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Sun Wu, also known as Sun Tzu 孫子|孙子 (c. 500 BC, dates of birth and death uncertain), general, strategist and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period (700-475 BC), believed to be the author of the “Art of War” 孫子兵法|孙子兵法, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书
Sun Tzu, also known as Sun Wu 孫武|孙武 (c. 500 BC, dates of birth and death uncertain), general, strategist and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period (700-475 BC), believed to be the author of the “Art of War” 孫子兵法|孙子兵法, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书
Tip: The character dictionary has hand writing instructions for many Chinese characters, a brush icon is shown in front of the character when these instructions are available, try clicking it.