanese brand of fermented m... yangli 阳历|solar calendar/Western (Gregorian) ca... yangli 样例|sample; model; example yanglian 养廉|to encourage honesty/to discourage co... yangliao 养料|nutriment/nourishment yangling 杨陵|Yangling District in Xianyang City 咸陽... yanglingqu 杨陵区|Yangling District in Xianyang City 咸陽... yangliu 杨柳|willow tree/poplar and willow/name of... yangliu 洋流|ocean current yangliwei 杨利伟|Yang Liwei (1965-), the first Chinese... yanglizi 阳离子|positive ion/cation (physics) yanglufei 养路费|road maintenance tax (China) yangmao 羊毛|fleece/wool/woolen yangmao 样貌|appearance; manifestation yangmaochuzaiyangshenshang 羊毛出在羊身上|lit. wool comes from the sheep\'s back... yangmaoshan 羊毛衫|wool sweater; cardigan yangmaotan 羊毛毯|woolen blanket yangmaoxian 羊毛线|knitting wool/wool yarn yangmaozhi 羊毛脂|lanolin/wool oil yangmei 杨梅|red bayberry (Myrica rubra), aka Chin... yangmei 扬眉|to raise eyebrows yangmian 洋面|ocean surface yangmiao 秧苗|seedling; (esp.) rice seedling yangming 阳明|Yangming district of Mudanjiang city ... yangming 扬名|to become famous/to become notorious yangmingqu 阳明区|Yangming district of Mudanjiang city ... yangmingshan 阳明山|Mt Yangming in Hunan/Mt Yangming in n... yangmingsihai 扬名四海|known throughout the country (idiom);... yangmo 羊膜|(anatomy) amnion yangmochuanci 羊膜穿刺|amniocentesis yangmochuancishu 羊膜穿刺术|amniocentesis yangmou 阳谋|to conspire openly/overt plot yangmu 养母|foster mother/adoptive mother yangmu 仰慕|to admire yangnai 羊奶|sheep\'s milk yangnan 羊男|goat-man/faun of Greek mythology yangnian 羊年|Year of the Ram (e.g. 2003) yangningshi 杨凝式|Yang Ningshi (873-954) calligrapher o... yangniu 洋妞|young foreign girl yangniu 鞅牛|ox harnessed for plowing yangnv 养女|adopted daughter yangpai 羊排|lamb chop yangpi 羊皮|sheepskin yangpian 洋片|children\'s game played with illustrat... yangpiaozu 洋漂族|lit. ocean drifting people/job-hoppin... yangpin 样品|sample; specimen yangping 阳平|evenly rising tone, the second tone o... yangpingsheng 阳平声|evenly rising tone, the second tone o... yangpipa 洋琵琶|mandolin yangpizhi 羊皮纸|parchment yangpu 洋浦|see 洋浦經濟開發區|洋浦经济开发区[Yang2 pu3 jing1 j... yangpujingjikaifaqu 洋浦经济开发区|Yangpu Economic Development Zone, Hainan yangpuqu 杨浦区|Yangpu district, central Shanghai yangputao 洋蒲桃|love apple/wax apple/Syzygium samaran... yangqi 氧气|oxygen yangqi 洋气|Western style/foreign flavor/trendy/f... yangqi 扬起|to raise one\'s head/to perk up yangqi 央企|centrally-managed state-owned enterpr... yangqian 洋钱|foreign money/flat silver (former coi... yangqiang 洋枪|western style guns (in former times) yangqiangyangdiao 洋腔洋调|to speak with a foreign accent or usi... yangqiao 洋壳|oceanic crust (geology) yangqin 扬琴|yangqin/dulcimer (hammered string mus... yangqin 洋琴|variant of 揚琴|扬琴[yang2 qin2] yangqingjizhuo 扬清激浊|lit. drain away filth and bring in fr... yangqiu 央求|to implore/to plead/to ask earnestly yangqu 阳曲|Yangqu county in Taiyuan 太原[Tai4 yuan... yangquan 阳泉|see 陽泉市|阳泉市[Yang2quan2 Shi4] yangquanshi 阳泉市|Yangquan, prefecture-level city in Sh... yangqun 羊群|flock of sheep yangquxian 阳曲县|Yangqu county in Taiyuan 太原[Tai4 yuan... yangr 样儿|see 樣子|样子[yang4zi5] yangren 洋人|foreigner/Westerner yangrenbixi 仰人鼻息|to rely on others for the air one bre... yangrou 羊肉|mutton/goat meat yangrouchuan 羊肉串|lamb kebab yangrouxian 羊肉馅|minced mutton yangruhukou 羊入虎口|lit. a lamb in a tiger\'s den (idiom)/... yangrui 杨锐|Yang Rui (1855-1898), one of the Six ... yangsan 阳伞|parasol yangsaoyangbing 羊瘙痒病|scrapie (prion disease of sheep) yangsaoyangzheng 羊瘙痒症|scrapie (prion disease of sheep) yangsen 杨森|Yang Sen (1884-1977), Sichuan warlord... yangshan 阳山|Yangshan county in Qingyuan 清遠|清远[Qin... yangshang 养伤|to heal a wound/to recuperate (from a... yangshangang 洋山港|see 洋山深水港[Yang2 shan1 Shen1 shui3 gang3] yangshangkun 杨尚昆|Yang Shangkun (1907-1998), former pre... yangshanshenshuigang 洋山深水港|Yangshan Deep-Water Port (near Shanghai) yangshanxian 阳山县|Yangshan county in Qingyuan 清遠|清远[Qin... yangshao 仰韶|Yangshao culture (archaeological peri... yangshaowenhua 仰韶文化|Yangshao neolithic culture from the c... yangshen 养神|to rest/to recuperate/to regain compo... yangsheng 养生|to maintain good health/to raise a ch... yangsheng 阳盛|excess of yang 陽|阳[yang2] in TCM yangshengfa 养生法|regime (diet) yangshengqi 扬声器|speaker yangshengsongsi 养生送死|to be looked after in life and given ... yangshengzhidao 养生之道|the way of maintaining good health yangshenxiu 杨深秀|Yang Shenxiu (1849-1898), one of the ... yangshi 样式|type/style yangshi 央视|China Central Television (CCTV), abbr... yangshi 仰视|to tilt one\'s head back to see (sth)/... yangshi 阳世|world of the living yangshi 洋式|Western style yangshijian 阳世间|the world of the living yangshou 阳寿|predestined lifespan yangshouren 杨守仁|Yang Shouren (1912-2005), PRC agricul... yangshu 杨树|poplar tree/various trees of genus Po... yangshui 羊水|amniotic fluid yangshuichuanci 羊水穿刺|amniocentesis (used in Taiwan) yangshuo 阳朔|Yangshuo county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin... yangshuoxian 阳朔县|Yangshuo county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin... yangsu 洋苏|sage (herb) yangtai 阳台|variant of 陽臺|阳台[yang2 tai2] yangtai 阳台|balcony/porch yangtang 仰躺|to lie on one\'s back yangtao 杨桃|carambola/star fruit yangtao 羊桃|variant of 楊桃|杨桃[yang2 tao2]/carambol... yangtian 仰天|to face upwards/to look up to the sky yangtian 秧田|rice seedling bed yangtiaohanshu 样条函数|spline function (math.) yangtiebo 洋铁箔|tinfoil/CL:張|张[zhang1] yangtou 仰头|to raise one\'s head yangtou 羊头|sheep\'s head/fig. advertisement for g... yangtougourou 羊头狗肉|see 掛羊頭賣狗肉|挂羊头卖狗肉[gua4 yang2 tou2 mai... yangtuo 央托|to request assistance/to ask sb to do... yangtuo 羊驼|alpaca yanguan 验关|customs inspection (at frontier) yanguan 烟管|smoking pipe yanguan 言官|imperial censor yanguan 淹灌|basin irrigation (e.g. paddy fields) yanguang 眼光|gaze/insight/foresight/vision/way of ... yanguang 验光|optometry/to examine the eyes yanguangduan 眼光短|short-sighted yanguangfa 验光法|optometry; eyesight testing yanguangpeijingfa 验光配镜法|optometry/eyesight testing yanguangpeijingye 验光配镜业|optometry/eyesight testing yanguangshi 验光师|optometrist yanguanliuluertingbafang 眼观六路耳听八方|lit. the eyes watch six roads and the... yanguanmian 烟管面|elbow pasta yanguansichu,ertingbafang 眼观四处,耳听八方|see 眼觀四面,耳聽八方|眼观四面,耳听八方[yan3 guan1 si... yanguansimian,ertingbafang 眼观四面,耳听八方|lit. the eyes observe all sides and t... yanguguan 咽鼓管|Eustachian tube (linking the pharynx ... yangui 烟鬼|heavy smoker/chain smoker yanguiyuhao 言归于好|to become reconciled/to bury the hatchet yanguizhengzhuan 言归正传|to return to the topic (idiom)/to get... yanguo 燕国|Yan, a vassal state of Zhou in modern... yanguobamao 雁过拔毛|lit. to grab feathers from a flying g... yanguolao 眼过劳|eye strain yanguoqishi 言过其实|(idiom) to exaggerate; to overstate t... yangwang 仰望|to look up at/to look up to sb hopefully yangwawa 洋娃娃|doll (of Western appearance) yangwei 阳痿|(medicine) impotence yangwei 杨维|Yang Wei (1979-), PRC badminton playe... yangwei 洋味|Western taste/Western style yangwei 阳萎|variant of 陽痿|阳痿[yang2wei3] yangwen 阳文|characters cut in relief yangwen 洋文|foreign language (esp. Western) (old) yangwo 仰卧|to lie supine yangwoqizuo 仰卧起坐|sit-up (physical exercise) yangwoshi 仰卧式|corpse pose (yoga) yangwu 洋务|foreign affairs (in Qing times)/forei... yangwu 阳物|penis yangwu 仰屋|to lie looking at the ceiling (in des... yangwupai 洋务派|the foreign learning or Westernizing ... yangwuxingtan 仰屋兴叹|to stare at the ceiling in despair/to... yangwuxuetang 洋务学堂|college of Western learning in late Qing yangwuyundong 洋务运动|Self-Strengthening Movement (period o... yangwuzhushu 仰屋著书|lit. to stare at the ceiling while wr... yangxi 阳西|Yangxi county in Yangjiang 陽江|阳江[Yang... yangxian 洋县|Yang County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zh... yangxianfeng 羊痫风|epilepsy yangxiang 洋相|social gaffe or blunder/faux pas/see ... yangxiangcai 洋香菜|parsley yangxianggua 洋香瓜|(Tw) cantaloupe; muskmelon yangxiaoying 氧效应|oxygen effect yangxin 阳新|Yangxin county in Huangshi 黃石|黄石[Huan... yangxin 阳信|Yangxin county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 ... yangxing 阳性|positive/masculine yangxing 养性|mental or spiritual cultivation yangxinxian 阳信县|Yangxin county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 ... yangxinxian 阳新县|Yangxin county in Huangshi 黃石|黄石[Huan... yangxiong 扬雄|Yang Xiong (53 BC-18 AD), scholar, po... yangxiuqing 杨秀清|Yang Xiuqing (1821-1856), organizer a... yangxixian 阳西县|Yangxi county in Yangjiang 陽江|阳江[Yang... yangxu 阳虚|deficiency of yang 陽|阳[yang2] (TCM) yangxue 洋学|Western learning yangxuetang 洋学堂|school after the Western model, teach... yangyan 养眼|visually attractive/eye candy/easy on... yangyan 扬言|to put about (a story, plan, threat e... yangyan 养颜|to nourish one\'s skin/to maintain a y... yangyan 佯言|to claim falsely (literary) yangyan 阳炎|dazzling sunlight/glare of sunlight yangyan 洋燕|(bird species of China) Pacific swall... yangyang 泱泱|grand/magnificent/vast yangyang 痒痒|to itch/to tickle yangyang 洋洋|vast/impressive/self-satisfied/immens... yangyang 样样|all kinds yangyang 养羊|sheep husbandry yangyang 鞅鞅|dissatisfied; displeased; aggrieved yangyangdapian 洋洋大篇|lit. an ocean of writing/an impressiv... yangyangdeyi 洋洋得意|immensely pleased with oneself (idiom... yangyangnao 痒痒挠|backscratcher (made from bamboo etc) yangyangsasa 洋洋洒洒|voluminous/flowing (of speeches, arti... yangyangyi 羊痒疫|scrapie (prion disease of sheep) yangyangzide 洋洋自得|immensely pleased with oneself (idiom... yangyansui 洋芫荽|parsley yangye 杨业|Yang Ye (died 986), Chinese military ... yangyi 洋溢|brimming with/steeped in yangyi 杨亿|Yang Yi (974-1020), Northern Song dyn... yangyige 扬抑格|trochaic yangyique 氧乙炔|oxyacetylene yangyiquehan 氧乙炔焊|oxyacetylene welding yangyiquehanju 氧乙炔焊炬|oxyacetylene torch yangyiqueju 氧乙炔炬|an oxyacetylene torch yangyong 仰泳|backstroke yangyongyihuan 养痈贻患|lit. to foster an ulcer and bequeath ... yangyongyihuan 养痈遗患|lit. to foster an ulcer and bequeath ... yangyou 洋油|imported oil/kerosene yangyou 羊油|sheep\'s fat/suet/mutton tallow yangyu 养育|to rear/to bring up/to nurture yangyu 洋芋|(dialect) potato yangyuan 阳原|Yangyuan county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家... yangyuan 洋员|Westerner employed in Qing China (as ... yangyuanxian 阳原县|Yangyuan county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家... yangyuanzi 氧原子|oxygen atom yangyuchi 养鱼池|fishpond yangyueqing 杨月清|Yang Yueqing, Chinese-Canadian woman ... yangyugang 养鱼缸|aquarium/fish tank yangyuhuan 杨玉环|Yang Yuhuan, aka Yang Guifei 楊貴妃|杨贵妃[... yangyupian 洋芋片|(Tw) potato chip yangzhan 羊栈|sheep or goat pen yangzhang 样张|(printing) proof; specimen page/sampl... yangzhang 仰仗|to rely on/to depend on yangzhang 鞅掌|(literary) busy (with work etc) yangzhang 样章|sample chapter yangzhao 扬召|to flag down (a cab) on the street/to... yangzhenning 杨振宁|Chen-Ning Franklin Yang (1922-), theo... yangzhi 养殖|to raise; to breed (animals etc) yangzhibaiyu 羊脂白玉|sheep-fat white jade, a type of jade yangzhihupi 羊质虎皮|lit. the heart of a sheep in the skin... yangzhiye 养殖业|cultivation industry yangzhiyuan 杨致远|Jerry Yang (1968-), Taiwan-US million... yangzhong 扬中|Yangzhong, county-level city in Zhenj... yangzhong 央中|to ask for mediation/to request sb to... yangzhongji 洋中脊|mid-ocean ridge (geology) yangzhongshi 扬中市|Yangzhong, county-level city in Zhenj... yangzhou 扬州|see 揚州市|扬州市[Yang2zhou1 Shi4] yangzhoushi 扬州市|Yangzhou, prefecture-level city in Ji... yangzhu 杨朱|Yang Zhu (c. 440-360 BC), Chinese phi... yangzhuang 佯装|to pretend/to pose as yangzhuang 洋装|Western-style dress yangzhuoyongcuo 羊卓雍措|Yamdrok Lake, Tibet yangzhuoyongcuo 羊卓雍错|Yamdrok Lake, Tibet yangzi 样子|appearance/manner/pattern/model yangzi 养子|adopted son/foster son yangzi 秧子|sapling; seedling; sprout; (esp.) ric... yangzie 扬子鳄|Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) yangzijiang 扬子江|Changjiang 長江|长江 or Yangtze River/old... yangzijing 洋紫荆|Hong Kong orchid (Bauhinia blakeana) yangzisu 洋紫苏|sage (herb) yangzong 阳宗|sun yangzui 洋罪|terrible pain; torture; (coll.) pain ... yangzunchuyou 养尊处优|to live like a prince (idiom) yanhai 沿海|coastal yanhai 烟海|the vast ocean yanhaidiqu 沿海地区|coastland/coastal areas yanhaizhou 沿海州|coastal region/refers to Russian far ... yanhan 严寒|bitter cold/severe winter yanhan 唁函|a message of condolence yanhe 验核|to check/to examine/to inspect yanhe 岩壑|rocky mountain valley yanhe 砚盒|case for an ink stone or ink slab yanheichaweihaiyan 烟黑叉尾海燕|(bird species of China) Wilson\'s stor... yanhen 厌恨|to hate/to detest yanhetujiazuzizhixian 沿河土家族自治县|Yanhe Tujia Autonomous County in Tong... yanhexian 沿河县|Yanhe Tujia Autonomous County in Tong... yanhong 眼红|to covet/envious/jealous/green with e... yanhong 殷红|dark red yanhong 嫣红|bright red yanhongse 艳红色|crimson yanhou 咽喉|throat yanhou 延后|to postpone/to defer/to delay yanhou 颜厚|brazen yanhouyouniuni 颜厚有忸怩|even the most brazen person will some... yanhu 盐湖|salt lake yanhu 掩护|to screen/to shield/to cover/protecti... yanhua 烟花|fireworks/prostitute (esp. in Yuan th... yanhua 演化|to evolve/evolution yanhua 眼花|dimmed eyesight/blurred/vague and unc... yanhua 岩画|rock painting/picture or writing carv... yanhua 衍化|to evolve (of ideas, designs, constru... yanhua 研华|Advantech, technology company yanhuabaozhu 烟花爆竹|fireworks (i.e. pyrotechnic devices, ... yanhuabu 烟花簿|catalog of prostitutes (esp. in Yuan ... yanhuachang 烟花场|brothel (esp. in Yuan theater) yanhuachang 烟花厂|firework factory yanhuafendai 烟花粉黛|woman/prostitute/lovemaking/literary ... yanhuafengyue 烟花风月|refers to lovemaking (idiom) yanhualiaoluan 眼花缭乱|to be dazzled yanhualiuxiang 烟花柳巷|red-light district yanhuan 延缓|to defer/to postpone/to put off/to re... yanhuang-guizhou 炎黄贵胄|see 炎黃子孫|炎黄子孙[Yan2Huang2-zi3sun1] yanhuanggua 腌黄瓜|pickle; pickled cucumber yanhuangzisun 炎黄子孙|descendants of the Fiery Emperor and ... yanhuanv 烟花女|prostitute (esp. in Yuan theater) yanhuashi 烟花市|(old) red-light district/brothel yanhuaxiang 烟花巷|red-light district yanhuaxingyuan 烟花行院|brothel (esp. in Yuan theater) yanhuazhai 烟花债|involved in a love affair yanhuazhai 烟花寨|brothel (esp. in Yuan theater) yanhuazhen 烟花阵|brothel (esp. in Yuan theater) yanhuazhi 演化支|clade (biology) yanhucheng 盐湖城|Salt Lake City, capital of Utah yanhui 宴会|banquet/feast/dinner party/CL:席[xi2],... yanhui 颜回|Yan Hui (521-481 BC), disciple of Con... yanhui 延会|to postpone a meeting yanhui 沿洄|to go with the stream yanhui 烟灰|cigarette ash yanhuigang 烟灰缸|ashtray yanhuiting 宴会厅|ballroom/banqueting hall yanhuo 烟火|smoke and fire/fireworks yanhuo 焰火|fireworks yanhuo 验货|inspection of goods yanhuo 腌货|pickles yanhuo 演活|(of an actor) to bring (one\'s charact... yanhuoqi 烟火气|cooking smells/(fig.) lively atmosphere yanhuqu 盐湖区|Yanhu district (Salt Lake district) o... yanji 延吉|Yanji, county-level city, capital of ... yanji 演技|acting/performing skills yanji 眼疾|eye disease yanjia 严加|sternly/strictly/harshly/stringently/... yanjia 晏驾|to die (exclusively of the Emperor) yanjian 眼见|to see with one\'s own eyes/very soon yanjian 眼尖|to have good eyes yanjian 盐碱|saline and alkaline (earth) yanjian 眼睑|eyelid yanjian 烟碱|variant of 菸鹼|烟碱[yan1jian3] yanjian 烟碱|nicotine yanjian 延见|to introduce/to receive sb yanjian 烟硷|variant of 菸鹼|烟碱[yan1jian3] yanjiande 眼见得|(dialect) obviously/clearly yanjiandi 盐碱地|saline soil/(fig.) infertile woman yanjiang 沿江|along the river/the region around the... yanjiang 演讲|to give a lecture; to make a speech yanjiang 雁江|Yanjiang district of Ziyang city 資陽市|... yanjiang 岩浆|(geology) magma yanjiangjia 演讲家|orator yanjiangliu 岩浆流|lava flow yanjiangqu 雁江区|Yanjiang district of Ziyang city 資陽市|... yanjiangyan 岩浆岩|igneous rock yanjianshidi 盐碱湿地|a saltmarsh yanjiansuan 烟碱酸|variant of 菸鹼酸|烟碱酸[yan1jian3suan1] yanjiansuan 烟碱酸|niacin (vitamin B3); nicotinic acid; ... yanjianweishi 眼见为实|seeing is believing yanjianweishi,ertingweixu 眼见为实,耳听为虚|to believe what one sees, not what on... yanjianyigai 言简意赅|concise and comprehensive (idiom) yanjiao 言教|to give verbal instruction yanjiao 眼角|outer or inner corner of the eye; can... yanjiaoburushenjiao 言教不如身教|Explaining in words is not as good as... yanjiaomo 眼角膜|cornea yanjie 眼界|ken/scope yanjie 延接|to receive sb yanjiemao 眼睫毛|eyelashes yanjin 严禁|to strictly prohibit yanjin 演进|evolution/gradual forward progress yanjin 盐津|Yanjin county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 to... yanjin 延津|Yanjin county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 ... yanjin 严紧|strict/tight yanjin 严谨|rigorous; strict; careful/(of writing... yanjing 眼睛|eye/CL:隻|只[zhi1],雙|双[shuang1] yanjing 眼镜|spectacles/eyeglasses/CL:副[fu4] yanjing 燕京|Yanjing, an old name for Beijing/capi... yanjing 盐井|Yanjing, common place name/former cou... yanjing 岩径|mountain path yanjing 烟径|misty lane yanjingchibingqilin 眼睛吃冰淇淋|(slang) (Tw) to be checking out the h... yanjingdaxue 燕京大学|Yanjing or Yenching University, Chris... yanjinghou 眼镜猴|tarsier monkey yanjingpian 眼镜片|lens (in eyeglasses etc) yanjingpijiu 燕京啤酒|Yanjing beer (Beijing beer brand) yanjingqizhong 延颈企踵|to stand on tiptoe and crane one\'s ne... yanjingshe 眼镜蛇|cobra yanjingxian 盐井县|Yanjing former county (1917-1917), no... yanjingxiang 盐井乡|Yanjing village, common place name yanjinxian 延津县|Yanjin county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 ... yanjinxian 盐津县|Yanjin county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 to... yanjinzhiyuan 言近旨远|simple words with a profound meaning ... yanjishi 延吉市|Yanji, county-level city, capital of ... yanjishoukuai 眼疾手快|sharp-eyed and adroit yanjiu 研究|research/a study/CL:項|项[xiang4]/to re... yanjiu 烟酒|tobacco and alcohol yanjiubaogao 研究报告|research report yanjiubuzhan 烟酒不沾|abstaining from liquor and tobacco yanjiufanyingdui 研究反应堆|research reactor yanjiujigou 研究机构|research organization yanjiulingyu 研究领域|research area/field of research yanjiurenyuan 研究人员|research worker/research personnel yanjiusheng 研究生|graduate student/postgraduate student... yanjiushengyuan 研究生院|graduate school yanjiusuo 研究所|research institute/graduate studies/g... yanjiuxiaozu 研究小组|research group yanjiuyuan 研究院|research institute/academy yanjiuyuan 研究员|researcher yanjiuzhe 研究者|investigator/researcher yanjiuzhongxin 研究中心|research center yanju 演剧|to perform a play yanjuan 厌倦|to be weary of; to be fed up with; to... yanjuan 烟卷|cigarette/cigar yanjuanr 烟卷儿|cigarette/CL:棵[ke1] yanjukuan 眼距宽|orbital hypertelorism (medicine) yanjun 严峻|grim/severe/rigorous yanjun 阎君|(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell yankan 眼看|soon/in a moment/to look on as sth ha... yankao 研考|to investigate/to inspect and study yanke 眼科|(department of) ophthalmology yanke 严苛|severe/harsh yanke 宴客|to host a banquet/guest at a banquet yanke 燕科|Hirundinidae (the family of swallows ... yankexue 眼科学|ophthalmology yankeyisheng 眼科医生|ophthalmologist; eye doctor yankong 颜控|someone who attaches great importance... yankong 严控|to strictly control (abbr. for 嚴格控制|严... yankou 觃口|Yankou, village in Zhejiang Province yanku 严酷|bitter/harsh/grim/ruthless/severe/cut... yankuang 眼眶|eye socket/rim of the eye yankuqiubaozijun 厌酷球孢子菌|Coccidioides immitis yanlan 延揽|to recruit talent/to round up/to enli... yanlang 檐廊|veranda yanlao 阎老|(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell yanlao 唁劳|to offer condolences/Taiwan pr. [yan4... yanle 宴乐|peace and happiness/feasting/making m... yanlei 眼泪|tear; teardrop/CL:滴[di1] yanleihengliu 眼泪横流|to be overflowing with tears (idiom) yanleiniao 岩雷鸟|(bird species of China) rock ptarmiga... yanleyanr 严了眼儿|up to the eyeballs/full to overflowin... yanli 眼力|eyesight/strength of vision/the abili... yanli 严厉|severe/strict yanli 艳丽|gorgeous/garish and beautiful yanli 妍丽|beautiful yanli 沿例|following the model/according to prec... yanlian 演练|to drill; to practice yanlian 眼帘|eyes (in literature)/eyesight yanliang 阎良|Yanliang District of Xi\'an 西安市[Xi1 an... yanliangqu 阎良区|Yanliang District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an... yanliao 颜料|paint/dye/pigment yanlidaji 严厉打击|to strike a severe blow/to crack down... yanlie 奄列|omelet yanling 鄢陵|Yanling county in Xuchang city 許昌市|许昌... yanling 炎陵|Yanling County in Zhuzhou 株洲[Zhu1 zho... yanlingxian 炎陵县|Yanling County in Zhuzhou 株洲[Zhu1 zho... yanlingxian 鄢陵县|Yanling county in Xuchang city 許昌市|许昌... yanlipiping 严厉批评|to criticize severely/to slate yanlirongbudeshazi 眼里容不得沙子|can\'t bear having grit in one\'s eye (... yanliroubudeshazi 眼里揉不得沙子|see 眼裡容不得沙子|眼里容不得沙子[yan3 li3 rong2 bu... yanliu 淹留|to stay for a long period yanliuquan 岩流圈|asthenosphere (geology) yanliuying 烟柳莺|(bird species of China) smoky warbler... yanlu 沿路|along the way; on the way/area beside... yanlu 盐卤|brine yanlu 岩鹭|(bird species of China) Pacific reef ... yanlun 言论|expression of opinion/views/remarks/a... yanlunjie 言论界|the press/the media yanlunjiguan 言论机关|the press/the media yanlunziyou 言论自由|freedom of speech yanluo 阎罗|(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell yanluowang 阎罗王|(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell yanlushaqi 眼露杀气|to have a murderous look in one\'s eye... yanma 掩码|(computing) mask yanmai 燕麦|oats yanmai 掩埋|to bury yanmai 烟霾|smoke/pollution yanmaizhou 燕麦粥|oatmeal/porridge yanmaojinxing 眼冒金星|to see stars/dazed yanmei 魇寐|to have a nightmare yanmi 严密|strict/tight (organization, surveilla... yanmian 颜面|face/prestige yanmian 延绵|to extend continuously yanmianerqi 掩面而泣|to bury one\'s head in one\'s hands and... yanmiansaodi 颜面扫地|lit. for one\'s face to reach rock bot... yanmie 湮灭|to sink into oblivion; to bury in obs... yanmie 淹灭|to submerge/to flood/to bury yanmin 烟民|smokers yanming 严明|strict and impartial/firm yanming 言明|to state clearly yanming 验明|to ascertain/to identify/to verify (s... yanmingshoukuai 眼明手快|sharp-sighted and deft yanmingzhengshen 验明正身|to identify/to verify sb\'s identity/i... yanmo 研磨|milling/to grind/to polish by grindin... yanmo 淹没|to submerge/to drown/to flood/to drow... yanmo 湮没|to bury/to submerge/to pass into obli... yanmo 阎魔|(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell yanmocailiao 研磨材料|abrasive/grinding material yanmoliao 研磨料|abrasive (material) yanmopan 研磨盘|abrasive disk/sanding disk yanmou 眼眸|eyes yanmowuwen 湮没无闻|to pass into oblivion yanmu 眼目|eyes yanmu 烟幕|smokescreen/fig. a diversion yanmudan 烟幕弹|smoke bomb yanni 厌腻|to detest/to abhor yanni 研拟|to investigate and plan forward yannian 延年|to prolong life yannianyishou 延年益寿|to make life longer/to promise longev... yanniao 验尿|to do a urine test yannvzheng 厌女症|misogyny yanpan 研判|to study and come to a conclusion/to ... yanpao 腌泡|to marinade yanpi 眼皮|eyelid yanpi 烟屁|cigarette butt yanpiao 验票|to check tickets yanpidixia 眼皮底下|in front of one\'s eyes yanpigu 烟屁股|cigarette butt yanpin 赝品|fake/counterfeit article yanpin 延聘|to hire/to employ/to engage yanping 延平|Yanping district of Nanping city 南平市[... yanpingdao 延坪岛|Yeonpyeong island on Yellow Sea coast... yanpingqu 延平区|Yanping district of Nanping city 南平市[... yanpingxiang 延平乡|Yanping township in Taitung County 臺東... yanpingzhong 晏平仲|another name for Yan Ying 晏嬰|晏婴[Yan4 ... yanpinzhaolan 延聘招揽|to enlist the services of sb yanpizhileiguchun 盐皮质类固醇|mineralocorticoid (e.g. aldosterone) yanpizi 眼皮子|eyelid yanpizidixia 眼皮子底下|right in front of sb\'s eyes/right und... yanpiziqian 眼皮子浅|short-sighted yanpu 盐埔|Yanpu Township in Pingtung County 屏東縣... yanpuxiang 盐埔乡|Yanpu Township in Pingtung County 屏東縣... yanqi 烟气|smoke yanqi 焉耆|Yanqi county in Xinjiang yanqi 延期|to delay/to extend/to postpone/to defer yanqi 咽气|to die/to breathe one\'s last yanqi 岩崎|Iwasaki (Japanese surname) yanqi 厌气|fed up with/loathsome yanqi 厌弃|to spurn; to reject yanqian 眼前|before one\'s eyes/now/at present yanqian-yiliang 眼前一亮|(one\'s) eyes light up; to be impresse... yanqiang 烟枪|opium pipe yanqifukuan 延期付款|to defer payment/to pay back over lon... yanqihuizuzizhixian 焉耆回族自治县|Yanqi Hui Autonomous County in Baying... yanqing 言情|(of a movie, novel etc) portraying a ... yanqing 宴请|to entertain (for dinner)/to invite t... yanqing 延庆|Yanqing, a district of Beijing yanqing 艳情|romantic love/romance/erotic (novel etc) yanqing 延请|to employ/to send for sb promising em... yanqingqu 延庆区|Yanqing, a district of Beijing yanqingxiaoshuo 言情小说|romance novel/romantic fiction yanqipendi 焉耆盆地|Yanqi basin in northeast of Tarim basin yanqiu 眼球|eyeball/(fig.) attention yanqiu 研求|to study/to probe/to research and exa... yanqixian 焉耆县|Yenji Xuyzu aptonom nahiyisi or Yanqi... yanqixigu 偃旗息鼓|lit. lay down the flag and still the ... yanquan 眼圈|rim of the eye/eye socket yanquan 烟圈|smoke ring yanquanhongle 眼圈红了|to be on the verge of tears yanque 燕雀|(bird species of China) brambling (Fr... yanqueanzhihonghuzhizhi 燕雀安知鸿鹄之志|lit. can the sparrow and swallow know... yanquechutang 燕雀处堂|lit. a caged bird in a pavilion (idio... yanquexianghe 燕雀相贺|lit. sparrow and swallow\'s congratula... yanqueyanzhihongguzhizhi 燕雀焉知鸿鹄之志|lit. can the sparrow and swallow know... yanr 沿儿|edge (used directly after a noun, e.g... yanran 俨然|just like/solemn/dignified/neatly lai... yanran 阉然|covertly/secretly yanran 嫣然|beautiful/sweet/engaging yanran-yixiao 嫣然一笑|(idiom) to smile sweetly yanre 炎热|blistering hot/sizzling hot (weather) yanre 眼热|to covet/envious yanren 阉人|a castrate yanrenermu 掩人耳目|to fool people (idiom)/to pull the wo... yanrong 岩溶|(geology) karst yanrou 腌肉|salt pork/bacon/marinaded meat/cured ... yanrou 烟肉|bacon/smoked ham yanru 俨如|(literary) to be exactly like/to be e... yanrutaoli 艳如桃李|lit. beautiful as peach and prune/fig... yanse 颜色|color/countenance/appearance/facial e... yanse 眼色|signal made with one\'s eyes/meaningfu... yanse 艳色|beauty/glamor/voluptuousness yansehu 堰塞湖|barrier lake; landslide dam/dammed lake yansha 掩杀|to make a surprise attack/to pounce o... yanshahaikuidusu 岩沙海葵毒素|palytoxin yanshan 盐山|Yanshan county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang... yanshan 燕山|Yan mountain range across north Hebei yanshan 铅山|Yanshan county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶[Shan... yanshan 砚山|Yanshan county in Wenshan Zhuang and ... yanshan 雁山|Yanshan district of Guilin city 桂林市[G... yanshang 验伤|to examine a wound or injury (typical... yanshang 筵上|feast yanshanqu 雁山区|Yanshan district of Guilin city 桂林市[G... yanshanxian 砚山县|Yanshan county in Wenshan Zhuang and ... yanshanxian 铅山县|Yanshan County in Shangrao 上饒|上饶[Shan... yanshanxian 盐山县|Yanshan county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang... yanshao 眼梢|corner of eye near temple yanshe 衍射|(physics) to diffract yanshe 颜射|to ejaculate onto sb\'s face yanshe 盐蛇|(dialect) gecko yanshegezi 衍射格子|diffraction grating (physics) yanshejiao 衍射角|angle of diffraction (physics) yanshen 延伸|to extend/to spread yanshen 眼神|expression or emotion showing in one\'... yanshen 衍伸|to give rise (to)/to spawn/to spread ... yanshenbuhao 眼神不好|to have poor eyesight yanshenbuji 眼神不济|to have poor eyesight yansheng 衍生|to give rise to/to derive/derivative/... yansheng 眼生|unfamiliar/strange-looking yanshengchanpin 衍生产品|derivative product/derivative (in fin... yanshengfuci 衍声复词|compound word such as 玫瑰[mei2 gui1] o... yanshenggong 衍圣公|hereditary title bestowed on Confuciu... yanshenggongfu 衍圣公府|the official residence of Confucius\' ... yanshenggongju 衍生工具|derivative (finance) yanshengju 衍生剧|spin-off series (TV) yanshengwu 衍生物|a derivative (complex product derived... yanshi 严实|(sealed) tight/close/(hidden) safely/... yanshi 演示|to demonstrate/to show/presentation/d... yanshi 岩石|rock yanshi 掩饰|to cover up/to conceal/to mask/to glo... yanshi 厌食|anorexia yanshi 厌世|world-weary/pessimistic yanshi 眼屎|sleep (dried mucus in the corner of t... yanshi 验尸|autopsy/postmortem examination yanshi 砚石|ink stone/ink slab yanshi 艳诗|erotic verse yanshi 砚室|case for an ink slab yanshi 眼时|(dialect) now; at present yanshiceng 岩石层|rock stratum yanshiguan 验尸官|coroner yanshiquan 岩石圈|lithosphere (in geology, the rigid cr... yanshisheying 延时摄影|time-lapse photography yanshiwengao 演示文稿|(PPT etc) presentation yanshixue 岩石学|petrology/lithology/study of rocks yanshizheng 厌食症|anorexia yanshou 验收|to inspect and accept/acceptance yanshou 严守|to strictly maintain yanshou 延寿|Yanshou county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 ... yanshou 岩手|Iwate prefecture in the north of Japa... yanshouxian 延寿县|Yanshou county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 ... yanshouxian 岩手县|Iwate prefecture in the north of Japa... yanshu 眼熟|familiar-looking/to seem familiar yanshu 鼹鼠|mole (zoology) yanshu 阉竖|eunuch (contemptuous appellation) yanshu 燕梳|(dialect) insurance (loanword) yanshuang 眼霜|eye cream yanshui 盐水|salt water/brine yanshui 淹水|to be flooded yanshuihur 砚水壶儿|water container for an ink slab yanshuo 演说|speech/to deliver a speech yanshuo 言说|to speak of/to refer to yanshuozhe 演说者|orator/speaker yanshupi 鼹鼠皮|moleskin yansi 淹死|to drown yansihefeng 严丝合缝|(idiom) to fit together snugly; to do... yansu 严肃|(of an atmosphere etc) solemn; grave;... yansuan 盐酸|hydrochloric acid HCl yansuan 验算|to verify a calculation/a double-check yansuan 演算|to perform calculations yansuan 烟酸|niacin (vitamin B3)/3-Pyridinecarboxy... yansuanfa 演算法|algorithm (Tw) yansuankelunteluo 盐酸克仑特罗|clenbuterol hydrochloride (diet pill ... yansuanyan 盐酸盐|chloride/hydrochloride (chemistry) yansui 延髓|(anatomy) medulla oblongata yansui 芫荽|coriander (Coriandrum sativum) yansuiye 芫荽叶|coriander leaf yansuji 盐酥鸡|Taiwan-style popcorn chicken yansun 燕隼|(bird species of China) Eurasian hobb... yansuo 研所|abbr. for 研究所[yan2 jiu1 suo3] yanta 雁塔|Yanta District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1 S... yantai 烟台|see 煙台市|烟台市[Yan1tai2 Shi4] yantai 砚台|ink stone/ink slab/CL:方[fang1] yantaishi 烟台市|Yantai, prefecture-level city in Shan... yantaizidan 燕太子丹|Prince Dan of Yan (-226 BC), commissi... yantan 言谈|discourse/words/utterance/what one sa... yantan 沿滩|Yantan District of Zigong City 自貢市|自贡... yantan 盐滩|salt flats/salt lake yantanlinsou 言谈林薮|articulate in speech (idiom)/eloquent yantanqu 沿滩区|Yantan District of Zigong City 自貢市|自贡... yantao 研讨|discussion yantaohui 研讨会|discussion forum/seminar yantaqu 雁塔区|Yanta District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1 S... yanti 掩体|bunker (military) yanti 颜体|Yan Style (in Chinese calligraphy) yanti 演替|succession (of changes in an ecologic... yantian 盐田|Yantian district of Shenzhen City 深圳市... yantian 盐田|saltpan yantian 砚田|ink stone/writing as a livelihood yantianqu 盐田区|Yantian district of Shenzhen City 深圳市... yantianzhishi 砚田之食|to make a living by writing (idiom) yantiao 眼跳|twitching of eye yantiaor 沿条儿|tape seam (in dressmaking)/tape trim yanting 盐亭|Yanting county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian... yantingjicong 言听计从|to see, hear and obey (idiom); to tak... yantingxian 盐亭县|Yanting county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian... yantingzuo 堰蜓座|Chamaeleon (constellation) yantong 烟筒|chimney/stovepipe/smokestack yantou 烟头|cigarette butt/fag-end/CL:根[gen1] yantou 咽头|pharynx yantoudanao 淹头搭脑|listless yantour 烟头儿|erhua variant of 煙頭|烟头[yan1 tou2] yantu 沿途|along the sides of the road/by the wa... yantu 烟土|raw opium yantu 烟突|chimney yantuozi 盐坨子|open-air salt heap yantuti 岩土体|gneiss yanukeweiqi 亚努科维奇|Viktor Feyedov Yanukovych (1950-) Ukr... yanuoda 呀诺达|Yanoda, a rainforest in southern Hainan yanuoshi 雅诺什|János (Hungarian name) yanwa 砚瓦|ink slab yanwaizhiyi 言外之意|unspoken implication (idiom)/the actu... yanwang 阎王|(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell/(fi... yanwanghaojian,xiaoguinandang 阎王好见,小鬼难当|lit. standing in front of the King of... yanwangye 阎王爷|(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell yanwei 眼尾|outer corner of the eye yanweidie 燕尾蝶|swallow tail butterfly (family Papili... yanweifu 燕尾服|swallow-tailed coat/tails yanweixinsheng 言为心声|one\'s words reflect one\'s thinking (i... yanwen 谚文|hangul, Korean phonetic alphabet yanwenhuangshanque 眼纹黄山雀|(bird species of China) Himalayan bla... yanwenzaomei 眼纹噪鹛|(bird species of China) spotted laugh... yanwenzi 颜文字|Japanese-style emoticon, e.g. (⇀‸↼‶) yanwo 眼窝|eye socket yanwo 燕窝|edible bird\'s nest yanwu 演武|to practice martial arts yanwu 烟雾|smoke/mist/vapor/smog/fumes yanwu 厌恶|to loathe/to hate/disgusted with sth yanwu 艳舞|erotic dance yanwu 延误|to postpone (with unfortunate consequ... yanwudan 烟雾弹|smoke bomb; smoke grenade yanwufei 延误费|demurrage (shipping) yanwuji 烟雾剂|aerosol yanwurenleizhe 厌恶人类者|misanthrope yanwuzheng 烟雾症|moyamoya disease (rare brain disease ... yanxi 沿袭|to carry on as before/to follow (an o... yanxi 宴席|banquet; feast yanxi 演习|(military, firefighting etc) (verb an... yanxi 筵席|banquet/mat for sitting yanxi 研习|research and study yanxi 演戏|to put on a play/to perform/fig. to p... yanxi 砚席|ink slab and sitting mat/place where ... yanxi 偃息|(literary) to take a rest/(literary) ... yanxi 研析|to analyze/research yanxia 烟霞|haze yanxia 眼下|now; at present/(anatomy) subocular yanxia 炎夏|hot summer/scorching summer yanxia 咽峡|isthmus of the fauces yanxia 咽下|to swallow yanxiaerlong 眼瞎耳聋|to be deaf and blind (idiom) yanxiakunnan 咽下困难|dysphagia (medicine) yanxian 沿线|along the line (e.g. railway)/the reg... yanxian 艳羡|(literary) to admire; to envy yanxian 眼线|informer/snitch/spy/scout/(cosmetics)... yanxianbi 眼线笔|eyeliner (cosmetics) yanxiang 宴飨|to host a banquet/feast/banquet/cerem... yanxiang 宴飨|variant of 宴饗|宴飨[yan4 xiang3] yanxianye 眼线液|eyeliner (cosmetics) yanxiao-yunsan 烟消云散|(idiom) to vanish like smoke in thin ... yanxiayan 咽峡炎|angina/sore throat yanxiazhiyi 言下之意|implication yanxie 验血|to do a blood test/to have one\'s bloo... yanxie 岩屑|(rock) debris/scree yanxigonglve 延禧攻略|Story of Yanxi Palace (2018 TV series) yanxijuan 筵席捐|tax on a banquet or feast yanxin 唁信|a letter of condolence yanxing 言行|words and actions/what one says and w... yanxing 延性|ductility yanxing 严刑|strict law/cruel punishment/to carry ... yanxing 炎性|inflammatory (medicine) yanxingbufu 言行不符|(idiom) to say one thing and do another yanxingbuyi 言行不一|(idiom) to say one thing and do another yanxingfanying 炎性反应|inflammation response yanxingkaoda 严刑拷打|torture/interrogation by torture yanxingruoyi 言行若一|(idiom) one\'s actions are in keeping ... yanxingyizhi 言行一致|(idiom) one\'s actions are in keeping ... yanxiong 砚兄|senior fellow student yanxishan 阎锡山|Yan Xishan (1883-1960), warlord in Sh... yanxiu 研修|to do research work/to engage in adva... yanxiuyuan 研修员|research worker/researcher yanxu 延续|to continue/to go on/to last yanxue 厌学|to hate studying yanxue 岩穴|grotto/cave yanxun 烟熏|smoke/to fumigate yanxunhuoliao 烟熏火燎|smoke and baking fire (idiom); surrou... yanxunyan 烟熏眼|smoky eyes look (cosmetics) yanxunzhuang 烟熏妆|smoky-effect makeup around the eyes yanya 眼压|intraocular pressure yanyalun 炎亚纶|Aaron Yan (1986-), Taiwanese singer yanyan 咽炎|pharyngitis yanyan 炎炎|scorching yanyan 岩盐|rock salt yanyan 恹恹|weak; worried; sickly; wan yanyan 筵宴|feast/banquet yanyan 岩燕|(bird species of China) Eurasian crag... yanyang 厌氧|anaerobic yanyang 岩羊|bharal yanyangfa 掩样法|illusion yanyangjun 厌氧菌|anaerobic bacteria yanyangtian 艳阳天|bright sunny day; blazing hot day yanyanshishi 严严实实|(sealed) tightly/(wrapped) closely/(c... yanyanyixi 奄奄一息|dying/at one\'s last gasp yanyao 眼药|eye drops/eye ointment yanyaoshui 眼药水|eye drops/eyewash yanyaoyuchen 雁杳鱼沉|without news from sb (idiom) yanye 烟叶|leaf tobacco yanye 艳冶|bewitching/beautiful yanyi 演绎|(of a story etc) to unfold; to play o... yanyi 演义|to dramatize historical events/novel ... yanyi 演艺|performing arts yanyi 颜艺|(ACG) art of making humorously exagge... yanyifa 演绎法|deductive reasoning yanyijie 演艺界|the entertainment world; show business yanyilvji 严以律己|to be strict with oneself (idiom)/to ... yanyin 烟瘾|the urge to smoke/tobacco addiction yanyin 宴饮|to wine and dine/to feast/banquet yanying 眼影|eye shadow (cosmetics) yanying 掩映|hidden from view/alternately hidden a... yanying 晏婴|Yan Ying (-c 500 BC), famous statesma... yanyinxian 延音线|tie (music) yanyiquan 演艺圈|show business yanyirenyuan 演艺人员|entertainer/performer yanyizejikuanyidairen 严以责己宽以待人|to be severe with oneself and lenient... yanyong 沿用|to continue to use (old methods)/to a... yanyou 砚友|classmate/fellow student yanyou 蜒蚰|(dialect) a slug yanyouzaier 言犹在耳|words still ringing in one\'s ears (id... yanyu 言语|words/speech/(spoken) language yanyu 言语|to speak/to tell yanyu 谚语|proverb yanyu 烟雨|misty rain/drizzle yanyu 艳遇|encounter with a beautiful woman/roma... yanyu 言喻|to describe; to put into words yanyuan 演员|actor; actress; performer yanyuan 盐源|Yanyuan county in Liangshan Yi autono... yanyuan 颜渊|Yan Yuan (521-481 BC), disciple of Co... yanyuanxian 盐源县|Yanyuan county in Liangshan Yi autono... yanyuanzhenrong 演员阵容|cast (of a movie etc); lineup of perf... yanyulvji 严于律己|to be strict with oneself yanyun 眼晕|to feel dizzy yanyunbang 验孕棒|home pregnancy test kit yanyuquexian 言语缺陷|speech defect yanzhamao 眼眨毛|(dialect) eyelashes yanzhan 延展|to extend; to stretch out yanzhan 厌战|to be weary of war/(fig.) to lose one... yanzhanxing 延展性|ductability yanzhao 艳照|nude picture yanzhao 眼罩|eye-patch/blindfold/eye mask/goggles/... yanzhao 燕赵|Yan and Zhao, two of the Warring Stat... yanzhaodushibao 燕赵都市报|Yanzhao Metropolis Daily yanzhe 沿着|to go along/to follow yanzheng 验证|to inspect and verify/experimental ve... yanzheng 严正|sternly/solemn yanzheng 炎症|inflammation yanzheng 严整|(of troops) in neat formation/(fig.) ... yanzheng 眼证|eyewitness yanzhengma 验证码|verification code/CAPTCHA, a type of ... yanzhengzheng 眼睁睁|to stare blankly/to look on helplessl... yanzhenqing 颜真卿|Yan Zhenqing (709-785), a leading cal... yanzhewuyi,tingzheyouxin 言者无意,听者有心|to take a casual remark to heart (idiom) yanzhewuzui,wenzhezujie 言者无罪,闻者足戒|don\'t blame the speaker, take note of... yanzhi 研制|to research and manufacture; to resea... yanzhi 胭脂|rouge yanzhi 腌制|marinated/to make by pickling, saltin... yanzhi 阏氏|formal wife of a Xiongnu chief during... yanzhi 颜值|attractiveness index (rating of how g... yanzhi 焉知|(literary) how is one to know? yanzhi 腌汁|marinade (sauce) yanzhichong 胭脂虫|cochineal insect yanzhigao 颜值高|good-looking yanzhiwuwu 言之无物|(of a writing etc) to have no substan... yanzhiyouwu 言之有物|(of one\'s words) to have substance yanzhiyu 胭脂鱼|Chinese high-fin banded shark (Myxocy... yanzhizaozao 言之凿凿|(idiom) to speak with conviction yanzhong 严重|grave/serious/severe/critical yanzhong 眼中|in one\'s eyes yanzhong 言重|to speak seriously/to exaggerate yanzhong 言中|to have one\'s words prove to be proph... yanzhongci 眼中刺|a thorn in one\'s eye/fig. a thorn in ... yanzhongding 眼中钉|a thorn in one\'s side yanzhongding,rouzhongci 眼中钉,肉中刺|a thorn in one\'s side yanzhongguanqie 严重关切|serious concern yanzhonghouguo 严重后果|grave consequence; serious repercussion yanzhongjixinghuxixitongzonghezheng 严重急性呼吸系统综合症|severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) yanzhongwenti 严重问题|serious problem yanzhongxing 严重性|seriousness yanzhu 眼珠|one\'s eyes/eyeball yanzhu 咽住|to suppress (a sob, harsh words etc) yanzhur 眼珠儿|eyeball/fig. the apple of one\'s eye (... yanzhuzi 眼珠子|eyeball/fig. the apple of one\'s eye (... yanzi 燕子|swallow yanzi 验资|capital verification/certification of... yanzi 腌渍|to pickle/cured/salted yanzi 晏子|Yanzi (-c 500 BC), famous statesman f... yanzi 崦嵫|(old) name of a mountain in Gansu, wh... yanzichunqiu 晏子春秋|Tales of Yanzi, book describing the l... yanzipang 言字旁|name of \"speech\" or \"words\" radical i... yanzixiannileidawo 燕子衔泥垒大窝|the swallow\'s nest is built one beakf... yanzou 演奏|to perform on a musical instrument yanzouzhe 演奏者|performer/musician yao 要|(bound form) to demand; to coerce yao 要|to want; to need; to ask for/will; sh... yao 药|leaf of the iris/variant of 藥|药[yao4] yao 药|medicine/drug/substance used for a sp... yao 咬|to bite/to nip yao 咬|variant of 咬[yao3] yao 耀|brilliant/glorious yao 夭|(bound form) to die prematurely (also... yao 夭|to die prematurely (variant of 夭[yao1]) yao 腰|waist/lower back/pocket/middle/loins yao 燿|brilliant/glorious yao 垚|variant of 堯|尧, legendary emperor Yao... yao 摇|surname Yao yao 摇|to shake/to rock/to row/to crank yao 窑|kiln/oven/coal pit/cave dwelling/(col... yao 窑|variant of 窯|窑[yao2] yao 遥|(bound form) distant; remote; far away yao 舀|to ladle out; to scoop up yao 约|to weigh in a balance or on a scale yao 邀|to invite/to request/to intercept/to ... yao 曜|bright/glorious/one of the seven plan... yao 妖|goblin/witch/devil/bewitching/enchant... yao 滧|(dialect) natural branching stream/(u... yao 谣|popular ballad/rumor yao 侥|used in 僬僥|僬侥[jiao1yao2] yao 姚|surname Yao yao 姚|handsome/good-looking yao 爻|the solid and broken lines of the eig... yao 杳|dark and quiet/disappear yao 窈|(literary) deep; profound; dim (varia... yao 肴|variant of 肴[yao2] yao 肴|meat dishes/mixed viands yao 薬|Japanese variant of 藥|药 yao 吆|to shout/to bawl/to yell (to urge on ... yao 疟|used in 瘧子|疟子[yao4zi5] yao 猺|Yao tribe yao 鹞|sparrow hawk/Accipiter nisus yao 繇|folk-song/forced labor yao 鳐|skate (cartilaginous fish belonging t... yao 峣|high/steep/to tower yao 徭|compulsory service yao 愮|distressed, agitated yao 崾|(name of a mountain) yao 喓|grasshopper chirp/mosquito buzz yao 揺|Japanese variant of 搖|摇[yao2] yao 摿|erroneous variant of 搖|摇[yao2] yao 珧|mother-of-pearl yao 飖|floating in the air yao 祅|evil spirit/goblin/witchcraft/variant... yao 謡|Japanese variant of 謠|谣 yao 婹|svelte/sylphlike yao 铫|surname Yao yao 铫|weeding tool yao 窅|sunken eyes/deep and hollow/remote an... yao 轺|light carriage yao 傜|Yao tribe yao 葽|Polygala japonica/lush (grass) yao 邎|variant of 遙|遥[yao2] yao 騕|name of a fabulous horse yao 尭|Japanese variant of 堯|尧[yao2] yao 窔|dark/deep/southeast corner of room yao 袎|variant of 靿[yao4] yao 眑|sunken eyes/deep/abstruse yao 蓔|a variety of grass yao 䍃|(archaic) vase; pitcher yao 鷕|cry of hen pheasant yao 幺|surname Yao yao 幺|youngest/most junior/tiny/one (unambi... yao 尧|surname Yao/Yao or Tang Yao (c. 2200 ... yao 瑶|Yao ethnic group of southwest China a... yao 瑶|jade/precious stone/mother-of-pearl/n... yao 靿|the leg of a boot or sock yaoai 要隘|strategic pass yaoai 杳霭|far and deep yaoai 窈霭|variant of 杳靄|杳霭[yao3 ai3] yaoan 姚安|Yao\'an County in Chuxiong Yi Autonomo... yaoanxian 姚安县|Yao\'an County in Chuxiong Yi Autonomo... yaobai 摇摆|to sway/to wobble/to waver yaobaibuding 摇摆不定|indecisive/wavering yaobaiwu 摇摆舞|swing (dance) yaobaiyue 摇摆乐|swing (genre of jazz music) yaobaizhou 摇摆州|swing state (US politics) yaoban 腰板|waist and back/physique yaoban 耀斑|solar flare yaobao 腰包|waist purse (old)/(fig.) purse/pocket... yaobi 摇臂|rocker arm yaobin 姚滨|Yao Bin (1957-), PRC champion ice ska... yaobingshi 幺并矢|idemfactor (math.) yaobu 要不|otherwise/or else/how about...?/eithe... yaobu 腰部|waist/small of the back yaobu 药补|medicinal dietary supplement that hel... yaobuburushibu 药补不如食补|the benefits of medicine are not as g... yaobude 要不得|intolerable; unacceptable yaobukeji 遥不可及|unattainable/far-fetched/out of reach... yaoburan 要不然|otherwise/or else/or yaobushi 要不是|if it were not for/but for yaocai 药材|medicinal ingredient yaocao 药草|medicinal herb yaoce 遥测|telemetry yaochang 窑场|(Yuan dynasty) porcelain kilns (under... yaochanwanguan 腰缠万贯|lit. ten thousand strings of cash in ... yaochi 瑶池|the Jade lake on Mount Kunlun, reside... yaochong 要冲|road hub/major crossroad yaochuan 谣传|rumor yaochuan 摇船|to scull/to row a boat yaochunzhuang 咬唇妆|bitten-lips look (darker lipstick app... yaodai 腰带|belt/CL:條|条[tiao2],根[gen1] yaodaidonglixue 药代动力学|pharmacokinetics yaodao 要道|major road/thoroughfare/main road yaodaobingchu 药到病除|lit. the disease is cured the moment ... yaode 要得|good/fine yaode 耀德|to hold up as a virtuous example yaodi 要地|strategic location yaodian 要点|main point/essential yaodian 药店|pharmacy yaodian 药典|pharmacopoeia yaodian 幺点|ace yaodianhua 摇电话|(old) to make a phone call yaoding 咬定|to assert/to insist that yaoding-yagen 咬定牙根|see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3jin3-ya2guan1] yaoding-yaguan 咬定牙关|see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3jin3-ya2guan1] yaodong 摇动|to shake/to sway yaodong 窑洞|yaodong (a kind of cave dwelling in t... yaodongxue 药动学|pharmacokinetics yaodu 尧都|Yaodu district of Linfen city 臨汾市|临汾市... yaoduan 要端|the main points yaoduqu 尧都区|Yaodu district of Linfen city 臨汾市|临汾市... yaoer 幺二|one-two or ace-deuce (smallest throw ... yaoerduo 咬耳朵|(coll.) to whisper in sb\'s ear yaofan 要饭|to beg (for food or money) yaofan 要犯|major criminal yaofang 药房|pharmacy/drugstore yaofang 药方|prescription yaofangr 药方儿|erhua variant of 藥方|药方[yao4 fang1] yaofen 鹞鲼|bonnet skate (zoology) yaofeng 妖风|evil wind yaofeng 腰封|wide belt/sash/(packaging) paper sash... yaofengdefeng,yaoyudeyu 要风得风,要雨得雨|to get whatever one wants/to have eve... yaofu 妖妇|witch (esp. European) yaogan 摇杆|joystick yaogan 遥感|remote sensing yaogan 腰杆|(a person\'s) back (usu. as sth one ke... yaoganzi 腰杆子|waist/small of the back/(fig.) backing yaogao 药膏|ointment yaogong 邀功|to take the credit for sb\'s achievement yaogong 要功|variant of 邀功[yao1 gong1] yaogou 咬钩|(of fish) to bite; to take the bait yaogu 腰鼓|waist drum/waist-drum dance (Han ethn... yaogu 腰骨|lumbar vertebrae yaoguai 妖怪|monster/devil yaoguan 药罐|pot for decocting herbal medicine yaoguan 遥观|to look into the distance yaoguang 摇光|Alkaid; Eta Ursae Majoris in the Big ... yaogun 摇滚|rock \'n\' roll (music)/to rock/to fall... yaogunyue 摇滚乐|rock music/rock \'n roll yaoguo 腰果|cashew nuts yaoguojiding 腰果鸡丁|chicken with cashew nuts yaohai 要害|vital part/(fig.) key point/crucial yaohai 瑶海|Yaohai, a district of Hefei City 合肥市[... yaohaiqu 瑶海区|Yaohai, a district of Hefei City 合肥市[... yaohan 摇撼|to shake/to rock yaohan 吆喊|to shout/to yell yaohao 摇号|lottery yaohao 要好|to be on good terms/to be close frien... yaohe 咬合|(of uneven surfaces) to fit together/... yaohe 吆喝|to shout/to bawl/to yell (to urge on ... yaohen 咬痕|bite scar yaohu 吆呼|to shout (orders) yaohuang 摇晃|to rock; to shake; to sway yaohuang 要谎|to ask an enormous price (as first ne... yaoji 药剂|medicine/medicament/drug/chemical com... yaoji 妖姬|(literary) beauty (usually of a maid ... yaoji 邀集|to invite a group of people (to assem... yaoji 邀击|to intercept/to waylay/to ambush yaoji 腰际|waist/hips yaoji 要击|to intercept/to ambush yaojia 要价|to ask a price; to charge/(fig.) to a... yaojian 腰间|waist yaojian 药检|drugs test (e.g. on athletes) yaojian 要件|key document/important condition/crit... yaojiang 摇奖|to draw the winning ticket (in a lott... yaojiao 咬嚼|to chew/to masticate/to ruminate/to m... yaojiao 要角|significant role/major figure yaojiapi 咬甲癖|onychophagia (nail biting) yaojie 窑姐|(dialect) prostitute yaojier 窑姐儿|erhua variant of 窯姐|窑姐[yao2 jie3] yaojin 要紧|important/urgent yaojin 要津|key post yaojin-yagen 咬紧牙根|see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3jin3-ya2guan1] yaojin-yaguan 咬紧牙关|(idiom) to grit one\'s teeth tightly/(... yaojing 妖精|evil spirit/alluring woman yaojing 要径|important path yaojinyizi 腰金衣紫|golden seal at the waist, purple gown... yaojishi 药剂士|druggist/pharmacist yaojishi 药剂师|drugstore/chemist/pharmacist yaoju 药局|pharmacy/dispensary yaojue 要诀|the key trick/the secret of success yaokan 要看|it depends on... yaokong 遥控|to direct operations from a remote lo... yaokongcaozuo 遥控操作|remote operation yaokongche 遥控车|radio-controlled car (hobbyist\'s mode... yaokongqi 遥控器|a remote control yaokua 腰胯|hips/waist yaolan 摇篮|cradle yaolanqu 摇篮曲|lullaby yaoli 药理|pharmacology yaolian 要脸|to save sb\'s face yaoliao 药疗|medication/herbal remedy yaoling 要领|main aspects/essentials/gist yaoliu 药流|medical abortion yaolixue 药理学|pharmacology yaolu 要路|important road/main thoroughfare/fig.... yaolu 摇橹|to scull (with a single oar, usually ... yaoluchuan 摇橹船|boat propelled by a yuloh (a single s... yaolve 要略|roughly/outline/summary yaoma 要嘛|either .../or ... yaomairenxin 要买人心|variant of 邀買人心|邀买人心[yao1 mai3 ren2 x... yaomairenxin 邀买人心|to buy popular support/to court favor yaomang 杳茫|distant and out of sight yaome 要么|or/either one or the other yaome 要末|variant of 要麼|要么[yao4 me5] yaomei 妖媚|seductive yaomian 药棉|sterilized cotton (used for medical s... yaomianzi 要面子|see 愛面子|爱面子[ai4 mian4 zi5] yaomiao 药苗|medicinal herb seedling yaomiao 杳渺|dimly discernible yaomiao 杳眇|variant of 杳渺[yao3 miao3] yaoming 姚明|Yao Ming (1980-), retired Chinese bas... yaoming 要命|to cause sb\'s death/extremely; terrib... yaoming 杳冥|dim and dusky/far and indistinct yaoming 窈冥|variant of 杳冥[yao3 ming2] yaomo 妖魔|demon yaomoguiguai 妖魔鬼怪|demons and ghosts/ghouls and bogies yaomohua 妖魔化|to demonize yaomoxiaochou 幺麽小丑|insignificant wretch yaomu 要目|important substance (of a document)/k... yaonie 妖孽|evildoer yaonie 咬啮|to gnaw yaonie 咬啮|variant of 咬嚙|咬啮[yao3 nie4]/to gnaw yaonv 妖女|beautiful woman yaopian 药片|a (medicine) pill or tablet/CL:片[pian4] yaopin 药品|medicaments/medicine/drug yaoping 药瓶|medicine bottle yaoqi 妖气|sinister appearance/monster-like appe... yaoqian 药签|medical swab yaoqian 要钱|to charge/to demand payment yaoqiang 要强|eager to excel/eager to get ahead in ... yaoqianshu 摇钱树|legendary tree that sheds coins when ... yaoqinahan 摇旗呐喊|to wave flags and shout battle cries ... yaoqing 邀请|to invite/invitation/CL:個|个[ge4] yaoqinghan 邀请函|invitation letter/CL:封[feng1] yaoqingsai 邀请赛|invitation tournament (e.g. between s... yaoqiu 要求|to request/to require/requirement/to ... yaoran 窅然|far and deep/remote and obscure/see a... yaoran 杳然|quiet, silent, and lonely/far and ind... yaorao 妖娆|enchanting/alluring (of a girl) yaoren 要人|important person yaoren 妖人|magician/sorcerer yaorendegoubulouchi 咬人的狗不露齿|lit. the dog that bites doesn\'t show ... yaorengourbuluchi 咬人狗儿不露齿|lit. the dog that bites does not show... yaorou 腰肉|loin yaoruhuanghe 杳如黄鹤|to be gone forever (idiom)/to disappe... yaosai 要塞|stronghold/fort/fortification yaoshan 药膳|medicinal cuisine yaoshang 咬伤|bite (e.g. snake bite, mosquito bite) yaoshang 药商|druggist yaoshang 夭殇|to die young yaoshao 舀勺|scoop; dipper yaoshen 腰身|waist/waistline yaoshen 摇身|lit. to shake one\'s body/refers to ab... yaoshenyibian 摇身一变|to change shape in a single shake/fig... yaoshezijin 咬舌自尽|to commit suicide by biting off one\'s... yaoshi 要是|(coll.) if yaoshi 药师|pharmacist yaoshi 要事|important matter yaoshi 钥匙|key/CL:把[ba3] yaoshifo 药师佛|Medicine Buddha (Sanskrit: Bhaisajyag... yaoshijing 药师经|Healing sutra/Bhaisajyaguru sutra yaoshika 钥匙卡|keycard yaoshilian 钥匙链|keychain yaoshirulai 药师如来|Medicine Buddha (Sanskrit: Bhaisajyag... yaoshitongyuan 药食同源|lit. food and medicine come from the ... yaoshou 摇手|to wave the hand (to say goodbye, or ... yaoshou 夭寿|to die young/(Tw) (curse word) drop d... yaoshu 妖术|sorcery yaoshu 要枢|important hub; key position yaoshui 药水|Yaksu in North Korea, near the border... yaoshui 药水|medicine in liquid form/bottled medic... yaoshui 舀水|to ladle water; to scoop up water yaoshuir 药水儿|erhua variant of 藥水|药水[yao4 shui3] yaoshukui 药蜀葵|marsh mallow (Althaea officinalis) yaoshuo 要说|as for/when it comes to yaoshushi 妖术师|warlock/sorcerer yaosi 要死|extremely/awfully yaosibuhuo 要死不活|half dead/more dead than alive yaosilian 姚思廉|Yao Silian (557-637), Tang writer and... yaosiyaohuo 要死要活|terribly/awfully/desperately yaosu 要素|essential factor/key constituent yaota 约塔|iota (Greek letter Ιι) yaotang 舀汤|to ladle out soup yaotiao 窈窕|(literary) (of a woman) graceful and ... yaotou 摇头|to shake one\'s head yaotoubaiwei 摇头摆尾|to nod one\'s head and wag one\'s tail ... yaotouwan 摇头丸|Ecstasy/MDMA yaotu 要图|main plan/important program yaou 亚欧|see 歐亞|欧亚[Ou1 Ya4] yaoudalu 亚欧大陆|Eurasian continent yaoudalufudi 亚欧大陆腹地|Eurasian hinterland (i.e. Central Asi... yaoudaluqiao 亚欧大陆桥|Eurasian land bridge (rail line linki... yaowan 药丸|pill/CL:粒[li4] yaowang 夭亡|to die young yaowang 遥望|to look into the distance yaowei 腰围|waist measurement/girth yaoweike 约维克|Gjøvik (city in Oppland, Norway) yaoweiqilian 摇尾乞怜|lit. to behave like a dog wagging its... yaowen 要闻|important news story/headline yaowenjiaozi 咬文嚼字|to bite words and chew characters (id... yaowenyuan 姚文元|Yao Wenyuan (1931-2005), one of the G... yaowo 腰窝|dimples of Venus/back dimples yaowu 药物|medicaments/pharmaceuticals/medicatio... yaowu 要务|key task/important affair yaowu 妖物|monster yaowudaixiedonglixue 药物代谢动力学|pharmacokinetics yaowuheliu 吆五喝六|lit. to shout out hoping for fives an... yaowurenji 杳无人迹|without trace of human presence/uninh... yaowurenyan 杳无人烟|dark and uninhabited (idiom); remote ... yaowuxiaoxi 杳无消息|see 杳無音信|杳无音信[yao3 wu2 yin1 xin4] yaowuxue 药物学|pharmacology yaowuxuejia 药物学家|pharmacologist yaowuyangwei 耀武扬威|to show off one\'s military strength (... yaowuyinxin 杳无音信|to have no news whatever yaoxi 耀西|Yoshi (Nintendo video game character) yaoxiang 遥想|to think about (the distant past or f... yaoxiao 药效|medicinal effect yaoxie 要挟|to threaten/to blackmail yaoxie 妖邪|evil monster yaoxile 要西了|(coll.) unbearable (Shanghainese) yaoxing 药性|medicinal effect yaoxue 药学|pharmacy yaoxueyin 姚雪垠|Yao Xueyin (1910-1999), PRC novelist,... yaoya 咬牙|to clench one\'s teeth/to grind the te... yaoya-qiechi 咬牙切齿|(idiom) to gnash one\'s teeth; to fume... yaoyan 谣言|rumor yaoyan 耀眼|to dazzle/dazzling yaoyan 妖言|heresy yaoyan 妖艳|pretty and flirtatious yaoyan 邀宴|to invite sb to a banquet yaoyanbufan 要言不烦|to explain in simple terms/succinct/c... yaoyangr 要样儿|appearance/manner yaoyanhuozhong 妖言惑众|to mislead the public with rumors (id... yaoyanhuozhong 谣言惑众|to mislead the public with rumors; to... yaoyao 遥遥|distant/remote yaoyao 杳杳|deep and somber/see also 窈窈[yao3 yao3] yaoyao 窈窈|obscure/dusky/far and deep/profound/s... yaoyao-lingxian 遥遥领先|(idiom) a long way in front; to lead ... yaoyaobaibai 摇摇摆摆|swaggering/staggering/waddling yaoyaowuqi 遥遥无期|far in the indefinite future (idiom);... yaoyaoyuzhui 摇摇欲坠|tottering/on the verge of collapse yaoye 摇曳|to sway gently (as in the wind); (of ... yaoye 妖冶|pretty and flirtatious yaoyeduozi 摇曳多姿|swaying gently/moving elegantly yaoyi 要义|the essentials yaoyi 摇椅|rocking chair yaoyi 徭役|forced labor/corvee yaoyong 药用|medicinal use/pharmaceutical yaoyongjiazhi 药用价值|medicinal value yaoyou 要有|to need/to require/must have yaoyuan 遥远|distant; remote yaoyuan 要员|key participant/VIP yaoyue 邀约|to invite/invitation yaoyue 要约|to restrict/to agree to a contract/of... yaoyun 摇匀|to mix by shaking yaozha 药渣|dregs of a decoction yaozhan 腰斩|to chop sb in half at the waist (capi... yaozhan 摇战|(literary) to shake with fear yaozhang 要账|to demand repayment/to collect debt yaozhe 夭折|to die young or prematurely/to come t... yaozheerduo 咬着耳朵|whispering in sb\'s ear yaozheng 要政|important governmental or administrat... yaozhi 腰肢|waist yaozhi 要职|key job/important position yaozhi 要旨|the gist (of a text or argument)/the ... yaozhi 要之|in brief/in a word yaozhipu 瑶之圃|jade garden of celestial ruler/paradise yaozhou 耀州|Yaozhou District of Tongchuan City 銅川... yaozhouqu 耀州区|Yaozhou District of Tongchuan City 銅川... yaozhu 瑶柱|see 乾貝|干贝[gan1bei4] yaozhu 要著|important book yaozhuang 药妆|cosmeceuticals yaozhuangdian 药妆店|drugstore; pharmacy (one that offers ... yaozhui 腰椎|lumbar vertebra (lower backbone) yaozhuijianpan 腰椎间盘|intervertebral disk yaozhuijianpantuchu 腰椎间盘突出|slipped disk/vertebral herniation/pro... yaozhuijianpantuchuzheng 腰椎间盘突出症|herniated lumbar disk yaozhuo 要着|important thing/crucial thing yaozi 腰子|kidney yaozi 舀子|ladle; scoop yaozi 咬字|to pronounce (clearly or otherwise)/t... yaozi 窑子|(old) low-grade brothel yaozi 疟子|(coll.) malaria yaozi 要子|straw rope yaozi 靿子|leg (aka shaft) of a boot; leg of a sock yaozu 瑶族|Yao ethnic group of southwest China a... yapan 牙盘|(bicycle) crankset yapi 雅皮|yuppie (loanword) yapi 雅痞|yuppie (loanword) (Tw) yapian 鸦片|opium (loanword) yapian 雅片|variant of 鴉片|鸦片[ya1 pian4] yapianqiang 鸦片枪|opium pipe yapianzhanzheng 鸦片战争|the Opium Wars of 1840-1842 and 1860-... yapingning 亚平宁|Apennine (Mountains) yapingshengyun 押平声韵|to restrict to even tone (i.e. final ... yapishi 雅皮士|yuppie (loanword)/young urban profess... yapo 压迫|to oppress/to repress/to constrict/op... yaqi 雅气|elegance yaqi 亚齐|Aceh province of Indonesia in northwe... yaqi 牙旗|emperor\'s or general\'s banner erected... yaqian 牙签|toothpick yaqiang 压强|pressure (physics) yaqiao 牙桥|dental bridge yaqisheng 亚齐省|Aceh province of Indonesia in northwe... yaqu 雅趣|elegant/refined/delicate and charming yaquewusheng 鸦雀无声|lit. crow and peacock make no sound/a... yaran 轧染|pad dyeing yaranji 轧染机|pressure roller used in dyeing trough yaranshixiao 哑然失笑|to laugh involuntarily/Taiwan pr. [e4... yaredai 亚热带|subtropical (zone or climate) yaren 雅人|poetic individual/person of refined t... yaren 牙人|(old) middleman/broker yarenshenzhi 雅人深致|refined pleasure of poetic minds yasa 亚撒|Asa (?-870 BC), third king of Judah a... yase 亚瑟|Arthur (name) yasebairan 亚塞拜然|Azerbaijan (Tw) yaseshi 亚瑟士|ASICS (Japanese footwear brand) yasewang 亚瑟王|King Arthur yashalong 押沙龙|Absalom, third son of David, king of ... yashayan 崖沙燕|(bird species of China) sand martin (... yasheban 压舌板|tongue depressor/spatula yashemao 鸭舌帽|peaked cap yashen 亚砷|arsenous yasheng 亚圣|Second Sage, traditional title of Men... yashensuan 亚砷酸|arsenous acid yashi 压实|to compress/to compact yashi 雅士|elegant scholar yashi 牙石|dental calculus; tartar yashi 雅事|refined activities of the intellectua... yashi 雅什|fine verse yashibaojia 亚氏保加|see 阿斯佩爾格爾|阿斯佩尔格尔[A1 si1 pei4 er3 ge2... yashu 衙署|government office in feudal China/yamen yashua 牙刷|toothbrush/CL:把[ba3] yasi 雅思|IELTS (International English Language... yasi 压死|to crush to death yasi 雅司|yaws (infectious tropical disease) yasibing 雅司病|yaws (infectious tropical disease) yasiboge 亚斯伯格|see 阿斯佩爾格爾|阿斯佩尔格尔[A1 si1 pei4 er3 ge2... yasiluotuodezuihouyigendaocao 压死骆驼的最后一根稻草|the straw that broke the camel’s back... yasong 押送|to send under escort/to transport a d... yasongsen 亚松森|Asunción, capital of Paraguay yasuanqi 压蒜器|garlic press yasuerqundao 亚速尔群岛|Azores Islands yasugongshang 雅俗共赏|can be enjoyed by scholars and lay-pe... yasuhai 亚速海|Sea of Azov in southern Russia yasui 牙髓|tooth pulp yasui 压碎|to crush to pieces yasuiqian 压岁钱|money given to children as a gift on ... yasuo 压缩|to compress; compression yasuo 亚所|Azor (son of Eliakim and father of Za... yasuobao 压缩包|(computing) compressed archive file yasuobi 压缩比|compression ratio yasuoji 压缩机|compactor/compressor yasuoqi 压缩器|compressor yatai 亚太|Asia-Pacific yataijinghehui 亚太经合会|APEC (Asia Pacific economic cooperation) yataijinghezuzhi 亚太经合组织|APEC (organization) yataijingjihezuozuzhi 亚太经济合作组织|Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation or... yataiqu 亚太区|Asian area/the Far East/Asia Pacific ... yataixi 压台戏|last item on a show/grand finale yatao 牙套|orthodontic brace/(dental) crown yatelanda 亚特兰大|Atlanta yati 押题|(in one\'s study) to focus on the topi... yatie 亚铁|ferrous yating 丫挺|(Beijing dialect) bastard/damned yatong 牙痛|toothache yatong 压痛|(medicine) tenderness; pain experienc... yatou 丫头|girl/servant girl/(used deprecatingly... yatouhang 亚投行|Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,... yatoupianzi 丫头片子|(coll.) silly girl/little girl yatuo 牙托|mouthguard/occlusal splint/dental imp... yawan 雅玩|elegant pastime/refined plaything yawang 雅望|(literary) spotless reputation yawei 雅威|Yahweh yawende 雅温得|Yaoundé, capital city of Cameroon yawenhua 亚文化|subculture yaxian 牙线|dental floss/CL:條|条[tiao2] yaxian 压线|pressure crease/fig. to toil for sb e... yaxian 亚细安|ASEAN yaxian 崖限|cliff barring the way/fig. brick wall yaxianbang 牙线棒|floss pick yaxiang 雅相|elegant appearance/dignity yaxianqian 压线钳|crimping pliers/amp pliers yaxiaoan 亚硝胺|nitrosamine yaxiaosuan 亚硝酸|nitrous acid yaxiaosuanna 亚硝酸钠|sodium nitrite yaxiaosuanyan 亚硝酸盐|nitrite yaxiaosuanyiwuzhi 亚硝酸异戊酯|amyl nitrite yaxieralafate 亚西尔·阿拉法特|Yasser Arafat (1929-2004), Palestinia... yaxing 雅兴|refined and elegant attitude of mind yaxing 亚型|subtype/subcategory yaxiya 亚细亚|Asia yaxiyazhou 亚细亚洲|Asia (abbr. to 亞洲|亚洲[Ya4zhou1]) yaxun 雅驯|refined (of writing) yaya 轧轧|(onom.) sound of machinery, e.g. sque... yayan 雅言|valued advice yayi 压抑|to constrain or repress emotions/oppr... yayi 牙医|dentist yayi 亚裔|of Asian descent yayi 衙役|bailiff of feudal yamen yayi 雅意|your kind offer/your valued advice/de... yayi 讶异|to be surprised/to be astonished yayin 牙龈|gums/gingiva yayin 牙印|teeth marks (left on sth)/bite marks yayin 牙音|velar consonants of Middle Chinese yayinjiedanwei 亚音节单位|subsyllabic unit yayinyan 牙龈炎|gingivitis yayouzhi 牙釉质|tooth enamel yayu 哑语|sign language yayuanzi 亚原子|subatomic yayue 雅乐|formal ceremonial music of each succe... yayun 押韵|to rhyme/sometimes written 壓韻|压韵 yayun 押运|to escort (goods or funds)/to convey ... yayun 亚运|Asian Games yayun 压韵|variant of 押韻|押韵[ya1 yun4] yayuncun 亚运村|Yayuncun neighborhood of Beijing yayunhui 亚运会|Asian Games yayunyuan 押运员|supercargo (in maritime law)/agent re... yazai 伢崽|(dialect) child yazha 压榨|to press/to squeeze/to extract juice,... yazhang 鸭掌|duck feet (claws) yazhang 牙帐|tent of the commanding officer/tent c... yazhen 压阵|to bring up the rear/to provide suppo... yazheng 雅正|correct (literary)/upright/(hon.) Ple... yazheng 雅郑|court music and vulgar music (i.e. 雅樂... yazhi 雅致|elegant/refined/in good taste yazhi 压制|to suppress/to inhibit/to stifle yazhong 亚种|subspecies (taxonomy) yazhongduan 哑终端|dumb terminal yazhou 亚洲|Asia (abbr. for 亞細亞洲|亚细亚洲[Ya4xi4ya4 Z... yazhou 崖州|ancient name for Hainan Island 海南島|海南... yazhoubei 亚洲杯|Asian Cup yazhoubing 牙周病|periodontitis (gum disorder) yazhouduanzhibailing 亚洲短趾百灵|(bird species of China) Asian short-t... yazhouhaoxi 压轴好戏|see 壓軸戲|压轴戏[ya1 zhou4 xi4] yazhoukaifayinhang 亚洲开发银行|Asian Development Bank yazhouli 亚洲梨|Asian pear; sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) yazhoumodilinying 亚洲漠地林莺|(bird species of China) Asian desert ... yazhouxi 压轴戏|next-to-last item on a program (theat... yazhouyan 牙周炎|periodontitis (gum disorder) yazhouzhoukan 亚洲周刊|Asiaweek (current affairs magazine) yazhouzuqiulianhehui 亚洲足球联合会|Asian Football Confederation yazhu 押注|to bet/to wager yazhu 压住|to press down/to crush down/to restra... yazi 鸭子|duck/male prostitute (slang) yazi 睚眦|see 眥睚|眦睚[zi4 ya2] yazi 伢子|(dialect) child yazi 丫子|see 腳丫子|脚丫子[jiao3 ya1 zi5] yazi 哑子|(dialect) a mute (person) yazi 牙子|serrated edge/(old) middleman/broker yazibibao 睚眦必报|lit. to seek revenge over a dirty loo... yazidan 鸭仔蛋|balut (boiled duck egg with a partly-... yazir 鸭子儿|(coll.) duck\'s egg yazu 押租|rent deposit yazuijuanwei 鸦嘴卷尾|(bird species of China) crow-billed d... yazuilong 鸭嘴龙|hadrosaur (duck-billed dinosaur) yazuishou 鸭嘴兽|platypus yazulian 亚足联|Asian Football Confederation (abbr. f... yazuo 雅座|(restaurant etc) private room/booth/c... ye 也|surname Ye ye 也|(adverb) also; both ... and ... (befo... ye 野|old variant of 野[ye3] ye 野|erroneous variant of 野[ye3] ye 野|field/plain/open space/limit/boundary... ye 液|(bound form) a liquid/also pr. [yi4] ye 业|surname Ye ye 业|line of business/industry/occupation/... ye 叶|surname Ye ye 叶|leaf/page/lobe/(historical) period/cl... ye 页|page/leaf ye 晔|bright light/to sparkle ye 腋|armpit/(biology) axilla/(botany) axil... ye 拽|variant of 曳[ye4] ye 耶|(phonetic ye) ye 耶|interrogative particle (classical) ye 耶|final particle indicating enthusiasm etc ye 椰|(bound form) coconut palm/Taiwan pr. ... ye 爷|grandpa/old gentleman ye 夜|variant of 夜[ye4] ye 夜|night ye 冶|to smelt/to cast/seductive in appearance ye 烨|variant of 燁|烨[ye4] ye 烨|blaze of fire/glorious ye 铘|used in 鏌鋣|镆铘[Mo4ye2] ye 馌|to carry food to laborers in the field ye 揶|to gesticulate/to play antics ye 曳|to drag/to pull/Taiwan pr. [yi4] ye 鵺|a kind of bird similar to pheasant ye 邺|surname Ye/ancient district in presen... ye 咽|to choke (in crying) ye 掖|to tuck (into a pocket)/to hide/to co... ye 掖|to support by the arm/to help/to prom... ye 吔|onomat. for surprise, amazement and sigh ye 谒|to visit (a superior) ye 靥|dimple ye 嘢|(Cantonese) thing/matter/stuff ye 鍱|thin plates of metal ye 嶪|see 岌嶪[ji2 ye4] ye 嶫|variant of 嶪[ye4] ye 擨|old variant of 揶[ye2] ye 噎|to choke (on)/to choke up/to suffocate ye 捙|erroneous variant of 拽[ye4] ye 殗|sickness/repeated ye 倻|used to represent phonetic \"ya\" in Ko... ye 蠮|wasp of the family Sphecidae ye 煠|to fry in fat or oil/to scald ye 抴|to pull/to drag/to join together/oar ye 漜|mud ye 捓|old variant of 揶[ye2] ye 𢬍|to press down yean 液氨|liquid ammonia yeba 也罢|(reduplicated) whether... or.../never... yeban 夜班|night shift yeban 夜半|midnight yebao 液胞|vacuole yebian 页边|(page) margin yebifu 叶鼻蝠|leaf-nosed bat yebing 叶柄|petiole/leafstalk yebubihu 夜不闭户|lit. doors not locked at night (idiom... yebuchengmian 夜不成眠|to be unable to sleep at night yebuguisu 夜不归宿|to stay out all night (idiom) yebuwu 曳步舞|shuffle (dance) yecai 椰菜|cabbage; broccoli; cauliflower yecai 野菜|wild herb/potherb yecaihua 椰菜花|cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. b... yecan 野餐|picnic/to have a picnic yecandian 野餐垫|picnic blanket yecao 野草|weeds/mistress or prostitute (old) yecha 夜叉|yaksha (malevolent spirit) (loanword)... yecha 叶插|to propagate from leaf cuttings yechang 夜场|evening show (at a theater etc)/night... yecheng 叶城|Qaghiliq nahiyisi (Kargilik county) i... yechengxian 叶城县|Qaghiliq nahiyisi (Kargilik county) i... yechou 腋臭|body odor/bromhidrosis/armpit odor/un... yechuangfuwu 夜床服务|(hospitality industry) turndown service yechui 野炊|to cook a meal over a campfire (usu. ... yecun 野村|Nomura (Japanese surname) yeda 夜大|evening college (abbr. for 夜大學|夜大学[ye... yeda 业大|part-time college (abbr. for 業餘大學|业余大... yedan 液氮|liquid nitrogen yedang 冶荡|lewd/lascivious yedanjie 耶诞节|Christmas (Tw) yedaxue 夜大学|evening college yedi 野地|wilderness yedi 页底|the bottom of the page yedian 夜店|nightclub yedianqie 野颠茄|deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) yediao 野钓|wild angling yediaowuqiang 野调无腔|coarse in speech and manner yedie 殗殜|somewhat ill, but still able to sit up yeerqianghe 叶尔羌河|Yarkant River in Xinjiang yefang 谒访|to pay one\'s respects/to visit (ances... yefang 野放|to release (an animal) into the wild yefuta 耶弗他|Jephthah (Hebrew: Yiftach) son of Gil... yeganlan 野甘蓝|European wild cabbage (Brassica olera... yegelikoujiu 野格利口酒|Jägermeister (alcoholic drink) yegen 业根|the root cause (of evil)/bane (Buddhism) yegeniya 耶哥尼雅|Jechoniah or Jeconiah (son of Josiah) yegonghaolong 叶公好龙|lit. Lord Ye\'s passion for dragons (i... yegou 野狗|wild dog/feral dog/stray dog yegu 掖咕|to toss aside/to misplace yeguang 夜光|luminous yeguangdan 曳光弹|tracer ammunition/tracer yeguo 野果|wild fruit yeguo 椰果|nata de coco (a chewy jelly made from... yehai 业海|sea of evil/endless crime yehaizi 野孩子|feral child yehanzi 野汉子|woman\'s lover yehao 也好|that\'s fine/may as well/(reduplicated... yehao 页蒿|caraway yehaobudaonaliqu 也好不到哪里去|just as bad; not much better yehaobuliaoduoshao 也好不了多少|hardly any better/just as bad yehe 野合|to commit adultery yehehua 耶和华|Jehovah (biblical name for God, Hebre... yehehuajianzhengren 耶和华见证人|Jehovah\'s Witnesses yehu 夜壶|chamber pot yehu 耶户|Jehu (842-815 BC), Israelite king, pr... yehua 液化|to liquefy yehua 野花|wildflower/woman of easy virtue yehuangsu 叶黄素|lutein (biochemistry) yehuangyuxi 业荒于嬉|to be distracted from one\'s work and ... yehuaqi 液化气|liquid gas/bottled gas (fuel) yehuashiyouqi 液化石油气|liquefied petroleum gas yehuchan 野狐禅|heresy yehuluobo 野胡萝卜|carrot (Daucus carota) yehuo 野火|wildfire/(spreading like) wildfire/bu... yehuochunfeng 野火春风|abbr. for 野火燒不盡,春風吹又生|野火烧不尽,春风吹又生[ye3... yehuoshaobujin,chunfengchuiyousheng 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生|lit. even a prairie fire cannot destr... yeji 业绩|achievement; accomplishment/(in more ... yeji 野鸡|pheasant/unregistered and operating i... yejian 夜间|nighttime/evening or night (e.g. clas... yejianbu 夜间部|(Tw) evening program (at a college)/n... yejiang 椰浆|coconut milk yejiangchuan 叶江川|Ye Jiangchuan yejidaxue 野鸡大学|diploma mill yejie 业界|industry yejiebiaozhun 业界标准|industry standard yejin 冶金|metallurgy yejing 液晶|liquid crystal yejing 夜景|nightscape yejing 业经|already yejing 夜惊|night terror/sleep terror yejing 野径|country path/track in the wilderness yejingping 液晶屏|liquid crystal screen yejingxianshi 液晶显示|LCD/liquid crystal display yejingxianshiqi 液晶显示器|liquid crystal display yejingyuqin 业精于勤|mastery of study lies in diligence (i... yejinxue 冶金学|metallurgy yejiqu 叶集区|Yeji, a district of Lu\'an City 六安市[Lu... yejiushi 也就是|that is/i.e. yejiushishuo 也就是说|in other words/that is to say/so/thus yekaihua 夜开花|bottle gourd (i.e. 瓠瓜[hu4 gua1]) yekajielinbao 叶卡捷琳堡|Yekaterinburg (Russian city, also kno... yekajielinna 叶卡捷琳娜|Yekaterina or Ekaterina (name)/Cather... yekatelinnabao 叶卡特琳娜堡|Ekaterinburg or Yekaterinburg (former... yeke 椰壳|coconut shell yekemo 叶克膜|(loanword) ECMO; extracorporeal membr... yekexianwei 椰壳纤维|coconut fiber/coir yekong 夜空|night sky yekou 野口|Noguchi (Japanese surname) yekoufuke 叶口蝠科|(zoology) New World leaf-nosed bats (... yekuang 页框|frame (computing) yelainuoyangkeweiqi 耶莱娜·扬科维奇|Jelena Jankovic (1985-), Serbian tenn... yelaixiang 夜来香|tuberose (Agave amica)/night-blooming... yelan 夜阑|late at night/in the dead of night yelang 夜郎|small barbarian kingdom in southern C... yelangzida 夜郎自大|lit. Yelang thinks highly of itself (... yelanrenjing 夜阑人静|the still of the night (idiom)/late a... yelanshan 夜阑珊|late at night yeleng 液冷|to liquid-cool yeli 夜里|during the night/at night/nighttime yeli 液力|hydraulic power/(attributive) hydraulic yelian 冶炼|to smelt metal yelianlu 冶炼炉|a furnace for smelting metal yeliewan 耶烈万|Yerevan, capital of Armenia/also writ... yelige 耶利哥|Jericho (Biblical city) yelimi 耶利米|Jeremy or Jeremiah (name) yelimiaige 耶利米哀歌|the Lamentations of Jeremiah yelimishu 耶利米书|Book of Jeremiah yelin 椰林|coconut grove yeling 谒陵|to pay homage at a mausoleum yelinpiaoxiang 椰林飘香|piña colada yeliqin 叶利钦|Yeltsin (name)/Boris Yeltsin (1931-20... yeliting 叶礼庭|Michael Grant Ignatieff (1947-), lead... yeliu 液流|stream/flow of liquid yeliwen 叶里温|Yerevan, capital of Armenia (Tw) yelong 业龙|evil dragon yelu 耶鲁|Yale yelu 夜鹭|(bird species of China) black-crowned... yeludaxue 耶鲁大学|Yale University yelun 叶轮|turbine wheel yelunjixie 叶轮机械|turbomachine yeluoguigen 叶落归根|a falling leaf returns to the roots (... yelusaleng 耶路撒冷|Jerusalem yeluzi 野路子|(coll.) unorthodox (method etc) yelv 野驴|onager (Equus onager) yelv 耶律|two-character surname Yelü yelvchucai 耶律楚材|Yelü Chucai (1190-1244), Khitan state... yelvdashi 耶律大石|Yollig Taxin or Yelü Dashi (1087-1143... yelvsu 叶绿素|chlorophyll yelvti 叶绿体|chloroplast yema 页码|page number yema 野马|feral horse/free-roaming horse/wild h... yemai 叶脉|venation (pattern of veins on a leaf) yemaixu 叶脉序|leaf venation (botany)/the pattern of... yeman 野蛮|barbarous/uncivilized yeman 业满|to have paid one\'s karmic debts (Budd... yemang 夜盲|night blindness yemangzheng 夜盲症|night blindness/nyctalopia yemanren 野蛮人|barbarian yemao 腋毛|armpit hair yemao 野猫|wildcat/stray cat yemaozi 夜猫子|owl/(fig.) night owl yemen 也门|Yemen yemen 爷们|menfolk (collective term for men of d... yemen 掖门|small side door of a palace yemen 叶门|Yemen (Tw) yemenr 爷们儿|erhua variant of 爺們|爷们[ye2 men5] yemian 页面|page/web page yemian 液面|surface (of a body of liquid) yemu 夜幕|curtain of night/gathering darkness yemudichui 夜幕低垂|darkness fell (falls, had fallen etc) yemujianglin 夜幕降临|nightfall yenai 椰奶|coconut milk yenei 业内|(within) the industry; the profession yeniao 夜鸟|nocturnal bird yeniu 野牛|bison yepao 野炮|field artillery yepao 液泡|vacuole (biology) yepei 业配|(Tw) (media) writing an article or cr... yepeiwen 业配文|(Tw) advertorial yepenr 夜盆儿|chamber pot yepian 叶片|blade (of propellor)/vane/leaf yepianzhuang 叶片状|foliated/striated into thin leaves yeqian 页签|(computing) tab (GUI element) yeqiao 叶鞘|(botany) leaf sheath yeqin 野禽|fowl yequ 夜曲|nocturne (music) yequ 野趣|rustic charm yeren 野人|a savage/uncivilized person/(old) com... yerong 椰蓉|desiccated coconut; shredded coconut yerong 冶容|to mold (into seductive shape)/to dre... yese 夜色|night scene/the dim light of night yese 叶瑟|Jesse (name) yesecangmang 夜色苍茫|gathering dusk yeshanjiao 野山椒|same as 朝天椒[chao2 tian1 jiao1] yesheng 野生|wild/undomesticated yesheng 腋生|axillary (botany)/budding in the angl... yeshengdongwu 野生动物|wild animal yeshengdongzhiwuyuan 野生动植物园|wildlife park/safari park yeshenghuo 夜生活|night life yeshengmao 野生猫|wild cat yeshengshengwu 野生生物|wildlife/creatures in the wild/wild o... yeshengshengwujijinhui 野生生物基金会|World Wildlife Fund (WWF) yeshengtao 叶圣陶|Ye Shengtao (1894-1988), writer and e... yeshengzhiwu 野生植物|plants in the wild yeshenrenjing 夜深人静|in the dead of night (idiom) yeshenxian 夜神仙|night owl/late sleeper yeshi 夜市|night market yeshi 夜视|night vision yeshi 野史|unofficial history/history as popular... yeshi 业师|teacher/one\'s teacher yeshi 野豕|wild boar yeshijing 夜视镜|night vision device yeshiyi 夜视仪|night vision device yeshou 野兽|beast/wild animal yeshou 页首|the top of the page/(word processing)... yesi 椰丝|shredded coconut yesi 噎死|(intransitive) to choke to death yesoupuyan 野叟曝言|Yesou Puyan or Humble Words of a Rust... yesu 耶稣|Jesus yesu 耶酥|variant of 耶穌|耶稣[Ye1 su1] yesuan 叶酸|folic acid yesuguang 耶稣光|crepuscular rays/sunbeams yesuhui 耶稣会|The Jesuits (Society of Jesus) yesuhui 耶酥会|the Society of Jesus/the Jesuits yesuhuishi 耶稣会士|a Jesuit/member of Society of Jesus yesuhuishi 耶酥会士|a Jesuit yesujianglinjie 耶稣降临节|Advent (Christian period of 4 weeks b... yesujiao 耶稣教|Protestantism yesujidu 耶稣基督|Jesus Christ yesujiduhouqishengtujiaohui 耶稣基督后期圣徒教会|The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-... yesujidumoshishengtujiaohui 耶稣基督末世圣徒教会|The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-... yesushengtianjie 耶稣升天节|Ascension Day (Christian festival for... yesushounanjie 耶稣受难节|Good Friday yetai 液态|liquid (state) yetai 业态|(retail industry) format yetai 叶苔|liverwort (Jungermannia lanceolata) yetainai 液态奶|general term for milk packaged for th... yetaishui 液态水|liquid water (as opposed to steam or ... yeti 液体|liquid yetian 冶天|ATI, brand name of AMD graphics cards yetianjiayan 野田佳彦|Noda Yoshihiko (1957-), prime ministe... yeting 掖庭|Lateral Courts in the imperial palace... yeting 叶挺|Ye Ting (1896-1946), communist milita... yetu 野兔|hare yewai 野外|countryside/areas outside the city yewaidingxiang 野外定向|orienteering yewaifangyang 野外放养|free-range (breeding livestock or pou... yewan 夜晚|night/CL:個|个[ge4] yewei 野味|game/wild animals and birds hunted fo... yeweihu 曳尾鹱|(bird species of China) wedge-tailed ... yeweimin 叶伟民|Raymond YIP Wai-Man, Hong Kong film d... yeweiwen 叶伟文|alias of 葉偉民|叶伟民[Ye4 Wei3 min2] yewen 叶问|Yip Man (1893-1972), martial arts pra... yeweng 蠮螉|wasp of the family Sphecidae yewo 腋窝|armpit yewu 业务|business/professional work/service/CL... yewuguoshi 业务过失|professional negligence yewumoshi 业务模式|business model yewuyuan 业务员|salesperson yexi 夜袭|night attack yexi 耶西|Jesse (son of Obed) yexia 腋下|underarm/armpit yexian 叶县|Ye county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山[Pin... yexiangmu 夜香木|night-blooming jessamine (Cestrum noc... yexiao 夜宵|midnight snack yexiao 夜校|evening school/night school yexiao 夜消|variant of 夜宵[ye4 xiao1] yexiao 夜枭|owl yexiaohui 野小茴|dill seed yexiaor 夜宵儿|erhua variant of 夜宵[ye4 xiao1] yexibie 耶洗别|Jezebel, wife of Ahab and mother of A... yexin 野心|ambition/wild schemes/careerism yexin 页心|type page yexing 夜行|night walk/night departure/nocturnal yexing 野性|wild nature/unruliness yexingjun 夜行军|a night march yexingxing 夜行性|nocturnal yexingzhoufu 夜行昼伏|to travel at night and lie low by day... yexu 也许|perhaps/maybe yexu 叶序|leaf arrangement/phyllotaxy (botany) yexuanping 叶选平|Ye Xuanping (1924-2019), former Gover... yeya 液压|hydraulic pressure yeya 腋芽|axillary bud/bud growing from axil of... yeya 野鸭|wild duck/mallard (Anas platyrhyncha) yeyachuandong 液压传动|hydraulic drive/hydraulic transmission yeyan 页岩|shale yeyan 冶艳|bewitching/beautiful yeyanqi 页岩气|shale gas yeyanyou 页岩油|shale oil yeyaqianjinding 液压千斤顶|hydraulic jack yeye 爷爷|(coll.) paternal grandfather; grandpa yeye 夜夜|every night yeyegaigai 掖掖盖盖|stealthily/clandestinely yeyi 业已|already yeyijiri 夜以继日|night and day (idiom); continuous str... yeyinche 曳引车|(Tw) tractor unit; prime mover yeying 夜莺|nightingale yeying 夜鹰|nightjar (nocturnal bird in the famil... yeying 野营|to camp/field lodgings yeyingmei 野樱莓|chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) yeyonglie 叶永烈|Ye Yonglie (1940-), popular science w... yeyou 夜游|to go to some place at night/to take ... yeyou 椰油|coconut oil yeyou 野游|outing in the country/to go on a hike... yeyou 冶游|to go courting/to visit a brothel (ol... yeyoubanhua 野鼬瓣花|wild hemp yeyoujintian 也有今天|(coll.) to get one\'s just deserts/to ... yeyouzheng 夜游症|somnambulism/sleepwalking yeyu 业余|in one\'s spare time/outside working h... yeyu 揶揄|to mock/to ridicule yeyuaihaozhe 业余爱好者|hobbyist; amateur yeyuan 掖垣|sidewalls of a palace yeyuanyang 野鸳鸯|wild mandarin duck/(derog.) illicit l... yeyudaxue 业余大学|college for people who attend after work yeyujiaoyu 业余教育|spare-time education/evening classes yeyuzhe 业余者|amateur yezao 椰枣|date palm; date (fruit) yezhan 野战|battlefield operation/paintball yezhang 业障|karmic hindrance (Buddhism)/karmic co... yezhanjun 野战军|field army yezhe 业者|dealer/trader/person or company engag... yezhen 叶枕|(botany) pulvinus yezhi 椰汁|coconut water yezhong 野种|(derog.) illegitimate child/bastard yezhu 业主|owner/proprietor yezhu 野猪|wild boar (Sus scrofa)/CL:頭|头[tou2] yezhu 噎住|to choke (on)/to choke off (in speech) yezhu 冶铸|to smelt and cast yezi 椰子|a coconut palm/a coconut yezi 叶子|leaf (CL:片[pian4])/(slang) marijuana yeziban 叶子板|(Tw) fender (automotive) yezilie 叶子列|leaf arrangement/phyllotaxy (botany) yezimao 椰子猫|Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaph... yezizhi 椰子汁|coconut water yezonghui 夜总会|nightclub; nightspot yi 一|one/single/a (article)/as soon as/ent... yi 亦|also yi 以|old variant of 以[yi3] yi 以|abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4] yi 以|to use/by means of/according to/in or... yi 伊|surname Yi/abbr. for 伊拉克[Yi1la1ke4], ... yi 伊|(old) third person singular pronoun (... yi 已|already/to stop/then/afterwards yi 亿|100 million yi 医|medical/medicine/doctor/to cure/to treat yi 易|surname Yi/abbr. for 易經|易经[Yi4jing1],... yi 易|easy/amiable/to change/to exchange/pr... yi 翼|surname Yi/alternative name for 絳|绛[J... yi 翼|wing/area surrounding the bullseye of... yi 夷|non-Han people, esp. to the East of C... yi 仪|apparatus/rites/appearance/present/ce... yi 尾|horse\'s tail/pointed posterior sectio... yi 翌|bright/tomorrow yi 抑|to restrain/to restrict/to keep down/or yi 艺|skill/art yi 意|Italy; Italian (abbr. for 意大利[Yi4 da4... yi 意|idea/meaning/thought/to think/wish/de... yi 异|different/other/hetero-/unusual/stran... yi 驿|post horse/relay station yi 乙|second of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[... yi 衣|clothes/CL:件[jian4]/Kangxi radical 145 yi 衣|to dress/to wear/to put on (clothes) yi 依|to depend on/to comply with or listen... yi 义|surname Yi/(Tw) Italy (abbr. for 義大利|... yi 义|justice/righteousness/meaning/foster ... yi 移|to move/to shift/to change/to alter/t... yi 益|surname Yi yi 益|benefit/profit/advantage/beneficial/t... yi 蛇|used in 委蛇[wei1yi2] yi 遗|(bound form) to leave behind yi 逸|to escape/leisurely/outstanding yi 苡|common plantain (Plantago major) yi 议|to comment on/to discuss/to suggest yi 忆|to recollect/to remember/memory yi 溢|to overflow/(literary) excessive/old ... yi 矣|classical final particle, similar to ... yi 胰|pancreas yi 艾|variant of 刈[yi4]/variant of 乂[yi4] yi 疑|(bound form) to doubt; to suspect yi 芸|Japanese variant of 藝|艺[yi4] yi 懿|(literary) exemplary; virtuous yi 轶|to excel/to surpass/to be scattered/v... yi 鷾|a swallow yi 颐|(literary) chin; jaw/(literary) to fo... yi 咿|variant of 咿[yi1] yi 咿|(onom.) to squeak yi 弋|to shoot yi 饴|maltose syrup yi 翊|assist/ready to fly/respect yi 壹|one (banker\'s anti-fraud numeral) yi 裔|descendants/frontier yi 攺|a kind of metal or jade ornament worn... yi 螘|ant/variant of 蟻|蚁[yi3] yi 桋|(tree) yi 亄|covetous; greedy; stingy yi 钇|yttrium (chemistry) yi 埸|border yi 怡|harmony/pleased yi 宜|surname Yi yi 宜|proper/should/suitable/appropriate yi 酏|elixirs/sweet wine yi 毅|firm and resolute/staunch yi 醳|fine wine/to award with (food and drink) yi 羿|surname Yi/name of a legendary archer... yi 彝|Yi ethnic group yi 彝|(archaic) wine vessel/(archaic) sacri... yi 毉|variant of 醫|医[yi1] yi 漪|ripple yi 弈|ancient name for go (Chinese board game) yi 绎|continuous/to interpret/to unravel/to... yi 奕|abundant/graceful yi 谥|smiling face yi 迤|used in 逶迤[wei1yi2] yi 迤|extending to yi 诣|to go (to visit a superior)/one\'s cur... yi 椅|chair yi 峄|name of hills in Shandong yi 薏|see 薏苡[yi4 yi3] yi 译|to translate/to interpret yi 熠|to glow/to flash yi 翳|variant of 翳[yi4] yi 翳|feather screen/to screen/to shade/cat... yi 咦|expression of surprise yi 眙|place name yi 谊|friendship/also pr. [yi2] yi 揖|to greet by raising clasped hands yi 噫|yeah (interjection of approval)/to belch yi 铱|iridium (chemistry) yi 廙|yurt/(literary) respectful/prudent yi 挹|(literary) to scoop up; to ladle out/... yi 峓|place name yi 黟|black and shining ebony yi 佾|row of dancers at sacrifices yi 殪|to exterminate yi 譩|variant of 噫, yeah (interjection of a... yi 佚|surname Yi yi 佚|lost/missing/forsaken/dissolute/(of a... yi 蚁|ant yi 怿|pleased/rejoice yi 邑|city/village yi 旖|used in 旖旎[yi3ni3] yi 猗|(interj.) yi 镱|ytterbium (chemistry) yi 嶷|name of a mountain in Hunan yi 贻|to present/to bequeath yi 倚|to lean on/to rely upon yi 荑|to weed yi 圯|bridge, bank yi 乂|to regulate/to govern/to control/to mow yi 沂|Yi River, Shandong yi 燚|to blaze/(used in given names) yi 诒|(archaic) to present/to bequeath/vari... yi 屹|high and steep yi 訳|Japanese variant of 譯|译[yi4] yi 侇|(literary) class; category/(literary)... yi 悒|anxiety/worry yi 呓|to talk in one\'s sleep yi 駅|Japanese variant of 驛|驿[yi4] yi 浥|damp/moist yi 欹|interjection yi 嫕|compliant/yielding/easygoing yi 宧|northeastern corner of a room yi 刈|mow yi 埶|skill/art yi 镒|ancient unit of weight equal to 20 or... yi 洢|old name of a river in Henan, now wri... yi 彛|variant of 彞|彝[yi2] yi 肄|to learn/to practice or study (old) yi 瘗|bury/sacrifice yi 臆|(bound form) chest; breast/(bound for... yi 嗌|(literary) the throat/(literary) (mil... yi 㑊|used in 解㑊[xie4 yi4] yi 仡|strong/brave yi 斁|to be weary of yi 唈|palpitation/short breathing yi 蜴|used in 蜥蜴[xi1yi4] yi 圛|mist rolling upwards yi 泆|licentious, libertine, dissipate yi 睪|to spy out yi 弌|archaic variant of 壹 banker\'s anti-fr... yi 舣|to moor a boat to the bank yi 鹢|a kind of aquatic bird yi 癔|used in 癔病[yi4bing4] and 癔症[yi4zheng4] yi 役|forced labor/corvée/obligatory task/m... yi 衤|the left-radical form of Kangxi radic... yi 壱|Japanese variant of 壹[yi1] yi 熤|(person) yi 檥|variant of 艤|舣[yi3] yi 匜|washbasin with a tubular handle yi 裛|to wrap and bind/damp/dripping/wet/a ... yi 痍|bruise/sores yi 劓|cut off the nose yi 鹥|wigeon (Anas penelope, a Eurasian duc... yi 迆|variant of 迤[yi2] yi 迆|variant of 迤[yi3] yi 瑿|a black stone like jade/jet yi 螠|echiuroid (spoon worm) yi 杙|post for tethering animals yi 繄|interj./sighing sound yi 鹝|pheasant/turkey/old variant of 鷁|鹢[yi4] yi 迻|to shift/to transfer yi 栘|shadbush or shadberry (genus Amelanch... yi 瓵|earthen jar yi 黓|black yi 袲|place name yi 伇|old variant of 役[yi4] yi 恞|happy/joyous yi 杝|(tree) yi 枻|oar/stand for correcting a bow yi 〡|numeral 1 in the Suzhou numeral syste... yi 艗|bow of a Chinese boat yi 扆|surname Yi yi 扆|screen yi 訑|arrogant/mean yi 蛡|(literary) honeycomb; beehive yi 劮|old variant of 逸[yi4]/leisurely yi 蓺|skill/art yi 殹|(archaic) (meaning unclear)/(final pa... yi 曀|obscure/sun hidden by clouds yi 襼|sleeve of dress yi 肊|variant of 臆[yi4] yi 貤|to promote/to reward yi 鶂|hawk yi 蛜|woodlouse yi 燡|blazing/radiant yi 藙|Zanthoxylum ailanthoides yi 椸|clothes-horse yi 觺|(of animal horn) sharp yi 偯|to sob/wail yi 勚|(literary) toilsome/laborious/(of an ... yi 簃|small house connected to large one yi 豷|breathing of pigs yi 鳦|a swallow (bird) yi 饐|rancid yi 轙|rings on the yokes yi 檍|Quercus glauca yi 暆|(of the sun) declining yi 柂|(literary) (botany) (a species of lin... yi 帟|canopy yi 姨|mother\'s sister/aunt yi 疫|(bound form) epidemic; plague yi 祎|excellent/precious/rare/fine/(used in... yi 缢|(literary) to die by hanging or stran... yi 𬟁|see 虉草|𬟁草[yi4 cao3] yi 𫖮|pleasing/respectful manner yi 𬺈|surname Yi yi 𬺈|to bite yi-yiyingshe 一一映射|(math.) bijective map yiai 以埃|Israel-Egypt yian 依安|Yi\'an county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2... yian 议案|proposal/motion yian 义安|Yi\'an, a district of Tongling City 銅陵... yian 疑案|a doubtful case/a controversy yian 遗案|unsolved case (law) yian 医案|case history (TCM)/case record yianji 乙氨基|ethylamino group yianqu 义安区|Yi\'an, a district of Tongling City 銅陵... yianxian 依安县|Yi\'an county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2... yiba 以巴|Israeli-Palestinian yibahaoshou 一把好手|expert/dab hand yibaitudi 一败涂地|lit. defeated, the ground blanketed w... yibaiyi 一百一|faultless/impeccable yiban 一般|same/ordinary/so-so/common/general/ge... yiban 一斑|lit. one spot (on the leopard)/fig. o... yiban 一半|half yiban 翼瓣|(botany) alae; wing petals (of a papi... yibanban 一般般|not particularly good/so-so yibaneryan 一般而言|generally speaking yibang 异邦|foreign country yibang 依傍|to rely on/to depend on/to imitate (a... yibanguiding 一般规定|ordinary provision (law) yibanianji 一把年纪|to be of an advanced age; to be old/a... yibanjianshi 一般见识|(idiom) to lower oneself to (sb\'s) level yibanlaijiang 一般来讲|generally speaking yibanlaishuo 一般来说|generally speaking yibanmaoyi 一般贸易|general trade (i.e. importing and exp... yibanren 一般人|average person yibansanyan 一板三眼|lit. one strong beat and three weak b... yibanshuolai 一般说来|generally speaking/in general yibantian 一半天|in a day or two; soon yibanxing 一般性|general/generality yibanyiyan 一板一眼|lit. one strong beat and one weak bea... yibanyuanze 一般原则|general principle yibao 医保|medical insurance/abbr. for 醫療保險|医疗保险... yibao 怡保|Ipoh city in Malaysia, capital of Sul... yibao 衣胞|see 胞衣[bao1 yi1] yibao 易爆|explosive yibaoshi 怡保市|Ipoh city in Malaysia, capital of Sul... yibaoyanfu 一饱眼福|to feast one\'s eyes on (idiom) yibaoyibao 以暴易暴|to replace one tyranny by another/to ... yibaozhibao 以暴制暴|to use violence to curb violence yibashiyibaniao 一把屎一把尿|to have endured all sorts of hardship... yibashou 一把手|working hand; member of a work team; ... yibasina 一把死拿|stubborn/inflexible yibayanleiyibabiti 一把眼泪一把鼻涕|with one\'s face covered in tears (idiom) yibayaoshikaiyibasuo 一把钥匙开一把锁|One key opens one lock./There is a di... yibazhua 一把抓|to attempt all tasks at once/to manag... yibei 以北|to the north of (suffix) yibei 贻贝|mussel yibei 椅背|the back of a chair yibeibuce 以备不测|to be prepared for accidents yibeigeng 一杯羹|lit. a cup of soup/fig. to get part o... yibeihe 易北河|Elbe River yibeizi 一辈子|(for) a lifetime yiben 译本|translation (translated version of a ... yibenrenming 以本人名|under one\'s own name/named after oneself yibenwanli 一本万利|small capital, huge profit (idiom); t... yibenzhengjing 一本正经|in deadly earnest; deadpan yibi 一壁|at the same time; simultaneously; while yibian 一边|one side/either side/on the one hand/... yibian 一遍|one time (all the way through)/once t... yibian 以便|so that/so as to/in order to yibian 易变|mutable/volatile/variable yibiandao 一边倒|to have the advantage overwhelmingly ... yibianyouyibian 一遍又一遍|over and over yibianzhi 易变质|perishable yibiao 仪表|appearance/bearing/meter (i.e. measur... yibiaofangdaqi 仪表放大器|instrumentation amplifier yibiaopan 仪表盘|dashboard/indicator panel yibibugou 一笔不苟|lit. not even one stroke is negligent... yibidaiguo 一笔带过|(idiom) to mention only very briefly;... yibigouxiao 一笔勾销|to write off at one stroke yibijiulu 伊壁鸠鲁|Epicurus (341-270 BC), ancient Greek ... yibikongchuqi 一鼻孔出气|lit. to breathe through the same nost... yibiliya 伊比利亚|Iberia/the Iberian peninsula yibiliyabandao 伊比利亚半岛|Iberian Peninsula yibimosha 一笔抹杀|to blot out at one stroke/to reject o... yibimosha 一笔抹煞|variant of 一筆抹殺|一笔抹杀[yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1] yibin 宜宾|see 宜賓市|宜宾市[Yi2bin1 Shi4] yibing 一并|variant of 一併|一并[yi1 bing4] yibing 一并|to lump together; to treat along with... yibing 疫病|plague/a blight yibing 癔病|hysteria yibing 疑兵|troops deployed to mislead the enemy yibing 疑冰|ignorant/doubt stemming from ignoranc... yibingben 异丙苯|(chemistry) isopropylbenzene C9H12 (a... yibingbuqi 一病不起|to fall gravely ill, never to recover... yibingchun 异丙醇|isopropanol/isopropyl alcohol C3H8O yibingqiancheng 一秉虔诚|earnestly and sincerely (idiom); devo... yibingtongzhi 异病同治|to use the same method to treat diffe... yibingzheng 疑病症|hypochondriasis/hypochondria/also wri... yibinshi 宜宾市|Yibin, prefecture-level city in Sichu... yibixiang 一壁厢|see 一壁[yi1 bi4] yibo 衣钵|the cassock and alms bowl of a Buddhi... yibola 伊波拉|Ebola (virus) yibor 一拨儿|group of people yibosanzhe 一波三折|calligraphic flourish with many twist... yiboweiping,yiboyouqi 一波未平,一波又起|before the first wave subsides, a new... yiboyuntian 义薄云天|supremely honorable and righteous yibu 异步|asynchronous yibu 医卜|medicine and divination yibubianyingwanbian 以不变应万变|(idiom) to deal with varying circumst... yibubiti 衣不蔽体|lit. clothes not covering the body (i... yibuchuanshumoshi 异步传输模式|asynchronous transfer mode/ATM yibudaowei 一步到位|to settle a matter in one go yibudengtian 一步登天|reaching heaven in a single bound (id... yibuershisishi,buzhicongheshuoqi 一部二十四史,不知从何说起|It\'s a long and intricate story, I ha... yibufen 一部分|portion/part of/subset yibulaxin 易卜拉辛|Ibrahim (name) yibuqun 一步裙|pencil skirt yiburongci 义不容辞|not to be shirked without dishonor (i... yibusheng 易卜生|Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), Norwegian d... yibuxiaoxin 一不小心|to be a little bit careless; to have ... yibuyashen 艺不压身|see 藝多不壓身|艺多不压身[yi4 duo1 bu4 ya1 shen1] yibuyigejiaoyin 一步一个脚印|one step, one footprint (idiom); stea... yibuyiqu 亦步亦趋|to blindly follow suit (idiom)/to imi... yibuyiqu 一步一趋|see 亦步亦趨|亦步亦趋[yi4 bu4 yi4 qu1] yibuzuo,erbuxiu 一不做,二不休|lit. either don\'t do it, or don\'t res... yicai 异彩|extraordinary splendor yicai 异才|extraordinary talent yicao 𬟁草|reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) yice 臆测|to speculate/to conjecture yice 翼侧|flank (military) yicehua 一侧化|lateralization yiceng 一层|layer yichan 遗产|heritage/legacy/inheritance/bequest/C... yichana 一刹那|a moment/an instant/in a flash yichang 异常|unusual; abnormal/extremely; exceptio... yichang 宜昌|see 宜昌市[Yi2chang1 Shi4] yichang-yiduan 一长一短|(idiom) talking endlessly; long-winded yichangkong 一场空|all in vain; futile yichangsantan 一唱三叹|see 一倡三歎|一倡三叹[yi1 chang4 san1 tan4] yichangsantan 一倡三叹|(of literature, music) deeply moving ... yichangshi 宜昌市|Yichang, prefecture-level city in Hub... yichangyihe 一唱一和|to echo one another (idiom) yichanshui 遗产税|inheritance tax/estate tax yichao 蚁巢|ant nest yichaotianziyichaochen 一朝天子一朝臣|new emperor, new officials (idiom)/a ... yichen 逸尘|outstanding/above the common/out of t... yichen 轶尘|variant of 逸塵|逸尘[yi4 chen2] yichen-buran 一尘不染|(idiom) untainted by even a speck of ... yichenduanyang 逸尘断鞅|lit. kicking up the dust and breaking... yicheng 议程|agenda/agenda item yicheng 驿城|Yicheng district of Zhumadian city 駐馬... yicheng 峄城|Yicheng district of Zaozhuang city 棗莊... yicheng 翼城|Yicheng county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 f... yicheng 译成|to translate into (Chinese, English etc) yicheng 宜城|Yicheng, county-level city in Xiangfa... yicheng 亦称|also known as/alternative name/to als... yicheng-bubian 一成不变|(idiom) immutable; impervious to chan... yichengqu 峄城区|Yicheng district of Zaozhuang city 棗莊... yichengqu 驿城区|Yicheng district of Zhumadian city 駐馬... yichengshi 宜城市|Yicheng, county-level city in Xiangfa... yichengshouyu 一逞兽欲|to give way to one\'s beastly lust yichengxian 翼城县|Yicheng county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 f... yichengxing 已成形|preformed yichi 义齿|artificial tooth yichi 一匙|spoonful yichong 益虫|beneficial insect yichou 乙丑|second year B2 of the 60 year cycle, ... yichoumozhan 一筹莫展|to be unable to find a solution/to be... yichouwannian 遗臭万年|to have one\'s name go down in history... yichu 衣橱|wardrobe yichu 溢出|to overflow; to spill over/(computing... yichu 益处|benefit yichu 移除|to remove yichu 役畜|draft animal/beast of burden yichuan 宜川|Yichuan county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1]... yichuan 遗传|heredity/to inherit (a trait)/to pass... yichuan 伊川|Yichuan county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan yichuan 驿传|relay post-horse mail service (in for... yichuangongcheng 遗传工程|genetic engineering yichuanlv 遗传率|heritability yichuanshi,shichuanbai 一传十,十传百|(idiom) (of news etc) to spread like ... yichuanwuzhi 遗传物质|genetic material yichuanxian 宜川县|Yichuan county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1]... yichuanxian 伊川县|Yichuan county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan yichuanxing 遗传性|hereditary/inherited/genetic yichuanxingjibing 遗传性疾病|genetic disorder yichuanxinxi 遗传信息|genetic information yichuanxue 遗传学|genetics yichuidingyin 一锤定音|lit. to fix the tone with a single ha... yichuidingyin 一槌定音|variant of 一錘定音|一锤定音[yi1 chui2 ding4 ... yichuizimaimai 一锤子买卖|a one-off, short-sighted deal/a one-s... yichujifa 一触即发|could happen at any moment/on the verge yichujikui 一触即溃|to collapse on the first encounter/to... yichulianhua 易初莲花|Lotus (department store chain) yichun 伊春|see 伊春市[Yi1chun1 Shi4] yichun 宜春|see 宜春市[Yi2chun1 Shi4] yichun 乙醇|ethanol; ethyl alcohol yichunqu 伊春区|Yichun district of Yichun city, Heilo... yichunshi 伊春市|Yichun, prefecture-level city in Heil... yichunshi 宜春市|Yichun, prefecture-level city in Jian... yichunsuan 乙醇酸|glycolic acid C2H4O3 yichuxiaoying 溢出效应|spillover effect yichuyu 译出语|source language (for translation) yici 以此|with this/thereby/thus/because of this yici 依次|in order/in succession yici 一次|first/first time/once/(math.) linear ... yici 译词|(linguistics) an equivalent; a transl... yici 以次|in the proper order/the following yicifangcheng 一次方程|linear equation yicifangchengshi 一次方程式|(math.) linear equation yicihanshu 一次函数|linear function (math.) yicileitui 以此类推|and so on/in a similar fashion yicimozan 一辞莫赞|left speechless by sth perfect (idiom) yicisheng,liangcishu 一次生,两次熟|unfamiliar at first but you get used ... yiciwei 以此为|to regard as/to treat as yicixing 一次性|one-off (offer)/one-time/single-use/d... yiciyouyici 一次又一次|repeatedly/over and over again yicizongfu 一次总付|lump-sum (finance) yicong 依从|to comply with/to obey yicuerde 一蹴而得|to get there in one step (idiom); eas... yicuerjiu 一蹴而就|to get there in one step (idiom); eas... yicujizhi 一蹴即至|lit. to get there in one step (idiom)... yicukeji 一蹴可几|to succeed at the first try (idiom)/e... yicun 依存|to depend on sth for existence/depend... yicun 遗存|historical remains/things that have s... yicunbixian,huajinyizai 意存笔先,画尽意在|the idea is present before the first ... yicunguangyinyicunjin 一寸光阴一寸金|(idiom) time is precious yicunguangyinyicunjin,cunjinnanmaicunguangyin 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴|lit. an interval of time is worth an ... yicuozaicuo 一错再错|to repeat errors/to continue blunderi... yida 医大|abbr. for 醫科大學|医科大学[yi1 ke1 da4 xue2]... yida 一打|dozen yidai 一带|region; area yidai 衣带|belt/sash/attire (clothes and belt) yidai 衣袋|pocket yidai 一代|generation yidaiburuyidai 一代不如一代|to be getting worse with each generation yidaierguo 一带而过|to skate around/to skip over/to skimp yidaiyilu 一带一路|Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese gov... yidali 意大利|Italy yidali 义大利|(Tw) Italy yidalimian 意大利面|spaghetti; pasta yidalimian 义大利面|(Tw) spaghetti; pasta yidaliqinggua 意大利青瓜|zucchini yidaliren 意大利人|Italian person yidaliyu 意大利语|Italian (language) yidalizhimian 意大利直面|spaghetti yidan 一旦|in case (sth happens)/if/once (sth ha... yidang 一党|one-party (state) yidang 伊党|Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party yidang 逸宕|dissolute yidang 逸荡|dissolute yidangzhuanzhi 一党专制|one party dictatorship yidanshibo 衣单食薄|thin coat, meager food (idiom); life ... yidao 胰岛|(anatomy) pancreatic islets; islets o... yidao 医道|Hur Jun (TV series) yidao 医道|art of healing/medical skill yidao 一道|together yidaoliangduan 一刀两断|(idiom) to make a clean break with; t... yidaoqie 一刀切|lit. to cut all at one stroke (idiom)... yidaosu 胰岛素|insulin yidazao 一大早|at dawn/at first light/first thing in... yidazaor 一大早儿|erhua variant of 一大早[yi1 da4 zao3] yide 医德|medical ethics yidebaoyuan 以德报怨|to return good for evil (idiom)/to re... yideng 一等|first class/grade A yideng 椅凳|bench/chairs and stools yidengjiang 一等奖|first prize yidi 异地|different place/abroad yidi 夷狄|non-Han tribes in the east and north ... yidian 疑点|a doubtful point yidian 一点|a bit/a little/one dot/one point yidian 仪典|ceremony yidianbu 一点不|not at all yidiandian 一点点|a little bit yidianjiutong 一点就通|a hint is all that is needed/understa... yidianr 一点儿|erhua variant of 一點|一点[yi1 dian3] yidianshuiyigepao 一点水一个泡|honest and trustworthy (idiom) yidianyidi 一点一滴|bit by bit/every little bit yidianyidian 一点一点|little by little/bit by bit/gradually yidianyuan 伊甸园|Garden of Eden yidiao 移调|to transpose (music) yidilian 异地恋|long-distance romance/long-distance r... yiding 一定|surely/certainly/necessarily/fixed/a ... yiding 议定|to reach an agreement/to agree upon yidingbenbingsuan 异丁苯丙酸|Ibuprofen or Nurofen/nonsteroidal ant... yidingbushi 一丁不识|illiterate yidingdian 一丁点|a tiny bit yidingshu 议定书|protocol/treaty yidingwan 异丁烷|isobutane yidingyao 一定要|must yidisuanergu 依地酸二钴|kelocyanor yidiudiu 一丢丢|(coll.) a tiny bit yidixuyu 意第绪语|Yiddish language yidiyige 一递一个|one after another yidiyisheng 一递一声|(of singers etc) one answering the other yidiyiyou 亦敌亦友|(idiom) to be both friend and foe to ... yidong 以东|to the east of (suffix) yidong 移动|to move/movement/migration/mobile/por... yidong 异动|to shift; to alter/unusual change; ab... yidong 易懂|easy to understand yidongbudong 一动不动|motionless yidongdianhua 移动电话|mobile telephone yidongpingjunxian 移动平均线|moving average (in financial analysis) yidongpingjunxianzhibiao 移动平均线指标|moving average index (used in financi... yidongshebei 移动设备|mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc) yidongshi 移动式|mobile yidongshidianhua 移动式电话|mobile telephone yidongtongxinwangluo 移动通信网络|cell phone network yidongxing 移动性|mobility yidongyingpan 移动硬盘|portable hard drive; external hard drive yidongyixi 一东一西|far apart yidou 衣兜|pocket yidou 疑窦|(literary) doubts/suspicions/cause fo... yidouwozheng 蚁斗蜗争|lit. the ant fights, the snail conten... yidu 宜都|Yidu, county-level city in Yichang 宜昌... yidu 一度|for a time/at one time/one time/once yidu 异读|variant pronunciation (when the same ... yidu 易读|legible/readable yidu 一睹|to look/to have a glimpse at/to obser... yiduan 异端|heresy yiduan 臆断|to assume/assumption yiduanzhe 异端者|a heretic yiduci 异读词|word having alternative pronunciations yidugongdu 以毒攻毒|to cure ills with poison (TCM)/to fig... yidui 仪队|honor guard/parade squad yidui 一堆|pile yidui 一对|couple; pair yiduir 一对儿|a pair; a couple yiduiyi 一对一|one-to-one; one-on-one yiduiyidouniu 一对一斗牛|one-on-one basketball game yidungongxue 伊顿公学|Eton public school (English elite sch... yiduobuyashen 艺多不压身|it\'s always good to have more skills ... yiduoduiying 一多对应|one-to-many correspondence yidupi 一肚皮|bellyful (of sth)/full of (sth) yidushi 宜都市|Yidu, county-level city in Yichang 宜昌... yiduzi 一肚子|bellyful (of sth)/full of (sth) yiechuane 以讹传讹|to spread falsehoods/to increasingly ... yier 一二|one or two; a few/a little; just a bit yierbashibian 一二八事变|Shanghai Incident of 28th January 193... yierchun 乙二醇|glycol/ethylene glycol C2H4(OH)2 (ant... yierjiuyundong 一二九运动|December 9th Movement (1935), student... yierkucike 伊尔库茨克|Irkutsk yierzai,zaiersan 一而再,再而三|again and again yifa 依法|legal (proceedings)/according to law yifa 益发|increasingly/more and more/ever more/... yifabukeshoushi 一发不可收拾|once it gets started there\'s no stopp... yifaerbukeshou 一发而不可收|to be impossible to stop once started yifalian 以法莲|Ephraim (city) yifan 伊凡|Ivan (Russian name) yifan 疑犯|a suspect yifan-wangchang 一反往常|(idiom) contrary to what usually happens yifanchangtai 一反常态|complete change from the normal state... yifanfengshun 一帆风顺|propitious wind throughout the journe... yifang 乙方|party B (in a contract) (cf. 甲方[jia3f... yifang 一方|a party (in a contract or legal case)... yifang 以防|(so as) to avoid/to prevent/(just) in... yifangmian 一方面|on the one hand yifangujin 贻范古今|to leave an example for all generations yifangwanyi 以防万一|to guard against the unexpected (idio... yifangyiting 一房一厅|one bedroom and one living room yifanzaifan 一犯再犯|to keep doing (the wrong thing) yifazhiguo 依法治国|to rule according to the law yifen 义愤|righteous indignation/moral indignation yifen-gengyun,yifen-shouhuo 一分耕耘,一分收获|(idiom) you reap what you sow yifeng 遗风|tradition or style from the past/old ... yifeng 宜丰|Yifeng county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi yifengxian 宜丰县|Yifeng county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi yifengyisu 移风易俗|(idiom) to reform habits and customs yifenqianliangfenhuo 一分钱两分货|high quality at bargain price yifenqianyifenhuo 一分钱一分货|you get what you pay for yifenshu 一分熟|rare (of steak) yifentianxiong 义愤填胸|righteous indignation fills one\'s bre... yifentianying 义愤填膺|righteous indignation fills one\'s bre... yifenweier 一分为二|one divides into two/to be two-sided/... yifenyihao 一分一毫|(idiom) the tiniest bit yifu 姨父|husband of mother\'s sister/uncle yifu 伊芙|Eve (name) yifu 义父|adoptive father yifu 姨夫|mother\'s sister\'s husband/husband of ... yifu 异父|with different father (e.g. of half-b... yifu 依附|to adhere/to attach oneself to/to append yifu 议付|negotiation (finance) yifu 意符|semantic component of a phono-semanti... yifu 衣服|clothes/CL:件[jian4],套[tao4] yifu-dangguan,wanfu-mokai 一夫当关,万夫莫开|(idiom) one man guarding the pass can... yifubai 易腐败|perishable yifuduoqi 一夫多妻|polygamy yifufengbian 衣服缝边|hem yifumian 伊府面|see 伊麵|伊面[yi1 mian4] yifumu 义父母|adoptive parents yifusuo 以弗所|Ephesus, city of ancient Greece yifusuoshu 以弗所书|Epistle of St Paul to the Ephesians yifuyiqi 一夫一妻|monogamy yifuzi 遗腹子|posthumous child yigai 医改|reform of the medical system yigai 一概|all/without any exceptions/categorically yigai-zaigai 一改再改|to change (sth) repeatedly yigaierlun 一概而论|to lump different matters together (i... yigaiguzhe 一改故辙|complete change from the old rut (idi... yigan 乙肝|hepatitis B yigan 易感|susceptible yiganerjing 一干二净|thoroughly (idiom)/completely/one and... yiganjindong 一杆进洞|(golf) hole in one yigao 遗稿|surviving manuscript/bequeathed draft... yige-tiannan,yige-dibei 一个天南,一个地北|(idiom) to live miles apart yigeban 一个半|one and a half yigebazhangpaibuxiang 一个巴掌拍不响|lit. one palm alone cannot clap (prov... yigeer 伊戈尔|Igor yigeersi 伊戈尔斯|Eagles (name) yigege 一个个|each and every one/one by one; one af... yigejiangjunyigeling 一个将军一个令|lit. one general, one order (idiom)/f... yigejieyige 一个接一个|one by one; one after another yigejin 一个劲|continuously/persistently/incessantly yigejinr 一个劲儿|erhua variant of 一個勁|一个劲[yi1 ge4 jin4] yigeluoboyigekeng 一个萝卜一个坑|lit. every turnip to its hole (idiom)... yigeng 一更|first of the five night watch periods... yigenjin 一根筋|stubborn/inflexible/one-track minded yigenshengshangdemazha 一根绳上的蚂蚱|see 一條繩上的螞蚱|一条绳上的蚂蚱[yi1 tiao2 sheng2 ... yigeqin 异咯嗪|isoalloxazine (name of organic chemical) yigeren 一个人|by oneself (without assistance)/alone... yigetoulianggeda 一个头两个大|(coll.) to feel as though one\'s head ... yigeyang 一个样|the same; of the same type yigeyoulingzaiouzhouyoudang 一个幽灵在欧洲游荡|Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa (\"A sp... yigezhongguozhengce 一个中国政策|one-China policy yigong 一共|altogether yigong 义工|volunteer worker/volunteer work yigong 移工|(Tw) foreign worker (abbr. for 移住勞工|移... yigongdaizhen 以工代赈|to provide work to relieve poverty yigou 异构|isomeric (chemistry) yigou 衣钩|clothes hook yigour 衣钩儿|erhua variant of 衣鉤|衣钩[yi1 gou1] yigouti 异构体|isomer (chemistry) yigu 已故|the late/deceased yigu 遗孤|orphan yigu 遗骨|(dead) human remains yiguan 一贯|consistent/constant/from start to fin... yiguan 衣冠|hat and clothes/attire yiguan 医官|official in charge of medical affairs... yiguanchuchu 衣冠楚楚|immaculately dressed/well-groomed/dapper yiguanqinshou 衣冠禽兽|lit. dressed up animal (idiom)/fig. i... yiguanzhong 衣冠冢|cenotaph yigui 衣柜|wardrobe/armoire/CL:個|个[ge4] yigulu 一骨碌|with a rolling or twisting movement/i... yigunao 一股脑|all of it/lock, stock and barrel yigunaor 一股脑儿|erhua variant of 一股腦|一股脑[yi1 gu3 nao3] yigunaor 一古脑儿|variant of 一股腦兒|一股脑儿[yi1 gu3 nao3 r5] yigunzidasi 一棍子打死|to deal a single fatal blow/(fig.) to... yiguo 异国|exotic/foreign yiguoduan 一锅端|see 連鍋端|连锅端[lian2 guo1 duan1] yiguoliangzhi 一国两制|one country, two systems (PRC proposa... yiguoqingdiao 异国情调|exoticism/local color/exotic yiguotaxiang 异国他乡|foreign lands and places (idiom); liv... yiguoxing 一过性|transient yiguozhou 一锅粥|(lit.) a pot of porridge/(fig.) a com... yiguqingliu 一股清流|(fig.) a breath of fresh air yiguzi 一股子|a whiff of/a taint of/a thread of yiguzuoqi 一鼓作气|in a spurt of energy yihai 遗骸|(dead) human remains yihai 乙亥|twelfth year B12 of the 60 year cycle... yihai 贻害|to have bad consequences yihaiwuqiong 贻害无穷|to have disastrous consequences yihaiwuqiong 遗害无穷|to have disastrous consequences/also ... yihan 遗憾|regret/to regret/to be sorry that yihan 意涵|(Tw) meaning/significance/import/CL:層... yihao 一号|first day of the month/toilet/(slang)... yihaodianchi 一号电池|D size battery yihaomugan 一号木杆|driver (golf) yihe 议和|to negotiate peace yiheizao 一黑早|at daybreak yiheluan 义和乱|the Boxer uprising yihen 遗恨|eternal regret yihequan 义和拳|the Righteous and Harmonious Fists/th... yihetuan 义和团|the Righteous and Harmonious Fists/th... yihetuanyundong 义和团运动|Boxer Rebellion (1900-1901), a peasan... yiheweigui 以和为贵|harmony is to be prized yiheyuan 颐和园|Summer Palace in Beijing yihongerqi 一哄而起|(of a group of people) to rush into a... yihongersan 一哄而散|to disperse in confusion (idiom) yihongersan 一哄而散|see 一哄而散[yi1 hong1 er2 san4] yihou 以后|after/later/afterwards/following/late... yihou 蚁后|queen ant yihu 医护|doctors and nurses/medic/medical (per... yihua 异化|alienation (philosophy)/(of speech) d... yihua 逸话|rumor/anecdote (not in the official r... yihua-jiemu 移花接木|lit. to graft flowers onto a tree (id... yihuan 医患|doctor-patient yihuang 一晃|(of passing time) in an instant/(of a... yihuang 宜黄|Yihuang county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi yihuangxian 宜黄县|Yihuang county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi yihuazhihua 以华制华|use Chinese collaborators to subdue t... yihuazuoyong 异化作用|catabolism (biology)/metabolic breaki... yihubainuo 一呼百诺|one command brings a hundred response... yihubaiying 一呼百应|(idiom) (of a call) to elict an enthu... yihui 议会|parliament/legislative assembly yihui 意会|to sense/to grasp intuitively yihui 一会|a moment/a while/in a moment/also pr.... yihuierjiu 一挥而就|to finish (a letter, a painting) at a... yihuifa 易挥发|volatile yihuir 一会儿|a moment/a while/in a moment/ yihuishengerhuishu 一回生二回熟|unfamiliar at first, but well accusto... yihuishenglianghuishu 一回生两回熟|see 一回生二回熟[yi1 hui2 sheng1 er4 hui2 s... yihuishi 一回事|one and the same (thing)/one thing (a... yihuizhi 议会制|parliamentary system yihuluhuapiao 依葫芦画瓢|lit. to draw a dipper with a gourd as... yihun 已婚|married yihunyiyu 已婚已育|married, with one or more children yihuo 抑或|or/could it be that...? yihuo 疑惑|to doubt/to distrust/unconvincing/to ... yihuo 亦或|or yihurenyuan 医护人员|medical personnel/doctors and nurses yihuxunchang 异乎寻常|unusual/extraordinary yiji 以及|as well as/too/and yiji 遗迹|trace/vestige/historical remains/remnant yiji 乙基|ethyl group (chemistry) yiji 异己|dissident/alien/outsider/non-self/others yiji 一己|oneself yiji 移机|to relocate a piece of equipment (air... yiji 艺妓|geisha (Japanese female entertainer)/... yiji 疑忌|jealousy/suspicious and jealous yiji 艺伎|geisha (Japanese female entertainer)/... yiji 一级|first class/category A yiji 亦即|namely/that is yiji 意即|which means/(this) means (that) yijia 意甲|Serie A, the top division of the Ital... yijia 宜家|IKEA, Swedish furniture retailer yijia 衣架|clothes hanger/clothes rack yijia 一家|the whole family/the same family/the ... yijia 溢价|premium/to pay a premium yijia 议价|to bargain/to negotiate a price yijia 衣夹|clothespin/clothes peg yijia 一甲|1st rank or top three candidates who ... yijia 一价|monovalent (chemistry) yijia 益加|increasingly/more and more/all the more yijia 衣甲|armor yijia 医家|healer/physician/medical man/doctor (... yijian 意见|idea/opinion/suggestion/objection/com... yijian 异见|dissident/dissenting/dissent yijian 臆见|subjective view yijianbuhe 意见不合|to disagree/dissent yijianfenxiao 已见分晓|the result becomes apparent/(after) t... yijiang 以降|since (some point in the past) yijiang 弋江|Yijiang, a district of Wuhu City 蕪湖市|... yijiangaodi 一见高低|lit. to fight it out with sb to see w... yijiangqu 弋江区|Yijiang, a district of Wuhu City 蕪湖市|... yijianlian 易建联|Yi Jianlian (1987-), Chinese basketba... yijianqingxin 一见倾心|love at first sight yijianrugu 一见如故|familiarity at first sight yijianshuangdiao 一箭双雕|lit. one arrow, two golden eagles (id... yijianxiang 意见箱|suggestion box yijianzhe 异见者|dissident yijianzhichou 一箭之仇|a wrong suffered (idiom)/old grievanc... yijianzhongqing 一见钟情|to fall in love at first sight (idiom) yijiao 移交|to transfer/to hand over yijiao 衣角|corner of the lower hem of a jacket etc yijiao 异教|heresy/heathenism yijiao 遗教|work or plans left as a legacy/the vi... yijiao 义交|traffic auxiliary police (Tw) yijiaogaoxia 一较高下|to compete against/to measure oneself... yijiaojing 一角鲸|narwhal (Monodon monoceros) yijiaotu 异教徒|member of another religion/heathen/pa... yijiaoxinglai 一觉醒来|to wake up from a sleep yijiaoyinbi 一角银币|dime yijiaren 一家人|the whole family/members of the same ... yijiarenbushuoliangjiahua 一家人不说两家话|lit. family members speak frankly wit... yijiazhizhu 一家之主|master of the house; head of the family yijiazi 一家子|the whole family yijiazi 一甲子|sixty years yijibang 一级棒|first-rate/excellent (loanword from J... yijie 译介|to introduce (a book etc) to people w... yijie 仪节|etiquette/ceremonial protocol yijie 姨姐|wife\'s elder sister/sister-in-law yijie 移借|to put to a different use/to borrow/(... yijiebuqu 一介不取|to not even take a penny (as a bribe) yijiejin 易接近|accessible yijiejinlan 义结金兰|to be close friends yijieshi 一节诗|stanza yijifangchengshi 一级方程式|Formula One yijin 衣襟|the front piece(s) of a Chinese jacke... yijing 已经|already yijing 意境|artistic mood or conception/creative ... yijing 一经|as soon as/once (an action has been c... yijing 遗精|nocturnal emission/wet dream yijing 易经|The Book of Changes (\"I Ching\") yijing 义警|vigilante/volunteer (police) yijing 异腈|carbylamine/isocyanide yijing 缢颈|to hang oneself yijing 一径|directly/straightaway/straight yijingxiaoyou 以儆效尤|(idiom) to warn against following bad... yijingyizha 一惊一乍|frightened/flustered yijinhuanxiang 衣锦还乡|lit. to come back to one\'s hometown i... yijinhuoluo 伊金霍洛|Ejin Horo banner (Ejen Khoruu khoshuu... yijinhuoluoqi 伊金霍洛旗|Ejin Horo banner (Ejen Khoruu khoshuu... yijinronggui 衣锦荣归|to come back to one\'s hometown in sil... yijire 易激惹|irritable yijirudong 一击入洞|hole in one (golf) yijishiguan 一级士官|corporal (army) yijitou 一级头|first stage (diving) yijiu 依旧|as before; still/to remain the same yijiu 已久|already a long time yijixingshi 依计行事|to act according to plan yijizheng 易饥症|bulimia yijizhichang 一技之长|proficiency in a particular field (id... yiju 依据|according to/basis/foundation yiju 移居|to migrate/to move to a new place of ... yiju 一举|a move/an action/in one move/at a str... yiju 一句|a line of verse/a sentence yiju 疑惧|misgivings yiju 挹掬|to scoop up water with the hands yiju 宜居|livable yiju 彝剧|Yi opera yiju-yidong 一举一动|(idiom) every movement; each and ever... yijuchenggong 一举成功|success at one go/to succeed at the f... yijue 议决|to decide (in a meeting)/to resolve (... yijuebuzhen 一蹶不振|one stumble, unable to rise (idiom); ... yijuecixiong 一决雌雄|to have a showdown; to fight for mast... yijuhua 一句话|in a word; in short yijuliangde 一举两得|one move, two gains (idiom); two bird... yijun 宜君|Yijun County in Tongchuan 銅川|铜川[Tong2... yijun 义军|volunteer army yijun 以军|Israeli soldiers yijuntuqi 异军突起|to emerge as a new force to be reckon... yijunxian 宜君县|Yijun County in Tongchuan 銅川|铜川[Tong2... yijushouyitouzu 一举手一投足|every little move/every single movement yijutongqingzhilei 一掬同情之泪|to shed tears of sympathy (idiom) yikai 移开|to move away yikaiguan 易开罐|(Tw) pull-top can; easy-open can (wit... yikao 依靠|to rely on sth (for support etc); to ... yikao 倚靠|to lean on/to rest against/to rely on... yikatong 一卡通|the name of various contactless smart... yike 医科|medicine (as a science)/medical science yike-qianjin 一刻千金|(idiom) time is gold; every minute is... yikebingdu 伊科病毒|echovirus (RNA virus in genus Enterov... yikedaxue 医科大学|university of medicine yikefajin 易科罚金|to commute a prison sentence to a fin... yikelaoshushihuaileyiguotang 一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅汤|lit. one pellet of rat feces spoiled ... yikelaoshushihuaileyiguozhou 一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥|see 一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥|一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥[yi1 li4 lao... yikexuexiao 医科学校|medical school yikong 一空|leaving none left/(sold etc) out yikongzhijian 一孔之见|partial view; limited outlook yikou 衣扣|button yikou 一口|readily/flatly (deny, admit and so on... yikouchibuchengpangzi 一口吃不成胖子|lit. you cannot get fat with only one... yikouchigepangzi 一口吃个胖子|lit. to want to get fat with only one... yikoujia 一口价|fixed price; take-it-or-leave-it price yikouqi 一口气|one breath/in one breath/at a stretch yikouqir 一口气儿|erhua variant of 一口氣|一口气[yi1 kou3 qi4] yikoutongsheng 异口同声|different mouths, same voice/to speak... yikouyaoding 一口咬定|to arbitrarily assert/to allege/to st... yikuai 一块|one block/one piece/one (unit of mone... yikuair 一块儿|erhua variant of 一塊|一块[yi1 kuai4] yikuang 夷旷|expansive/level and broad/broad-minded yikuernaosanshangdiao 一哭二闹三上吊|(idiom) to make a terrible scene; to ... yikufan 忆苦饭|unsavory meal taken in remembrance of... yikuiduanni 一窥端倪|to infer easily; to guess at a glance... yikuiyizu 一夔已足|one talented person is enough for the... yikusitian 忆苦思甜|to view one\'s past as miserable and o... yilabao 易拉宝|roll-up banner stand yilaguan 易拉罐|pull-top can/easy-open can (with ring... yilai 依赖|to depend on; to be dependent on yilai 一来|firstly, ... yilai 以来|since (a previous event) yilai 倚赖|to rely on/to be dependent on yilaierqu 一来二去|gradually/little by little/in the cou... yilaikesi 伊莱克斯|Electrolux (Swedish manufacturer of h... yilaizhuru 依赖注入|(software engineering) dependency inj... yilake 伊拉克|Iraq yilan 一览|at a glance/(in book titles) overview yilan 宜兰|Yilan city and county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan... yilan 依兰|Yilan county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er... yilanbiao 一览表|table; schedule; list yilang 艺廊|(Tw) art gallery yilang 伊朗|Iran yilangxianjianhui 伊朗宪监会|Guardian Council of the Constitution ... yilanshi 宜兰市|Yilan City in Yilan County 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi... yilanwangyue 倚栏望月|to lean against the railings and look... yilanwuyi 一览无遗|be plainly visible yilanwuyu 一览无余|to cover all at one glance (idiom)/a ... yilanxian 宜兰县|Yilan County in northeast Taiwan yilanxian 依兰县|Yilan county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er... yilanzhongshanxiao 一览众山小|(last line of the poem 望岳 by Tang poe... yilanzi 一揽子|all-inclusive/undiscriminating yilao 遗老|old fogy; adherent of previous dynasty yilao-mailao 倚老卖老|(idiom) to flaunt one\'s seniority; to... yilao-mailao 以老卖老|variant of 倚老賣老|倚老卖老[yi3lao3-mai4lao3] yilaodaziju 以老大自居|regarding oneself as number one in te... yilaolao 姨姥姥|mother\'s mother\'s sister/great-aunt yilaoyongyi 一劳永逸|to get sth done once and for all yile 逸乐|pleasure-seeking yile 意乐|joy/happiness yilei 一类|same type/category 1 (i.e. class A) yilei 异类|different kind (sometimes with a conn... yileibaohudongwu 一类保护动物|class A protected animal yileiximian 以泪洗面|to bathe one\'s face in tears (idiom) yili 伊犁|the Ili river basin around Turpan in ... yili 毅力|perseverance/willpower yili 屹立|to tower/to stand straight (of person... yili 迤逦|meandering/winding yili 医理|medical knowledge; principles of medi... yili 义理|doctrine (esp. religious)/argumentati... yili 仪礼|Rites and Ceremonies, part of the Con... yiliaisiku 伊利埃斯库|Iliescu yilian 依恋|to be fondly attached to; to not wish... yilian 一连|in a row/in succession/running yilianchuan 一连串|a succession of/a series of yiliang 彝良|Yiliang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 t... yiliang 宜良|Yiliang county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 min... yiliangansuan 异亮氨酸|isoleucine (Ile), an essential amino ... yiliangxian 彝良县|Yiliang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 t... yiliangxian 宜良县|Yiliang county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 min... yilianmangran 一脸茫然|puzzled/bewildered yiliao 医疗|medical treatment yiliao 衣料|material for clothing yiliao 意料|to anticipate; to expect/expectations yiliaobailiao 一了百了|(idiom) once the main problem is solv... yiliaobaojian 医疗保健|health care yiliaobaoxian 医疗保险|medical insurance yiliaofei 医疗费|medical expenses yiliaohuli 医疗护理|health care yiliaoqixie 医疗器械|medical equipment yiliaoshushi 医疗疏失|medical negligence/medical malpractice yiliaozhiwai 意料之外|(idiom) contrary to expectation; unex... yiliaozhizhong 意料之中|to come as no surprise/as expected yilie 蚁䴕|(bird species of China) Eurasian wryn... yiligerui 伊利格瑞|Luce Irigaray (1930-), French psychoa... yilihasakezizhizhou 伊犁哈萨克自治州|Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture in X... yilihe 伊犁河|Ili River in central Asia yilihu 伊利湖|Lake Erie, one of the Great Lakes 五大湖... yilijie 易理解|easy to grasp/easily understood yililaoshushihuaileyiguozhou 一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥|lit. one pellet of rat feces spoiled ... yilinbanzhao 一鳞半爪|lit. one scale and half a claw (idiom... yiling 衣领|collar/neck yiling 夷陵|Yiling, ancient name of Yichang 宜昌[Yi... yiling 役龄|enlistment age yiling 臆羚|chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) yilingqu 夷陵区|Yiling district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Y... yilingzhenxing 一灵真性|soul/spirit yilinuo 伊利诺|Illinois, US state yilinuoyi 伊利诺伊|Illinois, US state yilinuoyizhou 伊利诺伊州|Illinois, US state yilinuozhou 伊利诺州|Illinois, US state yilinweihe 以邻为壑|to use one\'s neighbor as a drain/to s... yilipendi 伊犁盆地|the Yili basin around Urumqi in Xinjiang yiliqi 伊里奇|Ilyich or Illich (name) yilisabai 伊莉萨白|Elizabeth (name)/also written 伊麗莎白|伊丽莎白 yilishabai 伊莉莎白|Elizabeth/also written 伊麗莎白|伊丽莎白 yilishabai 伊丽莎白|Elizabeth (person name) yiliu 遗留|to leave behind/to hand down yiliu 一流|top quality/front ranking yiliuchun 乙硫醇|ethanethiol (chemistry) yiliukong 溢流孔|bleed hole/overflow pipe/spill vent yiliushen 伊留申|Ilyushin, Russian plane maker yiliuyan 一溜烟|like a wisp of smoke/(to disappear et... yilixiangdai 以礼相待|to treat sb with due respect (idiom) yiliya 以利亚|Elijah (Old Testament prophet) yiliyajing 以利亚敬|Eliakim (name, Hebrew: God will raise... yiliyasa 以利亚撒|Eleazar (son of Eluid) yiliyate 伊利亚特|Homer\'s Iliad yiliyu 以利于|for the sake of/in order to yilong 翼龙|Dodge Nitro (abbr. for 道奇翼龍|道奇翼龙) yilong 翼龙|pterosaur yilong 仪陇|Yilong county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 cho... yilong 异龙|allosaurus/also written 異特龍|异特龙 yilongmasike 伊隆·马斯克|Elon Musk (1971-), founder and CEO of... yilongxian 仪陇县|Yilong county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 cho... yilou 遗漏|to overlook/to miss/to omit yilu 一路|the whole journey/all the way/going t... yilu 夷戮|to massacre yiluan 异卵|(of twins) fraternal/dizygotic yiluanjishi 以卵击石|lit. to strike a stone with egg (idio... yiluanshuangbaotai 异卵双胞胎|fraternal twins yilufengchen 一路风尘|to live an exhausting journey yiluhuo 一路货|see 一路貨色|一路货色[yi1 lu4 huo4 se4] yiluhuose 一路货色|(pejorative) as detestable as each ot... yilulai 一路来|all the way/all along/since the start yilun 议论|to comment/to talk about/to discuss/d... yilun 一轮|first round or stage (of a match, ele... yilun 伊伦|Irun (city in Basque region of Spain) yilun 彝伦|cardinal human relationships yilunfencuo 议论纷错|see 議論紛紛|议论纷纷[yi4 lun4 fen1 fen1] yilunfenfen 议论纷纷|to discuss spiritedly (idiom)/tongues... yiluo 遗落|to leave behind (inadvertently)/to fo... yiluokuang 一箩筐|bucketloads of/in large quantities/ex... yiluokui 易洛魁|Iroquois yiluoqianzhang 一落千丈|lit. to drop a thousand zhang in one ... yiluowadi 伊洛瓦底|Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the m... yiluowadi 依洛瓦底|Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwady River, the ma... yiluowadijiang 伊洛瓦底江|Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the m... yiluowadisanjiaozhou 伊洛瓦底三角洲|Irrawaddy Delta in south Myanmar (Burma) yilupingan 一路平安|to have a pleasant journey/Bon voyage! yilushang 一路上|along the way/the whole way/(fig.) th... yilushunfeng 一路顺风|to have a pleasant journey (idiom) yilv 一律|same/uniformly/all/without exception yilv 疑虑|hesitation/misgivings/doubt yilv 衣履|clothes and shoes yilv 以律|Eluid (son of Achim) yima 姨妈|(coll.) mother\'s sister/maternal aunt yima 义马|Yima, county-level city in Sanmenxia ... yima 驿马|post horse yimadangxian 一马当先|(idiom) to take the lead yimai 义卖|to hold a charity bazaar; to sell goo... yimaihui 义卖会|bazaar yimaixiangcheng 一脉相承|traceable to the same stock (idiom); ... yimajin 姨妈巾|(coll.) sanitary towel yimamu 伊玛目|imam (Islam) (loanword) yimamu 伊马姆|see 伊瑪目|伊玛目[yi1 ma3 mu4] yiman 溢满|overflowing yiman 伊曼|see 伊瑪目|伊玛目[yi1 ma3 mu4] yimaneili 以马内利|Emanuel; Immanuel (name) yimanniuer 伊曼纽尔|Emanuel; Immanuel (name) yimao 乙卯|fifty-second year B4 of the 60 year c... yimaobuba 一毛不拔|stingy (idiom) yimaojian 衣帽间|cloakroom yimaoquren 以貌取人|to judge sb by appearances (idiom) yimapingchuan 一马平川|flat land one could gallop straight a... yimaqi 译码器|decoder yimashaohuaiyiguo 一马勺坏一锅|one ladle (of sth bad) spoils the (wh... yimashi 义马市|Yima, county-level city in Sanmenxia ... yimei 姨妹|wife\'s younger sister/sister-in-law yimei 医美|aesthetic medicine yimeir 伊妹儿|(loanword) email yimeir 伊媚儿|variant of 伊妹兒|伊妹儿[yi1 mei4 r5] yimeizhici 溢美之词|flattering words/inflated praise yimen 易门|Yimen county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan yimen 诣门|to visit sb yimen 夷门|the Yi gate of 大梁, capital of Wei 魏 d... yimengting 易蒙停|Imodium (drug brand name)/loperamide ... yimenshi 一门式|one-stop (service, shop etc) yimenxian 易门县|Yimen county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan yimenxinsi 一门心思|to set one\'s heart on sth (idiom) yimi 薏米|grains of Job\'s tears plant 薏苡[yi4 yi3] yimi 乙醚|ether/diethyl ether C2H5OC2H5 yimi 苡米|grains of Job\'s tears plant 薏苡[yi4 yi3] yimi 一秘|first secretary yimi 医密|patient confidentiality (medicine) yimian 以免|in order to avoid/so as not to yimian 一面|one side/one aspect/simultaneously...... yimian 伊面|yi mein (or yee mee or yee-fu noodles... yimian 意面|pasta (abbr. for 意大利麵|意大利面[Yi4 da4 li... yimiandao 一面倒|to be entirely on one side/one-sided/... yimianzhici 一面之词|one side of the story/one-sided state... yimianzhijiao 一面之交|to have met once/casual acquaintance yimianzhixian 异面直线|(math.) skew lines yimiao 疫苗|vaccine yimie 夷灭|to massacre/to die out yimin 遗民|(lit.) leftover men/(fig.) loyalist a... yimin 移民|to immigrate/to migrate/emigrant/immi... yimin 逸民|recluse/hermit yiming 佚名|(of an author) anonymous yiming 艺名|stage name (of an actor or actress) yiming 译名|translated names/transliteration yimingguitian 一命归天|see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1] yimingguixi 一命归西|see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1] yimingguiyin 一命归阴|see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1] yimingjingren 一鸣惊人|to amaze the world with a single bril... yimingong 移民工|migrant worker yimingwuhu 一命呜呼|to die (idiom)/to breathe one\'s last/... yiminju 移民局|immigration office yiminzhe 移民者|migrant/immigrant yiminzi 一抿子|a little bit yimo 遗墨|posthumous (painting, calligraphy, pr... yimo 翼膜|patagium yimo-xiangru 以沫相濡|see 相濡以沫[xiang1ru2-yi3mo4] yimu 姨母|mother\'s sister/maternal aunt yimu 益母|motherwort (Leonurus heterophyllus) yimu 异母|(of siblings) having the same father ... yimu 义母|adoptive mother yimu-sanfendi 一亩三分地|a piece of land of 1.3 mu 畝|亩[mu3]/(f... yimu-yiyang 一模一样|(idiom) exactly alike; identical/also... yimucao 益母草|motherwort (Leonurus heterophyllus or... yimuliaoran 一目了然|obvious at a glance (idiom) yimunanzhi 一木难支|lit. a single post cannot prop up a f... yimushihang 一目十行|ten lines at a glance (idiom)/to read... yimuxiao 姨母笑|(neologism c. 2017) (slang) kindly, i... yin 音|sound/noise/note (of musical scale)/t... yin 因|old variant of 因[yin1] yin 因|cause/reason/because yin 听|smile (archaic) yin 银|silver/silver-colored/relating to mon... yin 引|to draw (e.g. a bow)/to pull/to stret... yin 淫|excess/excessive/wanton/lewd/lascivio... yin 淫|variant of 淫[yin2] yin 印|surname Yin/abbr. for 印度[Yin4du4], India yin 印|to print/to mark/to engrave/a seal/a ... yin 饮|old variant of 飲|饮[yin3] yin 饮|to drink yin 饮|to give (animals) water to drink yin 尹|surname Yin yin 尹|(literary) to administer; to govern/(... yin 殷|surname Yin/dynasty name at the end t... yin 殷|flourishing/abundant/earnest/hospitable yin 殷|roll of thunder yin 瘾|addiction/craving yin 吟|to chant; to recite/verse; song (ofte... yin 吟|old variant of 吟[yin2] yin 慭|(literary) to wish; to prefer to/(lit... yin 茵|mattress yin 荫|variant of 蔭|荫[yin4], shade yin 荫|shade yin 阴|surname Yin yin 阴|overcast (weather)/cloudy/shady/Yin (... yin 阴|variant of 陰|阴[yin1] yin 隐|(bound form) secret; hidden; conceale... yin 隐|to lean upon yin 垠|limit/border/river bank yin 铟|indium (chemistry) yin 洇|to soak/to blotch/to splotch yin 龈|gums (of the teeth) yin 窨|cellar yin 飮|variant of 飲|饮[yin3] yin 禋|sacrifice yin 吲|used in 吲哚[yin3 duo3] yin 崟|high/rugged mountains/steep yin 喑|mute yin 茚|indene (chemistry) yin 胤|descendant/heir/offspring/posterity/t... yin 鄞|used in 鄞州[Yin2zhou1], a district in ... yin 靷|traces (of a carriage) yin 姻|marriage connections yin 姻|variant of 姻[yin1] yin 湮|variant of 洇[yin1] yin 堙|bury/mound/to dam/close yin 蚓|used in 蚯蚓[qiu1yin3] yin 堙|variant of 堙[yin1]/to block yin 婬|obscene, licentious, lewd yin 崯|variant of 崟[yin2] yin 唫|variant of 崟[yin2] yin 寅|3rd earthly branch: 3-5 a.m., 1st sol... yin 嚚|insincere/stupid yin 愔|peaceful/solemn yin 垔|to restrain/to dam a stream and chang... yin 氤|used in 氤氳|氤氲[yin1yun1] yin 夤|late at night yin 訚|surname Yin yin 訚|respectful/to speak gently yin 霪|heavy rain yin 骃|iron-gray (horse) yin 櫽|tool used for shaping wood (old)/old ... yin 慇|solicitous yin 溵|used in place-names, e.g. 溵水 was once... yin 廴|\"long stride\" radical in Chinese char... yin 龂|old variant of 齦|龈[yin2] yin 瘖|mute yin 霒|old variant of 陰|阴[yin1] yin 狺|snarling of dogs yin 冘|to go forward/to advance yin 隠|Japanese variant of 隱|隐[yin3] yin 侌|old variant of 陰|阴[yin1] yin 筃|a kind of bamboo/old variant of 茵[yin1] yin 鞇|variant of 茵[yin1] yin 螾|the earthworm yin 殥|(archaic) remote area yin 檃|tool used for shaping wood (old) yin 磤|(onom.) sound of thunder yin 裀|mat/underclothing yin 㥯|cautious yin 㐆|component in Chinese character 殷[yin1] yin 䲟|shark sucker (Echeneis naucrates) yin 𬘡|generative force/magic emanation yin 𬙂|long yin 𬮱|surname Yin yin 𬮱|inner gates yin-mianbanzuiya 印缅斑嘴鸭|(bird species of China) Indian spot-b... yin-mianhetouquemei 印缅褐头雀鹛|(bird species of China) manipur fulve... yin-zhibandao 印支半岛|Indochina (abbr. for colonial term 印度... yin-zhilvque 印支绿鹊|(bird species of China) Indochinese g... yinaichenghen 因爱成恨|hatred caused by love (idiom)/to grow... yinainai 姨奶奶|father\'s mother\'s sister (coll.)/grea... yinan 疑难|hard to understand/difficult to deal ... yinan 以南|to the south of (suffix) yinan 阴暗|dim/dark/overcast/darkness/shadow/(fi... yinan 沂南|Yinan county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2]... yinan 遗男|orphan/posthumous son yinan 异男|(Tw) heterosexual man; straight man yinan 役男|males eligible for military service/d... yinan-bannv 一男半女|(idiom) a son or daughter; a child yinanjieda 疑难解答|trouble shooting/solution to difficul... yinanmian 阴暗面|the dark side (of society etc) yinanwenti 疑难问题|knotty problem/intractable difficulty yinanxian 沂南县|Yinan county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2]... yinanzazheng 疑难杂症|dubious or hard-to-treat cases (medic... yinao 乙脑|epidemic encephalitis B (abbr. for 乙型... yinao 医闹|(neologism c. 2013) organized disrupt... yinba 印巴|India and Pakistan yinbai 银白|silver white yinbaiyang 银白杨|silver birch/white poplar yinban 印版|printing plate yinbao 引爆|to ignite; to detonate yinbao 银保|bank insurance; bancassurance yinbao 音爆|sonic boom yinbaodian 引爆点|tipping point yinbaozhuangzhi 引爆装置|detonator yinbazi 印把子|seal of authority/official seal yinbei 银杯|silver cup (trophy) yinben 印本|printed book; printed copy yinbenwei 银本位|Silver Standard (monetary standard) yinbenweizhi 银本位制|Silver Standard (monetary standard) yinbi 隐蔽|to conceal/to hide/covert/under cover yinbi 银币|silver coin yinbi 荫蔽|to be shaded or concealed by foliage/... yinbi 隐避|to hide/to conceal and avoid (contact... yinbi 印鼻|decorated knob protruding from seal, ... yinbian 音变|phonetic change yinbianliang 因变量|dependent variable yinbianshu 因变数|(Tw) (math.) dependent variable yinbiao 音标|phonetic symbol yinbiaoji 印表机|printer (Tw) yinbie 引别|to leave/to say goodbye yinbing 阴兵|underworld soldier; ghost soldier yinbing 龈病|gingival disease yinbingbubao 隐病不报|not to tell others of one\'s illness yinbiqiangpoxiazai 隐蔽强迫下载|drive-by download (a form of malware ... yinbo 银箔|silver foil yinbo 音波|sound wave yinbu 阴部|genitalia yinbu 音步|foot (syllabic unit in verse)/meter/s... yincaishijiao 因材施教|(idiom) to teach in line with the stu... yincang 隐藏|to hide/to conceal/to mask/to shelter... yincangchu 隐藏处|shelter/hiding place yincao 阴曹|hell/the inferno yincaodifu 阴曹地府|netherworld/Kingdom of the Underworld... yincayin 龈擦音|alveolar fricative (linguistics) yincha 饮茶|to have tea and refreshments/to have ... yincha 音叉|tuning fork yinchai 引柴|kindling (to light a fire) yinchan 引产|to induce labor (childbirth) yinchang 吟唱|to chant/to recite yinchang 音长|sound duration/length of a musical note yinchang 银鲳|silvery pomfret/dollarfish/harvestfish yinchaopiao 印钞票|printing money yinchayangcuo 阴差阳错|(idiom) due to an unexpected turn of ... yinchen 阴沉|gloomy yinchenchen 阴沉沉|dark (weather, mood) yincheng 音程|interval (music) yinchi 音痴|tone deaf yinchichong 隐翅虫|rove beetle yinchimaoliang 寅吃卯粮|lit. eating away next year\'s food in ... yinchong 淫虫|sex maniac yinchu 引出|to extract/to draw out yinchuan 银川|Yinchuan city, capital of Ningxia Hui... yinchuanshi 银川市|Yinchuan city, capital of Ningxia Hui... yinchuisiting 因吹斯汀|(loanword) interesting yinchun 阴唇|(anatomy) labia (of the vulva) yinci 因此|thus; consequently; as a result yinci 印次|number of print run yinci-huiyu 淫词秽语|(idiom) obscene words; dirty talk yincixieyu 淫词亵语|dirty words/dirty talk yincong 银枞|silver fir (Abies alba) yincuoyangcha 阴错阳差|(idiom) due to an unexpected turn of ... yindai 音带|audio tape yindan 银丹|lunar caustic (fused silver nitrate, ... yindang 淫荡|loose in morals/lascivious/licentious... yindao 引导|to guide/to lead (around)/to conduct/... yindao 阴道|vagina yindaoban 阴道瓣|hymen yindaokou 阴道口|female external genitalia (anatomy)/v... yindaoshanqu 引导扇区|boot sector yindaoyan 阴道炎|vaginal infection/inflammation of the... yindaoyuan 引导员|usher/guide yinde 引得|index (loanword) yinde 阴德|secret virtue yindebiyouyangbao 阴德必有阳报|hidden merits will have visible rewar... yindi 阴蒂|clitoris yindian 印第安|(American) Indian/native American/ind... yindian 印地安|(Tw) (American) Indian/native America... yindian 阴电|negative electric charge yindian 银点|the silver point/the melting point of... yindianna 印第安纳|Indiana, US state yindianna 印地安纳|Indiana, US state yindiannabolisi 印第安纳波利斯|Indianapolis, Indiana yindiannazhou 印第安纳州|Indiana, US state yindiannazhou 印地安纳州|Indiana, US state yindianren 印第安人|American Indians yindianzuo 印第安座|Indus (constellation) yindiao 音调|pitch of voice (high or low)/pitch (o... yinding 银锭|silver ingot yindiyu 印地语|Hindi (language) yindizhiyi 因地制宜|(idiom) to use methods in line with l... yindou 引逗|to tantalize/to lead on/to tease yindu 印度|India yindu 殷都|Yindu district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市... yindu 引渡|to extradite yindu 阴毒|sinister/insidious yindu 音读|reading or phonetic value of a charac... yinduguijiao 印度鬼椒|see 斷魂椒|断魂椒[duan4 hun2 jiao1] yinduguodadang 印度国大党|Indian Congress party yinduhangkonggongsi 印度航空公司|Air India yinduhe 印度河|Indus River yindujiao 印度教|Hinduism/Indian religion yindujiaotu 印度教徒|Hindu/adherent of Hinduism yindujinhuangli 印度金黄鹂|(bird species of China) Indian golden... yindun 隐遁|to disappear from view/to live in sec... yindunixiya 印度尼西亚|Indonesia yindunixiyayu 印度尼西亚语|Indonesian language yinduo 吲哚|indole C8H7N (heterocyclic organic co... yinduqu 殷都区|Yindu district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市... yinduren 印度人|Indian (person)/CL:個|个[ge4]/Indian pe... yindurenmindang 印度人民党|Bharatiya Janata Party yindushibao 印度时报|India Times yindushoudai 印度寿带|(bird species of China) Indian paradi... yindusitan 印度斯坦|Hindustan yinduyalian 印度雅利安|Indo-Aryan yinduyang 印度洋|Indian Ocean yinduyanjingshe 印度眼镜蛇|Indian cobra (Naja naja) yinduyinyue 印度音乐|Bhangra, Indian music (music genre) yinduzhina 印度支那|Indochina yinduzhinabandao 印度支那半岛|Indochina (old term, esp. colonial pe... yine 吟哦|to chant/to recite rhythmically/to po... yinei 以内|within/less than yineng 异能|different function yineng 艺能|artistic skill yinengjie 艺能界|show business yiner 因而|therefore/as a result/thus/and as a r... yiner 银耳|white fungus (Tremella fuciformis)/si... yinerbufa 引而不发|to pull the bow without shooting (idi... yinerxiangsiniao 银耳相思鸟|(bird species of China) silver-eared ... yinerzaomei 银耳噪鹛|(bird species of China) silver-eared ... yineyangshan 隐恶扬善|(idiom) to highlight sb\'s good points... yineyin 龈颚音|prepalatal sound (linguistics) yineyin 龈腭音|alveo-palatal sound (linguistics) yinfa 印发|to publish/to print and distribute yinfa 引发|to lead to/to trigger/to initiate/to ... yinfa 银发|silver hair; gray hair yinfeng 阴风|chill wind/(fig.) evil wind yinfeng 淫风|lascivious/wanton yinfengnongyue 吟风弄月|lit. singing of the wind and the moon... yinfu 音符|(music) note/phonetic component of a ... yinfu 淫妇|loose woman/prostitute/Jezebel yinfu 隐伏|to hide/to lie low yinfu 阴阜|mons veneris yinfu 殷富|well off/prosperous yinfuyin 龈辅音|palato-alveolar consonant (linguistics) yinfuzhiming 因父之名|in the Name of the Father (in Christi... ying 影|picture/image/film/movie/photograph/r... ying 樱|cherry ying 桜|Japanese variant of 櫻|樱[ying1] ying 硬|hard; stiff; solid/(fig.) strong; fir... ying 英|United Kingdom/British/England/Englis... ying 英|hero/outstanding/excellent/(literary)... ying 营|camp/barracks/battalion/to build/to o... ying 赢|to beat/to win/to profit ying 迎|to welcome; to meet/to forge ahead (e... ying 颖|head of grain/husk/tip/point/clever/g... ying 莹|luster of gems ying 瀛|ocean ying 滢|clear/limpid (of water) ying 婴|infant/baby ying 瑛|(literary) translucent stone similar ... ying 鹰|eagle/falcon/hawk ying 映|to reflect (light)/to shine/to projec... ying 映|old variant of 映[ying4] ying 萤|firefly/glow-worm ying 莺|oriole or various birds of the Sylvid... ying 莺|variant of 鶯|莺[ying1] ying 荧|a glimmer/glimmering/twinkling/fluore... ying 嬴|surname Ying ying 嬴|old variant of 贏|赢[ying2], to win, to... ying 璎|necklace ying 缨|tassel/sth shaped like a tassel (e.g.... ying 颕|old variant of 穎|颖[ying3] ying 萦|(literary) to wind around ying 楹|pillar ying 颍|surname Ying/river in Henan and Anhui ying 膺|breast/receive ying 罂|variant of 罌|罂[ying1] ying 罂|earthen jar with small mouth ying 茔|(literary) a grave ying 鹦|(bound form) parrot ying 媵|maid escorting bride to new home/conc... ying 郢|Ying, ancient capital of Chu 楚 in Hub... ying 瘿|goiter/knob on tree ying 潆|eddy/small river ying 蝇|fly/musca/CL:隻|只[zhi1] ying 応|Japanese variant of 應|应 ying 霙|sleet/snowflakes ying 荥|used in 滎經|荥经[Ying2jing1] ying 嘤|calling of birds ying 蓥|polish ying 溁|(archaic) (of water) to swirl; to edd... ying 嫈|attentively/carefully ying 媖|(complimentary name for a woman) ying 煐|(used in names)/British thermal unit ... ying 锳|(onom.) ring/tinkle ying 渶|river in Shandong Province (old) ying 撄|oppose/to attack ying 罃|earthen jar with long neck ying 籯|slender basket for chopsticks ying 朠|(archaic) moonlight ying 韺|music of legendary emperor Gu ying 蛍|Japanese variant of 螢|萤 ying 謍|humming sound ying 矨|short and small ying 甇|earthen jar with long neck ying 営|Japanese variant of 營|营 ying 籝|old variant of 籯[ying2] ying 賏|pearls or shells strung together ying 𫶕|used in 岭巆|岭𫶕[ling2 ying2] ying 应|surname Ying/Taiwan pr. [Ying4] ying 应|to agree (to do sth)/should/ought to/... ying 应|to answer/to respond/to comply with/t... ying 𣸨|used in 汫濙|汫𣸨[jing3ying2] ying 盈|full/filled/surplus ying 𮐨|used in 蘡薁|𮐨薁[ying1yu4] yingan 阴干|to dry in the shade yingao 音高|pitch (music)/tone yingao 隐睾|cryptorchidism; undescended testis yingao 硬拗|(Tw) (coll.) to defend an untenable p... yingban 营办|to handle/to undertake/to run (a busi... yingbang 英镑|pound sterling yingbangbang 硬邦邦|very hard yingbangbang 硬梆梆|variant of 硬邦邦[ying4 bang1 bang1] yingbao 应报|see 報應|报应[bao4 ying4] yingben 影本|copy (of a document)/book with model ... yingbi 硬币|coin/CL:枚[mei2] yingbi 影壁|spirit wall (screen wall used to shie... yingbi 硬逼|to pressure/to press/to force/to comp... yingbi 硬笔|generic term for hard writing instrum... yingbian 应变|to meet a contingency/to adapt onesel... yingbianguanli 应变管理|change management (business) yingbianli 应变力|adaptability/resourcefulness yingbianma 硬编码|(computing) to hard code; hard-coded yingbianshu 应变数|(math.) dependent variable yingbin 迎宾|to welcome a guest/to entertain a cus... yingbipi 硬币坯|coin blank yingcai 硬菜|(dialect) meaty dish yingcaier 应采儿|Cherrie Ying Choi-Yi (1983-), actress yingchao 英超|Premier League/England Premier Soccer... yingchao 营巢|to nest yingchaosai 英超赛|England premier soccer league yingchen 映衬|to set off by contrast/antithesis/ana... yingcheng 应城|Yingcheng, county-level city in Xiaog... yingcheng 硬撑|to make oneself do sth in spite of ad... yingcheng 应承|to agree (to do sth)/to promise yingchengshi 应城市|Yingcheng, county-level city in Xiaog... yingchi 英尺|foot (unit of length equal to 0.3048 m) yingchimu 缨翅目|see 薊馬|蓟马[ji4 ma3] yingchou 应酬|to engage in social activities; to so... yingchunhua 迎春花|winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) yingcipan 硬磁盘|hard drive/hard disk yingcong 应从|to assent/to comply with yingcun 英寸|inch (unit of length equal to 2.54 cm.) yingda 应答|to reply yingdaier 英代尔|(Tw) Intel yingdan 英石|stone (British unit of mass equal to ... yingdang 应当|should; ought to yingdao 樱岛|Sakurajima, an active volcano in Kago... yingde 赢得|to win/to gain yingde 应得|to deserve yingde 英德|Anglo-German/England and Germany yingde 英德|Yingde, city in Guangdong yingdeshi 英德市|Yingde, city in Guangdong yingdi 营地|camp yingdi 影帝|(male) superstar of the silver screen... yingdi 应敌|to face the enemy/to meet an attack yingdian 应点|to act on one\'s word yingdiao 鹰雕|variant of 鷹鵰|鹰雕[ying1 diao1] yingdiao 鹰雕|(bird species of China) mountain hawk... yingdie 影碟|DVD/CL:片[pian4],張|张[zhang1] yingdie 硬碟|(Tw) hard disk/hard drive yingdieji 影碟机|DVD player yingdigejiudian 英迪格酒店|Hotel Indigo (brand) yingdingpaoche 硬顶跑车|sports coupé (car) yingdizi 硬底子|(esp. of an actor) strong/capable yingdong 颍东|Yingdong, a district of Fuyang City 阜... yingdongqu 颍东区|Yingdong, a district of Fuyang City 阜... yingdu 硬度|hardness yingdui 应对|to answer; to reply/to handle; to dea... yingduiruliu 应对如流|to respond fluently/to answer smartly yingdun 英吨|tonne/imperial or US tonne, equal to ... yingen 银根|(finance) money supply yinger 婴儿|infant/baby/CL:個|个[ge4]/lead (Pb) yingerchao 婴儿潮|baby boom yingerche 婴儿车|baby carriage/pram/stroller yingercusizonghezheng 婴儿猝死综合症|sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS); ... yingerqi 婴儿期|infancy yingershoutuiche 婴儿手推车|baby buggy yingesi 银阁寺|Ginkaku-ji or Silver Pavilion in Kyot... yingfa 英法|Anglo-French yingfang 营房|barracks/living quarters yingfeiling 英飞凌|Infineon (electronics company) yingfen 应分|should be divided/part of the job/one... yingfeng 迎风|in the wind/facing the wind/downwind yingfengpiaowu 迎风飘舞|to whirl about in the wind yingfengzhaozhan 迎风招展|to flutter in the wind (idiom) yingfogu 迎佛骨|to ceremonially receive a bone relic ... yingfu 应付|to deal with; to cope yingfuyuru 应付裕如|handling any occasion smoothly (idiom... yingfuzhangkuan 应付账款|accounts payable yingfuziru 应付自如|to handle matters with ease (idiom)/t... yinggai 应该|ought to/should/must yinggaide 应该的|you\'re most welcome/sure thing!/I did... yinggan 硬干|to proceed tenaciously in spite of ob... yingge 莺歌|Yingge or Yingko town in New Taipei C... yingge 鹦哥|(coll.) parrot yinggelan 英格兰|England yinggelanyinhang 英格兰银行|Bank of England yinggeyanwu 莺歌燕舞|the warbler sings and the swallow dan... yinggezhen 莺歌镇|Yingge or Yingko town in New Taipei C... yinggong 营工|to sell one\'s labor yinggoubi 鹰钩鼻|aquiline nose/Roman nose yingguan 硬灌|to force feed yingguang 荧光|fluorescence/fluorescent yingguang 萤光|Taiwan variant of 熒光|荧光[ying2 guang1] yingguang 英广|BBC (abbr. for 英國廣播公司|英国广播公司[Ying1 gu... yingguangbang 荧光棒|glow stick/light stick yingguangbi 荧光笔|highlighter (pen) yingguangdeng 荧光灯|fluorescent lamp/neon lamp yingguangdeng 萤光灯|Taiwan variant of 熒光燈|荧光灯[ying2 guang... yingguanglv 萤光绿|bright green; chartreuse yingguangmu 荧光幕|screen (of a TV, computer etc) (Tw) yingguangping 荧光屏|fluorescent screen/TV screen yingguo 英国|United Kingdom 聯合王國|联合王国[Lian2 he2 wa... yingguo 颖果|(botany) caryopsis yingguodianxungongsi 英国电讯公司|British telecom/BT yingguogongchengjishuxuehui 英国工程技术学会|The Institution of Engineering and Te... yingguoguan 英国管|English horn yingguoguangbodiantai 英国广播电台|British Broadcasting Corporation/BBC yingguoguangbogongsi 英国广播公司|British Broadcasting Corporation/BBC yingguohuangjiaxuehui 英国皇家学会|Royal Society yingguoren 英国人|British person; British people yingguoshiyou 英国石油|British Petroleum, BP yingguoshiyougongsi 英国石油公司|British Petroleum, BP yingguowenhuaxiehui 英国文化协会|British Council yinggutou 硬骨头|resolute individual/a hard nut to cra... yingguyu 硬骨鱼|bony fishes/Osteichthyes (taxonomic c... yinghai 婴孩|infant yinghan 英汉|English-Chinese yinghan 硬汉|man of steel/unyielding, tough guy yinghanduiyi 英汉对译|English-Chinese parallel text yinghe 应和|to echo one another/to respond (in ag... yinghe 迎合|to cater to/to pander to yinghe 硬核|hardcore/hard core yinghou 影后|movie queen; best actress award winner yinghou 婴猴|galago; bush baby yinghu 蝇虎|jumping spider (family Salticidae) yinghua 樱花|oriental cherry (Prunus serrulata or ... yinghua 硬化|to harden/(medicine) sclerosis/(fig.)... yinghua 英华|English-Chinese yinghuacao 樱花草|primrose yinghuaguo 樱花国|(slang) Japan yinghuamei 樱花妹|(coll.) Japanese girl yinghui 萦回|to linger; to swirl around (in the ai... yinghuo 萤火|light of firefly/fairy light yinghuo 营火|campfire yinghuo 荧惑|to bewilder/to dazzle and confuse/the... yinghuo 迎火|backfire (firefighting) yinghuochong 萤火虫|firefly/glowworm/lightning bug yinghuoxing 荧惑星|Mars in traditional Chinese astronomy yingji 应急|to respond to an emergency/to meet a ... yingji 应激|stress (abbr. for 應激反應|应激反应[ying4ji1 ... yingji 迎击|to face an attack/to repulse the enemy yingji 影集|photo album/CL:本[ben3]/(TV) series yingji 应计|accrual (accounting) yingji 营妓|military prostitute yingjia 赢家|winner yingjia 鹰架|scaffolding yingjian 硬件|hardware yingjian 营建|to build/to construct yingjiang 盈江|Yingjiang county in Dehong Dai and Ji... yingjiang 迎江|Yingjiang, a district of Anqing City ... yingjiangqu 迎江区|Yingjiang, a district of Anqing City ... yingjiangxian 盈江县|Yingjiang county in Dehong Dai and Ji... yingjianpingtai 硬件平台|hardware platform yingjiatongchi 赢家通吃|winner takes all yingjichangkong 鹰击长空|the eagle soars in the sky (citation ... yingjicuoshi 应急措施|emergency measure yingjidaiming 应急待命|emergency standby/to be on standby yingjie 迎接|to welcome; to greet yingjie 应届|this year\'s/the current year\'s yingjie 应接|to attend to/to deal with yingjiebiyesheng 应届毕业生|student graduating in the current yea... yingjiebuxia 应接不暇|more than one can attend to (idiom)/d... yingjietiaozhan 迎接挑战|to meet a challenge yingjifanying 应激反应|(physiological etc) stress yingjijichu 应计基础|accruals basis (accounting) yingjili 英吉利|England (historical loan, from English) yingjiliduan 应机立断|to act on an opportunity (idiom); to ... yingjilihaixia 英吉利海峡|English Channel yingjing 樱井|Sakurai (Japanese surname and place n... yingjing 应景|according with the times/seasonal yingjing 荥经|Yingjing, county in Ya\'an 雅安[Ya3an1],... yingjingr 应景儿|according with the times/seasonal yingjingxian 荥经县|Yingjing, county in Ya\'an 雅安[Ya3an1],... yingjisha 英吉沙|Yéngisar nahiyisi (Yengisar county) i... yingjishaxian 英吉沙县|Yéngisar nahiyisi (Yengisar county) i... yingjiu 营救|to rescue yingjixing 应激性|irritable/sensitive/excitable yingjiyuan 应激源|stressor yingjizhaoshe 应急照射|emergency exposure (nuclear energy) yingju 影剧|film and theater/screen and stage yingju 应举|to sit for imperial examinations yingjuan 鹰鹃|(bird species of China) large hawk-cu... yingjun 英俊|handsome yingjun 英军|British army yingjuyuan 影剧院|cinema/movie theater yingkao 应考|to take an exam yingke 硬壳|crust; hard shell yingkeguo 硬壳果|nut yingkesong 迎客松|Greeting Pine, symbol of Huangshan 黃山... yingkou 营口|see 營口市|营口市[Ying2kou3 Shi4] yingkoushi 营口市|Yingkou, prefecture-level city in Lia... yingkui 盈亏|profit and loss/waxing and waning yingkuizifu 盈亏自负|responsible for its profit and losses... yingla 硬拉|deadlift yinglai 迎来|to welcome (a visitor or newcomer)/(f... yinglai 硬来|to use force yinglaisongwang 迎来送往|lit. to meet those arriving, to send ... yinglang 硬朗|robust/healthy yinglei 营垒|army camp yingli 营利|for profit/to seek profit yingli 盈利|profit/gain/to make profits yingli 英里|mile (unit of length equal to 1.609 km) yingli 应力|stress (physics) yingli 赢利|gain/profit/to make a profit yingli 英哩|variant of 英里[ying1 li3] yinglian 楹联|couplet (hung on the columns of a hall) yinglianbang 英联邦|British Commonwealth of Nations yingliang 英两|British imperial ounce (old) yinglianhewangguo 英联合王国|United Kingdom yinglichang 应力场|stress field yinglie 英烈|hero/martyr/heroic/valiant/heroic deeds yingling 英灵|spirit of a martyr; spirit of the bra... yingling 硬领|collar yinglu 硬陆|to have a hard landing (economy) yinglun 英伦|England yinglunfengge 英伦风格|British style (fashion) yinglunqiang 英伦腔|British accent yinglunsandao 英伦三岛|British Isles yingluo 璎珞|jade or pearl necklace yingmao 应卯|to answer the roll call at 卯時|卯时[mao3... yingmen 盈门|lit. fill the door/fill the house (at... yingmen 应门|to answer the door yingmi 影迷|film enthusiast/movie fan/CL:個|个[ge4] yingmian 迎面|directly; head-on (collision)/(of win... yingmian 赢面|chance of winning yingmianerlai 迎面而来|directly/head-on (collision)/in one\'s... yingming 英名|illustrious name/legendary reputation yingming 英明|wise/brilliant yingming 应名|nominally/in name only yingmingguoduan 英明果断|wise and resolute yingmingr 应名儿|erhua variant of 應名|应名[ying1 ming2] yingmou 营谋|to do business/to manage/to strive fo... yingmu 硬木|hardwood yingmu 英亩|acre yingmu 荧幕|TV screen yingmu 萤幕|screen (of a TV, computer etc) (Tw) yingmubaohuchengshi 萤幕保护程式|screensaver (Tw) yingmubaohuzhuangzhi 萤幕保护装置|screensaver (Tw) yingmubiao 硬目标|hard target yingnanershang 迎难而上|to press on in the face of challenges yingnian 英年|the prime of one\'s life/youthful years yingnianzaoshi 英年早逝|to die an untimely death (idiom)/to b... yingniao 莺鸟|oriole/bird yingnuo 应诺|to promise/to agree to do sth yingong 因公|in the course of doing one\'s work/on ... yingong 阴功|hidden merits yingongxunzhi 因公殉职|to die in the course of performing on... yingou 阴沟|sewer; underground drainage channel yingoulifanchuan 阴沟里翻船|to meet with unexpected failure (idio... yingouruzhai 引狗入寨|lit. to lead the dog into the village... yingpai 鹰派|hawk faction (opposite: 鴿派|鸽派[ge1 pai... yingpai 硬派|hard-line/hardcore yingpan 硬盘|hard disk yingpan 营盘|Yingpan, common place name (\"army cam... yingpan 营盘|military camp/nomadic camp yingpanzhen 营盘镇|Yingpan township, place name/Yingpan ... yingpengying 硬碰硬|to meet force with force/painstaking yingpi 硬皮|crust (of a solidified liquid etc) yingpian 影片|a copy of a film/film; motion picture... yingpin 应聘|to accept a job offer/to apply for an... yingping 影评|film review yingping 荧屏|fluorescent screen/TV screen yingpinzhe 应聘者|person taking a job/job applicant/CL:... yingqi 英气|heroic spirit yingqi 硬气|firm/unyielding/strong-willed yingqin 迎亲|(of the groom\'s family) to send a bri... yingqiu 营求|to seek/to strive for yingqiu 赢球|(ball sports) to win a match yingqu 迎娶|(of a groom) to fetch one\'s bride fro... yingquan 颍泉|Yingquan, a district of Fuyang City 阜... yingquan 鹰犬|hawks and hounds/(fig.) running dogs/... yingquanqu 颍泉区|Yingquan, a district of Fuyang City 阜... yingr 影儿|shadow yingrao 萦绕|to linger on/to hover/to encircle yingrenerjie 迎刃而解|lit. (bamboo) splits when it meets th... yingrenzhiluan 应仁之乱|Ōnin war 1467-1477 between factions o... yingru 映入|to appear before (one\'s eyes)/to come... yingrui 硬蕊|hardcore (Tw) yingrunaohai 映入脑海|to come to mind/to come to one\'s atte... yingruyanlian 映入眼帘|(idiom) to greet the eye/to come into... yingshan 英山|Yingshan county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Hu... yingshan 营山|Yingshan county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 c... yingshang 颍上|Yingshang, a county in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[F... yingshang 硬伤|injury/trauma/(fig.) glaring error/fl... yingshangxian 颍上县|Yingshang, a county in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[F... yingshanhong 映山红|Indian azalea (Rhododendron simsii) yingshanxian 英山县|Yingshan county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Hu... yingshanxian 营山县|Yingshan county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 c... yingshe 映射|to shine on/(math., linguistics etc) ... yingshe 影射|to refer obliquely to/to insinuate/in... yingsheguocheng 映射过程|mapping process yingsheng 营生|to earn a living yingsheng 营生|(coll.) job/work yingsheng 应声|an answering voice/to answer a voice/... yingshengchong 应声虫|yes-man/opinionless person yingshengsheng 硬生生|stiff/rigid/inflexible/forcibly yingshensaihui 迎神赛会|folk festival, esp. involving shrine ... yingshexiaoshuo 影射小说|roman à clef yingshi 应试|to take an exam yingshi 影视|movies and television yingshi 英式|British-style; English-style yingshi 萤石|fluorite CaF2/fluorspar/fluor yingshi 英石|ornamental limestone rock (供石[gong1 s... yingshi 应时|timely/occasional yingshi 硬是|just/simply/stubbornly/really yingshi 应市|to respond to the market/to buy or se... yingshi 硬实|sturdy/robust yingshi 媵侍|concubine (old) yingshicidieji 硬式磁碟机|hard disk/hard drive yingshiganlanqiu 英式橄榄球|rugby yingshigao 硬石膏|anhydrite CaSO4 yingshijiaoyu 应试教育|exam-oriented education/teaching to t... yingshili 硬实力|hard power (i.e. military and economi... yingshou 营收|sales/income/revenue yingshou 应手|to handle/convenient yingshou 应收|(of a sum of money etc) receivable yingshouyingzikuangqu 鹰手营子矿区|Yingshouyingzikuang district of Cheng... yingshouzhangkuan 应收账款|accounts receivable yingshugelunbiya 英属哥伦比亚|British Columbia, Pacific province of... yingshui 硬水|hard water yingshuweierjingqundao 英属维尔京群岛|British Virgin Islands yingshuyanshuo 郢书燕说|lit. Ying writes a letter and Yan rea... yingsi 营私|to gain from corrupt dealing/to engag... yingsiwubi 营私舞弊|see 徇私舞弊[xun4 si1 wu3 bi4] yingsu 应诉|(of a defendant) to respond to a char... yingsu 罂粟|poppy yingtai 瀛台|Yingtai, artificial island in Zhongna... yingtan 鹰潭|see 鷹潭市|鹰潭市[Ying1tan2 Shi4] yingtan 影坛|moviedom/the world of movies/film cir... yingtang 硬糖|hard candy yingtanshi 鹰潭市|Yingtan, prefecture-level city in Jia... yingtao 樱桃|cherry yingtaoluobo 樱桃萝卜|summer radish (the small red kind) yingtaoxiaofanqie 樱桃小番茄|see 聖女果|圣女果[sheng4 nu:3 guo3] yingtaoxiaokou 樱桃小口|see 櫻桃小嘴|樱桃小嘴[ying1 tao2 xiao3 zui3] yingtaoxiaozui 樱桃小嘴|lit. cherry mouth (idiom)/fig. a deli... yingtaoyuan 樱桃园|The Cherry Orchard, a play by Chekhov... yingteer 英特尔|Intel yingtewang 英特网|variant of 因特網|因特网[Yin1 te4 wang3], I... yingti 硬体|(Tw) (computer) hardware yingtianchengyun 应天承运|lit. to respond to heaven and suit th... yingtianshunshi 应天顺时|lit. to respond to heaven and suit th... yingting 硬挺|to endure with all one\'s will/to hold... yingtou 迎头|to meet head-on/face-to-face/directly yingtoudaji 迎头打击|to hit head on yingtouganshang 迎头赶上|to try hard to catch up yingtour 迎头儿|erhua variant of 迎頭|迎头[ying2 tou2] yingtoushi 鹰头狮|griffin yingtoutongji 迎头痛击|to deliver a frontal assault/to meet ... yingtui 硬推|to shove yingtuyue 盈凸月|full moon/waxing gibbous moon yingu 因故|for some reason yinguan 音管|pipe (of an organ) yinguang 银光|silvery light/bright white light/shin... yingui 音轨|sound track/track number (e.g. on a CD) yingui 隐龟|Mary River turtle (Elusor macrurus) yingui 淫鬼|lecherous devil yinguishangmen 引鬼上门|lit. to invite the devil to one\'s hou... yingun 淫棍|womanizer; lecher yinguo 因果|karma/cause and effect yinguobaoying 因果报应|(Buddhism) retribution/karma yingushi 印古什|Ingushetia, republic in southwestern ... yingweida 英伟达|NVIDIA, computer graphics card company yingwen 英文|English (language) yingwo 硬卧|hard sleeper (a type of sleeper train... yingwu 鹦鹉|parrot yingwu 英武|soldierly/martial (appearance) yingwu 颖悟|intelligent/bright yingwuluo 鹦鹉螺|nautilus/ammonite (fossil spiral shell) yingwure 鹦鹉热|psittacosis/ornithosis/parrot fever yingwuxueshe 鹦鹉学舌|to parrot/to repeat uncritically what... yingxi 硬席|hard seat (on trains) yingxian 应县|Ying County in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zhou... yingxianbi 英仙臂|Perseus spiral arm (of our galaxy) yingxiang 影响|influence/effect/to influence/to affe... yingxiang 影像|image yingxiang 影象|variant of 影像[ying3 xiang4] yingxiang 映像|reflection/image (in a mirror) yingxiangcengmian 影响层面|impact; effect yingxiangchuli 影像处理|image processing yingxiangdang 影像档|image file yingxiangguan 映像管|CRT (cathode ray tube) used in a comp... yingxianghuiyi 影像会议|video conference yingxiangleiqie 盈箱累箧|to fill boxes and baskets to the brim... yingxiangli 影响力|influence/impact yingxiangmian 影响面|reach of influence/affected area yingxiangwenjian 映象文件|(computing) disk image (aka image fil... yingxiangyinzi 影响因子|impact factor (of an academic journal) yingxianmuta 应县木塔|the timber pagoda of the Fogong Templ... yingxianzuo 英仙座|Perseus (constellation) yingxiao 营销|marketing yingxiao 鹰鸮|(bird species of China) brown boobook... yingxin 迎新|to see in the New Year/to welcome new... yingxing 影星|film star yingxing 硬性|rigid/inflexible/hard (drug) yingxingyun 鹰星云|Eagle or Star Queen Nebula M16 yingxiong 英雄|hero/CL:個|个[ge4] yingxionghaohan 英雄好汉|heroes yingxiongjiumei 英雄救美|heroic rescue of a damsel in distress yingxionglianmeng 英雄联盟|League of Legends (video game) yingxiongnanguomeirenguan 英雄难过美人关|even heroes have a weakness for the c... yingxiongshi 英雄式|heroic yingxiongsuojianlvetong 英雄所见略同|lit. heroes usually agree (idiom); Gr... yingxiongwuyongwuzhidi 英雄无用武之地|a hero with no chance of using his mi... yingxu 应许|to promise/to allow yingxuan 应选|to run for election/to be selected; t... yingxuan 膺选|to be elected yingxun 英寻|fathom (1.83 meters) yingxuzhidi 应许之地|Promised Land yingyan 应验|to come true/to come about as predict... yingyan 映演|(Tw) to screen a movie yingyan 萤焰|light of firefly/firefly yingyang 营养|nutrition/nourishment/CL:種|种[zhong3] yingyangbuliang 营养不良|malnutrition/undernourishment/deficie... yingyangpin 营养品|nourishment/nutrient yingyangshi 营养师|nutritionist/dietitian yingyangsu 营养素|nutrient yingyangwuzhi 营养物质|nutrient yingyangxue 营养学|nutriology yingyangye 营养液|nutrient fluid yingyao 应邀|at sb\'s invitation/on invitation yingyao 硬要|firmly set on doing sth/to insist on ... yingye 营业|to do business/to trade yingye 影业|film industry yingyee 营业额|sum or volume of business/turnover yingyeshijian 营业时间|business hours; opening hours; office... yingyeshouru 营业收入|revenue yingyeshui 营业税|tax on turnover/sales tax yingyeyuan 营业员|clerk/shop assistant/CL:個|个[ge4] yingyi 颖异|highly intelligent/original and unique yingyi 英译|English translation yingyin 影音|recorded media (CD and DVD)/sound and... yingyin 影印|photographic reproduction/photocopyin... yingyinben 影印本|a photocopy yingying 荧荧|a glimmer/twinkling (of stars, phosph... yingyinji 影印机|photocopier (Tw) yingyong 应用|to put to use; to apply/practical; ap... yingyong 英勇|heroic/gallant/valiant yingyongceng 应用层|application layer (computing) yingyongchengshi 应用程式|(Tw) (computing) program/application yingyongchengshijiemian 应用程式介面|application programming interface (AP... yingyongchengxu 应用程序|(computing) program/application yingyongchengxubianchengjiekou 应用程序编程接口|application programming interface (API) yingyongchengxujiekou 应用程序接口|application programming interface (API) yingyongkexue 应用科学|applied science yingyongpingtai 应用平台|application platform (computing) yingyongruanjian 应用软件|application software yingyongruanti 应用软体|application software yingyongshuxue 应用数学|applied mathematics yingyongwen 应用文|applied writing/writing for practical... yingyongwuli 应用物理|applied physics yingyongxisheng 英勇牺牲|to heroically sacrifice one\'s life yingyou 应有|to deserve (attention, respect etc)/s... yingyouer 婴幼儿|baby yingyoujinyou 应有尽有|everything that should be here is her... yingyu 英语|English (language) yingyu 盈余|surplus/profit yingyu 𮐨薁|Vitis bryoniifolia yingyu 赢余|variant of 盈餘|盈余[ying2 yu2] yingyu 硬玉|jadeite yingyuan 影院|cinema; movie theater yingyuan 应援|(originally) to provide assistance/(m... yingyujiao 英语角|English corner/spoken English practic... yingyujiaoxue 英语教学|English Language Teaching (ELT)/study... yingyun 营运|running/operation (of airport, bus se... yingyun 应允|to give one\'s assent/to consent/Taiwa... yingyun 应运|to conform with destiny/as the occasi... yingyunersheng 应运而生|to emerge to meet a historic destiny ... yingyunzhang 营运长|chief operating officer (COO) (Tw) yingyunzijin 营运资金|working capital yingyure 英语热|craze for learning English yingyuxi 英语系|anglophone/English department yingzao 营造|to build (housing)/to construct/to make yingzaoshang 营造商|builder/contractor yingze 迎泽|Yingze district of Taiyuan city 太原市[T... yingzequ 迎泽区|Yingze district of Taiyuan city 太原市[T... yingzha 硬扎|strong/sturdy/awesome yingzhai 营寨|barracks yingzhan 影展|film festival/photography exhibition yingzhan 应战|to take up a challenge/to face an att... yingzhan 迎战|to meet the enemy head-on yingzhang 营帐|tent/camp yingzhang 营长|battalion commander yingzhang 硬仗|tough battle; difficult task; big cha... yingzhao 映照|to shine upon/to reflect yingzhao 应召|to respond to a call yingzhao 应诏|to respond to an imperial decree yingzhaonvlang 应召女郎|call girl yingzhaozhan 应召站|call girl center yingzhen 应诊|to see patients (of doctor)/to hold a... yingzheng 嬴政|Ying Zheng (260-210 BC), personal nam... yingzheng 应征|to apply (for a job)/to reply to a jo... yingzheng 硬正|staunchly honest yingzhetoupi 硬着头皮|to brace oneself to do sth/to put a b... yingzhi 应制|to write a poem on the order of the E... yingzhi 硬纸|cardboard; stiff paper yingzhisuan 硬脂酸|stearic acid/stearate yingzhisuangai 硬脂酸钙|calcium stearate yingzhong 英中|(Hong Kong) secondary school that use... yingzhou 瀛洲|Yingzhou, easternmost of three fabled... yingzhou 颍州|Yingzhou, a district of Fuyang City 阜... yingzhouqu 颍州区|Yingzhou, a district of Fuyang City 阜... yingzhuafanziquan 鹰爪翻子拳|Ying Zhua Fan Zi Quan - \"Eagle Claw\" ... yingzhuangxingyun 鹰状星云|Eagle or Star Queen Nebula M16 yingzi 影子|shadow/reflection/(fig.) hint/indicat... yingzi 英姿|heroic bearing/dashing figure yingzi 蝇子|housefly yingzineige 影子内阁|shadow cabinet yingzisashuang 英姿飒爽|(of a person) valiant and formidable-... yingzong 影踪|trace/sign yingzong 英宗|Yingzong, temple name of sixth and ei... yingzuidou 鹰嘴豆|chickpea (Cicer arietinum)/garbanzo bean yingzuidouni 鹰嘴豆泥|hummus yingzuo 硬座|hard seat (on trains or boats) yinhai 银海|Yinhai district of Beihai city 北海市[Be... yinhai 银海|moviedom/the world of movies/film cir... yinhaiqu 银海区|Yinhai district of Beihai city 北海市[Be... yinhan 隐含|to contain in a concealed form/to kee... yinhan 银汉|Milky Way/also called 銀河|银河[Yin2 he2] yinhang 银行|bank/CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4] yinhang 印航|Air India (abbr.) yinhangduizhangdan 银行对账单|bank statement yinhanggaoge 引吭高歌|to sing at the top of one\'s voice (id... yinhangjia 银行家|banker yinhangka 银行卡|bank card/ATM card yinhangye 银行业|banking yinhangyewu 银行业务|banking yinhanshu 隐函数|implicit function yinhao 引号|quotation mark (punct.) yinhao 音耗|message yinhaowan 引号完|unquote/end of quote yinhaowanbi 引号完毕|unquote/end of quote yinhe 银河|Milky Way yinhe 阴核|clitoris yinhe 引河|irrigation channel yinhe 印盒|seal case/box for seal and ink pad yinhen 印痕|mark; print; impression yinhen 饮恨|to nurse a grievance/to harbor a grudge yinhentunsheng 饮恨吞声|to harbor a grudge with deep-seated h... yinhexi 银河系|Milky Way Galaxy/the galaxy (our galaxy) yinhexingyun 银河星云|a galactic nebula yinhong 银红|pink/silvery red/pale rose color yinhongxu 殷弘绪|François Xavier d\'Entrecolles (1664-1... yinhouchangweishanque 银喉长尾山雀|(bird species of China) silver-throat... yinhu 银狐|silver or black fox (Vulpes alopex ar... yinhu 阴户|vulva yinhu 寅虎|Year 3, year of the Tiger (e.g. 2010) yinhua 印花|tax stamp/to print a pattern or desig... yinhua 淫画|obscene picture yinhuan 隐患|a danger concealed within sth/hidden ... yinhuanghuang 银晃晃|silver glitter yinhuashui 印花税|stamp duty yinhuazhiwu 隐花植物|Cryptogamae/cryptogamous plant (botan... yinhui 隐晦|vague/ambiguous/veiled/obscure yinhui 淫秽|obscene; indecent; bawdy yinhui 银辉|radiance/silver white sheen yinhui 隐讳|to hold back from saying precisely wh... yinhui 阴晦|overcast/gloomy yinhuihao 隐讳号|cross symbol (×), used to replace a c... yinhun 阴魂|ghost/spirit yinhun 隐婚|to be married but keep it secret from... yinhun 银婚|silver wedding (25th wedding annivers... yinhun 阴婚|ghost marriage (in which one or both ... yinhunbusan 阴魂不散|lit. the soul of a deceased has not y... yinhuo 引火|to kindle/to light a fire yinhuochai 引火柴|kindling yinhuodefu 因祸得福|to have some good come out of a bad s... yinhuoshaoshen 引火烧身|to invite trouble yinhuoxian 引火线|fuse (for explosives)/(fig.) proximat... yini 旖旎|(literary) charming; enchanting; pict... yinian 翌年|the following year/the next year yinian 意念|idea/thought yinian 疑念|doubt yinianban 一年半|a year and a half yinianbanzai 一年半载|about a year yinianbeisheyaoshinianpajingsheng 一年被蛇咬十年怕井绳|once bitten by a snake, one is scared... yiniandaotou 一年到头|all year round yinianduo 一年多|more than a year yiniang 姨娘|maternal aunt/father\'s concubine (old) yinianqi 一年期|one year period (in a contract or bud... yiniansheng 一年生|annual (botany) yiniansiji 一年四季|all year round yinianyiwu 意念移物|telekinesis yinianzhicha 一念之差|momentary slip/false step/ill-conside... yinianzhijizaiyuchun 一年之计在于春|the whole year must be planned for in... yiniao 遗尿|bed-wetting yiniao 益鸟|beneficial bird (esp. one that preys ... yining 伊宁|Yining city and county or Ghulja nahi... yiningshi 伊宁市|Gulja or Yining city in Xinjiang, cap... yiningxian 伊宁县|Yining County or Ghulja nahiyisi in I... yinite 伊尼特|Virgil\'s Aeneid (epic about the found... yiniyasi 伊尼亚斯|Aeneas yiniyide 伊尼伊德|Aeneid yinji 印记|imprint/trace yinji 阴极|cathode/negative electrode (i.e. emit... yinji 印迹|footprint yinji 隐疾|an unmentionable illness (e.g. venere... yinji 隐迹|hidden tracks yinji 音级|a note on a musical scale yinjia 印加|Inca (South American Indians) yinjian 印鉴|seal impression/stamp/mark from a sea... yinjian 引见|to introduce (sb)/(esp.) to present t... yinjian 阴间|the nether world/Hades/(neologism) (s... yinjian 淫贱|morally loose, lewd and low, lascivio... yinjian 引荐|to recommend sb; to give a referral yinjiang 印江|Yinjiang Tujia and Miao Autonomous Co... yinjiang 银奖|silver medal yinjiang 银匠|silversmith yinjiangtujiazumiaozuzizhixian 印江土家族苗族自治县|Yinjiang Tujia and Miao Autonomous Co... yinjiangxian 印江县|Yinjiang Tujia and Miao Autonomous Co... yinjianhui 银监会|China Banking Regulatory Commission (... yinjiao 引脚|lead/pin (computer hardware) yinjiaoju 银胶菊|guayule (Parthenium argentatum)/congr... yinjie 音节|syllable yinjie 音阶|musical scale yinjie 印戒|signet ring (cell) yinjieti 音节体|syllabic script yinjimaiming 隐迹埋名|to live incognito yinjin 引进|to recommend/to introduce (from outside) yinjing 阴茎|penis yinjing 窨井|manhole; inspection chamber yinjing 引颈|to crane one\'s neck/(fig.) with one\'s... yinjing 阴精|sex fluids yinjing 阴径|erroneous variant of 陰莖|阴茎[yin1jing4] yinjing 淫径|(old) see 邪路[xie2lu4] yinjinggai 窨井盖|manhole cover yinjingjiulu 引颈就戮|to extend one\'s neck in preparation f... yinjingjudian 引经据典|lit. to quote the classics/to quote c... yinjingtao 阴茎套|condom/CL:隻|只[zhi1] yinjishexianguan 阴极射线管|cathode ray tube yinjiu 饮酒|to drink wine yinjiu 引咎|to take the blame/to accept responsib... yinjiucizhi 引咎辞职|to admit responsibility and resign yinjiujiache 饮酒驾车|drink and drive (moderately high bloo... yinjiuzuole 饮酒作乐|drinking party/to go on a binge/to pa... yinjixie 音集协|China Audio-Video Copyright Associati... yinju 隐居|to live in seclusion yinjue 引决|to commit suicide yinjunzi 瘾君子|opium eater/drug addict/chain smoker yinjunzi 隐君子|recluse/hermit/used for homophone 癮君子... yinkai 引开|to lure away/to divert yinkuo 檃栝|straightening machine/also pr. [yin3 ... yinlang-rushi 引狼入室|lit. to show the wolf into the house ... yinle 淫乐|vice/degenerate pleasures yinleng 阴冷|gloomy and cold yinli 引力|gravitation (force)/attraction yinli 阴历|lunar calendar yinli 引理|(math.) lemma yinlian 银联|UnionPay/CUP yinlianchangweishanque 银脸长尾山雀|(bird species of China) sooty bushtit... yinliang 音量|loudness/volume yinliang 阴凉|shady yinliang 银两|silver (as currency) yinliang 荫凉|shady and cool yinliang 银亮|shiny bright as silver yinliangchu 阴凉处|shady place yinlianhua 银莲花|anemone yinliao 饮料|drink/beverage yinlibo 引力波|gravitational wave yinlichang 引力场|gravitational field yinlichengbian 因利乘便|(idiom) to rely on the most favorable... yinling 引领|to crane one\'s neck/to await eagerly/... yinliu 引流|to draw off (liquid)/(medicine) to pe... yinliu 银柳|pussy willow yinliuhuaiyuan 饮流怀源|lit. when you drink water, think of i... yinlizi 阴离子|negative ion/anion (physics) yinlou 银楼|silverware store/jewelry center yinloujiujian 因陋就简|crude but simple methods (idiom); use... yinlu 引路|to guide/to show the way yinluan 淫乱|promiscuous yinlv 音律|tuning; temperament/music yinmai 阴霾|haze yinman 隐瞒|to conceal/to hide (a taboo subject)/... yinmanbubao 隐瞒不报|to cover up (a matter that should be ... yinmao 阴毛|pubic hair yinmei 淫媒|procurer/pimp yinmeizui 淫媒罪|(law) procuring/pimping yinmen 阴门|vulva/pudenda yinmi 隐秘|secret; hidden yinmi 隐密|secret; hidden yinmi 淫靡|profligate/extravagantly showy/(of mu... yinmian 阴面|shady side/dark side yinmie 隐灭|to fade away/to vanish/to disappear yinminanyan 隐秘难言|too embarrassing to mention yinming 音名|names of the notes of a musical scale... yinmingmaixing 隐名埋姓|to conceal one\'s identity/living inco... yinmo 淫魔|lewd demon/lecher/pervert yinmo 隐没|to vanish gradually/to disappear/to f... yinmou 阴谋|to conspire; to plot/a conspiracy; a ... yinmoudianfuzhengfuzui 阴谋颠覆政府罪|the crime of conspiracy to overthrow ... yinmouguiji 阴谋诡计|crafty plots and machinations (idiom) yinmoujia 阴谋家|schemer/conspirator yinmoulun 阴谋论|conspiracy theory yinmu 银幕|movie screen yinnang 阴囊|scrotum yinni 印尼|Indonesia (abbr. for 印度尼西亞|印度尼西亚[Yin4... yinni 印泥|red ink paste used for seal yinni 隐匿|to cover up/to hide/to conceal yinnian 淫念|lust yinnidun 印尼盾|Indonesian rupiah yinniu 印纽|decorated knob protruding from seal, ... yinniu 印钮|decorated knob protruding from seal, ... yinniute 因纽特|Inuit yinniyu 印尼语|Indonesian language yinnongzhong 龈脓肿|gumboil yinnuyite 因努伊特|Inuit yinou 银鸥|(bird species of China) European herr... yinouren 印欧人|Indo-European (person) yinouwen 印欧文|Indo-European (language) yinouyu 印欧语|Indo-European (language) yinouyuxi 印欧语系|Indo-European family of languages yinouyuyan 印欧语言|Indo-European (language) yinpai 银牌|silver medal/CL:枚[mei2] yinpan 银盘|silver plate/galactic disc yinpi 阴屁|queef yinpiao 银票|(in former times) banknote with a val... yinpin 音频|audio/sound/audio frequency/sound fre... yinpin 饮品|beverage yinping 银屏|television/TV screen/the silver screen yinping 阴平|high and level tone, the first tone o... yinping 银瓶|silver bottle yinpingsheng 阴平声|high and level tone, the first tone o... yinpinshebei 音频设备|audio equipment yinpinwenjian 音频文件|audio file (computer) yinpu 印谱|collection of seal stamps yinpushan 尹潽善|Yun Poseon (1897-1990), South Korean ... yinqi 引起|to give rise to; to lead to; to cause... yinqi 银器|silverware yinqi 饮泣|(literary) to weep in silence yinqian 银钱|silver money (in former times) yinqiao 引桥|bridge approach yinqidongwuxue 隐栖动物学|cryptozoology yinqie 殷切|ardent/eager/earnest yinqin 殷勤|politely/solicitously/eagerly attentive yinqin 姻亲|relation by marriage; in-laws yinqing 引擎|engine (loanword)/CL:臺|台[tai2] yinqing 隐情|sth one wishes to keep secret/ulterio... yinqingbubao 隐情不报|not to report sth/to keep sth secret yinqinggai 引擎盖|(car) hood/bonnet yinqu 隐去|to disappear/to hide yinquan 隐颧|a skull with sunken cheek bone/crypto... yinran 印染|printing and dyeing yinran 引燃|to ignite/to start (a fire)/(fig.) to... yinran 隐然|a feint/a hidden way of doing sth yinran 阴燃|to burn without flame; to smolder yinran 隐燃|burning with no flame/fire beneath th... yinren 隐忍|to bear patiently/to endure silently/... yinrenbufa 隐忍不发|to keep one\'s emotions inside oneself... yinrenbuyan 隐忍不言|to keep one\'s emotions inside oneself... yinrenchengshi 因人成事|to get things done relying on others ... yinreneryi 因人而异|varying from person to person (idiom)... yinrenrusheng 引人入胜|to enchant/fascinating yinrenzhumu 引人注目|to attract attention/eye-catching/con... yinrenzhuyi 引人注意|to attract attention/eye-catching/con... yinrong 音容|voice and features/(sb\'s) appearance yinrou 阴柔|gentle and reserved/soft/feminine yinru 引入|to draw into/to pull into/to introduce yinru 淫辱|fornication and insults/to rape and i... yinruci 因如此|because of this yinrumitu 引入迷途|to mislead/to lead astray yinse 银色|silver (color) yinse 音色|tone/timbre/sound color yinse 隐色|protective coloration (esp. of insect... yinsen 阴森|gloomy/sinister/eerie yinshan 阴山|Yin mountains in Inner Mongolia yinshang 殷商|final name of the Shang dynasty after... yinshe 隐射|(to fire) innuendo/to insinuate yinshechudong 引蛇出洞|lit. to pull a snake from its hole/to... yinshen 隐身|to hide oneself/invisible (person or ... yinshen 引申|to extend (the meaning of a word, an ... yinshencao 隐身草|legendary grass conferring invisibili... yinshencaor 隐身草儿|erhua variant of 隱身草|隐身草[yin3 shen1 c... yinshengzhou 隐生宙|Cryptozoic/geological eon before the ... yinshenyi 引申义|extended meaning (of an expression)/d... yinshi 饮食|eating and drinking/food and drink; diet yinshi 因式|factor/divisor (of a math. expression) yinshi 殷实|thriving/well-off/substantial yinshi 吟诗|to recite poetry yinshi 隐士|hermit yinshi 寅时|3-5 am (in the system of two-hour sub... yinshi 阴湿|dark and moist yinshi 阴虱|crab louse; pubic louse yinshi 隐事|a secret yinshi 洇湿|to soak yinshi 隐饰|a cover-up yinshi 音视|sound and video yinshifenjie 因式分解|factorization yinshijiang 银狮奖|Silver Lion, award at the Venice Film... yinshiliaoyang 饮食疗养|diet yinshilidao 因势利导|to take advantage of the new situatio... yinshipin 音视频|sound and video yinshizhiyi 因时制宜|(idiom) to use methods appropriate to... yinshou 印绶|sealed ribbon fastening correspondenc... yinshu 引述|to quote yinshu 因数|factor (of an integer)/divisor yinshu 印数|the amount of books etc printed at on... yinshu 淫书|obscene book/pornography yinshua 印刷|to print/printing yinshuaban 印刷版|printing plate/printed version (of a ... yinshuachang 印刷厂|printing house/print shop yinshuadianluban 印刷电路板|printed circuit board yinshuaji 印刷机|printing press yinshualiang 印刷量|print run yinshuan 音栓|(music) organ stop yinshuapin 印刷品|printed products yinshuashu 印刷术|printing/printing technology yinshuasuo 印刷所|printing press/printing office/printer yinshuati 印刷体|printed style (as opposed to cursive) yinshuaye 印刷业|typography/printing business yinshuazhe 印刷者|printer yinshui 饮水|drinking water yinshui 引水|to pilot a ship/to channel water/to d... yinshui 淫水|arousal fluid yinshuigongcheng 引水工程|water-induction engineering/irrigatio... yinshuiji 饮水机|water dispenser/water cooler/drinking... yinshuiqi 饮水器|water dispenser yinshuiruqiang 引水入墙|lit. to lead the water through the wa... yinshuisiyuan 饮水思源|lit. when you drink water, think of i... yinshukezao 印鼠客蚤|oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) yinsi 隐私|secrets/private business/privacy yinsi 阴私|shameful secret yinsi 阴司|hell/nether world yinsi 因私|private (i.e. not work-related 因公[yin... yinsibuluke 因斯布鲁克|Innsbruck, city in Austria yinsijuan 银丝卷|yin si juan, steamed bun from Shandon... yinsiquan 隐私权|privacy right yinsizu 银丝族|the older generation (respectful term... yinsong 吟诵|to read aloud/to recite rhythmically/... yinsu 因素|element/factor/CL:個|个[ge4] yinsu 音速|speed of sound yinsu 音素|phoneme yinsuo 阴桫|a hard wood yintai 印台|Yintai District of Tongchuan City 銅川市... yintai 印台|ink pad/stamp pad yintai 银苔|moss silver/silver in the form of fib... yintai 印太|Indo-Pacific (from 印度洋[Yin4 du4 yang2... yintaiqu 印台区|Yintai District of Tongchuan City 銅川市... yintan 银坛|moviedom/the world of movies/film cir... yintan 隐潭|hidden pond or pool yintang 印堂|the part of the forehead between the ... yintangxue 印堂穴|yintang, acupuncture point at the mid... yintewang 因特网|Internet yintewangtigongshang 因特网提供商|Internet service provider (ISP) yintian 阴天|cloudy day; overcast sky yintiao 银条|silver bar yintixiangshang 引体向上|chin-up (physical exercise) yintong 隐痛|hidden anguish; secret suffering/(med... yintou 瘾头|craving/addiction yintour 瘾头儿|erhua variant of 癮頭|瘾头[yin3 tou2] yintouyu 印头鱼|shark sucker (Echeneis naucrates) yintui 隐退|to retire (from society, esp. from po... yintui 引退|to retire from office/to resign yintuoluo 因陀罗|Indra (a Hindu deity) yinu 义怒|righteous anger yinuoqianjin 一诺千金|a promise worth one thousand in gold ... yinv 义女|adopted daughter yinv 异女|(Tw) heterosexual woman; straight woman yinwa 淫娃|dissolute girl/slut yinwei 因为|because/owing to/on account of yinwei 音位|phoneme yinwei 淫威|abuse of authority/tyrannical abuse yinwei 淫猥|obscene/indecent yinwei 隐位|cryptic epitope (immunology, a protei... yinwen 引文|quotation/citation yinxi 印玺|official seal/imperial or royal seal/... yinxi 因袭|to follow old patterns/to imitate exi... yinxi 隐袭|insidious yinxian 阴险|treacherous/sinister yinxian 引线|fuse (for an explosive device)/electr... yinxian 隐现|glimpse (of something hidden) yinxian 隐显|appearing and disappearing/dimly visi... yinxian 引嫌|to avoid arousing suspicions yinxianchuanzhen 引线穿针|to thread a needle/(fig.) to act as a... yinxiandula 阴险毒辣|treacherous and murderous yinxiang 音箱|loudspeaker box/speaker (audio equipm... yinxiang 音响|sound/acoustics/audio/hi-fi system/st... yinxiang 印象|impression (sth that stays in one\'s m... yinxiang 音像|audio and video/audiovisual yinxiang 引向|to lead to/to draw to/to steer towards yinxiangfen 印象分|points gained by making a good impres... yinxiangpai 印象派|impressionism yinxiangshebei 音响设备|sound equipment/stereo yinxiangxiaoguo 音响效果|sound effects yinxiangzhuyi 印象主义|impressionism yinxiangzuhe 音响组合|stereo system yinxiankuangjia 引线框架|(electronics) lead frame yinxianmubiao 隐显目标|intermittent target yinxiao 阴笑|to laugh evilly yinxiao 音效|sound effect yinxiaoshida 因小失大|to save a little only to lose a lot (... yinxie 银屑|silver chloride AgCL yinxie 淫亵|obscene yinxiebing 银屑病|psoriasis yinxieshu 隐写术|steganography yinxin 印信|official seal/legally binding seal yinxin 引信|fuze; detonator yinxin 音信|message yinxing 银杏|ginkgo yinxing 隐形|invisible yinxing 隐性|hidden/crypto-/recessive (gene) yinxing 阴性|negative/feminine yinxing 印行|to print and distribute/to publish yinxing 淫行|wanton or lascivious behavior/adulter... yinxingjiyin 隐性基因|recessive gene yinxingmaiming 隐姓埋名|to conceal one\'s identity/living inco... yinxingyanjing 隐形眼镜|contact lens/CL:隻|只[zhi1],副[fu4] yinxinxitong 引信系统|fuzing system yinxiongjiang 银熊奖|Silver Bear, award at the Berlin Inte... yinxiongkuozuiniao 银胸阔嘴鸟|(bird species of China) silver-breast... yinxiu 隐修|monasticism yinxiushi 隐修士|monk (Christian) yinxiuyuan 隐修院|monastery (Christian)/abbey yinxu 殷墟|Yinxu, ruins of Yinshang 殷商 city at A... yinxu 阴虚|deficiency of yin 陰|阴[yin1] (TCM) yinxu 引叙|reported speech (in grammar) yinxue 淫穴|pussy/cunt/twat yinxue 阴穴|cave/(coll.) vagina yinxue 隐血|occult blood (in medicine, fecal bloo... yinxuhuowang 阴虚火旺|an excess of heat caused by a deficie... yinxun 音讯|letters/mail/news/messages/correspond... yinxun 因循|to continue the same old routine/to c... yinxunshoujiu 因循守旧|(idiom) to continue in the same old r... yinya 喑哑|hoarse/raspy yinyan 引言|foreword/introduction yinyan 银燕|silver swallow/airplane (affectionate) yinyan 饮宴|banquet/dinner/drinking party/feast yinyan 龈炎|gingivitis yinyang 阴阳|yin and yang yinyang 银洋|flat silver (former coinage)/also wri... yinyangguaiqi 阴阳怪气|eccentric/peculiar/mystifying yinyanghetong 阴阳合同|a deal where the parties collude to s... yinyanghuo 淫羊藿|Epimedium, genus of herbaceous flower... yinyangjia 阴阳家|School of Yin-Yang of the Warring Sta... yinyanglaqiangtou 银样镴枪头|silvery spear point actually made of ... yinye 银叶|silver leaf yinyefeishi 因噎废食|lit. not eating for fear of choking (... yinyi 音译|transliteration (rendering phonetic v... yinyi 隐逸|to live in seclusion/reclusive/hermit... yinyi 淫逸|to indulge in/dissipation/debauchery yinyi 隐意|implied meaning yinyi 音义|sound and meaning yinyiheyi 音意合译|formation of a loanword using some ch... yinyin 隐隐|faint/indistinct yinyin 殷殷|earnest/ardent (hope etc) yinyin 龈音|alveolar sound (linguistics) yinyinchuochuo 隐隐绰绰|faint; indistinct yinying 阴影|(lit. and fig.) shadow yinying 隐映|to set off one another yinying 因应|to respond accordingly to/to adapt to... yinyinyueyue 隐隐约约|faint/distant/barely audible yinyinzuotong 隐隐作痛|to ache dully yinyiweiao 引以为傲|to be intensely proud of sth (idiom) yinyiweihan 引以为憾|to consider sth regrettable (idiom) yinyiweijian 引以为鉴|to take a lesson from (an adverse exp... yinyiweijie 引以为戒|to take sth as a warning (idiom)/to d... yinyiweirong 引以为荣|to regard it as an honor (idiom) yinyong 引用|to quote; to cite/to recommend; to ap... yinyong 饮用|drink/drinking or drinkable (water) yinyong 吟咏|to recite/to sing (of poetry) yinyongju 引用句|quotation yinyongshui 饮用水|drinking water; potable water yinyou 引诱|to coerce (sb into doing sth bad)/to ... yinyou 吟游|to wander as minstrel yinyou 隐忧|secret concern/private worry yinyou 因由|reason/cause/predestined relationship... yinyouqisheng 殷忧启圣|deep suffering can lead to enlightenm... yinyu 阴雨|overcast and rainy yinyu 淫欲|lust yinyu 阴郁|(of skies or one\'s mood) gloomy yinyu 音域|vocal range/register (music) yinyu 引语|quotation yinyu 银鱼|oriental whitebait/slender silvery-wh... yinyu 隐喻|metaphor yinyu 淫雨|excessive rain yinyu 霪雨|variant of 淫雨[yin2 yu3] yinyu 茵芋|Skimmia japonica yinyu 印鱼|shark sucker (Echeneis naucrates) yinyu 隐语|secret language/codeword yinyuan 姻缘|a marriage predestined by fate yinyuan 因缘|chance/opportunity/predestined relati... yinyuan 银元|flat silver (former coinage)/also wri... yinyuan 夤缘|to curry favor/to advance one\'s caree... yinyuan 银圆|flat silver (former coinage)/also wri... yinyuanpanfu 夤缘攀附|to cling to the rich and powerful (id... yinyue 音乐|music/CL:張|张[zhang1],曲[qu3],段[duan4] yinyue 隐约|vague/faint/indistinct yinyuedianshi 音乐电视|Music Television MTV yinyueguangdie 音乐光碟|music CD yinyuehui 音乐会|concert/CL:場|场[chang3] yinyuejia 音乐家|musician yinyuejie 音乐节|music festival yinyueju 音乐剧|(theater, cinema) a musical yinyueqici 隐约其辞|equivocal speech/to use vague or ambi... yinyueting 音乐厅|concert hall/auditorium yinyuexue 音乐学|musicology yinyuexueyuan 音乐学院|music academy/conservatory yinyueyuan 音乐院|conservatory/music college yinyuezhisheng 音乐之声|The Sound of Music, Broadway musical ... yinyun 氤氲|(literary) (of smoke, mist) dense; thick yinyun 音韵|music/rhyme and rhythm/initial, 音[yin... yinyun 阴云|dark cloud yinyun 𬘡缊|variant of 氤氳|氤氲[yin1 yun1] yinyunerhun 因孕而婚|(idiom) to marry because of an unplan... yinyunxue 音韵学|Chinese phonetics (concerned also wit... yinyuzhizhuan 引玉之砖|lit. a brick thrown to prompt others ... yinzhai 阴宅|(feng shui term) tomb yinzhang 印章|seal/signet/chop/stamp/CL:方[fang1] yinzhao 阴招|dirty trick yinzhao 引着|to ignite/to kindle yinzhen 银针|silver needle (fine needle used in ac... yinzheng 引证|to cite/to quote/to cite as evidence yinzheng 印证|to confirm; to corroborate; to verify... yinzheng 引征|quotation/citing/to cite/to reference yinzhenzhike 饮鸩止渴|lit. drinking poison in the hope of q... yinzhi 音质|tone/sound quality/timbre yinzhi 因之|for this reason yinzhi 银质|made of silver yinzhi 印制|to print/to produce (a publication) yinzhi 音值|phonetic value yinzhi 印支|abbr. for 印度支那[Yin4 du4 zhi1 na4] yinzhi 银制|made of silver yinzhi 阴骘|charitable acts performed in secret/h... yinzhi 阴鸷|malicious/treacherous yinzhidianlu 印制电路|printed circuit yinzhidianluban 印制电路板|printed circuit board yinzhijiang 银质奖|silver medal yinzhimaoliang 寅支卯粮|see 寅吃卯糧|寅吃卯粮[yin2 chi1 mao3 liang2] yinzhiqi 印支期|Indo-Chinese epoch (geology)/Indosini... yinzhong 隐衷|a secret/sth best not told to anyone/... yinzhong 引种|(agriculture, animal husbandry) to in... yinzhong 引种|(agriculture) to plant an introduced ... yinzhou 鄞州|Yinzhou district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁... yinzhou 银州|Yinzhou district of Tieling city 鐵嶺市|... yinzhouqu 鄞州区|Yinzhou district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁... yinzhouqu 银州区|Yinzhou district of Tieling city 鐵嶺市|... yinzi 银子|money/silver yinzi 因子|factor/(genetic) trait/(math.) factor... yinzi 印子|trace/impression (e.g. footprint)/abb... yinzi 引子|introduction/primer/opening words yinziqian 印子钱|usury/high interest loan (in former t... yinzuo 银座|Ginza (district in Tokyo) yinzuo 吲唑|indazole (chemistry) (loanword) yiou 遗鸥|(bird species of China) relict gull (... yipai 一排|row yipai-liangsan 一拍两散|(idiom) (of marriage or business part... yipaihuangyan 一派谎言|a pack of lies yipaihuyan 一派胡言|a bunch of nonsense yipaijihe 一拍即合|lit. to be together from the first be... yipang 一旁|aside/to the side of yipanqi 一盘棋|chessboard layout/(fig.) overall situ... yipansansha 一盘散沙|lit. like a sheet of loose sand/fig. ... yipao-daxiang 一炮打响|(idiom) to hit the jackpot with a sin... yipaoerhong 一炮而红|to win instant success (idiom)/to bec... yipiangaiquan 以偏概全|(lit.) to take a part for the whole/t... yipie 一瞥|glance/glimpse yipin 一品|superb/first-rate/(of officials in im... yipin 衣品|taste in clothes; dress sense; fashio... yiping 夷平|to level; to raze to the ground yipinguo 一品锅|dish containing a variety of meats an... yipingzibuxiang,banpingzihuangdang 一瓶子不响,半瓶子晃荡|lit. a full bottle makes no sound; a ... yipinhong 一品红|poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) yipinleidashoufaji 异频雷达收发机|transponder/electronic device that re... yipinruxi 一贫如洗|penniless yipinyixiao 一颦一笑|every frown and every smile yipu 艺圃|The Garden of Cultivation in Suzhou, ... yipushihan 一曝十寒|one day\'s sun, ten days\' frost (idiom... yipushihan 一暴十寒|one day\'s sun, ten days\' frost (idiom... yipuxilong 伊普西隆|epsilon (Greek letter Εε) yiqi 一起|(in) the same place/together; in comp... yiqi 仪器|instrument; apparatus/CL:臺|台[tai2] yiqi 以期|in order to/hoping to/attempting to/w... yiqi 遗弃|to leave/to abandon yiqi 一齐|at the same time/simultaneously yiqi 义气|spirit of loyalty and self-sacrifice/... yiqi 一气|at one go/at a stretch/for a period o... yiqi 彝器|ritual objects/sacral vessels yiqi 遗妻|widow/the deceased\'s widow yiqi-juechen 一骑绝尘|(idiom) to lead the pack by a wide ma... yiqian 以前|before/formerly/previous/ago yiqianbuzhi 一钱不值|not worth a penny; utterly worthless yiqiang 一腔|full of (zeal, anger etc) yiqianglingruo 以强凌弱|to use one\'s strength to bully the we... yiqiangmingzhong 一枪命中|(idiom) to hit with the first shot yiqianlingyiye 一千零一夜|The Book of One Thousand and One Nights yiqianruming 一钱如命|stingy; penny-pinching yiqiaobutong 一窍不通|lit. doesn\'t (even) enter a single ap... yiqibiao 仪器表|gauge yiqie 一切|everything/every/all yiqie 抑且|(literary) moreover/in addition yiqie 亦且|variant of 抑且[yi4 qie3] yiqiejiuxu 一切就绪|everything in its place and ready (id... yiqierujiu 一切如旧|everything as before yiqieshiwu 一切事物|everything yiqiexian 一切险|all risks (insurance) yiqiexiangqiankan 一切向钱看|to put money above everything else yiqifengfa 意气风发|(idiom) high-spirited; full of mettle yiqihecheng 一气呵成|to do something at one go/to flow smo... yiqin 依亲|(Tw) to be in the care of one\'s relat... yiqin 懿亲|(formal) close kin/closest relative yiqin 衣衾|burial clothes yiqinfangze 一亲芳泽|to get close to/to get on intimate te... yiqing 疫情|epidemic situation yiqing 移情|to redirect one\'s affections/(of lite... yiqingbielian 移情别恋|change of affection, shift of love (i... yiqingerbai 一清二白|perfectly clean/blameless/unimpeachab... yiqingerchu 一清二楚|to be very clear about sth (idiom) yiqingrushui 一清如水|lit. as clear as water (idiom)/fig. (... yiqingzao 一清早|early in the morning yiqinyihe 一琴一鹤|carrying very little luggage (idiom)/... yiqiongerbai 一穷二白|impoverished/backward both economical... yiqiqizi 遗妻弃子|to abandon wife and children yiqirenzhidao,huanzhiqirenzhishen 以其人之道,还治其人之身|to use an opponent\'s own methods to o... yiqiu 以求|in order to yiqiu 蚁丘|anthill yiqiuzhihe 一丘之貉|jackals of the same tribe (idiom); fi... yiqixiangtou 意气相投|congenial yiqiyongshi 意气用事|(idiom) to let emotions affect one\'s ... yiqizhi 一妻制|monogamy yiqizhixia 一气之下|in a fit of pique/in a fury yiqu 疫区|epidemic area yiqu 易趣|EachNet, Chinese e-commerce company (... yiqu 意趣|interest/point of particular charm an... yiqu 挹取|to ladle out/to scoop up yiqu 益趋|increasingly/more and more yiqu 移去|to move away yiquan 乙醛|acetaldehyde H3CCHO/ethanal yiquan 蚁醛|formaldehyde (HCHO) yiquanmousi 以权谋私|to use one\'s position for personal ga... yiquanyafa 以权压法|to abuse power to crush the law yiqubufufan 一去不复返|gone forever yiqubuhui 一去不回|gone forever yiqude 易取得|accessible yique 乙炔|acetylene/ethyne C2H2 yique 遗缺|vacancy yique 诣阙|(old) to go to the palace to see the ... yiqueyiguai 一瘸一拐|to limp/to hobble yiqun 衣裙|female clothing yiqun 逸群|above the common/outstanding/excellin... yiqun 轶群|variant of 逸群[yi4 qun2] yiqutonggong 异曲同工|different tunes played with equal ski... yiquwuyingzong 一去无影踪|gone without a trace yiran 怡然|happy/joyful yiran 依然|still; as before yiran 已然|already/to be already so; to have lon... yiran 毅然|firmly/resolutely/without hesitation yiran 夷然|calm yiranguwo 依然故我|to be one\'s old self (idiom)/to be un... yiranjueran 毅然决然|without hesitation/resolutely/firmly yiranrugu 依然如故|(idiom) back to where we were; absolu... yiranwu 易燃物|flammable substance yiranwupin 易燃物品|flammable articles yiranzide 怡然自得|happy and content (idiom) yiren 艺人|performing artist/actor yiren 伊人|(literary) that person (usually femal... yiren 薏仁|grains of Job\'s tears plant 薏苡[yi4 yi3] yiren 异人|eccentric/unusual person/talented ind... yiren 宜人|nice; pleasant; charming; hospitable ... yiren 义人|righteous man yiren 怡人|delightful yiren-dedao,jiquan-shengtian 一人得道,鸡犬升天|lit. when a person attains enlightenm... yirenfeiyan 以人废言|to reject a word because of the speak... yirenkoushi 贻人口实|to make oneself an object of ridicule yirenmingmingming 以人名命名|to name sth after a person/named afte... yirenweiben 以人为本|people-oriented yiri 翌日|next day yiribujian,rugesanqiu 一日不见,如隔三秋|one day apart seems like three years ... yiriburuyiri 一日不如一日|to be getting worse by the day yiriqianli 一日千里|lit. one day, a thousand miles (idiom... yirisancan 一日三餐|to have three meals a day yirisanqiu 一日三秋|a single day apart seems like three s... yiriweishi,zhongshenweifu 一日为师,终身为父|lit. teacher for one day, father for ... yirizhijizaiyuchen 一日之计在于晨|make your day\'s plan early in the mor... yirizhiya 一日之雅|lit. friends for a day (idiom)/fig. c... yirong 仪容|appearance yirong 遗容|the looks of the deceased (esp. in th... yirong 易容|to change one\'s appearance yirong 易溶|soluble yiroukegang 以柔克刚|to use softness to conquer strength (... yiru 一如|to be just like yiru-jiwang 一如既往|(idiom) just as in the past; as befor... yirufanzhang 易如反掌|easy as a hand\'s turn (idiom); very e... yirufanzhang 易如翻掌|see 易如反掌[yi4 ru2 fan3 zhang3] yiruiketiwengmiao 伊瑞克提翁庙|the Erechteum, Athens yiruoshengqiang 以弱胜强|using the weak to defeat the strong (... yirusuoliao 一如所料|as expected yiruwangchang 一如往常|as usual yiruyu 译入语|target language (for translation) yisa 以撒|Isaac (son of Abraham) yisage 依撒格|Issac (name) yisaikehu 伊塞克湖|Lake Issyk Kul in Kyrgyzstan yisaiyashu 以赛亚书|Book of Isaiah yisaka 伊萨卡|Ithaca, a Greek island/Ithaca NY, loc... yisan 逸散|(of gas, liquid, toxins, heat etc) to... yisaoerguang 一扫而光|to clear off/to make a clean sweep of yisaoerkong 一扫而空|to sweep clean/to clean out yisayiya 依撒意亚|Isaiah yisayiya 依撒依亚|Isaiah (Catholic transliteration) yise 抑塞|to repress/gloomy yiselie 以色列|Israel yiselieren 以色列人|an Israeli/an Israelite yiseshuying 异色树莺|(bird species of China) aberrant bush... yisha 一霎|in a flash yisha 缢杀|to strangle to death yishajian 一霎间|in a flash yishan 衣衫|clothing/unlined garment yishanbangshui 依山傍水|mountains on one side and water on th... yishanburongerhu 一山不容二虎|lit. the mountain can\'t have two tige... yishandaohai 移山倒海|lit. to move mountains and drain seas... yishanerguo 一闪而过|to flash past/to flit by yishang 衣裳|(coll.) clothes yishang 以上|that level or higher/that amount or m... yishanggour 衣裳钩儿|clothes hook yishannian 一闪念|sudden idea/flash of insight yishanzhi 移山志|the will to move mountains/fig. high ... yishaoshengduo 以少胜多|using the few to defeat the many (idi... yishashi 一霎时|in an instant yishayan 一霎眼|suddenly/in an instant yishe 疑涉|to be suspected of yishen 一审|first instance (law) yishen 一身|whole body/from head to toe/single pe... yishenbaoguo 以身报国|to give one\'s body for the nation (id... yishendizhai 以身抵债|forced labor to repay a debt yisheng 一生|all one\'s life; throughout one\'s life yisheng 医生|doctor/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] yisheng 一声|first tone in Mandarin (high, level t... yishengbukeng 一声不吭|to not say a word yishengbuxiang 一声不响|to keep totally silent/noiselessly yishengjun 益生菌|probiotics yishengyishi 一生一世|a whole lifetime (idiom); all my life yishenhan 一身汗|sweating all over yishenjiao 一神教|monotheistic religion/monotheism yishenliangyi 一身两役|one person taking on two tasks simult... yishenlun 一神论|monotheism/unitarianism (denying the ... yishenshidan 一身是胆|devoid of fear (idiom)/intrepid yishenshifa 以身试法|to challenge the law (idiom)/to knowi... yishenweijian 以慎为键|to take caution as the key (idiom); t... yishenxiangxu 以身相许|to give one\'s heart to/to devote one\'... yishenxuguo 以身许国|to dedicate oneself to the cause of o... yishenyigui 疑神疑鬼|to suspect everyone/overly suspicious yishenzuoze 以身作则|to set an example (idiom); to serve a... yishi 仪式|ceremony yishi 医师|doctor yishi 义士|high-minded and righteous person/patr... yishi 遗失|to lose; to leave behind (inadvertently) yishi 意识|consciousness; awareness/(usu. follow... yishi 一世|generation/period of 30 years/one\'s w... yishi 役使|to put to work (servant or animal)/to... yishi 逸事|anecdote/lost or apocryphal story abo... yishi 议事|to discuss official business yishi 轶事|variant of 逸事[yi4 shi4] yishi 伊始|outset/beginning yishi 移师|to move troops to/(fig.) to move to/t... yishi 异事|sth else/a separate matter/not the sa... yishi 衣食|clothes and food yishi 义式|(Tw) Italian-style yishi 衣饰|clothes and ornaments yishi 意式|Italian-style yishi 易事|easy task yishi 一时|a period of time/a while/for a short ... yishi 易逝|passing/transient/fugitive yishi 移时|for a while yishi-banke 一时半刻|(idiom) a short time; a little while yishi-wucheng 一事无成|(idiom) to have achieved nothing; to ... yishibaiergaozhong 以失败而告终|to succeed through failure/to achieve... yishibanhui 一时半会|a short time/a little while yishibanhuir 一时半会儿|a short time; a little while yishibansha 一时半霎|a short time/a little while yishibanshang 一时半晌|a short time/a little while yishidan 伊势丹|Isetan, Japanese department store yishidao 意识到|to be aware of; to realize yishidongwu 役使动物|draft animals/beasts of burden yishierfen 一式二份|in duplicate yishierniao 一石二鸟|to kill two birds with one stone (idiom) yishifumu 衣食父母|the people one depends upon for one\'s... yishijian 一时间|for a moment/momentarily yishijingjie 以示警戒|to serve as a warning (idiom) yishiliu 意识流|stream of consciousness (in literature) yishimankedagongsi 伊士曼柯达公司|Eastman Kodak Company (US film company) yishinaidong 意式奶冻|panna cotta yishipi 异食癖|pica (medicine) yishiricheng 议事日程|agenda yishitongren 一视同仁|to treat everyone equally favorably (... yishiweijian 以史为鉴|to learn from history (idiom) yishiwuyou 衣食无忧|not having to worry about clothes and... yishiwuyu 衣食无虞|not having to worry about food and cl... yishixingtai 意识形态|ideology yishixingtai 意识型态|variant of 意識形態|意识形态[yi4 shi2 xing2 t... yishiyi,ershier 一是一,二是二|lit. one is one, two is two (idiom)/f... yishiyiwen 轶事遗闻|anecdote (about historical person)/lo... yishiyiwen 逸事遗闻|variant of 軼事遺聞|轶事遗闻[yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2] yishiyuliang 一时瑜亮|two remarkable persons living at the ... yishizhongdi 一矢中的|to hit the target with a single shot/... yishizhuxing 衣食住行|clothing, food, housing and transport... yishizuchengqianguhen 一失足成千古恨|a single slip may cause everlasting s... yishou 一手|a skill/mastery of a trade/by oneself... yishou 易手|to change hands yishoubaoban 一手包办|to take care of a matter all by onese... yishoujiaoqian,yishoujiaohuo 一手交钱,一手交货|lit. one hand exchanges the cash, the... yishoulong 翼手龙|pterodactyl yishounangong 易守难攻|easily guarded, hard to attack yishouzhetian 一手遮天|lit. to hide the sky with one hand/to... yishu 艺术|art yishu 医术|medical expertise/art of healing yishu 遗书|posthumous writing/testament/suicide ... yishu 医书|medical book yishu 遗属|surviving family of the deceased yishu 依属|dependence yishu 忆述|to talk (or write) about one\'s recoll... yishuang 遗孀|widow yishuguan 艺术馆|art gallery; museum of art yishui 沂水|Yishui county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2... yishui 伊水|Yi river in west Henan, tributary of ... yishuir 一水儿|(coll.) of the same type/identical yishuixian 沂水县|Yishui county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2... yishujia 艺术家|artist/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] yishujie 艺术节|arts festival yishun 依顺|to comply yishun 一瞬|one instant/very short time/the twink... yishunjian 一瞬间|split second yishuo 异说|different opinion/dissident view/absu... yishuo 熠烁|to twinkle/to glimmer/to glisten yishuo 一说|an expression of opinion/according to... yishupian 艺术片|art film/art house film/CL:部[bu4] yishupin 艺术品|art piece/work of art/CL:件[jian4] yishushi 艺术史|art history yishuticao 艺术体操|rhythmic gymnastics yishuxueyuan 艺术学院|art institute/art and drama college yishuzaojie 艺术造街|city precinct with a streetscape crea... yisi 意思|idea/opinion/meaning/wish/desire/inte... yisi 疑似|to be suspected to be yisi 缢死|to execute by hanging/to hang oneself yisi 乙巳|forty-second year B6 of the 60 year c... yisibugou 一丝不苟|not one thread loose (idiom); strictl... yisibugua 一丝不挂|not wearing one thread (idiom); absol... yisifahan 伊斯法罕|Isfahan province and city in central ... yisilaji 以斯拉记|Book of Ezra yisilan 伊斯兰|Islam yisilanbao 伊斯兰堡|Islamabad, capital of Pakistan yisilanguo 伊斯兰国|Muslim countries/caliphate/Islamic St... yisilanjiao 伊斯兰教|Islam yisilanmabade 伊斯兰马巴德|Islamabad, capital of Pakistan (Tw) yisilanshengzhanzuzhi 伊斯兰圣战组织|Islamic Jihad (Palestinian armed fact... yisimaier 伊思迈尔|Ismail (name)/Shah Ismail I (1487-152... yisiman 伊斯曼|Eastman (name)/George Eastman (1854-1... yisimayi 易司马仪|Ismail (name)/Shāh Ismāil I (1487-152... yisimingzhi 以死明志|to demonstrate one\'s sincerity by dying yisipaniaola 伊斯帕尼奥拉|Hispaniola (Caribbean island includin... yisitanbao 伊斯坦堡|(Tw) Istanbul yisitanbuer 伊斯坦布尔|Istanbul, Turkey yisite 伊斯特|Istres (French town) yisitie 以斯帖|Esther (name) yisitieji 以斯帖记|Book of Esther yisiyihao 一丝一毫|one thread, one hair (idiom); a tiny ... yisiyisi 意思意思|to do a little something as a token o... yisong 移送|to transfer (a case, a person, files ... yisongfaban 移送法办|to bring to justice; to hand over to ... yisu 抑素|chalone (protein inhibiting cell prol... yisuan 乙酸|acetic acid (CH3COOH)/ethanoic acid yisuan 蚁酸|formic acid yisuangen 乙酸根|acetyl radical CH3COO- yisuanji 乙酸基|acetyl radical CH3COO- yisuanyan 乙酸盐|acetate CH3COO- yisui 易碎|brittle/fragile yisunxing 易损性|vulnerability yisuo 伊索|Aesop (trad. 620-560 BC), Greek slave... yisuobiya 衣索比亚|Ethiopia (Tw) yisuobiyajie 衣索比亚界|(Tw) Ethiopian Zone, aka Afrotropical... yita 伊塔|eta (Greek letter Ηη) yitahutu 一塌糊涂|muddled and completely collapsing (id... yitai 以太|Ether- yitai 仪态|bearing/deportment yitai 意态|bearing/attitude yitai 乙太|variant of 以太[yi3 tai4] yitaifang 以太坊|Ethereum yitaihua 一胎化|practice of allowing only one child p... yitaitai 姨太太|concubine yitaiwang 以太网|Ethernet yitaiwanglu 以太网路|Ethernet yitaiwangluo 以太网络|Ethernet yitaiwangluoduankou 以太网络端口|Ethernet port yitaizhi 一胎制|the one-child policy yitan 艺坛|art circles/art world yitang 饴糖|malt sugar/maltose yitangwofei 以汤沃沸|to manage a situation badly (idiom) yitanjiujing 一探究竟|to check out/to investigate yitansishui 一潭死水|a pool of stagnant water/stagnant or ... yitanzhiqing 一弹指顷|a snap of the fingers (idiom); in a f... yitao 一套|suit/a set/a collection/of the same k... yitelong 异特龙|allosaurus yiteng 伊藤|Itō or Itoh, Japanese surname/Ito-Yok... yitengbowen 伊藤博文|ITŌ Hirobumi (1841-1909), Japanese po... yiti 一体|an integral whole/all concerned/every... yiti 议题|topic of discussion/topic/subject/iss... yiti 遗体|remains (of a dead person) yiti 异体|variant form (of a Chinese character) yitiandaowan 一天到晚|all day long; the whole day yitiantulongji 倚天屠龙记|Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, wuxia ... yitianyigeyang 一天一个样|to change from day to day yitiaodaozoudaohei 一条道走到黑|to stick to one\'s ways/to cling to on... yitiaolong 一条龙|lit. one dragon/integrated chain/coor... yitiaolongfuwu 一条龙服务|one-stop service yitiaoluzoudaohei 一条路走到黑|lit. to follow one road until dark (i... yitiaoshengshangdemazha 一条绳上的蚂蚱|lit. grasshoppers tied together with ... yitiaoxin 一条心|to be of one mind/to think or act alike yitigaobieshi 遗体告别式|funeral yitihua 一体化|to integrate; to unify yitiliangmian 一体两面|(fig.) two sides of the same coin yitizi 异体字|variant Chinese character yitong 异同|comparison/differences and similarities yitong 一统|to unify/unified yitong 一同|together yitong 伊通|Yitong Manchurian autonomous county i... yitongbaitong 一通百通|grasp this fundamental point and all ... yitonghe 伊通河|Yitong River in Siping 四平[Si4 ping2],... yitonghuoshanqun 伊通火山群|Yitong volcanic area in Yitong Manchu... yitongmanzuzizhixian 伊通满族自治县|Yitong Manchurian autonomous county i... yitongxian 伊通县|Yitong Manchurian autonomous county i... yitongzhen 伊通镇|Yitong township, capital of Yitong Ma... yitongziranbaohuqu 伊通自然保护区|Yitong nature reserve in Yitong Manch... yitou 一头|one head/a head full of sth/one end (... yitoure 一头热|one-sided enthusiasm (abbr. for 剃頭挑子一... yitouwushui 一头雾水|to be confused/to be baffled yitouzaijin 一头栽进|to plunge into/to run headlong into yitu 意图|intent/intention/to intend yituan 疑团|doubts and suspicions/a maze of doubt... yituanheqi 一团和气|(idiom) to keep on the right side of ... yituanhuo 一团火|fireball; ball of fire yituanluanzao 一团乱糟|a chaotic mess yituanqihei 一团漆黑|pitch-dark/(fig.) completely in the d... yituanzao 一团糟|chaos/bungle/complete mess/shambles yitui 遗蜕|to shed skin/to leave one\'s mortal en... yituiliuerwu 一退六二五|see 一推六二五[yi1 tui1 liu4er4wu3] yituiliuerwu 一推六二五|1 divided by 16 is 0.0625 (abacus rul... yituo 依托|to rely on/to depend on/support yituo 医托|a shill for a clinic yituo 倚托|to rely upon yituo 倚托|variant of 倚托[yi3 tuo1] yituweikuai 一吐为快|to get sth off one\'s chest yiwa 伊娃|Eva (name) yiwai 意外|unexpected/accident/mishap/CL:個|个[ge4] yiwai 以外|apart from/other than/except for/exte... yiwaishigu 意外事故|accident yiwamendesi 伊娃·门德斯|Eva Mendes, American actress yiwan 亿万|millions and millions yiwan 乙烷|ethane (C2H6) yiwan 易弯|flexible yiwanfuhao 亿万富豪|multimillionaire yiwanfuweng 亿万富翁|billionaire/multimillionaire yiwang 遗忘|to forget; to cease to think about (s... yiwang 以往|in the past; formerly yiwang 已往|the past yiwangdajin 一网打尽|lit. to catch everything in the one n... yiwangerzhi 一望而知|(idiom) to be evident at a glance yiwangqingshen 一往情深|deeply attached/devoted yiwangwuji 一望无际|as far as the eye can see (idiom) yiwangwuqian 一往无前|to advance courageously (idiom)/to pr... yiwangwuyin 一望无垠|to stretch as far as the eye can see ... yiwangzheng 遗忘症|amnesia yiwangzhiqian 一往直前|see 一往無前|一往无前[yi1 wang3 wu2 qian2] yiwanka 伊万卡|Ivanka (name) yiwanshuiduanping 一碗水端平|lit. to hold a bowl of water level (i... yiwei 以为|to think (i.e. to take it to be true ... yiwei 异味|unpleasant odor yiwei 乙未|thirty-second year B8 of the 60 year ... yiwei 移位|to shift/shift/translocation/displace... yiwei 意味|meaning/implication/flavor/overtone/t... yiwei 一味|persistently; stubbornly; blindly yiwei 仪卫|guard of honor yiwei 蛜蝛|woodlouse/pill bug yiwei 一维|one-dimensional (math.) yiwei 依偎|to nestle against/to snuggle up to yiwei 意谓|to mean/meaning yiwei-zhizhu 以微知著|see 見微知著|见微知著[jian4wei1-zhi1zhu4] yiweiasuan 异维A酸|isotretinoin (used in acne treatment) yiweipingdi 夷为平地|to level/to raze to the ground yiweishenchang 意味深长|profound/significant/meaningful yiweizhe 意味着|to signify/to mean/to imply yiwen 译文|translated text yiwen 疑问|question/interrogation/doubt yiwen 逸闻|variant of 軼聞|轶闻[yi4 wen2] yiwen 轶闻|anecdote/apocryphal story yiwen 异文|variant character/loan word/variant w... yiwen 伊蚊|Aedes, a genus of mosquito yiwenbuming 一文不名|to be penniless yiwenbuzhi 一文不值|worthless (idiom)/no use whatsoever yiwendaici 疑问代词|interrogative pronoun (誰|谁, 什麼|什么, 哪兒... yiwenju 疑问句|question (grammar)/interrogative sent... yiwensanbuzhi 一问三不知|lit. to reply \"don\'t know\" whatever t... yiwo 蚁窝|ant nest yiwofeng 一窝蜂|like a swarm of bees; in droves (used... yiwokan 依我看|in my opinion yiwolaikan 依我来看|as I see it/in my opinion yiwu 义乌|Yiwu, county-level city in Jinhua 金華|... yiwu 异物|rarity/rare delicacy/foreign matter/a... yiwu 衣物|clothing/clothing and other personal ... yiwu 遗物|remnant yiwu 医务|medical affairs yiwu 贻误|to affect adversely/to delay or hinde... yiwu 伊吾|Yiwu County in Hami 哈密市[Ha1 mi4 Shi4]... yiwu 义务|duty; obligation (CL:項|项[xiang4])/vol... yiwubabituo 异戊巴比妥|amobarbital (drug) (loanword) yiwuerxi 异戊二烯|isoprene yiwufangu 义无反顾|honor does not allow one to glance ba... yiwugongzuozhe 义务工作者|volunteer/voluntary worker yiwugui 衣物柜|locker/lockable compartment yiwujiaoyu 义务教育|compulsory education yiwurenyuan 医务人员|medical personnel yiwushi 义乌市|Yiwu, county-level city in Jinhua 金華|... yiwushi 医务室|infirmary/sick bay/CL:個|个[ge4] yiwushichu 一无是处|(idiom) not one good point; everythin... yiwusuo 医务所|clinic/CL:家[jia1] yiwusuochang 一无所长|not having any special skill/without ... yiwusuodong 一无所动|totally unaffected/unimpressed yiwusuohuo 一无所获|to gain nothing/to end up empty-handed yiwusuowen 一无所闻|unheard of yiwusuoyou 一无所有|not having anything at all (idiom); u... yiwusuozhi 一无所知|(idiom) not knowing anything at all; ... yiwuxian 伊吾县|Yiwu County in Hami 哈密市[Ha1 mi4 Shi4]... yiwuxiangjiao 异戊橡胶|isoprene rubber yiwuxiangyiwu 一物降一物|lit. one object bests another object/... yiwuyishi 一五一十|lit. count by fives and tens (idiom);... yiwuyiwu 以物易物|to barter/barter yixi 乙烯|ethylene/vinyl yixi 以西|to the west of (suffix) yixi 依稀|vaguely/dimly/probably/very likely yixi 议席|seat in a parliament or legislative a... yixi 一夕|overnight; instantly; very quickly yixia 一下|(used after a verb) give it a go/to d... yixia 以下|that level or lower/that amount or le... yixiafanshang 以下犯上|to disrespect one\'s superiors/to offe... yixian 黟县|Yi County in Huangshan 黃山|黄山[Huang2sh... yixian 乙酰|acetyl (chemistry) yixian 胰腺|pancreas yixian 易县|Yi county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], ... yixian 义县|Yi county in Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, Liaoning yixian 一线|front line yixian 彝宪|laws/regulations/rules yixian-shengji 一线生机|(idiom) a chance of survival; a fight... yixiananbiluowantong 乙酰胺吡咯烷酮|piracetam (C6H10N2O2) yixiandanjian 乙酰胆碱|acetylcholine ACh (amine related to v... yixiang 意向|intention/purpose/intent/inclination/... yixiang 意象|image/imagery yixiang 异乡|foreign land/a place far from home yixiang 异象|(religion) a vision/strange phenomenon yixiang 臆想|subjective idea yixiang 遗像|portrait of the deceased yixiang 一向|a period of time in the recent past/(... yixiang 义项|sense (of a word) yixiang 异响|unusual sound; strange noise/to make ... yixiang 异像|extraordinary image yixiang 异香|rare perfume yixiang-tiankai 异想天开|(idiom) to imagine the wildest thing;... yixiangbudao 意想不到|unexpected/previously unimagined yixiangduzhe 以飨读者|for the benefit of the reader yixiangkuang 臆想狂|mythomaniac yixiangpubi 异香扑鼻|exotic odors assail the nostrils (idiom) yixiangqingyuan 一厢情愿|one\'s own wishful thinking yixiangqingyuan 一相情愿|one\'s own wishful thinking yixiangren 异乡人|stranger yixiangshu 意向书|letter of intent (LOI) (commerce) yixiangzheng 臆想症|mythomania yixianlong 义县龙|Yixianosaurus, genus of theropod dino... yixianweiguang 一线微光|gleam yixianxiwang 一线希望|a gleam of hope yixianyan 胰腺炎|pancreatitis yixianzhige 一线之隔|a fine line/a fine distinction yixianzhijian 一线之间|a hair\'s breadth apart/a fine line/a ... yixiao 贻笑|to be ridiculous/to make a fool of on... yixiao 艺校|abbr. for 藝術學校|艺术学校/art school yixiaobufen 一小部分|a small part; a small section yixiaocuo 一小撮|handful (of) yixiaodafang 贻笑大方|to make a fool of oneself/to make one... yixiaofangjia 贻笑方家|a novice making a fool of himself/to ... yixiaojida 以小挤大|minor projects eclipse major ones (id... yixiaoliaozhi 一笑了之|to laugh away (instead of taking seri... yixiaorenzhixin,duojunzizhifu 以小人之心,度君子之腹|to gauge the heart of a gentleman wit... yixiaozhenr 一小阵儿|very brief period of time yixiaozhizhi 一笑置之|to dismiss with a laugh/to make light of yixiar 一下儿|erhua variant of 一下[yi1 xia4] yixiaruhe 意下如何|how about it?/what do you think? yixiazi 一下子|in a short while/all at once/all of a... yixie 一些|some/a few/a little/(following an adj... yixie 译写|to translate/to render foreign words/... yixihua 一席话|the content of a conversation/words/r... yixiji 乙烯基|vinyl/vinyl group (chemistry) yixijieshu 以西结书|Book of Ezekiel yixilie 一系列|a series of/a string of yixin 一心|wholeheartedly/heart and soul yixin 疑心|suspicion/to suspect yixin 异心|disloyalty/infidelity yixin 奕䜣|Grand Prince Yixin (1833-1898), sixth... yixinduoyong 一心多用|to multitask yixineryong 一心二用|to do two things at once (idiom)/to m... yixing 宜兴|Yixing, county-level city in Wuxi 無錫|... yixing 异性|the opposite sex/of the opposite sex/... yixing 异形|not the usual type/atypical/heterotype yixing 乙型|type B/type II/beta- yixing 意兴|interest/enthusiasm yixing 义行|virtuous deed yixing 一行|party/delegation yixingbandian 一星半点|just the tiniest bit/a hint of yixingci 异形词|variant spelling of the same Chinese ... yixingganyan 乙型肝炎|hepatitis B yixinglian 异性恋|heterosexuality/heterosexual love yixinglianzhuyi 异性恋主义|heterosexism yixingnaoyan 乙型脑炎|epidemic encephalitis B, aka Japanese... yixingshi 宜兴市|Yixing, county-level city in Wuxi 無錫|... yixingsuoran 意兴索然|to have no interest in sth yixingxiangxi 异性相吸|opposite polarities attract/(fig.) op... yixingxingjiechu 异性性接触|heterosexual sex yixingyangshou 颐性养寿|to take care of one\'s spirit and keep... yixinyide 一心一德|of one heart and one mind (idiom) yixinyiyi 一心一意|concentrating one\'s thoughts and effo... yixiong 疑凶|suspected of murder/criminal suspect yixishujing 一夕数惊|lit. one scare after another in a sin... yixiu 衣袖|the sleeve of a garment yixiu 宜秀|Yixiu, a district of Anqing City 安慶市|... yixiuqu 宜秀区|Yixiu, a district of Anqing City 安慶市|... yixizhidi 一席之地|(acknowledged) place/a role to play/n... yixu 依序|in order; sequentially yixu 以叙|Israel-Syria yixudaishi 以虚带实|to let correct ideology guide practic... yixue 医学|medicine/medical science/study of med... yixue 蚁穴|ant nest yixue 易学|study of the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi... yixue 易学|easy to learn yixue 义学|free school (old) yixue 一血|(gaming) first blood yixueboshi 医学博士|doctor of medicine yixuejia 医学家|medical scientist yixuejianyan 医学检验|medical laboratory technology yixuejianyanshi 医学检验师|medical technologist yixuejiuhui 一学就会|to pick up (a skill) in a very short ... yixueqianchi 一雪前耻|to wipe away a humiliation (idiom) yixuexi 医学系|medical school yixueyuan 医学院|medical school yixuezhongxin 医学中心|medical center yixuezhuanjia 医学专家|medical expert/medical specialist yixun 依循|to follow; to comply yixun 遗训|wishes of the deceased yixun 彝训|regular exhortations yiyahuanya 以牙还牙|a tooth for a tooth (retaliation) yiyan 一眼|a glance/a quick look/a glimpse yiyan 遗言|words of the deceased/last words of t... yiyan 义演|benefit performance/charity show yiyan 一言|one sentence/brief remark yiyan 异言|dissenting words yiyan 异焉|feeling surprised at sth yiyan 贻燕|to leave peace for the future generat... yiyan 翳眼|cataract yiyanbufa 一言不发|to not say a word (idiom) yiyanbuhe 一言不合|(idiom) to have a disagreement; to cl... yiyanchaobaizong 一言抄百总|to cut a long story short yiyandaifa 以言代法|to substitute one\'s words for the law... yiyandaifa,yiquanyafa 以言代法,以权压法|to substitute one\'s words for the law... yiyang 一样|same/like/equal to/the same as/just like yiyang 异样|difference/peculiar yiyang 益阳|see 益陽市|益阳市[Yi4yang2 Shi4] yiyang 颐养|to nourish/to nurture/to strengthen yiyang 弋阳|Yiyang county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi yiyang 宜阳|Yiyang county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan yiyang 抑扬|modulation (rising and falling pitch)... yiyangduncuo 抑扬顿挫|see 頓挫抑揚|顿挫抑扬[dun4 cuo4 yi4 yang2] yiyangge 抑扬格|iambic yiyanghuadan 一氧化氮|nitric oxide yiyanghuaerdan 一氧化二氮|nitrous oxide N2O/laughing gas yiyanghuahulu 依样画葫芦|lit. to draw a gourd from the model (... yiyanghuatan 一氧化碳|carbon monoxide CO yiyangji 乙氧基|ethoxy (chemistry) yiyangshi 益阳市|Yiyang, prefecture-level city in Huna... yiyangtiannian 颐养天年|lit. to nurture one\'s years (idiom)/f... yiyangxian 宜阳县|Yiyang county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan yiyangxian 弋阳县|Yiyang county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi yiyanhuanyan 以眼还眼|an eye for an eye (idiom); fig. to us... yiyanhuanyan,yiyahuanya 以眼还眼,以牙还牙|an eye for an eye, a tooth for a toot... yiyanjichu,simananzhui 一言既出,驷马难追|lit. once said, a team of horses cann... yiyanjiuding 一言九鼎|one word worth nine sacred tripods (i... yiyankanchuan 一眼看穿|to see through something at first gla... yiyannanjin 一言难尽|hard to explain in a few words (idiom... yiyanqianjin 一言千金|one word worth a thousand in gold (id... yiyantang 一言堂|(sign hung in a shop) prices fixed – ... yiyanwangqu 一眼望去|as far as the eye can see yiyanweiding 一言为定|(idiom) it\'s a deal/that\'s settled then yiyanweizhong 一言为重|each word carries weight/a promise mu... yiyanyibizhi 一言以蔽之|one word says it all (idiom, from Ana... yiyanyidong 一言一动|(one\'s) every word and deed (idiom) yiyanyixing 一言一行|every word and action (idiom) yiyanyuese 怡颜悦色|happy countenance yiyanzhi 易言之|in other words yiyao 医药|medical care and medicines/medicine (... yiyao 熠耀|to shine/to glitter yiyaofenli 医药分离|separating medical consultation from ... yiyaoshangdian 医药商店|chemist/druggist/pharmacy yiyaoxue 医药学|medical science yiyaoyangyi 以药养医|\"drugs serving to nourish doctors\", p... yiye 肄业|to attend (a school)/to drop out (of ... yiye 胰液|pancreatic fluid yiye 诣谒|to pay a visit to yiye-wumian 一夜无眠|to have a sleepless night yiyebaohong 一夜爆红|to become popular overnight yiyelushui 一夜露水|one-night stand/ephemeral yiyeqi 移液器|pipette yiyeqing 一夜情|one night stand yiyesheng 肄业生|dropout student yiyezhangmu 一叶障目|lit. eyes obscured by a single leaf (... yiyezhengshu 肄业证书|certificate of partial completion/cer... yiyezhijian 一夜之间|(lit. and fig.) overnight yiyezhiqiu 一叶知秋|lit. the falling of one leaf heralds ... yiyi 一意|focus/with complete devotion/stubbornly yiyi 意义|sense/meaning/significance/importance... yiyi 熠熠|glistening/bright yiyi 异议|objection/dissent yiyi 一一|one by one; one after another yiyi 依依|reluctant to part/(of grass etc) soft... yiyi 薏苡|Job\'s tears plant (Coix lacryma-jobi)... yiyi 翼翼|cautious/prudent yiyi 意译|meaning (of foreign expression)/trans... yiyi 疑义|a doubtful point yiyi 异义|differing opinion yiyi 义译|to translate a term into Chinese usin... yiyibianhua 意义变化|change of meaning yiyibushe 依依不舍|reluctant to part (idiom); broken-hea... yiyidailao 以逸待劳|to wait at one\'s ease for the exhaust... yiyidaishui 一衣带水|(separated only by) a narrow strip of... yiyiduiying 一一对应|one-to-one correspondence yiyifeng 译意风|simultaneous interpretation facilitie... yiyifenzi 异议分子|dissidents/dissenting faction yiyiguanzhi 一以贯之|(idiom) (of a principle, purpose etc)... yiyiguxing 一意孤行|obstinately clinging to one\'s course ... yiyiji 以亿计|to number in the thousands yiyin 意淫|to fantasize; (esp.) to have a sexual... yiyin 译音|phonetic transcription/transliteration yiyinerjin 一饮而尽|to drain the cup in one gulp (idiom) yiying 一应|all/every yiyingjuquan 一应俱全|with everything needed available yiyirenshi 异议人士|dissident yiyiyuwan 以一驭万|to control a key point is to be maste... yiyizhe 异议者|dissenter/dissident yiyizhiyi 以夷制夷|to use foreigners to subdue foreigner... yiyong 义勇|courageous in fighting for a just cause yiyong 移用|to use (sth) for a purpose other than... yiyongerru 一拥而入|to swarm in (of people etc) (idiom) yiyongershang 一拥而上|to swarm around/flocking (to see) yiyongjun 义勇军|volunteer army yiyongjunjinxingqu 义勇军进行曲|March of the Volunteer Army (PRC Nati... yiyongxing 易用性|ease of use/usability yiyou 乙酉|twenty-second year B10 of the 60 year... yiyou 益友|helpful friend/wise companion yiyou 夷犹|to hesitate yiyouwang 易游网|ezTravel, Taiwanese travel agency yiyouweijin 意犹未尽|to wish to continue sth/to have not f... yiyu 易于|very likely/prone to yiyu 异域|foreign country/alien land yiyu 抑郁|depressed; despondent; gloomy yiyu 呓语|to talk in one\'s sleep/crazy talk yiyu 意欲|to intend to/intention; desire yiyu 宜于|to be suitable for yiyu 逸豫|idleness and pleasure yiyu 译语|target language (linguistics) yiyu 熠煜|to shine/to glitter yiyu 刈羽|Kariba or Kariwa, Japanese name/Kariw... yiyu 疑狱|a hard legal case to judge yiyu 衣鱼|silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) yiyuan 医院|hospital/CL:所[suo3],家[jia1],座[zuo4] yiyuan 意愿|aspiration/wish (for)/desire yiyuan 议员|member (of a legislative body)/repres... yiyuan 议院|parliament/congress/legislative assembly yiyuan 沂源|Yiyuan county in Zibo 淄博[Zi1 bo2], Sh... yiyuan 遗愿|final wishes of the departed yiyuan 一员|a member (of an organization) yiyuan 译员|interpreter/translator (esp. oral) yiyuan 一元|(math.) single-variable; univariate yiyuanchun 一元醇|methyl alcohol CH3OH yiyuanduobeiti 异源多倍体|allopolyploid (polyploid with chromos... yiyuanfushi 一元复始|a new year begins (idiom) yiyuanhua 一元化|integration/integrated; unified yiyuanjun 衣原菌|Chlamydia yiyuanlun 一元论|monism, belief that the universe is m... yiyuanti 衣原体|Chlamydia (genus of intracellular par... yiyuanxian 沂源县|Yiyuan county in Zibo 淄博[Zi1 bo2], Sh... yiyubufa 一语不发|to not say a word (idiom) yiyubuping 抑郁不平|in a state of depression (idiom) yiyuchengchen 一语成谶|(idiom) to have one\'s words turn out ... yiyuchengqiu 一雨成秋|a sudden shower towards the end of su... yiyudaopo 一语道破|one word says it all (idiom)/to hit t... yiyue 一月|January/first month (of the lunar year) yiyue 怡悦|pleasant/happy yiyueerqi 一跃而起|to jump up suddenly/to bound up/to ri... yiyuefen 一月份|see 一月[Yi1yue4] yiyufanzhang 易于反掌|see 易如反掌[yi4 ru2 fan3 zhang3] yiyuhudi 伊于胡底|where will it stop? yiyun 依云|Evian, mineral water company/Évian-le... yiyun 疑云|a haze of doubts and suspicions yiyun 意蕴|inner meaning/implication/connotation yiyun 易孕|(of a woman) fertile/able to get preg... yiyupodi 一语破的|see 一語中的|一语中的[yi1 yu3 zhong4 di4] yiyushuangguan 一语双关|to make a pun/to have a double meanin... yiyuyanbiao 溢于言表|to exhibit one\'s feelings in one\'s sp... yiyuzheng 抑郁症|clinical depression yiyuzhongdi 一语中的|(idiom) to hit the mark with a commen... yizai 一再|repeatedly yizai 移栽|to transplant (horticulture, agricult... yizang 胰脏|pancreas yizangyan 胰脏炎|pancreatitis yizao 一早|early in the morning/at dawn yizao 臆造|to concoct/to dream up yize 一则|on the one hand yize-yixi,yize-yiyou 一则以喜,一则以忧|(idiom) happy on the one hand, but wo... yizeng 遗赠|to bequeath yizhaiyangzhai 以债养债|debt nurtures more debt (idiom) yizhan 驿站|relay station for post horses (old) yizhan 翼展|wingspan yizhan 一战|World War I (1914-1918) yizhan-shenshou 一展身手|to showcase one\'s talents; to display... yizhang 议长|chairman (of a legislative assembly)/... yizhang 宜章|Yizhang county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 z... yizhang 仪仗|ceremonial weaponry yizhang 依仗|to count on/to rely on yizhang 倚仗|to lean on/to rely on yizhang 姨丈|mother\'s sister\'s husband/husband of ... yizhangdui 仪仗队|honor guard/guard of honor/the banner... yizhangxian 宜章县|Yizhang county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 z... yizhanshi 一站式|one-stop (service, shop etc) yizhao 依照|according to; in light of yizhao 遗诏|posthumous edict (of former emperor) yizhao 遗照|picture of the deceased yizhaobeisheyao,shinianpajingsheng 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳|once bitten by a snake, ten years in ... yizhaobushen,manpanjieshu 一着不慎,满盘皆输|One careless move and the whole game ... yizhaoyixi 一朝一夕|lit. one morning and one evening (idi... yizhayan 一眨眼|in a wink yizhe 译者|translator (of writing) yizhe 依着|in accordance with yizheliangduan 一折两段|to split sth into two (idiom) yizhen 义诊|to provide free medical treatment/to ... yizhen 疑阵|a diversion/a feint attack to mislead... yizhen 一阵|a burst/a fit/a peal/a spell (period ... yizheng 仪征|Yizheng, county-level city in Yangzho... yizheng 议政|to discuss politics yizheng 癔症|hysteria yizhengciyan 义正辞严|(idiom) to speak forcibly out of a se... yizhengshi 仪征市|Yizheng, county-level city in Yangzho... yizhenjianxie 一针见血|lit. to draw blood on the first prick... yizhenzi 一阵子|a while/a spell/a short time/a burst yizhi 一直|straight (in a straight line)/continu... yizhi 一致|consistent; unanimous; in agreement/t... yizhi 遗址|ruins/historic relics yizhi 以至|down to/up to/to such an extent as to... yizhi 已知|known (to science) yizhi 移植|to transplant yizhi 意志|will; willpower; determination yizhi 医治|to treat (an illness)/medical treatment yizhi 抑制|to inhibit/to keep down/to suppress yizhi 遗志|the mission in life of a deceased per... yizhi 益智|to grow the intellect/Alpinia oxyphyl... yizhi 义肢|artificial limb/prosthesis yizhi 以致|to such an extent as to/down to/up to yizhi 意旨|intent/intention/will yizhi 抑止|to supress/to restrain yizhi 懿旨|an imperial decree yizhi 异质|heterogeneous yizhi 颐指|to order with the chin/to indicate wh... yizhi 移殖|variant of 移植[yi2 zhi2] yizhi 逸致|carefree mood yizhi 意指|to mean/to imply yizhi-banjie 一知半解|(idiom) to have a superficial knowled... yizhibaoyuan,yidebaode 以直报怨,以德报德|to repay kindness with kindness, and ... yizhiduxiu 一枝独秀|lit. only one branch of the tree is t... yizhifengshi 颐指风使|lit. to order people by pointing the ... yizhihaozhibubingyiweigong 医之好治不病以为功|doctors like to treat those who are n... yizhiji 抑制剂|suppressant/inhibitor yizhikongwen 一纸空文|a worthless piece of paper (idiom) yizhili 意志力|willpower yizhimei 抑制酶|inhibiting enzyme yizhiqianjin 一掷千金|lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold ... yizhiqishi 颐指气使|lit. to order people by pointing the ... yizhishoushu 移植手术|(organ) transplant operation yizhisuozai 义之所在|justice is to be found everywhere (id... yizhiti 异质体|variant yizhiwanglu 异质网路|heterogeneous network yizhiwanju 益智玩具|educational toy yizhiweishen 一之为甚|once is more than enough (idiom) yizhiweishen 一之谓甚|see 一之為甚|一之为甚[yi1 zhi1 wei2 shen4] yizhixing 一致性|consistency yizhixing 移植性|portability yizhixingxiaoying 一致性效应|consistency effect yizhiyilai 一直以来|in the past always/for a long time no... yizhiyu 以至于|down to/up to/to the extent that... yizhiyu 以致于|so that/to the point that yizhizi 一致字|(orthography) consistent words (e.g. ... yizhiziyuandingzhiqi 一致资源定址器|uniform resource locator (URL), i.e. ... yizhizuoyong 抑制作用|inhibition yizhong 异种|hetero-/variety yizhong 意中|according with one\'s wish or expectation yizhong 倚重|to rely heavily upon yizhong 义冢|potter\'s field/pauper\'s grave yizhong 一种|one kind of; one type of yizhong 乙种|beta- or type 2 yizhonglizi 乙种粒子|beta particle (electron, esp. high sp... yizhongren 意中人|sweetheart/one\'s true love/the person... yizhongshexian 乙种射线|beta ray (electron stream from radioa... yizhongshi 意中事|sth that is expected or wished for yizhongyitai 一中一台|one China and one Taiwan (policy) yizhongyuanze 一中原则|One-China principle, the official doc... yizhou 益州|name of old state in modern Sichuan yizhou 伊州|Tang dynasty province in modern Xinji... yizhou 一周|one week/all the way around/a whole c... yizhou 夷洲|name of an ancient barbarian country,... yizhou 裔胄|descendants/offspring yizhu 奕𬣞|given name of Qing Emperor Xianfeng 咸... yizhu 医嘱|prescription (medicine)/doctor\'s advice yizhu 译著|translated work yizhu 遗嘱|testament/will yizhu 遗著|posthumous work (of a writer) yizhu 移住|to migrate/to resettle yizhu 挹注|to shift resources into areas of need... yizhu 遗珠|unrecognized talent yizhu 义竹|Yizhu or Ichu Township in Chiayi Coun... yizhu 易主|(of property) to change owners/(of so... yizhuan 移转|to shift/to transfer yizhuan 易传|Yi Zhuan, commentary on the \"Book of ... yizhuang 亦庄|Yizhuang town in Beijing municipality yizhuang 异状|unusual condition/something odd/stran... yizhuang 衣装|garment yizhuang 翼装|wingsuit yizhuangjiechang 乙状结肠|sigmoid colon (anatomy)/bent colon, l... yizhuangpi 异装癖|transvestism yizhuanyan 一转眼|in the blink of an eye yizhuayidaba 一抓一大把|to be a dime a dozen; easy to come by yizhun 一准|variant of 一準|一准[yi1zhun3] yizhun 一准|certainly yizhuo 衣着|clothes yizhuo 挹酌|to pour out wine yizhuqianma 异株荨麻|common nettle (Urtica dioica) yizhuqingtian 一柱擎天|lit. to support the sky as a single p... yizhuxiang 义竹乡|Yizhu or Ichu Township in Chiayi Coun... yizi 椅子|chair/CL:把[ba3],張[zhang1] yizi 以资|by way of/to serve as yizi 义子|adopted son yizi 衣子|covering yizi 胰子|pancreas (of a domestic animal)/(dial... yizi 一字|in a row; in a line yiziban 翼子板|(PRC) fender (automotive) yizibaobian 一字褒贬|lit. dispensing praise or blame with ... yizibucha 一字不差|word for word; verbatim yizibula 一字不落|see 一字不漏[yi1 zi4 bu4 lou4] yizibulou 一字不漏|without missing a word yizibushi 一字不识|totally illiterate yizibuti 一字不提|to not mention a single word (about s... yizijin 一字巾|headband; strip of cloth worn around ... yiziqianjin 一字千金|one word worth a thousand in gold (id... yizir 一字儿|in a row; in a line yiziyasharen 以眦睚杀人|to kill sb for a trifle yiziyilei 一字一泪|each word is a teardrop (idiom) yizizhengming 以资证明|in support or witness hereof (idiom) yizizhimao,gongzizhidun 以子之矛,攻子之盾|lit. use sb\'s spear to attack his shi... yizizhishi 一字之师|one who can correct a misread or miss... yizizongdui 一字纵队|single file yizong 一总|altogether/in all yizouliaozhi 一走了之|to avoid a problem by walking away fr... yizu 彝族|Yi ethnic group yizu 异族|different tribe yizu 一族|social group/subculture/family/clan/s... yizu 蚁族|\"ant tribe\", college graduates who en... yizu 遗族|the bereaved/family of the deceased yizuifangxiu 一醉方休|to get thoroughly drunk (idiom)/to ge... yizunian 彝族年|Yi New Year yizuo 遗作|posthumous work yizuo 亦作|also written as yizuoguren 已作故人|to have passed away yo 哟|Oh! (interjection indicating slight s... yo 哟|(sentence-final particle expressing e... yo 唷|(interjection expressing surprise) Oh... yo 唷|final particle expressing exhortation... yong 用|to use; to make use of; to employ/(co... yong 永|forever/always/perpetual yong 勇|brave yong 栐|(archaic) a kind of tree whose timber... yong 泳|swimming/to swim yong 踊|leap yong 雍|surname Yong yong 雍|harmony yong 雍|old variant of 雍[yong1] yong 甬|Yong River 甬江[Yong3 Jiang1] in Ningbo... yong 甬|path screened by walls on both sides yong 涌|variant of 湧|涌[yong3] yong 涌|to bubble up/to rush forth yong 癕|old variant of 癰|痈[yong1] yong 咏|to sing yong 墉|fortified wall/city wall yong 俑|wooden figures buried with the dead yong 蛹|chrysalis/pupa yong 壅|to obstruct/to stop up/to heap soil a... yong 慵|lethargic yong 痈|carbuncle yong 鳙|see 鱅魚|鳙鱼[yong1 yu2] yong 拥|to hold in one\'s arms; to embrace/to ... yong 埇|raised path yong 佣|commission (for middleman)/brokerage fee yong 佣|to hire/to employ/servant/hired labor... yong 邕|Yong River (Guangxi)/short name for N... yong 邕|city surrounded by a moat/old variant... yong 恿|to urge/to incite yong 恿|old variant of 恿[yong3] yong 喁|(literary) (of a fish) to stick its m... yong 镛|large bell yong 嗈|to choke yong 悀|to be angry/to like/variant of 湧|涌[yo... yong 臃|see 臃腫|臃肿[yong1 zhong3] yong 廱|harmonious yong 鄘|surname Yong/name of a feudal state yong 饔|(literary) cooked food/breakfast yong 颙|grand/majestic/just/stern yong 灉|name of a river/sluice yong 鰫|bighead carp yong 勈|old variant of 勇[yong3] yong 醟|to drink to excess/dissolute yong 禜|sacrifice yong 愑|variant of 悀[yong3] yong 庸|ordinary/to use yongan 永安|Yong\'an, a county-level city in Sanmi... yonganshi 永安市|Yong\'an, a county-level city in Sanmi... yongbao 拥抱|to embrace/to hug yongbi 壅蔽|(literary) to cover/to conceal/to hid... yongbi 佣婢|servant girl yongbie 永别|to part forever/eternal parting (i.e.... yongbing 佣兵|mercenary/hired gun yongbingrushen 用兵如神|to lead military operations with extr... yongbingzizhong 拥兵自重|(of a warlord etc) to assemble one\'s ... yongbu 永不|never/will never yongbuliao 用不了|to not use all of/to use less than yongbushengxiudeluosiding 永不生锈的螺丝钉|a \"screw that never rusts\" — sb who s... yongbuzhao 用不着|not need/have no use for yongcai 庸才|mediocrity yongcan 用餐|to eat a meal yongchang 永昌|Yongchang county in Jinchang 金昌[Jin1 ... yongchang 用场|use; application yongchangxian 永昌县|Yongchang county in Jinchang 金昌[Jin1 ... yongcheng 永城|Yongcheng, county-level city in Shang... yongchengshi 永城市|Yongcheng, county-level city in Shang... yongchi 泳池|swimming pool yongchu 涌出|to gush/to gush out/to pour out yongchu 用处|usefulness/CL:個|个[ge4] yongchuan 永川|Yongchuan, a district of Chongqing 重慶... yongchuanqu 永川区|Yongchuan, a district of Chongqing 重慶... yongchuibuxiu 永垂不朽|eternal glory/will never be forgotten yongchun 咏春|Wing Chun/same as 詠春拳|咏春拳[yong3 chun1... yongchun 永春|Yongchun County in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 ... yongchunquan 咏春拳|Yongchun - \"Singing Spring Fist\" (Chi... yongchunxian 永春县|Yongchun County in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 ... yongci 永磁|permanent magnetism yongci 用词|usage (of a term)/wording/phrasing yongcun 永存|everlasting/to endure forever yongdai 拥戴|to give one\'s allegiance/(popular) su... yongdao 甬道|walled-in path/paved pathway/canopied... yongde 永德|Yongde county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 c... yongdeng 永登|Yongdeng county in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2... yongdengxian 永登县|Yongdeng county in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2... yongdeqisuo 用得其所|used properly/used for its intended p... yongdeshang 用得上|needed/to come in useful yongdexian 永德县|Yongde county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 c... yongdezhao 用得着|to be able to use; useable; to have a... yongdian 用典|to use literary quotations; to use ph... yongding 永定|Yongding, county-level city in Longya... yongdinghe 永定河|Yongding River to the West of Beijing yongdingmen 永定门|Yongdingmen, front gate of the outer ... yongdingqu 永定区|Yongding district of Zhangjiajie city... yongdongji 永动机|perpetual motion machine yongdongtu 永冻土|permafrost yongdu 拥堵|(of traffic) to become congested/cong... yongdu 用度|expense yongdun 拥趸|fan/fanatic yonge 雍阏|to intercept; to prevent the arrival ... yonger 泳儿|Vincy Chan, Hong Kong female singer yongfa 用法|usage yongfan 用饭|to eat/to have a meal yongfeng 永丰|Yongfeng county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi yongfengxian 永丰县|Yongfeng county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi yongfu 永福|Yongfu county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2]... yongfu 佣妇|maid/female servant/domestic worker/d... yongfuxian 永福县|Yongfu county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2]... yonggan 勇敢|brave; courageous yonggong 用功|diligent/industrious (in one\'s studie... yonggong 用工|to employ workers yonggong 佣工|hired laborer/servant yongguang 用光|out of (supply)/spent/exhausted (used... yonghan 勇悍|brave yonghe 永和|Yonghe or Yungho city in New Taipei C... yonghe 雍和|harmony yonghegong 雍和宫|Yonghe Temple/Lama Temple (Beijing) yongheng 永恒|eternal/everlasting/fig. to pass into... yongheshi 永和市|Yonghe or Yungho city in New Taipei C... yonghexian 永和县|Yonghe county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fe... yonghu 用户|user/consumer/subscriber/customer yonghu 拥护|to endorse; to support yonghuai 用坏|to wear out (tools) yonghuchuangzaoneirong 用户创造内容|user-generated content (of a website) yonghudingyi 用户定义|user-defined yonghuduanshebei 用户端设备|customer premise equipment/CPE yonghujiemian 用户界面|user interface yonghuming 用户名|username; user ID yonghuxian 用户线|subscriber line yonghuzhe 拥护者|supporter (person) yongji 永济|Yongji, county-level city in Yuncheng... yongji 永吉|Yongji county in Jilin prefecture 吉林,... yongji 用计|to employ a stratagem yongji 拥挤|crowded/to throng/congestion yongjia 永嘉|Yongjia county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 ... yongjiajun 永嘉郡|Yongjia prefecture in Zhejiang yongjian 用间|using spies yongjiang 甬江|Yong River in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1] yongjiaxian 永嘉县|Yongjia county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 ... yongjibukan 拥挤不堪|overcrowded/jam-packed yongjin 佣金|commission yongjin 用尽|to exhaust; to use up completely yongjin 涌进|to spill/to overflow (of water, crowd... yongjing 泳镜|swimming goggles yongjing 永靖|Yongjing County in Linxia Hui Autonom... yongjingxian 永靖县|Yongjing County in Linxia Hui Autonom... yongjingxiang 永靖乡|Yongjing or Yungching Township in Cha... yongjinxinji 用尽心机|to tax one\'s ingenuity yongjishi 永济市|Yongji, county-level city in Yuncheng... yongjiu 永久|everlasting/perpetual/lasting/forever... yongjiucitie 永久磁铁|a permanent magnet yongjiudongtu 永久冻土|permafrost yongjiuheping 永久和平|lasting peace/enduring peace yongjiujuliuquan 永久居留权|permanent residency yongjiujuliuzheng 永久居留证|permanent residency permit yongjiujumin 永久居民|permanent resident/person with the ri... yongjiuxing 永久性|permanent yongjiuxudianlu 永久虚电路|Permanent Virtual Circuit/PVC yongjixian 永吉县|Yongji county in Jilin prefecture 吉林,... yongju 用具|appliance/utensil/gear/equipment yongju 永居|permanent residency (abbr. for 永久居留權|... yongjue 永诀|to part forever/eternal parting (i.e.... yongjue 勇决|decisive/brave yongjueshi 永诀式|funeral yongkang 永康|Yongkang, county-level city in Jinhua... yongkangshi 永康市|Yongkang, county-level city in Jinhua... yongkeng 俑坑|pit with funerary figures/pit contain... yongku 泳裤|swim trunks yonglai 用来|to be used for yonglan 慵懒|languid/indolent yonglang 涌浪|swell/billows/surging waves yongle 永乐|Yongle Emperor, reign name of third M... yongledadian 永乐大典|the Yongle Great Encyclopedia (1408) yongli 用力|to exert oneself physically yongli 勇力|courage and strength yongliang 用量|quantity used; usage; consumption; dose yongliao 用料|ingredients/material yongliu 涌流|to gush/to spurt yonglu 庸碌|mediocre yonglu 甬路|paved path yongluwuneng 庸碌无能|mediocre and incompetent yonglve 勇略|brave and cunning yongmao 泳帽|swimming cap yongmeng 勇猛|bold and powerful/brave and fierce yongmian 永眠|to pass away; to die; to rest eternally yongming 用命|to follow orders/to abide by/to obey yongmu 雍睦|harmonious/friendly yongmu 雍穆|variant of 雍睦[yong1 mu4] yongnao 用脑|to undertake mental work yongning 永宁|Yongning county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin... yongning 邕宁|Yongnning District of Nanning City 南寧... yongningqu 邕宁区|Yongnning District of Nanning City 南寧... yongningxian 永宁县|Yongning county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin... yongpin 用品|articles for use/products/goods yongping 永平|Yongping county in Dali Bai autonomou... yongpingxian 永平县|Yongping county in Dali Bai autonomou... yongqi 勇气|courage yongqi 涌起|to well up/to boil out/to bubble fort... yongqian 用钱|variant of 佣錢|佣钱[yong4 qian5] yongqian 佣钱|commission/brokerage yongqiao 埇桥|Yongqiao, a district of Suzhou City 宿... yongqiaoqu 埇桥区|Yongqiao, a district of Suzhou City 宿... yongqikejia 勇气可嘉|to deserve praise for one\'s courage (... yongqing 永清|Yongqing county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 ... yongqingxian 永清县|Yongqing county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 ... yongquan 涌泉|gushing spring yongren 用人|servant/to employ sb for a job/to man... yongren 佣人|servant yongren 永仁|Yongren County in Chuxiong Yi Autonom... yongren 庸人|mediocre person yongrenjingfei 用人经费|personnel expenditure (accountancy) yongrenxian 永仁县|Yongren County in Chuxiong Yi Autonom... yongrenyongfu 庸人庸福|fools have good fortune (idiom) yongrenzirao 庸人自扰|lit. silly people get their panties i... yongrong 雍容|natural/graceful/and poised yongrongdadu 雍容大度|generous yongru 涌入|to come pouring in/influx yongse 拥塞|to be clogged up/to be congested (tra... yongse 壅塞|variant of 擁塞|拥塞[yong1 se4] yongshan 永善|Yongshan county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 ... yongshan 用膳|to dine yongshanxian 永善县|Yongshan county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 ... yongsheng 永生|to live forever/eternal life/all one\'... yongsheng 永胜|Yongsheng county in Lijiang 麗江|丽江[Li4... yongshengxian 永胜县|Yongsheng county in Lijiang 麗江|丽江[Li4... yongshi 勇士|a warrior/a brave person yongshi 永世|eternal/forever yongshi 永逝|gone forever/to die yongshi 永矢|forever yongshou 永寿|Yongshou County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xia... yongshouxian 永寿县|Yongshou County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xia... yongshun 永顺|Yongshun County in Xiangxi Tujia and ... yongshunxian 永顺县|Yongshun County in Xiangxi Tujia and ... yongsu 庸俗|vulgar/tacky/tawdry yongsuhua 庸俗化|debasement; vulgarization yongsun 饔飧|(literary) lit. breakfast and supper/... yongtai 永泰|Yongtai, a county in Fuzhou City 福州市[... yongtaixian 永泰县|Yongtai, a county in Fuzhou City 福州市[... yongtandiao 咏叹调|aria yongtu 用途|use; application yongwan 用完|used up/finished yongwangqianjin 勇往前进|see 勇往直前[yong3 wang3 zhi2 qian2] yongwangzhiqian 勇往直前|to advance bravely yongwen 拥吻|to hug and kiss yongwu 勇武|brave yongwuningri 永无宁日|(in such circumstances) there will be... yongwuzhidi 用武之地|ample scope for abilities/favorable p... yongwuzhijing 永无止境|(idiom) without end; never-ending yongxi 饔饩|to present slaughtered or live animals yongxian 涌现|to emerge in large numbers/to spring ... yongxiang 用项|items of expenditure/expenditures yongxin 用心|motive/intention/to be diligent or at... yongxin 永新|Yongxin county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi yongxing 永兴|Yongxing county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 ... yongxingxian 永兴县|Yongxing county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 ... yongxinliangku 用心良苦|to ponder earnestly/to give a lot of ... yongxinxian 永新县|Yongxin county in Ji\'an 吉安, Jiangxi yongxiu 永修|Yongxiu county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi yongxiuxian 永修县|Yongxiu county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi yongxu 永续|sustainable/perpetual yongxuchengshi 永续城市|sustainable city (Tw) yongyi 用以|in order to/so as to yongyi 泳衣|swimsuit; bathing suit yongyi 庸医|quack/charlatan yongyi 用意|intention/purpose yongyi 涌溢|to well up/to spill out (of water fro... yongyong 喁喁|(literary) looking up expectantly yongyong 邕邕|variant of 雍雍[yong1 yong1] yongyong 雍雍|harmonious/peaceful yongyonglulu 庸庸碌碌|ordinary/mediocre yongyongyuanyuan 永永远远|for ever and ever yongyou 拥有|to have; to possess yongyouquan 拥有权|right of ownership yongyu 用于|to use in; to use on; to use for yongyu 用语|choice of words/wording/phraseology/term yongyu 勇于|to dare to/to be brave enough to yongyu 鳙鱼|bighead carp/Hypophthalmichthys nobilis yongyuan 永远|forever/eternal yongyuan 墉垣|city wall yongyue 踊跃|to leap/to jump/eager/enthusiastically yongzhen 永珍|Vientiane, capital of Laos (Tw) yongzheng 雍正|Yongzheng, reign name of Qing emperor... yongzhengexin 永贞革新|Yongzhen Reform, Tang dynasty failed ... yongzhenneishan 永贞内禅|Yongzhen abdication of 805 yongzhibuwang 永志不忘|never to be forgotten yongzhong 臃肿|obese/bloated/swollen (style)/(fig.) ... yongzhong 雍重|cumbersome yongzhou 永州|see 永州市[Yong3zhou1 Shi4] yongzhoushi 永州市|Yongzhou, prefecture-level city in Hu... yongzhuang 泳装|swimsuit yongzi 用字|to use letters/to use words/diction yongzuo 用作|to use for the purpose of/to serve as you 有|to have; there is/(bound form) having... you 又|(once) again/also/both... and.../and ... you 油|oil/fat/grease/petroleum/to apply tun... you 游|surname You you 游|to swim/variant of 遊|游[you2] you 游|to walk/to tour/to roam/to travel you 幽|remote/hidden away/secluded/serene/pe... you 由|to follow/from/because of; due to/by;... you 友|friend you 鼬|(zoology) weasel you 尤|surname You you 尤|outstanding/particularly, especially/... you 忧|to worry/to concern oneself with/worr... you 邮|post (office)/mail you 优|excellent/superior you 佑|(bound form) to bless; to protect you 犹|as if/(just) like/just as/still/yet you 悠|long or drawn out/remote in time or s... you 右|(bound form) right; right-hand side/(... you 牖|to enlighten/lattice window you 攸|distant, far/adverbial prefix you 呦|Oh! (exclamation of dismay etc)/used ... you 宥|to forgive/to help/profound you 囿|park/to limit/be limited to you 铀|uranium (chemistry)/Taiwan pr. [you4] you 酉|10th earthly branch: 5-7 p.m., 8th so... you 幼|young you 蝣|Ephemera strigata you 祐|(of divinity) to bless/to protect you 蚰|see 蚰蜒[you2 yan5] you 猷|to plan/to scheme you 诱|(literary) to induce; to entice you 釉|glaze (of porcelain) you 莜|see 莜麥|莜麦[you2 mai4] you 泑|the vitreous glaze on china, porcelai... you 柚|pomelo (Citrus maxima or C. grandis)/... you 繇|cause/means you 铕|europium (chemistry) you 疣|nodule/wart you 鱿|cuttlefish you 蚴|larva you 楢|Quercus glandulifera you 莠|Setaria viridis/vicious you 懮|grievous/relaxed you 鲉|scorpionfish you 黝|black/dark green you 莸|Caryopteris divaricata you 槱|ritual bonfire you 逌|distant/joyous/satisfied you 羑|to lead you 櫌|harrow you 麀|female deer/doe/female animal you 丣|old variant of 酉[you3] you 耰|harrow you 冘|(bound form) mostly used in either 冘豫... you 卣|wine container you 迶|to walk you 訧|fault/mistake you 鄾|place name you 侑|(literary) to urge sb (to eat or drink) you 鴢|(duck) you 肬|variant of 疣[you2] you 斿|scallops along lower edge of flag you 𬨎|light carriage/trifling you-ming 幽明|the hidden and the visible; that whic... youai 友爱|friendly affection/fraternal love youai 有碍|to hinder; to impede; to be detrimental youan 幽暗|gloom youan 黝暗|murk/murkiness youbaihaierwuyili 有百害而无一利|having no advantage whatsoever youbailierwuyibi 有百利而无一弊|to have many advantages and no disadv... youbailierwuyihai 有百利而无一害|to have many advantages and no disadv... youban 游伴|playmate/travel companion youbanfa 有办法|can find methods/resourceful/creative youbang 友邦|friendly state/ally youbangbaoxian 友邦保险|AIA Group Limited, insurance company youbangzhu 有帮助|helpful youbanyouyan 有板有眼|orderly/methodical/rhythmical youbao 邮报|Post (in the name of a newspaper) youbao 邮包|postal parcel/parcel youbeierlai 有备而来|to come prepared youbeiwuhuan 有备无患|Preparedness averts peril./to be prep... youbeiyu 有悖于|to go against youbeng 油泵|oil pump youbenqian 有本钱|to be in a position to (take on a cha... youbenshi 有本事|to have what it takes/(coll.) (often ... youbian 右边|right side/right, to the right youbian 邮编|postal code/zip code youbianji 诱变剂|mutagen youbianr 右边儿|erhua variant of 右邊|右边[you4 bian5] youbianr 有边儿|to be likely or possible/to begin to ... youbianzhi 有编制|having a permanent post/part of the o... youbiao 游标|cursor (computing) (Tw)/vernier youbiaojili 由表及里|to proceed from the outside to the in... youbiaokachi 游标卡尺|dial calipers youbie 有别|different/distinct/unequal/variable youbikongju 幽闭恐惧|claustrophobia youbikongjuzheng 幽闭恐惧症|claustrophobia youbing 油饼|deep-fried doughcake/oilcake (animal ... youbing 有病|to be ill/(coll.) to be not right in ... youbitiane 疣鼻天鹅|(bird species of China) mute swan (Cy... youbu 诱捕|to trap (an animal); to lure (a suspe... youbu 油布|tarpaulin youbu 优步|Uber, app-based taxi company founded ... youbude 由不得|cannot help/to be beyond control of youbushaomingtang 有不少名堂|there is a lot to it/not a straightfo... youcai 油菜|oilseed rape (Brassica napus)/floweri... youcaigan 有才干|capable youcaizi 油菜籽|oilseed rape (Brassica campestris)/ra... youce 右侧|right side youchai 邮差|postman; mailman (dated in mainland C... youchang 悠长|long/drawn-out/prolonged/lingering youchang 有偿|paying/paid (not free) youchanzhe 有产者|property owner/the wealthy youchaoyounao 又吵又闹|to make a lot of noise/to be disorderly youche 邮车|mail van; mail coach youcheng 又称|also known as youcheng 有成|(literary) to achieve success youchenyoufu 有沉有浮|to have one\'s ups and downs youchi 幼齿|(Tw) naive and innocent (girl or boy)... youchi 油尺|dipstick/oil measuring rod youchong 幼虫|larva youchou 忧愁|to be worried youchoububaofeijunzi 有仇不报非君子|a real man, if he takes a hit, will s... youchoububaofeijunzi,youyuanbushenwangweiren 有仇不报非君子,有冤不伸枉为人|one who doesn\'t avenge an injustice i... youchu 幼雏|young bird/nestling youchuan 游船|pleasure boat/cruise ship youchuan 油船|(oil) tanker/tank ship youchuan 邮船|mailboat/ocean liner youchuangzaoli 有创造力|ingenious; creative youchun 游春|to go for a trip in spring youchuo 邮戳|postmark youci 由此|hereby/from this youci 有次|once; on one occasion youcikanlai 由此看来|thereby/judging from this youcikejian 由此可见|from this, it can be seen that... youcixu 有次序|ordered youda 犹大|Judas/Judah (son of Jacob) youda 犹达|Jude youdai 优待|preferential treatment; to give prefe... youdai 邮袋|mailbag youdai 有待|not yet (done)/pending youdailei 有袋类|(zoology) marsupial youdaipiao 优待票|reduced-price ticket (e.g. for students) youdaiquan 优待券|discount coupon/complimentary ticket youdang 游荡|to wander/to roam about/to loaf about... youdanliang 有胆量|courageous youdao 诱导|to induce; to encourage; to provide g... youdao 有道|to have attained the Way/(of a govern... youdao 游导|tour guide youdaoli 有道理|to make sense; reasonable youdaoshi 有道是|as they say, .../as the saying goes, ... youdashu 犹大书|Epistle of St Jude (in New Testament) youdasi 犹达斯|Judas (name) youde 有的|(there are) some (who are...)/some (e... youde 尤德|Sir Edward Youde (1924-1986), British... youdemeide 有的没的|trivial (matters)/triviality/nonsense... youdemeiyoude 有的没有的|see 有的沒的|有的没的[you3 de5 mei2 de5] youdeng 优等|first-rate/of the highest order/high-... youdeng 油灯|oil lamp youdeshi 有的是|have plenty of/there\'s no lack of youdeshihou 有的时候|sometimes/at times youdexing 有德行|virtuous youdeyibi 有得一比|can be compared/to be very similar youdeyoushi 有得有失|you win some, you lose some (idiom)/g... youdi 邮递|to mail/to deliver (through the post) youdi 幼弟|younger brother youdian 优点|merit/benefit/strong point/advantage/... youdian 邮电|post and telecommunications youdian 有电|electric (apparatus)/electrified/havi... youdian 有点|a little youdianr 有点儿|slightly/a little/somewhat youdifangshi 有的放矢|lit. to have a target in mind when sh... youdike 油底壳|oil sump youdiquhao 邮递区号|ZIP code/postal code youdiya 犹地亚|Judea youdiyuan 邮递员|mailman youdong 游动|to move about/to go from place to pla... youdoufu 油豆腐|fried tofu (cubes) youdu 有毒|poisonous youduiqi 右对齐|to right justify (typography) youduo 右舵|right rudder youduo 游惰|to laze about without doing anything ... youer 幼儿|young child/infant/preschooler youer 诱饵|bait youerqinke 尤尔钦科|Yurchenko (name)/Natalia Yurchenko (1... youeryuan 幼儿园|kindergarten/nursery school youfa 诱发|to induce/to cause/to elicit/to trigger youfaladihe 幼发拉底河|Euphrates River youfan 油饭|fried sticky rice youfang 右方|right-hand side youfang 有方|to do things right/to use the correct... youfei 邮费|postage youfen 有份|to have a share of (responsibility et... youfeng 有风|windy youfu 幽浮|UFO (loanword)/unidentified flying ob... youfu 有福|to be blessed youfumi 幽浮迷|(Tw) UFO enthusiast youfutongxiang,youhuotongdang 有福同享,有祸同当|To enjoy blessings and endure misfort... youfutongxiang,younantongdang 有福同享,有难同当|To enjoy blessings and endure misfort... youfuzhifu 有夫之妇|married woman youfuzhifu 有妇之夫|married man youganerfa 有感而发|(idiom) to speak from the heart youganlan 油橄榄|olive (Olea europaea) yougao 油膏|semi-solid fat-based substance/(medic... yougaotou 有搞头|(coll.) worthwhile/likely to be fruitful youge 优格|yogurt (loanword) yougongjixing 有攻击性|offensive yougou 邮购|to purchase by mail; to mail-order yougou 油垢|greasy dirt yougou 有够|very/extremely yougou 尤诟|shame/disgrace yougoutaochong 有钩绦虫|tapeworm (Taenia solium) yougu 幽谷|deep valley youguai 诱拐|to abduct; to kidnap youguaimoguai 有怪莫怪|please don\'t take offense; don\'t take... youguaizhe 诱拐者|abductor youguan 有关|to have sth to do with/to relate to/r... youguan 油管|oil pipe/(slang) YouTube youguan 攸关|of great concern youguanche 油罐车|oil tanker truck/fuel tanker youguang 油光|glossy/gleaming/shiny (due to greasin... youguang 游逛|to go sightseeing/to spend one\'s leis... youguangefang 有关各方|all parties involved youguangguang 油光光|glossy/gleaming/shiny (due to greasin... youguangkejian 油光可鉴|lit. oily and shiny to the point of r... youguangqi 油光漆|varnish youguangshuihua 油光水滑|sleek/shiny and smooth youguanlian 有关联|related to/concerning/to be correlated yougui 有轨|tracked (tramcar) youguidianche 有轨电车|streetcar; tramcar; tram youguo 油锅|a deep fryer youguozhierwubuji 有过之而无不及|not to be inferior in any aspects (id... youhai 有害|destructive/harmful/damaging youhaiwuli 有害无利|harmful and without benefit (idiom); ... youhaiwuyi 有害无益|harmful and without benefit (idiom); ... youhan 油汗|oily sweat/(dialect) aphid youhao 友好|Youhao district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi... youhao 友好|friendly; amicable/close friend youhao 油耗|fuel consumption youhaoguanxi 友好关系|good relations youhaoqiyouhaoxiao 又好气又好笑|annoyed and amused in equal measure youhaoqu 友好区|Youhao district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi... youhe 有颌|jawed (fish) youheguigan 有何贵干|What (noble errand) brings you here?/... youheguojia 有核国家|nuclear weapon states youhei 油黑|glossy black youhei 黝黑|dark/black/suntanned youheng 有恒|to persevere; perseverance youhou 优厚|generous, liberal (pay, compensation) youhu 佑护|blessing youhua 优化|to optimize youhua 油画|oil painting youhua 油滑|oily/greasy/unctuous/slippery (charac... youhua 油花|grease or fat blobs at the surface of... youhua 邮花|(dialect) (postage) stamp youhua 油猾|sly/slick youhuakuaishuo 有话快说|spit it out! youhuan 忧患|suffering/misery/hardship youhuan 鼬獾|ferret badger youhuayaoshuo 有话要说|to speak one\'s mind youhuhu 油乎乎|greasy/oily youhui 优惠|privilege/favorable (terms)/preferent... youhui 幽会|(usually of lovers) to rendezvous in ... youhui 邮汇|to remit by post/remittance sent by post youhuidaikuan 优惠贷款|(finance) concessional loan; soft loan youhuidao 油灰刀|putty knife youhuiquan 优惠券|coupon youhun 幽魂|ghost/spirit (of the dead) youhun 油荤|meat foods youhunyousu 有荤有素|to include both meat and vegetables youhuo 诱惑|to entice/to lure/to induce/to attract youhuoli 有活力|energetic/vital youji 有机|organic youji 邮寄|to mail/to send by post youji 游记|travel notes youji 游击|guerrilla warfare youji 油鸡|a variety of chicken youji 又及|P.S./postscript youji 幽寂|(of a place) isolated and quiet youji 酉鸡|Year 10, year of the Cock (e.g. 2005) youjia 油价|oil (petroleum) price youjia 有加|extremely (placed after verb or adjec... youjiali 尤加利|eucalyptus (loanword) youjiali 油加利|variant of 尤加利[you2 jia1 li4] youjian 邮件|mail/post/email youjian 诱奸|to seduce (into sex) youjian 邮简|letter sheet (similar to an aerogram ... youjianbang 有肩膀|responsible/reliable youjiang 右江|Youjiang district of Baise city 百色市[B... youjiangqu 右江区|Youjiang district of Baise city 百色市[B... youjianrusheyi,yousherujiannan 由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难|(idiom) it is easy to go from frugali... youjiantou 右箭头|right-pointing arrow youjiantoujian 右箭头键|right arrow key (on keyboard) youjianwang 油尖旺|Yau Tsim Mong district of Kowloon, Ho... youjianyuci 有鉴于此|in view of this/to this end youjiao 幼教|preschool education (abbr. for 幼兒教育|幼... youjiao 优角|reflex angle youjiaowulei 有教无类|education for everyone, irrespective ... youjiaowuleifa 有教无类法|No Child Left Behind Act, USA 2001 youjiazhengquan 有价证券|(finance) negotiable securities youjiazhi 有价值|valuable youjiboli 有机玻璃|plexiglass youjidan 有机氮|organic nitrogen youjidui 游击队|guerrilla band youjie 游街|to parade sb through the streets/to m... youjie 有界|bounded youjie 有节|segmented youjie 有解|(of a problem, equation etc) to have ... youjieshizhong 游街示众|to parade (a prisoner) through the st... youjieyouhuan,zaijiebunan 有借有还,再借不难|return what you borrowed on time, you... youjiezhi 有节制|temperate/moderate/restrained youjifei 有机肥|organic fertilizer youjifenzi 有机分子|organic molecule youjihuahewu 有机化合物|organic compound youjihuaxue 有机化学|organic chemistry youjikecheng 有机可乘|to have an opportunity that one can e... youjilin 有机磷|organic phosphate youjilinduji 有机磷毒剂|organophosphorus agent youjilinsuanzhilei 有机磷酸酯类|organophosphate youjin 尤金|Eugene (name) youjin 有劲|vigorous; energetic/interesting; amusing youjin 友尽|(Internet slang) end of friendship/fr... youjin 幽禁|to place under house arrest; to imprison youjing 油井|oil well youjing 幽静|quiet/secluded/isolated/peaceful youjing 幽径|secluded path youjing 由径|to follow a narrow path youjingshenbing 有精神病|insane youjingwuxian 有惊无险|to be more scared than hurt (idiom)/t... youjinsaiernan 尤金·塞尔南|Eugene Cernan (1934-), US astronaut i... youjiti 有机体|organism youjitu 有机土|histosol (soil taxonomy) youjiu 悠久|long (tradition, history etc) youjiwu 有机物|organic substance/organic matter youjizhan 游击战|guerrilla warfare youju 邮局|post office/CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4] youju 忧惧|apprehension/apprehensive youju 有局|vulnerable (in bridge) youjuexin 有决心|determined youjun 友军|friendly forces/allies youkan 尤坎|Rjukan (city in Norway) youkatan 尤卡坦|Yucatan (Mexican province) youkatanbandao 尤卡坦半岛|Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) youke 游客|traveler; tourist/(online gaming) gue... youke 鼬科|Mustelidae (taxonomic family of wease... youkelili 尤克里里|ukulele (loanword) youkeneng 有可能|possible/probable/possibly/probably/m... youkong 有空|to have time (to do sth) youkongchong 有孔虫|foraminifera youkongr 有空儿|erhua variant of 有空[you3kong4] youkoujiebei 有口皆碑|every voice gives praise (idiom); wit... youkouwuxin 有口无心|to speak harshly but without any bad ... youku 优酷|Youku, Chinese video hosting platform youku 油库|fuel depot/fuel farm youkuizhishou 有亏职守|(to be guilty of) dereliction of duty youkushuobuchu 有苦说不出|having unspeakable bitter suffering/(... youkuyizhong 忧苦以终|worried to death (idiom) youlai 由来|origin youlai 有赖|(of an outcome) to rely on/to require... youlaile 又来了|Here we go again. youlaiyu 有赖于|see 有賴|有赖[you3 lai4] youlan 游览|to go sightseeing/to tour/to visit/CL... youlanqu 游览区|tourist regions/sightseeing area youlao 有劳|(polite) thank you for your trouble (... youle 游乐|to amuse oneself/recreation youle 有了|I\'ve got a solution!/to have a bun in... youlechang 游乐场|playground youlengyoujiao 有棱有角|(of a shape) sharp and clearcut/(of a... youletai 有了胎|pregnant/to carry a child youleyuan 游乐园|amusement park youli 游离|to disassociate/to drift away/to leav... youli 游历|to tour/to travel youli 有理|reasonable/justified/right/(math.) ra... youli 有利|advantageous; favorable youli 有力|powerful/forceful/vigorous youlian 有脸|lit. having face/to have prestige/to ... youliang 优良|fine/good/first-rate youliang 油亮|glossy/shiny youliangxiazi 有两下子|to have real skill/to know one\'s stuff youliangxin 有良心|conscientious youlianshengai 由怜生爱|to develop love for sb out of pity fo... youlianxi 有联系|to be connected/to be related youliao 油料|oilseed/oil/fuel youliao 有料|impressive youliaozuowu 油料作物|oil crop (rape, peanut, soy, sesame e... youlie 优劣|good and bad/merits and drawbacks youlie 游猎|to go on a hunting expedition youliketu 有利可图|profitable youlimao 有礼貌|courteous/polite youling 幽灵|specter/apparition/ghost youling 优伶|(old) performing artist/actor/actress youling 幽囹|to keep in confinement/to confine youlishi 有理式|rational expression (math.) youlishu 有理数|rational number (i.e. fraction of two... youlishuji 有理数集|set of rational numbers (math.) youlishuyu 有理数域|field of rational numbers (math.), us... youlisiyiwensi 尤里斯·伊文思|Joris Ivens (1898-1989), Dutch docume... youlixisi 尤利西斯|Ulysses (novel) youliyajimoshenke 尤利娅·季莫申科|Yulia Tymoshenko (1960-), Ukrainian p... youliyoubi 有利有弊|to have both advantages and disadvant... youliyu 有利于|to be advantageous to; to be benefici... youlun 游轮|cruise ship youlun 油轮|tanker (ship)/CL:艘[sou1] youlun 邮轮|ocean liner/cruise liner youluoru 优酪乳|yogurt (loanword) (Tw) youlv 忧虑|to worry/anxiety (about) youlv 懮虑|(feel) anxiety/concern youlv 幽绿|moss green/dark sea green youma 有码|pixelated or censored (of video) youma 幼马|young horse/colt/filly youmai 油麦|naked oat (old) youmai 莜麦|naked oat (Avena nuda) youmaicai 油麦菜|Indian lettuce youmaicai 莜麦菜|variant of 油麥菜|油麦菜[you2 mai4 cai4] youmaixiang 有卖相|appealing; attractive (esp. to consum... youmei 优美|graceful/fine/elegant youmei 幽美|(of a location) beautiful and tranquil youmei 幼妹|younger sister youmeili 有魅力|attractive/charming youmeimu 有眉目|to begin to take shape/to be about to... youmeiyou 有没有|(before a noun) Do (you, they etc) ha... youmen 油门|accelerator (pedal)/gas pedal/throttle youmen 幽门|pylorus (anatomy) youmen 忧闷|depressed/full of worries/feeling down youmeng 优孟|You Meng, famous court jester during ... youmenluoganjun 幽门螺杆菌|Helicobacter pylori (stomach bacterium) youmenluoxuanganjun 幽门螺旋杆菌|Helicobacter pylori (stomach bacterium) youmenluoxuanjun 幽门螺旋菌|Helicobacter pylori (stomach bacterium) youmi 邮迷|stamp collector/philatelist youmian 右面|right side youmian 莜面|oat noodles or flour youmiao 幼苗|young sprout/bud/sapling/seedling youmin 游民|vagrant/vagabond youming 幽冥|dark/hell/netherworld/hades youming 有名|famous/well-known youming 又名|also known as/alternative name/to als... youmingaizao 游民改造|rehabilitation of displaced persons youmingwangshi 有名亡实|lit. has a name but no reality (idiom... youmingwushi 有名无实|lit. has a name but no reality (idiom... youmo 幽默|(loanword) humor/humorous youmo 油墨|printing ink youmogan 幽默感|sense of humor youmu 柚木|pomelo tree (Citrus maxima or C. gran... youmu 游牧|nomadic/to move about in search of pa... youmugongdu 有目共睹|anyone with eyes can see it (idiom); ... youmugongjian 有目共见|anyone with eyes can see it (idiom); ... youmugongshang 有目共赏|as everyone can appreciate (idiom); c... youmuwudu 有目无睹|has eyes but can\'t see (idiom); unabl... youmuyou 有木有|(slang) come on, you can\'t deny it!/d... younaibianshiniang 有奶便是娘|lit. whoever provides milk is your mo... younaijiuli 有耐久力|durable younaijiushiniang 有奶就是娘|see 有奶便是娘[you3 nai3 bian4 shi4 niang2] younengli 有能力|able youni 油腻|greasy food; oily food/(of food) grea... younian 幼年|childhood/infancy younian 有年|for years youniantou 有年头|for donkey\'s years/for ages younike 优尼科|Unocal (US oil company) younongsuo 铀浓缩|uranium enrichment younuopai 优诺牌|Uno (card game) younv 幼女|young girl younv 犹女|niece (old) youpai 右派|(political) right/right wing/rightist youpaifenzi 右派分子|rightist elements youpaimian 有排面|(neologism) (coll.) ostentatious; sho... youpaishifen 酉牌时分|5-7 pm youpan 优盘|USB flash drive youpao 油泡|to sauté/bubbles that appear in the o... youpi 幽僻|secluded/quiet and remote/obscure and... youpian 诱骗|to entice/to lure/to scam/to hoodwink... youpiao 邮票|(postage) stamp/CL:枚[mei2],張|张[zhang1] youpiezi 右撇子|right-hander youpikuaifang 有屁快放|spit it out!/out with it! youpin 邮品|items issued by a postal service and ... youpochemian 油泼扯面|broad, belt-shaped noodles, popular i... youpomian 油泼面|see 油潑扯麵|油泼扯面[you2po1 che3mian4] youpu 有谱|to have a plan/to know what one is doing youpur 有谱儿|erhua variant of 有譜|有谱[you3 pu3] youqi 尤其|especially; particularly youqi 油漆|oil paints/lacquer/to paint/CL:層|层[ce... youqi 油气|oil and gas youqian 有钱|well-off/wealthy youqiangdiao 有腔调|classy/stylish/upmarket youqianghuadiao 油腔滑调|flippant and insincere (piece of writ... youqianli 有潜力|promising/showing potential youqiannengshiguituimo 有钱能使鬼推磨|lit. with money, you can get a devil ... youqianren 有钱人|rich person/the rich youqianwei 右前卫|right forward (soccer position) youqianyoushi 有钱有势|rich and powerful (idiom) youqianyouxian 有钱有闲|to have money and time/to be part of ... youqifubiyouqizi 有其父必有其子|like father, like son (idiom) youqing 友情|friendly feelings/friendship youqing 右倾|right-wing/reactionary/conservative/(... youqing 有情|to be in love/sentient beings (Buddhism) youqing 有请|to request the pleasure of seeing sb/... youqing 有顷|shortly thereafter/for a moment youqingren 有情人|lovers youqingrenzhongchengjuanshu 有情人终成眷属|love will find a way (idiom) youqingyouyi 有情有义|affectionate and true/loyal (idiom) youqiong 有穷|exhaustible/limited/finite youqipai 有气派|lordly youqishi 尤其是|especially/most of all/above all/in p... youqishi,biyouqitu 有其师,必有其徒|As the teacher, so the pupil. (idiom) youqitian 油气田|oilfields and gasfields youqituxing 有期徒刑|limited term of imprisonment (i.e. an... youqiubiying 有求必应|to grant whatever is asked for/to acc... youqiwuli 有气无力|weakly and without strength (idiom); ... youqiyin 有气音|aspirated consonant (in phonetics) youqizhi 有气质|to have class; classy youqu 邮区|postal district youqu 有趣|interesting/fascinating/amusing youquan 有权|to have the right to/to be entitled t... youquanshizhe 有权势者|person in power/the one with authorit... youquanwei 有权威|authoritative youquwuhui 有去无回|gone forever (idiom) youran 悠然|unhurried/leisurely youran 有染|to have an affair with sb youranersheng 油然而生|arising involuntarily (idiom); sponta... youranshenwang 悠然神往|thoughts wandering far away youren 友人|friend youren 诱人|attractive; alluring; captivating youren 游人|a tourist youren 有人|someone/people/anyone/there is someon... yourenqing 有人情|humane yourenruzhi 游人如织|crowded with visitors; packed with to... yourenxiangni 有人想你|Bless you! (after a sneeze) yourenyouyu 游刃有余|handling a butcher\'s cleaver with eas... yourong 忧容|(literary) worried facial expression yourou 优柔|gentle/carefree/indecisive/weak yourouguaduan 优柔寡断|indecisive/irresolute youru 犹如|similar to; like youru 有如|to be like sth/similar to/alike youse 有色|colored/non-white/non-ferrous (metals) yousejinshu 有色金属|non-ferrous metals (all metals exclud... youserenzhong 有色人种|colored races yousewudan 有色无胆|to be perverse and suggestive towards... yousha 油砂|oil sand (mining) yousha 鼬鲨|tiger shark youshan 友善|friendly youshang 右上|upper right youshang 忧伤|distressed/laden with grief youshang 友商|(slang) business competitor; industry... youshang 游赏|to enjoy the sights (of) youshangyouliang 有商有量|to talk things through (idiom)/to hav... youshanwanshui 游山玩水|to go on a scenic tour youshe 游蛇|water snake/colubrid/racer youshen 幽深|serene and hidden in depth or distance yousheng 优胜|(of a contestant) winning; superior; ... yousheng 优生|outstanding student/to give birth to ... youshengduwu 有声读物|audiobook/recording of a person readi... youshengliebai 优胜劣败|see 優勝劣汰|优胜劣汰[you1 sheng4 lie4 tai4] youshenglietai 优胜劣汰|survival of the fittest (idiom) youshengshu 有声书|audiobook youshengxue 优生学|eugenics youshengyilai 有生以来|since birth/for one\'s whole life youshengyouse 有声有色|having sound and color (idiom); vivid... youshengzhinian 有生之年|(idiom) during one\'s lifetime; while ... youshengzhuanshuai 由盛转衰|from prosperity to decline/at its pea... youshenlun 有神论|theism (the belief in the existence o... youshenlunzhe 有神论者|theist (believer in one or more Deities) youshi 优势|superiority/dominance/advantage youshi 幼师|preschool teacher (abbr. for 幼兒教師|幼儿教... youshi 幼时|childhood youshi 酉时|5-7 pm (in the system of two-hour sub... youshi 诱使|to lure into/to entrap/to trick into/... youshi 邮市|philatelic market youshi 有事|to be occupied with sth/to have sth o... youshi 有时|sometimes/now and then youshi 有失|to cause a loss of (decorum, dignity ... youshihou 有时候|sometimes youshihoudao 有失厚道|to be ungenerous youshiji 诱食剂|feeding attractant/phagostimulant youshishenfen 有失身份|to be beneath one\'s dignity youshiwukong 有恃无恐|secure in the knowledge that one has ... youshiwuzhong 有始无终|to start but not finish (idiom); to f... youshiyilai 有史以来|since the beginning of history youshiyouzhong 有始有终|where there\'s a start, there\'s a fini... youshiyuanying 有失远迎|(polite) excuse me for not going out ... youshizhishi 有识之士|a person with knowledge and experienc... youshou 右手|right hand/right-hand side youshou 右首|right-hand side youshou 幼兽|cub youshou 游手|to be idle youshouhaoxian 游手好闲|to idle about youshouyoujiao 有手有脚|lit. have hands have feet/to be able ... youshu 鼬鼠|weasel youshu 鼬属|Mustela (genus of weasels etc) youshu 有数|to have kept count; to know how many;... youshuangruozhuo 又双叒叕|(Internet slang) time after time/agai... youshui 油水|grease/profit/ill-gotten gains youshui 游水|to swim youshui 游说|to lobby/to campaign/to promote (an i... youshui 有水|supplied with water (of a house) youshuijituan 游说集团|lobby group youshuituan 游说团|lobby group youshuituanti 游说团体|lobby group youshuoyouxiao 有说有笑|talking and laughing/to jest/cheerful... yousi 忧思|to be anxious and worried/agitated/pe... yousi 游丝|gossamer/hairspring yousi 有司|(literary) officials yousifenlie 有丝分裂|mitosis yousong 油松|Chinese red pine yousuan 油酸|oleic acid yousui 幽邃|profound and unfathomable yousun 游隼|(bird species of China) peregrine fal... yousun 有损|to be harmful (to) yousunyasuo 有损压缩|(computing) lossy compression yousuo 有所|somewhat/to some extent yousuobutong 有所不同|to differ to some extent (idiom) yousuodebiyousuoshi 有所得必有所失|there is no gain without a loss (idio... yousuozuowei 有所作为|(idiom) to achieve sth worthwhile; to... youta 犹他|Utah youta 油塔|oil tank youtai 犹太|the Jews/Judea youtaifadian 犹太法典|the Talmud youtaifuguozhuyi 犹太复国主义|Zionism youtaifuguozhuyizhe 犹太复国主义者|a Zionist youtaihuitang 犹太会堂|synagogue youtaijiao 犹太教|Judaism youtaijiaotang 犹太教堂|synagogue youtairen 犹太人|Jew youtan 右袒|to take sides with/to be partial to/t... youtanxing 有弹性|flexible youtao 油桃|nectarine youtazhou 犹他州|Utah youti 幼体|the young (unborn or newborn) of an a... youti 友悌|brotherly bond youtian 油田|oil field youtiao 油条|youtiao (deep-fried breadstick)/CL:根[... youtiaobuwen 有条不紊|regular and thorough (idiom); methodi... youtiaowen 有条纹|striped youtiaoyouli 有条有理|(idiom) clear and orderly; neat and tidy youtidongwu 有蹄动物|ungulates (animals with hooves) youting 游艇|barge/yacht/CL:隻|只[zhi1] youting 邮亭|postal kiosk/(old) rest shelter for c... youtong 幼童|young child youtong 油桐|Chinese wood-oil tree (Vernicia fordii) youtong 邮筒|mailbox/pillar box/(old) letter youtongjixueyiyi 有统计学意义|statistically significant youtongjun 幼童军|Cub Scout youtou 由头|pretext/excuse/justification/reason youtou-youlian 有头有脸|(idiom) (of a person) to be highly re... youtouwuwei 有头无尾|(idiom) to fail to finish off what on... youtouyouwei 有头有尾|where there\'s a start, there\'s a fini... youwan 游玩|to amuse oneself/to have fun/to go si... youwan 游抏|old variant of 遊玩|游玩[you2wan2] youwang 有望|hopeful/promising youwangwang 油汪汪|dripping with oil youwei 尤为|especially youwei 幽微|faint/subtle (of sound, scent etc)/pr... youwei 有味|tasty youwei 有为|promising/to show promise youwei 有违|to run counter to youweiweiwan 犹未为晚|it is not too late (idiom) youweiyoushou 有为有守|able to act while maintaining one\'s i... youwentusi 尤文图斯|Juventus, Italian football team youwo 优渥|handsome (pay etc)/generous/liberal youwu 油污|greasy dirt/sludge (from an oil spill) youwu 尤物|rarity/rare object/rare person/extrao... youwu 有无|to have or have not/surplus and short... youwushi 邮务士|mailman (Tw) youwuxiangtong 有无相通|mutual exchange of assistance (idiom)... youwuyou,yijirenzhiyou 幼吾幼,以及人之幼|to care for other\'s children as one\'s... youxi 游戏|game/CL:場|场[chang3]/to play youxi 尤溪|Youxi, a county in Sanming City 三明市[S... youxi 有喜|to be expecting/to be with child youxi 有息|interest-bearing (bank account) youxi 有戏|(coll.) promising/likely to turn out ... youxia 游侠|knight-errant youxia 右下|lower right youxia 有夏|China youxian 有限|limited/finite youxian 优先|to have priority; to take precedence youxian 悠闲|variant of 悠閒|悠闲/leisurely youxian 悠闲|leisurely/carefree/relaxed youxian 有线|wired/cable (television) youxian 游仙|Youxian district of Mianyang city 綿陽市... youxian 攸县|You county in Zhuzhou 株洲, Hunan youxian 右舷|starboard (of a ship) youxian 诱陷|to lure into a trap youxianchenggouquan 优先承购权|prior purchase right/right of first r... youxiandanyuan 有限单元|finite element (method) youxiandianshi 有线电视|cable television youxiang 邮箱|mailbox/post office box/email/email i... youxiang 幽香|delicate fragrance youxiang 油箱|oil tank youxiangdangbiaoziyouxianglipaifang 又想当婊子又想立牌坊|lit. to lead the life of a whore but ... youxiangongsi 有限公司|limited company/corporation youxiangu 优先股|preferred stock youxianji 优先级|(computing) priority level/(computing... youxianji 有限集|finite set youxianqu 游仙区|Youxian district of Mianyang city 綿陽市... youxianqun 有限群|finite group (math.) youxianrenguquan 优先认股权|preemptive right (in share issue) youxianxinwenwang 有线新闻网|Cable Network News (CNN) youxianyuan 有限元|finite element (method) youxianyuanfa 有限元法|finite element method youxiao 有效|effective/in effect/valid youxiao 幼小|young/immature youxiaocuoshi 有效措施|effective action youxiaofuzai 有效负载|payload youxiaoqi 有效期|period of validity/sell-by date youxiaoqinei 有效期内|within the period of validity/before ... youxiaoriqi 有效日期|expiration date; expiry date youxiaoxing 有效性|validity youxiaqishi 游侠骑士|a knight-errant youxichang 游戏场|playground youxichi 游戏池|paddling pool/wading pool youxie 有些|some/somewhat youxie 油鞋|waterproof shoes; oiled shoes (for we... youxieren 有些人|some people youxiji 游戏机|video game machine/video game console youxikun 游锡堃|Yu Shyi-kun (1948-) Taiwanese politician youxin 忧心|concerned/worried/disturbed/anxious youxin 有心|to have a mind to/to intend to/delibe... youxinchongchong 忧心忡忡|deeply worried and sick at heart (idiom) youxing 游行|to march; to parade; to demonstrate/p... youxing 有形|material; tangible; visible/shapely youxing 游星|(old) planet youxing 有幸|fortunately youxing 有型|stylish youxingqu 有兴趣|interested/interesting youxingshengzhi 有性生殖|sexual reproduction youxinren 有心人|resolute person/person with aspiratio... youxinyan 有心眼|clever/sharp youxinyi 有新意|modern/up-to-date youxiongxin 有雄心|ambitious youxishebei 游戏设备|gaming device/controller (for compute... youxishouba 游戏手把|gamepad (Tw) youxishoubing 游戏手柄|gamepad youxishuo 游戏说|theory of free play (in Kant\'s philos... youxitong 有系统|systematic youxiu 优秀|outstanding; excellent youxiwang 有希望|hopeful/promising/prospective youxiwang 游戏王|Yu-Gi-Oh! youxixian 尤溪县|Youxi, a county in Sanming City 三明市[S... youxizhuji 游戏主机|video game console youxu 有序|regular/orderly/successive/in order youxuan 优选|to optimize/preferred youxuan 油旋|Youxuan, a kind of a pastry youxue 游学|to study away from home or abroad (old) youxuewen 有学问|erudite/learned/informed/scholarly youxuhua 有序化|ordering (of a list, encyclopedia etc) youxun 由旬|yojana (Vedic measure, about 8 miles) youya 优雅|grace/graceful youya 幽雅|serene and elegant (of a place)/ether... youyan 油烟|soot/lampblack youyan 蚰蜒|earwig/house centipede youyan 犹言|can be compared to/is the same as youyanbushitaishan 有眼不识泰山|lit. to have eyes but fail to recogni... youyang 酉阳|Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous Cou... youyang 悠扬|melodious; mellifluous youyangcao 有氧操|aerobics youyangjianshencao 有氧健身操|aerobics youyangtujiazumiaozuzizhixian 酉阳土家族苗族自治县|Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous Cou... youyanguang 有眼光|to have good taste youyangxian 酉阳县|Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous Cou... youyangxueyang 有样学样|to imitate what sb else does; to foll... youyangyundong 有氧运动|aerobics youyanjiangcu 油盐酱醋|(lit.) oil, salt, soy sauce and vineg... youyanlijianr 有眼力见儿|(dialect) alert/attentive/observant youyanlu 蚰蜒路|lit. centipede\'s path/fig. narrow win... youyanmei 有烟煤|smokey coal youyanwuzhu 有眼无珠|(idiom) blind as a bat (figuratively)... youyaomarhao,youyaomarbuchicao 又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草|see 又要馬兒跑,又要馬兒不吃草|又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草[you4 ... youyaomarpao,youyaomarbuchicao 又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草|lit. you can\'t expect the horse to ru... youye 诱掖|to help and encourage youyeyan 油页岩|oil shale youyi 友谊|companionship/fellowship/friendship youyi 游弋|(of a naval vessel) to cruise/to patr... youyi 优异|exceptional; outstandingly good youyi 右翼|the right flank/(politically) right-wing youyi 游艺|entertainment youyi 游移|to wander/to shift around/to waver/to... youyi 犹疑|to hesitate youyi 有意|to intend/intentionally/interested in youyi 忧悒|anxious/distressed/burdened with care youyi 有益|useful/beneficial/profitable youyi 冘疑|variant of 猶疑|犹疑[you2 yi2] youyi-shuoyi 有一说一|to speak plainly; to speak one’s mind... youyibuding 游移不定|to oscillate without pause (idiom)/to... youyichang 游艺场|place of entertainment youyichu 有益处|beneficial youyici 又一次|yet again/once again/once more youyici 有一次|once/once upon a time youyidameiyida 有一搭没一搭|unimportant/perfunctory/indifferent/(... youyidawuyida 有一搭无一搭|see 有一搭沒一搭|有一搭没一搭[you3 yi1 da1 mei2 y... youyidian 有一点|a little; somewhat youyidianr 有一点儿|a bit/a little youyidijiutianchang 友谊地久天长|Auld Lang Syne, Scottish song with ly... youyifeng 友谊峰|Friendship Peak or Khüiten Peak (4,35... youyihui 游艺会|folk festival/fair/carnival youyijiang 优异奖|excellence award/merit award youyijumeiyiju 有一句没一句|to speak one minute and be quiet the ... youyiku 优衣库|Uniqlo, Japanese clothing brand youyili 有毅力|persevering/unwavering youyin 诱因|cause/triggering factor/incentive/ind... youyin 油印|to mimeograph youyingxiang 有影响|influential youyinshiren 游吟诗人|troubadour; bard youyinxiang 有印象|to have a recollection (of sb or sth)... youyinying 有阴影|shadowy youyipin 有一拼|comparable; on a par (with) youyisai 友谊赛|friendly match; friendly competition youyishangdian 友谊商店|Friendship Store, PRC state-run store... youyishi 有意识|conscious youyishou 有一手|to have a skill/to have a lot on the ... youyishuoyi,youershuoer 有一说一,有二说二|to call sth as it is (idiom) youyisi 有意思|interesting/meaningful/enjoyable/fun youyitao 有一套|to have a skill; to be savvy; to know... youyitianchangdijiu 友谊天长地久|see 友誼地久天長|友谊地久天长[You3 yi4 di4 jiu3 t... youyituan 游艺团|group of actors or acrobats at a fair... youyitui 有一腿|(coll.) to have an affair youyiwansui 友谊万岁|see 友誼地久天長|友谊地久天长[You3 yi4 di4 jiu3 t... youyiwuyi 有意无意|intentionally or otherwise youyixian 友谊县|Youyi county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭山[... youyixie 有一些|somewhat/rather/some youyiyi 有意义|to make sense/to have meaning/to have... youyizaihuahuabufa,wuxinchaliuliuchengyin 有意栽花花不发,无心插柳柳成阴|lit. you plant a garden and the flowe... youyong 游泳|swimming/to swim youyong 有用|useful youyongchi 游泳池|swimming pool youyongguan 游泳馆|indoor swimming pool; natatorium youyongjing 游泳镜|swimming goggles youyongku 游泳裤|see 泳褲|泳裤[yong3 ku4] youyongquan 游泳圈|swim ring/swim tube/(fig.) (coll.) sp... youyongwumou 有勇无谋|bold but not very astute (idiom) youyongyi 游泳衣|swimsuit/bathing costume youyou 悠悠|lasting for ages/long drawn out/remot... youyou 呦呦|(literary) (onom.) bleating of a deer youyou 油油|oily youyou 优游|carefree/leisurely youyou 幽幽|faint/indistinct youyouka 悠游卡|EasyCard (smart card used mainly for ... youyouqiu 悠悠球|yo-yo (loanword) youyouzide 优游自得|free and at leisure (idiom); unfettered youyu 右玉|Youyu county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zho... youyu 忧郁|sullen; depressed; melancholy; dejected youyu 由于|due to/as a result of/thanks to/owing... youyu 鱿鱼|squid youyu 优于|to surpass youyu 优裕|plenty/abundance youyu 有余|to have an abundance youyu 冘豫|variant of 猶豫|犹豫[you2 yu4] youyu 游鱼|a fish moving about in water youyu 犹豫|to hesitate youyuan 幽怨|hidden bitterness; secret grudge youyuan 游园|to visit a park or garden youyuan 悠远|long time ago/distant/far away youyuan 有缘|related/brought together by fate youyuanhui 游园会|garden party; fete (held in a garden ... youyuanqu 有源区|(computer chip manufacture) active area youyuanwufen 有缘无分|destined to meet but not fated to be ... youyubujue 犹豫不决|hesitancy/indecision/to waver youyue 优越|superior/superiority youyuezaixian 有约在先|to have a prior engagement youyumou 有预谋|premeditated youyuxian 右玉县|Youyu county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zho... youyuzheng 忧郁症|(psychology) depression youzai 悠哉|see 悠哉悠哉[you1 zai1 you1 zai1] youzai 幼崽|(zoology) the young; immature offspring youzai 幼仔|(zoology) the young; immature offspring youzaiyouzai 悠哉悠哉|free and unconstrained (idiom)/leisur... youzaiyouzai 优哉游哉|see 悠哉悠哉[you1 zai1 you1 zai1] youzaiyouzai 悠哉游哉|see 悠哉悠哉[you1 zai1 you1 zai1] youzegaizhi,wuzejiamian 有则改之,无则加勉|correct any mistakes you made, but ma... youzengwujian 有增无减|to increase without letup/to get wors... youzengwuyi 有增无已|constantly increasing without limit (... youzeren 有责任|liable/responsible youzha 油炸|to deep fry youzhagui 油炸鬼|(coll.) youtiao (deep-fried breadstick) youzhan 邮展|philatelic exhibition youzhao 有朝|one day; sometime in the future youzhaoyiri 有朝一日|one day/sometime in the future youzhaquanbing 油炸圈饼|doughnut youzhe 悠着|to take it easy youzhe 邮折|(philately) presentation pack/stamp f... youzhe 有着|to have/to possess youzhe 由着|let (one) have his way/as (one) pleas... youzheng 邮政|postal service/postal youzheng 油症|Yusho disease or Yu-cheng disease, ma... youzhengbianma 邮政编码|postal code/zip code youzhengju 邮政局|post office youzhengquma 邮政区码|PRC postcode, e.g. 361000 for Xiamen ... youzhengshipinyin 邮政式拼音|Chinese postal romanization, develope... youzhengwuzhan 有征无战|to win without a fight (idiom) youzhengxinxiang 邮政信箱|post office box youzhi 优质|excellent quality youzhi 幼稚|young/childish/puerile youzhi 油脂|grease/oil/fat youzhi 油纸|oilpaper youzhi 有志|to be ambitious youzhi 尤指|especially/particularly youzhihu 犹之乎|just like (sth) youzhijingcheng 有志竟成|persevere and you will succeed (idiom... youzhiqi 有志气|ambitious youzhiyouye 有枝有叶|to become bogged down in the details ... youzhiyuan 幼稚园|kindergarten (Tw) youzhizheshijingcheng 有志者事竟成|a really determined person will find ... youzhong 由衷|heartfelt/sincere/unfeigned youzhong 有种|to have guts/to have courage/to be brave youzhou 幽州|Youzhou, ancient province in north He... youzhu 有助|helpful/beneficial/to help/conducive to youzhu 疣猪|warthog youzhuan 右转|to turn right youzhuang 疣状|warty/bumpy/wart-shaped youzhui 疣赘|wart/superfluous/useless youzhujian 有主见|opinionated/having one\'s own strong v... youzhuo 忧灼|worrying youzhuyu 有助于|to contribute to; to promote youzi 游子|person living or traveling far from home youzi 柚子|pomelo (Citrus maxima or C. grandis)/... youzi 游资|floating capital/idle fund/hot money youzi 犹自|(literary) still/yet youzi 邮资|postage youzi 油子|dense and sticky substance/(dialect) ... youzi 犹子|(old) brother\'s son or daughter/nephew youzicunyan 有子存焉|I still have sons, don\'t I?/fig. futu... youzige 有资格|to be entitled/to qualify/to be quali... youziyouwei 有滋有味|flavorsome/(fig.) delightful/full of ... youzong 油棕|oil palm youzou 游走|to swim away youzou 游走|to wander about/to roam/to move back ... youzui 油嘴|eloquent and cunning/silver tongued youzui 有罪|guilty youzuibufa 有罪不罚|impunity youzuihuashe 油嘴滑舌|glib/oily-mouthed and smooth talking youzuimoshe 有嘴没舌|struck dumb/speechless youzuiwuxin 有嘴无心|to talk without any intention of acti... youzuoyong 有作用|effective/to have impact yu 与|variant of 歟|欤[yu2] yu 与|and/to give/together with yu 与|to take part in yu 于|surname Yu yu 于|to go/to take/sentence-final interrog... yu 于|(of time or place) in; at; on/(indica... yu 宇|room/universe yu 鱼|surname Yu yu 鱼|fish/CL:條|条[tiao2],尾[wei3] yu 浴|bath/to bathe yu 玉|jade yu 雨|rain/CL:陣|阵[zhen4],場|场[chang2] yu 雨|(literary) to rain/(of rain, snow etc... yu 余|surname Yu yu 余|(literary) I; me/variant of 餘|余[yu2] yu 余|extra/surplus/remaining/remainder aft... yu 域|field/region/area/domain (taxonomy) yu 粥|used in 葷粥|荤粥[Xun1yu4] yu 预|to advance/in advance/beforehand/to p... yu 裕|abundant yu 羽|feather/5th note in pentatonic scale yu 誉|to praise/to acclaim/reputation yu 逾|variant of 逾[yu2] yu 逾|to exceed/to go beyond/to transcend/t... yu 渝|short name for Chongqing 重慶|重庆[Chong2... yu 欲|desire/appetite/passion/lust/greed yu 欲|to wish for/to desire/variant of 慾|欲[... yu 育|to have children/to raise or bring up... yu 俞|surname Yu yu 俞|yes (used by Emperor or ruler)/OK/to ... yu 御|(bound form) imperial; royal/(literar... yu 御|(bound form) to defend; to resist yu 屿|islet yu 予|(archaic) I/me yu 予|(literary) to give yu 语|dialect/language/speech yu 语|(literary) to tell; to let (sb) know yu 蔚|surname Yu/place name yu 俣|big yu 於|surname Yu/Taiwan pr. [Yu2] yu 榆|elm yu 渔|fisherman/to fish yu 豫|abbr. for Henan province 河南 in centra... yu 豫|happy/carefree/at one\'s ease/variant ... yu 钰|treasure/hard metal yu 昱|bright light yu 娱|to amuse yu 喻|surname Yu yu 喻|to describe sth as/an analogy/a simil... yu 瑜|excellence/luster of gems yu 鹬|common snipe/sandpiper yu 亐|old variant of 于[Yu2] yu 黦|yellowish black yu 毓|(literary) to produce; to foster; to ... yu 遇|surname Yu yu 遇|(bound form) to encounter; to happen ... yu 峪|valley yu 淤|silt/river sludge/to silt up/choked w... yu 魊|ghost of a child yu 愚|to be stupid/to cheat or deceive/me o... yu 郁|variant of 鬱|郁[yu4] yu 郁|surname Yu yu 郁|(bound form) strongly fragrant yu 郁|old variant of 鬱|郁[yu4] yu 郁|(bound form) (of vegetation) lush; lu... yu 竽|free reed wind instrument similar to ... yu 舆|(literary) chassis of a carriage (con... yu 妤|handsome/fair yu 谕|order (from above) yu 瘀|hematoma (internal blood clot)/extrav... yu 阈|threshold yu 愈|the more...(the more...)/to recover/t... yu 愈|variant of 愈[yu4]/to heal yu 尉|used in 尉遲|尉迟[Yu4chi2] and 尉犁[Yu4li2] yu 彧|accomplished/elegant yu 馀|surname Yu yu 馀|variant of 餘|余[yu2], remainder yu 聿|(arch. introductory particle)/then/an... yu 煜|brilliant/glorious yu 鴪|old variant of 鴥[yu4] yu 愉|pleased yu 寓|to reside/to imply/to contain/residence yu 寓|variant of 寓[yu4] yu 庾|surname Yu/name of a mountain yu 迂|literal-minded/pedantic/doctrinaire/l... yu 禺|(archaic) district/(old) type of monkey yu 妪|old woman/to brood over/to protect yu 狱|prison yu 纡|surname Yu yu 纡|winding/twisting yu 虞|surname Yu yu 虞|(literary) to expect; to anticipate/(... yu 禹|Yu the Great (c. 21st century BC), my... yu 棫|(oak)/thorny shrub yu 瑀|(chalcedony) yu 吁|variant of 籲|吁[yu4] yu 吁|to implore yu 畲|cultivated field yu 滪|(place name in Sichuan) yu 窳|bad/useless/weak yu 褕|loose garment yu 菀|luxuriance of growth yu 玙|ornamental jade yu 瘐|to maltreat (as prisoners) yu 雩|summer sacrifice for rain yu 熨|reconciled/smooth yu 欤|(literary) (final particle similar to... yu 圉|horse stable/frontier yu 堉|fertile soil yu 盂|basin/wide-mouthed jar or pot yu 萸|used in 茱萸[zhu1yu2] yu 嵛|place name in Shandong yu 棜|tray for carrying sacrificial meats yu 揄|to draw out/to let hanging yu 驭|variant of 御[yu4]/to drive/to manage/... yu 淯|name of river/old name of Baihe 白河 in... yu 腴|fat on belly/fertile/rich yu 嵎|mountain range yu 喁|(literary) (onom.) response chant, ec... yu 悆|happy yu 玗|semiprecious stone/a kind of jade yu 忬|old variant of 豫[yu4] yu 鬻|to sell, esp. in strained circumstances yu 崳|county in Shandong province yu 寙|bad/useless/weak yu 臾|surname Yu yu 臾|a moment/little while yu 噳|herd/stag/buck yu 谀|to flatter yu 龥|variant of 籲|吁[yu4] yu 楀|surname Yu yu 唹|to smile at yu 兪|variant of 俞[yu2] yu 瘉|to heal yu 蓣|see 薯蕷|薯蓣[shu3 yu4] yu 敔|percussion instrument shaped as a hol... yu 觎|to desire passionately yu 遹|surname Yu yu 遹|follow/in accordance with yu 伛|hunchbacked yu 燏|radiance of fire yu 饫|full (as of eating) yu 舁|to lift/to raise yu 斔|old variant of 斞[yu3] yu 灪|(literary) (of waves) huge yu 窬|hole in a wall yu 矞|grand/elegant/propitious yu 菸|to wither/dried leaves/faded/withered yu 焴|old variant of 煜[yu4] yu 蜮|mythical creature/toad/worm yu 箊|bamboo with thin/wide leaves yu 礜|arsenic yu 龉|used in 齟齬|龃龉[ju3yu3] yu 旟|banner with falcons/mussed up hair yu 燠|warm yu 繘|a well-rope yu 薁|used in 蘡薁|𮐨薁[ying1yu4] yu 欎|old variant of 鬱|郁[yu4] yu 隅|corner yu 喩|Japanese variant of 喻 yu 邘|surname Yu yu 邘|place name yu 鹆|mynah yu 羭|black ram yu 隩|bay/cove yu 鸒|the eastern jackdaw yu 鄅|Yu, Zhou Dynasty vassal state, in pre... yu 杅|bowl/tub yu 狳|used in 犰狳[qiu2 yu2] yu 蝓|used in 蛞蝓[kuo4yu2] yu 艅|used in 艅艎[yu2huang2] yu 魣|perch yu 歈|songs yu 驈|black horse with white legs yu 鴥|(of a bird) to fly swiftly/to swoop yu 罭|drag-net yu 鰅|a kind of striped fish yu 萮|used in 山萮菜[shan1yu2cai4] yu 淢|moat/swift current yu 圄|prison/to imprison yu 楰|(tree) yu 釪|an alms bowl/a small bell yu 鋊|a poker/brass filings/to file yu 轝|variant of 輿|舆[yu2] yu 緎|seam yu 斞|dry measure equivalent to 16 斗[dou3] ... yu 娯|Japanese variant of 娛|娱[yu2] yu 㲾|old variant of 雨[yu3] yu 蕍|common water-plantain (Alisma plantag... yu 芋|taro/Colocasia antiquorum/Colocasia e... yu 𥫣|round basket used for feeding the cattle yu 𦈕|net yu 隃|exceed/jump over yu 𱃲|variant of 飫|饫[yu4] yu 𱌹|used in 齱齵|𱌶𱌹[zou1yu2] yu 𠈌|old variant of 虞[yu2]/used in 人從眾𠈌|人从... yuai 愚騃|stupid/foolish yuan 圆|circle/round/circular/spherical/(of t... yuan 元|surname Yuan/Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) yuan 元|currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan)/(bo... yuan 源|root/source/origin yuan 縁|Japanese variant of 緣|缘 yuan 员|(bound form) person engaged in a cert... yuan 园|surname Yuan yuan 园|land used for growing plants/site use... yuan 院|courtyard/institution/CL:個|个[ge4] yuan 猿|variant of 猿[yuan2] yuan 猿|ape yuan 爰|surname Yuan yuan 爰|therefore/consequently/thus/hence/the... yuan 愿|honest and prudent/variant of 願|愿[yuan4] yuan 愿|(bound form) wish; hope; desire/to be... yuan 苑|surname Yuan yuan 苑|(literary) enclosed area for growing ... yuan 原|surname Yuan/(Japanese surname) Hara yuan 原|former/original/primary/raw/level/cau... yuan 远|far/distant/remote/(intensifier in a ... yuan 远|to distance oneself from (classical) yuan 媛|used in 嬋媛|婵媛[chan2yuan2] yuan 媛|(bound form) beautiful woman (in prac... yuan 援|to help/to assist/to aid yuan 缘|cause/reason/karma/fate/predestined a... yuan 怨|to blame/(bound form) resentment; hat... yuan 鸢|kite (small hawk) yuan 瑗|large jade ring yuan 袁|surname Yuan yuan 袁|long robe (old) yuan 冤|injustice/grievance/wrong yuan 冤|old variant of 冤[yuan1] yuan 沅|Yuan river in Guizhou and Hunan yuan 渊|deep pool/deep/profound yuan 塬|plateau, esp. Loess Plateau of northw... yuan 鸳|mandarin duck yuan 掾|official yuan 湲|rushing (water) yuan 圜|circle/round yuan 裕安|Yu\'an, a district of Lu\'an City 六安市[L... yuan 魭|old variant of 黿|鼋[yuan2] yuan 芫|lilac daphne (Daphne genkwa), used in... yuan 螈|salamander/newt yuan 橼|used in 枸櫞|枸橼[ju3yuan2] and 香櫞|香橼[xia... yuan 辕|shafts of cart/yamen yuan 夗|to turn over when asleep yuan 囦|old variant of 淵|渊[yuan1] yuan 惌|to bear a grudge against yuan 鼋|sea turtle yuan 鹓|firebird (mythology) yuan 嫄|name of an empress yuan 渕|variant of 淵|渊[yuan1] yuan 羱|large-horned wild goat yuan 箢|used in 箢箕[yuan1 ji1] and 箢篼[yuan1 do... yuan 邧|place name yuan 眢|inflamed eyelids/parched yuan 蜎|surname Yuan yuan 蜎|larva of mosquito yuan 逺|old variant of 遠|远[yuan3] yuan 蚖|Protura (soil dwelling primitive hexa... yuan 蝝|locust larva without wings yuan 笎|bamboo with black patches yuan 猭|ape/Hylobates agilis yuan 肙|a small worm/to twist/to surround/empty yuan 棩|crooked (tree) yuan 円|yen (Japanese currency)/Japanese vari... yuan 垣|wall yuan 贠|old variant of 員|员[yuan2] yuan 预案|contingency plan yuan 𫘪|chestnut horse with white belly yuanan 冤案|miscarriage of justice yuanan 远安|Yuan\'an county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chan... yuananxian 远安县|Yuan\'an county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chan... yuanba 院坝|(dialect) courtyard yuanbai 圆柏|Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis) yuanbaicai 圆白菜|round white cabbage (i.e. Western cab... yuanbanrenma 原班人马|original cast/former team yuanbao 元宝|Yuanbao district of Dandong city 丹東市|... yuanbao 元宝|a silver or gold ingot/mock ingot (bu... yuanbao 原爆|atom bomb/contraction of 原子爆彈|原子爆弹[yu... yuanbaodian 原爆点|ground zero yuanbaoqu 元宝区|Yuanbao district of Dandong city 丹東市|... yuanbaoshan 元宝山|Yuanbaoshan district, Chifeng city, I... yuanbaoshanqu 元宝山区|Yuanbaoshan district, Chifeng city, I... yuanbaozidongji 元胞自动机|cellular automaton yuanbeigao 原被告|plaintiff and defendant/prosecution a... yuanben 原本|originally/original yuanben 院本|script for opera (esp. in Yuan times) yuanbi 猿臂|arms like those of an ape — muscular,... yuanbi 远避|to keep at a distance/to forsake yuanbing 援兵|reinforcement yuanbo 渊博|erudite/profound/learned/extremely kn... yuanbude 怨不得|cannot blame/no wonder yuancailiao 原材料|raw and semifinished materials yuanchan 原产|original production/native to (of spe... yuanchandi 原产地|original source/place of origin/prove... yuanchang 圆场|to mediate/to broker a compromise yuanchang 元长|Yuanchang township in Yunlin county 雲... yuanchang 原唱|to sing the original version of a son... yuanchanguo 原产国|country of origin yuanchangxiang 元长乡|Yuanchang township in Yunlin county 雲... yuanchao 元朝|Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368) yuanchaoguo 远超过|to exceed by far/to outclass yuancheng 远程|remote/long distance/long range yuancheng 源城|Yuancheng district of Heyuan city 河源市... yuanchengdaodan 远程导弹|long distance missile yuanchengdenglu 远程登录|telnet/rlogin/remote login yuanchengjiankong 远程监控|RMON/remote monitoring yuanchengqu 源城区|Yuancheng district of Heyuan city 河源市... yuanchengxu 源程序|source code (computing) yuanchong 原虫|protozoan yuanchong 渊冲|erudite but open-minded yuanchong 蚖虫|Protura (soil dwelling primitive hexa... yuanchou 冤仇|rancor/enmity/hatred resulting from g... yuanchu 远处|distant place yuanchu 原初|initial/original/originally/at first yuanchu 原处|original spot/previous place/where it... yuanchuang 原创|to create (sth original)/original/ori... yuanchuangli 原创力|creativity yuanchuangxing 原创性|originality yuanda 远大|far-reaching/broad/ambitious/promising yuandai 元代|the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368) yuandaima 源代码|source code (computing) yuandalixiang 远大理想|lofty ideal yuandan 元旦|New Year\'s Day yuandao 原道|original path/essay by Tang philosoph... yuandaoerlai 远道而来|to come from far away yuandatou 冤大头|spendthrift and foolish/sb with more ... yuandi 原地|(in) the original place/the place whe... yuandi 园地|garden area yuandi 塬地|fertile arable soil of loess plateau yuandi 怨敌|enemy/foe yuandian 原点|starting point/square one/(coordinate... yuandian 圆点|dot yuandian 源点|source yuandianban 原典版|(Tw) Urtext edition yuandiandizhi 源点地址|source address yuandianju 原点矩|(statistics) moment yuandidian 远地点|apogee yuanding 园丁|gardener yuanding 原定|originally planned/originally determined yuanding 圆顶|dome yuanditabu 原地踏步|to mark time (military)/to make no he... yuandong 远东|Far East (loanword) yuandongbao 远东豹|Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orienta... yuandongli 原动力|motive force/prime mover/first cause/... yuandongshanque 远东山雀|(bird species of China) Japanese tit ... yuandongshuying 远东树莺|(bird species of China) Manchurian bu... yuandongweiying 远东苇莺|(bird species of China) Manchurian re... yuandou 箢篼|(dialect) scoop-shaped woven bamboo b... yuandu 怨毒|bitter resentment; rancor yuanduan 远端|the far end (of an object)/remote (i.... yuanduanbaojiang 远端胞浆|distal cytoplasm yuanduangongzuo 远端工作|to telecommute; to work remotely yuanduanzhuanyi 远端转移|metastasis yuanduchongyang 远渡重洋|to travel across the oceans yuandufushu 愿赌服输|lit. if you agree to bet you must acc... yuandui 怨怼|resentment/grudge yuane 元恶|arch-criminal/master criminal yuanedadui 元恶大憝|arch-criminal and archenemy (idiom) yuanfang 远方|far away/a distant location yuanfang 圆房|(of a child bride) to consummate marr... yuanfang 远房|distantly related/a distant relative yuanfanglaihong 远方来鸿|letter from afar (literary) yuanfaxingjinxingxingshiyu 原发性进行性失语|primary progressive aphasia (PPA), sp... yuanfeiruci 远非如此|far from it being so (idiom) yuanfen 缘分|fate or chance that brings people tog... yuanfen 怨愤|resentment and indignation yuanfen 怨忿|resentment yuanfengbudong 原封不动|sticking unmoving to the original (id... yuanfu 远赴|to travel to (a distant place) yuanfu 渊富|rich and variegated yuanfufei 圆腹鲱|round herring yuangan 院感|hospital-acquired infection; nosocomi... yuangao 原告|complainant/plaintiff yuangao 原稿|manuscript/original copy yuange 原鸽|(bird species of China) rock dove (Co... yuangeqianli 远隔千里|thousands of miles away/far away yuangong 员工|staff; personnel; employee yuangong 圆拱|a round vault yuangongdian 远拱点|(astronomy) apoapsis yuangu 远古|antiquity/ancient times yuangu 缘故|reason/cause yuangu 渊谷|deep valley yuangu 原故|variant of 緣故|缘故[yuan2 gu4] yuanguang 圆光|radiance emanating from the head/halo yuanguang 渊广|broad and extensive (of knowledge etc) yuanguangdeng 远光灯|high beam (headlights) yuangudai 元古代|Proterozoic (geological era 2500-540m... yuangugu 圆鼓鼓|round and bulging/rotund/protruding yuangui 圆规|compass (drafting) yuanguidao 圆轨道|circular orbit (in astronomy and in a... yuanguizuo 圆规座|Circinus (constellation) yuangungun 圆滚滚|plump yuanguzhou 元古宙|pre-Cambrian (geological eon 2500-645m) yuanhai 渊海|(lit.) abyss and ocean/(fig.) vast an... yuanhang 远航|to travel a great distance by sea or ... yuanhanshu 原函数|antiderivative yuanhanshu 圆函数|the trigonometric functions yuanhaowen 元好问|Yuan Haowen (1190-1257), famous poet ... yuanhe 缘何|why?/for what reason? yuanhe 原核|prokaryotic (cell) yuanhe 渊壑|deep valley yuanhen 怨恨|to resent/to harbor a grudge against/... yuanheshengwu 原核生物|prokaryote yuanheshengwujie 原核生物界|Kingdom Monera/prokaryote yuanhexibao 原核细胞|prokaryote/prokaryotic cell yuanhexibaoxingweishengwu 原核细胞型微生物|prokaryotic cell type microorganism yuanhong 渊泓|vast and profound yuanhongdao 袁宏道|Yuan Hongdao (1568-1610), Ming dynast... yuanhou 猿猴|apes and monkeys yuanhu 圆弧|arc (segment of a circle) yuanhua 圆滑|smooth and evasive/slick and sly yuanhua 芫花|lilac daphne/Daphne genkwa yuanhuan 圆环|ring (any circular object)/(math.) an... yuanhuang 圆谎|to patch up one\'s lie (when inconsist... yuanhuasu 芫花素|genkwanin yuanhuaxian 圆滑线|slur (music) yuanhui 源汇|Yuanhui district of Luohe city 漯河市[Lu... yuanhuiqu 源汇区|Yuanhui district of Luohe city 漯河市[Lu... yuanhun 冤魂|ghost of one who died unjustly/depart... yuanji 原籍|ancestral home (town)/birthplace yuanji 圆寂|death/to pass away (of Buddhist monks... yuanji 箢箕|(dialect) scoop-shaped woven bamboo b... yuanjia 原价|original price yuanjia 冤家|enemy/foe/(in opera) sweetheart or de... yuanjia 远嫁|to marry a man who lives in a distant... yuanjiacuoan 冤假错案|unjust, fake and false charges (in a ... yuanjiaduitou 冤家对头|enemy (idiom); opponent/arch-enemy yuanjialuzhai 冤家路窄|lit. for enemies, the road is narrow ... yuanjian 元件|element/component yuanjian 原件|the original/original document/master... yuanjian 远见|foresight/discernment/vision yuanjiang 沅江|river in Hunan, flowing into Lake Don... yuanjianghanizuyizudaizuzizhixian 元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县|Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai autonomous... yuanjiangjiulei 沅江九肋|rare talent/lit. legendary nine-ribbe... yuanjiangshi 沅江市|Yuanjiang, county-level city in Yiyan... yuanjiangxian 元江县|Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai autonomous... yuanjianzhuoshi 远见卓识|visionary and sagacious (idiom) yuanjiao 援交|abbr. for 援助交際|援助交际[yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ... yuanjiao 远郊|outer suburbs/remote outskirts of a city yuanjiao 圆角|rounded corner; fillet yuanjiaomei 援交妹|prostitute (slang)/see also 援助交際|援助交际... yuanjiaoxiaojie 援交小姐|girl who engages in enjo-kōsai/see al... yuanjiayijiebuyijie 冤家宜解不宜结|It is better to squash enmity rather ... yuanjin 远近|far and near/distance yuanjing 愿景|vision (of the future) yuanjing 远景|scenery in the distance/long-term pro... yuanjing 员警|police officer; policeman yuanjing 袁静|Yuan Jing (1911-1999), writer, dramat... yuanjinjiezhi 远近皆知|known far and wide (idiom) yuanjinwenming 远近闻名|to be known far and wide/to be well-k... yuanjiu 援救|to come to the aid of/to save/to resc... yuanju 原居|indigenous yuanjue 猿玃|legendary ape of Sichuan and Yunnan, ... yuanjue 袁桷|Yuan Jue (1267-1327), Yuan dynasty wr... yuanjuli 远距离|long-distance yuanjulijianshi 远距离监视|off-site monitoring yuanjun 援军|(military) reinforcements yuanjun 元军|Mongol army/army of Yuan dynasty yuanke 远客|guest from afar yuankong 圆孔|round hole yuankougangjizhuidongwu 圆口纲脊椎动物|cyclostome (marine biology) yuanku 冤苦|to treat (sb) unjustly/anguish caused... yuankuohao 圆括号|parentheses; round brackets ( ) yuanlai 原来|original; former/originally; formerly... yuanlai 元来|variant of 原來|原来[yuan2 lai2] yuanlaichao 源赖朝|MINAMOTO no Yoritomo (1147-1199), Jap... yuanlaideheshanghuinianjing 远来的和尚会念经|the monk coming from afar is good at ... yuanlairuci 原来如此|(idiom) so that\'s how it is; I see yuanlang 元朗|Yuen Long town in northwest New Terri... yuanlangshi 元朗市|Yuen Long town, Hong Kong Island yuanlao 元老|senior figure/elder/doyen yuanlao 远劳|(courteous expression) you have made ... yuanlaoyuan 元老院|upper house/senate/senior statesmen\'s... yuanli 远离|to be far from/to keep away from yuanli 原理|principle/theory yuanli 苑里|Yuanli town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[... yuanliang 原谅|to excuse/to forgive/to pardon yuanliangse 原谅色|(slang) green yuanliao 原料|raw material yuanlin 园林|gardens; park; landscape garden yuanlin 员林|Yuanlin Town in Changhua County 彰化縣|彰... yuanling 圆领|crew neck/round neck (of pull-over ga... yuanling 沅陵|Yuanling county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai... yuanlingxian 沅陵县|Yuanling county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai... yuanlinzhen 员林镇|Yuanlin Town in Changhua County 彰化縣|彰... yuanliu 源流|(of watercourses) source and course/o... yuanlizhen 苑里镇|Yuanli town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[... yuanlong 元龙|one that has achieved the way/emperor yuanluo 院落|courtyard yuanlv 远虑|long-term considerations/to take the ... yuanlv 渊虑|profound thoughts or ideas yuanlve 远略|long-term strategy yuanma 源码|source code (computing) yuanman 圆满|satisfactory; consummate; perfect yuanmao 原貌|the original form yuanmei 原煤|raw coal yuanmei 袁枚|Yuan Mei (1716-1798), famous Qing poe... yuanmei 元煤|variant of 原煤[yuan2 mei2] yuanmen 远门|(to go to) distant parts/faraway/a di... yuanmeng 圆梦|to fulfill one\'s dream/(divination) t... yuanmenjinzhi 远门近枝|near and distant relatives yuanmianbing 圆面饼|round flat bread/pita bread yuanming 原名|original name yuanming 怨命|to complain about one\'s fate/to bemoa... yuanmingyuan 圆明园|Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace, ... yuanmo 渊默|profound silence yuanmo 元末|final years of Yuan dynasty (1279-136... yuanmomingchu 元末明初|late Yuan and early Ming/mid 14th cen... yuanmou 元谋|Yuanmou County in Chuxiong Yi Autonom... yuanmou 远谋|a long-term plan/an ambitious strategy yuanmou 渊谋|profound or erudite plans yuanmouxian 元谋县|Yuanmou County in Chuxiong Yi Autonom... yuanmu 原木|logs yuanmu 院牧|abbot (Christian) yuanmuqiuyu 缘木求鱼|lit. climb a tree to catch a fish (id... yuannansilafu 原南斯拉夫|former Yugoslavia (1945-1992) yuanni 原拟|to initially plan to ...; to original... yuannian 元年|first year of an emperor\'s reign/firs... yuannie 冤孽|sin (in Buddhism)/enmity leading to sin yuanniu 原牛|aurochs (Bos primigenius), extinct wi... yuannv 怨女|senior palace maiden/unmarried woman yuanou 怨偶|an unhappy couple (formal writing) yuanou 怨耦|variant of 怨偶[yuan4 ou3] yuanpan 圆盘|disk yuanpei 原配|first wife yuanpei 元配|first wife yuanping 原平|Yuanping, county-level city in Xinzho... yuanpingshi 原平市|Yuanping, county-level city in Xinzho... yuanpu 园圃|garden plot yuanqi 元气|strength/vigor/vitality/(TCM) vital e... yuanqi 远期|long-term/at a fixed date in the futu... yuanqi 缘起|to originate/origin; genesis/account ... yuanqi 怨气|grievance/resentment/complaint yuanqi 冤气|resentment over unfair treatment yuanqi 源起|to originate yuanqi 鸳绮|magnificent fabrics yuanqian 冤钱|money spent in vain; wasted money yuanqiguan 源器官|source organ yuanqiheyue 远期合约|forward contract (finance) yuanqijian 元器件|component yuanqin 远亲|a distant relative yuanqinburujinlin 远亲不如近邻|A relative afar is less use than a cl... yuanqing 冤情|facts of an injustice/circumstances s... yuanqing 元青|deep black yuanqiu 圆球|ball/sphere/globe yuanqu 园区|site developed for a group of related... yuanqu 元曲|Yuan dynasty theater, including poetr... yuanqu 冤屈|to treat unjustly/an injustice yuanqu 垣曲|Yuanqu county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 ... yuanqu 裕安区|Yu\'an, a district of Lu\'an City 六安市[L... yuanquan 圆圈|circle yuanquan 渊泉|deep springs yuanquan 源泉|fountainhead/well-spring/water source... yuanque 圆缺|waxing and waning (of the moon) yuanqusidajia 元曲四大家|Four Great Yuan Dramatists, namely: G... yuanquxian 垣曲县|Yuanqu county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 ... yuanren 猿人|apeman yuanren 远人|an estranged person/sb who is alienat... yuanren 原人|prehistoric man/primitive man yuanrenzhi 元认知|metacognition yuanridian 远日点|aphelion, the furthest point of a pla... yuanrong 圆融|accommodating/(Buddhism) completely i... yuanrou 元肉|dried longan pulp yuanrun 圆润|mellow and full/suave/smooth and roun... yuanse 原色|primary color yuanshan 元山|Wonsan city in Kangweon province 江原道 ... yuanshan 员山|Yuanshan Township in Yilan County 宜蘭縣... yuanshanshi 元山市|Wonsan city in Kangweon province 江原道 ... yuanshanxiang 员山乡|Yuanshan Township in Yilan County 宜蘭縣... yuanshao 袁绍|Yuan Shao (153-202), general during l... yuanshe 远涉|to cross (the wide ocean) yuanshen 元神|primordial spirit/fundamental essence... yuanshen 渊深|profound (knowledge)/erudite yuansheng 原生|original/primary/native/indigenous/pr... yuansheng 原声|acoustic (musical instrument) yuansheng 怨声|wail/lament/voice of complaint yuanshengdai 原声带|original soundtrack (OST); soundtrack yuanshengdongwu 原生动物|protozoan (bacteria) yuanshengganlanyou 原生橄榄油|virgin olive oil yuanshengjiating 原生家庭|family of origin yuanshengshengwu 原生生物|protist/primitive organism yuanshenguan 原肾管|protonephridium (invertebrate anatomy) yuanshengzaidao 怨声载道|lit. cries of complaint fill the road... yuanshengzhi 原生质|protoplasm yuanshi 原始|first/original/primitive/original (do... yuanshi 院士|scholar/academician/fellow (of an aca... yuanshi 远视|farsighted/hyperopia or hypermetropia... yuanshi 元史|History of the Yuan Dynasty, twenty t... yuanshi 元氏|Yuanshi county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家... yuanshi 远逝|to fade into the distance/(fig.) to p... yuanshi 缘饰|fringe yuanshi 远识|foresight yuanshi 渊识|erudite and sophisticated yuanshi 院试|the last of the three entry-level exa... yuanshikai 袁世凯|Yuan Shikai (1859-1916), senior gener... yuanshilin 原始林|old growth forest/primary forest/orig... yuanshima 原始码|source code (computing) (Tw, HK) yuanshiredaiyulin 原始热带雨林|virgin tropical rainforest yuanshiren 原始人|primitive man; prehistoric human yuanshishehui 原始社会|primitive society yuanshisidajia 元诗四大家|the four masters of Yuan poetry, name... yuanshiwuyu 源氏物语|The Tale of Genji/Genji Monogatari yuanshixian 元氏县|Yuanshi county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家... yuanshizu 元世祖|lit. progenitor of the Yuan Dynasty (... yuanshou 元首|head of state yuanshou 援手|assistance; a helping hand/to lend a ... yuanshuai 元帅|marshal (in the army) yuanshui 沅水|Yuan River yuanshui 原水|raw water/unpurified water yuanshuibujiejinke 远水不解近渴|lit. distant water does not cure pres... yuanshuibujiujinhuo 远水不救近火|see 遠水救不了近火|远水救不了近火[yuan3 shui3 jiu4 ... yuanshuijiubuliaojinhuo 远水救不了近火|water in a distant place is of little... yuanshuju 元数据|metadata yuansi 冤死|to suffer an unjust death yuansou 渊薮|(lit.) gathering place of fish or oth... yuansu 元素|element (key component of sth)/(chemi... yuansulian 原苏联|former Soviet Union yuansuzhouqibiao 元素周期表|periodic table of the elements (chemi... yuantaizu 元太祖|posthumous title of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗... yuantan 怨叹|to complain; to grumble yuanteng 远藤|Endō (Japanese surname) yuantian 原田|Harada (Japanese surname) yuantian 远天|heaven/the distant sky yuantianyouren 怨天尤人|(idiom) to blame the gods and accuse ... yuantianzaidao 怨天载道|lit. cries of complaint fill the road... yuantiao 远眺|to gaze into the distance yuanting-yuezhi 渊渟岳峙|(idiom) to have a serene yet formidab... yuantong 圆通|flexible/accommodating yuantong 圆筒|circular cylinder/drum yuantou 源头|source/fountainhead yuantou 冤头|enemy/foe yuantou 袁头|silver coin from the early days of th... yuantu 原图|original drawing, map or picture (as ... yuantu 远途|long-distance/long-haul yuantu 圆秃|spot baldness (alopecia areata) yuanwai 员外|landlord (old usage) yuanwang 远望|to gaze afar/to look into the distance yuanwang 冤枉|to accuse wrongly/to treat unjustly/i... yuanwang 愿望|desire/wish yuanwanglu 冤枉路|pointless trip/not worth the trip yuanwangqian 冤枉钱|wasted money/pointless expense yuanwei 原位|original position/(in) the same place... yuanwei 鸢尾|Iricdaceae, the iris family yuanwei 原委|the whole story yuanwei 原味|authentic taste/plain cooked/natural ... yuanweihua 鸢尾花|iris (family Iridaceae) yuanweijiejue 远未解决|far from solved yuanwen 原文|original text yuanwenqixiang 愿闻其详|I\'d like to hear the details yuanwu 圆舞|round dance yuanwu 冤诬|unjust charge/frame-up yuanwuding 圆屋顶|dome yuanwuliao 原物料|raw material yuanwuqu 圆舞曲|waltz yuanxian 原先|originally/original/former yuanxian 院线|theater chain (abbr. for 電影院線|电影院线) yuanxianwei 原纤维|fibril/protofilament yuanxiao 院校|college/academy/educational institution yuanxiao 元宵|Lantern Festival/night of the 15th of... yuanxiao 远销|to sell to faraway lands yuanxiaojie 元宵节|Lantern Festival, the final event of ... yuanxin 圆心|center of circle yuanxin 愿心|a wish/a request (to a deity) yuanxing 圆形|round/circular yuanxing 原型|model/prototype/archetype yuanxing 原形|original shape/true appearance (under... yuanxing 远行|a long journey/far from home yuanxingbilu 原形毕露|original identity fully revealed (idi... yuanxingjuchang 圆形剧场|amphitheater yuanxingmucai 圆形木材|log yuanxiong 元凶|chief offender/main culprit yuanxuan 渊玄|profundity/depth yuanxun 元勋|leading light/founding father/princip... yuanxun 元勋|leading light/founding father/princip... yuanyan 怨言|complaint yuanyang 原样|original shape/the same as before yuanyang 原阳|Yuanyang county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin... yuanyang 元阳|Yuanyang county in Honghe Hani and Yi... yuanyang 远扬|(fame) spreads far and wide yuanyang 鸳鸯|(bird species of China) mandarin duck... yuanyang 远洋|distant seas/the open ocean (far from... yuanyang 羱羊|ibex yuanyangguo 鸳鸯锅|\"mandarin ducks\" pot (hot pot with a ... yuanyanghudie 鸳鸯蝴蝶|Mandarin ducks and butterfly (i.e. lo... yuanyanghudiepai 鸳鸯蝴蝶派|Mandarin ducks and butterfly (i.e. lo... yuanyangxian 原阳县|Yuanyang county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin... yuanyangxian 元阳县|Yuanyang county in Honghe Hani and Yi... yuanyangxishui 鸳鸯戏水|lit. mandarin ducks playing in the wa... yuanyangyu 鸳鸯浴|taking a bath together as a couple yuanye 原野|plain/open country yuanye 元夜|Lantern Festival/night of 15th of fir... yuanye 冤业|sin (in Buddhism)/enmity leading to s... yuanyi 愿意|to wish/to want/ready/willing (to do ... yuanyi 原意|original meaning/original intention yuanyi 园艺|gardening/horticultural yuanyi 渊诣|deep and profound meaning yuanyi 冤抑|to suffer injustice yuanyi 原义|original meaning yuanyi 垣衣|moss under old walls yuanyi 怨艾|to resent/to regret/grudge yuanyin 原因|cause/origin/root cause/reason/CL:個|个... yuanyin 元音|vowel yuanyin 援引|to quote; to cite/to recommend (a fri... yuanyin 远因|indirect cause/remote cause yuanying 圆瑛|Yuan Ying (1878-1953), Buddhist monk yuanyinhexie 元音和谐|vowel harmony (in phonetics of Altaic... yuanyong 援用|to quote/to cite yuanyongyi 袁咏仪|Anita Yuen (1971-), Hong Kong actress yuanyou 原油|crude oil yuanyou 原有|original/former yuanyou 远游|to travel far/distant wanderings yuanyou 缘由|reason/cause yuanyou 园囿|park yuanyou 原由|variant of 緣由|缘由[yuan2 you2] yuanyou 怨尤|resentment yuanyouhui 园游会|(Tw) garden party; fete (held in a ga... yuanyoutou,zhaiyouzhu 冤有头,债有主|for every grievance someone is respon... yuanyu 源于|has its origins in yuanyu 缘于|to originate from/to come from the fa... yuanyu 冤狱|unjust charge or verdict; miscarriage... yuanyu 鼋鱼|soft-shelled turtle/also termed 鱉|鳖[b... yuanyu 原语|source language (linguistics) yuanyuan 远远|distant/by far yuanyuan 渊源|origin/source/relationship yuanyuan 远缘|distantly related/remote affinity yuanyuan 渊渊|deep and still/sound of a drum yuanyuan 渊远|deep/profound yuanyuan-buduan 源源不断|(idiom) in an unending stream; contin... yuanyuanbenben 原原本本|from beginning to end/in its entirety... yuanyuanbenben 元元本本|variant of 原原本本[yuan2 yuan2 ben3 ben3] yuanyuanbenben 源源本本|variant of 原原本本[yuan2 yuan2 ben3 ben3] yuanyuanchaoguo 远远超过|surpassing by far yuanyuanliuchang 源远流长|lit. source is distant and the flow i... yuanyuanxiangbaoheshiliao 冤冤相报何时了|if revenge breeds revenge, will there... yuanyue 元月|first month (of either lunar or Weste... yuanyue 圆月|full moon yuanyuling 袁于令|Yuan Yuling (-1674) Qing writer, auth... yuanyun 圆晕|concentric circles/circular ripples yuanyuyan 元语言|metalanguage yuanyuyannengli 元语言能力|metalinguistic ability yuanyuzhou 元宇宙|(computing) metaverse yuanzang 援藏|pro-Tibet/to support Tibet/to support... yuanzao-fangrui 圆凿方枘|see 方枘圓鑿|方枘圆凿[fang1rui4-yuan2zao2] yuanze 原则|principle/doctrine/CL:個|个[ge4] yuanzeshang 原则上|in principle/generally yuanzexing 原则性|principled yuanzhang 园长|person in charge of a place that ends... yuanzhang 院长|the head of an institution whose name... yuanzheng 远征|an expedition, esp. military/march to... yuanzhengjun 远征军|expeditionary force/army on a distant... yuanzhi 远志|far-reaching ambition/lofty ideal/mil... yuanzhi 原址|original location yuanzhi 原汁|juice (extracted from fresh fruit or ... yuanzhi-yuanwei 原汁原味|original; authentic yuanzhou 圆周|circumference; circle yuanzhou 原州|Yuanzhou district of Guyuan city 固原市[... yuanzhou 袁州|Yuanzhou district of Yichun city 宜春市,... yuanzhou 远胄|distant descendants yuanzhoulv 圆周率|(math.) the ratio of the circumferenc... yuanzhouqu 原州区|Yuanzhou district of Guyuan city 固原市[... yuanzhouqu 袁州区|Yuanzhou district of Yichun city 宜春市,... yuanzhu 原著|original work (not translation or abr... yuanzhu 圆柱|column/cylinder yuanzhu 援助|to help/to support/to aid/aid/assistance yuanzhu 圆珠|bead yuanzhuang 原装|genuine/intact in original packaging ... yuanzhuang 原状|previous condition/original state yuanzhubi 圆珠笔|ballpoint pen/CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1] yuanzhui 圆锥|cone/conical/tapering yuanzhuiquxian 圆锥曲线|conic section yuanzhuiti 圆锥体|cone yuanzhuixing 圆锥形|conical/coniform yuanzhuizhuang 圆锥状|conical yuanzhujiaoji 援助交际|Enjo-kōsai or \"compensated dating\", a... yuanzhujigou 援助机构|relief agency/emergency service/rescu... yuanzhumin 原住民|indigenous peoples/aborigine yuanzhuminzu 原住民族|original inhabitant/indigenous people yuanzhuo 圆桌|round table yuanzhuohuiyi 圆桌会议|round table conference yuanzhuti 圆柱体|cylinder (geometry) yuanzhuxing 圆柱形|cylindrical yuanzhuzhishou 援助之手|a helping hand yuanzi 原子|atom/atomic yuanzi 源自|to originate from yuanzi 院子|courtyard/garden/yard/patio/CL:個|个[ge... yuanzi 圆子|kind of dumpling/sticky rice ball yuanzibanjing 原子半径|atomic radius yuanzibaodan 原子爆弹|atom bomb yuanzibi 原子笔|ballpoint pen/also written 圓珠筆|圆珠笔 yuanzidan 原子弹|atom bomb/atomic bomb/A-bomb yuanzidui 原子堆|atomic pile (original form of nuclear... yuanzifanyingdui 原子反应堆|atomic reactor yuanzihe 原子核|atomic nucleus yuanzikexuejia 原子科学家|atomic scientist/nuclear scientist yuanzikexuejiatongbao 原子科学家通报|Journal of Atomic Scientists yuanziliang 原子量|atomic weight/atomic mass yuanziliao 元资料|metadata yuanzilun 原子论|atomic theory yuanzineng 原子能|atomic energy yuanzinengfadianzhan 原子能发电站|atomic power station yuanziwuqi 原子武器|atomic weapon yuanzixushu 原子序数|atomic number yuanzizhiliang 原子质量|atomic mass yuanzizhong 原子钟|atomic clock yuanzougaofei 远走高飞|to go far/to escape to faraway places yuanzu 远足|excursion/hike/march yuanzu 远祖|a remote ancestor yuanzu 元组|tuple yuanzui 原罪|original sin yuanzuo 原作|original works/original text/original... yuanzuoban 原作版|Urtext edition yuba 浴霸|bathroom infrared heater, marketed as... yubabuneng 欲罢不能|want to stop but can\'t (idiom)/to be ... yubai 窳败|to ruin/corrupt yuban 瘀斑|(medicine) ecchymosis/bruising yubangxiangzheng 鹬蚌相争|abbr. for 鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利|鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利[yu4 ban... yubangxiangzheng,yuwengdeli 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利|lit. when the snipe and the clam grap... yubao 预报|forecast yubao 御宝|imperial seal yubei 预备|to prepare/to make ready/preparation/... yubei 渝北|Yubei, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆[... yubeiqu 渝北区|Yubei, a district of Chongqing 重慶|重庆[... yubeiyijunren 预备役军人|reserve troops yubeizhishi 预备知识|background knowledge/prerequisite yuben 愚笨|stupid/clumsy yubi 瘐毙|to die of hunger or disease (of a pri... yubiandang 御便当|(Tw) bento/lunch box yubiao 鱼鳔|swim bladder yubing 语病|faulty wording/mispronunciation due t... yubing 鱼饼|fishcake yubo 余波|aftermath/repercussions/fallout yubu 雨布|rain tarp yubu 预卜|to foretell; to predict yubukeji 愚不可及|impossibly stupid yucang 鱼舱|the fish hold (of a fishing vessel) yuce 预测|to forecast/to predict yucengyun 雨层云|nimbostratus/stratus rain cloud yucha 鱼叉|harpoon yuchang 浴场|bathing spot yuchang 渔场|fishing ground yuchanqi 预产期|expected date of childbirth/estimated... yuche 余车|emperor\'s carriage yucheng 禹城|Yucheng, county-level city in Dezhou ... yucheng 玉成|please help achieve something (formal) yucheng 雨城|Yucheng district of Ya\'an city 雅安市[Ya... yucheng 虞城|Yucheng county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 ... yuchengqu 雨城区|Yucheng district of Ya\'an city 雅安市[Ya... yuchengshi 禹城市|Yucheng, county-level city in Dezhou ... yuchengxian 虞城县|Yucheng county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 ... yuchenyanyao 鱼沉雁杳|lit. the fish swam away into the dept... yuchi 鱼池|Yuchi or Yuchih Township in Nantou Co... yuchi 鱼池|fishpond yuchi 浴池|public bath yuchi 尉迟|two-character surname Yuchi yuchi 鱼翅|shark fin yuchigong 尉迟恭|General Yuchi Gong (585-658), famous ... yuchigua 鱼翅瓜|spaghetti squash (Cucurbita pepo) yuchitang 鱼翅汤|shark fin soup yuchixiang 鱼池乡|Yuchi or Yuchih Township in Nantou Co... yuchong 鱼虫|water flea (small crustacean of genus... yuchu 御厨|imperial chef/imperial kitchen yuchuan 渔船|fishing boat/CL:條|条[tiao2] yuchuan 鱼船|fishing boat/same as 漁船|渔船 yuchuan 玉川|Tamagawa (name)/Tamagawa city in Akit... yuchuandui 渔船队|fishing fleet yuchuanshi 玉川市|Tamagawa city in Akita prefecture, Japan yuchuli 预处理|to preprocess yuchun 愚蠢|silly/stupid yuci 榆次|Yuci district of Jinzhong city 晉中市|晋中... yuci 遇刺|to be attacked by an assassin yuci 语词|word/phrase/(old) (grammar) function ... yuci 鱼刺|fishbone yuci 谀辞|flattering words yuci 御赐|to be bestowed by the emperor yuci-tongshi 与此同时|at the same time; meanwhile yuciqu 榆次区|Yuci district of Jinzhong city 晉中市|晋中... yucong 玉琮|see 琮[cong2] yucun 余存|remainder; balance yuda 雨搭|awning yudafu 郁达夫|Yu Dafu (1896-1945), poet and novelist yudaihaidiao 玉带海雕|(bird species of China) Pallas\'s fish... yudan 鱼蛋|fish ball yudan 于丹|Yu Dan (1965-), female scholar, write... yudang 余党|remnants (of a defeated clique)/rump yudao 遇到|to meet; to run into; to come across yudi 玉帝|the Jade Emperor yudi 雨滴|raindrop yudi 余地|margin/leeway yudi 舆地|land/map/(old) geography yudi 御敌|armed enemy of the nation/enemy of th... yudi 御弟|emperor\'s young brother yudi 欲滴|(suffix) replete (with moisture)/glis... yudian 雨点|raindrop yudian 瘀点|petechia (medicine) yudiao 语调|intonation/tone of voice/CL:個|个[ge4] yudiao 渔雕|(bird species of China) lesser fish e... yuding 预定|to schedule in advance yuding 预订|to place an order/to book ahead yudingyi 预定义|predefined yudu 于都|Yudu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 zho... yudu 裕度|margin/allowance yudu 鱼肚|fish maw/a food dish made from the sw... yuduan 羽缎|camlet (silk fabric) yudubai 鱼肚白|fish-belly white (used to describe th... yudun 愚钝|stupid/slow-witted yuduolihuanghou 域多利皇后|Queen Victoria (1819-1901), reigned 1... yuduxian 于都县|Yudu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州[Gan4 zho... yue 月|moon/month/monthly/CL:個|个[ge4],輪|轮[lun2] yue 阅|to inspect/to review/to read/to perus... yue 乐|surname Yue yue 乐|music yue 越|generic word for peoples or states of... yue 越|to exceed/to climb over/to surpass/th... yue 悦|pleased yue 余额|balance (of an account, bill etc)/sur... yue 粤|Cantonese/short name for Guangdong 廣東... yue 曰|to speak/to say yue 跃|to jump/to leap yue 约|to make an appointment/to invite/appr... yue 籥|flute/key yue 岳|surname Yue yue 岳|wife\'s parents and paternal uncles yue 岳|high mountain/highest peak of a mount... yue 樾|shade of trees yue 爚|bright/fiery yue 钺|battle-ax yue 钥|key/also pr. [yao4] yue 玥|pearl used in sacrifice yue 禴|spring imperial ancestral sacrifice yue 狘|jump yue 抈|to bend yue 戉|variant of 鉞|钺[yue4] yue 瀹|to cleanse/to boil yue 哕|to puke/to hiccup/Taiwan pr. [yue1] yue 龠|ancient unit of volume (half a 合[ge3]... yue 刖|to amputate one or both feet (punishm... yue 楽|Japanese variant of 樂|乐[yue4] yue 曱|used in 曱甴[yue1zha2] yue 閲|Japanese variant of 閱|阅 yue 趯|to jump yue 矱|standard/norm/Taiwan pr. [huo4] yue 礿|spring imperial ancestral sacrifice yue 𫐄|crossbar for yoking horses yue 𬸚|used in 鸑鷟|𬸚𬸦[yue4 zhuo2] yueban 月半|15th of the month yuebangyuemang 越帮越忙|to be officious/to kibitz/to be meddl... yuebao 月报|monthly (used in names of publication... yuebei 月孛|(ancient Chinese astrology) Yuebei, a... yuebing 阅兵|to review troops/military parade yuebing 月饼|mooncake (esp. for the Mid-Autumn Fes... yuebingshi 阅兵式|military parade yuebo 约伯|Job (name)/Book of Job in the Old Tes... yueboji 约伯记|Book of Job (in the Old Testament) yuecai 粤菜|Cantonese cuisine yueceng 跃层|duplex (apartment) yuecheng 越城|Yuecheng district of Shaoxing city 紹興... yuecheng 月城|semicircular defensive enclosure arou... yuechengling 越城岭|Yuecheng mountain range between south... yuechengqu 越城区|Yuecheng district of Shaoxing city 紹興... yuechi 岳池|Yuechi county in Guang\'an 廣安|广安[Guang... yuechixian 岳池县|Yuechi county in Guang\'an 廣安|广安[Guang... yuechu 月初|start of month/early in the month yuechu 约出|to arrange to go on a date with sb yuechujiexian 越出界线|to exceed/to overstep the limit yuedan 约旦|Jordan yuedan 约但|variant of 約旦|约旦, Jordan yuedangxianjin 约当现金|cash equivalent (accountancy) yuedanhe 约但河|variant of 約旦河|约旦河[Yue1 dan4 He2] yuedanhe 约旦河|Jordan River yuedeerge 岳得尔歌|to yodel yuedengyu 约等于|approximately equal to yuedi 月底|end of the month yueding 约定|to agree on sth (after discussion)/to... yuedingsucheng 约定俗成|established by popular usage (idiom);... yuedingzixunsulv 约定资讯速率|committed information rate (Frame Rel... yuedong 越冬|to pass the winter/to overwinter/to l... yuedu 阅读|to read/reading yuedu 月度|monthly yueduguangdu 阅读广度|reading span yuedui 乐队|band/pop group/CL:支[zhi1] yuedulijie 阅读理解|reading comprehension yueduqi 阅读器|reader (software) yueduzhangai 阅读障碍|dyslexia yueduzhuangzhi 阅读装置|electronic reader (e.g. for barcodes,... yueer 悦耳|sweet-sounding/beautiful (of sound) yueershu 约珥书|Book of Joel yuefa 越发|increasingly/more and more/ever more/... yuefa 约法|temporary law/provisional constitution yuefasanzhang 约法三章|to agree on three laws (idiom)/three-... yuefei 岳飞|Yue Fei (1103-1142), Song dynasty pat... yuefei 越飞|Adolph Abramovich Joffe (1883-1927), ... yuefen 月份|month yuefen 约分|reduced fraction (e.g. one half for t... yuefen 月分|month/also written 月份[yue4 fen4] yuefeng 月俸|monthly salary yuefenhuiyi 月份会议|monthly meeting/monthly conference yuefenpai 月份牌|calendar (esp. illustrated) yuefu 岳父|wife\'s father, father-in-law yuefu 乐府|yuefu (Chinese style of lyric poetry) yuefushiji 乐府诗集|Collection of Yuefu Songs and Ballads... yuegan 乐感|musicality; feel for music yuegangaodawanqu 粤港澳大湾区|Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay... yuegen 约根|Jurgen (name) yuegong 月宫|Palace in the Moon (in folk tales) yuegong 越共|Communist Party of Vietnam/Viet Cong yuegong 月供|monthly loan repayment/mortgage payment yuegong 月工|worker employed by the month yuegua 越瓜|snake melon yueguang 月光|moonlight yueguangmi 越光米|Koshihikari rice (variety of rice pop... yueguangshi 月光石|moonstone yueguangzu 月光族|people who spend all their monthly ea... yuegui 月桂|laurel (Laurus nobilis)/bay tree/bay ... yuegui 越轨|to run off the track/to step out of l... yuegui 约柜|Ark of the Covenant yueguiguan 月桂冠|laurel crown/victory garland (in Gree... yueguishu 月桂树|laurel tree (Laurus nobilis)/bay tree yueguishuye 月桂树叶|laurel leaf; bay leaf yueguiye 月桂叶|bay leaf; laurel leaf yueguo 越过|to cross over/to transcend/to cover d... yueguo 越国|Yue state/generic term for states in ... yuehai 月海|lunar mare yuehai 粤海|Guangdong-Hainan yuehan 约翰|John (name)/Johan (name)/Johann (name) yuehanbaoluo 约翰保罗|John Paul (name)/Pope John Paul II, K... yuehanbenren 约翰·本仁|John Bunyan (1628-1688), English puri... yuehanepudaike 约翰·厄普代克|John Updike, US novelist (1932-2009),... yuehanershu 约翰二书|Second epistle of St John yuehanershu 约翰贰书|Second epistle of St John/also writte... yuehanfuyin 约翰福音|Gospel according to St John yuehanhuojinsi 约翰·霍金斯|John Hawkins (1532-1595), British sea... yuehanhuojinsidaxue 约翰·霍金斯大学|Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore yuehanlabei 约翰·拉贝|John Rabe (1882-1950), German who hel... yuehanneisibao 约翰内斯堡|Johannesburg, South Africa yuehansanshu 约翰三书|Third epistle of St John yuehansidun 约翰斯顿|Johnston, Johnson, Johnstone etc, name yuehantielu 粤汉铁路|Canton-Hankou Railway, linking Guangz... yuehanxun 约翰逊|Johnson or Johnston (name) yuehanyishu 约翰一书|First epistle of St John yuehanyishu 约翰壹书|First epistle of St John/also written... yuehe 约合|approximately/about (some numerical v... yuehei 月黑|moonless (night) yueheitian 月黑天|the dark/night yuehu 月湖|Yuehu district of Yingtan city 鷹潭市|鹰潭... yuehua 月华|moonlight yuehui 约会|appointment/engagement/date/CL:次[ci4]... yuehuiduixiang 约会对象|partner for dating/a date (boyfriend ... yuehuqu 月湖区|Yuehu district of Yingtan city 鷹潭市|鹰潭... yueji 越级|to skip a grade/to bypass ranks/to go... yueji 约计|to calculate to be roughly ... yueji 月季|Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) yueji 约集|to gather at an appointed place and time yuejia 岳家|wife\'s parents\' home yuejian 约见|to arrange an interview/an appointmen... yuejie 越界|to cross a border/to overstep a bound yuejin 跃进|to leap forward/to make rapid progres... yuejing 月经|menstruation/a woman\'s period yuejing 越境|to cross a border (usually illegally)... yuejing 乐经|Book of Music, said to be one of the ... yuejing 月径|moonlit path/diameter of the moon/dia... yuejingdian 月经垫|sanitary towel/menopad yuejingmianshuan 月经棉栓|tampon yueju 越剧|Shaoxing opera yueju 跃居|to vault yueju 粤剧|Cantonese opera yueju 乐句|musical phrase yueju 越橘|cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) yuejuan 阅卷|to grade exam papers yuekan 月刊|monthly magazine yueke 约克|York yuekejun 约克郡|Yorkshire (English region) yuekeng 月坑|lunar crater yuekui 月亏|waning moon/to wane yuelaiyue 越来越|more and more yuelan 阅览|to read yuelan 月蓝|light blue yuelan 月阑|the halo of the moon yuelanshi 阅览室|reading room/CL:間|间[jian1] yuelao 月老|matchmaker/go-between/same as 月下老人[yu... yueli 阅历|to experience/experience yueli 乐理|music theory yueli 月历|monthly calendar yueli 月利|monthly interest yueli 越礼|to overstep etiquette/not to observe ... yueli 月鳢|snakehead mullet/Channa asiatica yueliang 月亮|the moon yueliangbei 月亮杯|menstrual cup (Tw) yueliangnvshenhao 月亮女神号|SELENE, Japanese lunar orbiter spacec... yueling 月令|typical weather in a given season yuelong 跃龙|allosaurus yuelu 岳麓|Yuelu district of Changsha city 長沙市|长... yuelun 月轮|full moon yueluqu 岳麓区|Yuelu district of Changsha city 長沙市|长... yuelushan 岳麓山|Mt Yuelu in Changsha 長沙|长沙[Chang2 sha... yuelushuyuan 岳麓书院|Yuelu Academy in Changsha, Hunan, fam... yuelv 乐律|tuning/temperament yuelve 约略|approximate/rough yuelveguji 约略估计|approximate estimate/to reckon roughly yuema 跃马|to gallop/to spur on a horse/to let o... yuemangzheng 月盲症|moon blindness/equine recurrent uveitis yuemi 乐迷|music fan yuemiao 月杪|last few days of the month yuemiaoyuehei 越描越黑|lit. the more you touch things up, th... yuemo 月末|end of month/late in the month yuemo 约摸|about/around/approximately/also writt... yuemo 约莫|about/around/approximately yuemu 岳母|wife\'s mother, mother-in-law yuena 约纳|Jonah yuena 悦纳|to find acceptable yuenan 越南|Vietnam/Vietnamese yuenancipangpi 越南刺鳑鲏|Acanthorhodeus tonkinensis Vaillant (... yuenandun 越南盾|Vietnamese dong (currency) yuenanminzhugongheguo 越南民主共和国|Democratic Republic of Vietnam (aka N... yuenanwen 越南文|Vietnamese written language/Vietnames... yuenanwushu 阅男无数|(idiom) to have had relationships wit... yuenanyu 越南语|Vietnamese language, Tiếng Việt yuenanzhanzheng 越南战争|Vietnam War (1955-1975) yuenashu 约拿书|Book of Jonah yuenvshen 月女神|Moon Goddess yuenvwushu 阅女无数|(idiom) to have had relationships wit... yuepao 约炮|(slang) to hook up for a one night st... yuepianshi 月偏食|partial eclipse of the moon yuepiao 月票|monthly ticket yuepin 粤拼|Jyutping, one of the many Cantonese r... yuepozi 月婆子|(coll.) lying-in woman yuepu 乐谱|a musical score/sheet music yuepuhu 岳普湖|Yopurgha nahiyisi (Yopurga county) in... yuepuhuxian 岳普湖县|Yopurgha nahiyisi (Yopurga county) in... yueqi 乐器|musical instrument/CL:件[jian4] yueqi 约契|contract/oath of allegiance yueqian 月钱|monthly payment yueqian 跃迁|transition/jump (e.g. quantum leap in... yueqiao 越侨|Vietnamese resident in other countrie... yueqin 月琴|yueqin, a lute with oval or octagonal... yueqing 约请|to invite/to issue an invitation yueqing 乐清|Yueqing, county-level city in Wenzhou... yueqingshi 乐清市|Yueqing, county-level city in Wenzhou... yueqiu 月球|the moon yueqiuche 月球车|moon buggy yuequ 乐曲|musical composition yuequan 越权|to go beyond one\'s authority/arrogation yuequanshi 月全食|total lunar eclipse yueque 月缺|new moon yuer 育儿|to raise a child yuer 鱼饵|fish bait yueran 跃然|to show forth/to appear as a vivid im... yuerang 月壤|lunar soil yueranzhishang 跃然纸上|to appear vividly on paper (idiom); t... yuerdai 育儿袋|marsupial pouch yuersao 育儿嫂|nanny (for infants and toddlers) yuesao 月嫂|woman hired to take care of a newborn... yuese 约瑟|Joseph (name) yuese 月色|moonlight yuese 悦色|happy/contented yuesefu 约瑟夫|Joseph (name) yuesefusidalin 约瑟夫·斯大林|Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Soviet dic... yueshafa 约沙法|Jehoshaphat, fourth king of Judah (Ju... yuesheng 跃升|to leap to (a higher position etc)/to... yueshi 月食|lunar eclipse/eclipse of the moon yueshi 乐师|musician yueshi 阅世|to see the world yueshi 月事|menses/menstruation/a woman\'s periods yueshi 月蚀|variant of 月食[yue4 shi2] yueshi 越式|Vietnamese-style yueshou 乐手|instrumental performer yueshouru 月收入|monthly income yueshu 约束|to restrict/to limit to/to constrain/... yueshu 约数|divisor (of a number)/approximate number yueshuli 约束力|(of a contract) binding (law) yueshuo 月朔|the first day of each month yueshutiaojian 约束条件|restrictive condition/constraint yueshuya 约书亚|Joshua (name) yueshuyaji 约书亚记|Book of Joshua yuetai 月台|railway platform yuetaimumen 月台幕门|(railway) platform screen doors/platf... yuetaipiao 月台票|platform ticket yuetan 乐坛|music circles/music world yuetan 约坦|Jotham (son of Uzziah) yuetang 岳塘|Yuetan district of Xiangtan city 湘潭市[... yuetangqu 岳塘区|Yuetan district of Xiangtan city 湘潭市[... yuetingren 阅听人|(Tw) audience yuetong 约同|to invite sb to go along with oneself... yuetour 月头儿|start of the month (colloquial) yuetuan 乐团|band/orchestra yuewanggoujian 越王勾践|King Gou Jian of Yue (c. 470 BC), som... yuewei 越位|offside (sports) yuewei 月尾|end of the month yueweicaotangbiji 阅微草堂笔记|Notes on a Minutely Observed Thatched... yuewen 越文|Vietnamese written language/Vietnames... yuexi 岳西|Yuexi, a county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1qi... yuexi 越西|Yuexi county in Liangshan Yi autonomo... yuexi 月息|monthly interest yuexi 月夕|Mid-autumn Festival on lunar 15th August yuexi 越席|to leave one\'s seat yuexiahuaqian 月下花前|lit. amidst the flowers under the moo... yuexialaoren 月下老人|minor divinity concerned with marriag... yuexiang 月相|phase of the moon yuexianyueshen 越陷越深|to fall deeper and deeper (in debt, i... yuexin 月薪|monthly income (in kind) yuexin 月信|(old) menstruation/period yuexiu 越秀|Yuexiu District of Guangzhou City 廣州市... yuexiu 粤绣|Guangdong embroidery, one of the four... yuexiuqu 越秀区|Yuexiu District of Guangzhou City 廣州市... yuexixian 岳西县|Yuexi, a county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1qi... yuexixian 越西县|Yuexi county in Liangshan Yi autonomo... yuexiya 约西亚|Josiah or Yoshiyahu (649-609 BC), a k... yuexuezhe 乐学者|musicologist yueya 月牙|crescent moon yueya 月芽|variant of 月牙[yue4 ya2] yueyan 约言|promise/one\'s word/pledge/abbreviation yueyan 月岩|moon rock yueyang 岳阳|see 岳陽市|岳阳市[Yue4yang2 Shi4] yueyanglou 岳阳楼|Yueyang Tower, famous beauty spot in ... yueyanglouji 岳阳楼记|On Yueyang Tower (1046), essay by Son... yueyanglouqu 岳阳楼区|Yueyang Tower district of Yueyang cit... yueyangshi 岳阳市|Yueyang, prefecture-level city in Hun... yueyangxian 岳阳县|Yueyang county in Yueyang 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 ... yueyanyuelie 越演越烈|to be intensifying/to be getting wors... yueyaori 月曜日|Monday (used in ancient Chinese astro... yueyaxing 月牙形|crescent yueye 月夜|moonlit night yueye 越野|cross country yueyeche 越野车|off-road vehicle yueyepao 越野跑|cross country running yueyesaipao 越野赛跑|cross-country running yueyin 乐音|musical note/tone yueyu 粤语|Cantonese language yueyu 越狱|to break out of prison/to jailbreak (... yueyue 月月|every month yueyueyushi 跃跃欲试|to be eager to give sth a try (idiom) yueyufan 越狱犯|escaped prisoner yueyun 月晕|ring around the moon/lunar halo yueyupinyin 粤语拼音|Cantonese romanization/Jyutping, one ... yuezha 曱甴|(dialect) cockroach/also pr. [yue1you2] yuezhan 越战|Vietnam War (1955-1975) yuezhang 乐章|movement (of a symphony) yuezhang 越障|to surmount obstacles/assault course ... yuezhang 岳丈|father-in-law (wife\'s father) yuezhang 约章|charter yuezhi 月氏|ancient people of central Asia during... yuezhi 约制|to bind/to restrict/to constrain yuezhi 月支|the Yuezhi, an ancient people of cent... yuezhi 越职|to exceed one\'s authority/to go beyon... yuezhong 月中|middle of month yuezhuo 𬸚𬸦|(literary) mythical bird similar to a... yuezi 月子|traditional one-month confinement per... yuezibing 月子病|puerperal fever yuezudaipao 越俎代庖|lit. to go beyond the sacrificial alt... yufa 语法|grammar yufa 愈发|all the more/increasingly yufan 鱼贩|fishmonger yufang 预防|to prevent/to take precautions agains... yufangcuoshi 预防措施|protective step/protective measure yufangfa 预防法|prophylaxis/medical prevention yufangjiezhong 预防接种|prophylactic inoculation yufangmianyi 预防免疫|prophylactic inoculation yufangshuifang 盂方水方|If the basin is square, the water in ... yufangxing 预防性|prophylactic/preventative/protective yufangzhen 预防针|immunization injection/fig. forewarni... yufatang 语法糖|(computing) syntactic sugar yufen 鱼粉|fish meal yufeng 鱼峰|Yufeng district of Liuzhou city 柳州市[L... yufeng 语锋|thread of discussion/topic yufengqu 鱼峰区|Yufeng district of Liuzhou city 柳州市[L... yufou 与否|whether or not (at the end of a phrase) yufu 渔夫|fisherman yufu 预付|to pay in advance/prepaid yufu 迂腐|pedantic/trite/inflexible/adherence t... yufu 渔妇|fisherwoman yufu 鱼夫|fisher/fisherman yufu 愈复|recovery (after illness) yufuzi 迂夫子|pedant/old fogey yufuzuo 玉夫座|Sculptor (constellation) yufuzuo 御夫座|Auriga (constellation) yugaimizhang 欲盖弥彰|trying to hide it makes it more consp... yugan 预感|to have a premonition/premonition yugan 余干|Yugan county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi yugan 语感|instinctive feel for the language yugan 鱼竿|fishing rod yugang 鱼缸|fish tank/fishbowl/aquarium yugang 渔港|fishing port yugang 浴缸|bathtub yugannv 鱼干女|see 乾物女|干物女[gan1 wu4 nu:3] yuganxian 余干县|Yugan county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi yuganyanfei 饫甘餍肥|to live off the fat of the land (idio... yuganyou 鱼肝油|cod liver oil yuganzi 余甘子|Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) yugao 预告|to forecast/to predict/advance notice yugao 豫告|variant of 預告|预告[yu4 gao4]/to forecas... yugaopian 预告片|trailer (for a movie) yuge 与格|dative case yuge 余割|cosecant (of angle), written cosec θ ... yugong 与共|to experience together with sb yugongyishan 愚公移山|the old man moves mountains (idiom); ... yugou 预购|advance purchase yugou 鱼钩|fishhook yugou 渔钩|variant of 魚鉤|鱼钩[yu2 gou1] yugou 鱼狗|kingfisher yugour 渔钩儿|variant of 魚鉤兒|鱼钩儿[yu2 gou1 r5] yugour 鱼钩儿|erhua variant of 魚鉤|鱼钩[yu2 gou1] yugu 预估|to estimate/to forecast/prediction/pr... yugu 鱼骨|fish bone yugu 裕固|Yugur ethnic group of Gansu yugu 鱼鼓|percussion instrument in the form of ... yugu 渔鼓|percussion instrument in the form of ... yugua 雨刮|windshield wiper yuguan 鱼贯|one after the other/in single file yuguan 羽冠|feathered crest (of bird) yuguan 淤灌|to warp (fertilize land by flooding) yuguanerchu 鱼贯而出|to file out; to walk out in a line yuguanerru 鱼贯而入|to walk in in a line yuguang 余光|(out of) the corner of one\'s eyes/per... yuguanliyufuwuzhizhong 寓管理于服务之中|to make administration service-oriented yugui 于归|(literary) (of a girl) to marry yugui 玉桂|see 肉桂[rou4 gui4] yugui 浴柜|bathroom cabinet yuguizhixi 于归之喜|the joy of matrimony (polite phrase r... yuguo 雨果|Hugo (name)/Victor Hugo (1802-1885), ... yuguotianqing 雨过天晴|sky clears after rain/new hopes after... yuguotianqing 雨过天青|sky clears after rain/new hopes after... yuguzu 裕固族|Yugur ethnic group of Gansu yuhai 遇害|to be murdered yuhai 欲海|ocean of lust (Buddhist term)/worldly... yuhan 御寒|to defend against the cold; to keep warm yuhang 宇航|space flight yuhang 余杭|Yuhang district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[... yuhangfu 宇航服|spacesuit yuhangju 宇航局|space agency yuhangqu 余杭区|Yuhang district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[... yuhangyuan 宇航员|astronaut yuhe 愈合|(of a wound) to heal yuhe-nantian 欲壑难填|(idiom) insatiably greedy yuhebao 玉荷包|jade purse, a cultivar of lychee yuheng 玉衡|Alioth; Epsilon Ursae Majoris in the ... yuhong 于洪|Yuhong district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|... yuhongqu 于洪区|Yuhong District of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|... yuhongsheng 玉红省|rubicene (chemistry) yuhou 预后|prognosis yuhouchunsun 雨后春笋|lit. after rain, the spring bamboo (i... yuhu 雨湖|Yuhu district of Xiangtan city 湘潭市[Xi... yuhu 余弧|complementary arc yuhu-moupi 与虎谋皮|lit. to negotiate with a tiger for it... yuhu-moupi 与狐谋皮|(idiom) to ask sb to act contrary to ... yuhua 雨花|Yuhua district of Changsha city 長沙市|长... yuhua 羽化|levitation (of Daoist immortal)/to be... yuhua 鱼花|fry/newly hatched fish yuhua 语画|picture in words yuhua 浴花|shower puff/shower sponge yuhua 裕华|Yuhua District of Shijiazhuang City 石... yuhuan 迂缓|dilatory/slow in movement/roundabout yuhuang 玉皇|Jade Emperor (in Taoism) yuhuang 艅艎|(literary) a type of warship used in ... yuhuang 余皇|variant of 艅艎[yu2huang2] yuhuangdadi 玉皇大帝|Jade Emperor yuhuangding 玉皇顶|Jade Emperor Peak on Mt Tai in Shandong yuhuaqu 裕华区|Yuhua District of Shijiazhuang City 石... yuhuaqu 雨花区|Yuhua district of Changsha city 長沙市|长... yuhuatai 雨花台|Yuhuatai district of Nanjing City 南京市... yuhuataiqu 雨花台区|Yuhuatai district of Nanjing City 南京市... yuhui 禹会|Yuhui, a district of Bengbu City 蚌埠市[... yuhui 与会|to participate in a meeting yuhui 余晖|twilight/afterglow yuhui 迂回|roundabout route/circuitous/tortuous/... yuhui 语汇|vocabulary yuhui 预会|variant of 與會|与会[yu4 hui4] yuhui 余辉|variant of 餘暉|余晖[yu2 hui1] yuhuibenxi 迂回奔袭|to attack from an unexpected direction yuhuiqu 禹会区|Yuhui, a district of Bengbu City 蚌埠市[... yuhuiquzhe 迂回曲折|meandering and circuitous (idiom); co... yuhuo 欲火|lust yuhuo 渔获|fish catch yuhuo 遇火|to catch fire/to ignite yuhuochongsheng 浴火重生|to rise from the ashes (idiom)/to thr... yuhuofenshen 欲火焚身|burning with desire yuhuqu 雨湖区|Yuhu district of Xiangtan city 湘潭市[Xi... yuji 预计|to forecast/to predict/to estimate yuji 雨季|rainy season yuji 淤积|to silt up/silt/sediment/ooze/slurry yuji 余悸|lingering fear yuji 余集|complement of a set S (math.)/the set... yujia 瑜伽|yoga (loanword) yujia 愈加|all the more/even more/further yujia 瑜珈|variant of 瑜伽[yu2 jia1]/yoga yujia 瑜迦|yoga (loanword) yujiaku 瑜伽裤|yoga pants yujian 遇见|to meet yujian 预见|to foresee/to predict/to forecast/to ... yujian 愚见|my humble opinion yujian 迂见|absurd opinion/pedantic and unrealist... yujiang 鱼浆|surimi yujiang 郁江|Yu River yujiao 余角|complementary angle (additional angle... yujiaoyule 寓教于乐|to make learning fun/to combine educa... yujiaqinzheng 御驾亲征|the emperor leads his troops into bat... yujiaxingpai 瑜伽行派|see 唯識宗|唯识宗[Wei2 shi2 zong1] yujiaxue 雨夹雪|sleet/mixture of snow and rain yujiazhizui,hehuanwuci 欲加之罪,何患无辞|If you want to condemn sb, don\'t worr... yujiazong 瑜伽宗|see 唯識宗|唯识宗[Wei2 shi2 zong1] yujie 郁结|to suffer from pent-up frustrations/m... yujie 御姐|(ACG) mature, assertive, and usu. sex... yujiebingqing 玉洁冰清|clear as ice and clean as jade (idiom... yujin 余烬|ember yujin 浴巾|bath towel/CL:條|条[tiao2] yujin 鱼津|bubbles (literary) yujing 语境|context yujing 预警|warning/early warning yujing 欲经|Kama Sutra yujing 玉茎|(literary) penis yujing 羽茎|quill yujingji 预警机|early warning aircraft system, e.g. U... yujingsizuo 语惊四座|to make a remark that startles everyo... yujingxitong 预警系统|early warning system yujinliao 预浸料|pre-preg (a type of composite material) yujinxiang 郁金香|tulip yujiu 御酒|imperial wine/sacred wine yuju 语句|sentence yuju 豫剧|Henan opera yuju 渔具|fishing gear yuju 雨具|rainwear yuju 寓居|to make one\'s home in/to reside in/to... yuju 鱼具|variant of 漁具|渔具[yu2 ju4] yuju 迂拘|conventional/conservative yujue 欲绝|heartbroken/inconsolable yujue 玉玦|penannular jade pendant (often used a... yuke 预科|preparatory course (in college) yuke 羽客|Daoist priest yukong 育空|Yukon (Canadian territory adjacent to... yukou 预扣|to withhold yukuai 愉快|cheerful/cheerily/delightful/pleasant... yukuo 迂阔|high sounding and impractical/high fl... yulaiyu 愈来愈|more and more yulan 预览|preview/to preview yulan 玉兰|Yulan magnolia yulanhua 玉兰花|magnolia yulanpen 盂兰盆|see 盂蘭盆會|盂兰盆会[Yu2 lan2 pen2 hui4] yulanpenhui 盂兰盆会|Feast of All Souls (fifteenth day of ... yulao 渔捞|fishing (as a commercial activity) yule 娱乐|to entertain/to amuse/entertainment/r... yule 育乐|(Tw) (abbr. for 教育與娛樂|教育与娱乐[jiao4 yu4... yulechang 娱乐场|place of entertainment/casino/resort yulechangsuo 娱乐场所|place of entertainment yulei 鱼类|fishes yulei 鱼雷|torpedo yuleiting 鱼雷艇|torpedo boat yuleixue 鱼类学|ichthyology yulejie 娱乐界|the entertainment world; show business yuleng 遇冷|to be exposed to cold temperatures/(f... yulequan 娱乐圈|the entertainment world; show business yulezhongxin 娱乐中心|amusement park/recreation center/ente... yuli 余力|energy left over (to do sth else) yuli 尉犁|Lopnur nahiyisi or Yuli county in Bay... yuli 渔利|to make an unethical profit/benefits ... yuli 狱吏|prison guard/jailer (old) yuli 鱼丽|\"fish\" battle formation in ancient ti... yuli 玉里|Yuli town in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲县[H... yulian 浴帘|shower curtain yuliang 雨量|rainfall yuliang 余量|remnant/leftover/tolerance (i.e. allo... yuliang 余粮|surplus grain yuliao 预料|to forecast/to anticipate/expectation yuliao 语料|(linguistics) language material; lang... yuliaoku 语料库|corpus yulie 渔猎|fishing and hunting/fig. to loot/to p... yulie 羽裂|pinnation (splitting of leaves into l... yulin 玉林|Yulin, prefecture-level city in Guangxi yulin 雨林|rainforest yulin 羽林|armed escort yulin 鱼鳞|fish scales yulin 榆林|see 榆林市[Yu2lin2 Shi4] yuling 育龄|childbearing age yulingqi 育龄期|childbearing age yulinshi 玉林市|Yulin, prefecture-level city in Guangxi yulinshi 榆林市|Yulin, prefecture-level city in Shaan... yuliu 预留|to set aside/to reserve yuliu 余留|remainder/fractional part (after the ... yuliu 语流|(linguistics) flow of speech yuliu 羽流|plume yuliushiwu 余留事务|unfinished business yulixian 尉犁县|Lopnur nahiyisi or Yuli county in Bay... yulizhen 玉里镇|Yuli town in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲县[H... yulizhen 鱼丽阵|(archaic) formation of infantrymen le... yulong 鱼龙|ichthyosaur yulong 渔笼|fishing pot (trap) yulonghunza 鱼龙混杂|lit. fish and dragons mixed in togeth... yulongnaxizuzizhixian 玉龙纳西族自治县|Yulong Naxi autonomous county in Liji... yulongxian 玉龙县|Yulong Naxi autonomous county in Liji... yulongxueshan 玉龙雪山|Mt Yulong or Jade dragon in Lijiang 麗... yulou 愚陋|ignorant and backward yulou 雨漏|gargoyle (architecture) yulu 语录|quotation (from a book or existing so... yulu 雨露|rain and dew/(fig.) favor/grace yulu 愚鲁|dull-witted; foolish yulu 玉露|gyokuro (shaded Japanese green tea)/(... yulu 鱼露|fish sauce yulun 舆论|public opinion yulun 渔轮|fishing vessel yulun 迂论|unrealistic argument/high flown and i... yulundiaocha 舆论调查|opinion poll yulunjie 舆论界|media/commentators yuluo 玉螺|moon snail (sea snail of the Naticida... yuluodusu 芋螺毒素|conotoxin yuma 余码|excess code (i.e. the unused bits in ... yumao 羽毛|feather/plumage/plume yumao 浴帽|shower cap/CL:頂|顶[ding3] yumaobi 羽毛笔|quill pen yumaoduan 羽毛缎|camlet (silk fabric) yumaoqiu 羽毛球|badminton/shuttlecock yumaoqiuchang 羽毛球场|badminton court yumei 愚昧|ignorant; uneducated/ignorance yumei 揄袂|to walk with the hands in one\'s sleeves yumeiwuzhi 愚昧无知|stupid and ignorant (idiom) yumen 玉门|Yumen, county-level city in Jiuquan 酒... yumen 玉门|(literary) vaginal opening/vulva yumen 郁闷|gloomy/depressed yumen 与门|AND gate (electronics) yumeng 愚蒙|ignorant; stupid yumeng 愚氓|fool/stupid person yumenguan 玉门关|Yumen Pass, or Jade Gate, western fro... yumenshi 玉门市|Yumen, county-level city in Jiuquan 酒... yumi 玉米|corn/maize/CL:粒[li4] yumi 鱼糜|surimi yumiao 鱼苗|fry/newly hatched fish yumiaoyuhei 愈描愈黑|see 越描越黑[yue4 miao2 yue4 hei1] yumibang 玉米棒|corn cob yumibing 玉米饼|corn cake/Mexican tortilla yumichimeixitong 玉米赤霉烯酮|zearalenone yumidianfen 玉米淀粉|corn starch yumifen 玉米粉|cornflour/corn starch yumigao 玉米糕|corn cake/polenta (corn mush) yumihua 玉米花|popcorn yumili 玉米粒|corn kernel yumimian 玉米面|cornmeal; maize flour yumin 愚民|ignorant masses/to keep the people in... yumin 渔民|fisherman/fisher folk yumin 裕民|Yumin county or Chaghantoqay nahiyisi... yumin 玉珉|jade and jade-like stone/impossible t... yuming 域名|(computing) domain name yumingbianma 域名编码|Punycode (encoding for internationali... yumingfuwuqi 域名服务器|domain name server yumingqiangzhu 域名抢注|cybersquatting; domain squatting yumingzhuce 域名注册|domain name registration yuminxian 裕民县|Yumin county or Chaghantoqay nahiyisi... yumipian 玉米片|cornflakes/tortilla chips yumisan 玉米糁|corn grits yumisun 玉米笋|baby corn yumitangjiang 玉米糖浆|corn syrup yumizhixiang 鱼米之乡|(lit.) land of fish and rice/(fig.) f... yumo 迂磨|sluggish/delaying yumou 预谋|premeditated/to plan sth in advance (... yumousharen 预谋杀人|premeditated murder yumu 寓目|(literary) to look over/to view yumu 雨幕|curtain of rain/downpour yumu 榆木|elm/elmwood yumuhunzhu 鱼目混珠|to pass off fish eyes for pearls/to p... yumunaodai 榆木脑袋|(coll.) thickhead/(coll.) thick skull... yumunaoke 榆木脑壳|(coll.) a blockhead; a thickhead yun 云|(classical) to say yun 云|surname Yun/abbr. for Yunnan Province... yun 云|cloud/CL:朵[duo3] yun 昀|sun light/used in personal name yun 殒|(literary) to perish; to die yun 孕|pregnant yun 允|just/fair/to permit/to allow yun 涢|(name of a river in Hebei) yun 芸|common rue (Ruta graveolens)/(used in... yun 芸|see 蕓薹|芸薹[yun2 tai2] yun 匀|even/well-distributed/uniform/to dist... yun 耘|to weed yun 筠|skin of bamboo yun 赟|good appearance yun 韵|the final (of a syllable) (Chinese ph... yun 陨|(bound form) to fall from the sky/(li... yun 畇|reclaimed land yun 晕|confused/dizzy/giddy/to faint/to swoo... yun 晕|dizzy/halo/ring around moon or sun yun 鋆|gold yun 藴|variant of 蘊|蕴, to accumulate/to hold... yun 蕴|to accumulate/to hold in store/to con... yun 沄|rushing of a torrent yun 恽|surname Yun yun 醖|variant of 醞|酝[yun4] yun 熨|an iron/to iron yun 韫|contain yun 纭|confused/numerous yun 愠|indignant/feel hurt yun 妘|surname Yun/(used in given names, mos... yun 澐|river waves yun 郓|place name yun 酝|to brew yun 郧|name of a feudal state yun 氲|used in 氤氳|氤氲[yin1yun1] yun 蕰|hippuris or mare\'s tail yun 筼|used in 篔簹|筼筜[yun2dang1] yun 枟|wood streaks yun 霣|rain storm/to fall yun 缊|orange color/used in 絪縕|𬘡缊[yin1yun1] yun 缊|hemp/vague/mysterious yun 奫|deep and broad (expanse of water)/abyss yun 煴|variant of 熨[yun4] yun 狁|name of a tribe yun 𤈶|(yellow color) yun 运|to move/to transport/to use/to apply/... yunai 芋艿|taro yunai 云霭|floating clouds yunan 遇难|to perish/to be killed yunan 郁南|Yunan county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu2]... yunan 鱼腩|meaty flesh from the underbelly of th... yunanchuan 遇难船|shipwreck yunanxian 郁南县|Yunan county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu2]... yunanzhe 遇难者|victim/fatality yunbai 韵白|form of rhymed baihua 白話|白话[bai2 hua4... yunbao 云豹|clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) yunbaobao 孕宝宝|(coll.) child in the womb yunbi 运笔|to wield the pen/to write yunbian 芸编|(old) books yunbin 云鬓|a woman\'s beautiful, thick hair yuncai 云彩|(coll.) cloud/CL:朵[duo3] yuncai 晕菜|(dialect) to get confused; to be dumb... yuncang 蕴藏|to hold in store/to contain (untapped... yuncangliang 蕴藏量|reserves/amount still in store yuncao 芸草|(botany) rue (Ruta graveolens) yunceng 云层|the clouds/cloud layer/cloud bank yunchan 孕产|pregnancy and childbirth/obstetrics a... yunchang 晕场|to faint from stress (during exam, on... yunchaoche 运钞车|armored car (for transporting valuables) yunche 晕车|to be carsick yunchen 匀称|well proportioned/well shaped yuncheng 郓城|Yuncheng county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2... yuncheng 运城|see 運城市|运城市[Yun4cheng2 Shi4] yuncheng 运程|one\'s fortune (in astrology) yuncheng 云城|Yuncheng district of Yunfu city 雲浮市|云... yunchengqu 云城区|Yuncheng district of Yunfu city 雲浮市|云... yunchengshi 运城市|Yuncheng, prefecture-level city in Sh... yunchengxian 郓城县|Yuncheng county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2... yunchi 晕池|to faint in the bathroom (from heat) yunchou 运筹|to plan/operations/logistics yunchouweiwo 运筹帷幄|lit. to devise battle plan in a tent ... yunchouweiwozhizhong,jueshengqianlizhiwai 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外|a general planning in the seclusion o... yunchouxue 运筹学|operations research (OR) yunchu 运出|shipment/to dispatch/to ship out/to send yunchuan 晕船|to become seasick yunchuang 芸窗|study (room) yunchuangwukan 云窗雾槛|cloud around the window, mist on the ... yunchuyunfei 运出运费|outward freight (accountancy) yuncun 运存|RAM (abbr. for 運行內存|运行内存[yun4xing2 ne... yundan 运单|way bill/transport charge yundang 允当|proper/suitable yundang 筼筜|species of tall bamboo yundanghu 筼筜湖|Yundang or Yuandang Lake in Xiamen yundao 晕倒|to faint/to swoon/to black out/to bec... yundao 运道|fortune/luck/fate yundiao 韵调|rhyme and tone/intonation yundong 运动|to move/to exercise/sports/exercise/m... yundongbing 运动病|car sickness/motion sickness yundongchang 运动场|sports field/playground/exercise yard yundongdinglv 运动定律|laws of motion (mechanics) yundongfangcheng 运动方程|equations of motion yundongfu 运动服|sportswear yundonghui 运动会|sports competition/CL:個|个[ge4] yundongjia 运动家|athlete/sportsman/activist yundongjianjiang 运动健将|champion-level athlete (title awarded... yundongshan 运动衫|sports shirt/sweatshirt/CL:件[jian4] yundongxie 运动鞋|sports shoes; sneakers yundongxue 运动学|kinematics yundongyuan 运动员|athlete/CL:名[ming2],個|个[ge4] yundongzhan 运动战|mobile warfare yundou 芸豆|kidney bean yundou 熨斗|clothes iron yundou 云豆|variant of 芸豆[yun2 dou4] yunduan 云端|high in the clouds/(computing) the cloud yunduo 云朵|a cloud yune 迂讷|overcautious/conservative and dull in... yunfa 熨法|application of a hot compress (TCM) yunfei 运费|freight fee yunfu 孕妇|pregnant woman yunfu 云浮|see 雲浮市|云浮市[Yun2fu2 Shi4] yunfu 韵腹|main vowel in diphthong yunfushi 云浮市|Yunfu, prefecture-level city in Guang... yunfuzhuang 孕妇装|maternity wear yungangshiku 云冈石窟|Yungang Caves at Datong 大同, Shanxi 山西 yungaor 晕高儿|to feel giddy on heights/vertigo yunge 芸阁|imperial library yunguichuan 云贵川|Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan yunguigaoyuan 云贵高原|Yunnan and Guizhou plateau in southwe... yunhan 蕴涵|to contain/to accumulate/to embrace/i... yunhan 蕴含|to contain/to accumulate yunhe 运河|canal yunhe 云和|Yunhe county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 shui... yunhe 蕴和|to contain (e.g. poem contains feelin... yunhequ 运河区|Yunhe District of Cangzhou City 滄州市|沧... yunhexian 云和县|Yunhe county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 shui... yunhu 晕乎|dizzy/giddy yunhu 晕糊|dizzy/giddy yunhua 云华|muscovite, mica (used in TCM) yunhuomache 运货马车|cargo wagon yunhuoyuan 运货员|porter yuni 淤泥|silt/sludge/ooze yuni 遇溺|(HK) to get into difficulties (in the... yuni 芋泥|yam paste (a snack in Chaozhou cuisine) yunian 余年|one\'s remaining years yunian 欲念|desire yunie 余孽|remaining evil element; surviving mem... yunie 羽涅|alumen/alunite (TCM) yunji 云集|to gather (in a crowd)/to converge/to... yunji 晕机|to become airsick yunji 蕴积|to coalesce/to accumulate yunjia 运价|fare/transport cost yunjiang 运将|driver (of a taxi etc) (loanword from... yunjiang 运匠|variant of 運將|运将[yun4 jiang4] yunjiao 韵脚|rhyming word ending a line of verse/r... yunjiao 运交|to consign/to send (goods to customer... yunjiao 运脚|freight charge yunjie 蕴结|latent (desire, feeling etc)/bottled up yunjie 蕴藉|implicit/restrained/to be imbued with yunjing 运镜|(cinematography) camera movement (tra... yunjing 匀净|even/uniform yunjisu 孕激素|progesterone yunjisuan 云计算|cloud computing yunju 蕴聚|to contain/to accumulate/to hold conc... yunjue 晕厥|to faint yunke 运科|(Tw) sports science (abbr. for 運動科學|运... yunkeng 陨坑|meteorite crater yunli 运力|transport capacity yunlian 筠连|Yunlian county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin... yunliang 运量|volume of freight yunlianxian 筠连县|Yunlian county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin... yunlin 云林|Yunlin county in Taiwan yunlinxian 云林县|Yunlin county in Taiwan yunliu 匀溜|even and smooth yunliwuli 云里雾里|amidst the clouds and mist/(fig.) mys... yunlong 云龙|Yunlong district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[X... yunlongqu 云龙区|Yunlong district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[X... yunlongxian 云龙县|Yunlong county in Dali Bai autonomous... yunluo 陨落|to fall down/to decay/to fall from th... yunluo 殒落|variant of 隕落|陨落[yun3luo4] yunlv 韵律|cadence/rhythm/rhyme scheme/meter (in... yunmeng 云梦|Yunmeng county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 ga... yunmengxian 云梦县|Yunmeng county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 ga... yunming 殒命|to die/to perish yunming 运命|fate/one\'s fortune yunming 陨命|variant of 殞命|殒命[yun3 ming4]/to die/t... yunmu 韵母|the final of a Chinese syllable (the ... yunmu 云母|mica yunmu 韵目|rhyme entry/subdivision of a rhyming ... yunnan 云南|see 雲南省|云南省[Yun2nan2 Sheng3] yunnanbaibanweiliuying 云南白斑尾柳莺|(bird species of China) Davison\'s lea... yunnanliuying 云南柳莺|(bird species of China) Chinese leaf ... yunnansheng 云南省|Yunnan Province, capital Kunming 昆明[K... yunniang 酝酿|(of alcohol) to ferment/(of a crisis)... yunnizhibie 云泥之别|(fig.) a world of difference yunnu 愠怒|inwardly angry/indignant/sulking/sullen yunnuo 允诺|to promise/to consent (to do sth) yunong 愚弄|to make a fool out of/to fool/to dupe yunpan 云盘|cloud storage service yunpiangao 云片糕|a kind of cake yunqi 孕期|pregnancy; gestation yunqi 云气|mist yunqi 运气|luck (good or bad) yunqian 芸签|bookmark/books yunqing 运庆|Unkei (c. 1150-1224), Japanese sculpt... yunqiu 运球|to dribble (basketball, soccer etc) yunque 云雀|(bird species of China) Eurasian skyl... yunran 晕染|to smudge (become smeared)/to smudge ... yunrenyunshi 韵人韵事|a charming man enjoys charming pursui... yunsanfengliu 云散风流|lit. clouds scatter, wind flows (idio... yunsha 云沙|muscovite, mica (used in TCM) yunshan 云杉|spruce yunshen 运神|to concentrate/to think what you\'re d... yunshenbuxu 殒身不恤|to die without regrets (idiom); to sa... yunshi 运势|horoscope/one\'s fortune yunshi 陨石|meteorite/aerolite/CL:塊|块[kuai4],顆|颗[... yunshi 韵诗|rhyming verse yunshi 韵事|poetic occasion/elegant situation/in ... yunshi 匀实|even/uniform yunshi 运使|commissioner (old) yunshi 运十|Shanghai Y-10/Yun-10 commercial jet a... yunshi 云室|cloud chamber (physics) yunshi 云石|marble yunshibanya 云石斑鸭|(bird species of China) marbled teal;... yunshikeng 陨石坑|meteorite impact crater yunshiyu 陨石雨|meteorite shower yunshou 陨首|to offer one\'s life in sacrifice yunshu 运输|to transport/to carry/transportation yunshu 运数|one\'s fortune/destiny yunshu 韵书|rime dictionary (ancient type of Chin... yunshuchuan 运输船|transport ship yunshujian 运输舰|transport ship yunshuliang 运输量|volume of freight yunshuwang 运输网|transport network yunshuye 运输业|transportation industry yunsi 晕死|Geez!/Shoot!/No way! yunsi 运思|to think/to exercise one\'s mind yunsong 运送|to transport/to carry yunsu 匀速|uniform velocity yunsuan 运算|to perform calculations/(mathematical... yunsuanfangfa 运算方法|rules of arithmetic yunsuanhuanjing 运算环境|operating environment yunsuanshi 运算式|(math.) expression (arithmetic, Boole... yunsuanshu 运算数|operand (math.) yunsui 孕穗|(grain farming) booting (i.e. the swe... yuntai 云台|tripod head yuntai 芸薹|(botany) rape yuntaishu 芸苔属|genus Brassica (cabbage, rape etc) yuntaishu 芸薹属|Brassica (cabbage genus) yuntaizi 芸苔子|rape (Brassica campestris L.)/rapesee... yuntang 熨烫|to iron (clothes) yunti 云梯|(military) ladder used for scaling th... yuntong 孕酮|progesterone yuntong 孕童|(market segment) maternity and early ... yuntou 云头|cloud yuntou 晕头|dizzy yuntou 韵头|leading vowel of diphthong yuntouzhuanxiang 晕头转向|confused and disoriented yuntu 孕吐|morning sickness (during pregnancy) yuntun 云吞|wonton yunu 余怒|residual anger yunuo 愚懦|ignorant and timid yunuweixi 余怒未息|to be still angry yunv 玉女|beautiful woman/fairy maiden attendin... yunv 欲女|sex-crazed woman yunv-wugua 雨女无瓜|(neologism) (slang) it\'s none of your... yunwei 韵味|implicit charm in rhyme or sound/hint... yunwei 韵尾|(phonology) coda, the part of a sylla... yunwen 韵文|verse yunwenyunwu 允文允武|equally proficient in intellectual an... yunwu 云雾|clouds and mist yunwujingji 云雾径迹|cloud track (trace of ionizing partic... yunxi 郧西|Yunxi county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4],... yunxi 云溪|Yunxi district of Yueyang city 岳陽|岳阳[... yunxian 云县|Yun county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 cang... yunxiang 芸香|(botany) rue (Ruta graveolens) yunxiangke 芸香科|(botany) family Rutaceae (rue family,... yunxiangshu 芸香属|(botany) genus Ruta yunxiao 云霄|Yunxiao county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1... yunxiao 云霄|(the) skies yunxiao 运销|distribution/transport and sale (of g... yunxiaofeiche 云霄飞车|roller coaster yunxiaowusan 云消雾散|the clouds melt and the mists dispers... yunxiaoxian 云霄县|Yunxiao county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1... yunxiguang 云隙光|crepuscular rays/sunbeams yunxing 运行|(of celestial bodies etc) to move alo... yunxing 陨星|meteorite/falling star yunxingfangshi 运行方式|operating method/running mode yunxingshi 运行时|(computing) runtime yunxingshicuowu 运行时错误|run-time error (in computing) yunxingzhuangkuang 运行状况|operational state/running state yunxiqu 云溪区|Yunxi district of Yueyang city 岳陽|岳阳[... yunxixian 郧西县|Yunxi county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4],... yunxu 允许|to permit/to allow yunxu 蕴蓄|latent/hidden and not developed yunxuan 晕眩|to feel dizzy/dizziness yunxue 晕血|to feel sick when seeing blood yunxuezheng 晕血症|blood phobia yunyan 云岩|Yunyan District of Guiyang City 貴陽市|贵... yunyan 云烟|mist/smoke/cloud yunyang 云阳|Yunyang, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆[... yunyangxian 云阳县|Yunyang, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆[... yunyanqu 云岩区|Yunyan District of Guiyang City 貴陽市|贵... yunye 云液|muscovite, mica (used in TCM) yunyi 运移|migration (geology) yunyi 允宜|appropriate/apt yunying 运营|to be in operation/to do business/(of... yunying 云英|muscovite, mica (used in TCM) yunyingshang 运营商|operator (of a power station, transpo... yunyingtong 孕婴童|(market segment) maternity and early ... yunyingzongjian 运营总监|chief operating officer (COO) yunyong 运用|to use/to put to use yunyong 云涌|in large numbers/in force/lit. clouds... yunyongziru 运用自如|to have a fluent command of (idiom) yunyou 云游|to wander (typically of an errant pri... yunyu 孕育|to be pregnant/to produce offspring/t... yunyu 云雨|lit. cloud and rain/fig. sexual inter... yunyu 韵语|rhymed language yunyun 云云|and so on/so and so/many and confused yunyun 芸芸|numerous/diverse and varied yunyun 纭纭|variant of 芸芸[yun2 yun2] yunyunzhongsheng 芸芸众生|every living being (Buddhism)/the mas... yunzai 运载|to transport; to carry (goods, materi... yunzaihuojian 运载火箭|carrier rocket yunzailiang 运载量|carrying capacity; maximum load/load ... yunzhen 晕针|to faint during acupuncture or injection yunzheng 匀整|neat and well-spaced yunzhi 韵致|grace/natural charm yunzhi 芸帙|(old) books yunzhi 云芝|turkey tail mushroom (Trametes versic... yunzhu 云珠|muscovite, mica (used in TCM) yunzhuan 运转|to work/to operate/to revolve/to turn... yunzhun 允准|to approve/to permit/approval/permission yunzuo 运作|to operate/operations/workings/activi... yuou 渔鸥|(bird species of China) Pallas\'s gull... yupai 鱼排|fish steak yupan 预判|to predict; to anticipate yupao 浴袍|bathrobe yupei 玉佩|jade pendant/jade ornament yupei 预配|pre-allocated/prewired yupen 浴盆|bathtub yupeng 雨棚|awning yupi 雨披|rain poncho; rain cape yupi 御批|imperial rescript/emperor\'s written i... yupian 鱼片|fish fillet/slice of fish meat yupian 语篇|discourse/text yupian 玉篇|Yupian, Chinese dictionary compiled b... yupiao 鱼漂|fishing float yupingdongzuzizhixian 玉屏侗族自治县|Yuping Dong Autonomous County in Tong... yupingxian 玉屏县|Yuping Dong Autonomous County in Tong... yupu 玉璞|stone containing jade/uncut jade yupuxilong 宇普西龙|upsilon (Greek letter Υυ) yupuxilong 玉普西隆|upsilon (Greek letter Υυ) yuqi 玉器|jade artifact yuqi 与其|rather than... (used in expressions o... yuqi 逾期|to be overdue/to fail to meet a deadl... yuqi 预期|to expect/to anticipate yuqi 语气|tone/manner of speaking/mood/CL:個|个[ge4] yuqi 鱼鳍|fin yuqi 驭气|to fly magically through the air yuqi 迂气|pedantry yuqian 余钱|surplus money yuqian 娱遣|amusement yuqian 淤浅|to silt up yuqiangzeqiang 遇强则强|tough adversaries make you stronger yuqici 语气词|modal particle yuqie 余切|cotangent (of angle), written cot θ o... yuqing 舆情|public sentiment yuqing 余庆|Yuqing county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4... yuqing 吁请|to implore/to entreat yuqing 瘀青|bruise/contusion yuqing 淤青|bruise/contusion yuqinguzong 欲擒故纵|In order to capture, one must let loo... yuqingxian 余庆县|Yuqing county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4... yuqituili 预期推理|predictive inference yuqiu 羽球|badminton/shuttlecock yuqiu 欲求|to desire/wants; appetites yuqiu 浴球|shower puff/bath sponge/bath ball (co... yuqiyongtu 预期用途|intended use yuqizhuci 语气助词|modal particle yuqu 迂曲|circuitous/tortuous/roundabout yuquan 玉泉|Yuquan District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市[... yuquan 玉泉|nephrite (used in TCM) yuquanqu 玉泉区|Yuquan District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市[... yuquanshijieweidi 与全世界为敌|(idiom) to fight the whole world yuquanying 玉泉营|Yuquanying yuque 余缺|surplus and shortfall yuquguyu 欲取姑与|to make concessions for the sake of f... yuquguyu 欲取姑予|variant of 欲取姑與|欲取姑与[yu4 qu3 gu1 yu3]... yuqun 鱼群|shoal of fish yure 预热|to preheat/(fig.) to warm up; to prep... yure 余热|residual heat; surplus heat; waste he... yuren 渔人|fisherman yuren 育人|to educate people (esp. morally) yuren 裕仁|Hirohito, personal name of the Shōwa ... yuren 愚人|stupid person/ignoramus yuren 圉人|(old) horse breeder yuren 玉人|a jade worker/a jade statuette/a beau... yuren 雨人|Rain Man yuren-bushu 遇人不淑|(idiom) to be in a relationship with ... yurenchuixiao 玉人吹箫|virtuoso piper wins a beauty/the xiao... yurenfangbian,zijifangbian 与人方便,自己方便|Help others, and others may help you ... yurenjie 愚人节|April Fools\' Day yurenkoushi 予人口实|to give cause for gossip yurenweishan 与人为善|to be of service to others/to help ot... yurenzhili 渔人之利|(idiom) the benefit reaped by a third... yuri 昱日|(Tw) the following day yurijujin 与日俱进|every day sees new developments (idio... yurijuzeng 与日俱增|to increase steadily/to grow with eac... yuritonghui 与日同辉|to become more glorious with each pas... yurong 羽绒|down (soft feathers) yurong 御戎|(military) chariot driver (old) yurongfu 羽绒服|down-filled garment yurou 鱼肉|flesh of fish/fish and meat/(fig.) vi... yuroubaixing 鱼肉百姓|to prey on the people yuru 迂儒|unrealistic/pedantic and impractical yuruo 愚弱|ignorant and feeble yusai 预赛|preliminary competition/to hold preli... yusaitai 羽鳃鲐|Indian mackerel yusan 雨伞|umbrella/CL:把[ba3] yuse 语塞|to be at a loss for words/speechless yuse 淤塞|choked with silt/silted up yuse 郁塞|constricted (feeling); pent-up; repre... yushan 玉山|Mount Yu, the highest mountain in Tai... yushan 玉山|Yushan county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi yushan 雨山|Yushan, a district of Ma\'anshan City ... yushanfang 御膳房|imperial kitchen yushang 瘀伤|to become bruised/bruising/bruise yushang 遇上|to come across (sb)/to run into yushang 淤伤|bruising yushanqu 雨山区|Yushan, a district of Ma\'anshan City ... yushanquemei 玉山雀鹛|(bird species of China) Taiwan fulvet... yushanxian 玉山县|Yushan county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi yushanzaomei 玉山噪鹛|(bird species of China) white-whisker... yushe 预设|to presuppose/to predispose/to preset... yushe 榆社|Yushe county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 z... yushen 预审|preliminary hearing/interrogation (of... yusheng 余生|the remaining years of one\'s life/sur... yusheng 语声|spoken language/sound of speaking yusheng 鱼生|sliced raw fish yusheng 余剩|surplus/remainder yushenghuo,roushengtan,qingcaidoufubaopingan 鱼生火,肉生痰,青菜豆腐保平安|fish brings heat, meat brings phlegm,... yushengjulai 与生俱来|inherent/innate yushexian 榆社县|Yushe county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 z... yushi 于是|thereupon; as a result; consequently;... yushi 预示|to indicate/to foretell/to forebode/t... yushi 玉石|jade/jade and stone/(fig.) the good a... yushi 御史|imperial censor (formal title of a dy... yushi 浴室|bathroom (room used for bathing)/CL:間... yushi 谕示|to issue a directive/to instruct (tha... yushi 语失|indiscreet remark/indiscretion/slip o... yushi 预试|pretest yushi 礜石|arsenic ore/arsenopiryte FeAsS yushi 雨蚀|rain erosion yushichangci 与世长辞|to die/to depart from the world forever yushifuyang 与世俯仰|to swim with the tide (idiom) yushigejue 与世隔绝|to be cut off from the rest of the wo... yushihu 于是乎|therefore yushijiansaipao 与时间赛跑|to race against time yushijufen 玉石俱焚|to burn both jade and common stone/to... yushijujin 与时俱进|abreast of modern developments/to kee... yushimingyan 喻世明言|another name for 古今小說|古今小说[Gu3 jin1 X... yushinan 虞世南|Yu Shinan (558-638), politician of Su... yushishengfeng 遇事生风|to stir up trouble at every opportuni... yushiwubu 于事无补|unhelpful/useless yushiwuzheng 与世无争|(idiom) to stand aloof from worldly a... yushixiaoxi 与时消息|variable with the times/transient/imp... yushiyongbie 与世永别|to die yushou 预售|to sell in advance yushou 玉手|lily-white hands yushou 驭手|person in charge of pack animals/char... yushou 御手|the emperor\'s hand/variant of 馭手|驭手[y... yushoufei 预收费|prepayment yushoushu 驭兽术|animal training/taming wild beast (e.... yushu 玉树|Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture i... yushu 榆树|Yushu, county-level city in Changchun... yushu 榆树|elm yushu 余数|remainder (in division) yushu 鱼薯|fish and chips (abbr. for 炸魚薯條|炸鱼薯条[z... yushua 雨刷|windshield wiper yushudingli 余数定理|the Remainder Theorem yushui 雨水|Yushui or Rain Water, 2nd of the 24 s... yushui 雨水|rainwater; rainfall; rain yushui 鱼水|fish and water (metaphor for an intim... yushui 渝水|old name of Jialing River 嘉陵江[Jia1 li... yushui 淯水|name of river/old name of Baihe 白河 in... yushui 育水|name of river/old name of Baihe 白河 in... yushuiqing 鱼水情|close relationship as between fish an... yushuiqu 渝水区|Yushui District of Xinyu city 新餘市|新余市... yushuizhihuan 鱼水之欢|the pleasure of close intimacy in a c... yushun 虞舜|Yu Shun, one of Five legendary Empero... yushushi 榆树市|Yushu, county-level city in Changchun... yushushu 玉蜀黍|corn yushuwai 语数外|Chinese, math & English (school subje... yushuzangzuzizhizhou 玉树藏族自治州|Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture i... yushuzhou 玉树州|Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture i... yusi 雨丝|drizzle/fine rain yusi 瘐死|to die of hunger or disease (of a pri... yusiwangpo 鱼死网破|lit. either the fish dies or the net ... yusong 雨凇|glaze ice; verglas; silver frost yusong 鱼松|fish floss/crisp and flaky shredded d... yusu 语素|morpheme yusuan 预算|budget yusuerbuda 欲速而不达|see 欲速則不達|欲速则不达[yu4 su4 ze2 bu4 da2] yusufu 玉素甫|Yusuf, Arabic given name (Joseph) yusui 玉髓|(mineralogy) chalcedony/exquisite wine yusuo 寓所|dwelling yusuzebuda 欲速则不达|(idiom) (the Analects) haste makes wa... yutai 语态|voice (grammar) yutai 鱼台|Yutai County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning... yutaixian 鱼台县|Yutai County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning... yutang 鱼塘|fishpond yutang 浴汤|see 湯浴|汤浴[tang1 yu4] yuti 预提|to withhold (tax)/withholding yutian 雨天|rainy day/rainy weather yutian 于田|Yutian County in Hotan Prefecture 和田地... yutian 玉田|Yutian county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 sh... yutian 羽田|Haneda (one of the two main airports ... yutianbai 俞天白|Yu Tianbai (1937-), novelist yutianxian 玉田县|Yutian county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 sh... yutianxian 于田县|Yutian County in Hotan Prefecture 和田地... yutifeiyong 预提费用|(accounting) accrued expense yuting 毓婷|Yuting, trade name of an emergency bi... yutou 鱼头|fish head/fig. upright and unwilling ... yutou 芋头|taro yutoujiweng 玉头姬鹟|(bird species of China) sapphire flyc... yutouse 芋头色|lilac (color) yutu 玉兔|the Jade Hare (legendary rabbit said ... yutuo 鹬鸵|kiwi (bird) yutuozhengquan 预托证券|depository receipt (DR, in share deal... yuwa 雨蛙|rain frog yuwai 域外|outside the country/abroad/foreign/ex... yuwan 愚顽|ignorant and stubborn yuwan 鱼丸|fish ball yuwang 欲望|desire; longing; appetite; craving yuwang 渔网|fishing net/fishnet yuwang 鱼网|variant of 漁網|渔网[yu2 wang3] yuwang 愚妄|stupid and arrogant yuwang 榆罔|Yuwang (c. 2000 BC), last of the lege... yuwangtai 禹王台|Yuwangtai district of Kaifeng city 開封... yuwangtaiqu 禹王台区|Yuwangtai district of Kaifeng city 開封... yuwei 余味|aftertaste/lingering impression yuwei 鱼尾|fishtail yuwei 语尾|(grammar) suffix yuweiban 鱼尾板|fishplate (in railway engineering) yuweidaiwu 羽尾袋鼯|feathertail glider (Acrobates pygmaeus) yuweiwen 鱼尾纹|wrinkles of the skin/crow\'s feet yuwen 语文|literature and language/(PRC) Chinese... yuwen 宇文|a branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑[Xian1be... yuwen 鱼塭|(Tw) fishpond/fish farm yuwen 余温|residual heat; remaining warmth/(fig.... yuwenbao 俞文豹|Yu Wenbao (lived around 1240), prolif... yuwulunci 语无伦次|incoherent speech/to talk without rhy... yuxi 玉溪|see 玉溪市[Yu4xi1 Shi4] yuxi 预习|to prepare a lesson yuxi 语系|language family yuxi 遇袭|to suffer attack/to be ambushed yuxi 虞喜|Yu Xi, Chinese astronomer (c. 270-345... yuxia 余下|remaining yuxian 预先|beforehand; in advance yuxian 余弦|(math.) cosine yuxian 盂县|Yu county in Yangquan, Shanxi yuxian 蔚县|Yu county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhan... yuxian 遇险|to get into difficulties/to meet with... yuxian 渔线|fishing line yuxian 鱼线|fishing line yuxian 阈限|(psychology) threshold/liminal yuxian 圉限|boundary/limit yuxiang 预想|to anticipate; to expect yuxiang 鱼香|yuxiang, a seasoning of Chinese cuisi... yuxiang 畲乡|fields and villages yuxiang 余项|remainder term (math.)/remainder/residue yuxiangraoliang 余响绕梁|reverberates around the rafters (idio... yuxiangrousi 鱼香肉丝|pork strips stir-fried with yuxiang 魚... yuxianyusi 欲仙欲死|to wish one were dead (idiom)/(fig.) ... yuxiao 愚孝|unquestioning filial piety yuxie 雨鞋|waterproof footwear (rubber boots etc) yuxin 庾信|Yu Xin (513-581), poet from Liang of ... yuxinburen 于心不忍|can\'t bear to yuxingcao 鱼腥草|chameleon plant; fish mint (Houttuyni... yuxishi 玉溪市|Yuxi, prefecture-level city in Yunnan... yuxu 语序|word order yuxu 臾须|short period of time/a moment yuxu 余绪|vestigial residue/a throwback (to a f... yuxuan 预选|preselection/short-listing/primary el... yuxue 瘀血|clotted blood/extravasated blood (lea... yuxue 淤血|variant of 瘀血[yu1 xue4] yuxue 浴血|blood-soaked yuxue 雨靴|rain boots/rubber boots/CL:雙|双[shuang1] yuxueban 淤血斑|bruise/patch of bruising yuxuekuzhan 浴血苦战|a blood soaked and hard-fought strugg... yuxun 渔汛|fishing season yuxun 鱼汛|variant of 漁汛|渔汛[yu2 xun4] yuxunqi 渔汛期|fishing season yuxunqi 鱼汛期|variant of 漁汛期|渔汛期[yu2 xun4 qi1] yuyan 语言|language/CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3] yuyan 雨燕|swift/Apodidae (the swift family) yuyan 预演|dummy run/to run through sth/to rehearse yuyan 预言|to predict/prophecy yuyan 寓言|fable/CL:則|则[ze2] yuyan 浴盐|bath salts yuyan 于焉|(classical) see 於是|于是[yu2 shi4] yuyanbuxiang 语焉不详|to mention sth without elaborating (i... yuyang 榆阳|Yuyang District of Yulin City 榆林市[Yu2... yuyang 渔阳|old place name (in Yan of Warring sta... yuyang 揄扬|to praise/to extol/to publicize/to ad... yuyangqu 榆阳区|Yuyang District of Yulin City 榆林市[Yu2... yuyanjia 预言家|prophet yuyankuifa 语言匮乏|language deficit (linguistics) yuyannengli 语言能力|verbal ability yuyanshiyanshi 语言实验室|language laboratory yuyanxue 语言学|linguistics yuyanxuejia 语言学家|linguist yuyanxunlian 语言训练|language training yuyanyouzhi 欲言又止|to want to say sth but then hesitate yuyanyulie 愈演愈烈|ever more critical/problems get more ... yuyanzhangai 语言障碍|language barrier/speech impediment yuyao 余姚|Yuyao, county-level city in Ningbo 寧波... yuyaoshi 余姚市|Yuyao, county-level city in Ningbo 寧波... yuye 渔业|fishing industry/fishery yuye 浴液|body wash yuyi 寓意|moral (of a story)/lesson to be learn... yuyi 雨衣|raincoat/CL:件[jian4] yuyi 语义|meaning of words/semantic yuyi 羽翼|wing/(fig.) assistant yuyi 语意|meaning/content of speech or writing/... yuyi 予以|to give/to impose/to apply yuyi 御医|imperial physician yuyi 浴衣|bathrobe/yukata, lightweight informal... yuyi 愈益|increasingly/more and more yuyi 愚意|my humble opinion yuyi 煜熠|bright yuyifansun 欲益反损|wishing for profit, but causing loss ... yuyifengman 羽翼丰满|fully fledged yuyifenlei 语义分类|semantic categorization yuyifenxi 语义分析|semantic analysis yuyiganlan 羽衣甘蓝|kale yuyikongjian 语义空间|semantic space yuyin 语音|speech sounds/pronunciation/colloquia... yuyin 余音|lingering sound yuyin 玉音|(deferential) your letter yuyin 预印|to preprint yuyinben 预印本|a preprint yuying 育婴|to look after a baby yuying 鱼鹰|name used for many fishing birds/corm... yuyingjia 育婴假|parental leave (Tw) yuyingli 预应力|prestressed yuyinglong 虞应龙|Yu Yinglong, Yuan dynasty scholar, co... yuyingshi 育婴师|nanny (for infants and toddlers) yuyinhecheng 语音合成|speech synthesis yuyinjiqiao 语音技巧|phonological skill yuyinraoliang 余音绕梁|reverberates around the rafters (idio... yuyinshibie 语音识别|speech recognition yuyinxinhao 语音信号|voice signal yuyinxinxiang 语音信箱|voice mailbox/voicemail yuyinxue 语音学|phonetics yuyinyishi 语音意识|phonetic awareness yuyinzhiling 语音指令|speech command (for computer speech r... yuyishenchang 寓意深长|to have profound import (idiom); to b... yuyishenyuan 寓意深远|the implied message is deep (idiom); ... yuyixing 语意性|semantic yuyixue 语义学|semantics yuyizhaogu 予以照顾|to ask sb to carefully consider a req... yuyong 御用|for use by the emperor/imperial/(dero... yuyongdalvshi 御用大律师|Queen\'s Counsel yuyongkegu 余勇可贾|lit. spare valor for sale (idiom); fi... yuyongxue 语用学|pragmatics yuyou 育有|to be the parent of (a child) yuyoudai 育幼袋|pouch of a female marsupial yuyouyuan 育幼院|orphanage yuyu 余裕|ample/surplus yuyu 喁喁|(onom.) speaking softly yuyu 煜煜|dazzling/bright yuyu 语域|(linguistics) linguistic field/register yuyu 魣鱼|perch yuyu 昱昱|variant of 煜煜[yu4 yu4] yuyuan 语源|etymology yuyuan 逾垣|to run away/to escape yuyuan 迂远|impractical yuyuan 芋圆|taro ball (Taiwanese dessert) yuyubudezhi 郁郁不得志|soured by the loss of one\'s hopes yuyubule 郁郁不乐|discontented (idiom) yuyucongcong 郁郁葱葱|verdant and lush (idiom) yuyue 预约|booking/reservation/to book/to make a... yuyue 愉悦|joyful/cheerful/delighted/joy/delight yuyue 逾越|to exceed yuyue 余月|alternative term for fourth lunar month yuyuejie 逾越节|Passover (Jewish holiday) yuyuguahuan 郁郁寡欢|(idiom) depressed; cheerless yuyun 余韵|pleasant lingering effect/memorable s... yuyun 语云|as the saying goes... yuyuxiongzhang 鱼与熊掌|lit. the fish and the bear\'s paw, you... yuyuxiongzhangbukejiande 鱼与熊掌不可兼得|lit. the fish and the bear\'s paw, you... yuzexiazhu 雨泽下注|rainfall yuzha 玉札|great burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis... yuzhaizu 御宅族|otaku, a Japanese term for people wit... yuzhao 预兆|omen/sign (of sth yet to occur)/prior... yuzhe 语者|(linguistics) speaker yuzhe 余者|the remaining people yuzhen 余震|earthquake aftershock yuzhenfali 欲振乏力|to try to rouse oneself but lack the ... yuzhengsheng 俞正声|Yu Zhengsheng (1945-), PRC politician yuzhi 预制|prefabricated/precut/to prefabricate yuzhi 阈值|threshold yuzhi 预支|to pay in advance/to get payment in a... yuzhi 预知|to anticipate/to foresee yuzhi 谕旨|imperial edict yuzhi 淤滞|silted up/obstructed by silt/variant ... yuzhi 迂执|pedantic and stubborn yuzhi 瘀滞|(in Chinese medicine) stasis (of bloo... yuzhi 迂滞|high-sounding and impractical yuzhi 语支|language branch yuzhicai 预制菜|ready-made meal yuzhong 渝中|Yuzhong, the central district of Chon... yuzhong 育种|to breed/breeding yuzhong 榆中|Yuzhong county in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 ... yuzhong 语种|language type (in a classification) yuzhong 鱼种|fingerling yuzhongbutong 与众不同|to stand out from the masses (idiom) yuzhongqu 渝中区|Yuzhong, the central district of Chon... yuzhongxian 榆中县|Yuzhong county in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 ... yuzhongxinchang 语重心长|meaningful and heartfelt words (idiom... yuzhou 禹州|Yuzhou, county-level city in Xuchang ... yuzhou 玉州|Yuzhou district of Yulin city 玉林市[Yu4... yuzhou 宇宙|universe; cosmos; space yuzhoufeichuan 宇宙飞船|spaceship; spacecraft yuzhouguan 宇宙观|world view; conception of the universe yuzhouhao 宇宙号|Kosmos, series of earth-orbit satelli... yuzhouqu 玉州区|Yuzhou district of Yulin city 玉林市[Yu4... yuzhoushexian 宇宙射线|cosmic ray yuzhoushi 禹州市|Yuzhou, county-level city in Xuchang ... yuzhousudu 宇宙速度|escape velocity yuzhouxian 宇宙线|cosmic ray yuzhouxue 宇宙学|cosmology yuzhu 玉竹|angular Solomon\'s seal/Polygonatum od... yuzhu 预祝|to wish sb (success, bon voyage etc) yuzhuang 预装|prefabricated/preinstalled/bundled (s... yuzhuangfuye 羽状复叶|bipinnate leaf (in phyllotaxy) yuzhuci 语助词|auxiliary word yuzhuo 愚拙|clumsy and stupid yuzhuo 迂拙|stupid/impractical yuzi 鱼子|fish eggs/roe/caviar yuzijiang 鱼子酱|caviar yuzu 狱卒|jailer (old) yuzu 语族|language branch yuzu 羽族|birds yuzu 郁卒|depressed and frustrated (from Taiwan... yuzuixie 鱼嘴鞋|open-toed shoe/peep-toe yuzun-jianggui 纡尊降贵|(idiom) to show deference to sb of lo... za 扎|variant of 紮|扎[za1] za 扎|to tie/to bind/classifier for flowers... za 杂|variant of 雜|杂[za2] za 杂|mixed/miscellaneous/various/to mix za 咋|dialectal equivalent of 怎麼|怎么[zen3me5... za 匝|(literary) to encircle; to go around;... za 匝|variant of 匝[za1] za 砸|to smash/to pound/to fail/to muck up/... za 咂|to sip/to smack one\'s lips/to taste/t... za 臜|see 腌臢|腌臜[a1 za1] za 雑|Japanese variant of 雜|杂 za 拶|(literary) to force; to coerce za 咱|see 咱[zan2] zaban 杂拌|assortment of preserved fruits/(fig.)... zabanr 杂拌儿|erhua variant of 雜拌|杂拌[za2 ban4] zacao 杂草|weeds zachangzi 砸场子|to create a disruption at an event or... zachu 杂处|(of disparate elements) to mix in wit... zacou 杂凑|to put together various bits/to knock... zadai 扎带|cable tie zadao 匝道|freeway ramp zadian 杂店|convenience store; variety store zaduo 杂多|Zadoi County (Tibetan: rdza stod rdzo... zaduoxian 杂多县|Zadoi County (Tibetan: rdza stod rdzo... zaerdali 扎尔达里|Asif Ali Zardari (1956-), Pakistani P... zafei 杂费|incidental costs/sundries/extras zagan 杂感|random thoughts (a literary genre) zageluosi 扎格罗斯|Zagros mountains of southwest Iran zageluosishanmai 扎格罗斯山脉|Zagros mountains of southwest Iran zagong 杂工|unskilled worker zagunao 杂谷脑|Zagunao River in Sichuan, tributary o... zagunaozhen 杂谷脑镇|Zagunao town in Li county 理縣|理县, Sichuan zaguo 砸锅|to fail zaguomaitie 砸锅卖铁|to be willing to sacrifice everything... zahang 砸夯|to pound the earth to make a building... zahuai 砸坏|to smash; to shatter zahuan 杂环|heterocyclic (chemistry) zahui 杂烩|a stew/(fig.) a disparate collection zahui 砸毁|to destroy; to smash zahun 杂婚|mixed marriage zahuo 杂货|groceries/miscellaneous goods zahuo 杂活|odd jobs zahuodian 杂货店|grocery store/emporium zahuomian 杂和面|corn flour mixed with a little soybea... zahuomianr 杂和面儿|erhua variant of 雜和麵|杂和面[za2 huo5 mian4] zahuoshang 杂货商|grocer zahuotan 杂货摊|stall selling various goods zai 再|again; once more; re-/further; beyond... zai 在|to exist; to be alive/(of sb or sth) ... zai 载|to record in writing/to carry (i.e. p... zai 载|to carry/to convey/to load/to hold/to... zai 仔|variant of 崽[zai3]/(dialect) (bound f... zai 灾|disaster; calamity zai 灾|variant of 災|灾[zai1] zai 灾|old variant of 災|灾[zai1] zai 哉|(exclamatory or interrogative particle) zai 宰|to slaughter; to butcher; to kill (an... zai 甾|steroid nucleus zai 崽|child/young animal zai 栽|to plant; to grow/to insert; to erect... zai 扗|old variant of 在[zai4] zai 縡|matter; affair zai 傤|load/cargo/old variant of 載|载[zai4]/t... zaibai 再拜|to bow again/to bow twice (gesture of... zaiban 再版|second edition/reprint zaibaoxian 再保险|reinsurance (contractual device sprea... zaibaozheng 再保证|to reassure zaibian 在编|to be on the regular payroll/to be on... zaibian 灾变|catastrophe/cataclysmic change zaibianlun 灾变论|catastrophism/the theory that geologi... zaibianshuo 灾变说|catastrophism (theory that geological... zaibo 载波|carrier wave zaibode 载伯德|Zebedee (name) zaibu 再不|or else; alternatively zaiburan 再不然|otherwise; alternatively; or else zaichang 在场|to be present; to be on the scene zaichang 灾场|disaster area/scene of accident zaichao 在朝|sitting (currently serving, e.g. boar... zaiche 载车|onboard (equipment)/to ferry cars/mis... zaichuli 再处理|reprocessing zaichun 甾醇|sterol (chemistry) zaici 再次|once more; once again zaici 在此|hereto/here zaicihou 在此后|after this/from then on zaicizhihou 在此之后|after this/afterwards/next zaicizhiji 在此之际|meanwhile/at the same time zaicizhiqian 在此之前|before that/beforehand/previously zaidanliang 载弹量|payload zaidao 栽倒|to take a fall zaidao 载道|to fill the road (also fig. clamor, c... zaidi 在地|local zaidixia 在地下|underground zaidu 再度|once more; once again; one more time zaidu 再读|to read again/to review (a lesson etc) zaidu 在读|to be studying (at a school or resear... zaie 灾厄|adversity/catastrophe/disaster zaifa 再发|to reissue/(of a disease) to recur/(o... zaifan 再犯|to re-offend/repeat offender; recidivist zaigai 再改|to change (sth) again zaigang 在岗|to be at one\'s post zaigaochu 在高处|aloft zaige 宰割|to slaughter/(fig.) to ride roughshod... zaigentou 栽跟头|to fall head over heels/(fig.) to com... zaigeqiewu 载歌且舞|singing and dancing (idiom); festive ... zaigezaiwu 载歌载舞|singing and dancing (idiom); festive ... zaihai 灾害|calamity/disaster/CL:個|个[ge4] zaihailian 灾害链|series of calamities/disaster followi... zaihang 在行|to be adept at sth/to be an expert in... zaihaobuguo 再好不过|couldn\'t be better/ideal/wonderful zaihe 载荷|load zaihou 灾后|after a catastrophe/post-traumatic zaihou 在后|behind zaihu 在乎|to rest with; to lie in; to be due to... zaihua 在华|within China/during one\'s visit to China zaihuang 灾荒|natural disaster/famine zaihui 再会|to meet again/until we meet again/goo... zaihun 再婚|to remarry zaihuo 载货|freight/load zaihuo 灾祸|disaster zaihuoqiche 载货汽车|truck zaihuwai 在户外|outdoors zaiji 在即|near at hand/imminent/within sight zaiji 载籍|books (in Confucian education) zaijia 再嫁|(of woman) to remarry zaijia 在家|to be at home/(at a workplace) to be ... zaijiakaofumu,chumenkaopengyou 在家靠父母,出门靠朋友|one depends on one\'s parents when at ... zaijiakaofumu,chuwaikaopengyou 在家靠父母,出外靠朋友|one depends on one\'s parents when at ... zaijian 再见|goodbye/see you again later zaijian 在建|under construction zaijian 再建|to reconstruct/to build another zaijianquanleida 再见全垒打|walk-off home run zaijiao 在教|to be a believer (in a religion, esp.... zaijiao 再醮|to remarry zaijiaqianrihao,chumenyishinan 在家千日好,出门一时难|lit. at home, one can spend a thousan... zaijiezaili 再接再厉|to continue the struggle (idiom); to ... zaijiezaili 再接再砺|variant of 再接再厲|再接再厉[zai4 jie1 zai4 li4] zaijindou 栽筋斗|to tumble/to fall head over heels/(fi... zaijiushi 再就是|another one is ...; the other thing i... zaijiuwenzi 载酒问字|a scholarly and inquisitive individua... zaiju 载具|conveyance (car, boat, aircraft etc);... zaike 载客|to take passengers on board zaike 宰客|to cheat customers/to overcharge zaikeche 载客车|passenger train (or bus) zaikeliang 载客量|passenger capacity zailaimi 在来米|long-grained non-glutinous rice (Tw) zaile 宰了|(coll.) (typically used hyperbolicall... zaili 在理|reasonable/sensible zailin 再临|to come again zaimaiyetianbuxinteng 崽卖爷田不心疼|lit. the child sells the father\'s far... zaimin 灾民|victim (of a disaster) zaiming 载明|to state explicitly in writing/to spe... zainan 灾难|disaster; catastrophe zainanpian 灾难片|disaster movie zainanxing 灾难性|catastrophic zainar 在那儿|(adverbial expression indicating that... zainei 在内|(included) in it/among them zaipang 在旁|alongside/nearby zaipei 栽培|to grow/to cultivate/to train/to educ... zaipin 载频|frequency of carrier wave zaipingheng 再平衡|to rebalance zaiqi 再起|to arise again/to make a comeback/res... zaiqian 在前|ahead/formerly/in the past zaiqian 再迁|to promote again/reappointed zaiqiangkou 在枪口|at gunpoint zaiqianjun-yifazhiji 在千钧一发之际|at the critical moment; in the nick o... zaiqing 灾情|disastrous situation; calamity zaiqu 灾区|disaster area/stricken region zairen 载人|to carry a passenger/(of spaceships e... zairen 宰人|to overcharge/to rip sb off zairenguidaokongjianzhan 载人轨道空间站|manned orbiting space station zairongzi 再融资|refinancing/restructuring (a loan) zairu 载入|to load into/to record/to write into/... zairu 再入|to re-enter zairushice 载入史册|to be recorded in history; to go down... zaisai 再赛|to compete again (i.e. either have a ... zaisan 再三|over and over again/again and again zaisanzaisi 再三再四|repeatedly/over and over again zaisha 宰杀|to slaughter (an animal for meat)/to ... zaishen 再审|to hear a case again/review/retrial zaishen 在身|to possess/to be occupied or burdened... zaishenchu 在深处|deeply zaisheng 再生|to be reborn/to regenerate/to be a se... zaishengbuliangxingpinxue 再生不良性贫血|aplastic anemia zaishengchan 再生产|to reproduce/reproduction zaishengfumu 再生父母|like a second parent (idiom); one\'s g... zaishengjie 宰牲节|see 古爾邦節|古尔邦节[Gu3 er3 bang1 jie2] zaishengnengyuan 再生能源|renewable energy source zaishengranliao 再生燃料|renewable fuel zaishengshui 再生水|reclaimed water; recycled water zaishengyixue 再生医学|regenerative medicine zaishengzhidong 再生制动|regenerative braking zaishengziyuan 再生资源|renewable resource zaishi 再世|to be reincarnated zaishi 在世|to be alive zaishuaisanjie 再衰三竭|weakening and close to exhaustion (id... zaishuo 再说|to say again/to put off a discussion ... zaisi 再四|repeatedly/over and over again zaisuobuci 在所不辞|not to refuse to (idiom)/not to hesit... zaisuobuji 在所不计|irrespective of/to have no concerns w... zaisuonanmian 在所难免|to be unavoidable (idiom) zaisusongqijian 在诉讼期间|pendente lite/during litigation zaitai 在台|in Taiwan (used attributively) zaitao 在逃|to be at large (of a criminal) zaiti 载体|carrier (chemistry)/vector (epidemiol... zaitian 载湉|birth name of Qing emperor Guangxu 光緒... zaitianyuanzuobiyiniao,zaidiyuanzuolianlizhi 在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿做连理枝|In the sky to be two birds flying win... zaitianzhiling 在天之灵|soul and spirit of the deceased zaitong 甾酮|sterone (steroid containing a ketone ... zaitu 在途|in transit (of passengers, goods etc) zaitu 载途|to cover the road (snow, wind, hazard... zaiwai 在外|outer/excluded zaiwang 在望|within view; visible/(fig.) in the of... zaiwei 在位|to be on the throne; to reign/to hold... zaiweishidai 在位时代|reign (of a king, emperor etc) zaiwo 在握|(fig.) to hold in one\'s hands/to be w... zaiwokan 在我看|in my opinion/in my view zaiwokanlai 在我看来|in my opinion zaixia 在下|under/myself (humble) zaixiamian 在下面|underneath zaixian 在线|online zaixian 再现|to recreate/to reconstruct (a histori... zaixian 在先|to come first/previous/prior/beforeha... zaixiang 宰相|prime minister (in feudal China) zaixiao 在校|(attributive) to be enrolled in a sch... zaixie 载携|to carry/to bear zaixing 灾星|comet or supernova viewed as evil por... zaiyang 灾殃|disaster zaiye 在野|to be out of (political) office/to be... zaiye 再也|(not) any more zaiyedang 在野党|opposition party zaiyi 在意|to care about/to mind zaiyi 载漪|Zai Yi (1856-1922), Manchu imperial p... zaiyici 再一次|again zaiyiqi 在一起|together zaiyu 在于|to rest with; to lie in; to be due to... zaiyu 宰予|Zai Yu (522-458 BC), disciple of Conf... zaiyu 再育|to increase/to multiply/to proliferate zaiyun 载运|to convey (on vehicle)/to freight zaiyuzhouqin 宰予昼寝|Zai Yu sleeps by day (idiom); refers ... zaizang 栽赃|to frame sb (by planting sth on them) zaizao 再造|to give a new lease of life/to recons... zaizaoshoushu 再造手术|reconstructive surgery zaizaoye 再造业|recycling industry zaize 再则|moreover/besides zaizenme 再怎么|no matter how ... zaizhe 再者|moreover/besides zaizheqijian 在这期间|during time/in this time zaizhezhiqian 在这之前|before then/up until that point zaizhi 在职|to be employed/to be in post/on-the-job zaizhi 栽植|to plant/to transplant zaizhi 宰制|to rule/to dominate zaizhi 再制|to make more of the same thing/to rep... zaizhixunlian 在职训练|on-the-job training zaizhiyan 再制盐|refined salt zaizhizhi 再制纸|recycled paper zaizhong 载重|load/carrying capacity zaizhong 栽种|to plant/to grow zaizhongji 栽种机|a mechanical planter (for rice, plants) zaizhongliang 载重量|dead weight/weight capacity of a vehicle zaizhongnengli 载重能力|weight-carrying capacity zaizhoufuzhou 载舟覆舟|to carry a boat or to overturn a boat... zaizi 崽子|offspring of an animal/brat; bastard zaizi 栽子|seedling/young plant zaizuo 在座|to be present zaji 杂技|acrobatics/CL:場|场[chang3] zaji 杂记|various notes or records/a miscellany... zaji 杂集|a miscellany/a potpourri zajia 咱家|I/me/my/(often used in early vernacul... zajia 杂家|Miscellaneous School of the Warring S... zajialiya 匝加利亚|Zechariah zajian 杂件|miscellaneous goods zajianr 杂件儿|miscellaneous goods zajiao 杂交|to hybridize/to crossbreed/promiscuity zajiaopaidui 杂交派对|sex party/orgy zajiaozhiwu 杂交植物|hybrid plant zajiyanyuan 杂技演员|acrobat zaju 杂剧|a Yuan dynasty form of musical comedy zaju 杂居|cohabitation (of different population... zajudiqu 杂居地区|area of mixed habitation zajusidajia 杂剧四大家|Four Great Yuan Dramatists, namely: G... zalan 砸烂|to smash zaliang 杂粮|grain crops other than rice and wheat zaliu 杂流|small craftsman (contemptuous) zalu 杂录|literary miscellany/varia zaluan 杂乱|in a mess/in a jumble/chaotic zaluanwuzhang 杂乱无章|disordered and in a mess (idiom); all... zalute 扎鲁特|Jarud banner or Jarud khoshuu in Tong... zaluteqi 扎鲁特旗|Jarud banner or Jarud khoshuu in Tong... zamalading 扎马剌丁|Jamal al-Din ibn Muhammad al-Najjari ... zamaluding 扎马鲁丁|see 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁[Za1 ma3 la2 ding1] zamo 咂摸|(dialect) to savor/to test the taste ... zan 赞|variant of 讚|赞[zan4] zan 赞|variant of 贊|赞[zan4]/to praise zan 赞|variant of 贊|赞[zan4] zan 赞|to patronize/to support/to praise/(In... zan 暂|temporary/Taiwan pr. [zhan4] zan 暂|to scurry/variant of 暫|暂[zan4] zan 攒|to collect/to hoard/to accumulate/to ... zan 瓒|libation cup zan 簪|hairpin zan 簪|old variant of 簪[zan1] zan 灒|to spatter, to splash, to scatter zan 寁|swift zan 錾|to engrave zan 昝|surname Zan zan 酂|group of 100 families/place name zan 趱|to hasten/to urge zan 欑|gather zan 糌|zanba, Tibetan barley bread zan 儹|to accumulate, to hoard, to store up zan 桚|old variant of 拶[zan3] zan 拶|to press or squeeze hard zan 咱|variant of 咱[zan2] zan 咱|I or me/we (including both the speake... zanba 糌粑|tsamba, Tibetan barley bread zanbiya 赞比亚|Zambia zanbujuekou 赞不绝口|to praise without cease (idiom); prai... zancheng 赞成|to approve/to endorse/(literary) to a... zanchengpiao 赞成票|approval/affirmative vote zanci 赞词|praise zanci 赞辞|praise zandan 赞丹|Zaandam (town in Netherlands) zanding 暂定|temporary arrangement/provisional/ten... zanduan 暂短|brief (in time) zang 藏|Tibet/abbr. for Xizang or Tibet Auton... zang 藏|storehouse/depository/Buddhist or Tao... zang 脏|viscera/(anatomy) organ zang 脏|dirty/filthy/to get (sth) dirty zang 臧|surname Zang zang 臧|good/right zang 臧|old variant of 藏[zang4]/old variant o... zang 赃|stolen goods; loot; spoils zang 赃|variant of 贓|赃[zang1] zang 葬|old variant of 葬[zang4] zang 葬|to bury (the dead)/to inter zang 奘|great zang 牂|female sheep/place name zang 驵|powerful horse zang 臓|Japanese variant of 臟|脏 zangao 藏獒|Tibetan mastiff zangbian 脏辫|dreadlocks zangbiao 脏标|Parental Advisory label (PRC) zangbing 脏病|(coll.) venereal disease zangchuanfojiao 藏传佛教|Tibetan Buddhism zangdan 脏弹|dirty bomb zangdu 藏独|Tibetan Independence (movement)/abbr.... zange 暂搁|temporarily stopped/in abeyance zangfu 脏腑|inner organs zangguanwuli 赃官污吏|grasping officials, corrupt mandarins... zanghonghua 藏红花|saffron (Crocus sativus) zanghua 脏话|profanity/obscene language/speaking r... zanghuangque 藏黄雀|(bird species of China) Tibetan serin... zanghuixiangguo 藏茴香果|caraway zangjingdong 藏经洞|cave holding scripture depository, pa... zangkejia 臧克家|Zang Kejia (1905-2004), Chinese poet zangkuan 赃款|booty/stolen goods zangli 葬礼|burial/funeral zangling 藏羚|Tibetan antelope/Pantholops hodgsonii... zanglingyang 藏羚羊|Tibetan antelope or Chiru (Pantholops... zangluan 脏乱|dirty and disordered/in a mess zangluancha 脏乱差|(coll.) squalid/squalor zangmai 葬埋|to bury zangmaji 藏马鸡|(bird species of China) Tibetan eared... zangmei 脏煤|dirty coal; muck (from a colliery) zangqi 脏器|internal organs zangqing 藏青|see 藏青色[zang4 qing1 se4] zangqingguo 藏青果|chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) zangqingse 藏青色|navy blue zangque 藏雀|(bird species of China) Tibetan rosef... zangren 藏人|Tibetan (person) zangshen 葬身|to bury a corpse/to be buried/(fig.) ... zangshenyufu 葬身鱼腹|lit. to be buried in the bellies of f... zangshi 葬式|funeral zangshui 脏水|dirty water/sewage zangsong 葬送|to hold a funeral procession and buri... zangtu 脏土|dirty soil/muck/trash zangwen 藏文|Tibetan script/Tibetan written langua... zangwu 脏污|to dirty/to sully/to stain zangwu 赃物|booty/stolen property zangwu 藏鹀|(bird species of China) Tibetan bunti... zangxiang 藏象|hidden inner properties and their ext... zangxixi 脏兮兮|dirty/filthy zangxueji 藏雪鸡|(bird species of China) Tibetan snowc... zangxueque 藏雪雀|(bird species of China) Tibetan snowf... zangyi 葬仪|funeral/obsequies zangyu 藏语|Tibetan language zangyumaixiang 葬玉埋香|lit. burying jade and interring incen... zangzang 脏脏|dirty zangzangbao 脏脏包|pastry bun filled with chocolate and ... zangzao 脏躁|hysteria zangzi 脏字|obscenity zangzu 藏族|Tibetan ethnic group zangzuren 藏族人|Tibetan (person) zanhuan 暂缓|to postpone zanhuang 赞皇|Zanhuang county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石... zanhuangxian 赞皇县|Zanhuang county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石... zanian 杂念|distracting thoughts zanjia 咱家|I/me/we/my home/our house zanlia 咱俩|the two of us zanmei 赞美|to admire/to praise/to eulogize zanmen 咱们|we or us (including both the speaker ... zanpu 赞普|(hist.) title of the Tibetan Tufan ruler zanqie 暂且|for now; for the time being; temporarily zanque 暂缺|currently in short supply/in deficit ... zanshang 赞赏|to admire/to praise/to appreciate zanshi 暂时|temporary; provisional; for the time ... zansong 赞颂|to bless/to praise zantai 暂态|transient zantan 赞叹|to exclaim in admiration zantanbuyi 赞叹不已|to be full of praise (idiom) zanting 暂停|to suspend/time-out (e.g. in sports)/... zantingjian 暂停键|pause button zantong 赞同|to approve of/to endorse/(vote) in favor zanxi 暂息|a lull (in the storm)/brief break (in... zanxiang 赞飨|message dedicated to a deity zanxing 暂行|provisional zanxing 拶刑|squeezing the fingers between sticks ... zanxipei 赞西佩|Xanthippe, Socrates\' wife zanxu 赞许|to praise/to laud zanya 暂牙|deciduous tooth/milk tooth/baby tooth... zanyang 赞扬|to praise/to approve of/to show approval zanyu 赞誉|to praise/recognition zanzhi 拶指|to squeeze the fingers (old form of t... zanzhu 赞助|to support/to assist/to sponsor zanzhushang 赞助商|sponsor zanzhuzheng 暂住证|temporary residence permit zanzi 錾子|chisel zanzi 拶子|sticks used for squeezing the fingers... zao 造|to make/to build/to manufacture/to in... zao 早|early/morning/Good morning!/long ago/... zao 遭|to meet by chance (usually with misfo... zao 藻|aquatic grasses/elegant zao 枣|(bound form) jujube; Chinese date (Zi... zao 噪|(literary) (of birds or insects) to c... zao 噪|variant of 噪[zao4] zao 燥|dry; parched/impatient; vexed/(bound ... zao 皂|soap/black zao 凿|(bound form) chisel/to bore a hole; t... zao 糟|dregs/draff/pickled in wine/rotten/me... zao 澡|bath zao 躁|impatient; hot-tempered zao 皁|black/police runners, from the black ... zao 灶|kitchen stove/kitchen; mess; canteen zao 灶|variant of 灶[zao4] zao 蚤|flea zao 煰|dry (old variant of 燥[zao4]) zao 簉|deputy/subordinate/concubine zao 璪|pendant of pearls on coronet zao 唣|variant of 唣[zao4] zao 唣|used in 囉唣|啰唣[luo2 zao4] zao 薻|old variant of 藻[zao3] zao 傮|finish, to go around zao 梍|Chinese honey locust (Gleditsia sinen... zao 慥|sincere zao 蹧|see 蹧蹋[zao1 ta4] zao 艁|old variant of 造[zao4] zao 趮|easily provoked, hasty/fierce, cruel zao 竃|old variant of 灶[zao4] zaoan 早安|Good morning! zaoban 早班|early shift; morning work shift zaobanr 早班儿|erhua variant of 早班[zao3 ban1] zaobao 早报|morning newspaper zaobichang 造币厂|mint/CL:座[zuo4] zaobitouguang 凿壁偷光|lit. to pierce the wall to steal a li... zaobo 早搏|(medicine) premature beat; extrasystole zaobo 早勃|morning erection zaobo 早播|to plant early; to sow seeds in early... zaocan 早餐|breakfast/CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] zaocao 早操|morning exercises (physical exercises... zaocha 早茶|morning tea zaochan 早产|to have a premature birth zaochang 早场|morning show (at a theater or cinema)... zaoche 早车|morning bus/early train zaochen 早晨|early morning/CL:個|个[ge4]/also pr. [z... zaochen 凿沉|to scuttle (a ship) zaocheng 造成|to bring about; to create; to cause zaochuan 造船|shipbuilding zaochuanchang 造船厂|dockyard/shipyard zaochuansuo 造船所|shipyard zaochun 早春|early spring zaochuwangui 早出晚归|to leave early and return late (idiom) zaoci 造次|(literary) hurried/rash zaodao 遭到|to suffer/to meet with (sth unfortunate) zaodao 早稻|early season rice/rice at transplanti... zaodaotiandaxue 早稻田大学|Waseda University (private university... zaodaweiying 噪大苇莺|(bird species of China) clamorous ree... zaodian 噪点|image noise zaodian 早点|breakfast zaodong 躁动|to stir restlessly/to be agitated/com... zaofan 造反|to rebel/to revolt zaofan 早饭|breakfast/CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4]... zaofan 皂矾|green vitriol (ferrous sulfate FeSO4:... zaofang 造访|to visit/to pay a visit zaofanpai 造反派|rebel faction zaofeng 遭逢|to encounter (sth unpleasant) zaofu 造福|to benefit (e.g. the people) zaofushequn 造福社群|to benefit the community zaofuwanmin 造福万民|to benefit thousands of people zaogao 糟糕|too bad/how terrible/what bad luck/te... zaogousuoci 澡垢索疵|to wash the dirt to find a defect (id... zaoguan 澡罐|tub (used for ablutions in a monastery) zaohua 造化|(literary) Nature; the Creator zaohua 造化|good luck zaohua 藻华|algal bloom zaohun 早婚|to marry too early zaohuo 灶火|stove/kitchen zaojia 造假|to counterfeit/to pass off a fake as ... zaojia 造价|construction cost zaojia 皂荚|Chinese honey locust (Gleditsia sinen... zaojian 糟践|to waste/to spoil/to destroy/to insul... zaojian 灶间|kitchen (dialect)/CL:間|间[jian1] zaojian 皂碱|soap/same as 肥皂 zaojianzifu 造茧自缚|to spin a cocoon around oneself (idio... zaojiao 皂角|Chinese honey locust (Gleditsia sinen... zaojiao 早教|early education (abbr. for 早期教育[zao3 ... zaojiashu 皂荚树|Chinese honey locust (Gleditsia sinen... zaojin 澡巾|scrub mitt/shower glove zaojing 凿井|to dig a well zaojiu 造就|to bring up/to train/to contribute to... zaojiu 早就|already at an earlier time zaoju 造句|sentence-making zaoju 灶具|stove/cooker/(dialect) cooking utensils zaoju 遭拒|to meet with a refusal (e.g. visa)/to... zaojuan 噪鹃|(bird species of China) Asian koel (E... zaojun 灶君|Zaoshen, the god of the kitchen/also ... zaokang 糟糠|chaff, husks, distillers\' dregs etc (... zaokangqi 糟糠妻|wife who goes through the hardships o... zaoke 早课|matins/morning service (in the Cathol... zaokong 凿空|to open an aperture/(extended meaning... zaokuang 躁狂|manic zaokuangyiyuzheng 躁狂抑郁症|manic depression zaokuangzheng 躁狂症|mania/manic episode zaolai 早来|to arrive early zaolaosu 早老素|presenilins zaolaoxingchidai 早老性痴呆|(coll.) Alzheimer\'s disease zaole 糟了|gosh!/oh no!/darn! zaolei 藻类|algae zaolian 早恋|to be in love when one is too young; ... zaolin 造林|forestation zaoliuhuangyu 糟溜黄鱼|stir-fried yellow fish filet zaoliuhuangyupian 糟溜黄鱼片|stir-fried yellow fish filet zaoma 灶马|camel cricket zaonan 遭难|to run into misfortune zaoni 枣泥|jujube paste zaonian 早年|many years ago; in the past/in one\'s ... zaonie 造孽|to do evil/to commit sins zaopen 澡盆|bath tub zaopo 糟粕|dross/dregs/rubbish/fig. useless residue zaoqi 早期|early period; early phase; early stage zaoqi 早起|to get up early zaoqian 早前|previously zaoqiang 枣强|Zaoqiang county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 ... zaoqiangxian 枣强县|Zaoqiang county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 ... zaoqiao 造桥|Zaoqiao or Tsaochiao township in Miao... zaoqiaoxiang 造桥乡|Zaoqiao or Tsaochiao township in Miao... zaoqiu 早秋|early autumn zaoqixiaoying 早期效应|early effect zaori 早日|soon; at an early date/the early days... zaorikangfu 早日康复|to recover health quickly; Get well s... zaorui 凿枘|see 枘鑿|枘凿[rui4zao2] zaoshan 造山|mountain building/orogenesis (geology) zaoshandai 造山带|orogenic belt (geology) zaoshang 早上|early morning/CL:個|个[ge4] zaoshanghao 早上好|Good morning! zaoshanyundong 造山运动|mountain building (geology)/orogenesis zaoshanzuoyong 造山作用|orogeny (geology) zaoshen 灶神|Zaoshen, the god of the kitchen zaosheng 噪声|noise zaoshengguizi 早生贵子|give birth to a son soon (propitiator... zaoshengwuran 噪声污染|noise pollution zaoshenxing 灶神星|Vesta, an asteroid, second most massi... zaoshenyude 澡身浴德|to bathe the body and cleanse virtue ... zaoshi 早市|morning market zaoshi 造势|to boost support or interest/to campa... zaoshi 早逝|early demise/untimely death zaoshi 皂石|soapstone zaoshi 簉室|concubine zaoshichang 凿石场|rock quarry zaoshou 遭受|to suffer; to sustain (loss, misfortune) zaoshu 枣树|jujube tree/date tree/Zizyphus vulgar... zaoshu 早熟|precocious; early-maturing zaoshuai 早衰|to age prematurely/premature senescence zaoshuang 早霜|early frost zaoshuizaoqi 早睡早起|early to bed, early to rise; to keep ... zaosi 早死|to die while still relatively young/t... zaosizaochaosheng 早死早超生|to end one\'s suffering by dying quick... zaosui 早岁|one\'s early years zaota 糟蹋|to waste; to spoil/to ruin; to wreck/... zaota 糟踏|variant of 糟蹋[zao1 ta4] zaota 蹧塌|variant of 糟蹋[zao1 ta4] zaota 蹧蹋|variant of 糟蹋[zao1 ta4] zaotai 灶台|stovetop; rangetop zaotang 澡堂|public baths zaotang 澡塘|communal bath/common pool in bath house zaotou 糟透|in a bad state/horrible/dreadful/enti... zaotui 早退|to leave early (before the stipulated... zaouzaweng 扎欧扎翁|name of village in Nyima county, Nagc... zaowan 早晚|morning and evening/(in reference to ... zaowang 灶王|Zaoshen, the god of the kitchen/also ... zaowang 早亡|premature death zaowangye 灶王爷|Zaoshen, the god of the kitchen/also ... zaowen 遭瘟|to suffer from a plague/to endure a m... zaowu 造物|luck/to create the universe/god (as t... zaowucan 早午餐|brunch zaowufan 早午饭|brunch zaowuzhu 造物主|the Creator (in religion or mythology... zaoxian 早先|previously/before zaoxie 早泄|premature ejaculation zaoxie 早些|a bit earlier zaoxin 糟心|vexed/annoyed/upset zaoxing 造型|to model; to shape/appearance; style;... zaoxingdangao 造型蛋糕|custom-designed cake (e.g. cake shape... zaoxingfuzhuang 造型服装|costume zaoxingqiqiu 造型气球|balloon modeling/balloon twisting zaoxingshi 造型师|stylist (fashion)/cartoon character d... zaoxingtiaosan 造型跳伞|formation skydiving zaoxingyishu 造型艺术|visual arts zaoxue 造血|to make blood (function of bone marrow) zaoxueganxibao 造血干细胞|blood generating stem cells (in bone ... zaoyan 凿岩|(rock) drilling zaoyan 灶眼|stovetop burner zaoyang 枣阳|Zaoyang, county-level city in Xiangfa... zaoyang 遭殃|to suffer a calamity zaoyangshi 枣阳市|Zaoyang, county-level city in Xiangfa... zaoyanji 凿岩机|rock drill zaoyankuangwu 造岩矿物|rock-forming mineral zaoyao 造谣|to start a rumor zaoyao 早夭|to die young zaoyaoshengshi 造谣生事|to start rumours and create trouble zaoyi 造诣|level of mastery (of a skill or area ... zaoyi 早已|for a long time; long since/(dialect)... zaoyin 噪音|rumble/noise/static (in a signal) zaoyinhe 噪音盒|boombox/ghetto blaster zaoyu 遭遇|to meet with/to encounter/(bitter) ex... zaoyulun 造舆论|to build up public opinion/to create ... zaoyun 早孕|teenage pregnancy/early stage of preg... zaoyuzhan 遭遇战|(military) encounter/skirmish zaoyuzheng 躁郁症|bipolar disorder zaoza 噪杂|a clamor/a din zaozai 早在|as early as zaozaoban 早早班|preschool group for kids aged three o... zaozaor 早早儿|(coll.) as soon as possible; as early... zaozhi 造纸|papermaking zaozhi 早知|to know in advance zaozhidao 早知道|If I had known earlier... zaozhijinrihebidangchu 早知今日何必当初|if I (you, she, he...) had known it w... zaozhishu 造纸术|papermaking process zaozhuang 枣庄|see 棗莊市|枣庄市[Zao3zhuang1 Shi4] zaozhuangshi 枣庄市|Zaozhuang, prefecture-level city in S... zaozi 造字|to create Chinese characters/cf Six M... zaozi 枣子|dates/jujube zaozi 凿子|chisel zaozi 燥子|minced meat/Taiwan pr. [sao4 zi5] zaozui 遭罪|to endure hardship/to suffer zaozuo 造作|affected/artificial/to make/to manufa... zapai 杂牌|inferior brand; little-known brand zapaijun 杂牌军|miscellaneous troops; irregular troop... zapair 杂牌儿|erhua variant of 雜牌|杂牌[za2 pai2] zapei 杂配|to mix/to hybridize zapo 砸破|to break/to shatter zaqian 砸钱|to spend big (on sth)/to pour a lot o... zaqizaba 杂七杂八|an assortment/a bit of everything/lot... zaran 扎染|to tie-dye zarou 杂糅|a blend/a mix zase 杂色|varicolored/motley zaseshanque 杂色山雀|(bird species of China) varied tit (S... zasezaomei 杂色噪鹛|(bird species of China) variegated la... zashe 咂舌|to click one\'s tongue zashi 杂食|omnivorous (zoology)/snacks/a varied ... zashi 杂事|miscellaneous tasks; various chores zashidongwu 杂食动物|omnivore zashua 杂耍|a sideshow/vaudeville/juggling zashui 杂税|miscellaneous duties/various taxes zashuo 杂说|scattered essays/various opinions/dif... zasi 砸死|to crush to death zasui 杂碎|offal/cooked minced offal/chop suey (... zasui 砸碎|to pulverize/to smash to bits zata 杂沓|small craftsman (contemptuous)/clatte... zata 杂遝|variant of 雜沓|杂沓[za2 ta4] zatan 杂谈|discussion of various topics zawen 杂文|essay zawu 杂物|junk/items of no value/various bits a... zawu 杂务|odd jobs; miscellaneous tasks zaxi 杂戏|acrobatics/entertainment at folk fest... zaxiandai 扎线带|cable ties/zip ties zaxiang 杂项|miscellaneous zaxing 砸醒|to jolt sb awake zayan 杂盐|carnallite (hydrated potassium magnes... zayi 杂役|odd jobs/part-time worker zayin 杂音|noise zayue 匝月|(formal) a full month zazao 杂噪|a clamor/a din zazha 拶榨|to exploit (a worker) zazhi 杂志|magazine/CL:本[ben3],份[fen4],期[qi1] zazhi 杂质|impurity zazhishe 杂志社|magazine publisher zazhong 杂种|hybrid/mixed breed/bastard/son of a b... zazui 咂嘴|to click one\'s tongue ze 泽|pool/pond/(of metals etc) luster/favo... ze 责|duty/responsibility/to reproach/to blame ze 则|(literary) (conjunction used to expre... ze 咋|(literary) to bite; to gnaw ze 仄|to tilt/narrow/uneasy/oblique tones (... ze 迮|haste/to press ze 择|to select/to choose/to pick over/to p... ze 啧|(interj. of admiration or of disgust)... ze 崱|lofty ze 赜|mysterious ze 昃|afternoon/decline ze 笮|board under tiles on roof/narrow ze 帻|turban/head-covering ze 箦|reed mat ze 齰|to bite ze 齚|variant of 齰[ze2] ze 沢|Japanese variant of 澤|泽 ze 舴|used in 舴艋[ze2meng3] ze 矠|(old) spear ze 択|Japanese variant of 擇|择 zebei 责备|to blame/to criticize/condemnation/re... zebeiqiuquan 责备求全|see 求全責備|求全责备[qiu2 quan2 ze2 bei4] zebian 责编|editor in charge (abbr. for 責任編輯|责任编辑... zebulong 则步隆|Zabulon or Zebulun, biblical land bet... zebulvhe 泽布吕赫|Zeebrugge (port city in Belgium) zecheng 责成|to charge (an entity) with (a task)/t... zeda 责打|to punish by flogging zedang 泽当|Zêdang town in Nêdong county 乃東縣|乃东县[... zeding 择定|to select zefa 责罚|to punish zege 则个|(old sentence-final expression used f... zeguai 责怪|to blame/to rebuke zei 贼|thief/traitor/wily/deceitful/evil/ext... zei 戝|old variant of 賊|贼[zei2] zei 鲗|cuttlefish zeichuan 贼船|pirate ship/fig. venture of dubious m... zeihanzhuozei 贼喊捉贼|lit. a thief crying \"Stop the thief!\"... zeiliang 贼亮|bright/shiny/dazzling/glaring zeimeishuyan 贼眉鼠眼|shifty-eyed/crafty-looking (idiom) zeimeizeiyan 贼眉贼眼|see 賊眉鼠眼|贼眉鼠眼[zei2 mei2 shu3 yan3] zeisi 贼死|completely/utterly (dialect) zeitouzeinao 贼头贼脑|lit. to behave like a thief/furtive/u... zeitu 贼秃|(derog.) Buddhist monk zeiwo 贼窝|thieves\' lair zeixin 贼心|evil intentions zeiyan 贼眼|shifty gaze/furtive glance zeiyuchong 鲗鱼涌|Quarry Bay (area in Hong Kong) zeji 择机|at the right time; when appropriate zejing 迮径|narrow path zejing 仄径|narrow path zeku 泽库|Zeku County in Huangnan Tibetan Auton... zekuxian 泽库县|Zeku County in Huangnan Tibetan Auton... zelahei 则辣黑|Zerah (son of Judah in the Old Testam... zelan 泽兰|Eupatorium, e.g. Japanese bog orchid ... zeling 责令|to order/to enjoin/to charge/to instr... zema 责骂|to scold zemeng 舴艋|(literary) small boat zen 怎|how zen 谮|to slander zenan 责难|to censure zende 怎的|what for/why/how zeng 曾|surname Zeng zeng 曾|great- (grandfather, grandchild etc) zeng 增|(bound form) to increase; to augment;... zeng 赠|to give as a present/to repel/to best... zeng 综|heddle/Taiwan pr. [zong4] zeng 憎|to detest zeng 罾|large square net zeng 甑|cauldron/rice pot zeng 橧|dwelling on top of wooden stakes zeng 缯|surname Zeng zeng 缯|silk fabrics zeng 缯|to tie/to bind zeng 増|Japanese variant of 增[zeng1] zeng 锃|polished/shiny zeng 矰|arrow with a streamer zeng 鄫|surname Zeng/Zhou vassal state/also p... zengbaiji 增白剂|whitener/whitening agent zengbing 增兵|to reinforce/to increase troop number... zengbu 增补|to augment/to supplement/to add zengchan 增产|to increase production zengchengqu 增城区|Zengcheng District of Guangzhou City ... zengchi 增持|(of an investor) to increase one\'s ho... zengchou 增稠|to thicken zengchouji 增稠剂|thickener zengda 增大|to enlarge/to amplify/to magnify zengding 增订|to revise and enlarge (a book)/to aug... zengdingben 增订本|revised and enlarged edition zengdu 曾都|Zengdu district of Suizhou city 隨州市|随... zengduo 增多|to increase/to grow in number zengduqu 曾都区|Zengdu district of Suizhou city 隨州市|随... zenge 憎恶|to hate evil zengfang 增防|to reinforce defenses zengfanren 曾繁仁|Zeng Fanren, president of Shandong Un... zengfu 增幅|growth rate/amplification zenggang 增岗|to increase the number of jobs; to cr... zenggao 增高|to heighten/to raise/to increase/to rise zenggong 曾巩|Zeng Gong (1019-1083), Song dynasty w... zengguang 增广|to widen zengguang 增光|to add luster/to add glory zengguang 锃光|shiny zengguofan 曾国藩|Zeng Guofan (1811-1872), Qing dynasty... zenghen 憎恨|to detest/hatred zenghou 增厚|to thicken zengjia 增加|to raise; to increase zengjian 增减|to add or subtract/to increase or dec... zengjiazhi 增加值|value added (accountancy) zengjin 增进|to promote/to enhance/to further/to a... zengjinyan 曾金燕|Zeng Jinyan (1983-), Chinese blogger ... zengjize 曾纪泽|Cang Jize or Tseng Chi-tse (1839-1890... zengkan 增刊|additional publication/supplement (to... zengkuan 赠款|grant zengli 赠礼|present; gift zengliang 增量|increment zengliang 锃亮|shiny zengliangcanshu 增量参数|incremental parameter zengnian 增年|to lengthen life zengpin 赠品|gift/complimentary item/freebie/giveaway zengpu 曾朴|Zeng Pu (1872-1935), novelist and pub... zengqiang 增强|to increase/to strengthen zengqiangxianshi 增强现实|(computing) augmented reality; AR zengqinghong 曾庆红|Zeng Qinghong (1939-), vice-president... zengsanhexian 增三和弦|augmented triad (musical chord) zengse 增色|to enrich/to enhance/to beautify zengshan 增删|add and delete zengshao 赠芍|to give peonies/fig. exchange of gift... zengshe 增设|to add to existing facilities or serv... zengshen 曾参|Zeng Shen (505-435 BC), a.k.a. 曾子[Zen... zengsheng 增生|(medicine) hyperplasia/(abbr. for 增廣生... zengshou 增收|to increase revenue/to increase incom... zengsong 赠送|to present as a gift zengsu 增速|to speed up; to accelerate/(economics... zengsuji 增塑剂|plasticizer zengsun 曾孙|great-grandson zengsunnv 曾孙女|great-granddaughter zengtian 增添|to add/to increase zengtian 增田|Masuda (Japanese surname) zengwaizufu 曾外祖父|great-grandfather (mother\'s grandfather) zengwaizumu 曾外祖母|great-grandmother (mother\'s grandmother) zengwenceng 增温层|thermosphere zengwu 憎恶|to loathe; to detest; to abhor zengxiaogu 曾孝谷|Zeng Xiaogu (1873-1937), actor and pi... zengya 增压|to pressurize/to boost/to supercharge zengyan 憎厌|to loathe zengyi 增益|to increase/gain (electronics)/(gamin... zengyinquan 曾荫权|Sir Donald Tsang or Tsang Yam-Kuen (1... zengyu 赠与|variant of 贈予|赠予[zeng4 yu3] zengyu 赠予|to give a present/to accord (a favor)... zengyuan 增援|to reinforce zengyuzhe 赠与者|giver zengzhang 增长|to grow/to increase zengzhanglv 增长率|growth rate (esp. in economics) zengzhangtian 增长天|Virudhaka (one of the Heavenly Kings) zengzhi 增值|to appreciate (financially)/to increa... zengzhi 增殖|growth/increase zengzhifanyingdui 增殖反应堆|breeder reactor zengzhishui 增值税|value-added tax (VAT) zengzhongfen 增重粉|gainer (supplement) zengzi 增资|capital increase zengzi 曾子|Zengzi (505-435 BC), student of Confu... zengzu 曾祖|great-grandfather (father of one\'s pa... zengzufu 曾祖父|father\'s father\'s father/paternal gre... zengzufumu 曾祖父母|great-grandparents zengzumu 曾祖母|father\'s father\'s mother/paternal gre... zenme 怎么|how?/what?/why? zenme 怎么|variant of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5] zenmeban 怎么办|what\'s to be done zenmedeliao 怎么得了|how can this be?/what\'s to be done?/w... zenmegaode 怎么搞的|How did it happen?/What\'s wrong?/What... zenmehuishi 怎么回事|what\'s the matter?/what\'s going on?/h... zenmele 怎么了|What\'s up?/What\'s going on?/What happ... zenmele 怎么了|variant of 怎麼了|怎么了[zen3 me5 le5] zenmeshuone 怎么说呢|Why is that?; How come? zenmeyang 怎么样|how?/how about?/how was it?/how are t... zenmezhao 怎么着|what?/how?/how about?/whatever/also p... zenneng 怎能|how can? zensheng 怎生|how/why zenyan 谮言|to slander zenyang 怎样|how/what kind zenyigechouziliaode 怎一个愁字了得|(last line of the poem 聲聲慢|声声慢[Sheng1... zeou 择偶|to choose a spouse zepu 泽普|Poskam nahiyisi (Poskam county) in Ka... zepuxian 泽普县|Poskam nahiyisi (Poskam county) in Ka... zeren 责任|responsibility/blame/duty/CL:個|个[ge4] zerenbianji 责任编辑|editor in charge zerengan 责任感|sense of responsibility zerenren 责任人|responsible person/coordinator zerenshigu 责任事故|accident occurring due to negligence zerenxin 责任心|sense of responsibility zerenzhi 责任制|system of job responsibility zeri 择日|to fix a date (for an event)/to selec... zeriburuzhuangri 择日不如撞日|lit. carefully setting an auspicious ... zeshanercong 择善而从|to choose the right course and follow... zeshanguzhi 择善固执|to choose what is good and hold fast ... zeshe 咋舌|(literary) to be speechless zesheng 仄声|oblique tone/nonlevel tone/uneven ton... zeshi 择食|to be picky (food) zeta 泽塔|zeta (Greek letter Ζζ) zewen 责问|to demand an explanation zewupangdai 责无旁贷|to be duty bound/to be one\'s unshirka... zexi 泽西|Jersey (Channel Islands) zexidao 泽西岛|Jersey (Channel Islands) zexie 泽泻|common water plantain (Alisma plantag... zeyouyougui 责有攸归|responsibility must lie where it belo... zeyu 泽鹬|(bird species of China) marsh sandpip... zeze 啧啧|to click one\'s tongue zezechengqi 啧啧称奇|to click one\'s tongue in wonder (idio... zezhou 泽州|Zezhou county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Jin4 ... zezhouxian 泽州县|Zezhou county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Jin4 ... zha 查|surname Zha zha 查|variant of 楂[zha1] zha 眨|to blink/to wink zha 扎|to prick/to run or stick (a needle et... zha 扎|used in 掙扎|挣扎[zheng1zha2] zha 扎|variant of 紮|扎[zha1] zha 扎|(of troops) to be stationed (at)/Taiw... zha 渣|slag (in mining or smelting)/dregs zha 闸|old variant of 閘|闸[zha2]/sluice/lock ... zha 诈|to cheat/to swindle/to pretend/to fei... zha 闸|sluice; sluice gate/to dam up water/(... zha 馇|used in 餎餷|饹馇[ge1 zha5] zha 劄|to prick with a needle zha 咋|used in 咋呼[zha1hu5]/Taiwan pr. [ze2] zha 栅|fence/also pr. [shan1] zha 轧|to roll (steel) zha 炸|to deep fry/(coll.) to blanch (a vege... zha 炸|to burst; to explode/to blow up; to b... zha 乍|at first/suddenly/abruptly/to spread/... zha 札|variant of 札[zha2] zha 札|thin piece of wood used a writing tab... zha 吒|used for the sound \"zha\" in the names... zha 吒|variant of 咤[zha4] zha 溠|name of a river zha 榨|variant of 榨[zha4]/to press/to extrac... zha 榨|to press/to extract (juice)/device fo... zha 铡|lever-style guillotine/to chop using ... zha 砟|fragments zha 柞|used in 柞水[Zha4shui3] (the name of a ... zha 奓|to open/to spread zha 咤|used in 叱咤[chi4zha4] zha 拃|span (unit of length based on the wid... zha 挓|to open out/to expand zha 揸|to stretch fingers out zha 楂|Chinese hawthorn zha 霅|surname Zha zha 霅|rain zha 鲊|salted fish/dish made with ground veg... zha 蚱|grasshopper zha 蚻|Aphrophora martima zha 甴|used in 曱甴[yue1zha2] zha 哳|used in 嘲哳[zhao1zha1] and 啁哳[zhao1zha... zha 齇|rosacea zha 柤|(hawthorn)/Chaenomeles japonica zha 喳|(onom.) chirp, twitter, etc zha 皻|old variant of 齇[zha1]/rosacea zha 䃎|(used in place names) zha 苲|see 苲草[zha3 cao3] zha 痄|mumps zha 醡|press for extracting wine zha 鲝|variant of 鮓|鲊[zha3]/variant of 苲[zha3] zhaba 眨巴|to blink/to wink zhabing 诈病|to feign illness/to malinger zhacai 榨菜|hot pickled mustard tuber zhacao 苲草|hornwort zhachong 蚱虫|grasshopper zhachuan 扎穿|to prick/to puncture zhada 札达|Zanda county in Ngari prefecture, Tib... zhadan 炸弹|bomb/CL:枚[mei2],顆|颗[ke1] zhadanzhifu 炸弹之父|Aviation Thermobaric Bomb of Increase... zhadanzhimu 炸弹之母|Massive Ordinance Air Blast (MOAB), o... zhadao 铡刀|lever-style guillotine (for chopping ... zhadao 闸道|(computing) gateway (Tw) zhadaxian 札达县|Zanda county in Ngari prefecture, Tib... zhadayinhang 渣打银行|Standard Chartered Bank zhade 乍得|Chad zhadehu 乍得湖|Lake Chad zhadiao 炸掉|to bomb zhadui 扎堆|to gather together zhafa 闸阀|gate valve; sluice valve zhagang 轧钢|to roll steel (into sheets or bars) zhagangchang 轧钢厂|a steel rolling mill zhagangji 轧钢机|a steel rolling mill zhagangtiao 轧钢条|steel rails zhagao 炸糕|fried glutinous rice dough cake zhagelabu 札格拉布|Zagreb, capital of Croatia 克羅地亞|克罗地亚[... zhageleibu 札格雷布|Zagreb, capital of Croatia (Tw) zhagen 扎根|to take root zhageruibu 札格瑞布|Zagreb, capital of Croatia 克羅地亞|克罗地亚[... zhagun 轧辊|(steelmaking) roll/roller/CL:根[gen1] zhaguo 炸锅|fryer zhaguo 炸锅|(of food) to burst out of the pot/(fi... zhahe 闸盒|electric fusebox/switch box zhahu 咋呼|bluster/ruckus/to boast loudly zhahu 诈唬|to bluff/to bluster/to intimidate zhahuang 札幌|Sapporo, Japan zhahui 炸毁|to blow up/to destroy with explosives zhai 债|debt/CL:筆|笔[bi3] zhai 摘|to take; to pick (flowers, fruit etc)... zhai 寨|stronghold/stockade/camp/(stockaded) ... zhai 寨|variant of 寨[zhai4] zhai 窄|narrow/narrow-minded/badly off zhai 翟|surname Zhai zhai 斋|old variant of 齋|斋[zhai1] zhai 斋|to fast or abstain from meat, wine et... zhai 祭|surname Zhai zhai 宅|residence/(coll.) to stay in at home/... zhai 瘵|(literary) disease (esp. tuberculosis) zhai 斎|Japanese variant of 齋|斋[zhai1] zhai 侧|lean on one side zhaibukai 择不开|impossible to separate/impossible to ... zhaicai 择菜|to pick the edible part of vegetables zhaichao 摘抄|to extract/to excerpt zhaichu 摘除|to excise/to remove an organ zhaici 择刺|to pick out the bones in a fish zhaidi 宅邸|residence of a high-ranking official zhaidi 宅第|residence/mansion zhaidujia 宅度假|staycation/residential vacation zhaifan 斋饭|food given to Buddhist monks as alms zhaifeng 窄缝|narrow gap/slit zhaiguo 斋果|(religious) offerings zhaihu 债户|debtor zhaiji 摘记|to take notes/to excerpt zhaiji 斋祭|to offer sacrifices (to gods or ances... zhaijiao 斋教|Zhaijiao sect of Buddhism zhaijie 斋戒|to fast zhaijie 摘借|to borrow money zhaijiejie 斋戒节|Ramadan zhaijing 宅经|The Yellow Emperor\'s Classic on the F... zhaikabingdu 寨卡病毒|Zika virus zhaikuan 债款|debt zhailisi 翟理斯|Herbert Allen Giles (1845-1935), Brit... zhailu 摘录|to extract/to excerpt/an excerpt zhaimao 摘帽|lit. to take off a hat/fig. to be cle... zhaimaozi 摘帽子|lit. to take off a hat/fig. to be cle... zhainan 宅男|a guy who stays at home all the time,... zhainv 宅女|female geek; female nerd; otaku girl zhaipai 摘牌|to delist (a traded security)/(sports... zhaipei 宅配|delivery service, primarily C2C and B... zhaiqi 斋期|fasting days/a fast zhaiqu 摘取|to pluck/to take zhaiquan 债券|bond/debenture zhaiquan 债权|creditor\'s rights (law) zhaiquanguo 债权国|creditor country zhaiquanren 债权人|creditor zhairizi 择日子|to pick an auspicious day zhaishe 宅舍|house/residence zhaitaigaozhu 债台高筑|lit. build a high desk of debt (idiom... zhaitang 斋堂|dining hall in a Buddhist temple zhaitaozi 摘桃子|to harvest the fruits of sb else\'s labor zhaiteng 斋藤|Saitō (Japanese surname) zhaiwu 债务|debt/liability/amount due/indebtedness zhaiwudanbaozhengquan 债务担保证券|collateralized debt obligation (CDO),... zhaiwuren 债务人|debtor zhaiwuzhengquan 债务证券|debt security; bond security zhaiwuzhengshu 债务证书|debt instrument zhaixia 摘下|to take off; to remove (one\'s hat, a ... zhaixia 窄狭|see 狹窄|狭窄[xia2 zhai3] zhaixiang 窄巷|narrow alley/narrow street zhaiyao 摘要|summary/abstract zhaiyi 摘译|quoted (from)/translation of selected... zhaiyin 摘引|to quote; to cite zhaiyou 摘由|high points (of a document)/resume zhaiyuan 宅院|house/house with a courtyard zhaiyue 斋月|Ramadan (Islam) zhaizhigang 翟志刚|Zhai Zhigang (1966-), Chinese astronaut zhaizhu 债主|creditor zhaizi 宅子|house; residence zhaji 炸鸡|fried chicken zhaji 札记|reading notes/CL:篇[pian1] zhaji 轧机|steel rolling mill zhaji 闸机|turnstile zhajiangmian 炸酱面|zhajiang mian, thick wheat noodles se... zhajie 炸街|(slang) (of a car driver) to engage i... zhajiuchi 榨酒池|winepress zhakan 乍看|at first glance zhakeboge 扎克伯格|Mark Zuckerberg (1984-), American com... zhakou 闸口|area in the Shangcheng district of Ha... zhakou 闸口|open sluice gate/(toll) station/board... zhakua 炸垮|to blow up (demolish with an explosion) zhakuan 扎款|(slang) to obtain money; to earn money zhalaite 扎赉特|Jalaid or Zhalaid (name)/Jalaid banne... zhalaiteqi 扎赉特旗|Jalaid banner, Mongolian Zhalaid khos... zhalan 栅栏|fence zhalantun 扎兰屯|Zhalantun, county-level city in Hulun... zhalantunshi 扎兰屯市|Zhalantun, county-level city in Hulun... zhalei 炸雷|thunderclap zhali 栅篱|hedge/fence zhaliang 炸两|(Cantonese cuisine) zhaliang, rice no... zhaling 诈领|to defraud/to obtain by fraud/to embe... zhamalading 札马剌丁|see 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁[Za1 ma3 la2 ding1] zhamaluding 札马鲁丁|see 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁[Za1 ma3 la2 ding1] zhamao 诈冒|to claim ownership (of stolen goods) zhamen 闸门|sluice gate zhamen 栅门|gate/door with grating/turnstile/logi... zhameng 蚱蜢|grasshopper zhamengzi 扎猛子|to swim with head submerged zhan 站|station/to stand/to halt/to stop/bran... zhan 占|variant of 占[zhan4] zhan 占|to observe/to divine zhan 占|to take possession of/to occupy/to ta... zhan 詹|surname Zhan zhan 詹|(literary) verbose/(literary) to arri... zhan 展|surname Zhan zhan 展|to spread out/to open up/to exhibit/t... zhan 栈|a wooden or bamboo pen for sheep or c... zhan 斩|to behead (as form of capital punishm... zhan 粘|to glue; to paste/to adhere; to stick to zhan 战|to fight/fight/war/battle zhan 湛|surname Zhan zhan 湛|deep/clear (water) zhan 栴|used in 栴檀[zhan1tan2] zhan 盏|a small cup/classifier for lamps zhan 毡|felt (fabric) zhan 毡|variant of 氈|毡[zhan1] zhan 偡|(literary) orderly/neat zhan 瞻|to gaze/to view zhan 蘸|to dip in (ink, sauce etc) zhan 桟|Japanese variant of 棧|栈[zhan4] zhan 绽|to burst open/to split at the seam zhan 沾|to moisten/to be infected by/to recei... zhan 沾|variant of 沾[zhan1]/to moisten zhan 崭|variant of 嶄|崭[zhan3] zhan 崭|towering/prominent/very/extremely/(di... zhan 旃|felt/silken banner zhan 谵|(literary) to rant; to rave; to be de... zhan 戦|Japanese variant of 戰|战 zhan 辗|used in 輾轉|辗转[zhan3zhuan3] zhan 搌|to sop up/to dab zhan 呫|to drink/to sip/to taste/to lick/whis... zhan 邅|not making progress zhan 鳣|sturgeon (old)/Acipenser micadoi zhan 琖|wine cup zhan 鹯|sparrow hawk/swift zhan 椫|(wood) zhan 飐|to sway in the wind zhan 襢|unadorned but elegant dress zhan 虥|striped wild cat zhan 醆|wine cup zhan 轏|chariot for sleeping and conveyance zhan 𧮪|garrulous/to whisper/to joke zhan 𫗴|thick congee zhan 驙|(horse) zhanan 渣男|(coll.) jerk; scumbag (esp. in romant... zhanbai 战败|to lose a war zhanbai 瞻拜|to worship/to gaze with reverence zhanban 栈板|pallet zhanbei 战备|war preparation zhanbi 占比|proportion; percentage zhanbian 沾边|to have a connection with/to be close... zhanbo 展播|to exhibit as broadcast/to show (on TV) zhanbu 占卜|to divine zhanbu 展布|to spread/distribution zhanbuzhujiao 站不住脚|ill-founded/groundless zhancaochugen 斩草除根|to cut weeds and eliminate the roots ... zhanchang 战场|battlefield/CL:個|个[ge4] zhanche 战车|war chariot/tank zhanche 栈车|ancient vehicle made of wood and bamb... zhanchen 展陈|to exhibit; to display/exhibition; di... zhancheng 占城|Champa (Sanskrit: Campapura or Campan... zhanchi 展翅|to spread wings zhanchigaofei 展翅高飞|to spread one\'s wings and soar (idiom... zhanchu 展出|to put on display/to be on show/to ex... zhanchuan 战船|warship zhanchuanyu 粘船鱼|shark sucker (Echeneis naucrates) zhanchun 沾唇|to moisten one\'s lips/to sip (wine, t... zhancunchuqi 栈存储器|stack memory (computing) zhandan 栈单|cargo receipt/landing account/warehou... zhandao 栈道|plank walkway constructed on the face... zhandi 占地|to take up space/to occupy (space) zhandi 战地|battlefield zhandi 站地|stop (on a bus or train route) zhandian 站点|a place set up to serve a specific fu... zhandifang 占地方|to take up space zhandimianji 占地面积|floor area/occupied area/footprint (o... zhanding 栈顶|stack top (computing) zhanding-jietie 斩钉截铁|lit. to chop the nail and slice the i... zhandir 占地儿|to take up space zhandizhi 栈地址|stack address (computing) zhandou 战斗|to fight/to engage in combat/struggle... zhandou 战抖|to shudder/to tremble zhandou 栈豆|fodder zhandoubu 战斗部|warhead zhandouji 战斗机|fighter (aircraft) zhandoujian 战斗舰|battleship zhandouli 战斗力|fighting strength zhandouqun 战斗群|battle group/naval formation headed b... zhandouying 战斗营|boot camp zhandouzhe 战斗者|fighter zhanduan 斩断|to cut off/to chop sth in half zhandui 站队|to line up; to stand in line/(fig.) t... zhandun 呫吨|xanthene (chemistry) zhanduntong 呫吨酮|xanthone (chemistry) zhanerbuzou 斩而不奏|to do sth and not report the fact (id... zhanfa 战法|military strategy zhanfan 战犯|war criminal zhanfan 展帆|to unfurl (a sail) zhanfang 绽放|to blossom zhanfang 栈房|warehouse/storehouse/inn zhanfu 战俘|prisoner of war zhanfu 战斧|battle-ax zhang 张|surname Zhang zhang 张|to open up/to spread/sheet of paper/c... zhang 掌|palm of the hand/sole of the foot/paw... zhang 涨|to rise (of prices, rivers) zhang 涨|to swell/to distend zhang 璋|jade tablet used in ceremonies, shape... zhang 章|surname Zhang zhang 章|chapter/section/clause/movement (of s... zhang 帐|(bound form) curtain; tent; canopy/va... zhang 障|to block/to hinder/to obstruct zhang 仗|weaponry/to hold (a weapon)/to wield/... zhang 账|account/bill/debt/CL:本[ben3],筆|笔[bi3] zhang 樟|camphor/Cinnamonum camphara zhang 漳|Zhang river in Fujian zhang 彰|clear/conspicuous/manifest zhang 丈|measure of length, ten Chinese feet (... zhang 胀|to swell; to distend; to expand/swoll... zhang 嶂|cliff/range of peaks zhang 獐|river deer/roebuck zhang 獐|variant of 獐[zhang1] zhang 鄣|place name zhang 瘴|malaria/miasma zhang 杖|a staff/a rod/cane/walking stick/to f... zhang 幛|hanging scroll zhang 仉|surname Zhang zhang 蟑|cockroach zhang 嫜|husband\'s father zhang 粻|food/white cooked rice zhang 粀|decameter (old) zhang 瞕|cataract in the eye zhang 暲|bright/to rise (of sun) zhang 鞝|patch of leather zhang 长|chief/head/elder/to grow/to develop/t... zhang 𫠒|octopus zhangai 障碍|barrier/obstruction/hindrance/impedim... zhangaihuaxue 障碍滑雪|(snow skiing) slalom zhangailing 张爱玲|Eileen Chang (1920-1995), famous Chin... zhangaipao 障碍跑|steeplechase (athletics) zhangaiwu 障碍物|obstacle/hindrance zhangaixingpinxue 障碍性贫血|aplastic anemia (med.) zhangang 站岗|to stand guard/to serve on sentry duty zhangbao 张宝|Zhang Bao (-184), leader of the Yello... zhangbashemao 丈八蛇矛|ancient spear-like weapon 18 Chinese ... zhangbei 长辈|one\'s elders/older generation zhangbei 张北|Zhangbei county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家... zhangbeitu 长辈图|(Internet slang) boomer meme (Tw) zhangbeixian 张北县|Zhangbei county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家... zhangben 账本|account book zhangbi 障蔽|to obstruct zhangbi 障壁|barrier zhangbin 张斌|Zhang Bin (1979-), CCTV sports presenter zhangbinglin 章炳麟|Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 (1869-1936), scholar... zhangbolun 张伯伦|Chamberlain (name)/Wilt Chamberlain (... zhangbozhi 张柏芝|Cecilia Cheung (1980-), Hong Kong act... zhangbu 帐簿|account book zhangbu 账簿|an account book/a ledger zhangce 账册|an account book/a ledger/a bill zhangchang 张敞|Zhang Chang, official and scholar of ... zhangchao 涨潮|high tide/rising tide zhangcheng 章程|rules/regulations/constitution/statut... zhangcheng 长成|to grow up zhangchengze 张成泽|Jang Song-taek (1946-2013), brother-i... zhangchi 张弛|tension and relaxation zhangchu 掌厨|to prepare meals/chef zhangchu 长出|to sprout (leaves, buds, a beard etc) zhangchunfan 张春帆|Zhang Chunfan (-1935), late Qing nove... zhangchunqiao 张春桥|Zhang Chunqiao (1917-2005), one of th... zhangchunru 张纯如|Iris Chang (1968-2004), Chinese Ameri... zhangda 长大|to grow up zhangda 胀大|swollen zhangdai 张岱|Zhang Dai (1597-c. 1684), late Ming s... zhangdan 账单|bill zhangdan 帐单|bill/check zhangdan 张丹|Zhang Dan (1985-), Chinese figure skater zhangdao 涨到|to go up/to rise zhangdaqian 张大千|Chang Dai-chien or Zhang Daqian (1899... zhangde 长得|to look (pretty, the same etc) zhangdejiang 张德江|Zhang Dejiang (1946-), PRC politician zhangdeng 掌灯|to hold a lamp/to light a lamp zhangdengjiecai 张灯结彩|to be decorated with lanterns and col... zhangdian 张店|Zhangdian District of Zibo city 淄博市[Z... zhangdianqu 张店区|Zhangdian District of Zibo city 淄博市[Z... zhangdianxinyan 长点心眼|to watch out/to keep one\'s wits about... zhangdie 涨跌|rise or fall in price zhangdiefuxianzhi 涨跌幅限制|limit up, limit down/limit on daily p... zhangduo 掌舵|to steer (a ship) zhange 栈阁|plank road built along the side of a ... zhangerheshang,mobuzhaotounao 丈二和尚,摸不着头脑|lit. like a three-meter high monk, yo... zhangerjingangmobuzhaotounao 丈二金刚摸不着头脑|see 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦|丈二和尚,摸不着头脑[zhang4 er4 ... zhangfang 账房|an accounts office (in former times)/... zhangfangxiansheng 账房先生|bookkeeper (old) zhangfei 张飞|Zhang Fei (168-221), general of Shu a... zhangfeidayuefei 张飞打岳飞|lit. Zhang Fei fights Yue Fei/fig. an... zhangfen 涨粉|to get more fans; to gain followers zhangfeng 涨风|upward trend (in prices) zhangfu 涨幅|extent of a rise (in prices etc)/amou... zhangfu 丈夫|husband zhangfujianlv 章甫荐履|court crown beneath straw shoe (idiom... zhanggaoli 张高丽|Zhang Gaoli (1946-), PRC politician zhanggong 章贡|Zhanggong district of Ganzhou city 贛州... zhanggongqu 章贡区|Zhanggong district of Ganzhou city 贛州... zhanggu 掌故|anecdote; tales (esp. about a histori... zhanggu 掌骨|metacarpal bone (long bones in the ha... zhanggua 张挂|to hang up (a picture, banner, mosqui... zhangguai 掌掴|to slap (with the palm of the hand) zhangguan 掌管|in charge of/to control zhangguan 长官|senior official/senior officer/comman... zhangguanlidai 张冠李戴|lit. to put Zhang\'s hat on Li\'s head/... zhanggui 掌柜|shopkeeper zhangguorong 张国荣|Leslie Cheung (1956-2003), Hong Kong ... zhangguotao 张国焘|Zhang Guotao (1897-1979), Chinese com... zhanghao 账号|account number; username zhanghao 帐号|account number; username zhangheng 张衡|Zhang Heng (78-139) great Han dynasty... zhanghong 涨红|to turn red (in the face)/to flush (w... zhanghu 账户|bank account/online account zhanghu 帐户|(bank, computer etc) account zhanghua 彰化|Zhanghua or Changhua city and county ... zhanghua 张华|Zhang Hua (232-300), Western Jin writ... zhanghuang 张皇|alarmed/flustered zhanghuang 张惶|variant of 張皇|张皇[zhang1 huang2] zhanghuangshicuo 张皇失措|panic-stricken (idiom)/to be in a flu... zhanghuashi 彰化市|Zhanghua or Changhua city in west Tai... zhanghuaxian 彰化县|Zhanghua or Changhua County in west T... zhanghuimei 张惠妹|A-Mei, aka Gulilai Amit (1972-), abor... zhanghuixiaoshuo 章回小说|novel in chapters, main format for lo... zhanghuo 仗火|battle zhangji 掌机|handheld game console zhangji 长机|(military) lead aircraft zhangji 张籍|Zhang Ji (767-830), Tang Dynasty poet zhangji 掌击|to slap zhangjia 涨价|to appreciate (in value)/to increase ... zhangjiachang,lijiaduan 张家长,李家短|lit. the Zhangs are better off than t... zhangjiachuanhuizuzizhixian 张家川回族自治县|Zhanjiachuan Huizu autonomous county ... zhangjiagang 张家港|Zhangjiagang, county-level city in Su... zhangjiagangshi 张家港市|Zhangjiagang, county-level city in Su... zhangjiajie 张家界|see 張家界市|张家界市[Zhang1jia1jie4 Shi4] zhangjiajieshi 张家界市|Zhangjiajie, prefecture-level city in... zhangjiakou 张家口|see 張家口市|张家口市[Zhang1jia1kou3 Shi4] zhangjiakoushi 张家口市|Zhangjiakou, prefecture-level city in... zhangjianshi 长见识|to gain knowledge and experience zhangjie 章节|chapter/section zhangjin 长进|to make progress/progress zhangjingchu 张静初|Zhang Jingchu (1980-), PRC actress zhangjixing 长记性|(coll.) to learn one\'s lesson; to hav... zhangjue 张角|Zhang Jue (-184), leader of the Yello... zhangjuzheng 张居正|Zhang Juzheng (1525-1582), Grand Secr... zhangkai 张开|to open up/to spread/to extend zhangkong 掌控|to control/in control of zhangkou 张口|to open one\'s mouth (to eat, speak et... zhangkoujieshe 张口结舌|agape and tongue-tied (idiom); at a l... zhangkuan 账款|money in an account zhangkuang 张狂|brash/insolent/frantic zhanglang 蟑螂|cockroach zhanglao 长老|elder/term of respect for a Buddhist ... zhanglaohui 长老会|Presbyterianism zhangli 张力|tension zhangli 瘴疠|tropical disease attributed to miasma... zhanglian 帐帘|drapery zhangliang 张量|tensor (math.) zhangliang 丈量|to measure/measurement zhangluo 张罗|to take care of/to raise money/to att... zhangluo 涨落|(of water, prices etc) to rise and fall zhangman 长满|to grow all over zhangman 涨满|full to the point of overflowing (flu... zhangman 帐幔|curtain zhangmanyu 张曼玉|Maggie Cheung (1964-), Hong Kong actress zhangmao 长毛|to grow hair/to become mildewed zhangmian 账面|an item in accounts/an entry zhangming 彰明|to show clearly/to make public/obvious zhangmingjiaozhu 彰明较著|obvious/clear for all to see zhangmu 账目|an item in accounts/an entry zhangmu 帐目|account zhangmu 樟木|Dram (Chinese Zhangmu), town at Tibet... zhangmu 丈母|wife\'s mother; mother-in-law zhangmu 帐幕|tent zhangmu 张目|to open one\'s eyes wide zhangmuniang 丈母娘|wife\'s mother; mother-in-law zhangnan 长男|eldest son zhangnao 樟脑|camphor C10H16O zhangnaoqiu 樟脑球|camphor balls/moth balls zhangnaowan 樟脑丸|camphor balls/moth balls zhangning 张宁|Zhang Ning (1975-), PRC female badmin... zhangnv 长女|eldest daughter zhangong 战功|outstanding military service zhangpeng 帐篷|tent/CL:頂|顶[ding3],座[zuo4] zhangpeng 帐棚|variant of 帳篷|帐篷[zhang4 peng5] zhangping 漳平|Zhangping, county-level city in Longy... zhangpingshi 漳平市|Zhangping county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fu... zhangpu 漳浦|Zhangpu county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1... zhangpu 张溥|Zhang Pu (1602-1641), Ming dynasty sc... zhangpuxian 漳浦县|Zhangpu county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1... zhangqi 胀起|bulge zhangqi 账期|credit period zhangqian 张骞|Zhang Qian (-114 BC), Han dynasty exp... zhangqian 涨钱|inflation/salary raise zhangqiu 张秋|Cho Chang (Harry Potter) zhangquan 掌权|to wield (political etc) power/be in ... zhangren 丈人|wife\'s father (father-in-law)/old man zhangrong 张戎|Jung Chang (1952-), British-Chinese w... zhangrou 长肉|to put on weight zhangruoxu 张若虚|Zhang Ruoxu (c. 660-720), Tang dynast... zhangsan 张三|Zhang San, name for an unspecified pe... zhangsan,lisi,wangwu,zhaoliu 张三,李四,王五,赵六|(four proverbial names) Tom, Dick and... zhangsanlisi 张三李四|(lit.) Zhang Three and Li Four; (fig.... zhangsengyou 张僧繇|Zhang Sengyou (active c. 490-540), on... zhangshandane 彰善瘅恶|to distinguish good and evil (idiom);... zhangshangdiannao 掌上电脑|handheld computer/PDA (personal digit... zhangshangmingzhu 掌上明珠|lit. a pearl in the palm (idiom)/fig.... zhangshangya 掌上压|(HK, Malaysia) push-up; press-up (exe... zhangshao 掌勺|to be in charge of the cooking/to be ... zhangshaohan 张韶涵|Angela Chang (1982-), Taiwanese pop s... zhangsheng 掌声|applause/CL:陣|阵[zhen4] zhangshengleidong 掌声雷动|thunderous applause (idiom) zhangshi 涨势|rising trend/upward momentum (e.g. in... zhangshi 长势|how well a crop (or plant) is growing... zhangshi 仗势|to rely on power zhangshi 仗恃|to rely on; to depend on zhangshiqiren 仗势欺人|to take advantage of one\'s position t... zhangshizhao 章士钊|Zhang Shizhao (1881-1973), revolution... zhangshu 樟树|Zhangshu, county-level city in Yichun... zhangshu 樟树|camphor/Cinnamonum camphara zhangshui 涨水|rise of water level zhangshushi 樟树市|Zhangshu, county-level city in Yichun... zhangsun 长孙|two-character surname Zhangsun zhangsun 长孙|eldest grandson/the eldest son of one... zhangsunwuji 长孙无忌|Zhangsun Wuji (c. 594-659), politicia... zhangtai 章台|street name in ancient Chang\'an synon... zhangtailei 张太雷|Zhang Tailei (1898-1927), founding me... zhangtaiyan 章太炎|Zhang Taiyan (1869-1936), scholar, jo... zhangtianyi 张天翼|Zhang Tianyi (1906-1985), children\'s ... zhangtie 张贴|to post (a notice)/to advertise zhangting 涨停|(of a stock price) to rise to the dai... zhangtingban 涨停板|daily upper limit on the price of a s... zhangtingyu 张廷玉|Zhang Tingyu (1672-1755), Qing politi... zhangtoumuou 杖头木偶|zhangtou wooden rod puppetry zhangtoushumu 獐头鼠目|lit. the head of a river deer and the... zhangu 瞻顾|to look forward and back cautiously zhanguan 展馆|exhibition hall/(expo) pavilion zhanguang 沾光|to bask in the light/fig. to benefit ... zhangui 展柜|display case zhanguo 战国|the Warring States period (475-221 BC) zhanguoce 战国策|\"Strategies of the Warring States\", c... zhanguomo 战国末|late Warring States period, c. 250-22... zhanguomonian 战国末年|late Warring States period, c. 250-22... zhanguoqixiong 战国七雄|Seven Powerful States of the Warring ... zhanguoshidai 战国时代|the Warring States period (475-221 BC... zhangwan 张湾|Zhangwan district of Shiyan city 十堰市[... zhangwang 张望|to look around/to peep (through a cra... zhangwanglizhao 张王李赵|any Tom, Dick or Harry; anyone zhangwanqu 张湾区|Zhangwan district of Shiyan city 十堰市[... zhangwentian 张闻天|Zhang Wentian (1900-1976), CCP party ... zhangwo 掌握|to grasp (often fig.)/to control/to s... zhangwodiannao 掌握电脑|PDA/Personal Digital Assistant zhangwu 彰武|Zhangwu county in Fuxin 阜新, Liaoning zhangwuxian 彰武县|Zhangwu county in Fuxin 阜新, Liaoning zhangxian 彰显|to put on display (sth abstract)/to d... zhangxian 漳县|Zhang county in Dingxi 定西[Ding4 xi1],... zhangxiang 长相|appearance/looks/profile/countenance zhangxiang 掌相|palmistry/features of a palm (in palm... zhangxianzhong 张献忠|Zhang Xianzhong (1606-1647), leader o... zhangxidachen 掌玺大臣|chancellor (rank in various European ... zhangxiguan 掌玺官|chancellor (rank in various European ... zhangxin 掌心|hollow of the palm zhangxin 张心|to be troubled/to be concerned zhangxing 杖刑|beating with wooden staves (as corpor... zhangxiong 长兄|eldest brother zhangxu 张旭|Zhang Xu (probably early 8th century)... zhangxueliang 张学良|Zhang Xueliang (1901-2001) son of Fen... zhangxueyou 张学友|Jacky Cheung or Hok Yau Jacky (1961-)... zhangxun 张勋|Zhang Xun (1854-1923), Qing loyalist ... zhangxunfubi 张勋复辟|Manchu Restoration of 1917, an attemp... zhangya 长牙|to grow teeth; to teethe/growing teeth zhangyan 长眼|to have eyes/(fig.) to look where one... zhangyan 障眼|to hinder the eyesight; (fig.) to tri... zhangyanfa 障眼法|diversionary tactic; smokescreen zhangyang 张扬|Zhang Yang (1967-), PRC film director... zhangyang 张扬|to display ostentatiously/to bring ou... zhangyao 仗腰|to back sb up/to support (from the rear) zhangyawuzhao 张牙舞爪|to bare fangs and brandish claws (idi... zhangye 张掖|see 張掖市|张掖市[Zhang1ye4 Shi4] zhangyeshi 张掖市|Zhangye, prefecture-level city in Gan... zhangyi 仗义|to uphold justice/to be loyal (to one... zhangyi 张怡|Zhang Yi (1608-1695), prolific author... zhangyi 张仪|Zhang Yi (-309 BC), political strateg... zhangyi 张揖|Zhang Yi (c. 3rd century), literary f... zhangyi 樟宜|Changi, area in the east of Singapore... zhangyimou 张艺谋|Zhang Yimou (1950-), PRC film director zhangyinhuan 张荫桓|Zhang Yinhuan (1837-1900), late Qing ... zhangyining 张怡宁|Zhang Yining (1981-), PRC female tabl... zhangyishucai 仗义疏财|to help the needy for justice (idiom)... zhangyizhi 张易之|Zhang Yizhi (-705), Tang dynasty poli... zhangyizhiyan 仗义执言|to speak out for justice (idiom); to ... zhangyou 长幼|older and younger/seniority zhangyu 章鱼|octopus zhangyu 𫠒鱼|variant of 章魚|章鱼[zhang1yu2] zhangyushao 章鱼烧|takoyaki (octopus dumpling), a Japane... zhangyuxiaowanzi 章鱼小丸子|takoyaki (octopus dumpling), a Japane... zhangzai 账载|per book/as recorded in the accounts zhangze 章则|rule zhangzeduan 张择端|Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145), Song dynast... zhangzhang 彰彰|obvious/manifest/clearly visible zhangzhe 长者|senior/older person zhangzhen 张震|Chang Chen (1976-), Taiwanese film actor zhangzhidong 张之洞|Zhang Zhidong (1837-1909), prominent ... zhangzhishi 长知识|to acquire knowledge zhangzhixin 张志新|Zhang Zhixin (1930-1975) female revol... zhangzhizhong 张治中|Zhang Zhizhong (1890-1969), National ... zhangzhongxi 掌中戏|see 布袋戲|布袋戏[bu4 dai4 xi4] zhangzhou 漳州|see 漳州市[Zhang1zhou1 Shi4] zhangzhoushi 漳州市|Zhangzhou, prefecture-level city in F... zhangzhuiyou 长赘疣|to vegetate zhangzi 长子|Zhangzi county in Shanxi 山西[Shan1 xi1] zhangzi 长子|eldest son zhangzi 章子|seal/stamp zhangzi 帐子|mosquito net/CL:頂|顶[ding3] zhangzi 长姊|older sister zhangzilie 张自烈|Zhang Zilie (1597-1673), Ming dynasty... zhangzimian 掌子面|face (mining) zhangzishi 涨姿势|Internet slang for 長知識|长知识[zhang3 zhi... zhangziyi 章子怡|Zhang Ziyi (1979-), PRC actress zhangzizhong 张自忠|Zhang Zizhong (1891-1940), Chinese Na... zhangzui 张嘴|to open one\'s mouth (to speak, esp. t... zhangzui 掌嘴|to slap zhangzuolin 张作霖|Zhang Zuolin (c. 1873-1928), warlord ... zhanhan 战酣|(literary) at the height of the battle zhanhao 战壕|trench/entrenchment zhanhaore 战壕热|trench fever zhanhe 湛河|Zhanhe district of Pingdingshan city ... zhanhequ 湛河区|Zhanhe district of Pingdingshan city ... zhanhou 战后|after the war/postwar zhanhuan 展缓|to postpone/to extend zhanhuarecao 沾花惹草|to fondle the flowers and trample the... zhanhuo 战火|the flames of war zhanhuo 斩获|to kill or capture (in battle)/(fig.)... zhanhuo 战祸|disastrous conflict/bloody warfare zhanhuo 蘸火|to quench (a metal workpiece) zhanhuofenfei 战火纷飞|fire of war everywhere (idiom); envel... zhanji 战机|opportunity in a battle/fighter aircr... zhanji 战绩|military successes; (fig.) successes ... zhanjia 栈架|trestle zhanjian 战舰|battleship/warship zhanjiang 湛江|see 湛江市[Zhan4jiang1 Shi4] zhanjiang 沾酱|dip (cookery) zhanjiang 蘸酱|dipping sauce/to dip in sauce zhanjiangbuer 詹江布尔|Janjanbureh river and city in Gambia zhanjiangshi 湛江市|Zhanjiang, prefecture-level city in G... zhanjie 粘接|to bond/to splice zhanjienv 站街女|streetwalker zhanjin 崭劲|very hard-working/assiduous zhanjing 战兢|to tremble/to be on guard zhanjing 栈径|a plank road (built on trestles acros... zhanjingjing 战兢兢|shaking with fear zhanju 占据|to occupy; to hold zhanju 战局|war situation zhanjunzi 站军姿|to stand at attention (military) zhankai 展开|to unfold; to spread out; to open up/... zhankai 绽开|to burst forth zhankaitu 展开图|expanded view zhankou 粘扣|velcro zhankoudai 粘扣带|velcro/Taiwan pr. [nian2kou4dai4] zhankuan 展宽|to widen zhankuang 战况|battlefield situation/battle progress zhanlan 展览|to put on display/to exhibit/exhibiti... zhanlan 湛蓝|azure zhanlanguan 展览馆|exhibition hall zhanlanhui 展览会|exhibition/show/CL:個|个[ge4] zhanli 站立|to stand/standing/on one\'s feet zhanli 战栗|to tremble/shudder zhanli 颤栗|variant of 戰慄|战栗[zhan4 li4] zhanli 战力|military strength/military power/mili... zhanlian 粘连|adhesion/to adhere/to cohere/to stick zhanlian 栈恋|sentimental attachment to a person or... zhanliang 崭亮|shining/brilliant zhanlie 绽裂|to split open/to split apart zhanlie 展列|to lay out one\'s products/to display zhanliejian 战列舰|battleship zhanling 占领|to capture; to seize; to occupy by force zhanlingzhe 占领者|occupant zhanlipin 战利品|spoils of war zhanliri 瞻礼日|the Lord\'s Day/Sunday zhanlu 展露|to expose/to reveal zhanlu 绽露|to appear (formal) zhanluan 战乱|chaos of war zhanlutoujiao 崭露头角|to reveal outstanding talent (idiom);... zhanlve 战略|strategy zhanlvefangyuchangyi 战略防御倡议|strategic defense initiative (SDI) zhanlveheliliang 战略核力量|strategic nuclear force zhanlvehewuqi 战略核武器|strategic nuclear weapon zhanlvehongzhaji 战略轰炸机|strategic bomber zhanlvehuoban 战略伙伴|strategic partner zhanlvehuoban 战略夥伴|variant of 戰略伙伴|战略伙伴[zhan4 lu:e4 huo3... zhanlvejia 战略家|a strategist zhanlvexing 战略性|strategic zhanlveyaodian 战略要点|strategic point zhanma 战马|warhorse zhanman 沾满|muddy/covered in (mud, dust, sweat, b... zhanman 占满|to fill/to occupy completely zhanmei 展眉|to beam with joy/all smiles zhanmusi 詹姆斯|James (name)/LeBron James (1984-), NB... zhanmusigaosilin 詹姆斯·高斯林|James Gosling (1955-), Canadian compu... zhanmusigeshilin 詹姆斯·戈士林|see 詹姆斯·高斯林[Zhan1 mu3 si1 · Gao1 si1 ... zhanmusigesilin 詹姆斯·戈斯林|see 詹姆斯·高斯林[Zhan1 mu3 si1 · Gao1 si1 ... zhanmusipangde 詹姆斯·庞德|James Bond zhanmusiqiaoyisi 詹姆斯·乔伊斯|James Joyce (1882-1941), Irish modern... zhannian 沾黏|(Tw) to stick (to sth)/adhesion (medi... zhanpai 站牌|bus stop sign; train station sign zhanpao 战袍|(old) combat robe/soldier\'s uniform/(... zhanpianyi 占便宜|advantageous/favorable/to benefit at ... zhanpin 展品|exhibit/displayed item zhanping 展评|to display for evaluation/to exhibit ... zhanping 展平|to flatten out (paper, film, metal pl... zhanpo 绽破|to burst/to split zhanpo 蘸破|to wake up due to noise zhanpo 占婆|Champa (Sanskrit: Campapura or Campan... zhanqi 战旗|a war flag/an army banner zhanqi 展期|to extend the period/to reschedule (a... zhanqi 崭齐|orderly/tidy zhanqi 站起|to get up on hind legs (esp. of horse... zhanqianguhou 瞻前顾后|lit. to look forward and back (idiom)... zhanqianqu 站前区|Zhanqian district of Yingkou City 營口市... zhanqiao 栈桥|a pier/a landing-stage/a loading tres... zhanqiaoshimatou 栈桥式码头|jetty/pier zhanqilai 站起来|to stand up zhanqin-daigu 沾亲带故|(idiom) to have some sort of connecti... zhanqing 崭晴|clear weather zhanqu 占去|to take up (one\'s time etc)/to occupy... zhanqu 战区|war zone/combat zone/(military) theat... zhanran 沾染|to pollute (often fig.)/to be infecte... zhanran 崭然|outstanding/towering zhanrankongzhi 沾染控制|contamination control zhanranshisu 沾染世俗|to be corrupted by the ways of the wo... zhanru 沾濡|to moisten zhansen 詹森|Johnson zhansha 斩杀|to behead zhanshangfeng 占上风|to take the lead/to gain the upper hand zhanshanhanghai 栈山航海|to have a long and hard journey (idiom) zhansheng 战胜|to prevail over/to defeat/to surmount zhansheng 颤声|trembling voice/see also 顫聲|颤声[chan4 ... zhanshi 展示|to reveal; to display; to show; to ex... zhanshi 战士|fighter/soldier/warrior/CL:個|个[ge4] zhanshi 战时|wartime zhanshi 沾湿|to moisten/to dampen/to be steeped in... zhanshi 战事|war/hostilities/fighting zhanshi 展室|exhibition room zhanshou 斩首|to behead; to decapitate zhanshouxingdong 斩首行动|(military) decapitation strike zhanshu 战术|tactics zhanshu 战书|written war challenge zhanshudaodan 战术导弹|tactical missile zhanshuhewuqi 战术核武器|tactical nuclear weapons zhansishachang 战死沙场|to die in battle (idiom) zhantai 展台|display counter/stand/booth zhantai 站台|platform (at a railway station)/(Tw) ... zhantan 栴檀|sandalwood zhantan 旃檀|sandalwood (loanword from Sanskrit \"c... zhantianyou 詹天佑|Zhan Tianyou (1861-1919), Chinese rai... zhantie 粘贴|to stick/to affix/to adhere/to paste ... zhantuan 战团|fighting group/by extension, a fight/... zhanuan-huanhan 乍暖还寒|(idiom) (of early spring weather) alt... zhanwan 展玩|to view close up/to examine and admire zhanwang 展望|outlook/prospect/to look ahead/to loo... zhanwang 瞻望|to look far ahead/to look forward (to) zhanwang 谵妄|delirium zhanwei 展位|relative position of exhibition booth... zhanweifu 占位符|(computing) placeholder zhanweijiyou 占为己有|to appropriate to oneself (what right... zhanwen 站稳|to stand firm zhanwenjiaobu 站稳脚步|to gain a firm foothold/(fig.) to get... zhanwenjiaogen 站稳脚跟|to stand firmly/to gain a foothold/to... zhanwubusheng 战无不胜|(idiom) all-conquering; invincible zhanwubusheng,gongwubuke 战无不胜,攻无不克|to triumph in every battle and win ev... zhanwubusheng,gongwubuqu 战无不胜,攻无不取|to triumph in every battle and win ev... zhanxiafeng 占下风|to be at a disadvantage zhanxian 展现|to unfold before one\'s eyes; to emerg... zhanxian 战线|battle line/battlefront/front zhanxian 占线|busy (telephone line) zhanxian 占先|to take precedence zhanxian 绽线|to have a ripped seam zhanxianbi 展弦比|(wing) aspect ratio (aerodynamics) zhanxiao 展销|to display and sell (e.g. at a fair)/... zhanxiaohui 展销会|trade show; sales exhibition zhanxin 崭新|brand new zhanxin 斩新|variant of 嶄新|崭新[zhan3 xin1] zhanxing 占星|to divine by astrology/horoscope zhanxingjia 占星家|astrologer zhanxingshi 占星师|astrologer zhanxingshu 占星术|astrology zhanxingxue 占星学|astrology zhanxue 毡靴|felt boots/valenki (traditional Russi... zhanya 占压|to tie up (funds or resources etc tha... zhanya 辗轧|to roll over/to run over zhanyan 斩眼|to blink (literary) zhanyang 瞻仰|to revere/to admire zhanyi 战役|military campaign zhanyong 占用|to occupy zhanyou 占有|to have/to own/to hold/to occupy/to p... zhanyou 战友|comrade-in-arms/battle companion zhanyou 占优|to dominate/dominant zhanyoushi 占优势|to predominate/to occupy a dominant p... zhanyuan 站员|station employee/railway clerk zhanzhan 飐飐|seems as if floating zhanzhang 站长|person in charge of a train station 車... zhanzhanjingjing 战战兢兢|trembling with fear/with fear and tre... zhanzhanlili 战战栗栗|to tremble with fear zhanzhanzixi 沾沾自喜|immeasurably self-satisfied zhanzhemaokengbulashi 占着茅坑不拉屎|lit. to occupy a latrine but not shit... zhanzheng 战争|war; conflict/CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4] zhanzhengyuheping 战争与和平|War and Peace by Tolstoy 托爾斯泰|托尔斯泰 zhanzhengzui 战争罪|war crime zhanzheshuohuabuyaoteng 站着说话不腰疼|lit. it\'s all very well to talk, but ... zhanzhong 占中|Occupy Central, Hong Kong civil disob... zhanzhu 站住|to stand zhanzhu 栈主|innkeeper zhanzhuan 辗转|to toss about in bed/from person to p... zhanzhuan 展转|variant of 輾轉|辗转[zhan3 zhuan3] zhanzhuanfance 辗转反侧|to toss and turn restlessly (in the bed) zhanzhuantengnuo 展转腾挪|see 閃轉騰挪|闪转腾挪[shan3 zhuan3 teng2 nuo2] zhanzi 毡子|felt (fabric) zhanzi 站姿|stance zhanzu 栈租|warehouse rent/cost of storage zhanzu 占族|Cham ethnic group zhao 着|a move in chess (Taiwan pr. [zhuo2])/... zhao 着|to touch/to come in contact with/to f... zhao 赵|surname Zhao/one of the seven states ... zhao 赵|to surpass (old) zhao 招|to recruit/to provoke/to beckon/to in... zhao 照|variant of 照[zhao4]/to shine/to illum... zhao 照|according to/in accordance with/to sh... zhao 沼|pond/pool zhao 朝|morning zhao 兆|surname Zhao zhao 兆|(bound form) omen/to foretell/million... zhao 诏|(literary) to admonish/(bound form) i... zhao 找|to try to find/to look for/to call on... zhao 昭|bright/clear/manifest/to show clearly zhao 罩|to cover; to spread over/a cover; a s... zhao 爪|foot of a bird or animal/paw/claws/ta... zhao 钊|to encourage/to cut/to strain zhao 召|to call together/to summon/to convene... zhao 嘲|used in 嘲哳[zhao1zha1] zhao 棹|oar (archaic)/scull/paddle/to row/a boat zhao 旐|banner zhao 啁|used in 啁哳[zhao1 zha1]/Taiwan pr. [zh... zhao 炤|surname Zhao zhao 濯|variant of 櫂|棹[zhao4] zhao 曌|name invented for herself by Tang emp... zhao 垗|sacrifice zhao 笊|loosely woven bamboo ladle zhao 肇|at first/devise/originate zhao 肇|the start/the origin zhao 啅|chirp zhao 鵫|pheasant zhao 皽|(literary) dead skin cells on the sur... zhao 駋|(horse) zhao 爫|\"claw\" radical in Chinese characters ... zhao 㷖|old variant of 照[zhao4] zhao 𬬿|sickle zhao 𬶐|fish of family Sisoridae (Asiatic cat... zhaoan 招安|to enlist enemy or rebel soldiers by ... zhaoan 诏安|Zhao\'an county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1... zhaoanxian 诏安县|Zhao\'an county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1... zhaoban 照搬|to copy/to imitate zhaoban 照办|to follow the rules/to do as instruct... zhaobei 罩杯|cup (bra size) zhaobenshan 赵本山|Zhao Benshan (1958-), universally kno... zhaobenxuanke 照本宣科|a wooden word-by-word reading zhaobi 照壁|a screen wall across the gate of a ho... zhaobian 着边|relevant/to the point/has sth to do w... zhaobian 找遍|to search everywhere/to search high a... zhaobianr 着边儿|erhua variant of 著邊|着边[zhao2 bian1] zhaobiao 招标|to invite bids zhaobing 招兵|to recruit soldiers zhaobingmaima 招兵买马|lit. to recruit soldiers and buy hors... zhaobu 找补|to compensate/to make up/to complemen... zhaobubaoxi 朝不保夕|at dawn, not sure of lasting to eveni... zhaobudao 找不到|can\'t find zhaobulvxi 朝不虑夕|at dawn, not sure of lasting to eveni... zhaobuzhao 找不着|to be unable to find zhaobuzhaobei 找不着北|to be confused and disoriented zhaobuzizai 找不自在|to ask for trouble/to bring misfortun... zhaocai 招财|lit. inviting wealth/We wish you succ... zhaocaijinbao 招财进宝|ushering in wealth and prosperity (id... zhaocaimao 招财猫|maneki-neko or \"lucky cat\", Japanese ... zhaocha 找茬|to pick fault with/to spot the differ... zhaocha 找碴|variant of 找茬[zhao3 cha2] zhaochang 照常|as usual zhaochao 照抄|to copy word for word zhaochaoxie 招潮蟹|fiddler crab (genus Uca) zhaochar 找碴儿|to pick a quarrel/to find fault/nitpi... zhaochazi 找岔子|to look for blemishes/to find fault/n... zhaochou 找抽|(coll.) to look for trouble zhaochu 找出|to find/to search out zhaocir 找刺儿|to find fault zhaoda 招打|to ask for a beating zhaodai 招待|to hold a reception; to offer hospita... zhaodaihui 招待会|a reception/CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4] zhaodaisuo 招待所|guesthouse; hostel zhaodaiyuan 招待员|service personnel: usher, waiter, rec... zhaodanquanshou 照单全收|to accept without question/to take st... zhaodao 找到|to find zhaodaor 着道儿|to be fooled/to be taken in (by a ruse) zhaode 照得|seeing that zhaodeng 照登|to publish unaltered zhaodi 着地|to land/to touch the ground/also pr. ... zhaodianzifu 兆电子伏|mega electron volt (MeV) (unit of ene... zhaodong 肇东|Zhaodong, county-level city in Suihua... zhaodongshi 肇东市|Zhaodong, county-level city in Suihua... zhaodu 照度|level of illumination/(physics) illum... zhaoduan 肇端|the starting point zhaoduixiang 找对象|to seek a marriage partner/looking fo... zhaoerxun 赵尔巽|Zhao Erxun (1844-1927), modern histor... zhaofa 着法|move (in chess or martial arts) zhaofa 照发|approved for distribution/to provide ... zhaofa 招法|move (in chess or martial arts) zhaofanwan 找饭碗|to look for a job zhaofeng 招风|to catch the wind/(fig.) to attract c... zhaofeng-recao 招风惹草|(idiom) to bring trouble on oneself zhaofeng-yindie 招蜂引蝶|lit. (of a flower) to attract bees an... zhaofenger 招风耳|jug ears zhaofenglanhuo 招风揽火|see 招風惹草|招风惹草[zhao1 feng1 re3 cao3] zhaofengreyu 招风惹雨|see 招風惹草|招风惹草[zhao1 feng1 re3 cao3] zhaofu 招抚|to enlist enemy or rebel soldiers by ... zhaofu 照付|to pay as charged zhaogao 赵高|Zhao Gao (?-207 BC), one of the most ... zhaoge 朝歌|Zhaoge, capital of the Shang dynasty ... zhaogezhen 朝歌镇|Zhaoge town in Qi county 淇縣|淇县, Hebi ... zhaogong 招工|to recruit employees zhaogong 招供|to confess zhaogongming 赵公明|Zhao Gongming, God of Wealth in the C... zhaogongyuanshuai 赵公元帅|Marshal Zhao, aka Zhao Gongming or Zh... zhaogou 赵构|Zhao Gou (1107-1187), personal name o... zhaogu 照顾|to take care of/to show consideration... zhaogu 招股|share offer zhaoguan 照管|to look after/to provide for zhaoguo 赵国|Zhao, one of the seven states during ... zhaoguoxigai 朝过夕改|to correct in the evening a fault of ... zhaogushu 招股书|prospectus (setting out a share offer) zhaogushuomingshu 招股说明书|prospectus zhaohe 兆赫|megahertz zhaohe 昭和|Shōwa, Japanese era name, correspondi... zhaohu 招呼|to call out to/to greet/to say hello ... zhaohu 照护|care/treatment (e.g. nursing care)/to... zhaohua 着花|to blossom/to come to flower/to be in... zhaohuan 召唤|to summon/to beckon/to call zhaohuan 招唤|to call; to summon zhaohuang 着慌|alarmed/panicking zhaohuaxishi 朝花夕拾|\"Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk\", a co... zhaohui 找回|to retrieve zhaohui 召回|to recall (a product, an ambassador etc) zhaohui 照会|a diplomatic note/letter of understan... zhaohuiwenwang 赵惠文王|King Huiwen of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 29... zhaohuluhuapiao 照葫芦画瓢|lit. to draw a dipper with a gourd as... zhaohun 招魂|to call back the soul of sb who has d... zhaohunfan 招魂幡|flag to attract departed spirits zhaohunfan 招魂旛|flag to attract departed spirits zhaohuo 着火|to catch fire zhaohuo 肇祸|to cause an accident zhaohuodian 着火点|ignition point (temperature)/combusti... zhaohuzhan 招呼站|request bus stop zhaoji 着急|to worry; to feel anxious/to feel a s... zhaoji 召集|to convene; to call together zhaoji 召妓|to hire a prostitute zhaoji 招集|to call on (people) to gather; to con... zhaoji 招妓|to hire a prostitute zhaojia 招架|to resist; to ward off; to hold one\'s... zhaojian 召见|call in (one\'s subordinates)/summon (... zhaojian 找见|to find (sth one has been looking for) zhaojian 肇建|to build (for the first time)/to crea... zhaojiaren 赵家人|(neologism 2015) the Zhao family (der... zhaojie 招接|to receive (guests, clients)/to inter... zhaojiekou 找借口|to look for a pretext zhaojihui 找机会|to look for an opportunity zhaojin 着紧|urgent/in a great hurry/in intimate r... zhaojindu 照进度|on schedule zhaojiren 召集人|convener zhaojiu 照旧|as before/as in the past zhaojue 昭觉|Zhaojue county in Liangshan Yi autono... zhaojuexian 昭觉县|Zhaojue county in Liangshan Yi autono... zhaojun 赵军|army of Zhao 趙國|赵国 during the Warring... zhaojunzhe 肇俊哲|Zhao Junzhe (1979-), Chinese football... zhaokai 召开|to convene (a conference or meeting)/... zhaokan 照看|to look after/to attend to/to have in... zhaokao 招考|to advertise an entrance examination ... zhaoke 赵客|knight of the Zhao State/generic term... zhaokuangyin 赵匡胤|Zhao Kuangyin, personal name of found... zhaokuo 赵括|Zhao Kuo (-260 BC), hapless general o... zhaolai 招徕|to canvass (for customers)/to solicit... zhaolai 招来|to attract/to incur zhaolan 招揽|to attract (customers); to drum up (t... zhaolanshengyi 招揽生意|to advertise/to solicit business zhaoleji 赵乐际|Zhao Leji (1957-), member of the Poli... zhaoli 照例|as a rule/as usual/usually zhaoli 照理|according to reason/usually/in the no... zhaoli 笊篱|strainer (made of bamboo, wicker, or ... zhaoli 沼狸|meerkat/see 狐獴[hu2 meng3] zhaoli 沼狸|see 狐獴[hu2 meng3] zhaoliang 照亮|to illuminate/to light up/lighting zhaoliang 着凉|to catch cold/Taiwan pr. [zhao1 liang2] zhaoliao 照料|to tend/to take care of sb zhaoling 招领|to advertise for the owner of lost pr... zhaoling 找零|to give change/change money zhaoling 诏令|imperial order zhaolingxigai 朝令夕改|to make frequent or unpredictable cha... zhaolu 招录|to recruit zhaolu 朝露|morning dew/fig. precarious brevity o... zhaolukezhi 朝露溘至|the morning dew will swiftly dissipat... zhaolumuai 朝露暮霭|morning dew, evening mist (idiom); ep... zhaomafan 找麻烦|to look for trouble zhaomaibuwu 照买不误|to keep on buying (a product) regardl... zhaomang 着忙|to rush/in a hurry/to worry about bei... zhaomaohuahu 照猫画虎|lit. drawing a tiger using a cat as a... zhaomen 罩门|Achilles\' heel/chink in the armor zhaomenlu 找门路|to seek help from social connections zhaomi 着迷|to be fascinated/to be captivated zhaomian 照面|to meet face-to-face zhaoming 照明|lighting/illumination/to light up/to ... zhaomingdan 照明弹|flare; star shell zhaomo 着魔|obsessed/bewitched/enchanted/as if po... zhaomu 招募|to recruit/to enlist zhaomu 召募|to recruit; to enlist zhaopai 招牌|signboard/shop sign/reputation of a b... zhaopai 照排|phototypesetting/photocomposition zhaopaicai 招牌菜|signature dish/a restaurant’s most fa... zhaopaidongzuo 招牌动作|signature move zhaopaizhi 招牌纸|label/sticker zhaopao 罩袍|Chinese-style long robe worn as outer... zhaopian 照片|photograph/picture/CL:張|张[zhang1],套[t... zhaopian 照骗|(Internet slang) flattering photo (pu... zhaopiandiban 照片底版|a photographic plate zhaopianzi 照片子|to take an X-ray zhaopiao 招嫖|(of a sex worker) to solicit customers zhaopin 招聘|to invite applications for a job/to r... zhaoping 找平|to level (ground)/to make level zhaoping 昭平|Zhaoping county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 z... zhaopingxian 昭平县|Zhaoping county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 z... zhaopinhui 招聘会|recruitment meeting/job fair zhaopinjigou 招聘机构|recruiting agency zhaopinxietiaoren 招聘协调人|recruiting coordinator zhaopinzhe 招聘者|prospective employer; job advertiser;... zhaopiyehe 昭披耶河|Chao Phraya River, the main river of ... zhaopiyepakang 昭披耶帕康|Chao Phraya Phra Klang (Royal Finance... zhaoqi 沼气|marsh gas/methane CH4 zhaoqi 找齐|to make uniform/to even up/to make go... zhaoqi 朝气|vitality/dynamism zhaoqi 赵岐|Zhao Qi (-201 BC), early Han commenta... zhaoqian 找钱|to give change/to seek funding/(diale... zhaoqianxiti 朝乾夕惕|cautious and diligent all day long (i... zhaoqin 招亲|to invite the groom (who will live wi... zhaoqing 肇庆|see 肇慶市|肇庆市[Zhao4qing4 Shi4] zhaoqing 招请|to recruit/to take on (an employee) zhaoqingdaxue 肇庆大学|Zhaoqing University (Guangdong) zhaoqingshi 肇庆市|Zhaoqing, prefecture-level city in Gu... zhaoqinmuchu 朝秦暮楚|serve Qin in the morning Chu in the e... zhaoqipengbo 朝气蓬勃|full of youthful energy (idiom); vigo... zhaoranruojie 昭然若揭|abundantly clear zhaore 招惹|to court (trouble); to attract (atten... zhaoren 招人|to be infectious/to recruit zhaoren 招认|to confess zhaorenxihuan 招人喜欢|charming/attractive/delightful zhaori 朝日|Asahi (Japanese place name, company n... zhaori 朝日|morning sun zhaorifangsong 朝日放送|Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) zhaorixinwen 朝日新闻|Asahi Shimbun (Japanese newspaper) zhaosanbuzhaoliang 着三不着两|scatter-brained/thoughtless zhaosanmusi 朝三暮四|lit. say three in the morning but fou... zhaoshan 罩衫|smock zhaoshang 招商|to seek investment or funding/investm... zhaoshangmen 找上门|to come to sb\'s door/to call on sb zhaoshangyinzi 招商引资|investment promotion zhaoshao 照烧|teriyaki (Japanese cooking technique) zhaoshe 照射|to shine on/to light up/to irradiate zhaosheng 招生|to enroll new students/to get students zhaoshengmusi 朝生暮死|lit. born in the morning and dying at... zhaoshi 肇事|to cause an accident/to be responsibl... zhaoshi 昭示|to declare publicly/to make clear zhaoshi 招式|(martial arts) formalized move zhaoshi 找事|to look for employment/to pick a quarrel zhaoshi 肇始|to initiate/to start/the start zhaoshitaoyi 肇事逃逸|hit-and-run zhaoshizhe 肇事者|offender/culprit zhaoshou 招收|to hire/to recruit zhaoshou 招手|to wave/to beckon zhaoshu 招数|move (in chess, on stage, in martial ... zhaoshu 诏书|imperial edict zhaoshu 着数|move (in chess, on stage, in martial ... zhaoshu 找赎|(dialect) to give change zhaoshuli 赵树理|Zhao Shuli (1906-1970), proletarian n... zhaoshuo 照说|normally/ordinarily speaking zhaosi 找死|to court death; to take a big risk zhaosimuxiang 朝思暮想|to yearn for sth day and night (idiom) zhaosong 赵宋|Song dynasty (960-1279)/used to disti... zhaosu 昭苏|Zhaosu County or Mongghulküre nahiyis... zhaosuxian 昭苏县|Zhaosu County or Mongghulküre nahiyis... zhaotaijier 找台阶儿|to find an excuse/to look for a pretext zhaotie 招贴|poster/placard/bill zhaotiehua 招贴画|picture poster (for advertising or pr... zhaotong 昭通|see 昭通市[Zhao1tong1 Shi4] zhaotongshi 昭通市|Zhaotong, prefecture-level city in Yu... zhaotou 兆头|omen/portent/sign zhaotou 找头|change (from money paid) zhaotoubiao 招投标|bid inviting and bid offering/bidding... zhaowa 爪哇|Java (island of Indonesia) zhaowa 兆瓦|megawatt zhaowabage 爪哇八哥|(bird species of China) Javan myna (A... zhaowachilu 爪哇池鹭|(bird species of China) Javan pond he... zhaowadao 爪哇岛|Java (island of Indonesia) zhaowaguo 爪哇国|ancient state located in present-day ... zhaowaheque 爪哇禾雀|(bird species of China) Java sparrow ... zhaowashi 兆瓦时|megawatt-hour zhaowate 兆瓦特|megawatt zhaowei 赵薇|Zhao Wei or Vicky Zhao (1976-), Chine... zhaowenxigai 朝闻夕改|lit. heard in the morning and changed... zhaoxi 朝夕|morning and night/all the time zhaoxi 朝曦|early morning sunlight zhaoxian 赵县|Zhao County in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[S... zhaoxiang 照相|to take a photograph zhaoxiang 照像|variant of 照相[zhao4 xiang4] zhaoxiang 招降|to ask for sb\'s surrender zhaoxiangguan 照相馆|photo studio zhaoxiangji 照像机|variant of 照相機|照相机[zhao4 xiang4 ji1]/... zhaoxiangji 照相机|camera/CL:個|个[ge4],架[jia4],部[bu4],台[t... zhaoxiangnapan 招降纳叛|to recruit surrendered enemy and dese... zhaoxiangpaiban 照相排版|phototypesetting/photocomposition zhaoxiannashi 招贤纳士|invite the talented and call the valo... zhaoxixiangchu 朝夕相处|to spend all one\'s time together (idiom) zhaoxuantan 赵玄坛|Zhao Xuantan, God of Wealth in the Ch... zhaoxue 昭雪|to exonerate/to clear (from an accusa... zhaoxun 找寻|to look for/to seek/to find fault zhaoya 爪牙|pawn/lackey/accomplice (in crime)/col... zhaoyan 照眼|glare/dazzling zhaoyang 昭阳|Zhaoyang district of Zhaotong city 昭通... zhaoyang 朝阳|the morning sun zhaoyang 照样|as before/(same) as usual/in the same... zhaoyangchanye 朝阳产业|sunrise industry zhaoyangqu 昭阳区|Zhaoyang district of Zhaotong city 昭通... zhaoyao 照耀|to shine/to illuminate zhaoyao 招摇|to rock back and forth/(fig.) to act ... zhaoyaoguoshi 招摇过市|to parade oneself ostentatiously abou... zhaoyaojing 照妖镜|magic mirror for revealing goblins/fi... zhaoyaozhuangpian 招摇撞骗|(idiom) to dupe people by passing one... zhaoye 赵晔|Zhao Ye, Han dynasty historian, autho... zhaoyi 罩衣|overalls/CL:件[jian4] zhaoyi 赵翼|Zhao Yi (1727-1814), Qing dynasty poe... zhaoyin 招引|to attract zhaoyin 爪印|paw print zhaoyin 肇因|cause/origin zhaoying 照应|to correlate with/to correspond to zhaoying 照应|to look after/to take care of/to atte... zhaoying 照映|to shine/to illuminate zhaoyongxisun 朝饔夕飧|lit. breakfast in the morning and sup... zhaoyou 招诱|to invite/to recruit/to attract/to en... zhaoyu 诏谕|imperial decree zhaoyu 诏狱|imperial prison (for prisoners detain... zhaoyu 朝雨|morning rain zhaoyuan 肇源|Zhaoyuan county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 q... zhaoyuan 招远|Zhaoyuan, county-level city in Yantai... zhaoyuan 招怨|to arouse animosity zhaoyuanren 赵元任|Yuen Ren Chao (1892-1982), Chinese-Am... zhaoyuanshi 招远市|Zhaoyuan, county-level city in Yantai... zhaoyuanxian 肇源县|Zhaoyuan county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 q... zhaoyuanyang 照原样|to copy/to follow the original shape/... zhaoyueding 照约定|according to agreement/as arranged/as... zhaoyun 赵云|Zhao Yun (-229), general of Shu in Ro... zhaozairehuo 招灾惹祸|to invite disaster zhaoze 沼泽|marsh/swamp/wetlands/glade zhaozedaweiying 沼泽大尾莺|(bird species of China) striated gras... zhaozedi 沼泽地|marsh/swamp/everglade zhaozedidai 沼泽地带|marsh/swamp/everglade zhaozeshanque 沼泽山雀|(bird species of China) marsh tit (Po... zhaozha 嘲哳|(onom.) clamorous noise made by numer... zhaozha 啁哳|(literary) (onom.) combined twitterin... zhaozhan 招展|to flutter/to sway zhaozhang 照章|according to the regulations zhaozhao 找着|to find zhaozhao 朝朝|every day (archaic) zhaozhaomumu 朝朝暮暮|from dawn to dusk/all the time zhaozhaoshibai 着着失败|(idiom) to fail at every step of the ... zhaozhe 找辙|to look for a pretext zhaozhi 招致|to recruit (followers)/to scout for (... zhaozhi 照直|directly/straight/straight ahead/stra... zhaozhi 诏旨|imperial edict zhaozhongyao 赵忠尧|Zhao Zhongyao (1902-1998), Chinese pi... zhaozhou 肇州|Zhaozhou county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 q... zhaozhou 兆周|megacycle (MC), equals 1,000,000 Hz zhaozhouqiao 赵州桥|Zhaozhou Bridge over Xiao River 洨河[Xi... zhaozhouxian 肇州县|Zhaozhou county in Daqing 大慶|大庆[Da4 q... zhaozhui 招赘|to have the groom move into the bride... zhaozhun 照准|request granted (formal usage in old ... zhaozi 罩子|cover; casing zhaozijie 兆字节|megabyte (2^20 or approximately a mil... zhaozilong 赵子龙|courtesy name of Zhao Yun 趙雲|赵云[Zhao4... zhaozitou 爪字头|Chinese character component 爫, used i... zhaoziyang 赵紫阳|Zhao Ziyang (1919-2005), PRC reformin... zhaozu 招租|(of a house or room) to be for rent zhaozuo 照做|to do as instructed/to comply zhapi 扎啤|draft beer zhapian 诈骗|to defraud/to swindle/to blackmail zhapianzui 诈骗罪|fraud zhapu 乍浦|Zhapu town and port on north of Hangz... zhapuzhen 乍浦镇|Zhapu town and port on north of Hangz... zhaqi 诈欺|fraud/deception zhaqing 诈晴|to clear up (of weather after rain) zhaqingzhabai 乍青乍白|(of sb\'s face) turning alternately gr... zhaqu 榨取|to extract/to squeeze out (juice etc)... zhaqu 诈取|to swindle/to defraud zhashi 扎实|strong/solid/sturdy/firm/practical zhashi 扎实|variant of 扎實|扎实[zha1 shi5] zhashi 诈尸|sudden movement of a corpse (supersti... zhashituijin 扎实推进|solid progress zhashui 柞水|Zhashui County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 ... zhashuixian 柞水县|Zhashui County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 ... zhashupian 炸薯片|potato chip zhashuqiu 炸薯球|tater tot zhashutiao 炸薯条|french fries zhasi 炸死|to kill with an explosion zhasi 诈死|to feign death/to fake death zhasui 炸碎|to destroy in an explosion/to break (... zhatang 炸膛|(of a gun) to explode; to blow up zhatiao 栅条|paling/fence rail zhatudoupian 炸土豆片|potato chips/crisps/fried potato zhatudoutiao 炸土豆条|french fries/(hot) potato chips zhatudoutiaor 炸土豆条儿|erhua variant of 炸土豆條|炸土豆条[zha2 tu3 d... zhawanzi 炸丸子|croquettes/deep fried food balls zhawu 炸物|(Tw) deep-fried food zhaxian 乍现|to appear suddenly zhaxiang 诈降|feigned surrender zhaxin 扎心|heartrending/deeply distressing zhayan 眨眼|to blink/to wink/in the twinkling of ... zhayan 扎眼|garish/dazzling/offensively conspicuous zhayanjing 眨眼睛|wink zhayao 炸药|explosive (material) zhayier 扎伊尔|Zaire zhaying 扎营|to camp/to pitch camp/stationed/quart... zhayou 榨油|to extract oil from vegetables/to press zhayoubing 炸油饼|deep-fried cake zhayu 炸鱼|deep-fried fish zhayu 诈语|falsehood/lies/fabrication zhazha 扎扎|(onom.) crunch (of marching feet etc) zhazhai 扎寨|to set up an encampment zhazhashishi 扎扎实实|firm/solid/reliable/real/practical zhazhen 扎针|to give or have an acupuncture treatment zhazhi 轧制|rolling steel zhazhiji 榨汁机|juicer/blender zhazhu 扎住|to stop/Taiwan pr. [zha3 zhu4] zhazi 渣滓|residue/dregs/disreputable people zhazi 渣子|dregs/bits/dregs (of society) zhazi 栅子|bamboo fence zhaziji 炸子鸡|crispy fried chicken zhe 浙|abbr. for Zhejiang 浙江 province in eas... zhe 浙|variant of 浙[Zhe4] zhe 者|(after a verb or adjective) one who (... zhe 这|(pronoun) this; these/(bound form) th... zhe 折|to turn sth over/to turn upside down/... zhe 折|to break/to fracture/to snap/to suffe... zhe 折|variant of 折[zhe2]/to fold zhe 着|aspect particle indicating action in ... zhe 乙|turning stroke (in Chinese characters... zhe 遮|to cover up (a shortcoming)/to screen... zhe 啫|used in 啫哩[zhe3 li1] zhe 喆|variant of 哲[zhe2] (used as a surname... zhe 哲|wise/a sage zhe 鹧|partridge/Francolinus chinensis zhe 蟅|locust/Chinese ground beetle (Eupolyp... zhe 谪|to relegate a high official to a mino... zhe 谪|variant of 謫|谪[zhe2] zhe 嚞|old variant of 哲[zhe2] zhe 辙|rut; track of a wheel (Taiwan pr. [ch... zhe 柘|a thorny tree/sugarcane/Cudrania tril... zhe 蔗|sugar cane zhe 蜇|to sting zhe 蜇|jellyfish zhe 赭|ocher zhe 锗|germanium (chemistry) zhe 辄|then/at once/always/(archaic) luggage... zhe 辄|variant of 輒|辄[zhe2] zhe 磔|old term for the right-falling stroke... zhe 詟|to be frightened zhe 嗻|(old) aye aye! zhe 蛰|to hibernate zhe 嫬|old character used in female names zhe 褶|pleat/crease/Taiwan pr. [zhe2] zhe 乇|\"blade of grass\" component in Chinese... zhe 摺|document folded in accordion form/to ... zhe 乛|variant of 乙[zhe2] zhe 螫|(of a bee or spider etc) to sting or ... zhe 悊|to revere/to respect/variant of 哲[zhe2] zhe 䗪|Chinese ground beetle (Eupolyphaga si... zhe 晢|bright zhe 鮿|(fresh-water fish) zheban 这般|like this/this way zheban 折半|to reduce by fifty percent/half-price zhebangsi 哲蚌寺|Drepung monastery, Lhasa, Tibet zhebi 遮蔽|to cover/to hide from view/to obstruc... zhebi 折笔|against the bristles (brush movement ... zhebian 这边|this side/here zhebian 折变|to sell off sth zhebianr 这边儿|erhua variant of 這邊|这边[zhe4 bian1] zhebu 这不|(coll.) As a matter of fact, ... (use... zhecai 浙菜|Zhejiang cuisine zhecan 柘蚕|silkworms fed on the leaves of the 柘[... zhecang 蛰藏|to hibernate/to hide away zhecheng 柘城|Zhecheng county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1... zhechengxian 柘城县|Zhecheng county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1... zhechi 折尺|folding ruler zhechong 蛰虫|dormant insect zhechongzunzu 折冲樽俎|lit. to stop the enemy at the banquet... zhecuo 折挫|to frustrate/to inhibit/to make thing... zhedan 柘弹|slingshot made from the 柘[zhe4] tree zhedang 遮挡|to shelter/to shelter from zhedao 折刀|clasp knife/folding knife zhedaor 折刀儿|a clasp knife/a folding knife zhedi 折抵|to offset zhedie 折叠|to fold/collapsible; folding (bicycle... zhedieshi 折叠式|folding (i.e. portable) zhedieyi 折叠椅|folding chair/deck chair zheduan 遮断|to cut off/to interrupt/to prevent ac... zheduan 折断|to snap sth off/to break zhedui 折兑|to cash/to change gold or silver into... zheergen 折耳根|chameleon plant; fish mint (Houttuyni... zhefan 折返|to turn back zhefanpao 折返跑|shuttle run zhefeng 折缝|welt seam (doubled over and sewed aga... zhefengbiyu 遮风避雨|to give shelter from the wind and rai... zhefu 蛰伏|hibernation/living in seclusion zhefu 折服|to convince/to subdue/to be convinced... zhegai 遮盖|to hide/to cover (one\'s tracks) zhegan 浙赣|Zhejiang-Jiangxi zhege 这个|(pronoun) this/(adjective) this zhegentou 折跟头|to do a somersault/to turn head over ... zhegong 柘弓|bow made from the 柘[zhe4] tree zhegu 鹧鸪|partridge zheguang 折光|refraction zhegui 折桂|to win the laurels/to pass an imperia... zheguor 折过儿|to turn over zhehailiaode 这还了得|How dare you!/This is an outrage!/Abs... zhehe 折合|to convert into/to amount to/to be eq... zhehen 折痕|crease/fold zhehongweiqu 赭红尾鸲|(bird species of China) black redstar... zhehuang 柘黄|yellow dye made from the bark of the ... zhehuban 遮护板|shield/protective board zhehui 折回|to turn back/to retrace one\'s steps zhehuir 这会儿|(coll.) now/this moment/also pr. [zhe... zhei 这|(coll.) this zheigada 这嘎达|(northeast dialect) here; this place zheigada 这疙瘩|see 這嘎達|这嘎达[zhei4ga1da5] zhejiang 浙江|see 浙江省[Zhe4jiang1 Sheng3] zhejiang 柘浆|sugarcane juice zhejiangdaxue 浙江大学|Zhejiang University zhejiangsanmenxian 浙江三门县|Sanmen County in Zhejiang zhejiangsheng 浙江省|Zhejiang Province, capital Hangzhou 杭... zhejiangtiantaixian 浙江天台县|Tiantai County in Zhejiang zhejiao 折角|to fold the corner of a page/to dog-ear zhejichensha 折戟沉沙|lit. broken halberds embedded in the ... zhejiedushu 折节读书|to start reading furiously, contrary ... zhejitian 这几天|the past few days zhejiu 折旧|depreciation zhejiu 这就|immediately/at once zhejiulv 折旧率|rate of deprecation zhejiushishuo 这就是说|in other words/that is to say zheju 谪居|(of officials in imperial China) to l... zheju 蛰居|to live in seclusion zhekou 折扣|discount zhelei 这类|this kind (of) zheli 哲理|philosophic theory/philosophy zheli 这里|variant of 這裡|这里[zhe4 li3] zheli 这里|here zheli 啫喱|(loanword) jelly/gel zheli 啫哩|variant of 啫喱[zhe3 li2] zheliu 柘榴|pomegranate zheliu 者流|(after a personal attribute) people w... zheliushi 柘榴石|garnet zheluo 折箩|mixed dish of the food left over from... zheme 这么|so much/this much/how much?/this way/... zheme 这麽|variant of 這麼|这么[zhe4 me5] zheme 这末|variant of 這麼|这么[zhe4 me5] zhemeyang 这么样|thus/in this way zhemezhe 这么着|thus/in this way/like this zhemian 蛰眠|to hibernate zhemo 折磨|to torment; to torture zhemuyu 遮目鱼|milkfish (Chanos chanos) zhen 针|needle/pin/injection/stitch/CL:根[gen1... zhen 针|variant of 針|针[zhen1], needle zhen 真|really/truly/indeed/real/true/genuine zhen 镇|to press down/to calm/to subdue/to su... zhen 震|to shake/to vibrate/to jolt/to quake/... zhen 疹|measles/rash zhen 振|to shake/to flap/to vibrate/to resona... zhen 阵|disposition of troops/wave/spate/burs... zhen 臻|to arrive/to reach (esp. perfection)/... zhen 珍|precious thing/treasure/culinary deli... zhen 珍|variant of 珍[zhen1] zhen 甄|surname Zhen zhen 甄|to distinguish/to evaluate zhen 诊|to examine or treat medically zhen 箴|to warn/to admonish/variant of 針|针[zh... zhen 瑧|(literary) a kind of jade/Taiwan pr. ... zhen 昣|(literary) bright zhen 贞|chaste zhen 鱵|Hyporhampus sajuri zhen 帧|frame/classifier for paintings etc/Ta... zhen 朕|(used by an emperor or king) I; me; w... zhen 砧|anvil zhen 砧|variant of 砧[zhen1] zhen 圳|(dialect) drainage ditch between fiel... zhen 枕|(bound form) pillow/to rest one\'s hea... zhen 侦|to scout/to spy/to detect zhen 侦|old variant of 偵|侦[zhen1] zhen 榛|(bound form) hazelnut tree (Corylus h... zhen 稹|to accumulate/fine and close zhen 鸩|legendary bird whose feathers can be ... zhen 斟|to pour/to deliberate zhen 黕|red zhen 溱|name of a river zhen 弫|(of a bow) impactful/powerful zhen 禛|to receive blessings in a sincere spirit zhen 蓁|abundant, luxuriant vegetation zhen 桢|evergreen shrub zhen 揕|to hit/to thrust zhen 瑱|jade weight zhen 胗|gizzard zhen 袗|unlined garment zhen 抌|to bale out water, to dip zhen 赈|to provide relief/to aid zhen 祯|auspicious/lucky zhen 畛|border/boundary/field-path zhen 眞|variant of 真[zhen1] zhen 缜|fine and dense zhen 鎭|variant of 鎮|镇[zhen4]/town zhen 桭|eaves/space between two pillars zhen 鷏|bird name zhen 紾|crooked/obstinate/twist a cord zhen 眹|pupil zhen 薽|(grass)/(orchid) zhen 鉆|treasure zhen 黰|bushy black hair zhen 酖|poisonous/to poison zhen 獉|jungle zhen 葴|Physalis alkekengi zhen 眕|to restrain anger zhen 鬒|bushy black hair zhen 駗|chatter mark zhen 浈|river in Guangdong province zhen 轸|square/strongly (as of emotion) zhenai 真爱|true love zhenai 珍爱|to cherish zhenan 镇安|Zhen\'an County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 ... zhenan 振安|Zhen\'an district of Dandong city 丹東市|... zhenanqu 振安区|Zhen\'an district of Dandong city 丹東市|... zhenanxian 镇安县|Zhen\'an County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 ... zhenaositing 珍·奥斯汀|Jane Austen (1775-1817), English nove... zhenba 镇巴|Zhenba County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 ... zhenba 甄拔|to select zhenban 侦办|to investigate (a crime) and prosecute zhenban 砧板|chopping board or block zhenban 真版|real version (as opposed to pirated);... zhenbang 真棒|super!/really great/wonderful zhenbao 珍宝|a treasure zhenbao 镇暴|to suppress a riot; riot control zhenbaxian 镇巴县|Zhenba County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 ... zhenbi 针鼻|the eye of a needle zhenbi-yihu 振臂一呼|(idiom) to issue a call for action; t... zhenbian 针砭|to critique/to voice concerns about/a... zhenbianfeng 枕边风|pillow talk zhenbiangushi 枕边故事|bedtime story zhenbianren 枕边人|the person who shares one\'s bed; part... zhenbie 甄别|to screen/to discriminate/to reexamin... zhenbiekaoshi 甄别考试|to screen/to grade by examination/scr... zhenbo 震波|seismic wave zhenbotu 震波图|seismogram zhencaise 真彩色|true color zhencaishixue 真才实学|solid learning/real ability and learn... zhencang 珍藏|a collection of rare and valuable ite... zhencao 贞操|(usually of women) chastity/virginity... zhencaodai 贞操带|chastity belt zhence 侦测|to detect/to sense zhenceqi 侦测器|detector zhencha 侦查|to detect/to investigate zhencha 侦察|to investigate a crime/to scout/to re... zhenchabing 侦察兵|a scout/spy zhenchaji 侦察机|surveillance aircraft/spy plane zhenchan 震颤|to tremble/to quiver zhenchanmabi 震颤麻痹|palsy/trembling paralysis/used for Pa... zhenchansu 震颤素|tremorine (drug inducing shivering) zhenchaxing 侦察性|investigatory zhenchayuan 侦察员|detective/investigator/scout/spy zhencheng 真诚|sincere; genuine; true zhenchuan 真传|authentic tradition/handed-down teach... zhenci 针刺|to prick with a needle/to treat by ac... zhencimazui 针刺麻醉|acupuncture anesthesia zhendan 震旦|ancient Indian name for China zhendan 震蛋|love egg (sex toy) zhendang 震荡|to shake up/to jolt/to vibrate/to osc... zhendang 震荡|to vibrate/to shake/to shudder zhendang 振荡|vibration/oscillation zhendangqi 振荡器|oscillator zhendanji 震旦纪|Sinian (c. 800-542 million years ago)... zhendanyaque 震旦鸦雀|(bird species of China) reed parrotbi... zhendao 真道|the true way zhendao-zhenqiang 真刀真枪|lit. real swords and spears (idiom)/f... zhende 真的|really; truly; indeed/real; true; gen... zhende 贞德|Jeanne d\'Arc (1412-1431), French hero... zhendezhu 镇得住|to manage to suppress/to keep under c... zhendi 真谛|the real meaning/the true essence zhendi 阵地|(military) position/front zhendiao 真鲷|porgy (Pagrosomus major)/red sea bream zhending 镇定|calm/unperturbed/cool zhendingji 镇定剂|tranquilizer/depressant/sedative zhendingyao 镇定药|sedative drug zhendong 振动|to vibrate/to shake/vibration zhendong 震动|to shake/to vibrate/to strongly affec... zhendongli 震动力|force of seismic wave zhenduan 诊断|to diagnose zhenduguan 侦毒管|detector tube zhendui 针对|to target; to focus on; to be aimed a... zhenduixing 针对性|focus/direction/purpose/relevance zhenduobing 珍多冰|cendol, Southeast Asian iced sweet de... zhenduqi 侦毒器|detection unit zhene 着呢|comes at the end of the sentence to i... zhener 震耳|ear-splitting zheneryulong 震耳欲聋|ear-splitting (idiom); deafening zhenfa 针法|stitch zhenfa 鬒发|luxuriant black hair zhenfang 轸方|square/four-square zhenfanyundong 镇反运动|Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutio... zhenfei 诊费|medical fees zhenfen 振奋|to stir oneself up/to raise one\'s spi... zhenfen 针鼢|echidna zhenfeng 贞丰|Zhenfeng county in Qianxinan Buyei an... zhenfeng 阵风|gust zhenfengxian 贞丰县|Zhenfeng county in Qianxinan Buyei an... zhenfengxiangdui 针锋相对|to oppose each other with equal harsh... zhenfenshu 真分数|proper fraction (with numerator < den... zhenfoudingju 真否定句|true negative (TN) zhenfu 振幅|amplitude zheng 正|first month of the lunar year zheng 正|straight/upright/proper/main/principa... zheng 证|to admonish/variant of 證|证[zheng4] zheng 证|certificate/proof/to prove/to demonst... zheng 丁|used in 丁丁[zheng1zheng1] zheng 郑|the name of a state in the Zhou dynas... zheng 郑|used in 鄭重|郑重[zheng4zhong4] zheng 整|(bound form) whole; complete; entire;... zheng 争|to strive for/to vie for/to argue or ... zheng 政|political/politics/government zheng 征|journey/trip/expedition/to go on long... zheng 征|to invite/to recruit/to levy (taxes)/... zheng 峥|used in 崢嶸|峥嵘[zheng1rong2] zheng 铮|clang of metals/small gong zheng 筝|see 古箏|古筝[gu3zheng1] zheng 睁|to open (one\'s eyes) zheng 蒸|to evaporate/(of cooking) to steam/to... zheng 症|disease/illness zheng 症|abdominal tumor/bowel obstruction/(fi... zheng 钲|gong used to halt troops zheng 拯|to raise/to aid/to support/to save/to... zheng 挣|used in 掙扎|挣扎[zheng1 zha2] zheng 挣|to struggle to get free/to strive to ... zheng 狰|hideous/fierce-looking zheng 徴|Japanese variant of 徵|征 zheng 烝|multitudinous/the masses/to present (... zheng 鲭|(literary) boiled stew of fish and meat zheng 诤|to admonish/to warn sb of their error... zheng 怔|(bound form) startled; terrified; pan... zheng 怔|(dialect) to stare blankly; to be in ... zheng 篜|bamboo zheng 掟|(HK dialect) to throw/to toss zhengan 正安|Zheng\'an county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 y... zhengan 震感|tremors (from an earthquake) zhenganxian 正安县|Zheng\'an county in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 y... zhengba 争霸|to contend for hegemony/a power struggle zhengban 正版|genuine/legal/see also 盜版|盗版[dao4 ban3] zhengbanzhou 正半轴|positive semiaxis (in coordinate geom... zhengbei 整备|preparedness/to bring sth to a state ... zhengbeishu 整倍数|integer multiple zhengben 正本|original (of a document)/reserved cop... zhengbi 正比|direct ratio/directly proportional zhengbian 政变|coup d\'état zhengbian 争辩|a dispute/to wrangle zhengbili 正比例|direct proportionality zhengbing 征兵|to levy troops/recruitment zhengbing 政柄|at the helm of state/political power/... zhengbing 整并|to merge; to consolidate/consolidation zhengbu 正步|goose-step (for military parades) zhengbuzou 正步走|to march at parade step/March! (milit... zhengcai 征才|to recruit zhengcan 正餐|(regular) meal/full meal/main course zhengcangyuan 正仓院|Shōsō-in, a timber structure in Nara,... zhengce 政策|policy/CL:個|个[ge4] zhengchang 正常|regular/normal/ordinary zhengchangchengben 正常成本|normal cost (accountancy) zhengchanggongzuo 正常工作|normal operation/proper functioning zhengchanghua 正常化|normalization (of diplomatic relation... zhengchangjunqun 正常菌群|microbiome/microbiota zhengchanglunduan 争长论短|lit. to argue who is right and wrong ... zhengchangshi 正长石|orthoclase KAlSi3O8 (rock-forming min... zhengchao 争吵|to quarrel/dispute zhengchen 征尘|the dust of a long journey zhengchen 诤臣|official who dares speak frankly befo... zhengchen 争臣|minister not afraid to give forthrigh... zhengcheng 征程|journey/expedition/voyage zhengchenggong 郑成功|Koxinga (1624-1662), military leader zhengchi 整饬|(literary) to put in good order; to m... zhengchi 争持|to refuse to concede/not to give in zhengchong 争宠|to strive for favor zhengchong 怔忡|(of the heart) palpitating with fear/... zhengchu 整除|to divide exactly without remainder (... zhengchushu 整除数|(math.) factor; exact divisor zhengci 证词|testimony zhengcifa 正词法|orthography (linguistics) zhengcumaifen 蒸粗麦粉|couscous zhengdaguangming 正大光明|just and honorable zhengdan 正旦|starring female role in a Chinese opera zhengdang 政党|political party/CL:個|个[ge4] zhengdang 正当|timely/just (when needed) zhengdang 正当|honest/reasonable/fair/sensible zhengdangfangwei 正当防卫|reasonable self-defense/legitimate de... zhengdangliyou 正当理由|proper reason/reasonable grounds zhengdangnian 正当年|to be in the prime of life zhengdangshi 正当时|the right time for sth/the right seas... zhengdangxing 正当性|(political) legitimacy zhengdangzhong 正当中|dead center; the very middle zhengdao 正道|the correct path/the right way (Buddh... zhengde 正德|Zhengde Emperor, reign name of eleven... zhengde 争得|to obtain by an effort/to strive to g... zhengde 挣得|to earn (income)/to make (money) zhengde 征得|to obtain (permission etc) zhengdi 征地|to requisition land zhengdi 政敌|political opponent zhengdi 整地|to prepare the soil (agriculture) zhengdian 正点|(of a train etc) on time; punctual/(s... zhengdian 正殿|main hall of a Buddhist temple zhengdian 正电|positive charge (electricity) zhengdian 整点|time of day exactly on the hour (i.e.... zhengdianzi 正电子|positron (antiparticle of the electron) zhengdianzifashecengxi 正电子发射层析|positron emission tomography (PET) zhengdianzifasheduancengzhaoxiangshu 正电子发射断层照相术|positron emission tomography (PET) zhengdianzizhaosheduancengsheying 正电子照射断层摄影|positrion emission tomography (PET) zhengdiao 征调|to conscript/to second (personnel)/to... zhengding 正定|Zhengding county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|... zhengdingmi 正丁醚|butyl ether zhengdingxian 正定县|Zhengding county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|... zhengdou 争斗|to struggle/to fight/struggle zhengduan 争端|dispute/controversy/conflict zhengduanceng 正断层|normal fault (geology) zhengdui 整队|to dress (troops)/to line up (to arra... zhengdui 正对|directly facing zhengdun 整顿|to tidy up/to reorganize/to consolida... zhengduo 争夺|to fight over/to contest/to vie over zhengduobaoxing 正多胞形|convex polytope zhengduomianti 正多面体|regular polyhedron zhengduozhan 争夺战|struggle zhenge 真格|true/real zhenge 真个|(dialect) really; truly; indeed zhengedaidan 枕戈待旦|lit. to wait for dawn, one\'s head res... zhengeqinjia 枕戈寝甲|lit. to sleep on one\'s armor with a s... zhengerbaban 正儿八板|earnest/authentic zhengerbajing 正儿八经|serious/earnest/real/true zhengeshi 帧格式|frame format zhengfa 政法|politics and law zhengfa 蒸发|to evaporate/evaporation zhengfa 正法|to execute/the law zhengfa 征伐|to go on or send a punitive expedition zhengfa 征发|a punitive expedition/a requisition zhengfakongtiao 蒸发空调|evaporative air conditioner/evaporati... zhengfan 正反|positive and negative/pros and cons/i... zhengfan 征帆|expedition ship zhengfang 正方|the side in favor of the proposition ... zhengfang 正房|central building (in a traditional ho... zhengfangti 正方体|a rectangular parallelepiped zhengfangxiang 正方向|forward direction/(analytic geometry)... zhengfangxing 正方形|square zhengfanliangmian 正反两面|two-way/reversible/both sides of the ... zhengfare 蒸发热|latent heat of evaporation zhengfenduomiao 争分夺秒|lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (i... zhengfeng 整风|Rectification or Rectifying incorrect... zhengfeng 争锋|to strive zhengfeng 正锋|frontal attack (brush movement in pai... zhengfengchicu 争风吃醋|to rival sb for the affection of a ma... zhengfengqishi 正逢其时|to come at the right time/to be oppor... zhengfengyundong 整风运动|Rectification campaign/political purg... zhengfu 政府|government/CL:個|个[ge4] zhengfu 征服|to conquer/to subdue/to vanquish zhengfu 征夫|traveler/soldier on expedition/soldie... zhengfu 正负|positive and negative zhengfudaxueyuan 政府大学院|the name of Academia Sinica 中央研究院[Zho... zhengfudianzi 正负电子|electrons and positrons zhengfuguanyuan 政府官员|government employee zhengfuhao 正负号|plus or minus sign ± (math.) zhengfujiashi 正副驾驶|pilot and copilot zhengfujiguan 政府机关|government (viewed as an organization... zhengfujun 政府军|government army zhengfushounao 政府首脑|head of state/government leader zhengfuxinwenchu 政府新闻处|information services department zhengfuzhaiquan 政府债券|government bonds (investments) zhengfuzhe 征服者|conqueror zhenggai 整改|to reform/to rectify and improve zhenggai 政改|political reform zhenggang 政纲|political program/platform zhenggang 正港|(Tw) (slang) authentic; genuine (from... zhenggao 征稿|to solicit contributions (to a public... zhenggao 蒸糕|steamed cake zhengge 整个|whole/entire/total zhengge 正割|secant (of angle), written sec θ zhenggediqiu 整个地球|the whole world zhenggong 政工|political work/ideological work zhenggongniangniang 正宫娘娘|empress zhenggou 争购|to compete/to fight for/to rush to pu... zhenggu 正骨|bonesetting/Chinese osteopathy zhengguang 争光|to win an honor/to strive to win a prize zhengguangzu 郑光祖|Zheng Guangzu, Yuan dynasty dramatist... zhenggubafa 正骨八法|the eight methods of bonesetting/Chin... zhenggui 正规|regular/according to standards zhenggui 正轨|the right track zhengguijiaoyu 正规教育|regular education zhengguijun 正规军|regular army/standing army zhengguo 蒸锅|steamer zhengguoqu 郑国渠|Zhengguo canal, a 150 km long irrigat... zhenghao 正号|(math.) plus sign (+) zhenghao 正好|just (in time)/just right/just enough... zhenghe 整合|to conform/to integrate zhenghe 政和|Zhenghe county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 pin... zhenghe 郑和|Zheng He (1371-1433), famous early Mi... zhengheng 争衡|to struggle for mastery/to strive for... zhenghexian 政和县|Zhenghe county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 pin... zhenghou 症候|illness/disease zhenghou 征候|sign; indication; symptom zhenghouqun 症候群|syndrome zhenghouqun 症侯群|erroneous variant of 症候群, syndrome zhenghua 正化|normalization/to normalize zhenghuan 整环|integral domain (abstract algebra) zhenghun 征婚|to look for a partner zhenghun 证婚|to be witness (at a wedding) zhenghunren 证婚人|wedding witness zhengji 征集|to collect/to recruit zhengji 正极|positive pole zhengji 正畸|orthodontics zhengji 政绩|(political) achievements/track record zhengji 政纪|rules for political staff/political d... zhengjia 征驾|horses and wagons for an expedition/v... zhengjian 证件|certificate; papers; credentials; doc... zhengjian 政见|political views zhengjian 诤谏|to criticize frankly/to admonish zhengjian 整建|to restore a damaged or aging structu... zhengjianhui 证监会|China Securities Regulatory Commissio... zhengjianzhao 证件照|identification photo zhengjiao 正交|orthogonality zhengjiao 政教|church and state/government and educa... zhengjiao 蒸饺|steamed dumpling zhengjiao 正教|lit. true religion/orthodox religion/... zhengjiao 正角|positive angle zhengjiao 征剿|to mount a punitive expedition agains... zhengjiaochu 政教处|political education office (within a ... zhengjiaoheyi 政教合一|union of religious and political rule... zhengjiaoqun 正交群|orthogonal group (math.) zhengjiaosuo 证交所|stock exchange zhengjiaoxie 正脚鞋|shoe that can be worn on either foot zhengjiaozhenquan 正教真诠|Exegesis of the Right Religion by Wan... zhengjiashi 正驾驶|pilot-in-command; captain (cf. 副駕駛|副驾... zhengjie 整洁|neatly/tidy zhengjie 症结|hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese ... zhengjie 政界|political and government circles zhengjing 正经|decent/honorable/proper/serious/accor... zhengjing 政经|politics and the economy (from 政治[zhe... zhengjingbabai 正经八百|very serious/solemn zhengjingbabai 正经八摆|variant of 正經八百|正经八百[zheng4 jing1 ba1... zhengjingbaban 正经八板|see 正經八百|正经八百[zheng4 jing1 ba1 bai3] zhengjingshi 正经事|an important matter (sth work-related... zhengjinlunliang 争斤论两|to haggle over every ounce (idiom)/to... zhengjinweizuo 正襟危坐|to sit upright and still (idiom) zhengjiu 拯救|to save; to rescue zhengjiudabingruien 拯救大兵瑞恩|Saving Private Ryan (1998 movie) zhengjixue 整脊学|chiropractic zhengju 证据|evidence/proof/testimony zhengju 正剧|bourgeois tragedy zhengju 政局|political situation zhengjue 正角|good guy (in a story)/hero zhengkai 睁开|to open (one\'s eyes) zhengkai 正楷|regular script (Chinese calligraphic ... zhengke 政客|politician zhenglanqi 正蓝旗|Plain Blue banner or Shuluun Höh khos... zhenglanqi 正兰旗|Plain Blue banner or Shuluun Höh khos... zhengli 整理|to arrange/to tidy up/to sort out/to ... zhengli 政理|politics/government affairs zhengli 烝黎|people/the masses zhenglian 正脸|a person\'s face as seen from the front zhenglian 征敛|to extort taxes zhengliang 铮亮|shiny; gleaming zhenglianwudu 征敛无度|to extort taxes excessively zhengling 政令|government decree zhengliu 整流|to rectify (alternating current to di... zhengliu 蒸馏|to distill/distillation zhengliubianxing 正六边形|regular hexagon zhengliujiu 蒸馏酒|distilled liquor/spirits zhengliuqi 蒸馏器|still (i.e. distilling apparatus) zhengliuqi 整流器|rectifier (transforming alternating e... zhengliushui 蒸馏水|distilled water zhenglizi 正离子|positive ion/cation (physics) zhenglong 蒸笼|steamer basket (e.g. for dim sum) zhenglu 正路|(lit. and fig.) the right way; the co... zhenglun 政论|political commentary zhenglun 争论|to argue/to debate/to contend/argumen... zhenglundian 争论点|contention zhengma 郑码|Zheng coding/original Chinese charact... zhengma 征马|horse capable of long expedition/army... zhengmei 正妹|(Tw) beautiful woman/sexy woman zhengmen 正门|main entrance/main gate/portal zhengmengzhun 郑梦准|Chung Mongjoon (1951-), Korean magnat... zhengmi 整密|meticulous; painstaking zhengmian 正面|front/obverse side/right side/positiv... zhengmianzi 争面子|to do (sb) proud; to be a credit to (... zhengmin 烝民|people/the masses zhengming 证明|proof/certificate/identification/test... zhengming 正名|to replace the current name or title ... zhengming 争鸣|to contend zhengmingduoli 争名夺利|to fight for fame, grab profit (idiom... zhengmingli 证明力|probative value/strength of evidence ... zhengmingshu 证明书|certificate zhengmingwanbi 证明完毕|(math.) end of proof; QED (quod erat ... zhengmingwenjian 证明文件|identification document/documentary p... zhengmingzeshi 征名责实|to seek out the real nature based on ... zhengmobiaoben 正模标本|holotype zhengmu 征募|to conscript zhengnengliang 正能量|positive energy/positivity zhengnian 正念|correct mindfulness (Buddhism) zhengnianleiyue 整年累月|month after month, year after year/ye... zhengning 正宁|Zhengning county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qi... zhengning 狰狞|malevolent/fierce/sinister zhengningxian 正宁县|Zhengning county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qi... zhengnu 证奴|\"a slave to certificates\", sb who doe... zhengpai 正派|upright zhengpai 政派|political group/faction zhengpei 征旆|pennant used on expedition/war pennant zhengpin 正品|certified goods/quality product/norma... zhengpin 征聘|to invite job applications/to recruit zhengqi 蒸汽|steam zhengqi 整齐|orderly/neat/even/tidy zhengqi 蒸气|vapor/steam zhengqi 正气|healthy atmosphere; moral spirit/unyi... zhengqi 争气|to work hard for sth/to resolve on im... zhengqian 挣钱|to make money zhengqiang 争抢|to fight over/to scramble for zhengqianghaosheng 争强好胜|competitive/ambitious and aggressive/... zhengqiao 正巧|just by chance/to happen to (just at ... zhengqichongzheng 蒸气重整|steam reforming (chemistry) zhengqie 正切|(math.) tangent (trigonometric function) zhengqiguatangji 蒸汽挂烫机|garment steamer zhengqihuayi 整齐划一|to be adjusted to uniformity (usually... zhengqiji 蒸汽机|steam engine zhengqijiche 蒸汽机车|steam locomotive zhengqing 政情|political situation zhengqiu 征求|to solicit/to seek/to request (opinio... zhengqiuxian 争球线|scrimmage line (American football) zhengqiyaluji 蒸汽压路机|steamroller zhengqu 争取|to fight for/to strive for/to win over zhengqu 政区|administrative division zhengquan 证券|negotiable security (financial)/certi... zhengquan 政权|regime/political power zhengquan 政圈|government circle/political circle zhengquandaixiao 证券代销|proxy sale of securities zhengquanduoli 争权夺利|scramble for power and profit (idiom)... zhengquangongsi 证券公司|securities company/share company zhengquanguitaimaimaizhongxin 证券柜台买卖中心|GreTai Securities Market (GTSM) zhengquanhang 证券行|(HK, Tw) securities house/brokerage firm zhengquanhualv 证券化率|securitization ratio zhengquanjiaoyisuo 证券交易所|stock exchange zhengquanjingjiren 证券经纪人|stockbroker zhengquanjingying 证券经营|share dealing/brokering zhengquanshang 证券商|share dealer/broker zhengquanshichang 证券市场|financial market zhengquanwei 证券委|securities commission/abbr. for 證券委員會... zhengquanweiyuanhui 证券委员会|securities commission (of the State C... zhengquanzhenkong 政权真空|power vacuum/political vacuum zhengque 正确|correct; sound; right; proper zhengqueluxian 正确路线|correct line (i.e. the party line) zhengqushijian 争取时间|to act with urgency/to buy time zhengqushixiao 争取时效|to strive to get sth done while the t... zhengran 正然|in the process of (doing something or... zhengren 证人|witness zhengren 正人|upstanding person/upright person zhengren 征人|traveler (on a long journey)/particip... zhengren 诤人|dwarf in legends zhengrenjunzi 正人君子|upright gentleman/man of honor zhengrenmailv 郑人买履|lit. the person from Zheng 鄭|郑[Zheng4... zhengrenxi 证人席|witness stand or box zhengrenzhengnian 郑人争年|Men of Zheng fighting over their resp... zhengri 整日|all day long/the whole day zhengri 正日|the day (of a festival, ceremony etc) zhengrong 整容|plastic surgery zhengrong 峥嵘|towering/lofty and steep (mountains)/... zhengrongsuiyue 峥嵘岁月|eventful years (idiom) zhengru 正如|just as/precisely as zhengsan 蒸散|(plant) evapotranspiration zhengse 正色|stern/grim/resolute/firm/unflinching/... zhengshan 征衫|traveler\'s clothing/by extension, tra... zhengshen 政审|examine sb\'s political record/politic... zhengsheng 正生|starring male role in a Chinese opera zhengsheng 郑声|folk music of the state of Zheng 鄭|郑[... zhengshenr 怔神儿|lost in thought/in a daze zhengshi 正式|formal; official zhengshi 正是|is precisely zhengshi 正视|to face squarely; to meet head on; to... zhengshi 正史|the 24 or 25 official dynastic histor... zhengshi 证实|to confirm (sth to be true)/to verify zhengshi 政事|politics; government affairs zhengshi 正室|primary wife (in contrast to concubin... zhengshi 征实|levies in kind/grain tax zhengshi 正事|one\'s proper business zhengshi 征士|soldier (in battle) zhengshi 正时|timing (of an engine) zhengshili 证实礼|confirmation zhengshitoupiao 正式投票|formal vote zhengshou 征收|to levy (a tax)/to expropriate zhengshu 证书|credentials/certificate zhengshu 整数|whole number/integer (math.)/round fi... zhengshu 正数|positive number zhengshu 征戍|garrison zhengshu 正书|regular script (Chinese calligraphic ... zhengshubeishu 整数倍数|integral multiple zhengshui 征税|to levy taxes zhengshujihe 整数集合|set of integers (math.) zhengshuo 正朔|first day of the first lunar month/(o... zhengsong 诤讼|to contest a lawsuit zhengsong 争讼|dispute involving litigation/legal di... zhengsu 整肃|strict/serious/solemn/dignified/to ti... zhengtai 正太|young, cute boy/derived from Japanese... zhengtaifenbu 正态分布|(math.) normal distribution/Gaussian ... zhengtaikong 正太控|shotacon (Japanese loanword)/manga or... zhengtan 政坛|political circles zhengtao 整套|entire set zhengtao 征讨|to go on a punitive expedition zhengteng 蒸腾|(of a vapor etc) to rise/to hang in t... zhengtengzuoyong 蒸腾作用|transpiration zhengti 整体|whole entity/entire body/synthesis/as... zhengti 正体|standard form (of a Chinese character... zhengti 政体|form of government/system of government zhengtian 整天|all day long/whole day zhengtiao 整条|entire/whole (fish, road etc) zhengtifuwushuweiwanglu 整体服务数位网路|ISDN (integrated services digital net... zhengtishuweifuwuwanglu 整体数位服务网路|Integrated Service Digital Network/ISDN zhengtizi 正体字|standard form of a Chinese character/... zhengtong 正统|Zhengtong Emperor, reign name of sixt... zhengtong 正统|orthodoxy; tradition/orthodox; tradit... zhengtongrenhe 政通人和|efficient government, people at peace... zhengtouying 正投影|orthogonal projection zhengtu 征途|long journey/trek/course of an expedi... zhengtu 正途|see 正路[zheng4lu4] zhengtuo 挣脱|to throw off/to struggle free of/Taiw... zhengu 针箍|thimble zhengu 枕骨|occipital bone (back of the skull) zhengu 砧骨|incus or anvil bone of middle ear, pa... zhenguai 真怪|odd/unusual/I can\'t believe that ... zhenguan 针管|syringe zhengui 珍贵|precious zhenguo 榛果|filbert/hazelnut/cobnut zhengur 针箍儿|erhua variant of 針箍|针箍[zhen1 gu1] zhengushuojin 震古烁今|lit. to astonish the ancients and daz... zhengwaibuxing 正外部性|positive influence, effect that peopl... zhengwei 政委|political commissar (within the army) zhengwei 证伪|to disprove/to confirm (sth) to be false zhengwen 征文|to solicit articles, essays or pieces... zhengwen 正文|main text (as opposed to footnotes)/m... zhengwu 政务|government affairs zhengwu 正午|midday/noon/noonday zhengwu 正误|true or false?/correct or incorrect/t... zhengwu 证物|exhibit (law) zhengwubiao 正误表|corrigenda zhengxian 正弦|(math.) sine zhengxian 争先|to compete to be first/to contest fir... zhengxianbo 正弦波|sine wave/simple harmonic vibration zhengxiandingli 正弦定理|law of sines zhengxiang 正向|forward (direction)/positive (thinkin... zhengxiang 征象|sign/symptom zhengxiang 争相|to fall over each other in their eage... zhengxiang 蒸湘|Zhengxiang district of Hengyang city ... zhengxiang 正象|to be just like zhengxiang 症象|symptom zhengxiangbaiqi 正镶白旗|Plain and Bordered White banner or Sh... zhengxiangguan 正相关|positive correlation zhengxiangli 正向力|normal force (physics) zhengxiangqu 蒸湘区|Zhengxiang district of Hengyang city ... zhengxiankonghou 争先恐后|striving to be first and fearing to b... zhengxianxing 正弦形|sinusoidal (shaped like a sine wave) zhengxie 政协|CPPCC (Chinese People\'s Political Con... zhengxie 正邪|opposition between vital energy 正氣|正气... zhengxiexiangzheng 正邪相争|term in TCM describing the progress o... zhengxin 征信|to examine the reliability/reliable/c... zhengxing 整型|(computing) integer/(Tw) to perform o... zhengxing 整形|shaping/reshaping/plastic surgery or ... zhengxingbiaoben 正型标本|holotype zhengxingjuan 郑幸娟|Zheng Xingjuan (1989-), Chinese athle... zhengxingwaike 整形外科|plastic surgery/orthopedics zhengxingwaikeyisheng 整形外科医生|plastic surgeon zhengxinshe 征信社|(Tw) private investigator; credit bureau zhengxiong 争雄|to contend for supremacy zhengxiu 整修|to repair/to refurbish/to renovate/to... zhengxuan 郑玄|Zheng Xuan (127-200), late Han scholar zhengxuan 征选|to call for entries and select the be... zhengxun 征询|to consult; to solicit the opinion of zhengxun 整训|to drill troops/to build up and train zhengxunchu 政训处|political training office (during Chi... zhengyan 正眼|facing directly (with one\'s eyes)/(to... zhengyan 睁眼|to open one\'s eyes zhengyan 证言|testimony zhengyan 诤言|to reprove/forthright admonition zhengyan 证验|real results/to verify zhengyandouyan 争妍斗艳|contending for supreme beauty (esp. o... zhengyang 正阳|Zhengyang county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店... zhengyangxian 正阳县|Zhengyang county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店... zhengyanlise 正颜厉色|solemn in countenance (idiom); strict... zhengyanlise 正言厉色|solemn in word and countenance (idiom... zhengyanshuoxiahua 睁眼说瞎话|(idiom) to lie through one\'s teeth; t... zhengyanxia 睁眼瞎|an illiterate/sb who has blurred visi... zhengyao 正要|to be just about to/to be on the poin... zhengyao 政要|important political leader/government... zhengye 整夜|the whole night/all through the night zhengye 正业|one\'s regular job zhengyi 争议|controversy/dispute/to dispute zhengyi 正义|justice/righteousness/just/righteous zhengyi 征衣|traveler\'s clothing/military uniform zhengyi 正意|sense (in DNA) zhengyidang 正义党|Justicialist Party zhengyidouzheng 正义斗争|righteous struggle zhengyijian 郑伊健|Ekin Cheng (1967-), Hong Kong actor a... zhengyili 郑易里|Zheng Yili (1906-2002), translator, e... zhengyimoren 正义魔人|(Tw) sanctimonious person/self-appoin... zhengyin 正音|standard pronunciation/to correct sb\'... zhengyixing 争议性|controversial zhengyiyanbiyiyan 睁一眼闭一眼|to turn a blind eye zhengyizhiyanbiyizhiyan 睁一只眼闭一只眼|to turn a blind eye zhengyong 征用|to expropriate/to commandeer zhengyong 正用|correct usage zhengyou 诤友|a friend capable of direct admonition zhengyou 征友|to seek new friends through personal ... zhengyu 整域|integral domain (abstract algebra) zhengyue 正月|first month of the lunar year zhengyuechuyi 正月初一|New Year\'s Day in the lunar calendar zhengyuling 郑裕玲|Carol \"Dodo\" Cheng Yu-Ling (1957-), H... zhengzai 正在|just at (that time)/right in (that pl... zhengze 正则|regular (figure in geometry) zhengzebiaodashi 正则表达式|regular expression (computing) zhengzecanshu 正则参数|regular parametrization zhengzha 挣扎|to struggle zhengzhan 征战|campaign; expedition zhengzhan 争战|fight zhengzhang 证章|badge zhengzhao 征兆|omen/sign (that sth is about to happe... zhengzhao 证照|license; permit/ID photo; passport photo zhengzhao 征召|to enlist/to draft/to conscript/to ap... zhengzhao 正着|head-on/red-handed zhengzheng 丁丁|sound of chopping wood, chess pieces ... zhengzheng 整整|whole/full zhengzheng 怔怔|in a daze zhengzheng 正正|neat/orderly/just in time zhengzheng-tiegu 铮铮铁骨|see 鐵骨錚錚|铁骨铮铮[tie3gu3-zheng1zheng1] zhengzhengqiqi 整整齐齐|neat and tidy zhengzhengrishang 蒸蒸日上|becoming more prosperous with each pa... zhengzhengshu 正整数|positive integer zhengzhengtiehan 铮铮铁汉|a strong and determined man (idiom) zhengzheyanjingshuoxiahua 睁着眼睛说瞎话|(idiom) to lie through one\'s teeth; t... zhengzhi 政治|politics/political zhengzhi 整治|to bring under control/to regulate/to... zhengzhi 正职|main job/day job/steady full-time job... zhengzhi 争执|to dispute/to disagree/to argue opini... zhengzhi 正直|upright/upstanding/honest zhengzhi 正值|just at the time of/honest/upright/(m... zhengzhibihu 政治庇护|political asylum zhengzhibinan 政治避难|political asylum zhengzhibu 政治部|political division/cadre department zhengzhibuxia 争执不下|to quarrel endlessly zhengzhifan 政治犯|political prisoner zhengzhigaige 政治改革|political reform zhengzhiguanxi 政治关系|political relations zhengzhihua 政治化|to politicize zhengzhijia 政治家|statesman/politician/CL:個|个[ge4],位[we... zhengzhijigou 政治机构|political organization zhengzhijingjixue 政治经济学|political economy zhengzhiju 政治局|politburo zhengzhijumian 政治局面|political climate zhengzhilichang 政治立场|political position zhengzhiqihou 政治气候|political climate zhengzhirenwu 政治人物|political figure/politician/statesman zhengzhishenghuo 政治生活|political life zhengzhishi 政治史|political history zhengzhisixiang 政治思想|political thought/ideology zhengzhitizhi 政治体制|form of government zhengzhiweiyuan 政治委员|political commissar (during Russian a... zhengzhiwutai 政治舞台|political arena zhengzhixing 政治性|political zhengzhixue 政治学|politics/political science zhengzhiyanbizhiyan 睁只眼闭只眼|to turn a blind eye zhengzhiyiyirenshi 政治异议人士|political dissident zhengzhiyundong 政治运动|political movement zhengzhizhengque 政治正确|political correctness/politically cor... zhengzhong 正中|middle/center/right in the middle or ... zhengzhong 郑重|serious/solemn/earnest/conscientious zhengzhong 怔忪|frightened/scared/terrified zhengzhong 征彸|scared/badly frightened zhengzhongqishi 郑重其事|serious about the matter zhengzhongxiahuai 正中下怀|exactly what one wants zhengzhongyaohai 正中要害|to hit the nail on the head (idiom) zhengzhou 郑州|see 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4zhou1 Shi4] zhengzhoudaxue 郑州大学|Zhengzhou University zhengzhoushi 郑州市|Zhengzhou, prefecture-level city and ... zhengzhu 怔住|dumbfounded; stunned zhengzhu 正主|central figure/rightful owner/(slang)... zhengzhuan 正传|main subject of long novel/true biogr... zhengzhuan 征传|narrative of long journey/campaign re... zhengzhuang 症状|symptom (of an illness) zhengzhuang 整装|to equip/to fit out/to get ready (for... zhengzhuang 正装|formal dress zhengzhuang 征状|symptom zhengzhuang 整妆|same as 整裝|整装/to get ready (for a jou... zhengzhuangdaifa 整装待发|to get ready (for a journey)/ready an... zhengzhuangxing 症状性|symptomatic zhengzi 正字|to correct an erroneously written cha... zhengzi 正子|positron/also called 正電子|正电子[zheng4 d... zhengzifa 正字法|orthography zhengzitong 正字通|Zhengzitong, Chinese character dictio... zhengzong 正宗|orthodox school/fig. traditional/old ... zhengzu 正祖|Jeonjo (1752-1800), 22nd king of Kore... zhenhai 镇海|Zhenhai district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁... zhenhai 震骇|to astonish/to horrify zhenhaiqu 镇海区|Zhenhai district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁... zhenhan 震撼|to shake/to shock/to stun/shocking/st... zhenhandan 震撼弹|stun grenade/(Tw) (fig.) sth that pro... zhenhanxing 震撼性|shocking/stunning/sensational zhenhe 真核|eukaryotic zhenhoushengdongwu 真后生动物|eumetazoa/subkingdom of animals exclu... zhenhuajing 臻化境|to reach the pinnacle (of artistic sk... zhenhuang 震惶|to terrify zhenhun 震昏|to knock out (of a jolt from an earth... zheniantou 这年头|(coll.) nowadays zhenji 震级|degree of earthquake (on magnitude sc... zhenji 侦缉|to track down/to investigate and arrest zhenji 赈济|to give relief aid zhenji 真迹|authentic (painting or calligraphy)/g... zhenji 真际|the truth/reality zhenji 榛鸡|hazel grouse zhenji 针剂|fluid loaded into a syringe for a hyp... zhenjia 真假|genuine or fake/true or false zhenjian 诊间|examination room (in a doctor\'s office) zhenjiananbian 真假难辨|hard to distinguish real from imitation zhenjianduimaimang 针尖对麦芒|sharply opposed to each other, with n... zhenjiang 镇江|see 鎮江市|镇江市[Zhen4jiang1 Shi4] zhenjiang 浈江|Zhenjiang district of Shaoguan City 韶... zhenjiangqu 浈江区|Zhenjiang district of Shaoguan City 韶... zhenjiangshi 镇江市|Zhenjiang, prefecture-level city in J... zhenjianrduimaimangr 针尖儿对麦芒儿|see 針尖對麥芒|针尖对麦芒[zhen1 jian1 dui4 mai4... zhenjianyanxulie 帧检验序列|frame check sequence (FCS) zhenjie 贞洁|chastity zhenjie 贞节|chastity/virginity (of women)/moral i... zhenjie 枕藉|to lie in total disorder/lying fallen... zhenjiepaifang 贞节牌坊|memorial arch in honor of a chaste widow zhenjin 枕巾|pillow cloth zhenjinbupahuolaishao 真金不怕火来烧|see 真金不怕火煉|真金不怕火炼[zhen1 jin1 bu4 pa4 ... zhenjinbupahuolian 真金不怕火炼|True gold fears no fire. (idiom) zhenjing 震惊|to shock/to astonish zhenjing 真经|sutra/Taoist treatise zhenjing 镇静|calm/cool zhenjingji 镇痉剂|antispasmodic (pharmacology) zhenjingji 镇静剂|tranquilizer zhenjingyao 镇静药|sedative zhenjingzhongwai 震惊中外|to shock the whole world zhenjiping 针剂瓶|ampoule zhenjiu 针灸|acupuncture and moxibustion/to give o... zhenjiu 斟酒|to pour wine or liquor zhenju 针具|acupuncture needle/hypodermic needle zhenjuan 赈捐|money donation to relieve distress or... zhenjue 震觉|perception of tremor zhenjun 真菌|fungi/fungus zhenjungang 真菌纲|Eumycetes (taxonomic class of fungi) zhenkang 镇康|Zhenkang county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2... zhenkangxian 镇康县|Zhenkang county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2... zhenke 镇咳|cough suppressant zhenkendingju 真肯定句|true affirmative (TA) zhenkong 针孔|pinhole zhenkong 真空|(physics, fig.) vacuum/(slang) to not... zhenkongbeng 真空泵|vacuum pump zhenkongguan 真空管|vacuum tube zhenkongsheyingji 针孔摄影机|pinhole camera (for espionage, voyeur... zhenkuai 枕块|to use clay for a pillow (during mour... zhenla 真腊|Khmer kingdom of Kampuchea or Cambodi... zhenlai 镇赉|Zhenlai county in Baicheng 白城, Jilin zhenlaixian 镇赉县|Zhenlai county in Baicheng 白城, Jilin zhenlengqinhan 枕冷衾寒|cold pillow and lonely bed (idiom); f... zhenli 真理|truth/CL:個|个[ge4] zhenli 榛栗|hazelnut zhenli 震栗|trembling/to shiver with fear zhenliang 真亮|clear zhenliao 诊疗|diagnosis and treatment zhenlibao 真理报|Pravda (newspaper) zhenlibu 真理部|Ministry of Truth, a fictional minist... zhenlie 阵列|(computing) array (data structure)/(h... zhenlie 贞烈|ready to die to preserve one\'s chastity zhenliuqi 镇流器|electrical ballast zhenlong 震聋|to deafen zhenlongfakui 振聋发聩|lit. so loud that even the deaf can h... zhenlu 甄录|to employ by an examination zhenlv 帧率|frame rate zhenma 针麻|acupuncture anesthesia zhenmai 诊脉|to feel the pulse (TCM)/Taiwan pr. [z... zhenmang 榛莽|(literary) luxuriant vegetation zhenmi 缜密|meticulous/careful/deliberate/delicat... zhenmianmu 真面目|true identity/true colors zhenming 真命|to receive heaven\'s command (of Daois... zhenmu 砧木|rootstock (stem onto which a branch i... zhenmu 枕木|railroad tie/sleeper zhenna 真纳|(Mohammad Ali) Jinnah (founder of Pak... zhennai 珍奶|abbr. for pearl milk tea 珍珠奶茶 zhenningbuyizumiaozuzizhixian 镇宁布依族苗族自治县|Zhenning Buyei and Hmong autonomous c... zhenningxian 镇宁县|Zhenning Buyei and Hmong autonomous c... zhenniu 真牛|(slang) really cool, awesome zhennu 震怒|to be furious zhennv 贞女|female virgin/widow who does not remarry zhenong 蔗农|sugar cane farmer zhenpanjun 真番郡|Zhenpan commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD)... zhenpi 真皮|(anatomy) dermis/genuine leather zhenpiceng 真皮层|dermis zhenpin 珍品|valuable object/curio zhenpin 帧频|frame rate/frame frequency zhenpin 振频|frequency of vibration zhenping 镇平|Zhenping county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2... zhenping 镇坪|Zhenping County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang... zhenpingshiju 真凭实据|reliable evidence (idiom); conclusive... zhenpingxian 镇坪县|Zhenping County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang... zhenpingxian 镇平县|Zhenping county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2... zhenpo 侦破|to investigate (as detective)/to solv... zhenqi 珍奇|rare/strange zhenqie 真切|vivid/distinct/clear/sincere/honest zhenqing 真情|real situation/the truth zhenqing 震情|circumstances of an earthquake zhenqingshiyi 真情实意|out of genuine friendship (idiom)/sin... zhenqinqishou 珍禽奇兽|rare animals and birds zhenqu 镇区|township zhenqu 震区|earthquake area zhenquan 真诠|to explain truly (esp. of classic or ... zhenque 真确|authentic zhenren 真人|a real person/Daoist spiritual master zhenren 榛仁|hazelnut kernel/hazelnut \"meat\" zhenrenban 真人版|real-life version (of some imaginary ... zhenrenbulouxiang 真人不露相|the sage presents as an ordinary pers... zhenrenr 榛仁儿|erhua variant of 榛仁[zhen1 ren2] zhenrenxiu 真人秀|(TV) reality show zhenrenzhenshi 真人真事|genuine people and true events zhenri 镇日|all day zhenrong 阵容|troop arrangement/battle formation/li... zhenrong 真容|portrait/true features; (fig.) true n... zhenru 真如|Tathata zhenrun 缜润|fine and smooth zhense 榛色|filbert zhenshan 镇山|main mountain of a region zhenshanmei 真善美|truth, goodness and beauty zhenshe 震慑|to awe/to intimidate zhenshen 真身|the real body (of Buddha or a God)/tr... zhenshen 真神|the True God zhenshen 甄审|to screen and select (candidates etc) zhensheng 真声|natural voice; modal voice (cf. 假聲|假声... zhenshengzuigaoyin 真声最高音|(music) the highest note one can sing... zhenshi 真实|true; real zhenshi 真是|indeed; truly/(coll.) (used to expres... zhenshi 诊室|consulting room zhenshi 珍视|to place great importance on/to treasure zhenshi 阵势|battle array/disposition of forces/si... zhenshi 真事|reality/veracity/the real thing zhenshi 甄试|selection test/admission exam zhenshi 真释|true explanation/genuine reason zhenshi 榛实|hazelnut zhenshide 真是的|Really! (interj. of annoyance or frus... zhenshigan 真实感|the feeling that sth is genuine/sense... zhenshishuliu 枕石漱流|to live a hermit\'s life (in seclusion... zhenshixing 真实性|authenticity/truthfulness/veracity/re... zhenshou 镇守|(of troops stationed in a strategic a... zhenshoudingjiefu 帧首定界符|start frame delimiter (SFD) zhenshu 真数|logarithm zhenshu 真书|regular script (Chinese calligraphic ... zhenshuai 真率|sincere/genuine/straightforward zhensi 真丝|silk/pure silk zhensong 震悚|(literary) to tremble with fear/to shock zhensou 榛薮|dense wood zhensui 真髓|essence zhensuo 诊所|clinic zhentai 镇台|garrison commander (old) zhentai 甄汰|to eliminate by examination zhentan 侦探|detective/to do detective work zhentao 枕套|pillowcase zhentao 甄陶|to make sth of clay/to appraise peopl... zhenti 真题|questions from previous years\' exams zhentiandongdi 震天动地|to shake heaven and earth (idiom) zhentiangaxiang 震天价响|an earth-shaking noise (idiom) zhenting 侦听|to eavesdrop/to tap (telephone conver... zhentong 镇痛|to suppress pain zhentong 阵痛|labor pains/(fig.) distress caused by... zhentongji 镇痛剂|painkiller/analgesic/anodyne zhentongqi 阵痛期|trying times; painful phase zhentongyao 镇痛药|analgesic zhentou 枕头|pillow zhentou 针头|tip of a needle/syringe needle zhentoudangao 枕头蛋糕|loaf cake zhentoutao 枕头套|pillow case zhentouxiang 枕头箱|Chinese pillow box (used to keep valu... zhentouxiannao 针头线脑|needle and thread/sewing implements/n... zhenwang 阵亡|to die in battle zhenwangzhanshijinianri 阵亡战士纪念日|Memorial Day (American holiday) zhenwangzhe 阵亡者|people killed in battle zhenwei 真伪|true or bogus/authenticity zhenweilvjiu 针尾绿鸠|(bird species of China) pin-tailed gr... zhenweimobian 真伪莫辨|can\'t judge true or false (idiom); un... zhenweishazhui 针尾沙锥|(bird species of China) pin-tailed sn... zhenweiya 针尾鸭|(bird species of China) northern pint... zhenwen 珍闻|oddity/news tidbits/strange and inter... zhenwu 真武|Lord of profound heaven, major Daoist... zhenwu 榛芜|wilderness/bushy and weedy/humble/inf... zhenxi 珍稀|rare/precious and uncommon zhenxi 珍惜|to treasure/to value/to cherish zhenxi 枕席|pillow mat/pillow and mat/bed zhenxian 阵线|a front (militant group)/line of batt... zhenxian 针线|needle and thread/needlework zhenxian 真蚬|Corbicula leana, a species of clam zhenxianboli 针线箔篱|(dialect) wicker sewing basket zhenxiang 真相|the truth about sth; the actual facts zhenxiang 震响|trembling sound/vibration zhenxiang 真香|awesome (expression of approval used ... zhenxiang 真象|(variant of 真相[zhen1 xiang4]) the tru... zhenxiangbilu 真相毕露|real face fully revealed (idiom); fig... zhenxiangdabai 真相大白|the whole truth is revealed (idiom); ... zhenxianhuo 针线活|needlework/sewing zhenxianhuoji 针线活计|needlework/sewing zhenxianhuor 针线活儿|needlework/working for a living as a ... zhenxin 真心|wholeheartedness; sincerity zhenxin 枕心|bare pillow (i.e. the pillow without ... zhenxin-shiyi 真心实意|(idiom) genuine; sincere; wholehearted zhenxing 振兴|Zhengxing district of Dandong city 丹東... zhenxing 振兴|to revive; to revitalize; to invigora... zhenxing 真性|real/the nature of sth zhenxing 阵型|formation (of a sports team, troops etc) zhenxingqu 振兴区|Zhengxing district of Dandong city 丹東... zhenxinhuadamaoxian 真心话大冒险|The Moment of Truth (TV show)/Truth o... zhenxiong 真凶|culprit zhenxiong 镇雄|Zhenxiong county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1... zhenxiongxian 镇雄县|Zhenxiong county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1... zhenxir 枕席儿|erhua variant of 枕席[zhen3 xi2] zhenxiu 珍馐|delicacy/dainties/rare foodstuff zhenxiu 珍羞|variant of 珍饈|珍馐[zhen1xiu1] zhenxiumeiwei 珍馐美味|delicacy and fine taste (idiom); a wo... zhenxiumeizhuan 珍馐美馔|delicacy and fine taste (idiom); a wo... zhenxu 赈恤|relief aid zhenxuan 甄选|to select; to pick zhenxuandan 震眩弹|stun grenade zhenxun 侦讯|to interrogate during investigation zhenxun 甄训|(Tw) to identify (talented individual... zhenya 镇压|suppression/repression/to suppress/to... zhenyafangemingyundong 镇压反革命运动|Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutio... zhenyan 箴言|admonition/exhortation/dictum/the bib... zhenyan 真言|true statement/incantation (translate... zhenyan 针眼|eye of a needle/pinprick/pinhole zhenyan 针眼|(medicine) sty zhenyan 针鼹|echidna zhenyang 震央|earthquake epicenter (Tw) zhenyanshuliu 枕岩漱流|see 枕石漱流[zhen3 shi2 shu4 liu2] zhenyanzong 真言宗|Shingon Buddhism zhenyao 镇妖|to drive away evil spirits zhenye 针叶|needle-leaved (tree) zhenye 枕叶|occipital lobe zhenyelin 针叶林|needle-leaved forest zhenyeshu 针叶树|conifer zhenyezhiwu 针叶植物|needle-leaved plant (e.g. pine tree) zhenyi 真意|real intention/true meaning/correct i... zhenyi 珍异|rare/precious and odd zhenyin 震音|(music) tremolo zhenying 阵营|group of people/camp/faction/sides in... zhenyong 甄用|to employ by examination zhenyounide 真有你的|You\'re really quite something!/You\'re... zhenyu 阵雨|shower (rain) zhenyu 针鱼|saury fish (family Scomberesocidae) zhenyu 鸩羽|the poisonous feathers of the legenda... zhenyu 畛域|(formal) boundary/scope zhenyuan 镇原|Zhenyuan county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qin... zhenyuan 震源|epicenter (of earthquake)/hypocenter zhenyuan 镇远|Zhenyuan county in Qiandongnan Miao a... zhenyuanjizhi 震源机制|(seismology) focal mechanism zhenyuanxian 镇原县|Zhenyuan county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qin... zhenyuanxian 镇沅县|Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu autonomous... zhenyuanxian 镇源县|Zhenyuan county in Yunnan zhenyuanxian 镇远县|Zhenyuan county in Qiandongnan Miao a... zhenyuanyizuhanizulahuzuzizhixian 镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县|Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu autonomous... zhenyuwanshan 臻于完善|to attain perfection (idiom) zhenyuzhizhi 臻于郅治|to attain a state of perfect governan... zhenza 缜匝|dense/fine (texture) zhenzai 赈灾|disaster relief zhenzai 震灾|disastrous earthquake zhenzao 甄藻|to discern talent zhenzha 针扎|pincushion zhenzhan 针毡|needle felting (craft)/piece of felt ... zhenzhang 镇长|town headman/mayor (of small town or ... zhenzhao 朕兆|omen/sign (that sth is about to happe... zhenzhen 真真|really/in fact/genuinely/scrupulously zhenzhen 榛榛|overgrown with wild plants zhenzheng 真正|genuine; real; true/really; indeed zhenzhenyouci 振振有词|to speak forcefully and with justice ... zhenzhenyouci 振振有辞|to speak forcefully and with justice ... zhenzhi 针织|knitting/knitted garment zhenzhi 镇纸|paperweight zhenzhi 诊治|to diagnose and treat zhenzhi 真挚|sincere/sincerity zhenzhi 真知|real knowledge zhenzhi 臻至|to reach zhenzhibiao 真值表|truth table zhenzhipin 针织品|knitwear zhenzhizhuojian 真知灼见|penetrating insight zhenzhong 震中|earthquake epicenter zhenzhong 珍重|precious/extremely valuable/(honorifi... zhenzhongji 帧中继|frame relay zhenzhu 珍珠|pearl (CL:顆|颗[ke1],粒[li4])/(fig.) tea... zhenzhu 真主|Allah zhenzhu 镇住|to dominate/to control/to subdue/to c... zhenzhu 真珠|variant of 珍珠[zhen1zhu1] zhenzhuang 针状|needle-shaped zhenzhuangrongyan 枕状熔岩|(geology) pillow lava zhenzhudang 真主党|Hezbollah (Lebanon Islamic group) zhenzhufeicuibaiyutang 珍珠翡翠白玉汤|cabbage, rice and tofu soup zhenzhugang 珍珠港|Pearl Harbor (Hawaii) zhenzhumu 珍珠母|mother-of-pearl (used in ornamentatio... zhenzhunaicha 珍珠奶茶|pearl milk tea/tapioca milk tea/bubbl... zhenzhuo 斟酌|to consider/to deliberate/to fill up ... zhenzhuojuedingquan 斟酌决定权|discretionary power zhenzhuoziju 斟酌字句|to measure one\'s words zhenzhuxiaofanqie 珍珠小番茄|see 聖女果|圣女果[sheng4 nu:3 guo3] zhenzhuyan 珍珠岩|perlite zhenzi 镇子|town/village zhenzi 榛子|hazelnut zhenzi 疹子|rash zhenzi 阵子|period of time zhenziji 真子集|proper subset zhenzong 甄综|to comprehensively appraise and select zhenzuo 振作|to bestir oneself/to pull oneself tog... zhenzuo 枕葄|pillow zhepao 柘袍|imperial yellow robe zhequ 褶曲|creasing/folding zhequn 折裙|pleated skirt zher 这儿|here zheren 哲人|wise man zherenqiwei 哲人其萎|a wise man has passed away (idiom) zherenshi 哲人石|philosopher\'s stone zherong 柘荣|Zherong county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 ... zherongxian 柘荣县|Zherong county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 ... zhesha 折杀|to not deserve (one\'s good fortune etc) zhesha 折煞|variant of 折殺|折杀[zhe2 sha1] zheshan 折扇|folding fan zheshanwangzhenashangao 这山望着那山高|lit. the next mountain looks taller (... zheshe 折射|to refract/refraction/to reflect (in ... zheshelv 折射率|index of refraction zheshi 这时|at this time/at this moment zheshi 赭石|ocher (pigment) zheshou 折寿|to have one\'s life shortened (by exce... zheshu 谪戍|in exile as penal servitude zheshu 柘树|silkworm thorn tree zhesi 这厮|this so-and-so zhesi 柘丝|silk from worms fed on 柘[zhe4] leaves zhesuan 折算|to convert (between currencies) zhesun 折损|to suffer losses; to lose (some of on... zhetang 蔗糖|cane sugar/sucrose zhetangsu 蔗糖素|sucralose zheteng 折腾|to toss from side to side (e.g. sleep... zhetian 这天|today/this day zhetianbiri 遮天蔽日|lit. hiding the sky and covering the ... zhetou 折头|discount zhewei 这位|this (person) zhexia 这下|this time zhexiagao 遮瑕膏|concealer (cosmetics) zhexian 折线|broken line (continuous figure made u... zhexian 谪仙|a genius (literally, an immortal who ... zhexian 折现|to discount zhexian 摺线|variant of 折線|折线[zhe2 xian4], broken ... zhexianlv 折现率|discount rate zhexiantu 折线图|line chart zhexiazi 这下子|this time zhexie 这些|these zhexiege 这些个|these zhexiu 遮羞|to cover up one\'s embarrassment/to hu... zhexiubu 遮羞布|loincloth/(fig.) fig leaf/CL:塊|块[kuai4] zhexue 哲学|philosophy/CL:個|个[ge4] zhexueboshixuewei 哲学博士学位|PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy)/als... zhexuejia 哲学家|philosopher zhexueshi 哲学史|history of philosophy zheyan 遮掩|to cover/to mask/to cover up or conce... zheyan 柘砚|ink slabs from a place in Shandong zheyang 这样|this kind of/so/this way/like this/such zheyang 遮阳|to shield from the sun zheyangban 遮阳板|sun visor/sunshade/sunshading board zheyangyilai 这样一来|thus/if this happens then zheyangzi 这样子|so/such/this way/like this zheyao 折腰|to bend at the waist; to bow/(fig.) t... zheyi 折椅|folding chair zheyi 赭衣|convict\'s garb in ancient times/convict zheyin 遮荫|to provide shade/Taiwan pr. [zhe1yin4] zheyin 遮阴|to provide shade zheyizhenzi 这一阵子|recently/currently zhezan 这咱|now/at this moment zhezaowanr 这早晚儿|now/at this time/this late zhezha 蔗渣|bagasse (sugar cane waste) zhezhenr 这阵儿|now/at present/at this juncture zhezhenzi 这阵子|now/at present/at this juncture zhezheyanyan 遮遮掩掩|to be secretive; to try to cover up (... zhezhi 折纸|to fold paper (to make origami articl... zhezhi 折枝|massage/snapped-off branch/sprig/to s... zhezhong 这种|this kind of zhezhong 折中|to compromise/to take the middle road... zhezhong 折衷|variant of 折中[zhe2 zhong1] zhezhong 螫中|(of a bee, jellyfish etc) to sting (sb) zhezhongyingwu 折衷鹦鹉|Eclectus roratus (red-green parrot of... zhezhongzhuyi 折衷主义|eclecticism zhezhou 褶皱|fold; crease; wrinkle/(geology) fold zhezhou 折皱|fold; crease; wrinkle zhezhoushanmai 褶皱山脉|fold mountain range (geology) zhezhoushanxi 褶皱山系|fold mountain system (geology) zhezhu 遮住|to cover (up)/to block/to obstruct/to... zhezhuan 折转|reflex (angle)/to turn back zhezi 折子|folding notebook/accounts book zhezi 褶子|pleat/fold/crease/wrinkle zhezile 褶子了|to make a mess of sth/to bungle/to mi... zhezixi 折子戏|opera highlights performed as indepen... zhezou 折奏|memorial to the emperor (folded in ac... zhezui 折罪|to atone for a crime zhi 智|(literary) wise; wisdom zhi 知|to know/to be aware zhi 值|value/(to be) worth/to happen to/to b... zhi 只|variant of 隻|只[zhi1] zhi 只|only; merely; just zhi 只|variant of 只[zhi3] zhi 只|grain that has begun to ripen zhi 只|classifier for birds and certain anim... zhi 指|finger/to point at or to/to indicate ... zhi 制|system/to control/to regulate/variant... zhi 制|to manufacture/to make zhi 直|surname Zhi/Zhi (c. 2000 BC), fifth o... zhi 直|straight/to straighten/fair and reaso... zhi 痔|piles/hemorrhoid zhi 质|character/nature/quality/plain/to paw... zhi 职|office/duty zhi 治|to rule/to govern/to manage/to contro... zhi 置|to install/to place/to put/to buy zhi 致|(bound form) fine; delicate; exquisite zhi 致|(literary) to send; to transmit; to c... zhi 之|(possessive particle, literary equiva... zhi 植|to plant zhi 织|to weave zhi 稚|infantile/young zhi 稚|old variant of 稚[zhi4] zhi 稚|variant of 稚[zhi4] zhi 止|to stop/to prohibit/until/only zhi 识|to record/to write a footnote zhi 枝|branch/classifier for sticks, rods, p... zhi 汁|juice zhi 吱|(onom.) creaking or groaning zhi 支|surname Zhi zhi 支|to support/to sustain/to erect/to rai... zhi 执|to execute (a plan)/to grasp zhi 枳|(orange)/hedge thorn zhi 芝|Zoysia pungens zhi 至|to arrive/most/to/until zhi 志|aspiration/ambition/the will zhi 志|sign/mark/to record/to write a footnote zhi 痣|birthmark/mole zhi 滞|sluggish zhi 纸|variant of 紙|纸[zhi3] zhi 纸|paper (CL:張|张[zhang1],沓[da2])/classif... zhi 氏|see 月氏[Yue4 zhi1] and 閼氏|阏氏[yan1 zhi1] zhi 址|(bound form) site; location zhi 址|foundation of a building (variant of ... zhi 豸|worm-like invertebrate/mythical anima... zhi 殖|to grow/to reproduce zhi 紩|to stitch/to mend zhi 酯|ester zhi 秩|(literary) salary according to rank/(... zhi 彘|swine zhi 掷|to toss/to throw dice/Taiwan pr. [zhi2] zhi 鋕|to engrave/to record zhi 脂|fat/rouge (cosmetics)/resin zhi 趾|toe zhi 炙|to broil/to roast zhi 郅|surname Zhi zhi 郅|extremely/very zhi 芷|angelica (type of iris)/plant root us... zhi 摭|pick up/to select zhi 沚|islet zhi 祗|respectful (ly) zhi 畤|ancient sacrifice zhi 帜|flag zhi 祉|felicity zhi 窒|to obstruct/to stop up zhi 轾|back and lower of chariot/short/low zhi 肢|limb zhi 鸷|fierce/brutal/bird of prey zhi 徵|4th note in the ancient Chinese penta... zhi 栉|comb/to comb/to weed out/to eliminate... zhi 卮|goblet zhi 卮|old variant of 卮[zhi1] zhi 栀|gardenia/cape jasmine (Gardenia jasmi... zhi 雉|ringed pheasant zhi 寘|to put aside/to put down/to discard zhi 庤|to prepare zhi 恉|purport zhi 咫|8 in. length unit of Zhou dynasty zhi 袟|surname Zhi zhi 袟|book cover zhi 戠|to gather/old variant of 埴[zhi2] zhi 秷|sound of reaping zhi 廌|unicorn zhi 帙|surname Zhi zhi 帙|book cover zhi 帙|variant of 帙[zhi4]/variant of 秩[zhi4]... zhi 膣|vagina zhi 迣|to leap over zhi 锧|(executioner\'s) block zhi 埴|soil with large clay content zhi 忮|(literary) (bound form) jealous zhi 侄|variant of 姪|侄[zhi2] zhi 侄|brother\'s son; nephew zhi 跖|variant of 蹠|跖[zhi2] zhi 跖|metatarsus/(literary) sole of the foo... zhi 骘|a stallion/to rise/to arrange/to stab... zhi 蜘|used in 蜘蛛[zhi1zhu1] zhi 蛭|fluke/leech/hirudinea zhi 搘|prop up zhi 懥|enraged zhi 懫|enraged/resentful/to hate/to desist zhi 贽|gifts to superiors zhi 桎|fetters zhi 黹|embroidery zhi 挚|surname Zhi zhi 挚|sincere zhi 觯|goblet zhi 踬|to stumble zhi 跂|see 踶跂[di4 zhi1] zhi 夂|\"walk slowly\" component in Chinese ch... zhi 擿|to scratch/old variant of 擲|掷[zhi4] zhi 絷|to connect/to tie up zhi 値|variant of 值[zhi2] zhi 铚|sickle zhi 厎|whetstone zhi 轵|end of axle outside of hub zhi 柣|threshold zhi 騺|heavy horse/horse unable to move beca... zhi 踯|used in 躑躅|踯躅[zhi2zhu2] zhi 跱|to squat/to stop zhi 稙|early-planted crop zhi 滍|(used in place names) zhi 鼅|old variant of 蜘[zhi1] zhi 椥|used in 檳椥|槟椥[Bin1 zhi1] zhi 厔|river bent zhi 泜|a river in Hebei province zhi 猘|mad dog zhi 鳷|general term for jay/Garrulus lidthi zhi 胝|used in 胼胝[pian2zhi1] zhi 偫|to wait for/to lay in zhi 榰|base of pillar/prop zhi 豑|old variant of 秩[zhi4] zhi 蘵|Physalis angulata zhi 胑|wings of birds/legs of animals zhi 樴|stake/picket zhi 䵹|old variant of 蜘[zhi1] zhi 疐|prostrate zhi 鉄|old variant of 紩[zhi4] zhi 峙|(literary) to tower aloft zhi 䟖|erroneous variant of 趾[zhi3] zhi 乿|old variant of 治[zhi4] zhi 旨|imperial decree/purport/aim/purpose zhi 陟|to advance/to ascend/to promote zhiai 致癌|to cause cancer; carcinogenic zhiai 至爱|most beloved zhiai 挚爱|true love zhiai 窒碍|(literary) to be obstructed zhiai 致哀|to express grief/to mourn zhiai 志哀|to pay respects to the dead/to mark s... zhiaiwu 致癌物|carcinogen zhiaiwuzhi 致癌物质|carcinogen/cancer causing substance zhian 治安|law and order/public security zhibai 直白|to speak frankly/frank; open; blunt zhiban 制版|to make a plate (printing) zhiban 值班|to work a shift/on duty zhiban 置办|to purchase/to buy zhiban 纸板|cardboard zhiban 指板|fingerboard (of a guitar or violin etc) zhibao 治保|law enforcement and protection of the... zhibao 至宝|most valuable treasure/most precious ... zhibaobuzhuhuo 纸包不住火|lit. paper can\'t wrap fire; fig. the ... zhibaoyinpin 纸包饮品|juice box/drink in a carton/Tetra Pak... zhibei 制备|to prepare/preparation (chemistry) zhibei 纸杯|paper cup zhibei 植被|vegetation/plant cover zhibei 指北|guide; handbook zhibeizhen 指北针|compass zhiben 治本|to tackle a problem at its root; to e... zhiben 直奔|to go straight to/to make a beeline for zhibi 纸币|bank notes/paper currency/CL:張|张[zhang1] zhibi 执笔|to write/to do the actual writing zhibi 栉比|lined up close (like teeth of a comb) zhibi 直笔|a straightforward honest account zhibian 质变|qualitative change/fundamental change zhibian 支边|to help develop the border areas zhibian 置辩|to argue zhibiao 指标|(production) target; quota/index; ind... zhibiao 制表|to tabulate/tabulation/scheduling/wat... zhibiao 治标|to treat only the symptoms but not th... zhibiaobuzhiben 治标不治本|to treat the symptoms but not the roo... zhibing 致病|to cause disease; to be pathogenic zhibing 治病|to treat an illness zhibingji 制冰机|ice maker zhibingjiuren 治病救人|to treat the disease to save the pati... zhibingjun 致病菌|pathogenic bacteria zhibingxing 致病性|pathogenic/pathogenicity zhibizhiji 知彼知己|to know the enemy and know oneself (i... zhibizhiji,baizhanbudai 知彼知己,百战不殆|knowing the enemy and yourself will g... zhibo 直播|(TV, radio) to broadcast live/live br... zhibo 纸箔|joss paper zhibodaihuo 直播带货|(neologism c. 2020) (of an Internet i... zhibojian 直播间|studio for live streaming/a live stream zhibu 支部|branch, esp. grass root branches of a... zhibu 织布|woven cloth/to weave cloth zhibu 止步|to halt/to stop/to go no farther zhibu 织补|darning/to darn zhibuguo 只不过|only/merely/nothing but/no more than/... zhibuji 织布机|loom zhibuluotuo 直布罗陀|Gibraltar zhibuluotuohaixia 直布罗陀海峡|Strait of Gibraltar zhibuzaici 志不在此|to have one\'s ambitions elsewhere (id... zhicai 制裁|to punish/punishment/sanctions (incl.... zhican 致残|to be crippled (in an accident etc) zhicao 纸草|papyrus zhichai 支差|to assign corvée duties (forced labor) zhichang 直肠|rectum (anatomy) zhichang 职场|workplace/workforce (of a nation or i... zhichangjing 直肠镜|proctoscope (medicine) zhichangzhidu 直肠直肚|frank and outspoken (idiom) zhichangzi 直肠子|(coll.) forthright person zhichao 纸钞|banknote zhichashi 直插式|(of a connector etc) inline zhichen 直陈|to say straight out/to point out blun... zhicheng 职称|one\'s professional position/title/job... zhicheng 支撑|to prop up/to support/strut/brace zhicheng 制成|to manufacture/to turn out (a product) zhicheng 支承|to support/to bear the weight of (a b... zhicheng 至诚|sincere zhicheng 指称|designation/reference/to refer to zhicheng 挚诚|sincere zhicheng 枝城|Zicheng town in Yidu county 宜都[Yi2 du... zhicheng 制程|manufacturing process/processing zhichengjia 支撑架|bracket zhichengpin 制成品|manufactured goods; finished product zhichengxiao 支承销|fulcrum pin zhichengzhen 枝城镇|Zicheng town in Yidu county 宜都[Yi2 du... zhichi 支持|to be in favor of/to support/to back/... zhichi 智齿|wisdom tooth zhichi 直尺|straight ruler zhichi 咫尺|very close/very near zhichi 至迟|at the latest zhichi 指斥|to denounce/to censure/to rebuke zhichi 知耻|to have a sense of shame zhichidu 支持度|degree of support/percentage of vote zhichilv 支持率|support level/popularity rating zhichimu 直翅目|Orthoptera (insect order including gr... zhichitianya 咫尺天涯|so close, yet worlds apart (idiom) zhichizhe 支持者|supporter zhichong 稚虫|naiad/larva/developmental stage of in... zhichu 指出|to indicate/to point out zhichu 支出|to spend; to pay out/expenses; expend... zhichuan 质传|see 傳質|传质[chuan2 zhi4] zhichuang 痔疮|hemorrhoid zhichun 雉鹑|(bird species of China) chestnut-thro... zhici 致辞|to express in words or writing/to mak... zhici 至此|up until now/so far zhici 致词|to make a speech/to make some remarks zhici 值此|on this (occasion)/at this time when ... zhicuonenggai 知错能改|to recognize one\'s mistakes and be ab... zhida 直达|to reach (a place) directly/(transpor... zhidache 直达车|through train (or bus) zhidaguoruopengxiaoxian 治大国若烹小鲜|ruling a large nation is like cooking... zhidahangban 直达航班|direct flight zhidai 纸带|paper tape/ticker tape/paper streamer zhidai 纸袋|paper bag zhidai 指代|to refer to/to be used in place of zhidai 直待|to wait until/until zhidalieche 直达列车|through train zhidan 志丹|Zhidan county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1],... zhidanbai 脂蛋白|lipoprotein zhidang 至当|most suitable; extremely appropriate zhidangfangbi 织当访婢|if it\'s weaving, ask the maid (idiom)... zhidanxian 志丹县|Zhidan county in Yan\'an 延安[Yan2 an1],... zhidao 指导|to guide; to direct; to instruct/coac... zhidao 知道|to know; to become aware of/also pr. ... zhidao 执导|to direct (a film, play etc) zhidao 制导|to control (the course of sth); to gu... zhidao 直到|until zhidao 直捣|to advance directly toward (an enemy ... zhidao 指到|to point at; to indicate zhidaoerxing 直道而行|lit. to go straight (idiom, from Anal... zhidaohuanglong 直捣黄龙|lit. to directly attack Huanglong/fig... zhidaojiaoshou 指导教授|adviser/advising professor zhidaoke 指导课|tutorial/period of tuition for one or... zhidaole 知道了|OK!/Got it! zhidaoxianzai 直到现在|even now/until now/right up to the pr... zhidaoyuan 指导员|instructor/coach/political instructor... zhidaozhe 指导者|coach; mentor; counselor; instructor;... zhide 值得|worth the money/to merit; to deserve;... zhide 只得|to have no alternative but to; to be ... zhide 至德|splendid virtue/majestic moral charac... zhidefeiyue 质的飞跃|qualitative leap zhidengdeng 直瞪瞪|to stare blankly zhideyiman 志得意满|fully content with one\'s achievements... zhideyiti 值得一提|to be worth mentioning zhidi 质地|texture/background (texture)/grain/qu... zhidi 直笛|(Tw) recorder (musical instrument) zhidian 质点|point mass/particle zhidian 指点|to point out/to indicate/to give dire... zhidian 致电|to phone/to telegram zhidian 支点|fulcrum (for a lever) zhidian 支店|branch store zhidian 止点|(mechanical engineering) dead point; ... zhidianjiangshan 指点江山|to talk idly about important matters ... zhidianmijin 指点迷津|to show sb how to get to the right path zhiding 制定|to draw up; to formulate zhiding 指定|to appoint/to assign/to indicate clea... zhiding 置顶|to sticky (an Internet forum thread etc) zhiding 制订|to work out/to formulate zhiding 纸锭|paper ingots (burned as offerings to ... zhiding 指疔|whitlow/felon zhiding 趾疔|boil on the toe zhidiyousheng 掷地有声|lit. if thrown on the floor, it will ... zhidong 制动|to brake zhidongqi 制动器|brake zhidongtaban 制动踏板|brake pedal zhidu 制度|system (e.g. political, adminstrative... zhidu 只读|(computing) read-only zhiduanqingchang 纸短情长|(idiom) a piece of paper is too short... zhiduhua 制度化|systematization zhidui 支队|detachment (of troops) zhidui 纸堆|papers/stack of paper zhiduo 至多|up to the maximum/upper limit/at most zhiduo 治多|Zhidoi County (Tibetan: \'bri stod rdz... zhiduo 直裰|everyday robe worn at home in ancient... zhiduo 直掇|a kind of a robe zhiduo 直敪|a kind of a robe zhiduoxian 治多县|Zhidoi County (Tibetan: \'bri stod rdz... zhiduoxing 智多星|resourceful person/mastermind zhienbubao 知恩不报|ungrateful zhier 侄儿|see 姪子|侄子[zhi2 zi5] zhifa 直发|straight hair zhifa 执法|to enforce a law/law enforcement zhifa 指法|(music) fingering/(TCM) manipulation ... zhifa 植发|to get a hair transplant zhifaban 直发板|see 直髮器|直发器[zhi2 fa4 qi4] zhifafanfa 知法犯法|to know the law and break it (idiom);... zhifang 脂肪|fat (in the body, in a plant, or in f... zhifang 置放|to put/to place zhifanggan 脂肪肝|fatty liver zhifangsuan 脂肪酸|fatty acid zhifangtu 直方图|histogram zhifangtuan 脂肪团|cellulite zhifanyemao 枝繁叶茂|(of plants) to grow luxuriantly; (fig... zhifaqi 直发器|hair straightener zhifarushan 执法如山|to maintain the law as firm as a moun... zhifei 直飞|to fly non-stop; to fly direct (to ...) zhifei 执飞|(of an airline) to run a flight zhifen 脂粉|cosmetics zhifen 职分|duty zhifengmuyu 栉风沐雨|lit. to comb one\'s hair in the wind a... zhifenhuitan 芝焚蕙叹|lit. when one grass burns the other g... zhifenqi 脂粉气|feminine quality/effeminate zhifu 制服|to subdue/to check/to bring under con... zhifu 支付|to pay (money) zhifu 知府|prefectural magistrate (during Tang t... zhifu 致富|to become rich zhifu 芝罘|Zhifu district of Yantai city 煙台市|烟台市... zhifu 执绋|to attend a funeral zhifu 制伏|to overpower/to overwhelm/to subdue/t... zhifu 直幅|vertical scroll/(advertising) vertica... zhifubao 支付宝|Alipay, online payment platform zhifubuqi 支付不起|to be unable to pay/unaffordable zhifudeqi 支付得起|to be able to pay/affordable zhifuni 制服呢|(textiles) uniform coating; durable, ... zhifuqu 芝罘区|Zhifu district of Yantai city 煙台市|烟台市... zhifuweihun 指腹为婚|to propose the future marriage of two... zhiga 吱嘎|(onom.) creak/crunch zhigan 枝干|branch/limb (of a tree) zhigan 质感|realism (in art)/sense of reality/tex... zhigan 直感|intuition/direct feeling or understan... zhigao 职高|vocational high school (abbr. for 職業高... zhigao 至高|paramount/supremacy zhigao 脂膏|fat/grease/riches/fortune/fruits of o... zhigaoqiyang 趾高气扬|high and mighty (idiom); arrogant zhigaoqiyang 志高气扬|high-spirited and smug zhigaotongzhiquan 至高统治权|supreme power/sovereignty zhigaowushang 至高无上|supreme/paramount/unsurpassed zhigasheng 吱嘎声|(linguistics) creaky voice/vocal fry zhigen 植根|to take root/to establish a base zhigen 支根|branching root/rootlet zhigen 直根|taproot (main root growing vertically... zhigengniao 知更鸟|redbreast/robin zhigenyu 植根于|to be rooted to/to take root in zhigong 志工|volunteer zhigong 职工|employee; staff member; worker zhigongsi 支公司|subsidiary/branch zhigougou 直勾勾|(of one\'s gaze) fixed; staring zhigu 桎梏|(literary) shackles zhigu 跖骨|metatarsal bones; metatarsus zhigu 只顾|solely preoccupied (with one thing)/e... zhiguai 志怪|to write about mysterious or supernat... zhiguaixiaoshuo 志怪小说|tales of the supernatural (genre of f... zhiguan 直观|direct observation/directly perceived... zhiguan 只管|solely engrossed in one thing/just (o... zhiguang 支光|watt, unit of power used for electric... zhiguanjie 指关节|knuckle zhiguanzhongyao 至关重要|extremely important/vital/crucial/ess... zhiguo 治国|to rule a country zhiguogaiguo 知过改过|to acknowledge one\'s faults and corre... zhiguolizheng 治国理政|to manage state affairs/to govern the... zhihan 致函|to send a letter zhihang 支行|subbranch of a bank zhihang 直航|to fly or sail direct (to ...) zhihanji 止汗剂|anti-perspirant zhihao 只好|to have no other option but to ...; t... zhihao 至好|best friend zhihao 治好|to cure zhihe 纸鹤|paper crane zhihe 致贺|to congratulate zhiheng 制衡|to check and balance (power)/checks a... zhiheshijunbing 志贺氏菌病|shigellosis/bacillary dysentery zhihou 之后|after; behind/(at the beginning of a ... zhihou 滞后|to lag behind zhihu 直呼|to say straightforwardly zhihu 知乎|Zhihu, Chinese Q&A website modeled on... zhihua 酯化|esterification zhihua 纸花|paper flower zhihua 织花|woven pattern zhihua 直话|straight talk/straightforward words zhihua 止滑|to prevent slipping/anti-slip zhihuan 置换|to permute/permutation (math.)/to dis... zhihuan 指环|(finger) ring zhihuan 掷还|please return (an item sent in the mail) zhihuangjin 纸黄金|gold contract/special drawing right (... zhihuanji 致幻剂|hallucinogen zhihuanqun 置换群|(math.) permutation group zhihuanting 脂环烃|alicyclic hydrocarbon (i.e. involving... zhihuantubian 置换突变|missense mutation zhihui 指挥|to conduct/to command/to direct/condu... zhihui 智慧|wisdom; intelligence zhihui 知会|to inform/to tell/to notify/notification zhihui 纸灰|ash from burnt paper zhihui 置喙|to offer an opinion/to comment (on th... zhihuibang 指挥棒|baton zhihuibu 指挥部|headquarters/command post zhihuicaichan 智慧财产|intellectual property (Tw) zhihuichanquan 智慧产权|intellectual property zhihuichi 智慧齿|wisdom tooth zhihuiguan 指挥官|commander zhihuijia 指挥家|(music) conductor zhihuixingshouji 智慧型手机|smartphone (Tw) zhihuizhe 指挥者|conductor/director zhihuizhongxin 指挥中心|command center zhihun 纸婚|paper wedding (first wedding annivers... zhihuochai 纸火柴|matches made of cardboard zhihuoguo 纸火锅|paper hot pot (hot pot using a single... zhihuqiming 直呼其名|(idiom) to address sb directly by nam... zhihuzheye 之乎者也|lit. 之[zhi1], 乎[hu1], 者[zhe3] and 也[y... zhiji 知己|to know oneself/to be intimate or clo... zhiji 制剂|(chemical or pharmaceutical) preparation zhiji 职级|(job) position/level/grade/rank zhiji 至极|extremely zhiji 之际|during/at the time of zhiji 织机|loom zhiji 值机|(airline) check-in/to check in zhiji 直积|direct product (in set theory) zhiji 致畸|producing abnormality; leading to mal... zhiji 雉鸡|(bird species of China) common pheasa... zhijia 支架|trestle/support/frame/to prop sth up zhijia 制假|to counterfeit/to manufacture counter... zhijia 趾甲|toenail zhijia 纸夹|paper clip zhijia 智驾|(automotive technology) intelligent d... zhijia 指甲|fingernail zhijiadao 指甲刀|nail clipper zhijiagai 指甲盖|fingernail zhijiage 芝加哥|Chicago, USA zhijiagedaxue 芝加哥大学|University of Chicago zhijiajian 指甲剪|nail clipper zhijian 之间|(after a noun) between; among; amid/(... zhijian 指尖|fingertips zhijian 只见|to see (the same thing) over and over... zhijian 质检|quarantine/quality inspection zhijian 制件|workpiece zhijian 直谏|to admonish sb frankly/direct criticism zhijian 指检|(medicine) digital examination (of a ... zhijian 趾尖|tiptoe zhijiang 芷江|Zhijiang Dong autonomous county in Hu... zhijiang 枝江|Zhijiang, county-level city in Yichan... zhijiang 纸浆|paper pulp zhijiang 直僵|rigid/stiff zhijiangdongzuzizhixian 芷江侗族自治县|Zhijiang Dong Autonomous County in Hu... zhijiangshi 枝江市|Zhijiang, county-level city in Yichan... zhijiangxian 芷江县|Zhijiang Dong autonomous county in Hu... zhijianju 质检局|quarantine bureau/quality inspection ... zhijianshumubujiansenlin 只见树木不见森林|unable to see the wood for the trees/... zhijiao 直角|a right angle zhijiao 支教|program bringing education to underde... zhijiao 执教|to teach/to be a teacher/to train/to ... zhijiao 指教|to give advice or comments zhijiao 知交|intimate friend zhijiao 掷筊|poe divination, a traditional Chinese... zhijiao 指交|fingering (sexual act) zhijiao 至交|best friend zhijiaochi 直角尺|a set square (carpenter\'s tool) zhijiaoqi 直角器|a set square (carpenter\'s tool) zhijiaosanjiaoxing 直角三角形|right-angled triangle zhijiaoxie 直脚鞋|shoe that can be worn on either foot zhijiaozuobiao 直角坐标|rectangular coordinates zhijiaqian 指甲钳|nail clipper zhijiayou 指甲油|nail polish zhijidoujiu 只鸡斗酒|lit. a chicken and a bottle of wine (... zhijie 直接|direct (opposite: indirect 間接|间接[jian... zhijie 肢解|to dismember/(fig.) to break into parts zhijie 枝节|branches and knots/fig. side issue/mi... zhijie 直截|straightforward zhijie 支解|variant of 肢解[zhi1 jie3] zhijie 枝解|variant of 肢解[zhi1 jie3] zhijie 指界|determination of cadastral parcel bou... zhijie 直捷|straightforward zhijiebinyu 直接宾语|direct object (grammar) zhijiehengsheng 枝节横生|side issues keep arising (idiom) zhijiejingzheng 直接竞争|direct competitor/direct competition zhijieliaodang 直截了当|direct and plainspoken (idiom); blunt... zhijieliaodang 直捷了当|variant of 直截了當|直截了当[zhi2 jie2 liao3 ... zhijieliaodang 直接了当|see 直截了當|直截了当[zhi2 jie2 liao3 dang4] zhijieshui 直接税|direct tax zhijieshuju 直接数据|data-direct (in LAN emulation) zhijiexuanju 直接选举|direct election zhijimagou 指鸡骂狗|lit. to point at the chicken while sc... zhijin 纸巾|paper towel/napkin/facial tissue/CL:張... zhijin 至今|so far/to this day/until now zhijin 织锦|brocade/silk fabric with colored pattern zhijing 直径|diameter zhijing 致敬|to salute/to pay one\'s respects to/to... zhijing 止境|limit/boundary/end zhijing 枝晶|abbr. of 樹枝狀晶|树枝状晶[shu4 zhi1 zhuang4 ... zhijing 置景|(cinema, theater) to dress the set zhijinjin 织金锦|gold brocade zhijinwu 执金吾|(Han dynasty) official in command of ... zhijizhibi 知己知彼|know yourself, know your enemy (idiom... zhijizhibi,baizhanbudai 知己知彼,百战不殆|know yourself and know your enemy, an... zhijue 知觉|perception/consciousness zhijue 直觉|intuition zhijuejieti 知觉解体|perceptual separability zhijuejue 直撅撅|completely straight zhijueli 知觉力|ability to perceive/perceptivity/sent... zhijuexing 直觉性|intuitiveness zhijun 治军|running of armed forces/military mana... zhijun 职军|(Tw) professional soldier zhikai 支开|to send (sb) away/to change the subje... zhikao 指考|Advanced Subjects Test, university en... zhike 止咳|to suppress coughing zhiketangjiang 止咳糖浆|cough suppressant syrup/cough mixture zhikeyihui,bukeyanchuan 只可意会,不可言传|can be understood, but not described ... zhikong 指控|accusation/a (criminal) charge/to accuse zhikong 支恐|to support terrorism/abbr. for 支持恐怖主義... zhikongquan 制空权|air supremacy; air superiority zhikongshanbei 栉孔扇贝|Farrer\'s scallop (Chlamys farreri), a... zhiku 质库|pawnshop (old) zhiku 炙酷|torrid weather zhiku 智库|think tank; intellectual resource zhilaizhiqu 直来直去|going directly (without detour)/(fig.... zhilaizhiwang 直来直往|blunt/outspoken zhilan 芝兰|lit. iris and orchid/fig. exalted sen... zhilanyushu 芝兰玉树|lit. orchids and jade trees (idiom); ... zhilanzhishi 芝兰之室|lit. a room with irises and orchids (... zhilaohu 纸老虎|paper tiger zhilei 之类|and so on/and such zhileng 制冷|to produce cold air (to cool a room etc) zhilengji 致冷剂|refrigerant zhilengleng 直愣愣|staring blankly zhilengzhire 知冷知热|to know whether others are cold or ho... zhili 智利|Chile zhili 智力|intelligence/intellect zhili 致力|to work for/to devote one\'s efforts to zhili 直立|erect/upright/vertical zhili 治理|to govern/to administer/to manage/to ... zhili 支离|fragmented/disorganized/incoherent zhili 知礼|to be well-mannered zhili 直隶|Zhili, a province from Ming times unt... zhili 质粒|plasmid zhili 殖利|to generate a profit/profit/yield zhilian 直连|to connect directly to zhiliang 质量|quality/(physics) mass zhiliangbaozhang 质量保障|quality assurance (QA) zhiliangguanli 质量管理|quality management zhiliangjiancha 质量检查|quality inspection zhiliangkuai 质量块|a mass/a body zhiliangshu 质量数|atomic weight of an element/atomic mass zhiliao 治疗|to treat (an illness)/medical treatme... zhiliao 知了|cicada (onom.) zhiliao 质料|material/matter zhiliaofa 治疗法|therapy zhiliceyan 智力测验|intelligence test zhilidixia 智力低下|mental retardation zhilie 直列|(of a connector etc) inline zhilimingyan 至理名言|wise saying; words of wisdom zhiling 指令|order/command/instruction zhilingji 指令集|(computing) instruction set zhiliposui 支离破碎|scattered and smashed (idiom) zhiliren 直立人|Homo erectus zhiliu 直流|to flow steadily/direct current (DC) zhiliu 滞留|(of a person) to remain in (a place) ... zhiliu 支流|tributary (river) zhiliu 直馏|direct distillation zhiliudian 直流电|direct current zhiliufeng 滞留锋|stationary front (meteorology) zhiliuji 志留纪|Silurian (geological period 440-417m ... zhiliuliu 直溜溜|straight as an arrow zhiliuxi 志留系|Silurian system (geology)/see 志留紀|志留纪 zhiliwanju 智力玩具|educational toy zhilong 郅隆|prosperous zhilu 指路|to give directions zhilu 祉禄|happiness and wealth zhilu 秩禄|official salaries zhiluobulanya 直落布兰雅|Telok Blangah, a place in Singapore zhiluweima 指鹿为马|making a deer out to be a horse (idio... zhiluzuoma 指鹿作马|to take a deer and call it a horse (i... zhima 芝麻|sesame (seed) zhima 纸马|paper dolls for ritual use in the sha... zhima 脂麻|variant of 芝麻[zhi1 ma5] zhimabao 芝麻包|sesame bun zhimabing 芝麻饼|sesame biscuit zhimacai 芝麻菜|(botany) arugula; rocket; roquette (s... zhimaguan 芝麻官|low ranking official/petty bureaucrat zhimai 置买|to purchase/to buy (usu. real estate) zhimajiang 芝麻酱|sesame paste zhimalvdou 芝麻绿豆|trivial/minute (size) zhiman 枝蔓|branches and tendrils/fig. overcompli... zhimar 纸马儿|erhua variant of 紙馬|纸马[zhi3 ma3] zhimaxiaoshi 芝麻小事|trivial matter/trifle zhimayou 芝麻油|sesame oil zhimei 纸媒|print media/(old) paper taper used to... zhimei 酯酶|esterase, enzyme that breaks up ester... zhimeidengyan 直眉瞪眼|to stare angrily or vacantly zhimeir 纸煤儿|paper taper used to light cigarette etc zhimi 致密|fine; dense; compact zhimi 执迷|to be obsessive/to persist obstinately zhimian 直面|to face (reality, danger etc) zhimiao 植苗|tree planting zhimibuwu 执迷不悟|to obstinately persist in going about... zhimin 殖民|colony/colonial zhimin 植民|variant of 殖民/colony zhimindi 殖民地|colony zhiming 知名|well-known; famous zhiming 致命|fatal/mortal/deadly/to sacrifice one\'... zhiming 指明|to show clearly/to designate/to indicate zhiming 指名|to mention by name/to designate/desig... zhiming 质明|at dawn zhimingdu 知名度|reputation/profile/familiarity in the... zhimingrenshi 知名人士|public figure/celebrity zhimingshang 致命伤|mortal wound/(fig.) fatal weakness/Ac... zhiminzhe 殖民者|colonizer/colonist/settler zhiminzhuyi 殖民主义|colonialism zhimo 指摹|fingerprint/thumbprint/also written 指... zhimo 指模|fingerprint/thumbprint/also written 指... zhimou 智谋|resourcefulness; ingenuity zhimu 知母|Anemarrhena asphodeloides/rhyzome of ... zhimu 制模|mold making zhina 滞纳|overdue (payment)/in arrears zhina 支那|phonetic transcription of China (Japa... zhinajin 滞纳金|overdue fine/late fine zhinan 指南|to guide/guidebook zhinan 质难|to blame zhinan 直男|straight guy zhinanai 直男癌|(slang) male chauvinism zhinanche 指南车|a mechanical compass invented by Zu C... zhinanertui 知难而退|lit. to sound out the difficulties an... zhinangjigou 智囊机构|think tank; brain trust zhinangong 指南宫|Zhinan Temple, Taoist temple in the h... zhinangtuan 智囊团|think tank; brain trust zhinanzhen 指南针|compass zhinaoanniu 止闹按钮|snooze button zhinei 之内|inside; within zhinen 稚嫩|young and tender/puerile/soft and imm... zhineng 只能|can only/obliged to do sth/to have no... zhineng 职能|function/role zhineng 智能|intelligent/able/smart (phone, system... zhinengka 智能卡|smart card zhinengsheji 智能设计|intelligent design (religion) zhinengshouji 智能手机|smartphone zhinengti 智能体|(computing) intelligent agent (in AI) zhinengzhangai 智能障碍|intellectual disability/cognitive dis... zhinian 执念|obsession (CL:股[gu3])/(when followed ... zhiniaobu 纸尿布|disposable diaper zhiniaoku 纸尿裤|disposable diaper zhiniaopian 纸尿片|disposable diaper zhiniu 执拗|stubborn; willful; pigheaded/Taiwan p... zhiniuer 执牛耳|to be the acknowledged leader (from t... zhinugan 支努干|Chinook (helicopter) zhinv 织女|Vega (star)/Weaving girl of folk tales zhinv 侄女|brother\'s daughter; niece zhinv 稚女|little girl (of toddler age) zhinvxing 织女星|Vega, brightest star in constellation... zhinvxu 侄女婿|brother\'s daughter\'s husband/niece\'s ... zhipa 只怕|I\'m afraid that.../perhaps/maybe/very... zhipai 纸牌|playing card zhipai 指派|to assign/to appoint/assignment zhipai 直排|vertical setting (printing) zhipei 支配|to control/to dominate/to allocate zhipeili 支配力|power or force to dominate zhipeiquan 支配权|authority to dispose of sth zhipen 纸盆|paper cone used as hailer zhipi 植皮|to graft skin/skin grafting zhipian 纸片|a piece, scrap or fragment of paper zhipian 制片|moviemaking zhipianchang 制片厂|film studio zhipianren 制片人|moviemaker/filmmaker/producer zhipiao 支票|check (bank)/cheque/CL:本[ben3] zhipiaobu 支票簿|checkbook (banking) zhipin 制品|products/goods zhipin 织品|textile zhipin 纸品|paper products/stationery zhiping 置评|comment/statement zhipu 质谱|mass spectrometry zhipu 质朴|simple/plain/unadorned/unaffected/uns... zhipu 质铺|pawn shop zhipuyi 质谱仪|mass spectrometer zhiqi 志气|ambition/resolve/backbone/drive/spirit zhiqi 稚气|childish nature/infantile/juvenile/pu... zhiqi 治气|to get angry zhiqi 置气|to get angry; to take offense zhiqian 之前|before/prior to/ago/previously/before... zhiqian 值钱|valuable/costly/expensive zhiqian 致歉|to apologize; to express regret zhiqian 纸钱|ritual money made of paper burnt for ... zhiqian 支前|to support the front (military) zhiqian 制钱|copper coin of the Ming and Qing Dyna... zhiqiandongfeng 只欠东风|all we need is an east wind (idiom); ... zhiqianshijian 知悭识俭|(idiom) to know how to be economical zhiqiao 枳壳|bitter orange (Fructus aurantii) (use... zhiqibukeerweizhi 知其不可而为之|to keep going resolutely despite know... zhiqie 挚切|sincere/fervent zhiqifei 滞期费|demurrage charge (shipping) (currency) zhiqiguan 支气管|bronchial tube/bronchus zhiqiguanyan 支气管炎|bronchitis zhiqin 执勤|to be on duty (of a security guard etc) zhiqin 值勤|variant of 執勤|执勤[zhi2 qin2] zhiqin 至亲|next of kin/closely related zhiqing 知情|to know the facts/to understand/to be... zhiqing 挚情|true feelings zhiqing 知青|educated youth (sent to work in farms... zhiqingdali 知情达理|see 通情達理|通情达理[tong1 qing2 da2 li3] zhiqingjingxing 直情径行|straightforward and honest in one\'s a... zhiqingren 知情人|person in the know/insider/informed s... zhiqingtongyi 知情同意|informed consent zhiqiranerbuzhiqisuoyiran 知其然而不知其所以然|(idiom) to know that it is so but not... zhiqiu 直球|(baseball) fastball/(fig.) (coll.) di... zhiqiweituo 稚气未脱|still possessing the innocence of chi... zhiqu 制取|(chemistry) to produce zhiqu 支取|to withdraw (money) zhiqu 智取|to take by ruse/to outwit/to outsmart zhiqu 志趣|inclination/interest zhiqu 知趣|to act tactfully/tactful/discreet zhiqu 旨趣|(literary) purport; objective; intent zhiquan 职权|authority/power over others zhique 职缺|(job) opening zhiranbuwen 秩然不紊|to be in complete order (idiom) zhire 炙热|extremely hot (weather)/blazing (sun)... zhire 制热|to produce heat (to warm up a room etc) zhiren 智人|Homo sapiens zhiren 指认|to identify zhiren 纸人|human figure made of paper or papier-... zhiren 至人|fully realized human being; sage; saint zhiren 织纴|spinning and weaving zhirenshanren 知人善任|(idiom) expert at appointing people a... zhirenshanyong 知人善用|see 知人善任[zhi1 ren2 shan4 ren4] zhirenzhezhi,zizhizheming 知人者智,自知者明|those who understand others are cleve... zhirenzhima 纸人纸马|paper dolls for ritual use in the sha... zhirenzhimianbuzhixin 知人知面不知心|one may know a person for a long time... zhiri 值日|on day duty zhirikedai 指日可待|imminent/just around the corner (idiom) zhirisheng 值日生|student on duty/prefect zhiru 植入|to implant zhiru 置入|to insert/to implant/to embed/to intr... zhiruo 稚弱|immature and feeble zhiruo 至若|as for zhiruowangwen 置若罔闻|to turn a deaf ear to (idiom); to pre... zhirushiguanggao 植入式广告|product placement zhiruxingxingxiao 置入性行销|product placement zhisai 滞塞|to obstruct zhisang 治丧|to organize and carry out a funeral zhisangmahuai 指桑骂槐|lit. to point at the mulberry tree an... zhishai 掷色|to throw the dice zhishang 之上|above zhishang 至上|supreme/paramount/above all else zhishang 智商|IQ (intelligence quotient) zhishang 治伤|to treat an injury zhishangshui 智商税|stupid tax; unwise purchase zhishangtanbing 纸上谈兵|lit. military tactics on paper (idiom... zhishangyunxiao 直上云霄|to soar into the sky zhishao 至少|at least/(to say the) least zhishen 置身|to place oneself/to stay zhishen 只身|alone; by oneself zhishen-shiwai 置身事外|(idiom) not to get involved; to stay ... zhisheng 制胜|to win; to prevail; to come out on top zhisheng 吱声|to utter a word/to make a sound/to ch... zhishengfeiji 直升飞机|see 直升機|直升机[zhi2 sheng1 ji1] zhishengji 直升机|helicopter/CL:架[jia4] zhishengjiping 直升机坪|helipad zhishenxing 智神星|Pallas, an asteroid, discovered in 18... zhishi 知识|knowledge/CL:門|门[men2]/intellectual zhishi 只是|merely; only; just; nothing but/simpl... zhishi 指示|to point out/to indicate/to instruct/... zhishi 芝士|cheese (loanword) zhishi 制式|standardized/standard (service, metho... zhishi 直视|to look straight at zhishi 致使|to cause/to result in zhishi 执事|to perform one\'s job/attendant/job/du... zhishi 执事|paraphernalia of a guard of honor zhishi 指使|to incite/to prompt (sb to do sth) zhishi 支使|to order (sb) around/to send on an er... zhishi 指事|ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六... zhishi 致仕|to retire from a government post (old) zhishi 枳实|dried fruit of immature citron or tri... zhishi 执拾|to tidy up (dialect) zhishi 智识|knowledge; learning/(attributive) int... zhishi 蛭石|vermiculite zhishibaoku 知识宝库|treasure house of knowledge zhishichanquan 知识产权|intellectual property rights (law) zhishidaici 指示代词|demonstrative pronoun zhishidangao 芝士蛋糕|cheesecake zhishifenzi 知识分子|intellectual/intelligentsia/learned p... zhishifu 指示符|indicator zhishigongchengshi 知识工程师|knowledge worker zhishigongxiang 知识共享|Creative Commons zhishihua 制式化|standardization zhishiji 指示剂|indicator zhishijie 知识界|intellectual circles/intelligentsia zhishiku 知识库|knowledge base zhishilun 知识论|epistemology zhishiqi 指示器|indicator zhishirenren 志士仁人|gentleman aspiring to benevolence (id... zhishiyueduoyuefandong 知识越多越反动|the more knowledgeable, the more reac... zhishizhizhong 至始至终|from start to finish zhishizi 指事字|ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六... zhishou 值守|(of a security guard etc) to be on du... zhishou 职守|duty/responsibility/post zhishou 制售|to manufacture and sell zhishou 指授|to instruct/to direct zhishouhuajiao 指手画脚|to gesticulate while talking (idiom)/... zhishouhuajiao 指手划脚|to gesticulate while talking (idiom);... zhishoukere 炙手可热|lit. burn your hand, feel the heat (i... zhishu 指数|(numerical, statistical) index/(math.... zhishu 直属|directly subordinate zhishu 植树|to plant trees zhishu 支书|branch secretary/secretary of a branc... zhishu 质数|prime number zhishu 纸书|print book; printed book zhishu 直书|to record faithfully zhishuai 直率|candid/frank zhishuang 直爽|straightforward/outspoken zhishudali 知书达理|educated and well-balanced (idiom) zhishuhanshu 指数函数|exponential function zhishui 汁水|(dialect) juice zhishuimu 栉水母|comb jellies (Ctenophora) zhishujie 植树节|Arbor Day (March 12th), also known as... zhishujijin 指数基金|index fund zhishun 直顺|straight and smooth (hair etc) zhishuobuzuo 只说不做|to be all talk and no action zhishuqiquan 指数期权|index options zhishutaoli 指数套利|index arbitrage zhishuxiongyi 直抒胸臆|to speak one\'s mind zhishuzaolin 植树造林|afforestation zhisi 致死|to cause death; to be lethal; to be d... zhisi 治死|to put to death zhisijiliang 致死剂量|lethal dose zhisiliang 致死量|lethal dose zhisixing 致死性|lethal; fatal zhisixingduji 致死性毒剂|lethal agent zhisiyifen 治丝益棼|lit. try to straighten out silk threa... zhisu 质素|(high) quality zhisu 值宿|on night duty zhisuan 脂酸|see 脂肪酸[zhi1 fang2 suan1] zhisuanji 制酸剂|antacid (medicine) zhisun 侄孙|grandnephew zhisun 止损|(finance) stop-loss/to sell a securit... zhisundan 止损单|stop-loss order (finance) zhisundian 止损点|(finance) stop-loss point (price at w... zhisunnv 侄孙女|grand niece zhisuoyi 之所以|(after a noun N and before a predicat... zhitao 制陶|to manufacture pottery zhitaogongren 制陶工人|potter zhitengpian 止疼片|painkiller/analgesic zhiti 肢体|limb/limbs and trunk/body zhitian 植田|Ueda (Japanese surname and place name) zhitianxinchang 织田信长|ODA Nobunaga (1534-1582), Japanese sh... zhitiao 纸条|slip of paper zhitiao 枝条|branch/twig/stem zhitichongtu 肢体冲突|physical encounter/fight zhitong 止痛|to relieve pain/to stop pain/analgesic zhitong 直通|to lead directly to zhitongche 直通车|\"through train\" (refers to the idea o... zhitongdaohe 志同道合|(idiom) to be devoted to a common cau... zhitongfa 止痛法|method of relieving pain zhitonghuoche 直通火车|through train zhitongji 止痛剂|an analgesic/pain killer zhitongpian 止痛片|painkiller zhitongyao 止痛药|painkiller/analgesic/anodyne zhitou 指头|finger/toe/CL:個|个[ge4] zhitouzi 掷骰子|to throw the dice zhitu 制图|(cartography) to make a map/(architec... zhiwai 之外|outside/excluding zhiwaifaquan 治外法权|diplomatic immunity/(history) extrate... zhiwang 指望|to count on; to hope for/prospect; hope zhiwanzhanzheng 直皖战争|war of 1920 between Northern Warlords... zhiwei 职位|position; post; job zhiwei 执委|executive committee member (abbr. for... zhiweibing 治未病|preventative treatment (medicine) zhiweihui 执委会|executive committee (abbr. for 執行委員會|... zhiwen 指纹|fingerprint/the arches, loops and who... zhiwen 质问|to question/to ask questions/to inqui... zhiwu 植物|plant/vegetation/CL:種|种[zhong3] zhiwu 职务|post/position/job/duties zhiwu 织物|cloth/woven material/textiles zhiwu 支吾|to resist/to deal with zhiwu 支吾|to respond evasively or vaguely/to el... zhiwubuyan,yanwubujin 知无不言,言无不尽|lit. not hiding anything he knows, no... zhiwugui 置物柜|locker/cabinet zhiwuhuaxuechengfen 植物化学成分|phytochemical zhiwujie 植物界|Kingdom Plantae (biology) zhiwuniuyou 植物牛油|margarine zhiwuqici 支吾其词|(idiom) to talk in a roundabout way t... zhiwuqun 植物群|flora zhiwuren 植物人|person in a vegetative state/human ve... zhiwurenzhuangtai 植物人状态|vegetative state (i.e. in a coma) zhiwurou 植物肉|plant-based meat zhiwuxue 植物学|botany zhiwuxuejia 植物学家|botanist zhiwuyou 植物油|vegetable oil zhiwuyuan 植物园|botanical garden/arboretum zhiwuzhifang 植物脂肪|vegetable fat zhiwuzhuangtai 植物状态|vegetative state (medicine) zhixi 窒息|to choke/to stifle/to suffocate zhixi 知悉|to know/to be informed of zhixi 直系|directly related zhixi 支系|branch or subdivision of a family zhixi 止息|to cease/to end zhixi 智熄|(slang) extremely foolish; beyond stu... zhixia 之下|under/beneath/less than zhixia 直辖|to govern directly zhixia 治下|under the jurisdiction of zhixian 直线|straight line/sharply (rise or fall) zhixian 知县|county head magistrate (old) zhixian 支线|branch line/side road/spur/fig. secon... zhixian 职衔|title (position within an organization) zhixiang 志向|ambition/goal/ideal/aspiration zhixiang 指向|to point towards/aimed at/facing/the ... zhixiang 纸箱|carton/cardboard box zhixiangzhuangzhi 指向装置|pointing device (computing) zhixianjiasuqi 直线加速器|linear accelerator zhixianxingjiasuqi 直线性加速器|linear accelerator zhixianyu 只限于|to be limited to zhixiao 知晓|to know/to understand zhixiao 直销|to sell directly/direct sale (by a fa... zhixiao 只消|to only need/it only takes zhixiao 滞销|to sell poorly/unmarketable/slow-movi... zhixiashi 直辖市|municipality, namely: Beijing 北京, Tia... zhixie 致谢|expression of gratitude/to give thank... zhixiegongren 制鞋工人|shoemaker/cobbler zhixiejiang 制鞋匠|shoemaker/cobbler zhixifu 侄媳妇|brother\'s son\'s wife/nephew\'s wife zhixijunfa 直系军阀|the Zhili faction of the Northern War... zhixin 知心|caring/intimate zhixin 置信|to believe (what sb claims) (usually ... zhixin 致信|to send a letter to zhixin 质心|center of gravity/barycenter zhixin 芝心|stuffed crust (pizza)/cheesy crust zhixing 执行|to implement/to carry out/to execute/... zhixing 直行|to go straight/straight forward/fig. ... zhixing 纸型|paper matrix in which type is set zhixing 值星|(of army officers) to be on duty for ... zhixingren 执行人|executioner (hangman)/business executor zhixingxu 执行绪|(Tw) (computing) thread zhixingzhang 执行长|chief executive zhixinqujian 置信区间|(statistics) confidence interval zhixinshuiping 置信水平|confidence level (math.) zhixinxian 置信限|confidence limit (math.) zhixinxishu 置信系数|confidence coefficient (math.) zhixiqinshu 直系亲属|next of kin/immediate dependant zhixitong 支系统|subsystem zhixixingduji 窒息性毒剂|choking agent zhixixueqing 直系血亲|direct descendant/blood relative zhixizuxian 直系祖先|direct ancestor zhixu 秩序|order; orderliness (in society, in th... zhixuan 直选|direct election zhixue 止血|to staunch (bleeding)/hemostatic (drug) zhixue 治学|scholarship/high-level study/to do sc... zhixuedian 止血垫|dressing/pad to stop bleeding zhixueshuan 止血栓|plug to stop bleeding/tampon (medicine) zhixuetie 止血贴|Band-Aid/plaster zhixujingran 秩序井然|in perfect order zhixumei 秩序美|order (as an aesthetic quality) zhixun 质询|to question/to enquire/interrogatory zhixuzhouguanfanghuo,buxubaixingdiandeng 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯|only the official is allowed to light... zhiya 质押|to pledge (sth, usu. moveables, as se... zhiya 枝桠|branch/twig zhiya 枝丫|variant of 枝椏|枝桠[zhi1 ya1] zhiya 吱呀|(onom.) creaking zhiya 职涯|career zhiya 指压|acupressure/shiatsu zhiya 智牙|wisdom tooth zhiya 枝枒|variant of 枝椏|枝桠[zhi1 ya1] zhiya 植牙|dental implant zhiyan 直言|to speak forthrightly/to talk bluntly zhiyan 纸烟|cigarette zhiyanbuhui 直言不讳|to speak bluntly (idiom)/not to mince... zhiyanduju 只眼独具|see 獨具隻眼|独具只眼[du2 ju4 zhi1 yan3] zhiyang 纸样|paper pattern as model in dressmaking... zhiyangji 制氧机|oxygen concentrator zhiyanmingti 直言命题|categorical proposition (logic) zhiyanpianyu 只言片语|(idiom) just a word or two; a few iso... zhiyanwuhui 直言无讳|to speak one\'s mind/to speak candidly... zhiyao 只要|if only/so long as zhiyao 制药|to manufacture medicine zhiyao 纸鹞|kite zhiyaochang 制药厂|pharmaceutical company/drugs manufact... zhiyaogongfushen,tiechumochengzhen 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针|If you work at it hard enough, you ca... zhiyaoqiye 制药企业|pharmaceutical company zhiyaoye 制药业|pharmaceutical industry zhiye 职业|occupation; profession; vocation/prof... zhiye 枝叶|branch and leaf zhiye 执业|to work in a profession (e.g. doctor,... zhiye 置业|to buy real estate zhiye 汁液|juice zhiye 值夜|on night duty zhiyebing 职业病|occupational disease zhiyegaoerfuqiuxiehui 职业高尔夫球协会|Professional Golfer\'s Association (PGA) zhiyegaozhong 职业高中|vocational high school (abbr. to 職高|职... zhiyehua 职业化|professionalization zhiyejiaoyu 职业教育|vocational training zhiyejuandaizheng 职业倦怠症|professional boredom syndrome zhiyesuzhi 职业素质|professionalism zhiyeyundongyuan 职业运动员|professional (athlete)/pro zhiyezhongxue 职业中学|vocational high school zhiyezi 纸叶子|deck of playing cards zhiyi 质疑|to call into question/to question (tr... zhiyi 制衣|clothing manufacture zhiyi 之一|one of (sth)/one out of a multitude/o... zhiyi 致以|to express/to present/to extend/to te... zhiyi 直译|literal translation zhiyi 致意|to send one\'s greetings; to send one\'... zhiyi 旨意|decree; order/will; intent zhiyi 置疑|to doubt zhiyi 执意|to be determined to/to insist on zhiyi 智𫖮|Zhiyi (538-597), founder of the Tiant... zhiyin 指引|to guide/to show/to point (the way)/d... zhiyin 知音|intimate friend/soul mate zhiyin 指印|fingerprint/finger mark/thumbprint zhiying 支应|to deal with/to wait on/to provide for zhiyinshu 质因数|prime factor (in arithmetic) zhiyiqi 直译器|interpreter (computing) zhiyishan 智异山|Jirisan or Mount Chiri, mountain in t... zhiyixingnan 知易行难|easy to grasp but difficult to put in... zhiyou 只有|only have .../there is only .../(used... zhiyou 挚友|intimate friend/close friend zhiyou 制油|to extract (vegetable) oil; oil extra... zhiyouliangpeng 挚友良朋|intimate friend and companion (idiom) zhiyu 治愈|to cure; to restore to health/uplifti... zhiyu 置于|to place in; to put in (a position) zhiyu 至于|as for/as to/to go so far as to zhiyu 值域|image (or range) of a function (math.) zhiyu 智育|intellectual development zhiyu 治愚|to eliminate backward (unscientific) ... zhiyu 纸鱼|silverfish (Lepisma saccarina)/fish moth zhiyu 值遇|to meet with/to bump into zhiyu 致郁|(slang) depressing zhiyu 芝宇|your appearance (honorific)/cf 紫芝眉宇 zhiyuan 职员|office worker/staff member/CL:個|个[ge4... zhiyuan 志愿|aspiration/ambition/to volunteer zhiyuan 支援|to provide assistance/to support/to back zhiyuan 纸鸢|kite zhiyuanbing 志愿兵|volunteer soldier/CL:名[ming2] zhiyuanjun 志愿军|volunteer army zhiyuanti 支原体|Mycoplasma (parasitic bacteria withou... zhiyuantifeiyan 支原体肺炎|Mycoplasma pneumonia zhiyuanzhe 志愿者|volunteer zhiyue 制约|to restrict/condition zhiyuliuyi 支与流裔|lit. branches and descendants/of a si... zhiyuxi 治愈系|uplifting; rejuvenating; heartwarming zhiyuzhien 知遇之恩|lit. the kindness of recognizing sb\'s... zhizai 旨在|to have as its purpose/to be intended... zhizaisifang 志在四方|to aspire to travel far and make one\'... zhizao 制造|to manufacture; to make zhizao 织造|to weave/to manufacture by weaving zhizaochang 制造厂|manufacturing plant/factory zhizaoshang 制造商|manufacturing company zhizaoye 制造业|manufacturing industry zhizaoyezhe 制造业者|manufacturer zhizaozhe 制造者|maker zhize 职责|duty/responsibility/obligation zhize 指责|to criticize/to find fault with/to de... zhizhai 指摘|to criticize zhizhang 纸张|paper zhizhang 执掌|to wield (power etc) zhizhang 滞胀|stagflation (i.e. simultaneous inflat... zhizhang 智障|learning difficulties (handicap)/reta... zhizhang 职掌|to be in charge of/assignment zhizhangrenshi 智障人士|person with learning difficulties (ha... zhizhanyuan 指战员|PLA commanders and fighters zhizhao 执照|license; permit zhizhao 支招|to give advice/to make a suggestion/t... zhizhe 智者|sage/wise man/clever and knowledgeabl... zhizhe 指谪|to criticize zhizheheshangmatuzi 指着和尚骂秃子|lit. to insult a bald man while point... zhizhen 指针|pointer on a gauge/clock hand/cursor/... zhizheng 执政|to hold power/in office zhizheng 指正|to point out mistakes or weak points ... zhizheng 质证|examination of the evidence of the op... zhizheng 指征|(medicine) indicator/indication zhizheng 指证|to testify/to give evidence zhizhengdang 执政党|ruling party/the party in power zhizhengdanxi 只争旦夕|see 只爭朝夕|只争朝夕[zhi3 zheng1 zhao1 xi1] zhizhengfangshi 执政方式|governing method zhizhengguan 执政官|consul (of the Roman Republic)/magist... zhizhengnengli 执政能力|governing capacity zhizhengzhaoxi 只争朝夕|(idiom) to seize every minute; to mak... zhizhengzhe 执政者|ruler zhizheqianlv,biyouyishi 智者千虑,必有一失|lit. a wise person reflecting a thous... zhizhi 纸质|paper/hard copy/printed (as opposed t... zhizhi 直至|lasting until/up till (the present) zhizhi 制止|to curb/to put a stop to/to stop/to c... zhizhi 质直|upright/straightforward zhizhi 职志|aspiration zhizhi 之至|extremely zhizhibuli 置之不理|to pay no heed to (idiom)/to ignore/t... zhizhibuwen 置之不问|to pass by without showing interest (... zhizhidiandian 指指点点|to gesticulate/to point out/to point ... zhizhiduwai 置之度外|to give no thought to/to have no rega... zhizhimo 植脂末|non-dairy creamer powder zhizhinaohou 置之脑后|to banish from one\'s thoughts/to igno... zhizhiqiyi,buzhiqier 只知其一,不知其二|to know the first, but not know the s... zhizhishenwei 知之甚微|to know very little about zhizhisidierhousheng 置之死地而后生|(idiom based on Sunzi\'s \"The Art of W... zhizhiti 脂质体|liposome (bilayer lipid vesicle) zhizhiwuwu 支支吾吾|to hem and haw/to stall/to stammer/to... zhizhong 之中|inside/among/in the midst of (doing s... zhizhongduiqi 置中对齐|centered alignment (typography) zhizhou 知州|senior provincial government official... zhizhu 蜘蛛|spider zhizhu 支柱|mainstay/pillar/prop/backbone zhizhu 植株|plant (horticulture) zhizhu 踯躅|(literary) to pace back and forth zhizhuang 治装|to prepare necessities (chiefly cloth... zhizhuang 置装|variant of 治裝|治装[zhi4 zhuang1] zhizhuangfei 治装费|expenses for 治裝|治装[zhi4 zhuang1] zhizhuangfei 置装费|variant of 治裝費|治装费[zhi4 zhuang1 fei4] zhizhuchanye 支柱产业|mainstay industry zhizhugaoge 置诸高阁|lit. place on a high shelf/to pay no ... zhizhulei 蜘蛛类|arachnid zhizhuo 执着|to be strongly attached to/to be dedi... zhizhuo 稚拙|young and clumsy/childish and awkward zhizhuren 蜘蛛人|Spider-Man, see 蜘蛛俠|蜘蛛侠/nickname of F... zhizhuren 蜘蛛人|(coll.) high-rise window washer zhizhuwang 蜘蛛网|cobweb/spider web zhizhuxia 蜘蛛侠|Spider-Man, comic book superhero zhizhuxingyun 蜘蛛星云|Tarantula Nebula zhizhuzaiwo 智珠在握|lit. to hold the pearl of wisdom (idi... zhizhuzhi 蜘蛛痣|arterial spider zhizi 质子|proton (positively charged nuclear pa... zhizi 侄子|brother\'s son; nephew zhizi 栀子|cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides) zhizi 枝子|twig/branch zhizi 稚子|young child zhizi 支子|son of a concubine or son of the wife... zhizi 支子|support/stand/trivet/(cooking utensil... zhizibuti 只字不提|(idiom) to say not a single word abou... zhizihongji 质子轰击|proton bombardment zhizihua 栀子花|cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides) zhizilu 之字路|zigzag road/switchback zhizimoruofu 知子莫若父|nobody understands one\'s son better t... zhizishu 质子数|proton number in nucleus/atomic number zhizixing 之字形|Z-shaped; zigzag zhizou 支走|to send sb away (with an excuse) zhizu 知足|content with one\'s situation/to know ... zhizu 支族|subfamily zhizuchangle 知足常乐|satisfied with what one has (idiom) zhizui 治罪|to punish sb (for a crime) zhizuijinmi 纸醉金迷|lit. dazzling with paper and gold (id... zhizun 至尊|the most honorable/the most respected... zhizuo 制作|to make; to manufacture zhizuo 支座|abutment zhizuoshang 制作商|maker/manufacturer zhizuozhe 制作者|producer/maker/creator zhong 中|(bound form) China; Chinese/surname Z... zhong 中|within; among; in/middle; center/whil... zhong 中|to hit (the mark)/to be hit by/to suf... zhong 重|heavy/serious/to attach importance to zhong 种|seed/species/kind/type/classifier for... zhong 种|to plant/to grow/to cultivate zhong 众|abbr. for 眾議院|众议院[Zhong4 yi4 yuan4], ... zhong 众|(bound form) crowd; multitude/(bound ... zhong 众|variant of 眾|众[zhong4] zhong 钟|surname Zhong zhong 钟|handleless cup; goblet/(bound form) t... zhong 钟|a (large) bell (CL:架[jia4])/clock (CL... zhong 忠|loyal; devoted; faithful zhong 肿|to swell/swelling/swollen zhong 踵|to arrive/to follow/heel zhong 盅|handleless cup/goblet zhong 蚛|(literary) (of a worm or insect) to n... zhong 仲|surname Zhong zhong 仲|second month of a season/middle/inter... zhong 终|end/finish zhong 衷|inner feelings zhong 锺|nonstandard simplified variant of 鍾|钟... zhong 狆|Pekingese zhong 乑|to stand side by side/variant of 眾|众[... zhong 伀|restless/agitated zhong 柊|used in 柊葉|柊叶[zhong1ye4] zhong 忪|restless/agitated zhong 螽|(grasshopper)/Gompsocleis mikado zhong 尰|swell zhong 彸|restless, agitated zhong 汷|name of an ancient river in Hubei zhong 茽|vegetation growing thickly zhong 泈|old variant of 汷[Zhong1] zhong 㐺|old variant of 眾|众[zhong4] zhong 冢|mound/burial mound/senior (i.e. eldes... zhong 冢|burial mound (variant of 冢[zhong3]) zhong-meiwenhuayanjiuzhongxin 中美文化研究中心|the Hopkins-Nanjing Center, located i... zhong-ou 中欧|Sino-European zhong-shi 中时|China Times (newspaper published in T... zhong-yi 中意|Sino-Italian zhong-yinbandao 中印半岛|Indochina zhongai 钟爱|to treasure/to be very fond of zhongan 重案|major case/serious crime zhongao 中澳|China-Australia (relations) zhongba 仲巴|Zhongba county, Tibetan: \'Brong pa rd... zhongba 中巴|China-Pakistan (relations)/China-Bahamas zhongba 中巴|minibus zhongbai 钟摆|pendulum zhongbailu 中白鹭|(bird species of China) medium egret ... zhongban 重办|to punish severely zhongban 中板|moderato zhongban 中办|General Office of the Central Committ... zhongbang 重磅|(of a bomb) powerful/(of news) impact... zhongbang 中帮|mid-top (shoes) zhongbangzhadan 重磅炸弹|(fig.) sth that produces shockwaves/b... zhongbao 中保|middleman and guarantor zhongbao 中饱|to embezzle/to misappropriate/to line... zhongbao 众包|crowdsourcing/abbr. for 群眾外包|群众外包[qun... zhongbaosinang 中饱私囊|to stuff one\'s pockets/to take bribes zhongbashi 中巴士|minibus zhongbaxian 仲巴县|Zhongba county, Tibetan: \'Brong pa rd... zhongbeibu 中北部|north central area zhongbeidaxue 中北大学|North University of China (Shanxi) zhongbenming 种本名|(biology) specific epithet zhongbi 重臂|actuator (arm of a lever)/lever/actua... zhongbiao 钟表|clock zhongbiao 中标|to win a tender; to win a bid zhongbiaopan 钟表盘|clockface zhongbing 重病|serious illness zhongbing 重兵|massive military force zhongbingtehu 重病特护|intensive care zhongbingtehuqu 重病特护区|intensive care department (of hospital) zhongbo 中波|Chinese-Polish zhongbo 中波|medium wave (radio frequency range) zhongbu 中部|middle part; central section; central... zhongcai 仲裁|arbitration zhongcai 中彩|to win a prize at a lottery zhongcai 中财|Central University of Finance and Eco... zhongcan 中餐|lunch/Chinese meal; Chinese food/CL:份... zhongcanguan 中餐馆|Chinese restaurant zhongcao 种草|(Internet slang) to recommend a produ... zhongcaoyao 中草药|Chinese herbal medicine zhongceng 中层|middle-ranking zhongcha 种差|determinant (characteristic of a spec... zhongchan 中产|middle class/bourgeois zhongchang 中场|middle period of a tripartite provinc... zhongchang 终场|end (of a performance or sports match... zhongchang 中常|ordinary/average/medium/mid-range/mod... zhongchangluosheng 终场锣声|the final bell (esp. in sports compet... zhongchangpao 中长跑|middle distance race zhongchanjieji 中产阶级|middle class zhongchanwu 终产物|end product zhongchao 中超|Chinese Super League (soccer) zhongchao 中超|Chinese supermarket zhongchao 中朝|Sino-Korean/China and North Korea zhongchen 忠臣|faithful official zhongchen 重臣|important minister/major figure in go... zhongcheng 中程|medium-range zhongcheng 忠诚|devoted/loyal/fidelity/loyalty zhongcheng 重惩|to punish severely zhongchengjuanshu 终成眷属|see 有情人終成眷屬|有情人终成眷属[you3 qing2 ren2 z... zhongchengpaoying 终成泡影|(idiom) to come to nothing zhongchengyao 中成药|prepared prescription (Chinese medicine) zhongchou 众筹|crowdfunding zhongchu 种畜|breeding stock (of animal species)/stud zhongchuan 中川|Nakagawa (Japanese surname and place ... zhongchuang 重创|to inflict heavy losses; to inflict s... zhongchuangkongjian 众创空间|hackerspace; hacklab; makerspace zhongchuhong 钟楚红|Cherie Chung (1960-), Hong Kong actress zhongchuo 中辍|to stop halfway/to give up halfway/in... zhongcun 中村|Nakamura (Japanese surname) zhongcuo 重挫|devastating setback/slump (in stock m... zhongda 重大|great/important/major/significant zhongda 肿大|swelling/enlargement/hypertrophy zhongdan 中弹|to get hit by a bullet; to get shot zhongdan 重担|heavy burden; difficult task; great r... zhongdan 种蛋|breeding egg zhongdang 中档|mid-range (in quality and price) zhongdao 中岛|Nakajima or Nakashima (Japanese surna... zhongdaxiyangji 中大西洋脊|mid-Atlantic ridge zhongdeng 中等|medium zhongdengjiaoyu 中等教育|secondary education/middle school edu... zhongdengjishuxuexiao 中等技术学校|technical middle school/polytechnic zhongdengputongjiaoyu 中等普通教育|general middle school education zhongdengshifanxuexiao 中等师范学校|secondary normal school (secondary sc... zhongdengzhuanyejiaoyu 中等专业教育|technical middle school education zhongdengzhuanyexuexiao 中等专业学校|specialized middle school zhongdezhensuo 中德诊所|Sino-German clinic zhongdi 种地|to farm; to work the land zhongdi 重地|location of political, economic, mili... zhongdi 中的|to hit the target/(fig.) to hit the n... zhongdian 重点|important point; main point; focus/ke... zhongdian 终点|the end/end point/finishing line (in ... zhongdian 中点|midpoint/half-way point zhongdian 钟点|hour/specified time zhongdian 重典|important classic text/severe laws zhongdiandizhi 终点地址|destination address zhongdianfang 钟点房|hotel room rented at an hourly rate zhongdiangong 钟点工|hourly worker/hourly job zhongdianxian 终点线|finishing line zhongdianzhan 终点站|terminus/final stop on rail or bus line zhongdiao 中调|(perfumery) middle note/heart note zhongdiduan 中低端|mid-to-low-range zhongdingwen 钟鼎文|bell-cauldron script/the 籀文 form of C... zhongdong 中东|Middle East zhongdonghuxizonghezheng 中东呼吸综合征|Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) zhongdu 重度|serious/severe zhongdu 中毒|to be poisoned zhongdu 重读|stress (on a syllable) zhongdu 中都|Zhongdu, capital of China during the ... zhongduan 终端|end/terminal zhongduan 中断|to cut short/to break off/to disconti... zhongduan 中段|middle section; middle period; middle... zhongduanji 终端机|terminal zhongduanyonghu 终端用户|end user zhongduanzhai 中短债|short- or medium-term loan zhongduo 众多|numerous zhongduxing 中毒性|poisonous/toxic zhonge 中俄|China-Russia zhongebeijingtiaoyue 中俄北京条约|the Treaty of Beijing of 1860 between... zhongebianjiexieyi 中俄边界协议|Sino-Russian Border Agreement of 1991 zhongegaidingtiaoyue 中俄改订条约|Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, w... zhongeguanxi 中俄关系|Sino-Russian relations zhongenibuchutiaoyue 中俄尼布楚条约|Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qi... zhonger 中耳|middle ear zhongerbing 中二病|(neologism) strange behavior characte... zhongerfushi 终而复始|lit. the end comes back to the start ... zhongeryan 中耳炎|inflammation of middle ear/otitis media zhongeyilitiaoyue 中俄伊犁条约|Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, w... zhongfa 中法|China-France (cooperation); Sino-French zhongfa 重罚|to punish severely zhongfan 中饭|lunch zhongfan 重犯|serious criminal/felon zhongfang 中方|the Chinese side (in an international... zhongfangxian 中方县|Zhongfang county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Hua... zhongfaxinyue 中法新约|treaty of Tianjin of 1885 ceding Viet... zhongfazhanzheng 中法战争|Sino-French War (1883-1885) (concerni... zhongfei 中非|China-Africa (relations)/Central Afri... zhongfeigongheguo 中非共和国|Central African Republic zhongfen 中分|to part one\'s hair in the middle zhongfeng 中锋|midfielder/center (basketball)/center... zhongfeng 中风|to suffer a paralyzing stroke zhongfeng 中缝|vertical space in a newspaper between... zhongfu 重负|heavy load/heavy burden (also fig. of... zhongfu 中伏|the second of the three annual period... zhongfu 中伏|to be ambushed zhongfu 终傅|last rites (Christian ceremony) zhongfu 仲父|father\'s younger brother/(sometimes u... zhongfudianxun 中复电讯|Zoomflight Telecom (Chinese company) zhonggaigu 中概股|China concepts stock (stock in a Chin... zhonggang 中港|PRC and Hong Kong zhonggangtai 中港台|China, Hong Kong and Taiwan (abbr.) zhonggao 忠告|to give sb a word of advice/advice; c... zhonggaodufangkong 中高度防空|high-to-medium-altitude air defense (... zhongge 中隔|septum (anatomy) zhonggong 中共|abbr. for 中國共產黨|中国共产党[Zhong1 guo2 Gon... zhonggong 重工|heavy industry zhonggongchu 种公畜|stud/male breeding stock (of animal s... zhonggongye 重工业|heavy industry/manufacturing zhonggongzhongyang 中共中央|Central Committee of the Communist Pa... zhonggongzhongyangbangongting 中共中央办公厅|General Office of the Central Committ... zhonggongzhongyangxuanchuanbu 中共中央宣传部|Propaganda Department of the Central ... zhonggongzhongyangzuzhibu 中共中央组织部|Organization Department of the Commun... zhonggu 中古|Sino-Cuban/China-Cuba zhonggu 中古|medieval/Middle Ages/Chinese middle a... zhonggua 众寡|the many or the few zhongguadegua,zhongdoudedou 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆|lit. Sow melon and you get melon, sow... zhongguancun 中关村|Zhongguancun neighborhood of Beijing,... zhongguaxuanshu 众寡悬殊|(idiom) a great disparity in numerica... zhongguhanyu 中古汉语|Middle Chinese (linguistics) zhongguizhongju 中规中矩|conforming with the norms of society zhongguo 中国|China zhongguobaimeizhuque 中国白眉朱雀|(bird species of China) Chinese white... zhongguobaoxianjianduguanliweiyuanhui 中国保险监督管理委员会|China Insurance Regulatory Commission... zhongguobeifanggongyegongsi 中国北方工业公司|China North Industries Corporation (N... zhongguobo 中国钹|China cymbal (drum kit component) zhongguocai 中国菜|Chinese cuisine zhongguocanguanzhenghouqun 中国餐馆症候群|Chinese restaurant syndrome zhongguocanjirenlianhehui 中国残疾人联合会|China Disabled Persons\' Federation zhongguocanlian 中国残联|China Disabled Persons\' Federation (a... zhongguochan 中国产|made in China/home-grown (talent) zhongguochangchenggongyegongsi 中国长城工业公司|China Great Wall Industry Corporation... zhongguocheng 中国城|Chinatown zhongguochuanbogongyejituan 中国船舶工业集团|China State Shipbuilding Corporation ... zhongguochuanbomaoyigongsi 中国船舶贸易公司|China Shipbuilding Trading Corporatio... zhongguochuanbozhonggongjituangongsi 中国船舶重工集团公司|China Ship Scientific Research Center... zhongguochuanmeidaxue 中国传媒大学|Communication University of China (CU... zhongguodabaikequanshuchubanshe 中国大百科全书出版社|Encyclopedia of China Publishing House zhongguodarongyuan 中国大蝾螈|Chinese giant salamander (Andrias dav... zhongguodianshigongsi 中国电视公司|China Television Company (CTV), Taiwan zhongguodianxin 中国电信|China Telecom (Chinese company provid... zhongguodiqiuwulixuehui 中国地球物理学会|Chinese Geophysical Society zhongguodizhenju 中国地震局|China Earthquake Administration (CEA)... zhongguodizhentaiwang 中国地震台网|China Earthquake Networks Center (CEN... zhongguodizhidaxue 中国地质大学|China University of Geosciences zhongguodizhidiaochaju 中国地质调查局|China Geological Survey (CGS) zhongguodongfanghangkong 中国东方航空|China Eastern Airlines zhongguofaxuehui 中国法学会|China Law Society zhongguofeng 中国风|Chinese style/chinoiserie zhongguogongchandang 中国共产党|Communist Party of China zhongguogongchandangzhongyangweiyuanhui 中国共产党中央委员会|Central Committee of the Communist Pa... zhongguogongchandangzhongyangweiyuanhuixuanchuanbu 中国共产党中央委员会宣传部|Propaganda Department of the Communis... zhongguogongchanzhuyiqingniantuan 中国共产主义青年团|Communist Youth League of China/China... zhongguogongchengyuan 中国工程院|Chinese Academy of Engineering zhongguogongshangyinhang 中国工商银行|Industrial and Commercial Bank of Chi... zhongguoguangbogongsi 中国广播公司|Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) zhongguoguangdayinhang 中国光大银行|China Everbright Bank zhongguoguofangkejixinxizhongxin 中国国防科技信息中心|China Defense Science and Technology ... zhongguoguojiabowuguan 中国国家博物馆|National Museum of China zhongguoguojiahangtianju 中国国家航天局|China National Space Administration (... zhongguoguojiayuanzinengjigou 中国国家原子能机构|China Atomic Energy Agency (CAEA) zhongguoguojiguangbodiantai 中国国际广播电台|China Radio International/CRI zhongguoguojihangkonggongsi 中国国际航空公司|Air China Ltd. zhongguoguojimaoyicujinweiyuanhui 中国国际贸易促进委员会|China Council for the Promotion of In... zhongguoguojixintuotouzigongsi 中国国际信托投资公司|CITIC/Chinese International Trust and... zhongguoguomindanggemingweiyuanhui 中国国民党革命委员会|Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomin... zhongguohai 中国海|the China Seas (the seas of the Weste... zhongguohaishiju 中国海事局|PRC Maritime Safety Agency zhongguohaiyangshiyouzonggongsi 中国海洋石油总公司|CNOOC; China National Offshore Oil Co... zhongguohanghairi 中国航海日|Maritime Day (July 11th) commemoratin... zhongguohangkonggongyegongsi 中国航空工业公司|Aviation Industries of China (AVIC) zhongguohangkongyunshuxiehui 中国航空运输协会|China Air Transport Association (CATA) zhongguohangtiangongyegongsi 中国航天工业公司|China Aerospace Corporation, forerunn... zhongguohaoshengyin 中国好声音|The Voice of China, PRC reality talen... zhongguohenengzonggongsi 中国核能总公司|China National Nuclear Corporation (C... zhongguohong 中国红|vermilion zhongguohua 中国化|to sinicize/to take on Chinese charac... zhongguohua 中国画|Chinese painting zhongguohua 中国话|(spoken) Chinese language zhongguoji 中国籍|Chinese (i.e. of Chinese nationality) zhongguojiansheyinhang 中国建设银行|China Construction Bank zhongguojiaotongjianshe 中国交通建设|China Communications Construction Com... zhongguojiaotongyunshuxiehui 中国交通运输协会|China Communications and Transportati... zhongguojiaoyuhekeyanjisuanjiwang 中国教育和科研计算机网|China Education and Research Network ... zhongguojiaoyuwang 中国教育网|abbr. for 中國教育和科研計算機網|中国教育和科研计算机网[Zho... zhongguojinchukouyinhang 中国进出口银行|The Export-Import Bank of China (stat... zhongguojingmijixiejinchukougongsi 中国精密机械进出口公司|China Precision Machinery Import-Expo... zhongguojingyingbao 中国经营报|China Business (a Beijing newspaper) zhongguokexueyuan 中国科学院|Chinese Academy of Science zhongguolianhehangkong 中国联合航空|China United Airlines zhongguoliantong 中国联通|China Unicom zhongguolinwa 中国林蛙|Chinese brown frog (Rana chensinensis) zhongguolishibowuguan 中国历史博物馆|Museum of Chinese History zhongguomeishuguan 中国美术馆|National Art Museum of China zhongguomeng 中国梦|Chinese Dream (i.e. the great rejuven... zhongguominyonghangkongju 中国民用航空局|Civil Aviation Administration of Chin... zhongguominzhucujinhui 中国民主促进会|China Association for Promoting Democ... zhongguominzhujianguohui 中国民主建国会|China Democratic National Constructio... zhongguominzhutongmeng 中国民主同盟|China Democratic League zhongguoniaoleixuehui 中国鸟类学会|China Ornithological Society zhongguonongyeyinhang 中国农业银行|Agricultural Bank of China zhongguoqingnianbao 中国青年报|China Youth Daily, zhongguoqixiangju 中国气象局|China Meteorological Administration (... zhongguoren 中国人|Chinese person zhongguorenda 中国人大|China National People\'s Congress zhongguorenmindaxue 中国人民大学|Renmin University of China zhongguorenminduiwaiyouhaoxiehui 中国人民对外友好协会|Chinese People\'s Association for Frie... zhongguorenminjiefangjun 中国人民解放军|Chinese People\'s Liberation Army (PLA) zhongguorenminjiefangjunhaijun 中国人民解放军海军|Chinese People\'s Liberation Army Navy... zhongguorenminjiefangjunkongjun 中国人民解放军空军|People\'s Liberation Army Air Force (P... zhongguorenminwuzhuangjingchabudui 中国人民武装警察部队|Chinese People\'s Armed Police Force (... zhongguorenminyinhang 中国人民银行|People\'s Bank of China zhongguorenminzhengzhixieshanghuiyi 中国人民政治协商会议|CPPCC (Chinese People\'s Political Con... zhongguorenminzhiyuanjun 中国人民志愿军|the Chinese People\'s Volunteer Army d... zhongguorenquanminyunxinxizhongxin 中国人权民运信息中心|Information Center for Human Rights a... zhongguorenquanzuzhi 中国人权组织|Human Rights in China (New York-based... zhongguoribao 中国日报|China Daily (an English language news... zhongguoshangfei 中国商飞|COMAC, Chinese aeronautics company (a... zhongguoshangyongfeiji 中国商用飞机|COMAC (Chinese aeronautics company) zhongguoshehuikexueyuan 中国社会科学院|Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (C... zhongguoshengyudingli 中国剩余定理|Chinese remainder theorem (math.) zhongguoshi 中国式|Chinese style/à la chinoise zhongguoshibao 中国时报|China Times (newspaper published in T... zhongguoshihua 中国石化|China Petroleum and Chemical Corporat... zhongguoshiyouhehuaxuegongyexiehui 中国石油和化学工业协会|China Petrol and Chemical Industry As... zhongguoshiyouhuagonggufenyouxiangongsi 中国石油化工股份有限公司|China Petroleum and Chemical Corporat... zhongguoshiyoutianranqijituangongsi 中国石油天然气集团公司|China National Petroleum Corporation zhongguoteseshehuizhuyi 中国特色社会主义|socialism with Chinese characteristic... zhongguotianzhujiaoaiguohui 中国天主教爱国会|Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association zhongguotong 中国通|China watcher/an expert on China/an o... zhongguotongmenghui 中国同盟会|Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-sen\'s alliance f... zhongguowenlian 中国文联|abbr. for 中國文學藝術界聯合會|中国文学艺术界联合会, Chin... zhongguowenxueyishujielianhehui 中国文学艺术界联合会|China Federation of Literary and Art ... zhongguoxiaofeizhexiehui 中国消费者协会|China Consumers\' Association (CCA) zhongguoxiaoshuoshilve 中国小说史略|Concise History of the Chinese Novel ... zhongguoxinmindang 中国新民党|New Democracy Party of China, a short... zhongguoxinwenshe 中国新闻社|China News Service (CNS), a state-own... zhongguoxinwenwang 中国新闻网|website of China News Service 中國新聞社|中... zhongguoyidongtongxin 中国移动通信|China Mobile (PRC state telecommunica... zhongguoyinhang 中国银行|Bank of China (BoC) zhongguoyinhangyejianduguanliweiyuanhui 中国银行业监督管理委员会|China Banking Regulatory Commission (... zhongguoyinlian 中国银联|China UnionPay (CUP), China\'s only do... zhongguoyisilanjiaoxiehui 中国伊斯兰教协会|Chinese Patriotic Islamic Association zhongguoyouyijiyouleyuanxiehui 中国游艺机游乐园协会|China Association of Amusement Parks ... zhongguoyouzheng 中国邮政|China Post (Chinese postal service) zhongguozhengfadaxue 中国政法大学|China University of Political Science... zhongguozhengjianhui 中国证监会|China Securities Regulatory Commissio... zhongguozhengquanbao 中国证券报|China Securities Journal zhongguozhengquanjianduguanliweiyuanhui 中国证券监督管理委员会|China Securities Regulatory Commissio... zhongguozhigongdang 中国致公党|(PRC) China Zhi Gong Party, one of th... zhongguozhizao 中国制造|made in China zhongguozhizaoerlingerwu 中国制造2025|Made in China 2025, strategic plan to... zhongguozhongxinzhuyi 中国中心主义|Sinocentrism zhongguozhongyangdianshitai 中国中央电视台|China Central Television (CCTV), PRC ... zhongguozuojiaxiehui 中国作家协会|China Writers Association (CWA) zhongguozuoxie 中国作协|China Writers Association (CWA) (abbr... zhongguozuoyizuojialianmeng 中国左翼作家联盟|the League of the Left-Wing Writers, ... zhonghaiyou 中海油|China National Offshore Oil Corporation zhonghan 中韩|China-South Korea zhonghang 中行|abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行[Zhong1 guo2 Yin2 ... zhonghangjijinchukouyouxianzerengongsi 中航技进出口有限责任公司|China National Aero-Technology Import... zhonghao 中号|medium-sized zhonghe 中和|Zhonghe or Chungho city in New Taipei... zhonghe 中和|to neutralize/to counteract/neutraliz... zhonghe 重荷|heavy load/heavy burden zhonghe 重核|heavy nucleus zhongheji 中和剂|neutralizing agent; neutralizer zhonghekangti 中和抗体|neutralizing antibody zhongheshi 中和市|Zhonghe or Chungho city in New Taipei... zhonghou 忠厚|honest and considerate zhonghua 中华|China (alternate formal name) zhonghua 种花|to grow flowers/(dialect) to vaccinat... zhonghua 重话|harsh words zhonghuadianshi 中华电视|Chinese Television System (CTS), Taiwan zhonghuaduanchiying 中华短翅莺|(bird species of China) Chinese bush ... zhonghuahangkonggongsi 中华航空公司|China Airlines (Taiwan)/abbr. to 華航|华... zhonghualongniao 中华龙鸟|Sinosauropteryx, a small dinosaur tha... zhonghuaminguo 中华民国|Republic of China zhonghuaminzu 中华民族|the Chinese nation/the Chinese people... zhonghuan 中环|Central, Hong Kong Island zhonghuapanque 中华攀雀|(bird species of China) Chinese pendu... zhonghuaqiushaya 中华秋沙鸭|(bird species of China) scaly-sided m... zhonghuaquanguofunvlianhehui 中华全国妇女联合会|All-China Women\'s Federation (PRC, es... zhonghuaquanguotiyuzonghui 中华全国体育总会|All-China Sports Federation zhonghuaquanguozonggonghui 中华全国总工会|All-China Federation of Trade Unions ... zhonghuarenmingongheguo 中华人民共和国|People\'s Republic of China zhonghuasuweiaigongheguo 中华苏维埃共和国|Chinese Soviet Republic (1931-1937) zhonghuataibei 中华台北|Chinese Taipei, name for Taiwan to wh... zhonghuatianyuanquan 中华田园犬|Chinese rural dog/indigenous dog/mongrel zhonghuaxianweng 中华仙鹟|(bird species of China) Chinese blue ... zhonghuazhegu 中华鹧鸪|(bird species of China) Chinese franc... zhonghuazihai 中华字海|Zhonghua Zihai, the most comprehensiv... zhonghuo 重活|heavy work zhonghuor 重活儿|erhua variant of 重活[zhong4 huo2] zhongji 中级|middle level (in a hierarchy) zhongji 中继|to relay/to repeat zhongji 终极|ultimate/final zhongji 重击|bang/thump zhongji 中计|to fall into a trap; to be taken in zhongji 中脊|mid-ocean ridge (geology) zhongjia 重价|high price zhongjiaci 种加词|(biology) specific epithet zhongjian 中间|the middle; the inside/in the middle;... zhongjian 中坚|core/nucleus/backbone zhongjian 重剑|épée (fencing) zhongjianceng 中间层|mesosphere zhongjiang 中将|lieutenant general; vice admiral; air... zhongjiang 中奖|to win a prize (in a lottery etc) zhongjiang 中江|Zhongjiang county in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2... zhongjiangxian 中江县|Zhongjiang county in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2... zhongjianjian 中间件|middleware zhongjianluoma 中箭落马|lit. to be struck by an arrow and fal... zhongjianluxian 中间路线|middle road (in politics) zhongjianming 中间名|middle name/second given name zhongjianpai 中间派|moderate faction/party of compromise/... zhongjianren 中间人|intermediary/mediator zhongjianrengongji 中间人攻击|(computing) man-in-the-middle attack zhongjianshang 中间商|middleman/broker zhongjianshenjingyuan 中间神经元|interneuron zhongjianxianwei 中间纤维|intermediate filament zhongjianyin 中间音|(phonetics) medial zhongjiao 中焦|(TCM) middle burner, the part of the ... zhongjie 中介|to act as intermediary/to link/interm... zhongjie 终结|end; conclusion/to come to an end; to... zhongjie 仲介|(Tw) middleman; agent; broker zhongjiesuo 中介所|agency zhongjieziliao 中介资料|metadata zhongjiguanqiang 重机关枪|also written 重機槍|重机枪/heavy machine gun zhongjin 重金|large sum of money zhongjing 中径|diameter zhongjingshi 重晶石|barite (geology) zhongjinmianfen 中筋面粉|all-purpose flour/flour for making du... zhongjinshu 重金属|heavy metal zhongjiqi 中继器|repeater zhongjiqiang 重机枪|heavy machine gun zhongjiu 终究|in the end/after all is said and done zhongjiu 终久|in the end/eventually zhongjiwei 中纪委|Central Commission for Discipline Ins... zhongjizhan 中继站|relay station zhongjiziliao 中继资料|metadata zhongju 中局|middle game (in go or chess) zhongju 终局|endgame/conclusion/outcome/final part... zhongju 中举|to pass the provincial level imperial... zhongjuan 中卷|adult squid, typically more than 15 c... zhongjunaiguo 忠君爱国|(idiom) to be faithful to the ruler a... zhongka 重卡|heavy truck (abbr. for 重型卡車|重型卡车) zhongkan 中看|pleasant to the eye/Taiwan pr. [zhong... zhongkanbuzhongyong 中看不中用|impressive-looking but useless zhongkao 中考|entrance exam for senior middle school zhongken 中肯|pertinent; apropos zhongkeyuan 中科院|abbr. for 中國社會科學院|中国社会科学院[Zhong1 guo2... zhongkong 中空|hollow/empty interior zhongkongboli 中空玻璃|double glazing zhongkongmianban 中控面板|center dash console/central dashboard zhongkoujiebei 众口皆碑|to be praised by everyone zhongkounantiao 众口难调|it\'s difficult to please everyone (id... zhongkoushuojin 众口铄金|lit. public opinion is powerful enoug... zhongkoutongsheng 众口同声|(of people) to be of one voice (idiom... zhongkouwei 重口味|strong flavor (spicy, salty etc)/(of ... zhongkouyici 众口一词|all of one voice/unanimous zhongkuai 肿块|swelling/growth/tumor/lump zhongkuai 种块|seed tuber zhongkui 钟馗|Zhong Kui (mythological figure, suppo... zhongkuohao 中括号|square brackets [ ] zhongla 中辣|hot/medium level of spiciness zhongla 重辣|very spicy zhonglao 终老|to spend one\'s last years zhonglaonian 中老年|middle and old age zhonglaonianren 中老年人|middle-aged and elderly people zhonglei 种类|kind/genus/type/category/variety/spec... zhongletou 中乐透|to have a win in the lottery zhongli 中立|neutral/neutrality zhongli 重力|gravity zhongli 重利|high interest/huge profit/to value mo... zhonglianban 中联办|Liaison Office of the Central People\'... zhongliang 重量|weight/CL:個|个[ge4] zhongliangdanwei 重量单位|unit of weight zhongliangdun 重量吨|dead weight ton zhongliangji 中量级|middleweight (boxing etc) zhongliangji 重量级|(sports) heavyweight class/(fig.) imp... zhongliangqingzhi 重量轻质|to value quantity over quality zhongliangxunlian 重量训练|weight training (Tw) zhonglianhang 中联航|China United Airlines, abbr. for 中國聯合... zhongliao 终了|to end zhongliao 中寮|Zhongliao or Chungliao Township in Na... zhongliaoxiang 中寮乡|Zhongliao or Chungliao Township in Na... zhonglichang 重力场|gravitational field zhonglie 忠烈|sacrifice oneself for one\'s country/m... zhongliguo 中立国|neutral country zhonglingyuxiu 钟灵毓秀|(of a place) endowed with a natural b... zhonglipai 中立派|centrist/the centrist faction zhongliqingyi 重利轻义|to value material gain over righteous... zhongliu 肿瘤|tumor zhongliu 中流|midstream zhongliubingyisheng 肿瘤病医生|oncologist (medicine) zhongliudizhu 中流砥柱|mainstay/cornerstone/tower of strength zhongliuqiechushu 肿瘤切除术|lumpectomy zhongliuxue 肿瘤学|oncology/study of tumors zhonglixing 中立性|impartiality/neutrality zhongliyichang 重力异常|gravitational anomaly (geology) zhonglizi 重离子|heavy ion (physics) zhonglou 钟楼|Zhonglou district of Changzhou city 常... zhonglou 钟楼|bell tower/campanile/clock tower/Bell... zhonglouguairen 钟楼怪人|The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor... zhonglouqu 钟楼区|Zhonglou district of Changzhou city 常... zhonglu 中路|midway/mediocre (quality)/midfield (s... zhonglvshe 中旅社|China Travel Service (CTS), state-own... zhongma 种马|stallion/stud horse zhongma 种麻|female hemp plant (Cannabis sativa) zhongmangmoxiang 众盲摸象|multitude of blind people touch an el... zhongme 肿么|Internet slang for 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5] zhongmei 中美|China-USA zhongmeizhou 中美洲|Central America zhongmian 钟面|clock face zhongmiduxianweiban 中密度纤维板|medium-density fiberboard (MDF)/abbr.... zhongming 重名|renowned/a great name zhongmingdingshi 钟鸣鼎食|extravagant lifestyle zhongmingloujin 钟鸣漏尽|past one\'s prime/in one\'s declining y... zhongmo 中魔|to be possessed; to be bewitched zhongmu 中牟|Zhongmu county in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zhe... zhongmukuikui 众目睽睽|see 萬目睽睽|万目睽睽[wan4 mu4 kui2 kui2] zhongmuxian 中牟县|Zhongmu county in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zhe... zhongmuzhaozhang 众目昭彰|lit. the masses are sharp-eyed (idiom... zhongnan 中南|South Central China (Henan, Hubei, Hu... zhongnan 终南|Zhongnan mountains, near Xi\'an zhongnanbandao 中南半岛|Indochina zhongnanbu 中南部|south central region zhongnandaxuexiao 忠南大学校|Chungnam National University, Daejeon... zhongnanhai 中南海|Zhongnanhai, palace adjacent to the F... zhongnanjiejing 终南捷径|lit. the Mount Zhongnan shortcut (idi... zhongnanqingnv 重男轻女|to value males and attach less import... zhongnanshan 终南山|Zhongnan Mountains, near Xi\'an/also k... zhongni 仲尼|courtesy name for Confucius 孔夫子[Kong3... zhongni 中尼|China-Nepal zhongnian 中年|middle age zhongnian 终年|entire year/throughout the year/age a... zhongnianjixue 终年积雪|permanent snow cover zhongning 中宁|Zhongning county in Zhongwei 中衛|中卫[Zh... zhongningxian 中宁县|Zhongning county in Zhongwei 中衛|中卫[Zh... zhongnong 中农|Chinese agriculture zhongnong 重农|to stress the importance of agricultu... zhongnu 众怒|public anger; public outrage zhongnunanfan 众怒难犯|(idiom) one cannot afford to incur pu... zhongou 中欧|Central Europe zhongpan 中盘|middle game (in go or chess)/(share t... zhongpan 重判|major punishment (law) zhongpangu 中盘股|(share trading) mid-cap zhongpanqinli 众叛亲离|lit. people rebelling and friends des... zhongpanshang 中盘商|distributor/wholesaler/middleman zhongpao 重炮|heavy artillery zhongpeiceng 中胚层|mesoderm (cell lineage in embryology) zhongpianxiaoshuo 中篇小说|novella zhongpu 中埔|Zhongpu or Chungpu Township in Chiayi... zhongpuxiang 中埔乡|Zhongpu or Chungpu Township in Chiayi... zhongqi 中期|middle (of a period of time)/medium-t... zhongqi 重器|treasure zhongqi 终期|terminal/final zhongqi 种脐|(botany) hilum; omphalodium zhongqiai 终期癌|terminal cancer zhongqian 中签|to win a ballot; to draw a lucky number zhongqiang 中枪|to be hit by a gun/shot zhongqianwei 中前卫|center forward (soccer position) zhongqiceng 中气层|mesosphere/upper atmosphere zhongqicengding 中气层顶|mesopause/top of mesosphere zhongqin 种禽|cock/male breeding poultry zhongqing 中青|China Youth (official newspaper) (abb... zhongqing 钟情|to fall in love/to love sb or sth dea... zhongqing 忠清|Chungcheong Province of Joseon Korea,... zhongqing 重氢|heavy hydrogen (isotope)/deuterium zhongqingbeidao 忠清北道|North Chungcheong Province, South Kor... zhongqingdao 忠清道|Chungcheong Province of Joseon Korea,... zhongqingju 中情局|US Central Intelligence Agency, CIA (... zhongqingnandao 忠清南道|South Chungcheong Province, South Kor... zhongqingnian 中青年|middle-aged zhongqingyiju 众擎易举|many hands make light work (idiom) zhongqiu 仲秋|second month of autumn/8th month of t... zhongqiu 中秋|the Mid-autumn festival, the traditio... zhongqiujie 中秋节|the Mid-Autumn Festival on 15th of 8t... zhongqiye 中企业|medium sized enterprise zhongqu 中区|central district (of a city)/central ... zhongquantao 中圈套|to fall in a trap zhongqun 种群|population (of a species)/community (... zhongren 重任|heavy responsibility zhongren 中人|go-between/mediator/intermediary zhongren 众人|everyone zhongren 种仁|seed kernel zhongrenjingyang 众人敬仰|universally admired/highly esteemed b... zhongrenshichaihuoyangao 众人拾柴火焰高|when everybody gathers fuel, the flam... zhongri 终日|all day long zhongri 中日|China-Japan zhongriguanxi 中日关系|Sino-Japanese relations zhongrihan 中日韩|China, Japan and Korea zhongrihantongyibiaoyiwenzi 中日韩统一表意文字|China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideog... zhongrihanyue 中日韩越|China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam zhongru 钟乳|stalactite zhongruan 中阮|zhongruan or alto lute, like pipa 琵琶 ... zhongrushi 钟乳石|stalactite zhongseqingyou 重色轻友|paying more attention to a lover than... zhongshan 中山|see 中山市[Zhong1shan1 Shi4]/Nakayama (J... zhongshan 钟山|Zhongshan district of Liupanshui city... zhongshanchengbin 中山成彬|NAKAYAMA Nariaki (1943-), right-wing ... zhongshandaxue 中山大学|Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou)/Su... zhongshanfu 中山服|Chinese tunic suit/Mao jacket/CL:件[ji... zhongshang 重伤|seriously hurt/serious injury zhongshang 中伤|to slander; to defame/to get hit (by ... zhongshang 重赏|ample reward/to reward generously zhongshangongyuan 中山公园|Zhongshan Park, the name of numerous ... zhongshangzhuyi 重商主义|mercantilism zhongshanlangzhuan 中山狼传|The Wolf of Zhongshan, fable by Ma Zh... zhongshanling 中山陵|Dr Sun Yat-sen\'s mausoleum in Nanjing zhongshanqu 中山区|Zhongshan or Chungshan District of Ta... zhongshanqu 钟山区|Zhongshan district of Liupanshui city... zhongshanshan 钟睒睒|Zhong Shanshan (1954-), Chinese billi... zhongshanshi 中山市|Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in G... zhongshanxian 钟山县|Zhongshan county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 ... zhongshanzhuang 中山装|Chinese tunic suit, a jacket style in... zhongshaoyu 中杓鹬|(bird species of China) Eurasian whim... zhongshaqundao 中沙群岛|Macclesfield Bank, series of reefs in... zhongshen 终审|final ruling zhongshen 终身|lifelong/all one\'s life/marriage zhongshendashi 终身大事|major turning point of lifelong impor... zhongshenfayuan 终审法院|Court of Final Appeal zhongshenfeng 终身俸|(Tw) pension (for retired military, c... zhongsheng 终生|throughout one\'s life/lifetime; lifelong zhongsheng 众生|all living things zhongsheng 终声|the final of a Korean syllable (conso... zhongsheng 中声|the medial (vowel or diphthong) of a ... zhongshengbanlv 终生伴侣|lifelong partner or companion zhongshengdai 中生代|Mesozoic (geological era 250-65m year... zhongshenjianjin 终身监禁|life sentence zhongshenzhi 终身制|life tenure zhongshenzi 重身子|pregnant/pregnant woman zhongshi 中式|Chinese style zhongshi 中式|to pass the imperial examinations zhongshi 重视|to attach importance to sth; to value zhongshi 忠实|faithful zhongshi 中视|China Television Company (CTV), Taiwa... zhongshi 中师|secondary normal school (abbr. for 中等... zhongshi 钟室|bell chamber (at the top of a bell to... zhongshi 中试|pilot test (in product development etc) zhongshi 中试|to pass a test zhongshihua 中石化|China Petroleum and Chemical Corporat... zhongshiji 中世纪|medieval/Middle Ages zhongshijiaoyu 重视教育|to stress education zhongshiqishidai 中石器时代|Mesolithic Era zhongshiyingyu 中式英语|Chinglish zhongshizhidi 众矢之的|lit. target of a multitude of arrows ... zhongshu 中枢|center; hub/the central administration zhongshu 忠恕|loyalty and consideration for others;... zhongshu 中暑|to suffer heat exhaustion/sunstroke; ... zhongshu 种树|to plant trees zhongshu 众数|(statistics) mode zhongshu 种薯|seed tuber zhongshui 重水|heavy water (chemistry) zhongshui 中水|reclaimed water/recycled water zhongshuifanyingdui 重水反应堆|heavy water reactor (HWR) zhongshuo 众说|various ideas/diverse opinions zhongshuofenrou 众说纷揉|lit. diverse opinions confused and di... zhongshuofenyun 众说纷纭|opinions differ (idiom) zhongshuofu 众说郛|hub for diverse opinions zhongshushenjingxitong 中枢神经系统|central nervous system, CNS zhongsi 螽斯|katydid or long-horned grasshopper (f... zhongsike 螽斯科|Tettigoniidae (katydids and crickets) zhongsizongke 螽斯总科|Tettigonioidea (katydids and crickets) zhongsujiejuexuanandagangxieding 中苏解决悬案大纲协定|the treaty of 1923 normalizing relati... zhongsuozhouzhi 众所周知|(idiom) as everyone knows zhongsuozhouzhi 众所周知|variant of 眾所周知|众所周知[zhong4suo3zhou1z... zhongtai 中台|China and Taiwan zhongtian 中天|culmination (astronomy) zhongtian 终天|all day long/all one\'s life zhongtian 种田|to farm/farming zhongtianzhihen 终天之恨|eternal regret zhongting 中庭|courtyard zhongting 中听|pleasant to hear (i.e. agreeable news... zhongting 重听|hard of hearing zhongting 中厅|lobby/foyer/CL:間|间[jian1] zhongtiqin 中提琴|viola zhongtixiyong 中体西用|adopting Western knowledge for its pr... zhongtou 重头|main; most important; essential/impor... zhongtou 钟头|hour/CL:個|个[ge4] zhongtouxi 重头戏|opera (or role) involving much singin... zhongtu 中途|midway zhongtu 中土|Sino-Turkish zhongtudao 中途岛|Midway Islands zhongtudaozhanyi 中途岛战役|Battle of Midway, June 1942 zhongtugeqian 中途搁浅|to run aground in mid-course/to run i... zhongtuo 重托|great trust zhongtutuichang 中途退场|to leave in the middle of the play/(f... zhongwai 中外|Sino-foreign/Chinese-foreign/home and... zhongwang 众望|people\'s expectations zhongwang 重望|renowned/prestigious/great hopes/expe... zhongwangsuogui 众望所归|(idiom) to enjoy popular support/to r... zhongwanxue 钟万学|Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (1966-), Indon... zhongwei 中卫|Zhongwei, prefecture-level city in Ni... zhongwei 中尉|lieutenant (navy)/first lieutenant (a... zhongweishi 中卫市|Zhongwei, prefecture-level city in Ni... zhongweishu 中位数|median zhongweizi 中微子|neutrino (particle physics)/also writ... zhongwen 中文|Chinese language zhongwenbiaozhunjiaohuanma 中文标准交换码|CSIC, Chinese standard interchange co... zhongwenqingwu 重文轻武|to value letters and belittle arms (i... zhongwu 重物|heavy object zhongwu 中午|noon/midday/CL:個|个[ge4] zhongwuqi 重武器|heavy weapon zhongxi 中西|China and the West/Chinese-Western zhongxi 种系|evolutionary line/line of descent zhongxia 仲夏|midsummer/second month of summer zhongxian 中线|half-way line/median line zhongxian 忠县|Zhong County or Zhongxian, a county i... zhongxiang 钟祥|Zhongxiang, county-level city in Jing... zhongxiangshi 钟祥市|Zhongxiang, county-level city in Jing... zhongxiangxian 钟祥县|Zhongxiang county in Hubei zhongxiangxingge 中向性格|ambiversion/ambiverted zhongxiangzi 众香子|all-spice (Pimenta dioica)/Jamaican p... zhongxiao 中校|middle ranking officer in Chinese arm... zhongxiao 重孝|mourning dress zhongxiaoming 种小名|(biology) specific epithet zhongxiaoqiye 中小企业|small and medium enterprise zhongxiaoxingqiye 中小型企业|small or medium size enterprise (SME) zhongxiaoxue 中小学|middle and elementary school zhongxiayezhimeng 仲夏夜之梦|Midsummer night\'s dream, comedy by Wi... zhongxibu 中西部|midwest zhongxie 中邪|to be possessed; to be bewitched zhongxihebi 中西合璧|harmonious combination of Chinese and... zhongxihebing 中西合并|Chinese-Western fusion zhongxin 中心|center; heart; core zhongxin 重心|center of gravity/central core/main part zhongxin 衷心|heartfelt/wholehearted/cordial zhongxin 忠信|faithful and honest/loyal and sincere zhongxin 忠心|good faith/devotion/loyalty/dedication zhongxindian 中心点|center/central point/focus zhongxing 中型|medium sized zhongxing 中兴|resurgence/recovery/restoration zhongxing 中性|neutral zhongxing 重型|heavy/heavy duty/large caliber zhongxing 种姓|caste (traditional Indian social divi... zhongxingbi 中性笔|rollerball pen zhongxingcuanyue 众星攒月|see 眾星捧月|众星捧月[zhong4 xing1 peng3 yue4] zhongxingenggeng 忠心耿耿|loyal and devoted (idiom); faithful a... zhongxinggongchen 众星拱辰|lit. all the stars revolve around Pol... zhongxinggongyue 众星拱月|see 眾星捧月|众星捧月[zhong4 xing1 peng3 yue4] zhongxinglixibao 中性粒细胞|neutrophil (the most common type of w... zhongxingpengyue 众星捧月|lit. all the stars cup themselves aro... zhongxingshiqingneirong 重形式轻内容|heavy on form, light on substance/to ... zhongxingxincun 中兴新村|Zhongxing New Village, model town in ... zhongxingzhi 种姓制|caste system (traditional Indian soci... zhongxingzhidu 种姓制度|caste system zhongxinju 中心矩|(statistics) central moment zhongxinli 中心粒|centriole zhongxinqu 中心区|central district zhongxinshe 中新社|China News Service (CNS) (abbr. for 中... zhongxinshi 中新世|Miocene (geological epoch from 24m-5m... zhongxinwang 中新网|ChinaNews (China News Service) zhongxinyinhang 中信银行|China CITIC Bank zhongxinyu 中心语|qualified word zhongxiqu 中西区|Central and Western district of Hong ... zhongxiyi 中西医|Chinese and Western medicine/a doctor... zhongxiyijiehe 中西医结合|to combine traditional Chinese and We... zhongxuan 中选|to be chosen; to be selected zhongxuanbu 中宣部|Publicity Department of the CCP (abbr... zhongxue 中学|middle school zhongxuesheng 中学生|middle-school student/high school stu... zhongxun 中旬|middle third of a month zhongxun 重训|(Tw) weight training (abbr. for 重量訓練|... zhongya 中亚|Central Asia zhongya 重压|high pressure/bearing a heavy weight zhongyacaoyuan 中亚草原|Central Asian grasslands zhongyage 中亚鸽|(bird species of China) yellow-eyed p... zhongyaguan 中压管|medium pressure tube/middle pressure ... zhongyan 忠言|sincere advice; heartfelt exhortation zhongyang 中央|central/middle/center/central authori... zhongyang 中阳|Zhangyang county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:... zhongyangao 中央凹|fovea centralis (depression in the ma... zhongyangbang 中央邦|Madhya Pradesh, central Indian state zhongyangcaijingdaxue 中央财经大学|Central University of Finance and Eco... zhongyangchuliji 中央处理机|central processing unit (CPU) zhongyangdangxiao 中央党校|Central Party School, China\'s highest... zhongyangdianshitai 中央电视台|China Central Television (CCTV), PRC ... zhongyangfenchedai 中央分车带|median strip/central reservation (on ... zhongyangguangbodiantai 中央广播电台|Radio Taiwan International (RTI) zhongyanghailing 中央海岭|mid-ocean ridge (geology) zhongyanghuijin 中央汇金|central finance/Chinese monetary fund zhongyangji 中洋脊|mid-ocean ridge (geology) zhongyangjiquan 中央集权|centralized state power zhongyangjunshiweiyuanhui 中央军事委员会|(PRC) Central Military Commission zhongyangjunwei 中央军委|Central Military Committee (CMC) zhongyangkongtiao 中央空调|central air conditioning/(fig.) (neol... zhongyangminzudaxue 中央民族大学|Central University for Nationalities zhongyangqingbaoju 中央情报局|US Central Intelligence Agency, CIA zhongyangqiye 中央企业|centrally-managed state-owned enterpr... zhongyangquanhui 中央全会|plenary session of the Central Committee zhongyangrenminzhengfuzhuxianggangtebiexingzhengqulianluobangongshi 中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室|Liaison Office of the Central People\'... zhongyangribao 中央日报|Central Daily News zhongyangshe 中央社|Central News Agency (Taiwan) zhongyangsheng 中央省|Töv Province (Töv Aimag) of Mongolia/... zhongyangweiyuanhui 中央委员会|Central Committee zhongyangxian 中阳县|Zhangyang county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:... zhongyangxijuxueyuan 中央戏剧学院|Central Academy of Drama zhongyangxuanchuanbu 中央宣传部|Central Propaganda Department (abbr. ... zhongyangyanjiuyuan 中央研究院|Academia Sinica, research institution... zhongyangyinhang 中央银行|central bank zhongyangyinyuexueyuan 中央音乐学院|Central Conservatory of Music zhongyangzhengfu 中央政府|central government zhongyangzhixiashi 中央直辖市|municipality, namely: Beijing 北京, Tia... zhongyangzhixingweiyuanhui 中央执行委员会|Central Executive Committee zhongyangzhuanzhijiquan 中央专制集权|centralized autocratic rule zhongyannier 忠言逆耳|loyal advice jars on the ears (idiom) zhongyanyuan 中研院|Academia Sinica (abbr. for 中央研究院[Zhon... zhongyao 重要|important; significant; major zhongyao 中药|traditional Chinese medicine/CL:服[fu4... zhongyao 钟繇|Zhong Yao (151-230), minister of Cao ... zhongyaoxing 重要性|importance zhongyaxiya 中亚细亚|Central Asia zhongyayeying 中亚夜鹰|(bird species of China) Vaurie\'s nigh... zhongye 中野|Nakano (Japanese surname and place name) zhongye 中叶|mid- (e.g. mid-century)/middle period zhongye 柊叶|Phrynium capitatum zhongyi 中医|traditional Chinese medical science/a... zhongyi 中意|to take one\'s fancy; to be to one\'s l... zhongyi 忠义|loyal and righteous/fealty/loyalty zhongyin 中银|Bank of China (abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行[Zh... zhongyin 重音|accent (of a word)/stress (on a sylla... zhongyin 中印|China-India zhongying 中英|Sino-British/Chinese-English zhongyinjie 重音节|accented syllable/stress zhongyiqingli 重义轻利|to value righteousness rather than ma... zhongyixue 中医学|traditional Chinese medicine/TCM zhongyiyuan 众议员|member of the US House of Representat... zhongyiyuan 众议院|lower house of bicameral assembly/Hou... zhongyiyutong 中译语通|Global Tone Communication Technology ... zhongyong 中用|useful/helpful/Taiwan pr. [zhong4 yong4] zhongyong 中庸|the Doctrine of the Mean, one of the ... zhongyong 中庸|golden mean (Confucianism)/(literary)... zhongyong 重用|to put in an important position zhongyong 忠勇|loyal and brave zhongyongzhidao 中庸之道|doctrine of the mean/moderation in al... zhongyou 重油|(petrochemistry) heavy oil/fuel oil zhongyou 中油|CPC Corporation, a state-owned petrol... zhongyou 中游|the middle stretches of a river/middl... zhongyoudangao 重油蛋糕|pound cake zhongyu 忠于|to be loyal to zhongyu 终于|at last/in the end/finally/eventually zhongyuan 中原|Central Plain, the middle and lower r... zhongyuan 中远|China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) ... zhongyuan 中元|Ghost Festival on 15th day of 7th lun... zhongyuandaxue 中原大学|Chung Yuan Christian University, in T... zhongyuandizhen 中源地震|medium depth earthquake (with epicent... zhongyuanjie 中元节|Ghost Festival on 15th day of 7th lun... zhongyuanpudu 中元普渡|Ghosts\' festival on 15th day of 7th moon zhongyuanqu 中原区|Zhongyuan District of Zhengzhou City ... zhongyuansu 重元素|heavy element (such as uranium) zhongyue 中岳|Mt Song 嵩山 in Henan, one of the Five ... zhongyue 钟乐|bells zhongyuezhanzheng 中越战争|Sino-Vietnamese War (1979) zhongyutaishan 重于泰山|heavier than Mt Tai (idiom); fig. ext... zhongzai 重载|heavy load (on a truck) zhongzai 重灾|severe disaster zhongzaiqu 重灾区|area particularly hard-hit by a disas... zhongzao 中灶|mess hall for mid-level cadres/cf. 大灶... zhongze 重责|heavy responsibility/serious criticism zhongzeiou 中贼鸥|(bird species of China) pomarine jaeg... zhongzhan 中站|Zhongzhan district of Jiaozuo city 焦作... zhongzhan 终战|end of the war zhongzhang 肿胀|swelling/oedema/internal bruising zhongzhanqu 中站区|Zhongzhan district of Jiaozuo city 焦作... zhongzhao 中招|senior high school enrollment zhongzhao 中招|(martial arts) to get hit; to get tak... zhongzhao 钟罩|bell jar; dome (used to enclose or pr... zhongzhaowa 中爪哇|Central Java, province of Indonesia zhongzhe 重者|more serious case/in extreme cases zhongzhen 重镇|(military) strategic town/(fig.) majo... zhongzhen 忠贞|loyal and dependable zhongzhenbuyu 忠贞不渝|unswerving in one\'s loyalty (idiom); ... zhongzheng 中正|adopted name of Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋... zhongzheng 中正|fair and honest zhongzheng 重症|acute (of medical condition)/grave zhongzhengaosidinghui 重整奥思定会|Order of Augustinian Recollects, a me... zhongzhengjianhu 重症监护|intensive care zhongzhengjianhushi 重症监护室|intensive care unit (ICU) zhongzhengjiniantang 中正纪念堂|Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei zhongzhengjiwuli 重症肌无力|myasthenia gravis (medicine) zhongzhengqu 中正区|Zhongzheng District of Taipei 台北市[Tai... zhongzhi 种植|to plant; to grow (a crop); to cultivate zhongzhi 终止|to stop; to terminate zhongzhi 众智|crowd knowledge/collective wisdom zhongzhi 中止|to cease/to suspend/to break off/to s... zhongzhi 中指|middle finger zhongzhichengcheng 众志成城|unity of will is an impregnable stron... zhongzhidingli 中值定理|mean value theorem (in calculus) zhongzhiti 种植体|implant (dentistry) zhongzhiya 种植牙|dental implant zhongzhiye 种植业|plantation zhongzhiyuan 种植园|plantation zhongzhong 种种|all kinds of zhongzhong 重重|heavily/severely zhongzhong 中中|middling/average/impartial/(Hong Kong... zhongzhongkugu 冢中枯骨|dried bones in burial mound (idiom); ... zhongzhongzhizhong 重中之重|of the utmost importance/of highest p... zhongzhou 中轴|axis/(bicycle) bottom bracket zhongzhouxian 中轴线|central axis (line) zhongzhuan 中专|vocational secondary school/technical... zhongzhuan 中转|to change (train or plane)/transfer/c... zhongzhuang 中装|Chinese dress zhongzhuanguitai 中转柜台|transfer desk/correspondence desk zhongzhuanzhan 中转站|transit hub; transport hub; interchange zhongzhui 中缀|infix (grammar), particle attached wi... zhongzi 中子|neutron zhongzi 中资|Chinese capital/Chinese enterprise zhongzi 种子|seed/CL:顆|颗[ke1],粒[li4] zhongzi 重子|baryon (physics) zhongzidan 中子弹|neutron bomb zhongzidao 种子岛|Tanegashima, Japanese Island off Kyus... zhongzifuhuo 中子俘获|neutron capture zhongzishexiansheying 中子射线摄影|neutron radiography zhongzishu 中子数|neutron number zhongzixing 中子星|neutron star zhongzixuanshou 种子选手|seeded player zhongziyuan 中子源|neutron source zhongzizhiwu 种子植物|seed plant zhongzu 种族|race/ethnicity zhongzubu 中组部|(CCP) Organization Department (abbr. ... zhongzugeli 种族隔离|racial segregation/apartheid zhongzui 重罪|serious crime/felony zhongzumiejue 种族灭绝|genocide zhongzuqingchu 种族清除|ethnic cleansing zhongzuqingxi 种族清洗|\"ethnic cleansing\"/genocide zhongzuqishi 种族歧视|racial discrimination/racism zhongzuzhongxinzhuyi 种族中心主义|ethnocentrism zhongzuzhuyi 种族主义|racism zhongzuzhuyizhe 种族主义者|racist (person) zhou 宙|eternity/(geology) eon zhou 皱|to wrinkle/wrinkled/to crease zhou 州|prefecture/(old) province/(old) admin... zhou 粥|congee/gruel/porridge/CL:碗[wan3] zhou 轴|axis/axle/spool (for thread)/roller (... zhou 轴|see 壓軸戲|压轴戏[ya1 zhou4 xi4]/Taiwan pr.... zhou 舟|boat zhou 绉|crepe/wrinkle zhou 周|surname Zhou/Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC) zhou 周|to make a circuit/to circle/circle/ci... zhou 周|week/weekly/variant of 周[zhou1] zhou 酎|strong wine zhou 肘|elbow/pork shoulder zhou 纣|Zhou, pejorative name given posthumou... zhou 纣|crupper (harness strap running over a... zhou 籀|surname Zhou zhou 籀|(literary) seal script used throughou... zhou 咒|variant of 咒[zhou4] zhou 咒|incantation/magic spell/curse/maledic... zhou 繇|interpretations of the trigrams zhou 胄|helmet/descendants zhou 帚|broom zhou 帚|variant of 帚[zhou3] zhou 婤|(feminine name) zhou 啁|twittering of birds zhou 咮|beak of bird/peck at zhou 骤|sudden/unexpected/abrupt/suddenly/Tai... zhou 喌|syllable zhou 昼|daytime zhou 怞|to grieve/sorrowful zhou 侜|to conceal/to cover zhou 妯|used in 妯娌[zhou2 li5] zhou 碡|stone roller (for threshing grain, le... zhou 诪|(literary) to curse/to deceive/to lie zhou 籒|old variant of 籀[zhou4] zhou 荮|(dialect) to wrap with straw/classifi... zhou 盩|name of a district in Shaanxi zhou 赒|to give to the needy/to bestow alms/c... zhou 甃|brickwork of well zhou 鸼|used in 鶻鵃|鹘鸼[gu3zhou1] zhou 菷|variant of 帚[zhou3] zhou 㤘|(dialect) stubborn zhou 辀|(literary) shaft (of a cart)/cart zhou 冑|variant of 胄[zhou4] zhou 騆|divine horse zhou 㑇|(old) beautiful; clever zhou 洲|continent/island in a river zhou 诌|to make up (a story)/Taiwan pr. [zou1] zhoubaba 皱巴巴|wrinkled/crumpled/unironed zhoubao 周报|weekly publication zhoubapi 周扒皮|Zhou the exploiter, archetypal charac... zhoubei 周备|thorough/carefully prepared zhoubian 周边|periphery/rim/surroundings/all around... zhoubian 骤变|to change suddenly; to change abruptly zhoubianshangpin 周边商品|spin-off merchandise zhoubisuanjing 周髀算经|Zhou Bi Suan Jing, or Chou Pei Suan C... zhoubo 周波|cycle (physics) zhoubo 州伯|governor (of a province)/provincial c... zhoubo 周勃|Zhou Bo (?-169 BC), military man and ... zhouchang 周长|perimeter/circumference zhouchang 周长|variant of 周長|周长[zhou1 chang2] zhouchang 粥厂|food relief center/soup kitchen zhouchao 周朝|Zhou Dynasty/Western Zhou 西周 (1046-77... zhouchelaodun 舟车劳顿|travel-worn zhoucheng 轴承|(mechanical) bearing zhouchengwang 周成王|King Cheng of Zhou (1055-1021 BC), re... zhouchengxiao 轴承销|pin bearing zhouchu 周处|Zhou Chu (236-297), Jin dynasty general zhouchuan 舟船|boat zhouchuanying 周传瑛|Zhou Chuanying (1912-1988), Kunqu 崑曲|... zhoucun 周村|Zhoucun district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1... zhoucunqu 周村区|Zhoucun district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1... zhoudai 周代|Zhou dynasty (1046-221 BC) zhoudao 周到|thoughtful/considerate/attentive/thor... zhouduanyechang 昼短夜长|the winter days are short and the nig... zhoudunyi 周敦颐|Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073), Song dynasty ... zhouenlai 周恩来|Zhou Enlai (1898-1976), Chinese commu... zhouer 周二|Tuesday zhouerfushi 周而复始|lit. the cycle comes back to the star... zhoufu 洲府|state government zhoufuyechu 昼伏夜出|nocturnal/to hide by day and come out... zhougong 周公|Duke of Zhou (11th c. BC), son of Kin... zhougou 周狗|obedient dog/lackey zhouhuajian 周华健|Wakin Chau (1960-), HK-born Taiwanese... zhouhui 周会|weekly meeting/weekly assembly zhouji 肘击|to strike with the elbow; to elbow zhouji 赒急|disaster relief zhouji 赒济|variant of 周濟|周济[zhou1 ji4] zhouji 周济|Zhou Ji (1781-1839), Qing writer and ... zhouji 周济|help to the needy/emergency relief/ch... zhouji 洲际|intercontinental zhoujia 胄甲|helmet and armor zhoujian 骤减|to decrease rapidly; to plummet zhoujiang 骤降|to fall rapidly/to plummet zhoujiao 周角|(math.) angle of 360° zhoujidandaodaodan 洲际弹道导弹|intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM zhoujidaodan 洲际导弹|intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM zhoujie 州界|state border; state line zhoujielun 周杰伦|Jay Chou (1979-), Taiwanese pop star zhoujifukun 赒急扶困|disaster relief zhoujing 周径|girth; circumference zhoujiu 啁啾|(bird) twitter/chirp zhouju 轴距|wheelbase zhoukan 周刊|weekly publication/weekly zhoukou 周口|see 周口市[Zhou1kou3 Shi4] zhoukoudian 周口店|Zhoukoudian prehistoric site in Fangs... zhoukoushi 周口市|Zhoukou, prefecture-level city in Hen... zhouli 州立|state-run zhouli 妯娌|wives of brothers; sisters-in-law zhouli 周礼|the Rites of Zhou (in Confucianism) zhouliangshuyi 周梁淑怡|Selina Chow (Chow Liang Shuk-yee) (19... zhoulibo 周立波|Zhou Libo (1908-1979), left-wing jour... zhoulidaxue 州立大学|State University (US) zhouliu 周六|Saturday zhoulv 轴率|axial ratio zhouma 咒骂|to damn/to curse/to revile zhoumei 皱眉|to frown/to knit one\'s brow zhoumeitou 皱眉头|to scowl/to knit the brows zhoumi 周密|careful/thorough/meticulous/dense/imp... zhoumo 周末|weekend zhoumoyukuai 周末愉快|Have a nice weekend! zhoumuwang 周穆王|King Mu, fifth king of Zhou, said to ... zhounian 周年|anniversary/annual zhounianqing 周年庆|anniversary celebration zhouning 周宁|Zhouning county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2... zhouningxian 周宁县|Zhouning county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2... zhoupeng 粥棚|food relief center/soup kitchen zhouqi 皱起|to purse/to pucker (up) zhouqi 周期|period/cycle zhouqibiao 周期表|periodic table (chemistry)/abbr. of 元... zhouqihanshu 周期函数|periodic function zhouqijie 周期解|periodic solution (math.) zhouqishu 周期数|periodic number zhouqixi 周期系|periodic system/periodicity (chemistry) zhouqixing 周期性|periodic/periodicity (math)/cyclicity zhouqu 舟曲|Zhugqu or Zhouqu County in Gannan Tib... zhouquan 周全|comprehensive/thorough/to bring one\'s... zhouquxian 舟曲县|Zhugqu or Zhouqu County in Gannan Tib... zhouran 骤然|suddenly/abruptly zhouren 赒人|to help the needy/to bestow alms/charity zhouri 周日|Sunday/diurnal zhourunfa 周润发|Chow Yun-Fat (1955-), Hong Kong TV an... zhousan 周三|Wednesday zhousan-jingyi 周三径一|when the circumference is three, the ... zhoushan 舟山|see 舟山市[Zhou1shan1 Shi4] zhoushanqundao 舟山群岛|Zhoushan Island zhoushanshi 舟山市|Zhoushan, prefecture-level city in Zh... zhoushaosengduo 粥少僧多|see 僧多粥少[seng1 duo1 zhou1 shao3] zhoushen 周身|whole body zhoushoujuan 周瘦鹃|Zhou Shoujuan (1895-1968), writer, tr... zhoushu 籀书|seal script used throughout the pre-H... zhoushu 周书|History of Zhou of the Northern Dynas... zhoushuren 周树人|Zhou Shuren, the real name of author ... zhousi 周四|Thursday zhousi 宙斯|Zeus zhousi 骤死|sudden death (play-off in sporting co... zhousi 轴丝|axoneme (long thread of nerve cell) zhousidunzhandouxitong 宙斯盾战斗系统|Aegis Combat System (weapons system d... zhousishi 骤死式|sudden death style play-off (sporting... zhousu 周速|cycle time/cycle speed zhousui 周岁|one full year (e.g. on child\'s first ... zhousuo 皱缩|to wrinkle/wrinkled up zhousuo 轴索|axon (long thin axis of nerve cell) zhoutian 周天|Sunday zhoutu 轴突|axon zhoutuyunshu 轴突运输|axonal transport zhouwangchao 周王朝|the Zhou dynasty from 1027 BC zhouwei 周围|environs; surroundings; periphery zhouweixingxuanyun 周围性眩晕|peripheral vertigo zhouwen 皱纹|wrinkle/CL:道[dao4] zhouwen 籀文|seal script used throughout the pre-H... zhouwen 咒文|incantation/spell/to curse zhouwenwang 周文王|King Wen of Zhou state (c. 1152-1056 ... zhouwu 周五|Friday zhouwuwang 周武王|King Wu of Zhou (-1043), personal nam... zhouwuwangjifa 周武王姬发|King Wu of Zhou, personal name Ji Fa,... zhouxian 轴线|central axis (line) zhouxiang 周详|meticulous/thorough/comprehensive/com... zhouxiang 轴向|axis/axial zhouxiaochuan 周小川|Zhou Xiaochuan (1948-), PRC banker an... zhouxin 轴心|axle/(fig.) central element/key eleme... zhouxin 周薪|weekly salary zhouxin 纣辛|Zhou Xin (c. 11th century BC), last k... zhouxingchi 周星驰|Stephen Chow (1962-), Hong Kong actor... zhouxinguo 轴心国|Axis powers (World War II) zhouxiuerri 周休二日|(Tw) two-day weekend (usually Saturda... zhouxu 赒恤|to give to the needy zhouxuan 周旋|to mix with others/to socialize/to de... zhouxuan 周璇|Zhou Xuan (1918-1957), Chinese singer... zhouxuanwang 周宣王|King Xuan, eleventh King of Zhou, rei... zhouxuanzhuan 轴旋转|to rotate about an axis/axis of rotat... zhouyan 周延|exhaustive/distributed (logic: applie... zhouyangyinghua 粥样硬化|atherosclerosis/hardening of the arte... zhouye 昼夜|day and night/period of 24 hours/cont... zhouye 肘腋|lit. armpit/elbow and armpit/fig. rig... zhouyejielv 昼夜节律|circadian rhythm zhouyeouqin 皱叶欧芹|curled-leaf parsley (Petroselinum cri... zhouyepingfendian 昼夜平分点|the equinox zhouyi 周一|Monday zhouyi 周易|another name for Book of Changes (I C... zhouyi 胄裔|distant progeny zhouyifanyan 胄裔繁衍|Descendants are great in numbers. (id... zhouyiyue 周一岳|York Chow or Chow Yat-ngok (1947-), H... zhouyongkang 周永康|Zhou Yongkang (1942-), PRC petroleum ... zhouyou 周游|to travel around/to tour/to cross zhouyou 周游|variant of 周遊|周游, to tour/to travel a... zhouyouguang 周有光|Zhou Youguang (1906-2017), PRC lingui... zhouyoulieguo 周游列国|to travel around many countries (idio... zhouyoushijie 周游世界|to travel around the world zhouyouwang 周幽王|King You of Zhou (795-771 BC), last k... zhouyu 咒语|incantation/spell/enchantment/curse zhouyu 周瑜|Zhou Yu (175-210), famous general of ... zhouyu 骤雨|shower zhouyudahuanggai 周瑜打黄盖|fig. with the connivance of both side... zhouyumin 周渝民|Zhou Yumin or Vic Zhou (1981-), Taiwa... zhouzao 周遭|surrounding/nearby zhouzhang 州长|governor (of a province or colony)/(U... zhouzhang 周章|(literary) effort; trouble; pains (to... zhouzhe 皱褶|creased/wrinkled/fold/crease zhouzhe 周折|twists and turns/vicissitude/complica... zhouzhe 皱折|crease/fold/ripple/lap zhouzhe 绉褶|variant of 皺褶|皱褶[zhou4 zhe3] zhouzhe 皱摺|variant of 皺折|皱折[zhou4zhe2] zhouzhi 周至|Zhouzhi county in Xi\'an 西安[Xi1 an1], ... zhouzhi 周至|see 周到[zhou1 dao4] zhouzhi 周知|well known zhouzhixian 周至县|Zhouzhi county in Xi\'an 西安[Xi1 an1], ... zhouzhong 周中|weekday/midweek zhouzhuan 周转|to rotate/to circulate (cash, stock e... zhouzhuanbukai 周转不开|to have financial difficulties/unable... zhouzhuanbuling 周转不灵|to have a cash flow problem zhouzhuang 周庄|Zhouzhuang, old canal town between Sh... zhouzhuangzhen 周庄镇|Zhouzhuang, old canal town between Sh... zhouzhuanjin 周转金|revolving fund/working capital/petty ... zhouzi 肘子|pork shoulder/(coll.) elbow zhouzi 胄子|eldest son zhouzongli 周总理|Premier Zhou Enlai 周恩來|周恩来 (1898-1976) zhouzu 咒诅|to curse/to revile zhouzui 周晬|one full year (e.g. on child\'s first ... zhouzuoren 周作人|Zhou Zuoren (1885-1967), brother of L... zhu 主|owner/master/host/individual or party... zhu 住|to live/to dwell/to stay/to reside/to... zhu 朱|surname Zhu zhu 朱|vermilion zhu 朱|(bound form) cinnabar zhu 术|various genera of flowers of Asterace... zhu 鼄|old variant of 蛛[zhu1] zhu 属|to join together/to fix one\'s attenti... zhu 助|to help/to assist zhu 注|to inject/to pour into/to concentrate... zhu 注|to register/to annotate/note/comment zhu 筑|short name for Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2] zhu 筑|five-string lute/Taiwan pr. [zhu2] zhu 筑|to build/to construct/to ram/to hit/T... zhu 贮|to store/to save/stockpile/Taiwan pr.... zhu 逐|(bound form) to pursue/to chase away/... zhu 著|to make known/to show/to prove/to wri... zhu 诸|surname Zhu zhu 诸|all/various zhu 蛀|termite/to bore (of insects) zhu 铸|to cast or found metals zhu 诛|to put (a criminal) to death/to punish zhu ⺮|\"bamboo\" radical in Chinese character... zhu 珠|bead/pearl/CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1] zhu 丶|\"dot\" radical in Chinese characters (... zhu 斸|cut zhu 柱|pillar/CL:根[gen1] zhu 蛛|(bound form) spider zhu 褚|padding (in garment)/to store up/pock... zhu 拄|to lean on/to prop on zhu 躅|used in 躑躅|踯躅[zhi2zhu2] zhu 烛|candle/(literary) to illuminate zhu 猪|hog/pig/swine/CL:口[kou3],頭|头[tou2] zhu 渚|islet/bank zhu 竺|surname Zhu/abbr. for 天竺[Tian1zhu2], ... zhu 煮|variant of 煮[zhu3] zhu 煮|to cook/to boil zhu 邾|surname Zhu zhu 邾|name of a feudal state zhu 嘱|to enjoin/to implore/to urge zhu 祝|surname Zhu zhu 祝|to pray for/to wish (sb bon voyage, h... zhu 瞩|to gaze at/to stare at zhu 炷|wick of an oil lamp/to burn (incense ... zhu 陼|islet/bank zhu 茱|used in 茱萸[zhu1yu2] zhu 铢|twenty-fourth part of a tael (2 or 3 ... zhu 翥|to soar zhu 杼|shuttle of a loom zhu 麈|leader of herd/stag zhu 苎|used in 苧麻|苎麻[zhu4ma2] zhu 朮|variant of 術|术[zhu2] zhu 壴|surname Zhu zhu 壴|(archaic) drum zhu 洙|surname Zhu zhu 洙|name of a river zhu 箸|variant of 箸[zhu4] zhu 箸|(literary) chopsticks zhu 伫|to stand for a long time/to wait/to l... zhu 伫|to stand for a long time (variant of ... zhu 槠|Quercus glanca zhu 侏|dwarf zhu 蠋|caterpillar zhu 瘃|chilblain zhu 蓫|(weed)/Phytolacca acinosa zhu 柷|percussion instrument, a tapering woo... zhu 橥|Zelkova acuminata zhu 櫡|variant of 箸[zhu4] zhu 潴|pool/pond zhu 纻|variant of 苧|苎[zhu4]/(literary) cloth... zhu 駯|black muzzle (of a horse) zhu 砫|ancestral tablet zhu 舳|poopdeck/stern of boat zhu 跦|pace back and forth/to walk zhu 簗|erroneous variant of 築|筑[zhu4] zhu 窋|in a hole zhu 羜|five-month-old lamb zhu 蠩|a toad zhu 爥|old variant of 燭|烛[zhu2] zhu 㝉|to store/to stand/space between the d... zhu 鋳|Japanese variant of 鑄|铸 zhu 株|tree trunk/stump (tree root)/a plant/... zhu 竹|bamboo/CL:棵[ke1],支[zhi1],根[gen1]/Kang... zhu 𬣞|wisdom zhu 馵|(horse) zhu 驻|to halt/to stay/to be stationed (of t... zhua 抓|to grab/to catch/to arrest/to snatch/... zhua 爪|(coll.) foot of an animal or bird/(co... zhua 挝|ancient weapon with a tip shaped like... zhua 髽|dress the hair zhuabao 抓包|to catch sb in the act/(computing) to... zhuabianzi 抓辫子|to grab sb by the pigtail/to seize on... zhuabing 抓饼|fluffy, flaky pancake (made with doug... zhuabu 抓捕|to seize/to capture zhuachan 爪蟾|Xenopus (type of frog) zhuadafangxiao 抓大放小|(PRC, mid-1990s) to restructure the l... zhuadi 抓地|grip on the road/roadholding zhuadili 抓地力|traction zhuaernaosai 抓耳挠腮|to tweak one\'s ears and scratch one\'s... zhuafan 抓饭|pilaf (rice dish popular in many part... zhuagen 抓哏|(of a comedian) to seize on something... zhuagongfu 抓功夫|to maximize one\'s time/to catch some ... zhuagongfu 抓工夫|to maximize one\'s time/to catch some ... zhuahou 抓猴|(Tw) to catch an adulterous man in th... zhuahuo 抓获|to arrest zhuai 转|see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2] zhuai 拽|to throw/to fling zhuai 拽|self-satisfied; cocky (alternative wr... zhuai 拽|to pull/to tug at (sth) zhuai 跩|to waddle/to swagger/(coll.) struttin... zhuaibu 拽步|to take long strides/to hurry (while ... zhuaiwen 转文|to parade by interspersing one\'s spee... zhuaiwen 跩文|see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2] (Tw) zhuaji 爪机|(Internet slang) mobile phone zhuajian 抓奸|to catch a couple in the act (adulter... zhuajianr 爪尖儿|pig\'s trotters zhuajin 抓紧|to keep a firm grip on/to pay close a... zhuajinshijian 抓紧时间|to waste no time in (doing sth); to h... zhuajinxuexi 抓紧学习|to concentrate on studying hard zhuajiu 抓阄|to draw straws zhuaju 抓举|snatch (weightlifting technique) zhuakuang 抓狂|to blow one\'s top; to be driven mad; ... zhuali 抓力|grip zhuama 抓马|(coll.) (loanword) drama; dramatic zhuan 转|to turn/to change direction/to transf... zhuan 转|to revolve/to turn/to circle about/to... zhuan 传|biography/historical narrative/commen... zhuan 专|for a particular person, occasion, pu... zhuan 专|variant of 專|专[zhuan1] zhuan 砖|variant of 甎|砖[zhuan1] zhuan 砖|variant of 磚|砖[zhuan1] zhuan 砖|brick/tile (floor or wall, not roof)/... zhuan 赚|to earn/to make a profit zhuan 篆|seal (of office)/seal script (a calli... zhuan 啭|to sing (of birds or insects)/to warb... zhuan 馔|old variant of 饌|馔[zhuan4] zhuan 馔|food/delicacies zhuan 颛|surname Zhuan zhuan 颛|good/simple zhuan 孨|(Internet slang) the three 子\'s that s... zhuan 撰|to compose/to compile zhuan 撰|variant of 撰[zhuan4] zhuan 専|Japanese variant of 專|专 zhuan 僎|collect zhuan 篹|to compose/to compile/food/delicacies zhuan 転|Japanese variant of 轉|转 zhuan 瑑|engraved lines zhuan 籑|old variant of 撰[zhuan4] zhuan 鱄|surname Zhuan zhuan 鱄|fish (meaning variable: mackerel, anc... zhuan 䌸|to tie up zhuan 䏝|(dialect) gizzard zhuanan 专案|project zhuananjimei 转氨基酶|amino transferase (enzyme) zhuananjingli 专案经理|project manager zhuananmei 转氨酶|transferase (enzyme) zhuananxiaozu 专案小组|task force zhuananzu 专案组|special investigation team (legal or ... zhuanao 抓挠|to scratch/to mess about with/to quar... zhuanba 专八|TEM-8 or Test for English Majors-Band... zhuanbaiweisheng 转败为胜|to turn defeat into victory (idiom); ... zhuanbei 转背|to turn one\'s back/to turn around/fig... zhuanbeiweixi 转悲为喜|to turn grief into happiness (idiom) zhuanbian 转变|to change/to transform/shift/transfor... zhuanbianguocheng 转变过程|process of change zhuanbianlichang 转变立场|to change positions/to shift one\'s gr... zhuanbidao 转笔刀|pencil sharpener zhuanbo 转播|relay/broadcast (on radio or TV) zhuanbu 转步|to turn around zhuance 转侧|to change one\'s viewpoint/to turn fro... zhuancha 转差|to slip (e.g. of clutch)/slippage/als... zhuanchalv 转差率|slippage rate zhuanchan 转产|to change production/to move over to ... zhuanchang 专场|special performance zhuanchang 专长|specialty/special knowledge or ability zhuanche 专车|special (or reserved) train (or bus e... zhuanche 转车|to transfer/to change trains, buses etc zhuanche 转车|a turntable zhuancheng 专程|specifically/specially (for that purp... zhuancheng 转乘|to transfer/to change trains, buses etc zhuanchetai 转车台|a turntable zhuanchuan 转船|to transfer ships zhuancun 转存|to transfer (one\'s savings, data etc)... zhuanda 转达|to pass on/to convey/to communicate zhuandan 转蛋|toy in a capsule (dispensed from a ve... zhuandao 转道|to make a detour/to go by way of zhuandao 转导|transduction zhuandaqian 赚大钱|to earn a fortune zhuande 赚得|to earn zhuandi 专递|to make a special delivery; to courier zhuandi 转递|to pass on; to relay zhuandi 转抵|to convert/to exchange zhuandiao 转调|(music) to change key/modulation/(of ... zhuandong 转动|to turn sth around/to swivel zhuandong 转动|to rotate (about an axis)/to revolve/... zhuandongguanliang 转动惯量|moment of inertia (mechanics) zhuandongjian 转动件|rotor zhuandongzhou 转动轴|axis of rotation (mechanics)/spindle zhuanduan 专断|to act arbitrarily/to make decisions ... zhuaner 转而|to turn to (sth else); to switch to zhuanfa 转发|to transmit/to forward (mail, SMS, pa... zhuanfalun 转法轮|to transmit Buddhist teaching/chakram... zhuanfan 转帆|to tack (of sailing ship)/to jibe/to ... zhuanfang 专访|to interview (a particular person or ... zhuang 荘|Japanese variant of 莊|庄 zhuang 状|(bound form) form; appearance; shape/... zhuang 装|adornment/to adorn/dress/clothing/cos... zhuang 庄|variant of 莊|庄[zhuang1] zhuang 庄|surname Zhuang zhuang 庄|farmstead/village/manor/place of busi... zhuang 桩|stump; stake; pile/classifier for eve... zhuang 撞|to knock against/to bump into/to run ... zhuang 幢|classifier for buildings (Taiwan pr. ... zhuang 壮|Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi, the P... zhuang 壮|to strengthen/strong/robust zhuang 妆|(of a woman) to adorn oneself/makeup/... zhuang 妆|variant of 妝|妆[zhuang1] zhuang 僮|old variant of 壯|壮, Zhuang ethnic gro... zhuang 奘|fat/stout zhuang 戆|simple/honest zhuang 庒|old variant of 莊|庄[zhuang1] zhuang 獞|old variant of 壯|壮, Zhuang ethnic gro... zhuangan 转干|to become a cadre (e.g. a promotion f... zhuangao 转告|to pass on/to communicate/to transmit zhuangao 撰稿|to write (an article for publication) zhuangaoren 撰稿人|author (of a manuscript) zhuangban 装扮|to decorate; to adorn; to dress up/to... zhuangban 妆扮|variant of 裝扮|装扮[zhuang1 ban4] zhuangbei 装备|equipment/to equip/to outfit zhuangbi 装B|variant of 裝屄|装屄[zhuang1 bi1] zhuangbi 装逼|variant of 裝屄|装屄[zhuang1 bi1] zhuangbi 装屄|to act like a pretentious prick zhuangbing 装病|to feign illness/to malinger zhuangche 撞车|to crash (into another car)/(fig.) (o... zhuangcheng 装成|to pretend zhuangchu 装出|to assume (an air of) zhuangchuan 装船|to load cargo onto a ship zhuangda 壮大|to expand/to strengthen zhuangdai 装袋|to bag/to fill (a bag)/bagging zhuangdan 壮胆|to get one’s courage up/to embolden zhuangdan 装弹|to charge (ammunition into gun)/to load zhuangdao 撞倒|to knock down/to knock over/to run ov... zhuangdayun 撞大运|to have a lucky stroke/to try one\'s luck zhuangdian 装点|to decorate/to dress up/to deck zhuangdian 妆点|to decorate zhuangdianmenmian 装点门面|lit. to decorate the front of one\'s s... zhuangding 装订|bookbinding/to bind (books etc) zhuangding 壮丁|able-bodied man (capable of fighting ... zhuangei 转给|to pass on to zhuangfengmaisha 装疯卖傻|to play the fool (idiom)/to feign mad... zhuanggao 状告|to sue/to take to court/to file a law... zhuanggouzhandao 桩构栈道|pile trestle zhuangguan 壮观|spectacular/magnificent sight zhuangguo 装裹|to dress a corpse/shroud zhuanghaoren 装好人|to pretend to be nice zhuanghe 庄河|Zhuanghe, county-level city in Dalian... zhuangheshi 庄河市|Zhuanghe, county-level city in Dalian... zhuanghuang 装璜|variant of 裝潢|装潢[zhuang1 huang2] zhuanghuang 装潢|to mount (a picture)/to dress/to ador... zhuanghui 撞毁|to smash zhuanghuo 装货|to load sth onto a ship etc zhuangji 装机|to install/installation zhuangji 撞击|to strike; to hit; to ram zhuangji 撞机|(of an airplane) to collide (with ano... zhuangjia 装甲|vehicle armor zhuangjia 庄稼|farm crop zhuangjia 庄家|farmhouse/banker (gambling) zhuangjiache 装甲车|armored car/CL:輛|辆[liang4] zhuangjiacheliang 装甲车辆|armored vehicles zhuangjiadi 庄稼地|crop land/arable land zhuangjiahan 庄稼汉|peasant/farmer zhuangjiahu 庄稼户|wealthy farmer/landlord zhuangjiahuor 庄稼活儿|farm work zhuangjiahur 庄稼户儿|erhua variant of 莊稼戶|庄稼户[zhuang1 jia5... zhuangjian 撞见|to meet by accident zhuangjiao 桩脚|pier foundation (architecture)/(Tw) p... zhuangjiaren 庄稼人|(coll.) farmer zhuangjikeng 撞击坑|impact crater zhuangjishidayinji 撞击式打印机|impact printer zhuangjishiyinbiaoji 撞击式印表机|impact printer zhuangju 壮举|magnificent feat/impressive feat/hero... zhuangke 庄客|farm hand zhuangkeai 装可爱|to act cute/putting on adorable airs/... zhuangkuang 状况|condition; state; situation/CL:個|个[ge4] zhuangkuo 壮阔|grand/majestic/vast zhuanglan 撞烂|to destroy by smashing/smashed up zhuanglang 庄浪|Zhuanglang county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[... zhuanglangxian 庄浪县|Zhuanglang county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[... zhuanglao 庄老|Zhuangzi and Laozi, the Daoist masters zhuangli 壮丽|magnificence/magnificent/majestic/glo... zhuanglian 妆奁|trousseau/lady\'s dressing case zhuanglian 撞脸|(coll.) to look alike/to be a spittin... zhuangliao 装料|to load/to charge/to feed (esp. a mac... zhuanglie 壮烈|brave/heroic zhuanglongzuoya 装聋作哑|to play deaf-mute zhuangman 装满|to fill up zhuangmei 壮美|magnificent zhuangmeng 装萌|(slang) to act cute zhuangmenmian 装门面|see 裝點門面|装点门面[zhuang1 dian3 men2 mian4] zhuangmo-zuoyang 装模作样|(idiom) to put on an act; to show aff... zhuangnen 装嫩|to act young/to affect a youthful app... zhuangnian 壮年|lit. robust years/prime of life/summe... zhuangong 专攻|to specialize in/to major in zhuangong 篆工|craftsman engaged in carving characters zhuangpei 装配|to assemble/to fit together zhuangpeigongchang 装配工厂|assembly plant zhuangpeixian 装配线|assembly line/production line zhuangpeiyuan 装配员|assembly worker zhuangpian 撞骗|to swindle zhuangqiangzuoshi 装腔作势|posturing/pretentious/affected zhuangqidanzi 壮起胆子|to proceed with sth even though scare... zhuangqiongjiaoku 装穷叫苦|to feign and complain bitterly of bei... zhuangqiu 撞球|billiards/billiards ball/pool (game) zhuangrong 妆容|a look (achieved by applying makeup) zhuangru 装入|to load zhuangsha 装傻|to act stupid/to pretend to be naive zhuangshan 撞衫|to wear the same outfit as sb else (i... zhuangshang 撞伤|bruise/bump zhuangshe 装设|to install/to fit (e.g. a light bulb) zhuangshengci 状声词|onomatopoeia zhuangshennonggui 装神弄鬼|lit. to pretend to be in contact with... zhuangshi 装饰|to decorate/decoration/decorative/orn... zhuangshi 壮士|hero/fighter/brave strong guy/warrior... zhuangshi 壮实|robust/sturdy zhuangshi 妆饰|to dress up zhuangshidaoju 装饰道具|(theater) set dressing/trim prop zhuangshipin 装饰品|ornament zhuangshiwu 装饰物|ornament/ornamentation zhuangshu 装束|attire/clothing zhuangshuo 壮硕|sturdy/thick and strong zhuangsi 撞死|to knock down and kill (with a car, t... zhuangsi 装死|to play dead zhuangsuan 装蒜|to act stupid/to play dumb/to pretend... zhuangsuo 撞锁|lock zhuangtai 状态|condition; state; state of affairs/CL... zhuangtaidongci 状态动词|(linguistics) stative verb zhuangu 转鼓|rotary drum zhuanguan 专管|to be in charge of something specific zhuanguanxi 转关系|to transfer (from one unit to another) zhuangui 专柜|sales counter dedicated to a certain ... zhuangui 转轨|to change track zhuangui 转归|(of ownership, custody etc) to be tra... zhuangwei 壮围|Zhuangwei or Chuangwei Township in Yi... zhuangweixiang 壮围乡|Zhuangwei or Chuangwei Township in Yi... zhuangwu 状物|...-shaped thing/to portray sth zhuangxie 装卸|to load or unload/to transfer/to asse... zhuangxiegong 装卸工|docker/longshoreman zhuangxiu 装修|to decorate/interior decoration/to fi... zhuangyan 庄严|solemn; dignified; stately zhuangyang 壮阳|(TCM) to build up one\'s kidney yang; ... zhuangyang 装佯|affectation zhuangyangsuan 装洋蒜|to feign ignorance zhuangyou 装有|fitted with zhuangyu 状语|adverbial adjunct (adverb or adverbia... zhuangyu 壮语|Zhuang language/language of the Zhuan... zhuangyu 壮语|magnificent talk/exaggeration zhuangyuan 庄园|manor/feudal land/villa and park zhuangyuan 状元|top scorer in the palace examination ... zhuangyun 装运|to ship/shipment zhuangyunqi 撞运气|to try one\'s luck/to rely on fate zhuangzai 装载|to load/to stow zhuangzao 妆造|makeup and styling zhuangzhen 装帧|binding and layout (of a book etc) zhuangzhen 撞针|firing pin zhuangzhi 装置|to install/installation/equipment/sys... zhuangzhi 壮志|great goal/magnificent aspiration zhuangzhiwu 装置物|fixture/installation zhuangzhong 庄重|grave/solemn/dignified zhuangzhou 庄周|same as Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3] (... zhuangzhoumengdie 庄周梦蝶|Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3] dreams of... zhuangzhuangjianjian 桩桩件件|each and every one zhuangzi 庄子|Zhuangzi (369-286 BC), Daoist author zhuangzi 庄子|(coll.) village; hamlet/CL:座[zuo4] zhuangzu 壮族|Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi, the P... zhuangzu 僮族|old term for 壯族|壮族, Zhuang ethnic gro... zhuangzuo 装作|to pretend/to feign/to act a part zhuanhang 转行|to change profession zhuanhao 转好|improvement/turnaround (for the better) zhuanheng 专横|imperious/peremptory zhuanhong 赚哄|to cheat/to hoodwink/to defraud zhuanhongtu 砖红土|red brick clay zhuanhua 转化|to change; to turn; to convert/(genet... zhuanhuan 转换|to change/to switch/to convert/to tra... zhuanhuan 转圜|to save or redeem (a situation)/to me... zhuanhuanduanceng 转换断层|transform fault (geology) zhuanhuanqi 转换器|converter/transducer zhuanhuanyudi 转圜余地|to have room to save a situation/marg... zhuanhuatang 转化糖|inverted sugar zhuanhui 转会|to transfer to another club (professi... zhuanhui 转回|to turn back/to put back/reversal/mel... zhuanhuifei 转会费|transfer fee/signing bonus/sign-on bonus zhuanhuilai 赚回来|to earn back (money one invested, was... zhuanji 专辑|album/record (music)/special collecti... zhuanji 传记|biography/CL:篇[pian1],部[bu4] zhuanji 专机|chartered plane/VIP aircraft zhuanji 转寄|to forward (a message, letter, articl... zhuanji 转机|(to take) a turn for the better/to ch... zhuanjia 专家|expert; specialist zhuanjia 转嫁|to remarry (of widow)/to pass on (bla... zhuanjiao 转角|bend in a street/corner/to turn a corner zhuanjiao 转交|to pass on to sb/to carry and give to... zhuanjiapingjia 专家评价|expert evaluation zhuanjiapinglun 专家评论|expert commentary zhuanjiaxitong 专家系统|expert system zhuanjie 转接|(telephony etc) to switch/to connect/... zhuanjie 转介|to refer sb to an agency (or hospital... zhuanjiebanji 转接班机|connecting flight zhuanjin 转筋|muscle cramp zhuanjiyin 转基因|genetic modification zhuanjiyinshipin 转基因食品|genetically modified (GM) food zhuanju 转矩|torque zhuanju 转剧|becoming acute/to exacerbate zhuanjubi 转矩臂|torque arm zhuanke 专科|specialized subject/branch (of medici... zhuanke 篆刻|to carve a seal/a seal zhuanke 转科|to change major (at college)/to take ... zhuankexuexiao 专科学校|specialized school/college for profes... zhuankeyuanxiao 专科院校|academy zhuankong 专控|exclusive control zhuankou 转口|entrepot/transit (of goods)/(coll.) t... zhuankuai 砖块|brick zhuankuan 专款|special fund/money allocated for a pa... zhuanlaizhuanqu 转来转去|to rove around/to run around in circl... zhuanlan 专栏|special column zhuanli 专利|patent/sth uniquely enjoyed (or posse... zhuanlian 转脸|to turn one\'s head/in no time/in the ... zhuanlie 专列|special train/abbr. for 專門列車|专门列车[zhu... zhuanlie 转捩|to turn zhuanliedian 转捩点|turning point zhuanlifa 专利法|patent law zhuanliju 专利局|patent office zhuanling 转铃|bicycle bell (with a rotating interna... zhuanlingr 转铃儿|erhua variant of 轉鈴|转铃[zhuan4 ling2] zhuanliquan 专利权|patent right zhuanliyaopin 专利药品|patent drugs zhuanlu 转炉|converter (rotary furnace in steelmak... zhuanlu 撰录|to compile and record zhuanlu 转录|transcription/to make a copy of a rec... zhuanlun 转轮|rotating disk/wheel/rotor/cycle of re... zhuanlunshengdi 转轮圣帝|chakravarti raja (emperor in Hindu my... zhuanlunshengwang 转轮圣王|Chakravarti raja (Sanskrit: King of K... zhuanlunshouqiang 转轮手枪|revolver (handgun) zhuanlunwang 转轮王|Chakravarti raja (Sanskrit: King of K... zhuanlve 传略|biographical sketch zhuanma 转码|(computing) transcoding/to convert (f... zhuanmai 专卖|monopoly/exclusive right to trade zhuanmai 转卖|to resell zhuanmaidian 专卖店|specialty store zhuanmeiyuqian 专美于前|to monopolize the limelight (idiom)/t... zhuanmen 专门|specialist/specialized/customized zhuanmen 转门|revolving door/turnstile zhuanmenhua 专门化|to specialize zhuanmenjia 专门家|specialist zhuanmenjigou 专门机构|specialized agency zhuanmenlieche 专门列车|special train zhuanmenrenyuan 专门人员|specialist/specialized staff zhuanmianwuqing 转面无情|to turn one\'s face against sb and sho... zhuanming 专名|proper noun zhuanmingci 专名词|proper noun zhuanmo 转磨|rotary grindstone zhuanni 撰拟|to draft/to draw up/to compose (a pla... zhuannian 转年|the following year; next year zhuannian 转念|to have second thoughts about sth/to ... zhuanniu 转纽|organ stop (button activating a row o... zhuanpan 转盘|turntable/rotary (traffic) zhuanqian 赚钱|to earn money/moneymaking zhuanqu 专区|area established for a designated pur... zhuanqu 赚取|to make a profit/to earn a packet zhuanqu 转去|to return/to go back zhuanquan 转圈|to rotate/to twirl/to run around/to e... zhuanquan 专权|autocracy/dictatorship zhuanrang 转让|to transfer (ownership, rights etc) zhuanren 专人|specialist/person appointed for speci... zhuanren 专任|full-time/to appoint sb to a specific... zhuanrexue 传热学|theory of heat/heat transmission (phy... zhuanru 转入|to change over to; to shift to; to sw... zhuanrudixia 转入地下|to go underground/to turn to secret a... zhuanshan 专擅|without authorization/to act on one\'s... zhuanshen 转身|(of a person) to turn round/to face a... zhuansheng 转生|reincarnation (Buddhism) zhuanshi 转世|reincarnation or transmigration (Budd... zhuanshi 砖石|brick zhuanshi 专事|specialized zhuanshou 转手|to pass on/to resell/to change hands zhuanshou 转授|to delegate zhuanshu 专属|to belong or be dedicated exclusively... zhuanshu 篆书|seal script (Chinese calligraphic style) zhuanshu 转述|to pass on (stories)/to relate zhuanshu 撰述|to compose (a piece of writing)/to wr... zhuanshujingjiqu 专属经济区|exclusive economic zone zhuanshun 转瞬|in the twinkling of an eye/in a flash... zhuanshunjishi 转瞬即逝|(idiom) fleeting; transitory zhuansi 专司|to work solely on/to have as one\'s (o... zhuansong 转送|to pass (sth) on (to sb else)/to tran... zhuansu 转速|angular velocity/number of revolution... zhuansubiao 转速表|tachometer/RPM gauge zhuanta 转塔|rotating turret zhuantai 转台|to change the channel (TV) zhuantai 转台|rotating stage/swivel table zhuanti 专题|specific topic (addressed by a book, ... zhuanti 转体|to roll over/to turn over (one\'s body) zhuanti 篆体|see 篆書|篆书[zhuan4 shu1] zhuantibaodao 专题报导|special report (in the media) zhuantiditu 专题地图|thematic map zhuantipian 专题片|special report (shown on TV etc) zhuantou 砖头|brick zhuantou 转头|to turn one\'s head/to change directio... zhuantou 转头|nutation (plants turning to face the ... zhuantou 赚头|profit (colloquial) zhuantuo 转托|to pass on a task/to delegate one\'s w... zhuanwa 砖瓦|tiles and bricks zhuanwan 转弯|to turn/to go around a corner zhuanwang 转往|to change (to final stretch of journey) zhuanwanmojiao 转弯抹角|see 拐彎抹角|拐弯抹角[guai3 wan1 mo4 jiao3] zhuanwei 转位|transposition/displacement/inversion/... zhuanwei 转位|index (rotating gauge)/cam gradation zhuanweiweian 转危为安|to turn peril into safety (idiom); to... zhuanwen 撰文|to write an article zhuanwen 转文|(Internet) to repost (Tw) zhuanxi 转徙|to migrate/to move house zhuanxian 专线|special-purpose phone line or communi... zhuanxiang 专项|special/dedicated zhuanxiang 转向|to change direction/fig. to change on... zhuanxiang 转向|to get lost/to lose one\'s way zhuanxiangdeng 转向灯|vehicle turn indicator light zhuanxiangpan 转向盘|steering wheel zhuanxiangxinhao 转向信号|turn signal (auto.)/turning indicator zhuanxiao 转校|to transfer (school) zhuanxie 撰写|to write/to compose zhuanxie 转写|to transliterate/to transcribe/to tra... zhuanxin 专心|to focus one\'s attention; to concentr... zhuanxing 转型|to undergo fundamental change; to tra... zhuanxing 转性|to change one\'s character or nature zhuanxing 转醒|see 醒轉|醒转[xing3zhuan3] zhuanxinyiyi 专心一意|to concentrate on zhuanxinzhizhi 专心致志|(idiom) single-minded; fully focused zhuanxu 颛顼|Zhuanxu, one of the Five Legendary Em... zhuanxue 转学|to change schools/to transfer to anot... zhuanxuesheng 转学生|transfer student zhuanyan 转眼|in a flash/in the blink of an eye/to ... zhuanyanbianwang 转眼便忘|what the eye doesn\'t see the heart do... zhuanyanjishi 转眼即逝|to pass in an instant/over in the twi... zhuanyao 砖窑|brick kiln zhuanyaochang 砖窑场|brick kiln zhuanyaohe 赚吆喝|(of a company) to gain recognition th... zhuanyaozi 转腰子|(coll.) to pace around nervously/to s... zhuanye 专业|specialty/specialized field/main fiel... zhuanye 转业|to change one\'s profession/to transfe... zhuanyehu 专业户|rural household that specializes in a... zhuanyehua 专业化|specialization zhuanyejiaoyu 专业教育|specialized education/technical school zhuanyerencai 专业人才|expert (in a field) zhuanyerenshi 专业人士|a professional zhuanyexing 专业性|professionalism; specialization zhuanyi 转移|to shift; to relocate; to transfer/(f... zhuanyi 专一|single-minded/concentrated zhuanyi 转义|(linguistics) transferred meaning/(co... zhuanyi 转椅|swivel chair/children\'s roundabout zhuanyi 转译|to translate (to another language)/to... zhuanyi 专意|deliberately/on purpose zhuanyianzhi 转移安置|to relocate/to evacuate zhuanyin 转引|to quote from secondary source zhuanying 专营|to specialize in (a particular produc... zhuanyingdian 专营店|exclusive agency/franchised shop/auth... zhuanyishixian 转移视线|to shift one\'s eyes/(fig.) to shift o... zhuanyitang 转一趟|to go on a trip zhuanyixulie 转义序列|(computing) escape sequence zhuanyizhendi 转移阵地|to move one\'s base (of operations)/to... zhuanyizhifu 转移支付|transfer payment (payment from govern... zhuanyizifu 转义字符|(computing) escape character zhuanyong 专用|special/dedicated zhuanyong 转用|to adapt for use for another purpose zhuanyongjichengdianlu 专用集成电路|application-specific integrated circu... zhuanyongwanglu 专用网路|dedicated network zhuanyou 专有|exclusive/proprietary zhuanyou 转悠|to roll/to wander around/to appear re... zhuanyou 转游|variant of 轉悠|转悠[zhuan4 you5] zhuanyoumingci 专有名词|technical term/proper noun zhuanyu 转喻|metonymy zhuanyuan 专员|assistant director/commissioner zhuanyuan 转院|to transfer (a patient) to a differen... zhuanyun 转运|to forward; to transfer; to transship... zhuanyun 转韵|change of rhyme (within a poem) zhuanyunzhan 转运站|distribution depot/staging post/trans... zhuanyunzhan 转运栈|storage depot on a transportation route zhuanzai 转载|to forward (a shipment)/to reprint st... zhuanzan 传赞|postscript to a biography zhuanze 专责|specific responsibility zhuanzeng 转赠|to pass on a present zhuanzhan 转战|to fight in one place after another zhuanzhang 转账|to transfer (money to a bank account) zhuanzhangka 转账卡|debit card zhuanzhanqianli 转战千里|fighting everywhere over a thousand m... zhuanzhe 转折|shift in the trend of events/turnarou... zhuanzhedian 转折点|turning point/breaking point zhuanzhen 转诊|to transfer (a patient for treatment ... zhuanzheng 转正|to transfer to full membership/to obt... zhuanzheng 专政|dictatorship zhuanzheng 专征|to go on a personal punitive expedition zhuanzhi 专职|special duty/assigned full time to a ... zhuanzhi 专治|(of medicine) to use specifically for... zhuanzhi 专制|autocracy/dictatorship zhuanzhi 转置|to transpose zhuanzhijunzhuzhi 专制君主制|absolute monarchy/autocracy zhuanzhizhuyi 专制主义|absolutism/despotism/autocracy zhuanzhong 转钟|past midnight zhuanzhou 转轴|axis of rotation zhuanzhour 转轴儿|erhua variant of 轉軸|转轴[zhuan4 zhou2] zhuanzhu 专注|to focus; to concentrate; to give one... zhuanzhu 专著|monograph/specialized text zhuanzhu 转注|transfer character (one of the Six Me... zhuanzhuan 转转|to stroll zhuanzhuzi 转注字|transfer character (one of the Six Me... zhuanzi 转子|(electricity) rotor zhuanzisuo 转字锁|combination lock zhuanzu 转租|to sublet/to sublease zhuanzuo 转作|(agriculture) to switch to growing a ... zhuao 珠澳|Zhuhai and Macau (abbr. for 珠海[Zhu1 h... zhuapai 抓拍|to capture (an image)/to snap (a photo) zhuapiao 抓嫖|(of the police) to hunt prostitutes a... zhuaqu 抓取|to seize zhuaqu 抓去|to arrest and take away zhuar 爪儿|paws (of small animal)/foot of a uten... zhuasao 抓搔|to scratch an itch zhuashang 抓伤|to injure by scratching or clawing zhuashou 抓手|starting point/mechanical hand/gripper zhuaxia 抓瞎|to be caught unprepared zhuaxiaobianzi 抓小辫子|to catch sb out zhuayang 抓痒|to scratch an itch zhuayao 抓药|to make up a prescription (of herbal ... zhuazei 抓贼|to catch a thief zhuazhou 抓周|custom of placing a variety of articl... zhuazhu 抓住|to grab hold of; to capture zhuazi 爪子|(animal\'s) claw zhuazir 抓子儿|kids\' game involving throwing and gra... zhuazou 抓走|to arrest zhubajie 猪八戒|Zhu Bajie, character in Journey to th... zhuban 主板|(computing) motherboard/(stock market... zhuban 主办|to organize/to host (a conference or ... zhuban 竹板|bamboo clapper boards used in folk th... zhuban 诸般|various/many different kinds of zhubanguo 主办国|host country zhubanquan 主办权|the right to host (an international m... zhubao 珠宝|pearls/jewels/precious stones zhubaoshengren 主保圣人|patron saint zhubaotaoni 诛暴讨逆|to wipe out the villains (e.g. insurg... zhubei 贮备|to store zhubei 竹北|Zhubei, a city in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|... zhubeishi 竹北市|Zhubei, a city in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|... zhubeizhuohuaniao 朱背啄花鸟|(bird species of China) scarlet-backe... zhubi 铸币|coin/to mint (coins) zhubi 竹篦|bamboo comb zhubian 主编|editor in chief zhubian 竹编|wickerwork zhubin 主宾|guest of honor/host and guests zhubinwei 主宾谓|subject-object-verb SOV or subject-ob... zhubite 朱庇特|Jupiter (Roman god) zhubo 主播|(news) anchor; (program) host; (Inter... zhubo 驻波|standing wave zhubo 竹帛|bamboo and silk writing materials (be... zhubo 筑波|Tsukuba, university city in Ibaraki p... zhubo 珠箔|curtain of pearls/screen of beads zhubu 逐步|progressively/step by step zhubu 主簿|official registrar (of a county etc) ... zhubu 竹布|light cotton fabric zhucai 主菜|main course zhucai 主裁|(sports) to referee; to umpire; to of... zhucai 主材|principal or main material (engineering) zhucaipan 主裁判|(sports) referee; umpire zhucan 助残|to help people with disabilities zhucang 贮藏|to store up/to hoard/deposits zhucao 猪草|weeds or grass used to feed pigs zhuce 注册|to register/to enroll zhucebiao 注册表|Windows registry zhucekuaijishi 注册会计师|certified public accountant zhuceren 注册人|registrant zhuceshangbiao 注册商标|registered trademark zhucha 珠茶|gunpowder tea, Chinese green tea whos... zhuchan 助产|to help a mother give birth zhuchang 主场|home ground (sports)/home field/main ... zhuchang 猪场|piggery zhuchang 主唱|to sing the lead vocals/lead singer zhuchanshi 助产士|midwife zhuchao 筑巢|to nest; to build a nest zhucheng 诸城|Zhucheng, county-level city in Weifan... zhucheng 筑城|fortification zhucheng 铸成|to cast in metal/(fig.) to forge/to f... zhucheng 著称|to be widely known as zhuchengdacuo 铸成大错|to make a serious mistake (idiom) zhuchengshi 诸城市|Zhucheng, county-level city in Weifan... zhuchengxiaoshang 主承销商|lead underwriter zhuchengyushi 著称于世|world-renowned zhuchequn 主车群|peloton (main group of riders in a bi... zhuchezhidongqi 驻车制动器|parking brake zhuchi 主持|to take charge of/to manage or direct... zhuchi 住持|to administer a monastery Buddhist or... zhuchi 术赤|Jöchi (c. 1182-1227) Mongol army comm... zhuchiren 主持人|host; master of ceremonies; (TV or ra... zhuchong 蛀虫|insect that eats into wood, books, cl... zhuchu 住处|residence; dwelling zhuchu 逐出|to expel/to evict/to drive out zhuchu 主厨|chef/to be the chef zhuchu 诛锄|to uproot/to eradicate (traitors) zhuchu 诛除|to wipe out/to exterminate zhuchuang 主创|to play a major role in a creative en... zhuchuyiji 诛锄异己|to wipe out dissenters/to exterminate... zhuci 助词|particle (grammatical) zhuci 主次|the important and the less important/... zhuci 主词|subject zhuci 逐次|gradually/one after another/little by... zhucong 主从|master-slave (computing)/client-serve... zhucun 贮存|to store/to deposit zhucunguan 贮存管|storage container for liquid or gas/g... zhucunqi 贮存器|storage device (computing) zhuda 主打|principal; main; flagship (product); ... zhudalu 驻大陆|stationed on the continent (i.e. PRC) zhudan 煮蛋|boiled egg zhudanjishiqi 煮蛋计时器|egg timer zhudao 主导|leading/dominant/prevailing/to lead/t... zhudao 主刀|to act as the chief surgeon/chief sur... zhudao 祝祷|to pray zhudao 竹刀|shinai (bamboo sword for kendō) zhudao 竹岛|Takeshima (Korean Dokdo 獨島|独岛[Du2 dao... zhudaoquan 主导权|leadership (role) zhudaowen 主祷文|Lord\'s Prayer zhudaoxing 主导性|leadership zhudapinpai 主打品牌|flagship brand zhude 朱德|Zhu De (1886-1976), communist leader ... zhudi 驻地|station/encampment zhudi 朱棣|Zhu Di, personal name of third Ming E... zhudi 住地|living area/residential area zhudian 驻点|stationary point zhudiao 主调|main point of an argument/a principal... zhuding 注定|to foreordain/to be bound to; to be d... zhudiya 朱迪亚|Judea zhudong 主动|to take the initiative/to do sth of o... zhudong 竹东|Zhudong or Chutung town in Hsinchu Co... zhudongche 助动车|low-powered motorized scooter or bike zhudongci 助动词|auxiliary verb; modal verb zhudongmai 主动脉|aorta/principal artery zhudongmianyi 主动免疫|active immunity zhudongquan 主动权|initiative (as in \"seize the initiati... zhudongzhen 竹东镇|Zhudong or Chutung town in Hsinchu Co... zhudouranqi 煮豆燃萁|burning beanstalks to cook the beans ... zhudu 猪肚|pork tripe zhudu 住读|to attend boarding school zhudui 主队|host team (at sports event)/host side zhuduiyou 猪队友|(slang) incompetent teammate, coworke... zhuduo 诸多|(used for abstract things) a good dea... zhufa 主罚|penalty (kick) zhufa 煮法|cooking method zhufa 祝发|to cut one\'s hair (as part of a minor... zhufa 竺法|Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha, ... zhufan 煮饭|to cook zhufan 主犯|culprit zhufanbaishi 诸凡百事|everything zhufang 住房|housing zhufanghecheng-xiangjianshebu 住房和城乡建设部|PRC Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rur... zhufaxiangliang 主法向量|principal normal vector (to a space c... zhufei 煮沸|to boil zhufen 朱粉|red lead oxide Pb3O4/rouge and white ... zhufeng 主峰|main peak (of a mountain range) zhufeng 珠峰|Mount Everest (abbr. for 珠穆朗瑪峰|珠穆朗玛峰[... zhufu 祝福|blessings/to wish sb well zhufu 主妇|housewife/woman of senior authority i... zhufu 嘱咐|to urge; to exhort zhufu 朱绂|(archaic) red silk ribbon tied to a s... zhugan 主干|trunk/main/core zhugan 竹竿|bamboo/bamboo pole zhugang 驻港|(abbr.) stationed in Hong Kong zhuganwanglu 主干网路|core network/backbone network zhuganwangluo 主干网络|core network zhuganxian 主干线|trunk line (of road, network etc)/bac... zhugaochi 朱高炽|Zhu Gaochi, personal name of fourth M... zhuge 诸葛|two-character surname Zhuge/Taiwan pr... zhuge 逐个|one by one/one after another zhuge 主格|nominative case (grammar) zhugeliang 诸葛亮|Zhuge Liang (181-234), military leade... zhugong 主攻|main assault/to focus on/to specializ... zhugong 主公|Your Highness/Your Majesty zhugong 助攻|(military) to mount a secondary attac... zhugong 诸公|gentlemen (form of address) zhugong 铸工|foundry work/foundry worker zhugongchejian 铸工车间|foundry (workshop or factory) zhugongjun 猪拱菌|Chinese truffle zhugou 猪狗|pig-dog (intended as insult)/Schweinhund zhugouburu 猪狗不如|worse than a dog or pig/lower than low zhugu 主顾|client/customer zhuguan 主管|in charge/responsible for/person in c... zhuguan 主观|subjective zhuguan 竹管|bamboo pipe zhuguan 猪倌|swineherd zhuguang 烛光|candle light/candle-lit (vigil etc)/c... zhuguangbaoqi 珠光宝气|bedecked with glittering jewels (idiom) zhuguanghu 朱广沪|Zhu Guanghu (1949-), PRC soccer coach zhuguangshan 诸广山|Mt Zhuguang between Jiangxi and Hunan zhuguanjiguan 主管机关|the agency in charge of (e.g. a progr... zhuguanrenyuan 主管人员|executive zhuguanzhuyi 主观主义|subjectivism zhuguli 朱古力|chocolate (loanword)/CL:塊|块[kuai4] zhuguo 煮锅|cooking pot zhugur 竹箍儿|bamboo hoop/bamboo band zhuhai 珠海|see 珠海市[Zhu1hai3 Shi4] zhuhaibian 住海边|(fig.) (slang) to stick one\'s nose in... zhuhaishi 珠海市|Zhuhai, prefecture-level city in Guan... zhuhang 逐行|line by line (translation, scanning e... zhuhangdao 主航道|main channel zhuhangsaomiao 逐行扫描|line by line scanning/progressive sca... zhuhanji 助焊剂|flux (metallurgy) zhuhao 祝好|wish you all the best! (when signing ... zhuhe 祝贺|to congratulate/congratulations/CL:個|... zhuheci 祝贺词|congratulatory speech zhuhepai 主和派|the peace faction/doves zhuhexian 主和弦|tonic triad/triad of the home key zhuhong 朱红|vermilion zhuhongdeng 朱红灯|Zhu Hongdeng, one of the leaders of t... zhuhou 诸侯|dukes or princes who rule a part of t... zhuhouguo 诸侯国|vassal state zhuhouzhao 朱厚照|Zhu Houzhao, personal name of tenth M... zhuhu 住户|household/inhabitant/householder zhuhua 驻华|stationed in China/located in China zhuhuan 主环|primary ring zhuhuan 朱鹮|(bird species of China) crested ibis ... zhuhui 珠晖|Zhuhui district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|... zhuhui 珠灰|pearl gray zhuhuiqu 珠晖区|Zhuhui district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|... zhuhuo 烛火|candle flame zhui 坠|to fall/to drop/to weigh down zhui 追|to chase/to pursue/to look into/to in... zhui 缀|to sew/to stitch together/to combine/... zhui 赘|(bound form) superfluous/(bound form)... zhui 锥|cone/awl/to bore zhui 骓|surname Zhui zhui 骓|(literary) piebald horse zhui 椎|(bound form) vertebra zhui 隹|short-tailed bird zhui 餟|circle shrines and make sacrifices zhui 缒|to let down with a rope zhui 惴|anxious/worried zhui 硾|iodide/to weight zhui 鵻|snipe/turtle-dove zhui 膇|swelling of foot zhui 甀|vase with a small mouth zhuibenqiongyuan 追本穷源|see 追本溯源[zhui1 ben3 su4 yuan2] zhuibensuyuan 追本溯源|to trace sth back to its origin zhuibenzhubei 追奔逐北|to pursue and attack a fleeing enemy zhuibi 追逼|to pursue closely/to press/to demand ... zhuibi 追比|to flog/to cane (as punishment) zhuibu 追捕|to pursue/to be after/to hunt down zhuibu 追补|a supplement/additional budget zhuicha 追查|to try to find out; to trace; to trac... zhuichilun 锥齿轮|pinion gear zhuichongbing 锥虫病|trypanosomiasis zhuici 赘词|superfluous words/unnecessary detail zhuida 追打|to chase and beat zhuidao 追悼|to mourn; to pay last respects zhuidaohui 追悼会|memorial service/funeral service zhuidaowen 追悼文|eulogy zhuifei 追肥|top soil dressing/additional fertilizer zhuifeng 追封|to confer a posthumous title zhuifengzhudian 追风逐电|proceeding at a tremendous pace/getti... zhuigan 追赶|to pursue/to chase after/to accelerat... zhuigen 追根|to trace sth back to its source/to ge... zhuigenjiudi 追根究底|to get to the heart of the matter zhuigenjiudir 追根究底儿|erhua variant of 追根究底[zhui1 gen1 jiu1... zhuigenqiuyuan 追根求源|to track sth to its roots zhuigensuyuan 追根溯源|to pursue sth back to its origins/to ... zhuigenwendi 追根问底|lit. to examine roots and inquire at ... zhuigenxundi 追根寻底|see 追根究底[zhui1 gen1 jiu1 di3] zhuigou 追购|to purchase in addition (an extra item) zhuigu 椎骨|vertebra zhuiguang 追光|(theater) spotlight zhuiguangdeng 追光灯|(theater) spotlight/followspot zhuihai 坠海|to fall into the ocean/to crash into ... zhuihe 缀合|to compose/to put together zhuihu 坠胡|two-stringed bowed instrument/also ca... zhuihuai 追怀|to recall/to bring to mind/to reminisce zhuihuan 追还|to recover (lost property or money)/t... zhuihui 坠毁|(of an airplane etc) to fall to the g... zhuihui 追回|to recover (sth lost or stolen)/to ge... zhuihui 追悔|to repent/remorse zhuihuimoji 追悔莫及|too late for regrets (idiom); It is u... zhuiji 追击|to pursue and attack zhuiji 坠机|airplane crash zhuiji 追缉|to pursue/to be after/to hunt down (t... zhuiji 追记|to award posthumously/to write down a... zhuijia 追加|to add something extra/an additional ... zhuijiaji 追加剂|(Tw) (vaccine) booster dose/booster shot zhuijian 追歼|to pursue and kill/to wipe out zhuijian 锥尖|point of an awl/sharp point zhuijian 追荐|to pray for the soul of a deceased zhuijianpan 椎间盘|intervertebral disk zhuijiao 追缴|to recover (stolen property)/to pursu... zhuijiao 追剿|to pursue and eliminate/to suppress zhuijiu 追究|to investigate/to look into zhuiju 追剧|to watch a TV series etc regularly/to... zhuike 追客|avid fan who anxiously awaits new con... zhuiliu 赘瘤|wart/(fig.) sth superfluous and undes... zhuilong 追龙|(slang) to inhale the vapor from hero... zhuilou 坠楼|to fall off or jump off a building zhuiluo 坠落|to fall; to drop zhuima 坠马|to fall off a horse zhuimian 锥面|cone zhuinian 追念|to recollect zhuinie 追蹑|to follow the trail of/to track/to trace zhuipeng 追捧|to exhibit great enthusiasm for sb or... zhuiqin 坠琴|same as 墜胡|坠胡[zhui4 hu2] zhuiqiu 追求|to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly/to ... zhuiren 追认|to recognize sth after the event/post... zhuirou 赘肉|excess flesh; unwanted fat; flab; bulge zhuiru 坠入|to drop into/to fall into zhuiruqingwang 坠入情网|to fall in love zhuisha 追杀|to chase to kill zhuishang 追上|to overtake zhuisheng 赘生|excrescence/abnormal superfluous growth zhuishi 坠饰|pendant (jewelry) zhuishi 缀饰|to decorate/decoration zhuishou 追授|to posthumously award zhuishu 赘述|to say more than is necessary/to give... zhuishu 追述|recollections/to relate (past events) zhuisi 追思|memorial/recollection (of the deceased) zhuisihui 追思会|memorial service/memorial meeting zhuisu 追溯|lit. to go upstream/to trace sth back... zhuisu 追诉|to prosecute/given leave to sue zhuisui 追随|to follow/to accompany zhuisuizhe 追随者|follower/adherent/following zhuisuo 追索|to demand payment/to extort/to trace/... zhuisushixiao 追诉时效|(law) period during which one can pro... zhuitai 坠胎|to have an abortion/abortion zhuitai 锥台|(math.) frustum zhuitao 追讨|to demand payment of money owing zhuitao 锥套|taper bushing zhuiwang 坠亡|to fall to one\'s death zhuiwangzhubei 追亡逐北|to pursue and attack a fleeing enemy zhuiwei 追尾|to tailgate/to hit the car in front a... zhuiwen 追问|to question closely/to investigate in... zhuiwen 缀文|to compose an essay zhuiwu 赘物|sth that is superfluous zhuixiang 追想|to recall zhuixin 追新|to seek out the new (e.g. the latest ... zhuixing 锥形|conical zhuixing 追星|to idolize a celebrity zhuixingping 锥形瓶|Erlenmeyer flask zhuixingzu 追星族|enthusiastic fan zhuixu 赘婿|son-in-law living at wife\'s parent\'s ... zhuixu 追叙|to recount what happened prior to eve... zhuixun 追寻|to pursue/to track down/to search zhuixun 追询|to interrogate/to question closely zhuixunxiandaizhongguo 追寻现代中国|In Search of Modern China by Jonathan... zhuiyan 赘言|superfluous words/unnecessary detail zhuiyi 追忆|to recollect/to recall (past times)/t... zhuiyou 赘疣|wart/(fig.) superfluous thing zhuiyu 赘余|superfluous zhuiyu 赘语|superfluous words/pleonasm zhuizang 追赃|to order the return of stolen goods zhuize 追责|to hold accountable zhuizeng 追赠|to give to the departed/to confer (a ... zhuizhu 追逐|to chase/to pursue vigorously zhuizhuibuan 惴惴不安|to be on tenterhooks (idiom)/to be an... zhuizhusai 追逐赛|pursuit race/chase zhuizi 坠子|weight/pendant/same as 墜胡|坠胡[zhui4 hu... zhuizi 锥子|awl/CL:把[ba3] zhuizi 缀字|to spell/to compose words zhuizikeben 缀字课本|spelling book zhuizong 追踪|to follow a trail/to trace/to pursue zhuizongbaodao 追踪报导|follow-up report zhuizongdiaocha 追踪调查|follow-up study/investigative follow-up zhuizonghaoma 追踪号码|tracking number (of a package shipment) zhuizun 追尊|posthumous honorific name zhuji 主机|main engine/(military) lead aircraft/... zhuji 诸暨|Zhuji, county-level city in Shaoxing ... zhuji 助剂|additive/reagent zhuji 主祭|to perform the sacrificial rites at a... zhuji 主计|chief accounting officer/controller/c... zhujia 住家|residence/household/to reside zhujia 烛架|candlestick holder/candlestand/candel... zhujian 逐渐|gradually zhujian 铸件|a casting (i.e. sth cast in a mold) zhujian 竹简|bamboo slips (used for writing on in ... zhujian 主见|one\'s own view; definite opinion zhujianbu 住建部|PRC Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rur... zhujiang 主讲|to give a lecture/to lecture on zhujiang 主将|commander-in-chief (military)/star pl... zhujiang 珠江|Pearl River (Guangdong) zhujiangsanjiaozhou 珠江三角洲|Pearl River Delta (PRD) zhujiao 主教|bishop zhujiao 助教|teaching assistant zhujiao 注脚|footnote zhujiao 住脚|(old) to halt/to stop zhujiao 竹鲛|see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2] zhujiao 竺教|Buddhism (archaic) zhujiaozuotang 主教座堂|cathedral zhujiban 主机板|motherboard zhujie 注解|to annotate/annotation/comment/interp... zhujie 竹节|bamboo joint zhujie 驻节|(of a high official) to temporarily r... zhujifangfa 助记方法|mnemonic method zhujifu 助记符|mnemonic sign zhujiming 主机名|hostname (of a networked computer) zhujing 驻京|(abbr.) stationed in Beijing zhujing 猪精|pork bouillon powder/(neologism) (sla... zhujingbanjiu 珠颈斑鸠|(bird species of China) spotted dove ... zhujinshajue 诛尽杀绝|to wipe out/to exterminate zhujishi 诸暨市|Zhuji, county-level city in Shaoxing ... zhujishi 主计室|auditing department; accounting depar... zhujiu 铸就|to cast/to forge/to form/to create zhujiu 祝酒|to drink a toast zhujiuci 祝酒辞|short speech given in proposing a toast zhujiuci 祝酒词|short speech given in proposing a toast zhujiuzu 诛九族|to execute all of sb\'s relatives (as ... zhuju 株距|spacing/distance between plants (with... zhuju 住居|to live/to reside zhujuan 猪圈|pigsty (lit. and fig.) zhujue 主角|leading role; lead/protagonist zhujun 诸君|Gentlemen! (start of a speech)/Ladies... zhujun 驻军|to station or garrison troops/garrison zhujun 朱俊|Zhu Jun (-195), politician and genera... zhukai 煮开|to boil (food) zhuke 主科|required courses in the major subject zhuke 住客|hotel guest/tenant zhuke 猪窠|pigsty zhukeling 逐客令|the First Emperor\'s order to expel fo... zhukezhen 竺可桢|Zhu Kezhen (1890-1974), Chinese meter... zhukou 住口|shut up/shut your mouth/stop talking zhulan 竹篮|wicker basket zhulandashui 竹篮打水|using a wicker basket to draw water (... zhulandashui,yichangkong 竹篮打水,一场空|using a wicker basket to draw water (... zhulanxianweng 侏蓝仙鹟|(bird species of China) pygmy blue fl... zhulei 烛泪|drop of melted wax that runs down the... zhuli 助力|to help; to aid/assistance zhuli 主力|main force/main strength of an army zhuli 助理|assistant zhuli 伫立|to stand for a long time zhuli 朱鹂|(bird species of China) maroon oriole... zhulian 朱利安|Julian or Julien (name) zhulian 株连|to involve others (in a crime)/guilt ... zhulianbihe 珠联璧合|string of pearl and jade (idiom); ide... zhuliang 柱梁|pillar zhulianqiujun 猪链球菌|pig streptococcus/streptococcus suis zhulianqiujunbing 猪链球菌病|streptococcus suis (swine-borne disease) zhuliao 主料|main ingredients (in a cooking recipe) zhuliba 竹篱笆|fence zhulie 伫列|queue (computing) zhulijian 主力舰|battleship zhulijun 主力军|main force (military)/(fig.) the grou... zhulilun 朱立伦|Eric Chu (1961-), Taiwanese KMT polit... zhulin 竹林|bamboo forest zhuling 猪苓|poria mushroom (Polyporus umbellatus) zhuliu 主流|main stream (of a river)/fig. the ess... zhuliu 潴留|retention (medicine) zhuliu 诛流|to kill and banish zhuliu 珠流|fluent with words/words flowing like ... zhuliu 猪柳|pork fillet zhuliu 驻留|to stay/to remain/to linger/(computin... zhuliubizhuan 珠流璧转|lit. pearl flows, jade moves on (idio... zhuliugan 猪流感|swine influenza/swine flu/influenza A... zhuliuganbingdu 猪流感病毒|swine influenza virus (SIV) zhuliya 茱莉亚|Julia (name) zhuliya 朱莉娅|Julia (name) zhuliya 朱丽亚|Julia (name) zhuliya 茱莉娅|Julia (name) zhuliya 朱利娅|Julia (name) zhuliya 茱莉雅|Julia (name) zhuliyajilade 茱莉雅·吉拉德|Julia Gillard (1961-), Australian pol... zhuliyani 朱利亚尼|Giuliani (name)/Rudolph W (Rudy) Giul... zhuliye 茱丽叶|Juliet or Juliette (name) zhuliye 朱丽叶|Juliet or Juliette (name) zhulong 猪笼|cylindrical bamboo or wire frame used... zhulongcao 猪笼草|tropical pitcher plant (i.e. genus Ne... zhulou 主楼|main building zhulu 著录|to record/to put down in writing zhulu 逐鹿|to pursue deer/fig. to vie for supremacy zhulu 诛戮|to put to death zhulu 朱鹭|ibis/Japanese crested ibis (Nipponia ... zhuluo 侏罗|Jura mountains of eastern France and ... zhuluoji 侏罗纪|Jurassic (geological period 205-140m ... zhuluzhongyuan 逐鹿中原|lit. hunting deer in the Central Plai... zhuma 竹马|bamboo stick used as a toy horse zhuma 苎麻|(botany) ramie (Boehmeria nivea)/the ... zhuma 主麻|(Islam) Jumu\'ah (refers to Friday or ... zhumadian 驻马店|see 駐馬店市|驻马店市[Zhu4ma3dian4 Shi4] zhumadianshi 驻马店市|Zhumadian, prefecture-level city in H... zhumari 主麻日|(Islam) Friday, when Muslims go to th... zhumazhijiao 竹马之交|childhood friend (idiom) zhumazhiyou 竹马之友|see 竹馬之交|竹马之交[zhu2 ma3 zhi1 jiao1] zhumian 助眠|to promote sleep zhumie 竹篾|bamboo strip zhumie 诛灭|to wipe out/to exterminate zhuming 注明|to clearly indicate zhuming 著名|famous/noted/well-known/celebrated zhumou 主谋|mastermind/ringleader/lead plotter zhumu 瞩目|to focus attention upon zhumu 竹木|bamboo and wood zhumu 注目|attention/to stare at/to fix attentio... zhumu 珠母|mother-of-pearl zhumuchang 贮木场|lumber yard zhumulangma 珠穆朗玛|Mount Everest (from its Tibetan name,... zhumulangmafeng 珠穆朗玛峰|Mount Everest (from its Tibetan name,... zhun 准|to allow/to grant/in accordance with/... zhun 准|accurate/standard/definitely/certainl... zhun 屯|used in 屯邅[zhun1zhan1] zhun 谆|repeatedly (in giving advice)/sincere... zhun 肫|gizzard zhun 迍|used in 迍邅[zhun1zhan1] zhun 窀|to bury zhunan 竹南|Zhunan or Chunan town in Miaoli count... zhunanzhen 竹南镇|Zhunan or Chunan town in Miaoli count... zhunao 主脑|leader/the one in control/main (part,... zhunbao 准保|certainly/for sure zhunbei 准备|preparation/to prepare/to intend/to b... zhunbeihaole 准备好了|to be ready zhunbeijin 准备金|reserve fund zhundi 准的|standard/norm/criterion zhundian 准点|on time; on schedule zhunei 竹内|Takeuchi (Japanese surname) zhungaerpendi 准噶尔盆地|Junggar Basin, northern Xinjiang zhungaeryilong 准噶尔翼龙|Dsungaripterus (genus of pterosaur) zhungeerqi 准格尔旗|Jungar Banner in Ordos 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 e... zhunian 逐年|year after year/with each passing yea... zhunian 注念|(literary) to ponder zhunian 猪年|Year of the Boar (e.g. 2007) zhunjiang 准将|brigadier general; commodore zhunjuesai 准决赛|semifinal zhunkaozheng 准考证|(exam) admission ticket zhunpur 准谱儿|definite idea; certainty; clear plan;... zhunque 准确|accurate; exact; precise zhunquexing 准确性|accuracy zhunru 准入|access/admittance zhunsheng 准绳|yardstick/fig. criterion/ground rule zhunshengzheng 准生证|birth permit zhunshi 准时|on time/punctual/on schedule zhuntou 准头|(physiognomy) the tip of the nose zhuntou 准头|(coll.) accuracy zhunuo 朱诺|Juneau, capital of Alaska/Juno, Roman... zhunwenxuanwojiegou 准稳旋涡结构|quasi-stationary spiral structure QSS... zhunxi 窀穸|to bury (in a tomb) zhunxian 准线|directrix line of a parabola/guide line zhunxin 准信|definite and reliable information zhunxing 准星|front sight (firearms)/the zero point... zhunxu 准许|to allow/to grant/to permit zhunyu 准予|to grant/to approve/to permit zhunze 准则|norm/standard/criterion zhunzhan 迍邅|(literary) making no progress zhunzhan 屯邅|variant of 迍邅[zhun1zhan1] zhunzhun 谆谆|earnest/devoted/tireless/sincere/assi... zhunzhungaojie 谆谆告诫|to repeatedly advise sb earnestly (id... zhuo 卓|surname Zhuo zhuo 卓|outstanding zhuo 着|to wear (clothes)/to contact/to use/t... zhuo 桌|table/desk/classifier for tables of g... zhuo 桌|old variant of 桌[zhuo1] zhuo 晫|(literary) splendorous zhuo 捉|to clutch/to grab/to capture zhuo 浊|turbid/muddy/impure zhuo 灼|to burn; to sear; to scorch/(bound fo... zhuo 琢|to cut (gems) zhuo 擢|to pull out/to select/to promote zhuo 拙|awkward/clumsy/dull/inelegant/(polite... zhuo 啄|to peck zhuo 酌|to pour wine/to drink wine/to deliber... zhuo 倬|noticeable/large/clear/distinct/Taiwa... zhuo 镯|bracelet zhuo 棹|variant of 桌[zhuo1] zhuo 茁|to display vigorous, new growth/to sp... zhuo 涿|place name zhuo 䓬|(chemistry) tropylium ion zhuo 彴|bridge zhuo 濯|to wash/to cleanse of evil zhuo 斫|to chop/to hack/to carve wood zhuo 斫|to chop/to carve wood zhuo 斫|variant of 斲|斫[zhuo2] zhuo 禚|place name zhuo 叕|to join together/to lack/narrow and s... zhuo 汋|to pour zhuo 诼|to complain zhuo 棁|(wooden) stick/roof beam zhuo 棳|small pillars that support the roof, ... zhuo 蝃|see 蝃蝥[zhuo1 mao2] zhuo 椓|beat zhuo 蠗|(ape)/(shell) zhuo 篧|creel for trapping fish zhuo 浞|(coll.) to drench zhuo 丵|thick grass/\"bush\" component in Chine... zhuo 斮|cut off zhuo 梲|club (weapon)/small pillar zhuo 蓔|old variant of 䅵[zhuo2] zhuo 䅵|chaff/bran zhuo 𬸦|used in 鸑鷟|𬸚𬸦[yue4zhuo2] zhuoan 桌案|table zhuobai 斫白|to strip bark zhuoban 酌办|to do as one thinks fit/to handle by ... zhuoben 拙笨|clumsy/awkward/lacking skill zhuobi 着笔|to put pen to paper zhuobi 拙笔|my clumsy writing (humble expr.)/my h... zhuobielin 卓别林|Charlie Chaplin (1899-1977), English ... zhuobu 桌布|tablecloth/(computing) desktop backgr... zhuobu 捉捕|to arrest/to seize/to capture zhuobuqi 捉捕器|trap (for animals etc) zhuocai 酌裁|to consider and decide zhuochouxuntian 浊臭熏天|stinks to high heaven zhuochu 着处|everywhere zhuochu 酌处|to use one\'s own discretion zhuochuang 着床|to lie down on a bed/(physiology) imp... zhuochuquan 酌处权|discretion/discretionary power zhuodeng 桌灯|desk lamp zhuodi 擢第|to pass the civil service examination... zhuoding 酌定|to decide after intense deliberation zhuodu 浊度|turbidity zhuoduo 酌夺|to make a considered decision zhuoerbuqun 卓尔不群|standing above the common crowd (idio... zhuofananshu 擢发难数|lit. as difficult to count as hair pu... zhuofuyin 浊辅音|voiced consonant (linguistics) zhuogao 拙稿|my unworthy manuscript (humble expr.)... zhuoguan 濯盥|to wash oneself zhuohe 酌核|to verify after consultation zhuohua 着花|to blossom/see 著花|着花[zhao2 hua1] zhuohuaniao 啄花鸟|flowerpecker (any bird of the family ... zhuohubuqun 卓乎不群|standing out from the common crowd (i... zhuohuo 捉获|to capture zhuoji 捉急|humorous pronunciation of 著急|着急[zhao2... zhuoji 桌机|desktop computer zhuoji 灼急|worried zhuojia 酌加|to make considered additions zhuojian 捉奸|to catch a couple in the act (adulter... zhuojian 拙见|my unworthy opinion (humble expr.) zhuojian 灼见|to see clearly/deep insight/profound ... zhuojian 酌减|to make considered reductions/discret... zhuojin 桌巾|tablecloth zhuojin 着劲|to put effort into sth/to try really ... zhuojing 拙荆|my wife (humble) zhuojinjianzhou 捉襟见肘|lit. pulling on the lapels exposes th... zhuojinr 着劲儿|to put effort into sth/to try really ... zhuojiu 浊酒|unfiltered rice wine zhuojiu 酌酒|to pour wine zhuojiyan 浊积岩|turbidite (geology) zhuojue 卓绝|unsurpassed/extreme/extraordinary zhuolan 卓兰|Zhuolan or Cholan town in Miaoli coun... zhuolanzhen 卓兰镇|Zhuolan or Cholan town in Miaoli coun... zhuoli 着力|to put effort into sth/to try really ... zhuoliang 酌量|to consider/to allow for/to use one\'s... zhuolie 拙劣|clumsy; botched zhuoliu 浊流|turbid flow/muddy waters/fig. a conte... zhuolu 着陆|landing/touchdown/to land/to touch down zhuolu 涿鹿|Zhuolu county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[... zhuoluchang 着陆场|landing site zhuoludian 着陆点|landing site zhuoluo 着落|whereabouts/place to settle/reliable ... zhuoluxian 涿鹿县|Zhuolu county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[... zhuoman 酌满|to fill up (a wine glass) to the brim zhuomao 蝃蝥|spider (old) zhuomian 桌面|desktop/tabletop zhuomianr 桌面儿|erhua variant of 桌面[zhuo1 mian4] zhuomianrshang 桌面儿上|on the table/fig. everything open and... zhuomianxitong 桌面系统|desktop system zhuomicang 捉迷藏|to play hide-and-seek zhuomo 琢磨|to carve and polish (jade)/to polish ... zhuomo 捉摸|to fathom/to make sense of/to grasp zhuomo 着墨|to describe (in writing, applying ink) zhuomobuding 捉摸不定|unpredictable; elusive; hard to pin down zhuomuniao 啄木鸟|woodpecker zhuona 捉拿|to arrest/to catch a criminal zhuonaguian 捉拿归案|to bring to justice zhuonao 着恼|to be enraged zhuoni 卓尼|Jonê or Zhuoni County in Gannan Tibet... zhuonixian 卓尼县|Jonê or Zhuoni County in Gannan Tibet... zhuonong 捉弄|to tease zhuopu 拙朴|austere/humble zhuoqi 着棋|to play chess zhuoqing 酌情|to use discretion/to take circumstanc... zhuoqingbanli 酌情办理|to act after full consideration of th... zhuoqingchuli 酌情处理|see 酌情辦理|酌情办理[zhuo2 qing2 ban4 li3] zhuoqiu 桌球|table tennis/table tennis ball (Tw)/b... zhuoqu 捉取|to capture zhuoran 卓然|outstanding/eminent zhuoran 着然|really/indeed zhuore 灼热|burning hot; scorching zhuosang 斫丧|to ravage/to devastate zhuose 着色|to paint/to apply color zhuose 拙涩|clumsy and incomprehensible/botched w... zhuoseyin 浊塞音|(linguistics) voiced stop zhuoshang 灼伤|a burn (tissue damage from heat, chem... zhuoshangxing 桌上型|desktop zhuoshangxingdiannao 桌上型电脑|desktop computer zhuosheng 擢升|to promote (sb)/to upgrade/to ascend zhuoshi 啄食|(of a bird) to peck at food zhuoshi 着实|truly/indeed/severely/harshly zhuoshi 浊世|the world in chaos/troubled times/the... zhuoshi 卓识|superior judgment/sagacity zhuoshou 着手|to put one\'s hand to it/to start out ... zhuoshou 酌收|to charge different prices according ... zhuoshouchengchun 着手成春|lit. set out and it becomes spring (i... zhuotong 灼痛|burn (i.e. wound)/burning pain zhuoxi 卓溪|Zhuoxi or Chohsi township in Hualien ... zhuoxian 酌献|to honor a deity with wine zhuoxiang 着想|to give thought (to others)/to consid... zhuoxixiang 卓溪乡|Zhuoxi or Chohsi township in Hualien ... zhuoyan 着眼|to have one\'s eyes on (a goal)/having... zhuoyandian 着眼点|place of interest/a place one has one... zhuoyangyingwu 啄羊鹦鹉|kea (Nestor notabilis) zhuoyi 着衣|to get dressed zhuoyi 卓异|(of talent) outstanding/exceptional zhuoyi 着意|to act with diligent care zhuoyi 酌议|to consider and discuss zhuoyibandeng 桌椅板凳|chairs and tables/household furniture zhuoyin 浊音|(phonetics) voiced sound/sonant zhuoying 斫营|to attack a camp zhuoyou 桌游|board game zhuoyouchengxiao 卓有成效|highly effective/fruitful zhuoyu 斫畲|to clear land for agricultural use zhuoyu 酌予|to give as one sees fit zhuoyue 卓越|outstanding/surpassing/distinguished/... zhuoyuyanci 拙于言词|to be unable to express oneself clear... zhuozhengyuan 拙政园|Humble Administrator\'s Garden in Suzh... zhuozhi 拙直|simple and frank zhuozhong 着重|to put emphasis on; to stress zhuozhonghao 着重号|Chinese underdot (punct. used for emp... zhuozhou 涿州|Zhuozhou, county-level city in Baodin... zhuozhoushi 涿州市|Zhuozhou, county-level city in Baodin... zhuozhu 捉住|to catch/to grapple with/to hold onto zhuozhu 卓著|outstanding/eminent/brilliant zhuozhu 拙著|my unworthy writing (humble expr.)/my... zhuozhuang 着装|to dress/dress/clothes/outfit zhuozhuang 茁壮|healthy and strong/sturdy/thriving/vi... zhuozhuo 濯濯|bare and bald (of mountains)/bright a... zhuozi 桌子|table/desk/CL:張|张[zhang1],套[tao4] zhuozi 镯子|bracelet/CL:隻|只[zhi1] zhuozi 卓资|Zhuozi county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[... zhuozixian 卓资县|Zhuozi county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[... zhuozu 濯足|to wash one\'s feet zhuozuibenshe 拙嘴笨舌|lit. clumsy mouth and broken tongue (... zhuozuo 拙作|my unworthy manuscript (humble expr.)... zhupa 猪扒|see 豬排|猪排[zhu1 pai2] zhupai 猪排|pork ribs/pork chop zhupai 竹排|bamboo raft zhupao 助跑|to run up (pole vault, javelin, bowli... zhupenggouyou 猪朋狗友|dissolute companions/disreputable com... zhupengjie 住棚节|Sukkot or Succoth, Jewish holiday zhupinpai 主品牌|umbrella brand (marketing) zhupolong 猪婆龙|Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) zhupu 主仆|master and servant zhuqi 竹器|utensil made of bamboo zhuqi 朱漆|(traditional) red paint/red lacquer zhuqi 竹崎|Zhuqi or Chuchi Township in Chiayi Co... zhuqian 竹签|bamboo skewer/bamboo slip used in div... zhuqian 竺乾|Buddha (archaic)/Dharma (the teaching... zhuqing 竹青|bamboo bark/bamboo green (color) zhuqiu 诛求|exorbitant demands/demanding with men... zhuqiu 主球|cue ball (in pool etc) zhuqiuwuyan 诛求无厌|incessant exorbitant demands zhuqiuwuyi 诛求无已|to make endless exorbitant demands zhuqixiang 竹崎乡|Zhuqi or Chuchi Township in Chiayi Co... zhuqiyu 朱祁钰|Zhu Qiyu, personal name of seventh Mi... zhuqizhen 朱祁镇|Zhu Qizhen, personal name of sixth an... zhuqu 住区|living area zhuquan 主权|sovereignty zhuquanguojia 主权国家|sovereign country zhuque 朱雀|(ancient Chinese astronomy) Zhuque, t... zhuque 朱雀|rosefinch (genus Carpodacus) zhure 贮热|to conserve heat zhuren 主任|director/head/CL:個|个[ge4] zhuren 主人|master/host/owner/CL:個|个[ge4] zhurengong 主人公|hero (of a novel or film); main prota... zhurenweikuailezhiben 助人为快乐之本|pleasure from helping others zhurenweile 助人为乐|pleasure from helping others (idiom) zhurenweng 主人翁|master (of the house)/main character ... zhuri 逐日|day-by-day/daily/on a daily basis zhuri 主日|Sabbath/Sunday zhurixue 主日学|Sunday School zhurong 祝融|Zhurong, god of fire in Chinese mytho... zhuronghao 祝融号|the \"Zhurong\" Chinese Mars rover, lan... zhurongji 助熔剂|flux zhurongji 朱容基|common erroneous form of 朱鎔基|朱镕基, Zhu... zhurongji 朱熔基|common erroneous form of 朱鎔基|朱镕基, Zhu... zhurongji 朱镕基|Zhu Rongji (1928-), PRC politician, p... zhurou 猪肉|pork zhuru 诸如|(various things) such as/such as (the... zhuru 注入|to pour into/to empty into zhuru 侏儒|dwarf/pygmy/small person/midget zhuru 竹茹|bamboo shavings (Bambusa tuldoides) u... zhurucangshu 侏儒仓鼠|dwarf hamster zhurucilei 诸如此类|things like this (idiom); and so on/a... zhuruzheng 侏儒症|pituitary dwarfism zhusai 柱塞|piston zhusanjiao 珠三角|Pearl River Delta zhuse 诸色|various/all kinds zhusha 朱砂|cinnabar/mercuric sulfide HgS/also wr... zhusha 朱砂|cinnabar/mercuric sulfide HgS zhusha 诛杀|to kill/to murder zhushan 竹山|Zhushan County in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4... zhushan 珠山|Mount Everest (abbr. for 珠穆朗瑪峰|珠穆朗玛峰[... zhushanqu 珠山区|Zhushan district of Jingdezhen City 景... zhushanwei 猪膻味|boar taint, the taste or odor of swea... zhushanxian 竹山县|Zhushan county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4... zhushanzhen 竹山镇|Zhushan or Chushan Town in Nantou Cou... zhushe 注射|injection/to inject zhushe 住舍|house/residence zhusheji 注射剂|injection/shot zhushen 柱身|column shaft (architecture) zhusheng 诸生|Imperial scholar from the Ming Dynast... zhusheng 竹笙|bamboo fungus zhusheqi 注射器|syringe zhushezhen 注射针|needle/hypodermic needle zhushezhentou 注射针头|see 注射針|注射针[zhu4 she4 zhen1] zhushi 注视|to look attentively at; to closely wa... zhushi 注释|to annotate; to add a comment/explana... zhushi 注释|variant of 注釋|注释[zhu4shi4] zhushi 柱石|pillar zhushi 诸事|everything/every matter zhushi 主使|to mastermind/to orchestrate/to insti... zhushi 主食|staple food zhushi 蛀蚀|to corrupt/to erode zhushidaomou 筑室道谋|lit. ask passers-by how to build one\'... zhushihuishe 株式会社|Japanese limited company/corporation/... zhushou 住手|to desist/to stop/to stay one\'s hand zhushou 助手|assistant; helper zhushou 煮熟|to boil thoroughly/to cook thoroughly zhushou 祝寿|to offer birthday congratulations (to... zhushou 驻守|(man a post and) defend zhushou 株守|to stick to sth stubbornly/never let go zhushouxi 助手席|front passenger seat (in a car) zhushu 注疏|commentary and subcommentary (of a book) zhushu 著述|writing/to write/to compile zhushu 著书|to write a book zhushu 竺书|Buddhist texts (archaic)/scripture zhushuai 主帅|(military) commander-in-chief/(sports... zhushudeyazifeile 煮熟的鸭子飞了|the cooked duck flew away (proverb)/(... zhushui 注水|to pour water into/to inject water into zhushui 逐水|to relieve oedema through purging or ... zhushuichu 贮水处|reservoir zhushuipaobing 猪水泡病|swine vesicular disease (SVD) zhushujinian 竹书纪年|Bamboo Annals, early chronicle of Chi... zhushulishuo 著书立说|to write a book advancing one\'s theor... zhusiji 竹丝鸡|black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie... zhusimaji 蛛丝马迹|lit. spider\'s thread and horse track/... zhusong 祝颂|to express good wishes zhusu 注塑|injection molding zhusu 住宿|to stay at/lodging/accommodation zhusu 主诉|(medicine) to complain of; a patient\'... zhusuan 珠算|calculation using abacus zhusun 竹笋|bamboo shoot zhusun 竹荪|bamboo fungus; veiled lady mushroom (... zhusuo 住所|habitation/dwelling place/residence/C... zhutai 烛台|candlestick/candle holder zhutai-anjie 珠胎暗结|to get pregnant out of wedlock zhutang 竹塘|Zhutang or Chutang Township in Changh... zhutangxiang 竹塘乡|Zhutang or Chutang Township in Changh... zhuti 主题|theme/subject zhuti 主体|main part/bulk/body/subject/agent zhuti 猪蹄|pig trotters zhuti 柱体|cylinder/prism (math.) zhutian 竹田|Chutien township in Pingtung County 屏... zhutianxiang 竹田乡|Chutien township in Pingtung County 屏... zhutie 铸铁|pig iron/foundry iron zhutige 主题歌|theme song zhutigongyuan 主题公园|theme park zhutileyuan 主题乐园|theme park zhuting 主厅|main lobby zhutingqi 助听器|hearing aid zhutiqu 主题曲|theme song zhutisixiang 主体思想|Juche Idea (North Korean ideology of ... zhutiyanjiang 主题演讲|keynote speech zhutong 竹筒|bamboo tube/bamboo pipe zhutong 铸铜|bronze casting zhutongdaodouzi 竹筒倒豆子|to pour beans out of a bamboo tube/(f... zhutou 猪头|pig head/(coll.) fool/jerk zhutou 柱头|(architecture) capital/column head/(b... zhutui 助推|(aerospace) to boost/booster (rocket)... zhutui 逐退|to drive back (attackers) zhutuihuojian 助推火箭|booster rocket zhutuo 嘱托|to entrust a task to sb else zhuwan 猪湾|Bay of Pigs (Cuba) zhuwang 蛛网|spider web; cobweb zhuwang 瞩望|to look forward to zhuwei 助威|to cheer for/to encourage/to boost th... zhuwei 诸位|(pron) everyone/Ladies and Gentlemen/... zhuwei 主委|committee chairperson zhuweiba 猪尾巴|pig\'s tail (meat) zhuweibin 主谓宾|subject-verb-object SVO or subject-pr... zhuweijiegou 主谓结构|subject-predicate construction zhuweiju 主谓句|subject-predicate sentence/subject-pr... zhuwen 猪瘟|swine fever zhuwen 属文|to write prose zhuwen 朱温|Zhu Wen (852-912), military governor ... zhuwu 贮物|storage zhuwu 朱鹀|(bird species of China) Przevalski\'s ... zhuwuneng 猪悟能|Zhu Bajie 豬八戒|猪八戒[Zhu1 Ba1 jie4] or Z... zhuxi 竹溪|Zhuxi county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4],... zhuxi 主席|chairperson/premier/chairman/CL:個|个[g... zhuxi 朱熹|Zhu Xi or Chu Hsi (1130-1200), also k... zhuxian 主线|main line (of communication)/main thr... zhuxian 主嫌|prime, key or main suspect (law) zhuxiang 诸相|the appearance of all things (Buddhism) zhuxianjie 主显节|Epiphany zhuxiao 注销|to cancel/to write off zhuxiao 住校|to board at school zhuxiao 主销|kingpin (vehicle part)/to focus one\'s... zhuxiaotian 朱孝天|Ken Zhu (1979-), Taiwanese singer and... zhuxiashui 猪下水|pig offal zhuxie 祝谢|to give thanks zhuxiegao 猪血糕|pig\'s blood cake, popular as a snack ... zhuxiguo 主席国|chair country/country holding revolvi... zhuxin 诛心|to criticize sb for what one believes... zhuxing 助兴|to add to the fun/to liven things up zhuxing 逐行|progressive zhuxinggang 蛛形纲|Arachnids (class of arthropods) zhuxingtu 柱型图|bar graph/bar diagram zhuxingu 主心骨|backbone/mainstay/pillar/definite vie... zhuxinzhilun 诛心之论|a devastating criticism/to expose hid... zhuxitai 主席台|rostrum/platform/CL:個|个[ge4] zhuxituan 主席团|presidium zhuxiu 主修|(education) to major in; major zhuxixian 竹溪县|Zhuxi county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4],... zhuxuan 助选|to assist in a candidate\'s election c... zhuxuanlv 主旋律|(music) theme; principal melody/(fig.... zhuxudai 主序带|(astronomy) main sequence zhuxue 竺学|Buddhist doctrine (archaic)/Buddhist ... zhuxuedaikuan 助学贷款|student loan zhuxuejin 助学金|student grant/education grant/scholar... zhuxuxing 主序星|(astronomy) main-sequence star zhuya 蛀牙|tooth decay; dental caries/decayed to... zhuya 珠崖|Zhuya, historic name for Hainan Islan... zhuyan 主演|to play the leading role; to star/lea... zhuyan 驻颜|to maintain a youthful appearance zhuyao 主要|main; principal; major; primary zhuye 主页|home page zhuye 主业|main business zhuyeqing 竹叶青|Trimeresurus stejnegeri (poisonous sn... zhuyeqingshe 竹叶青蛇|Trimeresurus stejnegeri (poisonous sn... zhuyi 注意|to take note of; to pay attention to zhuyi 主义|-ism/ideology zhuyi 助益|benefit/help zhuyi 逐一|one by one zhuyi 主意|plan/idea/decision/CL:個|个[ge4]/Beijin... zhuyi 属意|to set one\'s heart on/to set one\'s ch... zhuyibizhili 助一臂之力|to lend a helping hand (idiom) zhuyili 注意力|attention zhuyilibuzuguodongzheng 注意力不足过动症|attention deficit hyperactivity disor... zhuyiliqueshizheng 注意力缺失症|attention deficit hyperactivity disor... zhuyiliquexianduodongzheng 注意力缺陷多动症|attention deficit hyperactivity disor... zhuyiliquexianguodongzheng 注意力缺陷过动症|attention deficit hyperactivity disor... zhuyin 注音|to indicate the pronunciation of Chin... zhuyin 主因|main reason zhuyin 主音|keynote/principal tone/tonic/vowel zhuyinfa 注音法|phonetic transcription/system of repr... zhuyinfuhao 注音符号|Mandarin phonetic symbols (MPS), phon... zhuying 煮硬|to hard-boil (eggs) zhuyinyishi 注音一式|Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1/Bopomofo/... zhuyinzimu 注音字母|see 注音符號|注音符号[zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4] zhuyou 猪油|lard zhuyou 住友|Sumitomo, Japanese company zhuyouxiao 朱由校|personal name of fifteenth Ming emper... zhuyu 主语|subject (in grammar) zhuyu 茱萸|cornel (Cornus spp.) zhuyu 竹芋|Indian arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) zhuyu 珠玉|pearls and jades/jewels/clever remark... zhuyu 竹舆|a bamboo carriage/a palanquin zhuyuan 住院|to be in hospital/to be hospitalized zhuyuan 祝愿|to wish zhuyuan 竹园|Chuk Yuen (place in Hong Kong) zhuyuanbu 住院部|inpatient department zhuyuanyishi 住院医师|resident physician zhuyuanyurun 珠圆玉润|lit. as round as pearls and as smooth... zhuyuanzhang 朱元璋|Zhu Yuanzhang, personal name of first... zhuyuanzhiliao 住院治疗|to receive hospital treatment/to be h... zhuyue 逐月|month-by-month/monthly/on a monthly b... zhuyunming 祝允明|Zhu Yunming (1460-1526), Ming dynasty... zhuyunwen 朱允炆|Zhu Yuanwen, personal name of second ... zhuyunzhekan 朱云折槛|Mr Zhu Yun breaks the railing (idiom)... zhuyuzaice 珠玉在侧|gems at the side (idiom); flanked by ... zhuzai 主宰|to dominate/to rule/to dictate/master zhuzai 猪仔|piglet/(old) exploited Chinese labore... zhuzaibao 猪仔包|a French-style bread, similar to a sm... zhuzaizhe 主宰者|ruler zhuzao 铸造|to cast (pour metal into a mold) zhuzha 驻扎|to station/to garrison (troops) zhuzhai 住宅|residence; dwelling; abode zhuzhailou 住宅楼|residential building/CL:幢[zhuang4],座[... zhuzhaipaomo 住宅泡沫|housing bubble zhuzhaiqu 住宅区|residential area/housing development zhuzhan 助战|to support (in battle) zhuzhang 主张|to advocate/to stand for/view/positio... zhuzhang 助长|to encourage/to foster/to foment zhuzhang 主掌|in charge (of a position etc)/the per... zhuzhanji 朱瞻基|Zhu Zhanji, personal name of fifth Mi... zhuzhanpai 主战派|the pro-war faction/hawks zhuzhe 诸柘|sugarcane zhuzhen 助阵|to cheer/to root for zhuzheng 主政|to lead a government zhuzhi 住址|address zhuzhi 主旨|gist/main idea/general tenor/one\'s ju... zhuzhi 株治|to involve others (in a law case) zhuzhi 竹制|made of bamboo zhuzhishan 祝枝山|Zhu Zhishan (1460-1526), Ming calligr... zhuzhiyanjiang 主旨演讲|keynote speech zhuzhiyishi 主治医师|doctor-in-charge/resident physician zhuzhong 注重|to pay attention to/to emphasize zhuzhou 株洲|see 株洲市[Zhu1zhou1 Shi4] zhuzhou 主轴|axis/principal axis (in mechanics, op... zhuzhoucheng 主轴承|main bearing zhuzhoushi 株洲市|Zhuzhou, prefecture-level city in Hun... zhuzhouweinve 助纣为虐|lit. helping tyrant Zhou 商紂王|商纣王[Shan... zhuzhu 蛛蛛|(coll.) spider zhuzhua 主抓|to be in charge of/to concentrate on zhuzhuangtu 柱状图|bar chart zhuzhuomuniao 竹啄木鸟|(bird species of China) pale-headed w... zhuzi 竹子|bamboo/CL:棵[ke1],支[zhi1],根[gen1] zhuzi 柱子|pillar/CL:根[gen1] zhuzi 珠子|pearl/bead/CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1] zhuzi 注资|to inject funds/to put money into (th... zhuzi 诸子|various sages/refers to the classical... zhuzi 朱子|Master Zhu, another name for Zhu Xi 朱... zhuzi 主子|Master (term used by servant)/Your Ma... zhuzibaijia 诸子百家|the Hundred Schools of Thought, the v... zhuziqing 朱自清|Zhu Ziqing (1898-1948), poet and essa... zhuzishijia 诸子十家|various sages and ten schools of thou... zhuzizhuju 逐字逐句|literal; word for word/word by word a... zhuzou 逐走|to turn away/to drive away zhuzu 驻足|to stop (walking)/to halt zhuzu 主族|main group zhuzui 住嘴|to hold one\'s tongue/Shut up! zhuzuo 著作|to write/literary work/book/article/w... zhuzuoquan 著作权|copyright zi 字|letter/symbol/character/word/CL:個|个[g... zi 自|(bound form) self; oneself/from; sinc... zi 仔|used in 仔肩[zi1 jian1] zi 仔|(bound form) (of domestic animals or ... zi 兹|now/here/this/time/year zi 子|son/child/seed/egg/small thing/1st ea... zi 子|(noun suffix) zi 吱|(onom.) chirp; squeak; creak zi 梓|Chinese catalpa (Catalpa ovata), a tr... zi 谘|variant of 咨[zi1] zi 谘|simplified form of 諮 (Note: In practi... zi 籽|seeds zi 耔|hoe up soil around plants zi 紫|purple/violet zi 虸|used in 虸蚄[zi3 fang1] zi 咨|variant of 諮|咨[zi1]/used in 咨文[zi1wen... zi 咨|(bound form) to consult; to seek advi... zi 孜|used in 孜孜[zi1zi1] zi 资|resources/capital/to provide/to suppl... zi 渍|to soak/to be stained/stain/floodwater zi 滓|(bound form) dregs; sediment zi 呲|variant of 齜|龇[zi1] zi 淄|black/name of a river zi 镃|hoe/mattock zi 笫|bamboo mat/bed mat zi 剚|erect/stab zi 眦|(anatomy) corner of the eye; canthus zi 眦|variant of 眥|眦[zi4] zi 訾|surname Zi zi 訾|to calculate/to assess/wealth zi 訾|to slander/to detest zi 孖|twins zi 缁|Buddhists/black silk/dark zi 嗞|(onom.) sizzle, hiss, slurp etc zi 姿|beauty/disposition/looks/appearance zi 澬|to rain continuously zi 鲻|mullet zi 觜|number 20 of the 28 constellations 二十... zi 姊|old variant of 姊[zi3] zi 姊|older sister/Taiwan pr. [jie3] zi 孳|industrious/produce/bear zi 赀|to estimate/to fine (archaic)/variant... zi 孶|old variant of 孳[zi1] zi 扻|to strike/to run against/to throw, as... zi 秭|billion zi 龇|projecting teeth/to bare one\'s teeth zi 玆|variant of 茲|兹[zi1]/now/here/this/tim... zi 辎|covered wagon/military supply wagon zi 菑|surname Zi zi 菑|(archaic) field recently opened for c... zi 趑|to falter/unable to move zi 胔|rotten meat/bones of dead animal zi 牸|female of domestic animals zi 粢|common millet zi 茈|Common Gromwell or European stoneseed... zi 髭|mustache zi 趦|variant of 趑, to falter/unable to move zi 矷|(a kind of stone) zi 鼒|tripod with a small opening on top zi 胾|cut meat into pieces/diced meat zi 胏|dried meat with bone zi 茊|old variant of 茲|兹[zi1] zi 锱|ancient weight/one-eighth of a tael zi 鰦|(archaic) a kind of black fish/bad pe... zi 鄑|place name zi 嵫|see 崦嵫[Yan1 zi1] zi 呰|to slander/to blame/to revile zi 恣|to abandon restraint/to do as one ple... zi 滋|to grow/to nourish/to increase/to cau... ziai 自爱|self-respect/self-love/self-regard/re... zian 资安|(Tw) information security (abbr. for ... ziao 自傲|arrogance/proud of sth ziba 自拔|to free oneself/to extricate oneself ... zibai 自白|confession/to make clear one\'s positi... zibaishu 自白书|confession ziban 紫斑|bruise zibao 自爆|to explode/spontaneous detonation/sel... zibao 自保|to defend oneself/self-defense/self-p... zibaogongyi 自报公议|self-assessment/declare one\'s state f... zibaojiamen 自报家门|to introduce oneself/originally a the... zibaoziqi 自暴自弃|to abandon oneself to despair/to give... zibei 自卑|to have low self-esteem/to abase oneself zibei 自备|to provide one\'s own.../own/self-prov... zibeiliangniao 紫背椋鸟|(bird species of China) chestnut-chee... zibeiqingxu 自卑情绪|inferiority complex zibeiweiyan 紫背苇鳽|(bird species of China) von Schrenck\'... zibeixinli 自卑心理|sense of inferiority/inferiority complex ziben 资本|capital (economics) zibenchubei 资本储备|capital reserve zibenjia 资本家|capitalist zibenjiti 资本计提|capital requirement zibenlun 资本论|Das Kapital (1867) by Karl Marx 卡爾·馬克... zibenshichang 资本市场|capital market zibenwaitao 资本外逃|outflow of capital zibenzhuyi 资本主义|capitalism zibian 自便|to do as one pleases; to not inconven... zibianliang 自变量|(math.) independent variable zibianshu 自变数|(math.) independent variable zibing 资禀|talent; aptitude zibizheng 自闭症|autism zibo 淄博|see 淄博市[Zi1bo2 Shi4] ziboshi 淄博市|Zibo, prefecture-level city in Shando... zibu 滋补|nourishing/nutritious zibubishuo 自不必说|(idiom) needless to say/it goes witho... zibudaiyan 自不待言|needless to say/it goes without saying zibuliangli 自不量力|to overestimate one\'s capabilities (i... zibupin 滋补品|tonic/invigorant zibuxianmuchou,goubuxianjiapin 子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫|see 兒不嫌母醜,狗不嫌家貧|儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫[er2 bu4 x... zicai 紫菜|edible seaweed of genus Porphyra or g... zicai 资财|assets/capital and materials zicai 赀财|variant of 資財|资财[zi1 cai2] zicaibaofan 紫菜包饭|gimbap, aka kimbap (Korean dish made ... zicaidan 子菜单|(computing) submenu zicaishu 紫菜属|Porphyra (genus of edible seaweed) zicaitai 紫菜苔|purple cabbage/Brassica campestris va... zican 自残|to mutilate oneself/self-harm zican-xinghui 自惭形秽|(idiom) to feel inferior; to feel ina... zicao 紫草|red root gromwell (Lithospermum eryth... zicaoke 紫草科|Boraginaceae (family of flowers and b... ziceng 子层|sublayer zicha 自查|to inspect oneself; to carry out a se... zichan 资产|property/assets zichan 子产|Zi Chan (?-522 BC), statesman and phi... zichanboli 资产剥离|asset stripping zichandanbaozhengquan 资产担保证券|asset-backed security/ABS zichanfuzhaibiao 资产负债表|balance sheet zichanjiazhi 资产价值|value of assets zichanjieji 资产阶级|the capitalist class/the bourgeoisie zichanjiejigeming 资产阶级革命|bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninis... zichanjiejiyoupai 资产阶级右派|bourgeois rightist faction (esp. duri... zichanzuhe 资产组合|asset portfolio zichao 自嘲|to mock oneself/to laugh at oneself zichen 自沉|to scuttle (a ship)/to drown oneself zicheng 自称|to call oneself/to claim to be/to pro... zicheng 自乘|(math.) to multiply (a number) by its... zichengxu 子程序|subroutine zichengyijia 自成一家|to have a style of one\'s own zichi 自持|to control onself; to exercise self-r... zichiliangniao 紫翅椋鸟|(bird species of China) common starli... zichou 子丑|first two of the twelve earthly branc... zichu 仔畜|newborn animal zichuan 淄川|Zichuan district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1... zichuan 字串|(computing) character string (Tw) zichuang 自创|to create; to come up with (an idea etc) zichuanqu 淄川区|Zichuan district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1... zichuizilei 自吹自擂|to blow one\'s own trumpet (idiom) zici 字词|letters or words/words or phrase zici 自此|since then/henceforth zicong 自从|since (a time)/ever since zicun 自忖|to speculate/to ponder zida 自大|arrogant zida 自打|(coll.) since zidai 自带|to bring one\'s own/BYO/(of software) ... zidai 子代|offspring/child\'s generation zidakuang 自大狂|megalomania/egomania/delusions of gra... zidan 子弹|bullet/CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1],發|发[fa1] zidanhuoche 子弹火车|bullet train/Shinkansen 新幹線|新干线, Japa... zidao 自导|self-guided/autonomous zidaoziyan 自导自演|to direct a movie in which one also p... zide 自得|contented/pleased with one\'s position zideqile 自得其乐|to find amusement in one\'s own way/to... zidi 子弟|child/the younger generation zidi 资敌|to aid the enemy (with arms, ammuniti... zidian 字典|Chinese character dictionary (contain... zidianqianzheng 子癫前症|pre-eclampsia, toxaemia of pregnancy ... zidiao 紫貂|sable (Martes zibellina) zidiao 字调|tone of a character zidingxiang 紫丁香|lilac zidingxiangxia 自顶向下|top-down zidingyi 自定义|custom/user-defined zidixiangshang 自底向上|bottom-up zidong 自动|automatic/voluntarily zidongbudao 自动步道|moving walkway/travelator zidongche 自动车|automobile zidongdang 自动挡|automatic transmission/auto gear shift zidongdianchangji 自动点唱机|jukebox/nickelodeon zidongfukuanji 自动付款机|cash dispenser/auto-teller/ATM zidongfuti 自动扶梯|escalator zidongguadang 自动挂挡|automatic gear change zidongguiyuanji 自动柜员机|automated teller machine (ATM) zidonghua 自动化|automation zidonghuajishu 自动化技术|automation zidonghuandaozhuangzhi 自动换刀装置|automatic tool changer (ATC) zidonghuifu 自动恢复|spontaneous recovery zidongkongzhi 自动控制|automatic control zidonglihe 自动离合|automatic clutch zidonglouti 自动楼梯|escalator zidongmianyi 自动免疫|active immunity zidongqianbi 自动铅笔|mechanical pencil/propelling pencil zidongqukuanji 自动取款机|automated teller machine (ATM) zidongshexiansheying 自动射线摄影|autoradiography zidongshiyilai 自懂事以来|for as long as one can remember zidongshouhuoji 自动售货机|vending machine zidongtikuan 自动提款|automatic cash withdrawal/bank autote... zidongtikuanji 自动提款机|bank autoteller/ATM zidongtiwaichuchanqi 自动体外除颤器|AED (automated external defibrillator) zidongzhuangxiang 自动装箱|autoboxing (computing) zidongzifa 自动自发|(to act) on one\'s own initiative zidu 自渎|masturbation/to masturbate zidu 淄蠹|to be worn out ziduan 字段|(numeric, data) field zifa 自发|spontaneous zifadianwei 自发电位|electroencephalogram (EEG) zifaduichenpoque 自发对称破缺|spontaneous symmetry breaking (physics) zifafen 自发粉|self-rising flour zifan 自反|to introspect/to self-reflect/(math.)... zifang 子房|ovary (botany) zifang 资方|the owners of a private enterprise/ma... zifang 虸蚄|armyworm zifei 自费|at one\'s own expense/self-funded zifei 资费|(postal, telecom etc) service charge zifen 自焚|self-immolation zifeng 自封|to proclaim oneself (sth)/to give one... zifeng 资俸|salary/pay/wages zifeng-jianyue 自奉俭约|(idiom) to live frugally zifengdai 自封袋|resealable bag; ziplock bag zifengshenjian 自奉甚俭|(idiom) to allow oneself few comforts... zifu 字符|character (computing) zifu 自负|conceited/to take responsibility zifu 姊夫|older sister\'s husband zifu 资斧|(literary) money for a journey/travel... zifuchuan 字符串|string (computing) zifuji 字符集|character set (e.g. ASCII 美國資訊交換標準碼|美... zifushoujiao 自缚手脚|to bind oneself hand and foot zifuyingkui 自负盈亏|responsible for its profit and losses... ziganduoluo 自甘堕落|to abandon oneself (idiom)/to let one... ziganlan 紫甘蓝|red cabbage/purple cabbage ziganwu 自干五|(neologism) person who posts online i... zigao 自高|to be proud of oneself zigaofenyong 自告奋勇|to volunteer for/to offer to undertake zigaozida 自高自大|to think of oneself as terrific (idio... zige 资格|qualifications/seniority zigen 字根|component of a Chinese character/(lin... zigenbiao 字根表|table of components used in wubi inpu... zigengnong 自耕农|owner peasant/land-holding peasant zigenhetizi 字根合体字|stem compound zigentongyongma 字根通用码|common coding for components of Chine... ziger 自个儿|(dialect) oneself; by oneself ziger 自各儿|variant of 自個兒|自个儿[zi4 ge3 r5] zigesai 资格赛|qualifying round (in sports) zigong 子宫|uterus/womb zigong 自贡|see 自貢市|自贡市[Zi4gong4 Shi4] zigong 子贡|Zi Gong or Duanmu Ci 端木賜|端木赐[Duan1 mu... zigong 资工|abbr. of 資訊工程|资讯工程[zi1 xun4 gong1 che... zigong 自宫|to castrate oneself zigongbi 子宫壁|wall of the uterus zigonghuan 子宫环|intrauterine device (IUD) zigongjiliu 子宫肌瘤|fibroid tumor of the uterus/hysteromyoma zigongjing 子宫颈|cervix; the neck of the uterus zigongjingai 子宫颈癌|cervical cancer zigongjingguan 子宫颈管|(anatomy) cervical canal zigongjingmopian 子宫颈抹片|cervical smear (Tw) zigongneibiyunqi 子宫内避孕器|intrauterine device (IUD) zigongshi 自贡市|Zigong, prefecture-level city in Sich... zigongsi 子公司|subsidiary company/subsidiary corpora... zigongtuo 子宫托|pessary zigu 自古|(since) ancient times/(from) time imm... zigubuxia 自顾不暇|(idiom) to have one\'s hands full mana... zigui 秭归|Zigui county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1... zigui 子规|cuckoo ziguixian 秭归县|Zigui county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1... ziguixian 姊归县|Zigui county in Hubei province ziguyilai 自古以来|since ancient times ziguzi 自顾自|each minding his own business zihai 自嗨|(slang) to have fun by oneself/to amu... zihao 字号|characters and numbers (as used in a ... zihao 字号|character size/font size/fame/reputat... zihao 自豪|proud (of one\'s achievements etc) zihaogan 自豪感|pride in sth/self-esteem zihe 滋贺|Shiga prefecture in central Japan ziheche 紫河车|(TCM) dried human placenta (used as m... zihei 自黑|(Internet slang) to make fun of oneself zihexian 滋贺县|Shiga prefecture in central Japan zihongse 紫红色|red-purple/mauve/prune (color)/claret zihua 字画|the strokes of a character/calligraph... zihuadiding 紫花地丁|Chinese violet (Viola mandsurica) zihuaxiang 自画像|self-portrait zihui 自悔|to regret/to repent zihui 字汇|Zihui, Chinese character dictionary w... zihui 字汇|(computer) character repertoire/gloss... zihui 自毁|to destroy one\'s (reputation etc)/(of... ziji 自己|oneself/one\'s own ziji 子集|subset ziji 自给|self-reliant ziji 字迹|handwriting ziji 字集|character set ziji 仔鸡|chick; baby chicken ziji 子级|child (computing) zijia 自家|oneself/one\'s own family zijia 自驾|to drive oneself somewhere zijiache 自驾车|to drive oneself somewhere/private ve... zijian 自检|to act with self-restraint/to examine... zijian 自荐|to recommend oneself (for a job) zijian 仔肩|to bear responsibility for sth zijiang 仔姜|stem ginger zijiao 字脚|serif/hook at the end of brushstroke zijiaqichechuzu 自驾汽车出租|self-drive car rental zijiaren 自家人|sb with whom one is on familiar terms... zijiayou 自驾游|to go on a self-drive tour; to go on ... zijiazhizuitaiyangniao 紫颊直嘴太阳鸟|(bird species of China) ruby-cheeked ... zijiazulin 自驾租赁|self-drive hire (of a car etc) zijidongshou 自己动手|to do (sth) oneself/to help oneself to zijie 字节|(computing) byte/CL:個|个[ge4] zijie 自洁|to cleanse oneself/to sanctify onesel... zijie 咨嗟|(literary) to sigh; to heave a sigh/(... zijieshu 字节数|byte count zijietiaodong 字节跳动|ByteDance, Beijing-based Internet tec... zijihe 子集合|subset (math.) zijin 紫金|Zijin county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2],... zijin 资金|funds; capital zijin 自尽|to kill oneself/suicide zijin 自矜|to boast/to blow one\'s own horn zijincheng 紫禁城|the Forbidden City/the Imperial Palac... zijing 紫荆|Chinese redbud (Cercis chinensis) zijing 自经|(literary) to hang oneself zijing 紫晶|amethyst (purple crystalline silicon ... zijing 子京|see 紫荊|紫荆[zi3 jing1] zijinganggan 资金杠杆|(finance) leverage/gearing zijinjuan 紫金鹃|(bird species of China) violet cuckoo... zijinniu 紫金牛|Japanese ardisia (Ardisia japonica) zijinshan 紫金山|Purple Mountain in suburbs of Nanjing... zijinshantianwentai 紫金山天文台|Purple Mountain Observatory zijinxian 紫金县|Zijin county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2],... zijiren 自己人|those on our side/ourselves/one\'s own... zijiu 自救|to get oneself out of trouble zijizizu 自给自足|self-sufficiency/autarky ziju 子句|clause (grammar) ziju 字句|words/expressions/writing ziju 自居|to consider oneself as/to believe one... ziju 字据|written pledge/contract/IOU ziju 趑趄|to advance with difficulty/to hesitat... ziju 自举|bootstrapping zijubuqian 趑趄不前|hesitant and not daring to move forwa... zijue 自觉|conscious/aware/on one\'s own initiati... zijue 子爵|viscount zijuefenmu 自掘坟墓|to dig one\'s own grave zijunieru 趦趄嗫嚅|faltering steps/mumbling speech/hesit... zijunieru 趑趄嗫嚅|faltering steps, mumbling speech (idi... zikabingdu 兹卡病毒|Zika virus (Tw) zike 咨客|(service industry) reception staff zikong 自控|automated/automatically regulated/to ... zikongjian 子空间|subspace (math.) zikua 自夸|to boast zikuang 自况|to compare oneself/to view oneself as zikuanzuidong 紫宽嘴鸫|(bird species of China) purple cochoa... zikuiburu 自愧不如|ashamed of being inferior (idiom)/to ... zikuifuru 自愧弗如|to feel ashamed at being inferior (id... zila 嗞啦|(onom.) sputter; sizzle zilai 自来|from the beginning/always/to come of ... zilaijuan 自来卷|natural curls; natural wave zilaishui 自来水|running water; tap water zilaishuibi 自来水笔|fountain pen zilaishuiguan 自来水管|water mains/service pipe/tap-water pipe zilang 赀郎|sb who purchases a public post zili 自理|to take care of oneself/to provide fo... zili 自立|independent/self-reliant/self-sustain... zili 资历|qualifications/experience/seniority zili 子粒|seed zilian 自恋|narcissism ziliao 资料|material/resources/data/information/p... ziliaocangchu 资料仓储|data warehouse (computing) ziliaochuanshu 资料传输|data transmission ziliaojia 资料夹|(file) folder ziliaojiemian 资料介面|data interface ziliaoku 资料库|database ziliaoliang 资料量|quantity of data ziliaolianjieceng 资料链结层|data link layer ziligengsheng 自力更生|regeneration through one\'s own effort... zilihangjian 字里行间|between the words and the lines (idio... zilimenhu 自立门户|to form one\'s own group or school of ... zilin 字林|Zilin, Chinese character dictionary w... zilinge 紫林鸽|(bird species of China) pale-capped p... ziliudi 自留地|private plot allocated to an individu... ziliujing 自流井|Ziliujing District of Zigong City 自貢市... ziliujingqu 自流井区|Ziliujing District of Zigong City 自貢市... ziliushan 自留山|hilly land allotted for private use ziliziqiang 自立自强|to be self-reliant zilu 子路|Zi Lu (542-480 BC), disciple of Confu... ziluanzhenjiao 自乱阵脚|(idiom) to lose one\'s head/to panic/t... ziluolan 紫罗兰|(botany) common stock; gillyflower (M... ziluolanse 紫罗兰色|violet (color) zilv 自律|self-discipline/self-regulation/auton... zilvshenjingxitong 自律神经系统|autonomic nervous system zilvxingzuzhi 自律性组织|Self-Regulation Organization/SRO zima 字码|character code zima 牸马|mare ziman 自满|complacent/self-satisfied ziman 滋蔓|to grow and spread zimaoqu 自贸区|abbr. for 自由貿易區|自由贸易区[zi4 you2 mao4 y... zimei 姊妹|(older and younger) sisters/sister (s... zimeiti 自媒体|self-media (news or other content pub... zimi 字谜|letter puzzle zimi 仔密|(textiles) closely woven; tightly kni... zimi 紫米|black rice; purple rice zimian 字面|literal/typeface zimian 自勉|to encourage oneself zimin 子民|people zimindang 自民党|Liberal Democratic Party (Japanese po... ziming 自命|to consider oneself to be (sth positive) zimingbufan 自命不凡|to think too much of oneself/self-imp... zimingdeyi 自鸣得意|to think highly of oneself zimingqinggao 自命清高|to think of oneself as high and pure ... zimingzhong 自鸣钟|chiming clock zimo 自摸|(mahjong) to self-draw the winning ti... zimouchulu 自谋出路|(idiom) to take matters into one\'s ow... zimoxing 子模型|submodel zimu 字幕|subtitles; captions (of a movie etc) zimu 字母|letter (of the alphabet)/CL:個|个[ge4] zimu 子目|subheading/specific item zimu 子母|mother and son/interest and capital/c... zimubiao 字母表|alphabet zimuci 字母词|word that contains one or more letter... zimudan 子母弹|(military) cluster bomb/shrapnel zimukou 子母扣|snap fastener zimulu 子目录|subdirectory (computing) zimupaodan 子母炮弹|artillery cluster bomb zimushunxu 字母顺序|alphabetical order zimuzhadan 子母炸弹|cluster bomb zinangjun 子囊菌|ascomycete zinei 自馁|to lose confidence; to be disheartened zini 自溺|to drown oneself ziniu 牸牛|cow zinv 子女|children; sons and daughters zipai 自拍|to take a picture or video of oneself... zipai 自排|automatic transmission zipaigan 自拍杆|selfie stick/also written 自拍杆[zi4 pai... zipaimoshi 自拍模式|camera self-timer mode (for delayed s... zipaiqi 自拍器|camera self-timer (for delayed shutte... zipaishenqi 自拍神器|selfie stick zipaizhao 自拍照|selfie zipao 紫袍|purple qipao gown, the sign of an off... zipingpu 紫坪铺|Zipingpu Dam, Sichuan zipingpudaba 紫坪铺大坝|Zipingpu Dam, Sichuan zipingpushuiku 紫坪铺水库|Zipingpu Dam, Sichuan zipinpai 子品牌|sub-brand ziqi 自欺|to deceive oneself ziqi 自启|(of a machine, app etc) to start on i... ziqi 紫气|purple cloud (auspicious portent in a... ziqia 自洽|logically consistent/to make sense ziqian 自谦|modest/self-deprecating ziqian 资遣|to dismiss with severance pay/to pay ... ziqian 资浅|inexperienced/junior (employee etc) ziqian 自谴|to blame oneself/self-recrimination ziqianfei 资遣费|severance pay (Tw) ziqiang 自强|to strive for self-improvement ziqiang 自戕|to commit suicide ziqiangbuxi 自强不息|to strive unremittingly/self-improvement ziqiangyundong 自强运动|Self-Strengthening Movement (period o... ziqiangzili 自强自立|to strive for self-improvement ziqiaxing 自洽性|logical consistency ziqing 恣情|to indulge in something to one\'s hear... ziqing 咨请|to formally request (by means of an o... ziqingzijian 自轻自贱|to belittle oneself/self-contempt ziqiqiren 自欺欺人|to deceive others and to deceive ones... ziqu 自取|to help oneself to (food)/to invite (... ziqumiewang 自取灭亡|to court disaster (idiom)/to dig one\'... ziqun 子群|subgroup (math.) ziquqijiu 自取其咎|see 咎由自取[jiu4 you2 zi4 qu3] ziquqiru 自取其辱|(idiom) to embarrass oneself zir 子儿|(coll.) penny/buck ziran 自燃|spontaneous combustion ziran 自然|nature/natural/naturally ziran 孜然|(loanword from Uyghur) cumin (Cuminum... ziranbaohuqu 自然保护区|nature reserve ziranceng 自然层|natural layer (in an archaeological dig) ziranduan 自然段|paragraph ziranerran 自然而然|involuntary/automatically ziranfa 自然法|natural law ziranfayin 自然发音|phonics (Tw) ziranfengguang 自然风光|nature and scenery ziranjie 自然界|nature/the natural world ziranjingji 自然经济|natural economy (exchange of goods by... ziranjuan 自然卷|natural curls; natural wave zirankexue 自然科学|natural sciences zirankexuejijinhui 自然科学基金会|natural science fund ziranliaofa 自然疗法|natural therapy ziranpindu 自然拼读|phonics ziranqin 孜然芹|cumin ziranren 自然人|natural person (law)/see also 法人[fa3 ... ziranshenlun 自然神论|deism, theological theory of God who ... ziranshi 自然史|natural history (i.e. botany and zool... ziranshu 自然数|natural number ziranshuji 自然数集|the set of natural numbers (math.) zirantiaojian 自然条件|natural conditions zirantong 自然铜|natural copper/chalcopyrite/copper ir... ziranxianxiang 自然现象|natural phenomenon ziranxing 自然醒|to wake up naturally (without an alarm) ziranxuanze 自然选择|natural selection ziranyuyan 自然语言|natural language ziranyuyanchuli 自然语言处理|natural language processing, NLP ziranzaihai 自然灾害|natural disaster ziranzhiyou 自然之友|Friends of Nature (Chinese environmen... ziranzhuyi 自然主义|naturalism (philosophy) ziranziyuan 自然资源|natural resource zirao 滋扰|to cause trouble/to provoke a dispute ziren 自认|to believe (sth in relation to onesel... zirong 姿容|looks/appearance ziru 自如|unobstructed/unconstrained/smoothly/w... ziru 孳乳|to multiply (kinds, difficulties)/to ... zirun 滋润|moist/humid/to moisten/to provide moi... ziruo 自若|calm/composed/at ease zise 紫色|purple/violet (color) zise 姿色|good looks (of a woman) zisehuaminiao 紫色花蜜鸟|(bird species of China) purple sunbir... zisha 自杀|to kill oneself/to commit suicide/to ... zisha 紫砂|a type of clay found in the region of... zishan 紫杉|Japanese yew (taxus cuspidata) zishanchun 紫杉醇|Taxol (a.k.a. Paclitaxel), mitotic in... zishang 咨商|(Tw) consultation (on policy, trade e... zishangerxia 自上而下|top-down zishashi 自杀式|suicide (attack)/suicidal zishashibaozha 自杀式爆炸|suicide bombing zishashizhadan 自杀式炸弹|a suicide bomb zishazhadanshashou 自杀炸弹杀手|suicide bomber zishen 资深|veteran (journalist etc)/senior/highl... zishen 自身|itself/oneself/one\'s own zisheng 滋生|to breed/to flourish/to cause/to prov... zisheng 孳生|to breed; to multiply zishengtang 资生堂|Shiseidō (Japanese cosmetics company) zishengzimie 自生自灭|to emerge and perish on its own; to r... zishenliyi 自身利益|one\'s own interests zishennanbao 自身难保|powerless to defend oneself (idiom); ... zishi 滋事|to cause trouble/to provoke a dispute zishi 姿势|posture/position zishi 子时|11 pm-1 am (in the system of two-hour... zishi 自视|to view oneself zishi 自恃|self-esteem/self-reliance/overconfide... zishi 子实|variant of 籽實|籽实[zi3 shi2] zishi 籽实|seed/grain/kernel/bean zishi 自失|at a loss zishi 姿式|variant of 姿勢|姿势[zi1 shi4] zishi 自始|from the outset/ab initio zishibu 紫式部|Murasaki Shikibu (born c. 973), Japan... zishieguo 自食恶果|lit. to eat one\'s own bitter fruit (i... zishikuguo 自食苦果|see 自食惡果|自食恶果[zi4 shi2 e4 guo3] zishiqiguo 自食其果|to eat one\'s own fruit (idiom); fig. ... zishiqili 自食其力|lit. to eat off one\'s own strength (i... zishiqinggao 自视清高|to think highly of oneself (idiom); g... zishishengao 自视甚高|to think highly of oneself (idiom); g... zishitida 兹事体大|this is no small thing (idiom)/to hav... zishiying 紫石英|amethyst zishiying 自适应|adaptive zishiyinghao 紫石英号|HMS Amethyst, Royal Navy corvette inv... zishizhizhong 自始至终|from start to finish (idiom) zishou 自首|to give oneself up/to surrender (to t... zishou 字首|prefix zishoudai 紫寿带|(bird species of China) black paradis... zishu 字数|number of written characters; number ... zishu 自述|to recount in one\'s own words/autobio... zishu 字书|character book (i.e. school primer) zishu 子鼠|Year 1, year of the Rat (e.g. 2008) zishuiji 紫水鸡|(bird species of China) grey-headed s... zishuijing 紫水晶|amethyst zisi 自私|selfish/selfishness zisi 子嗣|son/heir zisi 恣肆|unrestrained/unbridled/free and unres... zisizili 自私自利|everything for self and selfish profi... zisu 紫苏|beefsteak plant/shiso/Perilla frutescens zisu 自诉|private prosecution (law)/(of a patie... zisu 字素|grapheme zisui 恣睢|(literary) reckless/unbridled/self-in... zisun 子孙|offspring/posterity zisunniangniang 子孙娘娘|goddess of fertility zisushu 紫苏属|genus Perilla (includes basil and mints) zitai 姿态|attitude/posture/stance zitaienuo 姿态婀娜|to have an elegant countenance (idiom) zitan 紫檀|red sandalwood zitanburu 自叹不如|to consider oneself as being not as g... zitao-kuchi 自讨苦吃|(idiom) to ask for trouble; to make a... zitaomeiqu 自讨没趣|to invite a snub/to court a rebuff zitaoyaobao 自掏腰包|to pay out of one\'s own pocket/to dig... ziteng 紫藤|wisteria ziti 字体|calligraphic style/typeface/font zitiao 字条|brief note zitie 字帖|piece of paper with short note/short ... zitie 字帖|copybook (for calligraphy) zitier 字帖儿|piece of paper with short note/short ... zitimianyijibing 自体免疫疾病|autoimmune disease zitong 梓潼|Zitong county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2... zitong 紫铜|copper (pure copper, as opposed to al... zitong 梓童|(often used in traditional novels) te... zitongxian 梓潼县|Zitong county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2... zitou 字头|first letter of a word or serial numb... zitouluowang 自投罗网|to walk right into the trap zitu 字图|glyph ziwai 紫外|ultraviolet (ray) ziwaiguang 紫外光|ultraviolet light ziwaishexian 紫外射线|ultraviolet ray ziwaixian 紫外线|ultraviolet ray ziwaixianguang 紫外线光|ultraviolet light ziwan 紫菀|(botany) aster (Aster tataricus) ziwang 资望|seniority and prestige ziwang 子网|subnetwork ziwangpingbima 子网屏蔽码|subnet mask (computing) ziwei 自慰|to console oneself/to masturbate/onan... ziwei 紫薇|crape myrtle ziwei 自卫|to defend oneself/self-defense ziwei 字尾|suffix ziwei 滋味|taste/flavor/feeling ziweidoushu 紫微斗数|Zi Wei Dou Shu, a form of Chinese for... ziweidui 自卫队|self-defense force/the Japanese armed... ziweigong 紫微宫|palace of Jade emperor (in Taoism) ziwen 自问|to ask oneself/to search one\'s soul/t... ziwen 自刎|to commit suicide by cutting one\'s ow... ziwen 咨文|(old) official communication (between... ziwo 自我|self-/ego (psychology) ziwoanwei 自我安慰|to comfort oneself/to console oneself... ziwochuixu 自我吹嘘|to blow one\'s own horn (idiom) ziwocuimian 自我催眠|self-hypnotism ziwofangwei 自我防卫|self-defense ziwojiechao 自我解嘲|to refer to one\'s foibles or failings... ziwojieshao 自我介绍|self-introduction/to introduce oneself ziwole 兹沃勒|Zwolle (Netherlands) ziwopiping 自我批评|self-criticism ziwoshixian 自我实现|self-actualization (psychology)/self-... ziwotaozui 自我陶醉|self-satisfied/self-imbued/narcissistic ziwoyishi 自我意识|self-awareness ziwuxian 子午线|meridian zixi 仔细|careful; attentive; cautious/to be ca... zixi 自习|to study outside of class time (revie... zixi 资溪|Zixi county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi zixi 孳息|interest (from an investment, esp. an... zixi 子细|variant of 仔細|仔细[zi3 xi4] zixi 觜觽|name of constellation, possibly same ... zixiaershang 自下而上|bottom-up zixiang 自相|mutual/each other/one another/self- zixiangcansha 自相残杀|to massacre one another (idiom); inte... zixiangjingrao 自相惊扰|to frighten one another zixiangmaodun 自相矛盾|to contradict oneself/self-contradict... zixiangyurou 自相鱼肉|butchering one another as fish and fl... zixiaodong 紫啸鸫|(bird species of China) blue whistlin... zixiaofuci 子孝父慈|see 父慈子孝[fu4 ci2 zi3 xiao4] zixibao 子细胞|daughter cell zixieche 自卸车|dump truck zixin 自信|to have confidence in oneself/self-co... zixin 自新|to reform oneself/to mend one\'s ways ... zixing 资兴|Zixing, county-level city in Chenzhou... zixing 自行|voluntary/autonomous/by oneself/self- zixing 字形|form of a Chinese character/variant o... zixing 自省|to examine oneself/to reflect on one\'... zixing 字型|font/typeface zixingche 自行车|bicycle; bike/CL:輛|辆[liang4] zixingchedao 自行车道|bike path; bicycle trail; bike lane zixingcheguan 自行车馆|cycling stadium/velodrome zixingchejia 自行车架|bike rack/bicycle frame zixingchesai 自行车赛|cycle race zixingliaoduan 自行了断|to take one\'s life zixingqishi 自行其是|to act as one thinks fit/to have one\'... zixingshi 资兴市|Zixing, county-level city in Chenzhou... zixingwuji 恣行无忌|to behave recklessly zixinxin 自信心|self-confidence zixitong 子系统|subsystem zixiu 自修|to study on one\'s own/self-study zixiu 觜宿|number 20 of the 28 constellations 二十... zixixian 资溪县|Zixi county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi zixu 自序|author\'s preface/autobiographical not... zixu 自诩|to pose as; to flaunt oneself as/to b... zixuan 自选|to choose by oneself/free to choose/o... zixuan 自旋|(physics) spin (of a particle) zixue 自学|self-study/to study on one\'s own zixuechengcai 自学成才|a self-made genius zixun 咨询|variant of 諮詢|咨询[zi1xun2] zixun 咨询|to inquire; to consult; to seek advic... zixun 资讯|information zixun 谘询|consultation/to consult/to inquire zixunfannao 自寻烦恼|to bring trouble on oneself (idiom) zixungongcheng 资讯工程|information engineering (Tw) zixunkeji 资讯科技|information technology/science of com... zixunsilu 自寻死路|to follow the path to one\'s own doom ... zixunyuan 咨询员|advisor; consultant zixuwuyou 子虚乌有|(idiom) to have no basis in fact; to ... ziya 滋芽|(dialect) to sprout/to germinate ziya 眦睚|to stare in anger/a look of hatred ziyaliezui 龇牙咧嘴|to grimace (in pain)/to show one\'s te... ziyaliezui 呲牙咧嘴|to grimace (in pain)/to show one\'s te... ziyan 字眼|wording ziyan 自言|to say (sth that relates to oneself) ziyan 自研|(of an organization etc) to independe... ziyan-ziyu 自言自语|(idiom) to talk to oneself; to think ... ziyang 紫阳|Ziyang County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1]... ziyang 字样|model or template character/written s... ziyang 资阳|see 資陽市|资阳市[Zi1yang2 Shi4]/see 資陽區|资阳... ziyang 滋养|to nourish ziyang 自养|self-sustaining/economically independ... ziyangceng 滋养层|trophoblastic layer (attaches fertili... ziyangqu 资阳区|Ziyang district of Yiyang city 益陽市|益阳... ziyangshengwu 自养生物|(biology) autotroph ziyangshi 资阳市|Ziyang, prefecture-level city in Sich... ziyangxian 紫阳县|Ziyang County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1]... ziyao 自要|so long as/provided that ziye 子夜|midnight ziye 子叶|cotyledon (first embryonic leaf) ziyi 恣意|without restraint/unbridled/reckless ziyi 字义|meaning of a character ziyi 自缢|to hang oneself ziyi 自抑|to control oneself ziyi-zilian 自艾自怜|(idiom) to feel sorry for oneself ziyin 字音|phonetic value of a character ziyin 子音|consonant ziyin 兹因|(formal) whereas/since ziyin 自淫|masturbation ziying 自营|self-operated/to operate one\'s own bu... ziyingshang 自营商|dealer ziyiwangwei 恣意妄为|to behave unscrupulously ziyiweishi 自以为是|to believe oneself infallible (idiom)... ziyixingle 恣意行乐|to abandon restraint and have a fling... ziyiyiqi 自贻伊戚|to create trouble for oneself (idiom) ziyong 自用|to have (sth) for one\'s own use/(lite... ziyong 资用|(physics) available ziyou 自由|freedom; liberty/free; unrestricted/C... ziyou 自有|(I, they etc) of course have (a plan,... ziyou 自幼|since childhood ziyou 自游|to travel alone (i.e. not with a tour... ziyou 资优|(Tw) (of a student) gifted ziyouban 资优班|(Tw) class composed of gifted students ziyoucheng 自由城|Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone (Tw) ziyoudang 自由党|Liberal Party ziyoudu 自由度|(number of) degrees of freedom (physi... ziyoufangren 自由放任|laissez-faire ziyougang 自由港|free port ziyouguba 自由古巴|Cuba Libre ziyouhan 自由焓|free enthalpy (thermodynamics)/Gibbs ... ziyouhua 自由化|liberalization/freeing (from sth) ziyouhuodong 自由活动|free time (between organized activities) ziyouji 自由基|free radical ziyoujiangluo 自由降落|free fall ziyoujiqingchuji 自由基清除剂|radical scavenger (chemistry) ziyoujueshiyue 自由爵士乐|free jazz (music genre) ziyouluoti 自由落体|free-fall ziyoumaoyi 自由贸易|free trade ziyoumaoyiqu 自由贸易区|free trade zone/free trade area ziyouminzhudang 自由民主党|Liberal Democratic Party ziyounvshenxiang 自由女神像|Statue of Liberty ziyoupai 自由派|liberal ziyoupinpai 自有品牌|private brand ziyouqianshui 自由潜水|freediving; skin diving ziyouqiye 自由企业|free enterprise (in capitalist theory) ziyouruanjian 自由软件|free software (i.e. software for whic... ziyouruanjianjijinhui 自由软件基金会|Free Software Foundation ziyousanman 自由散漫|easygoing/lax/unconstrained/unruly ziyousheng 资优生|brilliant student ziyoushenxiang 自由神像|Statue of Liberty ziyoushi 自由式|freestyle (in sports) ziyoushi 自由市|Libreville, capital of Gabon (Tw) ziyoushichang 自由市场|free market ziyousushizhuyi 自由素食主义|Freeganism ziyouticao 自由体操|floor (gymnastics) ziyouwangguo 自由王国|realm of freedom (philosophy) ziyouxing 自由刑|(law) deprivation of freedom ziyouxing 自由行|travel organized by oneself rather th... ziyouxuanzequan 自由选择权|free agency ziyouyazhoudiantai 自由亚洲电台|Radio Free Asia ziyouyizhi 自由意志|free will ziyouyizhizhuyi 自由意志主义|libertarianism ziyouyong 自由泳|freestyle swimming ziyouzhiye 自由职业|self-employed/profession ziyouzhongguo 自由中国|Free China (Cold War era term for the... ziyouzhuyi 自由主义|liberalism ziyouzizai 自由自在|free and easy (idiom); carefree/leisu... ziyouzizai 自繇自在|free and easy (idiom); carefree/leisu... ziyu 自愈|to heal oneself; to repair itself/sel... ziyu 自语|to talk to oneself ziyu 自娱|to amuse oneself ziyu 子域|subfield (math.) ziyu 鲻鱼|flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) ziyu 恣欲|to follow lustful desires ziyu 自喻|to refer to oneself as ziyuan 资源|Ziyuan county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2]... ziyuan 资源|natural resource (such as water or mi... ziyuan 自愿|voluntary ziyuan 字元|character (computing) (Tw) ziyuan 字源|etymology (of a non-Chinese word)/ori... ziyuan-qishuo 自圆其说|(idiom) to make a story or theory con... ziyuanji 字元集|character set ziyuanxian 资源县|Ziyuan county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2]... ziyuanxing 自愿性|voluntary ziyuanzhe 自愿者|volunteer ziyuanziyi 自怨自艾|to be full of remorse/to repent and r... ziyue 子曰|Confucius says: ziyun 紫云|Ziyun Hmong and Buyei autonomous coun... ziyunmiaozubuyizuzizhixian 紫云苗族布依族自治县|Ziyun Hmong and Buyei autonomous coun... ziyunying 紫云英|Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus) ziyutou 鲻鱼头|mullet (hairstyle) ziyuzile 自娱自乐|to entertain oneself zizai 自在|comfortable; at ease zize 自责|to blame oneself zizhang 滋长|to grow (usually of abstract things)/... zizhang 姊丈|older sister\'s husband zizhang 紫胀|to get red and swollen zizhao 自找|to suffer as a consequence of one\'s o... zizhaokuchi 自找苦吃|to bring trouble on oneself zizhaomafan 自找麻烦|to ask for trouble/to invite difficul... zizhengqiangyuan 字正腔圆|to enunciate beautifully (in speaking... zizhenjuzhuo 字斟句酌|weighing every word zizhi 资质|aptitude/natural endowments zizhi 自治|autonomy zizhi 自制|to maintain self-control/self-control zizhi 自指|self-reference zizhi 自制|self-made/improvised/homemade/handmade zizhijiguan 自治机关|governing body of an autonomous terri... zizhili 自制力|self-control zizhilikui 自知理亏|to know that one is in the wrong (idiom) zizhilou 字纸篓|wastepaper basket zizhilouzi 字纸篓子|see 字紙簍|字纸篓[zi4 zhi3 lou3] zizhimeiyu 紫芝眉宇|your appearance (honorific) zizhiqi 自治旗|autonomous county (in Inner Mongolia)... zizhiqu 自治区|autonomous region, namely: Inner Mong... zizhiquan 自治权|the right to autonomy/autonomy zizhishi 自治市|municipality/autonomous city/also cal... zizhitongjian 资治通鉴|A Mirror for the Wise Ruler (or Compr... zizhixian 自治县|autonomous county zizhizhadan 自制炸弹|improvised explosive device IED zizhizheng 紫质症|porphyria (medicine) zizhizhiming 自知之明|knowing oneself (idiom)/self-knowledge zizhizhou 自治州|autonomous prefecture zizhong 资中|Zizhong county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4... zizhong 字重|font weight zizhong 自重|to conduct oneself with dignity/to be... zizhongxian 资中县|Zizhong county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4... zizhou 子洲|Zishou County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], ... zizhouxian 子洲县|Zishou County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], ... zizhu 自主|independent/to act for oneself/autono... zizhu 资助|to subsidize/to provide financial aid... zizhu 紫竹|black bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra) zizhu 自助|self-service zizhu 仔猪|piglet zizhu 子猪|variant of 仔豬|仔猪[zi3 zhu1] zizhuan 自传|autobiography zizhuan 自转|(of a celestial body) to rotate on it... zizhuan 自专|to act arbitrarily/to act for oneself zizhuang 自装|self-loading (weapon, tape deck etc) zizhuanzhou 自转轴|axis of rotation zizhubijiao 锱铢必较|to haggle over every cent (idiom) zizhucan 自助餐|buffet/self-service meal zizhuihua 紫锥花|coneflower genus (Echinacea) zizhuo 自酌|to enjoy a cup of wine by oneself zizhuquan 自主权|ability to make one\'s own decisions zizhushenjingxitong 自主神经系统|autonomic nervous system zizhuxitong 自主系统|autonomous system zizhuxiyidian 自助洗衣店|laundromat/launderette zizi 姊姊|older sister/Taiwan pr. [jie3 jie5] zizi 孜孜|diligent/hardworking/industrious/assi... zizi 孳孳|variant of 孜孜[zi1 zi1] zizibujuan 孜孜不倦|lit. diligent and never slacking (idi... zizigaga 吱吱嘎嘎|(onom.) creaking and grating zizikuku 孜孜矻矻|diligently zizisheng 吱吱声|squeak zizisunsun 子子孙孙|one\'s posterity ziziyiqiu 孜孜以求|diligent and tireless (idiom) zizizhuyu 字字珠玉|every word a gem (idiom); magnificent... zizu 自足|self-sufficient/satisfied with oneself zizu 字组|block (of data)/code word zizui 自罪|actual sin (Christian notion, as oppo... zizun 自尊|self-respect/self-esteem/ego/pride zizunxin 自尊心|self-respect/self-esteem/ego zizuo-congming 自作聪明|(idiom) to think oneself clever zizuo-duoqing 自作多情|to imagine that one\'s love is recipro... zizuo-zhuzhang 自作主张|(idiom) to act on one\'s own; to decid... zizuo-zishou 自作自受|(idiom) to reap what one has sown; to... zizuonie 自作孽|to bring disaster on oneself zong 总|general; overall/to sum up/in every c... zong 纵|vertical; north-south (Taiwan pr. [zo... zong 宗|surname Zong zong 宗|school/sect/purpose/model/ancestor/cl... zong 综|(bound form) to synthesize; to combin... zong 粽|rice dumplings wrapped in leaves zong 粽|variant of 粽[zong4] zong 枞|used in 樅陽|枞阳[Zong1yang2] zong 棕|palm/palm fiber/coir (coconut fiber)/... zong 棕|variant of 棕[zong1] zong 踪|variant of 蹤|踪[zong1] zong 踪|(bound form) footprint; trace; tracks zong 鬃|variant of 鬃[zong1] zong 鬃|bristles/horse\'s mane zong 鬃|disheveled hair/horse\'s mane zong 腙|hydrazone (chemistry) zong 摠|general/in every case/to hold zong 総|Japanese variant of 總|总 zong 鯮|long spiky-head carp zong 骔|variant of 騣|鬃[zong1] zong 熜|torch made from hemp straw (old) zong 縂|variant of 總|总[zong3] zong 疭|used in 瘛瘲|瘛疭[chi4zong4] zong 鬷|kettle on legs zong 緫|variant of 總|总[zong3] zong 翪|uneven flight of a bird zong 䗥|used in 螉䗥[weng1 zong1] zong 糭|old variant of 粽[zong4] zong 猣|dog giving birth to three puppies zong 縦|old variant of 縱|纵[zong4] zong 偬|busy/hurried/despondent zong 豵|litter of pigs/little pig zong-luanhuangguan 总卵黄管|(flatworm anatomy) common vitelline d... zongaixing 棕矮星|brown dwarf star zongbanjiu 棕斑鸠|(bird species of China) laughing dove... zongbeibolao 棕背伯劳|(bird species of China) long-tailed s... zongbeiheitoudong 棕背黑头鸫|(bird species of China) white-backed ... zongbeitianji 棕背田鸡|(bird species of China) black-tailed ... zongbeixueque 棕背雪雀|(bird species of China) Blanford\'s sn... zongbeng 棕绷|rectangular frame with a palm fiber m... zongbian 总编|chief editor (of newspaper)/abbr. for... zongbian 棕编|woven palm fiber (used in handicraft)... zongbianji 总编辑|chief editor (of newspaper) zongbo 纵波|longitudinal wave zongbu 总部|general headquarters zongbu 纵步|to stride/to bound zongcai 总裁|chairman/director-general (of a compa... zongcanmoubu 总参谋部|(military) General Staff Headquarters zongcanmouzhang 总参谋长|(military) Chief of Staff zongcaomei 棕草鹛|(bird species of China) Tibetan babax... zongchang 总长|total length zongchanliang 总产量|total output zongchanzhi 总产值|gross product/total output zongcheng 总称|generic term zongchengben 总成本|total costs zongchikuangying 棕翅𫛭鹰|(bird species of China) rufous-winged... zongci 宗祠|ancestral temple/clan hall zongcishu 总次数|total number of times zongdei 总得|must/have to/be bound to zongdelaishuo 总的来说|generally speaking/to sum up/in summa... zongdi 宗地|parcel of land zongdian 棕垫|palm fiber mat zongdingshuying 棕顶树莺|(bird species of China) grey-sided bu... zongdongyuan 总动员|general mobilization (for war etc) zongdu 总督|governor-general/viceroy/governor zongduanmian 纵断面|vertical section/longitudinal section zongdui 纵队|column; file (formation of people) (C... zongdunwei 总吨位|overall tonnage (of a shipping fleet ... zonge 总额|total (amount or value) zongechangweishanque 棕额长尾山雀|(bird species of China) rufous-fronte... zongeryanzhi 总而言之|in short/in a word/in brief zongfa 宗法|patriarchal clan system zongfalvguwen 总法律顾问|general counsel zongfang 纵放|undisciplined/untrammeled/to indulge zongfangzhen 总方针|general policy/overall guidelines zongfen 总分|overall score/total points zongfengxian 总风险|aggregate risk zongfu 棕缚|palm fiber/rope of palm fiber/coir (c... zongfudaxianweng 棕腹大仙鹟|(bird species of China) Fujian niltav... zongfudujuan 棕腹杜鹃|(bird species of China) Malaysian haw... zongfujumei 棕腹鵙鹛|(bird species of China) black-headed ... zongfulanxianweng 棕腹蓝仙鹟|(bird species of China) Chinese vivid... zongfulinqu 棕腹林鸲|(bird species of China) rufous-breast... zongfuliuying 棕腹柳莺|(bird species of China) buff-throated... zongfushuque 棕腹树鹊|(bird species of China) rufous treepi... zongfusundiao 棕腹隼雕|(bird species of China) rufous-bellie... zongfuxianweng 棕腹仙鹟|(bird species of China) rufous-bellie... zongfuzhuomuniao 棕腹啄木鸟|(bird species of China) rufous-bellie... zonggangfengmei 棕肛凤鹛|(bird species of China) rufous-vented... zonggansai 总杆赛|stroke play (golf) zongganshi 总干事|secretary-general zongge 纵隔|mediastinum (organs and tissues in th... zonggong 总共|altogether; in sum; in all; in total zonggongji 总供给|aggregate supply zonggongsi 总公司|parent company/head office zongguan 纵贯|lit. warp string in weaving/fig. vert... zongguan 纵观|to survey comprehensively/an overall ... zongguan 总管|to be in charge of (a major area of r... zongguan 综观|to take a broad view of sth zongguanlichu 总管理处|headquarters/main administrative office zonggui 总归|anyhow; after all; eventually zonghe 综合|comprehensive/composite/synthesized/m... zonghe 总和|sum zonghe 总合|to collect together/to add up/altogether zonghebaodao 综合报导|summary report/press release/brief zonghebaodao 综合报道|comprehensive report/consolidated report zonghebuxian 综合布线|integrated wiring zongheduanchiying 棕褐短翅莺|(bird species of China) brown bush wa... zonghefa 综合法|synthesis/synthetic reasoning zonghegedou 综合格斗|mixed martial arts (MMA) zongheguan 综合馆|complex (group of buildings) zonghei 棕黑|dark brown zongheng 纵横|lit. warp and weft in weaving; vertic... zonghengchicheng 纵横驰骋|to criss-cross/to run unhindered acro... zonghengjia 纵横家|School of Diplomacy of the Warring St... zonghengjiaocuo 纵横交错|criss-crossed (idiom) zonghengzimi 纵横字谜|crossword zonghese 棕褐色|tan/sepia zonghexing 综合性|synthesis zonghexushu 综合叙述|to summarize/a summary zongheyewushuziwang 综合业务数字网|Integrated Services Digital Network (... zongheyishu 综合艺术|composite arts/multimedia arts zonghezheng 综合症|syndrome zonghezheng 综合征|syndrome zonghong 棕红|reddish brown zonghouqinbu 总后勤部|(military) General Logistics Department zonghouquemei 棕喉雀鹛|(bird species of China) rufous-throat... zonghuang 棕黄|light brown zonghuguishan 纵虎归山|lit. to let the tiger return to the m... zonghui 总汇|(of streams) to come together; to con... zonghuibao 总回报|total return/aggregate profit zonghuihuizhang 总会会长|president of the association zonghuisanmingzhi 总汇三明治|(Tw) club sandwich zonghuisanmingzhi 总会三明治|(Tw) club sandwich (variant of 總匯三明治|... zonghuo 纵火|to set on fire/to commit arson zonghuofan 纵火犯|arsonist zongji 踪迹|tracks/trail/footprint/trace/vestige zongji 总计|(grand) total zongji 总机|central exchange/telephone exchange/s... zongji 总集|general collection/anthology zongji 综计|grand total/to add everything together zongji 纵肌|longitudinal muscle zongjia 总价|total price zongjian 总监|head/director (of an organizational u... zongjiang 宗匠|person with remarkable academic or ar... zongjiao 宗教|religion zongjiaofating 宗教法庭|Inquisition (religion) zongjiaogaige 宗教改革|(Protestant) Reformation zongjiaotu 宗教徒|adherent of religion/disciple zongjiaotuan 宗教团|religious order/religious grouping zongjiaoxue 宗教学|religious studies zongjiaoyishi 宗教仪式|religious ceremony zongjiaozhihao 总角之好|childhood friend (idiom) zongjiaozhijiao 总角之交|childhood friend (idiom) zongjie 总结|to sum up/to conclude/summary/résumé/... zongjin 宗筋|penis (Chinese medicine) zongjinggouzuimei 棕颈钩嘴鹛|(bird species of China) streak-breast... zongjingli 总经理|general manager/CEO zongjingxiniao 棕颈犀鸟|(bird species of China) rufous-necked... zongjingxueque 棕颈雪雀|(bird species of China) rufous-necked... zongjingya 棕颈鸭|(bird species of China) Philippine du... zongjiu 纵酒|to drink excessively zongju 总局|head office/general office/central of... zongjuesai 总决赛|finals (sports) zongkaba 宗喀巴|Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), Tibetan relig... zongkaiguan 总开关|main switch zongkezaomei 棕颏噪鹛|(bird species of China) rufous-chinne... zongkuo 总括|to sum up/all-inclusive zongkuo 综括|to summarize/to sum up zonglan 纵览|panoramic view/wide survey zonglan 总揽|to assume full responsibility/to be i... zonglan 总览|a general overview zongli 总理|premier/prime minister/CL:個|个[ge4],位[... zongli 综理|to be in overall charge/to oversee zongliang 总量|total/overall amount zongliang 纵梁|longitudinal beam zonglianwengying 棕脸鹟莺|(bird species of China) rufous-faced ... zonglie 纵裂|lobe/longitudinal slit/vertical fracture zongling 纵令|to indulge/to give free rein/even if zonglingguan 总领馆|consulate general/same as 總領事館|总领事馆[z... zonglingshi 总领事|consul general zonglingshiguan 总领事馆|consulate general zongliyamen 总理衙门|the Qing dynasty equivalent of the Fo... zonglun 纵论|to talk freely zonglun 总论|(often used in book or chapter titles... zonglv 棕榈|palm tree zonglvbi 棕榈襞|(anatomy) the palmate folds of the ce... zonglvke 棕榈科|Arecaceae or Palmae, the palm family zonglvshu 棕榈属|palm tree genus (Areca spp.) zonglvshu 棕榈树|palm tree zonglvyou 棕榈油|palm oil zongmao 鬃毛|mane zongmao 棕毛|palm fiber/coir zongmeiliuying 棕眉柳莺|(bird species of China) yellow-streak... zongmeishanyanliu 棕眉山岩鹨|(bird species of China) Siberian acce... zongmiao 宗庙|temple/ancestral shrine zongmu 总目|superorder (taxonomy)/catalog/table o... zongmu 纵目|as far as the eye can see zongneng 总能|total energy zongpai 宗派|sect zongpaizhuyi 宗派主义|sectarianism zongpingmiantu 总平面图|general layout/site plan zongpoumian 纵剖面|vertical section/longitudinal section zongpu 总谱|musical score zongqing 纵情|to your heart\'s content zongran 纵然|even if; even though zongrenkou 总人口|total population zongrezhi 总热值|gross calorific value zongrong 纵容|to indulge/to connive at zongsanzhichun 棕三趾鹑|(bird species of China) barred button... zongse 棕色|brown zongshangsuoshu 综上所述|to summarize/to sum up zongshanweiying 棕扇尾莺|(bird species of China) zitting cisti... zongshe 总社|cooperative (organisation)/cooperatio... zongshen 纵深|depth (from front to rear)/depth (int... zongshen 纵身|to leap/to spring/to throw oneself zongsheng 棕绳|rope of palm fiber/coir (coconut fiber) zongsheng 纵声|loudly/in a loud voice zongshenggong 宗圣公|hereditary title bestowed on Confuciu... zongshenghou 宗圣侯|hereditary title bestowed on Confuciu... zongshi 总是|always zongshi 宗师|great scholar respected for learning ... zongshi 宗室|imperial clan/member of the imperial ... zongshi 纵使|even if/even though zongshouru 总收入|gross income zongshouyi 总收益|total profit/aggregate return zongshu 总数|total/sum/aggregate zongshu 综述|to sum up/a roundup/a general narrative zongshu 总署|general office zongshu 总述|overview/to give an overview zongshu 棕树|palm tree zongshuji 总书记|general secretary (of the Communist P... zongsiling 总司令|commander-in-chief/top military comma... zongsilingbu 总司令部|general headquarters zongsouqu 棕薮鸲|(bird species of China) rufous-tailed... zongsuan 总算|at long last/finally/on the whole zongsuomao 棕蓑猫|see 蟹獴[xie4 meng3] zongtai 总台|front desk/reception desk zongtan 纵谈|to talk freely zongtan 棕毯|coir mat/palm fiber matting zongti 总体|completely/totally/total/entire/overa... zongtiguihua 总体规划|overall plan/master plan zongtijingjixue 总体经济学|(Tw) macroeconomics zongtimubiao 总体目标|overall target/overall objective zongtishangshuo 总体上说|looking at the big picture/all in all... zongtong 总统|president (of a country)/CL:個|个[ge4],... zongtongdaxuan 总统大选|presidential election zongtongfu 总统府|presidential palace zongtongrenqi 总统任期|presidential term of office/presidency zongtongxuanju 总统选举|presidential election zongtongzhi 总统制|presidential system zongtougequ 棕头歌鸲|(bird species of China) rufous-headed... zongtougouzuimei 棕头钩嘴鹛|(bird species of China) red-billed sc... zongtouou 棕头鸥|(bird species of China) brown-headed ... zongtouquemei 棕头雀鹛|(bird species of China) spectacled fu... zongtouyaque 棕头鸦雀|(bird species of China) vinous-throat... zongtouyoumei 棕头幽鹛|(bird species of China) puff-throated... zongtunzaomei 棕臀噪鹛|(bird species of China) rufous-vented... zongweibolao 棕尾伯劳|(bird species of China) red-tailed sh... zongweiheweng 棕尾褐鹟|(bird species of China) ferruginous f... zongweihongzhi 棕尾虹雉|(bird species of China) Himalayan mon... zongweikuang 棕尾𫛭|(bird species of China) long-legged b... zongwen 纵纹|stria longitudinalis (in the brain) zongwenfuxiaoxiao 纵纹腹小鸮|(bird species of China) little owl (A... zongwenjiaoxiao 纵纹角鸮|(bird species of China) pallid scops ... zongwenlvbei 纵纹绿鹎|(bird species of China) striated bulb... zongwu 总务|general matters/division of general a... zongxi 综析|synthesis zongxian 总线|computer bus zongxian 纵线|vertical line/vertical coordinate line zongxiang 纵向|longitudinal/vertical zongxiang 纵享|to enjoy/to indulge in zongxiao 综效|synergy zongxieboshizhen 总谐波失真|(acoustics) total harmonic distortion... zongxiong 棕熊|brown bear zongxiongfofaseng 棕胸佛法僧|(bird species of China) Indian roller... zongxionglanjiweng 棕胸蓝姬鹟|(bird species of China) snowy-browed ... zongxiongyamei 棕胸雅鹛|(bird species of China) buff-breasted... zongxiongyanliu 棕胸岩鹨|(bird species of China) rufous-breast... zongxiongzhuji 棕胸竹鸡|(bird species of China) mountain bamb... zongxuqiu 总需求|aggregate demand zongyan 纵言|to theorize generally zongyang 枞阳|Zongyang, a county in Tongling City 銅... zongyangxian 枞阳县|Zongyang, a county in Tongling City 銅... zongyao 总要|nevertheless zongyao 纵摇|pitching motion (of a boat) zongye 粽叶|leaf (usually bamboo or reed leaf) us... zongyelu 棕夜鹭|(bird species of China) nankeen night... zongyi 综艺|variety (entertainment format) zongyi 纵意|willfully/wantonly zongyijiemu 综艺节目|variety show zongying 踪影|trace/vestige/presence zongyiyuan 总医院|general hospital zongyou 总有|inevitably there will be zongyu 纵欲|to indulge in debauchery zongyundan 总运单|master air waybill (MAWB) (transport) zongyuyan 棕雨燕|(bird species of China) Asian palm sw... zongzaomei 棕噪鹛|(bird species of China) buffy laughin... zongze 总则|general rules; general principles; ge... zongzhan 总站|terminus zongzhang 总长|name used for cabinet ministers betwe... zongzheng 宗正|Director of the Imperial Clan in impe... zongzhengzhibu 总政治部|(military) General Political Department zongzhenshanque 棕枕山雀|(bird species of China) rufous-naped ... zongzhi 宗旨|objective/aim/goal zongzhi 总值|total value zongzhi 总之|in a word/in short/in brief zongzhihuibu 总指挥部|general headquarters zongzhiquanri 棕枝全日|Palm Sunday (Christian Festival one w... zongzhizhuri 棕枝主日|Palm Sunday (Sunday before Easter) zongzhong 总重|gross weight/total weight zongzhu 宗主|head of a clan/natural leader/person ... zongzhuang 总装|to assemble (the finished product); f... zongzhuangbeibu 总装备部|General Armaments Department (GAD) zongzhuguo 宗主国|suzerain state/mother country (of a c... zongzhujiao 总主教|archbishop/primate (of a church)/metr... zongzhuquan 宗主权|suzerainty zongzhuque 棕朱雀|(bird species of China) dark-rumped r... zongzi 粽子|glutinous rice and choice of filling ... zongzu 宗族|clan/clansman zongzuobiao 纵坐标|vertical coordinate/ordinate zou 走|to walk/to go/to run/to move (of vehi... zou 驺|surname Zou zou 驺|groom or chariot driver employed by a... zou 奏|to play music/to achieve/to present a... zou 邹|surname Zou/vassal state during the Z... zou 揍|to hit; to beat (sb)/(coll.) to smash... zou 诹|to choose/to consult zou 陬|corner/foot of mountain zou 鄹|name of a state/surname Zou zou 菆|arrow/weeds zou 鲰|surname Zou zou 鲰|minnows/small fish zou 棸|surname Zou zou 黀|hemp stem zou 郰|birthplace of Confucius in Shandong zou 掫|beat the night watches/grasp zou 緅|purple silk zou 赱|variant of 走[zou3] zou 𱌶|used in 齱齵|𱌶𱌹[zou1yu2] zouban 走板|to be off the beat/to sound awful (of... zoubao 走宝|(Cantonese) to miss out on sth valuable zoubeizi 走背字|to have bad luck zoubeizir 走背字儿|erhua variant of 走背字[zou3 bei4 zi4] zoubi 走避|to run away/to escape/to avoid zoubian 揍扁|to beat (sb) up/to hit zoubiandai 走扁带|slacklining zoubu 走步|to walk/to step/pace/traveling (walki... zoucha 走查|walkthrough (computing) zoucheng 邹城|Zoucheng, county-level city in Jining... zouchengshi 邹城市|Zoucheng, county-level city in Jining... zouchu 走出|to leave (a room etc); to go out thro... zoucong 驺从|mounted escort zoucuo 走错|to go the wrong way/to take the wrong... zoudao 走道|pavement/sidewalk/path/walk/footpath/... zoudi 走低|to go down/to decline zoudiao 走调|out of tune/off-key zoudiao 走掉|to leave zoudiji 走地鸡|free-range chicken zoudipan 走地盘|live betting/in-play wagering zoudiu 走丢|to wander off; to get lost zoudong 走动|to walk around; to move about; to str... zoudu 走读|to attend school as a day student zoufang 走访|to visit/to travel to zoufeng 走风|to leak (a secret)/to transpire zougangsi 走钢丝|to walk a tightrope (literally or fig... zougou 走狗|hunting dog/hound/(fig.) running dog/... zouguang 走光|to expose oneself/to be completely gone zougui 走鬼|unlicensed street vendor zouguo 走过|to walk past/to pass by zouguochang 走过场|to go through the motions zouhaoyun 走好运|to experience good luck zouhong 走红|to be popular/to be in luck/to have g... zouhoumen 走后门|(lit.) to enter through the back door... zouhuitoulu 走回头路|to turn back/to backtrack/(fig.) to r... zouhuo 走火|to go off accidentally/to catch fire zouhuorumo 走火入魔|to be obsessed with sth; to go overbo... zoujianghu 走江湖|to travel around the country (as itin... zoujin 走进|to enter zoujin 走近|to approach/to draw near to zoukai 走开|to leave; to walk away; to beat it/to... zoulaihui 走来回|to make a round trip/a return journey zoulang 走廊|corridor/aisle/hallway/passageway/ver... zoulou 走漏|to leak (information, secrets etc)/to... zoulouxiaoxi 走漏消息|to divulge secrets zoulu 走路|to walk; to go on foot/to leave; to d... zouma 走马|to ride (a horse)/to go on horseback zoumadaoren 走马到任|see 走馬上任|走马上任[zou3 ma3 shang4 ren4] zoumadeng 走马灯|lantern with a carousel of paper hors... zoumafuren 走马赴任|see 走馬上任|走马上任[zou3 ma3 shang4 ren4] zoumaguanhua 走马观花|lit. flower viewing from horseback (i... zoumakanhua 走马看花|lit. flower viewing from horseback (i... zoumashangren 走马上任|(idiom) to take office; to assume a post zoumazhangtai 走马章台|to go to the brothel on horseback (id... zoumenlu 走门路|to use social connections/to toady to... zoumenzi 走门子|see 走門路|走门路[zou3 men2 lu4] zoumingqu 奏鸣曲|sonata zoumingqushi 奏鸣曲式|sonata form (one of the large-scale s... zounanchuangbei 走南闯北|to travel extensively zouneixian 走内线|insider contacts/via private channels... zouni 走你|(neologism c. 2012) (interjection of ... zouniangjia 走娘家|(of a wife) to visit one\'s parental home zoupian 走偏|to deviate from the correct course/(f... zoupianfeng 走偏锋|to write with the tip of the brush ti... zoupiao 走票|amateur performance (in theater) zouqiang 走强|(of a currency, price etc) to strengt... zouqiao 走俏|(a product) sells well/to be in demand zouqin 走禽|Ratitae (formerly Cursores) flightles... zouqinfangyou 走亲访友|to visit one\'s friends and relatives zouqinqi 走亲戚|to visit relatives zouqu 走去|to walk over (to) zouren 走人|(coll.) to leave; to beat it zourong 邹容|Zou Rong (1885-1905), a martyr of the... zouru 走入|to walk into zousan 走散|to wander off/to stray/to get lost zouse 走色|to lose color/to fade zoushan 走山|landslide/avalanche/to take a walk in... zoushan 走扇|not closing properly (of door, window... zoushen 走神|absent-minded/one\'s mind is wandering zoushen 走肾|(med) retractile testicle/infatuation... zousheng 走绳|tightrope walking zoushenr 走神儿|absent-minded/one\'s mind is wandering zoushi 走势|tendency/trend/path zoushi 走失|lost/missing/to lose (sb in one\'s cha... zoushi 走时|(of a watch or clock) to keep time/(p... zoushou 走兽|(four-footed) animal/beast zoushui 走水|to leak/to flow/to catch on fire zousi 走私|to smuggle/to have an illicit affair zousi 揍死|to beat to death zousihuo 走私货|smuggled goods zousipin 走私品|smuggled product/contraband/pirate pr... zousuo 走索|tightrope walking zoutaofen 邹韬奋|Zou Taofen (1895-1944), journalist, p... zoutaohuayun 走桃花运|to have luck with the ladies (idiom) zouti 走题|to get off the main topic/to digress zoutie 奏帖|memorial to the emperor (folded in ac... zoutouwulu 走投无路|to be at an impasse (idiom)/in a tigh... zouwanlu 走弯路|to take an indirect route/to waste on... zouwei 走味|to lose flavor zouweir 走味儿|erhua variant of 走味[zou3 wei4] zouweishang 走为上|see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策[san1 shi2 liu... zouweishangji 走为上计|see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策[san1 shi2 liu... zouxian 走险|to take risks/to run risks zouxian 邹县|Zou county in Shandong zouxiang 走向|direction/strike (i.e. angle of incli... zouxiang 走相|to lose one\'s good looks zouxiangduanceng 走向断层|strike fault (geology) zouxianghuadongduanceng 走向滑动断层|strike-slip fault (geology)/fault lin... zouxiangsuixiang 走乡随乡|(proverb) to follow local customs/Whe... zouxiao 奏效|to show results; to be effective zouxiapolu 走下坡路|to go downhill/to decline/to slump zouxin 走心|to take care/to be mindful/(Internet ... zouxing 走形|out of shape/to lose shape/to deform zouxingr 走形儿|out of shape/to lose shape/to deform zouxingshi 走形式|to go through the formalities zouxiu 走秀|a fashion show/to walk the runway (in... zouxue 走穴|(of itinerant entertainers) to tour, ... zouyan 走眼|a mistake/an oversight/an error of ju... zouyan 邹衍|Zou Yan (305-240 BC), founder of the ... zouyang 走样|to lose shape/to deform zouyangr 走样儿|to lose shape/to deform zouyin 走音|(music) off-key; out of tune zouyu 驺虞|zouyu (mythical animal)/official in c... zouyu 齱齵|uneven teeth/buck-toothed zouyuanchang 走圆场|to walk around the stage (to indicate... zouyue 奏乐|to perform music/to play a tune zouyun 走运|to have good luck; to be in luck zouzhe 奏折|memorial to the emperor (folded in ac... zouzheqiao 走着瞧|wait and see (who is right) zouzi 走子|a move (in chess) zouzipai 走资派|capitalist roader (person in power ta... zouzu 走卒|pawn (i.e. foot soldier)/servant/lack... zouzu 邹族|Tsou or Cou, one of the indigenous pe... zouzui 走嘴|a slip of the tongue/to blurt out (a ... zu 族|race/nationality/ethnicity/clan/by ex... zu 足|(bound form) foot; leg/sufficient; am... zu 祖|surname Zu zu 祖|ancestor/forefather/grandparents zu 租|to hire/to rent/to charter/to rent ou... zu 组|surname Zu zu 组|to form/to organize/group/team/classi... zu 阻|to hinder/to block/to obstruct zu 卒|variant of 卒[zu2] zu 卒|soldier/servant/to finish/to die/fina... zu 俎|a stand for food at sacrifice zu 诅|curse/swear (oath) zu 崒|rocky peaks/lofty and dangerous zu 哫|to cajole zu 镞|arrowhead/sharp zu 珇|carving on jade zu 葅|variant of 菹[zu1] zu 卆|variant of 卒[zu2], soldier/to die zu 菹|marshland/swamp/salted or pickled veg... zuai 阻碍|to obstruct/to hinder/to block/obstru... zuan 钻|variant of 鑽|钻[zuan4] zuan 钻|to drill/to bore/to get into/to make ... zuan 钻|drill; auger/diamond zuan 赚|to cheat/to swindle zuan 攥|(coll.) to hold/to grip/to grasp zuan 纂|(literary) to compile (variant of 纂[z... zuan 纂|(literary) to compile; to edit/(coll.... zuan 揝|to hold in the hand, to grasp/to wring zuan 缵|(literary) to inherit zuan 纉|variant of 纘|缵[zuan3] zuan 籫|(literary) bamboo tube used to hold c... zuan 躜|to jump zuan 组胺|histamine (a biogenic amine involved ... zuanban 钻版|to cut a woodblock (e.g. for printing) zuanchuang 钻床|drilling machine; drill press zuandong 钻洞|to bore/to burrow/to crawl through a ... zuanfen 钻粉|residue from drilling/slag hill zuanguzhidui 钻故纸堆|to dig into piles of outdated writing... zuanji 钻机|drilling machine zuanjianyanggao 钻坚仰高|lit. looking up to it, it gets higher... zuanjie 钻戒|diamond ring/CL:隻|只[zhi1] zuanjin 钻进|to get into/to dig into (studies, job... zuanjin 钻劲|application to the task zuanjing 钻井|to drill (e.g. for oil)/a borehole zuanjingpingtai 钻井平台|(oil) drilling platform zuankong 钻孔|to bore a hole/to drill/drilled hole zuankongzi 钻空子|to take advantage of a loophole; to e... zuanmou 钻谋|to use influence to get what one want... zuanmu-quhuo 钻木取火|to drill wood to make fire zuanniujiao 钻牛角|lit. honing a bull\'s horn; fig. to wa... zuanniujiaojian 钻牛角尖|lit. to penetrate into a bull\'s horn ... zuanqia 钻卡|drill chuck zuanquan 钻圈|jumping through hoops (as acrobatic s... zuanquantou 攥拳头|to clench one\'s fists zuanshi 钻石|diamond/CL:顆|颗[ke1] zuanshiwanglaowu 钻石王老五|highly eligible bachelor/desirable ma... zuansuan 组氨酸|histidine (His), an essential amino acid zuantan 钻探|to conduct exploratory drilling zuantanji 钻探机|drilling machine zuantou 钻头|drill bit zuanxin 钻心|to sneak in/to infiltrate/to be pierc... zuanxinchong 钻心虫|boring insect/snout moth\'s larva (Aph... zuanxiu 纂修|to compile and revise/to inherit and ... zuanya 钻压|pressure on a drill bit zuanyan 钻眼|to drill a hole/drilling zuanyan 钻研|to study meticulously/to delve into zuanying 钻营|toadying for personal gain/to curry f... zuanzhuozi 钻桌子|to crawl under a table (e.g. as a pen... zubei 祖辈|ancestors/forefathers/ancestry zuben 足本|unabridged/complete book zubuchuhu 足不出户|lit. not putting a foot outside/to st... zuchaibangong 阻差办公|(law) obstructing government administ... zucheng 组成|to form/to make up/to constitute zuchengbufen 组成部分|part/component/ingredient/constituent zuchi 足赤|pure gold/solid gold zuchongzhi 祖冲之|Zu Chongzhi (429-500), astronomer and... zuchuan 租船|to charter a ship/to take a vessel on... zuchuan 祖传|passed on from ancestors/handed down ... zuci 组词|to combine words/word formation zuci 祖祠|shrine dedicated to one\'s ancestors zudang 阻挡|to stop/to resist/to obstruct zudazhi 足大指|big toe zudi 租地|to rent land/to lease farmland zudian 租佃|to rent out one\'s land (to tenant far... zudijinmoyan 足底筋膜炎|plantar fasciitis (medicine) zuduan 阻断|to block/to obstruct/to intercept/to ... zudui 组队|to team up (with)/to put a team together zue 足额|sufficient/full (payment) zue 阻遏|to impede/to hold sb back zufang 租房|to rent an apartment zufen 组分|components/individual parts making up... zufen 祖坟|ancestral tomb zufu 祖父|father\'s father/paternal grandfather zufubei 祖父辈|people of one\'s grandparents\' generation zufumu 祖父母|paternal grandparents zugaoqijiang 足高气强|high and mighty (idiom); arrogant zugaoqiyang 足高气扬|high and mighty (idiom); arrogant zuge 阻隔|to separate/to cut off zuge 组阁|to form a cabinet zugong 阻攻|to block a shot (basketball) (Tw) zugong 足弓|arch (of a foot) zugou 足够|enough; sufficient zugumu 祖姑母|father\'s father\'s sister/great aunt zuguo 祖国|motherland zuguoguangfuhui 祖国光复会|movement to restore the fatherland zuguohepingtongyiweiyuanhui 祖国和平统一委员会|Committee for Peaceful Reunification ... zuhai 菹醢|to execute sb and mince his flesh and... zuhe 组合|to assemble; to combine; to compose/c... zuhelun 组合论|combinatorics zuhequan 组合拳|a combination of punches/(fig.) a set... zuheshuxue 组合数学|combinatorial mathematics/combinatorics zuheyinxiang 组合音响|hi-fi system/stereo sound system/abbr... zuhu 租户|tenant/person who leases zuhuai 足踝|ankle zuhui 组会|group meeting zui 最|variant of 最[zui4] zui 最|old variant of 最[zui4] zui 最|most/the most/-est (superlative suffix) zui 酔|Japanese variant of 醉 zui 罪|guilt/crime/fault/blame/sin zui 罪|variant of 罪[zui4], crime zui 嘴|mouth/beak/nozzle/spout (of teapot et... zui 醉|intoxicated zui 樶|knag/a kind of sled used to cross a m... zui 槜|see 槜李[zui4 li3]/see 槜李[Zui4 li3] zui 觜|variant of 嘴[zui3] zui 咀|popular variant of 嘴[zui3] zui 晬|1st birthday of a child zui 蕞|to assemble/small zui 檇|wooden pestle or rammer zui 厜|a mountain peak zuian 罪案|a criminal case zuiba 嘴巴|mouth (CL:張|张[zhang1])/slap in the fa... zuibazi 嘴巴子|slap zuiben 嘴笨|inarticulate zuibuyan 嘴不严|to have a loose tongue zuichan 嘴馋|gluttonous/ravenous zuichang 嘴敞|to have a loose tongue/talkative zuichu 最初|first/primary/initial/original/at fir... zuichun 嘴唇|lip/CL:片[pian4] zuidaeji 罪大恶极|guilty of terrible crimes (idiom)/rep... zuidagongyinzi 最大公因子|highest common factor HCF/greatest co... zuidagongyueshu 最大公约数|highest common factor HCF/greatest co... zuidahua 最大化|to maximize zuidao 醉倒|to pass out drunk zuidasiranguji 最大似然估计|maximum-likelihood estimation (statis... zuidasulv 最大速率|maximum speed; maximum velocity zuidichao 最低潮|lit. low tide/fig. the lowest point (... zuididian 最低点|lowest point/minimum (point) zuidigu 最低谷|lowest point/nadir zuidixiandu 最低限度|minimum zuidiyin 最低音|lowest voice/lowest pitch/lowest note zuiduo 最多|at most/maximum/greatest (amount)/max... zuie 罪恶|crime/evil/sin zuiegan 罪恶感|feeling of guilt zuietaotian 罪恶滔天|(idiom) to have committed heinous crimes zuifan 罪犯|criminal zuigao 最高|tallest/highest/supreme (court etc) zuigaodeng 最高等|highest level/top class zuigaofayuan 最高法院|supreme court zuigaogongzixiane 最高工资限额|wage ceiling zuigaorenminfayuan 最高人民法院|Supreme People\'s Court (PRC) zuigaorenminjianchayuan 最高人民检察院|PRC Supreme People\'s Procuratorate (p... zuigaoxiane 最高限额|maximum amount/ceiling/upper limit/quota zuigaoyin 最高音|highest voice/highest pitch/highest note zuiguai 嘴乖|(coll.) to speak in a clever and lova... zuigui 醉鬼|drunkard zuiguo 罪过|sin/offense zuihan 醉汉|intoxicated man/drunkard zuihao 最好|best/had better ...; it would be best... zuihaoshi 最好是|(as a complete expression, or followe... zuihou 最后|final/last/finally/ultimate zuihoudewancan 最后的晚餐|the Last Supper (in the Christian Pas... zuihouqixian 最后期限|deadline/final time limit (for project) zuihoutongdie 最后通牒|ultimatum zuihouwancan 最后晚餐|the Last Supper (in the biblical Pass... zuihouyitian 最后一天|final day zuihuiguo 最惠国|most-favored nation (trade status) zuihuiguodaiyu 最惠国待遇|most favored nation zuiji 醉鸡|chicken in rice wine/also translated ... zuijia 最佳|optimum/optimal/peak/best (athlete, m... zuijia 醉驾|to drive while above the legal alcoho... zuijiahua 最佳化|(computing, math.) to optimize zuijialiyi 最佳利益|best interests zuijian 嘴尖|sharp-tongued/to have a keen sense of... zuijian 嘴贱|prone to saying sth inappropriate or ... zuijiao 嘴角|corner of the mouth zuijin 最近|recently/soon/nearest zuijinjinian 最近几年|the last few years/last several years... zuijiu 醉酒|to get drunk zuijiu 罪疚|guilt zuijiujiache 醉酒驾车|drunk driving (very high blood alcoho... zuikenni 嘴啃泥|to fall flat on one\'s face zuikuai 嘴快|to have loose lips zuikuaixinzhi 嘴快心直|outspoken and frank (idiom) zuikui 罪魁|criminal ringleader/chief culprit/fig... zuikuihuoshou 罪魁祸首|criminal ringleader, main offender (i... zuilao 嘴牢|tight-lipped zuili 嘴里|mouth/in the mouth/on one\'s lips/spee... zuili 槜李|ancient place in modern day Zhejiang ... zuili 槜李|plum with bright red skin zuilian 嘴脸|features, face (esp. derogatorily)/lo... zuimiduiji 最密堆积|close-packing of spheres (math.) zuiming 罪名|charge; accusation/stigma; bad name; ... zuinianzhang 最年长|eldest zuinie 罪孽|sin/crime/wrongdoing zuipao 嘴炮|(Internet slang) to mouth off/to shoo... zuipizi 嘴皮子|lit. lips/fig. glib talk zuiqian 嘴欠|(coll.) unable to control one\'s tongu... zuiqian 罪愆|sin/offense zuiqin 嘴琴|Jew\'s harp zuiren 罪人|sinner zuiren 醉人|intoxicating/fascinating zuiruan 嘴软|soft-spoken/afraid to speak out zuishan 最善|optimal/the best zuishangmeimao,banshibulao 嘴上没毛,办事不牢|a youth without facial hair cannot be... zuishangwumao,banshibulao 嘴上无毛,办事不牢|see 嘴上沒毛,辦事不牢|嘴上没毛,办事不牢[zui3 shang4 m... zuishao 最少|at least/minimum/lowest (amount)/minimal zuisheng 醉圣|the Sage of intoxication/refers to Ta... zuishengmengsi 醉生梦死|as if drunk or entranced (idiom); lea... zuisong 嘴松|loose-tongued zuisun 嘴损|(dialect) sharp-tongued/harsh zuitai 醉态|drunken state zuiti 嘴替|(slang) sb who effectively articulate... zuitian 嘴甜|sweet-talking/ingratiating zuitianxinku 嘴甜心苦|sweet mouth, bitter heart (idiom); in... zuiwei 最为|the most zuiwen 嘴稳|able to keep a secret zuiweng 醉翁|wine-lover/drinker/toper/drunkard zuiwengzhiyibuzaijiu 醉翁之意不在酒|wine-lover\'s heart is not in the cup ... zuixia 醉虾|drunken shrimp (Chinese dish based on... zuixiai 最喜爱|favorite zuixian 最先|(the) very first zuixiaoercheng 最小二乘|least squares (math.) zuixiaogongbeishu 最小公倍数|least common multiple zuixiaogongfenmu 最小公分母|lowest common denominator zuixiaohua 最小化|to minimize zuixiaopingfangfa 最小平方法|method of least squares (math.) (Tw) zuixiaozhi 最小值|least value/minimum zuixin 最新|latest/newest zuixin 醉心|enthralled/fascinated zuixing 罪刑|crime and punishment/penalty for a crime zuixing 罪行|crime/offense zuixing 罪性|sinful nature zuixingleilei 罪行累累|having an extensive criminal record zuixinyu 醉心于|to be infatuated with zuixunxun 醉醺醺|drunk/intoxicated zuixunxun 醉熏熏|variant of 醉醺醺[zui4 xun1 xun1] zuiyan 嘴严|prudent in speech zuiyi 醉意|tipsiness; signs of intoxication zuiying 嘴硬|reluctant to admit a mistake zuiyingxinruan 嘴硬心软|see 刀子嘴,豆腐心[dao1 zi5 zui3 , dou4 fu5 ... zuiyou 最优|optimal/optimum zuiyouhua 最优化|optimization (math.) zuiyoujie 最优解|optimal solution zuiyouyingde 罪有应得|guilty and deserves to be punished (i... zuiyuan 最远|furthest/most distant/at maximum dist... zuiyufa 罪与罚|Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky 陀... zuizao 醉枣|dates in liquor zuize 罪责|guilt zuizhi 嘴直|straight shooter zuizhong 最终|final; ultimate zuizhonghuanxiang 最终幻想|Final Fantasy (video game) zuizhuang 罪状|charges or facts about a crime/the na... zuizi 嘴子|mouth/beak/spout/mouthpiece zuji 足迹|footprint/track/spoor zuji 祖籍|ancestral hometown/original domicile ... zuji 阻击|to check/to stop zujia 租价|rent price zujian 组件|module/unit/component/assembly zujian 组建|to organize/to set up/to establish zujian 足尖|tip of the foot/toes zujian 足见|it goes to show that/one can see zujianxie 足尖鞋|(ballet) pointe shoe zujie 租界|foreign concession, an enclave occupi... zujie 租借|to rent/to lease zujie 阻截|to stop/to obstruct/to bar the way zujiedi 租借地|concession (territory) zujin 租金|rent zujin 足金|pure gold/solid gold zuju 祖居|former residence/one\'s original home zuju 组距|class interval (statistics) zujue 阻绝|to block/to obstruct/to clog zukang 阻抗|(electrical) impedance zukangbianhuanqi 阻抗变换器|impedance converter zukangpipei 阻抗匹配|impedance matching zuke 租客|tenant zukuai 组块|chunk zulan 阻拦|to stop/to obstruct zulei 族类|clan/race zuli 阻力|resistance/drag zuli 足利|Ashikaga (Japanese surname and place ... zuliang 足量|sufficient amount/full amount zuliao 足疗|foot massage zulin 租赁|to rent; to lease; to hire zuliu 阻留|to intercept/interception zuliyiman 足利义满|ASHIKAGA Yoshimitsu (1358-1408), thir... zuliyizheng 足利义政|ASHIKAGA Yoshimasa (1435-1490), eight... zuliyizhi 足利义稙|Ashikaga Yoshitane (1466-1523), Japan... zulu 祖鲁|Zulu zulun 足轮|foot chakra zuluren 祖鲁人|Zulu people zuma 祖马|Zuma (name)/Jacob Zuma (1942-), South... zumie 族灭|to execute all of sb\'s relatives (as ... zumu 祖母|father\'s mother/paternal grandmother zumulv 祖母绿|emerald zun 俊|(dialectal pronunciation of 俊[jun4])/... zun 尊|senior/of a senior generation/to hono... zun 遵|to observe/to obey/to follow/to compl... zun 嶟|(literary) (of terrain) steep; precip... zun 撙|to reduce or cut down on/to rein in/t... zun 噂|talk together zun 鳟|trout/barbel/Taiwan pr. [zun4] zun 樽|goblet/bottle/wine-jar zun 樽|variant of 樽[zun1] zun 墫|old variant of 樽[zun1] zun 僔|to congregate/to crowd zun 捘|push zun 𨱔|butt end of spear zunan 阻难|to thwart/to impede zunao 阻挠|to thwart/to obstruct (sth) zunban 遵办|to handle in accordance with (the rules) zunbei 尊卑|superior and subordinate/social ranking zuncheng 尊称|to address sb deferentially/title/hon... zunchong 尊崇|to revere/to admire/to honor/to venerate zuncong 遵从|to comply with/to follow (directives)... zuncong 尊从|to obey/to observe/to follow zunfeng 遵奉|to conform/to obey faithfully zunfeng 尊奉|worship/to revere/to venerate zungong 尊公|(honorific) your father zungui 尊贵|respected/respectable/honorable zunhao 尊号|honorific title/form of address reser... zunhua 遵化|Zunhua, county-level city in Tangshan... zunhuashi 遵化市|Zunhua, county-level city in Tangshan... zuni 阻尼|damping zuniao 祖鸟|dinosaur ancestor of birds zuniaolei 祖鸟类|dinosaur ancestors of birds zunjia 尊驾|lit. your honored carriage/your highn... zunjing 尊敬|to respect; to revere; to esteem/hono... zunjun 尊君|(honorific) your father zunlao 尊老|respect the aged zunlaoaiyou 尊老爱幼|respect the old and cherish the young zunlei 樽罍|earthen liquor jar zunling 遵令|to obey orders zunming 遵命|to follow your orders/to do as you bid zunming 尊命|your order (honorific) zunqin 尊亲|(honorific) your parent zunrong 尊荣|honor and glory zunrong 尊容|august countenance/your face (usually... zunshang 尊尚|to value highly/to hold up sth as a m... zunshi 尊师|revered master zunshiaitu 尊师爱徒|title of a Daoist priest/revered master zunshiguidao 尊师贵道|to revere the master and his teaching zunshiyanghui 遵时养晦|to bide one\'s time, waiting for an op... zunshou 遵守|to comply with; to abide by; to respe... zuntang 尊堂|(honorific) your mother zunweng 尊翁|(honorific) your father zunxianaiwu 尊贤爱物|to honor the wise and love the people... zunxianshineng 尊贤使能|to respect talent and make use of abi... zunxing 遵行|to follow/to obey/compliance zunxun 遵循|to follow; to abide by; to comply with zunyan 尊严|dignity/sanctity/honor/majesty zunyi 遵义|see 遵義市|遵义市[Zun1yi4 Shi4] zunyi 尊意|(honorific) your respected opinion/Wh... zunyihuiyi 遵义会议|Zunyi conference of January 1935 befo... zunyishi 遵义市|Zunyi, prefecture-level city in Guizh... zunyizhu 遵医嘱|to follow the doctor\'s advice/as inst... zunyu 鳟鱼|trout zunyu 尊鱼|trout zunzhang 尊长|one\'s superior/one\'s elders and betters zunzhao 遵照|in accordance with/to follow (the rules) zunzhe 尊者|honored sir (a person of higher statu... zunzhi 遵旨|to obey the Emperor\'s decree/at your ... zunzhong 尊重|to esteem/to respect/to honor/to valu... zuo 做|to make; to produce/to write; to comp... zuo 坐|surname Zuo zuo 坐|to sit/to take a seat/to take (a bus,... zuo 作|(bound form) worker/(bound form) work... zuo 作|to do; to engage in/to write; to comp... zuo 座|seat/base/stand/(archaic) suffix used... zuo 佐|to assist/assistant/aide/to accompany zuo 左|surname Zuo zuo 左|left/the Left (politics)/east/unortho... zuo 唑|azole (chemistry) zuo 怍|ashamed zuo 葄|straw cushion/pillow zuo 琢|used in 琢磨[zuo2 mo5]/Taiwan pr. [zhuo2] zuo 祚|blessing/the throne zuo 柞|oak/Quercus serrata zuo 岞|(used in place names)/variant of 岝[Zuo4] zuo 酢|toast to host by guest zuo 嘬|(coll.) to suck zuo 岝|name of a mountain in Shandong zuo 捽|to seize/Taiwan pr. [zu2] zuo 胙|to grant or bestow/sacrificial flesh ... zuo 咗|Cantonese particle equivalent to 了[le... zuo 阼|steps leading to the eastern door zuo 椊|to fit a handle into a socket/a plug ... zuo 筰|cable zuo 撮|classifier for hair or grass: tuft/Ta... zuo 昨|yesterday zuoai 做爱|to make love zuoai 作爱|to make love zuoan 作案|to commit a crime zuoan 左岸|Left Bank (in Paris) zuoba 作罢|to drop (subject etc) zuoban 作伴|to accompany/to keep sb company zuoban 坐班|to work office hours/on duty zuoban 做伴|to keep sb company/to accompany zuobanfang 坐班房|to be in prison zuobangyoubi 左膀右臂|trusted assistant; key aide zuobanr 做伴儿|erhua variant of 做伴[zuo4 ban4] zuobao 作保|to act as surety for sb/to be sb\'s gu... zuobi 作弊|to practice fraud/to cheat/to engage ... zuobian 左边|left/the left side/to the left of zuobianqi 坐便器|pedestal type WC zuobianr 左边儿|erhua variant of 左邊|左边[zuo3 bian5] zuobiao 坐标|coordinate (geometry) zuobiao 座标|variant of 坐標|坐标[zuo4biao1] zuobiaofa 坐标法|method of coordinates (geometry) zuobiaokongjian 坐标空间|coordinate space zuobiaoxi 坐标系|coordinate system (geometry) zuobiaozhou 座标轴|coordinate axis zuobie 作别|to take one\'s leave/to bid farewell zuobiji 作笔记|to take notes zuobuchuitang 坐不垂堂|lit. don\'t sit under the eaves (where... zuobudao 做不到|impossible zuobuguo 左不过|anyhow/in any event/just/only zuocai 做菜|to cook/cooking zuocan 佐餐|(of food) accompaniment zuocang 座舱|cockpit/cabin zuocao 做操|to do exercises/to do gymnastics zuoce 左侧|left side zuoce 坐厕|sitting toilet (contrasted with 蹲廁|蹲厕... zuocedian 坐厕垫|toilet seat zuochan 坐禅|to sit in meditation; to meditate zuoche 坐车|to take the car, bus, train etc zuoche 座车|(railway) carriage zuochishankong 坐吃山空|lit. just sitting and eating, one can... zuochixiangfu 坐吃享福|vegetative existence/to consume passi... zuochu 做出|to put out/to issue zuochu 作出|to put out/to come up with/to make (a... zuochuo 作辍|now working, now stopping zuoci 座次|seating arrangement/position in a sea... zuocuo 做错|to make an error zuoda 作答|to answer/to respond zuoda 做大|arrogant; to put on airs/(business et... zuodannu 佐丹奴|Giordano (brand) zuodao 做到|to accomplish/to achieve zuodaogao 做祷告|to pray zuodaohuozhong 左道惑众|to delude the masses with heretical d... zuodeng 坐等|to sit and wait/(fig.) to be passive;... zuodian 座垫|saddle (of a bicycle); seat (of a car... zuodian 坐垫|cushion/(motorbike) seat/CL:塊|块[kuai4] zuodianti 坐电梯|to take an elevator zuodiao 做掉|to kill/to get rid of/(sports) to def... zuoding 坐定|to be seated zuodong 做东|to act as host zuodong 作东|to host (a dinner)/to treat/to pick u... zuodui 作对|to set oneself against/to oppose/to m... zuoduiqi 左对齐|to left justify (typography) zuodun 坐墩|Chinese drum-shaped stool zuoduo 左舵|left rudder zuoe 作恶|to do evil zuoer 佐贰|deputy/junior zuoerlundao 坐而论道|to sit and pontificate; to find answe... zuoerru,youerchu 左耳入,右耳出|in one ear and out the other zuofa 做法|way of handling sth/method for making... zuofa 作法|course of action/method of doing sth/... zuofan 做饭|to prepare a meal/to cook zuofang 作坊|workshop (of artisan) zuofei 作废|to become invalid/to cancel/to delete... zuofeng 作风|style/style of work/way zuofengzhengpai 作风正派|to be honest and upright/to have mora... zuogeng 作梗|to hinder/to obstruct/to create diffi... zuogong 做工|to work with one\'s hands/manual work/... zuogong 做功|(physics) to do work/non-vocal acting... zuogongfu 做功夫|to practice (work skills) zuogongfu 做工夫|to practice (work skills) zuogongzuo 做工作|to do one\'s work/to work on sb/to try... zuogu 坐骨|ischium zuogu 作古|to die/to pass away zuoguai 作怪|(of a ghost) to make strange things h... zuoguan 做官|to take an official post/to become a ... zuoguan 坐关|(Buddhism) to sit in contemplation zuoguanchengbai 坐观成败|to sit and await success or failure (... zuogui 做鬼|to play tricks/to cheat/to get up to ... zuoguilian 做鬼脸|to pull a face/to grimace/to scowl zuoguo 坐果|to bear fruit zuogushenjing 坐骨神经|sciatic nerve zuogushenjingtong 坐骨神经痛|sciatica zuoguyoupan 左顾右盼|glancing to left and right (idiom); t... zuohao 座号|seat number zuohao 坐好|to sit properly/to sit up straight zuohaozhunbei 作好准备|to prepare/to make adequate preparation zuohaozuodai 做好做歹|to persuade using all possible argume... zuohe 作合|to make a match/to get married zuohua 作画|to paint zuohua 坐化|to die in a seated posture (Buddhism) zuohuo 做活|to work for a living (esp. of woman n... zuohuor 做活儿|erhua variant of 做活[zuo4 huo2] zuoji 座机|fixed-line phone; landline/private plane zuoji 做鸡|(slang) (of a woman) to work as a pro... zuojia 作家|author/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] zuojia 作假|to counterfeit/to falsify/to cheat/to... zuojia 座驾|one\'s own car (or motorbike)/vehicle ... zuojia 坐驾|variant of 座駕|座驾[zuo4 jia4] zuojian 作践|to ill-use/to humiliate/to degrade/to... zuojian 作件|workpiece zuojian 作茧|to make a cocoon zuojianfanke 作奸犯科|to flout the law zuojiangluosan 坐降落伞|to do a parachute jump zuojiantou 左箭头|left-pointing arrow zuojiantoujian 左箭头键|left arrow key (on keyboard) zuojianzifu 作茧自缚|to spin a cocoon around oneself (idio... zuojin 左近|nearby zuojingguantian 坐井观天|lit. to view the sky from the bottom ... zuojiu 佐酒|(of food or a pleasant activity) to a... zuojue 做绝|to go to extremes/to leave no room fo... zuoke 做客|to be a guest or visitor zuoke 作客|to live somewhere as a visitor; to st... zuokewei 佐科威|Joko Widodo (1961-), Indonesian polit... zuokong 做空|to sell short (finance) zuokouyu 左口鱼|flounder zuola 坐蜡|to be embarrassed/to be put in a diff... zuola 左拉|Zola (name)/Émile Zola (1840-1902), F... zuolao 坐牢|to be imprisoned zuole 作乐|to make merry zuolengbandeng 坐冷板凳|to hold an inconsequential job/to rec... zuoli 坐力|see 後坐力|后坐力[hou4 zuo4 li4] zuoli 柞栎|Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata)/see a... zuolian 左联|the League of the Left-Wing Writers, ... zuolian 做脸|to win honor/to put on a stern face/t... zuoliao 佐料|condiments/seasoning zuoliao 作料|condiments/seasoning/coll. pr. [zuo2 ... zuolibai 做礼拜|to worship; to pray (esp. in a regula... zuolibuan 坐立不安|lit. agitated sitting or standing (id... zuolinanan 坐立难安|unable to sit or stand still (out of ... zuolinyouli 左邻右里|see 左鄰右舍|左邻右舍[zuo3 lin2 you4 she4] zuolinyoushe 左邻右舍|neighbors/next-door neighbors/related... zuolongting 坐龙庭|to be the reigning emperor/to ascend ... zuoluan 作乱|to rebel; to rise in revolt zuolunshouqiang 左轮手枪|revolver zuoluo 坐落|to be situated/to be located (of a bu... zuoluo 佐罗|Zorro zuoluo 座落|to be situated/located at (of buildin... zuoma 作马|sawhorse zuomaimai 做买卖|to buy and sell/to do business/to tra... zuomanyue 做满月|to celebrate a child reaching the age... zuomei 做媒|to act as go-between (between prospec... zuomeizuoyan 做眉做眼|to frown zuomeng 做梦|to dream/to have a dream/fig. illusio... zuomian 左面|left side zuomo 琢磨|to ponder/to mull over/to think throu... zuoniaoshousan 作鸟兽散|lit. scatter like birds and beasts (i... zuonie 作孽|to sin zuoniuzuoma 做牛做马|lit. to work like an ox, to work like... zuonong 作弄|to tease/to play tricks on zuoou 作呕|to feel sick/to feel nauseous/to feel... zuopai 做派|way of doing sth/behavior/to act in a... zuopai 左派|(political) left/left wing/leftist zuopai 作派|variant of 做派[zuo4pai4] zuopei 作陪|to attend (a banquet etc) to keep a c... zuopiezi 左撇子|left-hander zuopin 作品|work (of art)/opus/CL:部[bu4],篇[pian1] zuoqi 坐骑|saddle horse/mount zuoqianwei 左前卫|left forward (soccer position) zuoqin 做亲|to become related by marriage/to marry zuoqing 左倾|left-leaning/progressive zuoqingjihuizhuyi 左倾机会主义|leftist opportunism zuoqiu 做球|to set up a teammate (with an opportu... zuoqiuming 左丘明|Zuo Qiuming or Zuoqiu Ming (556-451),... zuoqu 作曲|to compose (music) zuoquan 左券|a sure thing/a certainty/copy of a co... zuoquan 左权|Zuoquan county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4... zuoquanxian 左权县|Zuoquan county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4... zuoquanzaiwo 左券在握|to be assured of success (idiom) zuoqujia 作曲家|composer/songwriter zuoquzhe 作曲者|composer/song writer zuor 昨儿|(coll.) yesterday zuor 座儿|rickshaw seat (Beijing dialect)/patro... zuoren 做人|to conduct oneself/to behave with int... zuoren 作人|to conduct oneself/same as 做人 zuorenjia 做人家|thrifty/economical zuorenqing 做人情|to do a favor to sb zuorge 昨儿个|(coll.) yesterday zuori 昨日|yesterday zuosangzi 左嗓子|off-key singing voice/sb who sings of... zuose 作色|to show signs of anger/to flush with ... zuoshang 左上|upper left zuoshang 坐商|tradesman/shopkeeper zuoshangke 座上客|guest of honor zuoshanguanhudou 坐山观虎斗|lit. sit on the mountain and watch th... zuosheng 做声|to speak/to emit sound zuoshenghuo 做生活|to work/to do manual labor zuoshengri 做生日|to celebrate a birthday/to give a bir... zuoshengshuimu 座生水母|sessile medusa/sea anemone zuoshengyi 做生意|to do business zuoshi 做事|to work/to handle matters/to have a job zuoshi 作势|to adopt an attitude/to strike a posture zuoshi 坐失|to let sth slip by/to miss an opportu... zuoshi 作誓|to pledge zuoshi 坐实|to serve as evidence for (an accusati... zuoshibao 佐世保|Sasebo, city and naval port in Nagasa... zuoshibuli 坐视不理|to sit and watch, but remain indiffer... zuoshichunqiu 左氏春秋|Mr Zuo\'s Spring and Autumn Annals, at... zuoshijiyi 坐失机宜|to sit and waste a good opportunity (... zuoshiliangji 坐失良机|to sit and waste a good opportunity (... zuoshishang 做市商|market maker zuoshiwudu 坐视无睹|to turn a blind eye to zuoshou 左手|left hand; left-hand side zuoshou 做寿|to celebrate a birthday (of an elderl... zuoshou 左首|left-hand side zuoshou 做手|to put one\'s hand to sth/to set about... zuoshou 作手|writer/expert zuoshou 作寿|variant of 做壽|做寿[zuo4 shou4] zuoshoujiao 做手脚|to manipulate dishonestly; to tamper ... zuoshouyuli 坐收渔利|benefit from others\' dispute (idiom) zuoshu 作数|valid/counting (as valid) zuosi 作死|to court disaster/also pr. [zuo1si3] zuosi 左思|Zuo Si (3rd century), Jin dynasty wri... zuosiyouxiang 左思右想|to turn over in one\'s mind (idiom); t... zuosui 作祟|haunted/to haunt/to cause mischief zuotai 作态|to put on an attitude; to pose zuotai 坐台|to work as a hostess in a bar or KTV zuotaixiaojie 坐台小姐|bar girl/professional escort zuotan 座谈|to have an informal discussion/CL:次[c... zuotan 坐探|inside informer/mole/plant zuotan 左袒|to take sides with/to be partial to/t... zuotang 座堂|cathedral zuotanhui 座谈会|conference/symposium/rap session zuoteng 佐藤|Satō (Japanese surname) zuotian 昨天|yesterday zuotingzhang 做厅长|(jocular) to sleep on the couch; to s... zuotong 作痛|to ache zuotoujing 座头鲸|humpback whale zuotoushi 座头市|Zatoichi zuowan 昨晚|yesterday evening/last night zuowan 做完|to finish/to complete the task zuowanyouguai 左弯右拐|to follow a winding path zuowei 作为|one\'s conduct/deed/activity/accomplis... zuowei 座位|seat/CL:個|个[ge4] zuowei 做为|to act as/used erroneously for 作為|作为 zuoweizuofu 作威作福|tyrannical abuse (idiom); riding roug... zuowen 作文|to write an essay/composition (studen... zuowenzhang 做文章|to make an issue of sth/to fuss/to ma... zuowobuning 坐卧不宁|to be restless zuowu 作物|crop zuowuxuxi 座无虚席|lit. a banquet with no empty seats/fu... zuoxi 作息|to work and rest zuoxi 坐席|seat (at a banquet)/to attend a banquet zuoxi 做戏|to act in a play/to put on a play zuoxi 座席|seat (at banquet)/by ext. guest of honor zuoxia 左下|lower left zuoxia 坐下|to sit down zuoxia 作下|to do/to make (usually bad connotation) zuoxian 左舷|port (side of a ship) zuoxiang 坐像|seated image (of a Buddha or saint) zuoxiang 坐享|to enjoy (the benefit of sth) without... zuoxiangqicheng 坐享其成|to reap where one has not sown (idiom) zuoxiao 做小|to become a concubine zuoxiaochao 做小抄|to prepare a crib sheet/to crib/to ch... zuoxing 作兴|maybe/possibly/there is reason to bel... zuoxishijian 作息时间|daily schedule/daily routine zuoxishijianbiao 作息时间表|daily schedule/work schedule zuoxiu 作秀|to show off (loanword, from English \"... zuoxuewen 做学问|to study/to engage in scholarship zuoya 做鸭|(slang) (of a man) to work as a prost... zuoyan 做眼|(in the game of Go) to make an \"eye\"/... zuoyanse 做眼色|to give sb a meaningful look zuoyao 坐药|suppository zuoye 作业|school assignment/homework/work/task/... zuoye 佐野|Sano (Japanese surname and place name) zuoye 昨夜|last night zuoyehuanjing 作业环境|operating environment zuoyexitong 作业系统|operating system (Tw) zuoyi 座椅|seat zuoyi 左翼|left-wing (political) zuoyi 坐椅|seat/chair zuoyi 作揖|to bow with hands held in front zuoyidaibi 坐以待毙|to sit and wait for death (idiom); re... zuoying 左营|Zuoying or Tsoying district of Kaohsi... zuoyingqu 左营区|Zuoying or Tsoying district of Kaohsi... zuoyitaozi 座椅套子|seat cover zuoyitianheshangzhuangyitianzhong 做一天和尚撞一天钟|lit. as a monk for today, toll today\'... zuoyong 作用|to act on; to affect/action; function... zuoyongli 作用力|(physics) action force zuoyou 左右|left and right/nearby/approximately/a... zuoyoufengyuan 左右逢源|lit. to strike water right and left (... zuoyougongli 左右共利|ambidextrous zuoyougouquan 左右勾拳|left hook and right hook (boxing)/the... zuoyoukaigong 左右开弓|lit. to shoot from both sides (idiom)... zuoyouliangnan 左右两难|(idiom) between a rock and a hard pla... zuoyouming 座右铭|motto/maxim zuoyoushou 左右手|left and right hands/(fig.) capable a... zuoyoutan 左右袒|to take sides with/to be partial to/t... zuoyouweinan 左右为难|(idiom) between a rock and a hard pla... zuoyue 坐月|see 坐月子[zuo4 yue4 zi5] zuoyuezi 坐月子|to convalesce for a month following c... zuoyun 左云|Zuoyun county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2]... zuoyunxian 左云县|Zuoyun county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2]... zuoyupen 坐浴盆|bidet zuoyutong 坐浴桶|bidet zuozei 作贼|to be a thief zuozeixinxu 做贼心虚|to feel guilty as a thief (idiom); to... zuozhan 作战|combat/to fight zuozhangzuoshi 做张做势|to put on an act (idiom); to pose/to ... zuozhangzuozhi 做张做智|to put on an act (idiom); to pose/to ... zuozhangzuozhi 做张做致|see 做張做智|做张做智[zuo4 zhang1 zuo4 zhi4] zuozhanshizong 作战失踪|see 作戰失蹤人員|作战失踪人员[zuo4 zhan4 shi1 zon... zuozhanshizongrenyuan 作战失踪人员|missing in action (MIA) (military) zuozhe 作者|author; writer zuozhebuxiang 作者不详|author unknown zuozhen 坐镇|(of a commanding officer) to keep wat... zuozheng 佐证|evidence/proof/to confirm/corroboration zuozheng 作证|to bear witness; to testify/to serve ... zuozheng 做证|variant of 作證|作证[zuo4zheng4] zuozhengnengli 作证能力|competence zuozhenxian 做针线|to do needlework zuozhequan 作者权|copyright zuozheweixiang 作者未详|author unspecified zuozhiya 佐治亚|Georgia, US state zuozhiyazhou 佐治亚州|Georgia, US state zuozhiyou 左至右|left-to-right zuozhiyouchu 左支右绌|to be in straitened circumstances zuozhong 座钟|desk clock zuozhu 做主|variant of 作主[zuo4zhu3] zuozhu 作主|to decide; to have the final say zuozhuan 左转|to turn left zuozhuan 左传|Zuo Zhuan or Tsochuan, Mr Zuo\'s Annal... zuozhun 作准|to be valid; to count/authentic zuozhunbeigongzuo 做准备工作|to make preparations zuozi 坐姿|sitting posture zuozi 座子|pedestal/plinth/saddle zuoziji 做自己|to be oneself zuozitou 左字头|\"top of 左 character\" component in Chi... zuozongtang 左宗棠|Zuo Zongtang (1812-1885), Chinese adm... zuozongtangji 左宗棠鸡|General Tso\'s chicken, a deep-fried c... zuozuo 做作|affected/artificial zuozuomu 佐佐木|Sasaki (Japanese surname) zupu 族谱|genealogical record/family history/li... zuqian 租钱|rent/same as 租金 zuqiu 足球|soccer ball/a football/CL:個|个[ge4]/so... zuqiuchang 足球场|football field/soccer field zuqiudui 足球队|soccer team zuqiumi 足球迷|football fan zuqiusai 足球赛|soccer match/soccer competition zuqiuxiehui 足球协会|soccer association; soccer federation zuqu 组曲|suite (music) zuquan 族权|clan authority/clan power zuqun 族群|ethnic group/community zuran 阻燃|fire resistant zurang 租让|to lease out/to rent (one\'s property ... zurao 阻扰|to obstruct/to impede zurao 阻桡|thwart/obstruct zuren 族人|clansman/clan members/relatives/ethni... zuse 阻塞|to block/to clog zuse 足色|(gold or silver) of standard purity/(... zushi 祖师|founder (of a craft, religious sect etc) zushiye 祖师爷|founder (of a craft, religious sect etc) zushui 租税|taxation/in former times, esp. land tax zusui 卒岁|(literary) to get through the year/en... zusui 足岁|one\'s age (calculated as years from b... zutan 足坛|soccer circles/soccer world zutu 组图|picture/image/diagram/map zutuan 组团|to form a group or delegation zuwei 组委|organizational committee/abbr. for 組織... zuwu 组屋|HDB flats/public apartment flats (in ... zuwu 祖屋|ancestral house zuxi 祖系|ancestry/lineage/pedigree/also writte... zuxia 足下|you (used to a superior or between pe... zuxian 祖先|ancestors; forebears/(biology) ancest... zuxie 足协|soccer association; soccer federation... zuxiebei 足协杯|soccer association cup zuxuan 足癣|athlete\'s foot zuye 卒业|to complete a course of study (old)/t... zuyi 足以|sufficient to.../so much so that/so that zuyi 族裔|ethnic group zuyi 阻抑|to impede/to check/to inhibit/to neut... zuyin 足印|footprint zuying 祖茔|ancestral tomb zuyong 租用|to lease/to hire/to rent (sth from sb) zuyu 足浴|foot bath zuyu 祖语|proto-language/parent language (lingu... zuyu 阻雨|immobilized by rain zuyuan 阻援|to block reinforcements zuyue 租约|lease zuyue 足月|full-term (gestation) zuzhai 租债|rent and debt zuzhang 组长|group leader zuzhang 族长|clan elder zuzhi 组织|to organize/organization/(biology) ti... zuzhi 阻止|to prevent/to block zuzhi 阻值|numerical value of electrical impedance zuzhi 阻滞|to clog up/silted up zuzhian 组织胺|histamine zuzhibaojiangjunbing 组织胞浆菌病|histoplasmosis zuzhiduomou 足智多谋|resourceful/full of stratagems zuzhifa 组织法|organic law zuzhiweiyuanhui 组织委员会|organizing committee/abbr. to 組委|组委 zuzhixue 组织学|histology zuzhizhe 组织者|organizer zuzhou 诅咒|to curse zuzhu 族诛|to execute all of sb\'s relatives (as ... zuzhuang 组装|to assemble; to put together zuzhuangchang 组装厂|assembly plant zuzi 租子|rent (payment) zuzi 组字|word formation zuzong 祖宗|ancestor/forebear zuzu 足足|fully/no less than/as much as/extremely zuzubeibei 祖祖辈辈|for generations/from generation to ge...";